^^^NR. Of PRI/V^ JUN 8 3^06101. ffM^ BR 817 .H8 B32 1854a History of the Protestant church in Hungary, from the HISTORY PROTESTANT CHURCH IN HUNGARY, FROM THE BEGINNING OP THE REFORMATION TO 1850; WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TRANS YLVAOTA. TRANSLATED BY THE REV. J. CRAIG, D.D., HAMBURG. ^ WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY J. H. MERLE D'AUBIGNE, D.D., PRESIDENT OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF GENEVA, AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETH EVANGELIQUE^ AUTHOR OF " THE HISTORY OF THE GREAT REFORMATION," ETC. "^ BOSTON: PHILLIPS, SAMPSON,- AND COMPANY. NEAV YORK: JAMES C. DERBY. 185 4. «s. CAMDrwIDQE: hteheottped uv metcalp and compant. INTHODUCTION During the course of a tour in Germany in the year 1846, a number of documents, both printed and in manuscript, relating to the history of religion in Hungary, were kindly submitted to my consideration. The Christian friends who had bestowed so much care and pains in forming this collection, at the same time earnestly requested me to make use of its con- tents, for the purpose of writing a History of the Ref- ormation in Hungary. They thought that such a narrative, while bringing to the notice of Evangelical Christendom in the West many instructive facts which had been hitherto unknown, would at the same time evince to the Protestants of Hungary that the great principles of the Christian faith had been endeared to their forefathers, and had formed the groundwork of their own Reformation in the sixteenth century. I recall to mind the place where this request was made to me, and the many interesting circumstances that attended it, together with the persons who were the bearers of it, whom I shall probably never see again. That epoch of my life is associated in my memory with ineffaceable feelings of respect and love. It IV INTRODUCTION. soon, however, became evident to me that these doc- uments did not so much appertain to the history of the Reformation in Hungary as to the general history of that country from the first introduction of Chris- tianity, and more particularly to the period after the Reformation. For this reason I considered it impos- sible to give up writing the history of evangelical re- ligion in the first half of the sixteenth century, which I could with difficulty accomplish, to enter upon an entirely new work. I was therefore compelled to de- cline the request which had been made to me ; but at the same time I mentioned the names of several writers, both in Germany and the French cantons, whom I thought quite capable of performing the hon- orable task that had been proposed to me. I Iieard no more of the work in question until lately (July, 1853), when I learnt that the book had been completed, and I was requested to edit it, or at least introduce it to the Christian public by writing a pref- ace. The friend who asked me to do this urged as a motive for my compliance, that it Avould be for the sake of the Gospel and of suffering Hungary. " The Lord," said ho, " will, I hope, show you plainly that the demand comes less from man than from God." Thongh I felt that there were other Protestant authors more capai)lo than myself of making this work known to the pnblic, still I did not feel justified in meeting this second re(piest with another refusal, and therefore re))lied in the affirmative. I wish, therefore, in accordance with this desire to reconunrnd the narrative to the notice of all friends of the IVotestant faith. No complete history of the Clunch of God iii Hungary has yet been published- INTRODUCTION. and the period intervening between the reign of Maria Theresa and the present time especially has been hardly sketched, save in a few detached fragments. The work that we now ofter to the public ought, therefore, to be considered worthy of attention, were it only for its novelty, but more particularly so on account of the labor that has been bestowed on its composition. The author is a man possessed of en- lightened piety, sound judgment, integrity, faithful- ness, and Christian vvdsdom, — qualities well calcu- lated to inspire perfect confidence. He has obtained his materials from the most authentic sources. Gov- ernment edicts, convent protocols, visitation reports, and official correspondence, have all been consulted with scrupulous attention, as is proved by the numer- ous quotations which he cites. He has thus sought to place the authenticity of his book on an indisputa- ble basis, and at the same time to render it impervious to the shafts of hostile criticism. It remains for the future to prove how far he has succeeded. While bearing honorable testimony to the care that has been expended in the production of this book, I do not mean to affirm that, as a historical composition, it is without faults. But I am writing an introduction, and not a critique. I think that in some parts the History might have been fuller and more detailed ; but the author sought to be brief, and this is a merit that certainly possesses its own advantages. However that may be, I cannot help thinking that this volume will be read with interest, for it fills up a chasm that has long existed in the history of Protestant Chris- tianity ; it unfolds a page in the annals of martyr- dom that has been hitherto unread; it opens up to yj INTRODUCTION. the Protestant Christian the view of a suffering and oppressed Church; and it makes known a nation, distant, it is true, but brought near to us by its laith, and which has ever become to those who have lived within it an object of warm and sincere affection. " Open thy mouth for the dumb, in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction," said the mother of King Lemuel to her son (Proverbs xxxi. 8). This book obeys that ancient precept. It tells of wicked persecutions, and pronounces in favor of the op- pressed party, while it brings to light the intrigues of their oppressors. The Christian, when he reads it, will surely be led to pay more attention to the cause of his suffering brethren in the East of Europe ; to intercede with Heaven in their behalf; to undertake their defence ; " to do justice to the afflicted and the needy " (ver. 9) : for " if one member suffer all the members suffer with it" (1 Cor. xii. 26). Now, although this book is well calculated to inter- est us, — the Christian people of Western Europe, — it also reads a useful lesson to those who suffer perse- cution in Hungary, as well as to those who inflict it. I wish to address a few words to both these parties, and it is to our oppressed brethren that I would first sj)('ak. It is ;il)solute]y necessary to Hie very existence of a truly Cliristian Church that it should possess two qiialilicatioiis : on(^ is aufJiorifi/ ; ihc. oihcr, freedom. Tlic (inlliorilfi of (lo(J^ wliich calls for obedience of man^ is \\\r principle of faith and life; and freedom is nrcessary to the action of the Church. Although these two priiui|»lrs may aj)|)car contradictory, they are nevertheless iiiliniately connected. True freedom INTRODUCTION. VII cannot exist without authority ; and authority, to be firm and salutary, must be blended with freedom. There is an authority which must exist in the Church ; and this I would especially recommend to the Hun- garian Protestants. I cannot give them a stronger proof of my regard than in so doing, for never was submission to this authority more needful. Some Roman controversialists seem to believe that Chris- tianity consists wholly in authority (the authority in the Church is their chief dogma) ; but, while this is unquestionably far from being true, it is not untrue to affirm that a divine authority (the authority of Scripture) forms the outward principle of Christian- ity, and without it, faith is but a vapor that passeth away. Did not Christ himself rest his own teaching upon the words, " It is written " ? There is a wide difference between the authority exercised by the Gospel, and that claimed by the Church of Rome. For Rome rests her power on the earthly authority of councils and priests, while we derive ours from the will of God himself, made known in the \witings which he has inspii-ed. One is, the rebellious tyr- anny of fallen man ; the other, the legitimate rule of Heaven itself. Let us reject the one, and hold fast by the other. It is probable that the Protestant Church of Hun- gary erred by departing from this divine authority, and therefore did not escape that blight of rational- ism which swept over the whole of Europe during the second half of the eighteenth century. This History informs us that there were a party of laymen who exhorted their pastors to rest satisfied with teach- ing the people their duty as citizens and Christians, Viii INTKODTTCTION. and to set aside the doctrines of what they denomi- nated a vulgar orthodoxy. There were some minis- ters — blind guides — who thus yielded to the spirit of the age, and thought themselves wise in their own folly. This was the inward canker of the Hungarian Church, — an evil more dangerous in its consequen- ces than the most cruel persecutions. The first thing needful, then, to restore the Hunga- rian Church, is to establish within it the perfect and undivided control of the will of God as revealed to us in Holy Scripture. This was the working principle of our glorious Reformation. " I have neither seen, nor heard, nor perceived any thing of it," said Luther, when speaking of the mysteries of God ; " but, be- cause God says it, I will believe it must be, and fol- low the word" (Watch x., pp. 13, 14). This precept, in reference to the supreme authority of lohat is lorit- ten^ is not only to be met with in all the books of Lu- ther ; it was also the guiding principle of his whole life. How does the Reformer write to the Pope ? "I am ready," says he, " to give up to all men, and in all things ; but as for the Word of truth, I neither can nor will let that go." When the Pope ordered the l)ooks of Luther to be burnt, — " Let them burn," says lie ; " I have only wished to bring m.en to the Bihle.^^ When olhcious mediators, in the solemn days at Worms, said to him, " Trust yourself to us, and we will settle this matter in a Christian way," he an- swered, "I can intrust to the ])ower of the emper- or l)oth my person and my life, Init the Wcrnl of Clod, — jH'vcrl" Thus s|K)ke, not Luther only, but /winirjius, Favel, Calvin, Tindai, Cranmer,and Knox. 'I'hc doctor:^ oftlio ({(Micvcsc school are perhaps even I^'T^vODUCTIo^^ l\ more explicit than the Lutheran teachers touching the paramount authority of Holy Scripture. This principle is a necessary concomitant of Chris- tian life. No Church or people can ex^st without obedience to this divine rule. I do not wish to enter now upon the field of political discussion ; neither is it my desire to depreciate the ancient constitution of nations, and the liberties which children have inher- ited from their fathers. But I declare, without any hesitation, that, in the existing coiKlition of Hungary, I know of but one cure for its numerous ills, for its deeply festering wounds ; and this remedy is pointed out in the passage of Revelation to be found in chapter xxii. 2. " The leaves of the tree of life, which are for the healing of the nations,'' represent the Word of God, and the authority, the teaching, the faith, and the life, which derive their source from Holy Scripture. It is to this divine authority that Protestant Hungary ought to give in her hearty allegiance. She has sought a cure for her wounds in the sphere of politics, when she should, before all else, have sought it in the sphere of Christianity. I do not mean to say that political freedom is a chimera. Certainly not I But I affirm that no nation can enjoy this condition of lib- erty, until the authority of the Word of God is para- 'mount among them. There is some counterpoise necessary to freedom. Men cannot make a proper use of civil liberty, except they are inwardly influ- enced by the Word of God. Should the restraints of Holy Scripture ever cease to be exercised in England and the United States of America, the religious and political freedom which these nations now enjoy would soon be mers^ed in the excesses of an unbridled INTRODUCTION. democracy. That respect for law which distinguishes these nations, is a pledge of the continuance of their liberty, their power, and prosperity. Now, -this re- spect for the law is essentially derived from the influ- ence of Holy Scripture, from obedience to that Divine Word which has said, "Fear God; honor the king" (1 Pet. ii. 17). If, however, I have descanted on authority in ad- dressing the people, I would now speak of freedom as relating to tlie princes and magistrates. No Prot- estant Church has experienced so much oppression as that of Hungary. The persecution arose at the time of the Reformation, and exists to this very day in some measure. Religion is a matter between God and man, or, as the great autocrat, Napoleon L, him- self expressed it, " The rule of the prince terminates where that of conscience begins." When governors fail to acknowledge this principle, then, under color of enforcing order, a door is opened to all sorts of dis- turbances in the state. If a man is debarred from the freedom to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, he sufF&rs in his holiest a.nd highest feelings, — he becomes disaffected, irritated, and indignant against that human authority which claims an obedience due to God alone. On the one hand, doubtless, men wanting in moral courage, and. incapaljle of sacrificing the comfofts of life for the sake of ilicir faith, would yield to violence, give up llicir religious profession, and subscribe a fatal recan- tation from tiic truth. This has sometimes happened even ill I Iuiig;iry. Turning to the other side, we shall find pious, Hiitliful Christians, holding fast their con- fession, and suffering patiently the infliction of chains, INTRODUCTION. xi even of death itself, rather than deny the Gospel : they are, as their Master, sheep dumb before the shearers. But besides these two parties, there must always exist some proud, independent spirits, not brought as yet under the controlling influence of the Divine Word, who will be driven by oppression into fearful excesses. Wherever there is a Louis XIV., there will also be Camisards. It is an old saying, that " Persecution stirs up revolt" ; and if it does not actually produce rebellion, it at least fosters discon- tent, disaffection, and ill-will, — conditions essentially opposed to the public welfare. It is, then, for the sake of their own interest that we earnestly suppli- cate the higher powers to gi'ant liberty of conscience. What is to be gained by refusing it ? Despite of all that can be said or done, the subjection of conscience is beyond the reach of human power. A few harm- less individuals may be terrified and ill-treated, but of their faith they cannot be deprived. Can those who attempt to justify religious persecution bring forward as an excuse the righteousness of then* cause ? . Ah ! if they had really at heart the prevalence of truth, they would allow it unrestrained action. By its own innate power, and the voice of inward conviction, it will make its way into the hearts of men. It has never yet been thrust upon them by the sword and the prison-house ; such a line of proceeding would be like teaching philosophy by means of the rod. Can we even allow the security of public welfare to be alleged as a motive in justification of proceedings hostile to religious liberty ? Is it not rather well known by ex- perience, that a religion imposed by priests, and en- forced by the civil power, has no intrinsic strength? Xll INTRODUCTION. It is like the cords with which Delilah bound Sam- son,— a single effort suffices to break through them (Judges xvi. 9). Let us turn our eyes towards the Roman Catholic countries of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France, — constantly a prey to revolution ; while Protestant nations possess a stability united with freedom, and enjoy a public tranquillity which must command confidence in proportion as it is based upon the influence of the Word of God. For this reason, after requiring that the people should submit to the will of God, we would require of the prince to recog- nize the liberty of the Christian. Nevertheless, control and freedom are not alone sufficient for the Church : she must also possess faith and life. The dominion of the Church among the Romanists is an entirely outward system of rule, which is in a greater or less degree mechanically sub- mitted to. The authority of the Word of God, as acknowledged by the Protestants, is, on the contrary, an inward power acting upon the affections, the will, and the intellect, renewing them by the Holy GJhost, and leading the converted man to obey with joy and not with grief, — with love and not with fear, — from a strong internal conviction of duty, instead of a stu- l)id and unreflecting servility. To enable tlie Church of Hungary to take the posi- tion that belongs to her among the other reformed churclies, the pure faith held by the children of God must become mighty within her. She must, in obedi- ence to the Word of God, believe with the heart and confess witli the monlh, the fall of man through Adam's transgression, — his corruption through sin,— his utter inability to raise himself from the miserable INTRODUCTION. Xlll condition into which he has fallen, — the eternal Godhead of the Son of God, who became man, and was offered up for us on the altar of the cross, — jus- tification by faith, which, resting upon that sacrifice, rescues the sinner from the death which he has de- served, and gives him eternal life; — finally, the Holy Ghost (God as well as the Father and the Son) ruling in the heart by the Word, and liberating it from the law of sin. It is necessary, then, that the Church of God in Hungary should confess in heartfelt sincerity, with Luther, as have also confessed Calvin and all the other Reformers : " The first and principal article of our faith is, that Jesus Christ our God and Lord died for our sins, and rose again for our justification. All have sinned and are justified freely by his grace, without works or merit of their own, by the redemp- tion that is in Christ Jesus through his blood. No pious man can give up any portion of this belief, even if heaven, and earth, and all things, should be involved in ruin. In this belief is contained all that we teach, bear witness to in our lives, and act upon, in spite of the Pope, the Devil, and the whole world." * If faith in these articles be a living principle in the Church of Hungary, that Church is secure. We de- mand then of that Church to hold this belief, to pro- * " Hie primus et principalis articulus est, quod Jesus Christus Deus et Dominus noster sit propter peccata nostra mortuus, et propter justitiam nostram resurrexerit. Oranes peccaverunt et justiticantur gratis, absque operibus, seu meritis propriis, ex ipsius gi-atia, per redemptionem qu» est in Cliristo Jesu in sanguine ejus De lioc articulo cedere nemo pic- rum potest, etiam si caelum et ten*a ac omnili corruant. In hoc articulo sita sunt et consistant omnia quce contra papam, diabolum, et universum raundum,in vita nostra docemus, testamur, et agimus." — (Artie, Smalealdii, 2d part.) h Xi^ INTEODUCTIOn. claim it from the pulpit, to keep it alive in the heart. We make this demand for the sake of its forefathers, for the sake of its martyrs, for the sake of its own life and prosperity, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, which is pronounced over the heads of all its children. This Church has been illustrious in ancient times, and ought at the present period to rise up and again take her place among us. Perhaps she may only be able to raise herself amidst privation and tears, bound like Lazarus " with grave-clothes, and swathed in a shroud " ; but if she lives by faith, that is sufficient : her reward will not fail her. We can exhort her boldly from the West of Europe, — from the foot of the Alps, — from that town of Calvin which has always regarded her with affection, — in words from Holy Writ : " Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light" (Eph. V. 14). In conclusion, I would return to what I have before expressed. This book is not one for ordinary read- ing. It is not simply to be considered as a book, for it is the exponent of a fact. A branch of the great family of the Gopsel has been forgotten by the rest, and this wrong, although of long existence, must be redressed. After having read this volume, the reador must not rest satisfied, as is usually the case, with phicing it upon the shelves of his library. These pages contain a solemn appeal to all true Chris- tians. What (:}od requires of those who shall read them is, — to pray, to believe, to hope, and to act towards Protestant Hungary in faith and love. I will torminate by quoting the prayer which Lu- ther ollered up when he saw the Turks threatejiing to INTRODUCTION. XV attack Hungary, and thence Germany : " Here comes the Turk, the Rod of God, with a great and powerful army, sweeping over Hungary " ; and I would wish every Hungarian, and every friend of Hungary, to pray with that reformer (Opp. xxii. p. 2350) : — " O Lord God, have mercy upon this poor land. Confound the Devil according to thy great power. Protect thy Church against thy foes. Glorify thy Son. Look not on our sins. Give us thy Holy Spirit, and grant us a true and certain knowledge of thy pure Word. Amen." Merle d'Aubigne. Geneva, September^ 1853. CONTENTS FIRST PERIOD. FROM TIIE EARLIEST TIMES TILL THE PEACE OF VIENNA, A. D. 1608. CHAPTER I. PAGB CONSTITUENT PARTS ; ORIGINAL INHABITANTS ; FIRST TRACES OP CHRISTIANITY, TILL THE TIME OF STEPHEN THE FIRST, 1 CHAPTER IL POLITICAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL STATE OF HUNGARY UNDER THE KINGS OF THE LINE OF ARPAD, FROM STEPHEN TILL THE DEATH OF ANDREW TIIE THIRD — 997-1301, ... 7 CHAPTER IIL STATE OF HUNGARY UNDER RULERS OF DIFFERENT HOUSES, FR03I 1301 TO 1540. — THE HUSSITES. John Huss. — His Death. — Jerome of Prague. — His Death. — Doctrines of the Hussites. — Spread and Persecution of these Doctrines in Bohemia, Hungarj^, and Transylvania, ... 19 CHAPTER IV. DECAY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE AND MORALS AMONG CLERGY AND LAITY IN HUNGARY PREVIOUS TO THE REFORilATION, 30 CHAPTER V. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE REFORMATION IN HUNGARY — TILL THE BATTLE OF MOIliCS, 1526. Simon GrynUus and Vitus Viezheim, Professors in Ofen. — Queen JIary and her Chajilain, John Henkcl, as Friends of Luther. — Con- temporary Slovements in Hermanstadt. — First Reformers of b* Xviii CONTENTS. Transylvania. — Ambrosins and George summoned to Gr^n. — Marcus Pempfiinger, Count of Saxony. — The Tope attempts to crush the Refonnation. — Ludwg II. — Cardmal Cajetan. — Royal Decree against the Lutherans. — Hungarian Students at Witten- Ijerg. — Burning of Luther's Books at (Edenberg. — General Coun- cil in 1525. — Louis IL writes to CEdenberg. — Battle at ]\Iohacs, 37 CHAPTER VI. BATTLE OF MOHACS, AKD ITS IMMEDIATE EFFECTS ON THE REFORMATION IN HUNGARY. Death of Louis IL — Death of the Archbishop. — The Cardinal Le- gate flies, and is overtaken. — John Zapolya remains inactive. — The Turks take Ofen, and burn the Carviniau Library. — Conse- quences of the Battle in the Spread of the Gospel, ... 48 CHAPTER VII. FERDINAND I. RULES ALONE. 1540-1564, 71 CHAPTER VIII. Confession of Faith of tlie five Towns of Upper Hungary on this Side the Theiss. — Activity of the Gospel Preachers. — Temes- var. — Stephen Kis of Szegedin. — Peter Petrovitsh, Count of Temesvar. — Stephen Losontzy. — Szegedin banished. — Temes var conquered by the Turks. — Death of Losontzy, ... 79 CHAPTER IX. An Evangelical High School in (Edenberg. — The Town Bela re- formed. — Letter of the Archbishop Nicolas Olah. — Threats. — Firmness of the Protestants. — The IMagnates of Hungary, with the Exception of three Families, all Protestants. — Introduction of the Jesuits, 87 CHAPTER X. Death of Leonard Stiickel and Thomas Nadasdy. — Printing of the New Testament in Croatian. — Bishop Dudith's Report from the Council of Trent. — Covenanting Soldiers at Eriau, . . 92 CHAPTER XI. Diet of Prcsburp. — Synod of the Evangelical Church at Tarczal. — Gabriel Per.'-iiyi. — Close of the Council of Trent. — The Cup prantcd to the Laity. — Ferdinand's iMedal. — Provincial S^'nod <->r Tyniau. — Ferdinand's Decease. — Review, . . ' , qq CONTENTS. Xix CHAPTER XII. Maximilian I. is made King. — Communion in botli Kinds in Hun- gary. — Tiie Celibacy of the Clergj-. — Organization of the Re- formed Church, and Separation from the Lutherans. — Unitarians in Transylvania. — Pastor Lucas. — Lazarus Schwend. — Confes- sion of Czenger, 101 CHAPTER XIIL Jehoiachim Brandenburg. — Death of Gabriel Per^nyi, BLshop of Csanad. — Synod of Kremnitz. — The twenty-four Zips Towns and their Confession. — David Chytraus, 105 CHAPTER XIV. Diet at Presburg. — John Kurber. — Tyrnau. — James "Wolf. — Death of Serpilius and Szegedinus. — Formal Separation from Piome, 108 CHAPTER XV. Peter Bomemissa. — Stephen Beytha. — Michael Starinus. — The Pastors of (Edenberg. — Caspar Zeitvogel. — Nicolas Telegdy ap- peals to the Pope. — IMaximilian's Death. — His Character, . Ill CHAPTER XVI. RUDOLPH II., FROM 1576 TO 1608, IX HUNGARY; DIED 1612. His Education and Planner of Life. — Archduke Ernest, Govemor of Austria. — Opitz and Scherer. — The Concordia in Hungarj-. — Roman Tactics, 117 CHAPTER XVII. Roman Catholic SjTiod at Steinamanger. — Bishop Telegdy. — Gre- gorian Calendar. — Banishment of the Protestant Clergj' of CEden- berg. — Draskowitsh is made Cardinal. — Adoption of the New Calendar out of Respect to the King. — Banishment of the Jesuits from Transylvania. — Death of Draskowitsh, .... 122 CHAPTER XVIII. Caspar Dragonus. — Protestant Synods. — Peter Berger. — Hun- garian Students banished from Wittenberg. — The Formula Con- cordite. — Roman Troops sent to Hunguiy. — Basta in Transyl- vania. — Destruction of the Evangelical Church in Styria and Carinthia. — The Roman General Barbiano in Kashaw and Leut- shaw. — The Magistrates of Leutshaw and the Bishop of Raab, 126 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. Diet of Presburg, 1604.— The famous 22cl Article. — Persecution of the Protestants. — Stephen Botskay's Rebellion. — The Peace of Vienna, 133 CILA.PTER XX. The Peace of Austria. — Botskay's Objection to the Terms. — Peace ratified. — Botskay dies of Poison. — Conditions of the Peace violated. — IMatthew summons a Diet. — Matthew becomes King of Hungary, 138 SECOND PERIOD. FROM THE PEACE OF VIENNA TILL THE CONVENTION OF SZATHMAR, 1608- 171L CHAPTER L Presburg Church. — Stephen Esterhazy. — His Death. — The Jes- uits. — George Thurzo, Palatine. — Synod of Sillein, . . 144 CHAPTER II. The Archbishops protest against the Synod of Sillein. — Answer. — — Peter Pazraany. — Protestant Princes turn to Popery. — Synod of Tyrnau. — John Moschovinus. — The Women of Hricsow. — King Matthew gives an unfavorable Decision respecting the Peace of Vienna, 151 CHAPTER III. Peter Pazmany's Work. — Christopher Thurzo returns to the Prot- estants. — Oppression. — Gabriel Bathyani and the Treaty of Tyr- nau. — Writings of the Protestants. — Quarrels of the Reformed and Lutheran Clergy. — Jubilee of the Reformation. — Ferdinand made King. — Siegmund Forgacs. — Death of Matthew, . . 157 CHAPTER IV. FERDINAND H., FHOM 1019 TILL 1G37. Ferdinand's critical Position. — His fanatical Vow. — War with B Galley-slaves set free, 258 CHAPTER XV. Gcnornl View of the State of the Protestant Church in Hungary and 1 rnnsyiviinia at the Time the Pastors were released. — The CONTENTS. XXlll Pastors in the Woods and Caves. — Cunning of the Priests in at- tempting to find them. — ffidenberg a favored City. — Princess Eggenberg. — Insurrection of the Hungarians. — Tokely. — At- tempts to make Peace, 266 CHAPTER XVI. Diet of (Edenberg, 1681. — Election of the Palatine. — Petition to the King. — Memorial of the Roman Catholics. — The Petitions of the Protestants without Eftect. — George Gerhard's Motion. — The Koman Cathohc Deputy, Gabriel Kapy. — Struggle of the Clergy. — The Eoman Catholic Magnates and Nobles assist the Protes- tants. — The Imperial Decree. — Further Attempts of the Prot- estants. — Close of the Diet, 273 CHAPTER XVII. Conduct of the Poman Cathohc Clergy after the Diet. — The Re- corder of (Edenberg. — War with Tokely. — Vienna besieged by the Turks. — ReUeved by the Poles. — The Prince of Transylva- nia joins Leopold against the Turks. — Ofen retaken after a hun- dred and forty-six Years' Possession by the Turks. — General Karaffa. — The Court of Assize at Debr^csin and Eperjes, . 285 CHAPTER XVIII. FROM THE TEAR 1688 TILL LEOPOLD'S DEATH, IX 1705. The Royal Commissioners and their Excesses. — Banishment of Pas- tors Sextius and John Bury. — Stephen Fekete a Persecutor. — Bishop Llatthew Rhadonai. — Rakotzy's Imprisonment and Es- cape.— Civil AYar. — Rakotzy conquers Hungan,-, and is elected Prince of Transylvania. — Treaties of Peace. — Foreign Interven- tion. — Leopold's Death, 298 CHAPTER XIX. JOSEPH I. FROM 1705 TO 1711. Election of Superintendents. — Quarrels betAveen the Pastors and the Lay Office-bearer; in the Church Courts. — Pastor of Pres- burg banished by Kollonitz. — Charles XII. founds Scholarships. — Synod of Rosenberg. — Diet of Onod. — Rakotzy Excommuni- cated.— Rakotzy and the Jesuits. — Joseph favors the Protes- tants. — Death of the Kincr. — Peace of Szathmar, . . . 312 Xxiv CONTENTS. THIRD PERIOD. FROM THE PEACE OF SZaTHMAR TO THE DEATH OF LEOPOLD IL, 1712-1792. CHAPTER I. CHARLES VI. 1712 TO 1740. Kakotzy's Eetirement. — Coronation of Charles in Presburg. — New- Persecutions. — The King protects the Protestants. — The Diet. — The King still favorable to Impartial Justice. — Eenewal of the Acts of 1681 and 1687. ~ Quibbles. — Proposed Oath to exclude the Protestants. — The Protestants placed entirely in the Hands of the King, 320 CmVPTER IL The Difficulties of the King's Position. — The Eomau Catholics seize the Protestant Churches in the newly conquered Lands. — Jesuitical Justification of the Acts. — The Churches of Komom, Wesprim, Papa, and Lewens. — The Tithes. — Presumption of the Priests. — Attempt to reduce the Number of Preachers. — Peti- tions to the King, and his Reply, 328 CHAPTER IIL THE PESTH COJIMISSION, 332 CHAPTER IV. THE PRAGMATIC SANCTION, 337 CHAPTER V. TIIK RESOLUTIONS OF CHARLES, 347 CHAPTER VI. BTATE OF THE PROTESTANTS IN TRANSYLVANIA, UNDER CHARLES VI-. • 362 CHAPTER Vn. The Protcstunts summoned to Rebellion. — Misfortunes of the Im- perial ^Vrmy. — Disgraceful Peace. — Death of the Kiu^, . 366 CONTENTS. XXV CHAPTER VIII. MARIA THERESA. FROM 1740 TO 1780. Dangerous Position of the Queen.— She is deUvered by the Hun- garians. — Fruitless Eflforts of the Protestants to obtam their Re- ligious Freedom. — Forbidden to present Petitions in Corporate Capacit3^ — Extracts from a Petition to the Queen. — Effects of this Petition. — Examination of the Pastors respecting Baptism. — The Resolutions of Charles VI. of 1731 renewed. — SoiTowful Consequences. — Persecutions. — The Protestant Schools, . 368 CHAPTER IX. Ecclesiastical Visitations. — Bishop Biro. — Processions. — Mixed jMarriages. — Children taken from the Parents. — Countess of Szent-Ivany. — Persecution of the Protestant Pastors. — Mat- thew Bohil, 381 CHAPTER X. Imprisonment of Bohil. — Cause. — Escape. — A Jewish Rabbi. — Persecution of the Friends of Bohil. — His Wife's Escape. — Bo- hil's Works on the Ecclesiastical State of Hungarj-. — The Papal Nuncio Camil Paulati and the Societies of St. Joseph and St. Stephen. — Duties of Members. — Banishment of Professors, . 388 CHAPTER XI. United Petition of the Protestants. — ^lartin Biro's Pamphlet. — Deahngs of the Court. — Appeal to Foreign Powers. — Letter of Frederick the Great to th& Ai'chbishop of Breslau, Cardinal Schaffgotsch. — His Appeal to the Pope. — The Protestant Prel- ate Sweetmilk. — The Archbishop of Canterbury interleres. — The British Ambassador. — Effects of the Interference. — Gabriel Pronay, 394 CHAPTER XII. The Queen's Promises. — The Chapels of Ease taken awa}-. — Gen- eral Persecution of the Protestants. — Riots at Vadosfa. — Im- prisonment of the Superintendent and forty-four of his Church Members. — The Seven Years' War with Prussia. — Peace, and • Diet at Presburg. — The Death of the Queen's Consort, Fran- cis I., 403 XXVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER Xm. The Chancellor's Court. — John Dourjan's Pamphlet. — Provision made for Hungarian Students at Tubingen, — Continued Persecu- tions, 408 CHAPTER XIV. Travels of the Emperor Joseph. — He meets with the Protestants, and receives their Deputations. — The Superintendent of Debr^c- sin. — The Emperor's Dislike to the Jesuits. — Letter to the Duke of Choiseul. — Letter to Earl Aranda, Minister of Spam. — Sus- pension of the Jesuits in 1773, 412 CHAPTER XV. Erection of New Bishoprics. — The Protestants begin to breathe more freely. — The FiUal Churches freed from the Priests. — Pe- titions to the Emperor and Empress. — The Emperor's Journeys. — Development of Religious Freedom, 417 CHAPTER XVI. LIMITATIONS OF THE CHURCH OF EOME, 421 CHAPTER XVII. THE PROTESTANT CHURCH IN TRANSYLVANIA, .... 424 FOURTH PERIOD. FROM JOSEPH IL TO FRANCIS JOSEPH I., 1780-1849. CHAPTER I. His Wonderful Letter. — 434 General View of the Emperor's Position. — His Wonderful Letter. Edict of Toleration, . CHAPTER II. First FnjitM of the VAkt of Toleration: Thanks of the Protestants; Protw^t of the Priests of Hungary and some of the Counties. ~ Efforts of Cardinal Migazzi. — The Mhiistcr Kaunitz. — The Con- CONTENTS. XXvii fessor's Explanation.— Pope Pius VI. comes to Vienna. — His Efforts fruitless. — His blaster of Ceremonies. — Tiie Pope's De- parture.— The Leave-taking. — The Emperor's Present, . 442 CHAPTER HI. Benefits of the Edict of Toleration. — Freedom of the Press. —The Emperor popularly charged with Heresy. — His Reply, and his Decree founded on it. — The Six Weeks' Instruction of Persons Iea\nng the Church of Rome. — Church-building in Hungary. — The Commissions of Inquiry and the Homo Diocesanus. — The Spirit of the Viceregal Court, and of some of the Counties. — Ex- tracts from the Petition of the Sister Churches to the Emperor, 447 CHAPTER IV. Reform in the Schools. —The Protestants Distrust the National Schools. — Relief in Church-building. — The Church Registers. — Organization beyond the Danube. — Abuse of the Six Weeks' Insti-uction. — Poisoning of the Abbot Rautenstrauch at Erlau. — - Persecution of those who wish to leave the Church of Rome, . 454 CHAPTER V. Removal of the Bishops from Civil Offices. — Application of the Re- ligious Funds. — Scliool System. — Further Evidence of Joseph's Love of Justice. — War with the Porte. — Revolution of the Netherlands. — Serious State of Hungary. — The Emperor's Health gives way. — Recall of his Reforms. — The Crown sent back to Hungary. — The Emperor's Death, .... 462 CHAPTER VI. State of the Protestants under Leopold II., from 1790 to 1792. — Le- opold's Arrival. — Petition of the Protestants referred to the Diet. — Roj-al " Resolutions " and their Consequences. — The Diet. — The Seventeen Articles of the United Synod. — Deputation of the Sjmod to the Cardhial Pi-imate of Hungary. — Sudden Death of the King, 4G6 CHAPTER VII. PART FIRST, FROM 1792 TO 1800, 476 CHAPTER Vm. A GLANCE AT THE INWARD LIFE OF THE CHURCH IN HUNGARY, 1792-1800, 489 XXVlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Fruitless Petitions of the Protestants. — John Arban imprisoned. — The Command to keep Pvoman Catholics out of the Protestant Churches. — Confiscation of London Bibles. — Little Warfare of the Priests. — A Deputation to Vienna. — The Palatine Joseph's Audience in Vienna. — jMetternich and the Ministry, . . 493 CHAPTER X. The Inner Life of the Church. — Attempts to improve the State of the Schools. — The Famine. — Legacies. — Support of the Preach- ers.— Ecclesiastical Authority and Order decay. — Attempts to get up a School Fund and a Periodical. — The Bible Society. — Preparations for the Eeformation Jubilee, 501 CHAPTER XL FROM THE REFORMATION JUBILEE TO THE DEATH OF FRANCIS I. The Jubilee celebrated only by the Lutherans. — Fruits. — Stu- dents forbidden to study Abroad. — Eegister of ]\Iixed JMarriages. — Children separated from their Parents. — Deputation to Vi- enna.— Persecution of the Protestants in Puchow. — The King in Hungary. — Report of Ladislaus Teleky, .... 506 CHAPTER XII. The Theological Institution at Vienna. — Prohibition of Bible Im- portation. — The Eoman Catholic National Synod. — Iloheneg- ger's Siyns of the Times. — Diet of 1826-27, . . . .514 CHAPTER XIIL The General Archives. — Catechisms and School-Books. — Military Chaplains' Clerical Dress. — The Summer Schools. — The Unau- thorized Teachers. — The Diet of 18.30. — Pastoral Letters of the Bishops. — Count Butler's Conversion. — Country Churches, their Attachment to the King. — Death of the Emperor. — Uni- versal Mourning, 517 _ CHAPTER XIV. KKRI>INAM» v. IKOM 1835 TO 1848. The Old Ministry. — Tlic Diet of 1836. — The Roman Catholic Dep- uties. — Pastoral Letter respecting Mixed Marriages. — Payment of "Priests' Dues." — Royal Present to the Pastors of the Valley of Puchow. — Diet of 1840, 521 CONTENTS. XXIX CHAPTER XV. EEFORMS WITHIN THE CHURCH. Plan for Church and School Reform. — Protestant Soldiers in Italy. — The General Archives. — Theresa Szirmay's Foundations. — Founding of the Hungarian Church at Pesth. — Peace in the Church. — Attempts at Union, 524 CHAPTER XVI. DIET OF 1843-44. Royal Resolutions of 5th of July. — Dissatisfaction of the Protes- tants and the Bishops. — Debates at the Table of Magnates. — Petition to the Palatine and the Diet. — Wonderful Declaration of the Palatine, 528 CHAPTER XVII. Calhng of the Professors to Zay-Ugnacs. — Course of Instruction. — Popish Hohdays. — Provision for the Instruction of the Sol- diers. — Accusations. — Death of the Palatine. — Foundation of the Protestant Church in Ofen. — Archduchess Maria Dorothea goes to Vienna. — Archduke Stephen as Deputy-Governor. — Diet of 1847-48, 534 CHAPTER XVIII. DIET OF 1847-48, . ,538 CONCLUSION, 546 APPENDIX. I. List of the Scholarships and Foundations for the Benefit of Hunga- rian Students at Foreign Universities, 551 II. Population of Hungarv', 553 III. Petition of the Protestant Clergy of Hungarj-, assembled in 1851, near the Danube, and addressed to the Emperor Francis Jo- seph I., 554 IV. Address to Her Imperial Highness Maria Dorothea, . . .557 PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. FIRST PERIOD. FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TILL THE PEACE OF VIENNA, A. D. 1608. CHAPTER I. CONSTITUENT PARTS ; ORIGINAL INHABITANTS ; FIRST TRACES OF CHRISTIANITY, TILL THE TIME OF STEPHEN THE FIRST. The kingdom of Hungary, also called Pannonia, once so mighty and powerful, is even now one of the largest crown lands of the Austrian empire ; containing above 5,000 geo- graphical or 110,000 English square miles. It was only by slow degrees that it assumed its present form. It is divided into Upper and Lower Hungary, or the circuits beyond and on this side of the Danube and Teiss, and contains fifty-two counties, which in independence and form of jurisdiction much resemble the Swiss Cantons. Some of the counties occupy the space of a small kingdom ; for example, Bihar nians, Germans, Iluns, Ye seek the gates of liim who bears the keys ; Wliy run so far, ye fools ? To enrich tlie Latin gods ? Is no one saved, then, who remains at home? " t Adrian Rcgonvolscius in Hist. Kcch Slavoniae. } Istvanfy, Lib. IL p. 177. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 29 his wife. Shortly after persuading him to issue these severe decrees against the Hussites, she had died in Prague of a premature confinement. With much difficuUy the life of the child was saved, and he afterwards reigned as King of Hun- gary till he met with his death in the battle of Mohacs.* The threatening aspects of the times — arising from the fear that Selim I., the Turkish emperor, would invade Hungary, and still more, from that irregular mass of crusaders, who, to the amount of forty thousand men, under the guidance of Dorsa, were turning their weapons against the nobility — in- duced the priests, and indeed all who were possessed of prop- erty, to give the persecuted Hussites a little rest. They lived then quietly and retired till the sun of the Reformation, with its enlightening and warming beams, shone also on them. As, with the exception of a few points, they held gen- erally the same principles as the Reformers, agi-eeing with them completely in acknowledging the supremacy of the Word of God, they gladly united with this movement. To escape the bloody persecution under Ferdinand II. of Austria, many of them emigrated from Bohemia and Moravia into Germany, where they, under the guidance of Count Zinzen- dorf, founded flourishing congregations at Herrnhut and other places. These churches made most incredible sacrifices for the spread of the Gospel in Greenland, Africa, and America ; and even to the present day their missions are in a most prosperous state. The Hussites in Hungary and Transylva- nia escaped from the oppression of the priests by emigrating to Wallachia, where they long maintained their principles uncontaminated. In the year 1716 they sent to the Reformed Church of Transylvania, asking for preachers to be sent tliem. As this demand, however, could not be fully satisfied, part of them joined the Greek Church, and part fell into the hands of the Franciscan monks. * ffist. Present. Boliem., Cap. XXIV. p. 83. 3* 30 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER IV. DECAY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE AND MORALS AMONG CLERGY AND LAITY IN HUNGARY FREVIOUS TO THE REFORMATION. How far the religion of Jesus had decayed in the Middle Ages under the hands of the priests of Rome, and how deep the Church and her servants were, both morally and intel- lectually, sunk, is universally acknowledged. The state of Hungary was naturally no better than other countries simi- larly situated. For, in the first place, the constant wars did not tend tcr improve the morals, and then the wealth and high rank of the clergy gave them frequent opportunities for sensual gratification. The bishops, abbots, and superior clergy of Hungary, were, in general, also wealthy landhold- ers, who, under the prevailing feudal system, were often called on to decide, not only with reference to the property, but also the lives and liberties, of their descendants. It was no wonder, then, that, instead of feeding the lambs of the fold of Christ, they involved themselves in worldly business and affairs of state, while their lives were notoriously ill cal- culated to adorn the Gospel. The essence of religion was supposed to lie in the outward ceremonies of the Church, which were performed without devotion by the clergy, and attended on by the people merely out of custom. The orthodoxy of the people was tested by their attendance on these services. The Popes created one saint after another, and appointed them patron deities of cer- lam lands, to wlioni .-dtars were built, and to whom the super- stitious |)(-ople fled for protection in the time of need. Pre- tended wonders said to have been performed by these saints PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 31 were, with the Pope's approbation, used as means of drawing the people still more closely to the worship even of their pic- tures and images. What Cardinal Bellarmin says of other countries, was also true of Hungary. " There was scarcely any true religion more." In proportion, however, to the want of vital godli- ness, was the number of " holy places." In Hungary there were reckoned one hundred and forty different places where the image of the Virgin Mary was represented as working wonders. These were afterwards described with great care, and illustrated with wood-cuts, by Prince Paul Esterhazy, Palatine of Hungary, and printed in the Hungarian language, " for the conversion and confounding of all heretics, for the comfort of all orthodox (that is, Roman Catholic) Christians, and to the greater glory of the Mother of God " ; dedicated especially to this hereditary queen of Hungaiy, " on whose birthday the author also was born." To give the reader an idea of this book, which is very rare, we extract one description, entitled, — The Wonder-working Image of Our Lady at Preshurg* *' John Clemens, a native of Presburg, who died in 1641, in the sixtieth year of his age, returned shortly after to tell that, though he had died in a believing and penitent state, yet he must bear great pain in purgatory, because he had not done sufficient penance for his sins, especially for a murder for which he had paid only two hundred florins. He begged his wife, therefore, to divide two hundred florins more among the poor, otherwise he could not be saved. t Besides, in ful- fdment of a vow which he had made, an image of the V^irgin must be set on the altar of the largest church, and a certain number of prayers be read for him. As now a certain cn- * The wood-cut represents ^lary sitting dressed as a nun, Avith a stola ; the body of the Lord resting on her bosom, and his head supported by her right arm. At his feet may be seen a candle burning. t Rome's commentary on the text 1 John i. 7-9 ! — Tr. 32 HISTORY OF THE graver was about to form a suitable image, the spirit of the deceased man showed him an old image of the Virgin which he should set up in the church. When this was done, the spirit hung a veil over Mary, and placed a wax candle at the feet of Christ, which are preserved to this day. The spirit remained some days in the appearance of a white dove, and was seen by many, and then, surrounded with great glory, was taken up to the joys of the blessed. Many pious Chris- tians receive to this day great benefits and blessings from this image, to the eternal glory of God." The wonders which are told of some of these images are so great, that those of the Lord and his Apostles appear very small. Especially severe are the images of Mary against the Picards or Waldenses, the Lutherans, and Calvinists, who, on account of despising them, are struck with madness or other painful diseases, and sometimes lose their property and their life. One of the most wondrous, however, of all the images, is perhaps that which the Druids at Carnotum in France made, one hundred and ffty years before Christ, to the Virgin and the Child which should be born. A church was built at the same time for preserving it, and thereby many a wonder was performed, but especially once, when the son of the king had been drowned and was laid out before this image, he immediately recovered. The monks in Transylvania made considerable profits by carrying such im-- ages through the country. In addition to all this, the sermons were filled with the most nonsensical fables and stories of saints, and of the won- ders which they had wrought. Such a thick cloud rested on the lieurts and minds of the people, and superstition was so universal, that escape from danger, victory gained, or any signal favor whatever, was not ascribed to God or Christ, but to Mary, or Martin, or George, or Ladislaus. hidecd, they went so far as to set up public monuments to the .saints for their imaginary help ; as, among others, Prince Bulhory did, in the vear 1489. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 33 That the ignorance of the monks was become proverbial, was a well-known fact. With few exceptions, they knew nothing more than their "Miserere" and Breviary. The numbers of those who seemed born for nothing else than to eat, were, with their begging habits, a terrible plague to the oppressed country people, and, by their ignorance, their su- perstition, and immorality, tended, in no small degree, still further to degrade .those with whom they came in contact. In bringing such sweeping charges, we are bound to sus- tain them with facts and dates. Let us look, then, at the Synodal Statutes of Stuhlweissenburg, in the preface to which Bishop Ladislaus Gereb complains so bitterly of the priests. Let us hear even the Jesuit Peterfy, who, in speak- ing of the year 1460, in the 33d Canon, refers to matters which show how deeply the clergy were sunk. Single voices, which v/ere raised against the prevailing immorality, fell a sacrifice to calumny and persecution. Among these, some reckon John Vitez, Archbishop of Gran. This man, being accused of supporting the rebels against Matthew Cor- vinus, was deposed from office, and shortly after died of grief. The ambition and covetousness of the clergy seemed be- yond remedy. The sums of money which they demanded at funerals were so enormous, that Matthew was obliged to restrain them by a severe edict.* For the sake of levying money, they often put single individuals, or whole districts, under the ban ; and in collecting tithes, they took such liber- ties as required laws to be passed, at the general national council, to restrain them.t The immorality in the monasteries was incredible. In the year 1477, Matthew handed over a neighboring abbey, " in consequence of the impure lives of the abbots," to the care * Article 63 of the year 1-186, and Article 2 of the year 1513. t Article 45 of the year 1495, and Act 1 of the year 1504. 34 HISTORY OF THE of the monks of Hermannstadt. Other monasteries were, for the same reason, completely closed. It is, then, not true, what Cardinal Pazman asserts, that the monks fled away sim- ply to avoid persecution, and that, without any crime charge- able against them, others came in and took their place. Matters were made still worse by Thomas Bakayius, Arch- bishop of Gran, in the year 1514. After the death of Pope Julius II., he went to Rome, in the hope of himself being made Pope, and having wasted all his property in vain, he begged the newly elected Pope, Leo X., to give him as- sistance against the Turks. As Leo had little money to spare, he supplied the Hungarian archbishop with an im- mense number of indulgences, promising forgiveness of sin and eternal life to all who went to battle against the common foe.* There appears something very terrible in this presump- tion, when compared with the Word of God. God alone can forgive shi ; and the keys, which were given, not to Peter alone, but to all the disciples, were never inherited by any one, in the Papal sense. The ignorance of the people, how- ever, served best the purposes of the clergy ; for when Archbishop Thomas Bakacs published the Papal bull, on the 16th of April, at Ofen, there soon appeared an immense num- ber, prepared to engage in this holy war. In one month, forty thousand were brought together, and shortly after, the number increased to one hundred thousand. They were, however, chiefly such as could be very well spared in their native villages, and who, from want of discipline and want of leaders, were not likely to do any great injury to the Turk. Some dissatisfaction was felt by the nobles on losing so many of their serfs and laborers ; but the archbishop cared for none of these things. He appointed a leader, named George Dorsa, who soon distinguished himself at Zemendria, by kill- * Timon in Purpura Pannon., p. 30. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 35 ing, in single combat, the leader of a Turkish band. For this deed he received from the king double pay, a gold chain, a scarlet coat worked with gold lace, spurs and sword, an estate, and, out of the king's own hand, a coat of arms.* The archbishop made him a present of a white flag, with a red cross. The worst fears of the nobility respecting this crusade were soon realized. Some of the nobles had followed their runaway servants, and, with much severity, had brought them back. Besides, as there had been no provision made beforehand for the support of this band, they were soon un- der the necessity of stealing, to obtain a living ; and it was not long till Dorsa led them on regularly to plunder the no- bles and the clergy. As a stone rolling down a hill, these bands went on with accelerating impetuosity in crime, till the name "crusader" became, as it continues to this day, a word of terror. The education of the people had been neg- lected, and it was seen with how much truth Luther said, " Take away the schools and the churches, and the mass of the people will soon become like bears and wolves." And, really, like bears and wolves did these crusaders act. In this peasant war, which was only with great difficulty brought to an end, it was reckoned that seventy thousand men must have perished. Among these were four hundred of the nobility, and about fourteen bishops, whom the wild rabble either impaled or murdered in some other cruel way. That was the terrible result of Papal indulgences bestowed on a people devoid of the fear of God and of true repentance. Supposed pardon of sin, without corresponding sanctification, made them like wild beasts. Means must be taken to pre- vent such excesses for the future. The proper means — educating and elevating the masses — was contrary to the spirit of the times ; no one thought of it. A decree was * Istvanfy, Lib. V. p. 41. 36 HISTORY OF THE passed degrading all the peasants and tributary landholders. They and their children should for ever be excluded from- all higher civil offices and places of confidence.* But by such a proceeding the state of the nation was in no respect im- proved. In this miserable condition was the civil, political, and religious state of the country when the report of Luther's work, and the ninety-five theses which he had nailed on the church door in Wittenberg, passed from one to another. Thousands, in a state of bodily and spiritual oppression, paused to hear, and many hundreds asked, when they heard these new doctrines, with an earnestness equal to that which per\'aded the crowd on the great Pentecostal day, " What meaneth this } " * Act 24, in the year 1514. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 37 CHAPTER V. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE REFORMATION IN HUNGARY TILL THE BATTLE OF MOHACS, 1526. Simon Gnnians and Vitus Viezheim, Professors in Ofen. — Queen Mary and her Chaplain, John Henkel, as Friends of Luther. — Contemporary Move- ments in Hermannstadt. — First Refoi-ijiers of Transylvania. — Ambrosius and George summoned to Gran. — ]\Iarcus Pempllinger, Count of Sax- ony. — Tlie Pope attempts to crush the Eeformatiou. — Ludwig II. — Car- dinal Cajetan. — Royal Decree against the Lutherans. — Hungarian Stu- dents at Wittenberg. — Burning of Luther's Books at (Edenberg. — General Council in 1525. — Louis 11. -writes to (Edenberg. — Battle at Mohacs. There was perhaps scarcely any other land in which so many, in so short a time, openly forsook the old Church and declared in favor of the Reformation. The Reformation ap- pears at once before us like a powerful stream ; and when we search carefully after its source, we find it losing itself amid wars and misery, — much like the rivers of Africa, whose sources lie hidden in the shifting sands. The im- mense success of the Lutheran doctrines in Hungary is in every respect an object of deep interest to the historian. It appears like a well-organized and disciplined army under able leaders, driven out of the field by a few bandits in a guerilla warfare. To explain this extraordinary appearance, we must not forget how the doctrines of the Hussites brought over from Bohemia had, with more or less success, for more than a centuiy, been spread over Upper Hungary, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia. In vain had been all attempts of the Pope and the clergy to banish these so-called heretics. 4 38 HISTORY OF THE Notwithstanding the fanatical zeal of Rome, the free Hunga- rian constitution prevented the priests from completing their designs. When a decree was obtained against the Huss- ites — by fair means or foul — the next step was to read this decree in the different parishes. Each parish must then attend to the carrying out of the decree within its own bounds ; and when the punishment would have fallen on the nobility or their immediate dependents, as a matter of course, there was no punishment inflicted. Another reason why the Huss- ites had not been banished lay in the deep hatred and con- tempt which the higher and lower nobility, as well as the mass of the people, entertained towards the clergy, so that they were not peculiarly inclined to carry out the wish of their priests. The very credible and respectable Thurn- schwamm, who lived in Ofen contemporary with Louis II., has preserved, in his chronicles, a description of the clergy of his time. " For many years," writes Thurnschwamm, " have the bishops and clergy ruined Hungary. They have ever anx- iously sought all high offices at court, and have striven to be- come councillors, chancellors, treasurers, and governors. In my own time I have seen Peter, Bishop of Wessprin, acting as Banus, that is, governor-general, over Dalmatia, Croatia, and Bosnia, &c. See the Bishop Falkanus ! " cries this writer ; " under his dictatorial sway there is no money left in the treasury. He will not only govern the land, but also the king, who is compelled to submit to the bishop and depend upon him." * This position of affliirs, equally injurious to the state and church, favored the progress of the Reformation. Another impulse which it received was from the German troops which came to lielp Hungary against the Turks. For, though these soldiers generally did as little for the cause of Christ as for * John Ribinyi, Memor. Aug. Conf. Part., p. 17. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 39 the cause of the Pope, yet there were many just now among them who had caught up the spirit of the Reformation, and carried the word of Ufe, as the wind carries the seed, far away to other lands. The prose works and the hymns of Luther, which had awakened so much interest in other lands, came readily into Hungary ; and the more so, as no such strict examination of books took place then on the frontiers as now, while the great numbers of Germans residing in the free cities and in Tran- sylvania kept up a close connection with their native land. Hungaiy and Germany were bound closely together by the links of commerce, and while the merchants brought with them to Hungary the tracts which at home excited so much attention, they were eagerly bought up and read by an inquir- ing people. At that time each one had liberty to speak and write as he chose, and the Hungarian constitution favored this freedom. It is, then, not strange that the Hungarians now demand so earnestly the same privilege as their natural right, without which they have no security for their most sacred claims as Christians and as men. The first attacks on this liberty were made by the Popes and their emissaries. So soon as any one ventured, either in civil or religious matters, to broach doctrines calculated to limit the power of these false apostles of Christ, there was im- mediately a bull issued condemning him and his works as heretical, and every effort was then made to compel him to recant, or, if he refused, to taste the tender mercies of Rome, in the dungeon, or at the hands of the executioner. Like Galileo, Savonarola, and PIuss, Luther was also doomed to feel the spirit-crushing power of Rome. As he not only refused to withdraw and recant his theses, but, on the contrary, continued ably to defend them, Leo X., in 1520, hurled also at him the fiery bull of excommunication, hoping that he too would be destroyed by its power. Luther was not the man to tremble. He wrote a commentary on 40 HISTOHY OF THE the Pope's bull ; showed^ow it had been issued without hear- ing him in self-defence ; and then wrote another fly-sheet, entitled The Bahijlonian Captivity^ in which he did not spare the bloodthirsty Leo. At this time Luther appears to have had many adherents in Hungary, as may be easily seen from the steps which were taken by the enemies of the Reformation. In the following year (1521), George Szakmary, Archbishop of Gran, had a condemnation of Luther and his writings read from the pul- pits of the principal churches in Hungary.* By this step, however, the friends of the Gospel were only encouraged and increased. Many clergy and teachers, who, with a desire for truth, had sighed under the oppression of the hierarchy, now stepped forward in different parts of the land at the same time, as if by previous arrangement, and declared Luther's doctrines to be founded on the Word of God, and his aim to be just. The living Word, coming from hearts warmed by conviction, produced a wondrous effect ; and in a short time, whole parishes, villages, and towns — yes, perhaps the half of Hungary — declared for the Ref- ormation. The Jesuit, Samuel Timon, tells us that a certain Simon Grynacus, Professor in the Academy in Ofen, began to teach the doctrines of Luther ; and the apostolic notary, Sigismund Podlussani, complains of this Grynaeus, that he, in the year 1523, had, with great pretensions of piety, recommended the writings of Luther, and having for this crime been cast into prison, he was again immediately set free. Contempo- rary with Grynaeus was Vitus Viezheim, laboring in the same school, and in the year 1525, wq find both of these men in exile, the latter as Professor of Greek in Wittenberg, and the former as Professor of Philosophy in Basle. * Archbp. Strigon, Comp. dat. Zyrnavia 1762, fol. p. 96. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 41 The same spirit animated the pastor John Cordatus,* and the chaplain of Queen Mary, John Henkel. This latter was the friend of Erasmus ; and having explained to the queen the true nature and aim of Luther's work, he gained her over to the side of the Reformation. The chaplain was so highly esteemed by the queen, that she would on no account part with him. In 1530, she and her chaplain went to the Diet at Augsburg, and when all others were, by the order of Charles, prevented from preaching, Henkel still continued to proclaim the Word of God at the court of Mary. Her love to the truth may be seen from the fact that she always carried about with her a Latin Testament, which was afterwards found to be full of annotations in her own hand- writing. At the Diet of Augsburg she is "said to have warn- ed her brother Charles to see that he should not be deceived by the priests as her husband Louis IL had been.t It is well known that when Luther wrote to Queen Mary, sending her four psalms which he had translated for her comfort, and one of his own hymns, | he remarks that "he has with great pleasure seen that she is a friend of the Gos- pel." It is therefore in vain that the Jesuit Gabriel Zerdahelyi * After the death of the king and removal of the queen, Cordatus could remain no longer in Ofen. He is probably the pastor of Zwickau, to whom Luther wrote in 1530; and who, therefore, never returned to Hungaiy. We are confinned in this opinion partly by the complete silence of Clmrch histo- ry, partl}^ by a singular passage in a commentary on the 65th Psalm by Ce- liisius,— In loc. Theol. Hist. M. Casp. Titii, 1664,4 to Loc. 33, Cap. V. § 8, p. 1361: Conrad Cordatus, a very learned man, the first superintendent in Stdndal, used to say in his sermons, — " As I used to tell my congregation," he said, " in Ofen, in Hungary, where I was for some time pastor, that on account of their sins God would send the Turks to punish them, — they found it ridiculous. It took place, however, on account of their impenitence, which is the greatest possible ingratitude, and the same can happen to you while you are despisers of the Word of God." t Spalatin relatio de comitiis, August, 1530. J " Mag auf Ungliick nicht widevstehn." 4* 42 HISTORY OF THE denies that she favored Protestantism ; for, even if all the proofs which have already been given were not sufficient to convince a Jesuit, still he should not close his ears to the complaint of the Pope's legate, Jerome Alexander, who, in the year 1539, when she was regent of Belgium, accuses her to her brother Charles V., " that she did not cease on all occasions to show favor to the Lutheran religion." The ground of this complaint was, that she had attempted to draw away the Elector of Treves from the League of Nuremberg, and had detained the French embassy sent to consult with the emperor about the best means for crushing the Protes- tants.* We afterwards find her accompanying her brother to Spain, where she died in the year 1558. In the town of- Bartfield in Upper Hungary, a certain D. Isaiah had struggled hard against Popery till the year 1539, when Leonard Stockel, returning from Germany, persuaded the whole parish to become Protestant. The miners, who had been brought out of Germany many years before, and who still retained their German language and customs, had at once declared in favor of Luther, and from the beginning of the Reformation had partaken of the communion in both kinds, as even the reprobate physician Paul Bacsmegy ac- knowledges.t In the free cities Presburg, Giins, and CEdenberg, and still more among the Saxons in Transylvania, a most decided ad- herence to Luther's writings was exhibited. Rome saw the thundercloud gathering over her head, and made every effort to escape the impending danger. King Louis, who had only reached his sixteenth year, and was llicrefore not in a state to form an independent judgment, was made the blind tool of the priests. On his way home from Prague, where his wife was crowned in 1522, he had « Secken(lor(r, Lib. III. Sect. 18, § SO, p. 20G, t Leisure Iloara, p. 623. PEOTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 43 directed the citizens of Iglau in Moravia to meet him at 01- mutz, and having warned and threatened them, he threw their faithful pastor John Speratus into prison. In the same spirit, immediately on his return to Ofen, he wrote to the authorities at Hermannstadt ; and, as a faithful son of the Church, he had good reason to send a warning to that city, for Count Mark Pempflinger, under whose special protection the city stood, had at that time a quarrel with the Archbishop of Gran, and it afforded him some satisfaction to be able to vex the Archbishop by favoring the Protestants. God maketh even the wrath of man to praise him. When, therefore, Luther's writings were brought in thick succession by the merchants, and when the citizens read with astonish- ment what was written respecting " Christian Liberty," " Confession," " Repentance," " Baptism," " The Sufferings of Christ," " The Communion," " The Epistle to the Gala- tians," and similar works, they demanded that the Popish abuses should be removed.* Just at this time there came two monks out of Silesia, by name Ambrose and George, who had known Luther person- ally, and had heard him explain his own views. These men soon succeeded in clearing away any doubts which still re- mained on their minds, and very soon, by the power of the truth, many were brought to taste the glorious liberty of the children of God.t A third monk, John Surdaster, soon joined them. His zeal was so burning, that he, at first in the open air, and afterwards in the Elizabethan Church under the protection of Mark Pempflinger, delivered a series of lectures on Luther's theses. The people, and even the members of the town council, heard him so gladly, that, notwithstanding the oppo- sition of the clercry and the threats of the court, catechiza- Haner, Hist. P^ccl. p. 147. Smeizel de Statu Luth. in Transyl. p. 23. 44 HISTORY OF THE tions were held in the public squares and market-places. And though the Archbishop succeeded in bringing the two Silesian monks to Gran, and though, notwithstanding their " safe-conduct," from the king, they never returned to Tran- sylvania, yet the fire which was kindled in the hearts of the Saxons in Hermannstadt was never extinguished. It was little wonder if those whom Rome had trained to the bitterest intolerance against all views of religion but their own, should all at once forget what had been so deeply imprinted on them. And, however the historian may deplore some things which took place, yet it certainly ill becomes Rome to com- plain that the Protestants sometimes mocked and annoyed the priests in their religious services ; turned some of them out of office, and filled their place with preachers of the Gospel ; and that the curates who came to gather in the tithes were often met with mockery, and sent away without their ducks and geese. During the magnificent processions of Corpus Christi day, many of the citizens might have been heard saying, " Our priests suppose God to be blind while they light him so many candles " ; and others replied, " They think God to be a child whom they must carry about." * They refused to give Mary the prescribed honor, and declared the chanting of the " hours " in the cathedral to be folly, for the Lord had taught us to pray, " Our Father who art in heaven." t Rome hoped to crush all these movements by force. At the instigation of Cajetan, the Pope's legate, Louis issued the terrible edict of 1523, according to which, " All Lutherans, and those irho favor them, as well as all adherents to tlie sect, shall have their property confiscated, and themselves be punished with death, as heretics and foes of the most holy Virgin Mary." * In the original, " Die pricstcr denken Gott sei ein Kind, dass man ifn fiihrcii und in den armen der alten Weibcr inder Stadt heruintragen miisse." t Querolae seu Kcriptuni dom. capit. super Luther, Anno 1526. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 45 The priests had now obtained their wish. The Archbishop of Gran, Cardinal Ladislaus Szalkay, on his return from Rome, had. a royal commission sent down to Transylvania, and especially to Hermannstadt, to purge it of its heresy. On their arrival, all the writings of Luther were sought for and taken by force out of the hands of the citizens, to be publicly burned in the market-place. The same took place in other towns in Hungary, and especially in CEdenberg, where we find the following entry, in the accounts of the treasurer of the city, anno 1525: — "Monday after New- year's-day, to the hangman for burning the Lutheran books, Id, d."* When the burning of the books, and the excommunication of Luther and his followers, which was renewed on the 15th of August, 1524, did not produce the desired effect, the legate and the Archbishop brought the king and their party so far, that at the Diet of Bakosch, a decree was passed, that " All Lutherans shall be rooted out of the land ; and wherever they are found, either by clergy or laymen, they may be seized and burned." t Although the drawn sword seemed thus to hang over all who were not good Roman Catholics, yet the preachers of the Gospel, as well as the friends of Luther, increased. The young men began to go to Germany, and especially to Wit- tenberg, to study ; and the terrible decrees of 1523 and 1525 appeared, as in Apostolic times, only to give more courage to profess the truth. A Hungarian, of the name of Martin Cyriacus, went to Wittenberg in 1520. Dionisius Linzius Pannonius followed in 1524, as also Balthasar Gleba, a na- tive of Ofen, as the records of the University attest. Short- ly afterwards, John Uttmann from Ofen, Christian Lany, John Sicrler from Leutschan, Michael Szaly, Matthew Biro de * CEdenberg City Records, Acct. of Father Vipser, 1525. t CiJesar Barouius, Aunal. 1525. Artie. 4, Anoi 1525. 46 HISTORY OF THE Vay, and George Debrecsin, are found studying under Lu- ther and Melancthon, at least previous to the year 1530. All of these returned to Hungary, as powerful agents for spread- ing the Reformation.* The Pope Clement VII. had written Louis a friendly letter, under date of 22d January, 1524, sending him 60,000 ducats (<£ 28,000) for the war against the Turks ; and was, no doubt, gratified with the terrible law of 1525. Indeed he had no reason to be displeased, either with his legate, or with his Archbishop Szalkay, for both of them were sufficiently zeal- ous, and the king was generally very submissive. But now, when the law was passed for the extirpation of the Protes- tants, Louis appeared to have no courage to execute it. Or did Queen Mary here act the part of the wife of Pontius Pi- late, and warn her husband against the bloody work ? His- tory furnishes us with no evidence on this point, but leaves abundant room for reasonable conjecture. All that the king could be persuaded to do, was to write once more to the authorities of different towns, reminding them of their duty. The Archbishop had demanded the death of the Count of Saxony at Hermannstadt, but the king simply wrote him, reminding him of his office as executor of the laws, and promising royal favor if he were diligent in banishing the heretics.! Count Pempflinger, however, who was really in earnest in advancing the Protestant cause, found occasion of delay, as he was about to present to the king a petition on behalf of the priests, monks, and students. The king had commanded them, under pain of death and confiscation of their property, to join immediately in the war, leaving only one priest be- liind for every two parishes. As Pempflinger was on his * Petrus Monedulanus Lase, Hung. t Smeizel de Stiit. Luth. p. 34. Timon. Epitom. Chron. Rerum Hunff. 1626. ^ PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 47 way to the king, he received news of the terrible defeat at Mohacs, on the 29th of August, 1526. He now hastened back to quiet the disturbances which the monks had nnade in his absence, and with great prudence he succeeded in this attempt. 48 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER VI. BATTLE OF MOHACS, AND ITS IMMEDIATE EFFECTS ON THE REFORMATION IN HUNGARY. Death of Louis II. — Death of the Archbishop. — The Cardinal Legate flies and is overtaken. — John Zapolya remains inactive. — Tlie Turks take Ofen, and burn the Camniau Library. — Consequences of the Battle in the Spread of the Gospel. As the Turkish Emperor Soliman came nearer and nearer, like the wasting lavine, little hope could be entertained for the safety of the country. Belgrade was taken ; the emperor was already in Peterwardein, the Hungarian Gibraltar, and still nothing done to defend the country. In a letter of the 20th of February, he demanded tribute of Louis, threatening him at the same time with the destruction of Ofen, the extinction of the Christian religion, and the com- plete subjugation of himself and his princes, whom Soliman designated " fat oxen." * The misery of Hungary was ahnost incredible. The priests thought only of pursuing the heretics ; the nobility were divided into factions*, and devoid of public spirit; the divisions and jealousies were increased by the influence of the crafty lawyer Verboesy, who was now become palatine. With the exception of the Pope's 60,000 ducats, which were but as a drop in the ocean, the king had no money for the exigency. What was worse, he had no proper advisers. The rich anrl influential Jolin Zapolya, who had hopes of one day becoming king, did not even assist him, so that he was com- * Fcssler, Hist. Hung., Vol. VI. p. 274. TROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 49 pelled to force his nobles into the field, under threat of pun- ishing for treason those who did not appear. No one would exert himself to do his duty, and very few did anything. The bishops, whose united income would have supported an army, preferred giving up the silver coffm of their saint Gerhard and the treasures of the Church, rather than their own treasures. The country people who, since the time of the disturbances under Dorsa, had been much neglected, were rendered still more indifferent to their native land, on account of being de- prived of their most valuable right, religious liberty. On the 23d of July, 1526, Louis II. took leave of his young v/ife on the Island Csepel, near Ofen, and set out with a small army to meet the vast forces of Soliman. As he proceeded, his army gradually increased by the in- flux of such hired servants and dependants as the bishops and nobles were bound to send ; yet, when he reached Mo- hacs in the county of Barany, he had only twenty-seven thousand men. In the absence of an experienced general, this army was intrusted to Archbishop Tomory, who had at one time been a Franciscan monk, at another time had gained a splendid victory over Terkat-Beg, and who now had the task of leading them on to be slaughtered by an army fifteen times their own number. The blinded aristocracy, who had more valor than wisdom, in conjunction with the palatine, would not wait for the troops which were expected from King Ferdinand, but forced the king, against his will, to fight. The king, from all sides sorely pressed, must take the lead. On the 29th of August he put on his armor, but his friends observed that he was deadly pale. Archbishop Tomory, and the more cautious officers, already saw the issue. Bishop Perenyi remarked, " Here go twenty-six thousand Hungarians under the guidance of the Franciscan Tomory into the kingdom of heaven as martyrs for the faith ; and it 5 50 HISTORY OF THE ^ would be highly desirable if at least the chancellor — who is acquainted with the Pope — should be spared to go to Rome and have them all made saints." The worst fears were realized. Before evening the plain of Mohacs was covered thick with the slain. Seven bishops, twenty-eight princes, five hundred nobles, and twenty thou- sand warriors lay on the field. Very few escaped. The king and the legate made an attempt to fly. King Louis was about to cross the marshy lake Csele, and thus escape, but his horse, having reached the further bank, fell backwards and crushed him in the mud. The cardinal legate was over- taken in his flight, and killed. Such was the battle of Mo- hacs ! As the Turkish Emperor Soliman came on the morrow to see the slain, at the sight of Szalkay, the Archbishop of Gran, he is reported to have said, " He was a despicable miser, who, with all his wealth, refused to help his king in the time of need." Plundering and wasting without opposition, Soliman reached Ofen on the 9th of September. The town was set on fire, and the library, with its forty thousand volumes, and the precious manuscripts which Matthew had collected with so much care, were all burned. After many years, single vol- umes were rescued from the ruins, and, as doubly valuable monuments of a melancholy epoch in the history of Hungaiy, they were bought up and preserved, partly by monasteries, partly by private individuals. Let us now look at the consequences of the battle of Mo- hacs in the spread of the Gospel. The Lord advances his cause on earth generally in a way which we least expect. As a gardener prepares the ground, and lays in the seed, so He prepares the heart of man by a process which is often bitter to the flesh, and in astonishment we see the trees grow- ing up and bearing luxuriant fruit. Such was the case in the battle of Mohacs, which was at PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 51 first considered not only as a great national, but even Euro- pean, calamity. God knew how to change the curse into a blessing. For, as the terrible defeat of the Hungarians in Bavaria in 955 broke down their pride, cured them of their lust for plunder, and prepared the way for receiving Chris- tianity, so did the bloody battle of Mohiics remove so many powerful and bitter foes of the Gospel, and took away at the same time means and agents for carrying out the bloody law of the last Diet. To have a clear perception, however, of this comforting truth, we must review the political state and the internal con- fusion of the country at that time. The utter incapacity of Uladislaus, father of Louis II., to govern the country, had induced the assembled Hungarians, in the field of Rakosh, in 1505, to pass the decree, " That in future no foreigner can be chosen kum. A native Huno-arian must wear the crown." Though the powerful and ambhious John Zapolya had exerted himself to the utmost, for private reasons, to obtain this decree, which was not very compli- mentary to Uladislaus, yet there were many who voted with him in consequence of the remembrance of the bright period when Matthew reigned. Besides, for two hundred years past, — ever since Arphad's line had ceased, — the Hungarians had allowed neither Pope nor any other power to interfere with them in the free election of their king. On the death of Louis II., they were then, notwithstanding all that Fessler says, perfectly free to chose whom they wished. The family contracts between Ferdinand of Austria and Uladislaus, which had been made without their sanction, could not be binding on the nation. So soon, then, as Soli- man left the country, after having plundered and burned nearly all that lay between the rivers Teiss and Raab, and having reduced the population by two hundred thousand, the remainder proceeded to elect a king, and the choice fell on John Zapolya, who was then voyvod of Transylvania, and 52 HISTORY OF THE he was crowned at Stublweissenljurg, on the 12th of Novem- ber, 1526. Ferdinand of Austria opposed the election, on the ground of a contract made betvveen him and Louis II., and was sup- ported partly by the .adherents of his sister, the widowed Queen Mary, and partly by the deadly foe of the new king, Stephen Bathory, the powerful and ambitious palatine. At a Diet held at Presburg, where many distinguished Hungarians were present, the Archduke Ferdinand was pro- claimed king, and invited to come and take possession of the crown of Hungary. After being first crowned King of Bo- hemia, he, on the 1st of August, 1527, proceeded with his army to Hungary, where he subdued all the country as far as the Danube. Zapolya fled from Ofen, and the same Arch- bishop of Gran, who had crowned him twelve months before, now crowned Ferdinand as King of Hungary at Stuhlweis- senburg on the 3d of November. Hungary had now two kings, and the miserable country was peeled and torn by a civil war, and by the persecutions of the Church against, those who had left her communion. John was anxious to confirm his throne by securing the bishops, and especially the Archbishop of Gran, Paul Varda, on his side. He accordingly issued a strict edict against the Lutherans, threatening them with confiscation of their goods if they did not return to the Roman Catholic Church. The priests availed themselves of this edict to crush the pastor and schoolmaster of the mining town Bibethen. The cir- cumstances were these : — The laborers in the royal mines not having received their wages, became riotous, and refused to submit cither to the royal commissioners or the soldiers ; the priests accused tlic pastor and the schoolmaster as the originators of the disturbance, and having arrested the latter, witli SIX of tlie town councillors, brought them to be tried at Neusohl. They were required to abjure their heresies, and to declare PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 53 where the pastor was concealed. The schoohiiastcr remained firm, though threatened to be led to the stake, but the others were weak enough to yield and return to the Roman Catholic Church. The pastor, being now betrayed, was soon discovered in his retreat in the mines. Pastor Nicolai was delivered up to the priests, with directions to be handed over to John. These men of tender conscience, however, being afraid that king John might be remiss in his duty to the heretics, took the responsibility on themselves, and had the schoolmaster burned in the neighborhood of Altsol, on the 22d of August, 1527, and on the 24th Pastor Nicolai met the same fate, near the Castle of Dobrony. With the latter they tried every possible means, by promises and threats, to make him yield ; and, remaining firm, he was first cruelly stabbed and then burned, as a heretic " who had re- fused the Virgin Mary her due honor.'''' * When Ferdinand took possession of Ofen he was not less severe. He issued an edict which had previously been pub- lished in Austria, — this time, however, was " given at Ofen, the 20th August," — and complains that, despite of all that had been done against them, still m some places the strange doctrines are gaining ground, and that even Anabaptists and Sacramentarians — that is, Zwinglians — have ventured to show themselves. The specific punishments for heresy are then recounted, according to which, " whoever mischiev- ously and perseveringly holds and believes anything con- trary to the twelve articles of our holy Christian faith, con- trary to the seven sacraments, &c. by which he can be re- cognized as a heretic, shall, in proportion to time and circum- stances, be punished in his body and life. Item^ He shall * Mica Bury MS S. Leonhard StOckel, preacher at Bartfekl, a contem- porary, as well as the Church books of Vallens, put tliis account beyond doubt. See Pete, Peschie Malheurs Papist. Cap. I. p. 9. See also Matricula Plebanoriim, xxiv. regal, in Scepus ; where t^Y0 aro said to have been burned •with the pastor. 54 HISTORY OF THE lose all the privileges of Christians. Item, He shall lose his honor, and can never again be admitted to a place of trust. Item, No one is bound to keep any contract with him or pay- any debt." The " Items " go on to say, " He has no right to buy or sell ; no right to trade or work at a profession ; he can make no will ; a father who is a Roman Catholic may jusdy withhold all property from an heretical son, and in like manner, a son may disinherit an heretical father.* Who- ever shall despise or dishonor the eternal, pure, elect queen, the Virgin Mary, by saying, holding, writing, or preaching, that she was only a v/oman like other women on earth ; that she ever committed mortal sin ; that she did not continue after the birth of Christ a pure virgin ; that she is not the Mother of God ; that she did not ascend to heaven ; — for these and such like heresies and errors they shall be punished, according to time and circumstances, and according to the aggravation of the crime, in their body and life. Whoever shall unite together heretically to partake of what they call the Lord's Supper, and demand -that both bread and wine shall be given them, they shall be punished in their body, life, and estate ; the houses in which such deeds take place shall be confiscated, or, according to the royal pleasure, be torn down for an eternal testimony against them. Lastly, Whoever mischievously holds that the Mass has no merits for souls in purgatory shall be banished from the kingdom." It was also enacted that all who harbor or receive heretics into their house are, " ipso facto infames," deprived of the rights of citizens, and rendered incapable of ever holding ofiice. If the magistrates and judges neglect to carry out this decree, the town in which such neglect takes place shall be deprived of all privileges. To take away the fuel from this fire, it was decreed that in the hereditary lands and those not hereditary, no one should print, write, copy, sell, buy, read, * Compare Mattliew xv, 4 -7. — Tu, PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 55 have or hold any book, writing, picture, product or remem- brance of Luther, Zwingle, fficolampadius, or any of their adherents or successors. The informer should have the third of the fine or the third part of the confiscated property. The edict, of wliich the fore- going are a iew extracts, was directed to be publicly read from every pulpit at the solemn festivals of Easter and Christmas.* We can here easily see Ferdinand's bitter hatred of Luther and of his work ; and if we find no martyrdoms under his reign, it is chiefly because the civil war left little opportunity for executing the decree. It must, then, be remembered that many of the magnates and a vast number of the nobility, as well as some of the free cities, had either openly declared in favor of Luther or were much inclined to favor his system ; the nobles, too, were proud and jealous of their freedom, boasting that they paid their king no tribute, and feeling an independence which in no other country was known ; Ferdi- nand's throne was not sufficiently stable to allow him to pro- voke such men. The nobles having observed that the priests had drawn to themselves such properties as had been con- fiscated, resolved at the Diet that the posts of the deceased prelates need not be filled up, but the emoluments given to such men as deserved well of their country. Thus was the circle of Eger, with all its emoluments, given to Peter Peren- yi, the keeper of the crown ; the circle of Neutrau to Valen- tine Torok of Ennig ; Wardein to the distinguished geneml Emerich Eibak ; Transylvania to Frances Bodo ; Esanader to Caspar Petusith ; Fiinf kirchen to John Szerccsen ; and Raab to Paul Bakith, nearly all of whom separated from the Church of Rome, and became steady supporters of the Reformation.t ^ It was necessary to refer to these matters, that we might * See Erlautertes Evangelishes Oesterreich. Rtiupacli, Hamburg, 1730, pp. 60-68, Supplement No. 17. t Papai in Rud. reel. 1526. Parman Kalanjn, Lib. lU. p. 194. 56 HISTORY OF THE not be led astray by Ferdinand's apparent tolerance towards the Reformers at a later period. We may see how much he favored the Pope and the Church of Rome by the order which he issued through the royal councillor, Dr. John Faber, to the professors at Vienna, that they should draw up a regis- ter of every article which contains a heresy, in as far as they knew, and hand it to his majesty the king.* In the following year he sent a visitation and inquisition through the other crown lands, to inquire in how far the edicts against the Lutherans had been carried out. Under the direction of Faber, several experienced theologians^ as- sisted by laymen, proceeded for this purpose through Austria, Styria, and Carinthia, and received everywhere proper assist- ance from the civil authorities. At court, also, there was no relaxation in favor of the Lutherans, for, on the 20th of July, a new edict was pub- lished, requiring that they should be punished with the great- est severity.t On the 24th the printers and booksellers were threatened even with death if they distributed sectarian books. Thus, in as far as edicts could help them, the priests had all they desired. And yet Ernestus, Bishop of Passau, shortly afterwards discovered in the other crown lands, what could no longer be concealed in Hungary, that the doctrines of the Reformation were fast gaining ground. The wealthy and the powerful were even there also very remiss in cariy- ing out the royal decrees ; if and when the Pope fancied he had gained nearly all his desire, he had most reason to trem- ble for his dominion. At this time the powerful Hungarian magnate, Peter Pe- rcnyi, with his sons Francis, George, and Gabriel, had-openly declared themselves on the side of Luther, ^e was the son of that Emerich who had been palatine under the reign of * Raupjich, Erl. Evang. Ocst. Hamb. 1736, p. 46. t Co, Part I. p. 167. Godofry Schwartz, Life and Writuigs of Dudith, § XXI. p. 56. The Jesuit Peterfy. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 99 The archbishop complained to the emperor, and on the 16th of April an order was sent to the civil authorities of Schem- nitz warning them to obey the archbishop, and threatening them with severe punishment for what they had done. This order was signed, among others, by Dudith, who had returned from the Council of Trent, but it did not produce much effect, for, on the 25th of July following, the angel of death knocked at Ferdinand's door and called him away. His death freed the magistrates of Schemnitz from their perilous position, and took a great weight from the hearts of the friends of the Ref- ormation in Hungary and Germany. For thirty-eight years had Ferdinand I. been King of Hun- gary. Fie had, besides, worn the Roman imperial crown and that of Bohemia. The political historian must describe him as a wise prince and lover of justice. We have had op- portunity of showing that he was aware of the errors of the Church of Rome, and. earnestly longed for a reform ; and yet in the decisive moment he avoided publicly declaring against Rome, and, like other princes, joining the Reformation, al- though the great majority of his subjects in Austria, Bohemia, Styria, and Hungary would have stood firmly by him in tak- ing such a step. If we inquire into the reason of this conduct, we must men- tion in the first place his Spanish education, the first impres- sions of which were carefully nourished by the priests ; the example of his brother, the Emperor Charles ; the constant friendly relation between him and the court of Rome ; the moral and physical assistance which Rome gave him against the Turks, and which in his circumstances was indispensable ; the falsehoods which were told of Luther ; * the ignorance of the Word of God which alone can make fallen man free, — all these wrought together in making Ferdinand what he * No one doubts a.ny more that the letter of Ferdinand to Luther of 1st of Febi-uaiy, 1537, is a forgery. 100 HISTORY OF THE We arc firmly of opinion that Ferdinand I. may justly be ranked among the warmest and most devoted friends of the Pope. He did all for Popery which any man could do in those stormy times and under his circumstances, without the greatest folly and danger. He did not understand that mov- ing of the Holy Spirit on the troubled waters of the Christian Church in his day. And it is with regret that we must de- cline joining with such Protestant writers as Spondanus, who declare him to have been a friend of the Reformation. Should we give any other reasons for our decision, we would simply point to his conduct in Austria, where he was much less fettered than in Hungary, and yet this freedom was only used to oppress and hinder the Reformaton.* * Raupach, Ev. Aixst. Part II. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 101 CHAPTER XII. llaxhiiilian I. is made King. — Communion in both Kinds in Hungary. — The CeUbacy of the Clergj'. — Organization of the Kefonned Church, and Separation from the Lutherans. — Unitarians in Transylvania. — Pastor Lucas. — Lazarus Schwcnd. — Confession of Czcnser. It was with their whole heart that the Protestants joined in the cry, " Long live the king! " as jMaximilian I. was crowned in his father's stead. Their hopes were also realized. As yet there was no formal separation from the Church of Rome further than that the sentiments of the evangelical preachers were known. When Archbishop Olah therefore wrote to Presburg de- manding that all heretical books should be sought out, and threatening excommunication in case of disobedience, the citizens were much alarmed. They knew what he had done in the case of Peter Simeghi, the evangelical pastor of Selyr, throwing him into prison and subjecting him to all possible trial. And now the demand came to Presburg, not only to give up the books, but also to banish all the preachers who were known to be of sentiments different from what Rome calls orthodox. In their distress they sent a deputation to the king to appeal against the archbishop. About the same time a similar complaint was brought by the Protestant clergy of the seven mining towns, and liiey had a better case made out ; for, by handing in their confes- sion of faith, they had virtually separated from Rome's juris- diction. They showed how they were appointed by law " to preach the Gospel diligently, and administer the sacraments according to the Augsburg Confession." Maximilian imme- diately directed the archbishop " to cease disturbing the evan- 9* 102 HISTORY OF THE gelical clergy ; to consider the times, and to take heed that he did not destroy more than he built up." * By a letter dated 2d of September, 1564, the king directed that the permission to use the cup in the communion should also be extended to Hungary. The edict was published by the archbishop himself in Presburg and Tyrnau, and by the bishops in Raab, Erlau, and Agram. Indeed, it was also published in the camp of Lazarus Schwend, the imperial commander-in-chief, who labored very successfully in advan- cing the Reformation in the neighborhood of the Theiss, by bringing forward such preachers as were of evangelical sen- timents. Maximilian went even farther, and entertained high hopes of being able to abolish the celibacy of the clergy, asserting that, were this evil removed, all would soon proceed smooth- ly.t He was of opinion that the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches might very well exist together, and was therefore from his heart opposed to persecution in religious matters. At the Diet of 1566, which was held to make prep- aration against the Turks, who, to the number of one hun- dred and fifty thousand men, were approaching towards Hun- gary, no resolution was passed in any way molesting the Reformers. Encouraged, therefore, by the outward peace which they enjoyed, that distinguished light of the Reformed Church, the senior and pastor Caspar Karolyi, summoned a synod, at which the majority signed the Swiss Confession of Faith. They wrote to their brethren in Transylvania, rec- ommending this confession, and sent the letter by Paul Thu- rius, who was now completely devoted to the Reformed or Swiss party. In like manner was a synod called at Debrecsin by Peter Melius, in which the Swiss Confession of Faith, as distin- * Eibiiiyi, ]\Icm. Mica Bury MS. t Ribinyi, Mem. Aug. Conf., Part L, p. 199. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 103 guished from the Augsburg Confession, was adopted and printed, so that the separation of the Reformed and Lutheran Churches was now complete. This organization of the Protestant churches was not very- acceptable to the Roman Catholics, and they succeeded in blackening the character of the Reformed Church — whom they always denominated Sacramentarians — in the eyes of Maximilian, to such an extent, that when a similar synod was about being held in (Edenberg, Maximilian wrote to the magistrates, not only prohibiting the meeting, but also for- bidding them to have any connection with such preachers, requiring, at the same time, that if any such were among them, they should be banished, and their books destroyed.* Following the king's example, the commander-in-chief of the forces, Lazarus Schwend, who appears to have known very little about the Helvetic Confession, took a very decided stand against the Reformed, and in favor of the Lutheran, Church. This general had soon an opportunity of trying his skill in ecclesiastical: matters, in the case of Lucas, the pastor of Eriau, who had adopted Socinian views, and whose case was tried before the synod of Kashaw, in January, 1568. It having been proved that Lucas denied the eternity of the Son of God, and so rejected the doctrine of the Trinity, the gen- eral adopted a military solution of the theological quarrel, for he cast the accused into prison, and gave him his liberty again, after a long confinement, only on condition of recant- ing. It is true, the manner of conducting the trials of those who were suspected of Socinianism was very far from being an impartial inquiry after truth ; but it was at that time ne- cessary for the evangelical church to show that she had no sympathy with those who denied the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ ; otherwise the Roman Catholics were very ready to make this charge against individuals an opportunity of persecuting the whole Church. * Ribinyi, Mem. Aug. Conf., Part I., p. 208. 104 HISTORY OF THE The Unitarians had, indeed, at this time, become very numerous ; and as John, Prince of Transylvania, seemed to favor them, they allowed themselves to be led very far in provoking the other party. In vain did the professors in Wittenberg write to the chancellor, Michael Csaky, urging the brethren not to suffer such heresies, in direct opposition to the Word of God, to spring up among them. In vain did they beg and entreat them to send their young men to foreign universities and support them there. The Italian doctor and preacher, Blandvater, with Francis David, drove matters so far that, at the Synod of Wardein, in Transylvania, the doc- ti'ine of the Trinity was openly denied, and the pastor of Klausenburg was appointed superintendent of the Unitarians. Many Hungarians were present at this Transylvanian synod, who did not adhere to the false doctrines. The Prince of Transylvania, however, with many of the nobility, and the great mass of the citizens of Wardein, openly joined the Uni- tarians. This was perhaps a reason why the Hungarians, though they had already signed the Confession of Torgau, in 1567, prepared and printed at Debrecsin a new confession, entitled the " Confession of Czenger." The great historian Bossuet is quite mistaken when he calls this a Polish confes- sion. It was drawn up by Hungarians, and is to this day the common confession of the Reformed Church in Hungary. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 105 CHAPTER XIII. Jehoiachiin Brandenburg. — Death of Gabriel Per^nyi, Bishop of Csanad. — Synod of Kremnitz. — The twenty-four Zips Towns and their Confession. — David Chvtraus. Solomon says, " To everything there is a season, and a tinne to every purpose under the heaven " ; and we may safe- ly say that the reign of Maxinailian was '' the time for Con- fessions of Faith." From single cities, and from individual pastors, we find confessions of faith appearing, agreeing in so far with the Augsburg Confession that they give the Lord all glory. They were in general written as public replies to the disagreeable attacks made on these parties by such as, either through blindness or obduracy, could see no salvation out of the Church of Rome, and whose chief aim was, at any price, to bring all back again under the Roman slavery. It was for this reason that Jehoiachim Brandenburg, chaplain of the German cavalry at Raab, in the year 1567, published the confession of his faith at Ratisbon. In the preface, he informs us how, in consequence of his respect for Flacius and adherence to the doctrines which he taught, he was driv- en from place to place, till at last he had obtained leave to preach and dispense the sacraments at Raab. Even here he had little rest, for, as he held divine service in a private house, he was represented as one who hated the light. Being, however, accustomed to preach in the open air,* he would not be prevented from continuing to do so, and, that every one might know what he taught, he hereby published the principal articles of his creed. * He had eight different places Avhere he preaclied. Mica Bury MS. 106 HISTORY OF THE Such decided witnesses were much required in Hungary at this time, for, during the sitting of the Presburg Diet, m 1567, Gabriel Perenyi was laid in the grave of his fathers, and the funeral oration was pronounced over this devoted supporter of the Lutheran Church by Fabricius Szikzovianus, in the presence of an august assembly of mourners. It was not long till the second pillar of the Lutheran Church in Upper Hungary, Lazarus Schwend, was also laid in the nar- row house. These losses were the more felt as Gregory Bornemissa, the Bishop of Csanad, had written to the twenty- four towns of Zips, informing them that he would soon visit " his towns," armed with the necessaiy powers to restore the disobedient wanderers from the fold. He informed them, also, that he would hold a synod, in which it would be shown what every one is bound to teach and believe. In a second letter, in 1570, he renews the summons to the clergy to at- tend at his court, and adds, that he will leave no means un- tried to purge his diocese.* In the mean time, the influence of Rome was so far felt at Vienna that the evangelical pro- fessors at the university were excluded from the oflice of rector. Under such circumstances, the representatives of the five mining towns met at Kremnitz in the year 1569, — renewed the confession of faith which they had presented to Ferdi- nand in 1559, — resolved to instruct the children carefully in the Catechism, and to hold a clerical meeting conference twice a year. The rep^'resentatives of the twenty-four Zips towns held a conference in the same year, and deputed two of their num- ber, Valentine Mcyander and Cyriacus Opsopaus, to draw up tlieir confession. Their work v/as finished in 1573, and the several points agreed very fully with the Augsburg Confes- sion ; tliis, therefore, obtained much more of the royal ap- probation than did the confession of the Calvinistic Church, * Ribinyi, Mem., Part I. p. 221. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 107 as is evident from the fact of Maximilian shortly after invit- ing Chytraus from Rostock, to bring all the evangelical churches of Austria to the Lutheran model. When Chytraus had finished his work in Austria, he trav- elled through Hungary and Transylvania, and in the account given of his journey, he mentions how the Arian heresy had spread ; but, at the same time, that he had found the true Church of Christ scattered through all Hungary. He saw in Ofen a Lutheran and a Roman Catholic occupying the same church alternately, and in CEdenberg he found pastor, and magistrates, and citizens, firmly attached to the principles of the Reformation. He remarks, further, that in the neighbor- hood of the Neusiedel lake, by the banks of the Danube and the Raab, the Church was flourishing ; in Zips, and among the Saxons in Transylvania, he found most learned men in the churches and schools, who remained unmoved by all the exertions of Blandvater and the other Socinian teachers. This visit of the zealous Chytraus did far more for the benefit of the Church in Hungary than the letter of the Wit- tenberg theologians, warning so earnesdy against the Socinian errors, had accomplished. The spoken word, and the per- sonal influence of enlightened friends of truth, produce a far more permanent effect than it is possible for writings to do. It was thus that the travels of the Apostles in the early times, and the travelling of missionaries in our own days, have had an influence far beyond anything which the dead letter of the written Word could ever claim in gathering and strength- ening the churches. 108 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XIV. Diet at Presburg. —John Kurber, — T}Tnau. — James Wolf. — Death of Ser pilius and Szegedinus. — Formal Separation from Eome. The war with the Turks was ended by a truce for eight years, and the quarrel with John, Prince of Transylvania, was brought to a close in 1570, in such a way that John should hold, during life, a certain portion of the country. As he died in the following year, Maximilian was freed from much anxiety, and now the great aim must be to try and heal the wounds which half a century of war had inflicted. Accordingly, in 1572, two diets were held at Presburg, in neither of which any resolution unfavorable to the Protes- tants was adopted, and in the latter meeting, Rudolph, the son of Maximilian, was crowned King of Hungaiy. In the place of Schwend, another zealous Protestant, John Kurber, was appointed commander-in-chief of the forces in Hungary.* Under his protection, the Germans in Tyrnau called an evangelical preacher, who labored very acceptably among them. In their baptisms, funerals, and schools, they laid aside all the Popish customs and ceremonies, and set about building for themselves a new church, which was fin- ished during the reign of Maximilian. About the same time the town of Moderu, which had just been raised to the title and privileges of a city, elected its first evangelical pastor in the person of James Wolf, a dis- ciple of Luther, who fully carried out the principles of his renowned master. * As governor of the city Kaab, he had introduced the first evangelical preacher into that city. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 109 In all these prosperous times, the great Head of the Church was reminding his people that the cause of truth does not depend on man, whose breath is in his nostrils. He there- fore called away by death Laurence Serpilius, the Reformer of Bela, and shortly after, the great Stephen Szegedinus. The latter died in 1572, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. He had been eighteen years superintendent in the diocese lying between the Border Lake and the Save ; and at his death had one hundred and twenty Protestant churches under his superintendence. Through evil report and good report, in stripes and imprisonments, dangers by water and dangers by land, he had labored on unweariedly in his Master's cause.* In his sixtieth year he had a public discussion in Pesth with a monk of the name of Seraphim Pantheus, and with the sword of the Spirit he carried off a brilliant victory. The Reformed Church claims him as one of her superintendents. There is, however, no evidence that he separated himself from the Lutheran party ; all that can be said is, that in the later years of his life he had a strong leaning to the Calvin- istic doctrines, and lived on very intimate terms with the leaders of that Church. Although the evangelical churches, both Lutheran and Reformed, had at this time a complete organization, yet the Roman Catholic bishops did not cease to assert their claims, demanding from the Protestant clergy a constant recognhion of their authority, and from the churches regular payments of Church dues. The Archbishop of Gran, in passing through Leutshaw in 1573, took high offence at Anton Plattner, the evangelical pastor of the place, for not waiting on him with accustomed honor ; and when Plattner, reminded of his duty by the magistrates, hastened after the archbishop so far as * He had many narrow escapes for his life. At one time his horses ran away and threw him into the Danube, where he was in great danger; and at another time, while bathing, he came too near a whirlpool, and was with difficulty rescued. 10 110 HISTORY OF THE Epeijes, in company with some of the neighboring clergy, the archbishop complained grievously of their having left Rome. " The honor of being very learned men he would not deny them, and even to their marriage he had no objec- tion, if they had only waited till permission had been ob- tained from Rome." Plattner returned safe and sound to his own dear Leutshaw.* In the same year the Bishop of Csanad wrote to the evan- gelical churches, demanding his dues. They answered by sending him their Confession of Faith, with some few words of explanation respecting the constitution of their churches. It is there said, " The Church is the visible body of those who hear and believe the Gospel, and among whom the sac- raments are administered according to Christ's appointment. The spirit of God works among these to renew their minds by his appointed means ; there are, however, in this life, many in the visible Church whose minds are not yet renewed. Those, however, who falsify the Word, administer the sac- raments contrary to Christ's intention, and kill the saints, — such are not the Church of God, but, as the Lord says, ' of their father the Devil.' ' He that is not with us is against us.' " By this document they declared themselves completely separated from Rome ; and it was not convenient for the bishop just at that time to take any further notice of the proceedings. Other churches, wishing also to be free, sent their theolog- ical students to Wittenberg, where they were ordained, and then returned to labor in their native land. Some went for the same purpose to Transylvania, others to Gratz, and others still to Silesia.t * Ribinyi, j\Iem. Aug. Conf., Part I. Here is the great Roman principle asserted. The Pope has the power to pronounce any course of conduct to be riglit or wrong. Right and wrong mean, then, what is conformable to hi§ will or otherwise. This is really setting himself in God's stead. t Memoralylia Qvlenbcrgs MS. ; Ribinyi, Mem., Part I., p. 246, where the diploma of Paul Ilcrinelius is copied. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. Ill CHAPTER XV. Peter Bornemissa. — Stephen Beytha. — !Michael Starinus. — The Pastors of (Edenberg. — Caspar Zeitvogel. — Nicolas Telegdy appeals to the Pope. — Maximilian's Death. — His Character. At the head of this chapter stand the names of three of the most distinguished Reformers in Hungary. Perhaps it is on this account that the Lutheran and Reformed writers strive to claim each for their own party. The following facts may perhaps help to clear up the darkness which rests on this point, and contribute towards settling the question, if it is one of so much importance. Peter Bornemissa was born of noble family, at Pesth, and received his education at Kashaw and Vienna. In his eigh- teenth year, he permitted the public to visit him at his lodg- ings in Vienna, where he read and expounded the Scriptures to them. Being accused by Nicolas Olah, at that time arch- bishop, he was thrown into prison. On being set free, he travelled in Italy, France, and Germany, for eight years, pursuing his studies. On his return, he was, by the patron- age of Count Julius Salin, and his worthy countess, Elizabeth Thurzo, appointed preacher, first in Galgatz, and then in Shintaw. Here he labored with much success, and published an incredible number of books. Especially valuable were his Hungarian sermons, which he printed between 1574 and 1584, partly in quarto, partly in folio, dedicated to Count Salm and prince Stephen Tor6k. Other works, which pro- duced a great sensation at the time, were his Sum of Saving Knowledge and Comfort in the Vicissitudes of Life, pub- lished in 1577, and dedicated to Anna Maria Losontcy, the wife of Christopher Unguad. Several liberal princes and 112 HISTORY OF THE pious ladies bore the cost of printing, and among these were Barbara Somi, wife of Ladislaus Banfy, Count Salm Bath- yani, Thomas Nadasdy, and Francis Esterhazy. From the year 1584, we hear no more of this great man ; probably about that time he died. His writings bear the character of the time, and give evidence that the Turkish dominion had very much injured the state of religion and morals. Lampe and others claim him as a Calvinist ; but we have evidence that, on a preacher being appointed at (Edenberg, the magistrates and citizens would not make the appointment till after Superintendent Bornemissa had exam- ined and approved of him. From the quarrels and bitter feelings between the two Confessions, and from the high stand which the citizens of (Edenberg took on the side of the Augsberg Confession, we infer that they would not send their pastor to be examined by a Calvinistic superintendent. This CEdenberg pastor was afterwards a very distinguished laborer in the Lord's vineyard. His name was Stephen Bey- tha. Born about 1528, he labored first in the schools, and afterwards as preacher, for a period of forty-five years. Bornemissa recommends him to the Church in Qi^denberg, in 1574, as a very worthy man, whom they should respect and support, and expresses the hope that he may be a blessing to the town. Here he remained only two years, as Hungarian preacher, and then removed to Gussing, in Eisenberg, as pastor to the Church there, and chaplain to Count Balthasar Bathyani. As an influential superintendent, we shall fre- quently hear further of him. Another of the great leaders of the Reformation was Mi- chael Starinus. One benefit which he conferred on Hun- gary was the translation of the Psalms into Hungarian verse, and, indeed, the greater number of the Psalms in use among the Reformed churches to this day are said to be his transla- tion. He was a most laborious minister of the Gospel, but very little is known respecting the very peculiar sphere of PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 113 his labors, beyond the facts, that he lived atTolnau, in 1557 ; that he was settled at Papa, as pastor, previous to 1574 ; and that, while he and Stephen Beytha were candidates for the vacant post of Hungarian preacher in CEdenberg, in the last- mentioned year, Beytha was preferred.* ' There were at that time five preachers in CEdenberg, namely, three in the German church, one in the Hospital, and Beytha in the Hungarian church. The names were, Jonas Peter Nusaus, a native of Nuremburg, James Ritshen- del, Hans Hofer, and Andrew Pfendtner. In the Hungarian church, a service in Croatian was occasionally held, a cus- tom which exists to this day, though the Croatians in the neighboring village, Culmhof, are now all Roman Catholics. Beytha was succeeded by Caspar Dragonus, in 1576.t The schools in CEdenberg were as prosperous as the churches. The gymnasium, which had been established in 1566, had Francis Hartwann as professor till the year 1577, and, as the school was prospering, Caspar Zeitvogel was called from Austria, as rector. Up to this time it had been customary for the youth in the Latin school to hear mass each morning, from eight till nine o'clock, and vespers each evening, from three till four. The new rector discontinued this custom, to the great annoyance of the priest. He in- troduced the custom of singing German hymns, instead of Latin, at funerals, and dispensed with the attendance of priests, with their wax candles, on such occasions, j: * There was a Hungarian preacher in (Edenberg previous to 1568 ; for in that year we find the record of a presbyter of Guns applying for the vacant place. In 15GS-69, Francis Novanus was placed there; in 1570-71, Lucas of Blasteniz; the name of the preacher in 1572-73 is not given. In 1574, there is an entry to the effect, that, by order of the burgomaster, there wa.s paid to the Hungarian preacher of Papa, Michael Starinus, two dollars, for preaching on trial at the (Edenberg Hungarian Church. t Caspar Dragonus signs himself pastor of the United Hungarian and Cr-oatian Church. X Z. E. Russeus, Burgomaster of (Edenberg. Transactions during his Life. MS. 10* 114 HISTORY OF THE As the priests were thus deprived of some of their fees, they were so enraged that, on one occasion, at a funeral, " a priest, in the public street, boxed the ears of Master Caspar Zeitvogel." Shortly after, Zeitvogel was dismissed, by the in- fluence of the Bishop of Raab and some of his creatures, and the next place we find him is in Basle, where he offici- ates as doctor of medicine. His place, as rector of the gymnasium, was filled by Michael Rusler, in 1574, who con- tinued to labor successfully for four years. Up till this time, the St. Michael's church had been used alternately by Protestants and Roman Catholics, but now a complete separation took place, and that chiefly by the in- fluence of the sensual Romish priest, WalfT Spillinger. The friends of the Reformation had struggled hard to gain a footing, and now they must not relax their efforts in at- tempting to maintain their ground against those who had no qualms of conscience respecting the means they adopted to gain their end. " And they who kill you," said the Lord Jesus, with such truth and power, " will think they do God service " ; " and all this they will do, because they neither know me nor my Father." Some looked on the incredible spread of evangelical senti- ments as a great evil. Among these was Nicolas Telegdy, Provost of Gran, about the end of Maximilian's reign. As he found the emperor's lukewarmness in persecuting the Protestants intolerable, he wrote to Pope Gregory, in May, 1576, complaining especially of the people of Tyrnau, that they had appointed a most talented preacher, to whom crowds were listening in the hospital church. In vain had the legate demanded of the emperor to send this plague out of the town. In vain had the bishops of Erlau and Raab united to plead for the same purpose ; they had only succeeded in ob- tammg a promise that royal commissioners would inquire into the case. He therefore begged the Pope to urge the emperor on to do his duty, while many in Tyrnau were PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 115 trembling for the consequences of allowing this madman his full liberty. And, lastly, remarks the provost, if the heretics once gain a victory in Tyrnatf, their teachers will then come like flies, and cover the land, so that the Roman Catholic faith would be overturned, — yes, overturned by the preach- ing of the Gospel ! Rome's power was thus waning fast in Hungary, when Maximilian died at Ratisbon, on the 12th of October, 1576. The Jesuit Mitterdorfer numbers him among the faithful sons of the Church, and says he yielded to the Protestants simply from dire necessity. Others think that Maximilian suffered the Church of Rome designedly to sink, and that he w^as a warm friend of the Reformation.* Let us remember that, as crown prince and king of Bo- hemia, he was decidedly in favor of the Reformation. At that time he wrote to the Duke of Wurtemburg, that it was of the utmost importance that the contending parties in the Protestant Church should be reconciled ; for, by so doing, the Pope would be the more hampered in his proceedings, which Maximilian confessed would not vex him veiy much. In another letter, he calls the Papists " the other party," and the enemies both of himself and the duke.t As emperor, however, he is less open ; the circumstances require more moderation. As emperor, he attended mass, remained in communion with the Church of Rome, took as his chaplain that same Cithardus whom he had formerly so much des- pised ; but, as Thuanus observes, " always at heart well in- clined towards the Protestants." A singular proof of this he gave in his last years ; for as on the death of Cithardus they gave him one Martin Eisen- grim, a Protestant apostate, to be his chaplain, and as he, in his first sermon, made a bitter attack on the Protestants, tiie * Martin Gratianus in vita Card. Comnicndoni. t Raupach, Evang. Aust. 1st Tart, Supplement, pp. 21, 22, 116 HISTORY OF THE emperor immediately found another situation for him in the Bavarian monastery of Dettingen. If we, then, consider further, in addition to what has been said, that the greater number of office-bearers at court were Protestants, that Protestants were sent as ambassadors to foreign courts, even to Rome, we may well doubt whether to receive with implicit confidence or not, what the Jesuit Mit- terdorfer says of him on his deathbed, " He gave full evi- dence of being a Roman Catholic prince." * This doubt will be further increased by the fact, that the Paris University re- fused him the customary honors after death, as they had doubts respecting his orthodoxy. We may also remember the memorable words with which he dismissed his evangelical chaplain, Pfauser, when compelled to do so by the influence of Ferdinand's court, — " Be of good courage, dear Pfauser, the service of God must not yield to the commandments of men." ,=* See Gerbach's Turkish Day-Book, p. 498. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 117 CHAPTER XVI. RUDOLPH II., FROM 1576 TO 1608, IN HUNGARY; DIED 1612. His Education and ilanner of Life. — Archduke Ernest, Governor of Austria. — Opitz and Soberer. — The Concordia in Hungary. — Roman Tactics. With the Emperor Rudolph begins a period of thirty-two years, which, for the Church in Hungary, abounded in suf- fering and trials. The wonder, how it was possible for such an enlightened and gentle father as Maximilian to leave be- hind him such a son and heir as Rudolph, will be explained by a glance at his early education. Rudolph was born at Vienna in 1552, and while the father was occupied with the cares of government, the Spanish mother, by the aid of the Jesuits, formed the young mind after her own wish. While he was scarcely yet twelve years old, he was sent to be near the suspicious, tyrannical, cruel Philip, King of Spain. At the side of this dark monarch and his ghostly executioner, the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, did Rudolph, while yet a youth, acquire that implicit submis- sion to the Church of Rome, which made him respect every error, consider every change even of the most absurd cus- toms as a heresy, and fitted him for being the blind tool of the priests of an infallible Church. They had only one dif- ficulty in his character, and that was the pride of being a ruler, and of being considered such. Yet they knew well how to turn this to account, by directing this failing in such a channel as served their purpose. Such a mixture of dark suspicion and tyrannical pride as 118 HISTORY OF THE made up the character of Philip, just such was also Rudolph's character. Like Philip, it became always more and more difficult for his subjects to have access to him. Indeed, at one time, the citizens of Prague, where he generally resided, considered him to be dead ; and the only way to quell a riot, which was breaking out in consequence, was, that he came and showed himself at a window. Devoted to astrology, alchymy, and painting, and with a decided aversion to affairs of state, his extensive dominions soon fell, like his own household, into desperate disorder. Like Louis II., he was always at a loss for money ; and though niggardly in matters of importance, yet he could waste his property on flowers, and pearls, and trifles. He was always surrounded with alchymists, astrologers, artists, and mistresses, who carried away with a full hand, while his troops were generally obliged to subsist on forced loans and friendly plunder. Of course no attention was paid to the education of the people. The king set the example of adul- terating the silver in dollars, and the brokers and usurers in his dominions knew how to imitate him in this respect. Under such a ruler, who, as Fessler remarks, " for the gratification of his own covetousness, transgressed all law and all morality, that he might bury his treasures by the mil- lion," it would have been indeed a wonder if credit, justice, and morality had not disappeared, and cheatery taken their place. With that faithfulness and good-natufed resignation which constitutes a principal trait of their character, the Hungarians accepted of this king, who was crowned 25th of September, 1572, in the twentieth year of his age. They hoped to find the just and virtuous father in the son ; and even what very soon after the coronation took place against the Protestants in Austria did not quite remove the scales from their eyes. In 1577, Rudolph had appointed his brother Ernest deputy- governor of Austria, who immediately, no doubt by the ad- PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 119 vice of the Jesuits, set about attempting a counter reforma- tion. It was the learned and zealous, but at the same time headstrong and imprudent, evangelical preacher in Vienna, Joshua Opitz, who gave occasion to this step. Picturing, in his sermon, the consequences of monastic life, he mentioned that, in the time of Pope Gregory, in a certain pool or lake, six thousand skulls of children had been found, which had all been thrown in by the women of the neighboring convent, and that the Bishop of Augsburg had written to Pope Nico- las I. on the subject. Eight days after, the Jesuit Scherer preached against him, and soon raised such a storm, that, by express command of the emperor, the preachers Opitz, Tat- telbach, and Hugo received orders, on the 2 1st of June, 1578, " on the same day, before sunset, to leave Vienna, and within fourteen days to be beyond the boundaries of the em- pire, never to return." * In the same year was the evangelical preacher at Krems, John Matthews, of Smalkalden, banished ; and many of the citizens, who were suspected of Protestantism, were called up, and strictly examined respecting their views. While the cardinal Plosius was rejoicing over the banishment of the preachers and the suppression of the Protestant congrega- tions, and while men of evangelical sentiments, who refused to take part in the processions, were excluded from the rec- torship of the University, the Bishop of Vienna was making preparations for an inquisition of the books, in which work he was faithfully assisted by the University. With equal zeal were the Jesuits laboring in Styria, where they succeeded in banishing Jeremiah Hombcrger, the pastor and rector of Gratz. Though the prospects of the Protestants were thus very gloomy, yet the Hungarians, depending on the oath of the king, and on their own constitution, seemed to have no fear * Kaupach, Ev. Austria, Tart. I., p. 272. 120 HISTORY OF THE that the fire of persecution might soon reach themselves. Was it the consciousness of the justice of their cause, or was it the number of members of their own party filling influen- tial positions, or the success which had hitherto attended their struggles against Rome, that lulled asleep all suspicion, and prevented them taking energetic steps to meet the tricks of the Jesuits and their helpers ? Instead of combating the great foe from without, the inter- nal quarrels were increasing, and synod after synod was held to discuss such questions among themselves as only tended to stir up strife. In the hope of settling the disputes, an at- tempt was made to have the Concordia signed ; and though, at the Synod of Kremnitz, in 1580, the commander-in-chief of the Hungarian army, as well as lay deputies from some of the sister towns, used their utmost efforts to have the sig- nature accomplished, yet the attempt only increased the evil which it was designed to heal. Indeed, Gregory Bornemissa, of Great Wardein, took the opportunity of warning the clergy under his superintendence, that as there were in this formula sentiments reflecting dishonor on the person of Christ, they should refuse signing it, and threatened, if they did so, he would proceed against him as if they denied the humanity of Christ.* The bishop having had heavy expenses at the Diet of Prcsburg, wrote to the evangelical clergy of Zips, in 1583, requesting them to send him, as usual, their share of his ex- penses, and expressing a wish that the usual sum of sixty ducats should this time be increased to a hundred. In the letter, he calls them his reverend brethren in Christ. Now, though the evangelical clergy had, in general, paid the dues to the Popish bishops, still it happened that the cler- * This formula was drawn up by Andreas Chemnitz and Sohiecker, and afterwards exuinine.l and approved by Chytraus Musculus and KOrnir, and was published in 1577. In this formula, the ubiquity of Christ's human na- ture is asserted. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY.' 121 gy of Zips had not paid the last oil account for extreme unctions, and even all the bishop's flattery did not now suc- ceed in extracting even a part of the hundred ducats. The bishop's death in the following year prevented, for the pres- ent, any final settlement of the question. While the Protestant Church was torn with internal dis- sensions, the Roman Catholics, on the contrary, fully organ- ized and strengthened by the Jesuits, as well as supported by the court, were prepared to take advantage of every change. They knew well that for the present nothing could be under- taken on a large scale, and that the Diet would not assist them ; they therefore chose prudent and courageous leaders, and began a guerilla warfare against individual pastors and single congregations. 11 122 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XVII. Roman Catholic Synod at Steinamanger. — Bishop Telegdy. — Gregorian Calendar. — Banishment of the Protestant Clergy of (Edenberg. — Drasko- witsh is made Cardinal. — Adoption of the New Calendar out of Respect to the King. — Banishment of the Jesuits from Transylvania. — Death of Draskowitsh. The zeal of the Roman Catholics to bring back the Protes- tants to the Church of Rome was manifested in various ways. George Draskowitsh, Archbishop of Kolotscha, and imperial chancellor, summoned a general synod of the clergy of his diocese to Steinamanger, in Eisenberg, to meet in August, 1579, to which he also invited the Protestant clergy. Count Francis Nadasdy, however, on whose estates many Protes- tants resided, took up the case warmly, and wrote to the arch- bishop in July, 1579, sending a copy of his letter to the magistrates of CEdenberg, in which he states, that the evan- gelical clergy need not appear before the archbishop to give an account of their faith, for this they have already done by signing the Augsburg Confession ; should it, however, be intended to hold a public discussion on matters of faith, the time appeared to be badly chosen, for it would only cause new excitement, and expose to further devastations from the Turks. The evangelical clergy did not appear at the synod. What the archbishop with all his power could not accomplish, was attempted by others in a different way. It is a singular trait of the Roman Catholic Church that she is very unwilling to try the power of the two-edged sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, against her enemies, while she much prefers the more expeditious sword of the civil power. Yet here we find one exception to the general rule in the person PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNTxARY. ISJJ of Nicolas Telegdy, Bishop of Fiinf kirchen, who attacked the superintendent and strove to defend Rome with the pen, — very probably because, as his diocese lay under the rule of the Turks, he could use no other weapon. Still, from what- ever cause, from the time of the Albigenses, down to the wondrous conversion of Tahiti in modern times, we find, on the part of Rome's adherents, a singular dislike to this kind of warfare, and fondness to employ fleshly weapons. It was, therefore, very acceptable to the Roman bishops and Jesuits, when the new Gregorian Calendar appeared. From the state of feeling in the country, it was easy to fore- see that the Protestants would not readily consent to adopt it ; and it turned out according to expectation ; but in no place was the opposition so bitter as in GEdenberg. When the command came to this royal free city from George Drasko- witsh, in 1583, to introduce the new calendar, even the im- provement was looked on with suspicion because it came from Rome, and in the spirit of the times such an attack was made from the pulpit, not only on the measure, but also on the bishop who introduced it, that he had a good opportunity for demanding the removal of the preachers. Though the magistrates did not obey this mandate, yet Draskowitsh, who was not only bishop, but also deputy-gov- ernor, found ways and means in the following year to have the pastors, together with the rector and conrector of the school, removed. The pastors Musaus and Ritshandel, how- ever, were no more exposed to these indignities ; the great Master had two years before called them away from the evil to come. The citizens, deeply concerned for their own freedom and the well-being of their preachers and teachers, sent a depu- tation to Vienna to Archduke Ernest ; but he, instead of granting their petition, threw them into prison, and sentenced the city to a heavy fine for its audacity. After these inno- cent citizens had lain some time in prison in Vienna, they 124 HISTORY OF THE were set free, — besides paying the fine, — under the follow- ing conditions : — First., That the banished preachers should never be admitted, either publicly or privately, into the city or surrounding villages ; but that the citizens would open hearts and ears to the Popish priests already there, or who should in the course of time be sent to the city. Secondly-> That they should never admit into the city any preacher or teacher without the express consent of the bishop, his vicar, or, at least, the archdeacon. Thirdly^ They must appoint a Roman Catholic schoolmaster, who was 'always to be ready to help the priests. Fourthly., That in their private houses no one should be allowed to preach, and no one allowed to administer the sacraments, but a priest enjoying the full con- fidence of the bishop. These resolutions the Archduke Ernest sent to Wolfgang Spillinger, the Popish priest, and Archdeacon of CEdenberg, on the 18th of June, 1584, with directions to watch whether any one and who administered baptism, performed the cere- mony of marriage, and such like, and to send the name, place, and circumstances to the archduke, that he might, in the name of his Majesty, administer the proper punishment. As this letter was read in the council of the magistrates at CEdenberg, it cast the town into indescribable sorrow and consternation. Thousands should live without the comforts of the Gospel ; children should be unbaptized ; the sick should die without the voice of a spiritual comforter, and the dead should be buried according to the rites of the Roman Church. Yet one thing remained. At a distance of about five English miles were two villages, German-Cross and Neckermarkt, where the Gospel was preached still, and these villages did not belong to CEdenberg. Faith gave the citizens strength, and they streamed out to these villages to hear the Word of God. And though many of them were taken prisoners, and carried off to the bishop's residence, and though the German evano-elical normal schoolmaster PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 125 must be dismissed, still they did not succeed in annihilating the Protestant Church in that city. For his great zeal in advancing the cause of Rome, Draskowitsh was rewarded by Pope Sixtus V. with a cardi- nal's hat, in return for which he managed to introduce the Jesuits into Transylvania, and afterwards into Hungary. Contrary to law, and contrary to the Constitution, they soon received the prebendary (probstei) of Thurzo from Rudolph, and in vain did the Diet afterwards try to remove them. Here they endeavored — ever true to their principles — to annoy as much as possible those who differed from them in sentiment ; but, by so doing, they did not much advance the credit of the Roman See. For when, at the Diet, the king and the cardinal were striving to introduce the new calendar, the states distinctly declared that they would adopt it only out of respect to their king, and not as an acknowledgment of the Roman supremacy. The Jesuits were less successful in Transylvania than in Hungary. They had stirred up strife to such an extent, that Prince Sigismund, at the unanimous earnest request of the states at the Diet, gave his sanction to a decree, of the 16th of December, 1588, banishing them out of the kingdom. The Diet declared their academy at Klausenberg to be a fortress erected against the liberties of the country, for they had taken up arms, and given occasion to rebellion. They sent their fanatical students into the houses of Calvinists, searching for books, which they brought out and burned ; and these scenes gave occasion to bloodshed and pillage.* Cardinal Draskowitsh did not live to see the black day when his favorites were driven legally out of Transylvania, for in February, 1587, he had gone to render his account to his God. * Hist. Diplom. Fred. Schmidt Ciiron. Tliur, Germ. 1599, 4to. 11* 126 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XVIIL Caspar Dragonus. — Protestant Sj'nod. — Peter Berger. — Hungarian Stu- . dents banished from Wittenberg. — The Formula Concordioe. — Koman Troops sent to Hungary. — Basta in Transylvania. — Destruction of the Evangelical Church in Styria and Carinthia. — The Roman General Bar- biano in Kashaw and Leutshaw. — The Magistrates ofLeutshaw and the Bishop of Raab. The efforts of the Roman Catholics to annihilate the Prot- estant name in Hungary tended only to develop a new life and zeal among the friends of the truth. The banished cler- gy of (Edenberg found a hearty welcome in other congrega- tions and among the princes. Caspar Dragonus, for exam- ple, found an asylum first in Steinamanger, and afterwards in Castle Hezzo, till such time as he was appointed Professor of Theology in the flourishing academy at Hormend, and pastor of the church, where he continued for a considerable time, till he was afterwards appointed pastor of Rechnitz. The misfortunes at CEdenberg induced the Protestants for some time to hold their meetings chiefly where the Turks had dominion, for here tliey were not disturbed. The disci- ples of Abdallah's son understood toleration better than those who professed the faith of the Nazarene ; and with wondrous tact the Moslems knew how to aflx)rd each confession the same liberties. There was the Synod of Murany, where many useful res- olutions were passed respecting Church discipline ; the Synod of Surany, and the discussion of Csepregh in 1591, where Count Francis Nadasdy sought in vain to bring the Calvin- istic superintendent Stephen Beytha and the Lutheran Sev- erin Skulteti of Rartfcld to a mutual crood understandinsj PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 127 respecting the Lord's Supper. Innumerable other meetings for discussing the same doctrine manifested considerable life in the Church. Still it was pity that the dogmatic side pre- ponderated so much ; and while the two contending parties were deepening the gulf which separated them, the ground was also laid for the great defection in spiritual life so soon to be manifested in the Reformed Church. There were at this time on the right side of the Danube three hundred ; on the left side, as far as Neograd, above four hundred ; and in Zips, Saras, Abanjvar, and Gomor, about two hundred fully organized churches of the Augsburg Confession with their own pastors, without reckoning the Re- formed churches and those which were not fully organized. The Reformed churches were chiefly to be found in the prov- inces governed by the Turks, and among the Magyar popu- lation. So early as 1580, the Protestant Slavish churches in the circle of Trentshin amounted to seventy, and had their own separate constitution, government, and discipline, under the protection of the obergespan of the county.* Although in this constitution much was done to remove the superstitious excresences of the Church of Rome out of the Divine service, still there were some who were not yet satis- fied, and among these Peter Berger, who, in the year 1592, commenced a furious exterminating warfare against altars, pictures, wax candles, incense, and pulpit gown, and carried matters so far that he was suspended from his office by deci- sion of the ecclesiastical court.t The struggle between Lutheran ism and Reform had reached its highest pitch about this time, and the antagonists knew UQ bounds in the bitterness of their expressions. And it is but poor consolation only to be able to say that Hungary' was not alone in this disgraceful struggle. In Saxony the in- tolerance had also reached a high pitch ; for, towards the * Ribinyi,.Mem., Part I., p. 262. t Fe^sler, Vol. VIII., p. 418. 128 HISTORY OF THE close of this century, twenty-five Hungarian students were turned out of the University of Wittenberg simply because they denied the ubiquity of the human nature of Christ, and could not, therefore, sign the " Formula Concordiae." This formula promoted anything but concord in Hungary. From end to end of the land the churches were torn with the controversy. As that distinguished man Severin Skulteti was elected Senior, the rector of Eperjes, John Mylius, protested against the election, charging him with having fallen from the evangelical faith. From the year 1591, when the discus- sion of Csepregh took place, other points were for many years neglected, and the clergy ranged themselves, in two parties, around this one question. Each party appointed a visitation of the churches in order to purify them in its own way. The superintendent, Stephen Beytha, and the Senior of Csepregh, Samuel Reczes, the former on the part of Geneva, the latter as champion of Wittenberg, were the leaders of this unseemly quarrel, and there was no rest till the two parties separated from each other completely. While engaged with such matters, little did they think of the approach of Maho- met III. with a hundred and fifty thousand men wasting the country. But, indeed, after all, as a Church they had little reason to be concerned, for under Turkish rule they had far more liberty than under Popish regime. When the Turks had taken possession of (Edenberg, one of the banished preachers returned and continued for some time, but was again obliged to leave. Even the imperial general, on en- tering the city and seeing the oppression of the Protestants, brought an evangelical preacher, Gabriel Griinberg, and placed him there. But what could a general do against a bishop walking faithfully in the steps of Draskowitsh ? In three quarters of a year he was again expelled, and the dep- utation which was sent to Vienna to represent their dis- tressed case was not only thrown into prison, but the town PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 129 was fined in six thousand florins for transgressing the orders of Archduke Ernest, and venturing to admit once more an evangelical preacher.* The persecution, which had hitherto fallen on isolated towns and single preachers, began now to become general. The rumors of an agreement between the Pope, the Jesuits, and the Court of Vienna, to root out the Protestant name, seemed about to be realized in Hungary and Transylvania. With much jealousy and fear did the Protestants look on the ten thousand Roman troops under Aldobrand, Duke of Bel- gioyosa, formerly a Carthusian abbot, which came to help the emperor against the Turks ; for these auxiliary troops were nothing less oppressive and exorbitant in their demands than the Turks had been. With equal severity were the inhabitants of Transylvania treated by George Basta, the imperial general. So soon as he had taken possession of the land in the king's name, he began to plunder, he enrolled the young men in his army, decimated the property of the rich, and kept the money to himself. He took away the churches and schools of the Protestants, and treated them so hardly that his name was mentioned with terror by children's children. Both he and the Popish general, knowing that there was nothing to fear from head-quarters, even if they should be severe on the Protestants, followed but too faithfully the example which was set by other servants of the emperor in the other crown lands. The Bishop of Secca was burning and wasting all that belonged to Protestants in Styria and Carinthia. The evangelical preachers were ordered to leave Gratz on eight days' notice, and give up their prosperous gymnasium to the Papists, while an oath was demanded from the civic authori- ties that they would immediately banish all who did not staunchly adhere to Rome. * Gamauf s Remembrances of (Edenberg. 130 HISTORY OF THE The states presented a petition to Archduke Ferdinand, in which they depicted the plots of the Jesuits, reminded him of his father's promise to the Protestants of Styria and Ca- rinthia, and also how they had voluntarily lent considerable sums to the court in the time of need, — but it was all in vain.* The bishop went on with his cruelty. The Protes- tants at Eisengrub not having yielded implicit obedience to the stern commands, had their houses filled with soldiers, and many were carried away prisoners to Gratz. The casde of the knight John Hoffman was seized ; the Protestant church close by was blown up with powder, and the bones of the nobility resting in the vaults below the church were also blown to the winds. The altar of the evangelical church in Gratz was overturned, and the bones of the deceased pastor, Zimmermann, were taken up and thrown into the neighbor- ing river. Under such circumstances, the citizens of the capital of Carinthia, who were chiefly Protestants, considered them- selves justified in taking to arms. They closed their gates and made earnest preparations to protect their holiest rights, and to regain liberty of faith and conscience, without which man is the mere tool of tyranny, degraded to the level of the inferior creation. But repeated decrees of the archduke, sometimes cajoling, sometimes threatening, gained over the one part and terrified the other part of the citizens. The Je- suits had gained their object. Their victory was soon so complete that, in all Styria and Carinthia, only a very few Protestant congregations remained. It was, no doubt, the intention in high places to do the same in Hungary and Bohemia, for the same spirit and principles animated and directed the government in all departments. * August Jacob Thuanus, Tom. II., Lib. 124, p. m. 1522 in 4to, anno 1601 ; David Rungius Wittenberg de persecutione in Styria; Anander, and many others. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 131 But in spite of the league between the Pope and the Em- peror to root out the Protestant name, what had been so easi- ly accomplished in other lands could not here be carried out. The higher and lower Hungarian nobility, as well as the free cities, had certain privileges secured to them by the Constitu- tion, by means of which they were not so much exposed to arbitrary treatment, while at the same time their love of liberty increased. Not accustomed to bear arms, having lain long under the oppression of a foreign power, being now as bitterly oppressed by their own troops, they gave evidence of being prepared to take into their own hands the punish- ment of those offences on the part of the military which the government seemed inclined to leave unpunished. In Januaiy, 1603, the Roman general Barbiano, assisted by three bishops, deprived the Protestants in Kashaw of their church, and handed it over to the Bishop of Erlau. The Protestant pastors were banished, the people were prohibited, under heavy fines, from going to other towns to partake of the communion or to enjoy any ecclesiastical privilege ; and it was hoped by this example to terrify the five mining towns. In the following October, the neighboring free cities held a meeting to deliberate on the proper steps to be adopted in self-defence when their turn came. When the Bishop of Raab, therefore, who was at the same time deputy-governor of Hungary, attempted in Leutshaw what had succeeded so well in Kashaw, he met with very decided opposition. He demanded of the magistrates, that the churches, schools, monasteries, hospitals, and all the church property, with the manses, should be handed over to him. As this was a matter which concerned the entire body of the citizens — so thought the burgomaster — it was necessary to hold a town meeting to consult together. At seven o'clock on the morning of the 9th of October, 1604, all the citizens, with pastor Peter Gabler and his colleague, met to hear the bishop's letter read. 132 HISTORY OF THE " Whereupon," says the record, " the pastor did give a beau- tiful warning to hold fast by the Word of God. He would risk his body, honor, property, and life, and abide with us. Upon which the judges and the council, together with the citizens and the reverend ministers, did bind themselves with an oath to risk their liberty, honor, property, and life, for the Word of God and the Augsburg Confession, and never to perjure themselves ; so help them God and his holy Word." From this time forward the warnings of the bishop as well as his threatenings were in vain-. At one time he drove mat- ters so far as to raise a tumult, and he must save his life by flight. He soon came back again, threatening to billet the military on them, and promising favors in case of yielding. The judges and council, with the tribunes of the people, gave the reply in the name of the whole city, in rather laconic style, for they bade the ambassador tell his master, " They would rather have God for a friend than the Devil and all his followers." This answer might perhaps scarcely have help- ed them, if the Lord had not ordered that the bishop and his helpers must soon escape with all speed and leave the land. The enemies of the Gospel must be the means of delivering thera from their persecutor. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 133 CHAPTER XIX. Diet of Presburg, 1604. — The Famous 22d Article. — Persecution of the Protestants. — Stephen Botskay's Rebellion. — The Peace of Vienna. While the kings of Hungary, who always lived out of the country, in their public decrees praised the loyalty, faithful- ness, and generosity of the nation, they manifested at the same time a certain want of confidence, by appointing for- eigners to the command of the troops, and by their influence carrying out political and religious measures contrary to the constitution. The fruits of this want of confidence were felt at other times under the house of Hapsburg, but very espe- cially under Rudolph's reign. This suspicious prince brought himself often into a labyrinth out of which there was no escape. Thus, after the Diet of Presburg, held in 1604, under the presidency of Archduke Matthew, he permit- ted himself to be persuaded to add the 22d article by his own sovereign will, and without the sanction of the states. He thus violated his oath to the constitution, and exposed the life and liberty of the Protestants completely to the arbitrary treatment of the Roman clergy. The inducement to add this article was, that two petitions had been presented to him by the Protestants requiring tol- eration, and at the Diet there had been manifested a decided dissatisfaction with the oppressions which had hitherto taken place. This 22d article decreed, that, under severe penalties, no complaint should be brought before the Diet in religious mat- ters ; it described the Protestant religion as an innovation, and spoke of it in terms of contempt. It required all the 12 134 HISTORY OF THE laws formerly enacted against dissent from the Church of Rome — consequently also the burning — to be strictly ob- served ; and it prescribed to the king the solemn and respon- sible duty of spreading the Roman Catholic religion, and rooting out all sects and heresies. Against this article the states had protested, and their pro- test was supported by the seal of the palatine. But neither the imperial general, Basta, nor the Roman commander, Bar- biano, the former in Transylvania and the latter in Upper Hungaiy, nor yet the Bishop of Kalotsch, Matthew Pete, allowed this protest to terrify them. What they had fully obtained in Kashaw, and hoped shortly to accomplish in Leutshaw, was also attempted in Zips ; and here the ober- gespan. Count Christopher Thurzo, who nine years before had joined the Protestants, and who now had returned to the Church of Rome, gave zealous assistance. Equipped with a decree of the Emperor Rudolph and Si- gismund, king of Holland, under whose protection the towns of Zips stood, and resting on the 22d article of the Diet of Presburg, they began to expel the Protestant clergy, and ap- point Popish priests in their place.* That no one might question Thurzo's orthodoxy, he handed over the Protestant church on his own estate in Galgatz to the Papists. In the village Lisska, the general, Pete, brother to the bishop, drove away the Reformed pastor, Paul Stantai, and placed two Jesuits, George Vasarhely and Paul Besseredy, in his room ; but it was not long till the general and the Jesuits must es- cape for their liyes. For as Barbiano in his march against the Turks had oppressed the Protestants on the estates of Stephen Botskay, and had demanded from the proprietor a loan of several thousand dollars for the emperor, he proceed- ed to attack and plunder two of Botskay's castles.t * See Cardinal Wagiicr in Annal. Scepus, Part III., p. 96. t Thuanus, Tom. II. 1. 131. Dr.Y. Stickfusius in Nev. Lil. Cliron. Lib. I. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 135 It had also not been very long since Botskay had made a journey to Prague to see the emperor, and he had, with every mark of disrespect, been refused admittance. Being thus stirred up, he only waited for an opportunity of revenge ; and having induced a part of Barbiano's army to desert, he attacked the general on the 15th of October at the castle of Diasrey, and obliged him to fly. When Barbiano had reached Kashaw in his flight, he begged in vain to be ad- mitted. The citizens remembered what they had suffered, and refused him an entrance, because " he was a persecutor of those who believed on God"; but so soon as Botskay's troops appeared, the gates 'were immediately thrown open.* After Barbiano's flight, Basta could no longer maintain his position. He had crushed an insurrection under Moses Szek- ly and Gabriel Bethlen ; but when Botskay's troops joined the insurgents, they completely routed Basta in an engage- ment at Herrgrund in 1596. After this battle, Barbiano is reported to have said, that if they had succeeded in their plan they would have cut off" with the svv^ord every grown person in Hungary and Transylvania who refused to join the Roman Catholic Church. And if we consider what had already taken place in Styria and Carinthia, as well as the St. Bar- tholomew's Day in France, this statement, as reported by Prince Kemeny, does not appear at all improbable. Besides, what had the brutal Basta not done in his rage ? He had invariably plundered the princes of the Reformed Church ; he had burned Protestant clergy on a pile constructed of their own books ; he had even in the height of his barbarity flayed some of them alive. t Cap. 42, p. 255. Ist\-anfy, Lib. XXXIV. p. 837. Petrus de Reva, in Coron Hung., Frankfort, Cent. VI. p. 109. * This account is confirmed by the Jesuit Istvanfy, who adds, that when Mahomet III. sent Botskay a crown, he handed it to George Szecky, re- marking that he could not use it while another duly crowned king of Hun gary was ahve. t Mica Burr. 136 HISTORY OF THE The Lutherans and Unitarians escaped for a time, but they shortly after met the same fate. From Kronstadt he de- mcinded eighty thousand ducats, and from Klausenburg twen- ty thousand. To please the Jesuits, he hanged some of the senators, and completely prohibited the exercise of the Prot- estant worship. As the blind slave of the Jesuits, he carried out all their plans. But in the year 1601, the states took courage, and proclaimed Demetrius Napraghi, the Bishop of Gyula and head of the Jesuits, a traitor to his country, took away the bishopric, and banished him ; so that, till 1716, or for a pe- riod of above a hundred years, no Roman Catholic bishop dared reside in the land.* In consequence of this fearful plundering of the land by Basta, it was very natural that a terrible famine soon fol- lowed. In ten villages there was often scarcely a single cow to be found. The oxen had disappeared, and the men themselves drew the loaded wagons, as in the days of Ladislaus ; while a kubel of wheat rose to twenty-five ducats. Near Enyed, a Wallachian killed a woman, boiled and devoured the flesh, and a Wallachian mother killed her six children in succession. It is true that both were executed, yet so terrible was the famine, that even human corpses were not safe before the gnawing hunger. To such a pitch had a cruel general and a fanatical priesthood brought Transylva- nia. Rudolph might consider this land as lost ; shortly after, he lost also Hungary, with the exception of a few towns in the borders, among which was (Edenberg.* Hither came Botskay, and setting fire to the suburbs, the inhabitants fled into the body of the town to protect themselves in the for- tress. The crowd in the town, however, was now so great, tliat the commander. Colonel Trantmansdorf, threatened to throw the children into the Foss, if the women and children did not immediately leave the fortress. Hist. Diplom. in Append., p. 13, Act XI. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 137 This terrible condition of the citizens of CEdenberg was relieved sooner than had been expected. The cry of the mothers and their children came before God, and a short truce was agreed on between the leaders. The bishop and deputy-governor, Pete, took advantage of the truce, and gathering the treasures of the church, he carried them away and fled. The whole body of the clergy of CEdenberg followed his example. The burgomaster had warned the bishop in vain of his danger, but in a short time he was plundered by the Turks at Steinanger, and with great difficulty saved his life by flight. Besides CEdenberg, some other towns of Upper Hungary, as Eperjes, Leutshaw, Zeben, and Bartfeld,* remained faith- ful to Rudolph. But the insurgents were not much restrained in their excesses by their weak fortresses. When, therefore, through the union of the insurgents with Mahomet, the danger became even greater, the Government at Prague began to listen to more reasonable counsel. The mediator of peace was the evangelical Count Stephen lllyes- hazy, who had been deprived of his property and banished to Holland. He used his influence with the Archduke Mat- thew, the representative of the emperor, and also with the rep- resentative of Botskay, with such good etTect, that the Peace of Vienna was concluded on the 23d of June, 1606, approved by the emperor on the 6th of August, and with all due solem- nity published on the 26th of September. * See Mem. Aug. Conf. of Ribinyi, Part I., p. 332. 12 138 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XX. The Peace of Austria. — Botskay's Objection to the Terms. — Peace rati- fied. — Botskay dies of Poison. — Conditions of the Peace violated. — Mat- thew summons a Diet. — Matthew becomes King of Hungary. The Peace of Vienna was of great importance to the Prot- estants of Hungary, for it declared the 22d article of 1604 to have been illegally introduced ; it set aside all decrees which had been enacted against the Protestants ; it declared that every Hungarian, as well as those who resided in the military boundary, should have complete liberty of conscience, and that his Majesty would never in any way disturb or limit his subjects in the exercise of this privilege, A clause was added, explaining that this should not be interpreted as in any way detrimental to the Roman Catholic religion ; the churches, the clergy, and the rights of the Roman Catholics, should be respected ; but such churches as had during the late commotions been taken possession of by either party should be mutually restored. It was further decreed, that peace should be made with the Turks ; that a palatine should be elected ; and that, instead of Rudolph, Matthew should govern Hungary, under the advice of the palatine, and an imperial parliament. The prelates Synkai and Mikatzi, who had been so inimical to the Protestants, should not return to the country till such time as the charges brought against them should have been legally settled. The abuses of the ecclesiastical courts, and espe- cially with reference to tithes, should be settled at the Diet. The Jesuits should never be allowed to possess immovable property, the king reserving, however, his rifrht to make PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUxNGARY. 139 them presents. The public, civil, and military offices should be open to all, without distinction on account of religion. Botskay obtained Transylvania as his hereditary right, and Hungary as far as the Theiss. Should he, however, die with- out male issue, all devolves to the crown. For a long time Botskay refused to accept some of the expressions in the treaty, and especially the clause, " without detriment to the Roman Catholic religion." As, however, the instrument was already signed by Rudolph, and the Archduke Matthew gave an explanation, to the effect that the approach- ing Diet would settle the difficulty, that the whole agreement was made in good faith, that the objectionable passage was not intended as a threat, but simply and solely that each con- fession should be entirely free from all injury, detriment, or limit, on the part of the other, — Prince Botskay was satis- fied, and the contract was signed by the most distinginshed Hungarian magnates. It was, besides, guaranteed by the states of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia.* The hero of this great achievement for the Protestant Church was destined to see little of the fruits. It was but a few months till the prince, in the full vigor of manhood, sunk into his grave. He died of poison, at Kashaw, on the 7th of January, 1607. His friends said that the poison was admin- istered by the chancellor, Michael Kathay, who had been bribed for the purpose. Kathay was thrown into prison, and the Haiduken, or Botskay's bodyguards, shorly after drag- ged him out, and hewed him in pieces in the public streets. The loss of this generous and noble prince was very severely felt by the Protestants.f With the death of Botskay the Roman party acquired new courage. As the Pope had already done at Munster on the * Hist. Diplom., p. 21. t He had made a present of 30,000 Hungarian florins to the church of Tymau, which, it is true, was lost when the church and schools were seized by the Papists. 140 HISTORY OF THE part of Germany, so he now also protested against the peace in Hungary. A body of prelates and bishops met together, and soon found ways and means of removing the advantages of the contract of Vienna. Once more began the oppressions, — once more was it for- bidden to the Protestants to bring their accusations and com- plaints before the Diet, — once more was the attempt made, and not without success, to take away the churches, — and the Protestants, driven to rebellion, placed the Roman Cath- olics sometimes in danger. The Emperor Rudolph gave posts of honor to those who had advised him against ratify- ing the Peace of Vienna ; he appointed the much hated prel- ate Synkai, Archbishop of Kalotsha, and Francis Forgacs, Archbishop of Gran. It was in Transylvania where the Jesuits, in consequence of Stephen Bathorly's letter, remained quiet, that the condi- tions of the peace were observed. Not only the Protestants, but also the Archduke Matthew, was placed in a very critical position by this conduct. Accordingly, when the discontent was rapidly increasing, and the nobility found the Diet of 1607, which Rudolph had summoned to Presburg, always postponed, and not likely to be opened, Matthew availed him- self of the opportunity which the circumstances gave for gratifying his ambition, and summoned the advisers of the Hungarian crown to Vienna, to consult about the welfare of the state. It would appear that at this meeting the resolution was first adopted that Matthew should take Rudolph's place in the government of Hungary, and by the assistance of Prince Esterhazy the plan ripened towards execution. It was not strange that Esterhazy and the other princes of Hun- gary had little love to Rudolph, for they saw their land di- vided between him and the Turks, and the former doing very little to its advantage ; and it was equally natural that, where hearty and devoted love to the sovereign did not exist, noth- ing else could supply the place, so soon as the crown be^an PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 141 to tremble on the ruler's head. The Hungarians knew right well how little Rudolph cared for them ; and when Matthew summoned a Diet in Presburg, on the 23d of January, 1608, they not only gladly appeared, but also, when Rudolph, under date of 29th of January, dissolved the Diet, they continued still to sit and deliberate. When the first article of the Peace of Vienna, in wjiich religious liberty was guaranteed to the Protestants in the entire kingdom, was laid before the Diet, the Bishop of Ves- prim, Demetrius Napraghi, in the name of the whole Popish clergy, protested against it. The higher morality of the lay nobility, however, and the firmness of Matthew, succeeded in cariying the point, so that this article, with a single dissentient voice, was made law. When, however, on the 23d of Feb- ruary, Rudolph declared all the decisions of the Diet null and void, Matthew immediately, with an army of 20,000, broke into Bohemia, and the suspicious, silly Rudolph submitted to have the whole afiair between himself and his brother left to arbitration. The end of the matter was, that Hungary and Austria were given to Matthew as an independent kingdom. On the 22d of October, 1608, Matthew appeared at the Diet of Presburg. He readily complied with the wishes of the Diet ; but the nobility, having learned to distrust kings, re- fused to crown him till he had signed certain articles which were laid before him. Matthew had, in the mean time, dis- covered that his imperial brother was trying to stir the nation up against him by making secret promises to them, and there- fore readily signed the article. Thus was the Jesuitical clause of the Peace of Vienna, against which Botskay had protested, removed, and in clear and plain language was it permitted to the Protestants to have their own superintendents, while full and complete liberty of conscience, and of public worship, was guaranteed. The attempts of the Jesuits, under Cardinal Forgacs, to overturn this arrangement, were unsuccessful. The archduke 142 HISTORY OF THE remained faithful to his promise, carrying out the resolutions of the Diet, and was crowned with great splendor on the 19th of November. Esterhazy had, by a great majority, two years before, been elected palatine. The Popish nobility handed in a protest against the coronation, signed by them all, at the bidding of the Roman legate, with the one noble exception of Valentine Lepes ; but it was for the present dis- regarded. As the seaman feels on entering the quiet harbor after escaping all the perils of the stormy sea, just such was the feeling of the Hungarian Protestants as they found that their lawfully crowned king had, in a legal way, by means of the assembled states, set them completely free from the intrigues of a persecuting Roman hierarchy. It was not the Protes- tants alone who separated from Rudolph without a tear, but all the Hungarians ; for during twenty-three years they had not seen his face, and had been at all times delivered over by him to the most unlimited oppression. During twenty-four years the Hungarians had paid from thirty-five wasted and impoverished gespanschaften (counties) the sum of 1,067,124 ducats to a foreign king, and in return had received nothing but the bitter necessity of constantly contending with more or less severity to maintain their civil independence from Austria, and their religious liberty. The angel of mercy turns away with a tear from such monarchs, who call themselves princes " by the grace of God," but who can neither understand nor fulfil the duties which such a title demands of them ; and poor humanity, trodden in the dust, looks up in tears after the retiring angel, who, as he flees away, turns one look more back on the oppressed, and, raising his arm to Heaven, comforts them by pointing to Him who sits as King of kings and Lord of lords, ruling the earth in righteousness, at whose command the kingdoms fall and the fruitful palaces become a desert ; who sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 143 grasshoppers ; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in ; that bringeth the princes to nothing ; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. Yea, they shall not be planted ; yea, they shall not be sown ; yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth ; and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble. SECOND PEEIOD. FROM THE PEACE OF VIENNA TILL THE CONVEN- TION OF SZATHMAR, 1608-1711. CHAPTER I. Presburg Church. — Stephen Esterhdzy. — His Death. — The Jesuits. — George Thurzo, Palatine. — Synod of Sillein. We now see the Evangelical Church of Presburg as a gradually ripening fruit of the Peace of Vienna. Although many had long resided here who were favorably disposed to the Gospel, yet till now they had not taken courage to break loose from the fetters of Rome. They applied to the town- councillor, Siegfried Kolonitsh, to obtain for them the Protestant pastor of the village Ratshdorf, which is now a filial church of Presburg ; and, as there was no church, he opened his services in a private house. They chose Master David Kilgar as rector of their school, and Master Adam Tattelbach as deacon, and these men were introduced to their new office by the town-councillors. The Protestants seemed now able to look into the future without concern. King Matthew had sworn to protect their rights ; the States had entered the decrees among the laws of the land ; Moravia, Bohemia, and Silesia had guaranteed their execution ; and Stephen Esterhazy, as elected palatine, stood like a protecting angel firm at his post. He had now once more been put in possession of his property, and was become the object of veneration on the part of all true Hun- HISTORY OF THE PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 145 garians, especially, however, of the Protestants. Far re- moved from bigotry, he had advanced the cause of Protes- tantism by liberally supporting the schools. He called Jere- miah Sutorius, who had studied at Wittenberg, to be rector of the school at Trentshin, and a Meissner professor, Elijah Wisinus, to the gymnasium of Banowitz. The latter was supported at the expense of the palatine.* Esterhazy founded a bursary for the poor students, which was increased by his widow in 1609. Yet, not only for his own Hungarian countrymen, but also for the oppressed Protestants in Austria, do we find him carefully making provision, by interceding with the Elector of Saxony and other princes. His labors of love were very much hampered by the Jesuits, and his time of working was not long ; for on the 6th of May, 1609, he died at Vienna, of cramp in the stomach. t No heavier loss could have befallen the country and the Church. Hungary's political and ecclesiastical state was very unsatis- factory. The land was still bleeding from the wounds inflicted un- der Botskay's war, and the Peace of Vienna gave occasion to all manner of dispute. The Jesuits, whose head-quarters were at Gratz, represented this peace as being simply the Presburg conspiracy, and provided favors and honors for those who labor most diligently to oppose its operations. Under such circumstances, then, much depended on the choice of a proper person to become palatine. The king, being a Roman Catholic, would have inclined towards appointing a member of his own Church ; and the Jesu- its, ever fertile in inventions, proposed that the mode of election should be changed. These men proposed that the states should merely nominate a certain number of candi- * Ribiuyi, Mem. Aug. Conf., Tom. I., p. 427. t He was buried in the church at Dosing, in Hungary; and his white marble monument was, two hundred years later, removed by a zealous Popish priest. 13 146 HISTORY OF THE dates, out of which the king should himself select. This plan was, however, too transparent to permit the nobles of Hungary to mistake its design, and they abode determinedly by their former custom. When the king, then, on the 7th of December, 1609, proposed two Roman Catholic and two Protestant candidates, one of the latter, George Thurzo, was elected, by one hundred and fifty votes against fifty-three, to fill the post. George Thurzo, now in the forty-second year of his age, a man of learning, activity, and political talent, distinguished as a diplomatist in the peace with Botskay, and raised to fill several important offices under Rudolph and Matthew, is made palatine. While distinguished by moderation towards the Roman Catholics, as he had shown himself on the recall of Michael Mikatzi, the Bishop of Wardein, from exile, still the prosperity of the Protestant Church lay near his heart, and he strove to advance its interests in a natural and reason- able way, by summoning a general synod. As yet, the Protestants were not quite freed from the juris- diction of the Roman Catholic Church. They were still obliged to pay the " priests' dues," and were not safe from the interference of Popish visitations, on which occasions the doctrines and the ordination of their own clergy were attacked in an abusive manner ; the mar- riage of the clergy was declared illegal, and their children illegitimate ; demands were made, not only contrary to con- science, but also contrary to all justice ; and it was often only with golden or silver tears that the zeal of the visitors could be quieted.* By means of a general synod, held in the village Sillein, in Trentshin county, George Thurzo resolved to bring these abuses to a close. In conjunction with several nobles and princes, and in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Peace of Vienna, which secured to the elders, ministers, and * Petsekius in Mall. Penicul. Ja. Ap., G. V. p. 96. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 147 superintendents of each confession the full authority over the members of their own church, he summoned this synod, and opened it in person on the 28th of March, 1610. It is true that, owing to the quarrels between the sister churches, and owing to the political state of the country, he was not able to include the whole land, and he therefore sum- moned only ten counties, indulging the hope that he would thus bring the discussion sooner to a satisfactory conclusion. The palatine sent a special invitation to each county, to the most distinguished landed proprietors, and to the royal free cities, to elect representatives, who were men of peace, and clothed with power, not only to deliberate, but also to decide on ecclesiastical matters.* The summons was gladly at- tended to ; f and in three days had the Synod of Sillein de- creed the following weighty matters : — The ten counties were divided into three circles, and a superintendent was elected for each. For Liptau, Arva, and Trentshin, Elijah Lanyi, pastor of Thurotz ; for Thurotz, Neograd, Sol, and Honther, Samuel Melick ; for Barsha, Neutran, and Presburg, Isaac Abrahamides of Baimotz. The superintendents had each two inspectors under them, the one for German, the other for the Hungarian churches. There were, besides, seniors and deacons elected, who were men of sound faith, and whose place should be supplied by elec- tion, on their resignation or death. On the decease of a superintendent, two of the neighboring superintendents had a right to collect the votes and preside at the election of one to supply his place 4 * Ribinjn, Mem., Tom. I., p. 372. t The most distinguished lay members of this synod were Count George Thurzo, the imperial palatine; Peter Revay, Count of Thurocy; Moses Szunyogh, of Jessenitz ; Andrew Jakuhith; Benedict Pogrinj-i ; Martin Benit'sky; Theodosius Shimiieasy ; Jeroslav Ymeskal ; Otskay; Majthenji; Gymg}',' and others. See the " Acts and Decrees of the Synod of Sillein, 1708. William Kander " 4to (in possession of the family of Tih4ny). X Here the great principle of the Protestant Church in her independence and self-government is kept prominently forward. 148 HISTORY OF THE For the support of the superintendents was reckoned the usual annual allowance from the inferior clergy as in Popish times, the registry fees, and a voluntary contribution from the churches. Respecting duties and labors v/as decreed : — That the inspectors, seniors, and superintendents, should lead an upright, unblamable life, that the enemy might find no occasion to speak evil of them. That the superintendents should, either in person or by the senior, visit the churches once a year ; that they should al- ways attend the synods to be held in January or February, and take special notice of the business of the churches under their care ; should decide on the questions brought before them at these meetings, should preserve strict church disci- pline, and collect their fees. They should inquire into the matter and manner of the preaching, whether the people are encouraged to prayer, — whether the ordinances of religion generally are attended to by the people, — whether the clergy lead a pious, sober, and chaste life, — whether the people are grateful and submis- sive to authority, — whether the dues are properly paid, — whether the buildings are in a good state, — and whether the schoolmasters discharge their duty properly, and lead a proper life. In all these matters the senior should assist. The superintendent should have a correct list of all ec- clesiastical properties and revenues, and be in a state to apply to the civil authorities for protection in case of injury. He should protect the minister and schoolmaster from all injustice ; and the civil power is bound to assist, after having first made strict inquiry into all the circumstances of each case. In the German churches there should be a pulpit gown and a form of prayer introduced. The superintendent should, with the assistance of the in- spector, the senior, and some of the neighboring clergy, PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 149 examine candidates for the ministiy, require from them the subscription of the Formula Concordise, and ordain after the plan usually adopted at Wittenberg. The names should be entered in a registry, and a certificate of ordination be given. The students had permission to visit foreign universities, and also to be ordained abroad, only this dared not take place as a mark of disrespect to the home universities, and to the regularly constituted superintendents. In case'of need, the superintendent might ask legal advice from such lawyers as are not related by ties of blood or friend- ship with either of the contending parties. Every minister, on receiving a call to a congregation, must appear before the senior or inspector, and bring evidence of his having regularly received the call, and also that his life and doctrines are consistent with the office which he seeks. Weightier matters respecting heresy, uncleanness, or other grave charges against clergy or deacons, were to be laid be- fore the superintendent. Where the charge was fully proved, the guilty party might be degraded from his office, declared unfit ever again to hold office, and, in case of need, might be handed over to the civil authorities to be further dealt with. Less important matters might be given to the inspec- tors and seniors, and be settled at the annual meetings. From the senior there was always an appeal to the super- intendent, who either confirmed the sentence or sent it back to be again considered, and, in peculiar cases, brought ex- perienced men to assist with their counsel. No further ap- peal was admitted, and the guilty party paid all costs. The superintendent should not judge according to his own opinion, but according to the law. Those who refused to sub- mit after a second warning might be deposed and excommu- nicated, notice of the same having previously been given to the civil authorities. The clergy who were accused of any crime, must be sum- moned by the superintendent, after a formula in which the 13* 150 HISTOIIY OF THE charge was duly entered ; and the summons was forwarded, not dh'ect, but through the inspector or senior. The office-bearers of the Church, when hindered in the discharge of their duty, might appeal to the civil power, who dared not refuse to support them. The superintendents were bound at all times, on entering on their office, to take the following OATH. " I, A. B., the superintendent in county , swear before the living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and promise, during my life, neither publicly nor privately to teach or advance any other doctrines besides such as are contained in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles, as explained in the Augsburg Confession, as presented to the Emperor Charles in the year 1530, and also in the Formula Concordiee. I promise to watch over the seniors and clergy of the church under my care with diligence and earnestness, that they shall also teach and hold no other doctrines. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit will I endeavor to lead such a life, and set such an example, as is worthy of my profession. I will myself respect the laws of the land, as well as take care that those under my charge do the same. That I ear- nestly seek to fulfil all these duties, so help me God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen." PROTESTANT CHURCH Ol" HUNGARY. 151 CHAPTER 11. The Archbishopi5 protest against the Synod of Sillein. — Answer. — Peter Pazmany. — Protestant Princes turn to Popery. — Synod of Tyrnau. — John !Moschovinus. — The "Women of Hricsow. — King Matthew gives an unfavorable Decision respecting the Peace of Vienna. The palatine, George Thurzo, had the decisions of this synod printed and distributed, that others might to some extent be guided by them. Among others, the churches of the mining towns of Eperjes, of Leutshaw, Kashaw, and Bartfeld, received copies, but they were so deeply involved in controversy respecting the Formula Concordise, that little united action could be expected. It was, however, not to be thought that the Popish clergy would look so lightly on the decrees of the Synod of Sillein. Within eighteen days the Cardinal and Archbishop Forgacs protested against the decrees with a bitterness very unbecom- ing in him who -had crowned as King of Hungary the man who had signed the Peace of Vienna. Under the threat of excommunication he demanded the re- peal of these resolutions, he called the persons who had there assembled wolves who had broken into the fold of Christ, declared the election of superintendents and their ordination of clergy an unheard-of audacity, contrary to the laws of the land (sic), and contrary to religious liberty! He charged them with perjury in reference to the 24th article of the Augsburg Confession, and in genuine Popish style pro- nounced his curse against the decrees, and against those who should observe them. This precious document is dated at " Our Archiepiscopal Court in Presburg, 17th of April, 1610," 152 HISTORY OF THE and was published first by means of a nail on the church door of St. Martin's.* The Protestants did not long remain silent. The palatine was at that time from home. He soon heard, however, of the doings through Elijah Lanyi, and on the 25th of May he wrote a reply from Szathmar, calling the documents a shabby invention, filled with all manner of paltry ribaldry. He begged the Protestants immediately to reply. In a paper which appeared in Kashaw, printed by John Fisher, with the motto, " Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage" (Gal. v. 1), the princes and nobles who had met at Sillein, published through Elijah Lanyi an apology, in which they opposed the assumption of the archbishop by arguments drawn from the laws of the land, from history, and from the Holy Scriptures. Placing their trust in God, adducing the 110th Psalm, 46th chapter of Isaiah, 5th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, and other Scripture passages, they appealed to his Majesty and to the States for protection against the audacity of the archbishop. This apology was answered by a man who at this time be- came more than any other the object of the love and hatred of friends and enemies. Cardinal Peter Pazmany.t The style of his reply was of the lowest kind, and it made its appearance under the title Peniculus Papporum^ bearing the name of John Jenitzy. The superintendent published a * Hist. Diplom., pp. 27-29. 7 3 35 3 5 3 t He was born at Gt. Wardein, in 1570, of a reduced noble family of the Reformed Church, and in his thirteenth year became Roman Catholic. In his seventeenth year he joined the Jesuits. His noviciate Avas completed at Cracow; his philosophical studies at Vienna, and tlieological, at Rome. He became professor of theology at Gr.atz, and gladly accepted the post of missionary to Hungary. In 1608 he was the representative of the Jesuits at the Diet of Presburg. When turned out of the Diet he asserted his right to sit, and witli mucli power contested the points of the Jesuits. He pub- lished a powerful pamphlet in their favor. See " Majlath, History of tlie Mag}'ars," Vol. IV., p. 249. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 153 rejoinder under the title Malleus Penniculi Papistici, printed in 1612, and left no part of his adversary's argument untouched.* The controversy was continued with bitterness by Peter Pazmany ; and as the palatine was too lenient towards these violent attacks on the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty, as guaranteed by the constitution of the country, the Evangelical Church rather suffered by the quarrel. Men of considerable importance and wealth, such as Fran- cis and Nicolas Esterhazy, Melchior AUaghy, and George Daugesh of Hommona, fell off from the Protestant ranks. Forgacs had protested against the resolutions of the Synod of Sillein, but finding it necessary to take other steps, he sum- moned a provincial synod at Tyrnau, in 1611, which was attended by Placidus Maria, the Papal nuncio, eight bishops, six abbots, and twenty prebends, archdeacons, and canons, as well as also Peter Pazmany. The resolutions of this synod were known only to the initiated ; the consequences, how- ever, were soon felt in the renewed persecutions of the Prot- estant Church. It is of historical importance to note, that, from what is known of the proceedings -of this synod, it is evident that at this time there were in the midst of the Roman Cath- olic Church priests who were regularly married, and who lived openly with wife and children. The communion was also by some administered in both kinds. The facts are proved by the resolution of this Roman Catholic synod, in direct opposition to the Word of God, forbidding absolutely that either of these practices should be tolerated in time to come. That they might not, through the intrigues of the Papists, lose the advantages already secured to them, the three super- * This paper was also ascribed, but without proper reason, to Peter Pctshius. 154 HISTORY OF THE intendents met, in 1612, to consult respecting the general affairs of the Protestant Church. Hitherto there had been a striking dissimilarity in the outward customs, in the forms of public worship, and also in the doctrines taught among the Protestants. It was therefore resolved that the Wittenberg ceremonial should be introduced, and that Luther's Shorter Catechism should be translated, and used in instructing the children. When the Catechism appeared, it was dedicated to Elizabeth Zober, the spouse of the palatine. An example of the zeal of the superintendents in preserv- ing purity of doctrine, may be seen in the case of John Mos- chovinus, who is also sometimes called Poloni. He was accused of reviving the heresy of Photinus, a heretic of the fourth century, and having been cast into prison by the pala- tine, his case was thoroughly considered by the superinten- dents. His heresy having been proved, he was handed over to the palatine, who banished him from the countiy. The Protestants of this period, much distinguished by purity of life, laid especial stress on the influence of prayer ; and with good reason, for the Lord had set the example, and had given the command, and the Apostles and early Chris- tians had been very diligent in waiting on the means of grace. Who does not know how zealous the Reformers were m the discharge of this duty ? How wondrous was the power which Luther and Zwingle obtained from heaven by means of prayer ! And what an astonishing moral strength was that which Knox obtained by wrestling with God, so that he stood unflinching in the face of Mary with all her in- fluence, and having learned to tremble before God in the closet, he, at the same time, obtained power to tremble no- where else. " 1 am more afraid of his prayers," Mary used to say, " than of an army of ten thousand men." In this light we must view those clergy who, on the 19th of August, 1614, in Hricsow, in the Trentshin county visited a woman who was said to be possessed of a devil, on purpose PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 155 to heal her by the influence of united prayer.* At the invi- tation of the aged Stephen Krusspier, five other ministers of the Gospel united with him to try and help this woman. When their efforts remained fruitless, they applied to the superintendent, Elijah Lanyi, who advised the entire senioral division of clergy to meet together for prayer. This was done, and on the 12th of September they came together, to the number of eighteen, at their own expense, and continued three days in prayer. They had the satisfaction of seeing, at the end of this time, that their prayer was heard, and she who had been pronounced incurable was again fully re- stored, f Such experience is made by mortals in a time of need. Outward trials drive to Him who has the fulness of life and comfort, and they experience what to others is unintelligible and incredible. Only he who knows by experience the power of prayer will be able to comprehend and properly estimate the above-mentioned fact. Times of trial gave David those glorious Psalms which had been the comfort of the Cljurch in every age ; and the sweet songs of the mar- tyrs, which were wrung from them in hours of darkness and trial, have still a power and sweetness for the weary soul. For the Church in Hungary days were fast approaching in which they should learn, under heavy trials, the meaning of this filial duty, or rather, childlike privilege. A commence- ment was already made openly to break the conditions of the Peace of Vienna. In Raab and Skalitz the Roman Catholics refused to admit Protestant clergy, and the king gave the decision that the Roman Catholics could not be compelled to admit clergy of other confessions within their walls ; for, while it had been only stipulated that every church should have its own supe- * Mica Bun-. t Mark xi. 24; John xvi. 23, 24; James i. 6, 7; v. 16; 1 Timothy ii. 1-4. 156 ■ HISTORY OF THE riors or superintendents, but nothing was added respecting a new ecclesiastical jurisdiction, he could not at all permit a new jurisdiction to the prejudice of the Roman Catholics, and would not allow in future that the money which had for- merly been paid to the Roman Catholic archdeacons should be given to the Protestant superintendents.* This declara- tion of the king, and the royal letter requiring the officials in each county to take part in the visitation of the Protestant churches, gave a clear insight into the king's views respect- ing the peace, and also respecting the Sillein Synod. * Fessler, 1. c. Vol. VII., p. 729. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 157 CHAPTER III. Peter Pazmany's Work. — Christopher Thurzo returns to the Protestants. — Oppression. — Gabriel Bathyani and the Treaty of Tyrnau. — Writings of the Protestants. — Quarrels of the Refonned and Lutheran Clergy. — Ju- bilee of the Reformation. — Ferdinand made King. — Siegmund Forgacs. — Death of Matthew. No attack made on the Protestants did them so much harm as Pazmany's work, entitled The Guide to Truths* which was published at Presburg, in folio, in 1613. In a popular style, filled with sophisms, he defended the doctrines of Rome, and represented Luther and Calvin as servants of Antichrist ; while he sought to free his Church from the charge that she teaches one should keep no faith with here- tics, and turned attention specially to the advantages of celi- bac}^ This work soon appeared in the third edition, the first hav- ing been printed in 1613, the second in 1623, and the third in 1637, and was read with great avidity. Many who did not stand fast in the faith were, by this book, drawn back into the Roman Catholic Church. Some, it is true, soon re- pented of what they had done, and turning back again to the Evangelical Church, remained there steadily till death. Among these we may mention George Christopher Thurzo, who, nine years before, had, through the influence of Paz- many, joined the Papists, and had begun to persecute the Protestants. This distinguished relative of the palatine turned, on the 20th of February, 1613, once more back to * Hodegus igussagra vezerlo Kalanv. 14 158 HISTORY OF THE the Protestant Church, and, after publicly confessing his sin, received the Lord's Supper in the Protestant Church at Kirchdorf, from the pastor and senior, Xylander. The return of the count soon showed itself to be no in- considerable gain to the Protestant cause. On the advice and after the example of his relative, the palatine, he sum- moned a synod on the 22d of January, 1614, in Kirchdorf, at which the pastors of Zips and Saras, the five towns Ka- shaw, Leutshaw, Eperjes, Bartfeld, and Szeben, assembled. Here were chosen two superintendents. The decrees of the synod were recognized by the palatine, in virtue of his office, and are known under the title, " Diploma minus Thurzoia- nus." Scarcely was this ended when Christopher Thurzo died, and on the 26th of May was laid in the grave of his fathers. By means of this synod, the chains which bound the Prot- estants under the influence of the higher clergy were broken, and no means were left untried to rivet them again. Some, among whom was the probst of Zips, tried in a friendly manner ; and others, depending on their power and influ- ence, assumed a very diflerent tone. Many, without troub- ling themselves about the Peace of Vienna, made direct attacks on the Protestants. In Vaswar, Shutz, Fakno, and Eisenstadt, the churches were taken away.* The appeals of the Protestants received little attention from Matthew ; for, though he had sworn to protect their Church in Hun- gary, yet in Austria he directly prohibited the Protestants from the exercise of public worship.! In addition to the spiritual trials, there was now added material and social oppression, and the land was made to bleed at every pore. In 1616, the representatives of the Presburg Diet, consisting, among others, of one archbishop. * Hodegus igussagra vezerlo Kalany. t Pamauf. Gottlieb. MS. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 159 two bishops, and six princes, complained to Matthew that the bitterest foe could not crush the land worse than at that mo- ment the king's own army did ; all the higher offices and fortresses were intrusted to strangers, and the hireling for- eigners were only wasting and plundering, but not protecting the land.* When there appeared no hope that a legitimate deliver- ance from their oppression was likely soon to appear, the Hungarians took once more to arms, declaring, however, first, through ambassadors, that they were not proclaiming war against the king, but only against those who were de- priving them of their civil and religious liberty. As, however, the Elector of Saxony and Prince Gabriel Bathyani undertook to mediate, the outbreak was prevented by the so-called " Transactio Tyrnaviensis," or Contract of Tyrnau. The Prince of Transylvania, Gabriel Bethlen, who was just returned from exile, pressed especially that the Peace of Vienna, which secured the Protestants their full rights, should be once more renewed. This was granted ; and the contract was signed on the part of the king by Peter Paz- many. Count Aponyi, and Molard ; on the part of Hungary, by Senior Pecsi and Stephen Frater de Belmezo, in 1617.t In the following Diet the agreement was approved. This must have been so much more desirable to the Prot- estants, as their friend and patron, George Thurzo, the pal- atine, was already dead, f and there were no prospects of another to fill his place. Doubly watchful, however, must they now be to avoid being overmatched by their diligent adversaries. Many single individuals distinguished them- selves considerably on the field of controversy. Pastor Al- bert Molnar published a new edition of the Bible at the ex- * Coroli Memorab. Vol. L, p. 368. Katoiii, Tom. XXIX., p. 572. t Kazy Eeb. Hung. B. I., p. 229. I Died in 1616, shortly after Cardinal Forgdcs. 160 HISTOKY OF THE pense of the Langrave of Flesse, the edition of Caspar Ka ralyi having been all used, and it was not long till a third edition was published at Oppenheim.* Count Thomas Es- terhazy wrote a dialogue, exposing the errors of the Roman Church, and showing their remedy. The superintendent, Nicolas Gratz, wrote a treatise on the Lord's Supper, and a directory for public worship ; and the pastor of Kashaw, Peter Alvinzi, wrote a description of a journey, showing how the errors of the Roman Church had gradually crept in dur- ing a period of fifteen hundred years. Emeric Zwonarics, pastor of Csepregh, translated the book of a Tubingen pro- fessor into Bohemian, and afterwards protected it against the attacks of Pazmany. But it was strange that no reply had yet been given to Pazmany's great work. The Guide to Truths and it was thirteen years later that Baldwin of Wit- tenberg wrote a reply in Latin, which, partly from the lan- guage, partly from the time of its appearance, produced little effect.f There was no want of men capable of answering this work in the Hungarian language ; but while the enemy was attacking them on all sides, the representatives of the two sister churches were wasting their time in unseemly quarrels with each other. The letters of the superintendents of the two churches, the Reformed and Lutheran, give us a sad picture of bitter- ness in the minds of men who should have acted as shep- herds to the fold of Christ. It is not possible here to repeat the titles which they gave each other ; but we find the Lu- theran superintendent referring to a member of the Reformed Church who had translated a play into the Hungarian lan- guage, for the sake of turning the Lutheran doctrine of the Lord's Supper into ridicule, and how this man was for the * Mica. Bury. t LiteriB ex MS. Bibl. Scheehemianac Panaufs's Denkw. (Edenbero- MS. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 161 crime condemned to death, though he afterwards obtained a reprieve.* These quarrels were very acceptable to the Romish cler- gy, and especially to Pazmany, who had been set free from his vow to the Jesuits, and was become Bishop of Gran. Many left the Protestants altogether, but the loss was to the Protestant Church only like the stucco falling from a build- ing, while the structure remained still secure. And there was no want of enthusiasm when the jubilee of the Refor- mation was to be celebrated. In Leutshavv the celebration of this festival was conducted with great pomp. The Protestant Church had been estab- lished here for seventy-three years, and just at this time Pe- ter Zabler was pastor. The sermon was attended on that day by the whole town council and all the civil officers. Taking for their pattern the 150th Psalm, and interpreting it literally, they celebrated the day by festive music in the church ; and Count Stanislaus Thurzo invited the whole council to dine at his castle. An agreeable fruit of this fes- tival was the resolution to build a new church as a suitable commemoration. With equal splendor was the festival celebrated in the cas- tle of the Thurzos at Bitshe, where the magnates, Francis, George, and Gabriel Perenyi, George and Sigismund Rakot- zy, Nicolas and George Zwinyi, Paul Nadasdy, Peter Revay, Caspar Illyeshazy, Nicolas Botskay, Francis Banfy, and many others of the nobility were present. The well-known hospitality of the country gave occasion to the enemies to charge the Protestants with excess at these banquets, yet it was chiefly as the envy of the elder son who grieved that the father had shown so much favor to the younger brother returned to the father's house.t * Mica Bury MS. t^Ribinvi, Memor. Tom. I., p. 410. 14* 162 HISTORY OF THE In the year 1618, the Eungarian crown fell to the Arch- duke Ferdinand of Austria. The Jesuits had persuaded Matthew, who had no heirs, to transfer the inheritance to him. In Austria and the dependencies the nomination found no difficulty. In Bohemia, also, although the religious war was slumbering under the ashes, and the strong bias of Ferdi- nand in favor of the Roman Catholics was well known, yet, notwithstanding a few dissentinent voices, even there he was accepted by the great majority. In Hungary, however, the work was not so light. The succession was not yet secured by the states. Jealous of their rights and privileges, the Hungarians remained, it is true, firm to the princes of the house' of Austria, asserted their right, however, to elect, and it was only after this had taken place that they proceeded to crown Ferdinand king. It was at the Diet of Presburg, summoned for this purpose by Matthew, that this proceeding took place ; and the presi- dence at the meeting, as well as the crowning, was commit- ted to the Papal nuncios, Melchior Klesel, John of Molard, and the vice-chancellor, John Lewis Ulm. Eight days later, the archduke himself arrived, as repre- sentative of Matthew. The states wished first to choose a palatine, but afterwards yielded so far that king and palatine were chosen on the same day. The struggle reached its greatest height at the Diet, when a series of articles were read previous to their being presented to Ferdina^nd. There were seventeen arti- cles contained in the document, and the 6th should bind him *' to grant a universal, unlimited, and unrestrained liberty of public worship in every place, and in every way, as had been guaranteed by the Peace of Vienna, and at the crowning of Matthew."' The Roman Catholics did not refuse this privi- lege ; intimated, however, that the public worship of the Protestants could be conducted without churches, and would not bind themselves on their estates to grant ground for build- ing Protestant churches. - PKOTKSTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 163 This Jesuitical sophistry, supported by Pazmdny and Kle- sel, was' adopted, and the expression '-una cum templis " was erased. The Protestants had nothing left but to enter a legal protest, which only called forth a counter protest, — did not, however, take away the evil. Tired of quarrelling, Ferdinand accepted of the conditions on the 16th of March, 1618, and among the rest the 6th arti- cle, promising full protection to the Protestant Church, with the remark, " He would sooner lose his life than break his word." * On the 1st of June Ferdinand was crowned, and Sigis- mund Forgacs elected as palatine. t Both elections fur- nished the Protestants with little cause for joy. For, though Forgacs had been educated at the court of Bathyani, Prince of Transylvania, and had been such a zealous Protestant that all his brother's (the deceased archbishop) attempts to con- vert him were in vain, yet Peter Pazmany was able in three weeks to gain him over to Rome, and thus secure a mighty and zealous assistant. Under the burden of a weakly frame was the childless Matthew approaching near his end. In Bohemia the fire of revolution threatened to break out, and the new prince of Transylvania, Gabriel Bethlen, prepared himself to take the part of the malcontents who fled to him from thence ; he seemed also prepared to defend with the sword the Protestant cause, which, in his own country, had begun to suffer con- siderable encroachments. On the 23d of May, 1618, the signal was given for one of the bloodiest and most tedious of wars. At the royal palace of Prague, where the royal depu- ty-governors, who had torn down many Protestant churches, were assembled, appeared deputies of the Protestants in * Engel, Vol. IV. p. 392. t The other Roman Catholic candidate -vvas Thomas Endody, imperial chancellor; the Protestant candidates, Francis Bathyani and Stephen TOrtik. 164 HISTORY OF THE arms, and cast the detested Martinitz, and Slavata, as also the secretary Fabricius, eighty feet down into the ditch of the castle.* This transaction, together with the removal of his friend Melchior Klesel, Bishop of Vienna, gave Matthew's health a severe shock. Shordy after followed the death of his brother Maximilian, and also of his dear and tender spouse Anna, who, in her thirty-third year, died in the royal castle at Prague, in the year 1618. Dead to the joys of the world, sorely lowered down by sorrows as well as by gout, Matthew had a paralytic attack on the 20th of March, 1619, in the beginning of his sixty-second year. His brain was found to be one half dried up. As a private person he had been very amiable, but as king he had not given any reason to justify him in removing his brother Rudolph from the throne. In his old age he sorely repented the ills he had done his brother ; with the same measure he had meted, it W£Ls measured to him again. Sick and childless, he saw the world's gaze turned on his proud successor, who, impatient of delay, seized the government before his predecessor was removed, and hastened to dye his imperial mantle in the blood of heretics, thinking he did God a service by his fierce cruelty. * SchUler's " Thirty Years' War." PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 165 CHAPTER IV. FERDINAND II., FROM 1619 TILL 1637. Ferdinand's critical Position. — His Ainatical Vow. — War with Bethlen.— Bethlen conquers Presburg, and takes the Crown. — Diet at Neusohl. — Bethlen refuses to accept the Title of King. On the death of Matthew, matters stood so ill for Ferdi- nand, that the words of Fenelon might have been in his case very appropriate, " None but a fool desires a crown." All Europe was in such a state of religious excitement as had not been the case since the time of Luther ; and this was the work of the Jesuits and Pope Clement VIII., who had entered into a contract with the princes and kings of Europe since the beginning of the centuiy, to annihilate the Protestant name.* As the storm raises the water, and drives the mud and scum to the top of the waves, so did they by their im- moral principles goad the nations to madness. They had, within the memory of that generation, made France a great churchyard, and in the St. Bartholomew's Day — the height of their glory — they showed what they could do when aided by debased women and a fanatical king. By the gunpowder plot they would have destroyed England's liberty, had not Providence interfered and prevented. In Carinthia, Styria, and Austria, they had, in the name of the one true Church, " out of which is no salvation," practised deeds which cried to high heaven for a speedy vengeance. In Hungary, Bo- * Andreas Adver. lilS. de Tauta Evang. div Franciscus Brocardus in Classico Sue, § 2. 166 HISTORY OF THE hernia, and Transylvahia, they deserved the credit of having done only all the evil they could. In these lands, where a recognized constitution existed, and where considerable civil and political liberty prevailed, their influence was limited, and the people took to arms rather than bow themselves under the yoke of tyranny and unjust persecution. In this state was Bohemia. The Bohemian Count Matthew Turn had, with his adherents, nearly approached the walls of Vienna, and had drawn Silesia also with him in the revolt. Moravia was prepared to follow. In Austria the states re- fused to submit. The Prince of Transylvania, Gabriel Beth- len, threatened to invade Hungary, and the Turk was in secret making great preparations. Germany was looking quietly on ; Spain's hirelings were far away, and all that adhered to Ferdinand trembled for the result. The Bohe- mian cannon were pouring the shot into the royal castle, and sixteen Austrian barons were standing before Ferdinand to compel him to make a league with Bohemia. As one of the deputies, seizing him by the button of his coat, cried, " Fer- dinand, will you sign ? " the faithful councillors advised to yield, and the Jesuits thought of better times coming ; but Ferdinand stood like a rock in the surge. It was religious fanaticism, the idea that he was called of God to protect and advance the Church of Rome, that raised his spirit, so that amidst all the storm he developed a charac- ter which made him subject of the highest admiration on the part of the Roman Catholic Church, but in the eyes of Prot- estants, and of all friends of humanity, degraded him to the lowest pitch of detestation. Born on the 9th of July, 1578, he came, after the death of his father, Archduke Charles, the son of Ferdinand I., in the year 1590, to Ingolstadt, into the hands of the Jesuits, and returned to his paternal property in Styria and Carinthia, with the firm resolution that, whatever it might cost, no here- tics should be tolerated under any condition on his estates. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 167 With cunning had the Jesuits taught him that the prosperity of Bavaria was owing alone to its connection with the Church of Rome. He undertook a pilgrimage to Loretto, to the wondrous and wonder-working image of Mary, to beg the continued protection of this " queen of heaven." Accompa- nied by the Jesuits, he visited Rome on the way, to receive the blessing of the Pope, to strengthen him to keep his horrid vow, " that he would banish the Protestants out of all his estates, if it should cost him his life." On another pifgrimage to a similar image of Mary, which he undertook in his fortieth year, and as he lay praying .be- fore a crucifix in the midst of a violent storm, he conceived that he heard the voice, " Ferdinand, I will not leave thee." It must have been Mary. From that time forward he was her devoted servant. It was on the 29th of March, 1619, that he summoned the Hungarian Diet for the 26th of May, at Presburg, to sit under the guidance of the Palatine Forgacs, while he himself has- tened away to Frankfort, to have the imperial crown placed on his head. At the Diet, the proposal to raise a standing army for 'the protection of the king should have been dis- cussed, but ail the meetings were filled up with religious quarrels. The states complained bitterly of Cardinal Klesel, of Archbishop Pazmany, and of the Jesuits, who, in conse- quence of their intolerant spirit, had been banished for ever from Transylvania by the princes of that land, but who had once more, under George Hommona, the rival of Bethlen, clandestinely returned. Bitter words were spoken respect- ing the limitation of evangelical freedom in Presburg, and it was asserted that a species of Spanish inquisition had been introduced by the Papists into Tyrnau. All relief for these and similar complaints was obstinately refused by the Arch- bishop Pazmany and his followers, and the archbishop was not ashamed to say " he would rather see his villages for- saken of all their inhabitants and lying waste, than that on 168 HISTORY OF THE his estates a single church should exist for the benefit of Protestant subjects.* These sentiments prevailed very generally among the Roman Catholic magnates, and we find Count Stephen Pallfy, protector of Schutt-Somerain, erecting a gallows on which all the Protestant clergy who were called to churches in Schutt without his leave should be hanged ! Alas ! on the Protes- tant side, the principles of the Gospel were, under such temp- tations, often forgotten, and Protestant proprietors frequently retaliated by dispensing to Rome the same treatment which she gave her antagonists. The complaints of both parties resounded through the whole land. While, under such circumstances, every peaceful arrange- ment of the difficulties was impossible, the Prince of Tran sylvania, Gabriel Bethlen, who was very well informed re- specting all their proceedings, was approaching still nearer. In the beginning of September, he conquered Kashaw, where the Jesuits Stephen Pougracy and Melchior Grodetzky, as well as a canon of Gran, Marcus Crisinius, who had not been able to make their escape, were executed ; the commander of the fortress, however, Andrew Doczy, as an oppressor of the Protestants, was bound in chains and handed over to the victorious troops. On the 20th of October, Bethlen conquered Presburg with the castle, took possession of the crown of Hungary with the state jewels, gained the palatine, Fogdcs, over to his side, and on the same day had divine service conducted in grati- tude for his success. In many places now the Protestants began to breathe some- what more freely. In Trentshin they held a synod, where, in the place of the deceased superintendents Lanyi and Me- lick, were elected respectively John Hodikius and Melchiar Robacs ; the latter continued in office till 1622, when he was succeeded by Peter Se'xtius. * Engel Geschichte, Vol. IV. p. 398. PROTESTANT CHUUCH OF HUNGARY. 169 Passing on in his victorious career towards the southeast, Bethlen received the submission of the town and fortress of CEdenberg, where he left a garrison of fifteen hundred men. With his general, Paul Nadasdy, he proceeded to Gratz, whence he wrote to the superintendent for a chaplain to assist the court preacher during the approaching holidays. A truce was shortly after agreed on, and a Diet was to be summoned by both parties to Neusohl, to meet in 1620. At this Diet a solemn mutual compact was entered into between Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania, and the evangelical party in Bohemia ; and it was resolved that the religious freedom which had been guaranteed to Hungary should be extended to Bohemia also, and placed on a sure basis. As the royal commissioners, however, declared that they could not on any account take up this matter ; and as the prince refused to make any treaty from which the Bohemian Protestants were excluded, the former withdrew on the 17th of August, and the Hungarians continued their deliberations alone. When Count Rombald CoUato and the other imperial commissioners had retired, Emerich Thurzo proposed and carried that Beth- len should be proclaimed King of Hungary. Bethlen obstinately refused to accept the title, and neither the entreaties of the Diet nor the representations of his chap- lain could induce him to change his resolution. Four days afterwards he dissolved ihe assembly, after having confirmed the fifty-two articles, of which the chief points referring to *he Church were as follows : — * " The Presburg articles of the previous year were re- moved, and parties chosen from all three confessions — the Lutheran, Reformed, and Arian — in the three districts, to watch over the fulfilment of the contract. Attacks on each other in writings and sermons were forbidden. The resolu- tions of the Synods of Sillein and Kirchdrauf were con- * Engel, Vol. IV. pp. 416, 417. 15 170 HISTORY OF 'THE firmed ; and it was resolved that the ecclesiastical organiza- tion of other districts should he immediately completed after this flan. The tithes and church fruits should fall to the clergy of all confessions alike. Three Roman Catholic bish- ops are sufficient for the country, — namely, in JErlau, for Upper Hungary ; Neutra, for Hungary on this side ; and Raab, for Hungary beyond the Danube ; — and for these a salary of 2,000 florins, equal to £ 200 per annum, should be sufficient. The Jesuits were once more banished ; and it was decreed that the regular clergy, with the exception of Petzmany and Balassfy, on condition of returning within a limited time, should have all their property restored. Only matters relating to marriages belonged to an ecclesiastical court, and mixed marriages were to be arranged before a court composed of members of both confessions. " Such church property as had hitherto tended to encourage luxury among the clergy, and such as had been abused so as to cause persecution of members of other confessions, and thus disturb the peace, should be confiscated to the crown. Arch- bishop Pazmany, and Balassfy, Bishop of Bosnia, were, as seditious men and foes of the country, to be banished for life. " These were the principal decrees of the Diet at Neu- sohl, but they shortly after ceased to be in force, and were erased from the statute-book. It must not be supposed, how- ever, that there were only Protestants at this meeting ; for some of the most distinguished are Catholics, adhered to Beth- len, and among them were such names as Sigismund For- gacs, Sigismund Erdody, Christopher Erdody, Melchior Allaghy, and Michael Karalyi." PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 171 CHAPTER V. Reformed Synod at Hedervan. — Death of Emerich Thurzo the Palatine. — Betlilen again takes the Sword. —Peace of Nikolsburg,— Synod of Shin- taw. — Numbers of exiled Protestants. — Margi-ave George of Branden- burg. — Diet of (Edenberg. — The Legate. — Tumult at the Diet. — Coro- nation of Ferdinand III. While the Diet was thus providing for the peace of the country, and at the same for the benefit of the Protestant Church, the brethren of the Reformed Church were holding a synod at Hedervan, in the neighborhood of Raab. Evil disposed parties spread reports of such a nature respecting the resolutions passed at this synod, that the Reformed su- perintendent, Nicholas Griitz, found it necessary to write to the Lutheran superintendent, Stephen Klassekowitsh, deny- ing that any resolutious inimical to the Lutherans had been passed.* Such approaches of the two confessions towards each other were the more necessary, as, by the death of the palatine Emerich Thurzo, both parties had sustained an equally great loss. • He died suddenly at Nikolsburg, on the 5th of Janu- ary, 1621, and the general impression was, that his death proceeded from poison rubbed on the inside of his helmet, which he usually kept very tight on his head while riding.f But though the foes of the Protestants considered no means too bad to gain their ends, yet for this time their hopes were vain ; for, as injustice began again to raise her head, and as especially in Bohemia many unjust executions of Protestants * (Edenberg Denkw. US. t Mica Bury MS.; Merken. Pall. Belg. Tom. XIV. 1, 47; Ortel. Rediow. Tom. p. 84. 172 . HISTORY OF THE were reported, Bethlen returned once more, sword in hand, to take vengeance on the oppressors. A peace was made at Nikolsburf^ in 1621, and on that occasion the zealous Popish convert, Nicolas Esterhazy, received as a reward for his zeal, the valuable town Eisenstadt and its dependencies. In Rome's eyes he deserved some mark of distinction, for, in addition to his other feats for the benefit of Mother Church, he had compelled his wife, against her wish, to join the Ro- man Catholic communion.* To ratify the peace, a Diet was summoned at CEdenberg, where Bethlen delivered up the crown. Ferdinand's spouse was crowned as Queen of Hun- gary, and Stanislaus Thurzo was made palatine. In the St. Michael's Church, which at the time belonged to the Protes- tants, divine service was held to return thanks for the peace. The Lutherans availed themselves of the opportunity of holdmg a synod, since known as the Synod of Shin taw, and passed a series of resolutions respecting the lives and doc- trines of the clergy, all of which were confirmed by the palatine in virtue of his office. Scarcely had the joy-bells ceased to play in consequence of the peace of Nickolsburg, when crowds of oppressed and persecuted Protestants from Bohemia and Moravia came crying for protection. It was impossible to see these specta- cles of the inhumanity of the fanatic priests, and to recognize in them brothers in the faith, without being deeply concerned. Bethlen took the case warmly up, and reproached the king bitterly for this glaring breach of the Nikolsburg contract, and for allowing himself to be made the blind tool of the Jesuits in their deeds of darkness. He demanded immediate recognition of civil and religious liberty for the Protestants in Bohemia, Moravia, and Hungary, and promised in such case immediately to retire. When he found, however, that no attention was paid to his remonstrance, he crossed Hun- * OEdenberg Denkwui-digkeiten jMS. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 173 gary with a powerful army, and only then stopped when, by the mediation of the palatine, a satisfactory arrangement was made at Vienna.* The cruelties of the Jesuits had already been terrible. All the Protestant clergy had been banished from Bohemia, and the churches handed over to their own creatures. In Moravia and Austria they had done the same. The evangelical preacher David' Staudlin had been banished by the Jesuit father Keller out of his church in Hernals, near Vienna, simply because he had visited the sick servant of Captain Kobel, in Vienna, who was a Protestant, and had administered the Lord's Supper to him. Twelve thousand exiles lived in England, Belgium, Hungaiy, and Transylvania, and among these were one hundred and eight-five magnates, and one hundred clergy, who sometimes wrote in the bitterest dis- tress to evangelical towns and churches, asking for aid.t Such oppressions raised many warm sympathizing friends to the Protestants ; and here we will mention only one, name- ly, George of Brandenburg, who generously came in 1624 to Bethlen's aid. He died of the prevalent epidemic at Leutshaw, and was buried at Whisburg in Transylvania.f In these troublous limes, the bright spot towards which the eyes of the Protestants were turned in hope was the Diet of CEdenberg, in 1625. It was, however, unfortunate at the very commencement, that the apostate from the Protes- tant faith, Nicholas Esterhazy, was chosen palatine. Besides, the Popish legate Karaffa was there, and he, in conjunction with Pazmany and the bishop, did the utmost to stir up the king against the Protestants. Indeed, the Bishop of Erlau made use of such expressions, that the Protestant members, * About this time Bethlea endowed an evangelical school in Tyrnau, at ■vsliich twenty-four scholars had a free tiible. Many of the niagnates followed his example. t Pamauf ]\IS., Vol. VI. Misc. p. 358. J Leutshaw Chronicle, MS. 15* 174 HISTORY OF THE in the excitement, had nearly thrown him out of the window. As it was, they dragged hinj by the hair and the beard to the door, and threw liim out. As the palatine was about to in- stitute an investigation, and bring some of them to trial, he found it impossible, for the Protestants stood firmly together, and Karaffa found it most convenient not to press the matter further.^' The palatine gave the king the worst advise, and even, as Karaffa acknowledges, showed him the plans which he should adopt, in spite of his oath, to limit the privileges of the Prot- estants.t The Roman Catholics thought they had satisfied every just claim of the Protestants when they renewed the 1st article of 1608, and the 6th article of the treaty signed by Ferdinand on assuming the throne, and not without much fear and anx- iety were the Protestants at last glad to have even so much. For at this time Pazmany stood higher than he had ever done in the royal favor and the esteem of his own party. It was but lately he had established the school at Tyrnau for the sons of the nobility, and so soon as Ferdinand III. was crowned, he hastened to have his sanction to the constitution of the seminary. The synods, which about this time were held at Leutshaw, Cscpregh, and other places, for maintaining discipline in the churches and schools, were of too little importance to be particularly noticed. But we must with pain acknowledge, that so soon as Ferdinand II. saw the crown tolerably firm on the head of his son, he considered himself at liberty to break through all bounds in his persecutions. Not contented with the feats he had accomplished in per- secuting and banishing the Protestants of Styria, Bohemia, Moravia, and Austria, where the sister churches were more * (Edcnberg Denkwiirdigkeiten MS. ; Theatr. Europ. Daniel Ciiidv, MS. t Ribinyi, Mem. A\ig. Conf., Tom. I. p. 437. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 175 kindly disposed towards each other, he now broke out on a large scale against the Calvinists in Hungary. For the sake of giving his acts the appearance of laws, he created in the one year, 1626, twenty-two princes, sixty counts and barons, of whom, it is true, many had only the title, but by means of their votes much might be done.* He demanded of the palatine not to allow the Protestants, who were flying from oppression in the other crowned lands, to settle in Hungary ; and with much zeal Karaffa sought to prevent one family obtaining residence there, the head of the family having been a printer in the neighborhood of Linz, and now obliged to escape with his printing-press out of the country. The pala- tine was exceedingly complaisant and obliging in granting all such demands as were unfavorable to Protestantism. t On the estates in Hungary, the Protestants were now often com- pelled to join the Church of Rome ; and so effectually was the work accomplished in Laudser and Lackenbach, that to this day not a Protestant family is there to be found, j: In Bitshe the Protestant church was taken from them ; the superintendent, Hodickius, who had presumed to gain the victory over Matthew Heinal, a Jesuit, in a discussion on the worshipping of the saints, was immediately banished ; the flourishing gymnasium was destroyed, and the building turned, a few years later, into a cow-stall. § * Karalyi, II. 670. t Comment, de Germ. Saira rest. p. 372; WnMau, Ili.st. of Prot. Au?., II. p. 299. X (Edenberg Denkwurdigkeiten. ^ Chladuay, C. I. Sect. 2; Zeiller, Nov. Hung. De?a, p. 46. 176 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER VI. Ferdinand II. nominates tlie Virgin Mary Generalissimo of his Anny. — Beth len declares War again. — Is joined by the Germans. — Peace of Pres- burg. _ The Widow of Palatme Forgacs raging against the Protestants. — George Kakotzy. — Gustavus Adolphus. — Conversion of several Magnates to Popery, — Persecutions. — Jesuits in (Edenberg. — Death of Ferdi nand II. From a king who had nominated Mary commander-in- chief of his forces,* and who was merely a puppet in the hands of KarafTa, Pazmany, Nicolas Esterhazy, and the Jesuits, the Protestants of Hungary had little good to expect. The more just were their fears when they reflected how sys- tematically he had despised and trampled on all the former resolutions of the Diet, how the Jesuits were every day gaining ground ; how, by the aid of Pazmany, they had, first in Raab, and afterwards in Presburg, erected a college. By such faithlessness, there was nothing left but an appeal to the sword. Bethlen stirred up on all sides, and, receiving promises of aid from the Turks, prepared once more for battle. In Germany the religious war was raging so vio- lently, that Denmark and Norway had taken part in it, and thence also came promise of aid. The great General Count Ernest of Mansfeld, and Bernhard, Duke of Weimar, offered to join him, and coming with their troops through Silesia and Moravia, so far as Neutra, they had some engagements with VVallenstein ; but the prospects of Austria were so doubtful, that, in 1628, Ferdinand gladly made a peace with Bethlen at Presburg, in which the latter bound himself to abstain, in * Karalyi, II. p. 914. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 177 all time coming, from war against the house of Flapsburg, on condition of religious liberty being guaranteed. Whether Bethlen would have kept his word, is hard to decide. He remained, however, perfectly quiet till the fol- lowing year, when, on the 16th of December, 1629, he yielded up his spirit ; very shortly after, the Cardinal Klesel died also, as if the loss of a protector was to be counter- balanced by having also one foe less. Scarcely had Bethlen closed his eyes when the Papists began their oppressions once more ; for the slave is moral only so long as he fears the arm of justice, — and this arm was now still in the grave. The Bishop of Waizen, Paul Almasy, compelled the Protestants in his neighborhood at an enormous price to purchase passports and safe-conducts from the pasha for his begging monks, that they might the more readily gather in the fowls, the eggs, and the butter, from the country, into their cloisters. In spite of the last Diet, the Protestants could not succeed in establishing their most just demands. The churches were not restored ; the king, to whom they appealed, excused himself with the disturbed state of the country, and promised redress '•' on a future day." Neither could they succeed in obtaining a clear statement of the law, by which they might be protected from the caprice of the priests. The magnates had, in this case, the chief blame, for they insisted on the right to do what they chose with the church on. their own property.* In consequence of this principle, the widow of the de- ceased Forgacs, Catherine Pallfy, in county Sharosh, an- noyed the Protestants very much on her property. She broke the doors and windows of the Protestant church, and shortly after took the church itself completely away. When the removing of the roof of the manse, and breaking down * " Cujus regio illius religio." Peter Bad, Hist. Eccl. Hung. MS. 178 HISTORY OF THE the walls, did not serve the purpose of banishing the Protes- tant preacher from his numerous congregation, she ordered him with all his family to be put on a cart and carted out of her territory. When they had reached the bounds of her estate, they were set down on the open field. By continued annoyances and fines, she brought her tenants so far that they consented to accept of a Roman Catholic priest.* In addition to these persecutions came the excommunica- tion of the preachers of the twenty-four Zips towns, which was published by Pazmany on the 22d of December, 1632. The occasion of this was found in a case of divorce, where the synod gave permission to one of the parties again to get married. The superintendent, Peter Zabler, the senior, John Serpilius, and John Pillemann, were summoned before the archbishop to give an account of what they had done. As they received a written warning from Stanislaus Lupomirski, the civil governor of these towns, which were at that time pawned to Poland, not to appear, they did not present them- selves to the archbishop. Their excommunication was pub- hshed in the church in Zips, by which proceeding the Roman Catholics of the day were certainly more edified, and the clergy more annoyed, than we can at all comprehend. The clergy put themselves to no little trouble and expense to ap- pease the wrath of the offended parties. Under such difficulties, the Protestants placed their chief confidence in the Prince of Dacia, St. Bathory, and George Rukotzy, the elected Prince of Transylvania. Gustavus Adolphus had already made a contract with the latter, in virtue of which he had already broken into Hungary ; when, however, Gustavus fell by the hands of an assassin, at the battle of Lutzen, he drew back again, not having confidence m tho probable success of the Swedes, and thinking all the ♦ Acts of the Diet, 1635; Daniel Crudy, Superintendent Prot. Church 1 \i' \f y Law, MS. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 179 while only of himself. It was with pain that the Protestants observed this selfishness of the artful Rakotzy. A steady supporter was just now so much the more requi- site, as the number of the Protestant magnates was constantly being diminished by desertion. After the superintendent Tobiah Brunswick, whom a pitiful fear for his life and lib- erty drove into the Romish Church,* Adam Thurzo, the son of the late palatine, to whom Brunswick was chaplain, as also his younger brother and mother, were induced to join the ranks of Popery. After these the general, Adam Bathy- ani, passed over to the Popish Church, and he became so zealous, that he gave the Protestant churches beyond the Danube no small annoyance, and banished the preachers, " to the greater glory of Mary." t The citizens of CEdenberg were obliged to pay heavy fines, though they remained true to the king, and their church was shortly after taken from them under the pretext that it had been built by Roman Catholics, f In the circle on this side the Danube had the imperial gen- eral, John Hommona, whose ancestors had been Protestants, given the Protestants in Kashaw much annoyance ; and when the evangelical party in Presburg began to build a church at their own expense, they were ordered, under penalty of the royal displeasure and its consequences, to desist. The citi- zens of Presburg appealing, however, to the laws which gave" them a right to build if they chose, went on with their work, and in 1637, their new church was consecrated. As the Protestants were hampered, just in the same pro- portion were the Jesuits favored. By a royal decree, dated * He had persecuted a Protestant preacher who had joined the Papists, to such an extent, that he was about to lay him in chains. Being on this ac- count summoned as a disturber of the peace, Brunswick fled, and fell into the nets of the Jesuits to such an extent, that he openly left the Protestant Church and received an ofRce among the Papists. Mica Bury. t Hist. Reform., p. 378. J Karalyi, Mem., p. 853. 180 HISTORY OF THE Vienna, May, 1636, the town of (Edenberg must undertake to build a Roman Catholic gymnasium, and, through fear of what might eventually occur, steps were taken by the citi- zens to prevent Jesuits becoming teachers. Another royal decree, dated Ratisbon, August, 1636, required a dwelling to be furnished for the Jesuits, and the guidance of the school to be delivered up to them.* Under such a state of anxiety in Hungary, came the year 1637 ; and on the 17th of February, Ferdinand II. expired. Great was the kingdom and numerous the subjects over which Providence had called him to reign, and he had no want of talent to make his people happy. But his Jesuitical education and his advisers had chained his spirit, and, to the great misfortune of his country, he could not set himself free ; and scarce can the eye find a single point in his whole reign of eighteen years on which to rest with satisfaction. In Germany his fanaticism had driven the religious war to the highest pitch, and, as a sorrowful legacy, he could hand that war, unfinished still, over to his son. In Magdeburg were twenty-six thousand corpses of men, women, and chil- dren lying, who had perished under the hand of his general, Tilly, with his hordes of Croatian military. Bohemia, Mo- ravia, and a great part of Hungary were miserably oppressed, and morality itself alnjost banished by the manner in which the war had been conducted. And what had he gained ? A few stone churches and schools stolen from the Lutherans and Calvinists ; a hundred thousand converts brought over to the Church of Rome by the unapostolical means of sword, prison, fine, or bribery ; and a depopulation of his monarchy amounting to more than a million of human beings. Ferdinand II. had gained what he wished ; for the conver- sion of a heretic to liis Church was to him always the great- * The original decrees lie in the (Edenberg town archives. They are coun- tersigned by George Lippay, IJishop of Vesprim, and Lawrence Frentzfy. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 181 est joy. Wherefore, as the- Cardinal Klessel once thought that a little more moderation and consideration of circumstances might be advisable, he replied, " I will rather have a wasted than an accursed kingdom.'' * His conscience was always quieted with the Jesuitical reserve ; for, when he was once reminded of his royal oath, he gave the edifying answer, " With his mouth he had sworn to the Protestants, but with his heart to the Roman Catholics." t For all these benefits rendered to the Popish cause, the Cardinal Pazmany, and Bishop Matthew of Neustadt, asserted that Ferdinand passed immediately into heaven, without ex- periencing the pains of purgatory, f The Word of God had, however, said, " The Lord hateth the bloody and de- ceitful man." * Malo regnum desolatum quam damnatum. t Peter Bad, "Hist. Eccles. Ref., Tom. U. MS. X Kazyi, II. p. 326. 16 182 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER VII. FERDINAND III. 1637 - 1657. Death of Pazmany. — Emerich Lasy, Archbishop of Gran. — Diet of Pres- burg. — New Persecutions. — Deliberations at Kashaw. — Deputation to the King. — Torstensonin Mora%da. — Death of the Archbishop. — George Lippay his Successor. — George Rakotzy of Transylvania. — Banishment of the Protestant Clergy from the Island Schutt. — Robert Douglas. — Death of the Palatine Nicolas Esterhazy. Shortly after the death of his friend and patron, Ferdi- nand II., the cardinal and archbishop, Pazmany, was also called away by death on the 19th of March, 1637. The Protestants now hoped, that under the new king, a man of wisdom and learning, the wounds which had been inflicted by the father would all be healed. They began, however, to have some fears when they saw that Ferdinand III. nom- inated Emerich Lasy, the Bishop of Erlau, as successor to Pazmany. This man was born of Protestant parents ; but while a student, he was led by Ferdinand's confessor to embrace the Popish faith, and he studied theology in Rome. As an especial friend of the Jesuits, he ascended, from being Canon of Gran, in a very few years, to be archbishop, and persuaded the king to give the Jesuits a large landed property in Thurotz; a measure which even Pazmany had not ven- tured to propose. Under such circumstances, the Protestants could only hope for the Diet in the following harvest in Presburg. When now the king appeared, demanding money for the war in Germany, and demanding of the Hungarians to protect their PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 183 own borders against the Turks, the states appeared very ready- to comply, — demanded, however, that the religious dispute should, in the first place, be completely skittled. The mag- nates did not give much support to this demand of the states; for above thirty families of the magnates had, by Pazmany's influence, left the Protestant Church ; others were become indifferent, and thus the Jesuits and the Popish clergy had easy work. The demands of the latter went so far as to require that the Protestant exiles who had fled from persecu- tion in Austria and Bohemia should be banished from Hun- gaiy, and especially from Presburg ; a request which caused the greatest excitement at the Diet. Between the Protestant Count Caspar Illyeshazy and the Roman Catholic Count Adam Forgacs, it came so far, that when one had called the other relel., and a name even still worse had been retorted, they rushed on each other with drawn swords, and the king was obliged to set both for some time in arrest.* By such quarrels, and the artful charges brought against the Protestants before the king, the evangelical party was often placed in great difficulty. As they, however, remained firm in their demand, and did not yield even to the royal threats, the circumstances of the times obliged Ferdinand III. to grant their request of toleration, and to accept of a form of contract, in which he pledged himself to guarantee liberty of conscience. That the evangelical party had good reason to demand adherence to the letter of the law in matters of toleration, will be readily seen from the difficulties encountered in the building of the church at Presburg ; for it was only by the greatest exertion, and after obtaining written permission from Ferdinand to that effect, that the church could be opened. The Protestants of the Reformed Church at Tyrnau had been * Theatr. Europ. et Artel, rediviv. Tom. II. p. 129. 184 HISTOUY OF THE prevented, by arms, from building their church ; and those of the Augsburg Confession at Lewenz had their church vio- lently closed, and their pastor banished. The Protestant Church of Szakoly must bring a complaint before the Diet, that they were not allowed to bury their dead in the com- mon bunting-ground, and requested another to be given them.* On the contrary, the Jesuits had obtained permission, con- traiy to law, to purchase houses in Tyrnau, and expected, in spite of the protest of the magistrates in (Edenberg, shortly to have a church and landed property in that city also, t The incredible power of the Bishop of Gran can be seen from the fact, that the royal decree was set aside when it pleased him, and the Protestants had no respect whatever shown to their rights. That part of the royal contract, pre- paratory to assuming the crown of Hungary, by which the king pledged himself to grant toleration to his Protestant sub- jects, was, by the influence of this prelate, not entered among the laws of the land. When the Diet had been completed according to their wish, the clergy and Popish magnates soon stepped boldly out to accomplish their desires. Immediately after the Diet, Count John Daugesh Hommono took possession of the pre- bend of Neustadt on Waag, which the Protestants had long legally held. The old superintendent was carried out on a chair by the soldiers ; and being too infirm to walk, he was again set into his dwelling, and shortly after died in conse- quence of this excitement and rough treatment. The church, and its property and fruits, were never restored. There were several villages and mills attached ; a tenth and a six- teenth of the grain belonged to it, and a tenth of all fowls. Forgacs, and the renegade Adam Thurzo, acted with equal * Engel, 1. c. 490. t (Edenberg Dcnkwiirdigkeiten, Band XII. 4to. MS. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 185 severity, and took away church and school, banishing pastor and schoolmaster out of Pasteny, Udvarnock, St. Peter, Bajna, Ujlak, and many villages in the county of Neutra. The palatine, Count Nicolas Esterhazy, followed their example. On the estates which he had bought from Thurzo in Neutra and Trentshin, where nearly all the inhabitants were Protestants, he took possession of the churches, schools, and manses, and banished the Protestant pastors and school- masters. Under such circumstances, several Protestant magnates and nobles assembled at Kashaw, in the beginning of the year 1640, to consult what was to be done. The result of their deliberation was that a deputation was sent to the king laying before him the facts, and begging for a Diet to be summoned to obtain relief. The time was not favorable for holding a Diet, for French- men, Swedes, Hessians, had penetrated into the midst of Austria, and the successful general, Torstenson, though labor- ing under gout, was giving Ferdinand serious alarm. The king consented to summon a Diet, and issued the necessary summonses, but the meeting was not held. With so much the more ease did the Roman Catholics continue their persecu- tions ; for, finding themselves supported by the Roman Cath- olic magnates, and tolerated, if not encouraged, by the king, it was not strange that the position of the Protestants ceased to be enviable. The death of the archbishop Emerich Losy, in 1642, did not give them much relief, for, though one foe was removed, still the principles of Rome's adherents re- mained the same, and into the place of the deceased came George Lippay, if not a more bitter, at least a more perse- vering foe. To annoy the Protestants in every possible way, seemed to be a necessity in the nature of the new archbishop ; and, instead of following the principles of the Saviour in collect- ing disciples, he seemed to be guided in his treatment of the 16* 186 HISTORY OF THE Protestants by the most literal interpretation of the passage, " Compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." They therefore turned the eye often towards Transylvania, out of which the Lord had often sent delivery for their fa- thers, and still the prince George Rakotzy seemed to slum- ber unmindful of their ills. A time came, however, when, by the consent of the Turks, he nominated his son to be his suc- cessor. The complaints of the Protestants were becoming louder and louder. France and Sweden promised him money to support him in a war against Ferdinand ; and the jests which were made at his expense, at the court of Vienna, filled the cup of his indignation, so that, on the 26th of April, 1643, he entered into a league ofiensive and defensive with Torstenson, against Frederick, and that engagement was signed by Torstenson at his camp in Dobitshaw, on the 10th of July. On the 13th of February, 1644, Prince Rakotzy issued at Kallo his declaration of war, stating the reasons why he drew the sword against Ferdinand. The latter lost no time, it is true, in issuing a counter proclamation, promising religious toleration, and warning against joining Rakotzy ; but the Protestants had now learned, by bitter experience, what faith was to be placed in such promises. At the very time that the Swedish army was pressing forward to join Rakotzy, the persecutions were raging as fiercely as ever. Count Francis Revay, the obergespan, had just shortly before, in violation of his oath of office, and of all the contracts and laws to the contrary, deprived the Protestants of their churches in St. Martin, Mosotz, Turan, Bela, and Blastnitz, and had compelled some to become Papists. He had erected gallows on which he threatened to hang all who visited the Protestant churches ; those who sung Protestant hymns on carrying their dead to the grave were cast into prison ; the Protestants who had their dead buried by the priest must pay extra fees. The archbishop Lippay had just banished all the Protes- tant pastors of both confessions out of the large island Schutt, PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 187 which reaches from Presburg to Komorn, and had sent twelve Jesuits to discharge ministerial duties ; * but their first care was to introduce the worship of Mary, which had been taught by the Greek heretic Guappou in the year 470, and had been condemned by the Fifth (Ecumenical Council.t The Jesuits did not remain long in the island, for when Count Robert Douglas, a general under Torstenson, had conquered Pres- burg and received the capitulation of Tyrnau, he removed the priests and all their appendages to Presburg. By the approach and the conquests of these troops the hardly oppressed Protestants of Skalitz obtained relief. The Popish clergy had just brought matters so far, that the Mo- ravian exiles, who had lived here in peace for twenty years, were, with their preachers, banished from the city, and had their churches closed. So soon as Douglas heard of this, being already united with Rakotzy, they hastened to Skalitz, and gave the authorities a few hours to restore the church, and take away the Popish mummeries, or else be hanged. The Protestants of Skalitz thus obtained their church, and in a very short time the much denied religious toleration was also granted in Raab-J The difficulties of the Roman Catholic Church were now increased by the death of the palatine Nicolas Esterhazy, which took place the 11th of September, 1645. This man, who had been born of Protestant parents, his father hav- ing been vice-gespan (deputy-lieutenant) of Presburg, owed his position and his influence chiefly to the fact of his hav- ing been unfaithful to his profession ; for Rome has held fast the principle of paying her proselytes well, by giving them high posts of honor. * Hist. Diplom. t The words for which this priest was proclaimed a heretic are the veiy same as those which Rome universally employs : " Holy ]Mary, mother of God, pray for us, now and at the hour of death." X Ortel, Rediviv. Tom. H. ; Zeillems Coll., Part I. p. 264. It appears that so early as 15G7, Raab had already three Protestant preachers. 188 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER VIII. The Peace of Linz. — Protest of the Popish Clergy. — The K -„ o x mnness. — The Diet of 1647. — The Protestants obtain Ninety Churches restored. — Penal Laws against the Religious Persecutors. — Bishop Szelepcs^nyi. — Bishop Draskowitsh. — The King's Liberality. The short but bloody war between Rakotzy and Ferdinand ended with the famous Peace of Linz, which was the second pillar of the rights and freedoms of the Protestant Church in Hungary. Rakotzy was soothed with the promise of several counties for himself, and was thus induced to give up his alliance with Sweden. On the 16th of December, 1645, when the monarchy was on the very brink of destruction, the peace was concluded at Linz in Upper Austria. This time, it must be confessed, both parties were equally earnest in the resolution to prevent the clergy from once more breaking the peace. Even the archbishop Lippay found himself unable any longer to oppose the laws favor- able to the Protestants. By this peace, the Protestants ob- tained complete religious liberty, so that the exiled preachers might return to their congregations, or new preachers be called. All churches and church property which had been taken away should be restored, and every transgression of the condition of this peace should be punished ; the banish- ing of the Jesuits was reserved for the next Diet. It was on the 20th of October, 1646, that Rakotzy ratified this peace at Weissenburg in Transylvania. The danger was, however, scarcely past, and the reproaches of Rome had only just reached the Popish clergy of Hun- gary, fur having j)aid so little attention to the interests of the PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 189 Church, when Lippay once more brought back the Jesuits, who soon found ways and means to deprive the country of all the blessings of the peace. Yes, the Hungarian clergy showed themselves so servile to Rome, and so forgetful of all their duties to their king and country, that, contrary to the king's engagement to summon a Diet within three months, they delayed it ten^ months, and then at the Diet entered a protest against that treaty which they had before approved, and for many months prevented its being received among the the laws of the land.* One of the most zealous opponents of the Protestants in this case, was the newly elected palatine, John Draskowitsh, who was also Banus of Slavonia, and had been elected to the palatinate by a majority of only twelve votes. The king, however, who knew from what dangers he had just escaped, showed the noblest traits of his character in exercising his authority over the contending parties. He proposed, on the 28th of October, that the opposition of the clergy to the conditions of peace, now and in all time coming, should be declared irrelevant ; and, on the 8th of November, when the Protestants brought forward their complaints, with evidence of the truth of the same, he pro- posed a resolution to be laid before the assembly, to the effect that, immediately, while the Diet is still sitting, there should be eighteen churches in the circle on this side the Danube, and eight in the circle beyond the Danube, restored to the Protestants ; wherever they have no churches, they should have full permission to build, and the landed proprie- tors are bound to give them building ground. No one should in future dare to take away a church contrary to the wish of the residents in the place. If the landlord did so, he should, for the first offence, be fined one thousand florins, and be obliged to give back the church ; for the next offence, * Fessler, Vol. IX. p. 24, 190 HISTORY OF THE his entire property in the village or district should be confis- cated. If any of the clergy did so, they should be fined, for the first offence, one thousand florins ; for the second, two thousand florins. The patron's right, in so far as in ac- cordance with the Peace of Vienna, should be preserved, and the states being satisfied with this, should proceed to dis- cuss other matters. The evangelical party, taught by sore experience, could not possibly be satisfied with this arrangement, and proposed that impartial parties should be appointed to investigate each case, and to examine the reasons why the churches were taken away, and whetber they ought to be restored. The palatine and the archbishop made every attempt to prevent a resolution favorable to the Protestants. The former, in his zeal to defend the Jesuits, drew his sword in the hall, and made himself ridiculous ; the latter, however, went so far, that it was found necessary to threaten him with depri- vation of office. The clergy held out so long, that they suc- ceeded in keeping three hundred and ten out of the four hundred churches which they had taken by force. On the 10th of February, 1647, the court consented to restore ninety of the churches, but with the remark that, in time to come, not one single church more would be given up. The Protestants, tired, after a struggle of seven months, gave way, and the states proceeded to arrange some of the articles. In the 6th article, the names of the ninety churches were entered.* In the 7th article, it was declared, " That no other church would be restored ; the Protestants should have permission to occupy the chapels of ease, or to go if they chose to other parishes to hear the Gospel." The 8th article declared freedom of religious exercise in the town of Skalitz, both for the Lutheran and the Reformed churches. In Tyr- nau, the property belonging to the evangelical church should * Hist. Diplom. Appendix, p. 44. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 191 be restored, and no tradesnnan should be compelled to attend the ceremonies of which he disapproved. In Raab, permis- sion was given to build a new church, and a piece of ground was granted for the purpose. The pastor should have per- mission to preach in the church or in his own house. In Loreny a church was given to the Lutherans ; but in Tihany, while the place was small, and it might be inconvenient to have a second church, the pastor's dwelling was restored. The 10th article directed, that in places where the Papists retained the churches, the Protestants should have a right to build church, manse, school-house, &c. ; and the landed pro- prietor must, within three months from that date, grant a plot of ground suitable for the purpose, entirely free from all taxes. The Protestants and Catholics should, in all cases, pay the same fee for the ringing of the church bells. The 11th article decreed, that while the Roman Catholics pay nothing to the Protestant clergy, in like manner should the Protestants pay nothing to the Popish clergy. In particu- lar cases, however, where the Popish priest had no lands and no government endowment, but was dependent on the ses- sional taxes, if the number of Roman Catholics was small, then the sessional taxes should be collected by the city col- lector and equally divided. The stola dues, however, should only be claimed from members of their own confession. The 13th article directed the ninety churches which were to be restored to the Protestants to be handed over imme- diately, while the Diet was still sitting, to a mixed commis- sion, containing an equal number of members of each con- fession. The 14th article declared the penalty for hindering the Protestants in obtaining their just claims. The guilty party should first be warned by the vice-gespan (deputy-lieutenant) of the county, and if he then submitted, there was no fine. If he disobeyed, he should be fined each time in six hundred florins. In affairs connected with marriage, the Protestants 192 HISTORY OF THE abide by their own customs, entirely independent of the Popish priests and Popish judicature. Finally, it was settled that, in the free town Kashaw, where the Lutherans were preventing both the Calvinists and the Roman Catholics from building churches, both parties should have a right to build churches and schools, as also should obtain suitable ground for the purpose, should enjoy full religious liberty, with the use of the church bells and burying- ground in common. These were the benefits which the Peace of Linz and the Diet of Presburg — which ratified and defined the terms of the peace — conferred on the Protestants of Hungary. If we overlook the three hundred churches which were lost, and also the double meaning of many of the enactments, still we shall see much gained. Much that had been only briefly mentioned before, was now entered in detail in the articles of peace, and a commencement was made to have these articles carried out. At this Diet the eldest son of Ferdinand III. was, on the 1 6th of June, crowned King of Hungary, under the title of Fer- dinand IV., and on the 17th of July, 1647, the Diet was closed. As it was presumed or feared that the Popish clergy would not cease to persecute, there was a paragraph entered in the transactions of the assembly, that at every Diet his Majesty should inquire into the complaints of the Protestants^ and have them redressed. A very little while showed how neces- sary the law was, and how much trouble was taken to have it changed. Immediately on the close of the Diet, the Bishop of Wes- prin, George Szelepcsenyi, as imperial chancellor, refused to sign the articles, and the Bishop of Raab, George Drasko- witsh, brother of the palatine, refused to give up the church to the Protestants, till the king compelled him to it by mili- tary force. It ccrtuMily was no easy matter for the prelates to support PROTESTANT CIiaKCH OF HUNGARY. 193 the ninety priests who were now turned out of office, but the king came to their aid by making the poor prelates a present of 5,000 florins, that they might not drive the land once more to rebellion before the past wounds were healed. It was a terrific sight for the king to look over his empire, and over the whole of Germany, and see what the Thirty Years' War had done ; and still that war was not yet ended. Well might he rejoice when, by the unwearied exertions and great pru- dence of Count Maximilian of Trantmansdorf, this war was brought to a close by the Peace of Westphalia. But, alas ! while the Protestants in Germany were now able to enjoy complete civil and religious liberty, with the exception of Silesia, the Austrian empire was little effected by the peace. 17 194 IIISTOKY OF THE CHAPTER IX. New Persecutions of tlie Protestants in Hungary. — Diet of Presburg in 1649. — Paul Pallfy, Palatine. — Fruits of the Diet. — ^ The Jesuits in Transylvania. — Death of the young King of Rome. — Leopold croAvned King of Hungary in 1655. — Troubles. — Death of Ferdinand. The incredible struggles, the bloodshed, and the councils held for establishing, on a firm basis, the rights and lib- erties of the Protestant Church, were, contrary to all expec- tation, not yet sufficient to obtain the desired peace and toler- ation. The Diet had scarcely been dissolved when the Jesuits and the magnates, whom they had gained over to their cause, began the work of persecution afresh. The death of Rakotzy, on the 23d of October, 1648, gave them new courage ; and-, contrary to all laws and treaties, and despite all watchfulness, the treacherous disciples of Loyola found ways and means of creeping once more into Transyl- vania. It was the plan of the Popish clergy to introduce these men into all parts of the kingdom, and, by means of these sworn foes of the Gospel and of Protestants, gradually to obliterate all traces of the truth. In August, 1648, the palatine, John Draskowitsh, was taken away by death, but Lippay remained and labored till he had the Jesuits intro- duced into Skalka, Neusohl, Skalitz, Schemnitz, Trentshin, and Rosenau, where they soon succeeded in raising sufficient strife and confusion. The prelates and landed proprietors banished the Prot- estant pastor out of Sellyi by an armed force.* Francis Nadasdy, who had become Papist for the sake of obtaining * Fessler, Vol. IX. p. 38. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 195 in marriage the daughter of the palatine Nicolas Esterhazy, took away from the Protestant pastor the corn which was by the law secured to him. The miller was bound to give a proportion of all the corn ground on Saturday afternoon and the whole of Sunday to the Protestant pastor ; and this cus- tom was discontinued, while the schoolmaster was also de- prived of his grain. Francis Nadasdy and the widow of Klasius Apponyi compelled all their dependants to attend to the ceremonies of the Popish Church, and those who refused were fined and imprisoned. In several counties, as, for example, Eisenberg, Presburg, Neutra, and Trentshin, no ground was given to the Protes- tants for building churches and schools, and several of the ninety churches, w^iich had been restored, were again taken away. In Donnerskirchen, near Eisenstadt, in (Edenberg county, the Protestants were positively forbidden by Count Ladislaus Esterhazy to recall their pastor.* The inhabitants of the town of Neusiedel, who had called an evangelical pastor without asking leave from the landlord, were sen- tenced to pay a fine of several hundred butts of wine, and were so much oppressed, that scarcely a trace of a church is now there to be seen. It was after such transactions that the king summoned a Diet at Presburg on the 25th of January, 1649. There was little prospect of calm deliberation at this meeting, for the exasperation was veiy considerable. Even the king was so much afraid of the results, that he did not open the assembly till the 15th of March. The first business was the election of a palatine. The king proposed two Roman Catholics and two Protestants, and the choice fell on the Roman Catholic Count Paul Pallfy, a man of great integrity and high honor. Immediately on entering on his office he had a consider- able struo-gle with the Archbishop Lippay, in which his char- * At this day there does not reside a single Protestant there. 196 HISTORY OF THE acter was favorably exhibited. The Diet was assembled ; the palatine was in his place ; the archbishop alone was ab- sent paying a morning visit to the king ; they had waited long, and at lengtli the palatine rose to assure the assembled nobles how it was the king's wish and desire that all the quarrels on religious matters should be amicably arranged. The archbishop had now arrived, and rose to declare that he had just heard wishes of the very opposite nature expressed by the king. The palatine was astonished ; and, after a short deliberation, it was agreed to send a mixed deputation, containing an equal number of Protestants and Roman Cath- olics, to speak with his Majesty. A reply was immediately returned, through the minister Trantmansdorf, that the pala- tine had correctly stated the royal wish. Having been thus attacked in his honor, the palatine turned in indignation to- wards the archbishop, inquiring why he had entered on such barefaced falsehood, attempting thus to misrepresent the king, and to disturb the peace of the Diet and of the coun- try ; and he at the same time informed him that, were it not for his cloth, he would know how to treat him as he de- served.* So long as this palatine lived, the Protestants on his estate enjoyed all the protection they could wish. Entirely free from all fanaticism, he erected schools for the Protestants as well as for the Roman Catholics, and combined justice whh moderation to such an extent, that he was justly beloved as a father of his country. At the Diet, where the passions of the contending parties made his position so difficult, ho guided the proceedings with much tact, leaving the legal time open to hear all the mutual romplaints which the two parties wished to bring. The com- * Mica Rury, Tlicat. Europ. Vol. VI. p. 877. Artel Rediviv. Mayer ad hoc Annum, Tom. II. p. 161. Daniel Crudy, Tom. I. p. 169. It is true the Jesuit Szegedi represents the arclibisho)) as suffering these reproaclies un- justly from his zeal for religion. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 197 plaints of the Roman Catholics were far more numerous, but he had them entered in a list by themselves, in such a way that the evidence in each individual case could be easily seen by the king ; and it was soon evident that much was quite unfounded, and still more of the charges of the Papists were overcolored. The palatine laid all before the king, with a request that each case should be carefully and impar- tially investigated.* Ferdinand, knowing well the nature of the case, was re- solved to carry out all the proceedings in the spirit of the Peace of Linz. The determined opposition, however, on the part of the Roman Catholics, prevented him from benefiting the Protestants to any great extent. Besides the ninety churches which were granted in 1647, there were only three chapels of ease bestowed on the Protestants ; and a law was passed which eventually wrought great mischief, deciding that all quarrels on matters of religion in future should be decided after the example set in 1647, by being referred back to the respective counties. One benefit was gained by this Diet ; for, as the priests observed the desire of the king to do justice to the Protes- tants, they relaxed somewhat in their persecutions. The time of quiet was then employed in improving, as much as possible, the ecclesiastical discipline, in building and repair- ing churches and school-houses, and in placing worthy men in the office of pastor. This was especially the case in the royal free cities, where the number of educated and wealthy members of the evangelical church was considerable. In * The archbishop declared to the king that his conscience did not allow him tu give land Avhich belonged to Roman Catholics, for the purpose of build- ing a Protestant church, and the king informed him that his conscience was much too scrupulous. Fessler, Vol. IX. p. 39. It was the same archbishop who declared, on a former occasion, that the king dared to tolerate Protes- tants just as little a? thieves and robbei-s, and both should be borne with only so long as he could not eradicate them. Such is the tender mercy of Popish priests. 17* 198 HISTORY OF THE (Edenberg we find at this time Matthew Lany was ordained, and in a neighboring village called Horkaw, Christopher Sobitsh, who was afterwards a distinguished superintendent. He preached his first sermon in the church of St. Michaels, which at that time belonged to the Lutherans, and had been just embellished with a new altar and organ. At this time also lived the superintendent, George Lany, who presided at a synod held on the 10th of June, 1652, at which it was resolved that not only the superintendents should have a right to propose a new superintendent, but also the nobles, and even the citizens. The evangelical church at Presburg manifested at this time considerable activity and zeal. They built a new church for the Hungarians and Slovaken, where Daniel Abra- hamides preached to a crowded house ; * but within twenty years, this church, which lies behind the Franciscan garden, became the property of the nuns of St Ursula. A few years after, they built a magnificent gymnasium of four stories high, where the rector, Bohm, who was after- wards pastor, labored with great success among the youth. Andrew Segncr, at that time inspector of the Protestant church, had a medal struck commemorative of the opening of the institution ; on the one side was the Trojan horse, and on the other, St. Andrew's day, 1656. In Neusohl, Schem- nitz, Modena, and Epeijes, where Samuel Dirner was labor- ing with much acceptance, from the year 1650, — in all these places were very prosperous schools, chiefly under the guid- ance of foreigners, or of those who had studied at foreign universities. While the Protestants in Hungary were thus enjoying a little ease, the Jesuits had, with great cunning, transplanted themselves into Transylvania. In this land, where the Prot- estant Church hud new stood for a considerable time under Ribinyi, Memonib. Tom. I. p. 493. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 199 the protection of Protestant princes, it had gained some de- gree of stability ; the arrogance of the Popish Church was considerably restrained, and the Jesuits were strictly forbid- den to reside there. These men, however, found ways and means to obtain an entrance. To appear in their own dress would have been the sure way to have themselves banished ; they therefore assumed the ordinary clerical habit, and lived apart in the houses of Popish nobles who were friendly to them. Unobserved, they thus carried on their old work.* To their sorrow they discovered that prince George Ra- kotzy II. was quite too decided in his adherence to the Re- formed Church to look quietly on and leave them to them- selves. He had just discovered that they had gained an un- bounded influence over his mother-in-law, a zealous Roman Catholic from Poland, as also over his wife Sophie BathoiyJ and that they were beginning to influence his son, a youth of seven years. He, therefore, in the first place, got a list of all the Jesuits in the country, and in the year 1651, made short work of having them removed. Ferdinand III. and the King of Poland wrote to Rakotzy to induce him to allow them to remain ; but the states, assembled in June, declared that it was contrary to the law of the land, and they must remove. Ferdinand had something of more importance to annoy him. Pope Innocent X. had declared his peace with the Swedes at Asnabruck on the 10th of January, 1651, to be a godless transaction, and refused to sanction the bishops whom Ferdinand had appointed. His second wife, Leopoldina, to whom he had been mar- ried only thirteen months, was removed by death ; and still more, his hopeful son, whom he had just had crowned at Ratisbon on the 30th of May, 1653, as the King of Rome, under the title of Ferdinand IV., was unexpectedly taken — » * Majlath, Vol. IV. p. 270. 200 HISTORY OF THE from him. On the 9th of July, 1654, the young king died of small-pox in the twenty-first year of his age, to the great distress of the royal family. With this son many of the father's plans and hopes were also laid in the grave. One scheme, which seemed for a long time to have been arranged, must now be given up. He had intended to abolish the office of palatine, and to gov- ern Hungary by means of a deputy. To this office the arch- bishop Lippay would have been appointed, who knew much better how to accommodate himself to the court than did the unflinching palatine Paul Pallfy, who, to the great distress of the country, was so soon removed by death. When the king found, however, that his scheme met with such violent oppo- sition at the Diet of Presburg in 1654, he withdrew it, and, after the old custom, proposed two Roman Catholics and two Protestants for the office of palatine. The valiant, prudent, wealthy, and amiable Roman Catholic nobleman, Francis Vesselenyi Hadad, was elected.* Before the Diet proceeded to crown Ferdinand's second son, Leopold, the Protestants attempted once more to bring their complaints forward for consideration, but they were in- formed that such matters did not now belong to the Diet, but must be settled by commissioners in each county. The miseries of this law they were now doomed to feel, for when the commissioners gave an unjust decision there was no ap- peal. Only one remedy was open, — they might appeal to the king. Accordingly, on the 16th of March, they laid their case before the king, with a specified register of their com- plaints and charges, together with the evidence and proofs, * In his youth he was a Protestant of the Reformed Cliurch, but was in duced by I'a/many to turn to the Papists. He distinguished himself in the war against Hikotzy. He took the invincible castle of Murany by falling in love with the beautiful Mary Szecsy, the proprietress, and, havitig gained her heart, ho soon gained the castle too; it was handed over to him after the marriage. Prom this time forward he made great progress in amassing wealth and obtaining posts of honor, till at last he became palatine. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 201 and begged relief. Churches, it seemed, tiad been once more taken from them, pastors and schoolmasters had been banished and their incomes confiscated, in spite of the laws of the land ; the proprietors had obstinately refused building-ground for new churches and schools. After several weeks they re- ceived a reply, stating, that when the Diet should be closed, he would then examine into the matters mentioned. An- other petition to the king met with as little attention, and, in the mean time, the Diet decided that all confessional quarrels and complaints should be settled immediately after the Diet. The Jesuits had as yet no permission to acquire landed property, but the king promised to use his influence that they might obtain the same privileges as other clergy. Accord- ingly, in the following year, under the advice and with the aid of Archbishop Losy, they built themselves an institution in OEdenberg.* Shortly after the coronation of his third wife, and also of his second son Leopold to be King of Hungary, on the 27th of June, 1655, the Diet came to a close. There was, how- ever, just now very litde calculated to comfort the king. The Turks, under the guidance of their wild borderers, burned the villages and carried away prisoners before the treaty had come to an end, and it was with great difficulty that they could be quieted. There was also a very serious war breaking out between Casimir of Poland and Charles Gustavus of Sweden, who had been Duke of Zweibrucken, and Rakotzy II. of Transylvania was just about to join the latter. Being on his way to join the Swedes, Ferdinand could only raise a weak detachment to prevent him. Such circumstances, in the very bloom of life of the king, might well tend to embitter his lot. Besides all this came another circumstance which was to him fatal. Close to the room which he occupied on the 2d * (Edenberg Denkwurdigkeiten ilS. 202 HISTORY OF THE of April, 1657, there broke out a fire, and the king, who was at the time sick, would not suffer himself to be carried out till he saw the young prince Ferdinand, then three months old, first made safe. A servant seized the cradle, but in the haste ran against the wall and broke it, while he and the child tumbled together on the ground. The king survived the shock only a few hours. If it cannot be denied that Ferdinand III. was decidedly opposed to the Protestants, and very strictly attached to his own Church and to the Jesuits who had instructed him, still we have had abundant evidence that he knew how to dis- tinguish between the pretensions of the priests and the sub- stance of religion, and in intellectual and moral powers very far surpassed his father. His love of justice was so great, that he often caused the judicial decisions which were favora- ble to his chamber to be again examined, and he often sat in the court of justice trying to do his utmost to favor the ac- cused party. It was with much hesitation and after long delay that he usually signed the sentence of death, and in his whole reign he remained true to his motto, " The fear of God, and Justice." Had he not been educated by the Jesuits, had he been able to withdraw himself from the all-powerful influence of the clergy, or had he lived in more peaceful times, the respect which even the enemies were obliged to show him, would have risen to admiration, and have grown to such a love that he might justly have been regarded as father of his country. This name was afterwards given to his successor Leopold, who for half a century ruled over Hungary for weal and woe. In how far he deserved this title history will show, when we consider how he treated the Protestants, to whom he had sworn to show the same regard as to the Papists. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 203 LEOPOLD L, 1657-1705. CHAPTER X. 1657 - 1670. Leopold's Education. — He favors the Jesuits. — The Synod at Tyrnau. — Hungarian Diets, and Grievances of the Protestants. — The Diet of 1662. — The Protestant Deputies demand baclc the Churches and Schools. — Petitions to the King. — Specification of the Persecutors. — Persecution in Transylvania. — More Petitions. — The Protestant Deputies leave the Diet. — Its Close. With Leopold's reign begins the golden age of the Jesuits on the one side, and the gradual progressive decay of the Protestant Church on the other. Intended by his father, Ferdinand III., to be Bishop of Passau, and till the death of his brother Ferdinand receiving an education suitable to such expectations, he ascended the throne in his seventeenth year. His uncle, Leopold William, Bishop of Passau, guided the affaii-s of the kingdom for some time, till they went into the hands of John Ferdinand Portia and Wenzel Lobkowitz, both of whom stood as much under the influence of the Jesuits as did their monarch. The king had received such an education, and was en- dowed with such dispositions, as might have been an honor to a bishop, but were very prejudicial to a king. His atten- tion to trifles ; his indolence in comprehending and resolving, and his delay in carrying out his resolves ; his cold and heartless disposition, and his blind adherence to the forms of the Romish Church, which he could not distinguish from the 204 HISTORY OF THE religion of Jesus, promised him little happiness in the govern- ment of such a land as Hungary, and such a people as the Hungarians. The Jesuits now became arrogant, and, uniting with the nobles of their own party, despised the laws of the land, and trampled on the constitution whenever the benefits of their religion demanded it. Thus, Archbishop Lippay held a synod at Tyrnau, on the 2d of June, 1658, which was nu- merously attended. The resolutions were at first kept secret, and afterwards an attempt was made to deny them, but their tendency was to annihilate the conditions of the Peace of Vienna and Linz.* As the king summoned a Diet to Presburg in June, 1659, and the Protestants came forward with all the complaints which had been heaped up during four years, he felt himself in great difficulty, for the grand vizier, Kiuprili, was ap- proaching with great force, and had devoted nearly a hun- dred thousand Transylvanians to death and imprisonment. But the Protestants ceased to urge their complaints so soon as the king and the Archbishop of Gran pointed to the im- minent danger, and promised immediately after the Diet to hold a full and impartial investigation. The palatine in- formed the heads of counties of the king's wish, and the people were satisfied with seeing the contract which the king had signed on his coronation entered among the laws of the land, although the first article of the Peace of Vienna, of 1608, contrary to the usual practice on such occasions, was not included. The Protestants must soon bitterly repent this generosity, for the period up till the next Diet was three years, and these were memorable as days of bitter persecution and wrong. Thrice had they been publicly deceived, openly before the whole country, in the years 1649, 1655, and now in 1659. * Engel, L. 11. Vol. V. p. 5. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 205 The fourth time, however, should not be a repetition of the same. The representatives of the counties, therefore, re- ceived, on th«ir election to the next Diet, the strictest orders not to enter into any other matters till the religious com- plaints were completely settled, and the Protestants had ob- tained all their wish. As they then could not immediately succeed at the Diet, they approached the king, on the 5th of June, with a petition which one cannot even now read with- out sorrow and shame.* The deputies of thirteen counties brought the bitterest charges against those " who had by vio- lence now for many years habitually transgressed the laws of the land, and prevented the exercise of that toleration which the law granted." They demanded that the churches and the property which had been forcibly taken away during the last thirteea years, within the bounds of seventeen coun- ties, by fifty-three magnates, prelates, and landholders, should be given back, and especially the forty churches which during the last three years had been taken away.f They give the names of their persecutors, and history is bound to transmit them and their deeds to posterity. The petition to the king, having set forth how the deputy- lieutenants of counties (vice-gespan), being Roman Catholics, had contrived to terrify or to weary the Protestants who came oeeking for aid, states further, how, in particular. Prince Paul Esterhazy, after obtaining permission from the Pope to marry his brother's daughter, had, during the sitting of the Diet in 1659, endeavored to persuade his people in the county of CEden- berg, at Frakno and Eisensta'dt, and in the neighborhood of the Neusiedel lake, to become Roman Catholics ; and when he did not succeed, how he, immediately after the Diet, sent the dragoons to compel them. By the aid of the dragoons he took away the church of Shattendorf, though it was one * Hist. Diplom. in Append., p. 106. ;• David Lanv in Epierisi, 1663; Mica Bury; Hist. Diplom., App. 104. 18 206 HISTORY OF THE of the ninety which had been restored in 1647.* Equally illegal was the conduct of Francis Nadasdy, who filled the office of superior judge. He sent Hungarian and Austrian soldiers to abuse the Protestants. As the soldiery came once into the village Babath, the Protestant inhabitants had already escaped. There was now a chase made after them, and every one who could be found was made a Romanist. At St. Nicolas and Great ZinkendorfF, the Protestant pastors were banished by the servant of Nadasdy, and the household furniture broken in pieces. The Jesuits compelled the coun- try people in crowds to join the Popish communion. As the wife of Stephen Kovacs positively refused, two oxen were taken from her husband as a punishment for her obstinacy, and they did not cease to annoy till she also entered the Roman Catholic Church. In the village of Szill, the same count sent a servant, Peter Landor, with an armed force, to demand the keys of the church. Having, after some time, obtained them, he had the bells rung to summon all into the church, as if for worship, and then, in spite of all the weep- ing and mourning, directed a Roman Catholic priest to ad- minister the Lord's Supper to all present. In 1651 the same Count Nadasdy directed the keeper of the forests to watch for the Protestants who went from Bor- gois to the neighboring Protestant church in Nemesker, and when they were returning they were robbed of their clothes, and sent home naked. In his property in CEdenberg, Eisen- berg, and Neutra, he had more or less annoyed about two hundred Protestant churche*, for which feats he became the darling of the Jesuits at the court of Vienna. But they either could not, or would not, shortly after, save him from the scaffold. When he had mounted the scafTold, he is re- ported to have said, " The Lord is just in all his ways," * At present there is not a single Protestant in the village. Eisenstadt, the residence of the prince, and Forstenau, arc also completely Popish. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 207 which the Protestants understood as an expression of repent- ance for his desertion of the faith of his youth ; the Papists, however, understood it as a consent to the justice of the punishment he was about to receive for his rebeUion.* In Eisenberg county, and in the village of Wippendori*. Count George Erdody not only turned the Protestant paste: out of his house in the dead of winter, and threw his house- hold furniture on the streets, but he also made up a list of the Protestants on the estate, and informed them that unless they turned to the Popish Church, they should be all banished, and none should take with him more than four florins for his journey. As this threatening did not produce the desired effect, he billeted on them the soldiers of Wallachia, — the European Indians ; and in cases where that was not suffi- cient, he imprisoned them in his castle, till, worn and weary, they could resist no longer, and fell a prey to the Church. It is so much easier, in an hour of enthusiasm, to make great sacrifices and endure much suffering, than to resist the long- continued vexations which weary the spirit and drive to the performance of actions which the heart abhors ; we there- fore have need of the daily prayer, " O Lord, strengthen our faith." If the Lord do not keep the fire burning within us, it must soon expire. With cunning calculation the Jesuits carried on their work. In the village Neusiedel, in the county of the Wieselburg, the landlords John and George Lippay ordered all the Prot- estants to attend the Church of Rome, and fined them in forty florins for every neglect. Protestant widows were not suffered to marry again. At funerals no hymn or psalm dared to be sung. The Protestants could hold no public of- fice, and those who were already in office were dismissed. The pastor of a neighboring village, Gols, was threatened with death if he should venture to show himself at Neusiedel. * Joann. Bethlen con. ejus aetatis 1670. 208 HISTORY OF THE In Raab the corporate trades admitted no more Protestanls , so that, without forsaking their religion, they could not be- come carpenters, or shoemakers, or tailors, or cloth-workers, or enter any guild. Archbishop Lippay, very shortly before his death, ejected all the Protestants from the village Balvany- Szakalos, and filled up their place with Romanists. In Apa- ezu-Szakalos, the Presburg nuns, as proprietresses, forbade the exercise of Protestant worship, and threatened heavy punishments on those who attended the preaching of the Gospel. In the county of Trentshin, Count Francis Revay adopted similar measures in Irnowv, Vissnyowo, and Bissitz. In the same county, the Jesuits took possession of the chapels of ease at Liborza and Szamarosz, which belonged to the Prot- estant congregation at Nemsowa and Trentshin, and com- pelled them to join the Romanists. In like manner, in the village Piecho, they threw the principal inhabitants for five weeks into prison in the Abbey of Skalka. The Bishop of Neutra, who was also imperial chancellor, George Szelepc- senyi, imprisoned the Protestants in Telso-Drietowa, in Do- brastow, and Isselnik, till they abjured their faith. In like manner did the widow of Paul Serenyi oblige the Protestants of Zablath and Riba to separate from the church at Trent- shin. The brothers, George and Gabriel lUeshazy, whose evangelical father died in 1648, had their day of persecution ; but it did not continue long, for George died in poverty in Moravia, and Gabriel, after tasting of the sweets of persecu- tion for nearly a year, and regaling himself with the tears and sighing of the afflicted, could resist the entreaties of his wife and the powerful representations of her chaplain, Stephen Pilarick, no longer, but turned back to the evangeli- cal church, ;m(l remained faithful till death. It was this same Stephen Pilarick who had been turned out of Bcczko by a military escort sent from Count Francis Na- dasdy, and all his books had been brought to the castle of PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 209 Cseithe ; the count here ordered a fire to be made in the castle, and all the property and books of the pastor, with the exception of his official gown, to be thrown into the fire ; the Bible was put on a spit and turned round before the fire, while he and some of his court stood, by enjoying the spec- tacle. By some sudden blast several leaves of the Bible were blown about in the hall, and one was driven directly towards the count's breast ; Baron Ladislaus Revay caught at it, but it was seized out of his hand by the count, who be- gan to read. It happened to be a portion of the fortieth chapter of Isaiah, and the first words he read were these, " The grass withe reth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand for ever." The Count Nadasdy, turning pale, rose immediately and retired, and, when he was leav- ing the hall, the court fool cried after him, " How shall you feel. Sir Count, when the Devils are roasting you on a spit in hell ? " * In Wartberg, Felso-Szeli, Nagyszegh, Vesekeny, and Mish- dorf, the churches were taken away about the same time. In the last mentioned the soldiers broke into the church, with drawn swords, during the time of divine service ; they bar- ricaded the doors till the mass was celebrated, and thus was the congregation " made Catholic," — mass had been read in their presence, and, therefore, the church and the congre- gation belonged to the Papists. Such was the reasoning, and it followed, as a matter of course, that the Protestant pastor was no more required. What matter did it make if he was sick .'' The best treatment was to throw him out on the streets ! In Neustadt, on the Waag, the church which the Protes- tants had built was destroyed to the veiy foundation ; the organ and the bells were carried away to the prior ; the monuments on the graves were shattered. In the county of * Mica Burv MS. 18* 210 HISTORY OF THE Neutra, the churches of Great Kosstolan, Portole, CscUhe, Verbo, Brezova, Mijawah, Vagyoes, Kraine, Botfalu, Krusso, and Bari, were handed over to the Papists, who compelled the worshippers to take the wafer, while the evangelical preachers were all banished. On this occasion, in Mijawah, it occurred that a peasant cried out in the church, " I swear by the living God, that if you thrust the wafer into my mouth, I will bite off your fingers." * In Baimocs, Francisca Kayn, the widow of Palatine Pall- fy, drove the superintendent, Martin Tarnoczy, out of Privi- gyi ; George Graff and his assistant, Philipp Koberling, from Nemet Proua ; the rector, Andrew Zaskalik, from Koss ; Martin Novak and Andrew Reichel, from Gaydel ; and took away, besides, the churches in which these men labored, and many others. In Szerdahely, on the Waag, the Jesuits took the church, school-house, and manse, for their own use ; turned the pastor and his family out of doors ; and though the pastor's wife was sick, yet they were not allowed to remain a single night in their own house, nor in the village. In Deaki, the Arch-abbot of St. Martensbrag, Andrew Placidus, ordered the Protestant preacher to be whipped and turned out of his dwelling, and then oppressed the people till they showed no more resistance. In Sellye, a company of Papists with flags and drums ap- peared before the dwelling of George Rassotis, the pastor ; dragged him, with all that he had, over the borders of the county ; destroyed the church which the Protestants had built for themselves ; billeted a hundred soldiers on the evangel- ical inhabitants, to prepare them for receiving the Romish ceremonies; and stole the three hundred dollars which the wife of Rukotzy the elder had given them, and which was at that time in the hands of the pastor. The church at Ho- * Mica Burv MS PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 211 Htsh was, by order of the Bishop of Vesprin and Count Adam Czobor, levelled to the very ground. We proceed to extract from this petition to the king. It goes on to say : " In the county of Gomor, Nicolas An- drassy and George Lippay were the most furious persecutors. The former banished the preachers from Olah, Patak, and Bethler, and put Popish priests in their places ; the latter did the same in Pelsocs, Czetnek, and Rossnobanya, and in the villages Berzetin, Also-Sajo, Gatzalfalva, and Ochtina ; he allowed the emoluments of the preachers to be taken away ; the tithes were taken from them, and any grain which they had in store the archbishop applied to his own use." * Similar scenes of cruelty occurred also in Transylvania, and in that part of Hungary which was chiefly connected with the Reformed Church, and which under Rakotzy had enjoyed such days of glorious peace. So soon as Rakotzy died of his wounds, in 1660, his widow, Sophie Bathory, de- jlared that she had joined the Reformed Church only in out- ward appearance, and had remained ever faithful to Rome. In spite of the father's care, she had trained her son Francis to be a Papist, and now all_ the Protestant subjects were placed at the mercy of the priests. t She took away the churches of the Reformed congrega- tions by force, drew the schools and their revenues to herself, and availing herself of her feudal rights, she converted her subjects to the Popish communion by the powerful argume?i' turn ad haculum. J A terrible storm was gathering, and was for the present averted by Rakotzy 's brother-in-law restoring much of what had been taken violently away, putting a stop to further injustice, paying a thousand ducats for damage already done, and promising redress at the approaching Diet. * Acts of the Diet, 1662. Hist. Diplom. C. in AppendLx, p. 104. t Karalyi, Munor. Eccl. Tom. II. p. 261. X Verbis et Verberibus, Hist. Diplom. App., pp. 120-123; Instancia ad Leopold, 1C62. 212 HISTORY OF THE This Diet had now assembled, and the cry of the Protestants was sufficiently loud. Their complaints were specific, and supported by evidence, so that they had the firmest con- fidence that Leopold would afford assistance. Not till the 11th of June did the king give any reply, and then, through the minister. Prince Portia, informed the petitioners that " they should not annoy the king with such complaints at the Diet, there was something more important to be done ; and for all these complaints in matters of religion, the law had already made full provision, and appointed the proper punish- ment for each transgression." The astonished and distressed Protestants did not think that they ought to allow the matter to rest. Accordingly, on the following day they presented, through Ezekiel Gorgey, a petition, couched in strong language, but breathing loyalty and submission. They beg that the matter may not be re- garded as a private affair. They quote the Treaty of Linz, and refer to the fact that not a single les:al sentence has been pronounced against any of their persecutors, even when noto- riously guilty ; and still more, if a sentence were pronounced, no one could be found to execute it. The Bishop of Neutra liad carried his rage for making proselytes so far, that if any one joined the Popish Church, he should be entirely free from taxes for ten full years. He had threatened the magnates, who were less severe against the Protestants, with punish- ment, and, only a few days before, had again arrested a preacher, who had been set free from ])rison, and had thrown him into chains. When some parties applied in his favor, the bishop informed them they were pleading in favor of a robber! Count George Illyeshazy had thrown John Vitzran- switz, a Gospel minister, into a prison in Moravia in another county, and, notwithstanding the command of the palatine, liad refused to let him go free. ' On the 4th of July, consequently, after three full weeks, there came a sealed paper out of the king's cabinet with the PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 213 following address : " To the faithful members of the evan- gelical confession assembled at the Diet." As the palatine, Vesselenyi, handed over the paper to the Protestants, he made the manly and noble confession, " I had rather that the funeral-knell had tolled over me, than live to see this day ; may the day and the hour be covered with eternal darkness." * When the Protestants saw that they were about to be de- prived of their political rights, they handed back the paper to the chancellor without opening it, till such time as the address should be corrected. When the paper was opened, it was discovered that they had gained nothing. They begged an audience of the king, and on the 8th of July, appearing at the foot of the throne, George Berenyi handed in their third appeal for redress. Here they recount all the ills borne since 1659, and accuse the supreme judge of the land, Francis Nadasdy, and Bishop George Szelepcsenyi of injustice and cruelty. It did not occur to them to suppose that the king had ordered all these acts, still they were done in the king's name and the Diet was no court of appeal, for the Protestants were deprived of all legal means of entering the court. The king should also bear in mind, that, though the Diet consists of four factors, still, in religious matters, only of two, — the Protestants and Roman Catholics. All was of no avail. And not only so, but even while the Diet was still sitting, Nicolas Mailath, the director of the royal domains, ventured to prohibit the Prot- estants of Presburg from building a church-spire, and at- tempted to exclude them from the use of the bells. On the 14th of July, Portia gave a verbal reply to the depu- ties, informing them " it was not in the power of his Majesty to arrani^e this disputed point, and to settle these misunder- standings, otherwise than had been already done ; and his * Fessler, Vol. IX. p. 110. 214 HISTORY OF THE Majesty advises them to give over these private matters, and turn their attention to the public affairs of the state." Their patience was not yet exhausted, and on the 24th of July they presented, through George Berenyi, their fourth memorial, renewing their former requests. As an attempt was now made to divide the Protestant interests, the Prot- estant deputies held a meeting, resolving, in the spirit of the instructions given at the election, to enter on no other busi- ness till this was settled. They therefore resolved to ap- proach the king for the last time. On the 31st of July the memorial was read over in a full meeting, and on the 2d of August they had an audience with his Majesty. Among those who appeared before the king, were Andrew Szekely, John Osslik, Balik, Feja, and Splenyi. Leopold read the petition, and replied immediately, "Your good wishes for our prosperity we gratefully accept. While we have already given our reply to your alleged grievances through our minister Portia, we had hoped you would have been satisfied, and have turned your attention to public business ; and even now we expect still from you, that you immediately proceed to consider the affairs of the state, and you shall always find us prepared to pay every due attention to your wishes." Eight days after, the Protestant deputies received a written reply of the very same import, and, still unwearied, they approached the heartless Leopold once more, being now the sixth time. Through his Jesuitical principles, he remained, however, perfectly unmoved : they received the same answer. In sorrow they now met together to consult over the state of the Church, the result of which was, that they sent a dep- utation to the palatine, to request that he might intercede for them witli the king, and they then waited in patience till the 21tliof August. When it appeared that the palatine was doing nothing, another meeting was summoned, at which many Roman Catholics attended, and the resolution was PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 215 adopted to leave the Diet. A large deputation, including the Roman Catholics, John Ebesky, Francis Cziesery, and Nicolas Michalek, and the Protestant deputies of the towns of CEdenberg, Eperjes, and Trentshin, communicated this reso- lution to the astonished palatine, Vesselenyi, who begged them not to take this step, and he would do his utmost in their favor. They waited patiently till the 29th. The palatine now brought them the information that the king would not alter his decision ; he was, however, ready to give them every assistance in obtaining justice, but he must refuse them permission to leave the Diet. Such a mockery of their rights was not to be borne, and on the 1st of September they communicated to the palatine their firm resolution to leave on the following day. Vesselenyi begged them by all the seven sacraments to change their resolution ; but they replied that they had begged, for the sake of the mercy of God, and for the sake of the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, that their Church should be protected from injustice, and yet all in vain ; and now the seven sacraments were not likely to alter their decision. In vain were now the threatenings of Nicolas Mailath ; in vain did he follow single deputies to their homes. Early on the morning of the 2d of September, the Protestant deputies left Presburg. It was a decisive step, but their patience had been sorely tried, and there remained nothing else to do. The palatine sent his attorney-general, Dukovitz, to call them back, — but it was too late. The deputies who remained continued their deliberations, and on the 19th of September the Diet was closed. The Fifty-five Articles received the royal sanction, but the com- mittee of the thirteen counties of Upper Hungary, assembled at Zemplin, sent them back again to the king with the re- mark, " that these resolutions were of no avail while the Protestant States had not consented to them." The priests 216 HISTORY OF THE replied that, in this case, all the treaties which had been made with the Protestants, and all the statutes by which the Protestants had obtained exemption from the original penal decrees, were equally powerless, for the Popish clergy had protested against them all. The force of this argument dis- appears, when it is considered that these latter decrees were all made in the ordinary course of debate in a full assembly ; that the priests generally gave in their protest when they knew there was no danger ; and between the priests, as a caste, and the Protestant States, as such, there was a very marked difference. PROTESTANT CHURCH Ol- HUNGARY. 217 CHAPTER XL Effect of the Departure of the Protestant Deputies on the Patriots. — Their Dissatisfaction. — Diet of Neusohl. — Leopold and the Divan. — Attempt to poison the King. — The Procurator of the Jesuits disappears. — Paris von Spantkaw. — Imprisonments. — The ^Malcontents in Kashaw. — Assembly at Neusohl. — Trial and Punishment of the Insurgents. — Nicolas Drabicius. — Kenewed Persecutions. — Presburg. — Its banished Clergy. — A New InsuiTection crushed. — Persecution still continues. — The Archbishop resigns his Viceroyalty. The step which the Protestant deputies had taken was one to ^yhich they were compelled ; as conscientious men, having received instructions at their election, they could not act otherwise. And perhaps the patriots saw with pleasure the breach which was taking place between the country and the court, for the oppression of the German soldiers who were billeted on the country was so heavy, that the Hungarians gladly sought opportunity of being freed from them. On the 24th of August there had been a deputation sent to the palatine, to demand from the king the removal of the German troops. No request could have been less welcome to Leopold. By promises and by the arts of the privy coun- cil he managed to decline granting the request, and the threatening position which the Turks had taken up furnished him with sufficient pretext. It was, therefore, not only the Protestants, but also the pa- triotic Hungarians who had left the Diet with discontent ; and their dissatisfaction soon rose to wrath when they saw Leo- pold supported by John Kcmeny in the war with the Turkish 'protege^ Apaffy, — reducing the country to the very brink of destruction ; but their indignation knew no bounds, when, 19 218 HISTORY OF THE after the defeat of the Turks at St. Gothard, in 1664, a peace was concluded by Portia, without the knowledge or coopera- tion of the Hungarians, in such terms as to bring disgrace and misfortune on the country. Many formed the resolution to shake ofF the Austrian yoke. In the mean time came the Diet of Neusohl in 1667, and here, instead of seeking a legitimate pacification of the coun- try, Leopold was closely occupied with the councillors, and especially with Leslie, a Roman Catholic nobleman who had been banished out of Scotland, in persuading the Divan to withdraw its protection from Apaffy, the Calvinistic Prince of Transylvania, and to put in his place Francis Rakotzy, who was now become Roman Catholic* The courtiers at Vienna had said that the Hungarians must have the heron's feathers plucked off, their gold and silver buttons changed to lead, be dressed in the Bohemian coat,t and have their pride humbled ; and, as usual, this was re- peated again in the hearing of those whom it concerned. When, therefore, contrary to all constitutional rights and customs, at the Diet of Neusohl, two foreign counts, Rothsal and Heister, holding a commission in the imperial army, pre- sumed to take the precedence, the palatine and the Hunga- rian magnates were so much offended, that the foundation was laid for a conspiracy to rebellion, which shortly broke out. The leaders in this conspiracy, were the palatine, Vessel- enyi, who, however, soon died; Count Francis Nadasdy, Nicolas and Peter Zwinyi, Francis Rakotzy, and Botskay, who were well known as the bitterest persecutors of the Protestants ; and yet many of the latter joined the plot too. When now that attempt was made to poison Leopold, and it was only Francis Barri, a knight of Milan, who informed the king and saved him from certain death, though the whole * John BAthlcn, C. C, p. 259. f A coarse homespun dress. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 219 transaction is enveloped in mystery, yet the Jesuits took the opportunity of turning it to account for the sake of perse- cuting the Protestants. After casting the deliverer of the king into prison for life, because he was supposed to enter- tain heretical opinions, and after causing the procurator of the Jesuits — who was deeply involved in the poisoning affair — to disappear so as never to he again heard of, they sent Paris Spantkaw to Leutshaw, as commander-in-chief or military governor of the thirteen counties of Upper Hungary. He threw many of the Hungarians into prison, especially Protestant pastors, but the leaders of the conspiracy had fled, partly with Botskay to Marmaros, and partly to Apaffy in Transylvania. The bitterest persecution now began. The evidence which proved any one to be a Protestant, was reckoned sufficient to prove him also to be a rebel.* As the design was to root out the Protestant religion, it was found particularly desirable to make attacks on the churches and school-houses. The pretence under which these sworn foes of Protestantism took possession of the church of Schemnitz, throws some light on their proceedings. The daughter of Julius Lansee, a member of the Protestant Church, had formed an attachment to a clerk in the mines, of the name of Glantshick, a Roman Catholic, but her parents, friends, and pastor, opposed the match. The Jesuits laid an accusation against the friends of the bride before the Senate of Schemnitz ; and the evan- gelical pastors, John Nindish, Godfrey Titius, Christopher Hofstetter, and Isaiah Pilarik, were summoned before the archbishop, Szelepcsenyi, to Tyrnau, to answer the charges. As the court was incompetent to summon or to deal with Protestant pastors, who were completely independent of the bishop, they did not appear, and were accordingly heavily fined. t As they showed no inclination to pay the fine, the * Fcssler, Vol. IX. I Mica Burj' MS. 220 HISTORY OF THE archbishop seized the church, with all that belonged to it, and, surrounding it with cannon, he handed it over to the Roman Catholics.* The excitement still continued in Hungary, but the pros- pects were becoming gradually darker. Count Francis Ves- selenyi, who had remained faithful to his king till 1665, and who then, by the persuasions of his ambitious wife, had be- come the leader of the conspiracy against Leopold, died in 1667 ; and Lippay had died in January, 1666. Notwith- standing the great hatred which the latter bore to Protestant- ism, he had sufficient patriotism to protest against Leopold's measures with such earnestness as t(j lose the royal favor. Another great loss to Hungary, was the death of Nicolas Zwinyi, who met with his death from a wounded boar while hunting. Count Peter Zwinyi now took the place of tlie palatine, as leader of the malcontents. He was a man of unbounded ambition, but without talent or firmness sufficient to fill that dangerous post, and little confidence could be placed in his wisdom. Still less worthy of confidence was Prince Francis Rakotzy, a man who regarded every religion v/ith equal in- difference. And if he, by his imprudence and fickleness, injured the cause which he joined, still more did his brother- in-law, Francis Frangepani, by his inordinate passions. Count Francis Nadasdy, the Hungarian Croesus, was also on the side of the malcontents, but his position was not very well understood, as he still showed himself such a friend of half measures. Count Erasmus Tattenbach, governor of Styria, was gained over to the Murany League by his wife, the Countess Forgacs, and having received promises of lands, he advanced the cause in secret. * This transaction occnrred on the loth of Febrniiry, 16G9, consequently before the capture of the Castle of Muia;iy. As they had then no plea on account of the conspiracy, they adopted this plea of marriage to take away the church. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 221 The malcontents had been treating with the Prince of Transylvania, with the grand vizier, who was then busy in Candia, and direcdy with the Divan, long before Leopold dreamt of any danger, and while he was still reckoning Zwinyi and Nadasdy among his faithful adherents. At length Panajot, the interpreter of the grand vizier, on the 12th of June, 1667, informed the Cabinet of Vienna of the plot, without, however, being able to name the conspirators. Leopold was terrified, and resolved to try milder meas- ures. He promised to summon a Diet; he entered into treaty with the Prince of Transylvania ; he summoned a meeting in March, 1670, at Neusohl, of such as possessed his confidence, to examine the state of the country, and re- lieve it, if possible, from political and religious oppression. Among his deputies were the Archbishop of Gran, Tzelep- csenyi, Nadasdy, Zichy, and Count Adam Forgacs. Partly because their instructions were insufl[icient, partly because they had no mutual confidence, litde progress was made. Just at this time the Court obtained unexpectedly the de- sired information respecting the whole plot. In the year 1670, Charles of Lotringia surrounded the Casde of Murany, which he regarded as the centre of the conspiracy, and the widow of Vesselenyi, who now lost all courage, surrendered hei-self and her papers into his hands, to Be dealt with ac- cording to the mercy of the sovereign. The countess was brought to Vienna under arrest, but treated as became her rank, while Peter Zwinyi and Frangepani broke out imme- diately into open hostilities in Croatia, and Francis Rakotzy in Upper Hungary.* Now came the misfortunes. Count Tattenbach was be- trayed by a servant whom he had delivered over to be pun- ished for theft. Zwinyi and Frangepani, who had been sur- rounded by General Spantkaw, escaped, and being betrayed * John of Hormave, Hist, of Vienna, Vol. IV., Part III. p. 125. 19* 222 HisTor.Y OF the by John Kery, at "whose house they stopped, they were im- prisoned in the new town of Vienna. Francis Nadasdy was taken out of his castle Pottendorf, on the borders of Hungary, in the night of the 3d of September, and conveyed to the Landhaus of Vienna. Tokolyi was besieged by General Heister, in his castle of Ai-va, and died during the siege, so that, on the surrender, only his three daughters were found, who were taken to Vienna, and made Papists. The son, dressed as a peasant girl, escaped to Transylvania. Count Francis Csaky died a natural death towards the close of the year. The trial of the prisoners then began. Contrary to the coronation oath, the king chose exclusively foreigners to be judges, and not a single Hungarian, in this very weighty cause,* On the 30th day of March, 1671, the trial was ended, and on the 30th of April Nadasdy was executed. His body was preserved in Lockenhaus, in Eisenberg coun- ty, where it lies to this day, with the beard and hair of the head in full preservation. Four millions of florins were found in his castle, in hard coin. Zwinyi and Frangepani died at the same time, on another scaffold, but not till after the rope had broken twice. Tattenbach was not executed till December. All the property was confiscated, and the king ordered two thousand masses to be read for their souls, out of the proceeds of the confiscated jjroperty. None but the young Rakotzy escaped. He had fled to I'ransylvania, and his mother paid well for the mercy which she obtained. She sent to the cabinet forty-five thousand florins, and large sums to private parties about court; the Jesuits obtained a splendid gymnasium in Kasliaw, and many of llukotzy's best castles were lianded over to German troops. Many of the nobility were involved in this conspiracy, and * Engcl, Vol. V. p. 0,3 ; Fcssler, 1. c. Vol. IX. p. 197. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 223 there was a special court of assize held at Presburg to have them tried. In this court, the archbishop as governor, Count Rottel as president, General Heister, and other noblemen who were completely submissive to the king, acted as judges. It was here resolved to confiscate the property of Vcsselenyi, Csaky, Tokoiyi, Michael Bori, Stephen Vittnyedi, and An- drew Dobay. Some of these escaped to Transylvania or Poland.* Still, about three hundred, chiefly Protestant no- bles, were brought to trial, and condemned to different pun- ishments, some -to death. t In Presburg alone there were thirty-five distinguished men brought to trial, and some of them died on the scaffold. Among these were Nagy of Fuged, and Francis Bonis of Toleswa, who, in the hope of obtaining favor through the Jesuits, sold their faith, and were then left by these promise-breakers to meet their fate. One of the most painful scenes was the execution of an old man of eighty-four years, whose case we must here no- tice more minutely. On the 4th of July, 1671, in the 878th sitting of the court, the case of Nicolas Drabik or Drabicius was called. He was a native of Moravia, and in conse- quence of the persecutions in 1629, he had fled to Hungary. He belonged to the Moravian Brethren, and had with diffi- culty supported himself by dealing, in a small way, in wool- len wares : he still cherished the hope of returning to close his days in his native land. Entirely destitute of learnings and knowing no other than th-e Bohemian language, he fan- cied himself enlightened by the Spirit of God to see into futurity, and he wrote a book full of prophecies of ill against the house of Austria. | He called the two Ferdinands and Leopold covenant-breakers ; the house of Austria the house * Engcl, 1. c. Vol. V. p. 67. t Wreisburg Kirch u. Vihiil. snwl. p. 219, MS. X The book was translated by John Amos Comenius, out of the original Bohemian into Latin, and was printed at Amsterdam in 1GG5, in folio, under the title, " Lux e Tenebris novis radiis aucta." 224 HISTORY OF THE of Ahab, a cruel, perjured house, which ought to be rooted out ; he prophesied to the Catholics a speedy and utter deso- lation. This man was brought on a cart to be tried before the court at Presburg. In consequence of age he was very- weak, but, not at all daunted, he took a seat near the Count Rottel, who understood Bohemian. After a little he had no other place to sit on than the ground. When the archbishop asked him whether he were the false prophet, he replied that he could not properly be called such. He acknow4edged the book Light out of Darkness to be his ; and when the archbishop asked by whose orders and for what purpose he had written the book, he replied, " At the command of the Holy Spirit." *' You lie," said the arch- bishop, " the book is from the Devil." " In this you lie," said Drabik, unmindful of consequences. The examiners inquired what his belief was, and he repeated the whole Athanasian Creed, asking the bishop at the close, "And what do you believe ? " " I believe all that, and a great deal more which is also necessary." " You don't believe any such thing," said Drabicius ; " you believe in your cows and horses and your estates." On the 16th of July he was executed. His right hand was first to be cut off, then his head ; the tongue was to be taken out and nailed to a post, and his writings burned in the mar- ket-place together with his body. Some say that the tongue was torn out while he was still alive. The Jesuits boast that they succeeded in converting him before his death. The real state of the case, however, was this. After many attempts had been made in vain to shake the old man's faith, at length the Jesuit Peter Kubey or Kub- mcy succeeded in gaining his confidence so far, that in a moment of weakness he yielded, and on the 4th of July did actually join the Popish Church. What prevailed with him seems to hnvo boon tho promise of liberty ; he should he set PROTESTAN^T CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 225 completely at liherty, said the Jesuit pater, and should have a conveyance to take him lack to his native land to die there in peace. So soon as he discovered that he liad been deceived, the vile deed that he had committed stood in all its horror before him, he was deeply ashamed of his cowardice, and exclaimed, that he would die in the faith in which he had lived, and which he had only for a few moments forsaken. The foes of the Protestants — and after them Lampe and Fessler — represented him as a Protestant pastor. His name stands, however, on none of the lists. It was an invention to blacken the character of the Protestant clergy, and represent the rebellion as proceeding from them, that there might be some pretext for exhibiting the most disagreeable spectacle which the abuse of power, under the name of religion, ever manifested. Respectable and influential men wrote the charges without giving any evidence or having any proofs. Examples may be seen in Francis Wagner, the biographer of Leopold, in Damiani the canon of Waitzen, and lately in the bigoted bishop Alexius Jordansky, as well as the noto- rious Hohenegger, who sets all historical truth at defiance. Many Roman Catholics assert that the rebellion arose from taking away the revenues of the Calvinistic College of Saros- patak and of other Protestant preachers. Had it been so, then only the members of that confession should have been punished, but five times as many of the members of the Lutheran Church suffered. And if it was an affair of the clergy, why then should the congregations and the churches be attacked also ? Where the punishment is not adapted to the crime, it is tyranny. Where the transgression of civil laws is punished with the deprivation of religious liberty, the civil authorities become then rebels against God, while they usurp a power which the Most High has never delegated to man. Black is the crime and heavy the guilt of the Popish Church in Hungary in this respect. The plan of the Jesuits and their friends was quite clear ; they wished to be faithful 226 HISTORY OF THE to their oath, and accordingly, by any means whatever, utterly extinguish the Protestant Church. To this end the Prior of Zips, George Barshony, wrote a book entitled Truth laid before the whole Worlds in which he taught that the king was under no obligation to tolerate the Protestant sects. His reasons were, that the Peace of Vienna was made under circumstances which take away all obligations ; that the Protestants had themselves broken the treaty ; that one of the constituent parts of the state, namely, the higher clergy, had not agreed to the terms ; and, lastly, the Lutherans and Calvinists did not hold firm by their orig- inal confession. The Protestants soon answered this work in a satisfactory manner ; but the persecutions went on, and, as the Protes- tants enjoyed the most protection in the royal free cities, under magistrates chosen by themselves, it was against these cities that the principal efforts were directed. In Upper Hungary, the Archbishops of Gran and Kalatsha, Szelepcsenyi and Szechenyi, as also the president of the chamber, Count Leopold KoUonitz, the titular bishops George Barshony and Francis Szegedy, accompanied by Jesuits and dragoons, passed over the land, and wherever they appeared tlie knell of religious freedom tolled. Thus, in 1671, by the help of General Spantkaw, the bishop took possession of the Protestant Church of Kashaw after breaking the doors, and, on a warrant signed by Count Volkru, the Popish president of the chamber at Zips, the six Protestant clergy, superin- tendent Michael Liefmann, Adam Kiss, Christian Ekkard, Adam Pitto, Stephen Koszeghy, and George Fisher, were thrown into prison. And this happened notwithstanding that the city Kashaw had, in 1670, readily opened the gates to the imperial troops, and had received the assurance that their liberty of faith and worship should be respected. In Neusohl, the Scotch Papist and refugee Count Walter Leslie arrived at midnight, on the 18th of November, 1671, PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 227 and surrounded the castle, of which the Protestant church was a part, and where the three pastors resided. By the help of ladders he took possession of the church, and sent the German pastors away. On the 2d of February follow- ing, the Slavonian church was also seized. The Archbishop of Gran, as proprietor of Bozok, sum- moned George Zabonyik, the pastor of the church, who was also superintendent of three counties, Sol, Honte, and Thu- rotz ; and after bringing him to his table and calling him sometimes a heretic and a deceiver, sometimes a worthless person ; then changing the tone, promising him great kind- ness, and calling him a brother, — when all this could not draw him over to Popery, he was handed to a secretary, who was ordered to drive him out of his parish. Zabonyik died of grief, shortly after, at Karpfen, where Anna Ujfalusy had taken him into her house. A short time previously, had Jeremiah Lucius, pastor of Schemnitz, — whose son we shall soon meet in exile, and who had been twice banished from his parish, — gone to the Father, there to wait till all the brethren who should witness for the truth should also be brought to rest with him under the altar, and to cry, " How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth .? " After the churches in Trentshin and those of both confes- sions in Skalitz had been taken away, the turn came to Tyr- nau and Schutt-Somerain on the 16th of January, 1672, where, by orders from Count Pallfy, the clergy of both con- fessions must immediately leave. At Bartfeld, on the 20th of April, the Abbot, Stephen Koloovari tried his fortune at this new game ; and being suc- cessful, he continued his tour, under the pretence of church visitation, so far as Eperjes. Having met with no assistance from Melchior Hutter, the military commander, after two attempts in May and June, he desisted. In his place came the more experienced Szegedy, Bishop of Erlau, who, on 228 HISTORY Or THK the 6th of July, broke open the door, under the pretext that the church had been built by Roman Catholics. Four Protestant pastors, the college with ten professors, and two churches, were lost to the Protestants, and four hundred students were turned out of the town. In the counties Barsod, Gomor, Tarna, Saros, Abuivar, and Zemplin, the Archbishop of Kolotsha, supported by German dragoons, travelled round and took possession of the churches, Szanto, Tallya, Mada, Tokay, Keresztur, and Liska. In the two counties of Thurotz and Liptau, in the year 1672, Captain Lamb (!), accompanied by Popish priests and sol- diers, took possession of above thirty Protestant churches in the course of one year. Bishop George Barshony took possession of the Protestant churches, Sprendorf, Smegen, Eisdorf, Slagendorf, Miihlen- bach, Hunsdorf, St. Andrew's, Great Lomnitz, and Botsdorf, lying in Zips, and he consecrated them to be Popish churches, sending pastors and teachers to beg their bread in the wide world, while he earned and received the highest praise from the Pope and from all his own party. Accompanied by his brother, and followed by some hundreds of wild Croatians, thirsting for heretic's blood, he now set out for Neutra. They arrived in July, prepared to visit the strong Protestant con- gregations of Pritszod, Szenitz, Szobotistye, Turaluku, and Mijava. They did their utmost to obtain possession of the churches, to banish the pastors, and appoint in their place Popish priests, but the inhabitants insisted that the king had given no orders to this effect. As they then proceeded to use force, they met quite unexpectedly with resistance. On the 14th of July, in Mijava, it came to blows. The bishop and his followers began to force their way ; the country peo- ple, a strong race of men, resisted. The Croats fired, and two peasants fell deadly wounded. The peasants were en- raged, and after having shot the brother of the bishop, they attacked himself with flails, and should certainly have killed PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 229 him, had not the Protestant pastor, Daniel Kirmann, the fa- ther of the distinguished superintendent of that name, rushed in and saved him. Matters went worse in Szenitz the next year, where Count Valentine Balassa, Count Leopold Kollonitz, and John Maj- theni, had, in 1671, in vain attempted to take possession of the church. The pastor was obliged to leave his place, and he found a home and protection at the house of Count Chris- topher Kollonitz, the nephew of his persecutor, and also with Baron Matthew Ostrosith in St. John's. In his absence, his library was taken and committed to the flames. After a procession in June, 1673, some Popish no- bles and soldiers, encouraged by the revenue officer, Stephen Harvath, attempted to force their way into the Protestant church. The Protestants assembled round the church, and drove them back till they sought for shelter in the dwelling of the Roman Catholic priest. There happened to be a fair in the village that day, and the people, inflamed with drink, crowded closer and closer round the priest's house, out of which the soldiers now began to fire. After one Protestant had been killed, and another deadly wounded, the mob rushed madly on the house, killed Harvath and some of the soldiers, and injured the priest so much that he died in a few days. The charge of riot was now brought against the Protes- tants, and two regiments were sent to the town, who, lighting a fire in the market-place, plundered and murdered to their very hearts' content. As the precentor, the organist, and the beadle, were proceeding to ring the alarm bells to sum- mon the inhabitants of the neighboring villages, they were seized, cast into chains, and, by order of the commanding officer, on the following day, 15th of July, 1673, were all hant^ed. In Tura, Luka, and Miawa, these valorous men cooled their rage by putting some of the country people on the wheel, and impaling others ; some they quartered, and 20 230 HISTORY OF THE Others they hung up by the ribs.* In Szenitz, religious lib- erty was now completely crushed. The citizens of Presburg were waiting with anxiety for the fate which they saw awaiting them. On the 3d of Feb- ruary, 1672, the Protestant and Roman Catholic citizens were summoned to the town hall, to hear a paper read which was said to be an order from the king. This decree com- manded the Protestants to surrender up their churches to the priests. The Roman Catholic citizens declared themselves ready to obey his Majesty's orders, and accept of the church- es. The Protestants refused to surrender the keys, till by a deputation to the king they had learned whether this really were his wish.t On that very day a deputation went to Vienna, and among them was John Vittnyedi, son of the deceased Stephen Vitt- nyedi, who had been suspected of taking part in the late con- spiracy. As the deputation was crossing the Danube, they were fired on, and soldiers hastening down took them prison- ers in Begebsbrunn to bring them back to Presburg. Vitt- nyedi was declared by Count Nicolas Pallfy to be a rebel, and was detained in prison. On the 5th of Februaiy, four other citizens started for Vi- enna, and reached it in safety. On the 7th, they obtained an audience of the king and handed in their petition. On the 18th, twenty citizens arrived to complain of fresh inju- ries, and they presented a second petition. On the 22d, a third petition was presented, and in the mean time every thing was done to urge the delivery of the keys in Presburg. On the 18th of March, the Canon of Presburg, Benedict Szomolanyi, and the town councillor, Stephen Vattay, at- * See the full account of these transactions by Stephen Pilarik m his CurTU Jehovce Mirabili. t The paper was a decree of Ferdinand 11., of the year 1636, and the Jes- uits were not ashamed to represent it as just now received from the royal chamber. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 231 tempted to enter the school-house by force, but the wives of the citizens hastening to the place, succeeded, by a few hard words and some blows, in driving them away. The story was told in Vienna, that Protestant women had beaten a priest till there was little prospect of his recovery. This affair of the women was made the ground of a heavy charge. On the 13th of May, the citizens were summoned before the archbishop, and in consequence of this, the twen- ty-three women, the three pastors, and the deacon, were summoned to Tyrnau on the 23d of May, to give an account before an extraordinaiy court, of the reasons why they had built the church, why they had taken Vittnyedi under their protection, and why the women had ventured to scold and drive away Szomolanyi and Vattay. There were in all thirty-nine citizens before thirty-six judges and assessors, whose president was the bigoted Szelep- csenyi. Archbishop of Gran. The other judges were either bishops or Popish magnates, with the exception of one Prot- estant, George Perenyi. The sittings lasted till the 13th of June, when the women were dismissed with a sharp reproof. The citizens, who had been kept all this time as prisoners, must await their sentence in the court of the archbishop's palace. The decision was, " That all the Protestant inhab- itants of Presburg had been proved and foun.d guilty of trea- son against his Majesty ; that their lives and property were therefore confiscated, and they must immediately deliver up churches and schools to the Papists." All the citizens of Presburg at that time in Tyrnau were immediately arrested and imprisoned, and among the rest the venerable preacher and senior David Titius, who was obliged to climb on a ladder into a most uncomfortable room, where he was kept a prisoner, under hard treatment, till the 13th of September. After unwearied exertions, and by the inter- cession of the Elector of Saxony, freedom was at last granted to those citizens whose only offence consisted in not 232 HISTORY OF THE looking tamely on while their holiest privileges were about to be wrested from them, that they had taken part with a fellow- citizen who had not yet been proved guilty of crime, and that they had not, like sheep, borne every injustice without so much as bleating. A month after the close of the trial at Tyrnau, the perse- cutors proceeded to take possession of the churches and schools at Presburg. On the 18th of July, the bishop and president of the chamber. Count Leopold Kollonitz, with sev- eral clergy and laymen, appeared before the school-house. The Protestant pastors were brought thither, under an escort of fifty soldiers. As the citizens had been strictly com- manded to remain in their houses, the pastors saw that all opposition here would be in vain ; they accordingly, in obe- dience to orders, demanded the keys of the church and schools ; the church officers, however, refused to give them up till they had received express permission from the citizens and from the congregation. Kollonitz then directed the doors of the school-house to be broken open by a pioneer, and he marched in with thirty-four Popish clergy and his other retinue. In like manner they acted with the German and with the Hungarian church, breaking the door with axe and hammer, and by nine oVlock in the morning they had their whole work and labor of love ended. Kollonitz then ordered the clergy to be all thrown into prison. Anton Reiser, Valentine Sutorius, the Hungarian preacher Stephen Horetzky, were confined, and the German deacon Christian Piringer was laid in chains, as he had spoken with energy against the surrender of the church. After administering an oath to them that they should never return, they were allowed to leave the city. But first they were plundered of their books, which were brought in five wagons to the court-house, and each one was permitted to choose only twelve. Yet the Lord did not forsake these faithful servants in their PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 233 exile. Anthony Reiser, a native of Augsburg, well known as an author, became rector and librarian in his native town ; he was afterwards made court chaplain by Prince Hohenlohe- Aehringen, and at last first pastor in St. James's Church in Hamburg, where he died in the year 1686, beloved and la- mented by many dear friends. Valentine Sutorius, a native of Franconia, was a short time at Coburg, and in his last years was pastor and superintendent in his native country. Christian Piringer became pastor in Laufen, a town in VVur- temberg. The senior David Titius fared the worst ; for, after being set free in Tyrnau, he was not allowed to return, but must wander with his family through Moravia to Breslau. Here the Lord opened the heart of the Princess of Brieg, who provided for him, and he became pastor and superintendent in Wahlaw in Silesia, where he died after a tedious illness in 1679. The Papists had now taken possession of the Protestant churches without even a shadow of right or of justice. Their own consciences appeared even to awake to the sense of wrong, for it was not till after seven weeks that they ven- tured to read mass there, and to give the building the ap- pearance of a Popish church, by painting red crosses on the pillars. In like manner were the Protestants of Karpfen deprived of their beautiful church. A first attempt had been made in a night in June, 1672, but the watchfulness of the citizens prevented the attack from being successful. By means of flails, pitchforks, and scythes, the Protestants drove Count de Souches and his soldiers away from the place, but without any bloodshed. The Croatian Colonel Count Colalto, with five hundred wild Croats, then came, and seizing the keys, by force took possession of the church. While the cause of the Protestants in Hungary was so low, and while the constitution scarcely existed any more even in 20* 234 HISTORY OF THE name, the malcontents, who had fled to Turkey and Transyl- vania, did their utmost to raise troops and money. Apaffy was, however, a man of great indecision, and the Divan thought it necessary for a little longer to keep up the appear- ance of friendly relations with the Cabinet of Vienna. Impatient, and in danger if they delayed much longer, a portion of the malcontents, secretly supported by Apaffy, and under the guidance of Stephen Petroczy, Gabriel Keude, Paul Szepessy, and Matthew Szuhay, broke into Hungary over the stream SzoUos, about the end of August, 1672. They had only five hundred Turks from the Pasha of Gross- wardein. The Haiduken soon joined them, and increased their numbers by a few thousands. General Spantkaw was obliged to yield, and the insurgents followed him as far as Kashaw. They were here joined by Michael Teleky of Transylvania, Paul Vesselenyi, Nicolas Forgacs, and others, to the amount of about twelve hundred calvalry and infantry. Wherever they came, the Protestants had their churches and schools restored. The College of Eperjes was also received back. They injured their cause, however, very seriously by not resting satisfied with this restoration ; they sought out those who had been the most active agents in plun- dering the churches and schools, and especially the Popish priests, whom they treated very ill.* At Nagy Szollos, two Franciscans, who shortly before had taken possession of the Reformed church, were thrown naked on a bed of thorns and thisdes, and after being sadly abused, they were left appar- ently dead. The Jesuits and Franciscans in Eperjes were treated as they had themselves treated the Protestant pastors shortly before ; the cup of Divine retribution was poured on them in full measure by the hands of a soldiery driven to madness by the inhumanities which these men had inflicted. It was Benedict Seredi who prevented their being murdered. * Fessler, 1. c, Vol. IX. pp. 223, 228. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 235 In Homona, in the county of-Zemplin, the insurgents, on the 4th of October, seized and abused the Franciscans, plun- dered their churches and monasteries, cleaned their guns with the consecrated oil, gave the priests' dress to be worn by the women, and led away the monks in chains to Nagy Mihaly. When, however, the field-marshal, Wolff Frederick Kopp, of Neuding, a second Alba in Hungary, with Count Paul Es- terhazy, and a considerable body of troops, arrived to free Spantkaw, who was shut up in Kashaw, the insurgents were completely beaten, and compelled for the present to give up their plans. The engagement took place on the 26th of Oc- tober, 1672, at the village of Gyorke, not far from Eperjcs. This success made the king and his advisers only so much the more severe, and the archbishop's entreaties to preserve the political rights of the country were not regarded. The hardest measures were carried out. It was then not at all disagreeable to the cabinet, when in a fit of spleen the archbishop resigned his viceregal post in Hungary, and it was on the 27th of February, 1673, filled up by the appoint- ment of John Ampringen, a hard-hearted man, who was capable of doing anything whatever which was considered necessary for confirming him in his post.* The archbishop now travelled so much the more freely through his diocese, accompanied by the usual retinue of Jesuits and dragoons, plundering the Protestants of their few remaining churches and schools, and driving the preachers and teachers into exile if they refused to become proselytes. In the royal free cities they deposed all Protestant council- lors, and appointed Papists in their stead ; they disarmed the citizens, took away all ammunition and levelled the walls. The citizens of Eperjes were required, on the 8th of March, 1673, to give up their churches and college to the Papists * John Hoi-mayer, 1st Plutarch, Vol. IX. p. 85. 236 HISTOKY OF THE after five months' possession. The Protestant pastors were prohibited under pain of death from every official act. In 1673, this sacrilegious archbishop with his attendants took forcible possession of the church in Sillein, in Trent- shin county ; so Nikolas, Rosenberg, and Liptshe, in Liptau county ; Wartburg in Presburg ; RackendorfF, Hungarian Al- tenburg, ZorndorfT, and Gols, in Wieselburg county. Though the Protestant Church was thus bleeding from hun- dreds of wounds, still the progress in the conversion of the country was much too slow for the taste of the archbishop and his helpers. It was therefore, resolved to banish all pastors and teachers completely out of the country, but, for the sake of security, it was considered best to begin on a small scale. PROTESTANT CHUIICH OF HUNGARY. 237 CHAPTER XIL First Citation of Protestant Pastors to Presburg. — The Charge. — The Judges. — The Trial. — Archbishop's Declaration. — Count Illyeshazy treats with the Pastors. — The Pastors are prepared to go into Exile.— The Conditions of Pardon. — Attempt to gain the Pastors to the Popish Church. — Suhajda. — Stephen Fekete. It was on the 25th of September, 1673, that the Arch- bishop of Gran summoned before the viceregal court in Pres- burg thirty-three Protestant pastors from Lower Hungary and out of the counties Sol, Liptau, and Thurotz. Only one of these, Caspar Geranczy of Karpfen, belonged to the Reformed Church. They were summoned to appear in person before the royal fiscus (attorney-general). At the proper time they appeared in Presburg, strength- ened by a consciousness of their innocence, though by the laws of the land, and by the resolutions of their synod, which had been confirmed by the palatine, they were not at all bound to present themselves before a spiritual court where prelates who were their deadly foes presided. Their judges were Szelepcsenyi, Archbishop of Gran ; Szechenyi, Arch- bishop of Kalotza ; Kollonitz, Bishop of Neustadt ; Klobu- sitzky, Bishop of Fiinfkirchen, and a large number of lay- men, but among them not a single Protestant. Nearly all appeared when called in the archbishop's court. The most distinguished among them were the two superin- tendents, Kalinka and Tarnocsy, — the superintendent be- yond the Danube, Stephen Fekete, though summoned, did not appear, — Clement Brecht and Matthew Porshius, Germans from Neusohl, with Peter Sextius and Samuel Csernak, Sla- 238 HISTORY OF THE vonian preachers, of whom the latter died during the trial ; Godfrey Titius and Christopher Hofstetter, Germans, and Isaiah Pilarik, Slavonian preacher at Schemnitz ; John Sex- tius, Slavonian, and John Burius, German pastor of Karpfen ; Daniel Sinapius, of Radwany. John Burius, as eye-witness and sufferer in the transaction, has left us abundant materials for writing the history of the trial. The charge appears at first sight so ridiculous, that one can scarcely know whether to despise or to abhor the judges. We are bound to hand to the world a record of the manner in which titled men and bishops of the Popish Church did not blush to attempt to stamp men of honor and high character with disgrace, and to lower them to the level of common felotis, that they might with more ease banish them from the country. They were accused of having excited the people to rebel- lion ; of hindering royal officers and clergy in the discharge of their duty ; of deposing judges and town-councillors ; of rescuing rebels from imperial guards ; of giving Roman Cath- olic children horrible food ; * of having plotted the death of imperial ministers ; of having been in correspondence with the Turks ; of sending deputations to foreign powers ; of joining the rebels in arms ; of having betrayed Popish priests to the Turks and rebels ; of having cruelly murdered nine priests ; of having assisted the Turks in taking the fortress of Fulck ; of having instigated rebellion in Szenit^z, Tura- Luka, and Miawa ; of having despised and trodden on the wafer of the communion ; of having stolen the consecrated vessels, and having made flags of the priests' vestments ; of having blasphemed the Virgin Mary and the saints ; of hav- ing called the Papists worshippers of false gods ; of having given the consecrated host to the Turks ; of having attempted * Katholischen Kindern den Koth evangelischer Prediger zu fressen gege- ben zu Imben. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 239 to destroy imperial troops ; and of having laid fire with tlie intent of burning a fortress. These charges were only read, and not, as the law requires, communicated in writing to the accused parties. Not till the 2d of October did they receive legal advice, and then two advocates were appointed them by their judges. Mutual con- sultations among the accused were not permitted, and as the superintendent was at one time about to say something in self-defence, he was informed by the archbishop that this was not allowed. " Mr. Kalinka," he said, laying his finger on his mouth, " there is no leave to speak here ; the fiscus (attorney-general) is like a raging lion, seeking whom he may devour." On the 3d of October the charges were extended. The attorney-general assured Kalinka of having approved of the book of Drabicius, and of having refused permission to the Popish archdeacon officially to visit the Protesant Church of Illawa in Trentshin. Two other preachers were charged with having ridiculed the figure of the cross, and with hav- ing thrown down and trampled on it. He showed a letter from Stephen Vittnyedi to Nicolas Bethlen, and another signed J. B., which announced that the Prince of Transylva- nia was approaching, and that the Protestants had everything to hope from him. He showed another letter, in which evan- gelical pastors were invited to a meeting, but that the subject of the conversation should not be divulged. The advocate Roessler replied on the 4th of October, showing that the charges were unfounded, the evidence de- ficient, these anonymous letters of no importance in the case, and that the pastors were ready to clear themselves by oath from any of the charges which were really serious. It was of no avail. At the close of the sitting, the archbishop turned to the pastors, and said : " My friends, I find no pleasure in kill- intr, for I love peace. I could not be even a cook, for when 240 HISTORY OF THE I hear the fowls screaming, I pity them, and could not look even on the death of a hen. But here I sit as judge, and am compelled to do that which the king commands and this court decrees. Do the best, therefore, in your case, and obey ; as for me, I shall leave nothing untried which I conceive to be for your advantage." The poor men gave no reply. On the 5th of October they were summoned to hear their sentence. The advocates, who had done their duty well, left them with sorrow. Count George lUyeshazy now appeared willing to undertake the office of friendly mediator. He came to the pastors in the waiting-room, and addressed them. " Venerable and reverend pastors," he said, " listen to me. I was also once a Lutheran, but I became convinced of the truth of the Roman Catholic religion, and I therefore sym- pathize deeply with you, some of whom were my fellow- students, and others my good friends. Certainly, certainly you will have a terrible sentence. Four of you shall cer- tainly be put to the torture, then beheaded, and have your hands cut off. The rest shall have a terrible exile. I would therefore advise you to apply to the king for mercy, and to beg also for those four, that no other evil may arise out of their sufferings." The pastors replied that they were conscious of innocence, and were prepared to obey the king in all things save and except in matters of conscience. The count, dissatisfied with this answer, went into the hall, and returning shortly after, told them that the four who should be put to the torrure were the three superintendents and Daniel Sinopius ; the rest should be partly beheaded and partly visited with other punishments. They replied they wished to obtain favor. Returning after a little, the count informed them that, if they wished for favor, they must, with the exception of the four who were doomed to the torture, before the sentence, apply to his Majesty for gracious consideration. The favor would, however, be limited by the condition either to leave PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUNliARY. '^41 the country for ever, or, if they remained, to resign all claiin to be regarded as Gospel ministers, and to live as laymen. Scarcely two hours were given for reflection, when they de- clared that, if it be his Majesty's will, they were prepared to leave the country, and trust their fate to Divine Providence. At last Illyeshazy returned to say that these four could also obtain mercy if they immediately departed, and never re- turned to any of his Majesty's dominions. As they were, however, required to sign documents, stat- ing that, " having been found guilty of rebellion, they of their own free will went into exile " ; or if they wished to re- main in the country, they were required to say, that " having abused their office, they would in future abstain from every ministerial act" ; new difficulties arose, and it was only when wearied out by the unceasing annoyances of the court that they at last yielded, and all signed the reverse in one form or other. Those who resolved to emigrate obtained thirty days to arrange their affairs, and those who remained in the country obtained a safe-conduct, by which they might reside as private individuals wherever they chose in Hungary. When the matter was so far advanced according to the wish of the priests, all left the hall, with the exception of the Archbishop of Gran and Bishop Kollonitz. The former now addressed the pastors : " Respected brethren, what I have done was compulsory upon me as judge. If you now join the Church of Rome, you may remain in the country ; I will advance your interests ; and if I had but one shirt left, I I would sell it and give you the proceeds. I am archbishop, and wish the salvation of all. Tell this to those who are absent.* Think over what I have said, and if you do not choose to communicate with me directly, you can do it throucrh others, and I will hear and help you." * Some o/thcm were sick. 21 242 HISTORY OF THE The Bishop Count Kollonitz added, " I also will assist you, and furnish you with money out of the royal treasury so soon as you form your resolution." None of them all ac- cepted of the proposal except the pastor of Warin, in Trent- shin county, out of whose name, Suhajda, was formed the anagram, " Ah, Judas ! " All who were distinguished by knowledge and zeal in their profession went into exile, — Kalinka, Tarnoczy, Fekete, Neckel, Brecht, Isaiah Pilarik, Sextius, Burius, Sinapius, and others, who, in Lausitz, in Saxony, and Silesia, found a place of rest. Those who were old, or over-cautious, or who expected a speedy change, remained at home, and led a miserable life, striving to earn a livelihood by a profession to which they were not accustomed. Among the exiles we must take notice of Superintendent Fekete, who had been a distinguished and successful preacher at Giins, and who was now generously supported by Moritz, Prince of Saxony, and the noble citizens of Naumburg. In November, 1679, he ventured to return to Hungary, and lay some weeks strictly concealed in Giins. As his wife, how- ever, died at this time, he then ventured to move about more publicly, and shortly after going to the Island Rabakos, where there was a castle of Stephen OstfTy, he began indeed, with- out formal permission, to discharge his pastoral duties, and to keep a school. The Roman Catholic clergy hearing of it, sent a military detachment and overturned the castle to the very foundation. Fekete sought to escape to Germany, but was brought back in chains to Presburg. Afraid of losing his life, he went over and joined the Church of Rome ; he received the sacra- ment at the hands of Kollonitz, accepted of large presents which were made him, and was soon made Judge of Giins, where he exhibited himself as one of the bitterest persecutors of the Protestants ! (O Judas !) The cowardliness of the pastors excited the indignation of PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUN'HARY. 24H the country people, and did in every respect much injury. The congregation at Schemnitz was very angry with its pas- tors, who had decided to leave the country. In a manuscript of that time, which has been preserved, it is stated, ''The clergy might have remained without signing that liatcful doc- ument, had it not been for their ridiculous timidity. Limpach and Dr. Hellenbach had labored in favor of the mining towns, that they might retain their Protestant services, and had begged the clergy not to sign ; but these hirelings, as if glad to have the work accomplished, signed eight days before the term was expired, and before they were peremptorily called to do so." There came a decree from Leopold, who was then residing at Gratz, dated 12th of October, 1673, directing that for the present all proceedings against the pastors of Schemnitz, Kremnitz, and Neusohl should be suspended, and if any pro- ceedings had been already taken, they should be reversed, so that the pastors might remain. But it was now too late. In the mining districts of Lower Hungary, the divine ser- vice was almost completely suspended, for if a church did remain in some places in the hands of the Protestants, there was no pastor, and no permission to call one. The congre- gations at Schemnitz and Neusohl labored hard to obtain their ecclesiastical liberty once more. They sent a petition to the king about the end of the year 1673, which his Maj- esty handed over to Archbishop Szelepcsenyi, to whom he had committed everything having reference to religion in Hungary. The archbishop informed the deputies on tlie 16th of January that their request would be considered on the 5th of March; he refused, however, to give the promise in writing. Another petition was sent to the king, begging that each town might have one church and one pastor for the Protestant citizens, or at least a place appointed where they might meet : but all this received no reply. In Kremnitz, where a con- 244 HISTORY OF THE tract had been made, securing to the Protestants the hospital cliurch instead of that which was taken from them, and giv- ing them a right to keep a pastor, and to have public wor- ship, it was only there that public worship was still con- ducted ; and this privilege continued only till the middle of December, 1673, for, on the occasion of the pastor baptizing his own child, the priest found ground of accusation, and just at Christmas their meetings were dissolved and the church sealed. The pastors, who heard of another citation of the Prot- estant clergy to Presburg, and who saw that no trouble would be spared to drive them out of the land or sink them into dis- grace, took leave of their congregations in January, 1674, and prepared to leave the country. They were often stopped on the road, and obliged to pay very considerable sums for leave to proceed ; but after much annoyance and many delays, they at length arrived at Brieg, in Silesia. The precentor, Matthew Demosh, the beadle, Philip Oertel, and the school- master of Johannisberg, joined them in their exile. In spite of entreaties and regardless of the contract, the archbishop took possession of the hospital church in Kremnitz, and had it consecrated to become a Popish chapel on the 3d of Jan- uary, 1674. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUxNGARY. 245 CHAPTER XIII. The New Citation of the Evangelical Preachers. — Conduct of the Pasha. — The Trial. — The Sentence. — Separate Sentence on the Pastors of Bo&uip, Modern, and St. George. — Two hundred and thirty-six sign their Deed of Resignation. — The Rest refuse. — Treatment. — Separation of the Lu- therans and Reformed. — Firmness of the Reformed Pastors. — Imprison- ment. — Treatment in the Prisons. — The Jesuit Nicolas Kelio. — Petition to the Emperor. — Condemnation to the Galleys. A SECOND more extensive summoning of the Protestant clergy was in course of preparation when the hospital church of Kremnitz was surrendered to the Roman Catholics. The first attempt had succeeded so well that the priests could not suffer a very long time to pass till they had made another attempt on a larger scale. Thirty-two evangelical preachers had heen covered with disgrace and torn away from their congregations. The rest were terrified by the example. The king, the Popish magnates, and the army, all prepared to assist in this great work of eradicating Protestantism; — what more could be desired ? The Archbishop of Gran, who was now very old, strained every nerve to have the work soon accomplished. He acted as if the words of the Lord at the last passover had been directed to him, " What thou doest, do cjuickly." Accord- ingly, on the 16th of January, 1674, ho summoned all the Protestant clergy, not only from the territory which belonged to Leopold, but also from that district which was under Turk- ish sway, and at the same time several teachers and some students, to appear at a special court of assize at Presburg. At the appointed time the parties appeared. Some Popish writers, wishing to conceal the extent of this 21* 246 HisTOKY or the affair, represent the numbers to have been only two hundred and fifty, while the Protestants speak of three or even four hundred. We have evidence that lwo hundred and fifty of the Lutheran Confession and fifty-seven of the Reformed Church, filling difierent oflices in their respective churches, attended the meeting. That so few appeared from the counties of Gomor, Negorad, and Pesth, is to be attributed to the fact that the pasha had forbidden them to attend ; and, in conse- quence of Turkish protection, the proportional number of Protestant churches in the neighborhood was considerably greater than in other countries ; and even after the Turks were expelled, the circumstances did not permit such severe persecution as had taken place before. The court consisted either of the same individuals or of men of similar sentiments, and among them was not a single Protestant. The old archbishop presided, as on the former occasion ; but this time legal advice was allowed to the ac- cused, and the advocates, Francis Szedeky, Melchin Heissler, and Stephen Szalonty, undertook and carried the case through with great tact and zeal. The grounds of the accusation lay in the following two letters addressed to Nicolas Bethlen. The former was written in short-hand, and the original was never exhibited, " Eperjes, May 10 tJi. " 1 have to-day received your grace's letter at Eperjes. It is at last resolved to assert our liberties with our blood, and to place ourselves under the protection of the Turkish em- peror. With the Prince of Transylvania we will be of one heart and soul. The king will furnish the money, and has declared his readiness through a French ambassador. And if he should decline, we will do so ourselves so soon as all is ready. No attention must be paid to the idle tattle of Lob- kovitz, or to the false Montekukulli. It would be well if the Prince of Transylvania wrote to all the pastors to use their PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 247 influence with the common peoi)lo to persuade ihcm to pay the tribute, and also to prepare tliem for taking up arms at the proper time. The Protestant party has done its duty. The region beyond the Danube we have intrusted to the pas- tors of GEdenberg and Giins. Presburg, Kashaw, Eperjes, and the other towns are organized by the superintendents and elders of those districts. We will all fight and die for God, for our Church, and for our liberty, and will teach the Papists, the dogs, a lesson which they have yet to learn. Your grace will please not to lose any time in treating with the Ilaiduken. Francis Rixkotzy must be terrified and urged on to the work. If God be with us, who can be against us? — Your sincere and obedient servant, " Stephen Vittnyedi of Muzsay." The second letter was directed to Ambrose Ketzer, was writ- ten originally in Latin, and dated Presburg", December 30th, 1669. It announces that Stephen Vittnyedi, who, by the way, was already deceased, had been in correspondence with liie chief pastors of Solna, Rayetz, and Tliurna, and with the su- perintendents, who had everything prepared with the greatest secrecy. . The elders of F. Z. were ready so soon as any one came from M. H. or S. The superintendents had done their duty. Bills of exchange to a large amount on Rrcslau and Danzig were ready. The cock (Gallus the Frenchman) was delaying, but would soon shake his feathers. These letters served now as the foundation of the charge. The advocates did their duty so well in proving that the ac- cused had been guilty of no crime, and that the evil had proceeded from the Roman Catholics, that two counts even in this court, Forgacs and Szecsy, had the courage and the honor to declare that the crime of rebellion was not proved. As this declaration was, however, not agreeable to the rest of the judges, the archbishop ordered " that the justification of the Protestant clergy from the suspicion of rebellion 248 HISTORY OF THE should be erased from the acts." After a month had been spent in superficial investigations, and in debating, these men, who were at the same time accusers, witnesses, and judges, without making any distinction among them, or so much as hearing what thej^ as individuals had to say, on the 4th of April, pronounced sentence on the clergy, and on the follow- ing day the same sentence on the teachers. The sentence was, beheading, confiscation, infamy, and outlawry. No one has ever pretended that this sentence had even the slightest appearance of justice. The design was to annihi- late the heretics, and fanaticism considered every means allowable. This is sufficiently evident, not only from the manner in which the legal proceedings were conducted, but also from the fact that the pastors of Leutshaw were neither summoned nor annoyed in any way, because they had shortly before peacefully surrendered their church, with all its ap- purtenances, to the bishop.* This is still further evident from the efforts which were unceasingly made, till the Polish commissioners, under the influence and guidance of George Barskony, Bishop of Zips, consented to banish all the Protes- tant pastors and teachers from Zips, which at that time was under the sway of the King of Poland. A singular corroboration of the assertion that this trial was only a mockery for the sake of gaining a certain object, may be seen in the treatment of the evangelical pastors of Modern, Bosing, and St. George, by the archbishop. These pastors were summoned to Presburg on the 5th of March, in accord- ance with the king's command, to surrender their chnrchcs and schools to the Roman Catholics. Having demanded a copy of the royal edict, they were informed by the arch- bishop, that ^' they were not of sufficient importance that a special command should be given on their account." Afraid of the consequences, they came to an agreement with the * Eiio-el, 1. c. Vol. V. p. 81. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 249 attorney-general, on the 28th of February, to surrender all theh- churches, schools, and church properly to the arclibish- op ; the attorney-general, on the other hand, declared the charges to be annihilated and buried ; secured them their private property ; directed them to appear previous to the meeting of the court at Presburg, and sign some kind of doc- ument, being a legal surrender of their church property ; they should then have a right to meet privately for their own edification, and to use the church bells and the burying- ground in common with the Roman Catholics. Seven of the pastors, Christopher Shcdius, Michael Hoher, and Stephen Pilarik, the first two German, the last the Slavonian pastor of Modern, as also MJchael Risshaler, rector of the high school in the same town, Christopher Bohmcr and John Michael Weber of Bosing, Michael Huber and Paul Galli of St. George, resolved to go into exile ; and the two Slavonian preachers of the latter towns resolved to remain in the coun- try as laymen. The sentence of death, which was pronounced indiscrim- inately on all who appeared at Presburg, was not carried into execution. Leopold's conscience appeared not to be capable of stretching so far. There was, however, so much gained by pronouncing the sentence, that the pastors now stood com- pletely in the hands of their judges, and there was no choice left them besides voluntary exile or dishonor, and degrada- tion from office in their native land. To the Protestant Church they were as good as dead, and this was all which the enemy wished. There were many, however, who refused to choose either alternative, and preferred bearing whatever the Lord might lay on them. These were annoyed in every possible way, and at last treated with the most cold-blooded inhumanity. After means had been used which were not always very creditable,* yet so successful, that two hundred and thirty- * Engel, 1. c. Vol. V. p. 80. 250 IIISTOKY OF THE six signed their resignation, the majority of these going into exile, — the rest remained, in spite of all ill usage and threat- enings, perfectly unmoved. Every intercession was in vain, and indeed even danger- ous. The church of Rimasombath begged Count Adam Forgacs to intercede for their pastor, but they received the reply, — "For God's sake, let me rest in peace, for I sol- emnly protest I am myself not safe, and if I spoke a word in your favor, I should be immediately called a rebel and thrust into prison." * For some time these men had perfect liberty to move about in Presburg, with every opportunity for escaping.! In- deed, the Jesuits, meeting them on the streets, asked, in ap- parent astonishment, why they did not fly, — what they were waiting for, — did they not know what was being prepared for them ? When the archbishop saw their perseverance, and discov- ered that they were strengthening each other in their resolu- tion, he had four pastors of the Reformed Church arrested, namely, Stephen Seley, superintendent of Papa ; Michael Miskolzy of Filek ; Stephen Batorkessy of Wesprin, and Peter Czegled of Lewens, and chaining them two and two together, had them thrown into the dungeon. On the follow- ing day, George Lanyi, rector of Karpfen school, a Lutheran? was thrown into the same prison because he had refused to yield. On the 8th of May there remained still in Presburg one hundred and eighty of those who had been condemned. The rest had signed the required documents and were already gone, and this number was thinning fast. While all this was going on in Presburg, Count Francis Ilohenfeld wished also to have a little opportunity of showing his zeal for his Church. He sent orders to the chief magis- trate of Hungarian Altenburg, about eighteen English miles from Presburg, informing him that it cannot be tolerated, * Hist. Diplom., p. 74. f George Lanyi, Captlvitas Papistica. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 251 that after the men have become Papists the women should venture obstinately to adhere to the Protestant Churcli. Ac- cordingly, they should be proclaimed rebels, and at next Whitsuntide should be compelled to join that Church in which alone salvation is to be had. Every one who refuses should be fined for the first offence in forty florins, and for every succeeding offence, that is, every time they are required to partake of the communion in the Popish Church and refuse, the fine should be doubled. This noble warrior, who wished to earn his laurels in the glorious battle with women, con- cluded his edict with the modest request, that the judge would please begin at home, and place his own wife first at the bar ! Time was passing on in Presburg, and still the majority of the condemned seemed very slow in submitting to the wishes of their judges. Accordingly, the members of the two confessions were separated, and all the Lutherans were imprisoned in the archbishop's palace. This step was, how- ever, of little use, for the Calvinists remained very obstinate. As they in general knew the German language but very im- perfectly, they had little prospect of usefulness in a foreign land, and had too much honor to sign their own degrada- tion from the ministerial office, as the condition of remain- ing in the country.* Only one pastor and one school- master, the latter quite a youth, on the persuasion of the landlord, signed the document, and remained. Not one had gone into exile. At the end of May there were still forty-one of them in Presburg. The other sixteen had either escaped before the sentence, or were gone back to their churches, where they were protected by the landed proprietors. Four were miss- ing, either that the pasha had forbidden their return, or that they were lying in some unknown prison. * Hist. Diplomatlca. 252 HISTORY OF THE When the efforts to persuade them to embrace the Popish faith or to resign their office seemed in vain, they were taken out of the prison and put into common country carts ; seven were brought to Sarvar, as many to Kupuvar, and six to Eberhard, about three miles from Presburg, and thrust into dark and fihhy cells. Eight days later, the rest of the Cal- vinistic preachers and teachers, after being, by order of Bishop Kollonitz, plundered of all their little property which had any value, were taken to Leopoldstadt ; one, however, by name Basil Kopecsy, of Skaros, came to Komorn. Of the Lutherans there were eighteen brought, on the 3d of June, to Leopoldstadt, of whom John Hodikim became a Papist. Five came to Berutsh, nineteen to Komorn, and eight to Sarvar. The amiable and gentle Bishop Kollonitz sent the hangman, as likely to be an agreeable companion to those who were going to Leopoldstadt, possibly that the pleasant associations connected with his office might suggest the prudence of joining the Roman Catholic Church. When this individual had taken his seat beside the pastors in the cart which was to convey them to Presburg, he immedi- ately commenced to recommend his Church to them, and at the same time to exhibit his zeal in his own profession by beating them most unmercifully on the head with his stick.* Not less cruel was the old Archbishop of Gran, Szelep- czcnyi, who on festive occasions, after his splendid dinners at the Castle of Eberhard, summoned the Reformed pastors into his presence, and, after the bitterest insults and mock- cry, he sometimes descended to personal violence, because they still steadily refused to sign the deed of demission. On one occasion he struck Stephen Nemethy with a hammer so violently that his arm was rendered almost completely use- * Andrew Snuill, :ind Lanipe, Hist, rec, ref. ad annum, 1674. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 253 No pen can describe the sufferings whicli these witnesses for the truth were now required to endure. With such per- severance and with such heartless calculations did the perse- cutors use their power, that many wished for death. The prisoners at Komorn declared at last that they could hold out no longer, they would sign their demission. But now the Jesuit who had charge of them was not satisfied even with this, and declared that nothing could set them free but their joining the Church of Rome. Here was the jailer inflicting another penalty than that which the court had pronounced ; still there was no appeal. At last, when completely wearied, seventeen Lutherans renounced their faith, and there remained only two, Nicolas Buganyi and Stephen Zedenyi, who, with their companion, the Calvinistic pastor, continued true to their profession. This latter must now experience the whole weight of Rome's fury, because it was through his influence that the other two refused to yield.* The renegades received fifty florins each, with directions to assist in persuading the others to follow their example. In some cases the priests gained their ends. In Sarvar, one Lutheran and one Calvin ist yielded ; in Buccaria, seven Lu- therans and three Calvinists. Less successful were the efforts in Leopoldstadt to gain converts, though here the sufferings were most severe. A Jesuit, Nicolas Kellio, to whom a kind of general inspection was committed, and a Popish schoolmaster of the place, who was a poor cripple, strove to outdo each other in their inven- tion of new methods to torment and annoy the poor sufferers. They were treated worse than criminals of the first class. They had no intercourse with friends. Their food was coarse bread and water. Without distinction of age or strength, all bore chains of the same weight ; and when tiiey * Hist. Diplomatica; Andrew Small, Eccl. Luth. Adversaria. 22 254 HISTORY OF THE protested against this treatment, they were told by the jailers, " You are guilty of double rebellion against the Church and the king ; and even though some of you may have never thought 'of rebelling against the king, as I will readily sup- pose, still your disobedience to the Church deserves the heav- iest punishment which can be inflicted." In the fortress they were ordered to perform the meanest ofRces, in the middle of winter they were obliged with uncov- ered hands to carry away the ice and snow, and to clean the sewers.* If the consecrated wafer was carried past, they must fall on their knees. As Gregory Illes, a frail old man, once refused to kneel, he was struck so severely by Bene, that he bled. Even social singing and prayer were pro- hibited. As they were once ordered to dig themselves a new prison, Stephen Harsanyi, a man of much learning, and highly re- spected by the others, cried out, " You treat us worse than the most cruel tyrants treated the apostles and martyrs ; their prisons were at least prepared for them." " Very well," replied the overseers with a laugh, " you will work the more diligently till yours is ready." By night they often suffered from thirst, and had no water ; by day they were prohibited from receiving any assistance, either in money or food. A man who attempted to give them some food was severely beaten, and a woman who at another time was discovered attempting the same was put into a kind of pillory, and led about in disgrace through the streets, — a species of punishment in general reserved for harlots. These men lay in narrow cells, partially exposed to rain and snow, among thieves and murderers, who mocked them when they prayed. Being driven by force once to church to hear mass, they strove to turn back at the church door, * And a Hungarian winter is often 40"^ to 60° F. below the freezing point. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 255 upon which Kellio fell into such a rage, that even during the mass he had two of them, Szilvasy and Thurotz, stretched on the ground and beaten in such a way, with tlie ramrods of the soldiers' guns, that they did not long survive. Kellio seemed afraid that the story of his tyranny should spread through the country ; he accordingly for some time alleviated their sufferings, and treated them with considerahlc gentleness. He then applied to them to sign a certificate acknowledging his attention to all their wants, and testifying that he had fahhfuUy applied all the money and food which had been given him for them, as also certifying that he had allowed their friends free access to them. Entirely in his power, and having of late obtained better treatment than formerly, what was to be done ? What ought to be done we can easily decide, but who can say what he himself, un- der such circumstances, would do ? They signed the cer- tificate. The Jesuit immediately published it as a justification of himself, and then treated them as cruelly as before. Towards the close of the year they found an opportunity of presenting a petition to Leopold,* and it may be tliat this had some influence in ripening the resolution to set them free.f After lying ten months in prison they had a change, but only for the worse. The three pastors who had remained faith- ful in Komorn, with thirty-three other companions in suffer- ing, were, on the 18th of March, 1675, brought out of a secret gateway from the fortress, and committed to a com- pany of about four hundred cavalry and as many infantry, to be taken to Italy. * Ribinyi, Mem., Tom. II. p. 451. t The author of the Short lixtracts gives himself trouble to attempt to prove that such a petition was never sent or never received. That it was drawn up and sent, there is not the slightest doubt, and if it did not reach the king's hands, it must haVe been because it was the interest of the priests to keep it back. 256 HISTORY OF THE It is said that the king's order was to set them free, but that Bishop Pallfy of Neutra found ways and means of falsi- fying the edict, and of sending these detested heretics to the galleys. The edict had stated that it pleased his Majesty to have mercy, and to suffer them to go out of the fortress, to which the bishop added, " that they might learn to pray in the galleys." Had this been the king's wish, it was, instead of favor, a much higher punishment. Even Bishop Kolloni-tz could not have wished more than this. He had once told the prisoners to their face, " You set too much confidence in the king's mercy, but it will be of no use, for if he should ten times give the most favorable decision, I could find a hundred ways of preventing its taking eflTect." The prisoners were brought by a circuitous route through Moravia to Leopoldstadt, where the brethren who had been there confined were brought out to join them. They em* braced each other and wept, while they pledged themselves once more not to yield. As Stephen Selyi, the superintendent of the Reformed Church, saw the miserable state of the breth- ren in Leopoldstadt, he cried, '' O God, for what wondrous times hast thou reserved us ! Give thou strength that we may bear all the sufferings which thou hast appointed us ! " With the two feet chained together, under the mockery of the soldiers, they travelled on foot from Vienna to Trieste. Here the very buttons were cut off their coats, their beards shaved off, and even their heads shaved quite close, so that they could distinguish each other only by the voice.* They had lain at night packed together in stables, and had scarcely obtained sufficient food, so that many fell sick, and four of them died in prison at Trieste, while two others died shortly after on the road. Their daily provision was a quarter of a pound of biscuit and a glass of water, with occasionally a * George Lanyi, Captivitas Papistica. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 257 little cheese. After some time, they had about tlircc half- pence English money given them each day to feed tliem- selves. On the journey to Naples, Gregory Hely, who was already quite exhausted, and had been set on an ass to bring him for- ward, fell on the road, and died on the spot. He was left unburied on the public road. Near the end of the journey, Michael Gotsh entered into his rest. Three of the prisonera succeeded in escaping, — George Lanyi at Capra-Cotta, on the 1st of May, and John Simonidcs and Tobias Illaver at the town Liscerna, and, after much suffering and toil, arrived at last in a place of safety. ~ Of the forty-one who had been taken away, only thirty entered the galleys at Naples on the 7th of May. They were here sold for fifty Spanish piasters apiece, and being divided among the boats, were chained to the benches like other galley-slaves. 22 258 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XIV. Treatment of the Prisoners in the other Fortresses. — Journey to Trieste. — Hopes of the Possibility of Ransom. — Ten join the Church of Rome. — George and Philip Weltz. — Appeals to Germany. — Charles II. of Eng- land.— The Vice- Admiral of the Dutch Fleet. — Hopes of Delivery, and Disappointment. — Admiral Ruyter. — The Galley-slaves set free. While this was going on, the fate of the brethren at Sar- var, Kupuvar, and Eberhard, was still uncertain. The ene- my had hoped to break their spirit by a tedious imprisonnnent, lut when this did not prevail, they also, to the number of twenty — being thirteen of the Reformed Church, and seven Lutherans — were ordered off to Naples, there to await their doom. On the 1st of July, 1675, they were led out under the direction of Gabriel Koever and an armed band ; Stephen Kapossy and John Szent-Niklossi were, by the king's com- mand, set free in Hungary ; and the other eighteen, worn and weary, reached the seaport Trieste. They were made to lodge in cow-houses, and when in Trieste one succeeded in escaping, the others were shaved and kept much stricter. The runaway was again taken ; and they demanded that he should mention which of the others were aware of his escape. He did not mention any names. Hopes were held out that they might be bought off if any were willing to make the attempt, and both in Vienna and in Venice considerable sums were raised for that purpose, — and actually paid ; but the promise was soon forgotten, and the money was never returned. Only one was set at liberty, and that was Stephen Czusy, the Reformed pastor of Losoncz. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARy. 259 The rest of the prisoners were brought to Buccaria, a town on the Adriatic, and their patience having been sorely tried, ten of them renounced their profession of Protestantism, and joined the Church of Rome on the 19th of February, 1676. It was the seven Lutherans, Stephen Mensatoris, John Ra- phanides, John Czabanyi, John Glogovius, John Rohacs, PhiUp Johannides, and John Esutka ; three of the Reformed Church, John Goernaery, Stephen St. Peter, and John Szal- lay ; three others of the Reformed Church had died on tlie way, and had been buried by their brethren, who sang the 88th Psahn over the lonely grave. Only a few now remained, and their lot was becoming still harder. Their teeth fell out ; while yet alive, their bodies were decaying. On complaining to the vice-prefect, Starko, of the treatment, they were told that all was done according to the strictest orders received from Kollonitz, that the heretical preachers should be very sorely tormented. At last the hour of deliverance came for them as well as for their brethren in the galleys at Naples ; but the manner is such a striking manifestation of the Divine glory, that we must examine it a little more closely. Powerful kings, princes, and people had interceded for these men, who had now been for many months chained to Turks, Moors, and Negroes ; and yet, notwhhstanding the suffering, and notwithstanding the entreaty, the chains were not broken. The Lord then showed them mercy first, through that rich and universally respected citizen of Naples, George Weltz, who, with his brother Philip, visited twice a week these men who were the outcasts of society, and sup- plied them with food, clothing, and money. To have the opportunity of doing so, he made presents to the inspector, and invited the general, Nahretnberg, often to his house, and he had nearly brought matters so fur, that for a hundred du- cats, a price which Weltz promised to pay, these men were to have their liberty. 260 HISTORY OF THE Still their situation was very lamentable. They therefore resolved to draw up a statement of their case and present it to the brethren of the Reformed Church residing in Naples or visiting it, begging for aid. A similar letter was written to the Dutch ambassador at Basle. With great zeal did the medical doctor, Nicolas Zaffius, take up their case. He was a native of Nuremberg, and a genuine Christian, and at this time residing at Naples. He wrote most thrilling appeals to the Swiss universities, as also to Holland, Germany, and England, and thus awakened a deep interest in their suffer- ings. Comforting replies were received from Professor Heidegger on the 17th of September, 1675; from Dr. Wa- zer ; from the Geneva Professor, Francis Turrentine, and others ; and all these expressions of sympathy Zaffius has- tened to communicate. Charles 11. of England (of whom Macaulay says, " His conscience did not much trouble him in reference to the question of dispute which separated his Protestant sub- jects ") * also issued a royal letter to the chief towns, the universities, the archbishops, and the bishops asking for con- tributions for those who were oppressed for conscience' sake ; and these collections were of great use to the j^rison- ers after they were set free. The Elector of Saxony wrote an earnest word to the em- peror at Vienna, under date of the 10th of December, 1675, but all was too little to obtain freedom for the sufferers. The noble-minded Weltz continued his exertions, and through him a representation was made to the Prince Regent of Na- ples, Peter Alvarez, in which it was most satisfactorily shov/n, that it was not on account of rebellion, but for the sake of their religion, that, contrary to all Divine and human laws, they were thus condemned to such horrid slavery. "Had we been really guilty of rebellion or treason," they * JIaciiulay, Vol. I. p. 108. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 2G1 write, " there were scythes, and swords, and «rallows, and executioners in Hungary ; and it is not to bo supposed tluit the King of Hungary would thus surrender over to the Span- iards and Italians his sovereign right of punishing lus own rebels, or that he would ask their aid to inflict the penalty if the sentence had been just." The prince regent replied that they were sold for life to the galleys, and he could do nothing for their deliverance. The same reply was given by the following regent ; and when Weltz, supported by the English ambassador Liltelton, offered one hundred ducats apiece to buy them off, begging at the same time for compassion to be shown to the aged and infirm, the regent replied, " They are not Roman Cath- olics." But when all hope was at an end, it was then that the Lord remembered his promise, " I will redeem thee ; I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, saith the Lord." It was on the 12th of December, 1675, that the Dutch fleet under Vice-Admiral John de Stiien, sailed into the harbor of Naples. The chaplain, Argid Vireth, was sent to the prison- ers, begging of them e.xact information on the ten following points, so that the vice-admiral might, by Divine assistance, and by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, labor more effi- ciently on their behalf. The ten questions were the following : — 1. Why were you first called together at Presburg previous to your imprisonment ? 2. Were you summoned by order of the king or of any other person, and of whom ? 3. When were you summoned ? 4. What charge was brought against you, and why were you imprisoned ? 5. How have you come out of your first imprisonment to be put into the galleys ? 6. Is it by order of the king or of some other person that you are here ^ 262 HISTORY OF THE 7. Have you been sold into slavery, and for what price ? 8. Give your names, and the names of the villages or towns where you were placed as pastors ? 9. Are your brethren in Hungary doing nothing for your release, or do they not care for you ? 10. What means do you consider most likely to obtain 5^our freedom and your former position ? The prisoners gave such satisfactory replies, especially to the 2d, 4th, and 6th questions, that the vice-admiral, with some officers and the chaplain, immediately proceeded to the Regent of Naples, and begged their release. They were so kindly received, that the chaplain hastened to the ships to inform them that within three days they might expect to be free. As the fleet had immediately to leave the harbor in consequence of the war with France, the prisoners remained still in their chains. But there is One who hears the sighing of the prisoners, and bottles up their tears, — the Lord of Hosts is his name, the Lord great in might ! The fleet was not far on its way towards Sicily till it met the admiral, Ruyter, who had been icommanded by the States-General of Holland to take up the case of the prisoners. At the same time, the admiral re- ceived a petition from the martyrs themselves, and immedi- ately writing to the King of Naples, he forwarded the opinion of the Austrian ambassador respecting the innocence of these men, and committed their case to the Dutch ambassador, Cornelius Wandelen, and to George Weltz. The papers were now handed over to the court of assize, and after a close examination, the judges came, on the 22d of January, 1676, to the following conclusion : " That the pastors and professors at present confined on the boats are not guilty of the charges laid against them, and should without delay be set free." The Dutch ambassador hastened down himself with the joyous message to the prisoners. George and Philip Weltz, PROTESTANT ClIUUCH OF lIUNtiARY. 263 with an Italian advocate, came soon after. Even the task- masters seemed moved, and wished the prisoners joy. And yet their faith must once more be tried. The heav- ens were once more black above them, and the mockery, and the hard labor, and the sorrows were all renewed, for a report had come that the Dutch fleet was going home. The last hopes seemed to have died away, when, quite unexpect- edly, Ruyter, with full sail, entered the harbor of Naples. He had received orders to postpone his expedition, and he accordingly ran into the bay. On the 11th of February, 1676, the chaplain of the Dutch fleet, accompanied by several superior officers, went on board the boats, and, as in a dream, the prisoners forsook the place of their confinement, singing the 46th, the 114th, and 125th Psalms. Having reached the ship of the vice-admiral, he received and embraced them with unspeakable joy, and after the tears of gratitude had freely flown, they knelt down together to thank God for their deliverance, and sung once more the 116th Psalm. Refreshed and strengthened, with hearts overflowing with gratitude, and their lips with praise to God, they spent the night on the vice-admiraPs ship. The next morning they were brought before the admiral. The veteran hero received them with every possible kind- ness, and exclaimed that "of all his victories, none had given him so much joy as the delivering these servants of Christ from their intolerable yoke." He would not listen to their thanks, " For," said he, " we are only the instruments, — give all the glory to God." The noble admiral had clothes provided for them at his own expense, and took them with him. Of the thirty who entered the galleys, twenty-six were still remain- ing, and they went to Switzerland, Germany, England, and Holland, till such time as they were permitted to return to their native land. As the story was now spread over all Europe, it was found necessary to give some explanation of the conduct of the 264 HISTORY OF THE court. Accordingly the Jesuit Kellio, under an assumed name, published a book, stating that it was on account of rebellion, and not for their religion, that they had been pun- ished* George Lanyi, who had escaped on the road to Na- ples, and who was now living in Saxony, wrote a reply under the title Fmida Davidis, David's sling against Goliath, in which he proves thirty falsehoods in the Jesuitical attempt to whitewash the court at Presburg. In vain was it attempted to prove that the Protestant clergy were the originators or supporters of rebellion ; in vain was the charge brought against them of having instigated the mur- der of Popish priests. It was after the pastors were in prison, that three priests and one civil officer in Neutra county were murdered. The same was the case with the Franciscan in Keiskemar, and with the Eremite, George Csapelanyi, in Fuza, who was found dead not far from Erlau. In Neutra, three priests had been found cruelly murdered in a stormy night by common robbers. Nineteen individuals were suspected of the awful crime, were put to the torture, and afterwards executed, but none of them ever charged any of the pastors with having any part in the matter. We have the more reason to assert again that the whole affair was a mere Jesuitical trick, from the fact that, on the repeated applications of the Elector of Saxony, Leopold ordered, on the 22d of January, 1676, that the grounds of the sentence should be once more investigated. When it was now confessed that the sentence was unjust, the king, by a * Extractus verus et brevis quo candide demonstratur acatholicorum predicantium ex regno Hungario proscriptionem et degi-adationem factam esse respectu rebellionis non autem religionis; easdem predicantes non in genere sed in specie, convictos ac legitime esse condemnatos. Tyrnau, 1675. How could three hundred prisoners be accused, examined, tried, and con- demned separately, and all within four weeks ? Why did they all deserve exactly the same punishment ? PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 265 decree of the 24th of January, ordered it to be reversed, and the prisoners to be set free. The clergy were afraid of them if they returned, and added the clause that the liberated pris- oners should not revenge themselves or demand compensa- tion, nor return to their country.* ♦ * See the admirable work of Heidegger, — Amsterdam, 1684, — a book written "With great accuracy and judgment. 23 266 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XV. General View of the State of the Protestant Church in Hungary and Tran- sylvania at the Time the Pastors were released. — The Pastors in the Woods and Caves. — Cunning of t4ie Priests in attempting to find them. — (Edenberg a favored City. — Princess Eggenberg. — Insurrection of the Hungarians. — Tokely. — Att^empts to make Peace. While we have been confining our attention exclusively to the prisoners on the galleys and at the Adriatic Sea, the Popish priests at home were canying out their great work of annihilating the Protestant Church here, as they had already done in Austria, Styria, Carinthia, and Bohemia. And they had certainly very nearly obtained their hearts' desire. For, except the provinces under the pasha, where the Protestants enjoyed their religious liberties, and a few districts on the Theiss, where, amid all dangers and difficulties, the Prot- estants, chiefly of the Reformed Church, had still been able to preserve a kind of liberty of worship, — but for these alone, that part of the kingdom which owned Leopold as its ruler had almost ceased to possess the Gospel. Putting their lives in their hands, there were a few pastors who either had not been summoned to Presburg, or who had not gone, and in lonely glens, in woods and mountains wild, in ruined castles and morasses inaccessible except for the initiated, these men resided, and preached the Gospel to the faithful who were scattered over the land. From the dark cavern, scantily lighted, arose the Psalm of praise sung to those wild melodies which to this day thrill the heart of the worshipper. From lips pale and trembling with disease, arising from a life spent in constant fear and danger, the consolations of the Gospel were proclaimed to the dying. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HTINGARY. 267 The Lord's Supper was administered ; fathers held up their infants to be devoted in baptism to Him fur whom {\\v.y tlicm- selves were willing to lay down their lives ; and, amid the tears which oppression wrung from them, they joined their hands and looked up to Him who bottles uj) the tears, and looked forward to a better land bevond the jrravo. This was especially the case in the mountainous countries of Neutra, Trentshin, Thurotz, Liptau, and Arva, where, despite the watchfulness of tlic foe, the Protestants continu<'d in some w^ay to enjoy the exercise of religion.* Among those faithful servants of Christ who, in the days of danger, by the Divine blessing, and by the watchful care of their friends, escaped the nets laid for them, some of the best known were Daniel Kirmann, in Tura-Luka ; Martin Zener, m Belluds ; Daniel Reguli and Samuel Michalovilz, in Trent- shin ; Nicolas Venitius, Michael Zaborsky, in Thurotz ; Zach- ariah dementis, Balthasar Csip, and Thomas Coronides, in Liptau. But woe to him whose dwelling was discovered, or who was seized ! Heavy punishments and imprisonments were his lot, till he either renounced ids profession, or died in miseiy in his lonely cell. It is said that priests, sometimes dressed in the simple garb of Protestant pastors, and assum- ing as much as possible their habits and forms of expression, went round and found out from the unsuspecting people where the pastors resided, and who they were. These wolves in sheep's clothing came olfering their services as I'rotestant pastors, and professing to have endured mucii for the sake of their consciences, and easily gained the required informa- tion. A dark cloud rested on the servants of the Lamb. Only in the retirement of the closet, and in the family circle, where no stranger whatever joined, did many of them ven- ture to engage in prayer. Out of the sacred Scriptures each soufrht for himself comfort and encouragement, waiting for o better days. * Mica Bur^^ 268 HISTORY OF THE The shepherds were smitten, yet the sheep, though scat- tered, were not lost or forgotten by the Great Shepherd. In GEdenberg the brethren enjoyed wondrous marks of the Divine care, for here the landed proprietor left still some traces of religious liberty. On the 5th of March, 1764, their pastors had been summoned with the rest to Presburg, but a clear view of the aim of the enemy, as well as of his power, induced the citizens to send a deputation to Vienna, to attempt to rescue as much as possible of their freedom in the great trial. They succeeded in their mission.* They voluntarily surrendered the greater part of what they held dear, that they might be sure to retain something. On the 28th of February they made a solemn treaty with the attorney-gen- eral, Nicolas Mailath, promising to surrender all churches, chapels, and schools, with all the emoluments attached, into the hands of the attorney-general, and within fifteen days to cause that all pastors, teachers, and church officers should either leave the town, or pledge themselves not to discharge the duties of their office any more, but reside quietly as lay- men in the city. The attorney-general promised in the name of the king that a place should soon be given them, where, under two pastors whom they themselves should select, they and the foreign ambassadors, and the members of the parliament who were Pr9testants, should enjoy the free exercise of their re- ligion. These two pastors should have liberty to reside in town, and to discharge ministerial duties in private houses. Besides, the Princess Maria Eggenberg should have the privi- lege of retaining her own chaplain, whose services might also be enjoyed by the Protestants residing in the town. The Protestants should enjoy the use of the legacies which had been left them by members of their own confession, and should also have the use of the burying-grounds. * Ribinyi, Memorab., Tom. II, p. 422; "Mica Bury; (Edenberg. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNT.ARY. 269 They should have equal rights in the hospital, and instead of the Vittnyedi house, they should have that which the Prin- cess Maria Eggenberg occupied. No one should be com- pelled to become Roman Catholic or to emigrate, and all processes at present pending should be quashed. On the 21st of September the king appointed the town of Eisenstadt as the place where the two pastors should proceed to hold the service for the present ; it was about ten miles distant. Though this was not as they had expected, still they obeyed, and sent their two pastors, John'Barth and Christopher So- bitsh, to conduct the services. While, however, at the fol- lowing Easter so many people came, that the church could not contain them, a command came from the king that none but citizens of (Edenberg should be admitted. It was only at the end of the following year that they obtained the place which they should permanently occupy as a church. Not long after, the noble princess died, and she was soon followed by her worthy chaplain, Matthew Long, whose influence had been chiefly successful in obtaining these privileges for the Lutherans of (Edenberg which they did not elsewhere enjoy. Of the rest of f Iungar\- it might well have been said, " Dark- ness covers the earth, and thick darkness the people." It was quite natural that, under such circumstances, the numbers of the malcontents increased with every day. Bloody aflravs between these and the royalists were quite common. The constitution was overturned, and those whose duty it was to watch over it looked quietly on. The soldiers passed through the land oppressing it as they chose, and making such exactions as they saw flt. Many fled to Transylvania, where, under the Prince Mi- chael ApaflTy, they found protection ; for, although he did not declare himself publicly on their side till Louis XIV. of France sent him aid and entered into a formal league, still he was at heart a steady friend of their cause. When, there- fore, the ambitious Kara Mustapha became grand vizier, after 23* 270 -HisTOHv or the the death of Ahmed Kioprili, and when the hopes of assist- ance fronn the Divan seemed tolerably certain, the malcon- tents, strengthened by Poles and Transylvanians, and sup- ported by French money, had many successful engagements with the imperial troops.* This war was, as might be ex- pected, very cruel. The German soldiers acted as they chose, impressing men and horses, and giving no remunera- tion. The peasants were obliged to pay the same tax three or four times. The most expensive food was always de- manded, and received with 'fexpressions of the bitterest scorn. The slightest resistance was visited with blows, and even with death. The military officers were the only judges, and they were at the same time in general the accusers. Children were threatened that if they did not keep quiet the Germans would come. When a complaint reached Leopold, he sent a warning to his generals, but they were in a situation com- pletely to disregard it. Up till the year 1678 a Transylvanian nobleman, Michael Teleky, led the rebels, and not without courage and prudence. In consequence of a quarrel, however, with the French offi- cer, he resigned, and returned to his native land. Stephen Vesselenyi had the command for a time, and was followed by Count Emerich Tokely, the son of Stephen, who had died in the castle Likava. He had scarcely attained his twentieth year, when he had collected above twenty thousand men, with whom he roved through Hungary, plundered the min- ing towns, and in 1680 conquered Kesmark and Leutshaw. Adorned wuh the qualities which become a general, — he spoke Latin, Hungarian, German, and Turkish with great rtuency. His followers fought with bravery, but without reaching the desired end. The victories were alternate ; — to-day a victory, to-morrow a defeat ; here an advantage gained, on another spot a loss sustained. Wherever the in- * iMailart, 1. c. Vol. Y. p. 28. PROTESTANT CJIURCH OV IIUNCJAUY. 271 surgents gained the day they gave the Protestants their churches ; in a few days, perhaps, the royalists entered and restored them to the Roman Catholics. It was natural that pent-up religious hatred here broke out, and that the party in power abused its position for the purposes of persecution. The insurgents wreaked vengeance on the priests, and es- pecially on the Jesuits, whom they considered the originators of all the calamities ; and the royalists in their turn treated the Protestants with similar cruelty. The miserable state of the country, and the advice of sev- eral influential men, seemed to incline Leopold to milder measures in matters of religion. Perhaps, too, the birth of a prince was not without effect. This prince was born of Ele- onora, princess of the palatinate, and his third wife, on the 26th of July, 1678.* After recalling General Kopp, who was distinguished by awful cruelty, and setting in his place Ste- phen Count of Wiirben, as commander-in-chief in Upper Hungary, he sent a circular letter to all the bishops and higher civil officers, to inquire what means they /thought most likely to restore peace. t The gentler counsel of the bishop of Waitzcn was over- come by the fiery and furious Barskony, Bishop of Erlau. The opinions were so different, that the king could come to no conclusion. After the death of the Bishop of Erlau, he made another attempt to obtain peace, by summoning a com- mission to Presburg, carefully to inquire into the state of the country. The whole affair, however, was rendered useless by Leopold's imprudent step of appointing a German of the name of Ilocker, who had lately become a nobleman, to be the president of the commission, and thus wounding the na- tional prejudices of the Hungarian bishops and nobles. When, therefore, the president forgot himself so far as to call all the * Szirmay, Xotit. Hist. Comitatis Zcnipl., t Engel, i c. Vol. V. p. 87. p. 222. 272 HISTORY OF THE Hungarians rebels, a storm arose in the council, and in the heat Count Thomas Pallfy called the president a scoundrel, and naturally the discussions were soon brought to a close. A third attempt was made by the old Archbishop of Gran, in the king's name, but equally in vain. He went, towards the close of 1678, to the leader of the rebels, Tokely, to per- suade him to give over hostilities.* The archbishop was kindly received, and informed by Tokely that he would gladly cease on condition that complete and full pardon should be secured ; that the constitution and the office of the palatine be again restored ; that the Protestants should again obtain possession of their churches ; that certain priests should be banished ; and that sufficient security should be granted that all these conditions would be honestly and faithfully carried out.t As the archbishop would not grant so much, streams of blood must flow before there was peace. The work of peace was most hindered by the two princes who accompa- nied the archbishop, Svvartzenberg and Nostitz, for they de- manded that, before any proposals should be made, General Tokely should lay down arms. Tokely once more drew the sword, and as the emperor had now made peace with France, he was so much the more inclined to try the chances of war. There was, therefore, no great earnest on either side in seeking peace. The scourge of civil war was equally terrible on both sides, and in 1679 a plague came to help on with the work of death. So fearful was the mortality, that from March till October even the war relaxed, and the deputy-governor of the land was chased away by the plague. After another attempt to arrange the affiiirs of the country had failed, through the imprudent advice of Leopold's Ger- man counsellors, the primate at length succeeded in obtain- ing a Diet to be held at (Edenberg on the 28th of April, 1681. * Fosslor, Vol. IX. p. 289. t Engel, 1. c. Vol. V. p. 90. PROTESTANT CIIURCII OF IITTNGARY. "273 CHAPTER XVI. Diet of (Edenberg, 1681. — Election of tiie Palatine. — Petition to tlic King. — Memorial of the Roman Catholics. — The Petitions of the Protestants with- out Effect. — George Gerhard's ]\Iotion. — The Roman Catholic Deputy, Gabriel Kapyi — Straggle of the Clergy. — The Roman Catholic Magnates and Nobles assist the Protestants. — The Imperial Decree. — Further At- tempts of the Protestants. — Close of the Diet. This Diet, which the Germans had so much opposed, was of great importance for Hungary. By the fact of summoning the Diet, the king made the confession, that he did not expect, from the unconstitutional proceedings of the past years, that amount of prosperity for the land which was desirable, and that he was resolved to govern the country from this time forward in a different manner. And in fact we do find that from this time forward he was less imperious in his manner of treating political questions ; and though there was still much bigotry in Church affairs, it was not carried to such an extent as before. At this Diet, which was one of the most splendid which had long been held, there appeared two Hungarian archbishops, sixteen bishops, eighteen royal barons anch magnates, one hundred and eight noblemen, and one hundred and thirty-four deputies of the counties and free towns.* Tokcly was also invited. But though he had concluded an armistice with Leopold, still he and his friends thought it better to remain * In the whole assembly of three hundred and fourteen, there were only forty-five Protestants, — of these, twenty-nine Lutherans and sixteen Cal- vmists. 274 HISTORY OF THE away. On the 24th of May the king opened the delibera tions with a Latin oration after ancient custom, and handed in the subjects of discussion. In the very beginning of the Diet, dark clouds seemed to hover on the prospects of the Protestants. Contrary to an- cient privilege, the Protestant members of Diet were forbid- den to have their preacher, and it was only with much trou- ble that they at last obtained permission.* It was with trouble that the Hungarians succeeded in electing a palatine. When, however, from among the four Roman Catholic can- didates, Paul Esterhazy was elected, the court expressed it- self highly pleased, f Immediately after this election, the Protestant deputies inquired whether the Diet were prepared to enter on the consideration of ecclesiastical affairs. Being referred to the magnates, they received the written reply, " that private affairs should be passed over, and only grand general questions be brought forward for discussion. The Protestants should receive no support from the magnates, yet they should still have liberty to complain and to petition." Having once more inquired whether the affairs of all the Protestants in the nation should be considered a private mat- ter, the reply was sent, that the time from eight till twelve o'clock each day should be devoted to public business, and afterwards the Protestants could occupy themselves with their own affairs. The Protestants then met, and, under the guidance of George Gerhard as president, resolved to send a deputation to the king, the royal commissioners, and to the palatine, to recommend the cause of the Protestant religion with modes- ty, prudence, and zeal ; and they now begged the palatine to protect the Hungarian pastor from the insults to which he was constantly exposed. * It was on tlie l^>t of July that the Lutheran deputies held their first ser- vice ; their place of meeting was a store in the little Pootshi Street, and on the 10th of July the Calvinists held their meeting in a similar place. t Engel, Vol. V. p. 96. PROTESTANT (JUUKCII UF HUM.AKY. 275 On the 21st of June the deputation set out lor the royal residence, and on the 22d had an audience of the king, set- tiilg forth their grievances, which are too important to Ikj here omitted. The paper wliich they presented was as fol- lows : — * " Most Gracious, Imperial, and Royal Majesty : We have no doubt that your imperial Majesty will well remember the statement which was presented to your imperial Majesty in 1662, recounting the grievances and oppressions which the Protestant subjects of your Majesty had borne, and how that petition requested your Majesty to use your royal influence to put an end to those grievances which were then definitely and specifically recorded, with the proofs of the same. A request was made, that your Majesty would please to restrain those who, contrary to the constitution of the country-, were hindering the free exercise of the Protestant religion. While the same evils still continue, and while those who are guilty of excess remain unpunished, thus giving encouragement to more glaring acts of oppression, unbounded liberty is taken in persecuting the Protestants, till it appears scarcely possible to preserve even a wreck of that religious liberty which was guaranteed by laws of the land and by royal ordinances. Churches, schools, gymnasia, hospitals, and all the property connected with them, which the Protestants had quietly pos- sessed in dependence on the law of the land, have been taken away by threats, surprise, tricks, or sometimes by arms, — indeed, by processes in which all law and justice are disre- garded. Some of the buildings have been completely re- moved, and the materials used for stables and other similar buildings. The dead can be buried in the churchyard only after paying enormous fees. Protestant pastors and school- masters have, under various pretences, been plundered by prelates, magnates, and others holding civil and military * Hist. Diplomatic:!, in App., p. 87. 276 HISTORY OF THE offices, even by foreign soldiers ; and then, chased out of their dwellings and bound with chains, have been carried out of the countiy. Some have been nailed on the ground on wood in the form of a cross ; others have been bastinadoed ; others only let loose after paying a heavy ransom. Many, under the pretence of their having originated or favored a rebellion, were summoned to an extraordinary court at Pres- burg, and there sentenced to banishment or to the galleys ; and, after three vain attempts to hang a Protestant pastor, he was at last buried alive. The rest were compelled to resign their office and go into exile ; so that the most of the parishes are without pastors, and the people without divine service of any kind, living like the inferior creation, while the children are dying unbaptized. " Both noblemen and peasants have been taken prisoners, and led in chains to attend the service of the Popish priest. The consecrated wafer has been thrust by force into the mouth of some who did not wish it. Several Protestants have been unjustly driven out of their property, and whole villages have been plundered without redress. Many -vvho were married by Protestant pastors, or received other minis- terial services from them, were on that account summoned before the priests, and compelled to change their religion. Protestant parties are even by militaiy force obliged to pay Popish priests. When Psalms are sung or prayers offered m private houses, the parties, and even sometimes noblemen, have been marched to prison by the officers of foreign troops, us if they were common felons. On the military frontiers your imperial Majesty has, by several special decrees, grant- ed freedom of religious exercise, and yet in such places Prot- estant pastors have not been tolerated. In some counties all Protestants have been indiscriminately dismissed from all public offices, and therefore could not be elected to this Diet. In some cities the Protestants are completely, and in others partly, deprived of their civil rights ; and the election of mag- PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUNGAUV. 277 istrates does not take place, according to long-established custom, by the free choice of the citizens, but by the nomi- nation of commissioners of the Royal Chamber.* In some towns and corporate boroughs the Protestants are excluded from the common deliberations in public matters ; and though your Majesty's gracious decrees were directed to all, yet only the Roman Catholics were brought together to hear them read ; and, contrary to the customs of the country, all Protes- tants were struck off the list of candidates to be elected to the Diet. Protestants, who have been born among us, arc either not admitted to the rights of citizens, or are admitted under great restrictions, and they are absolutely prohibited from acquiring property in houses and lands. Magistrates who, on not finding Roman Catholics fitted for an office, have appointed Protestants, have been on that account fined and otherwise punished by the attorney-general. Churches, manses, glebe lands, schools, and private houses, have, de- spite the patron's or proprietor's protest, been delivered over to Jesuits, by which means the Jesuits have, contrary to law, obtained a footing in the country, while the protests of the citizens have been disregarded. Evangelical artisans are obliged to attend to Popish ceremonies ; some of the trades' corporations have been dissolved, and have again obtained their freedoms only on condition of expelling all Protestants from among them. Very often has it occurred that our brethren were not admitted to learn or to practise a trade till they had renounced their faith. Marriages, baptisms, and other rites are often refused till the parties have either actu- ally joined the Church of Rome, or have promised to do so. Legacies, which were left for Protestant purposes, have been wrested and applied to purposes contrary to the wish of the * This had taken phxce on the 24th of April, 1675, in (Edenberg, by order of the Royal Chamber, and in the year 1680 by KoUonitz, who removed the last Protestant Secretary of the Council of Eisenstadt, and filled up his place with a Roman Catholic. 24 278 HISTORY OF THE testator. Much of our ills we leave untold, that the petition may not be too wearisome to your imperial Majesty. Still we are prepared at all times, if required, to give all the par- ticulars of those complaints which we here mention in gen- eral, and io furnish proof s of the same. While we therefore renew our former complaint, we betake ourselves once more, with all becoming respect, to the throne of your imperial Majesty, begging, for the sake of the mercy of God, that your imperial Majesty would cause, during the sitting of the present Diet, that our distress may be relieved ; that we may be restored to the possession of our former privileges which have been violently taken away ; that the disturbers of our religious liberties may be punished according to law ; and that the political rights of the evangelical party may be re- stored and guaranteed for all time coming, as the law of the land directs. " These favors of your imperial Majesty we shall not only acknowledge by fei-vent prayer to God for a blessing on your Majesty and on the house of Austria, but also by continued obedience and loyalty. — Waiting for a favorable decision on the part of your Majesty, we are, your imperial Majesty's most faithful and most obedient subjects.*' THE PROTESTANT STATES OF HUNGARY. On the 30th of June the Protestant deputies appeared be- fore Count Nostitz, the Bohemian chancellor, who declared, in the name of the King, that his Majesty had really read their petition all through, but, as it contained many weighty matters, he must first hear the statement of the Roman Cath- olics. The Protestant cause thus seemed likely to be com- pletely crushed. At the same time, on the 4th of July, the Burgomaster of (Edenberg gave orders that none but the deputies and the foreign princes should venture to attend the preaching of the Protestant pastor who was chaplain to the Protestant members of the Diet. PROTESTANT CIIUKCH OF HI'N(;aHY. *279 The Papists had, in the mean time, also handed a memorial to the king, and Nostitz now appeared to inform the Protes- tant deputies that it was his Majesty's wish to settle the whole matter quietly, and it would ho only in ease of the friendly deliberations proving unsuccessful that he would interfere ns judge. The Protestants requested a sight of the memorial of the Papists, which the king refused, giving as a reason that it would only increase the bitter feeling. IJy means of the palatine, however, they got possession of the paper, and found that the Papists represented that they had only taken possession of such churches as had been huiii l»y their party, and had been unjustly seized by the Protestants. The Prot- estants had secured their religious liberty by means of rebel- lion, and therefore they had no right to it. While the great- er number of the magnates had again joined the Church of Rome, it \vould be very unseemly to take more notice of the peasant than of the peer. Protestant pastors had not been pun- ished as such, but as rebels; and those who had been burned had deserved the punishment by being incendiaries and tumultuous. They then related the most distressing stories, how Popish priests were obliged to hide in bushes, and could discharge the duties of their office only at the peril of their life ; how in some counties only two or three Roman Catholic priests were to be found, while hosts of Protestants were there ; how in one county, Simeghi, not a single priest was to be found, while a hundred Protestant pastors were labor- ing in the county ; how in another county fifty Protestant pastors were instructing the people, and in the whole county not a single priest. Thus spake the Roman Catholics. The king was willing to appoint commissioners to settle the whole dfair, but the Protestants had already learned that no confidence could be placed in mich an arrangement, and therefore declined. Thev preferred leaving all to h.s Majes- ty's pleasure, for from their mighty antagonists there was little to be expected. Bishop Kollonitz liad given evidence 280 HISTORY or TTIE of his feeling in a sermon on the festival of Ignatius Loyola, in which he had, by way of reproach, called the one party of Protestants " Augsburg merchants," and the other " Swiss peasants." On the 2d of August the Protestants handed a second peti- tion to the emperor, in which they answered the charges of the Roman Catholics. The emperor received the speaker of the deputation very kindly, and promised to consider the con- tents closely and conscientiously ; he would decide so as to satisfy the Protestants of Hungary, and give them his deci- sion through a commissioner. The Protestants begged not to be asked to enter into treaty with their antagonists, for they could yield nothing of their rights, and royal decisions which had already been made must remain sacred. They showed the folly of supposing that the Protestants had slipped into Hungary with fire and sword, or by the aid of the Turks, and reminded the king how they had obtained the assurance of full toleration, not by force, but by the royal free will ; for, in 1559, when his Majesty granted the toleration, there was perfect peace in the country. In 1647 there were ninety churches restored to them which had been unjustly taken away, therefore no charge could be brought that they were taking the churches of their opponents. The great majority of the inhabitants of the country was still on their side. They showed the false- hood of the charge that the Papists had received more ill than they had done to others, by the fact that no Popish priest had been driven away by the Protestants ; and if indi- viduals of the latter had injured individuals of the former confession, the Protestants had no means, as the Papists had, of protecting their party from injustice. While the Protestants were thus waiting between hope and fear, a letter arrived on the 18th of August. Afraid to open it themselves, they laid it before the royal commissioners, so that there might be no accusation of having in any way PKOTilSTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 281 altered the royal message. Tlic commissioners uraisfd them for what they had done, and sent the letter hack, li was a very harmless note, simply advising them, in tlwir prcs^-nl critical position, to be patient and moderate. And a very good advice it was, for they were just about to require an un- usual amount of these virtues, when, after one petition to the queen and four to the king, his Majesty, who always received them kindly, could come to no decision in tlieir case. To- wards the end of August they began to absent themselves from the sittings, and, so soon as the king heard it, lie immc diately wrote them a severe reproof They now addressed themselves to the influential men about the king, such as Charles, Margrave of Baden, the Bishop of Vienna, Counts Nostitz, Zinzendorf, and Swarlzcnburg, as also to the Aus- trian chancellor, Hocker,* who were favorably disposed to- wards them. The Diet had now been five months sitting, and still the Protestants had gained nothing. On the 1st of October George (lerlianl moved that the whole Diet should unite to petition the king respecting the religious grievances. The motion was ably supported by the Roman Catholic member, Gabriel Kapy, and after a very warm discussion, they resolved to send a deputation to the magnates, to move them that they should cause all parties to unite in the petition. When the deputation reached the council chamber of the magnates, they were informed by the palatine that the time had not yet arrived for discussing the religious affairs of the Protestants, but that he would intercede with the king on their behalf He kept iiis word, and the veiy same day returned them an answer in the king's name, "that Leopold pledges his royal word that the rase shall be decided, and begs that, till such lime as l\\e question comes * The chancellor paid: "If your patience under such trial* had continued for ten days it would have been woiu'.erlul, but that you could bear on for ten years,' ever since the Presburg cr.mini^^ion in 167 1. it is beyond concep- tion." 24* 282 HISTORY OF THK before the house, they should quietly proceed with business ; the palatine would also earnestly and affectionately request them to adopt that course." On the 2d of October Gerhard renewed his motion, and once more Gabriel Kapy rose courageously to support him. He was well informed respecting the exact state of the Prot- estants, and he declared that it was the firm resolve of the Roman Catholic deputies of thirteen counties to take the side of the Protestants. The matter was the most important which could come before them ; and he, for his part, would not return to those that sent him till the religious disputes were settled. A storm followed this declaration. The royal commissioners and the clergy declared it to be a hasty reso- lution ; that the question stood later in the order of discus- sion, being the sixth point ; the Diet should wait till the proper time came. The clergy added, that it was unbecom- ing their dignity to join in a petition in favor of the Protes- tants, and that, moreover, all the Roman Catholic laity were not so favorable to the motion as Kapy represented. Being thus challenged to express their opinion, all the laity de- clared their readiness to vote in favor of the motion. The magnates having acknowledged the justice of the petition, the palatine, an upright, honorable man, declared that, even in case of the clergy refusing to join them, the laity should of themselves approach the monarch with their request. The king was regularly informed of all these proceedings. On the following day, the 3d of October, the debates were again stormy ; high words were interchanged. During the discussion the vice-palatine arrived to say that all were agreed to send a deputation consisting of members of all three estates to the king, the palatine himself would take the lead, and thus a decision in this matter should soon be obtained. This proceeding brought Leopold at last to a decision, and in five days the following royal message was delivered : — " All states in the whole land, magnates, nobles, roval free niOTESTANT lUiriK II oF mUN(.AKY. 283 cities, and royal boroughs, should n-main hy their ndigion. This privilege should also be granted to th./soldJ.M-yj on iho borders. Not only should there be full liJMTty of fuiih, but also full and complete liberty of religious exercise in every form. No party should have the liberty to depose the clergy of the opposite party, or to banish them from the districts where freedom of religious exercise is guaranteed. No more churches should be taken away, but those whicli had been seized since 1670 should remain in possession of the prest-nl occupants.* The Lutherans should have liberty to build a church, and to exercise their religion in every county where no Lutheran church at present exists. The 1st article of the Peace of Vienna is renewed in all its clauses. Roman Cath- olics have the free exercise of their religion in every part of the kingdom. It should be especially permitted to the Lu- therans in Presburg to build a church in a convenient place which should be showed them.t The town of QEdenberg should continue to enjoy her present liberty. All coming disputes in religious matters should be settled without the u.sc of arms ; and the 8th article of the sixth decree of King La- dislaus should be renewed and conscientiously obscr\'cd. Lastly, all the inhabitants should take special care not in any way whatever to mock or treat with disrespect the religion of any party at present in existence. As this declaration was neither signed by the king nor sealed with the imperial seal, the Protestants refused to accept of it. The clergy were much offended. The royal messen- ger took the part of the Protestants, and declared llicir de- mand, to have the sign-manual and the seal attached, per- * We see how the clergy knew to provide for them«ielve*. The ro«t notorious plun quence of the religious oppression, that tlie loss to the public revenue in eight years amounted to several millions. • In Schemnitz, the Count Erdody, Valentine Szente, and two others, took possession of the Protestant church in the king's name, and then proceeding to Ncusohl, they demand- ed the keys of the two churches, and ordered the organ nnd furniture of the church to be within an hour brought to a pri- vate house, while both the preachei"s must immediately leave the town. The same work had already been done in the town of Dille, out of which the pastor, Kortonius, was banished for the third time. The commissioners, assisted by the vice- gespan, Samuel Bonicsky, a renegade Protestant, went through the same process in Bries ; and the pastor, Scxtius, who was just returned from exile, was ordered within a very few hours to leave the town. With wife and five children, he left the town as an exile. The old pastor, Nicolas Nicolaides, was also with the schoolmaster ordered to quit ; but, on the entreaty of the congregation, he obtained leave to rcmam, on condition of resigning all claim to the pastoral office. The old man exclaimed, that he would rather emigrate to Ger- many, even if he should die on the public streets, than make such an engagement. The schoolmaster, .Martin Dubowsky, might also have remained, on condition of educating the chil- dren in accordance with the tenets of the Church of Kome, but he scornfully rejected the proposal, and, with his fojlhful wife, accompanied the pastor in his exile. In Altsol, the Protestants received a mcssoffc rpquinng that the surrender of the church should have taken place pro- vious to the arrival of the commissioncm. In Karpfen, or- Hist. Diplora., p. 124. 300 HISTORY OF THE ders were received immediately to close the Protestant church, to cease to use the bells, and to banish the Protes- tant preachers without delay. In this church, John Bury, whose history of the transactions has often been quoted, was laboring all the time, and he also was obliged to go into ex- ile. An appeal to the laws of the last Diet was disregarded, and the only reply was, that, on pain of death and confisca- tion of all his property, no pastor should in future discharge any of the functions of his office. John Bury appealed once more to the laws of the land, but was informed by the vice-gespan that " he had only execut- ed his orders, and did not wish to show the Protestants' ways and means of remaining." Bury, who was at the time la- boring under intermittent fever, answered that he had always stood under the special protection of the Most High ; even during his thirteen years' exile the Lord had provided for him, and, under the shade of the Most High, he and his chil- dren should never want. " Certainly the Lord will not for- sake you," said the commissioner in a kindly tone, as if somewhat moved, to the great astonishment of some and chagrin of others of his assistants. The proposal was made that, by undertaking to resign the pastoral office, they might remain in quiet, — but this was declined. A young priest, Emerich Kano, had in the mean time taken possession of the church with all the silver ; and when he found that, after three days, the two preachers were not yet gone, he threatened to drive them away by the mili- tary power. The vice-gespan quieted the young priest, how- ever, bidding him wait till Leopold's decision in the matter had arrived, and the pastors had still a little quiet. Many other parishes were treated in the same way, and all appealed to the king for protection against the injustice done them. After the deputations had waited for years at Vienna, it was on the 2d of April, 1691, that Leopold broke silence by a declaration little calculated to relieve the Prot- PROTESTANT CHURGH OF HUNGARV. 301 estants. We may enter more particularly into the consider- ation of this resolution or decree at the proper lime, li is sufficient here to remark that the douhtful passage of the OEdenberg Diet was not explained, and some of the enact- ments of that Diet were overturned. The persecutions were from this time forward intolerable. Often were the ambas- sadors of England and the Netherlands requested to interfere ; but when, by such means, a favorable concession was made, it was either counteracted in a few days by another decree, or was not carried out by those who had charge of the exe- cution.* As evidence of this, we shall present to our read- ers only a few facts. In the spirit of Popish fanaticism, the royal commissioner,t John French, deputed by the Presburg chamber, came to Trentshin. He deposed the Protestant senators, ordered the city not to retain more than one Protestant pastor, and after forbidding even him to baptize, to attend funerals, to marr\', or to perform any similar ministerial office, he at last, in 1696, banished him. The schoolmaster and some students were banished ; others were thrown into prison. Respectable cit- izens were publicly whipped on the market-day for no other crime than that of being Protestants. The commissioner compelled the Protestants to attend all the processions, and was in the habit of characterizing them, without exception, even in public, as rebels, liars, thieves. This lasted for three years. Females, whether of the nobility, gentry, or peasants, who, from conviction, joined the Protestant Church, were immedi- ately banished, and threatened, in case of return, to bo pub- licly whipped by the hangman. | In the year 1700, when the complaints had become very loud, a new commissioner was sent to inquire into the cause « Hist. Diplom., pp. 126, 127. , j, . „_ t The commissioners were gcucrally either bUhop« or men of dl»tuictfc». t Hist. Diplom., 1. c 'J6 302 HISTORY OF THE of complaint ; but, instead of making matters better, he made them worse. He compelled Protestants to carry the flags before the Popish processions ; and if, in the places under his protection, a pastor fell sick, no other could be admitted to supply his place. In a similar way were the royal commissioners. Earl Lowenburg, Peterfy, and Meyer, perpetrating the most intolerable cruelties in Schemnitz, Kremnitz, Neusohl, and Bartfeld, for which they were never punished. In Giins, the royal commissioner was assisted by the big- oted Abbot Szalavar, and the renegade Stephen Fekete, once a Protestant superintendent, now Popish recorder of the city. The abbot had a soldier given to him as bodyguard, and he abused this privilege so far as, without any assigned cause, t& employ his guard in taking two Protestant senators and casting them into prison in the Castle of Forchtenstein. Here they lay for sLx weeks and three days, and were at last re- leased by giving a promise, which they had no intention of keeping, and which they did not keep, of joining the Roman Catholic Church. Their names were John Simon and Dan- iel Gombassy. The abbot put the pastor in chains, and did not set him free till a thousand dollars were deposited as security that within twenty-four hours he should leave the town. On one of the citizens inquiring on whose authority this was taking place, the abbot drew out a pistol, saying, " This will answer the second question you ask." * In the mean time the abbot's military guard plundered fear- lessly and shamelessly in the town and suburbs. By circu- lating false reports in the king's name, and by giving to the Roman Catholics certificates that they were good citizens, many of the Protestants were driven into the forests, and during their absence their houses were plundered. Little behind the abbot was the priest George Ujvany in inventing * Ex protocollo Jcsuitorum Gunsu. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF in:N.;A|{Y. MO;i new punishments. It was tliis priest who, in tlie year 1700. introduced the song of the niglit-watcl), in which the follow-' ing passage occurs : " Glory be to God an'd to our Lady,— the clock strikes nine." The hardest blow of all was the cruelty of Fekete agnimit those over whom he had once lx?en placed us pastor. In his new office, as recorder, he laid the heaviest portion of the taxes on the Protestants, and acted on the wljole in such u way as to earn the most unbounded praise from the abbot. And all this persecution in Guns was in the face of the special royal protection which Leopold had granted them, and which had been guaranteed by the palatine and bv Koljo- nitz in the year 1674, and renewed in 1701, in wliich paionl Leopold declared it to be his royal will and pleasure^ that the strictest faith he kept with the citizens of Guns^aud thai they he protected from every foe, and from every attack on their just rights * . But the Papists knew too well that they iiad the power in their hands. Without regarding the royal patent, they look possession of the Church funds, and of the njoney which had been gathered for evangelical purposes, — apart of which had even been subscribed by brethren in foreign lands, — and being now deposited with the Protestant citizens of ( Jun-;, it was all taken away, and never returned.! In Bartfcld, the provost, Tarnocsy, with ivv.» |.M.>i>, ii.. recorder of the city, and sixteen soldiers, attacked the pastor, Elijah Sartori (who had been appointeii with Iyo|M>ld'9 sane tion), while engaged in public worship, drove him out of the church, placed him on a cart, and ordered him Xo leave tlic town. Those of the citizens who showed any inclination lo resist were thrown into prison, and many wen- fined in two hundred florins ; during which time the provost and his friends were eating and drinking in the house of the pastor. * ni<^t. Diplom., 1. c. t Hist. Diploin., and (Edcnb. DenkwAnllck. MS. 304 HISTORY OF THE This took place on the 10th of April, and on the 10th of May- following a similar scene was enacted at Bartfeld. The Bishop of Fiinfkirchen, Matthew Rhadonai, did not wish to be behind his brethren in zeal. He accordingly sent a circular round his diocese, giving information that he would tolerate within the bounds of his diocese neither heretics, nor Jews, nor robbers, nor Calvinists, nor blasphemers, and that every one who wished to reside in his diocese must embrace the Roman Catholic religion, — which alone can save them. If, however, the preachers should refuse to listen to reason, they should be treated like those of Nadasdy and Mobatz. *' Be assured," he wrote in another letter, " that if you sent me twenty-five bushels of ducats every day, I would not tolerate you in my diocese. For I tell you that an ox or an ass, the creeping things and the fish in the sea, yea, even the Devil himself, would sooner be taken out of the abyss and obtain eternal life than a Calvinist. I know how dangerous the Calvin istic doctrine is. Robbers, Calvinists, and Turks, I will not tolerate." This letter bore date 17th of March, 1690. In this spirit were his letters written. Even more zealous than Kollonitz, he wrote in the following year to the landed proprietors, directing them for this once to have some little respect for the law of the land, nevertheless, to lose no op- portunity of advancing the glory of the Church of Rome. His next attempt was in writing ''letters of conversion " to the Calvinists, filled with threats. Those were directed to the preachers in Kosmark, Darvocs, Siklos, and others. At the same time he urged his clergy on to the most violent measures in rooting out Calvinism. And it did not at that time require much exertion to produce this much-desired consummation. The clergy looked to their head, the Arch- bishop Kollonitz, and acted as he did. He and the palatine, however, stifled every feeling of justice and of humanity towards the Protestants. The evangelical inhabitants of PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 305 Gran were, without distinction of sex, driven by force into the Popish Church, their Psahii-books which they had brought with them were struck out of their hands. In the country places, the churches of Bash, Moros, Boosen, and others, were, without ceremony, taken possession of by the Papists, and those who refused to turn to Popery were driven, quite irrespective of age or sex, from house and home. About this time the cardinal obtained from Rome a spo- cial license permitting the pakitine Paul Estcrhuzy to marry his brother's daug^iter. The license was granted on the ex- press condition that he should use his utmost exertions to banish heresy from the apostolic empire.* The prince was really in earnest, and hoped by his zeal to atone fully for the sin of his marriage, and for every other. He soon surpassed even the clergy. As the richest landholder in Hungary, he abused his power to take possession of all the churches on his vast estates. Whole villages he compelled to become Papists. Whole districts he banished from house and home on refusing to comply with his wish, cast others into prison, inventing many new punishments. All this he did in his private capacity. Then, as palatine, he ordered all the lieu- tenants and deputy-lieutenants of counties to destroy these vermin out of the districts under their care. He set aside the law of the land, and gave orders in direct contradiction to the decrees of the Diets. The Jesuits are not ashamed openly to boast of such things, as appears in the book Phosphorus Austrianis, Vienna, 1699 ; in which they report triumphantly that in orv year above eighteen thousand souls have hrvn bnnigbt back to the Popish Church, and that the number of churches taken from the Protestants cannot be counted. It was in the same spirit that, to the great vexation of Joseph, the court preacher Widmann, in Leopold's funeral * The u-^ual name of the Austrian empire at the pr*«ent lim*. 26 • 306 HISTORY OF THE oration, mentioned the great merits of the deceased in root- ing out the heretics. By means of working on Leopold's weakness, and often without his knowledge, the Jesuits have succeeded in casting a stain on his character which remains there after his death. The personal character of the mon- arch is represented by many contemporaries as very different from that which we have seen developed in ecclesiastical matters. It was natural that the hatred of the Protestants for the throne of Austria increased under such treatment. The number of malcontents made by the persecution was in- creased by a host of honest, well-meaning patriots, who saw with the bitterest sorrow, that, notwithstanding the oaths and promises of Leopold to preserve the Constitution of Hungaiy in all its rights and privileges, yet Austrian ministers, and especially Cardinal Kollonitz and Palatine Paul Esterhazy, had brought matters so far, that Hungary was now treated only as a province of Austria.* All these liberal spirits were therefore hated by the ministry of Vienna, and traps were laid for them, that they might be first provoked to rebellion, and then betrayed. They thus succeeded in betraying the young Rakotzy. His was a character which even the training of Kollonitz and of the Jesuits had not been able to spoil. Enraged that he should not join them in their councils, they bribed his secretary, who delivered up a letter which had been written by Rakotzy to Louis XIV. of France, though that letter had never been ^ent, and the secretary had been ordered to burn it. Rakotzy and many of his most courageous friends were imprisoned, and the former would certainly, in spite of Leo- pold's promises, and in spite of powerful intercessors on his * The cardinal's motto Ava?, " I will make Hungaiy first captive, then poor, then Popish." PROTESTANT CHUIU'H OF miN..AHY. ^07 behalf, have died on the scalTold, if his noble spouse, Amelia, daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse, had not promised Cap- tain Lehmann, who had charge of the prisoners, thirty thou- sand florins in case of setting her luisband free. Rv'ikotzy escaped to Poland, and Lehmann died on the scalfold, but the money was duly paid to his family. This young and talented prince, whom the King of Poland refused to surrender up to Austria, now felt himself quite at liberty, and even called on, to draw the sword for his poor oppressed country. In April, 1703, the first flame of civil war broke out, and as the insurgents were without arms and discipline, they might very readily have been oppressed. Rakotzy's arrival out of Poland, his valorous declaration, the delays of the Court of Vienna, which lay in perfect secu- rity, and some advantages gained by his army in the com- mencement, put Rakotzy in possession of the half of Hun- gary. The insurgents swarmed round the walls of Vienna, and plundered and burnt all down. The repeated represen- tations of the foreign ambassadors in favor of Hungary had for years been disregarded, and now the evident falsehood and insincerity of the Court of Vienna prevented any reason- able expectation of peace, even in spite of all the exertions of that best of patriots and most moderate of priests, Paul Szecsenyi, Archbishop of Kalotska. " Who can believe," wrote Rakotzy to the archbishop, " that the Court of Vienna really intends to keep its word, when the Turks are already invited to assist in quelling the discontent, and when the Jews are promised a great reward for assassinating myself.'" And again : " The king acknowledges that the laws of the land have been transgressed by his olTicers without his wish or knowledge, and yet he does nothing to cause the injustice to cease. He refers only to some coming Diet, but, after what we have seen, we may rather expect the injustice and the oppression to increase than to cease when the Diet meets." • . — _ ^ ' " • Fessler. 1. c. Vol. IX. 308 HISTORY OF THE Rakotzy was willing to enter into a treaty, but only on condition that a guarantee be given by the foreign powers that the treaty shall really be carried out. Nothing could be more disagreeable to the Court of Vienna ; but the circum- stances were such, that, owing to Rakotzy 's success and tal- ents, and to their own mistakes, they were now compelled to admit George Stepney, the English ambassador, and also the ambassador from the Netherlands, to take part in the deliber- ations with Rakotzy's deputies. These deliberations were conducted partly at Paks, partly at Gyongyos ; but, owing to the changeableness of the directions sent from Vienna, they came to no conclusion, and Leopold. continued to waste and plunder, not only Hungary, but also Transylvania. The Protestants who lived under the government of Cal- vinistic princes had, since Botskay's days, about the yeai 1605, lived in peace with the Unitarians and the Papists. On the death of Apafly, however, in the year 1690, this land was also doomed to drink the bitter cup which the Jesuits mix. With a prudent precaution, the states had, previous to their union with Austria, taken every legal means of securing, by repeated and varied enactments, their full civil and relig- ious liberty. Leopold had, in the name of himself and his successors, in the most solemn manner, ratified these enact- ments, and bound himself by a decree, dated at Vienna, the 4th of December, 1691, to the strictest observance. So early, however, as the 4th of December, 1693, the king published -a declaration, by which all the contracts were rendered of little avail, and in 1699, another, by which the Protestants were reduced to the greatest straits. For upwards of a hundred years there had been no Roman Catholic bishop in Transylvania, and it was contrary to law for any one to assume the title. A bishop made his appear- ance, however ; and shortly after, in the year 1700, the Col- lege of Weiskirchen was taken away from the Calvinists, and this was done by a company of soldiers under the com- mand of a priest. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 309 Leopold had just a {aw years before sworn, '^ never to issue an edict by which the Protestants should be disturbc(i or hampered in their religious rights and liberties." Soon after, churches were taken away. They were in a short time obliged to restore the college, but the chamber now refused to pay the professors, and they were reduced to the greatest want. A new royal edict appeared in 1702, respecting the tithes. The tithes were to be taken from the Protestants, and tlioy were about to be excluded from public offices, when an agreement was made — in which the Lutherans, however, had no part — according to which the tithes were to he divided between the Protestants and Roman Catholics. Even this, however, brought no peace, for " what the Calvinists and the Unitarians voluntarily surrendered was kindly received by the Papists, and what they did not surrender on demand was taken by force." * Wherefore, in the year 1703, in the midst of the war, a deputation was sent to Vienna to beg the king to protect the Protestants. The deputation waited long ; and brfore ihcy had received their reply, the king's general, Robutin, had laid the town of Enycd, with its Protestant college, in ashes. This took place on the Sunday before Easter, in 17<)4 ; and shortly afterwards, or in the following August, Transylvania elected Rakotzy to be prince. Under such circumstances was the consideration of the conditions of peace more earnestly taken up, in the presence and under the assistance of the foreign ambassadors. On the 1st of May, 1705, the king invited the Enjzlish and Dutch ambassadors to join with Szecsenyi in showing ihal he was prepared to remove all just ground of complninl. RAkotzy demanded other securities, such as the wTupatloo of the fortresses in the country by Hungarian hohliere, tlw • Historia TnuwylTani*, p. 83. 310 HISTORY OF THE removal of* foreign generals from the army, and of the for- eign civil officers, — the blood-suckers of the country, — according to the constitution ; and also the enjoyment of equal civil and religious privileges by all ranks and parties. Whether the king would have kept such a promise is doubtful ; and the more so, when we see him regretting the privileges which the Protestants had obtained at the Diet of CEdenberg. On his deathbed he was distressed at the thought of the devastations in his kingdom, and at the prospects which awaited his son, Joseph I. In addition to this, a letter from the Elector of Bavaria, Maximilian, to Rakotzy, was intercepted, and the consequence was, that he gave the^ fol- lowing wise advice to his son: — '''-Whatever the ministers may say^ make peace with the Hungarians. Demand the ful- filment only of the conditions of the last Presburg Diet and the right of inheritance ; and whatever else the insurgents may demand^ yield it, however hard it may appear ; that you may then be able to protect the whole kingdom from foreign invasion^ * Thus departed Leopold, on the 5th of May, 1705, in his sixty-fifth year. People have given him the appellation of " The Great." In as far as Hungary was concerned, he had no title to it. This country could not call him even a just king. With the sword, and with constant fear and jealousy, the Hungarians must protect themselves from him and his courtiers, as from robbers. The noblest of her sons died on the scaffold or in exile, and Hungary must look quietly on. The deeds which Leopold's emissaries perpetrated in the name of true religion would have brought disgrace on a heathen government. At Marienzell, the famous place for pilgrimages, which Leopold often visited, he usually began his prayers with the formula, " I, Leopold, the chief of sin- ners, and the unworthy servant of the Holy Virgin," &c. * Fessler, CJo.sch der Ungarn, Vol. IX. p. 6G0. TROTLSTANT CUDRCH OF HUNuAUY. Mil What brought honor on his name was iho chstinpiiished general the Duke of Lutringia and Eugene of Savoy ; his ministers, Strattmann and Kannilz, brought him respect frtjm foreign courts ; but in as far as Protestantism in genoml in concerned, or in as far as Hungary and its Church was con- nected with him, we can only see him as the blind instm- ment of an archbishop, and it is only as a heartless persecutor that he deserves the epithet, " The Great.'* 312 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XIX. JOSEPH I. FROM 1705 TO 1711. Election of Superintendents. — Quarrels between the Pastors and the Lay Office-bearers in the Church Courts. — Pastor of Presburg banished by KoUonitz. — Charles XII. founds Scholarships. — Synod of Rosenberg. — Diet of Onod. — Rakotzy excommunicated. — Rakotzy and the Jes- uits.— Joseph favors the Protestants. — Death of the Iving. — Peace of Szathmar. With the banishing of a Jesuit, the notorious Wide- mann, who had delivered the funeral oration over the late king, and with a complete amnesty under date of May 10, 1705, Joseph I. of Austria began his reign. The concilia- tory spirit with which he commenced was also most firm- ly retained during life. What a privilege was this for the Protestants ! Under persecution and oppression, the inward life of the Church had suffered severely, and little had been done for the schools. Their principal members had been executed ; their pastors banished ; and since 1672, they had no superintendents in all that part of the country under Leo- pold's sway. It was in 1704, during the disturbances under Rakotzy, that the Lutherans took courage to elect Stephen Pilarik of Schemnitz, and by the assistance of the Baron Godfrey Hellenbach, to appoint him to the office of superin- tendent on the 19th of May. On the 22d of May, Andrew Bodo, of Szetnek, and James Zabler (just returned from exile to his church at Bartfeld), were elected superintendents. The nobility elected a fourth, in the person of Daniel Kir- mann, pastor of Sol, in the year 1706, and Stephen Pilarik ordained him without any opposition on the part of the con- gregations. There was just now great need of distinguished PROTESTANT CHUUCU OF lirMJARY. HKJ men at the head of the ecclesiastical movements, for very unpleasant misunderstandings existed in many cases between the pastors and the elders of the churches. The elders and deacons of the churches wished to place the pastor in a very dependent position, and the clergy, on the other liaiid, did not always treat the lay representatives of the Church with becoming deference. In Presburg, the quarrel between the town council and pastor Christian Krumbholz rose to such a height, that Cardinal Kollonitz interfered, and banished the pastor. In Modern, the superintendent, Stephen Piiarik, published a catechism in which the reply to the question, " What is God ? " stated, " God is a spirit." Now, in for- mer catechisms, it had been added, '' the most perfect " ; which expression Piiarik omitted, and ilic omission was the occasion of a quarrel, which rose to such a pitch, that Piiarik had to resign his ofiice and retire to Saxony. There he lived many years as pastor of Meissen. The loss of such men could be ill borne just at this lime, and was so much the more felt as they had by their learning done so much for the schools. The Latin proverb f«iys, " When arms sound, the Muses keep silence " ; but the Prot- estants of Hungary had always made good use of llie times of peace to make the schools efficient. And notwithstanding all that had taken place, still the high schools were in a tolerably satisfactory state. In (Edcnbcrg, Noeschel had introduced a new curriculum, in which the Hungarian language was made prominent, — a measure which makes (Edenberg to this day a place of no .small im- portance as the seat of a Hungarian college. In Presburg. Modern, Giuis, and P6sing, as also in the mining towns of Lower Hungary, Krrmnitz, Schemnitz, and Ncusohl, ihcrc were distinguished professors, who, like Bury and Pilank, had won themselves a high place in the liearts of many grateful students. In the free cities of Upper Hunpir)-, as Leutshaw and Eperjes, the Protestants were not less zealous; 27 314 HISTOUY OF THE indeed, in the latter city, some thought them too zealous, for, instead of the college which had been destroyed in 1672, they in 1684 commenced to build a new establishment, which, from its splendor, excited the envy of their foes, and brought on them much persecution. The Calvinists gave a pleasing evidence here of their kindly spirit towards their Lutheran brethren, in making a very liberal collection to- wards the building fund. While thus engaged in advancing the interests of the schools, the Protestants were not only favored by the victo- ries of Rakotzy, but also by the intervention of foreign princes. On the 28th of July, 1705, Charles XII. of Swe- den decreed that four Hungarian students of divinity should be supported at his expense at Greifswald, and he at the same time undertook to intercede with the king on behalf of the Protestant interests generally. In the counties of Thurocs and Liptau, many churches which, either by force or fraud, had been taken from the Protestants, were, by the order of Rakotzy, restored. Among these was the church of Libethen, where the first Protestant congregation in Hungary had been formed. In the free election of their pastors the Protestants were much less hampered than formerly ; and this may have arisen from a conviction on the mind of the oppressors, that the dowager-empress and the king were tired of fighting, and in case of complaint were prepared to show the Protestants more justice. It appeared, then, to be a proper time for holding a synod to regulate the disorders which had crept in during the per- secutions of Ferdinand. Accordingly, in April, 1707, the Synod of Rosenberg met. The burning of candles in day- light, and the chanting of the liturgy, were, at this meeting, directed to cease, and in their stead suitable portions of Scrip- ture, and a selection of prayers for particular occasions, were ordered to be read. The singing of Latin hymns and the abuse of instrumental music in public worship were forbidden. PnOTESTANT CHUUCH oY llfNciAKV. IJ 1 3 and it was directed in future to abstain from funcraU ut night, as well as from carrying a cross before ti»e cuflina. Another regulation was as impolitic as it was opposed to ilko principles of the evangelical church, namely, that the superin- tendents should bear the title " Excellentissimus." Ainon^ other reasons, this was not without its influence on the bi.shojKs in inducing them at the following Diet to urge that the decrees of this synod should be annulled. It was at this time that Rukotzy summoned the Diet of Onod, at which the throne of Hungary was declared vacant ; and it was resolved that Hungary siiould in future be a re- public. From this time forward Uukotzy's good fortune be- gan to forsake him, and the ambitious friends who surrounded him, hut especially Count Beresenyi, the commander of iho forces, drove him to ruin. At this Diet, all the four church- es, the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinistic, and Unitarian, were declared to have equal rights and privileges, and prep- arations were made for banishing the Jesuits. Several of the deputies now raised their voices in favor of the Jesuits, and brought charges against the Protcslont.H. When a petition had been prepared, setting forth the gn-nl benefits which the Jesuits had conferred on the counlr)', lliis Roman Catholic prince not only expressed liis astonishment, but also in a lengthened reply expressed his entire dissatis- faction with the order and its schemes. He reminded ilw Slates how it was the Jesuits who had givt-n him a sj)y in tin- person of Captain Longuevall, who betrayed him to U»e government of Vienna by means of the notorious letter to Louis XIV. ; how it was the Jesuits who were raising iri- umphal arches for him in Transylvania, and wer»; supplyiiig him with money for the war, while they, at the very narne time, were repi-esenting themselves in Vienna aa martyrs to the cause of the emperor.* All that they had done for the * Kngel, Ge«ch., 1. <'., p. 197. 316 HISTORY OF THE cause of education — so thought Rakotzy — had been mora than counterbalanced by the persecutions, and the confusions, and mischief, which they had caused in all lands, but espe- cially in Hungary.* The prudence of the prince prevented a schism in the ranks of the insurgents, but this made it only the more necessary for Joseph to take energetic measures for protecting himself from the impending danger. Accordingly, while his gen- erals, with all manner of troops — among whom were even Danes and Hanoverians — were watching every opportunity for successful operations, the king published once more a complete amnesty. He also summoned a Diet to meet at Presburg in 1708, but, notwithstanding all assurances of per- sonal safety, not one of Rakotzy's party appeared. The object of the Diet was thus lost, but the spirit of the times was still manifest ; for when the Protestants presented their petition for redress of grievances, the Roman Catholic party obstinately resisted, giving as a reason, that all the Protestants were rebels, and, as such, deserved no sympathy. The Diet separated without bringing the Protestants any relief, and all appeared to go on as under the reign of Leopold. It was on the 12th of December, 1709, that the dawn of a better day appeared. Under this date, Joseph issued an edict, together with a letter addressed to the Archbishop of Gran, directing that the priests should cease their clandestine persecutions ; that in religious matters, all should remain as it was before the Rakotzy revolution ; that the articles of the (Edenberg Diet of 1681 should be explained in their natural literal meaning, and should be scrupulously adhered to ; and that no change should be made except legally at the Diet. By this step he gained the hearts of many Protestants, who, weary of war, were only waiting for an opportunity of lay- * Petr. Bad. Hist. Eccl. Hung., Tom. HI., MS.; Uibinyi, ]kIemorabilia, Tom. II. p. 172. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF Hl'NciAllY. .'{H ing down their arms with a gGod conscience. Rakolzy'g ranks began to thin. Soon, however, must he sustain a heavier loss. Clement XI., in a bnll of 18lh of December, through the Cardinal of Saxony, excommunicaled Rakotzy. The Koman Catholics, in great numbers, deserted liim. Want of money and disagreements among his generals now induced him to take steps for a reconciliation with Joseph. His violent but short-sighted Hungarian advisers now piled difficulties in his way, and reminded him of his pledge, not to lay down arms till complete civil and religious liberty had been gained for the whole land. The war continued ; even the advice of the King of Poland was rejected ; and Kakot- zy's cause went on sinking fast. One cause of Joseph's continued success was Ins faithful- ness to the Protestants, even when danger seemed to be pa»u The clergy were again resuming their old tricks wherever Joseph's arms were victorious ; and the Protestants of Schcm* nitz, Kremnitz, and Ncusohl, cried to the king for help against the royal commissioners, and especially against La- dislaus Borsehitzky, whose zeal in tlx' restoration of ih<» Catholic faith equalled the olden time. On the 10th of March, 1710, Joseph issued an order to ilie archbishop and his coadjutor,* " That the Protestants shwild not be disturbed in the possession of such church property as was guaranteed by the (Edenberg Diet of 1681, and which they held previously to Rakotzy's rclicllion ; those who had returned from exile should he allowed to remain quietly, and the Protestant pastoi-s should not be disturbed in the pot- session of their revenues." The cardinal wrote a ciicu- lar to the clergy, in which he explained this edict in ■ w«y prejudicial to the Protestants ; but Joseph immediately mxicd a fresh order, in which he declared t)»al the churchct which * Christiun August Duke of Saxony dbtioguUbcd himaaU io Um ri^p rf Ofen, ftn.l in the vear 1692 joined the R.Ttnftn C»tholic Church. In iW jmt lC95'he became Bi»hop of Raab, uvi coadjutor of the Arcbbitbop o( QtU. •27 • 318 HISTORY OF THE Rakoizy had taken from the Roman Catholics should be re- stored, but the Protestant pastors and schoolmasters should retain the revenues.* In this way was Joseph seeking to restore peace and har- mony among his subjects, when the angel of death, in an unexpected way, entered the royal dwelling. Joseph I. was attacked with small-pox, and very soon died. In the mean time Rakotzy was pursued and driven out of Hungaiy to the borders of Poland. He had given his ar- my into the command of one of his generals. Count Karolyi, and, though much smaller than formerly, still the numbers were considerable. He heard, however, nothing of the death of Joseph, and the communication having been stopped in consequence of a prevailing* epidemic, the Court of Vienna succeeded for the present in keeping him in ignorance. By great exertions on the part of Count Paul Pallfy, the field-marshal, and Eleonora, the queen-dowager, a peace was at last concluded, known by the name of the "Peace of Szathmar." It was signed on the 10th of May, 1711, and the conditions were guaranteed on the part of England by the Earl of Sutherland, and on the part of Holland by Baron Rechtan. It was a hard battle which those men fought on both sides before they could bring about a reconciliation. The manner in which they did their work, however, may be learned from a memorial which the same men, as represen- tatives of their respective countries, handed to Leopold before his death. In this memorial they stated, " that the conduct of the landed proprietors, in compelling those who resided on their estates to adopt the religion of their landlord, is in no way different from the awful French persecutions. It is * Those -were chiefly churches where tlie -whole village was Protestant, but where the church was claimed by the Catliolics on the ground that they had built it. In such places tlie priests enjoyed the revenue without having a single individual under their care. In Harken, in (Edenberg County, in Missdorf, and elsewhere, this may be seen at the present day. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNiJARY. 319 not to be expected that by such treatment the souls of men can be brought nearer to God. If the drairoons and husvirs are proper persons to do the work of tlie npostlt's of Jrsus Christ, he would never have said, ' Behold, I send you forth as sheep among wolves ' ; and besides, tliesc drapoons arc not fishers of men, but ' miglity hunters Ix.-fore the Ix)rd,' who hunt for souls to drive them to perdition."' The fruit of such representations these men rea|)ed in the Peace of Szcithinar, some of the conditions of which were as follows : — " The Transylvaniaus shall be treated according to ihcir own laws, rights, and customs. The ecclesiastical slate of the Rumanians, Jasyges, and free Ilaiduken, should be reg- ulated at the next Diet. The States have a right to demand at the Diet what appears to them to be a sufficient gunmntco of the king''s sincerity in engaging to preserve the indepcnd- ence of Hungary and Transylvania ; to appoint none bul natives to civil and military ofliccs ; and to grant the Protes- tants perfect freedom. It was forbidden, under heavy |>enalt>', to make the participation in the confederation with Rukoizy any reason for punishment in lime lo come. The myol gen- erals and civil officers received the most peremptory order* to treat all parties with perfect impartiality. »<• Fessler, Vol. IX. p, 646. THIRD PERIOD. FROM THE PEACE OF SZATHMAR TO THE DEATH OF LEOPOLD IL, 1712-1792. CHAPTER I. CHAKLES VI. 1712 - 1740. Rikotzy's Retirement. — Coronation of Cliarles in Presburg. — New Persecu- tions. — The King protects tlie Protestants. — The Diet. — The King still favorable to Impartial Justice. — Renewal of the Acts of 1681 and 1687. — Quibbles. — Proposed Oath to exclude the Protestants. — The Protestants placed entirely in the Hands of the King. The bloody war which had laid the country waste for a period of nine years was now concluded at the Treaty of Szathmar. Thousands of laborers returned to the cultiva- tion of the land. The nobility repaired the castles which had been burnt down, and resumed their patriarchial relation to their dependants. The amnesty had been universal, so that even Rakotzy might live at ease, if he chose, on his estates. Full of mistrust, however, towards the Austrian government, and of hatred towards his former adherents, he preferred residing out of the countiy. With a few faithful followers he went to Paris, where he resided for six years. Some historians say he was supported by the bounty of the French king, but this we cannot believe, as, by the Treaty of Szathmar, he had full right to enjoy the proceeds of his estates when and how he chose. He afterwards lived eigh- HISTORY OF TIIK iniOlKSTAM CIIUIK H (»K lIUN(iAKY. 3'Jl teen years at Constantinople, and died at Rodosto, in Hcssa- rabia, in his sixtieth year. In the mean time, Charles hasteni'd home from Spain to take possession of the throne which had been unexpectedly vacated. The Capuchin monks of Mount St. Jerome helped him to escape. The act cost the guardian and reader of the cloister their lives, but at a later time Charles richly repaid the fiivor which had thus been shown him, by endowing that order of monks, on a magnificent scale, at Vienna. Charles was crowned emperor at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, and on the 25th of January, 1712, he reached Vienna. One of his first acts was to surrender the royal crown of Hungary to deputies of the Hungarian nation, that this monument of their national independence, which had been so long shut up in the treas- ury at Vienna, might be in their own hands. A Diet was soon summoned at Presburg, to take the neces- sary steps for his coronation as King of Hungary. The coro- nation took place with great splendor on the 2*2d of May, in the Cathedral of St. Martin. Immediately afterwards, the Prot- estants presented an earnest statement of their case, and ex- pressed a hope that the confidence which they had |)laced in him might be realized. Since the death of Joseph, tlie Protestants had experienced new oppressions, and, while the conditions of the Peace of Szathmar were not yet carried out, the public worship of iho Protestants had already in some places been made to cense. At Ncusohl, the soldiers had been employed in this work, and the empress-mother had been obliged to use her influ- once that the disturbances should cea.se. She iiad written, " that, both in Flungary and Transylvania, the rights of the Protestants as established by law should J>e respected, and that they should at all tim.^s have the liberty of prcHcntinR their grievances, either before the king or the Diet." The bishops had, however, found means of evading the law and of manifesting their hatred to \hc Protestants in many forms 322 HISTORY OF THE of oppression. The petition, therefore, which the Protestants presented at the coronation, was to the effect, that those pas- tors who had in the mean time been banished from their churches, or deprived of their income, might be restored to their rights. If we may judge from the number of decrees which Charles published in favor of the Protestants, and from the circum- stances mentioned in those edicts, we would infer that the spirit of persecution was as rampant at this time as it had ever been. Though sometimes hardly pressed by the cleri- cal party, yet we find him showing no favor to the arbitrary acts even of those high in power. At the Diet of 1712, he gave orders to allow the Protestants every opportunity of bringing forward their just complaints. And though he sent the archdeacon as royal commissioner to visit the Protestant churches of Gomor, yet he gave orders to the youthful Joseph Esterh^zy on no account to disturb the Protestant church of Bartfeld, and he recalled and reinstated the Re- formed pastor of Lewens, after the clerical party had ban- ished him. On the 14th of August, 1713, he issued an edict by which the authorities of Kashaw were warned to keep within the bounds of the law in their treatment of the Protestants ; that the clergy should not be prevented from receiving their just dues from the people ; that the tradesmen should not be pun- ished for absenting themselves from the processions on Cor- pus Christi day ; and that the charge of having taken part with Rakotzy should no more be allowed to prevent any one from enjoying his full rights. Such impartial justice filled the hearts of the Protestants with rejoicing, but tended only to excite the priests to greater watchfulness to find grounds of accusation. It was bitter, they thought, that when they had so nearly gained their great end — the annihilation of the Protestant Church — a new re- spite should be afforded the heretics to enable them to gather niOTESTANT CHI KCII OK IIUM.AUV. 333 Strength. Accordingly, if a pastor prrachod, vixiied the sick, or discharged any pastoral d»ity out of the bounds of Ins parish, a charge was immediately preferred against him. It was not unusual in such cases to excite tlu? people and to raise a tumult, while the pastors were then charged as the cause of the riot.* In consequence of such representations, the clergy ob- tained from Charles, on the iiUth of April, 1714, an unfuvor- able edict for the Protestants, in which they were ordered on no account to go beyond the bounds of their parishes to open schools which had not existed previous to Rakotzy's lime, nor to retain any pastors or teachers who were not actually and fully employed. The difficulty of the king's position may, however, be readily seen. Still his example had an etTecl on the cardinal- archbishop, for, when the Protestants of Gomor county pre- sented a petition complaining of the loss of then- cluirclics, he did not, it is true, restore them, but on the back of the peti- tion wrote a direction to the Protestants and Catholics to live in peace with each other, and to the authoriti*- ''-:,! rlu-v should faithfully carr>' out the king's decrees. On the 26th of June, 1714, wc fmd another edict dircciing that the tradesmen who had been imprisoned for not attend- ing the procession on Corpus Christi day, should be imme- diately released, and that the authorities of Kashaw should m future let religious matters alone. On the 10th of June ^t find another royal letter to the citizens of Ki>erjrs, ordrnri|; them to obey the royal commmissioncrs, and to restore the * This conduct was not confined to that period, for in IM® »^ ^•ere .vitli great eflcct carrietiv. Cr^Vr^r lUHm- bach, An.Jrew Huiiyady, Stephen Bartock, Sl«phcn N ■*'. Joseph Sigray, Paul Skolicsany, Paul H.xloy, aixl ■• twcntv in number. 326 msTOKY OF the Saints," for with such an oath no Protestant could accept office. The priests represented the Protestant clergy as not ad- ministering the ordinance of baptism according to Scripture. And they found a case which suited their purpose. The Re- formed pastor of Raab was a distinguished physician, and was often at dinner with the bishop. On one occasion, after dinner, he asserted that baptism was sufficient, if adminis- tered, not in the name of the Holy Trinity, but in the name of Christ ; and he appealed to passages in the Acts of the Aposdes in support of his assertion. This story was told at the Diet with all earnestness as being the " Protestant doc- trine," and appears to have given occasion to the decree of Charles VI. at a later time, in which he directed that the Protestant pastors should be examined respecting their views of baptism before they could be ordained. With all their efforts to introduce the new form of oath, " by the Virgin and all the Saints," the priests did not for the present succeed. In another matter they were more successful, for when the deputies wished a declarative act, that the patron had no rights over the conscience of his sub- jects, the palatine and magnates contrived to leave the re- strictive clause completely away, and thus give the landed proprietors the most unbounded rights over their tenants. Many churches were by means of this clause lost to the Prot- estants, and many trials had to be endured. The Protestants protested against the clause placing all their liberties in the hands of the king, but the Lord had, for the present, so arranged the matter for the best. They were just now safer in the hands of the king than under the power of the bishops, who had so many means at their dis- posal, and who were so unscrupulous in the use of these means. From the Roman Catholic Church no compassion was to be expected. Whoever refused to acknowledge the Pope as head of the PUOTKSTANT CIU'R. n oi ni'M.AKY. :jjJ7 Church, Mary as intercessor with God, while the Scripturu said, There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ JestLs, — whoever refused to go lo mass to kneel to the host, or such like idolatry, — such an indi- vidual was to the priests what the Jews were to the Samari. tans. Shut out from all compassion, and all the privileges of humanity, whoever killed them thought ho did Clod ser- vice.* * A Jesuit preached in Lemberg in 184G. Among other eUifying portioos of the sermon occurred the stutPincnt. '' I'hi' I'nitfNt mt^ h»vc i..) »,.ii!. ■• 328 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER 11. The DijQficulties of the Kmg's Position. — The Roman Catholics seize the Protestant Churches m the newly conquered Lands. — Jesuitical Justifi- cation of the Acts. — The Churches of,Komorn, Wesprim, Papa, and Lewens. — Tlie Tithes. — Presumption of the Priests. — Attempt to re- duce the Number of Preachers. — Petitions to the King, and his Reply. The hatred to the Protestants had reached such a pitch during the whole reign of Charles VI., that it appeared some- times impossible for the king to protect them. The question respecting the advantage of a measure was sometimes more pressing than respecting its justice. Still Charles deserves the high praise of endeavoring to do the best for the Protes- tants under existing circumstances, and of always to the ut- most of his power protecting them from their sworn enemies, the Jesuits. The forcible removal of churches and schools was now most felt in the districts where the Turkish crescent had been wont to stand. The Jesuits said that all the toleration edicts had been made for that part of Hungary which had stood under Austrian rule, and not for the districts under Turkish sway ; consequently the newly conquered territories had no claim for relief, at least under those enactments. This argument was sufficient for the Popish zealots. In- struments were found to do the work. The Protestants, who had lived quietly under the Turks, were now exposed to vio- lent persecution under the Popish government. The Diet had scarcely ended, when Alexander Nedesky, deputy-lieutenant of Komorn, began to banish the Reformed clergy, and ceased only when the king ordered him to make up a list of the churches which the Protestants had held be- PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 329 fore and during the Diet of 1681. Thn town of WV^prim must no more have a church, a manse, or school, said the priests, for it is no more a border town. For the same rea- son must the Protestants in Papa, wlio were tlie majority of the inhabitants, give up their claim to havo a place of wor- ship. In Lewens the Protestants were deprived of their re ligious liberty, and an attempt was made to reduce them absolutely under the power of the priests.^ In Harsch, the priests took possession of one church after another, and made the people Catholic. The matters went so far, tliat, on the 2d of December, 1716, the king ordrred an ofticial report of the proceedings to be handed to him. What grieved the Roman Catholics was, that m places where their religion had either entirely ceased, or where only few adherents remained, the Protestants were in possession of the revenues. The one party considered this most unjust, the other party thought it perfectly reasonable. The Prot- estants thought that a Popish priest and school-master did not require any income where there was no work for thorn to do. The Papists thought that what had b+^eii oripinally built and endowed for their Church must always belong to hor. The king was often greatly at a loss to know how to decide. This was evident from the decrees at this time published, in which he acted evidently without any fixed rulo, yielding merely to the pressure of the individual caso. In Sol the tithes were given to the priests ; in Little Houta they ^^rfi resented for the Protestants.t This was • accomplished by the intervention of the obergespan, Stephen Rok«r>', m April, 1720. * The pastor of Gnrnmsogh was summon*^! before tb« Bbhop end Chap- ter of Gomor, to answer to the charge of h»rinf pevftmed pmateni tw- tions beyond the bounds of Ids parish, but the ProtwUnt noWltty pnMctod t Only seven churches liere and one in NV^prid rrtiuoed tb« titbsi ft« !*• Protestants; but this arrangement lasted till 1M«. 28* 330 HISTORY OF THE The priests assumed to themselves a kind of territorial right, and exercised the same authority over the Protestant as over the Roman Catholic parishioners. The priest of Bakabanya drove this interference so far, that the Protes- tant knight, John Godfrey Hellenbach, appealed successfully against him at the county court. It was a mark of a good Catholic to hamper the Protes- tants in the exercise of every right. They sometimes could not conveniently take possession of a church or school ; and just at that time it was no easy matter to get up a credible report of an intended rebellion ; so there remained nothing over but to represent the meetings of synod as very danger- ous affairs. Indeed, they obfained a decree prohibiting all synods. Another plan was to represent the number of pas- tors and teachers in the larger Protestant churches as being quite too great for the circumstances of the place, and to suggest that they were supported for other reasons than for the wants of that particular church. Their perseverance was so great, that the commander of the fort at Trentshin had, whhin two years, to receive three distinct orders from Vienna to cease to annoy th^ Protestants. Notwithstanding all these warnings, he succeeded in removing one of the pastors, as also the high school, in the year 1719, and prohibited those who resided in another parish from attending the church. The zeal of the commander went so far, that he was pre- venting the church from electing a new pastor in the place of the aged and sickly John Blasius, and had also given orders that the neighboring nobility should have no access to the church ; but a petition to the king set matters right, and the commander of the fortress was ordered to let the Protestants ulone. In Neusolil the Protestants were more fortunate. Where an investigation had been instituted to inquire into the reason why this church supported three pastors, they were able to persuade Charles to allow all three to remain. The Calvin- TROTESTANT ClIURCK oF HIN..AKT. .'{.'{l ists at Bets-Volgyc, in county Szalod, appealed successfully to the king for protection ; and also at Papa, though ihcy lost their church, still they obtained permission to meet logelhei elsewhere for worship. No one from another parish woa permitted to join them. This was in 17iJ0, and it was or- dered that all should remain as it was till the commission nt Pesth had finished its work, and given in the report to the king. This resolution was adopted to quiet the ProteslanLs, who were violent in their demands for a speedy and final settlement of their grievances. Orders were then issued lo the commission to take up the complaints of the rrotcstnnls, to examine them accurately, and to give a full report lo the king. 332 HISTORY OF the CHAPTER III. THE PESTH COMMISSION. The Commission, which was expected to settle all the quarrels in religious matters, was summoned at first to Ofen, but commenced its business afterwards at Pesth, under the guidance of Stephen Kohary as president, on the 16th of March, 1721. The basis of their deliberations should have been the 25tli and 26th articles of the (Edenberg Diet ; and if the commissioners had confined themselves to their in- structions, it would have been happy for the land. The Pop- ish part of the Commission, however, resolved to take as the basis of their transactions the decree of Leopold of 1691, which had been falsified by Kollonitz, and had never been recognized by the Protestants as genuine. They also intro- duced another decree of 1707, which was very unfavor- able to the Protestants, and in which the following sentences occur: — *' That the Protestants of the Helvetic and Augsburg Con- fessions shall have the liberty of publicly professing their re- ligion only in those lands which in 1681 were in possession of his Majesty ; but in the newly conquered territories there should be no liberty to profess any other religion than the Roman Catholic." " In many cities, the freedom of religious exercises was originally granted only because these cities lay on the border of the kingdom ; as the kingdom, however, has been extended so that these cities have ceased to be border towns, the relig- ious toleration must also naturally cease." " Religious toleration has not been granted for the purpose PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HU.NGAKV. Xl^ of allowing members of the Roman Catholic Church to join the Protestants. Accordingly, when any Roman Catholic attaches himself to the Protestant Church, or any Protestant having joined the Roman Catholic Church, should he again return to the Protestants, in all such cases the parly concerned shall be dealt with as a perjured person, and shall be de- livered over accordingly to the law of the land." The Protestants protested so much the more against tl>e introduction of this mandate as the basis of the inin«ic- tions of the Commission, as it was so directly in opposition to the royal decree of 1715. The decision had been as fol- lows : — " His Majesty commands that the three acknowledged con- fessions in Hungary shall be tolerated according to llie true meaning of the articles of the Diet of CEdenberg ; the king will graciously take care that the guaranteed conditions shall be faithfully carried out, and that neither the landed j)ro- prietor or any other shall avail himself of his position to force the conscience of any individual. If, however, con- trary to his expectations, such oppression should be threat- ened, the king will prevent it with all his royal power and influence." How different were the two decrees ! By adhering to the latter, peace might be obtained. The following demand was accordingly made on the commissioners: ''That they recog- nize that religious liberty continue to be the right of cvcr>- one, in every station whatever, in the land. That no dirti- culty be laid in the way of calling and supporting the pastors. That in the fortresses, in the capital cities, or in any other places, no one shall be prevented attending divine worship when he pleases ; no one shall [ye compelled to change his re- ligion; no one's property confiscated on account of change of religion ; that no one should be deprived of his situation, or prevented from holding office in consequence of bin re- liaious views. Xo ' prirsts' Au.-. ' shall !« demanded 334 HISTORY OF THE from Protestants. They shall have the use of graveyard and church bells like the Catholics. No one shall be summoned before the deacons' court for having become Protestant. No landlord to have the right of compelling his tenants to become Catholics. The Protestants shall have a right to elect super- intendents. They shall have their marriages under their own jurisdiction. They shall not be subjected to visitations on the part of the Popish bishops. Protestant pastors shall not in future be banished from their churches or obliged to resign ; they shall have free access to the sick and dying, to prisoners, and all others who are members of their Church. When a pastor comes to a town to visit the sick of his church, he shall not be prevented from remaining during the night within its walls. Mixed marriages, as also the baptism of the children of such marriages, shall be left to the free choice of the parties connected. Pastors may be called from one church to another. The number of pastors in each church shall be left to the disposal of the church itself Evangelical books shall not be prohibited, and those which have been taken away shall be restored. Those who have studied at foreign universities shall not on that account be expatriated. The Protestants shall not be bound to attend the Roman Cath- olic ceremonies and processions, nor to swear by the Virgin and the Saints." These demands of the Protestants, which must be regarded as perfectly just, raised a storm in the Commission, and gave occasion to debates, the report of which fills several folio volumes. The difficulties of the Commission were increased by the number of complaints pouring in upon them, and by the great difficulties which the clergy laid in the way of the Protestants, to prevent them bringing legal evidence of their charge. When the evidence was not immediately forthcoming, the clerical party strove to represent the case as suspicious, or as having failod for want of proof. It argued, however, I'ROTESTANT CHURCH OF IIUNOARV. ^.^5 anything but a sense of justice to demand that in nil such cases legal evidence should be immediately presented. It was especially against the pastors of the flock that the hottest bolts were directed. On the very day that the Com- mission had opened its sittings, a royal decree was obtained, requiring the authorities of Skalitz to search and report what the pastor of Tura-Luka had to do in that city which occu- pied him three full days ; what conventicles he had held, what money he had collected, and whither it had been sent, — all this must be accurately reported. The authorities of Tyr- nau and Skalitz put a stop to an examination which was tm-n- ing out favorably for the Protestants. Such evidence was coming out as proved that they had a right to recover their church, and also evidence respecting maltreatment of a Prot- estant citizen named Langhaffer. The king, on hearing of this interference of the magistrates, ordered them to assist the Protestants in their investigations. The clergy had, however, means at their disposal to coun- teract all the royal decrees, and to enable the civil authorities to disregard them. One of the heaviest blows on the Protes- tant cause, at this time, was the transfer of the censorship of the press entirely into the hands of the Jesuits, This was still not enough, and, afraid of the influence which a Protes- tant deputation, with the distinguished orator Paul Priletzky at its head, might have on the king, the clergy protested against all further concessions. The bitterness of the parties was increased by the fact of the Protestant commissioners at Pcsth being forbidden to hold any public divine service. At the same time, also, the Bishop of Erlau, John Erdody, wrote a book on the theme, "Whether, and how far, a prince, magistn.t.-. ..r luidlonl can tolerate heretics." (Tyrnau, 1721.) The difficulties had reached the highest pilcii ; j.rission had closed both rar and heart against the voice of truth and justice. The hall which should have been a temple of peace 336 HISTORY OF THE and reconciliation was become the arena of unbounded quar- rels. The king had his choice either to dissolve the meeting or to adjourn it in the hope that a time of quiet reflection might calm the boisterous spirits. He chose the latter alter- native. On the 24th of July he adjourned the meeting sine die, and when complaints were brought before him of fresh injustice, he ordered everything to remain as it was. During this time of uncertainty, the clergy continued to oppress the Protestants. Freedom of conscience and of re- ligious exercise was to be found nowhere but on paper. The complaints and petitions to the king were numerous, and in the course of time so bitter that, in March, 1722, the king ordered the petitions to be sent back. One ground of com- plaint was, that the Jesuits now began to search for all relig- ious books, and even Bibles, which had been printed out of the kingdom, and when such were found they were confis- cated. The Reformed Church of Debrecsin had ordered 2,894 Bibles for their own use, and these were seized and confis- cated in Kashaw. In June, 1723, the king ordered the Bibles to be restored to their rightful owners, but the perpetrators of the injustice were in no way punished. The command was also disobeyed, and none of the Bibles ever came to De- brecsin. With the anxiety with which those who are ready to perish in the waters look to a boat approaching them, forgetful that the boat is still floating on the same element which is about to destroy them, only hoping still for the possibility of relief, — such was the anxiety of the Protestants as they looked for- ward to the approaching Diet at Presburg, where the affairs of the royal commission were expected to be in some way ar- ranged. PROTESTANT CllUUCll OF 1H:n..AKV. ii.'H CHAPTER IV. THE rUAGMATIC SANCTION. Hitherto Charles VI. had no male issue ; the most car- nest desire of his heart was, therefore, to secure the kiii^rdom to his daughters. To gain this end, he was willing l<. • the greatest sacrifices. And though the wise and \ Eugene, Duke of Savoy, had so low an opinion of the mo- rality of his time, that he ventured to say to the emperor " tlml two hundred thousand bayonets were a better guaranty limn a million oaths of all the courts of Europe," yet tl»e emi>cror exerted himself to the utmost to obtain the ratification of the " Pragmatic Sanction^ After having obtained the consent of England, Holland, and soon after, also, of Spa- thought that all difficulty was removed, and little anti' that Eugene's warning would one day prove true. In the year 1719 he informed the Bohemians ih.ti, ... ...... sequence of the testament of Ferdinand II., their crown >»-a» capable of descending in the female line. Tin* v States were then summoned in 17*20, and lh<- i , •- Sanction having been read, the States solemnly swore to pro. tect it with life and property. Charles then declanwl hb elder daughter, Maria Theresa, then in her thin! year, a« the only heiress to the throne of the inseimrnblc Austrian • lands. The same ceremony took pi "•<^h"r!!\ aft. r i;. vavia, Silesia, and Austria. In Hungary, the king was obliged lu Ik- i urging forward this work on which his heart \. set. Independently of the oppression of the VW' Hungarians generally had good cause of dbwatisU 29 338 HISTORY OF THE the king, for he had extracted nearly three millions of florins from the land for the expenses of war, and had concluded the peace of Passarowitz without asking them to take any part in drawing up the treaty. Charles, therefore, applied first to Transylvania, and on the 30th of March, 1720, they responded to the king's wish by ratifying the descent in the female line, and promising to acknowledge the daughters of Charles as the rightful heir- esses of the crown and of the princely honor. When all this had been done, Charles then summoned a Diet to meet at Presburg on the 27th of June. The Cardinal- Archbishop of Kalotsh, Emerich Csaky, and the palatine protonotary, Francis Szluka, succeeded so well in gaining the hearts of the deputies, that, after high mass, when each had made an eloquent and heart-stirring appeal to the assem- bled multitude, many hundreds of voices cried, " Long live the house of Austria ! Hurrah for the female line ! " The league between Hungary and Austria, acknowledging the descent both by the male and female sides was solemnly ratified, and the glad tidings were forwarded to the king by a splendid embassy. In a short time, the king appeared at Presburg, to communicate to the States his wishes and plans, and the Pragmatic Sanction was entered among the statutes. According to his coronation oath and the laws of the land, all that territory which had been rescued from the Turks ought now to have been united to the kingdom of Hungary. Among the districts in this state was the banat of Temes, with Belgrade, Servia, and Bosnia. Hither had many of the most pious Protestants fled in the days of persecution, to find rest under the dominion of the Turks. But now that the ter- ritory belonged once more to the worshippers of Mary, these men, who had but lately escaped from persecution, were once more exposed to all the terrors of other days. The king, having often had occasion to feel that the con- stitution of Hungary hindered him veiy much in carrying PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNCARV. 339 out his sovereign will, manifested no i)ariicular desire, on this occasion, to observe tlic laws of the land. As he wislied to have those waste lands cultivated, he, as Emperor of (Jor- many, issued a proclamation, inviting German colonists to come and settle on the newly conquered territory, guarantee- ing them at the same time full liberty of faith and worship. The banat of Kraiovia he now granted to his Transylvanian general ; the banat of Temes, containing nine thousand Eng- lish square miles, he gnmtcd to another general, Claudius Merry ; and Belgrade and Servia he gave to Alexander, Duke of Wurtembcrg. Under the guidance of the war-ollice at Vicmia, and also of the imperial chamber, it was not so easy for the Papists to develop so much of their sectarian spirit, and, under guaran- ly of the emperor, whole troops of immigrants, partly Prot- estant and partly Roman Catholic, with their pastors, priests, and school-masters, arrived to settle in those waste lands. They drained many of the marshes, they cultivated much of the land, built villages, cstablisiied schools and flourishing churches, and changed the whole face of the country. Kvcn to this day the dialect, the pronunciation, and the dress mark these colonists most distinctly.* While the emperor was thus acting in the spirit of human- ity, and of high policy for the well-being of iiis land, ti»c clergy and their adherents at the Diet were not only quietly hindering every step towards redress of grievances, but were also openly protesting against every concession which was being made to the Protestants. On the t29th of June, under the guidance of Cardinal Althan, Prince of Saxony, a solemn protest was handed in, stating, — " That inasmuch as the Word of (lod, and tlic prescn-ation of the Catholic faith, is committed to the clergy, and as they have never forgotten their dutv to the citizens of Hungary, * Ribinyi, Mcni. Aug. ('oiil., l-'in. 11. p 340 HISTORY OF THE they must now solemnly protest against any proposed tolera tion whatever towards those who are not Catholics, and must solemnly resist any proposal, either at the Diet or elsewhere, to prejudice the rights of the Roman Catholic clergy and of the holy faith. They beg an authenticated copy of this pro- test." This one act throws full light upon all the deeds of the Church of Rome at all times, and shows us how much stress should be laid on the writings of the Jesuits who have attempt- ed to free her from the charge of persecution. The fact is, that Rome has never consented to allow those who are out of the pale of her communion any rights or privileges whatever which she could prevent. The Protestants, full of anxiety, laid a counter protest in the hands of the notary ; they sent a full report of the trans- actions of the Pesth Commission to the king, and retired in sorrow from a Diet which had done nothing to mitigate their sufferings. Their regret v/as the more keen as they had lioped that, by acceding so readily to the wishes of the court, they might expect some little consideration in return. It was not in the king's power, hov/ever, at ail times to act as he chose. The influence of the clergy was constantly around him ; the constitution of the country hampered him ; and those to whom the executive power was intrusted, being themselves entirely devoted to the interests of Rome,* showed little zeal in giving a favorable turn to the statutes aliecting the Protestants. It is not difficult to understand how an unfavorable report might be sent in ; how the half of the truth might be told ; or * The prince palatine was enrolled as a member of the " Society of Mary," made some magnificent endov/ments on the festival of the " Immaculate Conception of the Virgin " ; at a great age he made a pilgrimage on foot to Marienzell. The president of the Pesth Commission was also a devotee of Mary, and left a legacy of thirteen thousand florins to the society peculiai'ly dedicated to her service. niOTKSTANT CIIUr.CH OF IIUNCARV. 311 how, after the Protestants luul with unspeakable exertions ob- tained a favorable deeisiun in any particular case, the autlior- ities might delay carrying it out till such time as suited their own convenience, and this time was frequently very distant. The decree which the emperor issued from Luxemburg on the 12th of June, 1723, and which reflected so much credit on him, was never executed. In that decree he ordered, under severe penalties, that the Protestants should not be disturbed on ac- count of their religion, and that they should on no account be compelled either to change their religion or to join in ceremo- nies inconsistent with their conscience. The persecutions still continuing, he issued in October a still more stringent decree against the excesses. This was, however, of little avail, for the Bishop of Waitzen took pos- session of the Protestant churches in Little-Waitzen, Kis- Ujfale, Hatvan, and elsewhere ; and though the king ordered an investigation, which turned out favorably, still the oppressed must wait many a weary day before obtaining redress. On the 15th of September, in the same year, an order was sent for the fourth time to the military governor of Trentshin, that he should prevent all opposition to the building of the Protestant chapel ; and still the clergy managed their aflTairs so well, that in December they persuaded the court to issue an edict pro- hibiting the building of a chapel, but at the same time gra- ciously permitting the Protestants to purchase a house in which to hold their meetings. Thus were both king and counsellors wearied out, till, instead of the voice of truth, only that of policy was heard. The question was not so much wliat is right, as what is con- venient. Indeed, the king was often sorely pressed in main- taining his own just rights. For, as the wealthy and noble George Radvany or Radvansky was about to marry Susamia de Reva, who was related to him iu the fourth degree, and as the priests refused him the license, he applied to the king. When the king had examined the case, and had ascertained 29* 342 HISTORY OF THE that it was only a late law of Kome which extended the pro- hibition to the fourth degree, and that it had been entered among the laws of Hungary only in 1723 ; when he had fur- ther ascertained that both the parties were Protestants, and that, according to the laws of their Church, the marriage was not forbidden, — he granted permission that the marriage should' take place, and solemnly prohibited all parties whatever from • raising any opposition. The ceremony was, however, scarce- ly ended, when a summons was put into the hands of the parties married, of the pastor, and of all the witnesses, re- quiring them to appear before the Chapter of Gran to answer to the charges which should be preferred against them. The king settled the matter by writing to the dean and chapter^ that they had no right either to examine into the religious affairs of the Protestants, or to punish for any religious act. It was thus only by great energy and decision that he was able to prevent the clergy from trampling openly on his decree.* For these and similar evils the king hoped to find a remedy in a new court which he constituted under the name of a Deputy Privy Council. Though this court turned out ill, still it is evident, from all the circumstances of the case, that the king's designs were good. This council consisted of twenty-two members nominated by the king, and they ap- pointed their own subordinate officers. The palatine was to be at all times president.f The province of this court was to publish and to watch over the execution of the laws of the land. With the exception of the fiscal matters and the courts of assize, all was intrusted * Ribinyi, Mem. Aug. Conf., Tom. II. p. 192. t Several Protestants assisted in persuading the king to organize this court, in the hope that the new council should consist of an equal number of Protestants and IJoman Catholics. So soon, however, as the king had sanc- tioned the formation of the court, the promise was withdra^vIl. " Hgsreticis nulla fides." PUOTE^TANT CllUKCII OK IirNc.AKV. [iH to them. They hud tlie Censorship of the press, the gilding of the public education, the inspection of scliools, cluirclics, and public charities was intrusted to tiu-nj, and they usually decided by a simple majority of votes.* On the 21st of March, 17'24, this eouneil was opened hy Count Philip Louis Zinzendorf, in the castle at l*resburg, with the following words : " Out of this high council iho clergy may expect honor and dignity, the magnates advnn- tages, the nobility rights and privileges, the citizens advan- tages in trade and commerce, the land alleviation of taxes, the whole kingdom the highest prosperity, so that it shall l>c said, ' See how righteousness and peace kiss eacl» other ! ' " We have only to deal with the politico-ecclesiastical work- ings of this court, and the fi\cts may be allowed to speak for themselves to show what benefits and what ills were thereby conferred on the countiy.t On the part of the Jesuits and the clergy very little was done to realize the bright hopes held out hy Zinzendorf. The first field of operations was connected with the mixed mar- riages, and with an ecclesiastical superintendence of the Prot- estant pastors, churches, and schools. A nobleman, George Pathy, who was about to marry a Roman Catholic lady, was told that he must either within a year himself become a llo- man Catholic, or pay a heavy fine. He appealed to the king, and being a nobleman, he found means of escape from tlic sentence of the council. By a decree in June, 1725, this council limited the ngiiis of Protestants to study at foreign universities, though many * Under Maria Theresa tlie court had increased to ninety <■"•■ ."-t.ii-T^, aud received a salary of eighty tliousand eight hundre«l niui : :i«. The members were elected from among the prelates, thclna^ .. . : the knights. t When the question was raised at thcyicxt Diet, whether this court *hoaM be abolished, the Bishop of Krlau, Anton Gahriel KrdOily, strove to pcr^uada the Roman Catholic party to vote for it5 continuance, by OMUring tbcm lliai it was the hammer of the heretics, — " malleus harclicitrum:' 344 HISTORY OF the foundations and scholarships existed for their support.* It was now resolved that permission must in each case be asked and obtained ; and thus what was each one's right was ex- posed to the caprice or whim of men in power. In cases where noblemen had built Protestant chapels on their own estates, an inquiry was instituted by this council in how far they should be tolerated, and the report was often highly un- favorable, and the matter was then much worse than when the decision had formerly rested with Charles. The Baron- ess Elizabeth Colisius de Revay had built a chapel for the Protestants on her estate, and this council ordered it to be closed, as it had been built after the time of the Pesth Com- mission. On the other hand, the transgressions of the Roman Cath- olics were either not punished at all, or not in proportion to the offence. The Protestant inhabitants of Sol raised their voice in vain, petitioning against the unbounded oppression of their Popish landlord. In cases where the Protestants were far removed from a Protestant pastor, they had their children baptized, and their dead buried, by a priest. In such cases they must often pay four or five times as much as was customary under such circumstances. It was only in a case of extremity that a formal charge was brought, and even then it was no easy matter to bring evidence jsufficient to satisfy the judges, or to compel the priests to make restitution. The priest of St. Martin Kata drove his :)ppressions so far that, by an order of council of 24th of March, 1726, he was directed to return to the Protestants what he had unjustly exacted, and they were declared free from all priestly exactions in all time coming. Yet a clause was added to qualify this privilege, namely, " if the Protes- tants were free from these exactions previous to the Pesth Commission." * It was only a few months previously that a nobleman, Michael Kassay, had endowed two scholarships at Wittenberg for Hungarian students. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 345 Any little advantage which individual churches ohtaincd afforded them little joy when they saw how the whole Church was suffering. In August, 1725, shortly after the decree respecting attendance at foreign universities,* an order was issued to inquire into the authority and jurisdiction of the Protestant superintendents, and two years later a circular was sent to all the counties, demanding accurate information on this head. The king's influence in favor of the Protes- tants had been decreasing since the establishment of this court. In Had the Reformed church was closed and de- prived of all its revenues in 1728; and the pastor, Stephen Szecsy, being banished, the congregation was entirely broken up. In March in the same year, an order was issued for a return of all the apostates in the kingdom, that steps might be taken to have them restored to the Church. In April the Protestants were forbidden to make any public collections for religious purposes. And the worst of all was, that all the means of redress were taken away. Charles summoned a Diet at Presburg in 1729, and here the Protestants hoped for some relief. But the passions of the clergy had blinded many to a sense of justice, and when, in the beginning of (lie sittings, some of the Protestants re- fused to take the " decretal oath " for conscience' sake, they were, with much uproar, turned out of the house. It is true that some of them had taken the oath, but it is equally evident that no sincere Protestant could do so with a good conscience. Among those who were thus turned out of the assembly were Andre>v Petay, deputy of Borsod, Samuel Zsemberg, and Paul Katona. In addition to this, they were obli^red to pay a fine of sixty-four florins ; and wiicn Paul Jessenack, the representative of Prince Eugene of Savoy, proposed to leave tlie decision of the case to the king, he was told that by such a proposal he was bri;iging disgrace on the prince, for it was only by the assistance of the Virgin Mary that lie had gained all his victories. 346 HISTORY OF THE The distinguished lawyers Stephen Kenessey and Samuel Bohas went immediately to Vienna to represent the case to the king, but on their return they were solemnly excluded from the sittings " as informers," till the king settled the quarrel by a decision in favor of the weaker party. In drawing up the articles of the Diet, the clerical party inserted a clause, which had not been enacted at the Diet, to the effect that all witnesses should be sworn by the " decretal oath." So soon as the Protestants discovered this, a deputa- tion was sent after the king ; — but it was too late ; he had already signed. The Protestants had then no other comfort than this which many of the royal councillors gave, namely, that they were not bound by a law for which they had evi- dently not voted. But when they looked back over the past, they found little consolation in such statements. And they had good reason to be concerned, for the noisy quarrels respecting the " decretal oath " were made to bear heavily against them in the explanation of the 9th article of the " Resolutions of Charles " ; and in their anxiety they looked upwards, like the disciples in the storm, and cried, *' Help, Lord, or we perish ! " niOTESTAxM CliUKCll OF 11UN(.AKV. 317 CHAPTER V. THE RESOLUTIONS OF CHARLES. The Pesth Commission had long since given in llieir re- port, the Protestants had also forwarded their statements, but it was not till the year 1730 that King Charles handed the minutes to a commission to be examined. The commission consisted of Counts Zinzendorf, Stahremberg, Dieterichstein, Nesselrode, Ferdinand Kinsky, and Lewis Bathyani, under the guidance of the veteran warrior and statesman Eugene of Savoy as president. The Hungarian prelates were ex- cluded. In consequence of their report, Charles issued, on the 21st of March, 1731, the following resolutions, which the Protes- tants had so anxiously expected, but in which their hopes were so grievously blighted : — I. The decree of Leopold, of 2d of April of the year 1691, is to be regarded as explanatory of the 25th and 26th articles of 1681, of the 21st article of 1687, and 30th article of 1715. Private religious exercise is tolerated in all places, but the public exercises only in the places mentioned in the 26th article. II. The pastors of these authorized churches must confine themselves to the members of the churches living at these places or assembling there ; there may be, however, as many preachers in the one church as the wants of the place seem to require, subject to the sanction of the king. In these plaices they shall have the liberty of visiting the sick and the pris- oners. III. Family worship may be tolerated in other places, but 348 HISTORY OF THE none beyond the members of the family shall be present on such occasions. Such isolated families must employ the priest for all ecclesiastial functions, yet they shall not be bound to pay more than the Roman Catholics pay on similar occasions. IV. Without interfering with the rights of the land-owners, yet if they intend to make any alterations in ecclesiastical matters on their estates, they must first give a report to the king, stating their reasons for the change, and must wait for his decision. V. Wherever the Protestants of both confessions elect superintendents, they must first obtain the consent of the king. The jurisdiction of the superintendents shall extend only to the lives and morals of their clergy. In civil matters they are subject to the lav/s of the land, and in ecclesiastical matters subject to the archdeacon of the Roman Catholic Church, who shall be bound to take care that the baptisms are properly administered, and that the clergy are properly instructed in the nature of baptism. The marriages shall be all under the control of the bishops, subject to the law of the land, and for this purpose an appeal to the archbishop is allowed. VI. The apostates, and especially those who had once been Protestants, and who had joined the Roman Catholic Church, shall be severely punished at the pleasure of the civil magistrate, but each case must, previous to the inflic- tion of the punishment, be reported to the king. VII. Mixed marriages can be celebrated only by the priest. VIII. The Roman Catholic holidays must be observed also by the Protestants, and the Protestant tradesmen are bound to take part in the processions to the honor of Mary and the Saints. IX. The Protestants shall be bound on taking ofRce, and on other public occasions, to sv/ear according to the formula PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 349 of the " decretal oath," with the express clause, " by the Mother of God and all the Saints." In criminal cases, the- witnesses shall be sworn after the usual formula, that no de- lay may take place, and that the ends of justice may not be frustrated. Past transgressions in religious matters shall be looked, on as cancelled. New transgressions, however, shall, on the charge of the attorney-general, be immediately and irreprievably punished. Each individual who thinks himself aggrieved can appeal to the king in his own name ; the ap- peal, however, in the name of a whole church is forbidden. These were the famous royal resolutions. The Protes- tants had heard something beforehand of what was to be ex- pected, and had sent a deputation on the 20th of February, consisting of John Radvan and Abraham Vay, to try and obtain as much favor as possible. So soon as tlie resolutions were published, the Protestants prepared a petition, and handed it to the king on the 6th of April, protesting against the limitations of their rights ; when this produced no effect, they on the 13th of September re- newed their protest, and on the 23d presented an extract of their grievances. The priests were as much dissatisfied as the Protestants ; they thought they had received far too little ! Cardinal Al- than. Bishop of Waitzen, entered a most decided protest against the resolutions, and declared his firm resolve to act as if they had not been published. The king having twice summoned him to appear at Vienna and withdraw his protest, on his non-appearance ordered the protest to be openly torn in pieces at Pesth ; the property of the bishop was ordered to be confiscated, and himself to be banished. -By the assist- ance of the Jesuits a reconciliation took place, and the car- dinal remained in the country. Though the protest had been publicly torn in pieces, yet we soon find it again in full health and spirits. 30 350 HISTORY OF THE The churches and church property of the Protestants were everywhere now seized upon, and directions were issued to draw up an accurate list of all the churches that were not secured to the Protestants by a positive declaration of the Diet in their favor. These were all confiscated. In Eisen- berg county the Lutherans alone lost forty churches ; and here, as well as in Neutra county, the public worship almost completely ceased. An excitement and commotion took place among the Prot- estants, who held meetings to plan what was to be done. This was especially the case in Barsh county, and the con- science-stricken government issued an edict requiring that the Protestants should remain quietly in their houses, but at the same time that the confiscation of churches should cease, till such time as the fatherly wisdom of the king should direct it to he resumed. This fatherly wisdom soon found an opportunity of dis- playing itself ; for when all had become somewhat quiet, an imperial decree appeared, directing all the churches still in possession of the Protestants, which had not been guaranteed to them by express enactment, to be immediately confiscated. It was midwinter, and a Hungarian winter ! One may pic- ture the distress of the people, but much more of the clergy and their families, who were all turned out on the world. The priests were devoid of pity, and the work went on. In the county of Presburg the progress was slower than fanati- cism might naturally have wished, and on the 9th of April, 1732, a new edict appeared directing to hasten and accom- plish the work. The pastors betook themselves to the king, but in vain. One received the reply from the lord chancellor that this work could not be delayed. After all this persecu- tion one might expect that, in the free cities, and in the churches guaranteed by the law of the land, if not a feeling of humanity, at least state policy might have dictated some degree of leniency and justice. The first and second reso- PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNtJARY. 351 lutions had secured to the pastors of these churches the right of visiting the sick and the prisoners witliin tlicir own hounds, and had also secured everywhere the riglit of family worsliip. But in the execution of these decrees so little respect was paid to the wishes of the Protestants, and to the necessities of the place, that a wing of one parish was frequently at- tached to a far distant church, while the road thitlier was sometimes impassable. An order was issued from the viceregal court in December, 1732, directing the magistrates of Schemnitz to examine whether the Protestant church in that city had any need of their third pastor ; how many dissenters were in the city ; what was the form of worship ; whether the miners also par- took of the labors of these pastors ; who were the principal supporters of the Protestant cause ; and how long they had enjoyed toleration. In the year 1733, the viceregal court laid a proposal before the king of a short and easy way for putting a stop to the church at Trentshin, where the church and schools had once been so flourishing. An inquiiy was instituted through the magistrates of Prcshurg, why the church in that city had three pastors ; why tliey had bought a common dwelling-house and fitted it up for a church ; whether they paid taxes for that house ; whether they held their schools, and what was the course of instruction. When the report had been handed in, a royal order was issued pro- hibiting the Protestants from having a school where anything beyond the rudiments was taught, unless they could bring evidence that a special permission to that rlfect had Ix'en granted. After many appeals, a new inquiry was instituted through the magistrates, whether it were saf«! to leave a higher school in the hands of the Protestants. The preaching on the Lord's Day was now indispensably necessary to strengthen the faith and to cheer the liopes of the Protestants, and the people flocked to those cities where preaching was tolerated ; but even in this respect pvcr\' diffi- 352 HISTORY OF THE culty was thrown in the way by the king, who at this time stood so completely under priestly influence. That this wholesale robbery was not always peaceably accomplished will be readily understood when we consider that sometimes whole churches consisted of noblemen, who, as such, had many rights and privileges. In Lower Hun- gary they sometimes assembled their vassals, and surround- ing the church with dung-carts, posted themselves behind the barricade. If no military happened to be in the neighbor- hood, the priests, with their party, generally found it conven- ient to retire. We must especially record the seizing of the churches in the county of Neutra, and particularly the church of Miawa, which, in the days of Leopold I., had suffered severely, but was now made to drink the cup to the very dregs. The pastor of this large Slavonian church was Daniel Kir- mann, distinguished by learning and zeal in his office, as well as by the melancholy fate which afterwards befell him. At the Synod of Rosenau, notwithstanding the warning of John Bury of Neusohl and Adam Mittach of Losing, he broke out into the most violent invectives against the pietists, and adopted stringent measures against them. Bury, protesting in vain against these measures, burst into tears and cried, " Let these tears witness against you, for a curse shall rest on every one who loveth not his brother." They were pro- phetical words which the enemy must put into execution.* The occasion of his misfortune was the conversion of a poor man named Wenzel Mlimar from the Roman Catholic Church. This man had, under deep concern for his soul, * This same Kirmanu VN-as sent by Francis Eakotzy to Charles XII. of Sweden about tlie time of the unfortunate battle of Pultawa, and obtained from him twenty tliousand dollars for the school of Eperjes, the funds of which had been forcibly taken away by the Jesuits. He also obtained fi-om the King of Sweden a thousand dollars as his own travelling expenses, and on rcturning to his own church he labored to prepare a book of common prayer for the churches under his inspection. TROTESTANT CIlURCn OF IIUNCiARY. 353 fallen into melancholy, and, by the histriiction of Kirmann, had been relieved from his mental agony. On learning the comforts of the Gospel he joined the Protestant Church. This was enough for the priests. With a company of sol- diers they came in the night to Miawa to carry the poor man away. Some of the citizens, hearing of the affair, hastened to ring the alarm bells, and the whole village was soon in commotion. The superintendent refused to deliver up the poor man, remarking that he would at all times be prepared in the proper place to give an account of what lie was doing. On the 20th of May, 1731, consequently nearly two yeai-s after this transaction, he was, without much inquiry, found guilty, partly of blasphemy and partly of exciting his people to rebellion by ringing the alarm bells, and was accordingly sentenced to be imprisoned for life in the Castle of Presburg. Although not one of the soldiers had been either killed or wounded in the affray, yet the Protestants were ordered to surrender their church and school buildings over to the priests The unfortunate Mlimar was imprisoned at Presburg, and in the year 1733 was secretly taken out of the way. Kirmann concealed himself for some time in the Carpa- thian Mountains, but on receiving an anonymous letter, stating that it would be best for him to go to Presburg and cast him- self on the emperor's clemency, he, conscious of innocence, resolved to follow the advice. He was cast into prison. On the 29th of April, 1732, Frederick William, King of Prussia, appealed to the emperor on Kirmann's behalf, and stated, through his ambassador, that any favor shown to the super- intendent or his family, the King of Prussia would consider as shown to himself But it was all in vain. After five years' heavy sufferings in prison, he petitioned the Emperor Charles, but also in vain. The Lord permitted that after nine years' imprisonment he should die in the prison. On his deathbed the priests forced the consecrated wafer be- tween his teeth, and then spread the report that lie had ab- 30* 354 HISTORY OF THE jured his heresy, and had died in the communion of the Church of Rome. To give this falsehood some degree of credibility a splen- did funeral was given, and a monument was erected to him in the cathedral ! By so doing, however, they gave evidence that he was not the criminal which they represented him to be. They remind us of the words of the Lord, Matt, xxiii. 31, " Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets." " Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do : he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." (John viii. 44.) In the same way that Frederick William of Prussia had interested himself for the single individual, in like manner he appealed to diaries VI. for the whole Protestartt Church of Hungary. This appeal was ably supported by the ambassa- dors from England, Holland, Denmark, and Sweden. The Swedish ambassador protested especially against the decretal oath, as one which no conscientious Protestant could take ; and he succeeded in so far, that some of the newly elected officials of Presburg and Neusohl were not required to take the oath. Even this concession seemed to burden the tender con- sciences of the Jesuits, as if they had been too gentle ; and the following year, 1733, an order was issued requiring that in all cases the decretal oath should be demanded^ and only in case of positive refusal on the part of the Protestants another formula should be substituted ; all, however, who were to be admitted to government offices should be prepared by all means to take the oath. The annoyances which arose from all these decrees can be easily imagined. In 1734, in Szabolis, the newly elected Protestant officials having refused to swear by " Mary and all the Saints," were, in spite of the law to the contrary, imme- diately set aside and others elected. PROTESTANT CHUilCH OF HUNGARY. 355 Deeply must it be deplored that the mind of the emperor was now so completely under tiie inflaence of the Jesuits that his former sense of discriminating justice seemed fust flyinrr away. Like an expiring taper, he seemed sometimes to rally strength, and then fall once more into his torpor. Charles VI. had become what his father Leopold I. always was, and the Jesuits had glorious days in Hungary. The kingdom was ruled on the principles of " Mariolatry." No promise, no contract, no oath, was kept with the heretics. Where no positive royal license for a Protestant church ex- isted, there were the Protestants compelled to jx^rform all the ceremonies and join in all the processions of the Roman Catholic Church.* By one means or other, the schools were destroyed and the children taken away. Individual priests brought actions, frivolous and vexatious, against Protestant churches, and tlie punishment was sure to follow the charge, — not the proof of the same.t Indeed, in some cases a legal sentence was considered so entirely a matter of course, that it was dispensed with, and the priests gave orders in their own name, so that the king had to inter- fere to prevent such glaring acts of revenge. J Even the private religious exercises in the families of the Protestant nobility were often prohibited on the most vexa- tious and frivolous grounds, but especially if any stranger was permitted to be present, or if the chaplain was ever known to be guilty of visiting the Protestant families -scat- tered throuiijh the neighborhood. Thus, in the family of Bossany in Kisprona, Ujfalenssy in Divekujfelu, and in the family of Gostony in their castle at Krems, the family worship, which had been kept up * Intimatum Carl. Reg., anno 1733 and 1738, ad Mac^stratum Presburg- ensium. t Fiscal action in 1731 and 173G, 24tli of Marcli and 10th of July, a^in?t the pi'eachcr ^Michael Marosy of Waitzen. t Royal decree of 15th of ilarch. 1734. 356 HISTORY OF THE from time immemorial, was, in 1732, forbidden. In county Wesprim, the Protestants had, with the consent of Count Zichy, enlarged their chapel, when the sister-in-law of the count, the wife of John Zichy, was stirred up by the priests to such an unholy zeal, that she had the whole building -torn down. In a neighboring village, Polotai, the Protestants had put a new door on their chapel, and John Zichy fined the whole village for their presumption ; and, that no one might say that his zeal was less vigorous than that of his wife, he had the chapel levelled with the ground. From the workshop of the Jesuits, the imperial chancery at Vienna, orders were given respecting the baptism of chil- dren dying in the act of parturition ; * and in a later order of 1738, directions were given to keep a close watch over the Calvinists during the time of the plague, that their doctrine of predestination might not lead them to suffer the infected to remain among the healthy. Their police measures went farther, however, and inter- fered with other matters than predestination. An example we find in the case of Elizabeth Heritz. She was born of Protestant parents, and educated in the Protestant Church, but when, as widow, she was about to marry a Roman Cath- olic, and for that purpose was obliged nominally to connect herself with the Church of Rome, she thus brought herself under the power of the priests. As her conversion had been only nominal, so as to gain her end, she immediately re- turned to the Protestant Church, and lived in that state for eight years. On her decease, on the 7th of August, 1731, her husband, a tailor m Gijns, obtained permission to bury his dead out of his sight. The story reached the ears of Car- dinal Zinzendorf, who sent the hangman to raise the corpse five days after the burial, to strip it and leave it naked for three days under the gallows, and then to bury it in a span deep * We shall see tliat the impudence of the monks brought them even farther than this. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 357 of earth, as a warning that so it should be done with all those who leave the Church of Rome.* To sum up the picture of misery, we need only remember that the Jesuits had the censorship of the press entirely in their hands, and well did they watch over the spiritual food of the Protestants. Their arbhrary decisions knew no limits. In the year 1734, they confiscated the books of Stephen Sza- boczly and George Megyessay, though these books had all been examined in Vienna, and declared to be free. What did it avail to show the permission of the imperial censor ? When the books reached Bruck, they were carried to the chancery at Presburg ; and as in the fable the tracks of the beasts at the lion's den are all towards the den and none returning, so was it with these books ; having once reached Presburg, they never came out. The books of Stephen Banyai, the Reformed professor at Patak, met with the same fate at Neudorf. Among other books confiscated, were several copies of his own work, enti- tled Bahii of Gilead^ intended to prove " that the plague is infectious " ! Bookbinders had their whole stock of Bibles taken away. Books taken for examination, however harm- less they might be, were seldom returned. How far the Jesuits went in the exercise of the censorship of the press under Charles VI. and Maria Theresa, may be seen from the con- fessions of Alexius von Reva. He acknowledges and confesses that Austria feared noth- ing more than the books which young men studying at for- eign universities brought home with them. Therefore were the edicts, bulls, and proscribed lists of books so numerouc. This nobleman acknowledges that the very name of Protestant used to fill him with such rage, that he fell on their books like a raging lion, but that, after glancing through them, he often came away as a lamb.t ^^ . * Ribiii\n, Mem. Aug. Conf., Tom II. p. 264. ' t Esprit Post. J. Jos. e Comit. Trantsorra. Arcliicp. Viennensis, a L. B. tie Reva, illu>tr., pp. 24, 25. 358 HISTORY OF THE Under all these circumstances, the Protestants could feel the force of the Scriptural direction, " Trust not in princes, nor in the sons of men." The apparent favors which came from the court at Vienna were in reality limitations of their rights and freedoms. This was particularly the case with the royal permission to elect superintendents which was granted in 1734. Under the pretence that the visitation of the churches on the part of the superintendent was a burden, it was directed that in future the superintendent should only watch over the clergy, and not over the people. The num- bers must therefore be reduced to four for each of the sister churches, though the Lutherans had five and the Reformed Church six districts. The confirmation of the appointment was left with the emperor. The favor was too small to be accepted with gratitude, and too great to be thrown away ; wherefore both churches jJbcepted of the profiered boon. The Lutheran churches had at this time sunk down to the number of two hundred and fifty. The mining districts elected Samuel Michaellis ofNeusohl, a man of considerable abilities, and very eloquent, and he was made superintendent in 1733.* In 1736, a substitute for the imprisoned Daniel Kirmann was found in the person of Zaborsky, an eloquent man, but without college training ; and just as the instructions were being handed to him, appoint- ing him to his office, he was struck with paralysis and ex- pired. In his place was elected in the following year Elijah Mohl of Modern. The third superintendent was Michael Torkosa ; and in 1742, for the district beyond the Danube, as fourth superintendent they elected John Siphovis-Toth. * A neighboring priest was pleased, in a letter which he wrote to Michael- lis, to denominate him " predicans sceleratissimus, nebixlo impostor, infernahs furcifer, draco tartareus, monstrum membrum abscissum et mortuum, sac- rilegus, idololatra," &c.; and all this because the people preferred going a long way to hear i\Iichaellis, rather than sit under his own preaching. PKOTESTA^{T CHURCH OF IIUNGAliY. 359 The Reformed Church, which had had six superintendents, confirnned Stephen Major-Korsi as superintendent for the ad- joining circuits on both sides of the Danube, and George Zo- vanyi in Debrecsin. This latter died in 1757, old and full of days. He usually went about half in Hungarian, half in Turkish dress, with a huge knife hanging to his girdle. Another arrangement of great importance for the protec- tion of the Protestants, was the appointment of a district in- spector on the part of the influential nobility, who should stand as adviser by the side of the superintendent and protect the people in their civil and political rights. All actions, lawsuits, cases of oppression or of hardship, should be re- ported to him, and he should stand in constant correspond- ence with an agent in Vienna. The Lutherans elected to this ofRce Christian Kalitsh, Michael Ossfy, John Radovan- sky, and General Thomas Szirmay, noblemen strongly at- tached to their church. Peter Zay was the first general ii#- specter.* The Reformed Church appointed Stephen Vesse- lenyi, Michael and Ladislaus Teleky, Ladislaus Bethlen, Ladislaus Balo, Joseph, Stephen, and Peter Daniel. By the assistance of such district inspectors, the superin- tendents were to a certain extent protected, and the cause of liberty better supported than by mere paid agency. By the representations, the entreaties, and the influence of these men, who had high connections in Vienna, many a favor was obtained, many a harsh measure was softened down, and many acts of arbitrary cruelty prevented. Many pastors and schoolmasters found in the hospitable abodes of the wealthy nobility a place of refuge and means of subsistence for months, or even for years. The remembrance of such * Other noblemen strongly attached to the Protestant Church were Ga- briel Pronay, John Podmanitzky, Stephen ZeitkoAvsky, Paul Jessenak, Von Hellenbach, Stephen Radovansky, Alexander Podmanitzky, Adam (Esovski, Stephen Szu-may, Ladislaus Pronay, Balthasar Pongracs, and Alexander Vidas. 360 HISTORY OF THE things makes the clergy of the present day very willing to share the Church government with the descendants of men who so ably and so zealously advanced the best interests of the Church in days gone by. It was much to be desired that the same brotherly kindness which generally characterized the intercourse of the Lutheran and Calvinistic churches at that time should still continue ; for though in 1732 the Lutherans refused to join the Calvinists in their petition to the lyng, supposing the expressions to be too decided, yet very shortly after we find both once more joining in Pesth to send a united statement to the court. The active agents in Vienna, Matthew Bodo and Joseph Modori, assisted by Andrew Ottlick, labored hard in the cause, and it was chiefly by their exertions that permission was obtained for the Protestant clergy to visit the sick and the dying of their own communion, even in places where no licensed Protestant church existed, only on condition of pay- ing the priest the usual dues. It may be, also, that the war with France at this time made the court more inclined to lis- ten to the appeals of the Protestants.* The nobles recovered their ancient right to hold religious exercises in their castles, and many a thirsty soul came hith- er to be refreshed by the Word of life. They tasted here something of the benefits of that light, in their dark, dark night, and the Word of God was sweeter to them than honey and the honey-comb. The brethren in other parts of the kingdom were, by this success, encouraged to renew their efforts. The Protestants at Trentshin, whose church and school buildings had been taken from them, now obtained leave to build a wooden * As in consequence of the unexpected war with France the soldiers were withdrawn from Hungary, and the Jesuits had therefore no more power to carry out their scliemes, Count Pallfy is reported to have said, " Tlie Protes- tants must either have God or the Devil for tlieir friend, for when eveiything is so completely in order for their annihilation, there comes always some un- toward event to prevent its being carried out." — Smalii Advers., 1. c. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 361 chapel in one of the suburbs, and directions were given to the governor of the city not to hinder them in their work. To prevent the Roman Catholics, however, from being too much provoked by this wondrous generosity, it was at the same time ordered that no one from Bohemia or Moravia should be permitted to attend the preaching, and that neither the preacher nor the singing-boys should be permitted to enter the city.* What labor the Protestants must have had in obtaining and enjoying these crumbs which fell from the master's table, may be seen from the fact, that on the third day of April, 1737, Archbishop Kollonitz handed in to the king a protest against all these concessions. And it is hard to say whether he might not have been successful, had not the war with the Turks broken out, in consequence of which mild measures were rendered absolutely necessary. The royal proclamations became less frequent and less fiery. The superintendents called on all the churches under their care to engage regularly in prayer for the success of the emperor. The emperor's position was becoming more and more critical. The Turks had Belgrade already in their hands, and were masters of the Banat. They were now ap- proaching steadily towards Transylvania, which we have been obliged so long to pass over, but to the state of which country we now return. * Mandat. Reg. 3d, c. 5. September, 1735. 31 362 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER VI. STATE OF THE PKOTESTANTS IN TRANSYLVANIA UNDER CHARLES VI. In this country the Protestants enjoyed on the whole many advantages. Since the resolutions of Charles they had been occasionally annoyed, but as the Jesuits had not suc- ceeded in bringing the magnates and higher nobility to join them, they were prevented from developing their full force. More than two thirds of the population were Protestants, and completely to overturn and destroy all their privileges ap- peared neither desirable nor, indeed, for the present, practi- cable. On the surrender of the countiy to Leopold I., fa- ther of Charles VI., the magnates had secured the fundamen- tal principle, " that the right of patronage in church matters should remain intact, and that no clergy should be introduced to the country but such as were already there." This clause was directed against the Jesuits, who by the law of the land were prohibited from settling in Transylva- nia, and also against the settlement of a bishop. The last bishop had been banished under Siegmund Bathoiy, and his estates had been confiscated to the prince, and also to some of the magnates who had deserved well of their coun- try. In spite, however, of this condition under which the emperor held the country, the military governor of Transyl- vania, Francis Stephen Steinriller, succeeded in the year 1716, in the king's name, in introducing George Martonfy de Garancsfalva as Transylvanian bishop for the Roman Cath- olic Church, and with him began scenes of anarchy and arbi- trary government such as Rome alone can introduce. PROTESTANT CHUTICH OF HUNGARY. The so-called Curolin residence in Alba Julia was fitted up for his reception, and the superintendent with the professors and the college must be removed elsewhere. As a recom- pense for the loss to the Reformed Church, fifteen thousand florins were promised, but the money has as yet not been paid.* In the train of the bishop came the Jesuits, who settled in all the principal towns, — in Clausenburg, Alba Carolina, Hermannstadt, Kronstadt, and Advarkely. The different orders of the Jesuits were carefully scattered over the whole country, and thus, through the narrow passes of a clear and strict law, and over the steep mountains of royal decrees and of binding and existing compacts, had Rome safely conduct- ed her warriors into a land which for a century had been closed against them. The firmest positions had been taken ; the general very properly chosen ! Such battles as Rome, out of her unspeakable love to souls, usually fights, should also soon follow. In all places of learning and trust proper persons of mod- erate abilities were introduced, to be ready, without making any stir, to fill up all vacancies which might occur. This was all in full operation in 1727, under the guidance of the heads of the cathedral at Weissenberg and Kalos-Monastor. Proper persons were to be always ready for proposing to the king to fill up eveiy vacant post ; and under the expression " proper persons," was to be understood members of their order. How zealously the plan was carried out may be seen from the fact, that among all who have the charge of the in- struments and apparatus of science in Transylvania only two at present are laymen, one a Protestant of the Reformed Church, and the other a Roman Catholic. A prohibition now appeared, forbidding the building of churches and the opening of schools or academies without * Petr. Bad de Statu Eeb. iu Trans, sub Carolo VI., Tom. III. p. 261, MS. 364 HISTORY OF THE royal commission. The (Roman Catholic) Court of Inquiry was directed to pay particular attention to those who should desert the Roman Catholic Church. In the royal decrees, it appeared in the preamble " that many had joined the Roman Catholic Church to obtain the royal favor or to avoid punish- ment for some crime {sic !), and when they had gained their end they then returned. Others who joined the Roman Cath- olic Church suffered so much persecution that they again fell off." Now it should be ordained that all who joined the Church of Rome, and remained steady, should be taken under the especial protection of the government ; those, however, who again fell off should be punished as the emperor in each case should direct. When matters were thus far prepared that the Roman Catholics had more courage, and the Court of Inquiry was prevented from taking decided steps, the priests proceeded to alter the laws which regulated the mutual relations of the four confessions, Lutheran, Calvinist, Unitarian, and Roman Catholic. These laws had been in so far favorable to the Protestants that they secured them the possession of their churches and church property against the ravages of a robber-priesthood of the Church of Rome. As, however, those laws had been made during the time of the Turkish government, and many articles in the laws required a certain line of conduct to be observed towards the Turks, the priests availed themselves of this circumstance to give them a plausible pretence for over- turning the whole law. They succeeded, too, in gaining the Court of Inquiry entirely to their interests, so that the way seemed clear before them. The Protestants saw their danger, and took alarm. They reminded Charles VI. of his own solemn promise to them, as well as that of his father Leopold I., his mother Eleonora, and his brother Joseph, that they should still enjoy their rights as they at that time existed ; and the danger was for the pres- ent removed. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 365 The Protestants had to pay dearly for this. We do not mention here the Turkish war, nor the plague which began to rage very fiercely, but another event of vast importance which occurred on the 29th of March, 1735. On that night imperial soldiers broke into the castles of many of the most distinguished magnates, and carried them away as prisoners to different fortresses.* The same took place with the superintendent of the Re- f-. and the term heretic, 'then be applied to the Roman Uithoi.c, - 400 HISTORY OF THE what a terrible retribution awaits them, if these same princi- ples which are now published should then be acted on. " To give these clergy, then, such an intimation, we know of no one so suitable as yourself; and we apply to you with so much more confidence, as we have frequently had oppor- tunity to obsei-ve with pleasure that humanity, and the observ- ance of the first principles of all religion, are not banished from your mind, and that you are very far removed from that superstitious prejudice which maintains it to be a sacred duty to advance divine truths by unjust means. We know how embarrassing and intricate such a commission is, but we have such confidence in your wisdom and zeal, that we are assured you will find the proper ways and means for making yourself be heard, and we trust with good effect. By so doing, you would confer on us a very especial favor ; and though we do not at all make you responsible for success, yet if your inter- position should prove successful, it would increase in no small degree our pleasure and the obligations under which you have already laid us. We shall be glad to hear a report from you at the proper time, respecting the results of your exertion, and remain," &;c., &c. On the 28th of February, the Cardinal and Bishop of Bres- lau, Count SchafTgotsh,* replied, and expressed his disappro- bation of what the Hungarian clergy were doing ; declined writing to them, however, as he had reason to believe that his letter would not be answered, and would produce no effect ; he was willing, however, to meet the wishes of his Majesty, and forward his Majesty's letter to the court of Rome, with a request that the matter might there be considered, and the result he would report in due time. The effects of this step of the cardinal's may be seen in a * Count SchafFgotsh was born in 1716, was made bishop in 1747, and the following year, cardinal. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 101 letter of the Chief Counsellor of tlic Consistory and pn-liond of St. Peter's at Berlin, John Peter Sweetmilk, nddrt-nst'd to the superintendents of the Protestant churches in Hungary, dated 2d of August, 1751, from which it nppcars that a most conciliatory letter from the Pope liad reached thr town-coun. cil of Berlin, through the intervention of Schaffgot.sh. The Chief Counsellor writes that he cannot send tliom a copy of the letter, as it is feared that the pubHshing of it would not be agreeable to the Pope ; still, having read the h-tter two or three times, he can give the substance. The I*op<' dt'cinrt's that, after several consultations with the cardinals, he cannot approve of the exertions (molimina) of the priests in Hun- gary, and, in accordance with the wish of the King of Prussia, he would interfere on behalf of the Protcstanti in Hungary. He must, however, be cautious, so that ho may not be called a protector of the Lutherans. I Ic would not write direct to the court, but would take the proper means of letting the bishops of Hungary know his will and pleasure. It is true, he is responsible only before the judgment-sfat of Christ, and needs not be much concerned about the opinionn of men ; it is, however, prudent, so far as conscience allows, to have due regard to the circumstances in which on© ta placed. He would warn the bishops to lie caulioiw le«l, while striving to benefit the body of Christ in one place, they should injure it in another, and thus caus«- pain in th*- »— trt and bring grief to the head.* The Chief Counsellor Sweetmilk adds : *' .Mny • contain truth and really bring relief! " He in.!. r from the Archbishop of Canterbury, from which it ui •em that the archbishop had received a statement of the «u.e of the Hungarian Protestants, and had laid it before the KmR of England, who had givrn directions to his amba«adof at * It was Benedict XIV.. other. i« called ^^'^J;^^^'^'^'^ „,ost moderate of the Popes, who held office from 1740 to ITM. 34» 402 HISTORY OF THE Vienna, D. Keith, to inquire prudently into the case, and to put the Protestants in the way of applying to him for assist- ance. The archbishop declared himself ready at all times to be the faithful advocate of his poor brethren in the faith, and expressed the hope that the Pope would by his actions mani- fest as much kindness as the wisdom and policy of his words would lead one to expect.* He begs, in conclusion, that when any intelligence of importance should be received from Vienna, it might be communicated to him.t The Pope gave directions to his ambassador at Vienna to consult with the ministers respecting the way in which the rights of the Roman Catholics and Protestants in Hungary might be so defined, and in future so strictly observed, that no pretext should be furnished to Protestant princes for mak- ing reprisals on the Church of Rome. And what were the consequences of these deliberations ? The first fruit was, that the empress directed the pamphlet of the Bishop of Wesprim to be confiscated. The next fruit, however, was, that the noble Gabriel Pro- nay, who was suspected of applying to the foreign powers, was threatened with chains and with an action for high trea- son ; for it was construed to be high treason to appeal to foreign powers on behalf of religious grievances. During the sitting of the Diet at Presburg, he was summoned before Maria Theresa in the night-time, to receive a reprimand on the subject. So much were the Roman Catholics concerned on this point, that when Samuel Polsky, a wine-dealer, and a Prot- estant, was returning from a journey in Prussia, he was put to his oath, whether he had communicated with Frederick the Great respecting the religious state of the Protestants in Hungaiy. * (Edenberg MSS., Fasc. XII. No. 21. t The letter is dated at the Palace of Lambeth, 8th of June, 1751. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 403 CHAPTER XII. The Queen's Promises. — The Chapels of Ease taken away. — General Per- secution of the Protestants. — Riots at Vadosfa. — Imprisonment of the Supermtendent and forty-four of his Church Members. — The Seven Years' War with Prussia. — Peace, and Diet at Presburg. — The Death of the Queen's Consort, Francis I. Other fruits of the interference of foreign powers on be- half of the Protestants we seek, as the Lord sought for figs on the barren fig-tree, and find them not. He found leaves, and we find here leaves also, — fair promises. The queen declares herself entirely ignorant of those fearful oppressions concerning which the Protestants complain ; declares herself determined not to suffer the like ; only she expects that they will not attempt to obtain relief by applying to foreign pow- ers, but content themselves by stating their individual griev- ances to her.* But the Jesuits and their colleagues, the bishops of Hun- gary, permitted the queen to make promises ; the Pope and his nuncio to hold councils with the Austrian ministers of state ; the Protestants to pour out their grievances before all the world ; and Frederick with his hand on the sword to take up his threatening position in the front ground ; and yet they went on unmoved, unchecked, in their great work. Accord- ing to the unsearchable counsel of God, the Babylonian cap- tivity of the Church was doomed still to last a little longer. Under the pretence of holding religious meetings without leave, the churches of Csalonia in county Houth, and Ester- gal in Neograd, were once more exposed to expensive law- * Fessler, Vol. X. p. 371. 404 HISTORY OF THE suits, and the church-buildings of the former, as well as all the chapels of ease in Zemplin county, were by a decree of the viceregal court taken away.* In Schemnitz and elsewhere, the Protestants were once more removed from all civil offices ; the Protestant pastors were subjected to examination by the bishops and archbishops. A nobleman of Schemnitz, Andrew Fritzy, who was suspect- ed of having once belonged to the Church of Rome, was sub- jected to an expensive lawsuit, to oblige him to prove the contraiy. All the Protestants who were in any way con- nected with the army were placed under the immediate juris- diction of the clergy. t The private chapels at Azorotz and Padluysan were closed, and the newly built chapel at Cyina was torn down, while the preacher was subjected to a tedious lawsuit for having visited the nobleman Ferdinand Zay, who lived beyond the bounds of his district.| The schools of the Protestants were now closed eveiy- where, except in the " articled parishes." ^ The pastors were no more suffered to visit the Protestant prisoners. They were informed that the right of accompanying culprits to the scaffold from this time forward belonged only to the Roman Catholic priests, that they might prepare the unfortunate indi- viduals for dying in the " right faith." || At Akaba, there was a pastor in advanced life, of the name of Nemethi, who married a very young wife. She was not happy in her new position, and committed suicide by drown- ing herself in the Lake of Flatten. The widower was threatened with an action at law, as being the indirect cause * See decrees of 17th of January, 14th of March, 27th of May, and 2d of June, 1752. t Decree of October 3, 1752. X Viceregal decree of November 2, 1752. ^ Certam parishes exactly described in a decree of the Diet. 11 Orders received by the magistrates of (Edenberg, 7th of May, 1753. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNCJARY. 405 of the fatal act; and, to escape the punislunciii wliich, whether justly or unjustly, was sure to await him, he made his escape. A Roman Catholic priest now came, took posses- sion of the church and pastor's dwelling, and conducted iho service in future as in a Popish church.* Pastor Samuel Lessovingi was fined in one hundred dol- lors, for having administered the Lord's Supper to Baron Bulow, a captain in the army ; and the payment was en- forced. The affair of Vadosfa was, however, one of the heaviest trials for the Protestants. The number of them residing at this place had increased greatly within a few years, in con- sequence of persecutious in other parts having driven them away. With the exception of a few noblemen, nearly all the residents were Protestant. The distinguished superintendent Fabri was laboring here, when it occurred to a Roman Cath- olic landowner, Balas, to build a chapel on a spot of ground which was disputed property between the members of the two confessions. The Roman Catholic chapel was to be con- secrated on St. Stephen's day. By some means a report was spread that, on the same day, the Bishop of Raab intended forcibly seizing the Protestant house of worship. He had of late been very diligent in this part of his calling, and there was some reason to fear that the report might prove true. Some of the resident nobility wrote, under these circumstan- ces, to friends in Rabakoy, and on the appointed day they came by thousands, armed, and prepared to defend the church if the Bishop of Raab should attempt to take posses- sion. The day arrived, and crowds of pilgrims came to at- tend the consecration of the church. But the Protestants, fearing for their own interests, closed up the roads, refused to admit the pilgrims, and, what was very natural, as neither side would yield, there was a considerable riot, and the pilgrims * Protocoll. Evang. Eccles., Luth. Troetus, cU Danubiura congest tniio 1768. (Edenberg MSS. 406 HISTORY OF THE were driven away. The consequences may naturally be supposed. Forty-four of the Protestants, some of whom were women, were imprisoned in the casde of Kopuvar for a year and seven months, and then dismissed, some with one hun- dred and fifty lashes, some with one hundred, and some with fifty. Two of the women, who could bear the imprisonment no longer, and had joined the Church of Rome, were already released. One nobleman was thrown for a year into prison, and the remainder who were involved were fined in three thousand florins, and with this money a Roman Catholic church was built. The superintendent was thrown into a distant prison, deprived of his office both as superintendent and pastor ; and it was decreed that, in all time coming, the Protestant church of Vadosfa should remain closed every year on the 20th of August.* But who can recount all the tales of suffering and persecu- tion and misery endured by the Protestants under the reign of Maria Theresa ? The rehearsal would fill volumes. We must pass over these harassing scenes, and only remark that, in other states under the Austrian government, the sufferings were, if possible, still greater than in Hungary. In Styria the Protestants were banished by troops from the country ; their property was held back or destroyed ; their children, if not yet confirmed, were taken from them and retained in the countiy to be educated in the Popish faith. Many of the pastors of Styria who were banished from their country were taken up by Count Roday, and provided with lands and houses where they could reside. In 1752 they sent a petition from this retreat to the queen, requesting their children to be delivered up to them. The Seven Years' War broke out with Prussia, but brought the Protestant subjects of Maria Theresa no relief. Fred- erick II. broke into the Austrian territory, and the queen per- =* This punishment lasted till 1830. (Edenberg MSS., Fasc. XVI. No. 10. PROTESTANT CHURCH 01- HUNGARY. 407 mitted the valiant General Niidasdy to be set aside, and General Daun to take his place. Notwithstanding tlmt the latter was armed with a sword which the Pu|)t; liad conse- crated, and also with a fanatical Popish l»iill of :JOlh of Jan- uary, 1759, still both of these were not able to transfer to him the military talents of Nadasdy.* After seven years' bloody fighting, all parties were ex- hausted. Hungary alone had lost above fifty-two thousand of her sons in the war, and the whole affair was closed with little advantage to either ^ide. On the 15th of February, 1763, the Peace of Ilubcrtsburg was ratified, and in the following year the queen summoned a Diet to meet at Presburg. This Diet was opened on 22d of June, but brought no relief to the Protestants. The de- mands which the queen made on the country for paying the expenses of the war could not be met, and in very low spirits did she dismiss the Diet. Her sorrows were soon increased, for on the 18th of August, 1765, her consort, Francis I., sud- denly deceased. From this time she became more and more devoted to the ceremonies of her Church, and out of her pri- vate purse flowed rich donations to the proselytes who joined the Church of Rome. She soon gave her talented son Joseph a share in the gov- ernment ; and the hypocrisy which he discovered among the pious attendants of his mother was, according to Fessler's opinion, the cause of that bitter hatred which taught him afterwards to make such sweeping reforms among the Jesuits and the monks. * The Pope's letter bore the fisherman's seal, and in virtue of this letter Clement XIII. exalts General Daun above the immortal Eugene; with the consecrated sword he should utterly eradicate all stinking Satanic heresy. The destroying angel should fight at his side to help in annihilating the ac- cursed seed of Luther and Calvin; and the Most High the Avenger should use his arm to destroy from the earth the Amalekite and Moabite, &c., &c. Smalii Adversar. Rehg. Protest., MSS. When this brief was issued, I rcd- erick had met with a loss, and the Pope then showed his character in its true colors. 408 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XIII. The Chancellor's Court.— John Dourjan's Pamphlet. — Provision made for Hungarian Students at Tubingen. — Continued Persecutions. Under the co-regency of Joseph, the state of the Protes- tants was but little improved, for the jealousy and ambition of his mother left him little more than the name of king. When at last the petitions had reached a pitch that Maria Theresa could bear no more, she referred them to the chan- cellor's court, and asked the opinion of that court respecting the calamities, or at least the complaints. And this superior court of appeal, with bishops and Jesuits for its advisers, did not delay long with the report, but in- formed the empress that the cause of all the complaints was to be found in the fact that the decrees of her imperial father had not been sufficiently strictly carried out against the Prot- estants.* This supreme court, therefore, continued to grieve the Protestants to the utmost, partly in a direct way, partly also by not interfering to protect them from the illegal op- pressions of the Roman Catholic priesthood. If a Protestant happened to transgress in the smallest point, the punishment was certain, and often far beyond the merits of the case ; but when a Protestant was the accuser, there was seldom any punishment inflicted on a Roman Catholic defendant. Bibles and prayer-books and catechisms, belonging to the Protestants, were confiscated ; and yet for several years the fanatical pamphlet of John Dourjan of Waitzen, which was *■ Very true. If the imperial decrees had been carried out as strictly as the Jesuits wished, there would have been no Protestants remaining over to complain. rROTESTANT ClIUUCH ..i ju x.m.^. liil as bigoted as that of Martin Uiio, an.l in wlucli wur* i. .. •. " that it is just and right to conipel ll»os«« who an; not U-.n. m Catholics, by any means ichatevcr^ to adojii tljo Roman Cmh- die faith," — this pamphlet was allowed to circulaH' for inany years unhindered.* It was not till the year 1770 ilmi ii wm declared to be, " in a political and religious aspect, a danger- ous book which should be confiscated." The evil effects of such publications were counteracted by the violent and passionate style in which thoy were written. More dangerous, however, were the missionary inhtiiuijoni erected in the districts wl\ere the Protestants chiefly n"Md«-ook w.a5, " Ju»ta Kcligioni* Cn^tkv" Aaoo IT«L t Bv some of tlic trades' unions it wm en«. • . ^UlT^it m man fell sick, the head of the corporation mu ^ZllLTlt Ik. journeyman fell sick, hi. n^a.ter mu,t »^"'* '^'V'';;^i;jV:'r^ ^ ^ patieni were a Protestant, they were expected to be the «»«• pwci.*! »• «*• discharge of this duty. 35 410 HISTORY OF THE of the schools. When, however, the noble Duke of Wurtem- berg heard of these difficulties, and how poor students were forbidden to collect means for their support abroad, he found- ed those free tables at Tubingen for Hungarian students, of which, however, few could avail themselves till after the archbishop's death.* At this time the persecutions of so-called apostates went on as before. Matthew Mailing, a town-councillor of Libetban- ya, was, in his sixty-seventh year, accused of having, fifty years ago — consequently before the famous " Resolutions of Charles " — left the Church of Rome. He was thrown for three months into prison, and it was only as an act of pe- culiar kindness and clemency that he was allowed to retain his office afterwards. t The town-councillors of Debrecsin were members of the Reformed Church, and having once ventured to set a prison- er free who was charged with apostacy from the Church of Rome, they were not only punished with the loss of a whole year's salary, but in time to come two Roman Catholic coun- cillors were joined with them in the office. If any one ven- tured to speak in favor of the Protestants, or even to use his influence to expose a notoriously malignant and false accu- sation, he was denounced as a " ringleader," and treated ac- cordingly. Protestants were more and more strictly held to their duty of tilling the priests' land, of paying the stola dues and the " Lecticale," 1: and of building and repairing Roman Catholic chapels and schools, while their own were plundered and hastening to decay. The bishops and landowners went so far as to roll all the burdens of themselves on their Protestant vassals : and a law * (Edenberg Memorab., Fasc. VII. No. 45. See Appendix. t As a matter of course, he must be a Roman Catholic in future. t " Lecticale " was the duty which every married coiiple must pay annu- ally to the priest, amounting to about one shilling English for each family. In large parishes, it came to a very considerable sum. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF UrNf-AKY. Ill was promulgated in the year 1770, retiuiriiig ihem ulno to bear their sliare of tlie support of tlu- pricHls ami nchool. masters. At a procession on Corpus Christi day, there tironu a tumult at Reimasombath, and the consequence wa», t)uii the Protestants were punished with the loss of iheir church and church property : the protest of the attorney -penfral ond the petition of the Protestants were e«|uuily frultl«%M in Hi- tempting to regain possession. The daughter of Stephen Okolicsvmyi — her mothrr In in|» a Protestant — was positively forbidden to niarry a Pr> »:••*• tant of the name of Sontag ; and when the authorilM » an- nounced that the order came to late, and thai ihe umrria|;o had already been solemnized, a sliarp reproof was tcnl them for not having used proper means so as to secure hi« convcf. sion. Indeed, in affairs relating to marriage the jurisdicUon of the Protestants was entirely set aside ; and the Pope gave divorce, as in the case of Paul Bene von Nador, w.Uioui any reference to the laws and customs of tl»c parlies coticerncd. 412 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XIV. Travels of the Emperor Joseph. — He meets with the Pi-otestants, and re- ceives their Deputations. — The Superintendent of Debrecsin. — The Em- peror's DisUke to the Jesuits. — Letter to the Dnlce of Choiseul. — Letter to Earl Aranda, Minister of Spain. — Suspension of the Jesuits in 1773. While it appeared that the Protestants in Hungary were hopelessly lost under the oppression of the priests, the Lor', Uk; em- peror could not fail to observe that the Jesuits wort* iho prin- cipal cause of all the calamities and immorality which pa-- vailed. His dislike to this order was not less than iluil of the prime ministers of Sj)ain and Portugal, who had al- ready banished the monks ; and this feeling is very evuk-nl in the letter addressed to the Duke of Choiseul, prime minis- ter of France, who appeared prepared to oct in unison with the Court of Vienna in banisliing the monks. This letter, dated January, 1770, was as follows : — ' Sir, — For the confidence placed in me, accept of my thanks. If I were once emperor, you may mckon on my support and my approval of your plan of di.ssolving the order of the Jesuits. You need not lay much stress on my moth* er ; the affect ioji for this order of monks is hertdUmry in tkt house of Hapshurg. Even Clenvnt XIV. haf kmdo eri- dence of this. In the mean lime Kaunitz is your friend, be has unbounded influence with the empress, and agroee with you and Marquis Pombal in this matter ; besides, be b no( a man of half measures. " Choiseul ! I know these people well. I know ihcir pUv and exertions to spread darkness over the earth, and rule all Europe from Cape Finistcrrc to tlie NortJi Sea. " In Germany they arc mandnrin", in France ihcy am academicians, courtiers, confessors; in Sjmin and Turtugal, nobles ; and in Paraguay, kings. ^' If my grand-unclc, Joseph I, had not become emperor. we might have seen in CJermany Malagridas, Avciiw, and .35 • 414 HISTORY OF THE an attempt at regicide. He knew them, however, thorough- ly ; as they once suspected his confessor of the crime of honesty, and of placing more confidence in the emperor than in the Vatican, they had him summoned to Rome. The priest saw all the horror of his situation ; he knew what awaited him and begged the emperor's protection. In vain was the interference. Even the Papal ambassador at Vienna demanded that this man should be removed from court. Ex- asperated at this despotism of Rome, the emperor declared that, if this priest must go, he should not travel alone, but should have plenty of company, for all the Jesuits in the empire should go with him, and not be allowed to return. This unexpected decision of character obliged the Jesuits to yield. " Thus was it once, Choiseul. I see there must be a change. Adieu ! may Heaven long preserve you to France, to me, and to the host of your friends. " Joseph." The influence of the minister, Kaunitz, over the mind of the empress was, as Joseph here acknowledges, very consid- erable, and this influence he used to turn her against the Jesuits ; for by obtaining from Madrid a copy of the sins which she had at the previous Easter confessed to the priest, he showed how even the secrets of the confessional are used for political purposes. A letter which Joseph wrote to the Earl of Aranda, Knight of the Golden Fleece, and a Spanish nobleman, immediately after the suspension of the Jesuits, is too important to be passed over. He writes : — " Sir, — Clement XIV. has by the suspension of the order of the Jesuits gained an immortal name. He has blotted out those sibyls from the earth, and their names will in future be mentioned only in history and in connection with Jansenism. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF Ilt'Nr.AKY. i\b "Before they were known in Ccrmany, religion brought with it happiness to tlie nations : they have sunk thnl lial- lowed name to be an object of e Coena. Domini.'' •* Jot tni. " Vienna, July, 1773." 416 HISTORY OF THE In the same year was this order, which had nothing of Jesus but the name, suspended also in Hungary ; and like as when the frost is gone and the sun of April calls forth mil- lions of flowers and buds, so was ii in this land when the blighting frost was removed. All parties had good reason to rejoice, but especially did the Protestants lift up their heads, for their redemption was drawing nigh. PROTECTANT CHT'RCII OF IIUNWAKY. U? CHAPTER XV. Erection of new Bishoprics. — The Protestants bepn to breathe more frodr. — The Filial Churches freed from the I'riesta. — Petitions to tho Kini^rrV W) 1 Empress. — The Emperor's Journeys. — Development of Kdigii-u* Krrr- dom. With the banisliing of tlie Josuits, a new day in \\w Jesuits new bishoprics were endowed, and that in ihc coun' ties chiefly inhabited by Protestants. It is true thai many Jesuits still remained in the country, many of their pupils Mtill held offices of trust, many of the civil authorities still gnvo their orders in the old style : still, a new day had dau-ncd on Hungary. Friend and foe knew, that though Joseph had been educated by a Jesuit, still he would never be the slave of the priests. Many a bright evidence had he given of his love of justice. The Protestant Church began to rouse herself from that torpor into which she had fallen. Iler activity as a Church had nearly ceased. Sufficient evidence of her low state has already been given ; and if any one wish more, h- glance at the fact, that one of the pastors at (K-i- summoned before the magistrates for having spoken in his praver o( faith as the only way of sahation.* In September, 1773, the Krf«.nned Churrh held a meeting at'Buggi, to consult in what way their cause might now bo best advanced. In some places the Protestants now brpm to meet on the Lord's Day for reading the Scriptures ; but in the oomrocooe- • (Edenberg MSS. 418 HISTORY OF THE ment, they had great difficuhies to encounter. The Lu- theran clergy met at Aesa, and resolved on a united address and petition to Maria TJieresa and Joseph. Their petition was presented at court by the zealous and valiant Calvinistic general, Count Nicolas Belesneg, by Paul Vatey, Stephen Vay de Vaza, and Joseph Battay. In Neograd, an earnest movement commenced against the payments to the priests and Roman Catholic schoolmasters, and the compulsion to assist in building and repairing Roman Catholic chapels. Their petition to this effect was presented by Ladislaus Perenyi, and was not only graciously received, but also, on the part of the empress, an order was given to Samuel Nagy, the agent of the Protestant churches at Vienna, to draw up a concise history of the Reformation in Hungary, for the benefit of the empress.* The emperor came to Upper Hungary and Transylvania in the course of the year, and the Protestants in the neigh- borhood of Kashaw availed themselves of the opportunity of presenting their grievances to him. They complained that they dared not meet together to worship God. So early as the 23d of September, the emperor gave his reply, promising them full liberty of worship. Pethions flowed in from all sides. Joseph received and read them. The Lutherans wished for a consistorial court, and for that purpose appeared in a numerous deputation before him at Pesth. He received the deputation, and listened to their request to take the Prot- estant Church under his protection. Very shortly afterwards, permission was given to the filial church at Felso Petin, that the pastor of the nearest church might be allowed to visit their sick and to baptize their children.t * The manuscript is probably lying in the Imperial library at Vienna. t When the pastors began to travel more frequently to visit the scattered members of their flock, the old edicts were once more, in the last year of the reign of Maria Theresa, renewed, and the pastors confined to the place where they resided. rROTi:STANT CHURCH Of HLN..AKV. \l[i The tree imperial cities obtained leave to ciilar^'r lUm schools ; and in (Edenberg the pastors U ^u„ lo pr„.t cate. chisms and books which hut a little l>efore they darvd toirccly have in possession. It is true that pastors were still sunnnoncd before tli« iimgw- trates for having ventured to marry parties without the con- sent of the priests, hi the absence of J.jscph, niany were entangled in knotty lawsuits. Some of tlu; pastors wen-, om in the case of John Toth, deposed from ofllers and sonic were called up to give a reason why they admitted Htmngt-m lo be present during the celebration of divine worship. The .Mumr Morosinetz was sentenced to three months' in)priHomm-nt for having read, and prayed, and sung, with brelhn?n oui of Mo- ravia. Two pastors of the same church hold dilTen'nl rnoei- ings at the same time, and for this they were both exju-lled. A nobleman, Michael Kubinyi, allowed his sou to be in- structed in the Protestant faith, and was on llmt account thrown into a prison, where he sufTered severely from want of proper food, water, and fresh air, and after a yeur'n im- prisonment, he was dismissed on payment of a fine of a hundred florins into the mission fund, and for the future was placed under the special control of the police. The ofTensive names given to the Troteslonts still nppearrd in the legal documents. One church was forbi! another in the case of need. The aulhoritii-s of li.- . ( Neograd were severely reprimanded by the viceregal court for their remissness in punishing the piujtors when thr\ • beyond the bounds of their parish, and aIj«o for ibr.. neglecting to seek out and to punish in an exemplar)- uwi.in r the apostates from the Church of Rome. A prt-aclK-r al Neusohl was suspended for three months, and the pnc«ta wished him to be entirely super-- " ^'"^ ^^^^ passed an examination before thr h I^'T^J" a satisfactory manner. He was declared to be ^^^?^^ ignorant respecting the nature of baptism, for he had — erted 420 HISTORY OF THE that baptism ought not to be administered to a child before it is completely born into the world.* The priest at Bosing removed the dust of the evangelical palatine Illyeshazy and his partner Catherine Pallfy, out of that church which they had so richly endowed. With all this, the demon of persecution was evidently bound with a chain, the last ring of which Joseph was hold- ing with a firm hand. The attacks were more and more isolated, and at last the fiend seemed to have fallen at Joseph's feet into a deathlike sleep. * The Jesuits had already decreed otherwise, and directed that, in case of death in the act of parturition, the child should be baptized by the midwife. PROTESTANT CHUUCH OF mJNiJAKY. 421 CHAPTER XVI. LIMITATIONS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. In the same year in which tlie Jesuits were banished, iho Roman Catholic priests and bishops were ordered to have no communication with Rome, otherwise than through the for- eign secretary at the court of Vienna. Inimediaicly after- wards the very questionable institutions of the night asylums were closed. It was forbidden to apply to Rome for dispen- sations in case of marriage and for divorces ; and the priests were ordered to read these edicts from the pulpit. In the last years of Maria Theresa, when Jt>seph*8 influ- ence was becoming greater and greater, new decrees wcro from time to time published, limiting thf t"'- - ••• <.f the priests and relieving the Protestants. The pastor of Rosenau was j)crmitte«l to tuier Wiilun iho walls of the town and to visit the sick ; the pastor of Nc- mesker was admitted even into the prisons ; while a pric«l io Grunau was forbidden to force himself on the Protrslants when sick, and if they died they might l>e burird in whaU-vrr way they themselves had wished. The children of rn.:r^tant* were to be allowed, even in the Roman Catholic scbooU. lo have their own books. In Liptau the authoritirt were or- dered not to force the Protestants to assist at ' the church of St. Nicolas, pxrr?l thry volu do so. , In many places the I'rnt.^.u.;. obtamcd Icavr to cnlarpr and improve their churches, and much lew diflkulty than usual was laid in llie way. Indeed, a very uou.ud occur- 36 422 HISTORY OF THE rence in Hungary happened at this time. The government brought an action at law against the Roman Catholic chapter at Erlau for having driven the Protestant inhabitants from the village Egyeg, for having torn down their houses, expelled their pastors, seized their books, and thus disturbed them in their religious privileges, as well as in their civil rights. The lawsuit was decided in favor of the Protestants, and the sen- tence was, that the Protestants should be immediately brought back to the village, their houses built at the expense of the chapter, the church imnrediately opened, and the county informed that it was hoped such excesses would not be repeated. The Bishop of Neutra had permitted his clergy, particu- larly, however, the priest at Holtsh, to demand exorbitant payments from the Protestants for services rendered, and now it was ordered that this priest should return all that he had unjustly taken since the year 1771 ; and this was done with- out the Protestants having asked it. The priest of Altenburg was forbidden to take double fees, or to punish the Protes- tants who did not send for him in cases of sickness. Parties who had been compelled at the time of marriage to engage to educate their children in the Church of Rome, and who had neglected to fulfil their engagements, were now allowed to speak in their own defence, and were sometimes set free from that obligation to which they had been morally com- pelled. Those who had been punished for apostasy had also some relief. Many were by the sentence of the Inquisition con- demned to a long imprisonment, and then to work on the streets in chains. Many of these were now set completely free, and many had their punishment very considerably alle- viated. The compulsory decretal oath began by degrees to be less rigidly enforced, and the orphan children of Protes- tants were allowed to be educated in the faith of their fathers, if any relatives chose to take charge of them. The em- PROTESTANT CIIURCH OF HUNCAKY. 481 peror watched strictly over the executive powem, ami pun- ished severely for neglect of duty. The Protestants of Altsol gained a suit wliich tl»py brought against the priests and the priest-riddm n)a«^isiniry, nnd n- ceived back a thousand florins and fifty kn'uzrr, wlurh between the years 1763 and 1776 had Ijeen tuken from them as punishment for not attending processions and other Popish ceremonies. Tiie Protestant ciuircli at Neu»<>hl wan dispensed from tlie sum of two liundred and ' florins, thirt}'^ krcuzer, being the law costs for m religious matters. This was the state of matters in lluujiary as tii.- «%. :i ij of the life of the Empress Maria Tlieresii was nppri»M< ii n- with quick steps. Before we take leave of her, we iuu»i briefly glance at the brethren in Transylvauii vO"- h:id U . n subjected to her sceptre. 424 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XVII. THE PROTESTANT CHURCH IN TRANSYLVANIA. That the Protestant Church in Transylvania was in a mis- erable state we have ah'eady seen. Still, however, it had many advantages over the Church in Hungary. The great number of magnates zealously attached to the Church made it a matter of political wisdom not to exasperate them too much. Besides, the form of church-government was very advantageous to the peace and prosperity of the community. The superior church courts consisted of a combination of clergy and laity. The superintendents were ably assisted by the advice and influence of the magnates, and the most re- spected and influential of the nobles had a seat in the church courts, and a voice, ever since 1709. The Counts Teleky and Bethlen, as also the nobles Ves- selenyi and De Hadad, stood generally by the side of the superintendents, and guided the public afiairs. They went also to Vienna, and by their fearless, dauntless demeanor, made it convenient that they should be treated with respect. When a large deputation came, however, to Vienna, they were not recognized as deputies from the Church, nor were they admitted as such to the queen. After several attempts, however, at last two of their num- ber. Earl Teleky and Senator Bilder, were admitted, and they declared that the oppression of the Church was becom- ing every day more intolerable, and that neither in the laws nor in the judges did they see any hope of relief: they there- fore, as the last resource, applied to the sovereign, and be- soufrht her aid in the maintenance of their ricrhts. / rROTKSTANT rHUKClI OF HUNCJAUV. 425 The empress took the j)art of the pulitioii rt-fiTring to civil evils into consideration, and gave directions respecting ihcm, but left the complaints in ecclesiastical inatlcni untouclicd. In vain did they appeal to the solemn contract wliich Imd been made between the four religious ix)diis, Roman C'utliu* lies, Lutherans, Calvinists, and Unitarians ; in vain to th' command. ers. They had, for example, seized the cathedral of Alba Carolina with bells an.l clock, which had been presented by the Protestant prince of the country ; the coliepw and poa- tor's dwelling had also been forcibly taken for Roman Coth- olic purposes. The churches of Barbani, Kent, and Malx, met with the same fate ; and when new clmrchen were Inidl, thev were torn down again by the Jest.its. Tlic churrbct of Szamasfalva, Erhid, Katona, Kg>-hasfalva, and many oUn-r^. were seized by Roman Catholic nobles an ;-^ church, but had also in.prisoned ""^^^^f ^,/^'jT^ for the sake of compelling them to j«m the ^^-^J^ Church, and, in spite of the d.rcct en^ ^. -.. to tt.t « ff-^. he received no punishment whatever. At Ebesfalva, the administrator of the t 36 • 426 HISTORY OF THE possession of the church by the miiitary ; and at Bolasfalva the same thing took place, with the addition .that the bells and clock were carried away. The steward of Countess Haller assisted the priests in seizing the churches of Maros- Kerestner and St. Pal, in the Kuhullar circuit. The commander-in-chief took possession of the Lutheran church at Hermanstadt, the college and collegiate church at Klausenberg, and other smaller chapels, not to speak of those which, by virtue of contracts, passed over into the hands of the Romanists. The inhabitants of Transylvania complained, further, that the jive articles of the constitution which pressed so heavily on them were inserted without their consent, and merely by the cunning of KoUonitz, therefore these could never be con- sidered binding. Further, the right was granted to Jews, Armenians, Bulga- rians, Greeks, and even to those who were not natives or homeborn, to build whatever houses they chose for religious purposes, while the Protestants alone were prevented, — yes, even had their churches torn down, though they possessed in all respects the same rights as the Roman Catholics. Further, that deputations to the empress in religious mat- ters were not received till they had first described their ob- ject, and obtained permission, by which means years passed before the subject of complaint was heard.* Petitions sent to the chancellor's office were sometimes not even read. In appointing to office, the Pragmatic Sanction, by which all religious parties had an equal right, was completely disre- garded. For example, in the council there were six Roman Catholics, three Calvinists, two Lutherans, and one Unitarian ; by the commissariat there were no Protestants appointed.! * The last privilege was thus taken away, namely, the beggar's right of asking relief. The same principle was adopted in 1851. t The injustice of this arrangement may be seen from the following statia- PROTESTANT CHrRni of IIOXGARY. 4tf7 In addition to theso complaints, a piipor drawn up at ihc time by Stei)hcn de Daniel and Vargyas demnnded, — " That their chmrhos should be all ri'storcd or rebuilt, ac- cording as they had boon seized or demolisbcd ; tlmt the military commanders should not interfere in ndigiou* mat- ters ; that the attorney-general should be punished for not stopping these acts of violence ; that the miprriw should re- peal the five points, and declare them null and void ; that the Protestants should have the ri^^ht of building; churches and endowing pastors where and how they chose ; that they hbould have the right of at all times approaching the ihrono with pc« titions ; and, lastly, that a proper distribution of patronage should be made in the offices of slate." But the empress, who, in the l)eginninR of her reipn, and in the time of need, had promised so solemnly to prc»cr^-c the rights and freedoms of the country, now forgot her prom- ise and her oath so fi\r that slie never gave nn answer to all these complaints. So far from carrying out the principles of the constituiioo, she, at the Diet of Ilcrmannstadt, in 1711, had all the arti- cles erased which in any way hampcrtMl the Church of Rome ; and by thus taking away the pn)teclion of tl>e other churches, she virtually diss..lvr.l the union ul.loh had hrm made. Protestant churches were now lurbi«i(!. n :-> - •• sons joinmg that communion were treated .: •« ; tics: — The Catholic m.ipnatcs at that t "— ~ ' Calviiiists to fifty-one. Among the hi. • Tboollrij" Catholics find ninety Calvini^ts; anioDf' ; thirty-one R'^man Catholic f:imi!i.>«, nn-l lies of Calvinists. The Luthemr.-. - - ^ o,^p-ij twelve town?, and in many villa , B*l) U _ them. They numbered t.- > n- Um>^<^ hjmym- circlesofSepsi-Ke.d,,Orb:. ..j^^J^wo omitting Csik - there were - . . J»i-» eighty-three inhabited by Kcfonncd and I wur-na. ^ 428 HISTORY OF THE m Popish priests alone had the right of solemnizing mixed mar- riages ; Catholic children dared no more to attend Protestant schools ; and the " Reformed States " were forbidden to re- tain that name. The forcible seizing of the churches was forbidden, it is true, in 1752, but that took place only when the Unitarians had by force succeeded in recovering a church which the Pa- pists had taken from. them. The decree to this effect was drawn up in such a way as if it was the greatest possible 'crime to protect one's property from the hand of the robber or to take back what he had violently carried away. The Jesuits had now the ear of the empress, and they knew how to do their work. For a time they forbade the Transylvanian students to attend foreign universities, and it was not till 1759 that freedom was given to go and study in Belgium. They did not hinder the Roman Catholic bishop, Anton Stayka, from appointing " saints' days " at his own option, and compelling all indiscriminately to celebrate these days by complete cessation from work. To give a clear picture of the state of the times, we will bring the reader to contemplate a family scene. The facts of the case are well authenticated. Count Dionysius PaufTy, with his wife. Baroness Agnes Barcsai, both being descended from Calvinistic parents, had three sons and one daughter. The profligate life of the count had soon not only involved his own property, but had also placed that of his wife in the hands of the creditors. Contentions ran high between the count and his partner, and they were much increased by the conversion of the former to the Church of Rome in the year 1755. He now demanded his sons, to have them educated in the Church of his adop- tion. The mother was not bound in this case, by the Tran- sylvanian law, to surrender her right ; but an imperial com- mand, and the hope of being able to retain the daughter in her own faith, induced her to yield. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HrNCAKV. 4S9 The countess's mother, in the mean time, ufmid of ihe niin of the family, obtained a royal ct)nunission i• ""^'^^ ughter. The carriage of Teleky. who happens. « U 430 HISTORY OF THE there, was immediately brought out, and they tried to escape. After three hours, however, they were overtaken by the hus- sars, and brought back as prisoners. On the way back, one of the party handed the countess a letter from General An- drew Hadick, stating that he had orders from the empress to prevent the marriage of her daughter with Teleky, and that he hereby forbids her to think further of such a step. Arrived in the castle, a letter was presented by General Bethlen from Boytai, Bishop of Transylvania, requiring her, according to the wishes of the empress, to surrender up her daughter, that she might be educated by Bethlen, under the direction of the bishop. The mother and the intended hus- band refused to do so till they saw the letter of the empress, upon which orders were given to the soldiers to load, and Teleky was led away by sixteen armed men. The countess and Agnetha strove to conceal themselves, but were discov- ered, and the daughter was torn by force out of the mother's arms by Lieutenant Pichler, and carried away. That same night the mother started for Vienna to lay her complaint before the throne. A petition was presented by the two aggrieved parties to the empress, breathing the bit- terest spirit of distress, despair, and rage, and demanding re- dress. The answer of the empress was, that her Majesty had already, for the weightiest of reasons, decreed that the father have the right of educating the children.* She would abide by her decree so much the more, as the said Agnes PaufTy had applied to her Majesty, begging for further protection. Her Majesty disapproved, therefore, very highly, of the steps taken by the countess and by Teleky, but, in consider- ation of the circumstances, would not punish them for what they had done. Her Majesty hopes that the countess will look with the greatest gratitude on what has been done to Wliy not, then, in case of the father being Protestant ? PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUN(;aRY. 4S1 secure her daughter a good ediicalion, and tlml in futurv no complaint on the subject shall ever reucli the ihront-. Shall we now give a description of tljc charucler of thia empress? and shall we take as our gtiiilo th.- t .» transpired under her government and with licr ;. :,, manifesting bigotry and unbounded hardness of heart t or shall we take the description given of her by the Je.suitii and other writers, as a model of gentleness, goodness, and wanii- ness of heart ? We believe that she was in reality a jhthoh of warm feelings and kindly disj)osition. We would nn-rvly observe that her goodness of heart manifested itself gt* ncnilly as moving between two lines, one of which was drawn by the priests, and the other by an absolute and despotic minis- try. In both regions — in religion and politics — she had lit- tle mercy for those who opposed her will, hnu* v.r IcmI .ukI just the opposition may have been. It is well known with what severity the nubloi lunili-jH ot Bohemia were, contrary to the articles of the capitulation of Prague, imprisoned, proscribed, and " otherwise put out of the loay.'' They were put to the torture, and ex|»ascd \o cruel deaths for having acknowledged Charles Albert of Ba* varia, who had taken possession of the countr>- •■ ereign. There was no stop put to their cruelties ; ^ of Prussia interfered, and procured relief. It is told of her that, about the time of ihc cmj. .,...; a merciful priest brought upwards of fifty widows ond childrro to meet her, and supplicate freedom for lutslKinds and pareots who had been confmed in prison by the coinmwioo ; nnA that, when the attendants wept at ihc 8tor>' of robcr>', the empress positively refused their n-quest. That she did not treat IIungar>' iu» it deterred at hrr hands, is verv clear, but the evidences lie beyond ihe bounds of a Church history. At the same tunc it cmpoI be denied that the empress understood how to chew ibe m^- nates to her court, and estrange ibcm from ihcir oaUre 432 HISTORY OF THE and she zealously watched those who were likely to become too popular. As the son of General Aspermont, who had been distinguished in the wars of Rakotzy, was once driving near Anod, and his heavy travelling carriage had got fast in the mud, the Hungarian peasants returning from market with their fiery horses, laughed at the " German " in his distress. Aspermont sprung on the box and cried, " What ! will you let Rakotzy's grandson stick in the mud ? " They immediately attached their horses, and drove him in triumph into Anod. When Aspermont came to court, the empress, quite inflamed, cried, " Aspermont, hear ! We donH want you to stick in the mud, but you must give up your references to Rakotzy, or else we will lay you in prison.'''' * Such outbursts reveal the character better than the calmer acts of reflection. Maria Theresa had her happy hours and days, when she was capable of noble thoughts and feelings. It was at such a time that she ordered the torture to cease. Do we understand, however, by goodness of heart that principle which leads us to weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that do rejoice ; which enables us to see in man an object of love and sympathy for which we shall do our utmost to make him happy ? In this case the character cannot be ascribed to Maria Theresa. Any goodness which she possessed was reserved for priests and members of her own party ; so that of her might be said, in the language of Scripture, " If ye love those who love you, what thank have ye ? do not even the publicans the same ? " But can goodness of heart sit on a throne ? Can one re- main long uncontaminated by the courtiers who surround the sovereign ? Is it not the very object of courtiers to claim for themselves, and to suck honey out of this flower, till it falls withered to the earth ? Is not the fate of such mon- archs most to be deplored, who have a heart to feel for suffer- * Diary of an Old Pilgrim, p. 178. PROTESTANT CHURCll OF HUNCJAKY. 43S ing humanity, who grasj) in its full oxt..-nl lljo value of ihcir position as rulers, and who (Icsin- to s|)rfa(l htippincM fur and wide around them ? The Protestants have iiKk-od litil«; cause to Ixmni of the goodness of Maria Theresa's heart, and much nilher niighi they say of her what Fenelon wrote to Louis XIV.: " You have no love to God. Indeed, you roganl him wilh a slavish fear. You fear hell, and not God. Your rchgion consists in superstition, in trifling su|>erfluou8 religious exer- cises. You are like the Jews, of whom the I^)rd wiid, ' Thii people draweth nigh to me with their tongues, but their hearts are far from me.' Conscientious in small matters, hut hanl- cned in cases of great importance, you love your own glory and your own ease. You draw all to yourself, ilh if <:ver)- thing had been made only for you, while the truth is, that God has made you and placed you there for his people. Hul oh ! you do not understand these truths ; how could you find any pleasure in them? — you don't know God; you don't love him ; you don't pray to him with tiie hiart ; you don't strive to know him." All this was applicable to Maria Theresa ; but in joy orcr her great and noble-minded son, the Protestants forp>t and forgave the bigoted mother. They forgot an«l forgave the evils which, even under such favorable circumstances, a Icm decided character than Joseph II. could not have healed. 37 FOURTH PERIOD. FROM JOSEPH 11. TO FRANCIS JOSEPH L, 1780-1849. CHAPTER I. General View of the Emperor's Position. — His wonderful Letter. — Edict of Toleration. The Protestant Church of Hungary had been brought to the very verge of ruin. Under the appearance of faithful- ness in carrying out the laws of the land, and zeal for the supposed cause of religion, — that is, for the support of the Church of Rome, — no opportunity of crushing the Protes- tants had passed by without improvement. From being a recognized and established Church in the country, with the same rights and privileges which belong to the Roman Catholics, the Protestant Church was reduced to a state of abject slavery, receiving fewer privileges than were accorded to the Jews.* But little remained over, and Hungary would soon be like Austria, Carinthia, and Styria, where the very name of Protestants had ceased to exist. But the Spirit of God moved upon the waters, and among those whom his gentle breath quickened, was Joseph H., Emperor of Austria. It is not our intention to describe the virtues or the faults * " Ut nobis civibus, non jam civitatis solum sed ilia etiam qws ut Jiomini- bus dehebaniur jura, passim negata fuerint." — Petition of the Protestants of Hungary to Joseph II., in the year 1781. HISTORY OF THE PROTKSTANT CHURCH OF nrN«;ARY. 4M of this illustrious scion of tiic houso of HapsburK; Hcillicr would we attempt to decide the question, whether, by a stricter regard to the Constitution of Hungary-, and lo Ukj national character of the Hungarians, his ultfn»j)l« ui n f.rin might not have been more successful. Certain it \h, thai i;.. Hungarians, firmly attached to monarchy, but ui tiic s;im.' time jealous of their constitution, were not moved to loo^i kindly on ecclesiastical reforms proceeding? from one who had carried away the crown of Hungary out of the rounlry ; who had divided the kingdom afltr Austrian fashion into cir- cles ; who, instead of elective lieutenants and dcputy-lieutcn* ants of counties, had appointed imperial adminLstratorH who had repealed the municipal constitution of the frer iin|M!ruil cities of Transylvania and Rumania ; ami wlio, by tin* intro- duction of the German language into the proceedings of the civil courts, had virtually shut out native Hungarian* from office. With due reverence, but with an energy becoming tlio citizens of a free kingdom, many counties raised tlu-ir voice* in solemn protest against these innovations. The county of Zemplin reminded the emperor that the legal courta of Ilun- gary did not consist merely of imperial funclioooric*, but were made up of them and the nobility of the land aetuig in conjunction, and that it was imj>ossible for the latter to ar. quire the German language in less than lhrt.-c yearn. Kfcn Tamerlane, or Timon the Tartar, the conqiKTor of A»i«, dnl not, they said, require such hard conditions from tl»c van- quished natives whom he had reduced to stri they added, the Germans in Hungary wen . minority, and it was painful for a nation to bow ,o a Ira...., within itself; neither couM it be a.^rted, they «aac • conscription of the houses and inlmb.tant. ; and wild and .... 436 HISTORY OF THE ter was the cry of indignation which this called forth from peasant and nobleman. In the midst of all this confusion the emperor labored hard in repairing and clearing out the ship of Peter, in which the Bishop of Rome had under a false flag carried on for many years a most pernicious smuggling trade. The emperor knew the wares well, as also the secret stores, where they were kept, and the agents by whom they were disposed of. During the regency with his mother, he had thoroughly studied the intrigues of Rome, and was resolved to free Ca- tholicism at once from its foulest stain and its greatest weak- ness, — the Papacy ; and at the same time to relieve Prot- estantism from its greatest scourge. What served the emperor as guide in his work of reform seems to have been a protest of three electoral princes of Germany, handed to him during his regency, containing an appeal to the emperor against the usurpations of Rome.* There were also among the higher clergy in his own do- minions men found who ably supported him in his noble work. Among these was the Archbishop of Prague, Count Przichowsky, who had prepared a translation of the Bible for Bohemia. At his side stood the president of the theo- logical seminary at Prague, a man capable of imbuing the minds of the students with a love of truth. The bishops of Budweis and Leitmeritz vied with John Leopold Hay, the Bishop of Koniggratz, in the noble race. The latter, in his charge to the clergy of his diocese, writes and exhorts them " not to search any more into the secrets of families, nor, under any pretence whatever, to deprive the people of their books. We urge you to peace : and what can become the servant of the Lord better than that he be found promoting peace among the Lord's people ? Let there be an end of * Gravamina triiun archiepiscoporam Electoriim Moguntinensis, Trevi- rensis et Coloniensis, contra curiam Apostolicam. Anno 1769, ad Caesarem. PROTESTANT CHUlUll OV HINGAUY. 437 confusion, of persecution, and of drvuuring one another, for that is well-pleasing in the sight of (iod." In the same spirit was the learned Bolicmian prclalo, Au- gustinc Zippe, and the Abbot Stephen Iliiulenstrauch, HtrivinR to support the emperor. The latter wnite several puniphlela, explaining to the people the nature of the emperor's reform- ing measures. Another of the worthies was Ilciiry Kerrcs, Biiihop of Vienna, who labored successfully in abolishin;i llio 8U|K'ntii- tious use of relics, pictures, and images, uuudcls, and holy wells, or pilgrimages to them. He discouraged the oircrinffi of wax, and silver shrines and images, and, for weighty rea- sons, directed the churches to be all closed at sunset. In iho same spirit do we find the Archbishop of Salzburg, and also the emperor's ambassador at Rome, forwardim: tlie good cause. All these on the side of the emperor. Ag.im.st imu, how- ever, were arrayed the whole army of monks and pncHl-s, especially the priests of Hungary, and Rome with her Ital- ian policy. That the emperor understood his position, and thai he had thoroughly studied the strength of his antagonists, will appear evident from the close of his memorable letter lo the Arch- bisiiop of Salzburg, on the commencement of his reign. " I have," he writes, " a heavy work bcfort; me. 1 should reduce the army of monks, and should try to transform Or-hc fakirs into human beings. My task is to v "^*'r of those before whose shorn heads the nibbl. • rvx- erence, and who have gained a dominion over U« ciuwrns such as nothing can equal." ^ To give a full view, however, of the emperors firm rr«. lution and humane feelings, il is nerr^sary t.. • which he wrote to the cardinal an.i U-gntr, ; _ Rome In this letter is much that U calculated to throw light on the so-called " Josephinism " wnh which a IffiKd prrf- 37» 438 HISTORY OF THE ate of the latest times is attempting to blind the public. The letter is dated October, 1781, and is as follows : — " My Lord Cardinal, — Ever since I mounted the throne, and assumed the first diadem of the world, I have made phi- losophy to be the lawgiver of my kingdom It is ne- cessary to remove out of the category of religion some things which never belonged to it. As I hate superstition and Phar- iseeism, I shall deliver my people from them. To this end I shall dismiss the monks, abolish their monasteries, and bring them all under subjection to the bishops of the diocese. In Rome they will call this an aggression on the divine rights. They will cry and lament that the gloiy of Israel is fallen ; we shall hear that I am taking away the tribunes of the people, and am drawing a line between dogma and philos- ophy. Bitterer still will be the rage when they hear that I have done all this without consulting the servant of servants, and awaiting his opinion. " We must thank him for the degradation of the human intellect. Never shall we bring these servants of the altar voluntarily to keep their place and confine themselves to the preaching of the Gospel ; never will these children of Levi be willing to give up the monopoly of wisdom and knowledge. The monastic principle has been from the very first directly opposed to reason ; they give to the founder of their order a degree of honor approaching to divine worship, so that in them we see the antitype of the Israelites who went to Dan and Bethel to worship the golden calves. This false system of religion has taken possession of the mass of the people, who, while they know not God, expect all from their patron saints ! " I shall restore the rights of the bishops, and give the peo- ple, instead of the monk, the regular priest, and instead of the legendary romance, a preached Gospel ; where there is a difference o£ religion, there shall be a preaching of mo- rality. PROTESTANT Cin'nrn oK IM'NfJAKY. 4|9 " I shall lake care that my |)lmis sen'o niso for the fuiurr. The seminaries arc the schools of my prlrsti, wIm r- shall come forth enlightened and j.rc|ianM| to romn. . knowledge to the j)Cople, and in a period of \vsa than a crn- tury we shall have Ciiristians. My people will undenitand their duty, and children's childrt^n shall bless us for having freed them from a too powerful Rome, and for having shown the priests how to keep their proj)er place." Armed with this intrepid spirit, and supported by a com- paratively small number of friends, the emperor began his work of tearing down Rome's abuses. For very intelligible reasons, the emperor strove to sepa- rate the clergy of his kingdom from all foreign influence. Accordingly, under date of 24th of March, 1781, \\e forbiide all connection between the monasteries of the country and foreign monks or inspectors. No deputies dared bo .sr-nl to attend deliberative meetings of clergy out of tbe counir\- ; and no foreign inspector dared give any directiofui or pre- scribe any penalties to those residing in tbe country. None but natives could be received into tbe rrligious brotherhoods, and neither monks nor nuns dared collect money to tend out of the kingdom. On the 26th of March, it was ordered that no papal bull should be published in any part of the empire, v^ " ^t having obtained the emperor's sanction; the snu. was soon after extended to all foreign bishop?* vthmm jurtmitc- tion extended in any way over the Au.strian frontier. Returned from his journey to France, he immedialrly issued the memomble decree, by wbich the hull " F. tus," and the still more infamous bull, " U' F- must be expunged from the ritual ; and on the 30th oT Juoc, a royal decree abolished the " religious patent '* which the biaoted Ferdinand 11. had laid on his people, and »^**«J alf dissent from the Church of Rome might be rwted wrth 440 histoHy of the the severest penalties. Another decree forbade the recep- tion of novices into the cloisters, and ordered a correct census to be taken of the value of the property in the hands of the monks. At the same time that these excrescences of the Church of Rome were pruned, and that the Roman Catholics were taught to distinguish between the essentials of religion and the customs of their Church, the Protestants, on the other hand, were permitted to taste privileges of which they had been long deprived. At the very commencement of his reign, the Protestants had handed the emperor a spirited n^e- morial, detailing the historical development of their wrongs ; * and the monarch, who loved justice, was not slow in order- ing that religious opinions should henceforth exclude from no civil office, and that fitness for the post should be the only qualification. This was the dawning of a bright day, and the full splendor of the sun of freedom burst out on the Prot- estants on the 24th of October, 1781, when the Edict of Toleration was forwarded to all the bishops of Hungary, with the direction to use their influence to persuade the priests to a kindly feeling towards the Protestants. The decree explaining and regulating this edict appeared in December, and contained sixteen articles : — I. In all parts of the empire where the Protestants of both confessions were prohibited by law from holding meetings, they should now have liberty to meet privately for divine worship, without any inquiry being made whether Protestant meetings had been held there before or not. II. His Majesty declares these private meetings to mean, not what they had been hitherto in Hungary, but that, in every district where there were one hundred or more families * The author of that memorial was John James Horvath, an advocate of Pesth. He was a pupil of the famous lawyer, Pongratz, and he lies buried in the wood near Pesth, with the single inscription, " Fuit." PROTESTANT CHrilCH OF HrN<;AUY. 441 who possessed conjointly tli(« nuans of building a church, school-house, and nianso, without unfitting \\\vn\ for paying their other taxes, they should have lil>erty to build ; tlu-ir pastor should be free to visit the sick who wisljcd lo m-c him, without any limit whatever, only that the churches Khould have neither bell nor sj)ire, and tiiat there should be no entrance direct from the street. III. No one possessing the necessary talents and qualificii' tions for an ofBcc should henceforth be excluded on account of his religion. Protestants should have leave to buy ond hold landed property, to practise trades, and to obtain nca« demic honors in the same way as lloman Calbolics, rvcn in those places where they were hitherto preventrd frmn doing so. IV. No Protestant shall be obliged to swmr by any lorm inconsistent with the fundamental principles of his religion. No one shall be obliged to attend mass. Much less shall any one be fined for absenting himself from the pr<>«N->i,,Mv All laws to the contrary are hereby repealed V. The Protestants shall in all cases k«ep pos*^^ 'H - i the churches they at present hold ; and wImtc th. s^- i. ..M- ings are decayed, there is hereby perfect liberty granted to rebuild them of wood or stone ; yet, with this limit^^'-"'. 'hnt the expense be not above the m<'ans of the peoplr. VI. The chapels of ease which \ho ?n>'' shall remain in their hands, and pending law them shall all be quashed in favor of the Prolentnnt.. In the remaining articles it was decreed rrspiTtmg miied marriages, that where the father is R..n.nn ('nllKJ.c. all iho children of both sexes shoul.l U; r.hiraird m " ' where the father was Protestant, the mnlr ,«hu.- ^ Protestant. Priests were prohibited f^'" ^-'^^ ^r^ * '^j estants unless sent for; an.l no visitation of I n-r^nt churches or examination of the pastor on the naturr of l-p- tism should henceforth \yo instituted by «ny pm^i. 442 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER 11. First Fruits of tlie Edict of Toleration : Tlianks of the Protestants ; Protest of tlie Priests of Hungary and some of the Counties. — Efforts of Cardinal Migazzi. — The Mmister Kaunitz. — The Confessor's Explanation. — Pope Pius VI. comes to Vienna. — His Efforts fruitless. — His blaster of Cere- monies. — The Pope's Departure. — The Leave-taking. — The Emperor's Present. The impression produced by the Edict of Toleration on the inhabitants of the vast empire was deep and vivid. The tidings were joyous for those who at heart hated the cere- monies of the Church of Rome, but who had been obliged for generations to adhere outwardly to its communion. Like the trodden flower, when refreshed with dew, raising its head once more, so did these crushed spirits arise, and either formed new Protestant churches or attached themselves to those already in existence. On the 2d of February, 1782, the Protestants of the sister churches in Hungary held a meeting in Pesth, at which Count Peter Zay and Nicolas Belesnay presided, to draw up an expression of their gratitude to the emperor. The vote of thanks was written in Latin and German, and sent to Vienna under charge of a numerous deputation.* The Prot- estants had not received all which they had a right to ex- pect ; still the heaviest of their chains were taken off, and they hoped in the course of time to receive back the re- mainder of the privileges which had been guaranteed them by law, but wrested from them by the strong hand of oppression. * At the same time instructions were sent to the ecclesiastical agent at Vienna, respecting the steps he ought to take in future; and the pastors were directed to take heed that the edict was properly published through the country. PROTESTANT CHUItCH OK HUN(iARY. 448 Foreign countries heani the story, and rcjojccd m the tidings. It could not be expected that Rome and Wr |>arty would be satisfied; and it was not lonjr till protests, mum r. . signed, were handed to the emperor, expressive of th. i . .. treme dissatisfaction. The Cardinal Joseph Battyuni, on hearing wljal the em- peror was about to do, even before the edict wan publiBl»od, handed in a protest signed also by the liishops of (irdn and Kalotsh, asserting that the emperor had no right to grant such a toleration, it was unconstitutional, and could only be binding on the country when adopted legally by a vole at the Diet.* Not content with this, the bishops made use <)f their great wealth and influence to excite the counties and the free eltica to protest. The supreme executive delayed in publishing the edict, and the authorities in the counties were thus ani- mated in their resistance. Some of the counties bnujghi up the old laws of 1525-26, by which all Lutherans might on detection be burned, and urged these as legal reasons for re- fusing to publish, much less to act on, the edict ; and in this case their memory was exceedingly convenient, foty though they remembered the passing of the law, they had (orgoctcn that it was repealed by the Treaty of Vienna. With equal zeal did Cardinal Migazzi labor in Vienna ; and the papal nuncio was pouring in pn^tesu and reprejirnla. tions, not only against the Edict of Toleration, b-it ali-i against all the emperor's reforms, till the mmistcr KaumU in'formed him dryly that his Majesty did not wish any more information on these subjects. The emperor's confessor also tried the weight of hit Udco in the contest, and declared that he could promwe the «a« * When emperors oversteppo.l Uicir coorttaitiaiial P^ J^'TUrf rrotestnnt5, the canlinaU saw no hann, but moch rmllMC • W^ •iffw • virtue, in the proceedings. 444 HISTORY OF THE peror no success against his foes, if he did not cut off all the heretics, root and branch, and burn up their temples ; if he did not seize their children to have them educated in the Church of Rome, and annihilate all the heretical books. Alas ! poor man ! it was all in vain, for the emperor's name was Joseph II. On the 12th of January the emperor wrote to Cardinal Bat- tyani, informing him that the loyal bishops in the empire had no scruple in fulfilling the royal law, " Whatsoever ye will that men shall do unto you, do ye even so unto them " ; be- sides, he had no intention of forcing any man's conscience ; and if any man was dissatisfied with his measures of tolera- tion, he was welcome to resign his office and leave the coun- try. It was, however, expected from the bishops to see to it that the edict was not only published, but acted on, and to report the same to the viceregal court. Finally, the cardi- nal primate would inform the other bishops of this his im- perial Majesty's royal will and pleasure. When all these efforts of the bishops did not succeed in changing the emperor's resolution, Bishop Nagy, of Stuhl- weissenburg, published a pastoral letter, purporting to be a statement of the motives which urged Joseph to his humane efforts. In the same letter the characters and lives of the Protestants were attacked, and no falsehoods were spared so as to mar the working of the edict,* and the emperor was as little spared as any of the people, t As the emperor was still far from being satisfied with what he had done, and was proceeding still further to limit the power of the Pope, in an evil hour, and contrary to the ad- * See Fessler, Vol. X. p. 553. t When a paper was found nailed to the dooi* of a monastery which Joseph had confiscated and sold to the Protestant^ for a chapel, charging the em- peror with being a Lutheran, and being guilty of various other crimes and misdemeanors, the emperor had the paper printed and sold for two pence a copy, the money to be handed to the deacons of the Protestant church. PROTESTANT CHUUClf OF llLN.iAUV. 1J5 lUH- vice of his wise cardinals, Pope Pius VI., urged on l.y Ai trian refugees, and trusting in his own personal influence, r«. solved to undertake a journey to Vienna. Havinrr sipiified his intention of visiting Vienna, the emperor sent a kuul in- vitation, assuring him of a cordial reception. On the 22d of March, being the week before Easter, Piu8 VI. rcaclu-d Vienna, and received such honor from the thousands of Roman Catholics who came to meet him, that he had no cause to complain of Austrian devotion to Rome. Crowds, even of the highest ranks, pressed into the anlerooma to kins the slipper which was there exliibited, and for tin- ^a^ke of lightening the trouble, the Pope caused the 8lipj)er to be car- ried round to many of the most distinguished families in iho city. With all this pomp and splendor the emperor and hiH minister Kaunitz remained unmoved ; and when, at the Easter festival, the master of the ceremonies raised the Pope's seat a step higher than the emperor's, the latter ab- sented himself from the whole ceremony, with the remark, " Then the Pope can drive alone, and sit alone in the church." The emperor should have read the les.son of flio day on the occasion, and he excused himself to the Popo by pretending a pain in the eye. Meantime, there was no want of pamphlets explaining to the people the meaning of all this show on the part of iho Pope ; and the wits of the capital were all on the si«ie of tlic emperor. All attempts to bring the em})eror anoalcd the law pro- hibiting the Protestant clergy from crossing the bounds of their parish, and allowed the exiled pastors to n-tum. Pricsta were prohibited from forcing their scniccs on sick PnrHc*. tants, and wherever they attended, tlioy were orJorrd to make use of Protestant prayer-books. The ProtrgtanlJi ob. tained leave at the same time to us<» the matrnal* of old decayed churches in building and repairing ihcir place* of worship. The chase after the childrtm of ProlcHtnnts and Jrw», to have them — especially if orphans — educated in ihc com- munion of the Church of Rome, was still mon- limnr«l,«fid it was decreed that they shouhl Ix* l»npti7.#MJ ouly on ll»rir own request. As, however, a certain age wai hard to br fixed, it was only required to sec that no bribe in the ahapa of reward or threatening was held out. Such . -«»• wishing to join the' Church of Rome must u oka after giving notice of the intention, and if Jitili coounuiof m 448 HISTORY OF THE the same mind, might then be baptized. If, however, any of these conditions were wanting, the children could not be forcibly detained from their parents or guardians.* On the 22d of June, the Protestants obtained permission to print their Bibles and other religious books in the country. A list of the books which might be printed was furnished, and among them we find, " A correct copy of the Bible ; Lu- ther's Catechism ; the Heidelberg Catechism, only that some expressions offensive to Papists should be removed ; the Prayer-book and Liturgies of both the Lutheran and Re- formed Churches ; Arndt's True Christianity ; a good hymn- book ; and a few other books named." The books which had been confiscated during the previous reign, but especially the Bibles, were ordered to be restored, and, shortly after, the compulsory attendance of Protestant children on Roman Catholic schools was dispensed with. Where priests strove to bring back the old reign of hatred, they did not any more escape unpunished ; and when the priest of Bossontya forcibly took possession of a Protestant church, he learned to his cost that the good old times were gone. The Archbishop of Gratz had simply inquired at Rome whether he ought to publish the Edict of Toleration, and for this he was summoned to Vienna to give an account of his doings. It was shortly before the Pope's visit, and, as a punishment, he was ordered to leave the city the day be- fore his holiness arrived. By such proceedings the popular fury was soon directed against the person of the emperor. What had formally fall- en to the lot of the Protestants, now fell on his devoted head. From all sides he was attacked, so that in the year 1782 he was obliged to make a public declaration, that he had no * The Church of Rome had long claimed all orphans as her own, but it would appear from this, that even in cases where only one parent was de - ceased, the same claim was made. PROTESTANT CnURCII OF IIUNCARY. 448 intention of lcavincriotl. The opinion that the visit of the Pope luni m;iu.- tue em- peror a better Catholic was natural. Some oth<'r circumntnn- ces strenf^thened it. For some time tlie PrutestantH lirnl done almost what they chose, but now an edict ap|>eared, re- quiring them to give notice of the meetings of their church courts, that a policeman might be in attendance, and to give notice also of the subjects to be introduceci at these meetings. Like the ebbing and flowing of tl»e tide is the popular feeling, and the Popish party were so elated by ihenc move- ments, that they soon began their old tricks, and, in some cases, refused burial to the bodies of Protestants, and lhn«l. ened to throw them out of the graves again if interred in ihe common graveyards.' These were, however, only u«Ulcd clouds to darken the bright heavens. The ProtcHtant. were annoyed, — the humane plans of ihr en.}>eror wen- rrtanW. Sometimes the priests did not come when cnlhd, and ibo expense of the Commission of Inquir>' was UKurrrd m vain. Sometimes they refus^^d to sign the report of ihn ccnnm.^ sioners, and forwarded themselv<-s otlK-r reports .njunou. lu the Protestants. . - The law said, that in erecting new place, of worship foe • Intiinatara, eih of Jnly, ITW. 38 • 45Q HISTORY OF THE Protestants, care should be taken that sufficient means of sup- port were forthcoming without overburdening the tax-payers. Here was a place for the enemy to work. And not without effect were the insinuations and open attacks ; for the em- peror was obliged to issue a fresh edict, ordering that no unnecessary annoyance should be given to those seeking leave to form a new church ; that in the towns one month be allowed, and in the country three, to prepare a report ; and that in no case should the delay be longer in investigating the circumstances. Besides, it was further decreed that the civil authorities do not require to fix a salary for the pastor and schoolmaster, but may leave that to private agreement between the parties concerned. Even an edict of toleration cannot cure all the ills of a country. And this was felt by the Hungarians ; for, even though the emperor had prepared schedules of inquiry, and accurate tables of the questions which should, and of those which should not, be asked, yet the viceregal court, actuated by the old spirit, and consisting chiefly of the old members, was able still to throw difficulties in the way. Let us take a few illustrations. The Reformed Church of Boehenye petitioned that their exiled pastor might be restored to them, and, on the 15th of July, 1782, an imperial order directed the necessary steps to be taken. And first, of course, an inquiry must be insti- tuted why he had been banished ; and then an inquiry why he should be restored ; then a report, and afterwards an ex- planation of the report, must be obtained. For the sake of • quashing the whole afiair, a commission was nominated, composed exclusively of Roman Catholics, and it was only after an energetic protest and much delay that the legal commission, consisting of an equal number of Protestants and Roman Catholics, was obtained. The commission reported that in the years 1681 and 1721 public worship was conducted in this parish ; after their pas- PROTESTANT CHURCH OF Ht'NCAnV. 451 tor was banished, ihcy \m\ been allowed to keep a kKooI. master; the number of funiilies njjpcurcd to be sixiy-nino ; the landlord was willing to furnisii wood ^to/ij fur building a church, and the people were willing to undt-rtttk.- nil the cartage ; residences for a pastor and sclKH)lnm-siiT, nnd ^ufll. cient funds for their support, were already provided ; if a pastor were among them, these funds would be increaaed. Such was the report, and the resolution of the county formed upon it was, '' That, inasmuch as there are not a hundriMJ families connected with the place, the IVote«tanl."« \»' not allowed to recall their pastor or build a church." The Protestants of Nagy Bujom petitioned for tin- r« • ■ • tion of their claims to a church. The report »Uite«i iha-. ;• conditions of the edict were all fulfdled, and the prup«r num. ber of families was to be found. A nobleman of the distrKM, however, exclaimed publicly, that, as they valued the m\r%- tion of their souls, they could not in any way luwist in v ino- heresy; and the county gave its decision ooco; stating, " That, inasmuch as the ProteslanlH now contnbuie lo the support of the priests, if they had a pantor of their own the priest could not exist; and to support two clergy— • Protestant and Roman Catholic — out of a common fund, was above the means of the parish ; thenfori' the Pruti-stonl* shall not have leave to build a church or to call a portor." The Protestants of Csoekol were long kept bock by lh<» Bishop of Wesprim, who had reported that the .od wa. bar- ren, that the parish was four thousand flonn. m •'*-^'/^| they must pay the priest twenty-five floriuH. Iwlf a l«K»»»~J of wine, and certain duty labor, together with • fi«cd ^^^y of corn and his oflkial dues. The p ^ ' f tHe counly was, that this county also should not ^1 lo bu«W • church or call a pastor. _j «^ ,»kk The viceregal court generally decided m •<'~^^ the vote of the county, especially if that wa. unfcnKabk lo the Protestants. Indeed, in the ca«c of Than*, limy 452 , HISTORY OF THE to make diligent search whether a Roman Catholic school- master were not already in the neighborhood, whose duty it was to instruct all the children of every party ; and to con- duct the inquiry respecting the available funds in the pres- ence of a ".homo diocesanus." A village belonging to the free city of (Edenberg had al- ready obtained permission to build a church, when a new dif- ficulty was found in the fact that the town would not give them ground. Two peasants, George Swentenvain and John Kessener, then offered all they had — their house and garden — for the Lord's cause ; but the story coming to the empe- ror, orders were sent to the civic authorities to lay no more obstacles in the way of building, but to grant the ground at once. For the present they should not have a schoolmaster, for, if they had, the Roman Catholic schoolmaster could not continue in office. But who could enumerate even a tithe of the grievances ? If the Roman Catholic party could do nothing else, they could involve the Protestants in heavy expense. An appeal to a higher court was often fruitless, and the emperor was far away ; but the sighing of the prisoners came into the ears of the Lord of hosts, and was written in his book of remem- brance. When the grounds of complaint had become very heavy, the two sister churches united in a petition to the emperor, out of which we here insert a few extracts. After complaining that the authorities were very stringent in pressing every point of the law in its most unfavorable sense, they state, that in every case where a new church has been granted, the Protestants have been compelled, contrary to law, to assist in supporting the priest. The limitations of the edict are strained and extended far beyond the evident intention. They had been promised some of their old churches back, but not one had they obtamed. At investi- gations his Majesty had simply required the presence of a PROTESTANT CHrRCI! OF HT'Nr.ATlY. Roman Catholic priest, hut tlic pnictico was to reject every petition which was not couiiK^rsi^rnccl by tlu; priest. . In i of the commissions none but Roman Cailiolics ofiV They then requested the revokiiifj of the edict of the lOili of February, 1783, by which tlie Protestant churches are re- quired to be an hour's walk asunder. They begged prolec. tion from those decisions by whicli they were prevented from appointing a schoohnaster, l)ecause " the Komtin Cnthoho schoolmasters would then have notliinfr to do." Thry com- plain that, contrary to the spirit of his Majesty's reiiohitionN, the names of " akatholick," and '' tolcmted scctarian-H," are still applied to them as terms of disi^rnce. They request, finally, tliat tiie priests be declan-d incapa- ble of holding office in courts where the affairs of the l*rotc«. tants shall be investigated and decided. The petition was dated Vienna, August 6, 1783, and ita fruits we shall have an opportunity of seeing. 454 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER IV. Eeform in the Schools. — The Protestants Distrust the National Schools. — Relief in Church-building. — The Church Registers. — Organization be- yond the Danube, — Abuse of the Six Weeks' Instruction. — Poisoning of the Abbot Rautenstrauch at Erlau. — Persecution of those who wish to leave the Church of Rome. Under Maria Theresa a commencement had been made to reform the schools, and now, under Joseph, the principle was extended to the whole empire. A national school sys- tem was introduced, according to which the schools, from the very commencement to the highest departments of the university, were conducted on one general plan. A central office of education was appointed, and the learned Godfrey Swieten appointed first president in 1784. The vice-presi- dents, who had the charge of the system in Hungary, and who resided at Ofen, were Christopher Nitzky and Joseph Klobusitsky. The university was removed from Ofen to Pesth ; and chiefly by the learned ex-Jesuits, Szerdahely and Mako, was the new system of education adapted to the state of Hungary, and extended also to the Protestant schools. To cover the expenses, however, it was required to return to the government a correct report of all property in Hungary which was intended to promote education in any form. Some time afterwards the Protestants were obliged to give up all their funds to the government. After many fruitless consultations with the school inspec- tors, and with the commissioners of education, the Protes- tants at last petitioned the emperor to allow them a little breathing time, before introducing the new system. It was, they said, necessary to bear in mind how closely a system PROTESTANT CHUllCH OF HUNGARY. 455 of education was connected with religion un^ to secure freedom of conscience. They rcjuesied, ihort'fun-. that their school funds should be restored to them, and nddi- tional assistance given, as they were othcr\*i»c not able lo provide the necessary number of profesMors, schools, scmma. ries, libraries, and printing establishrnfnLs, nor yet to make provision for retired ofTice-bean-rs or their widows, a* the law directed. After some inquiries which were now instituted, the em. peror issued the following regulation for the Protestant »choob in Hungary : — In cases where the Protestants have schools already in operation, they shall be allowed to retain them ; where ihry, however, have no school nor schoolmaster, the precentor of the Protestant church shall have the same ri^ht as the Roman Catholic teacher to instruct the children of his own erred, in the presence of children of other confessions, in llic calc« chism of his Church. This privilege shall ais*) be pranled lo those Protestants who, although not sufFiciently numerous in the district to be formed into a church or lo have a whuol, shall nevertheless be able to support a *' cantor," or clerk. Several villages might also unite, if they choec, to keep a "cantor" for this purpose; and in ever\- case tlic poreotl had a right to choose for themselves to which of the oeigb* boring schools their children should be sent. Ii wm necc»« saiy, however, that these Protestant catechols »hould hmrn passed their examination in the Normal Scliool of the Na- tional Board ; * and m every case, ihc Protestant- * For the sake of keeping up nnifonnity of .r»t«n In lb# **"f^*\^'^^ rectors an.l principals of the hi^^. M:houU «k1 ^^^J^^'^ ^^J^^ atteud for a definite period nt the tVntrl Nonn.1 VbncI -^^ — there pass au examination. Tlioy worr thm rr..',.--! f. «p« aktrtrt schools, or to have cla.^^c5 fr.r the tn -^ be appointed as teachers, (n)U)UioL ^^ (c) in the villages. Of counw;. the .y^Um could iM .« .A < carried out. 456 HISTORY OF THE the entire expense connected with such an officer. In the higher national schools, where both Catholic and Protestant teachers were appointed, they should be paid out of the na- tional fund. In districts where none but Protestants resided, and where, therefore, Protestant teachers were 'appointed by government, they should also be paid out of the general fund. In mixed schools, such prayers should be used as made it consistent for the children of all confessions to come and to leave at the same time. The days and hours of communi- cating religious instruction should be fixed and published, and the greatest possible regard should be shown to the conscien- tious feelings of the children of Protestant parents. Change of religion on the part of the children in those schools should never be tolerated without the consent of the parents. Every- thing should be omitted in the school-books which could give the Protestants any just ground of offence. The Protestants had the immediate inspection of their own schools, and could be controlled only by the Superior Imperial District Commis- sion. These extracts give us some notion of the emperor's be- nevolent intentions. Still, however, the black history of the past, the years of fierce persecution which the Protestants had borne, combined with the fact that a sum of ten thousand florins, which had just been collected in Zips for school pur- poses, was demanded from them, gave good ground to fear being entangled by the influence of an individual, so as to chain themselves and their children to a system. They avoided, therefore, most punctiliously, affording any assist- ance to the national schools ; and where a mixed school was erected by the government, the Protestants kept their chil- dren generally at home. When the school inspectors com- plained, the Protestants replied generally that they had not received permission from the superintendents, or that the local circumstances required some modification of the system before they could take part in the national schools. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF 1IUN(;AUY. 457 These excuses drove the emperor to propose some moclifi. cation in the government of the Protestant Churcli, by which a central general consistory should sit at Vienna, und ihenco issue orders more or less at the bidding of tlu* court. The Protestants objected to this proj)osid, urging as rcoAoiui the size of the kingdom ; the fact that four supcrintendcnU with their consistoria already existed for each Cliurchf Cul« vinistic and Lutheran ; that the expense of such n superior consistory would be too heavy, and tlu; proju-r persons to fdl the office could not easily be persuaded to leave tlieir l»omc«, and reside permanently at Vienna ; besides, such a constitu* tional change could only be made in consequence of a reso- lution of a grand national synod. The emperor yielded for the present, and a gcncnd con- ference was summoned for the 8th of June, 1788, to which the different congregations were directed to send deputies.* While this was going forward in reference to the schools, the Protestants were obtaining still more and more fn^edoin from the grievances which in tiicir petition had been laid be- fore the emperor. The Protestant pastoi-s were permitted to visit and dis- charge ministerial duties among the diaspora or adherents to their confession, under the condiiioi. priests' dues were in all such cases to be paid, and l»ml ihc Roman Catholics should not be excited to dissalisfn • - •h their cler^v. The Protestant tradesmen in Oinw and oiIkt |.U-cj oL- tained dispensation from atlen.ling mass and takmg part m the processions, and the Protestant ctcch»U «« r»- ceiving more and more liberty and cncoumgemcnt m th. schools. . _ ,. ^ ^ Tlic one great struggle now wa, respccung the . This b taken f^m a MS. in U» Ubnrr •M>«« ■<«^' »*• • "^ of tlie supcrintendcnU to their .genu « ^ 39 458 HISTORY OF THE dues." * The Protestants wished to be entirely freed from this demand on the part of the priest. The emperor thought to settle the matter by prohibiting first the priest, and then the Protestant pastor, from receiving money at baptisms, com- munions, and funerals ; but it was in vain, for pretexts were still found for keeping up the custom. One example we se- lect, as illustrative of the state of parties at the time. The priest of Bogyoslo complained to the magistrates of the district that the Lutherans had refused to pay him his stola dues. The magistrates decided that, inasmuch as he had been in possession of these dues before the Edict of Tol- eration, he had a right to them, and the payment was accord- mgly enforced. The county magistrate sent out the hussars to enforce the payment, and the soldiers not only drove in all the priests' dues, but also took some little perquisites for them- selves. The people complained to the emperor, and an in- vestigation was instituted. The result was that the priest having himself acknowledged that he had not received these fees previous to the Edict of Toleration, was sentenced to return twofold all that he had unjustly taken. The county magistrate was sentenced to receive a public reprimand in his own court. The soldiers who had exceeded their duty were ordered to restore all that they had seized, and to be impris- oned three days on bread and water. The appellants re- ceived permission to build their church as they themselves wished, only on condition that the contributors to the building fund should not be overburdened.! Such even-handed justice had not for many years been known in Hungary. There had still been one law for the Protestants and another for the Roman Catholics. But, if * The money which the priest claimed for every act which he performed in the stola, or official dress. t The original sentence lies at Ofen, dated 22d of November, 1785, and is numbered in the MS. No. 35,607. The records of the church go on to say that the sentence was literally executed. PROTESTANT CHUTICII OF IITTNOAUY. 4fl$ their joy was groat at obtaining si.nple jusiicc, how much greater must it have been when the private rchgious cxerci»c« were no longer restricted, but the pastor could bapiiw, marry, attend funerals, d:c., unmolested, on condition of paying the priest his fee ; and it was not lonj; till the governnKMU, woaiy of the constant complaints, at last abolished the fec« to the priests, and made them payable to the Protestant pastor. Still further, the Protestant churches were allowed to keep their own registers, and filial churches were |>cnnittcd to attach themselves for civil and religious puqKises to rccog- nizcd existing congregations. By virtue of this comiectiun, the pastor of the congregation obtained a right to jHrfonn ministerial acts within the bounds of the filial or adjui.. i parish. In such cases, however, the stola dues must still lie paid to the priest, the exemption extending itself only to independent congregations which had their own pastor and church.* These last privileges gave the Protestants on opportunity of regulating the internal concerns of their conj^gnlionji, which they had for a long time not been able to do. Espc- cially manifest was the change which now took place in the circle beyond the DanulK*, where a new suporintrn-"' uel Krabowsky, entered on olficc, and had the char, teen " seniors' districts," and one hundred and iwenty.fivo churches. Here the presbyterial form of church povemmcnl was revived, the seniors were directed to summon the cIcrRy of the district together at least once a year, and hiin«lf lo inspect all the churches, for the sake of removing all abu-« which might have crept in. The exorcise of ecn closed, and their incomes confiscated ; but it was neither for his own U5M^ nor for general state purposes, nor for presents to favorin* ministers, that this was used, hut all was put together in a general religion and school fund.* The emperor used his influence to stop tiie al)oundin{» su- perstitions, as he took away from the most renowned pliicoH of pilgrimage their silver and gold shrines, and sent them to the mint. He forbade presents of silver, iron, wax candles, &c., at these places, and discouraged the pilgrimages to the utmost. In the same way he strove to remove an evil which was likely seriously to injure the Protestant Church. From tljc poverty of many Protestant congregations, it had not been in their power to pay a pastor; accordingly some schoolmaster or student generally came and conducted the preaching ser- vices,— sometimes, indeed, not much to the edification (»f the people. The emperor now ordered that no one should be allowed to preach without having first obtained a license by regularly constituted church courts.t The emperor strove to regulate the quarrels of contending parties concerning the joint use of the churches, and swtnc- times he succeeded ; but in general, when Protestants and Roman Catholics worshipped in the same house, ihc Utter took the precaution to have it consecrated, and in caae of * The emperor established eleven hundrotl aii'l .'s.-,-.«j ^ and paid tlie working priests one hundred nnd ■ ''***^|Z hundred florins annually, out of hU confi*r v ■ '^^' ^ tended to establish forty-seven more, with v"^yMr»*U hundred and ninety-seven cliaplaincic.-.. (>. J.--.-r. ' ' \ft^.. u lIungar^' alone were one hundrcl and thirty-f.n.r ">«»>'«^ '>°'*\* ^s■hich twelve hundred and nine ynv snm - '• - ' -'>. Th. kiKW W-J—J fell to the crown brought in n r '» hundtml wd tlM« mmmm <;ix hundred and twenty-nine fl^; : • t Royal decree, llth of September, 17f9. 464 HISTORY OF THE separation afterwards this gave them a factitious right to re- tain the building, even though it had previously been the property of the Protestants. The case was much easier when it was a simple inquiry respecting secular property, such as manses, fields, gardens ; for here they need only prove their original property, and justice was in all cases done. Let us take an example. In Schutt-Somerain, where the so-called " German house " had been taken by the military as a barrack, and the town had taken all the fields as public property, in the course of time documents were found proving this all to belong to the Protestant church, and immediately, notwithstanding all op- position, the emperor ordered the whole property to be deliv- ered up. Another case, which vVas still more admired as a case of discriminating justice, was, when the Roman Cath- olics had, some fifty years before, taken a bell from the Prot- estant church, and set it up for themselves, the emperor, on examining the case, ordered the bell to be restored. The time was not to be long, however, in which the Prot- estants could enjoy such favors. The emperor was hastening fast to his grave. The shadows of the evening were length- ening, and death came on with giant strides. A war broke out with the Turks, and was carried on chiefly in the interest of Russia. Rebellion was threatening in the country. The priests and the heads of the political parties were violent. Joseph had no kindly associations with the family hearth, — no wife nor child to smooth the brow of care ; and that great mind began to sink under the load. On the 28th of January, 1790, he was so far exhausted, that he with his own hand withdrew many of the reforms which he had introduced ; to his honor be it said, however, that some of the measures which had been dear to him all his life through, were even now, despite all efforts to the con- trary, still held fast. Among these were the Edict of Toler- ation, and the new parishes which he had formed. PROTESTANT CllUUni OF UrNCAllY. 4^5 On the 17th of Fcljniary, tli<> keepers of the crown of Stephen left Vienna with their sacred elmrpe, nhich i^m* Hungarian nation ahnost adored. Tliey arrived in i>fen on the 21st, and five lumdred cannon shots told the nnliun lh«' glorious tidings of their arrival. The emperor was ihon no more. On the 20th h(^ was found sitting up in his U'd in \\v' attitude of prayer, hut life had (led. He had rench<'d only his forty-ninth year, hut had written his name deep in the hearts of his people. VV^ild were the weeds which dcfncec stntled according lo the laws of the land and the demands of ecjuily. According to custom, this petition was handed lo a mixed commission, and in the course of time reached the Diet, the proposals having been thrown together in the form of seven- teen articles. After some fiery debates, it was resolved to send the orti- cles to the king, with the request " that he would, of his own sovereign will, decide these matters os his own wisdom should direct." The emperor accepted of the poweri thin vested in him, and, on the 7th of November, to the dismay of the priests and the Roman party, npj>earcd the royal tt^ lutions, based, not on the deceitful laws of Leopold and Charles VI., but on the broad ground of the TrralK-s of Vienna and Linz, and the laws and resolutions of 1608 and All reasonable and moderate Roman Cathol.cs cipi««d themselves satisfied with the resolutions; but the joy of U« Protestants knew no bounds. Throe weeks »««« a ir^ assembly of priests and bishops, at the ^^^^ ^J'^J^ bishop of Kalotsh, gave vent to tho.r -••Kr*tr^««^ .vardid a representation to the "-'r^^^'^T^. ''"f;^^ plaining of the injur>- thus done to the nghu ^^ »^^^-^; and modestly requesting that the i^«>luuoo. .ho«W b. - 468 HISTORY OF THE tered to meet their views. The emperor in his reply ex- pressed extreme dissatisfaction with the tone adopted by these men ; and when the Protestants heard of the matter, they immediately forwarded a vote of thanks for his consist- ent kindness. The second series of royal resolutions soon appeared, and now came the hot struggle respecting their reception among the laws of the land. Accustomed to debate, and of naturally warm tempera- ment, the Hungarian deputies struggled hard on both sides. From the 18th of January till the 8th of February, all parlia- mentary tactics were made available for prolonging the dis- cussion. The stakes were heavy, for the freedom of con- science of millions, and the powers of a hierarchy, were now opposed to each other, and Rome or liberty must triumph. " Such resolutions as tolerate heresy are directly opposed to the fundamental principles of the Roman Catholic relig- ion," cried Joseph Boronkay, deputy of Simegh, " and they open the floodgates of vice and crime. Besides, Hungary is ' Mary's kingdom,' and by these articles she would be de- throned, and the Queen of Heaven be banished from her dominions. Except the clause is inserted, declaring that the claims of the Roman Catholic Church shall he preserved in- tact^ I vote against the resolution^ Count Illyeshazy, of Trentshin, declared " he had direc- tions from his constituents to go to a certain point in granting liberty of conscience, but these resolutions go far beyond ; he could not vote for them." The deputy of Baros thought " there was no safety for the country except by adopting the 30th article of the Resolu- tions of Charles, in 1715, as a fundamental principle of gov- ernment." On the other side, the first who raised his voice was the deputy of Prcsburg. He declared his willingness to vote for the resolutions, " if the Protestants would bind themselves PROTl-STANT CIIUKCH oF HUNiiAKV. 409 never to complain again, nor to ask any more, nor lo bnng the cause of religion ever again before the Diet." The deputy of Ncognid asserted, " They had now no choice but to adopt the resoUitions of the emperor, for they had voluntarily appointed him umpire ; and it was, then, self, evident that the decision of the umpire voluntarily chosen must be binding on both parties.'" In speeches full of fire, and breathing tbe spirit of civil and religious liberty, many others poured out torrents of elo- quence, till the bigoted members of the Diet were terrified into silence. " The Protestants of both confessions," cried the venerated and beloved Count Alays Hattyani, — " tliia we cannot deny, — have often borne such civil and religious oppression as was sufficient to drive them to despair. If they have complained to the Diet at ditTerent times of the un- just and inhuman treatment received, what else could they do ? If the debates were long and keen, and the opposition to their just demands bitter, who was the cause, — ihcy or their advei-saries ? Do they not, as citizens of our country, breathe the same air ? Do they not share our burdeas, and should they not enjoy the same civil and religious liberty as we ? Are these imperial resolutions opposed to the princi* pies of the Church of Rome ? how much more terrible is it to wage war with the first principles of Christianity and universal love ! Instead of modifying these resolulion^ let us at once enter them on our statute Inniks as an irr. v.v-abte law." Matters appeared favorable for the I": «'"" • motion for adjournment to another Diet ^^ . «ml io^ The Archbishop of Kalotsh then object. tolufiow altogether, as involving a decision on ccch loginam ; u^.-.An. ,hp emneror had not been unanimously appoinlrd tlmt n>a}-irity, i»o< upon ^hkch ihc carTinal Md imperial primaie handed in the ,.«<«.r".v. »« unanimity, consmmes a valid d-cuHiun. "P"" «'-'•, ll;^ in 470 HISTORY OF THE clergy. He was tauntingly asked why this protest came so late ; why not when it was still uncertain towards which side the emperor should incline. If his decision had been adverse to the Protestants, would the Romish clergy then have pro- tested against the principle ? The notary took down the protest, but it was resolved that it should never be made the ground of future proceedings, and was declared for ever null and void. After such a struggle were the resolutions entered among the laws of the land ; the Protestants rejoiced over what had been done, for the sharpest weapon had been wrenched out of the hand of the foe. Instead of having their privileges dependent on the will of the monarch, they were now pro- tected by the laws of the land.* The preamble of the seventeen articles set forth, that on the principles of common justice, for the sake of peace, and in accordance with the Treaty of Linz, the following articles shall be for all time coming the fixed law of the land : — Art. I. Declared that Hungarians of every rank and sta- tion, wherever they resided, should have the free use of churches, schools, bells, and burying-grounds, and should under no pretence be molested in the exercise of their re- ligion. Art. II. Gave liberty to build churches and to hold wor- ship where any one thought fit ; only with the condition that the size and expense of the new church should be in some proportion to the means of the county, and the number of in- dividuals of that confession residing in the district. The county courts should decide in such cases. So soon as it is shown that a church or school is necessary, the landowner must give the necessary ground. The Roman Catholics, * Out of the five hundred and forty-three members of the Diet, four hun dred and fifty-nine voted for the Protestants, and eighty-four for the priests In the assembly, were seventy-eight Roman Catholic clergy who had votes. PROTESTANT CHUHril OF IIUNCJARV. 171 however, are not bouiul to contribute to tho building of Vxvk- estant churches, and vice versa. Art. III. No one, wlictlicr tradesman or not, simll be bound to observe any religious ceremony, contrar\' to thr dictates of his conscience. Art. IV. Referred to the synods and ju(hralurf««, nn- .lenooiM-uon to visit the members of 'their own church.^ ; to r.^.t thr .K-k and condemned criminals ; only they .hould n-. d. .... r n .. lie addresses on such occasions. Art. VIH. His creed shall not ciclodc any on- irom r ,d "" Art IX. The clause " by the Holy Virgin, Wy m of God," should be omitted from the off.cuil ^ihof^Vn^ estants. 472 HISTORY OF THE Art. X. Declared that under no pretence whatever should funds devoted to the support of Protestant churches, schools, hospitals, orphans' houses, or colleges, be taken from them or from their control. All similar foundations which have been unjustly taken from the Protestants during past reigns should be immediately restored. The king should, however, have an opportunity of seeing that these funds are devoted to purposes according to the wish of the donors. Art. XI. Each party shall have the right to decide respect- ing marriages and divorces among their own members. The marriage of first cousins may be permitted among the Prot- estants without special license from the king. Art. XII. While the Protestants have now for all time coming freedom of religious exercise, and perfect liberty to build and to hold, in all places, churches, schools, and manses ; to prevent disturbance of the peace, actual posses- sion shall for the present be a sufficient title to such buildings on both sides. Whichever party shall in future attempt to take possession of a building devoted to religious purposes, at present in the hands of either party, shall forfeit and pay the legal fine of six hundred Hungarian florins.* Art. XIII. As the principles of the Roman Catholic Church forbid any member of that Church passing over to another communion, it is decreed that all such cases shall be laid before the king, and any Protestant attempting to persuade a Roman Catholic to forsake his Church and join the Protes- tants shall be subject to a heavy fine. Art. XIV. These privileges extend only to the Protestants of Hungary, consequently the Protestants of Dalmatia, Sla- vonia, and Croatia, shall have no right to purchase immovable property, nor to hold any civil office. t If, however, the * Act XIV. of the year 1647. t And such is the case to this day. If a Protestant sells his house or land to a Roman Catholic, he may do so ; but if a Roman Catholic sells his prop- erty to a Protestant, the sale is held to be illegal. The Protestants may, PROTESTANT CHUUCll OF HUNGARV. -ITM Protestants in these countries can prove llml ilu y i^urr ;>.,i. sessed certain houses and lands, they may apply lo ihe cn J^*;?'^^';; On the same day the repn>sentn.ive«of .he Reformed Church met at Ofen, and ch«.. for their prt,..de.u (^n, <-rph Teleky In consequence of a pn»|K*.lK>n of the Krfoni»d .'ky Church to that effect, a m ixcd comroi»»oo of mcjnbcn of therefore, retain among tbcmselm •ach but shall not be able to acquire more. 40* 474 HISTORY OF THE both Churches was nominated, to digest as speedily as possi- ble some plan by which, without interfering with doctrines, a certain unity of action and harmony should take place in the form of worship, marriages, schools, church revenues, and ecclesiastical discipline. The friendly feeling of the sister churches appeared well at the beginning, but soon vanished when the commission handed in its report. The lay and clerical members had good ground of quarrel in the question, whether a pastor should have a right to sit with a layman in the president's chair, and also respecting the rights of the pastor in church courts. The clergy of both confessions had ground of quarrel in the dispute about their confession. The tact of the president, and a letter from that distinguished hero Prince Josias of Coburg, brought matters more to some degree of quiet. It was now resolved, that a general consistory for both Churches should meet twice a year at Pesth. A sum of thirty-four thousand two hundred and fifty florins, for the expenses, was in a few minutes sub- scribed by the wealthier members of the synod, and on the 14th of October, the minutes of synod were closed, and sent by a deputation to be laid before the king for his approbation. The synod also appointed a deputation to wait on the car- dinal-primate, in the name of the members of their Church, to take a final leave of him. The cause was, that this prel- ate had been frequently inviting the more distinguished members of the synod to dinner ; and they thought in this way to show him a mark of respect. The primate had, how- ever, been actuated by other motives than those of Hungarian hospitality, for he had in the mean time prepared the way for preventing the recognition of the acts of the synod.* While these acts were still unrecognized, to the great dis- tress of his Protestant subjects, death suddenly called away * See Fessler, Vol. X. p. 651. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF lUtNr.ARY. 175 this great and good emperor. lie had, two dnvH U-fon* hia decease, received a inagnificent embassy from iho Turkifth emperor, and on the '2Hth of Fchruary, 179*J, he was nciziHl with a violent inflannnation, wliich carried Itim awny. ilia motto had been, '' A king's treasure lies in the hoartii of hia subjects " ; and these words described the spirit by which h« was animated. 476 HISTORY OF the FRANCIS L, 1792-1835. CHAPTER VII. PART FIRST, FROM 1792 TO 1800. If we examine the state of the law at this time, in refer- ence to the relation between the Protestant Church, and on the one side the State, on the other the Roman Catholic Church, there was much room left for anxiety and fear. And yet, all that Leopold could, with any just regard to the political state of the country, give the Protestants, they had received. They hoped, in the course of time, to receive a recognition of their former state of perfect equality with the Roman Catholics ; and they also hoped, by the recognition and approval of the acts of the synod, to have a new life imparted to their ecclesiastical movements. This hope was not extinguished by the death of their beloved king, when they heard his son, Francis I., at his coronation in Ofen, on the 6lh of June, 1792, declare to the States, which ap- proached him with the fullest confidence, *' That this gen- erous nation never would have cause to repent the confidence placed in him ; never would he be behind in giving evidence of mutual confidence." This promise was in a few days glaringly trampled on by the executive, for the censorship was enforced in such a manner as made the 15th article of the years 1791 -92 a dead letter ; and the power of the censor was now as rigidly enforced as under Maria Theresa. Still worse was, however, yet in store. The viceregal or- PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HTNCARY. 477 der of the 25th of Septcmbor, n92, was puhlishcd, and a whole sea of evils broke over the Prolcstanl Church. By this edict, which was in direct opposition to the law* of the last Diet, the priests were justified in luomlly coin|M-llinR the Protestant party in mixed marrinp's to pivp up liic rij^lit to the education of the children ; and the pniclicc of rvmov. ing children in such cases from the influence of the parvnts was formally and openly approved. It was n-ckonH a cniw to take a child which ou«iht thus to l)e c». r»- required to turn Roman Catholics out of their churt'lws, and even the suspicion that Protestants were tampcnng with ihc faith of the Roman Catholic, was to be regarded as evidence against them. The cruelties of the French Revolution gave the Roman party an opportunity of representing their Church as the only bulwark against anarchy. According to them, the Rcforma- tion was the cause of all the evils in France. They accord- ingly spared no pains to bring matters back to t»ic «ate m which they were previous to Joseph's day«. The king wa« often absent, and the palatine seldom attended the sitting* of the viceregal court, and there was then little to prevent tlvm trying the schemes with the law of niU-iW, which l«d been so successful with those of 160S nn.l IG-H- They took the opportunity of tl>e kinu's ti\m'ncc to |. the decree of the 25lh of September. !■ ■. ofu^^^K- nation burst from the counties, with . '» t^» « right of making new laws is vested with '^^«^; -j^J^^. kin. ; and that the country cannot »)e governed b) ^l^rt. d. ecu; opposed to the laws of the land ; «K:h a d^^J^ said,'could only emanate from some cvU councilor. «~d the throne. g. |^^ rkof^M Wi,h equal firmness HiJ the l'ro.e«.m. of ^^^ hand in a protest through Alexander IWy --. Cou- T. 478 HISTORY OF THE leky, on the 7th of January, 1793, to the king himself. They received the most satisfactory assurances from his Majesty, who informed them that the edict had been published with- out his knowledge, and that he would inquire into the matter. The report of the viceregal court of Hungary stated, in reply to the king's inquiries, that these edicts respecting mixed marriages and proselytism, were necessary as an ex- planation of the 26th article, which was not sufficiently pre- cise on these points. The Protestants declared that, by the first words of the 26th article, all the laws made against the Protestants, from the time of the Peace of Vienna, were repealed ; and now appeared a new edict on the 28th of January, cancelling the spurious " royal mandate " of the 25th of September, and directing all the authorities to act according to the plain meaning of the 26th article. Many causes prevented the Protestants from obtaining much benefit from this new de- cree. In a few years the priests had gained a most unbound- ed influence over the civil authorities, and scarce a single point of all the privileges which Leopold II. had guaranteed them now remained over. When the king now resolved on holding a Diet, in 1796, the Protestants hastened to have their complaints prepared to lay before the assembly. On the 1st of February, the Protestant deputies met at Pesth, those of the Reformed Church at the house of Count Roday, and the Lutherans with Privy Counsellor Tehanyi. The complaints were here examined, and on the following day the two commissions met together at the house of the obergespan, Count Peter Valagh, where a report and petition were agreed on to the king. So soon as the report was ready, it was forwarded to Vienna, with directions to the agents to defer its presentation till after the acts of the synod of September and October, 1791, had been confirmed.* * They expected every day to receive this ratification. PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUNGARY. 479 In consequence of this unforiunate resolution, the 5(»rnui were hampered in tlieir opomtions, kMiig oWij^^tl to wait for the confirmation of the acts of the gt-neral Hynod, while iht? priests were going on and hccoming Ixildrr in th.-ir {K-nM-m. tions. It was not till July, 171)1), that thr ciunplauu nn.i |mmi. tion, occupying sixty sheets, was handed to the tMn|M'rur and circulated among the members of the Diet. A few cxtrecta will show us the miserable state of the Protcstano at that time, and it was not often that the cm|HTor'H motto, " Ju«t>- tia regnorum fundamentum," was abU- to prolort ll»em. After making grateful mention of Jos<'ph and I><«pottl, the petitioners explain that it was their desire not to add to ihc cares which the troublous times had laid on the king** h<«n, which made them bear their sorrows so long ; but tl»ry en- tertain the hope that so soon as the facts of their caur are laid before his Majesty, he will immediately grant relief. They complain, — That the Bishop of Erlau and other priests spt-ak of the Protestants of both confessions as heretics. In i)»c nrlujitl* the children are taught to call the Reformation '* iIk- mpr of Lutheran and Calvinistic heresy, and the fanaticwm of mro- lution." It is therefore evident that the bi»h<.(Mi Uiok on tho Protestants as men whom they have swoni to annihil.it*-, and on the profession of the Prolrstant religion as a cnmo. That, in Ofen and Pesth, Protestant tradramcn have bc«n prevented from establishing themselves in biwincai for fire, or indeed for ten years, under the pn*' -acfe ii overstocked, while Roman Catholic « ^ difficulty thrown in their vray. ,That the Bishop of Krlau had takm ; ,'i«n PnKr*. tant children out of Ilarsamy, in tlie county of l«or«. trary to the wish of their parents, to ».• Two of the children had nm away, h r weak to follow, was brought back, ond illrgally d- vain do we appeal to the executive for prott!CU«.. • 480 HISTORY OF THE regulations to our disadvantage are carried out to the letter, even when contrary to law ; but when they even wish to do us justice, they are prevented by the influence of the priests. We are therefore in a worse position than the Jews, whose children are at least not taken from them.* That the Protestants in Tornau are refused a grave in the common burying-ground, although Joseph had made the most definite arrangements on this head, in 1788. The magis- tracy at Raab had refused burial in their graveyard to Prot- estants from Revfalu. The priest of Nyck had refused to allow the body of the landowner, Ladislaus Pagor, to be buried in the very ground which he had given for that pur- pose from his estate ; and it was only after four days' strug- gling that the funeral was allowed to take place. That the pastor of Batisfalva, on going to Teplitz, in the county of Zips, to buiy a woman, took the opportunity of addressing the women that were assembled, on the merits of the work of the Lord Jesus as embraced by faith, as the only ground of salvation, and he was interrupted by a Roman Catholic priest, who asserted that out of the pale of the Ro- man Catholic Church there was no salvation, and threatening at the same time that if the pastor came out again to preach there, he should be arrested. Other pastors v/ere driven away by the priests after they had begun the funeral service. That in the valley of Puchow, in Trentshin, many Roman Catholics had, under the reign of Joseph II., obtained leave in due -course to join the Protestant Church, and had since then strictly adhered to it. Since 1792, however, they and their children are exposed to every sort of trial. They had sent a ])etition to the king, but as they were not able to p^y the stamp duty on their petition, it was not presented. t * This passage is said to have provoked the higher clergy, and their crea- tures at court, to great rage. t The stamp duty was one florin and three-fourths for each petition; as this petition Avas signed, however, by many of the peasantry, the court de- manded this sum for each name attached to it. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. 481 While the case of these poor pooj)!^ wus still undecided, they were driven by force to attend inusji, and on remiMing were thrown into chains ; so that, when iho young inooorch heard the story, he cried, " Will ihut country not pivo over its madness ? AVho is here to blame ? Thr dmnc-Uor »haU this very day have orders to have this stoj)|M'd.'' • Widows fled with their daughters to Vjenna to C!«ca(>o per. secution. Tlie priests went from house to houiw, and in- formed where young men were to be found who could ncnro in the army. Many promised to join the C'liurch of Home, and were then not bound to servo. Some who wcn^ alroady enlisted obtained their freedom again through tlie influenco of the priests, when their affianced bride |)romi»od to join the Church of Rome. Examples were to b<» seen in Luca« In the county Barainy, many of the filial churchcn wcro separated from the principal church ; and, in addition u> other evils, the pastor was then often so far reduced that b« was obliged to support himself by farming. In Bartfeld and elsewhere the Protestants had boon oblijred to buy ground on which to build church and schools, though the law had strictly ordered that the ground should be givro free. In other places the greatest delay took place in the prelim.inary investigation of the claims. The magistracy of Bartfeld compelled ilic Protc«tant» to assist in building a house for the pnest, and the landowner, Gabriel Gapy, whipped his tenantry for refusing lo do to. When a complaint was made, he excused hinwclf by -ymg it was reckoned to them instead of work on ibc rowia. Many examples were given of unjuat Ux« *«^^^^*J Protestants because of Uieir religion ; of motbcri coiap^kd to present themselves before the pnest to be churched ; odko- bearers were taken to the Roman Calbolic church, ihew lo * Letter of the Pn,tcstant m^nt •»:''*'"^,.^-'^ V^^Tj^t.^^ Valagh, the general inspector, cUl-1 V.eau», 2.ih oT J.«»«»r7. im-O.^ inal. ^j 482 HISTORY OF THE be sworn ; miners had money deducted from their wages to pay for wax candles for Mary and the saints ; Protestant tradesmen were sent out of Raab, and Roman Catholics were allowed to remain and work. Children playing in the church- yard had broken the nose of an image in the church with a stone, and for this the Protestants must pay forty florins, for which the priest gave them a receipt. The title " Right Reverend," as attached to the names of the Protestant superintendents, was erased out of the county books at Saros. In some parishes, licenses were demanded from the Roman Catholic bishops, to enable the Protestants to get married, contrary to the clear letter of the law. The Protestants should have their own censors, but now a royal censor was placed over them. The Protestants should have had assistance from the county funds for building and repair- ing their churches, according to law ; but they sometimes ob- tained nothing, at other times very little, while the Roman Catholic priests often obtained more annually than the amount of the entire taxes paid by the Roman Catholics of the parish. Taxes uaid bv ^^^^ ^^^ *^® support In Schemiiitz, 3371 Florins. 4823 Florins. " Bakabanya, 681 " 713 " " Kasmark, 943 " 2186 " " Libethauya, 111 " 376 " In Debrecsin, the Roman Catholics paid taxes amounting to one thousand four hundred and eighty-six florins, and the Reformed, fifty-two thousand and twenty-seven florins ; but the Roman Catholic professors received of this money seven hundred and sixty-six florins, and the Protestant professors only nine hundred and six florins. In Torok, St. Nicolas, the Roman Catholics numbered three hundred, and the Protestants six hundred inhabitants, but at the military conscription the Protestants were obliged to furnish four times as many soldiers as the Roman Cath- olics. rnOTESTANT CnrRCH of imncaky. 4g| The priests dcinnndod Imptisinal duos from the |wrrnts of children baptized in the rrotesianl Church, und f.ir any acta which they compelled Protestants to receive nl their handt they charged a higlier fee than Roman Cathohcs were obliged to pay. In Hunsdorf, a soldier's wife was taken very ill on iho march, and the priest insisted on administering the com. munion. She refused to accept it, and on the following dnv, while quite unconscious, the priest forced the wafer into Iht mouth. After a few days the patient ncovrre«| n little, and sent for the Protestant j)astor, but on hearing the circum- stances, he dared not interfere ; and the |K)or wonmn die "^a- nos, in Gomor county, taken from them and •the Roman Catholics ; mixed marriages solemnized wilhoot coo- suiting the Protestant pastor. In Valencye, when a pastor removed to aoocher county, the landowner took possession of his manse, and mnvjuleiwl the key only when compelled by Uic highc* oouila of tk« land. * She was then reganlca a., being mad^ Cjbol-. TU ptHikmm. n- pressed their fear that it wouM oue cUy go .o far «» to U»» «»> rf Cy Dubrowav, whose My wa.-, by a .enteow of lb. coorty *«f 'Tj^^ taken out of the earth and bumod, becuM, U« '•^ J^J^VJ* iT the inourh of the dying man to nuke h.n. . 'f;^.'f^'^^^J^ sentence was confirmed by U.c S«,-n..r ( • urt U Ilttnganr. « Ik. Iia if September, 1727. 484 HISTORY OF THE Those who wished to join the Protestant Church were sub- jected to incredible annoyances. The law said that the priest should have six weeks to instruct those intending to leave the Church, and, if he in that time could not persuade them to change their resolution, they might then be publicly received into the Protestant Church. Catharine Fessmaier and Catharine Grinya, however, after attending the priest twice a day for three weeks, without man- ifesting any inclination to remain in the Church of Rome, were then dismissed, and, by the assistance of the magistrate, who gave in a false certificate, they were detained six years before they could obtain leave to shake off the ceremonies of a Church which they abhorred. In the village Papkessi, in Wesprim, Paul Harvath, with his wife, were accused by the archdeacons of an intention to leave the Church of Rome. On the 4th of February, 1794, he appeared before the county court, pleaded guilty to the charge, and asked leave to enter on his " six weeks' instruc- tion." The county court decided not to grant his petition, because the court presumed that it was only laziness and dis- like to the ceremonies which induced him to make the re- quest. His infant children were now taken from him and taken to the vicar. On the 21st of July he presented his pe- tition to the king, stating that he could not worship God in a church filled with images, and begged to be allowed the " six weeks' instruction." The petition came as usual to the vice- regal court of Hungary, and now an investigation was insti- tuted " whether the expression respecting the worshipping of images was his own." Harvath declared that he had dictated the words, and expressed the determination to abide by the petition. The court ordered that he should be instructed re- specting the honor due to images. Harvath obeyed, and went to the bishop. The bishop refused to instruct him, and sent him to the vicar ; the vicar had no time to attend to him, and sent him to a parish priest, from whom he received a book PRori-.sTANr CHUK.'ii <»K iinN.;Auv. 48ft "on the worship of suiiiUs," and after rt-ading il, he dccUird his opinions not to be altered. The priest told hiin Umt thui instruction did not at all warrant him in leaving hU Church, upon which he once more petitioned the king in Jonuar)-, 1795, but nothing further came from it, limn an onler not \o allow him and other Catholics to leavo their Church. In 1797 the matter still stood in tl>o same way. In the same manner were Stephen Siigeli ond hu wifo detained upwards of six years, before they obtained what iJw law of tlie land declared to bo their right, aHcr l!;. -. !: 1 1 given six weeks' notice. In the county Beregh, the judge, Bomemis.s-i, *^^. J^^^ .pH^ lashes, and he hereby ^-'^-'^[^^ ^'^tXX^^ ^^ this punishment •• U Ij.te clenr th^t .^»;;^'^^ ^ ^ have signed such a paper, itnd far !«•• ■ i»» solved not to change hU rtUpon, 488 HISTORY OF THE This memorable petition closed with the request that the king would not delay the remedy, under the plea of gaining time to examine the individual cases, but that he would take the Protestant Church under his protection, and afford her shelter from the crying injustice of her enemies. PROTi:sTANT CHURCH OK hun<;ahy. CHAI'TllK \ III. A GLANCE AT THE INWAUD LIFE OP THE CHURCH IN IIUNGAKV, 1792- ISOO. Before accompanying the Church further in l»cr with outward foes, let us tako a glance at her own inward state during the first years of tlic reign of Francw I. The libertine spirit whicli had sliown itself in France, waa every day spreading among the masses in Hungary also. Life and property were becoming more and more inaccurp. Especially in the county of Ileves, matters u that the authorities applied to the clergy, n ., instruct their people in their duty as citizens, ai. account of the times, to omit all the dry orthodox or tl , lemical doctrines which had hitherto chiefly occupK*«l ihcir time.* But many of the Protestant clergy were lhem»elvc« in a very unsatisfactory state. The religious and civil U\»r\ which the Protestants had just obtained wa-n not in all ca*. • wisely employed. There were so many new churcb««, Omt it was impossible to obtain educated men to become pattort. and many who liad scarcely even a gocxl common education. were appointed to the pastoral office. Among \ht^ wrrr many blinded zealots, and men devoid of inic faith, but -bo stood so much the higher in their own ctcrm. Thrm mrti soon quarrelled with their congmgniiomi, %» • masters, with the neighboring pricnU. and ^. • Conntytaw«ofPriila,10thrf ilTltb 490 HISTORY OF THE ities, and from their ignorance generally put themselves in the wrong. In the schools, matters were not much better. In the whole kingdom was not a single institution for training schoolmasters ; and the consequence was, that it was gen- erally youths of sixteen to eighteen years of age who were appointed to this responsible office, and who looked on it merely as a stepping-stone to something else. Many of these young men were devoid of fixed religious principle, and, as might be expected, knew little of the philosophy of education. Besides, it was only the children of very poor parents who became schoolmasters ; those who had worldly means strove to attain to the honor of the pastoral office. In addition to all these evils, was still one more. Some of the school-inspectors, or of the elders of the churches who happened to be men of property, thought themselves freed from the necessity of consulting the wishes of pastor or schoolmaster, or church, but took the liberty of carrying out their own uncontrolled wish. An example of this we find in Paul Moskavitsh, who, without consulting the superintendent of the district beyond the Danube, or any of the deputies of the churches, with the assistance of a few pastors who were thoroughly devoted to him, held a visitation, and made such alterations in the churches as he himself thought fit. Such men sometimes did good, by at once removing crying griev- ances ; but the consequence was a long-continued bitter feel- ing on the part of the properly constituted ecclesiastical authorities. The government was much to blame, that the acts of the Synod of 1791 had never been confirmed ; and as a substitute, it was found necessary in some counties, as Neograd, to draw up a special code of discipline, as a provisional basis of church government, till the acts of the synod should have been ratified. These provisional codes were, however, not sufficient for all cases, and, still worse, they interfered with that unity of spirit and of action which PROTESTANT ClIWUCll OK IHM.m.v. l[l I the synod had striven to introduce. Many of thi- • .- districts refused to pay their sluire of the general rx|H i. • and some of the filial churciies separated from the |. , churches. The Reformed Church has something more satisfaclory lo record respecting this period. The college at Papa was founded about this time, in llw year 1797, and from all sides great sacrifices wore made for the sake of rendering it efficient. It was also about this time, and chiefly by the cfTorU of Count Grady, that the Roformed Church of Pesth was forn>r^, notwithstanding the dilhculties which were encounlered m obtaining ground and the legal concession. The four super* intendents brought considerable sums together, and in the year 1800 the church was fully organized. Liberal was the support which was sent to the Gymnasium of Vajiarhcly at the request of the professors ; for five hundred young men had just come from Saros Patar to study, and many of them were in very needy circumstances ; besides, ll»c buiJdingi were in much need of repair. Not less important was the new edition of the Bible which the chancellor. Count Teleky, had got prepared in riirchl, and when it had succeeded in crossing the frootier, wms handed over to the four Reformed superintendents, lo be sold in their diocese at a verj- low price.* There were at this time many meeting* in largrr and smaller ecclesiastical circles; but unfortunnlely. al thoM meetings, there was more said abrxjt rnrnuia for the arwjr, and about the payment of the clcr^- . '•^'^ life of the Church. The king was ^ . rmy in person to watch over the movements of Napokoo ; and ♦ The superintendent on the Dsnnb* rsesrvw «•• "••■'■•■■" ^^ ad sevcntv-fivc copic«, whence w« mmj liifcr «^ ^ ' "''^ ^ ^JJt ,m,sand. 'ai that time a HunffwiM BIbto 00* tow •*!». •■^F "^t and seventy- thousand. At thanks to the Bible Society, It co»U only ^ 492 HISTORY OF THE we find in one of these synodical meetings, that a day of special prayer was appointed for seeking a blessing on the royal army, and praying for protection for the person of the sovereign. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNGARY. CHAPTKR IX. Fruitless Petitionsof the rrotostaiiis. — ,|,,i,„ Amki- mand to keep Roman Catholics out of tlio rr\.t. ■ cation of London Bibles. — Littlo Warfare of tlu- i ...m-. — to Vienna. — The Palatine Joseph's Audience in Vienna 51 the Ministry. With the death of the Primate Cn rdinal Ha: hopes of the Protestants became grratcr ; ihey I"-' on the return of the emperor from the camp, in laying ihcir case before him. Though the deputy at Vienna had re. newed their petitions in 1803, 1804, and 1806, still prvtcxli were found to leave them without relief. In the year 1802, we find a man named John Arfaan, im* prisoned, because his mother, having been a member of iho Reformed Church, had joined the Church of 11 1 ho refused to accompany her. When he ()riitioi: • for redress, his request was refused, under the [ \ he had been a Catholic, and had turned without t;. : nm. The case came back to be tried, and he was condcmnrd to four weeks' close confinement, '\for his ohttinarjf and ••• difference to the claims of the Church^ • In 1804, a new order appeared, requiring iho PnHertint pastors on no accoiml to sufTer a Roman Catholic to be pfp- sent at their' services. The cause of thin dr^-rrr wm, thai very many conversions were taking place io Zcmplin, an*! »• * While in prison, he wm taken under the " tix priest Baloghi, but, n^ "•■• -■ -• --'■ i-I- !»»• c«fti««le • In 1810 this poor in. -^ tortnict haveleavc tojoin the .. • th«o, and In • petition was rejected under pecuiuriy f^nrwUd 42 494 HISTORY OF THE the law forbade any one, under heavy penalties, " inducing or encouraging a Roman Catholic to leave his Church, the priests thought they could give the law such an interpretation, and thus change the Protestant clergy into Papal body- guards, to prevent the Roman Catholics from even hearing the Gospel. ^ The superintendents of both churches held a meeting in Pesth respecting this order, and prepared a representation to the king, stating, that, as Gospel ministers, they were bound to " preach the Gospel to every creature," and could not therefore obey this edict. If the Roman Catholics must be kept away from Protestant churches, the king must contrive some other plan of doing so, and not lay the obligation on the pastors to exclude them. It was at the same time re- solved to draw up a list of the grievances since 1793, which had as yet not been healed, and present them to the king with the expectation of justice. In the midst of the tumults of war this representation was disregarded ; and in 1806, a new edict appeared, directing that all whom the priests claimed as members of their Church, and who had been married by Protestant pastors, should be once more married by the priest. Some of the counties now took up the cause of the Prot- estants with warmth. On the 16th of December, 1806, the authorities of Thurotz sent such a representation on the sub- ject, that they called down on themselves the royal displeas- ure. Other counties brought forward authentic evidence that the edict was contrary to the Roman Catholic Church. It was all in vain. The edict was even after a few years renewed. The systematic plan for reducing the numbers of the Prot- estants appeared now in shape of paternal care for the edu- cation of the children, which meant that the youth should be sent to Roman Catholic schools.* * The Protestants had been working akcady for two year's at a plan for PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUN<;ARY. |M This was the severest cut of ull ; for \\\v Proiotitnnto had fancied themselves in this respect so fortifirtl by the clear letter of the law, that no attack, even of Komv's heaviest ar- tiller}', could reach them. The executive powrr, Iwiwcvcr, acted as if the whole matter were sctiUd, und demanded merely from the Protestants, wrtliin twclvi? nionth*, an ex- pression of their readiness to send their children to llic Ro. man Catholic schools. Tiie ei<;lit superintendcntii met and resolved that a general council or mixiMl commiHsion ^* be held at Pcsth, to devise means of escn|>« from thf tn ened evil ; but, before that meeting could be held, a prohibi- tion was issued, and thoy were forbidden to diacun the mal* ter any further. The next blow was the confiscation of Hcvrn hundrrd Bibles of the British and Foreign Bible Society. The (»ala. tine had written to the magistracy of Presburg, and enpecialiy to the vicegespan or deputy-lieutenant, Madnlh, direclmn him to ascertain from the professors in what n-lution thry stood to the British and Foreign Bible Sx-ic-ty, bow many Bibles thev had obtained, in whose hands tlio!*e wm- at t»»al time, and how much money they had in iheir hand, for ihe Bible cause. The professors werv obliccd to «-nd all their letters and books for ins,K>ction, hr.pmg that their Bible, would soon be restored. While this was jroing on, th,- p.. ... were not .low m car- ryincr forward their gvierilla warfare. They continued under one Vetence or other, to bring th. P '-«^W- n.ent of their dues. In .M.chelsdorf anmg many pU« to o«aui the improvement of their «:hooU, and thU the more extraordiimry. mBkmM»m»^^( 496 HISTORY OF THE redress, we find ourselves as far as ever from obtaining what the clear letter of the law guarantees as our right. These circumstances induced the councillor and district- inspector, Bersewitzy, to write his book, entitled The Bres- ent State of the Protestants in Hungary* He had good reasons for writing. He was not only urged to it by friends, but he had also learned by experience that there were Jesuits in long and in short coats, who were trying at court to misrepresent the Protestants. It was not only said that all Protestants are ipso facto rebels, but, also, that the Hun- garian Protestants were so in a special manner. It was added that they had even altered their symbolical books ; and that was very true, for, if they had retained the expressions, " the Babylonian Plarlot," " Antichrist," and the other names applied to Rome, they would never have obtained leave to print their Confession of Faith. Only one remedy remained open, and even that afforded little hope. The Protestants were ready, however, to grasp even at a straw, and accordingly a deputation was sent to Vienna to the imperial throne. A resolution had already been passed, in the year 1816, that two deputies from the sister Churches should remain constantly at Vienna till such time as they succeeded in ob- taining an audience of the emperor. They should also try to influence the ministry to prevent such men being appointed judges in religious matters as were themselves a party con- cerned in the dispute ; but that the spirit of the Treaty of Linz should in this respect fully be carried out. The great European transactions of the time, however, prevented any- thing being done in this case till the year 1817. In April, a deputation, con-sistmg of Privy-Councillor Peter Balogh, general inspector of the Lutheran Church, and Count * Nachricten iiber den jetzigen Zustand der Evangelischen in Ungarn. Leipzig, 1822. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNdARY. 197 LadislausTcleky, of iljo Reformed Clum-li, procot-diMi to Vi- enna. They considered it, however, jirudent lo infonn the palatine of their journey and its objects, and to niirinpl to gain his influence on tlieir side. They nrcortlinply waiitMl on him, and represented liow the 'JGth articlr of tin? year 1791-92 was liabitually disregarded ahnwit in erory point : how in many respects the Protestants wrrv woree iiiiiuiled now than under Maria Theresa ; how childrt* n wen* hiernlly stolen from their parents by priestly infliirnce, and wnt to distant counties ; and that many parents were reduced to beggary by the steps which they had been obliped to mkr lo regain their own ofl^^pring. Thou^^h individiialu had f- • ■ their infancy been notoriously memlKTs of nn evan-^" church, still, if the priest asserted ilie contrur)', thw a*- ri<>M gave him almost unlimited control over the |mrti' in •ilenrr, pftim. ised to use his influence in their favor. Tbr drputatioo look their leave with the request thai the palatine would no< wikt « Not of the Supreme Ruler, for it WM the right of private ju.lpmcnt. tat miut creatures. •12 • 498 HISTORY OF THE out of the one kingdom two to arise, namely, a Protestant and a Roman Catholic State. Arrived in Vienna, the deputation had little difficulty in being introduced to the emperor, who received them with all possible civility. They congratulated him 'on his success and glory in the late wars ; expressed the desire of the Prot- estants that his throne might long be firmly established, and then proceeded to open their case. They had never, they said, once imagined that the emperor had any part in the in- justice which they were obliged to suffer, but they would sim- ply request that the jurisdiction in their case should be taken out of the hands of those who were at the same time accusers and judges, and that the emperor would be pleased to order that the spirit of the Treaty of Linz be in all points carried out. The emperor replied that he did not hate any one on account of his religion, if he only adhered firmly to the prin- ciples which he professed ; but he neither could nor would tolerate sectarians. He esteemed the Protestants of Ger- many, but in Hungary they were driving the Koman Catho- lics out of all the civil offices.* The deputation brought forward documents showing that in the Hungarian chamber, among all the office-bearers, was only one Protestant secretary ; in the viceregal court were twenty-five councillors, of whom only one was Prot- estant ; of the twenty-two judges of the septemviral table, only four, and of all the judges of the district table, only three, were Protestants ; of the fifty-three lieutenants and deputy-lieutenants of counties, all but five were Roman Catholics. " We observe," remarked the emperor, " that the Protes- tants prefer alv/ays having their affairs settled by the German * One sees how the priests had misiiiformeil the emperor for the sake of blackeniniT the Protestants. rUOTKSTANT CIIUnCH OK lirNCARY. 499 ministers, and pcrluii).s they arc more impartial. Among ilw Hungarians arc very worthy men, but tlu-y like lo make iIm throne yield." The deputation took the op|>ortunily of re- questing to liave tiie acts of tlic Synod confirmed. In reference to the confiscation of il)c Iliblcs, ihc empcrur remarked that too mucii reading; in those bookM wa.s dan^rt' ous to the stabiHty of tlic state. " The Protesluntit of boCh confessions in Germany don't bcdicve anything. Wbcrrforr, the leading men, as thoy find no comfort in their own syklcm, are turning back to the Church of Rome." The deputation remarked lluit they had no knowle of such a state of things ; besides, infidelity is not a fruit of Trxjt- estantism, but of the corrupt natural state of man. In Fnii»cr, and even Italy, were hosts of infidels, and no one a»cnb«nj this to the working of the Church of Rome, but to thr nn!:in! heart. The conversation now turned on political an-, i. .:.... ....- ters, and the deputation were dismissed with the imprf^j«»n that the emperor really wished to see justice done. It was some days before the deputation could be ndmiticd to see the Chancellor Metternich ; but when the appumled time came, they saluted him as tlic prince who ha ' •' ' f merits of the glorious Peace. They then pou;' bearing of that Peace on the Protestants of H'. declared that justice never could be done so long a parties were accusers and judges. They laid Unm on the fact that, while the sons of the Prot. proportion the majority in the army, an- defence of the country/ yet in the enjoyment omces,f they were represented only in »' •• -'* two hundred. ♦ The lower nobility a« chiefly ?nAmU«K «d I. Ih. U- ^ W*-. tliev were obliged to take arm*. t None but noblemen wc« •dmi-lM. to tW < 500 HISTORY OF THE The deputation went on to show how the children of mixed marriages were taken by force from their parents, and re- moved to distant counties ; how the fact of a person's grand- father having been a Roman Catholic, was made a pretext for summoning him, involving him in heavy expense ; and, if already married, he was compelled to be married again by the priest, — which, they said, was contrary to the canons of the Roman Catholic Church, and in former periods was quite unknown. Prince Metternich replied that he could assure them, on his honor, that persecution or intolerance towards those who dissented from the Church of Rome was neither the wish of his Majesty nor did it lie in the character of the govern- ment. He acknowledged the advantages of Protestantism, and especially that it was much more advantageous to the rulers than Popery, which is still maintaining a State within a State. He acknowledged, that the Protestants in Hungary were suffering great injustice ; but it was exceedingly difficult to find a remedy, for the royal decrees met with so many obstacles, that they did not always produce the effect which was intended. He remarked that though this was not his special department, yet he would not fail to urge on his Maj- esty the necessity of seeing justice done to the Protestants. The deputation left this powerful minister with high hopes, and proceeded to wait on the others who had influence over the affairs of the Protestants. Each one tried to shift the blame from himself, and made promises for the future ; but the deputation laid little stress on the smooth words of hope.* * Report of the privy councillor Peter Balogh, JIS. ; Gen. Conv. Archives, Balosh, Fasc. XII. No. lOG. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNCAUY. fJOl CHAPTKIl X The Inner Life of the Church. — Attcin|.:, ... , Schools. — The Faiuinc. — Lcpicies. — Support siastical Authority luul Order decay. — Attempt- : and a Periodical. —The Bible Society. — rrepanilioiu fur U. Jubilee. A NEW and vigorous otTort was now in;i'mnasiiun in ev«T>' umioralc ; tMh- ers thought it enough to have one in <'\' * '**ow>«» wished to have universities established ; v nrudr- mics for both Churches united; and lUcm- i- 1 a^ Presburg and Debrecsin. Some wished ih. -• f the Greek Church to Ikj also admitted. S-n.- >* • • German, and some the Hungarian Ian;: :..- '■ he dusAy used. • IncludingiCTwmlof U» 502 HISTORY OF THE Want of harmony, and a regard for private and local in- terests, prevented the Protestants coming to any very favora- ble results, till an intimation was given that the government was about to require them to adopt the system at present in force in the Roman Catholic schools. A time of severe trial soon broke loose on Hungary, and the schools experienced the withering blast. The government had been so much exhausted by the war, that it was obliged to become bankrupt ; and the value of the circulating money was at once diminished by sixty per cent. The panic made the actual loss still greater. Then came the terrible years of famine, which are still remembered with horror. • The sal- aries of the professors remaining nominally the same, were actually only two fifths of their former value, and the great number of poor students who required to be supported by benevolent contributions, not only suffered the greatest hard- ships, but lay on the professors as a burden too great to be borne. But as the dark night brings out the stars, and as troublous times make us acquainted with new friends, so did these weeks and months of trial bring out an amount of generosity and a depth of interest before unknown. Rich legacies came pouring in. One from Baron Calisius amounted to forty thousand florins, which was designed for the academy at Presburg. The general inspector, also, in addition to his own liberal donations, wrote to many of the wealthy families in the land, to the superintendents and seniors, appealing for assistance ; and the result was, that many thousands of florins were subscribed, and provisions were sent to the schools for the support of the young men. Many others followed the noble example of the inspector. Some paid off old debts which lay heavy on the schools ; others provided bursaries ; others sent money or food ; till it was soon found that what the bankruptcy of the state had PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUNOAIIV. SQS cost them was nearly all made u,. again l.v the private con- tributions of their own members.* The country pastors were in n much better Mate than tho professors and pastors in towns. In the country ii wan cu». tomary to pay the pastor in fniits and pro1 ; congregations neglected to follow the acts of the Synod, which would have given unity and life to their operalioos ; forgetting that the circumstance of the empwcr. Strange suicidal acts of insubordination occurred. A lay sub-inspector, John Fejas, held a visitation of the disthct without consulting the senior or any of the cicrg}', made ar- rangements to please himself, and evt-n accused one of tbe pastors before the Roman Catholic bishop. The whole dirthct was excited, and the war between the clergy and the wealthy laity waxed very fierce. In the year 1807, a nobleman in Szanto horsewhipped Om pastor in the open streets, in broad daylight. .\ f«w ymr* later, another pastor, John Suska, of I'dvarnor, na* irr-ntrd in a similar way, beciusc he had brotipht to light • system of dishonesty by which the nobleman had been appropriaUog to himself some of the income of Uic Pnotraitant Church. * In the famine of loor. ported at Prcsburg. Tb.- and ninety llnrins, nml th'- ■■-,- • five. The deficit ww oftcrwwO. paid by Ibo roiaatory friends. 504 HISTORY OF THE In the Lutheran Church some of the pastors were forcibly expelled without any reason assigned ; and in the Reformed Church such matters occurred, though less frequently, for the congregation had the right of dismissing the pastor on every new year's day if he did not comply with their wishes. Many a worthy man was thus hampered in his work, or made to cringe before his wealthy parishioners. If each nobleman and wealthy or influential person did as he chose in the diflJerent parishes, it naturally follows that the decrees of the constituted authorities met with little respect ; and it was in vain to attempt to introduce unity of action. A general meeting was held at Pesth, in 181 1, to consult about a new school fund ; but the diocese beyond the Danube not only did not appear, but even sent in to the government its own views on the subject, as if it were a separate independent body. In the public discussions there was no mutual confidence, no deference to the wishes of others, and therefore no good results came out of them. Why should we record the plans proposed for establishing a theological institution at Vienna, or a printing-press, or a periodical for the interests of the whole Church ? These schemes all perished for v/ant of union. Many congregations refused to pay the sums for which they were morally bound. They ceased to send in their contributions for the support of the publicly recognized agents of the Church; In the midst of all these confusions and heart-burnings, a happy period was approaching, which, if properly improved, should heal all dissension, and renew the vigor of the whole Church. The jubilee of the Reformation was approaching. What a summons to self-examination lay in that word ! — to call up the memories of the Lord's goodness in the past ; to unite the scattered and disjointed members of the Church ; in one word, to renew the spiritual union of the members with one another, and with the Great Head, Jesus Christ. PKOTESTANT CHUKCH OP III'.\(;AKY. S05 As a preparation for the jubilee, the British and Fomgn Bible Society sent a new grant of five hundred llungaruui Bibles, and, besides, a very considerable sum of money for printing a new edition of a Slavonian New Tcf«Uimrni. Both of the sister Churches were called on to inokr exer- tions to celebrate the jubilee in a worthy manner. It wai the proper time for gathering the papers which threw light oa the state of the Church in times past, and for acttmg up a monument to say, '' Hitherto hath the Lord helped u».*' 43 iSOiS HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XL FROM THE REFORMATION JUBILEE TO THE DEATH OF FRANCIS I. The Jubilee celebrated only by the Lutherans. — Fruits. — Students for- bidden to study abroad. — Kegister of Mixed Marriages. — Children separated from their Parents. — Deputation to Vienna. — Persecution of the Protestants in Puchow. — The King in Hungary. — Keport of Ladis- laus Teleky. The festival of the Reformation Jubilee was observed with great solemnity by the Lutheran Church. The Reformed Church, with a few exceptions, took no part in the celebra- tion. It was ordered by the consistory that all outward man- ifestations of joy, such as feasting, dancing, firing of cannons, should be avoided, and that the ceremony should consist in a public service held in all the churches on the 2d of Novem- ber. A few of the free cities neglected these orders, and, to the great grief of the common people, introduced the national guards, who, with drums and trumpets, commemorated the day in their own peculiar manner. It was a mere imitation of Popish festivals ; but, with these few exceptions, all went on quietly and in order. Many Roman Catholics were drawn by curiosity into the churches, and went away with a favora- ble impression. Still more manifest were the fruits of this festival on the Protestants in their more diligent attendance on the means of grace and increased liberality towards the support of the schools and churches. Large contributions flowed in, and especially for the schools in Eperjes, Schem- PROTESTANT ( III la II oK UrNiJAKV. 607 nitz, and Modern, lil.oral pn inlums wcru grnntcHj, and pnsm offered for competition.* The students of theology were from thus lime »ubjcclca lu a strict examination ; and to prepare them for it • . r. tion was made that they miglit avail lh.'ins4lvis ..; ries estahlishcd for Hungarian studcnla at Wiiienburn ami Leipzig, and afterwards tnm.sfcrrcd to Ilulle.t T\w l>unui. ries in the native institutions were put on a belter fooling, oii«l made to yield much more revenue. It was the general inspector, Pelcr Iklogh, who wm Uw soul of all these undertakings ; and it pleased ihe I^ord lo call him away by death in the year 18 18, and Aleunticr Pronay was now elected to fill his pluce. The exiH^tatiocu which had been entertained of the new insjMrior wore Ml disappointed, and under his direction the n-linioui i-ducatioa of the students at the universities und gymnoHia was made a prominent part of the duty of ihc Church. In I* «' !' garian pastor was appointed to superintend thjjj w The Protestant prisoners now obtained Ifuve • by their own pastore, and some filial churcJK'M independent position, being pennilled lo call a paator and a schoolmaster.| Since the tricentenary anniversar)- of llic Reformalitm, the priests had again been busy at court, and a cuinmand cAtw to the district beyond the Danube, in November, iHlH, r\'. quiring them to furnish a return of llie number of IliUca ihry had received from London, and llio price* at which ihcy had been sold. « A prize of one hundred florim was fhrw •«J^ ^_ _^ lilatthew Bell ; another for an p*««t oq PalpH EH"^ « .T*^*** ^ ^^ ^*^- florins were invested J.y Sainud Li«^ ^-^ ■ — ' llung-.irian library. J Tymau obtained thi» ri«bt In III!. 508 HISTORY OF THE Under the pretence of the great insubordination prevalent at Gottingen and Jena, the students were forbidden to pro- ceed to these universities ; and, shordy after, all the German universities were forbidden.* The professors in the native universities were required twice a year to furnish very accurate information of every- thing connected with the students and the study. New difficulties were thrown in the way of those who wished to join the Protestant Church, and the judges acted in such cases as if no law existed on the subject. A very strict registry was required of all mixed marriages ; illegitimate children were all declared to belong to the Church of Rome ; and where any danger was feared from the in- fluence of a Protestant parent or relative, the children were removed from parental control, and put into safe hands. If the Protestant parents, or one of them, joined the Church of Kome, the children were compelled to follow. Simply at the request of the bishop, the police authorities of Kesmark brought the student Andrew Szokol away from his friends, and placed him in the Roman Catholic college at Leutshaw. Little inquiry was made when a bishop claimed any one as belonging to the Church of Rome, for the author- ities supposed that the Church — that is, the bishop — must be infallible. The priest of Lubla refused to allow a pastor to attend at the funeral of the wife of George Munster, and declared that the burial of a Protestant was a desecration of holy ground. Count Esterhazy wrote on one occasion, that inasmuch as the religion of the Protestants is accursed of God, the least possible favor should be shown to it, and that he did not think that the Edict of Toleration should extend to the deceased. Under these circumstances, a new deputation proceeded to Vienna ; but they found the air about the court so oppressive, that they came away sadly dispirited. * Intimatum, November, 1818, and 4th of May, 1819. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNCARY. 660 One of the deputation wrote liome : "Those who receive us with the greatest kindness are Mcttcmich, lioUlacia, snd Esterhazy. It is well that this last, in virtue of his oiTice, has some influence, for many liero wouhl wish once more lo introduce the Spanisli IiKjuisiiion." The fnip<'ror n-ccivcd the deputation very kindly on the 23d of Soptcmber, but in* formed them that just because he loved W\n subjects he could not allow them to study at foreign univcniiticH. Iie«ide«, (he Protestants in the German provinces of \\w cnjpirr pive hiin far more pleasure than the Hungarians, \vli<» win- roo'.t.inilv teasing him. No wonder, said the deputation, that you :in aiA on to interfere ; but the endless nttacks of our ad\« the reason of this, and we are not to blnino when wc to our king for protection. The cslablisluncnl of a iIm i . ^. cal msTitution, said the emperor, must wait till CJcrmany re- turn to proper order ; and, instead of sanriiotjing !■ of the Protestant synod, he thought it Ix'llrr of draw up a constitution for the Protestant Church. Tlie complaints of the Protestants he tbotiphi niu*^ »...:^ -y be over-colored, and besides, if they had the pimcr, lhf7 would themselves l)e intolerant. The deputation was not very successful, for the oppirwioo went on and increased in such n way as to »el aiMde the very laws of nature. » . . In the valley of Puchow incredible ftufTmng luid to be ro- dured ; but, for the sake of explaining ihc circun-uncc. -tj must take a retrospective view. At the time of Fmncis Rakolr.y, wIk> w«i. the pm,.' of this valley, the inhabitants wer. ''^^-^}'y '"^^'r^^ the Protestant Chun:h ; when, howevr, C ,K,nt ^-^^r- ,e property, the tenants wen- «WiH - {[''V^^'J, Ron'e. At heart they still <^-'-'^*\«r »" ' r^^^^ carefully inculcated their views on ^^^^^^^l^"^ when the Edict of Toleration appeared, owuiy of ihwi -^ 43* 510 HISTORY OF THE ^ grated to Moravia and Austria, where they enjoyed their priv- ileges in peace. After some time those who remained behind wished also publicly to profess their faith, but the consequence was that many of them were thrown into prison. They ap- pealed to Joseph, on the 15th of July, 1785, for protection, and he not only granted them leave to take the necessary steps for joining the Protestant Church, but he also sent them a priest expressly on purpose. This priest tried his powers in vain to detain them in the Church of Rome, and when he found that he was unsuccessful, he left them with the remark that, as they were so hardened, they might believe what they chose. This poor people lived there till 1792, in the quiet enjoy- ment of their privileges as Protestants, so that the priests could not deny that their children had been all baptised, their marriages solemnized, and their dead buried, by Protestant pastors. With that* fatal decree of the viceregal court in 1792 began their miseries. A petition was sent to Vienna, and obtained immediate attention, but the stamp-duties for having the royal decision registered and brought into force were so heavy that the peo- ple were not able to pay. They remained, therefore, in this state of uncertainty till 1816, when an order from the vice- regal court, dated 2d of January, No. 475, sent a deputation down to Loaz to investigate matters. The deputation came on the 13th of April, in the middle of the spring labor, and summoned the inhabitants of the whole valley of Puchow to meet at Loaz, where they were detained two days. On the 15th of April a Roman Catholic member of the deputation announced the result of the investigation : " The children of all mixed marriages should be handed over with- out delay to the priest for instruction in the Roman Catholic religion, and the children which had in 1811 been put under the care of the priest, but who had run away, must be found out and brought back for instruction." PROTESTANT ClirnrH OF HCNr.ARV. 511 Fifty couples wlio had, it seemed, boon married by Prolwi. tant pastors, tlioii^li one of the parlies wasclaiim-d an a mem- ber of the Cluirch of Rome, were iinmediatrly hrpnrai»Mi from the rest, declared to l)c iIIe<,niHy married, orderrd {g proceed to the Roman Catholic church for confession, and on that same afternoon they were to lie married. Some «xpmiiMHl unwillingness to submit, and wen* thrown into chains. TV rest were driven by force to the church, atj«l n*marrien the 16th tlie deputation departed, without, however, having ob» tained a single child ; and, on leavinp, they Imndrd th<' Proir». tant pastor a list of three inuuired and s<'Vey found four ; but the otltcn, like chickens before a hawk, had hitldcn ihemselvrji in the fast* nesses of the wood. On the 20th, this ofTicer returned, contrar)- to law, in the night, with the Popish schoolmaster and some tuldim, and searched the dwelling with the utmost «xariM<-i*H. ()i»o man was imprisoned for not surrendering his rt-lalives ; two women died of premature confinement arising from the »hock ; and two children, having lost their way in the woope^ tUut ih. r ^ork was not in vain. 514 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XII. The Theological Institution at Vienna. — Prohibition of Bible Importation. — The Eomau Catholic National Synod. — Hoheuegger's Signs of the Times. — Diet of 1825 - 27. In vain do we search for any of the good fruits which Count Ladislaus Teleky anticipated from his interview with the emperor. The one real benefit conferred on the Church at this time was the opening of the Theological Institution at Vienna, in 1821. The director and professors were paid and appointed by the emperor through the Vienna consistory. It was soon endowed with thirty scholarships of fifty, eighty, and one hundred florins, and was intended to be the place for educat- ing all the Protestant clergy of the empire. Many of the Transylvanian students still succeeded in ob- taining passports to foreign universities, and many of the students of the Reformed Church in Hungary, who did not understand the German language, still continued to content themselves with the opportunities furnished at home ; yet in the course of time the scholarships proved powerful attrac- tions, and in the year 1829, between fifty and sixty candi- dates offered themselves for these emoluments. The students were directed to take a triennial course, and Professor Wehn- rich succeeded in bringing the institution to some consider- able repute. About this time the Protestant superintendent and senior were relieved from-the expense of postages ; but it was also ordered that no Roman Catholic child should be taken into a Protestant school, and that no Bibles, especially no Slavonian Bibles, should be imported from the Berlin Bible Society. PROTESTANT CHUKCII OF HUN(iAKV. 515 Several petty annoyances were inflicted on the Protosinnln, but the spirit manifested at the Roman Catholic SvikmI, and the offensive language there used, tended to widen the breach. The Protestant censors were once more paralyzed in their efforts by the superior influence of the iinpenal cen- sors, and the students were sometimes compelled to attend extra sessions at college. New attacks were made on the ProtesiantB. The priest of Kroisbach, near aLdenl)erg, published a lKX)k, cnlilled The Signs of the Tunes ^ in wiiich, by extracts from (icrman ra- tionalists, he attempted to show that the Protentnnt Church had long since forsaken her confession, and iMromc p-vulu- tionary ; that the Protestants, therefore, had f«»rfrir«-d nil claims on royal favor or legal tolemtion. The causc of writ- ing the book was spleen. The author, Hohei;- ' ! np. plied for a situation as priest in (EdenlxTg, ai. • iIh> Protestants for not supporting him with sufficient wannth, ho took this way of being avenged. The Prot«'?«f«ni«< ■''■' "■? take the trouble of replying. A Diet was summoned to Presburg in 1S25, nnd h< n- ihc Protestants did their utmost to obtain n li.f, h\\\ \hr uinjoHtv was too heavy against them. The sympathy, however, whi rian magnates, in supporting the outpostn of ProUJstAOUam, we must not refuse to many of them the honor of cvjial en- ergy in advancing the inward life of the Churcli A great efibrt was made to collect all possiblf and to complete the archives of the Church. In - • of a public appeal, very many valuable p.i the general convent ; and some, like tlie berg, Gottlieb Gamauf, devoted much time to the cUmifyiag of the papers. It was ordered that no catechism should be pr;:. in the parishes without the sujxjnision of the cr»or» •{»- pointed by the Church. A new church wm opened at Neu- dorf for the scattered Protestants of the militan* froouer, and efforts were made to have chaplains appointed for the Prat' estant soldiers scr>ing in Austria. After the memorable Diet of IH25-27, by whick tk> meeting of a general ecclcsiaalical a.^^'-*'- -^-f* portpOMrf till March, 1828, steps wcro taken to ^ ''^ ^ the Protestant churches, fun «*«py , school plan originally prepar- . ^ ^** ^ according to the acts of the Synod, and winacd by otbai tmguished men. They were expected, aoooid^i IP 518 HISTORY OF THE Presbyterian system, to return a statement of their views, so that a system might be introduced, founded on the wishes of the entire Church. The religious agents at Vienna were directed to forward an annual statement of all that was occurring in ecclesiastical matters at the court. The importance of this arrangement may be estimated from the fact, that among three millions of Protestants in Hungary, there was not a single periodical giving ecclesiasti- cal information, and advancing the interests of the Church ; not a single organ by means of which intelligence could be conveyed to the different parishes. The Reformed Church was even worse than the Lutheran, for the four superinten- dencies had no common centre, but stood independent of each other. Efforts were made at this time to advance the salaries of the pastors ; for, since the depreciation of the currency by the national bankruptcy, though they received nominally the same amount, still it was not much above one third of the former value. It was, however, a delicate matter ; bitter- ness and jealousies were the result of the efforts, and the hearts of the people were estranged from their pastors. A proposal was made that the clergy should haye uniform- ity of dress ; but it was opposed by many of the clergy as a Popish notion. Gottlieb August Wimmer took the lead in this opposition, declaring that uniformity of dress, or a so- called priest's coat, was a poor security for morality. In Oberschiitzen, Wimmer had been successful in laying the foundation of a normal seminary for the training of schoolmasters, and an educational institution, which at pres- ent continues to prosper far beyond the most sanguine ex- pectations. The great evil, however, in the schools was, and contin- ues to be, that in the summer, in the whole length and breadth of the land, the schools were as good as closed, and PROTnsTANT cnuiicii ov ]wsr,An\. r,|9 the teachers did not exert tljemsclves much lo incrca»c f»Mj attendance. WIkU is, liowever, lo be expected, »o long tu a single teacher, badly paid, is expected to iiwtruci fruin a hundred and fifty to two hundred children? The guvcrn- ment might introduce a compulsory attendance, but m long as the free movements of a Presbyterian Church are tup- pressed or regarded as dangerous, little n'al advauccnicni u to be expected. At the Diet of 1830 -IH, the religious gr:- I nol form a part of the royal mess;ige, but in tlu- < i«bato they were brought so prominently forward, that a pctilioa waa drawn up by the States, and forwarded to the king, ii'qucft* ing him to interfere and regulate Uic qunra*U n »pccijng mixed marriages and proselylisni ; especially lo n^jmro Uw priests to give a certificate lo those wli.i hail n. • .\rd ihc necessary instruction. This petition was of little avail, ami as tin r;. , after, in 1833, raged fiercely, and at die sjiuic tii.. riots took place, the bishops look the opportunity of . pastoml letters, in which thoy attack the I*roto»unu, t them "heretics," and urging to watchfulno« atfuin»J acts and doctrines. " Liln-rty of j. dom of utterance," said one of tin- throw of kingdoms." Many of the magnates wero weary ol U..m. - « ...... they were prevented by their olTicial position from l< the Church of their fathers. We find ono, howr%cr, • John Buttlcr, stepping out and joining the F'rutrstaiiU, I* - indeed becoming much easier to leave the Church than fof- mcrly. Some had finished lh.Mr " »i« wrck.' inrtnictioo " within a year, while it had f.rmrHy tnkm ten lo fifteen ymw to bring them so far. Another relief to. in- 1'...;.^ ....-^ con.i.tc.1 m oblam»n|t. « manv towns, for chu,.'h and ^W^\ puqK^ • •-"^-^ ''^ the general fund in pn.i»ortion lo ihc coolnbol^o. o( ibr I rui- estants towards the taxoi. 520 HISTORY OF THE The excitement of these times affected the higher classes more than the great mass, and the general system more than the individual parish. In some districts, which were occupied almost exclusively by members of the Reformed Church, much peace and quiet were enjoyed. The people were sin- cerely attached to their king, and when they heard of his dangerous illness, public worship was held, and the great mass of the people crowded to the churches to join in prayer for his preservation. On the 4th of March, 1835, the king died, leaving his vast kingdom to his son, and bequeathing, in the sixteenth paragraph of his testament, " his love to his dear subjects." The whole land joined heartily in the mournful ceremonies which followed. Many sermons on his death were published, and the feeling was universal, that whatever injuries the Protestant Church had received, the king had not been in- volved in the guilt. Surrounded by courtiers under the influence of Rome, he was as little able as was the palatine to carry out his noble resolutions. He had acquired the habit of replying to all petitions from Hungary, that he could not help them, or that he had nothing to do with Hungary. PKOTl'STANT CHURCH Ol JIl N.iAKY. .V,*! CHAPTER \l\ FERDINAND V. — FROM l>:i:. - H is. The Old Ministry. — The Diet of 1830. — Tlio K..m;ii. < :iii,.,;j.- |.rj,.,- Pastoral Letter respectiup Mixe« 1840. With the death of the old king the ProtcsUinls had ci- pected a chani^e of ministry, but us Mcllcrnich rvmoined al the head of the government, all went on as iflVancis I «. rt' still alive. The Protestants strove then quietly to ;;ain favor by moving the influential members of : Between the years 183:2 and 1836, many Koinau Catlj-.*.'- members of the Diet took a most decided stand in favor of t]»c Protestants ; and when the hierarchy were oppowng every just appeal, one of them, F^ugcnc Broethy, cxclairowl, " I will blow the trumpets, ami not cease till the walls of Jencho fall flat " ; and when llic bishops prevented the good effect* of his elTorls being felt, he comforted the Prolentants wilh the expression, " The child is not dead, but sleopolh." The ProC- cstants required to watch closely over thc.r pnvilrgr.. for the Bishop of Rounan positively forbade the »olemniMiKio of mixed marriages, remarking that the PnHcrtiDl party micrht join the Church of Rome, nud ihrre would then U do further diiriculty in the way. Thr lUnhop of (.ru«wtki« did not, it is true, go so far, but he rt-qu.rcd a contract to be signed that all the children should U- ■ -'v-. -1 ... ,}. ( .urn h of Rome. More than one book made il» appcanuicc m INR'. aurmpf 41* 522 HISTORY OF THE ing to hold up the Protestant religion to scorn ; and in Pres- burg, orders were given to the printers not to print the Prot- estant catechisms, and other confessional books, without spe- cial leave from the imperial censor, — although they had their own censor appointed according to law. In 1838 the superintendent beyond the Danube complained that an order had been sent him from the viceregal court, forbidding the clergy under his care to instruct any children whom they knew, or ought to know, belonged to the Church of Rome. New complaints were also brought of the exaction of priests' fees from Protestants, and of " duty days " being also demanded. JW The agents at Vienna reported that the pastors and pre- centors of Laar, Puchow, and Azov, had received from the royal bounty a grant of one hundred florins each, annually, for three years ; only that this should form no precedent for time coming. It was, however, at the same time reported that the Bible affair was still unsetded, and that the pastor, Samuel Klein, had still to wait for permission to print his book on the rights and privileges of the Protestants. From the report of the agent at Vienna for the year ending the 30th of June, 1839, we extract the following statements : — Of one hundred and three persons who had expressed a desire to become Protestants, only twenty had obtained permission; twelve had still hopes of a favorable answer; seventeen were referred to a mixed commission to have their case examined ; twenty-eight were declared to be too young ; fourteen were ordered to receive six weeks' in- struction in the principles of the Church of Rome ; about eight had the decision made to depend on the circumstance, whether, by mixed marriage on the part of their grandfather or great-grandfather, or from any other cause, the Church of Rome could have any claim orl them ; one was involved in a lawsuit because she wished to bring her two daughters with her ; and three were persuaded to turn back to Rome. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUMiAKV. 588 The general convent sat in sorrow in 1K39, for tho rrport of the agent at Vienna was unfavomMe, iho j»n»^(woi« wen- dark, and the general inspector, Alrxandt-r IVunny, wm n-. moved by death. The stale of the Chim-h wiw »-«rnr«tly considered, and tlie two sister Cliurches nppronrhcd ncarrr to each other. A compUiint was forwanh-d to the king, stniin}» thnl the bishops were notoriously tnuisgn'ssinfj th»? laws of ihr laixi, and appeared to wish the old times back. The complaint was not witliout effect ; for the bishops n'crive«d a rfpnoof, and were informed that the king e.\(>ected ihera lo keep within the bounds of \hv law. This royal resolution, together with the reproof given Ui the authorities at Presburg, respecting the ccnsomhip, and also to the authors of offensive pamphh'ts, wore chcrnnK to the Protestants, as they looked forward with ho|K« lo thr Dk-I of 1840-41. At the Diet, the lower house was already won to ll»cir »nV, but in the upper house the Proteslnnts were buwiy occupied attempting to open the eyes of tlif m i ' -'ilet !o the justice of their claim. From th« .».•»• ri- pected ; but the magnates, as Ilungnruin?*, were expected lo lend their influence to support the laws of iIm' land. The interference with l»roteslnnl partien wiKhins lo marry Roman Catholics was dechm;d even • be illegal, but the bishops resisted the i •> should be retrospective. In the lower house the debnie was «.....;..,;.,. u.... .p«nt, and the most talento.i s|K.akers nil d.TUrrd ll»rin--U.^ m favor of abolishing the " r«vep.i-s;' or mr. •. children of mixed marnag«i wore bound • Rome. The abolition was intended lo be r- • ; hwt the two houses did not apn^., nn.l al lart a |- ^. -*• F«^ sented to the king, nqursnug h.m lo «lUc the vbok mattrr by a royal resolution nt his earliest cooreoicoco. 524 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XV. REFORMS WITHIN THE CHURCH. Plan for Church and School Reform. — Protestant Soldiers in Italy. — The General Archives. — Theresa Szirmay's Foundations. — Founding of the Hungarian Church at Pesth. — Peace in the Church. — Attempts at Union. Before we proceed to the next Diet, which ought to be held after three years, we may glance at the interior arrange- ments of the churches. The diocese beyond the Danube, consisting of a hundred and forty-nine parishes, had already drawn up a plan for their churches and schools, and had even made an attempt to have it introduced. The General Synod of the Lutheran Church declared their determination not to delay any longer in having a uniform plan adopted. The plan of the diocese beyond the Danube was submitted to them, and also to the Reformed churches. Care was taken of the Protestant soldiers in Italy, in so far that the church of Pesth purchased Psalm-books in all three languages, and sent them to Italy. In 1838, Alexander Pronay had enriched the General Ar- chives with the original copy of the minutes of the Rosenberg Synod. Another valuable document was obtained, by the intercession of the palatine, out of the National Museum, namely, Luther's will^ which Samuel Nicolas Junkovito, the antiquarian, had purchased in Germany, and left as a legacy to the Protestant Church of Hungary. The valuable historical manuscripts of Schuleck, pastor of Szobatish, were purchased from his widow. And Theresa ( PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUN<.AI:Y. fi^ Szirmay made a irrant of tliivc thousand florins for the die cese beyond the Danube ; or, if the nioncn- was not rrquiird for that purpose, to be given to divinity stud«-nta who wt-ro sons of clergymen. In the year IH'M), the Ilunirarian Lutlienm C\\\m:\\ at rcilh was founded ; and to this object the su|)orinlendcncy beyond the Danube contributed very hberally. By this Rcnrnwity they in part wiped away tlie stain which rested on ihrni, fur during some years past they had not l)ccn very wilhng lo bear their part in the public burdens. About this time many bickerings an«l hoartbumingw, arising from national dilferences, were healed, nno!*Ml j«-nIoi»y and hatred had at all times existed between the Slnvrn and ihr Magyars, no easy task to develop bis idea, and hb impetuottt zeal in the cause raised him many and bitter foes, who mw- represented his motives. The Slaven in llun|^r>- would rather unite with their own race in other counlnos tliM with the Magyars and C.ermans in their native land. Jealo'isv once awakened is cniel as ihe grave. New ar- ranrrements had \yccu made, encouraging iIk- liidy of t)» Ma^ar language, and the Slavc.mans snw m thu strp hw crrea't danger brooding over their nnlional.ty. It wju lo Xhtu eves something terrific, that in the p>m.ms«. m the of Church courts, an.l in all pnbhr Church pruceedingm. Magjar language should l« adopted. 526 HISTORY OF THE So far did this disagreement blind the eyes of good men to their duty towards the Church and towards each other, that the gentle and prudent superintendent, Paul Jasophy, forgetting his duty to the superior Church courts, proceeded at the head of a deputation of Slavonian preachers to Vienna, thus giving the court an opportunity of interfering in the inte- rior regulations of the Church. Stormy debates in the Church courts, violent personal de- nunciation, commissions of inquiry, and angry passions, were the fruits of the decision of this subject ; and it was some years before the passions were allayed. The idea of the union of the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, as warmly urged by the general inspector, was an equally fertile source of quarrel. In vain was it urged that the dogmata of the two Churches should remain intact, and that no one's conscience should be forced, — that a founda- tion should merely be laid by which the next generation might approach nearer to each other ; still sufficient reasons were found to prevent the scheme from being carried out.* A new periodical was established in 1842, and in it the most learned men on both sides had an opportunity of ex- pressing their opinions, so that this paper might be regarded as the organ of the proposed union. , This paper was edited by Dr. Joseph Szekacs of the Lutheran, and Dr. Paul Torok of the Reformed, Church in Pesth, and was exposed, not only to the heavy hand of the imperial censor, but also to the constant attacks of the Roman Catholic party. Still it did good service to the cause of religion, for, without laying too much restraint on individual and party views, it placed itself on a Scriptural basis ; published the abuses which occurred \n ecclesiastical administration ; attacked false opinions ; gave * The Popish party threatened, that if a union took place the Protestants 3ould be no longer tolerated, for the law knew only of a " Lutheran and a Keformed Church." If they were united, they ceased to be the one or the other, and had then no further claim on toleration. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF nU.Nf.Anv. 5^7 important information respecting what was going on at home and abroad ; strove to raise a mis-sionar)- spirit, ond to give proper views of the objects and designs of ProtcHtuni iniuium ; and up till the year 1848 stood uj) ns the unniiKhing advo. cate of the Protestant cause, remaining true to ila n»otlo, " The truth in love.'* The affairs of iai8 prcvcnied thta periodical from continuing to appear, nm\ thus tcrioualy affected the best interests of the Church. • This periodical had insisted on the necessity of holding a grand general synod, for the sake of removing many gricv. ances ; and it took deep interest in exposing an evil which had crept into tiie managoinent of the KefornHMJ Chumh, by which a species of consrstorial dictatorship vms n-stmining tho free exercise of their Presbyterian privileges. Wo Ho not pause to recount all the questions whirh wore handM wiih spirit and warmth in this periodical ; for we hasten to the Diet of 1843-44, where many a privilege was obtain^ for the Evangelical Church. * At present the Hungnrian Church hss 00 periodtetl of Ifc ^Ml 528 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XVI. DIET OF 1843-44. Royal Resolutions of 5th of July. — Dissatisfaction of the Protestants and the Bishops. — Debates at the Table of Magnates. — Petition to the Pala- tine and the Diet. — Wonderful Declaration of the Palatine. After the Diet of 1839-40, which had discussed the state of the law in reference to mixed marriages and prose- lytism, there appeared, on the 5th of July, 1843, a royal res- olution, declaring that from this time forward all the different confessions should have equal rights and privileges, and at the same time recommending that the education of the chil- dren of mixed marriages should be left to the free choice of the parents, as they might choose to agree between them- selves. The royal resolution pleased nobody. The Roman Cath- olic priests felt themselves insulted by being placed on a level with heretics, and the Protestants knew too well the secret power of the confessional to feel at ease respecting the influ- ence of the Roman Catholic parent in mixed marriages. Both parties were then prepared to reject the resolutions, and the magnates united in proposing to solve the difficulty, by giving the educatioi\,of the children in all cases to the father. The primate declared that it was contrary to the principles of the Church of Rome to give a Roman Catholic parent any option in the education of his children. He or she has no right whatever to hand the offspring over to another Church. And still worse, this resolution would compel the Roman Catholic mother to surrender her influence over her own chil- PROTESTANT CIIUKCH OF MfMiARY. Q^ dren exclusively to a Protcsiant father. The bu.hop. ^6 higher clergy all joined with th. pn.nate; but .nanv of the Koman Catholic magnates ha' by force of money to gain over somm- J.v%s t„ t),,,, •Church.* The debate was warm, many of the K.iniau i ^i\ resisting to the utmost all increase of the j)owcrof ;.. The Protestants regarded this as a proper time for »en deputation to the palatine ; and, as the lime did not alio.. ... a commission being appointed for the purponc at a nguUi general assembly. Count Zay gathered such Protesuinta m were present at the Diet, and presented a petition, rccuunting briefly at the same time the suflerings which the Protc«unts had endured since 1608. The palatine replied that he knew all the cirrumstancei. nxti * The bitterness of the l)i5hop J< pr*'"— • •" — •»•'< niiminQMi ch*fii fc» it is well known that tlic nii.'vM"nnrip'> ; i I'mUi iwfmlrad • tkm* ough knowled;:e cf the G-r^jK-I. :in.! i. .-tie* of rhifi ti hmt\ before they admitted any .low t- thw Uwr did hM tbrn* selves baptize, but handed thoir <::! - i.x»Uw%at tiM low to be baptized by thera, Tljey never ma MIf the priests do, to gain any one over to ' all parts of the land to con.«uIt and to •: to gain them than .«onnd doctrinf. p^'- knew and appreciated the mtitiv Scotland, was evident from th** nearly three hundred Jcv many similar institution* -^ ble how the learned i own Church. — Xoi. 1.) 530 HISTORY OF THE and all that the Protestants had endured ; but he would have been glad if this petition had not been presented, for it would probably only add fuel to the flame. He regretted that the royal resolution, which contained everything that the Protes- tants required, had not been accepted ; but the deputation might depend on it, the government would lose no opportu- nity of satisfying the just demand of the Protestants, that they might only be kept quiet. And, indeed, matters appeared sufficiently threatening; for the priests were becoming more and more bitter, and the lib- eral-minded magnates were so exasperated against them that the aged archduke was obliged often to interfere and demand greater moderation. The petition was widely circulated, and we shall here give some extracts : — " May it please your Royal Highness, &c. : — It is now fifty-two years since, by the 26th Article of 1791, we re- ceived a wreck of our former privileges, which had been guaranteed to us by different solemn treaties. It was but a wreck that we received ; for in that aforesaid article, there was not the full recognition of complete equality between the citizens who belonged to different creeds, and without which equality no peace and harmony can be expected. " And still, if the terms of that article had been observed, we should not have stood this day as suppliants. The law had scarcely been passed when the executive power in Hun- gary took steps to have it made fruitless. " Our freedom is trampled on, and the religious convic- tions of our brethren are subjected to arbitrary commands. Foreign powers exercise their subtle influences over our fac- ulties. The efficacy of our schools is destroyed ; our inde- pendence is hampered ; we are treated as if our religion were a crime. Promises made to us by the government lie dead on the statute-book, and those who demand their right are treated like rebels. Not one word of t^e 26th Article of PROTESTANT CHURCH 01- HrN(iAnY. 531 1791 remains, which has not been construed ngaiiui our most sacred privileges. It is now the third Dit-i hinoo 1^:: which our Roman Catholic brethnMi have strpin-d oijt.i zeal, and have demanded conunon justice to l>c done uh ; but these thirteen years have brought us little relief; l lie law* are still as arbitrary as before ; and any rest or favor wliK-h we enjoy is only as a boon which can at any time be rv- called. " At one Diet the two houses could not agree. At iho next, they agreed to recommend measures to tlic king for our relief, but these have been of no avail. The new in»ulta which we must bear would seem almost incHMbbU- '• die of the nineteenth centurj', only that the wide w ^ that our adversaries place themselves above the Inw " Our brethren have borne all. rather than refuv .. jr m.b. mission to the law ; and we, therefore, cxj)ecl with the more certainty that at this third Diet our hopes shall not be in vain." The petition went on to state how the Inte royal resolution placed the Protestants in many n-<(MTis in o wor*' po«it»on than before, and closed with the as>4rti(»n that nothing »h(»n of a complete equality and reciprocity betw«-rn citirrns, «• such, and independent of their faith. "•"'■' • v- - l.r,..,. ,-^.^rr and harmony to the land. An appendix to the petition bru' these general statements were fouii' of evidence in favor of the demands of the ertngrlicsl psny. In the Diet the delwtes became more and motv hery. The magnates scpraled Mill fartlwr from thr b«»}iof» mmI their parly ; and the gallcrieii of the ho,.'^ chiefly occupied bv lawycw, drowned tlic •. Roma'n Catholic party with torrentn of disappcoUt^m. An^ long debating, the fcMowing.. "" ''[irr!^ J. lower house, also passc.l in ll. ^^^ ^ ^'^ «*• royal sanction : — 532 HISTORY OF THE Article III. — Respecting the State of the Church, m In accordance with the principles of the Peace of Vienna, it is hereby enacted that the following, explanation and mod- ification of the 26th Article of 1791 shall become a part of the law of the land : — § 1. It is hereby declared that those who have been edu- cated till their eighteenth year in the Protestant Church, or, in case of females, to the time of their marriage, even though they should not have attained their eighteenth year, shall not be subjected to any trial on account of their religion. The same privilege shall also be extended to their offspring. § 2. Mixed marriages solemnized by Protestant pastors shall from this day forward be accounted legal. § 3. This last enactment shall be retrospective so far back as the 15th of March, 1839. § 4. The civil registrars are required, immediately on the publication of this law, to have the names of parties so mar- ried entered on the public records. Where this has not oc- curred since 1839, it shall now be attended to, for the sake of securing the rights of the children. ^ 5. Roman Catholics wishing to join the Protestant Church are subject to the following regulation : — § 6. The party shall, in the presence of two witnesses, chosen by him or her self, declare his or her intention before the priest to whom he or she has hitherto belonged. § 7. From the date of this declaration, four weeks shall be allowed to pass, and, either in the presence of the same, or of other witnesses, chosen also by the party concerned, a declaration of adhesion to the resolution shall be given in to the same priest. § 8. A certificate of each declaration shall be demanded from the priest. § 9. If the priest, from any reason whatever, refuses the certificate, the two witnesses shall then draw up and sign the necessary docimnent to this effect. PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUNtiARY. S|t § 10. These certificates shall be presented to the pastor of that Church which the party wishes to join, and lhu» i» (ho act complete.* § 11. A register of the nMm!)er of ronvoniions and the names of the parties shall he forwanl.-.i hnir v- tU- for iho king's inspection. The law was now explicit. No but, nor i/, nor «i . *;. . could any more limit its operations. The wistioin of the 9th section was soon evident, for the priests very seldom gave the necessary certificate, but, on the contmr)*, treated (he applicants with the greatest insolfnco. The Pr"' i not fail to approach the emperor and the puloiin« r united thanks for these favors, and requested that the remain* der of the grievances might also be removed.t * It is quite clcir that the lepslaturo Intondctl to britiK tba prowljrti aakf as far as the threshold, for only tljo Church iu-'lf. and naC Um Steta, bfti Ik* right to declare who was fit to l)C a memlM-r h. t In the case of mixed niarriagp*. the I r* ttill is • •«■•• position than the Roman Catholics; for, if a aivon«' took ptaM tant party alone was prevented from marrying afsia, ao4 ml hf^ | •were conducted before a court of priests. 15 534 HISTORY OF THE , CHAPTER XVII. Calling of the Professors to Zay-Ugnacs. — Course of Instruction. — Popish Holidays. — Pi-ovision for the Instruction of the Soldiers. — Accusations. — Death of the Palatine. — Foundation of the Protestant Church in Ofen. — Archduchess ]\Iaria Dorothea goes to Vienna. — Ai'chduke Stephen as Deputy-Governor. — Diet of 1847-48. As the Protestants now felt themselves somewhat secure from the attacks of the foe without the camp, they turned their attention so much the more earnestly to repairs within the walls of Zion. On the 15th of July, 1845, the general inspector summoned the professors to his seat in Zay-Ugnacs, that they might discuss and modify the course of study. The new plan was published in 1846, and circulated through the churches. In like manner was the constitution of the Lutheran Church once more revised, and, in accordance with the Presbyterian forms, and with the constitution of Hungary, submitted to the Church courts in regular gradation, for their opinion. In 1848, this new code came into force, after hav- ing received the sanction of the majority of the churches. The number of Roman Catholic holidays, and the manner of their celebration, being found oppressive to the Protes- tants, a commission was appointed to draw up a statement of the origin of these holidays, and of the present mode of ob- servance. This commission was directed to report to the General Assembly. Certificates of conduct and proficiency were required and obtained from students of theology at foreign universities, that the Church might have some means of selecting the proper persons for appointment to office in the Church. It PROTESTANT CHl'RCH OF lH-.N(;AnY. Si5 was resolved to lay the inaitcr by petition bcfoit? lUe king and the palatine. About tills time, Pastor Wimmer of Obcrechulzcn pub- lisbed a translation of Dr. Ikrlh's Church History, and he was represented at Vienna in such a light, thai an onler came from the cabinet to have tlic IkkiJc exainuK-d, and to have Wimmer tried for the ollVncc. 'I'he nrciwaiioo wst, that the history was calculated to excite ImirtMl agminsi (bo Church of Rome. Tiiere was gooti reason to fcitr that he would be suspended, for iiis zeal in the dixiribution of llibles and Testaments had long bi*en known ut ln;id quartcrm, and had not tended to increase his popularity at court. Wimmer defended himself with cncrg)-, and, partly from the merits of his case, partly, too, from iho kindly inlcroe*' sion of the Archducliess Maria Doroiliea with Iht husbead the palatine, he was for this tim«* rescued frum hm pcrilooe situation. John Dicrner, the teacher of the female tchooi at Pmh, was also subjected to a lawsuit for some stroniE cxprr«wooa against the Papacy, which occurrt'i ' ' ^t^fk History for the L'sc of Schooljt^ \ The censor, Mattliew Ileubner, was also ihrvaiencd with punnh> ment for remissness in his oflicc ; but llio matter wi by a promise to remove the objectionable parts in edition. The Protestants were not allowed to re^ for nme ■»• occasion was still found for developing the old apinl of per* secution. A heavy stroke befell the Protestant Church in I of the palatine, which took place on the ISlk of 1847. It was true he had been xcalously wmr^^^A to thr Church of Rome, but he liad never allowrd per blind him to a sense of juniico ; and thoughUwl ><««*«• did not always receive from him what they ihoa^ ^_^ a ritrht to demand, yet he never allowed himwif io be mit 536 HISTORY OF THE a tool for cariying out the arbitrary measures of a haughty priesthood. The Archduke Joseph had in his last years manifested much more regard for the Protestant Church than formerly, and this may, perhaps, have arisen from his constant reading of the Scriptures at this period, and from the influence of his dear partner, the Archduchess Maria Dorothea, a princess of the house of Wurtemberg, eminently distinguished by her piety and zeal. It was evident that, as his end approached, he had learned the value of the Word of God, and had learned to rest on the only Saviour of sinners, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. It was through his influence that, in the year 1846, the Protestants in Ofen obtained leave to purchase a house and fit it up for a church, school, and pastor's dwelling.* This noble prince now rested in the grave of his father ; and, contrary to the wish of the archduchess, contrary to the testament of the palatine, and contrary to the original mar- riage contract, the archduchess was not allowed to reside any where in Hungary, but was required by the governor to take up her residence in Vienna. The General Assembly of the Protestant Church in Hun- gary expressed its deep regret and sympathy with the arch- duchess in a letter of condolence ; and it was not a matter of form, but the expression of a deep and bitter sorrow of the nation, on losing one who had been so long as the pro- tecting angel of the Protestant Church. A similar letter of condolence was written to the Arch- * The Eoman Catholic town council acted here in a manner hitherto un- known in Hungary. They not only gave the house for a very small sum, but furnished also building materials, and encouraged the Roman Catholic fellow-citizens to make a collection in money for tlie purpose. The noble and generous widow of the palatine, the Archduchess Maria Dorothea, gave twenty thousand florins towards the establishment of the church and school, and the Free Church of Scotland gave nearly four tliousand florins, Vienna cuiTcncy. The collections in the countrj' were very unimportant.' PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HfNCARY. 537 duke Stephen, who now, to the prt'nt joy of the nnliun, wmt appointed palatine. It was at the Diet of 18-17 - -IS, that ho was elected, and his election was soon after confirmed by the Emperor Ferdinand. As he was probably the lojrt pala* tine of Hungary, and as this was probably ilu* Injit Dw-t, wo may take a closer view of its proceedings, and bid a linger* ing farewell to the constitution of Hungary. 538 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XVIII. DIET OF 1847-48. At this Diet the country at last reached that point towards which she had long been gradually proceeding in the way of legal reform. Every new king had sworn that " Hungary should be governed as an independent kingdom, according to its own constitution, and never be treated as a province of Austria"; and still the arbitrary decrees of the king and of the viceregal court had threatened to make this oath a mere dead letter. But at this Diet, an independent Hungarian ministry secured the independence of the country, and the name of such men as Count Bathyani, Count Szecheny, Louis Kossuth, and others, awakened the fullest confidence of the nation. A better representation of the country was introduced ; Hungary and Transylvania were united ; and the right of holding annual Diets was secured by law. All were now re- quired to bear their share of the public burden ; duty, labor, and feudal tasks were allowed to be bought off, as also a compensation allowed for the tithes to the clergy. The law courts were improved, the censorship abolished, and freedom of the press once more introduced. In reference to ecclesiastical matters, the 20th Article con- tained the following important paragraphs : — § 2. All recognized religious parties have equal rights and complete reciprocity. § 3. All the expenses of churches and schools shall be borne by the state, and the ministry shall make such inqui- TROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUNK^t anc^retaining their birthright as free a: \tr^ Events showed how prudently lliey had nctwl, lor dark and crloomy days were coming over the Church and tin* land. The danger was very near. The Crotiani had almdy brolven into Hungary, and the Ikinus* .' who bad been declared guilty of high treason, wa- .• Tnm^nff Pesth. A deputation was sent to Vienna to •cck a . but without clR'ct. On the 9lh and lOth of ScptcmU r. .^.-. many of the citizens were flying fwin Tealh. On the «M, the imperial commissioner, Cxjunl Umbcrt, w» mufdcrwl on the bridge between Pcslh and Ofcn. Jcllacluch - -^ • Ban or Bana« 46 542 HISTORY OF THE Stuhlweissenburg without opposition, and was solemnly re- ceived by the bishop. Louis Kossuth issued a proclamation, and thousands, armed with scythes and such weapons as the occasion offered, has- tened to the Hungarian army. The palatine had an interview with the Banus Jellachich at the Platten-See, but without effect ; but although his office and his oath obliged him to place himself at the head of the Hungarian army under such circumstances, yet, by the com- mand of the king, he was called away from his post. In spite of the king's orders, an engagement took place between the two armies in the neigborhood of Paroyd, and the Hunga- rians, though inferior in numbers, had an advantage. Jellachich begged a truce for two days, and made use of the time to march the flank of his army towards Raab and the Austrian frontier. His company of ten thousand men was thus given into the hands of G5rgey, who took them prisoners. The Diet in the mean time declared itself permanent. Louis Kossuth was proclaimed governor of Hungary, and, as such, made extraordinary efforts to save the country. The pastors were ordered to read from all the pulpits a statement of the wrongs and grievances which threatened the land, and, under threats, they were obliged to submit. Vienna was now besieged and taken by Prince Windish- gratz, and, to the astonishment of all, he now, with a select army, in the middle of a severe winter, hastened down to Hungary. Almost without opposition he took possession of Pesth and Ofen, for the Diet had removed, with all its papers and Archives, to Debrecsin. We are obliged to take this glance of the political and military transactions, for the sake of explaining the persecu- tions to which the pastors and schoolmasters were now ex- posed. The pastors were tried by court-martial for having read Kossuth's proclamation from the pulpit, and were visited PROTESTANT CHURCH OF HUN(.AUY. Mt with condign punishment. Many of the leaden of iho troops were punished on mere informers' evidrncf, and witlnnK a trial. At the same time that tlie wvercst punishment wu being inflicted on the |)astors for reading proclamation* which the temporary authorities had compelled them lo read, the Prince* Windishgratz was compelling ihem to read other doc« uments of a most extraordinary nature wiih reference to the so-called rebels. As a matter of course, when the imprrial troofM wera obliged to retire, those who had read the impenal procUma- tions were, in their turn, regarded as guilty of high trraaoo, and some of them were condemned to ho sh(»!. The clergy complained bitterly tliat ihnr bii>ho(w and »u. perintendents gave them no directions how to act. Sunn- of the bishops issued pastoral letters. The supcrintmdrnt, Mat- thew Ileubner, did the same ; and though these ieitrn coo- tained nothing against the dynasty, still H' demned to six years' imprisonment in chains, After he had spent two of the years in his hemry iirj ment, he obtained his freedom by the grace of *' " emperor. His case was not solitary ; for, wln-n thi^ rat: gary seemed victorious, many priests and Protr» openly took the part of the conqucron, and ir.n ported their cause. ^ Haynau^s approach, the Russian aid, and Cn^rfcy • tr- ery at Vilagos, prepart^d a dark and tcrribJe day for all mho were thus involved in the war. The storv of Havnau's cruelty precwW him ; a»ri ^ it was told how he was .hcK>tinj: suppo«J delinquent. ji.:.^ trial, and in such numbers, many who were «-^ ^ f... he country. ^r^':;^y^^'^:::^ a'tVilagc., the prisons were filled - ^ ^^ ^ . ^ . . of high honors, to whom ^^- - -mc hou« u. .K - 544 HISTORY OF THE much indebted, often pined for months in prison before they could be brought to trial. Many were, after months of con- finement, set free, because no charge could be brought against them. Of the three thousand Protestant pastors in Hungary, there may have been some fifteen condemned to more or less se- vere punishment ; and yet the commander-in-chief. General Haynau, and the civil governor, Baron Gehringer, published the following edict, under date of 10th of February, 1850, threatening disgrace and annihilation to the Protestant Church in Hungary : — Directions to the Commanders of the several Military Dis- tricts in Hungary. For the sake of relieving the Protestant Church from the miserable state into which it has been brought by the abuse of power on the part of some of its office-bearers, to serve party purposes, and for the sake of securing to the said Church its rights and privileges, during the continuance of the martial law, I have, after consultation with the civil gov- ernor, found it desirable to publish the following regula- tions : — § 1. The offices of general inspector and district inspector in the Lutheran Church, and of curator in the Reformed Church, are to be considered as extinct. <^ 2. Inasmuch as the free election of superintendents to the vacant offices, as also all enactions, are forbidden during the continuance of martial law ; inasmuch as men must be found who will bring the clergy and the people back to a state of submission to constituted authority, the government shall select suitable persons to supply the place of the super- intendents, and shall appoint seniors and laymen who possess the confidence of the governor to assist them in their work. § 3. These superintendents shall also discharge the duties of district inspectors and curators, and shall convey the wishes of the individual churches to the military commander. For PROTESTANT rnrnrii or tiungary. 54fl % managing the Church and scliool fund, thoy nhnll, with the advice of the seniors and lay assistants (soction ti), pivo in a report of what they consider to be the Ik-ri way of managing that fund. § 4. By these deliberations, a royal commiwionor, up- pointed by the military governor of the dlMrtct, shall alwaya be present, and in like manner no local Church court shall be held without the presence of such a comniijwionrr. § 5. As the clergy of the Protestant Churt-h aro badly paid, and as it is necessary that these temporary' ulTiccni of the Church, as appointed by section 2, liavc a posiiiun froe from worldly care, I shall endeavor to provide for ihcm an endowment from the state. ^ § 6. The new administrators shall enter immediately on their duties, and, at the same time, the functioitn of the fonner office-bearers shall cease. Every assistance sluill be given by the civil and military authorities to the new office- bearers, in the discharge of their duty. § 7. The superintendents who are thus depraded remain, in so far as their conduct in political matters is irrrpnwrha. blc, in the position which thry held pn-vious to thi'ir apjKHnt- ment to this office. § 8. All possible exertions shall be made lo have the boundaries of the dioceses made to correspood wilh ibc mil. itary districts. The superintendents an«l a«lmmi«tnilor« mar be sure of a friendly reception to ercrif propotai itkicM tmJt to bifid the Protectant Church closer lo the slate. The 9th section appoint.s the new administratof», and iHe document closes with reijuirinc them lo enirraf ooc* oo rt»r«r . office by accepting the w prwroc** ••• military commanders of ■ '^^T^, to state that all this had been complied wiih, and the due-- ment was signed "Haynii;." ♦ Each rcceiveJ twcntr-four hnnJml fc»fa> tmmsMj rfi« 46 • 546 HISTORY OF THE CONCLUSION. Sorrow, astonishment, and detestation, were the feelings awakened in the minds of the Protestants on the publication of this edict. They knew the extent to which this would soon lead, and they knew the motives which dictated the decree. The edict was not originally the work of Haynau, but bore evidence of proceeding from the same workshop which for three hundred years had not ceased to forge chains for the Protestant Church in this country. In spite of the danger attending the step, private meetings were held to discuss the best method of averting the im- pending evil.* No way, however, appeared open for pro- viding relief. A few of the clergy then resolved to present a petition to the widow of the palatine, the Archduchess Maria Dorothea, to request her to use her influence with the emperor on be- half of the Church. It was resolved, partly for the sake of keeping the.matter quiet, partly for other reasons, not to ask the lay representatives of the Church to join in the petition, and the results showed the prudence of the step. This was the origin of the address which will be found in Appendix, No. IV., which gives the reader a view of the state of the Church at the present time. The address was signed by upwards of eighty pastors, particularly Slavonians, and * See the little pamphlet, "The Protestant Church of Hungary during the Continuance of Martial Law," published by Brockhaue. Leipzig. 1850. PROTESTANT CIIURCH OF IlfM.AKY. 5-17 presented to her Royal Imperial Highness in iho beginning of June. Melting into tears, she proinisca the Church all possible assistance; and after the emi>eror IwJ n-ad Um paper carefully, he expressed a wish that it iniglil be shown to the minister of public instruction. The interview with Count Thun, and tl>e influence of Uio Archduchess Maria Dorothea, brought niattepj to such n< able state, that a constitution of the Church, which Imd ul:- been drawn up and printed, consisting of one hundreii and one paragraphs, was set aside. According to this comaitu- tion, it was determined to place a council, consisting of nine persons, as a kind of pope, even over the general synods. This council should be nominated for life by the emperor, and should have such fundamental principles and lioca of conduct as would soon destroy all evangelical freedom. The request that the edict of Haynau should be recalled was not granted ; and though upwards of ten deputations lo succession appeared before the throne, begging for rt-licf m this respect, and urging as reasons, both the slate of feeling of the Protestants, and the intrigues at the Panslavonians, yrt it was all in vain. Instead of granting relief, tl»c Churrh was reduced pretty much to the slate in which sl>e was ui>Jrr Maria Theresa. The high schools which could not at once adopi ibt «l- pressive plans of the government, were d.-claml lo be pri- vate institutions, and placed accordingly umlrr tJic in»prctKio of royal visitors ; at the same time, the only nuons of b.Ip were cut off, for the Church was prevcnled fruiu elccUog iHo office-bearers who alone could carr>' out the •chcinca which the government requiretl. Frequently were weeks allowed lo pass befow !«•• oortd be obtained to hold an ecclesiastical court, and even then tht subjects of discussion were pre«nbcd. The mIo o( OAim was once more suhy-cled lo hmiiation. ; ihc BiUo dcpoi-O. ries closed ; supcrinlcndcnls were 548 HISTORY OF THE cion ; clergy were summoned before the law courts, and punished simply for a faithful discharge of their duty. The censorship was restored with all its evils, and the Roman Catholic Church took up its old persecuting position. The Lutheran Church was charged with being alone in its opposition to the edict of Haynau ; but if the Reformed Church seemed somewhat indifferent, it was because she had suffered less severely, and because she saw how fruitless assistance would be for the present. In the year 1851, the Church wished to hold several meet- ings, and sent deputations to Vienna to state their wishes ; but their meetings were prohibited, and the deputations were refused permission to go to Vienna.* And the sting of all is, that in the constitution, and in the mouths of the rulers, one constantly hears of '^ perfect equal- ity of the different confessions ; perfect freedom of faith and conscience ; complete independence of the Church courts within the limits of the law." Poor Church of Hungary ! torn and bleeding for three hundred years ! Will none of the distinguished men who now surround the throne of our young king listen to a faithful statement of the freedoms and of the constitution now guaranteed by the oath of the king, — by treaties of peace, — by the principles of the Word of God, and by the sacred laws of the land ? Shall the old persecution and intolerance of the dark ages return in the second half of the nineteenth century, — the days which we have described with a bleeding heart, as a warning for all future ages ? Shall the hope be still entertained that the law of God shall cease to visit with divine retribution those who transgress its enactments ? Shall the time never come when statesmen shall open their eyes to the falsehood of the statement which passes current * See Appendix, No. IV. PROTESTANT CHURCH OK HUNCAEY. 549 at every Popish court, that the Protestant rrligion is the cause of revolution ? Will the statesmen never l«-nn» ihm, though the Protestants have mised their voice npnuwi iho Pope, and against tyranny, yet they subscribe with all ihcir heart to the command, " Kender unto Cu^sar the ihinpi UmI are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are (Iod*i ? *' U it not the Church of Rome whicl» is subject to that fompn power, which, to gain its own ambitious ends, never l»r»i. tated to bathe lands in blood, to cast kings from iheir nghl- ful thrones, and, in the spirit of urch-rel)ellion, i*et up othrri in their place ? Were not Rome and Popish France finil in the ranks of the rebels in these lost yenre r and were no( the leading Protestant countries completely quiet ? May the Almighty God preserve the house of IlafMburg Lutringin from the snares laid for it by the Jesuiia ! n»ay tbo deceitful schemes of these heartless men and their looli be found powerless! May Francis Joseph I., lik- nmn predecessor Joseph II., raise himself above . - and mere national strife, and stand as the dintribulor of jiaUcc, of impartial equity to all his subjects ! May ho » live aad reign that history'shall delight to gather up such UctM from his reign as shall tend to show, — " That, as king and emperor by the gnce of God, bo hM not only struggled to represent the power, but al» \hcJMk01 and goodness of that Being by whom king. Pcigm .od pc»- ces decree justice." APPENDIX LIST OF THE SCIIOLAKSIIirS AND FOUNDATIONS FnU THE BENEFIT OF HUNGARIAN sllDI NT> AT V«»U- EIGN UNIVERSITIES. {Extract presented to a General Aurmbig w IMA.) (a.) for LL'TIIEBAJf 8TCDEKT*. 1. The Pelmis foumlaiion. of 16.000 florin*, in the lUnk of ViMaa. may be applietl to any foreign univcn-ity- 2. In Tubingen, a free table for twelve fOKleaii o^ ibMlogy, mtt^ lished in 16G8. 3. In Tubingen, the Fiffcrlis fouoJalion, (or two U Transylvanians. 4. In Wittenberg, the Kas-'ay foundation of 7.64 1 5. Also the PoUlis foundation of 2.copold II.. in the year i:»l,g«»« I^ the support of two clergymen, wns U.c one to .t«dy M other at \Vittenl)erg. ^„ , , ii 7 In Greifswalde, the gift of Charie* XII. for «b« II s! Also Szirmay'. gift of 3,000 florin, for the bcrflof 11 "^Tln Giittingen. Burg^tallrr- foan.Ution of ^^^^^^^ 10. In.Iona and WittcnUrg. all Ilanffarian ttadMti •ntmm^m, eighteen dollars annually. nA^ii--.. Lripek. mA V^f 11. In each of the three ani»enitk«, OiCttar*. l^?^ -• ■— ^ gen, three studcnu hare a free table. 552 APPENDIX. 12. In Halle, a free table for all Hungarian students who teach two hours each day in the orphan-house. 13. The foundation at Altdorf, for three students, was removed, with the university, to Erlangen. 14. In like manner, three foundations at Helmstadt were removed to three other universities. 1.5. In the schoolmasters' seminary in Halle, some of the more distin- guished students receive, besides free board and lodging, also a small sura of money. 16. In Groningen, all Hungarian students have free dinner and sup- per. (b.) students of the reformed church ENjor 1. In Cambridge, three foundations. 2. In Oxford, also three. 3. In Utrecht, the interest of 2,400 florins. 4. In Francker, 1,708 florins annually, to be divided. 5. In Groningen, all who come have free dinner and supper. 6. In Hai-deroyk, and 7. In Deventer, two students have board and lodging. 8. In Zurich, three students may receive each 102 florins annually, and 30 florins travelling expenses on leaving. 9. In Berne, four students may receive on their arrival 94 florins for clothes and books, 144 florins annually, and 30 as a viaticum on leaving. 10. In Geneva, two Hungarian students receive each a complete suit of clothes on his arrival, 15 florins per month during his stay, and 5 louis- d'ors, or 52 florins, on leaving. 11. In Basle, two students have free board and lodging. 12. In Heidelberg, one has the same. 13. In Herborn Academy, every student who sings on the streets re- ceives 30 dollars. 14. In Bremen, every Hungarian student has free board and lodging. 15. In Frankfort-on-the-Oder, a free table for ten students. 16. In Halle, in the Reformed Gymnasium, two enjoyed free board and lodging. 17. In the Joachim College in Berlin are said to be two free tables for Hungarian students. APPENDIX. 553 II. POPLXATIOX OF IIUNGAIIV (a.) ACCOl{l)IN(i TO RELIGION. Roman Catholics, United Greek Cluucli. . Lutlierans, .... Reformed Church, ... Unitarian.s, .... Greek Church (not united), Jews, Total, . 12,ftSO,406 (b.) ACCOKDING TO LAXGUAGKA. IIuni,'arian, . Slavonian, German, Wallachians, Croatians, . Raitzianji, Shohatzians, Wends, . Russniaks, Bulgarians, French, Greeks, . Armenians, . Montencgrian- Clcmcntincs. Jews. Tbiri. . I«» a 554 APPENDIX. III. PETITION OF THE PROTESTANT CLERGY OF HUNGA- RY, ASSEMBLED IN 1851, NEAR THE DANUBE, AND AD- DRESSED TO THE EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH I. Most Gracious Siee, Out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh ; and as our heart is full of sorrow and trouble, our lips can give utterance only to painful complaints. We pour out our complaint, however, before your Majesty, believing that your Majesty is called to that liigh post by Him by whom kings reign and princes decree justice, and who setteth up whomsoever he will. We pour out our complaint with confidence in your Majesty, and with hope ; for wc believe that your Majesty both can and will assist us. We do not ask for easfe, for this is not the place of our rest ; nor for outward good, which vanishcth ; but we beg for that liberty of conscience which is denied us by the civil power in Hungary. The cause of our sufferings is to be found in the edict of His Excel- lence Baron Haynau, of the 10th of February, 1850, by which the rights of the Protestant Church, which she has enjoyed for three hundred years, are, with one stroke of the pen, annihilated. Our Reformed Church, in the constitution Avhich has been acknowl- edged for three hundred years, declares that the apostolical form of Church government is the model which we follow ; and yet here have we seen the day when, by military power, another form of government is forced upon us, as if neither the apostolical pattern nor the ex- perience of three hundred years were Sufficient to teach our >Church how she ought to be governed. The alleged cause of this edict, however, is a ground of deep sorrow, for it takes for granted, Avhat has not been proved, that the Protestant Church, as such, was deeply involved in the late troubles, and has thus forfeited her rights. We acknowledge that individuals have been borne away by the storm and the stream, — and we beg your Majesty's gracious consideration of their case ; but the Church, as such, has never spoken or acted against the properly constituted au- thorities. In our ecclesiastical assemblies, which were publicly held, and of which the minutes were always forwarded to our sovereign, it may be seen that we Avere engaged in building up the walls of Zion, in strength- ening the Redeemer's kingdom, and it would be beneath the dignity of our office to stoop to discuss mere political matters. With the minutes of our meetings before the government, when did we ever receive reproof for interfering with i)olitical matters ^ When individuals and office-beai^ APPENDIX'. ers of another Church, whidi is not rrotcstaul, sin n{n»in»t th* itata, transgression is not laid on their Cliuroh. nor is hIic cx.n>|icllctl lo of another constitution on that account ; whcrvforv wc n\»r well expect that the same measure of justice mnv lie jfraniiil to Uie Kraanliral Church. "Wlien we now look at this new constitution, wc nrc deeply for one part of the Keforniation was an CM*npc fn»m the lyninnr of iIm hierarchy, and the remedy w.is found in 0'.iuhli»hini; a projjrr Imlaiw^ between the clerical and the lay clement in tlic Church ; hr ihi« tuiion, however, all the j)ower of the Chun li i« plnreti in the I., the superintendents and seniors ; and if tuymen inkc part, ihrr are ap- pointed by j^overnment, and not, a» our Church rcqutnu, cbuacn hj iW people. The limitation of the power of the hishop wns i.n.- of iKo -rrai wotka of the Reformation, hut this newly c«nHiitutc«l ' t girm an unlimited power to men chosen hy the suji ....: ., .:.:er|irN their principles and to carry out their plans ; thiu orertarniaf cooipkl*' ly our Presbyterian form of Church irovcmmont. * Further still, the greatest diflu-uhies arc laid in our war to prrteal w holding our ecclesiastical assemblies ; and bcin;; ihu% ha?r". '-i ■" "-ir usefulness as a Church of Christ, we cannot dcrelop th . r comforting the distressed, for recalling the wanderer*, anU ; ■. — — <; up the Church, which our great Master may well expert. Not only are we deprived of the ri^'hi of -•:••• •' - -'^-~ -' '»- Church, but the schools arc nl-o threatened « which arc taking place are not in arcordnnre v quirements of the tin>c. Wc have hitherto n: tional establishment.-*, and we do not want ai._> ■ - state, if we must pay the pric-c of surrcn.lrnni: .»iir . other j)Ower is making phinn and <■ - t without due consideration, and wi; ' ■ : ■ ■ omyin the present exhausted Mat. .-i t^ «"«^' ^ this, wc need only refer to the fact that, wh.lc no t-. • " yet ma.le for elementary school*, all - have the high schools opened T\u ing while the walls are not .^ plan for the Upper (iymnaMa dred and eighty-six Icwons wt^kl.v ^^ to give twenty Icssonn weekly. N- puflirient for thi- ^^ '>'!». «" ' twelve ordinary- professor*. "« „ , , u„ n, dividual* and also of roToraUon* U* b«n Ij U.c .•r«M->f It r»»]' 556 APPENDIX. reduced. We are also required to act with such haste, that no time is allowed us for properly estimating our resources. The schools are the principal hope of the Protestant Church, and yet we are not permitted to discuss and consult respecting them according to the Presbyterian form of Church government, which alone we recognize as Scriptural and legal. Most gracious Emperor ! the Peace of Vienna and of Linz, as also the Treaty of Szathmar, which was guaranteed by the foreign powers of Holland and England, as also the coronation oath of your imperial Ma- jesty's predecessors, have faithfully secured to us freedom of faith and conscience ; and yet our rights are so trampled on, that we must regard all these treaties as empty words. And we can see no reason why the present " state of siege " or mili- tary rule should deprive us of the rights of conscience, for the kingdom of the Lord Jesus cannot suffer violence ; and we here remember the words of your Majesty's illustrious ancestor, Maximilian I. — " To rule over the conscience is to take forcible possession of heaven's citadel " ; and in his letter to General Lazarus Schwendt, he says, " Affairs of the Church can never be settled by the sword." It is also no comfort to us that this is only provisional, for the eternal truth of Christ can never be subjected to the provisional and temporary enactments of man. We bow with the deepest submission before the throne, begging of your Majesty, — Firsts That your Majesty would be graciously pleased to annul the edict of Eebruary ; for this edict is like an axe laid to the root of Prot- estantism, and so long as it remains in force, our feelings must be those of condemned criminals waiting for execution. Second, That your Majesty would restore us our independence as a Church, and allov/ us to manage our ecclesiastical aflairs in the Presby- terian form, which we regard as apostolical, and, therefore, as the only proper mode of Church government. We lay on the freedom of our Church courts the same stress which John Knox laid on it, when he said, " It is all one whether they take from us the freedom of the Church courts, or deprive us of the Gospel." We enter, then, a solemn protest against all limitation of the freedom of our Presbyterial Church courts, and declare ourselves unable to discharge our duty as a Church, either to God, or to your Majesty, or to our people, till such time as we have liberty fully and freely to exercise our ecclesiastical functions. We do not wish that amount of liberty which your Majesty has granted the Eo- man Catholic Church, by dispensing her from the imperial placet in her ecclesiastical acts ; no, we much rather desire that the government should have an opportunity of seeing how anxiously we strive after everything APPENDIX. 557 which is for iiic honor of our kin- for the froo«l of the lUic, an.l fur iho well-being of the Church. Wc want freedom only in »o f«r m will d- low the representatives of tlic Protestant Church to rwry out their vnn- ciples. lliird, As we are threjitoncd that if our j:yinna*i« arc nut in ih« re- quired form before the dose of tlic prcsynt vcnr, — nnd wc luitc mlntly shown that this is impossible, — we shall not Ihj allowctl to rri;«rtl Uina as piibUc institutions, and shall luivc no ri-hl to yu.- . . n.-., .,t. )..,i must regard them as mere private academics, — wc l< ty will allow us the necessary time to improve our »i!. . „. . , . . mit us to do so in a legal, ecclesiastical manner. Fourth, "We beg tliat in cases' of diflcrcncc of opinion between Otc Church and the government, wc may be allowed to pl«c« oortclrct in immediate intercourse with your Maje*ty's mini»icn. Most gracious Emperor ! we Protestant* ailhcrc foithfuUj to the com- mand, "Let every soul be subject to the higher iKjwrr- " -'' ' •' ' m-fr faithfully we observe the injunction, " Ucndcr unto ' .-.^i which are Ciesar's," do we demand ihc right of " rcntl !•.'<• things that are His." We arc ready to wn'C youi ..- property and our life, but we must serve our God u u. ....»-: a;«J conscience. ^ May State and Church work together iv •'•- '•'- «! cMar,u4 may your Majesty be the instrument for ' • iminJbU consummation, that your Majesty's name j..»,. .-v ..-..^v.. ^w« to pO»* terity with reverence and love ! Your M- ■ •'•' motl obedicai Mb- Pesih,5lhMay,\S5\. •n bj tlM 8«par f Um 1\. ADDRESS TO HEU I.MPEUIAL Iip;"viv< xiUMa TwRO- TIIEA. Most Guacious Aif ^' Your Imperial H rt well on vbat « «m the rights and pririlcgcs of the fcTmiis«lkml Ck«ftli U ttmtmj MM. 558 APPENDIX. The Peace of Vienna and of Linz, the Pragmatic Sanction guaranteed by foreign powers, and the oatlis of our kings of the house of Hapsburg, — by which they solemnly bound their posterity, — secure to the Re- formed Church of Hungary as firm a foundation as man can give. Among these fundamental rights are the privilege of electing her own office-bearers, of making her own laws, and educating her own children without foreign influence or interference. This has all been violated by the edict of Baron Ilaynau of the 10th of February, and the evil will sink every day deeper if speedy relief is not obtained. The four superintendents of the Lutheran Church, who had been con- stitutionally elected, are now deposed from office, and among them Su- perintendent Samuel Stromsky, who has never been charged Avith any crime against the State. In like manner, our general inspectors, and district and school inspectors, are deposed, and men put into their place of whom we do not know Avhether and how far they enjoy the confidence of the Church. Our dioceses are divided according to military districts, independent of the number of churches ; our general assemblies are pro- hibited } our local church meetings tolerated only under very great limi- tations ; and the whole Church government committed to the care of administrators, assisted by laymen of whom the Church knows nothing, ^ and who render no account of their stewardship. It is not difficult to see that Avith this culminating government we shall soon cease to be Protestants. A court appointed by the military com- mander, bound by an oath of which we knoAV nothing, quite irresponsible to the Church, shall manage her affairs ! While his Majesty is giving the Roman Catholic Church privileges which she never before enjoyed in the empire, our very existence is threat- ened. It is the more astonishing that a kind of military consistoriuni should be here introduced just at the time that other sovereigns, recog- nizing the impracticability of the consistory, arc everywhere introducing the Presbyterian form. These measures are the more painful as they are based on a charge which can never be proved, namely, that our Church, as such, took part in the late unhappy movements. It is, on the contrary, evident, tliat when, in 1848, a proposal was made to pay the clergy and teachers out of the state funds, the Assembly of the Church refused to accept of the boon, but passed a resolution which reads as follows : — " According to the Treaties of Peace of 1608, 1647, and the laws of 1791, the Protestant Church demands her right of self-government, and claims, as her most, precious jewel, the right of making her own laws, directing her own schools, and managing her own funds by persons freely elected for that API'KNUIX. ^^59 purpose." Thus the Protestant Church ili.l not allow hcnk-If lo b« lortd away from her legal basis by uny jiromiscs, however ^^Trat. The measure is called provisional. Hut let u» !<- k - • How can one of the present administrutors ordiiin n ogy? How can he who is himself free from obli-aii.u t.. i:.. ( Imnh bind another? Here is a dun-crous breach in uur (■on»umt...n • .\n.\ yet Roman Catholic administrators orduin rrotcsutil cirr. bayonet requires us to be silent ! The edict wishes us to join more closely to ihc Hate ; a- out becomin<; a mere police system, wc cannot In? bound ri are. We form no state within n state. Wc arc su^ prince. Our Presbytcrial system cnal)lcs the most il bcrs of the government to tit with and a*-*!*; un in oi; the general good. Our meetings arc o|H.'n, our mini;- the government, and if his Majesty object to any of «i; matter will be reconsidered, and due rM|>cci Ijc jmid : otfered, — that Church and State may still remain c^U la tu «ma sphere, and both united. No! the Protestant Cliurch h.^s no/>i' : seeks only to educate faithful citizens an. I still deeply in the minds of her children tli«- >.i all men ; love the brotherhood ; fear Gotl ; hoi. ii. 17.) Our vish is to Jk; allowed to appear bcf^rr rnr •r>rrrr- petition ; and in the mean time wc take r«'- Highness, in grateful remembrance of t' that your Koyal Hi-hncss, u the i- ligion, will avail yourself of your p correct statement of oar case. Wierc wc can serve oar sever. !.-n ^»I!^ "--ur !! not be the last to do so ; but, - danger, wc cannot '•''•»■>'' '" " tinue to enjoy our ^ voices now to him v.;..: . --, , his country. Committing ourselves to the prayers of your I ceasing respect and Chni ,1 .nr r.ia«« to iIm kiaAj w,«pdwfaimw ■ i9im^ Yoor RoyiJ irifldWilK ., l5/7«n^l850. mr «»»• Librarjes DATE DUE HIGHSMITH #45115