FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY <* mi )% 1% ^ v'S; J 5 >-HW /,»* 1 jj jBcet 77 n $ i B i £?*£ he oft- 9 . n iS r S f a** Bound by Riviere in full brown morocco] }omas Este (c. 1604). t Dr. " m ■ jzrt ysfliis m prow? leimjom w#% TTjinjitts- WITH THEIR VVON- ted Tunes,as they are fung in Churches, compofcd into foure parts : Bein^ (o placed,that foure may fin? each one a federal] part in this booke.VVherin the Church tunes are carefully corrected, &thervrto added other short tunes vfually f;ing m London and moft places of this Realme. With a Table in the beginning of this Booke,of fuch xunesas arc newly added, vviththe number of each Pfalme placed to the fcyd Tune. COMPILED BY X. SVNDRY AVTHORS,j| who haue fo laboured hecreir^that the vnskilful with fmall practice may attainc to fing that part, which is fitteit for their vovce. IN LONDON: Printed bv Thomas Eftc, for the compnnieof Stationers. ft crA note of all thofe Tunes newly added in Ibis Eooke, with the number of each Pfalroe placed to the fayd Tunc Euerv Pfalnie or dittie tnthis booke hath his xune or Note in 4. parts : computed by 10. ftindiy Authors, vvhofe names are fet totr.ofe Tunes which they haue made; beeing men of perfect knowledge in the Sience of Mufickc. I.Denland. I.Blancks. e Pfiimrs fo ig to V fc 4 tune* J The P Climes are theft . "in molt chin ches of this Rcalme. E. Hooper. fPfal. :Pfal. 2. 10. T J. 17. 20. 26*. 2j ?2. ? 5 . jS. 47.51. 55.-56 60. 64. 71. 75.80.84 $5. 16.95. 98. 10 1.106. iq? (£ ir 4 . n3. 15S. 142. A thanks glueing. 270 ( 4. 7- 8 * ". i*- 19. »4-** '*?. ,'6.59. 45.43. 54.57 ' 6i-65.75.75. 8r.82.87 1 90. 9}. 96. 99- 102. 107 no. 115.125. 151. i^^» I4M44.I49. 5- 9-1*. I*. 2?. 2j.27.j1 - j.y.iz.i". 25. z5.27.71 4*4 > — ... « , ^ \ M-57-4°-4i- 49.55-5* ft^^irSzJrirTr^PfaL ) «*•<*. 74. 79 . 8*. fc.9* " ' : > v ' v ' • v .fl ' w*r [ -„■ <( 94- 97.100. 105.108.117 1 128. 129.1?; 140. 150 / A prayer to the holy <- Gho t. P0L266. [ gs^^r|:|^|:^£E Pfal. 5 45- An other p. 67.7s j ^ff^ ^P W& J 88. Glaflenbury run* i ISSlilsIl 11 ^ { 92 ' Kcntish TimCt . Kirby. 3 gg^j^^^l-jzEg peal. * ri5 . Suffolk Timc . B.Heoper. 1. Tanner. R.Allifon, 1. Fanner. Jhismark^qjT & a dircttmfor the Clmch Tuti*. AJJ. Comf 2 Veni Creator. CANT VS. I. Farmer. Ci^^lisiiiiEliililig Ome holy Ghoii etcrnall God, proceeding from aboue : both ^gigiiiiiii^iiililiiig from the Father & the forme, the God of peace & lone. Vifit our minds & into vs, thy heauenly grace infpire: that in all truth and godlynefie, ipiigii3l=i==i mgM vrec may hauc true defiie. TENO%. Ome holy Ghoft eternall God, proceeding from aboue:. both / from the Father & the fon no, the God of peace & loue. Vifa our minds & iil^iij^iiii^llliiiiiil into vs, thy heauenly grace infpire, th3t in all truth and godlynefle, ^ — ; — 'rii~~~!r~~z~ ~~~ r ~~T~Ti — i — " — " i — . — y. — ,tj — , — , — t wee may haue true defire. Thou art the very comforter, in all woanddiftrefle: The heauenly gift of God moft hie, which no tongue can exprefle. The fountaine and the liuely fpring, of ioy celeftiali : The fire fo bright the loue fo cleere, and vmftion fpirituall. Thou in thy gifts aft manifold, whereby Chrifts Church doth ftand: In faithfull harts writing thy law, the finger of Gods hand. According to thy promife made* thou giueft fpeech of grace : That through thy help the prajfe of God, may ftand in euery place. O holy Ghoft into our witts, fend dovvne thy heauenly light: Kindle our harts with feruent loue, to ferue god day and night. Strength & ftablish all our weakneflfc, fo feeble and fo fraile : That neither flesh, the vvoild,nor diuelU agaicft vs doe preuaile. Put back ourenimies far from vs and graunt vs to obtajne : Peace in our harts with God Sc w$i± without grudge or difdaine. And gtaunt(0 Lordjthat thou bceinj ZJetti Creator. tALTVS. l.Tarmer. Ome holy Ghoft eternall God, proceeding from aboue, both f ffftJr - *\*TrT .t?ti«fi ;. f ^ from the Father & the Sonne, the God of peace & loue. Vifir our minds & in- to vs, thy heauenly grace infpire: that in all truth and godlineife, ililiillt wee may haue true de- (Ire. lliliillliliiiiiiifiil thy will and pftafure is, rcleafe mec of my {mart. Thou fec-ft m y forrovves iiiilllieillljliiilii^l what they are, my griefe is knovvne to thee, & there is none that can re- mmwwmmmmwmm mouc, or take the fame from mce. But onely thou whofe ayde I craue, wfiofe mcrcie (till is pivft: To eafc all thole that come to thee, for fuccour and for reft. And fith thou fecft ray rcftleffe eyes, my teates and greeuous grone : Attend vnto my fute (O Lord) marke well my plaint and mone. Fot,frnue hath fo enclofed mee, and compaft nice about: Thar I am now remedileflc, If nicrcie help not outi For mortallmcn cannot rcle.ife, or mittigatc this painc: But cuen thy Chriftiny Lord and God, which for my finne was ilaine. Whofe bloudy wounds arc yet to fee, Though not with moitalleye: Yet doe thy Saints behold them all, and fo Itruftsfialll. Though finne doth hinder mee awhile* when thou shait fee it good: I shall cnioy the fight of him, and fee his vvoimds and bloiufc The humble fate ofafaner. ALTV S. J. Farmer. 5 o ! piJE^-^E^fep ^ ^S=gJ5E Ef ^ Lord of whom I doe depend, behold my carefull hart : & when f^gj^p^|^^gi^r-^^ E§ ^g thy will and pleafure is, releafe me of my fmart.Thou feeft my fbrrowes ItiFfy) »jj r T t "V My^tf \ij what they are, my griefe is knovvne to thee, & there is none that can re- ^lf ft ^ rill " :v~^^ i e r r r ' .., i-4 ^= ^-tH mouc, or take the fame from mee. 'BASSVS. b ^N^ ^ ^.l*ii fi re fill Lord of whom I doe depend, beehold my carefull hart: & when aJ iu-^=»^ g thv will and pleafure is, relcale me of my fmart. Thou leeft my forrowes what they are, my griefe is knovvne to thee, & there is none that can re- fo- J+y lUag moue, or take the fame from mee. And as thine Angel!s>and thy saints, doe now behold the fame: So trnft I to pofiTefie that place, with them to praife thy name. Butwhilftl Hue heere in -this vale, where finners doe frequent : Affift mee euer with thy grace, u»y fmnts ftill to lament. X-eaft that I tread in miners trace, and giue them my confent : To dwell with them in vvickcdnefTv> where* natme is b*nt> Onely thy grace miift bee my ftay, leaft that 1 fall downcflat: And beeing downe then of ray felfe* cannot recouer that. VVherefore this is yet once agame, my fute and my requcft : To graunt mee pardon for my finne, that I in thee may reft. Then shall my heart, my tonguc,& voice, bee inftruments of praife: And in thy church & houfc of Saints, £ng Pfalmes to thee alvvaies. A.iiij. OCom* g Vcnite exultemus.Pfal. XCV. C A N T V S. I.Faracr.' o ^p^.^ill)li|Sii|||^ii Come & let vs now reioyce, and fi.ig vnto the Lord : and to our ^Sl^liiillllliiiiiiili onely Sauiour, alfo with one accord. O let vs come before his face, with ii^§|g;il:iiill!iifliiii inward reuerencc : confeiling all our former finnes, & that with diligence. TENOR. -i h & o iii§|iplil3 : |liilili'pi Come and let vs now reioyce, & fingvuto the Lord ;& to our liiiriiiiillllilppiii onely Sauiour, alfo with one accord. O let vs come before his face, with gl|||E|||i||:^§||gEiEfe||| inward reucrence ; confeJfiug ail our former finnes, & that with diligence. To thank him for his benefits, alvvay distributing : VVherefore to him right ioy fully, in Pfalmes now let vs flag. And that beecaule thit God alone, is Lord magnificent : And eke aboue all other Gods, a King omnipotent. Jlis people doth not hee forfake, at any time or tide? And in his hands are all the coails, of all the world fo wide. And with his louing countenance, hee iooketh euery where t Aiid doth behold the tops of all the moisntaines,farre and neerc. The fea and all that is therein, are his, for hee them made : And eke his hands hath fashioned the earth.- which doth not fade. O come therefore and worship him* anddowne becforehim fail : And let vs weepe before the Lord, the which hath made vs all. Hee is our Qod,our Lord and king, and wee tds people are J His flock and sheepe of his pafturc, on vvhome hee taketh care. This day if ye w ill heare his voyce, yet harden not your hart; As in the bitter murmuring, when ye were indeiaic Te Deum.S.Amb. CAN TVS. I. Farmer. w w R E E prayfe thee God, wee knowledge thee,the onely Lord to bee, E E praifc ;hee God,wcc knowledge thee, the onely Lord to bee, o Vcnite exnltemus.Pfal.XCV. 1LTVS, T. Fanner. WfTTTrfTf^f^lfi Ml m Come and let vs now reioyce, & fing vnto the Lord>& to our onely Sauiour, alfo with one accord. O let vs come before his face, with inward reuerence: confefSng all our former linnes, & that with diligence. BASSVS. Come and let vs now teioyce, & fing vnto the Lord : & to our onely Sauiour, al- fb vvith one accord. O let vs come before his face,vvith inward reuerence : confeiTing all our VVhich thing was of their negligence, committed in their time Of troublcin the vvilderneffe, a great and grieuous crime. Whereas your fathers tempted mee, and tryed mce cnery way : They pronedmee and faw my works, what I co.ild doe or fay. Thefe fortie yeeres I haue beene griuM, vvith all this generation: And euermore I fayd,they erred, i:i their imagination. VVherwith their harts were fore com- lotig time and many dayes : (bred,) VVherefore 1 know afTuredly : tr.ey naue not knovven my vvayes. former finnes, & that with diligence To whom I in mine anger fwore, that they should not bee blcit: Kor fee my ioy celeftiall, nor enter in my rert. Gloria patri. AH Uud and praife be to the Lord,. O that of might art moft : To God the Father and the Sonne, and to the holy Ghoft. As it in the beginning was, for euer heeretofore: And is now at this prefent time* and shall bee euermore. Te Deum. S-Amb. ALTVS. I. Farmer. EE praife thee God,wc knowledge thee, the onely Lord to bee, BASSVS. rp^^^^^^mg £ E praife thceGod,wec knowledge thcc,thc onely Lord so bee. a CANT VS. afil and as eternall father all, the earth doth worship thee.To thee all Angels ^lillliSiiilliiPiiiilli cry, the heauens & all the powers therein . To thee Cherub and Seraphin, iiiilll to cry titcy doe not lin. ^f TENOR. ^&ill?flSili3iili^i^g and as eternall father all, the earth doth worship thee. To thee all Angels, iifililllifllliflli cry, the heauens and all the powers therein. To thee Cherub and Seraphin, m t« cry they doe not lin. O Holy,Holy,Holy,Lord, of Saboth Lord the God : Through heauen and earth thy pray/e is and glory all abroad. (fpiead,) The Apoftlcs glorious company, yeeld prayfes vnto thee : The Prophets goodly felowsip, prayfe thee continually. The noble and victorious hoaft, of Martirs found thy prayfe : The holy Church throughout the world doth knowledge thee ahvaies. Father of endlefie maiellie, they doe acknowledge thee : Thy Chriit thine honorable true, and onely fonne to bee. The holy ghoft the comforter, of glory thou art king: O Chrift and of the father art, the Sonne euerlafting. When finfull mans decay in hand, thou tookft to reftore : To bee inclofde in Virgins wombe, thou diddeft not abhorre. When thou hadft ouercome of death* the sharp and cruell might : Thou heauens kingdoruc didft fet ope, /.Farmer. Thefongofthe yChUJren. CANT VS. A 11 v*»/» fM/nrl-c nfflftA *h#» Ti-»r/4 K1/»flf> vi» rh* Lnrd nravfr him aivl All yec works of God the Lord,blefle yc the Lord prayfe him and, TENOR. ^■^ All vee i/t/nrlr.< of find thr Inrd-bleflfe ve*» rfce I orW.m aifr him and AU yec works of God the Loid,bkiTe yee the Lor^piaiic him an* 'ALTVS. and as eternall father all, the earth doth worship thee.To thee all Angels cry.the heauens Sc all the powers therein : To thee Cherub and Seraphin, tw cry they doe not iin. BASS VS. and as eternal! father ail, the earth doih worship thee. To thee all Angel; crv,thc heauens & all the pov — " Uliiil-il cry,thc heauens & all the powers therein : To thee Chcnib and Seraphin to cry they doc not lin. to each belieuing vyight. In glory of the Father,tl on, docft iit at Gods right hand, wee truft that thou shalt come«ur iudge our cauie to vnderltand. Lordhelp thy feruants whom thou haft, bought with thy precious blond : Ar.d in eternall glory fet, them with thy Saints fo good. O Lord doe thou try peo( le fane, bleilc ti.ine inheritance : Xo.d eouerne them and Lord doe thou, for euer them aduance. Wee magnihe thee day by day, and world without allende: Adore thy holy name O Lord, vouchfafe vs to defend. Fro.n fione this day haue mercy Lord» haue mercy on vs all: And on vs as wee truft in thee. Lord let thy mercy fall. O Lord I haue repofedall, my confidence in thee : Put to confounding shame therefore* Lord let mee neuer bee. 7 hefoK(r of the 3 . Children. A LTV S. I. Farmer. O liii iilSilHiilflgifii Ail yee works of God the Lord,blefleyee thcLord,frrayfehim and BA.SSV S. Olip^i^^^^^^^^ All yet works of God the Lord,bl«0c jCC the Loid 7 pra> fe him ar 4 magruHc 10 CANT VS. ^mmmm magnifie him for c- uer. TENOR. ^illiiiliil magnifie him for eucr. 2 ye the Angels of the Lord, blefle ye the Lord tkc. | O ye the ftarry heauens hye, blclTe ye the Lord &c. 4 O ye the waters and the skye, blefle ye the Lord Sic. 5 O all ye powers of the Lord, blefle ye the Lord Sec. 6 O ye the shining Sunne & Moone, blefle ye the Lord&c. 7 O ye the glittering Starres of heauen, blefle ye the Lord &c. S O ye the shovvcrs and dropping dew, blefle ye the Lord&c. f O ye the blowing winds of God, blefle ye the Lord &c. lo O ye the fire and warming heat, 'Benedict™. CAN TVS. blefle ye the Lord Sec. 11 Ye winter and the fummer tide, blefle ye the Lord See. 12 O ye the dewes and binding froftes, blefle ye the Lord Sec. IS O ye the froft and chilling cold, blefle ye the Lord &c. 14 O ye congealed yfe and fnow, blefle ye the Lord Sec. 15 O ye the nights and lightfome daies» blefle ye the Lord &c. 16 Oyethedarkuefleandthelyght, blefle ye the Lord &c. 17 O ye the lightning and the clouds, blefle ye the Lord&c. 18 O let the earth eke blefle the Lord, yea blefle the Lord&c. /. Farmer. H Eoncly Lord oflfraell, be praifed cuermore : For through his vifitation, & mercy kept in ftore: his people now he hath redeemd, that long ' hath becne in thrall: & fpread abroad his failing healthy on his /truants all- TENOR. H E onely Lord of Ifraell> bee praifed euermore: For through his g!lfe£i!e§litei=i=iig vifitation, 8c mercy kept in ftorethis people now hee hath redeemd ,that long bath becne in thraiJ;& Jj>read abroad fctt failing hc*lth,vpoa his feruanu ill* ALTVS. mm ruagnifie him for euer. BASSVS. mB. %~ =±=*r magnifie him for euer. 19 O ye the mountaines,and the hills, blefle ye the Lord &c. 20 O all greene things on the earth, blefTe ye the Lord Sec, 11 O ye the euer fpringing wells, blefle ye the Lord &t. 22 O ye the feas and ye the tfouds blefle ye the Lord &o 2? Whales & all that in the water ro.ouc blefTe ye the Lord &c. 24 O all ye flying foules of the ay re, blefle ye the Lord &c. 25 O ail ye beafts and cattell eke, blefle ye the Lord&c. 26 O ye the children of mankinde, blefle ye the Lord &c. 27 Let Jfiraell eke blefTe the Lor4 yea blefle the Lord &c 1% O ye the priefts of God the ior<^ blefle ye the Lord &c. 29 O ye the feruants of the Lord, blefle ye the Lord &c. 50 Ye fpirits & foules of righteous men, blyfle ye the Lord &c. ji O ye holy and ye meeke of hart 3 blefle ye the Lord &c. ?i O Ananias blefTe the Lord, bleiTe thou the Lord &c. 2 1 O Azarias blefTe the Lord, blefTe thou the Lord &c. And Mifaell blefTe thou the Lord, blefTe thou the Lord &c. BenediElus. ALTVS. I. Farmer. T^jf^E^^pSSjE^Eig: H E onely Lord of Ifraell, bee praifed euermore:For through hia vifitation, Si. mercy kept in ftore:his people now he hath redeeiud, that long gllfiilllitilimiil^HI hath beenc in thrall;& Tpread abroad his failing health, vpon his feruants alL BA S S VS. HE onely Lord of Ifraell, bee praifed euermore :For through his IS^giif^^^^^ ? ifitation, & mercy kept in ftoreihis people now he hath redeemed,that long mm^mmg^mgsm fcath becne in thrall;* Tpread abroad his fauing heaith,vpon hit feruantc all. in 12 HenediRitf. In Damds houfe,his feruant true According to his minde: And alfo Lis annoyntcd king, As wee i:i Scripture rinde. As by his holy Prophets all ©ft times hee did declare, The mercy which hee promlfed Our Fathers to fulfill: And think vpon his couenant made According to his will. And alfb to performe the oth, The which were fince the world began, Which hee before hid fvvore His waics for to prepare. To Abraham our father dcere, For vs that were forlorr.e. That wee might bee deliuered, That hee would giue himfelfe for vS From thofe that mike debate : And vs from bondage bring. Our enemies and from the hands Out of the hands of all our foes, Of all that doe vs hate. To ierue our heauenly king. Afagnificat, M CANTVS. I. Farmer. ^^iliM^if^lg€illii ^M Y fouie doth magmfie the Lord,my fprite eke euermorc,reioyceth p|li=l|i^iiii|ggE^illlll in *-h*» T e\rA iiiv 0,c>A - whirh is mv Saiiinuiv fln/limlm'' Komnfd Y*** in the Lord my God , which is my Sauiour. And why 4 : becaufe hee llliflil^iiil^EiEiiiiiEiii did regard, and gaue relpecT: vn- to, fo bale eitate of his hand mayd, sMn and let the mightie goe. TENOR. ^ j ^y^jteft *-1ff!»t rt^ Y foide doth magnifie the Lord,my fprite eke euermorc s reioyceth' s^lliimiiigiiiiiii! in the Lord my God, which is my Sauiour. And why *: beecaufe hee did regard, and gaue refpect- vnto, fb bafe eftate erf his hand mayd> gfep^p and let the mighty goe. For now behold all nations, And generations all : From this time forth for euermore» Shall mceqght Wefled call; Eecaufehee hath mee magnified* Which is the Lord of might : Whofe name bee euer fincttfic^i And prayf'sd day and nighty Benedtctus. To giue the knowledge how that tleir, Saluation is nearc: And that remiffion of their finncs* Is through his mercy meerc. n And that without all manner feare And eke in rightcoufneffe:^ And alfo for to leade our lne, Inftedfaftholynes. And thou(o child) which now art borne, And of the Lord elect : VVherby the day fpring from on hi& Shale be the Prophet of the highft His waies for to direc*. For thou shalt goe before his face, For to prepare his waies : And alfo for to teach his will, And pleafure all the daies. Is come vs for to vifit: And thofe for to illuminate* VVhich doe in darknefle fit. To lighten thofe that shadowed be With death and eke opprcft And alio for to guyde our feete, The way to peace and reft. ALTVS. I. Farmer. Magnificat. . Y foule doth magnifie the Lord, my fprite eke ener-more^eioyceth in the Lord my God, which is my Sauiour. And why 5 becaufe hee did re-gard, and gaue refpect vnto , fo bafe eftate of his hand mayd, Z^Zli m ±?3 and let the migbtie goe. *3 ASSVS. Y foule doth magnifie the Lord, ray fprite eke euermore,reioyceth l^^H^HiMiiliig in the Lord my God, which is my Sauiour . And why 5 becafe hee did regard, and gaue refpeft vn-to, fo bafe eftate of his hand mayd, and let the mighty goe. For with his mercy and his grace* - All men hee doth en iame : Throughout all generations, £© fucj) if fcttC IMS fUWfe He shewed ftrength with his great ai And made the proud to ilart ; VVith all imaginations. That (her bate in their text. *ce i± Magnificat. He hath put downe the mtghtie ones, The hungrfe hee replenished, From their fupernall feat : With all things that were good; And did exalt the meeke in hart, And through his power he made the licit As hee hath thought it meete. Oft times to want their foode. Nuncdimittis. C ANTV S. , I. Farmer. ^■^ Lord becaufe my harts defire>hath wished long to fee : my onely I ord iSiiliiiliiliiii^liiiiil & Sauiour,thy Tonne before 1 dye: The ioy & health of all mankind, defired pp|^jigi^iiEfei§ggij|igJfpiE:^g : long before, which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing ftorc. TENOR. ^"^ Lord becaufe my harts de(ke,hath wished lorlg to onely Lord Iglfslilii^iiiiills & fauiour thy fbnne before I dye.The ioye & health of all mankind.deficed i^lpliiiilllilii^^li long before: which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing (tore. Thou fufifereft thv feruant now, Becaufe mine eyes, which thou haft made, In peace for to depart: To giue my body light: According to thy holy word, Haue now beheld thy failing health, Which lightened my hart. Which is the Lord of might. gtdcuncjuevult. CAN TVS. I. Farmer. ' Human lb euerhee bee that/aUutioiivviUattayne:TheCatho- TENOR. as* Hat man foeuer hec bee that,faluation will atwync :The Catho. LMaaniflcat. IJ And railing tt> remembrance, According to his promlfc !&*&# His mercy cuerie deale : To Abraham beefore : Hath holpen vp affiftantly* And to his feede fuccenuielyi His feruant Ifraell. To ftand for euexmore. Nunc dimittis. ^ALTVS. I. Farmer. ^~*^ Lord becaufe my harts defire,hath wished long to fee : my onely Lord tic fatuour thy fonne before I die.The ioy & health of all mankindjdefired long before : vvlich now is come into the world, of mercy bringing ftorc* •B AS SVS. Lord becaufe my harts defire , hath wished long to fee , my only Lord & fauioar,thy fonne before I dye:The ioy & health of all mankind-defire mmmmim^m. long before: which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing itorfc VVhome thou mercifully haft fet, The Gentiles to illuminate, Of thine aboundant f race : And Sathan ouerquell : ] n open fight and vifiblc, And eke to bee the glory of, Before all peoples face. Thy people Ifraell. JQuicuncjye vult. ssi L TVS. /. Farmer. Hat man foeuer he be that, faluation will attayne : The Catho- B AS SVS. Kat man freue* ts V e ^U;» fajuation tvijU atwyuc ; The Catho. ft like l6 CANTVS. ^ like beeliefe he mult, beefore all things rctaine. Which faith vnlefle hce iliiiliiSllli^iiiliiilii TE NO%j, :«>- y=ffU£ 5 like beelife he niuft, before all things retaine. Which faith vnlefle he holy iiilililiiiliilii^liiiil keep, & vndefUedly: Without all doubt eternally, he shall be fure to dye. The Catholike beeliefe is this, that God wee worship one In Trinitie,and Trinitic in vnitie alone. So as wee neither doe confound, the perfons of the three: Nor yet the fnbftance whole of one, in funder parted bee. One perfbn of tne Father is, another of die fonne : An other perfon proper of the holy Ghoft alone. Of Father^Sonne and holy Ghoft, but one the Godhead is : like glory, coeternall eke the maieitie likevvife. Such as the Father is, fuch is the Sonne in each degree : And fuch alio wee doe beclecue, the holy Ghoft to bee. Vncreate is the Fathcr,anyet arc there not three lords but one. For as wee are compeld to graunt, •by Chriftian veritie: Each of the perfons by himfclfe* both God and man to bee* So Catholike religion, forbiddeth vs alwaies: That either Gods bee threes that there Lords be three te lay.