BV 4425 .B373 1871 Bate, John. A cyclopedia of illustrations of moral and CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLUSTRATIONS OF MOEAL AND RELIGIOUS TRUTHS. A CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLUSTRATIONS OF MOEAL AND EELIGIOUS TRUTHS CONSISTING OF DEFINITIONS, METAPHORS, SIMILES, EMBLEMS, CONTRASTS, ANALOGIES, STATISTICS, SYNONYMS, ANECDOTES, ETC., ETC. JOHN '^BATE. SEVENTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. LONDON: JARROLD AND SONS, 12, PATERNOSTER ROW 1871. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. It is not necessary to detain the reader with a dissertation on the nature, use, and importance of Illustrations in teaching and enforcing Moral and Religious Truths. Enough has been written upon these points ; nor is it necessary that much, or anything, should be said by way of commending the book before him to his judgment. This shall be left to be done by the book itself. This boolf is published with a view to supply a want which doubtless has been felt by thousands, to furnish a volume of Illustrations in variety of kind, in compreliension of subjects, in simplicity of arrange- ment, that would be serviceable at any time, and on any topic, to the teacher of Eeligious Truths. It is hoped that the object contemplated will, to some extent, be accomplished. . A book is enhanced in value in proportion to the ability which it possesses of creating or suggesting thought, by the thought which it contains, and the manner in which that thought is expressed. It is believed that the following pages possess this ability. "While, on the one hand, the reader will find illustrations suited to his theme of study, he will find, if he observe the working of his mind, that others are sug- gested from other sources of a difiereut nature. The intrinsic value and real use of such a work will be duly appreciated by all the thoughtful. In this volume will be found community of mind, coming from a great variety of countries, ages, churches, and circumstances. Arminius and Calvin ; Wesley and Toplady ; Fletcher and Plill ; Churchmen and Dissenters ; Protestants and Papists ; Philosophers and Divines ; Poets and Historians ; Infidels and Christiaus ; Clergy and Laity, the Living and the Dead, meet side by side, and without a breath of discord or a line of controversy combine their testimonies in support of the same mighty themes of Divine Inspiration. It may be necessary to suggest to the reader that in case he does not find as many views as he wishes under one general subject, he will, in almost every instance where practicable, find something more under a synonymous one. That the selections and arrangement are perfect is far from being imagined. Difference in taste will of course create difference in judg- ment upon this partit-ular. After a work is finished, imperfections often show themselves when they were hid in the plan and in the process of workmanship. There are, however, many who, while they can point out a fault in a work complete, would have made gi-eater faults had they been the workmen in. carrying out the design. This is one of the privileges of which most critics do not fail very frequently to avail themselves. After much prayer, labour, and pleasure, in the preparation of the Work, it is now commended to God for His blessing upon its use ; and to the Reader for his assistance in every good word and work. The garden is laid out as best it could be for his service, with every variety of fiowers, trees, and shrubs. If here and there he find a full-grown weed, or a bitter herb in bloom among the pleasant fruits and flowers, like the wise and happy bee, let him not object to gather honev from all alike. J. B. Dec, 1864, NOTICE TO THE SECOND EDITION. It is no small recommendation of this work, that the Pirst Edition was disposed of iu about six mouths after its issue. This edition differs from the first in several important respects. In the former the logical plan was followed as far as possible, in the pre- dicate arrangeuient of the subjects ; in this, the alphahetical. It was suggested that, while the logical might have its advantages to some, to the majority, the alphabetical would be more simple and acceptable; and as simplicitij in arrangement is a chief matter to be observed in the construction of a book of this kind, the suggestion has been adopted. The reader, therefore, iu the use of the work, will not only look alpha- betically for the subject .itself which he may want, bvit also for the predicate of the subject. For example, does he desire a reference upon Heaven as the subject, he will at once find the word as in any dictionary; but does he seek a specific reference on heaven, such as activity in heaven, or recognition in heaven, he must look for the word activity or recognition in its alphabetical order as placed in con- nection with the subject. Heaven. The point will easily be seen by examination of any one subject on which there is a variety of extracts. It is hoped that this arrangement will be an additional commendation of the work. This edition will be found to contain some five hundi'ed new extracts from fifty or sixty more authors, extending the volume about sixty pages, introducing a considerable number of new subjects of illus- tration. This work is not intended to be a substitute for 'thinking, but, on the contrary, an Assistant, by its suggestiveness, its variety, its compre- hensiveness (see 'Reading — Suggestiveness in,' p. 722). An Index of Subjects would have been given but for two reasons : First, the book is already larger than was intended ; secondly, it was not deemed necessary, in view of the indexical arrangement of the book tself. This edition having been stereotyped, no more material alterations will be made in any future editions. Believing tlie book, as stated by some of the reviewers, to have " no compeer," to be complete in its " arrangement and compilation," and to be "by no means "a dear one," this edition is, with increased con- fidence, commended to the public for its approval and use. J. B. DouKiKO, September, 1S65. v- ./ -p^'Vf 7 CYCLOPAEDIA lllustratious of ||lorat aiiir ^clicjioii^ Cvut|$, ^" AARON— a Type of Christ. I. Aaron, a teacher, or the mountain of fortitude ; so is Christ the true teacher of God's Word. II. Aaron was Moses's mouth to the people ; so is Christ His Father's mouth to men, declaring His will and mind to them. III. Aaron was the blesser of the people (Lev. ix, 22) ; so is Christ the true blesser of His people (Acts iv, 27). IV. Aaron was the high priest of the Lord ; Jesus Christ is the only true High Priest of the Church. V. Aaron died upon the mount ; Christ was crucified on Mount Calvary. B.Keach. ABILITIES OF MAN— not Perfect. The abilities of man must fall short on one side or other, like too scanty a blanket when you are abed : if you pull it upon your shoulders you leave your feet bare; if you thrust it down upon your feet your shoulders are uncovered. Sir W. Tem'ple. ASILITIES— Use of Common. The ambition of a man of parts is very often disappointed for the want of some common quality, by the assistance of which men with very moderate abilities are capa- ble of making a great figure. Dr. Armstrong. ABSTINENCE— Bodily. Deep, earnest thoughts have often stirred in me on bodily abstinence, as the condition of helping the spirit through the strait : gate of opposing animalism, into the sweet ; and holy Paradise element. There is an element of which Jesus is the Prince, and there is an element of which Satan is prince. While we appropriate the elements of the nethermost ])rince, we maybe strong in the powers of nature, but perhaps not I so strong in the life that is hid with Christ in God ; for in the exercise and indulgence of our fleshly appetites we do not breathe deeply enough to inspire the holy element of our risen Prince. Finding that deep and holy spirit-breathing was suspended during bodily enjoyments, godly souls have often interdicted the gratifications of the flesh, in order to help their sjjirits in the God-ward direction. /. Fulsford. ACT— Influence of a Right. A rigid act strikes a chord that extends through the whole universe, touches all moral intelligence, visits every world, vi- brates along its whole extent, and conveys its vibrations to the very bosom of God ! Pray learn to understand how all work has in it a spiritual element; how the meanest thing on earth has a divine side; how all temporary forms include essences that are to be eternal. Whatever be the meanness of a man's occupation, he may discharge and prosecute it on prin- ciples common to him with Michael or Gabriel, or any of the highest spirits of heaven. T. Binney. ACTION— Fame in. Act ! for in action are wisdom and glory : Fame, immortality, — these are its crown ; Wouldst thou illumine the tablets of story ? — Build on acMevements thy doom of re- nown. Anon. ACTION — Happiness in. Happiness is in action, and every power is intended for action ; human happiness, therefore, can only be complete as all the powers have their full and legitimate play. As all the chords of a well-tuned instrument contribute to the music it is dej^igned to produce, so all the powers of the soul are ACTION— ACTIONS. intended to contribute to the sum of felicity inan is fitted to enjoy. No cliord must be untouched ; each must send forth some vibration to make the harmony complete. Dr. Thomas. ACTION— Man made for. Action is at once the destiny and the lot of man. All the conditions of his existence are framed upon the supposition of his ac- tivity. It is so in man's physical frame. The elastic foot is for speed ; the firm lithe limb for endurance ; the arm, at once sup- ple and sinewy, for toil ; the eye and the ear are for their respective revelries in sight and sound. It is so in our mental constitution. By the active exercise of the powers which God has given us we classify objects aio*?. understand truths : we discri- minate, we invent, we analyse, we compare, we combine. We have a memory that can inherit the past; we have a regal imagina- tion which can colonise, and almost enact, the future. It is so in our moral nature. The power by which we distinguish be- tween right and wrong ; an instinct of wor- ship, wliich, however we may brutalise, we cannot wholly stifle; yearnings after a nobler life, which no debauchery can ex- tinguish nor murder absolutely kill — these are all implanted within us by the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Alike, then, in the realm of hand, and brain, and heart, God has made the health and vigour of the faculties contingent upon their exercise, stamping activity as an irreversible law on man. Tiie muscle will shrink if it be not strung ; the moveless arm will stillen into hopeless catalepsy ; the athlete worsted in the Olympian games, at least gets strength for life. Every faculty will attenuate if it be not exerted. The moral nature will grow weak if it be not roused to resistance ; feeble in its faith unless it be constantly exercised; languid and hopeless in its struggle against evil if the conscience do only indolently strive against the incur- sions and aggressions of sin. Man was not made to live merely for the possible recep- tion of external impressions, a harp upon which every fitful wind might blow ; he was made to act, to will, to influence, to become a power, and the living centre of ever radiating impressions. Itwere strange, indeed, if in a laborious universe man should be the only idler among the works of the Creator's hands. While all around are working, from the wavelet's tiniest ripp'e and from the rosebud's heart, ever glow- ing into deeper crimson, to the tireless ocean and the menial and monarch sun; whilst unwearied labour was the condition of Paradise, and angels cease not in their ministry, and there is no faltering in the march of the heavens, and the Son v/ent about doing good, and the Eternal Father, the watchman of Israel, neither slumbereth nor sleepeth, you will not wonder that, hy a law as benign as it is authoritative, God has impressed activity upon his favorite creature, man, and has provided that his shall not be a zoophite existence, clinging in blind helplessness as a parasite to its guardian rock, but a life beautiful and holy, a life of quickened pulses, and an activity and an energy of which insensate matter knows not ; and finding, in the rapturous doing of everyday life, its very soul and essence of joy. There is a neces- sity in man, then, for activity. Act he must and will, and it is the province of religion to direct and control this tendency, so that his doing may be according to that which is right. W. M. Fumhon. ACTION — Patience in. Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for every fate ; Still achieving, still pursuing. Learn to labour and to wait. LongfeUow. ACTIONS— Continuance of. The only things in which we can be said to have any property are our actions. Our thoughts may be bad, yet produce no poison; they may be good, yet produce no fruit. Our riches may be taken away by misfor- tune, our reputation by malice, our spirits by calamity, our health by disease, our friends by death. But our actions nmst follow us beyond the grave; with i-espcct to them alone, we cannot say that we shad carry nothing with us when we die, neither that we shall go naked out of the world. Our actions must clothe us with an im- mortality loathsome or glorious ; these are the only title-deeds of which we cannot be disinherited; they will have their full weight in the balancTe of eternity, when everything else is as nothing ; and their value will be confirmed and established by those two sure and sateless destroyers of all other earthly things — Time and Death. C Cotton. ACTIONS OF INTELLECT— based on Feel- ings. Every action of the intellect, save that which is purely scientific, is based upon ! some feeling. ' Ambition says to Intellect, I " Look out for me ;" Fear cries, " Look out for me ;" Greed also, " Arouse, sharpen yourself; pierce the darkness, teach me how to gain ; ' and Love cries passionately, pleadingly, ".\ wake, be my advocate, think, think lor me." -ff. W. Beeaher. ACTIONS— Formation of. All our actions take Their lines from the complexion of theheart. As landscapes their variety from light. W. T. Bacon. ACTIONS— ACTIVITY. ACTIONS— Good and Evil. To do an evil action is base ; to do a good action, without incurring danger, is com- mon enough ; but it is the part of a good man to do great aud noble deeds, though he risks everything. Plutarch. ACTIONS (Trifling)— Importance of. The most trifling actions that affect a man's credit are to be regarded. The sound of your liammer at five in the morning, or nine at night, heard by a creditor, makes him easy six months longer ; but if he sees you at a billiard-table, or hears your voice at a tavern, when you should be at work, he sends for his money the next day ; de- mands it before he can receive it in a lump. B. Franklin. ACTIONS— Interpreted. There is no word or action but may be taken with two hands; either with the right hand of charitable construction, or the sinister interpretation of malice and suspicion : and all things do succeed as they are taken. To construe an evil action well, is but a pleasing and proiitable deceit to myself; but to misconstrue a good thing is a treble wrong — to myself, the action, aud the author. Bp. Hall. ACTIVITIES— in Life's Calling. The Jews compared a man with a fixed employment to "a vineyard fenced." A good comparison. A man's activities, with- in his proper calling, are not like trees scattered up and down the wayside, or over the wilderness, when much of the fruit is lost ; but like well-planted and well-trained vines in a garden, where the most is made of them, and they are all husbanded and preserved. J. Stouyldon. ACTIVITY— Achievements of. Dr. Adam Clarke said that " the old proverb about having too many irons in the fire, was an abominable old lie. Have all in it — shovel, tongs, and poker." Wes- ley said, " I am always in haste, but never in a hurry ; leisure and I have long taken leave of each other." He travelled about five thousand miles in a year; preached about three times a day, commencing at five o'clock in the morning ; and his pub- lished works amounted to about two hundred volumes. Asbury travelled six thousand miles a year, and preached in- cessantly. Coke crossed the Atlantic eighteen times, preached, wrote, travelled, established missions, begged from door to door for them, and laboured in all respects as if, like the apostles, he would " turn the world upside down." At nearly seventy years of age he starlcx to Christianise India, X>r. Stevens, ACTIVITY— Achievements of. Francis Asbury was the pioneer bishop of the Methodist Church in America. Al- ways and everywhere, with harness oa ready for spiritual warfare, he may be said almost to have created the Church in its present form, and during his long and active life kept, all its departments in motion. He ordained upward of three thousand preachers, and preached seven- teen thousand sermons, besides attending to the varied and multitudinous duties connected with his peculiar relation to the Church and his episcopal office. Dr. Strickland. ACTIVITY— Benefit of. As animal power is exhausted exactly in proportion to the time during which it is acting, as well as in proportion to the in- tensity of foi'ce exerted, there may often be a great saving of it by doing work quickly, although with a little more exertion during the time. Suppose two men of equal weight to ascend the same stair, one of whom takes only a minute to reach the top, and the other takes four minutes, it will cost the first little more than a fourth part of the fatigue which it costs the second, because the exhaustion is in pro- portion to the time during which the muscles are acting. The quick mover may have exerted perhaps one twentieth more force in the first instant to give his body the greater velocity, which was afterwards continued, but the slow supported his load four times as long. Dr. Arnott. ACTIVITY— Christian. The more excellent anything is, the more active. The sun is a glorious crea- tion, it is ever in motion, going its circuit : fire is the purest element, and the most active, it is ever sparkling and fiaming: the angels are the most noble creatures, they are represented by the cherubims, with wings displayed. The more active for heaven, the more illustrious, and the more do we resemble the angels. T. Watson. ACTIVITY— Comfort in Christian. Wouldst thou from sorrow find a sweet relief ? Or is thy heart oppress'd with woes untold"? Balm wouldst thou gather for corroding grief? Pour blessings round thee like a shower of gold : — 'Tis when the rose is wrapped in many a fold Close to its heart, the worm is w^asting there Its life and beauty ! not when, unroll'd. ACTIVITY— ADAM. Leaf after leaf, its bosom, ricli and fair, Breathes freely its perfumes throughout the ambieut air. W. Wilcox. ACTIVITY— Importance of. It is good policy to strike while the iron is hot : it is still better to adopt Cromwell's procedure, and make the iron hot hy strik- ing. The master-spirit who can rule the storm is great, but he is much greater who can both raise and rule it. To attain that grand power, one must possess the brave and indomitable soul of activity v,-hich prompted Edmund Burke to exclaim to his constituents in his famous speech at Bristol, "Applaud us when we run; con- sole us when we fall; cheer us when we recover; but let us pass on — for God's sake let us pass on." E. L. Magoon. ACTIVITY— Incitement to. Wake thou that sleepest in enchanted bowers, Lest these lost years should haunt thee on the night When death is waiting for tiiy immbered hours To take their swift and everlasting flight ; Wake, ere the earth-born charm un- nerve thee quite. And be thy thoughts to work Divine ad- dress'd. Do something — do it soon — with all thy might. An angel's wing would droop if long at rest. And God Himself, inactive, were no longer blest. 'Tis infamy to die and not be miss'd. Or let all soon forget that thou didst e'er exist ! Rouse to some work of high and holy love. And thou an angel's happiness shalt know, — Shalt bless the earth while in the world above ; The good begun by thee shall onward flow In many a branching stream, and wider grow ; The seed that, in these few and fleeting hours, Thy hands unsparing and unwearied sow, Shall deck thy grave with amaranthine flowers, And yield thee fruits Divine in heaven's immortal bowers ! W. Wilcox. ACTIVITY— Literary. You must act : inactive contemplation is a dangerous condition for minds of pro- found moral sensibility. We are not to dream away our lives in the contemplation of distant or imaginary perfection. We are to act in an imperfect and corrupt world; and we must only contemplate per- fection enough to ennoble our natures, but not to make lis dissatisfied and disgusted with these faint approaches to that per- fection, which it would be the nature of a brute or a demon to despise. It is for this i-eason that I exhort you to literary ac- tivity. It is not as the road of ambition, but of duty, and as the means of useful* ness and the resource against disease. It is an exercise necesjri()r to the obliga- tions of friendship, and the tenderness it inspires continues in the bosom of the just, even after friendship has become extinct; consequently, nature and reason dictate that there should be a peculiar aft'ectiou between brethren. L. M. Stretch. Fathers alone a father's heart can know ; What secret tides of still enjoyment flow When brothers love : but if their hate succeeds. They wage the war ; but 'tis the fiither bleeds. Toung. As one of the water-bearers at the foun- tain of the Fauxbourg St. Germain, in Paris, was at his usual labours in August, 17G6, he was taken away by a gentleman in a splendid coach, who proved to be his own brother, and who, at the age of thi-ee years, had been carried away to India, where he made a considerable fortune. On his return to France he made inquiry resjiecting his fiimily ; and hearing that he had only one brotlier alive, and that he was in the humble condition of a water- bearer, he sought him out, embraced him with great affection, and brought him to his house, where he gave him bills for upwards of a thousand crowns per annum. K. Arvine. AFFECTION— Maternal. Entering the domestic circle, what marks of benevolent design appear in the arrangement by which the tender remem- brances and yearning associations which *' accumulate in the maternal mind during the period of gestation, should all be summed up amid the throes of parturi- tion," and go to augment the affection which she is henceforth to feel to her off- spring ; by which the necessary aliment is secreted in the maternal bosom, and the mouth of the suckling is provided with the means of abstracting and imbibing it; and in that by which the strength of the maternal regard is proportioned to the helplessness and wants of her child, not waiting for its power of appreciating and returning her affection, but meeting it with caresses in the hour of its weakness and unconsciousness, Br. J. Harris. The poor wren, The most diminutive of birds, will fight, Her young ones in her nest, against the owl. S/iukespeare. A Campanian lady, who was very rich, and still fonder of pomp and show, after having displayed, in a visit she made her diamonds, pearls, and richest jewels, earnestly desired Cornelia the illustrious, mother of the Gracchi, to let her see her jewels also. Cornelia dexterously turned the conversation to another subject, to wait the return of her sons, who were gone to the public schools. When they returned, and entered their mother's apartment, she said to the Campanian lady, pointing to them with her hand, " These are my jewels, and the only or- naments I admire." And such orna- ments, which are the strength and support of society, add a brighter lustre to the fair than all the jewels of the East. L. M. Stretch. AFFECTION— Mutual. To see a father treating his sons like an elder brother, and to see sons covet their father's company and conversation, because they think him the wisest and most agree- able man of their acquaintance, is the most amiable picture the eye can behold ; it is a transplanted self-love, as sacred as friend- ship, as pleasurable as love, and as happy as religion can make it. If every father remembered his own thoughts and inclinations when he was a son, and every son remembered what he expected from his fathei when he himself was in a state of dependency, this one reflection would keep fathers from bein