l> *A * * m ° Him ' * « PRINCETON, N. J. Collection of Puritan Literature. Division Section Number D V I ft THE LOSS and RECOVERY O F v'"'** CJ Eie& pinners : WITH THE DIFFICULTY %0-J OF THEIR Coming back again to GLORY*; Methodically held forth Under the Similitude of Captifccg Ranfomed and Returning from &lafo£C|J* ^ By Mr. John Ad am son, late Preacher of the GofpeL Pial. 78. 2, 3, 4. 1 will open my Mouth in a Parable; I wilt utter dark Sayings of old : Which we have heard and, known f and our Fathers have told us. We will net hide them from their Children* jbewirig to the Generation ts- come, the Praifes of the Lord y and his Strength, and his wonderful Works ihat he hath done. £2)INSVRGH, Printed for the Autho r's Reli& Epiftle to the Reader. Reader, *TF /A00 £ on the one Hand, cis to any Thing that thou canft do^ in order to procure Peace with God, or Pardon of Sin, having no Ability oj thine own to do what is commanded thee; Sit not fl ill in that Cafe, up and be do- tig; intreat the merciful Lord to give thee Strength to do what he requires, and leg of him that the great Lover of hji Man may become Surety for thee for Good* c But, mi the other Hand, if thou gettefi py Word of Wlfyiife to rely on for thy Com- to the Reader. Comfort, afcribe all the Traife to five reign Grace, and nothing to Self: Hold on in the Way ofT)zity, and diligent Ufe of appointed Means ; for who knows, hit, in that Way, it may pleafe the Lord to let thee fee the King in his Beauty, and be- hold the Land that is eery far off? Read and ponder the following 'Piece, it will inform thee that thy Cafe has been the Cafe of others ; who, tho they were wi- der great T)otibts and Fears, as thou art, yet came forward, and found both Acceptance and Tjeliverance* And thd thy Heart be not yet prepared according to the Preparation of the San&uary, ifajphou come in Humility, with a Senfe of thy low -and loft Condition by Nature and TraUice^ thou appear eft to be one ofthefe fenfihly loft Sinner \ry whom Chrift came tofeek andfave. Hold on thy Way, look not hack with an Eye to the periling Tleafures and Profits of the World, left", by catching at the Shadow^ thou lofe the Sub fiance. $& not of them that draw back unto Perdition,- for he hath tik Pleafure in fitch, Heb. 10. 38, 39. 3. If thou be a Reader > that never had aright Sight, nor fenfibk Uptaki A 3 The Epiftlc of thy loft Condition by Nature, nor of the Neceffity of a Mediator to reconcile often- • iied Jiiftice and offending Sinners ; hut art heed/eft^ and car ele fly loitering away precious Time, and flighting appointed Means, and art come thatfearfitl Length in cur fed Neutrality and Indifferency, as fiat to care what come of the Glory of God, and the Sahation of thy Soul, and its eternal State, 1 would put thee in Mind of that fearful and Soul-amazing Word, Prov. i. 24, &c. Becaufe God has called, and thou refufed ; he hath ft retched out his Hand, and thou doft not regard ; but fett'ft at nought all his Counfel, and wilt none of his Reproof : He alio will laugh at thy Calamity, and mock when thy Fear cometh, " Read ferioufly this Treatife, and confider what came dfthefe who re- mained in Pri/on when Boanerges blew the Trumpet : Turn fpeedily hy Faith and Repentance, and flee to Chrift J e fits, the Remedy provided of God for loft Sinners, in Time, before the Shadows of the ever- fafling Evening be fir etched out: For, if Mercy kill, what can cure} 4. If thou be One, Reader, who by thy WbraUice declareji thyfelf> not only to $e a to the Reader. a Stranger to the [awing Operations the Spirit o[ God upon thy Soul^ but alfb an Enemy to the Tcwer ofGod!ine[s,and the Life of Religion in others , mocking at Godlinejs, giving up tbyfilfto all Man- ner of Loofnefi in Hearty Life andVrar ttice ; My Advice to fhch is. Stop a little in thy Cour[e, fit down and confider [erioufly thy [ad and lamen- table Condition, being an Alien to the Commonwealth of Ifrael, and a Stranger to the Covenant? of Promife > and, while fitch, without Chrift, having no Hope 3 and without God in the World : Under Slave- ry to Sin and Satan, liable to Wrath and vindiUive Juflice (John 3. tilt.) Under the [ever e yet juft Sentence and Curfe of the Law o[ God, as a Tranfgre(for (Gal. 3. 10.) Earneftly [eek God's exciting, ffrengthning and afjifling Grace, to work thy Heart to a [erious Self examination of the deplorable Cafe thou art in, the Shortnefi of thy lime here, the Certainty of a future State, either o[ Will or Ub> that thou mufl Jloortly enter into ; a that there is no Repentance in the ( whither thou art pofii; an ill Condition there: /// A 4 Wi The Epiftle 'Need T)o not, upon a (lender Sight, or flight View of a few JLines or Pages, throw it by with Ttifdain, but fearch it ferioufly and throughly i Upon fitch a Search of it, Vm hopeful thou wilt fearch thy felf and^ perhaps, may find fome "Things difcovered in thee, that thou waft ignorant of 'before; which % i$ may be, will extort better Thought? jrom thee oj it, than thou hadft at thy firfi fuperficial View of iu 2, 2)ery them: Which, when he had read and con- sidered, he confented to the Equity of them, and faid, Rom. 7. 12. The Law is holy, and the . Commmdment is holy 9 jufi and good* But, turning over the Book, he found, that neither he, nor I no mere Man more than he, was able to keep I them, Feci. *7. 20. For there is not a jttfi Man I iifon the Earth, that doth Good, and finneth not* \ And then, defirous to know more, he read on, and found, Gal. 3 10. Curbed is every one 7 that ■continue th not in all Things that are written in the Book of the Law to do them. And then the poor Man cried pitifully to him to give him Strength to keep tliefe Laws that he had put into his Hand. ~ But he anfwered, I am Mofes, that know how to deliver jufi Laws to you •, but, how to give Strength to keep them, or, how to (hew Mer- cy to them that break them , that is the Thing I know not : Ye had once Strength enough, ye iltoold have husbanded it better, when ye had it. And then he asked at the Man, What ¥?as his Name ? The poor Man replied, I am * a Sinner, that have broken this Law *, and a- jgain, I. cry for Mercy : O ! let me not pe- irifli* Then anfwered Mvfes 9 As many as have iwnsd without Law, pall- perijh without Law ', and as m wy as have finned in the Law, jha(l be ana'perifh by , the Law. For with God Reipt.it of -Per j on s. Then the Man asked at Mopes, Whence he 1 thde Laws, that . he, delivered to him ? anfwered, TJiat he had got them in the Eaft of EleEl Sinners. Eaft Country*, And, i f he pleated to zo along with him ? he would both let him fee where he got the Laws, and how it came to pais that he was not able to Iceep them, but had fallen 'under this Curfe. And then they went both together Eaft- ward *, and I alio left off all Cares of ieffer Concernment, and went with them, that I might fee what this fad, and fo very weigh- ty concerning News would come to at Length* And thus we went on dJfcourfing together, fad enough, till we came as far as Babylon and / fipotamla *, and there ran about thefe Countries Four pleafant Rivers, Fifor\ Gih for the Covenant was mnde with him, for himielf and aii his Pofte- ricy. Fear. But what Juftice was there in that? . Mi^.ht not every one been left to ffoiid and fall for himielf, and not have put the Stock of '' the whole World in one Man's Hand f Itaeher. But who art thou, O Man/ that enquired into the Secrets of God's Will £ Where was the Law that obliged God to it ? Wilt thou provoke the Almighty to Anger? Art thou wifer than he ? For, i . Altho 5 every Man was not there, at the Covenant-making,to ! plead for, and choofe what they would have:, yet God, that was wifer than they, was there to chooie for them, who wifiied their Well, and could make a wifer Choice for them than they could do for themfelves. Befides, what a Perplexity would it have been to every Man every Moment fe ring his Fall •, and if once fallen never to be recovered again ? But betides, God had provided a Way to recover the whole Kurnber of the Elecl, if they fell. 2. It was mod reasonable," that 'Ada*^ being the com- mon md Reprefentative of all his Pofle- rit'y, fhould engage. for them*, as Perfons take the Father of the Family engaged for ail his Children. 3. Tho' he/n'fm naged the S':ock s and proved Bankrupt j it was reaibnaMe we fhouid of EleEl Sinners* fhould fliare in his Poverty, feeing, we were to ihare in his Ricines, it he had flood. Fear, Buc, how come we to be guilty of his Sin / If we be not, how can we be puni- j flied for it ? • Teacher. You may as well enquire, how we come to be Partakers of C-srifth Right eou nM and HMnefs 1 For, deny the one, and deny the o.her. Is there not an Union betwixt the Head and the Members ? Corrupt mortal Hu- mors in the Head, corrupt and infeft the whole Body, anda lively healthful Bead, ihedsdown enlivening and inlightning Influences upon the Body : So is it here. Adam, a corrupt Head, wronged the Body, Rom. 5. H+ By one Man (Ad.,m the Head of that Corruption) Sin m~ tred into the World, and Death by Sin '■ : Spy by one Mans Obedience (Chrift the Head of the elect WorldJ Right eoufnefs entred into the lVorid 7 and Life by Right eoufnrfu C Fear, How did the Sin of Adam infect the Bodies of his Pofterity ? Teacher. Several Ways. 1. In their Concep- tion, Pfal. 5 J. 5. I was jhapen in Sin, and coM ceived in Iniquity. John 3. 6". That which if horn of the Flejh is Flejh: 1 ha* is, they that are born of corrupt Nature, have corrupted Nature thernfelvets ' r and fmce a corrupt brings forth corrupt Fruit, io it is 1 en\ feeing noi.e can give, that toothers which he himfelf hath not, how can any good cor m froai Adam t w r hen he tidd none to himielf ? 2. By The Lojs and <%ecoVery 2. By Imputation, as being our Head and Re~ prefentative. Fear I fee Reafon for that, ' But the great Difficulty to me is, Since the Soul is not begot- ten of, nor defcends from the Parents, bin is immediately created of God, and infufed into rheBody then, and never till then, that the Body befit to receive it h How can that Soul be guilty, or want natural Holinefs and Purity ? If it fall, Adam hath no Hand in it h and, if it be created guilty of Sin and Impure, this were to make God the Author of Sin. How can thefe Things be ? leather. The Covenant was made with Adam, not only for the Bodies of his Pofterity bat for the Souls alfo ; that he falline,all mould rail. 2. God is not the Author of Sin ; For e doth not create it a finfnl Soul h it is not ipure when it comes out of the Creator's Sands. For t h ore Is a threefold Difti^aion of Purity or Holinefs. T . A pure and holy Soul, as was Adam s when created. 2. An impure and unholy Soul, flich as Adapts after the Fall 3. A Soul not pure, that is, tho' it want origi- nal Righteoufnefs, yet \t is not contaminate with original Sin : And fucharethe Souls of all v 4dan?& Pofterity when they come out of the Creator's Hand. It is created with pure natural Habits, but hath not the Ima e of Cod upon it \ and yet God is not the Author of Sin. For It is one Thing for him to create it without original Righteoufnefc, a&ing as a Creator and ■■Ill ■ of Elecl Sinners. Judge both, according to his Covenant with idam ; and it is another Thing to infufe Sin oto the Soul, which he doth not. But this JVant of original Righteoufneis is a Sin in us, xjcaufe it is the Privation of a Habit that ought ;o be in us, which we have finiully loft.- i. The Soul becomech guilty of original Sin, 5V its Conjuaion with the fmful Body which nfeð the Soul, as the Paflions of the Soul ioth affea the Body, there being fuch a clofs Union and near Sympathy betwixt them*, and yet the Lord is not the Author of Sin,, be- caufe he infufeth the Soul into a finful Body : Becaufe he made an unalterable Law in the Be- ginning, that in every Body there fhould be a Soul 5 which Law he was nowife* obliged to alter, becaufe we have finned : And i% the Soul, the imperial and commanding Part, is plucked of the Throne, and made a Lacquie to the Body, to obey its bale Defires.^ And this Truth is fo clearly revealed in, Scripture, and fo confirmed by fad Experince, that tho' we cannot know bow it is, yet. we may furely know that it is. And it is greater Wifdom, when the Houfe is on Flames, to run quickly, and get it quenched, than to Hand enquiring how it kindled, till all be loft and confurned. Fear. But, I admire yet at Jd m, poor Man! that when he faw that lie was gone, and Death feiz : ng upon him, that he did not run quickly to the Tree of Life ; for ft Qc?h 3. 22. if he had done fo, he mighc 1 6 The Lofs and Recovery for ever. For as frighted a poor Body as I am! I think I would have done ic my lelf , thai would have Deen better vet, than to have crept inro a Bum, and ly trembling fo long. Teacher. IViany a one think they would have managed the Bufinefs better than Adam y it rhey had been in his Room •, but it is ea- fjer laid than performed. For, if all the World in their own Perfons had been there, they would peri/hed all, as well as he. But, 2. This wasnoneof h s Milmanagement, that he did not rim .to the Tree of Life for a Cure} for he would have been no better altho' he had gone. All his Miimanagement lay, in eat- ing of the other Tree, and then running away from God. For, i. This Tree of Life vaftly differeth from that, that you read of, Rev*. 22. 2. That in heavenly Paradife reftoreth Life, tho' it be Jolt ; but this Tree, Life once loll, h cannot recover it. 3. That whole Scripture is Ironical, and full of holy Sarcafms and Scoffs' at f Adm\ Madmfi>: For, the Lord faith, I. 1 ">:e"7vU'i is ucccme'us one cf us. As if lie had faidjlook to tliis,afl ye that come after him; how the ftian hath conquered "US tkelri- ftt.ryy and irotten the. Divinity from US, which he fo much affected : And htm happy he hath made himfelf by hts Rebellion } he is be- corneas one cf US. But how I according to the Devil's Suggeftion and his own Apprehen- sion : And this'the Loid fays, to make him .iter to embrace the Promife, and to be more of EleB Sinners. 7 7 more cautious and watchful afterward,and be ter obey what the Lord commanded him. And as for this that thou fpeakeft of, Left he fhotild take of the Tree of Life and live j or ejyi it is another holy Scoff, that is, The Man is* not like to leave his Folly yet, for all thai Mifchief he hath gotten thereby ; but he will 1 meddle "alfo with the Tree of Life : And as ^ he thought to grow wifer by the taking of the other Tree •, fo he thinketh he Will live for \ ever, tho' it be not fo: And fo he will abufe the Sacrament, which he hath no Right unto j for that Tree was not plaqed there,that it might recover Life, if it were lofr 5 But to confirm him, that he mould keep Life, as long as he did not eat of the other Tree, which was a Sa- crament of Trial : For thefe Trees were the two Sacraments of the Covenant of Works ;, the one. the Sicrament of Trial, the other the Sacrament of Confirmation. Now, all this Time Adam was ftill lamenting his Mifery* and the Lofs. of Happinefs. And thus he .faid, Adam was happy once to Day, God's Image on him, pleafant Life! Like to an Argel, with his God } But now he's loft, he and his Wife, Death fpiritual on him is feiz'd, Eternal Death it comes alfo, And Death of Body is at Hand : And now poor Adam's very Jow # 1 8 TJie Lofs and Recovery Difeafes on my Body work, And therewith make a weary Strife: tTThe Conflict they'll never give o'er, Till they bereave me of my Life. O/' What a Change within a Day ? An Heir of Glory when I rofe, And now an Heir of Hell am I ; A bonny Day, but dreiry Clofe. And well deferv'd, when happy 1, Alas ! I could not hold me i'o. Ingratitude to my good God, Hath laid poor Adam very low. My poor Poftepty are gone, I'm murdered and all my Race : And loft Communion with our God ; Alas ! the Lofs of *s lovely Face, All that come after will admire, My Cruelty will not approve : For robbing mine of Paradife, Of Peace with God, and of his Love. And now, when he was thus bewailing his Mifery, I beheld Him that dwelleth in the Gardens, with whom he had entred Covenant a little before, come walking in the Garden - 7 and as he came near, he cried, with a kindly flow Voice, Adam, where art thou ? I wondered that he did not fpeak more aufterely % for he never changed the Rebel's Name, but faid, Where art thou, Adam ? What Condition is this that thou art new in I Adaw 7 of EleEl Sinners. 1 9 Adam anfwered, I am lying trembling at thy Voice ; for, whenever 1 heard it, it ftiucfc me .with Terror, and 1 ran to hide my felf. Lord. What haft thou done, Man f for I have done nothing to terrify thee, I never did thee^J Wrong, I never (pake an angry Word to thee.^ v Is it not Heaven to be in my Company ? How cheerful and confident waft thou when I parted With thee ? Adam. But, alas ! the Cafe is altered^with me now *, it is a far changed World, Lord, fince thou and I parted. Lord, What's the Matter > Thou haft fure- ly eaten of the Tree of which I forbade thee. Thou haft finned, Man, or elfe thou wouldft never have been afraid of me j for Sin is the Caufe of Fear of this Sort, Lev. 26. 27, 36. And if you will not hearken to my Voice, but walk contrary unto me:— I vr ill fend aEtintnefs into their Hearts, and the Sound ofafliakcn Leaf fn all chafe. them, and they jhall flee when none purfueth them* And thou muft anfwer for what thou had done. And therefore, I command and charge ' thee to come and appear before me, to anfwer to what Claim I have to lead agaifift hee : And, in like Manner, That thy Wife, and the Ser- pent, and all appear-, and I will proceed legal- ly with thee. I alfo call Witneffes_ro atteft to what they have feen : Prepare for thine own Defence, and come forward. And One . beholding the Lord's mild Manner of dealing toith ham, how flowly he came up to him, and C 2 lpQk& I 20 Tin Lofs And Recovery fpoke fo mildly when he came, began to re- T&ice, expe&ing the belt. The Lord is very gracious, ) In him Companions flow ; In Mercy he is very great, And is to Anger flow. To Rebel Adam Safety comes, Loth him to terrifie, Judgment's his Aft, but his flrange Aft, Therein delights not he. But when a Penitent he fpies, O then ! he runs with Speed, Falls on his Neck and khTeth him, To Mercy quick indeed. And if a Sentence fore be pafl, This Judge is not to blame ; He that fuch Goodnefs doth abufey He hath the greater Shame. By this Time the Court was fenced, and the Pannels fitted before the Bar. And then Adam and his Wife were charged with Rebellion \ ■ and asked if they were guilty, or not guilty. ISIot guilty, O my Lord, laid they. And, V^hen 1 heard this, I thought it was good ; my Kind being to cover my Tranfgrefftons m xny Bofom, and hide my Tranfgreflions like Adam, Job 32. 33. The Crime that was laid to their Charge was, Plotted Rebellion and Treafon againft their King} and alio? Sacri- IffiS in dealing from the Holy One. of EleEi Sinners. 2T Then were there WitnefTes called to declare I what they had feen, and what they had to fay againft thefe Pannels at the Bar. The nrft that was called was Shame, the moft couragious^v Man that ever took a- Caufe in Hand j for, if it be right, he will be thorow with it. Shame. Then faid he, Pleafe to hear me, O j moft righteous Judge ; This is a guilty Man, i" atteft to it } and I was an Eye-witnefs both to* his Treafon and Sacrilege^ both he and his Wife, when they put forth theirHand and took of the forbidden Fruit : And then Shame flew up in his Face, and bid hin look to himfelf whaC be had done $ and he blufhed to fee himfelf, and I damped his Countenance -, fo that, when he lay croutching in yonder Bufh, he was fo a- ftiamed of what he had~done, that he had not Confidence to look out, left any fhould fee him ; and how greatly was he afhamed to ap« p;ar, when he heard thy Voice, as guilty Per- sons are ! but he thought to ly hid muffled up in the Thickets of the Garden. Nay, look upon him, O righteous Judge, and fee what is written on his Forehead, and his Wife's | both. The Shame of my Countenance rifing up, doth i teftify againft me yVfal.^.i^. Ifa.3. 9. Moreover, ' my Lord,I judge it meet that he be caft out of : Paradife, for it is ufelefs to him now *, yea, as he now (lands, Heaven were ufelef? to him,, ; if not worfe than Hell '.- For he is now befong] Juftice, like dry Stubble before; a devouring Flame •, ay, the nearer it comes, it confunlef^ G 3 t}& n 1 1 The Lofs and ^ccCVery the fafter : He is therefore unfit for, and «n- worthy of this Garden. Drive him out, he is unworthy any more to live, or to receive cither heavenly or earthly Bleffings. Then was Terror called, and asked if He fcnew any Thing of this Man's Sacrilege and K Hebelliofi ? Who anfwered, Yes, O Righteous Judge. I alfo was an Eye- witnefs to his Crimes \ both he and his Wife are guilty. I faw them pat forth their Hands and take of the forbidden Fruit : And'he cannot deny, but I fpoke very fmartly to him then, and told him I would inform the Jud^e thereof \ and, that if 1 were called, I would be as fore a Witnefs, as he mould have *, and, I trow, tlje Words that I fpoke to him, put a Knell to ■Ins Heart, that he hath not left the Trembling to this Hour. I was Witnefs alfo to both of them, when they took their Heels and fled, and took Guilt upon themfelves \ Why would tl -y have fled,0 my Lord,if it had not been fo? He lie i no otherwiie, than a Rebel from his provoked Prince, or a weaker .Enemy from a ftronzer. Moreover, I faw him when he lay trembling in the Bum for Fear to be difcove- red. Where there is no Sin, there is no Fear « They were not afraid at the Serpent, before they f nned •, But now, they are afraid of God, the greater} Good* And,asmy fellow Witnefs h ath faid, he ought to be expelled Paradife. %e hath loft aRight to Heaven and Earth •, therefore? let him get Juftice. Then ef Elefl Sinners. 3 5 Then was Conference called, and asked if he had any Thing to fay againft thefe Pannels at the Bar? Who anfwered, Yes, O righteous Judge, I have as much to fay mine alone, as can 3o his Turn} and I have Power to make him confefs, and will do it before all be done J ancl, if I condemn him, he is gone, 1 John $y ; j jo. If our Beans (our Confcience ) condemn usm God is greater than our Hearts, and knoweth all Things. And he knoweth that I fpeak the Truth: For I called a private Court, O righteous Judge, ("according to the Power thou haft invefted me withj and there have I con- victed and condemned him already 5 and here I accufe him, and declare him guilty, Rom. 2. 15. And 1 condemn him to be dive/ted of all his Enjoyments, and juftify thee in fo do- ing: And I will make him fay with his own Mouth, The Lord is right eott< y for I haze finned againft him. And, if this will no&^lo, I may aggravate his Sin : He had got the whole World gifted to him, and Heaven promifed- him-, Only one Tree in the Garden kept from him : What Kecd had he of that? Had he not many Thoufand as good, mo than he was able to make Uie of? Only this forbidden, to let him know that the World was God's } and that the Lord was zbove him : It was nei- ther Scant nor Want that made; him to take it was againft the greater!; Love and I. ibera iry that could be, And, I expecl Juftice w 'ft fee done upon him a in this Court that cannot err: C 4 And 14 The Lofs and Recovery And that becaufe, The Judge of the whole Earth • fcaleth juftly. { Then were the Pannels called, and asked if they had any Thing to fay for themfelves,why judgment and Sentence fhould not pafs againft- : them. Are ye guilty, or not guilty ? They ^anfwered, Hot guilty. , Jdamfdid, I deny not ||>ut I did eat of rhe Fruit of the Tree, but I fern not guilty for all that} if there be any Guilt, it lieth at thine own Door. Judge. How. wilt thou prove that ? Adam. Thou gave me this Woman •, and the Woman that thou gave ft me, gave it me \ and fo, it cometh ftrai^ht to thine own Door. Judge. What fayefc thonj Woman ? Art thou guilty, or not guilty? — Woman. I am not guilty. For, the Serpent deceived me, and I did eat. If thou hadfl not made this Se?p>nt, I had never eaten of it : The Fault is thine own, and not mine - for I wa'S dece : ved. Judge. Out of your own Mouths will I judge you. Adam, thou onghteft to have o- beyed me, rather than the Woman: And thou Woman, oughteft to have obeyed me, rather than the Serpent : Bothof you areguilty. And then, The Judg$ proceeded to pfs Sentence. And firft upon the Serpent, that tempted them to RebelHon. On thy Be'y fliatt thcu go, and Qu(t (I) tit thcu eat. Any Pleafure that chou ihait have, fliall be in thefe dufly Pleasures of • Sin, 1 5 o/ E/f^ Sinners. Sin, and tempting Men to fin bv the Baits of the World, And therefore, the Dev/'/j be- feechC£r*/?,thathe would not caiUhtm ; ntothe Deep. The Reaibn was, he wculd nor enj his Pleafure there fo much, in temptw Menjj to Sin \ and that is the great eft o{ Curies, Jj to have one Sin made the Eimifhment of ano- ther. The Wctnanh Sentence was, In Sorrow ft alt thou bring forth Children , and try Defer e [Jul' be towards thine Husband: That \s y Thdv fhalt have much Pain both in Conception and pirch : and (halt have many falle Conceptions alfo : And thy Defire~ftall be towards thy Husbdnd *, That is\ Thy Deferes ihall depend upon the Pleafure of thy Husband, to grant, or not to grant, as he pleafeth. And this Punifiiment was moll juft, and fuitable to the Sin of the Woman , Because t fhe did not ask her Husband's Leave, in ib weighty a Matter, as the Eating of the for* bidden Fruit was. And this was moft grievous to Women *, becaufe, by Reaibn of their Weaknefsj their Defer Cs are moft violent, being maftered with their Ptjfions, He that was mild and gentle in his Government before, fhail NOW rule over thee with Riv/vr. The Sentence of the Man was., That Ground fewuld be curfed for his Sahe^ end brhtig forth Thorns and Thiftles, and but little- Ffii even after hard Labour ^ A die and return to the Duft. And ih a iroft, juft Sentence to the MM} th ad 1 6 The L ofs and ^ecdVery all the Variety of the Choice Fruits of Eden^ yet was not content with it 5 if he got not of! Wfhis one Tree alio. And the general Sentence of them both, $nd all t'jt.r Pofteiity, was, That t,ty jhould he | baijhedgfr m the Garder, as banifhed Men •, and \ that tfcy (hould undergo the Curfls and Mi- ^ ftries of Bod/, iuch as, Hunger, Thirlt, I Wearineft, Sicknef , Perils, Poverty, Dif- I grace, Reproach, and" every Way accurfed, Deut, 28. 15. ad finem. Becaule thou haft no£ ; obferved this Law, Cur fed jh.dt thou be in the City and in the Field \ in tky Basket^ and in thy Store y in the Fruit of thy Body y and in thy Land) Kine and Sheep y and in ail thou fetteft thine Hand to do y till thou peri jh y becaufe thou haft forfak&i- me : F eft Hence y and Confimption, and Famine $ Fowder and Duft inftead of Rain } thou floalt fall before Enemies^ and be fmitten with Madnefs^ &C Deut. 27. 15, to 25. 2. Spiritual Plagues, Blindnefs of Mind y Hardnefs of Heart , Terror of Conference ; and that they fhuuld be given up to vile AffeBions, Rom. 1. '26. And that they fhould be the Devil's Prifoners, wherever they Went, 2 Tim. 2.2<5. Taken in the Snare of the Devi 7 , led Capt.'ve at his Will. And bound with Fetters, a threefold Chain not eafily bro- ken. The P voer of God to refer ve tbem to e- ternal Punifliinent, 2 Per, 2. 11. The Lord Iceepeth and referveth the Wicked to. the Day pi' Judgment to be puniifeed : Their guilty Conjci- ences. of Elccl Sinner s. 27 wrcs, and the Bauds of Sin. They cannot v;m away from God's Pow^r, go where they pleafe* to Heaven, Earth or S.a, he i 3 ay there: They cannot break Prifon and run away from Con/dence, more than run away from them-^S felves *, for their own Conicitnces are Fetters tfill upon them : And, for the Cords of Sin, none can free them of thefe * r there is none that can forgive Sin, but God only : And, as long as Sin is not forgiven, they are fare kept for Execution. And, befide all, when they died, they were to be caft into Torment im- mediately, Lnke \6, 23. The rich Man died y and lift up his Eyes, being in Torment, 2 Thef. I. 9. The Lord Jefus fhall be revealed in flam- 3%,?g?j t0 ta ^ e Fwgeance. What a Venge-» 'ance^t? Eternal Excommunication from thejlpcnce of God, Father, Son and Ho!y Ghoft, and eternal exquifite Torment, in Soul and Body for ever •, They full be purified with everlaflingDeftru&lon from the Pie fence of the Lord t and- the Glory of his Tower* But The Lord, of his great Mercy, when he < was fentencing the Serpent •, in the Mjtift of it, let in Light and Relief to poor Man, that there was fome Hope of the Recovery of fome of them, and that by the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the Seed of the Woman j Gen. 3. 15. J will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, bcfvc'.xt her Seed and thy Seed *, it fhall bruit e thy Head, and thou flak bmife his Ekel. The Serpent fliall £e& 2 8 The Lois and %eco')?ery get a mortal Wou >d in the Head for decei- ng the Woman : And CHRIST's Sufferings Sjs underftood bv the Strpenfs B~uifing of the I^Hcel •, his coining; in the Room of the Ele£t, jjjp.'id fuffering Death for them, that were Hjhreatned for Difobedience. And there was K« difmal andMark Night, but the Sun rofe at ■Midnight aniong them, and upon them that fat Win Darkne/s, and'' the Shadow of Death, a great Vcht fo;n>d t And, might not Chrift be a furprifing and refreihing Gueft to them ? That fhewed a Way how the Ju(l ihould fuffer, and the Unjuft go unpunished; and yet no Inju- itice ^one in this Court, where the Innocent cannot be piurihed, neither the Unjuft pafs impunifhed \ atid all this Light brought about by Chrift. It is good our Common to love Chrift •, for he was the firft that ever brought the glad Tidings of the great and eternal Sal- vation, when Men were in a hopelefs and help- lefs Condition, However, they were to lv under the for- mer fad Sen e nee av and until they repented of, confeiTed and forfook their Sin, andentred into a New Coven mt, to embrace Chrift for their Saviour,and his R.ighteoufnefs for to jufti- f them, and that on the Terms of the Gof» pel. And when I had heard and feen all thi?^ I v vet another Wonder, for this was a Day of Wonders. I heard One cry upon the Efcu-k qf the lenience, Let thy mighty Ones come aown^ Q of EkFl Sinners. 29 Lord. And then I looked up,and law a very glorious Light:, that d«zled mine Eyes \ and I beheld lome glorious Creatures come down through thej\irlikeLightning,thei:Bodies very* 1 ftrong, having great Wings, that at this Ti™ made a great Noife, for there were great Tran-^ factions and Revolutions carying on this Day,' every Motion of every Creature had a great: Noife } they feemed to be all like Fire, and in their Hands great and terrible Swords, all fparkling and burning with flaming Fire, Gen. 3. 24. Who, when they came into the Pretence of the Judge, they coveted their Faces with their Wings y and the Judge laid unto them, Thus faith the Lord God y Lrive out the Man cut of the Gar den 1 to till the Ground from whence he was taken. And when he had fo faid, they anfwered, Bleffed be the Glory of the Lord frcrn his I lcce y Ezek. 3. 12. Now, he is provoked to go a- way from this Place, to leave this Garden by the Sins of Man •, but he is a glorious t.orJ, when he is from this Place, as well as when in it : Man\ Sins have dimini-fhed his Glor thing •, but Mercy and J u ft ice ftiine more con- fpicuous than before. Jib 35. 7. If i'i u fin- nsft^ what daft thou dgainft hirfy? a-- d if th -u be righteous, what give ft thou to hin. ? for all that - is come and gone,he is fliH the glorious Lord : And b{effed be the Glory f the Lord fern his Place". And when they had fh fa id, they drove out thi $4Hn 9 Jiut with a fore Heart wmt he out, and 3 o The Lofs and ^eco^ery and many a wearv Look over his Shoulder, ta« king his long Farewell of plealant Paradife, and intre-ting that he might be allowed to flay, and he would be more obedient than ever. But it was anfwered, he was now more unable than ever^ and the Word or Bond of a Dyvour was not worth the laying hold upon-, his Cre- dit with God was now gone, and he would be trufted no more : So they drove out the Man ; and Cherub : ms and a flaming Sword kept him at the Door, that he never wan in again. And then he lamented as followeth} Sin and Satan have confpired and ot p/or.Adam made a Prey, My poor Pofrerity and I cc ivifted and fentenc'd to Day : The Cherubims of Glory have from Eden me for Ay exp H'd, ■ A ban'fii\i M-n now rruft I be, becauie I have bafdv rebell'd. To fpend my Life in Mifery, with Sorrow, Labour, Grief and Pain^ Lamenting Paradife th it's loir, np'er to be gain'd-by Men again. But Life in Death there did appear^ jov fpranii up in our Miieriej In midft of Wrath he Mercy minds, lor ever blefs'd and prais'd be HE. Out of a Covenant of Works, that's mutable,and loft its Strength, One of JLlett Shiners. 31 [)ne firm and lure up hath he rais'd, that: lands in Glory lure at' length* The Woman's Seed holy and bleft is promifed, us to redeem, And for to bruife the Serpent's Head, from Sin and Wrath n* to exeern. 1 And now let us improve his Love, this Cautioner put in our Place: Redeeming Love hath found us ON E, we are Debtors the more to Grace* Thefe that receive him, happy they / God only knows who it will bfe : Our Joy is mixed with our Tears : I trow from Eden we muft flee. But go we, ftay we, let 113 learn of our Lord God to bode the heft: At fuch a Time, he who gave Chriit, why doubt we but he'll give the reft f And now, when I had feen this wonderful and unexpected Mercy of the Lord to Rebel Man \ that, infteadof utterly deft ruying them, only threatned them, and ; promifedi heavenly Paradife if they would repent : 'And aifo fee- ing they had fmarted in Part' already- for their former Offence, I looked to fee them the moft cauticus and holy Company that could be teen (Upon the Face of the Earrh, the ^reate/V Ha- tred to Sin and Satan, and the greater! Love to God and Holinefs that could be # , but feeing it the qutfe contrary, Gen. 6. 5. T.ie Wickedncfs ef Mm npors the Earth w#s great 7 and that all the 3 1 The Lofs and Recovery the Imaginations of the Thoughts of his He an were t.nly evil, and that cwtitiualy . That Word came immediately into my Mind, Ecclef 8. 1 it Bccauje Sentence is not Jjeedily execnte agai.fi an evil Work, therefore the Hearts of the Children oj Men are Jet in them to do continually Evil; Anc that, Thf ye wtmld bray a Fool in a Mortar, yet trilt not his F. Iy depart frrm him ■' And this high- ly aggravate, sSin ^ the Holy Ghoft points out Kinir Ariaz, as a Monfter of Wickcdnefs on this Account, 2 Ooror.. 23. 22. This is that King AhaZ, wtia in the Time of his Affiiclion finneA yet toe more. Or, This is Ahaz., ay the \ame\ that nothing can make better-, yea, Hell itfeli cannot make a Perfon better, nor to forfake Sin: For tho' there be an Addition to their Pumihment in Hell, as they add to their Wicktdnefs, yet {till they go on in Sin \ and, let a Ma a be fet upon a fuperftitious \^ay of 'Worlliipping God by humane Inventions, not allowed in the Word, he will not be beat of! them \ 1 herefore ye have that obfervable - 'Lake id. Dives in Hell will have a Way of his own Invention taken to convert his Bre- thren \ Send LaZarns to tell them, not to ct this Place, and t. ey will hear him. They grew .To corrupt, that whatever the lord forbade them, that was the only Thing theV would C&j Jer. 3.4. 4—17. O do not that abominable Thing that I tate ! But they hearkned nor, nor inclined their Ear, but would walk on in their Wickednds : All Manner oi Blafphe- mies 3 of EleB Sinners. $ $ mies, Adulteries, Rapines,Murders, Evil-fpeak- iiig, ^-ying and Deceiving, that was forbidden, was found amongft them : But, on the other Hand, whatever the Lord commanded them, that was the Thing they would not do. Jem 44. 1 7. As for the Word that thou haft [poke?? tm us in the Name of rhe Lord, we will not hearken^ &C. All Love to God and Man was laid afide, all Prayer and S:udy of the Scriptures, Pfal. 10.4. Yea more, they took up Apprehenfions, that all mould be well with them for all that* Deut, 29. 19. I frail have Peace, t lot? I walk after the Imaginations of mine own Heart, to add Drunkemiefs to Thirft. And they thought thefe that joined with tbem and encouraged them in Sn, were their only F ; et,ds •, and that thefe that gave friendly Admonitions to have Sin, or Reproofs for it, were their great eft Enemies. I heard one wicked A'.:ab fay to one of the ho- ly Prophets, Haft thw found mc,0 mir.e Enemy ? And he faid of another, There is one Micaiab, that will tell us all the Mind iff God^ but I hate him : Yea, fome of them apprehended that the lord loved profane irreligious Drunkards and Swearers, much better than the fincerely Godly. MaL 2. 17. Every one (fay they,) that doeth Evil, is good in the Sig ] .t of the Lord : A- gain, that wasfeen among them that was never feen among condemned Men under a Sentence of Death, as they were, and that was, excefc .five Covetoiiihefs and Care of the World, Pfd, j 34 Tk* ^°f s and Recovery ffaL 4. 5» W/33 will jherv us any Good ? Arid any of them had an;/ Thought; of leaving tl>.- ; r Sins, and the finui Courfes of the World, it would be afterward, when thefe left them : A id doth God thank them for that? I trow not. For, if Go I were ay pie.. fed with late Repen- tance, who of all the Chriftian World would jjerifh ? will God^he.r their Cry when Trouble curaeth - ? Sj that Oae beholding their Madnefs, fang tl u , The faddeft Sight, that e'er I faw, this Prjlori is within, Satan's Captives do h re ly bound Slaves to Death, Hell and Sin.' Into a Mortar bray a Fool, rrs Folly lafteth fall : They think that Wifdom doth ly her©, to do Mifchief and 111. Mod lamentable is their Lofs, of Wits they're quite bereav'd .* But in the weary Hour of Death too late they're undeeeiv'd. lord h Id them for to leave their Sin ? improve the D^y of Grace, Left thev at laft to Mountain* call tohtaethem from thy F*ice. Aid when I had fe :n all this, I wondered that th Lord (pared them, and Ifaid, Shall he elcape that doth thefe Things ? Aie^there no Re- of EleFt Sinner si 3 ? Rewards and Punifhments at all for Good and bad > fliall Blafphemer^, and Murderers, ani other notorious Sinners proiper? fliall not the Cry of the Blood of thefe godly Ones, fried' by the Wicked, be. heard crying, Hjw lw£, O Lord) holy and juft, wilt ihou not avenge rUr Blood on them that dwell en the Earth f fhall not God avenge his own Eleft ? And I he^rd o^e an* fwer, Tea t hi will avenge them-'fediiy. Hcvir± theiejs) when the Son of Man Cvmeth^Jhall he find faith on the Earth ? That is, thtfir Expecta- tions of it will be almoft loft ; yen, the goaly themielves began to murmur and rep'ne, and fay, Wherefore do the Wicked proip.r ? And then i faw two Men coming up to me,' the one of them was of a very furious Temper and fiery Difpofition •, the other was of a calm, meek, compofed Difpofition: The Name of the one was Hafly ^ and the Name of the o4 ther Patience. Every Word that Hafly (pake was fo loud and angry-like, that they mighfr hear him at a great Diftance, and alio under- stand what he was faying : But nothing could be heard or underftood that Patience (poke, his Speech was of fuch an unaccuflomed Dialed, till he was come cloft up, and had thrice re- peated it, and icarcely then. And thus they twere reasoning together. Patience. How now, Hafly ? I am forry to fee you fo paifio-nate and out of Humour. What hath wronged you to Day ? D x HM 'j 6 The Lofs and <%e€rtery._ Hafy. Wrong'd me, Man ! I think there was never a poor Thing in the World uied as I am. Patience. Why ? what is the Matter? Hdfty. Matter | (aid he, a ftrange Matter, I am a poor Thing, that,with the reft of JVlan- k : nd, was for Sin ientenced to Ruin, except I repented and embraced (Thrift, who would fa- tisfy for me, and deliver me *, but now, by the Grace cf God 9 I am what / am y tho' none of the beft : 1 embraced Salvafon on Gofpel- terms, I hated Sin, pitied thefe wjcked mife- rable Ones among whom I was, and'ontof I.ove gave them many friendly Advices : Buf, do' they take Counfel? do they thank rre for my Advice ? I trcw no, 1 think they have put all Humanity awav- For,fo r my following of Good, _ they have become mine Enemies, and they re- pay my Love with Ha' red ^ 1 think they be a Pack of the veiyefl Knaves in Chriftendom, ctherwife, would they hate me for following that which is good ? Yea, Man, they are filled with all Unrij htecufneis, fijled with it 1 think they are, yea, as full of it, as a Toad or an Afpis full of Poifon • and if I were among them, I mould tell them their Helly-day 7 s Namei For one hath fent it to me in Writ, Rem* i. 20. Being filled voir b all Vnrighteoufnefs • 2 Pet. 2. well as I do, ye would wonder that there is fo much Malice to be found out of tiell, and fo much Injuftice, as to perfecute Righteoufnefs as foch : They are mine Enemies \ be:aufc I fol- low that which is (rood. Patience. For as ill as they are, fay nothing of them but the Truth} Can it He poffibie they perfecute Holinefs, as Holinefs ? Hafty. Truth,Man ! vea, and fcarce all that fame : For aa kafty a Body as I am, 1 know what; '} 8 The Lofs and Recovery yv. at I am faying yet •, for we are commen- ce d to be angry and not fin : But do you think that they will let you or me know, if they c ; n help it, that they periecute Good, as Good, or that they perftcute it at all? I trow not. But I wiil teil you how it is, Man • They Well can, being taught by their Ghoftly Fa- ther, make moft abominable Laws \ which, at firft to'the Inconfiderate, appear very gooc% yea, as good, Mm, as the Forbidden Fru'c was to Evahy and that was good enough : And they varnifli thqm over with a Pifture of J-loiioefs ^ and this indeed, and no Leg at the End of :hem, Obey God and the King : But this is fo iophiftically and ambiguoufly written, chat heavenly Cr kicks and heavenly Philoib- phers find, it may be read thus, Difibey God y tmd obey the King, And, as for the Laws themfelves^ if ye Vould tnke their own falfe Glofs from them, and put a true Commentary Upon them, ye would think that it would non-plus Hell Itfelf to parallel them again, they are fo cunningly devifed; fnch a Shew of Holsnefs, and fo much Abominations in them, jneet together, Pfai 94. 2Q. They cunvhiviy de- fe Imc.uity, and decree it' by a Law, And no Man, with a fate Conference, can obey thefe laws, without fiat Rebellion againil God's Law. ' I will tell yen what they do, Man \ They 'Will dilcharge that God be worihipped accor- ding of Ek& Sinners. 3 p ding t© the Rules prcfcribed in his Word, if that Way do not fait with their fin fill W-> lefs Liberty \ and they will command that Do&rine and Difcipline in God's Houfe may- be difpenfed with, as they pleafe : They will impofe upon Mens Confciences, to make Ufe of humane Ceremonies in God's Worfhip •, tn obferve fuperftitious Days, of which Tool is one, that Diy muft be kept •, Pafch is ano- ther : They are wot right all the Year over, if they get not the Sacrament on the ; r Knees that Day, worfhipping the Creature, at b^ft, as Papifts worfhip God, bowing befoe ari Idol ^ befides orher ridiculous Ceremonies .- And they will appoint Popes and Kings and Prelates, Head and Puiler over the Church of God. Againd all which the 5c. ipture is very exprefs, Gal. 4. IO, Te obferve Days a?d Times, I ftand+in Doubt of you, Rev. 2 2. 19. If any Man Jhall take away any Thing in this Book, God Jhall take his Name cut cf the Book of Life : And if any Man fiall add to what is writte", the Lord fhxll add to him the Plagues written in it. Ifa. 33» 22. The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is cur JLawgiver, the Lord is our King* And now, if any fhall difobey thefe Laws, and reflife to make Ufe of humane Inventions in the Wcr- fbip of Goti, and Difciplme ci his Houfe ; they busk him up in a Rebel's Clothes, nn4 bring him i» before their Bar *, and, There's a Man that blafpherned God and tie Kiis: A- way to the Gibbet with him. Ana I am vot D % fuxa 4° The Lofs mi Recovery ; "(lire of my Life one Day among them. Thefe arc (heir Pretences that they have to wrong pie. But, pretend wh;^ they will, it is be- puife I follow that wh'ch is good. Dmid fays, . ,1his is their veryReafon,?/*/. 38.20, Theje that render me Evil for Good, are m>ne Enemies a he- caufe I follow that which is Good. I leek to ad- vance Holinefs, and they abhor nothing more than Holinefs ^ and they hate me for it : I will tell you exactly, they are like Caifi, 1 John 3. 1 2. that flew his Brother : And wherefore flew he him ? Becaufe his own Works were evil, and his Brother's righteous : They are fuch Haters of Holinefs, and Lovers of Sin, that if ye love fiolinefs and hate Sin, they will be your Death if" they can. Befides all this, they are Backbiters, Rom. t. 29, 30, 31. They are p-oudBoafiers,. like the very Devil, they look aioof, and undervalue all except themfelves : Haters of God, which they evidence by the Breaking of his Rules, wronging of his Servants ; and they hate him* and fay of Ir'm, We will not have this Alan to reign over us : They are Truce -breakers • no Co- venant, particular, baptifmal nor national, can hold them. If they happen in fome inconfi- derate rafh Fit to make a Covenant with God, the next News is, Go to the CrofTes of the publick Places, and ye will fee the City reek- ing with thofe Soft of Papers, which they facrifice to Vulcan. They like better to ferve £heir icjols than God - 7 and 1 wouder they are not of ElcFt Sinners. 41 tot afraid to do it : For, if they could read he Bible, they would fee, that National Co- venants are, and have been countenanced of jbd, 2 Ckrott) 15. 12, to 16. And they entred nto a Coven Avt y toJeek the Lord Cod of their Fa~ farS) to fee k the Lotd^ and he vow found of 'them \ Mfo, we fee God's Difpleafnre for breaking Covenant, tho' it be but with a Man, Ez.ek. 17. \6. Eteh. 21 » 2^ 26. Thou wicked JPrince, whole End is come, that hau fworn and bro- ken my Covenant:, Ibus jaith the Lcrd 9 Remove the Diadem, take awcy the Crown, and I w ill overturn, pvtrtuw, overturn the Kingdom. It coft him his Crown for Breach of Covenant. And as we have heard, fo have we feen in our Day, Princes cafl down from their Thrones. And, may it not be laid to be on the fame Account . ? And what fliall I fay. more of them ? There is no Fear of God before their Eyes ; and they are to every good Word and Work reprobate. And ye will tell me, thefe Folk will not perfe- cute Holinefs, asBolinefs.- I think, Patience, thev might have called your Name Charity - for you have more for them than they deferve, or the Word of Godalloweth them. Patience, I pity your Cafe, the like of yoo is not for to live amonft them; £ nee better may not be, a patient Man, like n.e, were fit- ter to be am on t± them, who have this for rry Motto, that that cannot be cured, I mud endure itj. But, how do they proi'per, Man f One 42 T?r Lofs and Recovery One would think they would never thrive bL the Wo i Id. £ Hafty. Thrive, /t/*> ? Tis a World** Wonder how they thrive 'oral! that : For L.et-t.- ffrs come rp me from all Airrhs of the World! how th-.y thrive. Job lent me U ord, that "nL in the Land ot V^ they thrive to \i'.miraltoniE Read the Le'- r er \our Idf, Job 10. 6, 7. Wfew? / remember thl ,/ ', m afraid, And Trembling doth tale hcd I of my FUJI} - ? wherefore do the Wifkcd p r iff^ ? become old *, yea^ mlg ty in Paver ? Tioeir Seed is ejrabLflied in the Earthy their Huies are j'afe from Fear of Evil, neither is the Rod of God vym tkem\ their Bull gendereth and faileth not 7 their Cows culve, and caft not their Calves •, they fend f their little Ones as a Flock, and their Children in the Dance; they take the Timbrel and the Harp % And rejoice at the Sound of the Organ. That's the Way they profper •, they have thriving Fa- milies, when the like of Job hath not one of his Bairns left him y they have increafmg Flocks and Herds, whereas a poor godly Body will neither have Cow nor Ew. They are re- joicing in the Dances, when the Godly are weeping fojerm the Night, and their Tears are upon their Cheeks. And Aftfb again fent me Word how they profper in the Land of Ifrael, P/i/.73' 3' 4> *- ^ rVicted enjoy Profpe- they are n n troubled as other Me?:, neither flagued as others \ t their Eyes fi-tnd out with Fat- 8?#/j, and they htve m re thm.their Hearts could with. bxAM*l*c'.x fent rap Word, Mal.'$* that of Ek£f Sinners. 4$ hat rfiey were in greac Pomp and Splendor /ith him *, Now, they that work Wickedaefs arc § ap, rt«^ f/?*/* that tempt God are even deli- vered. Andy'PfaU 73. Becaufe they have more han their Hearts could wifh, therefore Pride cmtajjeth thtfli about as a Chain, A ftrange here fore, becaufe God was fo good to them* hersfore they Were lb ill to his People. Patience. But tho' they have the Earth a- mong them, let them alone with it, they will not hold you out of Heaven, Hajly. Heaven, fay you! I would never come there, if they could hinder it ^ for, I heard "thrift expoftulate foundly with them on that Head, Luke it. 52. Wo to you, for ye have taken away the Key of Knowledge \ ye will not enter in your felves, and them that would enter ye kindred m 7 That is, they fo carelefly interpreted the Law of God, that Men were little the better of it \ they infilled more upon their Rites and Ceremonies, than upon the Bible; And thefe that are in the Place' of Teachers, and bring in their pernicious Ceremonies, a;nd Inventions of Men, take away Knowledge, cal- Ld the Key of Heaven, becauie it is by it that we eater : 'lis the Foundation of all faving Grace, Rem 10.14. and put Darknefs in the Room thereof: Ceremonies are like fhattered Iron in the Lock, that keeps it from opening, And 10 they hinder, or at leaf*, as the Word; n.ay be read, they forbid us to enter. Pa* 44 T% Lofs and Recovery Patience, That's true $ the World is wrec- ked w'th this Kind of Trail] . But do they any Thing eHe to hinder you ? Hifiy\ Yes, much more. i. They labour to get fuch Princes fee upon the Throne, as woul.i countenance' their finful Practices, and hold the People of God in ontinual Vexation* This hath been an old Prafricw among them,//*. 7. 4, ^. Syria, Fp'jra'.m ana the Son of Rem; iah y have taken evil Cewfcl agair/r thee, favwgi Let us go up again ft: Judah and vex it 9 and jet a King over it, even the Son of 'tabeal. They cared not, and, it may be, knew not what Son he was, if they got the Church of Gdd vexed. And hath it not' been fo in our Day ■ Have not we had our Syria without, and our Ephralm with- in, to vex the Church; and would fain have had one upon the Throne to vex the Church > Be fide, they labour to get fuch corrupt States- men in Place and Power, as they are fure would make Under-hand Work to get it over- turned. 2. They that will not wait wpon Ordinan^ cas themielves, or, if they do, yet are Ene^ jraife's to the Power of Godlinefs, labour to get corrr.pt Miniflers into the Church, that they kn-w Would be a Jvdas among the Difciples, to betray the Intereft, now one and then ano- ther, till manyeft Vores carry the Day; and fo vote thrill (nit of Doors, and Holmefs, and altogether, and fo live as they lift : ^ndfome fakhiul Miaifters cannot have Life, but muft re» of Ekft Shiners. 45 remove. This they do to keep Men out of Heaven. 3. They will not fuffer any to buy, or fell, or have common Traffique with them, except they be of their own Kind, Rev. 13. 17. That none jlwuld buy or fell exec ft tkty had thf Mark of the Beafi. They that are Mailers will caft Te- nants oat of Doors, if they oppofe them 5 and abufe them many other Ways. 4. Perfecute them with the Tongue, mock, vilify and reproach them - 7 that fo they may keep back any that, think themfelves Men of Spirit, to join with them : making them the Object of their Sport and Mockry, in their merry drunken Fits, Judg. 14.25. When their Heartf*werc merry, they called for Samfon, that he might make them Sport. Ko lefs would ferve them than the Naaarite of God to fport with 9 calling him filly, blind Fool, and letting him at nought : But, I think, ic fhould be dear- bought Sport that fhould be had from a Nazjfc rite of God. Ffal.69. 12. They th.it fit in the Gate fpeak againfl me, and I am the Sun? of the Drunkards. And, 1 think, it is as If gh a Com- mendation as a Man can have, to be the Table- talk and Song of Drunkards. And thefe that would enter they hinder. Patience. But, what cm be their Reafon ? Hafly. As they ufe to fay, the Devil is their Reafon, whofe Children they are, and betwixt whom and the Godly there is Enmi- ty, and that an irreconcileable One, <3en. 3.15. 2. Be- 4 6 The Lofs and Recovery 2. Becaufe Chrift hath chofen them out of the World, Jsbn 15. 19. Becnfcye a e not of the Worlds but J have chofen you, out of the Worlds therefore the World batetb you. Your Counfels, Manners, End and Purpofes are contrary, and tend to the Ruin and Over- throw of" the Kingdom of Wickednefs, that they would fo fain hav j advanced : Therefore they hate you •, For Men love thefe, whofe Natures and Ends agreee with theirfj and hate thofe that are contrary to them. 3. They love Darkneis, and the Works of Darknefs j and have no Will that they Ihould be discovered by the Light. Therefore they hate the Godly, and especially godly Mini- vers, who are Lights to ciheover it, and re-, prove them for it. Patience. But when Men, and especially pri- vate Men, cannot abide to be reproved ior their Sin, how fhall a Minifter carry ? Hafty. Hafty as I am, 1 grant all prudent Me- thods fhould be taken with them, in a fair Way, to make them take with their Fault, and leave if, and being cunning to catch them with Guile: It is Gofpel-guile to beguile a Man out of Hell, and deceive him into Heaven. This was P aid's Way, 2 Cor. 12. If. Being craft y,/ caught ym with Guile, They fhould aifo infill much upon the Love of Chrift : There is a contain- ing Power and Efficacy in ir, 2 Cor. 5. 14. '.-The Love of Chrifi confiraheth us. And thrift draws with Loving Kindnefs, Jcr. 31. 3. And when of EleEl Sinners. 47 When the Spoufe would have the Daughters lof Jerufalem fall in Love with Chrift, ihe in- fills much upon his Lovelinefs. O ! he is an excellent One for Government \ away with Pope and Prelates, and take him : His Head is as the mod fine Gold, and his Locks are bufhie, and black as a Raven •, in Oppofition to gray Hairs, a Sign of decayed Strength-, but he is ay youthful and healthfulto Eter- nity : He will be a frefh Head ior Government and Influences, when all other Heads will be old, dead and decayed idols, Cunt 5. 4. ad fi~ tier*. And thus fhe gained them, Cb^.6. 1. Whither is thy Beloved gone, fay the]r, that we may Jt*k him with thee ? 2. If this will not do, they ought freely to declare the Mind of God to them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear ; as the Lord gives Commiihon to EsLehelj Chap. 3. For they are a reieltuus Houfe* And j they ought to be clofs in Application, and very particular again ft fuch and luch Sins. Patience. Many now-a-Days compLrn of clofs Application, and are angry that Mini- fters are not Caution* enoiuh, but too parti- cular. Hapy. Are they angry ? God forbid that I: fhould pkafe them in this : For, if I fleaje? Me,.^ then am I not the Servant of Chrift Je;us - If I pleafe their Humours, without regard to the Pleaiing or Difpleafing of Chrift, ;. when their Dgfires are contrary to his Word, ' 58. 4$ The Lo/s and (Recovery 5S. I. Cry aloud, and fpare net, lift up thy Volet Ufa a Trumpet, and jliev my Pe,pl e their Tranf- g^frons, and the Houfe of Ifrael tatir Sin, They fay, Spare- God lays, Spare not. Now, judgeJ whether we fljonld obey God, or Man ? And iome are too gentle" in their Reproof*?, and general too in their Applications, as EH\ Nay, my Sons, do not \o wickedly. We find Nathan, tho' he began prudently with David, yet he ended with, Then art the Man. The Ap6/tles tvere particular in Application, Jfts 2. 26. Te have cructfied the Lord of Glory. And the Prince of Apoftles did caft them this Copy himfelf; Wo to you, Scribes and Pharifees, iawiers, pointing out the Perfons guilty : Minified fliould both fave the Souls of Men and their Favour, but rather lofe tkeir Favour than their Souls. Patience. But, what fhall we do, if they not only continue in their Sin, but alfo fsek to do K5 Harm ? Hafty. How did John the Baptift before us ?' He faithfully perfifted to reprove Herod, till he loll his Head -, he could do him no more Wrong. Minifters are Ch rift's Soldiers \ they fhould draw the Sword of Reproof aid of Dis- cipline both, againft the greateft of the Land, yea wicked Princes, Rev. 12.7. Michael and his Angels fought againft the Dragon • that is, Chrift and his Minifters, called Angels : Among others of ChrifVs Soldiers they ought to be vaiiant,E&fj&, 3.8,9.//?.*^ made t hy Fore-lead firong of Elefi dinners] 4$> train ft their Fore-heads , as an Adamant harder than the Writ *, /w them not, Jer. ?. 10. / have fit thee over Na' ions and Kingdom;, liked Valiant Warrior , to full down and to defiroyi ver. 1 8, 19. / htvtmtde thee 4 Brazen Wall, *\ Defenccd City agalnjl the whole Ldnd y againft the King of Jiuiahj and agalrft the^ Princes thereof; And they full fight again ft thee, but not f rev ail dtrainfl- thee ; for I urn with thee to deliver thee. Patience. Mufl we. not put a Difference be- twixt thefe that have long lived under the Gof- fpel, and no better 5 and thefe to whom it is but newly come ? Hafty. Yes. For the one cannot do Duty till they know it : But thefe that have lived Twenty, Thirty Years under the Gofpel, and no better, little Hope of their Recovery 5 the bed Means have been wared upon them, and they no better : Phyficians u(e to give over fuch Perfons, as irrecoverable : They ought to be more fliarply reprovedi Patience. What mall we do, if they defert Ordinances, and deride and mock at both Ordinances and the Difpenfers of them, and Hill harden tbemfelves more And more ? H*fty. We may yet follow them home to their Cities and Houfes, when thiy have left God's Houfe -, and bid Peace to. the Houfe, and exhort them meekly and compailionafely to return: And if they yet harden their Hearts, then, in the Sighc of God, call rheir Family^ the Stones and Timber of the Hbufe and all ■ 50 The Lofs and ^eco^ry in it, and in which they flay on the Sabbath Day, when they mould be in God's Houfe, to witnefs againft ttem, and fo leave them-, and ftake off the Dud of your Feet for a Witnefs againft them, as a Sign that God abhors and contemns them, as Men conttmn the Pollution of the Feet * 7 becaiife they have defpffed his Grace, Minifters and Ordinances : And tell them, They leave them. Let God and them deal together. For the Lord forbids them to, reprove, or ware Pains on an obftinate JScorner, Prov, 9. 8. and Prov. 29. 1. He that being often reprove d 7 hardneth his Neck, fhall fuddenly be deftreyed^ and that without 'Remedy. For God gives up with obftinUe Sinners, Tfal. 81. II My People would not hearken ta my Voice, fo I rave them up : And allows his Mirtifiers to do fo too. Patience. Let us to the Purpofe again. Since the Wicked profper fo well, how w it with you, and the reft of the Godly ? For I fee, for as hafiy as ye are, ye gnefs at the Truth. Hafty. It is a World's Wonder that I am alive ♦, for, befide what Trouble I meet with] from them, Providences are very adverfe to sne y my Efote and Means Sir the World de- cayeth, my Family decreafeth, Health of Bo- dy is away, and many a fad Day as to Spiritu- als', alfb my Life is a continued Tra8 of Trouble. Patience* How do you carry thefe Troubles f Hafiy. I am able to carry them no longer. For, when I meet with fo much outward " -— — Troubk, of Elect Sinners. 5 1 Trouble, 1 t conclude that all my Religion is vain. Jfaph did fo before me, pfil, 73- 1 have cleanfed my Hands w vatn y and wajhen my Hear* in Innocence : For all the Day Idng I have been pU~ sued, and chained every Morning* Patience: Your Conclufions are like ybiirfelf, both rafli and hafty : «And ye have need of P*~ tieruej Hcb. 10. 36. to wait for the Time ap- pointed of Delivery. That having Believed the Promifes, obeyed the Precepts, and fub- miiTively endured Trials, ye majr receive the Things contained in the Promifes^ Jam. 5. 1 u Ye have heard of the Patience of Job^ and jeen the End of the Lord 5 the gracious Out gate at laft* Doth not the Husband-man wait with Patience for the Fruits of the Earth ? And tho' many ftormy Blafts pafjs over the Crop, yet at lalt Jt comes to the Barn-yard } Heaven will make amends for all the Trouble ye meet with : And beiide, as was faid^ ye have need of Pd» tience, and to learn Patience by thefe Afflicti- ons, Rom. 5. 3. Tribulation worketh Patience^ Jam. t. 3, The Trial of Faith worketh Pati- ence - y the one inftrumentally, the other exps- rimentally : And fuch a hafty Man as ye, have need of thefe Trials. 1 Pet. 1. 6. If Needbe % ye are in Heavinefs through manifold Temptations* It is needftS either for the preventing pf Sin^ or for the purging away of Sin. (1.) For the preventing oi Sin. Hof 2. / will hedge tip her >' with Thorns, that JheJhailnotfirdherPaths^ Afflictions prevented Sin in DavJ, Pfal, n^ El £i- 5 * The Lofs and Recovery Before I was afflicted I went afiray 7 but new I have learned^ by my Affli£Hons, to keep thy Law. (l.) For the purging away of Sin, If a. 27, 9^ By this therefore flull the Iniquity of Jacob be purged^ and this is all the Fruit to take aro.y his Sin. , Jer. 46. 27. Moab hath been at Fafe from -f : from his Touthi he hath not been poured from fafe fel to Veffel) therefore his Taste remaineth in him, and his Scent is not changed. It had been goo and the Arm of thy Father* s Ffoufc % and there (hall not be an old Man in thine Huufe: Yet Eli was beloved of God for all that. Hafiy. But when I cry under Trouble for E % Re- 54 *ffl e ^°f s an the Difciples themfelves could not do it, Luke p. 32. When Chrift appeared in his Glory, on Mount-Tabor, Peter and they that were with him, were heavy with Sleep, they could not carry it : He alio made an Exchange of the tylercy with Abraham, who prayed, O let Ifh- mael live in thy Sight, Gen. 17. ifc. The An- fwer was^ In Ifoacjhdll thy Seed be called. And What loft he there ? when what was refufed him in an IJhmael, the Son of the Bond-woman^ the Figure of the Covenant of T^orks, he goc it made up in ar* Ijaac, the Figure of the Co- venant of Grace, the Son of Laughter or Con- solation.. If they get Chrift., the Son of the E 4 Saint* 5<$ The Lofs and Recovery Saints, Laughter, what Lofs tho' they want o? ther Things that they woul .1 have ? 3. The Prayer reny be anfwered, and thou ftot know it *, becaufe ir came to thee in ano- ther Way than thou expefi d it: Thou looked for it to come wound up in M^rcy, a; to all the Circumftances thereof, conamg firming to thee} and it came frouning,, and wound up in Wrath and Vengeance : PJal. 65. 5. By terrible Thirgs 'in Right€oufn€Js y thou wilt anjwer,'* Pfal. 99. 8. Thou anfweredfi themfi Lordjhou vtafl 'a God that fhewcd them Mercy, tho* thou toofaft Vfngtmct. on their Inventions^ (Pfal. 89. 32, 33.).That is, they got Mercy to their Souls, fome of them *, and yet their Bodies fell in the Wilclemefs. Thou may eft get a good Anfwer, and lofe thy Eftate, thy Child, thy;, Husband, or Wife$ as thefe Goaly that did not communicate aright, (f Cor. 1 t. 30.) are brought to the Grave •, but their Souls to Glory. So it will not hold that the Lord loves thee not, becaule,as thou think- eft, thou getteft no Vjfwer to Prater. Hafty. But the Promiies fa 1 ') me \ I cannot find any Accompliihrnerit of them, as the podly do-, therefore the Lord does not love we : And, tho' I love him not as Iou^ht, yet 1 dow not live and want him. Patience, ^either does this follow. It may alfo be anfwered with a hton jequitur : For fhy Hafte and thy Pvafhnefs appeareth greatly { om thy own Words. What ? Man ! a Lo- ver oi Chrifi, and yet fays he loveth not thee? ; o/ EleFl Shiner t. 57 iJo fuch Thing in all the World. For, 1 . The vtry Loving of Chriit is the Fulfilling of a Promife, He will give them a Heart to love him,,j Deut. 30. 6. The Loru try God will give thee a drcumcifed Hearty to feck and to love the hord thy God with all thine Heart, that thou mayeft: irf6J\ And is he not then as good as his Word in that ? Yea, and in much more, that in thy Hafte thou overlooked, as David did the whole Promifes^ PjaL 1 \6. 12. / [aid, AH Men are Lta/:r ? All that ever faid, the Fromifes belong to me. Bun how ? It was, when I was in my Woful Htfte* 2. He lays, He loves thee *, therefore the Conclufion r ol- loweth not, ' Prcv. 8. 17. I love them that I vc me. That's the Them : With thy own Con- feflion, He loves thee*, for thou fkLft, Th u loved him : And when he lavs, / / ery me j and this is as Death to me. Therefore he loves me not, Lam.$. 2,3. Patience. Neither doth this follow. Non fequitur either; We find indeed, that the Church argued thus, Lam. 3.2* 3. He hath brought me into Dzrknef^ purely agairift me is he turned. But it was in a Htft-y Fit like thme y for it is in* confiderately drawn ; for (he fays, 'Tis good to wait patiently. A little more of my Na- ture, Hafty, would make thy Life more plea- jfant, Ifa. 8. 17. J will wait for him that hideth his Face from the Houfe of Jacob, and I will look for him. And fo fhe may •, for (he hath a Pro- mife of a fweet Return, Ifni. 54. 8. In a littlr. Wrath have I hid my Face from thee for a Mo- ment ^ but with everlafting Kindnefs will I have Mercy on thee y faith the Lord thy Redeemer* What ? Man, that's a grange Hafte ! Wilt thou take as much Patience as wait for him but a Moment? Job drew alfo as rafha Conclufion, Job 13. 24. Wherefore hideft thou thy Face from me f and holdeft me for thine Enemy? Thefe are firange, jealous, and unbecoming Sufpicions, that poor unbelieving Believers hav£ of God, that he cannot turn about his Foot fas they fay); but he muft be taken for a*i Enemy : How un- pleafant is this to him, as conftruft'ng the wortf of him ? What Man in all the Country would be pleafed with this Sort of Dealing ? But Job doth not hold long at this *, for he beginneth to bode better Things of him, Ver- f *s 15, 16. Now a tho\ he ftouid even fay me % of EleB Sinner si 59 yet mb I trujl in him* He alfo fall be nr S i- vation^ tho' all the World had fworn the contrary. That was a£Ld like a Sait t, and thefe were Thoughts of Go i becoming his Majefty. But at every Turn to cry out, God is mine Enemy i * Fy for Shame \ no more fuch ram and haft v Lan uage : He is not fickle and .changeable like the Bairns. He is God that changeth not •, therefore the Children of his Servants fhall ay be preferved, Pfal. *o2. 28. A little more Patience, Man : And do as the Church did, Ijai* 49. 1 4. The Lord hath forfaken me, but, My God it is that h**h forgot- ten me. lfai. 4^. 15. Verily thou art a God that hidefl tVy fell \ O Lord God of Ifrael the Saviour. A Saviour, tho' a hidden Saviour. And who aught the Church at that Time, mere than you ? She was Flefh and Blood, and havi as Ill-wiH and as little* Need to want Cnriit as you or I have either : Thev had Souls as pre- cious as ours are,to be laved •, and 1 trow they were never the farther from being laved, that the) had fo noble Thoughts of God, Wait upon him but a little \ And to them thai wait for him y -he vrjll appear the fecond Time without Sm unto Salvation* For he is good to the Soul that feeketh him, lam. 3. To the Soul rhat waiteth for him, as well as to the Soul that fenfibly enjoveth him. Hafty. But alas! I feel his Wrath prefling my Spirit ; he hates me> he doth not love me, that hath left me fo. 60 Tloe Lofs and Recovery Patience. N n feouitur. This doth not follow either. Felt Wrath will not prove that he jjateth thee. P al. i i 5. 3. The Sorrows of Death ccmy ffed me *b ut, the Pains of picll gat hold, upon me. And yet he fays, / love the Lord, v. r. And the Lord fays, Frov. 8. 17. I love them that love me. He fays alfo, v. $, 6. The Lord is gracious and merciful \ I was brought low, *nd he helped me. That was even low enough ; tortured with .the Pangs of Death, and gat a Dip in Hell: And yet, I love the Lord, and he loves me,for all that. If thou be not worfe than this, in an Hell upon Earth, do not con- clude that the Lord does not love thee, We find Heman alfo, Pfd. 88. 4, 5, 10. at the fame Met with it, / am counted with them th t go down to the Pit, free among the Dead^ while I fuffer thy Terrors ,/ cm diftr-. U d. Was not that a pi- tiful Cafe, out of his Wits with the Agonies of Hell ^ crying, Writ thou (liew Wonders to the: Dead 1 I would count it as great a Wonder* if the Lord would pity poor me, and let me. know he loveth me, as I would do, if he would pity one that is in Hell, and bring it up^ and yet, Does he conclude thai the Lord does ngt love him, or hath quite left him ? No, ao, he's lother to quite his Grip of fuch a good Bargain. Therefore he takes fure Hold, i. \ % LopdC. J my Sa uio^rJoY, all that's come and gone* And who's aught you, more than poor dir. fc&ed/^^Take a little morePat ; ence,Man: Gall backycur rafh, hafty, troubled Thoughts, of ElcEl Sinner f. 6 t and fearch them over •, it may be there is not fuch Caufe of Fear as thou apprehended. Da- vid was in a fad Cafe, Pfal. 42. 6, 1. O my God, my Soul is caft down within me, all tly Waves /ind thy Billows have gone over me. Yet what follows, v. II. Why an thou caft down, O rny SuJ . ? and why art thou difquieted within me 1 He will not let his troubled Thoughts go un- fearched. O there's a noble Spirit of a gal- lant Saint of God, lying urrder a very Sea of Wrath, and yet fees no Caufe to be difcoura- ged *, At the Noife of thy Water-fpouts all thy Waves and thy Billows have gone over me. Why ^ *rt thou cajl down, O my Soul ? and why art thou d:fquieted within me ? Truft in GW, for I flyaH yet praife him ', is ftrange, but very heavenly* Language. Jonah faid, 1 am caft cut of thy Sight, and down to the Bottom of the Sea, yet will I look back again to thine holy Temple. Do thou fo too,Man, and there's no Fear yet : Believe in the Lord, and all fhall be well. He it a Buckler to all them that truft in him* He that believeth in the Lord ft all not make Hafte, Hafty. But there's one Thing 1 wonder af/ Why the 1 ord dealeth fo favourably wich the Wicked, when it goeth fo ill with the Godlv ? Patience. No? fhat his beftowing Profperity on the Wicked is any Sign that he loves them! nor his dealing fo harfhiy with the Godly a Sign that he hates them .^Nothing like it - For hove and Hatnd Is r.ot knwn by all that is before us. Bat he does it, ' ' * i f That >,*i^ 6 1 Tlie Loft and fyecoyery i. That he may mew Mercy to all, events the Wicked trumielves, Mat. 5, 45. For he is merciful to the Vnkind and to the Evil, Atfd to fhew he hath a Love of Beneficence to them as his Creature^ to provide for them •, th©' he lath not a Love of Complacency in them, becaule they are Sinners, 2 i hat; he may put a Difference betwixt the Children and the Dogs. Thefe that get moft of the World, ev^n Alexander him 1 elf, it was but a l.oi e caft to the Dog, for it is all their Portion ♦ their Heaven 1 is all iri this Life* and an ea. thly Heaven is a poor Heaven,; Save me from the Men that have their Portion in this Life^wh-fe Belly thou filteft with thine hid Trca(urt % What will come of them with it, when Death and they yoie. ? PJd. 49. For they can carry no* thing with them to the Grave. They get their Portion in this.Side of Jordan *, but the Godly have uheirs on the other Side of Death. O H*fy\ Repine not at them : Do not envy therrr of their Poition •, It is but a Beaft's Portion, and common to them with the Beafts. Why. doll thon grudge at thtm, that have got but the Bieiftngs of the Footfiool ? That Cabul Portion, a Portion of Clay or Snow, that will awav, and is on the Wing already : They have not a Night's Tack of it. And he hath blef- fed thee with all 1'piritual and heavenly Bkf~ iings, the Bleilings of the Throne, kept no- thing back from thee , God, Chritf, heaven ana all is thine. • 3. TJiaJt of EleB Sinners. 6-$ 3. That he may convince Men and Women low low an Efteem he hath of the World 5 ie gives many a One large Blads of Room in it, that he will give no Room to in Heaven, in the Covenant* nor in his Love and Affec- ;ions. -And if it were meikle worth, th( Heathens and Mahometans would not have lo much of it-, Adulterers, Haters of Holinefs, Swearers, Drunkards, and gracelefs Atheifts, that will not ferve God alone, nor in theii Families, and fome of them not own public] Ordinances either, would not have fo much ol ic.- And if it were good, or much worth either^ it would not be withholden from fome godl] Chrifiians, from whom he hath not withhelc his own Son : He counts not upon it. 4. He gives the Wicked Profperity, an< much of the World in Judgment - 7 both to makt Hell the more terrible to them : and to ripen am fatten them for Ruin ^ as Men do with Slaugh- ter-hearts, r they put them in the fatteft Pa- flures-, whereas thefe they are to fpare an put ia a poorer Pafture, Ja. 5. 5. Ye have tivet in Vie afore en Earth, and been wanton • ye havi nourified yonr Hearts, as in a Day of Slaughter. 5. That he may give them their Choice: They choofe the World, and they get it, PJal. 4. 5. And the Godly get their Choice al fo, Pfal. 73. None in Heaven nor in Earth that I de- fire befide thee. And as we choofe our Portion ij? the Choofing-time, fo will we fare when God 6 \ Tb* i- f s ari dm . 6. To (lop the Mouths of the Wicked, that thev may have no Excufe before his Bar, that: I they ran 'away from him and would not ferve him, M/c* 6. 3. What have I done wit thee, and frhercln hue I wearied thee± tcft'fy againfl me ? potteft thou not from me Corn, Wine arid Oil? - A^i set thou woukfft not ferve me, 'upon mine own Oft \ hut bellowed it on pampering the Pieih, and ferving thine Idols, Hof. 2. 8, 9. I For jhe did not know that J gave her Corn, Wink " and Oil, avd multiplied her Silver , which thev pre* fared for B*al. Therefore will I return mid take away my C*rn in the Time thereof \ and my Wine in the Seafon thereof^ and I will recover my Wool and my pi 'ax given to cover her Nakednefs: Many a One* that have much of the Earth, have ' much to anfwer for, and are like to get little of Heaven. Hafty. Since Things are fo, I fee I have been' in the Wrong to repine at God's Providence. I beg God's Mercy, and your Pardon far what I t . have 1 "aid 'in mine Havre. Pat I exec. God will forgive vou, and fo do I, for am Offence you have done to me, or any other of the Generation 'of trr Righteous Only take heed henceforth, have more Pa- tience, and give not Wav to ycur H.4y Nature. And tor further information, go to the Sanclu- \ ary and fee their End, Pjai. 37- 3 7 9 38. M*rk \ the ferjetl Man, and behold the M»n of Vyright- : wefs+ of EleB Smnrrs. 6f $efs+ for the End of that Man is Peace. And ail is well that Ends well. But Sinners fhall be de*> I firoyed together 5 The End of the Wicked fhall be j cut cjf. °And what's the Matter how they be- gan, when they end miferably ? Hafty* I mil keep thy Commandment j* Lord for* fake me not utterly. For now I fee, that thy . Paths are in the deep Waters, and thy Footfteps hid. Providences now, are like crooked Pieces of Timber, that I know not what Ufe they are for } but thefe in the Hand of the Artificer are put in fuch a .goad Order, that he makes a ftraight Ship of them to fail the Oceari* So will thefe, tho' never fo crooked and adverfe- like, land the Believer in Glory ; and Provi- dence frequently produces the Effecl: contrary to what it appeareth to do : Therefore I cannot make Providences a Rule to underftand the Bible by ; but the Bible a Rule to underftand Providences by. And tho' 1 mifiake the Pro- vidence of God, feeing but a fmall Part there- of now, and quarrel thereat, yet in the Clofe I fhall be made to fay, Surely he hath done all Things mil. Patience* Right glad am I: Thus you have won to your Feet again «, and it puts me in inind of that Word, Mic. 7. 8. Rejoice not a- gainfl me, O mine Enemy % tho 7 I fally 1 fiall arife again ^ tho* J fit in Darknefs y the Lord will be 4 Light unto me. And Thanks to God, that the Needy are not always forgotten^ mr the Expefta* tion of tbt Pger di/appointed. 66 Ti?e Lafs and 1$ecoT>ery Hafly. And I blefs God, that caft jou in my Way j and give yon many Thanks, that you have fo freely inftru&ed me, and given me fo tnuch Ground of Confolation, when I was at the Brink of Defpair. Two are better than One* Patience. God forbid that I fhould refute to help you, or any that defire my Help ; for this would not only be inhumane Cruelty, but alfo crofs the very End of the Lord's Gifts to, and Dealings with my felf •, for, what Comfort and Advice you got from me was dear-bought to my felf, for I learned it in an All of 'Tribulation , 2 Cor. I. 4, 5,. Who comfor- ieth us in all Tribulation^ that we may be able to comfort others with the fame Comfort where- with we our [elves are comforted of Cod, For as the Sufferings of Chrift abound in us^ fo alfo our Confolation abounds by Cbrifi. But one Thing I would ask you, Are all thefe captive Rebels in a profperous Conditi* ; on at all Times ? ' H fty. Not at all. It is but commonly fo, for the moil Part \ for fome Tokens of God's Wmh are manifefte d now and then upon fome of them: For ic happened a little after their Ba'nifliment, when they were at the Beight of their Wickednefs, that the King hearing, that all Flefh" had corrupted their Ways, except one Family \ he lent Word to the Head of that one Family, to make a Ship, and fhut himfelf into it \ which, when he had done with Building, he faid to him, Come thoK of EkB Sinners. 6? thou into the Ark, for thee only have I found righteous } and then he opened the Windows of Heaven, and the Fountain of the great Deep, and deftroyed them altogether : But fome wicked Perfon in that Family crept into the Ship, and as they increaled, thev grew as ill as ever before :, and, might not that be a Warning to them ? Patience. I think fo indeed. But how carri- ed they afterward ? Hafty. I told you, as ill, I might have faid, \vor(e than ever before. patience, How then? Hufty, He lent a MeiTenger to fome Cities, the chief whereof was Sodom> and cried to thefe that were his Relations, Up, get you out oi this Place, for the Lord wilkteftroy this City : And the Man was fcarce out of the City, when the Flames of his Vengeance came down and burnt up Man, Wife and Bairn*, and tur- ned it into a Lake of Water to this Day. Patience, Were they not terrified out of Sin b)- this Time? " Hafty. Within a little, fome of them were as high in Rebellion as ever: And the King lent a MeiTenger to all that had not a Hand ia the Rebellion, to feparate themfelves and flee from their Tents *, which, when they had done, the very Earth re.it under their FeU, and they went down alive into the Pit. Patience. How did they do then ? F a &4«" w 68 the Lofs and (Recovery Hafty. They then beginning to fear, faid, We die y we penjh 9 we all ferifl) : Therefore they began fbme of them to feek to get tlvis Evil remedied : But the Remedy they took was as ill as the Difeafe. Patience. What did they do ? Hafty. They began to facrifice to the Lord, thinking that he would fpare them, of- ten hearing that the Lord called for Sacrifice from them: But they brought ftrange Fire, which the Lord commanded them not. And then the Anger of the Lord was kindled a- gainft them, and the Fire of the Lord brake out upon them, and they died before the Lord, Lev. 10. i, 2, 3. Patience. What? was there no Fire on God's own Altar, ro do his own Workj but mnft he be ftill borrowing a Spark from them ? Had not God given a Bible, Man ? H a fty* Yes, he had. Patience. But why did they not make Ufe thereof f It would have been both eafier % and betide^ they would have been fure of his Fa- vour : And he would not have met them in a Flame, faying, Who bath re cured thefe Thi?igs at your Hands ? Hafty. I know not if they can give a Rea* |bn for every Thing they do, that will Hand valid in Law with them. But yet they have Sleafons. Patience. What are they, Man ? . t?*fy. 1. They fee others take their own Sparks of EleEl Sinners. 69 Sparks to God's Altar ; for they and the Romans are Door-neighbours, and all the Roman Altars are reeking with Wil^-fire : And they will have theirs that fame Way. Patience. But where happen they upon that ftrange Fire ? Hafty. What needs you ask that Queftion, Man ? All their neighbour City, Rome^ is on inch a Flame with this Fire, that ye would think the City would be confum'd with it, and all the neighbour Villages. There is enough to be had there •, and they go to the next Door, and borrow a Coal. Patience. I wonder why they do that, Man ? I think they fhould never be warmed at that Fire : It is but earthly Fire. Would not God's Fire be much hotter? Hafty. I wot not what ye call hotter, Mam But, I think, they come hotter away from their Altars, where they fet on the Roman, Fires, than ye do, that come from the Altar, where ye are ferved with God's own Fire. Patience. That's ftrange ! How hot will they be then ? Hafty. Even as hot, as you can hardly be* hold them afar off and not to be fcorched - t and thefe that are neareft them are burnt up quick, like Fagots at Stakes, out of Hand. Patience. I wonder how it came to pafs? Hafiy. I will tell you the Reafon. God's Fire is a meek and heavenly Fire, for the Be* aefit of the Perfons to warm them at; But this * 7° T7;e Lofs and Recovery Romifr Fire was borrowed from Hell *, the- Pefign ancf Nature of it is not to warm, but to bum, either both Soul and Body, or elfe the Body alone •, any of them that you pleafe. But, 2. Men are more hot upon,and tenacious of their own Inventions, than of the Lord's In- ■ ftkutions, Pfal. \o6. 36% 37. Taey went a-who- flng after their, own Inventions, And they were fo hot upon thefe Inventions, that they flew their own Children, and facrificed them to Idols, and to Devils : But God's Fire is not fo hot as to burn Perfons, and to. med Blood. So, ye fee, as the Romans borrow their Fire from Hell, it goes to Hell again ; it is a Sacri- ficing to Devils. And from whence comes this ft range Fire, but from Hell, that Men are fo hot upon? Luke 16. 27, &c. The rich Man in Hell fays, Send Lazarus from the Dead to con- vert my Brethren. He, tho' in Eel), eftee- ined humane Inventions before, the Word of God ; And O ! how hot was he upon the ; Head ? when Abraham would convince him that his ft range Fire would do no Good ? but Mofes and the Prophets were the only Thing, Nay, Father Abraham,, but they will believe. It was a giving the Lie to Abraham glorified* tho' he be now beyond Sin. Nay, Father,' but my Invention will be better than the Bible. So is it with thefe that take frrange Fire, and teach ftrange Doftrines, the Commandments of Men *, they rather break the Sabbath Six Tunes, before they break their fuperftitious Days of EleH Sinners. 7 * Days once ; Yea, there are of them that have *| not for Seven Years baen in the Cnurch, that never forgot to obierve thrift m^s all t hat Time once. And they will rather break all xht Com- mandments, than quit there Ceremonies *, \ea, they break them to eftabliih theje. The Sixth . Command is, thou (h.dt nut kill. And yet many have they killed, becaufe they would not yield to their Ceremonies. The Third Command is. Thou flidt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. And yet thefe that can hardly fpeak a Word without an Oath, ye will not mifs them kneeling on /^/d*- Sabbath at the Sa- crament, and pratting over the Book of Com~ _ mm-praye^ like Parrots \ which is brought from 1 Rome? t ran dated into EngUfli. Fatienie. But doth the Lord inflict no lighter ] Pmiihment upon them, than Death? ff*fty. Yes ^ fome are call out of their Lands, have their Children taken from them, being fuffered to die in the Hands of Murderers, o* other untimous Deaths : The Lord fets Tome of them by the Ears among themfelves, thaC . they liieath their Swords in one anochers Bowels, at their drunken Cup , foretimes oaf) the Lord's Day, fometimes on other Days - fometimes they drink their Death with their own Hands, and die in a Surfeit \ fome with great Judgments, Rev. \6. 21. And yet they go on to blafpheme the Name oi the Lord, and eta not repent of their Deeds, F4 ft The Lofs and Recovery Patience. But doth he not take more meek and mild Ways to reclaim them? Hafty. Yes. For thefe Judgments are all ex- ' torted from him *, they are his Work, but his I flrange Work ; for every Eight Days at leaf!, he fends Ambaffadors of Reconciliation through the World, praying them in Chriifs Stead to be reconciled to God, 2 Cor. 5, 20. faying, Return unto me^ and I will return unto you, faith the Lord of Hofts, Mai. 2. 7. Return, and I will not caufe mine Anger to fall uton you \ for I am 1 merciful, faith the Lord, Patience. I am lure thefe Ambaffadors are Welcome Guefts among them, Rom* 10. 15. How beautiful are the Feet of them that preach the (joftel of Peace,, that bring glad Tidings of good 'Things! The worft Things of thefe Men, evexi their fweaty fpilt Feet may be beautiful in their Eyes. Hafty. It is far otherwife, 2 Chron. $6. 1 5, 16". The Lord jent te them his Servant j, becauj'e he had Ccmpafion on them *, but they mocked his Meffengers, mifufed his Prophets, and defpifed his j Words, So that the Lord laments over them, Mat. 23. 37. O Jerufalem, Jerufalem^ thou that lilleft the Prophets, and fioneft them that are fent . ynto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a Hen gather eth her Chickens under her Wings, but ye would not , ? I would j and ye would not. Patience, And what doth he then ? ff*fyi He feu4s Meflengers again, the fe- cond of EleSl Sinners. 73 eond Time, with the fame EmbafTy of P*ace, M*t. 22. 4. Again he fent forth other Servant s 9 faying, All Things are ready , c me ye. Peace and Paradife, and all Bleflings, earthly a«d heaven- ly, that ye (land in Need of, are re* iy. Patience. How do they welcome thw fecond MefTengers ? Hafty. Juft as they did the firft ; Mat, 21. 35> 3^» Again he J ent forth other Servants, more than the firft, and they did unto them likerrpje i and evil intreated them, and caft them ou«: of the Vineyard : They beat one, and kitted another^ and fioned another. Patience. How did he do then ? Hafty. Ye (hall hear more of that afterwards. The King fent to them his own Son, fayinj They will reverence my Son. Patience. So might they well do *, b«t di< they fo ? Hafty. Not they. For, whenever they fa\ him, they c#nfpired againft him, faying, This is the Heir, come let us kill him, and the InherU tance fhall be ours. If once Chrift and his Goi pel were out of the Land, we will be come t< our Kingdom, we will get Leave to live as w< lift. Then they began to fing. Hafty. Poor Hafty, 'mong the Rebels be hath for a long Time been 5 guch Wickednefs among them fouacj thought never %q h$ye feea* The 74 T! )e Lofs and Recovery The Thing that was mod wonderful, that made me to admire, The great Abundance God gave them,' plasai'd thefe whom he lov'd dear. ; Conc'ufions then they did infer on either Part not good ; From Temporals to Things Divine did each of them conclude. Poor H. ,fty, in Afff&ion, faid, All my Religion's vain : But, my good God afiifting me, I'll never fay't again. Thefe in Profp-rity did prove, that therefore all was right ; But Pm afraid they findic yet but Folly at the Height, hat ? do they think to live in Sin, and God's Church overthrow } hat God above they will command, as they do Men below v nd then to Heaven ftraightwill go, when their Life's fpent in Sin ? The Word of God deceiveth us, if ever they win in. Patience, On Ceremonies they are mad, which their own Hearts devife : But for fuch Service God thanks none \ for they his Word defpife. V^hat Profit can be h;id by them ? they're wife who underftand % For of Elect Sinners. 7j | For God did never them require, nor will tale oil their Hand. Were they biit wife and understood, and left the fame at laft, Andclofs would cleave unto his Word, he would not crave the reft. Our Fathers, fay they, kept the fame, and we think tiiey are bleit : Stiff-necked, like your Fathers, ye the Holy Ghoft reiift. Their Tule is not the lead of thefe y then they muft fare right fine, And preach, and pray, and worfiiip too Bacchus the God of Wine. Our God is holy, juft, and H E fuch Service doth abhor : Inftead of God, their Belly they and Bacchus do adore. Before that Idcl-day 9 they'll break rather the Ten Commands. Humane Inventions they hold fagL But God's Laws are no Bands* Hafty. . Poor Rebel Men, that have rebell'd, how loth are are they to yield 1 For Arms high lifted up have they, with God to fight a F;eld. Their Obftiqacv is i'o great they perfift ani rebel ; Before to him they will fubmir* they'll rather land in Bell. God's Mercy's to them wonderful, his Love tranfeendeth far ; Po r 7 6 The Lofs and <%ec$ypry For other Servants fendeth he, when the firft kiMed are, Thepi'ofe»ed Terms eafieare, To henceforth holy live •, All Bygones fhall be Bygones then, he'll graeioufly forgive. And when all others they rejeft, he fends his Son at lad, Expecting they will him receive, when they refus'd the reft. But better do they love their Lufts, than Heaven, Chrift and all. They will not have reftor'd by him what they loft by the Fall : But let U S reconciled be, accepting of his Grace, And holy Lives live here away, and our End fhall be Peace. Patience. O foolifti Man ! who can bewail thy Obftinacy ftrong ? That Malice hath refitted Love fo long, fo long, fo long. Whence comes't that Love and Patience botfe s Peace MefTengers that call % The one defpis'd, the other flain } Himfelf refus'd withal. © come and rife, O rife and come, and bieft for ever ye. But if ye bide away, ye're gone, ye'il die, ye'U die, ye'll die* Theft of Eleft Sinners. 77 Then fcid pjriEtfCE, What Way fliall thefe poorCaptives be got brought home again? What Courle {hall be taktn with them to make them leave their Sin, and embrace this io great Salvation ? Hafiy. Alas ! I am now wearied wjth long Difcourfe and fore Travail : Let us repofe our felves a little, for there 1 fee two Men coming up, better than we. If you pleafe, let us hear them* Patience. That is well faid : For the Holy Ghoft faith ? Let us be flwift to hear, and flow f Jfeak : And, Let every Man efteem another better than himfelf : And, Let nothing be done through vain Clory^ but in Lowlivejs of Mind. And tho* there be much PaiTion in thee, yet there is al- I io much Good. Hafty. Ko Thanks to me* but to God and you, for any Good in me •, but the reft is mine own, and that is my Grief. Then thefe two excellent Men kept Silence, from whom I received much InftrucTion ; and the other came up and faluted them, and ask- ed how they had fpent the Forenoon. Patience and Ha fly. We began the Day where God began with us, in Paradife, and have continued tallo'pg thereupon even till row* that it is Time that we had a little Refrefli* ment, for it- is now the Noon-tide, the Sun is in the Meridian, is it not ?•> The other Two anfwered, It is : But do you aot minjd the Example of the Lord ? when he h Jm had 78 The Lofs and $ many One have pai 1 dear for worfe Fare at a Time, have \ they not ? Vatiertte and Hafty. Glad are we ! For his Words are fweeter than the Hony and the Ho- nv-comb : And 1 think they are not worthy of a Bible, who prefer it not before their neceffary Food *, and thefe that have their Belly for their God, their End is Destruction, who mind eartfr- ly Things. Then aniwered Goodnew* and Anxious ^ (Tor that was their i; Karnes) Where brake you off your Difcourfe ? lit were a Pity but to follow it out to AMEN, as briefly and edi fyinclyjis we can. Patience and fidfiy. ■ We talked of the Crea- don, of the Covenant of Works, of the Breach thereof, of Man's Sentence and Banifli- ment, of their Behaviour afterward, of their finful life, and Puniihment for the fame, of the foving to en- ter upon the Lord's fending of his Son, whea all his Meffengers weiae deipifed. Then Goodnews and Avxisus began thus, Anxious. What is this Son of God, that the Lord fent to thefe Rebels, when they had flain his Ambaliadors ? ■Goodnews. What, Man, doft thou not know the Lord Jefus Chrift, the only Name given under Heaven whereby we s can be faved ? It is a Shame to be ignorant of him, tho' there were no more. Anxious. It is a Shame to be ignorant of him, y and it is a Shame to fay we know him : For to be altogether ignorant of him, there is no Sal- vation *, for it? is the Way to eternal Life", to know jefus Chrifl whom he hath fent. The Daughters of Jerufalem, Cant. 5. q. asked the fame Queftion, What is thy Beloved ? But no Man knows lb much of Chrift, that they reed not know more : I love not thefe that, are con- tent with what Knowledge they have win at of him. But I am fo Amxicus to know rf m, that I think upon him Night and Day *, 1 think on him when I am waking, and I dream of hin^ fleeping. Do vou think that it is enough icf me to know him, a? I know Mofes, JfaiakiJ or Paul? Was' Pa J crucified for me? Ard did my Sins all get the dead Stroke in him ? Hath ffitiak kiteence u$on the Heart to renew it? Is So Tlie Lofs and %ecoyery Is it enough for me to reft on anHear-fay Know- ledge of Chrift ? 'Tis not a Hear-fay Know- ledge of Chrift that will take me to Heaven, otherwife all the Devils would throng Heaven to the Doors, for they all hear of Chrift. all the Sinners in thejChriftian World would be favejJ, if it were fo.~ And yet many are called^ and few are cbofen. And befide, they never know him right, that are not made even like him, transformed into his Image, 2 Cor. 3. 18. And I am fure I am very unlike him yet •, yea* as unlike him, as Fell is unlike Heaven : His Glory, f en in the Gofpel-Glafs, is a Glory of Holinef , into which they are transformed .• And beriold, I am vile. There is a faving Glory in him, Ifa. 45. 22. Look to me, and be ye [aved* And I am in Slavery to Sin and the Curfe j and do I know him then ? There is a Glory of Love in him, that warmeth the moft frozen Heart, and makes it burn with Love to God and his Ways ^ and my Heart is cold and frozen : And do I know him aright ? Alas ! no. O how Anxious am I to know him I Goodnews All this is true *, and we never know Chrift aright till. we be unite to him, as the Body to the Head, and as the Head fheda down inlightning and inlivei ing Influences on the Body, that {o we be influenced with his Grace : We never know him aright, till we know that we are a£led by the Life of Chrift,. and that fame Spirit whereby Chrift is afted, Phil. 2. 20, I mn crucified with Chrift-) ncverthe- lefs of EleH Sinners. 8 j lefs f live ; yet not /, but Chrifi liveth in me* But I have great Expe&ation of you, tho' ye know not what ye would of him*, for the Know- ledge of him is a growing Knowledge*, 'tis not a Leffon of one Day this, but to be had by Diligence and long Continuance, Huf.6. %. Then fiall we know, if we follow on to know, the Lord } bis going forth is prepared as the Morning, By diligent attending upon, and improving of Ordinances, Thereby fnall we know experimen- tally that the Lord is gracious* John 8. 31, 32. If ye continue in my Word y then are ye my Dip' cifles indeed, and flmll know the Truth, and the Truth Jhall male you free : As the Morning-light, that ftill arifeth, and beautifieth and refrefheth the Earth, and maketh it fruitful, and difpel- leth all Darknefs. But, before we proceed, I would ask one Thing at you, How got yon that Name ? For, as your Name is, fo are ye \ Anxious is your Name, and Anxious is your Nature, Did ye get it from your Father? If ye did, I am fure they would call him a Prophet in that Coun- try, where they are not well acquaint with Prophets. i Anxious. Nothing lefs. My Name at firft was Security \ and I was fo called, from a. dull and dead Difpofition that I had : In thefe Days ye would not have fear'd and felf d me both 5' for, if the Houle had been in Flames about me, 1 valued it not ; tho' ye had la'd me on the Top of a Mail, I would have fekxed no ^ '*"■ more ■ $ t The Lofs and ^Recovery more than if I had been lying on the Top of a Rock. My Mother's Name was Vain-hope j becaufe, when running to Hell, fhe commonly faid, That fhe hoped to be faved. 1 alio had a Brother they called Mr. Like-father, arid a Sifter they called Mrs. Mother-tike, and the youngeft Sifter's Name was Mrs. World' s-fafhion ; The Reafon wa^, Ye might as well make the Fire to feek downward, and the Mountains to mount up to the Clouds, as make them do any Thing except what they faw their Father and Mother and the reft ot the World to do. And the Father of us all was called Mr. Falfe*peace : Be dwelt long in a City called Darknefs \ and he got the Name from a Cuftom that he had to fay, IJhuil have Peace, tho I wtlk after the Imaginations of mine own Heart : As alio from a i ftrong Man that had the Cuftody of the Houfe, Who ufed to cry, Peace, Peace y when fudden Definition was clofs at the Door. And I will tell, what 1 heard my Brother fay and main- tain in the Face ot Jeremiah (for he was a brisk bold Fellow) Jer. 44. 17- W* *>& W*«n ly do whatfoever goeth out of our own Mouth, t$ bake Cakes to the Queen tfrfleaven. I wifh he had loft his Frying-pan that Day. And what was his Reafon ? Becaufe his Father did it. And I heard my Sifter fay, which was bolder yet, and that in the Face of Chrift, John 4 iO. That they ought to worfhip in Cerium V be caufe her Father worshipped there. And mj youngeft Sifter would be up with the ferexnrfj n of Elefl Sinners. 8 j in the Falhion : If Lying, Security, Swearings Reproaching Religion was the Falhion of the World, it was her Fafhion alio. And I faw Paul meet with her upon a Day, and ferioufl/ dehort her from it, Rom. 12. 2* Be not conform to this World, but be ye transformed by the Renews trig of your Mind : And again, Le us not (leep as do others, but let m watch and be fober. They fhould have another Spirit than the Men of thg World-, To follow the Lord iiilly : They ftiould have other Manners, other Ends, other Language, and other Habits than the Men of World. Goodnews. How came ye to get your Nam£ changed ? Anxious. When I was lying upon my Bed upon a Time, I heard the dreadfulleft Thun- der-clap that ever I heard all my Days, and fuch fearful Flaflies of Lightning came into the Houle, that I thought it fhould have burned up the Houfe, Heb. 12. 18. and then there was Blacknefs of Darknefs and Tempeft •, and then I heard a dreadful Voice, faying, Dew. 29. 19* If any Man blefs himfelf, faying, I Jhall have Peace tbo' 1 walk after the Imaginations of mine own Heart -, the Lord will not fpare him, but the Fury of the Lord jhall bum agaitifl him, and all the Curfes in this Law (hall come upon him * ; and I will blot out his Name from under Heaven, The Hope of the Hypocrite fiall be like the giving vp of the Ghaft.Yc ft'jf-necked and uneircumcifed inHeart fvdEarsyye do always refifi the Holy Ghoft$ as did voUr 84 the Lofs and Recovery your Fathers, fo do ye, Aas 7. 57. **» the* I defpifed my Idol-fancied H appiqjfe, when I got fuch a Wakning i And I got quickly up* and cried to the Family, Vp,get you out of this Place, ocherwife ye are all but dead Men, But they faid, Bind the Fellow, for he is gone mad. For, my Words feemed to them as idle Tales? mi they believed me not. And then, / heard *- nother Voice crying Come out from amotg tl.em, be net Partakers of their Shi s y left ye jhare in their flagies alto. And then there came a very tender-hearted Perfon to me, crying, O let me new run and meet him ! who took me quick- ly by the Hand, and pulled ire out : And I asking at him what I fhould do ? He bade me efcape for ny Life, and come to one that i would find at a little Diftance called Goodnews. And every one feeing me on Hade, and flying like a purfued Perfon, to the City of Refuge, or like Lo out ofSodtm h they called me Auxi- ns : Alfo, becanfe I earneftly enquired 01 them about feveral Things that they cared not for, neither knew they, ought about them. Ana when I fell a weeping thereat, they woulU fay, What aileth this Anxious Fellow to weep fo > And now by the Mercy of God I am come r at iaft to you GOODNEWS i And / Mf*tnt. cd, mlefs 1 had believed to fee the GOODNESS cf the Lord in the Land of the Living. Goodnews. Who was it that fpoke-fo ternoly to you ? And who was it that pulled you out . Aiixim. May-be ye know better than h V §0t * of EleSi Sinners. 8 y Goodness, It was the fc LORD JESUS CHRIST, that Patience told yru was fent to redeem the loft Ele£fc World, A&s 9. 6. Anxious. That is a Wonderful LORD JE- SUS CHRIST} I thought it had been the like of Mofes. Goodnews. Yes. To them whofe He is, Ifal p. 6. To'hs a Son is given y and His Name jJiall be called WONDERFVL. All that ever got fiim, are wondring at Him. I fee He and ye are in leaking Terms ^ 1 wifh ye never finder again, till your Salvation be fecured, arfd your Soul lealed to the Day of Redemption by the Holy Spirit. Anxious. The Holy Gbnfi ! Who is that ? Goodnews. What ? Man ! Doft thou not know the Holy Ghcft I Anxious. 1 hear of H'm by the Hearing of the Ear : But as for any furtiier Knowledge of Him, 1 fear I may fay, as thefe (aid, Afts 19. 2- I do not Jo much as know whether there be an. Holy Ghoft. For, do not the Devils, and thefe that fin againft the Holy Ghoft, know that there is a Holy Ghoft ? Fut I would ay have that Knowledge that would make me better. They fay, They never knew the Holy Ghoft, that are not fan&in* d and made holy by Him, Tit. 3. 5, They fav, They never knew the Holy Ghoft right, bur theV that find CHRIST'S Purchafe made over to them by the Holy Ghoft y Tit. 3. 6. The Spirit's Gifts and Graces, by Chrift's MeritSjare ftied upon us, Chrift me- G 3 rits $6 The Lofs and <%kcoVery jits the Spirit, and the Spirit renews us, and gives us the Purchaie of Chrift. They fay, \ r When the Holy Spirit cometh, he will teach m . all Thr,gs : And / am more brutish than any :. M*n m They fay, Where the HUy Ghofi is \ known, the Perlon is a Mortifier of Sin \ for, through theSpirit mortify they theDeeds of the Body. And, is not Sin ftrong in me ? They lay, They that know the Hoy Spirit right,they 1 are fervent and ferous Supplicants, Zech. ia* I to. They fay, They know not the Spirit | aright, that are not abounding with Coniola- tion, fometime or other, more than I can pre- tend to, Alas ! all this confidered, 1 may fay, I know not the Holy Ghofi. And they fify, Thev that have the Htly Ghofi y they have the Eawefi of Heaven. I fear, the Child on the Breaft knows as much ot ,the Holy Ghofi as I do : And p r I thought ghat Chrifr had been the only Ptrfon concerned in the Work of Re-en ption for a longTime-, and ye fay, The fJdy C , oji is fo aifo : And 1 think it is fo ^ hilt, fe that 1 felt that it were fo ! that wouAtl be betier. I muft 1 arn to.knw this better. Goelfom* Isow ye lay, There are Two con- cerned in the Work of Redemption •, And What if I fh< uld fay Three ? the Father, the Son, and the Hoy Ghoft A xiotu. The Father aifo \ Who is that ? Goodnews. Haft- then been fo long Ttme with vie , and ye' haft thou ttot known the Father? when k ib eternal Life to know EMm. Anxiout* of EleEl Sinners. 87 Anxious. I may fay with Philip Shew me the Father, and it fujjiceth us. I fometimes tkought, and little better yet, that the Father was full of Jufttce and Wrath againft Singers, and that Chrifi did all. But it is not an H car -fay y that there is a Father, that will fufEce me. They fay, That none know the Father right, but they that can lay, He fo Ipved them, that he bath given to them his only begotten Son ; and that are able to reafon from it, Rem. 8. 32. He that J pared not hit only begotten Scn y but deli- vered him for us aH 7 will he riot with I. im freely give us all Things ? Alas ! any Thing paffeth for the Knowledge ol Eternity now •, and ay the more that 1 know of One, I think 1 know the lefs. Can 1 fay, that God hath loved me, and given me Chrift? Would toGod I were able* Goodncws* 1 have heard you all along, and find, that tho' your Knowledge be not great, yet it appeareth ro be of the right Stamp \ for ye are both Anxious to know, and that not only that you may know, but that ye may experience and win to the moft fub* lime and faving Knowledge of a DEITY, and what Hand They have jointly in the Car- rying on the Work of Redemption : And tho ? your Knowledge be bui: weak, yet, I fay, it is hard to determine what Degrees of Knowledge may confift with Grace *, but furely, where Revelation is but little, we may expeel: that Knowledge may be the lefs, and yet true Grace there; Was not Philif* Knowledge G 4 weak? 8 8 The Lofs and Recovery Weak? Shew us the Father, arid it fqjficetb us* Tho' Chrift was with him bodily, yet the Re- velation was not then fo great as now, by very \ far : Chrift had not then fuffered and rifen * fthey wanted the Writings of the whole New [TejUment - 7 and it was much for them to fee a | Man in a low Eftate fpeaking to them, very \ hungry and thirfty, reje&ed by the mod Part, I and fometimes weeping, fometimes fleeing to | hide himfelf from his Enemies j I fay, it was |a great Matter for them to know and believe ; that that was GOD in the Flefh. But of ' what thou fayeft about the Weaknefs of thy ^Knowledge, of what Hand the Perfon of the \ Father and the Holy Ghoft had in the Work of Redemptitm, and how God fent his Son, when other Meffengers were flighted •, We fhall be- gin at the Fountain-head, and bring you to the Spring of the Well of Salvation : For, tho' Chrift came in the Flefh, all the Perions had an Hand in the Contrivance ; and, as One faith, " The Flefh that the Son of God took « c upon him, was like a Garment that Three tc S : iters did weave, and One of the Three 6< wore it." Anxious. That is the very Thing I would be at •, Pray you proceed to that excellent Work. Gjfodnews. Firft, The Father did choofe the Hotifey the EUft World : The Source of all is the Ele&ing Love of God> Eph. i. 4, Hath of EleB Sinners. § > :hofen us in Chrift before the Foundation of i e World. 2. The Son redeemed the Houfe, Tit. 2. 14. Who gave Himfdf for us, that he m'zht redeem us from all Iniquity. 3. The. Holy Ghoft purifieth, and dwelleth in the Houie, J'Jin 1 4, 17. Even the Sf rlt of Truth, for Le drreHeth vr.th Vott\ and jl) all be in you , Tic. 3. 5,6. But, as I laid, #ill the Spring and Source of all is Love 5 the Love of God, Father, Son, ana Holy Ghoft. From this love Chrift. came, 2 Thijf. 2. 1 2. God, even the Father, whohatu loved us, and given unto us everlafting Confolation, even Chrift, called The Confolation of Ifrael. Anxious. Declare this Matter, concerning Electing Love, to me *, for it is very myfte- rious. Good-news. God's Ele&ing Love is His eter- nalj holy and wife, unalterable Purpofe of Love to a Number of loft Men, appointing them to eternal Salvation in and by Jeitis Chrift. Eter- nal Love, and therefore free Love, Efu 1. 4. Goo fen us in Him^ that we might be holy. 2 Theff* 2. 13. God having from the Beginning chojen us to Salvation^ throuo-b Santtification of the Spirit, dndXelief of the Truth. Anxiom. I thought that Chriii had been the Caufe oi Ele&ion. Goodnews. No. Chrift is the meritorious Caufe of Salvation-, but his Righteoulneis (I think ye mean,) is not the Caufe. of Electi- on : For, tho' Sin be the meritorious Cauie of Damnation, yet it is not the Caufe ef Repro- bation* 9© The Lofs and Recovery bation •, but the Lora's holy, juft Will and Pleafure, in palling of them by : So ChriiVs Rignteouinef ., tno' it be the meritorious Caufe of Salvation, yet it is not the Caufe of Electi- on, but God's Love, z Thijfl 2. 12, 13. 6W, even tfje Father ^ who bath loved us*, And given who as eve dafti^ G/nfilatjon. Therefore, many that have pLafant Thoughts of Chrift, they are far in tht wjrong to the Father, that they have Jo harih Thoughts of Him. Was it little that his Love to them' was fo great, that he parted with his own Son for them ? John 3. io\ God fo loved the World y that he gave his only be- gotten Son. And Chrift, in Election, was con- defcended on to be given to be the Redeemer - y and lb is the Effed of Bkflion, and not the Caufe of it. Anxious. But, was it not our fbrefeen Faith and good Works that was the Caufe of Ele&i^ on, as P>p'fis affirm ? Goodnews. Nothing lefs. For that which is not, produceth no Ltitfls. *Tis rr-ofl abfurd fco fay, we merited S Ivation before we had a Being. 2. It is the Fruit of Election, there- fore cannot be the Caufe. The Beams give not Light to the Sun 5 but the Sun to the Beams. 3. It we e blafphemous to fay, that God depended on the Creature in his Atting^, and not the' Creature upon God, Rom. 8. 29, 30. Efh. 1. 4, 5. Heeletted us, that we might believe, that we might be holy ; not becaufe we would believe, or would be holy, John 15. 16* of EUH Sinners. 9 { I6\ Te have net cnofeu me, bur I have chofe yuu a God depends not on Man in any 1 hin^ (much left in the Decrees, wk.re all was owainud whatever came to pais) but Man u on God. Anxious, gut, may not tne D cree o; file- Sing Love be altered? A Perlbn elected, and and &ivento Chritf, and yet penifi? as fome fay, An Elect To-day, and a Reprobate To- morrow ? Goodnews. Not at all : For, All that the Fa- ther gave Cjnjt, Jhaii come to him ; and him that . Cometh, he Will in no wife caftw*. lfa. 46. fo. ■ My Cornel (lull ft and. He keeps the Gift well, for the Giver's Sake. Nabvta would not quit his Vineyard, becaufe it was his Father's In- I heritance \ much lefs will Chriit quit his Peo«? « pie, his Inheritance. It is called the Lmmuta- I kiiUy of his Cuwfel, Rom. p. 11. and, ver. 19, ihe Gifts and CalUrg of God are with ut Reyen- tance, to wit, the G : fts that come from Elec- ting Love. Indeed he may take an Earthly Kingdom from a 5*»/, for not *.eftroying the Amalekites ; but he will not take the Heavenly Kingdom from a Peter, even for denying his Matter, 2 Tim. 2. 19. The Foundation &/ God ftandeth fure, having rhis Seal, The L rd know- eth who are his. Eletting Love u a fure Fc«n-? dation \ and the Superft rupture of Salvation, that is built thereupon, will (rand out a Storm, and abide a Blaft, Heb. if. 10. They looked for *a City that had Foundations, the Builder and Maker whereof is G$d a The Church built here-. on. 92 The Lofs and ^{ecoyery on, the Gates of hell cannot prevail againft it. I 2. They are iealed and made fare, as Men 1 feci? re any Thing by a S^al ; Having this Seal, The Lrrd knonth w )/} o ar * His. And if the Elect tall away, the Caufe muft be either on God's Part, or our Part : But it can be faid oi Iseitner \ Therefore they cannot fall away. ]Sut on God's Part } for he hath fecured them by a Seal % and exactly knows them, by bis ' pwn Sramp upon them : Not on our Part ei- . , ther 5 becaule Chrift is our Cautioner, that j we tail not away, Heb. 7. 22. He is the Surety ; of a better Teftament. And, befide ail this, there is a Connection betwixt all the Links of the Golden Chain of Salvation, R rn. 8. 33, I Whom he fedeftr ated, them he alfo called y whim i.Jhe called^ ne far.Et fief /?, ju ftifitth^ And alorifieth. I Moreover, Chrift commands his Difciples to I rejoice that their Names were written w Hea- ^ oiiible, which he knew it was not poffible. And this is a Fit of ^eal alfo. Anxious. But the Pfi Imifi prays, Pfal. 6g> 28. That their Ntmis might he blotted out of the Book of Life* Good- p4 T^ e Lofs and fycoverf Goodvews. That is no more, but, Let it ap- pear that their Names were never writt n in it, as they thought •, and the following Words prove it, Write them not wnwg the Righteous* They are not written th< re as yet. That is Gbfd+tiewsi the Decree of Ek&ing-Love ffonds fure J ike a Rock. Anxiuva, But can any Man win to a certain Knowledge that he is elected > Good) ews, P*p,/hj Armenians i and fbme Pro- tenants that are too near of Kin to them, fay, They cannot. But what's the Matter what all theie Enemies to the Truth and Power of Godiinels fay t For, one Thing is faid 9 and another Thing feefi, bleffed be God. And I chink no W-onder tho' fome of our Proteftants fay it cannot be attained \ for it is to be won at when Perfons give more than ordinary Di- ligence, iPet.i. And they not giving tuch Diligence, but give up themfelves to Lazinefs* U'L never at it*, and becauie they get it not t?hemfelve&,they think others get it not either-, but thev are beguiled : For it is a Shame for them,' and an arrant Bo dnefe, both to contra- dict that which is fo clearly revealed in Scrip- ture, and fo fweetly experienced by the Saints. Job had it, he lavs, / know that my Redeemer liveth. Mofes had it, He is my God, and J will frail e him. The Church had it, Cam, 2. itf. My Beloved is mine, and I am his. Mary had it, My Soul re'piceth in God my Saviour. He- man had it* Pfal. 88. 1. Lord God my Saviour, faith ef EleB Sinners. 95 faith he. Paul had it, / know that Chrifi loved me, and f*ve himjeif for m\ I wifll they would u,ive the Diligence that other Folk gave, and had it alio, thar we might not te vexed w th th^fe L.ies aga ; nft the Truth. Anxious. But whatCourfe fhall I take to get Goodnews. Ye need not climb up above the Clouds,and turn over theDecrees,& fe rch the fecret Records of Heaven } ye muft rot begin a£ the Caule and fe k the Effett, but ye muft: begin at the ErYett and learch back to the £aufe. Go in to your own Hearts and Con- ferences, and fee if the Fruits of Election be t there to be found } fee if ye can find Faith, Repentance and Holinefs there : And thus | reafon with your felves, Whofoever has Re- pented, Believed, and become Holy, that Per- ibn is eletted : But I find all thefe in me, ergoM I am elcfted, Eph. 1.4. Chof n toliolii.efs. Anxiom. Doth this certainly exclude all Fear, and ftill abide with the Perfons ? Goodnews, It doth at fometimes exclude all Fears, and doubteth no more that it mil) be glorified, than if it had been in Qlory a Thou- fand Years ago ^ Pfal. 73. 24, 25. Thou wdv guide me with thy Quunfel here, and afterward re- ceive me to Glory. It is not May-he Thcu wilt, but, Thou wilt do it. Pfal. 34. This poor Man cried, the Lord heard, and delivered him from till hi4 Fears $ Not from fome of them, but from {hem y6 The Lofs and fycfpery them altogether, i Tm. I. 15. This is a faith- 1 ful Saying And worthy of Ml Acceptation, Thiit Chrifi came to fave Sinners, of whom I am the chief Kot may-be I am, but he plainly aiferts, I reallr am the chief of faved Sinners. 1 know fome that have had fuch Degrees of it, that they have found no more Trouble than if they had been in Heaven, but great compofed Peace, [ Serenity and Tranquillity of Soul } and faid, It was not the Place, but .the Enjoyment of G^ d, that made a Man happy. 2. 1 ho' the Thing be ay alike certain in itfelf, yet it is 1 not ay alike manifeft to the Senfe of the Be- I liever. j4"'xious. When is it leaft difcernible ? Goodnews. 1. In Time of great Sin, efpe- ' c'ally aeainft Light, as David\ Sin wa«. Sin \ oblcureth the I enters of our Evidences, that we cannot read them as fometime a-Day we could do. 2. In Time of great Affli&ion, $ljjam. 3. 2, 3« He hath brought me into Varknefs, rfurely avainfl me is he turned. And Job faith, Ifflob 9. \6. Tbo y J had called, and thou hadft an- towered me, yet would I not believe that thou hadfi fjohen\ for thou breahft me with a Ttmpeft. 3. When they g«?t no Anfwer to Prayer, Lam. 3. 8, \ 8. Alfowhen I cry and flout, he jhuttetb $ut my Prayers. And then fhe faith, MylS'renrth and my Ho e is pcrijhed from the Lord. 4. When they are rafli, and do not poftder all Things deliberately, PfM.32.21. I fed i* my H,tfle 9 I *m cut off pom thy Frefence. But it was a rafh \ Wordy I of EleB Sinners. 97 Word, Thou heardefi me neverthelefs of all that.' 5. When Chrift hides himfelf, the Sun ofthe fpiritual World is withdrawn then,tho' they want not his Influences, and Advantage by him, yet they want Light to read their Evi- dences, and his comfortable Beams to refrelh them: And then they will fay, The Lord bath forfaken me ; I cannct well adventure to call him my Lord. Anxiom. But when is it that they ordinarily have it ? Goodness. Readily at firfl Converfion, as Paul, Atts 9. 17. he was filled with the Holy Ghoft, 1 John 2. 13, 14. I write to you, young Men, becaufe ye have known the Father \ and t9 . you, little Children*) becaufe your Sins are forgiven you. The Lord wyleth them on to their Duty for their Good at fir ft, as it were with Smiles and Apples, as Parents do their Children : Bud when more experienced, he doth it with Frowns and Rods \ and, Get you out of my Pretence. The Kindnefs of Youth and Love of Efpoufals is great, firft when Chrift and the Perion meeteth. 2. When much in the Exercife of Prayer for themfelves or for the Church? Dan 9. 23. O Alan of Be fires ! thy Prayers are heard. Ye that fay ye cannot win at AiTurance, become Men of Defires. Pray much. 3. When called to great Work, Gen. 12. 2, 7. The Lord appeared to Abraham before h<* was called to leave his Country. And to Jere« H with 9 8 The Lofs and Recovery f tniahj before he was fenc to Preach, faying, I Before thou waft formed in the Womb, I knew thee, 4. Before they be to meet a dark Day and t* difmal Difpenfations. So Chrift, before he is I led to the Wildernefs to be tempted of the Devil, the Voice from Heaven fays, This is my [ beloved Son, in whom 1 am well pleafed. The next News is, Then was Jefm led ef tloe Spirit I to be tempted of the Devil. Thou wants AfTu- I lance, thou fhalt not get fuch a Blaft •, but if I thou have it, there is & Cloud gathering: Pre- | pare for an On-fet. Chrift, before his Pafiion, Death and Pains of Hell, is taken up to Tabor, and gets a dip in Heaven, Pfal. 102. Thou haft lift me up on high, and cafi me down* 5. When they are under Perfecution for the Truth j If ye be perjecuted for Right eovfnefs Jake, happy are ye *, for the Spirit of Glory and of God refieth upon yeu. When Jofeph was put in Ward unjuitly, it is faid, The Lord was with Jofeph in the Prilbn-houfe. And Paul and 5/- las had great Affurance in the Prifon, that they fang and rejoiced. Heavenly Rutherfurd, in Prifon, had wond-rful Affurance, the Prifon like a Heaven to him . that he fays of Afflicti- ons, That they are fuch a Eurden to a Chri- stian, as Wings are to a Bird. Chrift, when he was to leave the Difciples, left goad Com- pany with them, John 14. 27. My Peace I heave with you^ my Peace I give unto you ; when they werfc to go as Sheep among the raidfr of .Wolves. 6. Ac of El eft Sinners. p(JM 6". At the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper* * what fweet Words are thefe> This is my Body A that is broken for you ' y This- is the Blood of tht$M New Teftament fled for yon • Ye jhew forth thM Lord's Death till he come again ? O fweet ! Hm is to come again. What will he do then,when J he cometh again? Receive them to himfelft When they get this Affurance, there is many | a long Look for that Again-coming, that they may drink the Wine new in the Father's king- . dom. 7. When much in the Exercife of holy re«$| verentiai Fear, PJal. 25. 14. Tie Secret of thB Lord is with them that fear hipt, and he willfherijfa them his Covenant, let them fee their Names written at the End of the Promifes. Fear and fin not, fear and obey, if ye would have Affu- rance. Fear alfo the Heart, that is deceitful above all Things. 8. When we make it our great Work to keep a good Confcienee. Do not wrong it with Sins of Omiffion nor of Commiifion ; nor with Negligence in Duty, 1 Tim. 3. p. Holding the Myftery of Faith in a -pure Confcience- A tender Walk and a good Conference are ne- ceffary for AfTurance : It will not keep HoiTfe 1 with Sin, nor dwell in a filthy, untender Con- fcienee. 9. W 7 hen we contemplate much the Match- lefnefs and Boundlefnefs of the Mercy of God; that his Mercy is farther above our Sin* than the Heavens are above the Earth ? and that he H 2 is too The Lofs and Recovery is a God that pardoneth Iniquity, becaufe it is ft/ery great, P/i/..ij; 10, it. 10. At Death. 2 Sam. 23. 5. When dying tipavid was clofing his Day, and fitting in the ffentry of Death, ftepping down to his Bed of uft, then he can fay, Although. my Houfe be not Jo with God, yet he hath made with me an verlafiing Covenant, Anxious. But I cannot attain to AfTurance by any Diligence. Goodnews. It is not daily Bread, but a Cor- ial for a fainting Soul. Pfal. 94. 14, 17, 18. hePfalmift was juft at the giving over*, Vnlefs ^jpe Lord had been my Help, my Soul had almoft dwelt in Silence. When I [aid, My Foot jlippeth 9 then thy Mercy held me up. In the Multitude of thoughts within me, thy Comforts delight my Soul. >Thou thinkeft thy Trouble can be no greater, yet it may arife, as the Storm with the Dif- ciples, Mark 6* 47, &c. And when Even was come, the Ship was in the Midfl of the Sea^ tcjjed with Waves. They thought it was Time now to hel$, for they could not endure this dread- ful Storm in the dark Night: But yet the Trouble 13 skrewed up higher, the firft Watch Baft, and no Help •, the fecond, and the third Watch paft, and no Relief : And it is come to the laft Watch, and then thinking it eiaough now, and looking for Relief with the Day, bur yet the Trouble increafed •, Theyfaw JESVS toolkit** en the Waters, and thought it had been a Spirit come to fink them, and they cried tut fur Fear % of EleH Sinners, i o tl We *r ^ they are at their Wits End : And theni ] comes the Comfort, when they can bear n< longer without it • Fear not, it is /, he not tfi-Ait So it was with Job, I am full of Confufion, an< yet AfRittion increafetb. When the Perfoi are long toiled, and now weeping and giving over, then comes Comfort, If a. 57. 18// wit refiore Comfort to him and to hu Mourners* 2. Thou mightft have AfTurance by the fame's Diligence thou takeft, if thou were not in the Fault thy felf. Many a one hinder their own AfTurance, and take Arguments to plead witH Satan againft themfelves : But beware of thi\j >: he hath Sophiftry enough of his own, he need- eth not thy Help. Let B*d plead for himiel|j| he is a great Enemy to thy Comfort. Anxious. What do 1 to hinder mine own AfV' furance ? Goodnewt. Firft, Ye try to find out the AfTui' ranee of Ele£bon, when ye are in a pettifh, ill and hafty Frame. If ye be not ay Handing with the Lamb upon Mount Zion, and look- ing in at the Gates of Glory, ye think ye can- not have AfTurance of Election : But then ye fhould remember, that once ve had AfTurance, when ye were in a better Frame *, for every Change of Frame will not bear this Conclu- fion, that there is a Change in our State. It was in this pettilh Frame that Afapb faid, / ?m a Beaft ; envying the Profperity of the Wic- ked, and fretting at the Lord's Difperifations to himjelf. Job was often in a very ill Frame, 1 H 3 *d o i The Lofs and (Recovery ,d yet he faid, Twill hold f aft mine Integrity^ d will not let it go. Do thou fo alfb. 2. When the Lord is taking away Mercies, fmiting with Tore Rods, it is hard then to nd out Afliirance of Election. But this fhould be confidered, That temporal Mercies and 'Promifes are all changeable and conditional. "Job was rich enough the one Day, and had a Brave Family - ? and the other Day poor and childlefs: And feeking his Affurance at fuch a *pme, he faith, Chap 13. Surely again ft me is lie turned, and holdeth me for his Enemy. And. the Lord lays, That tho' he alter his Difpen- fations, yet he will not alter his Covenant } If thy Children break my Commandments^ I will vifit their Sins with Rods ; yet will I not break my Or venant*, but keep my Love for him, Pfal. 89. 33. 3. Thou takeft too high Marks to try by. As the Wicked are deceived by taking too low Marks *, thinking, if they be like others, all is right, comparing themfelres with them- felves, They are not wife: / am not like other Men, is enough for them : So the Godly mif- take by taking too high Evidences. If their Faith be- not as great as Abraham's, their Fa- tience like Job's : If my Love be not like the Spoufe's Love, all is not right. But confider, ^11 the King's Soldiers are not Champions and Giants •, fome have lefs, fome more Grace -, 'fome more of one Grace, fome more of ano- ther. And there are two Ways of trying Cold, the one is by the Weight* to fee how much ; of EleB Sinners. i a much •, the other is by the Touch-ftone, &g fee if it be true Gold : And if it be true? Grace, tho' of the leaft Degree, God will nefcj caft it, tho' little of it. He accepteth, ac~ cording to what a Man hath. Have ye as mu< need of Salvation ? Are ye as loft in your owi Eyes, as the Saints ? Then ye may be lure oj Salvation : For, He came to feek and fave the] that ^e loft. The leaft Degree of Grace is fa ving Grace. 4. Thou fcrupleft too much •, for fearchii in thy felf, thou fayeft, I have not done th$| and I have not done that } and I am guilty of this, and of the other Sin : But thou doft not purely rely on Chrift, as thou monldft, wha is the Lord our Right eoufrefs, and is mc troubled on every Side , yet not diftrrjfed } perplexed^ but not in Defpair } perfecuted, but not for joker. . cuft down, but not deflroyed. Be of good Courage i and he fitll ftrengthen thy Soul^ Q ye that feek the Lord, your Hearts foall live for ever. And this AfThrance is fo far from making the Perfon flack in Duty, that the Affurance of God's Love draws us after him in a Pulfa- tion of Grace, and in a Conftraint of Love, 2 Cor. 5. 14. 'the Love of thrift conftraineth us. And now I have given you a Hint as I could of the Spring and Source of Salvation, Elec^ tiag Love, from whence Chrift came, and hovr we may win at the Afluraace of it, and when. - Anxious. But there is one Thing that migh-? tily difquieteth me, that I would fain be infor med about, and that is, To know fomething of the Decree, or Nature of the Decree of Re- probation ^ If it may not be called a bold Di- ving into God's Secrets. Goodnews. 1 lhall therefore hint at it, in fo far as I fee it revealed in the Word. REPROBATION, then, is God's eter nal Purpofe, whereby, according to his abfo late Sovereignty and the wife Counfel of hi: Wii>> paifing them by, and not chufmg then to Life, but leaving them to periih in thei Sins, to the Praife of his infinite Juftice Where ye fee, 1. Ther of Elecl Sinners. 107 Firft 9 There is fomething Negative, a Paf- iing of them by : Which included! , (1.) His Denying either to give them facing Grace here, or Glory hereafter \ and leaving hem toperifhin that Mifery wherein they were to plunge themfelves. (2.) That, upon this his faffing of them by, Sin of all Sorts fhould follow - and that not only from his Faffing of them by, but from their Free-will, and the Strength of Corruption, that was to be in them, after the Abufe of Free-will. And yet the Lord cannot be faid to. be the Caufe of Sin, more than he that doth not cure the Difeafe in another, can be faid to be the Caufe of that Man's Difeafe, nor of them that are infected thereby : For it infer- reth, That his PaiTmg of them by, Sin rouft follow upon it *, but he doth not thereby in- fufe Sin into them by not giving them what would keep them from Sin, which he was not obliged to give : Yea, his P?iling of them by is not fo much the Caufe of Sin, as the 5#»'s Leaving of the Earth is the Caufe of Darknefs; that is, accidentally: For Dark efs followeth the Departing of the Sun, by Necefllty of Na- ture *, but in the Lord's Paging by the Crea- ture, Sin fbHowed by Man's free Choice*, and God is not obliged to give tbatVhich would keep them frorn Sin. And befide, the Grace that he denieth to Man now, is that, that they will not by any Means receive : For they love TiOthing lefs than Grace, and to be governed bv toS The Lo/s and Recovery by the Spirit *, and fo their Dcftru&ion is oi themieives. And his Grace that he denieth, is not that they mav fin, but that they may be jpunifned (or Sin -, and fo the Glory of his Ju- i\':ce ana Sovereignty doth appear. Secondly, The pofitive A£l of Reprobation is, His Anointing theie to be defervedly punifhed for Sliming, either againft the Light of Nature, or of the Gofpel *, and hence the Reprobate are faid to be V effete of Wrath appointed be- fore to Condemnation, Judc. Anxious. But how doth this conM with the Juftice of God, that Men, confidered in equal Circumfbnces, mould be fo unequally dealt with ? Would not this be Injiiftice in a Judge ? Goodnews, He að here as a Sovereign, not as a Judge : For, for whom he paffeth by, that is an Aft of Sovereignty $ and to whom he giveth Grace and Glory, that he doth Free- ly. And he might have left all to perifli, and yet been moft Juft : And fo, the Elecl: have much Canfe to praife his Love and free Grace \ but the Wicked have no Caufe to complain upon him, but leave their Complaint upon fchemfelves •, for he is no way engaged to give Grace and Glory to the Reprobate, neither by Debt, nor Pfipmife. And fo, as he is an ab- folute Sovereign Lord, he hath Power to do what he pleafeth, Math* 11. 25, 26, Even fo, Father, for fo it fcenjed gsod in thy Sight. And Chap. 20. J $. May I not do what 1 wilt with mine ntwn f h thine Eye eviU becaufe 1 am good ? ■ " , 2. With. of EleH Sinners. i co 2. With rtipeft to Punifnment •, He may be faid to aft as a juft Judge, to punifli them for their voluntary Sin, Prov. 16. 4. The Lord made all Things for himfelf, the iVteked alfo fop the Day of Evil. Matth. 25, 41. Depart from me, ye Cur fed, into everlafiing Fire ; For I was naked, and ye clothed me not. Anxious. But, How confiftetli it with his Truth, who offers them Salvation, and calleth them to accept of it -, when, in the eternal Decree, they are, by him, excluded from it? Goodnews. The Lord h free of all DiiJimula- tion, becaufe he offers them it conditionally if they come up to the Terms on which Sal- vation is to be had} and not abfolutely, fhewingthem, not what he will do, 10 much as what is their Duty to do; which he fti 11 hath a Right to require, tho' they have loft their Power to perform. And if he had de- clared another Way for Men to be faved, than that which is real, and the fame very Way that leads to it; or, if he did exclude any that truly repent and believe, he might have been faid to diifemble ', which he doth not, upon the Account of the Decree of Reprobati- on : But it is not fo, when he makes a free Drier, and declarerh the true Way to Man mho wijfully contemneth and defpifeth it." Anxious* But how doth this confift with his Love to Man, to leave the moft Part to pe- rifh? r Good- I i o The Lofs and Recovery Goodnews. Altho' his Love to Mart be great j yet he is not oblig'd to >love every one alike, and that this Love mould be univerfal : For, fame he loves with a general Love, as they are Creatures ; fome he loveth with an efpeci- al and tranfcendent Love, to redeem them, When they are loft Creatures. And befide,^ his Love is Free, he is Debtor to no Man. Anxitw, But, how doch it confift with his Holivefs ? For, by denying his Grace, Men are under a Neceility of Sinning. Goodnews. i. He did not make Sin, nor in- fufe it into them \ but found it in them, or knew that it would be in them, and that they would be under a Ncceffity to fin upon the Back Of Reprobation ; And yet he cannot be the Caufe of Sin, (i.) Becaufe they finned volun- tarily, and Sin followed upon the Back of Re- probation, as the Confequent followeth the Antecedent, not as the Effecl: followeth the Caufe. For, from the Antecedent to the Con- fequent, there interveeneth no caufative Exer- ting and Bringing forth theEfTeft: For the Sun cannot be laid to be the Caufe of Darknefs, becaufe the Sun's Leaving our Horizon is the Antecedent, and Darknefs v the Confequenct - 7 fo doth Sin follow Refrobatwt i as D trine fs follows the StirSs Withdrawing. And hence we may conclude, That Man muft of NecciTity perifh, excepr the Lord fuftain him : But the Lord is not the Author of #», becaufe he giveth not that, which he oweth not* Anxious, of EkSl Sinners. i t i Anxious. Can any Man know whether he be a Reprobate in this Life ? Goodnews. No, except thefe that have finned againft the [My Ghofi- for they do not know what Time of their Life he may work a Change on the worih i Cor. 6. 9, 10, n. Paul ran long on in grofs Sin, yet was conver- ted j and Manajfch, a .Warlock and Blood- fhedder: Aifo feme are called at the laftHour. Anxiow* But, was it not forefeen Sm thai was the Caufe of Refrobation ? Goodnews. No, no : God depends not on Sin, and on Sin before ever it was j but it was only the Good-will and Pleafure of God, M*l. 1.2, 3. Was not Efau Jacob'/ Brother ? Tet Ja- cob have I Uvedy and Efau have I hated : And that while the Children were not yet bom, neither having done Good or Evil, Hath not the Potter Power over the Clay 7 to make of the fame Lump one Veffel to Honour ', and another to Dijhonour ? What if God, willing to ffiew his Wrath 9 and make his Power known? Rom. 9. from ver. 11. They make Objections againft this Decree of Repro- bation, That it feemed an unrighteous Thing for God fo to deal. What ? faith the Apoftle^ |/j there Vnrighteoufnefs with God ? God f&rbid } or, God forgive them that make fuch an Ob- jection. Anxious, But, are thefe Perfons determined as -O Perfons and Number ? Or, is it left as a Thing indifferent, whether this, or the other Man ? Good* *-J 1 1 1 Hie Lofs and Recovery Gcodnevos. The Lord knowcth them both by flame and Number, Rem. 8, 29. For whom he did f:Yeknow y tl em alfo he did predeftlnatel 2 T'm. 2. 19. Having this Seal^The Lord knowcth who are his. Thi y are marked out and known o* God - 7 yea, condefcended on by Name, both as to Peribns and Number, Rem. 9. 13. Jacob - hfivt J loved, hut Efau have I hated. And the Spirit tells us, Rev. 17.8. The World won dred after the Beaft, whofe Names were' not written in the Lamfs Book f L fe, Anxiau. But, is there any Altering of thefe Decrees ? Goednews. No. We have told already the Immutability of the Decree of Election : Not one Hair of their Heads, nor Pile of their Duft fliall be loft, let be a whole Perfon, John 1 8. 9. / have loft none •, and, None of them is loft but the Son of Perditim, who was not given him in Election to be faved ^ but only to lerve him a little, to bear the Bag, and be Steward of his Houfe : For it is faid, He was a Son of Perdition before, as well as after he was a Difciple \ and none of the Reprobate can be laved. Ifaiah faith, 7A. 6. 8, 9, 10. They could not believe^ btcaufe Ifaiah faith again, He hath blinded their Eyes, and bar dried their Hearts, left they jhould be converted, and I jhould heal them. Anxious. Ifnonecan be faved that are not ele - £r.ed, and none that are elected can be loft,U it not true that fome fay, I need not care how I of Elefi Sinners* 1 1 S I live? For, if elected to Salvation, I fliall be \ faved, live as unholily as 1 pleaie \ and' if not, I ihail not be laved, tho' 1 ftould live never fo' holily : And io I may live f ecu re. Go.dewj. 1'hou mayelt as well fay, Thou mayeft defpair ; for this is a middle Sort of Defpairing ana giving over: And ye know, when a Man gives over the Trade, the Profit is gone. Alio, if thou perfift in this Trade of deiperate Security, conclude thou haft done with Heaven and Happinds. 2. If the Devil were permitted to preach, this would be the Subject he would inM on, That thefe that were elefted mould be faved, live as unholily as they pleafed :, and fo turn the World like Sodom itfelf, and God's Wrath would come down and devour altogether. 3 It is a great Untruth, that the Reproba e .MWfer'fc t ho' they live hoi ily • or .the F/^. be fivcd, tho* they live profit .- I fa y> \ t i s uotorioufly falfe, and all that can follow upon it ; for, once wrong in the firft Outfetting, and ay the long- er they co on, the further from the Journey's I End: For this is to feparate the Things that: God hath joined together, and it is impoihble that they can be feparate \ for he ehufeth Ho- lmefs ai the Way, and Happineis as the End, Ye may as , well fay, That God appointed that thefe that would go to London from Edin* bur g h,mu& go the Way nraight to the North Pole 5; tor Holme Is is the Way to Heaven, and Sin is the Way to Hell, Efh. 1.4, He hath ehofm m in 4 The Lofs and {Recovery )im i that we jkould he holy, and without Blame before him w Love. Rom. 8. 29. Predeftinated us to he 0/ 1 form to the Image of his Son. A&s 27*24, $ j. compared. The Lord told, That all in the Ship with Paul mould be fave,d •, and yet, when the Mariners were fleeing from the Ship, and ufing no Means for Safety, Paul tells them, They could not be laved, except thefe abode in the Ship. It was impcilible for them to periii., and it was alfo iropoifible for them :o be laved without Means. So that thefe two Jiertions may be both true at once, That J e er an eieft Perfon cannot perifh % and, That Peter an ele£t Perfon, continuing in the Sin of Denying Chiift, cannot be faved. To look to be 'laved, and not ufe the Means, is to tempt God, and mine the Soul, 1 John 3. 3. Every one tha hath this ho e in hm 9 purifietb himfelf I Cor. 9. 26\ / therefore run, not as uncertain • The more kne 1 am, I run the more : And if did fit down and give over, though I were 'lofs at the Prize, my Certainty would 'urn to an Impoiiibilit^ •, like the young un, not far from the Kingdom of God, yet lever entred into it : If. I were at the Clouds, would come tumbling down to Hell, if I went not forward •, like Capernaum, lift up to Leaven, and cafi: down to Hell, Matth.n. 'he Way to obtain, is to run •, it is to run : So run, that ye may obtain. Thefe that would be faved with an unholy Life, join a moral Evil with a pbytol Good. Were that a wife il,.-v* ' Man,' of Elefi Stnnirsl f Man, that would fay, God hath decreed Seeijm time and Harveft,' therefore I will neithej plow nor fow, and yet get a I arveft ? Woulc not that Man deferve-Uy ftarve ? For Plowinj and Sowing are the Means, without which n( Harveft, tho" 9 it be decreed, and cannot fail^ It is as if Hez.ekiah had faid, Now God hat! decreed I fhonld live Fifteen Years, Therefrri I will neither eat nor drink : Would he n( have died in lefs than Fifteen Days? Foi Without Holinefs no Man jlidl Jce the Lord, A\ ye may as well fay, The El eel: fliall be wTd and damn'd, as fav'd without Means. Anxious. But what fhall we think of thel Broken-hearted Perfbns, who do all th« y ca?j and yet fay they are but gone? Thev arc guil ty now and then of fome Sin, and therefore think they lofe all, Goodnexvs. But it is one Th : n£ for One U lofe his Right to Heave- by himfelf, and and] ther Thing to lofe k actually ; tor it i* a J fecure' in Chrift. One Thing to lofe it 4c| jure, another Thing co 1 fe it de f.fto, 1. Thj^H rtfl -.Ql u on his Truth, make God a Liar, be-, cauie they believe not. They are far in the Wrong. 3, They 'charge the lord with lit?! juftice, as if he fliould flay the Innocentil What ? thou a I over of God, a Worker of!§ Ri ^hteoufnefs, and fayed fo ! Htb. 6,.io| G*d is njt unrighteous to forget thy Works and:" Labour of Love. I 2 jinxiouso * The Lofs and (Recovery Anxious, i am afraid" that many ftumble at lis Do&rine. Goodsews. The Truths of the Gofpel muft lot be concealed, becaufe fome ftumble at them* For,if fo, then Chrift fliould. never lave been revealed : For many break their leeks on Chrift that Stumbling-done • and Unifiers were neceflitate to keep tip many 'ruths> which the Wicked fturrble at. This to&rine of Pre deft in at ion is like the reft of the >fpel j to the One it is the Savour ot Death ito Death? and the Savour of Life to Life others : And Miriiflers mould preach Truths B> both, that they may be a iweet Savour to fcem that are laved, and them that perifli. End if the Heart of any rife at it, we may fa .'i Wk ■■' art ihou 9 O Mm, that rifiieft againft Mid ! Rom. 9. 14. And to flick to the Means, ■lying out, {landing o 1 the B> ink of tnis Bot- Kadeis Depth, ai>d not able ro fat hem it, ! wkc Deph both of the W'tfdom and Knowledge of God ! How unjearchaHe, are his Judgments, and his Ways faft finding but ? Who hath known the jfrfi-nd of the. Lord 9 and who bath been his CounfeU ler ' f Who hath fir ft given to him , and it % Ji hall be recommenced to him again ? For of him 9 and to htm^ and by him are all 'things^ to whom be Glory and Honour for ever and ever, Amen# jflfhen fang One, foodnews and Anxious do both In Knowledge much abound : The of EleEl Sinners. The Myfteries of the Decrees are wonderful profoun .. The tallen Angels patfed by, our Natures far above } And to US the Savior r lent * out from Ejecting Love. Becaule he pleafcd, fome he chofe, and others patted by, In Sin ana Mifery undone : Who dare to him reply ? Let none at this offended be, be did to thee no Wrong : But, whom in Love he did eleft, O praiie him with a Song, His Purpofes cannot be chang'd : Let none from thence conclude* That, if elefted, fav'il I'll be, tho' my Life be not good. At laft thou fhalt be undeceiv'd, and thy fad End ihall tell, Whoever wickedly do live, ^ at laft ihall end in Hell. Neither let any hence conclude, If I be paiTed by, My holy Life will not avail, God will not hear my Cry. 1 For on his Juftice and his Truth this fadly doth reflecT:, Thy Labour and thy L ove's Reward that he doth fHH neglect But cleave thou clois unto the Means, give the Reward will he : W The 8 The Lofs and Recovery 'he Righteous of his Reward neglejEked ir.all not be. Election is a Bans lure, thv Burden for to bear ; >n Holinefs be thou intent, for Heaven do not fear. Anxious. You have told me the Spring and Source from which Chrift asd Salvation iiow- ?d to the Elect Wo/ld, the eternal Counfel id Decree of God. And now I am very de- irous ro know what Contrivance infinite Love md Wildom fell upon to redeem El eft Man : 'hat's the Life of all, to know that. Goodnews. You heard Pant nee vxAHafty upon lat before \ It was to fend God's own Son, 'hen other MefTengers could not prevail. Anxious. Yes, 1 did: But how did they a- ;ree ? Gaodnews. They made a Covenant among fhem, tranfa£led betwixt the Father and the Jfon ^ efpecially, That if Chrift would come ■nd redeem Man, he ihould profper (IJa. 53. 10.) in the Undertaking. Anxious. How is that Covenant called ? Goodnews. l>e Covenant of Redemption^ or the Covenant of Grace. Anxious, Some fay, Thefe are two Cove*- fej Uits. Good-lews'. No : For the Covenant of Grace is nothing elfe but the Covenant: of Rcdemitiop maniiefled ^ and the Covenant of Redemption \ of Eleft Sinners. v is nothing but the Covenant of Grace not yj manifefted: Even as the New Teftament is ti Old more clearly reveuled j and the Old Ted a* meat is die New more dark and obfcure *, botJ of them holding out the Way of Salvation it and by Jefus Chrift. AH the Lines of bod Teitaments meet in him, as the Centre of th< whole Bible, Juft as if a Rebel were taken b] the King, and put in Prifon to fuflfr - 7 an< then the King and his Son made a Covenai betwixt them, and drew it up in Write, fq the Pardoning of the Rebel, on Condit:< that he would leave off Rebellion, and fei his Son all his Days } and then lent his Soi himfelf to gain his Confent, promifmg if would do fo, he would fatisfy his Father fb his Offence - 7 and then the King's Son can with the Covenant or Bond, and prefei ted to the Rebel ro fubfcribe, and accordingly the poor Man did it. His Subfcribing of ij makes it not Two, but it is ftill One. Anxious. But there are feveral Things re-' quired in the Covenant ot Redemption, from Chrift, that is not required at our Hands in the Covenant of Grace , fuch as that, He Ihould fulfil the Law, and fuffer for the Sins of others , but it is required of us to accept; of his Righteoufnefs : Therefore the Cove* uants are different. Good-news. This doth not prove that the/ are different, more than a Perfon that is Cautioner for another Man's Debt, and pay- I 4 etff o The Lofs and ^ecoyery th it all for him, makes the Bond of Cau- tionry to be Two different Bonds-, Anx'uuu But in the Covenant of Redemp- tion there is no Promife of Pardon of bin to Chrift, for he had none *, but to us poor Sinners, in he Covenant of Grace : It abounds with Promifes of Pardon of Sin. Therefore, the Covenant of Grace, and of Redemption, are different Covenant?. Goo(lt?ews. Chrift [Gr. ThelnhreposJ God- MfoU is confidered as Head of the Eleft orld •: And tho' he needed no Pardon, as confidered in himielf, yet, confidering the Relation he flood in to his Members, he need- ed Pardon to his Members, whole Sins the Head differed for. Or, if you pleafe, Pro- mifes of Pardon were made to him, to be given to his Members, PfM. 68. \8. TW haft received Gifts for the Rebellious :, that is, Thou haft received Gifts of Pardon to beftovv upon the Rebellious : And was not that a Promife Jjpf # Pardon ? His receiving Pardon in our |Name to beitow on us. But, 2^/y, There was mch an Onenefs betwixt Tphriff and us> that what the One got, the other got alfo. i. In Law, tho' the Surety and Debitor l?e two Perfons phyf callv, yet but One legal- ly } one Cbjecl of Juftice : \\ hofoever piir- £weth the one, purfueth the other alfo. He that purfueth the Debitor, purfueth the Cau- ler alfoo 1* The ^of EleB Sinners. i 1 1 2. The Debt is one, and the Sum not two Sums to be paid, but one •, not (wo Lives to be laid down, but one. 3. The Solution of the Debt is but one ; when the one hath paid, the other hath no- thing to do. 4. One and the fame Difcharge, Juilificati- on and Pardon ot Chrift for the Sins of the E«? left imputed to him as their Cautioner. And what will Juftice feek more ? Pardon Chrift the Head, and who will purfue the Members more ? Now, in this Senfe, Chrift may be laid to have Promifes of Pardon, and actually pardoned and declared righteous, who before was, by Imputation, accounted (as One faith) the groffeft Sinner : And therefore it is faid, I Ttm, 3. i6\ He was jufiified in the Spirit \ and we in him are juftified. So the Covenant is but One • One charged with Sin, One paid the Debt, One got the Difcharge. Anxious, But there are Promifes of a higher Nature made to Chrift in the Covenant of Re- demption, than to us in the Covenant of Grace ^ fuch as, a vaft Dominion, a Name above every Name, a Throne at the Father's Right-hand, Heb. 1. 3, 8. Phil. 2. 9. Therefore they are different Covenants Goodnews. This i« as if a Creditor had a Dyvour Debitor, and' he pleaded with another to be his Cautioner and pay him the Debt, and he would deal favourably with the Debi- tor y but give greater Things to the Cautioner, and rid: 12 2 Tl->e L ofs and (Recovery and advance him to honourable Employmen But all thefe are but Articles maki ;g up \l fame Bond or Covenant, hi wi g the Unit and Infeparability of the one Article of tr Covenant from the other. See all thefe pi together, Philip. 2. 6, 8, 9. He who was inti Form of God , bumbled himfiiU and became cbt diem to Death for M4. Wherefore God hath h'a exalted him, and given him a N*me abte en Name, So that, upon the Account of his F * gaging in our Name, to become Mm for and die for us, God p^omifeth that it holds, th it the Covenant of Redemp- tion is the Covenant of Gnce not yet ma- nifefted*-, all the Articles thereof drawn up betwixt the Father ^ and the Son : The Father requiring of the Son, that we (hould content to the Articles thereof, when revealed} and that he would be Surety for us, in whofe Room he flood, that our Confent (hould be gained ; And he promiied that he would do it, J hn 6. 37. All that the F it her giveth me y fhdll all come me ; that is, They (hall all be content to lubferibe the Covenant,to repent and be- 12 4 The Lofs and fycoVny believe. There is a full Promiie to the Fa ther, PfaL HO. 3. % Pepe jhul be wUiir^ t a Day of thy Power. I wU'l draw Ml Men Ele if we had not done it? ft ah 80. 17, 18. O let thine Hand, Power and Protection be ufon us 7 fo henceforth tie will not go bacK y Thy Truth ftiil tnga^ed. And if fo, M*n 7 as lure as God is God, we fhall as fiireiy come to Glory. And what if he fulfil that fweeteft of all Promifes, / come again* within Forty Days ? We would bid Adieu then to our weary Days, and welcome cheer- fully our Well-days. I indte i believe the Covenant: of Redemption and the Covenant of Grace are one and the lame Covenant. A?.xiom. But there is one Thing ye fpake of, That the Mediator of the Covenant, equal With God, humbled himfelf, and became obe- dient unto Death,even the Death of thevCrofs to buy Salvation for us 7 That's the World's Wonder of all. Dear Goodnews ! Was there no other Way to get Man redeemed, but that coftly Way ? If there was, 1 wonder that he took it in Hand ■, and if there wa,not, I wonder that ever it was done at all. So may I won er and all the W01 Id befide me, mo than I. O] is net God an ablolute Sovereign ? M ; ght he not of his abfolute Sovereignty have pardoned- Sin freely, without any Satisfadlion, and let !:he poor Things be going ? Gotdnews. Be going, Man? Nay, not tho' t were his only begotten Son, he ifluft die if >|n be but imputed to him. And how will' he iet I 2 6 The Lofs and Recovery let you and me go then, think ye ? If thefe Things be done in the green Tree, what (hall be dme in the dry ? Did ye ever read the 53d of Jjaiah ? Our Iniquities^ the Iniquities of 11s all were laid ip>n him. And what comes of him then ? O bdt the innocent Lamb is rigo- roufly dealt with ! What? Man ! He Was "a f- fii&e i, and he was opprefTed j yea, ftpkafed the Father to brulje b t m. What? Man! He is led away as a Ldfmb to the Slaughter, and as a Sheep before her Shearers is dumb. And, Prov. IT. 11. Though Ha id fiould join in Hand, the Workers of Iniquity (hall not pafs unpunijhed. And, will he ufe his Sovereignty, to wrong his Juftice ? No, no. 2. If he cannot be the Judge of the W r 6rld, if he be not juft to punifh Sin * then he muft of Juftice punifh it, and net pals it by without a Satisfaction, Gen. 18. 25. Shall net the Judge of the whole Earth do right? And, Rom. 3. 5, 6. God f i$ not unrighteous^ who taketh Vengeance. As if he had faid, It is inconfiftent with his Juftice, not to take Vengeance, and diftribute Punifliment to Ciienciers : For, How then fi uld God judge the Worid^ if he were not righteous to take Vengeance cr.- the Wicked? How could he be the Supreme Bead arc! Governour, the very Rule of Righte uinr and biftributer of Rewards and Putiifhtrierits, if he were not juft and righteous in r 3 >'fices and Offerings th v would jr not. Yea, the Fruit of the Bodv could not fatisfy for the S l 'n of the Soul. The Rfd mption of the Scul was fb precious, that none was able to redeem his Brother, nor give to God a Ranfom for h'm, T aL 49. Now, if a \^fc Price c uid ha\ : done it, it did nut crnffl with V ive Cne Ifo vaftlygreat. 2. It ; < incontinent with the great I ove of God to .his own Son, if a lefs Prce could have done it: Low then ccukl he give up Lis well-hi-lcvcd Sen to bear his Wrnih, and the Curfe of the Law, and to endures Punifhiuent equivalent to the Torment of ¥ J 28 Tfie Lofs and Recovery ©f the Damned, if a lefs could have done it ? And hence it is laid, Rom. 3. 24, 25. He bath fet forth his Son to be a Pro It Ut ion thro* Faith in, his Blood, to declare his Right eoufnefs : That he could neither ftifter §in to pafs unpunifhed, nor could a leffer Satisfaction than his Suf- ferings do the Turn \ fo he could not do it. Yea, it was an Infinite God that was wronged fey Sin, and threfore no finite Creature could make Amends to an Infinite God. But, if it rr uft be at a Price of equal Value,- then it muft be one of the Pe ions of the Trinity ; and jqdge ye which of them was fitted to come and iatisfy in our Nature. Di- vines fay, they think, he that was the Mid- dle Perfou in the Trinity was the fitted, if it * was fit that he mould be Mediator betwixt God and Man, and that the SON of God fhould make us Sens by our Union with him ; and that it was moft convenient that the Father fhould fend the Son, and the Son the Holy Ghcft from the Father : And it is fitter to acquiefce in this only Way appointed and agreed on in that eternal Covenant of Peace betwixt the Father and the Son, than needlefly to debate, whether Man might not be redeemed another* Way. Anxious. I am well fatisiled to reft content *, and I crave Pardon for diverting you hom pror ceeding to the Covenant itielf. Goodnews. Would to God I. had manv fuch Diverfions *, they are Reirefhments to me. And of Ek& Sinners. 1 29 1 And, I thinfe, we mould, ere we go further, .j fing his Prailes, feeng the Redemption of I the Ele£l lay at his Door, and none other was to be found. For /W, 1 Tn®. 1. 15, itf. J fpeaking of Chrift's iliewing hint Mercy, and 1 coming to redeem, breaks out in that fweet | Doxology, Now, to him that loved, us 9 to the \ King Eternal, Immorrai, the only Wife Col 9 be Glory for ever. There's an Emphafis in the Word NOW : Tho' I had Ten thoufand Things more to lay, .1 am fo overpowered with Love, that I muft immediately break off, I and fing his Praifes ; and therefore,- let us lee 1 how the Work of the Glorified in Heaven will go with us here on Earth. j nd if we taw 'how elevatedly the Glorified fing, |we would think Shame ro lift our Harps to the Work * 9 ' , or we would let them drop out of our Hands, and ly weeping upon tht Ground betide them, O Man ! they fmg bravely, and no Thanks to them 9 for they have the uninterrupted Beati- fick Vifion of God in Glory, and have neither Sin nor Sorrow, Man : And we have but dark and fhort-lafting Waffs of his Prefence, and we are born-down and heart-broken with a Body of Sin and Death. However, let us do as we can 9 and God, thro' jefus Chrift the Cautioner of the Covenant, accept of weak Mints to Duty, and truft us perfect Service till we be in a perfeft State. Then they fang. K G*9d* jTi l o The Lofs and (Recovery Goodnews* In Sinners great Salvation-work the Trinity' alone All had a Hand, and none but They, thefe Bleffed THREE in ONE. The Father choos'd, the Son redeemed, the Sp'rit doth fanctifle : [The Father" lent the Son, he came, the Spirit fealed me. into the Book of Life for ay ray Name they did down write : |,And I, by Search and Holinefs, the Knowledge thereof get. From the Effect up to the Caufe afceridingby Degrees, Into the Living's Roll my Name there written clearly fees. When I look there, the Lord me tells, Mv dear Love, I am thine : His Praife abounds, my Heart refounds, And well's me, I am thine. Anxious. Amonpt thefe Three a. Covenant Was made, loft Man to fave •, From Love Qhri&came, from Love God gave* who me grac'd over have. Some da thU Covenant div'de, and take it Two to be : Altho* they Twenty fiiould it call, it is but One to me* of Elefl Sinners. \ 5 I For it in Heaven was contnVd, Chrift Cautioner became : And when it was reveaPd to me, I did fubfcribe the fame. Whatever God reqnir'd of me, thar all from Chrift was fought : And without Chiift my Cautioner of me requir'd he nought. And I to God did Promife make, his Reqnefts to fulfil ; If Chrift would undertake for me, and valid make my Bill. And when this Covenant is mine, I'll foar above the Sky } I'll praife, I'll blefs, I'll bleis, I'll praife, and Hallelujahs cry. Anxious. If you pleafe now, O Goodriewst'^ wiH you begin and tell me, what paft betwixt the Father and the Son in the Counfel of Peace and Covenant oi Redemption, which ye told ; me did flow from the glorious Source of El- ting Love } and this will be the beft News that$ ever I heard. Goodnews. Man's Condition was conlidered and thought upon, and whether there were any Poifibility of recovering them % and when-ic was found poffible thro' Chrift, the P ery l tisfy God's Juftice •, and befide, it is of another NIature than that which finned. Thou foalt die when thou eateft thereof, that is, as the Event fhew^d, in that Nature that hath finned, AH thxfe I caft ^ irrational Creatures cannot I fatisfy. Son Then it ' muft be Man. Can he get a Friend or Child to fatisfy for himfelf, or for one another ? Etner, That will not do either *,' for Man is : but a finite Creature, and cannot fatisfy the Wrong done to infinite Juftice, Mk.6.q* Shall mj give my Firfi-born for my Tranjgrejfwns y or the K|ra/r of my Body for the Sin of my Soul ? Pfal. WA9' None of them can redeem his Brother , nor fay %to God a Ran font for him j for the Redemption of fr the Soul is p ecious y tho' not impofiible : They | cannot redeem them either from the firft or 'Second Death. Son. Will the Angels do it then, that are I more excellent than Men? Father, No-, i. Becaufe they are but finite. .2. Becaufe they are of another Nature than | Man} and it muft be One that is in the fame I Mature that finned, that muft fufYer *, accor* 1 ding to the Threading, In the Day thou eateft j? thereof thou ftialt fur ely die. Son. This is ftrange ! that Man is loff, that they fhould look on the Right -hand, and there was no Man that would know them, all Refuge ■■ failed, no Man cared for their Soul, Pfal. 142. I 4. §aall they thus ly in irrecoverable Mise- ry ? of EUH Sinners. i 3 7 ry ? I wonder at it, Ifa, 63. 5, 9. / /40M W f j^r* was none to helfa and 1 wondred that there was no Intetccffor, and therefore mine own Arm brought Salvation : And I am content, in Love #ndPity, to redeem. Father, wilt thou part with me, and I will go and take the Work in Hand? Father. \fo love the World , that I am content to , / come, I delight to do thy Will) O my God. Let them have the Advantage, and I undergo this great JJunai* lity. Father. But y this thou muft alfo do, Son, it thou wilt redeem loft Man, thou muft be made Sin ior them *, and how wilt thou take| with that, that art the innocent Lambjof Godj, holy^ harmlefs and undefiled^ frparared from Sin- ners . that lotheft Iniquity, and art of purer Eyes than to behold it ? AH the Sins "of the- Ekft muft ly upon thee, and be charged upon thee, If a. 53, 6. We all lik& SheeaJmve gone a- fir*y y and the Lord hath laid en mm the Iniqui- ties of tu dl. / Sort' 140 Tlie Lofs and ^ecoyery Son.- O Father, This is a harfli Term, Sin for them ! Yet, fmce their Salvation can be purchafed at no lower Rate, the Salvation of the filed fliall not flick here either-, On Con- dition that my Righteoufnefs may be imputed to them, Let all their Sins be laid at my Door, and imputed to me. I deiight to do thy Will, O myGod\ I come leaping over thi$ Mountain, and skipping upon this Hill, Rojn. 8. 3. For what the Law could not do, in that it was weak thro 7 the Flefli: Send, O Father,. thy Son, who I will go willingly in th.9 Likenefs of iinful FJdh, and make him a Sacrifice for Sin : Let > and as long as I have a Mouth to open in 144 Tfo Lbjs and Recovery ja their Defence, they fiiall not be condemned, Heb. 7. 25. I fhall be able to lave to the utter- moft, living for ever to make Interceilion for them } and ay lay, that they and I were One in Law, the Crime one, and therefore one Condemnation, not two \ Sin was condemned in my Flefh, that they might be juftified. And, lo I come on this Confideration with De* li&ht, leaping over this Mountain, and skip- ping over this Hill alfo. Father, But they will lead thee away to the Place of Execution, and bring thee to the Crofs, If a. 53. Thou wilt he taken from Prifap y and fhaU live, thou fhalt have Power and Authority to convince of Sin : That they fhall Angle out themfelves one by one, being convi&ed in their Confciences. Thou ihal have a comforting Power, Jfa. 66. , Tfoou fhalt comfort thern 7 and they {hall be com- foned. Thou fhalt have an enlightning Power I with thy Teaching, / have given thee for a hight to the Gentiles, that thou mayefi be my Salvation to the Ends of the Earthy Ifa. 42. 6, 7. Thou ihalt as far exceed all other Prophets in Light, as the Light of the Sun exceeds the Light of a Candle. Son. But, Father, poor M^n is a guilty Sin- ner, he can never be faved, except the Guilt of of EleEl Sinners. 155 of Sin he done away. Make me alfo a ?n>/r, authorize me with thy Authority, to offer up myfelf a Sacrifice to fatisfy for their Sin; for, without thou give Authority, thou wile not accept the Offerings, Hek 5. 5. 1 will not glorify myfelf, to take this Office on at my own Hand, Father. Thou fhalt be a Prlefi of the moft noble Order of my Appointment, Pfal. 1 ijp. 4. / have [worn , and will not repent , Thou art a Prieft for ever after the Order of Melshinedck. An Eternal and Unchangeable Priefthood, as Melchizedek, a righteous Prieft % and thy Sacrifice alone mail make up the Peace effe- ctually, Hcb. 7. 16 7 17, 24,25. And befide, thou fhalt continue for ever, and have an un- changrable Priefthood, and all for whom thou offers Sacrifice fhall be faved. For he is able to fave to the very uttermofl all that come un- to God by him, as their Prieft to offer and interceed for them, fince he ever liveth to make Interceftion with God for them. More* over, I fwear to thee, that One Sacrifice oj thine fhall do the Turn : No more Need of flaying Bulls and Goats. Away with the Po^ j)ijh reiterated unbloody Sacrifice of the Mafs k it is a Reflection on this Sacrifice of thine : AH the Prints in the World may caft their Cap at this Prieft, Heb. 10. n, to 15. Other Priefts offer often the fame Sacrifice, but thi? Prieft, by once offering up the Sacrifice of himfelf, hath perfected for ever them that are lan&i«t I y 6 The Lofs and Recovery fan£Hfied. Their Sacrifices could not take a- £ way Sin, tho' many: But thine; One Sacrifice alone ihall do it» Sm. But, Father^ thou knoweft that j>oor Maais taken Prifoner ot the Devil and Sin they are all in the Land of Captivity. I mod he an authorized King to recai their Captivity, Father. I will give thee a twofeld Kingdom. m A more general One, Thy Kingdom jhallrule over all Creatures, animate and inanimate, dead and living, Devils and Men, ihall all be fub- je£t to thee •, fince thou haft asked of me, / have given thee the Heathen for thine Inheritance^ And the uttermoft ntrts of the Earth for a Pcffefft- , Pfal. 2. 6,7, 8. Thou fhalt have Power to command Men and Devils, Sin and Sorrow, to let thy People go that they may lerve thee. Thou fhalt have Power to break them in Pieces as a Potter's VefTel, with a Rod of Iron, and greatly plague all that rife up againft thee. 2. I will in a particular Manner, make thee King of Saints, PfaL 2, 6.1 have anointed thee King upon fgpy holy fJ ill ofZion* There thou malt gracioufly govern by holy Laws, and diftributing gracious Rewards: And I give thee Power over the Hearts of thefe thy Subjects, to fubdue them to the Obedience of the Truth, Pfal. no. 1 1. "Thy people (hall Joe willing in the Day of thy Power. 'And thou malt recal their Captivity as the Streams in the South } and the gladeft News that ever thy People heard, lhall be thy coming to them inveftecl with a Kingly Power, of Eleft Sinners. ! 57 Zechi 9. 9. Rejoice greatly , OZion - 7 jhoutfi Daugh- ? r of Jerufalem } /i?r, behold, thy King cometh to bee having Salvation, Son. But Mm is now broken } they have no- hing that can make them up, all Heaven and iarth cannot fupply them, if it be not from zhee : Whom have they, or what have they in Heaven, but thee ? or in all the Earth that :an fatisfy th; ir Defires, if it be not from thee£ Therefore fend me down full-handed, a ricSf Chrirt among them. O give me, dear Father^ Fulnefs, and an All-fu.nefs*, for they are Aliens from the Common- wealth of Ifrael, Strangers to the Covenants of Promife, having neither God, Grace, nor Hope in the World, Efh, 2. 12. Father, So?/ y What would thou have,and thou fhaltget it ? ift, Thou fhalt get God's Spirit down with thee : Go thy Way, If a, 61. 1. The Spirit of the Lord God is u^on ih,e, to pr each glad Tidings to t : he Meek, to proclaim Liberty to Cap- fives , to proclaim the acceptable Tear^ The great Gofpel-Jubilee : All Slaves home again • all Servants to the Devil and Sin, free; all Dy- vours back to their PoiTeilions again : Enjoy* your God, your Happinefs, your Souls, as for- merly : All Mourners,, up with your Harps a- gain • be comforted, all chat mourn : All loft Sinners, Salvaton for yoii,\//«. 27. ult. The great Trumpet fnail be blown that Day thoa goeft down, And they fall come that were ready to prrifli in the Land of Egypt ? and the Ouuafis tn l 5 8 The Lofs and GfycoVety in the Land of Ajfyria. idly? Go thy Way down among them, Son, with all Grace, Vfal. 45 • Grace is poured into thy Lips, God hath a- ., minted thee with the Oil of Gladnefs above thy i Fellows* I give thee Sufficiency of Grace and Gifts for "Up- making the whole eletl: World. Thou fhalt be an Ocean of Grace, a Cloud of I Grace .* All that is in Believers from thee, i< but Drops from the Ocean *, yea, thou fhalt be an Everflowing, and yet an Overflowing Fountain of Grace, flowing over with 5treams' of Grace, Life and Silvation, and never have the lefs behind, John u 15, \6. Grace and Truth came by jefus Chrift : And out of his Fulnefs have all we received^ and Grace for Grace. $dly y Go thy Way down among the Dyvours^ •Son^ with all the Fulnefs of a Godhead, and put them once from complaining ; let me hear them crying, O Saviour, hold thy Hand, for I have more than I am able to guide, Col. 2. p, 20. Let me hear them crying, O what a Chrift is this ! For all the Fulnefs «f the God- head furely dwelleth bodily In him*, and we are compleat in him, nothing wanting. We have all our Salvation and Satisfaction to all out Defires, 2 Sam. 23. 5. He hath received Gifts for Men, even for 'the Rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them. Since thou promifed fo freely to me to redeem, col! thee what it would, I fhall fit thee to purpofe for the Work. Son. But I have an heavy Charge of it, bound to of EleB Sinners. i 5 9 ) give perfect, perfonal and perpetual Obedi- ace to the whole Law of God in my own iame, as Man, and in the Stead of all for /hOm I undertake • O let me have continual nfluences and frefh Communications of Grace, trength, and Quickrdrg from thee. Father* Thou flialt not want this continual- y, Ifa* 50. 4. He wjtknetb me Morning by Mor- ung, he wahieth my Ear to bear, as the Learned ;' : That is, from Time to Time, becawfe Hu- jlfcane Nature is weak, and had need of conti- nual Influences from the Divine Nature, being its really Man as any other Man, Ifa. 1 1, 2, 3. \the_ Spirit of the Lord frail reft upon him, and in~ fluence him with quick Vnderftanding in the Fear of the Lord. Hence it is that he is able to fay, John 17. 4, 5, 6. / have kept the Father's Com- mandments, and abide in his Love, And may plead the Father's Promife for them he under- took for, as well as for himfelf, John 17, 4, 5. fhave glorified thee on Earth, I have finijhed the Work that then gaveft me to do } and now^Father^ glorify me with the Glory that I had with thee before the World began, ver. i6 7 17. Keep through ■ thy Nn^ie theft that thou haft given me : Sancti- fy them through thy Truth, thy Word is Truth. " Son. But I mult be fure, that I lay not down my Life at a Venture*, I muit have a fure Promife, that I fhall not lofe my Reward. I Father. That thou flialt have, Ifa. 53. 10. When thou fhait make thy Soul an Offering f for Sin, ihcufhalt fee thy Seed,-- Ad the Pleafure of the Lord Jhtill prosper in thy Hand* i 6o The Lofs and (Recovery Son* But thou muft accept and be well-pleafed I with my Labours. Father. That I will do, If*. 49. 4. Thou fliah I be glorious in the Eyes of the Lord, And I will ( let thee and others know it : For, when thou art down at thy Work, 1 will fend down a I Voice from the excellent Glory, laying, l\ii its my beloved Son y in whom I am well plea fed? bear $j ye him. t>Son. But I am to undergo the Law, to be reckoned a Sinner, yea, iuflfer like a great Sin- ner, the reproachful Death of the Crofs : Ju- ilify me therefore, Father? and roll away the Reproach of the Crofs, and the Ignominy the Enemies cad upon me. Father. That I will do on the Day of thy Re- furre&ion, Ifa. 50. 8. He is near that juftifieth me, Who is he that contendeth with me ? 1 Tim, 3. 1 5. Great is the My fiery of Godlinefs, God manifefted in the Flefi, juftified in the Spirit, re- ceived up into Glory, I wili let thine Enemies know, the Difgrace and Reproach they caft u- p©n thee is fallen on them, in thy Refnrrefli- on-Morning, when the News is carried to them, Yon hath been the Son of God we flew the o- ther Day *, for he is up out of the Grave again, in a glorious triumphant Manner*, and it will appear to the Godly, that their Debt is paid, that their Cautioner hath win cue of Prifon, Rom. I. 4. Declared to be the Son of God with Power, by his Refurrettion from his Dead. Pfal. 2. Thou art my S$m y this Day have I begotten thee. of EleH Sinner si Vit thee. ('Tis fpoken of his Refurreftion-Day - for fo the Apoftle explaineth it, Atts 13. 32, 33.; as if the Father had faid, Now, S§n 9 thofc art come to be like thyfelf again, and inverted with all thy former Glory . and this Day is like a New-Birth-Day to thee, when thou haft throughed the Work of Redemption, The* fang they. When God the Father, and the Son, Redemption did devife 3 Ghrift many feeks, God many gives, And never him denies. Father, give Strength, the Work is great, that thefe for whom I die May all be fav'd, and none be loft' By weak Humanitie. Me alfo do thou authorize to go on thy Command, Left thou mould fay, , I neither fought nor will take off thy Hand. My Son, do thou it undertake, thou fhalt not be to mean ; I'll hold thee by my mighty Hand, and ftrongly thee fuftain. I make thee Prophet, Prieft and King, and that in high Degree j Both blind -and guilty Captives thou fhalt fafely bring to me. ''Mong empty Sinners go thou down with fo great Grace in Store, M And l6z The Lofs and Recovery And let them have till they do cry, Hold, Lord, and give no more* jWith Influences of the SpVit thou /halt be fo fupply'd •, The Travail of thy Soul thou'lt fee, and malt be fatisfy'd. And juftified from the Law, and all that it can crave •, Til raife thee up, and in the Grave thy Soul I will not leave. And let me now, mine empty Soul . Hold imder's lucky Hand - 7 And ever take, and ever praife, till I in Glory land. Anxiom. Shew me more diftinttly^howGod and Man, and the Mediator are confidered in this Covesant. Goodness, This Tranfa£tion is carried on be- twixt an offended God and offending Sinners, f)V the Intervention of a Mediator, to reconcile thefe two diluting Parties : For God was fo Iioly and juft, that he could not look upon Man, being fuch a filthy Sinner ; and Man durft not look upon God, he was fo juft and holy, and a Confuming Fire to the Workers of Iniquity : And befides, Man was not now fponfible, being a broften Dyvour. And in this it differs from the Covenant of Works \ for there tbe Lord a&ed as a holy Law-giver, with Mm an innocent Creature \ but it not being fo now, there is .Need of a Mediator. of EleEl Sinners. i6( Anxious. But what Sort of a Perfon oug! this Mediator to be ? Goodnexvs. Such a Perfon that was able to reconcile God and Man, Heaven and Earth, that was now at Odds : Therefore he muft be both God and Man in one Perfon. i. He muft be Man, that he might have that Sentence put in Execution upon him, in the fame Na- ture chat finned, In the Day thou eat eft Thereof thoujhalt furely die\ and by his Death expiate Sin, and fo make us acceptable to God, Efh. i.5. to ingratiate us in God's Favour, by him who is the Darling of Heaven, Col. i. 20. That having made Peace through the Blood of his Crofs, he might reconcile all Things to God* Alio, That he might by Death defiroy him that had the Tower of Deaths that is y the Devil *, and delivefik% them that through Fetr of Death were all their Ufetime fubjeEi to Bondage* For, He meeting with Death, Death left its Sting in him } fo that tho' its Wings may now make a Notfe,^ yet when it cometh it cannot hurt. . @ Death \m where is now thy Sting ? For the Crofs wass! that Field where Ghrift encounter'd with the Brunt of the Battle with Satan, Death and Sin; where he bruifed the Serpent's Head, He b. 2. 14. and came off a glorious Conqueror, Col. 2. 1$. he triumphed over them upon the Crols f And befide, to advance our Nature, by uniting it to the Divine Nature *, and in "that Natute, to interceed with God for us, prefenting to him his Sufferings in that Nature, and that M 2 we 164 Tft* Lofs and Recovery we might come with Boldnefs to the Throne of Grace, having there One in our Nature to interceed for us,that hath a kind Sympathy, and ' jpellow- feeling of our Infirmities, Heb. 4. 16. ' 2. Ke muft be God alfo, that his Divinity might addVertue to his Humanity -and that as Sin procured infinite Wrath ; fo.Blood of an infinite Value fhould iatisfy infinite Wrath. Alfo, he could never have born up under, nor come out from the -Weight of Sin and Wrath, if he had not been God as 'well as Man, Rem. 1. 4. ' De- clared to be the Son of God with Power, by his Re~ furrettion from the Dead. A&s 20. 28. He purchaieth his Church with his own Blood, -called the Blood of God. Hence it is able to purge our Confcience, Heb. 9. 14. And that vwe might attain to the Favour of God, by him who was tthe Beloved of the Father, Mat, 3. 17. And that he might (being made perfect through Sufferings) become- the Author of f|eternal Salvation to all that obey him, Heb. 3. He muft be both'God and Man in - one Peribn, 1. That both Parties might truft to him : The Father could not truft to him, nor Man either, as now flated, if he had not been both ; for never Man yet, that was not more than Man, was worthy of Credit : But he be- ing God-Man, the Father lippens to him, as to a firm Rock, Vpon this Rock will I build my Church. And Man feeing him bcjth God and Man 3 puts Credit in him, Hcb* 4« 15? l6 \ WEkm*mm*m~~^ ' Bet! of EleSl Sinners] 16 j itoth for Power and Companion .• We have Boldnefs to come to the Throne of Grace, having an High Priefl touched with the Feel- ing of our Infirmities, 1 Pet, 2. tf. He that trufteth in him fliall pot be afhamed : God commits all Judgment to him, becaufe he is the Son of Man ; and Man commits the Keep- ing of their Souls to him, becaufe he isa faithful Creator. 2. That being both God and Man, he might feek the Glory of God, and the Good of Man both, John 17. 16, 17. / have glorified thee on Eart'h. And, He gave himfelf for the- Churchy Tit. 2. 14. to redeem it. 3. That he may be invefted with Power from both Parties, in their own Natures, tp determine the Differences, and make both Parties ftand to the Determination • T(oe*Father hcareth' him always^ John 1 1. I. And Man is m-ddc to ftand to the Terms, Pfal. no. 3* Made willing in the Day of thy Power, "the LovW of Chrift conftraineth us y 2 Cor. 4. 15* 4. That he may deal with God in our Room,' therefore he muft be Gc#l ; and he mufl he Man, that we may be able to deal with God by him. And one o{ the Ancients cried out, O let me have nothing to do with an abfolute God 7 God out of Chrift. Anxious. O the Study of Chrift is ftf eet ! and ay the deeper the fweeter. And I wonder that Men fhould take fuch golden Mattocks as' Time, Wit, Strength and Reafon, to &i* into M 3 1 66 The Lofs and Recovery the Dunghill of a perifhing empty World. IVjight they not be better improven, to be dig- ging in the durable and fatisiying Gold-mine of salvation, torching to know unfearchable Chrift ? i know fdme more of him, and I love him better fince ye and I met, and have much more I ranquillity of Mind. r GoodnevPs. We may fay of them, as If a. 55. They jpend their Money for that which is n$t B ead) twd their Labour for that which doth not fatisfy : And that all they do, is but a Toiling themfelvesto Hell in the Fire of Vanity, Hab. 2. 3. Paul fays of fuch, Gal. 3. \. that they were like bewitched Fools, O falijl) Galatians ! Wjo hath bewitched you ? But ye nor I either cannot help it, God help it. .But let us now pot pafs this fweet Meditation of Immanuil without a Song of Praife. Then they fang, Once God and Man at Odds did fall, could not be reconciPd. JWho can, in Battle~rank ? withstand God's Armies on the Field ? A Mediator long look'd for, but found he could not be : In the Creation none but Chrift, 1 1 ^and never One but he, By Heaven's Wonder, here defcrib'd One Perfon, God and Man : JJJ1 PifFerences now removed, fince e'er the Fewd began. God. of Eleft Sinners. \ 6/ God lip'neth much to precious Chrift, and, poor Man, lb may he : Who give him Trull, are not beguil'd. For ay blefs'd let him be. Anxious. But how did Chrift 2& in making up the Peace betwixt God and Man ? Goodnews. i. He acled and carried it on mo^ humbly, Matth. n. 28. Meek and low- ly was he in Spirit ', fo humble, that he was Servant to both God and Man. If a. 42. 1. the Father fays of him, Behold my Servant whom I uphold. Humble, yea, humble unto the very Death. 2. He was alfo a Servant to Man, and that's the World's Wonder, that's the Re- deemed's Wonder to Eternity. For the Son of Mm came not to be minifired unto^ but to mini" fter y and to give his Life a Ranfom for mmy. And humbled himfelf to the Death, taking upon him the Form of a Servant, and being found in Fafhion as a Man. God in the Flefh, ferving Man, is a Heaven's Woader, the An- gels Wonder. 2^/y, He a&ed with great Moderations (1.) Bringing down the Majefty of God from ftaading with poor Man upon the rigorous De- mands of the Law "from the guilty Perfon, that Another fhould fatisfy the Law and fulfil it for him, and that by his Righteoufnefs ma- ny fhould be juftified *, and that, inftead of an inherent per'fonal Righteoufnefs, the Lord I fhould accept of a gifted and imputed Righ- M 4 teoufnefsi 1 6S The Lofs and (Recovery tepufnefs •, an4 that, inftead of perfect,' the; jCord fhould accept of weak Mints and fincere 'Obedience, yea, of the' Will for the Deed $ and that the good Lord would pardon what %hey want, and be good to every one who is "at Pains to prepare his Heart to feek the Lord, tho' he be not prepared according to the Pre- paration of the San&uary. (2.) With God-Man on God's Behalf very modify ingly^ in bringing Man near to God in his own Perfon - 7 and that Man ihould leave his proud, nice and precife Terms \ that he fhould leave off to feek to be juftified by his own Righteoufnefs, and be content to be jufti- ■ iied by the Righteoufnefs of another, Being juftified freely* by his Grace , through the Redemp- , tion that is in Chrifv Jefm ; and that, inflead of {landing to our Rebellion againft God, we fhould be content cheerfully to yield Obedience to God, in his Strength, and fay, / will keep thy Commandment s y O for fake me not utterly* 3. He ads with great Affability, having an open ready Ear,that both God and Man might have eafy Accefs to him, "John \. 18. The Fa- ther tells his Mind to him, for he lieth in his feofbm, and was fent from him with the whole Cpunfel of God. (2.) He is affable to Man alfo *, he allows them to cvm? with Boldnefs to the Throne of his Grace, to obtain Meny and find Grace to help in Time of Need, 4. He acted with great Meeknefs and Pati- ence, Zechn p. 9. Meek, and having Salvation. *, for of EleSl Sinners. x 6$ 3X he was fmitten of both Parties, and yet iever repined, (i.) He was fmitten of the 'ather, Ifa. 53. 9, 10. Stricken, fmitten uf God, md afflicted. Altho' he had done no Violence , leither was Guile found in his Mouth, yet it flea- ed the Father to bruife him. But he was wounded "or our Tranfgreffions, he was bruifed for our Ini- quities, the Chaftifemwit of our Peace was upon mm and by his Stripes we are healed. He got a fad Redding-ftroke, when he came in betwixt us and revenging Juftice, Zech. 13. 7. Awake, O Sword, {mite •, That he cried out with lamen- table Cries, like the Scriechings of the Defpe- rate, My God, my God, why haft thou forfaken me f I never did offend thee, I never did Wrong to God nor Man. (2.) He was fmitten of Man alfo :, When they faw him, they faid^ This is the Heir, come, let us kill him. Poor un- grateful Sinners ! let you kill him ! what ails you at him? what Evil hath the meek Lamb of God done to you, that no lefs will ferve you than, Come? let us kill him ? Yet ye fmpte him upon the Face \ ye fcotirged hirri : It was a .Shame foe you to handle him as he was handled, when Pilate brought him iorth wearing the Purple Robe and the Crown, of Thorns, and faid to .you, Behold the Man ! the Antitype of Ifaac r s Lamb, that was caught by the Head in the Thicket inftead of Ifaac. And, can. ye look upon him that ye have pierced, and not mourn like the Doves in the Valleys ? Yea, and ye led 1 70 The Lofs and Recovery led him as a Lamb to the Slaughter ; and as a Sheep before his Shearers is dumb, fo he open'd not his Mouth. He a&ed with wonderful Meeknejs, 5. He afted mercifully. For the Mercy of God, and the companionate Heart of a Man, touched with the Feeling of our Infirmities, is 141 him, Heb. 2. 17. In all Things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren , that he might be a merciful high Prieft, t? mz\e Re-\ Conciliation for the Sins of the People, John 6, 37. Him th At ccmeth to m?, I will in nowife ca\}\ tut. The bruifed Reed will he not break, and the fmokifig Flax will he not quench. He carrieth the Lambs in his Bofom, and gathe ? reth them with his Arm. And he weepeth .when they refufe to be reconciled, Luke 19. 41, 42. When he beheld Jerufalem, he wept over til becaufe they would not be reconciled to God. ©\ He afteth wifely, in fpeaking Good of each Party to the other, that he might gain their Love and Affeftiqn one to another •, My father, faith he, loveth you, and wlflieth you well h and it is his Will that I fliould lofe none of you, and that not one Hair of your Head, nor Pile of your' Duft be a wanting at the laft Day. How engaging is this ? for us to hear that that Perfon we hate, is {till evi* dencing his Love to us, and fpeaking Good of us in our Abfcnce. Well faid the Spoufe of him, His Mouth is fweet. And he fpeaks Good of th em to God : / have given them the Words xvhicl of Eleft Sinners. 1 7 1 vhich thou gweft me, and they have kept them. And he is Surety for bdth Parties, for the one :o the other : He engageth for the Father to ns, that he fhall be as good as his Word, and that all his Promifes mall be to us in Chrift Yea, and in him Amen. And he is Surety lor us to God, that we fhall (land to our Promifes •, and if we fail, he will make it up, Heb. 8. 6\ He is the Mediator of a better Covenant. He fatisfTeth God's Juftice for our Offences, and merits the Spirit to enable us to keep the re- quired Conditions, by one and the fame Sacri- fice of himfelf i and that they fhall be enabled both to repent, believe and rely on this Sacri* fice for Expiation of Sin, and Reconciliation to' God, and procuring of God's Favour, Heb. 9. 15. He is the Mediator of Abetter Teftjtment, that by Means of Death, for the Redempti- on of TranfgrefTors, they which are called might receive the Promife of the eternal In- heritance. 7. He acleth powerfully, and goeth on in this great and dangeroufly difficult Work, with an undaunted, majeftick and couragious Spirit, and that thro' all Oppofitions and extra- ordinary Difficulties, one of which would have made all the Angels of Heaven, and Men upon the Earth to give it over •, if it had not been ib, he would;furely have given it over, having to do with Perfons fo vaftly different, and fo much required to reconcile them, Ifa. 42. 4. He jlmii not j ail nor be difccurnged. With fuch undaunted Cou- 1 7 1 TIx Lofs and Recovery Courage and Power went he on in this Work, • that he carried down all before him, and no- thing could caft him down, but he carried all before him, Death,' Wrath, Hell, Sin, and the Obftinacy of the Hearts of Men. i. The Weight of the Work did not difcourage him - but he bore up under it,till on the Crofs he faid, Now, It is finished. 2. Oppofitions from Men could not difcourage him \ for all the Malice he was to meet with at Jerufalem, yet he .fted- jaftly fet his Face to go thither ^ and when News were fent him to flee, for Herod would kill him, he fays, Go tell that Fox, / tnuft work to Day and to Morrow, and ft and to the Work till it be perfected," nbtwit.hftanding of him and all that will oppofe it. 3. The Extremity of his exquifite Pain of Body, Hidings of God's Face, and Soul-agonies did not difcourage him, even when upon the Crofs: Then he. took Care of his Mother, preached unto and converted the Thief that was upon the Crofs, plucked him as it were out of Hell, even when his own Arms were naif d to the Crofs. 4. The Smiles of the World could not put. a Stop to him. When they would take him by Force and make him a King, he would rather have poor Man brought to Glory, before he fat a King upon a Throne himfelf } and therefore he withdrew himfeif from them : And yet many a poor Man would hazard their own Salvation for a L ord- fhip or a Lairdfnip. What would have become 01 the Salvation of the Elefr, if it had beer\ in of EleR Sinneri. 175 a fuch Mens Hands ? If one had offered them . Kingdom, would they not have given over he Work? 5. Bad Entertainment from his ) W n did not difcourage him, John 1. 12. He :*mc to his own y and his own received him not. 5 The Sword of avenging Juftice could not do it, Zech. i$. 7. but forward he came, and laid clown his Head upon the Block, and open- ed his Breaft to the flaming Sword of Juftice j yea, and made his Soul an Offering for Sin, fuffered both in Soul and Body, that he might redeem both Soul and Body -, and yet went on, and never failed nor was difcouraged till he laid, It is jmijhed. ' When the Work of Sal- vation was put in Chrift's Hand, Help was laid upon One mighty to'fave. 8. He carried it on with great Fidelity both to God and Man * 9 he was faithful to him that>appointed'him, as a Son over his own Houfe, Heb. 3. 5,6. 2. Faithful is he to Man, he mak'eth lnterceffion for them for ever. And, when his Parents fought him, he lays, Y/i(t ye not that I muft be about my Fat and, /. mufr work the Work of him that I And convening with the Samaritan Woman, feeking her Converfion, he forgot to eat }. and he tells them, that it was his Meat and Drink to do the Will of him that tent him, and to finifh his Work. That's the Way Chrift afts as Mediator, if ye would know : He interceeds with the Fa- ther for us alfo now in Glory, and hath fent 1 74 Tl?e Lojs and Recovery us back word what Speed he cemes, arid that there is Room in Heaven preparing for us 5 an( that in a little he will come back for us, an< receive us to himfelf, that where he is, there we may be alfo, John 14. 2, 3, Then fhail m\ be for ever with the Lord* V Then they fang 9 The Lamb of God, like Li»n bold, Salvation carry'd o» 5 Thro' Oppofitions all he went, and did give o'er for none. He faithful to the Father was, and did him glorifies So faithful alio unto Man, forget to eat did he. jtJis Meeknefs and his Patience both admired is by me \ For God the Father did him bruife, ^ him alfo fmite did we. Yet patiently he did endure both Anguifh, Grief and Pain -, So that, when he reviled was, reviled not again. No Guile was ever found in him, of Vi'lence all he's free : ' Vet like a Sheep and iilent Lamb before his Shearers he. O'l the Head of this lovely Lamb » , all Nations laid their Hands, And on him rolled they their Sins? when in their ftead he ft&nds, of EUci JSinners. \J I ad in their Room a Sacrifice to God offer'd t© be : /hereby Atonement is made up, and alfo fav'd are we. nd yet he finifhed the Work, that faved we might be. [ewon my Heart, anddet him hav't $> and me him glorifie. k nd now he's to the Heavens gone, to plead ftill for me there - 7 ind Manfions in the Father's Houfe for me he doth prepare. Ie promifed to come again, and to bring home poor me Skit of this weary Wildernefs : right welcome fliall he be. fhovl away thefe finful Days, and Rights of Vanity, £nd Uke a Roe on Iiether's Mount come skipping unto me. And I will go to meet my Lord out from thir Lions Den ; From Sin and Sorrow I'll be iree, and weep no more -again *, But take my Harp into my Hand, fing fweetly then will I : For Day nor Night l's never reft, but Hallelujahs cry. Anxim. Now 1 fee, that Grf a nd Oirift- have made a Covenant for the Ele& World, as W and &ab>7' (*>) Have they lived long in Sin? he is Long-fiferwg. (3.) Is there Sin of all Sorts, againfl Law and Gofpel, againfl: Light and Love? then he is Abundant in Goodnefs and. Truth, of Bk& Sinners. i&V Truth. And tho' we break our Word to him a yet he will keep his Word to us, and will not -alter his Covenant : He many only punifh with temporal Strokes, keeping Mercy for Thou- fands •, we need not fear the Number be filled up, and Mercy fpent. (4.) Are our Sins of all Sorts, that they may be called Iniquity^ Tranfgreffion and Sin * Yet he will forgive all* (5.) And if we doubt he will not fhew us Mer- cy, he extends Mercy to Thoufands •, whereas Anger extends but to the third and fourth Ge- neration. He rather fave a Thoufands than de- ftroy Three. Happy are they l TV*, hajfy is that People whofe God is the Lord. 5. He is ours by Communication and Glorify- ing Influences 7 2 Pet. I. 4. We are made Parta- kers of the Divine Nature^ and made Partakers of his Holhiefs } Ms Image ftamped upon our Souls, 2 Cor. 3. 18. We beholding as in a GUfs the Glory of the Lvrdj are changed into, the fame Image. 1 John 3. %. We Jhall be like him, for we Jhall fee him as he U \ as Mofes's Face did . fhine, by beholding him upon the Mount : And fhall, by vertue of our Union and Communion with him, be raifed up to Glory at the laft Day. And Chrifl a made of God unto us Wifdom, ' Eight eoufnefs, Sanfliflcation and Redemption. For God the Lord is a Sun to enlighten,"* Shield to defend \ and he will give Grace and Glory , and withhold no aood Thine 'from them that live vp* rightly. iSi The Lofs and Recovery Anxious. But what is it for us to be God's People ? Goodnews, i. It is, upon our renouncing all our wicked Practices, and rending our Con- tract with all other Lovers, to take the Lord to be our God on Gofpel-terms, Beut. 26. 17. This Day haft thou avouched the Lord to be thy God, and haft promifed to 'walk in his Ways, and to keep his Statutes, and his Commandments, and his "Judgments, to do them with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul,and to hearken unto his Voice. And this is that giving of our Confent to be faved on the very Terms agreed upon betwixt the Father and the Son j and that now ye fub- fcribe heartily to it. Efpecially, it takes in thefe two Things that we muft do, if we would be his People, and have him to be our God, to wit, Faith and Repentance, which are both required, Mark 1. 15. The Kingdom cf God is at Hand ; Repent ye, and Believe the GofpeU Ye are now to fubmit to Chrift the King of Zion ; therefore this ye muft do, otherwife ye cannot be received Subjects. Ye muft Repent, and Believe the Gofpel : Both are required, and yet both are promifed. So that the Covenant: oi Grace is a*Miracle in this, as well as in all the other Parts of it : It hath a Condition without a Condition ; By Grace ye are fived throvgh Faith, and that net of your/elves, it is the Gift of God. A£h 3. 19. Repent, that your Sins ;.' h blotted cm. And yet he is a Saviour exai- of EleEl Sinners. 185 exalted to give Repentance and Remiifion of Sins. Anxious. But it is debated by fome,That the Covenant of Grace hath no Conditions. Goodnews, It is but a needlefs Debate •, And, to be reafoning when we mould be running : An Enquiring if the Lord doth require any Thing in order to Salvation^ when we ihould be doing that which the Lord requireth in or- der to Salvation. And we judge it not fit to be debated before any unlearned Auditory ; For they are too much given to takean unwarrant- able and lawlefs Liberty : And this is ready to open a Door to more of ihis^znd toLibertinifm y and other Errors. But, to fatisfy you in this Matter, we fay it hath Conditions, and yet no Conditions : And yet all comes to one Thing, that Faith and Repentance are ftill required of us in order to Salvation. 1. If ye fay, That it hath meritorious Condi- ditions, then we deny that it hath fuch Con- ditions. (2.) If we confider it as made with Chrift from Eternity, whether he would fave any or not, ("which we fpoke to before; then we fay there were no Conditions but GodV Love and fovereign Good-will, whether to make fuch a Covenant, or not : If he pleafed he would make it with fuch Conditions, and if he pleafedhe would not have fuch a Covenant, 2, If we confider it as made with Chrift from Eternity, we fay,, It had Conditions "quired of Chriil as our Head and Surety, N.4 that 184 The Lofs and Recovery that he fhonld both do, and enable us to do alio, before ever we could be faved } that he fhould iiiffer for our Sins, and work Rigb- teoufnefs for us, and make us willing, Pfal. 1 \o, 3. For this Law being made, Chrift be- ing Surety for us, we were one in Law r, and what was fought of the One, was fought of the- Other alfo. We mwft either fatisfy for what we had done, and live up to the Law in 'Time coming, or elfe our Cautioner muft do it for us : And of Chrift it was required, that, if we could not do it, he fhould fuffer for us •, and that we fhould henceforth fulfil the Law, at leaft in him :, and that we mould have Ad- vantage by what he did." We muft have Faith in him, to rely on him for Righteoufeefs and Strength, and repent for what we had done : And thefe Terms we muft confent unto, on the higheft Peril \ for, Without F/tith it is im- pojfible to pleafe God* Luke 1 3. Except ye repent , ye foall all likewife perifo. And, hath the Co- venant of Grace no Conditions ? I thought it had two, Faith md Repentance } and that Chrift had been Cautioner for us, that we fhould do both, as well as he is for all the other Blef- iings of the Covenant. And Faith and Repentance are not the merito- rious Caufe of Salvation, but the inftrumcnttl Caufe, or the Caufes without which we cannot fce faved, John 3. 16. Whof never believeth on him (hall not perifjj. They are not impenitent, unholy Sinner3,ncr Infidels^that win to Heaven*, all thefe • ~ Un- of EleH Sinners. 1 8 5 Unholy, Unclean, Abominable and Unbelie- vers are locked out of Heaven : He that \oelie- vetb on the Sen, hath Life ', but he that believeth not, hath not Life, but the Wrath of God abideth on him, John %*ult. He that believeth, and is bap- tiuedyfiall bejaved ; but he that believel h not , JW/ be damned, Mark 16. i<5. And if it had no Condi- tions, why doth the Lord threaten Damnation, for not giving that which he hath not required ? And to fay it had no Conditions, were to fay that the Lord were bound to us, and not we to him \ which overturneth the Nature of a Co- venant. Or, why doth he call it a Covenant ? he might have called it aPromife. And, why did he call Chrift the Mediator of the Covenant I he might have called him the Mediator of the Promife : Bur this founds not fo well as the Holy Ghofl hath expreffed it, and I know not if it be good Senfe either. But, if it be ob- jefted, That it is a Covenant of Works, and not of Grace \ If there be any Conditions re- quired, the quite contrary followeth, Rom. 4, I6« It is of Faith, that the Promife might be free* Anxious. But, if there be Conditions requi- red in the Covenant of Grace, how doth it differ from the Covenant of Works, which alfo required Conditions ? Goodnevps. With refpecl: to Chriil it was a Covenant of Works, Gal. 4. 4. God fern forth his Son made of a Woman, made under the Law- that he might redeem them that vcere under the l For it was required of him, 1, That he ! 8 6 The Lofs and (^ecoyery he fliould fatisfy for our Breach of .Covenant, J fa. 53. We all like left Sheep have gone affray^ and the Lord laid on him the Iniquities of us alL And, He was wounded for our Tranfgreffiorift 2. That he mould give perfect Obedience to the Law: And this he fays at his Baptifm, Suffer it to be fo, for it hehoveth us to fulfil all Right eoufnefs m He was made a Curfe for us, that we, through him, might inherit the Blef- fing, Gal. 3. 13. 2. It differeth with reipeft to us, in] that it requireth -of us all , and mtech more than did the Covenant of Works. For, here is ibught Faith and Repentance, which the Law ftught not : It foughf not Repentance, becaufe we had not fir^ped^n either would it accept of it if we did Sin f And it fought no Faith in Chrift, a crucified Saviour and Surety -, ibr he was not fo rWealed in it. 3. It differeth in this', That the firft Co- venant required all in our own Strength, Ihis do, and thou fhalt live. But in this we are to. do on borrowed Strength, Gen. 17. 1. / am Godjll-fujjicicnt. What chou cannot do, I will tielp thee, 2 Qr r . 12. 7-, 8. My Grace is fufficient for thee, my Strength is made per feci in thy Weaknefs. Phil. 2. 12, 1.3. Work cut your own Salvation with Fear and Tremblings it is God, that worketh in you bo*h to will and to do. ,4. In this alio, The firft Covenant being >ken, no Salvation co be obtained any more by it : Que Sin of one Man 3 damm'd u$ all the of Ele£i Sinners* 187 bhe Bleflings of it, that never one Bleffing Should come to the whole Race of Mankind in that Channel any more: But in this, All the Sins of all the Elett cannot flop the BleiTing, tho' we fliould fail feven Times in a Day, ffeb? 8. 'This is the Covenant that J will make with youy I will be merciful to your Vnrighteouf- nefsy and your Sins and Iniquities I will remember no more. Jer. 31, 37. I will not caft eff all Ifracl 7 for all that they have done,, The v one js Brittle and Changeable, the other Permanent, Dura- ble and Everlafting : All is confirmed by the Death of Chrift the Teftator. Another Ad- miniftration cannot be expected, other Terms can never be expected Lilian Faith and Rcpcn~ tance. • The Seals of it cannot be altered, Bap- tifm and the Lord's Supper, 1 Cor. 11. As often as ye eat this Bread^ and drink this Cup 7 ye do fliew forth the Lord's Death till he come again \ 5. In refpeft: of their Manifeftation. The one is written on our Heart by Nature, Rem. 2. 14, 15. The Works of the Law are writ- ten on the Hearts of the very Heathen : But the Covenant of Grace is profoundly deep and myfterious, and cannot' be attain'd unto but by Divine Revelation : hence Chrift fays to Feter^ Flejli and Blood hath not revealed this to tkecy but my Father which is in Heaven. Yea, the Men on Earrh and Angels in Heaven could never find it out, that God fhould become Man, the Prince of Life die, that God in the Fle/h fhould bear thePunjihrnent due to Rebels^ and I 8 8 TJ?e Lofs and Recovery and fee them free : So far were they from at- taining it without Divine Revelation, that they cannot comprehend it when it is revealed. 6. In refpecVof the End. The firft Cove- nant was principally to declare God's Juftice and Faithfulnefs, in keeping his Word to, and rewarding an innocent Man with Happinefs : But the End of the fecond to declare the Mer- cy and Love of God, John 3. io". Godfo loved the World y that he gave his only begotten Son^ that whsfoever believeth on him Jhould not perifoi b%t have everlafting Life* In the firft Covenant, Man was to go to Heaven on his own Feet y but, in the fecond, he is to ride to Glory in a Chariot paved with Love, in this Covenant of Grace. Anxious having heard aft this, broke out ia a Song, with his Heart in a Flame of Love, and Tears on his Cheeks. Heaven's Wonders here ihine forth, Good-news from God above, I am to ride to Glory now in a Coach pav'd with Love. Wifdom Divine did it contrive, and made it up of Grace;, Its Boards with Love did all cement, ' fitly joi'n'd in their Place, Of lafting Wood of Lebanon, that nev.er will expire: All. my. Salvation it makes fure,, and all I can defrre. 'lis of EleB Sinners. \ 8p Tis bottomed with precious Gold* left 1 fink down and die : fts Purple-Cover keeps off Wrath from falling down on me. Jo them within it wonderful and pleafant doth it prove : They walk, they ly,* they fit, they fleep, and there they dream on Love. The Lord is now to be my God \ What more can he give me ? The Heavens and the Earth are mine, and Life eternallie. And I am his, and ever mail; well's me that it is fo. He will not lofe his own, I'm fure, for Death, Sin, Hell, nor Wo. The Terms of this New Covenant debate now will not I ; Nor reafon more, when I fhould run, and to frm quickly fly. Let me repent, let me u elieve, when he for theft doth call: When I thefe want, I'll cry for them ; and ever praife thee ihall. Goodncws. What think ye of this Covenant of Grace, -now when ye have got a View of it? Anxious. Think ! I know not whether I had bed to fpesk, or to wonder and hold my Peace. Glory to God, that ever contrived it! Glory to the Son, that ever undertook it ! Glory to the Spirit, that hath renewed my Heart, -and made i po T7;e Lofs and Recovery made me to embrace and fubfcribe it ! And Thanks to you, that hath informed me of the Nature of it. The Caufe and Spring of it is Won- derful ! Matchlefs Love ! The Parties contra- cting in it are Wonderful ! Jehovah and finful Duft, by the Interventionof fuch a Mediator ! The Nature of it is Wonderful ! Superabounding Grace ! s Tlie Terms of it are Wonderful I Ask and have ! • The Mediator of «it is Won- derful ! God manifefled in the Flefh i That ever he undertook it, on fb harfh Terms, is a World's Wonder! yea,it is a very Complication of Wonders ! T*hefe are my Thoughts of it: But one Thing I would fain know, How did the Mediato" come to fulfil his Part of it, to fuffer and dje for Sinners .?•■ Was there not an Aver/ion in him then to fuffer? Good-dews. Have ye forgotten that I told you, He undertook the harfheft Terms with thefe Words, Lo 9 I come , / delight to do thy Will. Yea, he came over Myriads of Ages, fo to fpeak, longing till the World was created, and till he wan down in the Morning of Time, to Eden, to vent his Love to poor Man, that lodged in his Bread from Eternity, and preach a crucified Saviour. Have. .you forgotten that ? Avxious. God forbid that ever 1 fliould for- get it. But I mean, when the Time of his Humiliation was at Hand, when he muft now pay dear for his Love, to Pickles of Duft and Hell-coloured Worms - Did not the Extremi- ty of Eleci Sinwrs* 1 91 ty of his Trouble make him fhrink, and go heavily about the Work ? Goodnevos. He did not go heavily and a- gainft his Will, as we often do,about his Work } and even the Difciples, they muft be conflrain- ed to leave him, and to go to the other Side , . but he fought no Containing to leave his Fa- ther : A ftrange Change ! an uncouth other Side to him , tho' he was to meet with the Malice of Earth, and Hell, and Death, and, the Father's Wrath, on the other Side. But, when theFulnefs of Time was come, and the bleffed Decree broke forth, in which all the Promifes, which were big with Child of this bleffed Babe, were delivered •, and a Saviour born, and given into the Lap of a loft World : The Glory of the higher Houfe, the Father of Eternity is now lying a Babe in a Manger. / come with Delight • it is written of me. And it will appear that he came mofl willingly, if we confider that he longed for the Time of of his Sufferings. Luke 12. 50. 1 have a Bapnfm to be baptised with, and % how am J ftraitned till it be accomplijhed ! O how am I preiTed and pained till I win to Mount 'Calvary, to get my Hands and my Feet nailed to the Crofs / To get my Heart's-Blood ihed, and God's Love to-, gether, for them to part among them. 2.From his being offended at any that would diffwada him from fuffering } as appeareth in the Re- buke he gave to Peter ^Get thee behind me^ Satan^ Mat. \6t 22. Peter diffwades him from it. But: he 1 9 i The Lo/s and Recovery he fays, What? Man! Does thou think that Ihave ib little Love to loft Man, that I will le§ their Salvation ft ick at my Suffering I And thou flialt get the Name of the Devil for thy Pains, Get thee behind me^ Satan. TakejSat&n's Name and Anfwer both. It was the very Anfwer he gave to Satan. For all that will difTwade *me from it,they are a Devil ',a 'Temptation. 3. When he was going up his lafl Journey to Jerufalem, When one would thought, the Nearnefs of his Sufferings would waken an Averfion to Suffe- rings *, yet he is now, even now? as willing a* ever, Luke 19, 28. it is faid, He went before,af- cending 1 r to Jerufalem. He outwent the jfthole Multitude, even when on his March to meet the awak'ned Sword of Jiiftice in the Garden, and the Pains of Death, and the Father's With- draw ings upon the Crois. Anxiotu. Now, I mind, we juft came in where Hafty and Patience left off to Day : For, you know, they left off here, at the Pains that the Lord took upon theie Rebels to make them fubmit •„ that he fent firft fome, and then °- ther Servants *, and when 'they had ftoned fome, and killed others, lafl of all, he fent his own Son, Heb. 1. 1. God, who at fundry Times, and in divers Manners, ftake to the Fathers in Time paft, hath now at lafl: fpoken to us by his Son. HoW did they take with him ? One would think that now Doors and Windows, Houfes and Hearts, would all be caft wide opon to receive him, when the good Shepherd came down . among of EleB Sinner f. .195 among them that were loft Sheep ; when the great: Phyfician came down among an Hofphal of fick, dying Sinners, when the Redeemer came down to proclaim the acceptable Year of the Lord, and the Gofpel- Jubilee to them that wete Captives to the Devil, bound with Fet- ters, and that over to eternal Fire. Goodnews. V >ry bad Entertainment did he get^ John 1. \\f 12. He came unto his own, and bis own received him not. The whole Country rofe in a Hubbub about him, when they faw this glorious Sun of Righteoufnefs come down ampngft them j becaufe Light is the Overthrow of Darknefs, and Satan ftirred them up to put out this Light, which they willingly confented to, becaufe they hated the Light, John 3. 20. This is the Condemnation , that Light is come into the Worlds and Men love Darknefs rather than Light, becaufe their Deeds are evil. For every one that doth Evil hateth the Light, neither Com- eth he to the Light, left his Deeds (thereby) flwuld be reproved. John 7.7. The World hateth me, becaufe I teftify that the Deeds thereof are e~ vil. No Minifter of mine more than I, that will deal plainly with the World, and teftify againft their evil Deeds, but muft meet with the World's Hatred, as well as I. A Com- pany of Deceivers, that, like AhaWs falfe Prophets, will footh them up in Sin, andftatid in Awe to reprove them •, tiufe will have a brave Life amongft them .- But an honeft Ml- taiah) they have not fo much Policy as to hide O . theft 1^4 *fl> e Lofs and ^eco^ery their Malice, tho' their Confciences tell them they may get God's Mind from them; There is one Micaiah^ by whom we may enquires of the Lord, but I hate him. This was the Entertain- ment he met with *, they, whenever they faw him , Cenfpired again ft him, A£ts 4. 27. Againfl thy holy Child Jefus, both Herod and Pontius Pi- late, with the Gentiles and the People of Ifrael, are gathered together. They met him moft ma- licioufly and ingratefully ; they met infinite Love with matchlefs Malice : They thought to have cut him off as foon as he was born ; and, to make fure, they flew all the Babes of that Country. They afterward, when he was en- tred upon his Miniftry in publick, fent Officers to take him, John 7. and at laft Judas fold him, and a Multitude in Arms came out againfl him, Mat \26* 55« Are ye come out againftme, as againfl a Thief, with Swords and Staves for to take me ? And after he was taken, O what hellifh Malice and Injuftice did he meet with ! He was moft malicioufly abufed before ever the Court met ; They bound him whenever they laid their Hands upon him, they took him to the High Prlelt's Hall, Luke 22. 45. and there they moc- Jced and fmote him, blindfolded him, and {truck him on the Face, faying, Prophefy who was it that fmote thee. What heathenifh and barbarous Cruelty wasthis,fo to have ufed any Man? Nothing proved againfl him, yet bound and mocked him as Samfon. 2. They gave him not fair Juitice , for he was judged in a Court of EleB Sinners. 1 p jr Cotirt that had not Power to do it} a Pack of malicious Scribes and Pharijees 7 from whoni Herod had taken away the Power of Life and Death, fo that they confefs, J«hn 18. 31. It is not lawful for m to put any Man to Death. But any Thing was good enough for them for Law; if they could get the common Rabble to cry^ Crucify him, that paft for Juftice here. 3. He was accufed of" that which he was not guilty of, Of not paying Tribute to Cefar. Nothing more falfe 5 for he taught it, That Cefar fhould have Tribute, Mat. 22. 24. Give unto Cefar the Things that are Cefar'/. And he confirmed his Do&rine with his Practice : Before Cefar fhould want his Due, he will work a Miracle, and get it from a Fifh, 4. When he fpeaks gravely to them, they fmite him in the very Court } and when he is filent, they chide him, John 18. 22. 5. They fubborn falfe Witnef- fes againft him •, the very Judges fought them out, of Defign to take away his Life, Mat . 26. 59. 6. The Judge, that condemned him to die, declared, that he was a juft and inno- cent Perfon, Mm. 27. 24. And Co he is ten- tenced and haled away to Execution, and nail- ed to the Crofs, and bows his Head, and gives up the Ghoft, when he had cried with a loud Voice. That fhews his Love yet continueth ; he parted with Life before his Strength was gone. And this is the Entertainment thac Love met with in the World : They would o % by \$6 The Lofs and Recovery by no Means receive him-, but, Away with i him at any Rate. Anxious* But, did none receive him at all, when he came to his own ? Goodnews. God forbid. Some did receive him, but they might be all foon counted His own received him not. But to as many as re- ceived him-) to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God. We find one Simeon*, that waited for the Confolation of lfrael, Luke 2. 28. that received him both in his Heart and Arms when but a Babe, and blefled God that his Eyes had feen his Salvation. So did one ./4w?^in the fame Chapter ; ib did his Difciples *, fo did many of the common People acknowledge him* Mar\ y Martha and L&zArtts all in one Family ; 'tis good to be in a good Family: And n? any moe than thefe received him, as the Woman of Sa- | maria, &c. But the Bulk of the Nation re- setted him \ the moft Part of the Clergy and Nobility, John 7.48,49. Have any of the Pha- es or of the Rulers be Li eve d on him ? fay they, But this People that know not the Law (have be- lieved on him, and therefore fay they, They) are accurfed. But this Wind did fliake no Corn ; the poor Commons were the BlefTedeft of the two. Chrift will never want a Back in the 'fiormieft Day that ever blew : As many as are ordained to eternal Life, will ay believe. Anxious. What could be the Caufe ? I am fine they had not known him - 7 for, if they had of Elefi Sinner si ly? had known him, they would never have been fo mad as to have crucified the Lord of Glory. Goodnews, Some indeed knew him not well, \Cor. 2, 8. What is that to fay ? They had the no- tional Knowledge of him •, for the World was ringing with it, that he was the Son of God, His Vfher was publicity preaching, and crying that he was come, John the Ba$tifl 9 a Voice crying to them to prepare his Way : Yea, he preached him, and pointed him out as come; Behold the Lamb of- God y that tciketh away the Sms of the World. But all the Matter was,' they wanted the faving and experimental Knowledge of him ^ and their Ignbrance of him was an affe&ed and voluntary Ignorance, they were willingly ignorant: As many are convinced, in perfecuting God's People, than they are the Righteous they perfecute ^ as in our own Day, the Enemies of Chrift would have flain the People of God, and then, when- ever they expired, faicl, I am fure that Man's Soul is in Heaven. And if they were ignorant, the Fault is their own : They might have known, both by Search of the Scriptures, and attending on his Miniftry •, as many in our Day are ignorant, becaufe they will not wait upon Ordinances. But befide, the Scripture faith, They did know him, Luke 20. T4. They reafo- ned am t or?g rhemfelvesj faying? This is the Heir, come let m kill him* And herein their prodigi- ous Madnefs appears •, they think, Now he is God in the Flefh, we will get him deffroyed O 3 now:, '198 the Lofs and (Recovery now, and be free of his Yoke and Bonds that we hate and abhor. For, do not Sinaers evi- dence the defperate Madnefs and Diftrattion of their Mind, in finning over Light and Con- ference; that have no Bands at all upon them ; that to Beholders appear worfe than diftra&ed, fb that Paul lays of fuch, Gal. 3. 1. O fooliih, yea bewitched Galatians I One would think, this were impoffible for a rational Creature, thus to go over the Belly of Light : But what need We think it ? Is it not true, that the Swearer, Adulterer, Drunkard, Prayerlefs Per- fons know they are damning their own Souls ? and yet they will do it, and would be the Death of the Godly that reprove them \ and long for nothing more than that Religion were out of the Land that would hinder them> that they may run to Hell with Eafe, and not have every Body taking a Tug of them, and trou- ble them by the Way. They have not will of two Hells, one here, and one hereafter too. And yet others, more mad, come after, and fall to Work again againft the Church and Ways of God, thinking they will prevail upon God's People : And if Chrift were in the Flefh this Day, coming with an Army to right for keligion, there would be Thoufands on the World's Side, for One that would be on ChriiYs Side, Then th(yjang % s Wfcen Time approach'd, and now was come, that Chrift pays dear for's Love Had of El e St Sinners* ipp Had to Man from Eternity^ he muft fharp Sufferings prove,' Hi* Courage yet did nothing fail ^ but forward with Delight He went, to meet his Sufferings fore, nothing could him affright. Now mat chiefs Love comes to redeem Men, from Wrath, Hell and Fears : And matchlefs Malice doth him meet, with their Swords and their Spears, Moft barb'roufly they him abus'd, j before arraign'd was he > In Court, with ill PowV, Witnefs falfe* there he condemn'd muft be. They knew he was the Son of God, their Confcience had* no Bands 5 But contrary to their own Light, they acted with their Hands. They thought the Wicked would them thank for their great Skill that Day -, And that their Fathers had no Wit to conquer Chriftj as they. Satan makes Fools of wicked Men, when they think they're moft wife ; They a£t like mad bewitched Men, as our Apoftle fays. Anxious* But what did he do, when he was thus rejected, defpifed and put to Death? It would feem that they had now done with Heaven and Happinefs, and that the Treaty of Peace now fhould be at an End, O a Goad-' 200 The Lofs and (fycoilwy Goodnews* No. He was never more earned than now. For he is God, and not Man, therefore he did not confume them. But,*as foon as he wan up out of the Grave, which was but Three Days after, he is at his old Work-again, Luke 24. 47. and fends forth his Apoftles, commanding them to go and preach Repentance and RerniiTion of Sins to all Na- tions, beginning at Jerufalem. One would have thought that Jerufalem would never got a Call to Repentance again, nor yet a Promife of Remiffion of Sins, who had fo handled the Saviour, and whofe Hands were yet reek- king in the Blood of the innocent Lamb of God. But it is far otherwife - 7 he fays, Be- gin at them : Give them the firft Offer, for loth am I to leave them. Or, if I muft leave them, I will give them a Farewel-Sermon yet, before I go. I fhall have fome of them that crucified me, to fhare in the Benefits of my Sufferings. And, after his Afcenfion to Glory, he lent forth the greateft Throng of Ambaffa- dors that ever came before, 1 Cor. 12. 28. And G$d hath fent fome' into the Churchy fame ' ApoftleSy fome 'Teachers , mid fome Prophets, fome s of Miracles •, Among the reft, he fent efe Two Men with great Gifts, One Boaner- , and another Paracletes } the One a Son of Thunder, the other of Confolation \ the One a Terrifier, the other a Comforter. And fo thefe Two went up and down amongft them, dealing hard with them by Threatnings and Pro- of EleH Sinners. 201 Pronrifes to lay afide their Wickednefs and fubmit, and then they fhould be fet at Liber- ty/ and all that ever they had done fhould be forgiven unto them. Anxious. What faid thefe Two Men to them, when they came to thefe Captives and Prifoners ? Goodnews. They blew a great Trumpet, that the Dead might have heard it, it was fo loud, and had fuch a majefrick Sound, I fa, 27. ult. John 5. 25. Anxious. What did they then ? Goodnews. Boanerges took out a Proclamation^ that he had the Seal oi Heaven at, and fhew- ed his Warrant for what he had to fay." And then he. cried, I here, in the Name and Authority of the Great God,the Judge of the Quick and the Dead, Denounce War from Heaven againft all Rebels to the King of Glory • and that there is no Peace to the Wicked, faith my God : There- fore, prepare to meet an offended God. In his- Name, I declare, not one impenitent Soul ihall efcape eternal Damnation, A:ls 13. to. O full of all Stibtilty and Malice, ye Chil- dren of the Devil, ye Enemies of all Righte- oufhefs, that do not ceafe to pervert the Ways of the Lord *, Ye Serpents, ye Ge tion of Vipers, how can ye efcape the Dam- nation of Hell ? Dent. 29. 19. And if/any of you fhali flatter your felves, and declare by your Praflice, that ye think ye fhall have Pea^e* 1 o % The Lofs and Recovery Peace, tho' ye walk after the Imaginations of your own Hearts, the Lord fhall not fpare you, but the Fury of the Lord fhall wax hot againft that Man : And all the Cur fes in this Book fhall come upon him, and I will blot out his Name from under Heaven. Moreover, I here Denounce eternal Wrath againft all that prefer the World, their Lufts and Pleafures, to God -, and have the World nearer their Heart than him : That they fhall be funifhed with everlafHng DeftruBion from the Pre fence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power, Phil. 3. 19. Whofe God is their Belly, whofe End is Deflrvclion, who mind earthly floings, 2. I Denounce from the great and terrible God, the 'fiery Indignation and Vengeance of a Mediator, on ail that will any Way adven- ture to worfhip him otherwife than it is writ- ten ^ that add to, or pare from the Word of God 5 either by worfhipping him by Idols, or humme Traditions, reflecting on God's Wifdom, and uftn'ping upon his abfoiute Authority, Rev. 18. 19, 20. For I proteft and teftify to every Man, be what he will, rich or poor, bond or free, That, if any of them fhall add to the Sayings of the Book of this Prophecy, God fhall add to him the Plagues that are written in this Book. All Obfervers of Idolatrous Days, Plagues from God fhall be heaped upon them, Gal. 4. 10. Ye obferve Days and Times, I greatly doubt your Salvation, Jnd if any fhall tak* of EleB Sinners. ooj take away from the Book of this Prophecy , God fljall take away his Part out of the Book of Life, and from the holy City, and (rem the Things that are written in this Booh. Ail ye therefore that obferve thefe abominable Days ', ye have Bibles, but fhall be difinherited of all the Promifes that are in them, ye ftiall never fyl the Floor of the new Jerujalem, except ye repent. 3. In the Authority and Name of SHAD- DA I, the great and terrible God, I Denounce the Wrath and Curfe of a Trinity upon thefe that are Common Swearers, Blafphemers by the Name of the dreadful and tremenduous Maje- fty of God, That ye fhall furely be throws alive into Hell, and eternally tormented with "the Devil and his Angels, Deut. 28. 58. If thou -wilt -not fear this glorious and fearful Name ■ ■ the Lord jliall make thy Blagues wonderful. And it will be no Excufe for you, thaf fwear by Faith and Conscience, or if it were but by a Bird in the Air, Damnation will unavoidably follow upon \t, jam. 5. 12. The Difcharge is (trie!:, the Punifhment peremptory : But 4^H all Things, my Brethren, fwear not at all, nel by the Heaven, nor the Earth, nor any other O ture, left ye fall into Condemnation. 4. I here Denounce eternai Damnation with the Devil and his Angels, upon all Prayerlefs Perfons, that flight God's Worfhip in tjieir Fa- milies, or in their Clofets, Pfal. 9. 17. The Wicked fhall be turned into Hell, arid all the N*- 204 The Lofs and Recovery tiops that forget < God. Workers of Iniquity, Perfecuters of the Godly, and PrayerJefs Per- sons, thefe are three fad Forerunners of eter- nal Damnation, Jer. 10. 25. Pour out thy Fury • on the Heathen , and the Families that call not on thy Name. Ye are excluded from Chriftians, and reckoned with Heathens \ but your Hell will be hotter than the Hell of Turks and Pa- gans, or Sodom or Gomorrha, Mat. 11. ft' pall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the Day of Judgment, than for you. 5. I Denounce War from Heaven, and fiery, • Indignation from the Lord, to devour all thefe Adverfaries of the Lord, that take a Latitude to break the Sabbath-day, Jer. 17. 27. If ye will not hearken unto me y to hallow the Sabbath, I will kindle a Ftre in jerufalem, that pail csnfume it y and pall not be quenched. That will not give God one Day of feven. And alfo, this fiery Indignation againft all that overly perform Du- ties, not employing their whole Heart and Spirit in the Work : For God is a Spirit *, and they that worship him 9 mufi worjlup him in Spirit and in Truth. 6, I Denounce the dreadful Curfe from, the tremenduous Judge of the whole Earth, againft all that revolt and rebel againft their Parents, lawful Magiftrates, and the Minifters of Jefus Chrift : all that contemn their Perfons, deride and mock them. God the Father of all Things will take Vengeance j The Son, the fcreat Teacher of the New Teftament, whofe Image of EkH Sinners. 205 and Authority the Minifters have, will take Vengeance on you, for abufmg his Image and Ambaifadors, 2 Chron, 36. 16. If ye mock his MefTengers, the Wrath of the Lord will kin- dle againft you, and there will be no Remedy ; and this mall be your doleful Lamentation one Day, How have I hated JnfiruBion^ and dij obeyed the Voice of my Teachers ? Prov. 3. 1 7. The Eye that mockcth kjs Father, - •the Raven of the Valley frail pick it out •, that is, Let him die an unnatural Death, and be unburied, till Crows fhall eat his Body, to fhew his Detection at fuch a Sin : And yet the Minifters of the Go- ipel meet with fuch Mockery, Jer. 20. 7, 8. Every One mockcth me fmce I began to preachy I cry out of Violence and Spoil } the Word of the Lord it a Reproach unto them. God will laugh at your Calamity , and mack when ycur Fear comethy Prov, I- 24, 25, 26* Pfal. 2. The Lord will laugh at them, and have them in Derifion. 7. I Denounce the heavy Wrath of God, that rents the Rocks, that burneth down to the loweft Hell, againft all Grinders of the Faces of the Poor, all Rackers of Rents, all that do not relieve the difrrefTed Members of the Honourable Family, whereof Chnfl is the Head, Matth, 25. 41, 42. Depart from me, ye Curjed I into everhfting Eire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels ; For I was hungry, and ye gave me n» Meat ; naked, ard ye clothed me not j Sick and in Yrifcn, and ye viftted me Ye are gone, tho' ye never had c.mmitted Sin, 2o6 The Lofs and Recovery if ye omit and flight to relieve them that are in Mifery *, much more ye that rack Rents, and break poor Things : The Ground will not yield it, God does not give it them . and would ye have more than God gives ? Will your Tacks and Pactions with them bear that ? Matth. 1 8. 28. —*--Tbe Lord flaw that the Man caught his Feliow by the Throaty and fluid. Pay me what thou owefl, 'Then his Lord caught him y and delivered him to the Tormentors^ till hejhould pay all that was due to him. If ye forgive not jfden neither will your heavenly Father for? ive you . But if ye fay, They are but Offen- ces that we are to forgive, not real Debts, and to quit our Gear or our Rents. I anfwer, It is not only Offences that God forgiveth, but he alfo forgiveth the Want of paying of real Debts :, the Sin of Omiffion, that we have not paid him the Rent of Glory due to his Name, Ye that will not quit any Thing to a Tenant/ but call them out of Doors naked and bare, Fear y That as ye forgive them their Debts, flo will God forgive you yours. 8. I Denounce Exclufion out of the King- dom of God, and certain Condemnation from the Judgment-feat, againft all that live in Un- cleannefs in Heart or practice, Epb. 5. c. No Whoremonger or Adulterer hath any Part in the Kingdom of Gcd and of Chrift^ Rev. 21.8. And the Whoremongers frail have their Part in the Lake that burner j with Fire and Brim-flow, Heb. 13. 4. Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge of Ekft Sinners. 207 judge, Rev. 22. 1 5. Whoremongers are lock- ed out of Heaven at the laft Day. 9. I Denounce the Wrath and Curfe of God againft all thefe that do any Thing to hinder their own Profperky in the World, by Idlenefs Drinking, and the like. Curfes and Wo be to the Tippler that glorieth in it, that he can drink his Neighbour Drunk, and be no worfe, Tjk, 5. This is a Sin, tho' no more in it but the Breach of this pofitive Command •, hindering his own Wealth, a dealing from himfelf; Provy 21. 17. He that loveth Wine, Jhall not be rich - Wo to him that putteth his Bottle to his Neigh- bour, and maketh him drunk : Wo to the Tipplers that are prong to drink Wine, and Men of Strength to mingle ftrong Drink : W$ alfo to beaftly Drunkards, that rife early tin the Morning to drink Wine, and continue aU Night till it in- flame them, Ifa. 5. ti. The Creature appointed to quench Thirft, is fo abufed to Excefs, that it kindles it. Alfo, Wo to all ilothjul Per- fons, that impoverish, and thereby kill them- felvesby Lazinefs, Prov. 21. 24. The Dcfire of the Slothful flayer h him 9 becauje his Hands refitfe to labour. And all Thieves and covetous per font jhall not inherit the Kingdom of God, That hin- der the Wealth of their Neighbours. 10. 1 Denounce the Wrath of God, and War from Heaven, againft all thefe that are Liars, Backbiters, ipeak Evil of their Neigh- bours behind their Backs, to wrong their Neighbour in their good Name, or Means : For 2o8 Tlie Lofs and Recovery For liars are among the black Grew that flrall not enter Heaven, Rev. 21. 27. And there jhall in nowije enter into itj— whatsoever loveth or maketh a Lie* n.WO alio to all thefe that are Murnui rers at Providences, difcontent with their own Lot in the World : As the Ifraelites murmu- red in the Wildernefs, and were deftroyed of Deftroyers *, And that, like covetous Ahab^ coveted Nabfth r s Vineyard, 1 Kings 21.4* And gtieve at the Good of others, Efiber 5. 13. That all avails them nothing, as long as Mor- decai got Leave to fit at the King's Gate. That are defirous of Vain-glory , envying one amther y -provoking one mot her ^ Gal. 5, 16. 12. I Denounce the Wrath of God, and War from Heaven, and eternal Perdition, to all that are guilty of any of thefe Sins, and continue Impenitent, Luke 13. Except ye repent, ye Jhall all likevoife perifij. 13. 1 Denounce War with God, and eternal Damnation, againft all that will not by a lively Faith Hee from Wrath to come, John 5. 40. Mark 16. \6. That thefe that believe not may Jbe damned, that have not a Faith thatVorketh by Love, 2 Theff. 2. 10, 11, 12. Becaufe they received not the Love of the r truth J GjoU gave them up to (rrong Delufions, that they all mirht be damned that believe not the Truth^ but had Plea Jure in Vnrighteoufnefs* 74. I Denounce War from God, and eternal Excommunication from his Prefence, againfil of EleEl Sinners. 209 all thofe that love not our Lord Jefus Chrift * 7 Let that Man and that Woman be Anathema Marau-atba, accurfed to his Coming again, 1 Cor. 16. 22. All thefe that by their Obfti- nacy and PeriifHng in a Courfe of Rebellion againft the Law of God, and Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrift, ye fhall not efcape. Hoxo flail ye efcape, if ye negletl fo great Salvation £ Heb. 2. 3. Anxious* That Boanerges muft be a bold righteous Lion •, I am fure, he«muft be one of thefe Miniflers that are defcribed to have a Lion's Face, to go through thick and thin w BleiTed be Boanerges of the Lord, that was io faithful to God, and to the Souls of the Peo- ple ; For, I think, of all the plain, particular,* home Preachers that ever I heard, Boanerges bears the Gree. But, what did he more ? Geodnews. He let the Trumpet to his Mouth again, and blew the Trumpet in Rich a terri- ble Manner, that ye would have faid, it was Che Breath and Power of God founding in it 5 enough to have rent the very Rocks. And then the People, fome of the poor Prifoners began to tremble, as tho' the Lord were im* mediately calling them out to Execution. And then he cried again, m Atis 2. 36. God bath made the fame JESV 5, whom ye have crucified^ both r hord and Chrift ; And here I Declare, in his Name, the acceptable Year of the Lord to? all that will repent \ and the Day of the ^eneeance of our God, to all that will not ac- P • cept lio T7;e Lojs and ^ecoyery cept of Deliverance from this Bondage to the ; Devil, on Gofpel-Terms, Jfa,6i.i. Choofe or*refufe : There is Lite and Death let before you. Anxious. And what followed thereupon ? Goodnews, There arofe a Mighty Wind {Cant. 4. ult.) out of the North^ that made them fall a trembling,. Atts 9. 6, and cried, Lord ! what wouldfi thou have me te do f A&s 2, 37- And being picked at the Hearty they cried cut, What fall we do f This was a great Change, and they cried, What jhall we dave, like King Ah ax., finned yet the more 9 Ifa. a 7. 17, 18. It is his fovereign and gracious ■fleafure, that thefe that he hath Tmitten, and a ■ P3 W % 1 4 T^ e Lofs and Recovery yet they have gone on frowardly in the Way { of their Heart, and. now are mourning for it, That he hath fcen their Ways, and that he will heal them, and reftofe Comforts to them, anct r o rheir Mourners. 5. I alfo Declare and Proclaim Peace in his 1 !N ame to all Swearers and perjured Perfons,that have fworn againft the known Truth,theKing'$ Pardon and Indemnity 9 tho% like Peter, they had fworn they never knew Chrift 5 yea, tho* he hath ftoien, and fworn falfly to hide, it, \ 6. 5, to 8, All that about which he hath fworn falfly, he fhall reftore a Trefpafs-orTer- ing, and it fhall be forgiven him. Not Swear* ihg, but never relenting, fhall damn him. 6. I here Declare and Proclaim,in the Name of that God that keepeth Covenant and Mercy, Airthat have fworn to God, and not perfor- med, but gone back, Jer. 3. 14. Return, return, O backfliding Children ; for the Lord is married yet to you. He healeth Backflidings, he recei- .h giacioufly. He received Peter, after twice relapfing from him. Seventy and feven Times in a Day will he receive you, if ye fall *, and if ye think ye fail oftner, lippen norhing at aM to what ye have done, but all to Chrift. Have you been all the Day labouring^) keej. clean your Garments, and yet at Kight ye fine them all bedaubed with Mire? Then put of] all your own Righteoufnefs/and on with the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, and let him be calleC The Lord your Right eoufnefs^ Jer 6 23, 6» 7- Al: of EleB Sinners. 21 j 7, AH that are in League with SatanJ and have flied innocent Blood, Come and Welcome - 7 Quarters for you. Manajfeh, the Warlock and Shedder of Blood, got Quarters before, you. Here Chrift Hands with outffretched Arms' to receive you : He died, and fullered the Punifli- xnent due to thefe and all other Sins. And then he blew the Trumpet again, and cried, Ho ! every one that is ready to perifh in the Land of Egypt, and the Outcafts in the Land of Ajfyria, Come, take Difcharge out of Chrift's Hands-, here is Difcharge for all your Sins : The Trumpet of the Gofpel is founding louder and louder ; he will not go away with- out fome of you. Come, for he commanded ui to corny I you to come in ; Give him'a good Anfwer. O arife and come away, He calleth 'you* The M-fter is comey and calleth for you. The Gofpel-JaM** is To-day : All Slaves, home to Liberty ; all Forfeiters, home to your old PoiTeilions again; all VV after-prodigals, home to your Father's warm Houfe again. He cometh running to meet you. The Mafter is come, .and calleth for you. Come away, Captives ; come out of the Pit, ye Prifoners. Anxious, And how did they do then ? Goodnews. The Son of God, that before came in the Flefli, came now in the Spirit and with Power,and called himfelf,#*. 61. 1,2. The Lord hath fent vfte to proclaim Liberty to the Cap' tives, to open Prifon'doors to them that are bound, to proclaim the acceptable }Ur. of the Lord And V 4. with 2 1 6 Tlie Lofs and Recovery with tW he (hook the Foundations of their Prifon, and every Man's Fetters fell from him. But there were fome funk deep in the Pit, in their Prifon-houfe •, and he let, down a Three- fold Cord, of Goof's Love, Chrift's Merit, and the Spirit's Comforts, and drew them u£, being f aft hanqued about their Hearts, And he faid, As for thee alfo, by the Blood of .the Covenant have I brought up thy Trifoners out of the Tit wherein there is no Water. Jer. 31. 3. With Lo* ving-Undnefs mil I draw thee* And then their Fetters were taken off, and they got Liberty, and were fet free from the Power of Juflice, the Dominion and Power of Sin, that kept them fait, and from their Confcience?, that they could not before efcape from the Pain of l And then he fet them upon a Rock 3 and told them what they muft further do. Anxious. What were they next to do ?. Goodnews* There came near to them One, whofe Name was WONDERFUL, COUN- SELLOR, and faid to them, All that are for efcaping from Wrath to come, to win out of this Captivity and Prifon, muft, 1. Renounce their former Ways, and the ill Manners of the Place that they live in, Pfal. 45. 10. Hearken, O Daughter^ and confider \ Forget alfo thy P nple, find thy Father's Houfe. Caft afide all your ove to Superftition and humane Inventions •, lay afide exceiiive Love to; the World and its pe- riling Pleafnres, Rcv % 12. 1, hold your Feet >ipon the changeable yv r orld ; lay afide ail your Sins 5v of EleSl Sinners. % \ y Sins, never to receive them again \ fay unto God, 'take away all Iniquity ,Hof. 14. 2. Lay afide all Conformity to the Men oi the World, 1 Thefj* 5. 6\ Do not as others do, who. mind earthly Things, whofe Earth is their Heaven, whofe Belly vs their god, whole good Wifhes is their Chrift, who have a Flatterer for their Minifter, whofe End is DeftruHhn, whofe Plea- fares are Poifon. Moreover, 1 obteft and ad- jure you, that ye henceforth wtlk net at other G 'entiles , in the Vanity of your Mmds *, Whofe Minds are taken up with Things vain and empty, that will quickly periih : Thatyehate the Light no longer : That ye be no longer alienated from the Life of God, thro' the Ignorance that is in you, becaufe of the Blind* nefs of your Mind •, But that ye follow on ro know the Lord. Read the Scriptures, wait upon Ordinances, where Knowledge is to be had : Pray over the Word and Ordinances, that ye may get the faving Meaning thereof, TfaL 119. it. Lord, open mine Eyes, that I may behold the Wonders that are in thy Law. Eph. 4, 22. Put' off \ concerning the former Convcrf at i~ on, she old Man, which is corrupt according to de- ceitful Lufts* Be ye not conform to the World, but transformed, by the renewing of your Minds. 2. Ye mult turn to the Lord's Ways pre-, fenely, and that without Delay, Pfai. up, 59, do. I thought upon my Ways. / made Hf$t>y and delayed not % —— but turned my Feet unto 2 1 8 Tloe Lofs and ^coVery unto, thy Testimonies* It is not Time to reafbn, when we mould be running. 3. Ye muft deny your felves, Luke p. 23. And take up your Crofs and follow me. Have your Eye to God's Glory • and that in all Dif- ficulties : Ye muft hold on your Way, that ye may demonfirate that ye are righteous. 4. Ye muft take you to the Way of the heavenly Travellers, Jer. 6. 16. Ask for the old Path, where is the good Way t and walk there- in j and ye jh all find Reft to your Souls. %• Ye muft be very laborious and diligent in the Way, Heb. 6. 10. Be not (lothful, but Followers of them, who through Faith and Patience have inherited the Promifes. Ye muft run, and . >fo run that ye may obtain, I Cor. 9. 24. And, in your Running, ye muft do thefe Things : (1.) Set Chrift before you, look to him: Rnn, looking to Jefus, from your firft letting out on your Way from this Prifon into which ye were imprifoned, when thruft out of Eden, Earthly Paradife, till ye be in Heavenly Para- d-'ce. Ay Jefus, and ay Jefus. For, if ye begin to look on Difficulties, and pore too much upon your own Unworthinefs, ye, will faint and give over : Say, with the good King, Lord, we have no Might againft this great Compa- ny, neither know we what- to do, but our Eyes are towards thee, (2.) Look to the End ye would be at, the Salvation of your Souls, For I am to give you ft of EleH Sinners. 1 1 p a Rule, That, if ye obferve, ye mall have Peace and Mercy upon you, Gal. 6. 16. (3.) That ye may attain to the End, take the Rule with you to direft you to it, If a. 8. 20*. To the Law and to the Teftimony* Lay Weight on ^nothing, do nothing, believe no- thing, as neceiTary to Salvation, but what is contain'd in this Rule *, and cut or carve on nothing that is contained in it, Pfal. 119. 6. Then flmll I not be ajliamed^ when I have a Reftetb to all thy Commandments. , And befides this, If ye would* thrive in the Way, make fure Work to begin with z Do not raflily count the Coft, ^ft* when ye meet with fome Difficulties, that ye laid not your Account with, ye give over. Count the Gain and the Lofe , and be lure that ye be well refolved, and make a right Choice, that ye will abide by, Jofh. 24. Choofe you thts Day whom ye will ferve, whether the gods oh the other Side of the Flood 9 or the God of Heaven and Earth : And then, when ye have chofen him, make a Bargain with him, That ye will be for him y and not for another ^ and that he will be With you, and be to you Solomon's Bleffed Se- cond : Two are better than One •, if the One fall 9 the Other will help him up again. Do as Mofes did, make Proteftation To-day againft all Com- pany and Guides that he will fend before you, if he go not himfelf, Excd. 33. / will fend mine Angel before you, and drive out before you the Inhabitants j and take you to a Land flowing with 2 2 o 37;£ Lofs and Recovery with Milk and Hony. But, fays Mofes, Lord, if thou go not up with us^ carry us not up hence : What care we for an Angel ? will that fave us ? \Vhat care we for a Canaan- ? are we a Flock of Swine to fwill in Canaan ? And what care we for Heaven, if it were not for Chrift? Ye muft fay of the Lord, This God is our God for ever and ever, he faedl be our Guide even unto Death. Thefe Things faid he unto thir poor weary Creatures, Who is wife in Counfel^ and excellent in Working. And when he had fo faid, I efpied two Men amongfl the reft, who had heard very atten- tively^ And they faid, Whatjoever the Lord hath fpoken^ we will do • we will keep thy Com- mandments, O for fake us not utterly. The Name of the One was Faith, and the Name of the other Fear. Fear. Fear came trembling, and cried out, f perijh ! I fear exceedingly and tremble, left fome Mifchief befal me in the Way, before I win from this Land of my Captivity, to the Jieavenly Paradife, What mail I do? Hell and Earth will all be aeainft me.. Faith. What flicnld ye do, Man ? Do as' JSJoah, Heb. ir. Who being warned of God, as we are, and moved with tear, as thou art at this Time, he prepared an Ark, and thereby he and bis ilou r e woe fayed. Do as David did, if Time t^mi rfraid, I \v?U trufi in thee. Fesu. What .fliall I then do ? 1- of Elect Sinners. 211 Faith. Why ? Man ! Get God upon your Side, VfaU 46., 7. T^e £0^ 0/ //,?/?* « ;>/*& mj, fta God .of Jacob /'* oz/r Refuge. Fear, what (hall we do to get him on our Side ? » jRf/r/7. Even let us be on his Side *, and let us give him our Heart, and our Promife up- on it. Fear. What Way fhall we do ? Faith* Do as Wonderful Counfellor bade yon, enter into Covenant with him, like that Covenant betwixt the Prophet and his Wife, ' Hof. 3. If thou wilt be for me, thou fhalt not be for another Man ; fo will I alfo be for thee. For, the Lord is with us, while we are with him. Fear. What Way fhall we Covenant? Faith. We may do k in Heart, and by ver- bal Promife. But, that it may be the more lively done, and engaging upon our Hearts, let us write it, and fear and fet our Names to the End of it. Fear. What Warrant have we for that ? Faith. The Lord's Warrant, If a. 44. 5. One fljall fay, I am the Lord's, another jhall fubfcribe with the Hand to God, and jurname himfelf by the Name of the God 0/ Jacob. Say unto him, I am thy poor fear *d Body \ tho' I be fear d, yet I am thine, \ and deliver me from my Fears, as thou haft done others like me, Pfal.. 34. This poor Man cried, and the Lord heard, and delivered him from 22 1 The Lo/s and Recovery from all his Fears. And, in this Covenant, pro- jmife to ferve him. Fear. Serve him ! Who would refute that, that had gotten Help at fuch a dead Lift, as «ve have gotten ? V^hen the Pains of Hell took hold upon me, and the Sorrows of Death compaf- fed me about, I was as low as could, be, and he helped me, Pfal. nd. I was dead, and he quick- ned me : I was bound with weary Chains, and he hath loofed me. Truly, O Lord, I am thy Servant, I am thy Servant : Thou haft loofed my Bands , my Bands ha(l thou loofed, I will never forget that : If I were two Men, I would ferve thee. / am thy Servant, I am thy Servant* If t were all the Creatures of God, he iliould have all my Service : But iince I am. but one Man, I mall be "his Chamberlain, to crave his Rent of Glory from all the World, Pfal. i*8. Traife the Lord, ye Heavens, Angels, Sun and Moon, Fire and Tempefts, Mountains and Woods, Traife him, all Be aft s and Fowls -^ praife him, Kings and People, both young Men and Maidens, old Men and Children, lend me a Lift with his Praife ; and let me hear nothing but Heaveri and Earth ringing with his Praife. O come ! let us join our [elves to the Lord. And let Fear take him with a trembling Hand to Day : And let Faith hold him ; and let the Covenant be advifedly gone about, and well fecured, # never to be forgotten, J/a. 50. 5, 6. And let 113 come abafing ourfelves, as unworthy to wafli the Feet of our Lord's Servants - always ' N fearing of EleEl Sinners. ii? ? "earing left the Heart be not right: But yet ix it as well as we can. Faith. Yea, and with ftrong Faith, that he /vill not difdain to enter into Covenant with us. For what ? Man, he hath faid, Jam. I. He ufbraideth none', Carls pot up old Faults : All Bygones are Bygones, and fair Flav- in Time coming Hath he not faid, And him that cometh to me, I will in no-wife caft nut f But withal, O let both of us be careful, that we be holy*, For, he is glorious in Holinefs i and will look on none that are not warned from Sin, that have not got a fan&ifying Sight of the Lamb of God. O 1 let us Behold the Lamb of God^ that tahth away the Sin of the Wprld j who calleth for all that enter into Co- venant with fiim to he holy : Be ye -holy, as he that hath called you is holy ', And that in all Manner of Connjerfation. Alfo, let us be Heart- holy : He calleth for this, Jer. 4. 14. Q-Jc- rufalem, wafli thine % Heart from Wickednefs, thai thou mayeft be faved. For this is a holy Co- venant: We mtift be holy, Luke 1. 72. Fear. Howfhall we become holy ? Faith. By Faith in 'the Blood of Chrift, AtJs I J, 9. Purifying their Hearts by Faith, Faith is the Hand, ChrifTs Blood like I the Sope and Nitre, Alls 26. 18. That we might receive forgive nefs of. Sins, and Inheritance ammo- them that are fa ctlfied through Faith, Faith lets fee the Fikhineis of Sin, the Power of ChrifVs Blood to cleanfe frem Sin, and that this ±1\ The Lo/s mi ${ccery this Blood was ihed on Purpofe*fo take away the Sin of the World. And therefore, to this Blood it runneth, and crieth, O waih, purge, cleanfe me, create a clean Eeart. All Things are pojfible to them that believe. Only ' believe, and and all fhall be well. Now, When they had faid thus, they fet apart a Time to pray. And then they covenanted with God, each engaged in his own Perfon, faying, Lord y I am a condemned Sinner, juftly de- prived of all the Mercies of the Covenant of Works. And that I am by Nature an jilien from the Common-wealth of Jfrael^ and a Stranger to the Covenants of Promife ; and have long lived without God, and without Hope : And all the Threatnings of the Book of God belong unto 'me. And I have been in a League with Hell and Sin, a^d the -World, and many ftrange Lovers -, and yet thought to be faved by a Covenant of Works, and by my own poor Morality. And I con- fefs it were jufl with God to cad me off, and fend me to Ruin, with all the Curfes of a bro- ken Covenant of Works-, yea, and the Ven- geance of the defpifed' glorious Mediator. But, fince it hath pleafed Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, to provide a Remedy for pe- riming Sinners, and One that is able ^nd wil- ling to fave and redeem all that quit their former Lovers, and takeon with Chrift- There- fore, I do herethis Day, in the Sight of. God, Fa- of Elefl Sinners. a 2 y Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and in the Sight :>f all the holy Angels, Renounce my Covenant with Sin, Death and Hell, and with all Idols with whom I have been fo long in Love. I Renounce, I give up with the Wicked of the World 5 I mall follow their wicked Counfels no longer, nor keep unneceffary Company with them. I do, moreover, Renounce all Sin without Exception, fmall.or great, whether more Common, or more Beloved ^ all Soul- deftroying Idols •, away with them all, I will never have more to do with them. Moreover, here, in the Sight of the Heart-fearching God, I give up with, and renounce all Hope of Sal- vation in and by a Covenant of Works, or any Thing that / can do. And do here in God's Strength, notwithstanding, promife to be as dihgent in obferving God's Holy Law, as if I were to be faved by a Covenant of Works, t6 make it my only and continual Rule of Obedience. I do here alfo avouch the Lord to be my God : And, raking the Surety of the New Covenant engaged for me, Promife, That I mall henceforth be for him, and not for ano- ther : That this Soul of mine fhall be his ; The Vnderftandwg imployed in fearching out what is moft for his Glory, and mod accept- able to^iim •, The Will, to be averfe to every Thing that may difpleafe him, and to Will and Defire every Thing that he Willcth y I furrender it to him> not what I think belt, Q. bat; 116 The Lofs and (Recovery but what he knows bell to be done *, not what I will* but what he will be done. Alfo, that my Hatred fhall *be againft that abominable Thing that he hateth, and my Love .on that which he loveth, and that I fhall have com- mon Friends and Enemies with him« I do here alfo freely and heartily reftgn. I give over the Body, to him, that the Feet fhall run his Errands, the Hands work for him, the Ears to hear his Inftrutlions, the Tongue to^ praife him, and commend him to others. I give over myfelf wholly to him, as a living Sacrifice, willing to undergo all Hazards; and Co fummer and winter with him, to go to the Crown and the Crofs with him, to go to the City and to the Wildernefs with him^ ' and not to count my Life dear unto me, nor my Blood to be ilied in Defence of his Truth, and for his Glory -, and that Life nor Death, Per- iecution nor Famine, fhall never Hinder him and me. I do acknowledge, that God's Love was fo great, that he fent his Son to redeem *, and that Chrift that was crucified at Jerufa* lem, is the only Saviour of loft Sinners j and that the H ly Spirit is the Applier of that Sal- tion •, the Convicler, the Comforter, the San^ifier and the Sealer of the Heirs of the Promife, over to Glory. I do alio declare, That I would . ndt wifh one Jot or one Title of the weli-prdered Co- venant changed ; but that my Heart. were more changed, and fitter to obferve and perform the Terms of EleEl Sinners. zy Terms required : And I heartily biers God that ever contrived thi# Way of making up loft Sinners *, and I blefs thee, that, I think, haft awakned me, and determined, in any Meafure, my Heart to clofe with thee. And I crave Leave to renew this Covenant,as oft as I mall break it •, and I beg it, and I do believe it, that, tho' I fail in ray Part, yet God fhall never fail in his Part, but it may ftand firm like a Rock } and the more 1 believe the Covenant to be fure on thy Part, the more I deilreKfco be fure on niy. Part, that I may be the more like unto thee. I thus, as I can^ mew my Defire to requite Mercy thankfully. And now, I call myfelf upon thee intirely^ both for Strength to keep, and thy Bleifmg to follow upon this Covenant and Refignation. I do here let to my Seal,that this God is my Go( for ever and ever, and mall be my Guide even to Death} and I am his for Time and Eternity. Then the Lord anfwered them, Haft thou, O broken-hearted Sinner, laid hold on me with a trembling Hand ? I will ftrengthen the weak Hands. Haft thou avouched the Lord to be thy God ? I do alfo avouch thee to be • mine : I do promife thee, that thou fhalt keep my Statutes and Judgments to do them. . 1 here alfb promife thee, in my Son, that I freely pardon and forgive all the Sins that ever, thou haft committed *, and that I will not purfue the Covenant of Works with thee any, more* nor charge thy Sins upon thee. I alfo promife Q. 2 that; az8 Tioe Lofs and Recovery that thou fhalt not be a Stranger to the Covenants of Promife, any more *, but this is the Covenant that I make with thee, I will be merciful to your Unrighteoufnefs, and that I will give thee my Righteoufnefs to juftify thee. I alfo deUre to thee, that this Covenant thou haft fubfcribed, it is io well-ordered in all Things and fure, that all thy Sins fhall not be able to wynd thee out of it } and that, tho' the Hills depart, and the Mountains be remo- ved, that my Kindnefs fhall not depart from thee, nor the Covenant of my Peace be re- moved, I promife, moreover^ That if thou break the Covenant, I will puniih thee with the Rod, but my Covenant will 1 not break, nor alter the Word that is gone out of my Mouth. Moreover , I promiie thee, that I will go with thee, and be with thee in Trouble, and will deliver thee*, when thoupaffefl thorow the Waters, I will be with thee. 1 have made, and I will carry thee -, and whatever Duties I A equire, I will give Strength to perform. My Grace fhall be fufficient for thee, and my Strength made perfect in thy Weaknefs. And, that thou meet with many Troubles by the Way, yet out of them all thou fhalt go into Paradife j through many Tribulations fhall you enter into the Kingdom of God. And, befide this, I give you the Earned: oi Heaven upon it, the Spirit of God to feal and make fure the Bargain, Efh. i. 13, 14. That when ye find the Confolations ofjthe Spirit, and his Witnefs of EkSl Sinners. zip Witnefs with your Spirits, that ye are in a Covenant-Relation with God, ye may know that "Heaven is as fure to yon, as if ye were in Glory already. And now, that was a fweet Word to them, In whom, after ye belie- ved, ye were fe ale d with the holy Spirit of Promife 5 Which is the Earneft the Inheritance, And, that they might be the more fure, he promifed to give them vifible Tokens of his Love, by inviting them to a Feaft, where he was to rati- fy and confirm what he had promis'd} and bade them fanctify themfelves, and come away. And now, when they faw the wonderiul Love of God to them, and the Means he made Ufe of for tranilating of them to this happy Condition, they began and fang as followeth. And Fear, he began thus, Fear. The Lord's Bo* verges did come down, when I in Priion lay, A Slave of Satan, Heir of Hell, and yet fecure that Day. A dreadful Trumpet he did blow, which founded with fuch Might, That I thought I was gone that Day, I fell in fuch a Fright. My Heart, it doth yet quake for Fear when I think on his Words *, That ev'ry Sentence he did fpeak, did pierce my Heart like Swords. And, had not CHRIST fuftained me ? Td furely died there. Q.3 We'll t^q The Lojs and Recovery .We'll never ken the Worth of Chrift, till once we do defpair. Our Spirits finking under Wrath, 'and all Helps fecklefs prove - 7 i And Chrifl do hank our Hearts with Cords, and pull us out with Love. Then all Belays are laid afide ? no Sin referved then •, On any Terms to be faved, I think we are right fain; Faith. drift's then receiv'd, and clofed with : ? what Promifes he faith To us, are all then heeded well, and gripped hard by Faith. He bade me run and covenant : I trow, right glad was I, That I to him might be unite by Faith 9 as by a Ty. And now. to Satan and to Sin I here do bid adieu : Foi Chrift is mhse, and I am his, I'll have no more of .you. I you defy,*and all your Might - 7 tho' ye a while conteft, Your Life remains, but Power is gone, I'll conquer you at laftv Thanks to God, and not tojne, l ever it was fo. I am for Chrift. Now get you gone to Sorrow and to Wo. Sweet of Eleft Sinners. 231 Fear, Sweet Paracletes came in Time, when fcorcht with Hell within^ Like cooling Waters, Comforts then ' about my Soul did run. The Confolations of the Word fo fweetly did declare, That by the fame he kept poor Fear from running to Defpair. Boanerges and his Fellow both, two worthy Men and dear,' God help the Nations that are loft and never did them hear. They have fuch Pow'r, when God affifts, to comfort and affright, Poor "Things thereby tranflated are from Darknefs unto Light. Faith, The Counfellor, that Wonderful, came fweetly paffing by, And weary Wights Directions gave, I on his Word rely. He called us unto a Feaft, where we muft be but fail * 7 The Covenant that's made with us there we'll get to the Seal. I will creep near, and hold him faft, his Promife plead will I. I'll feaft upon his dying Love, and Hallelujah** cry. Goodnevos, Then came up Goodntxcs and cried,, M 7 'bines are ready, come to the 'Mtftriage^ Q. 4 M** r^r The Lofs and (Recovery Matth. 22. 4* Come eat of my Bread and drink ef the Wine that I have mingled. All is ready on God's Part, is there any Man ready ? Fear .Then anfwered Fw,May a Man that hath prepared his Heartland yet not prepared accor* ding to the Preparation of the Sanctuary, come? Goodnews. Yes. The good Lord will par- don fuch, providing they have on the Wed- ding-garment, tho' all be not fo as it ought, Matth. 22. II, 12. Fear. A Wedding-garment! What's that? Goodnews. It is the Right eouftiefs of Chrift : Have you betaken yourfelves to that ? That is the Wedding-garment that is fought here. For the King did not ask at the'Gueft, Whe- ther he had not failed in Duty, or committed Sin? No } but, How came thou, not having on the Wedding-garment ? And (Thrift's Righteoufnefs is called a Garment, becaufe it hides Shame, Original and A&ual Sin, and covers ail Failings in Duty-, and Infirmitv, and inricheth $nd beantifieth the Perfons that have it, PfaL 45. When, the King's Daugh- ter hath it on, it is faid of her, She is all Glorious , and her Garments of wrought Gold. Fear. I was juft now, I and my noble Com- panion Faith, calling off the Rags of our own Righteoufnefs, and declaring we were willing tobefavedby Chrift's Righteoufnefs. Gcodvews. Then come away, tho' thou be not free of all Fears. Let us rejoice and be giao 1 , and give Honaur to him, For the Mar- riage of EUEl Sinners. 233 riage of the Lamb is come, and bis Wife hath made her f elf rcaty. Then they came forward : But poor Fear grew very Gold, and fell a trembling for Cold, and cried out, O what an Habit is this I am in ? I am not able to go to this Feaft, nor fit at the Table, for exceffive Cold, Luke 24. 21. 1 thought I had been fafe and fure, and I perifli for Cold : Is there no Way to fave me ? No Fire to be had ? Faith. Then his Companion Faith fainted a little at this alfo, Luke 24. 21. But reviving again,i/. 32. he ran in Hafte,and gathered Wood and Coals together, Gal, 5,5. For Faith worketh by Love. And when Faith had wrought a little Space, and blew the Fire, the Flame began to ariie to a high Degree, that he began Co fay, I am like to be burnt, Luke 24. 32. Did not our Hearts burn within h;, while be talked whb us ? And then cried out, Cant. 8. <5. Set me as a Seal upon thine Hearty and as a Seal upon thine Arm : For Love will be my Death, if I be not glewed to the Heart of Chrift •, for the Coals thereof are Coals oi Fire, that burnetii with a mod vehement Flame. And was not this a great and fudden Change ? That he that durft not go to the King's Table, left he had perifhed with Cold, immediately durft not flay away, left he had been burnt to Death with Fire if he had not gone. And ever fince 1 faw thjs, I was the more in Love with Frith, that wrought fo, by Love, upon the poor 234 Tl- e J-°fi an ^ fycoVery poor Man Fear : For when I faw it, . I greatly rejoiced j for, by Believing, I fee Men come to rejoice with Joy unfpeakable and full of Glory, Fear, Then faid Fear, I am fallen into an ex- ceiliye Hunger and Thirft : And with this he fainted again the fecond Time $ and as he fainted, he cried out, Pfal. <53« K 2. My Saul thirft eth for the e, my Flejh longeth for thee 9 in a thirfiy Land, where there is no Water, Faith. But when Faith law this, he ran to the King, and faid, Thou haft faid, O Mafter oi the Feaft, That they are blejfed that hunger and thirft; after Right eeufnefs :_ For they [hall be filled, 3Be as good as thy Word : For, I fear, if thou make not Hafte, there is a poor Man fainted here, he will be dead ere thou come. And then FAITH carne.again to him, and wondred that he was yet alive : For the Mafter of the Feaft delayed a little to try him, and asked how {ie was fuftained ? And he faid, By Faith 1 For / had fainted, yea died outright, except 1 had believed to fee the Goodnefs ,ef the Lord in the Land of the Living. Then laid Faith to the Mafter,0 / Give firqng Drink to him that is ready toperip^andWine to him that is of a, heavy Heart : Let him forget his Poverty y and remember his Miferync^ mire; And the Mafter anfwered, / will fatisfy the longing Soul, and fill the Hungry with good Things-, And with that, He brought him into the Banmieting-houfe, (for, He carrieth the Lambs in his B of cm, and gathereth them with his Arm) and fet him down at the Table * « for of EleEl Sinners. 2 3 5* >r he could not have come, if he had not een brought : And then fet up a Banner over is Head, wkh this Motto , LOVE. He loved me, d waflied me from all my Sins in his own Shod. fc nd then the Table was f umiihed with Guefts^ id the Food fet upon the Table. But, of tl the Feafts that ever I faw, this was the moft oble : It is called, If a. 25. 6. A Feaft of fat lyings, full f/ Marrow: And fo may they rell be called, for the Bread and the Wine pat was going in Plenty ; there was Bread f Life, and Water of Life , they were the; londuits through which Eternal Life was con- eyed to the Soul, John 6. 53. The Body rid the Blood of Chrift was firft prefented ^ hd then the Maiier faid, Eat, O Friends, and rink abundantly , O Beloved : And Peace with iod, and the Pardon of Sin go down with it a 2. All the Graces of the Spirit were pre- jnted, ftrengthning, renewing, and comfort- ig Grace ; and when they .were prefented, he lid, O tafte and fee that the Lord is gracious I md then Faith, Hop, Love, Joy, Affurance be- an to increafe, and they rejoiced in Hope of he Glory of God* 3. There were brought all the Privileges of ie People of God, Jufiification, Ado f ion, ^notification; with Exemption from allMifery, nd a Right to all that could make them hap- y ; And then he faid to them, Let ftrong )rink be given to them that are ready to perifh ; in whatfoever Condition ye are^ therewith to be content* And learn to lean now to a Word of Promife, Ifa. 33. 16. That Bread fhall be given you, I Cor. 7. 3. Vfe this World , as -not abufin? it, for the Fashion of this World fafletb away. Ufe it only as an Help, not an iiinde- ranee in your Journey : For> too much Care about it is like thick Clay, - Hab. 2. 13. It is a great Hinderance by the Way, and ufeleis at the End of it. Luke 12. 20. when it was faid to him, Ihe^Fooly this Night pall thy Soul be taken from thee , then, whofc jhall thefe Things be f which thou hall fo provided : When thou lift- eft up thine Eyes in Torment, anci had not a Drop of Water to cool thy Tongue. For, we need never bid a Man go to Heaven, as long as they are in Love with the World. John 6. If Chr id would ay h?ve r wrought Miracles, and filled their Bellies, they would have kept clofs by him: But, when^J|e*% all on Things hea- venly, then the next Ccnrfe was, Many vj DijciplM went back and walked no more with him, Judas will not betray Chrift, if ye give him of Elect Sinner si 247 Jhifti not the World ; but he will fell him for little ere he want all. Wh.it will ye give me, and I will betray him unto y out They fliall have Chriff, Salvation and my Part of Heaven for One thirty Pieces of Silver, and that's not dear. Demos hath forfaken me, having loved this prjefent World. 2. Lay afide all flayifli Fear of Men. Care neither for their Feud nor their Favour in the Matters of Religion:, for they cannot help you in your Need. Let that awful Example of Jur das, who, to gratify the Rabbles of Jfrael, fold Chrift to them -, and when the Lord fets home the Guilt of Sin upon him, he runs to thefe ntw 5 and cries, to them, O help me now. To gratify you, 1 have fold Chrift and Salva- tion ; Hell is flaming, in my Confidence^ I rather endure any Torment of Body, than bear this. And all their Anfwer is,, What is that to us ? See thou to .that. They will be all miferable ConrTorters to you, when ye have raoft Need. 3. Lay afide all Sin-, that's a fad Weight. Sin is like an intang.ling Garment,that hinders Men in running j yea, ,like Fetters, that fhakle them, Pfal. 73. 6. Pride compajjeth them about as a Chain, and Violence cover eth them as a Garment* 1 Pet. 2. 1,2. Wherefore, laying afide all Malice, and Guile , and Hypocrijy, and Evil-Speaking *, pi off, concerning the Flefi?, the eld M^n with his Deeds* Then, - R.4 Secondly 7 248 The Lofs and Recovery Secondly, Clothe your felves in Pilgrim's Drefs* i. Put on the Garment of inherent Holinefs and Righteoufnefs, Job 29. 19. Put en Right eoujnejs, and let it clothe you, and let your Righteoufnejs be as a Crown And a Diadem. Think more Shame of any unjuft A&, than to go naked about the City. 2. Put on the Garment of Chrift's Righte- oufhefs, for Judication, Mat. 22. ii. that is the Garment that covers all Sin and Imper- fections in Duty ', and when this is on, it may be faid of you, ks Balaam faid of Ifrael^ Kum. 23. 31. He beheld no Iniquity in Jacob, nor Perverfnefs in Ifrael. And, it makes plea- fant in the Sight of God, Ifa. 6\. 10. Like a Bridegroom adorned with his Ornaments.. So be ye clorhed with this Garment of Salvation. 3. Put ye on the Garment of Chrift's Righ- teoufnefs for San&ification, Rom, 13. tilt. Put ye on the Lord Jefas Chrijt, and make no Prcvi- fion for the Flejh. As a Garment to keep you warm with Zeal for ChrifFs Intereft, and leave it not for great nor fmall :. Still prefs forward to the higheft Pitch of • Holinefs. ' 4. Put on the Garment of Humility, 1 Pet. 5* 5. Be ye clothed with Humility, to cover- all your other Garments^ for ye will meet with much Dirt call upon you, many Reproach- es that proud Spirits cannot bear- As ye would have the Lord to own you in the Way, is humble ~ tor? To this Mm will he look, th$ of EleSl Sinner $• 249 ef an humble Spirit. For, He refifictb the Proud, but giveth Grace to the Humble. And when they were thus clothed, he led them in to the Armoury, and armed them with Armour of Proof, Eph. 6\ 12, Sec. Put ye on ttye whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to (land out againfi the Wiles of the DeviL For ye are now to wreftlc, not fo much againft Flefh and Blood, as agaivfi Principalities and Powers , about heavenly Things. Have your Loins girt with Truth • be ay for the Truth, contend for the Truth : Have the Brcafl-pLte of Right eoufaefs, your Feet fiwd with the Preparation of the Go [pel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, She Sword of the Svirit, for an Helmet the Hope of Salvation ; Praying always with all Prayer. But ye are to get no Armour for the Back: If ye ilee, ye are gone *, Jf any Man draw hack, it is to Perdition, my Soul jhall have no Pleafure in him -, I deftroy all that go a-whoring from me. And having thus fitted them for the. Way, he took them by the Hand and brought them forth, and faid, Come up to the Top of the Hill whereon the City ftandeth, and I will point out the Way to you : Which he did, and gave them a clear Difcovery of the Place to which they were to go •, and faid, Hold on the Way, and ye will find a plain Way ftraighi: forward a little : tho' ye will meet with rough Ground, and then Up-hill-way, and fa on. And he faid to them, Speed, haftc, flay .net \ See ye how thefe Raters are doing; without the City : ^50 The Lofs and Recovery City ? They have yonder Crown that is cor- ruptible to run for, i Car m 9. 23, &c. and they '.have Laws appointed, That tho' they come ? firft to the Crown, yet they lofe it if they obferve not the Laws of the Running ; and they run with all their Might. And, if they for a corruptible Crown, much more we for an incorruptible \ therefore, So run ye, that ye may obtain. And fo he bleffed them, and lent them on their Way : And as they wenn, they fang, faying, Both, faith and Fear invited were with the King for to dine : What Grace ? what Love ? what Mercy here did give us this Propine ? Such noble Feaft, fuch noble Fare yet did I never lee ; Both Bread oi Life, and Water too refreshing- was to me. The Graces of the Spirit then were all fet down for Fare : 'Both Peace with God, arid Pardon too I got unto my Share. I fed upon the Word of God, and's Prefence at the Feaft ; My Soul both fahaify'd and feal'd made me a joyful Gueft. When we were Feafted on fuch Fare, Ve fick of Love did fail : ■ I wifli the" reft, of this Difeafe were lying Bed-faft all. • The of EleEl Sinners. 251 The Bed whereon we lay that Night, it can have no Compare - It evVy Way did anfwer weli unto our noble Fare. When in the Morning we did rife, we were fa well Composed, A Mais of Prayer, and Praife and Love, we praifed and rejoic'd, That ever we did get iuch Feaft, or on Inch Bed did ly % We will him ferve, and alfo praife, and Hallelujahs cry. Faith. Come now, Brother Fw, we are in the Way to eternal Liberty •, the Son hath freed us in a great Meafure already, and we mall become compleatly free within a little. Let us do as we are directed, make all Hade forward in this Way ; And let as not be jlothfa! 9 but Followers of them y who through Faith and Tatience do inlferit the Promifes j That we may receive the End of our Faithy even the Sal- vation of our Souls, Fear. I was once afraid exceedingly, left we had never come the Length we are *, but I think now, 1 would not eafily yield : But even tho' we Ihould meet with Nebuchadnez- zar tempting us and threatning us, I could teil him, 1 will not wormip thy gods, nor yield an Inch to him, tor all his Threatnings, ProVi 28. 26\ Faith, 2 5 £ Tk> e .Lofs and G{eco'Very Faith. If ye fhall continue, as I hope ye will, Brother Fear, for my Part I will not yield, for Faith is not eafily vanquifhed : I would {land in this Way of Life, tho' I fhould Hand alone, like Paul before Nero, And no Man flood by me. And tho 5 all Ihould forfake this Way, yet will not I. Did we not folemn- ly proteft, That Death nor Life mould not funder us and our God : Let us go forward couragiouily, for I fhall never be moved, PJal. 3.6,7. Now, juft as they had fo faid, there appea- red a great Company of Armed Men ; and One Cruelty., the King of the Land, upon the Head of the Army. And they heard Cruelty fay, Whofoever we meet in this Way, let us flay utterly, both old and young, except the fe who have our Mark. Army. Content, O noble King Cruelty ! For we think it Mercy to do fo ; and furely it is fo : For there are often de)eclred Fellows Haying here and there in this Road, that if they could get their Will, we would nor fit in Places of Honour -,V we would be a ruined Common-wealth, we would neither have any Thing for' Back nor Belly, Phil. 3. 19. But how mall we know them ? What is the Mark to diftinguifh them from our Kind ? K'tng^ Firft, O worthy Army^ and dear Coufms and Soldiers ! They are Men of mean and low Spirits; they cannot brag it out with m a jeftick 'Spirits, cowardly Fellows : They of Elect Sinners. 053 They will not have any Courage to Hand to the Truth, to feal it with an Oath } but every Word they fpeak (fuch Slaves and bale Spi- rits are they of) they will flip it out fo warri- ly, as if they were before a Judge upon Life and Death with it. 2. Ye will know them by their felfiih obftinate Humours. If the ! King himfelf would but defire a fmall Service of them, offering Rewards and threatning Punift- mencs both, they will tell you they have no ! Leiiure to do it at this Time : They will not go back a Mile or two for the King himfelf j they will tell yon, that they promised to One that fet them in this Way, That henceforth we will not go back. 3. They have no Man- ners : They will give the King as ill Language as he can give them, Dan. 4. 10", 17. They faid once to King Nebuchadnezzar the great, to his Face, Be it known to thee, s O King! that we will not ferve thy gods , nor worjhlp the Images that thou hafl fet up. There is hardly any Thing that a Prince will do, but they will queftion^ by fome nice or precife Rule : It is net for the King's Profit to fuffer them } And there- fore apprehend them, ahd all of them that will not become obedient Subjects, let them be made Examples to others that will not allow Princes abfolute Authority, but are fiili oppofing and calling in queftion what their Plea* fare is. Now, As foon as ever thefe two Men faw tbern, Faith faid untg his Fellow 7 Let us withdraw a 254 T^ e Lofs and ${eco'Very a little from the Way, till thefe bloody Men palled by, that we may lave our Lives to do Service afterward. They did* not mind that the Lord could have ftopc the Mouths of thefe Lions \ and that if he had not, yet it would be better Service to him, to Hand to the Truth, and feal it with their Blood ; and that their Trouble would looner be over, and their Glory not only haflned, but their Crown the greater. And fo they both for [oak him and fled, and fell into a Wildefnefs ; and fat down in a Place called Deceit, and under Faljhocd did they hide themfelves, and faid, We are better here than among the Hands of yonder Murdere Fear. Then laid Tear, 1 hear a Voice cry- ing continually in mine Ears, lince ever I fat down in this Place, What daft thou here ? I think we be not now where we ffcould be : 1 4ear, Brother, all be not right. Faith, That fame is the Word that the Lord fpake unto Elijah, when, in his unwar- rantable Fear, he Hed from the Face of idola- trous Jezjibel, who threathed to kill him, I Kings I p. 2, p. And the Word of the Lord came to him, faying, Whjkt deft thou here, Elijah? in a Wildernefs of Doubts and Fears. Let us fee what this meaneth ? Then tliere came One Conscience to them, in a very terrible Manner, and looking upon them with an aufiere Countenance, began vehe- of ElcB Sinners. 255 vehemently to accufe them, and urge them with many Queftions. 1. Is thy- Heart found in GvcPs Statu' es 7 or, not ? Pfal. 1 19. 80. Whether or not was ye commanded to ftand to the Truth ? Or did you promife otherwife ? Can you juftily, or do you condemn yourfelves ? If you juflify yourfelves, your own Lips would prove you perverfe , and if ye condemn/ yourfelves, God is gi eater than your Hearts, and knoweth all tHat ye have done, 1 John 3. 20. Is this the Way that ye perform your Vows, to bear his Crofs, to be decied to Life, and all for him? 2. Whether or not is this according to the Grace of God, and to Men in your Station, that believe in God^ to leave hs Cauie and flee ? Have ye a&ed like Nehemtab^ when in Danger and tempted to flee, whoiaid, Should fuch a Man as I fiee tor my Life? Such as ought to have been an Example to thefe that follow after them. Should they have iied r who profefTed fuch Courage, and Refolution, and Confidence in God? Should ye have fled, who were fo much obliged to great Love, who loofed thee from when ne left many as good to die in Bonuuge ? Should ye have fled, who h.tu fuch Experience of his Hdp ? Should fuch an One a? you have &ii God and Relit ftQcl^ as if ye had had *a bad and evil Caufs by the End, that ye thought Shame to own? And * as 256 The Lofs and Recovery as if ye had a God that could not be triifted, and could not preferve his own^? Should you have fled, as if ye had' been Malefactors f ! How have ye now reflected upon your Mailer f May not Enemies ask Chrift their old Quefti- on again, John 18. 19. when the Difciples for- fook him and fled, they asked him of his Difciples, and of his Doctrine? What fort of a l < Mailer he was to them, that they will not back him in a Strait ? or, what fort of Do&rine that is that he teacheth, that Men are afha- med to own ? and what for Servants they are, that will keep no Paclion with him . ? 3. What think ye of your felves now, that are become like the Wicked, aad thefe* tem- porary Time-fervers ? Like Herod, that did many things, . and heard John the Baptift gladly : And like Judas, that^ when Chrift mull Hand alone, would make his bell Advantage, and make lure the great Ones to be his Friends, that no Evil came to him ? How may A- poftates from Chrift fay, How art then become as One of us ? Art thou alio drawn back to Perdi- tion ? How founds that Word with you, Now, if any Man draw bad, my Soul . fall have no Pleafure in him* How is it with you now ? had it not been better for you never to have known the Way of the Lord, than after ye have known" it, to depart from it? And, If any Man put his Hand to the Plough, and look back, he is not meet for the Kingdom of God. Where is your Advantage ? Can voufeave the old of EkH Sinners. 257 Did Pleafure and Satisfa&ion in Sin, that ye were wont to have ? Ye are now like a broken Husbandman, that has no Trade to live by, and loft "his Livelihood. What hath offended you at Chrift ? He had more Ground to have been offended at you, and letten you ly to have perifhed, when he came to redeem you with his own Blood, than ye have to be offended at him now, for not making your Way eafier* And what will ye anfwer when ye are repro- ved ? And when Cunfcience had fo faid, then they began and reafbned with one another, and Fear began thus. Fear. Alas, Brother ! Where is your Faith ? Are not you afhamed to read Heb t n. when Mofes feared not the Wrath of the King ? where, by Faith they ficpt the Mouths of Lions , mt to Flight the Armies of the Aliens. Might ye not have encouraged me to go forward, Man, and encountred with them ? We are afhamed, that flew before them ere ever we entred the Con- fli£t : For One is enough to engage with Ten thoufand, if God be with him *, and furely he would have been with us, if we had been with him •, and now we have forfaken him, and I fear he caft us off for ever. I doubt much If we can look for any Thing except a fearful Looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation to devour the Adverfavies of the Lord. And now* what can I fay ? What if we die in this Con- dition ? what will our Thoughts be ? what "will S our 258 Tlie Lo/s and Recovery our Language be on Death -bed ? will it not; be this, when we are gafping in the Jaws of Death? My Heart and Flefti faileth me, and God alfo faileth me for ever ? We have not a God to lippen to,for we have left him. And now we had better been killed by them, and we would have died at Peace with God, an excellent Ex- ample to others, and our Karnes and Memories favoury to fucceeding Generations. Should we not have holden Heaven fure, not knowing how foon we fhall leave the Earth ? And,what i will we think when we fall into Hell ? Will \ we not pitifully cry, O come and fee the End of Sin in thefe who know no End of Sorrow ? come, learn the Price of Time from thefe that are eternally loft for the Lofs of Time ? What ? Man ! we had no Armour for the ,Back} Had we not the Breaft-plate of Righ- teoufnefs ? Might we not have gone forward ? But, what do 1 thus to bewail my Condition ? Is his Mercy clean gone for ever ? Hath he in Wrath fliut up his Mercy ? And, fails his Fromije for ever ? And no Wonder, for we have fail'd in the Condition. Faith. All is true, and ye lay aH the Blame on poor Faith, and I am guilty. But, what ? 1 am Faiths but 1 am not GOD : I am but a poor Creature, and, when left to my felii what ,wil) I do ? Abraham, with all his Faith, failed, when he went in to Hagar. Job, for all his j failed, when he faid, Job 13. Surely waink me is he turned. And again, The' I h cdled, of EleEl Sinters'. ijp called, and he had anfwered wf, yet I would not believe that he hadfpoken. What ? Man, Peter wanted not Faith, and yet he denied Chrift ! All the Difciples, when they faw a Tempta- tion juft like this, forfook him and fled - 7 yet Faith was not quite gone. Fear. Ye (peak as if there were yet Hope. Faith. Hope, Man ! Defpair is the great Sin againft the Remedy. The Floods are gone over me, and all thy Waves and thy Billows. And I will tell you, Man, what David faid in fuch a Cafe, Pfal. 42. Why art thou caft down, O my Soul . ? why art thou difquieted within me ? .Alt ho 9 he (lay me, yet will I truft in him. He jtlfo frail be* my Salvation, Job 13. 15, Itf. Fear. But, if it were only Affli&ion, I would not fear •, but Sin is at the Bottom of all. Faith. Altho 5 it be fo, Pfal. 107* Fools for their Sin and Tranfgrejfions bear fore Afflictions^ they abhor all Kind of Meat : Yet, They cry to God, he heareth, and delivereth them from aH their Difircjfes. Yea, Man, the Spirit of God hath taught poor Things to make their Sins Arguments in Prayer to obtain Mercy, PfaL 25. 10, 11. & 40. 10, 11. Pardon mine Iniqui- ty, for it is very great : And let thy Loving-kind- nefs and Mercy continually preferve me 7 for I am brought very low. Innumerable Evils compafs me about. Bid not Mofes, in Prayer for the Sons of Levi, make their Sins an Argument to get the Mercy ? Let thy Urim and thy Thummim be with thine holy One, whom thou didfl prove at S 2 MaiTah, % do Tl^e Lo/f ^»rf (Recoyery MafTah, and with whom thou didft ft rive at the Waters of Meribah. Come and let m return to the Lord ' 7 Let us fc arch and try cur Ways j Let us confefs and for Jake our Sins , and we [hall find M^rcy. And when they began to come back, they lamented. Faith faid, I cannot tafte. what! eat or what I drink: O what a comfort leis Condition is this ! Fear faid, I cannot fee where I am going, Jfa.%9* IO. We grope for the Wall m blind Men, 7ve grope as if we had no Eyes? we mourn all like Doves , we roar all like Bears* I am full of Confu- fion : See thou to mine Affliction^ for it increafeth. Pfal. 43. 3. O fend forth thy Light and thy Truth, and let them be Guides to me , and bring me to thine holy Hill, where thou dwelleft. And, When they were weeping and groping in the Dark, Wonderful Counfellor came again to them (for his Eyes were yet uptfn them) and laid, Why have ye contemned , the Counfel of the Moft High ? I might laugh at your Calami* ty. What do ye here ?■ Rev. 2. 4. I have fome- what again ft thee, bqcaufe thou haft left thy firft Love ; Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen } and repent. Rev. 3.2. Be watchful, and ftrengthen the Things that are ready to die • for I have not found thy Works perfect. Improve thefe Gifts and Habits of Grace that remain •, and tho 5 thou haft broken thy Covenant with me, yet I have not broken it with thee. / will cha- fiife thee with the Mod? but my Covenant will I not break* of Elett Sinners. 261 break. And then, He^ like a good Shepherd, that leaves the Ninety and nine in the Wilder- nefs, to feek the ftraying Sheep, brought them back, reftored their Soul-, and made them to walk in the Paths of Right eoufnefs. And, when he did fo, he bade them hold on their Way, ancl not truil to themfelves. And then they fang , Some Kings arid Armies on the Earth are Enemies to Grace : When our Attainments we did truft, we trembled at their Face : And, fleeing for to fave our Life, into the Mire fell we; We leap'd into the Fire, to flum the Biting of a Flie. For Grace a noble Creature is, for to give it its Due : But, if ye make it God or Chril!, ye'll foon repent, 1 trow. For Confcience then on us did fall \ fo galling were its Words, Before we yoke with it again, we'll venture on their Swords. He made us reafon with ourfelves, with many Sighs and Tears, That we almoft had quite defpair'd, He put us in fuch Fears. The Counfelior that's Wonderful whofe Mercies do abound, S3 R ^ \6l The Lofs and (Recovery Reftor'd our Souls, and brought us back, wheu none to help was found, Let us him follow as a Guide, and then we fhall hold on \ And praife and blefs, and blefs and praife his holy Name alone. Faith m Now* Let us go on in the Strength of the Lord 9 making Mention of his Right eoufnefs : For now we fee that our own Strength and Righteoufnefs will go but a little Way with us. Fear. We know that now by Experience : But bought Wit's dear. I fear it fit to us at the Grave's Mouth, what we have loft by leaning to our Grace and Strength, as it did to David, 2 Sam. 23. 4. But tell me, what were the Caufes that we fo iboa made fuch fhame- ful Apoftafy ? Faith. It was not all yonder Army nor Pdwer that had the Wyte of it *, it was Corruption that dwelleth in us, Ropt. 7. So then, if I do that which I would not, it is no more I 9 but Sin that dwelleth in me. Sin in us is like Tinder, that's ready to take Fire with Satan's fiery Darts : When he threw in the Temptation to flee, Sinful Yew got all in a Flame, and we both fbrfook him and fled. And, how hath indwelling Sin prevailed on many of the Saints ? as Lot , David, Peter and Paul) Rom. 7. The Law in the Members not only warreth? but leadeth us away Captive : We have need to be mortifying it, killing it 5 and calling it out of of El eft Sinners? 263 oi Doors ; and do as Matters do with mafter- Ful Tenants, that they cannot get removed, they complain to the Judg^ competent for Help : So let us cry to God, X) wretched we, who fljall deliver us fronuthe Body of this Death ? And we new Beginners, who were not fo well experienced with the Power of Sin in the Godly, and Satan's Malice, that violently af- faulteth young Beginners, to make ah their Life a Life of Sorrow, too eafily were decei- ved. 2. The Temptation was great, and we yet not well entred in the Way, and like to have our Throats cut at the Threshold \ the Vio- lence and Suddennefs of the Temptation, and not having Time to advife, Luke 22. 53. It was an ffmr i and the Power of Darknefs. 3. To try their Graces (for God never gives Grace, but it mufi be tried) therefore he per- mitted it to be fo^ Matth. 7. When theHoufe is built on the Rock, the Rains come, the Winds blow, and the Floods beat upon it ; and tho° it fall not, yet it may fearfully fhake and trem- ble, as if it were to go all to Ruin. Is Mofes a meek Man ? O what a People! fo fretting, fo backward, fo difcontent, is he try fled with, to try his Patience. So Job's Patience, Abra- hams Love is well tried : Thou fkyeft thou loveft me, I know thou loveft thy Son Ifaac ? ; If thou wilt efTer him to me, I will know that thou loveft me indeed. S 4 4. To 2 6j\ . The Lofs and ^ecb'Very 4. To prevent Pride, and keep them purely depending oivChrfft -, when they fee how lit- tle they can do, and how much Chrift hath to do for them. I heard of One that faid, He got more Good of his Sms than of his Graces •, meaning, that his Sins humbled him, but he was puffed up with his Graces. Paul got much of Heaven revealed to him *, but, left he fhould be exalted above Meafure, the MefTen- ger of Satan is let loofe upon him, to keep him humble. Here is the Wifdom and Love of God feen , that makes Satan , wicked Men, yea more, the Sins of the Godly turn to their Good. Fear. Let us now enquire after the Way to Celeftial Paradife *, for fo we are commanded, Jet, 6. 16. Stand in the Way and fee, and ask for the good Way, and walk therein, and ye jhall find Refi to your Souls. Faith. The Way is plain before us, I fee to the End of it. Fear. I tremble at that Word •, Is it not too confidently fpoken ? Mind what we met with for cur Confidence the other while. Faith. No, not at all: But God. hath fulfilled .that Pramife to me, JU. 33. 16, 17. Ibtoi Eyes fij ail beheld the Kfajg&n his Beauty, and the La^d that is afar or, I may mifinform him myfelf ? and many other Doubts -, whereas there is no Caufe of Fear % but the Weight of the Matter depending rai- feth Fears. 2. The Greatnefs of the Journey, and our great Weaknefs and Inability. 'Tis a long Way to Paradife, Up-hill-way, and many E~ nemies by the Way ; and our Strength is fmall, which makes us often cry out, And who isfufficient for thefe things f 2 Cor. 2. 1 6. Pfal. 38. 3. I am feeble and fo,c broken. But hold up thy Heart, Man , for thy Sufficiency is of God. Pfal. 44. i6, 17. For God fliall ftand by thee^ that thou fhalt fay, All this- is come won ris- 9 yet have not W foraottcn thec y neither dealt fdfiy in thy Covenant. 1 • 3.The' of Elt£i Sinners. i6cy 3. The natural Blindnefs not yet quite taken ■way, makes thee fear left thou miftafce the ^Vay. I cannot lee, I cannot perceive, I can- liot behold, was Job's Complaint, Job 23. But M not dilcouraged : Lean to ChrifTs Arm j C me up cut of the IVildernefs, leaning on this Be- ved. There is a iweet Promife for yon, / mil bring the Blind by a Way that they knew not, and lead them in Paths that they have not known , J will make Darknefs Light before them^and crook- ed Things ft raight : Thefe Things will I do m to> them>> and not for Jake them. 4. Thou doubteft and feareft left thou win not to the End of the Way, becaufe thou thinkeil thy Sins are lo great, that God will for fake thee, and be wroth with thee. But be not call down for all this \ for ye think one Thing, and God'thinketh another, Jfa. 55.8, 9. My Thoughts are not as your Thoughts y 'neither are your Ways my Ways, faith the Lord, For as the Heavens; are higher than the Earthy jo are my Thoughts higher than y ,urs -^ and they are Thought j ofPeact^ and not of Evil, I fa, 1 . 1 6 7 \ Q.Tho* thy Sins be a 18. Who is a God like unto thee, who pardSSkft Iniquity * 2 Sam. 7. 19. Thefe that know him, can fay, Js this after the Manner of Man, O Lord f Ma- ny Fears arife from this, tfrat we know not the Manner of the God of the Land. 6. Thefe Fears arife from the Want of their believing Chrift's Willingnefs and Ability to fave to the uttermofi all that come to G> d through him, Heb. 7. 25. and John tf. 37. And him that cometh fo me, I will in no wife caft cut. However weak ye be, he is Cautioner for you, Heb. 7. 22. and do ye think that he will drown in the Cautionry ? 7. Thy Fear arifeth from thy not taking up aright the Nature of the Covenant of Grace, 1 . In the Freedom of it, all to be done for Chrift's Sake, and ye to be juftified by his Righteoufnefs ; and that it is enough for you, in Point of juflification, that Chrift hath not finned, but is compleatly Righteous, Jer, 23, 6. He is the Lord our Righteoufnefs, 2. Not confidering the Durability of the Covenant of Grace, That all the Sins of thefe that are in it, cannot wynd them out of it, 2 Sam. 23. 5. Tho" I have t>een a Liar, an Adulte- rer and Murderer, yet the Covenant is ever- + I aft fag * 7 of EleB Sinners. 271 } aft trig vf>nce * n it* anc * f° r ever m lt * 3* The not conlidering the Extent of free Grace in this Covenant : It doth not^only extend to this Man, or the other Man, that hath not come the Length of notorious Sins \ but, to all that accept of the Conditions tkerein pre- scribed, and of Mercy upon the Conditions > John 6. 37. To all Sinners, whatever their Sins be, yet he that comet h j and ay, he that cometh. It is not, Is Manajfeh a Warlock and a Blood -fhedder ? But, Is he a Corner ? It is. not, Is Saul a Blafphemer and a Perfe- cuter? But, 1$ he a Comer? It is not, Is Adam One that hath overturned the whole Covenant t>f Works, and loft liim&i^nd all thef-vWorld, a Murderer of the 7 whole WorldY Souls and Bodies? But, Is Adam* Comer >£>tf he be, he is very .welcome. And,*- him tb'A ••c-cmetk 'unto me 7 J will in nowife caft out, 8. Id arifeth from the Want of a firm Per* fwailon,/ That the Lord hath made a Cove- v0$i us. Why ? poor Fear., Why doft thou qoubt of th#t ? Haft thou made a Cove- nant with Kim ? He hath as fure made a Covenant with thee , efpecially if thou aims ;fincerely to keep it, and mournefl for the breaking of it, and renewed it again, Jer. 50. ^. When a Covenant*breaking People isks the Way to Zior/ 9 to renew their Covenant, they are faid to go to feek the Lord their God. He comes and meets a People thai: go to lyi The Lofs and Recovery to engage with him, Dent* 26. i<5, 17. When they avouch the Lord to be their God, that very Day the Lord avoucheth them to be his People. * Fear.' What ihali I do when I am per- plexed with thefe Doubts and Fears about my being in the Way ? Faith. Pray much, Pfal. 43. 3. O fend forth thy Light and thy Truth, let them be Guides to me* Pfal. 34. 6. This poor Man cried, tie Lord heard, and delivered him cut of all his Troubles. v. 4. I fought the Lord 9 and he heard me, and delivered me from all my Fears. 2. Be much in the Exercife of Faith, PfaU 27.- 1 3. I had faint ed, unlefs I had believed to fee the Goodr/efs of the hord p in the hand of the* Living. 3. Wait upon the Lord till his Time tome to deliver, Pfid, 27. ulr. Wait upon- the Lord, and be /hong, and he pall ftren^then thine Heart, I Cor. id. 13. Watch ye, (land faft in the Faith y quit yourfehes like Men, and be ftrcng. Be not like Children, that the leaft Touch will difcourage- and carl: down ; but, like Men, that will manfully refjft the Temp- tation. When Satan takes Occaiion of your feared Temper and Conftitution, join not in with him* to fay, All he obje£rs is true - ? but refift, and let Baal plead for himfelf. 4. Meditate much on the Word of God. This was David's Courfe when under Fears, I thy Servant djid meditate on thy Statutes. Thy Tefimonies are my Delight? and they are my Conn- of BleEl Sinners. 27£ Counfellors in all my Doubts and Fears. Prayer and Meditation are like the two Spies that went to view the Land of Canaan : The one vieweth, the other cutteth down and bringeth home the Comfort : Meditation is the Eye that vieweth the Comfort* Prayer is the Hand that bringeth the Mercy : Meditation cannot find out a real Want, but Prayer will bring in a real Mercy to fupply that Want. Fear, I am afraid that the great Multitude that came out with us, when they heard Boaner- ges preach to them,never come fafe to the End of the Journey. I am fure that it hath been fad Days with them, when they met with King Cruelty and his Army : Let us look back and fee what is become of them \ for we hard- ly efcaped them ourfelves. And if the Rtgh-> teous fcarcely be faved, where pall the Vngodly and Sinner appear ? Faith. I fcarce fee the tenth Man of them coming forward. Fear. What moved them to undertake^ fince they utterly gave over fo foon, and turned over to the Perfecutors Side ? Faith, i. Some fudden Flafhes of Fear and Joy, arifing from the Eloquence of thefe two noble Preachers, and alfo ipme common Work of the Spirit upon them, convincing and terrifying them h for many are convinced that they are loft Sinners, that never are converted, and become faved Sinners ; As Judas, I have finned, but yet went on. And T If mi ' 274 Tkt L°f s <*#d (Recovery Herod heard John the Baytift gladly , and did many "things. 2, They thought that they would not meet with fb much Oppofition in the Way *, they did not count the Cofl what; Heaven might coft them ^ and hence meeting with thefe Difficulties they looked not for, and more Coft than they reckoned upon, they take fecond Thoughts, and refolve not to have fuch a coftly Heaven : Therefore, they that anon with Joy received the Word, Matth. 13. yet, in the Time of Perfecution, they fell away. 3. They looked to be in Refpe& with great Men •, and feeing it is the quite contrary, that they will have all the Mifchief that great Ones can do them : And to lofe the Favour of great Men for Chrift, any Thing except that : This they cannot. And therefore the Jews iaft Argu- *ment to Pilate, to pafs Sentence on Chrift, when nothing elfe would prevail, was. If thou let this May go, thou art not Celar'x Friend, And when he heard that, he delivered up Chrift to be Crucified, John 11. 47, 48. If we let him alone , all Men will believe m kirn, and the Romans will ccme and take away our Tlace and Naticn. They dooght not hear of loofing their Places for Chrift. Fear. Em I trow they did Covenant with God •, Did they not ? Faith. Yes, they did} But it was through Force of the Fear of Hell, and Self-love : Their Hearts fiid oue Thing, and their Mouths _ — - — - ^ an(H . of EleB Sinners. 275 another, Tfal. 73. 34, 36. When he flew them, then they truped in him, and they enquired early after him. But their Hearts were not tight with God, neither were they fledfaft in his Covenant J And what worth is an unftedfaft. Hollow- hearted Man's Covenant with God ? Tho' he ftiould write a thoufand Sheets of Paper on it, 'tis not worth a Farthing : If it be not only this, the more Paper that's in them, they make the greater Fire to warm Women and Chil- dren at the Crofs of Edinburgh in a cold Day ; but. if the Day be hot, when we need no Fire, they do more 111 than Good. Fear. But you faid, That Fear of Hell and Self-love moved them to Covenant : Might not thefe two Motives have prevail'd with them to kep their Covenant ? Faith. Not at all : For Fear of Hell drives a Man ftraight to Hell, if there be no more. Take the Example of Judas, Hell was flam- ing in his Conscience : Alas ! / have finned} and / have betrayed innocent Blood. And he takes the neareft Way to Hell, he ran and hanged himfelf. Balaam was as fear'd for Hell as a Man could be, when he faid, Numb* 24. 17. / (halt fee him, but not now ', I Jhdl be- hold him, but not nigh : That is, I will be ex- communicate from God*s Prefence, for my Sin of coming to curfe Ifrael, if I mend not my Manners. Bnt did this have any faving ErTeft upon him ? No : He went on^ and taught Bdak to caft a Stumbling-block before the T 2 Chil- 276 T*be Lofs and Recovery Children of Ifrael, • to tempt them to Idolatry and Fornication. The Fear of Hell will not do it. %. Self-love will not do it either. For, as a Fountain may fend Streams hither and thither* yet thefe Streams never go higher than the Fountain from whence they arofe •, So it is here. Self-love may make a great ado in the World, but yet it never goes higher than Self: For thefe Men that take up Religion for fedr of their Souls in Time of Profperity, will ■ quit Religion for fear of their Bodies and Eftate in Time of Perfecu- tion and Adverfit^. God, I thank thcc, I am wot like other Men : I do this, I do that. A vain-glorious Fool, feeking Self-Probation, is never juftified. Fear. I fear many have fcarce come the Length to have thefe fame Motives, fecklefs as they are. Pray tell me, What are the true Motives that excite Men to Covenanting with God, that thefe excited by them will hold on? . Faith, i. Love to God and Chrift, 2 Cor. 5. '14. The Love of Chrift conftraineth us, becaufe we thus judge^ That Chrifl died for us* Cant. 8« 6. Love is flrong as Death, many Waters cannot quench Love, neither can the Floods drown it.- All Affli&ions are ineffectual, Rom. 8. ult. All Things (Sword or Famine,) Jhall not feparate m from the Love of Chrifl. And the Spoufe, Cant A 5. 7. The Spoufe, fick of Love: The Watch- men fmitingj wounding, taking away the Vail from of EleB Sinners. 177 /torn her, could not turn her back : Nothing j can keep them . from the Bofom of Chrift, that are deep in Love with him. 2. Love to Cbrift's Work is another Mo« tive that faileth not. A Balaam-) that is for the Wages only, Let me die the Death of the Righteous , give me the Wages : He faileth ; for he had no Delight in the Work. But they that think the Commands an Heaven up-' on Earth, Pfal. 119. J have chofen thy Com* mandments to be mine Inheritance for ever: Ye may as well pluck a Man out of Heaven, as out of the VVay of Obedience •, for it is an Heaven to them. So thefe that are like the Hebrew Servants, that love the Matter and his Work, they perfift and hold out for ever. 3. Thefe that are more for Holinefs here, than for Happinefs hereafter, will hold on. Balaam that was for Happinefs, he turns a- way \ but a David, he is for Holinefs. O make me Holy, PJai. 51, 2. wafh, purge, cleanfe : Make me holy? come of Happinefs ,, what will j and he perfevereth, and can fay at the Grave's Mouth, 2 Sam. 23. 5. God hath made with me an everlafling Covenant, Fear. But our Sins were as great as their Sin was, we forfook him and fled. How ihall we difference betwixt the Sins of the Godly, and the Sins of the Wicked ? For there mull be fome Difference, as appeareth from Deut. 32. 4,. 5. They have corrupted thcnfelves, their Spot is not the Spot of my. Tecjk^ J 3 27 & The Lofs and Recovery Faith. Yet there are fome Differences as to | the Circumftances of the Sin: For, as "the f Wicked may do the fame Duties, pray, read, j hear, &c, that the Godly do, and yet all is \ Sin, Ifa. i. 14. Their New-moons and Sab- [ baths, the Lord cannot away with them •, becaufe they perform not thefe Daties in a I yight Manner : So here, the Godly may be guilty of the fame Sins, and yet differ from the Sins of the Wicked, as to the Manner of their committing of them. 1. The Godly fin not refolvedly 5 if they do, it is againft their Refblutions, John 13. ad finem. Althc? I fhould die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. And, Pjal. 17. 3. / have pur ~ pofed that I Jhall not tranjgrefs 3 Tho* they fometimes are ftcllen from their Feet, .fur- prized with a Temptation : But the Wicked fin wilfully and refolvedly, PfaL 30". 4. He dc- vV.eth Mi/chief upon his Bed, 2. The Wicked fin with the whole Con- lent of the Will, Exod. 5. 2. / will not let hi* People go. It was no Matter to him what God commanded, if it were not his Will to do it, (yen. 6. 5. All the Imaginations of their Hearts m-e only Evil y and that continually. Nothing at all in them to counterbalance Sin : But the Godly fm not with the haill Cojafent of fcfoe/ir Wffl, rbut againft it, Rom. ?• 1%. I do , which I allow net. And it is no mure /, but Sm that dwdleth in me. It is I, and not I. There are two l\m the Man-> ftriving like the cWO of EIccl Sinners: 279 | two Twins in the Womb of Rebehlah, each like to deftroy other, and to make an End of the Perlon ', A Law in the Members^ warring again ft the Law of the Mind^ leading Captive to. the Liw of Sin and Death, Mark 14. 63. Peter J denied his Mafter, and as he did it, he with-1 drew into the Porch ; fhew'ing his Averfion 1 from that Sin, that at that Time he was not 1 able to refift. 3. The Sin of the Wicked is fuch as they do not complain of, nor cry to God for Help ; for they are not fenfible of it, PfaL 10. 4. Ihc Wicked will net call upon God. But the Godly complain of Sin, Pfal % 6. 3. My Soul is djo fore vexed, but thou, O Lord, how long ? O wretched Man that 1 am ! who jlmfl deliver me from the Body of this Death ? 4. There is fomething of Love to Chrift going along with the Sin of the Godly, Matt. 16. 22. When Peter diffwaded Chrift from going to Jerufalem to fuffer, there appeared Love to Chrift \ Far be it from thee, Lord. He would fain have had Chrift fafe 3 fo great was his Love to Him. But the Sins of the Wicked are out of pure Hatred and Malice *, not the leaft Degree of Love to Chrift, Holinefs nor Religion, Mat. 27. 18. Pilate hew that for Envy they had delivered Chrift to him* They hate God, becaufe he will not let them live in Sin and give them Heaven } they hate Mini- ^ fters, becaufe they will not fay that gracelefs' profane Men are in the Way to Heaven, iKwgs T 4 izA i8o 77;e Lojs and Recovery ''21. 8. 'then is one Micaiah, but I hate him, }cr he never Jpeaks Good of me, but always Evil. What ails him, that he will not fay that God will never be offended at me for killing Naboth, and taking his Vineyard ? what aileth him, that he will not fay the Lord will never heed it, that I worfhip the Calves ia Dan and Bethel ? what ails him, that he hinders me to go up to Ramoth-gilead ? He might fay as the reft do, and then I would love him : But I will go, whether he will or not, fince it is my Pieafure. Well, Ahab) it is upon your Peril ^ ye will pay dear for the groundlefs Feud* at honeft Micaiah before ye come back, and fee that ye hated the wrong Man : Ye mould have hated the falfe Prophets, that flattered you in among the Hands of your Murderers-, and loved flfir caiah, that fought to preferve you. So it is at this Day •, the plained Preachers are moft hated. What ails them ? they will not let us live in Sin, and have an Hundred Calves iii bur fuperfiitious Worfhip. 5. When the Godly fin, they mourn for 'it, and rife again, as we have done \ and as Veter, who wept bitterly j and David, who rofe, re- pented, and fell no more into the Sin : But the W ; cked never rife by Repentance. And this is one great D fYerence : For the Godly may- fometimes fin deliberately, as Eayid fat down and contrived how to kill Z/riah ; but yet he repented and rofe again. Fear. Bleffed be God, we have had a long Calm of EleEl Sinners* 2 8 1 Calm and pleafant Way, and I have been de- lighted much in your Company : But one Thing I wonder at, that, immediately after io great a Sin, the Lord brought not on greater Calamities. Faith. The Lord is a good Mafter : His Af- fli&ings are his Work, his flrange Work ? but Mercy is the Work he delighteth in : He re- joiceth over his People to do them Good. We wring Miferies out of his Hand :, He is at this, before he afflift, What jhall J do ? O Ephraim, what jkili I do to thee ? Judah, what jhall J d$ to thee ? And, He doth not ajflitl willingly? nor grieve the Children of Men, And befides, He will not contend for ever? neither will he be always wroth, left- the Sprit jhould faik before him? and the Souls that he hath made. 1 think it fit now 5 that we fhould fmg, Vfal. 103. 8. The Lord our God is merciful, and he is gracious, Long-fuffering, and flow to Wrath, in Mercy plenteous. He will not chide continually, nor keep his Anger (till : With us he dealt not as we finn'd, nor did requite our 111, &c. For, after Peter's Fall, He manifefted his Love fmgularly to him, left he fhould break his Heart, Mark 16, Go tell my JDifciple's and feter? the good News, That / go before them nto 2 8 1 The Lofs and (Recovery into Galilee : There Jhali ye fee me, as I faid unto you. See ME who will, Peter jfhall be one : Poor Man, he is near my Heart \ I will not requite him as he hath finned. Fear. Well, let us ipend this Calm as well as we can ^ but I fear a Blaft yet. I would ask one Thing at you, as long as it is in my Mind, What came of the fick Perfons, that fell fick in Prifon, and fome of them like to die When Boanerges and Paracletes came among them ? 1 fear they had not Power to ftir, to come away with the reft, whgi the Trumpet of the Jubi- lee was founded. Faith. The moll Part of them are lying there yet, and their Difeafe is fo increafed, that it- would break art* Heart of Stone to fee them curling and blafpheming, becaufe of their ex- ceffive Pain, Rev. \6.2i. Fear. What is the Reafon ? Did not Chrift the Phyflctan come down among them ? Mat. Sp. 12. The Whole need not J 'he Phyficiav y but they that avc Sick, I came not to call the Right e- tffrj, hut x Sinners, tb Repentance. Faith. Yes, he did. But, to fet afide this, confider. That he will have Mercy on whom he mil have Mercy y and whom hf will he hardneth. His Sovereignty appeareth here, that he ope- ned our Priion \ for we could no more break through Iron Gates, and break the Fetters of \ Brafs that were upon usy than thty could cure J themfeives. Beiide this, I fay^ There are fome aggravating Circumstances cf their Dif- eafe, , of EleB Sinners. 285 eafe, that proves the fame to.be inctireable ; that tho' there be $ aim in Gilead, and a Phyjician there, yet the Difeafe is not cured, Jer. 8. tut: i. When the Lord gives up with them, and will not ware Means upon them, becaufe they would not be bettered thereby, If a. i. 5. Why Jhotild ye be ftricken any more ? Te will revolt more a?zd more. Pfal. 81. 11. My 'People would not hearken to my Voice, fo I gave them tip : And then they wandred in their own Coimfeh. Ha*b. 2. 13. Is it not of the Lord of Hofts that the People la- hour in the very Fire, and weary themfelves for very Vanity ? The Lord in Jultice gives them more Toil and Vexation in the Way to Hell, than the Godly have in the W av t0 Heaven : And not only does he give up with them, but he commands his Minifters to do fo too, Prov. 9. 8. Reprove not a Scorncr, left he hate thee. Minifter, I have given up with them : l*bey are joined to Idoh, let .them alone. Let thou them alone alfo, reprove them not, they are not worthy of a Reproof; they are obftinate and incorrigible, and fcornfully ' reject all Means of Amendment : I will not pi/nim their Spoufes when they commit Adultery ,norv heir Daughters when they commit Whoredom ; Hell lhali pay the Fare for all. Do with them, Mini- fter, as Phyficians do with a Perfon in a defperate Difeafe, Give them over for Death ; all that .thou wilt gain by thy Reproofs , will be their Hatred and Malice : That's a Sign of One given over t> eternal Death, and fick unto Death, whofe W oiiirds are incureable. : And this was the Cafe of marty of them. z. When Men go on' in Sin over the Telly of Convidions, and Rods lying on for Sip : Like Cnhtj that was convicted of Sin, and yet flyeth from 284 We Lofs and ^fcovery from the Prefence of the Lord. And Jtidas, that confefled that he %ad betrayed innocent Bloody and yet runs away and hangs himfelf : And that tho 3 they be frrutten, yet revolt more and more. Some leek to allay Convi&ions by Throng of earthly Affairs, as Cain, in his building of Cities. Some do drink away Convictions, they go from eyil to worfe'j as Jude fays in his Efifile; They walk in the Way of Cain. Like thele that came to apprehend Chrift, John 18. 4. who tho' he fmote them to the Ground, yet they rofe again and laid hold on him. The Sting ftill ftayeth, they have no Will that the Difeafe fhould be removed, and (6 they continue in Sin ; which, akho' the lefTer Sort of Sins, bringeth forth Death : Whereas the greatelfe Sins left and forfakea, the Perfon obtaineth Mercy. This is a f Sign of a mortal Difeafe, when it pre* vaiieth and ftill continueth : And this alfo was to be found among them. 5. It is a deadly Symptom^ when Sin is into the Heart, and hath the whole Love and AfTe&ions. They fay, that a Difeale is deadly, when it goeth 3nto die Heart ; fo is Sin, when it hath Place in the Love and Affections, ■. and Men delight in it ; It is a Sport to them to do Mifchief. And altho' there be in the Perfon fome Strivings of Confcience againfr. it, yet the Perfon takes Sin's Side, and (oves k moil : Whereas the Strivings of the God- ly in it, the Perfon loves HolinefsS Side mofi:, and fi$s, Rom. 7. j 5. What I hate, that do 7. But \t the Wicked do, that they have an Heart - This is a Sign they are under an incure- able Weafe; Sin, like a Sicknels, hath taken them by the Heart. 4. It is a deadly Token, where the Difeafe flil iricreafeth ; when the perfon goes back from the of EleEl Sinners. 285 fProfeffion of Holinefs, and groweth worfe and worfe, ftill nearer Hell, and unfitter for Heaven^ Luke 9. 61. No Man having pit his Hand to the

w«d the Jail Remedy on you, and tha> hfyonc Inn of Elect Sinners* 21 >evond which I can ware no more ; thefe f hiags iave cured manyl therefore thou mayeft prepare or Deaths you are not a Man for this World ? So, ,vhen the Lord hath done what he can, and hath Adthhoiden nothing, and thou art no better, we nay lay to fuch, 'Prepare to meet thy God, for thou ookeft not like a Man for Heaven : I would, have, biergtd thee, and thou wafi not purged $ therefore your Iniquity pall not be purged till ye die. When, thou haft lived twenty ,thirty,or forty Years under the Gofpel, and no better, thou art in Peril of thy Salvation :' Forty Tears have I been grieved with this Generation ; So I fware in my Wrath, that they-fiould, not enter into my Reft, Pfal. 95. 10, 11. And many that live under the Gofpel, he fays of them, [Twenty Years have I been grieved v/ith this Generation, I fwear in my Wrath that they fhall not enter into my Reft ; yea] Within the Space of three Years ye fhall be cut d sThe fruitlefs ¥\%-tree y Why cumbreth it the Gr [And if he do not take them away by. Death pronounceth that Curfe, Let never. Fruit grew on ,thee henceforth, Luke 15*. 41, 42. Now, the ^Things that belong to thy (Peace, are hid frovz thine Eyes. THE POEM. jGod fends Afflictions us upon, our Graces for to try, And keep us humble, left our B; prove great, when lifted high. The Way that leadeth unto Life, is Holy, Strait a»d Good : For Chrift he i$ the only Wa» by Faith m'$ prfcio" c Blood, *8# he Lo/s and Recovery y & , \ , r w, he asks the Way to Life, and fears he go aftray ; I e Matter's weighty, he's but weak.* and knows not well the Way ♦ Becaufe Sin doth remain in Part, ana ignorant is he That Chiiil is Willing : And his Sou? lure teal'd he doth not fee- Why ? Many that at firft fet out in Heaven are not feen j? Becaufe Mans Fear> and World's Care come flipping in between. Their Motives were, They feared Hdi, and their own (elves did love : But Springs that rife but from the Earthy go ne er to Cloud* above. But if our Motives we would have effectual to prove ; muft be Chriit, and HoJinefs, and his Work that we love. Godly come the Wicked's Length, fibth to baekilkle and fall : 'et periffr not like wicked Men , caufe they leave them all. lie Sins of wicked Men again remecjikfs do prove : Becaufe they per fever e in them, and to the End them love. Lord, lead us fafely in the Way, and. Light fend from on high, \And we therein (hall pfflevere, anil Ihlklvjabs cry. A^