A N \ -930 E X A M I N A T OF Dr. Middle torts Free Inquiry INTO THE MIRACULOUS POWERS OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH: In which is proved at large, As well from prefumptive Evidence as pofitive Teftl- mony, that we have fufficient Reafon to believe the Continuance of Miracles after the days of the Apoftles ; All the Objections of Dr. Middle ton are (hewn to be groundlefs and infignificant j and a plain diftinction is .pointed out between the Credibility of the Later and the Earlier Miracles of the Primitive Church. - v ' By Z. BROOKE, B.D. Fellow of Si John's College in Cambridge. t • ' • — t H TOIS MEN AAAOIE IIISTEYEIN EYAOrON, MONOIS AE TOYTOIE AniZTEIN; KAI TinZ OYK EM4>ANHS O 4>0O- NOS » Eufeb. Dem. Evang. III. 7, Quae eft ifta calliditas, res vetuftate robuftas calumxiando velle pervertere ? Cic. de Di