II Sqbh&knkl ■11 p , ~ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SCB .5563 DMaion U is mi Supplemental HYMN BOOK gljUatelpijia Philadelpliia THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO. 1910 * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Calvin College http://archive.org/details/supplementalhymnOOchur *— * He Hath Made Every Thing: Beautiful. 680 ALL things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful — The Lord God made them all. 2 Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings — He made their glowing colors, He made their tiny wings. Refrain — All things bright and beautiful. 3 The purple-headed mountain, The river running by, The sunset, and the morning, That brightens up the sky. 4 The cold wind in the winter, The pleasant summer sun, The ripe fruits in the garden — He made them every one. 5 He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well. as- O Hold Thou Up My Goings in Thy Paths: That My Footsteps Slip Not. 681 BE Thou my guardian and my guide, And hear me when I call; Let not my slippery footsteps slide, And hold me lest I fall. 2 The world, the flesh, and Satan dwell Around the path I tread; O save me from the snares of hell, Thou Quickener of the dead. 3 And if I tempted am to sin, And outward things are strong Do Thou, O Lord, keep watch within, And save my soul from wrong. 4 Still let me ever watch and pray, And feel that I am frail; That if the tempter cross my way, Yet he may not prevail. He Took Them Up in His Arms, Put His Hands Upon Them, and Blessed Them. 682 CHRIST, who once amongst us As a child did dwell, Is the children's Saviour, And He loves us well; If we keep our promise Made Him at the font, He will be our Shepherd, And we shall not want. 2 There it was they laid us In those tender arms, Where the lambs are carried Safe from all alarms; If we trust His promise, He will let us rest In His arms forever Leaning on His breast. 3 Though we may not see Him For a little while, We shall know He holds us, Often feel His smile; Death will be to slumber In that sweet embrace, And we shall awaken To behold His face. S ■ * 88- 4 He will be our Shepherd, After as before, By still heavenly waters Lead us evermore, Make us lie in pastures Beautiful and green, Where none thirst and hunger, And no tears are seen. 5 Jesus, our good Shepherd, Laying down Thy life, Lest Thy sheep should perish In the cruel strife, Help us to remember All Thy love and care, Trust in Thee, and love Thee Always, evermore. Cease to Do Evil; Learn to Do Well. 683 DO no sinful action, Speak no angry word; Ye belong to Jesus, Children of the Lord. 2 Christ is kind and gentle, Christ is pure and true; And His little children Must be holy too. * 3 There's a wicked spirit Watching 'round you still, And he tries to tempt you To all harm and ill. 4 But ye must not hear him, Though 'tis hard for you To resist the evil, And the good to do. 5 For ye promised truly, In your infant days, To renounce him wholly. And forsake his ways. 6 Ye are new-born Christians, Ye must learn to fight With the bad within you, And to do the right. 7 Christ is your own Master, He is good and true, And His little children Must be holy too. -88 » He Will Not Fail Thee Nor Forsake Thee. 684 FATHER, give us now Thy blessing; Take us, Lord, beneath Thy care; May we all enjoy Thy presence, And Thy tender mercies share. 2 Guard us through this night from danger, Keep us in Thy heavenly love; Through our life wilt Thou be near us, Then receive us all above. Hold Fast the Form of Sound Words. 685 FAITH of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! 2 Our fathers, chained in prisons dark, Were still in heart and conscience free How sweet would be their children's fate, If they, like them, could die for thee! Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! 88- 3 Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife; And preach thee too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life. Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! With Us is the Lord Our God to Help Us, and to Fight Our Battles. 686 FORTH to the fight; ye ransom'd, Mighty in God's own might. Stemming the tide of battle, Routing the hosts of night. Refrain — Lift ye the Blood-red Banner, Wield ye the victor's sword, Raise ye the Christian's war cry — "The Cross of Christ the Lord." 2 Fear not the din of battle, Follow where He hath trod, Perfecting strength in weakness — Jesus, Incarnate God, 3 Angels around us hover, Succour in time of need, Ever at hand to strengthen, Guardians they, indeed. © g 4 Arm ye against the battle, Watch ye, and fast, and pray, Peace shall succeed the warfare, Night shall be changed to day. 5 Fight, for the Lord is o'er you, Fight, for He bids you fight; There where the fray is thickest, Close with the hosts of night. Speak Unto the Children of Israel That They Go Forward. 687 FORWARD! be our watchword, Steps and voices joined, Seek the things before us, Not a look behind; Burns the fiery pillar At our army's head; Who shall dream of shrinking By our Jehovah led? Forward through the desert Through the toil and fight! Jordan flows before us, Sion beams with light. 2 Glories upon glories Hath our God prepared, By the souls that love Him One day to be shared; as- — ■ 8 10 ~® Eye hath not beheld them, Ear hath never heard ; Nor of these hath uttered Thought or speech a word; Forward! Marching eastward, Where the heaven is bright, Till the veil be lifted, Till our faith be sight. 3 Far o'er yon horizon Rise the city towers, Where our God abideth ; That fair home is ours: Flash the streets with jasper, Shine the gates with gold ; Flows the gladdening river Shedding joys untold. Thither, onward thither, In Jehovah's might! Pilgrims to your country, Forward into light! 4 To the Eternal Father's glory Loudest anthems raise: To the Son and Spirit Echo songs of praise: n 88 © To the Lord of glory, Blessed Three in One, Be by men and angels Endless honour done. Weak are earthly praises, Dull the songs of night: Forward into triumph! Forward into light! O Praise the Lrord, All Ye Nations: Praise Him, All Ye People. 688 FROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends Thy word: Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 3 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. » ■ © 12 SB Beware L-est Thou Forget the Lord Thy God. 689 GOD of our fathers, known of old. Lord of our far-flung battle line, Beneath whose awful hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine: Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget. 2 The tumult and the shouting dies ; The captains and the kings depart; Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heart: Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget. 3 Far called our navies melt away, On dune and headland sinks the fire ; Lo, all our pomp of yesterday Is one with Nineveh and Tyre! Judge of the nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget. 4 If drunk with sight of power, we loose Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe, Such boasting as the Gentiles use, Or lesser breeds without the law: Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget. . gg 13 »- 88- For heathen heart that puts her trust In reeking tube and iron shard; All valiant dust that builds on dust, And guarding calls not Thee to guard: For frantic boast and foolish word, Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord ! The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Cantors (unaccompanied) 690 HAIL! festal day! forevermore ador'd, Wherein God conquer'd hell, and upward soar'd. Chorus in Harmony (accompanied) Hail ! festal day ! forevermore ador'd, Wherein God conquer'd hell and upward soar'd. 2 See the world's beauty budding forth anew, Shows with the Lord, His gifts returning too. 3 The earth with flow'rs is decked, the sky serene, The heavenly portals glow with brighter sheen. 4 The green wood leaves, the flow'ring meadows tell Of Christ triumphant over gloomy hell. 5 The powers of Satan crush'd, He seeks the skies; From earth, light stars and ocean anthems rise. 14 * 6 1 he Crucified reigns God forevermore ; Their maker all created things adore. 7 Christ, who didst fashion man, and hast rewon The eternal Father's sole begotten Son. 8 When death and hell the human race o'erran, Thou, man to save, Thyself becamest man. We Do Not Cease to Pray for You That Ye Slight be Filled With the Knowledge of His Will. 691 HOLY FATHER, in Thy mercy Hear our earnest prayer, Keep our loved ones, in their absence, 'Neath Thy care. 2 Jesus, Saviour, let Thy presence Be their light and guide; Keep, oh, keep them, in their weakness, At Thy side. 3 When in sorrow, when in danger, When in loneliness, In Thy love look down and comfort Their distress. 4 May the joy of Thy salvation Be their strength and stay; May they love and may they praise Thee Day by day. 15 -a jg © 5 Holy Spirit, let Thy teaching Sanctify their life; Send Thy grace, that they may conquer In the strife. 6 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God the One in Three, Bless them, guide them, save them, keep them Near to Thee. I Am the Living Bread. 692 IN the name of God the Father, In the name of God the Son, In the name of God the Spirit One in Three and Three in One ; In the name which highest angels Speak not ere they veil their face Crying "Holy, holy, holy," Come we to this sacred place. 2 Here in figure represented, See the passion once again; Here behold the Lamb most holy As for our redemption slain; Here the Saviour's body broken, Here the blood which Jesus shed, Mystic food of life eternal, See for our refreshment spread. 88" 16 -as 3 Here shall highest praise be offered, Here shall meekest prayer be poured, Here, with body, soul, and spirit, God Incarnate be adored. Holy Jesu, for Thy coming, May Thy love our hearts prepare; Thine we fain would have them wholly, Enter, Lord, and tarry there. Thou Art a Place to Hide Me In. 693 JESU, grant me this I pray, Ever in Thy Heart to stay; Let me evermore abide Hidden in Thy wounded Side. 2 If the evil one prepare, Or the world, a tempting snare, I am safe when I abide In Thy Heart and wounded Side. 3 If the flesh, more dangerous still, Tempt my soul to deeds of ill. Naught I fear when I abide In Thy Heart and wounded Side. 4 Death will come one day to me ; Jesu, cast me not from Thee: Dying let me still abide In Thy Heart and wounded Side. 17 -88 m- 88- I Am the Living Bread, Which Came Down from Heaven. 694* JESU, gentlest Saviour! God of might and power! Thou Thyself art dwelling In us at this hour. 2 Nature cannot hold Thee, Heaven is all too strait For Thine endless glory And Thy royal state. 3 Out beyond the shining Of the furthest star Thou art ever stretching Infinitely far. 4 Yet the hearts of children Hold what worlds cannot : And the God of wonders Loves the lowly spot. 5 Jesu, gentlest Saviour! Dwelling in us now, Fill us with Thy goodness Till our hearts o'erflow. 6 Multiply our graces Chiefly love and fear, And dear Lord the chiefest, Grace to persevere. 18 * © 7 O, how can we thank Thee For a gift like this, Gift that truly maketh Heaven's eternal bliss. 8 Ah ! when wilt Thou always Make our hearts Thy home? We must wait for heaven, Then the day shall come. In the Beginning Was the Word, and the Word Was With God, and the Word Was God. 695 JESUS is God: the solid earth, The ocean broad and bright, The countless stars, like golden dust, That strew the skies at night, The wheeling storm, the dreadful fire, The pleasant wholesome air, The summer's sun, the winter's frost, His own creations were. 2 Jesus is God: the glorious bands Of golden angels sing Songs of adoring praise to Him, Their Maker and their King. i — a 19 as- — © He was true God in Bethlehem's crib On Calvary's Cross true God, He Who in heaven eternal reigned In time on earth abode. 3 Jesus is God: let sorrow come, And pain, and every ill, All are worth while, for all are means His glory to fulfil ; Worth while a thousand years of woe To speak one little word, If by that "I believe" we own The Godhead of our Lord. Fight the Good Fight. 696 JESUS, Master, King of Glory, Still to Thee we turn for Life; Conqueror, when the Battle's sorest, O sustain us in the strife. 2 When the world is hard upon us, And we flinch before its scorn, Let us learn an earnest purpose, From Thy Forehead pierced with thorn. Chorus Jesus, Master, King of Glory. g — g 20 -* 3 When the Flesh is strong, and round us All its poisonous vapours roll, By Thy lacerated Body, Dear Redeemer, save the soul. 4 When the Fiend with subtlest temptings Lures us to our endless loss, Mighty Master, strike the strong one With the sharpness of Thy Cross. 5 When the last dark storm is gath'ring, And our hearts are swept with fear, By the love of Thy dear Passion, Master, let us feel Thee near. 6 So, when all at last is ended, And the Rest is reached above, May we swell Thy Heart's rejoicing, With the rapture of our love. For Thy Name's Sake Lead Me, and Guide Me. 697 JESUS, Saviour, pilot me Over life's tempestuous sea; Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rock and treacherous shoal ; Chart and compass come from Thee, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me! 21 -» ® m 2 As a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush the oceans wild; Boisterous waves obey Thy will V/hen Thou biddest them "Be still!" Wonderous sovereign of the sea, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me! 3 When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar 'Twixt me and the peaceful rest — Then, while leaning on Thy breast, May I hear Thee say to me, "Fear not! I will pilot thee!" There Shall be Showers of Blessing:. 698 LORD, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scattering full and free, Showers the thirsty land refreshing; Let some drops descend on me — Even me. 2 Pass me not, O gracious Father, Sinful though my heart may be; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy light on me — Even me. 3 Pass me not, O gracious Saviour! Let me love and cling to Thee; I am longing for Thy favour; Whilst Thou'rt calling, oh call me — Even me. 3__ g 22 gg gg 4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit! Thou canst make the blind to see; Witnesser of Jesus' merit, Speak the word of power to me — Even me. 5 Have I long in sin been sleeping, Long been slighting, grieving Thee? Has the world my heart been keeping? O forgive and rescue me — Even me. 6 Love of God, so pure and changeless; Blood of Christ, so rich and free; Grace of God, so strong and boundless, Magnify it all in me — Even me. 7 Pass me not; but, pardon bringing, Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee; Whilst the streams of life are springing, Blessing others, O bless me — Even me. Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates; and Be Ye Lift Up, Ye Everlasting Doors; and the King: of Glory Shall Come In. 699 LIFT up your heads, ye gates of brass; Ye bars of iron, yield; And let the King of Glory pass; The Cross is in the field. * 1 23 © % 2 That banner, brighter than the star That leads the train of night, Shines on the march, and guides from far His servants to the fight. 3 A holy war those servants wage; In that mysterious strife, The powers of heaven and hell engage For more than death or life. 4 Ye armies of the living God, Sworn warriors of Christ's host, Where hallowed footsteps never trod, Take your appointed post. 5 Though few and small and weak your bands, Strong in your captain's strength, Go to the conquest of all lands: All must be His at length. 6 The spoils at His victorious feet You shall rejoice to lay, And lay yourselves as trophies meet, In His great Judgment Day. 7 Then fear not, faint not, halt not now; Quit you like men, be strong. To Christ shall all the nations bow, And sing the triumph song. 3 g 24 © * 8 Uplifted are the gates of brass, The bars of iron yield; Behold the King of Glory pass; The Cross hath won the field. God is the Strength of My Heart, and My Portion For Ever. 700 MY heart is resting, O my God, I will give thanks and sing! My heart is at the secret source Of every precious thing. Now the frail vessel Thou hast made No hand but Thine shall fill ; For the waters of the earth have failed, And I am thirsty still. 2 I thirst for springs of heavenly life, And here all day they rise; I seek the treasure of Thy love, And close at hand it lies. And a new song is in my mouth To long-loved music set: — Glory to Thee for all the grace I have not tasted yet. 3 Glory to Thee for strength withheld, For want and weakness known ; And the fear that sends me to Thyself For what is most my own. * 25 © gg I have a heritage of joy That yet I must not see; But the hand that bled to make it mine Is keeping it for me. 4 My heart is resting, O my God, My heart is in Thy care; I hear the voice of joy and health Resounding everywhere. "Thou art my portion," saith my soul, Ten thousand voices say And the music of their glad Amen Will never die away. All Our Righteousnesses Are as Filthy Rags. 701 NOT for our sins alone Thy mercy, Lord, we sue ; Let fall Thy pitying glance On our devotions too, What we have done for Thee, And what we think to do. 2 The holiest hours we spend In prayer upon our knees, The times when most we deem Our songs of praise will please, Thou Searcher of all hearts Forgiveness pour on these. 3 8 26 3 And all the gifts we bring, And all the vows we make, And all the acts of love We plan for Thy dear sake, Into Thy pardoning thought, O God of mercy, take. 4 And most, when we, Thy flock, Before Thine Altar bend, And strange, bewild'ring thoughts With those sweet moments blend. By Him Whose death we plead, Good Lord, Thy help extend. 5 Bow down Thine ear and hear! Open Thine eyes and see ! Our very love is shame, A.nd we must come to Thee To make it of Thy grace What Thou would'st have it be. The Cup of Blessing Which We Bless, Is It Not the Communion of the Blood of Christ? 702 NOW, my tongue, the mystery telling Of the glorious Body sing, And the Blood, all price excelling, Which the Gentiles' Lord and King, In a Virgin's womb once dwelling, Shed for this world's ransoming. * £i 27 M- 2 Given for us, and condescending To be born for us below, He, with men in converse blending, Dwelt the seed of truth to sow, Till He closed with wondrous ending His most patient life of woe. 3 That last night, at supper lying, 'Mid the Twelve, His chosen band, Jesus, with the law complying, Keeps the feast its rites demand ; Then, more precious Food supplying, Gives Himself with His own Hand. The Bread Which We Break, Is It Not the Communion of the Body of Christ? 4 Word-made-Flesh true bread He maketh By His Word His Flesh to be; Wine His Blood ; which whoso taketh Must from carnal thoughts be free; Faith alone, though sight forsaketh, Shows true hearts the mystery. 5 Therefore we, before Him bending, This great Sacrament revere; Types and shadows have their ending, For the newer rite is here; Faith, our outward sense befriending, Makes our inward vision clear. 28 * >4 Glory let us give, and blessing To the Father, and the Son, Honour, might, and praise addressing, While eternal ages run; Ever too His love confessing, Who from Both with Both is One. Be of Good Comfort, Rise; He Calleth Thee. 03 O COME to the merciful Saviour Who calls you, O come to the Lord Who forgives and forgets; Though dark be the fortune on earth that befalls you, There's a bright home above, where the sun never sets. 2 O come then to Jesus, Whose arms are extended To fold His dear children in closest embrace; O come, for your exile will shortly be ended, And Jesus will show you His beautiful face. 3 Yes, come to the Saviour, Whose mercy grows brighter The longer you look at the depth of His love; And fear not! 'tis Jesus! and life's cares grow lighter As you think of the home and the glory above. 4 Have you sinned as none else in the world has before you? Are you blacker than all other creatures in guilt? O fear not, and doubt not! the mother who bore you Loves you less than the Saviour Whose Blood you have spilt! 29 5 Then come to His feet, and lay open your story Of suffering and sorrow, of guilt and of shame For the pardon of sin is the crown of His glory, And the joy of our Lord to be true to His name. Then Shall the I/ord be My God. 704 O GOD of Jacob, by Whose hand Thy people still are fed, Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led; 2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before Thy throne of grace; God of our fathers, be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life Our wandering footsteps guide; Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. 4 O spread Thy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cease, And at our Father's loved abode Our souls arrive in peace. 30 -M If Any Man be in Christ, He Is a New Creature. 705 O LOVE, that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul on Thee, I give Thee back, the life I owe, That from Thine ocean's depths its flow May richer, fuller be. 2 O Light, that followest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee: My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day, May brighter, fairer be. 3 O Joy, that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain. And feel the promise is not vain, That morn shall tearless be. 4 O Cross, that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee: I lay in dust, life's glory dead, And from the ground, that blossoms red Life that shall endless be. 31 * The Chiefest Among Ten Thousand. 706 ONE holds me fast: kept in His pure embrace I rest in peace: Flows on my weary heart His softening grace And troubles cease. 2 Though cold the storm, and fierce the blasting wind, I do not fear, For in His Breast a Covert safe I find; No storm comes there. 3 He shields me tenderly — my Spouse, my Love — He guides me on To mansions fair, prepared for me above, Where He has gone. 4 He feeds me, lest I faint, or fall, or die, With Food from Heaven; He, His Own Self, in wondrous Mystery To me has given. 5 He draws me to Himself; I needs must go; I cannot stay: No earthly tie must bind me here below: But far away, 6 Where, 'mid the countless throngs of Angels bright, And Spirits blest, He reigns — my God and King — my sole Delight, I long to rest. 32 The Lord is My Strength. O STRENGTH and stay upholding all creation, Who ever dost Thyself unmoved abide, Yet day by day the light in due gradation From hour to hour through all its changes guide ; 2 Grant to life's day a calm unclouded ending, An eve untouched by shadows of decay; The brightness of a holy death-bed blending With dawning glories of the eternal day. 3 Hear us, O Father, gracious and forgiving, Through Jesus Christ Thy co-eternal Word, Who, with the Holy Ghost, by all things living Now and to endless ages art adored. Compel Them to Come in, That My House May be Filled. 708 RESCUE the perishing, care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to save. Refrain Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. 33 *- ©- Though they are slighting Him, still is He waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive ; Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently; He will forgive, if they only believe. Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore; Touched by a loving hand, wakened by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. Rescue the perishing, duty demands it; Strength for thy labour the Lord will provide; Back to the narrow way patiently win them; Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. He Bringeth Them Unto Their Desired Haven. 709 SAFE home, safe home in port! Rent cordage, shatter'd deck, Torn sails, provision short, And only not a wreck: But oh! the joy upon the shore To tell our voyage — perils o'er! 2 The prize, the prize secure! The athlete nearly fell; Bare all he could endure, And bare not always well: But he may smile at troubles gone Who sets the victor-garland on. 34 *r *- 3 No more the foe can harm; No more of leaguered camp, And cry of night alarm, And need of ready lamp; And yet how nearly had he failed — How nearly had that foe prevailed ! 4 The lamb is in the fold, In perfect safety penned; The lion once had hold, And thought to make an end; But One came by with wounded Side, And for the sheep the Shepherd died. 5 The exile is at home! O nights and days of tears, O longings not to roam, O sins and doubts and fears; What matters now grief's darkest day? The King has wiped those tears away. The Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 SING, my tongue, the glorious battle, Sing the last, the dread affray; O'er the Cross, the Victor's trophy, Sound the high triumphal lay, How, the pains of death enduring, Earth's Redeemer won the day. 35 *- He, our Maker, deeply grieving That the first-made Adam fell, When he ate the fruit forbidden Whose reward was death and hell, Marked e'en then this tree the ruin Of the first tree to dispel. Therefore, when at length the fulness Of the appointed time was come, He was sent, the world's Creator, From the Father's heavenly home, And was found in human fashion, Offspring of the Virgin's womb. Now the thirty years accomplished Which on earth He willed to see, Born for this, He meets His Passion, Gives Himself an Offering free; On the Cross the Lamb is lifted, There the sacrifice to be. Thou alone was counted worthy This world's ransom to sustain, That a shipwrecked race for ever Might a port of refuge gain, With the sacred Blood anointed Of the Lamb for sinners slain. 3G * Praise and honour to the Father, Praise and honour to the Son, Praise and honour to the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One, One in might and One in glory, While eternal ages run. When Thou Passest Through the Waters, I Wttl be With Thee. 11 SUNSET and Evening Star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. 2 Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark ! And may there be no sadness of farewell, When I embark; For, though from out our bourne of time and place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crost the bar. £ 37 *- I Came Not to Judge the World, But to Save the World. 712 SOULS of men! why will ye scatter Like a crowd of frightened sheep? Foolish hearts! why will ye wander From a love so true and deep? 2 Was there ever kindest shepherd Half so gentle, half so sweet, As the Saviour Who would have us Come and gather round His Feet? 3 There's a wideness in God's mercy, Like the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in Flis justice, Which is more than liberty. 4 There is no place where earth's sorrows Are more felt than up in Heaven; There is no place where earth's failings Have such kindly judgment given. 5 There is plentiful redemption In the Blood that has been shed; There is joy for all the members In the sorrows of the Head. 6 For the love of God is broader Than the measures of man's mind; And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. 38 7 Pining souls! come nearer Jesus, And come not doubting thus, But with faith that trusts more bravely His huge tenderness for us. 8 If our love were but more simple, We should take Him at His word; And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. This Do in Remembrance of Me. 13 SWEET Sacrament Divine! Hid in Thine earthly Home, Lo! round Thy lowly Shrine With suppliant heart we come, Jesus to Thee our voice we raise In songs of love and heartfelt praise, Sweet Sacrament Divine! 2 Sweet Sacrament of Peace! Dear Home for every heart, Where restless yearnings cease And sorrows all depart; Where in Thine ear all trustfully We tell our tale of misery, Sweet Sacrament of Peace! * *- Sweet Sacrament of Rest! Ark from the ocean's roar, Within Thy Shelter blest Soon may we reach the shore; Save us, for still the tempest raves, Save, lest we sink beneath the waves, Sweet Sacrament of Rest! Sweet Sacrament Divine! Earth's Light and Jubilee! In Thy far depths doth shine Thy Godhead's Majesty; Sweet Light, so shine on us we pray, That earthly joys may fade away, Sweet Sacrament Divine! Present Your Bodies a Living: Sacrifice. 714 TAKE my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2 Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. 40 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King; Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. 4 Take my silver and my gold ; Not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will, and make it Thine: It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart; it is Thine own: It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love; my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. The Lord's Name is Praised From the Rising: Up of the Sun Unto the Going Down of the Same. 715 THE day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall sanctify our rest. * * 41 T" 4 2 We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping, While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keeping, And rests not now by day or night. i 3 As o'er each continent and island The dawn leads on another day, The voice of prayer is never silent, Nor dies the strain of praise away. 4 The sun that bids us rest is waking Our brethren 'neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high. 5 So be it, Lord; Thy throne shall never, Like earth's proud empires, pass away; Thy Kingdom stands, and grows for ever, Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway. Paraphrase of Psalm XXIII. 716 THE Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want, He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. _~ jH * 42 •n 2 My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Even for His own Name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk through death's dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; For Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me ; And in God's House for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. Behold a Sower Went Forth to Sow. 717 THE sower went forth sowing, The seed in secret slept Through weeks of faith and patience, Till out the green blade crept; And warmed by golden sunshine, And fed by silver rain, At last the fields were whitened To harvest once again. — >H 43 *- s- O praise the heavenly Sower, Who gave the fruitful seed, And watched and watered duly, And ripened for our need. Behold ! the heavenly Sower Goes forth with better seed, The Word of sure Salvation, With Feet and Hands that bleed; Here in His Church 'tis scattered, Our spirits are the soil; Then let an ample fruitage Repay His pain and toil. O beauteous is the harvest Wherein all goodness thrives, And this the true thanksgiving, The first-fruits of our lives. Within a hallowed acre He sows yet other grain, When peaceful earth receiveth The dead He died to gain; For though the growth be hidden, We know that they shall rise; Yea even now they ripen In sunny Paradise. 44 * O summer land of harvest, O fields for ever white With souls that wear Christ's raiment, With crowns of golden light! One day the heavenly Sower Shall reap where He hath sown, And come again rejoicing, And with Him bring His own; And then the fan of judgment Shall winnow from His floor The chaff into the furnace That flameth evermore. O holy, awful Reaper, Have mercy in the day Thou puttest in Thy sickle, And cast us not away Jesus . . . Took A Child, and Set Him by Him. 718 THERE'S a Friend for little children Above the bright blue sky, A Friend Who never changes, Whose love will never die; Our earthly friends may fail us, And change with changing years, This Friend is always worthy Of that dear Name He bears. 45 >± *- There's a rest for little children Above the bright blue sky, Who love the blessed Saviour, And to the Father cry; A rest from every trouble, From sin and sorrow free, Where every little pilgrim Shall rest eternally. There's a home for little children Above the bright blue sky, Where Jesus reigns in glory, A home of peace and joy; No home on earth is like it, Nor can with it compare; For every one is happy, Nor could be happier, there. There's a crown for little children Above the bright blue sky, And all who look for Jesus Shall wear it by and by; A crown of brightest glory, Which He will then bestow On those who found His favour And loved His Name below. 46 -* There's a song for little children Above the bright blue sky, A song that will not weary, Though sung continually; A song which even Angels Can never, never sing; They know not Christ as Saviour, But worship Him as King. There's a robe for little children Above the bright blue sky; And a harp of sweetest music, And palms of victory. All, all above is treasured, And found in Christ alone; Lord, grant Thy little children To know Thee as their own. That Whether We Wake or Sleep We Should Live Together With Him. 719 THEY whose course on earth is o'er, Think they of their brethren more? They before the throne who bow, Feel they for their brethren now? 2 We, by enemies distrest — They in Paradise at rest; We the captives — they the freed — We and they are one indeed. * 3 One in all we seek or shun, One — because our Lord is one; One in heart and one in love — We below, and they above. 4 Those whom many a land divides, Many mountains, many tides, Have they with each other part, Fellowship of heart with heart? 5 Each to each may be unknown, Wide apart their lots be thrown; Differing tongues their lips may speak, One be strong, and one be weak. 6 Yet in Sacrament and prayer Each with other hath a share ; Hath a share in tear and sigh, Watch, and Fast and Litany. 7 Saints departed even thus Hold communion still with us; Still with us, beyond the veil Praising, pleading without fail. 8 With them still our hearts we raise, Share their work and join their praise, Rendering worship, thanks and love jn To the Trinity above. 48 Come Over Into Macedonia, anil Help Us. '20 THROUGH midnight gloom from Macedon The cry of myriads as of one The voiceful silence of despair, Is eloquent in awful prayer, The soul's exceeding bitter cry, "Come o'er and help us, or we die." 2 How mournfully it echoes on! For half the earth is Macedon; These brethren to their brethren call And by the love which loved them all And by the whole world's life they cry, "O ye that live, behold we die!" 3 By other sounds the world is won Than that which wails from Macedon; The roar of gain is round it rolled, Or men unto themselves are sold, And cannot list the alien cry, "O hear and help us, lest we die." 4 Yet with that cry from Macedon The very car of Christ rolls on; "I come; who would abide my day In yonder wilds prepare my way; My voice is crying in their cry; Help ye the dying, lest ye die." 49 M- Jesus, for men of man the Son, Yea, Thine the cry from Macedon ; O by the kingdom and the power And the glory of Thine advent hour, Wake heart and will to hear their cry: "Help us to help them, lest we die." !Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart in Peace. An Evening Hymn. (Sung kneeling.) 721 UPON Thy kneeling children, Lord, An evening blessing pour. Oh, may we all Thy grace receive And love Thee more and more. 2 Refresh the faint; support the weak, The weary and forlorn; Absolve the penitent from sin, And comfort all who mourn. 3 Go with us on our homeward way, Be Thou our rest in sleep, And in the spirit of this hour, Thy changeful children keep. ^ >j 50 £< * The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, O Lord, and Thou Givest Them Their Meat in Due Season. 722 WE plough the fields, and scatter The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered By God's Almighty Hand; He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes, and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, For all His love. 2 He only is the Maker Of all things near and far ; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star; The winds and waves obey Him, By Him the birds are fed; Much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread. All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, For all His love. * * 3 We thank Thee, then, O Father, For all things bright and good; The seed-time and the harvest, Our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer, For all Thy love imparts, And, what Thou most desirest, Our humble, thankful hearts. All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, For all His love. There Shall Be No Night There. 723 WHERE the light forever shineth, Where no storm ariseth more There the Saviour meets His loved ones On the shore. 2 They nor thirst, nor suffer hunger, All their tears are wiped away, Night has past, and they have entered Endless day. 3 Surely, He, the mighty worker, He who slumbers not, nor sleeps, Leaveth not in useless silence Those He keeps. b i 52 * 4 They who bravely toiled amongst us We believe are working still, Where no disappointment hinders, No self will. 5 Lo! from earth's imperfect labour He hath called them to His feet, There to work where, free from failure, Work is sweet. 6 We can spare them, loving Saviour, For we know Thou guardest well Those who now with all the ransomed Sinless dwell. 7 Grant that we with them Thy loved ones Whom by faith we still can see, May when life's great morning dawneth Follow Thee. He That Is Not With Me Is Against Me. 724 WHO is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His helpers Other lives to bring? * g 53 -M Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for Him will go? By Thy call of mercy, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! 2 Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, Raise the warrior psalm; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom He died, He whom Jesus nameth Must be on His side. By Thy love constraining, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! 3 Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own life blood, For Thy diadem. 54 * n- With Thy blessing filling Each who comes to Thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free By Thy grand redemption, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe, But the King's own army None can overthrow. Round His standard ranging, Victory is secure; For His truth unchanging, Makes the triumph sure. Joyfully enlisting, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! God Is Faithful, Who Will Not Suffer You to be Tempted Above That Ye are Able. 725 YIELD not to temptation, for yielding is sin; Each victory will help you some other to win; Fight manfully onward; dark passions subdue; Look ever to Jesus — He will carry you through. * 55 *- Refrain — Ask the Saviour to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep you; He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. 2 Shun evil companions; bad language disdain; God's name hold in reverence, nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earnest, kind-hearted and true; Look ever to Jesus — He will carry you through. Refrain. 3 To him that o'ercometh God giveth a crown ; Through faith we shall conquer, though often cast down; He who is our Saviour our strength will renew; Look ever to Jesus— He will carry you through. Refrain. Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also. 726 YONDER with the shining angels, Jesus reigns upon the throne, With redeemed ones we shall greet Him He shall claim us as His own; Trust His mercy, oh, believe Him, Rest upon His boundless love; We shall meet Him, — Blest Redeemer, Yonder in our home above. *" — - — ■ £, 56 »M In the beauty of true worship, At His feet thy gifts lay down, Gifts of love and pure devotion, Jewels for the Saviour's crown; Jesus reigns! oh, truth immortal; Reigns our mighty Lord supreme; Here on earth, with hearts and voices, Praise to Him shall be our theme. Yonder with the ransomed voices, We shall join the hymns of praise, Sing the wondrous love that saved us Ever on thro' endless days; Jesus reigns, the King of glory, Follow on, turn not aside, Spend thy life in patient serving, He shall own thee glorified. 57 m ^e INDEX, No. First Words of Hymn. 680 All things bright . . . 681 Be thou my guardian 682 Christ, who once .... 683 Do no sinful action . . 684 Father, give us now. 685 Faith of our fathers 686 Forth to the fight. . 687 Forward! be our. . . . 688 From all that dwell 689 God of our Fathers. * Author — 1. Words. Composer — 2. Music. 1 Cecil Frances Alexander 2 J. Hullah. 1 Rev. Isaac Williams 2 Isaac Smith 1 Rev.W. St. Hill- Bourne 2 Sir John Stainer 1 Cecil Frances Alexander 2 L. J. Hutton 1 Adapted by Dean Farrar 2 George C. Stebbins 1 Rev. F. W. Faber 2 Easy Hymn Tunes 1 W. H. Kirby 2 John Heywood 1 Dean Alford 2 Sir A. Sullivan 1 Isaac Watts, vv. 1 & 2 2 Bp. Ken., v. 3. Geneva 1 Rudyard Kipling 2 Sir John Stainer 59 1. Name of Tune. 2. Where Found. 1 All Things Bright 2 B. C. P. 686. 1 Abridge 2 B. C. P. 402 1 Pastor Bonus 2 B. C. P. 688 1 Warfare 2 B. C. P. 726 1 Evening Prayer 2 B. C. P. 25 1 Stella 2 B. C. P. 511 1 Festival 2 Sheet music 1 St. Gertrude 2 B. C. P. 383 1 Old Hundred 2 B. C. P. 389 1 Rest 2 B. C. P. 220 -« 83- No. First Words of Hymn. 690 Hail! Festal Day . . . 691 Holy Father, in Thy. 692 In the name of God . . 693 Jesu, grant me this. . 694 Jesu, gentlest 695 Jesus is God 696 Jesus, Master, King. . 697 Jesus, Saviour, pilot 698 Lord, I hear of 699 Lift up your heads. . 700 My heart is resting . . 701 Not for our sins. . . . 702 now, my tongue Author — 1. Words. Composer — 2. Music. 1 Tr. Rev. T. A. Lacey 2 Rev. J. Baden Powell 1 I. S. Stephenson 2 Rev. E. W. Bullinger 1 Rev. J. W. Hewitt 2 C. Hymn Tunes 1 Tr.Rev.SirH.W. Baker 2 O. Gibbons 1 Rev. F. W. Faber 2 Sir John Stainer 1 Rev. F. W. Faber 2 W. H. Monk 1 Canon Knox-Little 2 Dr. A. G. Mortimer 1 Rev. Edward Hopper 2 J. E. Gould 1 Elizabeth Codner 2 Archbishop Maclagan 1 James Montgomery 2 L. A. Seward 1 Anna L. Waring 2 Hymns of Consecration 1 Canon Twells 2 W. H. Monk 1 Tr. E. Caswell 2 Sarum Plainsong 1. Name of Tune. 2. Where Found. 1 Festa Dies 2 B. C. P. 160 1 Bullinger 2 B. C. P. 333 1 Lugano 2 B. C. P. 256 1 Gibbons 2 B. C. P. 480 1 Eucharisticus 2 B. C. P. 261 1 Knighton 2 B. C. P. 512 1 St. Clement 2 Sheet 1 Pilot 2 B.C. P. 513 1 Showers of B. 2 B. C. P. 765 1 Seward 2 B. C. P. 533 1 Swiss Melody 2 B. C. P. 675 1 Waltham 2 B. C. P. 563 1 Pange Linqua 2 B. C. P. 248 ®* 60 * 8B No. First Words of Hymn. Author — i. Words. Composer — 2. Music. 703 O come to the i Rev. F. W. Faber 2 Ira D. Sankey 704 O God of Jacob 1 Rev. P. Doddridge 2 J. B. Calkin 705 O love, that will not i Rev. George Matheson 2 A. L. Peace 706 One holds me fast. . . 1 Anon. 2 C. B. Clark 707 O STRENGTH AND STAY. I Tl\ J. Ellerton 2 Rev. J. B. Dykes 708 Rescue the perishing i Frances J. Van Alstyne 2 W. H. Doane 709 Safe home, safe home i Tr. Rev. J. M. Neale 2 Sir Arthur Sullivan 710 Sing, my tongue 1 Tr. Rev. J. M. Neale 2 Sarum Plain song 7 1 1 Sunset and evening . . 1 Alfred Tennyson 2 Joseph Barnby 712 Souls of men! why. . . 1 Rev. F. W. Faber 2 Rev. E. W. Bullinger 713 Sweet Sacrament. . . . i Anon. 2 C. B. Clark 714 Take my life, and let i Frances R. Havergal 2 Arranged from Mozart 715 The day Thou gavest i Rev. J. Ellerton 2 Rev. C. C. Scholefield 1. Name op Tune. 2. Where Found. 1 Hiding in Thee 2 B. C. P. 768 1 Nox Praecessit 2 B. C. P. 570 1 St. Margaret 2 B. C. P. 679 1 No. 9 2 Clark's Hymns 1 Strength andStay 2 B. C. P. 28 1 Rescue 2 B. C. P. 771 1 Safe Home 2 B. C. P. 609 1 Pange Linqua 2 B. C. P. 131 1 Octavo form ; also 2 B.C.P. 682. 2dT. 1 Samaria 2 B.C. P. 77s 1 Clark's Hymns 2 No. 22 1 Mozart 2 B. C. P. 621 1 St. Clement 2 B. C. P. 27 *- -s 61 ®- ■88 No. First Words op Hymn. 716 The Lord's my 717 The sower went .... 718 There's a Friend for 719 They whose course. . 720 Through midnight. . . 721 Upon Thy kneeling. . 722 We plough the fields 723 Where the light. . . . 724 Who is on the Lord's 725 Yield not to 726 Yonder with the. . . . Author — 1. Words. ' Composer — 2. Music. 1 Francis Rous 2 Rev. W. H. Havergal 1 Rev.W. St. Hill-Bourne 2 Sir J. F. Bridges 1 Albert Midlane 2 Sir John Stainer 1 Tr. Rev. J. M. Neale 2 R. Redhead 1 Rev. S. J. Stone 2 Rev. J. B. Dykes 1 Karl Reiland 2 W. Lockett 1 Tr. Jane M. Campbell 2 J. A. P. Schulz 1 Anon. 2 E. H. Turpin 1 Frances R. Havergal 2 H. G. Trembath 1 Horatio R. Palmer 2 Horatio R. Palmer 1 Emma Pitt 2 I. E. Diekenga 1. Name of Tune. 2. Where Found. 1 Evan 2 B. C. P. 716 * 1 Beatrice 2 B.C. P. 351 1 In Memoriam 2 B. C. P. 718 1 Redhead, No. 47 2 B. C. P. 643 1 Melita 2 B. C. P. 331 1 Hersal 2 Sheet music 1 Wir Pltigen 2 B. C. P. 348 1 Mansfield 2 B. C. P. 593 1 Rosmore 2 B. C. P. 380 1 Yield not to 2 B. C. P. 725 1 Yonder 2 Sheet music »" 62 ■m \o