m h W. : I — .v / v ^s- t-CJ. OF THK AT PRINCETON, N. J. DOXATIO.V * J V SAMUEL AGNEW, OF PHILJI1ELPHI1. P G4t>. ^haAjd£^ /&*£■/§£ --EL" COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY S£^~ PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 4 j v\ The firft and Second Part of fsEASONABJLE, LEGAL,! 2 AND 2 fHISTOaiCALL VINDICATION, J; A N D * <* Chronological COLLECTION of the Good,01d,Fundamcn- J| * tall Liberties , franchises, Rights , Laws of all Englifi free- * ^ we« their beft Inheritance, Birthright, Se curitj, againft all a ^ Arbitrary Tyranny, and /E t yptian Burdens ) and of I heir jxrenuous & •It Defence hi all former Ages 5 of" J ace years m:)ft dangercujly un- ■& *j* demurd, and almoft totally fubverted, undei the fpecious '^ ^ Dfguifc of their Defence and future Eftabtjhmcnt , uponn/we ,j|» 4* BafiSyby their pretended, Greatest VropiigtiCfs. •*§» ^ WHEREIN IS, *Jj «gt Irrefr.ienb's' evinced by Parliamentary Ri cords , Frflo/f, Prejidents,4* *g T/m; w* havefuch Fundamental! Liberties^ Francbifcs i 7(!gbts i La'ivs. That to ♦ 2 attempt or cft'ett the Subverfton of all or any of them, ( or of our Fundamentally 4£ Government) by Fraud or Force, is High Treafon. The principal of diem fum- ^ •§* med-tip iri X. Fropofiiwnt • The chief printed Treatifcs aflerting them, fpeci- *g» «gft ficd: ^ Cbronohgical Hifloryofotii' tAnccftors, •zeal,vigilMCy,couiagc,pru- <& dence, in gaining, regaining, enlarging, defending, oft can filming and pcrpetua- Jj 2 ting Ibim to P fieri ty, by G>-e*t Charters, Statutes, New confirmations, Extom- gj «gj. mumcations, S^eciall Conservators, Confutations, petitions, Declarations, Re- ^ «$. monflrances, 'atbs, Ptotcftations, yows, Leagues, Covenants , and likewife by ^ 4* their ^fritf, when necelTirarcd a during all the Britons ,7{omans, Saxons, Tianes, *f» <& Normans and EngHfh Kjngs Reigns, till this prefent •, colle&ed for prefentand ♦ future publique benefit : with a Brief Touch of their late unparale/led Infringe j ^ afctfj and fiibvn fions in every paiticular f The TAaH of all Malefaftors by Jj|J <$» their pm j'and /#,*f s, jufti£cd, as the onely legall, besl, moil indifferent, and *§* 4* all orher late arbitrary Judicatories, erected for their Triall, exploded, m de- *g» •ff firuclive botti to our Fundamentall Laws and Liberties. • •3* , ■ # £* Collected,! c commended to the whole EnglinS Nation,as th< kft Legacy he can JJ ^ / leave them, 2) ^ By William Vrynne of Swainfwic^ Efquire. J * The Second Edition Corrected and much Enlarged. ** «£, Pfal.11.3. i/"thc Fundations bede(lroyed,Tvbat can. the righteous do i Jij •&- PiaL8i.f . r/'ey k noxvnot y n "tber will they underfland, tbey wa^onindarljnejfe I ^ «§* all the Foundations of the earth are on: ofconrfe, ' *|* <§* London, Printed for the Author, and arc to be fold by Edward 2 Thomas in Green Arbour, 1655. I&^M^^^^^^M^^ Errata. IN. the Epiftlej/effer C.page 8. /. 6. retf^ efifeft, D.f>.2. / .$/. 19. Genfurers, Z.p. 5 /.13 of r. our Kp.'7./.28r.Heir«,L p.4./.2o.r.exerceiunt In theMargia H«p.3./.42.aliquem/J.f 6.7.27. pa&iL.p. 8. 13^.23. J«ffceBookf.4./.25.r. asof^p. 13./. 36. r. were refol- vcd. p.19./. i^r.Voteofp 24./.16.0FP. 26./. i5.ofand p. 2p./.33. Statuces.p.32./.26,r. E.^c..5./> 3^/.6. to fedi- tidhp.38./.i9. r. parts. Margin, p.27./. 1 3. ffcerr. other, p. 64X3,455.^10. it.*, Cfip.i. 1H.5.C.1. 28iW,6.«.5i Ln.r. 4.E4. M^^M^^^Il^^ To all truely Chriftian Free-men of^ This £pi[!ic England } Patrons of Religion f Free- .f on \ hc f_- l( ; lutvea* hem printed be- fore dom, Lawes i Parliaments , who (hall %^ 4tbfCMgh perufe this Treatife. ha ^ chriftian reader , IT hath been one of the moft deteftable Crimes, and highest Impeachments agdinft the Ant i chriftian (a) Popes ofR<}me, (a) See ibefc- that under a Saint- like Religious pretext of advancing the v*r*tEp(Hesof Church , Caufe, Kingdom ofjefus Chrift,thcy have forfome l" d '™ktt* hundred jeers by-past , Hjurped to themjetves { as iole Mo- Fo p e Gc(r *. y narchs of the World in the Right ofChrift, whofe Vicars they ibe 9 , and in- pretend themfelves to be ) both by Do&rinal Pofitions and n occm the 4 rc- Trealbnable Praaiies/b) an absolute Soveraign, Tyrannical C ' Y ^ b > *<£ Tower over all Chriftian Emperours , Kings , Princes, of the 6^.fb2fim. World ( -who muft derive and hold their frowns from them a- (bjsce Extra* . lone, upon their good behaviours at their pleafures) not one!/ to de Majm Excommunicate, C en fur e, Judge, Depofe, ther cenfures) their ownSub]etts,(yea own fins fometimes)both by their BuHs and Agents, to revolt from-) rebel*, war againft, dfpofe, dethrone, murder, ft ab, poyfou , deUroy them by open force, or fecret confpiracies .• andftirred up one Ckriftian Kwg, Realm, State, to invade, infeft, deftroy, ufurp upon another ; one I) 'to advance their ownAntichnftian Soveraignties, U for- mations, Ambit ion, Rapines, worldly Pompe and Ends : as you may read at leiiure in the Statutes of 2 5 H.S.c. 42. 28 H. S.c. 10. 37/f. 8.c. 17. i$Eliz,.c.i. 1% ElU.c.i, 3 5 Eliz.. c. 2. 1 Jacob, c. 1 , 2, 4,5. 7 Jacob.c.ti. The Emperour Trederich^ his Epiftles againft Pope Gregory the 9. and Innocent the 4. recorded in Oliatthew Paris , and *Hcnricm de * others, Aventintu Annalium Bohr urn , Mr. Wdliam Tyn- Kni&hto»,de £- dal's Practice of Popifh Prelates , the fecend Homily upsn vembmAngli. m t f Hn day ; the Homilies againft difobedience, and wilful MtU-fffc*; ggfrBimi Bifliop Jewelsve'm of a feditious Bull ; John Bale in his lives of the Roman Pontiff; ; Doctor Thomai Bilfon in his True difference betweenChriftianfubjeclioi^ and unchriftian Rebellion ; Docker )ohn White his Sermon at Paul % % Crofs , March 24. 1 62 5. and Defence of the Way, c.tyi o. Do&or Crakenthorpe of the Popes tempo- ral Monarchy > Bifliop Lftfortons Proteftant Apology ; Do&or^Mr^'s Theater of God's Judgements, /.i # ^27, 28. Doctor Squire of Antichrift ; ]ohn Bodin his Com- monwealth, /.i .r.o. The learned CMorney Lord du Pleffy % his My ftery of Iniquity , and Hiftory of the Papacy. The General Hiftory of France. Grimfton's Imperial Hiftory. CMatthew Tarts, Speed, Hol'mfoed, Cambden, and Others, in the lives of King )ohn, Henry the* 3 . Queen Elizabeth, and other of our Kings,with hundreds of printed Sermons on the 5 of November. The principal Inftruments the Popes imployed of late (c) Sec Maffut A to SOULDIER by Profefllon ) and confirmed by iuyiim Micro- Pope Paul the 3, Anno 1 J4°tWhich Order confifling one- tffwe-tfrW** < ly and all Zealot* ProuftAnt Frcemtff England, ly of tenperfons&t fir ft , and confined oncly to fixty by this Pope, hath fo monftroufly increafed by the Popes and Spaniards favouts and afliftance ( whofc chief Janizaries f Pallors, Intelligencers they are)that in the tecf i6i6.(d) (d) see terou they caufed the pitture of Ignatitu their Founder to be cut in Owen bk Jcju ■ BrafZ, with a goodly Olive Tree growing(\ike Jejfets root) out "Sjf^JS of his fide, fpreading its branches into all kingdoms And Tro- i ^^iV^. vinces of the World , -where the Jefuites have any Colledges the Epi file to the and Seminaries , with the name of the Province at the foot Reader, and p. of the branch , which hath as many leaves as they have J*J* * 8 v ?*' Colledges znd Refidenctes in that Province ; in which leaves, £**/*'/ jyj^ are the names of the Towns and Villages vmere thefe tumm, printed Colledges are fituated : Round about the Tree are the ^44^.307.'* Pi&ures of all the illuftrious Perfons of their Order ; and 2, 3- . . in Ignvtius his right hand,thereis a Paper, wherein thefe f^-*^*^; words are engraven^ LEDGES OF ENGLISH JESUITES ELSEWHERE. /* Cojitabmo* IRELAND arJelfewhere 8 Cc Hedges of IRISH JEbUITES, £tf $$? and i* SCOTLAND and otherwhere lRefidenciesofSCOT- u'o\ ofT>-r\- TISH JESUITES. nefi. 88, i*j What the chief imployments of Ignatius and his nume- B 2 rous Tp the truly Chtifllt* Mudtr, tous fwarms of D/fcipks are in the World, his own Society at the time of his Canont nation for a Romijh Saint , fuffki- ently diicovered in their painted P*ge*nts,t\\zn fhewed to (c)Mcrciircic- the(()Scc Lc:;is j m t fo World j which the Univerfity of C racow in Poland Z''\%i™ objeaed (amongft other Articles) againft them, Anno &*itif! fated l ^ 22 . a ' n ^ Alphonfm de Far gas more largly infifteth on in Looking olafi. his Relatio, de Stratagematis & Soph/fmatis Politick jefuita- The Anatomy of rum, &c. c/fn. 1 641.0.7,8,24. the inglifi , -ph e i r number being fo infinite, and the (f)Tope and itifonc ^ s P ant ^ ro ° > having long fince ( by (g ) CampanelUs ad- (%) vtHonat- vice)ere&ed many Collcdges in Rome, Italy,Spain,tht Ne- chia Hifpanica, therlanis, and elfewhere,for EngUfh^Scotufh, Irifh Jeluites p. 146 , 147, ( as we }[ as f or f ucri fecular Priefts,Friers, Nuns)of purpofe I* 2 '121 *^' to promote their defigns againft the Proteftant Princes, 1 9< * ill? 3 ' Realms,Churches,P arliaments of England,Scotland,lreland,%c {h)Sec Thorn** to reduce them under their long profecuted (h) UNIVERSAL campamUa de MONARCHY over them, by Fraud , Policy, Treafon, in- MonarchiaHif- ^-^ j) ivi p ons ^ #& py arj f fang unable to ejfetl it by their P ^hbas a l^ own€Powtr ^ no doubtofkteyeexs many hundreds, if toni Poftbuma, not thoufands , of this Society , have crept into England, p,9i.t$ 107. Scotland and Ireland, lurking under feveral difguifes; yea, cardinal de of- an w holeColledge of them fate weekly in counfel , in or ilwimpat' neer Weftminfter -> f° me ^ ew yeers fince, under finne the Hifbama P«pes Nuntio, on purpofe to embroyle England and Scot- vefob. 16 18 . land in bloody civil wars, thexby to endanger, fhake , iub- .Advkt a torn ven tne i e Realms, and deftroy the late King ( as you ma-y l?s Eflai s de j 1 j n R omes CMafter-piece* publifhed by the Eii'ope, touches » , , ^ J , A , \ / v r » . 1 r hs maxima* Commons Jpecial Vrder,An\o^ ,)wno occajioncd,excited,jo~ Fundamentalts mented,the firft and fecond intended (but happily prevented) Ac Government wars b etwe en England and Scotland , and after that , the tfpiiwlTva H ^ :a W Differences ,Wars, between the King, Parliament, and ri'in^ ' vur three Prgtcft ant Kmgdomsy to bring them to utter de- fo- and ati ZcaUu4 Proteftani Frttrntn $f England, lblation,and extirpate our reformed Religion. The Kings Forces (in which many of them were Soul- diers ) after ibme yeers wars being defeated , thereupon their i z\hzt Ignatius being a SOULDIER, and they his (,) set my Military fonSy nor a few of them ( i ) fecretly infintsated Speicb i»Pa,h- themfelves ^Sonldiers , into the Parliaments Army and wu*?-^. o Forces, (as they had formerly done into (kj the Kings) aUoy of *!'*- where^they lb cunningly a,5ted their parts, as extraordina- depend- ncy. rj illuminates , gifted brethren, and grand States-men, that (k) \Exatt t'o'- they foon leavened many of the Officers , Troopers and li 6 Llim > ? 5J \ s common Souldiers, with their dangerous Jefuitical State- jjf'g,!' 8 V politicks , and (/) Pratttfes , put them upon iimdry (trange szV, 8^832' defignsyio new-mould the old Monarchical Government,? ar- 9°* 3 9°^ f Uaments, Church , Minifters, Law s of England 5 ere^ing a **?• ^ L(il ' *Hew General finned of Army-Officers and Agitators for n tJ £j* s °' 2 '5T that pnrpofe ; acting more like a Parliament and Supream 3 1 3, 3*5^414! Dittator s, then Souldiers. And at lalt infiigated the Army 0) sec v«:my by open force (againft their Commiifions, Duties, Oaths, S¥' ffj \ tbe Protections and Solemn League 8c Covenant)! o Impeach, JndVy^Zd impr/fon,feclxdefizl\ eleve Commoner s;then ibme fix or feven Armies Dtcla- Lords;after that to fecure,feclude the Majority of the Commons < tU'toja^Bdpt ) i , Houfe,(Hppref the whole Honfe of Lords, de fir oy the King,Par- P'^pofals. liawcntfiovernmentJ?riviledge$,Liberties of the Kingdom & /)"*'! t f' C " NMion,for whofe defence they were fir fi raifed,Yihich by no o- ;6 - 4 - ' ther adverfe power they could effect. This produced new bloody divifions,animofi ties, war s,\v\ and between our three Proreftani Realms and Nations ; & after with our Prteftant Allies of the Netherlands, ( * Campanula's exprefs old pro- » ft „ „ . . jetted P/otttoiubjeit us both to the an infinite pro- file expence of Treafttre, of Proteftant blood both by Land and Sea, decay of Trade, with other fad envois in all ©in* three Kingdoms ; yea, lundry fucceiTive New changes ofonr pt4bltck.Govemmcnt, made by the Army- Officers, ( who are T* the %ruli Chrtfitan Reader, are ftill ringing the changes) according to Q^mpanel^s and Parfons Platforms. So that if Tire maybe certainly dis- cerned by the [moke; or the Tree commonly known by its F rutty as the Truth it felfrefolves , Matth.i 2.33, W e may truly cry out to all our Rulers , at the Jews did once to the Rulers of Thejfalomca, in another cafe, Att.i y.6. THOSE (Jefunes) WHO HAVE TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN, ARE COME HITHER ALSO; and have turned our Kingdoms, Kings, 'Peers, ^Monarchy, Parliaments,Governmer.t, Laws , Liberties, {yea, our very Church and Religion too , in a great measure ) UPSIDE DOWNE , even by thofe very Perfons , who were purpofely railed , commhTiond, waged , engaged by Proteftations , Cevenanes , Vows , Oathes , Laws , Alle- giance and Dnty, to prote& them from thele Jefttitical In- novations andfubverfions. And thofe J efuites, Spani(h Romifh Agents, who have fo far ieduced , io deeply engaged them , contrary to all thefe Obligations , and to their own former printed En- gagements, Remonftrances, Reprefentattons, Propofals^DeJires^ and %£SOLUT10NS , for fet ling thU Nation in its jusl lights, the Parliament in their jus? Priviledges , and the Subjects in their Liberties and Freedoms ; publifried to all the WoYld, in the name of Sir ThomaiF airfax , THE AR- MY , AND THE GENERAL COUNCEL OF THE ARMY , n one Volume. London, 1 647. ( which they may do well to perufe) yea ', againft the Votes, Intreaties, Deft res, Advices, of both Houfes of Parliament, the Genera* lity of the good OWiniflers , people of the three whole King- doms, and their wifeft,beft affe&ed Proteslant Friends, who commiflioned , railed , paid , alTifled them fcr far ocher ends O whether may they , will they not (in all humane probability) rafhly, blindly , furioufly hence- forch lead, drive , precipitate them,to our whole three Kingdoms, Churches, PaoliamentSyLaws^Libertics total, final defoUtion , and the */frmyes too in conclufion , bey on d all hopes of prevention, unlefs God himfelf fhall miraculoufly change their Hearts, Councels , and reclaim them from their andsOZtahw Preteflant F rtcmtv of England. their late destructive*) heady violent courses : or put an hook^ into their Nofes , to turn them backjby the way by which the\ came : or,fet a timely period to their ufurped Armed power and extravagant late proceedings, of fuch a defperace un- parallel'd, unproteftant ftrange Nature , as none but the very worft of \gnatiw his Diiciples and Engineers durft fet on foot , or UilJ drive on amongft us Proteftants. Which I earneftly befeech , adjure , and conjure them now molt ierioufly to lay o heart, before it be over- late. Thofe who will take the pains to perufe all or any of thefe feveral printed Books(moft of them very well worth their reading) written againft the lefuites and their Pra- tttfefy as well by Papists at Pro teft ants , as namely , Fides Iefu & Iefuitarum y printed 1573. Dotlrime Iefuitica pro - cipua capita^ Delph. 1589. lAphorifmi 'Dollrini, lefuttico. 1608. fambitoHiu*) De Studiis Jefuitarumabftrufioribus. Anno 1608. Iacobut Thuanut, Paffages of the Jefirite?. Hilt. /. 69, 79, 8 3, 94, 9 5, 9(5,i 08,1 1 0,1 1 4,1 1 6,1 1 9, I 21,1 24,1 26,1 29,1 3 1,1 3 2,1 34,1 36,1 37.I 3 8.Efl*fff0- el Meter antu his Paffages of them. Belgicae Hift./.9,i 2,1 7, I 8,1 p,2 1 ,2 3,26, to 34. Willi elmut Baudartiut^ Continu- ttio Meter am ^ I. 3 7,3 8,3 9,40. Donatut Wefagut, Fides Ie- fu & Iefuitarumy \6io. Charatteres lefuitico , in feveral Tomes. Bitot HufertmuUerut , Hiftoria lefuitici Ordinvj Anno 1605. Speculum Jive T'heoria Do&rint lefuitico^ necnon P rax it Jefuitarum y 1608. Pofquier his ] e fu i te displayed. Petrus de Wangen , Phyfiogmoma Jefuitica^ i6\ojChriflopheru4PelargHs^hNovutJefuitifmui t Francifci{s de Peroneals Jefuitifmut Sicariut)l 6 1 1 N^rratio de praditi- onejefuttarum in Ma?no Brit.Regem^i 6oj.Cou/tlium de h- fuitis Regno Polonidt ejiciendu. The A&s of the States of Rhetia, Anno 1 561* & 161 2. forbanifhing the lefuites wholly out of their Territories, NE STATUS POLI- TICUS TURBARETUR, &c. mentioned by Fortunate Sprccherus, PalladU Rhetict, /. 6". p.2 5 1 ,2 7 3 . Mekhior Val- c/«/, his Fur it Gret^ero, &C . remiJfo 9 I 6 1 1 . Centura Jcfui- tarupfyjirticuli Jefustarum, cum cowmwefMiwe t\U$ e:po- Jtta T$ the truly Cbrtftian Ruder, fitS)Jm~JefyiteSj au Roy par. 1 6 1 1 . Va.rU Dotlorum Tbe- ologorum Thefts adverfus qua dam Jefuiticd Dogmata* The Remonflrance of the Parliament of Paris to Henry the Great agaiufi the re-efl abloom ent of the J e fates ; And their Cen- jure of (^Mariana his boo\^ to be publickly burnt, printed in Frexchji 6 io. recited in the General HiftoryofFrance y in Lewis i 3 . his life , & Peter Lftfatthew , /. 6. par, 3 . H'tfioria Francia. VarUFacultatu Ihologia & Curia Pa- ri fienfis , quam aliorum Opufcula, Deer eta & Cenfura contra Jefuitas , Paris 161 2. Conradus Decker us y De proprietati- bus lefuitarum^ 1 6 1 1 . Quarelarum inclyti Fegni Hunga- ria adverfus c&rruptelas le funic as defeufi o. Lucas OJiander 7 his writing about the Jeluites bloo'dy Plot , Han. 1614. lefuitarum per unitas Belgii Provincial Negotiation Anno * j[co-joy of Bogcrmannus his C at echifmus Iefnit'tcus. Lodevicus Luci- Tnafonahlt ^ **** Hiftoria lefuitica. Baft I. 1627. Arcana Imperii Hifjp*- Dottr'mcs and ™ c h 1 6 2 ^« CMercure Iefuite^ in feveral Tomes, Geneve Praclifcs. \6z6 y De Confcientia lefuitarum^ traUat. Cenfura facrmdthe * Proclamations of * Nov 9 * r '*i Llneen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charts againft J e- ate ' iliites, and Seminary Priefts. A brief D?fcovery ofD&or Allen. Seditiotu Drift s, London 1588. Qharles Paget (a Seminary Prieit; his Anlwer to Dolman , con -erninglhe lucceffion of the Englifh Crown, 1 6 o 1 . William W.ufon (a fe.ular Pried ) his Dedachordon or Vuodlibets, printed 1602. now very well worthy all Proteltants reading. A Letter of A.C. to his Dif-Jefmied Kinfman, concerning the J efuites, London 1 60 2. Romifh Portions and Pra&ifes for Rebellion London 1 605. The Arraignment of Tray- tors, London 1 60 5 . John King Bifhop of London , his Sermons on November 5. 1607, 16 08. King James his Conjnratio Sulphur ea , Apologia pro Juramento fidelitatts : Cr, Rejponjio ad Epiftolam {fardinalis Peronii. ^AnExaCb Difcovery of the chief My fteryes of the Jefuitical iniquity: znd,The Jefuites fecretfinfitltations ; both printed Lon- don 1 6 1 p. William Crafhaw hi ; Jefuites Gofpel, London 1 6 2 1 . milt am Feakpf the Do6bme and PrafHce of the Society of Jeius , London 1630. The many printed Sermons of Doctor Iohn White, Bifhop L*/^, Bifhop Andrews , Doilor Donne , Doctor Eeatly, Doctor Clerl^, and other?, preached on the fifth of November. Lewis Owen, his Running Remitter , London, 1 5 2c. His Un- masking of aliPopifh Monkesand Jefuites, 1628. And his Jefuites Looking-Glafs, London , 1629. John Gee, his Foot out of the Snare, &c. London, 1624. with the Jefuitical Plots difcovered in my Romes Mister-piece ; and , Hidden works of darknefi brought to publicly L'ght, London 164?. fhall fee the Jefuites and their Se- minaries charged with, convinced of , and condemned tor theleenfuin.; Seditious, Treafonable, Antimonar- chical, Anarchical Pofitions and Pra&ifes ; for which* C tb T§ the $rulj Ctirtfttin Reader their Society hath by publick A&s and Proclamations been feveral times banimed out of Hungarian Bohemia, Moravia , Toland , the Low Countries , %hetia, Fraxce, Iran ft I vanity Sweden, Denmark^, the Talatinate, Venice, Ethiopia, Japan and Turkey , as well as out of England, Scotland and Ireland, as moft iniufferable Pells and Tray tors ; in many of which they have yet gotten footing again. i. That at leatf fifty feveral prime Authors of that in- feraal Society of Jefus • in feveral printed books (which you (hall finde fpecified in Do&or John Whites Defence of the Way, c.6,io. Aphortfmijefuitarum : IubiUum, or, Speculum Iefuiticum, p. 187, 188. and the Appendix to my Fourth fart of the Soveraign power of Parliament s,p % \ 87, * Hofbinlan * 8 -•) ^ ave dogmatically maintained ; *Th*t the Tope hath Hit'jtfiuiJukl abfolute power, not onsly to excommunicate , but judicially to fttjpend , multl with temporal penalties, depoje , dethrone, pSMD SCflD JDC&JE 3 ©* anddefiroy anyChriftianEmpe- rours, Kings, Princes, 'Potentates , by open Sentence, War, Force, fecretConfp trades , or ft iv ate ajfaf nations, and to give away their Crowns and Dominions to whoever will invade them , by Treafon or Rebellion , at the Popes command 5 and that in cafes of Here fie, Sehifme, Dtfobedience to , Rebellion again fi the Pope or See of Rome , Male-adminifiration, re* fufal to defend the Pope or (fhurch againft her adverfaries, In" fufficeKcy to Govern , Negligence, Tyranny, Exceffes, Abufes {\x\)Qnando in Gove nment , Incorrigibility, Vit'toufnefiof Life , and (m) Rc«,ub X ti£-®* &%$&%& ©if %m&VWK€1$, clef a h'ECES- &%%%<&, £>K CflflWMfc J©jf <$j£>SD > as Antonim sir as fie n- Santtarellus the Jefuite particularly defines, in his quint, spec*- b 00 ^ j) e Harefibui, Schifmatibw, &C. printed in %jme it fatt^nS! felf > Anno 1 6 2 5 ' who affirtns Ic t0 be ' iMnUnm *l mm Mcrcure Jefu- & Keipublica exfediens , ut fit aliquu fupremu* Monarcha, Ue, 'vm % \.^.<\ui ikjqum hujufmodt exceffut poffit corrigere , & JDdfc 12hiL£9**>*® concejfa fuit faculty ^W*l* &&<£- and all Ztaltw Prttcflant Freem<» of England. (Whether the Ere£Hon, Title of, or Proceedings againft our beheaded King , in the late mil-named High Court of ]ufttce , had not their original from hence ; and whe- ther the Army-Officers derived not their very phrafe,(») of brtngtng the Kmg %$) 33MC3CC!;, with their pre- J£JZ£; tended #CC£M»aff? ©jF ]l«n3ICIC)919jL^ aj£2> jba jT<2;fC;# , forit,fromthefeveryjefuites, or i*Nov.i*4*. their Agents in the Army 3 let themiclves, the whole a ^T>tam.7. Kingdom , and all VVilemen now confider. ) Moreover, !£? olbcr ?a feme of the fifty Authors^asCrf/jv^or?^^ the EngliCh Jefuite^inhisT^/^^r^Sea^. and *De Officio Vr inapis ' ' ^olbmed t> Chrifttani , chap. 5. affirm , 7/W the whole School both f^Ifc? (phetr) Divines and Lawyer /, make it a P oft ion certain and undoubtedly to be believed-, 7 hat if any Chriftian Prince what* fover,fhall manifefily turn from the Roman Catholic^ Reli- gion, or deftre T or fee!^ to reclaim others from the fame ; or but favour, orfhew countenance to an Hereticl^(jLS they deem all Protectants , and Diffenters from the See of Rome in any punttilio , fucb) ^Cl; pKC-&<£#2:iLp jFaM,@aEty jFIMWJyi lUDJUESG^ ail ^K 3#C£3l^ $2) wett I SDtamt&f r£* Be taecttw * potor © jf £^C Lara J© fe<£3LJr,B>S>S* a>3HK3f^e a#jo 9iKI; a#p SMB#SE- £jBm$ccsD ftEMB^MC 1£3* tf P »^<£ JMX- IDKdEa* ^5ljfe«£DH a^JD 3a2><££. That thereby his Subjects are abfolvedficm 3IHL tiD3jC$# aMLe©ia#C ajps> aDaw&^je ( *pK£>vin©- £$<£? ^aacs c£>ap<£- »ea»3^«- Kaaie aspdDjpusj&sc c^k»2C3- 19 * 0j2S> , a* 49 Apoftate , 4« Heretic^ aBack:flider,a Re- volcer from our LcrdJefusChrifiy a$ffi> aj£ ^j^C^^ flc^> i$3& £>»# ej&caEe aji*$> c&sg>- C 2 »©j£- T# the truly ChrtfitAn Reader Q$$)$L*WLr one iy tn the cheeky, andfiroke out one of his teeth ; for which Hefbi&ian. Treaibnable aft he wasjuflr/fied, applauded , as a renowned #$. fefmiica, Saint andMartyr Joy thejefuites,in a printed Book or two, l, 3j P* x *3> to publifhed in commendation of this his undertaking. As ,,J • namely, by Bonarfciw. the Jefuite,in his *Amphttheatrum, Francifcm Verona Conflantimv,(z. Jefuite)in his Apologia\ro 1 oh anne (faflello, contra EdilTum Parliament , & fupplisium deeo ob Tarricidium fumptum, An.i 59 5. Where he thus writes of the attempt upon Hen. 4. Whofoever diligently ponder s,that Henry was excommunicated,an Heretic}^ relapf- edj a profaner of holy things, a declared publickenemy, an ep- prejfor of Religion ; rfW(thereupon)^ per fin fecluded fron; ail right to the Kingdom • and therefore a St^rant, not a Kittg} :*.- n'fticpcr, not a lawful L»rd ; he verily, unlefi he be mad, and. defiitute of humane fence, and love towards God, the Church*, and his Country, cannot otherwife thinkjr fpeal^y but t()at tl>€ fact of Caftlc teas gcturon*, coajo£ne& &it!) tHertuc, and Ijjterotcal, to be compareo tottrj trjs grcatcftanomofi pjaife^fcootf^ farts totycrj t&e "ancient Sponnment* of &aere& ano p^oprjane ^tftojtcs Itfue recedes. Otk thing onely may be dijlihed, namely , %i).\t battle fatt) UDt utterly (lain ana taUcn trim from tltf mioft of t«? > T$ the truly Chriflian Reader, In fum , He denies this Henry to beany King of France, £/ right or inheritance, becaufe , (in his and the jefuites Opi- nion onely , not in Truth ) he was both an Heretic^ and HL SDJ? Wa#SC. Afcrtm&Tbat it was lawful for Caftle, or any other private man , %<& tDti&JtoJCKjDj? 2L0 ^(j&KQ&JEIC* *£>!£ SDgttftiME, much more then, him that was both. * speculum Jc- And * 3°hn Guignaxdm a Jefuite, (Fellow of the Jefu- fuiucMti,p.%o> itesCollcdge otClaremount) in his Papers then fcifed 81. Hefrmun. by , and reported to the Parliament of Parts, Anno h/.IJ^.'m, iyp5 r not onely compared Henry the third and fourth •3» .M >» 57. t0 ^ r That if we in the year 1572. on Saint Bartholmews day , (in the General Maffacre of the French Proteftants) had &M% tf> if fr &^<£ »3J&ail3£- 5L3SCt&K : hefhould then be privily murdered and taken out oftheway.¥ozvih\c\\ the Parliament of Paris adjudged and executed him for a Tray tor. Yea,fo defperately were the * Hpk'midx; ] e iuites after thi<, bent to deltroy this King,, that *AUx- Hifl.fefu.Li ander Hay (aScottifh Jefuite of pare mont,) privy to Cl 57 > 1 5 8. Caflles villany, uied to lay , That if King Henry the fourth fhould paftby their Colledge (the firft there built for them) hi would willingly cafi himfclf out of his window headlong upon him , fo as he might breaks the Kings neck > though thereby he brake his own, Yet was he puniflied but with perpetual Banijhment. After whichjefuicical confpiractes decefted and prevented, notwithstanding this King Henry (before theie and aS ZtaUm Prouftant Freemen ef England. ______ ^_ ________ II —_———» | I ^ «— — — ' - > _ - ■ I thefe two attempts to morder him)had by their fotticttations, renounced the Proteftant Religion, profejfed himfelf a zealous Romanift^ recalled the Jefuites formerly banished for the mur- thtr of Henry the third, againfi his Parliaments and Counfels advice , r ever fed all the decrees of Parliament againfi them, razed the publicly Millar fet up tn Paris , as a la fling Monu- ment of their Tre ifons and Confpiracies ; built them a mag- nificent Colledge in Paris , indowed them with a very Urge Revenue ; entertained Pere Cotten ( one of their Society^ ) for his Confeffor ( who revealed all his Secrets to the King of Spam * ) bequeathed a large Legacy of Plate and Lauds to their Society by his wtH y and was extraordinary bountiful and favourable towards them ; yet thefe bloody ingrateful Vtllams, animated that defperate wretch , * Ravilliac, to *see the dre. flab htm to death in the open flreet in Parity Anno I 6 1 o* '<*l Hifteiy of Albigni the Jefuite being privy to this murder , before it Franc J in Hcn - was perpetrated. Yea , Francis de Verona in his Apology \™ _^ John Sot John Cafile, p. 1 5 8. thus predi&ed his fecond mortal whites ir- ftab, in thefe words , Though this Prince of Orange fc aped f me of the thefirfl b'ow, given him in his cheeky yet the next hit, where- ^y^^o-p.^. of this was a prefage ; as the blow given by Caftle &l^#!L!l C^CK 2&JL£DSft. Such implacable Regicides are thejefuites. 4. By their fuborning , infligating fundry bloody inftru- ments one after another, to murder (/*) William Prince of ({} see Grim- Orange , prevented in their attempts by God's provi- #•»* Hislo,y of dence, till at laft they procured one Balthafar Cjerard ^e Netherlands to (hoot him to deatrfwith a Piftel,charged with three B»l- P i^J^"'^ /ets,hn.l 584,the Jefuites promt fing him no left then \$ffc$L' ctfujg jifuui- Wlft it felf, a#D a C3#iD#a'z3!;j_D# cw.p.co.61. for this bloody Treafon, as they did to James Clement before , for murdering the French King. And it is very remarkable, That after this murder of his, * Thomu* ne M M mh. Campanellt (a Jefuited Italian Frier ) prelcribed this as a Hf/M.27. principal means to the King of Spain of reducing the Ne- P-'f 8 * therlands urder his Monarchy again > to fow emulation and Te \k truly Cbriftian Reader, and difcords amongft their Kfobles,States,and to murder Prince Maurice his fin and fuccejfor , which he expreffeth in thefe direft termes. $jgaj;tme ^mt%Ht Serpens feditionis pontes ^CtltCCt Mauritius 3ntmmatur \ non veroper helium diu- * cbron. BJgi* turnum, copiaillidanda eft, maps rnagify fuccrefcendiwhich Tom. i. p. 71 9 they * twice likwife attempted to affeft ; An. 1 594, and Tora - 2 - V-97. m 1 5p8. No wonder that they fo much endeavour by all i^.p.^r ' means & inftruments to fupprefs that noble family'now ? to HofpiKian. whom the Netherlands principally owe their in r ranchife- Hi(t c JefuitkA, ment from the Spanifh yoak of bondage. 1.3 . t.205 . j - gy (j.^ th eiY y yfi„ m g Stephen BotzJkay Prince of Tran- Te'ftkum^v f)^ vafli ^ f° r oppofing their bloody perfecution. xlJ f J 6. By their manifold bloody T lots and Attempts from (vj See Speed time to time, to mnrder, depofe,flab,poyfon, defiroy our famous Mnd Qawhdcn Proteftant Queen Elizabeth, by open Infurretlions, Rebellion?, fc fiKri tms I nvA fi°* s '> WArs^raifed againfl her both ^England Wire- Thankful Tie- ^ anc ^ > an ^ h interline clandefiine Conjurations ; from which rr.embfance of (jods ever-waging providence did pre ferve her. Amongft Gods Mercy, other Conspiracies , that of Patrick^Cullen, an IrifTi Frier, L (T) d °H t"' Chired by the jefuites and their Agents to kill the Queen) Hid. Jc r ^t}ca',' ls obfervable. (x) Holt the Jefuite , (who periwaded speeds Hiftvy, him to undertake the murdering of her ) told" him , that p. 1 1 81. camb- it wa6 not onely lawful by the Laws , but that hefhould merit ttcn, SjoitViHo- fads Favour, and Heaven by it ; and thereupon gave him vfeoftycen r emimon of all his fins, & the Euchari^to encourage him Elizabeth, spc- in this Treafon ; the chief ground whereof ( and of all eulum Jefmth their other Treaibns againft this Queen) was thus openly cum, p. 7 3. exprelfed by Jaquis Francisfoi Cullens further encourage- ment ; SDbat trje ftealm of England, f\)e« im* ant> tooulo be fo Irjell fetlefc, that unlef Mijhts Elizabeth (fo he termed • his Dread Soveraign, though but a b-afe Landrepfin ;)were fuddenly taken away, 8M trj0 JDtfttlg tn ^0ll toculfc not be able tc p;ebatl> to fyafcc ana overturn it. Which then it * See H f aiJom ** eems ^Y * principally endeavoured , and oft-times Quodhbets. fmce attempted , and have now at laft effected, by thofe who conceit they demerit the Title of Saints (though not in a Romifh Kalender) and no lefs then Hcavenfoi fhakin^, overturning and making it TV* Kingdom* 7- By andall ZuhttsProteftant Freemen of England, 7. By their (y) Conjptracy^gim{{ King James , ro de- (y) See s p ivc him of his Right to the Crown 0/ England , imprtfon, or #W- l : *°* deftrty his per [on : raife Rebellion, alter Religion , aitD $3ilb* l j TnSiat>^anA tjcrt t&e &tat* anDCl&ofcsrnment ; by verrue of Pope u ow% 1 fa. £/ement the eighth his Bull dire&ed to Henry Garnet, Superiour of the lefuites in England : whereby he com- manded all the Archpriefis, Pnejfs, Popijh Clergy, Peers, No- bles and (fat ho lie fo .of England, That after the death of Queen Elizabeth by the courfe of Nature , or otherwtfe, who- mever jhall lay- claim or title to the Crown of England, (though never fa direftly or neerly inter effed by defcent ) fhould not be admitted unto the Throne,unlefs he would firfl tolerate the Ro- m fh R eligion , and by his befi endeavours promote the Catho- Lck^caufe ; unto which by his Solemn and Sacred Oath he fhould religioHJly fubferibe , after the death of that miferable woman ; (as he (Ulled Queen Eliz,abeth.)By vertuc of which Bull, 1 he Je furies, after her deceafe, diffwadedthe Romifh- minded Subjelh , from yielding in any wife obedience to Ktng J. mes, as their Soveraign ; and entr.'dinto a Treafon.ible Confptracy with the Lord (fobham, LcriGray, and other', a- izainft him , to impriibn him for the ends aforefaid ; or deftroy him : pretending that King lames was no King at aH before his Coronation ; and that therefore they might by force of Arms , lawfully fur prife his per fon, and^Prince Henry his Son , and imprifon them in the Tower of London , or Dover- CaflU, till they inforced them by duref, to grant a fee tolera- tion of their CatholickReligien , to remove fome evil Counfel- lors from about them, and to grant them a free Par don for this violence ; cr elfe they would put f me further project in exe- cution againft them, to their defiruttion. But this Confpi- ricy being dilcovered. The Tray tors were apprehended , ar- raigned, condemned , and Wat fen and Clcrl^ (two Jejuited Priefts w'io had drawn them into this Confpiracy , upon the afor:fai J Pretext • with fame others, executed as Jraytors ; (C) all the fudges of England refolving , that King Limes be- f 7 :cGo : .?% infi - **& r '£^t Heir to the Crown by defcent, was immediately upon lutes, > .7. and the death of Queen Efiz,.ibeth} actually pop (fed of the Crown, ^alvus aft 7; ami lawful King of Eno land, be fore any Troclamaton or Co- fcgf'/ 10 *" 1 - v rona*' T# the truly Ckrifthn Reader venation of him , which are but Ceremonies , ( as was * sec Fox, Ho. formerly adjudged in the cafe of * Queen CHary , and Hnjhcdj speed, Queed lane., i LMaria ) there being no Imerregnum i $4oiU f by j-j^ ^ aw of England, as is adjudged , de- clared by Aft of Parliament, i fac.ci. worthy ierious perufal. 8. By their (a) horrid Gun-powder Tr est fonVlot icon- ic) S« 3 /**. tr i ve d, fomented , by Garnet (Super tour of the Engltjh le- %uldsHiftow fa tes ) Gerard j Tenfmod and other Iefuites ; who by their A~ p.n^a.toit^poftolical power,did not one ly commend ^ but absolve from ail The Arraign- fin\\\t other Jef fitted Popifl? Confpiraiors , and Faux %%Z mem of 'Tray jfoul&ur , who were their inftruments to effect it. ^arrlT^lbe Yea > the mrt^fyfa were fa Atheiftical, as that they lof'Nowmber.ufa&J concluded their Maffes with Prayers, for the good Hofpiwan.Hiil.facceis of, this ..heUtfh P lot , which wzs,fuddenly , w>/>w /#•/? jejn'tica l.j. j/j^ ^ £ Barrels of Gunpowder, placed in a fecret Vault under £ 1 6 -3 > ^170. ^ 7^/^ 0/ Lor^/j , r* /^^tf £/*»'/* #p rf«df deflroyed at once, King James himfelf, the Queen, Prince, Lords Spiritual and 'Temporal, with the Qommons affcmbled together in the Upper - Houfe of Parliament, upon the 5 of November^ Anno Dom. 160$. and then forcibly to have fei fed with armed men pre- pared for that purpofe,.the per fans of our late beheaded King, then Duke of Tor k^, and of the Lady Elizabeth hts Sifler (if abfent from the 'Parliament , and not there deftroyed with the reft) that fe there might be none of the Royal Line left to inhe- rit the (frown of England, Scotland and Ireland ; to the utter overthrow andfubverjion of the whole %j>yalV amily, Parlia- ment, State and Government of this %galm. Which unpa- rallei'd, inhumane, bloody 'Plot , being miraculoufly dii- covered, prevented, the very day before its execution, in perpetual det eft ation *f it , and of the Jefuites and their traiterousRomifb Religion , (which both contrived and approved it ) the 5 day of November , by the Statute of iJacobiyCh.i. was enaBed to be had in pttpttml 3&C* tt*cmb?aiue 5 that all #gt0 tQ tome, might thereon meet together pub lickjy throughout the whole Ration , to render yublickjraifes unto God, for preventing this infernal Jefuitical Vefttrn , and keep in memory tyi* fOBfal &ty rf 3>*U1»' ranci ; and dH Zealous Pretejlant Frttmtnof England. rancC ; for which end) fpeaal forms of publicly Prayers and Thankefgivings were then appointed , and that Da/ ev$r ft nee more or left annually observed , till this prefent. And ic is worthy ipecial obfervation , that had this PJot taken erfe& , (b) It was agreed by the Iefnites and Popijh Confpira- (b)SpcediHifl tors before-hand, %\)d& tye amptttattQlt of t&te SCteafon />. «»4». The ftoulD be catf upon trje puritan to mafcs tijem mo;e $)* Amtymm •/ Dions : as now they father all the Powder-Plots of thfcj^f"* *^ kinde ? which they have not onely laid , but fully ac- H i]?°? of'tll complifhed of late yeers againft the King , Prince, Royal Gunpowder Po(terity,the Lords and Commons Houfe,our old Engli(h Treafa, Parliaments and Government , upon thofe Indepen- dents, and Anabaptiftical Sword-men , (whom they now 'repute zndftilef the moft reformed PURIT ANS,)who were * Scc auitkre in truth , but their meer undcr-Inftruments to effect bn Viftory of them ; When as they (c) originally lard the Plots ; as is truth, 1^54- clear by CampaneUas Book,De Monarchia Hiip. ch. 25. ^ m f t toth £ and Cardinal Richelieu his InYtruttions at his death, ie s^JL > the King of France. And it is very obfervable , that as (c) see my e~ Courtney the Jefuite, Re&or of the English Iefnites Colledge Mies to Jus at Rome did in the year 1 641 . ( when the name of Inde- ***0n*t#ti pendents wis fcarce heard of in E»£/W)openly affirm to SJtoS? '* fome English Gentlemen^ and a Reverend LMinifier (of late in Cormval ) from whom I had this Relation , then and there feared by the Englifh Jeluites in their Colledge, That now at laft , after all their former Plots had mifcarried, « they had found out a fure way to (ub vert and ruine the Church ^ ta * of England (which was moft formidable to them of all others) ty? tlja 3nOepen&ent0 ; who immediately after ( by the J eiuites clandeftine affiRance) infinitely encreafed, fup- planted the Presbyterians by degrees,got the whole power of the zArmy , (and by it, of the Kingdom ) into their hands , & then fubverted both the Presbyterian Govern- ment and Church of England in a great meafure, with the "Parliament , Kino; and his ToFterity ; as * CMonfieur Mi- Iftiere a Jefuited Frcnch-Paipift obferves. So fome Inde^en- -J^^f* dent Mmfters^SeUaries and AnabaytiFhs^&iZi fince 1 648. /i5,i8,i4 3 »£ have neglected the obfervation of the fifth of November ■, \6, »V D2 (as Tethc truly Cwiflian Reader (as I am credibly informed ) and refufedto render pub- lick thanks to God for the deliverance thereon, contrary to the Alt ? for this very reafon , which fome of them have rendered ; That they would not mockSjod ** publicly bypraijing him for delivering the lats King, tkjjal^P oft trity, and Houfe of Lords from deft ruction then* by Iefuites and Pa- pifts , when at themselves have fince deftroyed and fubverted them through Gods providence ; and repute- it. a jfecial mercy aud deliverance to the Nation from Tyranny and Bondage, for * vpon which * which tbey have ca$tfe to blefs the Lord : Performing that ground^ many of fox t he Jeiuites and Powder-Tray tors , which themielves M mh VJ n the COuld n0t efFea ' The L ° rd S ive them g race and hearts {V^/^«^/,toccnfider, how much they a&ed the Jefuites > and inftzadefis'o- promoted their very worft Defignes againlt us there- vunhtr $. in ;, what * infamy and fcandal they have thereby *SeeMilitiere c j rawn upon all- zealous Prcfeflbrs of our Prote- r'ZhjZmo ftant Religion , . and * what vviii they do in the end there- *Jer.V 3 s - ®f? 9* ( To omit all other Porraign inftances cited in Spe- culum lefuiticum, p. i 24^10 13 o. where yon may perufe m ■ them at leifure) By (d) their poyfning King lames himi elf Mi&JqM&t m conclusion, as fome of them have boafted. p. 8 > 18/19. I o* % t\)Q Popes Nuntio's, and a Conclave of Iefuites Con* 'RomcsMaflcY- fpfracy at London, Anno 1 640. * to poyfon our late King piece,p,2*jo*i. Charles himfelf as they had poyfoned his Father with a poj- foned Indian Nut , kept by the Iefuites , and (hewed often by Come the Popes Nuntio to the Difcoverer of that Plot ; or elfe , to deftroy him by the Scotifh wars and troubles , (rat fed for that very end by the Iefuites, ) in cafe he refufed to grant them a univtrfal liberty of exercifng their Popifh Religion throughout his Realms and Dominions : and then to train up his Son under them, in the Popifh Religion ; To which not onely heretofore, but now likewiie they ftrenuoufly en- deavour by all pomble means to feduce him , as appears ^ p moreefpecially by CMonfieur UbZlitiere his (e) late book p?TMti}AmL dedicated t0 & tm f or **>** p»rpofe , to tnWfe %im ta u 1h ' t^8 Somali Cat^oUcfe JFattlj. Surely all thefe premised inftances compared together, and with that memo- rable and aft Zedcm Protfftant Freemen of England. rable p-flageof theEnglifh Jeluite *Ga»/>/rf», in hisCW- ' . certatio Ecclefta Catholic* : ( or Epiftle to Queen EiU*- Hit. jlfiSiuti beths Councel.) TrevirU i 5 8 }, p. 2 2. Velim jciatis , ^«*i ]. 3 . f.i 1 4 , \ A ] art Societatem noftram attinet, omnClSS 11C5 , QUI pet totum ^4. £D;bfnt /0r£* L.tequediffufi [tint , quaram eft continue fnc cej]:o,& magnus xumerM&awZmn fotXiilS tnjlflV,»fc quam- dim unns noftrum fupererit, ftndium , <£* confilianoftra in- termiforos , ao &eg« i^erettco* quo\hs moBc totleaoos (as Hofpiman relates, and expounds his words and mean- ing) The ion- matttJS VCCZ 3Jh& to them&y renouncing their own Optmon and Imd'otfm^Re 5 - Iu M emm with a ccnain%\Vtot®tot\&ZR*ZX and by be- prehn-aiion to ^ eVin ^ f h^t thofe who live under Obedience , are carried and the General, governed fe£ SDlfcmg ^OfctDglUe, (a word now moft in ufc and the fecond with our Army-Saints , and Souldiers, wholly infected f at } /»/ ibc with thisjefuitical Dofhine of * Obedience)^ their Supe- Pendwv ' *" riots, whithersoever they [h all fujfer them[elves to be carried,or "TolbcvfGcni- in what fort foever they [hall be dealt with by them^ltke aftajfe rd &- Officers) in the hand of a man , which readily obeys him that holds it, tven'mwUaw- where foever and in what thing [oever he willpleafe toufe it,) fd acJsagainft e f pec j a iiy when backed with a pretext of fatttteit?, 5£e< trie l a-iLiamcnty .,'. * „ , -•%•■•» jw J -r 1 t n- * Kj*g&a*4$m. Ufitcnji ^afdt 1 , Publtck (BJofit), Exemplary Juftice , and promoting the common Caufe for which their Society w as firft inftituted. 2. That they hold them[clves obliged to no Kings, Princes , or Civil Magift rates by any Oath oj Allegi- ance, but onely to the Pope and their Generals ; and therefore thinks themfe Ives free and unable to commit any Treafon at all againft them,although at the Popes and their Super tours com- mands they ft ill rife up againft, murder, or deftroy them, 3 .That they deem thofe Kings,Princes, which the Pope and lefuites, or $ther and all Ztdom Proteftant Freemen of England. ether learned men of their Religion, or the common -people (kali deem Heretichj , to be thereby wholly made uncapable of any Empires, Kingdoms, or ^Principalities, or any other civil Dig- uity; yea, to be accurfed Tyrants , unworthy of the name of Kinds', that thereby their Subjells are totally abfolvcd frow the ton! '/ Allegiance to them ; and that thereupon it is lawful to k±U *nd defiroy them, and the murders of Juch are meri- torious. Now that thefe three Jefuitical Grounds and Principles ( infilled into our j4rmy-Offcers and Souldiers by ihejefuites and their lnftruments of late yeers, again!! their Primitive Orthodox Portions , Protections, De- clarations, Oaths, Covenants, Engagements ) backed with fecret Avarice, Ambition, and Self-ends , were the principal impulfive fiufes of all the extravagant violent Pro- ceedings both againft the late King , and Parliament (not the loyal Principles of the Protefiant Religion) is apparent unto all the World , by the Armies own Declarations of Nov.i6., zndDecemb.y. 1648. Their True State of the Commonwealth of "England , &c. 1654. and other Pam- phlets for their /unification, which all tvucT rotes? ants blufhat. 3. That the Jeliiites ever (ince the EftablilTiment of their Military Order, under Ignatius their Martial General, have been the *principal Firebrands- Bellows \ lnftruments of '* „ *• • it, r r • • » r /#• 1 Hofpmiav. kindlings jomenttng,raijing, ccnttnutng authepubltckjcommo- Hiff.fefuitiea t'tons , wirs , feditions And bloody fewds that have happened l 3. Romrs m or between any Kings , Kingdoms , States, Princes, So- Mtflcr- piece. ver4.igns or Subjects throughout the Chriftian world ; and more particularly, cf all the Civil commotions, wars in France, Cjermany, TranfylvawM, Bohemia, Hungary, Ruffla, Poland, Engldndy Scotland and Ireland , to the effufion of whole Oceans of Chrittian blood : which one.poetically thus exprefleth, (Jo) Quicquid in Orb email paJfimtyttcmU ©iaSlfoa Ctt, (hN r u biUum t Qtiicquid turbirum tempora nofira vider.tj five Speculum CunUa Sodalitio mentito 'Homitie 3e fU Jcfvticum Ep'h Accept, i Kiitoria teflc referre licet, yamm*. he Te the tru'y Chriftinn Reader, Ite modo & veftra celebrate Enc&nia Sett a, £$i\iti$ii\bmtum, ligtolana ecfjoje* Yea, it is well worthy obiervation, what Jacobus Cru~ ( \) Hajcn cius^ a Jefnite (Rettor of the Jefuites Novices at Landsberge) HithCu't c i F reiume d to publifh , in his Explication of the Rules of the speculum fejit' 3 e fates, Anno i 584. in thefe words : The Father of our uicum z f .6 1, Society OUjjtjt to be a ^OUlBiec ; becaufe, at tt is the part of a ^CUiOlCr, to rttfh upon the Enemy with all his Forces , and not to defjfi , //// he become a Concjuerour ; fo it is our duty to run violently upon all, who refifl the Tope of Rome * atlO to JDettroj nnO iibolift t£$m , not onely -with Cumfels, Wknii\\%%<> a»D ^HOJDS ; Sed invocato etiam brachio fi- cuiari, 3gne 1 jfecro toliere % abolere , fcuttymtittx f nodra tHicfa ( contra Lutheranos fufcepta ) iHlolimt 9 C^auDant* But likewife by calling in to our affi fiance the fecular Arm (of an Army) to take away , and defiroy them with jf ite anD §>iuo;t>, as tf^e ^BxspeanD car jdDattjec (taken againtt the Protectants) fStill anD Command And may we not then fafely conclude, they have been the Original Contrivers, Fomenters, Tont inner s of all our late intefline and f arraign wars, by har.d and Sea, with our Chrifiian Proteflant (\)EXfiS Col- Brethren and Atljes, (as (£J (undry Parliament Declarations leftien, p.iz. to f y ot ] Houses aver and attett ? ) And that many of them 20 9 7:9 8 5 ic^ h f ecretiy crept ; mo anc } lifted themfelves Souidi- to 46%. 491 e ^s in onr Armies, on pur pole to put on foot their detigns 49^498^08, againft our King , Kingdoms , Churches, Religion, ar.d 174,616,631, perpetuate our Civil Wars ? And fo much the rather, to 612 ,66o } to h ( (A Jkhonfuide Vargas (a Scanifh Popifli Priefl) 8i3, 8$a,8?4, ln forms US : That the je\uttes,being a Generation oj Jncttt* 8 4.9, 890, ' 19 fti&tizB , are fo welpleafedwith the name of their 'Founder 91 8, 651^52, SgnattUS, derived from Fire, and fignifying a <£affcr abcttt 6 *l)TtUC>od D ^ fet3tlC^JFu*C, D^an 3riCenBtar^; that though his chriflned S'ratapematit * vame'atfirfl was Ittnicus, or Inighiftas ; Yet Johannes Eufe- & Sepbtfmatk bins Nirenber Per, ajefuite, in his Book, VeVita Ignatti, Jcfu>tmum 9 c. printed at {^Madrid, 1630, moft falfly records , That his 4;*,7. Barents at his B^ptifm , being in doubt what name to give him , therenpon the Infant himfelf, with a loud voice , (aid, dnd Zealws Preteftant Frecmtn ef England, I^C tDOttlD bC nameD JgnattUS, to fignifie what office he [hould obtain in the Church and wor Uneven to f aft abroad fire tntheni , andfet them all in aflame. Hereupon his Difcipler the Jefuites , considering that this their founder was by his name & fircbjant), and a &0Ul0ter by his profeffion, profejfed pnblikely to the King of Spain, his councel and the world., that it was no lefs confonant to the mind, infthution and ftatutes y then to the name of their warlike Father Ignatius % th.it they fhould not ovely exercife , but P ub like lyprofeft and teach to o* thersy #rtcm }Bf JOfCcbnuattl, &C. the art how to make and caft alroxd fire-balls, fire-works and wild- fire, to fire and burn houses and C ities: and Itkewife fyt art cf iDAtre, of frttmg Slt.mlcB in battel arrap , of defaulting cittei , tlje manec of inafcms Otecl)mea, &C. Hani aerofia faciet, T. Hermannus Hago ( a Jcfuit ) quarta pomerid>ana ufjue ad auintam. This is the firrt publike Military LeShure I ever read of ere&ed in any Univ erfity amonglt Chriftians, and Profeffors of the (a) Gofpel of peace ; who are exprelly en- f*)Rom.io.i % joyned by the (b) G*d of peace, and Trtnce (c) of peace (dj WRom.iwj To put up i heir [words into their fcabberds,becaufe all thofe thx t / H T : ! 3 2 9 ' take the [word, \hall ferifh with the fword. (e) To beat their {L m.u f/< % fwords into plow -[hares , and their fpears into prumng-hookes:(c) I fa i. 1*4. not to lift up the fword agatnft one another > neither %$ Mica.4.3^ E lean Ttf the truly ckrtfltin Reader, learne tear ang mo;c. Yet fuch bloody incendiaries and 'delightersin war are the Jefuites , that they thus pub- likely teach ethers the art of war and fire-workes , to let the whole Chrifiian world in cornbuftioris and open warres .againft each other ; which they have everywhere accomplifhed, and that upon this accompt : that the Gof- pel of Jefus is principally to be taught and propagated fep arm* CD pc&er , exercitu & armorum ufu ; by &i% armp and £9$ufecf anttC8 (whereby they now propagate it iaour Kingdomes the quite contrary way , to the ruine of our CO C*t*7-p4i Church and religion:) whereupon (f ) Vargas paffeth this find cif.fi j u ft cenfure on them : Hos velut 3gntgcnof Mis Comic* 1 5 "' verbis reUe quis afc amoltri*> & in malam rem abirejujferit* A page ilium a me ; nam tile quidem Vulcani irati eft ft It us* . ( u iqtfa tmgtt^ ®mw amburit ;fi prope abfles, calefacit- And a German Frier in his Aft rum inextinVtnm , gives this true Character of them a Difcordias inter fnprema Reipublica Chriftiana capita jeminare credimus effe vsntzti patrocinari ; quam falvam effe negant y quamditi Principes tfti interferon ccllidnntur .Hoo eft flammas mEurjpafitfcitAre^ pent gloriAntur T atr em f octet atis Ignatium^ effe iRurn^ de quo Chriftus dixerityWitni tgneitt ttUttere tit ttttattl^oc eft y cla[~ fie urn in aulis Trine ipum canere^ & illos inter fe commit tere. 4. That the (g) Jefuites from the firft erection of their (g) See H*ffi- Military order, have confpired^ attempted tofubvert andut- ^TYcV ter ^ exl * r ? ate (wder the name of Schifmatickes , Hereticks^ f. %iz> a 1 3 1 GofpellerSyHerefte^and theGofpef)allprofeffors what foe ver of the * 1 4 . and 1. 3. Trot eft ant Religion And their VoElrines throughout the worlds tktwghpta.Tlm* not onely by Machivilian plots and treafons % but by war^fire^ ams Hiji, 1.4. f WO rdyho/y leagues^ Armies & armed power ^ as is evident both t?y their bookes and Trattices. To inftancc in a few parti- culars both abroad and at home. Francifcus Verona* Con- ftantienfis , a Jefuite, in his Apology for John Caftle y #rmo 1595. part 5 .c. 1 3 .refolves, That all wars to extirpate here- *#%* (Protectants) fcz latofqll,yea mo;c Utofull fljeii agatnff And Z ealcus Protefttnt Frttmtn ef England* ac-ailltt all Ottjei* 3«6Oel0, becaufe Herefie According to Go Is word, is worfe then all Infidelity, And if war be Jufi .mjl Her cliches , how much more jufi is it againft the head of the Hcrettckes ? And if it be fttfi to (fcjrttrpat* fyetttt' call ftirig* cut cf all £$;iff fan fcinsoome* ( which the Jeiuices emrcd into an holy League to effect, as you heard before out otCamptin ) liJotD mad) mo;$ jaft ts it in tl)g inoft Cfoitftan fcinsacm (France) ^ ™* *#* King Henry the 4 ? (whom they^not onely warred againft, but (tabbed and murdered as aforeiaid. ) (h) Thuanus ^\ Gcncz*, Hilloriae, I.65.P 238. and lib. 6 7. 2 9 9. records ; That it \6%o. is the opinion and Sentence of the Jefuites , that it is a JDifiUS and to^OlfomC t^trtg, that all (fhriftians jhould lay violent hinds upon Sectaries and V rot eft ant sought to be armed againft theW) <*»d to make no peace^eep no faith nor truce "with them ; ye a y that it would be more profitable for the Churchy and more conducing to (jods glory , for all (fhriftians to give over their wa'rrs they wage againfl the Turkes by common confent , and to let the Turks alone , and to turn all their arms ax d forces agatuft tlje dfcfcangsltciil §DCrfariesi (or Protectants) which live among ft them , who are v;orfer, and GUgfct tfl ht ttlQ}2 O&tCUtf to trilC Cfytfttan* tyttl SDntkgS ; and * utterly to * ret tbefe deflroy and perfecute them to deaths rather then to delete the plead for a To- unbelieving Mahometans , who are not [0 dangerous as they. lcrat ' 10 * **?w& Hoc'quam pie, etjuxta manfuetudinem Chriflianam dicatur, m * an ip7 qui confeientias alteram moderantur , confcienti&mfnam rogant; Subjoyces Thuanus ,though a Papift. And Joannis Paulus Windeckj'in his Book De extirpandis Hxref. antid. 10.P.404.4L2. antid. 1 1. p .480. and p. 244. pofitively determines, That the Luther anes and Calvinifts are to be persecuted with warrs , and not onely to be terrified^ but like- wife deleted , cutoffs taken out ofthew.iy,and utterly extir- pated with arms and fames. That all (fatholike Princes ought to enter into ^0?2 XtQ&WZS^ffociations & confederacicsfo de- flroy and root them out, as they did in V ranee, Anno 158-7. That the oprtunitj is not to be negleUed, namely , i&ricmDD . lB;oteftant8a ^Dscunus erta*ff i fant;when the Protectants Puries and money are exhaulted(as they are now amongft E 2 us T* the truly Chriftian Reader, us by exceffive endlefs Taxes , Excifes, Civil wan, and a perpetual army too much forayed by jefuitical couniels,to " eat us out , and ruine us with our Religion in conclusion, ere disbanded.) And that the Catholickes may more eafily opprefs and deftroy thefe Sectaries , they are to be fevered one from,, And divided agtinft each other, by fttndry various arts and means, and alloccafons laid hold on for this purpofc. (And are we not fo now in all our Realmes and Dominions more then ever,by the Jefuites andRomifh Emiffaries ? ) Which the Emperor Charles the 5 obferved(in his proceed- ings againft the Proteftantj in Germany) to his reat ad* (i; Rlcbardi vantage. f& purfuance of thefe Jefuitical (i) Pofitions, vimhiHfflo- Anno i$j6. and 1577. the King of Spain , Duke of rid de 2, Uo Guife, with jundry others, Jefuited Popish Princes, Nobles and ciwh Gaiiieo, Papifts of all decrees, by the Jefuites inftiaation, and Popes The General Jpectall approbation, entred into a bloody Confpiracy,oz IJOlE Hifioy of ILeagU?, as they term it : To restore and retain the moft Trance, p. 77 8- holy worjhip of God ,ac cot ding to the form and maner of the holy 7 JZ H . of fi'™!*' catholike ApoftoLhe Church of%jme: to abjure all errors Hi Una JcCh- . rJ _ > , i . n* r \ , „ itica f. i 4 a. j< o or corruptions contrary thereunto, &C. 10 Jpend not onely all Thumu H//2*- their Eft ate s, but lives, to repeal all fubhaue Edicts in favor of ria.l.6$. the Proteft ants and their affociates ; to extirpate all Herefies, her et,' ekes j and purfue'allfuch as publike enemies,withfire and fwordto death, who (ho uld any way oppofe or with/land this League, or refufe to'joyne with them in it , or full off from it upon any pretext, after this Oath to obftrve it. Which League (k) Dinothw, they feveral times renewed:K\& in the fk) renovation there- TacrMathcw, G f Anno 1 5 9$*hejefuits openly boafted,7W they would rural Hifto,y H l e t " eir mmo ft endeavours ,that before the year I 000. be- off ranee, Me- gan , (StMngeltum ( So they termed the Proteftant Reli- tennm , and gion) fa&ititM t% Ctfb* toto *tf trpefU? ; Should be clean others. extirpated out of the whole world. The Maffacres yS laughters oj *how many thouj and Proteftants by open intelUne wars Slfu'akum™ anc ' D ^ ooc ty Confpiracies,thisZ^# at Navy upon his death-bed, mortally Bidden woi fos wounded in the firft fight, to an Engljh Miniftct and others^ to tfdatlpujs whom he revealed :t out ofccnfcier.ee -> by feme Letters I have foaifgixfo light met with- and by & Pamphlet made and printed by the fv] 9 Thc *R all J elc ^ eg 5 A nn ° 1 ^4°« intituled (r) The Jubilee of the Je- Fopifbh^o-i- [» ites > taken from a Tapift at Redrtfe, and prefented by tite. p. 58. 59- Sheriffe Warner to the whole Commons Houfe , ^{ovembtr n woi-fas j^ t i 64o.Wherein among other Paflages then read in the Qpdailyuf* Houfe , ( entred in the Journal of that day, out of which p ' / tranferibed them :)there was a Particular prayer, jf 0; ttyt tyzli msrfes ttjat §&ufferca intty$\tit fent sgatnff £l)a Hpta ^eretic&3 of (Sn&ten*,! ^ 39- with this advice ; That tfce ^aptttfii mu£ Ittfe in fcoubfcD toattrs , (to wit,whiles that ; SCljefuitg teas IsgagcD in fge toars agatnff ffce ^cof«5:) * Ex ^ Cel Uf?. w j t h* certain prayers added, jfojtltftr g0*5 fuccefS ill t^at Dsftsns agatnS t£s feeds. For the more effecluall carry- (i) Hidden ingon whereof , the Popes Nuncio, with the (s) Colledge wwkf* ofdf'k ofjefuit'es then in Queen-ftreoty fecretly fummened a kind of mefilyt P a ^3nacnt o£%o?nan CathoUcks and Jefuites in Londox,OUt p. 1 89. ro 1 99. of every County of England and tfW*/, in which CW* the *7*d /:o.v -w Popes Nuncio fate Trefident,^ the Queens commiffon and gutter -pace. dtreElion, in April, 1639. Who granted and collected an extraordinary large Contribution,^ way ofSubfidy, from the Papfts, to carry on this ivar again fl onr Proteftant Brethren CO S of ScotU'r:d,and r aife forces to joyne with the Spainards,whcm dichra- t ^ Z y t he n ex pec~ted,to cut the Englifh Protetfants throat?. Treaty?* The jctuitical and PrelaticalPopifh party much difpleafed ld:n rp^es with the defeat of this their Plot, by the unexpected Pacification with the Sco*s,\ 6 3 0. induced theKingfoon after to break^and revoke ti, (t) Anno 1 640. ( the very year of the * jefuites Jubilee , which they foiemnized in all places, being , • ani&llZtAku* Prcteffant Frttmtp of England. being the I oo. veer from the fir ft Erection of their Order by :xiw,A,no 1540.) tbeycaufed anew Army to be railed and lent iiKO the North againft the Ptoteftanu of ScotlmUx.0 fubdue &dcftroy them. At the lame time they tm , u:jjl et!y\\X)liJ\ my of no lejs then 7 coo. Rom ft ( atho- worses of Itcke;, kept ift pr/V^lte pay, ofpurpofe &Q flit ti>e|d;Gte(fant0 dar^nefs p. tij:oatettJ^(b:nio m'tfttlKm, andioCcitijuet tf;e |b with the Spamjhy French and Venetian Ambaffadours jhould- appoint; who defigned them to begin to execute it ? Wtytw tt)c Ixing teent into £>cet!ann againtt tje fetotf ; as O £Wr (r/; together with the whole Pepfo Army {not one Sou titer or Captain excepted) at the repeating ofthefe words and wijhes , fell to the ground immediately, with fo great celerity, that many of them felt they were fallen down,before they difcerned themftves to fall ; their feigued enemies of the Church (re preferring the 'Protefiants) flan-ding a!lfaft,at leafi in placejfnct in mind,on the other part of the Stage,whicb fell not at all. With this fudden fall, many of the Popifh Army were bruifed in peeces with the beames of the Stage falling upon them \ who through pain and horror, needed Monitors to (tlence their outcries ; ethers having their bo pies broken and Limbes put out of joynt , were carried to the Chi- rurgions to be drejfed ; and all the refi- confounded withfhame, crept away fecreily under the Veile to their Lodging, And fo this Jefuitical Enter lude , by divine jufttce, ended in a real unexpected bloody Tragedy and real rout of the whole pre- tended victorious ^opifh Army of Jefuites ; and the Scottjh Wars that yeer(which they fo much depended on)throtigh Gods* mercy , concluded in a buffed Peace and Union be- OjSee Hidden trveeK both Nations, Whereupon, the (y) Ir.fh Pop:fh Re- wo-'\s of da/lf bels, by the Jefuites Plots and inftigations/econded with nefs brought to fecret encouragements , and promifes of afliftance with pMbhke'igtofa Arms and CMoneys from Cardinal Richlieu , the King of The Rir!°and S? aiyi -> ^ope, and other forraign.Popifh Princes , undertook Pu&cfs of the the late horrid bloody {jUaffacre of all the Proteflants in Ire- Jrifb R.bcllion-, land,*nd furprifal of all the Forts, Caftles, Arms and Am- endo'hcYs munition therein , on the 23 of October , 1641. (x) be- wwls rf'd vJL m % SSHatitlS Dap > the Founder and New (fanoniz,ed Saint mfcp.%4}! ' °f the jefuited Society , for the greater Honour of their • Patron, Order ; they being the chief 'Plotters of thi< hor- rid bloody Treafon, Which horrid Conjpiracie, though hap- pily difcovered the night before its execution , at Dublin, and fomeftw placets elle;yet it took effect in moft other parts of lrchnd, to the (laughter of neer two hundred theufand Prote* and nil Zealous Trotejiant freemen 0/ England. Troteflants there , in few months ft ace ; feconded with a bloody Wane , forfundry years ; to the lojfe of many thousands more lives. To this Flot * all the Papifls in England were privy, * Hldden wo , g who intended \U likp Majfacre in England j and foots after by ofda^na, pi the Popes and * Jefuits injiigat ions > by the a ft fiance of j or r agin n*. Popifb Princes- they engaged the King and Parliament in a long- * Zxatt Call, lafting bloody uncivilly uncbriftian war ogainfl each other, con- ^ 6l c ] } t6 '> eluding in the Kings and Parliaments joynt mines by an Army \c«/httion rf raifed for their mutual defence, ftduced thereunto through Ordinances, p, iheje/wj'/iinftigations 2nd policies. After which > they ^7 3 l8 3H> engaged the Proteftants of England and Scotlan d (formerly * a ** **dtht united by the ffrifteft Bonds and Covenants ^^ fepeZtnc^ chem ) to war upon, invade and deftroy each other by land ; and fcon after that (by the Spanift * Agents Ajfiftanceyaifedamoft dangerous bloody JFarre between our Proteftant old Allies of the » f Cm Neither lands and the Englifb by Sea-, to the infinite dam- ^^//^j^" mage , prejudice of both , and the efFufions o whole 0- narchla Hifp, ceansoitne. Gallanteft Chriftian Proteftant blood , ihice- <>*M7* vtr yet was fhed , the ex pence of more treajure andmen in thefe intejl.ne Wars, than would have conquered all Spain, Italy, and the Indies, had they been imployed up- on fuch a defigne ; and to the entailing ofa*perpetuallAr> * $ ee the my on us and cur Pojlerities 5 more rtadyfas we have of lite krticlt of the years found by fad experiments ) to hearken to the Je- in(lntmeut of fuits clandeftine fuggeftions,fedu%ions, and execute their fore- Government, plotted Veftgnes to ruine our Kingdomes , Parliaments, Laws, Liberties! Monarchy, Church, Religion, then to follow the Advice, Votes , Councels, Vire&ions, Commands of our Parlia- ments, Kingdomes, and the beft affetted Proteftant s of all ranks 5 who firfl raifed, and have (b long maintained them, for quite other ends ( hereafter touched ) then what they (of late times) havemoft purfued, to the Popes and Jefuits great content. % 5. That the Jefuits have endeavoured , attempted the convulfion , concufjion, fubverfion not onely of the Empires, Realms, and ancient jet led Governments and States of Germa- ny, P