IS-/ -40. 1 / :' hie-. / ■' > rtfc* Tcw Sacrifice of Chri- fitan incenfel Or The true entric to iki Tie* of Life, and gra- tiousgateof g'onous ■Paradile, ■ . By William Guilde Scoto- firicanne. ^ PfaUJ4T»verz, ' Let my prayer he directed in x 'tky fight .asincenfe ; and the l/f Pjng trp of my hanllftas an ene- : n of all facte A vertae and heauenly pie tie ^enriched a* a plen- tiful treafure therewith himfelf) T The Epiftie and yet riot dcfpifmg the leafl dramme thereof in others) to ac- cept^ at the poor e widowes hand, this fmal mite which is ca/l intofo rich androyallatreafurie. But let the fame mind be in you aswa in ChriQi: herein to ponder that Jbe hath c&ft in what (he hath \ albeit a (mull gift \ yet with a large heart the mitefmaLtheperfonpoore.the hand impotent j and yet a heart (fibi confeium) as good as the richtft* and fo not afhamedof the mite. The gift (iff? it can defer ue to be called) is inccnic^proceeding from an i men fed heart (as from the altar)with allmofl fuhmifiue and dewtifullejl affection vnto you^rnofl f acred and ioyfidl tri- nar if: which as incenfe (godwil ling)flull neuergo out>or he impai- rs that perfume was con tinuallj A Dedicatory. timidly before the Lord , and the fire thereof did day and night re- maine : So before the fame Lord± and in his fight , this ofmyHewtie and conjcience-bindingar dent af- fection , next vnder htm^ fhdle- uer afcend towards you , and the fire thereof conjlantly likewife a- bide y vntrfl the lampe oft his mer- tall life ceafe to be morning and eitening refrefhedfor longer indit • \rance 7 by that oyle of jlrength in [the mertifull and power full hand \of Aaron myChrift^ and while the lafl puffe thereof remaine , vn~ changed with that fecond life of immortality 5 when hauing entred that new lerufalem (7 hope) my tamp fljalneuer faile& where the Lambefhalbe our temple O^euer- lafling light. AsMofesjherefore, no more refufed the braffz & the Ex 30.30. tf Exo beyond theyeeres of all time^ in eternitie for etier^ to raigne with him who is your .nrntiom TheEpiftle&c. Creat our >merci full redeemer \and and power fulfancfifier^ and who in that good time flo all bee your glorious glorifier alfo , \^dmen^ Lord. Your Graces humbly deuoted, w fhin.g you incieafe of all grace. William Guilde. The tr.B, Leftori. rO graces throne, heboid the f acred way, And odour fweet of hoi i eft perfume; The pafe to peace ; and in afflictions day The path of panting hearts, where to re fume I{efrejhin ' "Pit In Zoilum. LIutde, quid Jpe flat ? carpU quid Grammata facra? 2{il hie quod trutines ; remtentiafinguld cernk > Qu&breuiter,doCli, cafte y cult e,atq\ polite Singula comperies 9 genio di&ata Mineru*. GulielmmLesI^ " • r f The Ncwe Sacrifice of ChriftUn Tncenfe.or the antitype of the altar of perfume. P^TER, Heaucns pearccr: For direction, how to fray aright^ and fo ro obtaine* He fpirituall Sacrifices and oblations of Chri- jftian prayers, vndcrthc fteedome of Sarah , Chrtft, and the Gofpell , are fitly rcprefented , liueiic.refemblcd, and plainely typed or flyuJawed, The new Sacrifice Leuxct.3.4 Leuit.i.f. Uuit.j.5. by the external 1 facrifices andob lationsof thelcwes , vndcr the bondage of Hagar^^Mefcs, and the L*w.¥or, Firft f Thcir facrifices were feafo- nedwithfalc : and fo our prayers with the fliarpc fait of vnfained re pentancc,and the tructh of a good confeience before God . Secondly, they were prcfentcd tothcpricft:fo the Chriftians prai- en are to Icfus Chrift $ who vpon the altar of the croflc, hath once of- fered vp himfelfe, a$an vnfpottcd facrificc to his fathcr,for the fumes of the world. Thirdly, their facrifices were flame : foourafFe£tions,inpraier in ortified , w h c t h er of fclfclouc, ha- tred to others, or fo forth, whatfo cucr. Fourthly , their facrifices were wafhed with water, after the bloud thereof /hed , andfprinkled vpon thealtartfo the prayers of the Chr[-| ftian< of Christian Inccnjf. ftianswith the tear c$ of true re- iDorfe,and fcrious repentance for thc/heddingofthepretious bloud of Iefus Chrift the lambe by their fins,and for fprinkling thcrof vpon the altar of the crofle. Fiftly , their fac ri ficcs were offe- red vp without blcmifh ; fothe Chriftians prayers, without hypo- crifie, or the leaft blot and taint of di(Timulation,or pharifaicall vaine glory. And fixtly, thelcwifhfacrificcs were kindled, and burnt with fire) foChriftian prayers , with the fire oftrucfanftificd zeale, and hearty feruencyoffpirit. Theirs alfo dayly : and fo ours without fainting inceffantly 3 &c. Theirs voluntarily : and fo ours proceeding of a third after grace to pleafcGod,and an inward fenfe of our wants* But more particularly they were adumbrated and prefigured by Lcuifci.j. £eait»l»8. l.Sam.wo # Exo,*p.jt. Luk.21.3*. LcuiM.j. — thai The ncwSacripce 'MaLxjo. Exo.36.u3. Rcrel,*.* thatprctious and holy perfume y offe- rtd daily vpon the altar of fvvcetc incenfe before the Lordrand herein is that prophecy of Malachie ful- filled now adayes,/£\t vnto that of thrift to the woma of Samaria, & totheapoftlescomand, u Tim. 2. 8. Now tothecomparifo. i THialtar,whereuponthc per fumeor fwcctincefc was offered & burnt before the Lord, was made of Shittim wood,all couered with fine gold: thealtaralfo whereupon the prayers of the faithfull are offered, before the fame Lord , is Iefus Chrift^God & man,the deity yeel ding glory arid maiefty to his man- hood, ofChriftian Incerfc. 5 hood,as the gold beautified and a* \ domed tbeShittira wood. z The typicall altar ofinccnfc v % a£ was fourefquare:our true altar like* wifejefus Chri(Vi$firme,conftant and iramutable 5 in bis infinite mer- Hcfc.7»*f» cy,and perpetual! racdiator£hip for * V*. 3 That altar had a Crowne of golde about it 5 fo our heauenlie altar hatha Crowr.e of endlcflc glories triumphe, vi&orie, and all regall dignity: which honour hec hath alfo participated to vs, ingraf- ted and incorporated in him^ to be kings & priefts,inand by him vnto JjJ* 1 * our God his father(as faith £./*£* J 4 The one had homes on the foure corners thereof ouerlaid with pure and fine goldrand this bleffcd other hath his power & honor (fig- ntficd thcrby)difperfed far & wide ouer the face of the whole earth>fro Eafi to Wr/?,& North to Ststth JLothc four corners of the world, «. ^jwche ?.* m letE The newSacrtfice P&.I4M. ruleth,and chiefly in the heartes of the godly* Forhisisthecarth,and thcfulncfTc thereof: euen the ends of the earth is his pofleflion. $ Theincenfeand fweetc odour, offered vpvpon that matcriall and earthly altar , rcprcfcntcth(a$ be- fore) theincenfeand fweet odours of the prayers of the faints, offered vp vpon that fpirituall and heauen- ly altar. Whcrefore/aith Dauid, let my prayer come before theeO Lord as the incenfe* and the lifting vp of my hands be as an eucning fa- crificc.So alfo, Rene I. $ . 8 . and 8 . 3 the prayers of the god!y,offcred vp vnto the Lorde,are called odours, incenfe,and perfume. 6 The incenfe was offered vnto the Lord, by the hands of the high pricft oncly : fo the prayers of the godly are oncly offered vnto the Lorde, by the mediation of Iefus Chrift our high pricft for euer. 7 Tjj^- p erfume (hall bee pcrpc- tually y*7. EiQ.30. 9. ofchriftian Incenfe. tually before the Lord, faith Mofesx fo the perfume of the prayers of the faithfull , are perpetually before him, Pray continually , faith he Mat.14.ji. who is greater then Mofes. JuThck jaj. 8 Thcfmoakc of the inccnfc,af- cendingvpward, andfeattering it felfeabroadeeuery way into the aire , did note like wife, how the fwcetc and fwiftc pray ers of the faithfull (afcen ding vnto ,yeainto the very heauens) doefpreadeand difperfcthcmfcluesfarreand wide ouer the whole Church militant) extending their power , in procu- ring of blcffings to euery particular member therein: eucry one fo pray- ing for another. 9 That incenfe was only burned and offered vpon the altar thereof: fo the prayers of the faithfull are oncly offered in the name, and for therighteoufnefleof Icfus Chrifte our fpirituall altar alonc.For as on the one part no man comni#hvnto the n?# The new Sacrifice Ioh.X4* Let fuch, fcarc2^4- dabind jihimti example. I.Ptt.i.9- thefather, but by hinvfoonthe o- thcz^hatfoener we aske of the father t in his name, itfballbegiuen vnto v s. \ 10 No ftrangc incenfe was to be offered vpon this altar :fo on Chnft vnfitjorvnlawfnl thingtobeaskcd:faithlc(Ie 5 doutful prayer,liplabour , much babbling, 8c fuch like, arc all ftrange incenfe. it Once eueryyeere this altar of incenfe wai fprinkled with the blood of the propitiatory facrifice* &r heron reconciliation was ma icj to fhew thatin the recent and con tinuail memory of Chrifh blood fhed and reconciliation, onely the godly aicrccciucd :andfo 3 that the prayers of the faithfull who arc re- conciled to God , in that blood of Chriftthc true propitiatory ficrifice, wherewith they are fprinkled, are acceptable only to God : by which they muft be confecratcd pricftsat the mod high GOD,and anointed 4 holy royillprfeftboodc by his fpiritfl^T gladncfle, before they can ziwoufly offer incenfe vpon of ChriHian Incen[ this ehricc-foglofious an altar. 1 2 The incenfe was burnt,and of- fered before the Lord in thefanftu- ary^'ithoutthevaileoftheholie'^ fo al the praiert of the faithful are of feredonclyin the fan&uary of the church miiitaf, while they are not as yet cntr ed throgh the vaile of dcaih to theholieft heauenstopoffcflee- ternall lifc,with thcChurch trium- phantrfor then their praicrs as their faith ceafcthjand then their praifes, as thcirioyes,beginne. 1 % The incenfe was burnt,necr the Ark of the teliimony: fo al the praters of the godly are to be as neer agreea- ble to the teftimony of Gods word & will,as poflible can be the vaile being vnremoued; when ( being rcmoued) perfitcly they fhall know the fame,8r fee him face to face, whom in a glafle only now they doe behold.Therefore (faith Iohn)it we ask any thing,accor- cordingcohis will,he hearcth vs. \± The incenfe was offered vp before the mercyfeat,tha£is before thecctti- mony ; fo the godly in offering of all Sativum fanttorum* v.£. i.Toh.j.T4. v.*. ( 10 The new Sacrifice Exod.14.15 Luk.2*.ia. Iam.?.?7- I.Sam. 1. 15 Etai^Sii. v.7* r.34* their prayers, haue a continual] cic andrefpeft vnto IefusChrift , the true mercy fcate , inwhomcthcy hope to be heard, 1 § The incenfe was burnt before the Lord with firc:fo arc the pray- ers of the faithfull , with feruent zealc, ferious repentance, earned faith,and ardent lone, crying with Mofes : weeping bitterly with Te- ter : being earneft with Eluui and pouring out their foule with Han nab } Hez>eki<*h and Damd. 1 6 When Aaron drcflcd the lampes, hedidburnethis incenfe: &ateu£,when hefet vp the lamps again:fointhe godly, illumination gocth before deuotion; and when theyfcebythelampeof Godsfpi rit their ownefinnes, impcrfefti- ons,andfccretwants,&c.thenthey addrcflc to burn c incenfe morning andcueningbefore God. 17 The incenfe vvas made of di uerfelhices, whereof it did confift, ofChriBUn Incenfe. u as pure my rrhc^clecrc gummc , gal- banu(which being kindlcd,killeth ferpentsj and frankincenfe,of each alike weigh t.-fo the prayers of the godly confifte of diuers pretious fpiccs,truc faith and pure, clcarc finccrity without hypocrifie, aflu- rcd hope againft Satan, and vnfai- ned iouc, wit hout wrath. 1 8 The incenfe of Aaron was bcate into pouder: to (hew that the prayers of true Chriftians , come out of a broken and contrite heart, humbled before God , which is an acceptable Sacrifice, and perfume, vnto him.Therefore(hith Dauid)the facrifices of God are a contrite fpiritei a contrite and a broken heart % Lord, thou wilt not defpife. 19 zAaron did make this incenfe himfelfe : fo hath our high pricft Icfus Chrift made the incenfe of our prayer, and taught vshow to pray:faying , Our father &c f vnto which moft perfitc formc^U our s.%6. P&I.5I.I7. *.37. 2& prayers 12 The new Sacrifice praiersmuft be agreeable, and him only as cur reader & teacher herein wemnft acknowledge and follow. *•**• 20 This incenfe,as it could not be made,by any other the by Aaron Jo it w as not to be applied to any other vfe,then to God$:fhcwing and flia- dowing(finally)that holy prayer is not to be framed by any/>r direfted toany,whctherSaintor AngeD,but to this God alone, who is only all- fecing,al-knowing,merciful,euery where,and hearcth , yti^ndyfcctb infecret and can reward tn yublickcx icalous of his honor(the chicfe part whereof is pray er)and will not im part the fame to any other,&c . lob j. in t hc Gofpcl alfo^that admirable waflipoole appearethtfabethe true! fymbole of Chriftian prayer, the name w hereof was Bethefda^ that if/ a pouring out of water* the nature ot true prayer alfo, is powring out of teares ♦ Jt h^