CORRESPONDENCE /tM * RELATIVE TO THE OF THE FREE FEOFLE OF COLOUR, IN THE UNITED STATES . TOGETHER WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE AGENT SENT OUT BY PRESIDENT BOYER. orfc: PRINTED BY MAHLON DAT, NO. 372, PEARL-STREET. 182 V, notice, In prosecuting an agency in behalf of the noble objects of the Amerb can Colonization Society, 1 found the public feeling generally was very favourable to the Emigration of the Coloured People to Hayti. A- mong the Coloured People themselves, a preference of Hayti over Africa was frequently expressed, and among the whites, there was not on[y an opposition to colonization in Africa manifested by many, but an assurance given of their ready aid to promote emigration to Hayti. The present peaceful state of the island, and the fair prospects before the Haytiens, of having their Independence acknowledged by other nations, indicated that the great obstacles in the way of emigration there, which had hitherto existed, were removed, and that the time had now come to aid our coloured population to plant themselves under the mild climate of that Island, were it encouraged by the Haytien government. On inquiry, I found very little was known definitely i 1 this country, what the views of that government were, on this sub- ject. There were some favourable reports brought by persons of colour who had been to Hayti ; others gave discouraging accounts. Except some liberal offers, by the Secretary Inginac, which I had seen, the information obtained, was limited and uncertain. Under these circumstances, the letter with which the Correspondence commences, was addressed through the Secretary General, B. Inginac, to the Presi- dent of Hayti. The generous reply of the President, together with the arrival in this country, of his agent, Citizen J. Granville, with ample means to carry into effect, the philanthropic overtures of Presr dent Boyer, shows what great good may now be hoped for our unhap- py countrymen, who are the objects of his generosity. I will add, that perhaps I did not write so explicitly as to leave no room for doubt, whether I wrote as the agent, and at the direction of the American Colonization Society, or not ; yet, if more explicitness, (and the want of it was unintentional,) had prevented the reply of the Presi- dent, few, probably will regret that the delinquency occurred, ever though they may not excuse the delinquent. . tYcw-Yorlc, June 15, 1S24. L. D DEWEY. CORRESPONDENCE New- York , March 4, 1 824. To His Excellency, the President of Hayti. President Boyer, — The important and interesting subject on which I write, is my reason for addressing myself, directly to the Chief Magistrate of Hayti. My duty as Agent of the American Colonization Society, as well as my own feelings, leads me to desire information on every point that looks like affording benefit to my unhappy colour- ed countrymen. The first view would suggest that mutual benefit might result to them and your nation, by their settlement in your Island. But a moment’s reflection, shows, that, this must depend on the cir- cumstances under which they shall find themselves placed, when removed to Hayti. I am not ignorant that you have made offers of a favourable kind, and that even late information from an emigrant with you, shows, that you afford them some strong motives to migrate to your Island ; yet I am ignorant of many things, which would be necessary to be known before their emigration could be aided by the Colonization Society. Will you then, Mr. President, furnish me informa- tion on the following points, for which I shall be truly grateful, and which may be very useful to the coloured people of this country ? 4 1. Were a number of families to migrate to Hayti, would your government defray any part of the expen- ses of the voyage, assign them land to cultivate, and aid them to stock their farms ? 2. To what extent would your government encour- age emigration — how much allow to each family for expense of passage — how much land to each family — and how much aid to stock each farm — and to how many families or individuals would all this assistance be given ? 3. What encouragement would be offered to mecha- nics and merchants ? 4. Though no assistance were given, would the op- portunity to come and settle in your Island, to any and to all who might choose to migrate there, be given in the same unrestricted manner in which our govern- ment gives it to all emigrants from other countries — what would be the cost of lands to such, and could they obtain it in large quantities, so that numbers could settle down in the same neighbourhood ? 5. How far is toleration extended to different re- ligions ? 6. What are your laws in reference to marriage, and what is the state of society in this respect ? 7. How far are schools supported ? 8. Would your government allow the Society to plant a colony in your Island, having its own laws, courts, and legislature, in all respects like one of the States of the United States, and connected uith and subject to the government of Hayti, only as each state is with our general government ; and would land be furnished for such a colony ? Full information on these points would be esteemed 5 a great favour, and were the answer in the affirmative to the 8th inquiry, or to the first part of it, if land could he purchased in sufficient quantity and at a suit- able rate, I think something would soon be done to plant a colony under your government. You, Sir, are aware of the difficulties to be encoun- tered in forwarding such a settlement in the man- ner the Colonization Society would do it. The funds to effect it, being voluntary aid, the givers must be well satisfied, that it will go to benefit those for whom it is given ; they will therefore inquire closely into the advantages of government, liberty, &c., which the coloured people are to have, by emigrating ; and the coloured people themselves must be well satisfied, as to their prospects. Although, their condition here, is, in most, lamentable ; yet, being long accustomed to it, and in a great degree ignorant, uneducated, even the nominally free, they are not aware how bad it is, and therefore must have some very obvious advanta- ges to gain, before they will change it. There are many whites who truly lament their un- happy lot, mourn over their wrongs, and would gladly do any thing to redress them ; but they find that such is their degradation, and public opinion towards the coloured people, that it is next to impossible to elevate them in moral character, and to benefit them in this country. The abolition laws passed in this state and others, have only tended to diminish their numbers and their means of support, without giving them any real advantage in their moral or civil condition. I speak of the mass. These benevolent men, therefore, are looking for an asylum for these injured sons of Africa, in some other country, and they believe, that should the government 6 of Hayti, be able to unite with them, very much for the welfare of the descendants of Africans, and the ultimate benefit of Hayti, might be effected. I hope, Sir, this will meet with that favourable re- ception you are accustomed to give to objects of high importance. I take the liberty to forward to you a Report, which will give you some information as to the designs and operations of the Society. With high respect, I subscribe myself a sincere well-wisher to the prosperity of your government, and an ardent friend to the injured sons of Africa. LOR1NG D. DEWEY. [translation] Liberty. Equality. REPUBLIC OF HAYTI. Port-au-Prince, SOth April, 1824. YEAR OF INDEPENDENCE, THE 21st. Jean Pierre Boyer, President of Hayti, to Mr. Loring D. Dewey, General Agent of the Society for African Colonization, at New-York. Sir, — I had the satisfaction to receive the letter of the 4th of March last, which you addressed to me ; the contents of which breathe the most perfect philan- thropy. To consecrate our cares to meliorate the lot of a portion of the human race, sadly borne down by the weight of misfortune, is to prove the excellence of one’s heart, and to acquire an eternal right to the gratitude of every living creature that can feel. And the step which you have taken in reference to me, in 7 favour of the descendants of the Africans, who are in the United States, and who are compelled to leave the country, because that, far from enjoying the rights of freemen, they have only an existence, precarious and full of humiliation, entitles you to the gratitude of the Haytiens, who cannot see with indifference the calami- ties which afflict their brethren. As soon as I was informed of the resolution taken in the United States to transport into Africa our unhappy brethren, and thus to restore them to their native sky, I comprehended the policy which had suggested this measure, and at the same time conceived a high opinion of those generous men, who were disposed to make sacrifices, in the hope of preparing for the unfortunate persons who were its objects, an asylum where their existence would be supportable. Thence- forward, by a sympathy very natural, my heart and my arms have been open to greet, in this land of true liberty, those men upon whom a fatal destiny rests in a manner so cruel. I considered the colonization of barbarous regions with men accustomed to live in the midst of civilized people, as a thing impractica- ble, to say nothing more. The experiment made at Sherbro’ and at Messurado, prove that I was not far from the truth. In fine, sir, although Africa be the cradle of their fathers, what a frightful prospect is it to see themselves exiled to insalubrious climes, after having inhaled the healthful breezes of the land of their birth ! I have often asked myself, why Hayti, whose climate is so mild, and whose government is analogous to that of the U nited States, was not preferred as their place of refuge. Fearing that my sentiments would be misin- 3 terpreted, if I made the first overture, I contented my- self with having explained to those of them who came to Hayti, all the guarantees and rights that the consti- tution of the Republic has established in their favour. I have aided in freeing those from debt who could not quite pay for their passage ; I have given land to those who wished to cultivate it ; and by my circular, of the date of the 24th December, 1823, to the officers of districts, (of which I send you a copy,) you will con- vince yourself that I have prepared for the children of Africa, coming out of the United States, all that can assure them of an honourable existence in becoming citizens of the Haytien Republic. But now that you make overtures, which seem to be authorised by the respectable Society of which you are the general agent,* I am about to answer frankly to the eight questions which you have addressed to me. 1. “ If a numberof families,” &c. The Government of the Republic will aid in defraying part of the expen- ses of the voyage of those who cannot bear them, provided the Colonization Society will do the rest. The government will give fertile lands to those who wish to cultivate them, will advance to them nourish- * It is proper here to state, that in addressing the letter of inquiry to President Boyer, I did not sign nay letter as Agent of the American Colonization Society, nor write under the direction of the Society, but at my own suggestion, to gain information, supposing that it would be for the benefit of the Society ; knowing also that the Society, would act as it should see best. It was the prosperity of the Society at which I aimed, and it is with deep regret that I find they will not strengthen their hands for Africa by this measure, as I have never doubted the feasibility of effecting the settlement of our Coloured People on that Continent. — L.D. Dewey. 9 ment, tools, and other things of indispensable necessity until they shall be sufficiently established to do without this assistance. 2. “ To what extent in number, ” &c. No matter what number of emigrants; all those who will come with the intention to submit themselves to the laws of the country, shall be well received. The price of pas- sage and other expenses shall be discussed by agents to obtain the most advantageous conditions. The quantity of ground shall be as much as each family can cultivate. For the rest, the utmost good-will to the new-comers shall be the basis of the arrangements. 3. “What encouragement will be given to Mecha- nics and Merchants, ” &x. They shall have perfect liberty to labour in their respective professions. The only privilege will be an exemption from the law of patent for the first year.* 4. “ Will opportunity be given, ” &c. All those, I repeat it, who will come shall be received, no matter what may be their number, provided they submit themselves to the law T s of the state, which are essen- tially liberal and protecting, and to the rules of the Police which tend to repress vagrancy, to maintain good order, and to confirm the tranquillity of all. There is no price to stipulate for, as respects the land ; since the government will give it gratis, in fee simple, to those who will cultivate it. The emigrants will be distributed in the most advantageous manner possible, and those who may desire it, shall be placed in the neighbourhood of each other. * To practise any profession or pursue any trade, it is necessary in Hayti to obtain a licence, as Grocers, &c. do in New-York, 2 10 They shall not be meddled with in their domestic habits, nor in their religious belief, provided they do not seek to make proselytes, or trouble those who pro- fess another faith than their own. What precedes, is an answer to your fifth question upon the toleration of different religions. 6. “ What are your laws relative to marriage, ” &c. Marriage is encouraged, and good husbands and wives enjoy the same consideration as in other civiliz- ed countries. 7. “ How far are schools,” &c. ? Every where, where there is a sufficiently numerous population, the government supports schools to instruct youth in literature, and in the principles of morality and virtue. 8. “Will your government permit,” &c. ? That cannot be. The laws of the Republic are general — and no particular laws can exist. Those who come, being children of Africa, shall be Haytiens as soon as they put their feet upon the soil of Hayti : they will enjoy happiness, security, tranquillity, such as we ourselves possess, how’ever our defamers declare the contrary. In fine, Sir, to prove to you what I am disposed to do in favor of our brethren who groan in the United States of America under the yoke of prejudice, 1 am about to send to New-York funds and a confidential agent, to enter into an understanding with you and the Colonization Society, with a view to facilitate the emi- gration to Hayti of the descendants of Africans, who are disposed to come and partake with us the most precious blessings which we enjoy under Divine Pro- vidence. 11 It must not be imagined that the want of an increased population in Hayti, is the motive which determines me to make this answer with the details into which 1 have entered. Views of a higher order direct me. Animated with the desire to serve the cause of humanity, I have thought that a finer occasion could not have presented itself to offer an agreeable hospitality, a sure asylum, to the unfortunate men, who have the alternative of going to the barbarous shores of A frica, where misery or certain death may await them. I shall not developethe advan- tages which will result to the people of your country, from transporting to Hayti, the African population of which they wish to be delivered. Every one can perceive perfectly that it will be an infallible means of augment- ing the commerce of the United States, by multiplying relations between two people, the similarity of whose principles of legislation and government ought neces- sarily to render them friends, although a blind prejudice seems until now to have put obstacles in the way of more direct relations between the one and the other. Light and philanthropy will doubtless cause justice and reason to triumph. You will speedily. Sir, see the arrival in New-York of the agent I am to send. I have the honour to salute you with my most dis- tinguished consideration. BOYER 12 [translation.] CIRCULAR. Port-au-Prince , 24 th December , 1828. Jean Pierre Boyer, President of Hayti, to the Com- mandants of the Districts. Desirous to increase in the country the number of agriculturalists, and thus augment its population, I have decided, my dear General, that emigrants of colour to Hayti, who may wish to establish themselves in the mountains or vallies to cultivate with their own hands the public lands, shall be authorized to cultivate the same for their own profit. These lands, after pay- ment of the taxes established by the authority of the place, shall be ceded in fee simple, to those who Open them and enhance their value, dividing them into sui- table plantations for the produce of coffee and other productions v\hich may yield a revenue to the state. You are therefore charged so far as your authority ex- tends, to settle the people of colour who may arrive, or who may wish to disembark and establish themselves in the district W'hich you command, and to send me a list of the names of all such persons, and a description of the land given them. It is understood, that this measure is not to change that prescribed by my circular of 2d December, 1822, in favour of the persons, who, anterior to the first of last January, should be established without title upon the state lands. Signed, BOYER. 13 [translation.] Liberty. Equality. REPUBLIC OF HAYTI. Port-au-Prince , 1th May , 1824. 21st YEAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE. B. Inginac, Brigade General and Secretary General of His Excellency the President of Hayti, to Mr. Loring D. Dewy, General Agent of the American Society of Colonization, &c. &c. Sir, I have had the pleasure to receive the letter w hich you wrote me of the 4th March last. The papers enclosed and the letter have been handed to his Ex- cellency the President of Hayti ; and by this favoura- ble opportunity, you will receive the answer of the President. I have, with the highest consideration, the honour to salute you. B. INGINAC. [translation.] Liberty. Equality. REPUBLIC OF HAYTI. Port-au-Prince , 25th of May, 1824. 21st YEAR OF OUR INDEPENDENCE. John Pierre Boyer, President of Hayti, to Mr. Loring D. Dewy, General Agent of the Society for African Colonization, at New-York. Sir, — Agreeably to a letter which I wrote to you on the 30th of April last, in reply to that you addressed 14 to me of the 4th of March preceding, on the subject of the emigration to Hayti of a portion of the children of Africa who are in the United States, I now announce to you that I send to you and the Philanthropic Society of which you are the agent, the citizen Granville, Substi- tute of the commissary of Government at the tribunal of Cassation,* who will deliver you this despatch. He is the bearer of my particular instructions, and will communicate them to you, which renders it unneces- sary to enter at present into the details of his mission. I shall then, Sir, only entreat you to make every effort to forward the success of the great object, we both have in view. You cannot better serve the cause of humanity, since those of our brethren, who drag out in the United States a painful and degrading existence, will become, on arriving at Hayti, citizens of the Republic, and can there labour with security and ad- vantage to themselves and children. During the happy days which await them here, they will preserve the memory of your devotion to their cause ; they will bless your name, and the happiness they will enjoy will be your sweetest reward. I recommend to your care, the citizen Granville, during his stay in the United States, begging you to give him all necessary advice, and make known to him all persons, who can aid him in the success of the mis- sion with which he is charged. I saluteyou with the most distinguished consideration. BOYER. # The Tribunal of Cassation is the Supreme Court of the Island, of which citizen Granville, is one of the highest judicial and executive officers-. [translation.] Liberty. Equality. REPUBLIC OF HAYTI. Port-au-Prince , May 25th , 1824, IN THE 21st YEAR OF OUR INDEPENDENCE. Jean Pierre Boyer, President of Hayti, to Mr. Charles Collins, New-York. Sir, —The knowledge that I have obtained of-your philanthropic sentiments, has induced me to direct the citizen Imbert, Secretary of State to this Republic, to send you fifty thousand weight of coffee, begging you to sell this commodity, and, after having reali- zed the proceeds, to keep them on account of the Hay- tien government. This fund and others which shall be added to it, are destined to facilitate the emigration of such individuals of the African race, who, groaning in the United States, under the weight of prejudice and misery, should be disposed to come to Hayti and par- take with our citizens the benefits of a liberal constitu- tion, and a paternal government. After the numerous communications which have been addressed to me, by several of your most distinguished compatriots, relative to the emigration to Hayti of these children of Africa, I have determined to send to the United States, the citizen Granville, Substitute of the Commissa- ry of the Government at the tribunal of Cassation, who will deliver you this. He is bearer of a letter of introduc- tion to Mr. Loring D. Dewey, General Agent of the Socie- ty for African Colonization, who has written to me him- self on this subject, also of my full instructions which he will communicate to you. I beg that you will as- sist him with your good advice, and recommend him to your numerous friends, so that he may attain with 16 more ease the end that I propose, in taking a step which will turn so entirely to the promotion of humani- ty, the cause of which you espouse in so disinterested a manner. I also beg that you will put at his disposal, or his order, such part of the funds which you will receive, on account of the Republic, as shall be judg- ed necessary to defray the expense of removing those individuals, who reside in the interior, and are not possessed of means to convey them to a place of embarkation, where they may take advantage of the opportunity that is offered them to come and gain amongst us an honest liveli- hood, and leave to their children, a sure inheritance and the enjoyment of all the political rights that men in society can reasonably desire. You have, Sir, for a long time consecrated your wake- ful hours to the means of alleviating the sufferings of a portion of the human species, against whom pre- possession and prejudice act with pitiless rigour, so that 1 do not doubt you will seize the present occasion to render your past efforts, and those of your friends, suc- cessful. What joy will it give hearts like yours, to see these scions of Africa, so abased in the United States, where they vegetate with no more utility to themselves than to the soil which nourishes them, transplanted to Hayti, where they will become no less useful than es- timable, because the enjoyment of civil and political rights, ennobling them in their own eyes, cannot fail to attach them to regular habits, and the acquisition of so- cial virtues, and to render them worthy by their good conduct, to enjoy the benefits which their new country wall bestow upon them ! But the emigrants alone will not reap the fruit of your exertions. The U nited States 1 ? will find their commerce with Hayti enlarged by the frequent intercourse which these new Haytiens will nar turally hold with the country they have left. If you think it proper to give publicity to this proce- dure, you are at liberty to do so. I leave it entirely to your prudence, well convinced, that you will pursue the best means to interest your friends in the success of the present enterprize, not only in the State of New- York, but in the northern States, and in Pennsylvania. What a claim, Sir, will you and your honourable friends have to the gratitude of those whose tears you will wipe away by procuring them a kind reception among their countrymen, their brothers, their natural friends. I conjure you then to neglect nothing, in con- curring with me to retrieve these unfortunates from the humiliation and vexation with which they are over- whelmed. In so laudable an enterprise, God, who is the father of all men, will assist our efforts. I salute you with the most distinguished consideration. BOYER. 0 New- York, 6th Mo. (June) 17/ h, 1824. The reply of President Boyer was received on the 31st of 5th Mo. (May,) and the 9th of 6th Mo. (June,) his Official Agent, Citizen J. Granville arrived at Phi- ladelphia, and in this city the 13th. The following are his instructions from his government : — [translation.] Instructions to the Citizen J. Granville, Substitute of the Commissary of Government, at the tribunal of Cassation dispatched to the United States of Ameri- ca, to confer and act in concert with the Pbilanthr#- 3 pic and Benevolent Societies of said States, and all others whom it shall concern, in order to facilitate the emigration to Hayti, of all persons of African blood, who, enjoying their freedom, will come volun- tarily to the Republic, where they may exercise their civil and political rights, and participate in the bene- fits of our institutions. Citizen, — You are not ignorant that there exist in the United States of America, several hundred thou- sand individuals of African blood, who, on account of the dark hue of their complexions, are objects of all the prejudice and prepossession that can arise from difference of colour; that under a system so outrageous to humanity, some of them in their despair have de- prived themselves of a wretched existence : others de- based by ignorance, and exasperated by misfortune, have become turbulent and dangerous, and that a great number deprived of the means of exercising an ho- nest industry, either rural or mechanical, are forced to live in idleness and vagrancy. The lot of these un- happy victims of prejudice, has moved the compas- sion of certain philanthropists, who have conceived the idea of founding societies for the purpose of pro- curing these children of Africa, an asylum on their native soil, where, established in colonies, and govern- ing themselves, they may live free from all vexation. But experience has proved, that the project of forming such settlements on the Coast of Africa was impracti- cable, because the climate being unhealthy, and the country peopled by nations, yet barbarous, the emi- grants were exposed to great danger, if not death ; and perished, many of them in spite of the generous sacri- 19 fices of the honourable society formed in the United States to carry their colonization into effect In this deplorable state of things, men of philanthro- pic sentiments, and souls truly charitable and benevo- lent, have turned their thoughts towards Hayti, which they have rightly considered as a more proper place of refuge for these unfortunates than the inhospitable sands of Africa. Accordingly, numerous communica- tions were addressed to me, inquiring, if those, so nearly related to us in blood, could find in our Repub- lic, that hospitality which their paternal land denied them. To these inquiries from private individuals, I have replied in a favourable manner, explaining all the advantages that our constitution has taken care to as- sure to those of our brothers who come from other parts of the globe and establish themselves among us. My replies did not fail to produce a favourable result. Already have we seen arrive in our ports, several of these children of Africa, who have come from the Uni- ted States, and have fixedthemselveshere,someofthem in the country, where cultivation repays their toil with interest, others in our cities, where they are engaged in a lucrative trade, or pursue with advantage some me- chanical profession, happy at being delivered from the degrading yoke of prejudice. Their great numbers had caused me to conceive, from the first, a project which by increasing emigration, would have fulfilled the views of the philanthropists of the United States, and have meliorated the condition of these unfortunates. But the fear that the unjust pre- judices entertained abroad, against the Republic of Hayti, would misinterpret my intentions, then preven- ted me from taking any public steps, which I do not 20 at present hesitate to do, because, I received in the course of last April, an official communication from Mr. Loring D. Dewey, General Agent of' the Society for African Colonization, at New-York, to ascertain the terms on which the Havtien Government w T ould consent to the emigration of these sons of Africa. In consequence of this, and of the knowledge that I have of your patriotism, the liberality of your princi- ples, and your devotion to the great cause that we have constantly defended, and will always maintain w ith the same energy, I have chosen and appointed you, agent of the Government of the Republic, so that you must repair to New-York, or to other places in the United States, where you will be permitted to travel, and there you will confer with Mr. Loring D. Dewey in his office of General Agent to the Society for African Colonization, with the Society itself, and all other persons, qualified to take part in this affair, as well as with those who being disposed to emigrate, are at liberty to contract for themselves. To this effect, I give you the following instructions, and deliver you a certified translation of the letter of Mr. Loring D. Dewey on the side A. with a copy of my answer side B, then a copy C. of the constitution, finally a copy D of my circular to the governors of the provinces, dated 24th of Dec. 1823. ARTICLE I. On arriving at New-York, you will confer with Messrs. Loring D. Dewey and Charles Collins, to whom you will communicate yoor present instructions ; you will ask their counsel and advice, w'hich you will follow as far as they may comport with the end of your mission. You will also deliver all the letters of in- troduction of which you are the bearer. 21 ARTICLE II. You will inform yourself of the laws, regulations, and usages of the places through which you pass, so that you can conform to them and act accordingly. ARTICLE III. After the preliminary visit, according to the first article, you will seek the members of the different religious and philanthropic societies, to inform them of the object of jour visit ; and as you must always act with loyalty and good faith, you will not fail to communicate to those interested in the success of your mission, the tenor of the instructions and do- cuments which I have delivered to you. ARTICLE IV. The constitution having established by the 44th article, that all individuals of African blood, who will appear in the Republic, shall, after a years residence, enjoy the civil and political rights and quality of a citizen, you must invite yourself, and by the interven- tion of Mr. Loring D. Dewey, and Mr. Charles Collins, and all other persons with whom you may confer, such among them as shall be disposed to quit the United States, to come and establish themselves in the Republic, and induce them, as soon as possible, to undertake the voyage, acquainting them with all the advantages which are insured to them by the constitution ; and more especially those the govern- ment is ready to grant to them, to relieve them from the state of humiliation and misery in which they are plunged. ARTICLE Y. The advantages which attend emigration are, 1st, that they shall enjoy in Hayti, all civil and political 22 rights, (Article 44th of the Constitution ;) 2dlv, they shall have entire liberty of conscience, in their religious practices ; 3rdlv, they shall obtain concession of land in fee simple, when they shall have made settleroe nts on t he said lands, (copy of my circular to the governors of the provinces ;) the whole, provided, they engage to be faithful to the laws of the Republic, whose children and citizens they will become, and provided they un- dertake nothing contrary to its tranquillity and pros- perity. ARTICLE VI. To regulate better the interests of the emigrants, it will be proper to let them know in detail, what the government of the Republic is disposed to do, to as- sure their future well being, and that of their children, on the sole condition of their being good and indus- trious citizens ; you are authorized in concert with the agents of the different societies, and before civil authority, to make arrangements with heads of fami- lies, or other emigrants who can unite twelve people able to work, and also to stipulate that the govern- ment will give them a portion of land sufficient to employ twelve persons, and on which may be raised * coffee, cotton, maize, peas, and other vegetables and provisions, and after they have well improved the said quantity of land, which will not be less than 36 acres in extent, or 12 carreaux (the carreau being 100 paces, square and the pace three feet and a half, French,) government will give a perpetual title to the said land to these twelve people, their heirs and as- signs.”* # As, according to a law of Hayti, a person cannot hold less than five 23 ARTICLE VII. Those of the emigrants who prefer applying them- selves individually to the culture of the earth, either by renting lands already improved, which they will till, or by working in the field, to share the produce with the proprietor, must also engage themselves, by a legal act. that on arriving at Hayti, they will make the above mentioned arrangements, and this, they must do before the judges of the peace, so that on their arrival here, they will be obliged to apply them- selves to agriculture, and not be liable to become vagrants. ARTICLE VIII. To all those, and those only, who will engage them- selves, as it is prescribed according to the 6th Article, you are authorized, always acting in concert with the different societies, to contract, that the expense of their passage and maintenance during the voyage, shall be paid on their arrival at Hayti, by the govern- ment, which will give them also the means of subsis- tence during four months, after their landing and settlement on the ground they are to cultivate, which will be long enough for them to procure by their labour and settlement, the means of supporting them- selves. Nothing will be required of them for what may have been paid for their passage and subsistence, which a donation made to them by the Republic. ARTICLE IX. As for those who wish to come to Hayti, to engage carreaux of land, the quantity of land given to the twelve persons will, as circumstances shall determine, exceed 12 carreaux . — Citizen Gran ~ villc , in commercial or mechanical pursuits, you are author- ized to assure them, that the expense of their passage, and maintenance during the voyage, shall be paid in Hayti, provided they bind themselves before civil au- thority in the United States, to return to the govern- ment of the Republic, six months after their arrival here, the advance which shall be made to them The same privilege of advance, on condition of reimburse- ment, shall be granted to those who come to buy, rent, or till in shares, lands cultivated, or to be cul- tivated, or w r ho come to engage themselves as ser- vants, workmen, or labourers, the law granting a right to every Haytien, to exercise his industry as he pleases, provided he does nothing contrary to the good order of society. ARTICLE X. If there are any families of African blood, disposed to emigrate to Hayti, whose unfortunate situation prevents them from defraying the expense of removal to a place of embarkation, you are authorized, act- ting with much prudence and discernment, and al- ways consulting the agency of the different societies, to make advances to them, provided they do not exceed six dollars a head for young people and adults ; the advance will be repayable six months after their arrival in Hayti, which must be stipulated in the obli- gatory contracts by those who receive it. ARTICLE XI. The end which I propose, being to favour the emi- gration to Hayti, of those who are able to become, by our laws, citizens of the country, you ought not to fail to consult all persons devoted to the cause of humanity, who are capable of giving you good advice, and after 25 obtaining their written and well digested opinion, you are authorized to consent to little expenses I may not havef reseen, and of which there is urgent neces- sity, and such as shall facilitate the execution of the enterprise. ARTICLE XII. You will declare to those whom it may concern, that no other privileges will be granted in Hayti to the emigrants than those enjoyed by the citizens of the state ; that therefore, they must come among us with the resolution of conforming to, and obeying our laws, which are all liberal, and beneficent, and which guarantee to all liberty of conscience, provided they do not disturb the public tranquillity. ARTICLE XIII. You will take the most efficacious measures to con- vey to the peninsula of Samana, forty artizans of African blood, such as carpenters, wood-sawyers, blacksmiths, caulkers, rope-makers, sail-makers, &c., who would be capable of working in a timber-yard, at small vessels for cruising on the coasts of the country, which vessels will be boiightfrom them by Government. If these workmen have wives and children, Government will give them land, suited to the cultivation of coffee> cane, and every other species of food, grain, and vege- tables which will be to them a very great advantage. ARTICLE XIV. To prevent paying exorbitant prices for their pas- sage and subsistence during the voyage, it will perhaps be better not only to provide provisions for them, but to freight ships, capable of conveying a certain num- ber of passengers, in case you cannot find opportuni- ties to transport the emigrants in the ordinary trading- 26 vessels. (I am of opinion that fourteen dollars a head, comprising subsistence during the voyage would be a reasonable price for young persons and men, and half that sura will suffice for children under twelve years of age.) It must be well understood that the co«t of provisions, the price of the passage, and the ship’s freight will be paid only in Hayti, on the arrival of said passengers. ARTICLE XV. It will be necessary that the cultivators should possess farming implements, as far as possible for them- selves. If the societies for colonization are disposed to make donations to the emigrants, the amount of them can be employed by their agents, in the pur- chase of provisions or farming utensils, such as hoes, axes, scythes, ploughs, harrows, &c. ARTICLE XVI. Government having caused to be sent toMr. Charles Collins, merchandize as afund for this purpose, you will receive from him, on your order, such monies as are ne- cessary to defray the expense of removals mentioned in Article 10th, the sum not to exceed 6000 dollars, which you will account for, in due form, and with proper vouchers at the end of your mission. ARTICLE XVII. The places, where I desire the emigrants to locate themselves, at the commencement of the enterprize, and until the end of the present year, both for their own advantage and the agricultural interests of the country are as follows : — 27 1. Port-au-Prince District, at Mirebalais, culture of fine cotton, and all kinds of produce, a fertile quarter, - persons, 500 Idem, for the quarter of Lescaobe, Lamatte, and Hinche, the cullure of Coffee and pro- visions, ------ 300 Idem, for the quarter of Orangers, Crochus, and Arcahaie, the culture of Coffee, - 200 Total, 1000 2. Cape Haytien, for Grand Riviere, Dondon, Marmelade, Limbe, Plaisance, Borgne and Port Margot,— coffee, - 1000 S. Porte Plate, for Altamire, St. Yague, Moca, Macoris, and Lavega, — coffee, tobacco, and cocoa, ------ 1000 4. Samana, — coffee and provisions - - 200 5. St. Domingo, for Seybo, Higoey, Monteplate, Boya, Bayaguana, Los Llanos, St. Christo- phe, Bany, — coffee, cocoa, and sugarcane, 1200 6. Jacquemel, for Marigot, Neybe, and Baynet, — coffee and provisions, - _ - 600 7. Les Cayes and Jeremie,— coffee - - 500 8. Gonaives, — cotton, - - - - 500 Total, 6000 .ARTICLE XVIII. You will not fail to observe that this population of 6000 souls, emigrating this year to Hayti, will be placed in a situation to free themselves by their own industry, from misery and care ; forthey will find cleared lands, civilized and habitable regions, the resources of life, 28 and assistance in case of sickness — precious advanta- ges, of which they would be entirely deprived in Africa, and could not hope to obtain there in iO years. All the places designated in the preceding article, offer the greatest advantages, both from the fertility of the soil and the mildness of the climate, which you must not fail to make known to the emigrants. ARTICLE XIX. You must not fail to correspond with me, and in- form me of all your proceedings and undertakings, in the execution of your mission. You will remain in the United States to observe the operations of emigration, until you receive new orders from me, and you will travel into the interior of the Northern States wherever you are permitted to go, and where you think your presence will determine those to emigrate who are disposed, and at liberty to do so. Pori -an- Pr nee, May 25, 1824. IN THE 2.1st YEAR OF OUR INDEPENDENCE. The President BOYER. Note — Immediately on the receipt of President Boyer’s letter, I in- formed the active members of the Board of the American Colonization Society ol its contents, and transmitted a translation as soon as possible, to the Secretary at Washington. Before the letter was made public in this city, I received an answer from Robert G. Harper, Esq., giving his opinion, that it was not expedient to blend the two objects of Africa and Hayti ; that the more avenues opened for this population into places suited to them, the better ; that it was desirable a Society for Hayti should be formed, distinct from the American Colonization Society, and that these Societies might be of mutual aid to each other. Before a public meeting was called, an official letter was received from the Secretary, signifying that the Society would have nothing to do with the propositions of President Boyer Having ascertained this, and Citizen J. Granville having arrived, the course was plain to present the generous offers of the President of Hayti to the citizens of New- York, of which the following is the result. L. D. DEWEY. New- York, June 30, 1824. 29 At a Meeting of Citizens, held at the room of the Historical Society, to take into consideration, certain propositions made by the President of the Republic of Hayti, relative to the Emigration of Persons of Colour from the United States to the Island of Hayti : The Rev. Dr. SPRUNG was called to the Chair, and H. Ketchum chosen Secretary. The business of the Meeting was opened and explained by Mr. Dewey, and the communications of President Boyer read by the Secretary. After some general discussion upon the business of the Meeting, a Resolution was proposed by Dr. Wainwright, which, after some amend- ments, passed as follows : — Resolved, That a Committee of Nine be appointed to take into consideration the documents submitted to this Meeting in relation to the Emigration of Coloured Persons to Hayti, and that this Committee be directed to gain information in relation to this subject, and report to an adjourned meeting, to be held on Friday the 25th inst. — The following are the names of the Committee : — THOMAS EDDY, JOSEPH SMITH, J. WAINWRIGHT, ISAAC COLLINS, H. KETCHUM SAMUEL COWDREY, GEORGE NEWBOLD, JOHN GRISCOM. PETER A. JAY, The YIeeting then adjourned to Friday the 25th inst. at 6 P.-M. June 18th, 1824. H. KETCHUM, Secretary. At an adjourned meeting of citizens convened, to take into conside- ration the propositions of President Boyer, relative to the emigration of free persons of colour to Hayti, held in the New- York Institution on Friday the 25th inst PETER A. JAY, Esquire, was called to the Chair, and H. KETCHUM chosen Secretary. The Chair was sub- sequently resumed by Thos. Eddy, who presided at the former meeting. The Committee previously appointed, of which Mr. Eddy was Chairman, introduced the following Report, which, after being read by the Secretary, was accepted : — The Committee appointed at a meeting of citizens, held on the 1 8tli instant, to take into consideration the documents submitted to the meeting relative to the emigration of coloured persons to Hayti, to gain information relative to this subject, and report thereon, on the 25th instant, respectfully Report : — That in pursuing the object of their appointment, their attention was first turned to the number and condition of persons in our own State, proposed to be benefitted by the propositions of President Boyer. According to the Census of the United States, made in 1820, there were in the State of New- York, 29,279 free persons of colour, and 10 088 slaves. Since that time it is known that the number of slaves has diminished, and the number of free persons of colour increased. The period fixed by law for the termination of Slavery in this State, is the 4th of July, 1827. It is well known that the condition of our coloured population is very unfortunate, and when the Committee advert to the means of their in- troduction among us, and the cause which now prevents their moral and intellectual advancement, they cannot doubt that their fellow-citizens, influenced as well by a sense of justice as the impulses of philanthro- 30 phy, will cheerfully embrace any opportunity that may present to plact the descendants of Africa in a situation which will furnish them with more powerful motives, than are offered them among ourselves, to respectability of character, and intellectual improvement. The Island of Hayti is supposed to offer such a situation. The pro- positions made by the government of that country, have been consid- ered by the Committee with as much attention as the short time allowed them to make a report would permit. These propositions appear to the Committee to be liberal and in their opinion are honourable to the government whence they emanated. The Committee have also con- ferred with Citizen Granville, the authorized agent of the Republic of Hayti in this country, and from information derived from him, as well as from that before in their possession, they feel assured that the form of government there insures to the citizens a good degree of civil and religious liberty — and that the means of improvement at present in successful operation there, will at no distant period enable Hayti to hold a respectable rank among Christian nations. Those of our col- oured population who may think proper to emigrate to that country, will immediately become citizens, and possessed of all the privileges and immunities appertaining to that character. It is not however to be concealed that such emigrants may, by a change of climate, and a connection with a people speaking a different language from their own, be subjected for a time to inconveniences and embarrassments. These may however be surmounted, and the children of the emigrants will be born to a better inheritance, and brighter prospects, than awaited the na- tivity of their parents. Your Committee have received information, that a meeting of a num- ber of respectable coloured persons in this city has been held, at which the propositions of President Boyer were read and highly approved. Without entering more minutely into the subject, your Committee would briefly express the conclusion at which they have arrived — That in their opinion, the circumstances and prospects of a large proportion of our coloured population would be essentially improved by becoming citizens of Hayti. They therefore think that the emigration of such persons to that country, ought to be promoted. As the object proposed to be effected by the preceding remarks, can- not be compassed by individual exertions, but will require concert of action, the Committee would submit the following resolutions for the adop- tion of their fellow citizens, from whom they derived their appointment. The resolutions reported by the Committee, after some amendments, passed as follows : — Resolved, That it is expedient to form a Society, to be called “ The Society for promoting the Emigration of F ree Personsof Colour to Hayti.’ } Resolved , That a subscription of twenty dollars shall entitle the sub- scriber to be a member of said Society for life, and an annual subscrip- tion of three dollars shall entitle the subscriber to the right of member- ship during the continuance of said subscription. Resolved , That the business and affairs of said Society shall be con- ducted by a Board of Managers, to consist of twenty-five of its members, and that until the organization of said Society, the following persons shall compose said Board. A committee was then appointed to nominate the Managers, who reported the following names, which were approved by the meeting : — 31 MATTHEW CLARKSON, C. D COLDEN, PETER JAY, GEO. NEWBOLD, JON. WAIN WRIGHT, THOMAS EDDY, ROBERT C CORNELL, JOHN GRISCOM, L. D DEWEY, JOSHUA UNDERHILL, ISAAC COLLINS, JOHN PINTARD, STEPHEN ALLEN, JOHN E. HYDE, JOSEPH SMITH, JAMES PALMER, JOHN R. WILLIS, NAJAH TAYLOR, JOHN R. HURD, WILLIAM COLGATE, SAMUEL COWDREY, CORNELIUS DUBOIS, THEODORE DWIGHT, JONATHAN GOODHUE, H. KETCHUM. Citizen Granville, the Agent of President Boyer, who had been pre- viously introduced by Thomas Eddy, then requested permission to address a few remarks to the meeting, which was cheerfully granted. Through the medium of Professor Griscom, who officiated as interpre- ter, Citizen Granville expressed his warm acknowledgments for the measures which had been adopted to promote the views of his govern- ment; and as a private citizen requested permission for himself and •ountrymen to make pecuniary contributions to the Society when it should be formed, in aid of its benevolent views. Whereupon the fol- lowing resolution was introduced by Dr. Wainwright, and adopted. Resolved, That this meeting highly appreciate the liberal offer made by Citizen Granville, and recommend that the Society hereafter to be formed accede to the proposition made by him in behalf of himself and countrymen. A very well written and interesting communication, addressed to Thomas Eddy and others, from Samuel E. Cornish, Peter Williams, and others, a committee appointed by a Meeting of Coloured Persons held in the Presbyterian Church in Elm-street, on the 16th inst. to deliberate upon the offers made by President Boyer, was then read, and referred to the Managers of the contemplated Society. The meet- ing then adjourned. THOMAS EDDY, Chairman. H. KETCHUM, Secretary. The Board of Managers met at the Governor’s Room in the New- York Hospital, on Tuesday, the 29th day of June, ult. and organized. General MATTHEW CLARKSON was chosen President, H. KETCHUM, Secretary, and ROBERT C. CORNELL, Treasurer. The Committee to receive donations from the citizens, and to em- ploy agents to obtain subscriptions is composed of, ROBERT C. CORNELL, JOHN R. WILLIS, SAMUEL COWDREY. A Corresponding Committee was appointed; also a Committee to prepare an address to the public. The following persons were appointed a Committee to digest a gen- eral plan of proceedings for the Society , and to confer with a Commit- tee, appointed at a Meeting of Coloured Persons, who intend forming an Auxiliary Society. THOMAS EDDY, JOSHUA UNDERHILL. LORING D. DEWEY, GEORGE NEWROLP 32 Note . — St. Domingo, Hispaniola, or as it was originally called by the natives, Hayti was discovered by Columbus, December 6th, 1492 —This Island is in Lat 18 20 North, and in Lon. 68 40 West; extending 150 miles from North to South, and 480 miles from East to West— containing 1432 square miles, and is, except Cuba, (from which it is separated by a strait of 36 miles, called the Windward Passage,) the largest, the most fertile and pleasant Island in the West Indies. The general salubrity of the climate — beauty of scenery — comprising mountains of great altitude, covered with verdure— magnificent plains every where well watered, and in consequence spread over with the most luxuriant vegetation, renders this Island a most inviting and desira- ble residence. There are but two seasons in the year, and they are equally fine In the delightful vales of the Island, the sweets of spring are enjoyed without either win- ter or summer,— the ground always laden with fruit, and covered with flowers From the situation of this Island, it might be supposed to suffer from intense heat, but this is provided against by frequent refreshing rains, and an alternate East and West wind, which blows with great regularity. Its salubrity is also in a great degree owing to the beautiful variety of its surface, exhibiting hills and vallies. woods and rivers. It contains forests of palms, elms, oaks, pines, mahogany, and numerous other trees, and it is generally agreed that the pine apples, grapes, oranges, lemons, limes, citrons, figs, dates, apricots, peaches, and other fruits, have a peculiarly fine flavour in Hayti. The Island abounds in wholesome water, but so cold in the interior, that it must be drank with care, and is dangerous for bathing. It contains several lakes, very nume- rous rivers, several of which, viz: — Ozama, Macoris, Yaquay, Yuna, La Neyva^ L’Usaque, Artibonite, are large and well stocked with fish. In 1789, trie population was 1,240,000 and is now [1824,] supposed to exceed twt> millions, and if well cultivated, this Island is capable of supporting a population of from eight to ten millions. In 1791 the value of exports from this Island exceeded £5,370,000 sterling, oi $23,832,000 — comprised in — 84,617,328 lbs of . . . Coffee, 217,463 hhds of . . Sugar, 3,257,610 lbs. of . . . Indigo, 1,526,017 lbs. of . . . Cocoa, 11,317,226 lbs. of . . . Cotton, 34,453,000 lbs. of . . . Syrup, besides corn, ginger, tobacco, salt, wax, honey, ambergris, a variety of drugs, dyers’ woods, mahogany, &c. &c. &c. The number of F rench vessels’ employed in 1789, was 710, and at one period the whole Island employed 1070 vessels, navigated by 7936 seamen The chief towns are Port-au-Prince, containing 120,000 inhabitants; AuxCayes, 90,000; Cape Francois 90,000 ; St. Domingo, 70,000 ; Jeremie, Petit Goaves, Laogane, and numerous small towns and villages. The Independence of Hayti was proclaimed on the 29th of Nov. 1803, and having obtained in 1821 a session of the Spanish part, by consent of its inhabitants, the whole of this most extensive, valuable, and interesting Island came under the authority and protection of J. P. Bover. President of the Republic of Hayti, and now enjoys profound peace, and is earnestly cultivating a knowledge of the arts and sciences. They have established Lancasterian schools, academies, colleges, &c., supported at public ex- pense. Their militia system is somewhat similar to that of the L'nited States. Their stand ing army of 200,000 men, cavalry, infantry, and artillery, &c., is as well disciplined, officered, armed, and equipped, as that of any regular army of any other country. Their navy is yet but small, say 16 vessels, and these are chiefly employed in prevent- ing and detecting pirates and smugglers. Memorandum. — A Map and a more.complete and detailed description of Hayti, wiH probably be published as soon as Citizen J. Granville receives the necessary documents from his government, which he has requested, and now daily expects containing a statistical account of its productions, exports, imports, &c. &c., for the last four years. THE END.