■ W^i 'i^^ THE NORTH-WESTERN mm BOOK. <=^» ) rlOTO Moody (D. L.) The North -Western Hymn-Book : a collection adapted to Church, Sunday School, and Revival Ser- vices, 18mo. bds., rare // not uniqi^e /;; i/'is comitvy, 25s. Chicago, 1868 FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY pectloa ' T^ ^ NORTH-WES HYMN BOOK. A COLLECTION ADAPTED TO CSURCH, SUNDAY SCHOOL AND REVIVAL SERVICES. / poMPiLED BY p, L. Moody. CHICAGO. 1868, PREFACE. For a long time wo have felt in our Mis- sion work the need of a largo collection of the oldest and most popular liymus. In order to supply this want we have not hesi- tated to draw freely on every collection ol hymns, whether American or Eluropeau, that has come to our notice, and we hereby express our acknowledgments to the differ- ent composers and publishers. May our united prayers go up to our God for His blessing upon this effort to advance His kingdom upon earth— and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, shaU be the glory, D. L. MOODY Spalding c^r LaMontks, fRlNTERS AND S T K B. E T Y I' E K 138 Laeu Street HYMNS. 1 The STame of Jesus. €. Btl. 1 TTOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds XX In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'T is manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. CHORUS. I do believe, I now believe, That Jesus died for me ; And through his blood, his precious blood, I shall from sin be free. DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. Coronation. C. M. 1 A LL hail the power of Jesus' name ! XlL Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2' Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget, The wormwood and the gall, Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Let every kindred, every tribe. On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Cbrlst the Fonntaln. C. M. 1 mHERE is a fountain filled with blood I Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, as vile as he, Wash all ray sins away. 3 Dear, dying lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. Tbe Cross. 1 TTTHEN I survey the wondroiis cross, VV On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Bave in the cross of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to thy blood. 3 See ! from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown t i Were tiie whole realm of nature mine, That were a tribute far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. 5 Come let ns Join. C. M. 1 /^OME let us join our cheerful songs \J With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues But all their joys are one. 2 Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus ! Worthy the Lamb, our hearts reply, ■Por he was slain for ua 8 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and powex divine ; And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. G I OCK of Ages ! cleft for me, X\ Let me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side that flowed, Be of sin the perfect cui'e, Save me, Lord ! and make me pure. 2 Should my tears forever flow, Should my zeal no languor know. This for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and thou alone : In my hand no price I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling. 14 DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 3 While I draw this fleeing breath, When mine eyelids close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee, on thy throne, Rock of Ages I cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee. 15 Cbrist our All. 8s A 7a. I XESUS, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow Thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shall be ; Perish every fond ambition. All I've sought, or hop^d, or known j Yet how rich is my condition ! God and heaven are still my own. 3 Let the world despise and leave me ; They have left my Saviour too ; Human hearts and looks deceive me, Thou art not, like tliem, untrue ; And whilst thou shall smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and might ! Foes may hate and friends disown m€^ Show thy face, and all is bright. 3 Perish, earthly fame and treasure I Come, disaster, scorn and pain I In thy service, pain is pleasure ; With thy favor, life is gain ; DEVOTIONAL HYMNS, O ! 't is not in grief to harm me, While thy love is left to me ; 0, 't were not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmLxed with thee. 1 6 The Sabbath. 1 XTOW sweet is the Sabbath to me, Xl The day when the Saviour arose I 'T is heaven his beauties to see, And in his soft arms to repose ; He knows I am weak and defiled. My life is but empty and vain ; But if he will make me his child, I'll never forsake him again. 2 This day he invites me to come : How kindly he bids me draw near! He offers me heaven for home, And wipes off the penitent tear ; He offers to pardon my sin, And keep me from every snare, To sprinkle and cleanse me within, And show me his tenderest care. 3 I cannot, I must not refuse ; His goodness has conquered my heart The Lord for my portion I choose, And bid all my folly depart. How sweet is the Sabbath to me. The day ray Redeemer arose I 'T is heaven his beauties to see, And in his soft arms to repose. 1*5 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 1 7 Invitation to CbrlHt. 88 A 7». 1 /^OME, ye sinners, poor and needy, V^ Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus, ready, stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power. Turn to the Lord, and seek salvation, Sound the praise of his dear name ; Glory, honor, and salvation, Christ the Lord is come to reign. 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True beliet and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh. Turn, etc. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of Him. Turn, etc. 1 8 WiU yon go r 8s A Ss. 1 TTTE'RE traveling home to heaven V V above : Will you go ? To sing the Saviour's dying love, Will you go ? Millions have reached that blessed abode Anointed kings and priests to God, And millions more are on the road : . Will you go * DBVOTlONAIi HYltfNS. l7 3 We 're going to walk the plains of light ; ' Will you go ? Far, far from death and curse and night : Will you go ? The crown of life we then shall wear, The conqueror's palm we then shall bear, And* all the joys of heaven we'll share; Will you go ? 3 The way to heaven is straight and plain : Will you go? Repent, believe, be bom again ? Will you go ? The Saviour cries aloud to thee, '* Take up thy cross and follow me, And thou shalt my salvation see:" Will you go ? 1 Jadgmeut Anticipated. C. P« II. 1 TTTHEN thou, my righteous Judge, VV Shalt come, To bear thy ransomed people home, Shall I among them stand ? Shall such a worthless worm as I, Who sometimes am afraid to die, Be found at thy right hand ? 2 I love to meet the people now. Before thy feet with them to bow, Though vilest of them all ; But — can I bear the piercing thought ?— What if my name should be left out. When Thou for them shalt call? *2 lb DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. 8 O Lord, prevent it by thy grace- Be thou my only hiding place, In this the accepted day ; Thy pardoning voice, O let me hear, To still my unbelieving fear, Nor let me fall, I pray. 20 Saccessfnl Resolve. CM. 1 /^OME, humble sinner, in whose breasti \J A thousand thoughts revolve, Come with your guilt and fearr opprest, And make this last resolve : 2 " I'll go to Jesus, though my sin Hath like a mountain rose ; I know his courts, I'll enter in, Whatever may oppose. 8 "Perhaps he will admit my plea, Perhaps will hear my prayer ; But if I perish, I will pray, And perish only there." 21 IV ill yoa Meet Us? 1 O AY, brothers, will you meet us, JO Say, brothers, will you meet Ufl, Say, brothers, will you meet us, On Canaan's happy shore. 2 By the grace of God we'll meet yon. By the grace of God we'll meet you, By the grace of God we'll meet you, Where parting is no more. DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 3 Jesus lives and reigns forever, Jesus lives and reigns forever, Jesus lives and reigns forevei' On Canaan's happy shore. CHORUS. Glory, glory, hallelujah, Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, glory, hallelujah, For ever, evermore. 22 Come, my Soul. 1 /^OME, my soul, thy suit prepare, V^ Jesus loves to answer prayer; He himself has bid thee pray ; Rise and ask without delay. 2 With my burden I begin — Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 8 Show me what I have to do,. Every hour my strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith, Let me die thy people's death. 23 To.2mer, is its light ! There is no sorrow, mr any sighing, Nor any tears there, or any dying. 28 The Son of God in Tears. H,n. 1 T~\ll) Christ o'er sinne"? weep, xJ And shall our cheeks be dij • Let floods of penitential ^rief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears. The wondering angels see; > Be thou astonished, my soul, He shed those tears for thee. 8 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear ; In heaven alone no sin is found. And there's no weeping there DBVOTIONAIi HYMNS. 38 39 Blest be tbe Tie. S. M. 1 T>LEST be the tie that binds XJ Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds, Is like to that above. 3 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burden bear; And often for each other flovrs The sympathizing tear. 30 Nearer, mj Oort, to Thee. 4s&6s. 1 lyjEARER, my God, to thee, Xi Nearer to thee ! E'en thou^'h it be a cross That raiscth me ! Still all my songs shall be, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee I 2 Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee I 24 RBVOTIONAIv HTICNB. 3 1 Soldier of the Cross. €. M. 1 A M I a soldier of the cross, J\. A follower of the lamb, And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to*Bpeak his name ? '2 Shall I be carried to t^ skies. On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize And sailed through bloody seas ? 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood ? Is this vain world a friend to grace. To help me on to God ? 32 l^c^ Briglit Crown. From the Golden GhBin, paga 5S. 1 "VT'E valiant soldiers of the cross, X Ye happy, praying band ; Though in this world you suffer loss. You'll reach fair Canaan's land. CHORUS. Let us never mind the scoffs and the frowns of the world, For we've all got the cross to bear ; It will only make the crown brighter to shine. When we have the crown to wear. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 26 2 All earthly pleasure we'll forsake, When heaven appears in view. In Jesus' strength we'll undertake To fight our passage through. Let us never, &c. 8 O what a glorious shout there'll oe, When we arrive at home, Our friends and Jesus we shaii »ce, And God shall say, " Well done." Let us never, &c. 33 TLet ns WaUi In the l.%bt. I T I lis religion that can give — 1 In the light, in the light, Sweetest pleasure w^hile we live — In the light of God. 'Tis religion must supply — In the light, in the light : ' Solid comfort when we die — In the light of God. CHORUS. Let us walk in the light. Walk in the light ; Let us walk in the light, In the light of God. ii After death its joys shall be— In the light, in the light ; Lasting as eternity — In the light of God. 26 DEVOTIONAL HYMNB. Be the living God my friend — In the light, in the light: . Then my bliss shall never end — In the light of God. Let us -walk in the light, &c. 34 Tlie Pilgrrlni'0 Rest. lOs 4^^ Is. 1 TTERE o'er the earth as a stranger 1 .JLL raim, Here is no rest, here is no rest ! Here as a pilgrim I wander alone, Yet I am blest, yet I am blest ! . For I look forward to that glorious day When sin and sorrow shall vanish away, My heart doth leap when I hear Jesus say, There, there is rest, there is rest ! ? Here are afflictions and trials severe, Here is no rest, here is no rest ! Here I roust part with the friends I hold dear, Yet I am blest, yet I am blest. Sweet is the promise I read in his word. Blessed are those who have died, in the Lord, They have been called to receive their reward. There, there is rest, there is rest. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 27 35 A. Ugrtit In the Window. From the Golden Chain. 1 mnERE'S a light in the window for X thee, brotlicr, There's a light in the window for thee; A dear one has moved to the mansion above, There's a light in the window for thee. cnoRus. A. mansion in heaven we see, And a light in the window for thee ; A mansion in heaven we see, And a liglit in the window for thee. 3 There's a crown, and a robe, and a palm, ])rolher, Wlicn from toil and from care you are free, The Saviour has gone to prepare you a home. With a light in the window for thee. A mansion in heaven we see, &c. 3 O watch, and be faithful, and pray, bro- ther. All your journey o'er life's troubled sea, Though afflictions assail you, and storms beat severe, There's a light in the window for thee. A mansion in heaven we see, &c. 28 DEVOTIONAL HYMIfS. 36 The Jnbilee Proclaimed. 1 T>LOW ye the trumpet, blow— D The gladly solemn sound ! Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound— The year of jubilee is come ! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home 2 Exalt the Lamb of God- The sin atoning Lamb ; Redemjition by his blood, Through all the world proclaim : The year of jubilee is come ! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 3 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pard'ning grace : Ye happy souls, draw near. Behold your Saviour's face. The year of jubilee is come ! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 37 Watchman, tell ns of the Nij^ht. J TTTATCHMAN, tell us of the night, VV What the signs of promise are ! Traveler, o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory -beaming star. Watchman, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell ? Traveler, yes, it brings the day, Promised day of Israel. DEVOTIONAL HTMNS. 29 Watchman, tell us of the night ; Higher yet that star ascends ; Traveler, blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends. Watchman, will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth *• Traveler, ages are its ov^n, See, it bursts o'er all the earth. 38 Mere we Meet to Part A^ain. 1 "TTERE we meet to part again, Xl Here we meet to part again, But when we meet on Canaan's plain There'll be no parting there. CHORUS. In that bright world above, Sliout ! shout the victory, We're on oyr journey home. 2 Here we meet to part again, Here we meet to part again, But when a seat in heaven we gain There'll be no parting there. 8 Here we meet to part again, Here we meet to part again, But when we join the heavenly train, Thei"e'll be no parting there. 80 DSVOTIOJNAL HTBOtb. 39 TFatcli and Pray. ft n. 1 ll/TY soul, be on thy guard, Jj/X. Ten thousand foes arise, And hosts of sin are pressing hard To di*aw thee from the skies, 2 Oh ! watch and fight and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help Divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the victory won. Nor once at ease sit down ; Thine arduous work will not be done Till thou hast got thy crown. 4 Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ; He'll take thee, at thy parting breath To his divine abode. 40 Joyfully Onward. 10s. 1 TOYFULLY, joyfully, onward we move, O Bound to the land of bright spirits alx)ve ; Jesus, our Saviour, in mercy, says *' Come ;" Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home. Soon will our pilgrimage end here below, Soon to the presence of God we shall go ; Then, if to Jesus our hearts have been given. Joyfully, joyfully, rest we in heaven. DBYOnOKAL HT&niB. 8"j 2 Death with his arrow may soon lay us low ; Safe in our Saviour we feel not the blow* ; Jesus has broken the bars of the tomb — Joyfully, joyfully, will we go home. Bright will the morn of eternity dawn, Death shall be conquered, his sceptre ot gone; Over the plains of sweet Canaan we'll roam; Joyfully, joyfully, will we go home. 4 1 Christian Confldence. C. M. 1 "I^OW I can read my title clear JLM To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wii)e my weeping eyes. 2 Should earth against my soul engage. And hellish darts be hurled, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, And stonns of sorrow fall, May I but safely reach my home. My GTod, my heaven, my all ! cnoRus. I want to go, I want to go, i want to go there too ; I lyant to go where Jesus is, I want to go there too. >y DEVOTIONAL HTMNS. 1-^ Tlie Oospel AdTanolng:. Webb J rilHE morning light is breaking, X The darkness disappears, The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears. Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar, Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. 2 Rich dews of grace come o'er us, In many a gentle shower, And brighter scenes before us Are opening every hour ; Each cry to heaven going,- Abundant answers brings. And heavenly winds are blowing - With peace upon their wings, 43 Beugrittnii views. c jh 1 f\^ Jordan's stormy banks I stand^ '_/ And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions Ue, 2 Filled with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll. Fearless I'll launch away. DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 88 44 Sliiulnjf Shore. 8s A 7h. 1 1\/f"Y days arc gliding swiftly by i.V.JL And I, a pilgiiiu stranger, Would not detain them as lliey fly Those hours of toil aud danger. cnouus. For now we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends arc passing over; And just before the shining shore We may almost discover. 2 Our absent King the watchword gave, "Let every lamp be burning;" We look afar across the wave, Our distant home discerning. For now we stand, &e. 3 Let storms of woe in whirlwinds rise Each cord on earth to sever. There bright and joyous in the skies There is our home forever. For now we stand, &c 45 Somcward Bonnd. 10sdc4s. UT on an ocean all boundless we ride. We're lionieward bound ; Tossed on the waves of a rough, restless tide, We're homeward bound • 8 ^0 84 DETOTIONAL nTMITO Far from the safe quiet harbor weVc rode» Seeking our Father's celestial abode, Promise of wliich on us each he beatowed. We're homeward boiiud. 2 We'll tell the world as we journey along ^^'e're liouicward Ixumd ; Try to persuade them to enter our throng, We're homeward bound; Come, trembling siuuer, forlorn and op- pressed, Join in our number; oh! come and be blest ; Journey with us to the mansions of rest, We're homeward bound. 8 Into the darbor of lieav'n now we glide AVe'rc home at last ; Softly we drift on the bright silver tide. We're home at last ; Glory to God, all our dangers arc o'er. We stand secure on the glorified shore, Glory to God I wc will shout evermore We're home at last. 46 Asleep is Jesas. I<. Bl. I A SLEEP in Jesus ! blessed sleep, J\. From which none ever wakes to weep, A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of iouB, DBVOTIONAl. HTXira. 2 Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is auproniely blest No fear, no woe, sluiU dim that hour That manifests the Saviour'a power, 8 Asleep in Jesus ! O, for me May such a blissful refuge be Securely shall my ashes lie, And wait the summons from on high. 4 Asleep in Jesus 1 time nor space Aifects this precious hiding place; On Indian plains or Lapland's snowSp Believers find the same repose. 47 Rejolcingr in Deatb. Peoollar. 1 /^lOME, sing to me of heaven, \J When I'm about to die Bing son^s of holy ecstasy, To wait my soul on high, CHORUS. There'll be no sorrow there. There'll be no sorrow there ; In hejiven above, where all is love, There'll be no sorrow there. • 2 When cold and sluggish drops Roll off my marble brow, Break forth in songs of joyfulness Let heaven, begin below M DETOnONAL anoxB. 8 Then to my rai)tured ear, Let one sweet song be given ; Let music charm me last, on eaith, And greet me first in heaven. 4 When round my senseless clay Assemble those I love, Then sing of heaven, delightful heaven, My glorious home above. 48 Death a Blessinff. lis. 1 "T WOULD not live alway ; I ask not to X stay, Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way ; The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here. Are enough for life's woes, full enough for its cheer. 2 I would not live alway, thus fettered by sin. Temptation without and corruption within ; E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fears, And the cup of thanksgiving with peni- » tent tears. 8 I would not live alway ; no — welcome the tomb; Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom ; DBVOnONAIi HYMNS. 87 There sweet be my rest till he bid me arise, To hail him in triumph ascending the skies. 49 Jaeavenly Borne. 6s A 48. I T'M but a traveler here- X Heaven is my home ; Earth is a desert drear — Heaven is my home. Danger and sorrow stand Romid me on every hand, Heaven is my fatherland, Heaven is my home. 2 What though the tempest rage, Heaven is my home ; Short is my pilgrimage — Heaven is my home. Time's cold and wintry blast Soon will be overjDast ; I shall reach home at last — Heaven is my home. 50 Foretaste of IleaTen. lis. 1 'IVTID scenes of confusion and creature JJIjL complaints, How sweet to my soul is communion with saints; To find at the banquet of Me:^cy theie'e room. 8S lOBVOTIONAL HYMK8 And feel in the presence of Jesus at home Home, home ! sweet, sweet home ! Prepare me, dear Saviour, for glory, my home- 2 I sigh from this body of sin to be free, Which hinders my joy and communion with thee ; Though now my temptation like billows may foam, All all will be peace when I'm with thee at home. Home, home, &c. 51 Beantifnl Zion. iisASs. 1 "OEAUTIFUL Zion, built above, D Beautiful city tliat I love, ]ieautiful gates of pearly white, Beautiful temple — God its light He who was slain on Calvary, Opens those pearly gates to me. 2 Beautiful heaven where all is light Beautiful angels clothed in white, Beautiful strains that never tire, Beautiful harps through all the choir There shall I join the chorus swoct, Worshiping at the Saviour's feet 52 Fm SToingr Home. JL. WL, 1 ll/TY heavenly home is bright and fair, JxL Nor pain, nor death can enter there; BVOTIONAL HYMNS. 89 Its glittering towers the sun outsliinc That beavuLily mausiou shall be mine cnouus. Fm going home, I'm going home rm going home to die no more; To die no more, to die no raoro, I'm going homo to die no more. 55 My father's home is built on high, Far, far above the starry eky; When from tliis earthly prison free, That heavenly mansion mine shall ba I'm going home, &c. 8 Let others seek a home below, Which flames devour, or waves o'erflow Be mine the happier lot to own, A heavenly mansion near the throne I'm going home, &c &3 Hlf^nsioiis of Rest. 8b. 7s <& 5% 1 TN the Christian's home in glory, X There remains a land of rest, There my iSaviour's gone before me, To fullill my soul's request. There is rest for the weary, There is rest for you, Ou llic other side of Jordan, In tlie sweet fiehls of Eden, Wlierc the tree of life is blooxniilift Tiierc is rest for you. iO DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 2 lie is fitting np my ninnsion, Wliicii eternally sluill i^tand we raise, One final song of grateful praise. 2 Brethren ! we here may meet no more, But there is yet a happier shore ; And there, released from toil and pain, Dear brethren, we shall meet again. 55 I love Thee, I love Tlicel 1 T LOVE thee, I love thee, I love thee, my X Lord : I love thee, my Saviour, I love thee, my God ; I love thee, I love thee, and that thou dost know, But how much I love thee I never caii show DBVOTIONAIi HTMNB. 41 2 O Jesns, my Saviour, with thee I am blest ! My life and salvation, my joy and my rest ; Tliy name be my theme, and thy love be my song, Thy grace shall inspire both my heart and my tongue. 3 O, who's like my Saviour? He's Salem's bright King, He smiles, and he loves me, and learns me to sing; I'll praise him, I'll praise him, with notes loud and slirill. While rivers of pleasure my spirit doth fill. 56 Greenland's Icy Monntains. Webb, 1 TT^nOM Greenland's icy mountains, Jj From Iiulia's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand; From many an ancient river. From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 Shall we whose souls are lighted With Wisdom from on high. Shall we to mon benighted The lamp of life deny? Salvation ! O, Salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim ; 43 DEVOTIONAL HTM17B. Till earth's remotest nation lias learned Messiah's name I 8 Waft, waft ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole; Till o'er our ransomed nature, The lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. 5 *7 Cross aiifl Crown. C M. 1 11 /riTST Jesus bear the cross alone, jLtX And all the world go free? Ko ; there's a cross for eveiy one And there's a cross for me. 2 The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go home my crown to wear — For there's a crowu for me. 58 Grntofnl Recollection. P. HI. 8 s »ot Astaamed. C BI. I 'M not ashamed to own my Lord, Or to defend his cause, Maintain the glory of his cross, And honor all his laws. 3 Jesus, ray Lord, I know his name His name is all my boast ; Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 I know that safe with him remains, Protected by his power, Wliat I've committed to his trust, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he own his servant's name Before his father's face, And in the new Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place 6 1 Importnnate Prayer. C. HI 1 TESUS, who knows full well t) The heart of every saint, Invites us all our griefs to tell. To pray, and never faint. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 45 2 Then let us earn(j8t cry, And uovur fjiiiii in prayer: lit' sees, bo hcanj, and from on high Will make our caiuie his care. 62 I Waited for tbe liOrd. CM. 1 "T Waited for the Lord my Ood, X And patiently did bear; At length to me he did incline My voice and cry to hear. 2 He took me from a fearful pit, And from the miry clay, And on a rock he set my feet, Establishing my way. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, Our God to magnify ; Many shall see it, and shall fear, And on the Lord rely. 4 O blessed is the man whose trust Upon the Lord relies ; Respecting not the i)roud, nor such As turn aside to lies. 63 liike as tlie Hart. CM. 1 T" IKE as the hart for water-brooks JLJ In thirst doth pant and bray, So i)ant8 my longing soul, O God, That come to Thee I may. 46 DEVOTIONAL ITYHim. 2 My soul for God, the living God, Doili tliirst; wlieii sijall I near Unto tliy countGuunce ap[)roacli, And in God's sight appear? 3 My fears have unto me been meat, Both in tlie night and day, Willie unto me continually, Where is thy God ? they say 4 My soul is poured out in mo, When this I lliink upon; Because that with the multitude I heretofore had gone ; 5 With them into God's house I went. With voice of joy and praise ; Yea, with the multitude that kept The solemn holy days. 6 O why art thou cast down, my souU Why in me so dismay'd? Trust God, for I shall praise Him yet, Uis count'nance is my aid. 64 Bless ttk9 I.«r 48 DEVOTIONAL HTMKB. 8 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill ; For tUou art with me ; and thy rod And staif me comfort stilL 4 My table thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overllows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me ; And in Clod's house foruvennore My dwelling place shall bo. 66 Glorious Spirits. €. M. "OW bright these glorious spirits shine ! H Whence all their wliite array? How came they to the blissful seats Of everlasting day ? 2 Lo ! these are they from suff 'rings great, Who came to realms of light, And in the blood of Christ have wash'd Those robes which shine so bright. 8 Now, with triumphal palms they stand Before the throne on high, And serve the God they love, amidst The glories of the sky. 4 His presence fills each heart with joy, Tunes every mouth to sing DEVOTIONAL HYJINB. <9 By day, by night, the sacred courts With glad hosauuas ring. 5 The Lamb which dwells amidst the throne Shall o'er them still preside; Feed them with nourishment divine, And all their footsteps guide. 6 'Mong pastures green he'll lead his flock, Where living streams appear; And God the Lord fn»m every eye Shall wipe ofl' ev'ry tear. 67 Notbing: but Leaves. 1 n^OTIIING but leaves ! the spirit grieves XM Over a wasted life ; 0*er sins indulged while conscience slept, O'er vows and promises unkcpt, And reap from years of strife — Nothing but leaves ? 2 Nothing but leaves! no gathered sheaves Of life's fair ripening grain ; We sow our seeds, lo ! tares and weeds, Words, idle words for earnest deeds, We reap with toil and pain — Nothing but leaves. 8 Ah ! who shall thus the Master meet^ Bearing but withered leaves ? Ah ! who shall at the Savior's feet, Before the awful judgment-seat, Lay down, for golden sheaves, Nothing but leaves ? 8* 80 DEVOTIONAL Enraow. 68 Snlvafiou. . C H* 1 Q ALVATION ! Oh, the joyful sound I ^ 'T is pleasure to our ears; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, Al hc'U'a dark door we lay But we arise, by graee divine, To see a heavenly day. 8 Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious eartli around; "Wliile all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the soimd. 69 Oh, for a Tlion^and Toiigrnes. €. IHL 1 /^ll. for a thousand tongues, to sing \J ]\Iy dear Redeemer's praise; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace! 2 Jesus, the name that calms our fears, That bills our sorrows cease: *T is music in the sinner's ears; *T is life, and L^u. 2' -^nd ueaco. 3 lie breaks the power of reigning sin, He sets the prisoner freef Ilis blood can make the foulest clean — His blood availed for mo. DEVOTIONAL HTMK&. 61 70 O I.ord, forgrlTe. li. K 1 QHO TV pity, Lord ; O Lord, forgive ; Let a repentant rebel live ; Are not thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in tliee ? 2 My crimes are great, but can't surpass The power and glory of thy grace; Great Qod, thy nature bath no bounds So let thy pardoning love be found. 3 Oh wash my soul from every sin, And make my guilty conscience clean; Here on my heart the burden lies, And past offences pain my eyes. 4 Yet save a trembling sinner. Lord, Whose hope, still hovering round thy word, Would light on some sw.eet j)romise there, Some sure support against despair. 7 1 ncaTen bids thee Ck>nie. 6s dfe 4s. 1 /^IIILD of sin and sorrow, \J Filled with dismay, AVait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day ; Heaven bids thee come, W^hile yet there's room; Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. 63 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 2 Child of sin and sorrow, Why wilt thou die ? Come, while thou canst borrow Help from on high ; Grieve not that love Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow, Would bring thee nigh.* 72 Arise, my Sonl, arise I H. M. 1 A RISE, my soul, arise, jCIl. Shake oflF thy guilty fears ; A bleeding sacrifice In thy behalf appears. Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on his hands. 2 Five bleeding wounds he bears. Received on Calvary ; They pour eflfectual prayers, They strongly speak for me ; Forgive him, O forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransomed sinner die ! 3 The Father hears him pray. His dear anointed One : He cannot turn away The presence of his Son : His Spirit answers to the blood. And tells me I am born of God. DEVOTIONAI, HYMNS. 58 T3 The Star of Bethlehem. T,. m. i ^^7IIEN, marshaled on tba nifflitlv \V plain, ^ ^ The glittering host bestud the sky, One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. 2 Hark, hark ! to God the chorus breaks. From every host, from every gem ; But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the Star of Bethlehem. 3 Once on tbe raging seas I rode ; The storm was loud, the night was dark . The ocean yawned, and rudely b lowed The wind that tossed my foundering bark. 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death -St ruck, I ceased the tide to stem, When suddenly a star arose — It was the Star of Bethlehem I 74 Happy Day. JU M. 1 /~\n, hap])y day, that fixed my choice \J On thee, my Saviour and my God; Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. - CHORUS. Happy day, happy day ! Here in thy courts we '11 gladly stay, 54 DEVOTIONAL HYMKIk And at thy footstool humbly pray That thou wouldst take our sins away; Happy day, bapi)y day, When Christ shall wash our sins away. :2 'T is done, the great transaction 's done ; I am my Lord's, and he is mine: He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. Happy day, happy day. 3 Now rest, my long-divided heart, Fixed on this blissful centre rest; With ashes who would grudge to part, When called on angels broad to feast * Hajjpy day, happy day. 75 The Conqnoror'8 Song-. lOsAlls. 1 T) 1^0 ONE, unbelief, my Savior is near, JD And for my relief will surely aj>pear; By prayer let me wrestle, and he will per- form ; With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. « 2 Though dark be my way, since he is my guide, Tis mine to obey, 'tis his to provide ; Though cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail, The word he has spoken will surely pre- vaiL DTSVOTIONAIi HYimS. 65 8 His lore in time past fr»r1)ids me to tlnnk He'll leave me nt last in tr(nil)le to sink; Each SAveet Eben-Ezer I have in review, Coulinns liis good pleasure to help me quite thro'. 7 6 Clirist Takes. onr Sins Away. S. IT. 1 IVTOT all the blood of beasts J^ On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. 2 But Christ the heavenly Lamb Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nol)ler name, And richer blood than they. 8 My faith would lay her htifid On that dear head of thine, While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burden thou didst bear, . When hanging on the accursed tree And hopes her guilt was there. 6 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove: We bless the lamb with cheerful voioe, And sijig his bkoding lovo. 66 DSVOTIONAL HYUNB. •7*7 Sweet nonr of Prayer. 1 H. 1 C< WBET hour of prayer, sweet liou -' ^ prayer, Tliat calls ine from a world of care, And bids mo at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known: In seasons of distress and grief. My soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. 2 Sweet hour of ])rayer, sweet honr of prayo Thy wings shall my i)etition hear To Iliin whose truth and faitlifulncss Engage the waiting soul to hies? And since he hids mc seek his face, Believe his word, and trust his grace, . I'll cast on him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. 8 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayei, May I thy consolations share, Till from mount Pisgah's lofty hight I view my home and take my flight; This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To sieze the everlasting prize, And shout, while passing through the air Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer. 78 SaTior, Tisit thy Plantation. Ss, Ts & 4s. 1 QAVIOR, visit thy plantation; O Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain ; DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 57 All will come to desolation, Unless lliou return again: Lord, revive us ; All our help must come from tlioe. 2 Keep no longer at a distance ; Shine upon us from on high, Lest lor want of thine assistance. Every phmt should droop and die; Lord, revive us; All our help must come from thee. 8 Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us ])reval('nt in prayers Let eadi one estecniod tiiy servant feliun the world's howitchhig snares: Lord, revive us ; All our help must come from thee. 79 nine, my Sonl. 7s <& 6s. 1 "OISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings, X\ Tliy better portion trace ; llise from transitory things Toward heaven, thy native place; Sun and moon and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepared above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun — Both speed them to their source ; 58 DEVOTIONAL HYMIW. So a soul thfit's horn of God Pants to view liis glorious face, Upwani tends lo bis al)ode, To rest in bis embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn. Press onward to tbe }-nize; Soon your Savior will return, Triumpbant in tbe skies: Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be given; All your sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for heaven. SO A Cliargre to Kcc]> I Have. «i.M. 1 A CHARGE to keep I have, XJL a God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save And fit it for the sky ; 3 To serve the present age, ]My calling to fulfill : Oh may it all my powers engage, To do my Master's will. 8 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And Oh, tby servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pray. And on thyself rely. Assured, if I my trust betmy, I shall forever dia DBTOnONAIi HTMN8. 69 81 I IiOT«f to Steal Awhilo Away. C M. 1 "T LOVE to steal awhile away X From every cural)ering care. And spend the hours of setting day In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear; And all his promises to plead,. Where none but God can hear. 8 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast_ Ou Him whom I adore. S2 Jesns Sball Rel^. 1L.M, 1 TESTIS shall reign where'er the sun t) Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom spread from shore to shore. Till moons shall wax and wane no more, 2 For him shall endless prayer be made. And endless praises crown his head ; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue. Dwell on his love with sweetest song; And infont voices shall proclaim Tlieii early blessings on his name. 60 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. S3 liOfOn a Narrow STccfe of I«and. C.P.9I. 1 IT O, on a narrow neck of land, I J 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand, Yet how insensible ! A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to yon heavenly place, Or shuts me up in hell ! 2 Oh God, ray inmost soul convert, And deeply in my thoughtless heart Eternal things impress; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And Siive me ere it be too late: t Wake me to righteousness. 8 Be this my one great business here, With holy trembling, holy fear. To make my calling sure; Thine utmost counsel to fulfill, And suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure. 84 Jernsalem, my Happy Homo. CM. 1 TERUSALEM, my happy home, t) Name ever dear to me, When shall my labors have an end In joy and peace and thee? 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walla And pearly gates behold ; DEVOTIONAL. HTMN8. 61 Thy bulwarks, with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold? 8 Oh when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths have no end? 4 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know : Blest seats, through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. 5 Jerusalem, my happy home, My soul still pants for thee, Then shall my labors have an end When I thy joys shall see. S5 Guide Hie. 8s, 7s <& 48. 1 r^ UIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, \JX Pilgrim through Uiis l)arren land ; I am weak but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open, Lord, the crystal fountain, AVhence the healing streams do flow, Let the fiery, cloudy })illar Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliverer, Be thou still my strength and shield. i DEVOTIONAL JETOLNa. 8 Wben I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid ray anxious fears subside : me tlirougli the swelling current, Land me safe on Canaan's side: Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. 86 Tlie New Jcmsalem. P.M. 1 TTT^ ^^^ ^^ ^"^ journey home, V V Where Christ our Lord has gone ; We shall meet around his throne. When he makes his people one. In the new Jerusalem. 2 We can see that distant home, Tiiough clouds roll dark between; Faith views the radiant dome. And a lustre flashes keen From the new Jerusalem. 8 Oh holy, heavenly home; Oh rest eternal there ; Wlien shall the exiles come, Where they cease from earthly care, In the new Jerusalem ? 4 Our hearts are breaking now Those mansions fair to see; O Lord, thy heavena bow, DKT0T20NAL HYMNBk 08 And raise us up with the© To the new Jerusalem. 87 He Xieadctb Me. 1 "TTE leadcth me ! 0, blessed thought, JLJL O, words with heavenly comfort fraught, Wliate'cr I do, whate'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth mo! CHORUS. He leadeth me ! he leadeth me ; By his own hand he leadeth me! His faithful follower I would be, For by his hand he leadeth me I 2 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Soinetifues where Eden's bovvers bloom, By waters still, o'er troul)led sea — Still 't is his hand that leadeth me ! 8 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine, Nor over murmur nor repine — Content whatever lot I see, Since 't is my God that leadeth me f 4 And when my task on earth is done, 'W^hen, by thy grace, the victory's won. E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God throujjh Jordan leadeth me. ^ 64 DEVOTIONAL HYMNB. 8 8 Tlie Gospel Ship. 1 PTTHE gospel shi]) is sailing, I Sailing, sailing, The gospel ship is sailing. Bound for Canaan's liappy shore; All who would ship for glory, Glory, glory, All who would ship for glory, Come and welcome, rich and poor Glory, hallelujah ! All on board are sweetly singing, GI017, hallelujah ! Hallelujah to the Lamb ! 2 Sails filled with heavenly breezes, Breezes, breezes. Sails filled with heavenly breezes, Swiffly glides the shi]) along. Iler company are singing, Singing, singing, ^ Her com])any are singing, Glory, glory, is their song. Glory, hallelujah, &c. 3 Take passage now for glory, Glory, glory, Take passage now for glory, Sailing o'er life's troubled sea; With us you shall be happy, Happy, happy, "With us you shall be happy, Happy through eternity. Glory, hallelujah, &c DKVOnOWAIi HYMMS. 66 S9 "^^^ fiver Oreen Sliore. 1 ^TT^ are joyously voyaging VV Over the main, Bound for the ever green shore, Whose inhabitants never Of sickness complain, And never see death any more. CHOBUS. Then let the hurricane roar, It will the sooner be o'er ; W*> will weather the blast, and will lancj at last, Bafe on the evergreen shore. 2 We have nothing to fear From the wind and the wave, Under our Savior's command ; And our hearts in the midst Of the dangers are brave, For Jesus will bring us to land. 3 Both the winds and the waves Our commander controls ; Nothing can bafle his skill ; And his voice when the thundering Hurricane roll's, Can make the loud tempest be stilL 4 In the thick murky night. When the stars and the moon, 8end not a glimmering ray^ 4 66 DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. Tlien the light of hid countenance, Brighter than noon, Will drive all our terror away. 5 Let the high heaving billow And mountainous wave, Fearfully overhead break; There is one by our side That can comfort and save ; — There's one that will never forsake* 6 Let the vessel be wrecked On the rock or the shoal, Sink to be seen never more : He will bear, none the less, Every passenger ?oul, Safe, safe to the ever green shora 90 Sweet IILGRIM, halting, staflf in hand, X Haste away ! haste away I Pilgrim, halting, staff in hand. Haste, haste away ; 78 DEYOTIONAIi BTTUNB. E'en this path where thou dost stand, Eudeth in a better land Far away, far away, Far, far away. 2 Though thy way seem dark and lone, Look above, look above ; Though thy way seem dark and lone, Look, look above ; All is light around the throne — Sorrow's sighs arc there unknown — All is love, all is love, All, all is love. 8 Hark ! a voice of melody " Pilgrim come ! pilgrim come ! " Hark ! a voice of melody I " Pilgrim, come home ! " 'T is thy Father calleth thee. Onward press, and soon thou'lt be Safe at home, safe at home. Safe, safe at home. 104 Sball we Meet Beyond tbe River 1 Mnslokl Learei, page 8. HALL we meet beyond the river. Where the surges cease to roll ? Where, in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul f CHORUS. Shall we meet ? shall we meet ? Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to rollf ^S DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. ?9 2 Shall we meet in yonder city, Where the towers of crystal shine? Where the walls are all of jasper, Built by workmanship divine? 8 Shall we meet with many a loved one, That was torn from our embrace? Shall we listen to their voices. And behold them face to face ? 4 Shall we meet with Christ our Savior, When he comes to claim his own? Shall we know his blessed favor, And sit down upon his throne f 105 Song: of Faith. Oolden Oenier. 1 TTAD I but the faith of pious Abel, Xl. (Oh, for this living faith !) Had I but the faith of pious Abel, Happy would I be. For the sacrifice he brought. By simple faith was given ; It gained the precious boon he sought, The love, the smile of heaven. i Had I but the faith of holy Enoch, (Oh, for this living faith !) Had I but the faith of holy Enoch, Happy would I be. For the gloomy vale of death His footsteps never trod j 80 DSYOnoif AL HTICNB. He went to heaven on wings of faith. For Enoch walked with God. 8 Had I but the faith of faithful Abraham, (Oh, for this living faith !) Had I but the faith of faithful Abraham, Happy would I be. For he left his native plain, And sought a stranger land ; * His only son he would have slain, By faith in God's command. 4 Had I but the faith of the Christian Mar tyrs, (Oh, for this living faith !) Had I but the faith of the Christian Mar- tyrs, Happy would I be. They were racked with torturing pains, Yet brilliant was their faith ; It shone above the burning flamea, Triumphant over death. 106 A lAnd Wltlioat a Storm. Ctotden Showtr. 1 mRAVELER, whither art thou going, X Heedless of the clouds that form ? Naught to me the wind's rough blowing. Mine's a land without a storm. OTmrnONAL HTICNB. S CHORUS. And Fm going, yes, I'm going, To that land that has uo storms, And I'm going, yes, I'm going To the laud that has no storms. 2 Traveler, art thou hero a stranger, Not to fear the tempest's power? I have not a thought of danger, Though the sky more darkly lower. 8 Traveler, now a moment linger, Soon the darkness will be o'er. No! I see a beckoning finger, Guiding to a far-ofl" shore. 4 Traveler, yonder narrow portal Opens to receive thy forro. Yes I but I shall be immortal In that land without a stormu 107 We're Nearer Home. Golden Shower. 1 T\7E know not what's before us, T T What trials are to come ; But each day passing o'er us, , Brings us still nearer home. CHORUS. We're nearer, nearer home, Our blessed, happy home, Where grief and sin can never come; We're nearer, nearer home, 4* 82 DEVOTIONAL HTMKB. * Nearer home, nearer home, Nearer to my happy home ; Nearer home, nearer home, Our blessed happy home. 2 Though dark our path, and lonely, And clouds our sky o'ercast, Let us remember only, That it will soon be past. 8 Whate'er of gloom or anguish Life to our hearts may bring, In doubt we will not languish, But cheerfully we'll sing, 108 " Climbing np Zion's KlU.*' Mnsioal Leaves, page S4. 1 ^^ X'M trying to climb up Zion's Hill," 1 For the Savior whispers, "Love me ,'' Though all beneath is dark as death, Yet the stars are bright above me. Then upward still, to Zion's Hill, To the land of joy and beauty. My pefth before shines more and more, As it nears the golden city. CHORUS. Tm climbing up Zion's Hill, I'm climbing up Zion's Hill, Climbing, climbing, Climbing up Zion's HilL DEVOTIONAL HTMITS, SS 2 T know Vm but a little child, My strength will not protect me ; But then I am the Savior's lamb, And he will not neglect me. Then all the time I'll try to climb This holy hill of Zion, For I am sure the way is pure, And on it comes " no lion." 3 Then come with me, we'll upward go, And climb this hill together ; And as we walk, we'll sweetly talk, And sing as we go thither. Then mount up still God's holy hill. Till we reach the pearly portals, Where raptured tongues proclaim the songs, Of the shining-robed immortals. 109 We are Cominer, Blessed Savior. Golden Censer, page 17 1 TylTTE are coming blessed Savior, MM We hear thy gentle voice ; We would be thine forever. And in thy love rejoice. We are coming, we are coming. We are coming, blessed Savior, We are coming, we are coming, We hear thy gentle voice. a We are commg, blessed Savior, To meet that happy band, 84 DMVOTTONAIi HTMira. And sing with them forever, And in thy presence stani We are coming, &c., To meet that haj^py band. 8 We are coming, blessed Savior, • Our Father's house we see ; A glorious mansion ever, For children young as we. We are coming, &c., Our Father's house we see. 4 We are coming, blessed Savior, To crown our Jesus King, And Jhen with angels ever His praises we will sing. We are coming, &c., To crown our Jesus King. 110 A Home Beyond tbe Tide. 'W" are out on the ocean sailing, Homeward bound, we swiftly glide • To a home beyond the tide. CHORUS. All the storms will soon be over, Then we'll anchor in the harbor; We are out on the ocean sailing, To a home beyond the tide ; We are out on the ocean sailing, To a home beyond the tide. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 86 2 Come on board, O, ** ship " for glory, Be in baste — make up your mind! For our vessel's weighing anchor, You will soon be left behind ! 3 When we all are safely anchored, We will shout — our trials o'er ! We will walk about the city, And we'll sing forevermore. Ill ** Tbe House Upon a Bock.'* Golden Cenaer, page 73. 1 /^\ IF my house is built upon a rock, V_y. I know it will stand forever; The lloods may come, and the rolling thun- der's shock, May beat upon my house that is founded on a rock, But it never will fall, never will fall, Never, never, never. CHORUS. My rock is firm, it is my sure foundation, 'T is Jesus Christ, my loving Savior, Jesus Christ, my loving Savior, The rock of my salvation. The rock of my salvation. 2 For he whose word is lasting as the hills, Whose truth is unchanging ever, Hath said my house on tha solid rock shall stand, ' He'll hold it by his might in the hollow of his hand, 86 DCTOnOlf AL HTMBB. And it never will fall, never will fall, Never, never, never. 8 O, if my house be built upon the sand, 'T will fall when the floods are swelling ; The winds will blow, and the tempest wSj descend. And beat upon my house that is built upon the sand. And it surely will fall, never to rise, Never, never, never. 4 Then let my house be built upon a rock, For there it will stand forever ; The floods may come, and the rolling thun- der's shock May beat upon my house that is founded on a rock, But it never will fall, never will fall, Never, never, never. 112 Beaatifnl lisod of Rest, Mnsioal Leaves, page 4S. 1 TERUSALEM, forever bright, tJ Beautiful land of rest ! No winter there, nor chill of night. Beautiful land of rest ! - The dripping cloud is chased away, The sun breaks forth in endless day, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest ! DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 87 CH0EU8. Beautiful land,, beautiful land, Beautiful land of rest ! Beautiful land, beautiful land, . Beautiful land of rest I 2 Jerusalem, forever, free, Beautiful land of rest ! The soul's sweet home of liberty, Beautiful land of rest ! The gyves of sin, the chains of woe, The ransomed there will never know, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest ! 8 Jerusalem, forever dear. Beautiful land of rest ! The pearly gates almost appear. Beautiful land of rest ! A.nd when we tread the lovely shore, We'll sing the song we've sung before, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest I 1 1 3 O say, Sball we Meet you all Tbere? Maiieal L««tm, p»go 66. I XTT"^-^-^^ ^^ y^^ journey, my brother, V T O where do you journey, I pray? Where do you journey, my sister, For stormy and dark is the way. 88 DBVOTIONAL HYMHB. We're journeying onvrard to Canaan, Through suffering and trial and carCj And when we get safely to glory, O Bay, shall we meet you all there y CHORUS. O say, shall we meet you all there ? O say, shall we meet you all there? And when we get safely to glory, O say, shall we meet you all there ? 2 What is your mission, my brother, What is your mission below? What is your mission, my sister, As journeying onward you go? Our mission is practicing mercy, Sweet cliarity, patience and love, And following the footsteps of Jesus That lead to the mansions above. 1, 1 4 Batllingr for the liOrd. Uaslcftl LeaTSf, page 62. 1 TTTE'VE 'listed in the holy war, VV Battling for the Lord I Eternal life, eternal joy. Battling for the Lord I CHORUS. We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes, And then we'll rest at home. DBVOTIONAIi HYMNS. 89 2 Under our Captain, Jesus Christ, Battling for the Lord ! We've 'listed for this mortal life, Battling for the Lord ! 8 We'll fight against the powers of sin, Battling for the Lord ! In favor of our heavenly King, Battling for the Lord ! 115 Tbe Promised lianO. 1 T" HAVE a Father in the promised land, X I have a Father in the promised land ; My Father calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. CHORUS. I'll away, I'll away to the promised land, I'll away, I'll away to the promised land ; My Father calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. 2 I have a Savior in the promised land, I have a Savior in the promised land ; My Savior calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. 3 I have a cro^vn in the promised land, I have a crown in the jjromised land ; When Jesus calls me, I must go To wear it in the promised land. 99 DEVOTIONAL HYMNB. / 4 I hope to meet you in the promised land, I hope to meet you in the promised land At Jesus' feet, a joyous band, We'll praise him in the promised land. 116 Iionely Traveler. MuBical Leaves, page 78. 1 IT 'M a lonely traveler here, X Weary, oppressed ; But my journey's end is near, Soon shall I rest ; Dark and dreary is the way. Toiling I've come ; Ask me not with you to stay, Yonder's my home. 3 I'm a traveler to a land Where all is fair. Where is seen no broken band i All, all is there. Where no tear shall ever fall. Nor heart be sad ; Where the glory is for all, And all are glad. 8 I'm a traveler — call me not — Upward my way ; Yonder is my rest and lot, I cannot stay ; Farewell, earthly pleasures all. Pilgrim, I'll roam ; Hail me not — in vain you call ; Yonder's my home. DBTOTIOlfAL HDCNIl. #1 117 Cblldreii in HeaTen. «. H. 1 A ROUND the throne of God in heayeu^ x\- Thousands of children stand ; Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band. CHOBUS, Singing glory, glory, Glory be to God on high. 2 In flowing robes of spotless white, See every one arrayed ; Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade. 3 What brought them to that world above? That heaven so bright and fair. Where all is peace and joy and love — How came those children there ? 4 Because the Savior shed his blood, To wash away their sin ; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean ! i 1 $ Tonr Mission. Hasioal LekTOS, page 00. 1 XF you can not on the ocean X Sail among the swiftest fleet, Rocking on the highest billows, Laughing at the storms you meet ; 92 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. You can stand among the sailors, Anchor'd yet within the bay, You can lend a hand to help them, As they launch their boats away. 2 If you are too weak to jouraey Up the mountain, steep and high ; You can stand within the valley, Where the multitudes go by ; You can chant in happy measure, As they slowly pass along, Though they may forget the singer, They will not forget the song. 3 If you have not gold and silver | Evor ready to command ; If you can not towards the needy, Reach an ever open hand ; You can visit the afflicted, O'er the erring you can weep, You can be a true disciple. Sitting at the Savior's feet. 4 If you can not in the conflict Prove yourself a soldier true, If, where fire and smoke are thickest, There's no work for you to do • When the battlefield is silent. You can go with careful tread, You can bear away the wounded, You can cover up the dead. DKVOTIONAL HYMNa 98 5 Do not, then, stand idly waiting, For some greater work to do ; Fortune is a lazy goddess, She will ncTer come to you. Go and toil in any vineyard, Do not fear to do or dare, If you want a field of labor. You can find it anywhere. 119 Fie© to your Monntaln. Gasket, page 10. 1 T]j1LEE as a bird to your mountain, Jj Thou who art weary of ain ; Go to the clear flowing fountain. Where you may wash and be clean Fly, for the avenger is near thee ; Call, and the Savior will hear thee, He on his bosom will bear thee, O thou, who art weary of sin, O thou, who art weary of sin. 2 He will protect thee forever. Wipe ev'ry falling tear ; He will forsake thee, O never, Cherish'd so tenderly there ; Haste, then, the hours are Hying; Spend not the moments in sighing; Cease from your sorrow and crying; The Savior will wipe ev'ry tear. 8 Come, then, to Jesus thy Savior, He will redeem thee from sin ; 94 DBTOTIONAL HTMNB. B.esa with a sense of his favor, Make thee all glorious within ; Call, for the Savior is near thee, Waiting in* mercy to hear thee ; And by his presence to cheer thee, O thou, who art weary of sin. 120 Waitlngr t»y tbe RlTer. Casket, page St. 1 TXTE are waiting by the river, VV We are watching on the shore, Only waiting for the boatman, Soon he'll come to bear us o'er. CHOBUS. We are waiting by the river. We are watching on the shore, Only waiting for the boatman, Soon he'll come to bear us o'er. 2 Though the mist hang o'er the river. And its billows loudly roar ; Yet we hear the song of angels, Wafted from the other shore. 3 And the bright celestial city, We have caught such radiant gleams, Of its towers like dazzling sunlight, With its sweet and peaceful streams. 4 He has called for many a loved one. We have seen them leave our side. DEVOTIONAL HTM37B. 95 With our Savior we shall meet them, When we too have crossed the tide. 6 When we've passed that vale of shadows With its dark and chilling tide : In that bright and glorious city We shall evermore abide. 121 stand np for Jesus. 1 O TAND up for Jesus, Christian, stand ! (O Firm as a rock on ocean's strand ! Beat back the waves of sin that roll. Like raging floods around thy soul I CHORUS. •Stand up for Jesus, nobly stand I Firm as a rock on ocean's strand ! Stand up, his righteous cause defend ; Stand up for Jesus, your best friend ! 2 Stand up for Jesus, Christian, stand ! Sound forth his name o'er sea and land ! Spread ye his glorious word abroad, Till all the world shall own him Lord ! 3 Stand up for Jesus, Christian, stand ! Lift high the cross with steadfast hand I Till heathen lands with wond'rous eye, Its rising glory shall descry. 4r Stand up for Jesus, Christian, stand! Soon with the blest immortal band, We'll dwell for aye, life's journey o'er, In realms of light on Heaven's bright shora 9^ DEVOTION AI. HTlCNa 1.22 The Resurrection. Cuket, page26. 1 rfTHE Y hung King Jesus on a rade rugged i tree, Hung King Jesus on a rude rugged tree, They hung King Jesus on a rude rugged tree, But the Lord conveyed his spirit home. CHORUS. He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead. He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead, He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead. But the Lord conveyed his spiril home. 2 Then Joseph begged his body and laid it in the tomb, But the Lord conveyed his spirit homa, 3 And Mary came running, her Savior there to see, But the Lord had risen from the tomb. 4 Go tell my disciples I've gone to Galilee, For the Lord has risen from the tomb. 6 Go preach to every nation and tell to dying men, That the Lord was dead but lives again. DETOTlONAIi HTMNB. 97 123 Jesas paid it all. 1 TOOTHING, either great or small, XN Remains for me to do ; * Jesus died, and paid it all, — Yes, all the debt I owe. - . CHORUS. Jesus paid it all, All the debt I owe. Jesus died, and paid it all,— Yes, all the debt I owe. 2 When he from his lofty throne, Stooped down to do and die, Every thing was fully done ; Yes, " finished ! " was his cry. 3 "Weary, working, plodding one I O, wherefore toil you so ? Cease your ♦• doing ; " all was done, Yes, ages long ago. 4 Till to Jesus' work you cling. Alone by simple faith, "Doing" is a deadly thing. All '* doing " ends in death. 124: '^^^ Happj Sonir. Gold«D Showar. 1 TTtTE are now in youth's bright morning, V V Cheerily we're passing on j 98 DBVOnONAL HTMSS. Joys around us sweetly dawning, Tell us joys may yet be won. CHORUS. * We are young, and we are happy, Happy, happy in our song. We are young, and we are happy, Happy, happy in our song. 2 If the charms of earth are fleeting, And should quickly pass away ; Still the Holy Spirit's greeting, Shall not with those charms decay. 8 When we cross the shining portal, On the banks of yonder shore, And are clothed in robes immortal, We'll be happy evermore. 125 I liOngr to be Tliere. Ouket, pkge lOT. 1 TTTHEN I think of that city of light, VV And of crowns which the glorified wear; And of garments so pure and so white, Then I long, O, I long to be there. CHORUS. 0, 1 long with the saints in light, To bo clothed with garments white, And in songs with angels unite, Singing glory, glory hallelujah to the Lamb I DEVOTIONAL HTlOn. 99 2 It is not that Fm weary of pain, Or impatient in trials and cares, For I know that to die would be gain, And I long, O, I long to be there. . 8 To that city my Savior has gone, A rich mansion and crowns to prepare ; For the hosts that are following on. And I long, 0, 1 long to be there. 126 Lrf>o]iinir Kome. 1 A H I this heart is void and chill, J\, 'Mid earth's noisy throngings ; For my Father's mansions still Earnestly is longing. CHORUS. Looking home, looking home, Towards the heavenly mansions Jesus hath prepared for me. In his Father's kingdom, 2 Soon the glorious day will dawn, Heavenly pleasures bringing , Night will be exchanged for mom, Sighs give place to singing. 8 Oh ! to be at home again. All for which we're sighing, From all earthly want and pain To be swiftly flyi»^. 100 DSYOnOMAl. HYMKB. 4 Blessed home I Oh, blessed home ! All for which we're sighing, Soon our Lord will bid us come To our Father's kingdom. 127 Welcome Borne. 1 rpHERE is a realm where Jesus reigns, I A home of grace and love, Where angels wait with sweetest strains, To greet the saints aboye. CHORUS. They'll sing their welcome home to me, They'll sing their wel6ome home to me. The angels will stand on the heavenly strand, And sing their welcome home. a There sons of earth will join to bless The precious Savior's name, Clothed in his perfect righteousness. And saved from sin and shama 3 He speaks so kindly, " Come to me, And I will give you rest ; " , The angels wait their melody, To greet you with the blest 128 Fellowship of Id Tbrongrh Tbee. C K 1 llyTY Sabbath suns may all have set, Jj-L My Sabbath scenes be o'er, The place, at least, where we are met May know my steps no more ; 2 The prophet of the cross may ne'er Again preach peace to me ; The voice of interceding prayer A farewell voice may be. 3 Dying Redeemer, to thy breast, A dying wretch, I flee ; Bid me be reconciled and blest. And bom of God through thee. 139 Beavenly Rest. c. H 1 i^OME, dearest Lord, and feed thy sheep, V^ On this sweet day of rest ; O ! bless this flock, and make this fold Enjoy a heavenly rest. 2 Welcome, and precious to my soul Are these sweet days of love ; But what a Sabbath shall I ke^ When I shftlJ rest above I DXTOTiONAii wnaxa. 109 3 I come, I wait, I hear, I pray ; Thy footsteps, Lord, I trace ; Here, in thine own appointed way, , I wait to see thy fece. 4 O I if my soul, when death appears, In this sweet frame be found, I'll clasp my Savior in mine arms, And leave this earthly ground. 1 40 Tbe I^rd*» Bay. C, M. 1 A ND now another week begins, J\_ Tlfis day we call the Lord's ; This day he rose, who bore our sins— For so his word records. 2 Hark ! how the angels sweetly sing I — Their voices fill the sky ; They hail their great victorious King, And welcome him on high. 3 Come, then, ye saints ! and grateful sing Of Christ, our risen Lord — Of Christ, the everlasting King — Of Christ, th' incarnate word. 4 Hail, mighty Savior ! thee we hail ! High on thy throne above; Till heart and flesh together faU, We'll aing thy matchless lova 110 DEVOTION AJL HTkCNB. 141 Welcome, Sweet I>ay of Best. H, WL 1 TTTELCOME, sweet day of rest, VV That saw the Lord arise, Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes. 2 One day, amid the place Where God, my God, hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Within the tents of sin. 8 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself awa> To everlasting bliss. 142 Oradoas Spirit. I<. n 1 /^OiyiE, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, V^ With light and comfort from above ; Be thou our guardian, thou our guide, O'er every thought and step preside. 2 The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose thy way ; Plant holy fear in every heart, That we from God may ne'er depart. 8 Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God ; Lead us to Christ, the living way, lior let us from his precepts stray. DKVOTIOHAL HTMSa. Ill 4 Lead us to God, our final rest, In bis enjoyment to be bless'd ; Lead us to beaven, tbe seat of bliss, Wbere pleasure in perfection is. 143 'Tls Midnlgrlit. I^ M. 1 'rniS midnigbt, and on Olive's brow, JL The star is dimmed that lately shone, 'T is midnight, in the garden now The suflering Savior prays alone. 2 T is midnight, and from all removed, Immanuel wrestles, lone, with fears ; E'en the disciple that he loved Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. 3 'T is midnight — and, for others* guilt, The man of sorrows weeps in blood ; Yet he, who hath in anguish knelt, Is not forsaken by his God. 4 'T is midnight — and, from ether-plains. Is borne the song that angels know ; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Savior's woe. 144 *Tis Flnlsliea. I<. M. 1 'fTTTS finished ! — so the Savior cried, X And meekly bowed his head and died , . 'Tis finished ! — yes, the race is run, The battle fought, tbe victory won, lift DKYOnONAIi BYMSn. 2 'Tis finished I— let the joyfiil sound Be heard through all the nations round ; 'Tis finished I — ^let the echo fly, Through heaven and hell, through earth and sky. 145 Bebold a Strang-er at tlie Door! li.M. 1 T3EH0LD a Stranger at the door ! X) He gently knocks, has knocked before ; Has waited long — is waiting still ; You treat no other friend so ill. 3 Oh ! lovely attitude — he stands With melted heart and loaded hands ; Oh ! matchless kindness — and he shows This matchless kindness t6 his foes ! 146 The Broad Road. Ii.M ROAD is the road that leads to death, And thousands walk together there ; But wisdom shows a narrow path. With here and there a traveler. ^B 2 " Deny thyself, and take thy cross," Is the Redeemer's great command ; Nature must count her gold but dross, If she would gain this heavenly land- 3 Lord, let not all my hopes be vain ; Create my heart entirely new. Which hyi)ocrites could ne'er attain ; Which false apostates never knew. 147 'lli« Tojce l¥ltbln. EmM. i C< AY, sinner ! hath a voice within JO Oft whispered to thy secret soul, Urged thee to leave the ways of sin, And yield thy heart to God's control t 2 Sinner ! it was a heavenly voice — It was the Spirit's gracious call; It bade thee make the better choice, And haste to seek in Christ thine all. 8 God's Spirit will not always strive With hardened, self-destroying man ; Ye who persist his love to grieve, May never hear his voice again. 4 Sinner ! perhaps, this very day. Thy last accepted time may be : • Oh ! should'st thou grieve him now away, Then hope may never beam on thee. 14S The Comforter. 1 i^OML, Holy Ghost, the Comforter, \J Whom Jesus sends from heaven, O comfort us thy children here, And show our sins forgiven. 2 O come, and in our hearts reside, Let them thy temples prove ; Nor let our sinfulness and prid« Provoke thee to remove. 6* 114 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 8 But witli thy gracious power desceand. And all our sins subdue ; O bid us to thy sceptre bend, And form our souls anew. 4 Where God the Spirit is a guest, All graces there abound ; Love, joy and peace make calm the breast. And thanks and praise resound. 149 Mary at tlie Savior's Tomb. 7b. 1 1% TARY to the Savior's tomb JjJL Hasted at the early dawn, Spice she brought, and sweet perfume, But the Lord she loved had gone. Trembling, while a crystal flood Issued from her weeping eyes, For awhile, she lingering stood, Filled with sorrow and surprise. 2 But her sorrows quickly fled When she heard his welcome voice ; Christ has risen from the dead, Now he bids her heart rejoice ; What a change his word can make, Turning darkness into day ; Ye who weep for Jesus' sake, He will wipe your tears away. 150 liOngring- to See Jesus. 7s A 6s. 1 f\ WHEN shall I see Jesus, yj And reign with him above ; DBTOnOKAL HTMKS. 116 And from that flowing fountain, . Drink everlasting love * When shall I be delivered From this vain world of sin, And with my blessed Jesus, Drink endless pleasures in? 2 But now I am a soldier, My Captain's gone before ; He's given me my orders, And bid me not give o'er ; And since he has proved faithful A righteous crown he'll give, And all his valiant soldiers Eternal life shall have. 8 Whene'er you meet with troubles And trials on your way, O ! cast your care on Jesus, And don't forget to pray. Gird on the heavenly armor Of faith, and hope, and love ; Then, when the combat's ended, He'll carry you above. 151 Indelttedness to Christ. CJOL, 1 l^/FAJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned iyjL Upon the Savior's brow ; His head with radiant glories crowned. His lips witl^ grace o^rflow. 116 DBTOnOHAL ATMlCa. 2 No mortal can with him compare. Among the sons of men ; Fairer is he than all the fair Who fill the heavenly train. 3 He saw me plmiged in deep distress^ And flew to my relief ; For me he bore the shameful croes^ And carried all my grief. 4 To him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have ; He makes me triumph over death, And saves me from the grave. 152 SanctiLflsriiis Inflaence. ' S.M. 1 /^OME, Holy Spirit, come ; \J Let thy bright beams arise Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us of our sin ; Then lead to Jesus' blood. And to our wondering view reveal The secret love of God. 8 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. DBTOnONAli HTMNS. 117 4 Come, Holy Spirit, come ; Our minds from bondage free; llien shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son and Thee. i 5 3 ^**y of* <^ Convert. lis & 99. 1 /^H ! how happy are they V_/ Who the Savior obey, And have laid up their treasures above ! O what tongue can express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in tts earliest love. 2 It was heaven below My Redeemer to know ! And the angels could do nothing more, Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat. And the Lover of sinners adore. 3 Then, all the day long. Was my Jesus my song, And redemption through faith in his name ; O that all might believe, And salvation receive, And their song and their joy be the same. 154 1^« Sanctifier. 78. 1 TTOLY Ghost f with light divine, JLL Shine upon this heart of mine ; Chase the shades of night away, Turn my darkness into day. 118 DKTOTIOMAIi EmCNB. 2 Holy Ghost ! with power dirine, Cleanse this guilty heart of mine ; Long hath sin without control, Held dominion o'er my soul. 8 Holy Ghost ! with joy divine, Cheer this saddened heart of mine Bid my many woes depart, Heal my wounded, bleeding heart 4 Holy Spirit I all divine. Dwell within this heart of mine ; Cast down every idol-throne, Reign supreme — and rd!gn alone. 155 Glorying in tbe Cross. Ss & 7m. 1 XN the cross of Christ I glory, X Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me ; Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more luster to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified ; Peace is there that knows no measu re, Joys that through all time abide. dbvotionaij imcNS. 119 156 Onldance arud Help Songlit. Ss,7sA4b. 1 f^ ENTLY, Lord, gently lead us VJT Thro' tliis lowly vale of tears, And, O Lord, in mercy give us Thy rich grace in all our fears. O, refresh us — O, refresh us with thy grace. 2 Though ten thousand ills beset us, From without and from within, Jesus says he'll ne'er forget us,"^ But will save from every sin. Therefore praise him — Praise the great Redeemer's name. 8 Tliough distresses now attend thee, And thou tread'st the thorny road, His right hand shall still defend thee; Soon he'll bring thee home to God I Therefore praise him — Praise the great Redeemer's name. 157 Zlon Enconrag'ed. 8s, 78 db 48. 1 /~\^ the mountain's top appearing, \J Lo ! the sacred herald stands. Welcome news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile lands, Mourning captive, God himself shall loose thy bands. 2 Has thy night been long and mournful? Have thy friends unfaithful proved f 120 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. Have thy foes been proud and scornful. By thy sighs and tears unmoved ? Cease thy mourning ; Zion still is well beloved. 8 Peace and joy shall now attend thee, All thy warfare now is past ; God thy Savior will defend thee, Victory is thine at last ; All thy conflicts End in everlasting rest. 158 Jjittle Ones Come unto Me. P. M. THINK when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How he called little children as lambs to his fold, I should like to have been witb them then. 2 I wish that his hands had been plactjJ on my head, That his arm had been thrown around me, • And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, ** Let the little ones come unto me." 8 Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may And ask for a share in his love ^I DBVOTIOllAL HYMNS, 121 And if I thus earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him above ; 4 In that beautiful place ue is gone to pre pare For all who are tiv ashed and forgiven ; And many deai children are gathering there, " For of such is the kingdom of heaven.' 159 Wben tbe Srarvest Is Past. 12s A 8s. 1 TTTHEN the harvest is past, and the VV summed is gone, And sermons and prayers shall be o'er ; When the beams cease to break of the blest Sabbath morn, And Jesus invites thee no more — 2 When the rich gales of mercy no longer shall blow. The Gospel no message declare — Sinner, how canst thou bear the deep wail- ing of woe, How suffer the night of despair ? 3 When the holy have gone to the regions of peace, To dwell ia the mansion above ; WTien their harmony wakes, in the full- ness of bliss. Their song to the Savior of love— 12S DSYOTIONAL HTMKB. A 4 Say, O sinner, that livest at rest and secure, Who fearest no trouble to come. Can thy spirit the swellings of sorrow en- dure, Or bear the impenitent's doom? 160 Insulted Spirit, stay I I.. SI. 1 QTAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay ! iO Though I have done thee such despite, Cast not a sinner quite away, Nor take thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all whoe'er thy grace received; Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness gridved; 8 Yet O ! the chief of sinners spare. In honor of my great High Priest ; Nor, in thy righteous anger, swear I shall not see thy people's rest. 4 O Lord, my weary soul release. And raise me by thy gracious hand ; Guide me into thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. 161 "Tafee My Toke upon Ton." "/^OME to me, all ye that labor, V_^ Heavy laden and oppressed" — These were the precious words of Jesua— " Come, and I will give you rest." DHTOnONil. HTKim. 1S8 CHOBUB. Tis a Father's love, 'Tis a Father's call, In his house above There is room for all; Yes, there's room for all In my Father's heavenly home ; Yes, there's room for you, There's room for me, 162 DwelUngr with CJod. S. Bl. 1 ^^TjlOREVER with the Lord 1" r So, Jesus I let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word 'Tis immortality, 2 Here in the body pent. Absent from thee I roam ; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 8 ** Forever with the Lord ! " Savior, if 'tis thy will The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfill. 4 So when my latest breath Shall rend the vail in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. 6 Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word — And oft repeat before the throne — " Forever with the Lord f " 124 SSVOTIONAIi HTMNe. 1^63 Come Every Pious Heart. 1 i^OME, every pious heart, V^ That loves the Savior's name I Your noblest powers exert To celebrate his fame ; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to him you owe. 2 He left his starry crown, And laid his robes aside ; On wings of love came down. And wept, and bled, and died ; What he endured, no tongue can tell. To save our souls from death and hell. 8 From the dark grave he rose — The mansion of the dead ; And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up through the sky the conqueror rode And reigns on high, the Savior-God. 4 From thence he'll quickly come — His chariot will not stay— And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day ; There shall we see his lovely face, And ever be in his embrace. 1 64 I'be Watchman's Cry. 1 TT ARK ! 'tis the watchman's cry I XX Wake, brethren, wake ! VJBTOTIONAL HTMKB. 125 Jeans, our Lord, is ni^h !— Wake, etc. Sleep is for sons of night, Ye are children of the light. Yours is the glory bright ! — Wake, etc. 2 Call to each waking band, Watch, brethren, watch ! Clear is our Lord's command ! — Watch, etc. Be ye as men that wait Always at the Master's gate, E'en tho' he tarry late ! — Watch, etc. 8 Hear we the Shepherd's voice. Pray, brethren, pray ! Would ye his heart rejoice? — Pray, etc. Sin calls for constant fear. Weakness needs the strong one near ; Long as ye struggle here ! — Pray, etc. 4 Now sound the final chord, Praise, brethren, praise! Thrice holy is our Lord. — Praise, etc What more befits the tongues Soon to lead the angels' songs. While heaven the note prolongs, — Praise, brethren, praise. 165 Tlie Watctiword of the Reformers. 1 X ONCE was a stranger to grace and to 1 God, I knew not my danger, and felt not my load; 126 DEVOTIOKAL HTMISB. Though Mends spoke in rapture of Chrlsi on the tree, *' Jehovah Tsidkenu" 'twas nothing to me. 2 Like tears from the daughters of Zion that roll, I wept when the waters went over his soul ; Yet thought not that my sins had nail'd to the tree, " Jehovah Tsidkenu :" was nothing to me. 3 When the free grace awoke me, by light from on high, Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die; No refuge nor safety in self could I see — "Jehovah Tsidkenu" my Savior must be. 4 My terrors all vanished before the sweet name. My guilty fears banish'd, with boldness I came To drink at the fountain, life-giving and free ; " Jehovah Tsidkenu" is all things to me. 5 E'en treading the valley, the shadow of death, This "watchword" should rally my falter- ing breath ; For if from life's fever my God set me free, "Jehovah Tsidkenu" my deiath-flong should be. DKVOnONAL HrM»8. 12f 166 IBSVOTIONAL HYMNB. 188 And says that such as seek his face Shall life eternal win. 8 Sing of the wonders of his love, And praise and glory give To him who left his throne above, And died, that you might live. 1*74: Clirlst Is Bora In Betbleliein. Ys. 1 QHEPHERDS keeping watch by night, io Saw around a glorious light, Heard an angel's voice proclaim, " Christ is bom in Bethlehem." 2 Soon by many a heavenly tongue, " Glory be to God," was sung ; " Peace on earth, good will to men, Christ is bom in Bethlehem." 3 Joyful tidings to mankind ! Richest grace they now may find ; Children, too, this grace may claim ; ** Christ is bom in Bethlehem." 4 O how great the Savior's love. Thus to leave his throne' above ; Thus to bear our guilt and shame, And be " bom in Bethlehem ! " 175 «lory to God. C. M, 1 r^ LORY to God, the angel said, XJC Good tidings, lo ! I bring ; In David's city lies a babe, And Jesus is the King. 184 DBVOnONAIi HYMNS. 2 Glory to God, and peace on earth, Good will to man is shown ! Let heavenly joy at Jesu's birth Be through the nations known. 8 Glory to God, let man reply, For Christ the Lord is come ; Behold him in a manger lie ; A stable is his room. 4 Glory to God ! let all the earth Join in the heavenly song, And praise him for the Savior's birth. In every land and tongue. 176 Deatb of a Sister. CM. 1 IPvEATH has been here and borne away A-J A sister from our side ; Just in the morning of her day, As young as we, she died. 2 Not long ago she fill'd her place. And sat with us to learn ; But she has run her mortal race. And never can return. 8 We cannot tell who next may fall Beneath thy chastening rod ; One must be first : oh, may we all Prepare to meet our God I DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 135 £ 7* 7 Deatb of a Brother. 8s db 78. 1 X)EACEFUL be thy silent slumber, I Peaceful in the grave so low; Thou no more wilt join our number, — Thou no more our songs shalt know. 2 Dearest brother, thou hast left us ; Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us, — He can all our sorrow heal. 3 Yet again we hope to meet thee. When the day of life is fled, Then, in heaven, with joy to greet thee Where no farewell tear is shed. 178 Tbere Is a Happy liand. 6s d; 4a. 1 rjlIIERE is a happy land, I Far, far away. Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day Oh, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Savior-King, Loud let his praises ring, Praise, praise for aye ! 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away. Why will ye doubting stand, Why stiil delay ? 186 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. Oil, we shall happy be, When from sin and sorrow freei. Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest, blest for aye. 3 Bright in that happy land Beams every eye. Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. Oh, then to glory run. Be a crown and kingdom won. And bright above the sun We reign for aye. 179 Bappy Bay. 8s. 1 T)KESERVED by thine almighty pow-ur, JL O Lord, our Maker, Savior, King, And brought to see this happy hour, We come thy praises here to sing. CHOKUS, Hapj)y day, happy day, Here in thy courts we'll gladly stay. And at thy footstool humbly pray That thou wouldst take our sins away Happy day, happy day, When Christ shall wash our sins away 2 We praise thee for the joyful news Of pardon through a Savior's blood ; O Lord, incline our hearts to choose The way to happiness and God. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 18Y 8 And when on earth our days are done, Grant, Lord, that we at length may join, Teachers and scholars, round thy throne The song of Moses and the Lamb. 180 AnniTersary Bay. 8s, 7s & 6s. 1 TPv AYS and weeks and months, returning, XJ Bear us gently down life's way : Still their lesson we are learning With each anniversary day. CHORUS. We hail this day, so full of joy, And greet it with our song. 2 Glad our hearts, and glad our voices, Joy controls the hasting hour ; None so sad but he rejoices 'Neath to-day's controlling power. 3 Glad for classmates, and for teachers, Guiding us with gentle rule. Glad for all the gifts that reach us. Through our own loved Sabbath School. i Let us not forget the meaning Days like these forever wear : One more field has had its gleaning, One more sheaf our arms should bear. 1 S 1 Kind Words. 6s & 4s. 1 TT'INDS words can never die : JjL Heaven gave them birth ; 188 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. Wing'd with a srailo they fly ^ All o'er the earth. Kind words the angels brought, Kind words our Savior taught, — Sweet melodies of thought I Who knows their worth ? Kind words can never die, etc 3 Kind deeds can never die : Though weak and small, From his bright throne ou high God sees them all. He doth reward with love All those who faithful prove; Round them, where'er they move. Rich blessings fall. Kind deeds can never die, etc. 3 Our souls can never die ; God's word we trust ; He to our bodies said, "Dust unto dust." Savior, our souls prepare Thy happy home to share, Us to thy mansions bear, When life is past. Our souls can never die, etc. 182 tove One Anotber. Pecnllar. 1 ."\TTE all love one another, VV We all love one another, We all love one another. And keep the golden rule. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 189 CHOKUS. Sing on, love on, a little band of loving ones,— Bing on, love on, a little happy band. 2 We always love our parents, "We always lovo our parents, We always love our parents, As children ought to do. 183 Yet ttaere is Room. €. II. 1 /^OME sinner, to the gospel feast, V^ Oh, come without delay. For there is room on Jesu's breast For all who will obey. 2 There's room in heaven among the choir. And harps and crowns of gold ; And glorious palms of victory there. And joys that ne'er were told. 8 There's room around the Father's board For thee and thousands more ; Oh, come and welcome to the Lord, Yes, come this very hour. 184 I'be Penitent Inquirer. 7b. D. 1 npwEPTn of mercy ! can there be I ) Mercy still reserved for me? Can my God his wrath forbear? Me, the chief of sinaers spare ? 140 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 2 I have long withstood his grace, Long provoked him face to face ; Would not hearken to his calls ; Grieved him by a thousand falls. 3 Jesus answers from above, Is not all thy nature love ? Wilt thou not the wrong forget ? Suffer me to kiss thy feet. 4 If I rightly read thy heart, If thou all compassion art, Now thine ear in mercy bow, Pardon and accept me now ! 185 liOvest Tbou Me 7 1 XT" ARK, my soul, it is the Lord ; XI 'Tis thy Savior, hear his word , Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee : — " Say poor sinner, lovest thou me ? 2 '* I delivered thee when bound. And, when dying, healed thy wound ; Sought thee wand'ring, set thee right. Turned thy darkness into light. 3 " Mine is an unchanging love. Higher than the hights above, Deeper than the depths beneath ; Free and faithful, strong as death. 4 " Thou shalt see my glory soon. When the work of grace is done : DSTonoKAi:! smctra. 141 Partner of my throne shall be ; Say, poor sinner, lovest thou me ? " 186 Ho I Te that Tblrst. €. 91 1 T"T"0 ! ye that thirst, approach the spring, XX Where living waters flow : Free to that sacred fountain all Without a price may go. 2 " My stores afford those rich supplies That health and pleasure give ; Incline your ear and come to me ; The soul that hears shall live." 8 Seek ye the Lord while yet his ear Is open to your call ; While offered mercy still is near, Before his footstool fall. 187 I'm a Pilgrim Bound for Olory. 1 X 'M a pilgrim bound for glory ; jL I'm a pilgrim going home ; Come and hear me tell my story, All that love the Savior, come. CHORUS. Jesus loves me ; Hallelujah t Jesus gave himself for me, Jesus leads me on to glory ; Oh! rejoice, rejoice with me. 142 DEVOTIONAL HTMITO, 2 I will tell you what induced me For the better land to start I 'Twas the Savior's loving kiudnesa Overcame and won my heart. 3 Soon to Jordan's swelling river, Like a pilgrim I may come ; Then I hope to shout salvation, And go singing glory home. IS8 The Bei««r I.aud. J 1 TT" NOW ye that better land, JLv Wliere care's unknown f Know ye that better laud Around the throne? There, there in happiness, There streams of purest bliss; ■ There, there arc rest and peace* There, there alone. 2 Yes, yes, we know that place, We know it well ; Eye hath not seen his face, Tongue cannot tell ; There are the angels bright, There saints en rob 'd in white, All, all are clothed in light — There, there they dwell. 8 Come ! hasten that sweet day : Let time begone 1 Come ! Lord, make no delay Ou thy white throne : DETOTIONAL HYMNS. 148 Tliy face we wish to see, To dwell and reign with thee, And thine forever be — Thine, thine alone. 189 Coisonatlon of tbe King: of Kitijg^s. 1 "T OOK, ye saints, the sight is glorious, JLJ See the *' Man of Sorrows" now. From the fight return victorious : Every knee to him shall bow: ' Crown him ! crown him ! Crowns become the Victor's brow. 2 Crown the Savior ! angels crown him I Rich the trophies Jesus brings; ■ In the seat of power enthrone him! While the vault of heaven rings: Crown him ! crown him ! Crown the Savior "King of Kings I" 3 Sinners in derision crown'd him. Mocking thus the Savior's claim ; Saints and angels crowd around him, Own his title, praise his name. Crown him ! crown him ! Spread abroad the Victor's fame. 190 Tbe Solid Bock. P.M. 1 ll/TY hope is built on nothing less JJ.L. Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name : 144 DEYOnONAIi HYMNS. CHORUS. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness seems to veil his face, I rest on his unchanging grace ; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. 8 His oath, his covenant, and blood, Support me in the whelming flood : When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. 191 The Realms of tbe Blessed. Ss. 1 ^T7E talk of the realms of the bless'd, Y V That country so bright and so fair , And oft are its glories confessed — But what must it be to be there I 2 We talk of its pathways of gold. Its walls decked with jewels so rare; Its wonders and pleasures untold. But what must it be to be there ! S We talk of its peace and its love, The robes which the glorified wear ; The songs of the blessed above, But what must it be to be there ! 192 We're Ooin^ nome. li. 91. 1 T'UTE go the way that leads to God, V V The way that saints have ever trod ; DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 146 80 let US leave this fleeting shore, For realms where we shall die no more. CHORUS. We're going home, we're going home, We're going home to die no more. 2 The ways of God are ways of peace, And all his paths are pleasantness ; Then, weary souls, your sighs give o'er We're going home to die no more. 193 One Day Xearer Home. Golden Showar, pag* II. 1 \ CKOWN of glory bright, J\, By failli's clear eyes 1 see In yonder realms of light Prepared for me. CHORDS. I'm nearer my home, nearer my home, nearer my home to-day; Yes! nearer my home in heaven to-day, Than ever I've been before. 2 O, may I faithful prove, And keep the crown in view, And thro' the storms of life My way pursue. 8 Jesus, be thou my guida^ And all my steps attend, O, keep me near thy side, Be thou my friend. e* 146 DBVOnONAL HYMNIl. 1 94 Knocfeetli. The Kc7 Not«, t>»K« >*»• 1 TN the silent midnight watches X List — thy bosom's door, How it knocketh, knbcketh, knocketh, Knocketh evermore. Say not 'tis thy pulses beating, 'Tis thy heart of sin ; Tia thy Savior knocks and crieth, " Rise and let me in ! " 2 Death comes down with reckless footsteps, To the hall and hut ; Think you death will tarry knocking, When the door is shut? Jesus waiteth, waiteth, waiteth, But the door is fast: Grieved, away thy Savior goeth, Death breaks in at last, 8 Then 'tis time to stand entreating Christ to let you in ; At the gate of heaven beating, Wailing for thy sin. Nay ! alas, thou guilty creature I Hast thou then forgot? Jesus waited long to know thee, Now he knows thee not. 4 Think, then, j^hile thy pulse is beating. And thy heart of sin. How thy Savior stands and crieth, " Rise and let me in ; " DEYOTTONAIi HTMOra. 147 How he knocketh, knocketh, knocketh, Knocketh evermore, In the silent midnight watches, At thy bosom door. 195 Wbo Sliall Sins r Qolden Chain, page U. 1 TTTHO shall sing, if not the children t VV Did not Jesus die for them? May they not, with other jewels, Sparkle in his diadem ? Why to them were voices given, Bird-like voices, sweet and clear, Wliy, unless the song of heaven They begin to practice here ? 2 There's a choir of infant songsters, White-robed, round the Savior's throne Angels cease, and waiting, listen I Oh, 'tis sweeter than their ownl Faith can hear the rapturous choral, When her ear is upward turn'd ; Is not this the same perfected, WTiich upon the earth they learn'd f 8 Jesus, when on earth sojourning, Loved them with a wondrous love; And will he, to heaven returning, Faithless to his blessing prove ? Oh, they cannot sing too early I Fathers, stand not in their way! Birds do sing while day is breaking — Tell me then, why should not they t 148 DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. 196 Be Kind to the liOveU Ones, d:o. B. B. B«U No. 1, psgt 4e. 1 ~DE kind to thy father ; for when thou J3 wast young, Who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, And joined in thy innocent glee. Be kind to thy father, for now he is old, His hicks intermingled with gray; His footsteps are feeble, — once fearless and bold : Thy father is passing away. 2 Be kind to thy mother ; for, lo ! on her brow May traces of sorrow be seen ; Oh, well mayst thou cheriya and comfort her now, For loving and kind she hath been. Remember thy mother; for the« will she pray As long as God giveth her breath ; With accents of kindness, then, cheer her lone way. E'en to the dark valley of death. 1 9 T The Song: of Ang^els. S. S. Hosauna, page 48. 1 HnnETlE is a song the angels sing, X And its notes with rapture ring, DBVOTIONAL HTHiro. 149 Round the throne whose radiance fills the heavens above. Shepherds heard the distant strain, Watching on Judea's plain, *' Glory be to God, to men be peace and love ! '* CHORUS. Through the earth and through the sky Let the anthem ever fly, "Peace, good will to men, and glory be to God on high I " 2 'Tis a song for children too ; To the Savior 'tis their due ; Let its grateful notes ascend to him again Join with angels in their song. And the heavenly strain prolong, "Glory be to God, good will and peace to men ! " 8 Soon around that throne may we With those happy angels be, Striking harps to strains that nevermore shall cease : Mingling love with loftiest praise, Still the chorus there we'll raise, •* Glory be to God, to men good will apd peace ! " 198 Tlie ].ion of Jndah. Golden Harp, page 5i, i 'rjl WAS Jesus, my Savior, who died m 1 the tree, To open a fountain for sinners like me ; 150 DEVOTIONAL HTMKS. His blood is that fountain which pardon bestows, And cleanses the foulest wherever it flows, CHORUS. For the Lion of Judah shall break ev'ry chain, And give us the vict'ry again and again. 2 And when I was willing with all things to part, He gave me my bounty, his love in my heart ; So now I am join'd with the conquering band, Who are marchiog to glory at Jesus' com* mand. — (Cno.) 8 And when the last trumpet of judgment, "shall sound. And wake all the nations that sleep in the ground, Then, when heaven and earth shall be melt- ing away, g of the b day.— (Cho.) I'll sing of the blood of the cross in that 4 And when with the ransom' d, by Jesus my head. From fountain to fountain I then shall be led, I'll fall at his feet, and his mercy adore. And sing of the blood of the cross ever- more. — (Cho.) DEVOTIONAL BTYMITB. 151 199 Come, Te Blessed of My Father. OiioU, pftg* 148. THEN shall the Kiug say unto them on his I right | hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you From the foundation of the world. For I was an liuugered, and ye gave me meat ; I was tliirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in ; Naked, and ye clothed me ; I was sick, and ye visited me ; I was in prison, and ye came unto me ; (Jiecite—M ditihew, 25th chapter; 37,38,39, and part of 40th verse.) " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least Of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me, Ye have done it unto me." 200 0ope of llie Ble8t. Happy Voiooe, ptge 196. when shall I dwell in a mansion all QH, And Jesus my Savior behold, Or walk by his side, like an angel of light, In a city all garuish'd with gold ? cnoKus. Home of the blest, home of the blest, Wlien wilt thou ever be mine ? 153 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. Home of the blest, home of the blest, Soon shalt thou ever be mine. 2 No pearl from the ocean, no gold from the mine, Can pardon and purity buy ; m trust in the blood of a Savior divine, And I'll cling to his cross till I die. 3 Though light are the sorrows that burden a cliild, And fleeting the tempest of woe, I long for the land that was never defiled ; To the home of the blest would I go. 4 But while I'm a stranger away from my home, I'll toil in the vineyard and pray ; I'll carry the cross while I think of the crown, And I'll watch for the break of the day. 201 Ttie Savior Oar Friend. S»A7a d. S. Eosanna, page in. 1 /^NE there is above all others \_J "Well deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free and knows no end. 2 Which of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed his blood? But this Savior died to have ua, Reconciled, in him, to God. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS, 168 3 Wlien he lived on earth abased, Frieud of sinners was his name; Now, above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same. 4 Oh, for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love ; We, alas ! forget too often What a Friend we have above. S^ 202 Beantifnl River. Happy Yoloeg, page 220. HALL we gather at the river WTiere bright angel feet have trod, With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God ? CHORUS. Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river. Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. 3 On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy, golden day. 8 Ere we reach the shining river. Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. 154 DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 4 At the smiling of the river, Mirror of ibe Savior's face. Saints wbom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. 5 Soon -we'll reach the silver river, Soon onr pilgrimage will cease; Soon our ha))py hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. 203 AniTCl^*' Welcome. Happy VoloeB, page 10*. 1 n\/rY home is in heaven, my rest is not 1\X here, Then why should I murmur when trials ai>])car? Be hush'd, my dark spirit : the worst thai can come But shortens my journey and hastens me home. CHOKUS. Then the angels will come, with their music will come. With music, sweet music, to welcome mc home; In the bright gates of crystal the shining ones will stand, And sing me a welcome to their own native land. DBTOTIOITAL HYMNS. 165 2 It is not for me to be seeking my bliss And building my hopes in a region like this; I look for a city which hands have not piled, I pant for a country by sin undefiled. — (Cno.) 8 The thorn and the thistle around me may grow, I would not recline upon roses below ; I ask not my portion, I seek not my rest, Till I find them forever on Jesus' own breast.^CHO.) 204 A Beantifnl Some. Eappy Voices, pag« 149. 1 rnHERE'S a beautiful home for thee, X brother, A home, a home for thee ; In that land of bliss where pleasure is, There, brother, 's a home for thee. CHORUS. A beautiful home for thee, brother, A beautiful home for thee; In that land of bliss where pleasure is, There, brother, 's a home for thee. 2 There's a beautiful rest for thee, brother, A rest, a rest for thee ; In those mansions above, where all is love, There, brother, 's a rest for thee. 166 DBYOTIONAIi HIHNS. 205 Tbere, Tliere is Beivt. Cuket, pac* 65. 1 /^OME, poor pilgrim, sad and weary, V^ Why heaves thy breast? Roaming this mde world so dreary, Sighing for rest. CH0RU8. V Rest, rest, sweet rest, Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary are at rest. 2 There is rest for thee in glory, Among the blest ; Listen to the joyful story, There, there is rest. 8 There are those who've gone before us, All who are blest; Singing now the happy chorus, There, there is rest. L There the golden harps are ringing, Harps of the blest ; And the angel bands are singing, There, there is rest. *jg06 Marcblng: Alongf. Qoidan Obadn, pa^e US. 1 rriHE children are gath'ring from near I and from far, The trumpet ia sounding the call for the war, DBVOTIONAIi HTMK8. 157 The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long, We'll gird on our armor and be marching along. CHOBUS. Marching along, we are marching along, Gird on the armor and be marching along, The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long. Then gird on the armor and be marching along. 2 "We've listed for life, and we'll camp on the field. With Christ as our Captain, we never will yield ; The ** sword of the Spirit," both trusty and strong. We'll hold in our hands as we're mardiing along. 8 Through conflicts and tnais our crowns we must win. For here we contend 'gainst temptation and sin. But one thing assures us, we cannot go wrong, If trusting our Savior while marching along. 168 DBYOnOl^AIi STMKB. 207 Ho, Reapers of IKVOTiONAL HYMKB 168 8 Then trials cannot vex me, And pain I need not fear ; For when I'm close by Jesujg, Grief cannot come too near. Not even death can harm me, When death I meet one day ; To lieaven I'll follow Jesus All the way. To heaven I'll follow, etc. 212 Olve Tbaiihs.— Cbant. PSALM CXXXVl. OrloU, p&ce iU. 1 /^ GIVE thanks unto the Lord for he is \J good ; Cno.— For his mercy endureth forever. 2 O, give thanks unto the God of gods ; Cno. — For his mercy endureth forever. 3 O, give thanks unto the Lord of lords ; Cho. — For his mercy endureth forever. 4 To him who alone doeth great wonders ; CHO.—For his mercy endureth forever. 5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens ; Cno. — For his mercy endureth forever. 6 To him that stretched out the earth above waters ; Cho. — For his mercy endureth forever. 7 To him that made great lights ; Cho, — For his mercy endureth for©v«r. 164 DBTOnOlTAL HTHNB. 8 The sun to rule by day ; the moon and stars by night i Cho. — For his mercy endureth forever. 9 Who remembered us in our low estate ; Cho. — For his mercy endureth forever. 10 And hath redeemed us from our enemies ; Cho. — For his mercy endureth forever. 11 Who giveth food to all flesh ; Oho. — For his mercy endureth forever. 12 0, give thanks unto the God of heaven ; Cho. — For his mercy endureth forever. Amen. 213 Tbe CbUd's Prayer. S. S. BeU No. 1, pa«e 11«. 1 "TNTO her chamber went X A little child, one day, And by her chair she knelt, And thus began to pray : Jesus, my eyes are closed, Thy form I cannot see — If thou art near me, Lord, Wilt thou not speak to me ? A still, small voice she heard with- | in her I soul, « What is it, child ? I hear thee, | tell me | alL" % 1 pray thee Lord, she said, That thou wilt condescend DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 165 To stay within my heart, And ever be my friend;^ The path of life looks dark — I would not go astray ; Oh, let me have thy hand To lead me in the way. ^ "Fear not, thou shalt not run the | race a- I lone;" She thought she felt a soft hand | press her I own. 8 They tell me, Lord, that all The living pass away ; The aged soon must die ; And even children may ; Oh, let my parents live Till I a woman grow ; For if they die, what can A little orphan do ? "Fear not, my child ; whatever | ills may | come, I'll not forsake thee till 1 1 bring thee [ home." 4 Her little prayer was said, And from her chamber, now, She passed forth, with the light Of heaven upon her brow. " Mother, I've seen the Lord ; His hand in mine I felt ; And oh, I heard him say. As by my chair I knelt, 'Fear not, my child ; whatever | ills may | come, I'll not forsake thee, till 1 1 bring thee | hoiiw.' " 166 5BV0TI0NAL HTMNl 214 My BTome is There. Freib LaareU, puge (4. 1 A BOVE the waves of earthly strife, XJl. Above the ills and cares of life, Where all is peaceful, bright and fair ; My hon^e is there, my home is there. CHORUS. My beautiful home, my beautiful home, In the land where the glorified ever shall roam, Where angels bright wear crowns of light, My home is there, my home is there. 2 Where living fountains sweetly flow, Where buds and flowers immortal grow Where trees their fruit celestial bear, My home is there, my home is there. 8 Away from sorrow, doubt and pain, Away from worldly loss and gain. From all temptation, tears and care ; My home is there, my home is there. 4 Beyond the briglit and pearly gates, Where Jesus, loving Savior, waits. Where all is peaceful, bright and fair; My home is there, my home is there. 215 I am Waiting- by the Rirer. Freib Laarela, page 126. 1 "T AM waiting by the river, X And my heart has waited long; Now I think I hear the chorus Of the angels' welcome song. DBVOTTOITAL ffTMHa. 16Y Oh, I see the dawn is breaking On the hill-tops of the blest, "Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary are at rest." 2 Far away beyond the shadows Of this weary vale of tears, There the tide of bliss is sweeping Through the bright and changeless years. Oh, I long to be with Jesus, In the raansione of the blest, " Where the winked cease from troubling, And the weary are at rest." 3 They are launching on the river, From the calm and quiet shore, And they soon will bear my spirit Where the weary sigh no more; For the tide is swiftly flowing. And I long to greet the blest, "Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary are at rest." 216 I will SIngr for Jesoa. 1 X WILL sing for Jesus, JL With his blood he bought me ; And all along my pilgrim way His loving hand has brought me. CHOBUS. Oh ! help me sing for Jesus, Help me tell the storj 168 I>BT0TI01fAIi HTMKB. Of him who did redeem ns, The lord of life and glory. 2 I will sing for Jesus, His name alone prevailing, Shall be my sweetest music, When heart and flesh are failing. 3 Still I'll sing for Jesus, Oh ! here will I adore him Among the clouds of witnesses. Who cast their crowns before him. 217 Jesus of Nazaretb Passetli By, Tone— Sire«t Hour of Prafsr. 1 TTTHAT means this eager, anxious throng, V V Pressing our busy streets along ? These wondrous gatherings day by day ? What means this strange commotion, pray f Voices, in accents hushed, reply, *• Jesus of Nazareth passeth by 1 " 2 Who is this Jesus ? Why should he The city move so mightily ? A passing stranger, has he skill To charm the multitude at will ? Again the stirring tones reply, '* Jesus of Nazareth passeth by I " 8 Jesus ! 'tis he who once below, Man's pathway trod; 'inid pain and woe ; And burdened hearts, where'er he came Brought out their sick and deaf and lame DBTOnONAIi HTMHfl. 109 Blind men rejoice to hear the cry, " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by ! " i Ho, all ye heavy laden, come 1 Here's pardon, comfort, rest, a home. Lost wanderers from a Father's face, Return, accept his proffered grace, Ye tempted, there's a refuge nigh, " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by 1 " 5 But if you still this call refuse, And dare such wondrous love abuse, Soon will he sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer injustice spurn, " Too late ! too late," will be the cry, " Jesus of Nazareth has passed by ! " 218 Hope of HeaTen. €. M. 1 TTAIL, sweetest, dearest tie that binds If Our glowing hearts in one ; Hail ! sacred hope that tunes our minds, To joys before unknown. CHORUS, It is the hope, the blissful hope. Which Jesus' grace has given : The hope when days and years are past, We all shall meet in heaven. 2 Nor ling'ring look, nor parting sigh, Our future home shall know ; There love shall beam from every eye, And hope immortal grow. Oh sacred hope, oh, blissful hope, etc. 170 5«'?'^TIDKXI» HTMl 219 Jesas Beigns. 1 "T"T"EAK the royal proclamation, Xl The glad tidiug of salvation. Published now to every creature, To the ruined sons of nature. cnoEus. Lo ! he reigns, he reigns victorious ; Over heaven and eartti, most glorious, lie reigns 2 Ho ! ye sons of wrath and ruin, Who have wrought your own undoing Here are life and free salvation, Ofiered to the whole creation. 8 For his love let rocks and mountains^ Purling streams and crystal fountains, Roaring thunders, ligliluing blazes, Shout the glad Messiah's praises. 220 Pardon OfTcred. 1 OINNERS will you scorn the message, (O Sent in mercy from above? Eveiy sentence — O, how tender! Every line is full of love ; Listen to it — Every line is full of love. 2 Hear the heralds of the gospel. News from Zion's King proclaim. DBVOTXCWrAL. HYMira. ITl To each rebel sinner — " Pardon, Free forgiveness in his name!" IIow important I Free forgiveness in his name! 8 Who hath our report believed? Who received the joyful word? Who embraced the news of pardon, Offered to you by the Lord? Can you slight it- Offered to you by the Lord ? 4 O, ye angels, hovering round us, Waiting spirits speed your way, Hasten to the courts of heaven, Tidings bear without delay; Rebel sinners Glad the message will obey. 221 Wliithcr Ooest Thon ? 8s d;7s. 1 "TTTHITIIER goest thou, pilgrim stran- Passing through this darksome vale? Knowest thou not 'tis full of danger, And will not thy courage fail ? CHOBOS, I'm bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glory ^vilh me? Ilallelujahl praise ye the Lord I 2 Pilgrim thou dost justly call me, Wandering o'ei this waste so wide. 17S laBVOTIONAL HY1CR8. Yet no hann will e'er befall me, While I'm blest with such a guide. 3 Such a guide ! — no guide attends thee ; Hence, for thee my fears arise ; If some guardian power befriends thee» 'Tis unseen by mortal eyes. 222 Best at Home. P. K 1 TT'S over rolling Jordan, I In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming — Oh, there rest at home. CHOKUS. There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, Oh, there rest at* home. 2 Let us all go to Jesus, And cast our crowns before him, And cry he is worthy — Oh, there rest at home. 8 When we all get to heaven. There will be no more dying, Our trials will be over — Oh, there rest at home. 4 When this warfare is over. In this vale of sin and sorrow, For the way-worn pilgrim— Oh, there rest at home. DEVOTIONAL FTMITO. ITt 223 Uttle Tbln^. 1 y ITTLE drops of water, J_J Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the beauteous land. 2 And the little moments, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. 3 So our little errors Lead the soul away From the paths of virtue Oft in sm to stray. 4 Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love," Make our earth an Eden, Like the heaven above. 224 I^ittle Travelers. 7». L ITTLE travelers, Zionward, Each one entering into rest, In the kingdom of your Lord, In the mansions of the blest; There, to welcome, Jesus waits : Gives the crowns his followers win; Lift your heads ye golden gates ! Let the little travelers in I 174 DEVOTIONAL HTMNS. 2 Who are they whose little feet, Pacing life's dark journey through, Now have reached that heavenly seat, They had ever kept in view ? •*I from Greenland's frozen land;" " I from India's sultry plain ; " "I from Afric's barren sand;" " I from islands of the main." 8 '*A11 our earthly journey past, Every tear and pain gone by. Here together met at last, At the portal of the sky I Each the welcome ' Come ' awaits, Conqu'rors over death and sin I " Lift your heads ye golden gates! Let the little travelers in ! 225 TmI Se Cometb I Ss.TisA^m ! he cometb— countless trumpets Wake to life the slumbering dead ; 'Midst ten thousand saints and angels See their great, exalted Head! Hallelujah ! Welcome, welcome, Son of Gk)d. 2 Full of joyful expectation, Saints behold the judge appear! Truth and justice go before him — Now the joyful sentence hear: Hallelujah ! Welcome ! welcome, Judge divine. ^L^ DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 175 8 *' Come ye blessed of my Father, Enter into life and joy; Banish all your fears and sorrows, Endless praise be your employ;" Hallelujah ! Welcome, welcome to the skies I 226 Warning:. P.M. 1 /^ HEARKEN, sinners, we have cause \J To warn you of your danger; We pray be reconciled to him Who once lay in a manger. cnoEUS. Ho 1 every one that thirsts, Come ye to the waters, Freely drink and quench your thirst, Ye Zion's sons and daughters. 2 There is a fountain deep and wide, For sin and all uncleanriess. Come drink and wash and be made white, And prove the gospel's freeness. 8 O ! see the crowd that's traveling on. In paths of self-denial. They march along the banks of love, And long for your arrival. 4 Shall unbelief debar you from The knowledge of your Savior ? Believe, and you'll be justified; Believe, and live forever. 176 DBTOnOlTAL HTMNB. 6 My night of sin and grief is gone, My soul is fiU'd with glory ; O, for a thousand tongues to tell Love's animating story. 6 Let heaven and earth with me unite, And sing and shout hosanna ; The Lord has pardon'd all my sins, . And fill'd my soul with manna. 227 Mercy 'a Free. P. OL ' 1 T> Y faith I view my Savior dying, Xy On the tree, on the tree ; To every nation he is crying, Look to me, look to me ; He bids the guilty now draw near, Repent, believe, dismiss their fear — Hark ! hark ! what precious words I hear, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 2 Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me, pity me ? And did he snatch my soul from ruin ? Can it be, can it be ? Oh, yes ! he did salvation bring — He is my Prophet, Priest and King — And now my happy soul can sing,/ Mercy's free, mercy's free. 8 Jesus, the mighty God, hath spoken. Peace to me, peace to me ; Now all my chains of sin are broken, I am free, I am free'; DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. 177 Soon as I in his name believ'd, The Holy Spirit I receiv'd, And Christ from death my soul retriev'd, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 4 Jesus my weary soul refreshes, Mercy's free, mercy's free. And every moment Christ is precions, Unto me, unto me ; None can describe the bliss I prove, While through this wilderness I rove — All may enjoy the Savior's love, Mercv's free, mercy's free. 228 Hinder Me JTot. CM. 1 XN all my Lord's appointed wayg, JL. My journey I'll pursue ; Hinder me not, ye much-loved saints For I must go with you. 2 "Stay," says the world, "and taste awhile My every pleasant sweet ; " "Hinder me not," my soul replies, " Because the way is great." 8 " Stay," Satan, my old master, cries. "Or force shall thee detain ; " " Hinder me not, I will be gone. My God hath broke thy chain," Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead, I'll follow where he goes ; "Hinder me not," shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oppose. 178 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 5 And when my Savior calls me home^ . Still this my cry shall be, " Hinder me not," come, welcome death, I'll gladly go with thee. 229 Remember Me. CH. THOTJ from whom all goodness flows, I lift my soul to thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, wocB, Good Lord, remember me. ^0 CHOBUS. Remember me, remember me, O Lord, remember me ; Remember all thy dying groans, And then remember me. 2 When trials sore obstruct my way And ills I cannot flee ; O let my strength be as my day ; Good Lord, remember me. 8 When in the solemn hour of death, I wait thy just decree. Be this the prayer of my last breath, Good Lord, remember me. 4 And when before thy throne I stand, And lift my soul to thee, Then with the saints, at thy right hand, Good Lord, remember me. DUVOTIOITAL UYHHB. 1Y9 230 N^o Tears In Keaven. CM. 1 TTTHAT if our bark, o'er life's rough YV wave, By ad'verse winds be driven, And howling tempests around us rave — There are no tears in heaven. 2 What, though affliction be our lot, Our heart with anguish riven. Still, let it never be forgot — There are no tears in heaven. 8 Our sweetest joys here vanish all. And fade like hues at even. Our brightest hopes like meteors fall — There are no tears in heaven. 231 GlT« Sle Jesus. 6s. 1 TTTHILE wandering to and fro, VV In this wide world of woe, Where streams of sorrows flow, CHORUS. Give me Jesus — Give me Jesus- Give me Jesus — You may have all this world — But give me Jesus. 2 When tears o'erflow mine eye, When pressed by grief I sigh, Btill this shall be my cry. Give me Jesus, etc. 180 DEYOTIDNAL HTMKB* 8 When to the mercy seat I go my Lord to meet, My heart shall still repeaii, Give me Jesus, eta 4 And when my tolls are o'er. When nearing Jordan's shore, I'll shout as up I soar, Give me Jesus, etc. 5 When at the judgment seat, I stand at Jesus' foet, When worlds on worlds shall meet, Give me Jesus, etc. 6 When heaven and earth shall flee, When time shall cease to be, Through all eternity, Give me Jesus, etc. 232 Joy of Cbrlst's Advent. CM. 1 TOY to the world, the Lord is come, t) Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth — the Savior reigns I Let men their songs employ ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains. Repeat the sounding J07. DETOTIONAIi HTMHB, 181 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow ; Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. 233 See the Hind Ntaepberd. Ohlmet, page 44. I Q< EE the kind Shepherd, Jesus, stands, io And calls his sheep by name ; Gathers the feeble in his arms, And feeds each tender lamb. CHORUS. O, Savior, dear Savior, • Joy of the blest ! How I long to be thine. In bright glory to shine, And to be forever at rest. ^ He'll lead us to the heavenly streams, Where living waters flow : And guide us to the fruitful fields, Wliere trees of knowledge grow. 234 CblMren's Praise. Ohlmea, page 90. 1 /^NCE was heard the song of children, \J By the Savior, when on earth ; 182 DEVOTIONAL htmub. Joyfdl in the sacred temple, Shouts of youthful praise had birth. CHORUS. Come, children, come, and tune your voices, Come, children, come, and tune your voices, Sing ye aloud while heaven rejoices, Sing, children, sing. 2 Palms of victory strewn around him. Garments spread beneath his feet ; Prophet of the Lord they crowned him. In fair Salem's crowded street. 3 Blessed Savior ! now triumphant, Glorified and throned on high! Mortal lays from man or infant. Vain to tell thy praise essay. 235 dilldren's Ilosannas, CUmes, page 160. 1 Wl HAT are the soul-reviving strains VV Which echo thus from Salem's plains, What anthems loud and louder still, So sweetly sound from Zion's hill ? CHORUS. Glory, glory, let us sing. While heaven and earth with glory ring, Hosannal hosanna! Hosanna to the Lamb of God. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 188 2 Lo I 'tis an infent chorus sings, Hosanna to the King of Kings, The Savior comes 1 and babes proclaim Salvation sent in Jesus' name. 5 Messiah's name shall joy impart Alike to Jew and Gentile heart ; He bled for us, ho bled for you, And we will sing hosanna too. 236 Sabbatb Some. Obimea, pa(e IIS. 1 /^HI we love to come to our Sabbath \J home, And learn of our teachers dear, Who point us, with love to our home above, And the crown that awaits us there 2 Oh ! we love to come to our Sabbath home, When the six days' toil i-s o'er, And read and sing of our heavenly King, And learn to love him more. S Oh ! we love to come to our Sabbath home, But we would not come alone ; We would each bring in from the depths of sin Some wretched, wandering one. 4 Then toil we on till the race is won. And the pearly gates unfold, And we find our rest on the Savior's breast, At home in the city of gold. 184 DEVOTIONAL HYMN8. 237 Jesus, Onr SaTior. CUiaM, page 1S5. 1 TTTHO was in a manger laid ? Jesus. VV Wlio for money was betrayed? Jesus. Who up Calvary was led, Who for us his lifo-blood shed ? Jesus Christ, creation's head. 2 Who can hear us when we call ? Jesus. Who the dearest friend of all ? Jesus. Who alone can do us good, When we're tost on Jordan's flood ? Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. 8 Who can rob the grave of gloom ? Jesus. Who can raise us from the tomb ? Jesus. When before the Judge we wait, Who will open heaven's gate ? Jesus Christ, our Advocate. 4 Who will give us sweetest rest ? Jesus. Whom in heav'n shall we love best ? Jesus. At his feet our crowns we'll fling, While rapturous songs we sing, Jesus Christ, our Savior King. 238 Tbanks to the JLord. C. n. 1 TTOSANKAS were by children sung, Xl When Jesus was on earth ; Then surely we are not too young To sound his praifies forth. DEVOTIONAL HTMlSrB. 186 CHORUS. Oh, heaTen ! sweet heaven ! hoineof the blest ! How I long to be there All his glories to share, And to lean upon Jesus' breast. 2 The Lord is great — the Lord is good, He feeds us from his store, With earthly and with heavenly food, We'll praise him evermore. 8 We'll thank him for his gracious word, We'll thank him for his love, We'll sing the praises of our God, Who reigns in heaven above. 239 Sunday School Recruiting' Songr. Ooldcn Censor, page 10. 1 "1~\0 vou know any little barefoot boy, I 7 In a garret or a cellar, Who shivers with cold, and whose garments old Will scarcely hold together ? cncBtJS* Go bring him in, there is room to spare ; Here are food, and shelter, and pity : And we'll not shut the door 'Gainst one of Christ's poor, Tho' you bring every child in the city. 186 DBTOnONAL HYMKB. 2 Do you know any little tired girl, Whose feet with cold are aching ; Whose skrinking form braves the winter's storm, The alms of the richer taking ? a 'Tis the Master's work, there is none so low, But his loving hand may reach them, And there's none so sunken in want and woe But we'll joy to help and teach them. 240 Jesus, Oentlo Sheptierd. H&ppy Voloes, bjmu 95. 1 rjlAR from the fold of Jesus, P I, a wayward child. Like a straying lamb, had wandered, Into deserts wild : But the Gentle Shepherd sought me, Won me by his charms ; Safe away from danger bro't me, In his loving arms. CHORUS. Praise Jesus, Gentle Shepherd, Savior, loving mild : Jesus' name is sweetest music To the Christian child. 2 To his bosom close he pressed me, Pardoned all my sin, Led me by the stillest waters. Into pastures green. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 187 Now all day I'm glad and joyftil, Happy in his love ; All the night my rest is peaceful, Guarded from above. 8 Evermore I'll trust in Jesus, He shall be my Guide ; No allurement shall entice me, From my Shepherd's side ; By-and-by, from earth's temptations, He will give me rest, And in heaven's greener pastures Make me ever blest. 241 Tbe Besnrreotlon. 8s, 7s A 4s. 1 Q< EE the eternal Judge descending, ^ View him seated on his throne : Now, poor sinner, now lamenting. Stand and hear thy awful doom. Trumpets call thee, Stand and hear thy awful doom. 2 Hear the cries he now is venting, Filled with dread of fiercer pain ; While in anguish thus lamenting That he ne'er was bom again : Greatly mourning That he ne'er was bom again. 3 " Yonder sits the slighted Savior, With the marks of dying love ; O ! that I had sought his favor. When I felt his Spirit move : 188 DEVOTIONAL HTMire. Golden moments, When I felt his Spirit move." 4 Now, despisers, look and wonder ; Hope and sinners here must part : Louder than a peal of thunder, Hear the dreadful sound, " depart I ** Lost forever, Hear the dreadful sound, " depart I " 242 Come to tbe SaTlor To-Day. HkppT^olOM, hjrmn 80. 1 f\B. come to the Savior, dear children, \J to-day, 'Tis folly to wait till you're older, The heart is now tender, but if you delay, 'T win surely grow harder and bolder. CHORUS. The Savior is calling to-day ^' He waits to receive you and save ; Give heed to the warning. Ere life's sunny morning, Be closed in the night of the grave. 2 You hear of the cross where Immanuel bled. And tears down your faces are stealing ; But when a few years have rolled over your head, You'll hear of that cross without feeling. DETtKTIONAL HTHNB. 189 8 How many short graves in the graveyard you see. How many dear children there slumber ; And few may the days of your pilgrimage be, No mortal can tell us their number. 4 Then fly to the Savior, dear children, to-day, ^Yhile life's feeble taper is burning : The Spirit now strives ; should you grieve him away, In vain may you wait his returning. 243 Eternal I.ife, My Cry. The Singing Pilgrim, page 6. 1 TT70ULDST thou be saved? no time T V to lose, Arise, and run the heavenly road ; Wouldst thou be blest? then, pilgrim, haste To leave destruction's dread abode. CHOEUS. O, come ! O, come ! thy Savior calls, I am the way, the truth, the life ; Come hither, burdened soul, to me. a O, tell me how I O, tell me where ! The way I long have sought to know; But fear the giiilt and sin I bear Will sink me in the depths of woe. 190 DffVOnONAL HYMKB. 3 God's word will guide thee ; dost tliou see A light from yonder distant hill ? On, Pilgrim, on ! it shines for tiice. With steady course pursue it still. 4 God's word shall guide me ; yes, I see A light from yonder distant hill ; O, tell me, does it shine for me ? Hail glorious light I I will, I will 1 6 Fai^well, a long farewell to those Who seek to stay me as I fly ; My ears against their call I close, Life, life, eternal life ! my cry. 244 The Lilvlngr Water. C. M Th« Singing Piigrim, pft«e Ti. 1 T HEARD the voice of Jesus say, , 1 " Behold, I freely give The living water I thirsty one Stoop down and drink and live." 2 I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in him. 8 I heard the voice of Jesus say " I am this dark world's light : Look unto me ; thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright DBTOnONAIi HTMNB. 191 4 I looked to Jesus, and I found In bim my Star, my Sun ; And in that li^ht of life I'll walk Till all my journey's done. 245 * BCome of the Soal. Tha SlnglnK PUgrlm. page M. 1 T WILL sing you a song of that beautiful X land, The far away home of the soul. Where no storms ever beat on the glitter ing strand. While the years of eternity roll, While the years of eternity roll. 2 O, that home of the soul, in my visions and dreams. Its bright jasper walls I can see. Till I fancy but thinly the vale intervenes Between the fair city and me. 8 There the great trees of life in their beauty do grow, And the river of life floweth by, For no death ever enters that city you know, And nothing that maketh a lie. .4 That unchftngeable home is for you and for me, Wliere Jesus of Nazareth stands; The King of all kingdoms forever is he, And he holdeth our crowns in his hands. idS^ DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 6 How sweet it will be in that beautiful land, So free from all sorrow and pain ! With songs on our lips and with harps Ib our hands, To meet one another again. 246 'K'be Gnldlngr Hand. — Chant. BUr, page 87. 1 " TS this the way, my Father ? " X " 'Tis my child ; Thou must pass through the tangled dreary wild, If thou wouldst reach the city undefiled, Thy peaceful home above." 3 " But enemies are around." " Yes, child, I know. Where least expecldd thou shalt find a foe : But victor thou shalt prove o'er all below : Only seek strength above." 3 " My father, it is dark." ♦' Child, take my hand ; Cling close to me, I'll lead thee thro' the land; Trust my all-seeing care; so i;haU thou stand 'Midst glory bright above." 4 ** My footsteps seem to slide." ** Child, only raise Thine eyes to me, then, in these slippery, ways, DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 193 I will hold up thy going, thou shalt praise Me for each step above." 5 *' Oh, Father, I am weary." " Child, lean thy head Upon my breast. It was my love that spread Thy rugged path ; hope on till I have said, Rest, rest for aye, above." 247 Will Ton Go Tliere? BUT, pag« T>. 1 rpilERE'S a country, dear children, of I endless delight, Unclouded by sorrow, ne'er shaded .in night, Where the spirits in glory unite in the psulm, Ascribing all honor to God and the Lamb, cnoiius. "Will you go there? Will you go there t(» sec our blessed Savior? AVill you go there ? Will you go there to praise him evermore ? 2 And may liltlo children unite with that throng? Shall they to the choir celestial belong ? Oh, say, may our voices with seraphim chime. And join the redeemed in that music sub lime? 8 194 DEVOTIONAI. HYMNS. 3 Yes, come with your young hearts to Jesus, and pray That early he'll help you to find the good way: Oh, he'll meet you, dear ones, with his own smile of love, And appoint you a place in the mansion* above. 4: O heaven! with joy from this world oi distress, WTiere sin is a burthen, and trials oppress — From the wilderness drear, where uncer- tain we roam. We look to that land where the soul has 8 home. We will go there, etc. 248 We'll Work TUl Jesas Comes. Star, page ST. 1 l\/rY heavenly home is bright and fair, IVJL We'll be gathered home. Nor death, nor sighing visit there» We'll be gathered home. CHORUS. We'll work till Jesus comes, , We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes, A.nd we'll be gathered home. DEVOTIOirAIi HYMNS. 195 2 Its glittering towers the sun outshine, We'll be gathered home, That heavenly mansion shall be mine, We'll be gathered home. 3 My father's house is built on high, We'll be gathered home, Above the arch'd and starry skies. We'll be gathered home. 249 Tby Servant StUl. €. M. IDST thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame, Arid bear the cross for me? And shall I fear to o^ti thy name, Or thy disciple be ? ^D 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should dread To suffer shame or loss; Oh let me in thy footsteps tread, And glory in thy cross. 3 Say to my soul, " Why dost thou fear The face of feeble clay ? Behold thy Savior ever near Will guard thee in the way." 4 Oh how my soul would rise and run At this reviving word. Nor any painful suff 'rings shmif To follow thee, my Lord. 196 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. \ 5 Let sinful men reproach, defame, And call mo what they will, — If I may glorify thy name, And be thy servant still. 250 I S^'vr One Hang^lngr on a Tree. €. 91. I SAW one hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, Who fixed his languid eyes on me, As near his cross I stood. 2 Sure, never to my latest breath Can I forget that look ; It seemed to charge me with his deaths Though not a word he spoke. 8 A second look he gave, which naid " I freely all forgive ; This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die, that thou mayst live." i Thus, while his death my sin displays In all its blackest hue ; Such is the mystery of grace, It seals my pardon too. 5 With pleasing grief and mournful joy My spirit now is filled ; That I should such a life destioy, Yet live by him I killed. DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 197 251 Watch and Pray. C.51. 1 T~\ARK was the night, and cold the 1 7 ground, On which the Lord was laid ; His sweat as drops of blood ran down. In agony he prayed. 2 " Father, remove this bitter cup, If such thy sacred will ; If not, content to drink it up. Thy pleasure I fulfill." 8 Go to the garden, sinner, see Those precious drops that flow ; The heavy load he bore for thee— - For thee he lies so low. $ 4 Then learn of him the cross to bear, Thy Father's will obey ; And when temptations press thee near. Awake to watch and pray. • 252 Mercy. €. M. 1 II yTERCY alone can meet my case, jJ/JL For mercy, Lord, I cry ; Jesus, Redeemer, show thy faqe In mercy, or I die. 2 Save me, for none beside can save ; At thy command I tread, With failing steps, life's stormy wave The wave goes o'er my head. 198 DBVOTIONAIi HTBiNS. 3 I perish, and my doom were just; But wilt thou leave me ? — No ! I hold thee fast, my hope, my trust ; I will not let thee go. 4 To thee, thee only will I cleave ; Thy word is all my plea ; That word is truth, and I believe — Have mercy, Lord, on me. 253 I Was a Traitor. li. n. 1 T" "WAS a traitor doomed to die, , 1 Bound to endure eternal pains When Jesus saw me from on high, Was moved by love, and broke my * chains. 2 Did melting pity stoop so low. The Lord of heaven pour out his blood, To save our rebel-race from woe. And be our Advocate with God ? 3 Infinite mercy ! boundless love ! Stand in amaze, ye rolling skies ! a The Son of God, his grace to prove, Hangs on a tree, and groans, and dies 1 254 I »o BeUeve. I "TTIATHER, I stretch my hands to thee ; tr No other help I know ; If thou withdraw thyself from mo, Ah, whither shall I go f » DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 199 CHORUS. I do believe, I now believe That Jesus died for me : And tlirough his blood, his precious blood, I shall from sin be free, 2 What did thine only only Son endure Before I drew my breath ! What pain, what labor to secure My soul from endless death I 3 Author of faith, to thee I lift My weary, longing eyes ; may I now receive that gift ; My soul, without it, dies. 255 J esas, tbe Slnner*s Friend. €. M, I>. 1 TESUS, thou art the sinner's Friend ^ As Buch I look to thee ; Now in the fullness of thy love Lord, remember me : Remember thy pure wora of grace, Remember Calvary, Remember all thy dying groans ; And then remember me. 2 Thou wondrous Advocate with God, 1 yield myself to thee ; While thou art sitting on thy throne, Dear Lord, remi^nber me ; 300 DEVOTIONAL HYMNB. Lord, I am guilty, I am vile, But thy salvation's free ; Then, in thine all-abounding grace, Dear Lord, remember me. 8 Howe'er forsaken or distressed, Howe'er oppressed I be, Howe'er afflicted here on earth, Do thou remember me ; -And when I close my eyes in death, When creature-helps all flee. Then, O my dear Redeemer, God, I pray remember me. 256 Borne at LASt. S. 91. 1 TjlAR from my heavenly home, F Far from my Father's breast. Fainting, I cry, ** Blest Spirit, come And speed me to thy rest ! " CHORUS, There'll be no sorrow there : In heaven above, where all is love — There'll be no sorrow there. 2 Upon the willows long My harp has silent hung ; How should I sing a cheerful song, Till thou inspire my tongue ? 3 My spirit homeward turns. And fain would thither flee : My heart, Zion, droops and yearns, When I remember thee. DBVOTIONAIi HYMNS. SOI 4 To thee, to thee I press — A dark and toilsome road ; When shall I pass the wilderness, And reach the saints' abode ? 6 God of my life, be near ; On thee my hopes I cast : O guide me through the desert here, And bring me home at last I 257 Tbe Hldlngr-Place. C.H. Vlnstrel of Zlon, pa^e li. 1 QINNEllS, the city where you dwell 1^ Is doomed to fearful woe ; Those dark, impending clouds foretell The quick descending blow. cnoiiu8> Sinners, the hiding place is nigh ; The Savior calls — away ! He is the only refuge — fly i There's danger in delay. 2 Fly to the mountain, quickly fly, Nor will your flight be vain ; 'Tis God's own house, and heaven is nigh , Stay not in all the plain. 3 ^¥hJ do you tarry, trembling souls, Haste ere the lightnings blaze : Fly ere the rumbling thunder rolls, Fly to the hiding-place. 202 DEVOTIONAL HYJOre. 258 Tbe Prodigral. CM. Ulnitrel of Zion, page 41. 1 "VTE erring souls that wildly roam X From heaven and bliss astray, Your father's voice invites you home, He makes a feast to-day. CHOKUS. Oh 1 I'll not die here with want severe. And starve in foreign lands ; In my father's house are rich supplies, And bounteous are his hands. 2 And thou art bidden, weary one, "With wants and woes opprest ; And every far-off wandering son, May be a welcome guest. 3 The father stands and waits to greet His late returning son ; Go, haste thee, child, he runs to meet, And kiss thee as his own. 259 Endless Best. €.SI. 1 TTARK ! from the cross a gracious voice, Xl Salutes my ravish'd ears, " Rejoice, thou ransomed soul, rejoice, And dry those falling tears. 2 "Sinner," he cries, "behold the head This thorny wreath entwines ; Look on these wounded hands, and read Thy name in crimson lin^s. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 208 & « These wounds I bear, these pains I feel, This anguish rends my breast. That I may save thy soul from hell, And give thee endless rest." 260 Won by Kindness. 8s A 7s. Uinstrel of Zlon, page 60. J ^' "]% /TEROY, O thou son of David ! " JxL Thus the blind Bartimeus prayed ; " Others by thy word are saved, Now to me afford thine aid." 3 Many for his crying chid him, But he called the louder still ; Till the gracious Savior bid him, " Come and ask me what you will." 3 " Lord, remove this grievous blindness, Let mine eyes behold the day ! " Straight he saw, and, won by kindness, Followed Jesus in the way. 261 A ISavlor. CM. Minstjnsl of Zlon, page 86. 1 /~\UR souls by love together knit, \_/ Cemented, mixed in one, One hope, one heart, one mind, one voice, 'Tis heaven on earth begun ; Our hearts have burned, while Jesus spoke, And glowed with sacred fire ; He stooped and talked, and fed and blessed, And filled th' enlarged desire. 204 DEVOTIONAL BTilDSB, CHORUS. A Savior ! let creation sing ; A Savior ! let all heaven ring : He's God with us, we feel him ours, His fullness in our souls he pours ; 'Tis almost done— 'tis almost o'er, We're joining those who've gone before, We then shall meet to part no more. 262 ^'™ Happy. lOnitrel of Zlon, page U. 1 IT 'M happy, I'm happy I Oh wondrous X account ! My j oys are immortal, I stand on the mount ! I gaze on my treasure, and long to be there. With Jesus, my Savior, the kingdom to share. 2 Oh, who is like Jesus I he's Salem's bright King ; Hq smiles, and he loves me, he taught me to sing ; I'll praise him, I'll praise him, and bow to his will, While rivers of pleasure my spirit do fill. 263 Tlie Dreadful Sentence. CM. 1 nnHAT awful day will surely come, X Th' appointed hojiir makes haste. When I must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. DEVOTIONAL HYMN8. 206 CHORUS. The judgment day is rolling on, The judgment day is rolling on, The judgment day is rolling on. Prepare to meet thy God. 2 Jesus, thou source of all my joys, Thou ruler of my heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice Pronounce the word, — Depart I 8 What, to be banish'd from my Lordi, And yet forbid to die ; To linger in eternal pain, And death forever fly !— 4 O wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove, And fix my doleful station where I must not taste his love. 264 He lilTes. Ii.M 1 X KNOW that my Redeemer lives— X What joy the blest assurance gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead ; He lives, my everlasting Head I 2 He lives, to bless me with his love ; He lives to plead for me above ; He lives, my hungry soul to feed ; He lives, to help in time of need. 206 DEVOTIONAIi HYBCN8. 3 He lives, and grants me daily breath ; He lives, and I shall conquer death ; He lives, my mansion to prepare; He lives, to bring me safely there. J365 Astiamed of Jesus. I«. TL. 1 TESUS, and shall it ever be, ^ A mortal man ashamed of thee ! Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise,- Whose glories shine through endless daj ! S Ashamed of Jesus! — that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend f No ! — when I blush, be this my shame- That I no more revere his name. 3 Ashamed of Jesus ! — yes, I may, Wlien I've no guilt to wash away; No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 4- Till then — nor is my boasting vain — Till then, I boast a Savior slain ; And O, may this my glory be — That Christ is not ashamed of me. 266 World of l.ig:lit. 1 mHERE is a beautiful world I Where saints and angels sing, A world where peace and pleasure reigns And heavenly praises ring. DEVOTIONAL HYMNB. 207 CHORUS. We'll be there, we'll be tbere ; Palms of vict'ry, crowns of glory, We shall wear In that beautiful world on high. 2 There is a beautiful world, Unseen to mortal sight ; And darkness never enters there, That home is fair and bright. 8 There is a beautiful world Of harmony and love; O may we safely enter there, And dwell with God above. 267 WbolsHe? Obapel 0«m», page 1&. 1 TTTHO is he in yonder stall, VV At whose feet the shepherds fall? CHORUS. 'Tis: the Lord, 0, wondrous story, 'Tis the Lord, the King of Glory, At his feet we humbly fall, Crown him, crown him, Lord of alL 2 Who is he in yonder cot, Bending to his toilsome lot ? 8 Who is he who stands and weeps At the grave where liaz'rus sleeps ? 208 DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. 4 Who is he in deep distress, Fasting in the wilderness? 5 Lo ! at midnight who is he, Prays in dark Gethsemane? 6 Who is he in Calv'ry's throes, Asks for blessings on his foes ? 7 Who is he that from the grave, Comes to heal, and help, and save? 8 Who is he that on yon throne, Rules the world of light alone ? 268 I Feel libe Singrln? all tbe Time. Priisei of Jesas, page 28. 1 T" FEEL like singing all the time, I My tears are wiped away, For Jesus is a Friend of mine ; I'll serve him every day. CHORUS. Singing glory, glory, Glory be to God on high. 2 When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nailed there by sins of mine. Fast fell the burning tears; but now I'm singing all the time. 3 When fierce temptations try my heart, I'll sing " Jesus is mine ; " And so, though tears at times may start, I'm singing all the time. DEVOTIONAL HTMTra. 209 ♦t69 I I^OTe to Siner ** Just Xow." Praisea of Jesai, page 19. Tun*—" Jssua lorM m«.'' 1 '' T3IIECIOUS Jesus, he is mine ! " Jl Since I heard his loving call I've been sihging all the time ; One sweet hymn is best of alL CHOKUS. Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so. 2 Yes, I love to sing " Just now," Jesus is in every line ; Since I saw his thorn-clad brow, I've been happy all the time. 3 Oh ! that all my little friends Would to Jesus come "just now ! " He would wash away their sins, Lighting up with joy each brow. CHORUS. Yes, come to Jesus, Oh ! come to him "just now I 270 Child's Prayer. Praises of JeBai, page 41. Tnne— " Jetna Iotm m«." 1 XESUS, Savior, pity me, ^ Hear me when I cry to thee, I've a very wicked heart, Full of sin in every part. 810 DBVOnONAL HTMN8. CHORUS. Dear Jesus, hear me, Dear Jesus, hear me, Dear Jesus, hear me, Oh, listen to my prayer. 2 I can never make it good, Wilt thou wash me in thy blood ? Jesus, Savior, pity me, Hear me when I pray to thee. 8 When I try to do thy will, Sin is in my bosom still, And I soon do something bad ; Then my heart is dark and sad. 4 Now I come to thee for aid, All my hope on thee is stayed, Thou hast bled and died for me, I will give myself to thee. 2*71 Best wltli Jesus. Pralsu of Jeaoa, page 46. Tane—" Reit for the Wwurf, 1 rpHIS is not my place of resting, I Mine's a city yet to come ; Onward to it I am hasting, On to my eternal home. CHORUS. In the city of the holy — In the land of the blessed, '^Vhere my Savior reigns in glory, There my home shall be. DEVOnONAIi HTMNB. 211 There my home shall be ever, There my home shall be ever, There my home shall be ever, There my home shall be. 2 In it all is light and glory. O'er it shines a nightless day ; Every trace of sin's sad story, All the curse has pass'd away. 272 Response to " Jesns Paid it All." Praiaes of JeBn§, page 48, 1 X 'VE cast my deadly doing down, i Down at Jesus' feet ; I stand in him, in him alone, Glorious and complete. CHORUS. Jesus paid it all. All to him I owe. And something either great or sraal I From love to him I'll do. By a simple faith. Doing was a deadly thing, It would have been my death. 8 'Twas my sins that nailed him there, Mine that shed his blood, Mine that pierced the bleeding side Of the Son of God. 212 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 4 Now my life shall all be given To my risen Lord, Doing all the way to heaven, Something in his word. 273 I liove to Read the Bible. Praises of Jeans, page 49. Tune— " Jesns Paid It A.1 1 nVTOW the book I love to read ±S That speaks of Jesus' lovi There I find that he indeed For me had shed his blood. CHORUS. The Bible tells to me AH I need to know, Of Jesns' sufferings on the tree For me so long ago. 2 " Full of Jesus," every page, Blessed, blessed book, Joy it brings to youth and age. Who for its treasures look. 8 In this blessed, precious mine Is the pearl of greatest worth ; Seek for it, and you will find The richest prize on earth. 274 KLngr of Glory. Prayer Meeting Tone Book, page 78. 1 TXARK, ten thousand harps and voices JlJL Sound the note of praise above ; DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 218 Jcsu* w\^iis, and heaven rejoices: Je^ufrt /ci^ns the God of Love. See L*> rntti on yonder throne ! Jesus /u]es the world alone ; Hallelujah, Amen ! 2 King of glory, reign forever, Thine an everlasting crown; Nothing from thy love shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own ; Happy objects of thy grace, Chosen to behold thy face. 3 Savior, hasten thine appearing. Bring, O, bring the glorious day, When the awful summons hearing. Heaven and earth shall pass away ! Then with golden harps we'll sing, Glory, glory to our King. 275 Strengrtb Equal to tbe Day. Prayer Meeting Tone Book, page SS. 1 TTTAIT, my soul, upon the Lord, VV To his gracious promise flee, Laying hold upon this word, " As thy days, thy strength shall be." 2 Days of trial, days of grief^ In succession thou mayst see ; This is still my sweet relief, — "Aa thy days, thy strength shall be." 814 DKVOTIONAIi HTMN8. 3 Rock of ages, I'm secure, With thy promise, full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure ; "As thy days, thy strength shall be." 276 Oh, Tell Me Wo More. P. M. 1 /~\^ ! tell me no more \y Of this world's vain store; The time for such trifles with me now is o er. 2 A country I've found, Where true joys abound ; To dwell I'm determined on that happy ground. 8 The souls that believe, In paradise live ; And me in that number will Jesus receive. 277 Jesus, I Best in Tbee. C. M 1 TESUS, I rest in thee, J In thee myself I hide ; Laden with guilt and misery Where can I rest beside ? 'Tis on thy meek and lowly breast My weary soul alone I rest. 2 Thou Holy One of God, The Father rests in thee : And in the savor of that blood, Which speaks to him for me, The curse is gone — through thee Tra blest ; God rests in thee — in thee I rest DBYOTIONAIi HYMNS. 216 278 Pearl of Oreatest Price. €.91. 1 T" 'VE found the Pearl of greatest price ! X My heart doth sing for joy ; And sing I must, for Christ I have, A precious Christ have I . 2 Christ Jesus is the Lord of Lords, He is the King of kings ; He is the Sun of Righteousness, With healing in his wings. 8 Christ is my meat, Christ is my drink, My med'cine and my health ; My peace, my strength, my joy, my crown My glory, and my wealth. 279 > Sun of My Soal. I.. M. 1 C< UN of my soul, thou Savior dear, io It is not night if thou be near ; O may no earth-born cloud arise, To hide thee from thy servant's eyes, 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought, how sweet to rest Forever on my Savior's breast ! 3 Abide with me from mom till eve, For without thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without thee I dare not die. 215 DEVOTIONAL HTMNS. 280 I^ord, I am Tblne. I<. BI. DUpaaon, pag* 111. 1 T" OTID, I am thine, entirely thine, JLJ Purchased and saved by blood divine With full consent I thine would be, And own thy sovereign right in me. 2 My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Savior's image rise. 281 Kappy BTome. €,9^ DlkpMon, page 155. 1 TTTAPPY the home, when God is there, xl And love filb every breast ; • Where one their wish, and one their prayer, And one their heavenly rest. 2 Happy the home where prayer is heard, And praise is wont to rise ; Where parents love the sacred word, And live but for the skies. 3 Lord, let us in our homes agree, This blessed peace to gain ; Unite our hearts in love to thee, And love to all will reign. 282 sinner Come. 38 A 6s. Diapason, page S&l. INNER 1 come, 'Mid thy gloom, 1 QII DEVOTIONAL HYMNB. 217 All thy guilt confessing ; Trembling now, Contrite bow, Take the offered blessing. 2 Sinner! come, While there's room, While the feast is waiting, While the Lord, By his word, Kindly is inviting. 3 Sinner ! come, Eie thy doom Shall be sealed forever ; Now return, Grieve and mourn. Flee to Christ, the Savior. 283 Haste, Traveler, Haste I Ssdc4M. Diapason, page 254. ASTE, traveler, haste ! the night comes H on, And many a shining hour is gone ; The storm is gathering in the west, And thou art far from home and rest ; Haste, traveler, haste ! 2 The rising tempest sweeps the sky : The rains descend, the winds arc high The waters swell, and death and fear Beset thy path ; no refuge near ; Haste, traveler, haste I 218 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 3 Haste, while a shelter you may gain,— A covert from the wind and rain, — A hiding-place, a rest, a home, — A refuge from the wrath to come : Haste, traveler, haste ! i Then linger not in all the plain : Flee for thy life — the mountain gain ; Look not behind ; make no delay ; Oh, speed thee, speed thee on thy way ! Haste, traveler, haste ! 284 Oar Blest Redeemer. 89&4i» Diapason, page 354. 1 /^UR blest Redeemer, ere he breathed \J His last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter, bequeathed With us to dwell. 2 He came in tongues of living flame To teach, subdue ; All powerful as the wind he came, As viewless, too. 285 Tby Will be Done. 89 <& 4s. Dlapaion, pag« 358. 1 IV/FY God, my Father, while I stray JA-L Far from my home, on life's rough way. Oh, teach me from my heart to say, Thy will be done." DEVOTIONAL HTMire. 219 : What tho' in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved no longer nigh ; Submissive still would I reply, *' Thy will be done." 8 If thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize,— it ne'er was mine ; I only yield thee what was thine : " Thy will be done ! " 286 "Weed of Jesn:*.'* Diapason, page 291. 1 T NEED thee, precious Jesus, JL For I am full of sin, My soul is dark and guilty. My heart is dead within ; I need the cleansing fountain, Where I can always flee — The blood of Christ most precious The sinner's only plea, 1 need thee, I need thee, I need thee. 2 I need thee, precious Jesus, For I am very poor, A stranger and a pilgrim, I have no earthly store. I need the love of Jesus, To cheer me on my way ; To guide my doubting footsteps, To be my strength and stay, I need thee, I need thee, I need thee. 220 DEVOTIONAL HTHNS. 287 Parity of Heart. CM, 1 i^H ! for a heart to praise my God ; \J A heart from sin set free ; - A heart that's sprinkled with the blood So freelv shed for me. 2 Oh ! for a lowly contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean, Which neither life nor death can part From him who dwells within. 3 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ; Come quickly fr(9m above ; Write thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of Love. 288 Tbe Eternal Gates. €.91. 1 rriHE eternal gates lift up their heads, ■ The doors are open'd wide. The King of Glory is gone up Unto his Father's side. 2 Thou art gone in before us. Lord, Thou hast prepared a place, That we may be where now thou art And look upon thy face. 3 Lift up our hearts, lift up our minds, And let thy grace l)e given, That while we linger yet below Our treasure be in heaven. DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. 321 289 The Sinner's FrlencL Oolilen CeoMr, pag* T. I TTTHATEVER cross the world may VV bring Of poverty and shame, To Jesus' hand we still can cling— He always is the same. CHORUS. He who was the sinner's Friend, Will be with us to the end, Noting every smile and tear : Our blessed Savior's ever near. 2 In sorrow's hour his love can cheer, And bid our fears depart ; He makes our happiness more dear, And fills with peace our heart. 290 '■'be Happy Home. 1 T" AM bound for the land of the living, I O hinder me not on my way ; The sunlight is bright'ning before me That heralds eternity's day. The tlowers that bloom in my pathway Breathe odors that waft me right on; They lure me no longer to tarry, But welcome earth's time to be gone. 229 DKVOnONAIi htmns. CHORUS. There's a happy home, , Beyond this world of care ; A home above, where all is love. And the good shall all meet there ; A home above, where all is love, And the good shall all meet there, Shall all meet there, shall all meet there. 2 I am waiting the summons that bids me No longer a pilgrim to roam, But, leaving the past m this death-land, Intake the land of the living my home. The messenger-angel stands waiting, The signal to whisper to me, That the place is prepared for my dwelling, And the master is calling for me. 291 O, do not bft ©isconraged. Orlola, page 37. 1 f\ '^^ not be discouraged, \J For Jesus is your friend, O, do not be discouraged. For Jesus is your friend ; He will give you grace to conquer, He will give you grace to conquer, And keep you to the end. cnoKUS. I am glad I'm in this army, Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army, DEVOtlONAL HYMNB. 228 Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army, Ajid I'll battle for the school. 2 Fight on, ye little soldiers, The battle you shall win, Fight on ye little soldiers, The battle you shall win ; For the Savior is your Captain, For the Savior is your Captain, And he hath vanquished sin. 8 And when the conflict's over, Before him you shall stand, And when the conflict's over. Before him you shall stand ; You shall sing his praise forever, You shall sing his praise forever, In Canaan's happy land. « 292 We are Pilgrrims. Golden Shower, page 109. I "\T7"-'^ ^^^ pilgrims on the earth, VV Journeying onward from our birth. Every hour and every breath, Brings us nearer still to death. CHORUS. Yes, we are pilgrims, Yes, we are pilgrims, Yes, we are pilgrims on our journey home. 224 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 2 Let not trifles by the way, Tempt our hearts or steps to stray From that narrow path and straight, Leading to the golden gate. 3 No, our faith hath one in view WTio was once a pilgrim too ; From his track we will not roam, For to Christ we're going home. 293 ^y Fatberland. Plyittonth 8, S. Ool., pace 1S9. 1 rriHERE is a place where all my hopes JL are stayed, Mj heart and my treasures are there, "Where verdure and bloss'ms will never- more fade, And' fields are eternally fair. CHORUS. That blissful place is my dear fatherland ; By faith its delights I cx^jlore ; But sweeter, dearer, dearer is the hand, That leads me in posoe to .He shore. 2 There is a place where loving friends are gone, "Wlio sufTered and worshiped with. me. Exalted with Christ on his pure white thrine, The King in his beauty they see. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 225 3 There is a place where I hope to live, When life and its labors are o'er, A place which the Savior to me will give, And then I shall sorrow no more. "^ 294 I Ong:bt to liOve tny SaTlor. Ool(l«B Shower, pas« 16. ^I OUGHT to love my Savior ! No eartlily friend can be One half so kind and faithful, As he has been to me. Before my lips could utter His sweet and precious name, Until the present moment, His love has been the same. CHORUS, I ought to love my Savior, My precious, precious Savior, I ought to love my Savior, He loves me well, I know. 2 He left his home in glory, To save my soul from death; And now in all life's dangers, He still sustains my breath. I lay me down and slumber All thro' the hours of night ; And wake again in safety To hall the morning light. 9 226 DETOTIONAL HTMNB. 295 Golden Chain. Oold«Q ChalD, page 8. 1 TTOTV sweet and lieavenly is the sigliV, XI ^NHicn tliosc Unit love the Lord, In one another's peace delight, And so fulfill his word. cnoRus. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Praise yc the Lord, hallehijah, Ilalleliijah, praise yc the Lord. 2 O may we feel each brother's sigh. And with him bear a part; May sorrow ily from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart. 3 Let love in one delightful stream, Through every bosom flow ; Let union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action glow. 4 Love is the golden chain that bindi The happy souls above; And he's an heir of licaven who findi His bosom glow with love. 296 Try to r.ivo like Jcsos. G«ld«n C«nMr, pag« ST. 1 T" ET US all from day to day, 1 1 Try to live like Jesua; iJITOTKmAIi HTMRB. 227 Hand in hand weHl go In our path below. CHORUS. Ilis presence then will be our guide, And cv'ry hour will sweetly glide, And we shall all rejoice, rejoice, And we shall all rejoice. 2 Let us one and all engage, That like friends and brothers We in peace will live And our foes forgive. 2-97 Rlgrlit Away. i r«ah Laarclj, p&ge 53. 1 T WILL come to Jesus right awav riirht X away, . J' ^ 'Tis his spirit calls me, I obey; Jesus will receive me, ^ He will never leave me. I will come to Jesus right away, right away I will come to Jc|is right away. 2 I will pray to Jeeus right away, right a wa .-, I will seek his blessing every day, While my heart is pleading, He is interceding, I will pray to Jesus right away. 3 I will live for Jesus right awav, right away 'Tis my Savior calls me, I obey ; Now in childhood's morning, _ Is the gentle warning, I will live for Jesus right away. 228 DETOnONAL HTMNS. I 4 I will work for Jesus right away, right away, Labor in his vineyard every day ; With my heart pursuing What my hands are doing, I will work for Jesus every day. 298 Sweet By. and-By. Webster'! New Book. 1 rriHERE is a land that is fairer than (f'^.j I And by faith we may see it afar ; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling place there. In the sweet by-and-by. We shall meet on that beautiful shore, In the sweet by-and-by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. 2 We shall sing on that beautiful shore ' The melodious songs of the blest, Ajid our spirits will sorrow no more : Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. In the sweet by-and-by. We shall sing on that beautiful shore ; 3 To our bountiful Father above, We will offer the tribute of praise. For the glorious gift of his love, And the blessings that hallow our days In the sweet by-and-by, We shall praise on that beautiful shore. DEVOTIONAL HYMTSTS. 229 299 liOoklng to Jetsns. P&lmer'i N«w Book. 1 "VTIELD not to temptation, 1 For weakness is sin, Each victory will lielp us Some other to win ; Fight manfully onward, Dark passions subdue, Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. CHORUS. Ask the Savior to help you. Comfort, strengthen and keep yoa : He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. 2 Shun evil companions, Bad language disdain, God's name hold in reverence, Nor take it in vain ; Be thoughtful and earnest, Kind hearted and true. Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. 8 To him that o'ercometh, God giveth a crown. Thro' faith we shall conquer, Tho* often cast down ; He who is the Savior, Our strength will renew, Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. 230 DEVOnONAIi HYMNB. 300 Tlie Pilgrim's Song. Bann«r, page 4). 1 ^"\TE have no home but heaven, VV A pilgrim's garb we wear, Our path is marked by changes, And strewed with many a care ; Surrounded by temptation, By varied ills oppress'd. Each day's experience warns us That this is not our rest. CHORUS. We have no home but heaven, We want no home beside ; O God ! our Friend and Father ! Our footsteps thither guide. 2 We have no home but heaven, Then wherefore seek one here f Why murmur at privations, Or grieve when trouble's near t It is but for a season, That we as strangers roam. And strangers must not look for The comforts of a home. 301 JTcsos, to Tby Bear Arms I Flee. Banaer, page M. 1 TESUS, to thy dear arms I flee, t) I have no other help but thee, For thou dost suffer me to come ; O take a little wanderer home, O t&ke a litUe wanderer home. DEVOTIONAL HYICHB. 281 3 Jesus, I catinot sec thee here, Yet still I know thouVt very near; say my sins are all forgiven, And I shall dwell with thee in heaven. 8 And now, dear Jesus, I am thine, O be thou ever, ever mine ; And let me never, never roam, From thee, the little wand'rer's home. 302 Oh, Sliall I Wear a Starless Crown ? Oolden Promi*«, pag« 20, 1 /^n, shall I wear a starless crown \J In yonder world of glory? Or will some little friend be found To whom I've told the story. The wondrous story of the cross, The sufferings of the Savior, Who died that he from worldly dross, Might win us to his favor. cnonus. Oh happy day ! Oh happy place I We soon shall meet tf)gcthcr, Where Jesus stands with smiling face, To crown us his forever, 303 Jesus, Bear, I Come to Tliee. I>e«b Laareli, page 81. 1 TESUS, dear, I come to thee, t) Thou hast said I may ; Tell me what my life should be^ Take my sins away. 282 DEVOTIONAL HTMNB. Jesus, dear, I leam of thee, In thy word divine, Every promise there I see, May I call it mine. CHORUS. Jesus, hear my humble song, I am weak, but thou art strong, Gently le^d my soul along. Help me come to thee. 2 Jesus, dear, 1 long for thee. Long thy peace to know, Grant those purer joys to me. Earth can ne'er bestow ; Jesus, dear, I ding to thee; When my heart is sa-d, Thou wilt kindly speak to me, Thou wilt make me glad. 304- Beaatlfnl Mansions. Fr«ab Laortli, page 9. 1 T>EAUTIFUL mansions, home of the J3 blest, Land where the faithful ever shall rest ; There is my treasure, there shall I be, Lord, I am weary, lead me to thee. CHORUS. Savior be near me, Tliy gciille voice can cheer me, O Jesus my Savior, Lead me to thoe. DEVOTIONAIi HTMNS. 283 3 Here in a desert cheerless I roam, Laden with sorrow, far from my home ; Clouds on my pathway darkly I see, Lord I am weary, lead me to thee. 8 Thou wilt not leave me comfortless here, Why should I doubt thee, what do I fear ; Light in the distance, breaking I see, Yet I am weary, lead me to thee. 305 Jewels. Fr«ih liAurels, page tt. 1 TTTHEN he cometh, when he cometh, VV To make up his jewels, All his jewels, precious jewels, His loved and his own. CHORUS. Like the stars of 'the morning, His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for his crown. 2 He will gather, he will gather. The gems for his kingdom ; All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His lov'd and his own. 8 Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His lov'd and his own ! 284 DEVOTIONAL Enora. 306 Jast Beyond. Uoilokl LearM, psga IT, 1 TTEAR you ever angels singing, Xl As around tbc throne they shine t Yes, I often hear them chanting, Chanting hymns of love divine. CHORUS. Heaven's plains are just before ua, Just beyond the shores of time; Soon we'll join the mighty chorus, In that brighter, better clime. 2 Hear you ever in your slumbers, Songs from those who've gone before! ! how often do I hear them, Singing on the other shore. I 307 I» there One for me? » Golden C«nser, page 95. 1 1%/rANSIONS arc prepared above, jj/jl By the gracious God of love; Many will those mansions see ; Is there one prepared for me f cnoRus. Is there one for mo ? Is there one for me ? Many will those mansions Is there one prepared for me f DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 286 2 Crowns tliat dazzle human eye, Wait for those that reach the sky ; Many will thosQ bright croAvns be— Is there one prepared for me ? 8 Robes of spotless white, are given By the glorious King of Ilcaven; All can have them, they are free ; Is there one prepared for me ? 308 Jesns Died for me. Ooldcn Promise, page 139. 1 T" LOVE to sing of that great Power, X That made the earth and sea, But better still I love the song Of "Jesus died for me." cnoKUS. He died for you and me, From sin and death to free; I love to sing the glorious song Of " Jesuk died for me." 2 I love to sing of God, of heaven, And all its purity, God is my Father, heaven my home, For " Jesus died for me." 8 And when I reach that happy place, From all temptation free, ril tune my ever rapturous note, With " Jesus died for me." 236 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 3*0-9 Resarrectlon of €lirlst. S»ored Lyre, page 60. 1 A NGELS roll the rock away; ,l\. Death yield up thy mighty prey ; Bee ! he rises from the tomb — Kises with immortal bloom. 2 'Tis the Savior ; seraphs raise Yom* triumphant shouts of praise ; Let the earth's remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound. 3 Lift, ye saints, lift up your eyes ; Now to glory see him rise ; Hosts of angels on the road Hail and sing th' incarnate Grod. 4 Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs, Praise him, with your golden lyres ; Praise him in your noblest songs ;' Praise him from ten thousand tongues, 310 Resurrection of Cbrist. SaoredLyre, page SO. 1 Il/TOIINING breaks upon the tomb! jj/A. Jesus dissipates its gloom ! Day of triumph through the skies, See the glorious Savior rise. 2 Christians, dry your flowing tears, Chase those unbelieving fears; Look on his deserted grave; Doubt no more his power to save. DEVOTIONAIi HYMNS. 287 8 Ye who are of death afraid, Triumph in the scattered shade; Drive your anxious fears away ; See the place where Jesus lay. i So the rising sun appears, Shedding radiance o'er the spheres So returning beams of light Chase the terrors of the night. 311 T^orslilp tbe new-born Savior. Sacred Ljre, page 61. # 1 A NGELS, from the realms of glory, XjL Wing your flight o'er all the earth, Ye who sang creation's story, JN'ow proclaim Messiah's birth ; Come and worship, — Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds, in the field al)iding. Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing ; Yonder shines the infant light ; Come and worship, — Worship Christ, the new-born King. 312 Increase of Zion Prayed for. Sacred Lyro, page 62. 1 nr> EVIV E thy churches. Lord, with grace ; X\ Forgive our sins, and grant us peace ; Rouse us from sloth, our hearts inflame ; Kindle our zeal for Jesus' name. 288 DKVOnONAIi htmnb, 2 May young and old tliy word receive ; Dead sinners bear thy voice and live; Tlie wounded conscience healing lind, And joy refresh each drooping mind. f 313 The Way to Peace. 11» Sacred L^re, page 68. ACQUAINT thyself quickly, O sinner with God, And joy like the sunshine sliall beam oi thy road, And peace like the dew-drop sliall fall oi thy head, And sleep like an angel shall visit thy bed 2 Acquaint thyself quickly, O sinner, witb God, And he shall be with thee when fears art abroad ; Thy safeguard in dangers that threaten thy path, Thy joy in the valley and ahadow oI death. 314 Weep for the l/dst. C ar. 1 "TTTEEP for the lost ! Thy Savior wept V V O'er Salem's hapless doom ; He wept, to think theii day was p^st, And come their night of gloom. 2 Weep for the lost ! The proohiets wept O'er Israel's gloomy fact, DEVOTIONAL IITMHB. 239 When Vengeance had unsheathcc^ lier sword ; Repentance came too late. 8 Weep for the lost ! Apostles wept, That men slioiild error choose ; That dying men should Christ reject, And endless life refuse. 4 Weep for the lost ! The lost will weep, In that long night of woe, On wliicli no star of hope will rise, And tears in vain will flow. 5 Weep for the lost ! Lord, make us weep, Aud toil, with ceaseless care, To save our friends, ere yet they pass That point of deep despair. 315 Divine Flcacllngns. Saorcd Ljt; pag« 79. 1 XT ARK ! sinner, hark ! God speaks to XX thee : How shall I let thee go ? How shall I thy destruction see, And all thine anguish know ? 2 Sinner, how shall I give thee upT I've loved thee as a cliild ; Yet of thy sins, thou fiU'st the cup, As if with passion wild. 2i0 DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 3 Sinner, how shall I let thee go? My heart doth yeam for thee, Yet thou dost love transgression so, Thou wilt not turn to me. 4 O sinner, stop ! pause in thy path, — Pause, ere it be too late ; And now, while I hold back my wrath, Escape thy threat'ning fate. 316 Wo'U stem tbe Storm. Weslejan Harp. 1 A RISE, my soul, to Pisgah's height, XJL And view the promised land, And see by faith the glorious sight, Our heritage at hand. CHORUS. We'll stem the storm, it wont be long, The heavenly port is nigh ; We'll stem the storm, it wont be long, We'll anchor by-and-by. 2 There endless springs of pleasure flow At my Redeemer's side. For all who live by faith below, And in their Lord coniide. 8 Fair Salem's dazzling gates are seen, Just o'er the narrow flood. And fields adorned in living ereen, The residence of God, DEVOTIONAL HTMN8. 241 4 My lamp of life will soon grow pale, Tlie spark will soon decay ; And then ray happy soul will sail To everlasting day. 317 Social Prayer. BAored Lyre, pa^« 311. 1 TjlROM bus^ toil and heavy care JD We turn the weary mind ; And in the plaoe of social prayer Our sanctuary find. cnonus. The welcome hour, the peaceful hour, It is the hour of prayer ; Our souls receive renewing power, For Jesus meets us there. 2 The voice that stilled the stormy waves On distant Galilee, Speaks once again, and at the sound, Retires anotlier sea. 8 These heaven-bright hours too soon are past; Grant, Lord, this greater boon ; A place where worship never ends, Nor night succeeds to noon. CHORUS FOR NOON-MEETHSrO. The mid-day hour, the noontide hour It is the hour of prayer; Our soulfl receive renewing power, For Jesus meets ua there. 242 DEVOTIONAL HYMNa 318 Tbe Old, Old Story* The surer Spra^. 1 fTTELL me the old, old story, I Of unseen things aboTe, Of Jesus and his glory, Of Jesus and his love. Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. CHOBUS. Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old- story, Tell me the old, old "story, Of Jesus and his love. 2 Tell me the story slowly, That I may take it in — That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin. Tell me the story often, For I forget so soon 1 The " early dew " of morning, Has passed away at noon. 8 Tell me the story softly, "With earnest tones and graye; Remeriiber I I'm the sinner Whom Jesua came to save. DEVOTIONAL HTMKB. 848 Tell me that story always, If you would really be, In any tirao of trouble, A comforter to me. 4 Tell me the same old story, Wlien you have cause to fear, That this world's empty glory, Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, old story, " Christ Jesus makes thee whole." S 1 9 We sball Sleep but not Forever. Mniioal Lmtm, pac« 64. "XTTE shall sleep, but not forever ; W There will be a glorious dawn ; We shall meet to part, no, never ! On the resurrection morn ! From the deepest caves of ocean. From the desert and the plain, From the valley and the mountain, Countless throngs shall rise again. CHORUS. We shall sleep, but not forever ; There will be a glorious dawn; We shall meet to part, no, never ! On the resurrection morn ! 244 DEVOTIONAL HTM3W. 320 Ttoe Power of Praytr Ch»p«2 G«mf , pa(« M. 1 TTTHEN my soul was distress'd and my YV spirit was bow'd, And the dark waves of trouble ran wild , Then I pray'd to the Lord and he parted the cloud, And he look'd down upon me and smird CHOKUS, Oh, the sunshine drove darkness away, And freed my glad heart from its pall , And I wish'd, oh I wish'd that the whole world would pray For the smile of the Lord on us all. 2 When my friends had all left me alone tc my lot, Then I went to my Savior and Friend ; And he soothingly spoke to my spirit, " Fear not ; I am with thee e'en unto the end." 8 When billows of sorrow did over me roll, Then I pray'd for his help from above ; And he look'd down upon me and fill'd uj, my soul With emotions of raptnrouB love. DEVOTIOKAL STlOni, 246 321 Jenns bj the S«a. Ckftp«l GtiBJ. p^e M. 1 f\ I LOVE to think of JesuB as lie sat \J beside the sea ; Where the waves were only mnnn'ring on the Etrand ; When he sat within the boat, on the silver wave afloat. While he ta-jght the waiting people on the land. cnoRus, O I k)Te to think of Jesus by the sea ; O I love to think of Jesus by the sea ; And I love the precious Word, Which he spake to them that heard, While he taught the waiting people by the sea. 2 1 love to think of Jesus as he walk'd upon the sea ; When the waves were rolling fearfully and grand ; How the winds and waves were still at the bidding of his will, While he brought his lov'd disciples safe to land. CHORUS. O I love to think of Jesus by the sea ; O I love to think of Jesus by the sea ; How he walk'd uiK)n the wave, His beloved ones to save, While he brought them safely o'erthe stormy sea. 244 DBYOnOITAL imofi. 8 O I love to think of Jesus as ho walk'd beside the sea ; Where the fishers spread their nets upon the shore ; How he bade them follow him and forsake the paths of sin, And to be his true disciples evermore. CHORUS. O I love to think of Jesus by the sea ; O I love to think of Jesus by the sea ; And I long to leave my all, At the dear Kedeemer's call, And his true disciple evermore to be. 322 Tbe Penltei. New eolddn Chain, ;«(• 118. T»a»— "Xrom. •ren* of B»4.» 1 T>ROSTRATE, dear JesUi* tt thy feet JL a guilty rebel lies ; And upward to the mercy-seat Presumes to lift his eyes. CHORUS. Crying save me, save me, Save me ! blessed Savior ! Crying save me, save me f O thou Lamb of God. 2 If tears of sorrow would suffice To pay the debt I owe, 'Tears should from both my weeping eyes In ceaseless torrents iiow. DEVOTIONAL HYMNS. 247 8 But no such sacrifice I plead To expiate my guilt; No tears — l)ut those which thou hast shed — No blood, but thou hast spilt. 4 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord ! And all ray sins forgive ! Justice will well approve the word That bids the siuner live. 323 Hosannas in tbe Temple. Netr Golden Chain, pa^ 119. Tune — "Arovnd the Throne of Ood." 1 When Jesus to the temple came, The voice of praise was he^ird. The little children owned his claim, And in his train appeared. Singing glory, glory, glory, hallelujah I 2 Hosannas made the temple ring, For many tongues agreed ; Hoeanna to the heavenly King, , To David's plromiBed seed. , 324 I'lio BeantlTnl Blver. Sabbath Sohool 0«m, page M. 1 /^ HAVE you not heard of the beautiful \J stream, That flows thro' our Father's land ? Its waters gleam bright through the heav- enly light, And ripple o'er golden sand. 84S DBTOnOKAL HTMSS. CHORUS. Oh, seek that beautiful stream, Seek now that beautiful stream; Its waters so free are flowing for thee— Oh, seek that beautiful stream. 2 Its fountains are deep and its waters are pure. And sweet to the weary soul ; It flows from the throne of Jehovah alone ! Oh, come where its bright wavee rolL 8 This beautiful stream is the River of Life I It flows for all nations, free ! A. balm for each wound in its water it found ; Oh, sinner, it flows for thee ! ♦ Oh, will you not drink of this beautiftil stream, 4nd dwell on this peaceful shore ? The Spirit says come, all ye weary onea home, Acd wander in sin no more. 325 Portngnese Symn. 11a. Happ7 TolcM, \>Ag« 18. 1 "TTO^ firm a foundation, ye saints of the Xl Lord, Is laid for vour f^ith in his excellent word : What more can he say than to you he hath said, Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled. Who unto the Savior for refuge nave fled. DOXOLOOIB8. 849 2 Fear not, I am with thee ; Oh be not dis- mayed, For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid : I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteousness, omnipotent hand. 8 When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow ; For I will be with thee thy trials to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. DOXOLOGIES. X() LAKGEK JANTITIES SAME RATE. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPIES. Aiso, a\ ,.:fl[P (Inantity of DrSLiX IRACTS const' j'y on a. ADDRESS "Ypung Men's Christian Association, CHIC^ G-O."