I '"llMtl' 1' cGormick llieological 'i'.^'V -ill m ii fe I'M li'l' U 'H Jl It |lr !''!i tt! I '''Ii'! Ill iii'. iiimiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiM "i^emiiiary erian Gliiirch eneral Catalogue 1830-1912 Published by th» ifyira'Wick rheolo^ical Seminary m,y llhioai^o, 1912 liliilliiiiiiiii. 6.1. Jl •M ■^^"^ ^ t\it itoloffta/ PRINCETON, N. J, "Hs **3 C« Presented by TV^O CorTn \ o\ SViS/O ■, , & c_veYr\, BV 4070 .M366 P7 1912 McCormick Theological Seminary. General catalogue of the .M'w 2 1913 nr'P Ml'i}: m General Catalogue OF THE McGormick Theological Seminary OF THE Presbyterian Church Chicago, Illinois Published by the MoCormick Theological Seminary Chicago, 1912 The Seminary, Established as The Theological Department of Hanover College, Hanover, Ind., 1830. (Commonly Called The Indiana Theological Seminary.) Removed to New Albany, Ind. , and Called The New Albany Theological Seminary, 1840. Reorganized and Removed to Chicago and Called The Presby- terian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, 1859. Renamed The McCormick Theological Seminary of The Presbyterian Church, 1886. 3TROMBERO. ALLEN Ji CO. PRINTERS CHICAGO PREFACE The first General Catalogue of McCormick Theological Seminary was issued in 1900. A committee of the Faculty was appointed by the Board of Directors in 1897 with instructions to prepare and publish this General Cata- logue, but when they undertook the work they discovered that on account of the lapse of time since the foundation of the Seminary, the decease of many of those who could have furnished accxu-ate information regarding its graduates and the inevitable confusion occasioned by the several interruptions and changes in its hfe and organization, it was impossible to secure absolutely full and trust- worthy data in every case. The result, however, was given to the pubhc with the design of calling forth additions and corrections, and, on the basis of these, reissuing the Catalogue later. The invitation extended to the alumni to co-operate in this work of revision was heartily accepted by many, and numerous changes and corrections have been furnished by them. Nevertheless, as might have been expected, a very large proportion of the gaps were found impossible to fill; and a large number of errors no doubt have persisted. The work of preparing such a catalogue is, for obvious reasons, beset with great difficulties. In addition to the revision of the edition of 1900, the present issue includes the records of those who have been connected as students with the Seminary to the present year. In plan and scope the present edition retains in general the features of the earher one. It aims to give the following items of information regarding every person who has been matriculated as a student: (1) FuU name; (2) Present address; (3) Place and time of birth; (4) College and date of graduation; (5) Employment, if any, between graduation from college and matriculation in the Seminary; (6) Length of time spent in the Seminary, together with attend- ance, if any, at other seminaries; (7) Ordination or Ucensure, inclusive of date and name of Ucensing or ordaining body; (8) Fields of labor, with time spent in each; (9) Date and place of death, or residence upon retirement from active labors; (10) Special services, such as those of moderators of Synods and General Assembly. It will be seen from the above plan that the object of the Catalogue is not tog ive a full biography, or even a biographical sketch, of the alumni, but only to trace their public hfe as related to the Seminary, and its work in them and through them. It has not, therefore, been deemed proper to name the work a Biographical Catalogue, either in its first edition or in this revised form. A single change affecting the order and grouping has been made from the original plan of 1900. In that edition aU the names of the matriculants were given according to the years of their matriculation. No effort was made to distinguish between full graduates and partial students, or those who had entered and taken the regular course but gone elsewhere for graduation. For the matriculants of the years 1830-1860 this method of entering the names was still found necessary, with the change, however, of the year of matriculation to the year of normal graduation, on the assumption that every matriculant had graduated. From the year 1861 onward, the records made it easy to dis- tinguish carefully between graduates and non-graduate matriculants. The classification, accordingly, is based upon two Usts, alphabetically arranged — that of the graduates and that of the simple matriculants for each year. EXPLANATORY NOTE The length of stay in the Seminary ib indicated by a figure within paren- theses, e. g. (1), denoting the academic sessions spent here. The additional sign (-}- or — ) means a few months, more or less. The abbreviation (grad.) shows that the student completed his course in fuU and was graduated. A dash without a figure ( — ) indicates a stay of only a few days. When these signs are preceded or followed by the name of another theological seminary, it denotes that the student was received from or dismissed to that seminary. A dash and a period ( — .) at the end of the record shows that the person is still in the place and occupation previously denoted. A semicolon and dash (; — ) indicates that further information is wanting. Honorary degrees are attached to the names of those who are entitled to them, and are followed, wherever the data are known, by the name of the college conferring them. Aliunni who have been directors or trustees of the Seminary, or of other educational institutions of the collegiate grade, or moderators of the General Assembly or of Synods are distinguished by the mention of such appointments. No effort has been made to distinguish between hving and deceased alumni, inasmuch as full information on this subject could not be procured. Each class roll has been divided into two sections, the graduate and the non-graduate respectively. Names in the non-graduate sections are indicated in the index with an asterisk. The list of abbreviations wiU be found at the end of the volume, immediately preceding the alphabetical index of students' names. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Accessit Presidents Eseit 1856 Rev. Henry Maltby 1860 1860 Rev. Joshua Phelps, D.D 1861 1861 Rev. Henry NeiU 1862 1862 Rev. J. C. Brown, D.D 1864 1864 Rev. F. N. Ewing 1865 1865 Rev. James Wood, D.D 1867 1867 Rev. R. G. Thompson 1868 1868 Rev. S. T. Wilson, D.D 1869 1869 Rev. W. W. Harsha, D.D 1870 1870 Rev. John M. Buchanan, D.D 1871 1871 Rev. R. W. Patterson, D.D 1872 1872 Samuel M. Moore 1873 1873 Rev. Arthur T. Pierson 1874 1874 Rev. WUUs G. Craig, D.D 1875 1875 Rev. J. Edwards, D.D., LL.D 1876 1876 Jesse L. WiUiams 1877 1877 Rev. J. Milhgan 1878 1878 Rev. Wm. S. Curtis, D.D 1879 1879 Rev. James D. Mason 1880 1880 Jesse L. WilUams 1881 1881 Thomas A. Gait 1882 1882 Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls, D.D 1883 1883 Roswell B. Mason 1884 1884 Rev. Thomas H. Cleland, Jr., D.D 1885 1885 Rev. John F. Magill, D.D 1886 1886 Christopher C. Brown 1887 1887 Rev. Daniel W. Fisher, D.D 1888 1888 Charles H. Mulliken 1889 1889 Rev. Simon J. McPherson, D.D 1890 1890 Rev. Meade C. WilUams, D.D 1891 1891 John H. HolUday 1892 1892 Rev. Thomas D. WaUace, D.D 1893 1893 WiUiam M. Tenney 1894 1894 Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls, D.D., LL.D 1895 1895 Thomas Dent 1896 1896 Rev. Thomas D. Ewing, D.D 1897 1897 D. McCulloch 1898 1898 Rev. W. S. Plumer Bryan, D.D 1899 1899 Prof. Walter L. Rankin 1900 1900 Rev. Ezra B. Newcomb, D.D 1901 1901 Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls, D.D., LL.D vi BOARD OF DIRECTORS Accessit Vice-Presidents Exit 1860 Rev. Henry M. Roberteon . ., 1861 1861 Rev. James Wood, D.D '. . . 1862 1862 Rev. J. P. Conkey 1864 1864 Rev. Ebenezer Erskine 1865 1865 Rev. J. G. Bergen, D.D 1867 1867 Rev. J. D. Mason 1869 1869 J. P. Safford 1870 1870 Jesse L. Williams 1871 1871 Samuel M. Moore 1872 1872 Rev. Fielding N. Ewing 1873 1873 Rev. WilUs G. Craig, D.D 1874 1874 Rev. A. E. Kittredge 1875 1875 Rev. W. S. Curtis, D.D 1876 1876 Rev. J. MUligan 1877 1877 Rev. W. S. Curtis, D.D 1878 1878 Rev. Samuel Hodge, D.D 1879 1879 Rev. R. C. Matthews, D.D 1881 1881 Rev. Robert F. Sample, D.D 1883 1883 Rev. Thomas D. Ewing, D.D 1884 1884 Henry T. Clarke 1885 1885 Christopher C. Brown 1886 1886 Rev. Daniel W. Fisher, D.D 1887 1887 Charles H. MuUiken 1888 1888 Rev. Simon J. McPherson, D.D 1889 1889 John Coates 1890 1890 John H. HoUiday 1891 1891 Rev. W. C. Roberts, D.D., LL.D 1892 1892 William M. Tenney 1893 1893 Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls, D.D., LL.D 1894 1894 Thomas Dent 1895 1895 Rev. Henry W. Johnson, D.D 1896 1896 D. McCuUoch 1897 1897 Rev. W. S. Plumer Bryan, D.D 1898 1898 D. McCuUoch 1899 1899 Rev. E. B. Newcomb, D.D 1900 1900 W. C. Gray, Ph.D 1901 1901 Rev. Daniel W. Fisher, D.D., LL.D Secretabieb 1856 Rev. Thomas E. Thomas, D.D 1860 1860 Rev. John M. Faris 1867 1867 W. G. Holmes 1869 1869 John Woodbridge 1870 1870 David C. Marquis 1871 1871 Rev. L. H. Reid 1874 1874 Rev. John M. Faris 1883 1883 Rev. John F. Magill, D.D 1884 1884 Rev. Alexander G. Wilson, D.D 1894 1894 Rev. David R. Breed, D.D 1895 1895 Rev. Adam W. Ringland, D.D 1897 1897 Prof. Walter L. Rankin 1899 1899 Charles M. Howe 1911 1911 Edward H. Smith McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY vii Accessit Honorary Directors Exit 1880 Cyrus H. McCormick 1882 Rev. David W. Moffatt, D.D. (1884, 1894-) 1897 Rev. George Morris 1883 Rev. George L Spining, D.D 1884 1881 Rev. Meade C. Williams, D.D 1887 1882 Rev. John E. Chapin 1889 Charles A. Ewing 1886 Rev. John N. Freeman 1884 1883 Rev. David R. Breed, D.D 1888 Rev. John H. Barrows, D.D 1887 Rev. Calvin C. Herriot 1888 Henry W. King 1887 Rev. Matthew B. Lowrie 1887 1884 John S. McDonald 1888 1886 Rev. James McLeod, D.D 1889 Rev. J. R. Sutherland, D.D 1889 1887 Rev. M. Woolsey Stryker, D.D 1894 1888 Rev. David J. Burrill, D.D 1891 Rev. Robert Christie, D.D 1889 Thomas D. Foster 1889 Rev. Robert F. Sample, D.D 1892 1889 John C. Grier 1892 1890 Rev. Hervey D. Ganse, D.D 1891 Rev. Thomas C. HaU, D.D 1897 Rev. Samuel Hodge, D.D 1892 1891 Rev. Wallace Radcliffe, D.D 1892 1892 Rev. John Barbour 1893 Rev. Thomas D. Logan, D.D 1897 Rev. John L. Withrow, D.D 1897 Special Directors 1882 Cyrus H. McCormick : 1884 1886 Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr Directors 1830 Rev Samuel R. Alexander 1839 Burr Bradley 1839 Rev. Calvin Butler 1839 Rev. Leander Cobb 1839 Rev. B. C. Cressy 1839 Rev. John Finley Crowe 1856 Rev. John M. Dickey 1839 WiUiamson Dunn 1839 Samuel G. Graham 1839 Rev. Samuel Gregg 1839 Joseph Hart 1839 John Hendricks 1839 Rev. James H. Johnston 1860 Victor King (1839, 1856-) 1859 WilUam B. McLaughUn 1839 Rev. Samuel G. Lorie 1839 Rev. Wm. W. Martin 1839 viii BOARD OF DIRECTORS Accessit Directors — Continued. Exit 1830 Rev. John R. Moreland. 1839 James M. Ray ( , 1856-'63, 1867-) 1869 Jamee Scott 1839 Ebenezer Sharpe 1839 Rev. William Sickles 1853 Samuel Smock 1839 Jeremiah Sullivan 1839 Rev. James Thompson 1839 James H. Thompson 1839 Alexander Walker 1839 Andrew Weir 1839 Rev. Alexander Wilhamson 1839 Rev. Andrew WyUe 1839 1839 Rev. William C. Anderson 1839 Rev. James Blythe 1840 T. H. Brown 1840 S. H. Crane 1840 J. Crawford 1840 W. H. Ferguson 1840 D. Lattimore (—40, 1856-) 1859 G. Logan 1840 Rev. E. D. MacMaster 1856 R. Marshall 1840 J. L. Martin 1840 Rev. Wilham C. Matthews 1856 Rev. David Monfort 1840 R. Simonton ". 1840 J. G. SimraU 1840 D. V. Smock 1840 S. Taylor 1840 1840 EUas Ayers 1856 J. Bushnell ( , 1856-) 1859 Rev. H. H. Cambern ( , 1856-) 1859 S. D. Maxwell 1856 Rev. S. Maxwell 1856 W. Plummer 1856 Rev. S. Scovel 1856 1856 Joseph P. Beggs 1859 James Blake 1859 M. M. Campbell 1859 Rev. I. N. Candee, D.D. ( , 1865-) 1869 Rev. S. Crothers, D.D 1859 Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D.D., LL.D. (1859, 1872-) 1878 Cyrus Falconer, M.D 1859 A. R. Forsythe 1859 Rev. Hugh S. FuUerton 1859 S. E. Giffin : 1859 Rev. J. H. GiU 1859 John Hendricks 1859 S. E. Hibben 1859 Rev. Levi Hughes 1859 Rev. T. E. Hughes 1859 McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ix Acceasit Directors — Continued Exit 1856 Rev. Robert Irwin 1859 Rev. C. Leavenworth 1859 J. H. McCampbell 1859 Rev. John A. McClung 1859 A. McConnell 1859 Alexander McPheeters 1859 Rev. J. A. Meeks 1859 John Milligan 1859 Dr. Mitchell 1859 Rev. J. G. Monfort, D.D. (1859, 1867-) 1870 L. Monfort 1859 Rev. S. S. Potter 1859 Rev. J. W. Scott, D.D 1859 P. S. Shields, M.D 1859 Rev. John F. Smith 1859 Rev. William B. Spence 1859 Charles Spinning 1859 Rev. John A. Steele .- 1859 Rev. Alexander Sterret 1859 Rev. J. M. Stevenson, D.D 1859 Rev. Charles Sturdevant 1859 Rev. C. K. Thompson 1859 J. S. Todd 1859 WiUiam A. Ustick 1859 Melancthon S. Wade 1859 Nehemiah Wade 1859 Rev. John S. Weaver 1859 Jesse L. WUUams (— 1859-'60, 1865-) 1887 Rev. Samuel R. WQson 1859 Rev. Ed. W. Wright 1859 1859 Rev. S. J. P. Anderson, D.D 1864 Rev. C. Axtell I860 William BaUey 1862 Thomas H. Bebee 1863 J. B. Booth 1861 Rev. James C. Brown, D.D 1863 Rev. John H. Brown, D.D 1864 Rev. John M. Buchanan, D.D. (—'62, 1868-) 1873 A. J. Buel 1861 Julius T. Clark 1862 Rev. John P. Conkey 1866 Rev. T. M. Cunningham 1865 Rev. Fielding N. Ewing 1880 Rev. John M. Paris (—'65, 1874-) 1883 Thomas Foster 1872 H. R. Gamble 1864 John C. Grier 1889 Rev. WiUiam W. Harsha, D.D., LL.D 1901 WUliam G. Hohnes (—'71, 1873-) 1874 James L. Lamb (—'60, 1864-) 1871 Ralph P. Lowe 1866 Rev. J. M. Lowrie, D.D. (—'60, 1867-) 1868 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Accessit Directors — Continued. Exit 1859 Rev. Robert C. Matthews,' D.D. (—'71, 1878-) 1880 Rev. Henry NeiU 1865 Rev. Joshua Phelps, D.D 1863 Rev. Henry M. Robertson 1871 Samuel Russel 1865 Charles A. Spring 1876 Rev. Samuel Steele, D.D 1862 Rev. David Stevenson 1864 N. C. Thompson 1871 Rev. Robert G. Thompson 1871 J. D. Thorpe 1868 John Todd, M.D 1865 Simon Towle 1860 A. P. Waterman 1883 Rev. N. West, Jr 1860 Rev. Samuel T. Wilson, D.D 1870 1860 Charles Crosby 1876 Rev. Wilson M. Donaldson 1861 E. M. Drury 1864 Samuel Hanna 1865 Rev. Lowman P. Hawes 1861 Rev. James Wood, D.D 1867 1862 Lincoln Clark 1869 Rev. T. M. Hopkins 1865 1864 Rev. J. G. Bergen, D.D .1872 John Coates (—'72, 1876-) 1899 Rev. E. Erskine, D.D. (—'66, 1868-) 1872 Rev. Reuben Frame 1866 John Gait 1867 Samuel Howe 1870 David Keith 1868 Rev. S. C. Logan 1866 Rev Josiah Milligan (—'65, 1868-) 1891 Rev. J. H. Nixon 1868 Warren Norton 1872 Rev. Robert L. Stanton 1865 Rev. A. A. E. Taylor 1866 1865 Hovey K. Clarke 1869 Rev. J. Fleming 1869 D. L. Kirkwood 1866 Rev. H. R. Price 1870 Rev. J. P. Safford, D.D 1870 Wilham Sheets 1866 Rev. J. W. Sterling 1868 Rev. W. S. WUson 1869 1867 Rev. F. T. Brown, D.D 1870 Rev. D. C. Marquis, D.D., LL.D 1871 Rev. James D. Mason 1885 Rev. Robert Patterson, D.D 1872 J. McKee Peoples 1870 Henry Phelps (—'70, 1872-) 1892 H. G. Spafford (—'71, 1874-) 1876 McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY xi Acceesit Dibectobs — Continued Exit 1867 J. C. Walker 1870 John Woodbridge 1870 1868 T. S. Hening 1872 Rev. E. B. Raffensperger 1872 Rev. Thos. H. Skinner, D.D 1872 1869 Rev. Samuel McC. Anderson, D.D 1873 Rev. Robert Beer 1897 Samuel M. Moore 1885 Chas. E. Vanderburgh 1873 1870 Rev. William S. Curtis, D.D 1885 Jacob S. Farrand 1886 Samuel Harvey 1886 Rev. George C. Noyes, D.D 1881 Rev. Robert W. Patterson, D.D 1874 Rev. Prof. Lewellyn Pratt 1872 Rev. Lewis H. Reid 1875 Isaac Scarritt 1874 H. E. Seelye 1874 1871 N. S. Bouton 1875 John Forsythe 1875 Daniel B. Green 1878 Rev. Abbott E. Kittredge, D.D 1880 Henry G. Miller 1899 Rev. Arthur Mitchell, D.D 1881 Claudius B. Nelson 1885 Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D 1885 1872 B. F. Allen 1876 Rev. Isaac E. Carey 1874 Rev. Willis G. Craig, D.D., LL.D 1882 Horace A. Hurlbut 1876 W. P. Lynde 1880 Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls, D.D., LL.D Rev. Charles D. Shaw 1875 1873 Rev. John Armstrong 1881 Rev. Asahel L. Brooks 1879 Rev. Hermon D. Jenkins 1877 1874 C. C. Brown 1904 S. P. Farrington 1876 Rev. Samuel Hodge, D.D 1890 Rev. Charles L. Thompson, D.D 1878 1875 James M. Horton (—'83, 1890-) 1897 Thos. H. Sharpe 1879 1876 Thomas A. Gait 1912 S. P. Hedges, M.D 1881 Martin Lewis 1880 Roswell B. Mason 1892 Chas. O. Waters, M.D 1883 1877 Rev. J. Munro Gibson, D.D 1880 1878 Rev. J. Abbott French 1880 Henry W. Johnson 1886 Rev. Alex. G. Wilson, D.D 1894 1879 Emerson E. White 1880 xii BOARD OF DIRECTORS Accessit Directors — Continued Exit 1880 H. T. Clarke .' 1888 Rev. D. S. Gregory, D.D 1889 Rev. J. F. MagUl, D.D 1901 Charles H. Mulliken 1904 Rev. W. H. Prestley 1887 Rev. R. F. Sample, D.D 1888 T. M. Sinclair 1881 Rev. J. M. Worrall, D.D 1883 1881 Rev. A. J. Berger 1884 Rev. T. H. Cleland, D.D Thomas D. Foster (—'87, 1889-) 1893 1881 Chas. J. Merritt 1889 1882 Rev. Daniel W. Fisher, D.D., LL.D Rev. Thos. D. Ewing, D.D 1906 1883 Rev. John Crozier 1891 Thomas Dent Rev. Simon J. McPherson, D.D., LL.D 1900 Wm. H. Swift (—'92, 1901) 1910 Henry J. Willing 1885 1884 Rev. John W. Dinsmore, D.D 1892 1885 Rev. John N. Freeman, D.D 1887 WilUam C. Gray, Ph.D 1901 Rev. Henry Webb Johnson, D.D 1912 Rev. Stephen Phelps, D.D ; 1889 J. P. Ross, M.D 1890 1886 SUas W. Chipman 1894 Ferdinand Fairman 1897 Wm. H. Hoffman 1894 J. H. HolUday Rev. Thomas D. Wallace, D.D 1904 1887 Thomas Kane Rev. Adam W. Ringland, D.D 1897 William M. Tenney 1902 Rev. Meade C. WilUams, D.D 1907 1888 Rev. David R. Breed, D.D 1895 Thomas S. Ridgeway 1897 1889 Rev. Robert Christie, D.D 1893 Rev. Thomas X. Orr 1895 Henry M. Ralston 1893 1890 Rev. Wm. C. Roberts, D.D., LL.D 1893 1892 Charles M. Howe Rev. Ezra B. Newcomb, D.D Rev. WaUace Radcliffe, D.D 1895 Walter L. Rankin 1903 Peter Risser 1896 Rev. Ambrose C. Smith, D.D 1900 1893 Samuel E. Carey 1904 John C. Hunter 1895 Rev. William O. Ruston, D.D 1897 Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, D.D 1895 1894 Rev. William Chester 1895 George W. Cable 1895 Mccormick theological seminary xiii Accessit Directors — Continued Exit 1894 D. McCulloch 1908 1895 Rev. W. S. Plumer Bryan, D.D 1904 Rev. Marcus A. Brownson, D.D 1897 WilUam M. Camp 1898 Rev. Wilbur O. Carrier, D.D Rev. James G. Lowrie, D.D John Montgomery, Jr 1901 Rev. Frank W. Sneed, D.D 1902 1896 W. S. Potwin 1897 William B. Dean Rev. Thomas D. Logan, D.D Rev. James G. K. McCIure, D.D Rev. John Reid, D.D 1900 John C. Welling 1904 Rev. John L. Withrow, D.D., LL.D 1899 1898 John H. Finley 1899 Dexter A. Knowlton 1903 1899 Rev. W. J. Chichester, D.D 1902 Gen. G. W. Shields 1903 Onward Bates 1900 1900 Rev. J. H. Boyd, D.D (1903-1909) 1911 Rev. W. Robson Notman, D.D 1908 Rev. Edward H. Pence Francis W. Kelsey Charles S. Holt 1901 Rev. W. C. Covert 1902 Rev. John R. Sutherland, D.D 1907 Rev. Wm. T. Wilcox, D.D 1910 1903 Rev. John C. Miller, D.D 1909 James Wallace, Ph.D., LL.D 1909 Willard Merrill 1905 1904 Rev. Edward Yates Hill, D.D 1906 Rev. John Logan Marquis James K. Welsh 1909 Ed. F. Yarnell Frank Robertson 1905 Edward H. Smith Charles T. Thompson Henry V. Freeman Rev. Willis E. Parsons, D.D D. F. Graham 1906 E. F. Bacon 1907 Rev. Wm. P. Kane, D.D 1907 Rev. Geo. E. McLean, D.D., LL.D 1912 1907 Rev. Harry R. Stark, Ph.D., D.D Rev. Wm. H. Black, D.D., LL.D Rev. Greo. L. Mackintosh, D.D Ernest Brown Skiimer 1908 Albert R. Taylor, LL.D Rev. John Balcom Shaw, D.D., LL.D 1909 Edward H. Semple T. Moray Hodgman, LL.D xiv BOARD OF DIRECTORS Accessit Directors — Ck)ntinued Ux 1909 John L. Severance 1910 1910 Rev. John Timothy Stone, D.D Chaa. W. Dabney, Ph.D., LL.D 1911 Rev. Chas. A. Lippincott 1912 Rev. Neal A. McAulay, D.D Rev. William A. Millis, LL.D Walter Dill Scott, Ph.D BOARD OF TRUSTEES Accessit Presidents Exit 1855 William Plumer 1856 1856 Henry B. Shields 1860 1860 Elisha S. Wadsworth 1864 1864 Roswell B. Mason 1869 1869 Lincoln Clark 1870 1870 V. A. Turpin 1875 1875 Cyrus H. McCormick 1884 1886 R. B. Mason 1892 1892 Henry W. King 1897 1897 Hugh McBirney 1900 1900 Edward M. Teall 1907 1907 M. C. Armour Vice-Presidents 1864 Henry G. Miller 1865 1871 S. P. Hedges, M.D 1876 1876 R. B. Mason 1886 1886 Henry W. King 1891 Secretaries 1855 Rev. J. M. Stevenson, D.D I860 1860 Samuel Howe 1869 1869 H. G. Spafford 1870 1870 G. F. BisseU 1875 1875 J. D. Wallace 1877 1877 C. M. Howe 1881 1881 Rev. John M. Paris 1883 1883 Rev. A. G. Wilson, D.D 1885 1885 Cyrus H. Adams 1887 1887 Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr 1897 1897 Ira J. Geer Treasurers 1855 Franklin Warren I860 1860 Wesley Munger 1864 1864 Eliphalet Wood 1869 1869 WUliam G. Hohnes 1870 1870 James Otis 1883 1883 Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr 1887 1887 Cyrus H. Adams 1899 1899 Eugene H. Fishbum General Agents 1864 Rev. John M. Paris 1867 1867 Rev. William B. Truax 1872 1872 Charles Crosby 1873 1873 Rev. John M. Faris 1880 1880 Rev. Josiah Milligan 1882 xvi BOARD OF TRUSTEES Acceasit General Secretakibs Exit 1893 Rev. Hervey B. Knight 1896 1897 Rev. William Westwood 1898 1898 Rev. JameB G. Woods 1899 Trustees 1855 William Plumer 1856 Rev. P. Lindsley, D.D 1864 WiUiam A. Scribner, M.D 1856 John Bushnell 1857 Silas C. Day 1857 1856 Rev. E. D. MacMaster, D.D 1857 A. B. Newkirk : . .1859 Warren Norton 1859 Henry B. Shields 1857 P. S. Shields, M.D 1857 James W. Sprowle 1857 Rev. J. M. Stevenson, D.D 1864 Franklin Warren 1864 John Wilson 1859 1857 William Bailey 1860 A. J. Buel 1860 Col. Richard J. Hamilton 1860 R. W. Henry. 1864 Samuel Howe 1869 Col. Roswell B. Mason 1892 1859 Cyrus H. McCormick 1884 Elisha S. Wadswrorth 1870 James B. Waller (-1864, 1870-) 1879 1860 Henry G. Miller 1869 Wesley Munger 1868 Walter B. Scates 1864 1864 Horace A. Hurlbut (—69, 1883-) 1893 James H. Knapp 1868 Robert Reid 1870 Eliphalet Wood 1870 1868 John Greighton 1881 George C. Smith 1870 1869 Lincohi Clark 1870 William G. Holmes 1870 1870 G. F. Bissell 1875 John Forsythe 1875 S. P. Hedges, M. D 1876 James Otis 1885 Mark Skinner 1871 V. A. Turpin 1875 1875 L. S. Hodges 1881 Martin Lewis 1876 J. D. WaUace 1879 1876 W. C. Goudy (—79, 1884-) 1893 Charles M. Howe 1881 1879 Thomas Dent 1883 1880 J. M Horton 1886 Mccormick theological seminary xvii Accessit Tkustees — Continued Exit 1880 C. O. Waters, M.D 1883 1881 Rev. John M. Farig 1883 Thomas A. Gait 1885 Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr 1898 1883 Rev. A. G. WUson, D.D 1885 Henry J. WUling 1884 1885 Cyrus H. Adams Charles M. Chamley 1886 Henry W. King 1898 Abram Poole 1897 1886 Hugh McBimey 1900 D. K. Pearsons, M.D 1890 1890 Marvin Hughitt 1899 1892 Edward M. TeaU 1907 1893 Franklin W. Ganse 1897 Ira J. Geer 1897 Eugene H. Fishbum David B. Jones 1899 1898 Harold F. McCormick Albert B. Keep 1899 1899 Henry P. CroweU Edward A. Halsey 1906 M. C. Armoiu- 1900 Onward Bates 1905 1905 Frederick W. Crosby 1906 Rev. J. G. K. McClure, D.D., LL.D 1907 WilUam A. Peterson FACULTY Accessit PRESIDENT Exit 1905 Rev. James Gore King McClure, D.D., LL.D PROFESSORS 1830 Rev. John Matthews, D.D. Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology *1848 1833 Rev. John W. Cunningham, A.M. Professor of BibUcal Criticism and Oriental Literature 1834 1834 Rev. George B. Bishop, A.M. Professor of BibUcal Criticism and Oriental Literature *1837 1835 Rev. Oswald Hunter, A.M. Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government 1836 1837 Professor of BibUcal Criticism and Oriental Literature 1838 1838 Rev. Lewis W. Green, D.D. Professor of BibUcal Criticism and Oriental Literature *1839 1839 Rev. James Wood, D.D. Professor of BibUcal Criticism and Oriental Literature 1848 1848 Professor of Dogmatic and Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, the Sacraments and Pastoral Theology *1851 1846 Rev. Daniel Stewart, D.D. Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government .... 1848 1848 Professor of Original Languages of the Sacred Scriptures and Oriental Literature 1853 1849 Rev. Erasmus D. MacMasters, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Didactic, Casuistic and Polemic Theology 1859 1866 McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology *1866 1851 Rev. PhiUp Lindsley, D.D. Professor of Biblical Archaeology and Church Polity 1853 1853 Professor pro tern, of Ecclesiology *1853 1854 Rev. Thomas E. Thomas, D.D. Professor of Bibliology 1859 1859 Rev. Nathan L. Rice, D.D. McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology 1861 1859 Rev. WilUs Lord, D.D., LL.D. Professor of BibUcal and Ecclesiastical History 1867 1867 McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology 1870 1859 Rev. Leroy J. Halsey, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Historical and Pastoral Theology and Church Government *1896 1859 Rev. WilUam M. Scott, D.D. Professor of BibUcal Literature and Exegesis *1861 1863 Rev. Charles ElUott, D.D. Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis 1881 1868 Rev. WilUam M. Blackburn, D.D. Professor of BibUcal and Ecclesiastical History 1881 1871 Rev. Francis L. Patton, D.D., LL.D. McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology 1881 ♦Deceased while occupjdng the professorship. Mccormick theological seminary xix Accessit Professors — Continued Exit 1873 Rev. Robt. W. Patterson, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Christian Evidences and Ethics 1881 1881 Rev. Thomas H. Skinner, D.D., LL.D. Cyrus H. McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology 1890 1890 Professor of Divinity *1892 1882 Rev. WiUis G. Craig, D.D., LL.D. Professor of BibUcal and Ecclesiastical History 1891 1891 Cyrus H. McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology 1911 1911 Professor Emeritus of Didactic and Polemic Theology *1911 1883 Rev. David C. Marquis, D.D., LL.D. Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis 1902 1902 Professor of New Testament Interpretation 1909 1909 Professor Emeritus of New Testament Interpretation *1912 1883 Rev. Herrick Johnson, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology 1905 1905 Professor Emeritus of the Science and Art of Preaching 1886 Rev. Edward Lewis Curtis, Ph.D. Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis 1891 1889 Rev. John DeWitt, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Apologetics and Missions 1892 1891 Rev. Andrew C. Zenos, D.D., LL.D. Professor of BibUcal and Ecclesiastical History 1894 1894 Professor of BibUcal Theology 1912 1912 Professor of Historical Theology 1892 Rev. Edwin Cone BisseU, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis *1894 1892 Rev. Augustus Stiles Carrier, D.D. Professor of Hebrew and the Cognate Languages 1893 Rev. Benjamin Lewis Hobson, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Apologetics and Missions 1897 Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, D.D. Professor of Ecclesiastical History 1902 1898 Rev. George L. Robinson, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis 1912 1912 Professor of Biblical Literature and the EngUsh Bible 1905 Rev. Samuel Dickey, A.M. ; Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis 1906 Rev. Edgar Preston HiU, D.D. Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and AppUed Christianity 1912 Rev. Cleland Boyd McAfee, D.D. Cyrus H. McCormick Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology ADJUNCT PROFESSORS 1884 Rev. Edward Lewis Curtis, A.B. Associate Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis. . 1886 1894 Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, A.M. Adjunct Professor of Ecclesiastical History 1897 1894 Rev. Abel H. Huizinga, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis. . . 1896 ♦Deceased while occupying the professorship. XX FACULTY Accessit Adjunct Professors — Continued Exit 1902 Rev. Samuel Dickey, A.M. Adjunct Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis. . . 1905 1912 Rev. Arthur Alexander Hays, M.A., B.D. Adjunct Professor of Church History and New Testament Greek INSTRUCTORS 1830 Rev. John W. Cunningham, A.M. Instructor in BibUcal Criticism and Oriental Literature 1833 1871 Rev. Samuel W. PoweU, Instructor in Hebrew . . 1872 1871 Rev. Robt. L. Cumnock, Jr., M.A. Instructor in Elocution 1874 1875 Prof. B. Maimon, Instructor in Hebrew 1877 1881 Edward L. Curtis, A.B. Instructor in Old Testament Literature and Exegesis 1884 1884 W. W. Cams, Instructor in Elocution 1885 1885 E. B. Warman, Instructor in Elocution 1887 1887 Rev. Augustus Stiles Carrier, A. B. Instructor in Hebrew 1892 1890 Edward Munson Booth, A.M. Instructor in Elocution and Voice Culture 1900 Rev. Ira Wilder Allen, Jr., M.A. Assistant in Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology 1904 1905 Rev. FrankUn H. Geselbracht, Ph.D. Instructor in New Testament Greek 1906 1906 Rev. John A. Galiaher, M.A. Instructor in Music 1908 1908 John Bissell Trowbridge, Ph.B. Instructor in Music 1909 Rev. Arthur Alexander Hays, M.A., B.D, Instructor in New Testament Exegesis and Church History .... 1912 LECTURERS 1880 Rev. Herrick Johnson, D.D. Special Lecturer on Homiletics 1883 1895 Rev. John S. Macintosh, D.D. In charge of Department of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology 1896 1909 William Mather Lewis, M.A. Lecturer in Oratory 1909 Henry Wilkes Wright, Ph.D. Lecturer on Pedagogical Psychology 1910 1910 Rev. Hugh T. Kerr, D.D. Lecturer on ReUgious Pedagogy 1912 Rev. John Timothy Stone, D.D. Lecturer in Practical Theology 1912 Rev. John Balcom Shaw, D.D., LL.D. Lecturer in Practical Theology. LIBRARIAN 1812 Rev. John Frederick Lyons Roll of Graduates and Students 1830-1912 ROLL OF GRADUATES AND STUDENTS 1830-1912 1834 ROBERT H. BISHOP, D.D., 8. 8. Beulah (Oxford), O., '45; prof. Gary's Academy, '45-'49; prof. College Hill, '49-'54; d. 1854. ROBERT C. CALDWELL. 1835 JOSEPH A. GRAY. JAMES HUMMER, s. s. Indian Creek and Pleasant Hill, Ind., '44; s. s. Eugene, '44-'45; d. 1846. DANIEL LATTIMORE, h. Rutherford Co., N. C, Feb. 21, 1804; H. C. I., ; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 9, '36 ; p. Graham, Vernon and Scipio, Ind., '36-' 57; d. Vernon, Ind., 1857. DAVID V. SMOCK, p. Knightstown, Ind., '43; s. s. Hopewell and Shiloh, '43; p. '44-'50; p. Birmingham, la., '57; s. s. Sigourney, '59-'61; s. s. Talleyrand, '61-'72; p. Keota, '72-'78; d. Keota, la,, Dec. 31, 1878. 1836 JOHN H. HARNEY, Louisville, Ky. MARK A. HASKELL NILES, h. , Mass., Aug. 8, 1806; A. C, '30; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, May 21, '36; prof. Anc. Lang. H. C. I., '32-'37; p. Marble- head, Mass., '37-'44; d. , 1847. WILLIAM McCAULEY. 1837 W. H. BRUNER. GEORGE WASHINGTON COONS, D. D., h. Lexington, Ky., April 22, 1808; tea.; (1);8. s. Mt. Sterling, Ky., '35-'37; ord. Pby. West Lexington, April 28, '37; R-inct. Sem.; s. s. Mt. Sterling, Ky., '38-'39; s. 8. Springfield, '39-'43; s. s. 1st ch., Memphis, Tenn., '43; p. '44-52; 8. s. Maysville, Augusta, Falmouth and Covington, Ky.; 8. s. Flemingsburg, '54; s. s. Augusta and Sharon, '60; s. s. Maysville, '68-'71; e. B. Paris and Falmouth, '71-76; d. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 15, 1891. 2 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1838 JOHN McCAULEY. JOHN M. McCHORD, B. 8. West Salem, Ind., '48; s. s. Greencastle, '50-'54; d. m. Waco Village, Tex., '54-'55; s. s. Bruceville, Ind., '56-'59; miss. Cottongin, Tex., '60 ; (S. ch.) 8. 8. Sherman, ; s. s. Cottongin, ; d. 1876. JOHN L. MARTIN, D.D., p. Corydon, Ind., '42; s. 8. 1st ch., New Albany, '42-'46; s. s. Palmyra, '46-'51; 8. 8. Franklin, '53-54; s. 8. Washington, '54-'56; s. s. Vincennes, '56-'59; 8. 8. Crawfordsville, '61-63; s. s. Mace, '63-'64; s. s. Crawfordsville, '64-'65; 8. 8. Toledo, la., '66-'71; a. s. Brimfield, lU., '71-73; a. s. Keiths- burgh, '73-'76; 8. 8. Brimfield, '76-'78; s. s. Oxford, la., '78-'79; d. Oxford, la.. May 3, 1892. JOSEPH GLASS MONFORT, D.D. (C. C. K.), LL.D. (H. C. I.), 6. Warren Co., 0., Dec. 9, 1810; M. U., '34; (2); ord. Pby. Indianapolis, April, '39; p. Greensburg, Ind., '39-'42 and '44-'55; agt. New Albany Sem. (McC), '42-'44; ed. "Presbyterian of the West," the "Presbyter" and the "Herald and Presbyter" (the same paper under different names), '55 d. Cincinnati, Feb., 1906. Trust. Sem. N. W. CHARLES K. THOMPSON, p. Carlisle, Ind., '47; s. s. Covington, '49; s. s. Crawfordsville, '49-54; a. 8. DarUngton, '54-'58; 8. s. Thorntown, '58-'61;,s. s. Lebanon, '61-67; s. s. Elizabethtown, '67-'71; d. Carlisle, Ind., Feb. 8, 1872. 1838 ROBERT F. BREES, p. Princeville, 111., '45; p. Rochester (French Creek), '45-'51; d. 1851. ROBERT C. McCOMB, p. London, C, '53; s. s. Crawfordsville, la., '55-'56; d. 1856. SAMUEL C. McCUNE, p. Canton, lU., '50; p. Fairfield, la., '51-'65; p. McVeytown, Pa., '66-'69; p. Oskaloosa, la., '69-73; p. Canton, 111., "73-79; s. s. Oskaloosa, la., '79-'82; 8. 8. La Rose, 111., '82-'84; s. 8. Oskaloosa, la., '85-'87; d. Oskaloosa, la., Jan. 31, 1892. WILLIAM J. PATTERSON, 6. Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1803; H. C. I., ; tea.; p. Washington, Ind.; p. Brookville; d. BrookviUe, Ind DAVID BIGHAM REED, p. Dunlapsville, Ind., '46; s. s. Cole Creek (W. Lebanon), '51; s. s. North Washington (S. Hanover), '56-57; s. s. Lexington (Hanover), '60-'61; h. r.; d. Hanover, March 31, 1883. ROBERT SIMPSON, p. and 8, 8. White River, Ind., *47; a. s. Robinson, '50-'53; 8. 3. Newton, 111., '53-'58. BENJAMIN TEMPLETON, (1); Lane Sem.; d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1857. 1839] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 3 THOMAS WHALLON, b. Springdale, O., Aug. 14, 1812; M. U., '35; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oxford, '42; 8. 8. Hamilton, O., '38-'42; s. s. Richmond, Ind., '42-'45; s. s. Rising Sun, '45-'48; s. 8. Putnamville, '48-'55; a. s. Rensselaer, '55-'59; a. a. Tipton, '59-'65; 8. 8. Lexington, '65-'72; s. s. Vevay, '72-'78; res. Oak Park, 111., '78-'91; d. Oak Park, 111., April 11, 1891. Chap. lOlst Reg. Ind. Vol. Inf. during war of rebelhon. JAMES G. WILSON, p. West Point, la., '52; a. s. Grand View, '52-'57; s. s. Onawa, '57-'67; d. Lettsville, la., April 29, 1873. 1839 JOSIAH CRAWFORD, 8. 8. Rehoboth, Ind., '42; s. 8. Corydon, '42-'43; s. 8. Owen Creek, '43-'47; 8. 8. Smyrna, '47-49; p. Smyrna and Lancaster, '49-'51; s. s. Owen Creek, '51-'85; d. Owen Township, Ind., July 24, 1891. THOMAS WOODRUFF HYNES, D.D., b. Bardstown, Ky.; H. C. I.; ord. '46, Pby. of Kaskaskia, 111., Miss. Co., Ind.; p. HUlsboro, 111., '46-'51 ; s. a. and p. Pocahontas, '53-60, and Greenville, '53-'67; h. m. Old Ripley, '69; s. s. Elm Point, '71-'73; ev. '75; s. s. Waveland (Pocahontas), '75-'78; s. s. Old Ripley (Greenville), '79-'84 and '86-'89; 8. 8. Troy, '89-'92; h. r.; res. Greenville, III., '92-'05; d. Greenville, 111., July 26, 1905. WILLIAM WYLIE McLAIN, b. Ripley, O., Sept. 15, 1815; H. C.I., '36; (1); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Red- stone, Nov. 18, '40; miss. Fayette Co., Pa., and Preston Co., Va., '40-'52; p. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '52-'55; d. Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 10, 1855. SAMUEL NEWELL, D.D., a. a. and p. Lebanon, 0., '52; p. Paria, 111., '53-'70; d. Paria, 111., June 22 1879. DAVID E. Y. RICE, p. Pleaaant Hill, Mo., '42-'50; s. a. Cape Girardeau, '52-'53;d. 1854. 1840 THOMAS H. ALDERDICE, s. a. Union, Ind., '45-46; tea.; s. a. Bruceville, '50-'53; s. s. White River, '53-'58; a. a. Scaffold Prairie, '58-'60; infirm; d. Delphi, Ind., Oct. 29, 1886. FRANKLIN BERRYHILL, b. Augusta Co., Va., March 1, 1811; B. A. '38; stud, theol. under Jno. Matthews, D. D.; ord. '40, Pby. of Miami; s. a. Franklin, O., '42-'43; p. Providence (New Paria), '43-51; infirm; h. r.; rea. Bellbrook, O., '99; d. Bellbrook, O., Aug. 24, 1902. JAMES BLACK, a. 8. Wheeling Valley, O., '43 ; p. Monroe and Mt. Carmel, '43-'46 ; 8. a. High St. ch., Cincinnati, '46-'55; a. a. Blue Ball, '5&-'56; a. s. 9th oh., Cincinnati, '56-'58; a. a. Feeaburgh, '59-'62; s. a. Cincinnati, '65-'66; s. a. Moscow, '70-'77; d. Cincinnati, O., June 29, 1881. J. M. HOGE, a. 8. Mt. Holly, Ark., '49-57; tea.. Beech BlufiF, Ark., '58 ; tea. Johnsville. 4 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1841 E. K. LYNN, p. Upper and Lower Benson, Ky., '43; s. a. Middletown, '43-'44; s. a. George- town, '44-'46; s. s. and p. New Philadelphia, Ind., '46-'52; p. Hopewell, '52-54; p. Urbana, 111., '54-'57; p. e. Keithsburgh, '57-'58; p. e. Aledo, '58-'61; 8. 8. Carlyle, Kas., '61-66; lola, '66-'69; h. m. and s. Carlyle, Kas., '69-'72; a. s. Seymour, Ind., '73-'74; s. s. Mahomet, 111., '74-'76; a. s. Iriah Grove, '76-78; s. a. Carlyle, Kaa., '78-'81; d. Carlyle, Kaa., Nov. , 1887. R. G. McCUTCHEON. JAMES Y. McGINNIS, b. Shippensburg, Pa., Dec. 8, 1815; J. C, '35; ord. Pby. Peoria, Sept. 14^ '41; p. Lewiston, 111., '41-'43; p. Shade Gap, Pa., '45-'51; d. Aug. 31, 1861. JAMES A. McKEE, D.D., p. New Washington, Ind., '50; s. 8. and p. Franklin, '50-'59; p. St. Anthony, Minn., '60-'65; p. Pleasant Ridge, O., '67-'70; a. a. Vernon, Ind., '70-'72; (S. ch.) 8. s. Bainbridge, Ga., '73-77; a. 8. Cairo, '79-'80; s. s. Bainbridge and Mineral Springs, '80-'83; a. a. Cairo, '83-'87; retired; res. Thomas- ville, Ga., '88-'98; d. ThomasvUle, Ga., 1898. ASAHEL MUNSON, p. 1st ch., St. Charles, Mo., '45; a. a. lat ch., Apple Creek, '45-'66; a. s. Dundee, '66-'68; d. Dundee, Mo., 1868. AMOS H. ROGERS, 8. 8. and p. Farmington, Mo., '44-'52; a. a. and p. Wajmeaville, 111., '52-56; 8. s. Atlanta, 111., '58-'59; infirm; d. 1864. JOSUH D. SMITH, D.D., b. Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1814; ord. Pby. Columbus, '41; p. Truro and Hamilton, O., '49; p. Truro, '49-'50; p Westminster ch., Columbua, O., '51-'63; d. Columbus, O., May 29, 1863. 1841 GEORGE B. ARMSTRONG, 8. 8. Crittenden, Ky., '43-65; d. Crittenden, Ky., 1865. R. G. BARRETT, a. a. and p. North Apple Creek, Mo., '44; d. North Apple Creek, Mo., 1844. ABRAHAM T. HENDRICKS, 8. 8. and p. Princeton, Ind., *47-'52; s. a. Peteraborough, '52-'62; chap. U. S. A., '62-'64; d. Peteraborough, Ind., 1865. 1842 SAMUEL N. EVANS, s. a. Blue River, Ind., '43-44; a. a. New Philadelphia, '44-45; a. a. Bed- ford, '45-'47; a. s. Thorntown, '48-'52; a. a. Waveland. '52-'56; a. a. Lane, 111, '56-'58; d. Lane, 111, 1858. MOSES RUSSELL, b. near Xenia, O., Feb. 29, 1812; M. U. '38; Weat. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord Pby. Miami, '40; p. Clifton, O., '40-'64; d. Chfton, 0., March 22, 1864. 1843] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 5 1843 SAMUEL JOHN BAIRD, D.D., b. Newark, O., Sept. — , 1817; J. C; C. C. K.; tea.; ord. Pby. Cedar, '54; p. Muscatine, Iowa, '54-'57; p. Woodbury, N. J., '57-'65; agt. B. See, Vir- ginia, '66 ; p. 3rd ch., Richmond, Va., '75; s. e. Covington, Ky., '80; p. e. Beverly, W. Va.; p. Ronceverte, '84-'88; d. 1892. HARLEIGH BLACKWELL, b. Richmond, Ky., Nov. 3, 1814; H. C. I., '40; cabinetmaker; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, April — , '44; p. Flint Hill, Mo., '44-'62; d. Foristell, Mo., Jan. 22, 1899. JAMES B. CROWE, p. CarroUton, Ky., '54; s. s. Crawfordsville, Ind., '54-67; s. s. Bedford, '67-72; s. s. Remington, '72-73; s. s. Quincy, 111., '73-75; p. and s. s. Remington, Ind., '75-'89; h. m. Caddo, I. T., '90-'93; d. Hanover, Ind., Dec. 3, 1895. THOMAS S. CROWE, D.D., p. Logansport, Ind., 1844-'45; p. Hanover, '47-59; p. e. 1st ch., Wahiut Hills, Cincinnati, O., '59- '61; p. Jeffersonville, Ind., '61-'71; d. Jeffer- sonville, Ind., Jan. 3, 1871. JOSEPH FENNIMORE FENTON, b. Babb's Run, near Winchester, Frederick Co., Va., June 23, 1812; H. C. I., '38 (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, Sept., '42; p. Union, Mo., '42-'50; Washington, Mo., '50-'54; Kirkwood, Mo., '54-'57; Washington, Mo., '57-'67; Union, Mo., '67-'73; under Bd. Pub. '73-'75; ev. '75-'93; d. Union, Mo., Dec. 26, 1893, SAMUEL HART, p. Paoli, Ind., 1844-'47; p. Orleans, '47-'52; e. s. Cannelton, '52-'54; s. e. Orleans, '54-'57; s. s. Keithsburg, 111., '57-'62; s. s. Carthage, '62-'65; s. s. Waynesville, '65-'68; p. Eureka, '68-'70; s. s. Normal, '71-'72; p. Orleans, Ind., '72-'75; s. s. Corydon, '75-78; h. r.; d. New Albany, Ind., July 9, 1890. EDWARD PATTERSON, s. s. New Philadelphia, Ind., '42-'43. JAMES M. PRIEST, miss. Monrovia, Liberia, '52-'53; Slnoe, '53-57; Greenville. '57-'83; d. Greenville, Liberia, May 16, 1883. JAMES E. STEPHENSON. 1844 W. BENSON. E. F. CHESTER, s. 8. Bethany, 111., '44-'45; b. s. Jefferson Grove, '48-'50; colp. Bd. Pub., Kyte River, '50-'53; tea. and s. s. Lane, '54-'55; colp. Rochelle, '68-'73; d. Geneva, Neb., Nov. 27, 1893. J. M. CONNELLY, 8. 8. Live Oak, Tex., '53-'57; s. s. Texana, '57-'58; 8. s. Columbus, '58-'66; 6. 8. Concrete, '66 ;8. e. Hallettsville, '76; s. s. Helena, '76-'78; infirm; d. 1895. 6 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1845 BLACKBURN LEFFLER, 8. 8. Mt. Vernon, lU., '45-'46; s. 8. Mt. Carmel, '47-'48; a. s. GUead, '50-'52; 8. 8. Red Bud, '52-53; a. a. Sugar Creek, Ind., '56 ; s. s. Bruceville '59 ; infirm; d. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 30, 1891. F. G. STRAHAN, p. Cherry Spring, Ky., '45-'53; a. a. Hopkinsville, '53-'58; agt. C. C. K,, Danville, '59 ; a. a. Mt. Pleaaant, '63-67; a. a. Winchester; d. 1874. ROBERT SMITH SYMINGTON, b. Hanover, Ind., June 19, 1819; H. C. I., '40; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Missouri, '44; a. a. Auxvasse, Mo., '46-'48; s. s. Fulton (Indepen- dence), '48-49; a. a. Independence, '49-53; a. a. Pleasant Hill, '55-57; a. a. ' Kansaa City, '57-'59; a. a. Cambria, Cal., '74-'75; s. s. Danville, '76-'85; a. a. Cambria, '89-93; res. Danville, Cal., '99; d. Danville, Cal., March 21, 1901. BENJAMIN WALKER, (l);LaneSem. 1841-'43. 1846 JAMES T. BLISS, b. Leyden, Masa., July 16, 1813; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, Dec. — , '44; a. a. Auburn, Ind., '44-' 56; s. s. Altona and John Knox, 111., '56-'62; a. a. Camp Creek, '62-'68; a. a. Chili, '68-'70; s. s. Biggsville, '70- '73; 8. 8. Adrian, la., '75-76; a. a. and p. Montrose, '76-81; a. s. Ply- mouth, '81-'83; rea. Macomb, 111., '99-'00; d. Macomb, 111., Dec. 24, 1900. THOMAS A. BRACKEN, D.D. (C.U.K.), b. Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 14, 1820; J. C, '41; tea.; (3 grad.); he. Pby. Salem, April — , '45; p. Prau-ie and Hopewell (Lexington), Mo., '48-55; p. Independence, '56-64; a. a. Nicholasville, Ky., '64-66; p. Lebanon (S.), '68-'97; rea. Lebanon, '97-'01; d. Lebanon, Ky., 1901. Mod. Synod of Ky. JAMES CLINGAN. WILLLA.M WIRT COLMERY, D.D., 6. Washmgton Co., Pa., 1818; W. C. '40; M. A., '44; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Richland, '46; a. a. and p. Hayaville, O., '45-'49 ; p. Jeromeville, '50- '53; tea. New Albany, Ind., '54-'55; s. s. Lafayette, '55-57; a. a. Goahen, '57-'58; a. a. Lebanon, 0., '58; p. '64-'65; p. e. and s. s. Monroe, '66-'72; pre8.,CoUege Hill, '72-'73; a. a. Eaton, '73-'74; a. s. Camden, '74-'77; s. 8. Harmony, '77-'79; p. Osborn, '79-'81; h. r.; Oxford, O., '99-'01; d. Ox- ford, O., Feb. 2, 1901. JONATHAN EDWARDS, D.D., LL.D., p. HopeweU and Somerset, O., '43-'47; tea. '47-'51; p. 1st ch., Fort Wayne, Ind., '51-'55; p. Pleasant Ridge, '55-'56; a. s. Auburn, '56-'57; p. W. Arch St. ch., PhUadelphia, Pa., '57-'65; a. s. Bethlehem, '66-'67; 8. 8. Canonaburgh, '67-'68; prea. W. & J. Col., '66-'68; p. 2nd ch., Balti- more, Md., '68-'71; p. Ist ch., Peoria, 111., '71-'77; prof. Danville, Ky. '77-'80; p. 7th ch., Cincinnati, O.; d. Peoria, 111., July 13, 1891. THOMAS C. E[ART. 1846] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 7 JOHN CALVIN KING, b. Henry Co., Ky., July 2, 1817; H. C.I., elk.; (2); ord. Pby. Indianapolis, '45; p. Sand Creek (now Kingston), Ind., '45-'53; s. s. Bardolph, 111. , '53-'59; WILLIAM W. McAFEE, 8. 8. Rehoboth, Ind., '48-'49; a. 8. Cloverport, Ky., '5(>-'53; WILLIAM H. MOORE, b. Rising Sun, Ind., Jan. 6, 1821; stud. Rising Sun Sem.; Mi. U. C, '41; (2); ord. ev. Nov. 17, '46, Pby. of Salem; s. s. Jeflfersonville, Ind., '45-'48; 8. 8. Lawrenceburg, '49-'50; s. s. Rising Sun, '5{)-'55; s. s. Harrison, O., '55-'56; 8. 8. Rising Sun, Ind., '57-'60; s. s. Reading, 0., '60-'66; 8. 8. Gettysburgh, '66; s. s. Covington, '71-73; s. s. Gettysburgh, '73-77; ev. and s. s. Covington, '77-'80; s. s. Mt. Carmel, Ind., '80-'83; s. s. Meta Mora, '8S-'84; s. s. Bath, '84-'85; s. s. Hopewell, '85-'90; res. Brookville, Ind.; d. Brookville, Ind., Aug. 9, 1898. JOHN J. SCOTT, 8. 8. Cambridge City, Ind., '52-'53; . THOMAS M. WALKER, 8. 8. Willow Creek, 111., '46-'49; e. s. Shiloh, '49-'52; p. and s. s. Fountain Green, '52-'81; ev. Fountain Green, '82-'84; p. Elk City, Kas., '85-'87; d. Fountain Green, 111., Nov. 18, 1888. DAVID A. WALLACE, 8. 8. Union, Ind., '49-'50; p. Nashville, 111., '53-'62; s. s. Crow Meadow, '65- '68; 8. 8. Mt. Hope, la., '71 ; s. e. Salem, 111., '73-'74; ev. Piper City and Saunemin, '74-'87; h. r.; d. Pontiac, 111., Aug. 30, 1895. B. F. WOODS, 8. 8. Bethany, Ind., '44-'45; p. and s. s. New Providence, '45-'49; p. Bethany; p. New Prospect; a. s. Greenwood; s. s. Shiloh; s. s. Boggstown; s. s. George- town; 8. 8. 11th ch., Indianapolis; d. Whiteland, Ind., Feb. 17, 1885. 1846 GEORGE G. BAGGERLY. CYRUS COLLINS. WILLIAM D. F. CONN, miss. Dry Creek, Miss., '48 . JAMES H. GILL, p. West Liberty, 0., '46-'53; s. s. Reading, '53-'54; p. e. Harmony, '54-' 55 p. e. Troy, '57-'58; s. s. Marengo, lU., '59 ; p. Worthington, O., '61-'64 8. 8. Reading, '66-'70; s. s. and p. Rising Sun, Ind., '70-'75; h. r. '77 d. Lockland, O., Aug. 9, 1879. JAMES M. HALL, 8. 8. Lockport, Ky., '47 ; s. s. Alabama. La., '54-'58; s. s. Oxford, Ala. '59-'60; 8. 8. Vienna. La., '60-'64; . 8 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1847 LEVI HUGHES, b. near Baltimore, Md., April 30, 1821; I. C; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Indianapolis, Nov. 4, '48; p. Bloomington, Ind., '48-50; p. Logansport, '51-'58; 8. 8. Westminster ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '58-59; infirm. Blooming- ton, Ind., '59-'60; miss. Bloomington, '62-'65; agt. H. C. I., '65-'68; s. s. Remington, '68-'70; d. Remington, Ind., Nov. 3, 1870. A. C. KNOX. GEORGE McKINLEY, 8. s. Petersburgh, 111., '47-56; p. e. Irish Grove, '56-'58; p. West Urbana, '58-'64; p. Champaign, '64-'69; h. r.; d. Champaign, 111., May 1, 1887. FRANCIS P. MONFORT, p. Richmond, Ind., '47-52; s. s. Rock Island, 111., '53-54; asst. ed. Cincinnati, 0., '54-'58; s. s. Auburn, Kas., '59-'63. JAMES NEWTON SAUNDERS, D.D. (H. C. I.) b. Nicholas Co., Ky., AprU 29, 1818; H.C.I., '42; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Louisville, May 27, '47; p. Goshen and Middletown, Ky., '47-' 50; p. Bloom- field, '52-'78; infirm; d. Bloomfield, Ky., 1899. Mod. Syn. Kentucky. JOSEPH H. SHERWIN. W. W. SIMONSON. 8. 8. Clover Port, '47-'48; 1847 JOHN BELL, colp. and miss. Knoxville, Tenn., '48-'51; tea. '52; s. s. Larissa, Tex., '53-'55; prof, and s. s. Larissa, '56-'59; tea. Washington Fem. Coll., '67-'69; 8. 8. Mt. Lebanon, Tenn., '69-73; ev. Limestone, '75-76; h. r.; res. Lime- stone, '76-78; Greenville, '79-'80; Tusculum, '81-'83; Home, '83 ; d. Morristown, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1884. JOHN DALE, 8. 8. Ebenezer, Ind., '45; p. Knightstown, '46-' 49; s. s. Kokomo, '50-'53; s. s. Normanda, '53-54; s. s. Tipton, '54-' 56; s. s. and p. Mackinaw, 111., '56-' 58; s. 8. Providence, '58-'71; d. Providence, 111., Nov. 15, 1871. JAMES GILCHRIST, 8. 8. Mt. Carmel, Ind., '52-'61; s. s. Forrest Hill, Ind., '61-'65; s. s. Union, Ind., '65-66; s. s. Bethany, Wheatland, Ind., '66-'70; s. s. Thorntown, Ind., '70-'76; ev. Santa Barbara, Cal., '77-'82; s. s. Hanover, Ind., '82-'87; h. r.; res. Vernon, Ind., '87-'92; d. Vernon, Ind., Sept. 18, 1902. JOSEPH M. GILLESPIE. STEPHEN F. OTIS. GEORGE J. REED, D.D., 8. 8. Jeffersonville, Ind., '49-'51; tea. '49-'54; s. s. Pahnyra, '53-54; s. s. Plum Creek, Ky., '54-'55; Pisgah, '55-'57; s. s. Hebron, '57-'60; s. s. West Port, '60-'62; s. s. Columbia, '63 ; p. '75-'93; d. Columbia, Ky., Jan. 23, 1893. 1848] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 9 CHARLES THAYER, Ph.D. (A.C.P.) h. Douglass, Mass., April 28, 1820; tea.; (2); ord. Pby. Marion, Nov. '46; p. Upper Sandusky, Ohio, '47-54; s. s. 1st ch., Hudson, Wis., '55-'58; 8. 8. 1st ch. Prescott, '59-'64; p. VermiUion (Farmington), Minn., '65-'69; p. Rockford (E. MinneapoUs), '69-76; s. a. Luverne, '78-79; p. e. Jordan, '79-'83; s. s. Pipestone, '83-'85; s. s. Delhi, '85-'88; ev. Corry, Pa., '88-'91; ev. Minneapolis, Minn., '92-'10; d. MinneapoUs, Minn., 1910. Mod. Syn. St. Paul, '63; Minnesota, '85. PRESTON W. THOMSON, 8. s. Mt. Carmel, 111., '49-50; s. s. Wabash, Ind., '50-'52; s. s. Bennington, 111., '53-55; p. Ipava, '55-57; p. Prairie City, '58-67; s. s. Lenox, '67-68; s. 8. John Knox, '68-'70; p. Camp Creek, '70-'74; ev. Macomb; h. r.; d. McDonough County, April 8, 1887. GEORGE FREDERIC WHITWORTH, D.D. (H.C.I.), fc. Boston, England, March 15, 1815; H. C. I., '38; tea. and law.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, '48; Corydon, Ind., '48-49; Cannelton, Ind., and HawesviUe, Ky., '49-'52; Olympia, Wash., '52-'62; Whidby Island, '62-'63; s.s.Seattle,'63-'71; Newcastle,'71-'73; White River,'73-'76; Sumner, '76-'80;Tacoma, '80-'81; Renton,'81-'87; res. Seattle, Wash., '99; d. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 6, 1907. Mod. Synod Puget Sound, '58; Columbia, '76; Washington, '90. MASON DEANE WILLIAMS, h. near Shelbyville, Ind., Oct. 7, 1821; H. C. I., '44; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Louisville, Jan. 14, '48; p. 4th ch., Louisville, Ky., '48-' 52; d. Louisville, Ky., April 26, 1852. 1848 JOHN HANCOCK, p. Greensburg, Ky., '51-53; 8. 8. Perryville, '53-'56; s. s. Bluff City, la., '56-'58; 8. 8. Council Bluffs, '58-'59; s. s. Kansas City, Mo., '60; p. Brooklyn, N. Y., '70; p. Mt. Kisco, '70-'76; p. Toms River, N. J., '76-'80; s. s. Key- port, '82-'85; h. r.; d. Barnstable, England, April 29, 1892. BENJAMIN F. MILLARD, h. Cayuga Co., N. Y.; stud. Ad. C, O.; Y. D. Sch., Conn., '46; ord. '48, Cong.Asso. of Mich.; p. Lansing, Mich., ; p.Niles, Mich. ,'48-50; 8. s. and p. Naples, N. Y., '52-'55; agt. Brooklyn, '64-'69; C. M., New York, '69-'73; a. p. New York, '73-'78; agt. Brooklyn, '79-'80; s. s. Naples, '80- '05; d. Macedon, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1905. ROBERT A. MITCHELL, s. s. Hebron, 111., '53-55; s. s. and p. Charleston, '55-'70; s. s. Kansas, '70- '77; s. 8. Redman, '77-'80; s. s. Hebron, '80-'81; a. s. Oakland, '81-'82; '84-'85; a. s. Hebron, '85-'86; d. Kansas, 111., Dec. 14, 1886. ROBERT MITCHELL ROBERTS, h. Jonesboro, Tenn., May 30, 1822; Washington Col., East Tenn.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, Sept., '49; p. Bedford, Ind., '49-'52; p. Hillsboro, 111., '52-'59; prof, language, Hillsboro Acad., '52-'59; p. Litchfield, 111., '59-' 68; 8. 8. Areola, 111., '68-'73; s. s. Paris, lU., '73-'79; p. Areola, '79-'85; iU health; res. Minneapohs Presby., Minn., '85-'94; d. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 8, 1894. SMITH R. WATSON. 10 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1849 1849 ISAIAH BACON. SAMUEL NEWELL DEPEW MARTIN, b. Livonia, Ind., Jan. 11, 1825; I. U., '46; (2); ord. Pby. New Albany, Oct., '49; miss. Ningpo, China, '50-' 58; s. s. Magnolia and Lancaster, Tex., '59- '65; 8. 8. Carlisle and Sullivan, '66-'70; s. s. Grandview, 111., '70-'71; s. s. Oswego, Kas., '71-72; s. s. Neodesha, '72-'76; s. s. Mt. Vernon, Mo., '76- '77; m. Indian Res., Idaho, '77-'79; m. Winnebago Ind. Res., Neb., '79-'89; W. C. Washburn, Mo., '90; h. r. Sehgman, Mo., '90-'03; d. Goldendale, Wash., Oct. 7, 1903. WILLIAM ALEXANDER PARSONS MARTIN, D.D. (L.C.), LL.D. (U.N.Y), Peking, China. h. Livonia, Ind., April 10, 1827; U. I., '46; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Salem, Oct., '49; miss. Ningpo, China, '50-'60; Peking, '63-'68; pres. Imperial Coll., Peking, '68-'95; independ. miss. Peking, '97-'03; Wu Chang, China, '03- '06; Peking, China, '06 . Member de I'lnstitut de Droit International; Mem. Cor. de la Soc. de la Legislation Compare, etc. THOMAS C. MAY, 8. s. and p. Munfordville, Ky., '49-'52; s. s. Marion, '52-'53; d. 1853. JOHN MITCHELL, h. Sept. 5, 1821; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); p. Lexington, Ind., '50-'59; s. 8. Graham, '60-'62; s. e. Bethel, '62-' 65; s. s. Rockville, '65-' 66; s. s. Carpen- tersville, '67-'69; s. s. West Lebanon, '69-'72; p. State Line, '72-'74; s. 8. CUnton, '74-'75; s. e. let ch., Geneseo, N. Y., '75-'79; s. s. Tuscarora, '79- '82; 8. 8. Chih,'82-'84; s. s. Sweden, '84-'88; s. e. Geneseo, '88-'96; d. Lake- ville, N. Y., May 30, 1896. JAMES A. STIRRATT, 8. 8. Milford Centre, O., '52-'54; d. m. Pleasant Grove, Wis., '55-'58; d. 1858. JOSEPH GILLLARD WILLIAMSON, b. PhUadelphia, Pa., Nov. 17, 1824; tea.; D. C. D., '46 ; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y., Princt. Sem.; ord. 4th Pby. Phila., Nov. 21, '49; p. Bethlehem ch., Sidney; N. J., '49-'00; res. Sidney, '00-'03; Plainfield, '03-'06; d. Plainfield, N. J., July 19, 1906. 1860 SAMUEL EMMETT BARR b. Wooster, O., March 1, 1824; H. C. I., '47; tea.; (1); ord. Pby. Madison, '52; p. Livonia, Ind., '52-'64; p. HopeweU (Franklyn), '62-'74; s. 8. Elkhart, '74-'75; s. s. Paoh, '75-'76; 8. s. Utica, '76-'79; p. e. Charles- town, '76-'80; p. Pewee VaUey, Ky., '80-'82; s. s. Vernon, Ind., '82-'90; s. s. Brownstown, '90-'92; h. r.; res. Hanover, Ind., '99-'05; d. Hanover, Ind. Dec. 18, 1905. ROBERT G. BRANK, D.D. (C.C. K), b. Greenville, Ky., Nov. 3, 1824; C.C.K., '46; lawyer,Ky.;(l); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. West Lexington, May 5, '52; 8. s. Woodford and Harmony, '50 ; p. Harmony, '52-'54; p. 2nd ch., Lexington, '54-'69; p. Central ch., St. Louis, Mo., '69-'96; d. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 21, 1895. 1851] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 11 ROBERT EXTINE GRUNDY, b. Morganfield, Ky., Feb. 3, 1828; C. C. K., '47; (1); Princt. Sem.; miss. Lebanon, Ky., '49-'50; d. Paducah, Ky., Jan. 6, 1851. GEORGE JOHNSON, 8. s. Western, Minn., '84-'88; s. s. Red Lake Falls, Minn., '88-89; b. s. Wadena, Minn., '89-'90; s. s. Western, Minn., '9(>-'91; s. s. Jamestown, N. D., '91-'95; w. c. St. Cloud, Minn., '95-'98; infirm; d. Long Beach, Cal., Oct. 11, 1898. HENRY LOGAN McGUIRE, b. DUlsburg, Pa., Aug. 9, 1820; M. U., '46; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Washington and Union, Ind., '50-'52; s. s. Richmond, '53; d. Richmond, Ind., Sept. 4, 1853. HENRY C. REED. FAUNTLEROY SENOUR, b. Madison, Ind., Nov. 5, 1824; H. C. I., '47; (2); Princt. Sem.; Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Muhlenburgh, Oct. 16, '61; p. Paducah, Ky. ,'52-'55; p. 4th ch., Louisville, '55-'61; tea. Fem. Sem., LouisviUe, '58-'59; p. 1st ch.. Rock- ford, 111., '62-'66; prin. CoH. Inst., Centerville, '66-'68; p. 2nd ch., Newport, Ky., '70-'74; p. Central ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '74^'77; ev. Pittsburgh, '77-'78; p. New Alexandria, '78-'95; res. Titusville, Pa., '95-'10; d. Titusville, Pa., April 23, 1910. ALEXANDER STERRET, s. s. Goshen, Ky., '50-'51; p. Evansville, Ind., '51-'65; s. s. Manhattan, Kas., '67-70; s. s. Washington, Ind., '70-'71; s. s. Terre Haute, '71-79; s. 8. Wamego, Kas., '79-'81; s. b. Wyandotte, '81-'82; d. Wyandotte, Kas., Sept. 25, 1885. JAMES WATSON, 8. 3. Middleton, Tenn., '52-'54; s. s. Ebenezer, '55-'56; s. b. Valley Creek, Ala., '57-'67; 8. s. FayetteviUe, Tenn., '68 ; ev. Gadsden, Ala.; ev. Birm- ingham; p. 2d ch., Birmingham, '85-'88; p. emer.; d. 1891. JAMES SHELBY YOUNG, b. near Lebanon, Ky., Jan. 28, 1827; C. C. K., '47; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Transylvania, ; d. near Lebanon, Ky., Dec. 2, 1855. 1861 WILLIAM J. ANDERSON, b. Bedford Co., Tenn., May 29, 1821; Nash. U. Tenn., '48; (1); ord. Pby. Columbia, '52; s. e. Henderson and Piedmont chs., Tenn., '53-'54; s. b. Huntington, Term., '56-' 57; (S. ch.) prin. Newbem, '58 ; s. s. Eaton (Trenton), '65-'66; s. s. New Shiloh, '66-'72; s. s. Spring Creek, '76-'77; s. s. Saltillo, '80-'81; s. s. Nevill's Prairie (Lovelady), Tex., '82-'83; e. s. Sand Springs (Orwood), Miss., '84-'86; s. s. Long Creek (Eureka), '86-'87; b. s. Courtland, '88-'89; s. s. Rock Hill, S. C, '89-'93; infirm; res., Dallas, Tex., '93-'99; d. Dallas, Tex., 1899. JOHN CROZEER, B. s. Palestine, 111., '51-'55; agt. New Albany, Ind., '55-'56; s. s. and p. Ohiey, lU., '56-'65; d. m. '65-'67; p. Oxford, O., '67-'69; p. North Sangamon, 111., '69-'80; p. Ohiey, '80-'83; s. s. Taylor's Falls, Minn., '83-'85; s. s. Tama City, la., '85-'87; s. s. Tolono, lU., '88-'90; ev. '90-'91; d. Remington, Ind., Dec. 24, 1891. 12 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1851 JOHN WILSON DRAKE, p. Marysville, C, '52-'57; s. s. Muncie, Ind., '58-'61; s. a. Greenville, 0., '61-'64; p. Gettysburg, '64-'65; p. Union City, Ind., '65-72; 8. s. Blufifton, 72-75; d. Bluffton, Ind., AprU 19, 1875. JAMES WOODS HOYTE, M.D., D.D., p. Smyrna, Tenn., '55-'66; p. 2nd ch., Nashville, 72-75; ev. Nashville, 75-'86; d. NashviUe, Tenn., , 1886. JOHN McCRAE, 8. 3. Gonzales, Tex., '52-54; s. s. Cannelton, Ind., '55-'56; s. e. Charleston, '56-'57; s. s. Reading, O., '57-'58; s. s. Riley, '58-' 60; s. s. Cloverport, Ky., '60-'63; chap. New Albany, Ind., '63-'65; s. s. and p. New Philadelphia, '65-'68; s. s. PaoU, '68-'70; s. s. Rehoboth (EUzabeth), '71-73; s. s. Ebenezer (VaUey City), '73-74; e. s. Mt. Lebanon (Otisco), '74-'76; s. s. Otisco, '76- '78; 8. 8. Peotone, Kas., '79-84; ev. Kalamazoo, Kas., '84-'86; s. s. Mitchell, Kas., '86-'87; s. s. Ness City, Kas., '87-'90; d. Ness City, Kas., Feb. 10, 1890. ROBERT C. MATTHEWS, p. Monmouth, 111., '52-'81; d. Monmouth, 111., Nov. 15, 1881. JOHN H. MILLER, D.D., 8. 8. and p. Pontotoc, Miss., '53-63. NATHAN S. PALMER, 8. 8. Poplar Spring, Ind., '51 ; s. s. Grandview, 111., '56-'58; s. 8. Brazil, Ind., '58-'64; agt. Am. Tr. Soc, Frankhn, '64-'70; miss. '70-'73; d. FrankUn, Ind., Nov. 24, 1873. WttLIAM C. SMITH, p. Claiborne, Ala., '53-57; s. s. Fairview, Ga., '57-'62; tea. Hollidaysburgh, Pa., '62-'63; chap. U. S. A., '64-'65; s. s. Mt. OUve, '65-'67; lat col. ch., Charleston, S. C, '67-'69; p. Columbiana, 0., '69-'72; s. s. Limestone, W. Va., '72-'74; s. s. Woodsfield, 0., '74-'78; s. s. Kerr's HiU, Pa., '78-'79; a. s. Mirabile, Mo., '80-'81; a. s. Galum (Pinckneyville), lU., '82-'83; s. s. Pine City, Minn., '83-'85; s. s. Oakland, '85-'87; s. s. Eden Prairie, '87-'89; res. Perth Amboy, N. J., 1889-'97; d. Avalon, Pa., Oct. 15, 1897. BENJAMIN CHESTNUT SWAN, D.D. (M. U.), b. Israel, O., Nov. 27, 1823; M. U., '45; tea.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Oxford, April. '51; p. Salem and Winchester, O., '50-'52; p. Carthage, III., '52-'60; p. Shawneetown, '60-'68; p. Carmi, '68-'77; s. s. Enfield, Sharon and McLeansboro, '77-83; p. Harrisburg, '83-88; p. Metropolis, '88-'94; res. MetropoUs, 111., '94r-'08; d. MetropoUs, 111., May 2, 1908. Mod. Syn. Illinois So., '76; Illinois, '85. JOHN MILTON WORRALL, D.D. (W. C. M.) Hackensack, N. J. b. Clark Co., Ind., May 25, 1825; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oxford, Oct. 23, '51; p. Oxford, O., '51-54; p. Covington, Ky., '54-'77; p. 8th ch., Chicago, 111., '77-'82; p. 13th St. ch.. New York, N. Y., '82-'90; prof. C. C. K., '90-'95; prof. Danv. Sem., '90-'07; res. Hackensack, N. J., '07 . Dir. McC. Sem. ; Mod. Syn. Kentucky. 1852] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13 1862 SAMUEL COULTER BALDRIDGE, D.D. (H. C. I.), h. Eugene, Ind., Aug. 6, 1829; H. C. I., '49; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Palestine, Oct. '54; p. Wabash and Friendsville, 111., '54-'82; prin. FriendsviUe Sem.; p. Cobden, '82-'86; h. r.; res. Hanover, Ind.; d. Hanover, Ind., April 15, 1898. WILLIAM ANDREW HARRISON, D.D. (W. T.), h. Harrodsburg, Ky., Dec. 4, 1824; B. C. K., '48; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Nashville, April , '54; s. s. Gallatin, Tenn., '53; p., '54-'58; p. 1st ch., Knoxville, '58-'63; miss. C. S. A., '63-'65; p. Henderson, Ky., '65- '70; p. Harrodsburg, '70-'75; p. 3d ch., KnoxviUe, Tenn., '75-'00; d. Knox- ville, Tenn., March 27, 1900. JOSEPH TAYLOR LEONARD Columbia, Mo. h. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 3, 1830; Masonic C, Ky., '48; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Upper Missouri, Oct. 26, '56; h. m. and p. South Grand River, Mo., '54-' 62; s. s. OwingsviUe, Gilead, Springfield, '62-'68; supt. Mt. Sterhng F. C, '69-84; s. s. BeUevue, Mo., '86-'92; s. s. group Apopka, WUdwood, Umutilla, Astor Park, Center Hill, '96-'04; res. Columbia, Mo. '11 . JAMES S. MONTGOMERY, h. Lincohi Co., Ky., Aug. 25, 1824; C. C. K., '47; tea.; (2); Princt. Sem.; s. s. Big Springs, Ky., '51; s. s. and tea. Lake Providence, La., '52-'54; ord. evang. Pby. Mississippi, Dec. 12, '53; p. Yazoo City, Miss., '55-'67; d. Yazoo City, Miss., Nov. 17, 1867. JOHN HENRY MOORE, h. Green Co., Ky., April 15, 1823; C. C. K., '49; (1); s. s. 2nd ch., Hannibal, Mo., '52-'53; s. s. CUnton and Heyworth, 111., '43-'54; ord. evang. Pby. Potosi, May 13, '55; s. s. Brazeau, Mo., '54r-'57; a. s. Atlanta, 111., '57-59; s. s. Farm Ridge, '59-'67; p. North Henderson, '67-'76; p. Birmingham, la., '77-'79; d. Birmingham, la.. May 8, 1880. FRANCIS RICHARD MORTON, h. Farmville, Va., Aug. 20, 1828; C. C. K., '47; (1); Princt. Sem.; miss, to slaves, '51-52; ord. Pby. Vincennes, '58; Rockport, Ind., '59-'61; Vin- cennes, '61-63; Upper Indiana, '63-71; Parsons, Kas., '71-73; res. Parsons, Kas., '73-'07; d. Parsons, Kas., March 11, 1907. JOHN L. SWAIN, h. Westfield, N. J., March 12, 1820; C. N. J., '48; (3 grad.); tea., '52-'59; ord. Pby. Philadelphia-North, '59; s. s. Spring Mills, N. Y., '59-'63; s. s. Raymonds, Pa., '63-'93; h. r. Pby., Wellsborough, Sept, '93; d. Raymonds, Pa., March 21, 1898. JAMES NESBIT SWAN h. Camden, O., Dec. 26, 1825; M. U., '49; Oxf. Sem. (A. R.); (2 grad.); ord. Pby., Ft. Wayne, Oct. '52; p. Eel River, Ind., '52, and s. s. Columbia City, '54-'60; p. Y^eUow Creek (Wellsville), O., '60-'74; p. e. Sloane Station, '74-'75; p. New Hagerstown and Leesville, '75-'80; p. Long's Run and Madison, '81-94; h. r.; res. Toronto, O., '94-'00; res. E. Liverpool, O., '01-'08; d. E. Liverpool, O., April 29, 1908. 14 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1853 HENRY E. THOMAS, p. Charleston, Ind., '57-'60- p. Olney, lU., '66-71; p. Greenwich, N. J., '71-'88; p. Green way, Philaaelphia, Pa., '9(>-'03; p. emer. Green way, Phila- delphia, Pa., '03-'05; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 11, 1905. JEFFERSON CLAY THORNTON, s. 8. Mt. Carmel, 111., '60-'63; s. s. Lawrenceville, 111., '63-'69; 8. s. Knob- noster, Mo., 71-73; h. r. '89-'91; . 1863 ROBERT THOMPSON DRAKE, p. Des Moines, la., '56-'60; p. Troy, O., '60-'66; s. s. Miami City (Dayton), 70-71; s. s. Dayton, 71-72; d. Dayton, O., March 19, 1873. EDWARD H. GREEN, p. Portersville, Tenn., '53-'59; s. s. Green Hill, Tex., '6(>-'62; s. s. Dallas (Mt. Pleasant), '62 ; . JAMES PAUL HENDRICK, D.D. (C. C. K.), b. Jessamine Co., Ky., July 13, 1828; C. C. K., '49; tea; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Western Texas, Oct. 13, '53; s. s. San Antonio, Tex., '53-'54; s. s. Carhsle, Concord and Moorefield, Ky., '54-'57; academy, Flemingsburgh; pres. miss. 8. 8. and p. Flemingsburgh, '57-'98; d. Flemingsburgh, Ky., July 15, 1898. Mod. Syn. Ky., '70. JOHN ALEXANDER KIMMONS, b. Cabanas Co., N. C; H. C. I., '50; d. m. and s. s. Saltillo, Miss., '59-'72; p. and 8. 8. Corinth, '72-'80; s. s. and p. e., Leesburg, Fla., '80-'87; p. Ist ch., Sanford '87-'89; s. s. Palatka, '89-'93; s. s. Evinston, '93-'07; d.Live Oak, Fla., 1908. CLAUDIUS B. H. MARTIN, D.D., 8. 8. Corydon, Ind., '57-'60; s. s. Greenville, Ind., '60; 8. s. Bedford, Ind., '61-'64; p. Miami City, Dayton, 0., '64-'66; p. 1st ch., Evansville, Ind., '66-'83; p. 2d ch., Danville, Ky., '83-'93; prof. Syst. Theol. and Eng. Bible, Dan. Theo. Seminary, '93-'02; d. Louisville, Ky., April 22, 1902. JACOB SCHWARTZ, 8. s. Bethel, Mo., '49; s. s. and p. Platteville, Wis., '56-'60; s. s. Yellow Creek (Loran), 111., '60-'63; s. s. Scales Mound, '63-'65; s. s. Leroy (Waverly), la., '66-'68; 8. 8. Bethlehem (Union), Mo., '69-'73; s. s. Mine La Motte, '73-'74; h. r.; d. Farmington, Mo., Sept. 23, 1879. THOMAS RICE WELCH, D.D. (C. C. K.), b. near Nicholasville, Ky., Sept. 15, 1825; C. C. K., '46; tea. and law stud.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); miss. Warsaw, Ky., '49-'50; ord. evang. Pby., Arkansas, April 11, '52; s. 8. Helena, Ark., '52-' 59; p. Little Rock, '60-'85; U. S. Consul, Hamilton, Ont., '85-'86; d. Hamilton, Ont., Canada, March 25, 1886. 1854 JAMES M. ALEXANDER, 8. 8. Hebron (CarrollviJle), Miss., '55-'56; tea. Palestine, 111., '56-'58; chap. U. S. A. Paris, '61-'65; Paris, 111., '65-'70; Haywood, Cal., '70-'71; San Jose, Cal., '71-'72; Sandwich Islands, '72-'75; ; Sandwich Islands, '84^'87; Oakland, Cal., '88-'ll; d. Oakland, Cal., April 11, 1911. 1855] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 15 ROBERT HAMILTON BYERS, D.D., 6. Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 5, 1814; LaneSem.; lawyer, '50; (1) ord. Pby. East Texas, '52; s. s. Jefferson, Tex., '52; s. a. Palestine '53-'54; s. s. Henderson, '55-'57; s. s. Houston, '58-60; s. s. Moscow, Livings ton and Waverly, '61-'63; chap. U. S. A., '64^'65; ev. Pby. Brazos, '65-'81 ev. and s. s. Houston, Tex., '81-'85; s. s. Mexia, '85-'86; Houston, Tex., '87-'00; d. Houston, Tex., 1900. WILLIAM W. DUNCAN, b. KeytsviUe; C. C. K., 1820; s. s. Perryville, Ky., '56-'57; p. Springfield, Ky., '57-'60; s. s. Big Creek (Pigeon Creek), Mo., '60-'61; tea. and a. s. Taylorsville, Ky., '62-'64; s. s. Plum Creek and Cane Run (Taylors ville), Ky., '64-'65; s. s. Portland, '65; s. s. New Stead (Hopkinsville), Ky., '72; infirm; res. Chattanooga, Tenn., '72-'76; s. s. Columbus, Ky., '76-'84; Taylorsville, '85-89; res. s. s. Chattanooga, Tenn., '89-'96; s. s. St. Ehno, '97; Chattanooga, '98, s. s. Hopkinsville, '99; d. Hopkinsville, Ky., 1899. JOHN STEPHENSON FRIERSON, 6. BigbyviUe, Maury Co., Tenn., Dec. 27, 1829; C. C. K., '51; (1—); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Maury, Sept. 30, '54; s. s. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., '53; p. '54-'96; d. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., Jan., 1896. JOHN READ HENDRICK, b. CampbeU Co., Va., Feb. 10, 1827; C. C. K., '49; (2); Princt. Sem.; he. Pby. West Lexington, Sept. 12, '52; s. s. FrankTort, Ky., '59-'60; tea. Frank- fort, '54-'65; tea. Newtown, '65-'66; tea. Frankfort, '66-'81; d. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 28, 1881. WILLIAM C. PIPER. WILLIAM H. RICE. ROBERT FRANCIS TAYLOR, 6. Bourbon Co., Ky., Dec. 29, 1830; H. C. I., '51; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Eastern Texas, Oct. 20, '55; s. s. Batesville, Ark., '54-'56; s. s. Dallas, Tex., '56-'57; s. s. Constantine, Mich., '57; s. s. Vernon and Scipio, Ind., '57-'60; s. s. Macomb, 111., '60; s. s. Rochester, Minn., '60-'62; chap. U. S. A., '62-'63; s. s. Colfax, Ind., '64-'66; d. Vernon, Ind., Dec. 19, 1866. 1866 ROBERT MORRISON, b. Greene Co., Pa., March 15, 1822; M. U. O., '49; Oxf. Sem.; (1); Princt. Sem.; asst.ed. "Presb. Herald," '54r-'56; ord. Pby. Louisville, April 18, '56; miss. Portland, Ky., '54r-'56; s. s. Penn Run, '54r-'60; ed. "True Presb." '62-'64; s. s. Waterford and North Liberty, O., '68; p. '71-76; prin. Waterford, '69-'75; 8. s. North Liberty, '70-'76; s. s. Potosi, Mo., '77-'80; presb. miss, and s. s. Aurora Springs, '81-'90; pres. and syn. colp. Fulton, Mo., '91; d. Fulton, Mo., July 27, 1902. ANDREW JACKSON REYNOLDS, b. Cincinnati, 0., July 14, 1831; W. C. 0., '51; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Cincinnati, May 20, '56; p. Pleasant Run, O., '56-'61; s. s. Cumminsville, '61-'64; p. '64-'69; s. s. South Salem, '69; p. LithopoUs, '70-'73; s. s. Grove- port, '73-'74; s. s. Eaton, '75-'81; Presb. miss.. Fort Wayne, Ind., '81-'82; 8. s. Decatur, '82-'83; p. '83-'86; s. s. Albion, '86-'89; s. s. Monterey, O,, '90-'92; s. 8. Mount Carmel, '91-'92; s. s. Pleasant Run, '93-'99; h. r.; res. Norwood, 0., '99-'08; d. Norwood, Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 25, 1908. 16 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1856 HUGH BROWN SCOTT, b. near Belfast, Ireland; R. U. I., Ireland; Belfast Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Presb. Washita, '54; h. m. '54r-'57; s. s. Washington, Ind., '57-'60; p. Princeton, Ind., '60-'63; p. Green Hill, '64-'69; p. Bloomsburg, N.J., '69-79; p. Stewarts- town, Pa., '79-'83; s. s. Snow Shoe, Pa., '85-'88; ill health, '88 ; res. Stewartstown, Pa.; d. Stewartstown, Pa., Aug. 10, 1905. JOHN NEWTON YOUNG, b. Hawkins Co., Tenn., June 12, 1828; J. C, '52; (1); Princt. Sem.; Danv. Sem.; ord. Pby. Upper Missouri, Nov. 16, '56; s. s. Gentryville, Mo., '58-'59 B. s. Albany, '59-' 65; state senator for St. Joseph, '65-'67; s. s. Fillmore '67-'72; s. s. Salem, Neb., '72-'74; p. Chnton and Marion, Kas., '74-'79 6. 8. Neosho, Mo., '79-'80; s. s. Altamont, Mound Valley and Ripon, Kas. '81-'84; s. 8. Miltonvale, '85-'87; s. s. Graham, Mo., '87-'88; s. s. and ev Mound Valley, Kas., '88-'89; s. s. Graham and Dothen, Mo., '89-'97 Eureka Springs, Ark., '99-'01; ev. Mound City, Mo., '01-'05; res. Spring- field, Mo., '05-11; res. Eureka Springs, Ark., '11 . d. Springfield, Mo., Jan. 12, 1912. 1856 D. D. McLEAN. HENRY THOMAS MORTON, b. Farmville, Va., Nov. 5, 1832; H. C. I., '53; (3 grad.); tea.; ord. Pby. Palestine, Sept. '59; Princt. Sem.; s. s. West Salem, Ind., ; s. s. Newton, 111., ; p. Bardstown, Ky., ; s. s. Fort Smith, Ark., ; s. s. Des Peres, Mo., ; p. Washington, ; p. Maryville and Rockford, Tenn., ; s. s. Lebanon; supt. Publ. Schools, Knox- ville, '78; Bapt. Nov. 11, '81; prin. Republican City, Neb.; pres. E. T. U.; pres. McCune Coll., Mo.; pres. Charlesburg CoU., Mo., '90; d. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 6, 1906. THOMAS G. SCOTT, D.D., p. Westfield (Mt. Jackson), Pa., '57-60; s. s. and p. Corinth (Mechanics- town), O., '60-'63; s. s. Salem (Elmwood), 111., '65-'66; p. e. Beech Spring, (Hopedale), 0., '66-'69; p. Maiden, lU., '69-73; s. s. Brimfield, '73-'75; 8. 8. Elba (Galesburgh), '76-'79; s. s. Limestone, '79-'84; s. s. Prairie View (Champaign), '84-'85; s. s. Mansfield, '85-'86; res. Champaign, 111., '99-'03; d. Champaign, 111., July 11, 1903. SYLVESTER FITHIAN SCOVEL, D.D., LL.D., b. Harrison, O., Dec. 29, 1835; H. C. I., '53; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oct. 30, '57; p. JeffersonviUe, Ind., '57-'60; p. Springfield, 0., '61-'66; p. 1st eh., Pittsburgh, Pa., '66-'83; pres. W. U. O., '83-'97; prof. W. U., Wooster, 0., '97-'10; d. Wooster, 0., Nov. 29, 1910. HUGH S. USTICK, d. 1857. 1857 STEPHEN J. BOVELL, tea. Palestine, 111.; s. s. Hebron (Ashmore), '65-'80; s. s. Hickory Grove, '81-'82; d. Ashmore, 111., Dec. 8, 1883. E. Z. CROWE. 1857] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 17 JEREMIAH MEAD DRAKE, b. Springdale, O., Feb. 5, 1830; H. C. I., '53; med. stud.; (1); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, '55; p. Bethel (Mainville), '56-'59; s. s. Rushville and Bremen, '59-'63; s. s. Wapakoneta, '63-'65; p. Roanoke, Ind., '66-'70; e. s. Angola, '70-'71; s. s. Lima, '71-'73; d. Lima, Ind., Dec. 7, 1873. LEWIS L DRAKE, D.D. (H. C. I.), b. Madisonville, O., Aug. 7, 1826; H. C. I., '53; tea.; (1); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, April '55; p. West Liberty, O., '55-'85; Holden, Mo., '86-'88; p. Humboldt, Kas., '88; sec. lola, Kas., '96-'04; d. lola, Kas., Aug. 17, 1904. Mod. Cincinnati, Sandusky, Kas. JOSHUA BOLLES GARRITT, Ph.D. (W. U. O.) Hanover, Ind. b. Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 23, 1832; H. C. I., '53; miller; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Madison, April 8, '63; s. s. Rockfield, Ind., '55; Prof. H. C. I., '56- '62; s. 8. Lancaster, Ind. '62-64; s. s. Lexington, Ind., '63-'64; e. s. Hanover, Ind., '6&-'68; '73-'75; '78-'83; '85-'86; prof. H. C. I.,'62-'06; prof, em, '06—; res. Hanover, Ind., '06 . EDWARD JOHN HAMILTON, D.D. (M. C. I.) Plalnfield, N. J. b. Belfast, Ireland, Nov. 29, 1834; H. C. I., 2 years; tea.; (1); Princt. Sem.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Nassau, Nov. 25, '58; p. Oyster Bay, N. Y., '58- '61; evang. Dromore West, Ireland, '62; chap. U. S. army, '63-'65; p. Hamil- ton, 0., '66-'68; prof. H. C. I., '68-'79; act. prof. C. N. J., '82-'83; prof. H. C, '83-'91; ed. Standard Dictionary, '91-'95; prof. Wh. C, '95-'96; prof. S. U. W., '96-'99; Seattle, Wash, '99-'00; ev. New York, '00-'03; ev. Syracuse, N. Y., '03-'04; ev. Plainfield, N. J., '04 ; ROBERT mWIN, D.D., b. Oxford, 0., Jan. 1, 1833; H. C. I., '54; tea.; (2); West Sem.; ord. Pby. Logansport, April '57; p. Bethlehem, Ind., '56-' 64; chap. U. S. A., '61-'64; p. Waveland, '64-'68; p. 1st ch., Kansas City, Mo., '68-73; supt. presb. Bd. Pub., St. Louis, '73-'80; pres. L. C. Mo., '80-'93; d. St. Charles, Mo., April 16, 1893. DAVID KINGERY, b. South Salem, O., May 8, 1829; M. U., ; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. '58; s. s. Onarga, 111., '58-'59; s. s. Loveland, Bethel and Goshen, Ind., '59-'61; s. s. Wabash, '61-'63; s. s. Valparaiso, '63-'64; s. s. Loveland, O., '65-'67; s. s. Delaware, '67-'69; s. s. Galion, '69-70; s. s. Columbus, '70-'74; s. 8. Groveport, '74-'76; s. s. Columbus Grove, '77-79; h. m., Pby. Larned, Kas., '79-'89; s. s. Jacksboro, Tex., '89-'92; s. s. El Moro, Colo., '94^'98; 8. 8. Lakin, Kas., '99; s. s. Garden City, Kas., '00; s. s. La Junta, Colo., '00-'06; d. La Junta, Colo., March 4, 1908. CHARLES LEE, s. s. and p. Graham (Dupont), Ind., '54-'58; p. Bethel (Scipio), '58-'60; s. b. Lexington (Hanover), '61 -'62; s. s. Graham, '62-'63; Hanover, Ind. '63 ; . OBERT McMillan, b. Washington Co., Pa., ; tea.; J. C; (2 grad.); West Sem.; ord. Pby. Saltsburg, Aug. 25, '57; p. Warren and Pine Run, Pa., '57-64; d. Apollo, Pa., Aug. 1, 1864. 18 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1858 DAVID F. MARSHALL. ISAAC BROWN MOORE, b. Bristol Town, 0., Jan. 30, 1827; H. C. I., '54; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Craw- fordsviUe, April '65; s. s. Bushnell, 111., '57-'58; s. s. Oilman, '58-'62; tea. Russellville, Ind., '62-'65; s. s. West Lebanon, '65-'69; p. Pleasant, '69- '74; 8. s. New Washington, '74-'77; s. s. Clayborn, '77-81; s. s. Rehoboth, '81-'84; s. s. Logansport, '84-'85; farming, '85; res. Monticello, Ind., '99-'01; d. Monticello, Ind., June 9, 1901. EDWARD PATRICK SHIELDS, D.D. (M. U.) Bridgeton, N. J. b. New Albany, Ind., Aug. 31, 1833; M. U., '54; (3 grad.); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. West Jersey, June 2, '58; p. Pittsgrove, N. J., '58-'70; p. Cape May, '71-'84; p. Bristol, Pa., '84-'97; h. r. Bridgeton, N. J., '99 . EDWARD COOK SICKELS, D.D. (L. F. U.), b. Indianapolis, Ind., April 24, 1835; H. C. I., '54; (1); Princt. Sem.; Berlin, Germany, '56-'57; s. s. Kirkwood, Mo., '58-62; ord. evang. Pby. St. Louis, Sept. 7, '62; s. s. Dixon, 111., '62; tea. Dixon Sem., '64-'65; tea. No. lU. Normal Sch., '79-'89; p. Dixon, '63-'95; res. Dixon, 111., '99-'08; d. Dixon, 111., Sept. 4, 1908. Mod. Syn. Illinois. AUSTIN WARNER Fort Scott, Kas. b. Jamesport, N. J., April 26, 1823; H. C. I.; (3 grad.); ord. '54; Pby. of Crawfordsville, ; s. s. Union, Ind.; Ladoga, Ind.; Millersburg and New Bloomfield, '58-'61; miss, to Siam and Japan; prin. Dover, Mo., '59-'60; s. s. Sugar Creek, Mound City, Kas., '60-'62; s. s. Bethel (Ft. Lincoln), '62-' 65; s. s. Pleasant Hill, '66-' 67; agt. Fulton, '83-'85; res. Fort Scott, Kas., '99 . 1858 JOHN A. ANDERSON, p. Ist ch., Stockton, Cal., '59-'62; p. e. Junction City, Kas., '67-'73; pres. Manhattan, '73-'78; d. Liverpool, England, May 18, 1892. ROBERT CHRISTY GALBRAITH, D.D. (P.C.I.) Chillicothe, O. b. Frankfort, 0., Nov. 30, 1833; M. U., '53; Princt. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Columbus, June 9, '57; p. 1st ch., Lancaster, O., '57-63; s. s. Greenland, '62-'64; p. Concord, '64-'71;s. s. Frankfort, '71-'80; p. 3rd ch., ChiUicothe, '81-'98; res. ChiUicothe, '98 — ^ — . THOMAS EDGAR HUGHES, D.D. (M. U.) La Grange, Ind. b. Loudonville, O., Nov. 29, 1832; M. U., '55; tea.; Oxf. Sem. (U. P.); (2 grad.) ord. Pby. Oxford, '57; s.s.RUey,0.,'57-'58; p. Springdale, '58-'66; p. Constantine, Mich., '66-'70; p. La Grange, Ind., '70-'96; p. Logansport, '96-'05; res. La Grange, Ind., '05 . Mod. Syn. Indiana. SAMUEL CUNNINGHAM KERR, b. Ross Co., O., March 5, 1828; M. U., '53; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); s. 8. Sigourney, la., '56-'57; s. s. Amanda, '57-' 58; s. s. Dunlapsville, Ind., '59- '60; ord. Pby. Oxford, Nov. 4, '62; p. Harrison, O., '62-'65; s. s. Wilhamsburg, '67-'68; s. s. St. Mary's, '69-'71; s. s. Bloomville, '71-'72; s. s. Mt. SterUng, '72-'77; ev. and ht. work, Lyndon, O., '77-'04; d. Lyndon, O., Jan. 26, 1904. 1859] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 19 ROBERT JOHN LOUIS MATTHEWS, h. Floyd Co., Ind., April 21, 1832; H. C. I., '55; tea.; (2 — ); ord. Pby. New Albany, Oct. 9, '60; p. Charle8town,Ind.,'60-'62; p.Vandalia, IU.,'62-'64; p. Jacksonville, '64-'65; consul Naples, Italy, '68-'70; Indianapolis, Ind., "70- 72; p. e. 01ney,Ill.,'72-'74; ed. "Indianapolis Sentinel," '74-'76; p. e. New- port, Ky., '76-'79; p. Montague, Mich., '79-'82; p. St. Louis, '82-'85; p. Spring Lake, '85-'90; p. Hebron, 111., '90-'99; s. s. Westfield, Wis., '99-'00; p. WapeUo, la., '00-'03; h. r. res. Vevay, Ind., '03-'10; d. Vevay, Ind., March 24, 1910. HENRY C. MULLEN, p. New Philadelphia, Ind., '58-'60; s. s. Hopewell (Bardolph), lU., '60-'67; p. Ebenezer (Macomb), '67-79; s. s. Providence (Virginia), '80-'81; s. s. Salem (SmithviUe), '82-'84; p. Elvaston, '84-'88; p. Camp Creek (Macomb), '88-'94; d. Camp Creek, 111., Oct. 31, 1894. HENRY M. SCHOCKLY, b. 1826; M. U. '58; (3 grad.); p. Connersville, Ind., '69; p. Belle Centre, O., '69-'70; p. Huntsville, O., '70-'71; p. BeUe Centre, O., '71-'76; p. Sedalia, Mo., '76-'80; p. McPherson, Kas., '80-'81; p. Hutchinson, Kas., '81-'84; p. Larned, Kas., '84r-'88; p. SpearviUe, Kas., '88-'90; p. Wamego, Kaa., '9(>-'93; p. Cawker City, Kas.,'93-'95; s. s. Phillipsburg, Kas., '96-'99; h. r. Lewnsville, Ind., '01-'05; d. Lewisville, Ind., Dec. 31, 1905. JOHN THOMAS, b. Carnarvonshire, N. Wales, G. B., June 14, 1821; U. P., '47; Princt. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Phila., Oct. 9, '50; p. Phoenixville, Pa., '5(>-'55; p. Derry and Washingtonville, '55-'63; private, U. S. A., '63; chap. U. S. A., '63-' 65; Bloomsburg, Pa.; p. Frostburg, Md., '74-'76; Bloomsburg, '77-81; Larned, Kas., '82-'85; s. s. CooUdge, '86-'08; d. Coohdge, Kas., Sept. 19, 1908. ANDREW J. YEATER, 8. 8. Utica, Ind., '67-'68; ; Mooney, Ind., '70 . 1869 JAMES WILLIAM ALLISON, b. Augusta Co., Va., May 23, 1828; H. C. I., '56; (1 — ); West Sem.; ord, Pby. Palestine, April '59; h. m. '58-'62; p. Areola, 111., '62-'69; s. s. Grandview, '69-71; a. s. Hickory Grove and Humboldt, '74-'77; s. s. Kansas and Redmore, '78-'80; d. Kansas, 111., Jan. 29, 1889. ROBERT CLARK McGEE, b. Clark Co., Ind., Jan. 11, 1827; H. C. I., '55; farm.; (— ); Danv. Sem.; Uc. Pby. New Albany, '59; tea. and prof.; ord. Pby. Neosho, '80; tea. and miss. Eufaula, I. T., '76-'90; res. Eufaula, I. T., '99-'02; d. Eufaula, I. T., Feb. 22, 1902. J. Q. McKEEHAN, 8. 8. Bethany (FrankUn), Ind., '63-'65; infirm; p. Bethany (Whiteland), '81- '83; 8. s. Hartford City, '84-'89; s. s. Pierceton, '91-'94; Columbus, O., '94- '96; d. Columbus, O., 1897. 20 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1861 CHARLES P. SPINNING Westbranch, la. b. Oxford, O., 1830; stud. U. Va., 2 yrs.; stud. McC. T. S.; lie. '58, Pby. of Palestine; ord. '60, Pby. of Mattoon; s. e. Mt. Carmel, 111., '58-'59; p. Grand- view, 111., '6(>-'67; 8. 8. Warsaw, Ind., '67-68; s. s. Fairview (Westbranch) la., '68-'73; s. s. Montezuma, '73-76; s. s. Summit (Davenport), '76-'79 B. 8. Buckley, lU., '79-'83; s. s. La Cygne, Kas., '84-'86; s. s. WiUis, '86-'87 8. e. Horton, '87-'89; ill health, '89; res. Denison, Tex,, '91-'96; res. Ash Grove, Mo., '97; Oasis, la., '99-'02; Iowa City, la., '02-'06; h. r. Los Gatoe, Cal., '06-'10; res. Westbranch, la,, '11 ; Trustee Highland U. K. 1860 1861 JOHN HENRY CARPENTER, Ph.D. (Om. U.), D.D. (Om. U.). .Lincoln, Neb. b. Troy, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1835; C. C. W., '58; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Winnebago, June 27, '60; s. 8. Horicon, Wis., '62-65; s. s Bryan, O., '65-'67; s. s. La Crescent, Brownsville and Hokah, Minn., '67-69 p. Marengo, III., '69-'74; s. s. Lanesboro and Richland, Minn., '74-'77 8. 8. Hokah, '77-'81; 8. s. Paw Paw, 111., '81-'84; s. s. Spirit Lake, la., '84-'88 8. 8. Shelby, '88; p. '89-'95; s. s. Des Moines, '95-'96; s. s. Manilla, '96-'98 O'Leary, la., '98-'01; s. s. Adair, la., '01-'05; s. 8. Marne, la., '05-'07; reB. Lincoln, Neb., '07 . JACOB REASONER GEYER, Ohio, H. C. I., '58; Princt, Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, April 15, '63; s. s. Peru, Ind., '61-63; Richmond, '63-'64; d. Kingston, N. C, April 3, 1865. SAMUEL G. HAIR, b. Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 9, 1828; Mt. U. C, West. Sem.; (2 grad.); N. W. T., '59-'61; ord. Pby. Rock River, Oct. '68; s. s. Franklin Grove, '61- '64; tea. '64-'65; New Boston, '66-'71; p. 1st ch., Sigourney, la., '71-'79; p. Belmont Av. ch., Youngstown, O., '79-84; p. e. 3rd ch., Wheeling, W. Va., '84-'85; 8. 8. Bartow, Fla., '85-'89; d. Bartow, Fla., June 10, 1889. GEORGE WASHINGTON HAYS Berkeley, Cal. b. Macomb, 111., June 8, 1837; M. D. C, '56; law; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); lie. Pby. Schuyler, April 13, '60; ord. Pby. Chicago, May 10, '64; p. Onarga, 111., '63-'64; p. Aurora, '64-'68; s. s. Carrollton and Washington, O., '68-'71; p. Salina, Kas., '71-'73; p. Winfield, la., '74-'78; p. CrawfordsviUe, '78-'81; p. Princeton and Le Claire, '81-83; p. La Porte City, '83-85; p. Two Rocks, Cal., '85-'93; res. Petaluma, Cal., '97-'12; res. Berkeley, Cal., '12 . JAMES BAIRD McCLURE, b. Vincennes, Ind., April 7, 1832; H. C. I., '58; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Rock River, Sept. '64; s. s. Fulton, lU., '61-'66; Denver, Colo., '66-'67; ed. and agt., Chicago, 111., '67-'76; s. s. River Park, Chicago, '7&-'95; d. Chicago, July 4, 1895. 1862] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 21 JOHN HARVEY NESBITT, b. Indiana Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1834; J. C, '58; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Sept. 25, '61; s. s. Oswego, lU., '61-'64; p. Macomb, '64- '69; p. Frankfort, Ky., '69-'76; p. Mingo, Pa., '76-'81; p. e. Owensboro, Ky., '81-'86; p. Oxford, O., '86-'92; s. s. Prairie City, lU., '92-'96; ev. Rockford, '96-'07; d. Rockford, lU., Feb. 5, 1907. JOHN DODDS PERING Dayton, O. b. Bloomington, Ind., Nov. 27, 1835; U. I., '57; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, Oct. 23, '62; p. Foreston, la., '62-'63; s. b. Jessup and Barclay, '63-'65; colp. Bd. Publ. Indiana, '66-'70; s. s. Clay Center, Kas., '71-'74; agt. Bd. Publ. Pby. Topeka, '74-'77; s. s. Cheever, '77-'80; s. e. Oak Hill (Clay Center), '82-'96; treas. Clay Co. Bib. Soc. '96-'00; res. Dayton, O., '04 . CHARLES LEMUEL THOMPSON, D.D., LL.D New York, N. Y. b. Allertown Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1839; C. C. W., '58; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, July 7, '61; s. s. Juneau, Wis., '61-'62; p. Janesville, '62-'67; p. 1st ch., Cincinnati, O., '67-'72; p. 5th ch., Chicago, 111., '72-'78; p. 3d ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '78-'82; p. 2nd ch., Kansas City, Mo., '82-'88; p. Madison Av. ch.. New York, N. Y., '88-'98; sec. Bd. of Home Miss., '98 . Trust. McC. Sem., Mod. Gen. Ass. 1888. WILLIAM BLOOMER TRUAX, b. Orange Co., Ind., March 7, 1829; H. C. I., '55; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '64; supt. miss. Am. S. S. Un., Chicago, lU., '61-'67; g^. agt. McC. T. Sem., '67-'72;U. S. Ind. agt. and miss.. Ft. Defiance, Ariz. Ter., '72-'77; tea. Paoh, Ind., '78-'79; ev. Chicago, 111., '79-'80; s. s. Cherryvale and Neosho, Kas., '80-'82; d. Perth Amboy, N. J., Feb. 23, 1885. CORNELIUS PLEASANT VORIS, b. Pleasant, Ind., March 14, 1827; H. C. I., '58; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); lie. Pby. Madison, April '60; s. s. Lexington, Ind., '61-' 62; d. Lexington, Ind., Aug. 4, 1862. SAMUEL HAROLD WELLER, D.D. (Witt C. O.), b. Dayton, O., Sept. 9, 1833; Witt C. O., '56; tea. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April '62; p. Rochelle, 111., '62-'71; p. Mendota, '71-'76; p. Lincoln, Neb., '76-'79; p. Morrison, lU., '79-'81; p. CUnton, la., '81-'84; pres. Los Angeles, Cal., '86-'00; p. lone, Cal., '01-'03; d. lone, Cal., April 3, 1903. 1862 JOHN SHERBURNE DUNNING, b. New York, N. Y., ; C. N. J., 1860; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. '62; p. Vinton, la., '63-'69; p. JefTerson, '69-'86; sec. Cedar Rapids, '86-'88 Prin. Jefferson, '88-'91; s. s. Lake Charles, La., '91-'92; p. Plaquemine La. ; SAMUEL R. SEA WRIGHT, s. 8. Wea (Thornton), Ind., '62-'66; s. s. and p. Monticello, '66-'79; p. Delphi, '79-'90; d. Delphi, Ind., Nov. 16, 1890. 22 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1863 WILLIAM G. THOMAS Kansas City, Mo. b. Indian Creek, Va., Sept. 21, 1829; H. C. I., '60; (2 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Saline, '63; 8. 8. Salem, Ill.,''63-'64; s. s. Lexington (Wild Cat), Ind., '64-'65; Princt. Sem.; Stranger (Leavenworth), Kas., '66-'67; s. 8. Perryville (Perry), '67-'68; 8. 8. Waterville (Wa8hington), '69-'70; 8. 8. Wa8hington, '70-'71; 8. 8. Maryville, Mo., '72-'73; p. Mound City, '73-'74; s. s. Minonk, 111., '74-'76; 8. 8. Greenleaf, Ka8., '80-'81; res. Kansas City, Mo., '81 . Wm. Henry Hildreth. George Newell Johnston, 6. Hancock Co., W. Va., 1835; W. C. P., '58; West. Sem.; (2); ord. Pby. of Beaver, Sept., '61; p. New Salem, Pa., '61-'63; p. Knoxville, 111., '63-'69; 8. s. Carthage, 111., '70; p. New Lisbon, O., '72-'78; p. Old. ch., Steubenville, O., '78-'80; p. Ist ch., McKeesport, Pa., '80-'83; p. Lebanon, Pa., '85-'93; p. Central ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '93-'96; ev. Pittsburgh, '96-'98; ev. Bellevue, Pa., '98-'01; p. Shields, Pa., '01-'04; d. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 4, 1904. Inglls Laurie. Alex. Machett. 1863 JOHN W. ALLEN, D.D. (W. U. O.), b. Behnont Co., 0., Feb. 1, 1837; W. C. P., '60; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, '64; p. Van Wert, 0., '63-'66; p. Lake City, Minn., '66; p. Young America, 111., '66-'68; p. Kansas City, Mo., '68-'71; presb. miss., '71-72; 8yn.miss.,'72-'80; supt. pub. work, '80 ; d. Martinsville, Ind., Feb. 12, 1899. SAMUEL P. DILLON, p. Hanover, lU., '62-'66; s. s. Pleasant Run, 0., '66-'68; a. s. Feesburgh, '69- '73; p. Eckmansville, '73-'77; p. New Plymouth, '77-79; e. a. Liberty, Ind., '79-'80; 8. 8. Homer (Rushville), '81-'83; Kearney, Neb.,'84 ; Litch- field, Neb. '86-'90. AUGUSTUS S. KEMPER, b. Cincinnati, O.; Dan. Sem., Ky.; (2); lie. Sept. 5, '60, Pby. of Cin.; ord. April, '62, Pbv. of Palestine; 8. s. Mattoon, '61-62; d. m. Preston, Minn., '64^'66; infirm; h. r. '75-'89; s. s. Fossil Creek (Fort CoUins), Colo., '89-'91; ev. '91-'93; res. Fort Colhns, Colo., '93; d. Fort CoUins, Colo., Oct. 3, 1911. DAVID CALHOUN MARQUIS, D.D. (W. & J. C), LL.D. (W. C. M. and W. & J. C.) b. Lawrence Co., Pa., Nov. 15, 1834; J. C, '57; prin. Academy, Gallatin, Tenn.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Sangamon, Oct. '63; p. Decatur, III., '63-'66; p. North ch., Chicago, '66-'71; p. Westminster ch., Baltimore, Md., '71-'78; p. Lafayette Park, St. Louis, Mo., '78-'83; prof. N. T. Lit. and Exeg. McC. Sem., '83-'08; prof. em. McC. Sem., '08-'12; d. Chicago, Oct. 8, 1912. Mod. Gen. Ass., '86; Dir. McC. Sem., '67-'71. JAMES McCLUSKEY MAXWELL, D.D. (H. C. I.), b. Freeman's Landing, W. Va., Aug. 1, 1837; Washington, '60; West Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, Oct., '63; p. Kirkwood, Mo., '63-'65; p. 12th ch., Baltimore, Md., '65-'74; p. Belvidere, N. J., '74-'80; ed. "Presbyterian Observer," Baltimore, Md., '83-'86; p. 1st ch., Monongahela, Pa., '86-'03; Hightstown, N. J., '03; d. Hightstown, N. J., Nov. 13, 1903. 1864] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 23 SAMUEL E. VANCE, p. Oneida, 111., '63-'68; p. Farm Ridge (Ottawa), '68-70; p. Granville, '70-72; p. Lexington, '72-77; p. Stevens Point, Wis., '77-81; s. s. Ridge- field, lU., '81-83; p. Lodi, Wis., '83-'91; s. s. Pleasanton, Kas., '92-'93; ev. Pontiac, lU., '95-'01; d. Pontiac, lU., March 3, 1901. W. H. BeU. Robert Aaron Condit, b. Oswego, N. Y., May 19, 1837; C. N. J., '59; tut. C. N. J.; law stud.; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. St. Paul, Dec. 27, '65; p. Westminster ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '65-'67; Syria, '67-'68; p. St. Louis, Mo., '69-'73; Peoria, 111., '73-'74; Chicago, '74-'75; prof. Cedar Rapids, la., '75-'06; p. Pasadena, Cal., '06-'08; d. Pasadena, Cal., July 7, 1908. Edward A. Elfeld, b. Katzeburg, Germany, Nov. 19, 1831; L. C. G., 6 years; (1); ord. Pby. St. Louis^ '62; s. s. Union, Mo., '61-'63; s. s. Emanuel, '63-'70; p. Freeport, 111., '70-'79; p. Chicago, '79-'81; Carrol Co., la., '81-'84; p. Sutter, 111., '84-'90; p. Portsmouth, O., '90-'93; s. s. Connersville, Ind., '93-'00; res. Chicago, lU., 'OO-'ll; d. Chicago, 111., July 6, 1911. John Thomas Fallis. William Henry Jeffries, Missouri; W. C. M., '60; (1); Princt. Sem.; Princeton, N. J., '64^'66; ord. : s. 8. Carhnville, 111., '74-'76; deposed, April 7, '77; res. Pittsburgh, Pa.; d. near St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 22, 1894. John T. Kerr. Henry A. Newell, h. m. Salt Lake City, '85-'86; p. Salem, Ore., '86-'90; s. s. Los Angeles, Cal., '91-'05; s. 8. Colegrove, Cal., '05-' 10; d. Colegrove, Cal., June 2, 1910. Edward A. Pierce, p. Westminster ch., Chicago, lU., '61-'65; p. Calvary ch., Chicago, '65-'67; d. TaUahassee, Fla., Feb. 23, 1868. Thomas M. Stevenson, D.D. (Mu. C. O.) b. near Zanesville, O., Feb. 19, 1828; Mu. C. O., '51; (1); ord. Pby. Zanesville, '62; chap. McConnelsviUe, O., '62-'65; tea., '65-'67; s. s. Bristol, '67-'69; s. s. New Plymouth, '69-'76; p. Hopkinton, la., '77-'79; 8. 8. Greenfield, 111., '79-'80; p. New Plymouth, O., '8a-'87; s. s. Dresden, O., '87-'95; res. Dresden, O., '95-'98; d. Dresden, O., Jan. 29, 1908. Robert Hall White, b. Fairview, W. Va., Dec. 29, 1839; med. student Univ. of N. Y., '60-' 64; hospital N. Y., '65-'67; U. S. Army medical staff, '67 ; assistant surgeon West Point, N. Y.; phys. West Point, N. Y., '68; demitted, '68. 1864 WARREN NORTON, 8. 8. Wood River, Neb., '74; s. s. Aurora, '74-'75; ev. Walla Walla, Wash., '75-'76; agt. David City, Neb., '84^'86; ev. Knoxville, Tenn., '86-'87; d. Maryville, Tenn.,^March 10, 1892. 24 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1865 JAMES H. SMITH, b. Washington Co., Pa., 1837; W. A. A.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, Sept. '64; p. Elmwood, 111., '64r-'66; p. Yates City, '67-70; p. French Grove, '71-'73; d. Yates City, lU., Nov. 15, 1873. MAURICE WALLER, D.D. (C. C. K.), (H. U. K.) Maysvllle, Ky. b. Maysville, Ky., April 7, 1840; C. C. K., ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Balti- more, Feb. '71; p. Hancock, Md., '66-'71; p. Petersburg, 111., '81-'88; Helena, Ark.,'78-'80; p. Manchester, 0., '80-'87; p. Monticello, 111., '87-'89; p. Lebanon, Ky., '89-'98; Maysville, Ky., '98-'08; res. Maysville, Ky., '08 . Mod. Syn. Ky. '96; Dir. Danv. Sem., '00 ; Trustee C. C. K., '05 . S. F. Denton. George Norcross, D.D. (C. N. J.) Carlisle, Pa. b. Erie, Pa., AprU 8, 1838; M. C. I., '61; (1); Mon. Sem.; Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Warren, June 6, '65; p. North Henderson, 111., '63-'66; p. Galesburg, '66-'68; p. 2nd eh., CarUsle, Pa., '69-'09; p. em. 2nd ch., Carhsle, Pa., '09 . Mod. Syn. Pa., 1899. 1866 PATRICK LYNETT CARDEN, f. m. Siam, '65-'68; p. Manteno, 111., '70-'76; s. a. Marysville, Cal., '76-'86; s. 8. Red Bluff, '86-'90; d. Red Bluff, Cal, Nov. 8, 1890. JOHN GIFFEN, b. Argyleshire, Scotland, June 27, 1834; C. N. J., '62; farm.; AUeg. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. S. W. Mo., '65; p. Springfield, Mo., '65; p. Camp Creek, 111., '66-'68; p. Altona, '68-'78; p. Albany and Newton, '70-'72; p. Freeport, '73-'80; p. Weathersford, Tex., '80-'82; p. Lampasas, Tex., '82- '91; p. Fairfield, lU., '91-'96; p. Flora, 111., '96-'02; Kewanee, 111., '02-'04; d. Kewanee, 111., Dec. 23, 1904. SAMUEL COX HAY, b. Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1836; H. C, '59-'60; tea.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Rockaway, Dec. 8, '63; s. s. Woodstock, 111., '65-'66; Apalachin and Kirkwood, '66-'67; Crystal Lake, 111., '67-'68; Carondelet, Mo., '68-'69; Kirkwood, N. Y., '69-'70; Woodstock, lU., '70-'74; Perth Amboy, N. J., '74-'75; Crystal Lake, 111., '75-'77; out of health '77-'78; De Paul, Wis., '78-'82; s. s. and p. Woodstock, 111., '83-'ll; d. Woodstock, lU., July 17, 1911. JOHN MILLER, 8. 8. New Hope (Neoga), lU., '72-'82. HENRY F. NELSON, b. Hillsboro, 0., Oct. 5, 1839; W. C. P., '61; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); Cincinnati, O., '66-'73; Yellow Springs, '73-'74; Paris, lU., '75-'78; ins. agt., . 1866] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 25 ALEXANDER GIBSON WILSON, D.D. (W. & J. C), b. Clarion Co., Pa., Feb. 17, 1836; J. C, '56; prin. and supt.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, June 15, '65; p. Onarga, 111., '65-'70; p. e. Beloit, Wis., '7(>-'71; p. Streator, 111., '71-'75; prof. P. C. I., '75-'78; prof. L. F. U., '78- '81 and '83-'88; prin. Elgin Academy, '81-'83; pres. L. C. I., '88-'94; prof. Cm. Sem., '94-'04;p. Tekamah, Neb., '94:-'03; res. Bellevue, Neb., '03-'04; d. Omaha, Neb., May 4, 1904. Mod. Syn. lU., North, '74; Dir. McC. Sem., '75-'94. 1866 JOHN McCLUSKEY McDONALD Lincoln, Neb. b. West Alexander, Pa., Sept. 15, 1836; ; soldier; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, June 27, '66; p. Winneconne, Wis., '66-'69; p. Algona, la., '69- '79; p. Waynesville, 111., '79-'80; s. s. Carleton, Belvidere and Hubbell, Neb., '80-'88; s. 8. Ulysses, Woodstock and Hugoton, Kas., '88-'90; ev. Hopewell, Neb., '90-'94; ev. Lincoln, Neb., '94 . HARLAN PAGE PECK, p. Beaver Dam, Wis., '66-'68; s. s. Marengo, 111., '68-'72; p. Lincoln, Neb., '72-'74; 8. 8. Fairmount ch., St. Louis, Mo., 74-'75; s. 8. Salem, Ore., '75-'78; d. Salem, Ore., 1879. WILLIAM LEWIS RABE, M.D. (Rush Med. C), b. Steubenville, 0., May 8, 1839; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Clinton, '67; p. Bloomington, III., '67-'69; p. Normal, '69-'71; p. El Paso, '71; p. WapeUa, '71-'72; p. Dwight, '72-'79; ev. and M. D.Dwight, '80. C. F. WALDECKER, res. Bay, Mo.; West. C. M., '62; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Chicago, Apr., '66; 8. 8. Zion ch. (Ger.), Wheeling, 111., '66-'73; s. s. Ger. ch., Bethany, Ore., '85- '96; p. e. 1st Ger. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '96-'98; ShelbyviUe, Ind., '98-'99; d. ShelbyviUe, Ind., AprU 28, 1899. 1867 ROLLIN LUTHER ADAMS Indianola, la. b. Wellington, 0., Aug. 22, 1834; B. C. W., '61; carp.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, Sept. 30, '68; p. Linn Grove and Springville, la., '67-'69; p. Harvard, 111., '69-'72; p. New Boston, 111., '72-'74; p. Princeton, Leclaire and Mt. Union, la., '74-'84; p. What Cheer, '85-'87; p. Delmar and Elwood, '87-'88; New Sharon, Leighton and Olivet, '89-92; p. Laurel and Mariposa, '92-'93; p. Medora and Jacksonville, '93-94; p. Laurel and Mariposa, '95- '98; h. r. Indianola, la., '98 . ALBERT J. BERGER, b. Washington Co., Pa., July 27, 1837; J. C, '64; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, June 15, '68; p. Lincobi, 111., '67-70; p. Rockford, '70-'74; p. Champaign, '74-'81; p. Indianola, la., '83-'93; s. a. West Plains, Mo., '93- '97; 8. s. Cambridge City, Ind., '97-98; p. Amia, lU., '98-'08; d. Waterloo, la., Oct. 11, 1908. 26 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1867 WILLIAM BROWN CHAMBERLAIN, b. Hanover, Ind., Aug. 29, 1832; H. C. I., '64; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Indianapolis, Oct. 20, '67; h. m., Indianapolis, Ind., '67-'70; p. 5th ch., Indianapolis, '70-'72; p. Redwood Falls, Minn., '72-'75; s. s. Ham- burg, la., '75-'76; p. 11th ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '77-81; s. s. Humboldt, Kas., '81-'86; p. Coffeyville, '86-'91; e. s. and miss. Hanover, Ind., '91-'09; d. Hanover, Ind., May 18, 1909. Mod. Syn. Kas., '84. JOHN LAMBERT GAGE Fairfield, la. b. Ross Co., 0., April 17, 1848; M. C. 0., '64; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. S. Minnesota, July 15, '67; s. s. Kasson and Claremont, Minn., '67-'69; h. m. Nebraska and Wyoming, '69-'70; s. s. Franklin, 0., '70-'74; p. e. Georgetown, Colo., '74r-'75; h. m. Trinidad, '75-'78; p. Worthington and DubUn, 0., '78-'82; s. s. Madelia, Minn., '82-'86; p. e. La Crosse, Wis., '8&-'89; p. Galesville, '89-'92; s. s. Malcolm, la., '92-'96; s. s. New Sharon, la., '96-'00; a. s. Fremont, la., '00-'02; b. s. Fairfield, la., '02 . LOYAL YOUNG HAYS, p. Maiden, lU., '67-'68; p. Ottawa, '69-'72; p. Madison, Wis., '72-'76; p. Stockton, Cal., '77-'78; p. Springfield, 111., '79-'80; p. Crawfordsville, Ind., '80-'83; p. Mifflintown, Pa., '85-'89; prin. Fort Dodge, la., '89-'91; pres. Storm Lake, '91-'92; d. Storm Lake, la., May 16, 1892. CHARLES MORSE HOWARD, b. Charleston, S. C, ; elk. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rochester, '67; p. IndianapoUs, Ind., '68-'70; evang.; res. Old Town, Va.; . THOMAS CARTER KIRKWOOD, D.D. (W. U. 0.), b. Galway, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1837; M. C. I., '64; carp, and builder; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Chicago, April 20, '67; b. s. Fullerton Av. ch., Chicago, lU., '67-'68 p. Woodstock, '68-'70; p. Janesville, Wis., '7(>-'73; p. Milwaukee, '73-'74 p. Fond du Lac, '74-'79; p. Colorado Springs, '79-'84; supt. missions, Sjoi. of Colo., '84-'09; d. Colorado Springs, Colo., April 26, 1909. Mod. Synods Wisconsin, '78; Colorado, '94. JOHN W. KNOTT Yoncalla, Ore. b. Jamestown, Ind., March 26, 1836; 0. W. U., '64; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, Oct. '67; s. b. Mechanicsville, la., '67-'71; p. e., Ist ch., JoUet, lU., '71-'72; p. Lodi, Wis., '72-'79; s. s. Anna, 111., '79-'81; s. s. Murphysboro, '81-'82; s. s. Robinson, '82-'84; s. s. Hermon (Sweatland), la., '85-'88; 8. 8. Louisiana, Mo., '88-'89; s. s. Pomeroy, la., '89-'90; s. s. Green- field, '90-'92; p. Holdrege, Neb., '92-'95; s. s. Soda Springs, Idaho, '96-'99; p. Ash Grove, '99-'00; CarUsle, lU., '01-'04; Oakland, 111., '04-'06; lola. 111., '06-'07; YoncaUa, Ore., '07 . Mod. Syn. Utah. A. J. LEYENBERGER, (3 grad.); f. m. Chefoo, China, '67-'96; d. Wooster, O., March 14, 1896. CLAY McCAULEY, 6. Chambersburg, Pa., May 8, 1843; C. N. J., '64; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Cong. Council, '68; s. s. Unitarian Soc, Rochester, N. Y., '68-69; p. Waltham, Mass., '69-'73; stud. Germany, '73-75; Washington, D. C, '76-'81; Helena, Mont., '81-'84; St. Paul, Minn., '84 ; . 1868] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 27 JOHN S. McCLUNG Wichita, Kas. h. Morgan Co., lU., Dec. 24, 1837; I. C, '64; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bureau, Nov. 11, '67; 8. 8. Atkinson, lU., '67-'70; s. s. White Rock, '71-'73; p. Oregon, Mo., '73-'75; s. s. Sidney, la., '75-'77; s. s. Arkansas City, Kas., '78-'79; s. s. CaldweU, '79-'81; s. s. Derby, '81-'83; p. Augusta, '83-'85; s. s. Neodesha, '85-'89; 8. s. Mound Valley, '89-'91; s. s. Neodesha, '91-'93; e. s. Central City, '93-'94; s. s. Wichita, '9&-'99; 8. s. Brainerd, Kas., '95-'96; s. s. Walton, Kas., '96-'97; s. s. Argonia, '97-'98; s. s. Brainerd, '98-'02; ev. Wichita, Kas., '02 . ALVAN RUSH MATHES Knoxville, 111. 6. Salem, Tenn., July 4, 1839; H. C. I., '64; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, July, '67; p. Wilton and Sugar Creek, la., '67-72; p. Shawneetown, 111., '72-'76; p. Farmington, '76-'81; p. Canton, '81-'03; p. Knoxville, 111., '03 . EDWARD QUmCHE (3 grad.); . THOMAS E. SPILMAN, h. Hillsboro, 111., Oct. 21, 1836; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kaskaskia, Nov. 5, '68; 8. 8. and p. Butler, 111., '67-'80; s. s. Nokomis, '80-'87; s. e. and p. Du Quoin, '87-'07; d. Du Quoin, 111., June 4, 1907. JOHN WESTON, D.D. (G. C. W.), 6. Rutherglen, Scotland, Dec. 8, 1838; H. C. I., '64; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, '67; p. Calvary ch., Peoria, 111., '67-86; p. Ehnira, '86-'90; supt. missions, Chicago, '90-'92; p. North ch., St. Louis, Mo., '92- '98; p. Calvary, Peoria, 111., '98-'09; d. Peoria, III., June 9, 1909. Alanson Carroll, h. Granville, 0., Feb. 14, 1832; W. R. C, tea.; (1); trrd. Pby. Palestine; tea., Charleston, lU., ; tea.. Independence, Mo., ; tea., Olathe, Kas. ; tea.. Hays City; ev. Independence, Mo., '99-'07; d. Independence, Mo., Aug. 10, 1907. Charles Edward Ryder. Francis Marion Woods, D.D. (H. S. C.) Martinsburg, W. Va. h. Captina, 0., Aug. 22, 1843; W. C. P., '64; (2); Un. Sem., Va.; ord. Pby. East Hanover, Nov. 3, '67; p. Hartwood, Va., '67-72; p. West Middlesex, Pa., '72-'79; p. Martinsburgh, W. Va., '79 . Mod. Syn. Va., '97. 1868 AUGUSTINE BREESE, res. Ottawa, 111.; C. N. J., '65; (3 grad.); ev. Fort Dodge, la., '75; . EDWARD CORNES. res. Marengo, 111.; W. C Pa., '65; (3 grad.); miss. Japan; killed in Japan. THOMAS GALT. Marion, Va. h. Springfield, 111., July 10, 1844; W. & J. C, '65; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May, '69; p. Aurora, lU., '68-'95; p. Hawarden, la., '96-'00; 8. 8. Ireton, la., '00-'02; Marion, Va., '02 . Mod. Synod 111., North. 28 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1869 GEORGE McCORD LODGE Long Beach, Cal. b. GreenviUe, Pa., June 11, 1832; H. C. I., '66; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bureau Nov. '68; s. a. Preemption, lU., '68-'69; b. s. Mt. Vernon, la., '69-'71 p. Blairstown, '71-'75; 8. 8. Munson, 111., '75-'77; s. s. Walnut, la., '77-'80 s. 3. Shelby, '80-'82; p. Wayne, Neb., '82-'87; s. e. Omaha, '87-'90; Marietta '90-'92; 8. 8. Randolph, '91-'92; s. s. Bethel, la., '92-'94; s. s. Wyoming, '94 evang. Neb., '94-'96; Wayne, Neb., '98-03; 8.s. Lake Andes, S.D.,'03-'04 8. 8. Iowa City, la., '04-'06; Long Beach, Cal., '06 . JOHN BOYD MATTHEWS, b. St. Charles, Mo., July 2, 1839; W. C. Mo., '65; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Palmyra, Aug. 30, '68; s. 8. Macon City and Callao, Mo., '67 ; p. '68-'70; 8. 8. Ashley, '70-'76; Crows Landing, Cal., '76-'77; d. Crows Landing, Cal., Dec. 31, 1877. JOSEPH McCOY WILSON, M. D. (V. la.) Morse, la. b. Ross Co., 0., Sept. 9, 1834; M. U., '62; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. SaUne, April '68; f. m. Omaha agency. Neb., '68-69; s. s. Columbus, '70-'74; s. s. Madison, '74-'79; s. s. Beaver City, '79-'80; s. s. Arapahoe, '80-'81; s. s. Decatur, '83-'85; 8. s. Shiloh, la., '86-'87; 8. s. Valentine, Neb., '87-'88; s. 8. Humphrey, '89-'90; res. Iowa City, '92-'98; Morse, la., '98 . James G. Bailey. res. Ashley, Mo.; West. C. Mo., '65; d. Ashley, Mo., 1867. Wm. M. Crozier. res. Paris, III.; H. C. I., '65; (1); . Heber Gill, b. New Albany, Ind., Feb. 21, 1844; M. U., '65; (1 — ); ord. Pby. Madison, Feb. 10, '70; p. Hanover, Ind., '69-'70; prin. South Salem, O., '70-'73; s. 8. Concord, '72-'73; s. b. North Fork (ChiUicothe), '73-'74; 8. 8. Winfield, W. Va., '77-'78; s. s. and prof. Hopkinton, la., '80-'86; p. EarlviUe, 111., '86-'89; 8. 8. Meriden, '88-'89; s. a. Desplaines, '89-'92; s. s. Hawarden, la., '92-'96; 8. 8. WaU Lake, '96-'02; a. s. Fielding, la., '02-'04; a. a. Quinby, la., '04-'06; 8. 8. Marcus, la., '06-'09; s. s. Geddes, S. D., '09 ; Samuel A. Hiunmer, 8. 8. Dwight, 111., '66-'68; s. s. Monticello, '68-'69; a. a. Bement, '69-'71; a. a. Salem (Marion), 0., '72-'75; d. Columbua, 0., June 1878. Edward Savage, &. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1841; C. C. W., '60; farm, etc.; (2); Weat. Sem.; ord. Pby. Southern Minnesota, Oct. '68; p. Jackson, Minn, '68-'71; p. Windom, '71-'81; p. Cottage Grove, Wis., '82-'83; p. Weyauwega, '83-'86; 8. s. Red Rock, '90; s. e. Windom, Minn., '91-'10; d. Windom, Minn., Jan. 4, 1910. H. Van Buren. 1869 JOSEPH BRUCE WU^LIAMS ADAMS, b. Washington, Ind., May 25, 1842; U. S. A.; L. C, '65; (3); d. Princeton, N. J., July 4, 1872. CHRISTOPHER CARROTHERS Port Stanley, Wash. b. Moorfield, O., 1840; U. C. I., '67; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '67; f. m. Tokio, Japan, '69-'78; tea. Japan, '78-'96; farm. Port Stanley, Wash., •96 . 1869] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 29 ANTHONY WAYNE COLVER Alameda, Cal. b. East Liberty, O., Jan. 23, 1844; W. & J. C, '66; farm.; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, 70; a. s. Spring Valley, 111., 70-71; s. s. Au Sable Grove, 71-72; s. s. Plato, 72-73; s. s. Hopkinsville, Ky., 73-75; s. a. Kansas City, Mo., 75-77; s. a. Pleasant Hill, 77-78; Morning Sun, la., 78-79; a. s. Woodbury, Conn., 79-'82; a. a. Carmel, N. Y., '82-'83; a. s. Richfield, Kaa., '88-'90; a. a. Texarkana, Tex., '91-'92; real eat., San Fran- cisco, Cal., '92-'09; Oakland, '09-'10; Alameda, '10 . AUSTIN W. ELLIOTT, a. s. Panther Creek (Marshfield), Mo., '69-'70; a. a. Conway, '70-'72; h. r. '90; d. Marshfield, Mo., 1891 or 1892. WILLIAM WALLACE PARIS, D.D. (B. U. I.) Miami, Fla. b. Barlow, O., Aug. 25, 1843; U. C. I., '66; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuy- ler, June 16, '68; p. Vermont, 111., '68-'73; Cape Girardeau, Mo., '73-75; p. Peoria, 111., '75-'77; p. CUnton, '77-'83; p. CarUnviUe, '83-'85; p. Anna, '85- '93; ed. "Occident," San Francisco, Cal., '93-95; p. Hazlewood ch., Pitta- burgh, Pa., '95-'98; p. Miami, Fla., '98 . WILLIAM H. GOODESSON, a. s. HopeweU (Dillsboro), Ind., '72-'73; a. a. LithopoUa, O., '73-'74; s. s. Minburn (Dallas Centre), la., '74-'75; s. s. Woodburn, '75-'77; a. a. Win- chester (Scott), O., '78-'79; a. a. UnionviUe, Mo., '80-'81; ; DAVID B. GORDON, a. a. Poynette, Wis., '69-'70; a. a. Apple River, 111., '73-'74; a. a. Toledo, la., '75-'76; s. s. Nevada, '77-78; agt. Nevada; agt. Marshalltown; JAMES ERSKINE MOFFATT, D.D. (L. C. I.), Cmnberland, Md. b. Bloomington, Ind., Dec. 3, 1844; M. C. I., '66; Xen. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, June '69; p. Decatur, lU., '69-'74; p. Ottawa, 74-'78; p. Cumberland, Md., '78 . Mod. Syn. Baltimore. CALVIN ARBUCKLE POAGE, b. MarshaU College, W. Va., Aug. 4, 1847; Wat. C. M., '65; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); a. a. Weatminater ch., Minneapohs, Minn., '69; a. a. Still- water, '69; a. a. Champaign, 111., '69-"70; a. a. Farmington, Minn., '70; ord. Pby. St. Louia, Sept., '71 ; s. a. Carr Place ch., St. Louis, Mo., '71 ; p. Washing- ton and Pacific, '71-72; p. Larkin St. ch., San Francisco, Cal., '75-'76; asst. ed. "Occident," San Francisco, '76-'88; New York, N. Y., '88-'90; Auburn, Cal., '90-'91; New York, N. Y., '91-'92; San Francisco, Cal., '93; d. San Francisco, Cal., 1894. NELSON ALEX RANKIN Waverly, Kas. b. Greenfield, Mo.; 1867; (2 grad.); ord. '69; Pby. of Leavenworth (O. S.); p. e. Olathe, Kaa., '69-'70; a. s. Burhngame, '70-'71; s. a. Auburn, '75-'77; a. a. Dexter, '84r-'86; s. a. New Salem, '86-'87; s. a. Wahiut Valley (Akron), '87-'89; a. s. Spring Hill, '89-'91; a. a. Manchester (Solomon City), '91-'95; ev. Waverly, '96-'98; ev. Melvem, Kas., '99-'03; h. r. res. Waverly, Kas., '03 . 30 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1869 GEORGE LAWRENCE SPINING, D.D. (H. U. K.) Pasadena, Cal. b. Dayton, O., May 15, 1840; H. U. K. and H. C. I., 4 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 30, '69; p. Hebron, 111., '68-71; 8. s. Appleton, Wis., '71; 8. 8. Berlin, '71-'73; p. Hannibal, Mo., '73-'78; p. Kalamazoo, Mich., '79-'81; p. Cleveland, O., '81-85; p. San Francisco, Cal., '85-'87; p. Cincinnati, O., '87-'90; p. PhiUips Mem. ch.. New York, N. Y., '90-'93; p. South Orange, N. J., '93-'06; p. em. So. Orange, N. J., '06-'ll; res. Pasadena, Cal., '11 . Hon. Dir. McC. Sem.; Dir. Lane Sem. MOSES DUNCAN ALEXANDER STEEN, D.D. (S. J. U. C), Ph.D. (W. U. O.), Worthington, O. 6. near Blue Creek, O., April 24, 1841 ; H. C. I. and M. U., '66; farm. ; (3 grad.) ; Xen. Sem.; Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Albany, Sept. 8, '70; s. s. Worthing- ton, O., '69-'70; s. s. Vevay, Ind., '70-'72; p. Solon, O., '72-'73; s. s. Con- neautviUe, Pa., '73-'74; s. s. Waterford, '74-'75; p. Ludlow, Ky., '75-'81; 8. 8. Pleasant Ridge, O., '81-82; s. s. Gunnison and Black Hawk, Colo., '83-85; s. s. Snohomish, Wash., '85-'86; p. Woodbridge, Cal., '86-'02; p. Tracy, Cal, '02-'05; p. Menlo Park, Cal., '05-'07; p. Mowrystown, O., '07-'09; p. Ostran- der, O., '09-'ll; h. r. res. Worthington, O. '11 . L. FAYE WALKER. b. Murdoch, O.; Mi. U., O.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, '70; p. Dwight, 111., '69-'70; p. Taylorville, '71-'74; p. 9th ch., Indianapohs, Ind., '74-'77; p. CoUege HiU, O., '78-'83; pres. Oxford, '83-'01; s. s. and p. CoUins- viUe, '86-'01; p. Hebron Mem. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '01-'03; d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 19, 1903. MARTIN V. B. VAN ARSDALE, p. Seymour, Ind., '69-'70; p. EvansviUe, '72-'73; p. Green Valley, lU., '77-'81; agt. Bloomington, '81-'84; supt. Englewood, '84-'90; agt. Chicago, '90-'94; d. Chicago, 111., May 10, 1894. Sanford George Fisher Clinton, Kas. b. East Liverpool, O., May 16, 1844; W. & J. C, '66; (1); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Vincennes, '69; p. Mt. Vernon, Ind., ; s. s. Burlington, Kas., '70- '71; 8. 8. Washington, '72-'76; s. s. Hudson, Wis., '77-'79; s. s. TerreU, Tex., '81-'86 and '87-'88; s. s. Coffeyville, Kas, '86; s. 8. Cisco, Tex., '8&-'87; 8. 8. Ashland, Kas, '88-'90; s. 8. Mound City, Mo., '90-'91; h. m. Purcell, I. T., '91-'00; p. Corning, Cal., 'OO-'Ol; p. Glenwood Springs, Colo., '01-'02; p. Stanford, Neb., '02-'04; p. Tracy, Cal., '04-'06; s. e. La Grange, Mc, '06-' 10; s. 8. CUnton, Kas., '10 . Mod. Synod of Texas. Wm. Hamilton. Henry C. Johnson. William Keiry Monte Vista, Colo. b. Co. Antrim, Ireland, Dec. 24, 1839; H. C. I. and M. C. I., 3 years; tea.; Mon. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Warren, June 14, '67; p. Oquawka Junction (now Gladstone), 111., '67-'70; s. s. and p. Brunswick and Salem, '70-'71; a. s. Morton and Deer Creek, '81-'87; 8. s. Monte Vista and Bowen, Colo., '87- '94; s. s. Monte Vista and Lockett, '94-'02; chap. '02-'06; res. Monte Vista, Colo., '06— . 1870] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 31 Francis Cassatte Monfort, D.D. (W. U. O.) Cincinnati, O. b. Greensburg, Ind., Sept. 1, 1844; W. C. I., '64; news; (1); Lane Sem.; N. C. Sem.; U. E.; U. B. G.; ord. Pby. Cincinnati, April 8, 70; p. 4th ch., Cincin- nati, O., '75-'88; p. 1st ch., Cincinnati, '78-'88; ed. "Herald and Presbyter," Cincinnati, '70 . Sketchly Morton Pearce, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 20, 1838; C. N. J., '62; Princt. Sem.; (1); s. s. La Crescent, Minn., '65-'66; ord. evang. Pby. Chippewa, April 27, '66; s. a. Upper West Nottingham, Pa., '66-'68; s. s. WrightsviUe, '68; p. '71-'74; h. r. Media, Pa., '75-'89; res. Philadelphia, '89-'91; d. PhUadelphia, Pa., July 19, 1891. Andrew V. Stout. b. Circleville, O., Jan. 30, 1837; tea.; ord. Pby. Kansas, Oct. '68; p. CUnton, Kas., '68-'74; p. Baldwin and Black Jack, '74-'82; p. Edger- ton, '82-'86; p. Olathe, '86-'02; d. Olathe, Kas., March 27, 1902. 1870 PLACIDE BOUDREAU Quebec, Can. b. St. John, Quebec, Sept. 29, 1842; H. C. I., '65; tea.; K. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby., Chicago, Oct. 6, '70; p. St. Anne, lU., '70-'99; p. St. John's ch., Montreal, Can.; '99-'08; prof. Boys' High School, Quebec, Can., '08 . NATHAN HALL DOWNING, b. Hannibal, Mo., March 25, 1835; W. & J. C, '66; farm; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Catawba, Oct. 10, '67; miss. Frankhnton, N. C, '67-'70; s. 8, Logan, Mo., '70-'71; s. s. Ebenezer (Sumter), N. C, '71-'72; s. s. Good WiU, '72-'77; s. s. Clarence, la., '79-'83; s. s. MechanicsviUe, '83-'86; s. a. Montezuma, '86-'88; s. s. Clarence, '88-'92; s. s. Virginia, '93-'94; s. s. Providence, lU., '94-'99; res. Chicago, 111., '99-'02; d. Lake Harbor, Mich., Aug. 17, 1902. JOHN N. HUTCHINSON MinneapoUs, Minn. p. Fairbury, lU., '71-'74; p. Marengo, '74-'88; p. Sioux Falls, S. D., '88-'08; s. s. MinneapoUs, Minn., '08 . JEREMIAH B. LONG Chicago, lU. b. Kerry Co., Scotland, Sept. 29, 1838; H. C. I., '68; Danv. Sem. (2 grad.); he. ; Burt. Co., Neb., '70-'73; Madison Co., Neb., '73-'74; farm. Madison, Neb., '74-'10; res. Chicago, '11 . ROBERT B. MARSHALL. res. Hopkinton, la.; M. C. I., '67; (2 grad.) d. Hopkinton, la., 1871. JOHN PATTERSON, s. s. Cato, Wis., '70-'75; s. s. Cambridge and Oakland, '75-83; s. s. Cam- bridge, '86; d. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 22, 1887. ALEXANDER SIMEON PECK, b. Jamestown, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1835; H. C. I., '67; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June '70; p. Wyoming, 111., '70-'77; s. s. Farmington, '77-'80; s. a. DaUas Center, la., '8(>-'83; s. s. Rome, S. D., '83-'84; s. s. Tyndall, '84-'87; s. s. Hurley, '87-89; s. s. Pease Valley and OUve, '89-'90; s. s. Armour, S. D., '91-'07; d. Sioux City, la., Nov. 6, 1907. 32 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1871 John G. Bergen, Y. M. C. A., Baltimore. David Clark, b. Houston, O., Jan. 9, 1836; W. C. P. and M. U., '67; Danv. Sem.; (1); lie. Pby. Oct. 8, '68; p. Hermon and Blue Grass, '68-'70; p. Lebanon, O. '72-'76; p. Austin, lU., '76-'83; p. DaUas, Tex., '83-'86; p. Galena, lU., '87- '00; ev. St. Louis, Mo., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Martinsburg, la., '01-'05; ev. St. Louis, Mo., '05-'06; d. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 22, 1906. Albert McCalla 313 E. 22nd St., Chicago, El. b. Bloomington, Ind., 1846; M. C. I., '67; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2); ord. '70, Pby. of Chicago (N. S.); s. s. Libertyville, 111., '69; s. s. Monsey, N. Y., '69-'70; p. Emporia, Kas., '70-'72; ill health, '72-'73; ev. Chicago, lU., '73-'75; prof. P. C. I., '75-'86; prof. L. F. U., '86-'92; prin. Merced, Cal., '92-'93; res. Chicago, lU., '93 . 1871 ALEXANDER MAGILL DARLEY, 6. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 2, 1840; W. & J. C, '68; (3 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Ft. Dodge, April, '71; p. Cherokee and Storm Lake, la., '71-'74; p. Missouri VaUey, '74-'75; p. Del Norte, Colo., '75-'80; p. Trinidad, '80-'84; p. Afton, la., '84-'85; p. Storm Lake and Sulphur Springs, '85-'86; p. Seward, Neb., '86-'88; p. Pueblo, Colo., '88-'07; Manila, P. I., '07-'12; d. Manila, P. L, 1912. LELAND McAVOY GILLELAND, b. Butler Co., Pa., June 7, 1843; W. & J. C, '68; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '70; p. White Pigeon, Mich., '71-'77; p. Tidioute, Pa., '77-'84; p. Evansville, Ind., '84-'90; p. Lake View, Chicago, '9a-'91; d. Chicago, 111., March 17, 189L CHARLES MARION HOWE, b. Girard, Pa., March 21, 1842; U. la., '67; Aub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, Nov. 1, '71; p. Eldora, la., '71-'80; s. s. Janesville, '80-'86; s. s. Dysart, '86-'90; h. r.;d. Pasadena, Cal., March 2, 1897. JACOB CHRISTIAN DE BRUYN KOPS, b. Holland, Dec. 10, 1831; Acad. Royal Navy, Holland; civ. eng.; (3 grad.); ord. evan. Pby. Chicago, Feb. 26, '91; f. m. Benita, West Africa, '71-'73; s. s. La Crescent., Minn., '73-75; s. s. Galesville, Wis., '75-'77; p. Bloomington, Minn., '77-'81;ev. Chicago, 111., '81-'83; 8. 8. Red Lake FaUs, Minn., '83-'85;s.s. N. Pac. Junction, '85; ev. Los CerriUos, N. M., '86; s. s. Fremont, Minn., '86-'89; 8. 8. Pierpont, S. D., '90; miss. La Crosse, Wis., '90-'92; res. St. Paul, Minn., '93; h. r. res. La Crosse, Wis., '94r-'97; St. Paul, Minn., '97-'00; d. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 11, 1900. SAMUEL LANTRY McAFEE, D.D. (P. C. I.) Parkville, Mo. b. Emerson, Mo., May 13, 1841; Pa. C. M., '69; farm.; Aub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Mo. River, Dec. 17, '71; p. Red Oak, la., '71-'82; p. Winnebago City, Minn., '82; p. Malvern, la., '82-85; prin. Corning (la.) Academy, '85- '89; prof. Bibl. Hist., Park CoU., '89-'06; prof. emer. '06 . Mod. Syn. la. South, '76; Mod. Syn. Mo., '00; Trustee P. C. I. WILLIAM C. McDOUGALL, p. Plato, lU., '70-'72; c. m. Chicago, '74-'78; 1871] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 33 SAMUEL HOWELL MURPHY, D.D. (C.O.W.) Delafield, Wis. b. Princeton, N. J., June 17, 1845; C. N. J., '65; tut.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Feb. 71; miss. West Africa, '71-74; p. Chatfield, Minn., '74-'77; miss. Africa, '77-'80; p. Blue Earth City, Minn., '80-'84; p. Chat- field, '84-'94; p. PhiUips, Wis., '94-'03; p. North Bend, Wis., '03-'08; p. Delafield, Wis., '08 . Mod. Syn. Minnesota, '86. CHARLES BENJAMIN OOaVIE Muscatine, la. b. Muscatine, la., Jan. 14, 1845; C. N. J., '67; Un. Sem., N. Y., (2 grad.); lawy. Muscatine, la., '73 . J. E. Cowan. res. CrawfordsviUe, Ind.; W. C. I., '68; (1);- Theo. Crowl. res. Darhngton, Pa.; W. & J. C, '68; (1);— Robert Currie. res. LaPrakie, 111.; W. & J. C, '68; (1); Robert Gilmer. res. Middletown, O.; W. & J. C, '68; (1);- James McLeod, D.D Cape May, N. J. b. Ireland; C. N. J.; ord. '70; (2); Pby. of Chicago; p. Morris, 111., '70-'72; p. 1st ch., JoHet, '72-'78; p. Central ch., Buffalo, N. Y., '78-'83; p. 2nd ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '83-89; p. Ist ch., Scranton, Pa., '93-'07; p. Cape May, N. J., '07 . Ashbel Green Martyn Roscoe, S. D. b. Livonia, Ind., Nov. 24, 1849; W. C. I., '68; (2); Danv. Sem.; ord. Pby. Iowa City, June 12, '72; s. s. Wilton Junction, la., '72-77; s. s. Malcom, '77- '81; s. 8. MediapoHs, '81-'86; p. Shelbyville, Ky., '86-'89; s. s. Perry, la., '89-'92 '0&-'07 '09-' 11 s. 8. Grand Junction, '92-94; s. s. Denison, '94-'06; s. s. Lawton, la., s. s. Denison, la., '07-'08; s. s. Farley, la., '08-09; s. s. Warsaw, 111., 8. 3. Hersman, 111., '11-'12; s. s. Roscoe, S. D., '12- Thomas Johnston Sherrard, b. Steubenville, O., Feb. 25, 1845; W. & J. C, '68; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Huntington, June 11, '72; p. Mifflintown, Pa., '72-'80; p. Brookville, '80-'83; p. Honey Brook, '83-'89; p. Chambersburg, '90-'05; d. Chambers- burg, Pa., July 10, 1905. Edward Payson Whallon, Ph.D. (W. U. O.), D.D. (W. U. O.) Cincinnati, O. b. Putnamville, Ind., March 30, 1849; H. C. I., '68; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Winona, April 25, '71; s. s. Kasson, Minn., '70-'71; p. Liberty, Ind., '72-'78; p. Vincennes, '78-'87; p. 4th ch., Indianapohs, '87-'91; ed. "Church at Work," '86-'88; ed. "Herald and Presbyter," Cincinnati, O., '91 . Joseph Dick Wilson, b. Falkirk, Scotland, June 14, 1843; W. & J. C, '68; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. West Jersey, Oct. 11, '71; p. MillviUe, N. J., '71-'73; d. Millville, N. J., Nov. 26, 1873. 34 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1872 1872 GEORGE BENAUGH, D.D. (New Windsor Col.) Belfast, Ireland b. County Town, Ireland,' Oct. 14, 1845; U. Belfast., Princt.Sem.; (2 grad.); p. Summit HiU, Pa., 73-76; p. 4th ch., Philadelphia, Pa., 77-'80; p. Mifflintown, '80-'84; p. Manchester, O., '87-'90; p. Camden, N. J., '9()-'91; s. 8. Chanute, Kas., '92-'93; p. Lexington, O., '93-96; p. Knockbracken ch., Belfast, Ireland, '98 . WILSON FLEMING CELLARS Amesville, O. b. Liberty, 0., Dec. 20, 1841; O. W. U., '74; farm.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, Feb. '73; p. Plymouth, 111., '72-'77; s. s. Manitowoc,' Wis., '77-'80; s. s. BerUn, 0., '8(>-'82; p. g. Aub. Sem., '82-'83; p. Mt. Clemens, Mich., '84-'89; p. e. Rushville, lU., '89-'91; s. s. Liberty, Berlin and West BerMn (Delaware), 0., '92-'96; s. s. Chesterville, O., '96-'03; p. Amesville, O., '03 . GEORGE EARHART, D.D. (Coe C.) Cedar Rapids, la. b. Troy, la., July 9, 1844; U. la., '69; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, Nov. 6, '72; p. Ackley, la., '72-'99;s. s. JanesviUe, '99-'03; s. s. Shaller, la., '03-'12; res. Cedar Rapids, la., '12 . WILLIAM FRACKLETON, 8. s. Knoxville, la., '74-'76; s. s. Dexter, la., '76-'77; s. s. Petersburgh, la., '77-'78; s. s. Glassborough, N. J., '78-'80; (in trans.) Belfast, Ireland, '80; p. Anne St. ch., Brisbane, Ireland ; d. . WILLIAM H. McCUSKEY Hopklnton, la. b. Triadelphia, W. Va., Jan. 31, 1841; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, April '73; s. s. Denison, la., '73-'75; s. s. Durham, '75-'79; 8. 8. St. Charles, '79-'83; s. s. Castlewood, S. D., '83-'88; s. s. Lime Spring, la., '88-'91; s. s. Frankville, la., '91-'98; s. s. Volga, '98-'05; res. Hopkinton, la., '05 . CHARLES AUGUSTUS WOOD Nebraska. 6. Chicago, lU., Aug. 13, 1835; U. V. '54; (2 grad.); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Chicago, July 9, '73; ev. Silver City, N. M., '73-'75; s. s. Libertyville, N. M., '76; w. c, Kansas, '76-'83; ranch, Neb., '83 . WILBUR FISKE WOOD, b. Philadelphia, ; C. N. J., '65; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '72; p. Peotone, lU., '72-'82; p. Oil City, Pa., '82-'90; p. Stapleton, N. Y., '90-'04; d. London, Eng., AprU 17, 1904. Samuel Annin. res. Liberty Corner, N. J.; C. N. J., '69; (1); . Turner Smith Bailey, D.D. (Coe C. I.) Cedar Rapids, la. b. BloomingviUe, O., April 19, 1841; U. la., '69; tea.; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Dubuque, April 24, '72; p. Farley, Epworth and Peosta, la., '72-'76; p. Pataskala, O., '76-'78; p. CarroU, la., '78-'83; syn. miss. Iowa, Cedar Rapids, '83-'98; p. TranquiUity and Salem, la., '99-03; h. r. res. Cedar Rapids, la., '03 . Mod. Syn. la. '98; Trustee Coe C. 1873] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 35 James Hunter Clark Minneapolis, Minn. h. Liberty, O., Dec. 31, 1843; W. & J. C, ; (2); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Genesee, 72; p. Castile, N. Y., 72-73; s. b. Streator, lU., 73-75 8. 8. Atchison, Kas., 75-78; p. Millard Av. Cong, ch., Chicago, 111., '82 8. 8. La Rose, lU.; s. a. Methol, N. Y., '97-'01; h. r. res. Elmira, N. Y., '01-'02 res. MinneapoUs, Minn., '02 . John Calvin Eastman, h. Crawfordsville, Ind., July 8, 1845; H. C. L, '65; (2); Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Dayton, Oct. 10, '72; p. Greenville, O., '72-'80; 8. a. Las Vegas, N. M., '80- '82; 8. 8. and p. Larkin St. ch., San Francisco, Cal., '82-'88; s. s. Colusa, '88-'96; p. San Luis Obispo, Cal., '97-'00; d. San Luia Obispo, Cal., April 29, 1900. William Gay, s. 8. Glenwood, N. Y., '73-'74; s. a. New Boston, 111., '74-'75; e. s. Sharon (Spring Hill), '79-'81; s. s. Dehnar, la., '81-'84; a. s. Clarence, '84-'85; s. a. Centre Junction, '85-'88; p. Morrison, '8S-'91; s. s. Dows, '91-'92; 8. s. Mehama, Ore., '92-'93; s. s. Lafayette, '93-'99; h. r. rea., Dallas, Ore., '99- '00; d. Dallas, Ore., March 9, 1900. Edward Hewlett Harvey Paw Paw, Mich. h. Cazenovia, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1845; Kal. C, '69; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Elizabeth, April 30, '72; p. West Summit. N. J., '72-'74; 8. a. and p. Albion, Mich., '74-'78; trav. Europe and U. S. A., '77-'79; p. (Cong.) Centerville, Mass., '79; p. Holly, Mich., '80-'81; p. (Cong.) Augusta, Mich., '82-'86; trav. Europe, '86; s. a. Broadhead, Wis., '87-'88; a. s. Paw Paw, Mich., '88-'90; U. S. pension agt., Detroit, Mich., '90-'94; trav. and study, '94; res. Paw Paw, Mich., '95 . Thomas Lawrence Sexton, D.D. (L. C. I.) Lincoln, Neb. b. Poland, O., March 29, 1839; W. & J. C, '69; tea.; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Troy, May 9, '72; p. Westminster ch., Troy, N. Y., '72-'75; p. New London, O., '75-'80; p. Kossuth, '80-'82; p. Seward, Neb., '82-'86; syn. miss. Nebraska, '86-'08; res. Lincoln, Neb., '08 . Mod. Syn. Neb., '88; Trustee B.C.M., '82-'07; Dir.Om.Sem., '91 . James G. Wlldman. res. Chicago, 111.; St. Joseph's Coll., '69; (1); . James Williamson, 5. Ontario, Can., 1842; H. C. I., '69; (2); Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Indian- apoUs, Oct. '71; p. Acton, Ind., '71-82; p. e. Greenwood, '82-87; 8. 8. Thomtown, '87-95; s. a. Crawfordsville, '95-'03; d. Crawfordaville, Ind., March 15, 1903. Mod. Syn. Ind., '93. 1873 SAMUEL BAEIER ALDERSON, D.D. (C. C. K.) Tarkio, Mo. 6. St. Charles, Mo., June 22, 1850; B. U. I., '70; (3); ord. Pby. Ebenezer, '74; p. Maysville, Ky., '73-'84; p. Washington C. H., 0., '84-'91; p. Ist ch., Topeka, Kas., '91-'96; p. 2nd ch., Portsmouth, O., '96-'08; p. Tarkio, Mo. '08 . 36 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1873 FRANCIS MARION HICKOK PhUadelphia, Pa. b. Neleonville, O., May 28. 1844; la. Coll. for the Blind, 70; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Nebraska City, Sept. '75; s. s. Peru, Neb., 75; s. s. Palmyra, 75-76; s. s. Humboldt, 77-82; s. s. Hansen, '85-'89; Marquette, '89-'91; 8. 8. Jasper City (Carthage), Mo., '91-'94; prof. H. C. Neb.; ev. Wooster, O., '96-'08; ev. Asheville, N. C, '08-'09; ev. Wooster, O., '09-'10; ev. Philadelphia, Pa., '10 . JOHN CLARK HILL, D.D. (M. C. T.) Springfield, O. b. St. John's, Newfoundland, Feb. 2, 1849;K. C. C, '70; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, May 13, '73; p. Princeton, 111., '73-'76; p. Adrian, Mich., '76-'80; p. Fayetteville, N. Y., '80-'82; miss. Guatemala, C. A., '82- '87; p. Belvidere, 111., '88-'94; Austin, '94-'98; Springfield, O., '98 . ROBERT MACKENZIE, D.D. (C. C. K.) LL.D New York, N. Y. b. Cromarty, Scotland, Nov. 5, 1845; U. C. I.; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April, '73; p. Decatur, 111., '73-'76; p. La Fayette, Ind., '76-'79; p. Howard ch., San Francisco, Cal., '79-'85; p. Ist ch., San Francisco, '85 ; prof, apologetics and miss., San Fran. Sem.,'89-'02; p. Rutgers ch.. New York, N. Y., '02-'09; pres. New York, N. Y., '09-'10; sec. New York, '10 . HORATIO BURGOYNE McBRIDE, b. Oxford, 0., Jan. 7, 1846; M. C. I., '69; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, June 9, '73; s. s. Riochi, Nev., '73-74; s. s. lone, Cal., '74-75; s. s. Colusa, '76-'77; 8.8. Tekama,'78-'79;p.Ukiah, '79-'85; s.s. Healdsburg, '85-'90; s.e. and p. Golden Gate, '90-'96; s. s. Merced, '97-'99; d. Merced, Cal., Jan. 5, 1899. Mod. Syn. Pacific, '86. WILLIAM SCHORSCH, f. m. Benita, W. Africa,'73-'75;in Germany, '75 ;d. Gaboon, West Africa. WUllam Melancthon Bartholomew Valparaiso, Ind. b. Valparaiso, Ind., AprU 7, 1845; C. N. J., '70; (1 — ); Un. Sem., N. Y.; U. L. G., '73-'74; ;s. s. ArUngton Heights, '75 ;p.'77-'83; p. East Des Moines, la., '83-'95; s. s. Valparaiso, Ind., '95-'98; res. Valparaiso, Ind., '98 . Donald Fletcher Denver, Colo. b. Coburg, Ont., Sept. 29, 1849; Ki. C. C, '70; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Westchester, July 22, '73; p. New York, N. Y., '73-'75; p. Northville, Mich., '75-'76; s. s. Chicago, lU., '76-'78; ev. Denver, Colo., '79-'88; demitted the ministry (Pby. Chicago, Oct. 1, '88); bus. Denver, Colo., '89 . John Gillis Dundas, P. E. I. b. Orwell, Prince Edward Island, March 20, 1839; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. New York, April 28, '73; f. m., Wewoka, I. T., '73-'74; p. Knock, Scotland, '75-'77; p. Appisa, Scotland, '77-'83; p. Eldon, Ont., '83-'89; p. Paisley, Ont., '89-93; p. Dundas, Prince Edward Island, '93 . 1874] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 37 William Sylvester Holt, D.D. (R. C. W.) Portland, Ore. b. Mt. Hawkins, 111., Aug. 24, 1848; R. C. W., 70; (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Winona, July 6, '73; miss. Shanghai, China, '73-74; miss. Soochow, '74-'76; miss. Shanghai, '76-'85; h. m., Portland, Ore. (Chinese), '85-'98; miss. Syn. Ore., '98-'08; field sec; h. m. Pacific Coast Distr. '08 . Trustee Albany Coll., Ore.; Dir. San Francisco Sem. John R. Reedy. res. Chicago, 111.; B. C. W., '70; (1); . Edwin Forrest Robb, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 7, 1845; C. U., '70; (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Cayuga, May '73; h. m. Colorado, '73-'74; p. Knoxboro, N. Y., '75-'81; p. Boonville, '81-'83; d. Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1883. James Perry Schell Plumer, N. D. b. near Iowa City, la., Jan. 29, 1845; U. la., '70; farm.; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Iowa City, April 16, '73; s. s. Alta, Utah, '73-'74; s. s. Russel and Woodbum, la., '74-'75; s. s. Scott and West Branch, '75-'79; s. s. Kirkville and Eddyville, '79-'80; s. s. EucUd and Angus, Minn., '80-'86; s. s. Bathgate and Hamilton, N. D., '8&-'90; s. s. Coeur d'Alene, la., '90-'92; p. Drayton, N. D., '92-'98; p. Park River, N. D., '98-'00; p. Northwood, N. D., 'OO-'Ol; p. Warren, Minn., '01-'02; p. CogsweU, N. D., '02-'03; p. Warren, Minn., '03-'07; p. RoUa, N. D., '07-'09; p. Galesburg, N. D., '09-'ll; p. Erie, N. D., '11; res. Plumer, N. D., '12 . Mod. Syn. North Dakota, 1895. Reed Stuart, p. Oneida, 111., '72-'76; p. Battle Creek, Mich., '77-'83; Robert R. Sutherland, D.D., p. Tonawanda, N. Y., '71-'75; p. Findlay, O., '75-'80; p. Newark, '80-'87; p. Knoxville, Tenn., '87-'95; p. Danville, Ky., '95-'98; s. s. Knoxville, Tenn., '99-'09; d. Knoxville, Tenn., 1909. James K. Wilson, Auburn, N. Y., '74-'75; p. Cedarville, N. J., '75-'78; s. s. Wakeeney, Kas., '78-'79; d. Wakeeney, Kas., Nov. 26, 1879. 1874 WILLIAM M. CAMPBELL, Ph.D Denver, Colo. 8. 8. Byron, Mich., '76-'78; ev. Washington, D. C, '78-'79; s. s. Mt. Pleasant, Mich., '79-'82; s. s. Spring Lake, '82-'83; s. s. Carrollton, lU., '83-'89; p. Westminster ch., Rockford, '89-'93; p. Washington Av. ch., Saginaw, E.S., Mich., '93-96; p. Munising, '96-'98; s. s. Le Claire, la., '99-01; s. s. Denver, Colo., '01 . HENRY M. COLLISON, p. Willow Creek (Argyle), lU., '74-'79; p. FuUerton Av. ch., Chicago, '79-'84; d. Chicago, Aug. 18, 1884. JOSEPH D. COWAN, Ref. Episc; Eng. Episc; res. Castlereagh, Ireland. 38 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1875 SAMUEL TAYLOR DAVIS, M.D. (Rush Med. Col.) Kansas City, Kas. h. Washington, Pa., March 4, 1845; W. & J. C, '67; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Washington, Nov. 15, '70;'p. Lower Buffalo, Pa., '70-72; p. Hiawatha, Kas., '72-'75; p. Aledo, lU., '75-'77; p. MUan, '77-'79; p. Macomb, '79-'83; p. Golden, Colo., '83-'88; p. Emerson, la., '88; p. Spokane, Wash., '91; p. Missouri Valley, la., '91-'92; p. Omaha, Neb., '92-'95; p. Emerson, la., '95-'98; p. e. Afton, la., '99-'03; Oskaloosa, la., '03-'07; Argentine, Kas., '08-'10; M. D., Kansas City, Kas., '10 . JOHN ROSS SUTHERLAND, D.D. (H. U. W.) PhUadelphia, Pa. b. Kirk HUl, Ont., Nov. 7, 1846; K. C. C, '70; Aub. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. IndianapoUs, '74; p. Indianapolis, '74-'75; p. Grand Haven, Mich., '75-'80; p. Jacksonville, 111., '80-'85; p. Rockford, '85-'89; p. Pittsburgh, Pa., '89-'95; p. BurUngton, la., '95-'07; New York, N. Y., '07-'08; sec. EUzabeth, N. J., '08-'10; sec. Philadelphia, Pa., '10 . ROBERT KEPNER WHARTON Minneapolis, Minn. b. Port Royal, Pa., ; U. C. I., 2 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 23, '74; p. Wilmington, 111., '74-'80; s. s. Waukegan, '80-'83; p. NUea, Mich., '83-'87; p. Lapeer, '87-'91; p. Beaver Dam, Wis., '91-'96; p. Ypsilanti, Mich., '96-'05; s. s. Evanston, 111., '05-06; p. Rochester, Minn., '06-'12; res. Minneapohs, Minn., '12 . Henry G. Pollock Cincinnati, O. b. Akron, O.; Uc. April 12, '73; Pby. of St. Louis; ord. Sept., '73, Pby. of Platte; s.s. Savaimah, Mo., '74-77; s.s. Walnut Grove (Carrollton), 111., '77- '78; s. s. Chatham, lU., '78-'79; tea. Springfield, '79; p. Red Oak, O., '79-'81; tea. Manchester, '81-'83; s. s. Toners Chapel and Boggetown (Shelbyville), Ind., '90-'92; s. s. m. Shelbybille, '95-'98; Madison, Ind., '98-'06; pres. Cincinnati, O., '06 . 1876 JACOB BOYD ANDREWS, b. Lemont, Pa., ; L. C, '72; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, June 15, '75; p. Oswego, 111., '75-'78; p. Columbus, Wis., '78-'84; p. Appleton, '84-'85; tea. Stockbridge; p. Hebron, 111., '89-'93; p. Santa Cruz, Cal., '93; asst. p. 1st ch., San Jose, '95-99; d. San Jose, Cal., Dec. 11, 1899. EDWARD BEATTY COUSINS Audubon, la. 6. Tipton, la., 1841; army, '62-'65; U. la., '75; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, '76; s. s. Clarence, la., '75-'78; p. Audubon, la., '79-83; res. Audubon, '84 . FULLER PORTER DALRYMPLE Dover, N. J. b. New Jersey, Oct. 26, 1844; P. U. N. J., '67; Princt. Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, May 2, '76; p. Muscatine, la., '76-78; p. Chatfield, Minn., '78-'84; p. Shawnee, Pa., '84^'90; p. Mehoopany, Pa., '90-'91; pres. Gale C. W., '91-'93; p. Chester, 111., '93-'97; p. Booneville, Ky., '97-'00; p. Mt. OUve, N. J., 'OO-'Ol; p. Shawnee, Pa., '01-'12; res. Dover, N. J., '12 . GEORGE DUNLAP Waterman, lU. b. Dunlap, 111., March 8, 1849; K. C. 111., '72; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 18, '75; p. Will, ch., Monee, 111., '75-'89; s. s. Waltham, '93-'94; p. Waltham, '94-'03; p. Waterman, 111., '03 . 1875] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 39 FAREL HART, 8. B. Warrensburgh, Mo., 76-77; p. White Pigeon, Mich., 77-79; ed. and 8. 8. Chicago, 111., 79-'80; d. Lake Michigan, Wis., Oct. 16, 1880. HENRY WEBB JOHNSON, D.D. (H. C. I.) b. Naples, N. Y., June 13, 1848; H. C. I., 72; (3 grad.); ord. 75, Pby. of Logansport; e. s. and p. e. Auburn, Ind., 74-'80; p. Grand Haven, Mich., '80-'85; p. Westminster (Big Rapids), Mich., '85-'89; p. 1st ch., South Bend, Ind., '89-'12; d. South Bend, Ind., April 10, 1912. Dir. McC. T. S.,'85 ; Trustee Han. C. Ind., '94 ; Dir. Winona Assembly and Summer School. THOMAS MARTIN Speer, Dl. b. Birkenhead, England, Aug. 8, 1847; M. C. I., 70; Mon. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, Oct. 29, 78; p. Deer Creek, 111., 76-'80; s. s. Low Point (Hallock), 111., '80-'90; p. La Rose (La Prairie Center), 111., '95-'96; p. Cong, ch., Speer, 111., '96-'99; p. Florid, 111., '99-'02; La Prairie Center, III., res. '02-'06; s. s. Speer, 111., '06 . ADAM WEIR RINGLAND, D.D. (Ott. U.) Denison, Tex. b. Amity, Pa., Oct. 8, 1849; C. C. K., '72; (3 grad.); p. g. '80-'81; ord. Pby. Dubuque, Oct. '75; s. s. 1st ch., Dubuque, la., '75-'86; p. e. 1st ch., Tuscola, 111., '77-'78; s. s. Ist ch., Bement, '78-'84; p. 1st ch., Duluth, Minn., '84-'93; p. Toledo, O., '94-'96; p. South ch., Evanston, lU., '96-'98; res. Chicago, '98-'00; p. Berwyn, lU., '00-'05; res. Oak Park, lU., '05-'06; res. McAlester, Okla., '06-'12; s. s. Denison, Tex., 'l'^ . Dir. McC. Sem., '87-'97; Sec. Bd. Dirs., '96-'97; Mod. Syn. Minnesota, 1891. DAVro SMILEY WHITE, 6. Mercer Co., Pa., July 26, 1849; C. C. K., '72; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, April 2, '74; s. s. Reedsburgh, Wis., '75-'76; s. s. Tolono, 111., '76-'78; s. e. Cerro Gordo, '78-'79; e. s. Black River FaUs, Wis., '79-'80; evang. '80-'92; res. Elgin, 111., '92-'05; d. Elgin, 111., 1905. Albert Barnes Irwin, B.D. (Y. D. Sch.), D.D. (E. C. K.) Highland, Kas. b. Cherrytree, Pa., Oct. 2, 1851; K. C, 111., '71; prin. high school; (2); Yale Div. Sch.; ord. Pby. Nebraska City, May 6, '78; h. m. Palmyra and Sterhng, Neb., '77-'80; p. Beatrice, '80-'86; p. Highland, Kas., '87-'91; prof. High- land C, '91 . Mod. Syn., Kas., '93. George Frederic LeClere Grand Junction, Colo. b. Colosse, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1845; L. C. I., '72; (2); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Wisconsin River, '75; p. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '75-'77; s.-B. Madison, Dak., Dell Rapids, Labard and Flandreau, '77-'80; p. Battle Creek, la., '82-'86; 8. s. Monticello, la., '86-'88; s. s. Oxford, '88; ev. ChiUicothe, Tex., '89-'95-'04; iU health; Grand Junction, Colo., ev. '05 . H. W. Tucker. res. Claridon, O.; K. C. Tor., '72; (1); . Joseph Glass Venable Mahomet, HI. b. Shelby Co., Ky., June 26, 1846; L. C. K., '71; (1); Danv. Sem.; ord. Pby. Neosho, April '78; s. b. Oswego, Kas., '78-'79; s. 8. Fairmount, '79-'82; 8. 8. Wakarusa, PauUne and Mission Centre, '82-'86; s. s. Topeka, '86-'90; 8. 8. Troy, Ala., '92-'94; p. BroadweD, Ky., '94^'00; Rehoboth, Ind., 'OO-'Ol; p. Petersburg, Ind., '01-'06; Mahomet, IU., '06 . 40 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1876 1876 JOHN P. BAKER, b. near Zanesville, O.; Grandview Acad., la., 73; (3 grad.); ord. '77, Pby. of Nebraska City; a. a. West Point, la., '77-78; s. s. Macomb, 111., and s. 8. Ebenezer, '80-'82; a. s. Troy, la., '82-'84; a. a. Beaver City, Neb., '84; ev. Newton, la., '86-'87; a. a. Pleasant Plain, '87; s. a. Laurel (Newton), '89-90; tea. Newton, '91-'93; rea. Newton, la., '93-'04; d. MitchellviUe, la., Nov. 30, 1904. WILLIAM ROSSMAN HENDERSON, D.D. (C. C. K.) Greenville, Ky. b. New Castle, Ind., Oct. 13, 1845; C. N. J., '67; lawy.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April '76; p. Danville, Ky., '76-'79; p. Iowa City, la., '79-'80; p. Harrodsburg, Ky., '80-'82; p. Glasgow Av. oh., Chicago, 111., '82-'83; s. s. Holden, Mo., '83-'85; p. Omaha, Neb., '85-'89; ed. "The Central West," Omaha, Neb., '89-'91; ed. "The Mid-Continent," St. Louis, Mo., '91-'94; s. s. Santa Monica, Cal., '94-'96; rea. Colton, Cal., '96-'98; agt. Am. Bible Soc, Chicago, lU., '98-'02; New Cambria, Mo., '02- '03; 8. a. Louisiana, Mo., '03-05; s. s. California, Mo., '05-'08; a. s. Shel- bina, Ky. '08-'10; res. Greenville, Ky., '10 . GEORGE FLETCHER McAFEE, &. Marion Co., Mo., Oct. 7, 1839; Coll. N. E. Mo., tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, May 16, '76; p. Chatsworth, 111., '76-'78; p. St. Peter, Minn., '78-'83; 8. a. Pierre, S. D., '83-'85; p. '85-'87; treas. and fiscal agt. Macaleater Coll., '87-'89; aupt. Indian Train. School, Good Will, S. D., '92-'93; aupt. school work Bd. H. M., New York, N. Y., '93-'06; Aden, Wash., '06-'O7; Augusta, 111., '07; d. Augusta, 111., Aug. 4, 1907. GEORGE D. MARSH, b. Tiffin, O.; A. C. M., '72; (3 grad.); a. a. Redwood FaUs, Minn., '79-'80; p. e. Shelbyville, Ind., '81-'83; . Herman T. Clendennlng, b. Galena, 111., 1849; (3 grad.); p. M. E. ch., Austin, III, '76-'81; Sycamore, '81-'84; De Kalb, '84-'89; Aurora, '89-'94; Union Av., Chicago, '94-'99; Elgin, '99-'04; Sacramento Av., Chicago, '04-'09; Waukegan, '09-'12; d. Battle Creek, Mich., July 5, 1912. Charles Peyton Graham Kampsville, HI. b. Oregon, Ky., April 5, 1847; U. I., '73; (2); ord. Pby. Emporia, April 12, '79; p. New Salem and Walnut Valley, Kaa., '79-'86; p. Malvern, '86-'87; p. Hartford and Elmendaro, '87-'89; p. Argonia, Mayfield and Liberty, '89-'92; p. Neal and Hamilton, '92; p. New Salem and Walnut Valley, '92-'96; p. Mahomet and Jersey, 111., '96-'98; s. a. Mankato, Kas., '98-'00; s. s. Poheta, Kaa., '0(>-'02; s. a. Mt. Pleaaant, Kaa., '02-'03; a. a. Ashland, Kas., '03-'05; 8. a. Geneaeo, Kas., '05-'09; New Salem, 111., '09-'12; s. s. Kampsville, 111., '12 . Edwin Hobbs, res. Chicago; U. C, '72; (1); M. E. ch. Edwin N. Lord, b. Kearney Junction, Neb.; K. C. I., '72; (3); a. a. Waterman, 111., ev. Somonauk, '79-'80; p. Astoria, '80-'81; s. a. New Salem, '81-'82; a. s. and p. Tolono, '82-'86; p. Wenona, '86-'88; d. North Ontario, Cal., March 23, 1890. 1 877] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 41 James Anthony Mitchell, b. Belleville, 111., Sept. 20, 1846; U. C. I., '73; tea.; (2); San Anselmo Sem.; ord. Pby. Los Angeles, '77; p. Pasadena, Cal., '77-'78; ev. Ana- heim, '78-79; 8. 8. Placerville, '79-'80; s. s. Lakeport, '80-'81; s. a. Los Alamos, '82-'90; p. e. Wrights, '90-'93; s. s. Milpetas, '93-'96; res. San Francisco, '96-'97; s. s. Fall River MiUs, '98; p. Elko, Nev., '99-'02; p. Kansas City, Kas., '02-'03; s. s. Stockett, Mont., '03-'05; s. s. Princeville, Ore., '05-'08; s. s. Bend, Ore., '08; d. Bend, Ore., June 14, 1911. Lewis Henry Mitchell, D.D., b. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 8, 1846; U. of Wis., '72; Un. Sem., N. Y.,'72-'73; (1); ord. Oct., '74, Pby. of Freeport; s. s. Cedarville, 111., '74-'78; p. Portage, Wis., '79-'81; p. Blue Earth City, Minn., '83-'88; p. Rochester, '88-'93; p. e. South Chicago, 111., '94-'96; ev. Chicago, '96-'97; p. Herscher, 111., '98- '00; 8. s. Chicago, 111., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Pasadena, Cal., '01-'04; d. Chicago, III., Nov. 17, 1904. WlUiam Hitt Penhallegon, D.D Decatur, 111. 6. Cornwall, England; (3); ord. '79, Pby. of Solomon; s. a. Wilson, Kas., '79-'80; 8. 8. Braidwood, lU., '80-'81; a. a. Park (Streator), '81-'89; p. Decatur, 111., '89 . Edgar La Mar Williams, D.D. (L. C. I.) Indianapolis, Ind. 6. Bucyrus, O., Nov. 7, 1848; H. C. I.; N. W. (Chr.) U., 3 years; bookk.; (2); Un. Sem., New York; ord. Pby. IndianapoUs, June 7, '76; p. Indianola and 12th chs., Indianapolis, Ind., '76-'77; a. s. Newton, la., '77-80; p. Albia, la., '78-82; p. Geneseo, 111., '82-'90; syn. ev. lU., '9(>-'92; p. Grace ch., Peoria, '92-'95; ev. '95-'09; a. a. Greenwood, Ind., '09-'ll; ev. Indianapolis, Ind., '11 . Mod. Syn. 111. Thomas Clay Winn, D.D. (A. C.) Dairen, Manchuria. b. Flemington, Ga., June 29, 1851; K. C. 111.; A. C, '73; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y., ord. Pby. Peoria, Sept. 19, '77; miss. Yokohama, Japan, '77-'79; miss. Kanazawa and Ishikawa, '79-'98; Osaka, Japan, '98-'06; Dairen, Man- churia, '06 . 1877 ALFRED KELLEY BATES Ithaca, N. Y. b. Columbus, O., Dec. 14, 1853; C. N. J., '74; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Sangamon, Nov. 8, '77; p. 3rd ch., Springfield, 111., '77-'78; p. Mt. Vernon, O., '78-'80; p. Lima, N. Y., '81-'83; p. Council Bluffs, la., '83-'86; p. Cedar Rapids, '87-'89; p. Cadiz, 0., '89-'91; p. Lima, N. Y., '93-'05; CUfton Springs, N. Y., '05-'06; p. Fenton, Mich., '06-'08; res. Ithaca, N. Y., '08 . ALBERT BARNES BYRAM Hansen, Neb. b. Hillsgrove, O., Oct. 31, 1843; U. la., '74; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, Nov., '77; p. Greenville, 111., '77-'80; s. s. Fremont, Neb., '80- '81; p. Edgar, '81-'90; Ongand Oak, '90-'91; p. Craig, '91-'92; s. a. Mound City, Mo., '92-94; ev., '94-'95; s. s. Diagonal, Platte Centre and Prairie Star, la., '95-'96; s. e. WiUiams, '96-'98; s. s. Kingston, Mo., '98-'01; Eaton Station, Mo., '01-'02; s. s. Stanly, Kas., '02; s. s. Firth, Neb., '02-'05; s. s. Hopewell, Neb., '05-'09; a. a. Hansen, Neb., '09 . 42 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1877 SAMUEL SHONAS CRYOR, D.D. (C. C. S.), Ph.D. (W. U. 0.) . Oregon, lU. b. Rock Island, 111., Nov. 9, 1850; O. C. O., '73; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, Oct. 30, '77; p. Warren, 111., '77-'80; p. e. Cambridge City, Ind., '81; s. s. Rock Island, lU., '81 ; p. '82-'86; s. s. 3rd ch., Cincinnati, O., '87; p. '88-'90; p. Albert Lea, Minn., '9(>-'98; p. West- minster ch., San Francisco, Cal., '98-'99; p. Dixon, 111., '99-' 12; p. Oregon, 111., '12 . ALEXANDER DANSKIN Detroit, Mich. b. Huntington, Can., July 31, 1849; W. C. I., '74; farm.; Lane Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, '77; p. Keota, la., '77-'81; p. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., '81-'85; p. Vassar, '85-'89; p. Saginaw, '89-'93; p. Pinconning, '93- '98; 8. s. West Bay City, Mich., '98-'01 ; editor, "Mich. Presbyterian," Detroit, Mich., '02 . JOHN ADAMS EWALT, D.D Loveland, O. b. Howland, O., Jan. 25, 1846; O. C. O., '74; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, May 10, '77; p. Streator, 111., '76-'82; p. London, O., '82- '01; B. 8. Norwood, Cincinnati, O., '01-'02; p. Winchester, O., '02-'07; p. Loveland, O., '07 . WILLIAM JUSTIN HARSHA, D.D New York. b. Hanover, lU., April 20, 1853; C. N. J., '74; (3 grad.); ord. April 13, '76, Pby. of Springfield, 111.; p. 2nd ch., Omaha, Neb., '77 ; p. 1st ch., Omaha, '87-'91; p. 2d Harlem Collegiate Reformed, New York, N. Y., '91 . THOMAS JOHNSON LAMONT, D.D., b. Cincinnati, O.; B. C. W., ; (3 grad.); ord. March, '77, Pby. of Chicago; s. b. Glover Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '76-'78; ed. Chicago, '78-'79; 8. 8. and p. Reunion ch., Chicago, '79-'83; s. s. South Chicago, '84-85; 8. s. Anaconda, Mont., '85-'89; s. s. and p. Olympia, Wash., '90-'96; res. Port- land, Wash., '97; s. a. Marysville, Cal., '98-'00; d. Marysville, Cal., Sept. 4, 1900. WILLIAM OMELVENA, (3 grad.); ord. '82, Pby. of Chicago; p. Rockville, Ind., '81-'85; s. s. Wood- bridge (San Francisco), Cal., '85-'86; s. s. Modesto, '86-'87; s. s. Rice Lake, Wis., '88-'89; e. s. Brazil, Ind., '89-'93; s. s. Petersburg, '93-'97; res. Seattle, Wash., '98-'00; PuyaUup, Wash., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Kent, Wash., '01-'03; Kansas City, Mo., '03-'04; s. s. Schell City, Mo., '04-'05; s. s. Versailles, Mo., '05- '06; res. Joplin, Mo., '06 . SOLOMON NELSON VAIL Washington, D. C. b. Ossian, Ind., 1849; H. C. I., '75; ; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. ; 8. 8. Franklin Grove, 111., '77-'78; p. e. Ashton, '77-80; s. s. Odebolt, la., '80-'81; s. s. Missouri Valley, '82-'85; s. e. Colfax, '85-'89; p. g., '89; p. let ch., Hopkinsville, Ky., '90-'98; ; ev. Louisville, Ky., '02-'06; supt. Washington, D. C, '06 . JOHN ANDERSON WALKER, b. Stuart, la.; B. U. I., '74; (3 grad.); Ronald, Wash., '92; (susp.); . ALEX. COURTLAND WILSON Milford, Mich. b. Masontown, Pa., March 9, 1852; C. N. J., '74; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); Uc. Pby. Redstone, April '76; s. 8. and p. Grand Ridge, 111., '76-'79; p. Erie, Pa., '79-'80; p. Ehnwood, lU., '81-'82; p. Gihnan, '83-'88; p. Milford, Mich., '88 . 1878] MbCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 43 WILLIAM JASPER YOUNG, D.D. (P. C. I.) Clarendon, Va. b. Albia, la., July 27, 1846; U. Va., 74; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Logansport, April 11, 77; s. s. Crown Point, Ind.. 76-78; s. e. and p. Tekamah, Neb. and 8. 8. Silver Creek, 78-'80; s. s. East Des Moines, la., '80-'83; e. s. West- minster (Des Moines), '83-'87; ev. Des Moines, '87-88; s. s. 6th oh.. Dee Moines, '88-'96; ev. Chicago, '95-'96; p. Hammond, Ind., '96-'98; p. Bails- ton, Va., '98-'08; Minot, N. D., '08-'09; Washington, D. C, '09-'10; res. Clarendon, Va., '10 . Charles F. Brown, b. Sugar Creek, la.; (1). William Charles, L. C. I., '73; (3); ev. Tarentum, Pa., '95-'98; Lakota, N. J., '98- Roland R. Landis, res. Chicago; U. C, '73; (1). 1878 JOHN ANDREAS BARDILL, 6. Luzein, Prattigan Kt., Graubunden, Switzerland; Dub. Sem., la., 75; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, April 15, '79; p. and s. s. Nazareth and Zion, Mo., '79-'89; p. Buffalo Grove, Neb., '90 ; s. e. Salem, '92-'98; d. Lex- ington, Neb., Nov. 24, 1898. DAVID DWIGHT BIGGER, D.D. (H. U. O.) TiflSn, O. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., May 18,1849; Monmouth, '75; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Huron, AprU 15, '79; p. 1st ch.. Tiffin, 0., '78-'98; syn. supt. Columbus, '98-'10; field sec. Bd. Ministerial Sustentation, '10 . Trustee, W. U. O.; Green Springs Ac. THOMAS HOWARD CANDOR Bogota, U. S. C. b. Rock Island, lU., Jan. 20, 1854; M. C. I., '76; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, May 16, '78; p. Clarence, la., '78-79; s. s. Brooklyn, '79-'81; res. grad. Priact. Sem.; miss. Bogota, U. S. Colombia, '83-'85; p. e. Farmiagton, 111., '86 ; p. '87; miss. Bogota, '88; Baranqmlla, '89-'93; Bogota, '93 . WILLIAM CARSON CORT, b. Monongahela City, Pa., Feb. 24, 1850; M. C. I., '75; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, '78; s. s. Mattoon and Franklin Grove, 111., '78-'80; h. m. Parowan, '80-'84; s. s. Leon, la., '84-'87; s, s. ArUngton Heights, lU., '88-'89; s. s. NashviUe, '89-'92; p. Goodland, Ind., '92-'96; d. Goodland, Ind., July 27, 1896. JAMES N. HILL, res. Chicago; (3 grad.); p. Dwight, 111., '78-'80; THOMAS C. McFARLAND Beaumont, Gal. b. Steelesville, 111., Oct. 8, 1850; McK. C. I., '72; tea.; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, Jan. '79; p. Bellevue, la., '78-'80; p. Malcom, '80-'84; p. Petersburg, 111., '84-'87; p. Mitchell, S. D., '87-'88; WilUams- burg, la., '88-'05; Long Beach, Cal., '05-'06; s. s. Hazehigg, Ind., '06-'07; Alhambra, Cal., '07-'08; s. s. Burbank, Cal., '0&-'09; Alhambra, Cal., '09- '10; Florence, Ariz., 'lO-'ll; Beaumont, Cal., '11 . 44 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1878 ANGUS McKINNON, b. Fond du Lac, Wis.; W. C. I., 74; (3 grad.); Fond du Lac, Wis., '77-79; p. Oscoda, Mich., 79-'81; p. Ashland, Wis., '81-'87; s. s. Weyauwega, Wis., '87-'88; ev. Ashland, Wis., '88-'92; s. s. Broadhead, Wis., '92-'93; ev. Ashland, Wis., '93-94; d, Gordon, Neb., AprU 16, 1894. JOHN D. McLEAN, b. Pictou, Nova Scotia; D. C. N. S., '74; (3 grad.); p. Woodstock, 111., '78- '82; 8.s.Groton,S.D.,'82-'88; h.r.;res. Spokane Falls, Wa8h.,'88 ; . JOHN T. MORRIS Scranton, Pa. b. Rhymney, South Wales, ; Mt. U. C, ; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. June 11, '79; Cal. Meth. eh.; p. Picatona, Wis., '78-81; p. Itonia and Watertown, '81-84; p. Bellevue, Scranton, Pa., '84 — ■ ; Welsh Calvinistic minister; res. Scranton, Pa. PHILO FULLER PHELPS Berkeley, Cal. b. Greenville, lU.; B. U. I. and W. C. I.; (3 grad.); ord. Nov., '78, Pby. of Sacramento; s. s. Eureka, Nev., '78-'79; ev. San Francisco, Cal., '79-'81; 8. 8. and p. Livermore, '82-88; p. Fresno, '88-'95; p. e. Stockton, '95-98; s. s. Salinas, Cal., '98-'03; s. s. Ashland, Ore., '03-'05; San Francisco, Cal., '05- '06; Berkeley, Cal., '06 . JOHN A. RINGOLD Arcadia, la. b. Holland; Dub. Sem., la.; (1 grad.); ord. '78, Pby. of Wis. River; p. Liberty (Fennimore), Wis., '78-83; s. s. Liberty and DodgevUle (Boscobel), '82-'83; s. s. Lancaster, Wis., '83-'02; s. s. Arcadia, la., '02 . JAMES PETER ROTH, D.D. b. Lehigh Co., Pa., June 20, 1850; W. C. I., '75; Lane Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. ; s. s. and p. Sunbeam, '78-'80; p. Keithsburg, '80-'83; p. SuUy, '83- '84; p. Seaton, '84-'85; s. s. and p. Viola, '85-'90; p. and s. s. Rochester and Mt. Zion, Ind., '90-'97; p. Rockville, Ind., '97-'99; p. Greencastle, Ind., '99-'02; d. Greencastle, Ind., May 22, 1902. JOHN W. F. ROTH, Jr., D.D. (U. C. I.) Cedar Grove, Wis. b. Durban, South Africa, AprU 26, 1857; S. Africa C, '74; U. Neth., '75; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chippewa, '78; p. Greenleafton, Minn., '78-'83; p. Cedar Grove, Wis., '83 . Theodore Bracken Phillipsburg, Kas. b. Portersville, Pa., Oct. 23, 1849; M. C. O., '74; tea.; (2); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Solomon, Sept. 6, '78; p. Grandview, la., '77-'78; p. Phillipsburg, Kas., '78-'81; p. Birmingham, la., '81-'83; p. PhilUpsburg, Kas., '83-'89; p. at large, Osborne Pby., '90-'93; p. Wa-Keeney, Kas., '93-'94; p. at large, Osborne Pby., '94-'95; supt. s. a. m.. Synods Kas. and I. T., '95 ; res. Emporia, Kas., '95-'00; PhiUipsburg, Kas., '00 . Charles A. Holm, b. Greenwood, Mo.; L. C. I., 1874; (2); p. Moberly, Mo., '79-'83; d. Crown Point, Ind., July 4, 1885. Francis Wayland Iddings Namekagon, Wis. b. Montgomery Co., O., Sept. 21, 1849; W. C. I., '73; Lane Sem.; (1—); ord. Pby. Lake Superior, Aug. 28, '76; s. s. Escanaba and Ford River, Mich., '76-'78;s.s. and ev. Grand Forks, N.D.,'78-'00; Namekagon, Wis., '00 1879] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 45 Robert Montgomery Stevenson, D.D. (W. C. I.) Salt Lake City, Utah. b. DanviUe, Ky., July 17, 1848; W. C. I., 75; tea. (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Bloomington, June 10, 78; s. s. Chatsworth, 111., '81; s. s. Georgetown, Colo., '81-'83; p. Bozeman, Mont., '83-89; p. Oakland, Cal., '89-'90; p. Sacra- mento, '90-'97; p. Madison, Ind., '97-'00; p. 2d, Omaha, Neb., '00-'03; vice-p. B. C. U. '03-'05; pres. Westra. C, Utah, '05 . Mod. Synods Utah, '87; California, '95. 1879 ALEXANDER ALLISON, D.D. (W. & L. U.) Cold Spring, N. Y. b. Dundee, Scotland, June 2, 1850; U. S. A., '68; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, Sept. 10, '79; p. Polo, 111., '79-'84; p. 1st ch., Hagerstown, Md., '84-'87; p. Philadelphia, Pa., '87-'93; p. Ist ch., Seattle, Wash., '93-'96; ev. Yonkers, N. Y., '97; p. Bristol, Pa., '98-'03; ev. Phila., Pa., '03-'04; ev. East Orange, N. J., '04^'07; sec. New York, N.Y.,'07-'ll; p.Cold Springs, N. Y., '11 . JAMES F. BERRY Winter Haven, Fla. b. KillawiUy, Ireland, April 9, 1849; Grand Prairie Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, Nov. 10, '79; s. s. Upper Alton, 111., '8(>-'81; s. s. Forest River, Dak., '81-82; 8. s. Ahna, '83-'86; s. s. Osnabruck, '86-'87; s. s. MUton, '87-'88; s. s. Gilby (Grand Forks), N. D., '89-'91; p. Mendocino, Cal., '92-'93; s. a. Walsenburg, Colo., '95-'98; s. s. Plover, la., '98-'00; s. s. Rockford and Delano, Minn., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Conway and Ardock, N. D., '01-'02; s.s. White- hall, Wis., '02-'05; s. s. Winona, Minn., '05-'08; res. Knoxville, Tenn., '08-' 12; res. Winter Haven, Fla., '12 . THOMAS BOYD, D.D. (W. U. O.) Fresno, Cal. b. Dunbar, Pa., July 28, 1847; W. U. O., '73; lawy.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. WajTie, April 79; p. Warsaw, Ind., '79-'85; p. 4th ch., Portland, Ore., '86-'01; p. Fresno, Cal., '01 . Mod. Syn. Oregon, Columbia, Cal.; Dir. San Fran. Sem. ROBERT MARTIN LUTHER BRADEN, D.D. (B. C. N.) Bellevue, Neb. b. Morning Sun, la., March 18, 1849; W. C. I., 4 years, and P. C. I., 1 year; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, April 25, '80; p. Irish Grove, 111., '78-'83; p. Green View, '83-'85; p. Fremont, Neb., '85-'89; Presb. ev. Omaha, '89-'91;p. Golden, Colo., '91-'93; p. Aspen, Colo., '93-'95; p. at large Omaha Pby., '95-'00; p. m. BeUevue, Neb., '00 . Mod. Syn. Neb. '03; Trustee B. C. N. HENRY CULLEN, D.D Midland, S. D. b. near Peterboro, Oct. 1, 1853; Peterboro CoU. Inst., and T. U. C; tea.; (2); ord. Pby. Iowa, June 29, '81; p. Bloomfield, la., '80-'81; p. Hopkin- ton, '81-'82; Manning, '82; p. Wyoming and Onslow, '82-'85; p. Onslow and Bethel, '85-'88; p. Owatonna, Minn., '88-'90; p. Crystal Bay and Long Lake, '90-'92; p. CedarviUe and Rock Run, lU., '92-'00; p. Savanna, 111., '00-'03; s. s. Viola, lU., '03-'06; p. Milan, lU., '06-'09; p. DaUas, S. D., '09- '10; p. ev. Midland, S. D., '10 . JAMES BARR CURRENS Morrill, Neb. b. Germantown, Ky., Jan. 25, 1842; A. C. K., 2 years; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, '79; s. s. Parker, S. D., '7&-'83; s. s. Woonsocket, '83-87; s. s. Reunion ch., Chicago, 111., '87-88; s. s. m. Crawford, Neb., '89-'93; 8. 8. m. Omaha, '93-' 11; Syn. s. s. m. andp. Morrill, Neb. '11 . 46 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1879 JOHN CURRER, b. Chicago, lU., Sept. 9, 1851; N. W. U., 76; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Free- port, July 3, 79; p. Hebron, lU., 79-'86; p. Girard, Kas., '86-'91; p. Menom- inee, Mich., '91-'94; p. Le Sueur, Minn., '94-'95;d.Le Sueur, July 28, 1896. HENRY E. DOSKER, D.D. (R. C, N. J.), LL.D Louisville, Ky. h. Bunschoten, Netherlands, Feb. 5, 1855; H. C. M., 76; W. T. S. (Ref.); New Bruns. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Classis of Holland, Mich.; p. Ebenezer, Mich., 79-'82; p. Grand Haven, '82-'86; p. 3rd ch., Holland, '88-'94; prof. Hist. Theol., Western Theol. Sem. (Reformed), '94-'04; prof. Ch. Hist., Theol. Sem. Ky., Louisville, Ky., '04 . Trustee H. C. M., '88-'04. CHARLES D. ELLIS HoUy, Mich. b. Bridgeport, Mich., Jan. 24, 1849; W. C. I., 76; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Sagi- naw, April 16, 79; p. Morrice, Mich., 79-83; p. Mason, '83-86; p. Marlette, '86-'88; p. Saginaw, '88-'96; p. Akron, '9&-'01 ; p. Yale, Mich., '01-'06; p. Flushing, Mich., '06-'10; p. Holly, Mich., '10 . WILLIAM M. HOWELL Dalhart, Tex. b. Morgantown,W. Va.; U. of W.V.; (3 grad.); s. s. Fairmont, Neb., '80-'81; 8. s. FaUs City, '81-'82; s. s. Marysville, Kas., '82-'83; p. Spring Hill, '8*- '85; s. s. Rossville, '85-'89; p. Marysville, '89-'96; s. s. Dodge City, '96-'99; B. 8. Baldwin, Kas., '99-'01; s. s. Neodesha, Kas., '01-'02; h. m. Pleaeanton, Kas., '02-'03; s. s. Erie, Kas., '03-'04; s. s. Effingham, Kas., '04-'06; s. 8. McCune, Kas., '06-'07; s. e. Nevada, Mo., '07-'09; s. s. Rich Hill, Mc, '09-'12; s. s. Dalhart, Tex., '12 . LUBKE HUENDLING, D.D. (B. V. C.) Breda, la, b. Holte, Germany, March 31,1854; Dub. Ger. C, '76; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, April 28, '79; instr. Ger. Theo. Sem., Dubuque, la., '79-'81; p. Ger. Pres. ch., Breda, la., '81 . JOHN IRWIN, b. Glenavah, Tyrone Co., Ireland, March 15, 1847; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Wisconsin River, Oct. 11, '79; s. s. Fancy Creek, Wis., '79-'80; s. 8. Richland City (Lone Rock), '80-'81; s. s. Cumberland, '81-'83; h. m. Shell Lake, '84-'87; ev. Barron, '87-89; ev. New York, N. Y., '89-'92; s. e. Gray- ling, Mich., '93-'94; s. s. Elizabeth, Colo., '95-'96; JOHN COLEMAN IRWIN Hamilton, Mont. b. Indiana, Pa., Oct. 30, 1853; L. C, '76; (1 grad.); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Freeport, May '79; p. Cedarville and Rock Run, 111., '79-'82; a. Fullerton, Neb., '82-'90; p. North Platte, '90-'95; ev. '95-'96; s. e. FuUer- ton,'97-'00; 8. S.Wood River, Neb.,'00-'09; b.s. Hamilton, Mont.,'09 . ASA LEARD, D.D. (Om. U.), b. Berksville, O., May 13, 1851; L. C, '76; law.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, July 79; 8. s. Spring HiU, 111., '79-'80; p. Braidwood, '80-'81; ps. Farmingdale, '81-'89; syn. miss. 111., '89; p. Omaha, Neb., '89-'98; p. Calvary, Springfield, Mo., '98-'00; d. Springfield, Mo., Nov. 20, 1900. THOMAS W. LEARD, b. Bucksville, O.; L. C, Pa., '76; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Kittanning, 79; Pby. of Madison; s. s. BelleviUe, Wis., '79-'82; p. Waltham (Utica), 111., '83-'86; p. North Sangamon (Athens), '86-'89; s. s. Grandview, Neb., '89- '91; p. Schuyler, '89-'00; p. Nebraska City, Neb., '00-'04; p. Shelby, la., '04-'06; p. Guthrie Center, Ia.,'06-'07; d. Guthrie Center, la., Jan. 19, 1907. 1879] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 47 JOHN MacALLISTER, D.D. (B. V. C.) WoodvlUe, Ore. b. Greenock, Scotland, Nov. 4, 1842; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, April 28, 79; p. Pine Creek, la., 79-'82; p. Jesup, '82-'85; p. Cherokee, '85-'92; p. Storm Lake, '92-'00; p. Missouri VaUey, la., 'OO-'IO; res. Missouri Valley, la., '11-'12; s. s. Woodville, Ore., '12 . Mod. Syn. la., '06; Dir. Cm. Sem., '09-'ll. ALBERT A. PFANSTIEHL, D.D Somerville, N. J. b. HoUand, Mich., Nov. 14, 1855; H. C. M., '76; (1); W. T. S. (Ref.); ord. Aug., '79, Classis of Ref. ch.; p. Cap. Av. ch., Denver, Colo., '91-92; p. Shelbyville, Ind., '92-'93; p. 2nd ch., Lafayette, Ind., '93-'96; p. Highland Park, 111., '97-'08; p. Rfd. ch., Somerville, N. J., '09 . EDWARD H. SAWERS North Bruce, Ont., Can. b. Laurieston, Scotland, April 5, 1846; K. C. T.; U. C. T.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April 10, '79; s. s. Plato (Pingree Grove), III., '78-'80; p. Middle- town, la., '80-'83; p. Scotch ch., Chicago, 111., '83-86; p. London, Can., '86-'99; p. Brucefield, Ont., Can., '99-'ll; p. North Bruce, Ont., Can., '11 . Robert E. Anderson Onarga, 111, b. Leechburg, Pa., Feb. 26, 1853; W. & J. C, '75; (1); Alleg.Sem., '75 and '78, ord. Pby. Mankato, Aug. 24, '79; p. Lake Crystal and Garden City, Minn.; '79-'80; p. Redwood FaUs, Minn., '81-'86; p. Owatonna, '86-'88; p. Heyworth. lU., '88-'99; p. Onarga, lU., '99 . Walter Howard Ayers, b. Canterbury, N. H., April 26, 1845; D. C, '68; Un. Sem., N.Y.; ord. Cong., July 16, '72; s. s. Bethel, Me., '71; s. s. Winooski, Vt., '72; s. s. Castleton, '73-'74; p. Lebanon, N.H.,'74r-'75; Europe,'75 ; (1); s. s. Hudson, Wis., '77-'78; 8. 8. La SaUe, 111., '79-'81; ev. Chicago, '81-'88; p. 2nd Presb. ch., Belvidere, N. J., '88-'90; e. s. DownsviUe, N. Y., '90-'91; res. grad. Princt. Sem.; s. s. Cong, ch., Lebanon, Mo., '93-'94; ord. Episc. dea., '95; chap. St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, '96; r. Ardmore, I. T. ; G. W. Hamilton, b. Elvira, la.; M. C. I., '75; (2); U. P. George D. McCulloch, D.D. (W. C. I.) Sinking Spring, O. b. Centre Square, Ind., May 8, 1849; W. C. I., '76; (2); ord. Pby. Ottawa, May '78; p. Paw Paw, 111., '78-'81; p. Effingham, '81-'83; p. Hillsboro, '83-'90; p. CarroUton, lU., '90-'93; p. Glasgow Av. ch., St. Louis, '93-'99; p. Maryville, Tenn., '99-'05; p. Westminster ch., Cincinnati, O., '05-'12; res. Sinking Spring, O., '12 . Mod. Syn. Tenn., '04. Emanuel Shultz Columbus, O. b. Norton, O., ; H. U. O., '62; Heid. Sem.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. New York ; miss. New York, N. Y., ; s. s. Barton, Wis., '81-'83; s. s. Madison, '83-'84; a. s. Moxahala, O., '84-'85; s. s. Martins- burgh, '85-'86; c. m. Cincinnati, '86-'87; c. m. Delaware, '87-'90; s. s. Blunt, S. D., '90-'91; s. s. Rehoboth, Ind., '92-'94; ev. Columbus, O., '94-'96; ev. Nevada, '96-'98; ev. Columbus, O., '98-'08; res. Columbus, '08 . 48 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1880 George B. Smith Foley, Minn. h. near Latrobe, Pa., Dec. 28, 1841; W. & J. C, '68; (1—); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Blairsville, 71; p. Seward, Neb., 71-77; p. Martinsburgh, la., 77-81; p. West Branch, la., '81-'85; p. Malcom, la., '85-'89; p. Hardin and Tower Hill, lU., '96-'00; p. Alpha and South St. Paul, '00-'12; s. s. Foley, Minn., '12 . George Black Stewart, D.D. (W. & J. C), LL.D. (W. & J. C.) Auburn, N. Y. b. Columbus, O., Feb. 28, 1854; C. N. J., '76; (1 — ); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Cayuga, April 11, '79; p. Auburn, N. Y., '78-'84; p. Harrisburg, Pa., '84-'99; pres. Auburn Theo. Sem., '99 . Trustee W. C. for Women '85-'00; Trustee P. U. 1880 SAMUEL LANE ALLISON Wakeeney, Kas. b. Huntingdon, Pa., June 15, 1849; M. C. I., '77;farm.; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, '80; p. Oneida, lU., '80-'84; p. e. Ipava, '84-'87; p. Holton, Kas., '87-'00; p. Rushville, 111., '00-'05; p. Norton, Kas., '05-'09; p. Wakee- ney, Kas., '09 . WILLIAM SILSBY BUCK Detroit, Mich. b. La Porte, Ind., Oct. 19, 1853; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kalamazoo, Sept. 22, '80; p. Constantine, Mich., '81-'87; p. Schoolcraft, '87-'94; a. s. HoUy, '9'^'00; p. Detroit, Mich., '00-'03; p. Saginaw, Mich., '03-'07; res. Detroit, Mich., '07 . ARTHUR BUCHANAN CORT Pomona, Mo. b. Monongahela City, Pa., May 30, 1852; N. N. U., '77; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 14, '80; ; h. miss. St. George, Utah, '80-'87; 6. 8. Sherman, Wash., '87-'91; p. '91-'95; s. s. Deming, '95-'96; s. s. Sedro, '96-98; s. s. Friday Harbor, Wash., '98-'01; p. Greensburg, Ky., '01-'06; p. Owensboro, Ky., '07-' 10; p. Pomona, Mo., '10 . DAVID WILLARD FAHS, D.D. (L. C. I.) Cedar FaUs, la. b. Germantown, Pa., March 18, 1850; W. C. I., '77; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '79; p. Sandwich, 111., '79-'84; p. Le Mars, la., '84-'93; p. Independence, '94-97; p. Cedar Falls, la., '07 . Mod. Synod of la., '97; Trustee, L. C. I. HARVEY P. FULLENWIDER South Haven, Mich. b. Montgomery Co., Ind.; W. C. I., '77; (3 grad.); ord. '85, Pby. of Bloom- ington; s. s. Taylorsville, Mich., '80-'81; s. s. Minneapohs, Minn., '81-82; Gibson City, '82-'90; Chicago, '91-'94; s. s. Schoolcraft, Mich., '95; res. South Haven, Mich., '96-99 ev. Chicago, Dl.. '90-'00; res South Haven, Mich., '00 . JOSEPH GASTON Hobson, Mont b. Ireland ; K. C. I., '77; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, June 27, '82; p. 1st ch., Lansing, la., '82-'83; p. Harvard, 111., '85-'89; p. Ouray, Colo., '89-'92; s. s. Walsenburg, '92-'95; ed. N. ¥.; Behnont, Hydpardon, Hudson, N. Y., '95-'00; h. m. Colo., N. D., Minn.; res. Whitefish, Mont., '0(>-'12; s. s. Hobson, Mont., '12 . 1880] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 49 GEORGE KNOX, D.D. (H. C. I.) West Lafayette, Ind. b. Newry, Pa., Feb. 7, 1852; C. N. J., '76; elk.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, May 15, '80; p. Cherokee, la., '80-'85; p. Sioux City, '85-'89; p. Monticello, Ind., '89-'94; p. 7th eh., IndianapoUs, '94-'96; p. Vincennes, '9&-'01; Syn. Supt. of Ind., '01 . Mod. Syn. la., '87; Mod. Syn. Ind., 'lO-'ll; Trustee, H. C. I. WILLIAM H. PUMPHREY, Ph.D. (W. U. I.) Peoria, Dl. b. Cadiz, O., March 1, 1854; W. C. I. and W. U. I., '78; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, Oct. 20, '80; p. Washburn and s. s. La Rose, lU., '81; s. s. Eureka, '81-84; p. e. Central oh., Kansas City, Kas., '84-'88; p. Garnett, '88-'92; p. Fox Chase Mem. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '92-03; p. at large, Peoria Pby., '03 . WILLLA.M FRANKLIN RINGLAND, D.D. (W. U. O.) Norwood, O. b. Uniontown, Pa., March 25, 1850; W. C. I., '77; r. r. work; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, April '81; p. Pana, 111., '80-'82; s. s. Ist ch., Hastings, Neb., '82-'85; pres. H. C, Neb., '83-'95; res. Hastings, '95-'97; p. Granville, 0., '98-'02; s. supt. Wooster, O., '02-'08; s. s. MiUersburg, 0., '08-'09; Norwood, O., '09 . Mod. Syn. Neb., '90. JOHN NICHOLAS BAILHACHE SMITH, D.D. (B. U. I.) b. near Moro, 111., June 4, 1854; B. U. I., '75; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, Oct. 20, '80; p. Elwood, 111., '79-'81; miss. Shanghai, China, '81-'94;mis8. Ningpo, '94-'01; s. s. Carlinville, lU., '01-'02; s. s. Courtenay, S. D., '02-'03; w. c. Erie, N. D., '03-'04; s. s. Ayr, N. D., '04-'05; s. s. Volga, la., '05-'07; s. 8. Hopkinton, la., '07-'08; s. s. Mt. Vernon, la., '08-'10; d. Mt. Vernon, la., March 7, 1910. SAMUEL E. TAYLOR Denver, Colo. b. Fleming Co., Ky., Oct. 26, 1850; C. N. J.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, April '80; h. m. Monument and Table Rock, Colo., '80-'88; Green- view, 111., '88-'96; s. s. Chatham, '96-'97; s. s. Fairfield, lU., '97-'07; p. Berkley ch., Denver, Colo., '97 . PAUL CHRISTIAN THYHOLDT Chicago, 111. res. Chicago; (3 grad.) ;s.s. Huntington, Ind.,'82-'83;s.8. Braidwood, 111., '83- '84; p. Paxton, '84-'85; ev. Jacksonville, '86-'90; res. Chicago, 111., '10 . EUGENE ALONZO WALKER Reardan, Wash. b. Newry, Pa., April 23, 1846; Blk. U. I.; (1 grad.); ord. March 29, '82, Pby. of Iowa City; s. s. Deep River and New Center, la., '77-79; s. s. Victor, la., '81-'82; p. La Dora, '82-'86; s. s. DaUas Centre, '85-'92; p. at large, Pby. of Des Moines, '92-'94; Snohomish, Wash., '94-'95; s. s. Davenport and Larene, Wash., '95-'98; s. s. Rathdrum, Idaho, '98-'08; p. Creston, Wash., '08-'10; p. Reardan, Wash. ,'10 . JAMES EPHRAIM WEIR Grand Junction, Colo. b. Vienna, Ind., July 13, 1852; C. (Luth.) C, '77; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, '81; s. s. Liberty and Burton Mem., 111., '80-'82; p. Camp Point and EUington Mem., '82-'87; p. Bluffton, Ind., '87-'93; p. Fort Morgan, Colo., '93-95; s. s. SaUda and Poncho Springs, '95-'99; pres. Del Norte, Colo., '99-'02; p. Grand Junction, Colo., '02-'08; p. University Place, Neb., '08-'09; Grand Junction, Colo., '09 . 50 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1881 Charles Lowell Cooder, D.D. (W. U. O.) Rahway, N. J. 6. New Richmond, O., June 30, 1854; W. U. O., 77; (l);Princt.Sem.;ord.Pby. Westminster, May 10, '81; p. Pepuea, Pa., '81-85; p. Christ ch., Lebanon, '85-'88; ord. Epis. pr.. May 5, '89; r. Christ ch., Pottstown, Pa., '89-'00; r. St. Paul's ch., Rahway, N. J., 'GO ; chap. N. J., Reform., '01 . b. Brooklyn,* N. Y.; W. U. O.; 76; (2); s. s. Blair, Neb., '83-'86; tea. Brook- ings, Dak., '85-'87; . Albert Charles Stark Madison, Wis. h. Germany; Dub. T. S.; (3); ord. Pby. ; p. Rockville, Wis., '80-'83; - 8. 8. Centretown (Dubuque and Centraha), la., '83-'86; p. Ger. ch., Hastings, Neb., '87-'95; p. 1st Ger. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '96-'99; s. s. Hastings, Neb., '99-'01; s. 9. Dempster, S. D., '01-'02; w. c. Hastings, Neb., '02-'04; s. a. Madison, Wis., '04 . 1881 CHALMERS FULLERTON CARSON McConnelsville, O. b. Apple Creek, O., April 25, 1852; W. U. O., '77; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Wooster, April, '81; s. s. Yates City, III., '81-'83; s. s. Milan, '83-'88; 8. s. Ladoga, Ind., '88-'91; p. Upper Sandusky, O., '91-00; p. McConnels- viUe, O., '00 . FRANCIS LLOYD FERGUSON, D.D. (W. C. M.), b. Marion Co., Mo., Feb. 14, 1856; W. C. M., '78; (3 grad.); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Pahnyra (South), June '82; p. Pahnyra, Mo., '82-'84; p. New Orleans, La., '84-'90; p. West ch., St. Louis, Mo., '91-'03; d. St. Louis, Mo., March 12, 1903. JOHN C. GROENEVELD, res. Holland, Mich., H. C. M., '78; New Bruna. Sem.; (1 grad.) . PETER J. LEENHOUTS, b. Milwaukee, Wis., June 17, 1855; Rip. C. W.; hardware; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, Oct. '81; p. Florence, Kas., '81-85; p. Green Valley, lU., '85-'89; p. Iron River, Mich., '89-'93; p. Baldwin, Wis., '93-'97; s. s. New Amsterdam, Wis., '97-'04; p. Oxford, Wis., '04; d. Oxford, Wis., Sept. 27, 1904. EDWARD ARTHUR McLAURY Odessa, Del. b. MonticeUo, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1850; L. C, '78; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, Nov. 1, '81; p. Glidden, la., '81-'83; p. Meshoppen, Pa., '83-'87; p. Unionville, '87-'90; p. CedarviUe, N. J., '90-'96; p. Marks- boro, N. J., '96-'05; p. Delaware, N. J., '05-'08; s. s. New Market, Tenn., '08-'10; s. s. Monticello, N. Y., 'lO-'ll; p. Odessa, Del., '11 . EDWARD N. MURPHY Boise, Idaho. b. Palmyra, Mo., Aug. 31, 1853; H. U. K., '78; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '81 ; p. Silver Reef, Utah, '81-'84; p. Mt. Pleasant, '84-'92; p. BeUevue, Idaho, '92-'96; p. Boise, '96 . Mod. Syn. Utah, '94. 1882] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 51 Harry Houston Henry, D.D. (W. U. O.) Bath, Pa. b. Indiana, Pa., Dec. 28, 1852; W. U. O., 76; tel. oper.; Un. Sem., N. Y, i}4); ord. Pby. of Lackawanna, Feb. 23, '85; p. Cherokee, la., '79-'80; N. Y, City, '8(>-'85; p. Shickshinny, Pa., '85-'89; p. Birmingham, Pa., '89-'01 p. Montclair, N. J., '01-'06; Rome, Italy, '06-'07; p. Roslyn, Md., '07-'I0 p. Bath, Pa., '10 . John E. Jones Chicago, 111. h. Beaver Dam, Wis.; B. C. W., 78; (1) ord. Calv. Meth. ch., June 11, '80; p. Red Oak, la., '79-'85; p. Ixonia and Watertown, Wis., '85-'90; p. Mil- waukee, Wis., '90-'07; p. Welsh C. M., Chicago, '07 . Mod. Syn. Wis. Thornton AUen Mills, Ph.D. (W. U. O.) Schenectady, N. Y. b. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 19, 1855; W. U. O., '78; h. miss.; (1); ord. Cong. Council, July 18, '77; s. s. Northwood, la., '79-'80; s. s. Brown Hill, N. Y., '80-'81; s. 8. Essex, '81-'82; s. s. Champlain, '83; p. Flanders, N. J., '85-'87; p. Asbury, '87-'89; p. Providence, R. I., '89-'92; p. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., '92- '02; p. San Jose, Cal., '02-'07; p. Schenectady, N. Y., '07 . William McNite Porter Delphos, Kas. b. Shirlesburg, Pa., Jan. 18, 1849; M. C, 111., '76; Princt. Sem.; (l);ord.Pby. of Cedar Rapids, Oct. 20, '80; s. s. Oneida, 111., '79-'80; p. e. Linn Grove (Mount Vernon), la., '80-'85; s. s. Alamosa, Colo., '85-87; p. Black Hawk, Colo., '87-'91; p. Nelson, Neb., '91-'05; p. Delphos, Kas., '05 . Mod. Syn. Neb. '99. John Hammitt Sammis, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 6, 1846; drug.; Lane Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, '80; p. Glidden, la., '79-'80; p. IndianapoUs, Ind., '80-'82; p. Waveland and Bethany, '82-'86; p. Grand Haven, Mich., '86-'92; p. Red Wing, Minn., '92-'99; David R. Workman, D.D. (W. U. O.) Leaman Place, Pa. b. Behnont Co., O., Sept. 13, 1851; W. U. O., '75; Princt. Sem.; (1 — ); ord. Pby, Chester, Oct. 23, '79; p. New London, Pa., '79-'83; p. Zanesville, O., '83-'89; p. Leaman Place, Pa., '89 . 1882 WILLIAM IRENAEUS DOOLE Adams, Neb. b. Beech Springs, O.; M. C. I., '79; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, Sept. '82; p. Conrad, la., '82-'86; p. Craig, Neb., '86-'88; p. Wichita, Kas., '89- '91; p. Horton, '92-'01; p. Hamilton, Mo., '01-'08; p. Adams, Neb., '08 Trustee E. C. K., 8 years. WILLIAM RICHARDSON SCOTT Solomon, Kas. b. Port Sarnia, Can., April 25, 1857; L. F. U. and U. C. I., '80; (3 grad.); p. g. Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Chicago, May 22, '84; p. 9th ch., Chicago, 111., '84-'85; p. Burrton, Kas., '86-'88; p. SterUng, '88-'89; p. Central City' Colo., '89-'91; p. Akron, '91-'94; p. Rawhns, Wyo., '94-'98; p. Halstead' Kas., '98-'03; p. Lyons, Kas., '03-'07; p. Baldwin, Kas., '07-'09; p. Dexter' Kas., '09-'ll; p. Solomon, Kas., '11 . 52 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1882 ALBERT H. TRICK, res. Chicago; W. C. M., 79; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, '83; p. Lincoln, lU., '83-'85; p. Cairo, 111., '8&-'90; p. Ch. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., '91-'95; agt. res. Brooklyn, N. Y., '95 ; William Craig Barkley Lexington, Ky. b. Danville, Ky., July 1, 1852; C. C. K., '75; (2); Princt. Sem.; ; s. s. Princeton, la., '83-84; ev. Centropolis, Kas., '89; w. c. Ottawa, Kas.; bus. Lexington, Ky., '89 . John Patterson Coyle, b. Port Royal, Pa.; C. N. J., '75; (2 — ); tea. ; ord. Pby. Huntington, April 15, '81; p. Cong., North Adams, Mass., '87-92; p. 1st Cong. Denver, Colo., '92-'94; d. Denver, Colo., 1894. Henry G. Dean Tribes Hill, N. Y. b. Schenectady, N. Y.; Un. C, N. Y.; (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby of Niagara, June 13, '92; a. s. Lyndonville, N. Y., '91-'96; s. s. Peru, '96-'01; Galway, N. Y., '01-'05; p. Tribes Hill, N. Y., '05 . Charles Macqueen Fisher, D.D. (M. C. I) So. Pasadena, Cal. b. Peoria, lU., Oct. 4, 1855; M. C. I., '79; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. evang. Pby. Peoria, Nov. '82; miss. Japan, '83-'90; s. s. Los Angeles, '91-'94; s. 8. Philadelphia, Pa., '94-'95; s. s. Tustin, Cal., '95-'96; s. s. Los Angeles, '96- '02; p. Monrovia, Cal., '02-'07; p. Calvary ch.. So. Pasadena, Cal., '07 . Pres. Nanieva Girls' Sch., Osaka, Japan, '90. Eiko Johann Groeneveld, D.D. (L. C I.) Butte, Mont. b. Hanover, Germany, April 22, 1857; L. C. I., '79; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Chicago, May 15, '82; s. s. Deer Lodge, Mont., '82; p. '85-'88; prof. Mon. C, '83-'88; p. Ist ch., Butte, '88 . Mod. Sjmod Montana. George L. McNutt New York, N. Y. 8. 8. Urbana, lU., '83-'85; s. s. 4th ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '85-'88; ev. New .York, N. Y., '89-'90; 8. s. Urbana, 111., '95-'99; ev. Indianapolis, Ind., '99- '02; w. c. Boston, Mass., '02-'03; w. c. New York, N. Y., '03 . John Nelson Mills Evanston, HI. b. Hamilton, O., Nov. 14, 1856; W. C. I., '78; lawy.; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Denver, June 1, '82; p. Idaho Springs, Colo., '82-'87; p. Beatrice, Neb., '87-'92; p. South Evanston, 111., '92-'95; Europe, '96; Montclair, N. J., '99-'01; w. c. Evanston, 111., '01-'03; s. s. Evanston, III, '03-'07; res. Evans- ton, 111., '07 . Glenn H. Putnam, b. Danville, Ky.; C. C. K., '79; (1); p. AUerton, la., '82-'85; s. s. Hodge (Trenton), Mo., '85-'87; s. s. Seymour, la., '87-'88; s. s. Centreville, '88-'91; Henry Christian Velte Saharanpur, India. b. Wehrheim, Prussia, May 15, 1857; L. C. I., '79; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Brunswick, April 14, '82; miss. Saharanpur, India, '83-84; Ambala,'84-'86; Lahore, '86-'04; prof. F.C.Coll., '04 ; prof . Saharanpur Theo. Sem., '04 . 1883] McCORMlCK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 53 Samuel £. Vinal, res. Chicago; (1). Wiley Kimball Wright Holly, Colo. b. St. Peter, Minn., Sept. 23, 1856; K. C, 111., '79; (1); Un. Sem.; ord. Pby. Logansport, May 17, '82; p. Mishawaka, Ind., '82-92; p. Petoskey, Mich., '92-'95; s. 8. Traverse City, '95-'05; p. Trenton, Mo., '05-'07; p. Holly, Colo., '08 . Mod. Syn. Mich., '97-'98. 1883 PAUL DAVro BERGEN, D.D. (L. F. U.) Weihsien, Shantung, China. b. Bellefontaine, O., July 19, 1860; L. F. U., '80; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. la., Aug. '83; miss. Chinanfu, China, '83-'91; s. s. North Chicago, lU., '93-'94; miss. Chefoo, China, '94-'98; miss. Kiaochio, China, '98-'03; miss. Weihsien, Shantung, China, '03 . Pres. Arts Col., Shantung Chr. Un. JACOB P. DeJONG Alton, la. b. Roseland, lU., Oct. 31, 1854; H. C. M., '80; (3 grad.); ord. Rfd. ch., June 24, '83; p. Greenleafton, Minn., '83-'85; p. New HoUand, Mich., '85-'87; p. Englewood, lU., '87-'93; p. Zeeland, Mich., '93-'10; p. Alton, la., '10 . Pres. Rfd. Syn. Chicago, '09. BEN-EZRA STn.ES ELY, JR., D.D. (Coe C.) Hannibal, Mo. b. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 20, 1850; W. C. M., 1 year; tea. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, Nov. 6, '83; p. Crown Point, Ind., '83-'85; p. Washington, la., '85-'94; p. Rockford, lU., '9^'06; p. Calvary ch., Portland, Ore., '06-'08; p. Westminster ch.. Cedar Rapids, la., '08-'12; p. Hannibal, Mo., '12 . Dir. Dub. Sem.; Trustee Coe Col. ISAAC LINEBARGER, b. Feb. 19, 1836; B. C. W., '59; (3 grad.); ord. Rock River Con- ference, '62; d. Chicago, 111., . ENOCH BENNETT LINN Emerson, la. b. Piqua, O., Dec. 19, 1854; K. C, 111., '80; tea.; Lane Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, May 11, '83; p. CarroU, la., '83-'88; p. Albia, '88-'O0; p. Highland Park ch., Des Moines, la., '00-'05; p. Nodaway, la., '05-'07; p. Emerson, la., '07 . THOMAS G. SMITH Brighton, Mich b. Albion, lU., July 3, 1856; W. C. I., '80; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby of Cairo, April, '83; p. Du Quoin, 111., '82-87; p. Rochester, Ind., and s. a Mount Zion, '87-'89; p. Mission Wood (Grand Rapids), Mich., '89-'93; p 3rd ch.. Grand Rapids, '93-'96; s. s. SuUivan, Ind., '96-'99; p. MontpeUer O., '99-'03; p. McComb, lU., '03-'05; p. Moulton, la., '05-'07; p. Marlette Mich., '07-'10; p. Brighton, Mich., '10 . EVERT SMITS, B.D Le Roy, Minn. b. HUsert., Prov. South Holland, Netherlands, Aug. 10, 1851; H. C. M., '75; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, Nov. 6, '83; p. Tama City and Toledo, la., '83-'85; p. North Loup, Neb., '85-'89; p. Wakefield and Emerson, '89-'92; 8. s. Tekamah, '92-'95; s. s. Craig, '95-'96; p. Crystal FaUs, Mich., '96-'97; 8. 8. Fife Lake, '97-99, and Boyne City, Mich., '99-'02; p. Farmer City, 111., '02-'03; p. Crawfordsville, Ind., '03-'05; p. Judson, Ind., '05-'07; p. Alden, Minn., '07-'09; p. Le Roy, Minn., '09 . 54 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1884 GERRIT SNYDER, D.D. (L. C. I.) Kansas City, Mo. b. Zeeland, Mich., June 26, 1857; res. Beaver Dam, Mich.; L. C. I., '80; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '83; p. Belden Av., Chicago; '83-'89; p. 3d, Springfield, lU., '89-'96; p. Pana, lU., '96-'98; p. TaylorviUe, Dl., '98-'02; p. Pittsburg, Kas., '02-'12; h. m. Kansas City, Mo., '12 . ROBERT WATT Murphysboro, Dl. b. Co. Tyrone, Ireland, Sept. 22, 1852; Pa. C. M. '80; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, Oct. 9, '83; p. Fairbury, 111., '83-'85; s. s. Oxford, Neb., '86-'87; s. s. Oxford, Harmony and Orleans, '87; s. s. Orleans and Stam- ford, '88; 8. 8. Aurora, '89-'91; res. Carbondale, 111., '91-97; p. e. Murphys- boro, '97-'01; also s. s. Ava, '99-'01; s.a. Grand Tower, 111., '01-'06; Murphys- boro, lU., '06 . Whitfield A. Chambers, 6. Hopeville, la.; P. C, la., (1); d. . James Calvin Cherryholmes, b. Virginia, III., I. C; ; (2); p. Larimore, N. D., '82-'84; p. Tekamah, Neb., '84-'86; d. Virginia, lU., Jan. 27, 1886. James McFarland, b. Clare, Ireland, March 23, 1849; McG. U., 3 years; groc; (2); Un. Sem,, N. Y.; ord. Pby. Pueblo, Oct. '81; p. Durango, Colo., '81-'82; p. Walsenburg, '83-'86; p. Centre City, '87-'89; p. Idaho Springs, '90-'92; p. Hyde Park ch., Denver, Colo., '92-'03; editor "Rocky Mountain Witness"; p. Oregon, Mo., '03-'06; d. Oregon, Mo., Aug. 18, 1906. Alfred M. Mann Kansas City, Kas. b. Chester, 111., Aug. 17, 1837; farm.; (1); ord. Pby. Emporia, Dec. 16, '75; 8. 8. WeUington, Kas., '75-'76; s. s. Belle Plaine, '76-'81; s. s. Central City, '82-'84; p. Louisburg, '85-89; p. Pittsburgh, '89-'91; p. Thayer, '91-'92; 8. 8. and p. Ossawattamie, '92-'97; p. Jasper City, Mo., '97-'01; s. a. Louis- burg, Kas., '01-03; s. s. Spring Hill, Kas., '03-'06; h. r. res. Kansas City, Kas., '06 . 1884 JAMES MANSFIELD BELDING, b. Amsterdam, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1858; Chic. (Cong.) Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 8, '86; p. PuUman, 111., '86-'89; p. St. Louis, Mo., '89-'90; p. Maryville, Mo., '90-'93; p. Northville, Mich., '93-'95; Lapeer, Mich., '95-'00; (susp.) Detroit, Mich., '00 . JOHN AUGUSTUS ROSS GASS, D.D. (W. & J. C.) Albuquerque, N. M. b. Dandridge, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1857; G. & T. C, '81; tea.; Lane Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Holston, Aug. '84; s. s. Kingsport, Tenn., '84-'86; p. Sigourney, la., '86-'91; p. Greenfield, Mo., '91-'98; Silver City, N. M., '98- '04; Syn. Miss. N. M., '04 . Mod. Syn. N. M., '09. 1884] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 55 JOHN THOMAS HOPKINS Turlock, Cal. b. Hillsboro, 0., May 2, 1856; P. C. I., '81; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord.Fhy. Kearney, Oct. '85; p. El Paso, '84-'85; p. North Platte, Neb., '85-'88; p. Denver, Colo., '88-'91; p. Santa Ana, Cal., '91-'97; Indianola, la., '97- '04; p. FuUerton, Cal., '04-'12; p. Turlock, Cal., '12 . SAMUEL MYRTLE JOHNSON, b. near Fort Wayne, Ind., July 8, 1860; P. C. I., '81; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, May 1, '84; p. Corning, la., '84^'87; p. Denver, Colo., '87-'93; s. s. Highland Park, lU., '95-'96; p. '96-'98; p. Austin, 111., '98-'05; ev. Charlotte, N. C, '05-'09; PhUadelphia, Pa., '09 ; RELSE HENRY JOLDERSMA Rochester, N. Y. b. Smilde, Netherlands, April 19, 1854; H. C. M., '81; (3 grad.); ord. Classie Grand River, Ref. ch. Am., July '84; p. Spring Lake, Mich., '84-'86; p. 6th Ref. ch.. Grand Rapids, '86-'89; supt. West. Miss, of Ref. ch., '8^ '94; p. Ist Ref. ch., Chicago, 111., '94-'99; p. Maryland, '99-'01; p. Grace Ref. ch., Grand Rapids, '01-'03; ed. agt. H.C.M., '03-'08; p. Rochester, N. Y., '08 . Mem. Bd. of Dom. Missions of Ist Ref. Church. CHRISTLA.N SHOFFER McELHINNY, Ph.D., b. Fairfield, la.; P. C. I., '80; (1 grad.); ord. '85; Pby. Des Moines; p. Chariton, la., '85-'86; s. s. Seymour, la., '87; s. e. Columbus Jet., la., '88- '91; p. Montezuma, la., '92-'95; s. s. Mt. Zion, la., '97-98; s. s. Primrose, '98-'0O; res. Fairfield, la., '00-'09; d. Stockport, la., Aug. 20, 1909. SAMUEL JAMES McKINNEY Perry, Okla. b. GroggsviUe, lU.; I. C, '81; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Cairo, '84; s. s. Good Hope, lU., '82-'83; p. Ohiey, 111., and s. s. Richland, '85-'87; s. s. West Superior, Wis., '87-88; s. s. Weyauwega, '88-89; res. Jacksonville, 111., '89- '11; res. Perry, Okla., '11 . WILLIAM JEFFERSON PALM Minneapolis, Minn. b. Sheakleyville, Pa., Aug. 8, 1855; W. U. 0., '81; tea.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, Sept. 24, '84; p. Alexis, 111., '84-'88; p. Lowe Av. ch., Omaha, '88-'92; p. Tracy, Minn., '92-'94; s. e. Nevada, la., '94-'96; s. s. Beaver Dam, Wis., '96-'98; w. c. Madison, Wis., '98-'00; p. e. Rice Lake, Wis., 'OO-'Ol; w. c. MinneapoUs, Minn., '01-'02; p. Grand Rapids, Minn., '02-04; s. 8. Brainerd, Minn., '04r-'05; St. Croix Falls, Wis., '05-'06; s. s. Minnea- polis, Minn., '06-'08; res. Minneapolis, Minn., '08 . JAMES M. PATTERSON Chicago, HI. b. Londonderry, O., ; W. U. O., '81; West. Sem.; Xen. Sem.; (1 grad.); lie. Pby. Wooster; p. GUvet ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '84-'90; p. Ist ch., Tacoma, Wash., '90-'93; p. 1st ch., Omaha, Neb., '93-'94; p. Westminster ch., Detroit, Mich., '94-'98; bus. Chicago, 111., '99 . WILLIAM R. REYNOLDS, D.D. (P. C. I.) Chatfield, Minn. b. Chambersburg, Pa., April 17, 1851; acct.; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chippewa, Oct. 21, '85; p. Hudson, Wis., '85-'88; p. Shiloh, Minneapolis, Minn., '88-'93; p. St. Peter, '93-'97; p. Westminster, Cincinnati, O., '97-'05; p. Chatfield, Minn., '04 . 56 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1885 MILTON EMMETT TODD St. Mary's, O. b. near Shreve, O., Aug. 1, 1857; W. U. 0., '81; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, May 28, '84; s. s. Meriden, la., '84-'85; s. s. and p. Lyons, '85-'92; p. 3rd ch., Dubuque, '92-'93; p. MonticeUo, lU., '93-'98; p. West Union, la., '98-'00; p. Ausable Grove, lU., '00-'03; p. Peoria, lU., '03-'05; p. Henry, lU., '05-'06; p. St. Mary's O., '06 . WILLIAM EZRA VOSS El Reno, Okla. b. SpringviUe, Ind., Dec. 20, 1852; Pa. C. M., ; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Aberdeen, Oct. '86; s. s. Savannah, Mo., '84r-'86; Presb. miss. Wilmot, S. D., '86-'91; p. El Dorado Springs, Mo., '91-'94; h. miss. Okla., '94 . SAMUEL MILLER WARE, D.D. (Om. U.) (B. C. N.) Spokane, Wash. b. Richmond, Ky., Aug. 20, 1852; I. W. U., '79; tea.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, May 6, '84; p. Ferguson, Mo., '84-'87; p. CUnton, '87-'90; p. 2d, Omaha, Neb., '90-'99; p. e. Marysville, Mo., '99-'02; p. 4th ch., Spokane, Wash., '02 . Mod. Syn. Wash., '06; Trustee W. C. M., '88-'90; Trustee U. O., '90-'99. De Costa Howard Dodson, b. Dubuque, la.; U. of la., '80; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1); ord. April 8, '82, Pby. of North Texas; h. m. Cambridge, Tex., '81-'82; s. s. VaUey Creek, '82-'85; 8. 8. Paint Rock, '85-'88; s. s. Canadian, '88-'89; c. m. Dallas, '89-'91; p. and 8. 8. Leonard, '91-'ll; Angus McKenzie Bruno, Minn. b. Ullapool, Scotland; ord. '84, Pby. of Puget Sound; p. Ridgefield, Wash., '84-'90; s. s. Hoquiam, Wash., '90-'91; P. Union Ridge, Wash., '8&-'91; s. s. St. Johns (La Camas), '93-'01; s. s. Ilwaco, Wash., '01-'04; s. s. Ridgefield, Wash., '04-'05; 8. S.Vancouver, Wash., '05-'ll; s. s. Bruno, Minn., '11 . 1886 GEORGE WASHINGTON BAXTER, res. Telford, Tenn.; G. & T. C, '81; (3 grad.); ord. ; p. Hoopeston, lU., '85-'91; p. and s. s. KnoxviUe, la., '91-'93; . JOHN TYLER CHARLTON Sidney, O. b. LouisviUe, Ky., Nov. 29, 1860; C. N. J., N. J., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, May '88; p. Ida Grove, la., '87-'90; p. Omro, Wis., '90-'96; 8. 8. Louisville, Ky., '97; p. Seymour, Ind., '99-'05; p. Noblesville, Ind., '05-'09; p. Sidney, O., '09 . ALEXANDER JACKSON COILE, D.D KnoxviUe, Tenn. b. New Market, Tenn., Sept. 16, 1854; G. & T. C, '79; tea.; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Holston, Aug. 29, '85; p. Oakland, Mt. Bethel, Jerolda- town and Timber Ridge, '85-'90; p. KnoxviUe, Tenn., '90-'92; s. s. miss.; res. KnoxviUe, Tenn., '92 . Mod. Syn. Tenn., '89; Trustee G. & T. Coll. ROBERT DOBSON, p. 1st ch., Morris, 111., '85-'86; s. s. Mount Carmel, '86-'87; p. Council Grove, Kas., '88-91; res. Chicago, '91. 1885] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 57 WILLIAM POYNTZ CRAIG, b. Keokuk, la., Oct. 6, 1862; P. C. I., '81; Princt. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Southern Dakota, Oct. 6, '85; p. Sioux Falls, S. D., '85-'88; p. Pomona, Cal., '91-'95; ill health; d. Chicago, July 14, 1897. FREDERICK LEVI FORBES, D.D. (G. C. C.) Seattle, Wash. b. Elkhart, Ind., May 27, 1854; L. F. U., '80; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, May 12, '85; p. Monticello, Ill.,'85-'87; p. Midland, Mich., '87-93; Presb. miss. Lake Superior, '93-'96; p. Pendleton, Ore., and prin. Pendleton Academy, '9&-'03; p. Lane St. ch., Seattle, '03-'05; asst. p. Ist eh., Seattle, Wash., '05 . Mod. Syn. Ore., '01; Trustee Pendleton Ac. WILLIAM MURPHY HINDMAN, D.D. (Pa. C. M.) Columbus, O. b. Benbow, Mo., March 20, 1860; Pa. C. M., '82; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. S. D., May 8, '85; p. Pierre, S. D., '85-'86; p. Ist ch., JoUet, lU., '86-'89; p. Normal Park ch., Chicago, 111., '89-'96; p. 1st ch., Lincoln, Neb., '96-'02; p. 1st ch., Kenton, O., '02-'05; p. 1st ch., Chillicothe, O., '05-'12; p. Northminster ch., Columbus, O., '12 . Trustee Pa. CM. LAPSLEY ARMSTRONG McAFEE, D.D. (Pa. CM.) Berkeley, Cal. b. Ashley, Mo., March 31, 1864; Pa. C M., '82; printer; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, March 14, '89; leader, chapel service, Park Coll., '85-'98; p. Parkville ch., '89-'98; gen. supt. Park College FamUy, '90-'98; p. Phoenix, Ariz., '98- '05; p. 1st ch., Berkeley, Cal., '05 . Mod. Syn. N. M., '04. DUNCAN MCMILLAN Vesta, Minn. 6. Lake AinsUe, C B., Nova Scotia, Oct. 16, 1844; Dalhousie Coll., 4 years; tea.; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Chicago, '85; p. WapeUa, N. W. T., '87-'92; p. Bottineau, N. D., '92-'93; p. Marsland, Neb., '93-'98; Elkwood, N. D., '98-'03; p. McLean, N. D., '03-'04; p. Hamilton, N. D., '04-'10; s. s. Vesta, Minn., '10 . HENRY CHARLES NOTT MUwaukee, Wis. b. Freeport, 111., July 9, 1859; Mission House, Wis.; (1 grad.); ord. Milwaukee Rfd. ch., Nov. 29, '85; p. 1st Ger. Rfd. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '85 . Pres. of Rfd. Syn. of Northwest, '93; '03-'05. ERNEST McCUNE SNOOK, Ph.D. (P. CI.) Sidney, Ul. b. Fairfield, la., July 1, 1859; P. C I., '81; farm.; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. South Dakota, May 4, '86; s. s. Dell Rapids, S. D., '86-'87; p. Allerton, la., '87-'90; s. s. Menlo, '90-'92; p. Divemon, lU., '92-'97; s. s. Camp Point, 111., '99-'00; ed. and ev. '00-'02; p. Tonkawa, Okla., '02-'05; p. Middleton, la., '05-'12; s. s. Sidney, lU., '12 . T. J. ZWEMER, b. Graafschap, Mich.; H. C M., '82; (3 grad.); Ref. ch. Clarence Estelle Brandt, b. Hanover, Ind.; H. C I.; '82; (1). F. S. Jewett, b. Chicago; L. F. U.; (1). 58 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1886 1886 ENOS POMEROY BAKER, b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1856; W. C. and L. F. U., '82; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, Oct. '86; p. Midland, Mich., '8&-'87; p. Berryvale, Cal., '88; p. North Park, Colo., '88-'89; p. Oregon, 111., '89-'91; p. Santa Monica, Cal., '91-92; p. Del Norte, Colo., '94-'95; pres. and treas. Presb. CoU. of S. W., Del Norte, Colo., '95-'98; s. s. Modesto, Cal., '98-'01; p. Fullerton, Cal., '01-'02; p. Moneta and El Monte, Cal., '02-'05; p. Los Angeles, Cal., '05-'ll; d. Bridgeport, Conn., June 11, 1911. CHRISTIAN AUGUST BERGER, Ph.D. (Halle U.), D.D. (E. C. K.) Greeley, Colo. b. Franklin Center, la., Aug. 2, 1859; Dub. Ger. Sem., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Iowa, Sept., '87; s. s. LohrviUe, Charden and Rockwell City, la., '85- '87; f. m. and s. s. 2nd ch., Bangkok, Siam, '87-'90; Sac City, la., '90-'96; B. 8. Creston (Osage), la., '96-'98; p. Florence, Colo., '98-'01; ev. '01-'03; p. Burhngham, Kas., '03-'05; p. Girard, Kas., '05-'10; p. Red Oak, la., '10-' 12; s. s. Greeley, Colo., '12 . WILLIAM BISHOP BOOMER Casllla 646, Concepcion, Chill. b. Chicago, Dec. 31, 1857; Y. C, '80; Chic. Cong. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, July '87; f. m. Santiago, Chih, '87-'89; f. m. Concepcion, '8^'92; f. m. Chilian, '92-'02; f.m. Santiago, Chili, '02-'09; f. m. Concepcion, Chih, '09 . ROBERT CARSON Beason, 111. 6. Lonsdale, R. I., Sept. 18, 1855; Pa. C. M., '83; elk.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, May 18, '86; p. Astoria, 111., '86-'88; p. KendaU, '88-'91; s. 8. Nokomis, '91-'96; RossviUe, '96-'99; s. s. Chester, 111., '99-'03; B. 8. Dallas, Tex., '03-'04; Pawnee, III., '04-'07; p. Macon, 111., '07-'09; p. Winchester, 111., '09-'ll; s. s. Beason, 111., '11 . WILLIAM CLIFTON DODD, D.D. (P. C. I.) Laos Mission, Cheung Rai, Siam. b. near Marion, la., Oct. 15, 1867; P. C. I., '83; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Council Bluffs, April '86; miss. Cheung Rai, Laos, '87-91; Lampoon, '91-93; in U. S., '93-95; miss. Cheung Rai, '96; Cheung Rai, '97 . BARNABAS C. HAWORTH, D.D. (Westf. Col.) Vancouver, B. C. b. Armiesburg, Ind., Sept. 19, 1855; Westf. Col., '81; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Sept. 20, '87; miss. West Japan, '87-'06; Westf. Col., '06-'07; U. S. Immigration Service, Vancouver, B. C, '07 . DAVID M. HELFINSTEIN, D.D Des Moines, la. b. Clark Co., O.; P. C. I., '83; (3 grad.); ord. '78; Christian ch., Des Moines, la., '11 . JOHN FREDERICK HINKHOUSE, D.D. (P. C. I.) Fairfield, la. b. Wilton Junction, la., March 13, 1859; P. C. I., '83; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, Oct. 20, '86; p. West Union, la., '86-'89; p. Lenox, '89-'97; p. Audubon, la., '97-'04; p. Sioux City 2nd ch. '04-'07; gen. sec. P. C. I., Fairfield, la., '07 . 1886] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 59 DAVID SCOTT KENNEDY, D.D. (W. U. P.) PhUadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 16, 1856; U. W., '83; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Wayne, May '86; p. Ft. Wayne, Ind., '86-'88; p. Ist ch., Alle- gheny, Pa., '88-'ll; ed. "Presbyterian," Philadelphia, Pa., '11 . Dir. West. Sem. NEAL A. McAULAY, D.D Lyons, la. b. EngUsh Town, N. S., March 24, 1854; miss.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, Oct. 5, '86; p. Wilton, la., '86-'93; p. WUton Jet., la., '93-'08, and 8. 8. Sugar Creek, '93-'08; p. Lyons, la., '08 . WILLIAM GOODELL McCLURE Bangkok, Siam. b. Northfield, la., Jan. 12, 1860; P. C. I., '83; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, '86; miss. Bangkok, Siam, '87-89; miss. Petchaburee, '89-'07; miss. Bangkok, Siam, '07 . ALLAN MacKAY Berkeley, Cal. b. Inverness Co., N. S., ; L. F. U., 3 years; tea.; (3 grad.); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Cayuga, May 6, '87; h. m. Waitesburg, Wash., '87-88; h, m. Fort Wrangell, Alaska, '88-'92; h. m. Ilwaco, Wash., '92-'94; h. m. Tracy, Cal., '94-'95; CaUstoga, '96-'97; New York, '97-'01; Oakland, Cal., '01-'02; 8. 8. Corelo, Cal, '02-'06; s. s. Petaluma, Cal., '06-'08; s. s. Fresno, Cal., '08-'09; 8. 8. Oilfields, Cal., '09-'10; e. s. Berkeley, Cal., '10 . EZRA BUTLER NEWCOMB, D.D. (P. C. I.) Keokuk, la. b. Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 18, 1852; U. Minn., 3 years; lawy.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, June 29, '86; p. Fort Dodge, la., '86-'89; p. La Porte, Ind., '89-'96; p. Westminster ch., Keokuk, la., '96 . Dir. McC. Sem., '92 ; Mod. Syn. la., '08. WORDEN POPE NICHOLAS, D.D. (C. C. K.) Klrkwood, Dl. b. LouisviUe, Ky., Nov. 20, 1864; C. C. K., '83; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ebenezer, April 23, '87; s. s. WiUiamstown, Ky., '87-'90; s. s. Bedford, Ind., '89-'90; p. Mt. Pleasant, la., '90-'09; p. Kirkwood, HI., '09 . Trustee P. C. I. ALTON BLAIR NICHOLLS, b. Richmond, O., Dec. 25, 1856; W. U. 0., '83; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Lima, April 14, '86; s. s. Quincy, Mich., '86-'87; p. Stewart Mem. ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '87-'97; p. West Superior, Wis., '97-'05; p. Swissvale Pa., '06 . ANTHONY McGREADY PREWITT San Gabriel, Cal. b. Birmingham, la., July 4, 1855; Lincoln Univ. and Parsons Coll.; Cumb. University (Theo. Dept.); (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa (Cumb.) Aug. 24, '82; p. Lloyd, ID., '84-'87; p. Biggersville, 111., '87-'88; p. Arroyo Grande, Cal., '88-'93; p. Colorado Springs, Colo.,'93-'96; p. Lloyd, Ill.,'96-'99; p. Downey, Cal., '99-'03; p. Lompoc, Cal., '03-'06; p. Westminster, Cal., '06-'08; p. Calvary ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '08-'12; s. s. San Gabriel, Cal., '12 . Mod. Syn. Pacific (Cimib.); Mod. Pby. Los Angeles. GEORGE BARTLEY REID, b. Shiveroe, Ireland, July 11, 1847; O. C. O., '82; tea.; Ob. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, April 21, '89; 8. s. Wahiut, la., '89-'91; s. s. Man- chester, S. D., '91-'92; s. s. Leola and Pembroke, '92-'96; p. Raymond, '96-'99; res. Leola, S. D., '99-'00; d. Leola, S. D., April 26, 1900. 60 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1886 CHARLES GORDON STERLING, Ph.D. (U. Cm.) Toulon, 01. b. Madison, Wis., Dec. 29, 1859; U. W., '80; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, Sept. 29, '86; miss. Pine Ridge Agency, S. D., '86-'91; p. Lowe Av. ch., Omaha, Neb., '91-'95; instr. Om. Sem., '91-'93; prof . '93- '95; p. Cedar Rapids, la., '99-'04; prof. Winona Tech. Inst., Indianapolis, Ind., '05-'07; p. Garrett, Ind.,and s. s. Waterloo, Ind., '08-'09; field agt. Nat. Chr. Assn., '10; p. Elmira, 111., '12 . ROBERT SCOTT STEVENSON Greenville, III. b. Bellefontaine, 0., Jan. 15, 1859; U. I., '83; Princt. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bellefontaine, April 13, '86; s. s. Madison, S. D., '86-'89; s. s. Eureka Springs, Ark., '90-'93; p. Carmi, lU., '93-'07; p. GreenviUe, 111., '07 . THOS. JOHN STEVENSON, D.D. (Fr. CO.) Milroy, Pa. b. Ligonier, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1861; F. C. O., '82; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Lamed Pby., Nov. 10, '86; p. McPherson, Kas., '86-'90; p. Chenoa, 111., '91-94; p. Ferguson, Mo., '94^'95; p. Seymour, Ind., '95-'97; p. Petersburg, 111., '97-'01; p. Hannibal, Mo., '01-'04; p. Youngs- town, 0., '04-'06; ev. '06-'10; p. e., Havre de Grace, Md., '10-'12; p. Mihoy, Pa '12 . ' Trustee Western Kas. CoU., '88-'90. JAMES MARQUIS WILSON, D.D. (B. C. N.) Wllmette, Dl. b. New Wilmington, Pa., March 23, 1858; C. N. J., '81; farm.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Omaha, June 6, '86; p. Castellar St. ch., Omaha, Neb., '86-'99; prof. Om. Sem., '95-'99; p. Boulder, Colo., '99-'02; p. Westminster ch., Seattle, Wash., '02-'ll; p. Wihnette, lU., '11 . J. A. Ackerberg, res. Chicago; (1). Abel Armstrong, e. s. Doland, S. D., '85-'86; s. s. HaUock, Minn., '86-'88; s. s. Hill City, S. D., '89-'90; Mt. Albert, Ont., '91-'93; Inkster, N. D., '93. Edward P. Baldwin, b. Town City, Dak. Ter,; U. M.; (1); George Taylor Gibson, res. Chicago; M. E. ch.; (3 spec, stud.) Gardner Spring Gregory, b. Galena, lU., March 28, 1862; W. U. 0.; (1 — ); ill health; assisted in organizing MinneapoUs Pub. Library; engaged incidentally in Y. M. C. A. work; in '90 went to Mts. in E, Tenn.; d. New York, Sept. 13, 1890. Samuel Q. Helfinstine, res. Fairfield, la.; P. C. I., '83; (2) . W. W. Jewett b.'ParkviUe, Mo.; P. C. M., '83; (2). LoweU Mason McAfee, LL.D. (K. C. I.) Parkville, Mo. b. Fulton, Mo., June 6, 1860; Pa. C. M., '80; tea.(l — ); prof. Pa. C. M., and princ. Ac. '83-'90; act. pres. '9O-'02; pres. '02 . 1887] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 61 Edwin Stanton McClure, Yale, Wash. res. Omaha, Neb.; (3); s. s. Lenox, la., '86-'87; s. s. Red Oak, '87-'89; p. Grace ch., Omaha, Neb., '89-'91; p. Piper City, IU.,'91-'92; Probtn. Pby. Bloomington, '06; Yale, Wash., '11 . Charles Manchester, D.D. (Pa. C. M.) Fort Scott, Kas. b. Burritt, lU., Dec. 28, 1858; P. C. M., '83; (1); Oberl. Sem.; he, '78, Kas. and Neb. eldership of ch. of God; p. Buda, 111., '83-84; p. Maumee, O., '85-'86; p. Mt. CarroU, lU., '86-'88; p. Decatur, lU., '88-'89; p. Milmine, 111., '89-'90; pres. BarkeyviUe, Pa., '90-'96; pres. Findlay, O., '96-'04; p. Philadelphia, Pa., '05-'08; Columbia, '08-'09; pres. Coll. Inst., Fort Scott, Kas., '09 . Abram Albert Pratt Bardolph, 111. b. Marlborough, Ont., Aug. 20, 1857; Q. C. C. (3); tea.; ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, May '89; s. s. Westminster, la., '89-'90; s. s. West Bend, Plover and Rodman, '90-'92; p. Bethel, '92-'94; s. s. Red Oak Grove, '94- '99; p. e. What Cheer, Ia.,'99-'03; p. AtaUssa, la., '03-'05; p. Nauvoo, III., Washington, la., '05-'07; p. Bardolph, 111., '07 . George B. Sproule Drezel, Mo. b. Holden, Kas.; (1); Lane Sem.; s. s. Plainville, Kas., '86-'90; s. s. Creigh- ton. Mo., '90-'91; a. s. Appleton City, '91-'92; ev. '92-'93; s. s. Deepwater, '93-'97; s. a. Drexel, Mo., '97-'04; a. s. Mammoth Springs, Ark., '04-'05; Drexel, Mo., '05-'08; s. s. McFall, Mo., '08-'09; s. s. Lock Spring, Mo., '09- '10; ev. Drexel, Mo., '10 . 1887 HERBERT COULTER BALDRIDGE, b. Linn, 111., Dec. 4, 1856; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cairo, '88; a. a. Bonaparte, la., '87-'90; s. s. and p. Bridgeport, 111., '90-'94; s. a. Pisgah, '92-'94; d. Bridge- port, 111., March 13, 1894. SIMON BENSON Phillips, Wis. b. Clark Co., O., Sept. 10, 1856; O. W. U.; (1 year); miss.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, '87; p. Summit (Davenport), la., '87-89; s. a. and p. WiUiamsviUe, lU., '89-'97; p. Buffalo Hart, '95-'97; p. Wheatland, '97-'99; s. s. Royal Oak, Ind., '97-'99; s. s. Ignace, Mich., '99-'04; p. Phillips, Wis., '04 . SILAS DELMAR CONGER Portsmouth, O. b. Salem Centre, Ind., Nov. 23, 1855; I. U., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Hastings, June 12, '88; p. Holdrege, Neb., '88-'90; p. Toledo, O., '9(>-'02; p. Columbua Grove, O., '02-'10; p. Portsmouth, O., '10 . JAMES THOMAS COOTER, D.D. (W. C. I.) Arlington, Colo. b. Monticello, Mo., Dec. 2, 1858; W. C. I., '84; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Neosho, June 12, '88; s. s. Baxter Springs, Kas., '87; p. '88-'90; s. s. Lamar and Chucky Vale, Term., '91-93; a. a. Johnson City, '93-'94; pres. Washington College and s. s. in Tenn., '91-09; ill health '09 ; res. La Junta, Colo., '11-12; a. s. Arlington, Colo., '12 . Trustee, W. C. I. 62 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1887 CONNELL COX, b. 1856; ord. Pby. of Ft. Wayne, '87; (3 grad.); s. a. Union, Ore., '87-'88; h. m. Enterprise, '88-'89; s,. s. Ist ch., Joseph, '89-'90; b. b. Enterprise, '9(>-'93; 8. 8. Gervais, '93-'95; s. s. Klamath FaUs, '96-'97; ARCHIBALD DURRIE lone, Cal. b. Madison, Wis., July 26, 1858; U. W., 79; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 12, '87; p. Kilboimi City, Wis., '87-'89; p. Superior, '89-'93; p. Bis- marck, N. D., '93-'01; p. Hastings, Minn., '01-'05; p. Kendrick, la., '05-'ll; p. lone, Cal., '11 . Mod. Syn. N. D., '99. WILLIAM TOWNSEND FINDLEY, b. near Dayton, Pa., Aug. 24, 1857; U. K., '84; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, Sept. '87; p. Winnebago, Neb., '87-'03; d. Winnebago, Neb., Dec. 9, 1903. JESSE HUMPHREY FLEMING Grayling, Mich. b. Parma, Mich., Oct. 25, 1843; A. C. M., 2 years; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, June 8, '87; p. Florence, Wis., '87-'89; p. Brooklyn, Mich., '89-'93; p. Erie, '93-97; p. Reading, '97; and s. e. CaUfomia, Mich., '97-'03; p. Washington Av. ch., Saginaw, Mich., '03-'08; p. Grayling, Mich., '08 . MELVIN ERASER, D.D Batanga, Kam Erun, West Africa. 6. Lynden, N. Y., March 7, 1858; L. F. U., 3 years; L. C, '82; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lake Superior, May 1, '85; p. Iron Mountain, Mich., '85; s. s. Plato (Pingree Grove), lU., '87-'88; p. Mount Pleasant, Mich., '88-'89; ev. '89-'90; ev. Lake Forest, 111., '9(>-'92; ev. Waukegan, '92-'94; f. m., Gaboon and Corisco, Africa, '94 . Mod. Syn, N. J., '00. JOHN MAYHEW FULTON, D.D. (W. U. O.) PhUadelphia, Pa. b. Dinsmore, Pa., Feb. 8, 1859; W. U. O., '84; tel. oper.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, April '87; p. 2nd ch., Ft. Wayne, Ind., '87-'88; p. Argyle, lU., '89-'92; p. Lake View ch., Chicago, '92-'95; p. West- minster ch., Grand Rapids, Mich., '95-'02; p. Central ch., St. Paul, Minn., '02-'06; sec. Gen. Assn. Temp. Comm., '06 . HERMAN OSCAR GUTHE Baltimore, Md. 6. Germany, 1860; (3 grad.); p. German ch., Portsmouth, O., '87-90; p. German ch., Kearney, Neb., '90-'95; res. Baltimore, Md., '95 . MARSHALL CRANE HAYES Pasadena, Cal. 6. Dubuque, la., Feb. 8, 1858; W. C, '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 5, '87; miss. Japan, '87-'92; h. m. San Luis Obispo Co., Cal., '92-'93; p. South Waukegan, III., '93-'94; p. Shandon, Cal., '94-'96; res. Pasadena, Cal., '96 . WELCOME REESE HERENDEEN, b. Knox Co., O., 1856; W. U. O., '84; ord. Pby. of Columbus, March 13, '88; p. Mt. SterUng, O., '87-'90; p. Westminster ch., St. Louis, Mo., '90-'91; p. Willow Creek (Argyle), 111., '92-'95; ev. Chicago, '96-'03; w. c. Elgin, 111., '03-'04; d. Elgin, lU., Aug. 29, 1904. NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS, D.D. (N. W. U.) Brooklyn, N. Y. b. MagnoUa, la., Sept. 2, 1857; L. F. U., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Peoria, May 1, '87; p. 1st ch., Peoria, 111., '86-'89; p. Evanston, '89-'93; p. Central ch., Chicago, '93-'97; p. Plymouth (Cong.), Brooklyn, N. Y., '97 . 1887] Mccormick theological seminary 63 EARL B. HUBBELL, D.D Chicago, HI. b. GaUon, O., Nov. 10, 1864; B. U., '84; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chippewa, Oct. 13, '87; assoc. p. Ist ch., Eau Claire, Wis., '87-90; p. Im- manuel ch., Chicago, '90-'99; p. BrookUne, Chicago, '99-'08; w. c. Chicago, lU., '08-'10; s. s. 10th ch. Chicago, 111., '10 . RICHARD CECIL HUGHES, D.D. ( W. U. O.) PhUadelphla, Pa. b. Springdale, O., Feb. 14, 1861; W. U. O., '84; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. CouncU Bluffs, May '87; p. Sidney, la., '87-'91; prof. Tabor Coll., la., '91-'96; pres. '96-'01; pres. R. C. W., 'Ol-'IO; sec. for U. Work of Bd. of Ed., Philadelphia, Pa., '10 . RALSTON DE WITTE IRWIN, b. Olivesburg, O., 1861; W. & J. C, '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. '87; miss. Mexico, '87; d. Feb. 9, 1888. FRANK P. LAWYER, b. 1854; res. Industry, 111.; L. U. 111., '54; (3 grad.); Cumb. Pres. ch. . JAMES WALLACE McGOWAN Langford, S. D. 6. Johnstown Centre, Wis., Aug. 28, 1858; MUt. C, '83; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, Sept. '87; s. s. Lena, 111., '87-88; s. s. Chatsworth, '90-'91; p. Farmington, '91-97; res. Janesville, Wis., '97; s. s. Pemberville. Ohio, '98-'00; p. 7th ch., Chicago, 111., '00-'04; p. Wihnington, lU., '04-'06; p. Manhattan and Central_Park, Mont., '06-'10; p. Langford, S. D., '10 . JAMES ALLAN McKAY Garrison, la. b. Cape Breton, N. S., April 6, 1856; Pa. C. M., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, April 12, '87; p. Akron, Martinsville and New Hampton, la., '87-95; p. Akron and Davis City, '95; p. Dexter, la., '95-'98; p. Cedar Rapids, la., '98-'01; p. Milo, la., '01-'04; p. Atkins, la., '04-'07; his. Atkins, la., '07-'10; s. s. Garrison, la., '10 . WILLIAM ADAMS McMINN Kimmswick, Mo. b. Logansport, Ind., May 31, 1850; Pa. C. M., '86; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, Sept. '87; s. s. Ghdden and Churdan, la., '87-'90; h. m., Eldora, Steamboat Rock and Aplington, '91-93; h. m. Wynnewood and Paul's VaUey, I. T., '93-'95; s. s. Rock Hill, Mo., '95-'96; p. Oak HiU ch., St. Louis, '96-'99; p. Winchester and Manchester, 111., '99-'01; p. Tamora and Galena, lU., '01-'02; p. Pickford Group, Mich., '02-'04; Hillsboro, Mo., '04-'07; p. Windsor Harbor and Sulphur Springs, Mo., '07 . JOHN WILLIAM MILLAR Brawley, Cal. b. Alnwick, England, Nov. 13, 1856; L. F. U., '83; draughtsman; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, June 21, '87; p. Onarga, 111., '87-91; p. Deer Lodge, Mont., '91-'94; s. s. and h. m. Havre, '95-'97; p. Lyons, Neb., '97-'01; p. Westminster, Cal., '01-'06; p. Tustin, Cal., '06-'10;p. Brawley, Cal., '10 . THEOPHILUS EUGENE MONTGOMERY Ashland, N. Y. b. Seymour, Ind., July 27, 1862; H. C. I., '84; (3 grad.); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Fort Wayne, Oct. 17, '87; p. Huntington, Ind., '87-89; subs. p. Harris- burg, Pa., '90-'91; s. s. AUiance ch., Louisville, Ky., '91-93; p. Ohvet ch., Wihnington, Del., '94r-'98; p. Jersey City, N. J., '98-'02; p. Woodbridge, N. J., '02-'03; p. West Hoboken, N. J., '03-'04; p. Salt Point, N. Y., '04-'06; p. Otego, N. ¥., '06-'08; p. East Moriches, N. Y., '08-'ll; p. Ashland, N. Y., '11 . 64 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1887 BYRON EDGAR PEART PRUGH, D.D. (W. C. Pa.) Jeanette, Pa. b. Rural VaUey, Pa., AprU 21, 1859; Pa. C. M., '84; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 13, '87; p. Reedsburg, Wis., '87-'88; p. Hebron, Neb., '88- '89; p. Horton, Kas., '89-'91; s. s. Leisenring, Pa., '92-93; p. Corydon, Ind., '93-'95; 8. 8. Indiana and Upper Indiana chs., Vincennes, Ind., '95-'96; p. Sturgis, S. D., '96-'98; s. s. Rapid City, '98-'99; s. s. Gallipolis, O., '99-'00; e. s. CaBtle Shannon, Pa., 'OO-'Ol; p. Sewickley, Pa., '01-'04; p. Glenfield, Pa., '04-'06; p. Jeanette, Pa., '06 . OTIS ALEXANDER SMITH, D.D. (W. C. I.) Lincoln, Rl. b. Albion, lU., 1862; W. C. I., '83; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Crawfordsville, April '87; p. Frankfort, Ind., '86-'90; p. EvansvUle, '9(>-'96; p. Ist ch., Bay City, Mich., '96-'02; p. Jamestown, N. Y., '02-'08; p. Lincobi, 111., '08 . EDWARD WALTER ST. PIERRE Salem, Ore. b. St. Anne, lU., 1859; L. F. U., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Chicago, '87; f. m., Oroomiah, Persia, '87-'94; p. St. John's ch., Portland, Ore., '95-'03 ; chap. Salem, Ore., '03 . DAVID LOVE TEMPLE Cuba, Mo. b. near Sparta, 111., Aug. 28, 1852; gen. sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, Sept. 19, '87; s. s. Fairbury, 111., '87-'90; s. s. Clarence and Rankin, '90; p. East St. Louis, '91-'03; s. s. Pass Christian and Handeboro, Miss., '03-'09; s. s. Pahnyra and Summerville, 111., '09-'12; s. s. Cuba, Mc, '12 . CALVIN CHAMBERLAIN TODD Aberdeen, S. D. b. Fond du Lac, Wis., Dec. 14, 1856; W. W. '82; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chip- pewa, Oct. '87; 8. 8. Hurley, Wis., '87-'92; s. s. West Superior, '92-'93; p. Aberdeen, S. D., '93-'05; p. at large, S. D., '05 . Mod. Syn. S. D.; Dir. Huron C. GUY WOODBRLDGE WADSWORTH Denver, Colo. b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 18, 1861; A. C, '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April 11, '87; p. Minonk, 111., '87-'89; s. s. East Grand Forks, Minn., '8&-'91; pres. Occid. C, Los Angeles, Cal., '93-'06; pres. BeUevue, Neb., '06-'08; p. Pueblo, Colo., '08-'12; sec, Denver, Colo., '12 . ADDISON ALEXANDER WALLACE, D.D. (C. C. K.) Mexico, Mo. b. Independence, Mo., Dec. 25, 1862; W. C. M., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Missouri, April 22, '88; p. Mexico, Mo., '87 . Mod. Syn. Mo., '98; Trustee W. C. Mo., '93. GEORGE LUCIUS WASHBURN Moors, Mont. b. Blackburn, Mo., 1859; W. C. Mo., '84; (3 grad.); ; s. s. Mt. Hood, Ore., '09-'10; p. Lowden, Ore., 'lO-'ll; Moors, Mont., '11 . JOHN MILLIGAN WIGGINS, Ph.D. (West. C. P.) Livermore, la. b. Shelocta, Pa., June 6, 1857; West C. P., '79; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. la., Nov. 3, '87; p. Libertyville and Birmingham, la., '87-'91; s. s. Humeston, '91-'96; 8. s. Milo, '96-'03; New Sharon, '03-'06; Adair, '0&-'08; p. Liver- more, la., '08 . 1887] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 65 JAMES THOMSON WYLLIE Oxford, la. b. Nova Scotia, Nov. 28, 1854; Pa. C. M., 76; sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, May 3, '87; p. and s. s. Pine Creek and Rowley, la., '87-89; p. Pine Creek, '89-91; p. and s. s. Pine Creek and Otterville, '91-92; p. Coggon, '92-'94; p. and s. s. Shenandoah and Essex, '95-'96; s. s. Clarks- ville and Unity, '96-'99; p. WiUiams, '99-'01; p. Springville, '01-'02; p. LibertyviUe, '03-'05; p. Millersburg, lU., '07-'10; p. Oxford, la., '11 . Mod. Pby. Dubuque, '92; Trustee Linon C. I. Edwin Austin Benton, b. New York City, Jan. 2, 1857; Y. C, '78; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1); infirm; St. Peter, Minn.; . Pierre Philip Briol, b. Villy (near) OUom Vaud, Switzerland, 1852; ev. de Glay Inst., Doubs, France, '79; McGill C, Montreal, '83; San Fran. Sem., Cal., '87; lie. and ord. May 1, '87, Pby. of San Francisco; s. s. French oh., San Franicsco, Cal., '86-'88; agt. Spencer, Mass., '89-'90; ev. Carthage, Mo., '95-'02; ev. Spring- field, Mo., '02-'03; Caleb Wallace Chambers Kiam, Tex. 6. Dover, Mo., Nov. 13, 1854; W. C. Mo., '84; tea.; S. W. P. U.; (2); ord. Pby. Henderson, Nov. '90; p. Henderson, Tex., '90-'91; p. Troupe, '91-'96; s. s. Houston, '97; Troupe, '97-'98; s. s. Moscow, '98-'00; p. Kiam, '00 . Charles Alex. Evans, Jr New York, N. Y. b. 1860; p. Holly, Mich., '86-'87; s. s. 6th ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '87-'88; p. Lebanon, Pa., '88-'91; p. Harrisburg, '91-92; p. Calvary ch., Rochester, N. Y., '92-'97; p. W. Hoboken, N. J., '97-'06; New York, N. Y., '00 . George William Giboney, D.D. (H. C. I.), 6. Vernon, Ind., 1858; H. C. I., '84; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Albany, May 17, '87; p. Lebanon, Ore., '87-90; p. Oregon City, '90-'95; p. Spokane, Wash., '95-'08; res. Spokane, Wash., '08-'10; Medford, Wash., 'lO-'ll; d. Portland, Ore., Dec. 18, 1911. Hubert Clinton Herring, D.D. (T. C. I.) Los Angeles, Cal. b. LowviUe, Wis., Oct. 30, 1859; U. W. and U. C. I., ; farm.; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Sioux City, Sept. 20, '87; p. 2nd ch., Sioux City, '87- '90; p. Winterset, la., '90-'94; p. Hyde Park, Chicago, 111., '94-'98; p. First Cong., Omaha, Neb., '98-'07; sec. Congl. Home Miss. Soc, '07 . Charles Finley Hersman, b. Fulton, Mo., 1864; W. C. M., '84; (1) Samuel Henry King Harrington, Wash. b. Fort Wayne, Ind., April 28, 1861; B. U. I., '84; (2); ord. Pby. Red River, May 31, '87; p. Fishers, Minn., '87-'91; h. miss., Juneau, Alaska, '91-94; 8. s. Perry, la., '94-'95; p. Seymour, la., '95-'00; p. Pomeroy, la., '00-'02; p. South Bend, Ind., '02-'12; s. s. Harrington, Wash., '12 . Josiah Shelly Meyer, b. 1849; res. Chicago; (1); . \/ 66 ORADUATES AND STUDENTS [1888 Frank Nelson Palmer, D.D. (W. C. I.) Winona Lake, Ind. b. DanviUe, lU., Oct. 12, 1859; W. C. I., '81; tea.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1); ord. Pby. Pueblo, April '87; s. s. Monument, Colo., '87; p. e. Alamosa, Colo., '8&-'91; p. Mesa.ch., Pueblo, '91-'96; ev. DanviUe, lU., '97-'98; p. Dayton, Ind., '98, and s. s. Wea, '98-'03; prof. Winona Lake, Ind., '03 . Prea. Winona Ac, '09 . Joshua J. Wolf, b. West Bay City, Mich., 1856; L. F. U.; (1); s. a. Orbiaonia, Pa., '88-'89; p. New Hamilton, Pa., '89 ; . Charles Fremont Wood, 6. Fort Atkinson, Wis., 1857; B. C. W.; (1); . 1888 WILLIAM COLE ATWOOD Brookfield, Mo. b. Pennington, N. J., May 21, 1859; W. U. O., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, May 10, '88; p. Chariton, la., '88-'96; p. East ch., Des Moines, '96-'99; p. Brookfield, Mo., '99 . Mod. Syn. Miss., '06 . JAMES BARBOUR AYRES Yamaguchl, Japan. b. Cannelton, W. Va., May 25, 1859; K. C. lU., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, '88; miss. Hiroshima, Japan, '89-'90; miss. Yamaguchi,'90 . WILLIAM MARTYN BAIRD, Ph.D. (H. C. I.) Pyeng Yang, Korea. b. Clark Co., Ind., June 16, 1862; H. C. I., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, May '88; ev. Kansas City, Mo., '88; s. a. Osceola, '89; s. s. and tea. Del Norte, Colo., '90; f. m. Seoul, Korea, '90-'99; f. m. Pyeng Yang, '99 . Pres. Union Chr. CoU., '06. GEORGE WHITNEY BELL NicholasviUe, Ky. b. Leavenworth, Kas., 1856; Pa. C. M., '85; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pueblo, '91; p. El Moro, Colo., '88-'93; p. Las Animas, '93-'99; a. s. Eastonville, Colo., '99-'02; a. a. Monument, Colo., '02-04; s. s. Lexington, Ky.,'04-'05; 8. s. Sharpsburg,Ky.,'05-'08; a. a. NicholasviUe (south), '08 . CHARLES BREMICKER St. Paul, Minn. b. Ronsdorf, Kreis Lennep, Germany, Aug. 16, 1862; D. G. C. 1 year; Dub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Trinity, June 28, '88; miss. Dallas, Tex.; p. Wood- burn Ger. (Fosterburgh), lU., '89-'90; p. Ist Ger., Peoria, '90-'95; p. Ger. ch., Salem (Sutter), '95-'96; p. Warsaw, lU., '96-'99; p. Milwaukee, Wis., '99-'05; p. St. Paul, Minn., '05 . CHARLES MATTHEW BROWN, D.D. (I. C.) Joliet, Bl. b. HiUsboro, lU., Aug. 19, 1863; B. U. I., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lake Superior, June 22, '88; p. Negaunee, Mich., '88-'93; p. Tecumaeh, '93-'97; p. JacksonviUe, lU., '97-'07; p. let ch., JoUet, 111., '07 . Trustee B. U. I., '00 ; Trustee JacksonviUe F. A., '98-'ll. ELLIOTT WILBER BROWN, D.D. (W. C. I.) Northfield, Mass. b. West Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 25, 1859; W. C. I., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Puget Sound, July 31, '88; p. 1st ch., Seattle, Wash., '88-'92; p. West- minster ch., Detroit, Mich., '92-'94; p. 2nd ch., Dubuque, la., '94-'99; a. s. East Orange, N. J., '99; p. Glen Ridge Cong, ch., Glen Ridge, N. J., '99-'09; res. Northfield, Mass., '09 . 1888] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 67 JOSEPH BAYER CHERRY, Ph.D. (W. U. 0.) Ponca, Neb. b. Fredericksburgh, O., 1858; C. C. I., '85; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Lansing, June 12, '88; a. s. Farmington, 111., '88-'90; a. s. Keithsburg, '90- '92; p. Bethany ch., Chicago, '92-'95; a. a. Louisiana, Mo., '96-'99; p. Utica and Tamora, Neb., '99-'04; p. Wahoo, Neb., '04-'06; p. 3d ch., Omaha, Neb., '06-'08; p. Ponca, Neb., '08 . SAMUEL CONYBEARE, D.D. (Coe C.) Cedar Rapids, la. b. Southampton, England, June 29, 1861; I. W. U., ; salesman; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, '88; p. Tranquillity and Salem, la., '88- '95; p. Oelwein and Maynard, '95-'00; p. Tipton, la., '01-'04; p. Audubon, la., '04-'07; p. Central Park ch.. Cedar Rapids, la., '07; res. Cedar Rapids, la., '07 . WILLIAM CHALMERS COVERT, D.D. (H. C. I.) Chicago, 111. b. Franklin, Ind., Oct. 4, 1864; H. C. I., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, Sept. '88; p. St. Paul Park, Minn., '88-'92; p. Merriam Park ch., St. Paul, '92-'01; p. Ist ch. Saginaw, Mich., '01-'05; p. 41st St. ch., Chicago, lU., '05 . Dir. McC. T. S. ROBERT McMURRAN DONALDSON, D.D Denver, Colo. b. Oseian, Ind., Sept. 29, 1860; W. U. O., '85; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, July 3, '88; p. Hastings, Minn., '88-'92; p. Bozeman, Mont., '92- '95; sec. W. U. O., '95-'99; p. Urbana, O., '99-'02; p. Bozeman, Mont., '02- '07; Field Sec. Bd. H. M. in Rocky Mountain District, '07 . Mod. Syn. Mont., '09; Trustee Mont. C; W. C. D. KENNETH J. DUNCAN Honolulu, S. I. b. River Forest, 111., 1862; p. Greenfield, la., '88-'90; h. m. and s. s. Ellensburgh, Wash., '90-'92; p. Howard ch., San Francisco, Cal., '92-'94; w. c. Portland, Ore., '94-'95; w. c. Honolulu, S. I., '95 . JOSHUA THOMAS EVANS MinneapoUs, Minn. b. Springvale, Wis., Jan. 16, 1861; res. Chicago; L. F. U.; (3 grad.); Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Pby., Waukesha, Wis.; Oct., '88; Dis. Supt. Am. Bible Soc, Minn., N. D. and S. D., '88-'98; p. Welsh pres. ch., Denver, Colo., '99-'03; sec. Welsh H. and F. Miss. Soc, '05 . Mod. Welsh Pres. Syn., '01-'02; Mod. Syn. Minn., '10. DANIEL LYMAN GIFFORD, b. Elgin, lU., Jan. 9, 1861; A. C. M., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Ottawa, '88; f. m. Korea, '88-'96; Mendota, lU., '97; f. m. Korea, '98-'00; d. Seoul, Korea, March, 1900. WaLIAM GRAHAM Ryder, N. D. b. Aldboro, Ont., 1845; T. U. C, 3 years; tea.; K. Sem.; Aub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April '88; s. s. Weston and Milton, Ore., '88; s. s. Madison and Elmendaro, Kas., '90-'91; s. s. Brainerd, Potwin and Walton, '91-'92; s. s. Meriden and Cleghorn, la., '92-'93; s. s. KirkviUe, '93-'94; s. s. Troy, Lebanon and Chequest, '94-'96; s. s. Hill City, S. D., '96-'98; p. Minnesela, S. D., '98-'00; Hamlin, Lone Star, '01; Steele, Lucea, N. D., '02-'03; Baker, Deerham, Minn., '04-'05; Ryder, Douglas, Hiddlewood, Mount Zion, N. D., '06 . 68 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1888 EDGAR PRESTON HILL, D.D. (B. C. W.) Chicago, HI. b. Pontiac, lU., July 27, 1861; L. F. U.; W. C. M., '84; (3 grad.) ;ord. Pby. Chicago, '88; p. Reunion ch., Chicago, 111., '88-'89; p. 1st ch., Free- port, lU., '89-'95; p. Ist-ch., Portland, Ore., '95-'06; Prof. McC. T. Sem., '06 ; supt. ch. extens., Chicago Pby., '07 . Mod. Syn. Ore. WILLIAM BURGETT IRWIN MeadvUle, Pa. b. OHvesburg, O., May 27, 1859; W. & J. C, '84; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, April 18, '88; p. Freeport, 111., '88-'90; p. Cincinnati, O., '91-'95; p. Steubenville, O., '95-'06; p. Ist ch., Emporia, Kae., '06-'08; p. Ist ch., Meadville, Pa., '08 . JOHN LINCOLN JOHNSTON Carpenter, Okla. b. Oskaloosa, la., June 22, 1861; H. C. Mich., '84; farm.; Aub. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, Oct. '88; p. Ava, 111., '88-'91; p. Adel, la., '91-'92; p. Holt, Mich., '92-'94; p. Lake City, '94-'97; s. s. Hesperia, '97-'99; s. s. Gagetown, Mich., '99-'02; ; res. Carpenter, Okla., '08 . WILLIAM LANE, b. Rush Co., Ind., July 22, 1859; M. C. I. and U. K., '85; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, ; s. 8. Vinland and CUnton, Kas., '88-'89; miss. China, '89-'95; d. Barsdale, Cal, Jan. 14, 1896. JOHN CLARK LAUGHLIN Eighty-Four, R. D., Pa. b. Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1858; W. & J. C, '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Madison, Sept. 20, '88; p. Richland Centre, Wis., '88-'90; s. s. Fancy Creek, '89-'90; s. s. Reedsburg, '90-'94; p. MurrysviUe, Pa., '94-'98; p. Beech CUff, Pa., '98-'03; p. Oakdale, Pa., '03-'08; p. Eighty-Four, R. D., Pa., '08 . JOHN MORRIS LEONARD, D.D. (W. U. O.) Pratt, Kas. b. near Findlay, O., Nov. 9, 1860; W. U. O., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, May '88; miss. Kanazawa, Japan, '88-'90; miss. Toyama, '90-'93; p. Elvaston, 111., '94-'98; p. lola, Kas., '99-'01; p. Osawatomie, Kas., '01- '07; p. Pratt, Kas., '07 . DANEEL EDWIN LONG Menominee, Mich. b. Waynesburg, Pa., Feb. 3, 1857; W. & J. C, '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Madison, May, '88; p. Baraboo, Wis., '87-'90; p. MonticeUo, III., '90-'93; p. Michigan City, Ind., '93-'96; p. 10th ch., Chicago, 111., '96-'04; p. 1st ch., Menominee, Mich., '04 . CHARLES EVERETT McCANE, b. 1852; res. Kansas City, Mo., '52; W. U. O. (3 grad.); p. Rockwell (Rockwell City), la., '87-'88; p. Armourdale (Kansas City), Kas., '88-'89; p. Central ch., Kansas City, '89-'92; s. s. Emerson, la., '92-'95 ; . FRANCIS ALEXANDER McGAW Keokuk, la. b. Henderson Co., Ill, Aug. 10, 1857; W. U. O., '85; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, April '88; s. s. Ironwood, Mich., '88-'90; s. s. Augusta, 111., '9(>-'95; s. s. Hot Springs, N. C, '95-'99; p. CampPt., 111., '00-'04; p. Keokuk, la., '04-' 10; . JOHN McMillan, Ph.D., m.d., d.d., b. Crinan, Ont., Canada, 1860; St. Thomas C, Ont., '85; Man. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '90; surg. Gaboon, Africa, '89-'94; p. Kettle Falls, Wash., 1888] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 69 '94r-'97; 8. 8. Geary and Calumet, O. T., '97-'00; res. Chicago, lU., 'OO-'Ol; mis8. Garber City, Okla., '01-'03; ev. Fargo, N. D., '03-'04; res. DesMoines, la., '04-'05; 8 8. Hebron, Ind., '05-'06; s. s. Rising Sun, Ind., '06-'07; a. a. Brighton, 111., '07-'09; s. s. Tower Hill, '09-'10; res. Pittsburgh, Pa., '10; stud. U. E., Edinburgh, Scotland, '11 SAMUEL AUSTIN MOFFETT Pyeng Yang, Korea. b. Madison, Ind., Jan. 25, 1864; H. C. I., '84; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of New Albany, '88; f. m. Seoul, Korea, '89-'95; f. m. Pyeng Yang, Korea, '95 . JOHN CORYELL PARSONS Chicago, 111. b. Peru, lU., May 17, 1861; W. C. M., elk.; Y. D. Sch.; (2 grad.) ■,ord. Pby. Chicago, Feb. 22, '89; p. Fenton, Mich., '88-'90; p. Cobden, lU., '91- '94; bus. Chicago, '95 . VIRGIL FRANKLIN PARTCH, b. Oakdale, la., Aug. 10, 1860; H. U. K., '81; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. High- land, '88; miss. Ningpo, China, '88-'93; miss. Chinanfu, China, '95- '00; Chinanfu, China, 'OO-'Ol; Oakland, Cal., '01-'02; ROYAL FOREMAN REASONER Winters, Cal. b. Columbia Co., Ore., Dec. 17, 1857; U. Ore., '85; Un. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. East Oregon, April '89; s. a. Heppner, Ore., '88-'89; s. s. Snoho- mish, Wash., '89-'90; h. m. Port Hadlock, '90-'92; s. s. Summerville, Ore., '92-'93; tea. Island City, Ore., '93-'96; ev. AUcel, Ore., '96-'98; ev. La Grande, Ore., '98-'08; poor health; res. Winters, Cal., '08 . ELMER ELLSWORTH REED, D.D. (P. C. I.) Hopkinton, la. b. Fairfield, la., Jan. 1, 1862; P. C. I., '84; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. la., April 12, '88; p. KirkviUe, la., '88-'91; p. Griswold, '91-'95; p. Atlantic, la, '95-'0O; pres. B. U. C, Storm Lake, la., '00-'06; pres. L. C. I., '06 . GEORGE RUNCIMAN Caldwell, Ida. b. Winterbourne, Ont., May 14, 1856; P. C. I., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lake Superior, April '88; p. Versailles, N. Y., '88-99; p. Bangor, Wis., '9&-'01; p. Boise, Ida., '01-'03; p. Boswell and Tanna, '03-'05; p. Belvue, '05-'07; p. Caldwell, Ida., '07 . EDWARD MERCER SHARP, D.D. (P. C. I.) Albany, Ore. b. Princeton, 111., Feb. 4, 1864; P. C. I., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, AprU 11, '88; p. Walla WaUa, Wash., '88-'91; p. SUver Creek, N. Y., '91-'01; p. Mt. Tabor ch., Portland, Ore., '01-'12; prof. Albany, Ore., '12 . Dir. San Fran. Sem. WILLIAM STEWART SHIELS HaUock, Minn. b. Co. Londonderry, Ireland, May 6, 1858; L. F. U., '85; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. la., April, '88; p. West Point, la., '88-'93; p. 2nd, Keokuk, '93-'02; p. Hunter, N.D.,'02-'06;p. Antler, N.D.,'06-'10;p. HaUock, Minn.,'10 . FRANK WOOLFORD SNEED, D.D. (W. C. M.) Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Sedaha, Mo., April 22, 1862; W. C. M., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lafayette, April 12, '88; p. Riverside, lU., '88-'92; p. Columbia, Mo., '92-'95; p. Ist ch., Minneapohs, Minn., '95-'97; p. Wash, and Compt. ave., St. Louis, Mo., '97-'02; p. E. Liberty ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '02 . Dir. McC. Sem., '98; Trustee West. Sem. ; Dir. G. C. C. P. 70 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1888 ALFRED G. TAYLOR, Ph.D Westfield, Wis. b. Lexington, Ky., 1862; B. U. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Alton, July, '88; f. m. Kanazawa, Japan, '88-'93; ev. Tuscola, 111., '93-95; s. s. Winamac, Ind.,'95-'96;8.s. Farmersburg, Ind., '97-'00; s. s. Westfield, Wis., '00 . MARTIN LUTHER TRESSLER MontpeUer, O. b. Karl, O., Oct. 13, 1859; Carth. C. & K. C, I.; (3); ord. Logansport Presby. May 4, '88; p. Rensselaer, '87-89; p. Buchanan, Mich., '89-90; p. Sturgis, Mich., '90-'93; p. 3d ch., Cincinnati, O., '93-'99; p. ShelbyviUe, Ind., '99-'05; 8. 8. Montpelier, O., '05 . Charles Ezra Fisk, Ph.D. (W. C. I.) Viola, 111. b. Vincennes, Ind., Nov. 9, 1863; L. C. I., '84; tea.; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Rock River, Sept. 19, '88; miss. Crisp. Memorial ; miss. Brooklyn, Md., '88-'90; s. s. Spirit Lake, la., '90-'91; s. s. Dysart, '91-'93; s. s. Hopkin- ton, '93-'94; p. Alta, '94-'98; a. s. Crawfordsville, Ind., '98; s. s. Audubon, la., Dover, Colfax, '98-'99; p. Centralia, 111., '01-'04; ev. 111., '04-'05; s. s. Viola, 111., '05-'08; p. Viola, 111., '08 . Marshall B. W. Granger, b. Bladensburg, Md., Aug. 28, 1856; C. C. K., '78; tea.; (1); Danv. Sem.; ord. Pby. St. Louis, Nov. '88; p. Jackson, Mo., '88-'91; 8. s. Aux Vasse, '91-'92; s. s. Caledonia, '92-'95; evang. Mo., '95-'96; s. s. Bethel Springs, Tenn., '96-'98; pres. Presb. High School, '96-'98; p. Warsaw, Mo., '98-'00; p. and s. s. Jackson, Mo., 'OO-'Ol; s. e. Harlan, Ky., '01-'03; d. Harlan, Ky., May 2, 1903. James C. Morrow Johnston Newcastle, Pa. b. '55; res. La Plata, Mo.; L. U., Ill, '84; (1); He. Pby. of Nassau; ord. Pby. of Brooklyn, '92; p. Ist oh.. New Brighton, N. Y., '91-'92; s. s. Muncie, Pa., '96-'97; New Wilmington, Pa., '98-'01; ev. Newcastle, Pa., '01 . John Betts Eoehne Chicago, 111. h. 1861; res. Evansville, Ind.; Waynesburg C, Pa.; (1); Cumb. Pres. ch. ; lecturer; res. Chicago, 111., '08 . Howard Bailey McAfee, b. Ashley, Mo., Dec. 31, 1861; Pa. C. M., '80; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 — ); bus. mgr. and treas. Park Coll., Parkville, Mo., '84-'08; bus. Kansas City, Mo., '08 . James Alex. McKelvey Coultersville, 111. b. 1855; res. Coulterville, 111.; G. C. Pa., '53; R. P. Theo. Sem., Allegheny, Pa.; (1); p. Ridgway Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '92-93; ev. and s. s. Chicago, '93- '95; New South Wales, '95-'99; ev. Chicago, '00-'05; Coulterville, 111., '05 . Frank William Moore, b. 1854; res. Alexandria, Dak.; (1); . Charles Fremont Schell, b. 1857; res. Toledo, la.; (1); ch. U. B. in Christ. 1889] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 71 Robert Aaron Thompson, b. 1864; West C. P., Un. Sem. N. Y.; (1); infirm; res. Kansas City, Mc, '87 ; . James Clark Wiggins, b. Shelocta, Pa., Nov. 7, 1859; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Neosho, June 13, '88; tea. Wickes, Mont., '88-'93; s. a. Walker, la., '93-'96; s. s. Ness City, Kas., '96-'01; s. s. Carwood, Kas., '01-03; s. 8. Leoti, Kaa., '03-'06; d. Leoti, Kas., March 28, 1906. 1889 THOMAS SHRIMPTON ANDERSON Bay City, Mich. b. Dover, Del., Dec. 25, 1861; W. U. O., '86; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 9, '89; p. Wilmington, 111., '8^'95; p. Endeavor ch., Chicago, '95-'98; p. Marinette, Wis., '98-'05; p. Bay City, Mich., '05 . CHARLES STUART BAIN, p. e. Garnett, Kas., '91-'92; s. s. Xenia (Converse), Ind., '92-'93; sus- pended. CHARLES EDWIN BRADT, Ph.D. (W. U. O.), D.D. (W. U. O.) . .Chicago, III. b. La Porte, Ind., Nov. 7, 1863; W. U. O., '86; print.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Nebraska City, April, '89; p. 2nd ch., Lincohi, Neb., '89-'96; p. 1st ch., Wichita, Kas., '96-'05; Cen. Die. sec. For. Bd., Chicago, 111., '05 . Dir. Om. Sem. BURGESS BUELL BRIER, b. 1862; res. Rob Roy, Ind.; W. C. Ind., '86; (3 grad.); miss. Gaboon, Africa, '89-'90; d. Gaboon, Africa, 1890. NOICE D. BRISTOL, b. 1861; res. Hebron, Neb.; N. Hamp. Ag. Coll., '83; (3 grad.); s. a. Conway, la., '91-'92; s. s. Buffalo, Mo., '92-'93; res. Fairfield, la., '94-'97; res. Cleveland, O., '98-'00; . ANDREW Stuart CURRIE CLARKE, D.D. (U. Om.) Evanston, HI. b. Omagh, Ireland, Oct. 28, 1859; W. C. M., 3 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, May 2, '89; p. Piper City, 111., '88-'90; p. Ehnira, '90-'00; p. Immanuel ch., Chicago, '00-'02; p. Lowe Av. ch., Omaha, Neb., '02-'07; p. 2nd ch., Evanston, 111., '07 . Trustee B. C. U. NEWTON ERASTUS CLEMENSON San Anselmo, Cal. b. Langeland, Denmark, Dec. 10, 1856; S. L. C. Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Aug. '89; p. Richfield, Utah, '89-'94; p. Sahna, '94; p. Logan, Utah, '95-'10; p. San Ansehno, Cal., '10 . WILLIAM WALLACE COE, D.D Northfield, Mass. b. Middleport, O., June 21, 1862; M. C. O., '83; tea.; (3 grad.); U. E., theo. dept.; ord. Pby. Bloomington, April, '89; p.Wenona, Ill.,'89-'92; p.2nd ch., Seattle, Wash., '92-'93; p. 1st. ch., Corry, Pa., '93-'00; asst. p. Madison Sq. ch., New York, '00-'05; ed. Bible Record, '05-'06;ed. "Northfield Press," Northfield, Mass., '09 . 72 G RADUATES AND STUDENTS [1889 EDGAR LESLIE COMBS Cherryvale, Kas. b. CUnton, lU., 1858; P. C. I., '84-'86; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, May 16, '89; p. Quenemo, Kas., '89-'90; p. Waverly, '91-'94; p. at large, Neosho Pby., '94; p. Garhett, '94-'97; p. Metropolis, 111., '97-'99; p. Win- throp. 111., '99; p. Pine Creek, la., '99-'03; p. Maran, Kas., '03-'08; p. Jay, lU., '08; p. Scammon, Kas., '08-'10; p. Cherryvale, Kas., '11 . Trustee Highland U. and Oswego, Cal. CAMPBELL COYLE, D.D. (W. C. I.), (M. C. T.), (B. V. C.) . . . Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Roseneath, Ont., March 4, 1861; W. C. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, June 11, '89; p. Nevada, la., '89-92; p. Cherokee, '92; p. Centennial ch., Oakland, Cal., '92-'94; asst. p. 1st ch., Oakland, '94r-'96; p. Collingwood Av., Toledo, O., '96-'07; p. Duluth, Minn., '07-'09; p. BeUefield ch., Pitts- burgh, Pa., '09 . WILLIAM RAY DOBYNS, D.D. (W. C. M.) St. Joseph, Mo. b. Columbus, Mo., May 17, 1861; W. C. M., '86; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 17, '89; p. Immanuel ch., Chicago, 111., '89-'91; fin. sec. W. C. M.,'90-'91; p. MarshaU, Mo., '91-'99; p. Ist (So.), St. Joseph, Mo., '99 . Mod. Syn. Mo., '02; Dir. Danv. Sem., W. C. M. WOODWARD E. FINLEY, D.D. (H. C. I.) Marshall, N. C. b. London, O., Dec. 3, 1865; H. C. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Columbua, April '89; f. m., Bahia, Brazil, '89-'92; f. m. Larangeiras, Sergipe, '92-'07; p. Marshall. N. C, '07 . Trustee Stanley McCormick Sch.; Trustee M. C. I. HOWARD FISHER, M.D Washington, D. C. b. WheeUng, W. Va., Jan. 1866; H. C. Ind., '86; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, June 19, '89; miss. Ferrozepur, India, '91- '93; Ambala City, India, '96-'98; res. New York, '98-01; phys. Washington, D. C, '01. JOHN ASHLEY FITCH Wei Hsien, China. b. Sheldon, Vt., July 29, 1861; P. C. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, April '89; miss. Wei Hsien, Shantung Province, China, '89. GEORGE WASHINGTON FULTON, D.D. (W. & J. C.) . . . .Kanazawa, Japan. b. Dinsmore, Pa., Sept. 29, 1865; W. & J. C, '86; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Washington, April 22, '89; miss. Kanazawa, Japan, '89-'91; miss. Fukui, '91-98; furlough, '98-'00; miss. Kanazawa, Japan, '00-'08; furlough and acting sec. Bd. F. M., N. Y., '08-10; miss. Osaka, Japan, 'lO-'ll; miss. Kanazawa, Japan, '11 . Dir. and Pres. Training Sch. for Ev., Osaka, Japan. JOHN ALLEN GALLAHER Rapid City, S. D. b. near Perry, Mo., Nov. 24, 1863; W. C. M., '85; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. North Texas, May 8, '89; p. Gainesville, Tex., '89-'91; p. CHfton Heights, St. Louis, Mo., '92-'98; s. s. Belleville, 111., '98-'03; p. Avondale ch., Chicago, 111., '03-'08; p. Three Rivers, Mich., '08-'12; Rapid City, S. D., '12 . CLEMENT GRAHAM MARTIN, D.D Fostoria, O. b. Albany, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1859; H. C, '83; lawy. and tut. R. C. C; Aub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Albany, June 14, '87; p. Greenport, N. Y., '89-'92; p. Sandusky, O., '92-'03; p. Fostoria, O., '03 . 1889] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 73 CLARENCE GffiSON MILLER, Ph. D. (Huron C.) Fremont, O. b. Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1864; W. U. O., '86; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Duluth, Oct. 30, '89; h. m., Brainerd, Minn., '89-'91; h. m., Marshall, '91-93; p. Indianola, la., '93-98; p. Centerville, la., '98-'00; p. Bluflfton, Ind., '00-'06; p. Fremont, '06 . GEORGE ALBERT MITCHELL St. Joseph, Mo. b. Benton, lU., March 13, 1853; L. F. U., '96; New Coll. Edin.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, Nov., '89; p. Hanover, '89-'90; p. Calvary ch., Chicago, 111., '92-'98; ev. Chicago, Millburn Cong, ch., '98-'00; p. Brookfield Cong, ch., '00-'02; p. Oak Park, '02-'04; p. 4th Cong., Oak Park, '04-'05; ev. '05-'08; p. Albany, Mo., '08-'09; p. St. Joseph, Mo., '09 . JOHN FREDERICK MONTMAN, b. Hudson, Wis., Jan. 13, 1858; W. C. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, Oct. 8, '89; s. s. MonticeUo and Scotch Grove, la., '90-'91; s. s. Howard Lake, Minn., '91-92; s. a. East Grand Forks, '92-'93; s. s. Cavaher. N. D., '93-94; s. s. Gilby, '94-'95; s. s. Cottonwood and Swan Lake, Minn., '95-'96; 8. s. Lakefield, '96-'98; d. Marshall, Minn., Oct. 4, 1898. CHARLES EVERTS MORSE, b. Glasgow, Ky., May 2, 1864; H. C. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, Oct. '89; p. Galena, 111., '89-'93; p. 9th ch., Chicago, '93-'99; p. Millard Av. Cong, ch., '99-'08; d. Hanover, N. H., March 15, 1908. WALTER HUNTER REYNOLDS, D.D. (Coe C.) Greensburg, Ind. b. Cumminsville, 0., Nov. 7, 1864; W. U. O., '86; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Chicago, June 5, '90; p. River Forest, 111., '89-'96; asst. p. 3rd ch., Chicago, '96-'99; p. Marion, la., '99-'02; p. Casteller St. ch., Omaha, Neb., '02-'08; p. Greens- burg, Ind., '08 . Trustee Coe C. '0(>-'02. FRANK S. RICE, b. 1859; res. Oskaloosa, la.; Iowa St. U., '80; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. April, '90; s. s. Chenoa, lU., '89-'90; d. Oskaloosa, la., Oct. 19, 1890. ELLSWORTH GRAY RITCHIE, b. 1863; res. Wyoming, O.; W. U. O., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Wooster, '99; miss. Chefoo, China, '89-'90; d. Chefoo, 1890. JESSE ALEX. GRAY AbUene, Tex. b. McLeansville, N. C, 1857; W. C. I., '86; (3 grad.); '89; ord. Pby. of Chicago, March, '89; p. Brookhne (Chicago), 111., '88-99; p. Gainesville, Tex., '99-'06; p. Richmond, Mo., '06-'09; p. Abilene, Tex., '09 . Mod. Syn. Texas. HARRIS HIBBARD GREGG, JR St. Louis, Mo. 6. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1864; W. C, '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, June '89; p. 1st ch., Ottawa, 111., '89-'99; s. s. 41st St. ch., Chicago, '99; Europe, '00; Chicago, III., '00-'02; p. Washingt. & Compt. Av. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '02 . FRANCIS WM. GROSSMAN, D.D. (B. U. C.) Franklin, Ind. b. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 22, 1858; C. C. K., '85; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Louisville '87; s. s. Leavenworth, Ind., '87-'88; Dallas, Tex., '88- '89; s. s. 2nd ch., Council Bluffs, la., '89-'90; s. s. Villisca, la., '90-'93; s. a. YorktowTi, '93-'97; s. s. ffing City, Mo., '97-'99; s. s. Empire Prairie, Mo., '99-'01; pres. L. C. I., '01-'06; p. 1st ch., New Albany, Ind., '07-'12; supt. FrankUn, Ind., '12 . 74 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1889 DANIEL YOUNT mDINGS San Francisco, Cal. b. SwanviUe, Ind., April 15, 1866; H. C. I., '84; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. NewAlbany, May,'89; miss. Guatemala, C. A., '89-'03; pub. "The Journal," Guatemala City '95-'03; w. c. San Francisco, Cal., '03-'06; s. p. San Fran- cisco, Cal., '06 . MEREDITH HOGSHEAD KERR Potosi, Mo. b. Mexico, Mo., March 18, 1861; W. C. M., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. North Texas, May '89; p. Wichita Falls, Tex., '89-'92; p. Pahnyra, Mo., '92-'01; s. 8. Louisiana, Mo., '01-'03; s. s. Whitehall, 111., '03-04; s. s. Chester, 111., '04-'06; p. Potosi, Mo. (south), '06 . Mod. Synods, North Tex., '92; Pahnyra, '93 and '96. HENRY POLHEMUS LANE Pasadena, Cal. b. Rush Co., Ind., Jan. 31, 1858; M. C. I., 1 year; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Monroe, May 7, '91; p. Quincy, Mich., '90-'95; p. Jonesville, '95-'98; San Diego, Cal., '98-'00; s. s. 3d ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '00-'04; p. Upland, Cal., '04-'12; p. Pasadena, Cal., '12 . SAMUEL NEWELL LAPSLEY, b. Sehna, Ala., April 14, 1866; U. A., '84; asst. prof., '84-'86; Un. Sem., Va.; (2 grad.); miss. Congo, Africa, '89-'92; d. Underbill, Congo Free State, Africa, March 26, 1892. GEORGE DAVID LINDSAY Marion, Ind. b. McKeesport, Pa., March 30, 1862; W. U. 0., 3 years; W. & J. C, '86; tea.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Grand Rapids, May '89; p. Ionia, Mich., '89-'92; p. PuUman, lU., '92-'93; p. Galena, lU., '93-'98; p. Oshkosh, Wis., '98-'02; p. Greensburg, Pa., '02-'06; ev. Pittsburgh, Pa., '06-'07; ev. Marion, Ind., '07-'09; lawy. Marion, Ind., '09 . HUGH HAMILL McCREERY Carson City, Nev. b. near Marion Center, Pa., 1856; West C. P., 1 year; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, June 12, '89; p. Wilhnar, Minn., '89-'92; p. Mt. Pleasant, Utah, '92-'99; p. at large, Utah, '99-'02; p. Carson City, Nev., '02 . WILLIAM REED McELROY Frankfort, Kas. b. MaxviUe, Ky., Dec. 17, 1856; D. C. M., '86; tea.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, Sept. 12, '89; p. ChiUicothe, Mo., '89-'93; p. Casso- pohs, Mich., '93-98; p. West Plains, Mo., '98-'02; p. Minneapohs, Kas., '02-'09; sec. Topeka, Kas., '09-'10; s. e. Frankfort, Kas., '10 . JOSEPH MARION ROSS, D. D. (Coe C.) Bozeman, Mont. b. Mahomet, 111., Nov. 4, 1865; B. U. I., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, May 21, '89; p. Farmington and Pleasant Plains, 111., '89-'92; p. Kirkwood, '92-'99; p. Warrensburg, Mo., '99-'02; p. Shenandoah, la., '02-'07; p. Bozeman, Mont., '07 . Mod. Syn. lU., '99. MILTON DARIUS SMITH Cherryvale, Kas. b. Cardington, 0., 1851; Pa. C. M., 2 years; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby., Neosho, May 14, '89; p. Central City, Kas., '89-'91; s. s. Yates Centre, '91-'92; 8. 8. Cherokee, '92-'93; p. Neodesha, '96-'98; h. m. Cherryvale, '96-'98; p. McCune, '98-'02; p. Bartlett, '02-'03; Cherryvale, '03-'09 ; 8. 8. Edna, '09-'ll; s. s. Bartlett, '11-'12; Cherryvale, Kas., '12 . 1889] iJ/cCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 75 JOSEPH ROSS STEVENSON, D.D. (W. & J. C.) Baltimore, Md b. Ligonier, Pa., March 1, 1866; W. & J. C, '86; (3 grad.); U. B. G., '89-'90; ord. Pby. Kansas City, Dec. 31, '90; p. Broadway ch., Sedalia, Mo., '90-'94; adj. prof. Eccl. Hist. McC. Sem., '94 ; prof. '97-'02; p. 5th Av. ch., New York, '02-'09; p. Brown Mem. ch., Baltimore, Md., '09 . Dir. McC. Sem., '93-'95; Dir. Princt. Sem. JOSEPH ELMORE TODD Lucerne, Ind. b. Hohnes Co., O., June 23, 1861; W. U. O., '87; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, April 12, '92; s. s. Dysart, la., '92-'93; s. s. Lucerne, Ind., '93- '96; 8. s. Turtle Creek and Mt. Jefferson, O., '96-'99; Keithsburg, 111., '99- '02; iU health; res. Lucerne, Ind., '02 . EDWARD NEWELL WARE, D.D Chicago, IU. b. Richmond, Ky., July 2, 1860; I. W. U., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloom- ington, April '89; p. Florence, Wis., '89-96; p. Morrisonville, 111., '96; p. Bedford, la., '96-'02; p. Endeavor ch., Chicago, 111., '03-'12; ev. Chicago '12 . JOHN MARTIN C. WARREN La Mesa, Cal. b. Glencoe, O., Oct. 7, 1860; W. U. 0., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Idaho, AprU 20, '90; h. m. Waterville, Wash., '90-'91; h. m. BaUard, '91-'92; s. s. Lopez and Friday Harbor, '92-'00; w. c. Seattle, Wash., 'OO-'Ol; w. c. North Bend, Wash., '01-'03; w. c. Seattle, Wash., '03-'09; La Mesa, Cal., '09 . JESSE CRAIG WILSON Benson, Neb. b. Warsaw, Ind., Dec. 29, 1859; U. Minn., '82; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Neosho Falls, '89; s. s. Yates Centre, Kas., '90-'98; miss. Santiago, Chile, S. A., '99-'02; s. s. Onward, Chicago, 111., '02-'06; p. Bloom- field, la., '06-'ll; p. Benson, Neb., '11 . Arthur Gray Copeland Oak Park, 111. b. St. Catharine, Ont., Feb. 21, 1860; St. Cath. Coll. Inst.; (1); asst. state sec. Y. M. C. A., 111., ; sec. Kalamazoo; sec. Oak Park, IU.; bus. Oak Park, IU., '11 . Almanza Scott Davis, b. 1864; res. Fairfield, IU.; B. U. I.; (1 — ); iU health. James Scott Moore Buffalo, N. Y. b. Bloomington, IU., June 10, 1861; W. & J. C, '86; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Geneva, Oct. 1, '89; s. s. Seneca Castle, N. Y., '89-'92; s. s. Alden, '92- '05; bus. (bank) Buffalo, N. Y., '05 . James Gale IngUs, b. Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 5, 1864; O. C. M., 3 years; L. F. U., 1 year; miss.; (1); ord. Pby. Saginaw, Sept. 17, '89; p. Petoskey, Mich., '89-'91; p. Wood- lawn Park ch., Chicago, IU., '91-95; p. Petoskey, Mich., '95-'99; s. s. FUnt, Mich., 'OO-'Ol; ev. Levering, Mich., '01-'03; p. Bay City, Mich., '03-'05; d. Denver, Colo., AprU 30, 1905. John Goodman Lovell Long Branch, N. J. b. Ehn, England, Jan. 12, 1863; W. C. I., '86; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Albany, Oct. '90; p. Northampton, N. Y., '90-'92; p. BatcheUervUle, '92— also 8. s. Northampton, N. Y., '96-'02; p. Long Branch, N. J., '02 " 76 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1890 Herbert McHenry Atwater, Minn. b. Irdiai Co., N. C, 1857; B. U. I., '86; (2); ord. Pby. Bismarck, Feb. 6, '90; 8. s. Delhi, Minn., '90-'01; h. m. Pby., Red River, '01-'03; Kingby, N. D., '03-'07; Atwater, Kirkhaven, Minn., '07 . William Wilson Snoddy, b. Dayton, Ind., Aug. 8, 1859; W. C. Ind., '54; Lane Theo. Sem.; (2); ord. Pby. CrawfordsviUe, '90; s. s. Roslyn, Wash., '90-'91; d. Dayton, Ind., March 7, 1897. F. Lovelace Snyder Bangkok, Siam. b. near Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 14, 1864; W. C. I., '86; (1 — ); Un. Sem.; ord. Pby. Indianapolis, Aug. 12, '90; miss. Bangkok, Siam., '90 . Lanius Spring Wilson, h. Eustis, Fla., 1865; W. U. 0.,'85; ; (1); d. Eustis, Fla., Dec. 1,1886. William Gibb Irvona, Pa. b. Dunfermhne, Scotland, Aug. 29, 1852; U. E., '81; U. P. Sem. E.; ord. Pby. (U. P.) Edinburgh, Scotland, '80; miss. Musselburgh, Scotland, '77- '80; asst. p. Greenock, '84-'89; (1 p. g.); p. Jamestown, N. D., '90-'93; interim prof. mod. languages, J. C. D.; p. Irvona, Pa., '94 . William Scott Lowry Petaluma, Cal. b. SmithviUe, Va., Aug. 18, 1859; J. H. U., ; Colum. Sem.; N. C. Sem.; ord. Pby. Dallas, '86; p. McKinney, Tex., '86-87; s. s. Eureka Springs, Ark., '87-89; (p. g., '89); p. 1st Av. ch., Evansville, Ind., '90-'91; p. 1st ch., Princeton, Ky., '91-93; s.s. Bethesda (Los Angeles), Cal., '93-94; inf. rea. Long Beach, Cal.; p. Templeton, Cal., '99-'01; p. Smithfield, Va., '01-'03; s. s. Fort Bragg, Cal., '03 ; p. ev. Petaluma, Cal., '08 . Edwin Reed WorreU, D.D. (G. C. C. P.) Chicago, lU. b. Avon, lU., Jan. 22, 1858; W. C. 111., '85; tea.; (1— );Chic. (Cong.) Sem.; ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 5, '88; s. s. Washington Heights, III., '87-'93; p. Waverly, Kas., '93-'97; p. Butler, Pa., '97-'06; asst. sec. G. A. Temp. Com., '0&-'08; p. BrookUne ch., Chicago, 111., '08 . 1890 HAMILTON URIAH ALEXANDER Cloyd's Creek, Tenn. b. Cloyd's Creek, Tenn., 1860; M. C. Tenn., '87; (3 grad.); res. Cloyd's Creek, Tenn. RICHARD TUTTLE BELL, D.D. (H. U. K.) Idaho Springs, Colo. b. Rosedale, Ind., Aug. 31, 1865; W. C. I., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Hastings, AprU 29, '91; Holdrege, Neb., '9a-'91; p. Falls City, '91-'99; s. s. Peoria, Ariz., '99-'03; p. ch. of Covenant, Omaha, Neb., '03-11; p. Idaho Springs, Colo., '11 . TURNER GO BRASHEAR Brighton, Colo. b. Petersburg, Ind., April 2, 1866; H. C. I., '87; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Vincennes, Aug. 5, '90; f. m. Tabriz, Persia, '90-'99; p. Farmersburg, Ind., '00-'02; p. Evansville, Ind., '02-'08; p. Bloomfield, Ind., '08-'10; p. Brighton, Colo., '10 . 1890] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 77 WILLIAM LUKE CLARKE Greenwood, Ind. b. Bement, lU., Nov. 5, 1862; C. C. K., '87; farm.; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, April 4, '90; p. Duluth, Minn., '90-'91; p. West Superior, Wis., '91-'92; p. Weyauwega, '92-'96; p. Winfield, la., '96-'98; p. Monte- zuma, la., '98-05; p. Darlington, Ind., '05-'08; s. s. Lewisville, Ind., '08-10; p. Bradford, O., '10-'12; p. Greenwood, Ind., '12 . JOHN HARVEY COOTER, b. Lewis County, Mo., Dec. 5, 1861; W. C. I., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Solomon, '90; s. s. Delphos, Kas., '90-'92; d. Columbus, Kas., Aug. 25, 1893. ALEXANDER M. CUNNINGHAM Peking, China. b. Murrayville, 111., March 13, 1861; I. N. U., '87; tea. and e. s. m.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, '90; miss. Peking, China, '90 . JAMES GLENN CUNNINGHAM, b. Grove City, Pa., May 1, 1862; W. U. O., '87; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, '91; p. Kirkwood, lU., '91-'92; p. Osage City, Kas., '92-'96; p. Wellington, '97-'04; p. Ottawa, Kas., '04-'05; d. Ottawa, Kas., Aug. 21, 1905. ARTHUR MONTGOMERY ELLIOTT Port Jefferson, N. Y. b. Yonkers, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1862; D. C, 2 years; surv.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, Oct. '90; p. Assumption, JU., '90-'93; p. Edwardsville, '94-'95; p. El Paso, Tex., '95-'96; res. El Paso, '97; s. s. Cobden, lU., '99-'03; p. Kansas, 111., '03-'07; p. Harbor Springs, Mich., '07-'09; p. Port Jefferson, N. Y., '09 . H. ADDISON FERGUSON, b. Leesburg, Tenn., 1864; W.C. T.,'87; Colum. Sem.; (1 grad.) ; CHARLES ERNEST FREEMAN Galesville, Wis. b. Galesville, Wis., 1860; G. C. W., '87; tea., ord. Pby. Chippewa, Nov. 11, '90; p. Bayfield, Wis., '90-'91; p. Spirit Lake, la., '91-'95; p. Wenona, lU., '95-'97; p. Ipava, 111., '98-'03; p. Galveston, Tex., '03-'09; res. Galesville, Wis., '09 . ALEXANDER GILCHRIST Glasgow, Scotland. b. Alneso, Scotland, 1855; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April '90; p. Dunton (ArUngton Heights), 111., '89-'94; p. Glasgow, Scotland, '94 . GERRIT DIRK HEUVER, Ph.D. (U. C. I.) Galena, 111. b. Marie, Netherlands, Aug. 10, 1861; L. F. U., '87; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee, May 12, '90; p. Perseverance ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '9(>-'95; ev. Chicago, 111., '95-96; s. s. LibertyviUe, '96-'00; p. Wenona, lU., '00-'08; p. Los Angeles, Cal., '08-'09; p. Galena, lU., '09 . JOSEPH MORRISON IRWIN, b. Logansport, Ind., April 19, 1866; W. & J. C, '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, April 19, '90; miss. Kolhapur, India, '90-'96; miss. Ratnagiri, '96-98; miss. Vereguria, Ken Kau, India, '98-'03; miss. Sangh, India' '03-'08; d. . 78 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1890 ROBERT IRWIN, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Bangkok, Siam b. Garafraxa, Ont., Canada, Sept. 5, 1859; P. C. M., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, June , '90; miss. Lakawn, Siam, '90-'92; Lampoon, '92-94; Chieng Mai, '94-'95; Muang Nan, '95-'96; p. Friday Harbor, Wash., '06-'07; p. Braidwood, 111., '07-'09; University Mound, San Francisco, Cal., '09-'ll; f. m. Bangkok, Siam, '11 . CHARLES HARMON JOHNSON, D.D River Forest, Dl. b. Waverly, N. Y., March 11, 1864; H. C, '86; tea.; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Springfield, April 9, '90; p. Pierre, S. D., '90-'92; p. WiUmar, Minn., '92-'03; p. South Park ch., Chicago, lU., '03-'ll; p. River Forest, 111., '11 . LEONARD KEELER Axtell, Neb. b. Benton, Pa., Feb. 18, 1857; W. U. O., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, June 17, '90; p. Tower Hill, 111., '90-'92; s. s. Morrisonville, '93; p. Chrisman, '93-'96; p. New Cambria, Mo., '96; p. La Clede and Center, Mo., '97-'99; p. Colby and Oakley, Kas., '01-'04; p. Hoxie, Kas., '04-'06; p. HiU City and Moxland, Kas., '06-'10; p. Sylvan Grove, Kas., '10-'12; p. Axtell, Neb., '12 . WILLIAM HILL LINGLE Siangtan, Hunan, China. b. MiU Bridge, N. C, Feb. 20, 1862; B. U. I., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Man- kato, April, '90; f. m. Canton, China, '90-'99; Siangtan, Hunan, China, '99 . CHARLES AUGUSTUS LIPPINCOTT, D.D Flint, Mich. b. Piedmont, W. Va., July 30, 1865; W. & J. C, '87; Princt. Sem.; Un. Sem., N.Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 30, '90; p. 1st ch., Johet,IU., '90-'95; asst. p. 2nd ch., Chicago, '95 , and act. p. '9&-'01; p. Flint, Mich., '01 . WILLIAM BRYSON LOGAN Italy, Tex. b. Auburn, Mo., Jan. 13, 1866; Erskine C, '86; E.G. Sem.; (1); ord. Second Pby. A. R. Pres. Ch., April, '89; p. Bigbyville, Tenn., '89-'94; p. Smith Creek, 111., '94-'97; p. Scio, O., '97-'00; Springfield, O., '00-'05; p. Welch, La., '05- '08; res. Italy, Tex., '08 . LEONARD WILSON ARNOLD LUCKEY, Ph.D . Indianapolis, Ind. b. Decatur, Ind., 1857; No. Ind. Nor. C, '80; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, May 14, '89; p. Crown Point, Ind., '89-93; p. Castile, N. Y., '93-'01; p. 6th ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '01-'04; w. c. Indianapohs, Ind., '04-'05; Maywood, Ind., '05-'07; Indianapohs, Ind., '07 . CHARLES H. McCASLIN, Ph.D. (W. U. O.) Minneapolis, Minn. b. Salem, Ore., June 13, 1864; H. C. I., '86; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Detroit, April 22, '90; p. Church of the Covenant, Detroit, Mich., '90-'92; p. Bucyrus, O., '92- '03; ev. Yonkers, N. Y., '03-'04; supt. St. Louis, Mo., '04-'05; s. s. Highland Park ch., Minneapohs, Mirm., '05 . DANIEL GEORGE MacKINNON Doyleston, Pa. b. Charlottetown, P. E. Island, June 2, 1864; H. C; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Puget Sound, '90; rector St. Clement's, Ep., Seattle, Wash.; r. Trinity, Everett, Wash.; r. Grace Ep. ch., Ellensburg, Wash.; r. St. John's Ep. ch., Stockton, Cal., '95-'00; r. St. Mark's ch., Kansas City, '00-'08; r. St. Paul's, Doyleatown, Pa., '08 . WILLIAM H. MASON Bethany, LI. b McLean Co., lU., Feb. 7, 1857; Westfield C, '80; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. April 22, '90; p. Ehnwood and Brimfield, 111., '90-'94; p. Knox- viUe, '94-'03; p. Henry, lU., '03-'05; res. Bethany, lU., '06 . 1890] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 79 EBENEZER EDGAR MATHES Artesla, N. M. h. Washington Co., Tenn., 1863; G. & T. C, '87; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Cherokee Nation, Sept. 25, '90; s. 8. Fort Gibson, I. T., '9(>-'92; s. s. Ehn Springs, '92-'95; h. m. McAlester and South McAlester, '95-'99; p. Lyons, la., '99-'03; p. ev. Pby. Ozark, '03-'04; p. Greenfield, Mo., '04-'06; p. Artesia, N. M., '06 . Mod. Syn. I. T., '97. JOHN CALDWELL MELROSE, h. Littleton, la., May 12, 1859; L. C. I., '87; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Du- buque, April 16, '90; miss. Kiung Chow, China, '90-'94; miss. Nodoa, Hainan, '94; d. Hainan, 1898. CARY FRANKLIN MOORE Cynthlana, Ky. h. Atlanta, 111., Feb. 18, 1859; P. C. I., '88; tea.; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '90; p. Hinsdale, 111., '89-'94; p. Savanna, 111., '94-'99; p. Fulton, lU., '99-'07; p. Cynthiana (S. M.), Ky., '07 . Trustee P. C. I., '95-'08. WINFIELD SCOTT MORROW Burley, Ida. h. Lawrence Co., Pa., July 17, 1861; G. C, '86; prin. Butler acad.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, June 12, '90; p. EarlviUe, 111., '9(>-'92; s. s. Rankin, '92-'94; p. Minonk, '94r-'02; ev. Chicago, 111., '02-'03; s. s. Evansville, Ind., '03- '04; 8. s. Winneconne, Wis., '04-'08; Bluffton, O., '08-'12; s. s. Burley, Ida. SAMUEL HALL NOEL Seattle, Wash. h. Lancashire, England, June 29, 1861; elk.; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2, '90; p. Braidwood and Coal City, lU., '87-'89; p. Coal City, III., '89-'91; p. Oelwein, la., '91-'94; p. 3d. ch., Dubuque, la., '94-'96; p. West Union, la., '96-'98; optician, Seattfe, Wash., '98 . SAMUEL STIRLING PALMER, D.D. (W. U. 0.) Columbus, O. h. Columbus Grove, O., March 5, 1861; W. U. 0., '87; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, April 9, '90; p. Sterling, 111., '90-'93; p. Brooklyn ch., Oakland, Cal., '93-'98; p. Columbus, O., '98 . Trustee W. U. O.; Mod. Syn. Ohio, '10. EDWIN NATHANIEL PRENTICE Dallas Center, la. 6. Cromwell, Ind., Oct. 17, 1865; W. C. I., 2 years; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Wayne, April , '90; p. Harvard, 111., '90-'94; p. Rossville, Ind., '94-'97; s. s. South Bend, Ind., '97-'98; p. Edwardsburg, Mich. '98- '02; p. Frankfort, Ind., '02-'08; p. Dallas Center, la., '08 . CHARLES FRANCIS RICHMOND, D.D Palmyra, Mo. h. Monroe Co., Mo.; W. C. M., '68; ord. Pby. of Missouri, Sept. or Aug. '89; p. Auxvasse City and August-i Mo., '88-'91; p. El Paso, Tex., '91-'92; p. Perry and Florida, Mo., '93; p. Perry, Florida and Stoutsville, Mo., '94; s. 8. Perry, Mo., '95 ; . OTTO JOEL SCOVEL, h. 1859; res. Madison, Wis., U. W., '81; (3 grad.); . LEGH RICHMOND SMITH Seattle, Wash. h. Henry Co., Mo., 1851; Pa. C. M., '87; tea. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, April '90; s. s. Pacific Co., Wash., '90-'92; s. s. Shellsburg, la., '92-'95; s. s. Oakland, Kas., '95-'01; p. Lenox, la., '01-'04; s. s. Hum- boldt, Neb., '04-'08; s. s. Anadarko, Okla., '08-'10; Seattle, Wash., '10 . 80 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1890 JAMES PORTER STOOPS BeUaire, O. b. North Washington, Pa., Aug. 22, 1862; G. C. C, '87; tea.; Un. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Los Angeles, Sept. 29, '91; p. Tustin, Cal., '91-'95; p. Monrovia, Cal., '95-'03;'p. West Liberty, W. Va., '03-'10; p. Rock HUl ch., Bellaire, 0., '10 . EUGENE EDWARD STRINGFIELD, Ph.D Kansas City, Mo. b. Whitesboro, Tex., Nov. 12, 1863; S. U. M., '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pal- myra, AprU 10, '90; p. UnionviUe, Mo., '90-'92; Mt. Vernon, '92-'95; p. Springfield, '95-'ll; p. Covenant ch., Kansas City, Mo., '11 . MOSSHEIM STECK WATERS, b. Jumonville, Pa., 1866; Thiel C, Pa., '87; (2—); Luth. ch. WilUam Ezra Bates Montesano, Wash. b. Ottawa, lU., Jan. 19, 1861; L. F. U., '86; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Mankato, Oct. 9, '89; p. Delhi, Minn., '89-'90; p. Winnebago City, '91-'03; p. Vashon, Wash., '06-'ll; p. Montesano, Wash., '11 ; Mod. Syn. Minn.; Trustee Albert Lea C. George Edgar Bergen Central City, Colo. b. Pekin, lU., Dec. 27, 1864; W. C. K., '87; elk. and civ. eng.; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 23, '90; p. e. White Lake, N. Y., '89- '91; s. s. CarUsle, '91-'92; s. e. Redfield, '93-'95; Ashland, '95-'98; s. s. Hillsdale, N. Y., '98-'02; Slack and RawUns, Wyo., '02-'08; Central City, Colo., '08 . J. London Countermine, b. Schenectady, N. Y., June 20, 1860; H. C, '86; tea.; Aub. Sem.; (2—); ord. Pby. Omaha, Sept. '89; p. GUdden, la., '89-'90; p. Hiawatha, Kas., '9a-'93; p. Marinette, Wis., '93-'97; s. s. Atchison, Kas., '97-'00; p. Petoskey, Mich., 'OO-'Ol; p. Natrona, Pa., '01-'02; p. and s. s. Carson, la., '02-'03; Pony, Neb., '08-'09. Monroe Drew San Leandro, Cal. b. HoweU, Mich., Nov. 3, 1863; O. C. M., '87; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Albany, May 28, '90; p. New Scotland, N. Y., '9a-'93; p. North Yakima, Wash., '93-'96; p. Portland, Ore., '96-'98; p. Columbus Jet., la., '98-'02; -; San Francisco, Cal., '05-'10; b. s. Menlo Park, Cal., 'lO-'ll; p. San Leandro, Cal., '11- John Henry Louis Goebel. Albert Hilton, 1848; res. Lyons, la.; (1 — ). Charles A. Leonard, b. 1860; res. Ponca, Neb.; P. C. Mo., '87; (2); p. CooksviUe, 111., '89-'90; s. s. Colfax, '90-'91; ev. Stanley, Kas., '91; . David McEwan CenterviUe, la. b. Greenock, Scotland, May 31, 1860; carp.; (3); ord. Pby. Iowa, May 27, '90; p. Middletown, la., '9(>-'91 ; p. Winfield, '91-96; p. TranquiUity and Salem, Traer, la., '96-'98; p. Winfield, la., '98-'06; s. s. Camas, Wash., '06-'07; s. s. Bloomfield, la., '07-'08; p. CenterviUe, la., '08 . 1891^ Mc CORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 81 James Lapsley McKee. Julius Monroe McKnlght Lake Andes, S. D. b. Chamois, Mo., Jan. 30, 1859; L. U. I., '85; (2); Chicago (Cong.) Sem.; ord. Foster Pby., Oct., '85; C. P. ch., Newman, 111.; p. Newman, 111., '85-'87; West Salem and Bangor, Wis., '89-'90; Mohne, 111., '91-'93; Kirks- ville. Mo., '93-'96; DanviUe, Ind., '96-'99; p. Tamaroa, lU., '99-'04; p. Mayer, Ariz., '04-'06; Sparta, Wis., '06-'ll; Lake Andes, S. D., '11 . Mod. Syn. Ind. Cumb. ch., '99. Jacob John Van Zanten, b. South HoUand, lU., 1858; H. C, Mich., '80; (1); Ref. ch. Samuel Fisher Wishard, b. Greenwood, Ind., July 11, 1855; Cen. Nor. C, Ind.; (1); Danv. Theo. Sem.; asst. st. sec. Y. M. C. A., 111.; ev. '91-'00; s. s. Pine City, Minn., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Mt. Pleasant, Utah, '01-'06; ev. Denver, Colo., '06-'07; Mt. Pleasant, Utah, '07-'08 . 1891 DAVID EDWARD AMBROSE Blue Rapids, Kas. b. Mount Pulaski, 111., April 23, 1856; Ott. U., '82; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April 1, '95; p. El Cajon, Cal., '95-'96; p. SterUng, Kas., '96-'97; Canton, Kas., '97-'00; p. Roxbury, Kas., 'OO-'OS; ev. Emporia, Kas., '03-06; s. s. Toronto, Kas., '06-'08; p. Blue Rapids, Kas., '08 . HIKOTARO AOYAMA, 6. Yamaguchi, Japan, 1863; Meigi Gakuin, Japan, '86; (3 grad.); miss. Japan, '91 ; W. W. ARMER, b. Madisonville, Ky., 1864; U. C. Ind., ; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.);s. s. Harlan, Ky., '89-'90; p. e. LibertyviUe, 111., '90-'91; Estherdale, S. D., '92 ; . FRANK STATESMAN ARNOLD, D.D. (B. V. C.) Kansas City, Mo. 6. NUes, O., Nov. 20, 1863; P. C. I., '88; printer (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, '91; p. Fulton, 111., '91-'96; p. Wilson Av. ch., Cleveland, O., '96-'00; p. 1st ch., Kansas City, Mo., '06 . GEORGE FREDERIC AYRES, Ph. D St. Charles, Mo. b. Hannibal, Mo., May 17, 1865; W. C. M., '87; farming; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Brazos, May '92; prof. Synodical College of Texas, '93-96; pres. Kansas City Ladies' College, '96-'98; s. s. Poplar Bluff, Mo., '98-'03; pres. Lindenwood Acad., St. Charles, Mo., '03 . B. Orme Smith Fellow. JOHN FRANKLIN BAXTER Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. b. Washington CoUege, Tenn., 1864; W. C. T., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Parkersburgh, May 17, '92; p. Ravenswood, W. Va., '92-'06; p. Ladoza, Ind., '06-'10; p. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., '10 . BARTON B. BIGLER, D.D Racme, Wis. b. Angola, Ind., March 13, 1864; tea.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2); ord. Pby. Lan- sing, Sept. 29, '91; p. Jackson, Mich., '91-93; p. Jonesboro, Tenn., '94-'95; p. Frankfort, Ind., '96-'99; p. Madison, Wis., '99-'04; p. Central ch., Des Moines, la., '04-'05; p. 1st ch., Logansport, Ind., '05-'10; p. 1st ch., Racine, Wis., '10 . 82 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1891 ALVAN VINTON BRASHEAR AUegan, Mich. b. Petersburgh, Ind., Dec. 27, 1863; H. C. I., '87; N. C. Sem. (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Aberdeen, '93; h. m. Mellette, S. D., '93; Boyne City, Mich., '93-'95; Hopewell, Ind., ''95-'98; p. Montezuma, Ind., '99-'02; p. Allegan, Mich., '02 . JOSEPH BREN Hopkins, Minn. b. Bohemia, 1869; Kolin Gymnasium, Bohemia; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Milwaukee, April 26, '69; p. Boh'n Breth., Racine, Wis., '90-'05; p. Hopkina, Minn., '05 . STUART McALPINE CAMPBELL, D.D Galesburg, 111. b. Pictou, Ont., July 13, 1859; K. C, lU., '88; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Newark, ; p. Lyons Farms, N. J., '91-'94; p. Emerald Av. ch., Chicago, lU., '94-'04; p. 2nd ch., Evanston, lU., '04-'07; p. Galesburg, lU., '07 . FREDERICK LESLIE CHAPMAN Williams Bay, Wis. b. Kane Co., 111., April 21, 1864; A. C. M., '88; (3 grad.); editor "Interior," '91-'93; ed. "Ram's Horn," '93-'02; bus.; res. WilUams Bay, Wis., '02 . LEROY MALONE COFFMAN, D.D. (O. U.) Davenport, la. b. Warsaw, 111., July 14, 1867; Drake U. I., '87; tea. and ed.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, April 28, '91; p. Lima, Ind., '91-'92; assoc. ed. "Interior," '92-'93; assoc. ed. "Ram's Horn," '93; p. Assumption, 111., '94-'95; p. La Grange, Ind., '96-'00; p. Warsaw, Ind., '00-'02; p. Sidney, O., '02-'08; p. Davenport, la., '08 — . JAMES HAYS CONDIT, D.D Fairbanks, Alaska. b. Washington Co., la., March 21, 1865; P. C. I., '87; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, May 28, '91; p. Wapello, la., '91-'96; p. Juneau, Alaska,'96-'99; res. N. Yakima, Wash., '99-'01; Juneau, Alaska, '01-'04; p. Sioux City, la., '05-'08; p. Fairbanks, Alaska, '08 . WILLIAM NEWELL CROZIER Riverside, la. b. Paris, lU., Jan. 30, 1863; A. I. U., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April '91; miss. Soochow, China, '91-96; miss. Nankin, '96-'01; w. c. Brimfield, lU., '01-'02; h. m. FayetteviUe, Ark., '02-'03; Seneca, Mo., '03- '04; s. 9. FayetteviUe, Ark., '04-'06; s. s. WeUing, I. T., '06-'09; Waterloo, la., '09-'ll; Riverside, la., '11 . JOHN ELLSWORTH CUMMINGS CouncU Bluffs, la. b. Hopedale, 0., 1862; W. U. O., '88; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, Oct. 20, '91; p. Princeton and Le Claire, la., '91-93; s. s. Ist ch., Boise City, Idaho, '94; p. Rockwell City, la., '94-'98; p. Dows, la., '98-'04; p. Ottumwa, la., '05-'10; p. Bethany ch., Council Bluffs, la., '10 Trustee B. V. C, '00-'06. JACOB ANDREASEN ECKSTROM, b. 1867; res. Chicago; (3 grad.); ord. Epis. clerg.; d. Providence, R. I., Dec. 23, 1899. HENRY GEERLINGS Holland, Mich. b. HoUand, Mich., Feb. 29, 1868; H. C. M., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kalama- zoo, April '91; p. Decatur, Mich., '91-92; p. HoUand, '92 1891] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 83 NATHAN JENNINGS GEYER Canadian, Tex. b. Norwich, O., Dec. 12, 1849; McC. C, 76; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Sagi- naw, April 29, '91; p. Grayling, Mich., '91-'93; p. Havre, Mont., '93-'95; p. Corning, Kas., '95-'97; p. Canadian, Tex., '97-05; p. Geuda Springs, Kas., '05-'08; res. Canadian, Tex., '08 . JAMES LINCOLN GRIFFES, D.D (H. U. K.) Ft. Meade, S. D. b. East Saginaw, 1864; B. U. I., '87; roofing; Un. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Neosho, '91; p. Chetopa, Kas., '91-'93; p. Mt. Vernon, Ind., '93-'95; p. Jacksonville, 111., '95-'97; p. Remington, Ind., '97-02; chap. 7th Infantry, Ft. Wm. McKinley, P. I., '02-'ll; chap., Ft. Meade, S. D., '11 . GEORGE WADE HEALY Kettle Falls, Wash. b. Marshall, Mich., Jan. 26, 1861; A. C. M., '86; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, April 27, '91; p. Auburn, Ind., '91-'93; p. Decatur, Mich., '93-'95; p. Anaconda, Mont., '95-'98; p. Green Bay, Wis., '98-'00; p. Florence, Wis., 'OO-'Ol; p. Poynette, Wis., '01-'02; p. 3d ch., Dubuque, la., '02-'03; ev. Kalamazoo, Mich., '03-'05; ev. Albion, Mich., '05-'06; Grand Rapids, Mich., '06-'09; Lansing, Mich., '09-'10; Sand Point, Ida., 'lO-'ll; Spokane, Wash., '11; p. and s. s. Kettle Falls, Wash., '12 . Mod. Synod Montana. CHARLES ALLEN HIGHFIELD BeUeviUe, lU. b. Bridgeport, lU., Dec. 5, 1863; B. U. I., '88; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April 28, '90; p. Waterman, 111., '91-'00: p. Manchester, la., '00-'02; p. Hamburg, la., '02-'08; p. BeUeville, 111., '08 . WILLIAM HENRY HORMEL, D.D. (W. U. O.) Ottumwa, la. 6. Buffalo, N. Y., July 4, 1862; W. U. O., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, March 30, '91; p. OUvet Mem. ch., Chicago, 111., '91-'94; p. Central ch., Austin, Minn., '94^'00; p. 3d ch., Toledo, O., '00-'03; p. E. End ch., Ottumwa, la., '03 . ROBERT HORNE Kirkville, la. b. Ontario, Canada, Sept. 30, 1860; C. N. J., 2 years; lumber dlr.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, '92; s. s. Hamlet and Perryton, 111., '92-'94; 8. B. Cleghom and Mt. Pleasant, la., '94-'98; s. s. Morgan, Minn., '98-'03; s. 8. Thief River Falls, Minn., '03-'04; s. s. Utica, Minn., '04-'08; s. s. Wil- mot, S. D., '08-'10; s. s. Langford, S. D., '10-'12; s. s. Karkville, la., '12 . THOMAS WATSON HOUSTON Leavenworth, Kas. b. Big Cove, Pa., Dec. 15, 1862; U. K., ; ed. "Daily Times," Leaven- worth, Kas.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, April 19, '91; miss. Nanking, China, '91-'99; Deming, N. M., '99-'01; p. Beaumont, Cal., '01-'03; p. Moneta, Cal., '03-'07; p. Bisbee, Ariz., '08; chap. Kans. State Pen., Leaven- worth, Kas., '09 . WILLIAM FRANCIS IRWIN, D.D.(H. C. I.) Louisville, Ky. b. Waveland, Ind., March 12, 1866; H. C. I., '87; ord. Pby. St. Louis, Oct. 1, '91; p. St. Louis, Mo., '91-'93; p. West Bay City, Mich., '93-'96; p. 5th ch., Chicago, lU., '96-'00; p. 2nd ch., Springfield, lU., '00-'06; p. 4th Av. ch. Louisville, Ky., '06 . WILLIAM WYCKOFF JOHNSTONE, D.D. (H. C. S. D.) Oak Park, lU. b. Edgington, lU., Aug. 4, 1866; L. F. U., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, Sept. 16, '91; p. Geneseo, lU., '91-94; p. Tipton, la., '94-'00; p. River Forest, lU., 'OO-'ll; supt. of Lakes Distr. of Am. S. S. Union, '11 . 84 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1891 WILLIAM FOULKES JONES Kewanee, Dl. b. DanviUe, Pa., Jan. 19, 1863; U. W., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, June 15, '91; p. Ist ch., Alma, Mich., '91-'97; p. Tecumseh, Mich., '97-'06; p.Fairfield,Ia.,'06-'08;p. Pipestone, Minn.,'08^'ll;p.Kewanee,Ill.,'ll . Mod. Syn. Mich., '95. WILLIAM HARRIS KEARNS, D.D. (B. C. N.) Minneapolis, Minn. b. Juniata Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1865; P. C. I., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, April 29, '91; p. Davenport, la., '91-'94; p. Cherokee, '94-'97; p. Jerseyville, 111., '97-'01; p. Beatrice, Neb., '01-08; supt. Miss, for Syn. •Neb., '08-'12; sec. Minneapohs, Minn., '12 . Trustee H. C. N.; Trustee U. O., Om. Sem. WILLIAM LATTIMORE Lewiston, Ida. b. North Vernon, Ind., Sept. 17, 1865; H. C. I., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mankato, May 5, '91; p. Slayton, Minn., '91-98; s. s. Madelia, Minn., '98-'04; p. Lewiston, Ida., '04 . JIRAH SAMUEL McCORNACK Great Falls, Mont. b. Oneida, 111., March 17, 1862; K. C, 111., '88; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Red River, Oct. 6, '91; p. Red Lake Falls, Minn., '91-'93; p. Howard Lake, '93-'03; p. Owatonna, '03-'10; p. Great Falls, Mont., '10 . JEROME ROBERT McGLADE, D.D. (L. C. I.) Princeton, Dl. b. Dresden, O., May 9, 1860; L. C. I., '84; supt. schls.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, Sept. '91; s. s. Greene, la., '91-92; s. s. Lime Springs, '92-'93; p. Lansing, '93-'01; p. Portland, Ore., '01-'08; p. Princeton, 111., '08 . EDWARD MILTON McMILLIN, D.D. (W. U. O.) East Liverpool, O. b. Delaware, O., March 8, 1865; W.U.O., '88; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloom- ington, April , '91; p. Gibson City, 111., '91-'99; p. Adrian, Mich., '99-'04; p. East Liverpool, O., '04 . JOHN LOGAN MARQUIS Neenah, Wis. b. Decatur, lU., Aug. 21, 1864; W. & J. C, '85; tea.; (3 grad.); U. L. G.; ord. Pby. Helena, , '93; h. m. Pony, Mont., '93-'96; p. Grace ch., Evans- viUe, Ind., '96-'03; p. Ist ch., Neenah, Wis., '03 . Dir. McC. T. Sem. WILL CLARK MILES Streator, Dl. b. Chesterville, O., Dec. 22, 1861; W. U. O., '88; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, June 2, '91; p. Garden Plain and Newton, lU., '91-93; p. Peabody, Kas., '93-'98; p. Guthrie, Okla., '98-'05; p. Holton, Kas., '05-'09; p. Streator, lU., '09 . Mod. Syn. I. T. '03. FERNANDO GRANT MOORE Topeka, Kas. b. Deersville, O., Julyil8, 1861; M. C. O., '88; news.; (1); Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Lima, , '92; s. s. Waverly, O., '92-'93; s. s. Farley, la., '93-'96; s. s. Clifton, Kas., '96-'99; s. s. Garden City, Kas., '99-'01; s. s. Wamego, Kas., '01-'02; ev. Topeka, Kas., '02 . JOHN CARPENTER PALMER, D.D. (H. C. I.) New York, N. Y. 6. Madison, Ind., Dec. 17, 1868; H. C. L, '88; (3 grad.); p. g. Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Albany, April 14, '91; s. s. Hill City, S. D., '91-'95; p. Em- manuel chap.. New York, N. Y., '95 . 1891] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 85 DWIGHT LEVI PARSONS Shrewsbury, N. J. b. Rocky Mount, Ala., May 13, 1857; U. C, '84; U. N. Y. Law Sch]., '80; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Aug. 16, '93; p. Endeavor ch., Chicago, 111., '91-'93; c. m. La Crosse, Wis., '94; p. State Centre, la., '94-'99; s. s. Scottsville, N. Y., '99-'08; p. Shrewsbury, N. J., '08 . ROBERT NATHANAEL POWERS Seaside, Cal. b. Marseilles, 111., Jan. 17, 1868; H. C, Neb., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Hastings, June 2, '91; p. Superior, Neb., '91-'99; s. s. Kansas, 111., '99- '02; p. Trinity ch., Berwyn, Pa., '02-'08; p. Scottsbluff, Neb., '08-'09; Seaside, Cal, '09 . EMMET WOLLEN RANKIN Chicago, Dl. b. Paola, Kas., June 10, 1868; Pa. C. M., '88; '91; (3 grad.); Princt. Sem. ord. Pby. Platte, Feb. '92; p. e. Three Rivers, Mich., '91-'92; s. s. Marshall, '92-'94; p. Manitowoc, Wis., '96-'99; res. Chicago, lU., '99 . HUGH ROBINSON Pawnee City, Neb. b. 1863; res. Cascade, la.; L. C. la.; (3 grad.); p. Scotch Grove, la., '91-'94; pres. Hopkinton, '94r-'96; p. Springville, '96-'00; s. s. Madison, S. D., '07-'ll; Pawnee City, Neb. '11 . JAMES GALLAHER RUSSEL Ong, Neb. b. JacksonviUe, 111., Aug. 20, 1863; I. C, '88; mer.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.) ord. Pby. La Crosse, May '91; p. Neilsville, Wis., '91-'93; p. Toledo, 111., '94-'95; p. and s. s. Derby and Lucas, la., '96-'00; p. Aurora, Neb., '00-'03; p. Beaver City, Neb., '03-'09; p. Oxford, Neb., '09-'10; p. Ong, Neb., '10 . GEO. BRIGHAM SAFFORD, Ph.D. (W. U. O.), D.D. (H. C. S. D.), Chicago, Dl. b. South Grove, lU., Aug. 8, 1866; P. U., S. D., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, Oct. 19, '91; p. Onarga, 111., '91-'99; p. 52nd St., Chicago, 111., '99-'07; sec, asst. supt. and asst. treas. Ch. Extension Board, Chicago, lU., '07 . ALVA ROY SCOTT, Ph.D. (W. U. O.) Omaha, Neb. b. Leavenworth, Ind., April 20, 1862; De P. U.; (3 grad.); res. grad. H. U., '93-'94; ord. Pby. Freeport, April 12, '91; p. Hanover, lU., '91-'93; p. Wor- cester, Mass., '94-'98; stud. Cambridge, Mass., '99; p. CasteUar st., Omaha, Neb., '00 . LUTHER MITCHELL SCROGGS Baldwin, Kas. b. Greenfield, Mo., June 3, 1861; Pa. C. M., '89; tea.and tel. oper.; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Iowa, May 20, '91; s. s. Russell and English, la., '92-'94; s. s. Sturgis, S. D., '94^'96; s. s. Mt. Vernon, Ky., '96-'99; tea. '99-'03; s. s. Pony, Mont., '03-'04; s. s. Tamaroa, lU., '04-'07; s. s. Flora, lU., '07-'08; 8. s. Jasper, Mo., '08; p. Lawton, la., '09-' 10; p. Baldwin, Kas., '10 . ROBERT COLIN HAVELOCK SINCLAIR Kingston, Ont., Can. b. Carleton Place, Ont., June 19, 1864; Q. C. C, '88; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 5, '91; p. Mem. ch.. Bay City, Mich., '91-92; Kingston, Ont., Can., '92-'93; p. Ohver's Ferry, Ont., '94-'99; p. Fenelon Face, '99-'07; p. Inverness, Ont., '09-'10; p. Richmond, Ont., '10 . 86 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1891 ERNEST THOMSON, D.D. (D. C. M.) Charleston, W. Va. b. Barton Co., Ga., Nov. 10, 1867; res. McKinney, Tex.; Drury C, '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Paris '91; p. 1st ch., Texarkana, Tex., '91-97; p. Stewart Robinson Mem. ch., Louisville, Ky., '97-02; p. Ist ch., Charleston, W. Va., '02 . OTHO SYLVESTER THORNBERRY Hamilton, O. b. Thornton, Ind., 1860; I. U., 3 yrs.; W. C. I., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, Nov. 30, '91; p. Columbia City, Ind., '91-'95; s. s. South Bend, '95-'98; 8. s. Plymouth, Ind., '98-'03; p. Bucyrus, O., '03-'10; p. HamUton, C, '10 . VICTOR GEORGE AUGUSTINE TRESSLER Springfield, O. b. Manorville, Pa., 1865; Pa. C. M., '86; law.; (3 grad.); Luth. ch.,Cal. Syn.; ord. '91; p. San Jose, Cal., '91-'99; trav. '99-'01; prof. Augar C, Hutchinson, Minn., '01-'02; prof. Wittenberg C, '03-'05; prof. Hamma Div. Sch., Springfield, O., '05 . RICHARD AUGUSTUS VAN DER LAS Monrovia, Cal. b. PlatteviUe, Wis., Dec. 9, 1865; Dub. Sem., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, May 28, '91; p. Fairbury, 111., '91-93; p. Cedar Rapids, la., '93-'98; p. Huron, S. D., '98-'04; p. MinneapoUs, Minn., '04-'08; p. Mon- rovia, Cal., '08 . SELBY FRAME VANCE, D.D. (P. C. I.) Cincinnati, O. b. Oneida, lU., Nov. 17, 1864; L. F. U., '85; inst. L. F. U., '85-'88; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Neosho, May 12, '91; s. s. Girard, Kas., '91-'93; U. B. G., '93-'95; prof. Greek, P. C. I., '95-'00; prof. Bibl. lit., W. U. 0., '00-'05; prof. ch. hist., Lane Sem., '05-'10; prof. Eng. Bible, '10 . WILLIAM LEE VINCENT Sigourney, la. b. Crab Apple, 0., 1863; H. C. Neb., ; farm.; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, April 20, '92; s. s. Farley, la., '92-'94; s. s. Corning, Kas., '94-'96; B. s. Pleasanton, '96-97; s. s. Dysart, la., '97-'01; s. s. Salem, S. D., '01-'02; s. s. Lime Grove, la., '02-'05; p. Kirkville and Wilson, la., '05-'ll; p. Sigourney, la., '11 . WALTER OLIVER WALLACE Milwaukee, Wis. b. WeUington Co., Ont., 1864; Q. C. C; Man. C, '90; Man. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April 15, '91; p. Rankin and Clarence, 111., '91-92; s. 8. Oakland, '92-'97; s. s. Morrisonville, 111., '97-'01; s. s. Franklin Av. ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '01-07; p. Memorial ch., Bay City, Mich., '07-'10; p. Bethany ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '10 . GEORGE PHILIP WILLIAMS, D.D PhUadelphia, Pa. b. Columbus, O., May 13, 1859; s. s. m.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 4, '91; p. Emerald Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '91-94; supt. missions, Pby. Chicago, '94-'07; Northwestern Distr. supt. M. & Am. S. S. Union, '07-'10; sec. Miss. Am. S. S. Union, '10 . DANIEL EDWARD WILLIAMSON Rockford, 111. b. Kewanna, Ind., Sept. 24, 1862; H. C. I., '88; (3 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Logansport, April '91; miss. South Bend, Ind., '91; p. Big Rapids, Mich., '91-'94; s. s. Lebanon, Ind., '94-'01; p. HiUsdale, Mich., '01-'07; p. 1st ch., Rockford, 111., '07 . 1891] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 87 OSCAR SNIDER WILSON FerreU, Ida. b. Swanville, Ind., June 20, 1863; H. C. I., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, April '91; s. s. Livonia and PaoU, Ind., '91-'93; s. s. Neaphi, Utah, '92-'99; h. m. Mendon, Utah, '99-'01; h. m. Fairfield, Wash., '01-'03; h. m. Waterville, Wash., '03-'05; h. m. Reardon, Wash., '05-'08; h. m. Bonner's Ferry, Ida., '0&-'10; h. m. FerreU, Ida., '10 . Adoniram Judson Arrick Kendallville, Ind. b. White Co., Ind., June 26, 1862; W. C. I., '88; (2); ord. Pby. Muncie, April 22, '90; p. Hartford City, Ind., '90-'92; p. Mt. Sterling, Ky., '92-'98; p. Alliance, Louisville, Ky., '98-'04; p. Dayton, Ind., '04-'07; p. Kendall- ville, Ind., '07 . Henry Bode E. St. Louis, LI. b. Femme, Osage, Mo., June 7, 1862; E. C. I., '81; Eden Sem., St. Louis; (1); ord. June '85; Ger. Ev. Syn. N. A.; Gravois Settlement, Jefferson, Mo., '89-'05; p. E. St. Louis, 111., '05 . David Asaph Herron, b. Dehra, India, Dec. 24, 1860; W. & J. C, Pa., '87; (1) David Hugh Jones Evanston, HI. fe. Anglesey, Wales, Sept. 3, 1864; Ma. C. 0., '91; (1 — );LaneTheo. Sem.; tea. stud. Berlin, Germany, '93-95; ord. Pby. Portsmouth, Sept. 4, '95; p. Welston, O., '95-'98; p. Jackson, 0., '98-'05; p. Washington C. H., O., '05-'10; p. Market St. ch., Lima, O., '10-'12; p. 1st eh., Evanston, 111., '12 . Henry Dixon Jones, b. 1857; res. Cambridge, Mass.; H. U., '81; (1 — ). William Lewis Jones, b. Anglesey, Wales; Cam. U., Eng.; (1 — ); . J. Hermann Horstmann St. Louis, Mo. b. NaperviUe, lU., March 16, 1869; Ehnh. C, '88; Ger. Evan. Sem.; (1 p. g.) ; ord. Ger. Ev. Syn.N. A., Dec. 13, '91; p. Manor, Tex., '91-'94; p. White Oak, Tex., '94-'97; p. Buckskin, Ind., '97-'03; p. Cannelton, Ind., '03-'05; ed. "Messenger of Peace," St. Louis, Mo., '05 . Arthur Lewis Hutchison, D.D. (Wh. C.) Tacoma, Wash. b. Fowlersville, Pa., Oct. 24, 1855; L. M. Inst. ; Luth. Miss. Sem.; ord. by Evan. Luth. Ministerium Syn., N. lU., Sept. 30, '83; s. s. Elwood, lU., '83-'84; s. s. and p. Lansing, la., '84-'91; (1 p. g.); s. s. Elwood, 111., '92; 8. s. and p. Salem, Ore., '92-95; s. s. 1st ch., Seattle, Wash., '95-'01; p. Im- manuel ch., Tacoma, Wash., '01 . John Newton Lyie New York, N. Y. b. 1864; S. W. P. U., '88; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. ; p. Portland Av. ch., Louisville, Ky., '92-93; p. e. Lewisburg, Tenn., '95-'96; s. s. miss. New York, N. Y., '04 . Albert Muehlmeier Monticello, Wis. b. Franklin, Wia., July 1, 1868; F. M. H., '88; Miss. House; (1 p. g.); ord. Sheboygan Classis Ger. Ref. ch., Aug. 18, '92; p. Medina and Dale, '92-98; p. Monticello, Wis., '98-'01; p. Klemme, la., '01-'08; p. Ref. ch., Monticello, Wis., '08 . 88 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1892 Gustav A. Neumann Lincoln, Neb. b. Adrianopolis, Turkey, Jan. 8, 1872; Wilhelm Gym., Hamburg, Germany; (1—); Eden Sem. '91; ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. N. A., Jan. 22, '93; asst. p. Ger. Luth. ch., Dayton, O., '92-'93; Lewiston, Minn., '93-95; Wheeling, Minn., '95-'03; p. Lincoln, Neb., '03 . Charles McCluer, b. 1859; res. O'Fallon, Mo.; Cen. C., Mo.; (2); Meth. Epis. ch. John Alexander McDonald Lafayette, N. J. b. Middlesex Co., Ont., Canada, 1852; U. Tor., '78; K. C. Tor.; (1); ord. Pby. Toronto, '83; s. s. Hornings Mills, Can., '83-89; s. s. South St. Joseph, Mo., '90-'92; s. s. Effingham, 111., '92-'94; p. Houtzdale, Pa., '95-'03; w. c. New York City, '03-'05; s. s. Camden, N. J., '05-'ll; p. Hershey, Pa., '11-' 12; p. Lafayette, N. J., '12 . Joseph Alexander McMurray Woodstock, Va. b. Union Springs, Ala., Aug. 2, 1866; D. C. N., '86; tea.; (1); Un. Sem., Va.; ord. Pby. North Alabama, , '89; ev. Walker Co., Ala., '8^'90; p. Lynchburg, Va., '91-'ll; p. Woodstock, Va., '11 . Fred C. Schnuelle Lodl, Cal. b. Two Rivers, Wis., Dec. 11, 1866; F. M. H., '88; Miss. House; (1 p. g.); ord. Sheboygan Classis Rfd. ch. March 27, '92; p. Wausau, Wis., '92-'01; p. Rogersville, 0., '01-'05; p. Portland, Ore., '05-'ll; p. Rfd. ch.in U. S., Lodi, Cal., '11 . Charles Alvin Smith, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, 1862; C. N. J., '88; elk.; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. IPhila. Central, July 8, '91; p. Peck Mem. chapel, Washington, D. C, '92-'08; d. Washington, D. C, March 8, 1908. 1892 FREDERICK LINCOLN BENEDICT Wichita, Kas. b. Norwalk, Conn., July 31, 1865; Pa. C. M., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Troy, April, '93; p. Warrensburg, N. Y., '93-'96; p. Ehnira, N. Y., '96-'98; h. m. Alaska, '98-99; s. s. Kingfisher, Okla., '99-'02; s. s. Goodwin, Okla., '08-'ll; s. s. 1st ch., Wichita, Kas., '11 . ABRAHAM LINCOLN BERRY Svmrise, Wyo. b. Dawson, 111., Aug. 13, 1864; B. U. I., '89; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, May 5, '96; p. Churdan, la., '94-'99; p. and s. s. Livermore, la., '99-'02; p. Wallstreet, Colo., '02-'04; p. Garland, Wyo., '04-'05; p. Lake Andes, S. D., '05-' 10; p. Sunrise, Wyo., '10 . WALTER WALLACE BOONE, b. Dido, Tex., 1861; Au. C. T., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Ozark, '92; p. Springfield, Mo., '92-'94; d. Springfield, Mo., 1894. EDWARD ALLAN BOYD McAlester, Okla. 6. La Grange, Mo., Nov. 19, 1869; Pa. C. M., '89; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Topeka, April 12, '92; p. Oskaloosa, Kas., '91-'93; p.CarroUton, Mo., '94-'00; p. Union- ville. Mo., '00-'02; lawy., McAlester, Okla., '02 . 1892] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 89 LLEWELLYN JAMES DAVIES McMinnvUle, Ore. b. Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 16, 1865; L. F. U., '88; tea.; Hartf. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Sept. 8, '92; miss. Chi Nan Fu, China, '92-00; Chefoo, China, '01; Tsingtau, Shantung, China, '02-'08; financial agt. Shantung Union College, '09; p. Sharon Hill, Pa., '09-'ll; p. McMinnville, Ore., '11 . ROBERT MATTHEW DILLON PaoU, Ind. b. Madison, Ind., Oct. 29, 1859; H. C. I., '89; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, '92; p. 1st ch., Greencastle, Ind., '92-'95; p. 1st ch., Bowling Green, 0., '95-'02; p. Omaha, Neb., '02-'06; p. Carbondale, 111., '06-'ll;farm., Paoh, Ind., '11 . WILLIAM HENRY ENSIGN, D.D. (L. C. I.) Manchester, la. b. Saratoga, Minn., Oct. 29, 1864; L. C. I., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, April 20, '92 ; p. Volga and Rossville, la., '92-'93; p. Jesup, '93-'02 ; p. Le Mars, la., '02-'04; p. Manchester, la., '04 . Trustee L. C. I.; Mod. Syn. la. ALBERT FRANKLEN ERNST, Ph.D. (W. U. O.), D.D Grand Island, Neb. b. Farmingdale, 111., July 20, 1864; C. C. I., '88; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Niobrara, June 8, '92; p. Wayne, Neb., '92-'95; p. CarroU, la., '95- '98; p. South ch.. Galena, 111., '99-'03; p. Macomb, 111., '03-'10; p. Grand Island, Neb., '10 . EDWIN STANTON EVANS Sterling, Kas, b. New California, O., April 16, 1866; W. U. O., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Southern Dakota, May 6, '94; p. Prospect, O., '92-'93; p. Parkston, S. D., '93-'98; s. s. Dell Rapids, S. D., '98; s. s. White Lake, S. D., '99-'02; h. m. near White Lake, S. D., '02-'10; res. SterHng, Kas., '10 . JOSEPH VILLARS FINDLAY Dalton, O. b. MiUersburg, O., Feb. 17, 1863; W.U.O., '89; farm.; (3grad.); ord. Pby. Wooster, May 10, '92; p. Hartington and Coleridge, Neb., '92-93; p. Lyons, '94^'96; p. Yorktown and West Centre, la., '96-'03; p. Diagonal, '03-04; p. Dalton, O., '07 . WILLIAM SAMUEL FOREMAN, D.D. (W. C. M.) St. Louis, Mo. b. RaUs Co., Mo., Dec. 4, 1865; W. C. M., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Upper Missouri, March, '92; p. 2nd ch. (So.), St. Joseph, Mo., '92-00; p. Memphis, Mo., '00-'05; p. New Castle, Ind., '05-'08; p. McCausland Av. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '11 . JAMES EDWARD FOSTER, b. Brownstown, 111., May 28, 1862; B. U. I., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '92; p. Onward ch., Chicago, III., '92-95; p. Martinsburg and Hedrick, la., '95-'00; p. OakviUe, la., 'OO-'Ol ; p. DanviUe, lU., '01-'03; ill health; p. Orleans, lU., '05-'09; p. Sidney, lU., '09-'10; d. Sidney, lU., Sept. 3, 1910. FRANK MORTON FOX, D.D. (W. C. I.) Iowa City, la. b. Bruceville, Ind., March 1, 1866; W. C. I., '89; (3 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Crawfordsville, April 13, '92; miss. N. C, '92-94; s. s. Ladoga and Union, Ind., '94-'95; s. s. Ladoga, '95-'96; asst. p. 1st ch., Crawfordsville, '96; miss. N. C., '96-'97; p. and tea. Swananna, N. C, '97-98; p. and tea. Deiunark, N. C, '98; P.Washington Av. ch., Terre Haute, Ind., '98-'04; p. 3d ch.. Ft. Wayne, Ind., '04-'09; Univ. p. under Syn. Iowa, '10 . 90 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1892 EDWARD POWERS GILCHRIST Kirklin, Ind. b. Newburg, Ind., Feb. 14, 1864; W. C. I., '89; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, April 9, '92; p. Bainbridge, O., '92-'94; s. s. Danville, 111., '94-'95; 8. 8. Philo, '95-'99; s. s. New Richmond, O., '99-'00; s. s. Ossian, Ind., '00-'03; p. Newton, Ind., '03-'09; p. Bourbon, Ind., '09-'10; p. Kirklin, Ind., '10 . FREDERICK WILLIAM HAWLEY, D.D Tulsa, Okla. b. Carthage, lU., July 16, 1866; Garth. Col., lU., '88; sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oklahoma, June 14, '92; p. Oklahoma City, O. T., '92-'97; syn. mis8. Indian and Oklahoma Territories, '97-'06; p. 2nd ch.. Blooming- ton, lU., '06-'12; pres. Henry Kendall Col., Tulsa, Okla., '12 . Mod. Syn. Indian Terr. JOHN THOMAS HENDERSON, D.D Minneapolis, Minn. b. Frankhn, Ind., Feb. 27, 1864; W. C. I., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mankato, June 14, '92; p. Pipestone, Minn., '92-'99; p.Coll.ch.,Parkville, Mo., '99-'01; p. Ist ch., JanesviUe, Wis., '01-06; p. Merriam Park ch., St. Paul, Minn., '06-'10; s. 8. Frankhn, Ind., 'lO-'ll; Minneapohs, Minn., '11 . CHARLES LAING HERALD Harrison, O. b. Kirriemuir, Scotland, 1859; Q. U., '84; sailor; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, ; p. Wenona, 111., '92-'94; p. Tontogany, O., '94-'99; p. 2nd ch., Findlay, O., '99-'04; s. s. Jackson, O., '04; s. s. Wellston, O., '04-'08; ev. Oxford, 0., '08-'ll; s. s. Harrison, 0., '11 . FREDERICK WILLIAM HINITT, Ph.D. (W. U. O.), LL.D Danville, Ky. b. Kidderminster, England, Nov. 2, 1866; W. C. M., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kansas City, '92; p. Warrensburg, Mo., '92-95; p. Ottumwa, la., '95-'00; pres. P. C. I., '0O-'O4; pres. C. C. K., Danville, Ky., '04 . Trustee P. C. I., C. C. K.; Dir. Theo. Sem., Ky.; Mod. Syn. Ky. JOSEPH BENJAMIN HOWARD Des Moines, la. b. Newbern, la., Jan. 30, 1858; W. U. la., ; tea. ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Colesburg, Sept. 19, '81; p. Manteno, 111., '92-'99; s. s. Toledo, lU., '99-'03; p. Joy, lU., '03-'07; p. Peotone, 111., '07-'ll; p. Clifton Heights ch., Des Moines, la., '11 . JOHN NELSON HYDE, b. CarroUton, lU., Nov. 9, 1865; C. C. I., '87; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, April 26, '92; miss. Ferozepore, India, '92-'12; d. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 17, 1912. BURTON ALVA KONKLE Swarthmore, Pa. b. Albion, Ind., April 25, 1861; L. F. U.; tea. and writer; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, July 3, '94; s. s. Libertyville, 111., '93; s. s. Georgetown, Colo., '94; U. G. I., Div. Schl.; writer; res. Swarthmore, Pa., '98 . GRAHAM LEE, D.D. (L. F. U.) Saratoga, Cal. b. Rock Island, lU., June 2, 1861; L. F. U.; C. N. J., '89; plumb.; Hartf. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, , '92; miss. Pyeng Yang, Korea, '92-' 12; res. Saratoga, Cal., '12 . Mod. Syn. 111., '10. SAMUEL LIGHT Randolph, Neb. b. Plymouth, O., Jan. 31, 1857; P. C. I., 1880; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloom- ington, April , '92;p. Watseka, 111., '92-'96; s. s. Conway, la., '96-'99; 8. 8. Pender, Neb., '99-'03; p. Hastings, Neb., '03; p. Stuart, Neb., '03-'09; pres. ev. Niobrara Pby., '09 . Mod. Syn. Neb. 1892] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 91 PAUL WHITING McCLINTOCK Nodoa, Hainan, China. b. Mt. Pleasant, la., Jan. 12, 1869; P. C. I., '89; organist; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, April , '92; miss. Hainan, China, '92 — '■ . Prin. Boys' Ac, Nodoa. EDWARD WRIGHT McCLUSKEY Anna, 111. b. Somerville, O., Oct. 6, 1864; W. U. O., '89; printer; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, April, '92; p. Burlington, la., '92-94; p. Geneseo, 111., '94-'96; p. Hill Mem. ch., Kansas City, Mo., '96-'98; s. s. Tipton, Mo., '98-'04; p. Curby Mem. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '04-'10; p. Anna, 111., '10 . MALCOLM H. MacLEOD Pueblo, Colo. b. Kempt Road, N. S., March 16, 1862; Pa. C. M., '89; tea. and ed.; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Logansport, April 12, '92; p. Winamac, Ind., '92-93; p. e. North Ontario, Cal, '93-'95; p. Ontario, '95-'97; p. Alamosa, Colo., '97-'04; p Fountain ch., Pueblo, Colo., '04-'08; p. ev. Pby., Pueblo, Colo., '08 ROBERT HENRY MILLIGAN Tacoma, Wash b. Listowel, Ont., Feb. 14, 1868; Man. C, '88; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); s. e Libertyville, lU., '92-93; miss. Gaboon and Corisco, Africa, '92-94; s. s. South Salem, O., '96-'98; Gaboon, W. Africa, '98-'03; p. Lebanon, Ind., '0&-'07 Winona Lake, Ind., '08-'10; res. New York City, 'lO-'ll; p. Immanuel ch., Tacoma, Wash., '11 . SAMUEL FOREMAN MOORE, 6. Grand Ridge, 111., Sept. 15, 1860; Mon. C, '89; tel. oper.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April , '92; miss. Korea, '92-'07; d. Seoul, Korea, Dec. 22, 1907. ERNEST L. MUELLER Alton, III. b. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 10, 1871; Ehn. Col., '88; Eden Sem. (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. May 15, '92; p. Union, Mo., '92-'00; p. Booneville, Mo., '00- '06; p. Ev. ch. Alton, 111., '06 . GEORGE ARTHUR NESBITT, b. Macomb, 111., July 7, 1866; W. U. O., '89; elk.; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Dayton, ; d. Chicago, 111., Oct. 6, 1892. WILLIAM PARKER Wappingers Falls, N. Y. b. Norwich, England, June 11, 1862; H. U., '96-'97; Cong, minister; London (Cong.), Eng.; (3 grad.); ord. Aurora Assn., Aug. 4, '86; s. s. Altona, III., '89-'90; s. s. Evart, Mich., '92; s. s. Middleport, N. ¥., '93; s. s. Fair Haven, '95-'97; s.s.Wilhams Ferry, Ida., '98; res. Jeddo, N. Y., '99-'00; s. s. Troy, N. Y., '00-'02; W. C. Norwich, England, '02-'03; b. s. Dearborn, Mich., '03-'05; San Pedro, Cal., '05-'06; Troy, N. Y., '06-'07; p. Wappingers Falls, N. Y., '07 . EDWARD HART PENCE, D.D. (B. C. W.) Detroit, Mich. b. Columbus, Ind., April 10, 1868; H. C. I., '89; law stud.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Denver, July 26, '92; p. Georgetown, Colo., '92-'93; p. Janesville, Wis., '93-'00; p. Fort St. ch., Detroit, Mich., '00 . Dir. McC. Sem. ORPHEUS LONGSWORTH PRENTICE Romney, Ind. b. Cromwell, Ind., '57; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, May 9, '92; s. B. Rolling Prairie, Ind., '92-95; b. s. Lexington, '95-'97; s. s. Cutler, Ind., '97-'07; p. Flora, Ind., '07-' 12; p. Romney, Ind., '12 . 92 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1892 ULYSSES GRANT SCHELL, D.D. (Y. C. N.), Ph.D. (W. U. O.) . Springfield, Mo. b. Logansport, Ind., Jan. 12, 1864; P. C. I., '89; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, June 24, '92; s. s. Greene, la., '92; p. Unionville, Mo., '92-'99; p. MarysviUe, Kas., '99-'01; p. White, S.D., '01-'04; p. St. Joseph, Mo., '04- '05; p. Union Star and Empire Prairie, Mo., '05-'08; p. Raymond, Neb., '08-'ll; p. Springfield, Mo., '11 . MIANK MERTON SMITH, b. Logan, O., Nov. 6, 1866; W. U. O., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Athens, April 12, '92; asst. p. Ist ch., Oakland, Cal., '92-'94; p. San Diego, '94; d. San Diego, Sept. 2, 1894. WINFIELD SCOTT SMITH Newport, Ore. b. Vincennes, Ind., Nov. 27, '62; H. C. I., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, , '93; s. a. Coon Rapids, la., '92-'94; p. ViUisca, '94-'95; s. B. Payson, Utah, '95-'97; p. Caldwell, Ida., '97-'99; p. Independence, Ore., '99-'01; 8. 8. Oakland, '01-'08; ill health, '08-'10; Newport, '10 . HARRY ROGERS STARK, D.D. (W. C. I.), Ph.D. (W. U. O.) .. Saginaw, Mich. b. Wintersville, O., Sept. 4, 1864; A. C. Mich., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chi- cago, May 7, '92; p. Maywood, 111., '92-'94; p. Washington, la., '94-'02; p. Frankfort, Ind., '02-10; p. 1st ch., Saginaw, Mich., '10 . Trustee P. C. I.; Dir. McC. T. Sem. GRANT STROH Tulsa, Okla. b. Oregon, lU., July 24, 1863; L. F. U., '89; elk.; Un. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, April 16, '92; s. s. Del Norte, Colo., '92-'93; p. Pueblo, '93- '96; p. Woodhull, lU., '96-'02; Henry Kendall C, '02-'05; p. Warren, Minn., '05-'08; p. Heyworth, 111., 'lO-'ll; p. Tulsa, Okla., '11 . HENRY BONNER SUTHERLAND Duluth, Minn. b. Hanover, Ind., Oct. 29, 1863; H. C. I., '89; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. New Albany, April , '92; e. s. Jasper, Minn., '92-'93; h. m. Adrian, '93; s. s. Salem, Ind., '93-'02; p. Lakeside ch., Duluth, Minn., '02 . WILLIAM LEANDER SWALLEN Pyeng Yang, Korea. 6. , 1859; W. U. O., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '92; f. m. Seoul, Korea, '92-'94; Gensan, '94-'01; Pyeng Yang, Korea, '01 . LEWIS BOYD TATE Chunju, Korea. b. , 1862; W. C. M., ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; f.m. Chunju, Korea, '92 . ROBERT OSWALD WALKER Rome, Italy. b. , 1862; U. E., '89; F. C. C; (1 grad.); c. m. London, England, '92-'96; sec. B. & F. B. S., Madrid, Spain, '96-05; id. Rome, Italy, '06 . WILLARD SARGEANT WARD Chester, HI. b. Lodi, O., April 13, 1859; St. C. M., 3 yrs.; printer; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kearney, April 26, '92; p. Genoa, Neb., '92-'93; p. Lexington, 111., '93-'97; p. Shiloh, MinneapoUs, Mian., '97-'03; p. Riverside chap., MinneapoUs, Minn., '03-'05; p. Crookston, Minn., '05-'09; p. Chester, 111., '09 . Mod. Syn. Minn., '07-'08. 1892] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 93 ROGER MORGAN WILLIAMS Winona, Minn. h. Dowlais, So. Wales, G. B. Jan. 1, 1859; M. C. 0., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 21, '92; p. Cambria, Wis., '92-'01; p. Ithaca, Mich., '01-'07; p. Winona, Minn., '08 . WILLIAM ROLAND WILLIAMS WUUamsport, Ind. h. Talybout, Wales, G. B., Feb. 21, 1862; D. C. Neb.; B. C. N., '89; misa.; (3 grad.); ord. West. Syn. Welsh Cal. Meth. ch., Oct. 9, '86; p. Columbus Junct., la., '92-'95; p. 2nd ch., Davenport, '95-'96; p. Pawnee City, Neb., '96-'99; p. Bethel and Washington, la., '99-'02; p. Moulton, la., '02-'04; p. Thorntown, Ind., '05-'10; p. WiUiamsport, Ind., '10 . JAMES GREER WOODS Mayaguez, Porto Rico. h. Philadelphia, Pa., June 24, 1866; L. C, 2 years; acct.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Philadelphia, May 31, '92; miss. Mexico, '92-'96; res. Chicago, 111., '96-'98; gen. sec. McC. T. S., '98-'99; p. 3rd ch., Dubuque, la., '9&-'02; h. m. San German, Porto Rico, '02-'05; h. m. Mayaguez, Porto Rico, '0&-'09; U. S. Cust. '09 . JAMES FRANKLIN YOUNG Carthage, lU, h. MarshaU, Mich., Nov. 23, 1860; O. C. M., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. June 29, '92; p. Fort Howard (now Green Bay), Wis., '91-'96; p. Ist ch., Marshfield, '97-'06; p. Carthage, lU., '06- Maitland Alexander, D.D. (L. C.) Pittsburg, Pa. h. New York, N. Y., April 8, 1867; C. N. J., '89; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Monmouth, April 13, '92; p. Long Branch, N. J., '93-'97; p. Harlem, New York, N. Y., '97-'99; p. 1st ch. Pittsburgh, Pa., '99 . James William Campbell, h. Hampton, N. B., April 14, 1863; Fredenchten Norm. Col., '85; (3); ord. Pby. Dubuque, '91; miss. New Brunswick, '87-'88; ev. Wisconsin, '89-'90; p. Herscher, 111., '91-'94; p. Wenona, lU., '94-'95; d. Wenona, lU., Oct. 8, 1895. Wallace Torrey Chapin, h. 1867; A. C, '87; (1); William Hays Ferguson Moimd City, Mo. b. West Ely, Mo., Oct. 25, 1865; W. C. M., '89; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Mo., June 21, '92; s. s. Montgomery City, Mo., '92-94; s. s. California, '94- '96; p. St. Charles, '96-'00; p. Durango, Colo., '00-'08; p. Mound City, Mo., '08 . George Fukuda, h. Japan, 1865; San. Fr. Theo. Sem.; (2). Daniel Shaw Gage Fulton, Mo. h. Calvary (now Roberts ville), Mo., 1863; W. C. M., '89; tea. (1); ord. Pby. of Missouri, Nov., '95; s. s. Mokane and Westminster ch. Fulton, Mo., '95 ; prof, of Greek, W. C. M., Fulton, Mo., '95 Theodore C. Gebauer Henderson, Ky h. Ypsilanti, Mich., March 1, 1867; Proseminary, Elmhurst, 111., 2 yr.; Ger Evan. Sem., '87; ord., '90, ev. Syn.; p. Millersburg, Dutch Run, Beaver Run O., '90-'95; p. Owensboro, Ky., '95-'00; p. Madison, Ind., '00-'03; field sec. State S. S. Assn., Henderson, Ky., '03 . 94 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1893 Benjamin McKee Gemmill Ivyland, Pa. b. New Park, Pa., Oct. 24, 1866; L. C, '89; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Westminster, April 12, '92; s. s. Buckley, Wash., '92-93; s. s. Anacortes, '93-94; p. Cresson, Pa.,''94-'04; asst. pres. Kendall C, Ind. Ter., '05; ed. "Presbyterian," Philadelphia, Pa., '05-'08; p. Ivyland, Pa., '08 . David Newton Good Kansas City, Mo. b. Cruikshanks, Tenn., 1858; W. C. T., '89; (2) ; ord. Pby. ; syn. miss. Audubon, la., '93-95; syn. miss. Johnson City, Tenn., '95-'98; res. Audubon, la., '99-'00; s. s. Tipton, la., '00-'03; s. s. ChilUcothe, Mo., '03-'10; ev. Kansas City, Mo., '10 . Alexander Henry, b. Lodiana, N. India, April 8, 1865; Central U., Ky., '85; U. Sem. (Va.); (1); ord. Pby. West Lexington, '90; s. s. Roslyn and Chalum, Wash., '89; s. s. Midway, Ky., '90-'91; s. s. Frankhn, Ky., '91; h. m. Beattyville, Ky., '91-93; miss. Brazil, '93-'95; s. s. Crittenden and Lebanon, Ky., '95-'97; Benjamin Wallace Irwin, b. Shreve, O., 1863; Macal. C, '89; (1); d. , Minn., Aug. , 1890. John Ervine Johnston New Albion, la., R. F. D. b. 1856; Mu. C. O., '86; (1—); West. Sem.; ord. asst. Rfd. Syn. of South, Sept. '92; s. s. Neelos Creek, S. C, '92; Atlanta, Ga., '92-'94; A. R. P. ch., Altadena, Cal., '94-'95; Loongo, Ala., '95; Sharon, S. C, '9&-'98; New Hope, Nev., '98-'02; Fillmore, Cal., '02-'04; WeUs and Star Valley, Nev., '04-'06; BatcheUerviUe, N. Y., '06-'08; s. s. New Albion, la., '08 . Louis August Lindemuth New Rochelle, N. Y. b. WheeUng, W. Va., Oct. 22, 1863; U. W. V., '89; (1—); Princt. Sem.; s. s. French Creek, W. Va., '91-'92; ord. Pby. Lackawanna, Oct. 31, '93; p. Moosic, Pa., '93-'99; p. Akron, O., '99-'04; p. WiUoughby, O., '04-'06; p. Mannington, W. Va., '06-'09; New Rochelle, N. Y., '09 . George Absalom Ross, b. , 1861; res. Washington C, Tenn.; W. C. T., '89; (1); . Klddoo Peter Simmons Beallsville, O. b. , 1865; W. & J. C, '89; (2); West Sem.; ord. Pby. ; p. Smith- field, Pa., '92-94; s. s. and p. e. Irondale, O., '95-'00; ev. Citronelle, Ala., '00-'09; p. BeaUsville, O., '09 . George Bailey Troub, b. Honeybrook, Pa., Feb. 20, 1863; L. C, '89; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Chester, Sept. 6, '92; p. Petersburg, Bethel and Shaver's Creek, Pa., '93-94; ev. Hicksville, O., '95-'96; s. s. '96-'01; s. s. Grand Ridge, 111., '01-'02; Milton, la., '02-'06; p. OUve St. ch., Indianapohs, Ind., '06-'07; d. Indian- apolis, Ind., Aug. 29, 1907. 1893 WILLIAM BRICKLE ALLISON Guatemala City, Guatemala, C. A. b. Bakerstown, Pa., Feb. 10, 1869; W. & J. C, '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, 111., Sept. 19, '93; p. Piper City, 111., '93-'98; p. Bement, III., '99-'03; miss. Guatemala, C. A., '03 . 1893] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 95 WILSON AULL E. St. Louis, lU. b. Lexington, Mo., Aug. 13, 1860; C. N. J., '91; bank teller; (3 grad.); Oxford Univ., England; ord. Pby. Mankato, Minn., June 20, '94; p. Worthington, Minn., '94-'96; p. Glen Avon, Duluth, Minn., '96-'99; p. Worthington, Minn., '99-'05; p. Maseour, Ida., '05-'07; p. Petoskey, Mich., '07-'10; p. 1st Pres. ch., E. St. Louis, '11 . B. Orme Smith Fellow. EDWARD BAECH, 6. Vincennes, Ind., 1863; H. C. I., '90; farming and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, May 27, '93; p. Rensselaer, Ind., '93-94; assoc. p. 2nd ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '95-'99; s. s. Mattoon, 111., '99-'00; p. Areola, 111., '00-'03; p. Delphi, Ind., '03-'12; d. Delphi, Ind., April, 1912. FRANK DINWIDDIE BASCOM Lidependence, Mo. b. near Higginsville, Mo., 1860; W. C. M., '90; farm, and tea.; Un. Sem., Va.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, Oct., '93; p. Fountain Green, 111., '93-'95; p. Mitchell, S. D., '95-'97; s. s. Odessa, Mo., '97-'99; p. Van Buren, Ark., '99-'02; h. m. Lone Wolf, O. T., '02-'04; s. s. Mitchell, Neb., '04r-'06; Lone Wolf, O. T., '06-'07; Tenstrike, Minn., '07-'08; Odessa, Mo., '08-'09; Lone Wolf, Okla., '09-'ll; Independence, Mo., '11 . JOHN K. BLISS Cutler, Ind. b. Lynn, 111., 1863; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Worthington, O., '93-'94; 8. 8. Bridgeport, III., '94-'01; s. s. Adams, Neb. '01-'04; s. s. Columbus, Kas., '04-'05; 8. 8. Prairie City, lU., '05-'08; s. s. Cutler, Ind., '08 . SAMUEL ROBERT BOYD Springfield, Dl. b. Le Claire, la., Oct. 26, 1859; M. C. I., elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Omaha, May 29, '93; p. Waterloo and Valley, Neb., '93-'97; p. Des Moines, la., '97- '01; s. 8. St. Paul, Neb., '01-'03; p. Kirkwood, lU., '03-'07; field sec. Anti- Saloon League of 111., '07 . HERBERT ANDREW BRADFORD Albion, la. b. Moneymore, Ireland, March 3, 1867; R. U. I., '90; miss.; Bel. Sem.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, July 13, '93; p. Endeavor ch., Chicago, lU., '93-'95; p. Braidwood, '95-'98; p. Wray, Colo., '98-'99; Beaver- ton, Mich., '99-'01; p. Burr Oak, '01-'03; p. La Harpe, Kas., '03-'04; p. Plymouth, 111., '04-'06; p. Grandview, lU., '06-'07; p. Brookfield, '07-'09; Edgington, '09-'10; p. Albion, la., '11 . JOHN C. BRECKENRIDGE, D.D. (W. U. O.) Winona Lake, Ind. b. Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 19, 1858; W. U. O.,'90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, May 9, '93; p. Bourbon, Ind., '93-'00; p. Bethany, Ft. Wayne, Ind., '00-'03; pres. Winona Coll. of Agr., Winona Lake, Ind., '04 . WILLIAM HENRY BRUINS Theresa, N. Y. b. Alta, Wis., Oct. 16, 1865; H. C. M., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Ref. ch., Sept. 13, '93; p. Rfd. ch., CoopersviUe, Mich., '93-'99; p. Rfd. ch., Marion, N. Y.,'00- '10; p. Pres. ch., Theresa, N. Y., '10 . FRANK JAY CHAMBERLIN Twin Falls, Ida. b. Allamakee Co., la., Aug. 13, 1862; L. C. I., '89; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pembina, May '93; p. Minot, N. D., '93-'96; p. Walker, Rowley and Cono Centre, la., '96 ;8. s. Adaza and Lohrville, la., '97-'00; 8. 8. Frankville, la., '00-'09; Twin Falls, Ida., '09 . 96 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1893 JOSEPH WILSON COCHRAN, Jr., D.D. (Macl. Col.) PhUadelphia, Pa. 6. Peoria, 111., Jan. 8, 1867; Macal. C, '89; sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, May 1, '93; p. Christ ch., Madison, Wis., '93-'98; p. North- minster, Philadelphia, Pal, '98-'07;sec. Bd. Ed., Philadelphia, Pa., '07 . WILLIAM GOURLAY CONNELL, b. Kirkcaldy, Scotland, Sept. 19, 1862; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. La Crosse, '93; p. West Salem, Wis., '93-'95; p. Chenoa, 111., '95-'98; s. s. Farmington, 111., '98; p. Pipestone, Minn., '99-'03; p. Bethany ch., Grants Pass., Ore., '03-'05; s. s. Lamar, Colo., '05 ; THADDEUS THACKERAY CRESWELL Pomona, Cal. b. near Albion, Mich., April 24, 1867; Macl. C, '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapohs, Jmie 4, '93; p. Shiloh ch., MinneapoUs, Minn., '93-96; p. Ist ch., Beloit, Wis., '96-'06; p. Pomona, Cal., '06 . FREDERICK HALL CUSHING, b. Turner, Maine, 1867; O. C. O., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. e. Minonk, lU., '93-'94; d. Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 1895. DAVID HERBERT DEETS, b. Canal, Pa., July 9, 1865; W. U. O., '90; farm, and tea.; (2 grad.); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Lima, June 6, '93; p. 2nd ch., Findlay, O., '94-'96; p. Vienna, '9&-'99; p. OrweU, O., '99-'02; ev. Cochranton, Pa., '02-'08; d. Cochranton, Pa., May 20, 1908. JAMES ABNER DODDS, Ph.D Tacoma, Wash. b. Owen Sound, Ont., Canada, Jan. 2, 1861; Q. C. C, V. C. I.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. FUnt, April, '82; f. m. Zacatecas, Mexico, '93-94; m. at large, Barrie, Ont., '94r-'98; s. s. Poynette, Wis., '99-'02; p. 2nd ch., Keokuk, la., '02-'05; p. Utah and Wash., '05-'08; p. AUiston, Ont., '08-'09; lecturing, '09; ill health; s. s. Roslyn ch., Tacoma, Wash., '11 . GEORGE CURTIS DOOLITTLE Sidon, Syria. b. Toledo, O., Feb. 21, 1867; O. C. O., '90; Y. D. Sch.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Maimiee, April '93; miss. Sidon, Syria, '93-96; miss. Dier el Komr, '96-'98; miss. Sidon, Syria, '98 . HENRY NICHOLAS DUNNING Albany, N. Y. b. DemarestviUe, Ont., May 17, 1866; Q. C. C, '87; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Nebraska City, May 22, '93; p. Pawnee City, Neb., '93-'96; p. 2nd ch., Lincohi, '96-'99; p. Watertown, N. Y., '99-'02; p. 3d ch., Albany, N. Y., '02-'ll; res. Albany, N. Y., '11 . ULYSSES GRANT EVANS Sweetwater, lU. b. IndianapoUs, Ind., Dec. 6, 1863; Macal. C.,'89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, '94; p. Grimes and Ridgedale, la., '93-94; p. Atkins and Newhall, '94r-'00; p. Hazleton, '0(>-'02; p. Lima Springs and Chester, '02-'03; p. Sweetwater, 111., '03 . JOHN CULBERT PARIES New York. b. Rochester, Minn., June 5, 1867; U. Minn., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minne- apolis, June 14, '93; p. Hope Chapel, Minneapolis, Minn., '93-94; asst. man. ed. "North and West," '96-'02; p. Waverly, Minn., '98-'00; p. Glenn Av. ch., Duluth, Minn., '05-' 12; res. New York, '12 . 1893] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 97 HIRAM GEORGE FONKEN Kansas City, Mo. h. Hanover, Germany, May 28, 1865; Dub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Du- buque, April '92; s. s. Emerson, Neb., '93-94; s. s. Williams, la., '94-'96; 8. 8. Eldora, '96-'98; p. Larned, Kas., '98-'0O; p. 3d ch., Topeka, Kas., '00- '01; 8. 8. Nortonville, Kas., '01-04; p. Argentine, Kas., '04-'09; 8. s. Central ch., Kansas City, Kas., '09 . CLARENCE EVERETTE FOWLER Wabash, Ind. h. 1862; W. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; s. s. Bolivar, Mo., '93-'95; 8. 8. Shiloh (Roann), '95-'96; s. s. Albany, '96-'98; s. s. Covington, Ind., '98-'03; s. s. Clinton, Ind., '03-'09; s. s. Converse and New Hope, Wabash, Ind., '09 . NEPTUNE BLOOD WTLLLA^M GALLWEY, h. The Carragh, County ICildare, Ireland, Feb. 10, 1861; L. F. U., '90; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 18, '93; p. Olivet Memorial ch., Chicago, 111., '93-'97; p. Clybourn Av. Soc. Settlement, Chicago, '97-'99; m-d. Epis. dea. Sept. 16, '00; ord. Epis. pr. April 6, '01; r. Trinity ch., Menlo Park, Cal., '01-'04; r. ch. of St. Matthew, San Mateo, Cal., '04.; d. San Mateo Cal., 1906. WILLIAM ANDREW GALT, Ph. B. (B. U. K.) St. Louis, Mo. h. Farmingdale, 111., Dec. 26, 1862; B. U. I., '90; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, June 28, '93; h. m. Omaha Agency, Neb., '93-'02; s. a. Union, Mo., '02-'04; s. s. Mapleton, la., '04; p. State Center, la., '05-'09; p. Lee Av. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '09 . WILLIAM FRANCIS GATES Nyack, N. Y. b. Louisville, Ky., April 25, 1861; C. C, la., '83; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, June 13, '93; miss. Guatemala, C. A., '93-97; miss. Quezaltenango, C. A., '97-'02; ev. Ft. Dodge, Ia.,'02-'03; ev. Nyack, N .Y. '03; res. Nyack, N. Y., '03 . CHARLES SAMUEL HARRISON, h. 1849; D. C. P., '71; Garr. Bib. Inst.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. ; 8. 8. Volga, S. D., '93-'94; . ARTHUR WILLIAM TRENHOLME HICKS Oakland, CaL 6. Wyoming, Ont., April 4, 1867; U. D., '90; San. Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Denver, June, '93; p. Littleton, Colo., '93-'94; p. Point Arena, Cal., '9^'97; p. Livermore, Cal., '97-'00; syn. supt. s. s. wk. Cal., '01 . OTTO SICKEL HOFFMAN. : Battle Creek, Mich. h. Chicago, lU., Nov. 2, 1862; W. C. I., '89; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, April, '01; p. Bridgeport, Ala., '96-'00; p. Reno, 111., 'OO-'Ol; asst. prof. W. C. I., '01-'03; prof. W. C. I., '02-'06; asst. Battle Creek Sanitarium, '07 . CHARLES EMERSON HUFFER Albion, Mich. h. Muncie, Ind., April 27, 1867; H. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indianapohs, June 5, '93; p. Edinburg, Ind., '93-'96; p. Tipton, Ind., '96-'02; p. Paw Paw, Mich., '02-'06; p. Albion, Mich., '06 . WILLIAM HENRY HUMPHREY, h. Hudson, Wis., March 25, 1868; Macl. C, '90; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, July 6, '93; p. Delhi, O., '93-'02; s. s. 1st ch., Ashland, Wis.. '02—; p. '03-'07; d. Ashland, Wis., Jan. 24, 1907. 98 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1893 MARCUS EDWARD KROTZER Ottumwa, la. b. Rimersburg, Pa., June 22, 1867; Pa. C. M., '90; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, June 13, '93; p. e. Manning and Manilla, la., '93-94; p. Delmar and Elwood, '94; p. Craig, Mo., '95-'96; p. Raymore, '96-'99; s. 8. Harvard, 111., '99-'02; res. Ottumwa, la., '02 . WILLIAM PIERCE LANDON RocheUe, Dl. b. Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1865; U. C, '86; lawy.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, July '93; p. RocheUe, 111., '93-'96; lawy.; res. Rochelle, 111., '96 ; WALTER McAFEE LANGTRY Clayton, Mo. b. WiUiamsburg, Mo., Feb. 20, 1866; W. C. M., '89; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, Sept. '93; p. Wentzville, Mo., '92-'96; p. Bowling Green, '97-'00; p. Brank Mem. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '01; p. Clayton, Mo., '01 . Mod. Syn. Mo., '08; Bd. Syn. Col, Fulton, Mo. WILLIAM BARR LEONARD Coldwater, Kas. b. Kossuth, la., Feb. 7, 1869; P. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, May '93; s. s. Ord. Neb., '93-'96; p. Cozad, '96-'00; s. s. Chickasha, Ind., '00-'05; s. s. Beaver, Okla., '05-'ll; p. Coldwater, Kas., '11 . HENRY LOVE, Ph.D. (W. U. O.) State Center, Dl. b. Chesterton, England, 1862; P. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, — '93; p. TaylorviUe, lU., '93-'98; p. Philo, 111., '98-'04; p. Hennepin and Florid, 111., '04-'06; p. Tower HiU, 111., '06-'08; p. State Center, la., '08 . DAVID McAllister Oak Park, lU. b. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 12, 1857; L. F. U., 3 years; carp.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Zanesville, June 22, '93; s. s. and p. Roseville, O., New Lexington, Union- town and Redfield, '93-95; p. 1st ch., Clayton, and 1st ch., Dover, Mich., '96-'01; p. Harbor Beach, Mich., '01-'03; p. Munger, Mich., '03-'04; p. St. Ignace, Mich., '04-'06; p. Petersburg, Mich., '06-'08; p. Plainwell, Mich., '08-' 10; Field Rep. "The Continent," '10 . JOHN HOWARD McJUNKIN Missoula, Mont. b. 1869; P. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; s. s. Missoula, Mont., '95-'98; ev. Washington, la., '98; s. s. Eugene, Ore., '99-'00; a. s. Washington, la., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Anaconda, Mont., '01-'02; s. s. Hamilton, Mont., '02-'03; Edinburgh, Scotland, '03-'04; ev. Missoula, Mont., '04 GEORGE McKAY Toledo, O. b. Bermington, Ont., Can., 1865; Owen Sound Collegiate; Aub. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, Sept., '93; s. s. St. Mary's, O., '93-'95; a. s. Columbus Grove, '95-'99; s. s. Delta, O., '99-'01; s. s. Cecil, Waterville, Haskins; res. Toledo, O., '01 . THOMAS McCORKLE McNARY Richmond, Ind. b. near Cross Creek, Pa., Jan. 23, 1866; W. U. O., 4 years; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, Sept. '93; p. Birmingham and Libertyville, la., '93-'95; s. s. Bloomfield and Unionport, O., '95-'96; s. s. Germino, O., '97- '98; p. Crab Apple, Uniontown, O., '98-'03; p. Mason, '03-'07; p. Seaman, O., '07-'09; p. Indianapohs, Ind., '09-'ll; p. Richmond, Ind., '11 . 1893] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 99 DUNCAN McRUER Paul's VaUey, Okla. h. Ayr, Canada, Sept. 13, 1864; Pa. C. M., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, AprU 14, '94; p. Grant City, Mo.. '93-'99; Paul's VaUey, I. T., '99-'03; s. s. m. Paul's VaUey, Okla., '03 . Trustee Indianola C. GEORGE PAUL MAGILL Des Moines, la. h. Lewistown, III, Nov. 20, 1867; P. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, May '93; p. Cabery, 111., '93-'96; p. Owatonna, Minn., '9&-'03; p. Oliver ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '03-08; p. Central ch., Des Moines, la., '08 . ELMER LINCOLN MATTOX Hangchow, China. h, Winterset, la., March 3, 1869; P. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. evang. Pby. Des Moines, April 20, '93; miss. Hangchow, Ciiina, '93 ; pres. Hang- chow Pres. Col., '08-'ll. JAMES ALBERT MILLER Shuntehfu, China. 6. Elvaston, 111., March 10, 1867; C. C. I., '88; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, '93; Paotingfu, China., '93-'06; miss. Shuntehfu, China, '06 . JAMES KYLE MILLER White City, Kas. h. Long Island, N. Y., July 12, 1859; Pa. C. M., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, May 9, '94; p. Belle Plaine, Kas., '94-'03; s. s. miss. Pby. Okla., '03-'06; p. Mulhall, Okla., '06-' 10; p. White City, Kas., '10 . DAVID CLIFTON MONTGOMERY, h. Lake Pippin, Wis., 1866; H. C. Neb., '90; journ.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, '93; p. Woodhull, 111., '93-'95; miss. Barranquila, Rep. of Colombia, S. A., '95-'98; p. Wayne, Neb., '98-'02; w. c. Dumaguetta, P. I., '02; d. Negros, P. I., Oct. 31, 1902. HUGH LOWRY MOORE Beloit, Wis. h. Clear Spring, Ind., 1864; H. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, '93; p. Paxton, lU., '93-'96; p. Newkirk, O. T., '96-'05; p. Freeport, lU., '05-'ll; p. Ist ch., Beloit, Wis., '11 . ARAHAM MOORHATCH Persia. h. 1859; Oroomiah C. P., '82; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oroomiah, '93; miss. Persia, '93 ; . ALEX MURRAY Blossburg, Ala. h. Stornoway, Scotland, 1840; drug.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, '93; 8. s. Bitter Root Valley, Mont., '93-'94; s. s. Wheatland, 111., '95-'96; s. s. Bruceville, Neb., '97; s. s. Axtell, Neb., '98; s. s. Moulton, la., '99-'00; New York, N. Y., 'OO-'Ol; ev. Unionville, la., '01-'02; w. c. Jersey City, N. J., '02-'04; s. s. Salt Lake City, Utah, '04-'05; Los Angeles, Cal., '05-'10; Blossburg, Ala., '10 . JULIUS T. ORTON Petersburg, Ind. h. Monticello, Ind., Oct. 16, 1869; W. C. I., '90; miss.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby, Logansport, Sept. '94; s. s. Olivet St., Indianapolis, Ind., '94-'98; 8. s. Lima, Ind., '98-'04; p. Sheldon, 111., '04-'06; s. s. Covington, Ind., '0&- '08; p. Wilhamsport, Ind., '08-'10; s. s. Petersburg, Ind., '10 . 100 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1893 PHILIP PALMER Seaton, Dl. 5. La BeUe, Mo., Aug. 10, 1870; Pa. C. M., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, Nov. 14, '93; p. Onslow, la., '93-'99; p. SchaUer, la., '99-'03; p. Sigourney, la., '03-'08;'p. Seaton, lU., '08 . Trustee L. C. I., '94-'99. HENRY J. PETRAN Albert Lea, Minn. b. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 10, 1862; trav. sales.; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. '93; Wells, Minn., '93; evang. Minnesota and Iowa; res. Albert Lea, Minn., '95 . Trustee Albert Lea Col. AMOS AVERY RANDALL Frankfort, R. F. D., Ind. b. Rockford, 111., June 18, 1863; Macl. C, '90; mach.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, Oct. 15, '93; p. Armstrong, la., '93-'95; p. Marengo, la., '95- '99; 8. 8. Santa Monica, Cal., '99; p. Ontario, Cal., '99-'03; p. Princeville, m., '03-'06; p. La Crosse, Wis., '06-'08; p. Geetingsville; res. Frankfort, Ind., '10 . GEORGE JAMES REA Grand Raoids, Mich. b. Watertown, N. Y., April ,1864; O.C.M., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee, June 20, '93; p. Somers, Wis., '93-97; res. Detroit, Mich., '97; s. 8. Richland, Mich., '97-'01; p. Boyne City, Mich., 'Ol-'IO; p. Ist oh., Grand Rapids, Mich., '10 . SAMUEL LASON SHIRLEY Crawfordsville, Ind. b. Nickelville, Pa., Nov. 5, 1867; W. U. O., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Wayne, May 9, '93; p. Albion, Ind., '93-'96; p. Columbia City, '96-'02; p. La Grange, Ind., '02-'09; res. La Grange, Ind., '09-12; res. Crawfordsville, Ind., '12 . JONATHAN EVANS SHOEMAKER Yu-Yiao, China. b. Lawrence, Pa., Aug. 23, 1868; P. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, May 10, '93; s. s. Panora, la., '93-'94; miss. Yu-Yiao, China, '94 . Dir. Un. Sem. Nanking, China; Pres. Col. Hang Chow; Pres. Un. Girls' Sch., Hang Chow. WILLIAM SICKELS Beaumont, Cal. b. Little Osage, Mo., Sept. 12, 1867; W. C. M., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby Kansas City, June 6, '93; s. s. Drexel and Sharon, Mo., '93-98; s. s. Oswego, Kas., '99-'00; p. Pleasanton, Kas., 'OO-'Ol; p. Stillwater, Okla., '02-'05; p. Stroud, Okla., '05-'06; p. Deming, N. M., '06-' 10; p. Beaumont, Cal., '10 . GEORGE HOWK SIMONSON Danville, 111. b. Charlestown, Ind., March 24, 1872; H, C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, May ,'93; miss. Miraj, India, '93-99; p. Bethlehem chap. N. Y., '00-'05; p. Colorado Springs, Colo., '05-'07; p. Pueblo, Colo., '07-'10; p. Campbell Pk. ch., Chicago, lU., '10-'12; p. 1st ch., Danville, lU., '12 . EDWARD EVERETT SMITH Owensboro, Ky. b. Mexico, Mo., Feb. 5, 1861; W. C. M., '90; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Central Texas (Southern), , '94; p. St. Charles, Mo., '93-94; s. s. Brownwood, Tex., '94-'96; p. 4th St. ch., Owensboro, Ky., '98 . 1893] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 101 HARRY SMITH, b. Bloomsburg, N. J., Sept. 16, 1864; B. U. I., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April ,'91; p. Cerro Gordo, 111., '90-'91; p. Mansfield, '91-'92; p. Dunlap, '93-'96; s. s. Golden, '96-'01; d. Golden, Colo., Aug. , 1901. JONAH SMITH, b. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1853; S. U., 2 years; U. K., 3 years; miss.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Vincennes, June 15, '93; s. s. Oakland City, Ind., '93-94; p. Hope ch., Burlington, la., '94r-'04; . REUBEN SHERMAN SMITH Grand Rapids, Mich. b. Alpine, Mich., Dec. 29, 1864; U. M., '88; tea.; Ob. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, Dec. 6, '89; s. s. Pike (now Amberg) and Waueaukee, Wis., '89-'90; s. s. Menominee, '90-'91; s. s. Ironwood, Mich., '91; s. s. Spring Lake, Wis., '91-'92; p. Bates and New Berlin, III., '92-'96; p. 3rd ch.. Grand Rapids, Mich., '96-'04; p. Loveland, Colo., '04-'09; Trinity Cong, ch., Alpine and Walker, Mich., '09-'10; tea. Grand Rapids, Mich., '10 . WILLIAM WILSON SMITH Hastings, Neb. b. Jackson, O., Dec. 7, 1864; N. N. U., '89; tea.; Lane Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 9, '93; p. Avondale ch., Chicago, '93-'98; p. Waverly, Kas., '98-'03; p. CoffeyviUe, Kas., '03-'08; field sec. L. C. I., '08-'09; H. C. N., Hastings, Neb., '09 . JAMES BLACKWOOD STONE Ventura, Cal. b. Lanarkshire, Scotland, Feb. 5, 1866; Pa. C. M., '90; agt. Am. B. Soc; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Benicia, Oct. 18, '93; p. e. Crescent City, Cal., '93-'96; s. 8. Anaheim, '96-'01 ; p. Livermore, Cal., '01-'07; p. Ventura, Cal., '08 . JOHN EVANS STUCHELL, D.D Oakland, Cal. b. Monongahela City, Pa., Jan. 8, 1870; N. W. C, '90; San Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. San Jose, Dec, '93; p. Gih-oy, Cal., '93-'98; a. p. Ist Washington, D. C, '98-'99; p. 1st ch., Ehzabeth, N. J., '99-'06; p. San Francisco, Cal., '09; p. Piedmont, Oakland, Cal., '09 . THOMAS BARNETT TERHUNE, D.D Huntington, Ind. b. Perryville, Ky., March 16, 1870; C. C. K., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, June 22, '92; p. 1st ch., Moberly, Mo., '93-'96; s. s. Lathrop, '96- '00; 8. s. BradfordsviUe, Ky., '00-'06; p. Huntington, Ind., '06 . PAUL THEODOROFF Rustchuk, Bulgaria b. Garvanavo, Haskovo District, Bulgaria, June 25, 1861; H. C, '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May, '93; f. m. Haskovo, Bulgaria, '93-96; miss. Rustchuk, Bulgaria, '96-'99; miss. Timova, '99-'05; miss. Rustchuk, '05 . GEORGE MASON TOURTELLOT Hudson, Wis. b. Wyoming, la., March 17, 1867; L. C. I., '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, May 22, '94; p. Dows, la., '93-'97; s. s. Ida Grove, la., '97-'01; p. Albia, la., '02-03; p. Greenfield, la., '03-'05; s. s. Ironwood, Mich., '05-'12; p. Hudson, Wis., '12 . WILLIAM FREDERICK VAN DER LIPPE Kahoka, Mo. b. St. Louis, Mo., May 2, 1869; W. C. M., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ozark July ,'93; p. Springfield, Mo., '93-'94; p. Faith chap., St .Louis, Mo., '94-'99; p. Deepwater, Mo., '99-'03; p. Lowry City, Mo., '03-'04; p. Union, Mo., '04-'07; p. Kahoka, Mo., '07 . 102 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1893 GEORGE AUGUSTUS WILBER Gooding, Ida. b. Wabash, Ind., Dec. 10, 1867; O.C.O., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Columbus, April, '93; p. Rockford, 0., '93-'98; p. Buck Creek, O., '99-'01; p. Manhat- tan and Central Park, Mont., '01-'03; p. Ft. Benton, Mont., '03; p. Kingfisher, Okla., '04; p. Belgrade, Mont., '04-'09; p. Gooding, Ida., '09 . JAMES FAY WINNARD Tampa, Fla. b. Greeley, la., 1869; L. C. I., '89; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, Sept. ,'93; p. and s.s. Oxford and Union, la., '92-99; s. s. Hamilton, 111., '99-'05; 8. 8. Winter Haven, Fla., '05-'06; p. Tampa, Fla., '06 . Trustee Presby. Col. of Fla.; Pres. Fla. C. E. Union. WILLIAM HENRY WOOD Nauvoo, lU. b. Sheffield, England, 1857; A. C. Mich., ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, May 14, '93; 8. 8. Bottineau, N. D., '93-97; s. s. Minnewaukon, N. D., '97-'99; s. s. Leola and Pioneer, S. D., '99-'01; p. La Rose, lU., '01- '02; Kinbrae and Dundee, '02-'04; Woodstock and Currie, Minn., '04-'06; Morrison, '06-'07; Troy, Lebanon and Chequest, la., '07-09; p. Nauvoo, 111., '09 . JOHN YOUNG Greenfield, la. b. Bathgate, Scotland, Feb. 11, 1868; U. G. S., ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. CouncU Bluffs, , '93; p. Greenfield, la., '93 . Charles Henry Bandy Fatehgarh, India. 6. 1862; P. C. I., '90; (2); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. CouncU Bluffs, '94; f. m. Fatehgarh, India, '94 . William Henry Clatworthy Cedar Rapids, la. b. 1863; P. U. S. D., '91; W. C. 111.; s. s. Sheldon, N. D., '92-'93; (1 — p. g.); p. 3rd ch.. Cedar Rapids, la., '94-'99; s. s. Mediapohs, la., '99-'00; s. s. Yates City, lU., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Elvaston, lU., '01-'05; Sterling, 111., '05-'10; s. 8. Atkins, la.; res. Cedar Rapids, la., '10 . William Emmons Blackburn Harris Saltillo, Miss. b. KnoxviUe, Tenn., May 7, 1853; MaryviUe C, Tenn., '76; Dan. Sem.; (1 — ); ord. Pby. Transylvania, April '80; p. Greensburg, Ky., '80-'83; p. Vevay, Ind., '83-'86; p. Charlestown, '86-'89; p. MitcheU, Ind., '89-'92; p. Upper End ch., '92-'93; p. Wheatland, Ind., '93-'96; p. Hesserman, 111., '96-'98; p. Bartlett Mem. '98-'03; Agt. Converse Co., '03-'09; p. Saltillo, Miss., '09 . Edmund Harris Hyde, b. 1863; L. F. U., '88; (1); d. Aug., 1891. Hugh Jack, D.D. (P. C. I.) Peoria, lU. b. Portglonone, County Antrim, Ireland, July 29, 1864; Q. C; N. Y.; (2); Aub. Sem.; he. and ord. Pby. Geneva, April 20, '92; s. s. Nevada, la., '93-'94; p. Des Moines, '94-'95; p. Dexter, '96-'99; p. Westminster, Dea Moines, la., '99-'04; p. 1st ch., Peoria, 111., '04 . Trustee B. C. I. 1894] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 103 John Rees Jones, b. Usk, Monmouthshire, Eng., 1867; Pa. C. M., '90; (2); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Omaha, April 25, '95; p. Manilla, la., '9'^'96; s. 8. Huron, S. D., '9&-'97; Central ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '98-'00; p. Vacaville, Cal., 'OO-'Ol; B. 8. Redding, Cal., '01 ; . William Frederick Dickens-Lewis, D.D Findlay, O. b. Shrewsbury, England, Dec. 20, 1897; L. F. U., '90; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Castle, May 16, '93; p. Rodney St. ch., Wilmington, Del., '93-'09; Kansas City, Mo., '09-'ll; Grand Rapids, Mich., '11; p. Findlay, 0., '11 . Evan Mohr Landis Kennewick, Wash. b. Colebrookdale, Pa., Nov. 12, 1858; C. N. J., '83; Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Brunswick, May 5, '86; prof. U. C. P., '86-'87; e. s. Poncho Springs, Col., '87-'88; s. s. Neodesha, Kas., '88-'89; s. s. Holt and Dimondale, Mich., '89-'90; s. s. Linden, '90-'93; (1 p. g.); p. Avoca, la., '94-'95; s. s. Randolph, '95-'97; s. s. StiUwater, Okla., '97-'98; p. SaUisaw, '98-'05; s. s. Cedar City and Parowan, Utah, '05-'06; s. s. Connell, Wash., '06-'10; s. s. Sunset, Wash., 'lO-'ll; s. 8. Kennewick, Wash., '11 . Jesse Washburn Martin, b. 1866; Pa. C. M., '90; (3—). Jefferson Davis Rltchey, b. , 1861; Drury C, '88; (1) Y. D. Sch.; ord. Pby. . Harvey Milton Shields, b. Covode, Pa., , 1870; Pa. C. M., '89; Un. Sem., N. Y.; West. Sem.; ord. Pby. of Rio Grande, '92; ev. Archuleta, N. M., '91-'92; p. Las Cruces, '92-'93; (1 p. g.); p. Moreland ch., Chicago, 111., '94-'96; p. 48th Av. ch., '96-'99; prin. Perea, N. M., '99-'00; e. e. Solomonsville, Ariz., 'OO-'Ol; p. Bisbee, Ariz., '01-'05; . Henry Patterson Stevenson, b. Ligonier, Pa., May 1, 1868; W. & J. C, '90; (2); lie. Pres. Wash., April , '92; d. May 3, 1892. Gottlob David Tangeman, b. , 1870; res. Newton, Kas,; Gar. U.; (1). 1894 JAMES EDWARD ADAMS Taiku, Korea b. McCoy, Ind., 1867; W. C. K., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, Dec. 27, '94; trav. sec. Inter. Sem. Miss. Alliance, '94^'95; f. m. Fusan, Korea, '95- '97; Taiku, Korea, '97 . Prin. Boys' Ac. WILLIAM JUSTICE ARNOLD, b. Peru, Ind., July 23, 1867; P. C. I., '89; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, July 11, '94; p. 3rd ch., Portland, Ore., '94-'97; p. Riverside, Cal., '97-'00; d. Riverside, Cal, Jan. 17, 1900. ROBERT RUSH BIGGER, Ph.D. (F. C. O.) Cleveland, O. b. New Concord, O., April 27, 1867; Mu. C. O., '91; tea.; (3 grad.); lie. and ord. Pby. Rock River, April 12, '93; p. Peniel and Millereburgh, 111., '93-'95; p. 3rd ch., Wheehng, W. Va., '95-'04; p. Massillon, O., '04-'10; p. Weat- minster ch., Cleveland, O., '10 . 104 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1894 JOHN JAMES BOGGS Canton, China. b. Independence, la., Feb. 23, 1865; L. F. U., '88; tea. Japan; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '94; f. m. Canton, China, '94 — ■ . FRED GEORGE CADWELL, b. Burr Oak, Mich., March 22, 1868; Al. C. M. and U. M. '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, '94; p. Pana, lU., '94r-'95; p. Albion, Mich., '95-'97; p. Lansing, '97-'00; p. Frankfort, Ind., 'OO-'Ol; d. Bay View, Mich., Aug. 26, 1901. LOUIS PERKINS CAIN, D.D. (W. C. I.) Chicago, Dl. b. Danville, 111., 1866; W. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, '94; p. Sheldon, 111., '94-'96; p. Broadway ch., Sedalia, Mo., '96-'99; p. Edge- water, Chicago, 111., '99 — . SAMUEL ANTHONY CALDWELL R. D. 1., Fountain City, Tenn. b. New Market, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1869; M. C. T., '91; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Union, May 20, '94; h. m., Vinita, I. T., '94-'96; s. a. Shawnee, O. T., '96-'98; s. s. Ardmore, I. T., '98-'00; s. s. Robinson, 111., '00-'07; p. Fairbury, Neb., '07-'08; p. Rolla, Mo., '08-'10; p. Shannondale and Fountain City, Tenn., '10 . ROBERT LINCOLN CAMPBELL, D.D. (Coe C.) Cleveland, O. b. Belleville, Pa., March 4, 1865; W. U. O., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, June 5, '94; p. Grand Ridge, lU., '94-'00; p. Henry, 111., '00-'03; p. Marion, la., '03-'06; Pres. B. V. C, '06-'08; p. South ch., Cleveland, O., '10 . Trustee Coe C. WILLIAM CARTER, D.D New York, N. Y. b. Pittington, England, May 22, 1868; P. C. I., '91; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April 10, '93; p. Sterhng, 111., '94-'99; p. Frankfort, Ind., '99; p. 1st ch., Kansas City, Mo., '99-'06; p. Madison Av. Rfd. ch., New York, N. Y., '06-'12; res. New York, '12 . FRANK CRABLE COLVIN JonesviUe, Mich. b. Freeport, O., April 24, 1865; W. U. O., '91; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, April '95; p. Auburn, Ind., '95-99; s. s. Cassopohs, Mich., '99-'03; p. JonesviUe, Mich., '03 . JAMES REESE EWING CRAIGHEAD Anna, Dl. b. Elders Ridge, Pa., Oct. 5, 1868; W. & J. C, '91; farm.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Kittanning, June '94; p. Cherry Tree, Pa., '94-'97; 8. s. Blackwell, O. T., '98-'04; pres. Union Academy, Anna, lU., '04 . GEORGE EWING DAVIES St. Paul, Minn. b. Princeton, Kas., Sept. 10, 1868; B. U. K., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, May '94; p. Bethany ch.. Ft. Wayne, Ind., '94r-'99; p. Bellefontaine, O., '99-'10; p. Merriam Park ch., St. Paul, Minn., '10 . HENRY HAMLIN DAVIS Los Gates, Cal. b. Bethel, lU., Sept. 12, 1869; L. F. U., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Utah, '00; Slack, Wyo., '93-'94; s. s. Otter Lake, Mich., '96-'97; s. s. Cleveland, Neb., '98; p. KaysviUe, Utah, '98-'06; res. Los Gatos, Cal., '06 . JOHN WILEY DAY, D.D. (B. V. C.) Columbus, O. b. Old Concord, Pa., Feb. 7, 1865; P. C. I., 3 years; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); 1894] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 105 ord. Pby. Iowa City, April '94; p. Panora, la., '94-'00; p. Des Moines, la., 'OO-'IO; p. 1st ch., Columbus, O., '10 . Mod. Syn. la., '08; Trustee B. V. C, '08-'10. WILLIAM SIMMONS FLANAGAN Garden Grove, III. b. Garden Grove, la., Aug. 24, '65; P. C. I., '91; carp.; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Des Moines, April '94; p. Emeline, la., '96-'97; demitted, '97; res. Garden Grove, la., '97 . GEORGE WILLIAM GOEBEL Pekin, Dl. b. Alhambra, 111., Aug. 24, 1871; Proseminary, Elmhurst, '87; Ev. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Ger. Ev. Synod of N. Am., Aug. 24, '92; a. p. Louisville, Ky., '93-'95; p. Elmwood Place, O., '95-'06; p. St. Paul's Ev. ch., Pekin, 111., '06 . JOSEPH LINCOLN GRIMM, Ph.D. (W. U. O.) New Castle, Pa. b. WTieeUng, W. Va., Dec. 25, 1863; Findlay C. O.; (1); ord. Pby. Lima, April, '94; p. 1st ch. Leipsic, 0., '94-'99; s. s. Belle Center, O., '99-'01; p. SoUneviUe, O., '01-'05; p. n. Springfield, O., '05-'07; p. Leetonia, O., '07-'10; p. Emmanuel ch., East Liverpool, O., '10; p. 4th ch., New Castle, Pa., '12 . JOHN ELLSWORTH GROENDYKE, b. 1863; W. C. I., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, '94; p. e. Cooksville, 111., '94-'95; p. Logan, la., '96-'99; s. s. CarroU, la., '99-'06; Creston, la., '06-'08; deposed. ALEXANDER HARTMAN, b. Otisco, Ind., March 24, 1868; H. C. I., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 18, '94; p. Herscher, 111., '94-'97; d. New Castle, Colo., Sept. 10, 1897. AMBROSE P. HAYDON Bridgeport, Neb. b. Springfield, Mo., 1869; Drury C, '91; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, Sept. 17, '94; p. Craig, Mo., '95-'96; prof, of Greek and German, CoUege of Idaho, Caldwell, Ida., '96-'00; s. s. Milan, Mo., 'OO-'Ol; pres. Highland, Kas., '01-'02; Soda Springs, Ida., '02-'04; s. s. Weiser, '04-'05; s. s. Culdesac, '05-'06; s. s. Boulder, Mont., '06-'07; BiUings, Mont., '07-'08; s. s. Erie, N. D., '08-'09; s. s. Warsaw, Mo., '09-'10; Springfield, Mo., '10; s. s. Bridge- port, Neb., '11 . WALTER HAYS Palo Alto, Cal. b. Wooster, O., Sept. 29, 1869; W. & J. C, '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kansas City, May '94; p. Dillon, Mont., '94-'97; s. s. Missoula, '97-'05; p. Palo Alto, Cal., '05 . Mod. Syn. Mont., '99. JAMES ADDISON HEDGES Sunnyside, Wash. b. Urbana, O., Dec. 30, 1865; Witt. C. O., '90; Witt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Gr. Falls, Aug. 23, '94; p. White Sulphur Springs, Mont., '94-'98; s. s. Kendrick, Ida., '98-'04; p. Pocatello, Ida., '04r-'07; p. Sunnyside, Wash., '07 . EDWARD YATES HILL, D.D. (B. U. K.) Philadelphia, Pa. b. Rochester, Mo., Sept. 15, 1868; B. U. K., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Dec. 26, '93; p. Christ chap., Chicago, 111., '93-'96; p. 1st ch., Warsaw, Ind., '96-'00; p. 1st ch., Logansport, Ind., '0O-'04; p. Ist ch., Philadelphia., Pa., '04 . Dir. McC. T. Sem., '04-'05. 106 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1894 JOSEPH BIENAIME HILLHOUSE AbbevUle, S. C. b. Anderson, S. C, Sept. 17, 1866; S. W. P. U., '87-'90; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Central Miss., Oct. 12, '94; p. GreenvUle, Miss., '94-'96; p. Atlanta, Ga., '96-'01, p.' Covington, Ga., '01-'06; ev. Pby. Augusta, '06-'07; p. Abbeville, S. C, '07 . SOLOMON SIGEL HILSCHER, D.D. (Coe C.) Ida, Kas. b. Lincoln, 111., Dec. 24, 1862; U. L. I., '86; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, May 22, '94; p. Manchester, la., '94-'96; p. Sandwich, 111., '96-'00; p. Vinton, la., '00-'07; p. lola, Kas., '07 BROOKS HITCHINGS Fairfax, Okla . b. Hudson, Wis., Feb. 22, 1859; W. U. 0., '90; s. s. m.; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Utah, Oct. 26, '94; p. Evanston, Wyo.,'94-'95; p. Malad City, Ida., '95-'97; p. Balaton, Minn., '97-01; Claremont, Minn., '01-02; p. Oronoco, Minn., '02-'05; p. Lanesboro, Minn., '05-'06; p. Lake Crystal, Minn., '06-'ll; 8. s. Fairfax, Okla., '11 . WILLIAM HENRY JORDAN Jerseyvllle, Dl. b. Vinton, la., March 18, 1866; C. C. I., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Waterloo, June 19, '94; p. Morrison, la., '94-'96; p. Grundy Centre, '96-'01; p. Carroll, '01-'06; p. JerseyviUe, 111., '06 . GEORGE EUGENE KEITHLEY Golden, Colo. b. Shackleford, Mo., Dec. 20, 1868; W. C. M., '90; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, June '94; p. Westminster ch., West Duluth, Minn., '94-'98; p. Graham Mem., Coronado, Cal., '98-01; p. Cripple Creek, Colo., 'Ol-'IO; p. Golden, Colo., '10 . EDWARD BIDWELL KENNEDY Zion City, Dl. b. GalesviUe, Wis., Jan. 4, 1866; W. U. O., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. La Crosse, Aug., '94; f. m. Ningpo, China, '94-'02; res. Zion City, 111., '02 . GEORGE BARR LAIRD Beaver Falls, Pa. 6. Henderson, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1864; O. C. O., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 12, '94; p. West Division St. ch., Chicago, 111., '94-'00; s.s. St. Mary's, O., 'OO-'Ol; p. Toledo, O., '01-'05; e. s. Lima, O., '05-'06; p. Wihnerding, Pa., '06-'07; p. Bethany Union ch., Chicago, 111., '07-'10; p. Beaver Falls, Pa., 10 . GEORGE ADDISON LAWRENCE Oberlln, O. b. SheU Rock, la.. May 9, 1866; O. C. O., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Huron, April 11, '94; p. 2nd ch., Eau Claire, Wis., '94-'95; p. MonroeviUe, O., '95- '02; s. 8. Minonk, 111., '02-'03; p. Ottawa, 0., '03-'09; Oberhn, O., '09 . ROBERT FREDERICK LENINGTON Curltyba, Parana, Brazil. b. Rio Claro, Brazil, March 16, 1871; I. C, '91; tea. and ev.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Springfield, '96; miss. Guarapuava, Brazil, '96-'00; Florianapolis, '00-'09; Curityba, Parana, Brazil. Dir. Presb. Theo. Sem., Campinas, Brazil. MARTIN LUTHER, b. Saginaw, Mich., 1865; H. S. C, '87; Un. Sem., Va.; (1 grad.); ord Pby. of Chicago, '94; p. 7th ch., Chicago, 111., '94-'96; ev. Chicago, '96-'98; s. 8. Logansport, Ind., '98-'99; p. Valparaiso, Ind., '99-'06; p. Pullman, III., 06-'08; . 1894] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 107 ALBERT GORDON McGAW Etah, India. b. Oquawka, lU., March 8, 1855; W. CO., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, '94; f. m., Futegarh, India, '94-'96; Etawah, '96-'01; Etah, India, '01 . Dir. Sahoranpur Theo. Sem.; Dir. Allahabad Cler. Col. WILLIAM MACKAY Martinsburg, la. b. Macduff, Scotland, March 20, 1859; C. C. Eng., 3 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, Oct., '94; p. Oneida, 111., '94-'95; p. Assumption, '95-'02; p. Morning Sun, la., '02-08; misa. Arapahoe Indians, '08-'10; p. Martinsburg, la., '10 JAMES MILNE, 6, ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Petoskey, '94; p. Nevada, la., '95-'96; d. Cal., March 24, 1896. WILLIAM PARSONS, D.D. (G. C. C. P.) Eugene, Ore. b. Luton, Bedfordshire, England, Feb. 11, 1867; B. U. K., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, AprU '93; p. Kewanee, 111., '93-'95; p. Yates City, 111., '95-'97; p. Westminster, Peoria, 111., '97-'01; p. Sparta, lU., '01-'04; p. Beaver Falls, Pa., '04-'09; p. 3d ch., Portland, Ore., '09-'12; p. Eugene, Ore., '12 . Dir. Albany Col. JAMES ALBERT PATTERSON, D.D. (M. U. O.) New York, N. Y. b. near Dayton, O., Oct. 19, 1864; H. U. O., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Huron, April 28, '94;p. Ist ch., Fostoria, 0.,'94-'98; p. Sidney, O., '98-'02; p. Central ch., Columbus, O., '02-'09; Supt. N. Y., Anti-Saloon League, '09 . DOBRY PETROFF Shumen, Bulgaria. b. 1865; Shumla State Schl., ; (3 grad.); tea. Lompalanka, Bulgaria, '94-02; tea. Shumen, Bulgaria, '02 . DAVIS ALVIN KEARNS PRESTON Boumeville, O. b. Lewistown, Pa., March 26, 1864; U.P.,'91;(3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Cedar Rapids, Oct. 2, '94; p. Belleville, la., '94-'96; s. s. Princeville, '96-'97; p. Newtown, Ind., '97-'03; p. s. YeUow Springs, O., '03-'06; s. s. Ripley, O., '06-'ll; p. Boumeville, O., '11 . RICHARD PUGHE North Bend, Wis. b. Wales, Nov. 16, 1860; L. F. U., 1 year; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, Sept. '94; s.s. Brodhead, Wis., '94-'97; p. Oregon, '97-'00; p. Oxford, la., '00-'04; p. Vail, la., '04-'08; p. North Bend, Wis., '08 . FREELEY ROHRER Greenfield, O. b. Dayton, O., Aug. 13, 1869; H. U. O., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Maumee, May 8, '94; p. Paulding, O., '94-'96; p. Marion, Ind., '9&-'07; p. Green- field, O., '07 . Mod. Syn. Ind. '04. FRANCIS WAYLAND RUSSELL, D.D. (Coe C.) St. Louis, Mo 6. Fairport, N. Y., 1865; U. Neb., '90; prin. high schl.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Nebraska City, May '94; p. Fairbury, Neb., '94-'97; p. Marshall- town, la., '97-'03; p. Boulder, Colo., '03-'04; p. West ch., St. Louis, Mo., '04 . Trustee Coe Col. 108 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1894 SAMUEL SEMPLE, D.D. (G. C. C. P.) TitusvUle, Pa. b. County Tyrone, Ireland, 1867; C. N. J., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, May 24, '94; p. Glen Avon ch., Duluth, Minn., '94-'95; p. Little Rock, Ark., '95-'99; p. Titusville, Pa., '99 . JOHN HOWARD SLEEPER, b. Lafayette, Ind., 1865; B. U. K., 4 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Choctaw, '96; h. m., Lukfata, Eagle Town and Forest, I. T., '94-'00; Frogville, I. T., '0(>-'05; JOSIAH SUTTON St. Anne, Dl. b. Willingham, England, July 7, 1864; L. F. U., '91; (3 grad.); tern. Uc. Pby. Chicago, May '94; Glencoe .N. D.; a. s. Bessemer, Mich.; tea. St, Anne, lU., '95 . JOHN ARCHIE TRACY Shelbyville, lU. b. Butler Co., O., Nov. 13, 1864; H. C. I., '91; civ. eng.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, April 11, '94; s. s. Payette, Ida., '94-'95; p. Orleans and Paoli, Ind., '95-'99; p. Vernon, Ind., '99; p. Ironwood, Mich., '99-'04; p. Shelby- ville, lU., '04 . Trustee B. U. I., '08. BUFORD WIARD TYLER, D.D. (H. C. I.) Franklin, Ind. b. Utica, Ind., March 31, 1870; H. C. I., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, April 11, '94; p. and s. s. Charlestown and Utica, Ind., '94-'00; p. Shelby- ville, lU., '0(>-'04; prof. H. C. I., '04-'09; p. 1st ch., Franklin, Ind., '09 . JAMES BROWER VANCE Santa Cruz, Cal. b. Chatham Center, O., Aug. 17, 1863; Ad. C. O., tea.; Lane Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Sioux City, '96; p. Crawford, la., '95-'99; p. Bardolph, 111., '99 -'00; p. Colgate and Baldwin, N. D., '00-'02; p. San Martin, Cal, '02-'06; p. Ladd, lU., '07; ill health; res. Santa Cruz, Cal., '11 . WILLIAM TREALEASE VEALE, b. England, 1849; bus.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mankato,'94; p. Morgan, Minn., '94; s. s. Jacksonville, Fla., '95-96; d. San Francisco, Cal., 1898. WILLIAM THOMAS WILCOX, D.D Bloomfield, N. J. b. Cincinnati, O., May 26, 1866; M. C. 0., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, June 22, '94; p. Westminster ch., Rockford, 111., '94-'02; p. Woodland Av. ch., Cleveland, 0., 'O2r-'05; p. 8th ch., Chicago, 111., '05-'07; p. Bloomfield, N. J., '07 . EDGAR MORRISON WILSON Sangall, S. M. C, India. b. Onarga, 111., May 3, 1868; L. F. U., '89; tea.; L. C. I.; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); he. and ord. Pby. Chicago, Sept. 12, '94; miss. Ratnagiri, India, '94-'95; Kolhapur, '95-'99; miss. Sangali, S. M. C, India, '99 . HARRY NOBLE WILSON, D.D. (U. Colo.) St. Paul, Minn. b. Deer Creek, lU., March 26, 1867; U. Colo., '91; drugs; (3 grad.); J. U. G.; ord. Pby. Denver, Jan. 28, '96; p. Idaho Springs, Colo., '95-'99; p. Caiion City, Colo.,'99-'03; p. Muncie, Ind., '03-'07; p. Central ch., St. Paul, Minn., '07 . 1894] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 109 CHARLES LOUIS ZORBAUGH, D.D. (B. V. C.) Cleveland, O. b. Northfield, la., Jan. 8, 1867; P. C. I., '87; instr. schla. for deaf; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cleveland, Nov. 5, '94; s. e. Glenville ch., and Windermere ch., O., '94-'95; p. Windermere chap., Cleveland, '95-'12; supt. of foreign work, Pby. of Cleveland, '12 . Ernest Cleaves Amy Boston, Mass. b. Prairie du Sac, Wis., July 5, 1863; spc. C. N. J., 1 year; millwright; (1); H. H. H.; Uc. Pby. St. Lawrence, Sept. '96; c. m. Watertown, N. Y., '96-'98; res. Boston, Mass., '98 . William A. Arpke, b. 1866; Frank. Miss. ; F. Miss. Sem.; (1). Charles Brasee Boving, D.D. (W. C. M.) Fulton, Mo. b. Harrisonville, Mo., Nov. 26, 1871; W. C. M., '91; (2); Princt. Sem., '95; ord. Pby. Lafayette, Sept. 5, '93; p. Lamar, Mo., '93-'98; p. at large Pby. Lafayette, '98-'99; p. Webb City, Mo., '99-'05; p. Hannibal, Mo., '05-'12; pres. West C. M., Fulton, Mo. Dir. Van Rensselaer Ac; Dir. Lindenwood C, Mo. Charles Burton Bradshaw Brookfield, Mo. b. Brookfield, Mo., 1866; (— ); bus. Brookfield, Mo., '94 . Charles Percy Bridewell, D.D. (Ark. C.) Arkadelphia, Ark. b. Camden, Ark., March 30, 1867; Ark. Syn. C, ; Un. Sem., Va.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Onach; p. Malvern, Ark., '91-'92; p. Paris, Tex., '92-'96; p. Ft. Worth, Tex., '96-'99; p. Atlanta, Ga., '99-'06; res. Hope, Ark., '07- '08; p. Arkadelphia, Ark., '08 . Frederick Laiuiston Bullard, Jr., b. Wausau, O., May 13, 1866; W. U. O., '91; elk. andmus.; (1 — ); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Dayton, May 14, '94; p. Park ch., Dayton, '94-'97; p. Ist ch., Circleville, '97-04; AHeghany, Pa., '04-'05; . Howard Campbell Chieng Mai, Laos b. 1866; G. C. C, '91; (1); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. ; f.m. Chieng Mai, Laos, '95 . Harry Stonewall Davidson, b. Water VaUey, Miss., Dec. 9, 1865; U. M. M., '90; tea.; (2 — ); ord. Pby. North Texas, Dec. '93; p. Bowie, Tex., '93 . James Henry Dunham Mt. HoUy, N. J, b. Bedminster, N. J., July 31, 1870; C. N. J., '91; (1 — ); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Monmouth, Dec. 15, '96; p. Mt. Holly, N. J., '96 . Walter Francis Finch Slayton, Minn. b. Spring Lake, Minn., 1865; Macl. C, '91; (2); ord. Pby. St. Cloud, Oct. 12, '93; p. Brown Valley, Minn., '93-'94; p. Greenleaf and Spring Grove, '94- '97; p. Beaver Creek, Minn., '97-'00; p. ev. Pby. Red River, '0(>-'02; p. Caledonia, Minn., '02-'05; p. Villard Cong, ch., '05-'08; p. Slayton, Minn., '08 . 110 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1894 Stanley Camahan Hughes Newport, R. I. b. Ross, O., Nov. 12, 1867; C. N. J., '89; (1 — ); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Whitewater, '94; p. Richmond, Ind., '94-'00; p. Christ ch., Lebanon, Pa., '00-'02; r. St. Luke's Ep. ch., Altoona, Pa., '02-'03; r. ch. of Good Shepherd, Norwood, O., '03-'04; r. Trinity ch., Newport, R. I., '04 . Charles Grant Jordan Volant, Pa. b. Hariansburg, Pa., Dec. 25, 1867; W. C. P., '91; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Shenango, May 14, '05; p. Volant, Pa., '93-'94; p. West Middlesex, '94-'95; p. Ironton, O., '96-'00; p. Ist ch.. East Liverpool, O., '00-'03; ev. Volant, Pa., '03 . Daniel Knechtel, b. 1852; Xen. Sem.; (1 — ); George Lockhart, b. 1856; Man. C, '91; Man. Sem.; ord. Pby. ; (p. g.); p. Oak- land City, Ind., '95-'00; p. Rochester, Ind., '00-'04; p. TaylorviUe, lU., '04- '06; s. 8. Springfield, 111., '06-'07; David Willard Lyon Peking, China. b. Yuyao, Chekiang Prov., China, May 13, 1870; W. U. 0., '91; (2); ord. Pby. Wooster, Aug., '95; sec. Student Vol. Movement, '93-95; sec. Intern. Comm. Y. M. C. A., Peking, China, '95 . Permanent ofl&cial address, care of Foreign Dept. Int. Comm., Y. M. C. A., 124 E. 28th St., New York, N. Y. Thomas Clinton Moffett York, N. Y. b. Madison, Ind., July 29, 1869; H. C. I., '90; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1); N. C. E.; s. 8. and p. e. Flagstaff, Ariz., '93-96; p. Ist ch., Raton, N. M., '9&-'99; p. Sta. "A," Portland, Ore., '99-'01; p. m. Prescott, Ariz., '01-'03; Tucson, Ariz., '03-'07; sec. New York, N. Y., '07 . Robert Luther Moser Auxvasse, Mo. b. 1864; Au. C. T., ; (1); s. 8. Westminster ch., Hatton, Mo., '92-'93; s. s. Prairie View (Mexico), '93-'94; s. s. Fulton, Mo., '94-'95; ev. Bowhng Green, '95 ; Auxvasse, Mo., '11 . Joseph Edgar Maxwell, D.D Cleveland, O. b. near BerUn, O., April 6, 1856; C. N. J., '84; bus. '83-'88; Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Wooster, Sept. 28, '91; p. MiUersburg and s. s. Berhn, O., '91-'94; (p. g.); s. 8. Hinsdale, Chicago, 111., '95-96; p. Am. ch., Leipzig, Germany, '96- '04; Wooster, 0., '04-'07; Los Angeles, Cal., '07-'08; Emporia, Ka8.,'08-'10; Cleveland, O., '10 . Benjamin Markley Nyce, D.D Mimcie, Ind. 6. Cleveland, O., Dec. 5, 1869; C. N. J., '91; (3); U. B. G.; ord. Pby. White Water, Oct. '94; p. Warsaw, Ind., '94-'96; p. Lockport, N. Y., '96- '04; pres. TaUadega, Ala., '04-'08; p. Muncie, Ind., '08 . SarteU Prentice, Jr., D.D. (O. C. M.) Nyack, N. Y. b. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1867; A. C, '91; (1); Princt. Sem.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Rfd. Classis Raritan, Nov. 24, '94; p. Rfd. ch., Pottersville, N. J., '94- '97; p. 5th Av. Presb., Newark, N. J., '98-'04; p. Rfd. ch., Nyack, N. Y., '04 . 1895] Mccormick theological seminary in Franklin Smiley, b. Carlisle, Pa., April 24, 1867; D. C. P., '87; stud, law; Princt. Sem.; Uc. Pby. Carlisle, June 16, '91; s. e. Cannonsville, N. Y., '91; (1 — ); d. Chicago, 111., March 15, 1892. Wllilam Clinton Snider Bunceton, Mo. h. Macomb, 111., Oct. 19, 1863; L. U. I., '86; Cumb. U. Theo.Schl.,'89-'90; (1); ord. April, '88, Lebanon Presby.; p. Dyersburg, Tenn.; p. Mattoon, 111., Lincoln, 111.; Gibson City, 111., '99-'06; p. Kansas, lU., '06-'ll; p. Bunceton, Mo., '11 . Edward Barth Teis Anadarko, Okla. h. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1866; Pa. C. M., ; tea.; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Kendall, Oct. 14, '93; s. s. Soda Springs, la., '93-'94; Cong, ch., JopUn, Mo., '96-'97; Platte City, Mo., '98-'99; p. Columbus, Kas., '99-'01; p. Hobart, Okla., '01; p. Anadarko, Okla., '01-'07; p. ev. Pby. El Reno, '07- '10; p. ev. Pby. Cimarron, '11; Anadarko, Okla., '12 . Alexander Urquhart Wyandotte, Mich. h. 1854; K. C. C, '80; K. Sem.; (1 —p. g.); p. Washington, Ind., '94- '99; p. E. Washington st., Indianapohs, Ind., '99-'01; p. and s. s. Escanaba, Mich., '01-'05; p. Caro, Mich., '05-'07; p. Wyandotte, Mich., '07 . 1896 CLAIRE STARK ADAMS Bement, 111. h. Manteno, 111., Oct. 27, 1862; Ad. C. 0., '88; tea. and elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 10, '95; p. Elwood, lU., '95-'99; p. Paxton, 111., '99-'03; p. Bement, 111., '04 . JOHN ALISON, D.D. (H. C.) Pittsburgh, Pa. h. Dundee, Scotland, Sept. 19, 1872; H. C, '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. West- chester, '95; p. Immanuel chapel, Yonkers, N. Y., '95-'99; p. Deposit, N. Y., '00-'05; p. Binghamton, N. Y., '05-'08; p. Point Breeze ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '08 CLARENCE BEECHER ALLEN Louisville, Ky. h. Upper Sandusky, O., Oct. 6, 1869; W. U. O., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, Aug. 1, '95; p. Leonard Av. Mission, St. Louis, Mo., '95-'99; s. 8. Knox ch. and Plum Creek, Louisville, Ky., '99 . IRA WILDER ALLEN, D.D Paris, Dl. h. Lafayette, Ind., July 15, 1865; W. C, '84; tea. '84-'91; real estate, '91-'92; (1 grad.); Divinity school, Univ. of Chicago; ord. Pby. Chicago, May 22, '95; p. Central ch.. Rock Island, 111., '95-00; Inst. McC. T. Sem., '00-'03; p. 1st ch., Paris, 111., '06 . Trustee B. U. I. EDWARD LAWRENCE BARLOW, h. 1870; H. U. O., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; s. s. Holgate, O., '96-'00; w. c. Marion, O., '00-'04; GEORGE HAY LEE BEEMAN Greencastle, Ind. h. Clarksburg, W. Va., Sept. 18, 1871; W. U. O., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Zanesville, Nov. 11, '95; p. and s. s. Martinsburg, Bladensburg and Mt. Pleasant, O., '95-'97; p. AmesviUe, O., '97-'01; p. WesterviUe, O., '01-'04; p. Lockland, O., '04-'06; p. Akron, O., '06-'09; p. Greencastle, Ind., '10 . 112 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1895 CHARLES HENRY BROWN Winthrop, N. Y. b. Waddington, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1866; St. L. U., N. Y., '89; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, June 11, '95; p. Beulah and Coal Valley, '95-'02; p. WeUington, lU., '02-'03; ev. Crary Mills, N. Y., '04-'05; s. s. Cape Vincent, N.Y.,'05-'08; s.s. Crary Mills, N.Y.,'08-'ll; s. s. Winthrop, N. Y., '11 . DAVID DICKSON BUCHANAN Casey, la. b. Kilmarnock, Scotland, Nov. 1, 1865; P. C. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, April 17, '95; p. Adair, la., '95-'97; s. s. Algona and Irving- ton, la., '97-'99; s. s. Casey, la., '99-'04; p. Avoca, la., '04-'06; p. Colfax, la., '06-'07; p. Greenfield, la., '07-'09; p. Casey, la., '09 . EDWARD HARDY BULL Remington, Ind. b. Frankfort, Ky., May 25, 1869; C. C. K., '90; civ. eng.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, June 18, '95; Tower and Ely, Minn., '95-'98; s. s. Breckenridge, Mo., '98-99; s. s. Albany, Mo., '99-'02; p. Grant City, Mo., '02-'05; p. Hopkin&- ville, Ky., '05-'ll; p. Remington, Ind., '11 . JAMES BYERS Reno, Nev. 6. County Cavan, Ireland, April 17,1868;Ma. C.I.,'91; (3 grad.); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Fargo, N. D., Oct. 7, '97; p. Mandan, N. D., '97-'99; s. s. Ogden, Utah, '99-'00; s. s. Sumpter, Ore., '00-'06; s. s. Goldfield, Nev., '06-'10; s. e. Reno, Nev., '10 . WILLIAM JEFFERSON CALDWELL Rossville, HI. b. Mineral Springs, Ark., 1862; C. C. T., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. HopeweU, '90; Waldo, Ark., '95-'96; s. s. Patoka, Ind., '96; p. Alpine, Cal., '96-'97; 8. e. Paragould, Ark., '97-'98; s. s. Girard, 111., '98-99; s. s. Roachdale, Ind., '99-'00; p. CarUsle, Ind., 'OO-'Ol; p. Greenup, lU., '01-'06; p. DanviUe, 111., '06-'10; p. Whiteland, Ind., '10-'12; s. s. Rossville, lU., '12 . ELMER SPENCER CHAFFEE Lytton, la. b. Lee Co., 111., Nov. 29, 1865; L. F. U., '92; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April '95; p. Alexandria, S.D., '95-'98; s. s. Parkston, S.D., '98-'00; 8. 8. Alexandria, Neb., '00-'03; s. s. Aurora, Neb., '03-'07; s. s. Gresham, Neb., '07-'09; s. s. Omak, Wash., '09-'12; h. m. Lytton, la., '12 . EDWARD WARREN CLIPPINGER Indianapolis, lU. b. Lansing, Mich., Dec. 4, 1867; D. C. M., '92; rep.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ozark, April 17, '95; p. Ist ch., Warrensburg, Mo., '95-'99; p. Broadway ch,, Sedalia, '99-'03; p. Champaign, 111., '03-'ll; Tabernacle ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '11 . ARTHUR BENJAMIN COOPER Decatur, Dl. b. Parkersburg, W. Va., March 28, 1870; U. W. Va., '91; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, June 18, '95; p. Coliunbus Junct., '95-'98; s. s. Wenona, 111., '98-00; p. Lexington, lU., '00-'05; p. Green Bay, Wis., '05-'07; p. Defiance, O., '07-'09; p. Beloit, Kas., '09-'12; ed. Decatur, 111., '12 . JAMES COOPER Oak Park, Dl. 6. Dreghorn, Scotland, Nov. 28, 1865; Pa. C. M., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, July 17, '95; p. Ligonier, Ind., '95-'99; s. s. Kentland, Ind., '99-'05; p. Bourbon, Ind., '05-'06; res. Oak Park, lU., '06 . CHARLES H. CURRENS St. Louis, Mo. b. Plymouth, 111., Nov. 28, 1868; E. C. K., 3 year; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, 1895] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 113 July 3, '94; p. 11th ch., Chicago, 111., '93-'96; p. Maywood, '96-'99; p. Gospel ch., Maywood, '99; ev. St. Louis, Mo., '99 . SMITH GARDNER DUNNING Logan, O. b. Middletown, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1867; C. N. J., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, '95; p. Alden, Minn., '95-'96; miss. Africa, '96-'99; p. Corry, Pa., '00 ; p. Amsdon, O.,'00-'04; p. Osborn, O., '04-'08; p. Cam- den, O., '08-'10; p. Logan, O., '10 . EDWARD PAYSON FISHER, b. 1868; res. Blue Rapids, Kas.; Kas. St. U.; (3 grad.); miss. China, '97-98; ill health, '98-'99; joined "Zion," Chicago, '99; REUBEN ENOS FLEMING Conway Springs, Kas. b. Cooperstown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1860; W. U. 0., '92; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, June 11, '95; p. Millersburgh and Joy, 111., '95-'00; p. South Side Tabernacle, Chicago, 111., '00-'02; p. Norwood, '02-'10; p. White City, Kas., 'lO-'ll; p. Conway Springs, Kas., '11 . Dir. Geneseo Col. Inst. JOHN WILEY FRANCIS, D.D Philadelphia, Pa. b. Pleasant VaUey, W. Va., Feb. 15, 1867; U. W. V., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 25, '95; p. Richland Center, Wis., '95-'99; p. South ch., Evanston, 111., '99-'02; p. Ist ch., Parkersburg, W. Va., '03-'ll; p. Oxford ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '11 . Mod. Syn. W. Va., '08; Dir. Davis-Elkins CoU., W. Va. JUSTUS WILLIAM FRANKENFELD St. Charles, Mo. b. Casco, Mo., Aug. 28, 1871; Elmhurst Col., '90; Eden Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Evan. Synod of N. A., '93; asst. p. Ger. Ev. St. Lucas ch., Evansville, Ind.; p. Marthasville, Mo., '94-'07; p. Christus ch., Belleville, 111., '07; supt. and chap. Emmaus Asylum for Epileptics and Feeble-minded, St. Charles, Mo., '07 . CHARLES EDGAR FULTON Wimbledon, N. D. 6. Westmoreland, Pa., Oct. 22, '69; P. C. I. '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Du- buque, Oct. 4, '95; p. Lime Springs, la., '95-96; p. Hersman, 111., '96-'01; p. Fargo, lU., '01-'04; p. Mora, Minn., '04-'10; p. Wimbledon, N. D., '10 . GEORGE GERRIE, b. Aberdeen, Scotland, April 21, 1868; T. U. C, '92; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. of Fargo, April 22, '97; s. s. Milnor, N. D., '96-'98; s. s. Fulda, Minn., '98-'01; s. s. Dundee, '99-'00; Kinbrae, 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Claremont and Ripley, '01-'03; s. s. Venture, '03-'04; iU health, Scotland, '04r-'05; d. Chicago, 111., Dec. 25, 1905. JOHN HENRY HATFIELD, Ph.D. (G. C. C. P.) Columbus, O. b. Ridgley, Mo., AprU 13, 1869; Pa. C. M., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, July, '95; p. Harvard, IU., '95-'98; p. Pontiac, 111., '99-'03; p. Tarkio, Mo., '03-'08; p. Hoge Mem. ch., Columbus, O., '08 . SYLVANUS HAUPERT, Ph.D Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Lock Seventeen, O., Nov. 7, 1869; H. U. O., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Maumee, '95; p. Bradner, 0., '95-'99; p. and s. s. Mason, O., '99-'03; p. Aspen, Colo., '03-'08; p. Westminster ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '08 . Trustee W. U. Col. 114 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1895 HERBERT ELLSWORT HOUSE White Plains, N. Y. b. Lake Forest, III., June 12, 1860; L. F. U., '90; eng., and sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, Nov. 20, '95; p. St. Croix Falls, Wis., '95-'97; miss. Tient-Sin, China,- '97-'98; private ed. wk., Tient-Sin, '98-'00; field sec. B. C. W., 'OO-'Ol; Bible Teachers' T. Sch., N. Y., '01-'02; field sec, Canton Chr. Col., Canton, China, '02-'ll ; agt. White Plains, N. Y., '11 . CHARLES WILLIAM IRWIN, 6. 1861; L. F. U., '92; ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; s. s. St. Johns, N. B., '96-'99; s. s. Northwood, N. D., '99-'00; s. s. Jefferson, O. T., 'OO-'Ol; ev. Maiden Rock, Wis., '01-'03; ev. Louisville, Ky., '03-'04; 8. 8. Ringsted, la., '04-'06; Belfast, Ire., '06 ; WILLIAM AYRES JACKSON Orange, Cal. b. West Middlesex, Pa., Oct. 23, 1866; West. C. P., '92; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, April 18, '96; p. Windsor Harbor and Sulphur Springs, Mo., '96-'03; p. Nokomis, 111., '03-'05; p. ch. of Redeemer, Los Angeles, Cal, '05- '07; p. EucHd Heights ch., Los Angeles, '07; p. Orange, '07 . WILLIAM YATES JONES, D.D. (Pa. CM.) Ft. Pleasant, N. J. b. near Dunlap, 111., Sept. 2, 1864; Pa. C. M., '92; s. s. m.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, May 21, '95; miss. Fxikui, Japan, '95-'08; p. Pt. Pleasant, N. J., '08 . JOHN GEORGE KLENE, D.D Ft. CoUins, Colo. b. 1864; M. C. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; s. s. Deer Lodge, Mont., '95-'96; p. BeUeville, lU., '96-'99; p. North St. Louis, Mo., '99-'02; p. Jerseyville, 111., '02-'05; Boulder, Colo., '05-'07; p. Ft. CoUins, Colo., '07 . Mod. Syn. Colo., 'lO-'ll; Trustee West. C. C. JOEL CLAIR LININGER Los Molinos, Cal. b. OrangeviUe, 0., 1869; West. C. P., '91; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, '95; sec. Y. M. C. A., Lock Haven, Pa., '98; s. s. West Bend, la., '99-'01; bus. Estherville, la., '01-'03; ill health in Cal., '03-'04; bus. Chicago, '05-' 10; p. North Bend, Ore., '10-' 12; s. s. Los Molinos, Cal., '12 . HENRY LITTLE, D.D. (W. C. I.) Springfield, Mo. b. EvansviUe, Ind., March 24, 1867; W. C. I., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. North Texas, Dec. 22, '93; p. Mishawaka, Ind., '95-01; p. Springfield, Mo., '01 . DUBOIS HENRY LOUX, Ph.D. (W.U.O.) . . . N. Y. City (New Brighton, L. I.) b. New Richmond, O., Oct. 31, 1867; W. U. O., '92; pub. and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, ApriJ '95; p. Campbell Park ch., Chicago, 111., '95- '98; p. Crerar Mission, Chicago, '99-'02; p. Bethany ch., Fort Wayne Ind., '02-'03; ev. com., N. Y., '03-'05; asst. p. Broadway Tabernacle (Cong.), '05- '07; p. Meriden Center (Cong.), '07-'09; lecturer, '09 . KENNETH J. McAULAY Fulton, Dl. b. EngUsh Town, N. S., June 14, 1861; P. C. I., '92; farm.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, May 28, '95; p. Crawfordsville, la., '95-'99; p. Burt, la., '99-'03; p. Ladoga, Ind., '03-'04; ill health, '04-'09; p. Fulton, lU., '09 . 1895] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 115 HENRY GAYLORD McCOOL Wmiamstown, N. J. b. McCool, Ind., Dec. 22, 1864; V. C. I., 2 yr.; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, Oct. 24, '95; p. Farmingdale, 111., '95-'98; s. s. Sugar Creek, Frankfort, Ind., '99-'00; p. Burlington, Kas., '00-'03; p. Halstead, Kas., '03-'06; p. New Providence ch., Carmichaels, Pa., '06-'10; p. Williamstown, N. J., '10 . CLARENCE JAMES McCONNELL Superior, Wis. b. LowviUe, Wis., Oct. 27, 1865; H. C. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Sioux City, April, '95; p. Schaller, la., '95-'99; p. Bessemer, Mich., '99-'02; p. 1st ch., Superior, Wis., '02-'07; asst. supt. h. m. Syn, Wis.; res. Superior, Wis., '07 . SAMUEL DINWIDDIE McFADDEN Des Moines, la. b. CrawfordsviUe, la., July 7, 1869; P. C. I., '91; West. Sem ; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, May 8, '95; p. Princeton and Le Claire, '95-'98; s. s. Greene, la., '99-'04; p. Westminster ch., Des Moines, la., '04 — ■ . Trustee Highland Pk. Col. MURDOCK McLEOD, D.D Tacoma, Wash. b. Renfree, N. S., April 7, 1867; L. F. U., '92; stenog.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, Oct. 3, '95; p. Austin, Minn., '95-'96; p. Lime Springs, la., '97-'99; p. Kasson, Minn., '99-'01; p. Merriam Pk., Minn., '01-'05; p. Central ch., Des Moines, la., '05-'08; p. 1st ch., Tacoma, Wash., '08 . JOHN EDWIN McNUTT, b. Charleston, 111., April 29, 1868; W. C. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, April 10, '95; p. Effingham, 111., '95-'99; s. s. Westminster ch., Houston, Tex., '93-'03; p. Olathe, Kas., '03-'05; p. Market Sq. ch., San Antonio, Tex., '05-'08; d. San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 31, 1907. DAVID ALEXANDER McWILLIAMS, b. Elysburg, Pa., Aug. 15, 1859; lawy.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 28, '95; p. South Side Tabernacle, Chicago, 111., '95-'99; w. c. Shamokin, Pa., '01-'03; prof. Ch. Hist., Lincohi Un., Pa., '03-'04; d. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20, 1904. WILLIAM DAVID MALCOM Cincinnati, O. b. Blount Co., E. Tenn., Nov. 27, 1863; M. C. T., '92; farm.; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, June 4, '95; p. AtaUssa, la., '95-'98; p. Worth- ington, Ind., '98-'00; p. Scottsburg, Ind., '00-'05; p. Lexington, Ind., '05-'08; p. North Vernon, Ind., '08-'09; p. 3d ch., Cincinnati, O., '09 . GEORGE WASHINGTON MARSHALL Canton, China. b. Amesville, O., Aug. 20, 1865; W. C. M., '92; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Palmyra, '95; miss. Canton, China, '95 . CLARENCE WILLIAM MASON Janesville, N. Y. b. Vernon Center, N. Y., March 11, 1868; H. C, '92; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Cong. Assoc, Oneida, Chenango and Delaware, Dec. 11, '95; p. Cong. Deansboro, N. Y., '95-'03; p. Cong. Port Leyden, N. Y., '03-'09; p. Janesville, N. Y., '09 . SHERMAN MERENESS, b. 1866; B. C. W. ; Bost. Un. ; (2 grad.) ; ord. Lutheran ch. ; s. s. Oxford, Wis., '96-'97; ; d. Darien. Wis., 1910. 116 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1895 WILLIAM GILMORE OGLEVEE Rock Island, Dl. b. East Liberty, Pa., Nov. 19, 1865; L. U. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Okla- homa, April 22, '96; h. m. Ponca City, Okla., '96-'01; p. Mediapolis, la., '01- '07; asst. p. Broadway ch., Rock Island, 111., '07 . CHARLES EVERETT OSWALD Mt. Sterling, O. b. Ossian, Ind., Dec. 23, 1868; W. C. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Columbus, Oct. 28, '95; p. Mt. Sterling, O., and s. s. Grove City, '95-'00; demit ted; bus. Mt. Sterling, O., '00 . WILLIAM HENRY OXTOBY, D.D PhUadelphia, Pa. b. North East, Pa., Jan. 1, 1871; U. M., '90-'92; (3 grad.); U. B. G.; U. J. G.; ord. Pby. Grand Rapids, Feb. 20, '97; p. Muncie, Ind., '97-'03; p. Tabernacle ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '03 . B. Orme Smith Fellow; Dir. West. Sem. SELTON WAGNER PARR St. Louis, Mo. 6. Danville, Ky., Oct. 28, 1870; L. U. P., '92; tea.; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Louisville, June 9, '95; p. Knox ch., Louisville, Ky., '95-'99; s. s. St. Louis, Mo., Leonard Av. chap., '09-'00; p. Berea ch., St. Louis, Mo., '00 . WALTER EDWIN PRICE McKeesport, Pa b. Columbus, O., Oct. 22, 1867; L. F. U. and W. U. O., 3 years; elk.; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. Logansport, June '95; p. Kentland, Ind., '95-98; p. En- deavor, Chicago, 111., '98-'01; s. s. Lebanon, Ind., '01-'03; p. Shelbyville, Ind., '03-'07; p. Geneseo, N.Y., '07-'09; p. 1st ch., McKeesport, Pa., '09 . ROBERT AUBURN RAYSON, Ph.D. (H. C. S. D.) Palmerston, Ont., Can. b. Harristown, Ont., Can., 1862; S. F. U., '90; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '95; p. Chicago Lawn, '95-'96; s. s. Woonsocket, S. D., '96-'00; p. Perry City, Okla., '00-'03; p. Port Byron, N. Y., '03-'06; p. BUnd River, Ont., Can., '06 . JOHN FREDERICK SCHERER Endeavor, Pa. b. near Ohiey, lU., Nov. 15, 1859; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, April 10, '95; p. Troy Grove, lU., '95-'01; p. Nickleville, Pa., '01-'06; p. Endeavor, Pa., '06 . LAFAYETTE HENRY SCHOCK Lake Nebagamon Center, Wis. b. Tiffin, O., July 24, 1872; W. U. O., '92; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, Sept. 27, '95; p. Breckenridge, Mo., '95-'02; p. Virden, lU., '02-'07; p.Tolono, 111., '07-'10; h. m. Lake Nebagamon Center, Wis., '10 . WILLIAM ANSLEY SEARS Amanda, O. b. Bristol, O., 1862; S. C, '88; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Red River, Oct. 9, '95; s. 8. Moorhead, Minn., '95-'96; res. Knight, O., '97; p. Mechanicsville, la., '98-'02; p. Williams, la., '02-'06; p. Rushcreek, Bremen and Bethel, '06-'ll; p. Amanda, O., '11 . CHARLES EDWIN SHARP Seoul, Korea. b. Waterloo, la., April 2, 1870; P. U. S. D., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. S. D., July 2, '95; s. s. Hurley, S. D., '95-'00; s. s. Canton, S. D., 'OO-'Ol; f. m. Seoul, Korea, '01 . 1895] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 117 GEORGE FREDERICK SHELDON Hartford City, Ind. h. Albion, Mich., April 27, 1868; Al. C. M., 3 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Monroe, July 2, '95; p. Quincy, Mich., '95-'98; p. Hastings, Mich., '98-'00; p. Sturgis, Mich., '0O-'08; p. Hartford City, Ind., '08 . CHARLES MARTIN SPINING, D.D. (H. U. K.) Valparaiso, ChUi. h. Grandview, lU., April 10, 1866; H. U. K., '90; sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Highland, April 10, '95; miss. ChiUan, Chili, '95-'98; Talca, Chili, '98-'03; Valparaiso, Chih, '05 . CHARLES IRWIN TRUBY Jeflfersonville, Ind. h. 1869 res. Steelton, la.; P. C. N. J., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Crawfords- ville, '95; p. Fowler, '95-'02; p. Winchester, Ind., '02-'09; p. Jefferson villa, Ind., '09 . FRED WILMOT WILLMAN Denver, Colo. h. Hartford City, Ind., Aug. 18, 1867; H. C. I., '92; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Muncie, April 10, '95; p. Montpelier, Ind., '95-'99; s. s. Robinson, 111., '99- '01; p. Idaho Springs, Colo., '01-06; p. So. Broadway ch., Denver, Colo., '06 . JOHN CORNELIUS WILSON Bathgate, N. D. h. Grandview, 111., Nov. 24, 1862; B. U. I., 1 year; tea.; (3 grad. ) ord. Pby. Logansport, May 14, '95; p. Hebron, Ind., '95-98; s. s. Poland, Ind., '99-'01; p. Clay City, Ind., '01-'04; p. Willow City, N. D., '04-'06; p. at large Mouse River Pby., '0&-'08; p. p. Spring Brook and Epping, '08-'10; p. Bathgate and Hamilton, N. D., '10 — . GEORGE WILLLAM WRIGHT Manila, P. I. h. Chicago, 111., May 8, 1868; L. F. U., '92; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May '95; p. Berwyn, Chicago, 111., '95-'98; s. s. Bethlehem, Chicago, '95-'98; f. m. PhiHppine Islands, '03 . William Wheeler Baxter Cookeville, Tenn. h. Washington Coll., Tenn., April 20, 1866; W. C. T., '92; (1); Danv. Sem.; ord. Pby. Transylvania, Oct. 8, '00; Booneville, Ky., '95-'98; s. s. work Manchester, Ky., '98-07; s. s. work, Cookeville, Tenn., '07 . Wm. Letcher Black, 6. Slater, Mo., 1868; W. C. Mo., '87; (1); Charles Stanley Blackbtim Seneca, S. C. h. Chicago, lU., Dec. 2, 1870; P. U. S. D., '91; (2); Princt. Sem.; f. m. Oroo- miah, Persia, '96-'04; p. Seneca, S. C. (Bap.) and Salem, '06-'09; p. Seneca and WalhaUa ch., S. C, '09 . William Bailey Brewster, h. 1870; L. F. U., '92; (1); lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. James Washington Bnxmfield, h. 1860; L. U. P., '91; Chic. Cong. Sem.; (1); d. Dec. 1893. George Finley Burton Los Angeles, Cal. h. 1863; Kirkville Normal, '91; Un. Sem., Va.; (1); ; p. Au Sable and Oscoda, Mich., '93-94; s. s. Coiu-ad Grove, la., '94-'96; s. s. Millard (Kirksville), Mo., '96-'99; prof. Los Angeles, Cal., '99-'01; osteopath, Los Angeles, Cal., '01 . 118 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1895 Vemon Clyde Byers Madison, "Wis. b. Knobnoster, Mo., 1870; E. C.K., '92; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Lacka- wanna, Oct. 8, '95; p. PeckviUe, Pa., '95-'97; s. 8. CoffeyviUe, Kas., '98-'99; p. Colfax and Homer, III., '00; p. Colfax, 111., '01-'02; w. c. Madison, Wis., '04-'05; dropped from Pby. St. Louis, June 19, '05; res. Madison, Wis.,'04-05; demitted Pby. St. Louis, '05; res. Madison, Mis., '05 . George Henry Comelson, D.D New Orleans, La. b. 1869; D. C. N. C, '92; (1); lie. Pby. ; s. s. Blackville (Col- umbia), S. C, '93-'94; ev. Beech Island, '94-'95; Orangeburg, S. C, '95; p. 1st ch., New Orleans, La., '11 . Charles DalzeU Fairfield, Pa. b. Laporte, Cal., March 14, 1865; L. S. Jr. U., ; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Erie, Sept. 12, '95; p. Garland, Pa., '95-'98; s. s. Pittsfield, Allegheny, Pa., '98-'00; Europe, '99; s. s. 2nd ch.. Pine Creek, Pa., '00-'02; 8. s. Allison Park, '02-'03; Europe, '03; s. s. Allison Park, '04; p. Lower Marsh Creek ch., Fairfield, Pa., '05 . John Tatham Dunn Scranton, Pa. b. 1869; C. N. J., '92; (1); Princt. Sem.; U. Gn. G., '93-'94; ord. Pby. Lacka- wanna, Sept. 22, '96; ev. Scranton, Pa., '96-'98; insp. customs, Brunswick, Ga., '98-99; dem. Pby. Lackawanna, April, '01; lawy. Scranton, Pa., '01. Paul De La Vau Gardner, b. Elmira, N. Y., July 10, 1869; W. & J. C, '92; (2); West. Sem.; p. N. Sewickley, Pa., '95-98; p. Mediapohs, la., '98-'01;d. Mediapolis, la., March 26, 1901. Loyal Young Graham, Jr Rahway, N. J. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1874; N. W. C, '92; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Narberth, Dec. 22, '96; p. Narberth, Pa., '96-'10; p. Ist ch., Rahway, N. J., '10 . Otis Howell, b. Moorefield, O., Oct. 5, 1868; F. C, '92; West. Sem., '92-'95; (1 p. g.); he. Pby. Allegheny, April 10, '94; . Robert Fulton Hunter, b. 1870; W. C. M., '91; (1); EUsworth E. Lashley Caro, Mich. b. 1869; Scio C, '92; (1); West. Sem.; p. ChiUisquaque (Pottsgrove), Pa., '95-'98; p. Ashland, Pa., '98-'03; p. Maroa, 111., '03-'05; s. s. Millers- burg, O., '05-'08;p. Upper Sandusky, O., '08-'12; p. Caro, Mich., 12 . Albert Burk Lewis, b. 1861; P. C. I., '92; (1); William Fahnestock Love, b. Breeds, lU., 1870; L. F. U., '92; (2 — ); d. Eddy, N. M., 1897. 1895] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 119 Malcolm James McLeod New York, N. Y. b. Eldon, P. E. I., Can., May 24, 1865; D. C. N. S., '87; Princt. Sem.; (p. g.); ord. Pby. Chester, Sept. 20, '90; p. Toughkenamon, Pa., and s. s. Unionville, '90-'91; p. 3rd ch., Chester, '93-'99; prof. L. U., '99-'01; p. Pasadena, Cal., 'Ol-'IO; p. Coll. Rfd. ch. New York, N. Y., '10 . George Enos Partch Shanghai, China. b. 1869; H. U. K., '90; (3); ord. Pby. ; f. m. Shanghai, China, '96 . William Main Schall, D.D. (Richmond Col.) Philadelphia, Pa. b. PhUadelphia, Pa., July 23, 1871; N. W. C, '92; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Philadelphia, May 28, '95; p. Puritan ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '95-'98; p. 1st, Wihnington, Del., '98-'01; p. Flandreau, S. D., '02-'03; p. Fort Hamilton and Breesport, N. Y.,'04r-'08;p.HolyTrinitych.,Philadelphia, Pa., '09 . George Edward Sehlbrede Monaca, Pa. b. near SeUersburg, Ind., Oct. 7, 1861; H. C. I., '92; (1); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. New Albany, '96; ev. Allegheny, Pa., '96-'98; p. Greenfield, Pittsburgh, Pa., '98-'07; pres. Booneville Ac, '07-'09; p. Monoca, Pa., '09 . William Coleridge Smlthpeter, b. 1866; W. U., '92; (1); . Irving Whitall Street Utica, N. Y. b. Salem, O., July 3, 1864; O. C. 0.; C. N. J., '92; sec; (2 — ); B. U. G.; Jena G.; ord. Pby. Cayuga, '96; gen. sec. Y. M. C. A., Auburn, N. Y., '96- '98; Lima, O., '98-'00; sec. Utica, N. Y., '00-'08; bus. Utica, N. Y., '08 . Louis Matthews Sweet, D.D New York, N. Y. b. 1869; H. C. N., '92; (1 — ); Aub. Sem.; ev. Geneva, N. Y., '94-'95; ev. Buffalo, '95-'96; p. Springport (Union Springs), '96-'01; p. Warsaw, N. Y., '01-'05; p. Canandaigua, N. Y., '05-'08; S. T. D. tea. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., '08-'ll; prof. Bib. Tr. Sch., New York, N. Y., '11 . Robert Bartley Taylor, b. 1865; P. C. I., '92; (2 — ); p. San Bernardino, Cal., '94-'01; p. 1st ch., San Diego, Cal., '01-'04; d. San Diego, Cal., Nov. 19, 1904. William Vokolek, b. 1868; (1); Newark Sem.; lawyer, Chicago, 111. Burton Hadley Woodford Bowling Green, Ky. b. Syracuse, N. Y., March 18, 1871; H. C, '91; Princt. Sem.; (2); A. T. S., '94-'95; ord. Pby. Emporia, Nov. 7, '95; p. Oxford, Kas., '95-'96; p. Cong, ch., Dayton, Wyo., '9&-'00; Normal Sch., Oswego, N. Y., '01; prof. lang. Prep.Schl., Tenkana, Okla., '02-'04; prof. lang.Presb. CoU., Durant, '05-'07; prof. Greek and mod. lang. Okla. Christ. U., Enid, Okla., '07-'ll; tea., Bowling Green, Ky., '11 . Albert Robert Woodson, b. St. Louis, Mo., 1867; W. C. M., '92; (2); ord. Pby. of Missouri, '95; 8. 8. Laddonia, Mo., '94-'95; p. Monroe City, Mo., '95-'98; p. 6th, Indianapohs, Ind.,'99-'01 ; s. s. FranMin, Ind.,'01-'05;p. Derby, Kaa.,'06 ; 120 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1896 1896 MERLE HAMPTON ANDERSON, D.D Morristown, N. J. b. New Bedford, Pa., March 22, 1873; W. & J. C, '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. BlairsviUe, Aug. 6, '97; p.Ebensburg, Pa., '96-'00; p. PhUa., Pa., '00-'03; p. 3d ch., Dayton, O.,'03-'09; p. King's ffighway ch., St. Louis, Mo., '09-'ll; p. So. St. ch., Morristown, N. J., '11 . CYRUS BOYD BECKES, Ph.D. (E. C. K.) Ada, O. b. Burhngame, Kas., May 17, 1865; Pa. C. M., '93; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 25, '96; p. Wilmington, 111., '96-'98; p. Avondale, Chicago, 111., '98-03; p. Valparaiso, Ind., '03-'08; field sec. Pa. C. M.; res. Winona Lake, '08-'ll; p. Ada, 0., '11 . HORACE ORLANDO BETHEL Dexter, la. b. Oregon, Wis., Feb. 24, 1869; Ripon C. W., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winne- bago, June 17, '96; p. Shawano, Wis., '96-'98; p. Monroe, Wis., '98-'01; p. Sumner, la., '01-'03; p. Grand Jet., la., '03-'08; p. Dexter, la., '08 . HENRY CHALMERS BIDDLE, Ph.D. (U. C. I.) Berkeley, Cal. b. Oct. 4, 1869; M. C. I., '91; Alleg. (U. P.) Sem.; (2 — grad.); stud. Uni- versity of Chicago, '98-'99 ; tea. '99-05 ; prof. and s. s. Berkeley, Cal., '05 , CHARLES EUGENE BLANCHARD New York. b. Paw Paw, Mich., Aug. 12, 1867; Alma C, '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kala- mazoo, July 22, '96; s. s. Schoolcraft, Mich., '97-'00; p. Big Rapids, Mich., '0(>-'04; p. Pontiac, Mich., '04^'12; agt. " Continent," New York, '12 . CHARLES WALTER BOGLE N. Baltimore, O. b. Mason City, 111., June 15, 1869; W. U. O., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Marion, '97; p. and s. s. Richwood and York, O., '96-'02; Bond Hill, Cin., '02-'06; p. W. Liberty, '06-'08; p. Rockford, '08-'10; p. N. Baltimore, O. , '10 . FRANK DENISON BREED Emporia, Kas. b. Dundee, Mich., Dec. 16, 1868; E. C. K., '93; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); lie. and ord. Pby. Emporia, May 12, '96; p. Florence, Cedar Pt. and Clem- ents, Kas., '96-97; s. s. Riley and Sedalia, '97-99; p. BurUngham, Kas. '99-'02; ev. Emporia, Kas., '02 . ANDREW GREGG CURTIN BROWN Georgetown, Cal. b. Brownsville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1863; Waynes. C, 3 years; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, April 14, '97; p. 1st ch., Middletown, la., '96-'99; s. s. Kin- brae and Brewster, Minn., '99-'00; p. Birmingham, la., 'OO-'Ol; p. Blakes- burg, la., '01-'02; p. Pleasant Plain, la., '02-03; ill health; secular wk. '05-'10; p. Georgetown, Cal., M. E. ch., '10 . HENRY CHARLES BUELL Santa Paula, Cal. b. Warsaw, N. Y., May 5, 1871; C. C. K., '93; tea.; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May , '96; p. Ridgeway Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '95-'03; p. Willmar, Minn., '03-' 10; p. Santa Paula, Cal., '10 . NEWMAN HALL BURDICK Helena, Mont. b. Youngstown, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1868; L. F. U., '93; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, Minn., Aug. 6, '96; p. Roscoe and Eureka, S. D., '96; p. Rochester, Minn., '9&-'00; p. Rolfe, la., '00-'02; p. 2nd ch., Omaha, Neb., '03-'08; p. 1st ch., Helena, Mont., '08 . 1896] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 121 FRANKLIN THOMAS CONNER Seattle, Wash. b. ClaysviUe, O., 1866; Pk. C. M., '93; Wo. U. 0.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, '96; p. CarUnviUe, lU., '96-'99; p. Ch. of Gov., St. Louis, Mo., '99-'03; p. Cedar Falls, '03-'07; ev. wk. '07-'10; p. Roswell, Ida., '10-'12; p. Brighton ch., Seattle, Wash., '12 . THOMAS MUNNELLE CORNELISON DanviUe, Ky. b. Mt. SterUng, Ky., Oct. 9, 1870; C. C. K., '93; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Kansas City, June 9, '96; p. Nevada, Mo., '96-'99; s. s. Pikeville, Ky., '99-'01; p. Wichita, Kas., '01-'03; p. Lebanon, Ky., '03-'07; p. Hastings, Mich., '07-12; s. s. Danville, Ky., '12 . HARVEY SHERMAN CROUSE Kansas City, Mo. b. Albion, la., June 20, 1869; C. la., '90; supt. schls. Macon, Mo.; San Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, May 12, '96; p. Oswego, lU., '96-'97; p. Rochelle, '97-'02; bus. Kansas City, Mo., '02 . EVERETT ALONZO CUTLER, D.D. (H. C. I.) MUwaukee, Wis. b. Green Prairie, Minn., June 3, 1873; H. G. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April 22, '96; p. Clarence, 111., '96-'99; p. Westminster, Milwaukee, Wis., '99 . Mod. Syn., Wis., '02; Trustee C. C. W., '00. WttLIAM EDWARD DANFORTH Ehnhurst, Dl. b. Fond du Lac, Wis., AprU 30, 1868; L. F. U., '91; jour.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, April 28, '96; p. Marengo, '96-'97; p. Washington Park Cong, ch., Chicago, '97-99; ed. and s. s. Ehnhurst (Unden.), 111., '99 . GEORGE SINCLAIR DARLEY Alamosa, Colo. b. Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 17, 1870; Colo. U., '93; lather; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Denver, Oct. 7, '96; p. Georgetown, Colo., '96-'00; p. Cawker City, Kas., '00-'05; p. Hebron, Neb., '05-'06; p. Alamosa, Colo., '06 . CHARLES STANLEY DAVIES Fairbury, 111. b. Cincinnati, O., Aug., 1872; L. F. U., '93; ins.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloom- ington, April 22, '96; p. Fairbury, lU., '96 . MAURICE JUNIUS DOAK, b. Tusculum, Tenn., June 24, 1870; G. & T. C, '91; tea.; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Fargo, June 23, '96; s. s. EnderUn, N. D„ '96-'99; Alexan- dria, S. D., '99; d. Erwin, Tenn., May 17, 1899. RAYMOND HAROLD EDWARDS Meadville, Pa. b. Monongahela City, Pa., Sept. 4, 1869; Wes. U. O., '91; rep.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, April 14, '97; s. s. Camp Point, 111., '96-'97; Peninsula, O., '98-10; ord. Episcop.; rector Meadville, Pa., '10 . WILSON A. EISENHART Monroe, N. Y. b. Bethlehem, Pa., Aug. 13, 1868; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 10, '96; p. Morgan Park, 111., '96-'00; p. Richmond, Ky., '00-'04; p. Frankhn, N. Y., '04-'07; p. Monroe, N. Y., '07 . JOHN FRANKLIN FETTEROLF Clinton, Mo. b. Kalamazoo, Mich., , 1870; Pa. C. M., '93; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, Oct. 25, '96; s. s. Kingston and Mirabile, Mo., '96-'99; p. e. Wil- mington, 111., '99-00; p. Pilgrim Cong., Des Moines, la., '00-'03; s. s. Macon, lU., '03-'05; p. Assumption, lU., '05-'07; s. s. ChilHcothe, Mo., '07-'ll; p. CUnton, Mo., '11 . 122 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1896 SAMUEL WHITTEN FINDLEY Urbana, Dl. b. Little York, lU., May 13, 1867; M. C. I., '93; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chillicothe, May 19, '96; p. Bainbridge, O., '96-'00; p. Oquawka, lU., '00- '04; p. Urbana, lU., '04 . RODERICK ALEXANDER FINLAYSON Postfalls, Id. b. Nova Scotia, Can., Sept. 11, 1859; Q. C. C, 4 years; Man. Sem.; Aub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Osborne, Sept. 5, '97; s. s. Brownville, N. Y.; 8. 8. Colby, Kas., '96; s. s. Oakley, Kas., '97; s. s. Kingston, Ont., '98-'03; 8. 8. Odessa, Wash., '03-'07; s. s. Postfalls, Ida., '07 . ELMER DAVID GALLAGHER Wahpeton, N. D. b. Grundy Co., Iowa, Nov. 26, 1866; Find. C, '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fargo, July 2, '97; p. Casselton, N. D., '96-'00; p. BeUeviUe, Wis., 'OO-'Ol; p. Rankin, 111., '01-'06; p. Cong, ch., Wahpeton, N. D., '06 . VIRGIL LEON GRABIEL Rushsylvania, O. b. Rushsylvania, O., April 16, 1868; Ada C, '91; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lake Superior, Nov. '95; p. Pickford, Mich., '95-'96; p. Fairgrove, '96-'97; p. Kings, lU., '97-'00; p. New Stark and McGuffey, O., 'OO-'OS; p. West Lafayette, 0., '03-'05; res. Rushsylvania, O., '11 . ARCHIE ROY GRIGGS Quincy, Wash. b. New Albany, Ind., Jan. 24, 1872; C. C. K., '93; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Helena, Aug. '96; h. m. Montana, Oregon and Washington, '96-'08; p. Port Townsend, Wash., '08-'12; s. s. Quincy, Wash., '11 . JOHN KNOX HALL Denver, Colo. b. Owen Sound, Ont., Dec. 26,1858; Macl. C, '90; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, April 17, '96; ev. Cedar Rapids, la., '96; s. s. Belleview, '96- '99; p. Clarence, la., '99-'02; p. Pres. Ch. San Juan, P. R., '02-'03; Mexican work, S. Colorado, '03-07; p. at large Boulder and Denver, '05 . CHARLES ROBERT HAMILTON Pagsanghan, Laguna Prov., P. I. b. Lebanon, Ind., June 18, '72; H. C. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, June 18, '96; p. Manchester, la., '96-'99- p. Kenmore ch.. Buffalo, N. Y., '99-'07; miss. Pagsanghan, P. I. '07 . EDWIN HARRIS Palmyra, Dl. b. WaynesviUe, 111., Sept. 16, 1866; B. U. I., '93; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Larned, May 15, '96; s. s. Meade, Hugoton, Richfield and Liberal, Kas., '96-'97; SteeleviUe and Blair, 111., '97-'00; Brighton, Moro, lU., '00-'02; Oswego, lU., '02-'09; Woodson, lU., '09-12; p. Pahnyra, 111., '12 . ROBERT CONRAD HARTMAN Ross, O. b. Otisco, Ind., Jan. 19, 1865; H. C. I., '93; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, April , '96; s. s. Pleasant and Jefferson, Ind., '96-'99; p. EUzabeth, Ind., '99-'04; p. Mt. Carmel, Ind., '04-'06; p. Rising Sun, Ind., '06-'09; p. Ross, 0., '09 . EDWARD EUGENE HASTINGS, D.D Ft. Dodge, la. b. CarroU, la., Sept. 25, 1871; C. C. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Sioux City, June 19, '96; p. Odebolt, la., '96-'00; p. Inwood, la., 'OO-'Ol; p. Grundy, la., '01-'07; p. 1st ch.. Ft. Dodge, la., '07 . Trustee Coe C. I. 1896] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 123 JOSEPH Z. JOHNSON Morris, lU. 6. Morris, 111., 1859; L. F. U., '93; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Chicago, AprU 18, '95; res. Morris, 111., '95 . THEODORE VINCENT KELLY Eads, Colo. b. Watkins, la., Oct. 25, 1870; P. C. I., '93; farm.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); lie. Pby. St. Cloud, Oct. 14, '96; p. Brown Valley, Minn., '96-'99; p. Ely, Minn., '99-'00; p. Caledonia, Minn., '00-'02; prin. High Sch., Eads, Colo., '02 . WILLIAM CHAMBERS KENDALL Xenla, O. b. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1871; W. U. O., 2 years; O. U. 0., 2 years; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Dayton, Sept. 15; '96; bus. Xenia, O., '96 ■ — . FRANCIS KLAPUS Pielonc, Bohemia. b. Sudice, Boskovice, Moravia, Austria, May 22, 1873; Colin C. Bohemia, '93; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. MUwaukee, May 10, '96; Kla- bonky, Moravia, '97-02; p. Pielonc, Bohemia, '02 . FREDERICK GOTTLOB KNAUER Nelson, Neb. b. Hohenhaslach, Germany, Oct. 2, 1865; W. & J. C, '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ozark, Sept., '96; p. Carthage, Mo., '97; miss. Batanga, '98-'04; p. Diller, Neb., '04-'07; p. Nelson, Neb., '07 . ROBERT FREDERICK LENINGTON Curitiba, Parana, BrazU. b. Rio Claro, Brazil, March 16, 1871; I. C, '91; tea. and ev.; (3 grad.) ord. Pby. of Springfield, May 19, '96; miss. Guarapuava, Brazil, '96-'00; Flori- anapolis, Brazil, '00-'09; Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, '09 . Dir. Presb. Theo. Sem., Campinas, Brazil. ELIE SERAPHIN LHEUREUX San Sebastian, P. R. b. Lize-Seraing, Belgium, July 9, 1862; Pa. CM., '91; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, Oct. 1, '96; p. and s. s. Perry and Pleasant Ridge, Kas.,;j'96-'97; assoc. p. (U. P.) McDonald, Pa., '97-'03; h. m. Porto Rico, '03 . NEIL McKECHNIE GUby, N. D. b. Toronto, Ont.,1857; P. U. S. D., 3 years; Man. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Central Dakota, , '96; s. s. Arlington Heights, 111., '96-'99; s. s. Braidwood, lU., '99-'03; bus. Gilby, N. D., '03 . ROBERT CECIL MELVILLE McADIE Mineral Wells, Tex. b. Watten, Caithness, Scotland, July 9, 1869; U. E., ; (1); Princt. Sem.; s. s. Seymour, Lampasas and Laporte, Tex., '96-'97; s. s. Two Rock, Cal., '98-'99; U. S. A., Phihppines and China, '99-'02; ord. Pby. Austin, April 9, '03; miss. Porto Rico, '03-'05; p. Mineral Wells, Tex., '05 . WILLIAM ROLLIN McCASLIN Kansas City, Mo. b. Salem, Ore., Nov. 9, '69; H. C. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April 22, '96; p. Rankin, ID., '96-'00; p. Rolfe, la., '00-'02; w. c, Chicago, 111., '02-'03; w. c. Revere, Mass., '03-'04; w. c, Chicago, 111., '04-'05; Tipton, Ia.,'05-'10; Cedar Rapids, Ia.,'10-'ll; Kansas City, Mo., '11 . 124 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1896 WM. McCLUNG Philadelphia, Pa. b. Greenburg, Term., Oct. 13, '68; Ma. C, Tenn., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, May 11, '97; p. Pratt City and Thomas, Ala., '97-98; p. Earlham, la., '98-'99; p. Knoxville, Tenn., '99-'02; pres. Evang. Com. of Phila., '02-' 10; Northern Liberties Press, Philadelphia, Pa., '10 . CHARLES LEONARD McLEOD, b. Prince Edward Island, Can., Dec. 25, 1866; Q. C. C, '93; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Central Dakota, June 3, '96; s. s. Blimt and Ouida, S. D., '96- '97, s. s. LineviUe and Allerton, la., '97-99; s. s. Conway, la., '99 — '00; p. Manning, la., '00-'02; s. s. Chetek, Wis., '02-'04; New Cambria, Mo., '04-'06; p. Knox, N. D., '06-'07; WILLIAM EDWARD McLEOD, D.D Des Mohies, Iowa b. Winslow, Quebec, Dec. 27, 1868; Man. C, 3 years; colp.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Feb. 1, '97; p. Millard Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '97-'99; p. Lime Spring, la., '99-'02; p. Estherville, la., '02-'06; p. El Paso, Tex., '06-'09; p. 1st ch., Everett, Wash., '09-'ll; fin. sec. Highland Pk. Univ., Des Moines, la., '11 . ANDREW McMAKEN Celina, O. b. Crawfordsville, Ind., June 23, 1865; W. C. I., '90; jour.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, April , '96; p. Garden Plain and Newton, lU., '96- '98; student, '98-'99; w. c, Toledo, Ohio, '04-'05; Crawfordsville, Ind., '05-'07; s. s. Coal Valley, 111., '07-'09; p. Albany, HI., '09-'ll; s. s. Celina, O., '11 . DAVID WALLACE McMILLAN Eureka, lU. b. Washington, la., Feb. 9, 1869; U. la., '93; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, July 29, '96; p. Colfax, la., '96-'99; p. Earlham, la., '99-'00; p. Des Moines, la., 'OO-'Ol; p. Waukee, Minbum, la., '01-03; p. West Branch, la., '03-'04; p. Lyons, la., '04-'07; p. Peoria, lU., '07-'09; p. Eureka, 111., '09 . LOYAL WATSON MADDEN Hoopeston, lU. b. Rardin, 111., 1865; Mo. V. C, ; tea.; (3 grad.); Cumb. P. ch., Foster Pby., '94; p. Nebraska City, Neb., '96-'99; p. Greenview, lU., '99-'01; p. Henderson, Ky., '01-'02; p. Princeton, Ind., '02-'05; p. Mattoon, 111., '05- '06; p. Topeka, Kas., '06-'08; p. Independence, Mo., '08-10; p. Lewiston, lU., 'lO-'ll; p. Hoopeston, lU., '11 . HENRY MARCOTTE Portland, Ore. b. Negaunee, Mich., April 10, 1870; L. F. U., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Port- land, Oct. 6, '96; p. 1st ch., Astoria, Ore., '96-'03; p. Westminster ch., Port- land, Ore., '03 . WILLIAM THOMAS MITCHELL Mainpuri, India, b. HamUton, O., 1870; Wo. U. O., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dayton, Mich., '96; f. m., Allahabad, India, '96-'98; Mainpuri, India, '98 . Dir. AUahabad Chr. Coll. CHARLES VLADIMIR MOLNAR Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Javomik, Moravia, June 8, 1870; Hradiste C, Moravia and Newark Sem.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Ger. Ref. Classics, lU., May 17, '96; p. Bohemian and Moravian ch., Chicago, 111., '96-'02; bus. Pittsburgh, Pa., '02 . 1896] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 125 RICHMOND AMES MONTGOMERY, D.D. (M. U. 0.) Ottumwa, la. b. Hendricks Co., Ind., 1870; M. U., '93; agt.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Maumee, June 2, '96; p. Edgerton, 0., '9&-'99; Glen Avon, Duluth, Minn., '99-'04; p. Xenia, O., '04-'09; p. Ottumwa, la., '09 . CLARENCE HITCHCOCK NEWTON Holhow, Hainan, China. b. Somonauk, 111., July 5, 1869; C. N. J., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Butte '94; miss. Hoihow, Hainan, China, '96 . ALFRED CURTIS ORMOND Mishawaka, Ind. b. Sharon, Pa., Nov. 6, 1868; W. U. 0., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, Aug. 3, '97; p. Chariton, la., '96-'01; p. Kendallville, Ind., '01-'07; p. Mish- awaka, Ind., '07 . WILLIAM GEORGE PALMER Los Angeles, Cal. b. St. Louis, Mo., 1867; W. C. M., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Winona, '96; p. Havana and Pratt, Minn., s. s. Bixby, Minn., '96-'01; s. s. Long Prairie, LesUe, Osakis, Minn., '01-'04; s. a. Brawley, Cal., '04-'05; s. s. Calvary ch., Los Angeles, '05-'06; p. So. Park ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '06 . JOSEPH JOAQUIN PERDOMO Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. b. Bogota, Colombia, S. A., Feb. 18, 1865; Pa. C. M., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pueblo, Oct. 17, '96; h. m. and s. s. Trinidad, Colo., '96-'04; U. S. Immigra- tion Service, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., '05 . HENRY QUICKENDEN Boise, Ida. b. England, 1866; P. C. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, '96; p. Garden Grove and s. s. Le Roy, la., '96-'99; p. Colfax, la., '99-'02; s. e. Lewistown, Mont., '02-'08; p. Dundee ch., Omaha, Neb., '08-'09; p. Boise, Ida., '09 . CHARLES MONTGOMERY ROBB Mt. Vernon, la. b. Jersey, 0., Feb. 9, 1866; W. U. O., '93; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, July 14, '96; p. Seaton, 111., '96-'07; p. Hopkinton, la., '07-11; p. Mt. Vernon, la., '11 . WILLIAM LLOYD ROBERTS Wllloughby, O. b. New York, N. Y., June 1, 1871; U. N. Y., '92; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Monmouth, Nov. 13, '96; p. Pltunsted and Cream Ridge, N. J., '96-'99; ed. Minneapohs, Minn.; ap. Oswegatchie 1st ch., Ogdensburg, N. Y., '01- '03; San Juan, P. R., '04-'05; Cleveland, 0., '06-'07; p. Wllloughby, O., '07-'09; res. WiUoughby, O., '09 . DAVID TAYLOR ROBERTSON, Ph.D Cresco, la b. Perth, Scotland, Aug. 21, 1868; Macl. C; trav. sales.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby Mattoon, April 15, '94; s. s. Milan, HI., '94-' 97; p. Hamlet and Perrjiion, '97-'01; p. 2d ch., Johet, HI., '01-'03; p. Au Sable Grove, 111., '03-'05; p Toledo, O., '05-'07; p. Longmont, Colo., '07-'ll; p. Cresco, la., '11 THOMAS WILLIAM RUSSELL, b. Scotland, 1862; lawy.; (3 grad.) ; d. Ottumwa, la., Sept. 17, 1896. SHARON KENNEY SCOTT Osbom, O. b. Dayton, 0., Jan. 14, 1864; W. U. O., '93; carp.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Day- ton, Nov. 16, '96; p. New Paris, 0., '96-'03; p. Reiley, Millville, 0., '03-'09; p. Osborn, Zellbrook, 0., '09 . 126 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1896 GILBERT DAVID SHERMAN South Lyon, Mich. b. KendaUviUe, Ind., June 29, 1868; W. U. O., '93; rep.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Grand Rapids, July 7, '96; p. Evart, Mich., '96-'00; p. Grand Rapids, Mich., 'OO-'Ol; p. Schoolcraft, Mich., '01-'04; p. Brooklyn, Mich., '04-'07; p. So. Lyon, Mich., '07 . NORMAN CLIFFORD SHIREY Fort Wayne, Ind. b. Holden, Mo., Aug. 16, 1872; H. C. I., '93; farm.; Lane Sem.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Fargo, Oct. 13, '96; s. s. Ellendale, N. D., '96-'98; s. s. Minnewaukon, N. D., '98-'99; p. Blue Ball, O., 'OO-'Ol; e. s. Paoli, Ind., '01-'05; p. College Corner, O., '05-'06; dis. supt. Ind. Anti-Saloon League, Fort Wayne, Ind., '06 . WILLIAM BERTRAM SHIREY CarroUton, lU. b. Tabor, Ind., Oct. 15, 1865; H. C. I., '93; farm, and carp.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chippewa, July 19, '95; p. Hurley, Wis., '9&-'97; p. Plattes Centre and Prairie Star, Kent, la., '97-01; p. New Salem, 111., '01- '02; p. New Paris, O., '02-'04; p. Eaton, O., '04-'07; p. Savanna, lU., '07-'08; p. Downs, lU., '08-'12; p. CarroUton, 111., '12 . WARREN EUGENE SHIREY Chicago, DL b. Tabor, Ind., Nov. 25, 1867; H. C. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, May 12, '96; p. Westminster ch.. South Bend, Ind., '96-'03; p. 1st ch., Hammond, Ind., '03-'07; p. ArUngton Hills ch., St. Paul, Minn., '07-'ll; p. at large S. D., '11-' 12; p. Windsor Park ch., Chicago, '12 . JACOB FREDERIC SLAGLE Moundsville, W. Va. b. Defiance, O., Aug. 29, 1868; U. W. O., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Sioux City, la., June 6, '96; p. Meriden, la., '96-'97; s.s. Waverly, O., '97-'02; p. Bethany ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '02-09; p. La Grange, Ind., '09-11; p. Moundsville, W. Va., '11 . JAMES HENRY SPEER, D.D. (Pa. CM.) Webb City, Mo. b. Limestone, Pa., June 11, 1867; Pa. C. M., '93; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, June 2, '96; p. Gardner, Kas., '96-'99; s. s. Oskaloosa, Kas., '99-'05; p. North ch., Denver, Colo., '99-'05; p. San Bernardino, Cal., '05- '07;p.lst Union ch.,New York,N. Y.,'07-'09; p. Webb City, Mo., '09 . ROLLO ROGERS STEVENS Columbus, O. b. Melmore, O., July 12, 1869; H. U. O., '93; rep.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. '96; p. Edgewater ch., Chicago, 111., '96-'98; ev. Chicago, III., '98-'01; insurance sohcitor, Columbus, O., '01 . JOHN THOMAS SULLIVAN Lewistown, 111. b. 1862; res. La Grange, Ind.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, '97; p. Eureka, 111., '97-'01; w. c. Shipshewana, Ind, '01-'02; w. c. Chicago, lU., '02-'03; w. c, Elkhart, Ind., '03-'04; p. and s. s. 2nd ch., Findlay, O., '04-'06; p. North ch., St. Louis, Mo., '0&-'09; p. Covenant ch., St. Louis, Mo., '09-'ll; p. Lewistown, 111., '11 . ROBERT WILLIAM TAYLOR, D.D Tekamah, Neb. b. HoUidaysburgh, Pa., Oct. 5, '66; P. C. I., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, April 15, '96; p. Malcom, la., '96-'00; Davenport, 'OO-'Ol ; s. s. Crawfords- ville, la., '01-'02; p. Pocahontas, la., '02-'05; s. s. Tekamah, Neb., '05 . 1896] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 127 FREDERICK JULroS TOWER Rochester, N. Y. h. Woodhull, 111., May 29, 1870; Pa. C. M., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, AprU 16, '96; p. Glidden, la., '96-'99; p. Carthage, lU., '99-'05; p. Rochester, N. Y., '05-'10; supt. N. Y. Anti-Saloon League, Rochester, N. Y., '10 . STANLEY GRANT TYNDALL Yonkers, N. Y. b. Alton, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1866; L. F. U.; C. C. W., '89; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fargo, June 25, '96; s. s. Hunter, N. D., '96-'99; p. Springfield, Mass., '99- '03; p. Rfd. ch.. New Salem, N. Y., '03-'09; p. Miles Square Rfd. ch., Yonk- ers, N. Y., '09 . JtJDSON LEOLIN UNDERWOOD, B.D. (Princt. Sem.) Hutchinson, Kas. b. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 6, 1866; Macl. C, '90; S. S. mis.; (3 grad.); Uc. and ord. Pby. Red River, April 17, '96; s. s. Camp Creek (Macomb), 111., '96-'00; p. Aguadilla ch., Puerto Rico, '00-'05; Mayaguez, P. I., '06-'ll; p. Irwin Memorial ch., Hutchinson, Kas., '11 . JOHN MARINUS VAN DER MEULEN, D.D. (H. C. M.) Louisville, Ky. b. Milwaukee, Wis., April 12, 1870; H. C. M., '91; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Rfd. Classis Michigan, June 7, '96; p. 2nd Rfd. ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '96-'99; p. 1st Rfd. ch.. Grand Rapids, '99-01; h. m. supt. Rfd. ch., '01-'03; prof. Hope C. M., '03-07; p. Hope ch., Holland, '07-'09; p. Hamilton Grange Rfd. ch.. New York, '09-'12; 2nd ch. (South), LouisviUe, Ky., '12 . FLOYD THOMAS VORIS Tacoma, Wash. b. .\rcadia, la.. May 8, 1872; D. M. C, '92; (3 grad.); he. Pby. Chicago, May 11, '96; 3. s. Buffalo, Minn., '96-'97; prof. B. V. C, Storm Lake, la., '97-'03; tea Macl. C, '04-'05; tea. Whitworth C, '06 . RALPH ROLLO WARD Topeka, Kas. b. Johet, 111., June 12, 1870; Pa. C. M., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, June 2, '96; p. Albion, Ind., '96-'98; p. McPherson, Kas., '98-00; p. Arkan- sas City, Kas., '00-'04; p. Westminster ch., Topeka, Kas., '04 . THOMAS ROBERT WHITE Bloomington, Ind. b. Ai-klow, Ireland, July 27, 1869; K. C. C, 1 year; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, April 15, '96; p. Ehzabeth, lU., '96-'97; Winnebago, '97-'04; p. Reedsburg, Wis., '04-'08; p. Bloomington, Ind., '08-11; p. Univ. Ind., under Synod of Ind., '11 . Alvln Clark Austin Monroe, Mich. b. Lowell, Ind., 1863; stud. Fort C. Kan., 1 yr.; (3); ord. AprU, '96; Pby. Monroe; s. s. Oneta and Leola, S. D., '95; h. m., Hoonah, Alaska, '96-'99; 8. s. Alcona, Mich., '99-'00; s. s. Black River, Mich., 'OO-'Ol; s. s. Munger, Mich., '01-'03; p. Beaverton, Mich., '03-'07; s. s. Ahna, Mich., '07-'ll; s. a. Monroe, Mich., '11 . Bailie Brown, Ph.D. (N. N. U.), M.D Jersey City, N. J. b. New York City, N. Y., AprU 20, 1869; Bel. Med. C; Princt. Sem.; (1 p. g.); 8. s. 1st ch., Weehawken, N. J., '92-'93; M. C. C. Div. Sch. '93-'94; A. T. S. '94-'95; N. W. C. '94; he. Pby. St. Lawrence, June 13, '95; s. s. 1st ch., Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., '94-'96; s. s. 1st ch., Sioux FaUs, S. D., '96; M. D. Nat. Hom. Med. Col., '97; s. s. 1st ch., Cheyenne, Wyo., '97; s. s. Cong, ch.. Lisle and Center Lisle, N. Y., 98-'99; M. D. Eclect. Med. Col., N. Y. City, '00; phys. Putnam, N. J., '00-'03; phys. Jersey City, N. J., '03 . 128 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1896 Louis Edgar Boston, b. Statesville, N. C, 1866; D. C. N., '92; (1); . Charles Campbell, B.D Quitman, Ga. b. Scotland, Aug. 22, 1866; (2); res. Johannesburg, South Africa; p. and 8. s. Grand Rapids and La Prairie, Minn., '95-'96; s. s. Paola, Fla., '96; Sanford, Fla., '96-'03; WaynesviUe, N.C., '03-'07; Quitman, Ga., '07 . Harrison Scott Condit Iowa City, R. F. D., la. b. Washington Co., Iowa, March 11, 1867; (1); Om. Sem., '96; ord. Council Bluffs Presby., April 24, '96; p. Neola, la., '95-'96; s. s. Chfton Heights, Des Moines, '97-'98; s. s. Russell, la., '98-'01; p. Manning, la., '01-'03; p. Milo, la., '03-'08; sec. Storm Lake, la., '05-'06; ev. '06-'07; supt. Anti- Saloon League, '07-08; p. Unity eh., Iowa City, la., '08 . Tabor Davies, b. Melbourne, AustraUa, 1862; M. U. A., '85; stud. New Col.,Edinb.; (1—); ord. Pby. Minn., '95; p. Delano, Minn., '94-'97; ev. '97 ; . John Benjamin Ferguson Seattle, Wash. b. Ontario, 1859; Man. C, '93; Man. Sem.; Knox. Col. T. S.; (1); P. G.; Man. Sem.; ord. Pby. of Pembina, '94; s. s. Conway, N. D., '95-'96; s. s. Shakopee, Minn., '96-'99; p. Lakeview, '99-'02; Seattle, Wash., '02 . Robert Reed Galley Peking, China. b. Fawn Grove, Pa., Nov. 26, 1869; L. C, '93; (1); Princt. Sem.; s. s. Fawn Grove, Pa., '96-'98;sec. Y. M. C. A., Tientsin, China, '9&-'07; sec. "Princeton" work in Peking, '07 . Theodore Symonds Hawley Loma, Colo. b. Carthage, 111., April 14, 1855; Carth. C, 4 yr.; (1); Om.Sem.; ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, May 13, '95; p. and s. s. Carson and Sharon, la., '94-'97; p. Lowe Av. ch., Omaha, Neb., '97-'01; p. Trinidad, Colo., '01-'05; p. BlackweU, Okla., '05-'07; p. Loma, Colo., '07 . Frederick Manning Hubbell, B.D Chicago, HI. b. Makanda, lU., Dec. 7, 1864; Carl. C, '93; (l);Chic. (Cong.) Sem., '96; p. Cong, ch., Belvidere, 111., '9&-'00; p. Cong, ch., Elkhorn, Wis., '00-'03; p. Mayville, N. D., Cong, ch., '03-10; p. Madison Av. Cong, ch., Chicago, lU., '11 . William Mestrezat Hudson, Ph.D. (Waynesb. Col.), D.D Carlinville, HI. b. Newtown, Pa., Feb. 26, 1872; C. N. J., '93; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Redstone, '97; p. New Providence (Carmichaels), Pa., '96-'02; p. Ist ch., Clarksburg, W. Va., '02-'08; pres. Waynesburg CoU., W. Va., '08-'12; pros. B. U. I., CarUnville, lU., '12 . James Lilbum Jewell Caledonia, N. Y. b. Tusculum, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1868; G. & T. C, '91; (2); Aub. Sem., '97; ord. Pby. Syracuse, June 15, '97; Jamesville, N. Y., '98-99; p. So. Salem, N. Y., '99-'07; p. Caledonia, N. Y., '07 . Evan Luther Jones, b. Oak Hill, O., Aug. 29, 1867; Ada C, '90; tea.; (2); Lane Sem., '96; ord. Pby. Lima, April 14, '96; s. s. PhiUipsbm-g, Long Island and Bow Creek, Kas., '96; ev. Oak HiU, 0., '96-'08; . Hugh Williams Jones Idaho Falls, Ida. b. Ruakon, Wales, March 22, 1866; I. U., '93; (1); Aub. Sem., '96; ord. Pby. Syracuse, '96; p. Constantia, N. Y., '96-'04; h. m. Montana, '04-'06; p. Ist ch., Idaho Falls, Ida., '06 . 1896] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 129 James Anderson Kelso, Ph.D. (U. Leipsic), D.D. (W. & J. C). Allegheny, Pa. h. Rawal Pindi, Punj. of India, June 6, 1873; W. & J. C, '92; (1); West Sem.; stud. BerUn, '96-'97; lie. Pby. Wash., May 10, '95; ord. same Pby., '98; instructor in Hebrew, West. Sem., Allegheny, Pa., '97-00; prof. Hebrew, West. Sem., 'GO ; pres. West. Sem. '09 . Henry Sinclair Killen Denver, Colo. 6. Comber, County Down, Ireland, Nov. 25, 1866; L.F.U., (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Denver, June 25, '96; p. Highland Park eh., Denver, Colo., '96-'00; ev. Denver, Colo., '00 . Aaron Ellsworth Kiser Creston, la. b. Wilton, la., Dec. 1, 1865; P. C. I., '92; Princt. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Com- ing, Sept. 13, '95; p. Hamburg, la., '95-'99; p. State Center, la., '99-'05; p. Malvern, la., '05-'10; p. Creston, la., '10 . John Addams Linn Howe, Ind. b. '72; L. F. U., '93; (1 — ); Episc; chap. Howe Military Academy, Howe, Ind., '09 . Edward Augustus Loux Berwick, Pa. b. Frenchtown, N. J., Dec. 27, 1869; L. C. '92; Princt. Sem.; (1 p.g.); U. C. '97; s. s. res.. New York City, '97-02; ord. Pby. Lackawanna, May 6, '02; p. 1st eh., Plymouth, Pa., '02-'05; p. 1st ch., Berwick, Pa., '05 . Chauncey Byron Magill Schenectady, N. Y. b. Cross Creek Village, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868; Ada C, '93; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Lima, April 12, '97; p. Paulding, O., '9&-'01; p. Troy, N. Y., 'Ol-'IO; p. State St. ch., Schenectady, N. Y., '10 . Robert Thomas Mathews Louisville, Ky. b. 1867; K. C. 111., '93; (2); s. s. Hastings, Colo., '02-'03; s. s. Trininad, '03-'07; p. Neodesha, Kas., '08-'ll; Louisville, Ky., '11 . William Ramseur Minter, B.D. (Colum. Sem.) Lincolnton, N. C. b. SedaMa, S. C, July 9, 1873; D. C. N. C, '92; (1); Colum. Sem.; ord. Pby. Mecklenburg, Sept. '97; p. Rutherfordton, N. C, '97-'00; p. Shelby, '00-'05; prin. Westminster Sch., '05-'07; p. Lincohiton, '07 . Frank Rtmdus, b. 1863; Pa. C. M., '89; (1); (susp.). WilUam Luther Schmalhorst Brldesburg, Pa. b. Conway, Mo., Aug. 20, 1870; Drury C, '93; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Ozark, Sept. 16, 1896; f. m. Concepcion, Chile, '96-'98; f. m. Santiago, '98- '04; p. Chestnut Grove ch., Sweetair, Md., '05-'08; p. Hortsville, Pa., '08-'09; p. Bridesburg, Pa., '09 . Albert Anthony Schoen Watervliet» Mich. b. Bridgewater, Mich., Oct. 12, 1871; Ehn. C, '90; (1); ord. Zion Luth.; res. WatervJiet, Mich., '96 . Samuel Wilbur Steckel Providence, R. I. b. Durham, Pa., July 16, 1866; N. W. C, '93; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. West Jersey, Nov. 17, '97; p. Pleasantville, N. J., '97-04; p. Hebron Mem., Philadelphia, Pa., '04-'09; p. 1st ch., Providence, R. I., '09 . 130 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1897 Robert Cunningham Stone Denver, Colo. b. Bethurmuer, Scotland, Feb. 12, 1868; Pa. C. M., '93; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Oakland, '96; p. Elmhurst, Cal., '96-'99; p. Centennial ch., Oak- land, Cal., '99-'04; p. North ch., Denver, Colo., '04 . Dir. San Fran. Sem. Alfred Emanuel Vanorden Salina, Kas. b. Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 31, 1873; Un. Geneva Ecole deTheologie, Geneva, Switzerland; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. Kansas City, Oct. 8, '97; s. s. Centerview and ffigh Point, Mo., '97-'98; s. s. Appleton City, Mo, '98-'00; p. Cherry- vale, Kas., '00-'06; p. Ft. Scott, Kas., '06-'ll; p. 1st ch., SaUna, Kas., '11 . Jesse Philander Williamson Pierre, S. D. b. 1872; Y. C. S. D., '92; (1); ord. Pby. Central Dakota, '98; s. s. Blunt, S. D.,'98-'00; s. s. KimbaU, S. D., '00-'02; w. c. Greenwood, S. D., '02-'03; 8. 8. Platte, S. D., '03-'06; s. s. Alpena, S. D.,'06-'09; s. s. Blount, S. D., '09-'10; Pierre, S. D., '10 . 1897 HARRY BROWN ALLEN Holdrege, Neb. b. Beaver Dam, Wis., 1868; H. C. Neb., '94; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Hast- ings, Sept. 30, '97; p. Holdrege, Neb., '97-'99; p. Princeton, lU., '99-'04; p. Aledo, lU., '04-09; p. Holdrege, Neb., '09 . HAMILTON FORD ALLEN, Ph.D. (U. C.) Washington, Pa. b. Lafayette, Ind., July 7, 1867; W. C, '88; tea.; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '97; Prof. W. & J. C, '02-'05; Prof. P. U., '05-'07; Prof. U. I., '07-'09; Prof. W. & J. C, Washington, Pa., '09 . B. Orme Smith Fellow. JAMES AUSTIN Hannah, N. D. b. Fergus, Ont., April 21, 1870; U. N. D., 2 years; prin.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pembina, June 9, '97; p. Hannah and Cypress, N. D., '97-'00; secular work Hannah, N. D., '00 . NORMAN BURTON BARR Chicago, ni. b. Mt. Palatine, lU., Jan. 26, 1868; U. Neb., '93; trav. sales.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 20, '97; p. Ohvet Mem. ch., Chicago, 111., '97 ; supt. Ohvet Institute '10 . JOHN LUTHER BEATTIE Derita, N. C. b. Sparta, 111., Jan. 30, 1863; tea.; (3 grad.); he. Pby. Alton, '98; s. s. Rock- wood, Ebenezer and Unity, '99; Carroll Co., Va., '03-'08; Yancy and Mitchell Co., N. C; tea. and miss, sup., '08-09; p. Mallard Creek ch., Derita, N. C, '10 . JAMES BENSON Peoria, El. b. CedarviUe, lU., Oct. 1, 1868; B. C. W., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, June 2, '97; p. Arcadia Av. ch., Peoria, 111., '97 . JOHN CALVIN BERGER, Ph.D. (K. C. U.) Clay Center, Kas. b. Frankhn Centre, la.. May 30, 1870; P. C. I., '94; saddler; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lamed, Oct. 12, '97; p. e. Great Bend, Kas., '97-99; p. Kansas City, Kas., '99-'01; p. Horton, Kas.. '01-'07; p. Clay Center, Kas., '07 . 1897] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 131 HENRY WALTER BURGER St. Anthony, Ida. b. Petersburg, Ind., Sept. 22, 73; H. C. I., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 6, '97; p. Gardner, 111., '97-'06; p. Henry, '06-'12; p. St. Anthony, Ida., '12 . EDWARD CAMPBELL, D.D Los Angeles, Cal. b. Eckmansville, O., June 3, 1866; M. C. 0., ; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, Oct., '97; p. Ossian, Ind., '97-'00; p. Maywood, 111., '00- '06; p. Estherville, la., '06-'10; Pres. B. V. C, 'lO-'ll; Sierra Madre, Cal., '11-'12; let ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '12 . JONATHAN WILLIAM CARLSTROM, Ph.D. (Penn C. I.) GoUad, Tex. b. Sweden, AprU 7, 1864; F. D. C; P. C. I., '94; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, Sept., '96; p. Conroy, la., '97-'01; p. Lawton, la., '01-'03;p. Hartley, la., '03-'05; p. Greenfield, la., '05-'07; p. Fonda, la., '07-'08; res. GoUad, Tex., '08 . JAMES DARRAH CATLIN Atoka, Okla. b. Hannibal, Mo., April 5, 1872; W. C. M., '94; (3 grad.); he. Pby. St. Louis, May 31, '97; p. Atoka and Lehigh, I. T., '97-'98; p. Central, Sedalia, Mo., '98-'00; s. 8. Atoka, Okla., '00 . EDWIN M. CLINGAN WaUa Walla, Wash. b. Elba Center, 111., Sept. 11, 1868; M. C. I., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, April '97; p. Oneida, 111., '97-'00; p. Quincy, lU., 'OO-'IO; p. 1st ch., WaUa WaUa, Wash., '10 . JOSEPH FRANCIS CLOKEY Dubuque, la. b. Aledo, 111., 1869; Mu. C. O., 3 years; gro.; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Zanesville, AprU 15, '96; p. MassiUon, O., '97-'03; p. Calvary ch., Braddock, Pa., '03- '10; asst. p. 1st ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '10-'12; p. Westminster ch., Dubuque, la., '12 . CHARLES ALVIN CLOUD Amboy, Ind. b. Wabash, Ind., June 25, 1870; W. C. I., '94; farm.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Muncie, Sept. 14, '97; Roann, New Hope and Hopewell, Peru, Ind., '97-'01; s. s. Sturgis, S. D., '01-'03; s. s. Edwardsburg, Mich., '04^'05; s. s. Sheldon, III., '05-'09; Amboy, Ind., '10 . RODERICK CORBETT, b. Sutherlandshire, Scotland, March 15, 1859; Pa. C. M., ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Oct. 11, '97; s. s. Gilmore City and Pocahontas Center, la., '97-'98; ev. Chicago, lU., '98-'09; . EDWIN LEE COUDRAY Monte Vista, Colo. b. ^^^lite Lake, N. Y., '66; K. C. lU., '83; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, June 21, '97; p. Barnum, Minn., '97-'02; ev. Monte Vista, Colo. '02 . DAVID CREIGHTON Kankakee, Dl. b. Plantation Lisbum, County Down, Ireland, June 13, 1864; Hulme Cliff Col., Derbyshire, England, '93; s. s. Sanilac Centre, Bridgehampton and Deckerville congregations; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Flint, April 12, '94; ev. Christ chapel, miss, of Fourth Pres. church, Chicago, '97-'00; p. Christ ch., Chicago, '00- '07; p. Kankakee, lU., '07 . JOHN CREIGHTON, Ph.D Goldfield, Nev. b. Douglastowm, N. B., Dec. 22, 1864; Pa. C. M., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, Sept. 24, '97; Trenton, Mo., '97-'01; p. York, Neb., '01-'08; res. Webb City, Mo., '08-'ll; res. JopHn, Mo., '11; s. s. Goldfield, Nev., '11 -. 132 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1897 JESSE WILSON CURRENS Boulder, Colo. b. Plymouth, lU., Feb. 24, 1873; E. C. K.; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, July 7, '97; p. EUzabeth, Colo., '99-'02; p. Glenwood Springs, Colo., '02-'07; p. G. U. C, '07; Vahnont and Erie, '08-'09; Univ. p. U. C, Boulder, Colo., '09 . JOHN A. CURRIE Bedford, la. b. Tarkio, Mo., Feb. 22, 1872; T. C. M., '93; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, Oct. 19, '97; p. Craig, Mo., '97-'01; p. Humboldt, Neb., '01-'02; p. AxteU, Kas., '02-'07; p. CUfton, Kas., '07-'12; p. Bedford, la., '12 . MOOSHIE GEORGES DANIEL, b. Oroomiah, Persia, 1861; O. C. P., '82; prof. Oroomiah Coll., Persia; he. Pby. Oroomiah, '86; U. C. I.; (2 grad.); d Oroomiah, Persia. WILLIAM SHERMAN DOUDS Harbor Creek, Pa. b. Calvin's Corner, Crawford Co., Pa., July 14, 1868; A. C. P., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Petersburg, Sept., '97; p. Lake City, Mich., '97-'00; p. Jackson- ville, Pa., '0{>-'02; p. Conneaut Lake, Pa., '02-'07; p. Harbor Creek, Pa., '07 . LINN JACOB EARHART, b. Somerville, O., Jan. 14, 1870; M. U. O., '94; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dayton, July 6, '97; p. Turner, Ore., '97-'99; p. Repubhc, Wash., '99-'04; w. c. SomerviUe, O., '04r-'05; Republic, Wash., '05-'07; . CHRISTIAN BUCKWALTER EBY Blackwood, N. J. b. Strasburg, Pa., Oct. 24, 1862; Millersburg State Normal sch.; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lamed, Oct. 13, '97; p. Kmgman, Kas., '97-'04; p. Pine Grove, '04r-'08; p. Blackwood, N. J., '08 . BYRON ALDEN FAHL Calvin, N. D. b. Mt. Blanchard, O., Jan. 25, 1868; W. U. O.; Find. C, '94, (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, April 13, '97; p. Inkster, N. D., '97-'00; p. Warren, Minn., 'OO- '01; p. Canton and Lanesboro, Minn., '01-03; p. La Moure, N. D., '03-05; p. Endehn, N. D., '05-'09; p. ev. Pby. Minnewaukan, '09-'12; s. s. Glen, Ida., Calvin, N. D., '12 . JOHN RANKIN GODFREY Stanley, Wis. b. Lima Center, Wis., Nov. 27, 1870; M. C. W., '92; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, June, '98; p. Oxford, Wis., '98-'99; p. Ayrshire, la., '99; p. Edgeley, N. D., '99-'02; p. Conway, N. D., '02-'03; p. Stewarts- dale, N. D., '03-'07; p. Foley, Minn., '07-'09; p. Beaver Creek, Minn., '09-'10; p. Gihnan, Wis., 'lO-'ll; p. Stanley, Wis., '11 . GEORGE WILLIAM GOODALE San Francisco, Cal. b. Cedar Falls, la., July 27, 1873; B. U. K., '93; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); s. 8. Pueblo, Colo., '97-98; stud, medicine San Francisco, Cal., '98-'00; phys., San Francisco, Cal., '00 . ANDREW J. IRWIN Myrtle Ft., Ore. b. Derby, la., ; P. C. I., '94; Om. Sem. (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '97; p. Peotone, lU., '97-'00; p. Derby, la., '00; p. Burns, Ore., '00; a. a Myrtle Pt., Ore., '12 . 1897] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 133 WALTER McMASTER IRWIN Wichita, Kas. b. Galesburg, lU., Nov. 9, 1872; K. C. lU., '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, June , '96; p. Morton and Deer Creek, '96-'97; 8. s. Delavan, 111., '98-'99; p. Shelby, la., '00-'03; p. Wichita, Kas. (West Side), '04 . FRANK ORR JOHNSON Shields, Pa. b. Hookstown, Pa., Oct. 20, 1873; W. U. O., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Woos- ter, July 12, '97; f. m. Lodiana, India, '97-'04; Jullandur, Punjab, India, '97-'99; Lodiana, India, '99-'01; Ambala, India, '01-'04; p. Shields, Pa., '04-' 12; res. Shields, Pa., '12 . DAVID ISAAC JONES Geronimo, Okla. 6. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 13, 1869; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Okla- homa, Oct. 6, '97; res. CUfton and Chandler, O. T., '97-'04; p. Middle- ton, Okla., '04-'09; p. Geronimo, Okla., '09 . JOHN L. KELL, Ph.D. (C. C. T.) Ness City, Kas. b. Dunlop, Tenn., Jan. 29, 1867; T. U. T., '90; ord. Pby. July 10, '91; prof. P. C. Tex., '91-'93; grad. stud. U. C, '95; C. C.T., '91-'96; (3 grad.); re- ceived into Dallas Pby. (So. Ch.), June 11, '96; p. Carlsbad, RosweU, Hag- erman, Malaga, N. M., Pecos and Barstow, Tex., '97-'99; p. Pratt, Kas., '99-'02;p. McAlester, Okla., '02-'05; p. Madison, 111., '05-'07; p. Pierpont, S. D., '07-'09; p. Ness City, Kas., '09 . FREDERICK WILLIAM LEICH Akron, O. b. Jackson, Wis., June 13, 1871; U. W., '93; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. St. John's Classis, Ger. Rfd. ch.; p. 1st Rfd. ch.. New Philadelphia, O., '97-'01; p. Ist Rfd. ch., Cleveland, O., '01-'07; p. 1st Rfd. ch., Akron, O., '07 . ROBERT BENJAMIN McCAIN Pasadena, Cal. b. Hardinsburg, Ind., Nov. 16, 1869; H. C. I., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, June 3, '97; p. Fulton, 111., '97-'99; p. Alexandria, Ind., '99- '01; p. Coal City, lU., '01-'06; p. Sable Grove, lU., '06-'08; p. Wenona, 111., '08-'ll; bus. Pasadena, Cal., '11 . JOHN ALLEN McGAUGHEY Duluth, Minn. b. Macomb, 111., , 1868; L. F. U., 3 years; M. C. I., 1 year; farm. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. RushviUe, May 12, '97; p. Bushnell, lU., '97-'01; p. Lewiston, lU., '01-'04; p. Two Harbors, Minn., '04-'08; Dir. Y. M. C. A., Duluth, Minn., '00 . THOMAS McGregor Dubuque, la. b. Rockford, lU., Jan. 27, 1869; K. C. 111., '94; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, May 24, '97; p. Sisseton, S. D., '97-'02; p. Hanover, 111., '07-'12; p. 3rd ch., Dubuque, la., '12 . JOHN COSLETT MORGAN Thayer, Kas. April , '97; p. Bethel, Mo., '97-'99; ev. Downs and Mt.Carmel, lU., '99-'01; h. m. Okla., '01-'08; p. Welsh ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '08-'10; Law- ton, Okla., '11-'12; res. Thayer, Kas., '12 . CHARLES LESLIE OVERSTREET El Paso, Tex. b. Frankhn, Ind., Aug. 14, 1873; F. C. I., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winne- bago, Sept. 28, '97; p. West Merrill, Wis., '97-'00; s. s. Noblesville, Ind., '00-'04; p. Charleston, 111., '04-'09; s. s. El Paso, Tex., '09 . 134 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1897 HERBERT WARE REHERD, D.D. (P. C. I.) Waterloo, la. b. Geneseo, 111., Aug. 23, 1869; P. C. I., '93; instr. Genesee Coll.; instr., '93-'94; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, April 13, '97; p. Milan, 111., '97-'01; p. Bethany ch., Detroit, Mich., '01-'06; p. Ist ch., Waterloo, la., '06 . THOMAS THEODORE REYNOLDS, b. McMechen, W. Va., , 1867; W. U. 0., '94; (3 grad.); d Mediapolia, la., July , 1897. CYRIL ROSS Syen Chun, Korea. b. Peebles, Scotland, 1867; R.L.C.,'93; home miss.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, May 10, '94; f. m. Seoul, Korea, '97-00; Fusan, Korea, '00-'08; Syen Chun, Korea, '08 . WILLIAM EDWARDS RUSTON Coggan, la. b. Osage, la., June 9, 1872; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, May 24, '97; 8. s. Sumner, la., '98; p. New Sharon, la., '99-'02; p. Farley, la., '02-'06; p. Coggan, la., '06 . HOMER CLAY SCOTT, b. New Washington, Ind., 1867; H. C. I., '94; (3 grad.); p. 1st ch., Faribault, Minn., '97-'98; d. Faribault, Minn., Feb. 17, 1899. DAVID LATCHEN SHAHBAZ, b. Wagerbad, Oroomiah, Persia, May 1866; Oroomiah CoUege, Persia; Wheaton Col., 3 years; (3 grad.); Lutheran Sem., Philadelphia; . WILLIAM HUGH SINCLAIR Clarksville, la. b. York Centre, lU., July 16, 1860; Macal. C, '94; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, June 10, '97; s. s. St. Croix Falls, Wis., '97-'99; s. s. Alden, Minn., '99-'02; p. Inwood, la., '02-'04; p. Deep River, la., '04-'07; p. Clarksville, la., '07 . JAMES AIKIN SMITH Fort Scott, Kas. b. Garnet, Kas., Oct. 5, 1870; Ada C, '94; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, April 13, '97; p. Reading, lU., '96-'97; miss. Streator, '97-'99; p. Ausable Grove, lU., '99-'00; p. Ku-kviUe, Mo., 'OO-'Ol; Pa. C. M., '01-'03; p. 6th ch., Cincinnati, O.,'03-'08; p. Marion, Ia.,'08-'ll; p. Ft. Scott, Kas., '11 . WILLIAM BRYSON SMITH St. Louis, Mo. b. Yates City, lU., Feb. 25, 1869; K. C. lU.; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Peoria, April 13, '97; p. Rock Hill, Mo., '97-'02; s. s. Carrolton, lU., '02-'05; s. s. Albany, 111., '05-'08; p. Altona, 111., '08-'12; p. Im. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '12 . SAMUEL EDGAR SNEPP Dayton, O. b. EUerton, O., Oct. 31, 1868; H. U. O., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Oct. 4, '97; p. Lancaster, O., '97-'01 ; miss. Rfd. ch., Dayton, Ohio, '01-'03; p. Cong, ch.. Ft. Recovery, O., '03-'05; p. Rfd. ch., Akron, O., '05-'09; Ohio Bd. State Char- ities, Dayton, O., '10 . JASON EUGENE SNOOK Berwyn, lU. b. Mt. Clemens, Mich., Oct. 26, 1870; 0. N. U., '94; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lima, AprU 13, '97; MonticeUo, O., Woodbine, la., '97-'99; s. s. West Cliff and Silver Cliff, Colo., '99-'01; f. m. PhU. I., '01-'07; p. Hammond, Ind., '07-'09; p. Berwyn, lU., '09 . 1897] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 135 ARTHUR BRYANT STRONG, b. StrongsviUe, O., Sept. 13, 1868; B. U. O., '91; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, Oct. 24, '97; p. Immanuel ch., Saginaw, Mich., '97-99; p. North Springfield, O., '99-'03; p. Akron, '03-'04; w. c. Brooklyn, '04-'09 . JAY MORTIMER SWANDER Las Vegas, Nev. b. Tiffin, O., 1869; H. U. 0., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pahnyra, Sept. 29, '97; p. New Cambria, Mo., '97-'99; p. Blooming Prairie, Minn., '99-'04; 8. 8. Ely, Minn., '04-'06; 8. 8. Calvary ch., Lo8 Angeles, Cal., '06-'07; 8. e. Rhyolite, Nev., '07-'12; e. s. Las Vegas, Nev., '12 . RUDOLPH UHLHORN Parkville, Md. b. Bremen, Germany, Feb. 17, 1875; Elm. C. '93; Ed. Sem; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. N. A., April 11, '97; p. Marietta, O., '97-'99; p. Hannibal, Mo., '99-'03; p.Strasburg, '03-'07;p.Tiffin, '07-'09;p. ParkviUe, Md., '09 . WttLIAM WESTWOOD, D.D GreatBend, Kas. b. Kirkcaldy, Scotland, Oct. 20, 1865; E. C. K., '94; sec. Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); he. and ord. Pby. Emporia, June 16, '97; gen. sec. McC. Sem., '97- '98; p. Dodge City, Kas., '98-'02; p. McPherson, Kas., '02-'05; v.-pres. E. C. K., '05-'07; p. Great Bend, Kas., '07 . CHARLES ALVIN WILSON Chanute, Kas. b. Bainbridge, Ind., Oct. 1, 1867; F.C.I., '94; prin. Petersburgh, Ind.; supt. of schools, Veedersburgh ; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Chicago, May 16,'97; p. Bethany ch., Chicago, '97-'ll;s.s. Berthoud, Colo., 'll-'12;p. Chanute, Kas., '12 . ASHER GOLDEN WORK Lafayette, Ind. b. Davenport, la., Dec. 16, 1869; M. U., '94; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, Sept. 28, '97; p. Brookston, Ind., '97-'99; p. Rensselaer, Ind., '99-'04; p. So. Chicago, 111., '04-'07; p. Fenton, Mich., '08-' 12; p. 1st ch., Lafayette, Ind., '12 . Rollin Elliott Blackman Seattle, Wash. b. 1867; U. K., '94; (2); Om. Sem.; p. Avoca, la., '97-'00; p. Edgar, Neb., '00-'02; Parker, Wash., '02-'03; Sunnyside, '03-'06; s. s. Granger, '06-'07; Chinook, Mont., '07-'08; Interbay, Seattle, Wash., '08 . Adam Ulysses Crull, b. 1865; res. South Bend, Ind.; Ind. St. U., '91; (1—). Joel Ambrose Dimkel Saginaw, Mich. b. Circleville, O., April 20, 1871; H. U. 0., '94; (1); Princt. Sem., N. J.; ord. Pby. Miami, April 18, '98; p. Jonesboro, Ind., '98-'99; p. Elwood, Ind., '9^'03; p. Warren Av. ch., Saginaw, Mich., '03 . Samuel W. Garvin Colorado Springs, Colo. 5. Jackson Center, Pa., April 12, 1867; L. U. I., '93; San Fran. Sem.; (2); U. C. I.; ord. '91; p. Cumb. Presb. ch., Gibson City, 111., '98; ; Warrensburg, Mo., '00-'08; p. Ist ch., Kansas City, Kas., '08-'ll; p. Ist ch., Colorado Springs, Colo., '11 . Louis Elliott Himiphrey Hoxie, Kas. b. Tipton, la., Sept. 27, 1860; (3); Doane, Crete, Neb. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '97; ev. Scotia, Neb., '97-'98; p. Farwell, Neb., '98- '02; p. Edgar, Neb., '02-'08; p. Alexandria, Neb., '08-'09; p. Elizabeth, Colo., '09-'ll; p. Hoxie, Kas., '11 . 136 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1898 Lewis Earle Lee Ironton, O. b. Brooklyn Borough, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1870; W. C, '94; (2); Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Cincinnati, Oct. 24, '97; a. p. 2nd ch., Cin., O., Oct. 1, '9&-'98; p. North ch., Cin., '98-'09; p. 1st ch., Ironton, 0., '09 . Trustee Lane Sem., '01 . Adolphus Martin Lewis, b. , 1865; U. B. G., '94; Garr. Bib. Inst.; (1 — ). Thomas Franklin Marshall, B.D. (Un. Sem.) Oswego, Eas. b. Albion, la., Jan. 7, 1871; L. F. U., '94; (2); Danv. Sem., '98; ord. Pby. Pahnyra, Sept. 22, '98; Lindenwood C, '98-'99; p. Ironton, Mo., '99-'02; p. Linton, Ind., '02-'O4; p. Jersey ville. 111., '04-'06; Lindenwood Acad. Dean, '06-'07; pres. Oswego Col., Oswego, Kas., '09 . Ben Allen Mason Salina, Kas. b. Albia, la., Nov. 25, 1871; P. C. I., '94; (2); Princt. Sem.; tea.; B, C. N. '97-'00; lawy. SaUna, Kas., '00 . George Franklin Moll, b. '67; H. U. K, '92; (2). William Arthur Pease. Chicago, HI. b. , 1871; res. Irving Park, 111.; N. W. U., '93; (2); ill health; tea. Chicago, lU., '95 . Herrlck Johnson Ransom, 6. , Muir, Mich., , 1870; A. C. M., '93; (2); d. Muir, Mich. Sept. 23, 1896. Theodore Baker Turner Coming, la. 6. 1870; C. N. J., '93; (2); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. of Genesee, '97; s. s. Oakfield and OrangeviUe, N. Y., '97-'00; w. c. Corning, la., '00 . Henry Hiram Wlntler Los Gatos, Cal. b. WaUa WaUa, Wash., May 3, 1872; Pa. C. M., '94; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. of Sacramento, '98; p. Colusa, Cal., '98-'00; p. Santa Clara, Cal. , '00-'02; p. Oakland, Cal., '02-'09; p. Los Gatos, Cal., '09 . Ernest Glen Wood Chicago, 111. b. Lake Forest, 111., June 16, 1871; W. C, '92; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Columbia, June '06; p. Hillsdale, N. Y., '05-'09; p. Hillsdale, Spencer- town, Austerhtz, N. Y., '0^'12; stud. Chicago, 111., '12 . 1898 ARTHUR GEE BAILEY, D.D. (Whitworth C.) Winnebago, Minn. 6. Chicago, 111., April 17, 1870; C. C. 1., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, April 20, '98; p. Sanborn and Hartley, la., '98-'99; p. Conrad, la., '99-'04; p. La Porte City, la., '04-'08; p. Devil's Lake, N. D., '08-'12; p. Winnebago, Minn., '12 . PETER BIRRELL Winamac, Ind. b. Hamilton, Ont., March 31, 1864; Pa. C. M., '95; San. Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, April 21, '98; p. 3d ch., Lincohi, Neb., '98-'02; p. Wayne, Neb., '02-'05; p. Whiteland, Ind., '05-'10; p. Winamac, Ind., '10 . 1898] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 137 SAMUEL CHARLES BLACK, D.D. (B. U. I.) Toledo, O. b. MonticeUo, la., Sept. 6, 1869; P. C. I., '92; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June, '97; s. s. New London, la., '91-92; s. s. Kewanee, III., '95-'97; 8. 8. South Chicago, lU., '97-'00; p. CHnton, lU., '00-'08; p. Boulder, Colo., '08-'10; p. Collingwood Av. ch., Toledo, 0., '10 . Trustee B. U. I. and W. C. D. ARTHUR PAUL BOURNS Ludlngton, Mich. b. Park Ridge, lU., Oct. 12, 1870; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Cincin- nati, April 25, '99; s. s. Venice Pres. ch., '98-' 05; p. Spring Lake, Mich., '05-'10; p. Ludington, Mich., '10 . ROBERT BROWN Austin, Minn. b. Sylvan, Ontario, Canada, 1863; S. C. I., W. C. I., C. U.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Petoskey, April '98; p. McBain, Mich., '97-98; p. Minneapohs, Minn., '98-'03; p. 1st ch., Grand Haven, Mich., '03-'08; Syn. Sec. Pres. Hospital, la., Waterloo, la., '08-'12; Central ch., Austin, Minn., '12 . ADOLPH BUSSE Evanston, lU. b. Germany, , 1873; Eden Sem., '95; (1 grad.); ord. Germ. Ev. Syn.; p. Chicago, '98-'00; prof. German lang. N. W. U., Evanston, 111., '00 . WttLIAM W. CARNINE McCune, Kas. b. Carlyle, Kas., June 10, 1867; E. C. K., '95; (3 grad.); he. Pby. of Neosho, Kas., Sept., '98; p. Ft. Scott, Kas., '98-'01; p. Ti\iiton, Kas., '01-'02; p. Lone Elm and Kincaid, '02-'06; p. Grand Springs, Kas., '06-'09; p. McCune, Kas., '09 . FRANK BARBOUR CLELAND St. Louis, Mo. b. Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 23, 1872; D. C. M., '93; law student; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, Aug. 29, '98; p. Anaconda, Mont., '98-'01; p. McAfee, Ky., '02-'08; p. Anchorage, Ky., '08-'10; asst. p. 2nd ch., St. Louis, Mo., '10 . THOMAS FITZ MORRIS CLARK St. Croix Falls, Wis. b. Eden Prairie, Minn., 1870; Macal. C, '95; (3 grad.); p, Warren, Minn., 'OO-'Ol; 8. 8. Maynard, Minn., '01-'02; s. s. Clara City, Minn., '02-'03; s. s. Little Falls, Minn., '03-'05; p. St. Croix Falls, Wis., '05 . CHARLES EDWARD CORNWELL WaUa Walla, Wash. b. WaUa Walla, Wash., Nov. 23, 1864; Whitm. C, Wash., '94; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Presby. Puget Sound, Oct. '98; p.Kent, Wash.,'98-'00; s. s. Palouse, Wash., 'OO-'Ol; p. Buckley, Wash., '01-'06; p. Granger, '6O-'07; p. Buckley, '07-'09; ill health; res. WaUa WaUa, Wash., '09 . ROGER FRED CRESSEY El Paso, lU. 6. CoUinsviUe, lU., Jan. 25, 1866; B. U. I., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, Sept. 14, '98; p. Ashton, lU., '98-'01; p. Portuguese ch., Jackson viUe, lU., '01-'08; p. HiUsboro, lU., '08-'10; p. El Paso, lU., '10 . GEORGE THOMPSON BROWN DAVIS Chicago, 111. b. Macoupin Co., lU., July 4, 1873; L. F. U., '94; (3 grad.); asst. ed. "Ram's Horn," '94-'99; mgr. Davis Newsp. Syndicate, Chicago, lU., '99-'02; ev. Chicago, lU., '02 . 138 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1898 JOHN QUINCY DURFEY Ithaca, Mich. b. Paulding, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1871; M. C. K., '93; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Maumee, June, '98; p. Norman, Okla., '98-'00; p. Hartford City, Ind., '01-'08; p. Ithaca, Mich., '08 —. WILLIAM EADIE Tacoma, Wash. b. 1859; Om. Sem.; (2 grad.); p. Aztec, N.M., '99-'01; s. e. Antonito, Colo., '01-02; 8. 8. Solomonville, Ariz., '02-'04; s. 8. Soda Springs, Ida., '04- '05; s. 8. Tenino, Wash., '05-'06; Kettle FaUs, Wash., '06-'07; Johnson, Wash., '07-'08; h. m. Ellensburg, Wash., '08-'10; ev. Tacoma, Wash., '10 . JOHN THOMSON PARIS PhUadelphia, Pa. b. Cape Girardeau, Mo., Jan. 23, 1871; P. U., '95; editor; (3 grad.); he. May 4, '97, Pittsburgh; ord. Pby. Cairo, Oct. 21, '98; p. Mt. Carmel, '98-'03; p. Markham, Mem. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '00-'03; ed. "S. S. Times," Philadelphia, Pa., '08 ; asst. ed. "Presbyterian," Philadelphia, Pa., '08 . WILLIAM EDWARD FISHER Greene, la. b. Madrid, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1872; Potsdam Normal, '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa, Sept. 23, '98; p. Montrose and Markham, la., '98-'06; p. Greene, la., '06 . SILAS ALFRED FULTON Holton, Kas. b. West Lebanon, Pa., March 17, 1874; W. & J. C, '95; West. Sem. (1 grad.); U. Berhn; ord. Pby. Oklahoma, June 4, '99; p. Shawnee, Okla., '99-'09; p. Holton, Kas., '09 . EARNEST ALBERT GAGLE Wilson, Kas. b. Brookville, Ind., Aug. 10, 1870; H. C. I., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Santa Fe, Dec. 11, '98; p. Farmington, N. M., '98-'01; p. Spearville, Kas., '01-'05; p. Wilson, Kas., '05 . WILLIAM BEAL GANTZ, D.D. (Occ. C.) Los Angeles, Cal. b. Westerville, O., Dec. 7, 1874; Ott. U. 0., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. MU- waukee, July 5, '98; p. Ist ch., Beaver Dam, Wis., '98-'01; p. and s. s. Roches- ter, Minn., '01-'05; p. Hamilton, O., '05-'08; p. Highland Park ch., Los Angeles, Cal., '08 . Dir. San Fran. Sem. WARREN FREDERICK GOFF Cambria, Wis. b. Bhssfield, Mich., Aug. 22, 1865; Ma. C. T., B. U. L; (2 yrs.); ord. July 21, '98, Pby. Chicago; p. White Hall, lU., '93-'95; Cabery, 111., '98-'02; p. Manteno, 111., '02-'08; p. Cambria, Wis., '09 . WILLIAM H. F. GROTEFELD Chicago, HI. b. Niederbecksen, Germany, May 13, 1864; Ehn. C. I., '87; (1 grad.); ord. Ev. Syn. N. A., Aug. 10, '90; p. Coshocton, O., '90-'92; p. Coppehi, Mo., '93-'94; p. Evang. ch., Chicago, 111., '95 . SAMUEL HARRIS Sonora, Cal. 6. Arlington, O., Nov. 24, 1870; Find. C, '92; tea.; (3 grad.); he. Pby. BeUe- fontaine, May 16, '98; p. Northwood, N. D., '98-'99; p. Rugby, N. D., '99-01; p. ev. N. D., '01-'04; p. Sandpoint, Ida., '04-'09; p. Enterprise, Ore., '09-'ll;8. s. Sonora, Cal., '11 . 1898] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 139 MELVIN VERNON HIGBEE, D.D. (B. C. N.) Omaha, Neb. b. Wapello, la., July 11, 1869; P. C. 1., '95; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Corning, July 28, '98; p. Milton, la., '98-00; Corning, la., '00-'06; p. North Central ch., Omaha, Neb., '06 . SYDNEY PERHAM JACKSON Detroit, Mich. h. Ionia, Mich., Oct. 17, 1871; U. M.; Al. C. M.; '95; (3 grad.); ord. Grand Rapids Presby., Sept. '98; p. Jonesville, Mich., '98-'03; p. Cass City, Mich., '03-'05; p. Holly, Mich., '05-'09; p. Detroit, Mich., '09 . HARRIS CHUBB JOHNSON CoUege Corner, O. b. Lawrenceville, 111., Nov. 18, 1867; H. C. I., '95; Princt. Sem.; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Crawfordsville, Sept. 14, '98; p. Rossville, Ind., '98-'00; p. Mitchell, Ind., '0{>-'04; p. Montezuma and Dana, '04-'06; anti- saloon wk., '06; p. Montpelier, Ind., '06-'09; p. Cobden, 111., '09-'10; p. College Corner, O., '10 . CHARLES WILLIAM KERR Tulsa, Okla. b. Shppery Rock, Pa., April 2, 1875; Slippery Rock Norm., '93; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Oklahoma, July, '98; p. Edward, Okla., '98-'99; p. Tulsa, Okla., '99 . Mod. Sjm. Okla.; Trustee Henry Kendall C. BAREND HERMAN KROEZE, D.D. (Coe C.) Jamestown, N. D. b. Kampen, Netherlands, 1869; U. M., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Detroit, April 19, '98; p. Albany Pres. ch., Indiana, '98-'99; p. Lewiston and Central ch., Austin, Minn., '98-'01; prof, and v.-pres., L. C. I. '02-05; pres. Whitworth C, '05-'09; pres. Jamestown C, Jamestown, N. D., '09 — . GEORGE CHAMBERLAIN LENINGTON Tompkinsville, N. Y. b. Kokomo, Ind., Feb. 7, 1873; I. C. I., '92; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, Sept. 21, '98; p. WeUington, lU., '98-'00; p. Virginia, lU., '00-'08; p. Brighton Heights Rfd. ch., New York, '08 . FREDERICK WHEELER LEWIS Newark, N. J. b. Columbus, Miss., July 26, 1873; P. U., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. of Chicago, May 17, '98; p. Roseland, Chicago, '98-'01; p. Albion, N. Y., '01- '05; p. Saginaw, Mich., '05-'09; p. Forest Hill ch., Newark, N. J., '09 . JAMES PATTERSON LINN Creston, la. b. Shippensburg, Pa., Feb. 24, 1870; W. & J. C, '95; West. Sem.; (1 grad.); (yrd. Pby. Washington, May 11, '98; p. Early, la., '98-'02; p. Ireton, la., '02- '06; p. Creston, la., '06-'10; asst. supt. h. m. la., '10 . CHARLES EMMANUEL LOWNIE West Union, la. b. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 1870; M. U., '95; r. r. mail elk.; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, June 20, '98; p. Liberty, Neb., '98-'99; p. Taoa, N. M., '99-'00; p. Rockfield, Ind., '00-'02; p. MontpeUer, O., '02-'06; p. Marion, O., '06-'08; p. Pomeroy, O., '08-'ll; p. West Union, la., '11 . MARCUS PARRETT McCLURE, D.D. (B. C. N.) CouncU Bluffs, la. b. Northfield, la., AprU 9, 1892; P. C. I., '93; ord. Pby. Madison, Oct. '98; p. Kilboum, Wis., '98-'00; p. Milwaukee, '00-'03; p. Stevens Pt., Wis., '03-'05; p. Ist ch.. Council Bluffs, la., '05 . Trustee B. C. N.; Dir. Om. Sem. 140 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1898 ROBERT JOHN McLANDRESS Oconto, Wis. b. Stayner, Ont., Oct. 8, 1870; A. C. M., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, Sept. 22, '98; s. a. Walker, la., '98-'99; p. Evart, Mich., '99-'03; p. Lapeer, Mich., '03-'06; p. Oconto, Wis., '06 . FREDERICK NELSON McMILLIN Cincinnati, O. b. Mt. Gilead, 0., Oct. 14, 1872; W. U. O., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dayton, May 9, '98; p. Memorial ch., Dayton, O., '98-'10; p. Ist ch., Wahiut Hills, Cincinnati, O., '10 . Dir. Lane Sera. WILLIAM HENRY MATTHEWS, D.D. (Jamestown C.) . . .Grand Forks, N, D. 6. McHenry, lU., July 23, 1868; L. F. U., '92; lawyer; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. of Freeport, April '98; p. Marengo, 111., '98-'01; p. Central Park ch., Chicago, lU., '01-'06; p. Grand Forks, N. D., '06 . SAMUEL MARSHALL MARSH Wabasso, Minn. b. Toronto, Can., 1863; Macl. C, '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '98; p. Douglas Pk., Chicago, '98-'01; p. Ely, '01-'04; p. Eveleth, Minn., '04-'07; p. Amboy, Minn., '07-11; p. Wabasso, Minn., '11 . DAVID DIAMOND MITCHELL St. Paul, Minn. b. Cincinnati, O., April 7, 1872; Y. U., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, Aug. 10, '98; p. Goodrich A v. Pres. ch., St. Paul, Minn., '98 . WILLIAM JACKSON PINKERTON Brooklyn, N. Y. 6. Viola, 111., July 22, 1868; M. C. I., '95; Xen. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. (U. P.) Pby. Pawnee, Dec. 27, '98; p. Pawnee City, Neb., '98-'99; p. Yorkville, Wis., '99-'01; p. Croswell, Mich., '01-'02; Ufe insur., '02-'06; p. Bay Ridge, U. P. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '06 . ROBERT KING ROSS, b. Blaingowrie, Scotland, 1858; Al. C. M,; (3 grad.); s. s. Lewiston, Minn., '98-'00; ev. Somerville, Ore., '00-'02; w. c, Seattle, Wash., '02-'04; . WALTER DILL SCOTT, Ph.D. (Leipsic U.) Evanston, Dl. b. Fletcher, lU., 1869; N. W. U., '95; tea.; (3 grad.); stud. Europe, '98-'00. inst. N. W. U., 'OO-'Ol; asst. prof. N. W. U., '01-'08; prof. N. W. U., Evanston, 111., '08 . FREDERICK LOCRATUS SELDEN Chicago, lU. b. Cambria, Wis., Feb. 8, 1869; R. C. W., '94; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, Sept. 23, 1897; p. Horicon, Wis., '98-'99; p. Milwaukee, Wis., '99-'02; p. Ravenswood ch., Chicago, 111., '02 . JOHN NEWTON STRAIN Afton, la. b. Nokomis, lU., Aug. 22, 1869; B. U. I.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, April 13, '99; p. Virginia, 111., '98-'01; Harrisburg, 111., '01-'03; s. s. Assump- tion, 111., '03-'05; p. Altona, lU., '05-'07; p. Warren, lU., '07-'09; p. Rowley, la., '09-' 10; p. Afton, la., '10 . EDMUND ORMOND SUTHERLAND, b. Hanover, Ind., Nov. 27, 1871; H. C. I., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Detroit, Sept. '98; p. White Lake, Mich., '98-'01; s. s. Tawas City, Mich., '01-'04; p. Midland, Mich., '04-'06; s. s. Mitchell, Ind., '06-'07 . 1898] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 141 WILLIAM JOHN THOMPSON Rathdrum, Ida. b. CentervUle, Pa., Nov. 14, 1867; M. V. C; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Huron, June '98; p. White, S. D., '98-'00; s. s. Blairstown, la., 'OO-'Ol; 8. a. WeUs, Minn., '01-'02; s. s. Gunnison, Colo., '02-'03; p. Tacoma, Wash., '03- '06; p. Rathdrum, Ida., '07 . ROBERT DICKEY TRACY Lodiana, India. b. Dehra Dun, N. W. P., India, Nov. 9, 1874; U. W. 0., '95; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, '99; p. Earlville, 111., '98-'02; f, m. Lodiana, Punjab, India, '02 . EDWARD ELBRIDGE VANCE, b. 1872; L. F. U., '95; (3 grad.); p. Cooksville, 111., '98-'99; ill health; d, Denver, Colo., Feb. 19, 1902. LLOYD CALVIN WALTER Enid, Okla. b. Turbotville, Pa., Nov. 25, 1873; P. C. I., '95; (3 grad,); (rrd. Pby. Cimarron, July 27, '98; p. Enid, Okla., '98 . Mod. Syn. Okla., '05. EUGENE WILLSON Kelso, Wash. b. 1853; (3 grad.); p. Tustin, Mich., '98-'06; Reese, Mich., '06-'08; Castle Rock, Wash., '08-'09; s. s. Woodland, Wash., '09-'12; res. Kelso, Wash., '12 . WILLIAM WALLACE WILSON Tolono, lU. 6. Mattoon, 111., Aug. 4, 1869; B. U. I., '95; (3 grad.); p. Oakland, lU., '98-'03; p. Cobden, lU., '03-'04; p. Oakland, 111., '04-'07; p. Danvers, 111., '07-'10; p. Tolono, lU., '10 . WILLIAM ELMER YOUTSLER Coal City, Dl. b. New Middletown, Ind., Dec. 9, 1871; H. C. I., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, Sept. '98; p. Oswego, lU., '98-'01; p. Tower, Minn., '01- '03; p. Slayton, Minn., '03-'06; p. Coal City, 111., '06 . David James Albert New Zesdand. b. England, 1872; sailor; (1—); s. s. Itasca, 111., '95-'96; ev. New Zealand, '10 . Youell Gordon Bamell, 6. 1867; I. S. N., '95; (1); tea. Donald Mayo Brookman, b. 1874; O. U. C, '95; (1); Om. Sem.; . George McLean Cummings Washington, D. C. b. Baltimore, Md., July 26, 1862; P. U., N. J., '87; Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Baltimore, Dec. 27, '91; p. New Castle, Wyo., and Edgemont, S. D., '92-'93; p. Clarence, la., '93-98; (p. g. Princt. Sem. and McC. Theo. Sem.); p. Mt. Vernon, la., '99-'01; p. Ida Grove, la., '01-'05; p. Washington, D. C, '05 . David Harry Devor, 6. Ashland, O., Nov. 28, 1871; W. C. O., '95; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Wooster, May 13, '98; s. s. EUendale, N. D., '98-'99; miss. Batanga, Africa, '99-'01; Lolodorf, '01-'02; d. Lolodorf, Africa, Jan. 17, 1902. 142 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1898 Hugh Percy Dilworth, b. 1870; O. U. C, '94; San. Fran. Sem.; (1); . Henry Francis Doolittle, b. 1866; H. C. I., '95; (2—); . Rees Franklin Edwards Lien Chow, China. b. 1869; W. U. O., '95; (1); Lane Sem.; ord. Pres. Lima '98; f. m. Kang Hau, China, '98-'00; Canton, China, '00-'08; Lien Chow, China, '08 . William Thomas Fowler, b. 1864; H. S. C; (1); d. 1896. Charles Albert Fuessle, b. 1874; (1); Chic. Cong. Sem.; d. Chicago, 1898. Forest Alexander Heizer Deep River, la. b. 1870; H. U., '95; (1); Aub. Sem. s. s. Linevjlle, la., '0&-'08; a. s. Manning, la., '08-'10; s. s. Deep River, la., '10 . Yoshl Hirose, b. Japan, 1870; (2 spec. stud.). Charles Albert Hunter Eaton, O. b. Jackson, O., Oct. 31, 1869; N. N. U., '91; (1); Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Dayton, May '98; p. Osborne, O., '98-'03; p. Plain City, O., '03- '09; p. Eaton, O., '09 . John Richard Lloyd, B.D. (Princt. Sem.) Richwood, O. b. Oak Hill, O., Nov. 26, 1870; W. U. O., '95; (1); Lane Sem., '93; ord. Pby. Lima, May, '98; p. Convoy, O., '98-'02; p. Wapakoneta, O., '02-'05; Princt. Sem., '05-'06; Radnor, O., '07-'10; p. Richwood, O., '10 . Joseph Arthur Mitchell Chicago, 111. 6. Chicago, 111. ; (2 sp.) ; bus. Chicago, '97 . Stanton Ollinger, B.D. (Princt. Sem.) Lawrence, Kas. b. Huron, Kas., Dec. 27, 1867; U. K., '95; (2 — ); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, May 26, '98; p. Carson, la., '98-'02; p. St. Paul, Neb., '02- '04; p. Great Bend, Kas., '04-'07; p. Coffeyville, Kas., '07-'ll; dir. West- minster Hall, Lawrence, Kas., '11 . Archibald John Ross Okanogan, Wash. b. Canada, Jan. 22, 1862; K. C. Tor., '94; San Fran. Sem.; h. m. Cal.; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. San Francisco, '97; p. Corelo, Cal., '97-98; p. Chatham and Pawnee, 111., '98-'99; p. Eufaula, Wash., '99-'01; p. Bridgeport, Wash., '01- '02; p. Ahna, Wash., '02-'03; civil eng., Okanogan, Wash., '04 . Edward Preston Shier Dinuba, Cal. b. Ypsilanti, Mich., Feb. 8, 1867; E. C. K., '95; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Oakland, May 6, '98; p. Herington, Kas., '94-'97; p. Centerville, Cal., '97- '99; p. Eureka, Cal., '00-'09; p. Scotia, Cal., '09-'10; p. Dinuba, Cal., '10 . 1899] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 143 Thompson Brown Southall Bllrkwood, Mo. b. Albemarle Co., Va., Dec. 17, 1866; H. S. C, ; Un. Sem., Va.; (1); ord. '98; p. Highland ch., Austin, Tex., '98-'04; p. McDowell, '04 (p. Williamsville, '04-'07; p. Lexington, Va., '07; p. Amarillo, Tex., '08-'10; p. Kirkwood, Mo., '10 . Walter Morton Sutherland Sausalito, Cal. b. Hanover, Ind., 1868; H. C. I., '95; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Benicia, Nov., '98; p. Fulton, Cal., '98-'10; p. Sauaalito, Cal., '10 '—. Jacob Wulfmann, b. 1875; Prosem., ; (1 — ); . Silas A. Zimbeck, b. 1860; Witt. C. O., '93; (1 — p. g.). 1899 CHARLES PAGE ANDREWS Belolt, Wis. b. Byron, lU., July 5, 1867; McK. C. I., '96; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, '99; p. Garden Plain and Newton, 111., '99-'02; p. Wausaukee, Wis., '02-'05; s. s. Harper Memorial ch., Abbotsford, '05-'09; p. West Side, Beloit, '10 . WILLIAM THOMAS ANGUS Carml, Dl. b. Gait, Ont., Can., July 25, 1863; L. F. U. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 5, '99; p. Manteno, lU., '99-'02; p. Peotone, 111., '02-'06; p. 2nd ch., JoUet, 111., '06-'07; p. VandaUa, 111., '07-'ll; p. Carmi, 111., '11 . GEORGE HANNAH ATKINSON Albemarle, N. C. b. Smithville, Va., Nov. 30, 1874; S. C. M. Ac, '93; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 30, '00; s. s. Trout Run, Pa., '99-'01; p. Ist ch., Charlotte, N. C, '01-'03; p. Monroe, N. C, '03-'08; p. Albemarle, N. C, and Prea. Albemarle Norm, and Indus. Inst., '08 . HOFFMAN THOMPSON BAUMGARTEN, b. Hornellsville, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1872; H. C, '96; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); he. Pby. Steuben, April 17, '00; he. revoked at own request, April 16, '01; . ASHER HARRY BRAND Vincennes, Ind. b. Worthington, O., 1876; W. U. O., '96; (3 grad.); p. Edgerton, O., '00-'02; p. Auburn, Ind., '02-'08; p. Bluffton, Ind., '08-'12; p. 1st ch., Vincennes, Ind., '12 . JACKSON KELLY BUCHANAN Walla WaUa, Wash. b. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 10, 1868; Pa. C. M., '96; Aub. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. East Oregon, June 16, '99; p. Pendleton, Ore., '99-'01; p. Golden- dale, Wash., '01-'04; p. WaUowa, Ore., '04-'07; p. Garfield, Wash., '07-'10; 8. 8. miss. Pby. Walla Walla, Wash., '10 . PIERCE ANNESLEY CHAMBERLIN Verona, N. J. b. Las Paulo, Brazil, S. A., April 1, 1872; P. U., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June '99; f. m. State of Bahia, Brazil, '99-'08; p. Ist ch., Verona, N. J., '09 . WILLIAM BROWN CHANCELLOR Rockville, Ind. b. near HigginsviUe, Mo., March 2, 1870; W. U. O., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kansas City, June 8, '99; p. Rich Hill, Mo., '99-'08; p. Rockville, Ind., '08 . 144 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1899 JOHN WILLIAM CHRISTIANSON Sisseton, S. D. b. Samaboro, Minn., Aug. 28, 1870; Macl. C, '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Man- kato, Nov. 7, '99; p. Henn Lake, Minn., '99-'01; p. Wilmont, Minn., '01-'05; p. Castlewood, S. D., '05-'O9; p. Sisseton, S. D., '09 . ALEXANDER CORKEY, D.D. (T. C. I.) Wayne, Neb. b. Glendermott, Ireland, Oct. 27, 1871; Ma. C. I.; Poyle C; T. C. I.; '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids '99; p. Garrison, la., '00-'02; p. Malcom, la., '02-'03; p. Fairfield, la., '03-'06; p. Oskaloosa, la., '0&-'07; p. Cedar Bluffs, la., '07-'10; p. Wayne, Neb., '10 . B. Orme Smith Fellow. WALTER STUART CROZIER Durango, Colo. b. Russell, la., Feb. 18, 1873; P. C. I., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Cloud, July 25, '99; p. Keota, la., '99-'04; p. Mason City, la., '04-'08; p. Des Moines la., '08-'09; p. Durango, Colo., '09 . . WILLIAM MOORE DAGER Elat Station, West Africa, Miss. b. Cincinnati, 0., June 22, 1869; P. C. M., '96; Danv. Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, May '99; f. m. Elat Station, West Africa, Miss., '99 ALFRED MERRILL EELLS Cairo, IIL b. Clay, la., March 17, 1873; U. la., B.C.N.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, July 6, '99; p. Bellevue, Wis., '99-'00; p. Seymour, la., 'OO-'Ol; p. Glasgow, Mo., '01-'02; p. NashviUe, 111., '02-'04; p. Osage City, Kas., '04-'07; p. Dodge City, Kas., '07-'ll; p. Cairo, lU., '11 . i'OHN PINNEY ERDMAN Oahu, Hawaiian Ids, b. Morristown, N. J., Dec. 6, 1874; P. U., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Morris and Orange, Jime '99; f. m. Honolulu, Hawaii, '99-'03; Yamaguchi, Japan, '03-'07; Oahu, Hawaii, '07 . DRURY HILL FISHER Manhattan, Kas. b. Washington, Kas., 1873; E. C. K., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, '99; p. Clifton, Kas., '99-'07; p. Manhattan, Kas., '07 . GEORGE CUSTER FLETT, LL.B. (U. W.) Catlin, Dl. b. Somers, Wis., 1863; U. W., '93; lawy.; Hartf. Sem.; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, Oct. 12, '99; p. Farmingdale, lU., '99-'04; p. Gladstone, Mich., '04-'09; p. Veedersburg and Cayuga, Ind., '09-'12; s. s. Cathn, lU., '12 . THEODORE A. HAEFELE Louisville, Ky. b. Gasconade, Mo., Aug. 1, 1873; Ehn. Col., '95; (1 grad.); Eden T. Sem., St. Louis, 3 yrs.; ord. Ger. Evan. Syn., May 14, '99; p. Coming, N. Y., '99- '01; p. Woodsfield, O., '01-'05; p. LouisviUe, Ky., '05 . STEPHEN CYRENIUS COPERNICUS HICKMAN Oakland, Ore. b. Newton, la., Jan. 25, 1866; P. C. I., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Niobrara, Oct. 4, '99; p. Niobrara and Lynch, Neb., '99-'02; p. South Sioux City, Neb., '02-'03; p. Emerson, Neb., '03-'05; p. Meridan, Ida., '05-'07; p. Kaysville, Utah, '07-'09; p. Ogden, Utah, '09-' 12; s. s. Oakland, Ore., '12 . BENJAMIN JONES Edwardsburg, Mich. b. Mountain Ash, Wales, June 9, 1865; Pa. C. M., '95; coal mining; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April 19, '99; Iron River, '99-'01; Southfield, '01-'03; McAlla and Plainfield, '03-'07; Sherman and Dighton, '07-'09; p. Hesperia, Mich., '09-'12; s. s. Edwardsburg, Mich., '12 . 1899] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 145 WILLIAM GORDON KEIRY Cortez, Colo. b. Gladstone, 111., Dec. 20, 1870; Del Norte C, '96; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Pueblo, June 14, '99; p. Clarence, 111., '99-'02; s. s. WaynesviUe, 111., '02-'05; s. s. Dalhart and Hereford, Tex., '05-'07; p. Lamar, Colo., '07-' 12; s. s. Cortez, Colo. SAMUEL MAGILL Raton, N. M. b. N. Ireland, 1862; R. U. I.; Magee C; Assembly's T. Sem., Belfast; (1 grad.); p. Berwyn, 111., '00; p. Raton, N. M., '00 . EDWIN M. MARTIN Grand Ridge, Dl. b. Tiffin, 0., Feb. 15, 1872; Pa. C. M., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, May 24, '99; p. Richland Center, Wis., '99-'03; ev. Brooklyn, N. Y., '03-'05; p. Shawano, Wis., '05-'07; p. Mattoon, lU., '07-'10; p. Grand Ridge, 111., '10 . MOSES McDowell maxwell Warren, Minn. b. Excelsior, Minn., Sept. 16, 1871; Macl. C, '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Cloud, Jan. 19, '00; p. Royalton, Minn., '00-'04; p. Helena, Mont., '04-'08; p. Warrendale, St. Paul, Minn., '08-' 12; p. Warren, Minn., '12 . HERBERT McCOMB MOORE Appleton, Wis. b. Macomb, lU., Aug. 17, 1876; L. F. U., '96; (3 grad.); United Pres. HaU and Freechurch Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland; ord. , Oct. 13, '01; p. Goldfield, Colo., '01-'03; p. Grace ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '03-'06; p. Appleton, Wis., '06 . DAVID PARK, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Chicago, HI. b. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 16, 1873; P. U., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May '99; f. m. Nau Taos, Siam, '99-'08; p. Midland, Mich., '09-'ll; asst. sec, res. Chicago, 111., '11 . PAUL PFEIFFER Evansville, Ind. b. March 26, 1874; Clear Creek, Mo.; Ehn. Col., '95; Eden Theo. Sem. (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Evan. Syn., SedaHa, Mo., May 28, '99; p. Eden Evan, ch., St. Louis, '99-'04; p. Bethel Evan, ch., Evansville, Ind., '04 . HOUSTON PLATTER, b. Sandy HiU, N. ¥., March 24, 1871; W. U. O., '96; (3 grad.); p. Iron River and Stambaugh, Mich., '98; p. Trinity ch., Cincinnati, 0., '99-'01; d. Cin- cinnati, 0., April 26, 1901. JOHN GEORGE REINHARDT Crystal, N. D. b. Chicago, 111., March 8, 1866; Wheaton C. ; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Cloud, July 26, '99; p. Clara City, Minn., '99-'00; p. Austin, Minn., '00; p. Kasson, Minn., '00-'03; s. s. Harvey, 111., '03-'05; p. Sherwood, N. D., '05; p. WiUow City, N. D., '05-'06; res. Chicago, lU.; p. Willow City, N. D., '08-'12; s. s. Cr>'stal and St. Thomas, N. D., '12 . CHARLES LEE REYNOLDS, D.D. (Coe C.) Lexington, Ky. b. De Graff, O., May 10, 1874; W. & J. C, '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, Oct. 10, '99; p. Cottage Grove Av. ch., Des Moines, la., '99-'06; p. 2nd ch., Lexington, Ky., '06 . Trustee Pipeville C. K. 146 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1899 RICHARD ALBERT RUDDICK, b. Ingersoll, Ont., 1866; U. Wis., '96; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee, May, '99; p. Ottawa, Wis., '99-'00; p. Dousman, Wis., '0{>-'02; p. Genesee, Wis., '02-'06; p. Sheboygan, Wis., '06-'09; p. Pewaukee, Wis., '09-'10; d. Pewaukee, Wis., April 4, 1910. ALFRED EDWARD SCHAFFER South Sioux City, la. b. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 11, '75; VaL, N. C, '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Spring- field, AprU, '99; p. Geneseo, Kas., '98-'00; s. s. Ethel, Mo., '00-02; s. s. Fremont, la. '02-'04; s. s. Titonka, '04-'05; s. s. Hurley, S. D., '05-'06; Stearns, '06-'08; s. s. Primrose, Neb., '08-'ll ; s. s. S. SiouxCity, la., '11 . JOHN G. SCHEUBER Evanston, III. b. Niles Center, 111., Nov. 8, 1873; Ehn. Col., '95; Eden Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn., May 14, '99; p. Ottawa, lU., '99-'02; p. Sandwich, '02-'04; p. Evanston, lU., '04 . ALEXANDER SHARP .^ Columbus, Ind. b. Liverpool, England, 1872; C. K., Ky., Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. '99; f. m. Barranquilla, Colombia, S. A., '99-'04; p. Mingo Junction, O., '04-'05; p. Barberton, O., '05-'ll; p. Columbus, Ind., '11 . ARCHIBALD GEORGE STEWART Garden Plain, 111. 6. Warren Co., 111., June 24, 1870; M. C. I., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Aberdeen '99; p. Raymond, S. D., '99-'01;. p. Viola, 111., '01-'02; p. Blunt and Oneida, S. D., '02-'04; p. Livermore, la., '04-'07; p. Garden Plain and Newton, lU., '08 . HAYDEN RINEHART UPTON Pipestone, Minn. 6. Effingham, lU., June 29, 1866; H. C. I., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee, May 31, '99; p. Bethany ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '99-'01; p. Scotland, S. D., '01-'06; p. Rapid City, S. D., '06-'09; p. Madison, S. D., '09-'12; p. Pipe- stone, Minn., '12 . JAMES McGILL WALLACE Delta, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa. 1872; New Windsor C, '95; Princt. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, July 27, '99; p. Tolono, 111., '99-'01; p. Huntingdon VaUey, Pa., '01-'06; p. Sherwood ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '06-'10; p. Delta, Pa., '10 . SAMUEL ERNEST PAUL WHITE Bemidji, Minn. b. Ashland, O., Jan. 1, 1870; W. U. O., '96; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Cloud, June 27, '99; p. Harrison, Minn., '99-'01; p. Kerkhoven, '01-'02; p. Lakefield, '02-'04; p. Bemidji, Minn., '04 . DWIGHT WITHERSPOON WYLIE, D.D. (Dub. Sem.) Iowa City, la. b. Condit, O., July, 16, 1876; U. W. O., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, May, '99; p. 2nd ch., Davenport, la., '99-'02; p. Iowa City, '02 . William Christian Baum, b. 1876; Miss. H., '96; (1 — ); ill health; . Oscar Emmet Beckes Manlius, N. Y. b. Emporia, Kas., ; E. C. K., '96; (2); Aub. Sem., '99, ord. Pby. Black HiUs, July '99; p. Rapid City, S. D., '99-'00; p. O'Neill, Neb., 'OO-'Ol; p. Parma Center, N. Y., '01-'03; p. Ossian, N. Y., '03-'06; p. Rose, N. Y., '0^'09; p. Manlius, N. Y., '09 . 1899] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 147 J. H. Collins. Thomas James Corbett, b. Onslow, la., 1867; L. C. I., '96; (2); . John Moore Donaldson, b. Co. Down, Ireland, June 9, 1851; Royal Univ. Ire., '73; Belfast Sem.; Princt. Sem.; San Fran. Sem. (1 p. g.); a. s. Wilmington, 111., '98-99; ev. Chicago, 111., '99-'00; s. s. Hooper and Hilltop, Colo., '00-'03; d. St. Peters, Minn., Jan. 25, 1903. James Alexander Gunn, b. 1866; L. S. U., '95; San Fran. Sem., (1); . Thomas Carl Jackson Upper Alton, 111. b. West Middlesex, Jan. 15, 1869; West. C. (Pa.) '95; West. Sem.; (1); lie, '97; s. s. Festus, Mo., '99; tea. and s. s. Upper Alton, 111., '98 . Oliver C. Johnson Omro, Wis. b. KendaU Co., 111., Sept. 3, 1863; L. F. U. ; (2); Moody Inst.; ord. Pby. Ottawa, April 21, '98; p. Humboldt Park Cong, ch., Chicago, III., '96- '97; p. Eola, lU., '97-'98; p. Morris, 111., '98-'05; p. Manitowoc, Wis., '05-'09; p. Omro, Wis., '09 . Walter B. Jorris Moravia, N. Y. b. Poland, Ind., 1873; Wise. U., (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Refd. ch. '98; p. Kenton, O., '98-'06; p. Scipioville, N. Y., '06-'09; p. Moravia, N. Y., '09 . Henry Alonzo Leaty Des Moines, la. b. Webster, 1859; Macl. C. ; (2); ord. Pby. Duluth, '00; p. Hinkley, Minn., 'OO-'Ol; p. Mora, Minn., '01-'04; p. Little Falls, Minn., '04-'06; p. Des Moines, la., '06 . Robert Alexander Patterson, b. Neb., 1867; H. C. N., '96; (3 — ); d. 1899. Alvin B. Rice, b. 1860; M. U. C. (1); d. Chicago, 111., 1896. Jacob Schultz Surbeck Rapid City, S. D. b. Schonwalde, Germany, July 9, 1866; H. C; Newark Sem.; (1); Lane Sem., '98; ord. Pby. Marion, June 8, '98; p. Milford Center, O., '98 ; p. MitcheU, S. D.; Lead, S. D.; p. at large Pby. Black Hills, '10 . Elias John Witte Findlay, O. b. Shiloh, lU., Feb. 4, 1865; B. C. N., E. C. K., Om. Sem. (1); ord. Pby. New Albany, May 13, '97; s. s. Leavenworth, English and Milltown, Ind., '97-'99;s. s. St. James, Minn., '98-' 99; p. Sioux City, la., '01; ev., Findlay, O., '01 . Maixrice Edgar Wright Pataskala, O. b. Homer, O., Aug. 15, 1872; W. U. 0., '96; (2); ord. Pby. Choctaw, '99; p. St. George, Utah, '99-'02; s.s. p.Enumclaw, Wash., '02-'05; p. New Lexington, 0., '05-'08; p. Jersey, O., '08-'10; p. Pataskala, O., '10 . Joseph Zoll, b. Ipava, 111., Oct. 8, 1868; Macl. C, '93; West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Red River, April 6, '98; s. s. Grandine, N. D., '96-'97; p. Bemidji, Minn., '98-'99; (1 p. g.). 148 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1900 1900 LEONARD ANDREW BARRETT Ann Arbor, Mich. b. Covington, Ky., Nov. 1, 1874; C. C. K., '98; bank; 1^ yr. Lane Sem.; (VA grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 19, '00; asst. p. 3d ch., Chicago, 'OO-'OS; p. Eells Mem. ch., Cleveland, O., '03-' 12; p. Ann Arbor, Mich., '12 . CHARLES FRANCIS BERNHEISEL Pyeng-Yang, Korea. b. Culver, Ind., Sept. 11, 1874; H. C. I., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, May 9, '00; f. m., Pyeng-Yang, Korea, '00 . Prof. Theo. Sem., Pyeng-Yang; Prof. Un. Chr. Coll., Pyeng-Yang. JOSEPH ERNEST BURKHART Roseburg, Ore. b. Fairfield, la., April 18, 1873; P. C. I., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Helena, May 24, '00; p. Twin Bridges, Mont., '00-'02; p. Havre, Mont., '02; p. Hamilton, Mont., '02-'05; p. North Bend, Ore., '05-'09; p. Roseburg, Ore., '09 . LEWIS FRANK COOPER Philo, Dl. b. Washington Co., Tenn., Jan. 13, 1872; G. & T. C, '95; h. m.; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. La Crosse, Dec. '00; p. North Bend, Wis., '00- '03; p. Minonk, 111., '03-'07; p. Hamlet and Perrytown, Reynolds, 111., '08-'12; p. Philo, lU., '12 . J. FORSYTH CRAWFORD, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Tabor, la. b. Damascus, Syria, Nov. 16, 1871; P. U., '95; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Baptist Council, Beaver Dam, Wis., Oct. 19, '00; p. 1st Baptist ch., Beaver Dam, Wis., '00-'04 ; prof. Grand Island Col., '04r-'07 ; prof. T. C. I., Tabor, la., '07 . CYRUS MURRAY CREIGHTON YpsUanti, Mich. b. Douglastown N.B., Can., Feb. 7, 1873; Pa. C. M., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Louisville, Oct. 4, '00; p. Pewee Valley, Ky., '00-'07; p. Ypsilanti, Mich., '07-'ll; ill health; res. Ypsilanti, Mich., '11 . ROY CLIFFORD CULLY Sioux City, la. b. Kewanee, 111., 1873; T. C. I. ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, June 19, '00; p. Cooksville, 111., '00-'02; p. Pomeroy, la., '02-'06; p. Morning- side ch., Sioux City, la., '06 — ■ . JOHN GRIFFIN CURREY Kilboume, O. b. Mauckport, Ind., Feb. 8, 1878; H. C, I., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oklahoma, '00; 8. 8. Edmond, Okla., '00-'02; s. s. Watonga, Okla., '02-'04; s. s. Colfax, lU., '05; 8. 8. La Rue, O., '05-'07; s. s. BerUn and Liberty, O., '07-'10; s. s. Brown, O., '10 . DAYTON ANDREW DOBBS Johnson City, Tenn. b. Creston, la., 1873; P. C. I., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Holston, Aug. 8, '00; p. Mt. Bethel ch., Tusculum, Tenn., '00-'08; p. Watauga Av. ch., Johnson City, Tenn., '08 . Mod. Syn. Tenn., '05; Trustee W. & T. C. JAMES IRVIN DOOL Winfield, la. b. Aledo, 111., Jan. 29, 1868; Gen. Coll. Inst. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, April '00; p. Spring Valley ch., Ustick, 111., '00-'03; p. Genesee, 111., '03-'06; p. Normal, 111., '06-'10; p. Winfield, la., '10 . Trustee Gen. Coll. Inst. 1900] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 149 ALFRED CYRUS EDGAR Needles, Cal. b. CoulterviUe, 111., July 22, 1869; Pa. C. M., '97; San Fran.Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Neosho, Sept. '00; p. Richmond, Kas., '0O-'03; p. Needles, Cal., '03 . JOHN WAKER FINDLEY Bedford, Ind. b. Monmouth, lU., Oct. 15, 1874; M. C. I., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, '00; p. Brookston, Ind., '00-'03; p. Bedford, Ind., '03 . CHAUNCEY ATWOOD FOREMAN RushviUe, HI. b. Demos, 0., Feb. 4, 1876; Fr. C. O., '97; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, June '00; p. Adel, la., '00-'02; p. Grace ch., Indianapolis, '02-'08; p. RushviUe, 111., '08 . GOTTLIEB HENRY FREUND Portsmouth, O. b. Edwardsport, Ind., July 23, 1873; Elm. C, '94; Eden Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. N. A., Sept. 13, '97; p. Port Washington, 0., '00-'03; p. Ports- mouth, O., '03 . GEORGE LE CLYDE GELWICKS Hengchow, Hunan, China. b. Delhi, 0., June 14, 1875; W. U. O., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, May 15, '00; p. Manila, P. I., 'OO-'Ol; miss. Siangtau, Hunan, China, '01- '03; Hengchow, Hunan, China, '03— . AYLMER BROOKS GOULD Ludhiana, India. b. near LouisviHe, Ky., July 6, 1875; C. C. K., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 6, '00; f. m. Ludhiana, India, '00-'04; Kasur, India, '04-'07; Ferezpore, India, '07-'08; furlough U. S. A., '08-'09; Ludhiana, Punjab, India, '09 . JOHN L. HARTSOOK Winchester, O. b. Alatta, Ala., March 25, 1866; Pa. C. M., '95; (4 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, May 16, '00; p. Waterman, lU., '00-'03; p. Macomb, 111., '03-'07; p. Rankin, 111., '07-'09; p. Bridgeport, lU., '09-'12; s. s. Mt. Calvary and Wheat Ridge and p. Winchester, O., '12 . ERNEST CHARLES HENKE Baraboo, Wis. b. Stillwater, Minn., July 13, 1874; Macl. C, '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winne- bago, July 2, '00; p. Weyauwega, Wis., '00-'08; p. Baraboo, Wis., '08 . EDWARD WILLIAM FARIS HOLLER Ottumwa, la. b. Sparland, 111., Feb. 4, 1873; P. C. I., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cimarron, Sept. 12, '00; p. PurceU, I. T., '00-'02; p. Litchfield, lU., '02-'06; p. Martins- burg, la., '07-'10; s. s. Benton St. chap., Ottmnwa, la., '10 . FRANK ALVIN HOSMER, Ph.M. (W. U. O.) Chicago, lU. b. Seville, O., 1872; W. U. O., '94; bus. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, June '00; p. 2nd ch , Freeport, 111., '00-'07; p. Central Pk. ch., Chicago, 111., '07 . WALTER HUME HOUSTON Columbus, O. b. Pardee, Pa., Feb. 28, 1869; G. C. C. P , '94; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, June, '00; p. Union Mills, Ind., '00-'02; p. West Broad St. ch., Columbus, O., '02-'08; syn. supt., h. m. Syn. Columbus, O., '08 . 150 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1900 ROBERT HUMPHREYS LoweUviUe, O. b. Llanfairfechan, Wales, March 17, 1869; L. F. C, N. W. U.; (3 grad.); ord. Welsh Calv. Meth. ch., Syn. Wis., Oct. 20, '00; p. Johnstown, Pa., '0O-'07; p. Youngstown, O., '07-'rO; supt. L. M. work Syn, O., '10 . Mod. Syn. O. (Welsh Pres. ch.). LEWIS GASTON LEARY, Ph.D. (N. Y. U.) Pelham Manor, N. Y. b. Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 3, 1877; R. C, '97; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Elizabeth '00; p. Blauvelt, N. Y., '04-'07; p. Pelham Manor, N. Y., '07 . JAMES CLAIR LEECH Zellenople, Pa. b. New Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 7, 1873; G. C. C. P., '97; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. IndianapoUs, May 1, '01; p. Greenfield, Ind., '00-'03; p. Elwood, Ind., '04-'06; p. West Division St. ch., Chicago, lU., '07-'08; p. Westminster ch., Ft. Wayne, Ind., '08-'10; p. Zelienople, Pa., '10 . CLYDE L. LUCAS Morgan Park, Dl. b. Beknont, O., May 27, 1873; Fr. C. O., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indianapolis, Nov. '00; p. W. Washington St. ch., IndianapoUs, Ind., '0(>-'02; p. Douglas Park ch., Chicago, '03-'04; p. Harvey, III., '05-'09; p. Morgan Park, lU., '09 . WILLIAM SINGLETON McCTJLLAGH Lebanon, Ore. b. Armagh, Ireland, Nov. 28, 1869; L. F. U., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2. '00; f. m. Shantung, China, '00-'02; p. Lime Springs, la., '02-'04; p. Perry, la., '04-'06; p. Chariton, la., '06-'ll; res. Lebanon, Ore., '11 . ALEXANDER McFERRAN Oskaloosa, la. b. Down, Ireland, March 3, 1869; L. F. U., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloom- ington, July 3, '00; p. Sheldon, lU., '00-'03; p. Terre Haute, Ind., '03-'04; p. Oskaloosa, la., '04 . CLYDE RALSTON McMILLIN Seattle, Wash. b. SharpsviUe, Pa., July 25, 1873; Coe C, '96; he. Pby. Cedar Rapids, April 19, '99; (3 grad.); a. p. Ottumwa, la., '01-'07; p. Maumee, O., '02-'04; w. c. Toledo, O., '05; s. s. Clarence, lU., '06-'07; s. s. Elbe, Wash., '07; p. George- town, Wash., '07-10; asst. p. 1st ch., Seattle, Wash., '10. MATTHEW BROWN McNUTT New York. b. Clarion Co., Pa., March 18, 1869; Drake U., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2, '00; p. Du Page ch., Plainfield, 111., '00-12; asst. sec. Bd. of H. M.; New York, '12 , JESSE MARHOFF Seattle, Wash. b. Buchanan, Mich., July 1, 1871; O. C. M., '97; (3 grad.); Yale Div. Sch.; ord. Pby. Kalamazoo, May 30, '00; p. Big Laurel, N. C, 'OO-'Ol; New Haven, Conn., '02-'03; s. s. Rushford, Mirm., '03-'04; s. s. Hazleton, la., '04-'07; p. Lake Union ch., Seattle, Wash., '08 . WILLIAM A. MAST Napoleon, O. b. Bluffton, Ind., ; P. C. I., '97; San Fran. Sem., 1 year; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, May '00; p. Great Bend, Kas., 'OO-'Ol; p. Hey- worth. 111., '01-'06; p. Napoleon, O., '06 . FRANK H. MIXSELL Tacoma, Wash. b. Philipsburg, N. J., July 1, 1872; A. C. P., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May '00; p. Horicon, Wis., '00-'02; p. Oregon City, Ore., '02-'04; p. South Bend, Wash., '04-'07; s. s. miss. Pby. Olympia, Wash., '07 . 1900] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 151 WILLIAM ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY West Branch, la. b. Colesburg, la., July 16, 1872; C. C. la., '94; civ. eng.; (3 grad.); ord. April 16, '01, Pby. Waterloo; p. Aredale, la., '01-'02; p. Oswego, lU., '02-'04; p. Leon, la., '04-'07; p. West Branch, la., '07 . JERE ARDRA MOORE Atlanta, Ga. b. GreenviUe, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1874; G. & T. C, '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Holston, Aug. 8, '00; p. Watauga Av. ch., Johnson City, Tenn., '00-'08; p. Harris St. ch., Atlanta, Ga., '08 . Trustee G. & T. C. JOHN HENRY CLARK MORRIS Richmond, Kas. b, Swanville, Ind., Sept. 27, 1872; H. C. I., '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, May 9, '00; p. Conway Springs, Kas., '00-'03; p. White City, Kas., '03-06; p. Richmond, Kas., '06 . ARTHUR ALFRED PALMER Howard Lake, Minn. b. Near Chatfield, Minn., March 9, 1873; Macl. C, '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, Oct. '00; p. Etna and New Hope, Minn., 'OO-'Ol; p. Balaton and Easter, '01-'05; p. Madeha, '05-'07; p. Morgan, Minn., '07-'09; p. Howard Lake, Winsted and Sylvan, Minn., '09 . LOUIS PROVOST PEEKE Fond du Lac, Wis. b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., June 12, 1875; R. C, '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, June 20, '00; p. Ist ch.. Fond du Lac, Wis., 'OO-'ll; bus. Fond du Lac, Wis., '11 . Mod. Syn. Wis., '09-' 10. CHARLES PETRAN Saltillo, Mex. b. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 4, 1866; Macl. C. '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapolis, June 4, '00; f. m. Saltillo, Mexico, '00- — ■ — . EDWARD EVERETT PLANNETTE, b. Brazil, Ind., Aug. 4, 1871; H. C. I., '97; Sec. Y. M. C. A.; ord. Pby. Muncie, April 10, '00; p. Winchester, Ind. '00; ; Richmond, Ind. ; Pomona, Cal. ; Long Beach, Cal. ; Marion, Ind. ; d. Rich- mond, Ind., Dec. 17, 1909. WILLIAM LLOYD ROBERTS Madison, Kas. b. Greenville, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1871; G. & T. C, '95; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Holston, '00; p. Coldwater, Kas., '00-'08; res. Madison, Kas., '11 . ROLAND KEENE RYAN Chicago, lU. b. Russellville, Ky., Oct. 4, 1872; C.C.K., '99; jour.; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 18, '00; p. Garfield Blvd. ch., Chicago, HI., '00 . GUY EDWARD SMOCK Nokomis, Dl. b. Keota, la., June 25, 1874; P. C. I., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. , Sept. 11, '00; p. Sidney, 111., '00-'08; p. Nokomis, 111., '08 . LEON LAPSLEY SMYTHE Le Sueur, Minn. b. Tiffin, O., June 10, 1873; Pierre U., '95; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Central Dakota, Oct. 5, '00; p. Blunt and Oneida, S. D., '00-'02; p. Volga, S. D., '02-'07; p. Le Sueur, Minn., '07 . 152 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1900 SAMUEL FORREST STITT Mt. Clemens, Mich. b. Near Clarinda, la., 1871; P. C. I., '06; (3 grad.;) ord. Pby. Vincennes, Sept. 25, '00; M. Evansville, Ind., 'OO-'Ol; p. Chalmere, Ind., '04; p. BrazU, Ind., '04r-'08; p. Mt. Clemens, Mich., '08 . JESSE MOORE TEDBALL Minonk, III. b. Cincinnati, 0., July 6, 1875; Grove City, Colo., '96; printer; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, May 28, '00; p. Kewanee, HI., '00-'04; p. Hamlet, lU., '04-'08; p. Minonk, 111., '08 . ABRAHAM JOHN VAN PAGE Chicago, lU. b. Middelburg, Netherlands, Aug. 27, 1873; Al. C. M., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 25, '00; p. Coal City, 111., 'OO-'Ol; p. Marengo, 111., '01-'05; p. Millard Av. eh., Chicago, '05 . LE ROY WELLS WARREN Irvington, N. Y. b. Rushville, lU., Oct. 28, 1869; U. W., N. W. U., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Wayne, Oct. '00; p. La Grange, Ind., '00-'02; p. Burgettstown, Pa., '02-'03; p. Monongahela, Pa., '03-'06; p. Redlands, Cal., '06-'09; res. Madison, Wis., '11-'12; asst. p. Irvington, N. Y,, '12 . WILLIAM HARBISON WILSON Chicago, 111. b. Des Moines, la., Aug. 2, 1873; B. U. K., D. M. C. I.; Y. M. C. A. Sec. 3 years; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, May '00; p. Ist ch., Michigan City, Ind., '99-'04; p. Am.-Br. Ev. ch., Leipzig, Germany, '05; p. Westmin- ster ch.. Fort Wayne, 111., '06-'08; p. Andrew ch., MinneapoUs, Minn., '08-'ll; s. 8. Lake View ch., Chicago, 111., '12 . LEON DECATUR YOUNG, D.D Beatrice, Neb. b. Highland, Kas., Dec. 2, 1872; H. U. K., '97; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, Sept. 5, '00; p. Charleston, Ind., 'OO-'Ol; p. Washington, la., '02-'08; p. Beatrice, Neb., '08 . Leo Von Alexander, b. Cloyd's Creek, Tenn., 1874; (1 — ); . Edgar Lloyd Buchanan Lafayette, Ind. b. Hannibal, Mo., Nov. 2, 1862; lawy. and ed.; (1); Moody Inst.; ord. Pby. Kalamazoo, May '98; p. Louis, 111., '98-'99; p. Martin, Mich., '99- '01 ;p. Akron, Mich., '01-'03; p. Newberg, Mich., '03-'07; p. and ev. Lafayette, Ind., '07 . Howard Langley Guss, b. Saldaysburg, Pa., Oct. 16, 1870; P. U., '98; tea.; (3). John Sherman Hamilton E. Cleveland, O. b. Ada, 0., Dec. 20, 1870; A. C. 0., '95; Princt. Sem. (1); ord. Pby. Steuben- ville, April 13, '98; s. s. Cavaher, N. D., '98-'99; s. s. Shreve, O., '99-'01; 8. 8. E. Liverpool, 0., '02; p. New Cumberland, W. Va., '03-'04; ev E. Cleveland, O., '05 . Charles Edward Johnson, b. 1869; res. St. Louis, Mo.; med. stud. (1) Med. Travelli Webster Lane, b. Beaver FaUs, Pa., 1876; Waynes Col., '97; (1); . 1901] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 153 Benjamin Emil Lienkaemper Dayton O. b. Waukon, la., June 7, 1873; Miss. Hse.CoU., '94; (1 — ); Miss.Sem.; Rfd! Ch. Sem.; ord. Toledo Classis '98; p. Haskins, O., Rfd. ch., '98-'03; p. New Philadelphia, O., '03-'04; p. BeUaire, O., '04^'07; p. Jeflfersonville, Ind., '07-'10; res. Dayton, O., '11 . William Alexander Newton, b. 1872; L. F. U., '97; (2). Frederick Perkins Lodi, N. Y. b. Lock Haven, Pa., Sept. 12, 1865; H. C. I., '89; Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby! Lackawanna, June 23, '92; p. Ulster and Ulster Village chs.. Pa., '92-94; p. Broad Av. ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '94^'00; (p. g.); ill health; civ. eng. Ga., '01; h. m. Pby. Macon, '02; p. Bainbridge, Ga., '03-'05; p. R. D. ch., Lodi. N. Y., '05 . Lewis Pillmeier, b. 1866; Dubuque Sem.; (1 p.g.) s. s. Nauvoo, 111., '99 ; . Hany Vincent Plant, b. Pittsburg, Kas., 1871; Pa. C. M., '96; Om. Sem. (1 — ); Arthur Ross, b. HaMfax, N. S., 1868; B. C. N. S., '96; (1); . 1901 CHARLES RYAN ADAMS, D.D. (Fargo C.) Champaign, Dl. b. Vevay, Ind., Jan. 5, 1874; H. C. I., '96; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. White- water '01; p. Kingston ch., Greensburg, Ind., '01-'06; p. Fargo, N. D., '06-'ll; p. Champaign, lU., '11 . MOWRY SMITH AXTELL Winnebago, Dl. b. South Adams, Mass., Nov. 21, 1869; Pa. C. M., '98; farming; San Fran. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, Oct. 15, '01; p. Sandstone, Minn., '01-'04; p. Winnebago, lU., '04 . WILLIAM MARSHALL BARRETT Lake Andes, S. D. b. Toop, Pa., 1871; E. C. K., '98; farming and soldier in Spanish-Am. war; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, May, '01; miss. Taiku, Korea, '01-'06; p. Beaumont, Cal., '06-'10; p. Lake Andes, S. D., '10 . WILLIAM NEWTON BLAIR Pyeng-Yang, Korea. b. SaUna, Kas., July 11, 1876; K. W.U.,'97; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; f. m., Pyeng-Yang, Korea, '01 . FRANK JENNINGS BRYSON, Ph.D. (Fr. CO.) Millvale, Pa. b. Centerville, O., Jan. 16, 1876; Fr. C. O., '98; (3 grad.); &rd. Pby. '03; p. Pawnee, lU., '00-'03 ; p. Longs Run, '03-'08 ; p. Millvale, Pa., '08 . JOHN NEWTON CARNINE Haskins, la. b. Carlyle,Kas., Jan. 22, 1874; E. C. K., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fargo, Aug. 14, '01; p. Hedrick, la., '01-'03; p. Roxburg, Kas., '03-'07; p. Hanna- ford, N. D., '07-' 10; p. Haskins, la., '10 . 154 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1901 CHAUNCEY CASE Storm Lake, la. b. Carleton, Neb., Feb. 13, 1871; W. U. O., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Wooster, May 14, '01; p. Hayesville, O., '01-'04; p. Carlisle, Graysville, Ind., '04r-'05; GuysviUe group, '05-'67; p. Canwood, Ky., '07-'10; prof. B. V. C.,'10 . JOHN IRVINE CLELAND Tacoma, Wash. b. Copiah Co., Miss., June 11, 1864; C. C. K., '86; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Buffalo, Feb. 27, '02; p. Silver Creek, N. Y., '01-'04; p. Winona, Minn., '04- '07; p. Portage, Wis., '07-'12; p. Tacoma, Wash., '12 . ZELOTUS WESLEY COMMERFORD Spokane, Wash. b. June 17, 1868; H. C. N. Y., '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, May 26, '01; p. Stanley, Wis., '01-'02; p. Broadhead, '02-'03; p. Princeville, Ore., '03-'04; p. Goldendale, Wash., '04^'06; s. s. miss. Spokane, '06-'07; bus. Spokane, Wash., '07 . HUGH PHILIP COOTER St. Edward, Neb. b. Lewis Co., Mo., 1872; W. C. T., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Solomon '01; p. Scandia, Kas., '01-'03; p. Harper, Kas., '03-'06; p. Table Rock, Neb., '06-'08; p. Dunbar, Neb., '08-'09; p. Gothenburg, Neb., '09-'12; p. St. Edward, Neb., '12 . WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER STEWART CROFTS Morrison, lU. b. West Point, 0., Oct. 22, 1872; Fr. C. O., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, July 2, '01; p. Altoona, 111., '01-'04; p. Millersburg, lU., '04-'07; p. Morrison, 111., '07 . JAMES SCOTT CUNNINGHAM Batanga, W. Africa. 6. 1865; Pa. C. M., '98; San Fran. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. '01; f. m. Benito, W. Africa, '01-' 12; f. m. Batanga, Kamerun, Africa, '12 . OTIS GRANT DALE La Junta, Colo. b. Manhattan, Kas., Nov. 15, 1870; P. C. I., '94; tea.; Om. Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, May '01; p. Oneida, lU., '01-'02; p. Stanley, Wis., '02-'04; p. Shiloh ch., Minneapohs, Minn., '04r-'07; p. ev. Minneapolis, Minn., '07-'09; p. Marinette, Wis., '09-'ll; p. La Junta, Colo., '11 . SHERMAN LANDON DIVINE Detroit, Mich. b. HoUy, Mich., 1876; Al. C. M., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May, '01; p. Morgan Park, 111., '01-'03; asst. p. 3d ch., Chicago, '03-'06; p. Pioneer ch., Marinette, Wis., '06-'08; p. Woodward Av. ch., Detroit, Mich., '08 . ALBERT ERNEST EVANS Sunset, Wash. b. La Crescent, Minn., Feb. 27, 1867; Macl. C, '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Adams, July 29, '03; p. Bamum, Minn., '01; p. Dundas, Minn., '02-03; p. Tenstrike, Minn., '03-'05; p. Russell, Minn., '08-'09; p. Borill, Harvard, Princeton, Elk River, Ida., '09-'ll; p. Sunset, Wash., '11 . PLINY BROKAW FERRIS Escanaba, Mich. b. Glendale, O., Sept. 19, 1876; M. C. T., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, July 16, '01; p. Eureka, 111., '01-'05; p. Escanaba, Mich., '05 . 1901] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 155 WILLIAM HIRAM FOULKES, D.D. (E. C. K., T. C. I., W. C. W.) New York, N. Y. b. Quincy, Mich., June 26, 1877; E.G. K., '97; preach; (3 grad.); ord. May 28, '01, Pby. Peoria; p. Elmira, 111., '01-'04; p. Clinton, la., '04-'07; p. Ist ch., Portland, Ore., '07-'ll; p. Rutgers ch., New York, '11 . Bernardine Orme Smith Fellow. Trustee Dub. Sem. and Albany C. WILLIAM ARTHUR GANFIELD Waukesha, Wis. b. Cascade, la., Sept. 3, 1873; C. C. la., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, June, '01; p. Ist ch., Green Bay, '01-'04; prof. hist. C. G. W., Waukesha, Wis., '04 . FRANKLIN HERMON GESELBRACHT, Ph.D. (U. Leipsic) .... Albany, Ore., b. Chicago, lU., May 27, 1876; U. G. I., '98; (3 grad.); U. Leips.; ord. Pby. Chicago, Dec. '04; p. West Division St. ch., Chicago, '06-'08; p. let ch., Albany, Ore.,. '08 . Trustee, Albany Coll., Ore.; Synodical Coll., Ore. FRANK HANSON GIVEN Springfield, Dl. b. Paxton, lU., Sept. 6, 1874; W. G. M., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, Oct., '01; p. Trinity ch., Cincinnati, O., '01-'08; p. 3d ch., Springfield, 111., '08 . MAURICE GRIGSBY Oswego, Kas. b. Peterborough, England, Nov. 13, 1875; AI. C. M., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, May '01; p. Elwood, 111., '01-'03; p. Mt. Pleasant, Mich., '03-'04; p. Roseland Cen. ch., Chicago, '04-'07; p. Paw Paw, Mich., '07-'10; p. Oswego, Kas., '10 . GEORGE THOMAS GUNTER Kokomo, Ind. b. Utica, Ind., March 11, 1870; H. G. I., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, April 14, '01; p. Union City, Ind., '01-'03; p. Tyrone, Pa., '03-'10; p. Kokomo, Ind., '10 . CURTIS JOHN HANNANT Unadilla, Neb. b. Butler Co., la., Jan. 27, 1867; L. F. U., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. South Dak. '02; p. Platte, S. D., '01; p. Tyndall, S. D., '02; p. Alpena, S. D., '03; p. Ray- mond, S. D., '04-'07; p. Union Star, Neb., '07-'09; Crawford, Neb., '0&-'12; 8. s. Unadilla, Neb., '12 . CHARLES WENDLING HASTINGS Saginaw, Mich. b. Cooksville, 111., March 31, 1870; K. G. I., '98; ord. Pby. Bloomington, '01; p. Houghton, Mich., '02-'03; p. Tawas City, '03-'05; trav. miss., '05-'08; p. Washington Av. ch., Saginaw, Mich., '08 . ADELBERT PANKEY HIGLEY Troy, N. Y. b. Rutland, O., Jan. 2, 1872; W. U. O., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cincinnati, July 7, '01; p. Knox ch., Cincinnati, O., '01-'04; p. 1st ch., Sandusky, O., '04-'06;p.2d ch., Springfield, IU.,'06-'ll; p. 1st ch., Troy, N.Y.,'ll . MARION HUMPHREYS Rock Island, Bl., b. Belle Fontaine, Mo., ; D. C. M., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, June 20, '01; p. Milan, 111., '01-'05; p. Central ch.. Rock Island, 111., '05 . Trustee Geneseo Coll. Inst. 156 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1901 RAYMOND McDonald HUSTON Mansfield, O. b. Lisbon, 0., AprU 1, 1876; U. W. 0., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Washington, June 9, '01; p. Cross Creek, Pa., '01-'06; p. Kenton, 0., '06-'09; p. Mans- field, 0., '09 . HUGO KAMPHAUSEN, b. 1863; Halle and Greifswald (Germany); (1 grad.); FINLEY WATT KIRKPATRICK JoUet, 111. b. Bloomington, lU., 1866; W. U. 0., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Indiana Pby., Dec. 19, '01; h. m. Smyrna, Royal Oak, Bruceville, Ind., '01-05; h. m. Bicknell, Royal Oak, Ind., '05-08; p. W. Washington St. ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '08-'10; p. 2nd ch., Johet, 111., '10 . CARLTON LESLIE KOONS Ashland, Wis. b. McLeod Co., Minn., ; Macl. C, '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chippewa, May 24, '01; p. Rice Lake, Wis., '01-'07; p. Baraboo, Wis., '07-'08; p. Eau Claire, Wis., '08-12; p. 1st ch., Ashland, Wis., '12 . EDWARD AUGUST KRAPP, D.D. (Ad. CM.) Cleveland, O. 6. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 27, 1871; Witt C. O., '95; Y. M. C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, July 1, '01; p. Farmington, lU., '01-04; p. Adrian, Mich.,. '04-11; p. Woodland Av. ch., Cleveland, O., '11 . FREDERICK ARTHUR KUDER Detroit, Mich. 6. Tontogany, O., Nov. 15, 1872; W. U. 0., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Maumee, June 11, '01; p. Holly, Mich., '01-'04; p. Loveland, O., '04-'06; ill health, '06-'10; p. Maumee, O., '10-'12; p. Central ch., Detroit, Mich., '12 . JOHN HENRY LAURENCE Etah, India. b. Plain Grove, Pa., April 19, 1878; G. C. C. P., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Butler, '01; North India Mission, '01 . GEORGE Mcknight layman GreenvlUe, HI. b. Piqua, 0., Jan. 29, 1873; M. U. O., '93; prin. school; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Solomon, April 12, '03; p. Wilson, Kas., '02-'05; p. Clayton and Cadmus, Mich., '05-'07; p. Van Buren, 0., '08-'12; tea. Greenville, lU., '12 . WALTER OSCAR McINTIRE Dumaguete, P. I. b. Manchester, O., July 4, 1875; W. U. O., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June, '01; miss. Dumaguete, P. I., '01 . ARTHUR BURNHAM MILLER Audubon, la. b. Garnett, Kas., May 25, 1876; E. C. K., '98; San Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Fargo, June, '01; p. Casselton, N. D., '01-03; p. Austin, Minn., '03; p. Odebolt, la., '03-'05; p. Lake City, la., '05-'08; p. Audubon, la., '08 . SAMUEL CAMERON MOORE Chicago Heights, lU. b. Sahneville, 0., Oct. 17, 1871; W. U. O., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mahon- mg, '01; instr. Syrian Prot. College, '01-'04; bus. Derry, Pa.,'05-'06; s. s. Latrobe, Pa., '06-'08; s. s. Manor and Harrison City, Pa., '08-09; bus. Chicago Heights, 111., '10 . DAVID WALTER MORGAN Niota, lU. b. La Porte City, la., Jan. 15, 1875; Macl. C.,'98; (3 grad.) ;ord. Pby. Schuyler, Oct., '01; p. Myrtle, '01;-'02 p. Nemaha and Pilgrim, la., '02-'04; p. Bir- mingham and Cedar, la., '04-'08; p. Sigourney, la., '08-10; p. Appanoose, Niota, 111., '10 . 1901] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 157 CHARLES GORMAN RICHARDS, D.D Auburn, N. Y. b. Pittston, Pa., June 28, 1872; P. U., '97; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indian- apolis, May, '01; p. Columbus, Ind., '01-'06; p. Sterling, 111., '06-'ll; p. 1st ch.. Auburn, N. Y., '11 . Trustee H. C. I. ELISHA SAFFORD Edwardsville, DJ. 6. Nokomis, 111., Sept. 6, 1876; V. C. I.; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, May 23, '01; p. Edwardsville, 111., '01 . GUY WALLACE SIMON Jamestown, N. D. b. McComb, O., Sept. 29, 1873; W. U. O., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, July 2, '01; p. Winamac, Ind., '01-'06; p. Jamestown, N. D., '06 . Trustee Jamestown Coll. FOSTER ALBERT SMILEY Algona, la. b. Winslow, Me., April 4, 1871; D. C. M., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, April 17, '01; p. West Bend, la., '01-'03; p. Blairstown, la., '03-'07; p. Geneseo, lU., '07-10; p. Algona, la., '10 . Trustee Geneseo Coll. Inst. JOHN STEELE Hanford, Cal. b. Annon, Ont., Nov. 16, 1867; L. F. U.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, '02; p. Columbia City, Ind., '02-'04; p. Gibbon and Buda, Neb., '04-'05; w. c. Chicago, '05; p. Hamilton, 111., '05-'06; p. Santa Paula, Cal., '06-'10; p. Hanford, Cal., '11 . FREDERICK WILLIAM THOMAS Diagonal, la. b. Madison, Ind., AprU 22, 1870; H. C. I., '97; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, AprU, '01; p. Lake Prairie, Ind., '98-'01; p. Greenview, lU., '01-'02; p. Union, S. D., '02-'06; p. WaU Lake, la., '06-'09; p. Randolph, la., '09-'ll; Diagonal, la., '11 . JOHN THEOPHILUS THOMAS, JR Grand Rapids, Mich. b. Bristol, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1877; K. C. T., '97; Un. Sem. Va.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, May , '01; p. Goodland, Ind., '01-'03; p. Canon City, Colo., '03-'09; West. Sec. Federal Council Ch. of Christ in America, '09-'ll; p. Westminster ch., Grand Rapids, Mich., '11 . Mod. Syn. Colo., '09; Trustee West. C. D. JAMES MORILLO TODD Humboldt, Kas. b. , O., Oct. 15, 1871; E. C. K., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, June , '01; p. Virginia, Minn., '01-'05; p. McPherson, Kas., '05-'09; p. Humboldt, Kas., '09 ■ — . FREDERICK PAUL UMBECK Kankakee, HI. b. CaUfornia, Mo., March 8, 1877; Ehn C, '97; Ed. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. N. A. '01; p. Belvidere, lU., '01-'05; p. Kankakee, lU., '05 . LEWIS CHARLES VOSS WoodhuU, 111. b. Trempealeau, Wis., Oct. 25, 1870; L. U. W., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. La Crosse, Oct. 22, '01; p. Greenwood, Wis., '01-'02; p. Garden Plain and New- ton, lU., '02-'07; p. WoodhuU, lU., '07 . Trustee Geneseo C. Inst. 158 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1901 HENRY NORMAN WAGNER Blackfoot, Ida. b. Milton, Pa.; C. M.; 97; West. Sem. (1); ord. Pby. Great Falls, Oct. 12, '00; p. Chenook, Mont.; Buchanan, Mich.; Sandstone, Minn.; Meyer, Ore.; Ind. Miss. Ft. Hall oh., Blackfoot, Ida., '11 . ALBERT EDGAR WARDNER, JR Nowata, Okla. b. Webster Grove, Mo., April 19, 1876; K. S. U., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kansas City, May 21, '01; p. Chandler, Okla., '01-'02; p. Edmond, Okla., '02-'12; p. Nowata, Okla., '12 . BENJAMIN REMINGTON WELD Tecumseh, Mich. b. Lockport, N. Y., May 28, 1874; P. U., '98; (3 grad.); ord Pby. Pem- bina '01; p. Northwood, N. D., '01-'03; p. Emerado, N. D., '03- '05; p. Riverside chapel, Minneapolis, Minn., '05-'07; p. 2d ch., Johet, III., '07-'10; p. Tecumseh, Mich., '10 . EDWIN BISHOP WHITNEY Cooksville, Dl. b. ShelbyviUe, Mo., Sept. 10, 1869; Pa. C. M., '97; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, June '01; p. Seymour, la., '01-'03; p. Remington, Ind., '03-'08; p. New London, la., '08-'10; p. CooksviUe, 111., '10 . HORACE CADY WILSON Lansing, Mich. b. MaysviUe, Ky. ; C. C. K., '98; Danv. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, '00; p. Mishawaka, Ind., '01-'06; p. Lansing, Mich., '06 . William James Agnew Sherry, Wis. b. Demabane, County Tyrone, Ireland, Nov. 30, 1869; Poynette Acad., Wis., (2 sp.); ; Pres. Northwest Collegiate Inst., Sherry, Wis., '11 . George Theodore Nevin Beam, b. CarroUton, O., 1871; H. U. O. (1); . Charles Calhoun Brown Dows, la. b. KirkviUe, la., March 14, 1871; C. C. la., '98; tea.; (2); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, Sept., '02; p. Mome, la.; p. Unity, la.; p. SheUsburg, la.; p. Dows, la., '11 . Albert Edward Camp, b. 1864; Manitoba C, '93; (1 p. g.) Manitoba Sem.; . Jordan Tyler Lyell Coates Rolette, N. D. b. Hanover, Va., 1867; B. C. N., '98; (2) Princt. Sem., '01 ; ord. Pby. St. Cloud, June 19, '01; p. Kingston, Minn., '01-'02; p. Cottonwood, Minn., '02-'03; s. 8. mis. Devil's Lake, N. D., '03-'09; p. Rolette, N, D., '09 . Mod. Syn. N. D., '10. Charles Warren Dade Webster, N. D. b. Fayette Co., la., April 24, 1873; Macl. C, '98; (1); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Red River, '01; p. Thief River Falls, Minn., '01-'03; p. Bathgate, N. D., '03-'05; p. RoUa, '05-'07; p. Shaffer, '07-'08; p. Webster, N. D., '08 . R. Calvin Dobson Highland Park, HI. b. Limestone, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1875; W. C. T., '97; (1); Princt. Sem., '00; ord. Pby. Portsmouth, Sept. 19, '00; p. West Union, O., 'OO-'Ol; asst. p. 2nd ch., St. Louis, Mo., '01-'05; p. Bloomington, 111., '05-'10; p. Highland Park, III., '10 . 1901] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 159 William Marion Elliott Colorado, Tex. b. Tusculum, Tenn., 1868; G. & T. C, '98; (2); s. s. Weaverville, N. C.,'00- '02; 8. 8. Seymour, Tex., '02-'03; p. Charlestown, Ind., '03-'06; p. 3rd ch., New Albany, Ind., '06-'08; p. Colorado, Tex., '08 . James Fraser Evans Falroaks, Cal. b. Georgetown, Can., Aug. 21, 1866; Tor. U., '93; tea.; K. C. T.; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. Kamloops (Can.), July 6, '99; p. Golden, Can., '99-'00; p. Lady- smith, B. C, 'OO-'Ol; p. Mattawa, Ont., '02-'04; p. Caatleford, Ont., '04-'05; Yale Div. Sch., '05-'08; p. Springfield, Mass., '08-'10; p. Fairoaks, Cal., '10 . Arthur Fischer St. Louis, Mo. 6. Lansick, Germany, May 22, 1870; Barmen Mission Sch.; (1); ord. States ch., Germany; p. Black Hills, lU., '99-01; p. Emmanuel Ev. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '01-'02; p. Ebenezer Ev. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '02 . Hans Homy, b. Falmouth, Ky., 1875; Ehn. C, '97; Eden Sem.; (1 p. g.). David Francis Hunter Charlotte, N. C. b. Derita, N. C, 1868; D. C. N. C, Princt. Sem.; (1 — ); res. Charlotte, N. C, '02 . Forrest Everett Hyde, b. OrangeviUe, O., Oct. 9, 1874; O. C. 0.; W. R. U.; tea.; . Charles Howie Little Charlotte, N. C. b. Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 28, 1872; D. C, N. C, '96; tea.; Princt. Sem.; K. T. S.; (1—); ord Pby. Potosi, Sept. 25, '01; p. Madrid, Mo., '01-'06; p. e. Stanley. Machpelah, Unity and Castanea; res. Charlotte, N. C, '07 . S. David McCracken Pollock, S. D. b. Washington, Tenn., 1866; W. C. T., '90; (1—); p. EngUsh, Ind., '05-'06; p. Milltown, '06-'08; Tamaroa, 111., '08-'10; p. TimeweU, 111., '10-'12; s. s. PoUock, S. D., '12 . Charles Clark McKinney GreenvUle, O. b. Highland, Kas., March 14, 1874; Pa. C. M., '98; (2); ord. Pby. Kansas City, AprU, '01; p. Malta Bend, Mo., '01-'03; p. Toledo, la., '03-'06; p. Reid Memorial ch., Baltimore, Md., '06-'09; p. Greenville, O., '09 . John Melville McKinney, b. Fredericktown, O., , 1873; W. U. O., '98; (1); . John McLearie Rapid City, S. D. b. 1873; res. Cleveland, 0.;Macl. C, '97; Aub. Sem.; (1); res. Rapid City, S. D., '02 . Thomas Walker Malcolm Detroit, Mich. b. Dundee, Scotland, Nov. 10, 1873; Macl. C, '98; (2); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Sioux City, Sept. 16, '01; p. Manilla, la., '01-'03; p. Ridgeway Av. ch., Chicago, lU., '03-'06; p. Painted Post, N. Y., '06-'08; p. St. Andrew's ch., Detroit, Mich., '08 . Samuel Miller, b. , 1876; res. Chicago, Ehnh. C, '95; Eden Sem.; (1); . 160 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1901 Benjamin C. Ott, b. Wahpeton, N. D., 1874; Elm. C, '00; Eden Sem.; (1 p. g.). John Calvin Patterson '. Three Forks, Mont. b. Mt. Jackson, Pa., Nov. 3, 1867; W. U. O., '96; West. Sem.; (1—); ord. Pby. Mahoning, June , '99; f. m. Hainan, China, '99-'04; p. Garden Grove, la., '04-'05; p. SheUsburg, la., '05-'08; p. Springville, la., '08-'10; p. Three Forks, Mont., '10 . George A. Pflug Vandalia, HI. b. New York City, June 2, 1867; Germ. Theo. School, Newark, N. J., '86; (1); ord. Pby. Elizabeth, Oct. , '89; p. Germ, ch., Westwood and Fair- mount, Cincinnati, O., '8&-'91; p. Nauvoo, 111., '91-'98; p. Bethel ch., Peoria, 111., '99-'01; p. Plymouth, Ind., '03-'ll; p. Vandaha, lU., '11 . John Thomas Reeve, D.D. (L. C. I.) Basking Ridge, N. J. b. Swinford, Leicestershire, England, July 12, 1872; L. C. I., '97; (1); Princt. Sem., '00; ord. Pby. EUzabeth, Oct. , '00; p. Basking Ridge, N. J., '00 . Dewitt Talmage Scott Aspinwall, Pa. b. Moorefield Township, O., Oct. 24, 1875; Fr. C. 0., '98; (1); West. Sem., '01; ord. Pby. Kittanning, June 19, '01; p. Slate Lick, Stader's Grove, Clinton, Pa., '01-'05; p. Aspinwall, Pa., '05 . Edwin Wilcox Simpson, B.D. (Un. Sem.) Kolhapur, India. b. New Castle, Pa., Oct. 28, 1870; Hampden-Sidney, '94; (1); Princt. Sem.; Un. Sem. Va.; ord. Pby. No. Miss., , '02; h. m. Va. and Miss., '02- '03; f. m. Kolhapur, India, '03 . Francis Edward Springer Caldwell, Ida. b. , 1872; res. Rogers, O., Mt. Hope C, '98; (1) ; West. Sem. ; p. Mineral Ridge, O., '01-'03; p. New Bedford, Pa., '03-'06; Princt. Sem., '06-'07; p. Caldwell, Ida., '07-'12; tea. Caldwell, Ida., '12 . Henry Stewart Chicago, 111. b. Liverpool, England, 1870; bus. Bancroft, Neb., '02-'05; agt. Omaha, '05-'09; res. Chicago, '09 . Willard Daniel Stires, b. , 1868; res. Junction, N. J.; L. C. P., '97; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1); . Clarence WiUiam Weyer, D.D. (H. C. N.) Hastings, Neb. b. Benton Co., la., Feb. 7, 1875; Coe C, '98; (1); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Omaha, April 16, '01; p. Fremont, Neb., '01-'06; p. Hastings, Neb., '06 . Dir. Om. Sem.; Trustee H. C. N. Samuel Wiley Giltner, Neb. b. Antrim Co., Ireland, 1864; C. C. I., '97; Om. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Corning, '00; p. Essex, la., '00-'02; p. Osceola, la., '02-'04; p. Lenox, la., '04-'05; p. Golden City, Mo., '05-'07; p. Edgar, Neb., '07-'09; p. Giltner, Neb., '09 . TheophU Wittlinger, b. Tonawanda, N. Y., 1873; Ehn. C, '93; Eden Sem.; (1 p. g.). 1902] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 161 1902 CHARLES JESSE ARMENTROUT MonticeUo, Ind. b. Limestone, Tenn., ; W. C. T., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Muncie, April 11, '02; p. Converse and Matthews, Ind., '02-'04; p. Immanuel ch., Evansville, Ind., '04-'08; p. MonticeUo, Ind.,' 08 . GEORGE ALEXANDER ARMSTRONG Schufu, China b. Kewanee, lU., March 26, 1875; K. C. I., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, AprU 15, '02; f. m. Schufu, Shantung, China, '02 . B. SCOTT BATES St. Paul, Minn. b. Constantine, Mich., Dec. 29, 1871; AI. C. M., '98; tea. and agriculture; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, May 12, '02; p. Hebron, lU., '02-'05; p. Berwyn, lU., '05-'08; p. Forest River, N. D., '08-'12; p. Knox ch., St. Paul, Minn., '12 . DAVID MITCHELL BLACK Aberdeen, S. D. b. Marshall Co., Kas., Sept. 25, 1872; H. C, I., '99 . JOHN HENRY BOOSE Pontiac, Dl. b. Falls City, Neb., June 8, 1877; W. N., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, April 21, '02; p. Rockford, 111., Westminster ch., '02-'09; p. 1st ch., Pontiac, '09 . HERBERT HOPKINS BROWN Ridgewood, N. J. b. ShortsviUe, N. Y., 1873; Lafayette Un. C, '97; Un. Sem. N. Y.; (1 grad.); p. Florence, Wis., '03-'04; p. Astoria, Ore., '04-'05; p. Grants Pass, '05-'06; p. Marshfield, '06-'09; p. Ramsey, N. J., '09-'10; p. Ridgewood, N. J., '11 . CHARLES ALLEN CLARK, D.D. (Macl. C.) Seoul, Korea. b. Spring VaUey, Minn., May 14, 1878; W. M.; Mad. C, '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapolis, July 12, '02; f. m., Seoul, Korea, '02 . RALPH ELMO CLARK Richdale, Can. b. St. Paul, Minn., June 15, 1875; Macl. C, '99; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Mankato, May 29, '02; p. Fulda, Minn., '02-'04; p. Wabasso, Minn., '04-'07; p. St. Peter, Minn., '07-'12; res. Richdale, Can., '12 -. LLOYD CUNNINGHAM Atkinson, Neb. b. Juniata Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1872; B. C. N., '99; ord. Pby. Niobrara, May 18, '02; h. m., N. D. '02-'07; p. Edgeley, N. D., '07-'09; p. Marion, Kas., '09-'12; p. Atkinson, Neb., '12 . ALPHONSE REGIST DES JARDIEN, Ph.D. (Prov. U.), M.D. (Lincohi M. C.) Nehawka, Neb. b. Alleghany, Pa., Sept. 1873; Pa. C. M., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, '02; p. Harvard, 111., '02-'04; p. Pawnee City, Neb., '04- '09; lawy. Nehawka, Neb., '10 . WILLIAM HERMAN HALL Beirut, Syria. b. Biddeford, Me., Feb. 4, 1871; Union C, '96; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kalamazoo, April, '02; tea. Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria, '02-'03; princ. Preparatory Dept., '03 . 162 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1902 THOMAS HENRY HEPBURN Chicago, Dl. b. Hopkins, Mo. ; Pa. C. M., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ozark, June 5, '02; p. Monett, Mo., '02-05; p. Aurora, lU., '05-'09; p. Buena Mem. ch., Chicago, lU., '09 . ' WALTER WARREN HICKS Peking, China. b. Wamego, Kas., July 4, 1873; E. C. K., '99; (3 grad.); AprU, '02; ord. Pby. Topeka; f. m. Peking, China, '02 . CARL EMERSON KEARNS Watertown, S. D. b. Mt. Vernon, la.. May 13, 1876; Coe C. '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, April 16, '02; miss. Syen Chyun, Korea, '02-'07; p. Roscoe, S. D., '08-'ll; p. Watertown, S. D., '11 . RALPH D. KEARNS Chicago, Dl. b. Bushnell, 111., Aug. 10, 1876; P. C. I., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Rock River Pby., June 3, '02; p. WoodhuU, lU., '02-'04; p. Warren, lU., '04-'06; p. Caro, Mich., '06-'ll; p. Calvary ch., Chicago, 111., '11 . CHARLES McMillan KILPATRICK Gresham, Wis. b. Des Moines, la. ; P. C. I. 4 yr.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Utah, April 24, '04; h. m., St. George, Utah, '02-'04; Shivirts Indians, '04-'06; h. m. Hymen and Mendor, Utah, '06-'08; bus. '08-'10; h. m. Stockbridge and Menominee, Indians, Gresham, Wis., '10 . SAMUEL KENNEDY KIRKWOOD, b. Wooster, O., 1877; W. U. O., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Manches- ter, la., '03-'04;p. Interbay, Wash., '04-'06; p. Carbondale, Wash. ,'06-07; d. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 24, 1907. WILLIAM JAMES LOWRIE Brainerd, Minn. b. Gorham, N. Y., Feb. 29, 1876; U. N., '99; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Duluth, July '02; p. Westminster ch., Duluth, Minn., '02-'09; p. 1st ch., Brainerd, Minn., '09 . FRANK BAILEY McCUSKEY Punjab Miss., India. b. Durham, la., April 3, 1876; B. C. W., '98; tea.; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Dubuque, May 20, '02; f. m. Punjab Mission, India, '02 . FRANK L. McKEAN Pine City, Minn. b. Scotch Grove, la., Nov. 29, 1873; L. C. I., '98; farm.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Regina, Can., June 18, '02; p. Milestone, Can., '02-'04; p. Ottawa, Wis., '04-'07; p. Bayfield, Wis., '07-'09; p. Jasper, Minn., '09-'12; p. Pine City, Minn., '12 . JAMES McMASTER McQUILKIN Carnegie, Pa. b. Marissa, IH., April 14, 1876; C. C. 0., '98; Philadelphia Rfd. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago (U. P.), May 9, '02; 1st U. P. ch., Chicago, 111., '02-'08; p. 1st U. P. ch., Carnegie, Pa., '08 . GEORGE PETER MICHEL Buffalo, N. Y. b. Princeton, Ind., Nov. 25, 1879; E. C.I.,'99; (3 grad.); ord. June , '02; ev. Syn. N. A.; p. Centre Point, Ind., '02-'04; p. Buffalo, N. Y., '04 . RALSA F. MORLEY Tulsa, Okla. b. Baraboo, Wis., Dec. 12, 1878; L. F. U., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, , '02; p. Mattoon, 111., '02-'05; lawy., Tulsa, Okla., '05 . 1902] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 163 ALLAN MORRISON, B.D KlrkhUl, Ont., Can. b. Island Barvas-Lewis, Scotland, July 4, 1869; Man. C, ; Man. C; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Pembina, June, '02; p. Milton, N. D., '02-'04; p. Kirk- hiU, Ont., Can., '04 . STADO ALBERT MUNNEKE, D.D.. . . .' Boone, la. b. Netherlands, March 9, 1873; Yankton C, '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. S. D., June , '02; p. DeU Rapids, S. D., '02-'03; p. Baraboo, Wis., '03-'06; p. Mendota, lU., '06-'09; p. Boone, la., '09 . JAMES HENRY NORTHRUP, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Perth Amboy, N. J. b. Guilford Sta., Va., March 17, 1871; P. U.; '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Elizabeth, , '05; p. Perth Amboy, N. J., '05 . Nettie McCormick Fellow. ALEXANDER GUY PATTERSON MinneapoUs, Minn. b. Mt. Jackson, Pa., AprU 2, 1873; W. U. 0., '98; P. U. N. J., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapolis, June , '02; asst. p. Westminster ch., Minne- apolis, Minn., '02-'04; p. Hope ch., MinneapoUs, Minn., '04-'09; p. Christ ch., Chicago, '09-'12; p. Aldrich Av. ch., Minneapolis, Miim., '12 . ALEXANDER ALBERT PIETERS Pyeng Yang, Korea. b. Ecaterinoslav, Russia, Dec. 30, 1871; E. G. G. R., 6 years; (3 grad.); f. m. Pyeng Yang, Korea, '02 . HUGH FRANK REID Warren, lU. b. Argyle, 111., Feb. 10, 1873; B. C. W., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee, Oct. 21, '02; p. Cambridge, Wis., '02-'04; p. Horicon, Wis., '04r-'07; p. Camp Creek ch., Macomb, 111., '07-'10; p. Warren, 111., '10 . HARRY CLAYTON ROGERS, D.D Kansas City, Mo. b. Mt. SterUng, Ky., Sept. 6, 1877; C. C. K., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chi- cago, May , '02; p. Hinsdale, 111., '01-'04; p. Ft. Madison, la., '04-'08; p. Kansas City, Mo., '08 . Trustee P. C. I. FREDERICK SCHMITT MinneapoUs, Minn. b. Portsmouth, O., April 2, 1874; W. C. I., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloom- ington, June 19, '02; p. Downs, 111., '02-'06; p. Yates Centre, Kas., '06-'08; p. Sumpter, Ore., '0&-'09; asst. p. Westminster ch., Minneapolis, Mirm., '09 . CLAUDE RILEY SHAVER IndianapoUs, Ind. b. Ladoga, Ind., Feb. 4, 1869; W. C. I., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, Sept. 6, '02; p. Lake Park, Harris, la., '02-'03; p. ch. of Covenant, St. Louis, Mo., '03-'09; p. 7th ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '09 . FRANCES MORLEY STEAD Hamadan, Kermanshah, Persia. b. Geneseo, lU., Sept. 15, 1875; U. M., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Monroe, April , '02; miss. Hamadan, Kermanshah, Persia, '02 . JAMES STEENSON MinneapoUs, Minn. b. Eden Prairie, Minn., June 15, 1871; U. Minn., '95; farm, and tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapolis, July 8, '02; p. Eden Prairie, Minn., '02-'03; s. a. Princeton, Minn., '03; p. Wiimebago, Miim., '03-'08; p. Ehm, Minne- apolis, Minn., '08 , 164 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1902 HARRY EDWIN THOMPSON Herscher, Dl. b. Rockfield, Ind., July 26, 1874; W. C. I., '97; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Vincennes, , '02; p. Carlisle, Ind., '02; p. Montezuma, Ind., '02-'03; p. Matthews, Ind., '03; p. Bethlehem and Concord, Luzerne, Ind., '03-'06; supply, '06-'08; p. Hebron, Ind., '08-' 10; p. Herscher, lU., '11 . FRENCH WOODVILLE THOMPSON Hot Springs, Ark. b. Monticello, Ark., April 16, 1875; A. C, '97; Un. Sem., Va.; Louisville Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Pine BluJET, Oct. , '00; p. Rockford Av. eh., Delano, Minn., '01; p. Hot Springs, Ark., '02 . THEODORE TILLMANNS, b. St. Charles, Mo., 1880; Ehn C, '98; Eden Sem.; (1 grad.); . ROY WEBSTER WALKER St. Paul, Minn. b. Summitville, la., Jan. 5, 1875; P. C. I., '98; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Mouse River, June , '02; p. Webster, N. D., '02-'04; f. m. Bogota, Colombia, S. A., '04-'06; p. Willow City, N. D., '06-'07; res. St. Paul, Minn., '11 . HENRY WHITE Chieng Mai, North Siam. b. Scolvan Dromore, County Down, Ireland, March 26, 1869; L. F. U., '09; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Freeport, May , '02; f. m. North Laos, Siam, '02 . HELMUTH MAX S. WIESECKE Paducah, Ky. b. Frankfort-on-the-Oder, Germany, 1877; Ebn C, '96; Ed. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Ger.Ev. Syn., July 16, '99; p. Hamilton, 111., '99-'01; p. Coshocton, 0., '02-'04; p. Woodfield, 0., '05-'06; p. Newark, 0., '06-'10; p. Paducah, Ky., '10 . Thomas Morrow Barbee Palmyra, Ky. b. Marshall, Mo., Aug. 8, 1871; West. C. M., '92; G. C. D. C, '96; Danv. Sem., '98; (1); ord. Pby. Pahnyra, '02; p. Pahnyra, '02 . James Irving Crane, b. Brooklyn, Mich., Dec. 15, 1873; Al. C. M., '98; Aub. Sem. (1); ord. Pby. Ottawa, '02; p. Troy Grove, 111., '02-'03; p. CarroUton, Mo., '03; . David Dempster Chicago, O. b. Killyleigh, Ireland, ; W. U. O., '99; Danv. Sem.; Lane Sem.; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. Lima 99; p. Hicksville, 0., '03-'05; p. Granville, 0., '05-'08; p. Chicago, O., '08 . George Frederick Elis, b. La Porte Co., Ind., July 22, 1868; W. C. I., '98; tea.; . Luke AUen Emerson, b. Salem Center, Ind., Nov. 19, 1864; Hi. C. M., '89; atty.; ord. Pby. Winne- bago, '02; 8. s. Mapleton, N. D., '02-'05; s. s. Cando, '05-'09; d. Pleasant Lake, Ind., 1909. Jacob Isaac Heizer, b. Greensburg, Ky., Feb. 16, 1868; C, E. K., '98; Danv. Sem.; . Clarence Dillaway Herriott Se , . . .Hangchow, China. b. Santa Cruz, Cal., 1878; Un. Cal., '99; San Fran. . .m.; (1 p. g.); ord. Pby. San Jose; f. m. Hangchow, China, '03 . 1903] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 165 Paul William Frederick Lindner, b. Hempstead, N. Y., June 10, 1878; B. C, '98; Princt. Sem. Merritt Dalway McKee, b. Slocan City, B. C, 1858; Manitoba C, '98; Manitoba Sem.; (1 p. g.). Harvey Blair Marks Pittsburgh, Pa. b. East Liverpool, O., June 9, 1874; W. & J. C, '98; (1); Princt. Sem., West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Erie, July 2, '01; p. Utica, Pa., '01-'05; p. Linton, Ind., '05- '06; 8. 8. Williamsport, Ind., '06-'07; r. St. Mark's Ep. ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '08 . Samuel Warfield Peterson Los Angeles, Cal. b. Port Huron, Mich., May 26, 1876; Pa. C. M., '99; bus. Los Angeles, Cal., '03 . Louis Blanchard Sherwin Bayfield, Wis. b. WarrenviUe, lU., June 12, 1876; Macl. C, '97; (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Mouse River, April, '03; p. Florence, Wis., '03-'08; p. Bayfield, Wis., '08 . Frank Aaron White, b. 1877; Pa. C. M., '99; . 1903 GEORGE DANIEL ADAMSON Joy, HI. b. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1865 ; Harley Coll. Bow., E. London, '89; f. m.; (1 grad.); Louisv. Sem.; ord. Pby. NashviUe '95; p. Alliance ch., Louisville, Ky., '95-'97; p. 1st ch., Fahnouth, Ky., '97-'99; p. 1st ch.. Crystal River, Fla., '99-'01; p. North ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '03-'06; p. Home ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '06-'09; p. Ist ch., Joy, III., '09 . THEODORE BALCOFF Columbus Jet, la. b. Bulgaria 1875; Pa. C. M., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, '03; p. Troy Grove, lU., '03-'06; p. Hanover, '06-'07; p. Mansfield, '07-'09; p. New- ton, la., '09-'ll; p. Columbus Jet., la., '11 . BENJAMIN L. BRITTIN Oakland, Cal. b. Wood River, Neb., Oct. 22, 1871; H. C. N., '98; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, May 8, '03; p. Belvidere, 111., '03-'10; p. Oregon, lU., 'lO-'ll; 8. s. 4th Cong, ch., Oakland, Cal., '11 . ROY HOWARD BROWN Legaspl, P. L b. Gu-ard, Kas., 1877; P. C. M., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, April 15, '03; Albay, Sorgosa, Legaspi, P. I., '04 . GEORGE GLADSTONE BRUCE MediapoUs, la. b. Walton, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1873; P. C. I., '00; San Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, April, '03; f. m. South China Mission, '03-'04; p. North- port, Wash., '04-'05; s. s. Grimes, la., '05-'08; p. Mediapolis, la., '08 . RALPH MACLAY CRISSMAN, Ph.D. (Hedding Col.) Dixon, HI. b. 1876; I. C, '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, May 14, '03; p. Galena, lU., '03-'12; p. Dixon, 111., '12 . 166 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1903 WILLIAM HENRY FRASER Hebron, Dl. b. Chicago, 111., 1863; Manitoba C; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Flint, '03; p. Chand- ler, Mich., '04-'08; p. |lebron, III., '08 . RALPH TRUSSELL FULTON Erie, N. D. b. near Warsaw, lU., Dec. 27, 1878; K. C. I., '99; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Adams, July 29, '03; p. Warren, Minn., '03-'05; ev. '05-'06; p. Oakes, N. D., '06-'09; p. ev. Pby. Fargo and Oakes, N. D., '09-'10; p. Forbes, N. D., '10-'12; p. Erie, N. D., '12 . EDWARD LEYDA GIBSON Noblesville, Ind. 6. Covode, Pa., Aug. 4, 1878; G. C. C. P., '00; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Dubuque, May 19, '03; p. Jesup, la., '03-'04; p. Jonesboro, Ind., '04-' 10; p. Noblea- viUe, Ind., '10 . RICHARD FRANKLIN HART Oakland, Cal. b. Waukon, la., AprU 20, 1878; Pa. C. M., '00; (3 grad.); ord. May, '03; p. Caney, Kas., '03-'04; p. Pontiac, la., '04-'05; p. La Grange, Mo., '05-'07; p. Santa Clara, Cal., '07-'ll; ord. pr. Epis. Ch., Dec, '09; r. Oakland, Cal., '11 . ARTHUR ALEXANDER HAYS, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Chicago, Dl. b. Washington, Pa., June 23, 1875; W. & J. C, '95; tea.; prin. Washington schools; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Washington, '05; prof. W. & J. C, '05-'09; instr. McC. T. Sem., '09-'12; adj. prof. ch. hist., '12 . LONDORA DALLAS HEMINGER Batanga, W. Africa b. Hartford City, Ind., March 19, 1875; H. C. I., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Muncie, '03; f. m. Africa Mission, '03 . GEORGE A. HILL Chicago, Dl. b. Ahnont, Mich., Nov. 20, 1871; Al. C. M., '00; Lane Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, '03; p. Rochester, Ind., '03-'06; Syn. Ev. Ind., '06-'08; p. ev. N. D. Minot and Mouse River Pby., '08-'09; p. Drexel Park ch., Chicago, lU., '09 . EDWARD RANDALL HORTON EI Reno, Okla. b. Galveston, Tex., June 9, 1870; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Maumee, June '03; p. Delta, O., '03-'04; p. Crown Point, Ind., '04-'ll; p. El Reno, Okla., '11 . SAMUEL WILBERHUFFER Portland, Ind. b. Muncie, Ind., Oct. 17, 1874; H. C. I., '00; Princt.Sem; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Schuyler, Oct. ,'03; p. Clayton, lU., '03-'06; p. Liberty, Ind., '06-'ll; p. Portland, Ind., '12 . RALPH GEORGE KNOX Delta, Colo. 6. Grove City, Pa., Aug. 31, 1874; G. C. C. P., '00; Danv. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Utah, Aug. '04; p. Hyrum, '04-'06; p. Riley, Kas., '06- '07; p. Wamego, Kas., '07-'08; p. Estes Park, Colo., '08-'09; p. Troub Mem. ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '09-'12; s. s. Delta, Colo., '12 . JOHN LAMAN Fulton, Kas. b. Netherlands, March 15, 1863; H.C.M., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bismarck, N. D., June 6, '04; p. Coal VaUey, lU., '03-'04; p. Braddock, N. D., '04-'09; p. Winfield, Kas., '09-'ll; p. Fulton, Kas., '11 . 1903] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 167 THOMAS HETHERINGTON McCONNELL, D.D Omaha, Neb. b. near Milbrook, Ont., Can., 1875; M. C. T., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 4, '03; aset. Ist ch., Evanston, 111., '03; p. Rushville, Ind., '03-'07; p. Jefferson Park ch., Chicago, '07-'10; p. Westminster ch., Omaha, Neb., '10 . Dir. Om. Sem. CHARLES NEWTON MAGILL Lukban, Tayabas, P. I. b. Maryville, Tenn., 1875; M.C. T., '99; (3 grad.); f. m. Lukban, Tayabas, P. I., '04 . FRANK H. MAGILL St. Louis, Mo. b. ApoDo, Pa., March 22, 1876; W. U. St. L., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, April 27, '04; p. Goodland, Ind., '03-'08; p. Oak Hill ch., St. Louis, Mo., '08 . CHARLES ELMER MARVIN Bay City, Mich. 6. Adrian, Mich., Sept. 19, 1869; T. U. C, '00; (3 grad.); ord. M. E. Conf., Detroit, Sept. 25, '98; p. Mount Carmel, 111. (Presb.), '03; p. Niles, Mich., '03-'07; p. Bay City, Mich., '07 . ERNEST AUGUST OLDENBURG St. Paul, Minn. b. St. Paul, Minn., 1868; Macl. C, '00; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, '03; p. Richland Cent., Wis., '03-'06; p. Dallas Cent., la., '06-'08; p. Valparaiso, Ind., '08-'10; p. East ch., St. Paui, Minn., '03 . GEORGE CLARK PORTER Survey, Neb. b. St. Paul, Neb., 1874; Fremont Normal, '00; (3 grad.); p. Gordon, Neb., '11-'12; s. s. Survey, Neb., '12 . HARRY CUNNINGHAM POSTLETHWAITE Marinette, Wis. b. Newton Hamilton, Pa., April 24, 1872; Fr. CO., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, '03; p. Hanna City, 111., '03-'06; p. Marshfield, Wis., '06-'ll; p. Marinette, Wis., '11 . JOHN HENRY RHEINGANS Kinde, Mich. b. Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1871; L. F. U., '99; tea. Chic. Cong. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, '03; p. Oneida, 111., '03-'05; p. Cadott, Wis., '05-'06; p. Apple River, lU., '06-'07; p. Oregon, 111., '07-'09; p. Munising, Mich., '09-'12; res. Kinde, Mich., '12 . WILLIAM JAMES NIMMO ROBERTSON Freeport, Kas. b. Kingston, Can., , 1873; W. N., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 4, '03; p. Lake Park, la., '03-'04; p. Cedar Point, Kas., '04-'06; p. Oxford, Kas., '06-'08; p. Baxter Springs, Kas., '08-'09; Ft. Scott, Kas., '09-' 12; s. s. Freeport, Kas., '12 . HERMAN JOHN SCHIEK Evansville, Ind. b. MiUtown, N. J., Aug. 30, 1878; Ehn. Col., '97; Eden T. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Evang. Syn., July 22, '00; p. Sandwich, 111., '03-'05; p. Bensen- ville. 111., '05-'09; p. Evang. ch., Evansville, Ind., '09 . THEODORE SCHLUNDT TeU City, Ind. b. Huntingburg, Ind., June 2, 1875; Elm. C, '94; Eden Sem; (1 grad.); ord. Ind. First Ev. Syn., N. A., '97; p. Washington, Tex., '97-'02; p. TeU City, Ind., '03 . 168 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1903 VIRGIL BRYANT SCOTT Kansas City, Kas. b. New Washington, Ind., Dec. 13, 1875; H. C. I., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 14, '03; p. South Chicago eh., '03-05; p. Sparta, 111., '05-'10; p. Highland, lU., '10-'12; p. West'n H'l'ds ch., Kansas City, Kaa., '12 . WILLIAM FLEMING SCOULAR Buffalo, N. Y. b. Falkirk, Scotland, Aug. 25, 1877; P. C. I., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, April '03; p. Kingston, Ind., '05-'10; supt. Presbyterial wk., Buffalo, N. Y., '10 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. JESSE STANTON SMITH Copiapo, ChiU. b. Coffeeville, Kas., 1876; Pa. C. M., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte '03; miss. Copiapo, ChUi, '03 . WM. LORENZO STAUB Duluth, Minn. b. Caledonia, N. Y., June 28, 1865; Moody Inst.; (3 grad.); ord Pby. Buffalo, May '03; p. Columbus, 0., '03-'09; p. Decatur, 111., '09-'12; p. Westminster ch., Duluth, Minn., '12 . JOHN THOMAS WILSON STEWART Manor, Pa. b. Youngsville, 0., Aug. 17, 1876; M. U. 0., '99; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. FUnt, June 9, '03; p. Harbor Beach, Mich., '03-'08; p. Morice, Mich., '08-'10; p. Manor, Pa., '10 . ERNST G. N. TILLMANNS East India. b. St. Charles, Mo., 1881; Ehn C, '98; EdenSem.; (1 grad.); ord. Evang. Syn.; f. m. East India, '03 . JAMES MILTON VANCE, Ph.D. (Jena U.), B.D. (McC. T. Sem.)..Wooster, O. b. Lexington, 111., May 21, 1875; L. F. U., '96; tea.; Princt. Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 29, '03; studied in Germany, '03-'06; prof. W. U. 0., Wooster, 0., '06 . FRANK ZIMMERMAN St. Paul, Minn. b. Rochester, Minn., June 20, 1871; U. Minn.; tea.; Y. M. C. A.; h. miss.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. MinneapoMs '03; p. Elim, Minneapolis, Minn., '03-'08; OUvet Memorial, Chicago, '08-'09; p. Lexington Parkway ch., St. Paul, Minn., '11 . William Edmund Atchison Milan, Mich. b. Hanover, Ont. 1868; W. T. C; (1 yr.); Aub. Sem.; Louisv. Sem.; Westminster, Cambridge, England; ord. Pby. Madison, Wis. '03; p. Poynette, Wis., '03-'05; p. Sisseton, S. D., '05-'07; res. Elkton, Mich., '11-'12; p. Milan, Mich., '12 . Orr Bennett, b. Peterboro, Ont., 1862; Queens C, Ont., '86; Queens Theo.; (1 p. g.). Josiah Daniel Oakland, Cal. 6. Randolph, Wis., 1877; R. C. W.; (2—); p. Welch ch., Oakland, Cal., '12 . Robert Edward Lee Jarvis, Ph.D Philadelphia, Pa. b. Mt. Vernon, Mo., 1870; Doyle C. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Clay Center, Kas., '03-'07; p. Winfield, Kas., '07-'ll; p. Bethany ch., Philadel- phia, Pa., '11 . 1904] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 169 John William McMurray Danvers, 111. b. Londonderry, Ireland, ; Royal Academical Inst., Belfast, Ireland; sten.; Danv. Sem.; Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. La Crosse, Sept., '99; p. North Bend, Wis., '9^'00; p. Rural, Wis., '00-'03; (1 p. g.); p. Worthington, Ind., '04-'07; p. Evansville, Ind., '07-'10; p. Danvers, lU., '10 . Nelvil Russel Miles Colfax, la. b. Crawfordsville, la., ; U. N., '00; (1); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Omaha, '03; p. Menlo, la., '03-'07; p. CoKax, la., '07 . John Washington Nicely, D.D. (H. C. I.) Chicago HI., b. Youngstown, Pa., 1867; P. U., '93; tea. Syr. Prot. Coll.; (1); ord. Pby. Crawfordsville, May 31, '98; p. Crerar Mem. Chapel (now church), Chicago, lU., '03— . James Bonner Peat Philippine Islands. b. Chicago, lU., 1870; For. Un., '91; (1—); tea. Phihppine Ids., '05 . Azariah Prosser, b. Osage, Kas., 1861; (1); Danv. Sem.; . Harvey Cawood Rlmmer Vian, Okla« b. Jan. 29, 1872; M. C. T., '00; (1); Austin Sem.; ord. Pby. Austin, AprO 11, '07; p. Plainview, Tex., '01-'02; p. Pearsall, Tex., '02-'05; p. Cole- man, '08-'09; p. Gonzales, '09-'10; p. Miami, 'lO-'U; p. Randlett, Okla., '11-'12; s. s. Vian, Okla., '12 . Walter Anson Stevenson Bellingham, Wash. b. Mich., July 22, 1867; O. C. M.; (2); U. C. Div. Sch.; ord. Pby. Puget Sound, Sept. '02; p. Anacortes, Wash., '02-'05; p. Seattle, Wash., '05-'08; p. Wenatchee, Wash., '08-'10; res. Bellingham, Wash., '10 . Howell Smith Vincent Laos, Siam. b. Cedar Rapids, la., 1877; Coe C, '00; (1) ; Om. Sem.; Laos, Siam, '03 . Frederick Weber Peotone, 111. 6. Stuttgart, Germany, March 31, 1869; Koenigliches Karl's Gymnasiimi, Stuttgart, '88; Mission Sem., Basle, Switzerland; (1); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. N. A., Aug. 10, '91; p. Jackson, Mo., '91-'93; p. Femme Osage, Mo., '93-'00; p. Ger. Ev. ch., Peotone, lU., '01 . Walter Lowrie Whallon Zanesville, O. b. Vincennes, Ind., Sept. 23, 1878; H. C. I. '99; commandant. Mil. Ac, Bunker Hill, 111., '99-'00; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby., Huntingdon, June 23, '03; p. Broad Av. ch., Altoona, Pa., '03-'10; p. Zanesville, O., '10 . 1904 JOHN CALVIN ABELS Ceylon, India. b. Foreston, 111., Dec. 10, 1875; Macl. C. '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indianapo- hs, July 24, '04; p. Whiteland, Ind., '04-'05; p. Kelso, Wash., '05-'06; p. Moscow, Ida., '06-'08; p. Washington, la., '08-'10; Muscatine, la., '11; p. Eng. ch., Ceylon, India, '11 . ARTHUR PAYSON BARRETT Nau, Laos b. Wamego, Kas., 1873; E. C. K., '00; (3 grad.); f. m., Nau, Laos, '04 . 170 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1904 LOUIS HENRY BENES Waupun, Wis. b. Groningen, Netherlands, May 26, 1865; Macl. C, '01; farmer; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee^ Wis., May 27, '04; p. Holland ch., Milwaukee, '04r-'09; p. Alto, Calvary ch., Waupun, Wis., '09 . Mod. Milwaukee Pby., 'lO-'ll. FREDERICK CONRAD ROLLER Cambridge, Wis. b. Germany, , 1878; R. C. W., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, , '04; p. Laona, Wis. '04-'07; p. Cambridge, Wis., '07 . FRANCIS P. BURCHELL, D.D.S Grand Haven, Mich. b. near Marion, la., April 5, 1871; N.-W. U. D. S., '91; pr. dent.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Grand Rapids, Nov. 10, '04; p. Evart, Mich., '04-'08; p. Grand Haven, Mich., '08 . MATTHEW ALLAN CAMP Boise, Ida. b. Toronto, Can., 1873; Manitoba C, '98; Om. Sem.; (2 grad.); s. s. Ponca, Neb., '05-'06; s. s. Montezuma, la., '06-'07; s. s. Humboldt, Kas., '07-'09; p. Roswell, Ida., '09-'10; Parma, 'lO-'ll; Boise, Ida., '11 . PETER CORNELIUS DE JONG, B. D. (McC. T. Sem.) Manlto, 111. b. Cook Co., lU., , 1878; U. C. I. '03; West. Rfd. Sem. Mich.; (2 grad.); ord. Classis Wis. Rfd. ch., Sept. 22, '04; p. Sheboygan Falls, Wis. '06-'09; p. Manito and Spring Lake, 111., '10 . CLAUDE G. DENTON Grimes, la. b. Bavaria, Kas., Feb. 22, 1877; Pa. C. M., '01; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Kendall, '04; p. Soda Springs, la., '04-'05; p. Rossville, Ind., '05-'09; p. Grimes, la., '09 . CHARLES HASKELL DERR Hunan, China. 6. La Fayette, Ind., Nov. 16, 1877; Pa. C. M., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, April 13, '04; miss. Hunan, China, '04 — ■ . Prin. Boys' Ac, Chenchow, China. ARTHUR LEONIDAS DUNCAN BrazU, Ind. b. Morgan Co., Ind., ; De P. U., '98; Louisv. T. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. IndianapoUs, , '04; p. Home ch., IndianapoUs, Ind., '04-'07; p. Fowler, Ind., '07-'08; p. Brazil, Ind., '08 . ALFRED ORRIN ELLIOTT Canton, 111. b. Strattonville, Pa., Nov. 21, 1877; U. N., '01; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Nebraska City, April, '04; p. Canton, 111., '04 . HERBERT ARTHUR FRENCH Cle-Elimi, Wash. 6. Monticello, la., 1872; L. C. I., '00; Om. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Water- loo, May 10, '06; p. ClarksviUe, la., '06-'07; h. m. Central, Wash., '07-'08; 8. 8. Toppenish, '08-'10; s. s. Mabton, Wash., 'lO-'ll; s. s. Cle-Elum, Wash., '11 . ROBERT CLYDE GALBREATH Susquehanna, Pa. b. CedarviUe, O., Sept. 22, 1872; Ced. C, '01; Rfd. Sem., Philadelphia; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2, '04; p. Dearborn, Mich., '04-'06; p. Saline, Mich., '06-'08; p. Susquehanna, Pa., '08 . 1904] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 171 ARTHUR ERASTUS HOLT Manhattan, Kas. b. Longmont, Colo., Nov. 23, 1876; C. C. Colo., '98; (1 grad.); ord. , Colo. Congregational Conference; p. Pueblo, Colo., '04-'10; p. Manhattan, Kas., '10 . HOWELL ISAAC Weed, Cal. b. , 1876; South Wales C. '90; (3 grad.); Weed, Cal., '05 . JOSEPH ALBERT JOHNSTON Farmington, Minn. b. , 1869; N. U., '01; (3 grad.); Sandstone, Minn., '11-'12; s. s. Farm- ington, Minn., '12 . JOHN FREDERICK LYONS Chicago, lU. 6. Chandler3ville, 0., Sept. 13, 1878; U. W. O., '01; West. Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Zanesville, '04; p. Brownsville, Ore., '07-'09; p. Newburg, Ore., '09-'12; hbr. McC. Theo. Sem., Chicago, lU., '12 . T. B. Blackstone Fellow. FRED MILLER McCREARY Oroville, Wash. b. Poland, 0., AprU 20, 1877; W. U. 0., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, Oct. , '04; p. Oregon, III., '04-'06; p. Buckley, Wash., '06-'07; 8. 8. Interbay ch., Seattle, Wash., '07-'09; h. m. Okanogan, Wash., '10-'12; 8. s. Oroville, Wash., '12 . BEATTY ZENTZ McCULLOUGH Billings, Mont. b. Kirkville, la., Nov. 12, 1878; U. M., '00; Princt. Sem. 1 year; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. la., April, '04; p. Billings, Mont., '04 . Mod. Syn. Mont., 'lO-'ll. HARRY MARTIN MARKLEY Freeport, Dl. b. Mt. CarroU, O., June 2, 1874; E. C. K., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, May , '04; p. Princeton, 111., '04-'07; p. 2nd ch., Freeport, 111., '07 . MALCOLM CAMPBELL MARTIN Portland, Ore. b. Prince Edward Island, Can., April 1, 1871; singing ev. (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, '04; p. Alden, Minn., '04-'06; p. Vanderburg, Mion., ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '06-'08; ev. '08-'10; p. Kenilworth ch., Portland, Ore., '11 . ALFRED HUGH MORRISON Girard, Kas. b. Bemice, Pa., 1878; L. C. P., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Lackawanna, April 19, '04; p. Baldwin, Kas., '04-'05; p. Central ch., Kansas City, Kas., '05-'08; p. Leavenworth, Kas., '08-'10; p. Girard, Kas., '10 . ERNEST SIMS MORTON Seattle, Wash. b. 1880, Elberton, Ga.; C. N. C, '00; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Abingdon (South), , '04; f. m. Japan, '04r-'07; s. s. Stonega, Va., '07-'08; 8. s. Rainier Beach ch., Seattle, Wash., '09-'ll; Montera, Wash., '11-'12; s. s. Rainier Beach ch., Seattle, Wash., '12 . FRANK EDMOND NURSE, Ph.D. (Hdl. U. G.), B.D. (McT. Sem.) Madison, Wte. b. Hallock, lU., Jan. 13, 1874; D. C, '98; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, April , '04; tea.;E.C.K.,'10-'12;prof.Madison,Wis.,'12 . JOHN CARL PARRETT Rensselaer, Ind. b. Lyndon, O., Aug. 5, 1880; M. U. O., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, May, '04; p. Wolcott, Ind., '04-'05; p. Rensselaer, Ind., '05 . 172 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1904 CHARLES SUMNER PIER Charleston, lU. b. Perry Co., lU., Oct. 13, 1878; K. C. I., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2, '04; p. Union City, Ind., '04-'09; p. Charleston, 111., '09 . DAVID KENDRICK ROBERTS Denver, Colo. 6. Oshkosh, Wis., , 1875; R. C. W., '01; ord. Pby. Winnebago, May , '04; p. Welsh Calv. Meth. eh., Denver, Colo., '04 . DANIEL C. SIMPSON Vernon, Ind. b. Vernon, Ind., Jan. 22, 1876; H. C. I., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, May, '04; p. Monroe group Pby. New Albany, '04 . ROBERT SEELA STRAIN Oquawka, 111. b. Nokomis, lU., Oct. 30, 1873; B. U. I., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, AprU 20, '04; p. Park Hill, Ind., '04; p. Monon, Ind., '04^'05; p. Oneida, lU., '05-'08; p. Perry, la., '08-'10; p. Oquawka, III., '10 . VALENTINE ALEXANDER WEIR Hawarden, la. 6. Armstrong, la., Feb. 14, 1876; Coe C.,'01; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, May 10, '04; p. Dehnar, la., '04-'05; p. Randolph, Neb., '05-'09; p. Dalton, Neb., '09-'ll; p. Crook, Colo., '11-'12; p.Hawarden, la., '12 . HOWARD GRANT WILKINSON, Ph.D Bucyrus, O. b. Demos, O., April 12, 1874; S. C. O., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, -, '04; p. Winchester, lU., '04-'05; p. Aurora, Ind., '05-'10; p. Bucyrus, O., '10- ROBERT BIGHAM WILSON Hillsboro, Dl. b. Cedarville, 0., Feb. 13, 1872; Ced. C, '01; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. FUnt, June 5, '04; p. Croswell, Mich., '04-'07; p. Hanna City, III., '07-'10; p. HiUsboro, lU., '10 . EMIL LOUIS WINTERBERGER, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Austin, HI. b. Lindley, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1873; U. C, '00; Aub. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2, '03; p. Faith ch., Austin, 111., '03 . Ernest Houston Carson, b. , 1872; W. & J. C, '95; Alleg. (U. P.) Sem.; (1 p. g.). Christian Matthias Haas Colgate, N. D. b. Warsaw, O., May 31, 1870; W. U. O. (3—); ord. Pby. Santa Fe, AprU , '04; p. Aztec, N. M., '04-'05; p. Monango, N. D., '05-'08; p. Souris, N. D., '08-09; p. Mapleton, N. D., '09-'12; p. e. Colagte, N. D., '12 . '09 . Elisha Tupper Lawrence, b. , 1867; Cumb. Un., '89; (1); Med. Miss. James Sutherland Mackay, b. , 1870; Manitoba C, '01; (1). Paul G. Stevens Santa Ana, Cal. b. Hopkinton, la., , 1870; L. C. I., '01; (1); San Fran. Sem.; s. s. Franklin St. ch., San Francisco, Cal., '06-'07; p. Covina, '07-'ll; res. Santa Ana, Cal., '11 . 1905] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 173 Curtis Stephen Tanner San Francisco, Cal., b. Troy, Mo., Aug. 12, 1870; Mo. V. C, '00; (1) Cumb. U.; U. C. I.; ord. Pby. West Plains, Sept. 25, '98; p. West Plains, Mo., 'OO-'Ol; p. Los Angeles, Cal., '02-'04; p. Bishop, Cal., '04-'05; p. Downey, Cal., '05-'08; p. Lompoc, Cal., '08-'09; p. Richmond ch., San Francisco, Cal, '09 . Charles J. Wilson Rockford, 111. b. St. Joseph, Mo., 1868; Mo. V. C, '97; Leban. Sem.; Div. Sch.Un. Ch.; (1 p. g.); p. Grand Ridge, 111., '06-'09; p. Westminster ch., Rockford, 111,, '09 . Charles Masson Wyse Merritton, Ont. b. Beverly, Ont., Can., Feb. 15, 1873; K. C. Tor., '99; Manitoba CoU. and Knox Coll., Can.; (1 — p. g.); ord. Pby. Brandon, July 20, '99; p. WiUiam- son, W. Va., '99-'00; p. Greenup, Ky., '00-'02; p. Randolph, la., '03-'06; p. Blairstown, la., '06-'ll; res. '11; Merritton, Ont., Can. James Glen Young Elmlra, Mich. b. Ballymoney, Ireland, Nov. 23, 1865; N. C. Edb.; Bel. Sem.; Princt. Sem.; (1); ord. Pby. Chester, Feb. 6, '01; p. Unionville and Toughkenamon, Pa., '01-'05; s. 8. Hesperia, Mich., '05-'07; p. Ehnira, Mich., '07 . 1906 WILLIAM THAW BARTLETT New Decatur, Ala. b. Maryville, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1876; M. C. T., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Union, June 25, '05; h. m., Elizabeth and Erwin, Tenn., '05-'06; p. Katonah, N. Y., '06-'09; p. Westminster ch.. New Decatur, Ala., '10 . JOHN BODEN Petersburg, El. b. 1879; H. C. I., '01; (3 grad.); Petersburg, 111., '01; ord. Episc. pr. '05; Petersburg, lU., '05 . FREDERICK BROWN, 6.Lamon,Ont.,Can., Oct. 9, 1876; Macl. C, '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indiana, May 11, '05; p. Oakland City, Ind., '05-'08; p. Lansing, Mich., '08; d. 1912. ROBERT AUDLEY CARNAHAN, b. Viola, 111., 1869; E. C. K. ; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, June 28, '05; p. Beloit, Wis., '05-'09; p. Mauston, Wis., '09-'12; . ALEXANDER EDWARD CAMERON Morning Sun, la. 6. 1871; (3 grad.); Morning Sun, la., '11 . CHARLES DAVIS DARLING, Ph.D MinneapoUs, Minn. b. Cobourg, Ont., Can., Dec. 1, 1868; Macl. C; Albert (Ont.), '95; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Red River '96; p. Warren, Minn., '96-'98; p. Petersburg, Ind., '98-'00; p. Munising, Mich., '0(>-'02; p. Walkerton, Ind., '02-'05; p. Red Wing, Minn., '05-'08; p. Stewart Mem. ch., MinneapoUs, Minn., '08 . THORNTON TEMPLETON DENHARDT, 6. 1876; Yale Un.; Yale Div. Sch. (1 grad.); . JOHN DUNCAN Avoca, la. b. Perham, Minn., 1874; Pa. C. W., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Platte, April '05; p. Knoxville, Tenn., '05-'06; p. Fairfax, Mo., '06-'09; p. Craig, Mo., '09-'12; s. s. Avoca, la., '12 . 174 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1905 WILLIAM JAMES EWING VilUsca, la. b. Glenwood, Minn., July 4, 1872; Al. C. M., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Sagi- naw, April 13, '05; p. Fairgrove, Mich., '05-'12; p. Villisca, la., '12 . PAUL PATTON PARIS Ichowfu, Shantung, China. b. Clinton, IQ., June 14, 1877; Pa. C. M., '01; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cairo, April '05; miss. Ichowfu, Shantung, China, '05 . FRANK WILLIAM GOETSCH Mt. Eaton, O. b. Prussia, Feb. 14, 1879; Miss. House C, '01; Miss. House; (1 grad.); ord. Heidelberg Classis Rfd. ch. '05; p. Bluflfton, O., '05-'08; p. Cleve- land, O., '0&-'10; p. Mt. Eaton, O., '10 . JOHN REESE JONES, b. Wales, 1876; H. C. I., '02; (3 grad.); ord. ; f. m., Nanking, China, '05-'07; d. June 24, 1907, China. ERVING LEROY JOHNSON Peking, China. b. Watertown, S. D., July 12, 1879; E. C. K., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, May '05; miss. Peking, China, '05 . HOWARD WEIGHT JOHNSTON Ackley, la. b. Russell, la., Oct. 20, 1878; W. U. 0., '00; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moines, la., April 21, '04; asst. p. 2nd ch., Chicago, 111., '05-'07; h, m., Globe, Ariz., '08; p. Ackley, la., '08 . DETMAR THOMAS KUHN Madison, S. D. b. Hooker, Pa., 1876; G. C. C. P., '02; ord. Pby. Sioux Falls, June 6, '05; p. Alexandria, S. D., '05-'09; p. Madison, S. D., '09 . MELVIN ROBERT LAIRD Marshfield, Wis. b. MaysviUe, lU., Aug. 7, 1877; I. C, '01; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, June 8, '05; p. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '05-'ll; p. Marshfield, Wis., '11 . ALEXANDER LEWIS Peoria, 111. b. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 9, 1874; K. C. I., '08; Div. Sch., U. C. I.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 22, '05; p. Willow Av. ch., Johet, 111., '05-'10; p. Calvary ch., Peoria, lU., '11 . JOSEPH HOLLAND MILLER Gibson City, 111. b. Stratford, Ontario, June 3, 1878; W. U. 0., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Hol- ston, Sept., '05; home miss. Sweedville, Tenn., '05-'07; p. El Paso, III., '07-'10; p. Gibson City, 111., '10 . HUGH THOMAS MITCHELMORE Tacoma, Wash. b. Hinsdale, N. Y., 1880; H. C. N., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Hastings, April '04; asst. p. Westminster ch., Seattle, Wash., '05; p. Anacortes, Wash., '06-'08; Y. M. C. A. sec, Boise, Ida., '08-'09; c. m., Tacoma, Wash., '08-'09; p. Buckley, Wash., '09-'12; asst. p. Tacoma 1st, Wash., '12 . EDWARD MONTGOMERY Fort Wayne, Ind. b. Winnebago Co., lU., Aug. 19, 1873; B. C. W., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Freeport, April 19, '05; p. Maroa, lU., '05-'08; p. Miles City, Mont., '08-'10; p. Bethany ch., Fort Wayne, Ind., '10 . 1905] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 175 SAMUEL KINSINGER MOSENIAN, Ph.D. (HaUe U.); B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Bluffton, Ohio. b. Middletown, O., Dec. 17, 1867; West. U. O., '97; supt. Mennonite Mission school, Cantonment, Okla; (3 grad.); ord. Mennonite ch., '97; studied in Europe '05-'07; pres. Central Mennonite Coll., '08 . Pres. Middle Dist. Conference of Mennonites, '05, '06, '08, '10, FRANCIS HERBERT NEWTON Thornton, Wash. b. Lahore, India, Oct. 22, 1880; W. U. O.; Macl. C, '02; elk.; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Minneapolis, Jan. '06; p. Grandin, N. D., '05-'07; p. Bickleton, Cleveland and Dot, Wash., '07-'09; p. Reubens and Culdesac, Ida., '09-10; p. Ilo and Culdesac, Ida., '10-'12; p. Thornton, Wash., '12 . GEORGE BILLINGS PENCE Sheboygan, Wis. b. Columbus, Ind., 1878; H. C. I., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. May, '05; p. Ashland, Wis., '03-09; stud. Marburg, Germany, '09-'ll; p. Sheboy- gan, Wis., '11 . AUGUST KARL REISCHAUER Toklo, Japan. b. Jonesboro, lU., Sept. 4, 1879; H. C. I., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '05; f. m., Tokyo, Japan, '05 . DANIEL NEWTON SCOTT RocheUe, Dl. b. Petersburg, W. Va., Dec. 3, 1869; P. U. 0., '?4; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Un. Br. ch., March 21, '03; p. WiUiamsburg, la., '05-'08; p. Grafton, N. D., '08-'ll; p. RocheUe, lU., '11 . JAMES FORSYTH SMITH MUes City, Mont. b. Terry Co., Ireland, Nov. 10, 1866; Cent. Un., '11; (3 grad.); Div. Sch., U. C. I.; ord. Pby. Grand Rapids, Aug. 27, '05; p. 3rd ch.. Grand Rapids, Mich., '05-'06; p. 1st ch., Kennewick, Wash., '06-'07; p. Richland Center, '07-'09; p. Miles City, Mont., '11 . JOHN CHESTER TOURTELLOT Loupe City, Neb. b. Hopkinton, la., Nov. 17, 1880; L. C. I., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, May '05; p. Jesup, la., '05-'07; p. Fairbury, Neb., '07-'10; p. Monte- zuma, la., '10-'12; p. Loupe City, Neb., '12 . HUGO WEICHELT Browntown, Wis. b. Weimar, Thuringia, Germany, July 5, 1874; Ed. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Ger. Ev. Syn. of N. A., Aug. 2, '03; p. Hector, Minn., '03-'04; p. Elkton, S. D., '05-'08; p. Chicago Heights, lU., '08-'09; p. Browntown, Wis., '09 . HERBERT ASHBY WHITLOCK Ambala City, Punjab, India. b. GlenviUe, Neb., April 8, 1879; B.C.W., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, April 19, '05; Forman Chr. Coll., Lahore, India, '06-'ll; Ambala City, India, '11 . Bernardine Orme Smith Fellow. Dir. Forman Chr. Coll., Lahore; Dir. Woodstock CoU., Musaerie, India. JOSEPH BLAKE WILLL^MSON Greenfield, Ind. b. Enon, Pa., Nov. 28, 1880; Fr. C. 0., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '05; p. Paoh, Ind., '05-'08; p. Greenfield, Ind., '08 . 176 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1905 ARTHUR FREDERICK WITTENBERGER Ogden, Utah. b. Kenosha, Wis., Aug. 8, 1879; L. C. I., '01; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Quincy, May 9,'05; p. Oquawka, lU., '05-'07; p. Elbert, Colo., '07-'09; p. Cache VaUey, Logan, Utah, '1(>-'12; s. s. Central Pk. ch., Ogden, Utah, '12 . ERNEST WILLIAM WRIGHT Lewistown, Mont. b. Red Wing, Minn., June 8, 1880; U. M., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, April 11, '05; p. Missoula, Mont., '05-'08; p. Lewistown, Mont., '08 . Claude Elmer Alexander Bartesville, Okla. b. FrankUn, Ind., Aug. 15, 1878; F. C. I., '02; (1); Lane Sem.; ord. Pby. Peoria, June 10, '05; p. Eureka, 111., '05-'07; p. BushneU, lU., '07-'10; p. Bartesville, Okla., '10 . Leon Myron Boozer Orenco, Ore. b. Menasha, Wis., Nov. 11, 1875; (1); ord. Ore. Conf. Un. Evan, ch., April 20, '01; p. St. John, Ore., '97-'98; p. Hillsboro, Ore., '98-'99; p. CorvaUis, Ore., '99-'02; p. Joliet, lU., '02-'03; p. 1st Un. Evan, ch., Portland, Ore., '03-'04; p. Piedmont ch., Portland, Ore., '04-'07; p. Granville, Ida., '07-'08; p. Baker, Ore., '08-'10; p. Vernon ch., Portland, Ore., '10-'12; p. Reedville and Orenco, Ore., '12 . George Allen Brewer Coshocton, O. b. Kingston, Ont., Canada, Dec. 11, 1876; W. U. O., '02; (1); Princt. Sem., '05; ord. Pby. Columbus, May 16, '05; p. Ist ch., Columbus, 0., '05-'10; p. 1st ch., Coshocton, 0., '10 — . Bert C. Calahan, b. , 1872; Al. C. M., d. 1903. Dean Newton Dobson Newark, N. J. b. Limestone, Tenn., Feb. 19, 1880; W. C. T. '01; (1); Princt. Sem. '04; ord. Pby. Chester, June 22, '04; p. Glen Moore, Pa., '04-'07; p. Bellwood, Pa., '07- '10; p. EUzabeth Av. ch., Newark, N. J., '11 . Henry K. Grose Chicago, HI. b. , 1876; (1); ev. Chicago, '04. Klntaro Hagiwara, b. 1870; Tohoku Gakuin '92; Tohoku Gakuin (1 p. g.). Stephen Paul Harsany, b. 1873; Debreezen c. '92; (1). Lewis Thomas Hughes Red Lake Falls, Minn. 6. Hanley, Staffordshire, England, 1873; Univ. Bala, Wales; elk.; Macl. C , '02; (1); ord. Eng. Cong, ch., Penryn, England; p. Penryn, Monmouthshire, England, '90-'95; p. Cannington, England, '95-'98; p. Pawlet, Vt., '98-'99, p. Bangor, N.Y., '99-'02; p. Neche, N.D., '08-'09; p. Red Lake FaUs, Minn., '09 . Paul Gideon Kluge, b. 1879; Miss. H. '99; Miss. H. Sem.; (1). John William Maclvor Pittsburgh, Pa. b. South Cove, N. S., March 20, 1878; F.C.O. '02; (2); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Allegheny, June, '05; p. Watson Mem. ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '05 . 1906] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 177 Kenneth Edward MacLeod Rimersburg, Pa. b. North River, Victoria Co., Nova Scotia, March 29, 1877; '02; (2); West. Sem., '05; ord. Pby. Redstone, June 23, '05; p. Round Hill ch., Eliza- beth, Pa., '05-'12; Rimersburg, Pa., '12 . Henry Charles MiUard Webster City, N. Y. b. Poynette, Wis., Feb. 26, 1875; H. C. N., '02; (2); Aub. Sem.; ard. Pby. Lyons, June 28, '05; p. Ontario Center, N. Y., '05-'07; p. Niagara Falls, N. Y., '07-'ll; p. Webster City, N. Y., '11 . William Chandler Murray, b. Chinanfu, China, 1880; W. U. 0.; (1). Ray Burroughs Norton Wichita, Kas. b. Westfield, Wis., Dec. 11, 1870; tea. (1—); ord. Pby. Winnebago, April 13, '99; p. Crandon, Wis., '98-01; p. Wausau.Wis., '01-'02; p. Las Animas, Cal., '03-07; s. 8. Stratford, Wis., '07-'08; s. s. Pueblo, Colo., '08-'10; p. Lincoln St. ch., Wichita, Kas., '10 . Jacob Spoolman. b. Garden Plain, lU., 1874; L. F. U., '02; (1); San Fran. Sem.; . Alfred Theodore Thompson. b. Preston, Minn., 1869; N. W. U., '96;- Henry Wilkes Wright Lake Forest, 111. b. St. James, Mich., Aug. 16, 1878; C. U., '99; (1); lie. Pby. Petoskey, '03; inst. Philos. C. U., '03-'07; prof. PhUos. L. F. U., Lake Forest, lU., '07 . 1906 LOUIS JOSEPH ALBERT Piper City, HI. b. Appleton, Wis., May 17, 1878; Pres. Coll. Montreal; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Emporia, July 9, '06; p. Waverly, Kas., '07-'09; asst. 8. 8. 1st ch., Grand Rapids, Mich., '09-'10; p. Piper City, 111., '11 . JOSEPH CLINTON ANDERSON Louisville, Ky. b. 1862; Taylor Un., '02; (3 grad); p. Weyman A. F. M. E. ch., Chicago, 111., '03-'07; p. A. F. M. E. ch., Louisville, Ky., '07 . EDWIN ALLEN BECK Yochowfu, Hunan, China. b. Corydon, Ind., Feb. 10, 1875; W. U. 0.,'96; tea. Syrian Prot. Col.,'00-'03; (3 grad.); ord. Heidelberg Classis Rfd. ch., June 14, '06; f. m. Rfd. ch., Shenchowfu, China, '06-'10; f. m. Yochowfu, Hunan, China, '10 . JAMES HAMILL BOAL Macomb, Dl. b. AUenwood, Pa., 1880; L. C. P., '02; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 2, '06; p. Hinkley, Minn., '06-'08; p. Jasper, Minn., '08-'10; p. Macomb, 111., '10 . WILLIAM HENRY CASSELL Neche, N. D. b. MarshaU Co., 111., 1874; H. C. N., '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Dodge, '06; p. West Bend, la., '06-'07; p. Ryder, N. D., '07-'09; p. Bow- beUs, N. D., '09-'12; s. s. Neche, N. D., '12- 178 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1906 WILLIAM MORTON CLARKE Oakland City, Ind. b. Monmouth, lU., March 12, 1880; M. C. I., '03; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Schuyler, April 18, '06; p. Grace, ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '06-'ll; asst. p. Calvary ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '11-'12; p. Oakland City, Ind., '12 . ROBERT SAMPLE DONALDSON MUwaukee, Wis. b. Hastings, Minn., Jan. 11, 1880; P. U., '01; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaxikee, July 12, '06; p. Perseverance ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '06 . JOHN LOUIS EINSTEIN Radford, Va. b. Radford, Va., Nov. 21, 1881; G. & T. C. '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Holston, '06; princ. St. Alban's Sch. for Boys, Radford, Va., '06 . LYLE WILSON EWING Milwaukee, Wis. b. Chariton, la.. May 17, 1881; U. N.; bus.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Nebraska City, July 10, '06; p. Fairmount, Neb., '06-'07; ill health; p. Lincohi, Neb., '08-'09; p. Wash. Park ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '09 . FRANK AUGUSTUS GAGEBY Fort Madison, la. b. Marion, la., Jan, 26, 1878; L. C. C, '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, May 15, '06; p. West Union, la., '06-'08; p. Union Prea. ch., Fort Madison, la., '08 . JOSEPH STEPHEN GOEHRING Sarles, N. D. b. , 1876; G. C. C. P., '02; West. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minne- waukon, July 31, '06; p. Sarles, N. D., '06-'08; p. Webster and Penn, N. D., '08-'09; Ambrose, N. D., '09-'10; p. Sarles, N. D., '10 . ROBERT WILLIAM GRIFFITH Milk River, Alberta, Can. b. Wales, March 12, 1868; R. C. W., '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pemina, July 17, '06; p. Neche, N. D., '06; p. Omemee, N. D., '06-'07; p. Rolette, N. D., '07-'09; p. Milk River, Alberta, Can., '09 . ROBERT ANDREW HUNTER, b. , 1878; P. U. N. J., '01; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Kennett Square, Pa., '05-06; p. Birmingham, Pa., '06-'07; p. Union ch., Oxford, Pa., '07-' 10; d. Jenkintown, Pa., Jan. 31, 1911. PETER WESTON JACOBSON Panora, la. b. Lanesboro, Minn., July 3, 1879; Macl. C, '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, April 4, '06; p. Ely, Minn., '06-'09; p. Panora, la., '09 . CHRISTIAN KOCH Chicago, Dl, b. May 6, 1871, Schembach, Germany; Hohenheim, '91; (2 grad.); Ed. Sem.; ord. Ger. Ev. Syn., N. A., '01; p. Liberty, Neb., '01-'04; res. Chicago, 111. (ill health), '06 . EDGAR CHARLES LUCAS New Albany, Ind. b. Cardiff, Wales, Feb. 22, 1878; W. S. Wales; ( 3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kalamazoo, Aug. 8, '05; p. Areola, lU., '06-'12; p. New Albany 1st ch.. New Albany, Ind., '12 . WILLIAM ALBERT McCAMMON McPherson, Kas. b. Gentryville, Mo., July 4, 1873; Mo. V. C, '00; preach.; Cumb. U., (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Piatt (Cumb.), Feb. '01; p. Brookdale ch., St. Joseph, '06-'08; p. Benson, Ariz., '08-'09; p. McPherson, Kas., '09 . 1906] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 179 JAMES HECTOR McLEAN Santiago, Chill. b. Hawkesbury, Ont., Can., April 27, 1874; Ottawa Nor. Sch.; tea.; Y. M. C. A. sec; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '06; f. m. Concepcion, Chili, '06-'08; San Fernando, Chili, '08-'09; Santiago, Chih, '09 . THEOPHILE JAMES MEEK, B. D. (McC. T. Sem.) Decatur, Dl. b. Port Stanley, Ont., Can., Nov. 17, 1881; T. U. C, '03; K. C. (2 grad.); lie. Pby. London, Ont., Can., May, '09; stud. Berlin, Germany; Matthew Robb prof. Bib. Hist, and Lit., The James Millikin U., '09 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. HARRY DAVID MILLER Spokane, Wash. b. Goshen, Ind., March 21, 1869; N. C. I.; Al. C. M.; U. Ind.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cairo, Oct. , '06; p. Homewood, lU., '06-'07; p. Nashville, 111., '07-'09; p. Plaza, Wash., '09-' 12; Spokane, Wash., '12 . FREDERICK A. MUNNEKE Decatur, Mich. b. Netherlands, 1878; Y. C. S. D., '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. S. D., June 13, '06; p. Union Mills, Ind., '06-'09; p. Decatur, Mich., '09 . EARLE MANSON NORTH Areola, 111. b. Walkerton, Ind., Aug. 4, 1878; W. C. Ind., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, April, '06; p. EUendale, N. D., '06-'ll; p. Areola, 111., '11 . JOSEPH E. RANKIN Long Lake, Minn. b. Scotland, Dec. 16, 1877; Macl. C, '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, April 12, '06; p. Eveleth, Minn., '06-'08; p. St. James, Minn., '08-'10; p. Crystal Bay, Long Lake, Maple Plain, Minn., '10 . WILLIAM HENRY REEDY, b. Orleans, Neb., July 10, 1876; U. N.; U. Cal., '03; (3 grad.); he. Pby. Nebraska City, May 6, '03; p. Nebraska, '06-'07; asst. p. 1st ch., Oakland, Cal., '07-'08; gen. sec. U. Cal. Y. M. C. A., '08-'09; p. 1st ch., Bakersfieid, Cal., '09-'12; d. Bakersfieid, Cal., 1912. JOHN LEONARD TAIT Columbus, O. b. , 1867; Cent. Un., '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Harvard, 111., '06-09; p. Westminster ch., Wooster, O., '09-'ll; p. Indianola ch., Columbus, O., '11 . EDWIN HENRY THIAS, b. St. Louis, Mo., 1876; H. C. I., '02; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 8, 1906; p. Eknira ch., '08-'09; d. Ehnira, lU., May 16, 1910. T. B. Blackstone Fellow. MAX BASTEDO WILES Prlnceville, Bl. b. Yorktown, la., , 1872; Macl. C, '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Corning, , '06; p. Bethlehem Chap., Chicago, lU., '06-'08; p. PrinceviUe, lU., '08 . GEORGE FRANCIS WILSON Saint George, Utah. b. Griggsville, lU., 1868; E. C. K.; C. C. K., '03; Louisv. Sem. (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Minnewaukon, May 7, '07; p. Munich, N. D., '07-'09; Utah Gospel Miss., Utah, '09-'10; p. Saratoga, Wyo., 'lO-'ll; rea. Saint George, Utah, '11 . 180 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1906 JOHN JACOB WILSON Norris City, Dl. b. 1876; Ced. C, '03; (3 grad.); p. Norris City, lU., '11 . Walter Watson Breckenridge Tucson, Ariz. b. ; res. Hartford, Conn.; Yale Un.; Y. D. Sch.; (1 p. g.) Tucson, Ariz. '11 . Howard Claberg Cooper Philadelphia, Pa. b. 1886; W. U. 0., '03; (1); ord. Pby. BlairsviUe, '07; p. Frazer, Pa., '07-'12; Philadelphia, Pa., '12 . Peter Erickson Minot, N. D. b. Norway, Sept. 14, 1880; Macl. C, '03; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Pembina, Aug. 6, '07; p. Drayton, N. D., '04-'10;p. Minot, N. D., '11 . Ebenezer Joseph Hanks Ridgefield, Utah b. , 1866; West. C. Ut., '03; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. San Fran- cisco, '08; s. s. Brigham, Utah, '08-'09; s. s. Ridgefield, Utah, '09 . Robert McMaster Hood Madera, Cal. b. Sparta, 111., July 7, 1879; Macl. C, '03; (2); San Fran. Sem., '06; ord. Pby. Walla Walla, June 26, '06; p. Culdesac, Ida., '06-'08; p. Sunset, Wash., '08-'09; p. ConneU, Wash., '09-'10; p. Madera, Cal., '10 . Carl Ostrander Lansing, b. , 1877; P. U., '03; (1). Frank Albert Lewis Barnard, Kas. b. Essex, la., Sept. 18, 1878; P. C. I., '03; (1); Om. Sem., '06; ord. Pby. Coming, April 18, '06; p. Benedict and Thayer, Neb., '06-'07; p. Primrose, Neb., '07-'08; p. Neola, la., '08-'10; p. Alexandria, Neb. 'lO-'U; p. Barnard and Saltville, Kas., '11 . Walter Pringle McConkey Washington, Pa. b. Grove City, Pa., July 27, 1882; G. C. C. P., '03; (1); West. Sem.; ord. Pby. Steubenville, May 17, '06; p. Brilliant, 0., '06-'08; p. Avonmore, Pa., '08-' 12; p. e. Washington, Pa., '12 . Gilbert McWhirter, b. Minto, N. D., 1865; (1); d. . WilUam W. Morris, b. Minto, N. D., 1865; (1 sp.); d. . Ell Nathaniel Quist Quilcene, Wash. b. Norseland, Minn., March 21, 1872; M. C. T., '03; (1); Om. Sem.; Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Larned, Oct. 10, '05; p. Emerson, Neb., '05-'06; p. Arling- ton, Kas., '06-'07; p. Webster, Pa., '07-'08; p. Hersman, 111., '08-'09; p. Kent, Wash., '09-'10; p. Quilcene, Wash., '10 . Edward James Sabin, b. , 1875; M. C. T., '03; (1); Om. Sem. Pitt Montgomery Walker Healdsburg, Cal. b. Macomb, 111., Nov. 1, 1875; Macl. C, '03; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Sacramento, Oct. 16, '06; p. FaU River Mills, Cal., '06-'10; p. Healds- burg, Cal., '10 . 1907] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 181 Arthur Robison Willis San Francisco, Cal. b. Washington, O., June 14, 1875; L. F. U., '03; (1—); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Oakland, May , '06; p. Walnut Creek, Cal., '06-'07; p. St. Paul's ch., San Francisco, Cal., '07-'09; p. Bethany ch., San Francisco, Cal., '09 . 1907 ANEES TANNUS BAROODY, Ph.D. (U. N. Y.) Beirut, Syria. b. Beirut, Syria, Dec. 12, 1879; S. P. C, '97; tea. ; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Brook- lyn, March 2, '08; p. Syr. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '08-'10; tea. Boys' High Sch., Beirut, Syria, '10 . THEODORE BECKMEYER Port Washington, O. b. Hoyleton, lU., Sept. 10, 1880; Ehn. Col.,'01; Eden T. Sem.; (1 grad.); Ger. Ev. ch., Aug. 17, '04; p. Jackson and Webster, O., '04-'06; p. Van Wert, O., '07-'09; p. Port Washington, 0., '09 . JOSEPH M. BROADY Birmingham, Ala. b. Maryville, Tenn., 1877; M. C. T.; s. s. and h. m.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, May 14, '07; p. Gibson City, 111., '07-10; p. Shawnee, Okla., '10-'12; p. Ist ch., Birmingham, Ala., '12 . CLARENCE ELMER CAMPBELL, B.D. (U. C. I.) Paulding, O. b. Baileyton, Tenn., March 13, 1883; W. & T. C, '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mattoon, May 22, '07; p. Gibson City, 111., '07-'08; p. Taylorville, 111., '08-'10; stud. U. C. I., 'lO-'ll; p. Paulding, O., '12 . PETER ARTHUR DAVIES Ord, Neb. b. New Ulm, Minn., ; Macl. C, '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul , '07; p. Stanford, Neb., '07-'10; p. Ord, Neb., '10 . JONATHAN CREECH DAY, D.D New York, N. Y. b. Harlan, Ky., Dec. 20, 1877; W. & J. C, '01; tea.; Louisville Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indianapolis, June , '07; p. Irvington ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '07-'10; p. 1st ch., Tyrone, Pa., '10-'12; p. Labor Temple, New York, N. Y., '12 . JOHN WIRT DUNNING Portsmouth, O. b. Corunna, Mich., 1882; Al. C. M., '04; P. U.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Monroe, April, '07; p. Tecumseh, Mich., '07-10; p. Portsmouth, O., '10 . GEORGE EUGENE GOOD Hoonah, Alaska. b. Mt. Clinton, Va., Oct. 6, 1878; W. C. I., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. , April 14, '07; Skagway, Alaska, '07-10; Hoonah, Alaska, '11 . THOMAS WESLEY GRAHAM MinneapoUs, Minn. b. Eastman Springs, Ont., Canada, Oct. 12, 1882; T. U. C, '03; Un. Free Ch. Coll. Glasgow; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '08; p. Broadway Tabernacle, Mattoon, 111., '08-'09; Secy. Y. M. C. A., U. Minn., '09-'12; p. Andrew ch., Minneapohs, Minn., '12 . Bernardine Orme Smith Fellow, HENRY NELSON HALL Plymouth, Dl. b. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 21, 1879; M. C. I., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rush- ville, '07; p. Duluth Heights, '07; p. Bethel ch., Hamilton, 111., '07-' 12; p. Plymouth, lU., '12 . 182 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1907 HERMANN MARTIN HILDEBRANDT, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) . Petersburg, lU. b. South Bend, Ind., Oct. 15, 1886; U. I. '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 30, '07; s. b. Herscher and Buckingham, 111., '07-' 10; p. Petersburg, lU., '10 . T. B. Blackstone Fellow. WILLIS EDWIN HOGG, B.D. (McC. T. S.) Greensburg, Ind. b. Slippery Rock, Pa., March 15, 1878; Fr. C. O., '02; West. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 30, '07; s. s. Manistique, Mich., '07-'10; p. Kings- ton ch., Greensburg, Ind., '10 — ■ . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. WILLIAM GARFIELD JOHNSON Leeds, N. D. b. Oskaloosa, Kas., Jan. 13, 1881; U. K., '02; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Topeka, April , '07; h. m. New Salem, N. D., '07; f. m. Central Brazil, '07-'10; p. Castlewood, S. D., '10-'12; s. s. m., Leeds, N. D., '12 . WILLIAM HORATIO KENDALL Farmington, lU. b. Leavenworth, Ind., Jan. 14, 1881; Macl.C.,'04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Paul, , '07; p. Farmington, 111., '07 . OTIS LEROY LINN RosevUle, Cal. b. Mace, Ind., Feb. 2, 1881; W. C. I., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Crawfords- ville, April 16, '07; p. Roseville, Cal., '07 . JAMES LLOYD McBRIDE Chicago, Dl. 6.' Romulus, Mich., Sept. 23, 1882; Al. C. M., '04; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, April 17, '07; p. 2nd ch., Duluth, Minn., '07-'09; p. Rogers Pk. ch., Chicago, '10 . EVERETT DEAN MARTIN Des Moines, la. b. Jacksonville, 111., July 5, 1880; I. C, '04; (3 grad.); ord. Cong. Council, Lombard, 111., May 6, '07; p. Lombard Cong, ch., '06-'08; p. Peoples ch., Dixon, 111., '08-'ll; p. Ist Unitarian ch., Des Moines, la., '11 . ROBERT PAUL MONTGOMERY Hangchow, China. b. Gates City, lU., May 17, 1878; Pa. C. M., '04; (3 grad.); asst. supt. Presb. Press, Shanghai, China, '07-'09; tea.; Presb. Coll., Hangchow, China, '09- '10; tea. Baptist Ac, Hangchow, China, '11 . DAVID ERNEST MORELL, b. 1870; Roy. Un., Ireland, '92; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); p. Durango, Cal., '07-'09; p. Berwyn, lU., '09-'10; d. Chicago, 111., , 1910. CURTIS BISHOP NEWSOM, B.D. (Garr. Bib. Inst.) Sturgis, Mich. b. EUzabethtown, Ind., Oct. 6, 1876; E. C, '96; tea.; C. U. Div. Sch.; Garr. Bib. Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 15, '07; p. Granville Av. ch., Chicago, lU., '07-' 10; p. Sturgis, Mich., '10 . DANIEL WILLIS PARKS Spokane, Wash. b. Osborn, Mo., 1880; Mo. Wes.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, March , '07; p. Harrington, Wash., '07-'08; p. Spokane, Wash., '08-'10; res. Spokane, Wash., '11 . JOHN MARCUS SKINNER Detroit, Mich. b. Chambersburg, Pa., March 17, 1879; Western Union C, '03; H. C. N., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Spokane, Nov. , '07; p. Ist ch., Davenport, Wash., '07-'ll; p. Memorial ch., Detroit, Mich., '11 . 1907] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 183 ALBERT ELIAS SMITH Smithsboro, Ky. b. Owensboro, Ky., Oct. 12, 1876; U. K.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 29, '06; p. Hindman, Ky., '06-'12; s. s. and tea. Searles Mem., Smiths- boro, Ky., '12 . Pres. W. C. T. U. Sch., Hindman, Ky. JAMES URE STEWART Napier, Ont. b. Goderich, Ont., June 18, 1882; McG. U., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 30, '07; p. Fort Wayne ch., Detroit, Mich.,'07-'10; p. Napier, Ont., '10 . ALEXANDER DANIEL SUTHERLAND Washington, D. C. b. Picton Co., N. S., Nov. 11, 1877; W. C. I., '03; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Peoria, Sept. 12, '05; s. s. Columbia City, Ind., '07-'10; Religious Work Director, Y. M. C. A., Washington, D. C, '10 . CHARLES SPENCER WILLIAMS Bogota, Celombia b. Lincohi, Neb., Dec. 22, 1877; U. M.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapohs, April 8, '07; s. s. Braidwood, 111.; miss. Bogota, Colombia, '07 . Frank Ernest Beatty Spokane, Wash. b. Greenfield, O., Sept. 18, 1880; W. U. O. '04; (1) Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. ChiUicothe, July 29, '07; h. m. Ilo, la., '07-'09; p. Palouse, Wash., '09-'ll; 8. 8. Lidgewood ch., Spokane, Wash., '11 . George Bollinger Aplington, la. b. Sharon, Wis., Nov. 18, 1861; U. W., '88; (1); Luth. Sem., Ohio; ord. Luth. Syn., Oct. 15, '93; p. Morristown, 111., '93-'96; p. Lenark, 111., '96-'98; p. Burt, la., '05-'07; p. Aplington, la., '07 . Blrchard Franklin Bnmdage Anderson, Ind. b. New London, O., April 11, 1876; B. U.; (1); p. Marine City, Mich.,'03-'05; p. Tipton, Ind., '06-'09; p. Cuba, N. Y., '09-'12; p. Anderson, Ind., '12 . John Robert Calvin Carter, b. , 1881; tea. Un. T., N. Y., '02; (1); . Hugh Rankin Crawford Danville, Ky. b. , 1881; M. C. T., '03; (1); bus. Danville, Ky. John Elmore Darling Preston, Minn. b. , 1875; Hobart C; (2); Preston, Minn., '11 . Charles Daniel Eraser Clarksburg, Pa. b. South Highlands, N. S., May 28, 1880; Fr. C. O., '04; (1); West Sem., '07; ord. Pby. Grafton, May 13, '07; p. Jacksonburg, W. Va., '07-'08; p. g. West Sem., '08-'09; p. Clarksburg and Ebenezer, Pa., '09 . Richard Hugh Jones, b. , 1876; (1); . WUliam E. Lewis, b. , 1875; M. C. T., '04; (1); ord. Pby. Cleveland, '07; s. s. WycUffe, O., '07-'09; 8. 8. Northfield, '09-'10; s. s. Cleveland, O., '10 . 184 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1908 WUliam McDUl Mofifatt Chicago, lU. b. , 1871; Erskine C. (S. C); (1); lawy. Chicago, lU., '06 . Thomas Everett Morton, , b. , 1858; Colgate C, 79; San Fran. Sem.; (1); . Walter Laidlaw Nichol, b. , 1878; T. U., '02; Knox Col.; (1) . Edward Palmer Pillans, 6. , 1875; Presb. C. S. C, '95; Kent Theo. Sem.; (1); . William Alvin Rex Kansas City, Mo. b. Tiffin, O., July 1, 1879; Heid .U. O., '01; ord. Tiffin Classis, May, '04; p. Colon, Mich., '04-'07; (1 p. g.); p. Kansas City, Mo., '08 . Om-ay Owen Russell Morrill, Neb. b. Nodaway Co., Mo., Oct. 7, 1872; Mo. V. C, '97; tea.; p. 3 yrs.; (1); Div. Sch. U. C. I.; ord. Pby. Birmingham (C. P.), Dec. 11, '00; p. Ridgeway Av. ch., Chicago, lU., '06-'08; p. Morrill, Neb., '08 . Matthew H. Wilson, B.D. (Princt. Sem.) Parkville, Mo. b. Pomeroy, O., 1882; B. C. N., '04; (1); Om. Sem.; Princt. Sem., '08; ord. Pby. Nebraska City, '08; prof. phU. Pa. C. M., Parkville, Mo., '08 . Robert Justice Young, D.D Detroit, Mich. b. , 1855; Un. Mich., '76; (1); ord. Pby. Pittsburgh, June 11, '95; p. Buena Mem. ch., Chicago, 111., '05-'09; p. Covenant ch., Detroit, Mich., '09 . 1908 HAIDOW ABLAHAT Chicago, lU. b. Assyria, Turkey, June 26, 1880; Ur. C; tea.; Xen. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chi., May 7, '08; h. m. Persian Miss., Chicago, 111., '08 . FRANK BENJAMIN ALLEN Springfield, Dl. b. Carbondale, 111., Aug. 20, 1878; Pa. C. M., '05; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Ewing, Oct. 28, '08; p. Nashville, 111., '08-'09; p. Garwood, Tex., '09-'10; p. Drexel, Mo., '10-'12; p. Springfield, lU., 5th ch., '12 . GEORGE THEODORE ARNOLD Minneapolis, Kas. b. Menasha, Wis., Oct. 5, 1876; O. S. N.; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, April 15, '08; p. Dousman and Ottawa, Wis., '07-'09; p. Immanuel ch., Grand Rapids, Mich., '09-'ll; p. Minneapolis, Kas., '11 . FRANK TOUZALIN BARRY Evanston, Dl. b. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 9, 1881; L. F. U., '05; shipping elk., plumbing sup- ply house; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chi., May 6, '08; p. 9th ch., Chi., '08-'10; p. Emerson St. ch., Evanston, 111., '10 . EUGENE ERWIN BROMLEY Sitka, Alaska. b. Claremont, Minn., Oct. 20, 1878; Macl. C, '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winona, April 8, '08; m. Sitka, Alaska, '08 . WILLIAM COMPTON COOPER Salonica, Turkey. b. Bridgeport, lU., July 30, 1876; W. C. I., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Nov. 1, '07; p. Ardmore, S. D., '07; p. 9th ch., Chicago, '07-'08; p. 1st ch., Ottumwa, la., '08; p. Bayfield and AUison, Colo., '08-'09; F. M. Salonica, Turkey, '09 . 1908] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 185 DENNIS WHITE CRAWFORD MaryvUle, Tenn. b. Maryville, Tenn., May 15, 1884; M. C. T., '03; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kearney, Sept. 20, '08; p. Overton, Neb., '08-'10; 8. s. Harrisonville, Mo., '10-'12; MaryvUle, Tenn., '12 . DAVID ARTHUR DICKEY, b. Grapeland, Tex., Aug. 26, 1874; T. U. T.; Moody Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Red River, , '04; p. Granville Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '05-'06; p. 9th ch., Chicago, 111., '06-'07; p. Ridgefield, 111., '07-'09; p. Hartington, Neb., '09 . JESSE CLYDE ENGEL Edgeley, N. D. b. Centerview, Mo., 1873; F. C. K., '05; (3 grad.); ord. Sept. 3, '03, Pby. Wichita; e. s. Perth and Mayfield Group, Kas., '02-05; p. Douglas Pk. ch., Chicago, '05; p. Deerfield, 111., '06-'07; asst. p. Lake Foreat ch., 111., '07-'08; p. Monango, N. D., '08-12; p. Edgeley, N. D., '12 . ADOLF CHAS. ESMANN Galway, N. Y. b. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 21, 1886; B. C. C; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Castle, Oct. -, '08; p. Rehoboth, Del., '08-'09; U. C, '09-'10; res. Schenectady, N. Y., '11-'12; p. Galway ch., Galway, N. Y., '12- JOHN BOHN FERGUSON Howe, O. b. Camden, O., June 10, 1879; M. U. O., '03; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, June 26, '08; p. Lima, O., '08 . ERNEST FLEDDERJOHANN Louisville, Ky. b. New KnoxviUe, O., July 7, 1882; O. S. U., '05; Miss. House; (2 grad.); ord. Nov. 1, '08, Kentucky Classis; p. Louisville, Ky., '08 . JOHN J. HEEREN, Ph.D. (U. HaUe), B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Isingtau, Shantung, China. b. German VaUey, 111., Dec. 18, 1875; I. C, '05; Hart. Sem., Div. Sch., U. C. I.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. , May , '08; miss. Shantung, China, '11 . T. B. Blackstone Fellow. DAVID AUGUSTUS JOHNSON Marengo, la. b. Tustin, Mich., Oct. 30, 1877; Al. C. M., '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Grand Rapids, , '08; p. Marengo, la., '08 . FREDERICK ARTHUR JOHNSON Fowler, Ind. b. Hamilton, lU., Dec. 8, 1882; C. C. lU., '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Craw- fordsville, Dec. , '08; p. Fowler, Ind., '08 . ARTHUR OREN KNAPP Chicago, HI. b. Adair Co., la., Nov. 3, 1874; Coe C, '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Fhnt, April , '09; p. Cass City, Mich., '09-' 11; stud. Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 111., '11 . FREDERIC BREADING OXTOBY, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Chicago, 111. b. Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 20, 1881; U. M., '05; (3 grad.); ord. June 19, '08, Pby. Saginaw; '08-'10; inst. Chicago Cong. Sem., 'lO-'ll; acting prof. Chicago Cong. Sem., '11 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. 186 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1908 CHARLES EDWIN STICKLE San Demas, Cal. b. Chicago, lU., Feb. 23, 1881; N. W. U.; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 4, '08; asst. p. 1st ch., Evanston, 111., '07-10; trav. 'lO-'ll; stud. '11-'12; p. San Demas, Cal., '12 . WILLIAM ORTON TALBOT Hope, N. D. b. Alexis, lU., June 11, 1876; K. C. I., '99; elk.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, April ,'08; p. Farmingdale, 111., '08-'10; p, Emerson, Neb., 'l(>-'ll;p. Baldwin and Willow Lake, N. D., '11-'12; s. s. Hope, N. D.,'12 . DWIGHT DIX TALLMAN Hot Springs, S. D. b. Jersey City, N.J., April 19, 1879; H. C. I., '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Iowa City, April , '08; p. Wilton, la., '08-'10; p. Hot Springs, S. D., '10 . ROBERT OWEN THOMAS Chicago, Dl. b. Minn., Nov. 26, 1882; Macl. C, '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mil- waukee, April 23, '08; p. Horicon, Wis., '08-10; p. Roseland ch., Chicago, Ul., '10 . DAVID CHARLES TRUESDALE La Grange, Ind. b. Sharon, Pa., July 26, 1876; M. C. I.; U. Neb.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logans- port, April 23, '08; p. Brookston, Ind., '08-'10; p. La Grange, Ind., '10 . FRANK UHERKA, b. , 1877; Pa. CM.; West. Sem.; (1 grad ); Rfd. ch. THOMAS YOUNGER, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Ligonier, Ind. b. St. Johns, N. F., Jan. 1, 1876; B. U. 1., '01; tea.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Fort Wayne, May , '08; p. 1st ch., Ligonier, Ind., '08 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. ARMIN H. ZIEMER Sioux City, la. b. Holland, Ind., Dec. 15, 1886; Ehn. Col, '05; (3 grad.); .ord. Pby. Rock River, May 14, '08; p. Fulton, lU., '08-'09; p. AUerton, lU., '09-'10; p. Homer, 111., '10-'12; agt. Chicago, lU., '12; Sioux City, la., '12 . John Best Chicago, LI. b. Cornwall, Eng., Nov. 24, 1870; (1); ord. Lake Superior asst. of Cong, ch., '00; p. Kenton, Mich., '00-'03; p. West Chicago, '03'-'06; p. Bethesda ch. (Cong.), Chicago, 111., '06-' 12; p. Millard Av. ch. (Cong.), Chicago, III., '12 . Charles Bonaker, b. , 1874; (1). Gray Jones Cardy Mechanicsville, la. b. 1876; P. C. S. D. 4 yrs.; (1); ord. Nov. 19, '07; Pby. ; p. Alta, la., '07-'08; p. New Cambria, Mo., '08-'10; p. Nodaway and Essex, la., 'lO-'ll; p. Mechanicsville, la., '11 -. Sytze De Bruine, b. 1859; res. (Chicago; 2); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 5, '08; p. Dell Rapids, S. D., '08-'09; Rfd. ch., '09 . Austin Benjamin Dickerson San Francisco, Cal. b. Cadiz, 0., Aug. 12, 1879; F. C. 0., '05; (1); San Fran. Sem., '09; ord. Pby. S. F., May 5, '09; s. s. Vernon, Colo., '09-'10; p. Coahnga, Cal., '10-'12; San Francisco, Cal., '12 . 1909] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 187 Paul Rupert Dickie Virginia City, Nev. 6. Columbus, O., Dec. 15, 1878; M. C. T., '04; (1); San Fran. Sem.; ord. Pby. Kingston, , '06; h. miss. Tenn., '06-'07; p. Ukiah, Cal., '07-'ll; p. Virginia, Nev., '11 . George Alvin Dtmlop, b. , 1883; Fr. C. O.; (1). Leonard Eder, b. ; Fairmouut C, '05; (1); ill health. Charles Joseph Grimes Rankin, HI. b. Charleston, lU., June 14, 1876; B. U. I.; Ind. Med.; H. C. I.; (1); ord. Pby. Vincennes, May 2, '07; p. Crisney, Ind., '07-'08; p. Bicknell, Ind., '08-'09; p. Rankin, 111., '09 . Augustine Jones, B.D. (Chicago Cong. Sem.) Oak Park, 111. b. Bonn, Germany, Dec. 8, 1883; Lei. Stan. Jr. Un., '05; (1); Chicago Cong. Sem.; ord. June 13, '08; Cong. Coimcil; p. 4th Cong, ch., Oak Park, lU., '08-' 10; travel, '10 . Kenneth Piercy MacDonald Ambos Camarines, P. I. b. Carleton, Neb., Nov. 16, 1881; W. N., '04; P. U., '08; (1); Princt. Sem., W. Berlin and Marburg; ord. Pby. Nebraska City, May 26, '08; f. m. Phihp- pine Islands, '09 . Oliver M. MitcheU, b. , 1864; (1). John Andrew Paddock Hannibal, Wis. b. Christian County, lU., 1869; Pa. C. M., '05; (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Duluth, ,'08; p. Pine City, Minn.,'08-'10; p. Hannibal, Wis., '10 . Henry Harry Schmidt, b. , 1879; (1). 1909 MARTIN ELI ANDERSON, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Champaign, lU. b. Chicago, III., Dec. 27, 1881; W. C. I.; R. R. office; Ins. office; Jour, office; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, '09; univ. work of Syn. 111., Champaign, 111, '09 . ARTHUR MULFORD BAKER MUwaukee, Wis. b. Wapakoneta, O., Oct. 11, 1880; Def. C. O., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chi- cago, May 2, '09; p. Marlboro ch., Chicago, HI., '07-'12; p. Grace ch., Mil- waukee, Wis., '12 . ROBERT ALEXANDER CAMERON Clarinda, la. b. London, Eng., Dec. 15, 1882; Moody Inst., '06; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Coming, May 20, '09; p. Clarinda, la., '09 . GEORGE WASHINGTON CAMP Harvey, Bl. b. Jenifer, Ala., Nov. 3, 1878; Ber. C; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '09; p. Hope ch., Chicago, '09-'10; s. s. Cong, ch., '10-'12; Harvey, 111., '12 . DAVID WILLIAM FERRY Spokane, Wash. b. Ireland, , 1878; trav. sales.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '09; p. St. Anthony, Ida., '09-'ll; p. Emmanuel ch., Spokane, Wash., '11 . 188 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1909 BURT SENECA GIFFORD Beirut, Syria b. Brooklyn, N. Y., , 1883; R. C. W., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winne- bago, April , '09; inst. Syrian Prot. C., Beirut, Syria, '09 . FRANK CLIFFORD GLEASON Golconda, lU. b. Clay Center, Kas., July 17, 1874; W. C. I., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, Sept. 13, '09; p. Arlington and Cherry, III., '09-10; p. Golconda, 111., '10 . EARLE CLARENCE HAMILTON Marrowbone, Ky. b. WelUngton, Kas., July 28, 1882; Ob. C; U. N. Y.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Buffalo, April, '09; p. Manchester, Ky., '09-'12; s. s. Marrowbone, Ky., '12 . Newberry Scholar. WILLIAM EARLE HUNTER, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Columbia City, Ind. 6. Hanover, Ind., June 6, 1881; H. C. I.; C. C. Colo., '03; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, July 19, '09; p. Ossian, Ind., '09-'12; p. e. Columbia City, Ind., '12 . HUGH EDWARD JONES Columbus Junction, la. b. North Wales, , 1878; W. B. B. C; salesman; (2^ grad.); ord. Syn. Welsh ch., June 19, '09; p. Welsh Pby. ch., Columbus Junction and Cotter, la., '09 . ROBERT RICE LITTLE Winchester, Ind. 6. Wabash, Ind., Oct. 7, 1881; W. C. M.; J. H. U.; W. C. I., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Muncie, April 19, '09; p. Winchester, Ind., '09 . JAMES GORE KING McCLURE, JR Chicago, HI. b. Lake Forest, 111., Oct. 28, 1884; Y. U., '06; N. C. Sem.; (2 grad.); he. Pby. Chicago, AprU , '09; res. Chicago, 111., '09 . JOSEPH MILTON MAHAFFY Manteno, HI. b. Kortright, N. Y. , 1877; U. la., '02; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 12, '09; p. Manteno, IU.,'09 . EDDISON MOSIMAN Blufftori, O. 6. near Middletown, O., Oct. 15, 1878; Witt. C. O., '03; (3 grad.); Div. Sch. U. C. I.; ord. June , '09; Mennonite ch., stud., Germany, '09-'ll; tea. philosophy Central Mennonite C, Bluffton, 0., '11 . T. B. Blackstone Fellow. JOHN THOMAS NEWELL Granville, O. b. St. Johns, Newfoundland, Sept. 11, 1875; N. W. U., '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Muncie, April 19, '09; p. Granville, O., '09 . CHARLES LAWRENCE OGILVIE Peking, China. b. Boston, Mass., June 20, 1881; Moody Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 10, '09; stud. Germany, '09-'ll; f. m. Peking, China, '11 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. GEORGE EDWARD PARISOE Minden, Neb. 6. , 1880; N. U. ; Garrett Bib. Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Goodland, Ind., '09-'10; p. Minden, Neb., '10 . 1909] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 189 CHARLES LESLIE PLYMATE Elgin, lU, b. Acton, Ind., July 27, 1877; W. C. Ind., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, May 17, '09; p. 1st Pres. ch., Crandon, Wis., '09-'ll; p. House of Hope ch., Elgin, 111., '11 . EUGENE HARVEY ROBINSON Paonia, Colo. b. Clay, la., June 3, 1882; P. C. I., '04; trav. sales.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Clay ch. Cong. Conn., Sept. 18, '08; p. Crested Butte, Colo., '08-'09; p. Cong, ch., Paonia, Colo., '09 . GEORGE TRESSLER SCOTT Hampton, N. C. b. Ottawa, 111., Feb. 10, 1881; P. U., '03; tea. Beirut, Syria; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ottawa, April, '09;prof. Hampton Inst., Hampton, N. C, '10 . Bernardine Orme Smith Fellow. ROLLIN GRANT SHAFER GrayviUe, Dl. 6. Petersburg, Ind., Sept. 9, 1868; O. C. C; (3 grad.); ord. C. P. Pby. Indiana, , '98; p. Portersville, Ind., '98-'00; p. CrossviUe, 111., '00-'04; p. Cisco, III., '04-'07; p. Gardner, 111., '07-'ll; GrayviUe, 111., '11 . ALVIN AUGUSTINE SMIDT Greenfield, la. b. Galena, lU., Feb. 16, 1884; W. C. I., '06; Chicago Cong. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Council Bluffs, Sept. , '09; p. Greenfield, la., '09 . JAMES BOYD STEPHENSON Weyauwega, Wis. b. Jacksonville, Pa., 1878; Pa. C. M., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Winnebago, June 15, '09; p. 1st ch., Weyauwega, Wis., '09 . WILLIAM STEWART, b. Scotland, 1868; res. Chicago, 111.; Moody Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Pueblo, Dec. 8, '09; d. Durango, Colo., April 4, 1910. PRANK HARVEY THROOP Soochow, China. b. Green Valley, Minn., June 7, 1880; Macl. C, '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mankato, April 14, '08; miss. Soochow, China, '09 . JOSEPH RAY WARNICK Richland Center, Wis. b. Warrensburg, Mo., Feb. 16, 1881; Pa. C. M., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, June 10, '09; asst. p. Ohvet Mem. ch., Chicago, lU., '09-'ll; p. Richland Center, Wis., '11 . LUTHER N. WILLIAMS Oakesdale, Wash. 6. Hardin County, la., Oct.l, 1872; W. C. W., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. WaUa Walla, June 26, '09; p. Oakesdale, Wash., '09 . RODGER EARL WINN Fusan, Korea \/ b. Galesburg, lU., May 16, 1882; E. C. K., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Solomon, May 10, '09; f. m. Fusan, Korea, '09 , JOHN GEORGE WOZENCRAFT Plain City, O. 6. Social Hill, Ark., Dec. 12, 1877; J. M. U., '06; (3 grad.); He. , '03; p. Newburgh, Ind., '09-'10; p. Walthill, Neb., 'lO-'ll; p. Plain City, O., '11 . Percival Howson Barker Coffeyville, Kas. b. Richmond Hill., Ont., Canada, July 24, 1884; N. U. I., '07; (1); Div. Sch. U. C. I.; ord. Webster City Cong. Assn., , '07; p. Ist Cong, ch.. May- wood, 111., '07-'ll; p. CofifeyviUe, Kas., '11 . 190 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1909 Charles Edward Baskerville, B.D. (Princt. Sem.) Bellevue, Neb. b. Central City, Neb., July 15, 1887; B. C. N., '06; (1); Princt. Sem., '09; ord. Pby. Omaha, Dec. , '09; p. Bellevue, Neb., '09 . Walter Lawrence Bone Newman, Cal. b. , 1877; res. Chicago, 111.; Mo. V. C, '04; (1—); ; Newman, Cal., '11 . Thomas W. Boyd Virginia City, Nev. b. Ireland, 1874; res. Chicago, 111.; Magee C. (Ireland), '01; (1); Princt. Sem.; Virginia City, Nev., '12 . Alfred Terry Cory Sullivan, HI. b. HillBdale, Kas., Oct. 27, 1878; O. U. K., '04; (1); ord. Pby. Fort Scott, April 2, '04; Scott City and Leoti, '03-'06; p. Downs, 111., '06-'09; p. Sulli- van, 111., '09 . Edward Derbyshire Upland, Pa. b. , 1882; res. Albany, N. Y.; (1); etud. Croz. M. Sem., Upland, Pa., '12 . William Arthur Freidinger Beirut, Syria. b. , 1883; res. Springfield, lU.; M. C. T., '06; (2); prof. Syr. Prot. C, Beirut, Syria, '08 ; ord. Pby. Springfield, May, '11; f. m. Beirut, Syria, '11 . John William Hanna Chicago, 111. John E. Hartzler, b. , 1879; East Lynne, Mo.; Goshen C, '04; (2—); Un. Sem., N. Y. Ev. Mennonite U., '10 . Allen Leslie Howard Napanee, Ont. b. Bond Head, Ont., Sept. 10, 1873; T. U. C, '01; K. C. Tor.; (p. g.), Un. Sem.; ord. Syn. Presb. ch. of Canada, July, '03; p. Cayuga, Ont., '03-'07; p. Kemptville, Ont., '07-'10; p. Peoria, 111., 'lO-'ll; res. Napanee, Ont., Can., '11 . John Robertson Kay, b. Port Austin, Mich., 1883; U. T. C, '06; (1); . John Ellis Manley, b. Topeka, Kas., 1879; (1); . Edwin Earl Nichols, 6. Morning Sun, la., , 1883; Coe C, '06; (1—). Charles Read Pittman Tabriz, Persia. b. McConneUsburg, Pa., July 2, 1874; L. C. P., '97; (p. g.); ord. Pby. Lehigh, April 22, '00; f. m. Tabriz, '00; res. Chicago, 111., '09-'10; f. m. Tabriz, Persia, '10 . WiUiam J. Robb St. Paul, Minn. 6. Drumhoney, Ireland, 1880; (1); Chic. Cong. Sem.; St. Paul, Minn., '11 . John Frederick Wahlstedt Finland. b. , 1862; res. Chicago, 111.; (1); ev. Finland. Robert Owen W^ams, b. , 1872; res. Ripon, Wis.; R. C. W. (1). 1910] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 191 1910 MARTIN ROBERT AHRENS Saharanpur, India. b. Dubuque, la., 1884; Dubuque Ger. Presb. C, '07; Dubuque Sem.; (2grad.); ord. Pby. Dubuque, '10; miss. Saharanpur, India, '10 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. THEODORE H. ASZMAN Chariton, la. b. Portage, Wis., Oct. 1, 1886; Ehn. C, '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Des Moinea, May 18, '10; asst. p. Central ch., Des Moines, la., 'lO-'ll; p. Chariton, la., '11 . GEORGE WILLIAM BARNUM, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Bottineau, N. D. b. Clarendon, Mich., Feb. 19, 1884; U. M., '05; jour.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Mouse River, May 24, '10; s. s. Bottineau, N. D., 'lO-'ll; p. Bottineau, N. D., '11 . HOMER MITCHELL CAMPBELL, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) MadlsonviUe, O. b. Good Hope, lU., Sept. 5, 1881; M. C. I., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Rushville, April , '10; p. Madisonville, 0., '10 . WILLIAM BENJAMIN COWGILL Christiania, Norway. b. Fithian, lU., Oct. 10, 1871; Mo. V. C, '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oklahoma. , '03; p. Shafer and Berg, N. D., 'lO-'ll; stud. Christiania, Norway, '11 . T. B. Blackstone Fellow. WILLIAM ORA DAVIS, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Vinlta, Okla. b. Advance, Ind., Nov. 26, 1878; W. C. I., '07; Un. Sem., N. Y.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Muskogee, July 13, '10; p. Vinita, Okla., '10 . JAMES FISHER Mina, S. D. b. Reading, Pa., June 10, 1881; Pa. C. M., '07; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Aberdeen, Nov. 20, '10; p. Mina and Uniontown, S. D., '10 . MILTON GARFIELD HANNA MUan, lU. b. Idaville, Ind., Nov. 1, 1882; Ced. C, '05; Rfd. Sem. PhU.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Rock River, May 24, '10; p. Milan, 111., '10 . GEORGE ALBERT HARTMAN, JR Wilmington, Neb. b. Homer, lU., Oct. 7, 1882; W. C. I., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 30, '10; Y. M. C. A., Chicago, '10; p. Bloomington, Neb., '10-'12; a. s. Wihnington, Neb., '12 . CARL ALVIN HIRSCHMAN, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Fort Wayne, Ind. b. IndianapoUs, Ind., July 31, 1881; N. W. C; (3 grad.); Uc. Ind. Con- ference Evang. Assn., April , '06; p. Crescent Av. Evang. ch., Ft. Wayne, Ind., '10 . WILLIAM JOHN HUESTON St. Louis, Mo. b. Castledawson, County Derry, Ireland, March 28, 1879; Val. U.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. St. Louis, July, '10; p. Clifton Heights ch., St. Louia, Mo., '10 . RICHARD DAVIS HUGHES Cotter, la. b. Cotter, la., June 17, 1881; Macl. C, '07; (3 grad.); ord. Sept. 21, '10; Welsh C. M.; p. Bethel and Hopkins ch., la., '10 . 192 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1910 BERTRAM GRAHAM JACKSON Oakes, N. D. b. Chicago, lU., Aug. 21, 1878; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oakes, May 25, '10; p. Oakes, N. D., '10 ■ — . CARL REED LONGBRAKE Waterville, Wash. b. MarysviUe, O., Dec. 1, 1880; L. F. U., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, AprU 26, '10; p. Waterville, Wash., '10 . EUGENE DE LUCA Chicago Heights, LI. b. Ansonia, Caserta, Italy, June 3, 1883; Institute of Genzano di Roma, '02; miss, for Am. Bible Soc; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '10; p. Chicago Heights, 111., '10 . STANLEY KEARNS MARKLEY Hillsdale, Wyo. b. 1881; res. WiUiamsburg, Neb.; W. C. I. ; Om. Sem.; (1 grad.); p. Hillsdale, Wyo. '11 . WILLIAM JOSEPH OHAN Chicago, DI. b. Seirt, Armenia, , 1881; S. P. C. Beirut, Syria; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 28, '10; p. 11th ch., Chicago, lU., '10 . AXEL RASMUSSEN Enderlin, N. D. b. Oxford, Ind., June 5, 1886; W. C. I., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Oakes, Oct. 12, '10; p. EnderUn, N. D., '10 . GEORGE DAVID ROBINSON Dupree, S. D. b. Beachburg, Ont., Can., 1877; Q. C. C, '07; Theol. Dept. Queen's Un.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Black Hills, Sept., '10; p. Lead, S. D., 'lO-'ll; p. Dupree, S. D., '11 . WILLIAM CLYDE SMITH, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) St. Louis, Mo. b. Leavenworth, Kas., Aug. 5, 1882; U. Cal., '04; Y. M. C. A. Sec; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '10; dir. social and rel. work, Division st. dept. Y. M. C. A., Chicago, lU., 'lO-'ll; supt. St. Louis, Mo., '11 . JAMES KAY STAGE Oakland, Cal. b. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 2, 1880; T. U.; Drew Sem.; San Fran. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Kalamazoo, ,' 07; p. Cassopohs, Mich., '07-'09; p. Davisville, Cal., '09-11; p. Parkside ch., San Francisco, Cal., '11-12; p. Emmanuel ch., Oakland, Cal., '12 . OLIVER STEPHENSON Bameveld, Wis. b. Independence, Pa., Feb. 29, 1880; Pa. C. M., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '10; p. Bameveld, Wis., '10 . GEORGE ABRUN SWANSON Herrin, lU. b. Wexio, Sweden, Aug. 13, 1881; architecture; Moody Inst.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '10; p. Herrin, 111., '10 . EDMOND von TROMPOWSKY, b. S. Paolo, Brazil, , 1870; Real gymn. Braunsch.; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); d. Princeton, N. J., , 1911. WILLIAM ARTHUR WEST Telford, Tenn. b. Telford, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1883; M. C. T., '06; tea.; (3 grad.); res. Telford, Tenn.,'10 . 1910] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 193 IVAN OTIS WILSON CedarvlUe, Dl. b. near Greenfield, O., June 7, 1886; W. U. O., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Day- ton, April 29, '10; p. Homewood, 111., '10-'12; p. Cedarville, 111., '12 . HARRY BRERETON WOODING Pinkneyvllle, HI. b. Ottawa, Can., Jan. 19, 1886; Ottawa Col.; sec. Y. M, C. A.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ewing, ; Pinkneyvllle, 111., '10 . JOHN NICHOLAS ZYDEMAN Midland, Mich. b. Green Bay, Wis., 1881; bank.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Milwaukee, April 20, '10; asst. p. 4l8t St. ch., Chicago, 111., 'lO-'ll; p. Midland, Mich., '11 . Albert Craig Baird, b. Youngstown, 0., 1883; W. C. I., '07; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y. William Douglas Buchanan Newark, N. J. b. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 2, 1884; W. U. 0., '07; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. Alton, May , '10; p. Newark, N. J., '10 . John Franklin Claycomb Sturgis, Ky. b. Columbia, Ky., 1873; Cumb. U.; (1); Sturgis, Ky., '11 . Peter Jacob Friesen, b. Mt. Lake, Minn., 1870; Bethel C, '99; (1—). Paul Glassor, _ b. 1877; res. Chicago, 111.; Kazan C. (Russia) '97; (1—). Ernest G. H. Jackson, b. Stroh, Ind., 1881; (1—). William Locke, b. St. Louis, Mo., 1860; St. Louis (Med.) C; (1). Edward Loew Shakopee, Minn. b. March 4, 1862; Biseus, Austria; Rasumofsky Strassen Gymnasium, Vienna, Austria; (1); ord. Pby. Mankato, Nov., '09; p. Cottonwood, Minn., '09-'10; p. Skakopee, Minn., '10 . Ralph Moore Morphett Chicago, 111. b. Chicago, lU., 1862; (1—); Baptist Ev., Chicago, '09 . Edwin John Nickel, b. Oshkosh, Wis., 1885; N. C. N., '07; (2—). William Douglas Watson Chicago, HI. b. Springfield, lU., 1882; (2—); Div. Sch. U. C. I., Baptist. Carl Huston White Ludlow, Ky. b. Jonesboro, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1883; G. T. C, '07; (3); Lane Sem.; ord. Cumb. ch. '05; p. Ludlow, Ky., '10 . 194 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1911 1911 THERON ALEXANDER Sandusky, Mich. b. Osaka, Japan, Sept. 21, 1882; M. C. T., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago '11; p. Sandusky, Mich., m . WILLIAM FREDERICK BACON Chicago, 111. b. Maiden, Mass., May 9, 1883; T. Sem., N. H,; ord. Cong. Assn., Chicago, 11; p. Summerdale Cong, ch., Chicago, 111., '11 . ELIYA BAROODY Savanna, El. b. Mt. Lebanon, Syria, Aug. 2, 1884; S. P. C, '05; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Savanna, 111., '11 . FLOYD WALKER BARR, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Sterling, HI. b. Rock City, lU., July 24, 1886; B. U. I.; W. U. 0., '07; West Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 28, '11; asst. p. 3rd ch., Chicago, 111., '11-'12; p. Sterling, 111., '12 . HARRY BURTON BOYD, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Olean, N. Y. b. Chicago, 111., March 10, 1882; C. C. K., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '11; p. Denton, Tex., '11-'12; p. Olean, N. Y., '12 . JAMES RIGGS BREWSTER, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Smyrna, Turkey. 6. Montrose, Pa., Sept. 4, 1882; P. U., '05; tea.; (3grad.); ord. Pby. ; f. m. Smyrna, Turkey, '12 . T. B. Blackstone Fellow. ROBERT M. BROADBOOKS Grafton, N. D. b. Attica, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1879; N. W. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago; p. Grafton, N. D., '11 . PAUL BURGESS, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.), b. Lyle, N. ¥., May 30, 1886; C. C. Colo., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; Marburg, Germany, '11 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. JOHN S. BURNS South Bend, Ind. b. Kendrick, Ida., April 2, 1886; H. C. I., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Wayne, '11; p. Goodland, Ind., '11-'12; p. South Bend, Ind., '12 . CHARLES V. BURTON Chicago, HI. b. Plymouth, Wis., Jan. 31, 1879; C. C. W., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 29, '11; p. Granville Av. ch., Chicago, 111., '11 . LYLE EDWARD CARR Olena, O. b. Emmettsburg, la., June 15, 1884; F. U. K., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Olena, O., '11 . EDWARD EWING DE LONG Geneseo, fll. b. Wichita, Kas., Aug. 14, 1877; Mo. V. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Geneseo, 111., '11 . EUGENE KNAPP DE WITT Persia. b. Bath, N. Y., May 6, 1877; L. C; A. U., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '11; f. m. East Persia Mission, '11 . 1911] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 195 ORLANDO H. DEEVER Topeka, Kas. b Topeka, Kas., April 5, 1883; C. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Topeka, Kas., '11 . HARRY PARKER DUNLOP Chicago, 111. b. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 22, 1879; N. W. U., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; ev. Chicago, 111., '11 . WILLIAM HENRY ELGES Deerwood, Minn. b. La Grange, Mo., Oct. 17, 1885; W. C. M., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Red River, '11; p. Deerwood, Minn., '11 . CHARLES H. EVANS Rockford, Dl. b. Genesee, Wis., Dec. 27, 1883; C. C. W., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Free- port, April, '11; p. 3d ch., Rockford, 111., '11 . ADELBERT ANTONIUS FONKEN, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Eraser, Colo. b. Sparta, Wis., Oct. 16, 1872; D. U., '08; (3 grad. ); ord. Pby. Denver, May, '11; p. Fraser, Colo., '11 . JAY MARK GLEASON Boyne City, Mich. b. Lodi, 111., July 5, 1881; Pa. C. M., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '11; p. Boyne City, Mich., '11 . WILLIAM H. GLEISER Decatur, Ind. b. Germantown, Pa., May 20, 1886; W. C. I., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Decatur, Ind., '11 . CLINTON JENNINGS GREENE Monmouth, 111. b. Mexico City, Mex., Jan. 10, 1884; P. U. N. J., '08; Hartf. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Monmouth, 111., '11 . OSWALD E. C. J. HELSING, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Center Junction, la. b. Elsinore, Denmark, March 15, 1872; C. U. D., '88; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, Oct. 31, '11; p. Albion, Ind., '11; p. Center Junction, la., '11 . ARTHUR WILSON HOFFMANN Hammond, Ind. b. Monongahela, Pa., March 19, 1881; Moody Inst., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Logansport, '11; p. 1st ch., Hammond, Ind., '11 . EWING STANTON HUDSON Kansas City, Mo. b. MarshaU, Mo., Nov. 22, 1882; Mo. V. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 17, '11; p. Chicago Lawn ch., Chicago, 111., '11; p. Emmanuel ch., Kansas City, Mo., '11 , FRANK CHARLES HUMPHREY Big Springs, Neb. b. Osceola, Neb., Aug. 25, 1886; H. C. N., '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Kearney, '11; p. Big Springs, Neb., '11 . NELSON S. KING Erie, Kas. b. Davis City, la., Oct. 1, 1876; E. C. K.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Neosho, '11; p. Erie, Kas., '11 . WALTER LOUIS KUNKEL Bloomfield, Ind. b. Hanover, Ind., Oct. 18, 1885; H. C. I., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Albany, '11; p. Bloomfield, Ind., '11 . 196 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1911 CHARLES EVANS LAMALE Lindsey, O. b. Lindsey, O., Sept. 28, 1879; W. U. O.; N. W. C. I., '07; (3 grad.); ord. Evang. Assn., '11; p. Lindsey, O., '11 . DANVERS COE LOVE Batanga, Kamenm, Africa. b. New Bedford, Pa., Oct. 8, 1883; W. U. O., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Wooster, March, '11; f. m. Batanga, Kamerun, Africa, '11 . JOHN McDonald Drayton, N. D. b. Stornaway, Scotland, Aug. 12, 1878; Macl. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Minneapolis, April, '11; p. Drayton, N. D., '11 . GEORGE FRANCIS McDOUGALL Orleans, Neb* b. Plymouth Co., la., Jan. 22, 1882; H. C. N., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby ; p. Orleans, Neb., '11 . PETER McEWEN Earl Park, Ind. b. Leadbury, Qnt., Can., June 8, 1881; Macl. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Crawfordsville, '11; p. Earl Park, Ind., '11 . ISAAC SNEDEKER MERSHON Melrose, Mont. b. Dayton, N. J., March 28, 1878; Moody Inst.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '11; 8. 8. Surrey, N. D., '11; Pony, Mont., '11-'12; s. s. Meh-ose, Mont., '12 . CHARLES RYBURN MURRAY Persia. b. Maryville, Mo., March 12, 1881; W. C. I., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 3, '11; f. m. East Persia Mission, '11 . FREDERICK WILLIAM NEAL West Africa b. Turner, Ore., Sept. 2, 1885; Al. C. O., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. West Africa; f. m. West Africa Mission, '11 . CHARLES HENRY OLDFATHER Beirut, Syria. b. Tabriz, Persia, June 13, 1887; H. C. I., '06; tea.; (3 grad.); stud. Munich, Germany, '11-' 12; inst. Syr. Prot. Coll., Beirut, Syria, '12 . T. B. Blackstone FeUow. BENJAMIN LUCE OLMSTEAD Glasgow, Scotland. b. Cedar Rapids, Mich., Sept. 14, 1886; W. C. I., '08; (3 grad.); Glasgow, Scotland, '11; ord. Free. Meth. Bernardine Orme Smith Fellow. WILLIAM HORATIO PHELPS Chicago, Dl. b. Cedar Rapids, la., Jan. 26, 1884; Coe C, '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 10, '11; p. Belden Av. Pres. ch., Chicago, 111., '11 . DAVID ROY PIPER KirksviUe, Mo. b. Hartsville, Ind., Feb. 27, 1887; West. C. L, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. KirksviUe, Mo., '11 . ARTHUR WILLIAM RAABE Mount Vernon, Ind. b. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 28, 1883; W. C. I., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Indiana, June, '11; p. Mount Vernon, Ind., '11 . ALBERT CRAWFORD RAMSAY MitcheU, Neb. b. Parke Co., Ind., March 31, 1880; W. C. K, '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '11; p. MitcheU, Neb., '11 . 1911] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 197 RICHARD ROBERT RIVES McKinney, Tex. b. Henderson, Tex., Nov. 8, 1871; T. U. T., '02; (2 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Elgin, Tex., '11; p. Mcffinney, Tex., '11 . STANLEY HALL ROBERTS Eden Prairie, Minn. b. Vemon Center, N. Y., March 20, 1884; Macl. C, '08; Aub. Sem.; (2 grad.); ord. Pby Minneapolis, May, '11; p. Eden Prairie, Minn., '11 . JABIR SHIBLI Bucklin, Kas. b. Betaghriu, Sjo-ia, Aug. 1, 1886; Syr. Prot. Col.; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 26, '11; p. Bucklin, Kas., '11 . ARTHUR MILTON STEVENSON Conrad, Mont. b. Gihnan, lU., Oct. 4, 1881; W. U. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 21, '11; asst. p. Hyde Park eh., Chicago, 111., '11-'12; p. Conrad, Mont., '12 . HERRICK LEE TODD Hanna City, lU. b. Ravenna, Neb., July 7, 1885; W. C. I., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Hanna City, 111., '11 . EUGENE VECSEY East Chicago, Ind. b. Goncz, Hungary, Nov. 6, 1878; West Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Rfd. Synod; p. E. Chicago, Ind., '11 . JEROME EARL WEBBER Alpena, Mich. b. Fenton, Mich., Oct. 8, 1883; AJ. C. M., '06; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Saginaw, April, '11; p. Alpena, Mich., '11 . CHARLES WHITFIELD WELCH New York, N. Y. b. White Co., Tenn., March 11, 1878; P. C. S. W.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Avondale ch., Chicago., Ill.,'ll; man. ed. New York Observer, '11 . CHESTER WILLIAM WHARTON Kentland, Ind. b. Bringhurst, Ind., Nov. 9, 1883; L. F. U. '07; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. ; p. Kentland, Ind., '11 . GEORGE W. WHITE Poison, Mont. b. Pike Co., 111., July 25, 1881; I. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Springfield, April, '11; p. Poison, Mont., '11 . CHARLES WESLEY YOUNG, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Chicago, 111. b. Oswego, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1887; G. & T. C. '09; (2 grad.); (1 p. g.); ord. M. E. Ira W. Bamett Chicago, m. b. Colorado Springs, 1878; Pa. C. M. '08; Un. Sem., N. Y., (spec. 1); . Rolland J. Blue Bogota, Colom. b. Enid, Okla., 1883; E. C. K. '08; (2); Om. Sem.; Enid, Okla., '11-' 12; f. m. Bogota, Colom., '12 . William Fred Bonar, b. Round Bottom, O., 1884; Mar. C. '08; (1—); . David H. M. Boyle Wichita, Kas. b. Louisberg, Kas., 1874; E. C. K., '08; (1); Princt. Sem.; ord. Pby. ; p. Oak St. ch., Wichita, Kas., '12 . 198 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1911 Charles Arthtir Caniell, b. JacksonvUle, lU., 1883; I. C, '06; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y. Dumont Clarke, Jr Manchester, Vt. b. , 1883; P. U. N. J... '05; Un. Sem., N. Y.; Aub. Sem.; (1 ); bug. Manchester, Vt., '11 . Finch Albert Clarke La Crosse, Wis. b. Chicago, 111., 1884; C. C. W., '08; (1); La Crosse, Wis., '11 . Oliver Edward DeWitt Eufaula, Okla. b. Waukesha, Wis., 1883; C. C. W., '08; (1); Checotah, Okla., '11-'12; s. 8. Eufaula, Okla., '12 . Harvey Edwin Easly, b. LondonviUe, O., 1882; H. U. O., '08; (1); Princt. Sem.; . Fred Elmer Eastman, b. Lima, O., 1886; W. U. O., '08; (1); Un. Sem., N. Y.; . Horace F. Ferry, B.T. (Un. Sem., N. Y.) Wausau, Wis. b. Lake Forest, lU. ; Y. W., '06; bus.; (2); Un. Sem., N. Y.; ord. Pby. Chicago, April, '12; asst. p. 4th ch., Chicago, 111., '12; h. m. Wausau, Wis., '12 . Paul Grosshuesch, b. 1885; M. H., '06; M. H. (p. g.). Ezekiel Garrison Hensley, b. 1885; G. & T. C, '08; (1); d. May, 1909. Joseph Turner Hood Oswego, Hi. b. Tipton, Mo., 1870; Mo. V. C, '93; N. C. Un., '95; (1); Cum. Sem. Tenn.; ord. Pby. Marshall (Cumb.), '93; pres. Chapel Hall C; pres. Platte Tr. Sch.; p. Bethany, Mo., '08-'ll; Oswego, lU., '11 -. Thomas R. Husk Northampton, N. Y. b. Atlas, Tex., Aug. 1, 1880; Ark. C; (1); ord. Pby. Little Rock, July 22, '05; p. Lamar, Ark., '05-'07; p. Mansfield, Ark., '07-08; p. Huntington, Ark., '09-'ll; p. Coal HiU and Mulberry, Ark., '11-'12; s. s. Northampton, N. Y., '12 . William Jobusch Walkerton, Ind. b. St. Louis, Mo., 1884; Benton C, '06; (2); Lane Sem.; p. Walkerton, Ind., '12 . Sidney McKee Shanghai, China. b. 1882; O. U. C, '06; San Fran. Sem.; (p. g.); f. m. Shanghai, China. '11 . Alfred WUliam Moore Etah, India. b. Middletown, O., 1885; W. U. O., '08; (1); Aub. Sem.; ord. Pby. Cayuga, ,'12; f. m. Etah, India, '12 . J. A. Emanuel Naess, b. ; St. Olaf C, '95; Un. Ch. Sem., Minn.; (p. g.). WiUiam F. Pottsmith Ellsworth, Wash. b. St. Paul, Minn., 1874; Macl. C; San Fran. Sem.; (1); Om. Sem.; ord. Pby. Columbia River, '10; s. s. Ellsworth, Wash., '10 . 1912] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 199 Theophile E. Schick, b. 1884; Elm. C, '08; (1); d. Sept., 1909. John Calvin Von der Las Phoenix, Ariz. b. Grundy Center, la., 1881; Dubuque Ger. Presb. C., '05; Dubuque Sem.; (1); Phoenix, Ariz., '12 . William Ross Wiegman, 6. De Graff, O., 1884; Ob, C., '07; (1) Ob. Sem.; d. New York, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1911. Thomas McMaster Tweed Wilson. 1912 ROYAL CLYDE AGNE Beirut, Syria. b. Suffield, O., 1885; H. U. O., '08; tea.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, Sept. 1, '12; instr. S. P. C, Beirut, Syria, '12 . FRANKLIN EUGENE ALLEMONG Berlin, Germany. b. Berkeley Springs, W. Va., Feb. 17, 1881; L. F. U. ; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '12; stud. Berhn, Germany, '12; . T. B. Blackstone FeUow. ARTHUR ASTON Cedar Rapids, la. b. Wall, England; Coe C, '07; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); prin. Acad., Coe C, Cedar Rapids, la., '12 — ■ . WALTER BAKER Homer, m. b. WeUs, Minn., 1878; Coe C, '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April, '12; p. Homer, lU., '12 . JESSE E. BARTHOLOMEW, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Glasco, Kas. b. Stockton, Kas., March 21, 1882; E. C. K., '09; (3 grad.); he. Pby. Osborne, May 12, '12; s. s. Glasco, Kas., '12 . EARL WILLIAM BENBOW Onslow, la. b. Ft. Madison, la., Oct. 5, 1887; Coe C, '09; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); Pby. Cedar Rapids, April 16, '12; p. Onslow, la., '12 . JOHN VAN EMAN BERGER, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Chicago, 111. b. 1889; E. C. K., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 24, '12; asst. p. 3d ch., Chicago, 111., '12 . DE ESTRAYE CASSELL BOYD Chicago, HI. b. 1881; L. S. U. Jr., '09; (3 grad,); ord. Pby, Chicago, May 16, '12; p. South Park ch., Chicago, 111., '12 , RICHARD STANLEY BROWN Fairgrove, Mich. b. Amberley, Can., 1880; Macl. C, '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby, Pembina, Aug., '11; s. s. WeUington, lU., '11-'12; p. Fairgrove, Mich., '12 , RALPH GARFIELD COONRADT Wei Hsien, China. b. Marengo, 111., June 30, 1881; B. C. W., '08; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, Feb, 22, '12; f. m. Wei Hsien, China, '12 , 200 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1912 JARVIS PRIM COTTON New Decatur, Ala. b. TuUahoma, Tenn., Jan. 29, 1869; T. U. T., '09; (3 grad.) ; ord. Pby. Bonhan (Cumb.), April, '05; s. s. Boyce, Tex., '02-'07; a. s. Mansfield and Red Oak, '07-09; 8. 8. Lake View Cong, ch., Chicago, '09-' 12; s. s. New Decatur, Ala.. '12 . WILLIAM HAWTHORNE, JR., B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, 1886; Ced. C, '09; (3 grad.); he. Pby. Chicago, April 22, '12; res. Philadelphia, Pa., '12 . DAVID ROY JONES Carlinville, HI. b. Ottawa, Minn., Sept. 18, 1882; Macl. C, '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Alton, June 25, '12; p. CarhnviUe, 111., '12 . EDWARD SEXTON JONES Elizabethton, Tenn. b. Ehzabethton, Tenn., Aug. 27, 1882; W. & T. C, '09; (3); he. Pby. Holston, May 11, '12; ill health, Elizabethton, Tenn., '12 . RHYS PRICE JONES, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Edgerton, O. b. Manchester, England, Dec. 11, 1880; N. W. U., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Welsh Pby. May, '11; p. Edgerton, 0., '12 . HUBERT KETELLE Huron, S. D. b. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 13, 1876; U. W.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, Feb. 27, '12; p. Huron, S. D., '12 . HERMANN GUSTAV KLEMME Harlowton, Mont. b. Dyer, Ind., May 14, 1891; Ehn. C, '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Helena, July 24, '12; p. Harlowton, Mont., '12 . ROBERT BUELL LOVE, JR Ludhiana, India. b. New Bedford, Pa., April 19, 1882; W. U. 0., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 28, '12; f. m. Ludhiana, India, '12 . LEWIS HOLLAND McCORMICK Dunlap, 111. b. Owl Creek, Kas., Sept. 1, 1884; E. C. K., '09; (3 grad.); s. s. Dunlap, III., '12 . ROSS SAMUEL McCOWN Kansas, Dl. b. Fayetteville, Tenn., April 26, 1880; W. C. Pa., '06; W. M. C. A.; Princt. Sem.; (2 grad); ord. Pby. Mattoon, April, '12; p. Kansas, 111., '12 . WILLIAM JOHN McIVOR Chicago, Dl. b. 1883; Man. C, '09; ord. Pby. Chicago, April 24, '12; stud. U. C, '12 . JOHN ROSS McWILLIAMS Fenton, Mich. b. Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 23, 1883; G. C. C. P., '09; Princt. Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Fhnt, May 9, '12; p. Fenton, Mich., '12 . ARCHIE IRVING MANN Oshkosh, Wis. b. Sturgeon Bay, Wis., June 6, 1888; M. C, '09; Moravian Sem.; (1 grad.); ord. Moravian, June 6, '10; p. Oshkosh, Wis., '11 . MARK LEROY MARSHALL Paw Paw, Mich. b. Marengo, 111., Jan. 24, 1882; Al. C. M., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 24, '12; p. Paw Paw, Mich., '12 . 1912] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 201 CLARENCE EUGENE MORRISON Salem, S. D. b. 1884; U. C, '09; Cm. Sem.; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. , '12; s. s. Salem, S. D., '12 . WILLIAM OSCAR NAGLE Dawson Springs, Ky. b. Bridesburg, Pa., Sept. 26, 1882; M. C. T., '09; (3 grad.); ard. Pby. Prince- ton, June 11, '12; p. Dawson Springs, Ky., '12 . LEONARD PENICK PARKER Maitland, Mo. b. Bethpage, Tenn., July 5, 1883; Cumb. Un., '09; Sem. of South; (2 grad.); 8. s. Maitland, Mo., '12 . HORATIO CLARK PAYNE Wayzata, Minn. b. Princeton, 111., Aug. 19, 1880; Carl. C, '05; (3 grad.); Uc. Cent. Conf. (Cong.), '07; p. Wayzata, Minn., '12 . IRA HARRIS PILLSBURY Forsythe, Mont. 6. Macomb, lU., July 25, 1887; K. C. I., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. YeUow- stone, June 18, '12; p. Forsythe, Mont., '12 . JACOB QUIRING Berlin, Germany. b. Koeppental, Russia, July 1, 1875; Realschule (Basil); miss, and ev.; (3 grad.); ord. Mennonite, Sept. 20, '97; stud. Berlin, Germany, '12 . Nettie F. McCormick Fellow. ELMER NEIL RANKIN Jefferson City, Tenn. b. Jefferson City, Tenn., Feb. 4, 1880; M. C. T.; (3 grad.); s. s. Schafer, N. D., '11-' 12; res. Jeflferson City, Tenn., '12 . WILLIAM CROSBY ROSS Rancher, Mont. b. Wihnington, Del., Dec. 4, 1883; L. C. P., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. New Castle, May 12, '12; p. Hysham and Rancher, Mont., '12 . SAMUEL CORYDON RYLAND South St. Joseph, Mo. b. Lafayette Co., Mo., Nov. 24, 1877; Mo. V. C, '09; (3 grad.); ord. St. Joseph, June 17, '12; p. South St. Joseph, Mo., '12 . IVAN CHESTER SMITH Bloomfield, la. b. Sharon, Kas., Aug. 10, 1886; N. W. U., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 24, '12; p. Bloomfield, la., '12 . FRANK BERNARD SOLIN Waveland, Ind. b. New York City, May 10, 1871; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Crawfordsville, May 8, '12; p. Waveland, Ind., '12 . NUBURN McADOO TATUM Sycamore, 111. b. Woodbury, Tenn., March 27, 1876; South Norm. Un,,'00; (1 grad.); ord. Pby. Ft. Dodge, '09; p. Sycamore, lU., '12 . WILLIAM F. VANCE Alexis, Dl. b. CUnton, 111., 1884; H. C. I., '07; tea. S. P. C, '08-'10; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Bloomington, April, '12; p. Norwood, 111., '12- , CLYDE EGBERT VANDER MAATEN Grand Junction, Colo. b. Portland, Ind., May 26, 1884; Ken. C, '04; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Chicago, May 1, '12; p. Grand Junction, Colo., '12 . 202 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1912 ANTON VANDER MEER Harbor Springs, Mich. b. Rotterdam, Netherlands, Jan. 18, 1879; elk.; (3 grad.); lie. Pby. Fargo, Sept. 11, '11; p. Harbor Springs, Mich., '12 . KEPLER VAN EVERA Wei Hsien, China. b. Davenport, la., April 9, 1883; Coe C, '07; (3 grad.); Uc. Pby. Chicago, April 24, '11; f. m. Wei Hsien, China, '12 . WILLIAM WAIDE Roorkee, India. 6. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 6, 1881; Ced. C, '09; (3 grad.); he. Rfd. Syn. N. Am., June 26, '12; f. m. Roorkee, India, '12 . CONRAD WELLEN, B.D. (McC. T. Sem.) Pardeeville, Wis. b. WhitehaU, Wis., March 9, 1881; U. C. Col., '09; (3 grad.); ord. Pby. Madison, June 21, '12; p. Pardeeville, Wis., '12 . JAMES HAROLD NEILSON WILKIE Jhansi, India, b. 1881 ; Tor. Un. ; (3 grad.) ; ord. ; f . m. Jhansi, India, '12 . Oscar William Behrens Anamosa, la. b. Volga City, la., May 26, 1885; L. C. I., '09; (2—); ord. Pby. Cedar Rapids, April 16, '12; p. Anamosa, la., '12 . Otto Lynn Cart, b. 1880; res. Barry, 111.; (3); . Roy Vinet Chapin, b. 1884; res. Prospect, 0., W. U. 0., '08; Princt. Sem.; (1—); ill health. Shannon August Griffith, b. 1886; F. C. 0., '09; Princt. Sem.; (1); . Garrett Hans Gross, ^ b. 1883; W. C. I., '90; (2—); . Toich Esoji Hanada, b. 1884; res. Moji, Japan; Wheat. C. I.; (2); . George Thomas Hanna Maplewood, HI. b. Frostburg, Mo., 1878; Spec; (1); Chicago Theo. Sem.; ord. Nov. 15, '10; p. Maplewood, lU., '10 . Herbert Alton Hoisington, 6. 1882; Wheat. C. I., '05; (1); . Olin McKendree Jones Chicago, HI. b. Duluth, Minn., 1885; B. C. W., '09; (1); Princt. Sem.; Chicago, 111., '12 . Edward P. Leick Newberry, Mich. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1878; bus.; (3) ord. Pby. Lake Superior, April 11, '12; p. Newberry, Mich., '12 . Samuel Mclvor Westhope, N. D. 5. May 16, 1882; (3); ord. Pby. Chicago, April 22, '12; s. s. Westhope, N. D., '12 . 1913] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 203 WllUam Isaac McQuown, 6. 1885; M. C. I., '09; (1); . Christopher Meiicas, b. 1877; res. New York city; Sch. of the Holy Cross, '06; (1); Elliott D. Parkhill Beirut, Syria b. 1888; res. Hopkinton, la., L. C. I., '09; (2); instr. S. P. C, '11 Claton Silas Rice Eustis, Fla b. Magnolia, la., Nov. 30, 1883; B. C. N., '05; Princt. Sem. (1 p. g.); ord Pby. Omaha, June 15, '08; h. m. George, Utah, '08-'09; s. s. Eustis, Fla., '10 . Joseph ClifiFord Thompson, b. 1888; N. U. I.; (1); . Luis Torregrosa Yucatan, Mex. b. Mexico City, 1888; P. C. I., '07; (3); s. s. Yucatan, Mex., '12 . Erich Von Maltitz, b. 1882; res. Chicago; (1); d. May, 1910. William Price Wright Libertyville, 111. b. Libertyville, ID., 1885; U. I., '07; (1); ill health; res. Libertyville, lU. William Malcohn Young Detroit, Mich. b. Seaforth, Ont., April 25, 1881; G. B. Inst. (1); Meth. Ep. Ev., Detroit, Mich., '12 . 1913 CHARLES K. ALEXANDER, 6. McComb, O., 1884; W. U. 0., Sen.; . JAMES ALBERT AYRES, b. Deadwood, S. D., March 29, 1886; U. N., '10; Sen.; . DAVID JOHN BRIGHAM, b. Ramalton, Donegal Co., Ireland, 1886; Ced. C, '10; Sen.; . HAROLD RUSSELL BROWNE, b. Evans Mills, June 14, 1883; L. F. U.; Sen.; . CARL FERDINAND BRUHN, b. Utley, Wis., Feb. 1, 1883; Sen.; . EDWARD JOHN CARSON, b. Le Sueui, Minn., 1886; Macl. C, '10; Sen. . ARCHIE CONDY, b. Belfast, Ireland, July 31, 1881; Sen.; . ROBERT TALMAGE CORDRY, b. Bunceton, Mo., Jan. 20, 1887; Mo. V. C, '10; Louisv. Sem.; Sen.; GEORGE ANDREW CRAWFORD, b. Millersburg, 0., 1888; W. U. 0., '10; Sen.; . RALPH CUMMINS, 6. Cincinnati, Oct. 30, 1887; U. Cin., '08; Sen.; . 204 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1913 NELSON WILLIAM DALENBERG, 6. So. HoUand, lU., Nov. 10, 1885; H. C. M., '10; Sen.; . PAUL CLINTON ELLIOTT,. 6. Carson, la., 1885; U. C, '09; Sen,; . EDWARD ALBERT FINN, 6. Vemon, Wis., May 3, 1884; C. C. W. ; Sen.; . JOHN ROSCOE FITZGERALD, b. Jonesboro, Tenn., 1881; W. & T. C, '10; Sen.; . PAUL WILLIAM GAUSS, b. Odessa, Mo., July 6, 1889; W. U. St. L., ; Sen.; GEORGE EDWIN GRIFFITHS, b. Dodgeville, Wis., Sept. 8, 1885; Sen,; . EZRA HENRY GUINTHER, b. New Winchester, 0., 1883; H. U. 0., '10; Sen.; , JESSE WILLIS HAMBLIN, b. Martintown, Ont., Nov. 19, 1886; Macl. C, '10; Sen.; EARLE IVAN HAMLIN, b. Tiffin, 0., 1886; San Francisco Sem.; Sen.; . EARL DOUGLAS EOLLIS, b. 1883; O. U. C, '09; Princt. Sem. 1 year; Sen.; . WILLIAM BLAKE HINDMAN, b. JoUet, 111., June 4, 1888; res. Columbus, 0., L. C, '10; Princt. Sem.; Sen. ; . HARVEY ELLIS HOLT, 6. Oconomowoc, Wis., June 6, 1886; C. C. W., '10; Sen,; . WILLIAM ANDREW HORNE, b. Uxbridge, Can., 1880; Macl. C, '10; Sen,; . ERNEST JOHN HOUGHTON, b. Liverpool, England, 1885; ; Sen. . WALTER TRUEHEART HUGHES, b. Kingswood, 111.; Kingswood Coll., '08; Lane Sem.; Sen.; . CHESTER MARTINDALE IRWIN, 6. Oxford, Pa., May 8, 1886; P. U., '10; Princt. Sem,; Sen.; . ROLLAND LEE REGISTER JONES, 6. Normandy, Tenn., Dee. 6, 1884; Wash. Coll., '05; Cumb, Un.; Sen.; . SPAFFORD EARL KELSEY, b. Mendon, Mich., 1887; U. M. '08; Sen.; HOWELL PORTMAN LAIR, b. Horton, Kas., 1885; E. C. K., '06; (1); instr. S. P. C, Beirut, '09-'12; Sen.; . ACORSmiO VASQUEZ LUCERO, 6. Chacan, N. M., May 27, 1884; W. & T. C, '10; Sen.; . 1913] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 205 JOHN ARCHIBALD McEWEN, b. Leadbury, Can., June 3, 1883; Macl. C, '10; Sen.; . WILLIAM JOHN MALCOLM, b. Milestone, Can., 1882; T. U. C; Sen.; . JAMES THOMPSON MORDY, b. Sept. 14, 1885; res. Clara, Mont.; P. C. Mo., '10; Aub. Sem.; Sen.; . CHARLES BAILEY MURPHY, 6. Wartrace, Tenn., May 20, 1886; Pa. C. M., '10; San Fran. Sem.; Sen.; GUSTAV ADOLPH PAPPERMAN, b. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 22, 1882; Del. S. Col., '09; Princt.Sem.;Sen.; . GEORGE MERRIMAN PAYNE, b. Cross Rock, N. C, Sept. 7, 1883; res. Maryville, Tenn.; M. C. T., '10; Princt. Sem.; Sen.; . CLIFFORD HARVEY PEREA, b. Sandoval, N. M., 1889; W. & T. C, '10; (1); Lane Sem.; Sen.; . WALTER GREGG PITKIN, 6. Knox Co., 0., 1883; W. U. 0., '10; Sen.; . WILLARD H. ROBINSON, JR., b. New York, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1889; U. C. I., '09; Sen.; . WILLIAM THADDEUS SALMON, b. Milltown, Ky., Aug. 3, 1876; Bowling Green, Ky.; Aub. Sem., '05; Lebanon Theo. Sem.; Sen.; . GEORGE HENRY SCHERER, b. Chapman, Kas., March 5, 1886; D. C. M., '05, tea. S. P. C, Beirut, Sen. ; . MAX MORITZ SCHMIDT, b. Yrschwitz, Germany, Aug. 13, 1885; Un. Germany, '07; Eden Sem.; Sen.; . THOMAS GELSTON SHAW, b. Detroit, Mich., 1884; G. B. Inst.; Sen. . SOJIRO SHIMLZU, b. Ueda, Shinano, Japan, 1878; B. C. N., '10; Sen.; . MILTON WEBSTER STRAHLER, b. Dayton, 0., 1883; N. W. C, '08; Sen.; Uc. Pby. Freeport, AprU, '12; Sen.; JOHN YOUNGSON THOMSON, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 29, 1879; ; Sen.; . JAMES ABRAHAM GARFIELD WAITS, 6. Chicago, lU., Oct. 7, 1881; U. C. C; Sen.; . CRAIG G. WHITSITT, b. Aledo, lU., March 1, 1886; K. C. I., '10; Sen.; . 206 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1914 ROBERT A. WHITE, b. Texas, 1876; W. C. U., '06; Sen. . WILLIAM MANSFIELD WHITE, b. Marrowbone, Ky„ 1878; Cumb. Un., '09; Sem. of South; . THEODORE WOBUS, b. St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 3, 1884; Ehn. C, '03; Eden Sem. '06; Sen.; George Samuel Barclay Acheson, b. Verden, Can., June 3, 1887; Mad. C, '10; San Anselmo Sem.; tea. S. P. C, Beirut, Syria, '12 . George W. Allison, b. 1887; H. C. I., '10; (1); Aub. Sem.; . William Forsyth, b. 1870; (1); . Graham Fuller, b. , 1883; S. A. C. Col., '03; W. Hammond, 111., '12- Ira M. Grey, b. Canada, 1882; Sen.; . Charles Edgar Havener, b. 1876; Lane U.; (1). William Walter Highberger, b. 1886; W. & J. C, '08; (1); West. Sem.; . Calvin Luther Hine, b. Oct. 19, 1880; res. Lauder, Md.; West. Md. C, '09; Central Sem, Ohio; . Thomas Robson Mordy, 6. 1887; Pa. C. M., '10; (1); Aub. Sem.; . Frederic Janvier Newton, b. Lahore, India, May 27, 1876; P. U., '97; Princt. Sem., '01; ord. Pby. New Bnmswick, May 23, '01; s. s. Grangeville, Wash., '01-'03; f. m., Jullimdur, Punjab, India, '03-'12; (1); . Joseph Ryerson Smith, b. 1885; Ad. C. O., '10; (1); Chic. Cong. Sem.; . John Franklin Steiner, b. 1884; ; Princt. Sem.; . John Mcllroy Thomson, 6. 1880; Al. C. O. (1); . Edward James Travers, 6. Aug. 14, 1876; res. Pittsburgh, Pa.; F. C. 0., '08; West. Sem., '12; (1); . 1914 EDWARD AUGUST AHRENS, 6. Swiss, Mo., Oct. 5, 1888; G. P. C, '11; Mid.; . 1914] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 207 FRED W. BACKEMEYER, b. Hastings, Neb., June 16, 1884; Mom. C, '09; Mid.; . HERMAN RAY BERGER, 6. Wilson, Kas., 1887; Mid.; THOMAS GEORGE PERCY BERGER, b. Tama Co., la.. May 21, 1883; la. S. C, '11; Mid.; . WARD FRANKLIN BOYD, b. Marinette, Wis., Oct. 7, 1885; Un. Wis., '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; mWIN EDWIN BRADFIELD, b. St. Joseph, Mich., Dec. 22, 1887; L. F. U., '10; Mid.; . FRED E. BROOKS, 6. Darius, Mo., June 1, 1886; Kirksville St. Norm. Sch., '10; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . ERNEST LOCKE BROWN, b. Idana, Kas., June 11, 1885; E. C. K., '11; Mid.; . GEORGE WILLUM BROWN, b. Harrisville, Pa., 1888; W. & J. C, '10; Mid.; . FENNERIKUS BRUINS, b. Netherlands, 1884; la. S. U., '11; Mid,; . CHARLES CORDOVA CORDOVA, b. Cordova, N. M., Jan. 28, 1888; W. & T. C, '10; Princt. Sem.; . WALTER ROLLO CREMEANS, 6. Lick Creek, 111., June 30, 1885; res. Herrin, 111.; L. C. I., '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . JAY FURBER DAVENPORT, b. Freeport, 111., Jan. 7, 1888; B. C. W., '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . JAMES WALTER DAVIS, 6. CouncU Bluffs, la., 1884; W. U. C; Mid.; . EMMET PRESTON DAY, b. Salem, Va., Jan. 7, 1878; I. C. U., '11; Mid.; . ANSON THOMAS DEWEY, b. Russell, la., 1887; W. U. C, '11; Mid.; . JAMES ORVILLE DUFFEY, b. , Sept. 2, 1882; Mid.; . WALTER PHILIP FINK, b. Beardstown, 111., March 10, 1886; Wheat. C. I., '10; Mid.; . WILLIAM FREDERICK GALLAGHER, b. Jersey City, N. J., April 14, 1879; O. S. U.; Mid.; . PAUL EUGENE HINKAMP, b. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 30, 1885; H. C. M.. '07; Mid.; . ANGUS JAMES HODGIN, b. Red Springs, N. C, Sept. 28, 1885; Un. N. C, '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . 208 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1914 THOMAS HUESTON, b. Ireland, 1884; Wheat. C. I.; Mid.; . EVERETT LE ROY JONES, b. Franklin, Ind., March 24, 1883; W. C. I., '06; Mid.; . JOHN EDWARD JONES, b. Cambria, Wis., June 21, 1885; R. C. W., '10; Mid.; . RAYMOND VILES KEARNS, b. Loop City, Neb., May 22, 1889; B. C. N., '11; Mid.; . STARR HANFORD LLOYD, b. Chicago, 111., July 14, 1887; H. C; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . FRED ALAN McDONALD, b. Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 7, 1887; Mid.; . ORRIN KARR MALONE, b. Buffalo, Ind., Oct. 30, 1885; W. C. I., '11; Mid.; . ROBERT REED MARQUIS, 6. Englewood, Kas., Feb. 3, 1888; E. C. K., '11; Mid.; . RILEY FRANK MITCHELL, b. July 24, 1883; F. C. 0., '12; Mid.; . EARL COOPER MORGAN, b. Bardolph, lU., Aug. 8, 1889; Fr. C. 0., '11; Mid.; . WILLIAM MAILS ORR, b. Manhattan, Kas., Feb. 8, 1891; K. S. A. C, '10; Mid.; . CHARLES KRISTIAN ORSBORN, 6. Christiania, Norway, Sept. 25, 1888; ; Mid.; . THOMAS JOHN OWENS, 6. Randolph Center, Wis., Jan. 28, 1886; R. C. W., '08; Y. D. Sch.; Mid.; HERBERT IRVING PARROTT, b. 1881; U. C. I.; Mid.; . NEWTON PRESTON PATTERSON, b. 1877; T. U. D., '10; ord. memb. Pby. Ft. Worth; Mid.;- RiroOLPH JOSEPH PELNAR, b. DomazUce, Bohemia, Feb. 20, 1883; Un. Prag, '04; Mid.; FREDERICK FALCONER POWELL, b. Delaware, O., March 27, 1888; O. S. U., '09; Mid.; . ARCHIE C. PRESTON, b. Battle Creek, la., 1884; Coe C, '11; Mid.; . ROBERT BRUCE RAUP, b. Clark Co., 0., March 21, 1888; Wilt. C. 0., '09; Mid.; . BERNARD JOHNSON REEMTSMA, b. Haldane, 111., Sept. 16, 1889; D. G. C, '11; Dubuque Sem.; Mid.;- 1914] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 209 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ROSTOCK, b. Oregon, Mo., July 8, 1867; N. U., '10; G. B. I.; Mid.; . MAGNUS ELLAS RUNDEN, b. North Cape, Wis., Nov. 18, 1885; B. C. W., '11; Mid.; . DE FOREST NORRIS SHOTWELL, b. , Nov. 11, 1885; res. E. Orange, N. J.; W. & J. C, '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . ORLO DONALD SLATER, b. Sept. 25, 1886; C. C. I., '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; . WAYNE SEARS SNODDY, b. Burlingame, Kas., April 30, 1888; E. C. K., '08; Mid.; . LESLIE FRANKLIN SWEETLAND, b. Loup City, Neb., Aug. 14, 1888; B. C. N., '10; Cm. Sem.; Mid.; . JOSEPH HOWARD VARNER, b. Waterloo, Pa., 1886; W. Un. O., '11; Jan.; . IVAN LURO WILKINS, b. BasU, 0., April 21, 1890; O. St. Un., '10; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; — EDMOND TALMAGE WITT, b. Stoyestown, Pa.,. Oct. 29, 1885; L. C. P., '11; Princt. Sem.; Mid.; Clyde Edward Boyer, b. , 1879; N. W. I.; Sp. Carl Victor Brown, b. Jasper, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1883; Cumb. U., '11; . Fred Franklin Carson b. , 1888; Macl. C, '11; . Nathaniel Gothberg, b. Jonkoping, Sweden, May 1, 1881; No. Park C. and Sem.; Rea W. Martin, b. , 1884; . Charles Mutchnlck, b. 1882; . Felix Bnmo Ross, b. Clarion, O., Feb. 9, 1884; B. V. C, '11; Mid.; Samuel Ezra Schrader, b. 1884; N. C. I., '11; . £11 Dee Quinn, b. , 1877; W. C. I.; d. Cutler, Ind., Aug. 23, 1912. Alfred Broadus Waldrep, b. 1879; Wofford C, '08; (1—); . 210 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS [1915 1916 THOMAS HOMER ADKINS, b. Hagarville, Ark., April 12, 1889; L. C. I., '12; Jun.; . ROBERT ALEXANDER, b. Ireland, Dec. 4, 1871; ; Jun.; . HARRY MARCELLUS ALLBURT, b. Homestead, Pa., Dec. 17, 1886; Mt. Un. Coll., '13; Jun.; HAROLD EDWARD ANDREWS, b. Ponsanooth, England, June 19, 1887; H. C, '12; Jun.; - EARL AUGUST BRADLEY, b. July 20, 1884; Ft. Scott Coll. Inst., '12; Jun.; . GEORGE CALVIN CAMPBELL, b. Hunter's Bridge, N. C, June 9, 1873; Hiram C; LaneSem.; Jun.;- GLENN EDWARD CARPENTER, b. Boylston, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1888; Houghton Coll.; Jun.; . HUGH ANDREW CRESWELL, b. Trundles Cross Roads, Tenn., March 24, 1887; W. C. T., '10; Jun.; JOHN BRACKEN DONALDSON, b. Minneapolis, Minn., July 31, 1890; P. U. N. J., '12; Jun.; . HERBERT CLIFT DRIVER, b. Pawnee, Neb., April 8, 1890; Coe C, '12; Jun.; . ARTHUR CLEVELAND EVANS, b. Homer, La., Oct. 4, 1887; P. C. I.; Jun.; . LESTER SMITH EVANS, b. Scott, 0., May 2, 1889; W. U. 0., '12; Jun.; . MONROE GREEN EVERETT, 6. McKenzie, Tenn., July 4, 1885; Whit. C, '10; Jun.; ELMER ELLSWORTH FREED, 6. Wilmot, 0., Feb. 4, 1887; W. U. 0., '12; Jun.; JOSEPH A. GEORGE, b. New Orleans, La., June 10, 1889; Ehn. C, '12; Jun.; CHARLES THOMAS GREENWAY, b. England, Nov. 12, 1882; W. U. 0.; Jun.; . PERRY CARL HOPPER, b. Bowling Green, 0., Dec. 12, 1889; O. C. ex. '12; Jun.; ARTHUR MORRIS HUGHES, b. Wilmore, Ky., May 20, 1891; Kings Coll., '12; Jun.; - ALVIN JULIUS KAMMANN, b. Cleveland, Wis., Feb. 9, 1891; Elm. C, '12; Jun.; W. ROBERTS KRUSE, b. Elwyn, Pa., March 8, 1890; P. U. N. J., '12; Jun.; 1915] McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 211 LEO CLARENCE LAKE, b. Shannon, Kas., 1886; C. C. Colo., '08; tea.; Jun. GLENFORD WALTER LAWRENCE, b. Ford, Kas., Aug. 14, 1889; E. C. K, '11; Jun.; . EDWARD PAYSON LINNELL, b. Grandville, O., Jan. 31, 1890; Denison U., '12; Jun.; ROSELL LINCOLN LONG, b. Kentucky, April 15, 1888; L. F. U., '12; Jun.; . FLOYD EDWIN LUDWIG, b. Moweaqua, 111., Dec. 3, 1887; III. Wes. Un., '11; Jun.; WILLIAM HENRY MARBACH, b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 5, 1889; L. F. U., '12; Jun.; . CHARLES WILLIAM McCLELLAND, b. Homestead, Pa., April 18, 1888; P. C. I., '12; Jun.; ARCHIBALD McCLURE, b. Lake Forest, 111., Dec. 30, 1890; Y. U., '12; Jun.; — WILLIAM FEE McDERMOTT, b. Winfield, Kas., Sept. 11, 1888; Southwestern C, '09; Jun,; FRANK NATHAN, b. Palond, Russia, April 28, 1870; ; Jun.; . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PICKERING, b. Derry, Ireland, June 2, 1881; ; Jun.; . GEORGE D. PRENTICE, b. Indian Village, Ind., March 4, 1889; Pa. C, '09; Jun.; . GLEN LATHROP RICE, b. Pender, Neb., March 20, 1888; B. C. N., '11; Jun.; . RUDOLPH GUSTAVE RIEMANN, b. Ranchee, India, May 11, 1893; Elm. C, '12; Jun.; . OVID ROGERS SELLERS, b. Waco, Tex., Aug. 12, 1884; Un. C, '04; Un. C. Div. Sch.; Jun.; - ADAM GARFIELD SHRIVER, b. Canal Fulton, 0., Dec. 10, 1881; Heid. Un., '12; Jun.; . OSWALD JEFFERY SMITH, b. Canada, Nov. 8, 1889; Bib. Coll., '12; Jun.; . MYNDUT MUSE VAN PATTEN, b. Sterling, Kas., Dec. 17, 1887; Cooper C, '12; Jun.; . RAY A. WELD, b. New London, Wis., May 5, 1884; Moody Bib. Inst., '11; Jun.; HAROLD THOMAS WILSON, b. Marshall, 111., July 20, 1890; L. F. U., '12; Jun.; , WILLIAM ALEXANDER WILSON, b. Winnipeg, Can., Oct. 4, 1880; Houghton C; Jun.; . 212 SUMMARIES AND ABBREVIATIONS SUMMARY OF MATRICULANTS Matriculated in Year No. 1831 2 1832 4 1833 3 1834 7 1835 9 1836 5 1837 11 1838 ...... 3 1839 2 1840 9 1841 7 1842 13 1843 12 1844 10 1845 5 1846 7 1847 10 1848 11 1849 10 1850 7 1851 8 1852 4 1853 5 1854 15 1855 9 1856 4 1859 13 1860 17 1861 6 1862 6 1863 5 1864 17 1865 15 1866 16 1867 8 1868 22 1869 14 1870 19 1871 7 1872 16 1873 14 Matriculated in Year No. 1874 10 1875 12 1876 30 1877 15 1878 16 1879 14 1880 14 1881 8 1882 15 1883 40 1884 44 1885 . . . . . . .45 1886 49 1887 46 1888 59 1889 69 1890 78 1891 89 1892 87 1893 95 1894 81 1895 69 1896 52 1897 58 1898 89 1899 55 1900 44 1901 46 1902 59 1903 43 1904 49 1905 36 1906 52 1907 41 1908 67 1909 63 1910 57 1911 55 1912 71 Total 2,309 Mccormick theological seminary 213 PROFESSIONS No. Pastors 1,203 Stated Supplies 292 Missionaries 248 Evangelists 67 Editors 13 Secretaries 22 Presidents 22 Professors 47 Superintendents 13 Physicians 6 Lawyers 9 Business 29 Students 152 Unknown 172 INDEX TO ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL Ac, Academy. C, College. Sem., Seminary. U., University. COLLEGES A. C. K., Augusta, Ky. A. C. M., Amherst, Mass. A. C. P., Allegheny, Pa. A. I. U., Arkansas Industrial Univ., Ark. Ada C. O., Ada, O. Ad. C. O., Adelbert, Cleveland, O. Al. C. M., Alma, Mich. Al. C. O., Albany, Ore. Al. U., AKred Un., Alfred, N. Y. Ark. C, Arkansas Coll. Au. C. T., Austin, Tex. B. A. S., Bathgate Acad., Scotland. B. C. C, Baltimore City Coll. B. C. N., Bellevue, Neb. B. C. Ky., Berea, Ky. B. C. T., Bethel, Tenn. B. C. W., Beloit, Wis. B. U., Baldwin Un., Berea, O. B. U. I., Blackburn Univ., lU. B. U. K., Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kas. B. U., R. I., Brown Univ., R. I. B. V. C, Buena Vista, Storm Lake, la. C. B. S., Chicago Bible School, 111. C. C, Canapbell Coll., Holton, Kas. C. C. Ac, Central Coll. Academy, Mo. C. C. Colo., Colorado College, Colo. C. C. Eng CUff CoU., England. C. C. la., Cornell College, la. C. C. lU., Carthage Coll., 111. C. C. K., Centre CoU., Danville, Ky. C. C. M., Carleton CoU., Northfield, Minn. C. C. N. Y., CoUege City of New York, N. Y. C. C.W.,CarroU CoU., Waukesha, Wis. Ced. C, Cedarville, O. Cent. U., Central Un., IndianapoUs. C. C. S., Chicago Coll. Science. C. N. J., CoU. of New Jersey, N. J. (now Princeton University). C. N. W. M., CoU. of Northwestern Missouri, Mo. Coe C, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. C. U., CorneU Un., Ithaca, N. Y. Cumb. Un., Cumberland Un., Leb- anon, Tenn. C. U. D., Copenhagen Un., Denmark. C. U. lU., Chicago Univ., lU. D. Ac. M., Davidson's Ac, Minn. D. C. D., Delaware, Del. D. C. M., Drury, Mo. D. C. N., Doane, Neb. D. C. N. C, Davidson, N. C. D. C, Dartmouth CoU., Hanover, N. H. D. C. O., Delaware CoU., Ohio. D. C. P., Dickinson CoU., CarUsle, Pa. D. G. C, Dubuque German Coll., la. Del. S. Col., Delaware State CoU. Def. C. O., Defiance, Ohio. D. M. C, Des Moines CoU., la. De P. U., De Pauw Univ., Ind. D. U., Denver University. D. U. I., Drake Univ., la. E. C, EarUiam CoU., Ind. Elm. Col., Elmhurst CoU., lU. Ev. Inst. Glay, France. E. C. K., Emporia, Kas. E. P. & T., B., Ecoles Prep, and Theo., Brazil. F. C. I., Frankhn, Ind. F. C. K., Fairmount, Kas. Fr. C. O., Franklin, Ohio. Fnd. C. O., Findlay, Ohio. F. D. C. I., Ft. Dodge CoU., la. F. M. C. S. I., Farra Math. & Class. Sch., Ireland. F. U. K., Friends' Un., Wichita, Kas. G. Ac. I., Grandview Ac, la. G. C. C. P., Grove City, Pa. G. C, D. C, GaUaudet, Wash., D. C. G. C. I., Griswold CoU., la. G. C. P., Geneva CoU., Pa. G. C. W., Gale CoU., Wis. G. and T. C, GreenviUe and Tusculum CoU., Tenn. G. U. S., Glasgow Univ., Scotland. H. C. C. E., Huhne Chff CoU., England. H. C. I., Hanover, Ind. Hi. C. M., HUlsdale, Mich. H. C. M., Hope CoU., Mich. H. C. N., Hastings, Neb. H. C, Hamilton, Clinton, N. Y. 214 SUMMARIES AND ABBREVIATIONS COLLEGES— Continued H. P. N. S., Highland Park Normal School, la. H. S. C, Hampden Sidney Coll., Va. H. U. K., Highland Univ., Kas. H. U. M., Harvard Univ., Mass. H. U. O., Heidelberg Univ., Ohio. la. C. B., Iowa Coll. for Bhnd. I. C, IlUnois, Jacksonville, lU. I. N. S., Indiana Normal School. la. S. C, la. State, la. I. U., Indiana Un., Bloomingtori, Ind. la. W. U., Iowa Wesleyan. I. W. U., 111. Wesleyan, Bloomineton, 111. J. C, Jefferson, Pa. J. H. U., Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Md. J. M. U., James MilHken Un. K. C. I., Knox, 111. K. C. M., Kalamazoo, Mich. K. C. Tor., Knox, Toronto. K. C. T., King, Tenn. Ken. C, Kenyon Coll., Gambler, O. K. N., Kirkville Normal, Ku-kville, Mo. K. S. A. C, Kansas State Agricultural Coll. K. W. U., Kas. Wesleyan, Kas. L. C. C, Leander Clark Coll. L. C. G., Lubeck, Germany. L. C. I., Lennox, Hopkinton, la. L. C. P., Lafayette, Easton, Pa. L. F. U. (also L. F. C), Lake Forest, 111. L. S. U. Jr., Leland Stanford Un., Jr. L. U. I., Lincoln, 111. L. U. N., Lincoln, Neb. L. U. P., Lincoln, Pa. L. U. W., Lawrence, Wis. M. C, Moravian Coll. Macl. C, Macalester, Minn. Ma. C. I. Magee, Ireland. Man. C, Manitoba, Can. M. C. 0., Marietta, O. M. C. T., Maryville, Tenn. M. C. K., Masonic, Ky. Miss. House C, Mission House, She- boygan, Wis. McC. C, McCorkle, O. McD. C, McDonough. McG. U., McGill, Montreal, Can. McK. C. I., McKendree, lU. Morn. C, Morningside Coll. M. U. O., Miami, Oxford, O. Mu. C. O., Muskingum, O. M. C. I., Monmouth, lU. Mo. V. C, Missouri Valley, Mo. Mt. U. C, Mt. Union, O. N. C. I., Normal Coll., Ind. N. N. U., National Normal Univ., O. N. W. C, Northwestern Coll., Nap- erville. N. W. C. U., Northwestern Christian, Ind. N. W. I., New Windsor, Ind. N. W. U., Northwestern, Evanston, 111. N. W. U. D. S., Northwestern Un. Dental School. N. Y. U., New York, N. Y. O. C. C, Oakland CoU., Cal. 0. C. M., Ohvet, Mich. O. C. O., OberUn, Ohio. O. C. P., Oroomiah, Persia. O. N. U., Ohio Normal Univ. O. S. N., Oshkosh State Normal. O. S. U., Ohio State Un. Ott. C. C, Ottawa Coll., Canada. O. U. K., Ottawa Un., Kansas. O. U. C, Occidental, Los Angeles, Cal. O. U. O., Otterbein, Ohio. O. W. U., Ohio Wesleyan, Ohio. Pa. C. M., Park, Mo. Pa. C. I., Penn, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Pro. C. I., Proseminary, lU. P. C. I., Parsons, Fairfield, Iowa. P. C. Inst., Petersboro Coll. Inst. P. C. M., Pardee, Mo. P. C. M. C, Presbyterian, Montreal. P. C. S. W., Presb. CoU. Southwest. P. N. I., Potsdam Normal, la. P. U., Princeton, N. J. P. U. S. D., Pierre, S. D. P. U. W., Pierre, Wis. Q. C. C, Queens, Canada. Q. C. I., Queens, Ireland. R. C, Rutgers, New Brunswick, N. J. R. C. W., Ripon, Wis. R. L. C, S., Revere Lay, Scotland. R. N. Ac, H., Royal Naval Ac, Hol- land. R. U. I., Royal, Ireland. S. A. C. Col., State Agricultural Coll., Colo. S. A. S.. St. Andrew, Scotland. S. A. C, So. Africa CoU., Africa. S. C. C. I., St. Catherine CoU. Inst, S. C. C. M., St. Charles, Mo. S. C. I., Simpson, la. S. C. M. Ac. South Carol. MiUtary Ac. S. C. O., Scio, Ohio. S. F. C. C, San Francisco, Cal. S. L. C. I., Salt Lake CoU. Inst., Utah. S. L. U., St. Lawrence, N. Y. S. P. C, Syrian Protestant CoU., Beirut. S. P. U. T., Southern Presb., Tenn. S. U. I., State Univ. la. S. U. M., SedaUa, Mo. S. U. N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. T. C. I., Tabor, la. Mccormick theological seminary 215 COLLEGES— Continued T. C. M., Tarkio, Mo. T. U., Taylor Un., Indianapolis, Ind. T. U. C, Toronto, Can. T. U. T., Trinity, Tex. U. A., Alabama, Ala. U. Cal., California. U. C, Union, Schenectady, N. Y. U. C, Colo., Bouldci Colo. U. C. C, Upper Canada Coll. U. C. I., Univ. of Chicago, 111. U. Cin., Un. Cincinnati. U. C. N. Y., City of New York, N. Y. U. E., Edinburgh, Scotland. U. G. S., Geneva, Switzerland. U. I., Illinois, Champaign, III. U. Ind., Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. U. la., Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. U. K., Kansas, Lawrence, Kas. U. M., Michigan, Ann Ai'bor, Mich. U. Minn., Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. U. Miss., Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. U. N., Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. U. N. Y., New York, N. Y. U. N. D., North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D. U. O., Oregon, Eugene, Ore. U. P., Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. U. v., Virginia, Charlotteville, Va. U. W., Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. U. W. v.. West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va. Ur. C, Urumia CoU., Persia. V. C. I., Valparaiso, Ind. V. I. O., VermiUion Institute, Ohio. V. N. S. I., Valparaiso Normal School, Ind. W. B. B. C, Wilkes-Barre Business CoU. W. C, WaynesviUe, Pa. W. C. A., Winona Coll. Agriculture. West. C. I., Westfield, lU. W. C. I., Wabash, Crawfordsville, Ind. W. C. K., Washburn. Kas. W. C. M., Wilhams, Mass. West. C, M., Westminster, Mo. W. C. Mo., Watson, Mo. W. C. N., Westminster Coll., Neb. Wheat. C. I., Wheaton Coll., lU. Witt. C. O., Wittenberg, Ohio. W. C. Pa., Westminster, Pa. W. C. T., Washington, Tenn. W. C. W., Whitman, Wash. W. and J. C, Washington and Jeffer- son, Pa. W. R. C., Western Reserve. W. U. C, Western Union CoU. W. U. St. L., Washington Un., St. Louis. Wst. U. O., Westminster, O. W. U. O., Wooster, Ohio. Y. C. S. D., Yankton, S. D. Y. U., Yale, Conn. Z. U., ZanesviUe, O. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS Alex. Sem. (Epis.), Alexandria, Va. AUeg. Sem. (Un. Pres.), Allegheny, Pa. And. Sem. (Cong.), Aiidover, Mass. Aub. Sem. (Pres.), Auburn, N. Y. Ban. Sem. (Cong.), Bangor, Me. Bapt. Sem., Louisville, Ky. Beir. Sem. (Presb.), Beirut, SjTia. Bel. Sem. (Presb.), Belfast, Ireland. Berk. Div. School (Epis.), Middletown, Conn. Bost. Un. (Meth.), Boston, Mass. Carl. Sem. (Ger. Ref.), Carlisle, Pa. C. U. Div. Sch., Chicago Un. Divinity Sch. (Bapt.). Chic. Cong. Sem., Chicago, lU. Colum. Sem. (Presb.), Columbia, S. C. Cone. Sem. (Meth.), Concord, N. H. Cov. Sem. (Bapt.), Covington, Ky. Croz. Sem. (Bapt.), Upland, Pa. Danv. Sem. (Presb.), DanviUe, Ky. Dr. Sem. (Meth.), Drew, Madison, N.J. Dub. Sem., German (Presb.), Du- buque, la. E. C. Sem. (U. P.), Erskine, S. C. Ed. Sem., Eden Sem, Epis. Sem., N. Y. (Epis.), N. Y. City. Epis. Sem. Phila. (Epis.), Pa. F. C. C. G. (Presb.), Free Ch., Glas- gow, Scotland. Gamb. Sem. (Epis.), Gambler, 0. G. B. Inst., Garrett Biblical Institute (Meth.), Evanston, lU. Gen. Sem. (Ref.), Geneva, Switzerland. Gettysb. Sem. (Luth.), Gettysburg, Pa. Hal. Sem. (Presb.), HaUfax, N. S. Hamilton Sem. (Bapt.), Hamilton, N.Y. Hartf. Sem. (Cong.), Hartford, Conn. Harv. D. S. (Unit.), Harvard Divinity Sch., Mass. H. C. R. Sem., HoUand Christ Ref., Grand Rapids, Mich. Kal. Sem. (Bapt.), Kalamazoo, Mich. K. C. (Pres.), Theol. Dept. Knox Col., Can. Lane. Sem. (Ger. Ref.), Lancaster, Pa. Lane Sem. (Presb.), Cincinnati, Ohio. Line. Sem. (Presb.), Lincoln Univ., Pa. Louisv. Sem. (Presb.), LouisviUe, Ky. Man. Sem. (Presb.), Manitoba, Can. McC. T. Sem. (Presb.), Chicago, lU. 216 SUMMARIES AND ABBREVIATIONS THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS — Continued Mel. Sem. (Presb.), Melbourne, Aus- tralia. Mer. Sem. (Ger. Ref.), Merceraburg, Pa. Miss. House (Ger. Ref.), Sheboygan, Wis. Mood. Inst., Moody Institute. Mor. Sem. (Moravian), Bethlehem, Pa. N. C. Edb. (Presb.), New CoU., Edin- burgh, Scotland. Newark Sem., German (Presb.), New- ark, N. J. New Bruns. Sem. (R. D.), New Bruns- wick, N. J. Newb. Sem. (U. P.), Newburg, N. Y. Newt. Sem. (Bapt.), Newton, Mass. Ob. Sem. (Cong.), Oberhn, O. Om. Sem. (Presb.), Omaha, Neb. Oxf. Sem. (A. R.), Oxford, O. Pacif. Sem. (Cong.) Pacific, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Phila. Sem. (U. P.), Phila., Pa. Pict. Sem. (Presb.), Pictou, Can. Presb. CoU. Mont., Montreal, Can. Princt. Sem. (Presb.), Princeton, N. J. Q. C. Sem. (Presb.), Queens, Can. Roch. Sem. (Bapt.), Rochester, N. Y. R. P. Sem., Ref. Presb., Allegheny, Pa. San Fran. Sem. (Presb.), San Fran- cisco, Cal. S. C. Sem. (Epis.), Camden, S. C. Syr. Sem. (Meth.), Syracuse, N. Y. T. Sem. N. H., Tilton Sem., New Hampshire. Tru. Sem. (Presb.), Truro, N. S. Theol. Dept., Q. U. C. (Presb.), Queens, Canada. Un. Ch. Sem. M., United Church Sem., Minneapohs. Un. Sem. N. Y. (Presb.), Union, N. Y. City. Un. Sem. Va. (Presb.), Richmond, Va. Un. Sem. Tokyo (Presb.), Tokyo, Japan. U. P. Sem. E., Edinburgh, Scotland. West. R. Sem. (Presb.), West River, N. S. West. Rfd. Sem. Mich., Western Re- formed Sem., Holland, Mich. West. Sem. (Presb.), Allegheny, Pa. Y. D. Sch. (Cong.), New Haven, Conn. Xen. Sem. (U. P.), Xenia, O. OCCUPATIONS act., acting. adj. prof., adjunct professor. agt., agent. a. p., asst. pastor. assoc. sec, associate secy. asst., assistant. auth., author. bp., bishop. bus., business. capt., captain. chanc, chancellor. chap., chaplain. civ. eng., civil engineer, elk., clerk. colp., colporteur. comm., commissioner. cor. sec, corresponding secy. dea., deacon. dep., deputy. dioc, diocesan. dir., director. dist. sec, district secy. ed., editor. ev., evang., evangelist. fell., fellow. fin. sec, financial secy. geolog., geologist. grad., graduate. h. m., home miss. h. r., honorably retired. instr., instructor. Jun., junior in the seminary. lawy., lawyer. lect., lecturer. legisl., legislator. hbr., librarian. heut., Ueutenant. med., medicine. merch., merchant. Mid., middle in the seminary miss., missionary. mod., moderator. p., pastor. p. e., pastor elect. p. emer., pastor emeritua p. g., post graduate, phys., physician. p. m., postmaster. pr., priest. pres., president. presb. miss., presbyterial miss. prin., principal. prof., professor. r., rector. reg., registrar. rep., reporter. res., residence. ml. eld., ruUng elder. s. c, stated clerk. sec, secretary. Sen., senior in the seminary. spc, special student. Mccormick theological seminary 217 OCCUPATIONS— Continued 8. 8.. stated supply. stua., student. supt., superintendent. syn. miss., synodical miss. tea., teacher. trust., trustee. tut., tutor. w. c, without charge. MISCELLANEOUS A. B. C. F. M., Amer. Board Com. for Foreign Missions. Am. B. Soc, Amer. Bible Society. A. M. E., Amer. Meth. Episc, Am. and For. Chr. Un., Amer. and Foreign Christian Union. Am. Seam. Fr. Soc, Amer. Seamen's Friend Society. Am. S. S. Un., Amer. Simday School Union. Am. Tr. Soc, Amer. Tract Society. A. R., Associate Reformed. Arch., Architecture. b., bom. Bapt., Baptist. B. Soc, Bible Society. eh., church. chap., chapel. cl., classics. Col. Soc, Colonization Society. Coll., college. com. schls., common schools. Cong., Congregational. Cumb. P., Cumberland Presbyterian. C. S. A., Confederate States Army, d., died. Epis., Prot. Episcopal. Fern. Coll., Female CoUege. Fern. Sem., Female Seminary. Freedm. Com., Freedmen's Committee. For. Evang. Soc, Foreign EvangeUcal Society. G. R., German Reformed. H. C. R., Holland Christian Reformed, hosp., hospital. Independ., Independent, legisl., legislature. Luth., Lutheran. Meth., Methodist. M. E., Methodist Episcopal, miss., missionary. Mor., Moravian, ord., ordained. Pby., Presbytery, p. o., postoffice. Port., Portuguese. Presb., Presbyterian. Presb. Hist. Soc, Presbyterian His- torical Society. Presb. Hosp., Presbyterian Hospital, pub. schs., public schools. R. D., Reformed (Dutch). Ref. Epis., Reformed EpiscopaL Rfd., Reformed, res., residence. R. P., Ref. Pres., Reformed Presby- terian, schls., schools. Sem., Seminary. Soc. Conv. Jews, Society for the Con- version of the Jews. S. S., Sunday School. Swedenb., Swedenborgian. Un., Univ., University Unit., Unitarian. U. P., United Presbyterian. U. S. A., United States Army. U. S. Chr. Com., United States Chris- tian Commission. U. S. Cong., U. S. Congress. U. S. N., U. S. Navy. Wesl. Meth., Wesleyan Methodist. West. Educ. Soc, Western Education Society. West. Seam. Fr. Soc, Western Sea- men's Friend Society. W. P., Welsh Presbyterian. Y. M. C. A., Young Men's Christian Association. 218 INDEX INDEX TO THE STUDENTS' NAMES. Abels 1904 John Calvin Ablahat 1908 Haidow Acheson *1913 George Samuel Barclay Ackerberg *1886 J. A Adams 1901 Charles Ryan 1895 Claire S. 1894 James E. 1871 Joseph B. W. 1867 RoUin Luther. Adamson 1903 George D. Adkins 1915 Thomas Homer Agne 1912 Royal Clyde Agnew *1901 Wm. J. Ahrens 1914 Edward August 1910 Martin Robert Albert *1898 David James 1906 Louis Joseph Alderdice 1840 Thomas H. Alderson *1873 Samuel B. Alexander 1913 Charles K. *1905 Claude Ehner 1890 Hamilton U. 1854 James M. *1900 Leo V. *1892 Maitland 1915 Robert 1911 Theron Alison 1879 Alexander 1895 John Allburt 1915 Henry Marcellus Allemong 1912 FrankUn Eugene Allen 1895 Clarence B. 1908 Frank Benjamin 1897 Hamilton F. 1897 Harry Brown 1895 Ira Wilder 1863 John W. Allison *1913 George W. 1859 James William 1880 Samuel L. 1893 WiUiam B. Ambrose 1891 David E. Amy *1894 Ernest C. Anderson 1858 John A. 1906 Joseph CUnton 1909 Martin Eh 1896 Merle H. *1879 Robert E. 1889 Thomas S. 1857 WiUiam J. Andrews 1899 Chas. Page 1915 Harold Edward 1875 Jacob B. Angus 1899 WiUiam Thomas Annla *1872 Samuel Aoyama 1891 HUiotaro Armentrout 1902 Charles J. Armer 1891 W. W. Armstrong *1886 Abel 1902 George A. 1841 George B. Arnold 1891 Frank S. 1908 George Theodore 1894 Wmiam J. *1894 wmiam A. Arrick *1891 Adoniram J. Aston 1912 Arthur Aszman 1910 Theodore H. Atchison *1903 WiUiam Edmond Atkinson 1899 Geo. Hannah Atwood 1888 WiUiam C. AuU 1893 Wilson Austin *1896 Alvin Clark 1897 James. AxteU 1901 Mowry Smith Ayres 1891 George F. 1913 James Albert 1888 James B. *1879 Walter H. Backemeyer 1914 Fred W. Bacon 1849 Isaiah 1911 WiUiam Frederick Baech 1893 Edward Baggerly 1846 George G. Bailey 1898 Arthur G. *1868 James G. *1872 Turner S. Bain 1889 Charles Stewart Baird *1910 Albert Craig 1843 Samuel J. 1888 WiUiam M. Baker 1909 Arthur Mulford 1886 Enos P. 1876 John P. 1912 Walter McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 219 Balcoff 1903 Theodore Baldrldge 1887 Herbert C. 1852 Samuel C. Baldwin *1886 Edward P. Bemdy *1893 Charles H. Barbae ♦1902 Thomas Morrow Bardill 1878 John A. Barker *1909 Percival Houson Barkley *1882 William C. Barlow 1895 Edward L. Barnell *1898 YoueU Gordon Bamett *1911 Ira W. Bamimi 1910 George William Baroody 1907 Annees Tannes 1911 EUya Barr 1911 Floyd Walker 1897 Norman B. 1850 Samuel E. Barrett 1904 Arthur Pay son 1841 R. G. 1900 Leonard Andrew 1901 William Marshall Barry 1908 Frank Touzarn Bartholomew 1912 Jesse E. *1873 WiUiam M. Bartlett 1905 William Thaw Bascom 1893 Frank D. Baskerville *1909 Charles Edward Bates 1877 Alfred K. 1902 Birdsey Scott *1890 WiUiam Ezra Baum *1899 Wm. Christian Baumgarten 1899 Hoffman T. Baxter 1885 Geo. Washington 1891 John F. *1895 WiUiam W. Beam *1901 G. T. M. Beattie 1897 John Luther Beatty *1907 Frank Ernest Beck 1906 Edwin Allen Beckes 1896 Cyrus Boyd *1899 Oscar Emmett Beckmeyer 1907 Theodore Beeman 1895 George H. L. Behrens *1912 Oscar WiUiam Belding *1885 James M. BeU 1888 George W. 1847 John 1890 Richard T, *1863 W. H. Benaugh 1872 George Benbow 1912 Earl WUham Benedict 1892 Frederick L. Benes 1904 Louis Henry Bennett *1903 Orr Benson 1897 James 1887 Simon 1844 W. Benton *1887 Edwin A. Bergen *1887 George Edgar ♦1870 John G. 1883 Paul D. Berger 1867 Albert J. 1888 Christian A. 1913 Herman Ray 1897 John Calvin 1912 John Van Eman 1914 Thos. George Percy Bemheisel 1900 Chas. Francis Berry 1892 Abraham L. 1879 James F. Berryhill 1840 Franklin Best *1908 John Bethel 1896 Horace O. Biddle 1896 Henry Chalmers Bigger 1878 David D. 1894 Robert R. Blgler 1891 Barton B. Birrell 1898 Peter Bishop 1834 Robert H. Black 1902 David M. 1840 James 1898 Samuel C. *1895 WiUiam L. Blackburn *1895 Charles S. Blackman *1897 RoUin EUiott BlackweU 1843 Harleigh Blair 1901 WiUiam Newton Blanchard 1896 Charles Eugene 220 INDEX BUss 1845 James T. 1893 John K. Blue *1911 RoUand J. Boal 1906 James Hamill Bode *1891 Hem-y Boden 1905 John 1894 John James Bogle 1896 Charles W. Boiler 1904 Frederick Conrad Bollinger *1907 George Bonaker *1908 Charles Bonar *1911 WiUiam Fred Bone *1909 Walter Lawrence Boomer 1886 William B. Boone 1892 Walter W. Boose 1902 John Henry Boozer *1905 Leon Myron Boston *1896 Louis Edgar Boudreau 1870 Placide Bourns 1898 Arthur Paul Bovell 1857 Stephen J. Boving *1894 Charles B. Boyd 1912 DeEstraye Cassell 1892 Edward A. 1911 Harry Burton 1893 Samuel R. 1879 Thomas *1909 Thomas W. 1914 Ward FrankUn Boyer 1914 Clyde Edward Boyle *1911 David H. M. Bracken *1878 Theodore 1845 Thomas A. Braden 1879 Robert M. L. Bradfield 1914 Irwin Edwin Bradford 1893 Herbert A. Bradley 1915 Earl August Bradshaw *1894 Charles B. Bradt 1889 Charles E. Brand 1899 Asher Harry Brandt *1885 Clarence E. Brank 1850 Robert G. Brashear 1891 Alvan V. 1890 Turner G. Breckenridge 1893 John C. *1906 Walter Watson Breed 1896 Frank Denison Brees 1838 Robert F. Breese 1868 Augustine Bremlcker 1888 Charles Bren 1891 Joseph Srcwcr *1905 George Allen Brewster 1911 James Riggs *1895 WiUiam B. Bridewell *1894 Charles P. Brier 1889 Burgess B. Brigham 1913 David John Briol 1887 Pierre Philip Bristol 1889 Noice D. Brittin 1899 Benjamin L. Broadbooks 1911 Robert M. Broady 1907 Joseph M. Bromley 1908 Eugene Edwin Brookman *1898 Donald M. Brooks 1914 Fred E. Brown 1896 *1896 1914 *1901 *1877 1895 1888 1888 1914 1905 1914 1902 1903 1912 1898 Andrew G. C Baihe Carl Victor Charles Calhoun Charles F. Charles H. Charles Matthew ElUott W. Ernest L. Frederick George WiUiam Herbert Hopkins Ray Howard Richard Stanley Robert Browne 1913 Harold RusseU Bruce 1903 George Gladstone Bruins 1893 WUUam H. 1914 Fennerikus Bnunfield *1895 James W. Bruhn 1913 Carl Ferdinand Brundage *1907 Birchard Franklin Bnmer 1837 W. H Bryson 1901 Frank J. McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 221 Buchanan 1895 David D. *1900 Edgar Lloyd 1899 Jackson K. *1910 William Douglas Buck 1880 William S Buell 1896 Henry Charles BuU 1895 Edward H. BuUard *1894 Frederic L. Burchell 1904 Francis P. Burdick 1896 Newman Hall Burger 1897 Henry Walter Burgess 1911 Paul Burkhart 1900 Joseph Ernest Bums 1911 John S. Burton 1911 Charles V. *1895 George F. Busse 1898 Adolf Byers 1895 James 1854 Robert Hamilton *1895 Vernon C. Byram 1877 Albert B. Cadwell 1894 Fred George Cain 1894 Louis P. Calahan *1905 Bert C. Caldwell 1834 Robert C. 1894 Samuel A. 1895 WiUiam J. Cameron 1905 Alexander Edward 1909 Robert Alexander Camp *1901 Albert Edward 1909 Geo. Washington 1904 Matthew Allen Campbell *1896 Charles 1907 Clarence Ehner 1897 Edward 1915 George Calvin 1910 Homer Mitchell *1894 Howard *1892 James W. 1894 Robert L. 1891 Stuart M. 1874 William M. Candor 1878 Thomas H. Carden 1865 Patrick L. Cardy *1908 Gray Jones Carlstrom 1897 Jonathan Wm. Camahan 1905 Robert Audley Camine 1901 John Newton 1898 WiUiam W. Carothers 1869 Christopher Carpenter 1915 Glenn Edward 1861 John H. Carr 1911 Lyle Edward *1912 Otto Lyman Carriell *1911 Charles Arthur Carroll *1867 Alanson Carson 1881 Chahners F. 1913 Edward John *1907 Ernest Houston 1914 Fred Frankhn 1886 Robert Carter *1907 John Robt. Calvin 1894 WUham 1901 Chauncey OoccaII 1906 WiUiam Henry Catlln 1897 James Darrah CeUars 1872 Wilson F. Chaffee 1895 Elmer S. Chamberlain 1899 Pierce Annesley 1867 WiUiam Brown Chamberlin 1893 Frank J. Chambers *1887 Caleb W. *1883 Whitfield A. ChanceUor 1899 WiUiam Brown Chapin ♦1912 Roy Vinet ♦1892 WaUace T. Chapman 1891 Frederick L. Charles 1877 WiUiam Charlton 1885 John T. Cherry 1888 Joseph B. Cherryholmes ♦1883 James C. Chester 1844 E. F. Christianson 1899 John WiUiams Clark 1902 Charles AUen ♦1870 David ♦1872 James Hunter 1902 Ralph Ehno 1898 Thos. Fitzmorris Clarke 1889 Andrew S. C. ♦1911 Dumont, Jr. ♦1911 Finch Albert 1890 WiUiam Luke 1906 WiUiam Morton Clatworthy ♦1893 Wmiam Henry Claycomb ♦1910 John Franklin 222 INDEX Cleland 1898 Frank Barbour 1901 John Irvine Clemenson 1889 Newton E. Clendenning *1876 Herman T. Clingan 1897 Edwin M. 1845 James Clippinger 1895 Edward W. Clokey 1897 Joseph F. Cloud 1897 Charles Alvin *1901 Jordan Tyler L. Cochran 1893 Joseph W., Jr. Coe 1889 WiUiam W. Coffman 1891 Leroy M. CoUe 1885 Alex. J. Collins 1846 Cyrus 1896 John Haskell Collison 1874 Henry M. Colmery 1845 William W. Colver 1869 Anthony W. Colvin 1894 Frank C. Combs 1889 Edgar L. Commerford 1901 Zelotus Wesley Condit *1896 Harrison Scott 1891 James H. *1863 Robert Aaron Condy 1913 Archie Conger 1887 S. Deknar Conisius 1875 Ed. B. Conn 1846 WiUiam D. F. Connell 1893 WiUiam G. Connelly 1844 J. M. Conner 1896 Frank Thomas Conybeare 1888 Samuel Cooder *1880 Charles L. Coonradt 1912 Ralph G. Coons 1837 Geo. W. Cooper 1895 Arthur B. *1906 Howard Clayberg 1895 James 1900 Louis Frank 1908 WiUiam Compton Cooter 1901 Hugh PhiUp 1890 John Harvey 1887 James Thomas Copeland *1889 Arthur G. Corbett 1897 Roderick *1899 Thomas James Cordova 1914 Charles Cordova Cordry 1913 Robert T. Corkey 1899 Alexander Comes 1868 Edward Comelison 1896 Thomas MunneUe Comelson *1895 George H. Comwell 1898 Charles Edward Cort 1880 Arthur B. 1878 Wmiam C. Cotton 1912 Jarvis Prim Cory *1909 Alfred Terry Coudray 1897 Edwin Lee Coimtennlne *1890 J. Landon Cousins 1875 Edward B. Covert 1888 WiUiam C. Cowan 1874 Joseph D *1871 J. E. Cowgill 1910 WilUam Benjamin Cox 1887 Connell Coyle 1889 CampbeU *1882 John P. Craig 1885 wmiam P. Crane *1902 James Irving Craighead 1894 James R. E. Crawford 1908 Dennis White 1913 George Andrew *1907 Hugh Rankin 1839 Josiah 1900 John Forsythe Creighton 1897 David 1897 John 1900 Cyrus Murray Cremeans 1914 Walter RoUo Cressey 1898 Roger Fred CresweU 1915 Hugh Andrew 1893 Thaddeus T. Crissman *1903 Ralph McClay Crofts 1901 WiUiam C. S. Crouse 1896 Harvey McK. McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 223 Crowe 1857 E. K. 1843 James B. 1843 Thomas S. Crowl *1871 Theodore Crozier 1851 John 1899 Walter S. *1868 William M. 1891 William N. Cnill *1897 Adam Ulysses Cryor 1878 Samuel S. Cullen 1879 Hemy Cully 1900 Roy CUfford Cixmmings 1891 John Ellsworth *1898 George McL. Cxunmins 1913 Ralph Cunningham 1890 Alexander M. 1890 James G. 1901 James Scott 1902 Lloyd Currens 1895 Charles H. 1879 James B. 1897 Jesse Wilson Currer 1879 John Currey 1900 John Griffin Currie 1897 John A. *1871 Robert Cushing 1893 Frederick Hall Cutler 1896 Everett Alonzo Dade ♦1901 Charles Warren Dager 1899 Wilham M. Dale 1847 John 1901 Otis Grant Dalenberg 1913 Nelson WiUiam Dalrymple 1875 Fuller P. Dalzell *1895 Charles Danforth 1896 WiUiam E. Daniel *1903 Josiah 1897 Mooshie Georges Danskin 1877 Alexander Darley 1871 Alexander M. 1896 Geo. Sinclair Darling 1905 Charles Davis *1907 John Ehnore Davenport 1914 Jay Furber Davidson *1894 Harry S. Dflvics 1896 Charles Stanley 1894 Geo. E. 1892 Llewellyn J. 1907 Peter Arthur *1896 Tabor Davis *1889 Almanza S. 1898 Geo. Thomson Brown 1914 James Walter 1894 Henry H. 1874 Samuel Taylor 1910 William Ora Day 1914 Emmet P. 1907 Jonathan Cruch 1894 John W. Dean *1882 Henry G. De Bniine *1908 Sytze Deets 1893 David H. Deever 1911 Orlando H. De Jong 1883 Jacob P. 1904 Peter Cornelius De Long 1911 Edward Ewing Dempster *1905 David Denhardt 1905 Thornton Temple- ton Denton 1904 Claude *1864 S. F. Derbyshire *1909 Edward Derr 1904 Charles Haskell Des Jardien 1902 Alphonse Regist Devor *1898 David Harry Dewey 1914 Anson Thomas De Witt 1911 Eugene Knapp *1911 OUver Ed. Dickerson *1908 Austm Benjamin Dickoy 1908 David Arthur Dickie *1908 Paul Rupert Dillon 1892 Robert M. 1863 Samuel P. Dilworth ♦1898 Hugh Percy Divine 1901 Sherman Landon Doak 1896 Maurice Junius Dobbs 1900 Da3rton Andrew Dobson *1905 Dean Newton 1885 Robert *1901 Roy Calvin Dobyns 1889 William R. Dodd 1886 William Chfton Dodds 1893 Jamea A. 224 INDEX Dodson *1884 DeCosta H. Donaldson 1915 John Bracken *1899 John Moore 1888 Robert M. 1906 Robert Sample Dool 1900 James Irwin Doole 1882 William I. Doolittle 1893 George C. *1898 Henry Francis Dosker 1879 Henry E. Douds 1897 Wm. Sherman Downing 1870 Nathan H. Drake 1857 Jeremiah Mead 1851 John Wilson 1857 Lewis I. 1853 Robert T. Drew *1890 Monroe Driver 1915 Herbert Clift Duffey 1914 James Orville Duncan 1904 Arthur Leonidas 1888 Kenneth 1905 John 1854 WilUam W. Dunham *1894 James Henry Dunkel *1897 Joel Ambrose Dunlap 1875 George Dimlop *1908 George Alvin 1911 Harry Parker Dunn *1895 John T. Duiming 1893 Henry N. 1862 John S. 1907 John Wirt 1895 Smith G. Durfey 1898 John Quincy Durrie 18'87 Archibald Eadie 1898 William Earhart 1872 George 1897 Linn Jacob Easly *1911 Harvey Edwin Eastman *1911 Fred Ehner *1872 Jno. C. Eby 1897 Christian B. Eckstrom 1891 Jacob A. Eder *1908 Leonard Edgar 1900 Alfred C. Edwards 1845 Jonathan 1896 Raymond H. *1898 Rees Franklin EeUs 1899 Alfred M. Einstein 1906 John Lewis Eisenhart 1896 Wilson A. Elf eld *1863 Edward A. Elges 1911 WiUiam Henry EHs *1902 George Frederick Elliott 1904 Alfred Orrin 1890 Arthur M. 1869 Austin W. 1913 Paul Chnton 1898 WiUiam M. *1901 WiUiam Marion EUis 1879 Charles D. Ely 1883 Ben Ezra S. Albert Ernest Arthur Cleveland Charles A., Jr. Charles H. Edwin S. James Eraser Joshua T. Lester Smith Samuel N. Ulysses G, Emerson *1902 Luke Allen Engel 1908 Jesse Clyde Ensign 1892 WUham H. Erickson *1906 Peter Erdman 1899 John Pinney Ernst 1892 Albert F. Esmann 1908 Adolf Charles Evans 1901 1915 *1887 1911 1892 *1901 1888 1915 1842 1893 Everett 1915 Monroe Green Ewalt 1877 John A. Ewing 1906 Lyle WUson 1905 William James Fahl 1897 Byron Alden Fahs 1880 David W. FaUis *1863 John T. Faries 1893 John Culbert Faris 1898 John Thomas 1905 Paul Patton 1869 WiUiam W. Fenton 1843 Joseph Fennimore Ferguson 1881 Francis L. 1890 H. Addison *1896 John Benj. 1908 John Bohn *1892 WiUiam Hays McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 225 Ferris 1901 Pliny Brokaw Ferry 1909 David William *1911 Horace F. Fetterolf 1896 John Franklin Finch *1894 Walter F. Findlay 1892 Joseph V. Findley 1900 John Walker 1896 Samuel W. 1887 William T. Fink 1914 Walter Philip Finlayson 1896 Roderick A. Finley 1889 Woodward E. Finn 1913 Edward Albert Fischer *1901 Arthur Fisher *1882 Charles M. 1899 Drury Hill 1895 Edward P. 1889 Howard 1910 James *1869 Sanford G. 1898 William Edwd. Fisk *1888 Charles E. Fitch 1889 John A. Fitzgerald 1913 John Roscoe Flanagan 1894 WiUiam S. Fledderjohann 1908 Ernest Fleming 1887 Jesse H. 1895 Reuben Enos Fletcher *1873 Donald Flett 1899 George C. Fonken 1911 Adelbert Anton- ius 1893 Hiram G. Forbes 1885 Frederick L. Foreman 1900 Chaun. Atwood 1892 WiUiam S. Forsyth *1913 WiUiam Foster 1892 James E. Fovdkes 1901 WiUiam Hiram Fowler 1893 Clarence E. *1898 WiUiam T. Fox 1892 Frank M. Frackleton 1872 WiUiam Francis 1895 John WUey Frankenfeld 1895 Justus WiUiam *1907 Charles Daniel 1887 Melvin *1903 Wmiam Henry Freed 1915 Elmer Ellsworth Freeman 1890 Charles Ernest Freidinger *1909 wmiam Aithar French 1904 Herbert Arthur Freund 1900 GottUeb Henry Friedley 1884 wmiam T. Frierson 1854 John Stephenson Friesen *1910 Peter Jacob *1898 Charles Albert Fukuda *1892 George FuUenwider 1880 Harvey P. Fuller *1913 Graham Fulton 1895 Charles E. 1889 Geo. Washington 1887 John Mayhew 1903 Ralph TrusseU 1898 Silas A. Gagle 1898 Earnest Albert Gage *1892 Daniel S. 1867 John L. Gageby 1906 Frank Augustus GaUey *1896 Robert Reid Galbraith 1858 Robert Christy 1904 Robert Clyde GaUagher 1896 Ehner David 1914 WiUiam Frederick Gallaher 1889 John A. GaUwey 1893 Neptune B. W. Gait 1868 Thomas 1893 W^miam A. Ganfield 1901 WiUiam Arthur Gantz 1898 Wimam Beale Gardner *1895 Paul De la Vau Garritt 1857 Joshua BoUes Garvin *1897 Samuel W. Gass 1884 John A. R. Gaston 1880 Joseph Gates 1893 wmiam F. Gauss 1913 Paul W. 226 INDEX Gay *1872 WiUiam Gebauer *1892 Theodore C. Geerlings 1891 Henry Oclwicks 1900 George LeClyde Gemmill *1892 Benjamin M. George 1915 Joseph A. Gertie 1895 George Geselbracht 1901 Frankhn Hermon Geyer 1861 Jacob R. 1891 Nathan J. Gibb *1889 William Giboney *1887 Geo. W. Gibson 1903 Edward Leyda *1886 George T. Giffen 1865 John GifEord 1909 Burt Seneca 1888 Daniel L. Gilchrist 1890 Alexander 1892 Edward P. 1847 James Gill *1868 Heber 1846 James H. Gillespie 1847 Joseph M. Gilleland 1871 Leland M. Gillis *1873 John Gilmer *1871 Robert Given 1901 Frank Hanson Glassor *1910 Paul Gleason 1909 Frank Chfford 1911 Jay Mark Gleiser 1911 WiUiam H. Godfrey 1897 John Rankm Goebel 1894 George Wm. *1890 John H. L. Goehring 1906 Joseph Stephen Goetsch 1905 Frank WiUiam Goff 1898 Warren Fred'k Good *1892 David N. 1907 George Eugene Goodale 1897 George Wm. Goodesson 1869 Wmiam H. Gordon 1869 David B. Gothberg 1914 Nathaniel Gould 1900 Aylmer Brooks Grabiel 1896 V. Leon Graham *1876 Charles P. *1895 Loyal Y., Jr. 1907 Thomas Wesley 1888 wmiam Granger *1888 MarshaU B. W. Gray 1889 Jesse A. 1835 Joseph A. Green 1853 Edward H. Greene 1911 Clinton Jennings Greenway 1915 Charles Thomas Gregg 1889 Harris H. Gregory *1886 Gardiner Spring Grey 1913 Ira M. Gri£fes 1891 James L. Griffith 1906 Robert WUUam *1912 Shannon Augustus Griffiths 1913 George Edwin Grigsby 1901 Maurice Griggs 1896 Archie Roy Grimes *1908 Charles Joseph Grimm 1894 Joseph Lincoln Groendyke 1894 John E. Groeneveld *1882 E. Johann 1881 John C. Grose *1905 Henry K. Gross 1912 Garrett Hans Grosshuesch n911 Paul Grossman 1889 Frank W. Grotefeld 1898 WUhehn Gnmdy 1850 Robert E. Guinther 1913 Ezra Henry Guim *1899 James Alex. Gunter 1901 Geo. Thomas Guss *1900 Howard L. Guthe 1887 Herman O. Haas *1904 Christian Matthias McCORMICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 227 Haefele 1899 Theodore Haglwara ♦1905 Kintaro Hair 1861 Samuel G. Hall 1907 Henry Nelson 1846 James M. 1896 John Knox 1902 WiUiam Herman Hamblin 1913 Jesse WilUs Hamilton 1896 Charles R. 1909 Earle Clarence 1857 Edward John *1879 George Winfield *1900 John Sherman *1869 WilUam Hamlin 1913 Earle Ivan Hanada *1912 Toichi Eaoji Hancock 1848 John Hanks *1906 Ebenezer Joseph Hanna *1912 George Thomas *1909 John WiUiam 1910 Milton Garfield Hannant 1901 Curtis John Harney 1836 John H. Harris 1896 Edwin 1893 Samuel *1893 WiUiam E. B. Harrison 1893 Charles S. 1852 WiUiam A. Harsha 1877 Wmiam J. Hart 1875 Farel 1903 Richard Franklin 1843 Samuel 1845 Thomas C. Hartman 1894 Alexander 1910 George Albert, Jr. 1896 Robert Conrad Hartsook 1900 John Lucian Hartzler *1909 John E. Harsany ♦1905 Stephen Paul Harvey *1872 Edward H. Hastings 1896 Edward Eugene 1901 Charles W. Hatfield 1895 John Henry Haupert 1895 Sylvanus Havener 1913 Charles Edgar Hawley 1892 Frederick W. *1896 Theodore S. Haworth 1886 Barnabas C. Hawthorne 1912 wmiam, Jr. Hay 1865 Samuel Cox Haydon 1894 Ambrose P. 1887 MarshaU C. Hays 1903 Arthur Alexander 1861 George W. 1867 Loyal Y. 1894 Walter Healy 1891 Geo. W. Hedges 1894 James A. Heeren 1908 John J. Helzer *1898 Forest Alex. *1902 Isaac James Helfinstine 1886 David M. *1886 Samuel Q. Helsing 1911 Oswald E. C. J. Heminger 1903 Londora DaUas Henderson 1892 John Thomas 1876 wmiam R. Hendrlck 1853 James P. 1854 John Read Hendricks 1841 Abraham T. Henke 1900 Ernest Chaa. Henry *1892 Alexander *1881 Harry H. Hensley *1911 Ezekiel Garrison Hepburn 1902 Thomas Henry Herald 1892 Charles L. Herendeen 1887 Welcome Reese Herring *1887 Hubert C. Herriott *1902 Clarence Dmaway Herron *1891 David A. Hersman *1887 Chas. F. Heuver 1890 Gerrit D. Hickman 1899 Stephen C. C. Hickok 1873 Francis M. Hicks 1893 Arthur W. T. 1902 Walter Warren Higbee 1898 Melvin Vernon Highberger *1913 wmiam Walter Highfield 1891 Charles A. Higley 1901 Adelbert Pankey 228 INDEX Hlldebrandt Holler Hudson 1907 Hermann Martin 1900 Edwd. Wm. Farie J 1911 Ewing Stanton HUdreth Holm *1896 WilUam M. *1862 William H. *1878 Charles A. Huendling 1879 Lubke Hill 1888 Edgar P. Holt 1904 Arthur Erastus Hueston 1914 Thomas 1894 Edward Y. 1913 Harvey Ellis 1903 George A. *1873 William S. 1910 WiUiam John 1878 James N. Huffer 1873 John Clark Hood 1893 Charles E. *1911 Joseph Turner 1903 Samuel Wilcox Hillhouse *1906 Robert McMaster 1894 Joseph B. Hughes Hooney 1915 Arthur Morris HiUis *1901 Hans 1846 Levi 1912 Earl Douglas *1905 Lewis Thomas 1887 Newell Dwight Hopkins 1887 Richard C. Hllscher 1894 Solomon S. Hilton 1884 John Thomas 1910 Richard David Hopper 1915 Perry Carl *1894 Stanley C. 1858 Thomas Edgar 1913 Walter Truehart *1890 Albert Honnel Htmuner Hlndman 1891 WilUam H. 1835 James 1913 William Blake Home *1868 Samuel A. 1885 WilUam M. 1891 Robert Humphrey 1911 Frank Charles Hine 1913 WilUam Andrew 1913 Calvin Luther Horstmann *1897 Lewis E. Wnltt *1891 J. Hermann 1893 WilUam Henry 1892 Frederick W. Horton Humphreys Hlnkamp 1903 Ed. RandaU 1900 Robert 1901 Marion 1914 Paul Eugene Hosmer Hinkhouse 1900 Frank Alvin Hunter *1898 Charles Albert 1886 John F. Houghton *1901 David F. Hlrose 1913 Ernest John 1906 Robert Andrew *1898 Yoshi House *1895 Robert Fulton Hirschman 1895 Herbert E. 1909 WiUiam Earle 1910 Carl Alvin Houston Husk Hltchlngs 1894 Brooks 1891 Thomas W. 1900 Walter Hume *1911 Thomas R. Huston Hobbs *1876 Edwin Howard 1901 Raymond M. *1909 Allen LesUe Hutchinson 1867 Charles M. *1891 Arthur L. Hodgin 1892 Joseph B. 1870 John N. 1914 Angus James Howe Hyde Hoffman 1871 Charles M. *1893 Edmund H. 1911 Arthur Wilson *1901 Forrest E. 1893 Otto S. Hoge 1840 J. M. Howell *1895 Otis 1879 WUUam M. Hoyte 1892 John Nelson HjTies 1839 Thomas W. Iddings Hogg 1851 James W. 1889 Daniel Y. 1907 Willis Edwin HubbeU *1878 Francis W. Hoisington 1887 Earl B. IngUs 1912 Herbert Alton *1896 Frederick M *1889 James G Mccormick theological seminary 229 Irwin 1897 Andrew Jackson *1875 Albert B. *1892 Benjamin W. 1913 Chester Martin- dale 1895 Charles WiUiam 1879 John ♦1879 John Coleman 1890 Joseph Morrison 1887 Ralston DeWitte 1890 Robert 1859 Robert 1897 W. McMaster 1888 William B. 1891 Wilham F. Isaac 1904 Howell Jack *1893 Hugh Jackson 1910 Bertram Graham *1910 Ernest G. H. 1898 Sydney Perham ♦1899 Thomas Carl 1895 WiUiam Ayres Jacobson 1906 Peter Westin Jarvis ♦1903 Robert Edward Lee Jeffries ♦1863 WiUiam H. ♦1896 James L. Jewett ♦1885 F. S. ♦1886 W. W. Jobusch ♦1911 Wmiam Johnson ♦1900 Charles E. 1890 Charles Harmon 1908 David Augustus 1905 Erving Leroy 1897 Frank Orr 1908 Frederick Arthur 1850 George 1898 Harris Chubb ♦1869 Henry C. 1875 Henry W. 1896 Joseph Z. 1899 Ohver C. 1884 Samuel Myrtle 1907 wmiam Garfield Johnston ♦1862 George N. 1905 Howard Wright ♦1888 James C. M. ♦1892 John E. 1888 John Lincohi 1904 Joseph A. Johnstone 1891 William Wyckoff Joldersma 1884 Relse H. Jones ♦1908 Augustine 1899 Benjamin ♦1891 David Hugh 1897 David Isaac 1912 David Roy ♦1874 Edward R. 1912 Edward Sexton ♦1896 Evan Luther 1914 Everett LeRoy ♦1891 Henry D. 1909 Hugh Edward ♦1896 Hugh William ♦1881 John E. 1914 John Edward ♦1893 John Rees 1905 John Reese ; 1913 RoUand Lee Reg- ♦1912 OUn McKendree 1912 Rhys Price ♦1907 Richard Hugh 1891 WiUiam F. ♦1891 WiUiam L. 1895 wmiam Yates Jordan ♦1894 Charles G. 1894 wmiam H. Jorris ♦1899 Walter Benjamin Kammann 1915 Alvin JuUus Kamphausen 1901 Hugo Kay ♦1909 John Robertson Keams 1902 Carl Emerson 1902 Ralph Damon 1914 Raymond V. 1891 WiUiam H. Keeler 1890 Leonard Keiry ♦1869 wmiam 1899 William G. Eeithley 1894 George E. EeU 1897 John L. Kelly 1896 Theodore V. Kelsey 1913 Spafford Earl Kelso ♦1896 James A. Kemper 1863 Augustus S. Kendall 1896 Wimam C. 1907 Wilham Horatio Kennedy 1886 David S. 1894 Edward B. Kerr 1898 Charles W. ♦1863 John T. 1889 Meredith H. 1858 Samuel Cunning- ham Ketelle 1912 Hubert Kmen ♦1896 Henry KUpatrick 1902 Charles M. Kimmons 1853 John A. King 1845 John Calvin 1911 Nelson S. ♦1887 Samuel H. Elingery 1857 David Kirkpatrick 1901 Findley Watt Kirkwood 1902 S. Kennedy 1867 Thomas C. Kiser ♦1896 Aaron E. Klapus 1896 Francis Klemme 1912 Hermann G. Klene 1895 John G. 230 INDEX Eluge L*1905 Paul Gideon Enapp 1908 Arthur Orin Enauer 1896 Frederick G. Knechtel ♦1894 Daniel Enott 1867 John W. Knox 1846 A. C. 1878 George 1903 Ralph George Koch 1906 Christian Koehne ♦1888 John B. Eonkle 1892 Burton A. Eoons 1901 Carlton LesUe Kops 1871 Jacob C. de B. Krapp 1901 Edward August Elroeze 1898 Barend H. Kjotzer 1893 Marcus E. Kruse 1915 W. Roberts Euder 1901 Fred'k Arthur Euhn 1905 Detmar Thomas Eunkel 1911 Walter Louis Lair 1913 Howell Portman Laird 1894 George Barr 1905 Melvin Robert Lake 1915 Leo Clarence Lamale 1911 Charles Evans Laman 1903 John Lament 1877 Thomas J. Landis ♦1S93 Evan Mohr ♦1877 Roland R. Landon 1893 William P. Lane 1889 Henry P. ♦1900 Travelli W. 1888 William Langtry 1893 Walter McA. Lansing ♦1906 Carl Ostrander Lapsley 1889 Samuel N. Lashley ♦1895 Ellsworth E. Lattimore 1835 Daniel 1891 William Laughlln 1888 John C. Laurie ♦1862 IngUs Lawrence ♦1904 EUsha Tupper 1894 Geo. A. 1915 Glenford Walter 1901 John Henry Lawyer 1887 Frank P. Layman 1901 George McKnight Leard 1879 Asa 1879 Thomas W. Leary 1900 Lewis Gaston Leaty ♦1899 Henry A. Leclere ♦1875 George F. 1857 Charles 1892 Graham ♦1897 Lewis Earle Leech 1900 James Clair Leenhouts 1881 Peter J. Leffler 1844 Blackburn Leich 1897 Fredrick Wm. Lenington 1898 George C. 1896 Robert Fred Leonard ♦1890 Charles A. 1888 John M. 1852 Joseph Taylor 1891 Robt. F. 1893 William B. Leick *1912 Edward P. Lewis ♦1897 ♦1895 1905 ♦1906 1898 ♦1880 ♦1907 ♦1893 Adolphus M. Albert Burk Alexander Frank Albert Frederick W. James A. William E. Wm. F. Dickens Leyenberger 1867 A. J. Lheureux 1896 EUe S. Lienkemper ♦1900 Benjamin E. Light 1892 Samuel Lindemuth ♦1892 Louis A. Lindner ♦1902 Paul WiUiam F. Lindsay 1889 George D. Linebarger 1883 Isaac Lingle 1890 William H. Lininger 1895 Joel C. Linn 1883 Enoch B. ♦1896 John A. 1898 James P. 1907 Otis Leroy Mccormick theological seminary 231 Llnnell 1915 Edward Pay son Lipplncott 1890 Charles Augustus Little *1901 Charles H. 1895 Henry 1909 Robert Rice Lloyd *1898 John R. 1914 Starr Hanford Locke *1910 William Lockhart *1894 George Lodge 1868 George McC. Loew *1910 Edward Logan 1890 William Bryson Long 1888 Daniel Edwin 1870 Jeremiah B. 1915 Resell Lincoln Longbreike 1910 Carl Reed Lord *1876 Edwin N. Louz 1895 Dubois H. *1896 Edward A. Love 1911 Danvers C. 1893 Henry 1912 Robert BueU, Jr. *1895 WilHam F, Lovell *1889 John G. Lownie 1898 Charles E. Lowrie 1884 Ralston D. 1902 WilUam James Lowry *1889 WiUiam S. De Luca 1910 Eugene Lucas 1900 Clyde Lancaster 1906 Edgar Charles Lucero 1913 Acorsimio Vasquez Luckey 1890 Leonard W. A. Ludwig 1915 Floyd Edwin Luther 1894 Martin Lyle *1891 John Newton Lynn 1840 E. K. Lyon *1894 David W. Lyons 1904 John Frederick MacAUister 1879 John MacKay 1886 Allan 1894 William Mackenzie 1873 Robert Maclauglilin *1896 William MacLeod 1892 Malcohn H. McAdle 1896 Robert C. 1876 Geo. Fletcher *1888 Howard B. 1885 Lapsley A. *1886 LoweU M. 1871 Samuel L. 1845 William W. McAllister 1893 David McAulay 1895 Kenneth J. 1886 Neal A. McBride 1873 Horatio Burgoyne 1907 James Lloyd McCain 1897 Robert Benj. McCalla ♦1870 Albert McCammon 1906 William Albert McCane 1888 Charles Everett McCaslin 1889 Charles H. 1896 WiUiam R. McCauley 1867 Clay 1837 John 1836 WiUiam McChord 1837 John M. McClelland 1915 Charles WiUiam McClintock 1892 Paul W. McCluer ' *1891 Charles McClung 1867 John S. 1896 WUliam McClure 1915 Archibald ♦1886 Edwin S. 1861 James Baird *1909 James Gore King, Jr. 1898 Marcus Parrett 1886 WiUiam G. McCluskey 1892 Edward W. McCoUough 1904 Beatty Zentz McComb 1838 Robert C. McConkey *1906 Wmiam Pringle McConneU 1895 Clarence Jas. 1903 Thomas Hether- ington McCool 1895 Henry G. McCormick 1912 Lewis HoUand McComack 1891 Jirah S. McCown 1912 Ross Samuel McCracken *1901 S. David 232 INDEX McCrae 1851 John McCreary 1904 Fred Miller McCreery 1889 Hugh H. McCuUagh 1900 Wm. Singleton McCulloch *1879 George D. McCune 1838 Samuel C. McCuskey 1902 Frank Bailey 1872 William H. McCutcheon 1840 R. G. McDermott 1915 William Fee McDonald 1914 Fred A. 1911 John *1891 John A. 1866 John McCluskey *1908 Kenneth Piercy McDougall 1911 George Francis 1871 WiUiam C. McElhinny 1884 Christian S. McElroy 1889 WiUiam Reed McEwan *1890 David McEwen 1913 John Archibald 1911 Peter McFadden 1895 Samuel D. McFarland 1883 James *1879 Thomas C. McFerran 1900 Alexander McGaughey 1899 John Allen McGaw 1894 Albert G. 1888 Francis A. McGee 1859 Robert Clark McGinnis 1840 James Y. McGlade 1891 Jerome R. McGowan 1887 James W. McGregor 1897 Thomas McGuire 1850 Henry Logan McHenry *1889 Herbert Mclntire 1901 Walter Oscar Mclntyre 1897 Lewis Mclvor ♦1905 John WiUiam *1912 Samuel 1912 Wmiam John Mcjunkin 1893 John Howard McKay 1893 George 1887 James A. *1904 James Sutherland McKean 1902 Frank L. McKechnie 1896 NeU McKee 1840 James A. *1890 James L. *1902 Merriotte Dalway *1911 Sidney McKeehan 1859 J. Q. McKelvey *1888 James A. McKenzie *1884 Angus McKinley 1846 George McKinney *1901 Charles C. *1901 J. MelviUe 1884 Samuel J. McKinnon 1878 Angus 1890 Daniel George McKnight *1890 Juhus M. McLain 1839 WUham Wylie McLandress 1898 Robert John McLaury 1881 Edward Arthur McLean *1874 Charles M. 1856 D. D. 1906 James Hector 1878 John D. McLearie *1901 John McLeod *1905 Kenneth Edward 1896 Charles L. *1871 James *1895 Malcohn J. 1895 Murdock 1896 WiUiam E. McMaken 1896 Andrew McMillan 1896 David W. 1885 Duncan 1888 John 1857 Robert McMiUin 1900 C. Ralston 1891 Edward MUton 1898 Fred Nelson McMinn 1887 wmiam Adams McMurray *1903 John WiUiam *1891 Joseph A. McNary 1893 Thomas M. McNutt *1882 George L. 1895 John Edwin 1900 Matthew Brown McQuUkin 1902 James McMaster McQuown ♦1912 WUham Isaac McRuer 1893 Duncan McWhu-ter *1906 Gilbert Mccormick theological seminary 233 McWUliams 1895 David Alex. 1912 John Ross Machett *1862 Alex. Madden 1896 Loyal W. MagUl 1903 Charles Newton *1896 Chauncey B. 1893 George P. 1903 Frank H. 1899 Samuel Mahaffy 1909 Joseph Milton Malcolm *1901 Thomas Walker 1913 Wilham John Malcom 1895 WiUiam David Malone 1914 Orrin Karr Manchester 1886 Charles Mann *1883 Alfred M. 1912 Archie Irving Marbach 1915 William Henry Marcotte 1896 Henry Marhoff 1900 Jesse Markley 1904 Harry Martin 1910 Stanley Kearns *1902 Harvey Blair Marquis 1863 David C. 1891 John L. 1914 Robert R. Marsh 1876 George D. 1898 Samuel M. Marshall 1857 David F. 1895 George W. 1912 Mark Le Roy 1870 Robert B. *1897 Thomas Franklin Martin 1853 Claudius B. H. 1889 Clement G. 1899 Edwm M. 1907 Everett Dean *1893 Jesse W. 1837 John L. 1904 Malcolm Campbell 1914 Rea W. 1849 Samuel N. D. 1875 Thomas 1849 Wilham A. P. Martyn *1871 Ashbel G. Marvin 1903 Charles Ehner Mason *1897 Ben Allen 1895 Clarence Wm. 1890 WiUiam H. Mast 1900 WUham A. Mathews 1851 Robert C. *1896 Robert Thorns g Mathes 1867 Alvan Rush 1890 Ebenezer Edgar Matthews 1868 John B. 1858 Robert J. L. 1898 Wilham Henry Mattoz 1893 Ehner L. Manley *1909 John EUis Maxwell 1863 James M. *1894 Joseph E. 1899 Moses McDonald May 1849 Thomas C. Meek *1874 S. W. 1906 Theophile James Melrose 1890 John C. Mereness 1895 Sherman Merlcas *1912 Christopher Mershon 1911 Isaac Snedeker Meyer *1887 Joaiah SheUy Michel 1902 George Peter MUes 1891 WiU C. MiUar 1887 John WiUiam MiUard 1848 Benjamin F. *1905 Henry Charles MiUer 1901 1889 1906 1893 1893 1865 1851 1905 *1901 Arthur Bumham Clarence G. Harry David James A. James K. John John H. Joseph HoUand Samuel Miles *1903 Nelvil RusseU MiUigan 1892 Robert Henry MiUs *1882 John N. *1881 Thornton A. Mihie 1894 James Minter *1896 WiUiam R. Mitchell 1898 David Diamond 1889 George A. *1876 James Anthony 1849 John *1898 Joseph Arthur *1876 Lewis H. *1908 Ohver M. 1914 Riley Frank 1848 Robert A. 1896 Wmiam Thos. Mitchelmore 1905 Hugh Thomas Mixsell 1900 Frank H. Moffatt 1869 James Erskine *1907 WUham McDUl Moffett 1888 Samuel Austin *1894 Thomas C. 234 INDEX MoU *1897 George Frankbn Molnar 1896 Charles Vladimir Monfort *1869 Francis C. 1846 Francis P. 1837 Joseph G. Montgomery 1893 David C. 1905 Edward 1852 James S. 1896 Richmond A. 1907 Robert Paul 1887 Theophilus Eugene 1900 Wm. Archibald Montman 1889 John F. Morrison 1904 Alfred Hugh 1902 AUan 1912 Clarence Eugene 1855 Robert Morrow 1890 Winfield Scott Moore *1911 1890 1891 *1888 1899 1893 1857 *1889 1900 1852 1901 1892 1845 Alfred WiUiam Cary FrankUn Fernando G. Frank W. Herbert M. Hugh L. Isaac Brown James S. Jere Ardra John Henry Samuel C. Samuel F. Wilham H. Moorhatch 1893 Abraham Mordy 1913 James Thompson *1913 Thomas Robson Morell 1907 David Ernest Morgan 1901 David Walter 1914 Earl Cooper 1897 John Coslett Morley 1902 Ralsa Frederick Morphett *1910 Ralph Moore Morse 1889 Charles E. Morton 1904 Ernest Sims 1852 Francis Richard 1850 Henry T. *1907 Thomas Everett Moser *1894 Robt. L. Mosiman 1909 Eddison 1905 Samuel Kinsinger Muehlmeier 1891 Albert Mueller 1892 Ernst L. Mullen 1858 Henry C. Munneke 1906 Frederick A. 1902 Stado A. Munson 1840 Asahel Murphy 1913 Charles Bailey 1881 Edward N. 1871 Samuel H. Murray 1893 Alexander 1911 Charles Ryburn *1905 William Chandler Mutshnick 1914 Charles TTfl.6SS *1911 J. A. Emanuel Nagle 1912 William Oscar Nathan 1915 Frank Neal 1911 Frederick Wm. Morris 1896 John Henry 1878 John T. 1900 John Henry Clark Nelson *1906 Wilham W. 1865 Henry F Nesbitt 1892 George A. 1861 John Harvey Newcomb 1886 Ezra B. Newell *1863 Henry A. 1909 John Thomas 1839 Samuel Newman *1891 Gustav A. Newsom 1907 Curtis Bishop Newton 1896 Clarence H. 1905 Francis Herbert 1913 Frederic Janvier *1900 Wilham A. Nicely *1903 John Washington Nichol *1907 Walter Laidlaw Nicholas 1886 Worden P. NichoUs 1886 Alton B. *1909 Edwin Earl *1910 Edwin John NUes 1836 Mark A. Noel 1890 Samuel H. Norcross *1864 George North 1906 Earle Manson Northrup 1902 Jamea H. Norton *1905 Ray Burroughs 1864 Warren Nott 1885 Henry Charles Nurse 1904 Frank Edmund Nyce *1894 Benj. M. Ogilvie 1871 Charles B. Mccormick theological seminary 235 Ogilvie 1909 Charles Lawrence Oglevee 1895 William Gilmore Ohan 1910 William Joseph Oldenberg 1903 Ernest August Oldfather 1911 Charles Henry Ollnger *1898 Stanton Olmstead 1911 Benjamin Luce Omelvena 1877 WiUiam Onnond 1896 Alfred C. Orr 1914 WilUam Mails Orsbom *1913 Charles Kristian Orton 1893 JuUus T. Oswald 1895 Charles Everett Otis 1847 Stephen F. Ott *1901 Benjamin C. Overstreet 1897 Charles Leshe Owens 1914 Thomas John Oxtoby 1908 Frederic Breading 1895 WiUiam H. Paddock *1908 John Andrew Palm 1884 William J. Palmer 1900 Arthur Alfred *1887 Frank Nelson 1891 John C. 1851 Nathan S. 1893 Phihp 1890 Samuel StirUng 1896 WiUiam G. Papperman 1913 Gustav Adolph Parlsoe 1909 George Edward Park 1899 David 1907 Daniel WiUis 1912 Leonard P. 1892 Wilham ParkhUl *1912 EUiott D. Parr 1895 Selton W. Parrett 1904 John Carl Parrott *1913 Herbert Irving Parsons 1891 Dwight L. 1888 John C. 1894 WiUiam Partch *1895 George E. 1888 VirgU F. Patterson 1902 Alexander Guy 1843 Edward 1894 James A. 1884 James M. 1870 John *1901 John C. *1914 Newton Preston *1899 Robert Alex. 1838 WiUiam J. Pajme 1913 George Merriman 1912 Horatio Clarke *1869 Sketchly Morton *1897 Wmiam Arthur Peat *1903 James Bonner Peeke 1900 Louis Provost Peck 1870 Alexander S. 1866 Harlan P. Pelnar 1914 Rudolph Pence 1892 Edward H. 1905 George BiUings PenhaUegon ♦1876 WiUiam H. Perdomo 1896 Joseph J. ♦1913 ClifTord Harvey Perkins ♦1900 Frederick Pering 1861 John D. Peterson ♦1902 Sam'l Warfield Petran 1900 Charles 1893 Henry J, Petroff 1894 Dobry Pfanstiehl 1879 Albert A. Pfeiffer 1899 Paul Pflug ♦1901 Geo. A. Phelps 1878 Philo F. 1911 wmiam Horatio Pickering 1915 BenjaminFranklin Pier 1904 Charles Sumner Pierce ♦1863 Edward A. Pieters 1902 Alexander Albert Pillans ♦1907 Edward Palmer PiUmeier 1897 Lewif PUlsbury 1912 Ira Harris Pinkerton 1898 WUliam J. 236 INDEX Piper 1911 David Roy 1854 WiUiam C. Pitkin 1913 Walter Gregg Pittman *1909 Charles Read Plannette 1900 Edward Everett Plant *1900 Henry V. Platter 1899 Houston Plymate 1909 Charles LesUe Poage 1869 Calvin Arbuckle Pollock *1874 Henry G. Porter 1903 George Clark *1881 WilUam M. Postlethwaite 1903 Harry Cunning- ham Pottsmith *1911 WiUiam F. Powell 1914 Frederick Powers 1891 Robert N. Pratt *1886 Abraham A, Prentice 1890 Edwin Nathaniel 1915 George D. 1892 Orpheus L. *1894 Sartell, Jr. Preston 1914 Archie C. 1894 Davis A. K. Prewitt 1886 Anthony M. Price 1896 Walter E. Priest 1843 James M. Prosser ♦1903 Azariah Prugh 1887 Byron E. Peart Pughe 1894 Richard Pumphrey 1880 WiUiam H. Putnam *1882 Glenn H. Quickenden 1896 Henry Quinche *1867 Edward Quinn *1914 EU Dee Quiring 1912 Jacob Quist *1906 EU Nathaniel Raabe 1911 Arthur WiUiam Rabe 1866 Wmiam L. Ramsay 1911 Arthur Crawford Randall 1893 Amos A. Rankin 1912 Ehner Neil 1891 Emmet W. 1906 Joseph E. 1869 Nelson A. Ransom *1897 Herrick Johnson Rasmussen 1910 Axel Raup 1914 Robert Bruce Rayson 1895 Robert Auburn Rea 1893 George J. Reasoner 1888 Royal F. Reed 1838 David B. 1888 Ehner E. 1847 George J. 1856 Henry C. Reedy n873 John R. 1906 WUUam Henry Reemtsma 1914 Bernard Johnson Reeve *1901 John T. Reherd 1897 Herbert Ware Reischauer 1905 August Karl Reid 1886 George Bartley 1902 Hugh Frank Reinhardt 1899 John G. *1907 WiUiam Alvin Reynolds 1855 Andrew Jackson 1899 Charles Lee 1897 Thomas Theo. 1889 Walter H. 1884 WiUiam R. Rheingaus 1903 John Henry *1899 Alvin B. *1912 Claton SUas 1839 David E. Y. 1889 Frank S. 1915 Glen Lathrop 1854 WilUam H. Richards 1901 Charles Gorman Richmond 1890 Charles F. Riemann 1915 Rudolph Gustave Rimmer *1903 Harvey Cawood Ringland 1875 Adam W. 1880 WilUam FrankUn Ringold 1878 John A. Ritchey *1893 Jefferson D. Ritchie 1889 EUsworth G. Mccormick theological seminary 237 Rives 1911 Richard Robert Robb 1896 Charles M. *1873 Edwin Forrest ♦1909 WilUam J. Roberts 1904 David Kendrick 1848 Robert Mitchell 1911 Stanley Hall 1896 WilUam Lloyd 1900 WilUam Lloyd Robertson 1896 David T. 1903 WiUiam James Nimmo Robinson 1909 Eugene Harvey 1910 George David 1891 Hugh 1913 WiUard H., Jr. Rogers 1840 Amos H. 1902 Harry C. Rohrer 1894 Freeley Ross *1898 *1900 1897 *1914 *1892 1896 1889 1898 1912 Archibald J. Arthur Cyril Felix Bruno George A. Hugh Joseph M. Robert King WilUam Crosby Rostock 1914 BenjaminFrankUn Roth ♦1879 James P. 1878 John W. F. Ruddick 1899 Richard Albert Runcitnan 1888 George Runden 1914 Magnus E. Rundus *1896 Frank Russell 1894 Francis W. 1891 James G. 1842 Moses *1907 Ouray Owen 1896 Thomas WiUiam Ruston 1897 WiUiam Edwards Ryan 1900 Roland Keene Ryder *1867 Charles E. Ryland 1912 Samuel Cory don Sabln *1906 Edward James Safford 1901 EUsha 1891 George Brigham St. Pierre 1887 Edward Walter Salmon 1913 WilUam Thaddeus Sammis *1881 John H. Saunders 1846 James Newton Savage *1868 Edward Sawers 1879 Edward H. Schaffer (also Sheffer) 1899 AKred E. Schall *1895 WiUiam M. ScheU *1873 James P. *1888 Charles F. 1892 Ulysses G. Scherer 1913 George Henry 1895 John F. Scheuber 1899 J. G. Schiek 1903 Herman John *1911 Theophile Schltmdt 1903 Theodore Schmalhorst *1896 Wmiam L. Schmidt ♦1908 Henry Harry 1913 Max Moritz Schmitt 1902 Fred, Jr. SchnueUe ♦1891 Fred C. Schock 1895 Lafayette Henry Schockley 1858 Henry M. Schoen ♦1896 Albert Anthony Schorsch 1873 wmiam Schrader *1914 Samuel Ezra Schwartz 1853 Jacob Scott 1891 Alva R. 1905 Daniel Newton ♦1901 Dewitt T. 1909 George Tressler 1855 Hugh Brown 1897 Homer Clay 1845 John J. 1896 Sharon K. 1856 Thomas G. 1903 Virgil Bryant 1898 Walter DiU 1882 WiUiam R. Scoular 1903 wmiam Fleming Scovel 1890 Otto J. 1856 Sylvester F. Scroggs 1891 Luther M. 1895 wmiam A. Seawright 1862 Samuel R. Sehlbrede ♦1895 Geo. Edward Selden 1898 Fred Locratus SeUers 1915 Ovid Rogers Semple 1894 Samuel 238 INDEX Senour 1850 Fauntleroy Sexton *1872 Thomas L. Sha£Fer 1899 Alfred E. Shafer 1909 Rollin Grant Shahbaz 1897 David Latchen Sharp 1899 Alexander 1895 Charles Edwin 1888 Edward Mercer Shaver 1902 Claude Riley Shaw 1913 Thomas Gelston Sheldon 1895 George F. Sherman 1896 Gilbert D. Sherrard *1871 Thomas J. Sherwin 1846 Joseph H. *1902 Louis Blanchard Shlbli 1911 Jabir Shields 1857 Edward Patrick *1893 Harvey M. Shlels 1888 William S. Shier *1898 Edward Preston Shlmizu 1913 Sojiro Shlrey 1896 Norman Clifford 1896 Warren Eugene 1896 William B. Shirley 1893 Samuel L. Shoemaker 1893 Jonathan E. Shotwell 1914 De Forest Norris Shriver 1915 Adam Garfield Shultz *1879 Emanuel Slckels 1857 Edward Cook 1893 William Simmons *1892 Kiddoo P. Simon 1901 Guy WaUace Simonson 1893 George H. 1846 W. W. Simpson 1904 Daniel C. *1901 Edwin W. 1838 Robert Sinclair 1891 Robert C. H. 1897 WUUam Hugh Skinner 1907 John Marcus Slagle 1896 Jacob F. Slater 1914 Orlo Donald Sleeper 1894 John H. Smldt 1909 Alvin Augustine Smiley 1901 Foster Albert *1894 Franklin Smith 1907 Albert Elias *1891 Chas. Alvin 1893 Edward E. 1892 Frank M, *1879 George B. 1893 Harry 1912 Ivan Chester 1897 James Aikin 1905 James Forsyth 1864 James H. 1903 Jesse Stanton 1880 John N. B. 1893 Jonah *1913 Joseph Ryerson 1840 Josiah D. 1890 Legh Richmond 1889 Milton D. 1915 Oswald Jeffery 1887 Otis Alexander 1893 Reuben S. 1883 Thomas G. 1897 William Bryson 1851 William C. 1910 William Clyde 1892 Winfield S. 1893 William Wilson Smithpeter *1895 WiUiam C. Smits 1883 Evert Smock 1835 David V. 1900 Guy Edward Smythe 1900 Leon Lapsley Sneed 1888 Frank W. Snepp 1897 Samuel E. Snider *1894 WiUiam Clinton Snoddy 1914 Wayne Sears *1889 WiUiam W. Snook 1885 Ernest M. 1897 Jason Eugene Snyder *1889 F. Lovelace 1883 Gerrit 1891 WilUam C. Solin 1912 Frank Bernard SouthaU *1898 Thompson Brown Speer 1896 James Henry Spihnan 1867 Thomas E. Spining 1895 Charles Martin 1869 George Lawrence Spinning 1859 Charles P. Spoolman *1905 Jacob Springer *1901 Francis E. Sproule *1886 George B. Stage 1910 James Kay Stark *1880 Albert C. 1892 Harry Rogers Mccormick theological seminary 239 Staub 1903 WiUiam L. Stead 1902 Francis M. Steckel *1896 Samuel Wilbur Steele 1901 John Steen 1869 Moses D. A. Steenson 1902 James Steiner *1913 John Franklin Stephenson 1909 James Boyd 1843 James E. 1910 OUver Sterling 1886 Charles G. Sterrett 1850 Alexander Stevens *1904 Paul G. 1896 RoUo R. Stevenson 1911 Arthur Milton *1893 Henry P. 1889 Joseph Ross *1878 Robert M. 1886 Robert S. 1886 Thomas J. *1863 Thomas M. *1903 Walter Anson Stewart 1899 Archie Geo. ♦1879 Geo. B. ♦1901 Henry 1907 James Ure 1903 John Thomas Wilson 1909 William Stickle 1908 Charles Edwin Stires *1901 Willard D. Stirratt 1849 James A. Stitt 1900 Samuel Forest Stone 1893 James B. ♦1896 Robert C. Stoops 1890 James P. Stout *1869 Andrew V. Strahan 1844 F. G. Strahler 1913 Milton Webster Strain 1898 John Newton 1904 Robert Seela Street *1895 Irving Whitall Stringfield 1890 Eugene E. Stroh 1892 Grant Strong 1897 Arthur Bryant Stuart *1873 Reed Stuchell 1893 John E. Sullivan 1896 John T. Surbeck *1899 Jacob Schultz Sutherland 1907 Alexander Daniel 1898 Edmund Ormond 1892 Henry B. 1874 John Ross *1873 Robert R. *1898 Walter Morton Sutton 1894 Josiah Swain 1852 John L. Swallen 1892 WiUiam L. Swan 1851 Benjamin C. 1852 James N. Swander 1897 Jay M. Swanson 1910 George Alvin Sweet ♦1895 Louis M. Sweetland 1914 LesUe FrankUn Symington 1844 Robert S. Tait 1906 John Leonard Talbot 1908 William Orton Tallman 1908 Dwight Dix Tangeman *1893 Gottlob D. Tanner *1904 Curtis Stephen Tate 1892 Lewis B. Tatum 1912 Nuburn McAdoo Taylor 1888 Alfred G. ♦1895 Robert B. 1854 Robert Francis 1896 Robert W. 1880 Samuel E. Teis *1894 Edward B. Temple 1887 David L. Templeton 1838 Benjamin Terhime 1893 Thomas B. Thayer 1847 Charles Theodoroflf 1893 Paul Thias 1906 Edwin Henry Thomas 1901 Frederick William 1852 Henry E. 1901 J. Theophilus, Jr. 1858 John 1908 Robert Owen 1862 WiUiam G. 240 INDEX Thompson *1905 Alfred Theodore 1837 Charles K. 1861 Charles Lemuel 1902 French Woodville 1902 Harry Edwin *1912 Joseph Clifford ♦1888 Robert A. 1898 WiUiam John Thomson 1891 Ernest *1913 John Mclhoy 1913 John Youngson 1847 Preston W. Thomberry 1891 Otho S. Thornton 1852 Jefferson C. Throop 1909 Frank Harvey Thyholdt 1880 Paul C. Tidball 1900 Jesse Moore Tlllmanns 1903 Ernest G. N. 1902 Theodore Todd 1887 Calvin Chamber- lain 1911 Herrick Lee 1901 James Morillo 1889 Joseph E. 1884 Milton E. Torregrosa *1912 Luis Tourtellot 1893 George M. 1905 John Chester Tower 1896 Frederick J, Tracy 1894 John Archie 1898 Robert Dickey Travels 1912 Edward James Tressler 1888 Martin Luther 1891 Victor G. A. Trick 1882 Albert H. Troub 1892 George B. Trua? 1861 WiUiam B. Truby 1895 Charles I. Truesdale 1908 David Charles Tucker *1875 H. W. Turner *1897 Theodore Baker Tyler 1894 Buford W. Tyndall 1896 Stanley G. Uherka 1908 Frank Uhlhom 1897 Rudolf Umbeck 1901 Frederick Paul Underwood 1896 Judson L. Upton 1899 Hayden Rinehart Urquhart *1894 Alexander Ustick 1856 Hugh S. VaU 1877 Solomon N. Van Arsdale 1869 Martin V. B. Van Buren *1868 H. 1898 Edward Elbridge 1894 James Brower 1903 James Milton 1863 Samuel E. 1891 Selby Frame 1912 WiUiam F. Van Der Lippe 1893 WiUiam F. Van Der Las ♦1911 John Calvin 1891 Richard A. Van Der Maaten 1912 Clyde Egbert Van Der Meer 1912 Anton Van Der Meulen 1896 John Marinus VanE' -'•a 191 Kepler Van Oeveren 1897 Adrian Vanorden ♦1896 Alfred E. Van Page 1900 Abraham John Van Patten 1915 Myndut Muse Van Zanten ♦1890 Jacob J. Vamer 1914 Joseph Howard 1894 William T. Vecsey 1911 Eugene Velte ♦1882 Henry C. Venable ♦1875 Joseph G. Vinal ♦1892 Samuel E. Vincent ♦1903 HoweU Smith 1891 WiUiam Lee Vokolek ♦1895 WiUiam Von Maltitz ♦1912 Erich Von Trompowsky 1910 Edmund Voris 1861 CorneUus Pleasant 1896 Floyd Thomas Voss 1901 Lewis Carolus 1884 William E. Wadsworth 1887 Guy W. Mccormick theological seminary 241 Wagner 1906 Henry N. Wahlstedt *1909 John Frederick Waide 1912 William Walts 1913 James Garfield Waldecker 1866 C. F. Waldrep *1914 Alfred Broadus Walker 1844 Benjamin 1880 Eugene A. 1877 John A. 1869 L. Faye ♦1906 Pitt Montgomery 1892 Robert O. 1902 Roy Webster 1845 Thomas M. Wallace 1887 Addison A. 1845 David A. 1899 James McGiU 1891 Walter Ohver WaUer 1864 Maurice Walter 1898 Lloyd Calvin Ward 1896 Ralph RoUo 1892 Willard S. Wardner 1901 Albert Edgar, Jr. Ware 1889 Edward N. 1884 Samuel M. Warner 1857 Austin Wamick 1909 Joseph Ray Warren 1889 John M. C. 1900 Le Roy Wells Washburn 1887 Geo. L. 1890 Mossheim S. Watson 1850 James 1848 Smith R. *1910 WiUiam Douglas Watt 1883 Robert Webber 1911 Jerome Earle Weber ♦1903 Frederick Weichelt 1905 Hugo Weir 1880 James E. 1904 Valentine Alex- ander Weld 1901 Benj. Remington 1915 Ray A. Welch 1911 Charles Whitfield 1853 Thomas Rice WeUen 1912 Conrad WeUer 1861 Samuel Harold West 1912 William Arthur Weston ♦1867 John Westwood 1897 WiUiam Weyer ♦1901 Clarence W. Whallon ♦1871 Edward P. 1838 Thomas ♦1903 Walter Lowrie Wharton 1911 Chester WiUiam 1874 Robert K. White ♦1910 Carl Huston 1875 David S. ♦1902 Frank A. 1911 George W. 1902 Henry 1913 Robert A. *1863 Robert H. 1899 Sam. E. P. 1896 Thomas R. 1914 Wmiam Mansfield Whltlock 1905 Herbert Ashby Whitney 1901 Edwin Bishop Whltsltt 1913 Craig G. Whltworth 1847 George F. Wiegman ♦1911 William Ross Wlesecke 1902 Hehnuth Max Wiggins ♦1888 James C. 1887 John M. WUber 1893 Geo. Augustus Wilcox 1894 WiUiam T. Wildman ♦1872 James G. WUes 1906 Max Bastedo WUey ♦1901 Samuel WUkie 1912 James Harold N Wilkins 1914 Ivan Luro Wilkinson 1904 Howard Grant Williams 1907 Charles Spencer ♦1876 Edgar L. 1891 George P. 1909 Luther N. 1847 Mason Deane ♦1909 Robert Owen 1892 Roger M. 1892 wmiam R. Williamson 1891 Daniel E. ♦1872 James ♦1896 Jesse P. 1905 Joseph Blake 1849 Joseph GUUard WiUis ♦1906 Arthur Robison Wilhnan 1895 Fred W. 242 INDEX WiUson 1898 Eugene Wilson 1877 Alexander C. 1865 Alexander G. 1897 Charles Alvin *1904 Charles G. 1894 Edgar M. 1906 George Francis 1915 Harold Thomas 1894 Harry N. 1901 Horace Cady 1910 Ivan Otis 1838 James G, *1873 James K. 1886 James Marquis 1889 Jesse C. 1895 John Cornelius 1906 John Jacob ♦1871 Joseph D. 1868 Joseph McCoy *1889 Lanius Spring *1907 Matthew H. 1891 Oscar S. 1904 Robert Bigham *1911 Thos. McMaster Tweed 1915 Wilham Alexander 1900 Wilham Harbison 1898 Wilham W. Winn 1909 Rodger Earl *1876 Thomas C. Winnard 1893 James Fay Winterberger 1904 Emil Louis Wintier ♦1897 Henry Hiram Wishard ♦1890 Samuel F. Witt 1914 Edmond Tahnage Witte *1899iEha8 John Wittenberger 1905 Arthur Frederick Wittlinger ♦1904 Theophil Wobus 1913 Theodore Wolfe ♦1887 Joshua J. Wood 1872 Charles A. ♦1887 Charles F. ♦1897 Ernest Glen 1872 Wilbur F. 1893 Wilham H. Woodford ♦1895 Burton H. Wooding 1910 Harry Brereton Woods 1845 B. F. ♦1867 Francis M. 1892 James G. Woodson ♦1895 Albert R. Work 1897 Asher G. Workman ♦1881 David R. WorraU 1851 John Milton Worrell *1889 Edwin R. Wozencraft 1909 John George Wright 1905 Ernest Wilham 1895 George William *1905 Henry Wilkes *1899 Maurice Edgar *1882 Wiley Kunball *1912 WiUiam Price Wulfmann ♦1898 Jacob WyUie 1887 James Thompson WyUe 1899 Dwight W. Wyse ♦1904 Charles Masson Yeater 1858 Andrew J. Young 1911 Charles Wesley 1892 James F. ♦1904 James Glen 1850 James Shelby 1893 John 1855 John Newton 1900 Leon D. ♦1907 Robert Justice 1877 WiUiam J. ♦1912 WiUiam Malcohn Younger 1908 Thomas Youtsler 1898 WiUiam Ehner Ziemer 1908 Armin H. Zimbeck ♦1898 Silas A. Zimmerman 1903 Frank ZoU ♦1899 Joseph Zorbaugh 1894 Charles L. Zwemer^^^'- 1885 T. J. Zydeman 1910 John Nicholas Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01251 2937 ,!'i:i I luiii ' l!l I'M! ;i>r,ii rn^wm