J7 2./, 'oif '^ PRINCETON, N. J. ^ Presented by Yr-(S^\ CK^S^^n-V ^~'(2^\o'C\ Division Sectio7t ■■ Y- /- f" ^m .' T. ' i:-*"^, ' "^-^ - "'^ -•' o^ A S 1 A,,P I T J^2i ^^i «v /. A V oz. (;p £-^^ 1' P M TT T '^'?^,>^ i. *> Z, J'73 / M ^^ jj£ei/i/. 7n n ''^"irnili s^ G 7^ e a t IJ r s r r r t ^^ . Meutioued lii tlie o mmy "J Jf- Longitude East af? from ^rasluiigt c i: T H THE ^IBLE TEXT-BOOK OS THE PRINCIPAL TEXTS RELATING TO THE PERSONS, PLACES, AND SUBJECTS, OCCURRING IN THE HOLY SCRIPTUEES5 ARRANGED FOE THE rSE OP MINISTERS, TEACHERS, YISITORS, AND ALL STU- DENTS OE THE BIBLE. WITH TWO MAPS, AND A VARIETY OF USEFUL TABLES. "Search the Scriptures." John 5: 39. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. 150 NASSAU-STREET, NEW YORK. PREFACE. This book is designed to afford assistance To ministers of the gospel, in the study, in their pas- toral visits, and in their public ministrations : To teachers of Sunday, daily, and infant schools, etc. : To visitors of the poor, the sick, and the afflicted : To heads of families, in the instruction of their chil- dren and domestics ; as also to the several members thereof, in searching the holy Scriptures for their com- mon edification : To persons who meet togiether in order to search the holy Scriptures for mutual edification : To authors, in the composition of religious works : To individuals of all classes, in their private study of the holy Scriptures. It must not be expected that every important or that all texts apposite to each subject treated of, should be found in this book ; as it is intended to be a portable and convenient manual, the necessary limits of the work preclude the possibility of such completeness. 3 PREFACE. It would be presumptuous to expect that mistakes or imperfections may not be found in this work, involving, as every comment upon Scripture does, so much of deli- cacy and difficulty; yet it can be asserted with truth, that arduous labor and anxious care have been expended, in order to render it subservient to the great end for which it is designed. This work has not been undertaken or carried on with a view of establishing any particular class of opinions : the endeavor has been to set forth the word of God " not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God." It is now sent forth with the humble prayer, that it may be the means, through the blessing of the Holy Ghost, of more extensively unfolding the gospel of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. A TEXT-BOOK OF THE PERSONS, PLACES, AND SUBJECTS OCCURRING IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. NOTE. — In order to save space, reference is often made but to a single verse, althougli the matter referred to may be contained in several verses in connection with it; thereCore, le( reference be made to the context. Exod. 5-1-2 ; AARON appointed to assist Moses 4:14, '27. fulfils his commission, Exod. 16. -.33; 17:1-2. chosen high-priest, Exod. 23. consecrated, Exod. '29; Lev. 8:9. his first offerings, Lev. 9. not to mourn for his sons. Lev. 10:6. his neglect excused. Lev. 10: '20. his sin in making the golden calf, Exod. 32. spared at Moses' request, Deut. 9:20. his sedition against Moses, Num. 12. stays the plague, Num. 16:47, 48. his rod buds, Nu7ti. 17:8. excluded from the promised land. Num. '20:1-2. his death. Num. 20: '28. his descendants, 1 Chr. 6:49-53. See PRIESTS. his priesthood inferior to Christ's, Heh. 5; 7; etc. See Psa. 77:'20; 99:6; 106:16, etc. ABADDOX, (the destroyer.) Rev. 9:11. ABBA, (Father.) Mark i4:.36; Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:G. ABDON. judge, Judg. 12:13. ABEDNEGO. See shadrach. ABEL'S birth, sacrifice, and death, Ge>i. 4. his faith, Heb. 11:4; 12:'24; IJohn 3:12. ABIATHAR, high-priest, escapes Saul's vengeance, 1 Sam. '22: '20. faithful to David, 1 Sam. '2:3:6; 30:7; 2 Sam. 15:'24. but opposed to Solomon, 1 Kings 1 : 19. degraded from the priesthood, 1 Kings 2:26. ABIB, first month, the passover cele- brated in, E-rod. 13:4; 2:3:15; 34:18. ABIGAIL, her character, 1 Sam. '25:3. her intercession for Nabal, ISaw. '25:'24. ABIHU's trespass and death, Lev. 10. law in consequence, Lev. 10:9. ABIJAH, or Abijam, king of Judah, his evil reign, 1 Kings 15: 1. his wars with Jeroboam, 2 Chr. 13. , son of Jeroboam, his death fore- told, 1 Kings 14. ABIMELECH, king of Gerar, reproves Abraham for denying his wife, Gen. 20:9. rebukes Isaac for denying his wife. Gen. '20:10. his covenant with Isaac, Gen. '26:28. , son of Gideon. Judg. 8:31. his cruelty, Judg. 9:5, 48. made king, Judg. 9:6. slain by a woman, Judg. 9:53 ; 2 Sam. 11 :'21. ABINADAB receives the ark sent away by the Philistines, 1 Sam. 7:1; 2 Sam. 6:3. ABIRAM. See korah. ABISHAG ministers to David, 1 Kings 1:3. Adonijah slain for seeking her in mar- riage, 1 Kings 2:13-'25. ABISHAI, brother of Joab, prevented from slaying Saul. 1 Sam. '26:8. and Shimei, 2 Sam.' 16:9; 19:21. hisvaliantdeeds, 2 Sam. 21:17 ; 23:18: 1 Chr. 11:'20; 18:1-2. ABNER, Saul's captain, 1 Satn. 14:50; 17:55. taunted by David, 1 Sam. 26:5, 14. at first adheres to Ishbosheth, 2 Sam. 2:8. but revolts to David, 2 Sam. 3:8. treacherously slain by Joab,2SaOT. 3:27. lamented by David, 2 Sam. 3:31. ABOMINATION of desolation foretold, Dan. 11:31; 12:11; Mat. 24:15; . Mark 13:14. ABOMINATIONS, which God abhors : graven images, idolaters, Deut. 7:25; '27 15; lKingsll:5; 2 Kings 23:13; /5rtr. 41:24; Mai. 2:11. 5 ACC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ADO ABOMINATIONS, cont. — heathenish practices, Deut. 18:12; 22:5; Isa. 66:17; Eze. 16:50; 18:12; Rev. 21:27. things sacrificed, Lev. 7:18; Deut. 17:1; Prov. 15:8; Isa. 1:13. uncleanness. Leu. 18:22; 20:13; Deut. 24:4. the wages of sin, Deut. 23:18. frowarduess, pride. Prov. 3:32; 6:16; 11:20; 16:5. injustice, fraud. Prov. 11:1; 16:12; 17:15; 20:10, 23. thoughts and worship of the wicked, Prov. 15:8; 26:25; 27; 2S:9. of Jerusalem described, Isa. 1 ; 3 ; Jer. 2, etc. ; Ezek. 5:11; 6:9; 7; 8; 11; 16; 23; ifo5.], etc. ofthe heathen censured, X,et>. 18:26; Deut. 18:9; 1 Kings 14:24; Fi.om. 1:18; Eph.5:l^\ Col. 2:5. ABRAHAM, Abram, born, Gen. 11:27. called, Gen. 12:1. repairs to Canaan, Gen. 12:5. goes to Egypt, Gen. 12:10. denies his wife, Gen. 12:14 ; 20:2. receives the promise. Gen. 13:14; 15:5 rescues Lot, Gen. 14:14. blessed by Melchizedek, Gen. 14:19; Heb.lA. his faith and sacrifice. Gen. 15. God's covenant with him. Gen. 15:18 ; 17. he and his household circumcised. Gen. 17. visited by angels. Gen. IS. intercedes for Sodom, Gen. 18:23. dismisses Hagar and Ishmael, Gen. 21:14. his obedience in oiTering Isaac, Gen. 22. purchases Machpelah for a burying- place, Gen. 23. provides a wife for Isaac, Gen. 24. his descendants by Keturah, Gen. 25. death and burial. Gen. 25:7. testimonies to his faith and works. Isa. 41:8; 51:2; Jo/mS:31-56; Acts7:2; Rom. 4; Gai.3:6; Heb. 11:8; Jas. 2:21 etc. ABSALOM, son of David, 2 Sam. 3:3. slays Amnon, 2 Sayn. 13:28. his conspiracy, 2 Sam. 15-17. his death, 2 Sam. 18:14. lamented by David, -2Sam. 18:33 ; 19:1. ACCESS TO GOD : is of God, Psa. 65:4. is by Christ, John 10:7, 9; 14:6; Rom. 5:2; Eph. 2:13; 3:12; Heb. 7:19, 25; 10:19; 1 Pet. 3:18. is by the Holy Ghost, Eph. 2:18. obtained through faith, Acts 14:27; Rom. 5:2; Eph. 3:12; HebA]:G. follows upon reconciliation to God, Col. 1:21, 22. in prayer, Dewt. 4:7; Mat. 6:6; I Pet. 1 : 17. See prayer. 6 ACCESS, C07it.— in his temple, Psa. 15:1; 27:4; 43:3; 65:4. to obtain mercy and grace, Heb. 4:16. a privilege of saints, Deut. 4:7; Psa. 15; 2:3:6; 24:3,4. saints have, with confidence, Eph. 3:12; Heb. i:16; 10:19.22. vouchsafed to repenting sinners, Hos. 14:2 ; Joel 2:12. See repentance. saints earnestly seek, Psa. 27:4; 42:1, 2; 43:3; 84:1,2. the wicked commanded to seek, Isa. 55:6; Jas. 4:8. urge others to seek, Isa. 2:3 ; Jer. 31 :6. promises connected with, Psa. 145:18 j Isa. 55:3; Mat. 6:6; Jas. 4:8. blessedness of, Psa. 16: 11 ; 65:4 ; 73:28. typified, Lev. 16:12-15. with He' . 10:19-22. exemplified, Moses, Ex. 24:2; 34:4-T. ACCURSED, what so called, Deut. 21:23; Josh. 6:17 ; 7:1; lChr.2:7,. Isa. 65:20; Gal. 1:8. ACELDAMA, Judas' death there. Mat. 27:7; Acts 1:18. ACHAIA, gospel preached in. Acts 18. liberality of disciples there commended, Rom. 15:26; 2 Cor. 9:2. ACHAN'S trespass and punishment, Josh. 7; 22:20; 1 Chr. 2:7. ACHISH, king of Gath, his kindness to David, 1 Satn. 21:10; 27:2; 28:1; 29:6. See 1 Kings 2:39. ACHOR, valley of, Achan slain there, JosA. 7:26. See Hos. 2:15. ACHSAH'S request to Caleb, Jo^A. 15:16 ; Judg. 1:13. ADAM created in the image of God, and blessed, Gen. 1:27; 2:7; 5:1. placed in Eden, Gen. 2:8. names the creatures, Gen. 2:20. his disobedience and punishment, Gen. 3. promise made to. Gen. 3:15. his death, Gen. 5:5. See Job 31:33; Rom. 5:14 ; 1 Cor. 15:22, 45 ; 1 Tim. 2:13. Adam, the last, 1 Cor. 15:45. ADMAH, city of the plain, destroyed, Ge7i. 19; Deut. 29:23; Hos. 11:8. ADMONITION, directions concerning. Mat. 18:15 ; Luke 17:3 ; Rom. 15:14; Eph. 5:11; 1 Thes. 5:12; 2 Thes. 3:15; Heb. 3: 13. See exhortation. ADONI-BEZEK confesses his cruelty to be justly requited, Judg. 1 : 7. ADONiJAH"S conspiracy,! Kitigs 1:5. his presumptuous request, 1 Kings 2:13. slain, 1 Kings 2:25. ADONI-ZEDEC, king of Jerusalem, re- sists Joshua, Josh. 10:1. his death. Josh. 10:26. ADOPTION : explained, 2 Cor. 6:18. is according to promise, Rom. 9:8; Gal. 3:29. ADU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AFF ADOPTION, cont.—is by faith, Gal. 3:7,26. is of God's grace, Eze. 16:3-6; Ro7n. 4:16, 17; Eph. 1:5, 6, 11. is through Christ, John 1:12; Gal. 4:4, 5; Eph. 1:5; Heb. 2:10, 13. saints predestinated unto, Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:5,11. of Gentiles, predicted. Has. 2: 23 ; Rom. 9:24-26; Eph. 3:6. the adopted are gathered together in one by Christ, John 11:52. new birth connected with, Johti 1 J^2, 13. the Holy Spirit is a witness of, Ro7n. 8:16. being led by the Spirit is an evidence of, Rotn. 8:14. saints receive the spirit of, Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6. a privilege of saints, Jo/m 1:12; 1 John 3:1. ' saints become brethren of Christ by, Jo/m 20: 17; ife6. 2:11, 12. saints wait for the final consummation of, Ro7n. 8:19, 23; 1 John2:2. subjects saints to the fatherly discipline of God. Deut. 8:5; 2 Sam. 7:14; Prou. 3:11, 12; Heb. 12:5-11. God is long-suffering and merciful tow- ards the partakers of, Jer. 31 : 1, 9, 20. should lead to holiness, 2 Cor. 6: 17, IS, with 2 Cor. 7:1 ; Phil. 2:15 ; 1 John 3:2,3. SHOULD PRODUCE likeness to God, Mat. 5:44,45,48; Eph. 5:1. child-like confidence in God, Mat. 6:25-34. a desire for God's glory, Mat. 5:16. a spirit of prayer, Mat. 7:7-11. a love of peace. Mat. 5:9. a forgiving spirit. Mat. 6:14. a merciful spirit, Liike 6:35, 36. an avoidance of ostentation, Mat. 6:1- 4, 6, 18. safety of those who receive, Prov. 14:26 confers a new name. Num. 6:27; Isa. 62:2; Acts 15:17. See Titles of Saints, entitles to an inheritance, Mat. 13:43; Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29; 4:7; Eph. 3:6. is to be pleaded in prayer, Isa. 63:16 ; Mat. 6:9. illustrated. Joseph's sons. Gen. 48:5, 14, 16, 22. Moses, Exocl. 2:10; Esther, Esth. 2:7. typified. Israel, Exod. 4:22; Has. 11:1; Rom. 9:4. exemplified. Solomon, 1 Chr. 28:6. ADULLAM, cave of, David's sojourn there, 1 Sa^n. 22:1 ; 1 Chr. 11:15. ADULTERY forbidden, Exod. 20:14; iev. 20:10; Deut.5:^Q; 3Iat.5:27: 19:18; Mark 10:11; Rom. 13:9; 1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19. evils of, Prov. 6:26 ; Hos. 1 :2. ADULTERY, cojif. — instances of, 2 Sam. U, etc.; AZar^6:lS; Joh7i8:3. SPIRITUAL, Jer. 3 ; 13:27 ; Eze. 16:23 ; Hos. 1 ; 2- Rev. 2:22. AD V ERS AR Y, the devil. Job 1 -.7 : 2: 1 % Zech. 3:1. to be resisted. Mat. 4; Eph. 4-27- Jas. 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8. ADVOCATE, Jesus Christ, of the church, lJoh7i2:l. ^NEAS healed. Acts 9:33. ^NON, John baptizes there, John 3:23. AFFECTIONS: should be supremely set upon God, Deut. 6:5; 3'Iark 12:30. SHOULD BE SET upon the command- ments of God, Pja. 19:8-10; 119:20, 97, 103, 167. upon the house and worship of God, 1 Chr. 29:3; Psa. 26:8; 27:4;&4:1,2. upon the people of God, Psa. 16:3; Rom. 12: 10 ; 2Cor. 7:13-15 ; 1 Thes. 2:8. upon heavenly things, Col. 3:1,2. should be zealously engaged for God, Psa. 69:9; 119:139; Gal. 4:18. Christ claims the first place in. Mat. 10:37; Luke 14:26. enkindled by communion with Christ, Luke 2A .32. blessedness of making God the object of, Psa. 91:14. should not grow cold, Psa. 106:12. 13 ; Mat. 24:12; Gal. 4:15; Rev. 2:4. of saints, supremely set on God, Psa. 42:1; 73:25; 119:10. of the wicked, not sincerely set on God, Isa. 58:1, 2; Eze. 33:31,32; Luke 8:13. carnal affections should be mortified, Rom. 8:13; 13:14; 1 Cor. 9:27: Col. 3:5; 1 Thes. 4:5. carnal affections crucified in saints, Rom. 6:6; Gal. 5:24. false teachers seek to captivate. Gal. 1:10; 4:17; 2T{m.3:6; 2Pet.2:3, 18; Rev. 2:14,20. of the wicked, are unnatural and per- verted, Rom. 1:31; 2 Tim. 3:3; 2 Pet. 2:10. AFFLICTED SAINTS: God is with, Psa. 46:5, 7; Isa. 43:2. God is a refuge and strength to, Psa. 27:5, 6; Isa. 25:4; Jer. 16:19; Nah. 1:7. God comforts, Isa. 49:13; Jer. 31:13; Mat. 5:4; 2 Cor. 1:4, 5; 7:6. God preserves, Psa. 34:20. God delivers, P.m. 34:4, 19; Prov. 12:13; Jer. 39:17, 18. Christ is with, John 14: 18. Christ supports, 2 Tim. 4:17; Heb. 2:18. Christ comforts, Isa. 61 :2 ; Mat. 11 :2S- 30; Luke7:13; Johnl4A ; 16:33. Christ preserves, /sa.63:9; Luke 21:18. 7 AFF BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AFF ■ Christ A.FFLICTED SAINTS, cont delivers. Rev. 3:10. shoald praise God, Psa. 13:5, G; 56:8- 10; 57: (3, 7; 71:20-3. should imitate Christ, Heb. 12:1-3; 1 Pet. 2:21-23. should imitate the prophets, Jas. 5:10. should be patient, Luke 21 : 19 ; Rom. 12:12; 2 Thes. 1:4; Jas. 1:4; 1 Pet. 2:20. should be resigned, 1 Sa)7i. 3:18; 2 Kings 2Q:19 ; Job 1:21-, Psa. 39:9. should not despise chastening, Jo6 5:17; Prov. 3:11; Heb. 12:5. should acknowledge the justice of their chastisements, Nek. 9:33 ; Job 2: 10 ; Isa. 61:5-7; Lam. 3:39; Mic. 7:9. shoald avoid sin, Job 34:31, 32; Jokn 5:14. should trust in the goodness of God, Job 13:15; Psa. 71:20; 2 Cor. 1:9. should turn and devote themselves to God, Psa. 116:7-9; Jer. 50:3. 4; Kos. 6:1. ' . should keep the pious resolutions made during affliction, Psa. 66:13-15. should be frequent in prayer, Psa 50:15; 55:16, 17. See afflictions, prayer under, should take encouragement from former mercies, Psa. 27:9; 2 Cor. 1:10. examples of afflicted saints, Joseph, Gen. 39:20-23; Psa/m 105:17-19. Moses, Heb. 11:25. Eli, 1 Satn. 3:18. Nehemiah, Neh. 1:4. Job, Job 1:20-22. David, 2 Sam. 12:15- 23. Paul, Acts 20:22-24; 21:13. Apostles, 1 Cor. 4:13; 2 Cor. 6:4-10. AFFLICTED, duty towards the : to prav for them. Acts 12:5 ; Phil. 1:16, 19; 'jas. 5:14-16. to sympathize with them, Rom. 12:15 ; Gal. 6:2. to pity them. Job 6:14. to bear them in mind, Heb. 13:3. to visit them, Jas. 1:27. to comfort them, Job 16:5; 29:25; 2 Cor. 1:4; 1 Thes. 4:13. to relieve them. Job 31:19, 20; Isa. 58:10; Phil. 4:14; 1 Tim. 5:10. to protect them, Psa. 82:3 ; Prov. 22:22; 31:5. AFFLICTIONS : God appoints, 2 Kings 6:33; Job 5:6, IS; Psa. 66:11; Amos 3:6; Mic. 6:9. God dispenses, as he will, Job 11:10; Isa. 10:15; 45:7. God regulates the measure of, Psa. 80:5; J.sa. 9:1; Jer. 46:2:1. God determines the continuance of, Gen. 15:13, 14; Num. 14:33; Isa. 10:25; Jer. 29:10. God does not willingly send. Lam. 3:33. man is born to, Job 5:6, 7; 14:1. saints appointed to, 1 Thes. 3:3. AFFLICTIONS, con<.— consequent upon the fall. Gen. 3:16-19. sin produces, Job 4:8; 20:11; Prov. 1:31. sin visited with, 2 Sam. 12: 14 ; Psa. 89 : 30-32 ; /sa. 57 : 17 ; Acts 13 : 10, 1 1 . often severe, Job 16:7-16; Psa. 42:7; 66:12; Jo)iah ili:3; Rev.l.U. always less than we deserve, Ezra 9:13 ; Psa. 103:10. frequently terminate in good. Gen. 50:20; Exod. 1:11,12; Deut.8:l5, 16; Jer. 24:5,6; Eze. 20:37. tempered with mercy, Psa. 7S:3S, 39; 106:43-46; Isa. 30:18-21; La7n. 3:32; Mic. 7:7-9; Nah. 1:12. saints are to expect, John 16:33; Acts 14:22. of saints, are comparatively light. Acts 20:23,24; Ro7n. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17. of saints, are but temporary, Psa. 30:5; 103:9; Isa. 51:7, 8; John 16:20; 1 Pet. 1:6; 5:10. saints have joy under. Tnb 5:17; Jas, 5:11. 01 saints, end in joy and blessedness, Psa. 126:5, 6; Isa. 61:2, 3; Mat. 5:4; 1 Pet.i:13,U. often arise from the profession of the gospel. Mat. 24:9; John 15:21; 2 Tim. 3:11, 12. exhibit the love and faithfulness of God, Deut.8:5; P5a.ll9:75; Prov. 3:12; 1 Cor. 11:32; Heb. 12:6, 7; Rev. 3:19. AFFLICTIONS, prayer under: exhortation to, Jas. 5:13. that God would consider our trouble, 2 Kings 19:16; Neh. 9:32; Psa. 9:13; Lam. 5:1. for the presence and support of God, Psa. 10:1; 102:2. that the Holy Spirit may not be with» drawn, Psa. 51:11. for divine comfort, Psa. 4:6; 119:76. for mitigation of troubles, Psa. 39:12, 13. for deliverance, Psa. 25:17, 22; 39:10; 7sa. 64:9-12; Jer. 17:14. for pardon and deliverance from sin, Psa. 39:8; 51:1; 79:8. that "we mav be turned to God, Psa. 80:7; 85:4-6; Jer. 31:18. for divine teaching and direction. Job 34:32; Psa. 27:11; 143:10. for increase of faith, Mark 9:24. for mercy, Psa. 6:2; Hab. 3:2. for restoration to joy, Psa. 51:8, 12; 69:29; 90:14, 15. for protection and preservation from enemies, 2ii:m.l9:19; 2Chr. 20:12; Psa. 17:8, 9. that we may know the causes of our trouble. Job 6:24; 10:2; 13:23, 24. that we may be taught the uncertainty of life, Psa. 39:4. AFF BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ACtA AFFLICTIONS, con^— that we may be quickeneJ, Psa. 143:11. AFFLICTIONS, consolation under : God is the Author and Giver of, Psa. 23:4; Rom. 15:5; 2 Cor. 1:3; 7:G; Col. 1:11 ; 2 Thes. 2:1G, 17. Christ is the Author and Giver of, Isa. 61:2; Jo/ui 14:18; 2 Cor. 1:.5. the Holy Ghost is the Author and Giver of, John 14:16, 17; 15:26; 16:7; ActsQ:3l. promised. Isa. 51:. 3. 12; 66:13; Eze. 14:22,23; Hos.2:U; Zee//. 1:17. through the Holy Scriptures, Psa. 119:50, 76; Rom. 15:4. by ministers of the gospel, Isa. 40:1, 2; ICor. 14:3; 2 Cor. 1:4, 6. is abundant, Psa. 71:21 ; Isa. 66:11. is strong, Heb. 6:1S. is everlasting, 2 Thes. 2:16. is a cause of praise, Isa. 12:1 ; 49:13. pray for, Psa. 119: S2. saints should administer to each other, 1 Thes. A:IS; 5:11, 14. is sought in vain from the world, Psa. 69 : 20 ; Ecd. 4:1; Z-a;?i . 1 : 2. to those who mourn for sin, Psa. 51 :17 ; Isa. 1 : IS ; 40: 1, 2 ; 61 : 1 ; Mic. 7:18, 19; Luke 4:18. to the troubled in mind, Psa. 42:5; 94:19 ; John 14:1, 27 ; 16:20, 22. to those deserted by friends, Psa. 27:10 ; 41:9-12; Jo/m 14:18; 15:18,19. to the persecuted, Dent. 33:27. to the poor, Psa. 10:14 ; 34:6, 9, 10. to the sick, Ps(t. 41:3. to the tempted. Rom. 16:20; 1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Cor. 12:Q; Jas. 1:12; 4:7 ; 2 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 2:10. in prospect of death, Job 19:25, 26; Psa. 23:4; John 14:2; 2 Cor. 5:1; 1 Thes. 4:14; Heb. 4:9; Rev. 7:14- 17; 14:13. under the infirmities of age, Psa. 71:9, IS. AFFLICTIONS made beneficial : in promoting the glory of God, John 9:1-3; 11:3,4; 21:18,19. in exhibiting the power and faithful- ness of God, Psa. 34 : 19, 20 ; 2 Cor. 4:8-11. in teaching us the will of God, Psa. 119:71; Isa. 26:9; Mic. 6:0. in turning us to God, Dent. 4:.30, 31 ; Neh.l:8,9; Psa. 73:34; Isa. 10:20, 21; Hos.2:6,7. in keeping us from again departing from God. Job 34:31. 32 ; Isa. 10:20 ; Eze. 14:10, 11. in leading us to seek God in prayer, Jur/g-. 4:3; Jer. 31:18; Lam. 2:17- 19; //os. 5:14, 15; Jo)iah2:l. in convincing us of sin, Job 36:8, 9; Psa. 119:67; Lw/fce 15:16-18. in leading us to confession of sin, Num. 21:7; Psa. 32:5; 51:3-5. AFFLICTIONS, cant.— in testing and exhibiting our sincerity, Job 23:10; Psa. 66:10; Prov. 17:3. in trying our faith and obedience. Gen. 22:1, 2, with Heb. 11:17; Ezod. 15:2:3-25; Deut. 8:2,16; IPet.l:!; Rev. 2:10. in humbling us, Deut. S:.3, 16 ; 2 Chr. 7:13, 14; La7n. 3:19, 20; 2 Cor. 12:7. in purifying us, Ecd. 7:2, 3 ; Isa. 1:2.5, 26; 4«:10; Jer. 9:6, 7; Zech. 13:9 iVia^. 3:2, 3. in exercising our patience, Psa. 40:1 ; Uom. 5:3; las. 1:3; 1 Pei. 2:20. in rendering us fruitful in good works, Jo/i;il5:2; Heb. 12:10, U. in furthering the gospel. Acts 8:3, 4; 11:19-21; Phil. 1:12; 2 Tim. 2:9, 10; 4:16, 17. exemplified, Joseph's brethren, Gen. 42:21. Joseph, tr(f«. 45:5, 7, 8. Is- rael, Deut. 8:3, 5. Josiah. 2 Kiyigs 22: 19. Hezekiah, G Chr. 32: 25, 26. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:12. Jonah, Jonah 2:7. Prodigal son. Luke 15:21. AFFLICTIONS of the wicked : God is glorified in, Exod. 14:4; Eze. 38:22,23. God holds in derision, Psa. 37:13; Prov. 1:26, 27. are multiplied, Deut. 31:17; Job 20:5: 21:17; Psa. 32:10. are continual. Job 15:20; Ecd. 2:23: Isa. 32:10. are often sudden, Psa. 73:19; Prov, 6:15; Isa. 30:13; Rev.lQ:\0. are often judicially sent, Job 21:17; Psa. 107:17; Jer. 30:15. are for examples to others, Psa. 64:7- 9; Zeph. 3:6, 7; 1 Cor. 10:5-11; 2 Pet. 2:6. are ineffectual of themselves, for their conversion, Exod. 9:30; Isa. 9:13; Jer. 2:30; Hag-. 2:17. their perseciition of saints, a cause of, Deut. 2^:1; Psa. 55:19; ZecA. 2:3; 2 T/ies. 1:6. impenitence is a cause of, Prov. 1:30, 31; Eze.2\:V:i; Amos \:6-l2: Zech. 7:11, 12; Rev. 2:21,22. sometimes humble them, 1 Kings 21:27. frequently harden, Neh. 9:28, 29 ; Jer. 5:3. produce slavish fear, Job 15:24; Psa. 73:19; Jer. 49:. 3, 5. saints should not be alarmed at, Prov. 3:2.5, 26. exemplified. Pharaoh and the Egyp- tians, Exod. 9:14, 15; 14:24, 25. Ahaziah, 2 Kings 1:1-4. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5:27. Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21 : 12- 19. Uzziah, 2 CAr. 26:19-21. Ahaz, etc. 2 Chr. 28:5-8, 22. AGABUS foretells a famine, ActsU:2=i. 9 AHO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ALL AGABUS, cont. — and Paul's sufferings at Jerusalem, Acts 21 : 111. AGAG, king of Amaiek, spared by Saul, but slain by Samuel, 1 Sayn. 15. AGATE, Exod. 28:19; Isa. 54:12. AGONY of Christ in the garden, Mat. 2G:36; Luke 22:44, etc. AGRIPPA, Paul-s defence before, Acts 25:22; 26. his decision, Acts 26:28, 32. AGUR'S confession and prayer, Prov. 30. ARAB, king of Israel, his wiclced reign, 1 Kings 16:29. meets Elijah, 1 Kings 18:17. encouraged against the Syrians, 1 Kin. 20:13. condemned for dismissing Ben-hadad, 1 Kings 20:42 ; and taking Naboth's vineyard, 1 Kings 21:17. his repentance, 1 Kings 21:27. seduced by false prophets, 1 Kings 22: 6. slain by the Syrians, 1 Kings 22:34; 2 C/ir. IS. See Mic. 6:16. , a false prcphet, condemned, Jer. 29:21. ^HASUERUS, king of Persia, divorces Vashti, Esth. 1. makes Esther queen, Esth. 2:17. exalts Haman, Esth. 3. his decree against the Jews, Esth. 3:12. rewards Mordecai's fidelity, Esth. 6. punishes Haman, Esth. 7:9; 8:9. advances Mordecai, i'siA. 9:4 ; 10. See EzraA:6. AHAZ, king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kings 16. profanes the temple, 2 Kings 16:10. chastised by Pekah, king of Israel, etc., 2 Chr. 28. Isaiah sent to him in his trouble, Isa. 7. refuses a sign, Isa. 7:12. AHAZIAH, king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kings b : 25. slain by Jehu, 2 Kings 9: 21 ; 2 Chr. 22. . , king of Israel, 1 Kings 22:40, 49. his sickness and idolatry, 2 Kings 1. his death denounced by Elijah, 2iCi?i.l. AHIJAH prophesies against Solomon, lA'i«^5 11:31. and Jeroboam, 1 Kings 14:7. foretells Abijah's death, 1 Kings 14:12. AHIKAM, 2 Kings 22:12. protects Jeremiah, Jer. 26:24. AHIMAAZ serves David, 2 Sain. 15:27; 17:17; 18:19. AHIMELECH, high -priest, for assisting David, 1 Satn. 21 ; slain by Doeg at Saufs command, 1 Sain. 22. AHITHOPHEL'S treachery, 2 Sam. 15:31; 16:20; disgrace, and suicide, 2 Satn. 17:1, 23. See Psa. 41:9; 55:12; 109. AHOLAH and AHOLIBAH, their abom- inations figurative of Samaria and Jerusalem, Eze. 23. 10 AHOLIAB inspired to construct the tab- ernacle, Exod. 35:34; 36, etc. AI, men of, at fijst defeat Israel, Josh. 7. afterwards subdued. Josh. 8. ALARM, how to be sounded. Num. 10:5. ALEXANDER the Great's conquests foretold, Dan. 8:5, 21 ; 10:20; 11:3. , a disciple, Mark 15:21 ; Acts 4:6; 19:33. , the coppersmith, censured, 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 4:14. ALLIANCE and society with the ene- mies of God : forbidden, Exod. 23:32; 34:12; Deut. 7: 2, 3 ; 13: 6, 8 ; Josh . 23 : 6, 7 ; Judg. 2:2; EzraQ-.U; Prov. 1:10, 15; 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Eph.5:l\. lead to idolatry, Exod. 34:15, 16 ; Num. 25:1-8; Deut. 7:4; Judg. 3:5-7; Rev. 2:20. have led to murder and human sacri- fice, Psa. 106:37, 38. provoke the anger of God, Deut. 7:4; 31:16, 17: 2 Chr. 19:2; Ezra 9:13, 14; Psa. 106:29, 40; Isa. 2:6. provoke God to leave men to reap the fruits of them. Josh. 23:12, 13; Judg. 2:1-3. are ensnaring, Exod. 23:33; Num. 25:18; Deut. 12:30; 13:6; Psa. 106:36. are enslaving, 2 Pet. 2:18, 19. are defiling, Ezra 9:1, 2. are degrading, Isa. 1 : 23. are ruinous to spiritual interests, Prov. 29:24; He6. 12:14,»15 ; 2Pet.2:\l. are ruinous to moral character, 1 Cor. 15:33. are a proof of folly, Prov. 12:11. children who enter into, bring shame upon their parents. Prov. 2>i:l. evil consequences of, Prov. 28:19; Jer. 51:7. the wicked are prone to, Psa. 50:18; Jer. 2:25. the wicked tempt saints to, Neh. 6:2-4. sin of, to be confessed, deeply repented of, and forsaken, Ezra 10. involve saints in their guiltiness, 2 John 9-11 ; Rev. 18:4. involve saints in their 'punishment, A^M/n. 16:26; Jer. 51:6; Rev. 18:4. unbecoming in those called saints. 2 Chr. 19:2; 2 Cor. 6:14-16; Phil. 2:15. exhortations to shun all inducements to, Prov. 1:10-15; 4:14,15; 2Pe«.3:17. exhortations to hate and avoid, Prov. 14:7; Ro7n. 16:17; 1 Cor. 5:9-11; Eph. 5:6,1; 1 r/;n.6:5; 2r/m.3:5; a call to come out from, Num. 16:26. Ezra 10:11 ; Jer. 51:6, 45 ; 2 Cor. 6:17; 2Thes.^:6\ Rev. 18:4. means of preservation from, Prov. 2:10- 20; 19:27. blessedness of avoiding, Psa. 1:1. ALT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. AMB ALLIANCE, cowi. — blessedness of for- saking, Ezra 9:12; Prov. 9:6; 2 Cor. 6:17, IS. saints grieve to meet with, in their in- tercourse with the world, Psa. 57:4 ; 12(J:5, 6; 2 Pet. 2:7, S. saints grieve to witness in their breth- ren. Gen. 26:35; £'sra9:3; 10:6. saints hate and avoid, Psa. 26:4, 5 31:6; 101:7; Rev. 2:2. saints deprecate, Geyi. 49:6; Psa. 6:8 15:4; 101:4,7; 119:115: 139:19. saints are separate from, Exod. 33:16 Ezra 6:21. saints should be circumspect when un- designedly thrown into. Mat. 10:16 ; Col. 4:5; 1 Pel. 2:12. pious parents prohibit, to their children, Gen. 2S:1. persons in authority should denounce, Ezra 10:9-11 ; Neh. 13:23-27. punishment of, Num. 33:56; Bent. 7:4; Jo5/i. 2:3:13 ; Judg.'2:2\ 3:5-S; E:m9:7. 14; Psa. 106:41, 42; Rev. 2:16,22,23. exemplified. Solomon,! Kings l\:l- S. Rehoboam, 1 £:/«§'sl2:S, 9. Je- hoshaphat, 2 CAr. 18:3; 19:2; 20:35- 37. Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21:6. Aha- ziah, 2 Chr. 22:3-5. Israelites, Ezra 9:1, 2. Israel, Eze. 44:7. Judas Iscariot, Mat. 26:14-16. examples of avoiding. Man of God, 1 Kings 13:7-10. Nehemiah, etc., JVeA. 6:2-4; 10:29-31. David, Psa. 101:4-7; 119:115. Jeremiah, Jer. 15:17. Joseph of Arimathea, Luke 23:51. Church of Ephesus, Rev.2:G. examples of forsaking. Israelites, iYw/n. 16:27; Erra6:2l,22; 10:.3, 4, 10, 17. Sons of the priests, Ezra 10:18, 16. examples of the judgments of God against. Korah, etc.. Num. 16:32. Ahaziah, 2 Chr. •2-2:l, 8. Judas Is- cariot, Acts 1:18. ALLEGORY, of Hagar, etc.. Gal. 4:24. ALMIGHTY, t\ie,Gen. 17:1, etc. ; Exod. 6:3; Nmn. 24:4; Ruth 1:20; Job 5:17, etc.; Isa. 13:6; Eze. 1:24; Christ, Rev. 1:8, etc. See god. ALMONDS produced by the rod of Levi, Num. 17:8. See Jer. 1:11. ALMS, directions for giving, Mat. 6:1 : Lwyfce 11:41; 12:.33. examplesof, ylc«5 3:2; 10:2; 24:17. See LIBERALITY, POOR. ALOES mentioned. Psa. 45:8; Song 4:14; /o/i» 19:39. ALTAR erected by Noah, Gen. 8:20. Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:4; 22:9. Isaac, Gen. 26:25. Jacob, Gen. 33:20; 35:1. Joshua, Josh. 8:30; altar of witness, Josh. 22:10. Elijah, 1 Kings 18:32. directions for making, Exod. 20:24, ALTAR, cont.—o{ burnt-offering, Exod. 27 ; 38. utensils of, Exod. 27:3-7. perpetual fire upon, Lev. 6:12, 13. of incense, Exod. .30:1; 37:25. in the temple, 2 Chr.i-.l. in heaven, Rev. 8:3 ; 9:13 See Heb. 13 -.10. AMAI;EK, Gen. 36:12. AxMALEKlTE, accusinghimself of kill- ing Saul, slain, 2 Sam. 1. AMALE KITES, attacking Israel, dis- comfited, Exod. 17:8. perpetual war declared against, Ezod, 17:16; Deut. 25:17. smitten by Gideon, Jnds;. 7:12, by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:48; 15. by David, 1 Sam. 27:8; 30:15, See Niun. 20:20; Psa. 83:7. AMASA, Absalom's general, 2 Savu 17:25. submits to David, 2 Sa7n. 20:4, treacherously slain by Joab, 2 Sam. 20:9; 1 Kings 2:5. See 1 Chron. 12:18. AMAZIAH, king of Judah, at first reigns well, 2 Kings 14:1, subdues Edom, 2 Kings 14 : 7, his arrogance chastised by Joash, 2 Kin. 14:12. slain, 2 E'/wg-s 14:19. See 2 CAr. 25, , priest of Bethel, his judgment for accusing Amos, Amos 7:10-17. AMBASSADORS sent to Hezekiah, 2 C/ir. 32:31 ; 75a. 39, etc. apostles so called, 2 Cor. 5:20, AMBITION : God condemns. Gen. 11:7; Isa. 5:8, Christ condemns, Mat. 18:1, .3, 4; 20:25,26; 23:11,12, saints avoid, Psa. 131:1, 2. vanity of. Job 20:5-9; 24:24; Psa. 49:11-20. leads to strife and contention, Jas. 4:1,2, punishment of, Prov. 17:19; Isa. 14:12-15; Eze. 31:10, 11; Obad. 3,4. CONNECTED WITH pride, Hab. 2:5, covetousness, Hab. 2:8, 9. cruelty. Hab. 2:12. exemplified. Adam and Eve, Gen. 3:5,6, Builders of Babel, Gew. 11:4. Miriam and Aaron, Num. 12:2, Ko- rah, etc., Num. 16:3. Ab.salom, 2 Sam. 15:4; 18:18. Adonijah, 1 Kings 1:5. Sennacherib, 2 Kings 19:23, Shebna, Isa. 22:16. Sons of Zebedee, Mat. 20:21. Antichrist, 2 Thes. 2:4. Diotrephes, 3 Jo/m 9, AMBUSHMENT, instances of, Josh. 8; Judg. 20:29; 2 Chr. 13:13; 20:22, AMEN, form of assent, Num. 5:22; Deut. 27:15, etc. name of Christ, Rev. 3:14, meaning "certain, sure," 2 Cor. 1:20- ANA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ANG- AMMONITES, oi-igin of, Gen. 19:33. their possessions to remain inviolate, Deut. 2:19. why forbidden to enter the congrega- tion, Beut. 23:3. subdued by Jephthah, Judg. 11. by Saul, 1 Sam. 11. their insult to David, 2 Sam. 10. chastised, 2 Sam. 12:26; 2 Chr. 26:8. prophecies concerning, Jer. 2-5:21 ; 49:1; Eze. 21:28; 25; Atnos 1:1^; Zeph. 2:8. AMNON, son of David, 2 5am. 3:2. his wickedness and death, 2 Sain. 13. AMOX. king of Judah, his wicked reign, 2 Kings 21 : 19 ; 2 Chr. 33: 20. AMORITES dispossessed for their ini- quities, Gen. 15:16, etc.; Leu. 18:27; Deut.<2.'h\l\ Josh. 3: W, etc. AMOS declares God's judgment upon the nations, AtJios 1 ; 2. and upon Israel, A7>ios 3 ; 4, etc. foretells Israel's restoration, A^nos 9:11. AMUSEMENTS and pleasures, worldly: belong to the works of the flesh, Gal. 5:19, 21. are transitory, Job 21:12, 13; Heb. 11:25. are all vanity, Ecd. 2:11. choke the word of God in the heart, iMX-eS:14. formed a part of idolatrous worship, Exod. 32:4, 6. 19, with 1 Cor. 10:7; Judg. 16:2:3-25. LEAD TO rejection of God, Job 21 : 14, 15. poverty, Frov. 21: 17. disregard of the judgments and works of God, Isa. 5: 12 ; Amos 6: 1-6. terminate in sorrow, Prov. 14:13. are likely to lead to greater evil, Job 1:5; Mat.U-.G-S. the wicked seek for happiness in, Ecd. 2:1,8. INDULGENCE IN, a proof of follv, Ecd. 7:4. a characteristic of the wicked, Isa. 47:8; Eph. 4:17, 19; 2 Tim. 3:4; Tit.-3:2; I Pet. 4:3. a proof of spiritual death, 1 Ti>?i. 5:6. an abuse of riches, Jas. 5:1, 5. wisdom of abstaining from, Ecd. 7:2,3. shunned by the primitive saints, 1 Pet. 4:3. abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked, 1 Pet. 4:4. denounced by God, Tsa. 5:11, 12. exclude from the kingdom of God, Gal. 5:21. punishment of, Ecd. 11 :9 ; 2 Pet. 2:13. renunciation of, exemplified. Moses. i/eo. 11:25. ANAKIM described, Nutn. 13:33 ; Dent. 9:2. de&troyed by Joshua, Josh. 11:21. ANANIAS, and Sapphira, their sin and punishment. Acts 5. 12 ANANIAS, disciple, sent to Paul, Acts 9:10; 22:12. , high-priest, Paul brought before, Tiffs 2:3:1. rebuked by hiha, Acts 23:3. ANATHEMA MARANATHA, 1 Cor. 16:22. ANATHOTH, men of, condemned for persecuting Jeremiah, Jer. 11:21. ANCHOR of the soul, Heb. 6:19. ANCIENT of days. Dan. 7:22. ANDREWthe apostle, called, Mai. 4:18; Alark 1:W; Jo/m 1:40; Acts l:\3. his questions, Markl3:3: John 6:8; 12:22. ANGELS: created by God and Christ, Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:16. worship God and Christ, Neh. 9:6; Phil. 2:9-11; Heb. 1:6. are ministering spirits, 1 Kings 19:5: Psa. 68:17; 104:4; Luke 16:22; Acts 12:7-11; 27:23; Heb. 1:7,14. communicate the will of God and Christ, Da?i. 8:16, 17; 9:21-23: 10:11; 12:6,7; Mat. 2:13. 20; Luke 1:19, 23; Ads 5:20; 8:26; 10:5: 27:23; Rev. 1:1. obey the will of God, Psa. 103:20; Mat. 6:10. execute the purposes of God. Num. 22:22; Psa. 103:21; Maf. l:3:.39-42; 3Iat. 23:2; John 5:4 ; Rev. 5:2. execute the judgments of God, 2 Sa77i. 24:16; 2kings\9:35; Psa. 35:5, 6; Acts 12:23; Rev. 16:1. celebrate the praises of God, Job 38:7; Psa. 143:2; Jsa. 6:3; Luke2:13,U: Rev.5:U,12; 7:11, 12. the law given by the ministration of, Psa. 63:17; Acts 7:53; Heb. 2:2. ANNOUNCED the Conception of Christ, il/aM:20. 21; Luke 1:31. the birth of Christ. Luke 2:10-12. the resurrection of Christ, 31at. 28:5- 7; I,MX-e24:23. the ascension and second coming of Christ, ^rtsl:ll. the conception of John the Baptist, Luke 1 : 13, 36. minister to Christ, Mat. 4:11; Luke 22:43; John 1:51. are subject to Christ, Eph. 1:21 ; Col. 1:16; 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:22. shall execute the purposes of Christ, Mat. 13:41 ; 24:31. shall attend Christ at his second com- ing. Mat. 16:27; 25:31 ; Mar^ 8: 33; 2Thes. 1:7. know and delight in the gospel of Christ, Eph. 3:9, 10; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 Pet. 1:12. ministration of, obtained by prayer, Mat. 26:53; Acts 12:5, 7. rejoice over every repentant sinner, I-MArel5:7, 10. ANG- BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ANG- ANGELS, cont. — have charge over the children, of God, Psa. 34:7; 91:11, lt»; Dan. 6:2-2; Mat. 18:10. are of diflerent orders. Isa. 6:2 ; 1 Thes. 4:16; 1 Pet. 3:22; Jude 9; Rev. 12:7. not to be "worshipped, Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; iicv. 22:9. are examples of meekness, 2 Pe«. 2:11 ; Jude 9. are wise, 2 Saw. 14:20. are mighty, Psa. 103:20. are holy, Mat. 25:31. are elect, 1 Tim. 5:21. are innumerable. Job 25:3 ; Heb. 12:22. sent -to Daniel, Dan. 8:16; 9:21; 10:11; 12:6. to Zacharias, Luke 1 : 11. to Mary, Luke 1:26. to the shepherds, Luke 2: 13. sent to declare Christ's resurrection. Mat. 23; MarA: 16. to Peter, Actsl'l:!. toJohn,i{e«. 19:10; 22: S. disobedient, 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6. See DE\iL. ANGEL OF THE LORD appears to Abraham, Gen. IS, etc. ; to Lot, Gen. 19; to Hagar, Ge>i. 16:7; to Balaam, Nutn. 22:2:3 ; to the Israelites, Judg. 2; to Gideon, Jiidg. 6:11; to Ma- noah's wife, Judg. 13:3; to David, 2 Sayn. 24:16; 1 Chr. 21 :16 ; to Eli- jah, 1 Kings 19:7; to Joseph, Mat. 1:20; to the apostles, Acts 5:19; to Philip, Acts 8:26 ; to Cornelius, Acts 10:3; to Paul, ^m 27:23. See Psa. 34:7; 35:5; ZecA. 1:11. ANGER: forbidden, i^cd. 7:9; Mat. 5:22; Rom. 12:19. a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:20. a characteristic of fools, Prov. 12:16; 14:29; 27:3; Ecd. 7:9. CONNECTED WITH pride, Prov. 21 :24. cruelty. Gen. 49:7; Prov. 27:4. clamor and evil speaking, Eph. 4:31. malice and blasphemy. Col. 3:8. strife and contention, Prov. 21:19; 29:22; -30:33. brings its own punishment, .Tob 5:2; Pror. 19: 19; 25:28. grievous words stir up, Judg. 12:4; 2 5am. 19:43; Pror. 15:1. should not betray us into sin, Psa. 37:8; Eph.A■.2C^. in prayer be free from, 1 Ti')n. 2:8. may be averted by wisdom, Prov. 29:8. meekness pacifies, Prov. 15:1; Eccl. 10:4. children should not be provoked to, i'p/j. 6:4; CoZ. 3:21. be slow to, Pror. 15:18; 16:.32; 19:11; Tit. 1:7; Jas. 1:19. avoid those given to. Gen. 49:6; Prov. 22:24. ANGER, conJ.— justifiable, exemplified Our Lord, Mark 3:5. Jacob, Gen 31:. 36. Moses, i'.Tot/. 11:8; 32:19; Lev. 10:16; Num. 16:15. Nehe- miah, Neh. 5:6; 13:17, 25. sinful, exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4:5, 6. Esau, Gen. 27:45. Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49:5-7. INIoses, Num. 20:10, 11. Balaam, Num. 22:27. Saul, 1 Sam. 20:30. Ahab, 1 Kings 21:4. Naaman , 2 Kings 5:11. Asa, 2 Chr. 16: 10. L'zziah, 2 Clir. 26: 19. Haman, Esth. 3:5. Nebuchadnez- zar, Dan. 3:13. Jonah, Jonah A -.A. Herod, Mat. 2: 16. Jews, Luke 4 :28. High-priest, etc., Ads 5i\l •. 7:54. ANGER of God: averted by Christ, Luke 2:11, 14; Rom. 5:9; 2 Cor. 5:18. 19; Eph. 2:14, 17; Col. 1:20; 1 T/ies. 1:10. is averted from them that believe, John 3:14-18; Rom. 2:25; 5:1. is averted upon confession of sin and re- pentance, /oi 33:27, 28; Psa. 100:43- 45; Jer. 3:12, 13; 18:7.8; 31:18-20: Joel 2:12-14; Ltike 1 5 : 1 8-20. is slow, Psa. 103:8; Isa. 48:9; Jonah 4:2; iVaA. 1:3. is righteous, Psa. 58:10, 11 ; Lam. 1 :1S ; Rom. 2:6, 8; 3:5, 6; Rev. 16:6, 7. the justice of, not to be questioned, iJow. 9:18, 20, 22. manifested in terrors, Exo. 14 : 24 ; Psa. 76:6-8; Jer. 10:10; I,«??i. 2:1-22. manifested in judgments and afflictions, Job 21 : 17 ; Psa. 78: 49-51 ; 90: 7 ; 7sa. 9:19; Jer. 7:20; Eze. 7:19; Heb. 3:17. cannot be resisted, Job 9:13; 14:13: Psa. 76:7; Nah.l-.Q. aggravated by continual provocation, Num. .32:14. specially resented for the day of wrath, Zeph. 1:14-18; Mat. 25:41; Rom. 2:5, 8; 2 Thes. 1:8; Rev. 6:17: 11:13; 19:15. AGAINST the wicked, Psa. 7:11 ; 21:8,9: Isa. 3:8; 13:9; AWi.l:2,3; Rom. 1:18; 2:8; Eph.5:G; CW. 3:6. those who forsake him, Ezra 8:22: Jsa. 1:4. unbelief, Psa. 78:21, 22; Heb. 3:18. 19; JoAn3:36. impenitence, Psa. 7:12; Prof. 1:30, 31; /sa. 3: 13, 14; Rom. 2:5. apostasy, Heb. 10:2(3, 27. idolatry, Deut. 29:20,27.23; 32:19, 20, 22 ; Josh. 23: 16 ; 2 Kings 22: 17 ; Psa. 78:58,59; Jer. 44:3. sin, in saints, Psa. 89:30-32 ; 90:7-9; 99:8; 102:9, 10; J.ra.47:6. extreme, against those who oppose the gospel, Psa. 2:2, 3, 5; 1 Thes. 2:16. folly of provoking, Jer. 7:19; 1 Cor, 10:22. 13 ANO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. APO ANGER cowt.— to be dreaded, Psa. 2: 12; 7G:7; 90:11; Mat. 10:28. to be deprecated, Exod. 32:11; Psa. 6:1; 3d:l ; 74:1,2; /5a. 64:9. removal of, should be prayed for, Psa. 39:10; 79:5; 80:4; Dan. 9:16; ifafi. 3:2. tempered with mercy to saints, Psa. 30:5; Isa. 26:20; 54:8; 57:15, 16; Jer. 30:11; Mic. 7:18. to be borne with submission, 2 Sam. 24:17; La?n. 3:39, 43 ; i»f/c. 7:9. should lead to repentance. Isa, 42:24, 25; Jer. 4:8. exemplified against. The old world, Gen. 7:21-23. Builders of Babel, Gen. 11:8. Cities of the plain, Gen. 19:24, 25. Egyptians, Exod. 7:20; 8:6, 16, 24; 9:3, 9, 23; J0:13, 22; 12:29 ; 14:27. Israelites, Exo. 32:35 ; Num. 11:1, 33; 14:40-45; 21:6; 25:9 ; 2 Sam. 24:1, 15. Enemies of Israel, 1 Sa»i. 5:6; 7:10. Nadab, etc.. Lev. 10:2. The Spies, Num. 14:37. Korah, etc., Niim. 16:31, 35. Aaron and Miriam, Num. 12:9, 10. Five Kings, Josh. 10:25. Abime- lech, Judg. 9:56. Men of Beth- shemesh, 1 Sam. 6:19. Saul, 1 Sam. 31:6. Uzzah, 2 Sam. 6:7. Saul's family, 2 Sarn. 21:1. Sennacherib, -^ Kings 19:28,35,37. ANIMALS, created and blessed, Gen. 1:20-25. perish at death, Eccl. 3:21 ; 12:7. instincts of, Deut. 32:11 ; Job 39, 40, and 41; Psa. 59:6; 104; Jer. 8:7; Mat. 21:28. God's control of, Psa. 91:13; Isa. 11:6, 8; 35:9; Luke 10:19. instruments of his will, Exod. 8-10 ; Num. 21:6; 22:28; Josk. 24:12; Jer. 8:17; Joel \ A. ANNA prophesies concerning Christ, LMyte2:36. ANNAS, high-priest, LwJfce 3:2. Christ examined by, John 18:13, 24. also the apostles, Acts 4:6. ANOINTED, the, (Christ,) Isa. 61:1 ; L«. 4:18; ^ris 10:38. Se« Messiah. ANOINTING OIL, directions for mak- ing, Exod. 30:22; 37:29. ANOINTING of Aaron, etc.. Lev. 8:10; 10:7. of Saul, 1 Sam. 10:1 ; of David, 1 Sam. 16:13; of Solomon, 1 Kings 1:39; of Jehu, 2 Kings 9; of Christ by Mary, etc., Mat. 26:6; Luke 7:37; John 12:3; of the sick, Jas. 5: 14. ANOINTING of the Holy Ghost : is from God, 2 Cor. 1:21. THAT CHRIST SHOULD RECEIVE fore- told, Psa. 45:7; Jsa. 61:1; Dan. 9:24. fulfilled, Luke 4:18, 21; Acts 4:27; 10;38; Heb.l.Q. 14 ANOINTING, cont. —GoA preserves those who receive^ Psalin 18:50; 20:6: 89:20-23. saints receive, Isa. 61:3; 1 John 2:20, is abiding in saints, 1 John 2:27. guides into all truth, 1 John 2:27. typified, Exod. 40:13-15; Lev. 8:12, 1 Sam. 16:13; 1 KingslQAQ. ANTICHRIST denies the Father and the Son, 1 John 2:22. denies the incarnation of Christ, 1 John 4:3; 2 John 1. spirit of, prevalent in the apostolic times, 1 John 2: 18. deceit, a characteristic of, 2 John 7. his coming foretold, 2 Thes. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1. lANTIOCH, disciples called Christians there, ActsUrlQ. Paul preaches there, Acts 13:1, 14; 14:26; 15:30. his trials there, Gal. 2:11; 2 Tim. 3: 11. ANTIPAS, martyr. Rev. 2: 13. APOLLOS, an eloquent disciple, in- structed. Acts lH:24; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4. APOLLYON, (the destroyer,) Rev. 9:11. APOSTATES described, Deut. 13:13; ife6. 3:12. persecution tends to make, Mat. 24:9, 10; Luke S:12. a worldly spirit tends to make, 2 Tim,. 4:10. never belonged to Christ, 1 John 2: 19. saints do not become, Psa. 44:18, 19; Ke6. 6:9; 10:39. it is impossible to restore, Heb. 6:4-6. guilt and punishment of, Zeph. 1:4-6; Heb. 10: 25-31, 39 ; 2 Pet. 2:17, 20-22. cautions against becoming, Heb. 3:12; 2 Pet. 3:17. shall abound in the latter davs. Mat. 21:12; 2 Thes. 2:3; 1 Tim.W:l-3. exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:11. Amaziah; 2 Chr. 25:14, 27. Pro- fessed disciples, JoAn 6:66. Hyme- neus and Alexander, 1 Tim. 1:19, 20. APOSTLES. Christ preeminently called "The Apostle," ife«>. 3:1. ordained by Christ, Blark 3:14; John 15:16. received their title from Christ, Luke 6:13. CALLED BY God, 1 Cor. 1:1; 12:23; Gal. 1:1.15,16. Christ. Mat. 10:1; ]]Iark3:l3; Acts 20:24; Rom.] -.5. the Holy Ghost, Arts 13:2 4. were unlearned men. Acts 4:13. selected from obscure stations, Mat 4:18. sent first to the house of Israel, Mat 10:5,6; Luke 2iA7 ; Acts 13: i6. sent to preach the gospel to all nations. Mat. 28: 19, 20 ; Mark 16: 15 ; 2 Tim 1:11. ARC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ASA APOSTLES, conf.— Christ always pres- ent with, Mat. *2S:20. warned against a timid profession of Christ. MaMO: 27-33. the Holy Ghost given to, Jo/m 23:22; Acts2:1-A; 9:17. guided by the Spirit into all truth, Jo/m 14:23; 15:2G; 16:13. instructed by the Spirit to answer ad- versaries, Blat. 10:19, 2'.); Luke 12:11,12. specially devoted to the office of the ministry. Acts 6:4 ; 2D: 27. humility urged upon, Mai. 20:26, 27 ; Mark 9:33-37 ; Luke 22:21-30. self-denial urged upon, Mat. 10:37-39. mutual love urged upon, John 15:17. equal authority given to each of. Blat. 16:19,with J»Ia«. 1^:18; 2Cor.ll:.5. were not of the world, John 15:19; 17:16. were hated by the world, Mat. 10:22; 21:9; Johnl5:13. persecutions and sufferings of, Mat. 10:16, is; Luke 21 -.16 ; JohnlS -.2 J I 16:2. saw Christ in the flesh, Luke 1 :2 ; Acts 1:22; 1 Cor. 9:1; 1 John 1:1. witnesses of the resurrection and as- cension of Christ, Luke 21:33-41. 51; Acts 1:2-9; 10:40, 41; 1 Cor. 15:8. empowered to work miracles, 3Iat. 10:1. 8; Mark 16:20; Luke 9:1; Acts 2:43. false, condemned, 2 Cor. 11:13. See ANDREW, PETER, etc. APPAKEL, exhortations concerning, Deut. 22:5; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3. of the Jewish, women described, Isa. 3:16. APPEAL of Paul to Csesar, Acts 25:11. APPLE of the eye, Deut. 32:10; Psa. 17:8; Prov.l:2; iam. 2:18; Zech. 2:8. AQUILA and Priscilla accompany Paul, Acts lb: 2. instruct Apollos, Acts 18:23. their constancy commended, Rom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19. ARABIANS tributary to Solomon, 2 Chr. 9:14. to Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:11. to Uzziah, 2 Chr.2^r.7. prophecies concerning. Isaiah 13:20; 21:13; Jer. 25:21; Acts 2:11. ARARAT, mountain which the ark rested on. Gen. 8:4. See Jer. 51:27. ARAUNAH. (Oman,) Jebusite, sells land to David, on which the temple was built, 2 Saiti. 24:16; 1 Chr. 21:15, IS; 22:1. ARCHELAUS, kingof Judea, feared by .Tnseph, Mat. 2:22. ARCHERS mentioned. Gen. 21:20; 49:23; 1 Sam. 31:3; Jo6 16:13, etc. ARCHERS, cont. —Ahah and Josiah kill- ed by, 1 Kings 22:34 ; 2 Chr. 35:22. ARCTURUS, /o6 9:9; 38:32. ARCHIPPUS exhorted by Paul, Col. 4:17; Phile.2. AREOPAGUS, Mars' hill, Paul preaches there. Acts 17:19. ARISTARCHUS, fellow-prisoner of Paul, Acts 19:29; 2J:4; 27:2; Col. 4:10; Phile. 21. ARK, (of Noah,) described, Gen. 6:14; Heb. 11:1; 1 Pet. 3:20. ARK OF THE COVENANT: itsstructure, Exod. 25:10; 37:1. its contents^ Exod. 25:16, 21; 40:20; 2 Chr. 6:11; Heb. 9:4. its use. Exod. 25:22; 30:6; 1 Chr. 13:3. the Jews' guide, and guard. Num. 10:33; 14:44 ; Jos/i. 3:4 ; 6:12; 1 Sam. 4:3. greatlv loved, 1 Sam. 4:13-22; 6:13; 1 C/(r. 15:23. carried into Canaan, Josh. 3:15. taken by the Philistines, 1 Sa?n. 4:11. their plagues in consequence, 1 Sam. 5. restored, 1 Sa??i. 6. carried to Jerusalem. 2 Satn. 6-.15; 1 Chr. 13; 15; 16; 2 Chr. 1:4. brought into the temple. 1 Kings 8:3; 2 Chr. 5; Psa. 132. ark in heaven. Rev. 11:19. ARM OF GOD, mighty. Job 40:9; Psa. 89:13; Jer. 27:5; Luke 1:51. terrible, Exod. 15: 16 ; A cts 13:17. saves his people, Deut. 33:27; Psa. 77:15; 98:1; 7sa. 33:2 ; 51:5 ; 52:10. ARMS, the everlasting, Deut. 33:27. ARMAGEDDON, Rev. 16:16. ARMOR, Goliath's described, 1 Sam. 17:5. ai God, Eph. 6:13; Rom. 13:12; 2Cor. 6:7; 10:3; 1 Thes. 5:8. ARTAXERXES, (Smerdis,) his decree concerning the Jews, Ezra 4:6, 17. , (Longimanus,) his letter to Ezra, Ezra 1:11. his kindness to Nehemiah, Neh. 2. ARTIFICER, Tubal-Cain the first. Gen 4:22. ASA'S good reign, 1 Kings 15:8. his prayer against the Ethiopians, 2 Chr. 14:11. his zeal, 2 Chr. 15. wars with Baasha, 1 Kings 15:16; 3 Chr. 16. rebuked by Hanani, 2 Chr. 16:7. oppresses the people, 2 Chr. 16:10. his diseases and death, 2 Chr. 16:12. ASAHEIj, hi.s rashness ; slain by Abner, 2 Sam. 2:18; 3:27; 2:3:24; 1 Chr. 11:23. ASAPH, a licvite, employed in order- ing the temple service, 1 Chr. 6:39; 2 CAr. 5:12; 29:30; 35:15: Neh.. 12:46. 15 ASS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ATH ASAPH, cont.— Psalms 50 and 73 to 83 ascribed to him. ASCENSION OF CHRIST, prophecies respecting, Psa. 24:7; 68:18, with Evh.\:l,S. foretold by himself, JoAw 6:62; 7:33;- 14:23; 16:5; 20:17. forty days after his resurrection, Acts 1:3. described, Acts 1:9. from mount Olivet, Luke 24:50, with MarA; 11:1; Acts\:l2. while blessing his disciples, Lulcz 24:50. when he had atoned for sin, Heb. 9:12; 10:12. was triumphant, Psa. 68:18. was to supreme power • and dignity, Luke 24:23; Eph. 1:20, 21; 1 Pet. 3:22. as the forerunner of his people, Heb. 6:20. to intercede, Rom. 8:34 ; Heb. 9:21. to send the Holy Ghost. John 16:7; ^c^s 2:33. to receive gifts for men, Psa. 68:18. with ^M- 4:8, 11. to prepare a place for his people, John 14:2. his second coming shall be in like man- ner as, Acts\:W, 11. typified. Lev. 16:15, with Heb. 6:20; 9.7,9,12. ASHDOD, the ark carried there ; men of, smitten, 1 Sam. 5. subdued by Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:6. prophecies concerning, Jerem. 25:20; AmosV.Q; Zeph.2:i; Zech. 9:6. ASHER, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:13. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:20. by Moses, Deitt. 33:24. his descendants. Num. 1:40; 23:44; 1 Chr. 7:30. their inheritance. Josh. 19:24; Judg. 5:17. See Eze. 48:34 ; Rev. 7:6. ASHES, man likened to. Gen. 18:27; Jo6 30:19. usedinmourning, 2 Sam. 13:19; Esth. 4:1; Jo6 2:8; 42:0; /5a. 58:5; /o- 7iaA3:6. etc.; Mat. 11:21. ASHKELON, (Askelon,) taken, Judg. 1:18; 14:19; 1 Sam. 6:17; 2 Sam. 1:20. prophecies concerning, Jer. 25:20; 47:5; Amos 1:8; Zeph. 2:4; Zerh. 9:5. ASHTAROTH, goddess of Zidon, wor- shipped by Israel, Judg. 2: 13; 1 Sam. 12:10. by Solomon, 1 Kings 11:5, 33. ASP, venomous serpent, Deut. 32:33; J06 20:14; Jsa. 11:8; i?om. 3:13. ASS. Balaam rebuked by, IShwi. 22:2?; 2Pef. 2:16. laws concerning, Exod. 13:13; 23:4 Deut. 22:10. 16 ASS, cont. — Christ rides on one, (Zech, 9:9.) Mat. 21 ; John 12:14, etc. wild, described. Job 39:5 ; Hos. S:9. ASSEMBLING together for public wor- ship enjoined, Lev. 23; Deut. 16.8; Heb. 10:25. David's love for, Psa. 27:4; 42; 43; 65; 84; 87; 118:26; 122; 134; 135. See Isa. 4:5; Mai. 3:16; Mat. 18:20. instances of, 1 Kings 8 ; 2 Chr. 5 ; 29 ; 30; iVeA.8; I-«A;e4:16; Jo/^?^ 20:19; Acts 1:13; 2:1; 3:1; 13:2; 16:13; 20:7. ASSURANCE : produced by faith, Eph. 3:12; 2 Tim 1:12; Heb. 10:22. made full by hope, Heb. 6:11, 19. confirmed by love, 1 John .3:14, 19, 4:18. is the effect of righteousness, Isa. 3217. is abundant in the understanding of the gospel. Col. 2:2; 1 Thes. 1:5. SAINTS PKIVILEGED TO HAVE. OF their election, Psa. 4:3 ; 1 Thes. 1:4. their redemption. Job 19:25. their adoption, Rom.S-.lQ; lJoAn3:2. their salvation, Isa. 12:2. eternal life, 1 John 5:13. the unalienable love of God, Rom. 8:38, 39. union with God and Christ, 1 Cor. 6:15; 2 Cor. 13:5; Eph. 5:.30; 1 John 2:5; 4:13. peace with God by Christ, Rom. 5:1. preservation, Psa. 3:6, 8; 27:3-5; 40:1-3. answers to prayer, 1 John 3:22 ; 5:14, 15. continuance in grace, Phil. 1:6. comfort in affliction, Psa. 73:26 ; Ltthe 4:18, 19; 2 Cor. 4:8-10, 16-18. a support in death, Psa. 23:4. a glorious resurrection. Job 19:26; Psa. 17:15 ; Phil. 3:21 ; 1 John 3:2. a kingdom, Heb. 12:23; i?er. 5:10. a crown, 2 T/w. 4:7, 8; Jas. 1:12. give diligence to attain, 2 PeM:10, 11. strive to maintain, Heb. 3:14, IS. confident hope in God restores, Psa. 42:11. exemplified. David, Psa. 23:4 ; 73:24- 23. Paul.2TiOT. 1:12; 4:18. ASSYRIA, Israel carried captive to, 2 Kings 15:29; 17. army of, miraculou-sly destroyed, 2 A7«^5 19:35; J.^a. 37:36. prophecies concerning, Isa. 8; 10:5; 14 : 24 ; .30 : 31 ; 31 : 8 ; Mic. 5:6; Ze^^A, 2:13. its elorv, Eze. 31: 3. ASTROLOGERS, (Chaldean,) their in- abilitv. /5a. 47:13 ;Da«. 2; 4: 7; 5: 7. ATHALIAH, queen,2 A'/n s 8: 23, seizes the government of Judah, and de- stroys the roval family, 2 Kings 1 11:1; 2 CAr. 22:10. ATO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BAG ATHALIAH, com*.— slain by Jehoiada, 2 Kings 11:16 ■ 2 Chr. 23. ATHEISM, Psa. 14:1; 36:1; 53:1. ATHENS, Paul preaches at, Actsn:15 ; 1 Thes. 3:1. men of, described, Acts 17:21. ATONEMENT, explained. Ro}n. 5:8- 11; 2 Cor. 5:1S, 19; Gal. 1:4; 1 John 2:2; 4:10. foreordained, Rom. 3:25, (margin;) 1 Pet. 1:11,29: Rev. 13: S. foretold, Isa. 53: 4-6, 8-12 ; Dan. 9: 24- 27; Zech. 13:1, 7; John 11:50, 51. eflected by Christ alone, Jo/i/i. 1:29. 36 ; Acts^-.IQ. 12; 1 Thes. 1:10; 1 Tim. 2:5,6; Heh. 2:9; 1 Pe^ 2:24. was voluntary, Psa. 40:6-8, with Heb. 10:rj-9 ; John 10:11, 15, 17, 18. EXHIBITS THE grace and niercy of God, Rom. 8:32 ; Eph. 2:4, 5, 7 ; 1 Tim 2:4; Heb. 2:9. love of God, Rom. 5:8 ; 1 John\:% 10 love of Christ, Jo/i>i 15:13; GaZ. 2:20: £p/t. 5:2, 25; Rev. 1:5. reconciles the justice and mercy of God, Isa. 45:21 ; Rom. 3:25, 23. necessity for, Isa. 59:16; Luke 19:10; Ife*. 9:22. made but once, Heb. 7:27; 9:21-23; 10:10,12,14; 1 Pef. 3:18. . acceptable to God, Eph. 5:2. reconciliation to God effected by, Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5: 18-20; EM- 2: 13-10; Col. 1 : 20-22 ; Heb. 2: 17 ; I Pet. 3:18. access to God by, Heb. 10:19, 20. remission of sins by, 70^/11:29; Rom. 3:25; Eph. 1:7; 1 JoA/i 1:7; Rev. 1:5. justification by, Rom. 5:9; 2 Cor. 5:21. sanctification by, 2 Cor. 5:15; Eph. 5:26, 27; Tit. 2:14; Heb. 10:10; 13:12. redemption by, Mat. 23:23 ; ^c/s 20:28. 1 Tim. 2:6; He6. 9:12; Rev. 5:9. HAS DELIVERED SAINTS FROM THE pow- er ofsin, Rom. 8:3; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19. power of the world. Gal. 1;4 ; 0:14. power of the devil, Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14,15. saints glorify God for, 1 Cor. 6:20; Gal. 2:20; P/j/7. 1:20, 21. saints rejoice in God for, Rom,. 5:11. saints praise God for, Rev. 5:9-13. faith in, indispensable, Rom. 3:23; Ga;. 3:13, 14. commemorated in the Lord's supper. Mat. 23:2i3-23; 1 Cor. 11:23-23. ministers should fully set forth. Acts 5:29-31, 42; 1 Cor. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:13-21. typified, Gen. 4:4, with JTft, il:4; Gen. 22:2, with Heb. 11:17, 19; Exod. 12:5, 11, 14. with 1 Cor. 5:7; Exod. 24:8, with Heb. 9:20; Lev. 16:30, 34, with Heb. 9:7, 12, 23; Lev. 17:11, ^rith ife*. 9:22. 2 ATONEMENT, coni.— under the law, Exod. 29:29; 30; iet?. 1, etc. annual day of. Lev. 16 ; 23:26. made by Aaron for the plague, Num. 16:46. AVENGER of blood, deliverance from, Num. 35:12; Deut. 19:6; Joih. 20. AZARIAH, (Uzziah.) king of Judah, his good reign, 2 Kings 14 : 21 ; 2 Chr. 26. invades the priest's office, 2 Chr. 26:16. struck with leprosy, 2 Kings 15:5; 2 C/ir. 26:20. , prophet, exhorts Asa, 2 Chr. 15. B. BAAL worshipped, Nu7n. 22:41 ; Judg, 2:13; 8:33; 1 Kings 16:32; 18:26; 2 A'mg-^ 17:16; 19:18; 21:3; Jer. 2:8; 7:9; 12:16; 19:5; 23:13; Has. 2:8; 13:1, etc. his altar and priests destroyed by Gid- eon, Judg. 6:25 ; by Elijah, 1 Kings 18:40; by Jehu, 2 Kings 10:18; by Jehoiada, 2 Kings 11: 18 ; by Josiah, 2 A7«g-s2:3:4; 2 Chr. 34:4. BAAL-PEOR, the trespass of Israel con- cerning, Num. 25; Deut. 4:3; Psa. 106: 2-i; Pfos. 9:10. BAAL-ZEBUB, Ahaziah rebuked for sending to, 2 Kings 1:2. BAANAH and Rechab, for murdering Ishbosheth, slain by David, 2 Satn. 4. BAASHA, king of Israel, destroys the house of Jeroboam, 1 Kings 15: 16, 27. Jehu's prophecy against, 1 Kings 16:1. BABEL, Nimrod king of. Gen. 10:10. confusion of tongues at the building of. Gen. 11. ' BABYLON, Gen.lO.lO; 2Kingsl7:30. ambassadors from, come to Hezekiah, 2Kings20:12 ; 2 Chr. 32:31 ; Isa. 39. Jews carried captive there, 2 Kings 25 ; 2 Chr. .36; Jer. 39; 52. their return from, Ezra 1, etc. ; Neh. 2, etc. its greatness, Dan. 4:30. taken by the Medes, Dan. 5:30. its fall, Isa. 13: 14 ; 21 :2 ; 47 ; 48 ; Jer. 25:12; 50; 51. See Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 18. church in, 1 Pet. 5:13. BACA, valley of, Psa. 84:6. BACKBITING forbidden, Psa. 15:3; Rom. 1:30; Prov. 25:23; 2 Cor. 12:20. BACKSLIDING : is turning from God, 1 Kings 11:9. is leaving the first love. Rev. 2:4. is departing from the simplicity of the gospel, 2 Cor. 11 :3 ; Gal. 3:1-3 ; 5:4, 7. God is displeased at, Psa. 78:57, 59. warnings against, Psa. 85:8; 1 Cor. 10:12. guilt and consequences of, A'mw. 14:43; Psa. 125:5; Isa. 59:2, 8, 9-11 ; Jer. 5:6; 8:5,13; 15:6; Luke 9: G2. 17 BAP BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BAR BACKSLIDING, coni.— brings its own punishment, Proverbs 1A:H; Jer. 2:19. a haughty spirit leads to, Prov. 16:18. proneness to, Prov. 21:10; Has. 11:7. liable to continue and increase, Jer. 8:5; 14:7. exhortations to return from, 2 Chr. 30:6; Isa. 31:6; Jer. 3:12, 14, 22; Hos.Q-.l. pray to be restored from, Psa. 80:3; 85:4; Lam. 5:21. punishment of tempting others to the sin of, Prov. 2S:10; Mat. 1«:G. not hopeless, Psa. 37:21 ; Prov. 21:16. endeavor to bring back those guilty of. Gal. 6:1; Jas. 5:19, 20. sin of, to be confessed, Isa. 59:12-14 ; Jer. 3:13, 14; 14:7-9. pardon of, promised, 2 Chr. 7:14 ; Jer. 3:12; 31:20; 36:3. healing of, promised, Jer. 3:22; Hos. 14:4. afRictions sent to heal, Hos. 5:15. blessedness of those who keep from, Prov. 25:14; 75a.26:3,4; Col. 1:21- 23. hateful to saints, Psa. 101:3. exemplified. Israel, Exod. 32:8 ; Nek. 9:26; Jer. 3:11; Hos. 4:16. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:11. Solomon, 1 Kings 11:3, 4. Peter, Mat. 23:70-74. BADGERS' SKINS used in the taber- nacle, Exod. 25:5 ■ 26:14, etc. BALAAM requested by Balak to curse Israel is forbidden, Num. 22:13. blesses them. Num. 23:19; 24:1. his prophecy. Num. 23:7, IS ; 24. his wicked counsel. Num. 31 :16 ; Dent. 23:4. See Jos/!. 24:9; Judg. 11:25; Mic. 0:5; 2 Pet. 2:15; Jude 11; Rev. 2:14. slain, Num. 31:8. Balak, king of Moab. See Balaam. BALANCES and measures to be just. Lev. 19:35; Prov. 16:11. false, condemned, Prov. 11:1; Hos. 12:7; Amos 8:5; Mic. 6:11. BALM of Gilead, figuratively mentioned, Jer. 8:22; 46:11, etc. BANNER, figuratively mentioned, Exo. 17:15; Ps«. 60:4; Song2:i; 6:4. BANQ,UET, royal, Esth. 5:7; Dan. 5. BAPTISM, as administered by John. Ma«. 3:5-12; John3:23; Acts 13:21 -,19:4. sanctioned, by Christ's submission to it, illa^ 3:1:3-15; Luke 3:21. adopted by Christ, Jo/m 3:22; 4:1, 2. appointed an ordinance of the Chris- tian church. Mat. 2S:19, 20; 3Iark 16:15,16. to be administered in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Mat. 23:19. water, the outward and visible sign in. Acts S:36: 10:47. 18 BAPTISM, coni.— regeneration, the in- ward and spiritual grace of, Joh)^ 3:3, 5,6; Rom. 6:3,4,11. remission of sins signified by, Acii 2:38; 22:16. unity of the church effected by, 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27, 23. confession of sin necessary to. Mat. 3:6. repentance necessary to. Acts 2.38. faith necessary to. Acts 8:37 ; 18:8. there is but one, Eph. 4:5. ADMINISTERED TO individuals, ^c«s8:3S; 9:18. households,'^^c<5 16:15 ; 1 Cor. 1:16. emblematic of the inftuences of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 3:11 ; Tit. 3:5. typified, 1 Cor. 10:2; 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. BAPTISM with the Holy Ghost : foretold, Eze. 36:25. is through Christ, Tit. 3:.5, 6. Christ administered, Mat. 3:11 ; John 1:33. promised to saints, Acts 1:5; 2:38, 39 : 11:16. all saints partake of, 1 Cor. 12:13. necessity for, John 3:5; Acts 19:2-6. renews and cleanses the soul. Tit. 3:5 ; 1 Pe«. 3:20, 21. the word of God instrumental to, Acts 10:44; Eph. 5:'2G. typified. Acts 2:1-4. BARABBAS, a robber, released instead of Jesus, Mat. 27:16; Mark 15:6; Luke 23:18; John 18:40. BARAK delivers Israel from Sisera, Ju-dg. 4;5; Heb. 11:32. BARBARIANS, (foreigners,) Rom.l :14 ; 1 Cor. 14:11. Paul kindly treated by. Acts 28. BAR-JESUS. (Elymas,) smitten with blindness, 71^.9 13:6.' BARLEY, mentioned, Exod. 9:31 ; Ruth 1:22, etc. ; John 6:9; Rev. 6:6. BARNABAS sells his possessions, Acts 4:36. preaches at Antioch, Acts 11:22. accompanies Paul, Acts 11:30; 12:25; 13; 14; 15; 1 Cor. 9:Q. their contention. Acts 15:36. his error. Gal. 2:13. BARRENNESS of Sarah removed. Gen. 11:30; 16:1; 18:1; 21; ofRebekah, 25:21; of Rachel, 29:31; 30:1; of Manoah's wife, Judg. 13 ; of Han- nah. 1 Sa7)i. 1 ; of the Shunammite, 2 Kings 4:14 ; of Elisabeth, Luke 1. See Pra. 113:9; 75a.54:l; Ga;.4:27. BARTHOLOMEW the apostle. Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13. BARTIM^US' blindness cured, Mark 10:46. BARUCH writes Jeremiah's prophecy, Jer. 32:13; 36. carried into Egypt, Jer 43:6. comforted, Jer. 45. BEL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BET BARZILLAI'S kindness to David, 2 Sam. 17:27. David's gratitude, 2 Sam. 19:31; 1 Kings 2:7. BASHAN conquered. Numbers 21:33; Deut. 3:1; Psa. 68:15, 22; 135:10; 130:20. BASTARDS not to enter the congrega- tion, Deut. 23:2. See Heb. 12: ti. BATH, a measure, 1 Kings 7:2(5 ; 2 Chr. 2:10; Ezra 7:22; Isa. 5:10, etc. BATHSHEBA, her sin with David, 2 Sam. 11 ; 12. her request lor Solomon, 1 Kingsl -.15 ; for Adonijah. 2:19. BATTLE, laws concerning. Deut. 2D. several described, Gen. 14; Exod. 17; Num. 31; Josh. 8:10; Jxuig. 4; 7; 8; 11; 20; 1 Sam. 4; 11; 14; 17; 31 ; 2 Sam. 2 ; 10 ; 18 ; 21 : 15 ; 1 Kin. 20 ; 22 ; 2 Kings 3 ; 1 Chr. 18-20 ; 2 tVir. 13 ; 14:9 ; 23 ; 25 ; Rev. 16:14. BATTLEMENTS to be made to houses, Deut. 22:8. BEARD, laws concerning, iLei'. 19:27; 21 : 5. See 2 Sam. 10:4; Jer. 41 : 5 ; Eze. 5:1. BEASTS created, Gen. 1:24. named, Gen. 2:20. preserved, Gen. 7:2; Psalm 36:6; 104:20; 147:9. what clean and unclean, Lev. 11; Deut. 14:4; ylc^5lO:12. laws concerning, Exod. 13:12; 20:10; 22; 23:4; Lev. 27:9; Dew*. 5:14; Prot'. 12:10. Daniel's vision of four, Dan. 7. John's vision, Rev.A:l\ 13; etc. BEAUTY, vanity of, Psa. 39:11 ; Prov. 6:25; 31:30; Isa. 3:24. instances of its danger. Gen. 12:11 ; 2(5:7; 34; 2 Sam. 11; 13, etc. BEAUTY AND BANDS, the staves, broken. Zech. 11:7. BEDSTEAD of Og, king of Bashan, Deut. 2:11. BEELZEBUB, prince of devils, Mat. 10:25. Christ's miracles blasphemously as- cribed to. Mat. 9:34; 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15. BEER-SHEBA, Abraham dwells there. Gen. 21:31; 22:19; 2?:10. Hagar relieved there, Gen. 21:14. Jacob comforted there, Gen. 46:1. Elijah flees to, 1 Kings 19:3. BEGINNING, the, a name of Christ, -Ket'. 1:8; 3:14. BEHEMOTH described, Job 40:15. BEL. an idol. Isa. 46:1 ; Jer. 50:2. BELIAL, men of, wicked men so called. ^ Deut. 13:13; Judg. 19:22, etc. BELLS upon the priest's ephod. Exod. 2S:.33; 39:25. See Zech. 14:20. BELSHAZZAR'S profane feast, warn- ing, and death, Dan. 5. BELTESHAZZAR, Daniel so named, Dan. 1:7; 4:8, etc. BE NAI AH, valiant acts of, 2 -Saw. 23:20; 1 Chr. 11:22; 27:5. establishes Solomon as king, 1 Kings 1:32. slays Adonijah, Joab, and Shimei, 1 Kings 2:29^6; 4:4. BEN-HADAD, king of Syria, his league with Asa, 1 Kings 15:18. war with Ahab, 1 Kings 20. batBed by Elisha, 2 Kings 6:8. besieges Samaria, 2 Kings 6:24 ; 7. slain by Hazael, 2 Kings 8:7. - , son of Hazael, wars with Israel, 2 Kings 13:3, 24. See Jer. 49:27; A1220S 1:4. BENJAMIN, (Benoni,) son of Jacob, boru, Gen. 35:16. sent into Egypt, Gen. 43:13. Joseph's policy to stay him. Gen. 44. Jacob's prophecy concerning. Gen 49:27. HIS DESCENDANTS, Gen. 46:21; 1 Chr. 7:6. twice numbered. Num. 1:36; 26:.38. blessed by iNIoses, Deut. 33:12. their inheritance. Josh. 18:11. their wickedness chastised, Judg. 20: 21. the first king chosen from, 1 5flm.9:10. support the house of Saul, 2 Sam. 2. afterwards adhere to that of David, 1 Kings 12:21 ; 1 Chr. 11. the tribe of Paul, Phil. 3:5. See Psa. (i8:27; Eze. if-: 32; Rev. 7:8. EERACHAH, (blessing,) valley of, why so named, 2 Chr. 20:26. BEREA. Paul preaches at, Acts 17:10. Bereans commended. Acts 17:11. BETHANY, visited by Christ, Mat. 21:17; 26:6; Mar. 11:1- LukelQ:29. Lazarus raised there, John 11:18. Christ ascends from, Luke 24:50. BETH-EL, (the house of God,) Jacob's vision there. Gen. 2S:19; 31:13. he builds an altar at, Gen. 35:1. taken by the tribe of Joseph, Judg. 1 : 22. Jeroboam establishes idolatry there, 1 Kings ^2:2S■, 13:1. purified by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:15. prophets dwell there, 2 Kings 2: 3', 17:23. See Amos 3:14; 4:4; 5:5; 7:io. BETHESDA, pool of, miracles wrought at. John 5:2. BETH-LEHEM, Naomi's return to, ac- companied by Ruth, Ruth 1:19. David anointed at, 1 Sam. 16:13; 20:6. well of, mentioned, 2 Sam. 23:15; 1 CAr. 11:17. Christ born at, {Mic. 5:2; Psa. 132:5, 6;) Mat. 2:1; Luke 2:4; John 7:42. children of, slain, Mat. 2:16. 19 BLA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BLE BETHSAIDA of Galilee, Philip, Peter, and Andrew dwell there, John 1:44. blind man cured at, Mark 8:22. condemned for nnbeiief, Mat. 11:21. BETH-SHEMESH, men of, punished for profanity, 1 Sam. G:19. BETROTHAL, laws concerning, Exod. 21:8; Let;. 19:2J; Deut. 20:7. BEZALEEL, appointed and inspired to construct the tabernacle, Exod. 31:2 ; 3.5:30. his work, Exod. 36-33, BIGTHAX and Teresh, their conspiracy discovered by Mordecai, Esth. 2:21. BTLDAD'S answers to Job, Job 8 ; 18; 2o. BILHAH, Jacob's children by, Gen. 30:5. BIRDS created and preserved, Ge^i.l :20 ; 7:3; Psa. 104:17; 148:10; Mat. 8:20. used in sacrifices, Gen. 15:9; Lev. 14:4; Luke ^.n. what may not be eaten. Lev. 11:13; Dent. 14:12. law concerning. Deut. 22:6. mentioned figuratively, Prov. 1:17; 6:. 5, etc.; Jer. 12:9; Amos 3:5; Rev. 1S:2. BIRTHDAYS celebrated : of Pharaoh, Gen. 40:20. of Herod, MaM4:6; Mark (y:2l. BIRTHRIGHT, law concerning, Deut. 21:15. lost by Reuben, 1 Clir. 5:1. despised by Esau, Gen. 25:31; Heb. 12:16. BIRTHS foretold : of Isaac, Gen. 18:10. of Samson, Judg. 13:3. of Josiah, 1 Kings Vi:2. of John the Baptist. Luke 1:13. of Christ, Mic. 5 ; Luke 1:31. BISHOP, qualifications of, 1 Ton. 3. See Pliil. 1:1. . of souls, (Christ,) 1 Pet. 2:25. BITTER herbs eaten with the passover, Exod.\2:Q. water healed, Exod. 15:23. BLASPHEMY, Christ assailed with. Mat. 10:25; Luke 22:64, 65; 1 Pet. 4:14. charged upon Christ, Mat. 9:2, 3; 26:64, 65; JoA/i 10:33, 36. charged upon saints. Acts 6:11, 13; 7:54. proceeds from the heart. Mat. 15:19. forbidden, E.tod. 20:7; Col. 3:8. the wicked addicted to. Psa. 74:13; 7s. 52:5; 2Tim.2:2\ Eei'.16:ll. 21 . idolatry counted as. Isa. 65:7; Eze. 2j:27, 23. hypocrisy counted as. Rev. 2:9. saints grieved to hear Psa. 44:15, 16; 74:10, 18,22. give no occasion for, 2 Sam. 12:14; 1 rim. 6:1. 20 BLASPHEMY, cowf.— against the Holy Spirit, Mark 3:28; Luke 12:10; 1 John 5:16. against the Holy Ghost, unpardonable, Mat. 12:31, 32. connected with folly and pride, 2 Kings 19:22; Psa. 74:18. punishment of, Lev 24:16; Isa. 65:7 1 Eze. 20:27-33 ; 35:11,12. exemplified. The Danite, Lev. 24:11. Sennacherib, 2 Kings 19:4, 10, 22. The Jews, I.MZ:e 22:65. Hymeiieus, 1 Tim. 1:20. BLEMISH, oflerings must be without, Exod. 12:5, etc.; Lev. 1:3, etc.; Deut. 17:1, etc.; (a type of Christ, 1 Pet. 1:19; and of the church, Eph. 5:27.) the priests must be free from, Lev, 21:16. BLESSED, whom God chooses, Psa. 65:4; Eph. 1:3, 'i. whom God calls, Isa. 51:2; Rev. 19:9. who know Christ, Mat. 16:16, 17. who know the gospel, Psa. 89:15. who are not otFended at Christ, Mat 11:6. who believe, Luke 1 :45 ; Gal. 3:9. whose sins are forgiven, Psa. 32:1, 5; Ro)n.i:7. to whom God imputes righteousness without works, Rom. 4:6-9. whom God chastens, Jo6 5:17; Psa. 94:12. who suffer for Christ, I,i«A;e 6:22. who have the Lord for their God, Psa. 144:15. who trust in God, Psa. 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; 84:12; Jer. 17:7. who fear God, Psa. 112:1 ; 123:1, 4. who hear and keep tiie word of God, Psa. 119:2; Jas. 1:25; Mat. 13:16; Luke 11:23; Rev. 1:3; 22:7. who delight in the commandments of God, Psa. 112:1. who keep the commandments of God, Ee I'. 22:14. who wait for the Lord, Isa. 30:18. whose strength is in the Lord, Psa. 84:5. who hunger and thirst after righteous- ness. Mat. 5:6. who frequent the house of God, Psa. 65:4; 84:4. who avoid the wicked, Psa. 1:1. who endure temptation, Jas. 1:12. who watch against sin, Rev. 16:15. who rebuke sinners, Prov. 24:25. who watch for the Lord, Luke 12:37. who die in the Lord, Rev. 14:13. who have part in the first resurrection, Rev.20:Q. who favor saints. Gen. 12:3; Ruth 2:19. the undefiled, Psa. 119:1. the pure in heart. Mat. 5:8. BLI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BOD BLESSED, fo«<.— the just, Psa. 106:3; Prov. 10:6. the children of the just, Prov. 20:7. the righteous, P.sa. 5:1"2. the generation of the upright, Psa. 112:2. the faithful, Prov. 23:20. the poor in spirit, Mat. 5:3. the meek. Mat. 5:. 5. the merciful, Mat. 5:7. the bountiful, Deut. 15:10; Psa. 41:1 ; Prov. 22:9; Luke U-.Vi, li. the peacemakers, Mat. 5:9. holy mourners. Mat. 5:4 ; Litke 6:21. saints at the judgment-day. Mat. 25: 34. who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God, LukeU:l5; Rev. 19:9. See HAPPY. BLESSING, of Isaac, obtained by Jacob, Gen. 27:27. given by Jacob to sons, Geii. 48:15 ; 49. of the twelve tribes by Moses, Deut. 33. and curse set before Israel, Deut. 11:20. the people, form of, delivered by Moses, ]\'u)n. 6:22. at removing the ark, Num. 10:35. in God's name, 2 Sa}n. 6: IS; Psa. 134:3; Rom. 15:33; Heb. 13:20. in name of Trinity, 2 Cor. 13: 14. in name of God and Christ, 1 Cor. 1:3; Eph. 6:2:1; 2 Pet. 1:2. in name of Christ, Rooi. 16:24 ; 2 Tim. 4:22; Rev. 22:21. BLIND, laws concerning the, Lev 19:14 ; Deut. 27:18. expelled from Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 5:6. BLINDNESS inflicted on the men of Sodom, Gen. 19:11. on Samson, Judg. 16:21. on the Syrians, 2 Kings 6:18. on Paul, Acts 9:8. on Ely mas, Acts\^:\\. healed by Christ, Mat. 9:27; 12:22; 20:30; Mark 8:22; 10:46; Luke 4:18; 7:21; JohnQ. See Psa. 146:8; Isa. 29:18; 42:7, etc. BLINDNESS, spiritual : explained, John 1:5; 1 Cor. 2:14. the effect of sin, Mat. 6:23; JoAn3:19, 20. unbelief, the effect of, 2 Cor. 4:3, 4. uncharitableness, a proof of, 1 John 2:9, 11. a work of the devil, 2 Cor. 4:4. leads to all evil, Eph. 4:17-19. is inconsistent with communion with God, 1 Jo^K 1:6, 7. of ministers, fatal to themselves and to the people, Mat. 15:14. the wicked are in, Psa. 82:5 ; Jer. 5:21. the self-righteous are in, Mat. 23:19, 20; Rev. 3:17. the wicked wilfully guilty of, Isa. 26:11 ; Rom. 1:19-21. judicially inflicted, P.^. 69:23; 7s. 29:10; 44:18 ; Mat. 13:13, 14 ; Jokn 12:40. BLINDNESS, cow«.— pray for the re- moval of, Psa. 13:3; 119:18. Christ appointed to remove, Isa. 42:7; lMkeA:\S: JohnS:l2: 9:39; 2 Cor. 3:14; 4:6. Christ appoints his min isters to remove, Mat. 5:14; Acts 26:18. saints are delivered from, John 8:12; Eph. 5:8; Col. 1:13; 1 Thes. 5:4, 5; 1 Pet. 2:9. removal of, illustrated, Mat. 11:5: John 9:7, 11, 25; Acts 9:18; Rev. 3:18. exemplified. Israel, Rom. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:15. Scribes and Pharisees, Mat. 23:16, 24. Church of Laodi- cea, Rev. 3: 17. BLOOD, forbidden to be eaten, Gen. 9:4; Ler.3:17; 7:26; 17:10; 19:26; Dent. 12:15: Eze. 33:25; Acts 15:29. this law enforced by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:32. water changed into, Exod. 4:9; 7:17; Rev. 8:8; 11:6. of the covenant, Exod. 24:8; Zech. 9:11; i/e6. 10:29; 13:20. OF Christ, redemption by, John 19: 34 ; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1 : 20 ; Heb. 10:19; 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:2; IJohn 1:7; Rev. 1:5; 5:9; 12:11. TYPIFIED : under the law, Exod. 12: 13 ; 29:10; 30:10; Lev. 1:5; 4; 16:15: Heb. 9:7, etc. in the Lord's supper, Mat. 26:28; Mark 14:21; Luke 22:20; I Cor. 11:25. BLOODSHEDDING forbidden, Gen.9:6; £.Tod. 20:13. See MURDER, no remission from sin without, Heb. 9:22. BOANERGES, (sons of thunder,) James and John so called, Mark 3: 17. BOARDS of the tabernacle how con- structed, Exod. 20:15; 30:20. BOASTING reproved, Psa. 49:6; 52:1; 91:4; Prov. 20:14; 25:14; 27:1; Isa. 10:15; Jer. 9:23; Rom. 1:30; 11:18; 1 Cor. 4:7; 2 Cor. 10:12; Jas. 3:5; 4:16. of Goliath. 1 Sam. 17. of Ben-hadad, 1 Kings 20:10. of Sennacherib, 2 Kings 18; 19; etc. excluded under the gospel, Rom. 3:27; 1 Cor. 1:29; Eph. 2:9, etc. BO AZ, his kindness to Ruth, R nth 2, etc. Christ descended from, 1 Chr. 2:11 ; MaM:5; Luke 2:32. (Strength :) pillar of the temple, 2 r^fr. 3:17. BOCHIM, Israel reproved by an angel at, Judg. 2. BODY, of man, not to be disfigured. Lev. 19:28; 21:5; Deut. 14:1. to be kept pure, Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 6:13; 1 T/ies. 4:4. 21 BON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EOT BODY, €ont. — of Christians, the temple of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cori 3 : 16 ; 6 : 19 ; ■2 Cor. 6:16. dead, laws concerning, Lev. 21:11; Num. 5:2; 9:6; 19:11; Deut. 21:22; Hag. 2:13. to be raised again, Eze. 37 ; Mat. 22:30 ; 1 Cor. 15:12; PJiil. 3:21. See RESURRECTION. of Christ, Lu^fce 2:35; Heb. 10:5. buried by Joseph, Mat. 27:5S; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:50; John 19:33. the church so called, Rot7i. 12:4; 1 Cor. 10:17; 12:12; Eph. 1:22; 4:13; 5:23; Col. 1:18; 2:19; 3:15. BOILS and blains, the plague of, Exod. 9:10; Rev. 16:2. See 2 Kings 20:'7 ; Job 2:1. BOLDNESS, holy: Christ set an example of, J'o/(>i7:26. is through faith in Christ, Epii. 3:12; Heb. 10:19. a characteristic of saints, Prov. 23:1. PRODUCED BY, trust in God. 75a. 50:7. the fear of God, Acts 5:29. faithfulness to God, 1 Titn. 3:13. express your trust in God with, Heb. 13:6. have, in prayer, Eph. 3:12; Heb. 4 : IG. saints shall have, in judgment, 1 John 4:17. ^ exhortations to. Josh. 1:7; 2 Chr. 19:11; Jer. 1:8; Eze. 3:9. pray for, Acts 4:29; Eph. 6:19, 20. MINISTERS SHOULD EXHIBIT, IN faithfulness to their people, 2 Cor. 7:4; 2 Cor. 10:1. preaching. Acts 4:31 ; Phil. 1:14. reproving sin, Isa. 58:1 ; Mic. 3:8. the face of opposition. Acts 13:46; 1 Thes. 2:2. exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 1S:22- 32. Jacob, Gen. 32:24-29. Moses, E.xod. 32:31, 32; 33:18. Aaron, Num. 16:47, 48. David, 1 Sam. 17:45. Elijah, 1 Kings 18:15, 18. Nehemiah, Neh. 6:11. Shadrach, Dan. 3:17, 18. Daniel, Dan. 6:10, Joseph, Mark 15:43. Peter and John, Acts 4:8-13. Stephen, Acts 7:51. Paul, Acts 9:27, 29; 19:8. Barna- bas, Acts\A:3. Apollos, Acts IS: 26. BOND, (or vow.) law concerning. Num. 30. of peace, Eph. 4:3. BONDS and yokes sent by the Lord to various kings, Jer. 27. BONDAGE of Israel in Egypt, Exod. 1-12; Psa. 105:25; Acts 7:6. in Babylon, 2 Kings 25 ; Esth. 2, etc. ; Neh. 1, etc.; Ezra 1, etc.; 9:7; Dan. 1, etc. , spiritual : is to the devil, 1 Tim, 3:7 ; 2 Twi. 2-26. is to the fear of death, Heb. 2:14, 15. 22 BONDAGE, cont.— is to sin, John 8:34; Acts 8:23; Rotn. 6:16; 7:23; 2 Pet. 2:19. deliverance from, promised, Isa. 42:6, 7. Christ delivers from, Luke 4:18, 21; John 8:36; Rom. 7:24, 25; Eph. 4:8. the gospel, the instrument of deliver- ance from. John 8:32; Rom. 8:2. saints are delirered from, Rom. 6:18, 22. deliverance from, illustrated, Deut. 4:20. typified. Israel in Egypt, Exod. 1 : 13. 14. BONDMAID, law concerning, Lev. 19:20; 25:44. BONDMEN, laws concerning, Lev. 25:39; Deut. 15:12. BONDWOMAN cast out, Geti. 21:10; GaZ. 4:23. BONES, (Gen. 2:23.) Joseph's charge concerning, Gen. 50:25, obeyed, Exod. 13:19; Heb. 11:22. scattered as a judgment, 2 Kin. 23:14; Psa. 53:5; 141:7; Jer. 8:1: Eze. 6:5. vision of the dry bones, Eze, 37. of the paschal lamb not broken, Exod. 12:46; also Christ's. John 19:36. BONNETS of the priests, directions for making, JB.Tod. 23:40; 29:9; 39:2S; J^ze. 44:18. See mitre. BOOK, of Jasher, Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18. of Samuel, 1 Sa7n. 10:25. of Solomon, etc., 1 Kings 4:32 ; 11:41. of various persons, 1 Chr. 29:29 ; 2Chr. 9:29; 12:15; 20:34. A of life, Exod. 32:32; Psa. 69:23*; ' Dan. 12:1; Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 17:8: 21:27; 22:19. opened, Dan.'l2:l ; Rev. 20:12. of the law, Deut. 28:61; 29:29, etc.: Gal. 3:10. found and read, 2 Kings 22:8: Neh. 8:8. BOOKS mentioned, Eccl. 12:12, Da«. 9:2; 2 Tim. 4:13. of judgment. Dan. 7:10; Rev. 20:12. BOOTHS used at the feast of taberna- cles, Lev. 23:42; Neh. 8:14. BORDERS of the land determined, Num. 34; .Tosh. 1:4; Eze. 47:13. BORING of the ear, law concerning, E.xod. 21:6. See Psa. i0:6 BORN OF GOD, Johnl:13; 3:3; 1 Pet. 1:23; 1 John 3:9; 5:1. BORROWING, law concerning. E.vod. 22:14; Z»eMM5:l; J»ia<. 5:42. its results, 2 Kings 6:5 ; Prof. 22:7. of Israel in Egypt, Exod. 3:22; 12:35. BOTTLES mentioned, Gen. 2L:14; /os/i. 9:4. figuratively, Psa. 119:83; Job 32:19,- iliaf. 9:17. BRE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. BUY BOTTOMLESS pit, Rev. 9:1; 11:7; 17:8. Satan bound there, Rev, 20:1. BOW in the cloud, sign of God's mercy. Gen. 9-13; Eze.l:'2S. BOWELS of mercies. Gere. 43:00; Psa. 25: G; 7.5a. 63:1.5; Luke 1:78; Phil. 1:3; 2:1; Col. 3:12, etc. BOWLS, etc., oiTered by the princes. Num. 7. See Zech. 4:2. BOZRAH, (Bezer.) prophecies concern- ing, isa. 34:G; G3:l; Jer. 48:24; 49:13; AmoslA'l; Mic. 2:12. BRAMBLE chosen to reign over the trees, Judg. 9; 14. BRANCH of the Lord, prophecies con- cerning, I^a. 4:2; Jer. 23:5; Zech. 3:8; 0:12. See Luke 1:16; John 15:5; Rom. 11:16. BRAND plucked from the fire, a figure, Amos 4:11; Zech. 3: 2 ; Jude 2:J. BRASS used in constructing the taber- nacle and temple, Exod. 25:3; 20:11. etc. ; 1 Kings 7:14, etc. altar of, Exod. 39:39. mentioned figuratively, Lev. 26:19; Jobiy.Vl; 1 Cor. 13:1; Rev.l:\5. BREAD, man appointed to labor for. Gen. 3:19. given from heaven, (manna,) Exod. 16:4. miraculously supplied, 2 Kings 4:42; John 6, etc. a type of Christ, John G:31; 1 Cor. 1U:16. offered before the Lord, Exod. 25:30; Lev. 8:26: 24:5; Num. 4:7; 1 Sam. 21:4. used in the Lord's supper, Luke 22: 1 9 ; 21:30; ^cf«2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 10:16; 11:23- unleavened, Gen. 19:3; Exod. 12:8; 1 Sam. '■ZS: 24 ; 2 Kings 23: 9 ; 1 Cor. 5:8. BREASTPLATE of the high-priest de- scribed, Exod. 23:15; 39:8. of righteousness, Eph. 6:14. of faith and love, 1 The§. 5:8. BREATH, (life,) dependent upon God, Gen. 2:7; 6:17; Job 12:10; Psa. 1 04 : 29 ; Eze. 37; 5 ; Dan. 5: 23 ; Acts 17:25. of God, its power, 2 Sam. 22:16; Joi.4:9;33:4; Psa. 33:6; /sa.ll:4; 30:23. BRETHREN, duty of, to each other : love one to another, John 13:34 ; 15:12 ; Rom. 12:10; 1 Thes. 4:9; Heb. 13:1; 1 Pet. 1:22; 3:8; lJo/m2:9. harmony, Gen. 13:8; Psa. 133; 1 Cor. 6:7. forgiveness. Gen. 50:17; MaZ. 18:21. charity, Deut. 15:7; Mat. 25:40; 1 Cor. 13; 2 Pet. 1:7; 1 John 3:17. justice, Deut. 24:14. not to be angry with, Mat. 5:22. BRETHREN, cont.-~to visit, Acts 15:36. self-denial for, 1 Cor. 8. to restore the erring. Gal, 6:1. to admonish, Mat. 1&:15 ; 2 Thes. 3:15. BRIBERY forbidden. Exod. 2:3:2, Si Deut. 16:19 ; Job 15:34 ; Prov. 17:23; 29:4; Eccl. 7:7; Jsa. 5:23; 33:15; Eze. 13:19; ^mos2:6. of Delilah, Judg. 16:5. of Samuel's sons, 1 Satn. S:3. of Judas, Mai. 26:14. of the soldiers, Mat. 28:12, BRICKS made by Israelites, Exodus 1:14; 5. BRIDE, the church so called, JoAre 3:29; Rev. 21:2; 22:17. BRIDEGROOM, Christ so called, 31at. 9:15; 25:1; John 3:29. See Psa. 19:5; Isa. 61:10; 62:5. BRIMSTONE and fire, Sodom destroyed by, Gen. i9:2i. figurative of torment, Jsa. 30:33; Rev. 9:17; 14:10; 19:20; 21:8. BROIDERED work, Eze. 16:10, etc. BROTHER'S widow, law concerning, Deut. 25:5; Mat. 22:24. BUCKLER, God is, to his people, 2 Satii. 22:31; Psa. 18:2; 91:4; Prov. 2:7. BUDDING of Aaron's rod, Nw?i. 17. BUILDING, the church compared to one, 1 Cor. 3:9; Eph. 2:21 ; Col. 2:7. BUNDLE of life, 1 Saw. 25:29. BURDEN, meaning prophecy, Isa. 13:1 ; Nah. 1:1, etc. affliction, Psa. 55:22; Isa. 58:6; Gal 6:2; 2 Cor. 5:4. sin, Psa. 38:4. of Christ light, Jlat. 11:. 30; ^c«s 15:23,- Rev. 2:24. BURIAL, deprivation of, a calamity, Deut. 28:26; Psa. 79:2; £cd. 6:3; Isa. 14 19; Jer. 7:33; 16:4; 25:33; 34:20. of Sarah, Gen. 23:19 ; of Abraham, Gen. 25: 9 ; of Isaac, Gen. 35: 29 ; of Jacob, Gen. 50; of Abner, 2 Sa?}t. 3:31 ; of Christ, Mat. 27:57; i2S. Nero, Paul appeals to, Acts 25:11. C^ESAREA, Peter sent to, Acts 10;ll. Paul sent prisoner to. Acts 23:23 ; 25. Philippi visited by Christ, ^lat. 1G:I3; Mark f< -.21 . CAIAPHAS, high-priest, prophesies con- cerning Christ, John 11:49. his counsel. Mat. 26:3. he condemns him. Mat. 20:57; Mark 14:53 ; Luke 22:54, C6 ; John 18: 12. 19. See Acts \:(i. CAIN kills Abel, Gen. 4:S. his punishment. Gen. 4:11. See Heb. 11:4; 1 Jo/m 3: 12; Jude II. CALEB'S faith, Num. 13:30; 14:G. permitted to enter Canaan, Num. 26: Go; 32:12; Deut. 1:36. reminds Joshua, Josk. 14:G. his possessions, Josh. 15:13; Judg. 1:12. CALF, golden, Aaron's transgression in making, Exod. 32; Acts 7:40. calves made by Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12:23; Hos. «:5. CALL of Noah, Ge?i.G: 13; of Abraham, Gen. 12; of Jacob, Ge/i. 2S: 2, 12 ; of Moses, Exod. 3; of Gideon, Judg. 0:11; of Samuel, 1 Sam. 3; of Eli- iah, 1 Kings 17 ; of Elisha. 1 Ki)i. 19:10, 19; of Jonah, Jonah 1; of Isaiah, Isa. ; of Jeremiah, Jer. 1 ; of Ezekiel, Eze. 1 ; of Ho.sea. Hos. 1 ; of Amos,^??io5l; 7:14. See Mic. 1:1; Zeph. 1:1; Hag. 1:1; Zech. 1:1. of Peter, etc., Mai. 4:18; MarA; 1:16; Luke 5 ; John 1 : 39. of Paul, Acts9; Rom. 1:1; Gal. 1:1, 11; 1 Tim. 1. CALL OF GOD : by Christ, Isa. 55:5; Rom. 1:6. by his Spirit, Rev. 22:17. by his works, Psa. 19:2, 3 ; Rom. 1 : 20. by his ministers, Jer. 35:15; 2 Cor. 5:20. by his gospel, 2 Thes. 2: 14. is from darkness, 1 Pet. 2:9. addressed to all, Isa. 45:22; Mat. 20: IG. most reject, Prov. 1 :24 ; Mat. 20:16. effectual to saints, Psa. 110:3; Acts 13:48; 1 Cor. 1:24. not to many wise, 1 Cor. 1:26. TO SAINTS, IS of grace. Gal. 1:15; 2 Tim. 1:9. according to the purpose of God, Rom. 8:28; 9:11,2-3,24. without repentance. Rom. 11:29. high, P/ii7. 3:14. holy, 2 Tim. 1:9. heavenly, Heb. 3:1. to fellowship with Christ, 1 Cor. 1:9. to holiness, 1 Thes. 4:7. 24 CALL OF GOD, cont.—io sai.xts, is to a prize, Phil. 3:14. to liberty, Gal. 5:13. to peace, 1 Cor. 7:15; Col. 3:15. to glory and virtue, 2 Pet. 1:3. to the eternal glory of Christ, 2 Thes. 2:14; 1 Pet. 5:10. to eternal life, 1 Tim. 0:12. partakers of, justified, Rom. 8:30. walk worthy of, Eph.'\:l; 2Thes.\:\\ blessedness of receiving, Rev. 19:9. is to be made sure, 2 Pet. 1:10. praise God for, 1 Pet. 2:9. illustrated, Prov. 8:3, 4; Mat. 23:3-9. REJECTION OF, LEADS TO judicial blind- ness, 75a. 0:9. with Acts 28:24-27; Rom. ll:8-l(i. delusion, Isa. 00:4; 2 Thes. 2:10, 11. withdrawal of the means of grace, Jer. 26:4-0; ^rts 13:40; 18:0; Rev. 2:5. temporal judgments, Isa. 28:12; Jer. 0:10, 19; 35:17; Zech. 7:12-14. exclusion from the benefits of the gos- pel, Luke 12:24. rejection by God, Prov. 1:24-32; Jer. 0:19,30. condemnation, JoAn 12:48; Heb. 2:1- 3; 12:2.5. destruction, Prov. 29:1 ; Mat. 22; 3-7. CALVARY. See golgotha. CAMELS mentioned. Gen. 12:16; 24.19; Exod. 9:3; 1 Chr. 5:21; Job 1:3; JIaZ. 3:4; 19:24, etc. their flesh unclean. Lev. 11:4 ; Dent. 14:7. CAMP of the Israelites, its order. Num. 1:52; 2. See Exod. 14:19; Nuvi. 24:5. to be kept holy, Exod. 29:14; Lev. 6:11; 13:4, 6; Num. 5:2; Deut. 2:3:10; Heb. 13:11. CANA, Christ's first miracle at, John 2. CANAAN, son of Ham, cursed for de- spising Noah. Gen. 9:25. land of, promised to Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:14; 17:8. patriarchs dwell in. Gen. 12; 26; 37, etc. its boundaries, Exod. 23:31 ; Josh. 1:4. spies sent to, Num. 13. the murmurers forbidden to enter, Nui7i. 14:22. also Moses and Aaron, Num. 20:12; 27:12; Deut. 1:37; 3:23; 31:1; 32:48. viewed by Moses, Deut. 3:27; 34:1. subdued by Joshua, Josh. 3, etc. division of. Num. 26:52 ; Josh. 14, etc. ITS INHABITANTS, (for their wickedness, Gen. 19; 13:13; Lev. 18:3, 24.30; 20:23.) ordered to be extirpated, Exod. 23:31 ; 34:11; Num. 33:52; Deut. 20:16 but were not wholly so, Josh. 13:1; 16:10; 17.12; Judg. I; 2; 3. CAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHA CANDLE, figuratively mentioned, Job 1S:6; 21:17; Psa. 18:28; Prov. parable of, Mat. 5:15, etc. ; LukeS-AQ. CANDLESTICK in the tabernacle. Exod. 25:31; 37:17; Lev. 24: i; Num. 8:1. in heaven. Zech. 4:2; Rev. 1:12 CAPERNAUM, Christ preaches and works miracles at, Mat. 4:13; 8:5; 17:24; Mark 1:21; John 2; 12; 4:46; 6:17. condemned for unbelief. Mat. 11:23; Luke 10:15. CAPPADOCIA, disciples of, Acts 2:9; I Pet. 1:1. CAPTIVITY of the Israelites foretold, Deut. 2S:36; Lev. 23:33. of the ten tribes, Amos 3; 4 ; 7:11, fulfilled, 2 Kings 17; 1 Chr. 5:23. of Judah foretold. Isa. 39:6 ; Jer. 13:19 ; 20:4; 25:11 ; 32:28, etc. fulfilled, 2 Kings 25 ; 2 Clir. 36 ; Psa. 137; Jer. 39; 52; Esth. 2; Dan. 1. their return from, Ezra 1 ; Neh. 2, etc. ; Psa. 126. CARE about earthly things, forbidden. Mat. 6:25; Luke 12:22, 29; John 6:27. God's providential goodness should keep us from, Mat. 6:26, 28, 30; Luke 22:35. God's promises should keep us from. Heb. 13:5. trust in God should free us from, Jer. 17:7. 8; Dan. 3:16. should be cast on God, Psa. 37:5; 55:22; Prot\16:3; 1 Pet. 5:1. an obstruction to the gospel. Mat. 1 3 : 22 ; Luke 8:14; 14:1 8-20. be without, 1 Cor. 7:32; Pliil. 4:6. unbecoming in saints, 2 Tim. 2:4. inutility of, Mat. 6:27; Luke 12:25,26. vanity of, Psa. 39:6 ; Ercl.A:S. warning against, Luke'l\:2\. sent as a punishment to the wicked, Eze.A:\Q; 12:19. exemplified. Martha, Luke 10:41. Persons who offered to follow Christ, Luke 9:57, etc. , in love, of the Samaritan, Luke 10:34. of Christ for his mother, John 19:26. of Paul, 1 Cor. 12:25; 2 Cor. 7:12; 8:16; P/j/V. 4:10. CARMEL, Josh. 15:55. country of Nabal, 1 Satn. 25. , mount, Elijah sacrifices there, 1 Kings IS-.m. Elisha dwells there, 2 Kings 4:25. See .Ter. 46:18; Amos yr2; 9:3. CARNAL mind condemned, Rom. 0:7; 1 Cor. 3:1: Ccl. 2:18. CARPENTERS, vision of four, Zech. 1:20. See 2 Satn. 5:11 ; /.-tffl. 41 :7. Clirist called one, Mar. 6:3 ; Mat. 13:55. CASSIA, £::rot/. 30:24; Psa. 45:8. CASTOR and Pollux, Acts 28:11. CATTLE of Israelites preserved, Exod. 9:4, 26. laws concerning, Exod. 20:10; 21:23; 22:1; 23:4; Lev. 1.2, Deut. 5:14; 22:1; 25:4; (1 Cor. D:9; 1 Tim. 5:1».) referred to by Christ, Mat. 12:11 ; Luke 13:15; 14:.5. an example of obedience. Isa. 1:3. CAVES, prophets preserved in, 1 Kingi 18:4; 19:9; Heb. 11:;3S. CEDAR, the temple built of. 1 King: 5:6; 6:15. See Judg. 9:15; Jol 40:17; Psa. 92:12; 104:16; 148:9, Soug 5:15; Isa. 2:13; 41:19; £ze 17:3. CENCHREA, church there, Acts 18:18; Rom. 16:1. CENSERS, of brass, .^Ler. 10:1; 16:12. of gold. 1 Kings 7:50 ; Heb. 9:4 ; Rev. b:.3. ■ of Korah, etc., reserved as a memorial, Num. 16:36. CENTURION, his faith commended and servant healed, Mat. 8 ; Luke 7. , confesses Christ at his death. Mat. 27:54; Markl5:Sd; Luke-23:47. , Cornelius converted, Acts 10. CHALCEDONY, Rev. 21:19. CHALDEANS afflict Job, Job 1 :17. besiege Jerusalem, 2 Kings 24:2 ; 25:4, etc. ; Jer. 37-39. wise men of, preserved by Daniel, Da?i. 2; 4:7; 5:7. prophecies concerning, Isa. 23:13; 43:14; 47:1; 48:14; Ha6. 1:5. Set BABYLON. CHARACTER of Christ : altogether lovely. Song 5:16. holy, Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27; Rev. 3:7. righteous, Isa. 53:11 ; Heb. 1:9. good. Mat. 19:16. faithful, 75a. 11:5; 1 The s. 5:2-1 . true, John 1:U; 7:18; 1 John 5:20. just, Zech. 9:9; John5:30; ^cis 22:14. guileless, 75a. 53:9; 1 Pet. 2:22. sinless, John 8:46; 2 Cor. 5:21. spotless, 1 Pet. 1:19. innocent. Mat. 27:4. harmless, Heb. 7:26. resisting temptation. Mat. 4:1-10. obedient to God the Father, P5a. 40:8; Jo/m 4: 34; 15:10. zealous, I,MA;e 2:49; J ohn 2:\7 ; 8:29. meek, 7sa. 53:7; Zech. 9:9; Irlat. 11:29. lowly in heart. Mat. 11 : 29. merciful, Heb. 2:17. patient, 75a. 53:7; Mat. 27:14. long-suffering, 1 Ti7n. 1:16. compassionate, 75a. 40:11; LM^el9:41. benevolent, Mat. 4:2-3, 24 ; Acts 10:38. loving, John 13:1 ; 15:13. self-denying. Mat. 8:20; 2 Cor. 8:9. 25 CHA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHA CHARACTER of Christ, cont.— hum- ble, Luke 22:27; Phil. 2:S. resigned, Luke 22:42. forgiving, Luke 23:34. subject to his parents, Luke 2:51. saints are conformed to, Rom. 8:29. CHARACTER of saints : attentive to Christ's voice, John 10:3, 4. blameless and harmless, Phil. 2: 15. bold, Prov. 28:1. contrite, Isa. 57:15; G6:2, devout, Acts S:2; 22:12. faithful, Rev. 17:14. fearing God, Mai. 3:16 ; Acts 10:2. following Christ, John 10:4, 27. godly, Psa. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:9. guileless, John 1:47. holy, Deut. 7:6; 14:2; Col. 3:12. humble, Psa. 34:2; 1 Pet. 5:5. hungering for righteousness, Mat. 5:6. just. Gen. 6:9; Hab. 2:4 ; Luke 2:25. led by the Spirit, Rom. S: 14. liberal, Jsa. 32:8; 2 Cor. 9:13. loving. Col. 1:4; 1 Thes. 4:9. lowly, Prov. 16:19. loathing themselves. Eze. 20:43. meek, Isa. 29:19; itlai. 5:5. merciful, Psa. 37:26; ilfa<. 5:7. new creatures, 2 Cor. 5: 17 ; Eph. 2:10. obedient, ilo»<. 16:19; 1 Pet. 1:14. poor in spirit, Mat. 5:. 3. prudent, Prov. 16:21. pure in heart. Mat. 5:8; 1 John 3:3. righteous, Isa. 60:21; Luke 1:6. sincere, 2 Cor. 1:12; 2:17. steadfast. Acts 2:42; CoZ. 2:5. taught of God, Isa. 54:13; 1 John 2:27. true, 2 Cor. 6:8. undefiled, Psa. 119:1. upright, 1 Kings2:6; Psa. 15:2. watchful, huke 12:37. zealous of ffood works, Tit. 2: 14. CHARACTER of the wicked : abominable. Rev. 21 :S. alienated from God, Eph. 4:1S; Col. 1:21. blasphemous, Luke 22:65; Eeti. 16:9. blinded, 2 Cor. 4:4; iTM- 4:18. boastful, Psa. 10:3; 49:6. conspiring against saints, Neh. 4:8; 6:2; Psa. 33:12. corrupt, Mai. 7;17; Eph. 4:22. covetous, Mic. 2:2; i?om. 1:29. deceitful, Psa. 5:6; Rom.2:\^. delighting in the iniquity of others, Prov. 2:14; Rom. 1:32. despising saints, Neh, 2; 19; 4:2; 2 r/m. 3:3, 4. destructive, Isa. 59:7. disobedient, iVeA. 9:26; Tit. 3:3; 1 Pe«. 2:7. enticing to evil, Prov. 1:10-14 ; 2 Tim. 3:6. envious, Neh.2:\^\ Tit. 3:3. evil-doers, Jer. 13:23; Mic 7:3. fearful, Prov. 28:1 ; ilev. 21:8. 26 CHARACTER of the wicked, cont.^ fierce, Prov. 16:29; 2 Tim. 3:3. foolish, Dewf. 32:6; Psa. 5:5. forgetting God, Jo6 8:13. fraudulent, Psa. 37:21 ; Mic. 6:11. frow^ard, Prou. 21:8; Isa. 57:17. glorying in their shame, Phil. 3:19. hard-hearted, Eze. 3:7. hating the light. Job 24: 13 ; John 3:20. heady and high-minded, 2 Tim. 3:4. ho.stile to God, Ro7n. 8:7; Col. 1:21. hypocritical, Isa. 29:13; 2 Tim. 3:5. ignorant of God, Hos. 4:1; 2 r/ie*. 1:8. impudent, Eze. 2:4. incontinent, 2 T/m. 3:3. infidel, Psa. 10:4; 14:1. loathsome, Prov. 13:5. lovers of pleasure more than of God, 2 Tim. 3:4. lying, Psa. 58:3; 62:4; Isa. 59:4. mischievous, Prov. 24:8; Mic. 7:3. murderous, Psa. 10:8; 94:6; Rom, 1:29. prayerloss, Jo6 21:15; Psa. 53:4. persecuting, Psa. 69:26; 109:16. perverse, Deut. 32:5. proud, Psa. 59:12: Obad. 3; 2 Tim. 3:2. rebellious, Isa. 1:2; 30:9. rejoicing in the affliction of saints, Psa. 35: 15. reprobate, 2 Cor. 13:5; 2 Tm 3:8; r/«. 1:16. selfish, 2 r/m. 3:2. sensual, Phil. 3:19; J»rfe 19. sold under sin, 1 Kings 21 :20 ; 2 iCVng-s 17:17. stiff-hearted, Eze. 2:4. stiff-necked, £.70^. 33:5; Acts 7:51, uncircumcised in heart, Jcr. 9:26. unclean, Jsffl. 64:8; E/j/i. 4:19. unjust, Prov. 11:7; 7sa. 26:10. unmerciful, Rotn. 1:31. ungodly. Prow. 16:27. unholy, 2 Twi. 3:2. unprofitable. Mat. 25:30; ivom. 3:12. unruly. Tit. 1:10. unthankful, iwA^e 6:35; 2 Tijn. 3:2. untoward. Acts 2:40. un\vi.-:e, Deut. 32:6. CHARGE of God to Adam, Gen. 2:16. to Moses, Exod. 3:14 ; 6:13. of Moses to Joshua, Deut. 31:7. of God to Joshua, JosA. 1:1. of David to Solomon, 1 Kings 2:1; I Chr. 22-6. of Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 19:6. of Christ to his apostles, Mat. 10, 28:18; Mark 16:15. to the seventy disciples, Luke 10. to Peter, John 21:15. of Paul to the elders of Ephesus, Acts 20:17. to Timothy, 1 Tim 5:20; 2 Tim. 4. of Peter to the elders, 1 Pet. 5. CHI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHI CHARIOTS of war, Exod. 14:7 ; Judg 1:19; 4:3; 1 Snm. 13:5; 2 Sam 10:18; Psa. >20:7; lYa/i. 2:4; 3:2. of fire. Elijah ascends in one, and Eli' sh a defended by, 2 Kings 2:11 6:17. See Psa. 68:17. CHARITY explained, 1 Cor. 13:4-7. enjoined, Kom. 14:1; 1 Cor. 16:14; Co/. 3:14. iS'ee LOVE TO MAN. CHASTITY commanded, Ezod. 20:14; Prou. 31:3; Acts 15:20 ; iiowi. 13:13; Co;. 3:5; 1 T/ies. 4:3. required in look, Job 31:1 ; Mat. 5:28. required in heart, Prov. 6:25. required in speech, Eph. 5:3. keep the body in, 1 Cor. 6:13, 15-18. preserved by wisdom, Prov. 2:10, 11, 16; 7:1-5. saints are kept in, Eccl. 7:26. advantages of, 1 Pet. 3:1, 2. shun those devoid of, 1 Cor. 5:11; 1 Pet. 4:3. the wicked are devoid of, Rom. 1:29; Eph. 4:19; 2 Pet. 2:14 ; Jude 8. temptation to deviate from, dangerous, 2 Sa/n. 11:2-4. consequences of associating with those devoid of, Prov. 5:3-11; 7:25-27; 22:14. •want of, excludes from heaven, Gal. 5:19-21. drunkenness destructive to, Proverbs 23:31-33. breach of, punished, 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; Eph. 5:5, 6 ; Heb. 13:4 ; Rev. 22:15. motives for, 1 Cor. 6:19; 1 Thes. 4:7. exemplified. Abimelech, Gen. 20:4. 5; 26:10,11. Joseph, Gere. .39: 7-12! Ruth, Ruth 3:10, 11. Boaz, Rtith 3:13. CHE BAR, the river. Ezekiel's visions at, Eze. 1; 3:15; i0:15. CHEERFULNESS commended, Prov. 14..30; 15:13,15; 17:22; /oA« 16:33. See JOY. CHEDORLAOMER, king of Elam, takes Lot prisoner, but subdued by Abram, Gen. 14. CHEMOSH, god of Moab, JYiWJ. 21:29; Judg. 11:24; 7(^.48:7,13,46. worshipped by Solomon. 1 Kings 11:7. CHERUBIM guard the entrance of Eden, Gen. 3:24. representations of, placed in the sanc- tuary, Exod. 25:18; 37:7; 1 Kings 6:25 ; 2 Chr. 3:10. See 1 &'aw. 4:4 ; P5a. 80:1; jB^e. 41:18. Ezekiel's visions of, Eze. 1 ; 9 ; 10. CHILDHOOD, an important season, Prov. 8:17; 22:6; Eccl. 12:1. CHILDREN : a blessing, Prov. 10:1; 15:20; 17:6; 2:3:24; 27:11; 29:3. a gift from God, Gen. .30:17; 33:5; P«a. 127:3. CHILDREN, cow*.— asked of God, Gen. 25:21; 23:1, 3; 1 Sam. 1:9. promised, Gen. 17:19; 18:10; 2 Kings 4:16; Luke 1:13. favored of God, Gen. 21:17; Psa. 147:13. \ blessed by Christ, Mat. 19:14; Mark ^ 9:36; 10:14; i.w^-e 18:15. Christ was an example to, Luke 2:51 ; Jo/m 19:26, 27. are capable of glorifying God, Psa. 148:12, 13; Mat. 21:15, 16. SHOULD BE brought to Christ, Mark 10:13-16. brought early to the house of God, 1 Sa;?i. 1:24. instructed in the ways of God, Dettt. 31:12, 13; Prov. 22:6. judiciously corrected, Prov. 22:15; 29:17. prayed for. Gen. 17:18, 20; 2 Sam. 12:16,21; Jo6 1:.5. SHOULD obey God, Deut. 30:2. fear God, Prov. 24:21. rememter God, Eccl. 12:1. attend to parental teaching, Prov. 1:8,9. honor parents, Exod. 20:12; Heb 12:9. fear parents, Lev. 19:3. obey parents, Prov. 6:20 ; Eph. 6: 1 take care of parents, 1 Tim. 5:4. honor the aged, Lev. 19:32; 1 Pet. 5:5. not imitate bad parents, Eze. 20:18. of Bethlehem slain, Mat. 2:16; {,Jcr. 31:15.) CHILDREN, good : the Lord is with, 1 Sam. 3:19. know the Scriptures, 2 Tim. 3:15. observe the law of God, Prov. 28:7. their obedience to parents is well pleas- ing to God, Col. 3:20. partake of the promises of God, Acts 2;. 39. shall be blessed, Prov. 3:1-4; Eph. 6:2,3. show love to parents. Gen. 46:29. obey parents. Gen. 28:7; 47:.30. attend to parental teaching, Prov. 13:1. take care of parents, Gen. 45:9-11; 47:12; Mat. 15:5. make their parents' hearts glad, Prov, 10:1; 23:24; 29:17. honor the aged, Job 32:6, 7. adduced as a motivi.U:lS-20. Aaron, etc., Exod. 40:12-15. THE KING: foretold. Num. 24:17; Psa. 2:6; 45; i5a.9:7; Jer.23:5; M/c.5:2; Zech. 9:9. glorious, Psa. 24:7-10; 1 Cor. 2:8; Jas. 2:1. supreme, Psa. 89:27; Rev.\:5; 19:10. sits on the throne cf God. Rev.3:2\.. sits on the throne of David, Isa. 9:7; Eze. 37:24, 25; Luke 1:32; Acts 2:30. is King of Zion, Psa. 2:6; Isa. 52:7; Zech. 9:9; Mai. 21:5; Jo/inl2:l'^ 15. has a righteous kingdom, Psa. 45:6, with Heb. 1:S, 9; Isa. 32:1; Jer. 23:5. has an everlasting kingdom, Dan. 2:44 ; 7:14; Luke 1:33. has a universal kingdom, Psa. 2:S; 72:8; Zech. 14:9; Rev. 11:15. has a spiritual kingdom. Rom. 14:17 1 Cor. 15:50. his kingdom not of this world, John 16:36. saints, the subjects of, Col. 1:13 ; Rev. 15:3. saints receive a kingdom from, Luke 22:29,30; Heb. 12:23. ACKNOWLEDGED BY the wise men from the East, Mat. 2:2. Nathan ael, John 1 :49. his followers, Lw/fce 19:38; JoArt 12:13. declared by himself, Mat. 25:34; John 18:37. 29 CHR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CHU CHRIST THE KING, co7i«.— written on his cross, John 19:19. is much and long opposed, Isa. 24:5; 59: 13 ; 2 Thn. 3: 1 ; 2 Pet. 2: 1 ; 3:3. opposed by the man of sin, 2 Thes. 2:3. opposed by the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, Rev. 13:3; 10:13. CONSEQUENCES OF OPPOSING, tO be broken in pieces, 1 Smn. 2:10 ; Psa. 2:9. to be ground to powder, Mat. 21:44; Luke 20: IS. general distress, Isa. 24:1-23; 2G:20; 34; Eze. 3S ; 39; Zeph. 3. great scourges from heaven, Joel 3 ; Rev. 1(5; 19; 20. utter and final overthrow, Isa. 13:9; 34:2; Jer. 25:31; Mai. 4:1. the Jews shall seek unto. Has. 3:5. saints shall behold, Isa. 33:17; Rev. 22:3, 4. kings shall do homage to, Psa. 72:10; /5a. 49:7. shall overcome all his enemies, Psa. 110:1; Mark 12:36; I Cor. 15:25; Rev. 17:14. joy in his triumph. Zeph. 3:14; Rev. 11:15; 1S:20; 19. typified. Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18. David, 1 Sam. 16:1, 12, 13, with Luke 1 :32. Solomon, 1 Chr. 28:6, 7. THE SHEPHERD : foretold. Gen. 49:24; /sa. 40:11; Eze. 34:23; 37:24. the chief, 1 Pet. 5:4. the good, John 10:11, 14. the great, Mic. 5:4; Heb. 13:20. HIS SHEEP he knows, John 10:14, 27. he calls, Jo/m 10:3. he gathers, 75a. 40:11 ; John 10:16. he guides, P5a. 2:3:3; John 10:3,4. he feeds, Psa. 23:1, 2; John 10:9. he cherishes tenderly, 75a. 40:11. he protects and preserves, Jer. 31 :10 ; Eze.-M:\d ; Zech. 9:16 ; John 10:28. he laid down his life for, Zech. 13:7 ; Mat. 26:31; John 10:11, 15; Acts 20:28. he gives eternal life to, John 10:28. typified. David, 1 .S'am. 16:11. , HEAD OF THE CHURCH: predicted, P5a. 1 18:22, with Mat. 21 :42. appointed by God, Eph. 1:22. declared by himself. Mat. 21 :42. as his mystical body, Eph. 4:12, 15; 5:23. has the preeminence in all things, 1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 1 : 22 ; Col. 1 : 18. commissioned his apostles. Mat. 10:1, 7; 28:19. instituted the sacraments. Mat. 28:19; iwAre 22:19, 20. impartsgifts, Psa. 68:18, with i>/i.4:8. saints are complete in, Col. 2:10. perverters of the truth do not hold, Col. 2:18,19. 30 See JESUS christ, character, com- passion, CONFESSING, DEATH, DENI- AL, DISCOURSES, EXAMPLE, EXCEL- CENCY, HUMAN NATURE, HUMILITY, LOVE, MIRACLES, PARABLES, POWER, PROPHECIES, RESURRECTION, SEC- OND COMING, TITLES, TYPES, UNION. CHRISTS, false, warnings against, Mat. 24:. 5, 24; Mar/i; 13:22. CHRISTIANS, disciples first so called at Antioch, ^f^y 11:26; 26:28. how they should suffer, 1 Pet. 4: 16. CHRYSOLITE and Chrysoprasus, Rev. 21:20. CHURCH : belongs to God, 1 Tim. 3:15, the body of Christ, Evh. 1:23; Col. 1:24. Christ, the foundation-stone of. Mat. 21:42; 1 Cor. 3:11; Efh. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:4, 6. Christ, the head of, Eph. 1:22; 5:23. loved by Christ, So«if 7:10; JohnVi.l; Eph. 5:2, 25; Rev. 1:5. purchased by the blood of Christ, Ads 20:28; Eph. 5:25; Heb. 9:12; 1 John:i:\Q. sanctified and cleansed by Christ, 1 Cor. 6:11; i:;?/;. 5:26, 27. subject to Christ, Rom. 7:4 j Eph. 5:24. the object of the grace of God, 75a, 27:3; 2 Cor. 8:1. displays the wisdom of God, Eph. 3: 10. shows forth the praises of God, 75a. 60:6. is the salt and light of men. Mat. 5:1.3. is the pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. 3:15. loved by believers, P5a. 87:7; 137:5; 1 Cor. 12:25; 1 Thes.A:9. prayed for, Psa. 51: 18; 122:6; 75.62:6. dear to God, Psa. 87:2; Isa. 43:4. safe under his care, Psa. 46 ; 125. militant. Song 6:10; Phil. 2:25; 2 Tim. 2:3; 4:7; Phile.2. God defends, Psa. 89:18; 7sa. 4:5-, 49:25; Mat. 16:18. God provides ministers for, Jer. 3:15; Eph.A:n,\2. glory to be ascribed to God by, Eyh. 3:21. elect, 1 Pet. 5:13. glorious, Psa. 45:13; Eph. 5:27. clothed in righteousness. Rev. 19:8. believers continually added to, by the Lord, vlrt5 2:47; 5:14; 11:24. unity of, Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 10:17f 12:12; Gal. 3:28; Eph. 4:4. privileges of, Psa. 36:8; 87:5. worship of, to be attended, Heb. 10:25. harmonious fellowship of, Psa. 1-3:3; John 13:34; Acts 4:32; Phil. 1:4; 2:1 ; 1 JohnS; 4. divisions of, to be shunned, Ro7n. 16:17 ; 1 Cor. 1:10; 3:3. COL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. COM CHURCH, cont. — saints baptized into, by one Spirit, 1 Cor. 12:13. ministers commanded to feed, Acts •20:28. is edified by the word, Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 14:4, 13; Epk. 4:15, 16; Col. 3:16. the wicked persecute, Acts 8:1-3; 1 Thes. 2:14, 15. not to be despised, 1 Cor. 11:22. defiling of, will be punished, 1 Cor. 3:17. extent of, predicted, Isa. 2:2; Eze. 17:22-24 ; Dan. 2:34, 35. See DISCIPLINE. CHURLISHNESS, 1 Sam. 25:10. CiLICIA, disciples in, Acts 15:23, 41. home of Paul, Acts2l:2d\ Gal. 1:21. CIRCUMCISION, instituted, Gen. 17:10. performed, Gen. 21:4; 34:24; Exod. 4:25; 12:48. before entering Canaan, Josh. 5:2. its signification, Deut. 10:16; 30:6; i?07«. 2:25; 3:30; 4:9; ICor 7:19; Ga^. 5: 6; 6:15; P/it7.3:3; Co/. 2:11; 3:11. abolished. Arts 15 ; Gal. 5:2, 6, 11. CIRCUMSPECTION, exhortations to, Exod. 23:13; Eph. 5:15. See Rom. 12:11; 2 Cor. 8:21; Phil. 4:8 ;1 r//e5. 4: 12; 1 P«^ 2:12 ; 3:16. CITIES, what to be spared, Deut. 20:10. what to be destroyed, Deut. 20:16. of refuge, Num. 35:6 ; Deut. 19 ; Josh. 20. CLAUDIUS LYSIAS rescues Paul from the Jews, Acts 21:31 ; 22:24 ; 2:3:10. sends him with a letter to Felix, Acts 2:3:26. CLEAN BEASTS, etc.. Lev. 11 ; Deut. 14:4; Acts 10:12. CLEMENT, a disciple, Phil. 4:3. CLEOPAS. a disciple, his discourse with Christ. Luke 21:18. CLOTHING, the first. Gen. 3:7, 21.^ rending, a mark of grief. Gen. 37:29, 34 ; Nu7n. 14:6; Judg. 1 1 :35 ; 2 Sam. 1:11; 13:31; ^c^5 14:14. laws concerning washing, Exod. 19:10; Lev. 11:25; Num. 19:7, etc. CLOUD, pillar of, Israel guided by, Exod. 13:21; 14:19; 40::34; Num. 9:17; Neh. 9:19; Psalm 78:14; 105:39; J5a.4:5; 1 Cor. 10:1. appearance of the Lord in a, 2 Sam. 22:12; Rer. 14:14; on mount Sinai, Exod. 24:J5; -34:5; at the taberna- cle. Num. 11:25; 12:5; on the mer- cy-seat. Lev. 16:2; in the temple, 1 Kings 8:10; Eze. 10:4; out of the north, Eze. 1:4; on the mount of transfiguration. Mat. 17:5; in the last day, Luke 21:27. COLLECTION for the saints. Acts 11:29,- Rojn. 15:20; 1 Cor. 16:1; 2 Cor. 8 ; 9 COLQSSIANS, commended, Col. 1. exhorted to constancy, Col. 2. and good works, Col. 3 ; 4. COMFORTER, the, promised, John 14:20 ; 15:26 ; 16:7. See holy spirit. COMMANDMENTS, the ten : spoken by God, Exod. 20:1; Deut, 5:4,22, written by God, Exod. 32: 16 ; 34:1, 28f Deut. 4:13; 10:4. enumerated, Exod. 20:3-17. summed up by Christ, Mat. 22:35-40. law of, is spiritual, Mat. 5:28; Rom, 7:14. See LAW OF GOD. fulfilled, not abolished, by Christ, Mat 5:17; 19:17; 22:;35; Mark 10:17 Luke M):25; 18:18. ■" COMMUNION with God : is communion with the Father, 1 John 1:3. is communion with the Son, 1 Cor. 1:9; 1 John 1:3; Rev. 3:'20. is communion M'ilh the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:13; 2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 2:1 reconciliation must precede, Amos 3:3. holiness essential to, 2 Cor. 6:14-16. promised to the obedient, Johii 14:23. SAINTS desire, Psa. 42:1 ; Phil. 1:23 have, in meditation, Psa. 63:5, 6. have, in prayer, P/u7. 4:6; He6.4:16. have, in Lord's supper, 1 Cor. 10:16. should always enjoy, Psa. 16:8; Johit 14:16-18. exemplified. Enoch, Gew. 5:24. Noah, Gen. 6:9. Abraham, Gen. 18:33. Jacob, Gen. 32: 24-29. Mcses, Exod. 33:11-23. COMMUNION of saints: according to the prayer of Christ, John 17:20.21. IS WITH God, 1 Johnl:3. saints in heaven, Heb. 12:22-24. each other, Gal. 2:9; 1 John 1:3. 7. God marks, with hisapproval,il7a/.3:16. Christ is present in. Mat. 18:20. in public and social worship, Psa. 34:3; 55:14; Acts 1:IA; Heb. 10:25. in the Lord's supper, 1 Cor. 10:17. in holy conversation, Mai. 3:16. in prayer for each other, 2 Cor. 1:11 ; Eph. 6:18. in exhortation. Col. 3:16; Heb. 10:25. in mutual comfort and edification, t T/ie5. 4:18; 5:11. in mutual sympathy and kindness, Rom. 12:15; Eph. 4:22. delight of, Psa. 16:3; 42:4; 133:1-3; Rom. 15::32. exhortation to, Eph. 4:1-3. opposed to communion with the wicked, 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Eph. 5:11. exemplified. Jonathan, 1 iSawz. 23:16. David, Psa. 119:63. Daniel, Da». 2:17, :'-. Apostles, Acts 1:11. The primitive church. Acts 2:42; 5:15. Paul, ^c. 3: 13. believing in Christ, John G:2J; Ga/. 2:20. loving Christ, .Jo/i« 21:15; iTpA. 6:21. following the example of Christ, John 13:15; 1 Fe^ 2:21-24. obeying Christ, John 14:21 ; 15:14. LIVING to Christ, Rom. 14:S ; 2 Cor. 5:15. godly in Christ Je.sus, 2 Tim. 3:12. unto righteousness, Rom. 6:18; 1 Pet. 2:24. soberly, righteously, and godly, Tit. 2:12. ' WALKixG worthy of God, 1 Thes. 2:12. worthy of the Lord, Col. 1:10. in the Spirit, Gal. 5:25. after the Spirit, Rom. 8:1. in newness of life, Rom. 6:4. worthy of our vocation, Eph. 4:1, as children of light, Eph. 5:8. rejoicing in Christ, Phil. 3:1 ; 4:4. loving one another, John 15:12; Rojn. 12:10; 1 Cor. 13:3; Eph. 5:2; Heb. 13:1. striving for the faith, Phil. 1 :27 ; Jude 3. putting away all sin, 1 Cor. 5:7 ; Heb. 12:1. abstaining from all appearance of evil, 1 Thes. 5:22. perfecting holiness, Mat. 5:iS; 2 Ccr. 7:1; 2'Tim. 3:17. hating defilement, Jude 23. following after that which is good, Phil. 4:8; 1 Thes. 5:15; 1 Tim. 6:11. overcoming the world, 1 John 5:4, 5. adorning the gospel, P/t//. 1:27; Tit. 2:10. showing a good example, 1 Tltn. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:12. abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:.58 ; 2 Cor. 8: 7 ; 1 Thes. 4:1. shunning the wicked, Psa. 1:1 ; 2 Thes. 3:6. controlling the body, 1 Cor. 9:27; Col. 3:5. subduing the temper, Eph. 4:23; Jas. 1:19. submitting to injuries, Mat. 5:39-41 ; 1 Cor. 6: 7. forgiving injuries. Mat. 6:14 ; Rom. 12:20. CONDUCT, Christian, cont. — living peaceably with all, Rom. 12:18; iff/A 12:14. visiting the afflicted. Mat. 25:3G; Jas, 1:27. doinnr as we would be done by, Mat. 7:12; Luke 6:31. sympathizing with others, Rom. 12:15; 1 nes. 5:14. honoring others, Psa. 15:4; Rom. 12:10. fulfilling domestic duties, Eph. 6:1-3; 1 Pet. 3:1-7. submitting to authorities, Ro?M. 13:1-7. being liberal to others, Acts 20:35; Rom. 12:13. being contented, Phil. 4:11; Heb. 13: 5. blessedness of maintaining, Psa. 1:1-3; 19:9-11; 5'J:2-3; ilJai. 5:3-12; John 15:10. CONFESSING Christ : influences of the Holy Spirit necessary to, 1 Cor. 12:3 ; 1 John 4:2. a test of being saints, 1 John 2:23; 4:2,3. an evidence of union with God, 1 Jokty 4:1.5. necessary to salvation, Rom. 10:9, 10. insures his confessing us, Mat. 1();32. the fear of man 'prevents, John 7:13' 12:42,43. persecution should not preveni v.r^ fio.'r Mark-8:35; 2 Tim. 2:12. must be connsoted with fal'hj Rom. 10:9. consequences of not, Mat. i0:-33. exemplified. Nathanael, John 1:49. Peter, John 6:08, 69; .4c/s 2:22-36. Man born blind, Jckn 9: 25, 33. Mar- tha, John 11:27. Peter and .Tnhn, Acts ^1:7-12. Apostles, Acts 5:2;)-39, 42. Stephen. Acts 7:52, 59. Paul, Acts 9:29. Timothy, 1 Tim. 6:12. John, Rev. 1:9. Church in Perga- mos. Rev. 2:13. Martyrs, Rev. 20:4 CONFESSION of sin: God requires. Lev. 5:5; Hos. 5:15. God regards. Job. 33:27, 2^; Dan. 9:20, etc. exhortations to. Josh. 7:19; Jcr. 3:13 promises to, Lev. 23:40-12; Prov. 2:^:13. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED WITH submis- sion to punishmenf, Lev. 2.T:41; Neh. 9:33. prayer for forgiveness, 2 5am. 21:10; Psa. 25:11 ; 51 :1 ; Jer. 14:7-9, 21 . self-abasement. 7sa. 04:5, 6 ; Jer. 3:23. godly sorrow, P.w. 33:13; Lam. 1:20 forsaking sin. Prov. 2^:13. restitution. Num. 5:6, 7. should be full and unreserved, P.sa 32:5; 51:3; 106:6. judgments lead to, Hos. 5:14, 15. followed by pardon, Psa. 32-5; 1 John 1:9. illu.strated. Luke 15:21 : 18-n CON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CON CONFESSION of sin, f oni.— exempli- fied. Aaron, i\^Mm. 12:11-. Israelites, Num. 21:G, 7; 1 Sam. 7:fi; 12:19. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:24. David, 2 Sam. 24:10. Ezra, Ezra 9:6. Nehe- miah, Nek. 1:6, 7. Levites, Neli. 9:4.33,34. Job, Jo6 7:2;). Daniel, Da/J. 9:4. Peter, i«A;e 5:S. Thief, Uike'^V.W. CONFIDENCE, through faith, Prov. 3:26; 14:26; .EM-3:12; ife6. 10:35; 1 Jo/m2:28; 3:21; 5:14. CONGREGATION, (of Israel.) all to keep the passover, Exod. 12, etc. sin-offering for, Lev. 4:13; 16:17. to stone offenders, Lev. 24:14; Num. 14:10; 15:35. who not to enter, Deut. 23:1. to be kept holy, Deut. 2:3:9. CONIES described, Psa. 104:1S; Prov. 30:26. nnclean animals, icr. 11 :5 ; Deut. 14:7. CONSCIENCE: witnesses in all men, Prov. 20:27 ; Lu. 12:57; Johnb-.d; Rom. 2:15. accuses of sin. Gen. 42:21 ; 1 Sutu. 24:5; Mat. 27 .S; Luke 9:7. we should have the approval of. Job 27:6; Acts2i:l(i\ Rom.Q-.l; 14:22. the blood of Christ alone can purify, Heb.d-.U; 10:2-10,22. keep the faith in purity of, 1 Tim. 1:19; 3:9. of saints, pure and good, Heb. 13:1S; 1 P«f. 3:16, 21. submit to authority for, Rom. 13:5. suffer patiently for, 1 Pet. 2:19. testimony of, a source of joy, 2 Cor. 1:12; 1 John -3:21. of others, not to be offended, Rom. 14:21;! Cor. W:2 -2. ministers should commend themselves to that of their people, 2 Cor. 4:2; 5:11. cf the wicked, seared, Jer. 6:15; 1 ■ Tim. 4:2. defiled, Jfei. 9:14; Tit. 1:15. without spiritnal illnmirjation, a false guide, Acts 2:3:1, with Acts 26:9; Rom. 10:2. will not always sleep. Gen. 42:21; Exod. 9:27. silences sinners, Mat. 22:11; Rom. 3:19. CONSECRATION of Aaron, etc.. Exod. 29 ; Lev. S. of the Levites, Num. 8:5. See Heb. 7:8; 10:20. CONSIDERATION, exhortations to Deut. 4:39; 32:23; Prov. 15:23 Ecd. 5:2 ; 1 Tim. 4:15 ; 2 Tim. 2:7 Heb.l:^; 10:24. of our ways, Hag. 1 :5. of our latter end, Job 23:15. oftheworksofGod,Jo6 37:14; P.«.8:3; Prov. 6:6; Eccl. 7:13; Mat. 6:2S. 34 CONSIDERATION, cont.—of the ways of God. Psa. 50:22; Ecd. 4:1. of Christ, Heb. 3:1 ; 12:3. CONSOLATION. See affltction. CONSPIRACY. See kokah. absalom, BIGTHAN, etc. against Christ. M«f. 23:3; MarkU:l; Luke 22:1 ; John 11:55; 13:18. against Paul, Acts 23:12. CONTEMPT • sin of, Job 31 :13, 14 ; Prov. 14:21. folly of, Prov. 11:12. a characteristic of the wicked, Prov 18:3; 2 Tim. 3:3. FORBiDBEX TOWARDS parents, Prov. 23:22. Christ's little ones, Mat. 18:10. weak brethren, Rom. 14:3. young ministers, 1 Cor. 16:11. believing masters, 1 Tim. 6:2. the poor, Jas. 2: 1-3. self-righteousness prompts to, Isa. 65:5 ; Luke 18:9, 11. pride and prosperity prompt to, Psa. 123:4. ministers should give no occasion for, ITfm. 4:12. of ministers, is a despising of God, Luke 10:16; 1 Thes.4:8. TOWARDS THE CHURCH often tumcd into respect, I.vi. 60:14. often punished, Eze. 2?:26. to be met with patience, 1 Sam. 10:27. causes saints to cry unto God, Neh. 4:4; Psa. 12:3:3. THE WICKED EXHIBIT TOWARDS Christ, Psa. 22:6; 75a. 53:3; Mat. 27:29. saints, Psa. 119:141 ; 1 Cur. 4:10. authorities, 2 Pet. 2:10 ; Jude 8. parents, Prov. 15:5. 20. the afflicted, Jo6 19:18. the poor, Psa. 14:6 ; Ecd. 9:16. saints sometimes guilty of, Jas. 2:6. exemplified. Hagar, Gew. 16:4. Chil- dren of Belial, 1 Sam. 10:27. Nabal^ 1 Sam. 25:10, 11. Michal, 2 Sam. 6:16. Sanballat, etc., Neh. 2:19; 4 : 2, 3. False teachers, 2 Cor. 10: 10. CONTENTMENT : with godliness is great gain, P^a. 37:16; 1 Tim. 6:6. • SAINTS SHOULD EXHIBIT, in their respec- tive callings, 1 Cor. 7:20. with appointed wages, Luke 3:14. with what things they have, Heb. 13:5 with food and raiment, 1 Tim. 6:8. God's promises should lead to, Heb 13:5. the wicked want, 75a. 5:8. exemplified. BarziUai, 2 Sam. 19:33- 37. Shunammite. 2 Kings 4:13. David. Psa. 16:6. Agur, Prov. 30:8, 9. Paul, P/u7. 4:11.12 CONTRITE HEART not despised by God, P.". ^41 8 ; 51 :17 ; 7.^. 57:1 5 ; r;6:2 COR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. cou- CONTROVERSIES, difficult, how to be decided, Deut. 17:8; 19:1G; 21:5. CONVERSATION. See toxgue. CONVERSIOxN": by God. 1 Kings IS: 37; John G:44; Acts -21 -.19. by Christ, Acts 3:23; Rom. 15:13. by power of the Holy Ghost, Prov. 1 :23. is of grace, Acts 11:21, with verse 23. follows repentance, Acts 3:19; 23: 2J. is the result of faith. Acts 11 :21. THROUGH THE IXSTRUMEXTALITY OF the Scriptures, Psa. l'J:7. ministers. Acts 23;13; 1 Thes. 1 :9. self-examination, Psa. 119:59; Lam. 3:40. affliction, Psa. 73:34. OF SINNERS, A CAUSE OF JOY tO God, £ze. 18:23; L^<^-e 15:32. to saints. Acts 15:3 ; Gal. 1 :23, 21. is necessary. Mat. 18:3. commanded. Job 30:10. exhortations to. Prov. 1 : 23 ; Isa. 31 :G ; 55:7; Jer. 3:7; Eze. 33:11. promises connected with, Ne/i. 1:9; Jsa. 1:27; Jer. 3:14; Eze.lii:27. pray for, Psa. 80: 7 ; 85:4 ; Jer. 31 : IS ; Lam. 5:21. is accompanied by confession of sin, and prayer, 1 Kings 8:35. danger of neglecting, Psa. 7:12; Jer. 44:5, 11; £'ze. 3:19. duty of leading sinners to^ Psa. 51:13. encouragement for leading sinners to, Dan. 12:3; Jas. 5:19, 20. of Gentiles, predicted, Isa. 2:2; 11:10 ; 00:5; 60:12. of Israel, predicted, Eze. 36:25-27. of I'aul, Acts 9; 22; 26. . CO.WICTION of sin, produced by ths Holy Spirit, John 10:7. through seeing God aright, Job 40:3; 42:5,0; /5a. 6:5. through divine teaching, 1 Sam. 12. through reflection, Luke 15:17. in danger, Jonah 3:4-6; Acts 16:29. under chastisement, Jer. 31:18; Dan. 9 4. by the truth. Acts 2:37; 1 Cor. 14:24. by the law, Ro)n. 7:9; Jas. 2:9. leads to confession, Ezra 9:6 ; Isa. 64 :6. lead- to repentance, .Ter. 31:19. COPY of the law to be written by the king. Deut. 17:13. CORL\TH, Paul and Apollos preach there, Acts 18; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4. etc CORINTHIANS, their divisions, etc., censured, 1 Cor. 1 etc.; S; 11:18; 2 Cor. 3; 11-13. instructed concerning spiritual gifts, 1 Cor. 14. and the resurrection, 1 Cor. 15. ihelr false teachers exposed, 2 Cor. 11. exhorted to charity, etc., 1 Cor. 13: 14:1; 2 Cor. 8; 9. CORNELIUS' prayer answered, Acts • 10:3. sends for Peter, Acts 10:9. baptized, .4c<5 10:48. COUNCIL of the .Tews conspire .against Christ, Mat. 20:3, 59; Mark 15:1, ^cis 4:23. the apostles' defence before, Actsi, 5:29. Paul's answer to, Acts 23. COUNSEL, advantage of good, Prov 11:14; 12:15; 13:10; 15:22; 20:18; 24:6; 27:9. OF God, asked by Israel. Judg. 20:28 by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:37. by David, 1 Sayn. 23:2, 10; 30:8; 1 Chr. 14. See Psa. 10:7; 33:11; 73:24; Prov. 8:14; Isa. 40:13; ^cc^. 8:2; Rev. 2:13. danger of rejecting, 2 Chr. 25:16; Prov. 1:25; Luke 7:30; Isa. 30:1; Jer. 23:22. of the wicked condemned, Job 5:13; 10:3; 21:10; Psa. 1:1 ; 5:10; 33:10; 64:2; 81: 12; 106:43 ; /5a. 7:5; Hos. 11:6; Mic.ii-.IQ; 7:3. COUNSELS and purposes of God : are great, Jer. .32:19. are wonderful, Isa. 23:29. are universal, Isa. 14:26 ; Eph. 1 :11. are immutable, Psa. 33:11 ; Prov, 19:21 ; Jer. 4:23; Rom. 9:11 ; Heb. 6:17. are sovereign, Isa. 40:13, 14; Dan 4:35. are perfect, Deut. 32:4 ; Eccl. 3:14. are eternal, Eph. 3:11. r.ra faithfulness and truth, Isa. 25:1. none can disannul, Isa. 14:27. shall be performed, Isa. 14:24; 46:11. the sufferings and death of Christ were according to, ^c«5 2:23; 4:21; 13:29. men's sins in connection with, 1 Pet. 2:8; J-rfe4; Rev. 11:11. include r.ieans and ends, Acts 18:9; 27:22-31; 2 Thes. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:2. saints called, and saved according to, Ro7n. 8:23; 2 Tim. 1:9. the union of all saints in Christ, is ac cording to, Eph. 1:9, 10. the works of God according to, Eph. 1:11. should be declared by ministers. Acts 20:27. attend to, Jer. 49:20; 50:45. secret, not to be searched into, Deut. 29:29; Mat. 2\:'M\ Acts 1:1. THE WICKED Understand not, Mic. 4:12. despise, Isa. 5:19. reject, Luke 7:30. COURAGE, exhortations to, iVwrn. 13:20; Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:0; 10:25; 2 Sam. 10:12; 2 Chr. 19:11; Psa. 27:14; 31:24; EzralQ:^; /5a.41:6; 1 Cor. 16:13; Eph. G:10. See BOLDNESS, CONFIDENCE. €0V BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GOV COURSES, of the Levites, established by- David, 1 Ckr. 2:3 ; 24. of the singers, 1 Chr. 2-5; '•2Q. . of the captains, 1 Chr. 27. COURT of the Tabernacle described, Bxod. 27:9; 3S:9. COURTESY, exhortation to. Col. 4:G; 1 Pet. 3:8; Jas. 3:17. examples of, Arts 27:3; 23:7. COVENANT OF GOD : with Noah, Gen. 6:1S; 9:8. with Abraham, Gen. 1.5:7; 17:2; {Luke 1:72; Acts 3:'25; Gal. 3:1G.) with Isaac, Gen. 17:19; 2G:3. with Jacob, Gen. 2S:13; (Exod. 2:24; G:4; 1 C/ir. 1G:1G.) with the Israelites, E.vod. 6:4; 19:4; 24 ; 34:27 ; Lev. 2G : Deut. 5:2 ; 9:9; 2G:1G ; 29 ; Jud^'. 2:1 ; Jer. llj 31:33; Acts 3:25. with Phinehas, Num. 25:13. with David, 2 Sam. 23:5 ; Psa. 89:3. See Psa. 25:14. COVENANT, the New : Christ the substance of, Tsa. 42:0 ; 49:S. Christ the Mediator of, Heb.S.G; 9:15; 12:24. Christ the Messenger of, Mai. 3:1. MADE WITH Abraham, Gen. 15:7-18; 17: 2-14 ; Luke 1 : 72-75 ; Acts 3: 25 ; Gal. 3:16. Isaac, Gen. 17:19, 21 ; 26:3,4. Jacob, Gen. 28:13, 14, with 1 Chr. 16:16, 17. Israel, Exod. 6:4; Acts 3:25. David, 2 Sam. 23:5; Psa. S9:.3, 4. renewed under the gospel, Jer. 31:31- 33; Rom. 11:27; He*. 8:8-10, 13. fulfilled in Christ, Luke l:GS-79. confirmed in Christ, Gal. 3:17. ratified by the blood of Christ, Heb. 9:11-14, 16 2:3. is a covenant of peace, Isa. 54:9. 10 Eze. 34:25; .37:20. is unalterable, Psa. 89:34 ; Isa. 54: 10 59:21; Ga^. 3:17. is everlasting, Psn. 111:9; Isa. 55:3; 61:8; jEze. 16:60-63 ; iie6. 13:20. £.11 saints interested in, Psa. 25:14: 89:29-37; Heb. 8:\{). the wicked have no interest in, Eph, " 2:12. blessings connected with, Isa. 56:4-7 Heb. 8:10-12. God is faithful to. Deut. 7:9; 1 Kings 8:2:3; Neh. 1:.5; Dan. 9:4. God is ever mindful of, Psa. 105:8; 111:5; Luke 1:72. be mindful of, 1 Chr. 16:15. caution against forgetting, Deut. 4:23. plead, in prayer, Psa. 74 :20 ; Jer. 14 :21 . punishment for despising, Heb. 10:29. 30. signs of: salt. Lev. 2:13; Num. 1^:19; '2Chr.V3:^. The Sabbath, Exod. 31:12. COVENANT, cont.— hook of the. Exod. 24 : 7 ; 2 Kings 23: 2 ; Heb. 9:19. between Abraham and Abimelech, Gen. 21:27. Joshua and the Israelites, Josh. 21:23. David and Jonathan, i Sam. ly.-3; 20:10; 23:18. COVETOUSNESS : comes from the heart, Mark 7:C2, 23. engrosses the heart, Eze. 33:31 ; 2 Pet. 2:14. is idolatry, Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5. is the root of all evil, 1 Tmt. 6:10. is never satisfied, Eccl. 5:10 ; Hab. 2:5. is vanity, Psa. 39:6 ; Eccl. 4:8. IS INCONSISTENT in saints, Eph. 5:3; Heb. 1.3:5. specially in ministers, 1 Titn. 3:S. LEADS TO injustice and oppression, Prov. 28: 2J; Mic. 2:2. foolish and hurtful lusts, 1 Tim. 6:9. departure from the faith, 1 Tim. 6:10 lying, 2 Kings 5:22-25. murder, Prov. 1:18, 19; Eze. 22:12. theft. Josh. 7:21. poverty, Prov. 28:22. misery, 1 Titn. 6:10. domestic affliction, Prov. 15:27. abhorred by God, Psa. 10:3. forbic'^.en, Exod. 20:17. exceedingly prevalent, Jer. 6:10; 22:17^ Phil. 2:21. characteristic of the wicked, Rom. 1 :29. a characteristic of the slothful, Prov. 21:2(5 commended by the wicked alone, Psa. 10:3. hated by saints, Exod. 18:21 : Acts 20:. 33. to be mortified by saints, Col. 3:5. woe denounced against, Isa. 5:8 ; Hab. 2:9. punishment of. Job 20:15; Isa. 57:17; Jer. 22:17-19; Blic. 2:2, 3. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 0:10; Eph. 5:5; Jude 11. beware of, Luke 12:15; Heb. l.?:5. avoid those guilty of. 1 Cor. 5:11. pray against, Psa. 119:30. reward of those who hate, Prov. 2S:1R. shall abound in the last days, 2 Tim 3:2; 2 Pet. 2:1-3. exemplified. Laban, Genesis 31:41. Achan, Josh. 7:21. Eli's sens, I Sam. 2: 12-14. Samuel's sons, 1 Sajn. 8:3. Saul, 1 Sc^m. 15:9, 19. Ahab, 1, Kings 21:2, etc. Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:20-24. Nobles of the .Tews, Neh. 5:7; Isa. 1:23. Jewish Priests, Isa. 56:11 ; Jer. G:13. Bab- ylon, Jer. 51:13. Young man, Mat. 1 9 22. Judas, Mat. 2fi: 14, 15 ; John 12:0. Pharisees, Luke 16:14. Ana- nias, etc.. Acts 5:1-10. Demetrius, Acts\9:27. Felix, ^r<5 24: 26. B.i- laam. 2 Pet 2:15. with Jvde 11. CCJR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DAN COZBI slain by Phinehas. Num. 25:15. CREATION described, Gen. 1 ; 2. God thie author of, Neh. 9:0 ; Fsa. 33:G ; Isa.4-2:5; Htb. 3:4. Christ the author of, John 1:3; Ei^h. 3:9; Col. 1:1(). the Spirit an agent in, Gen. 1:2; Job 20:13; 33:4; Fsa. 1U4:3U. for the pleasure of God, Rev. 4:11. angels rejoiced at, Job 38:4, 7. displays God's wisdom, Fsa- 19:1; 104:24; Proy. 3:19; Jer. 10:12. displays his power and Godhead, Rom. 1:20. groans under the curse, Rom. 8:22. , the new, Rev. 22. C11EATUE.E, a new. 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 0:15; Epk. 2:10; 4:24. See Rom. 8:19. CREATURES, living, the vision of the, Eze. 1:5, See Rev. 5:0; 19:4. CREDITOR, parable of the, Luke 7:41. of two creditors, Mat. 18:2:3. CRETE visited by Taul, Acts 27:7; Tit. 1:5. CRETIANS, their character, Tit. 1:12. CRIPrLE healed at Ly-^tra, Acts 14:8. CRlSrUS baptized by Paul, Acts 18:8; 1 Tor. 1:14. CROSS, Christ dies upon the. Mat. 27:32, etc.; Eph. 2:10; Phil. 2:8; Col. 1:20; 2:14; i^e^>. 12:2. the preaching of the, 1 Cor. 1:17 ; Gal. 6:12. implying self-denial, Mat. 10:38; 10:24; Ga/. 5:11; 6:12. CROWN of the high-priest, Exod. 29:6; 39:30; Lev. 8:9. of thorns, John 19:5. of righteousness. 2 Tim. 4:8. of life, Jrt5. 1:12: Rev. 2:10. of jjlory, 1 Pe«. 5:4. incorruptible, 1 Cor. 9:25. SeeRev.i-.A; 9:7; 12:3; 13:1 ; 19:12. CRUELTY condemned, Gen. 49:5; Exo. 2:3:5; P5a.5:6; 27:12; 55:23; Prov. 11:17; 12:10; Ese. 18:1S. of Simeon and Levi, Gen. 34:25. of Pharaoh, E.vod. 1:8. of Adoni-bezek. JuiJg. 1:7. of Herod, il/a^ 2:16, etc. See Jiidg. 9:5; 2 A'm. 3; 27 ; 10 : 15, 16. CURES, miraculous: plague stayed, Nitni. 16:50. leprosy cleansed, 2 King.'^ 5:14, palsy cured, I Kings Vi:C>. poison neutralized, 2 Kings 4:39; Acts 28:3. blindness removed, 2 Kings 6:20; Acts 9:17; 22:1:3. fever cured, Acts 28:8. lameness removed. Acts 3:6; 9.34; 14:8. r>ee MIRACLES OF CHRIST. CURSE upon the earth in consequence of the fall, Gen. 3:17. CURSE, cont. — upon Cain, Gen. 4:11. upon the breakers of the law, Lev. 20:14; Deut. 11:26; 27:13; 28:15; 29: 19 ; Jos/i. 6: 34 ; Prov. 3:33 ; Mai. 2:2. Christ redeems from, Deut. 21:23; 2 6'or.5:21; Ga/. 3:10,13; Rev.'-22:3. CURSES uttered by Noah, Gen. 9:25. by Jotham. Judg. 9:20. 57. by Job, Job 3:1. bv Jeremiah, Jer. 20:14. CURSED, who are so called : the adulterous woman, Num. 5:21. divers classes of sinners, Deut. 27:15. covetous, Frov. 11:26. hypocrites, Prot;. 27:14. disobedient, Jer. 11:3. trusters in man, Jer. 17:5. persecutors, Lain. 3:65. thief, false swearers, Zech. 5:3. deceivers, Mai. 1:14. wicked at the judgment. Mat. 25:41 ; Fsa. 37:22. CURSING forbidden, Exod. 21:17; Lev. 24:15; Frov. ;30:11; Fsa. 109:17-, Mat. 5:44 ; Rom. 12:14 ; Jas. 3:10. CUSHl announces Absalom's death, 2 Sam 18:21. CURTAINS of the tabernacle described. Exod. 20 ; 36. CUSTOM, evil, the power of, Jer. 13:23. CUTTING the flesh, forbidden, Lev. 19:28; Deut. 14:1. case of, !• Kings 18:28. CYPRUS, disciples there, Acts 11:19. Paul and Barnabas preach there, Acts 13:4; 21:3. GYRENE, disciples of, ^f^s2:10; 11:20; 1:3:1. CYRUS, king of Persia, prophecies con- cerning, /.w. 44:28; 45:1. See Dan. 6:28; 10:1. his proclamation for rebuilding the tem- ple, 2 Chr. 36:22; Ezra 1. CYMBALS used in Avorship, 2 Sam. 0:5; IC/ir. 15.16; 16:5; Pm. 150:5: 1 Cor. 13:1. D. DaINI, when the young to be separated from, Exod. 22::30; L.ev. 22:27. DAMASCUS garrisoned by David, 2 Sam. 8:6; 1 Chr. 18:6. Rezon reigns there, 1 Kings 11:24. Elisha's prophecy there, 2 Kings 8:7. reconquered, 2 Kings 14:28; 16:9. an altar there, 2 Kings 16:10. Paul's journey to, ylr^'i 9; 22:6; 25:12. prophecies concerning, Isa. 7:8; 8:4; 17:1; Jer. 49:23; Eze. 27 : lb \ Amos 1:3. DAN, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:6. his descendants. Gen. 46:2:3. numbered, Nutn. 1:38; 26:42. their inheritance, Josh. 19:40. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:16. . 37 I)AV BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DAV DAN. fowf .—blessed by Moses, Dent. ■3.ir2-2. they take Laish, etc., Judg. IS. DANCING, as a mark of rejoicing, Exod. 15: -JO; 3-i:19; J«f/^. 11:31; 1 Sam. 21:11; '2&'am. G.14; Ecd.'^A. See Pia. 149: 3; 150:4. of Herodias's daughter pleases Herod. Mat. 14:6, etc. ; Mark G:*i->. DANIEL, captive in Babylon, Dan. 1. his obedience to the law, Dan. i :«. interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, Dan. 2 ; 4 and the handwriting on the wall, Dan. 5:17. promoted by Darius. Dan. fi. disregards the idolatrous decree, Da7i. G:10. preserved from the lions, Dan. 6:21. his visions, Dan. 7-12. his prayer, Dan. 9.3. is encouraged, and receives the promise of return from captivity, Dan. 9-23; 10:10; 12:1.3. his name remcrliably mentioned, Eze. 11:14,20; 23;3. DARIUS, the Mede. takes Babylon. Dan. 5:31. his rash decree, Dan, 6:4. his grief for Daniel, Da)i. 0:14. his decree after his deliverance, Dan. 6:25 » Hystaspes? his decree concern- ing the rebuilding of the temple, Ezra 6. DARKNESS appointed. Gen. 1:2, 5; Jsa. 45:7. instances of supernatural, Gen. 15: 12: Exod. 10:21; 14:20; Josh. 24:7; Rew, 8:12; 9:2; 10:10. at the crucifixion, Luke 23:41. figurative of punishment, Mat. 8:12; 22:13; 2 Pet 2:4, 17; Jude 6. OF THE MIND : ignorance, Jb6 37; 19, J.sa. 9:2j John 3.19. sorrow, Isa. 8:22; 42.7; .Toel 2.2. sin. Ptov. 2:13, John 15; Rom. 13:12; 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor, 6.14, 1 John 2:9. Christ saves from, John 8; 12 ; 12:35 ; 1 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 1:5. works of, Job 24:14; Prov. 7:6, Isa. 23:15; Eze. 8.12; Eph. 5.11. powers of, Luke 22. .53, Eph. 5:11, 6:12; 6'oZ. 1:13. See light DATHAN. See korah. DAUGHTERS, their inheritance deter- mined, Num 27:6; 36. DAVID, son of Jesse, his genealogy, Ruth i- 22, 1 Chr 2, Blat. I anointed by Samuel, 1 Sam. 16 ^ 1 Chr 11-3 plays before Saul, 1 Sam 16:19. his zeal and faith,. 1 Sai)i 17'26, -31 kil!s Goliath, J Sam 17.49- 38 DAVID, cont. — at first honored by Saul, 1 Sajn. 18. afterwards persecuted by him, 1 Sam. 1S:8, 2S; 19; 20, etc. loved by Jonathan,! Sam. lS-1 ; 19:2; 20; 23:16; and by Michal, 1 Sattu 18:2:5; 19:11. again overcomes the Philistines. 1 Sam. 1::27; 19:8. flees to Naioth. 1 Sam. 19:18. eats of the hallowed bread, 1 Sam. 21 ; Psa. 52; Mat. 12:4. fiees to Gath, and feigns madness, 1 Sa7n. 21:10; Psa. 34; 56. dwells in the cave of AduUam, 1 Sam. 22 ; P.sa. 63 ; 142. escapes Saul's pursuit, 1 Sam. 23, etc. , Psa. 57; 59. twice spares Saul's life, 1 Sam. 21:4, 26:5. his wrath against Nabal appeased by Abigail, 1 Sam. 25:21. dwells at Ziklag, 1 Sa7n. 27. dismissed from the anny by Achish, 1 Sam. 29:9. chastises the Amalekites, 1 Sam. 30:16 ; 2 Sam. 1. laments the death of Saul and Jona- than. 2 Saiti. 1:17. become-s king of Judah, 2 Sam. 2:4. forms a league with Abner, 2 Sam. 3:13. laments his death, 2 Sam. 3:31 . avenges the murder of Ishbosheth, 2 Satn. 4:9. becomes king of all Israel, 2 Sam. 5:3 ; 1 Chr. 11. his victories, 2 Sam. 5; 8 ; 10 ; 12:29; 21:15; 1 tVir. 18-20; Psa. 60. brings the ark to Zion, 2 Sam. 6; 1 Chr. 13, 15. bis psalms of thanksgiving, 2 Sa?n. 22; 1 Chr. 16:7; Psa. l6; 103; 105. See PSALMS. reproves Michal for despising his relig- ious joy, 2 Sam. 6:21 ; 1 Chr. 15:29. forbidden to build the temple, 2 Sam. 7:4, 1 Chr. 17:4. God's promises to him, 2 Sam. 7:11 ; 1 CAr.l7:10. his prayer and thanksgiving, 2 Sam. 7:18; 1 Chr. 17:16. his kindness toMephlbosheth,2 Sam. 9. his sin concerning Bathshebaand Uriah, 2 Sam. 11; 12. his repentance at Nathan's rebuke, 2 Sam. 12; Psa. 51. troubles in his family, 2 Satn. 13 ; 14. Absalom's conspiracy against him, 2 Sam. 15; Psa. 3. forsaken by Ahithophel, 2 SafU. 15:31 ; 16, 17; P5a. 41:9; 55:12; 109. cursed by Shimei, 2 Sam. 16:5; Psa. 7. relieved by Barzillai, etc., 2 Sa9/i. 17:27. h'-s grief at Absalom's death, 2 Sam^ i? 33, 19.1 DEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DEA i)AVID, cont. — returns to Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 19:15. pardons Shimei, 2 Safn. 19: IR. Sheba's conspiracy overcome, '2Sn7n. 20. renders justice to the Gibeonites, 2 Sam. 21. his mighty men, 2 Sa))i. 23:8 ; 1 Chr. 11:10. hi« offence in numbering the people, 2 Sam.2i; 1 Chr. 21. his last words, 2 Sam. 23. he regulates the service of the taber- nacle, 1 Chr. 23-2G. his exhortatioii; 1 Chr. 23. appoints Solomon his successor, 1 Kin. 1 ; Fsa. 72. his charge to Solomon, 1 Kings 2; 1 Chr. 22:6. his death, I Kings 2; 1 Chr. 29:20. the progenitor of Christ, Mat. 1:1; 9:27; 21:9; comp. Fsa. 110, with Mat. 22 : U ; Luke 1 : 32 ; John 7:42; Acts2:'i5; 13:22; 15:15; fio;n.l:3; 2 Twi. 2:8; /Jew. 5:5; 22:16. prophecies connected with, Psa. 89; 132; Isa. 9:7; 22:22; 55:3; Jer. 30:9; Hos. 3:5; vl/nos 9:11. See PSALMS. DAY, the last, foretold, Jo6 19:25; Joel 2:11; ZgpA.l:14; JoAnO:39; 11:24; 12:48; Rom. 2:5; 1 Cor. 3:13; Rev. 6:17; 16:14; 20. days, -last, mentioned, 75a. 2:2; Mic. 4:1; Acts 2:17; 2 Tim. 3:1; He6. 1:2; Jas. 5:3; 2 Pei. 3:3. DAYSTAR arising in the heart, 2 Pet. 1:19; Lu/te 1:78. DEACONS, ^c^5 6; Phil. \ A. their qualifications, 1 Tim. 3:8. DEAD, the, Jo6 3: IS; 14:12; Psa. 6:5; 88:10; 115:17: 146:4; Eccl. 9:5; 12:7; /sa. 38:18. resurrection of, .fo6 19:26; Pm. 49:15; Isa. 26: 19 ; Jo/ih 5: 25 ; 1 Cor. 15: 12. raised by Elijah, 1 Kings 17:17; by Elisha, 2 Kings i-.'Ji; 13:21; by Christ, Mat. 9:24; Mark 5:41; Luke 7:12; 8:54; JoA;i 11 ; by Pe- ter, ActsQ-.iO] by Paul, Acts 2U:10. DEAF, cursing of the. Lev. 19:14. healed by Christ, Mark 7:32; 9:25. See Exod. 4:11; Isa. 29:18; 42:18. DEAL, a measure, £xorf. 29:40; Leu. 14. DEATH, natural: byAdam, Gen. 3:19; 1 Cor. 15:21, 22. consequence of sin, Gen. 2:17; Rom,. 5:12. lot of all. Eccl. 8:8; Heb. 9: 27. ordered by God, Z)eK^ 32:39; Jo6 14:5. puts an end to earthly projects, Eccl. 9:10. strips of earthly possessions. Job 1:21 ; 1 Tim. 6:7. levels all ranks, Job 1:21 ; 3:17-19. conquered by Christ, Rom. 6:9; Rev. 1:18. DEATH, natural, fonr. — abolished by Christ, 2 Tim. 1:10. shall finally be destroyed by Christ, Hos. 13:14; 1 Cor. 15:20. Christ delivers from the fear of, Heb. 2:15. regard, as at hand. Job 14:1, 2; Psa 39:4, 5; 90:9; 1 Pet. 1:24. prepare for, 2 Kings 20:1. pray to be prepared for, Psa. 39:4, 13: 90:12. N consideration of, a motive to diligence Eccl. 9:10; Jo/m 9:4. when averted for a season, is a motive to increased devotedness, Psa. 50:12, 13; 110:7-9; 118:17; i.ta. 3S:20. Enoch and Elijah were exempted from, Gen. 5:21, with Heb. 11:5 ; 2 Kings 2:11. all shall be raised from, Acts 24:15. none subject to, in heaven, Lu^e 20:30 ; Rev.2l:i. illustrates the change produced in con- version, Rom. 6:2; Col. 2:20. IS DE.SCRIBED AS a sleep, Deut. 31:10: John 11:11. the earthly house of this tabernacle being dissolved, 2 Cor. 5:1. putting off this tabernacle, 2PeM:14. God requiring the soul, Luke 12:20. going the way whence there is no re- turn, Job 10:22. gathering to our people, Gen. 49:33. going down into silence, Psa. 115:17. yielding up the ghost. Acts 5:10. returning to dust. Gen. 3:19: Psa. 104:29. being cut down. Job 14:2. fleeing as a shadow, Job 14:2. departing, Phil. 1:23. DEATH, spiritual : alienation from God is, Eph. 4: IS. carnal-mindedness is, Rom,. 8:6. •walking in trespasses and sins is, Eph. 2:1; Col. 2:13. spiritual Ignorance is, Isa. 9:2; Mat. 4:16; Luke 1:79; Eph. 4:18. unbelief is, John 0:53; 1 John 5:12. living in pleasure is, 1 Tim. 5:0. hypocrisy is, Rev. 3:1, 2. is a consequence of the fall, Roin. 5:15. is the state of all men by nature. Mat. 8:22; John 5:25; Ro7n. G:Vi. the fruits of, are dead works, Heb. 6:1 ; 9:14. a call to arise from, Eph. 5:14. deliverance from, is through Christ, John 5:24, 25; Eph. 2:5; 1 John 5:12. saints are raised from, Rom. 6:13. love of the brethren, a proof of being raised from, 1 John 3:14. illustrated. Eze. 37:2, 3; Luke 15:24. DEATH, eternal: the necessary consequence of sin, Rom. ^:16, 21; 8:13; Jas. 1:15. 39 DEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. DEA DEATH, eternal, cont . — the wages of sin, Rom. C:'J3. the portion of the wicked, Mat. 25:41, 4G; Rom. 1:3-2. the way to, described, Mat. 7:13. s;elf-righteoiisness leads to, Prov. 14:12. God alone can inflict. Mat. 1U-2S ; Jas. 4:12. »s DESCRIBED AS banishment from God, 2 Thes. I :'J. society with the devit, etc., Mat. 25;4h a lake of fire. Rev. 10:20; 21 :S. the worm that dieth not, Mark 9:44. outer darkness, Mat. 25:30. a mist of darkness forever, 2 Pet. 2:17. indignation, wrath, etc., Rom. 2:b, 9. . IS CALLED destruction, Ro7n 9:22; 2 Thes. 1:9. perishing, 2Pef. 2:12. the wrath to come, 1 Thes. 1:10, the second death. Rev. 2:11. a resurrection to damnation, John 5:29. a resurrection to shame, etc., Dan. 12:2. damnation of hell, Mat. 23:33. everls-sting punishment. Mat. 25:40. shall be inEicted by Christ, Mat. 25:31, 41; 2 Thes. 1:7, 8. Christ, the only way of cscajpo from, John 3:16; b:5L saints shall escape. Rev. 2:11 ; 21:27. strive to preserve others from, Jas. 5:20, illustrated, Luke 1G:23-2G, DEATH of Christ : foretold, Isa. 53:8; Daw. 9:26; Zech. 13:7. appointed by God, Isa. .53:6, 10; Acts 2:23. necessary for the redemption of man, Luke2A:AG; JoA/i 12:24; Actslir.i. acceptable, as a sacrifice to God, Mat. 20:23; Eph. 5:2; 1 r/ie5. 5:10. was voluntary, I.«. 2:14; Tit. 3:9. DIVINATION, etc., forbidden. Lev. 19:26; 20:27; Deut. 18:10; .Ter. 27:9; 29:8; Eze.V2:2\; ZerA. 10:2. practised by Saul, 1 Snm. 23:7. by Israel, 2 Kings 17:17. by Nebuchadnezzar. Eze. 21 :21 . DIVISION of the land of Canaan, Num. .34:16; .Tosh. 13, etc. DIVISIONS: forbidden in the church, 1 Cor. 1 :10. condemned in the church, 1 Cor. 1:11- 13; 11:18. tinbecoming in the church, 1 Cor. 12:24, 25. ARE CONTRARY TO THE Unity of Chrigt, 1 Cor. 1:13; 12:13. desire of Christ, John 17:21-23. purpose of Christ, John 10:16. spirit of the primitive church, 1 Cor. 11:16 DIVISIONS, cont.—djre a proof of a car- nal spirit, 1 Cor. 3:3. avoid those who cause, Rom. 1G:17. evil of, illustrated. Mat. 12:25. DIVORCE, laws concerning, Deut. 24:1; J5a. 50:1; Ma«. 5:32; il/arA;10:4. See Lev. 21:14 ; Num. 30:9. DOCTORS of the law, I^. 8:10; Jsa. €0:6. DROSS, wicked compared to, Psa. 119:119; 7sa. 1:25; ^se. 22:18. DROUGHT inflicted as a punishment, i'eHf. 28:22; lA'tn. 17; Hag. 1:11. See FAMINE. DRUNKENNESS: forbidden, Eph. 5:18. caution against, Luke i2I:34. avoid temptation to, Prov. G:27; 23:20, 31 ; Lan. 1:8; Lttke 1:15. not expose others to, Rom. 14:21. is a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:21. is debasing, Isa. 28:8. is inflaming, Isa. 5:11. overcharges t?he heart, Luke 21:34. takes away the heart, Hos. 4:11. LEADS TO poverty. Prov. 21:17; 23:21. strife, Prov. 2:3:29, 30 woe and sorrow, Prov. 23:29, 30. error, Isa. 28:7. centempt of God's works, Isa. 5:12. scorning, Hos. 7:5. rioting and wantonness. R0772. 13:13. the wicked addicted to, Dan. 5:1-4. false teachers often addicted to, Isa. 50:12.- folly of yielding to, Prov. 20:1. avoid those given to, Prov. 23:20; 1 Cor. 5:11. DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST those given to, Isa. 5:11, 12; 28:1-3. those who encourage, Hab. 2:15. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 0:10; Gal. 5:21. punishment of, Deiit. 21:20, 21; Joel 1:5,0; Amos6:6, 7; Maf. 24:49-51. exemplified. Noah, Gen. 9:21. Lot, Gen. 19:33. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:.3G. Uriah. 2 Sam. 11:13. E\a.h,l Kings 10:9, 10. Benhadad, 1 Kings 20:16. Belshazzar, Daji. 5:4. Corinthians, 1 Cor. 1 1 : 21 . DUMBNESS cured by Christ, (Isa. 35:6,) Mai. 9:32; 12:22. infliotod, Luke 1:20. dumb not to be oppressed, Prov. 31:9. DUNGEON. Joseph cast into, Gen. 39; 40:15; also Jeremiah, Jer. 37:16; 33:6 EAS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EaY DUST, man formed of, and to return to, Gen. 2:7; 3:19; lS:'i7; Job 10:9; 34:15; Psa. 103:14; 104:29; Ecd. 12:7; ICor. 15:47. placed on the head as a mark of grief. Josh. 7:G-; Job 2:12; Lam. 2:10. DUTY of man. the whole, Eccl. 12:13; Luke 17:10. E. EAGLE, unclean, L*;i-. 11:13. described, Jo6 9: 2(j; 39:27; Obad.A. seen in visions, Eze. 1 : 10 ; 17:3 ; Rev. 4:7. EAR, the hearing, blessings resulting from, 2 Sam. 7:27 ; Fsa. 45: 10 ; 78:1 91:9; Prov. 15:31; 20:12; 22:17 Isa. 50:4; 55:3; Mat. 11:15, etc. (Eze.Vi:'2.) EARLY RISLXG : Christ set an example of, Ma?-A;l:35; Luke 'Z\.:oS\ John i::^. REQUISITE FOR redeeming time, Eph. 5:1G. devotion, Psa. 5:3; 59:16; G3:l ; 88:13; Isa. 2f>:9. .communion with Christ, Song 7:12. executing God's commands, Gen. 22:3. discharge of daily duties. Prov. 31 :15. neglect of, leads to poverty, Prov. G:9- 11. PRACTISED BY THE WICKED, FOR deceit, Prov. 27:14. drunkenness, Isa. 5:11. corrupting their doings, Zeph. 3:7. executing plans of evil, Mic. 2: 1. illustrates spiritual diligence, Rom. 13:11,12. exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 19:27. Isaac, etc., Gen. 26:31 . Jacob, Gen 28:18. Joshua, etc.. Jo5/j. 3:1. Gid- eon, Judg. 6:38. Samuel, 1 Sam. 15:12. Ba-vld, I Sam. 17:20. Ser- vant of Elisha, 2 Kings 6:15. Mary, etc., Markl6:-2. Apostles, ^c/55:2I . EARNEST of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5; Eph. 1:14. EARTH created. Gen. 1:1. made fruitful, Gen. 1:11. cursed. Gen. 3:17. covered by the flood. Gen. 7:10. to be consumed by fire, Psa. 102:26; lia. 51:6; 64:1; Mic. 1:4; Zeph. 1:18; 3:8; 2Thes. 1:7; 2Pe^3:7; Rev. 20. a new one promised, 2 Pet. 3:13 ; Rev. 21:1. EARTHQUAKES, various, 1 Kings 19:11: ha. 29:6; Amos 1:1; Acts 16:26; Rev.6:l2\ 8:5; 11:13; 16:18. at the crucifixion, Mat. 27:54. EASE, danger of. Prov. 1 :32 ; Isa. 32:9 ; AmosCyA ; Luke 12:19. EAST, land of. Job 1:3. wise men from. Mat. 2:1. glory of God from. Ere. 43:2; 47:8. EASTER, (Passover,) Acts 12:4. EBAL, mount, curses pronounced from, Deut. 27:13; Josh. 8:33. EBED-MELECH intercedes for and de- livers Jeremiah, Jer. 38:7. omforted, Jer. 39:16. EBEN-EZER (the stone of help) raised by Samuel, 1 Sa7?i. 7:12. EDEN described, Gen. 2:8. Adam driven from, Gen. 3:23. figuratively mentioned, /5a. 51:3; Ezt, 2S:13; 31:9; 3G:35 ;• Joe^ 2:3. EDIFICATION: described, Ep/i. 4:12-16. IS THE OBJECT OF the ministerial office, Eph. 4:11,12. ministerial gifts, 1 Cor. 14:3-5, 12. ministerial authority, 2 Cor. 10.8; 13:10. the church's union in Christ, Eph. 4:16. the gospel, the instrumentcf,j4c^s20:32. love leads to, 1 Cor. 8:1. exhortation to, Jude 2i), 21. mutual, commanded, Rom. 14:19; 1 Thes. 5:11. all to be done, 2 Cor. 12:19 ; Eph. 4:29. use self-denial to promote, in others, 1 Cor. 10:23, 33. the peace of the church favors. Acts 9:31. foolish questions opposed to, 1 Tim. 1 :4. EDOM and Edomites, kings and dukes of. Gen. 36; 1 Chr. 1:4:3. their possessions, Deut. 2:5 ; Josh. 24:4. their unkindness to Israel, Num. 20:14; Deut. 2:3. Avhen admitted into the congregation, Deut. 2:3:8. subdued by David. 2 Sam. 8.14. revolt, 2 Kings 8:20; 2 Chr. 21:8. subdued by Amaziah, 2 Kings 14:7 ; 2 Chr. 25:11. propheciesconcerning, Jer. 25:21 ; 49:7; £"2:6.25:13; 35; Amoslili; Oba.l. EDUCATION, should commence early, Prov. 22:6 ; Psa. 49: 13 ; 2 Tim. 1 :5. by word of mouth, Exod. 10:2; Deut. 11:19; 21:18; Psa. 'i\:\\ ; 78:6. by institutions and ordinances, Exod. 12:25; 13:14; 16:32; Josh. 4:22; 22:24. by right examples, Prov. 20:7 ; 2 Tim. 1:5. with forbearance, Eph. 6:4 ; Col. 3:21. with needful correction, Prov. 22:15; 29:15; Heb. 12:9. and coercion, Ge«. 18:19; 1 Sam. 3:13; 1 Thes. 2:11. EGLON, king of Moab, oppresses Israel, Judg. 3:14; slain by Ehud, Judg. 3:21. EGYPT visited by Abram, Gen. 12:10. Joseph carried down to, Gen. 37:36. his slay there, Gen. 39-50 ; Psa. 105:1 7; Actsl-.Q. 47 ELE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ELI EGYPT,fo««.— Israelites' bondage there, Exod. 1:1-2; 5, etc. ; Psa. 105. departure from. Exod. 13:17; Psa. 78:1-2; 10-5:37; 10G:7; Acts 7:9; Heb.n:2-2. kings of, chastise Judah, 1 Kin. 14: '25; 2 Kings '23: '29; 2Chr. 1'2:2; 35: -20; 3G:3; Jer. 37:5. conquered by Nebuchadnezzar, '2 Kings '24:7; Jer. 4G; Eze. -29:18. Jeremiah carried there, Jer. 43. also Christ, Mat. '2:13; (Hos. 11:1.) prophecies concerning. Ge/i. 15:13; Isa. 11:11; 19: '20; '27:1-2; 30:1; Jer. 9:'26; 25:19; 43:8; 44:-23; 4G ; Eze. 29-32; Dau. 11:8; Hos. 9:3; 11; Joei 3:19; ZecA. 10:10; 14:18. confidence in, censured, Isa. 30; 31; Jer. 42:14 ; 43:8. etc. ■when Egyptians might be received into the congregation, Deut. "23:8. EHUD, judge, delivers lsva.e\,Judg.3:l5. EKROxN taken. Judg. 1:18. men of. smitten with emerods, 1 Sam. 5:10;' 6:17. prophecies concerning, Amos 1:8; Zep/i. 2:4; Zech. 9:5. ELAH. king of Israel, his evil reign, 1 Kings 1():8. killed byZimri, 1 Kings 1G:10. , valley of, battle in, 1 Sam. 17:2. EL VM, son of Shem, Gea. 10: -22; 14:1. (Persia) prophecies concerning, Isa. -21:2; Jer.2.i:25\ 49:34; Acts 2:9. ELDAD prophesies, Num. 11:'2G. ELDERS, seventy, appointed, Exod. -24:1 ; Num. 11:16. charge to. Dent. '29:10. othcers so called, Gen. 50:'7; Lev. 4:15; Deut. 21:19; 1 Sam. 16:4, etc.; Ezra 5: 5; fs. 107:32; Eze. 8:1, etc. in the church, their qualifications, etc., Tit. 1:5; 1 Tim. 5:19; Jas. 5:14; lPe<.5:l. See Acts 11:30; I4:'23; 15:4, -23; 16:4; -2(-:17. Paul's charge to, Acts '20:17. Peter's charge to, 1 Pet. 5. twenty-four, in heaven. Rev. 4:4, etc. ; 7:11; 14:3. ELEAZAR. son of Aaron, Exod. 6:'23. consecrated priest, Exo. 25. 29; Lev. 8. his charge, Num. 3:32; 4:16; 16:36. succeeds Aaron, Num. 2():2Q, "28 ; '27:22; 31:13; 34:17; Jos/i. 17:4. his death, Jo.<:h. 24:33. , son of Abinadab, keeps the ark, 1 Sam. 7:1. , one of David's captains, 2 Sam. '23:9; 1 Chr. 11:1-2. ELECT, Christ so called, 1 Pet. 2:6; (J.w. 42:1.) the church, Isa. 45:4; 65:9; 3Iat. '24: '22; 2 Tim. 2:10. ELECTION: of Christ, as Messiah. Isa. 42:1 ; 1 Pet. 2:6. 48 ELECTION, cont.— of good ange'is, 1 Tim. 5: '21. of Israel, Dewf. 7:6; 10:15; Jsa. 45:4. of ministers, Z,M^e6:13; Acts 9:15. of churches, 1 Pet. 5: 13. OF SAINTS, IS of God, 1 Tfics. 1:4 ; Tit, 1:1. by Christ, John 13:1S; 15:16. in Christ, Eph. 1:4. personal. Mat. '20:16. with Jo/m 6:Ai; ^c«.s 22:14; 2 John 13. according to the purpose of God. Rotn. 9:11 ; Eph. 1:11. according to the foreknowledge of God, Rom. 8; '29; 1 Pet. \:2. eternal, Eph. 1 :4. sovereign, 7vom. 9:15, 16; 1 Cor. 1:'27; Eph.l.n. irrespective of merit, Rom. 9:11. of grace, Rom. 11:5. recorded in heaven, Lulce 10: '20. for the glory of God, Eph. 1:6. through faith, 2 Thes. 2:13. through sanctification of the Spirit, 1 Pet. 1:2; 2 Thes. 2:12. to adoption, Eph. 1 :5. to salvation, 2 Thes. 2:13. to conformity with Christ, Ro7n. S:29. to good works, Eph. 2:10. to spiritual warfare, 2 Tim. 2:4. to eternal glory, Rom. 9:-23. INSURES TO SAIXTS effectual calling, Rom. 8:30. divine teaching, John 17:6. belief in Christ, ^r^5 13:48. acceptance with God. Ro)n. 11:7. protection, Mat. 2i:22; Mark 12:20. vindication cf their wrongs, Luke 18:7. working cf all things for good, Ro7n. 8 : 28. blessedness Psa. 33:12; 65:4. the inheritance, Isa. 6o:9; 1 Pet. 1:4,5. should lead to cultivation of graces, Co^. 3:12. should be evidenced by diligence, 2 Pet. 1:10.' saints may have assurance of, 1 Thes. 1:4. exemplified. Isaac. Gf«. 21:1 2. Abram," Neh. 9:7. Zerubbabel, Hag. 2:23. Apostles. Jo/(« 13:18; 15:19, Jacob, Ro}n. 9:12. 13. Rufus. iiom. 16:13. Paul. r;oi. 1:1.5. EL-ELOHE-ISRAEL, (God. the God of Israel.) Gen. 33: -20. ELHANAN, one of David's warriors, 2 Scu?i. 21:19; '23:-24; 1 Chr. 11:26; 20:5. ELI, high-priest, blesses Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:17. reproved, and the destruction of his house foretold, 1 Sam. 2:'27; 3:11. the prophecy fulfilled, 1 Satn. 4:10; '22:9; 1 Kings 2:26. ELI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EMB ELIAKIM, son of Hilkiah, speaks with Rabshakeh, 2 Kings 18:18; Isa. 3G:11. sent to Isaiah, 2 Kings 19:2 ; Isa. 37:2. his exaltation foretold, Isa. 22:20. a type of Christ, Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7. , (Jehoiakirn.) son of Josiah, made king by Pharaoh, 2 Kings 23:34; 2 Chr. 3(J:4. his evil reign and death, 2 Kings 24:1 ; 2 Chr. 30:4. ELIEZER, Abraham's steward, Gen. 15:2. his prayer answered, Gen. 24:12. , son of JNloses, Exod. 18:4 ; 1 Chr. 23:15. , prophet, reproves Jehoshaphat, 2 CAr. 20:. 37. ELIASHIB, high-priest, Neh. 3:1. censured for breaking the law, Neh. 13:4. ELIHU reproves Job's friends, Job 32; and Job's impatience. Jo6 33:8; 34:5. declaresGod'sjustice.Jo6 33:12; 34:10; 35:13; 30; and power. Job 33-37; and mercy, Job 33:2:3 ; 34:28. ELIJAH, (Eiias.) prophesies a great drought, 1 Kings 17:1 ; Jas. 5:17. miraculously fed, \ Kings 17:4, 16; (Z-2<)t«4:26;) 19:5. raises the widow's son, 1 Kings 17:21. slays the priests of Baal, etc., 1 Kings 18:18. flees into the wilderness, 1 Kings 19; Rom. 11:2. calls Elisha, 1 Kings 19:19. denounces Ahab in Naboth's vineyard, 1 Kings 21:17. See 1 Kings 22 : 38 ; 2 Kings 9:30; 10:10. rebukes Ahaziah, 2 Kings 1:.3, 16. calls down fire from heaven, 2 Kings 1:10; Luke 9:54. his writing to Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21 :12. carried up into heaven, 2 Kings 2: 11. appears at Christ's transfiguration, Mat.M:2; MarkOii; Luke9:30. type of John the Baptist, 2 Kings 1:8 ; Mat. 3:4. See Mai. 4:5 ; Mat. 11 :14 ; 16:14; Luke 1:17; 9:8, 19; John 1:21. ELTPHAZ reproves Job, and declares God's judgment against sinners, Jod 4; 5; 15;' 22. his fearful vision. Job 4:12. rebuked by Elihu, Job 32:3. God's anger against him appeased, Job 42:7. ELISABETH, mother of John the Bap- tist, Luke 1 :5. her salutation to Mary, Luke 1:42. ELI.SHA, (Eliseus,) appointed to succeed Elijah, I Kings 19:10. receives his mantle. 2 Kings 2:13. curses mocking children, 2 Kings2:2i. foretells the destruction of the Moabites, 2 Kings 3:13. ELISHA, co}it. — various miracles wrought by him, 2 A'««g-s 2:14, 20; 4; 0. raises the Shunammite's son, 2 Kinss 4:. 32. his care for her, 2 Kings 8:1. Naaman's leprosy healed, 2 Kings 5; Luke 4:27. Gehazi condemned, 2 Kings 5:27. Syrians smitten with blindness, 2 Kin. 6:18. he prophesies plenty in Samaria when besieged, 2 Kings 7:1. his prophecy to Hazael, 2 Kings 8:11, sends to anoint Jehu, 2 Kings 9:1. in his sickness foretells victories over the Syrians, 2 Kings 13:14. death, 2 Kings 13:20. miracle wrought by his bones, 2 Kings 13:21. ELKANAH, Samuel's father, 1 Sain. 1, his kindness to Hannah, 1 SafJt. 1:5, 23 ELON judges Israel, Judg. 12:11. ELYMAS. See bar-jesus. EMBALMING of Jacob, Gen. 50:2. of Joseph. Gen. 50:26. of Christ, John 19:39. EMBLEMS of the Holy Ghost : WATER, John 3:5; 7:38, 39. cleansing. Eze. 16:9; 36:25; Eph. 5:26; Heb. 10:22. fertilizing, Psa. 1:3; Isa. 27i3, 6: 44:3, 4; 58:11. refreshing, Pra.46:4; Isa. 41:17, 18. abundant, John 7:37, 38. freely given, Isa. 55:1; John 4:14, Rev. 22:17. FIRE, Blat. 3:11. purifying, Isa. 4:4; Mai. 3:2, 3. illuminating, Exo. 13:21 ; Psa. '/8:14. searching, Zeph. 1:12, with 1 Cor 2:10. WIND, Song, 4:16. independent, John 3:8; 1 Cor. 12:11. powerful, 1 Kings 19:11, with Acis2:2. sensible in its effects, John 3:8. reviving, Eze. 37:9, 10, 14. OIL, Psa. 45:7. healing, Isa. 1:6; Luke 10:34; Rev 3:18. comforting, Isa. 61 :3 ; Heb. 1 : 9. illuminating, Zech. 4:2, 3, 11-14: 3Iat. 25:3, 4 ; 1 John 2:20, 27. consecrating, E.Kod. 29: 7 ; 30: 30 ; Isa. 61:1. RAIN AND DEW, Psa. 72:6. fertilizing, Eze. 34:20,27; i/o5.0:3, 10:12; 14:.5. refreshing, Psa. 68:9; 7sa. 18:4. abundant. P.m. 133:3. imperceptible, 2 Sam. 17:12. wiih i^far^- 4:26-28. A DOVE, Mat. 3:16. gentle, Mat. 10:16, with Gal. 5:22. A VOICE, Isa. 6:8. speaking, Mat. 10:20. 49 ENa BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EPH EMBLEMS of the Holy Ghost : A voice, cont. — guiding, Isa. 30:21, with John ]G:13. ■warniiirr- il^^^- 3:7-11. A SEAL, Rev. 7:2. impressing, Job 38:14, with 2 Cor. 3' 18 securing, Eph. 1:13, 14 ; 4:30. authenticating, John 6:27 ; 2 Cor. 1:2-2. CLOVEN TONGUES, Acts 2:3, 6-11. EMERALDS, Exod.2:=:18;39:V.; Rev. 4:3; 21:19. EMERODS threatened, Deut.p3.27. l-'hilistiues smitten with, 1 Sam. 5; 6 EMIM, giants, Gen. 14:5; Dewi. 2:10. EMMANUEL, Isa. 7:14; 8:ri; Alat. 1 : 23. See immanuel. EMMAUS, Christ's journey to, and dis- course, Luke 24:13. EMULATIONS censured, Gal. 5:20. ENCHANTMENTS forbidden. Lev. 19:23; Deut. 13:0; /sa. 47:9. See DIVINATION. ENDOR, Saul consult* a witch there, 1 Sam. 23:7. ENEAS. See ^neas. ENEMIES: Christ prayed for his, Luke 23:34. the lives of, to be spared, 1 Sam. 24:10; 2Sa??3. 1G:10, U. the goods of, to be taken care of, Exod 23:4, 5. SHOULD BE loved. Mat. 5:44. prayed for. Mat. 5:44 ; Acts 7:60. assisted, Prov. 25:21, with fiom. 12:20. overcome by kindness. 1 Sa)7i. 26:21 ; Prov. 25:22, with Rom. 12:20. rejoice not at the misfortunes of, Job "31:29. rejoice not at the failings of, Prov. 24:17. desire not the death of, 1 Kings 3:11. curse them not. Job 31:30. be affectionately concerned for, Psa. 35:13. the friendship of, deceitful, 2 Sam. 20:9, 10; Prov. 26:26; 27:6; 3Iat. 26:48, 49. God defends against, Psa. 59:9; 61:3. God delivers from, I Sam. 12: 11 ; Ezra 8:31; Psa. 18:43. made to be at peace with saints, Prov. 16:7. pray for deliverance from, 1 Sa7n. 12:10 ; Psa. 17:9; 59:1 ; 64:1. of samts. God will destroy, Psa. 60:12. praise God for deliverance from, Psa. 136:'^!. ENGE DI, city. Josh. 15:62. David dwells there, 1 Sam. 23:29; 21:1. See Son? 1:14; Eze. 47:10. ENGINES of war, 2Chr. 26:15; Jer. 6:6; Eze. 26:9. ENGRAVING on stones, Exod. 28:11; Zsc/i. 3:9. 50 ENMITY between God and man, how abolished, {Rom. 8:7; Jas. 4:4;) Eph. 2:15; Col. 1:20, etc. ENOCH'S godliness and translation, Gen. 5:24. his faith, Heb. 11:5. his prophecy, Jude 14. ENON. See ^non. ■::NT1CERS to strong drink, cursed, HaA, 2:15. to sin, condemned, Ro77t. 14:13. must be avoided, Prov. 1:10-15. shall be punished, Prov. 28:10. overcome through God, Jer. 20:10. instances : enemies of the Jews, Nek. 6. Balaam, iier. 2:14. ENVY : forbidden, Prov. 3:31 ; Rom. 13:13. produced by foolish disputations, 1 Tim. 6:4. excited by good deeds of others, Eccl. 4 :4 a work of tlie flesh, GaL 5:21 ; Ja.f. 4:5. hurtful to the envious, Job 5:2; Prov. 14:30. none can stand before, Prov. 27:4. a proof of camal-mindedness, 1 Cor: 3:1,. 3. inconsistent with the gospel, Jas. 3:14. hinders growth in grace, 1 Pet. 2:1, 2. the wicked are full of, Rojn. 1:29. live in, Tit. 3:3. leads to every evil work, Jas. 3:16. prosperity of the wicked should not ex- cite, Psa.Sl.l, 35 ; 73:3, 17-20. punisliment of, Psa. 106:16, 17; Isa, 26:11. exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4:5. Philis- tines, Gen. 26:14. liaban's sons, Gen. 31:1. Joseph's brethren. Gen, 37:11. Joshua, Num. 11:28, 29. Aaron, etc., Num. 12:2. Korah, etc., Num. 16:3, with Psa. 106:16. Saul. 1 Sam. 18:8. Sajiballat, etc., Neh: 2:10. Haman, Esth. 5:13. Edomites, Eze. 35:11. Princes of Babylon. i)an. 6:3, 4. Chief priests, Mark 15:10. Jews, Acts 13:45; 17:5. EPAPHRAS. Col. 1:7; 4:12. EPAPHRODlTUS, Paul's joy at his re- covery, Pkil. 2:25; 4:18. EPHAH, a measure, Exod. 16:36; Lev. 19:36; Eze. 45:10; Zech. 5:6. EPHESUS visited by Paul, Acts 18:19. miracles there, Acts 19:11. tumult there. ^c/sl9:24; (1 Cor. 15:32.) Paul's address to the elders of, Acts 20:17; 1 Cor. 16:8. EPHESIANS, instructed by Paul con- cerning man's salvation, Ep/i. 1 ; the adoption of the Gentiles, etc., Eph. 2; 3 ; and exhorted to unity and good works, Eph. 4-6. EPHOD of the priest, directions for mak- ing, Exod. 28:4 ; 39:2. See 1 Sa77i. 23:6; 1^05.3:4. EtJP BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. EXC EPHOD. forti.— idolatrous, Judg. S:27; 17:5. EI'HRAIM, son of Joseph, Gen. 41:52. preferred to Manasseh, Gen. 4S:14. afflicted by the slaughter of his chil- dren, 1 Chr. 7:21. his descendants numbered, Num. 1:10, 32; 2: Id; 26:35; IC'Ar. 7:20. their possessions, Josh. 1G:5; 17:14; Judg. 1:29. chastise the -Nlidianites, Judg. 7:24. their quarrel with Gideon, Judg. 8:1. and Jephthah, Judg. 12. revolt trom the house of David, 1 Kings 12:25; 2C7ir. 10:10. chastise Ahaz and Judah, 2Chr. 2S:G. release their prisoners, 2 Chr. 28:12. carried into captivity, 2 Kings 17:5; Psa. 7=:y, 67; Jer. 7:15. prophecies concerning, Isa. 7; 9:9; 11:13; 23:1: Jer. 31; Hos. 5-14; Zfif/i. 9:10; 10:7. EPHRATAH, Psa. 132:6. See beth- LEIIEM. EPHRON, the Hittite, sells Machpelah to Abraham, Gen. !2;3:10. EPICUREANS, meet Paul, Acts 17:18. E RASTUS ministers to Paul . Acts 19:22 , Kom. 16:23; 2 Tim. 4:20. ESAR-HADDON, king of Assyria, 2 Kings 19:37; Ezra 4:2; 7ra. 37:38. ESAU, son of Isaacs Gen. 25:25; {Mai. 1:2; Rotn. 9:10.) sells his birthright, Gen. 25:29; (Heb. 12:16.) deprived of the blessing, Gen. 27:26. his kindness to Jacob, Gen. 33. his descendants, Gen. 36; 1 Chr. 1:25. See EDOM. ESHCOL, fertility of, Num. 13;23, ESTHER chosen queen, Esth. 2:17. fasts on account of the king's deci&e, Esth. 4:15. intercedes for her people, Esth. 7-9. ETHAN. Psalm 89 ascribed to. See I Kings 4:31; I Chr. 15:17. ETHIOPIANS, invading Judah, subdued by Asa. 2 Chr. 14:9. See Num. 12:1 ; 2 Kings 19:9; Esth. 1 : 1 ; Jo6 23 : 1 9. prophecies concerning, Psa. 68:31 ; 87:4; Isa. 18; 20; 43:3; 45:14; Jer. 46:9; Eze. 30:4; 38:5; Nah. 3:9; Zeph. 3:10. ennuch baptized. Acts 8:27. EUNICE commended, {Acts 16:1,) 2 Tim. 1:5. EUNUCHS comforted, Isa. 56:3. our Lord's declaration concerning. Mat. 19:12. an Ethiopian, baptized by Philip, Acts 8:27. See Dan. I .-3. EUPHRATES, river, mentioned histori- cally and typicallv. Gen. 2:14 ; 15:18; Deut. 11:24; Josh. 1:4; 2 Sam. 8:3; /er. 13:1; 46:2; 51:63; Rev. 0:14; 16:12. EUROCLYDOX, a wind. Acts 27:14. EUTYCHUS, his fall. Acts 20:7. EVANGELISTS, duty of, {Acts 21:8,) Eph. 4:11; 2Tim. 4:5. EVE created. Gen. 1.27; 2:18. beguiled by the serpent. Gen. 3 ; {2Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:13.) her sentence. Gen. 3:16. her words concerning Cain, Gen. 4:1, and Seth, Gen. 4:25. EVIL-MERODACH, king of Babylon, his kindness to Jehoiachin, 2 Kings 25:27; Jer. 52:31. EXACTION (extortion) forbidden. Lev. 25:35 ; Deut. 15:2 ; Neh. 5:1 ; 10:31 ; Pror. 23:8; Eze. 22:12: 45:9; Luka 3:13; 1 Cor. 5:10. EXAMPLE of Christ: is perfect, Heb. 7:26. CONFORMITY TO, REQUIRED IX holineSS, 1 Pet. 1:15, 16, with Ro}?t. 1:6. righteousness, 1 John 2:6. purity, 1 John 3:3. love, John 13:34; Eph. 5:2: 1 John 3:16. humility, Luke22:27; Phil. 2:5, 7. meekness, Jlia^ 11:29. lowliness of heart. Mat. 11:29.;] obedience, Joh7i 15:10. self-denial. Mat. 10:24; Rom. 15:3. ministering to others. Mat. 20:28; John 13:14, 15. benevolence. Acts 20:35 ; 2 Cor. 8:7, 9. forgiving injuries, Co^. 3:13 overcoming sin, 1 Pet. 4:1. overcoming the world, John 16:33, with 1 John 5:4. being not of the world, John 17:16. being guileless, 1 Pet. 2:2], 22. suffering wrongfully, 1 Pet. 2:21-23. suffering for righteousness, Hebrews 12:3,4. saints predestinated to follow, Rom. 8:29. conformity to, progressive, 2 Cor. 3:18. EXAMPLES for warning. 1 Cor. 10:6; Heb. 4:11;! Pet. 4 : 3 ; 2 Pet. 2 ; Jude. proposed for imitation : the prophets, etc., Heb. 6: 12 ; Jas. 5.10; the apos- tles, Mat. 5:16; 1 Cor. 4:16; llrl; Phil. 3:]7; 4:9; 1 Thes. 1:6. EXCELLENCY and glory of Christ : as God, John 1:1-5 ; Phil. 2.6, 9, 10. as the Son of God, Mat. 3:17; Heb. 1:6, 8. as One with the Father, John 10:30, 38. as the First-born, Col. 1 :15, 18. as the First-begotten, Heb. 1:6. as Lord of lords, etc., Rev. 17:14. as the image of God, Col. 1 :15 ; Heb. 1 :3. as Creator, John 1:3; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2. as the blessed of God, Psa. 45:2. as Mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 8:6. as Prophet, Deut. 18:15, 16, with Acts 3:22. 51 EXC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAC EXCELLENCY and glory of Christ, cont.—3.s Priest, Psa. 110:4; Heb. 4:15. as King, Isa. 6:1-5, with John 12:41. as Judge, Mat. 16:27; 25:31-33. as Shepherd, Isa. 4U:10, 11; John 10:11,14. as Head of the church, Eph. 1:22. as the true Light, Luke 1 : 76, 79 ; John 1:4,9. as the foundation of the church, Isa. 28:16. as the way, John 14:6 ; Heb. 10:19, 20. as the truth, 1 John 5:20 ; Rev. 3:7. as the life, John 11:25; Col. 3:4; 1 John 5:11. as incarnate, Joh7i 1:14. in his words, Luke 4:22 ; John 7:46. in his works, Mat. 13:54 ; John 2:11. in his sinless perfection, Heb. 7:2U-28. in the fulness of his grace and truth, Psa. 45:2, with Jo/(W 1:14. in his transfiguration, Mat. 17:2, with 2PeM:16-18. in his exaltation. Acts 7:55, 56; Eph. 1:21. in the calling of the Gentiles, Psa. 72:17; Jc/i« 12:21, 23. in the restoration of the Jews, Psa. 102:16. in his triumph, Isa. 63:1-3, with Rev. 19:11,16. followed his sufferings, 1 Pe^ 1:10, 11. followed his resurrection, 1 Pet. 1:21. is unchangeable, Heb. 1:10-12. is incomparable. Song 5:10 ; Phil. 2:9. imparled to saints, John 17:22 ; 2 Cor. 3:18. celebrated by the redeemed, Rev. 5-8- 14; 7:9-12. revealed in the gospel, Isa. 40:5. saints shall rejoice at the revelation of, IPef. 4:13. saints shall behold, in heaven, John 17:24. •■ of the church : derived from God. Isa. 28:5. derived from Christ, Isa. 60:1; Luhe 2:32. result from the favor of God, Isa. 43:4. God delights in. Psa. 45:11 ; Isa. 62:3-5. saints delight in, Isa. 66:11. CONSIST IN ITS being the seat of God's worship, Psa. 96:6. being the temple of God, 1 Cor. 3:16. 17; Eph.2:'Z\.22. being the body of Christ, Eph. 1 :22. 23 being the bride of Christ, Psa. 45:13 14; Rev. 19:7,8; 21:2. being established, Psa. 48:8; Isa. 33:20. eminent position, Psa. 4S: 2; Isa. 2:2, graces of character, Song 2:14. perfection of beauty, Psa. 50:2. members being righteous, Isa. 60:21 : Rev. 19:8. 52 E XCE LLE NC Y and glory of the church, cont. — CONSIST IN ITS strength and defence, Psa. 48:12. 13. sanctification, Eph. 5:26, 27. autjmented by increase of its members, isa. 49:18; 60:4-14. are abundant, Isa. 66:11. sin obscures, Lam. 2:14, 15. EXCESS forbidden, Eph. 5:18; 1 Pet. 4:3, etc. See drunkenness, etc. EXHORTATION, mutual, commanded, 1 TAfS. 4:18; 5:11 ; Heb. 3:13; 10:25. EXPECTATION, of the righteous, is from God, Psa. 62:5. shall not fail, Prov. 23:18; 24:14: P/j/7. 1:20. is blessed. Tit. 2:13; 2 Pet. 3:12. of the wicked, shall perish, Prov. 10:28; 11:7; Zcf/<. 9:5; ActsVI-.ll. is wrath, Prov. 11:23; Heb. 10:27. EXPERIENCE, added to faith, Rom. 5:4; Jas. 1:3, 12, etc. EYE-SERVICE, Eph. 6:6; Col. 3:22. EYES of the Lord in every place, etc., Deut. 11:12; 2 Chr. 16:9; Prov. 15:3. upon the righteous. Ezra 5:5; Psa. 32:8; 33:18; 34:i5; lPe«. 3:12. EZEKIEL'S commission, Eze. 2; 3; 33:7. HIS VISIONS of God's glory, Eze. 1 ; S; 10; 11:22. of the Jews' abominations, etc., Eze. 8:5. and their punishment, Eze. 9; 11. of dry bones, Eze. 37. of the house of God, Eze. 40, etc. intercedes for his people, Eze. 9:8; 11:13. becomes a sign to the Jews. Eze. 4 ; 5 ; 12; 24:15.; reproves their hypocrisy, Eze. 14:1; 20:1 ; 33:30. parables. Eze. 15; 16; 17; 19; 23; 24. dumbness, Eze. 3:26; 24:26; 33:22. rehearses Israel's rebellions, Eze. 20 ; sins of Jerusalem, Eze. 22; 23; 24. foretells her punishment, Eze. 21, etc. prophesies concerning various nations, Eze. 25-39. EZRA returns to Jerusalem, Ezra 7 ; 8. appoints a fast, Ezra 8:21 . his charge to the priests, Ezra 8:24. his prayer, Ezra 9:5. reads the law, Neh. 8. reforms various corruptions, EzraW\ Neh. 13. F. FABLES, Jewish, etc.. to be avoided, 1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Tit 1:14. FACE OF GOP set against his enemies, Psa. 34:16; Isa. 59:2; Eze. 39:23; Rev.Q-.lQ. FAi BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAI FACE OF GOD, con^— towards his peo- ple, £xod. 33:14 ; 2Chr.CrA2; 7:14; Psa. 31:16; SU:3; 132:10; Da7i. 9:17; Mai. 17:-2; 1 Cor. 13:12. See Gen. 32:30; 33:10; Exod. 33:11; Dewi. 5:4. FAITH : is the substance of things hoped for, Heb. 11:1. is the evidence of things not seen, Heb. 11:1. commanded, Mark 11 : 22 ; 1 John 3:23. THE OBJECTS OF, ARE God, 3Iark 11:22; /oA»14:l. Christ, Jo/irt 6:29; 14:1; Acts 20:21. writings of Moses, John 5:46; Acts 24:14. writings of the prophets, 2 Chr. 20:20 ; Acts 2ii:27. the gospel. Mark 1:15. promises of God, Rom. 4:21 j Heb. 11:13. I.N CHRIST. IS the gift of God, Rom 12:3; Eph. 2:S; 6:23; Phil. 1:29. the work of God, Acts 11:21; 1 Cm". precious, 2 Pet. 1:1. most holy, Jude 20. fruitful, 1 Thes. 1:3. accompanied by repentance, 3Iark 1:15; Luke 2[:i7. followed by conversion. Acts 11:21. Christ is the Author and finisher of, Heb. 12:2. is a gift of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:9. the tfcriptures designed to produce, Jo/m20:31; 2r«OT. 3:15. preaching designed to produce, John 17:20; Acts 8:12; Rom. 10:14, 15, 17; ICor. 3:5. THROUGH IT IS remission of sins, Acts 10:43; Rom. 3:25. justification, Acts 13:39; Ro?n. 3:21, 22, 2S, 30: Rom. 5:1 ; Gal. 2:16. salvation, Mark 16:16; ^rt5 16:31. sanctification, Acts 15:9; 26:18. spiritual light, John 12:36. 46. spiritual life, Jo.hn 20:31 ; Gal. 2:20. eternal life, John 3:\5, 16; 6:40,47. rest in heaven, Heb. 4:3. edification, 1 Tim. 1:4; Jude 20. preservation, 1 Pet. 1:5. adoption, JoAn 1:12; Gal. 3:26. access to God, Roin. 5:2; Eph. 3:12. inheritance of the promises. Gal. 3:22 ; ife6. 0:12. the gift of the Holy Ghost, Acts 11 : 15- 17; GaZ. 3:14; JE^pA. 1:1-3. impossible to please God without, Heb. 11:0. justification is by, to be of grace, Rotn. 4:16. essential to the profitable reception of the gospel, Heb. 4:2. necessary in the Christian, warfare, 1 Ttm. 1:18, 19; G:12. FAITH, cont. — the gospel effectual ia those who have, 1 TAes. 2:13. excludesself-justification, JRom. 10:3,4. excludes boasting, Rom. 3:27. works by love, 'Gal. 5:6; 1 Tim. 1:5; Phile. 5. PRODUCES hope, Rom. 5:2. joy, Acts 16:34 ; 1 Pet. 1:S. peace, Rom. 15:13. confidence, Isa. 2S:16, with 1 Pet. 2:6. boldness in preaching, Psa. 116:10, with 2 Co?-. 4:13. Christ is precious to those having, 1 Pet. 2:1. Christ dwells in the heart by, Eph. 3:1 7, necessary in prayer. Mat. 21:22; Jas. 1:6. those who are not Christ's have not, John 10:26, 27. an evidence of the new birth, 1 John 5:1. BT IT SAINTS live. Gal. 2:20. stand, .?.om. 11:20; 2 Cor. 1:24. valk; Ro}7i. 4:12; 2 Cor. 5:7. jbtain a good report, Heb. 11:2. overcome the world, 1 John 5:4, 5. resist the devil, 1 Pet. 5:9. overcome the devil, Eph. 6: 16. are supported, Psa. 27:13; 1 Tim. 4:10. saints die in, Heb 11:13. SAINTS SHOULD be full of, Acts6:5; 11:24. be sincere in. 1 Twi. 1:5 ; 2 Tim. 1 :5. abound in, 2 Cor. 8:7. continue in, ^ct5 14:22; Col. 1:23. be strong in, Roin. 4:20. stand fast in, 1 Cor. 16- 13. be grounded and settled in. Col. 1:23, hold, with a good conscience, 1 Tim. 1:19. pray for the increase of, Luke 17:5. have full assurance of, 2 Ti7n. 1 : 12 ; Heb. 10:22. true, evidenced by its fruits, Jas. 2:21- 25. without fruitS; is dead, Jas. 2:17, 20, 26. examine whether you be in, 2 Cor, 13:5. all difficulties overcome by, Mat. 17:20 ; 21:21; Mark 9:23. all things should be done in, Rom. 14:22. whatsoever is not of, is sin, Rom.. 14:23. often tried by affliction, 1 Pet. 1:6, 7. trial of, works patience, Jas. 1:3. the wicked often profess. Acts 8:13, 21. the wicked destitute of, John 10:25; 12:37; Actsl9:9; 2 T/tes. 3:2. protection of, illustrated. A shield, Eph. 6:16. A breastplate, 1 Thes. 5:8. exemplified. Cdleh, Num. \3.30. Job. Job 19:25. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:17. Daniel, Dan. 6:10, 23. Pe- ter, Mat. 16:16. Woman who was a sinner, Luke 7:50. Nathanael, John 1:49. Samaritans, John 4:39. 53 FAl BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAL Martha, John 1 1 : 27. The Disciples, John 16:30. Thomas, John '2U:'23. Stephen, Acts G;5. Priests, Arts 6:7. Ethiopian, ^c<5 S:37. Barna- bas, Arts 11:24. Sergius I'aulus, Acts 13:1-2. Philippian jailer, Arts 16:31,31. Romans, /iom. 1:8. Co- lossians, Col. 1:4. Thessalonians, 1 Thes. 1 : 3. Lois, 2 Tim. 1 : 5. Paul, 2r/w2.4:7. Abel ife6. 11 :4. Enoch, Heb.n-.o. Noah, i/e6. 11:7. Abra- ham, Htb. 11:8, 17. Isaac, Heb. 11:20. Jacob, /fei. 11:21. Joseph, Heb. 11 : 22. Moses, Htb. ] 1 : 24, 27. Rahab, Heb. 11:31. Gideon, etc., iiei. 11:32, 33, 39. - of miracles, illustrated : in Peter on the sea, Mat. 1^:29. in the fig-tree, Mat. 21:20. iii the mountain removed, Mark 11 :23. in divers sign.s, Mark 16:17; John 14:11. in healing the sick, Jas. 5:14. was not saving faith, Mat. 7:22; 1 Cor. 13:1; 2 Pet. 2:15. FAITHFULNESS : a characteristic of saints, Eph. 1 :1 ; Col. 1:2; 1 Tmi. 6:2; Rev. 17:14. EXHIBITED IN the service of God, Mat. 24:45. declaring the word of God, Jer. 23:23; '2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2. the care of dedicated thing.s, 2 Chr. 31:12. helping the brethren, 3 John 5. administering justice, Deut. 1:16. bearing witness, Prov. 14:5. reproving others, Prov. 27:6; Psa. 141:5. situations of trust, 2 Kings 12:15; Neh. 13:13; ^f;5 6:l-3. doing work, 2 CAr. 34 : 1 2. keeping secrets, Prov. 11:13. conveying messages, Prov. 13:17; 25:13. adversity, Job 19:21; Prov. 17:17; 27:10. all things, 1 Ti>?i. 3:11. the smallest matters, Luke 16:10-12. should be unto death, .Keu. 2:10. the mercy of God towards us, designed to lead to, 1 Cor. 7:25. ESPECIALLY REQUIRED IN ministers, 1 Cor. 4:2; 2Ti>n. 2:2. the wives of ministers, 1 Tim. 3:11. the children of ministers. Tit. 1:6. difficulty of finding, Prov. 20:6. the wicked devoid of, Psa. 5:9. associate with those who exhibit, Psa. 101:6. blessedness of, 1 Sam. 26:23; Prov. 23:20. blessedness of, illustrated. Mat. 24:45, 46; 25:21,23. exemplified. Joseph, Gen. 39:22. 23. Moses, Num. 12: 7, with Heb. 3:2,5. 54 David, 1 Sa7n. 22:14. Hananiah, Neh .7:2. Abraham, Neh .9:8; Gal. 3:9. Daniel, Dan. 6:4. Va.n[, Acts 20:20, 27. Timothy, 1 Cor. 4:17. Tychicus, Eph. 6:21. Epaphras, Col. 1:7. ' Onesimus, Col. 4:9. Sil- vanus, 1 Pet. 5:12. Antipas, Rev. 2:13. of God : is part of his character, Isa. 49:7; 1 Cor. 1:9; 1 Thes. 5:24. DECLARED TO BE great. Lam. 3:23. established, Psa. 89:2. incomparable, Psa. 89:8. unfailing, Psa. S9:33; 2 Tim. 2:13. infinite, Psa. 36:5. everlasting, Psa. 119:90; 146:6. should be pleaded in prayer, Psa. 143:1, should be proclaimed, Psa. 40:10 ; 89 1. MANIFESTED in his couusels, Isa. 25:1. in afflicting his saints, Psa. 119:75. in fulfilling his promises, 1 Kings 8:20; Psa. 132:11; Mic. 7:20; Heb. 10:23. in keeping his covenant, Deiit. 7:9; Psa. 111:5. in his testimonies, Psa. 119:133. in executing his judgments, Jer. 23:20; 51:29. in forgiving sins, 1 John 1:9. to his saints, Psa. 89:24 ; 2 Thes. 3:3. saints encouraged to depend on. 1 Pet. 4:19. should be magnified, Psa. 89:5; 92:2. FALL OF MAN : by the disobedience of Adam. Gen. 3:6, 11, 12, with Ro}n. 5:12, 1.5, 19. through temptation of the devil. Gen, 3: 1-5 ; 2 Cor. 11 :3 ; 1 Tim. 2:14. MAN IN CONSEQUENCE OF : made in the image of Adam, Gen. 5:3, with 1 Cor. 15:43,49. born in sin. Job 15:14; 25:4; Psa. 51:5; Isa. 43:8; John 3:6. a child of the devil. Mat. 13:38 ; John 8:44; lJo/i;i 3:8. 10. a child of wrath, Eph. 2:3. evil in heart, Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Jer. 16:12; Mat. 15:19. blinded in heart, Eph. 4:18. corrupt and perverse in his ways. Gen. 6:12; Psa. 10:5; Koot. 3:12-16. depraved in mind, Rom. 8:5-7; Eph. 4:17; Col. 1:21; Tit. 1:15. without understanding, Psa. 14-2, 3, with Rom. 3:11; 1:31. receives not the things of God, 1 Cor. 2:14. comesshort of God's glory, Rom. 3:23. defiled in conscience, Tit. 1:15; Heb. 10:22. intractable. Job 11:12. estranged from God, Gen. 3:8; Psa. 58:3; Eph. 4:18; Col. 1:21. in bondage to sin, Rom. 6:10; 7:5, 23; Gal. 5:17: T/t. 3:3. FAM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FAT FALL OF MAN : max ix coxsequexce OF. cont. — in bondage to the devil, '2 tint. -2:2 i; He/j. 2: U, 15. constant in evil, Fsa. 10:5; 2 Pet. 2:14. conscious of guilt, Gen. 3:7, 8, 10. unrighteous, Eccl.l-.^O; Kom.S'.lQ. abominable, Job 15:16; Psa. 14:3. turned to his own way, Isa. 53:0. loves darkness. John 3:19. corrupt, etc., in speech, Rom. 3:13, 14. destructive, Rom. 3:15, IG. devoid of the fear of God, Rom. 3:18. totally depraved. Ge?i. 0:5; Roii-HAS. dead in sin, Epk.2:l ; Col. 2:13. ^ all men partake of the effects of, 1 Kin. 8:40: Ga/. 3:22; IJoknUS; 5:19. PU.visHMEXTCOXSEQUENT upox, banish- ment from paradise, Gen. 3:24. condemnation to labor and sorrow, Gen. 3:10, 19; Jo* 5:6, 7. temporal death, Gen. 3:19; Rom. 5:12; ICor. 15:22. eternal death, Job 21:30 ; Rom. 5: IS, 21; 0:23. cannot be remedied by man, Prov. 20:9; Jer. 2:22; 13:23. remedy for. provided by God, Gen. 3:15; /o/ui3:i0. FAMILIAR SPIRITS, dealing with, for- bidden, Lev. 20:27; Isa. 8:19. ' peep and mutter, Isa. 8:10. put away by Saul, 1 Sa-.n. 28:3; by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:24. inquired of by Saul, 1 Sam. 28:7; 1 Chr. 10:13. by Manasseh, 2 Kings 21:6. bv Egvptians, Isa. 29:4. FAMILIES : of saints blessed, Psa. 128:3., 6. SHOULD be taught the Scriptures, Deut. 4:9, 10. worship God together, 1 Cor. 16:19. be duly regulated, Prov. 31:27; 1 Tim. 3:4. 5. 12. live in unity, Ge/i,45:24; Psa. 133:1. live in mutual forbearance, Gen. 50:17-21; Maf. 18:21, 22. rejoice together before God, Deut. 14:26. deceivers and liars should be removed from, Psa. 101:7. warned against departing from God, Dent. 29:18. punishment of irreligious, Jer. 10:25. good, exemplified. Abraham, Genesis 18:19. Jacob, Gen. 35:2. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. David, 2 Sam. 0:20. Job, .Tab 1:5. Lazarus of Bethany, John 11:1-5. Cornelius, Acts 10:2. 33. Lydia, Acts 10:15. Jailer of Philippi, Arts 10:31-34. Crispus, Arts 18:8. Lois. 2 Tim. 1:5. FAMINE, in Canaan, Gen. 12:10. in Egypt, etc.. Gen. 41:56. FAMINE. co7it.— in Israel. Ruth 1:1 ; a Sain. 21 : 1 ; 1 Kings 18:2; 2 Kings 6:25; 7; Luke ^-.25. threatened, Jer. 14:15; 15:2, etc.; Eze. 5:12; 6:11, etc.. Mat. 24:7. described, Jer. 14 ; Lajii. 4 ; Joel 1, etc, of God's word, Amos 8:11. FASTING : spirit of, explained, Isa. .53:6, 7. not to be made a. subject of displav, Maf. 0:10-18. should be unto God, Zech. 7:5; Mat. 6:18. for the chastening of the soul, Psa. 69:10. for the humbling of the soul, P.va. 35:13. at suitable times. Mat. 9:14; Mark 2:18; L^^^e 5:33. OBSERVED ON OCCASIONS OF judgments of God, JoeH: 14; 2:12. public calamities, 2 Sam, 1 : 12. afflictionsof the church, Luke 5:-j.3-35. afflictions of others, Psa. 35: 13; Dan. 6:18. private afflictions, 2 Snm. 12:16. approaching danger, Esth. 4: 16. ordination of ministers, Acts 13:3; 14:23. ACCOMPANIED BY prayer, Ezra 8:23; Dan. 9:3. confession of sin, 1 Sam. 7:6; Neh. 9:1,2. mourning, Joel 2:12. deeds of justice and charity, Isa. 58:6. 7. humiliation, Deiit. 9:18; Neh. 9:1. promises connected with, Isa. 58:8-12; Mat. 6:18. OF HYPOCRITES described, Isa. 58:4, 5. ostentatious. Mat. 6:16. boasted of, before God, Luke 18:12. rejected, Isa. 5«:3; Jer. 14:12. extraordinary, exemplified. Our Lord, Mat. 4:2. Moses, Exod. 34:28. Deut. 9:9, 18. Elijah, 1 Kin. 19:8. national, exemplified. Israel, Judg. 20 : 26 ; 2 Chr. 20 : 3 ; Ezra 8 : 21 ; Esth. 4:3, 16; Jer. 36:9. Men of Jabesh-gilead, 1 Sa7n. 31 : 13. Nine- vites, Jonah 3:5-8. of saints, exemplified. David. 2 Sam. 12:16; Psa. 109:24. Nehemiah, AWi. 1:4. Esther, jEs^A. 4:16. Dan- iel, Dan. 9:3. Disciples of John, Mat.9:H. Arxna., Luke 2:S7. Cor- nelius, Acts 10:30. Primitive Chris- tians, Acts 13:2. Apostles, 2 Cor. 6:5. Paul, 2 Tor. 11:27. of the wicked, exemplified. Elders of Jezreel, 1 Kings 21:12. Ahab, 1 Kings 21 : 27. Pharisees, Mark 2:18 ; Luke 18:12. FAT not to be eaten, X-eu. 3:15; 7:22; Deut. 32:38. of sacrifices to be burnt, Exod. 29:13; Lev. 3:3, etc. ; Eze. 44:7, 55 FAV BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FEA FATHER, the, God, 1 Chr. 29:10; Isa. 9:6; 63: IG; 64:8; Mat. 6:9; Luke 11:2; John 20:17; 2Cor. 6:18, etc. FATHERS, duty to children : not to provoke, but train io the fear of God, Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21. to punish the stubborn, Deut. 21:18. to instruct. X>et(^ 4:9; 5:31; 6:7; 11:19; Prov. 1:8. to correct, Prou. 3:12, 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13; 29:15; iJei. 12S. to set a right examplo, Prov. 20:7. to provide for. Luke 11 -.11 ; 1 Tim. 5:8. FATHERLESS ; find mercy in God, Hos. 14:3. God will, be a father of, P.sa. 68:5. be a helper of, Psa. 10:14. hear the cry of, E.xod. 22:23. execute the judgment of, Deut. 10:18 ; Psa. JO: 18. punish those who oppress, Exod. 22:24; ira. 10:l-:3; Mai. 2:5. punish those who judge not, Jer. 5:28,29. visit, in affliction, Jas:. 1:27. let them share in our blessinp, Deut. 14:29. defend, Psa. 82:3 ; Isa. 1:17. wrong not, in judgment, Deut. 24:17. defraud not, Prov. 23:10. afflict not, Exod. 22:22. oppress not, Zech. 7:10. do no violence tn, Jer. 22:3. blessedness of taking care of, Deut. 14:29; Job 29:12, 13; Jer. 7:0, 7. THE WICKED rob, Isa. 10:2. overwhelm. ,Tob 6:21. vex, Eze. 22:7. oppress, Job 24:3. murder, Psa. 94:6. judge not for, Isa. 1:23; Jer. 5:23. a curse on those who oppress, Deut. 27:19. promises with respect to, Jer. 49:11. a type of Zioii in affliction, Latn. 5:3. exemplified. Lot, Gen. 11:27, 2S. DaughtersofZelophehad. Num. 2'7:l- 5. Jotham.J«6f.§-. 9:16-21. Mephib- osheth, 2 Sa^n. 9:3. Joash. 2 Kings 11:1-12. Esther, Esth. 2:7. FAULTS, how to deal with. Mat. 18:15; Gal. 6:1. exhortation to confess, Jas. 5:16 FAVOR of God : Christ the especial object of, Luke 2:52. IS THE SOURCE OF mercy, Isa. 60:10. spiritual life, Psa. 30:5. spiritual wisdom leads to, Prov. 8:35. mercy and truth lead to, Prov. 3:3, 4. SAINTS obtain, Prov. 12:2. encompassed by, Psa. 5:12. strengthened by, Psa. 30:7. victorious through, Psa. 44:3. preserved through. Job 10:12. exalted in, Psa. 89:17. 56 FAVORof God, coni. — saints sometimes tempted to doubt, Psa. 77:7. domestic blessings traced to, Prov. 18:22. disappointment of enemies an assured evidence of, Psa. 41:11. given in answer to prayer. Job 33:26. pray for, Psa. 106:4 ; 119:58. plead, in prayer, Exod. 33:13; Num 11:15. to be acknowledged, Psa. 85:1. the wicked uninfluenced by, /.sa. 26:10. do not obtain, Isa. 27:11 : Jer. 1G:13. exemplified. Naphtali, Deut. 33:23. Samuel, 1 Sam. 2:26 ; Job, Job 10:12. The Virgin Mary, Luke 1:28, 30. David, Acts 7:46. of men, is in God's control : given to Joseph, Gen. 39:21 ; Arts 7:10; to Israel in Egypt. E.Tod. 3:21 ; 11 :3 ; 12:36 ; to Nehem.iah, Neh. 1:11 ; 2:6 ; to Daniel, Dan. 1:9. withheld from sinners, Deut. 28:49,50; Josh. 11:20; Psa. 109:12. FEAR, godly: God is the object of, Isa. 8:13. God is the author of, Jer. 32:39, 40. searching the Scriptures gives the un- derstanding of, Prov. 2:3-5. described as hatred of evil, Prov. 8:13. wisdom, Job23:-2i; Psa. 111:10. a treasure to saints, Prov. 15:16 ; 75a 33:6. a fountain of life, Prov. 14:27. sanctifying, Psa. 19:9. filial and reverential. Heb. 12:9, 28. commanded. Deut. 13:4; Psa. 22:23: Erd. 12:13; IPet. 2:17. MOTIVES TO, the holiness of God, Rev. 15:4. the greatness of God, Deut. 10:12, 17 the goodness of God, 1 Sam. 12:24. the forgiveness of God, Psa. 130:4. AYondrous works of God, Jo*/i. 4:23, 24 judgments of God, Rev. 14:7. a characteristic of saints, Mai. 3:16. should accompany the joy of saints Psa. 2:11. necessary to the worship of God, Psa. 5:7; 89:7. the service of God, Psa. 2:11; Heb. 12:23. avoiding of sin, Exod. 20:20. righteous government, 2 Sam. 23:3. impartial administration of justice, 2 Chr. 19:6-9. perfecting holiness, 2 Cor. 7:1. those who ha-^'E, afford pleasure to God, Psa. 147:11. are pitied by God, Psa. 103:1-3. are accepted of God, Acts 10:35. receive mercy from God, Psa. 103:11, 17; Luke 1:50. are blessed, Psa. 112:1 ; 115:13. confide in God, Psa. 115:11; Prov 14:26. FEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FlU FEAR, godly, cont. — those who have, depart from evil, Prov. 16:6. converse together of holy things, Mai. 3:16. should not fear man, Isa. 8:12, 13; Mat. 10:28. desires of, fulfilled by God, Ps. 145: 19. days of, prolonged, Prov. 10:27. SHOULD BE prayed for, Psa. 86; 11. exhibited in our callings, Col. 3:22. exhibited in giving a reason for our hope, 1 Pet. 3:15. constantly maintained, Deut. 14:23; Josh. 4:24; Prov. 23:17. taught to others, Psa. 34:11. advantages of, Prov. 15:16; 19:23; Ecd. 8: 1-2, 13. the wicked destitute of, Psa. -36:1; Prof. 1:29; Jcr. 2:19; fiom. 3:18. exemplified. Abraliam, Gett. 22:12. Joseph, Gen. 39:9; 42:18. Obadiah, 1 Kings 18:12. Nehemiah, Neh. 5:1.5. Job, Jo(> 1:1, 8. Primitive Christians, Acts 9:31. Cornelius, Acts 10:2. Noah, ifei. 11:7. "• unholy : a characteristic of the wicked, Rev. 21 :S. IS DESCRIBED AS a fear of idols, 2 Kings 17:38. a fear of man, 1 Sam. 15:24; John 9:22. a fear of judgments, Isa. 2:19; Luke 21:26; Rev. 6:16, 17. a fear of future punishment, Heb. 10:27. overwhelming, Exo. 15:16 ; Jo6 15: 21, consuming, Psa. 73:19. a guiltv conscience leads to. Gen. 3:8, 10; Psa. 53:5; Prov. 28:1. seizes the wicked. Job 15:24; 18:11. surprises the hypocrite, Isa. 33:14, 18. the wicked judicially filled with. Lev. 26:16,17; Deut. 2:^:65-67 ■ Jer.49:5. shall be realized. Prov. 1:27 ; 10:24. God mocks, Prov. 1:26. saints sometimes tempted to, Psa. 55:5. saints delivered from, Prov. 1:33; Isa. 14:3. trust in God, a preservative from, Psa. 27:1. exhortations against, Isa. 8:12; John 14:27. exemplified. Adam, Gen. 3:10. Cain, Gen. i:\i. Midianites, Jj^rfg'. 7:21, 22. Philistines.l Sam. 14:15. Saul, 1 Sam. 2i:5, 20. Adonijah's guests, 1 Kings 1:49. Haman, Esth. 7:6. Ahaz, Isa. 7:2. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:6. Pilate, John 19:8. Felix, Arts2i:2.3. PEASTS, three annuil, Exod. 23:14; 34:23; Lev. 23; Num. 28; 29; Deut. 16. of Bolshazzar, Dan. 5. FEASTS, cant.— of Ahasuerus, Esth. 1. of Herod, Mark 6:21, etc. of charity, Jwrfe 12; 2 Pet. 2:13; 1 Cor. 11:22. FELIX, governor of Judea, Paul sent to, Acts 23: '23. Paul's defence before. Acts 24:10. trembles at Paul's preaching, but leaves him bound. Acts 24:25. FELLOWSHIP of the saints. Acts 2:42 : 2Cor. 8:4; Gal. 2:9; Phil. 1:5; 1 John 1:3, etc. See Rom. 12:13; 15:26. witri evil, forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:20; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:11. FESTUS, governor of Judea, ylm 24:27. Paul brought before. Acts 25. Paul's defence before. Acts 25:8; 26. acquits Paul, Acts 25:14 ; 26:31. FEVER threatened, Deut. 28:22. healed. Mat. f^-.H. etc. ; John 4:52. FIERY SERPENTS, plague of, Num 21:6; (Deut. 8:15.) means of deliverance from. Num. 21:8. a type of Christ, John 3:14. FIGHT of faith, I Tim. G:12; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 1Q:32; 11:34. See2Chr. 20:17. FIGS, Jeremiah's vision of, Jer. 24:1. employed to heal Hezekiali, 2 Kings 20:7; Isa. 38:21. FIG-TREE cursed, Mat. 21:19; Mark 11:13. parables cf. Mat. 24:32, ete. ; Luke 13:6; 21:29. FIGURE, (or type,) Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 4:6; ^6^.9:9, 24; 1 Pe^ 3:21. FILTHINESS of sin. Job 15:16; Psa. 14:3; J5a.l:6; 64:6; Eze. 24:13. purification from, /sa. 4:4; Eze. 22:15; .36:25; ZerA.3:4; 13:1 ; ICor. 6:11; 2Cor. 7:1. FINGER of God, Exod. 8:19; 31:18; Dan. 5:5 ; John 8:6 ; Luke 11:20. FIRE, God's appearance by, Exod. 3:2; 13:21: 19:18; Deut. 4:12; (Heb. 12:29;) 2 Saw. 22:13; Jsa. 6:4; Eze. 1:4; Daw. 7:10; Mai. 3:2; iVfaf. 3:11; Kei'. 1:14; 4:5. sacrifices consumed by. Gen. 15:17; Lev. 9:24; Judg. 13:19; \ Kings 18:38; 2 C/ir. 7:1. on the altar perpetual, Lev. 6:13. not to be kindled on the Sabbath, Exod. 35:3; 16:2:3. word of God compared to, Jer. 23:29, See Acts 2:3. destruction caused bv, Gen. 19:24; Exod. 9:23; Lev. 10; Num. 11:1; 16:35; 2 Kings 1:10; Amos 7:4; 2 Thes.\:8; Rev. 8:7. of hell, Deut. 32:22; Isa. 33:14; 66:24 ; Mar. O.U; Judel; Rev. 20:10. FIRMAMENT created. Gen. 1:6; Psa. 19:1. See £ze. 1:22: Dan. 12:3. 57 FLE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FOO FIR-TREE, Isa. 41:19; 55:13; 60:13; Hos. 14:8. FIRST AND LAST, God is, Im. 41:4; 44:6; 48:12. Christ is, Rev. 1:4,8,17; 22:13. FIRST-BORN, privileges of the, Gen. 43:33; Deut. 21:15; 2Chr. 21:3; Col. 1:15; (Heb. 12:23.) devoted to the Lord. Exod. 13:2, 12; 22:29; 34:19; Deut. 15:19. redemption of, Exod. 34:20; Num. 3:41; 8:18. of Effypt slain, Exod. 11:4; 12:29. FIRST-FRUITS, oifering of, Exo. 22:29; 23:16; 34:26; Lev. 23:9; Num. 28:26. confession at, Deut. 26:5. given to the priests, Num. 18: 1~ ; Deut. 18:4. FISH created, Gen. 1:20. of Egypt killed, Exod. 7:19. Jonah swallowed by one, .Tonn/i 1 :17. miraculous draughts of. Mat. 17:27; Luke 5:6; John 21:6,' FISHERMEN, the apostles, Mat. 4:18; Mark 1:16; Luke 5 ; John 21 : 7. FLATTERY: saints should not use, Job 32:21, 22. ministers should not use, 1 Thes. 2:5. THE WICKED USE, TO Others, Psa. 5:9; 12:2. themselves, Psa. 36:2. HYPOCRITES USE, TO God, Psa. 78:36. those in authority, Dan. 11:34. false prophets and teachers use, Eze. 12:24, Y.'hh. Rom. 16:18. wisdom, a preservative against, Prov. 4:5. worldly advantage obtained bv. Dan. 11:21,32. seldom gains respect, Prov. 28:23. avoid those given to, Prov. 20:19. danger of. Prov. 7:21-23; 29:5. punishment of, .Tob 17:5; Psa. 12:3. exemplified. Woman of Tekoah, 2 Sam. 14:17, 20. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:2-6. False prophets, 1 Kings 22:13. Darius' courtiers. Dan. 6:7. Pharisees, etc., Mark 12:14. Tyr- ians, etc., Acts 12:22. FLESH granted for food. Gen. 9:3. God manifest in the, 1 Tim. 3:16; Johnl:U; 1 Pe^. 3:18; 4:1. confession of this, I Johni:2; 2John 7. — — — , figuratively : is in opposition to the Spirit. JoAn 3:6; Rom. 8:1; Gal. 5:17. they that are in, wholly sinful, Rom. 7:18, 25; I John 2:\6. and children of wrath, Eph. 2:3. WOUKS of. Gal. 5: 19. lead to death, Rom. 7:5; 8:6-13; 2 Pet. 2:20. LUSTS OF, not to be obeyed, Rorri. 6:12. not to be provided for, Rotn. 13: 14. not to be fulfilled. Gal. 5: 16. 58 FLESH, cotit. — LUSTS of. not to be con- formed to, 1 Pet. 1:16. to be crucified, Gal. 5:24. FLIES, plague of, Exod. 8:21, 31 ; Psa. 78:45; 105:31. FLINT, water from. Num. 20:11 ; Deut. 8:15; Psa. 114:8; 1 Cor. 10:4. FLOOD, the, threatened. Gen. 6:17. sent, Gen. 7:11 ; Mat. 24:3d ; 2 Pet. 2:5. assuaged, Gen. 8. FLOUR of wheat, employed in sacrifices, Exod. 29:2; Lev. 2:2. FOOD, provided for man and beast. Gen. 1:29; 9:3; Psa. 104:14; 145:16; 147:8. See gluttony. FOOLS : all men are, by nature. Tit. 3:3. deny God. Psa. 14:1; 53:1. blaspheme God. Psa. 74:18. reproach God, Psa. 74:22. make a mock at sin, Prov. 14:9. despise instruction, Prov. 1:7; 15:5. despise wisdom, Prov. 1:7. , hate knowledge, Prov. 1:22. delight not in understanding. Prov. .18:2. sport themselves in mischief, Prov. 10:23. walk in darkness, Ecd. 2:14. hate to depart from evil, Prov. 13:19. worship of, hateful to God, Eccl. 5:1. ARE corrupt and abominable. Psa. 14:1. self-sufficient. Prov. 12:15; Ro?}u 1:22. self-confident, Prov. 14:16. self-deceivers, Prov. 14:8. mere professors of religion, ilJaZ.25:3- 12. full of words, Eccl.lO:U. given to meddling. Prov. 20:3. slanderers, Prov. 10:18. liars, Prov. 10:18. slothful, Eccl. 4:5. angry, Eccl. 7:9. contentious, Prov. 18:6. a grief to parents. Prof. 17:25; 19:13. come to shame, Prov. 3:35. destroy themselves by their speech, Prov. 10:8, 14; Eccl. 10:12. the company of, ruinous, Prov. 13:20. lips of, a snare to the soul, Prov. 18:7. cling to their foUv, Prov. 26:11 ; 27:22. worship idols, Jer. 10:8; Rom. 1:22,23. trust to their own hearts, Prov. 28:26. depend upon their wealth, Lvke 12:20. hear the gospel and obey it not, Mat. 7:26. the mouth of, pours out folly, Prov. 15:il honor is unbecoming for, Prov. 26:1, 8 God has no pleasure in, Eccl. 5:4. shall not stand in the presence of God. Psa. 5:5. avoid them, Prov. 9:6; 14:7. exhorted to seek wisdom, Prov. 8:5., punishment of, Psa. 107:17; Prov 19:29; 26:10. FOE, BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. FOE, FOOLS, cont. — exemplified. Rehoboam. 1 Kings 1-2:S. Israel, Jer. 4:22. Pharisees, Mat. 23:17, 19. FOOLISHNESS, the gospel so termed, ICor. 1:18; 2:14. the wisdom of this world is, with God, ICor. ]:20; 2:7; 3:19. FOOTSTOOL of God, the temple so called, 1 C/ir. 28:2; Psa. 99:5; 132:7. the earth, Isa. G6:l ; Mat. 5:35; Acts 7:49. his enemies, Psrt. 110:1; Mat. 22:44, etc., Heb. 10:13. FORBEARAXCE. exhortations to. Mat. 1S:33; ICor. 13:4; Eph. ■l:2; G:9; Col. 3:13 ; 2 Tim. 2:24 ; 1 Thes. 5:14. of God, Psa. 50:21 ; 7, 8: 13; Psa. 9:17; 50:22; J5a.l7:10; Jer.2:32; Hos. Q:U.' -'ORGIVENESS of injuries : Christ set an example of, Luke 23:34. commanded, Mark 11 :25 ; Rom. 12:19. to be unlimited. Mat. 18:22; Luke a characteristic of saints, Psa. 7:4. MOTIVES TO, the mercy of God, Luke 6:36. our need of forgiveness, Mark 11 :25, God's, forgiveness of us, Eph. 4:32. Christ's forgiveness of us, Col. 3:13. a glory to saints, Prov. 19:11. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY forbear- ance. Col. 3:13. kindness, Gen. 45:5-11 ; Rom. 12:20. blessing and prayer. Mat. 5:44. FORGIVENESS of injuries, fonr.— promises to. Mat. 6: 14 ; Luke 6:37. no forgiveness without, Mat. 6:15; Jas. 2:13. illustrated, Blat. 18:23-35. exemplified. Joseph. Gen. 50; 20, 21. David, \Sn>?i. 24:7; 2 .S'a?n. 18:5; 19:23. Solomon,] Xm^sl:. 53. Ste- phen, Acts 7:60. raul,"2 Tim. 4: 16. of sin. See pardon. FORNICATION forbidden, E.rorf. 22:16; Lev. 19:20; Num.25; Deut. 22:2]; 23:17; 1 Ti>7i. 1:10; Heb. 13:4; JurJe 7; Rev. 21:8; 22:15. souldestroying. Proi\2:16; 5:5; 7:23; 9:18; 22:14; Eccl. 7:26. ruinous, Prov. 6:26; 23:27; 29:3; 31:3; lfo5. 4:11. comes from the heart, Mat. 15:19: ilIarA;7:21. a sin of Sodom, Geti. 19 ; Jiide 7. a sin of the heathen. Lev. 18:3; Ro7n. 1:29; 1 Pet. 4:3; Rev. 2:U. to be abstained from. Col. 3:5; 1 The.s. 4:3. to be repented of, 2 Cor. 12:21. guilty of, to be avoided, 1 Cor. 5:9. excludes from heaven, 1 Cor. 6:9; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 21:8: 22:15. God will judge, 1 Thes. 4:3. SPIRITUAL, idolatry, etc., Eze. 16; 29: Hos. 1; 2; 3; Rev. 14:8; 17:2: 18:3; 19:2. FORSAKING God : idolaters guilty of, 1 Sa7n. 8:8 ; 1 Kin. 11:33. the wicked guilty of, Deut. 28:20. backsliders guilty of, Jer. 15:6. IS FORSAKING his house, 2 C/ir. 29:6. his covenant, Deut. 29:25; livings 19:10; Jer. 22:9; Da7i. 11:30. his commandments, Ezra 9:10. the right way, 2 Pet. 2: 15. trusting in man is, Jer. 17:5. leads men to follow their own devices, Jer. 2:13. prosperity tempts to, Deu. 31:20; 32:15. wickedness of, Jer. 2:13; 5:7. unreasonableness and ingratitude of, Jer. 2:5, 6. brings confusion, Jer. 17:13. followed by remorse, Eze. 6:9. brings down his wrath. Ezra 8:22. provokes God to forsake men, Judg. 10:13; 2 C/ir. 15:2; 24:20.24. resolve against. Josh. 24:16; Neh, 10:29-.39. curse pronounced upon, Jer. 17:5. sin of, to be confessed, ^zra 9:10. warnings against, Josh. 24:20; 1 Chr. 28:9. punishment oL Deut. 28:20; 2 Kings 22:16, 17; Isa. 1:28; Jer. 1:16; 5:19. exemplified. Children of Israel, 1 Sam.. 12:10. Saul, 1 Saw. 15:11. Ahab, 59 FEU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GAL 1 Kin. 18:18. Amon, 2 Kin. 21 :22. Kingdom of Judah, 2Chr. 12:1,5; 21:10; Tsa. 1:4; Jer. 15 :G. King- dom of Israel, 2Chr. 13:11, with 2 Kin. 17:7-1 8. Many disciples, John 6:6G. Phygellus, etc., 2 Tim. 1:15. Balaam, 2fe^2:15. FORTRESS, the Lord is, of his people, 2 Sam. 22;2; Fsa. 18:2, etc.; Jer. 1G:19. FORTUNATUS ministers to Paul, 1 Cor. 16:17. FOUNDATION, Jesus Christ the one, Mat.lG:18;(/sa. 23:16;) lCor.3:ll; 1 Pet. 2: G ; Eph. 2: 20 ; Heb. 11:10. FOUNTAIN of living waters, Psa. 35:9 ; Jer. 2:13; Joel 3:18; Zech. 13:1; 14:8. See Isa. 12:3; 44:3; 55:1; Jo/m 4: 10; Rev. 7:17; 21:6. FOURFOLD, restitution to be, Exod. 22:1 ; 2 Sam. 12:6; Lukeld:8. FOUR living creatures, vision of, Eze. 1:5; 10:10; Rev. 4:6; 5:14; G:G. four kingdomSjNebuchadnezzar's dream concerning, Dan. 2:36. Daniel's vision of, Dan. 7:3, 16. FOXES, Samson's stratagem with, Jwrf^". 15:4. See Lam. 5:1S; Mat. 8:20; Luke V3:-:i2. FRANKINCENSE employed in the in- cense, Exod. 30:34 ; Lev. 2:1 ; Song 3:6; Mat.2:\\. FRAUD forbidden. Lew. 19: 13; MiZ.3:5; Mark 10: 19 ; 1 Cor. 6:8 ; 1 TAes. 4:6. See DECEIT. FREEWILL-OFFERINGS, law con- cerning. Lev. 22:18; Num. 15:3; Deut. 1(3 AO:, Ezra 3: 5. FREE -WOMAN and Bond-woman, alle- gory of, Gal. 4:22. FRIEND of God. Abraham so called, (Gen. 18:17;) 2 CAr. 20: 7; /sa.41:8; Jas. 2:23. FRIENDS, advantages of, Prov. 17:17 ; 18:24; 27:6, 9, 17; .Tohn 15:13. danger arising from evil, Deut. 13:6; Psfi. 12:2; Pror. 22:24; 25:19; Mic. 7:5; Zech. 13:6; Lam. 1:2. the disciples so called, Luke 12:4 ; John 15:14; 3 Jo/m 14. FRIENDSHIP ofJonathan and David, 1 Sam. 18:1; 19; 20; 2 Sam. 1:26. with the world forbidden, Jas. 4:4; 1 Jo/m 2:15; i?om. 12:2; 2 Cor. G: 17. FRINGES, laws concerning. Num. 15:37; Dew/. 22:12; Mat. 23:5. FROGS, plague of, E.xod. 8:6; Psa. 78:45; 105:30; Rev. 16:13. FRONTLETS, jEroc?. 13: If) ; Deut. 6:8. FROWARDNESS censured, Deu. 32:20 ; 2 Sam. 22: 27 ; Jo6 5: 13 ; Prov. 2: 12 ; 3:32; 4:24; 10:31; 11:20; 16:28; 17:20; 21:8; 22:5. FRUITS of the first three years not to be used. Lev. 19:23. blessed to the obedient, Deu. 7:13; 23:4. 60 FRUITS, cont. — meet for repentance Mat. 3:8. men known by. Mat. 7: 16 ; Mark 4:8 he that soweih, gathereth, JoAn 4:36/ Rom. 1:13; 2 Cor. 9:10. of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22; Eph. 5:9. borne through Christ, John 15:4 ; Ro>ru 7:4; Phil. 1:11. by the gospel, Col. 1:6; Phil. 4:17; Ja5. 3:17. through chastening-, Heb. 12:11. FRUITFULNESS, required in religion, Mat. 7:16, 19; Rom. 6:22; 7:4. in due season, Psa. 1:3. in old age, Psa. 84:7; 92:12-14. as a result of God's care, Isa. 5:4; Hos. 14:5; Blat. 13:12; Jo/m 15:2. by union with Christ, John 15:5 ; Phil. 1:11 ; Col. 1:10; 2:G. by the Spirit, Eph. 5:9. FRUIT-TREES to be preserved in war. Deut. 20:19. FURNACE, deliverance of Shadrach, etc., from, Dan. 3:19. figurative, Deut. 4:2;j; Isa. 48:10; ^36. 22:18. FUGITIVE servant, law concerning. Deut. 23:15. G. GAAL conspires against Abimelech, etc., Judg.9:2G. GABRIEL, an angel, sent to Daniel, Dan. 8:16; 9:21. to Zacharias, Luke 1:19. to Mary, Luke 1:26. GAD, son of Jacob, Gen. 30:11. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49: IQ. by Moses, Deut. 33:20. his descendants. Gen. 46:16. twice numbered, Num. 1:24; 26:15. possessions of them and theReubenites, etc.. Num. 32 ; 34:14; Deut. 27:13 Josh. 1:12. commended by Joshua, Josh. 22:1. accused of idolatry. Josh. 22:11. their apology. Josh. 22:21. their warlike character. 1 Chr. 12:8. , seer, declares God's judgment to David, 2 Sam. 21:11; iChr. 21:9; 2C/;r. 29:25. GADARENES, Gersesenes. miracle wrought among, 3lat. 8:23; Mark 5:1; Luke S:26. GAIUS commended, 3 John. GALATIANS, Paul preaches to, Acts 16:6. reproved. Gal. 1:6; 3, etc. and exhorted. Gal. 5 ; 6. their love to Paul, Gal. 4:14. GALILEE, prophecy concerning, Isa. 9:1; Mat. 4:15. Christ dwells and preaches in, Mat. 2:22; 15:29; 26:32; 27:55; 28:7. Mark 1:9; Luke A:U; 23:5; 24:6 Acts 10:3-7; 13:31. GEN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. CtIF GALILEAiVS killed by Pilate, Luke 13:1. disciples so called. Acts 1:11 ; 2:7. GALLIC dismisses Paul, Acts 18:12. GALLOWS, Hamau hanged on, Estk. 7. GAMALIEL, advice of. Acts 5:34. Paul a disciple of. Acts 22:3. GAISIES, pQblic, allusions to, 1 Cor. 9:24; Phil. 3:12; 1 I7;n. 6:12; -2 Tim. 2:5; 4.7; Heb. 12:1. GARDEN, man placed in the, Gen. 2:S. See Song 4 : 12 ; 5: 1 ; 6: 2 ; Jsa. 51 :3 ; .58:11; 61:11; Jo/m 18:1. GARMENTS of the priests, Exo. 23; 39. purification of unclean. Lev. 13:47; [Ecd. 9:8 ; Zech. 3:3 ; Jude 23 ; Rev. 3:4; 6:11; 7:14; 16:15.) not to be made of diverse materials, Lev. 19:19; Deut. 22:11. of the sexes not to be exchanged, Deut. 22:5. of Christ divided, Psa. 22:18; Mat. 27:35; JoAw 19:2:3. parable of, Mat. 9:16, etc. GATES of heaven, Gen. 23:17; Psa. 24:7; 118:20; Jsa. 20:2. of death and hell, Psa. 9:13 ; Isa. 33:10; Mat.lQ-.lS. strait and wide. Mat. 7:13 ; Luke 13:24. GATH, of the Philistines, men of, smit- ten with emerods, 1 Sam. G-.Q. David flees to, 1 Sam. 27:4. taken by David, 1 Chr. 18:1. by Hazael, 2 Kings 12: 17. byUzziah, 2 Chr. 26:6. GAZA, Samson there, Jitdg. 16. prophecies concerning, Jer. 47 ; Amos 1:6; Zeph.2A; Zech. 9:5. GEDALIAH left as governor of Judah, 2A7«^.s25:22; Jer. .39:14; 40:5. slain by Ishmael, 2 Kings 25:25: (Jer. 41.) GEDOR described, 1 Chr. 4:39. conquered by Simeonites, 1 Chr. 4:41. GEHAZI, serves Elisha, 2 Kings 4:12. his covetousness and deceit punished. 2 Kings 5: 20. See 2 Kings 8:4. GENEALOGIES: generations of Adam, Gen. 5 ; 1 Chr. I ; Lnke 3. of Noah. Gen. 10; 11; 1 Chr. 1:4. of Nahor, Gen. 22:20. of Abraham, Gen. 25; 1 f/zr. 1:28. of Jacob, Gen. 29:31 ; .30 ; 46:8 ; Ezod. 1:2; Ni(7n. 26; 1 C/ir. 2. etc. of Esau, Gen. .36 ; 1 Chr. 1:35. of Levi. E.rod. 6:16; iN'^wm. 3:17; 1 Chr. 6 ; 23 : 24. of Judah. K!/.4:12. most high, Psa. 83:18 ; Acts 7:48. perfect. Mat. 5:48. holy, Psa. 99:9; Jsa. 5:16. just. Dew (. 32:4; Isa. 45:21. true, Jer. 10:10; JoA/i 17:3. upright, Psa. 25:8; 92.15. righteous, i^sra 9:15; Psa. 145:17. good, Psa. 25:8; 119:68. great, 2 Chr. 2:5; Psa. S6:10. gracious, Exod. 34:6; Psa. 116:5. faithful, I Cor. 10:13; 1 Pet. 4:19. merciful, Exod. 34:6, 7; Psa. 86:5. long-suffering, iVuw. 14:18; Mic. 7:18. jealous, JosA. 24:19; Nah. 1:2. compassionate, 2 Kings 13:23. a consuming fire, i/fi6. 12:29. PREROGATIVES OF, the Ownership of all things. ICkr. 29:11; Psa. 50:10; Eze.lSA; Rev. 4:11. the control of nature, Job 38:33; Jer. 31:35; 33:25. to give law to all, Exod. 20:2; Isa. 33:22; Mat. 4:10; 22:37. to bestow grace as he sees best, Deut. 29:4; Mat. 13:10; 20:15; 3Iark 4:11 ; Rom. 9:22; 2 Tim. 2:25. to try men and prove them, Deut. 13:1; livings 22:20; Jo6 2:6; 1 Cor. 11:19. to control men's hearts, Psa. 33:13; Isa. 45: 5 ; Rom. 9: 20. to use men in fulfilling his plans. 2 Ki7igs 5:1; .Tob 1 : 21 ; Psa. 17: 13 ; Isa. 10:5; ifai. 1:6. to dispose of men's life, Gen. 22:2; Deut. 20:16; 1 Sam. 15:3. to execute judgment on men and na- tions, 2 kings 8:12; Eze. 20:24; Dan. 4:17; Ro7)i. 12:19. none beside him, Dnit. 4:35 ; Jsa. 44:6. none before him, Isa. 43:10. none like to him, Exod. 9:14; Deut. 33:26; 2 Sam. 7:22; Isa. 46:5, 9; Jer. 10:6. none good but he. Mat. 19:17. 64 GOD, cont. — fills heaven and earth, 1 Kings b:21\ Jer. 23:24. should be worshipped in .spirit and in truth, John 4:24. GODLINESS, exhortations to. 1 Tim.. 2:2; 4:7; 5; 6; 2Pet. 1:3; 3:11. GODS, judges so called, Exod. 22:28; Psa. 82:1; 138:1; John 10:34; 1 Cor. 8:5. heathen, worship of, forbidden, Exod. 20:3; '34:17; Deut. 5:1; 8:19; 18:20, etc. See idolatry. GOG and MAGOG, prophecy concerning, Eze. 33; 39; Rev. 20:8. GOLD, mentioned. Gen. 2:11 ; Jo6 22:24; Psa. 19:10; 21:3; Zech. 4:2. figurative. Rev. 3:18; 21:18. GOSHEN, in Egypt, Israelites placed there. Gen. 45:10; 46:34; 47:4. free from the plagues, Exo. 8:22; 9:26. , in Canaan, Josh. 10:41 ; 11:16. GOLGOTHA, (Calvary,) Christ crucified there, Mat. 27:33; Mark 15:22,- Luke 23:33; John 19:17. GOLIATH, a giant, slain by David. 1 Sam. 17; 21:9; 22:10. his sons, etc., 2 Sam. 21 :15 ; 1 Chr. 20:4. GOMORRAH. See sodom. GOODNESS of Gcd : is part of his character, Psa. 25:8, Nah. 1:1; Mat. 19:17. DECLARED TO BE great, Neh. 9:35 ; Zech. 9:17. rich, Psa. 104:24; Rom. 2:4. abundant, Exod. 34:6; Psa. 33:5. satisfying, Psa. 65:4 ; Jer. 31:12, 14. enduring, Psa. £3:6; 52:1. universal, Psa. 145:9: Mat. 5:45. MANIFESTED to his church, Psa. 31:19 ; Lam. 3:25. in doing good, Psa. ]19:6S; 145:9. in supplying temporal wants, Acts 14:17. in providing for the poor, Psa. 68:10. in forgiving sins, 2Chr. 30:18; Psa. 86:5. leads to repentance, Rom. 2:4. recognize, in his dealings, Ezra 8:18; ISeh. 2:18. pray for the manifestation of, 2 Thes 1:11. despise not, Ro7n. 2:4. reverence, Jer. 33:9; Hos. 3:5. magnify, Psa.-107:8; Jer. 33:11. urge others to confide in, Psa. 34:8. the wicked disregard, Neh. 9:35. GOSPEL: described, J-M^e 2:10, 11. foretold, Isa. 41:27 ;' 52:7, with Rom 10:15; Isa. 61:1-3. preached under the old testament, H^b. 4:2. exhibits the grace of God, Acts 14:3; 20:32. the knowledge of the glory of God is by, 2 Cor. 4:4,6, GOS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. GRA GOSPEL, con«.— life and immortality are brought to light by, 2 Tim, 1:10. is the power of God unto salvation, Rotn 1:1G; 1 Cor. 1.18; 1 Thes. 1:5. is truth, CoL 1:5. is glorious, '2 Cor 4:4. is everlasting, 1 Pet. 1 :25 ; Rev. 14:6. preached by Christ, Mat. 4:23; 11:2S; 3Inrk l:l\; John 7:37, ministers have a dispensation to preach, 1 Cor. 9:17. preached beforehand to Abraham, Ge)i. 22:18, with Gal. 3:3. PREACHED TO the Jews first, Luke 24:47 ; Acts 13:4G. the Gentiles, Mark 13.10; Gal. 2:2. the poor, Mat. 11:5; Luke 4:18. every creature, Marifc 16:15 ; Col. 1:23. must be believed, Markl:\.5; Heb. 4:2. brings peace, Luke2:W, 14 ; Eph. 6:15. produces hope, Col. 1:23. saints have fellowship in. Phil. 1:5. there is fulness of blessing in, Rom. 15:29. THOSE WHO RECEIVE, SHOULD adhere to the truth of, Gal. J :6, 7; 2:14. not be ashamed of, Rom. 1:16. live in subjection to, '2 Cor. 9:13. have their conversation becoming, Phil. 1:27. earnestly contend for the faith of, Phil. 1:17, 27; JudeS. sacrifice friends and property for, Mark 10:29. sacrifice life itself for, Mark 8:^3. profession of, attended by afflictions, 2 Tim. 1:8, promises to sufferers for, Mark 8:35; 10:30. be careful not to hinder, 1 Cor. 0:12. is hid to them that are lost, 2 Cor. 4:3. testifies to the final judgraenc, Rom. 2:16. let him who preaches another, be ac- cursed. Gal. 1:8. awful consequences of not obeying, 2 Thes. 1:8. 9. ;s CALLED THE dispensation of the grace of God, Eph. 3:2. gospel of peace, Eph. 6:15. gospelof God, iiom. 1:1 ; 1 Thes. 2:3 ; 1 Pet. 4:17. gospel of Jesus Christ, Ro7n. 1:9, 16; 2 Cor. 2:12; 1 Thes. 3:2. gospel of the grace of God. Arts 20:24. go.us Christ, Rom. 16:25. mystery of Christ. Eph. 3:4. mystery of the gospel, Eph. 6:19. ■word of God, 1 Thes. 2:13. ■word of Christ, Col. 3:16. word of grace, Acts 14:3; 20:32. •word of salvation, Acts 13:26. ■word of reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5:19. 5 GOSPEL, cont. — is called the word of truth, Eph. 1 :13 ; 2 Cor. 6:7. ■word of faith, Ro7n. 10:8. word of life, Phil. -2AQ. ministration of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 3:8. doctrine according to godliness, 1 Tim. 6:3. - ' form of sound words, 2 Tim. 1:13. rejection of, by many, foretold. Isa. 53.1, with Tiow. 10:15, 16. rejection of the, by the Jews, a means of blessing to the Gentiles, Rom. 11:28. GOVERNMENT is of divine appoint- ment, Exo. 18:21 ; Deu. 16:18 ; 17:5 ; Num. 11:16; Prov. 8:15; Rotn. 13: 1-4. See judges, kings, etc. GRACE : God is the God of all, 1 Pet. 5:10. God is the Giver of, Psa. 84:11. God's throne, the tlirone of, Heb. 4:16. the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of, Zech. 12:10; iie6. 10:29. was upon Christ, Luke 2:40. Clirist spoke ■with, Psa. 45:2, with LK/te 4:2-2. Christ was full of, John 1 :14. came by Christ. JoA« 1:17; /iom.5:15,. given by Christ, 1 Cor. 1:4. riches of, exhibited in God's kindness through Christ, Eph. 2:7. glory of, exhibited in our acceptance in Christ. Eph. 1:6. IS described as great. Acts 4:33. sovereign, Rom. 5:21. rich, Eph. 1:7; 2:7. exceeding, 2 Cor. 9:14. manifold, 1 Pet. 4:10. all-sufflcient, 2 Cor. 12:9. all-abundant, Rom. 5:15, 17, 20. true, 1 Fei. 5:12. glorious, Eph. 1 :6. not in vain, 1 Cor. 15:10. the gospel, a declaration of, Acts 20:24, 32. IS the source of election, Rom. 11:5. the call of God. Gal. 1:15. justification, Ro}n. 3:24; Tit. 3:7. faith, vlr«.s 18:27. forgiveness of sins, Eph. 1:7. salvation, Acts 15:11 ; Eph. 2:5, 8. consolation, 2 Thes. 2:16. hope, 2 Thes. 2: 16. necessary to the service of God, Heb. 12:28. God's work completed in saints bv, 2 Thes.A.U, 12. the success and completion of the work of God to be attributed to, Zech. 4:7. inheritance of the promise.-i by, Rom. 4:16. justification by, opposed to that by works, /?ow. 4:4, 5; 11:6; Ga^. 5:4. SAIXTS are heirs of, 1 Pet. 3:7. are under, Rom. 6:14. receive, from Christ, John 1:16. fi5 HAD BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HAP GRACE, ceut.'23:2i; 24:21. See Jer. 31:23; Eze. 18:2. GRASS, created, Gen. 1:11. furnished bv God's care, Dent. 11:15; Psa 147:8. man compared to, Psa. 37:2; 90:5; 103:15; /sa. 40:6 ; Jas. 1:10 ; 1 Pet. 1:24. GRASSHOPPERS sent, Amos 7:1. GRAVE, law concerning, A^titn. 19:16. triumphed over. Has. 13:14 ; Jrto.5:28 ; 1 Cor. 15:55; Rev. 20:13. GRAVITY in bishops and deacons, 1 r/?n.3:4, 8, 11; Tit. 2:2,7. GREECE, prophecies concerning, Dan. 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; Zech. 9:13. Paul preaches in, Acts 16, etc. GRF:EKS come to Jesus, John 12:20. believe in him. Acts 11:19, etc. GROVES, for worship, Gen. 21 :33. idolatrous, forbidden, Deut. 16:21; Judg. 6:25; I Kings 14:15; 15:13; 16:33; 2 A'ms-s 17:16 ; 21:3; 23:4. GRUDGING forbidden, 2 Cor. 9:7; Jas. 5:9; 1 Pe(. 4:9. GUIDE, God is, of his people, Psa. 25:9 ; 31:3 ; 32:8 ; 48:14 ; 73:24 ; Isa. 58:11 ; Luke 1:79; 1 T/ies.3:\\. GUILE forbidden, Psa. 34:13 ; 1 Pet. 2:1 ; 3:10; Eeu. 14:5. See deceit. H. HABAKKUK'S complaint, Hab. 1. the answer, Hab. 1:5; 2:2. his prayer, Hab. 3. HADAD, an E Jomite, becomes an enemy to Solomon, 1 Kings 11:14. HADADEZER, (Hadarezer.) king of Zo- bah, David's wars with, 2 Sam. 8 ; 10:15; IC/ir. 18. fifi HADORAM stoned, 2 CAr. 10:18, HAGAR, mother of Ishmael, Gen. 16. comforted by an angel, Gen. 16:9. dismissed with her son. Gen. 21:14 See Ga/. 4:22; Psa. 83:6. HAGG AI, prophet, Ezra 5 ; 6. 14. reproves the Jews, Ha^. 1 and encourages the rebuilding of th» temple. Hag. 2. HAIL, plague of, Exod. 9:23; Josk 10:11; Psa 18:12; 78:47; 75a.28:2; Eze. 13:11 ; Hag. 2:17: Rev. 8.7; 11:19; 16:21. HALLOWED BREAD, given to David, (Exod. 25:30; Lev. 24:5;) 1 Sam. 21 i Mat. 12:3; Mark2:25; Lvke6::3. HAM, son of Nnah, cursed. Gen. 9:22. his descendants, Geti. 10:6; 1 Chr. 1:3; Psa. 105:23. smitten by the Simeonites, 1 CAr. 4:40 HAMAN'S advancement. Esth. 3. hatred to Mordecai, Est/i. 3:8. his fall, Esth. 7. etc. HAMATH. land of, Num. 34:8; Josh. 13:5; 2Kings 14:28; 17:24. conquered, 2 Kings 18:34, etc.; Isa. 37:13; Jer. 49:2:3. HAMOR, father of Shechem. Gen. 34. HANAMKEL, Jer. 32:8. HANANI. a prophet, imprisoned by king Asa, 2 CAr. 16:7. — ^ . brother of Nehemiah, Neh. 1:2; ' 7:2: 12:36. HANANIAH, a false prophet, his death foretold, .Ter. 28. See Shadkach. HAND of God, for blessing, 2 CAr. 30:12; Ezra 1:9; 8:18; iVeA. 2:18. for chastisement, Deut. 2:15; Ruth 1:13; Jo6 2: 10; 19:21; IPef. 5:6. is glorious in power, Exod. 15:6. HANDS, LAYING ON OF, in blessing, Gen. 48:14; JVJai. 19:13; Rev. 1:11. in working miracles, i\/ar>fc6:5 ; 16:18; iM/te4r40; ^f/5S:17; 28:8. in setting apart to office. Num. 27:22; Acts6:G; 13:3; 1 Tim. 4:14. in the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 9:17; 2 Tim 1:6. washing, as mark of innocence, Deut. 21:0; Psa. 26:6 ; Mat. 27:24. lifting up in prayer, Exod. 17:11 ; Psa. 2S:2 ; 63:4 ; 141 :2 ; 143:6 ; 1 Ti7n. 2:8. HANGING, a punishment. Gen. 40:22; NioJi. 25:4; Esth. 7:10; 9:14. the person hanged accursed, Deut 21:22; GaZ. 3:13. HANNAH'S vow and prayer, 1 Sam. 1. answered, 1 Snm. 1:19. her song, 1 Sam. 2. HANUN, king of the Ammonites, dis- honors David's messengers, 2 Sam. 10:4; chastised, 2 Sam. 12:30 HAPPINESS, of saints: is in God, Psa. 73:25. only found in the ways of wisdom, Pror. 3:17, IS. HAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HAT HAPPINESS, of saints, cont.-is de- RiVEU FROM fear of God, Psa. 123:1, 2; Proy. 2a: 14. trust in God, Prov. 16:20; Phil.i:G, 7. obedience to God, Psa. 40:3; John 13:17. salvation, Deut. 33:29; Isa. 12:2, 3. hope in the Lord, Psa. 146:5. hope of glory, /if ?n 5:2. God being their Lord, Psa. 144:15. God being their help, Psa. 146:5. praising God. Psa. 1-35:3. their mutuar love, Psa. 1-33:1. divine chastening, /o65:17; Jas. 5:11. suffering for Christ, 2Cor. 12:10; 1 Pei. 3:14; 4:13,14, having mercy on the poor, Prov. 14 :21 . finding wisdom, Prov. 3:13. retaining wisdom, Prov. 3:18. is abundant and satisfying, Psa. 36:8 ; 03:5. of the wicked : is limited to this life, Psa. 17: 14 ; Luke 16:25. is short, Job 20:5. is uncertain, Luke 12:20. is vain, Eccl. 2:1 ; 7:6. IS DERIVED FROM their wealth, Job 21:13; Psa. 52:7. their power, Job 21:7; Psa. 37:35. their worldly prosperity, Psa. 17:14; 73:3. 4, 7. gluttony, Isa. 22:13; Hab. 1:16. drunkenness, Isa. 5:11 ; 56:12. vain pleasure. Job 21:12; Isa. 5:12. successful oppression, Hab. 1:15. marred by jealousy, Esth. 5:13. often interrupted by judgments, Ninn. 11 : 33 ; Job \5: 21 ; Psa. 73 : 13-20 ; Jer. 25:10, 11. leads to sorrow, Prov. 14:13. leads to recklessness, Isa. 22:13. sometimes a stumbling-block to saints, Psa. 73:3, 16; Jer. 12:1 ; Jfa6. 1 : 13. saints often permitted to see the end of, Psa. 73:17-20. envy not, Psa. 37:1. woe against, Amos 6:1 ; Luke 6:25. illustrated, Psa. 37:35, 36; Luke 12:10-20; 16:19,25. exemplified. Israel, iYmw. 11:33. Ha- inan, Esth. 5:9-11. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:1. Herod, Arts 12:21-23 HARAN, son of Terah, Ge?i. 11:20. land of, Abram departs from, Gen. 11:31; 12:4. Jacob flees to. Gen. 27:43; 28:10; 29. HARBONAH. chamberlain of Arta- xerxes, Esth. 1:10. proposes to hangHaman, Esth. 7:9. HARDENING the heart, etc., exhorta- tions against, Deut. 15:7; I Satn. 6:6; 2 CVir. 30:8; Ps.95:8; ifed. 3:8. evil consequences of, Exod.7:\3; 8:15; Prov. 28: 14 ; 29 : 1 ; Dan. 5 : 20 ; John 12:40. HARLOTS, infamous, Gen. 34:31 ; Lev 19:29, 21:7; DeMf.23:17; /sa. 57:3: Jer. 3:3; 1 Cor. 6:15. priests forbidden to marry, Lev. 21.14. figurative of idolatry, Isa. 1:21; Jer. 2:20; Eze. 16; 23; Hos. 2; Rev. 17:18. Solomon's judgment between two, 1 Kings 3:16. HARMLESS, Christ was, Heb. 7:26. the disciples to be, Mat. 10.16; Rom. 10:19; Phil. 2:15. HARP invented. Gen. 4:21. played on by David, 1 Sa7n. 16:16, 23; 2 Sam. 6:5. used in public worship, 1 Chr. 25:3; Psa. 33:2; 81:2; 150; -3, etc. in heaven. Rev. 14:2. HART, a clean animal, Deut. 12:15; 1 Kings i ■.23; Isa. 35:6. HARVEST, promised, Gen. 8:22. feast of, Exod. 23:16; 34.21; Lev. 19:9; Isa. 9:3; 16:9. of the world , Jer. 8 : 20 ; Mat. 13 : 30, 39 ; Rev. 14:15. HASTINESS in speech, etc., Prov. 14:29; 29:20; Eccl. 5:2; Dan.2:l5. to be rich, dangerous, Prov. 28:22. HATRED : forbidden. Lev. 19:17; Col. 3:8. is murder, 1 John 3:15. a work of the flesh. Gal. 5:20. often cloaked by deceit, Prov. 10:18: 26:26. leads to deceit, Prov. 26:24, 25. stirs up strife, Prov. 10:12. imbitters life, Prov. 15:17. I^•coxsISTE^•T with the knowledge of God, IJohn 2:9, 11. the love of God, 1 John 4:20. liars prone to, Prov. 20:28. THE "WICKED EXHIBIT towards God, Rom. l:-30. towards saints, Ps. 25:19 ; Prov. 29:10. towards each other, Tit. 3:3. Christ experienced, Psa. 35:19, with John 15:25. SAINTS SHOULD expect. Mat. 10:22. not marvel at, 1 John 3:13. return good for, Exod. 23:5; Mat. 5:44. not rejoice in the calamities of those who exhibit. Job 31:29, 30; Psa. 35:13,14. give no cause for, Prov. 25:17. punishment of, Psa. 34:21; 44:7; 89:23; Amos 1:11. WE SHOULD EXHIBIT, AGAIXST falsC ways. Psa. 119:104, 123. lying, Psa. 119:163. evil, Psa. 97:10; Prov. 8:13. backsliding, Psa. 101:3. hatred and opposition to God, Psa. 139:21, 22. exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4:5,8. Esau, Gen. 27:41. Joseph's brethren, Gen (57 HEA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HEA 37s 4. Men of Gilead, Ttidg. 11:7. Saul, I Sam. ler:8, 9. Ahab, 1 Kin. 22: S. Haman, Esth. 3:5, G. Ene- mies of the Jews, Esth. 9:i, 5 ; Eze. 35:5, 6. Chaldeans, Ban. 3:12. Enemies of Daniel. Dan. G:4-15. Herod ias. Mat. 14:3, 8. The Jews, ^c^s 23:12, 14. ' to Christ : is without cause, Psa. G9:4, with John 15:25. is on account of his testimony against the world, John 7:7. iXVOLVES hatred to his Father. John 15:23,24. hatred to his people, John 15:18. punishment of, Psa. 2:2, 9; 21:8. 110 escape for those who persevere in, 1 Cor. 15:25; Heb. 10:29-31. illustrated, Luke 19:12-14, 17. exemplified. Chief priests, etc.. Mat. 27:1, 2; Luke 22:5. Jews, Mat. 27:22, 23. Scribes, etc., Mark 11:1S : LwA;ell:.5.3, 54. HAUGHT[NESScensured,2Sam.22:2S; Prov. 6:17; 1G:18; 21:4. 24; Ua. 2:11; 3:1G; 13:11; 16:6 ;Jer. 43:29. HAWK unclean, Lev. 11:16. described, Jo6 39:20. HAZAEL appointed to be king of Syria. lA7;ii-s 19:15. Elisha's grief at seeing him, 2 Kings 8:7. he slays Ben-hadad and usurps the kingdom, 2 Kinss 8:15. afflicts Israel, 2Kings 9:14; 10:.32: 12:17; 13:22. HAZOR, city of Canaan, burnt, Josh. 11:10; 15:25. See Judg. 4:2; 1 Kings 9:15; 2 Kings 15:29; Jer. 49:28. HEAD, covered in mourning, 2 Sam. 15:30; Esth. 6:12. in prayer, 1 Cor. 11:4-16. of the church. See Christ. HEALTH, a blessing, Gen. 43:28; Deut. 34:7; Psa. 91:6; Phil. 2:27; 3 John 2. figurative, Ps. 42:11 ; Prov. 3:8 ; 12:18 ; Isa. 58:8; Jer. 8:15; 30:17; 33:6. HEART: issues of life are out of, Prov. 4:23; Mat. 15:IS; God tries, 1 Chr. 29:17; .Ter. 12:3. knows, Psa. 44:21 ; Jer. 20:12. searches, 1 Chr. 28:9; Jer. 17:10. understands the thoughts of, 1 Chr. 23:9; Psa. 139:2. ponders, Prov. 21:2; 24:12. influences, 1 Sam. 10:26; Ezra6:22; 7:27 ; Prov. 21:1 ; Jer. 20:9. creates a new, Eze. 36:20. prepares, 1 Chr. 29:18; Prov. 16:1. opens, Arts l(i:14. enlightens, 2 for. 4:6. Blrenathens, P.^n. 27:14. HEART, cont.— God establishes, Pscu 112:8; 1 Thes. 3:13. SHOULD BE prepared unto God, 1 SaTTi. given to God, Prov. 23:26. perfect with God, 1 Kings 8:61. applied unto wisdom, Psa. 90:12; Prov. 2:2. guided in the right way, Prov. 23:19. purified, Jas. 4:8. single, Eph.6:5; Col. 3:22. tender, Eph.i:32. kept with diligence, Prov. 4:23. WE SHOULD believe with, Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:10. serve God with all, Deut. 11:13. keep God's statutes with all, Deut. 20:16. walk before God with all, 1 Kings 2:4. trust in God with all. Proi;. 3:5. love God with all, Mat. 22:37. return to God with all, Deut. 30:2. do the will of God from, Eph. 6:6. sanctify God in, 1 Pet. 3:15. no man can cleanse, Prov. 20:9. faith, the means of purifying, ^c2; Rev. 10:6. everlasting, Psa. 89:29; 2 Cor. 5:1. immeasurable, Jer. 31:37. high, Psa. 103:11 ; Isa. 57:15. holy,' Deut. 26:15; Psa. 20:6; Isa. 57:15. God"s dwelling-place, 1 Kings 8:30; Maf. 6:9. God"s throne, Isa. 66:1, with ^cf5 7:49. God is the Lord of, Dan. 5:23; Mat. 11:25. reigns in, Psa. 11:4; 135:6; Dan. 4:35. fills, 1 Kings 8:27 ; Jer. 23:24. answers his people from, 1 C/ir. 21:26; 2 Chr. 7:14; Nek. 9: 27 ; Psa. 20: 6 sends his judgments from. Gen. 19:24 ; 1 Sam. 2:10; Dan. A:13, l-l ; Rom. 1:18. Christ as mediator, entered into, Acts 3:21; Heb. 6:20; 9:12,24. prepares a place in, John 14:2. is all-powerful in, 3Iat. 28: IS ; 1 Pet. 3:22. angels are in. Mat. 18:10; 24:36. names of saints are written in, Luke 10:20; Heb. 12:23. saints rewarded in. Mat. 5:12; 1 Pet. 1:4. repentance occasions joy in, Luke 15:7. lay up treasure in, Mat. 6:20; Luke 12:33. flesh and blood cannot inherit, 1 Cor. 15:50. happiness of, described, Rev. 7:16, 17. IS CALLED a garner, Mat. 3:12. the kingdom of Christ and of God, Eph. 5:5. the Father's house, Joh7t 14:2. a heavenly country. Heb. 11:16. a rest, Heb. 4:9; Rev. 14:13. paradise, 2 Cor. 12:2. 4. the wicked excluded from. Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 22:15. Enoch and Elijah were translated into, Gen. 5:24, with Heb. 11:5; '2 Kings 2:11. the new. Rev. 21:1. See REWARD OF SAINTS. HEAVE-OFFERING, Exod. 29:27; Num. 15:19; 18:8.30. HEBREWS, Abraham and his descend- ants so called. Gen. 14:13; 40:15; 43:. 32; Exod. 2:6; 2 Cor. 11:22; Phil. 3:5. instructed concerning Christ's divinity, Heb. 1 ; humanity, Heb. 2; priest- hood. Heb. 3-8 ; and sacrifice, Heb. 9; 10; and exhorted to faith and good works, Htb. 4; 6; 10:19; 12; 13 ; from the examples of the pa- triarchs, etc.. Heb. 11. HEBRON, in Canaan, Abraham dwells there, Gen. 13:18; 23:2. to HEBRON, cont. — the spies come to Num. 13:22. taken, .Tush. 10:36. given to Caleb, Jo5A.14;13; 15.13. David reigns there, 2Sa}n. 2:1; 3:2. 5:1; IChr. 11; 12:38; 29:27. HEEDFULNESS: commanded, £0:0.23:13; Pro.4:25-27. NECESSARY in the care of the soul. Deut. 4:9. in the house and worship of God, Ecd. 5:1. (in what we hear, Mark 4:24. in how we hear, Luke 8: IS. in keeping God's commandments, Josh. 22:"5. in conduct, Eph. 5:15. in speech, Prov. 13:3; Jas. 1:19. in worldly company, Ps. 39:1 ; Col. 4:5. in giving judgment, 2 Chr 19:6, 7. against sin, Heb. 12:15. 16. against unbelief, Heb. 3:12. against idolatry, Deut. 4:15, 16. against false Christs, and false proph- ets, iHat. 24:4,5, 2.3, 24. against false teachers, Phil. 3:2; Col. 2:8; 2Pe^3:16, 17. against presumption, 1 Cor. 10:12, promises to, 1 Kings2:4 , 1 Chr. 22:13 HEE L. figuratively. Gen. 3:15 ; Ps. 49:5 HEIFER employed in sacrifices, etc., Gen, 15:9; Nutn. 19:2; Deut. 21:3; Heb. 9:13. HEIRS of God, etc., Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29; 4; Eph. 3:6; Tit. 3:7; Heb 6:17: Jas. 2:5. HELL : ' a place of torment, Lttke 16:23; Rev. 14:10,11. DESCRIBED AS everlastuig punishment, Mat. 25:46. everlasting fire. Mat. 25:41c everlasting burnings, Isa. 33:14. a furnace of fire, Mat. 13:42, 50. a lake of fire, Rev. 20:15. fire and brimstone. Rev. 14:10, unquenchable fire. Mat. 3:12 devouring fire, Isa. 33:14. prepared for the devil, etc.. Mat. 25:41 devils are confined in, until the judg- ment-day, 2 Pet. 2:4 ; Jude 6 punishment of, is eternal, Isa. 33:14; Rev. 20: 10. ' the wicked shall be turned into. Psa 9:17. human power cannot preserve from, Eze. .32:27. the body suffers in, Mat. 5:29 ; 10:28. the soul suffers in. Mat. 10:28. the wise avoid, Prov. 15:24. endeavor to keep others from, Prov 23:1-1; Jude 23. the society of the wicked leads to, Prov, 5-5; 9:18. the beast,' false prophets, and the devil shall be cast ii:to,i?eu. 19-20; 20:10 Hm BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HOL HELL, cotit. — the powers of, cannot pre- vail ajainst the church, Mat. 1G:1S. illustrated, Isa. 30:33. HE MAN, 1 Kings 4:31 ; Psa. 8S. HEPHZIBAH, Israel called so, Isa. 62:4. HERESIES censured, 1 Cor. 11:19 ; Gal. 5:21); 2 Pet. '2:1. See Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 3:3; 14:33; Phil. 2:3; 4:2; Tff. 3:10; Jude 19. HERMOX. mount, Deut. 4:4S; Josh. 12:5; 13:5; Psa. 89:12; 13^3:3. HEROD (the Great) troubled at Christ's birth, Mat. 2:3. slays the children of Bethlehem, Mat. 2:16. (Antipas) reproved by John the Baptist, beheads him. Mat. 14; Mark 6:14; Luke 3:19. desires to see Christ, Luke 9:9. derides and scourges him, and is recon- ciled to Pilate, Ltcke 23:7 ; Acts i:27. (Agrippa) persecutes the church. Acts 12:1. his pride and miserable death, Acts 12:2:3. HERODIAS' revenge on John the Bap- tist, illaf.U ; MarkC.U; LuA:e3:19. HERODIANS. asect, answered by Christ, Mat. 22:16; Mar/fc 12:13. plotagainsthim, Mar. 3:6; 8:15; 12:13. HESHBON, city of Sihon, taken, Ni(m. 21:26; Beut. 2:2i; Neh. 9:22; Isa. 16:8. HETH, sonsof. Gen. 10:15. their kindness to Abraham, Gen. 23:7. HEZEKIAH, king of Judah, 2 Kings 16:19; (2 C^ir. 2-':27.) abolishes idolatry, 2 Kings 18. restores the temple service, 2Chr. 29. celebrates the passover, 2 Chr. 30. his message to Isaiah when attacked by the Assyrians, 2 Kings 19:1. his prayer, 2 Kings 19: 14. his deliverance, 2 Kings 19:35. his life lengthened, 2 Kings 20:1, his thanksgiving, 75a. 38:9. rebuked for displaying his treasures, 2 Kings 20:IG; (Isa. 39.) repentsat Micah's preaching. J^r. 26:18. death, 2 Kings 20: 20. See 2 Chr. 29- 32; 750. 36-39; Prov. 2-5:1. HIDDEKEL. Gen. 2:14; Dan. 10:4. HIEL rebuilds Jericho, 1 Kings 16:.34. (Joshua's cur God appears there, Exod. 3:1; 17:6; 33:0; Deut. 1:6; 4:10. law given and covenant made at, Exod. 19; 20; Deut. 4:10; 5:2; id; 16; 1 Awig-.f 8:9; Mai. 4:4. Israel's idolatry near, Exod. 32 ; Deut. 9:8: Psa. 106:19. Moses remains there forty days twice, Exod. 24:18; 34:28; Deut. 9:9. also Elijah. 1 Xire. 19:8. SeeMat.A:\. HORIM. [G^ii. 14:6,) driven from Seir bv the Edomites, Deut. 2:12, 22. HORN'S, figuratively mentioned, 1 Sam. 2: 1 ; 2 Sam. 22:3 ; Psa. 75:4, etc. seen in a vision, Da/i. 7:7; 8:3; Hab. 3:4; Rev. 5:%; 12:3 > 13:1; 17:3. of the altar, a place of refuge, 1 Kln^s 1:50; 2:23. HORNETS employed by God as instru- ments of punishment, Exod. 23:28; Deut. 7:20; Josli. 21:12. HORSE described, Job 39:19; Prov. 21:31; Jer. 8:6. HORSES, the kings not to keep many, DefU. 17:16; Psa. 33:17; 147:10. seen in a vision. Zech. 1:8; 6; Rev. 6. HOSANNA, salutation of children to Christ. Mat. 21:9; MarkW-.Q] John 12:13; (Psa. 118:25. 23.) HOSE A, his typical marriage, Hos. 1. declares God's wrath against Israel, Hos. 4:7-10. and his mercy, Hos. 1:10; 2:14; 11; 13; 14. HOSHEA, last king of Israel, his con- spiracy, wicked reign, and captivity, '2 Kings 15:30; 17. HOSPITALITY : commanded. Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9. required in ministers, 1 Titn.3:2; Tit. 1:3. 74 HOSPITALITY, cont. —a test of Chris. tian character, 1 Tim. 5: 10. SPECIALLY TO BE SHOWN TO Strangers, Heb. 13:2. the poor, Isa. 58:7; Luke 14:13. enemies, 2 Kings 6:22, 23; Rom. 12:20. encouragement to, Luke 14:14; Heb, 13:2. exemplified. Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18. Abraham, Gen. 18:3-8. Lot, Gen. 19:2, 3. Laban, Gen. 24:31. Je- thro, Exod. 2:20. Manoah, Judg. 13:15. Samuel, 1 Sawz. 9:22. Da- vid, 2 Sam. 6: 19. Barzillal, 2 .Sam. 19:32. Shunammite, 2 Kings 4:8. Nehemiah. NeJi. 5:17. Job, Job 31:17, 32.' Zaccheus, Licke 19:6. Samaritans, Joh}i 4: 40. Lydia, Acts 16:15. Jason, Acts 17:7. Mnason, Acts 21:16. People of Melita, Ads 28:2. Publius, Acts 23:7. Gaius, SJoh7i 5, 6. HOUR, figurative, Rev. 8:1 ; 9:15. HOUSES, law concerning leprosy in, Lev.U:23. See Deut. 22: S. HOUSE OF GOD, temple: his earthly dwelling. Gen. 28: 17. David desiring to build it, restrained, 2 Sam. 7 ; 1 Chr. 17. his preparations, 1 Chr. 22; 23; 29. built by Solomon, 1 Kin. 6 ; 2 Chr. 3-1. dedicated, and sanctified by God's glory, 1 Kings S; 9; 2Chr. 6; 7. ravaged by Shishak, 1 Kings 14:25; 2 CVtr. 12:9. repaired by Joash, 2 Kings 12:1; 2 Chr. 24. by Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 29. profaned bv Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:7. restored by Josiah, 2 Chr. 34. burned by the Chaldeans, 2 Kin. 25:9: 2C/*r 36:19. Cyrus' decree concerning, 2 Chr. 36:23 : Ezra 1:2; 6:3. Darius' letter concerning, Ezra 6:7. exhortation to rebuild it, Hag. 1. . its glory foretold, Hag. 2:7. rebuilt 'by Zerubbabel, etc., Ezra 3-8. purified, Neh. 13. the traffickers expelled from, by Christ, Mat. 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45; Jo/m 2: 14. its destruction foretold, Mat. 24 ; Mark 13; Luke 21. the apostles teach there, Acts 3, etc. exhortations to assemble there, Psa. Go; 84; 95; 100; 118; 122; Tsa.2:3. typical of Christ, John 2:21 ; Heb. 8:2. the church so called, 1 Tifn. 3:15 ; Heb. 10:21; 1 Pet. 4:17. HUMAN NATURE of Christ : was necessary to his mediatorial office, 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 2:17. IS PROVED BY HIS Conception in the Vir- gin's womb, Mat. 1 : 18 ; Luke 1:31 HUM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. HUM HUMAN NATURE of Christ, cont.— is PROVED BY HIS birth, Mat. 1:16, 25; 1 2:2; I-mA:*; 2:7,11. partaking of flesh and blood, John 1:14; Heb.2:U. having a human soul, Mat. 26:33; Luke2^A6; Acts-2:-3l. circumcision, Luke 2:21. increase in wisdom and stature, Luke 2:52. weeping, Luke 19:41 ; Jo/ui 11:35. hungering, Mat. 4:2; 21:18. thirsting, JoArt 4:7; 19:23. sleeping. Mat. 3:24; JlIarA; 4:3S. being subject to weariness, John 4:6. being a man of sorrows, Lia. 53:3, 4 ; iM^e 22:44; John 11:33; 12:27. being buffeted. Mat. 26:67; Luke 22:64. enduring indignities, Luke 23:11. being scourged, 3Iat. 27:26; John 19:1. being nailed to the cross, Psa. 22:16, with Luke 23-.33. death, John 10:30. side being pierced, John 19:34. burial. Mat. 27:59, 60; Mark 15:46. resurrection. Acts 3:15 ; 2 Tim. 2:3. was like our own in all things except sin. Acts 3:22; Phil. 2:7, 3; Heb. 2:17. was without sin, Heb. 7:20, 23; 1 John 3:5. was submitted to the evidence of the senses. Luke 24:39; John 20:27; 1 John 1:1, ± WAS OF THE SEED OF the Woman, Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; Jer. 31:22; Luke 1:31; Ga/. 4:4. Abraham, Gen. 22:18. with Gal. 3:10; jye6. 2:16. David, 2 Sam. 7:12, 16; Psa S9:.3.5, 36; Jer. 23:5; Mat. 22:42; Mark 10:47; Acts 2:30 ■ 13:23; Rotn. 1:3. genealogy of, Mat. 1:1, etc., Luke 3:2:3, etc. attested by himself. Mat. S: 20;- 16: 1-3. confession of, a test of belonging to God, lJo/i«4:2. acknowledged by me*. MarkG:3; John 7:27; 19:5; Acts 2:22. denied by antichrist, I John 4:3; 2 John 7. HUMILITY: necessary to the service of God, Mic. 6:8. Christ an example of. Mat. 11:29; Jchn 13:14. 15; P/<(j!. 2:5-3. a characteristic of saints, Psa. 34:2. THEY WHO HAVE, regarded by God, Psa. 138:6; Isa. 66:2. heard by God, Psa. 9:12; 10:17. enjoy the presence of God, Isa. 57:15. delivered lay God, Job 22:29. lifted up by God. Jas. 4:10. exalted by God, Luke 14:11 ; 18:14, HUMILITY, cont. — they who haxt:, ara greatest in Christ's kingdom. Mat. receive more grace, Prov. 3:34; Jas. 4:6. upheld by honor, Prov. 18:12; 29:23. is before honor, Prov. 15:33. leads to riches, honor, and life, Prov 22:4. SAINTS SHOULD put on, Col. 3: 12. be clothed with, 1 Pet 5:5. walk with, Eph. 4:1, 2. beware of false, Co;.'2:]S, 23. afflictions intended to produce. Lev. 20:41 ; Deut. 3:3 ; La?n. 3:20. want of, condemned, 2 Chr. 33:23: 36:12; /er. 44:10; Dan. 5:22 temporal judgments averted by, 2 Chr. 7:14; 12:6,7. excellency of, Prov. 16:19. blessedness of. Mat. 5:3. exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 18:27. Jacob, Gen. 32:10. Moses, Exod. 3:11; 4:10. Joshua, JosA. 7:0. Gid- eon, Judg. 6:15. David, 1 Chr. 29:14. Hezekiah, 2 C/ir. 32-26. Ma- nasseh, 2 Chr. 33: 12. Josiah, 2 Chr. 34:27. Job, Jo6 40:4; 42:6. Isaiah, isn. 6:5. Jeremiah, Jer. 1 : 6. John the Baptist, Mat. 3:14. Centurion, Mat. 3:8. Woman of Canaan, Mat. 15:27. Elisabeth, LwA-e 1:43. Pe- ter, Lwie 5:8. Paul, 7lci5 20:19. of Christ : declared by himself. Mat. 11:29. EXHIBITED i-\ HIS taking our nature, Phil. 2:7; Heb. 2:10. birth, Luke 2:4-7. subjection to his parents, Luke 2:51. station in life, Maf. 13:55; Jo/m9:29. poverty, Luke 9:53 ; 2 Cor. 3:9. partaking of our infirmities, Heb. 4:15; 5:7. submitting to ordinances. Mat. 3:13- 15. becoming a servant. Mat. 20:28; Luke 22:27; Phil. 2:7. associating with the despised, Mat. 9:10, 11; Luke 15:1, 2. refusing honors, John 5:41 ; 6:15. enti-y into Jerusalem, Zech. 9:9, v/ith Mat. 21:5, 7. washing his disciples' feet, John 13:5 obedience, John 6:.38; Heb. 10:9. submitting to suff"erings, Isa. 50:0; 53:7, with Acts 8:32; Mat. 26:37- 39. exposing himself to reproach and con- tempt, P»a. 22:6 ; 69:9, with Ro?n. 15:3; Jot. 53:3. death, John 10:15, 17, 18; Phil. 2:8; Heb. 12:2 saints should imitate, Phil. 2:5-8, on account of, he was despised, Mark 6:3; John 9:29. his exaltation, the result of, Phil 2:9l 75 HYP BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JDL HUNGER, and thirst, figuratively men- tioned, Psa. 107.5; Isa 49:10; 55; Mat 5,6; Jo/in6.35; Rev. 7.1G. HUNTER, Nimrod the first. Gen 10.9, Esau, (ren. 27:3. See Jer. 16.10. HUR, son of Caleb, supports Moses' hand, etc, E.rorf. 17:10: 24:14; 31:2; ICAr. 2:19. HUSBANDS : should have but one wife, Gen. 2:24; I Tim. 3:2, 12 have authority over their wives, Gen. 3:16; 1 Cor. 11 3 Eph 5:23. EUTY OF, TO WIVES : to respect them, 1 Pet. 3:7. to love them, Eph. 5:25, etc., Col 3:19. to regard them as themselves, Gen, 2:23, with Mat. 19:5. to be faithful to them, Prov. 5:19. i»I«/. 2:14, 15. to dwell with them for life. Gen. 2:24 ; Mat. 19:3-9. to comfort them, 1 Sam. 1:8. to consult with them, Gen. 31:4-7. not to leave them, though unbelieving, ICor. 7:11, 12, 14, 16. duties of, not to interfere with their duties to Christ, Luke 14:26, with Maf. 19:29. good, exemplified. Isaac, Gen. 24:67. Eikanah, 1 Sam. 1:4, 5. bad, exemplified. Solomon, 1 Kings 11:1 Ahasuerus, .Esi/j. 1:10, 11, , God is, of his church, Isa. 54:5; Hos. 2; iJev. 21:2. HUSBANDMAN, figuratively mention- ed, John 15:1 ; 2 Tim. 2:6 ; Jas. 5:7, parable of the husbandmen. Mat. 21 :33 ; Mark 12- 1; Luke 20:9. HUSHAl, faithful to David, 25am. 15:32. defeats Ahithophel's counsel, '2 Sam. 16:16; 17:5. HYMNS, psalms, sung at the Passover, Mat. ■23:20; Mark U:2G. exhortations concerning, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. HYPOCRITES: God knows and detects, Ira. 29:15, 16. Christ knew and detected, 3Iat, 22:18. God has no pleasure in, Isa. 9:17. shall not come before God. ,Tob 13:10. DESCRIBED AS wllfully blind, Mat. 23:17, 19, 23. vile, Isa. 32:0. self-righteous, Isa. 05:5 ; Luke 18:11. covetous, Eze 33:31; 2 Pet. 2:3 ostentatious, Mat. 6:2, 5, 16 ; 23:5 censorious. Mat. 7.3-5 ; Lu. 13- 14, 15. regarding tradition more than the word of God, Mat. 15-1-3. exact m minor, but neglecting im- portant duties, Mat. 23:23, 24. having but a form of godliness, 2 Tim 3:5. seeking only outward purity, Luke 11:39 76 HYPOCRITES. core«. — DESCRIBED as professing, but not practising. Eze. 33:31,32; Mat. 23;3; Ko7n 217- 23. using but lip-worship, Isa. 29:13, with Mat 15; «. glorying in appearance only. 2 Cor. 5.12 trusting in privileges. Jer. 7:4 r Mat. 3:9. apparently zealous in the things of God, Isa. 5S;2. zealous in making proselytes. Mat. 23:15. devouring widows" houses, Mat. 23.14. loving preeminence, 3Inl. 23,6, 7. worship of, not acceptable to God, Isa. 1:11-15; 58,3-5; Mat. 15:9 joy of, but for a moment, Job20:5. hope of; perishes. Job 8:13, 27:8. 9. heap up wrath. Job 36-13. fearfulness shall surprise, Isa. 33 14 destroy others by slander. Prov. 11-9. in power, are a snare, Job 34-30. the apoatasy lo abound with, 1 Ti??i. 4:2. beware of the principles of, Luke 12:1. spirit of, hinders growth m grace, 1 Pet. 2 I woe to, Isa 29:15; Mat. 23:13. punishment of. Job 15:34; Isa. 10:6, Jer. 42-20. 22; Alat. 24 51. illustrated. iVIai 23-27,28; Lf^/te 11:44, exemplified. Cain, Ge?i. 4:3. Absa- lom. 2 Sam. 15: 7, 8. The Jews. Jer. 3:10. Pharisees, etc., 3Ial. 16.3. Judas, ]\lat. 26:49. Herodians, Mark 12 13, 15 Ananias. Acts 5:1-S, Simon, Acts 8.13-23 HYSSOP, use of, Exo. 12-22; Lev. 14:4; iYwn. 19.6; Psa. 51:7 ; Heb. 9:19. I AM, the divine name, Exod. 3:14. See Isa. 44:6; John 8:58; Kev 1:18, etc. IBZAN, a judge of Israel, .Titdg. 12:8. ICHABOD.l Sam. 4:19; 14:3. ICONIUM, gospel preached there, Acts 13:51; 14:1; 16:2; 2 Ttm. 3:11. IDDO. prophet, 2Chr. 9:29. IDLENESS and sloth: forbidden, Rom. 12:11 ; Heb. 6:12, produce apathy, Prov. 12.27; 26; 15. akin to extravagance. Prov. 18:9. accompanied by conceit, Prov. 26:16. LEADS TO poverty, Prov. 1C:4 ; 20:13. want, Prov. 20:4; 24:34. hunger, Prov. 19:15; 24:34. bondage, Prov. 12:24. disappointment, Prov. 13:4; 21:25. ruin, Prov. 24:30, 31 : Eccl. 10:18. tattling and meddling. 1 Tim. 5:13 effects of, afford instruction to others, Prov. 24.. 30-32. remonstrance against, Prov. 6:6, 9. IDO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. IDO IDLENESS and sloth, con*.— false ex- cuses for, Prov. 20:4; 22:13. illustrated, Prov. 26:14 ; Mat. 25:1R, 26. exemplified. Watchmen, Isa. 56:10. Athenians, Acts 17:21. Tliessalo- nians. 2 Thes. 3:11. IDOLATRY : forbidden, Exod. 20:2, 3; Deut. 5:7. CONSISTS IX making images, Exod. 20:4; Deut. 5:8. bowing down to images, Exod. 20:5 ; Deut.5: BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. INS INDUSTRY, co««. — exemplified. Ra- chel, Gen. >J9:9. Jacob, Gen. 31 :G. Jethro's daughters, Bxo. 2:16. Ruth, Ruth 2: '2, 3. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 11:28. David, 1 &am. 16:11. Jew- ish elders, Ezra 6:14, 15. Dorcas, Acts 9:39. Paul, Acts 18:3; 1 Cor. 4:12. See DILIGENCE. INDWELLING of the Holy Ghost : in his church, as his temple, 1 for. 3: 16. in the body of saints, as his temple, 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16. promised to saints, Eze. 36:27. saints enjoy, Isa. 63:11 ; 2 Tim. 1:14. saints full of, Acts 6:5 ; Epk. 5: IS. IS THE MEANS OF quickening, Rom. 8:11. guiding. John 16:13; Gal. 5:18. fructifying, Gal. 5:22. a proof of being Christ's. Rom. 8:9. a proof of adoption, Rom. b:15; Gal. 4:6. is abiding, IJohn 2:27. THOSE WHO HAVE NOT, are sensual, Jude 19. are without Christ, Rom. 8:9. opposed by the carnal nature, G'a^. 5:17. INFIRMITIES, human, borne bv Christ. /5a. 53:4: Maf. 8:17; ife6.'4:15. INGRATITUDE : a characteristic of the wicked, Psa. 38:20; 2 Tim. 3:2. OFTEN EXHIBITED by relations, Job 19:14. by servants, Job 19:15, 16. to benefactors. Psa. 109:5 ; Eccl. 9:15. to friends in distress, Psa. 38:11. saints avoid the guilt of, Psa. 7:4, 5. SHOULD BE MET WITH prayer, Psa. 35: 1 2, 13; 109:4. faithfulness. Gen. 31:.3S-42. persevering love, 2 Cor. 12:15. punishment of, Prov. 17:13; Jer. 18:20. 21. exemplified. Labau, Gen. 31:6, 7. Chief butler. Gen. 40:2:3. Israel, Exod. 17:4. Men of Keilah, 1 Sam. 23:5, 12. Saul, 1 Sam. 24:17. Na- bal, 1 Sam. 25:.5-ll, 21. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:6. Joash, 2 Chr. 24:22. to God : a characteristic of the wicked, Rom. 1:21. inexcusable. Isa. 1 :2, 3 ; Rom. 1:21. unreasonable, Jer. 2:5, 6, 31 ; Mic. 6:2,3. exceeding folly of. Deut. 32:6. guilt of. P.m. I('6i7.21 ; Jer. 2:11-13. prosperity likely tn produce, Deu. 31 :20 ; 32:15; Jer. 5:7-11. warnings against, Deut. 8:11-14; 1 Saw. 12:24. 25. punishment of, Neh. 9:20-27; Hos. 2:8, 9. illustrated. Isa. 5:1-7; Eze. 10:1-15. INGRATITUD , to God, cont.—exem, plified. Isi ^1, Deut. 32:18. Saul, 1 Sain. 15:17-19. David, 2 Sam, 12:7-9. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 5:18- 21. Lepers. Luke 17:17, 18. INHERITANCE, law of, Num. 27; 36.; Dewf. 21:15. 6Ve first-bor.v. of the children of God, Eph. 1:11; Col. 1:12; 3:24 ; 1 Pet. 1:4. See heirs. INJUSTICE : forbidden. Lev. 19: 15, 35 ; Deut. 10:19, SPECIALLY TO BE AVOIDED TOWARDS tha poor, Exod. 23:6; Prov. '22: ]G. the stranger and fatherless, Exod. 22:21,22; Deut. 24:17; Jer. 22:3. servants, Jo6 31: 13, 14. of the least kind, condemned, Luke 16:10. there is none in God, De^it. 32:4: % Chr. 19:7; Jo6 .34:12. GOD regards, Eccl. 5:S. approves not of. Lam. 3:35, 36. abominates, Proz'. 17:15, 2(t:10. hears the cry of those who suffer, Jos- 5:4. provoked to avenge, Psa. 12:5. brings a curse, Deut. 27:17, 19. a bad example leads to, Exod. 23:2. intemperance leads to, Prov. 31:5. covetousness leads to, Jer. 6:13. SAINTS .SHOULD hate. Prov. 29:27. testify against, Psa. 58:1, 2: Mic, 3:8,9. bear, patiently, 1 Cor. 6:7. take no vengeance for. Mat 5:39. THE WICKED deal with, Isa. 26:10. judge with, Psa. 82:2; Eccl. 3:16; Hab.l:^. practise, without shame, Jef. 6:13, 15; Zeph.3:5. punishment of. Prov. 11:7, 28:8', Amos 5:11, 12; 8:5, 8; 1 Thes. 4:6. exemplified. Potiphar, Gen. 39:20. Sons of Samuel, 1 Sam. 8:3. Ahab, 1 Kings 21:10, 15, 16. Jews, Isa. 59:14. Princes, etc., Da«. 6:4. Ju- das, Mat. 27:4.' Pilate, Mai. 27:24- 26. Priests, etc., ^c«s 4:3. Feslus, Arts 2i:27. INSPIRATION of the Holy Ghost : foretold, Joel 2:28, with Acts 2:16- 18. all Scripture given by, 2 Tim. 3:16 ; 2 Pet. 1:21. DE-s^icv of: to reveal future events, Acts 1:IG; 28:25. to reveal the mysteries of God, Amos 3:7; 1 Cor. 2:10. to give power to ministers, Mic. 3:8: Acts 1:8. to direct ministers, Eze. 3:24-27: Jf^s 11:12; 13:2. to control ministers. Acts 16: G. to testify against sin, 2 Kings 17:13; Neh. 9:30 ; Mic. 3:8 ; John 16:8, ft MODES of : various, Heb. 1:1. 79 mo BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. ISE, INSPIRATION of the Holy Ghost, cont. — MODES OF : by secret impulse, Judg. 13: '25; 2 Pet. 1:21. bv a voice, 7*0. (kS; ylc«5S:29; Rev. '1:10. by visions. Num. 12: G; Eze. 11:24. by dreams, Num. 12^0; Dan. 7:1. necessary to prophesying, Num. 11 :25- 27; -2Clir. 20:14-17. is irresistible, Amos 3:8. despisers of. punished, 2 Chr. 3G:15, IG ; Zech. 7:12. INSTABILITY reproved, Gen. 49:4; Prov. 24:21 ; Epii. 4: 14 ; Heb. 13:9. INSTRUCTION is from God, Job 33: IG; • Psa. 32:8. benefits of. Prow. 1:3; 9:9; Mat.Vi:o2. from parents. Deut. 4:9; 6:7; 11:19; Prov. 1:8. ' from ministers, Deut. 17:9-11 ; 2Chr. 20:20: iVia^. 2:7; LukelQ:lQ\ Heb. 13:7. to be sought. Prov. 19:20 ; 23:12. to be heeded. Proy. 1:8; 4:13; 13:1. leads to life, Proy. 10:17; 2r«??z. 3:1G. danger of neglecting, Psa. 50:17; Prov. 1:24; 5:12; 13:18; 15:.32; Ma«.ll:2I. INTE GRIT Y, examples of, lS«;/z. 12:3; 2 Kings 12: 15 ; 22: 7 ; Job 2:3; Psa. 7:8; 2G: 1 ; 41:12; Prow.ll:3; 19:1; 20:7. INTE.MPE RANGE in food and drink forbidden. Deut. 21:21 ; Prov. 21:17; 23:1 ; Luke 21:31; 1 Cor. 9:25, 27; Phil. 3:19. See gluttony, druxk- ENXESS. INTERCESSION, of Christ, Is. 53:12; Heb.l:2r); Rom. S:3i; I John 2:1. See Luke 23:31. of the Holy Spirit, Rom. S:2G. to be made for king,, etc., 1 Titn. 2:1 ; iiom. 15:30; 2 Cor. 1:11; Eph.\:\ii; G:13; Co/. 4:3; 1 r//e5.5:25; 2Thes. 3:1; He6. 13:18. of Abraham for Sodom, Gen. 18:23. of Lnt, Gea. 19:18. of Judah for Benjamin, Gen. 44:18. of Moses, Exod. .32:11 ; 33:12; Num. 11:2; 12:13; 14:13; Deut. d: IS. of Samuel, 1 Sam. 12:23. of David, 2 S.im. 24:17. of Stephen, Acts 7: GO. of Paul, Ko)n. 10:1 ; 2 T/m. ] :1S ;.4:1G. INTERPRETATION, of dream=, be- longs to God. Gen. 40:8; Prov. 1:6; Dan. 2:27. See dreams. INVISIBLE GOD, Col. 1:15; I Tim. 1:17; Heb. 11:27. IRON, mentioned, De!/^3:11 ; Job 2S:2; Prov. 27:17; Eze. 27:12. made to swim by Elisha, 2 Kings G:6. fi"-uratively, 2 Sam. 23:7; Psa. 2:9; ( Rev. 2:27 ;) Isa. 45:2 ; Da?i. 2:33. 40. IRONY, examples of, Judg. 10:14; I Kings ] 8: 27 ; Jo6 12:1; Eccl. 11:9; .4OT0S 4:4. 80 ISAAC promised, Gen. 15:4; 17:16: ly:10. born. Gen. 21:2. delivered from being offered, Gen. 22. marries Rebecca, Gen. 24:67. denies his wife, Gen. 26:7. covenant with Abimelech, Ge7i. 26:26. blesses Jacob, Gen. 21:21 \ 28:1; and Esau, Gen. 27:39. death, Gen. 35:29. See Rom. 9:10; Heb. 11:20. ISAIAH, (Esaias,) prophet, Isa. 1:1. his vision of the glory of God, 75a 6. sent to Ahaz, Isa. 7. and Hezekiah, /.fa. 37:6; 38:4; 39:3 j [2Kings\Q:2\ 20.) becomes a sign, Isa. 29. prophesies concerning various nations, Isa. 7; 8; 10; 13-23; 45-47. quoted in 3Ia«. 3: 3; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17 13:14; 15:7; Mark\:2; Luke2:A 4:17; John 1:23; 12:38; Actse:22 28:25; Pow. 9:27; 10:16; 15:12. ISHBOSHETH, son of Saul, made king, 2 Sam. 2:3; 3:1. treacherously slain, 2 Sam,. 4. ISHMAEL, son of Abraham, Gen. 16. blessed and circumcised, Gen- 17:20,23 cast out, but preserved, Gen. 21:17. death. Gen. 25:17. descendants. Gen. 25:12; IChr. 1:29. . son of Nethaniah, slays Gedaliah, 2 kings 25: 7 ; Jer. 40 :! 4 ; 41 . ISRAEL, Jacob, Gen. 32:28; 35:10. ISRAELITES, their bondage in Egypt, Exod. 1-12. keep the first passover, Exod. 12. their departure from Egvpt, Exod. 12:31. pass the Red sea, Exod. 14. miraculously fed, Exod. 15:23; 16; 17:1; Num. 11; 20. twice numbered, Num. 1 ; 26. God's covenant with, Exod. 19; 20; Deiit.20:\0. journey under God's direction, Exod. 14:1,19; Num. 9:15; Psa. 78:14. their encampment, Num. 2. and marches. Num. 10:14. their stations \n the wilderness. Num. 33. their murmurings in the wildernessj Exod.16; 17; Nmn. 11; 14; 16:14; 20. their various rebellions, etc., Deut. 1 ; 2; 9; 2 Kings 17; Psa. 78; 105; 106 ; Ezra 9 ; Neh. 9 ; Eze. 16 ; 20-, 22; 23; Acts 1:39; 1 Cj)r. 10:5. subdue Amalek, Exod. 17. defeat the Canaanites and Midianites, Nutn. 21 ; 31. enter and subdue Canaan. Josh. 1, etc. delivered and governed by judges. Judg. 2, etc. and by kings, 1 Sam. 10, etc. ; 2 Sam. : 1 and 2 kings ; 1 and 2 Chr. JAC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JEH ISRAELITES, roH^— carried captive to Assyria, 2 Kings 17. and to Babylon, 2 Kings 25; 2Chr. 3G ; Jer. 39 ; 52. their state there, Esth. ; Dan. ; Eze. their return, Ezra ; Neh. ; Hag. ; Zer.h. their history an example, 1 Cor. 10:6. See JEWS. ISSACHAR, son of Jacob, Gen. 30: IS; 35:2:3. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:14. and by Moses. Deut. 33:18. his descendants, Gen. 46:13; IChr. 7:1 ; Judg. 5:15. numbered, Num. 1:23; 26:23. his inheritance, Josh. 19:17; Eze. 48:33; Rev.",:!. ITHA.AIAR. son of Aaron, Exod. 0:23; Lev.iO-.Q. his charge, Num. 4. descendants, 1 Chr. 24. ITHIEL, ProtJ. 30:1. ITTAI. fidelity to David, 2 Sam. 15:19; 18:2. IVORY, Solomon's throne of, 1 Kings 10:18; 2C/ir. 9:17. palaces of, Fsa. 45:3; Amos 3:15, JAAZANIAH, his secret idolatry, Eze. 8:11; 11:1. JABAL. Gen. 4:20. JABESH-GILEAD, men of, slain. Judg. 21. delivered from the Ammonites by Saul. 1 -Sam. 11. their gratitude, 1 Sam. 31:11; 2 Sam. 21:12; IChr. 10:11. blessed by David, 2 Sam. 2:5. JABEZ, prayer of, answered, 1 CAr. 4:10. JABIN, kiufj of Hazor, subdued by Joshua, Jos/i. 11. bv Barak, .Tudg. 4. JACHIN, (He shall establish,) pillar of the temple, 1 Kin. 7:21 ; 2 Chr. 3:17. JACINTH, A'er. 9:17; 21:20. JACOB born. Gen. 25:26. obtains the'birthright, Gen. 25:33 ; and the first blessing, GeJi. 27:27. sent to Padan-aram, G^n. 27:43 ; 23:1. his vision and vow, Gen. 28:10. his marriages, Geii. 29. his sons, Gen. 29:31 ; 30. his dealings with Laban, Gen. 31. his vision at Mahanaim, Gen. 32:1. his prayer, Gen. 32:9. wrestles with an angel. Gen. 32:24; Has. 12:3. meets Esau, Gen. 33. builds an altar. Gen. 35:1. his love for Joseph and Benjamin, Gen. 37; 42:38; 43. goes down to Etrypt, Gen. 46. brought before Pharaoh, Gen. 47:7. blesses his sons. Gen. 48 ; 49. his death, and burial, Gen. 49:33; 50. 6 JACOB, cont.—See Psa. 105:23; Mai 1:2; Rom. 9:10; Heb. 11:21. JAEL kills Sisera, Judg. 4:17; 5:24. JAHAZIEL comforts Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 20:14. JAIR, judge, Judg. 10:3. JAIRUS, his daughter raised, 3Iai. 9:18 ; Mark 5:22; Luke S:A1. JAMES, brother of John, called, Mat. 4:21; Mark 1 :19 ; Luke 5: W. present at Christ's transfiguration. Mat. 17:1; aiark 9:2; Luke Q:2S. at his passion, Mat. 26:36 ; Mark 14:33. rebuked for ambition, 3Iat. 20:20; Alark 10:35. and for desiring to persecute, I,(/te9:54. slain by Herod. Acts 12:2. See Mark 5:37; 13:3; Acts 1:13. , son of Alpheus, kinsman of our Lord, Mat. 10:3; Mark 3:18; 6:3- LwA:e6:15; Ads 1:13; 12:17. his decision concerning circumcision, etc.. Acts 15:13. See Acts 21:18; 1 Cor. 15:7; GaZ. 1:19; 2:9. exhorts the believing Jews to patience, Jas. 1 ; 5:7; to charity, Jas. 2; and to government of the tongue, Jas. 3 ; and against covetousness. pride, and other vices, Jas. 4 ; 5. JANNES. 2 Tim. 3:8 ; {Exod. 7:11.) JAPHETH blessed. Gen. 9:27. his descendants, Gen. 10:1 ; 1 Chr. 1:4. JASHOBEAM, one of David's warriors, his valiant deeds, 1 Chr. 11 :11, 16. JASON persecuted. Acts 17:5; Rom. 16:21. JASPER, Exod. 28:20; Eze. 28:13; Rev. •1:3; 21:11,18,19. JAVAN, Gen. 10:2. country of, 75a. 66:19; Ese. 27:13, 19. JAVELIN, Aum. 25:6; 1 Sam. 18:10; 19:10. JAWBONE, miraculous, Jwrfg". 15:15. JEALOUSY, trial of, Num. 5:11; Prov. 6:34; Soiig 8:6. of God, Exod. 20:5, etc., Deut. 29:20; Psa. 78:58; Eze. 8:3; 16:33; Zeph.l:lS; Zech.l.U; ICor. 10:22. JEBUSITES, Gen. 15:21 ; Num. 13:29. occupy Jerusalem, Jo5/i. 15:03; Judg. 1:21; 19:11. expelled by David, 2 Sam. 5:6. JEDIDIAH. Solomon, 2 Sam. 12:25. JEDUTHUN. musician in the temple, 1 Chr. 25:6 ; P.-ca. 39 ; 62 ; 77. JEHOAHAZ. (Shallum,) king of Judah, his evil reign, 2 Kings 23:31 ; 2 Chr 36:1. prophecy concerning, Jer. 22:10. . king of Israel, his wicked reign, 2 Kings 10:35. his supplication heard, 2 Kings 13:4. JEHOIACHIN, (Coniah, Jecoiifah,)king of Judah, his evil reign and captivity, 2ivm^5 24:G; 2 Chr. 36:8. 81 JEH BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JER JEHOIACHIN, row^— kindness shown to. by f] vil-Merodach, 2 Kin. 25:-27; Jer. 52:31. prophecy concerning, Jer. 22:24. JEHOIADA, high-priest, slays Athaliah, and makes Jehoash king, 2 Kings 11:4; 2CAr. 2:3 restores the worship of God, 2 Chr. 2;3. repairs the temple, 2 Kings 12:7; 2 Chr. 24:6. JEHOIAKIM, king of Judah, his evil reign and captivity, 2 Kings 23:34; 24:1 ; 2Chr. 36:4 ; Dan. 1:2. prophecy concenring, Jer. 22:18. JEHORAM. (Joram,) king of Judah, his wicked reign, 1 Kings 22:50 ; 2 Kin. S:16. slays his hrethren, 2 Chr. 21 :4. Elijah's prophecy to, 2 Chr. 21:12. his miserable death, 2 Chr. 21 : 18. , (Joram.) king of Israel, son of Ahab, 2 Kings 1:17. his evil reign. 2 Kings 3. rebuked by Elisha. and delivered from the Moabites, 2 Kings 3:13. Naaman sent to, 2 Kings 5:5. dismisses Syrian captives, 2 Kin. G:2l. threatens Elisha, 2 Kings 6:31. delivered from the Syrians. 2 Kings 7. slain by Jehu, 2 Kings 9:24. JEHOSHAPHAT, king of Judah, his good reign, 1 jK(«^s 15:24; 2 Chr. 17. associates with Ahab, I Kings 22; 2 Chr. ]8; and Joram, 2 Kings 3:7. rebuked by Jehu, visits his kingdom, 2 Chr. 19. proclaims a fast, 2 Chr. 20. comforted by Jahaziel, 2 Chr. 20:14. delivered from the Ammonites, etc., 2C/ir. 20:22. reproved by Eliezer. 2 Chr. 20:37. death. 1 Kings 22:50 ; 2 Chr. 21 : 1. JEHOSHEBA preserves the life of Joash, 2 Kings 11; 2 C-^r. 22:11. JEHOVAH, Exod. 6:3; Psa. 83:18; /5a. 12:2; 26:4; usually rendered by Lord, (in small capitals.) JiREii, (the Lord will see, or provide,) Gen. 22:14. Nissi, (the Lord mv banner,) Exod. 17:15. Shalom, (the Lord send peace.) Judg. 6:24. TsiDKENU, (the Lord our righteous- ness.) Jer 23:6; 33:16. SiiAMMAH, (the Lord is there.) Eze. 48:35. JEHU, son of Hanani. prophesies against Baasha, 1 Kings 16:1. rebukes Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 19:2; 20:34. , son of Nimshi, appointed king of Israel, I Kings 19:16. anointed, 2 Kings 9:1. kills Joram and Ahaziah, 2 iitn^J 9:24 82 JEHU, cont. — cuts off the family of Ahab, and the worshippers of Baal, 2 Kings 10. his idolatry, 2 Kings 10:29. death, 2 Kings 10::34. JEPHTHAH, his covenant with the Gil- eadites, Judg. 11 :1. message to the Ammonites, Judg. 11:14. his vow, Judg. 11:30, 34. his victory, Judg. 11:32. chastises the Ephraimites, Judg. 12. JEREMIAH, his call and visions, Jer. 1. mourns for Josiah, etc., 2Chr. 33:25; Lam. 1. his mission, Jer. 1 :1 7; 7; etc. smitten by Pashur, Jer. 20. his complaint, Jer. 20:14. message to Zedekiah, Jer. 21:3; 34:1. foretells the seventy years' captivity, Jer. 25:8. apprehended and delivered, Jer. 26. rebukes Hananiah, Jer. 28:5. his letter to the captives, Jer. 29. buys a field while in prison, Jer. 32. praying, is comforted, Jer. 32:16; 33. proves the Rechabites, Jer. 35. his roll read, Jer. 36. imprisoned, Jer. 37:13.; 38. released by Ebed-melech. J(r. 38:7. supplication to Zedekiah. Jer. 38:17. kindlv treated by the Chaldeans, Jer 39:11 ; 40. entreats Johanan, etc.. to remain in Judah, Jer. 42. rebukes their hypocrisy, Jer. 43 ; 44. carried into Egypt, Jer. 43:4. comforts Baruch, Jer. 45. prophesies against various nations, Jer. 46-51. delivers his prophecy to Seraiah, Jer. 51:59. See Mat. 2:17; 10:14; 27:9. JERICHO, spies sent there. Josh. 2:1. its walls fall down, Josh. 6:'20; [Heb. 11:30.) rebuilt by Hiel, 1 Kings 16:34. JEROBOAM I., promoted by Solomon, 1 Kings 11:2a. Ahijah's prophecy to, 1 Kings 11 :29. made king, 1 Kings 12:20; 2Chr. 10. establishes idolatry, 1 Kings 12:26. his hand withereth, etc., 1 Kings 13. his house denounced, 1 Kings 14:7. defeated by Abijah. 2 Chr. 13. death 1 Kings U:'l9. JEROBOAM il., his wicked yet pros- perous rein^n, 2 Kings 14:23. JERUSALEINI, king of, opposing Joshua, slain. Josh. 10. its position. Josh. 15:8 ; 18:23. conquered. Judg. 1:8. Jebusites remain, Judg. 1:21. expelled by David, 2 Sam. 5:6. the ark brought there, 2 Sain. 6. saved from pestilence, 2 Sam. 24: 16. JES BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JES JERUSALEM, coni.— temple built, I Kings 5-8 : 2 Chr. 1-7. ravaged by Shishak, i Kings 14:25; 2 Chr. 12 ; and by Joash, 2 Kings 14:14; 2 67jr. 25:24. delivered from Sennacherib, 2 Kings 18,19; '2 Chr. 32; /sa. 36 ; 37. taken by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 3(3; Jer. 39; 52. rebuilt, Ezra 2, etc. ; Neh. 2, etc. Christ brought there, Luke 2:22, 42. his public entry into. Mat. 21 :1 ; Mark 11:1; Lwie 19:29; John V2A2. he laments over it. Mat. 23:37 ; Luke 13:34; 19:41. foretells its destruction, Mat. 24 ; Mark 13; ij/yfce 13:34; 17:23; 19:41; 21. gospel first preached there, Acts 2 ; 3. See Eze. IG; 2;3 ; also Psalms and Prophets passim. — - — , the new, {Gal. 4:23,) described, Rev. 21. JESHUA (.Joshua.) high-priest, returns from the captivity, Ezra 2:2; 3:2; Hag. 1:1. typically mentioned, ZecA. 3:1 ; 6:11. JESHURUN. Israel so called, ' De««. 32:15; 33:5,26; Lm. 44:2. JESSE, father of David, Ruth A:22. Samuel sent to, 1 Savi. 16. his descendants. 1 Chr. 2:13. JESTING, unsuitable, Eph. 5:4. JESUS CHRIST, HIS life : the Sou of God, and the Son of man. John 1 ; Mat. 1; Luke 1 ; Heb. 1; 2 ; etc. genealogies. Mat. 1 ; Luke 3:23. his conception and birth at Bethlehem, Mat. 1:13; 2:1; Luke 1:30; 2:6; (foretold, Lsa. 7:14; Mic. 5:2.) proclaimed by angels, Luke 2:9. visited by shepherds, Luke 2:16. worshipped by wise men from the east, Mat. 2:1 ; (Psa. 72:10.) circumcised, Luke 2:21. flight to Egypt, Mat.2:l3; [Has. 11:1.) blessed by Simeon, Luke 2:25. questions the doctors in the temple, Luke 2:16. is subject to his parents, Luke 2:51. is baptized by John and receives the Holy Spirit, Mat. 3:13; Markl:d; Luke 3:21; .Tohn 1:32; 3:34; Acts 10:3S, etc., (lsa. 11:2; 61:1.) his temptation. Mat. 4; Mark 1:12; Lukel; Heb. 2:14, 18. begins to preach the gospel and heal the sick. Mat. 4:12; Mark 1:14; Luke 1:IG; (Zsa. 9:1; 35:5; 61:1.) calls the apostles, Mat. 4:18; Mark 1:16; Luke 5:10; John 1:38. sermon on the mount, Mat. 5 ; 6; 7. conversation with Nicoclemus, John 3. and with a woman of Samaria, Joh7i 4. heals the,nobleman's son, John 4:40. JESUS CHRIST, HIS life, cont.— re- stores several possessed with devils, Mark 1 : 21 ; Luke 4 : 31 -^—Mat. 8 : 28 ; Mar^5:l; Luke S:^7 —Mat. 'J :32; 12:22; Luke 11:14;— Mat. 17:14j Mark 9:17; Luke t?sl8:13; 2Chr. 34:8. JOANNA, wife of Herod's steward, min- isters to Christ, Luke S:2, 3; 24:10. JOASH, (Jehoash.) king of Israel, his evil reign, 2 Kings 13:10. visits Elisha sick, 2 Kings 13:14. defeats the Syrians, 2 Kings 13:25. chastises Amaziah, 2 Kings 14:8; 2 Chr. 25:17. > , king of Judah, preserved by Je- ho^heba, 2 Kings 11 ; 2 Chr. 22:10 made king by Jehoiada, 2 Kings 11:4 ; 2 Chr. 23. repairs the temple, 2Xi'?i.l2; 2 C/ir. 24. kills Zechariah, 2Chr. 24:17-21. chastised by Syrians, and slain by his servants, 2 Kings 12:19; 2 Chr. 24:23. J\)B, his character. Job 1:1, S ; 2:3 ; Eze. 14:14, 20. his great afflictions. Job 1:13 ; 2:7. his patient submission, Jod> 1:20 ; 2:10; Ja5. 5:11. his complaint, Job 3. his answers to his friends, Job C ; 7 ; 9 ; 10; 12-14; IG; 17; 19; 21; 23; 24; 2G-30. declares. his integrity, Job 31. his confession, Jo6 40: 3; 42:1. his prosperity. Job 42: 10. JOCHEBED, mother of Moses, Exod. 2:1; 6:2U; Nii>n. 2G:59. JOEL declares God's judgments, Joel 1-3. proclaims a fast, Joel 1:14 ; 2. declares God's mercy to the penitent, Joel 2:12; 3. JOHANAN warns Gedaliah, Jer. 40: S. rescues the Jews, Jer. 41:11. his pride and hypocrisy, Jer. 42 ; 43. takes Jeremiah to Egypt, Jer. 43: G. JOHN, the Baptist, his coming foretold, Isa. 40:3; Mnl. 4:5; Mat. 11:14; 17:12; Marki):!!; Luke 1:17. his birth and circumcision, Luke 1:57. his office, preaching, and baptism. Mat. 3 ; Mark 1 ; Luke 3 ; John 1 : G ; 3 : 2G ; Acts 1:5; 13:24. baptizes Christ, illai. 3:1G, 17; Mark 1 ; Luke 3. sends his disciples to Christ, Mat. 11 : 1 ; Luke 7:18. Christ's testimony to, Mat. 11:1 ; Luke 7:27. imprisoned for reproving Herod, Mat. 4: 12 ; Mark 1 : 14 ; Luke 3: 20. beheaded, Mat. 14; Mark G:14. his disciples receive the Holy Ghost, Acts 1^:2A; 19:1. JOHN, the apostle, called, Mat.- i:2l; Markl:\9; Luke 5 :1Q. ordained. Blat. W:2] i^Iar^- 3rl7 ; 13:3; Luke 22:8; Acts 1:13. reproved, Mat. 20:20; Mark 10:35; Luke 9:54. Christ's love for, John 13:23; 19: 2G; 21:7,20,24. 86 JOHN, cont. — his care for Mary the Lord's mother, John 19:27. accompanies Peter before the council, Acts 3 ; 4, etc. his vision of Christ's glory, Rev. 1:10. commanded to eat the book. Rev. 10:9. forbidden to worship the angel, Rev. 19:10; 22:8. declares the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ. John 1 ; 1 John 1 ; 4 ; 5. exhorts to obedience of His command- ments, ] John 2 ; 3. and warns against false teachers, IJohn 4 ; 5. See 2 and 3 John. , Mark, Acts 12:12. accompanies Paul and Barnabas, Acts 12:25; 13:5. but returns home, Acts 13:13. their contention concerning him. Acts 15:36. commended by Paul, 2 Tiin. 4:11. JONADAB, (Jehonadab,) son of Rechab, assists Jehu, 2 Kings 10:15. his descendants' obedience, Jer. 35:6. JONAH, prophet, 2 Kings 14:25. his disobedience, and punishment, Jo- nah 1 . his prayer, Jonah 2. preaches at Nineveh, Jonah 3. reproved for murmuring at God's mer- cy, Jonah 4. a type of Christ, Mat. 12:39; Luke 11:29. JONATHAN, a Levite, hired by Micah, J udg. 11:7. deserts and robs him, Judg. IS. , son of Saul, miraculously smites the Philistines, 1 Sam. 13:2; 14. disregards Saul's vow. 1 Satn. 14:2, 27. his love for David, l Sam. 18:1; 19: 20; 23:16. slain by the Philistines, 1 Snm. 31:2. David's lamentation for, 2 Sam. 1:17. , one of David's soldiers, his deeds, 2 Saw. 21:21 ; IChr. 20:7. JOPPA, 2Chr. 2:1G; Jonah 1:3. Tabitha raised at. Acts 9:36. Peter dwells at; ^rts 10:5; 11:5. JOHDAN, waters of, divided for Joshua, Josh. 3; 4; Psa. 114:3. for Elijah and Elisha, 2 Kings 2:8, 13. Naaman's leprosy cured at, 2 Kings 5. iron swims in, 2 Kings 6:4. John baptizes there, Mat. 3 ; Mark 1 :5 ; LukeS-.S. See Job i0:2:i; Psa. 42:6; Jer. 12:5; 49:19; Zech. 11:3. JOSEPH, son of Jacob, Gin. .30:21. See Psa. 105:17; Acts 7:9; Heb. 11:22. his dreams. Gen. 37:5. sold to the Ishmaelites, Gen. 37:23. subject to Potiphar, Gen. 39. resists temptation, Gen. 39:7. interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's sef vants. Gen. 40. and of Pharaoh, Gen. 41 .25. advanced, Geti. 41:39. JOY BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JOY JOSEPH, cont. — prepares for the famine, Gen. 41:43. deals with his brethren, Gen. 42-45; and the Egyptians, Gen. 47:11. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 46:30; 48; 49:2-2. buries Jacob, Gen. 50. his charge conceruing his bones, Gen. 50:25. his descendants. See ephraim, UTtd MANASSEH. , husband of Mary, an angel ap- pears to hina, 3Iat. 1:19; 2:13, 19; Luke 1:27. Christ subject to, Luke 2:4. of Arimathea, buries Jesus in his own sepulchre. Mat. 27:57; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:50; JoAm 19:38. (Barsabas,) Acts 1:23; 15:22. JOSHUA, (Jehoshua, Oshea, Jesus,) dis- comfits Amalek, Exod. 17:9. ministers toftloses, Exod. 24:13; 32:17; 3:3:11. sent to spy out Canaan, Num. 13: IG. resists the murmurers, Num. 14: G. appointed Moses' successor. Num. 27:18; 34:17; Deut. 1:.3S; 3:2S; 34:9. encouraged by the Lord, Josh. 1. his charge to the officers, Josh 1:10. passes Jordan, Josh. 3. erects a memorial, Josh. 4. renews circumcision. Josh. 5. takes Jericho, Josh. G. punishes Achan, Josh. 7. subdues Ai, Josh. 8. deceived by the Gibeonites, Josh. 9. conquers several kings. Josh. 10-12. divides the land, Josh. 14-21 ; Heh. 4:8. charges the Reubenites, etc., Josh. 22. exhorts the people, Josh. 23. rehearses God's benefits, Josh. 24. renews the covenant. Josh. 24:14. his death, Josh. 21:29; Judg. 2:8. his curse fulfilled, Josh. 6:26 ; 1 Kings 16:34. See jeshua. JOSIAH, prophecy concerning, 1 Kings 13: 2 ; fulfilled, 2 Kings 23: 15. his good reign, 2 Kings 22. repairs the temple, 2 Kings 22:3. the book of the law found. 2 Ki)igs 22:8. Huldah's prophecy to, 2 Kings 22:15. causes the law to be read and observed, 2 Kings 23. his solemn passover, 2 Chr. 35. slain by I'haraoh-necho, 2 Kings 23:29. See 2 Chr. 34 ; 35. JOTHAM, son of Gideon, his parable, Judg. 9: 7. , king of Judah, his good reign, 2 Kings 15:32; 2 Chr. 27. JOY: God gives, Eccl. 2:26; Psn. 4:7. Christ appointed to give. 7.va.61:3. is a fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22. the gospel, good tidings of, Luke 2:10, JOY, cont. — God's word affords, Neh. 8:12; Jer. 15:16. the gospel, to be received with, 1 Thes. 1:6. promised to saints, Psa. 132:16; Isa, 35:10; 55:12; 56:7. prepared for saints, Psa. 97:11. enjoined to saints, Psa. 32:11; Phil. 3:1. fulness of, in God's presence, Psa. 16:11. vanity of seeking, from earthly things, Ecd. 2:W, 11; '11:8. EXPERIENCED BY believers, Luke 24:52; ^c;slG:34. peacemakers, Prov. 12:20. the just, Prov. 21:15. the wise, and discreet, Prov. 15:23. parents of good children, Prov. 23:24. increased to the meek, Isa. 29:19. OF SAINTS IS in God, Psa. 89:16; 149:2: Hab. 3:18; Koni. 5:11. in Christ, Luke 1 :47; Phil. 3:3. in the Holy Ghost, Ro}n. 14:17. for election, Luke 10:20. for salvation, Psa. 21:1 ; Isa. 61:10. for deliverance from bondage, Psa. 105:43; Jer. 31:10-13. for manifestation of goodness, 2 Chr. 7:10. for temporal blessings, Joel 2:23, 24. for supplies of grace, Lsa. 12:3. for divine protection, Ps. 5:11; 16:8. 9. for divine support, Psa. 28:7 ; 63:7. for the victory of Christ, John 16:33. for the hope of glory, Rotti. 5:2. for the success of the gospel, Acts 15:3. OF SAINTS, SHOULD BE great, Zech. 9:9; Acts S:S. abundant, 2 Cor. 8:2. exceeding, Psa. 21:6; 68:3. animated, Psa. 32:11 ; Luke 6:23. unspeakable, 1 Pet. 1:8. full of glory, I Pet. 1:8. constant, 2 Cor. G:10; Phil. 4:4. for evermore, 1 Thes. 5:16. with awe, Psa. 2:11. in hope, Rom.. 12:12. in sorrow, 2 Cor. 6:10. under trials, Jas. 1:2; 1 Pet. 1 :6. under persecutions. Mat. 5:11 12; Luke 6:22, 23; Heb. 10:34. under calamities, Hab. 3:17, 18. expressed in hymns, Eph. 5:19; Jas. 5:13. afflictions of saints succeeded by. Psa. 30:5; 126:5; 75o. 35:10; Jo/i« 16:20. pray for restoration of, Psa. 51:8, 12; 85:6. promote, in the afflicted, Job 29:13. OF SAINTS, MADE FULL BY the faVOr of God, Acts 2:2S. faith in Christ, Rom. 15:13. abiding in Christ, John 15:10, 11. the word of Christ, John 17:13. answers to nraycr, Jo/irt 16:24. '" 87 lOY BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. J [ID JOY", COnt. — OF SAINTS, MADE FULL BY communion of saints, 2 Tim. 1:4; lJo/ml:3, 4; 2 Jo/m 12. saints should afford, to their ministers, Phil. 2:2; PJule. 20. MINISTERS SHOULD esteem their people as their, P/iil. 4:1; 1 Thes. 2:2U. promo-te, in their people, 2 Cor. 1 :24 ; PA (7. 1:25. pray for, for their people, Rom. 15:13. have, in the faith and holiness of their people, 2Cor. 7:4; 1 Thes. 3:9; 3 John 4. come to their people with, Rom. 15:32. finish their course with, Acts 20:24. desire to render an account with, Phil. 2:16; HeO. 13:17, serve God with, Psa. 100:2. liberalitv in God's service should cause, lC/!r."29:9, 17. is strengthening to saints, Neh. 8:10. saints should engage in all religious services with, Ezra6:2'2; Psa. 42:4. saints should have, in all their under- takings, Deut. 12: IS. saints shall be presented to God with exceeding. 1 Pet. 4:13, with Jude 24. the coming of Christ will afford to saints exceeding, 1 Pet. 4:13. shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment-day, Slat. 25:21. OF THE WICKED is derived from earthly pleasures, Eccl. 2:10; 11:9. is derived from folly, Prov. 15;2l. is delusive, Prov. 14:13. is short-lived, Jo6 20: 5; Eccl. 7:6. should be turned into mourning, Jas. 4:9. shall be taken away, Isa. 10:10. holy, illustrated, 75a. 9:3; Mat.\3:\\. holy, exemplified. Hannah, 1 Sam. 2:1. David, 1 C'Ar. 20:9. Wisemen, Mat. 2:10. The Virgin Mary, Licke 1:47. Zaccheus, Luke 19 :G. Con- verts, Acts 2:46 ; 13:52. Peter, etc.. Acts 5:41. Samaritans, Acts S:Si Jailer, Acts\G:3\. in heaven over repentant sinners, Luke 15:1, 10. of Christ in his disciples, John 3:29; 17:13; Heb. 12:2. of Paul in the faith and obedience of the churches, 2 Cor. 1:24; 2:3; 7:13; Phil. 1:4; 2:2; 4:1; 1 Thes. 2:19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:4; Phile. 7. also of John, 3 John 4, «- of God over his people greatness of, described, Zeph. 3:17. ON ACCOUNT OF THEIR repentance, Luke 15:7,10. faith, Heb. 11:5, G. fear of him, Psa. 147:11. praying to him, Prov. 15:8, hope in his mercy, Psa. 147:11. meekness, Psa. 149:4. uprightness, 1 Chr. 29:17 : Pro. 11:20. 88 JOY of God over his people, coni — lteaus HIM TO prosper them. Dent. 30:9. do them good, Deut. 2«:'6.' ; Jer. 32:41. deliver them, 2 Sam. 22:20 comfort them, 75a. 05:19. give them the inheritance, Num. 14:3. illustrated, 75a 02:5; Luke 13:23. 24. exemplified. Solomon, 1 Kings 10:9. JUDAH, son of Jacob, Gen. 29:35. his supplication to Jacob, Gen. 43:3. to Joseph, Gen. 44:18; — 46:28. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:8. by Moses, Deut. 33:7. his descendants, Gen. 3S; 46:12; Judg 1:1-20; 1 CAr. 2-4. numbered, Nmn. 1:26; 26:19. their inheritance, Josh. 15. they make David king, 2 Sam. 2:4. and' adhere to his house, 1 Kings 12 2 Chr. 10; 11. See jews. JUDAS, (Jude, Lebbeus, Thaddeus.'. apostle, J(7aM0: 3; Mark3:lb; 6:3; Lukei5:l&; Acts 1:13. his question to our Lord, John 14:22. exhorts to constancy in the faith. Jud 3, 20. and describes and warns against fals» disciples, Jude 4, etc. LscARioT, il7ai;.10:4; Mark3:10 Luke 6:16; Jo/m 6:70. betrays his Master, Mat, 26:14, 47; Mark 14:10, 43; Luke 22:3, 47, John 13:2Q] 18:2. his remorse and death. Mat. 27:3; Acts \:1S. foretold, Psa. 109. JUDGE of all, God. Gen. 18;25; Judg. 11:27; P5a. 9:7; 50; 58:11; 6t:5; 75:7; 94:2; E ccl. 3:11 \ 11:9; 12:14; Heb. 12:23; Rev.U.lS; 18:8; 19:11. JUDGES to be appointed, Deut. 16:18; Ezra 7:25. their duty, Exod. 18:21; 23:3; Lev. 19:15; Deut. 1:16; 17:8; <2Chr. 19:6; Psa. 82; Prov. 18:5; 24:23; 31:8. Jehoshaphat's charge to, 2 Chr. 19:6. unjust ones, 1 Sam. 8:3; 7sa. 1:23; Mic. 7:3; Luke 18-2; hateful to God, Prot?. 17:15; 24:24; 7sa.5:20i 10:1. EXTRAORDINARY, raised up to delivei Israel. Judg. 2:16. during 450 vears. Acts 13:20. upheld by God, Judg. 2:18. remarkable for faith. Heb. 11:32. instances, Judg. 3-16; 1 Sam. 3:19. end of their labors, Judg. 2:17-19. JUDGMENT, rash, forbidden, Mat. 7:1| Luke6:31; 12:57; Johnl:21] 8:7- Ro7}i. 2:1; 14; Ja5.4:ll. JUDGiAIEXT, the last : predicted in the Old Testament, 1 Chi 16:33: P5a. 9:7; 96:13; Eccl. 3:17 a first principle oif the gospel, Heb 6:2. JUD BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. JUD JUDGMENT, the last, cont.—a. day ap- pointed for, Acts 17:31 ; Rom. 2: IG. time of. unknown to us. Mark 13; 32. CALLED, THE day of Wrath, Rom. 2:5; Rev. 6:17. revelation of the ris;hteous judgment of God, Rom. 2:5. day of judgment and perdition of un- godly men, '2 Pet. 3:7. day of destruction, Job 21:30. judgment of the great day, Jude 6. shall be administered by Christ, John 5:22, 27; Acts 10:42; Ron. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:10. saints shall sit with Christ in, 1 Cor. 6:2; Rev. 20:4. shall take place at the coming of Christ, Mar 25:31; 2r(Vrt. 4:1. of heathens, by the law of conscience, Rom. 2:12,14,15. of Jews, by the law of Moses, Rom. 2:12. ■ of Christians, by the gospel, Jas. 2:12. SHALL BE HELD UPO.\ all nations, Mat. 25:32. allmHH, Heb. 9:27; 12:23. small and great, Rev. 20:12. the righteous and wicked, Eccl. 3:17. quick and dead, 2 Tim. 4:1 ; 1 Pet. 4:5. shall be in righteousness, Psa. 9S:9; Jc^5 17:31. the books shall be opened at, Dan. 7:10. SHALL BE OF ALL actions, Eccl. 11:9; 12:14; Rev. 20:13. words. Mat. 12:.36, .37; Jude ^ 5. thoughts, Eccl. 12:14; 1 Cor.\:5. none, by nature, can stand in, Psa. 130:3; 143:2; Boot. 3:19. saints shall, through Christ, be enabled to stand in, Rom. 8:33, 34. Christ will acknowledge saints at. Mat. 25:34-40; Rev. 3:5. perfect love will give boldness in, 1 John 4:17. saints shall be rewarded at, 2 Tim. 4:3; Rev. 11: IS. the wicked shall be condemned in, Mat. 7:22,23; 25:41. final punishment of the wicked will succeed, Mat. 13:40-42; 25:40. the word of Christ shall be a witness against the wicked in, John 12:48. its decisions final, Rev. 22:11. THE CERTAINTY OF, A MOTIVE TO re- pentance, 4rt~ 27. Josiah, Jer. 22: 15. Joseph, Luke 23:50, 51. Apostles, 1 Tkes. 2:10. of God : is a part of his character, Deut. 32:4) J5a. 45:21. DECLARED TO BE plenteous, Job 37:23. incomparable. Job 4:17. incorruptible, Deut. 10:17; 2 Chr, 19:7. impartial, 2 Chr. 19:7 ; Jer^ 32:-19. unfailing, Zeph. 3:5. undeviating, Jo6 8:3 ; 34:12. without respect of per.sons, Rom. 2:11 j Col. 3:25; 1 Pet. 1:17. the habitation of his throne, Psa. 89:14. not to be sinned against, Jer. 50:7. denied by the ungodly, Eze. 33: 17, 20. EXHIBITED IN forgiving sins, 1 John 1:9. redemption, Rojn. 3:26. his government, Psa. 9:4; Jer. 9:24. his judgments. Gen. 18:25; Rev. 19:2. all his ways, Eze. 18:25, 29. the final judgment, Actsi't:31. acknowledge, Psa. 51:4, with Rom. 3:4, magnify. Psa. 9S:9; 99:3, 4. JUSTIFICATION before God : promised in Christ, Isa. 45:25 \ 53:11. is the act of God, Isa. 50:8 ; Rom. 8:33. UNDER THE LAW requires perfect obe- dience, Lev. 18:5, with Rom. 10:5; 2:13; Jas. 2:10. man cannot attain to. Job 9:2, 3, 20;- 25:4; Psa. 130:3; 143:2, with Rom. 3:20; 9:31,32. UNDER THE GOSPEL, is not of WOrks, Actsl3:39; Rom. S:3; Ga^. 2:16; 3:11. is not of faith and works united. Acts 15:1-29; Rom. 3:28; 41:6; Gal. 2:14-21; 5:4. is by faith alone, John 5:24; Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:30; 5:1; Gal. 2:16. is of grace, Kom. 3:24 ; 4:16; 5:17-21. in the name of Christ. 1 Cor. 6:11. by imputation of Christ's righteous- ness, Isa. 61:10; Jer. 23:6; Rom. 3:22; 5:18; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2Cor. 5:21. by the blood of Christ, Rom. 5:9. bv the resurrection of Christ, Rom. '4:25 •. 1 Cor. 15:17. KIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. KIK JUSTIFICATIOX before God, cont.— UNDER THE GOSPEL, blessediiess of, Psa. 3-2:1, 2, with Rom. 4:G-S. frees from condemnation, 75a. 50:8, 9; 54:17, with Rom. 8:33, 34. entitles to an inheritance. Tit. 3:7. insures glorification, Rom. 8:30. the wicked shall not attain to, Exod. 23:7. BY FAITH, revealed under the old dispen- sation, Hab. 2:4, with Rom. 1:17. excludes boasting, Ro7n. 3:27; 4:2; ICor. 1:29, 31. does not make void the law, Ro7n. 3:30, 31 ; 1 Cor. 9:21. typified, Zech. 3:4, 5. illustrated, Luke 18:14. exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 15:6. Paul, P/u7. 3:8, 9. See FAITH. K. KADESH-BARNEA, Israel murmurs there. Num. 13; 14; Deut. 1:19 Josh. 14:6. KE'DAR, Gen. 25:13. See Psa. 120:5 Song 1:5; Jer. 2:10; Eze. 27:21. prophecies concerning, Isa. 21:16 42:11 ; G0:7; Jer. 49:2S. KEDRON, (Cedron,) brook near Jerusa- lem, passed by David in affliction, 2 Sam. 15:23. and by Christ, John 18:1. idols destroyed at, I Kings 15:13; 2 Kin. 2S:6; 2Chr. 29:16; Jer. 31A0. KEILAH, Jo5/t. 15:44. delivered by David, 1 Sa7n. 23:1. ingratitude of, 1 SaJ7i. 23:12. KENITES, Gen. 15.19. . Balaam's prophecy concerning. Num. 24:20. See 1 Sam. 15:G; 27:10. KERCHIEFS idolatrous. Eze. 13:13. KERIOTH. Jer. 48:24, 41 ; Amos 2:2. KETURAH, Abraham's descendants by, Ge/i.25; IChr. 1:32. KEY of David, Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7. KEYS of heaven. Mat. 16:19. of hell, Rev.l-.IS; 9:1. KID. law concerning, Exod. 2:3:19 ; Deit. 14:21. used in offerings, etc.. Leu. 4:23; 16:5; 23:19, etc. KIDNEYS, in offerings for sacrifices, burnt, Exod. 29:13; Lev. 3:4, etc. of wheat. Deut. 32:14. KINDNESS, exhortations to, Ruth 2 3; Pror. 19:22; 31:26; Rom.l2:10 1 Cor. 13:4; 2Cor. 6:6; Eph.'i:32 Col. 3: 12 ; 2 Pet. 1 : 7. See charity etc. KINE, Pharaoh's dream of, Gen. 41:2. two miraculously guided, 1 Sam. 6:7. KINGS : desired by Israelites, 1 Sam. 8. their manner described, 1 Sam. 8:10. sin of Israel in asking, 1 Sam. 12: 17. KINGS, cont. — first given m anger, Hos. 13:11. several chosen by God, 1 Sam. 9:15; 16:1; IChr. 28:4; I Ki7igs 11:31; 19:15,16; Dan. 2:21. • their anointing, I Sam. 10:1; 16:13: 1 Ki7iffS 1 :38 ; 2 Kings 9:6; 11 r 4. removed by God, 1 Kings 11:11 : Dan 2:21. Christ is the Prince of. Rev. 1:5. Christ is the King of, Rev. 17:14. rule by direction of Christ, Prov. 8:15. supreme judges of nations, 1 Sa7n. 8:5. resistance to, is resistance to the ordi- nance of God. Rom. 13:2. able to enforce their commands, Eccl. 8:4. numerous subjects, the honor of, Prov. 14:28. not saved by their armies, Psa. 33: 16. dependent oji the earth, Eccl. 5:9. should fear God. Deut. 17:19. serve Christ, Psa. 2:10-12. keep the law of God, 1 Kings 2:3. study the Scriptures, Deut. 11:19. - promote the interests of the church, JEsra 1:2-4; 6:1-12. nourish the church. Isa. 49:23. rule in the fear of God, 2 Sa7n. 23:3. maintain the cause of the poor and oppressed, Prov. 31:8, 9. investigate all matters, Prov. 25:2. not pervert judgment, Prov. 31:5. prolong their rule by hating covetous^ ness, Prov. 28:16. throne of, established by righteousness and justice, Prov. 16:12; 29:14. SPECIALLY WARNED AGAINST impurity, Pror. 31:3. lying. Prov. 17:7. hearkening to lies, Prov. 29:12. intemperance, Prov 31:4, 5. the go.-pel to be preached to, Acts 9:15: 26:27,28. foolish are oppressors. Prov. 28:16. often reproved by God, 1 Chr. 16:21. must not oppose Christ, Psa. 2:2-12. WHEN GOOD, regard God as their strength, P5a. 99:4. speak righteously, Prov. 16:10. love righteous lips, Prov. 16:13. abhor wickedness. Prov. 16:12. discountenance evil, Prov. 20:8. punish the wicked, Prov. 20:26. favor the wise, Prov. 14:35. honor the diligent, Prov. 22:29. befriend the good, Prov. 22:11 are pacified by submission, Prov. 16:14; 25:15. evil counsellors should be removed from. 2 Chr. 22:3, 4, with Prov. 25:5. curse not, even in thought, Exo. 22:23: Eccl. 10:20. speak no evil of, Jo6 34: 18; 2 Per 2:10, pay tribute to. Mat. 22:21 ; Ron%. 13:0,7. 91 KNE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LAM KINGS, cont. — be not presumptuous be- fore, Prov. 25:6. SHOULD BE honored, Ro7n.lS:7; 1 Pet. 2:17. feared, Prov. 24:21. reverenced. I Sam. 24:3; \ Kings 1:23,31.' obeyed, Rom. 13:1. 5 ; 1 Pet. 2:13. prayed for, 1 Tim. 2:1, 2. folly of resisting, Prov. 19:12; 20:2. punishment for resisting the lawful authority of, Rom. 13:2. guilt and danger of stretching out the hand against, 1 Saw. 2G:9; 2 Sam. 1:14. they that walk after the flesh despise, •2 Pet. 2:10; JudeQ. good, exemplified. David, 2 Sam. 8:15. Asa, 1 Xi'ng-s 15:11. Jehoshaphat. 1 Kings 22:43. Amaziah, etc., 2 Kin. 15:3. TJzziah, etc., 2Kings 15:34. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 1S:3. Josiah, 2 Kings 22:2. Manasseh, 2Cliron. 33:12-10. KING OF KINGS, ITim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14. SeePsa. 2:6; 10:16; 24:7; 110, etc. ; /sa.32:l; ZecA. 9:9; Lwie 2:3:2; 1 Tim. 1:17; iier. 1:5; 15:3. KINGDOM of God, IChr. 29:11; Psa. 22:28; 45:6; 145:11; Isa. 24:23; Da;i. 2:44. of Christ. See christ the king. of heaven, Mat. 3:2; 8:11; 11:11; 13:11. parables concerning, Mat. 13:24. who shall enter. Mat. 5:3 ; 7:21 ; Luke 9:62; Jo/m 3:3; Acts U:-22\ Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 6:9; 15:50; 2Thes. 1:5. KINSMAN, right of, claimed, Ruth 3:14. performed, Rut/ii. KIR, 2Kings 16:9; 7sa. 15:1; 22:6; tIwios 1:5; 9:7. KIR-HARES ETH, 2 Kings 3: 25 ; Tsa. 10:7, 11. KIRIATSATM, Gen. 14:5; Jer. 48:1, 23. ^JRIATH-JEARLM, JosA. 9:17; 18:14; IfAr. 13:6. men of, fetch the ark, 1 Sa7}i. 7:1; 1 Chr. 13.5; 2 CAr. 1:4. KISH, Saul's father, 1 Satn. 9:1. KISS, of charity, i Pet. 5:14; Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 T/ies. 5:20. given as mark of affection, Gen. 27:27 ; 29:11; 45:15; 48:10; 1 Sam. 10:1; 2:):41; Luke7:3S; 15:20; Acts20:ti7. given treacherously. 2 Sam. 20:9 ; Mat. 26:43; Luke '2±i». idolatrous, 1 Kings 19:18; Jo& 31:27; Ho5. 13:2. KITE, unclean, Lev. 11:14; Deut. 14. KNEELING used in prayer. 2 Chr. 6:13; Ezra 9:5; Psa. 95:6; .Da?i. 6:10; Acts 7 -.GO; 9:40; 21:5; £pA.3:14. 92 KNOWLEDGE of God, etc.. given by mm, Exod. 8:10; .31:3; '2 Chr. 1:12; Pm. 94:10; Prov. 2:0; Ecd. 2:20; Jer. 24:7; Dan. 1:17; 2:21; Maf. 11:25; 13:11; 1 Cor. 1:5; 2:12- 12:8. blessings resulting from, Psa. 89:15; Prov.l:4,7; 3:13; 4; 9:10; 10:14; Eccl. 7:12; Mai. 2:7; Eph. 4:13: J«5. 3:13; 2 Pet. 2:20. danger of the want of. Has. 4:6; Jer. 4:22; Prot\ 1:22; 19:2; Ro7n.l-28- 1 Cor. 15:34. to be prayed for, John 17:3; 2 Pet. 3:18; Eph.2:\S; Col. 1:0. and sought, Pror. 12:1 ; 13:16: 18:15; 21:11; 1 Cor. 14:1; Heb.G:!; 2 Pet 1:5. abuse of, 1 Cor. 8:1. responsibility of. Num. 15:30; Deut. 17:12; Luke 12:47; John 15:22; Ro7}i. 1:21; 2:21; Jas. 4:17. . vanity of human, Eccl. 1:18 ; I.ta. 44:25; 1 Cor. 1:19; 3:19; 2 Cor. 1:12." tree of knowledge of good and evil, Gen. 2:9, etc. KOHATH, son of Levi, Gen. 46:11. descendants, Exod. 6:18; 1 Chr. 6:2. their charge. Num. 4:15; 10:21; 2 C/ir. 29:12; 34:12. KORAH, (Core,) Dathan, etc., their sedition and punishment, Nu7n. 16; 20:9; 27:3; JudeU. LABAN, hospitality of, Ge7i. 24:29. gives Jacob his two daughters, Gen. 29. oppresses him. Gen. 30:27; 31:1. his covenant with him, Ge/i. 31:43. LABOR, appointed to man, Ge7i. 3:19; Psa. 104:23; 1 Cor. 4:12. when blessed by God, Prov. 10:10; 13:11; Eccl. 2:24; 4:9; 5:12,19. vanity of all human, Eccl. 2:18. of the mind, etc., Jer. 51:58; Hab. 2:13; Mat. 11:28; iie6.4:ll; CoL 4:12. LABORER, hire of, Luke 10:7; 1 Tm. 5:18. See hire. parable of the laborers, Mat. 20. LACEISH conquered, JosA. 10:31 ; 12:11 ; See 2KingsU:i9] 18:14; Jer. 34:7; Mic. 1:13. LADDER in Jacob's vision, Gen. 28: 12, See John 1:51. LAISH taken by stratagem, Judg. 18:14; Jsa. 10:30. LAKE of fire, who cast therein, Rev. 19:20; 20:10; 21:8. LAMBS : OFFERED i\ SACRIFICE, Lev. 3:7. from earliest times. Gen. 4:4 ; 22:7. in the Passover, Exod. 12:3, 6. in great numbers, 2 Chr. 35:7. by the wicked, Isa. l-.ll ; 66:3. LAW BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. LAW liAMBS. cont. — shepherd's care for, Isa. 4U:lI. ILLUSTRATIVE of Christ's purity, 1 Pet. 1:19. Christ's sacrifice, John 1 : 29 ; Rev. 5:G. people of God, Isa. 5:17; TT.:(). any cherished object, 2 Sam. 12:3, 9. weak believers, Isa. 40:11; John 21:15. Christ's patience, Isa. 53:7 ; Acts'6:'i-2. persecuted ministers, Luke 10:3. Israel deserted, Hos. 4:1G. wicked men, Psa. 37:20; Jer. 51:40. See JESUS christ. LAIWE, the, forbidden to exercise the priest's office, Lev. 21:18. expelled from Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 5:S. healed by Christ, Mat. 11:5; Luke 7:22 ; and the apostles. Acts 3; 8:7. animals not to be offered for sacrifices. Deut. 15:21 ; Mai. 1:8, 13. LA^Ml'XH, descendant of Cain, his wives and sons. Gen. 4:13. , father of Noah, his prophecy. Gen. 5:25, 29. LA:\1E>.TATI0N for Jacob, Gen. 50. David's, for Saul and Jonathan. 2 Sam. 1:17;' for Abner, 2 Sam. 3:31. for Josiah, 2Chr. 35:25; La77i. 1, etc. forTyrus, Eze. 2G:17; 27:30; 2c:: 12. for Pharaoh, Eze. 32. for Christ, Luke 23:27. for Babylon, Bei'. 1S:10. LAMP, ((;eH. 15:17.) to burn perpetually, Exo. 27:20 ; 25:37 ; 30:7; Lev. 24:2, etc.; Nu7?i. 8. lamps in heaven, Zech. 4:2; Kev.A:5. parable concerning, Mat. 25:1. LAXD.MARKS not to be removed, Deut. 19:14; 27:17; Prov. 22:28: 23:10; Job2A:2. LANGUAGES confounded. Gen. 11. gift of, by the Holy Ghost. Mark W:M; Acts 2:7, S; 10:40; 19:6; 1 Cor. * 12:10; 14. LAODICEANS. epistle to. Rev. 1:11; 3:14. See Col. 2:1 ; 4:13,10. LASCIVIOUSNESS, whence proceed- ing, Mark 7:21 ; Gal. 5:19. censured, 2 Cor. 12:21; Eph. 4:19; 1 Pet.i-.i; JudeA. LAUGHTER, unseasonable, censured, Gen. 18:13; Eccl. 2:2; 3:4; 7:3; Proy. 14:13. LAVE R of brass in the tabernacle, Exo. 30:18; 38:3; 40:7; sanctified, Lev. 8:11. ten lavers in the temple, 1 Kings! -.^S. illustrative of Christ, Zech. 13:1 : Rev. 1:5. and regeneration, Eph. 5:26; Tit. '3. 5 LAW of God : is absolute and perpetual. Mat. 5:18. GIVEN to Adam, Gen. 2:10, 17, with Rom.5.l2~U. to Noah, Gen. 9:6. LAW of God, cont. —given to the Israel- ites, Ji. ro, Exod. 2:15; 3:1; Num. 22:1,^4; Hab. 3:7. ensnare the Israelites, Num. 25:6. spoiled, Num. 31:1. oppressing Israel, subdued by Gideon, Judg. 6-S. See Psa. 83:9; Isa. 9:4; 10:20; 60:6. , land of, Moses flees there, Exod. 2:15. SeelKingsllilS; Isa.6i):6; Hab. 3:7. MIDNIGHT, prayer made at, Ps. 119:62 ; Luke G:]2; ^m 10:25; 20:7. MIDWIVES, in Enrypt, Exod. 1:16. blessed by God, Exod. 1:20. MIGHTY men of David, 2 Sa7n. 23:8 ; 1 Chr. 11:10. MILCAH, Gen. 11:29; 22:20, MILCO^I, god of the Ammonites, wor- shipped by Solomon, 1 Kings 11:5, 33; 2 Kings 23:13. MILETUS, Paul's address to the elders 3Lt,,Acts 20:15; (2 Titn. 4:20.) MILK, figurative of fertility, Josh. 5:6. of instruction, Isa. 55:1 ; 1 Cor. 3:2 Heb. 5:12; 1 Pet. 2:2. See Song 4:11; Isa. 7:22; 60:16. MILLENNIUM, foretold. Rev. 20:2. A TIME of general holiness, Jer. 31:33; Zech. 14:20; Ro7n. 11:20,27. of peace, Psa. 72:3, 7; Mic. 4:3. ofknowledgcZsa. 11:9; 29:18; 33:6; Heb.S:l\.' of plenty, Psa. 72:7; Isa. 60:5. of happiness, Isa. 25:8; 35:10. of renewal of all things, Isa. 11:6,' 40:4; 41:18; 55:13; 65:25 See CHRIST THE KING. MILLO, house of, .Tudg. 9:6. MILLSTONES, Exo. 11:5; Ma^ 24:41: Rev. 18:21. MIND, God to be served with the, Mat. 22:37; ilJar/t 12:30; Rom.7:25. enlightened, Heb. 8:10; 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 13:11. oneness of, 1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 2:2; 1 Pef. 3:8. willingness of, 1 Chr. 28:9 ; Neh.i:Q\ 2 Cor. 8:12. MINISTERS : called by God, Exo. 28:1 , with Heb. 5:4. qualified by God, 2 Cor. 3:5, 6. commissioned by Christ, Mat. 28:19. sent by the Holy Ghost, Acts 13:2, 4. have authority from God, 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10. authority of, is for edification, 2Cor. 10:8; 13:10. separated unto the gospel, Rom. 1:1. intrusted with the gospel, 1 Thes. 2:4. DESCRIBED AS ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20. ministers of Christ, 1 Cor. 4:1. stewards of the mysteries of God, 1 Cor. 4:1. defenders of the faith, Phil. 1:7. specially protected by God, 2 Cor. 1:10. necessity for, Rodi. 10:14. excellency of, Rofn. 10:15. labors of, vain, without God's blessing, 1 Cor. 3:7; 15:10. compared to earthen vessels, 2 Cor. 4:7. SHOULD BE pure, Isa. 52: 11 ; 1 Titn. 3:9. holy, Z-eu. 21:6; Tit. 1:S. humble. Acts 20:19. patient, 2 Cor. 6:4 ; 2 Ti)n. 2:24. blameless, 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:7. willing, Isa. 6:8; 1 Pet. 5:2. disinterested, 2 Cor. 12:14 ; 1 Thes. 2:6. impartial, 1 Tim. 5:21. gentle, 1 Thes. 2:7 ; 2 Tim. 2:24. devoted. Acts 20:24 ; Phil. 1:20, 21. strong in grace, 2 Tim. 2:1. self-denying, 1 Cor. 9:27. sober, just, and temperate, Tit. 1:3. hospitable, 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8. apt to teach, 1 Ti7n. 3:2 ; 2 Tim.. 2:24. studious and meditative, 1 Tim. 4:13- 15 105 MIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MIR MINISTERS, cont. — should be watch- ful, 2 Tim. 4:5. prayerful, Eph. 3:14; Phil. 1:4. strict in. ruling their own families, 1 Tm. 3:4, 1-2. affectionate to their people, Phil. 1:7; iThes. 2:8,11. ensamples to the flock, Phil. 3:17; 2 Thes. 3:9 ; 1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 5:3. SHOULD is'OT BE lords over God's herit- age, IPet. 5:3. greedy of filthy lucre, Acts 20:33; 1 Tim. 3:3,8; \ Pet. 5:2. contentious, 1 Ttw. 3:3; r<«. 1:7. crafty, 2 Cor. 4:2. men-pleasers, 6^0^.1:10; 1 Thes. 2:4. easily dispirited, 2 Cor. 4:8, 9; G:10. entangled by cares, Luke 9: GO; 2 Tim. 2:4. given to wine, 1 Tim. 3:3 ; T/f. 1 : 7. should seek the salvation of their flock, 1 Cor. 10:33. should avoid giving unnecessary of- fence, 1 Cor. 10:32, 33; 2Cor. G:3. should make full proof of their minis- try, 2 Tim. 4:5. jiRE BOUND TO preach the gospel to all, MarArl6:i5; 1 Cor. 1:17. feed the church, Jer. 3:15; John 21:15-17; ^Ic^s 20:23; I Pet. o:2. build up the church, 2 Cor. 12:19; Eph.\:\2. watch for souls, Heb. 13:17. pray for their people, Joel 2; 17; Col. 1:9. strengthen the faith of their people, iityfce 22:32; Acts 14:22. teach, 2Ttw. 2:2. exhort. Tit. 1:9; 2:15. warn affectionately. Acts 20:31. rebuke, Tit. 1:13; 2:15. comfort, 2Cjr. 1:4-6. convince gainsayers, Tit. 1:9. war a good warfare, 1 Tint. 1:18: 2 Tim. 4:7. endure hardness, 2 Tim. 2:3. SHOULD PREACH Christ crucified, Acts 8:5,35; 1 Cor. 2:2. repentance and faith, Acts 20:21. according to the oracles of God, 1 Pet. 4:11. everywhere, ilfari; 16:20; Acts 8: i. not with enticing words of man's wis- dom, ICor. 1:17; 2:1, 4. not setting forth themselves, 2 Cor. 4:5. Without deceitfulness, 2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2; IThes. 2:3,5. fully, and without reserve. Acts 5:20; 20.20,27; Rom. 15:19. with boldness, Isa. 53:1; Eze. 2:6; Mat. 10:27, 23. with plainness of speech, 2 Cor. 3: 12. with zeal, I Tkes. 2:8. with constancy. Acts 6: 4 ; 2 Tim. 4 : 2. with rorisiste:icy, 2 Cor. 1:18, 10. 106 MINISTERS, con<. — SHOULD preach with heedfulness, 1 Tim. 4:16. with good will and love, P/if7. 1:15-17. without charge, if possible, 1 Cor. 9:18; 1 Thes. 2:9. woe to those, who do not preach the gospel, 1 Cor. 9:16. WHEN FAITHFUL, approve themselves as the ministers of God, 2 Cor. 6:4. may hope to be means of saving souls, i»Iar;t 1:17; I Tim. 4:10. thank God for his gifts to their people, ICor. 1:4; Phil. 1:3; lThes.3:9. glory in their people, 2 Cor. 7:4. rejoice in the faith and holiness of their people, 1 Thes. 2:19,20 ; 3:6-9. commend themselves to the con- sciences of men, 2 Cor. 4:2. are rewarded, Dan. 12:3; Mat. 24:47; Jo/i/i4:36; 1 Pet. 5:4. WHEN UNFAITHFUL, described. Is. 56:10- 12; Tit. 1: 10, n. deal treacherously with their people, John 10: 12. delude men, Jer. 6:14. seek gain, Mic. 3:11 ; 2 Pet. 2:3. shall be punished, Eze. 33:6-8; Mat. 24:43-51. THEIR PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO regard them as God's messengers, 1 Cor. 4:1; Gal. 4:14. attend to their instructions, Mai. 2:7; Mat. 23:3. follow their holy example, 1 Cor. 11:1; Phil. 3:17. imitate their faith, Heb. 13:7. hold them in reputation, Phil. 2:29; IT/tes. 5:13; 1 Tim. 5:17. love them, 2 Cor. 8:7; 1 Thes. 3:6. pray for them, Ro7n. 15:30; 2 Cor. 1:11; Eph. 6:19; Heb. 13:18. obey them, 1 Cor. IG: 16 ; Heb. 13: 17. give them joy, 2 Cor. 1:14; 2:3. help them, Rom. 16:9; Phil.-A:3. support them, 2Chr. 31:4; ICor. 9:7-11; Ga^. 6:6. pray for the increase of. Mat. 9:38. faithful, exemplified. The eleven apostles. Mat. 28:16-19. The sev- enty, Luke. 10:1. 17. Matthias, ^cis 1:26. Philip, Acts S:5. Barnabas, Acts 11:23. Simeon, etc., .lets 13:1. Paul, Acts 28:31. Tychicus, Eph. 6:21. Timothy, P/ii7. 2:22. Epaph- roditus. Phil. 2:25. Archippus, Co^. 4:17. Titus, Tit. 1:5. MIRACLES: power of God necessary to, John 3-2. DESCRIBED AS marvellous things, Psa. 78:12. marvellous works, Isa. 29:14; Psa. 105:5. signs and wonders. Jer. 32: 21 ; John 4:4S; 2 Cor. 12:12. MANIFEST the glory of God, John 11:4. the glory of Christ, John 2:11 ; 11:4. MIR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK MIR MIRACLES, font.— MANIFEST the works of God, Jo/(H 9:3. . were evidences of a divine commission, E'.TOfi. 4:1-5; J^Iar^- 16:20. the IMessiah was expected to perform. Mat. 11:2, 3; John 7:31. Jesus was proved to be the Messiah by, Mat. 11:4-6; /o/«/i 5:36; Acts -l.-l-l. Jesus was followed on account of, Mat. 4:23-25; Jo/;;i6:2, 20. a gift of Che Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:10. VERB PERFORMED by the power of God, ActsV\:Z\ 15:12; 19:11. by the power of Christ, Mat. 10:1. by the power of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12:2«; Rom. 15:19. in the name of Christ, Mark 16:17; ^ris3:16; 4:30. first preaching of the gospel confirmed by, Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:4. they who wrought, disclaimed all power of their own, Acts 3:12. should produce faith, John 2:23 ; 20:30. should produce obedience, Btut. 11:1- 3; 29:2,3,9. instrumental to the early propagation of the gospel, J.ci 15:24. • of Christ : water turned into wine, .Tohn 2:6-10. nobleman's son healed. John 4:46-53. centurion's servant healed. Mat. 8:5-13. draught of fishes, Luke 54-6; John 21-6. devils cast out, Mat. 8:28-32 ; 9:32, 33 ; 15:22-28; 17:14-18. Peter's wife's mother healed. Mat. 8:14. lepers cleansed, Ma«. 8:3; LukelT-.H. paralytic healed, Mark 2:3-12. withered hand restored, Bint. 12: 10-13. impotent man healed, John 5:. 5-9. the. dead raised to life. Mat. 9:18, 19, 23-25; Lw. 7:12-15; Jo/j» 11: U-i'L MIRACLES of Christ, cont.—iesne of blood stopped, Mat. 9:20-22. the blind restored to sight. Mat. 9:27- 30; iViarA; 8:22-25; John 9:1-7. the deaf and dumb cured, MarA; 7:32-35. the multitude fed, Mat. 14:15; 15:32. his walking on the sea. Mat. 14:25-27. Peter walking on the sea. Mat. 14:29. tempest stilled. Mat. 8:23-26; 14:32. sudden arrival of the ship, John 6:21. tribute money, Mat, 17:27. woman healed of iirfirmity, Luke 13:11-13. dropsy cured, Luke 14 : 2-4. fig-tree blighted. Mat. 21:19. Malchus healed, Luke 22:50, 51. performed before the messengers of John, Luke 7:21, 22. many and divers diseases healed, Mat. 4:23,24; 14:14; 15:30; Markl:3i; Luke 6:17-19. his resurrection, Luke 24:6, with John 10:18. his appearance to his disciples, the doors being shut, .Tohn 20:19. through servants of God : Moses and Aaron : rod made a serpent, E.xod.A:3; 7:10. rod restored, Exod. 4:4. hand made leprous, Exod. 4:6. hand healed, Exod. 4:7. water turned into blood, Exod. 4:9, 30. river turned into blood, Exod. 7:20. frogs brought, Exod. 8:6. frogs removed, Exod. 8:13. lice brought, Exod. 8:17. flies brought, Exod. 8:21-24. ' flies removed, Exod. 8:31. murrain of beasts, Exod. 9:3-6. boils and blains brought, Exod. 9:10, 11. hail brought, Exod. 9:23. hail removed, Exod. 9:33. locusts brought, Exorf. 10:13. locusts removed, Exod. 10:19. darkness brought, Exod. 10:22. the first-born destroyed, Exod. 12:29. the Red sea divided, Exod. 14:21, 22. Egyptians overwhelmed, Exo. 14:26- 23. water sweetened, Exod. 15:25. water from rock in Horeb, Exod. 17:6. Amalek vanquished, Exod. 17:11-13. destruction of Korah, Num. 16:28-32. water from rock in Kadesh, Num. 20:11. healing by brazen serpent, Num. 21:8, 9. Joshua : waters of Jordan divided, Josh. 3:10-17. Jordan restored to its course, Josh. 4:18. Jericho taken, Josh. 6:6-20. the sun and moon stayed, Josh. 10: 12- 14. Midianites destroved, Judg. 7:16-22. 107 MIR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MIS MIRACLES through servants of God, cont. — Samson : a lion killed, Judg. 14:6. Philistines killed, Judg. 14:19; 15:15. the gates of Gaza carried away, Judg. 16:3. Dagon's house pulled down, Judg. 16:30. Samuel : thunder and rain in harvest, 1 Sam. 12:18. THE PROPHET OF JuDAH : Jeroboam's hand withered, 1 Kings 13:4. the altar rent, 1 Kings 13:5. the withered hand restored, 1 Kings 13:6. Elijah : drought caused, 1 Kings 17:1 ; Jas. 5:17. meal and oil multiplied, 1 Kings 17:14-16. a child restored to life, 1 Kin. 17:22, 23. sacrifice consumed by fire, 1 Kings 18:36, 33. men destroyed by fire, 2 Kin. 1:10-12. rain brought, 1 Kings 18:41-45 ; Jas. 5:18. •waters of Jordan divided, 2 Kings 2: 8. Elisha : waters of Jordan divided. 2 Kings •2:U. •waters healed, 2 Kings 2:21, 22. children torn by bears, 2Ki)igs 2:24. oil multiplied^ 2 Kings 4:1-7. child restored to life, 2 Kings 4 : 32-35. Naaman healed, 2 Kings 5:10, 14. Gehazi struck with leprosy, 2 Kings 5:27. iron caused to swim, 2 Kings 6:6. Syrians smitten blind, 2 Kings 6:18. Syrians restored to sight, 2 Kings 6:20. a man restored to life, 2 Kings 13:21. Isaiah : Hezekiah healed, 2 Jv^/Jg-s 20:7. shadow put back, 2 Kings 20:11. THE SEVENTY DISCIPLES : various mira- cles, Luke 10:9, 17. THE APOSTLES, ETC. : many miracles, Acts2:i-3; 5:12. Peter : lame man cured, Acts 3:7. death of Ananias, Acts 5:5. death of Sapphira, Acts 5:10. the sick healed, Acts 5:15. 16. Eneas made whole, Acts 9:34. Dorcas restored to life. Acts 9:40. Stephen: great miracles, J f«5 6:8. Philip: various miracles. Acts 8:6, 7, 13. Paul : Elymas smitten with blindness, ^rts 13:11. lame man cured, Acts 14:10. an unclean spirit cast out. Acts 16:18. special miracles. Acts 19:11, 12. Eutychus restored to life, Acts 20:10- 12. viper's bite made harmless. Acts 28:5. father of Publius healed. Acts 28: S. Paul and Barnabas : various miracles, Acts 14:3. 108 MIRACLES through evil agents : performed through the power of the devil, 2 Thes. 2:9; P^v. 10:14. WROUGHT in support of false religions, Brut. 13:1,2. by false Christs, Mat. 24:24. by false prophets, 3Iat. 24:24; Rev 19:20. a mark of the apostasy, 2 Thes. 2:3, 9; Kev. 13:13. not to be regarded, Deut. 13:3. deceive the xmgodW, 2T/ies. 2:10-12; Rev. 13:14; 19:20. exemplified. ■ Magicians of Egypt, Exod. 7: 1 1 , 22 ; 8:7. Witch of En- dor, 1 Sam. 28:7-14. Simon Magus, Acts 8:Q-U. MIRACULOUS gifts of the Holv Ghost: foretold, Isa. 35:4-6 ; Joel 2:28, 29. of diiferent kinds, 1 Cor. 12:4-6. enumerated, 1 Cor. 12:8-10. 28. Christ was endued with, Mat. 12:28. poured out on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2:1-4. COMMUNICATED on preaching the gospel, ylc/5 10:44-46. by the laying on of the apostles' hands. ^c^5 8:17, IS; 19:6. for the confirmation of the gospel, Mark 16: -20; Acts 14:3; Rom. 15:19; Heb. 2:4. for the edification of the church, 1 Cor. 12:7; 14:12,13. dispensed, according to his sovereign will, 1 Cor. 12:11. to be sought after, 1 Cor. 12:31 ; 14:1. temporary nature of, 1 Cor. 13:8. WERE NOT TO BE neglected, 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6. despised, 1 Thes. 5:20. purchased. Acts 8:20. might be possessed without saving grace. Mat. 7:22. 23; 1 Cor. 13:1. 2. counterfeited by antichrist. Mat. 24:"24 ; • 2 Thes. 2:9; Rev. 13:13. 14. MIRIAM, sister of Moses, iVwrn. 26:59. her song, Exod. lo:20. her sedition against Moses, Nmn. 12. her* death, Nu7?i. 20:1. MIRTH, vanity of, Ecd. 2; 7:4. See Jer. 7:34; 16:9; Hos. 2:11. MISCHIEF, punishment of, Psa. 7:14; 9:15; 140:2; Prov. 11:27; 26:27; J.w. 33:1 ; Acts 13:10. MISSIONARIES, all Christians should be: after the example of Christ, Acts 10:38. women and children, as well as men, Psa. 8:2; Proy. 31:26; iliai. 21:15, 16; Phil. 4:3; 1 Tim. 5:10; Tit. 2:3-5; 1 Pet. 3:1. the zeal of idolaters should provoke to, Jer. 7:18. the zeal of hypocrites should provoke to, Mat. 23:15. MIS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MIS MISSIONARIES, all Christians should be, cont. — aa imperative duty, Judg. 5: -2:3; Luke 19: -10. the principle on which, 2 Cor. 5:14, 15. however weak, 1 Cor. 1:27. from their calling as saints, Exod. 19:6; I Pet. 2:9. as faithful stewards, 1 Pet. 4:10, 11. in youth, Psa. 71:17; 148:12.13. in old age, Deut. 32:7; Psa. 71:18. in the family, ZJejtf. 6:7 ; Psa. 78:5-8; J5a. 38:19; I Cor. 7:16. in their intercourse with the world. Mat. 5:16; Pkil. 2:15, 16; 1 Pet. 2:12. in first giving their own selves to the Lord, 2 Cor. 8:5. in declaring what God has done for them, Psa. 66:16; 116:16-19. in hating life for Christ, Luke 14:26. in openly confessing Christ, Mat. 10:32. in following Christ, Luke 14:27; 18:22. in preferring Christ above all relations, Luke 14:26. in joyfully suffering for Christ, Heb. 10:34. in forsaking all for Christ, Luke 5:11. in a holy example. Mat. 5:16; Phil. 2:15; 1 Thes. 1:7. in holy conduct, 1 Pet. 2:12. in holy boldness, Psa. 119:46. in dedicating themselves to the service of God, Josh. 24: 15 ; Psa. 27:4. in devoting all property to God, 1 Chr. 29:2, 3, 14, 16; Ecd. 11:1; Mat. 6:19,20; iVfar/fc 12:44 ; Lukel2:^i- 13:22,28; Acts2A5\ 4:32-34. in holy conversation, Psa. 37:30, with Pror. 10:31; 15:7; Epfi.\:2^; Col. 4:6. in talking of God and his works, Psa. 71.24; 77:12; 119:27; 145:11,12. in showing forth God's praises, Isa. 43:21. in inviting others to embrace the gospel, Psa. 34:8 ; Isa. 2:3 ; John 1 :46 ; 4:29. in seeking the edification of others, jRo/n. 14:19; 15:2; 1 T/ies. 5:11. in admonishing, 1 Thes. 5:14; 2 fhes. 3:15. in reproving, Lev. 19:17; Epii. 5:11. in teaching and exhorting, Psa. 34: U ; 51:13; CW.3:16; i/e«.3:13; 10:25. in interceding for others. Col. 4:3; Heb. 13:18; Jas. 5:16. in aiding ministers, Rom. 16:3,9; 2 Cor.ll:9; P/»7. 4:14-16 ; 3 JoAn 6. in giving a reason for their faith, Exod. 12:26, 27; Deut. 6:20, 21 ; 1 P«t. 3:15. in encouraging the weak, Isa. 35.3, 4; Ro7n. 14:1 ; 15:1 ; 1 Thes 5:14. in visiting and relieving the poor, the sick, etc , Lev 25:35; Psa 112:9, with 2Cor. 99; Mat. 25.36; Acts 20:35; Jas 1:27. MISSIONARIES, all Christians should be, cont. — with a willing heart, Exo. 35:29; I Chr. 29-9,14. with a superabundant liberalitv, Exod. 36:5-7; 2 Cor. 8:3. encouragement to, Prov. 11:25, 30; 1 Cor. 1:27; Jas 5:19, 20. blessedness of, Dan. 12:3. illustrated, Mat. 25:14 ; Z,2<. 19:13, etc. exemplified. Hannah, 1 Saw. 2: 1-10. Captive maid, 2 Kings 5:3. Chief of the fathers, etc., Ezra 1:5. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:16-18. Re- stored demoniac, MarAr 5:20. Shep- herds, Luke 2:17. Anna. L^ike 2:38. Joanna, etc., Luke 8:3. Leper, Luk<. 17:15. Disciples, Luke 19:37, 38. Centurion, Luke 23:47. Andrew. John 1:41, 42. Philip, John 1:46. Womanof Samaria, Jo/tH 4:29. Bar- nabas, Acts 4:36, 37. Persecuted saints, ^f«s 8:4; 11:19., 20. Apollos, Acts 18:25. Aquila, etc., Acts 18:26. Various individuals, Rom. 16. One- siphorus, 2 Tim. 1:16. Philemon. Phile. 1-6. MISSIONARY WORK by ministers : commanded, Mat. 28:19 ; Mark 16:15. warranted by predictions concerning the heathen, etc., Jsa. 42:10-12; 66:19. is according to the purpose of God, iM^e 24:46, 47; Ga^. 1:15, 16; Col. 1:25-27. directed by the Holy Ghost, Acts 13:2. required, Luke 10:2; Ro7n. 10:14, 15. the Holy Ghost calls to. Acts 13:2. Christ engaged in. Mat. 4:17, 23; Mat. 11:1; ilfarA; 1:38. 39; LukeS:\. Christ sent his disciples to labor in, Mart 3:14; 6:7. obligations to engage in. Acts 4:19,20; Rom. 1:13-15; 1 Cor. 9:16. excellency of, Isa. 52:7, with Rom. 10:15. worldly concerns should not delay, iw/ce 9:59-62. God qualifies for, Exod. 3:11, 18 ; 4:11, 12, 15. God strengthens for. Jer. 1:7-9. guilt and danger of avoiding, Jonah, 1:3. requires -wisdom and meekness, Mat. 10:16. ■ be ready to engage in, Isa. 6:8. aid those engaged in, 2 Cor. 11:9; 3 John 5-8. harmony should subsist among those engaged in. Gal 2:9. SUCCES.S OF, to be prayed for, Eph. 6:18, 19; Col 4:3. a cause of joy, tIc^s 15:3. a cause of praise. Acts 1 1 :18 ; 21 :1 9, 20. no limits to the sphere of, Mark 16:15: Rev. 14:6. opportunities for, not to be neglected, ICor. 16:9. 109 MON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MOS MISSIONARY WORK by ministers, cont. — exemplified. Levites, 2 Clir. 17; 8, 9. Jonah, Jonah 3:2. The seventy, Luke 10:1, 17. Apostles, Mark 6:12; Acts 13:2-5. Philip. Acts 8:5. Paul, etc., Acts 13:2-4. Silas, Acts 15:40, 41. Timotheus, Acts 16:3. Noah, 2 Pet. 2:5. MITE, the widow's, commended Mark 12:42; Lwie 21:2. MITRE of the high-priest, Exod. 28:4; 29:0; 39:28. MIZPAH, (Mizpeh.) Jacob and Laban's covenant at, Gen. 31:49; (Josh. 15:.38; 18:26.) Israelites assemble there, Judg. 10:17; 11:11; 20:1; I Sam. 1:5; 10:17. MNASON, a disciple. Acts 21:16. MOAB, son of Lot, Gen. 19:37. liis descendants, and territory, Dent. 2:9, 13; 34:5. not to be distressed, Deut. 2:9. their fear of Israel, Nutn. 22 ; 3. why excluded from the congregation, Deut. 23:3; Neh. 13:1. subdued by Ehud, Judg. 3:12; by David, 2 Sa?ti. 8:2; by Jehoshaphat and Jehoram, 2 Kings 1:1; 3. Israelites sojourn in their land, Ruth 1. valiant men of, slain, 2 Savt. 2:3:20. their miraculous ruin, 2 Chr. 20:2-"3. they again distress Israel, 2 Kings 13:20; 24:2. prophecies concerning, Exod. 15:15; Num. 21-29; 24:17; Psa. 60:8; 83:6; Isa. 11:14; 15; 10; 25:10; Jer. 9:26; 25:21; 48; Eze. 25:8; Amos 2:1 ; Zeph. 2:8. MOCKING censured, Prov. 17:5 ; 30:17 ; Jer. 15:17; Jude 18. punished. Gen. 21:9; 2 Kings 2:23. See 2 Chr. 30:10; 30:16. of Christ, Mat. 27:29; Luke 23:11. See SCORN TNG. MODERATION, exhortations to, Phil. 4:5; 1 Cor. 7:29. MODEST apparel, exhortation to, 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3. MOLOCH, (Molech,) worship of, forbid- den. Lev. 18:21; 20:2. "worship of, encouraged by Solomon, 1 Kings 11:7;— 2 Kitigs 23:10; Jer. 32:35; ^mos5:26; Acts7:43. MONEY, use of. Gen. 2:3:9 ; 42:25 ; Jer. 32:9. See RICHES, love of, censured, 1 Titn. 0:10. miraculously provided, Mat. 17:27. MONTHS of the Hebrews, Exod. 12:2; 13:4; Deut. 16:i; IKingsG.l; 8:2. of the Chaldeans, Neh. 1:1 ; 2:1, etc. MONUMENTS, sacred, of Jacob, Gen. 28:18; 31:45; 35:14. of Moses, at mount Sinai, Exod. 24:4. of Eleazar, in the desert. Num. 16::39. in mount Ebal. Deut. 27:4. at the passage of Jordan, Josh. 4:4, 20. 110 MONUMENTS, cont. — oi Joshua, at Shechem, Josh. 24:20. of Samuel, near JNIizpeh, 1 Satn, 7:12. of Absalom, 2 Sain. 18:18. MOON created. Gen. 1:16. its appointments. Gen. 1:14 ; Psa. 8:3; 89:37; 104:19; 148:3. feast of the new-moon, (Num.. 10:10; 23:11;) 1 Sam. 20:5; Psa. 81:3; 1 Chr. 23:31 ; 7sa. 1:13; Hos. 2:11. worshipped, Deut. 17:3; 2Kings23:5: Job 31:26; Jer. 8:2; 44:17. MORD E C AI discovers Bigthan's treason, Esth. 2:21. excites Hcman's enmity, Esth. 3:2. liis appeal to Esther, Esth. 4. honored by the king, Esth. 6. his advancement after Haman's fall, Esth. 8; 9; 10.— (Ezra 2:2; Neh. 7:7.) MORIAH, mount, Isaac there. Gen. 22. David's sacrifice after the pestilence, 2 Sam. 24:18; 1 Chr. 21:18; 22:1. site of the temple, 2 Chr. 3:1. MORTALITY of man to be changed, 1 Cor. 15:53; 2Cor. 4:11; 5:4. See Job 19:26; Rom 6:11; 8:11. MORTGAGES mentioned, Neh. 5:3. MORTIFICATION, dying unto sin. Mat. 18:8; Rom. 6:8; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:11. MOTH, figuratively mentioned, Psa. 39:11; Job 27:18; Lm. 50:9; Hos. 5:12; MaJ. 6:19; Jas. 5:2. MOSES, his birth and preservation. Exo. 2; (Arts 1:20; Heb. 11:23.) flees to Midian, Exod. 2:15. called by the Lord, Exod. 3. signs shown to, Exod. 4. returns to Egypt, Exod. 4:20. declares God's will to Pharaoh, accom- panied by miracles, Exod. 5-12. conducts Israel out of Egypt, Exod. 1 A. called up to the mount, Exod. 19:3; . (24:18.) delivers the law, Exod. 19:25; 20-23; (Heb. 12:24; John 1:17;) Exod. 34:10; 35:1; Lev. 1, etc.; Num.5; 6; 15; 27-30; -36; Deut. 13-26; 1 Kings 8:9, etc. directed concerning the tabernacle, Exod. 25-31; 35; 40; Num. 4: 8-10; 18; 19. descends from the mount, Exod, .32:7. angry at Israel's idolatry, Exod. 32:19. his intercession, Exod. 32:11 ; (33:12.) sees God's glory, Exod. 33:18; 34:5. again ascends the mount, Exod. 34:2. his face shines, Exod. 34:29; Deut. 9:9, 18; (2 Cor. 3:7, 13.) consecrates Aaron, Lev. 8; 9. numbers the people twice, Num. 1 ; 26. his complaint. Num. 11:11. intercedes for Miriam, Num. 12:13. sends out the spies. Num. 13. intercedes for the people, Nutn. 14:13: lUJR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. MUR MOSES, fOMi.— withstands Korah, etc., Ain7i. 16. for his trangression, IVutn. 20:10. for- bidden to enter Canaan, Num. 20:1'2; 27:1-2; Deut. 1:35; 3:23. leads Israel in the ■wilderness, Num. 20:14; 21:31. raises the brazen serpent, Num. 21:9; (Jo/m 3:14.) charges the Reubenites, Num. 32:29. defines the land, Nu7n. 34 ; 35. rehearses Israel's history, Deut. 1-3 ; 5 ; 9 ; 10. exhorts to obedience, Deut. 4 ; G ; 7 ; 8; 10-12; 27-31. charges Joshua, Deut. 3:23; 31:7, 23. blesses the tribes, Deut. 33. his death, Deut. 34:5 ; Jude 9. appears at Christ's transfiguration, JWaf. 17:3; MarkQA; Luke 9:30. his songs, Exod. 15; Deut. 32; Psa. 90; Kev.l5:3. his meekness, lYwrn. 12:3. his dignity, Deut. 34:10. faithfulness. Num. 12:7; Heb. 3:2. See Psa. 103:7; 105:26; 106:16; Tsa. 63:12; Jer. 15:1 ; Luke 16:29; Acts 7:20; Rom.W-.o; Heb. 11:2^, etc. MOTHER of all, Eve. Gen. 3:20. MOTHERS, love of, Isa. 49:15; 66:13. examples of. Gen. 21 : 10, 1 6 ; Exod. 2 ; 1 Sam. 1 :22 ; 1 Kings 3: 26 ; 2 Tim. 1:5; 2 John. duty towards, Exod. 20: 12 ; Frov. 1:8; 19:26; 2-3:22; J^p/i. 6:]. etc. God's care of. Gen. 49:25 ; jExot/. 21 :22 ; Deut. 7:13; 1 Km. 2:15. MOURNING, when blessed. Mat. 5:4; I-uA:e6:21. for the dead, Gen. 50:3 ; Mmi. 20:29; Deut. 14:1; 2 Sa??z. 1:17; 3:.31 ; 12:16; 18:33; 19:1; Eccl. 12:5; Jer. 6:26; 9:17; 22:18. of the priests. Lev. 21:1; JEze. 44:25. MOUSE, unclean, J5a. 66:17. MOUTH of fools described. Prov. 10:14; 14:3; 15:2; 18:7; 26:7. of the righteous, etc., Psa. 37:30; Prov. 10:31; Eccl. 10:12. of the wicked, Ps. 32:9 ; 63:11 ; 107:42 ; 109:2; 144:8; Prow. 4:24; 5:3; 6:12; 19:28; i?om. 3:14; Rev. 12:5. of babes, Psa. 8:2; Mat. 21:16. of God, Deut. 8:3 ; Mat. 4:4, etc. MULBERRY-TREES, David's victory near. 2 Sam. 5:23. MURDER: forbidden, Exod. 20:13, with Rom. 13:9. why forbidden by God. Gen. 9:6. explained by Christ, Mat. 5:21, 22. hatred is, 1 John 3:15. is a work of the flesh, Gal 5:21. comes from the heart, Mat 15: 19. DEFILES THE hands. Isa. 59:3. person and garments, Lam. 4:13, 14. MURDER, COM?.— DEFfLEs THE land iS'MJn. 35:33; Psa. 106:38. not concealed from God, 75a. 26:21; Jer. 2:34. cries for vengeance, Gen 4:10. God abominates, Prov. 6:16, 17. makes inquisition for, Psa. 9:12. will avenge, Deut. 32:43; Hos. 1:4. requires blood for. Gen. 9:5; Num. 35:33; 1 A'mf5 2:32. rejects the prayers of those guilty of, J5a. 1:15; 59.2,3. curses those guilty of. Gen. 4:11. the law made to restrain, 1 Tim. 1:9. SAINTS specially warned against, 1 Pet. 4:15. deprecate the guilt of, Psa. 51 :14. should warn others against, Gen 37:22; Jer. 26:15. connected with idolatry, Eze. 22:3, 4. THE WICKED filled with, Rom. 1 :'i9, devise. Gen. 27:41 ; 37:18. intent on. Jer. 22:17. lie in wait to commit, Psa. 10:8-10. swift to commit, Prov. 1:16; Rom, 3:15. perpetrate, Jo6 24:14; Ere. 22:3. have hands full of, /5a. 1 :15. encourage others to commit, Prov. 1:11. characteristic of the devil. John 8:44. punishment of. Gen. 4 12-15; 9:6; Nwn. 35:. 30; Jer 19:4-9. punishment of, not commuted under the law, Num 35:31. of saints, specially avenged, Deut. 32:43; Mat. 23:35; Rev. 18:20.24. excludes from heaven. Gal. 5:21 ; Rev. 22:15. exemplified. Cain. Gen. 4:8. Esau. Gen.21:Al. Joseph's brethren. Gen. 37.20. Pharaoh, £.T0. 1:22. Abime- lech, Judg. 9:5. Men of Shechem. Judg. 9:24. Amalekite, 2 Sam. 1:16. Rechab, etc.. 2 Satn. 4:5-7. David, 2 Sam. 12:9. Absalom, 2 Sam. 13:29. Joab, 1 iC?Mg-5 2;31.32. Baasha, 1 Kings 15:27. Zimri, 1 Kings 16:10. Jezebel, 1 Kin. 21 :]0. Elders of Jezreel, 1 Kings 21.13. Ahab, 1 Kings 2l:19. Hazael, 2 Kings 8:]2, 15. Adrammelech. etc , 2 Kings 19:37. Manasseh, 2 Kings 21:16. Ishmael, Jer. 41 :7. Pniices of Israel, Eze. 11 :6 People of Gil- ead, Hos. 6:8. The Herods, Mat. 2:16; 14:10; Acts 12 2. Herodias and her daughter, Blat. 14:8-11. Chief priests. Mat. 27.1. Judas, Mat. 27:4. Barabbas, Mark 15.7. .^ews. Acts 7:52; 1 Thes 2:15. MURMURING: forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:10. Phil. 2:14. AGAINST God, Prov. 19:3. , the sovereignty of God, Rom. 9:19, 20l the service of God, Mat. 3:14. Ill NAB BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. NAP MURMURING, coraf.— against Christ, JoAn 6:41-43, 52. ministers of God, Exod. 17:3; Num. 16:41. disciples of Christ, Blark 7:2; Luke 5:30. unreasonableness of. La?}!. 3:39. tempts God, Exod. 17:2. provokes God, Nion. 14:2,11; Deut. 9:8,22. saints cease from, Isa. 29:23, 24. characteristic of the wicked, Jude 16. guilt of encouraging others in, Num. 13:31-33, with Num. 14:36. 37. punishment of, Nuiii. 11:1 ; 14:27-29 16:45,46; Psa. 106:25, 26. illustrated, Mat. 20:11; Luke 15:29. 30. exemplified. Cain, Gere. 4:13, 14. INIo ses, Exod. 5:22, 23. Israelites, Exo 14:11; Nu7n. 21:5. Aaron, etc. Num. 12: 1, 2, 8. Korah, etc.. Nu}7i 16:3. Elijah, 1 Kings 19:4. Joh Job 3:1, etc., Jeremiah, Jer. 20:14- 18. Jonah, Jonah 4 : S, 9. Disciples Mark 14:4, 5; John 6:61. Phari- sees, Luke 15:2 ; 19:7. Jews, John 6:41-43. Grecians, ^fZs 6:1. MURRAIN, E.rod. 9:3 ; Pm. 78:50. MUSIC, invented. Gen. 4:21. used in religious solemnities, 2 Sam. 6:5, etc.; 1 Chr. 15:28; 16:42; 2 Chr. 7:6; 29:25; Psa. 33 ; 81; 92; 108; 150; Dan. 3:5. for rejoicing, Isa. 5:12; 14:11 ; Amos 6:5; LukelSrio; 1 Cor. 14:7. relieves Saul, 1 Satn. 16:14. in heaven, Rev. 5:8; 14:2, etc. MUSTARD-SEED, parable of. Mat, 13:31; i»Iar/fc 4:30; L^yte 13:18. MUZZLING the ox, Deut. 25:4. figurative, 1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Ti77i. 5:18. MYRRH, in the anointing oil, Exod. 30:23. in embalming, John 19:39. as a perfume, Esth. 2:12; Psa. 45:8; Song 1:13, etc. presented to Christ, Mat. 2:11; Mark 15:23. MYRTLES, vision of, Zech. 1:8. MYSTERY of the kingdom of heaven, etc., revealed by Christ to his disci- ples, Mark 4:11; Eph. 1:9; 3:3; IT/m. 3:16. by them to the world, 1 Cor. 4:1 ; 13:2; 15:51; Eph. 6:19; Col. 2:2, etc. of iniquity foretold, 2 Thes. 2:7; Rev. 17:5. N. NAAMAN the Syrian's leprosy healed, 2 Kings 5. See Luke i: 27. his request and gratitude, 2 Kiftgs 5:17. NABAL, his churlishness,.! Sam. 25:10. Abigail's intercession for, 1 Sa7n. 25:18. his death, 1 Sam. 25:38.' 112 NABOTH, refusing to sell his vineyard, slain by Jezebel. 1 Kings 21. his death avenged, 2 Kings 9:21. NADAB, son of Aaron, his trespass and death, Lev. 10. , king of Israel, his evil reign, slain by Baasha, 1 Kings 14:20; 15:25. NAHASH the Ammonite subdued by Saul, 1 Sam. 11. NAHOR, Abram's brother, Gen. 11:25; 24:10. descendants of. Gen. 22:20. NAHUM declares God's goodness and majesty, Nah. 1. foretells the fallof Nineveh, iYa/i. 2; 3. NAILS, figuratively mentioned, Ezra 9:8; Ecd. 12:11; Jsa. 22:23. NAIN, widow's son raised at, Luke 7. NAME of God proclaimed, Exod. 34:5, 14. See Exod. 6:3; 15:3; Psa. 83:18. to be reverenced, Exod. 20:7; Deut. 5:11; 28:58; Psa. 111:9; Mtc. 4:5; 1 Ti}}i. 6:1, etc. and praised, Psa. 34:3; 72:17. of Jesus Christ, (Isa. 7:14 ; 9:6;) Mat. 1:21 ; Luke 1:31 ; 2:21 ; 1 Cor. 5:4; 6:11; Phil. 2:9; Col. 3:17; Rev. 19:16. to be confessed, 2 Ti77i. 2: 19. prayer in. John 14:13; 16:23; Rom. 1:8; Eph. 5:20; Col. 3:17; Heb. 13:15. miracles performed in his name, Acts 3:6; 4:10; 19:13. baptism in. Mat. 28:19; Acts 2:33. given to children at circumcision, Luke ^: 50; 2:21. , value of a good, Prov. 22:1; Eccl. 7:1. NAMES given by Adam, Gen. 2:20. changed by God, Ge«. 17:5, 15; 32:27; 2 Sa7)i. 12:25 ; by man, Dan. 1:7. See TITLES. NAOMI'S affliction and return to Beth- lehem, etc., Ruth 1. her advice to Ruth, Ruth 3. its prosperous issue, Ruth 4. NATURE, dictates of, not to be neg- lected, ICor. 11:14. NATIONS, origin of, Gen. 10. NAVY of Solomon, 1 Ki7igs 9:26 ; 2 Chr. 8:17. NAPHTALI. son of Jacob, Gen. 30:8; 35:25. blessed by Jacob, Gen. 49:21. and Moses, Deut. 33:23. his descendants, Gen. 46:24. numbered, etc.', Nutn. 1:42; 10:27 13:14; 26:48; Judg. 1:33. subdue the Canaanites, Judg. 4:10 5:18; 6:35; 7:23. their inheritance, Josh. 19:32; 20:7 21:32; 1 Ki}igs 15:20; 2CAr. 34:6. their liberality, 1 Chr. 12:40. carried captive, 2 Kings 15:29. NET BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. NIN NAPHTALI, co»<.— prophecy on, Isa. 9:1. See Mat. 4:13. NATHAN, the prophet, forbids David to build the temple, 2 Sayn. 7. parable judging David, 2 Sam. 12:1. proclaims Solomon king, 1 Kings 1:8, etc. See 1 Chr. 29:29; 2 Chr. 9:29. , son of David, 2 Sam. 5: 14 ; Zech. 12:12; Luke 3:31. NATHAN AEL. 70/1711:45; 21:2. NAZARETH, Christ dwells and preaches there. Mat. 2:2.3 ; 21:11 ; Lukel:26 ; 2:39, 51; 4:16; John 1:45; 18:5; Acts '2:22; 3:6. NAZARITES, law concerning, Num. 6. Samson one, Jiidg. 13:7; 16:17. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, king of Baby- lon, prophecies concerning, Jer. 2U ; 21; 25; 27; 23; 32; 34; Eze. 26:7; 29:19. subdues Judea. and takes Jerusalem. 2 Kings 24 ; 25 ; 2 Chr. 36 ; Jer. 37- 39; 52; Dan. 1:1. his kindness to Jeremiah, Jer. 39:11. his dreams interpreted, Dan. 2; 4. his idolatry and tyranny, Da}i. 3. his pride, degradation, and restoration, Dan. 4:28. his confession, Dan. 4:34. NEBUZAR-ADAN, captain of the Chal- deans, 2 Kings 25, etc. his kindness to Jeremiah, Jer. 39:11; 40:1. NE CE SSITIE S endured by the apostles, etc., 2 Cor. 6; 12:10. NEHEMIAH, his sorrow, and prayer for Jerusalem, Neh. 1. his reqviest to Artaxerxes, Neh. 2:5, arrives at Jerusalem, Neh. 2:9. his exhortation, Neh. 2:17. resists the enemies, Neh. 4. rebukes the usurers, A'e/i. 5:6. his faith and courage. Neh. 6. comforts the people, Neh. 8:9. seals the covenant, Neh. 10. puriftes the temple, Neh. 13:1. punishes Sabbath-breakers, Neh. 13:15. annuls unlawful marriages, Neh. 13:23. NEHUSHTAN, (the brazen serpent,) destroyed by Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:4. NEIGHBOR, who is our, Luke 10:36. we must love as ourselves, Lev. 19:18 ; illarA: 12: 31; Rom. 13:9:, GaL5:U: Jas.2:6. not to bear false witness against, Exod. 20:10. ^ ' be merciful to, Exod. 22:26; Deut. 15:2. not to remove his landmark, Deut. 27:17. to lend to, Prov. 3:28. not to harass, Prot). 25:17. NET. parable of, Mat. 13:47. NETHINI.M, iChr. 9:2; Ezra 2:43; 7:7,24; 8:17. 8 NEW BIRTH: the corruption of human nature re- quires, John 3:6 ; Rotn. 8:7, 8. none can enter heaven without, John 3:3. EFFECTED BY God, John 1 :13 ; 1 Pet. 1 :3. Christ, I John 2:29. the Holy Ghost, John 3:6 ; Tit. 3:5. THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTALITY OF the word of God, Jas. 1 :18 ; 1 Pet. 1:23. ,the resurrection of Christ, 1 Pet. 1:3. the ministry of the gospel, 1 Cor. 4:15. is of the will of God, Jas. 1:18. is of the mercy of God, Tit. 3:5. is for the glory of God, Isa. 43:7. DESCRIBED AS a new creation, 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15; Eph. 2:10. newness of life, Rom. 6:4. a spiritual resurrection, Rom. 6:4-6: Eph.2:^,5; Col. 2:12; 3:1. a new heart, Eze. 36:26. a new spirit, Eze. 11:19; Rom. 7:6. putting on the new man, Eph. 4:24. the inward lAan, Rom. 7:22; 2 Cor. 4:16. circumcision of the heart, Deut. 30:6, with iiom. 2:29; Col. 2:11. partaking the divine nature, 2Pet. 1 :4. the washing of regeneration, Tit. 3:5. all saints partake of, 1 Pet. 2:2; 1 John 5:1. PRODUCES likeness to God, Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10. likeness to Christ, Rom. 8:29. knowledge of God, Jer. 24:7: Col. 3:10. hatred of sin, IJo/ni 3:9; 5:18. victory over the world. 1 Joh7i 5:4. delight in God's law, Rom. 7:22. EVIDENCED BY faith in Christ, Umo. 5:1. righteousness, IJohn 2:29. brotherly love, John 13:35; 1 John 3:14-24; 4:7; 5:1-4. connected with adoption, Isa. 43:0, 7; JoAw 1:12, 13. the ignorant cavil at, JoAn 3:4. manner of effecting, illustrated, John 3:8. preserves from Satan's devices, 1 John 5:18. NICANOR. a deacon, Acts 6:5. NICODEMUS visits Jesus, John 3:1, defends him before the Pharisees, John 7:50. at Christ's burial, John 19:39. NICOLAITANES, their doctrines con- demned. Rev. 2:6, 15. NIGHT appointed, Gen. 1:5; Psa. 19:2. figurative, John 9:4; Rom. 13:12; 1 T/ie5. 5:5. none in heaven. Rev. 21:25; {Is. 60:20.) NILE, river of Egypt, Eze. 29:3. NINEVEH, Jonah's prophecy against, Jo>iahl:] ; 3:2. its repentance, Jo/ia/i 3: 5; (Mat. 12:ily Luke 11:32.) 113 \ OBE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. OBE NINEVEH, cont.— its destruction fore- told, Nah. 1:1; 2; 3. NISAN, month, Neh. 2:1 ; Esth. 3:7. NISROCH, god of Assyria, 2 Kin. 19:37 ; Jsa. 37:3:^. NO, in Egypt, prophecy concerning, Jer. 46:25; Eze. SU-.U ; Nah. 3:8. NOAH. Lamech's prophecy concerning, Gen. 5:29. his character, Gen. 6:8. builds the ark, Gen. 6:14, etc. enters it, Gen. 7:7. goes forth. Gen. 8:18. God's covenant with. Gen. 9:1. his prophecy, Gen. 9:25. his death. Gen. 9:29. his posterity. Gen. 10 ; 11 : 1 Chr. 1:4, etc. See Eze.li:M, 20; Mat. 2^:37 ■ Luke 17:2G ; Heb. 11 :7 ; 1 Pet. 3:20 ; 2Pe^2:5. NOB, city of the priests, destroyed by Saul for assisting David, 1 Sam. 21 :1 ; 22: 19 -—Neh. 11 :32; Isa. 10:32. NOPH, prophecy concefning, 75a. 19:13 ; Jer. 2:16; 46:14; JEze. 30:13. NORTH and South, prophecy concern- ing the kings of, Dan. 11. created, Job 26:7 ; Psa. 89:12. NUMBERING of the Israelites, by Mo- ses, Num. 1 ; 26. of the Levites, Num. 3:14; 4:34. by David, 2 Sam. 24 ; 1 Chr. 21 ; 27:23. NURSES, good, Gen. 35:S; 2 Sam. 4:4. figurative, 1 Thes. 2:7. O. OATH, God's covenant and purposes con- firmed by. Luke 1:73; Acts 2:30; Heb. 6:17.' See Gen. 22:16; Exod. 17:16; Deut. 4:21; 1 S«m. 3:14; Psa. 89:35 ; 95:11 ; 110:4 ; Isa. 14:24 ; 54:9; 02:8; Jer. 44:26. OATHS, laws concerning. Lev. 6:3; 19:12; iVi/m. 30:2; Psa. 15:4. See Mat. 5:33; Jas. 5:12. commanded, Exod. 22:11 ; Num. 5:21 ; 1 Kings 8:31 ; ^sra 10:5. instances of, Ge/^. 14: 22; 21:31; 24:2; Josh. 14:9; 1 Sam. 20:42; 28:10; Psa. 132:2. rash ones : of Esau, Gen. 25:33 ; of Is- rael, Josh. 9: 19 ; of Jephthah, Judg. 11:30; of Saul, 1 Sain. 14:24; of Herod, Mat. 14:7 ; of the Jews, Acts 23:21. OBADIAH, servant of Ahab, preserves the prophets, etc., 1 Kings 18:1. foretells Edom's fall. Obad. 1. and Israel's salvation, Obad. 17. OBED, son of Boaz and Ruth. Ruth 4:17. OBED-EDOM blessed while keeping the ark, 2Sam. 6:10; 1 CAr. 13:14; 15: 18,24; 16:5. his Bon, 1 Chr. 26:4. 114 OBEDIENCE of the Rechabites. Jer. 35 of Christ, Rom. 5:19; Phil. 2 8; Heb. 5:8. of the faith, Rom. 1:5; 16:26, etc. ; f Cor. 7:15; 1 Pet. 1:2. due to parents, Eph. 6:1 ; Col. 3:20. to husbands, Tit. 2:5. to masters, Eph. 6:5 ; Col. 3:22; Tit. 2:9. to magistrates, etc., Tit. 3:1 ; Heb 13:17. See DISOBEDIENCE to God : commanded, Deut. 13:4. without faith, is impossible. Heb. 11:6. lA'CLUDES obeving his voice, Exod. 19:5; Jer. 7:23.' obeving his law, Deut. 11:27; Isa. 42:24. obeying Christ, Exod. 23:21 ; 2 Cor. 10:5. obeying the gospel, Ro7n. 1:5 ; 6'17- 10:16,17. keeping his commandments, Ecd 12:13. submission to higher powers, Rom 13:1. better than sacrifice, 1 Sam. 15:22. justification through Christ's, Rum. 5:19. Christ, an example of, John 15:10; Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 5:S. angels engaged in, Psa. 103:20. a characteristic of saints, 1 Pet. 1:14. saints elected to. 1 Pet. 1:2. obligations to. Acts 4:19. 20; 5:29. exhortations to, Jer. 26:13; 38:20. SHOULD BE from the heart, Deut. 11:13. Ro7n. 6:17. with willingness, Psa. 18:44; Isa. 1:19. unreserved, Josh. 22:2, 3. undeviating. Deut. 28:14. constant, Phil. 2:12. resolve upon, Exod. 24:7 ; Josh. 24:24 confess your failure in, Dan. 9:10. prepare the heart for, 1 Sam, 7:3 j Ezral:^. pray to be taught, Psa. 119:35; 143:10 promises to, Exo.'23:22;l Sam. 12:14^ Isa. 1:19; Jer. 7:23. to be universal in the latter davs, Dan. 7:27. blessedness of, Deut. 11:27; 28:1-13,- Luke 11:28; Jas. 1:25. the wicked refuse, Exod. 5:2; Neh. 9:17. punishment of refusing, Deut. 11:28; 23:15-68 ; Josh. 5:6; Isa. 1:20 exemplified. Noah, Ge?i. 6:22. Abram. Gen. 12:1-4, with Heb. 11:8; Gen 22:3. 12. Israelites, Exod. 12.28 24:7. Moses. Exod. 34:4. Caleb etc., Nu7n. 32:12 Asa, 1 Kirigs 15:11. Elijah, 1 A'Mjg-5 17.5 Hez- ekiah, 2 Xm§-5 18:6. Josiah, 2Chr 35:26. David, Psa. 119:16. Ze OFF BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. OLD rubbabel, etc., Hag. 1:12. Joseph, Mat. 1:24. Wise men, Mat. 2:12. Zacharias, etc.. Luke 1:6. Paul, Acts 26:19. Saints of Rome, Rom. 16:19. OBLATIOXS, Lev. 2; 3, etc. of the spoil. Num. 31:23. OBSERVERS of times, Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:10, 14 ; 2 Kings 21 :6 ,- Gal. 4:10,11. OBSTINACY. See stubbornness. ODED. a prophet, 2 C/ir. 2:^:9. OFFENCE : occasions of, must arise. Mat. 18:7. occasioning of, forbidden, 1 Cor. 10:32. persecution, a cause of, to mere pro- fessors, Mat. 13:21; 24:10. THE WICKED TAKE, AT the low station of Christ, Mat. 13:54-57. Christ, as the corner-stone, Isa. 8:14, with I Pet. 2:8. Christ, as the bread of life, John 6:53-61. Christ crucified, 1 Cor. 1:23; Gal. 5:11. the righteousness of faith, Rom. 9:32. the necessity of inward purity, Mat. 15:11, 12. blessedness of not taking, at Christ Mat. 11:6. saints warned against taking, John 16:1. SAINTS SHOULD be without, Phil. 1:10 be cautious of giving, Psa. 73:15 Eom. 14:13; 1 Cor. 8:9. have a conscience void of, Ants 24:16. cut off what causes, to themselves, Ma«. 5:29, 30; Mar^9:43-47. not let their liberty occasion, to others, 1 Cor. 8:9. use self-denial rather than occasion, Eo;n. 14:21; 1 Cor. 8:13. avoid those who cause, Rom. 16:17. reprove those who cause, Exod. 32:21 ; 1 Saw. 2:24. MixisTERS SHOULD be cautious of giving, 2 Cor. 6:3. remove that which causes, Tsa. 57:14. all things that cause, shall be gathered out of Christ's kingdom, Mat. 13:41. denunciation against those who cause. Mat. 18:7; Mark 9:42. punishment for occasioning, Ezek. 44:12; Mai. 2- S, 9; Mat. 13: 6. exemplified. Aaron, E.rof^ 32:2-6. Ba- laam, etc.. Num. 31:16, with Rev. 2:14. Gideon, Jtcdg.S: 27. Sons of Eli, I Sam. 2:12-17. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12:26-30. Old Prophet, 1 Xtrtg-.s 13: 18-26. Priests, Mai. 2:8. Peter. Mit. 16:23. OFFENCES against the Holy Ghost : exhortations against, Eph. 4:30; 1 Thes. 5:19. EXHIBITED IN tempting him. Acts 5:9. vexing him, Isa. 63:10. OFFENCES, cont. — exhibited in gricT* ing him, Eph. 4:30. quenching him, 1 Thes. 5:19. lying to him, Acts 5:3, 4. resisting him. Acts 7:51. undervaluing his gifts, Acts 8:19, 20., doing despite unto him, Heb. 10:29. disregarding his testimony, N^eh. 9:30. blasphemy against him. unpardonable, Mat. 12:31,32; 1 John 5:16. OFFERINGS : laws of. Lev. 1, etc. to be offered willingly. Lev. 22:19. without blemish. Lev. 22:21 ; Deut. 15:21; ilfa^. 1:14. to God only, Exod. 22:20; Judg. 13:16. in love and charity, Blat. 5:23. with gratitude, Psa. 50:8, 14. with a right heart. Is. 1:13 ; Mai. 3:3. according to ability, Lev. 5:7. a type of Christ, Eph. 5:2 ; Heb. 9; 10. different kinds of: burnt, Lev. 1:3- 17; Psa. 66:15. sin. Lev. i ■,'6:25; 10:17. trespass, Lev. 5:6-19; 6:6; 7:1. peace, Le^'. 3:1-17; 7:11. wave, Exod. 29:26 ; Lev. 7:30. heave, Exo. 29:27 ; Lev. 7 ; Num. 15k meat, jLez'. 2; JVwm. 15:4. drink, Gen. 35:14; Exod. 29:i0. thank, iei;. 7:12; 22:29; Psa. 50:14. freewill. Lev. 23:38; Deut. 16:10; 23:23. incense, Exod. 30:8; Mai. l:llj Luke 1:9. first-fruits, Exod. 22:29; Deut. 18:4. tithe. Lev. 27; Nu7n. 18; Deut.U. gifts, E.xod. 35:22; Num. 7. jealousy, Nu)n. 5:15. personal redemption, Exod. 30:13,15. OG, king of Bashan, subdued. Num. 21:33; Deut. 3:1; Psa. 135:11; 136:20. OIL for the lamps, Exod. 27:20; Lev. 24:1. See Mat. 25:1. olive, Exod. 30:24; Lev. 24:2. for food, 1 Ki7igs 17:12 ; Eze. 16: 13. for anointing the person, Psa. 23:5; 104:15; Luke 7:46. for anointing to office, Exod. 29:7; 1 Sa}n. 10:1; 1 Kings 19:10. with meat-offerings. Lev. 2:1, etc. miraculously increased, 1 Kings 17:12; 2 Kings 4:1. figurative, Psa. 23:5; 45:7; 141:5: /m.61:3; ZecA. 4:12; Mat. 25:1. OINTMENT, the holy, directions for making, Exod. 30:23. See Psa. 133:2. poured upon Christ, Mat. 26:7; Mark 14:3; Lukel.SI; Jo/m 11:2; 12:3. OLD AGE to be honored. Lev. 19:32; Prov 23:22; 1 Ti>n 5:1; 1 Pe^ 5- 5 See Prov. 16:31; 17:0; 20 29. its weakness. Eccl. 12; Psa. 90:10. its duties. Tit. 2:2. 115 OTH BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PAR OLD MAN, exhortations to put off, Eph. 4:2-2; Col. 3:9; Rom. G:6. OLIVE-TREES, two seen in a vision, ZecA. 4:3; jRei'. 11:4. figuratively mentioned, Judg. 9:9 ; P5. 5-2:8; Rom. 11:17. OLIVET (Olives) mount, ascended by- David in affliction, 2 Sam. 15:30. also by Christ, Mat. 21:1 ; 24:3; Mark 11:1; 13:3; iw/te 21:37; JoAn8:l; ^c«s 1:12. OMRI, king of Israel, his evil reign, 1 Kings 16:16; Mic. 6:16. ONESIMUS, Paul-s intercession for, epistle to Philemon, Col. 4:9. ONESIPHORUS, 2 Tim. 1:16. ONYX, precious stone, Exod. 2S:20: 39: 13. OPHIR, Gen. 10:29. gold of, I Kings 9:28; 10:11; 22:48; lCAr.29:4; 2C/!r.8:18; Jod> 22:24; Psa. 45:9; ha. 13:12. OPPRESSION of emigrants, Exo. 22:21; X)eM«. 23:16. in traffic. Lev. 25:14 ; Prov. 28:8. of servants, Deut. 24:14 ; Jas. 5:4. of the poor, reproaches God, Pro. 14:31. prevalent, Eccl. 4:4. trust not in, Psa. 62:10. gain of, to be despised, Isa. 33:15. should be relieved, Isa. 1:17; 58:6. not envy or imitate. Prov. 3:31. deliver from, Jer. 21:12. heritage of. Job 27:13-19. brings to want, Prov. 22:16. woe is unto it, Isa. 5:8; Mic. 2:1. is like a sweeping rain, Prov. 28:3. shortens life, Jer. 17:11. God is a refuge from, Psa. 9:9. prayers against, Psa. 17:9; 44:24; 119:121,134; L-fa. 33:14. God's aid promised against, Psa. 12:5; 72:4,14; Jer. 50:34. God will judge, Psa. 103:6; Eccl. 5:8 ; Isa. 10; Jer. 22:17; Eze. 22:7; Amos 4:1; Mic. 2:2; Mai. 3:5; Jas. 5. national, God judges. Acts 1:1. national, relieved, Exod. 3:9; Deut. 26:7; Judg. 2; 4;6;7;8;10;2 Kings 12 \ Isa. 52:4. ORACLE of God, 2 Sam. 16:23; 1 Xm. 6:16; 8:6; 2 CAr. 4:20; Psa. 2S:2. ORACLES, the Scriptures, Acts 7:38; iJom.3:2; He6. 5:12; lPe«. 4:11. ORDAINING of deacons, elders, etc., Acts 6:6- 14:23; ITim. 2:7; 3; 4:14; 5:22; 2 T/m. 2:2; Tit. 1:5. of the apostles, iWa«. 10: 1 ; Mark^: 13 ; Luke^:\2. ORDER, to be observed in the church, 1 Cor. 14:40; Tit.l:5. of the Israelites' march, Num. 10:14. ORNAN. See araunah. OTHNIEL, {Josh. 15:16; Jz^rfg-. 1:13.) delivers and judges Israel, Judg. 3:9. 116 ORNAMENTS, of dress. Gen. 24:22; Isa. 3:18, etc.; Jer. 2:32. Seel Per. 3:3; Prov.l.Q; 4:9; 25:12. ORPHANS. See fatherless. OSTENTATION in prayer and alms- giving, Mat. 6:1 ; Prov. 25:14 ; 27:2. OSTRICH, Job 39:13; Lain. 4:3. OUTCASTS of Israel, prophecies con- cerning, Isa. 11:12; 16:3; 27:13; .Ter. .30:17. etc.; Ro7n. 11. OVERCOMETH, promises to him who, IJo/m 2:13; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5.12,21; 21:7. OVERSEERS in the temple, IChr. 9:29 ; IChr. 2:18. See Acts 20:23. OX, laws relating to the. Exod. 21:28; 22:1; 23:4; Lev.\l:2; Deut. 5:U: 22:1; Luke 13:15. not to be muzzled, Deut. 25:4 ; 1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Tim. 5:18. PAD AN- ARAM, Jacob at. Gen. 23:1. PAINTING the face practised, 2 Kings 9:30; Jer. 4:30; £xe. 23:40. PALACE of God, the temple. I Chr.. 29:1; Psa. 48:3; 78:69; 122:7. PALESTINA, prophecies concerning, Exod. 15:U; Psa. 92:12; /5a.l4:29- PALM-TREE, Exod. 15:27. branches of, used at festivals. Lev, 23:40; Johnl2:13; Rev. 1:9'. the city of palm-trees. Deut. 34:3: Judg. 1:1G; 3:13; 2 CAr. 28:15. PALSY cured by Chnst, Blat. 4:24 ; 8:6; 9:2; Maryfc 2:3; Luke 5:18. by his disciples, ^c/5 8: 7; 9:33. PAMPHYLIA. Paul preaches there, Act.t 13:13; 14:24. PAPER-REEDS of Egypt, Isa. 19:7. See 2 John 12. PAPHOS visited by Paul, Arts 13:6. Elymas struck blind. Acts 13:11. PARABLES: (See Num. 23:1; Job 27:1-, Psa. 73:2; Pro y. 26:7.) of Jotham. Judg. 9:7. of Nathan, 2 Sam. 12:1. of the woman of Tekoa, 2 Sam. 14:5. of a prophet, 1 Kings 20:39. of Joash, 2 Kings 14:9; 2Ckr. 25:18. of the prophets, 7sa. 5:1; (Jer. 13:1; 18; 24; 27;) Eze.. 16; 17; 19; 23; 24 ; 31 ; 33 ; 37, etc. of Christ : wise and foolish builders. Mat. 7:24-27. children of the bride-chamber. Mat. 9:15. new cloth and old garment. Mat. 9:16, new wine and old bottles, Mat. 9:17. unclean .spirit. Mat. 12:43. sower. Mat. 13:3, IS; Ltike 8:5, 11. tares. Mat. 13.24-30, 36-43. mustard-seed. Mat. 13:31, 32; Luke 13:19. leaven. Mat. 13:33. treasure hid in a field! Mat. 13:44. PAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PAR PARABLES of Christ, com<.— pearl of great price, 3Iat. 13:45, 46. net cast into the sea, 3Iat. 13:47-50. meats defiling not. Mat. 15:10-15. unmerciful servant, Mat. 18:23-35. laborers hired, Blat. '20:1-10. two sons, Mat. 21:23-32. wicked husbandman, Mat. 21:33-45. marriage-feast. Mat. 22:2-14. fig-tree leafing, Mat. 24:32-34. man of the house watching. Mat. 24:43. faithful, and evil servants. Mat. 24:45- 51. ten virgins. Mat. 25:1-13. talents, Mat. 25:14-30. kingdom divided against itself, Mark 3:24. houge divided against itself, Mark3:25. strong man armed, Mark 3:27; Ltike 11:21. seed growing secretly, Mark 4:26-29. lighted candle, Mark i:2l : Luke 11 :33- 36. man taking a far journey, Mark 13:.34- 37. blind leading the blind, Luke 6:39. beam and mote, Luke 6:41, 42. tree and its fruit, Luke 6:43-45. creditor and debtors, Luke 7:41-47. good Samaritan, Luke 10:. 30-37. importunate friend, Luke 11:5-9. rich fool, Lw/te 12:16-21. cloud and wind, Luke 12:54-57. barren fig-tree, Luke 13:6-9. men bidden to a feast, Luke 14:7-11. builder of a tower, Luke 14:28-30, 33. ' king going to war, Luke 14:31-33. savor of salt, Luke 14:34, 35. lost sheep, Luke 15:3-7.' lost piece of silver, Luke 15:8-10. prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32. unjust steward, Luke 16:1-8. rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31. importunate widow, Luke 18:1-8. Pharisee and publican, Luke 18:9-14. poundi, Luke 19:12-27. good shepherd, John 10:1-6. vine and branches, Jo/inl5:l-5. PARADISE (garden of Eden) described, Gen. 2:8; (Rev. 2:7.) man expelled from. Gen. 3:22. See Luke 23:43; 2 Cor. 12:4. PARAN, mount, Ishmael reared near, Gen. 21:21. Israel's journey to. Num. 10:12; 12:16; 13:26; Deut. 3^3:2; Hah. 3:3. PARCHMENTS, 2 Tim. 4:13. PARDON : promised, ha. 1:18; Jer. 31:34, with Heb. 8:12; Jer. 50:20. none, without shedding of blood, Lev. 17:11, with Heb. 9:22. legal sacrifices ineffectual for, Heb. 10:4. outward purifications ineffectual for, Jod9:30, 31 ;• Jer. 2:22. PARDON, com^~- the blood of Christ alone is efficacious for, Zech. 13:1, with IJoIin 1:7. IS GRANTED by God alone, Dan. 9:9; Mark 2:1. by Christ, Mark 2:5 ; Luke 7:48. through Christ, Luke 1:69, 77; Acts 5:31; 13:38. through the blood of Christ, Mat, 20:28; Rom. 3:25; Col.l.U. for the name's sake of Christ, 1 Johri 2:12. according to the riches of grace, Eph. on the exaltation of Christ, Acts 5:31. freely, Isa. 43:25. readily, Neh. 9:17; Psa.SQ:5. abundantly, Isa. 55:7; Rom. 5:20. to those who confess their sins, 2 Sam. 12:13; Psa. 32:5; \John 1:9. to those who repent, Acts 2:38. to those who turn to God, Isa. 55:7. to those who believe. Acts 10:43. should be preached in the name of Christ, Luke 24:47. EXHIBITS THE compassion of God, Mic. 7:18,19. grace of God, Rom. 5:15, 16; Heb. 2:9. mercy of God, Exod. 34 : 7 ; Psa. 51 : 1. goodness of God, 2C/ir. 30:18; Psa. 86:5. forbearance of God, Rom. 3:25. loving-kindness of God, Psa. 51:1. justice of God, 1 Jolin 1:9. faithfulness of God, 1 John 1:9. EXPRESSED BY forgiving transgression, Psa. 32:1. removing transgression, Psa. 103:12. blotting out transgression, Isa. 43:25 covering sin, Psa. 32:1. being merciful to unrighteousness, He^.. 8:12. blotting out sin, Isa. 44:22 ; ^^5 3:19. casting sins into the sea, Mic. 7:19. not imputing sin, Rom.. 4:8. cleansing from sin, Isa. 1:18; Jer. 33:8. not mentioning transgression, Eze. 18:22. remembering sins no more, Heb. 10:17. all saints enjoy. Col. 2:13; 1 John 2:12. blessedness of, Psa. 32:1, with Rom. 4:7. SHOULD LEAD TO returning to God, 75a. 44:22. loving God, Luke 7:47. fearing God, Psa. 130:4. praising God, Psa. 103:2, 3. ministers are appointed to proclaim, Isa. 40:1, 2; 2 Cor 5- 19. PRAY FOR, for yourselves, Psa. 25:11, 18; 51:1; Mat 6:12; £M/fcell:4. for others, Exod. 32:31 ; Num. 14:19; LMAre2;3:34; /as. 5:15; lJo/ire5:]6, encouragement to pray for, 2Chr. 7:14 117 PAR BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PAS PARDON, cont. — withheld from the unforgiving, Mark 11:26; Lii. 6:37. the unbelieving, John 8:21, 24. the irupf.nitent, Luke 13:2-5. blasphemers against the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12:32; Mark 3:28, 29. apostates, Heb. 10:26, 27 ; 1 John 5:16. illustrated, LukelA-2] 15:20-21. exemplified. Israelites, Num. 14:20. David. 2 Sam. 12: i3. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:13. Hezekiah, Isa. 36:17. The paralytic, iWa«. 9:2. The peni- tent, Luke 7:47. PARENTS: receive their children from God, Gen. 33:5; 1 Sam. 1:27; P.sa. 127:3. THEIR DUTY TO THEIR CHILDREN IS tO love them. Tit. 2:4. to bring them to Christ, Mat. 19:13, 14. to train them up for God, Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4. to instruct them in God's word, Deut. 4:9; 11:19; /sa. 33:19. to tell them of God's judgments, Joel 1:3. to tell them of the miraculous works of God, Exod. 10:2; Psa. 78:4. to command them to obey God, Deut. 32:46; 1 C/ir. 2S:9. to bless them, Gen. 48:15 ; Heb. 11 :20. to pity them, Psa. 103:13. to care for their safety. Gen. 19:14. to provide for them, Job 42:15; Luke 11:11; 2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Tim. 5:8. to rule them, 1 Tim. 3:4, 12. to correct them, Prov. 13:24; 19:13; 23:13; 29:17; Heb. 12:7. not to provoke them, Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21. not to make unholy connections for them. Gen. 24:1-4 ; 28:1, 2. wicked children, a cause of grief to, Prov. 10:1; 17:25. ill results of partiality, Ge7i. 21:10; 25:28; 37:3. »HOULD PRAY FOR THEIR CHILDREN, for their spiritual welfare, Gen. 17:18; 1 Chr. 29:19. when in temptation. Job 1:5. when in sickness, 2 Sam. 12:16; Mark5:2^\ JcA« 4:46, 49. WHEN FAITHFUL, are blessed by their children, Prov. 31:28. leave a blessing to their children. Psa. 112:2; Proi». 11:21 ; Isa. 65:23. ■ins of, visited on their children, Exod. 20:5; J.va. 14:20; Lam.G-1. negligence of, sorely punished, 1 Sam. WHEN WICKED, instruct their children in evil, Jer. 9:14, 1 Pet. 1:18. set a bad example to their children, Eze. 20:18: Amos2:\. bring evil on their children. Exo. 20:5 ; 34:7; Num. 14:18, 33; Job 21:19; Jer. 32: 18. See 2 Sam. 12: 14, 15. | 118 PARENTS, co«<. — good, exemplified. Abraham, Gen. lS:19. Jacob, Gen. 44:20,30. Joseph, Gen. 48:13-20. Mother of Moses, Exod. 2: 2, 3. Ma- noah, Jwtfg-. 13:8. Hajinah, 1 Sam. 1 : 28. David, 2 Sayn. 18 : 5, 33. Shu- nammite, 2 Kin. 4:19, 20. Job, Job 1:5. Mother of Lemuel, Prou. 31:1. Nobleman, John 4:49. Lois and Eunice. 2 Tim. 1:5. bad, exernplified. Mother of Micah, Judg. 17:3. Eli, 1 Saw. 3:13. Saul, 1 Sam. 20:33. Athaliah, 2 Chr. 22:3. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:6. Herodias, Mark6:2i. duty to. See children. PARTHIANS, ^m2:9. PARTIALITY forbidden, in judging, Lev. 19:15; Deut. 1:17; 16:19; Prov. 18:5; 24:23; Mai. 2:9. among brethren, 1 Tii?i. 5:21. to the rich, Jas. 2:4 ; 3:17; Jude 16. PASHUR, prophecy against, Jer. 20. PASSOVER, the paschal Iamb : a type of Christ, E.xo. 12:3 ; 1 Cor. 5:7. a yearling male, Exod. 12:5; Isa. 9:6. without blemish, Exo. 12; 1 Pet. 1:19. taken of the flock, Exod, 12; Heb. 2:14,17. previously chosen, 1 Pet. 2:4. killed by the people, Acts 2:23. at the temple. Dent. 16:2-7; 2 Chr. 35:1 ; Luke 13:33. in the evening, Exod. 12:6; Mark . 15:34. its blood sprinkled, Exod. 12:22; Heb. 9:13; 10; 22; 1 Pet. 1:2. not a bone broken, John 19:36. not eaten raw, 1 Cor. 11:28, 29. roasted with fire, Psa. 22:14, 15. EATEN with bitter herbs, Zech. 12:10. with unleavened bread, Exod. 12:39; ICor 5:7. 8; 2 Cor. 1:12. in haste, Exod. 12: 11 ; Heb. 6:18. with loins girt, Luke 12:35; 1 Pet. 1:13. staff in hand, Exod. 12:11 ; Psa. 23:4. with shoes on, Exod. 12:11; Eph. 6:15. in the house, Exod. 12:46 ; Eph. 3:17. the residue burned. Mat. 7:6; Luke 11:3. , the festival, Exod. 12; 13. laws concerning. Lev. 23:4; Num. 9; 28:16; Deut. 16. OBSERV'ED by Joshua, Josh. 5:10. by Hezekiah. 2 Chr. 30. by Josiah, 2 Kings 23:21 ; 2 Chr. 35. by Ezra, Ezra 6:19. by Christ, Mat. 26:19, etc.; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7; John 13. PASTORS of the Jews censured, Jer. 2:8; 10:21; 23. PASTURE, figurative, Psa. 23:2; 74:1 ; 79:13; 95:7; 100; i^ze. 34:14; John 10:9. PAU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PEA PATHROS, in Egypt, Isa. 11:11; Jer. 44:1, 15; Eze.20:U; 30:14. PATIENCE : God is the God of, Rom. 15:5. Christ, an example of, Isa. 53:7, vrith Acts 8:3-2 ; Mat, 27:14. enjoined, Tit. 2:2; 2 Pet. 1:6. should have its perfect work, Jas. 1:4. trials of saints lead to, Rom. 5:3 ; Jas. 1:3. PRODUCES experience, Rom. 5:4. hope, Rom. 15:4. suffering with, for well-doing, is ac- ceptable with God, 1 Pet. 2:20. TO BE EXERCISED IX running the race set before us, Heb. 12:1. bringing forth fruits, Luke S:15. well-doing, RoJn. 2:7; Gal. 6:9. ■waiting for God, Psa. 37:7; 40:1. •waiting for Christ, 1 Cor. 1 : 7 ; 2 Thes. 3:5. waiting for the hope of the gospel, Rom. S:25; Gal. 5:5. waiting for God's salvation, Lam. 3:26. bearing the yoke, Lam,. 3:27. tribulation, Luke 21:19 ; Rom. 12:12. necessary to the inheritance of the promises, Heb. 6:12, 15; 10:36. exercise, towards all, 1 Thes. 5:14. they who are in authority, should ex- ercise, Mat. 18:20; Acts 2Q:2. ministers should follow after, 1 Tim. 6:11. ministers approved by, 2 Cor. 6:4; 12:12. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY godliness, 2FeM:6. hope, Rom. 8:25. faith, 2r/ie5. 1:45 Heb. 6:12; Rev. 13:10. temperance, 2 Pet. 1:6. long-suffering and joyfulness, Col. 1:11. saints strengthened unto all, Col. 1:11. commended, Eccl. 7:8; Rev. 2:2. 3. illustrated, Jas. 5:7, 8. exemplified. Job, Job 1:21 ; Jas. 5:11. Simeon, Luke 2:25. Paul, 2 Tim. 3:10. Abraham, He6. 6:15. Proph- ets, Jas. 5:10. John, Rev. 1:9, PAUL persecutes the church, Acts 7:58; 8:1; 9:1; 22:4; 26:9; I Cor. 15:9; Gai. 1:13; Phil. 3:6; 1 Tim. 1:13. his miraculous conversion, Acts 9:3; 22:6; 26:12. preaches at Damascus, Acts 9:19; (2 Cor. 11:32; Gal. 1:17.) at Jerusalem, Acts 9:29. at Antioch, Acts 13:1, 14. at Salamis, Acts 13:4. at Iconium, Acts 14:1. at Lystra, and stoned, Acts 14:3,19; (2 Tim. 3:11.) returns to Jerusalem, Acts 15: (Gal. 2:1.) PAUL, conf.— rebukes Peter, Gal. 2:14. contends with Barnabas, Acts 15:36. persecuted at Philippi, Acts 16. preaches at Thessaionica, Berea, and Athens, Acts 17. at Corinth, Acts 13. the Holy Ghost given by his hands, Acts 19:6. preaches at Ephesus, Acts 19:21. celebrates the Lord's supper at Troas, Acls2!d:l. raises Eutychus, Acts 20:10. his charge at Miletus, Acts 20:17. his journey to Jerusalem, Acts 21. persecuted there, Acts 21:27. his defence before the people, Acts 22. before the council, Acts 23. before Felix, Acts 24. before Festus, Acts 25. before Agrippa, Acts 26. his voyage and shipwreck, Acts 27. miracles at Melita, Acts 28:3, 8. arrives at Rome, Acts 28:14. reasons with the Jews, Acts 23:17. his sufferings, 1 Cor. 4:9 ; 2 Cor. 11:23: 12: 7 ; Phil. 1:12; 2 Tim. 2: 11 , etc. divine revelations to, 2 Cor. 12:1. his love to the churches, Rom. 1:8; 15; ICor. 1:4; 4:14, etc.; 2 Cor. 1;2; 6; 7, etc. ; Phil. 1 ; Col. 1, etc. maintains his apostleship, 1 Cor. 9; 2 Cor. 11; 12; 2 T/w. 3:10. intercedes for Onesimus, Phile. commends Timothy, etc., 1 Cor. 16:10; Phil. 2:19; 1 Thes. 3:2. commends Titus. 2 Cor. 7:13; 8:23. Peter's testimony to, 2 Pet. 3: 15. See Romans, Corinthians., etc. PAVILION, 2 Sam. 22:12. a refuge, Psa. 27:5; 31:20. PEACE : God is the Author of. Psa. 147: 14 ; Isa. 45:7; 1 Cor. 14:33. RESULTS FROM heavenly -wisdom, Jas. 3:17. the government of Christ, Isa. 2:4. praying for rulers, 1 Titn. 2:2. seeking the peace of those with whom Ave dwell, Jer. 29:7. necessary to the enjoyment of life, Psa. 34:12, 14, with 1 Pet. 3:10, 11. God BESTOWS, upox those who obey him, Lev. 26:6. please him, Prov. 16:7. endure his chastisements, Job 5:17, 23,24. is a bond of union, Eph. 4:3. the fruit of righteousness should be sown in, Jas. 3:18. the church shall enjoy, Psa. 125:5 J 128:6; /sa. 2:4 ; Hos.2:lS. SAIXTS SHOULD love, Zcch. 8:19. seek, Psa. .34:14. with 1 Pet. 3:11. follow, 2 rA. 3:1. of the world, 2 Pet. 2:20. POO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. POT POMEGRANATES and bells on the priest's robe, Exod. •28:33; 39:24. on the pillars of the temple, 1 Kings 7: IS; 2 Kings 25: n ; 2 Chr. 3:16. POOR, the : made by God, Job 34: 19 ; Prov. 22:2. are such by God's appointmient, 1 Sam. 2:7; Jo6 1:21. CONDITION OF, OFTEN RESULTS FROM sloth, Prov. 20:13. bad company, Prov. 23:19. drunkenness and gluttony, Pro. 23:21. God forgets not, Psa. 9:18. regards, equally with the rich, Job 34:19. hears, Psa. 69:33; Isa. 41:17. maintains the right of, Psa. 140:12. delivers, Job 30:15; Psa. 35:10. protects, Psa. 12:5; 109:31. exalts, 1 Sa7n. 2:8: Psa. 107:41. provides for, Psa. 6S:10; 140:7. despises not the prayer of, Psa. 102:17. is the refuge of, Psa. 14:6. shall never cease out of the land, Deut. 15:11; Zep/t. 3:12; Mat. 26:11. MAY BE rich in faith, .Tas. 2:5. liberal, Mark 12:42; 2 Cor. S:2. wise, Prov. 23:11. upright, Prov. 19:1. Christ lived as one of, Mat. 8:20. Christ preached to, Luke 4:18. Christ delivers, Psa. 72:12. offerings of, acceptable to God, Mark 12:42-44; 2 Cor. 8:2, 12. SHOULD rejoice in God, Isa. 29:19. hope in God, Job 5:16. commit themselves to God, Psa. 10:14. ■when converted, rejoice in their exal- tation, Jas. 1:9. provided for under the law, Exod. 23:11; Lev. 19:9, 10. NEGLECT TOWARDS, IS a neglect of Christ, Mat. 25:42-45. inconsistent with love to God, 1 John 3:17. a proof of unbelief, Jas. 2:15-17. rob not, Prov. 22:22. wrong not, in judgment, Exod. 23:6. take no usury from, Lev. 25 -.36. harden not the heart against, Deut. 15:7. shut not the hand against, Dejit. 15:7. rule not, with rigor, Lev. 25:39, 43. oppress not, Deut. 24:14 ; Zec/i. 7:10. despise not, Prov. 14:21 ; Jas. 2:2-4. believe, Lev. 25:35; Mat. 19:21. defend, Psa. 82:3, 4. do justice to. Psa. 82:3 ; Jer. 22:3, 10. A CARE FOR. is characteristic of saints, Psa. 112:9, with 2 Cor. 9:9; Prov. 29:7. is a fruit of repentance, Luke 3:11. should be urged, 2 Cor. 8:7, 8; Gal. 2:10. •IVE TO, not grudgingly, Deut. 15:10; 2 Cor. 9:7. POOR, the, cont.— GIVE to, liberally, Deut. 14:29; 15:8,11. cheerfully, 2 Cor. 8:12; 9:7. without ostentation, Mat. 0:1. specially if saints, Rom. 12: 13 ; Gal. 6:10. pray for, Psa. 74:19, 21. THEY WHO IN FAITH RELIEVE, are hap- py, Prov. 14:21. are blessed, Deut. 15:10; Psa. 41:1: Prov. 22:9; Acts 20 :S5. have the favor of God, Heb. 13: 16. have promises, Prov. 19:17; 23:27; jLMyfce 14:13, 14. by oppressing, God is reproached, Prov. 14:31. by mocking, God is reproached, Prov. 17:5. THE WICKED care not for, John 12:6. oppress. Job 24:4-10 ; Eze. 13:12. vex, Eze. 22:29. regard not the cause of, Prov. 29:7. sell, Amos 2:6. crush, Amos 4:1. tread down, A^nos 5:11. grind the faces of, /5a. 3:15. devour, Hab. 3:14. persecute, Psa. 10:2. defraud, A77ios 8:5, 6. despise the counsel of, P.<: Jer. 18:2; Kom. 9:21. POTTERS, ancient, 1 Chr. 4:23. 125 POW BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. POW POURING out of God's wrath, Ps. 69:24 ; 79:6; Jer. 10:25; Hos. 5:10; Eze. 7, 8, etc. of the vials, Rev. 16. of the Holy Spirit, Prov. 1:23; Isa. 3-2:15; 44:3; Eze. 39:29 ; Joel 2:2S; Zec/i. 1-2:10; Acts 2; 10:45. POWER of God . is one of his attributes, Psa. 62:11, EXPRESSED BY THE Voice of God, PSU. 29:3, 5; 63:33. finder of God, Exod. 8:19; Psa. 8:3. hand of God, Exo. 9:3, 15 ; Isa. 48:13. arm of God, Job 40:9; Isa. 52:10. thixnder of his power, etc.. Job 26:14. DESCRIBED AS great, Psa. 79:11; Na/i. 1:3, strong, Psa. 89:13; 136:12. glorious, Exod. 15:6; Isa. 03:12. mighty. Job 9:4 ; Psa. 89:13. everlasting, Isa. 26:4; Rom, 1:20, sovereign, Rom. 9:21. effectual, Isa. 43:13; i:p/i. 3:7. irresistible, Deut. 32:39; Dati. 4:35. incomparable, Exod. 15:11. 12 ; Deut. 3:24; Jo6 40:9; P^a. 89:8. unsearchable, Jo6 5:9; 9:10, incomprehensible, Job 26:14; Eccl. 3:11. all things possible to. Mat. 19:26. nothing too hard for, Gen. 18:14 ; Jer. 32:27. can save by many or by few, 1 Sam. 14:6, is the source of all strength, 1 Chr. 29:12; Psa. 63:35. EXHIBITED IX creation, Psa. 102:25; Jer. 10:12. establishing and governing all things, Psa. 05:6; 66:7, the miracles of Christ, Luke 11:20. the resurrection of Christ, 2Cor. 13:4 ; Col. 2:12, the resurrection of saints, 1 Cor. 6:14, making the gospel effectual, Rom. 1:16; ICor. 1:18,24. delivering his people, Psa. 106:8. the destruction of the wicked, Exod. 9:16; Rom. 9:22. SAINTS long for exhibitions of, Psa. 63:1,2. have confidence in, Jer. 20:11. receive increase of grace bv, 2 Cor. 9:8, strengthened by, Eph. 0:10 ; Co^. 1:11, upheld by, Psa. 37:17; Isa. 41:10, supported in affliction by .2 Cor. 6:7; 2 Tim. 1:8. delivered by, Neh. 1:10; T>an. 3:17, exalted by, Jo6 36:22. kept by, unto salvation, 1 Pet. 1:5, exerted in behalf of saints, 2 Chr, 16:9. works in, and for saints, 2Cor. 13:4; ^•M. 1:19; 3:20. the faith of saints stands in, 1 Cor. 2:5. SHOULD BE acknowledged, 1 Chr. 29:11 ; /sa. 33:13, 126 POWE R of God, coM«,— SHOULD BE plead- ed in prayer, Psa. 79:11 ; Mat. 6:13. feared, Jer. 5:22; Mat. 10:28. magnified, Psa. 21:13 ; Jiide 25, efficiency of ministers is through, \Cor. 3:6-8; Gal. 2:8; Eph. 3:1. is a ground of trust, Isa. 26:4; Ro7n. 4:21. THE WICKED know not, Mat. 22:29, have against them, Ezra 8:22. shall be destroyed by, Luke 12:5, the heavenly host magnify. Rev. 4:11 ; 5:13; 11:17. , which God gives to his people, Isa. 40:29; Actsd:b- jKoot. 15:18; I Cor. 5:4; 2 Cor. 12:8; Eph. 1:19, of Christ : as the Son of God, is the power of God, John 5:17-19; 10:23-30. as man, is from the Father, Acts 10:38. DESCRIBED AS supreme. -Ej?/i. l':20, 21; 1 Pet. 3: 22. unlimited, Mat. 28:18. over all flesh, John 17:2. over all things, John 8:35 ; Eph. 1 :22. glorious, 2 Thes. 1:9. everlasting, 1 Thn. 6:16. is able to subdue all things, Phil.3:21. EXHIBITED IN Creation, John 1:3, 10; Col. 1:16. upholding all things. Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3. salvation, /sa. 63:1 ; Heb. 7:25. his teaching, Mat. 7:28,29; Lm. 4:32. working miracles, Mat. 8:27; Luke 5:17. enabling others to work miracles. Mat. 10:1; J»far^- 16:17, 18; LukeH):17. forgiving sins, Bint. 9:6 ; Acts 5:31. giving spiritual life, John 5:21, 25, 26. giving eternal life. Joh?i 17:2. raising the dead, Joh7i 5:28, 29, rising from the dead, Jo/(»i 2:19; 10:18. overcoming the world. John ]fi:33. overcoming Satan, Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14. destroying the works of Satan, 1 John 3:8. ministers should make known, 2Pet. 1:16. SAINTS made willing by, Psa. 110:3, succored by, Heb. 2:18. strengthened by, Phil. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:17. preserved by, 2 Tim. 1:12; 4:18. bodies of, shall be changed by, Phil. 3:21, rests upon saints, 2 Cor. 12:9. present in the assembly of saints, 1 Cor. 5:4. shall be specially manifested at his second coming, Blark 13:26; 2 Pet. 1:16. shall subdue all power, 1 Cor. 15:24. the wicked shall be destroyed by, Psa. 2:9; Jsa. 11:4; 63:3; 2r/ies. 1:9. PRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PEA POWER of the Holy Ghost : is the power of God, Mat. 12: 2S, with Lukenr20. Christ commenced his ministry in, I,K^e4:14. Christ wrought his miracles by, Mat. 12:23. EXHIBITED IN creation. Gen. 1:2; Job 2G:13; Psa. 104:30. the conception of Christ, Luke 1 :35. raising Christ from the dead, 1 Pet. 3:1S. giving spiritual life, Eze. 37:11-14, with Rom. 8:11. working miracles, Ro77i. 15:19. making the gospel efficacious, 1 Cor. 2:4; 1 Thes. 1:5. overcoming all difficulties, ZecA.4:(>,7. promised by the Father, Luke 24:49. promised by Christ, Acts 1:8. SAINTS Tipheld by, Psa. 51:12. strengthened by, Eph. 3:16. enabled to speak the truth boldly by, Mic. 3:8; Acts 6:5, 10; 2 Tim. 1:7,8. helped in prayer by, Rom. 8:26. abound in hope by, Rom,. 15:13. qualifies ministers, Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8,9. God's word the instrument of, Eph. 6:17. POWERS of heaven, Mat. 24:29; Eph. 3:10. of this world, submission to be rendered to, Rotti. 13; Tit. 3; I Pet. 2:13. See MAGISTRATES, etc. PRAISE : God is worthy of, 2 Sam. 22:4. Christ is worthy of. Rev. 5:12. God is glorified by. Psa. 22:23; 50:23. offered to Christ, John 12:13. acceptable through Christ, Heb. 13:15. IS DUE TO GOD ON ACCOUNT OF his maj- esty, Psa. 96:1, 6; Isa. 24:14. his glory, Psa. 138:5; Eze. 3:12. his excellency, Exod. 15:7; Psa. 148:13. his greatness, IC/jr. 16:25; Psa. 145:3. his holiness, Exod. 15:11 ; Isa. 6:3. his wisdom, Dan. 2:20; Jude 25. his power, Psa. 21:13. his goodness, Psa. 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer. .33:11. his mercy, 2Chr. 20:21; Psa. 89:1; 118:1-4; 136. his loving-kindness and truth. Psa. 133:2. his faithfulness and truth, Isa. 25:1. his salvation, Psa. 18:46; Jsa. 35:10; 61:10; Z-w/cel:6S, 69. his wonderful works, Psa. 89:5; 150:2; Isa. 25 : 1 . bis consolation, Psa. 42:5; Isa. 12:1. his judgment, Psa. 101:1. his counsel, Psa. 16:7; Jer. 32:19. fulfilling of his promises, 1 Kin. 8:56. PRAISE, cont. — is due to god on ac- count OF pardon of sin, Psa. 103:1- 3; Has. 14:2. spiritual health, Psa. 103:3. constant preservation, Psa. 71:6-vS. deliverance, Psa. 40:1-3; 124:6. protection, Psa. 23:7; 59:17. answering prayer, Psa. 23:6 ; 118:21. the hope of glory, 1 Pet. 1:3, 4. all spiritual blessings, Psa. 103:2; Eph. 1:3. all temporal blessings, Psa. 104:1, 14 : 136:25. the continuance of blessint^s, Psa. 63:19. IS OBLIGATORY UPON angels, Ps. 103:20 : 143:2. saints, Psa. 30:4; 149:5. Gentiles, Ps. 117:1, with Rom. 15:11. children, Psa. 8:2, with Mat. 21:16. high and low, Psa. 148:1, 11. young and old, Psa. 148:1, 12. small and great, Rev. 19:5. all men, Psa. 107:8; 145:21. all creation, Psa. 148:1-10; 150:6. is good and comely, Psa. .33:1 ; 147:1. SHOULD BE OFFERED with the Under- standing, Psa. 47:7, with 1 Cor. 14:15. with the soul, Psa. 103:1 ; 104:1, .35. with the whole heart, Psa. 9:1 ; 111:1 : 133:1. with uprightness of heart, Psa. 119:7. with the lips, Psa. 63:3; 119:171. with the mouth, Psa. 51:15; 63:5. with joy. Psa. 63:5; 98:4. with gladness, 2Chr. 29:30: Jer. 33:11. with thankfulness, 1 Chr. 16:4 ; N«h. 12:24; Psa. 147:7. continually, Psa. 35:28; 71:6. during life, Psa. 104:33. more and more, Psa. 71:14. day and night, Rev. 4:8. day by day, 2 Chr. 30:21. for ever and ever, Psa. 145:1, 2. throughout the world, Psa. 113:3. in psalms and hymns, etc., Psa. 105:2; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. accompanied with musical instruments, 1 Chr. 16:41, 42 ; Psa. 150:3-5. is a part of public worship, Psa. 9:14 ; 100:4; 113:19,20; Heb. 2:12. SAINTS SHOULD show forth, 7sa. 43:21; IPe^ 2:9. be endued with the spirit of. 7sa. 61:3. render, under affliction. Acts 16:23. glory it), 1 Chr. 16:35. triumph in, Psa. 106:47. express their joy by, Jas. 5:1.3. declare, Isa. 42:12. invite others to, Psa. 34:3; 95:1. pray for ability to offer, Psa. 51:15; 119:175. posture suited to, \Chr. 23:.30; Nek, 9:5. 127 PRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PEA PRAISE, conf.— CALLED THE fruit of the lips, He6. 13:15. voice of praise, Psa. 66:8. voice of triumph, Psa. 47:1. voice of melody, Isa. 51:3. voice of a psalm, Psa. 93:5. garment oi" praise, Isa. 61 :3. sacrifice of praise, Heb. 13:15. sacrifices of joy, Psa. 27:6. calves of the lips, Hos. 14:2. the heavenly host engage in, Isa. 6:3; Luke 2:13; Rev. 4:9-11 ; 5:12. exemplified. Melchizedek, Gen. 14:20. Moses, etc., Exod. 15: 1-21. Jethro, Exo. 18:10. Israelites, 1 Chr. 16:30. David, 1 CAr. 29:10-13; Psa. 119:1 64. Priests and Levites, Ezra 3:10, 11. Ezra, Nell. 8:6. Hezekiah, Isa. 38:19. Zacharias, Lw^-el:64. Shep- herds, Luke 2:20. Simeon, Luke 2:23. Anna, Luke 2:38. Multi- tudes, Luke 18:43. Disciples. Luke 19:37, 33. The Apostles, LwAre 24:53. First converts, Acts 2:47. Lame man, Acts 3:8. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:25. . of man, vanity of, Prov. 27:2; Mat. 6:1 ; 2 Cor. 10:18; Gal. 5:26; Phil. 2:3. PRAYER: commanded, Jsa. 55:6; Mat.l:l\ Phil. 4:6. TO BE OFFERED to God, Psa. 5:2; Mat. 4:10. to Christ, Luke 23:42 ; ^cf« 7:59. to the Holy Ghost, 2 Thes. 3:5. through Christ, Ep/i. 2:13 ; Heb. 10:19. God hears, Psa. 10:17; 65:2. God answers, Psa. 99:6; Isa. 58:9. IS DESCRIBED AS bowing the knees, Eph. 3:14. looking up, Psa. 5:3. lifting up the soul, Psa. 25:1. lifting up the heart. Lam. 3:41. pouring out the heart, Psa. 62:8. pouring out the soul, 1 Sam. 1:15. calling upon the name of the Lord, Gen. 12: 3 : Psa. 116:4 ; Acts 22: 16. crying unto God, Psa. "21:1 \ 34:6. drawing near to God, Psa. 73:23; Heb. 10:22. crying to heaven, 2 Chr. 32:20. beseeching the Lord, Exod. 32:11. seeking unto God, Job 8:5. seeking the face of the Lord, Psa. 27:8. making supplication, Job 8:5; Jer. 36:7. acceptable through Christ, John 14:13, 14; 15:16; 16:23,24. ascends to heaven, 2 Chr. 30:27; Rev. 5:8. quickening grace necessary to, Psa. 80:18. THE HOLY GHOST promised as a Spirit of, Zech. 12:10. 128 PRAYER, cont. — the holy ghost, as the Spirit of adoption, leads to, Ro?n.ti: 15: Gal. 4:0. helps our infirmities in, Rom. 8:26. an evidence of conversion. Acts 9:11. of the righteous, availeth much, Jas. 5:16. of the upright, a delight to God, Prov. 15:8. SHOULD BE OFFERED UP in the Holy Ghost, Eph. 6:18 ; Jude 20. in faith, Mat. 21:22; Heb. 11:6 ; Jas. 1:6. in full assurance of faith, Heb. 10:22. in a forgiving spirit, Mat. 6:12 ; Mark 11:25. with the heart, Jer. 29:13; Lam. 3:41. with the whole heart, Psa. 119:58, 145. with preparation of heart. Job 11:13. with a true heart, Heb. 10:22. with the soul, Psa. 42:4. with the spirit and understanding, John 4:22-24 ; 1 Cor. 14:15. with confidence in God, Psa. 56:9; 86:7; lJoAn5:14. with submission to God, Luke 22:42. with paramount regard to God's glory, 1 Kings 18:36; Psa. 79:9; Isa- 37:20. with unfeigned lips, Psa. 71:1. with deliberation, Eccl. 5:2. with holiness, 1 Tim. 2:8. with humility, 2Chr. 7:14; 33:12. with truth, Psa. 145:18; John A:2A. with desire to be heard, Neh. 1:6; Psa. 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1. with desire to be answered, Psa. 27:7', 102:2; 108:6; 143:1. with boldness, Heb. 4:16. with earnestness, I Thes. 3:10; Jas. 5:17. with importunity, Gen. 32:26; Luke 11:8, 9; 18:1-7. with perseverance, Psa. 40:1; Eph. 6:1a. night and day, 1 Tim. 5:5. without ceasing, 1 Thes. 5:17. everywhere, 1 Tim. 2:8. in every thing, Phil. 4:6. for temporal blessings, Gen. 28:20; Prow. 30:8; Mat. G:ll. for spiritual blessings. Mat. 6:33; Col. 3:1. for grace in time of need, Heb. 4:16 model for, Mat. 6:9-13. vain repetitions in. forbidden. Mat. 6:7. ostentation in, forbidden. Mat. 6:5. ACCOMPANIED with repentance, 1 Kings 8:33; Jer. 36:7. confession, Neh. 1 :4, 7 ; Dan. 9:4-lL self-abasement. Ge)i. 18:27. weeping. Jer. 31:9; Hos. 12:4. fasting, Neh. 1:4; Dan. 9:3; Acts 13:3. watchfulness, Ljcke 21:36 ; 1 Pet. 4:7 PRA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRA PRAYER, COn<. — ACCOMPANIED WITH praise, Psa. 6G:17. thanksgiving, P/iil. 4:G; Col. 4:2. obedience, John 9:31 ; 1 John 3:22. beneficence, Prov. 21:13 ; Jsa. 58:7. ?LEAD IN, THE promises of God, Gew. 32:9-12; Erod. 32:13; 1 Kings 8:26; Psa. 119:49. , covenant of God, Jer. 14:21. faithfulness of God, Psa. 143:1. mercy of God, Psa. 51:1 ; Dan. 9:18. righteousness of God, Dan. 9:16. rise early for, Psa. 5:3; 119:147. seek divine teaching for, Luke 11:1. faint not in, Luke 18:1. continue instant in, Rom. 12:12, avoid hinderances in, 1 Pet. 3:7. suitable in affliction,/*. 26:16; Jas. 5:13. shortness of time a motive to, 1 Pet. 4:7. POSTURES in: standing, 1 iCmgs 8:22; Jlfar/fc 11:25. bowing down, Psa. 95.6. kneeling, 2Chr. 0:13; Psa. 95:6; Luke'>2:M; .4c«5 20:36. falling on the face, A'K7n..l6:22 ; Josh. 5:14; IChr. 21:16; Mat. 26:39. spreading forth the hands, Isa. 1:15. lifting up the hands, Psa. 28:2; Lam. 2:19; 1 Tim. 2:8. the promises of God encourage to, Isa. 65:24; Amos 5A\ Zech. 13:9. the promises of Christ encourage to, Luke 11:9, 10 ; John 14:13, 14. experience of past mercies an incentive to, Psa. 4:1; 116:2. "NEGLECTED BY the wicked. Job 21:15. the proud, Psa. 10:4. workers of iniquity, Psa. 14:4; 53:4. backsliders, Isa. 43:22; Dan. 9:13. • of the hypocrite condemned, Psa. 109:7; Prou. 1:28; 28:9; Maf. 6:5. • , private : Christ was constant in. Mat. 14:23; 26:36, 39 ; Mark 1 :35 ; Luke 9:18, 29. commanded. Mat. G:Q. SHOULD BE OFFERED at evening, morn- ing, and noon, Psa. 55:17. day and night, Psa. 88:1. without ceasing, 1 Thes. 5:17. shall be heard. Job 22:27. rewarded openly. Mat. 0:^. an evidence of conversion. Acts 9:11. nothing should hinder, Dan. 6:10. exemplified. Lot, Gen. 19:20. Elie- zer. Gen. 24:12. Jacob. Gen. 32:9- 12. Gideon, Judg. 6:22, 36, 39. Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:10. David, 2 Sam. 7:18-29. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:2. Isaiah, 2 Kings 20:11. Ma- nasseh, 2Chron. 33:18,19. Ezra, Ezra 9:5, 6. Nehemiah, Neh. 2:4. Jeremiah, Jer. 32:16-25. Daniel, Dan. 9:3, 17. Jonah, Jonah 2:1. Habakkuk, Hab. 1:2. Anna, Luke Q:37. Paul, Jcis 9:11. Veter, Acts 9:40 ; 10:9. Cornelius, Acts 10:30. 9 PRAYER, social and family : promise of answers to, Blat. 18:19. Christ promises to be present at. Mat 18:20. punishment for neglecting, Jer. 10:25. exemplified. Abram, Gen. 12:5, S. Jacob, Gen. 35:2. 3. 7. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. David, 2 Sam. 6:20. Job. Job 1:5. The disciples, Acts 1:13, 14. Cornelius, .4c«s 10:2. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:25. Paul, etc.. Ads 20:36; 21:5. , public : acceptable to God, Isa. 56:7. God promises to hear, 2 Chr. 7:14, 16. God promises to bless m, Exod. 20:24. Christ .'sanctifies by his presence. Mat. 18:20. attended. Mat. 12:9; Luke 4:16. promises answers to. Mat. 18:19. instituted form of, Luke 11:2. should not be made in an unknown tongue, 1 Cor. 14:14-16. saints delight in, Psa. 42:4; 122:1. exhortation to, Heb. 10:25. urge others to join in, Fsa. 95:6 ; Zech. 8:21. exemplified. Joshua, etc.. Josh. 7:6-9. David. 1 Chr. 29:10-19. Solomon, 2 Chr. 6. Jehoshaphat, etc., 2Chr. 20:5-13. Jeshua.etc. i\Wi.9. Jew? Luke 1:10. Primitive Christians. Acts 2:46; 4:24; 12:5, 12. Peter^ etc., Acts'i:\. Teachers and proph- ets at Antioch, Acts 13: 3. Paul, etc., Acts 16:16. , intercessory : Christ set an example of, Luke 22:32; 23:34; Jo/i/i 17:9-24. commanded, 1 Tim. 2:1 ; Jas. 5:14, 16. SHOULD BE OFFERED UP FOR kings, 1 Tim. 2:2. all in authority, 1 Tim. 2:2. ministers, 2Cor. 1:11; Phil. 1:19. the church, Psa. 122:6; Isa. 62:6, 7. all saints. Eph. 6:18. all men, i Tim. 2:1. masters, Gen. 24:12-14. servants, Luke 7:2, 3. children, Gen. 17:18; Mat. 15:22. friends, Job 42:8. fellow-countrymen, Rom.. 10:1. the sick, Jas. 5:14. persecutors, Mat. 5:44. enemies among whom we dwell, Jer. 29:7. those who envy us, Num. 12:13. those who forsake us, 2 Tim,. 4:16. those who murmur against God, Num.. 11:1, 2; 14:13-19. by ministers for their people, Eph. 1:16; 3:14-19; P/i«7. 1:4. encouragement to, Jas. 5:16; IJohn 5:16. beneficial to the offerer, Job 42:10- sin of neglecting, 1 Sam.. 12:23. 129 PilA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRE PRAYER, intercessory, cont. — seek an interest in, 1 Sam. 12:19; Heb. 13:1S. unavailing for the obstinately impeni- tent, /er. 7:13-16; 14:10, 11. exemplified. Abraham, Gew. 18:23-32. Abraham's servant, Gen. 24:12-14. Moses, E.rod. 8: 12 ; 32: 11-13. Sam- uel, 1 Sam. 7:5. Solomon, 1 Kin. 8:3U-3G. Elisha, 2 Kings 4:3:3. Hezekiah. 2Chr. 30:18. Isaiah, 2 C/ir. 32:20. Nehemiah. Ne/i. 1 :4-ll. David, Psa. 25:22. Ezekiel, Eze. 9:8. Daniel, Dan. 9:3-19. Stephen, Acts 7:60. Peter and John, Acts 8:15. Church of Jerusalem, Acts 12:5. Paul, Col. 1:9-12; 2Thes. 1:11. Epaphras, Col. 4:12. Phile- mon, Phile. 22. ■ , answers to : God gives, I>ewi. 4:7; Pra. 99:6; 113:5; 138:3. Christ gives, John 4:10, 14; 14:14. Christ received, John 11:42; Heb. 5:7. GRAFTED through the grace of God, Isa. 30:19. sometimes immediately, Isa. 65:24; Dan. 9:21, 23; 10:12. sometimes after delay, Luke 18:7. sometimes difterently from our desire, 2 Cor. 12:8,9. beyond expectation, Jer. 33:3; Eph 3:20. promised, Isa. 58:9; Jer. 29:12; Mat. 7:7. promised especially in times of trouble, Psa. 50:15; 91:15. RECBiVED BY THOSE WHO seek God, Psa. 34:4. seek God with all the heart, Jer. 29:12, 13. wait upon God, Psa. 40:1. return to God, « Chr. 7: 14 ; Job 22:23, 27. ask in faith. Mat. 21 :22 ; Jas. 5: 15. ask in the name of Christ, John 14:13. ask according to God's will, IJno. 5:14. call upon God in truth, Psa. 145:18. fear God, Psa. 145:19. set their love upon God. Ps. 91:14. 15. keep God's commandments, 1 John 3:22. call upon God under oppression, Isa. 19:20. call upon God under affliction, Psa, 18:6; 106:44; Isa. 30:19,20. abide in Christ, John 15:7. humble themselves 2 Chr. 7: 14 ; Psa. 9:12. are righteous, Psa. 34:15; Jas. 5:16. are poor and needy, Isa. 41:17. ■AiNTS are assured of, 1 John 5: 15. love God for, Psa. 116:1. bless God for, Psa. 66:20. praise God for, Psa. 116:17; 118:21. a motive for continued prayer, Psa. 116:2. 130 PRAYER, answers to, cont. — denied t« THOSE WHO ask amiss, Jas. 4:3. regard iniquity in the heart, Psa- 66:18. live in sin, Isa. 59:2; John 9:31. offer unworthy service to God, 3Ial. 1:7-9. forsake God, Jer. 14:10, 12. reject the call of God, Prov. 1:21, 25, 28. hear not the law, Prov. 28:9; Zech. 7:11-13. are deaf to the cry of the poor, Prov. 21:13. are bloodshedders, Isa. 1:15; 59:3. are idolaters, Jer. 11:11-14; Eze. 8:15-18. are wavering, Jas. 1:6, 7. are hypocrites, Job 27:8, 9. are proud, Job 35:12, 13. are self-righteous, Luke 18:11, 12,14. are the enemies of saints, Ps. 18:40,41. cruelly oppress saints, Mic. 3:2-4. exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 17:20. Lot, Gen. 19:19-21. Abraham's ser- vant. Gen. 24:15-27. Jacob, Gen. 32:24-30. Israelites, Exod. 2:2-3,24. Moses, Exod. 17:4-6, 11-13; 32:11- 14. Samson, Ji<^^. 15:18, 19. Han- nah, 1 Sa>}i. 1:27. Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:9. Solomon, 1 Kitigs 3:9, 12. Man of God, 1 Zirtg-s 13:6. Elijah, 1 Kings 18:36-38; Jas. 5:17, IS. Elisha 2A'mg-5 4:33-35. Jehoahaz, 2Ki)igs 13:4. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 19:20. Jabez, 1 Chr. 4:10. Asa, 2 Chr. 14:11, 12. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr 20:6-17. Manasseh, 2 CAr.' 33:13, 19. Ezra, etc., JEzra 8:21-23. Ne- hemiah, Neh. 4:9, 15. Job, Jo6 42:10. David, Psa. 18:6. Jeremiah, Lam. 3:55, 56. Daniel, Dan. 9:20-23. Jonah, Jonah 2:2, 10. Zacharias, Luke 1 :13. Blind man, Luke 18:38, 41-43. Thief on the cross, Luke 23:42, 43. Apostles, Acts 4:29-31. Cornelius, Acts 10:4, 31. Primitive Christians, Acts 12:5, 7. Paul and Silas, Acts 16:25, 26. Paul, Acts 28:8. refusal of, exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 23:15. Elders of Israel, Eze. 20:.3. Pharisees, Mat. 23:14. See AFFLICTION. PRAYERS of Christ: in a mountain. Mat. 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke Q:12\ 9:28. in Gethsemane, Mat. 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22: \o. the Lord's prayer, Mat. 6:9 ; Luke 11:1. before day, Mark 1:35. in distress. John 12:27 ; Heb. 5:7. in the wilderness, Luke 5:16. for Peter, etc., Luke 22:31 ; John 14:16, . after the supper, John 17. PREACHER, the. Eccl. 1:1. etc. PRE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRE PREACHER and Propket, Christ : FORETOLD AS like i\Ioses, Deut. 18:18; ActsZ:22. preaching righteousness, Psa. 40:9. a great light, Isa. 9:'2; 42:6. the Counsellor, Isa. 9:G. publishing peace, Isa. 52:7; Luke 4:18. witness to the people, Isa. 55:4. preaching glad tidings, Isa. 61:1 Son of righteousness, JSIal. 4:2. EXERCISED HIS PROPHETIC OFFICE BY inspiring Old Testament prophets, 1 Pet. 1:10-12. speaking by them, Mat. 23:37 ; Luke 13:. 33, 34. being the Word of God, John 1:1. being the light of the world, John 1:5; 8:12. revealing the Father, Mat. 11:27. preaching the gospel, Luke 4:43 ; '6:20. speaking the words of God, Jo/ui3:34. teaching the doctrine of God, John 7:16; 12:50; 14:24; 15:15. proclaiming salvation, Heb. 2:3. HIS PREACHING WAS with authority. Mat. 7:28. itinerant. Mat. 4:23. astonishing for wisdom. Mat. 13:54. unsurpassed, John 7:46. convicting, Isa. 11:3; John 4; 8:9. attractive, Luke 4:20-22. by parables. Mat. 13:34. with exposition, Mark 4:34. we must hear, Luke 9:35. See DISCOURSES of Christ. PREACHING of repentance, by Jonah, Jonah 3. by John the Baptist, Mat. 3 ; Mark 1:4; Luke^. ■ of the Gospel, by the apostles, Mrt«.2S:19; MarA: 16:15; I,M>t«9:60; 24:47; ^c(52:14; 3:12; 4:8; 10:42; 13:16, etc. See Rom. 10:8; 1 Cor. l.:17; 2, etc.; 15:1; Gal. 1 ; Eph. 1-3, etc. PRECIOUSNESS of Christ : to God, Mat. 3:17 ; 1 Pet. 2:4. to saints. Song 5:10; Phil. 3:8; 1 Pet. 2:1. o.\ ACCOUNT OF HIS gooduess and beautv, ZecA. 9:17. excellence and grace, Psa. 45:2. name. Song 1:3; Heb. 1:4. atonement, I Pet. 1:19, with Heb. 12:24. words, John 6:6S. promises, 2 Pet. 1:4. care and tenderness, Isa. 40:11, as the corner-stone of the church, Isa. 23:16, with 1P(^^ 2:6. as the source of all grace, John 1:14 ; Co^. 1:19. unsearchable, Eph. 3:8. illustrated, Song 2:3; 5:10-16; Mat. 13:44-46. PREDESTINATION of saints, Rom. 8:29; 9; 10; 11; Eph. 1:5. PRESBYTERY, 1 Tim. 4:14. PRESENCE of God described, \ Chr. 16:27; Psa. 16:11; 18:7; 68:8; Isa. 64:1; Jer. 5:22; Eze.l; Dan.l.Qi Nah. 1 ; Hab. 3 ; Rev. 1. Adam driven from. Gen. 3:3, 24. the redeemed brought into, Heb. 9:24; Jude2\\ Rev. 7; 14:1. angels stand in, Lukel:\9\ Rev. 5:11. OF Christ with his people : where two or three meet. Mat. 18:20. to the end of the world, Mat. 23:20. with such as love him, John 14:21. to comfort them, John 14:18. to protect them, Acts 18:10; 23:11. to commune with them, I John 1:3. to sup with them, Rev. 3:20. to help them preach the gospel to every creature. Mat. 28:20; 2 Tim. 4:17. in death, Acts 7:59; Phil. 1:23. PRESENT with Christ, believers shall be, John 17:24; Col. 3:4; 1 Thes. 4:17; Rev. 3:4, 21; 14:4. PRESENTS, instances of. Gen. 32:13; 33:10; 43:11; Judg. 3:15; 1 Sam. 9:7; 2 Kings 8:8; 20:12; Mat. 2:11. etc. PRESERVER of men. Josh. 24:17; 2 Sam. 8:6; Job 7:20; Psa. 31:23; 36:6; 37:28; 97:10; 116:6; 145:20; 146:9; Prov. 2:8; La7n. 3:22; 1 Thes. 5:^23. See GOODNESS, mercy. PRESUMPTION : a characteristic of the wicked, 2 Pet, 2:10. a characteristic of antichrist, 2 Thes. 2:4. exhibited in opposing God, Job 15:25, 26. wilful commission of sin, Rom. 1:32. self-righteousness, Hos. 12:8; Rev. 3:17. spiritual pride, Isa. 65:5; Lukel8:ll. esteeming our own ways right, Prov. 12:15. seeking precedence, Luke 14:7-11. planning for futurity, Luke 12:18; Ja5. 4:13. pretending to prophesy, Deut. 18:22. pray to be kept from sins of, Psa. 19:13. saints avoid, Psa. 131:1. punishment for, Num. 15:30; Rev. 18:7,8. exemplified. Builders of Babel, Gen. 11:4. Israelites, Num. 14:44. Ko- rah, etc.. Num. 16:3, 7. Men of Bethshemesh, 1 Sam. 6:19. Uzzah, 2 Sam. 6:6. Jeroboam, 1 Kings 13:4. Ben-hadad, 1 Kings 20:10. Uzziah, 2Chr. 26:16. Sennacherib, 2 Chr. 32:13, 14. Theudas, Acts 5: 36. Sons of Sceva, Acts 19: 13, 14 Diotrephes, 3 John 9. LSI PRI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRI PRESUMPTUOUS sins censured, Exod. 21:14; Num. 15:30; Deut. 17:12. See 2 Pet. 2:10. prayer against, Psa. 19:13. PRICE, tiie blood of Christ the price of redemption, I Cor. 6:20; 7:23; 1 Pet. 1:19. See Zech. 11:12. fRIDE : is sin, Prov. 21:4. hateful to God, Prov. 6:16, 17; 16:5. hateful to Christ, Prov. 8:12, 13. OFTEN ORIGINATES IN self-righteousness, Luke 18:11, 12. religious privileges, Zeph. 3:11. unsanctified knowledge, 1 Cor. 8:1. inexperience, 1 Tmi. 3:6. possession of power, Lev. 26: 19 ; Eze. 30.6. possession of wealth, 2 King.$ 20:13. forbidden, 1 Satn. 2:3; Rom. 12:3, 16. defiles a man, Mark 7:20, 22. hardens the mind. Dan. 5:20. 4JLINT.S give not way to, Psa. 131:1. respect not, in others, Psa. 40:4. mourn over, in others, Jer. 13:17 hate, in others, Psa. 101:5. a hinderance to seeking God, Psa. 10:4 ; Hos. 7:10. a hinderance to improvement, Prov. 26:12. A CHARACTERISTIC OF the devil, 1 Tim. 3:6. the world, 1 John 2:16. false teachers. 1 Tim. 6:3, 4. the wicked, Hab. 2:4, 5 ; Rom. 1 :30. comes from the heart, Mark 7:21-23. the wicked encompassed with, Psa. 73:6. LEADS MEN TO contempt and rejection of God's word and ministers, Jer. 43:2. a persecuting spirit, Psa. 10:2. wrath, Prov. 21:24. contention, Prov. 13:10; 23:25. self-deception, Jer. 49:16 ; Obad. 3. exhortation against, Jer. 13:15. IS FOLLOWED BY shame, Prov. 11 :2. debasement, Prov. 29:23; Lsa. 2S:3. destruction, Prov. 16:18; 18:12. shall abound in the last days 2 Tim. 3:2. woe to, lsa. 28:1, 3. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, SHALL BE resisted, Jas. 4:6. brought into contempt, lsa. 23:9. recompensed, Psa. 31:23. marred, Jer. 13:9. subdued, Exod. IS: 11; J5a. 13:11. "brought low, Psa. 18:27; lsa. 2:12. abased, Dan. 4:37, with Mat. 23:12. scattered, Licke 1:51. punished, Zeph. 2:10, 11 ; Mai. 4:1. exemplified. Ahithophel,2Sa»i. 17:23. Hezekiah, 2Chr. 32:25. Pharaoh, Neh. 9:10. Haman, Esth. 3:5. Moab, 75a. 16:6. Tyre, lsa. 23:9. 132 Israel, lsa. 23:1 ; Hos. 5:5, 9. Ju- dah, Jer. 13:9. Babylon, Jer. 50:29, 32 Assyria, £ze. 31:3, 10. Neb- uchadnezzar, Daniel 4:30; 5:20. Belshazzar. Dan. 5:22, 23. Edom, Obad. 3. Scribes, Mark 12:38. 39. Herod, Acts 12:21-2;3. Laodiceans, Rev. 3:17. See HUMILITY. PRIEST, HIGH, his appointment, and office, Exod. 28 ; 39 ; Lev. 16. consecration, Lev. 8. return of the manslayer at his death, mim. 35:25; Josh. 20:6. condemns Christ, Blat. 26:66; Luke 22:71. See aaron, eleazar, etc. of the most high God. Melchize- dek. Gen. 14:18; Heb. 7, etc. PRIESTHOOD of Christ compared with Aaron's and Melchizedek's, {Psa. 110;) Heb. 2:17; 3; 5; 7; etc.; Rom. 8:34 ; lJohn2:l. PRIESTS, Levitical, chosen, Exo. 28:1. their garments, Exod. 28 ; Lev. 8. etc. their office, Lev. 1, etc.; Nvni. 3; Deut. 31:9 ; Josh. 3 ; 4 ; 1 Ki7igs8:3. their consecration, Exod. 29 ; Lev. 8. ' their first offering, Lev. 9. their mourning, marriages, etc. ,I.er. 21. their uncleanness. Lev. 22. their revenues, Num. 18; Dewi. 18:3. slain by Saul, 1 Sam. 22:17. ordered by David, 1 Chr. 24, etc. return from captivity, Ezra 2:36; 6; iYeA. 12, censured by the prophets, Jer. 1:18; 5:31, etc.; Hos. 5; 6; Mic. 3:11; itfa^. 2, etc. ; Zejih. 3:4, etc. Christians so called, 1 Pet. 2:5; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6. of Baal, slain, 1 Kings IQAQ \ 2 A'/w^-i 10:19; 11:1S. PRINCE of peace, lsa. 9:6. of life, ^ci5 3:15. of this world, John 12:31 ; 14:30 ; 16:11. of the power of the air, Eph. 2:2. of devils. Mat. 9:34. PRINCES' of the tribes, Num. 1:5. their offerings. Num. 7. PRINCIPALITIES, Christ the head of all, Eph. \:21\ Col. 1:1Q] 2:10. PRISCILLA. See aquila. PRIVILEGES of saints : abiding in Christ, John 15:4, 5. partaking of the divine nature, 2 Pet. 1:4. access to God by Christ, Eph. 3:12. being of the household of God^ Eph. 2:19. membership with the church of the first-born, Heb. 12:23. Christ for their Shepherd, lsa. 40:11, with JoAn 10:14, 16. Christ for their Intercessor, Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25; lJoAn2:l.' PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO PRI VILE GE S of saints, cont.—the prom- ises of God, 2 Cor.7: 1 ; 2 Pet. 1 :4. the possession of all things, I Cor. 3:-21,-2-2. all things working together for iheir good, Rom. b':2d; 2Cor. 4: 15-] 7. their names written in the book of life, Rev. l:3:y; 20:15. HAVING GOD FOR THEIR king, Psu. 5:2; 44:4; /m. 44:6. glory, Psa. 3:3; Isa. 60:19. salvation, Psa. 18:2; 27:1. father, Dent. 32:6; Isa. 64:8. redeemer, Psa. 19:14; Isa. 43:14, friend, 2Chr. 20:7, with Jas. 2:23. helper, Psa. 33:20; Heb. 13:6. keeper, Psa. 121:4. 5. deliverer, 2 Sam. 22:2; Psa. 18:2. strength, Psa. IS: 2; 46:1. refuge, Psa. 46:1, 11 ; Isa. 25:4. shield, Gen. 15:1 ; Psa. 84:11. tower, 2 .Saw. 22:3 ; Psa. 61:3. light, Psa. 27:1 ; Isa. 60:19. guide, Psa. 4ii:14; Isa. 58:11. lawgiver, iVe/i. 9: 13, 14 ; 7sa. 33:22. habitation, Psa. 90:1; 91:9. portion, Psa. 73:26; Lam. 3:24. union in God and Christ, John 17:21. committing themselves to God, Psa. 31:5; ^c^s 7:59; 2r«m. 1:12. calling upon God in trouble, Psa. 50:15. suffering for Christ, Acts 5:41; Phil. 1:29. profitingby chastisement, Heb.l2:l0.1].. pleading the covenant, Jer. 14:21. being secure during public calamities, Job 5:22, 23; Psa. 91:5-7. interceding for others. Gen. 18:23-33; Isa. 62:7; Jas. 5:16. PROCLAMATION of Cyrus for the building of the temple, 2 Chr. 36:22; Ezral:l; 6:3. PROCRASTINATION : condemned by Christ, Luke 9:59-62. saints avoid, Psa. 27:8; 119:60. TO BE AVOIDED l\ hearkening to God, Psa. 93:7, 8, with Heb. 3:7, 8. seeking God. Isa. 55:6. glorifying^God, Jer. 13:16. keeping God's commandments, Psa. 119:60. making ofFerings to Goiy Ezod. 22:29. performance of vows, Deut. 23:21; EccLSA. MOTIVES FOR AvoiDiXG : the present the accepted time, 2 Cor. 6:2. the present the best time, Eccl. 12:1. the uncertainty of life, Prov. 27:1. danger of, illustrated, Mat. 5:25; Luke 13:25. exemplified. Lot, Gen. 19:16. Felix, Arts 21:25. PRODIGAL son. Luke 15:11. PROFANITY forbidden. Lev. 18:21; 19:12: Neh. 13:18; Eze. 22:S] Mai. 1;12. PROFESSION of religion, by open avouchment, Deut. 2o:17 ; Isa. 44:5- by confessing Christ, Mat. 10:32 ; Mar/i 8:38; Rom. 10:9; I John 4;15. by church ordinances. Mat. 26:27- Mark 16:16; Luke 22:19; I Cor 11:26. by holy living, Mat. 5:14 ; 2 Tim. 2:12 before many witnesses, 1 Tim. 6:12. we must holsl fast, Heb. 4:14; 10:23, considering Christ, Heb. 3:1. PROMISES OF God: contained in the Scriptures, Rom. 1:2- made in Christ, Eph. 3:0 ; 2 Ti7n. 1:1. MADE TO Christ, Gal. 3:16, 19. Adam, Gen. 3:15. Noah, Gen. 8:21; 9:9. Abraham, Ge?i. 12:7; 13:14; 15; 17; 18: 10 ; 22: 15. (See Luke 1 :55, 73 ; Rom. 4; Gal. 3:8, 16; Heb. 11:8, etc.) Hagar, Gen. 16:10; 21:17. Isaac, Gen. 26:2-4. Jacob. Gen. 23:13; 31:3; 32:12; 35:11; 46:3. David. 2Sa7n. 7:11; IChr. 17:10; Psa. 89:35, 36. Solomon, I Kings 9; 2 CAr. 1:7; 7:12. the fathers, Acts 1^:32; 26:6, 7. all who are called of God, Acts 2:39. those who love him, Jas. 1:12; 2:5, confirmed by an oath, Psa. 89:3, 4; Heb. 6:17. the covenant established upon, Heb. 8:6. God is faithful to. Tit. 1:2 ; Heb. 10:23, God remembers, Psa. 105:42; Luke 1:54, 55. are good, 1 Kings 8:56. are holy, Psa. 105:42. exceeding great and precious, 2Pet. 1 :4. confirmed in Christ, Ro?n. 15:8. yea and amen in Christ, 2 Cor. 1:20. fulfilled in Christ, 2 Sam. 7:12, with ^c^s 13:23; Luke 1:09-73. through the righteousness of faith, Rom. i:13, 16. obtained through faith, Heb. 11:33. given to those who believe. Gal. 3:22. inherited through faith and patience, Pleb. 6:12, 15; 10:36. performed in due season, Jer. 33:14: Acts 7:17; GaH:A. not one shall fail. Josh. 23:14 ; 1 Kings 8:56, the law not against. Gal. 3:21, the law could not disannul. Gal. 3:17. SUBJECTS of: Christ, 2 Sam. 7:12, 13, with ^cfs 13:22, 23, the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:33 ; Eph-. 1:13. the gospel. Rom. 1:1, 2. life in Christ, 2 Titn. 1:1. a crown of life, Jas. 1 : 12. eternal life. Tit. 1:2; 1 John 2:25. the life that now is, 1 Tim. 4:8. adoption, 2 Cor. 6:18, with 2 Cor. 7:1. 133 4*ito BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO PROMISES of God, cont. — subjects of : preservation in affliction, Isa. 43:2. blessing, Deut. 1:11. forgiveness of sins, Isa. 1:18; Heb. 8:12. putting the law into the heart, Jer. 31:33, with Heb. SAO. second coming of Christ, 2 Pet. 3:4. new heavens and earth, "2 Pet. 3:13. entering into rest, Josk. 22:4, with Heb. 4:1. should lead to perfecting holiness, 2 Cor. 7.1. the inheritance of the saints is of, Rom. 4:13; Gal. 3:18. SAINTS children of. Rom. 9:8 ; Gal. 4:28. heirs of, Ga^. 3:29; ife6. 6:17; 11:9. stagger not at, Rom. 4:20. have implicit confidence in, Heb. 11:11. expect the performance of, Luke 1:33, 45; 2 Pet. 3:13. sometimes, through infirmity, tempted to doubt, Psa. 17:3, 10. plead, in prayer, Gen. 32: 9, 12 ; 1 Chr. 17:23,20; Jsa. 43:26. should wait for the performance of, Acts I A. Gentiles shall be partakers of, Eph. 3:6. man, by nature, has no interest in, Eph. 2:12. scoffers despise, 2 Pet. 3:3, 4. fear, lest ye come short of, Heb. 4:1. of Christ to his disciples. Mat. 6:4, 33 ; 7:7; 10; 11:28; 12:50; 16:18, 24; 17:20; 19:23; 28:20; Luke 9-12; 12:.32; 22:29; .7o/in]4-16; 20:21, etc. to the poor, Psa. 12:5; 72:12; 109:31. to the destitute, Psa. 102:17. to the fatherless, Prov. 23:11; Jer. 49:11. of sustenance, Exod. 23:25 ; Psa. 37:3 ; Isa. 33:10; Mat. 6:25. of peace, Lev. 26:6; 75a. 32:18. of plenty. Lev. 26:10; Psa. 34:10; Prov. 3:10; Phil. 4:19. of safety, Psa. 91; 112; 121. fruitfulness, Psa. 123. of the life that now i.-5, 1 Tim. 4:8. PROMOTION proceeds from God, Psa. 75:6. See Joseph, saul, david, DANIEL, etc. PROPHECY : is the foretelling of future events, Gen 49:1 ; Num 24:14. God is the Author of, Isa. 44:7; 45:21. God gives, through Christ, Rev. 1:1. a gift of Christ, Eph.i-.n ; Rev. 11:^. a gift of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12: 10. came not by the will of man, 2 Pet. 1:21. given from the beginning, Luke 1:70. is a sure word, 2 Pet. 1:19. THEY WHO UTTERED, raised up by God, Amos 2:11. , ordained by God, 1 Sam. 3:20 ; Jer. 1:5. 134 PROPHECY, conf. — they who utter. ED, sent by God, 2 Chr. 36:15; Jer. 7:25. sent by Christ, Mat. 23:34. filled with the Holy Ghost, Luke 1 :67. moved by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. I ;2l. spoke by the Holy Ghost, Acts 1 ; 16 : 11:23; 2S:25. spoke in the name of the Lord, 2 Chr. 33:18; Jas. 5:10. spoke with authority, 1 Kings 17:1. God accomplishes, Isa. 44:26; Acts 3:18. Christ the great subject of. Acts 3:2^^ 24; 10:43; I Pet. 1:10,11. fulfilled respecting Christ, LM^e 24:44. gift of, promised, Joel 2:23, with Acts 2:16, 17. is for the benefit of after-ages, 1 Pet. 1:12. is as alight in a dark place, 2 Pe^. 1:19. is not of private interpretation, 2 Pet. 1:20. despise not, 1 Thes. 5:20. give heed to, 2 Pet. 1:19. receive in faith, 2 Chr. 20:20; Luke 24:25. blessedness of reading, hearing, and keeping, Rev. 1:3; 22:7. guilt of pretending to the gift of, Jer. 14:14; 23:13.14; Eze. 13:2,3. PUNISHMENT FOR not giving ear to. Neh. 9:30. adding to, or taking from. Rev. 22:18, 19. pretending to the gift of, Deut. 18:20; Jer. 14:15; 23:15. gift of, sometimes possessed by uncon- verted men, Nu?n. 24:2-9; 1 Sam. 19:20, 23; Mat. 7:22; John 11:49- 51 ; 1 Cor. 13:2. how tested, Deut. 13:1-3; 18:22. PROPHECIES FULFILLED : Israel in Egypt, Gen. 15:13; — Exod. 2:23; 6; 12:40. birth of Isaac, Gen. 18:10;— 21:1. Joseph's dream, Gen. 37:5 ; — 42:6. the builder of Jericho, Josh. 6:26:^ 1 Kings 16:34. the sons of Eli, 1 Sayn. 2:34 ;— 4:11. defeat and death of Saul, 1 Sam. 28:19;— 31:2. of a prophet in Bethel, 1 Kings 13 ; — 2 Kings 23. the house of Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 14:10 : — 15:29. the house of Baasha, 1 Ki7igs 16:3: — 11,12. three years' drought, 1 X/?ig-5 17:1 ;— 18:41. return of king of Syria, 1 Kin. 20:22, — 26. death of Ahab, etc., 1 Kings 21:19;— 22 : 33 ; 2 Kings 9 : 34 ; 10:11. miraculous freshet, 2 Kings 3:17, — 20, plenty in Samaria, 2 Kings 7:1, — 18. . PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PEO PROPHECIES fulfilled, conf.— family of John, 2 Kings 10:30 ;— 15:12. death of Rab-shalceh, 2 Kin. 19:7,-37. captivity ia Babylon, 2Kitigs 20:17; — 24:13, 25:13. binding of Paul, Acts 21 :11 ;— 33. KE.SHECTINP CHRIST : as the Son of God, Psa. 2:1 \ — Luke J: 32, 35. as the seed of the woman, Gen. 3:15 ; — Ga/. 4:4. as the seed of Abraham, Gen. 17:7; 22:18;-&'a;. 3:1G. as the seed of Isaac, Gen. 21:12; — Heb 11:17-19. as the seed of David, Psa. 132:11 ; Jer. 23:5 -—Acts 13.23; Rom. 1:3. ki» coming at a set time. Gen. 49:10; Dan. 9:24, 25 ;—Luke 2:1. his being born of a virgin. Isa. 7:14 ; — Mat. 1:1S; Luke 2:1. JUis being called Immanuel, Isa. 7:14 ; — Mat. 1:22, 23. his b^ing born in Bethlehem of Judea, Mic. 5:2— Mat. 2:1 ; Luke 2:4-6. great persons coming to adore him, Psa. 72:10;— iVlai. 2:1-11. the slaving of the children at Bethle- lera, Jer. 31 :15 ;—Mat. 2: IG-IS. his being called out of Egypt, Hos. 11:1;— Mat. 2:15. his being preceded by John the Baptist, Isa 40-3; Mai. 3:1;—Mat. 3:1,3; Luke 1:17. his being anointed with the Spirit, Psa. 45:7; Jsa. 11:2; 61:1 ;—Ma(. 3: IG ; J"oAh3:34; Acts 10:2S. his being a Prophet like unto Moses, Dent. 18:15-ly ■,—Acts 3:20-22. his being a Priest after the order of Mel- chizedek, Psa. 110:4;— He6. 5:5, 6. his entering on his public ministry, Isa. Gl :1,'2 -^—Luke 4:16-21, 43. kis ministry commencing in Galilee, Isa. 9:1, 2-—3Iat. 4:12-16, 23. his entering publicly into Jerusalem, Zech. 9:d-—Mat. 21:1-5. his coming into the temple, Hag. 2:7, 9; Mai. 3:1 -—Mat. 21:12; Luke 2:27-32; Jo/i« 2:13-16. his poverty, Isa. 53:2; — Mark 6:3; Luke 0:58. his meekness and want of ostentation, Isa i2:2]— Mat. 12:15, IG, 19. his tenderness and compassion, Isa. 40.11; 42:3;— MaM2:15,20; Heb. 4:15. his being without guile, Isa. 53:9; — 1 Pet. 2:22. his zeal, Psa. 69:9 ;—Jo/m 2: 17. his preaching bv parables, Psa. 78:2; — Mat. 13:34, 35. his working miracles, Isa. 35:5,6; — Mat. 11:4-6; John 11:47. his bearing reproach, Psa. 22:6; 69:7, 9.20;— JioOT. 15:3. PROPHECIES respecting Christ, cont. — his being rejected by his brethren, Psa. 69:8; Isa. 53:3;— Jo/m 1:11; 7:5. his being a stone of stumbling to the Jews, Isa. S: 14 -.—Rom. 9:32 ; 1 Pet. 2:8. his being hated by the Jews, Psa. 69:4 ; 75a. i9:7 ^-.To/m 15:24, 25. his being rejected by the Jewish rulers, Psa. US:22:— Mat. 21:42; John 7:4S. that Jews and Gentiles should combine against him, Psa. 2:1, 2; — Luke 2Ji:12; Acts i:27. his being betrayed by a friend, Psa. 41:9; 55 12-14 ;—John 13:18, 21. his disciples forsaking him, Zech. 13:7; —Maf. 26-31,56. his being sold for thirty pieces of silver, Zech. 11:12;— iVIa«. 26:15. his price being given for the potter's field, Zech. 11: V3;— Mat. 27:7. the intensity of his sufferings, Psa. 22:14, 15-— Luke 22:42, 44. his sufferings being for others, Isa. 53:4-6, 12 ; Dan. 9:26 ■,—Mat. 20:28. his patience and silence under suffer- ings, Isa. 53:7 ]—Mat. 26:63 ; 27:12- 14. his being smitten on the cheek, Mic. 5:1 ■,—Mat. 27:30. his visage being marred, Isa. 52:14; 53:3;— John 19:5. his being spitted on and scourged, Isa. 50 : 6 ;—Mark 1 4 : 65 ; John 19:1. his hands and feet being nailed to the cross, Psa. 22:16;— John 19:18: 20:25. his being forsaken by God, Psa. 22:1 ; — Mat. 27:46. his being mocked, Psa. 22:7, 8; — Mat. 27:39-U. gall and vinegar being giren him to drink, Psa. 69:21 ]—Mat. 27:.34. his garments being parted and lots cast for his vesture, Psa. 22:18;— Mat. 27:. 35. his being numbered with the trans- gressors, Isa. 53:12; — Mark 15:2S. his intercession for his murderers, Isa. 53:12 ;— Luke 23:3i. his death, Isa. 53:12 ;—Mat. 27:50. that a bone of him should not be broken, p:xod. 12:46; Psa. 34:20;— Jo/m 19:33, 36. his being pierced, Zech. 12:10 ; — John 19:34,37. his being buried with the rich, Isa. 53:9;— Mat. 27:57-00. his flesh not seeing corruption, Psa. 16:10;— Acts 2:31. his resurrection, Psa. 10:10; Isa. 26:19;— LM^'« 24:6, 31,34. his ascension, Ps. 68:18 ;—Luke 24:51 ; Acts 1:0. 135 PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO PROPHECIES respecting Christ, co7it. — his sittin g on the right hand of God, Psa. 110:1 —Heb. 1:3. his exercising the priestly office in heaven, Zech.6:13;— Rom. S:3i. his being the chief corner-stone of the church, Isa. 28:16;— 1 Pet. 2:6, 7. his being King in Zion, Psa. 2:6; — Luke 1 .S^; John 18:33-37. the conversion of the Gentiles to him, Isa. 11:10; i2:l ;— Bint. 12:17, 21; Jo/m 10:16; Acts t):i5, 47. his righteous government, Psa. 45:6, 7;— John 5:30; Rev. 19:11. his universal dominion, Psa. 72:S; Dan. 7:11;— Phil. 2:9,11. the perpetuity of his kingdom, Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:14 ;—Luke 1:32, -33. UTTERED BY CHRIST : heaven to be opened, John 1:51. his departure. Luke 17:22; John 7:33 ; 8:21; 13:33; 16. defection of his disciples, Mat. 26:21; Mark 14 : 27 ; John 16: 32. Peter's denial. Mat. 26:34 ; Luke 22:34. Peter's martyrdom, John 21: 18, 19. his own sufferings. Mat. 17:22; Luke 9:44; 13:32; 17:25. arrangements for the supper, Mark 14:13. his crucifixion, Mat. 20:17 ; 26:1 ; John 12:32. his death and resurrection, Mat. 16:21 ; MarkQ:3\; Luke 0:22. his mocking, etc., Mark 10:32; Luke 18:31. his betrayal, Mat. 26:21 ; ilfarA; 14: IS ; Luke 22:21; John 13:10. his burial, Mat. 12:39; John 12; 7. his resurrection, Mai. 26:32; Jo/t?i 2:19. success of the gospel, Mark 13:10; 16:17. false Christs, Mat. 24:4, 23 ; Mari 13:5. destruction of Jerflsalera, Mat. 24 ; Mark 13. stability of the gospel, Mat. 24:34; 26:13; illar& 13:31; 14:8. the baptism of the Spirit, Arts 1:5. the reasons of his predictions, John 13:19; 14:29; 16:4. PROPHETS : God spoke by, Hos. 12:10; Heb. 1:1. messengers of God, Isa. 44:26; Jer. 25:4. moved by the Holy Spirit, Luke 1:67; IPet. 1:21. WERE REQUIRED TO BE bold, Eze. 2:6. attentive, Eze. 3:10. exact, Deut. 18:20; Jer. 26:2. WERE SEN'T TO reprove sinners and ex- hort to repentance, 2Kings 17:13; 2Chr. 24:19; Jer. 25:4, 5. denounce kings, 1 Sa}7i. 15 ; 2Sam. 12. encourage obedience, 2Chr. 15. predict the fall of nations, Isa. 15 ; 17; Jer. 47-51. 136 PROPHETS, coni.— WERE sent to fore, tell Christ, Liike 24:44 : John 1:45. mighty through faith, Heb. 11:32. patient in suffering, Jas. 5: 10. avenged by God, 2 Kings 9:7; Mat. 23:35. See PROPHECY. FALSE : pretended to come from God, Jer. 23. used to prove Israel, Deut. 13. led, by evil spirits, 1 Kings 22:21. PROPHESIED falsely, Jer. 5:31 ; 14:14. out of their own heart, Jer. 23:16. in the name of idols, Jer. 2:8. peace, when there was no peace, Jer. 6:14; 23:17; Eze. 13:10. mode of detecting, Deut. 13:1; 18:21. deceive Ahab, 2 Chr. IS: 5. denounced, Jsa. 9:15; .7er. 6:13; 14:13; 23:9,34; 29:31; Eze. 13:3; 14:9. punished, Jer. 28:15; 29:20. foretold to arise in the church. Mat. 7:15; 24:11; IJohnl:!; 2Pet.2:l. PROPHETESSES. 5ee miriam, debo- RAH, HANNAH, HULDAH, ANNA. false, denounced, Eze. 13:17. .Tezebel, Rev. 2:20. PROPITIATION for sin, Rom. 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:10. PROSELYTES, Jewish, Ads 2:10 ; 6:5. 13:43. PROSPERITY, no proof of God's bless- ing : FOR robbers, etc., prosper, Job 12:6; Psa. 17:10; 73; Ecrl. 8:U; 9:2. the triumph of the wicked is short, Job 20:5. their ruin is sudden, Job 21:13 ; Psa. 37:36; 73:19. their destruction is for ever, Psa. 92:7; Luke 16:10. the sufferer is not always the most guilty, Luke 13:2. its danger, Deut. 6:10; Prov. 1:32; 30:8; Luke 6: 2i; 12:16; Jas. 5:1. PROTECTION : God is able to give, 1 Pet. 1:5 ; Jude 24. God is faithful to afford, 1 Thes. 5:2-3, 24; 2T/ie5. 3:3. OF God, is indispensable, Psa. 127:1. seasonable, Psa. 46:1. unfailing, Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:5. effectual, John 10:28-30 ; 2 Cor. 12:9. uninterrupted, Psa. 121 :3. encouraging, Isa. 41:10; 50:7. perpetual, Psa. 121:8. often afforded through means inade- quate in themselves, Ji/t/jg-. 7:7; 1 Sam. 17:45, 50; 2Chr. 14:11. IS afforded to those who hearken to God, Pro?;. 1:. 33. returning sinners, Job 22:23, 25. the perfect in heart, 2 Chr. 16:9. the poor, Psa. 14 :6 ; 72: 12-14. the oppressed, Psa. 9:9. the church, Psa. 48:3 ; Zech. 2:4, 5. PRO BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PRO PROTECTION, cont.— IS vouchsafed TO SAJNTS, i:v preserving them, Psa. 145: -20. strengthening them, 2 Tim. 4:17. upholding them, Psa. 37:17, '24 ; 63:8. keeping their feet, 1 Sam. 2: 9 ; Prov. 3:26. keeping them from evil, 2 Thes. 3:3. keeping them from falling, Jude 24. keeping them in the way, E.zo. 23:-20. keeping themi from temptation, fiev. 3:10. providing a refuge for them, Prov. 14:26; 7sa. 4:6; 32:2. defending them against their enemies, Deut. 20:1-4 ; 33:27; Isa. 59:19. defeating the counsels of enemies, Isa. 8:10. temptation, 1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Pet. 2:9. persecution, Luke 21 AS. calamities, Psa. 57:1 ; 59: IG. all dangers, Psa. 91:3-7. all places, Gen. 28:15; 2Chr. 16:9. sleep, Psa. 3:5; 4:8; Prov. 3:24. death, Psa. 23:4. SAINTS acknowledge God as their, Psa. 18:2; 62:2; .>i9:lS. pray for, Psa. 17:5, S ; Isa. 51:9. praise God for, Psa. 5:11. vriTHDRAWN FROM THE disobedient. Lev. 26:14-17. backsliding, Josh. 23:12, 13; Judg. 10:13. presumptuous, Num. 14:40-45. unbelieving, 75a. 7:9. obstinately impenitent, Mat. 23:33. NOT TO BE Fouxi) IN idols, Deut. 32:37- 39; Isa. 46:7. man, Psa. 146:3; Isa. 30:7. riches, Prov. 11:4, 23; Zep/i. 1:1S. hosts. Josh. 11:4-8, with Psa. 33:16. horses, Psa. 33:17; Prov. 21:31. illustrated, DeMf.32:ll ; Psa. 125:1, 2; Prov. 18:10 ; Isa. 25:4 ; 21:5; Luke 13:34. •xemplified. Abraham, (?e«. 15:1. Ja- cob, Gen. 48:16. Joseph, Gen. 49:23- 25. Israel, Jo5/i. 24:17. David, Psa. 18:1, 2. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:2=i. Daniel. Dan. 6:22. Peter, ^rts 12:4- 7. Paul, ilc<5 18:10; 26:17. PROVERBS of Solomon, Prov. 1-25; collected by the men of Hezekiah, Prov. 25-29. use of, Prov. 1, etc. various, 1 Sam. 10:12; 24:13; Luke 4 : 23 ; 2 Pet. 2:22. See 1 Kings 4 :32. concerning moral virtues and their con- trary vices, Prov. 10-20. PROVIDENCE OF God: is his care over his works, Psa. 145:9. IS EXERCISED l.\ preserving his crea- tures, Neh. 9:6; Psa. 36:6; Mat. 10:29. providing for his creatures, Ps. 104:27, 23; 136:25; 147:9; Mat. 6:26. PROVIDENCE of God, cont.— is exer- cised IX the special preservation of saints, Psa. 37:28; 91:11; Mat. 10:30. prospering saints, Gen. 24:48, 50: 39:21. protecting saints, Psa. 91:4; 140:7. delivering saints, Psa. 91:3; Isa. 31:.5. le.ading saints, Deut. 8:2, 15; Isa. 63:12. bringing his words to pass. Num. 26:65 ; Josh. 21 :45 ; Luke 21 :32, 33. ordering the ways of men, Prov. 16:9; 19:21 ; 20:24; 21:1. ordaining the conditions and circum- stances of men, 1 Sam. 2:7, 8 ; Psa. 75:6, 7. determining the period of human life, Psa, 31:15; 39:5; Acts 17:26. leading to good designs, Ezra 7:27. defeating wicked designs, Exod. 15:9- 11 ; 2 Sam. 17:14, 15; Psa. 33:10. overruling wicked designs for good. Gen. 45:5-7; 50:20; Phil.\:\2. preserving the course of nature, Gen. 8:22; /o6 26:10; Psa. 104:5-9. directing all events, Josh. 7:14; 1 Sam. 6:7-10, 12; Prov. 16:33 ; Isa. 44:7; Acts 1:26. ruling the elements, Job 37:9-13; Isa. 50:2; Jonah 1:4, 15; Nah. 1:4. ordering the minutest matters. Mat. 10:29,30; Liike2\:\S. IN RESPECT TO the hearts of men, Prov. 6:1; Zech. 12:1 ; Acts\6:\A. national affairs, E.xod. 3:7, 8; Deut. 2:30; 2 Sam. 24:1; lC/ir.5:26. moral evils, E.zod. 14:8, 17; Josh. 10:19; /sa. 29:10; 44:18; 45:7. delusions, 1 Kings 22:23 ; Eze. 14:9 ; 2 Thes. 2:10-12. religious privileges, etc., Luke 10:21 Jo//« 12:.39; Rom. 11:7, 8. his motives in, different from men's, Gen. 45:4; 50:20; Isa. 10:. 5-7, 12; Mark 15:9, with John 3:16; Acts 2:23. men act freely under, Gen. 42:21 ; Exod. 8:32; 9:27; 2 Sam. 24:1, 10. objectors against, reproved. Job 40:2; Isa. 45:9; Mat. 20:15; Rom. 9. is wonderful, Exod. 15:11 ; Deut. 4:32. is righteous, Psa. 145:17; Dan. 4:37. is ever watchful, Psa. 121:4; Isa. 27:3. is all-pervading, Psa. 139:1-5. sometimes dark and mysterious, Psa. 36:6; 73:16; 77:19; Rom.U:22. ALL THINGS ARE ORDERED BY, for his glory, Exo. 8 : 22 ; 9:14; ha . 63 : 1 3. for good to saints, Deut. 4:37 ; Rom. 8:28. the wicked made to promote the de- signs of, I.m. 10:.5-12; .4c^f 3:17. IS. TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED in prosperity, Deut. 8:18; ICAr. 29:12. 137 PRU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PSA PROVIDENCE of God, cont.— to be ACKNOWLEDGED in adversity, Job 1:21 ; Psa. 119:75. in public calamities, Amos 3:6. in our daily support. Gen. 43:15. in all things, Prov. 3:6. cannot be defeated, 1 Ki7igs 2-2:. 30, 34 ; Prov. '21:30. man's efforts are vain without, Psa. 127:1, 2; Prov. 21:31. BAiNTS SHOULD trust in. Mat. 6:33, 34 ; 10:9,29-31. have full confidence in, Psa. 1G:8; 139:10. submit to, 1 Sa7n. 3:18 ; 2 Satn. 16:10; Jo6 1:21; Pra. 39:9. commit their works unto, Prov. 16:3. encourage themselves in, 1 Sam. 30:6. pray in dependence upon. Acts 12:5. pray to be guided by, Gen. 24:12-14; 28:20, 21; Acts 1:24. result of depending upon, Luke 22.35. connected with the use of means, 1 Kings 21 : 19, with 1 Khigs 22; 37, -38 ; Mic. 5:2, with Ltike 2:1-4; Acts 27:22,31,32. clanger of denying, Isa. 10: 13-17 ; Eze. 28:2-10; Dan. 4:29-31; i/os. 2:8, 9. PRUDENCE : exhibited in the manifestation of God's grace, Ep/i. 1:8. exemplified by Christ, /sa. 52:13; Mat. 21:24-27; 22:15-21. intimately connected with wisdom, Prov. 8:12. the wise celebrated for, Prov. 16:21. THEY WHO HAVE, get knowledge, Prov. 18:15. deal with knowledge, Prov. 13:16. look well to their goings, Prov. 14:15. 1 understand the ways of God, Hos. 14:9. understand their own ways. Pro. 14:8. crowned with knowledge, Pro. 14:18. not ostentatious of knowledge, Prov. 12:23. foresee and avoid evil, Prov. 22:3. are preserved by it, Prov. 2:11. suppress anger, etc., Prov. 12:16; 19:11. regard reproof, Prov. 15:5. keep silence in the evil time, Amos 5:13. saints act with, Psa. 112:5. saints should specially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelievers, Col. 4:5. virtuous wives act with, Pro. 31:16, 26. the young should cultivate, Prov. 3:21. OF THE WICKED fails in times of per- plexity, Jer. 49:7. keeps them from the knowledge of _^ the gospel, illa^ 11:25. "" denounced by God, 75a. 5:21 ; 29:15. defeated by God, Isa. 29:14; ICor. 1:19. 138 PRUDENCE, coM^— necessity for. illus, trated, Lu. 14:28-32. exemplified. Jacob, Gen. .32:3-23. Jo- seph, Gen. 41:39. Jethro, Exod. 18:19, etc. Gideon, Jiidg. 8:1-3. David, 1 Sam. 16:18. Aged coun- sellors of Rehoboam, 1 Kings 12:7. Solomon, 2Chr. 2:12. Nehemiah, Neh. 2:12 16; 4:1.3-18. Gamaliel, Acts 5:34-39. Sergius Paulus, Acts 13:7. Paul, ^c<5 23:6. PSALMS, book of, (Acts 1:20 :) 1. PRAYERS. 1. for pardon of sin, Psa. 6 ; 25 ; 32 ; 38 ; 51; 130; 143. 2. under deep affliction, Psa. 6; 7; 10; 13; 17; 22; 31; 35; 39; 41^3; 54-57 ; 59 ; 64 ; 69-71 ; 77 ; 86 ; 88 : 94; 102; 109; 120; 140-143. 3. of the church under persecution, Psa. 44 ; 60 ; 74 ; 79 ; 80 ; S3 ; 89 ; 94 : 102; 123; 137. 4. relative to public worship, Psa. 26 ; 27 ; 42 ; 43 ; 63 ; 65 ; 84 ; 92 ; 95- 100; 118; 122; 132; 144; 145. 5. expressing trust in God, Psa. 3-5 11; 12; 16; 20; 23; 27; 28; 31; 42 43; 52; 54; 56; 57; 59; 61-64 71 ; 77; 86; 108; 115; 118; 121 125; 131; 138; 141. 6. declaring the Psalmist's integrity Psa. 7; 17; 26; 35; 101; 119. II. THANKSGIVINGS. 1. for mercies shown to the Psalmist Psa. 9 ; IS ; 30 ; 32 ; 34 ; 40 ; 01-63 75; 103; 108; 116; 118; 138; 144 2. to the church, Psa. 33 ; 46 ; 47 ; 65 66 ; 6S ; 75 ; 76 ; 81 ; 85 ; 87 ; 95 98; 105; 106; 107; 124; 126; 129 134; 135; 136; 149. III. PSALMS OF PRAISE. 1. declaring God"s goodness and mercy, Psa. 3; 4; 9; 16; IS; 30-34; 36; 40; 46; 65-68; 84; 85; 91 ; 99; 100; 103; 107; 111; 113; 116; 117; 121; 126; 145; 146. 2. God's power, majesty, and glory, Psa. 2; 3; 8; 18; 19; 24; 29; 33; 45- 48; 50; 65-68; 76; 77; 89; 91-100; 104-108; 110: 111; 113-118; 135; 130; 139; 145-150. IV. PSALMS OF IN.STRTJCTION. 1. showing the blessings of God's people and the misery of his enemies, Psc. 1;3;4;5;7; 9-15 ;17 ; 24 ; 25 ; 32 ; 34; 36; 37; 41; 50; 52; 53; 58; 62 ; 73 ; 75 ; 82 ; 84 ; 91 ; 92 ; 94 ; 101; 112; 119; 121; 125; 127-129; ' 133:149. 2. excellence of God's law, Ps. 19; 119. 3. the vanity of human life, etc.. Psa. 14; 39; 49; 53; 73; 90. V. PROPHETICAL AND TYPICAL PSALMs! Psa. 2; 10; 22; 24: 31; 35; 40; 41; 45; 50; 55; 68; 69; 72; 87; 88; 1C2; 109; 110; 118; 132. PUN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PUT PSALMS, book of, cont.— Vr. HISTORICAL PSALMS. Psn. 7-S; 10.5; 106; 13.5; 13G. PTOLK.MAIS, Paul at, Acts 21:7. PUBLICANS, their character. Maf.5:46; 9:11 ; 11:19; 18:17; Liike 3:12. some believe in Jesus, Mat. 21:32; Luke 5:27- 7:29; loil ; 19:2. publican and Pharisee, Luke 1S:10. PUBLIUS entertains Paul, Acts 23:7. his father healed. Acts 2S:8. PUL, king of Assyria, Israel subjected to. •> Khms 15: 19 ; 1 Chr. 5:26. PUMSHMKNT of the wicked : IS from God, Lev. 2G:13; Lsn. 13:11. ox ACCOUNT OF THEIR sin, Lum. 3:39. iniquity, Jer. o();31 ; Ajnos 3:2. idolatry, Lev. 26:30; L^a. 10:10, 11. rejection of the law of God, Hos. 4:6-9. ignorance of God, 2 Thes. 1:8. evil ways and doings, Jer. 21:14; Hos. 4:9; 12:2. pride. Isa. 1012; 24:21. unbelief, Ro)7i. 11:20; Heb. 3:18,19. covetousness, Isa. 57:17; .Ter. 51 :13. oppressing, ha. 49:2G ; Jer. 30:16. 20. persecuting, Jer. 11:21, 22; Mat. 2-3:34-36 disobeying God, Neh. 9:26, 27; Eph. 5:6. disobeying the gospel, 2 Thes. 1:8. is the fruit of their sin. Job 4:8; Prov. 22:8; Rom. 6:21; Gal. G:S. is the reward of their sin, Psa. 91:8; Jw. 3:11; Jer. 16:13; Rom. 6:23; Heb. 2:2. often brought about by their evil de- signs, Esth. 7:10; P.9-31. See LAW, PROPHETS, etc. SCROLL, the heavens compared to, Isa. 34:4; Rev. 6:14. SCYTHIANS, Co/. 3:11. SEA, God's power over. Exod. 14: 16; 15 ; Neh. 9:11; Job 3b:ll; Psa. 65:7; 66:6; 89:9; 93:4; 107:23; 114; Pro. S:29; Ara. 51:10; 50:2; Nali.i.A. calmed'by Christ, Mat. 8:26 ; Mark 4. the molten, in the temple, 1 Kin. 7: 23 ; 2C/ir. 4:2. of glass, in heaven, Rev. 4:6; 15:2. SEALING of tlie twelve tribes, Rev. 7. figurative, circumcision, Rom. 4:11. of the Holy Ghost : Christ received. John 6:27. saints receive, 2 Cor. 1 : 22 ; Eph. 1 : 13. is unto the day of redemption, Eph. 4:30. the wicked do not receive. Rev. 9:4. judgment suspended until all saints re- ceive. Rev. 7:3. typified, Rom. 4:11. SEALS used, Gew. 38:1S; Exod.2S:U ; liCmg-s2I:8; Jo638:14; SongS:Q-, Jer. 32:10; Mat. 27:66. Daniel's vision sealed, Dan. 12:4. sealed book in heaven. Rev. 5 ; 6. the seven thunders sealed, Rev. 10:4. SEASONS, continuance of, Gen. S:22. SECOND co.MixG ov Christ : time of, unknown, Mat. 24:36; Mark 13:32. ^ CALLED THE tlmcs of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, Acts 3:19. times of the restitution of all things, Acts 3:21, with Rom. 8:21. last time, I Pet. 1:5. appearing of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 1:7. revelation of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 1:13. glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Tit. 2:13. coming of the day of God, 2 Pet. 3: 12. day of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 1:8. FORETOLD BY prophets, Dan. 7:13 ; Jude himself, Mat. 25:31 ; John 14:3. apostles. Acts 3:20; 1 Tim. 6:14. angels, Actslili), 11. signs preceding, Mat. 24:3. etc. THE MANNER OF : in clouds, Mat. 24:30; 26:64; Rev. 1:7. in the glory of his Father, Mat. 16:27. in his own glory, Mat. 23:31. in flaming fire, 2 Thes. 1:8. with power and great glory. Mat. 24:30. as He ascended, ActsliQ., 11. SECOND coming of Christ, conf.— the MAXXER OF : with a shout and the voice of the archangel, etc., 1 Thes 4:16. accompanied by angels. Mat. 16:27; 25:31; M«r/fcS:3S; 2 Thes. l.l. with his saints, lT/(e.f.3:l3; Judeli. suddenly, Blark 13:36. une.xpectedly, Mat. 24:44 ; Lu. 12:40. as a thief in the night, 1 Thes. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10; Rev. 16:15. as the lightning. Mat. 24:27. the heavens and earth shall be dissolved, etc., at, 2Pef. 3:10. 12. they who shall have died in Christ shall rise first at, 1 Thes. 4:16. the saints alive at, shall be caught up to meet him, 1 Thes. 4:17. is not to make atonement, Heb. 9:2^^, with Ro}?i. 6:9, 10, and Heb. 10:14. THE PURPOSES OF, ARE TO complete the salvation of saints, Heb. 9:28; 1 Pet. 1:5. be glorified in his saints, 2 Thes. 1:10. be admired in them that believe, 2 Thes. 1:10. bring to light the hidden things of darkness, etc., 1 Cor. 4:5. judge, Psa. 50:3, 4, with John 5:22; 2 Ti?n. 4:1 ; Jude 15; Rev. 20:11- 13. reign, Isu. 24:23; Dan. 7:14; Rev. 11:15. destroy death, 1 Cor. 15:23, 26. every eye shall see him at, Rev. 1:7. should be always considered as at hand, Ro7n. 13:12; Phil.iid; 1 Pet. 4:7. blessedness of being prepared for, Mat. 21:46; Luke 12:37, 38. SAINTS assured of. Job 19:25, 26. love, 2rm. 4:S. look for, Phil. 3:2{); Tit. 2:13. wait for, 1 Cor. 1:7; 1 Thes. 1:10. haste unto, 2 Pet. 3:12. pray for, Rev. 22:20. should be ready for. Mat. 24:44 ; Luke •12:40. should watch for. Mat. 24:42; Mark 13:. 35-37; Luke 21:36. should be patient unto, 2 Thes. 3:5; Jas. 5:7, 8. shall be preserved unto, Phil. 1:6; 2 Tiin. 4: IS ; 1 Pet. 1:5; Jude 24. shall not be ashamed at, 1 John 2:23. shall be blameless at. 1 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thes. 3:13; 5:23; Jude2A. shall be like him at, Phil. 3:21 ; IJohn 3:2. shall see him as he is, at, 1 John 3:2. shall appear with him in glory, at, Col. 3:4. shall receive a crown of glory at, 2 r/m. 4:8; 1 Pet. 5:4. shall reign with him at, Daii. 7:27; 2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 5:10; 20:0; 22:5. faith found unto praise .at, 1 Pet. 1:7. 157 SEE BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEL SEC0N15 coining of Christ, cont.— the WICKED scoff at, 2 Pet. 3:3, 4. presume upon the delay of, Mat. 24:48. shall be surprised by. Mat. 24:37-39; 1 Thes. 5:3; 2 Pet. 3:10. shall be punished at, 2 Thes. 1:8, 9. the man of sin to be destroyed at, 2 Thes. 2:8. illustrated, Mat. 25:6 ; Luke 12:36, 39 ; 19:12,15. SECRET things belong to God, Deut. 29:29; Job 15:8. revealed by him, Psa. 25:14; Prov. 3:32; A7nos3:7; Mat. 11:25; 13:35; Rom. 16:25; 2 Cor. 3:13. all secrets known to him, Psa. 44:21 ; 90:8; Eccl.l2:U ; Mat. 6:i; Mark 4:22; Rom. 2:16. SECRETS of others not to be revealed, Prov. 25:9; Mat. 18:15. SECTS. See herodians, Pharisees, SADDUCEES, NICOLAITANES. SECURITY, false, promises peace and long life, Job 29:18. is ignorant of God and truth, Psa. 10:5 ; 50:21. trusts in lies, Isa. 28:15; Rev. 3:17.^ is inconsiderate and forgetful, Isa. 47:7. relies on earthly treasures, Jer. 49:4, IG. is deceived by pride, 06a. 3; Rev.lS:7. puts off the evil day, Amos 6:3. leads to increased guilt, EccL 8:11. its refuges shall be scattered, Isa. 28:17. ruin shall overtake it, Isa. 47:8 ; Amos 9:10. God is against it, Jer. 21:13; Eze. .39:6; Amos 6:1. SEDITION forbidden, Gal. 5:20; 2 Pet. 2:10. See koraii, etc. SEED of the woman, prophecy concern- ing. Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12. of Abraham, Gen. 12:7; 13:16, etc., Rom. 1:3; 4:16; Ga^. 3:16. of the serpent, Gen. 3:15. • not to be mingled in sowing. Lev. 19:19; Deut. 22:9. parables concerning. Mat. 13 ; Luke 8. SEEKING God: commanded, Isa. 55:6; Mat. 7:7. INCLUDES SEEKING his name, Psa. 83:16. his word. Amos 8:12. his face, Psa. 27:8; 105:4. his strength, 1 Chr. 16:11 ; Psa. 105:4. his commandments, 1 Chr. 28:8. his precepts, Psa. 11D:45, 94. his kingdom, Mat. 6:33. Christ, Mai. 3:1 ; Luke 2:15, 16. honor which comes from him, John 5:44. by prayer, Job 8:5; Dan. 9:3. in his house. Dent. 12:5; Psa. 21 A. SHOULD BE immediate, Hos. 10:12. evermore, Psa. 105:4. while he may be found, 75a. 55:6. with diligence, Heb. 11:6. with the heart, Dea*. 4:29; IC/ir. 22:19. 158 SEEKING God, con^.— should be in the day of trouble, Psa. 77:2. INSURES his being found, Deut. 4:29; 2 C/ir. 28:9; Prov.b.ll; Jer. 29:1.3. his favor. Lam,. 3:25. his protection, Ezra 8:22. his not forsaking us, Psa. 9:10. life, Psa. 69:32; Amos 5:4, 6. prcsperity, Job 8:5, 6; Psa. 34:10. being heard of him, Psa. 34:4. understanding all things, Prov. 28:5. gifts of righteousness, Hos. 10:12. imperative upon all, Isa. 8:19. afflictions designed to lead to, Psa. 78:33,34; Hos. 5:15. none, by nature, are found to be en- gaged in, Psa. 14:2, with Rom.'^\\\. SAINTS specially exhorted to, Zeph. 2:3. desirous of, Job 5:8. purpose, in heart, Psa. 27:8. prepare their hearts for. 2Chr. .30:19. set their hearts to, 2 Chr. 11:16. engage in, with the whole heart, 2 Chr. 15:12; Psa. 119:10. early in, Job 8:5; Psa. 63:1; Isa. 26:9. earnest in, Song ^-.2. characterized by, Psa. 24:6. is never in vain, Isa. 45:19. blessedness of, Psa. 119:2. leads to joy, Psa. 70:4 ; 105:3. ends in praise, Psa. 22:26. promise connected with, Psa. 69:32. shall be rewarded, Heb. 11:6. THE WICKED are gone out of the way of, Psa. 14:2, 3, with Rom. 3:11, 12. prepare not their hearts for, 2 Chr. 12:14. refuse, through pride, Psa. 10:4. not led to, by affliction, Isa. 9:13. sometimes pretend to, Ezrai:2] Isa. 58:2. rejected, when too late in, Prov. 1:28. they who neglect, denounced, Isa. 31 :1. puni-shment of those who neglect, Zeph. 1:4-6. exemplified. Asa, 2Chr. 14:7. Je- hoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:3, 4. Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:5. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 31 :21. Josiah, 2 Chr. .34:3. Ezra, Ezra 7:10. David, Psa. 34:4. Daniel, Dan. 9:3, 4. SEER, 1 .Sa;n. 9:9; 2 Sam. 24:11, etc. See PROPHET. SEIR, mount, inhecitance of Esau, Gen. 14:6; -32:3; 36:8, 20; Josh. 24:4. Israel not to attack, Deut. 2:5 ; 2 Chr. 20:10. subdued by Ammonites, etc., 2Chr. 20:23; 25:11. prophecies concerning, Num. 24:18; DeuJ. 33:2; Isa. 21:11; jBze. 25:8; 35:2. SELEUCIA visited, Acts\2A. SELF-DELUSION : a characteristic of the wicked, Ps. 49:18. SEL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEL iSELF-DELUSION, cont. — prosperity frequently leads to, Psa. 30:6 ; Hos. 12: a ; Luke 12:11-19. obstinate sinners often given lap to, Psa. 81:11, 12; Hos. 4:17; 2Thes. 2:10:11. EXHIBITED IN THINKING THAT OUr O-^Tl ways are ripht, Prov. 14:12. we should adhere to established wicked practices, Jer. 44:17. we are pure, Prov. 30:12. we are better than others, Luke 1S:11. we are rich in spiritual things, Rev. 3:17. we may have peace while in sin, Deut. 29:19. we are above adversity, Psa. 10:6. gifts entitle us to heaven, Mat. 7:21, 22. privileges entitle us to heaven, Mat. 3:9; Lw/te 13:25, 26. God will not punish our sins, Jer. 5:12. Christ shall not come to judge, 2 Pet. 3:4. our lives shall be prolonged, J^a. 56:12; Luke l-2:19 ; Jas. 4:13. frequently persevered in, to the last, Mat. 7:22 ; 25:11. 12 ; Luke 13:24, 25. fatal consequences of, Mat. 7:23 ; 24:48- 51 ; Luke 12:20; 1 Thes. 5:3. exemplified. Ahab, 1 Kings 20: 27, .34. Israelites, Hos. 12:8. Jews, John 8:33,41. Church of Laodicea, Kev. 3:17. SELF-DENIAL : Christ set an example of, Mat. 4:8-10 ; 8:20; A'oot.15:3; 2 Cor. 8:9; P/iil. 2:6-S; Heb. 12:2. ' a test of devotedness to Christ, Mat. 10:. 37, 38; iwie 1 4 : 27, 33. NECESSARY in following Christ, Luke 9:23, 24. in the warfare of saints, 2 Timi 2:4. to the triumph of saints, 1 Cor. 9:25. ministers especially called to, 2 Cor. 6:4,5. SHOULD BE EXERCISED IN denying un- godliness and worldly lusts, Rom. 6:12; Tit. 2:12. controlling the appetite, Prov. 23:2. abstaining from fleshly lusts, 1 Pet. 2:11. no longer living to lusts of men, 1 Pet. 4:2. mortifying sinful lusts, Mark 9:43; Col. 3:5. mortifying deeds of the body, Rom. 8:13. not pleasing ourselves, Rom. 15:1-3. not seeking our own profit, 1 Cor. 10:24,33; 13:5; Phil. 2:4. preferring the profit of others, Rom. 14:20,21; 1 Cor. 10:24,33. assisting others, Luke 3:11. even lawful thing.s, 1 Cor. 10:23. forsaking all, Luke 14:33. SELF-DENIAL, co?7«.— should be ex- ercised IN taking up the cro.^s and following Christ, Mat. 10:38 ; 16:24. crucifying the flesh. Gal. 5:24. being crucified with Christ, Rom. 6:6. being crucified unto the world, Gal. 6:14. putting off the old man which is cor- rupt, Eph. 4:22; Col. 3:9. preferring Christ to all earthly rela' tions. Mat. 8:21, 22; Luke 14:26. becomes strangers and pilgrims, Heb, 11:13-15; 1 Pet. 2:11. danger of neglecting, Mat. 16:25, 26; 1 Cor. 9:27. reward of, Mat. 19:2S, 29 ; Roiti. §:13. happy result of, 2 Pet. 1:4. exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 13:9; Heb. 11:8, 9. Widow of Zarephath, 1 Kin. 17:12-15. Esther. Esth.A:l6. Rechabites, Jer. 35:6, 7. Daniel, Dan. 5:16, 17. Apostles, Mat. 19:27. Simon, Andrew, James, and John, Mark 1:16-20. Poor widow, Luke 21:4. Primitive Christians'. Acts 2:45; 4:34. Barnabas, ^c^5 4:36, 37. Paul. Acts 20:24; 1 Cor. 9:19, 27. Moses, Heb. 11:24. 25. SELF-EXAMINATION : enjoined, 2 Cor. 13:5. necessary before the^ommunion. 1 Cor. 11:28. cause of difficulty in, Jer. 17:9. should BE ENGAGED IN with holy awB, Psa. 4:4. with diligent search, Psa. 77:6 ; Lam. 3:40. with prayer for divine searching, Psa. 26:2; 139:23,24. with purpose of amendment, Psa. 119:59; La)7i. 3:40. advantages of, 1 Cor. 11:31 ; Gal. 6:4 SELFISHNESS : contrary to the law of God, Jas. 2:8. the example of Christ condemns, Jo/in 4:34; Rom. 15:3; 2 Cor. 8:9. God hates, Mai. 1:10. EXHIBITED IN being lovers of ourselves, 2 Tim. 3:2. pleasing ourselves, Ro7n. 15:1. seeking our own, 1 Cor. 10:33; Phil. 2:21. seeking after gain, Isa. 56:11. seeking undue precedence. Mat. 20:21. living to ours^lres, 2 Cor. 5:15. neglect of the poor, 1 John 3:17. serving God for reward, Mai. 1:10. performing duty for reward, Mic. 3:11. inconsistent with Christian love, 1 Cor. 13:5. inconsistent with the communion of saints, Ro7n. 12:4, 5, with 1 Cor. 12:12-27. especially forbidden to saints, 1 Cor. 10:24; Phil. 2: 1. 159 SEL BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEE, SELFISHNESS, row.— the love of Christ should constrain us to avoid, 2 Cor. 5:14, 15. ministers should be devoid of, 1 Cor. 9:19-2:3; 10:33. all men addicted to, Phil. 2:21. saints falsely accused of. Job 1:9-11. characteristic of the last days, 2 Tim. 3:1,2. exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4:9. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:3, 11. Haman, Esth. 6:6. Priests, Isa. 56:11. Jews, Zech. 7:6. James and John, ilfa?-^ 10:37. Mul- titude, Jolm 6:26. See covETousvEss. SEI«F-R[GHTEOUSNESS : man is prone to, Prov. 20:6; 30:12. hateful to God, I.uke 16:15. IS VAIN BECAUSE OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS but external. Mat. 23:25-23; Luke 11:39-44. but partial, Mat. 23:25; Luke 11:42. no better than filthy rags, Isa. 64:6. ineiFectual for salvation, Job 32:1; 42:5; Mat. 5:20, with Rom. 3:20. unprofitable. Isa. 57:12. is boastful, Mat. 23:. 30. THEY WHO ARE GIVEN TO audaciously approach God, Luke 18:11. seekto justify themselves, Z-w/ce 10:29. seek to justify themselves before men, Luke 16:15. reject the righteousness of God, Rom. 10:3. condemn others. Mat. 9:11-13; Luke 7:39. consider their own way right, Pro.2l :2. despise others, Isa. 65:5; Luke 18:9. proclaim their own goodness, Prov. 20:6. are pure in their own eyes. Pro. 30:12. are abominable before God, Isa. 65:5. folly of, Job 9:20. saints renounce, Phil. 3:7-10. warning against, Deut. 9:4. denunciation against. Mat. 23:27, 23. illustrated, LK^-e 18:10-12. exemplified. Saul, I Samuel 15:13. Young man. Mat. 19:20. Lawyer, Luke 10:25, 29. Pharisees, Luke 11:39; John 8:33; 9:28. Israel, Rom. 10:3. Church of Laodicea, Rev. 3:17. SELF-WILL AND STUBBORNNESS : forbidden. 2Chr. 30:S; Psa. 75:5. PROCEED FROM unbelief, 2 Kings 17:14. pride, Neh. 9:16, 29. an evil heart, Jer. 7:24. God knows, Isa. 48:4. EXHIBITED IN refusing to hearken to God, Prov. 1:24. refusing to hearken to the messengers of God. ISam. 8:19; Jer. 44:16; Zech. 7 -.n. refusing to walk in the ways of God. Neh. 9:17 ; 7sa. 42:24; Psa. 78:10. lUO SELF-WILL and stubbornness, cont.-— EXHIBITED IN refusing to hearken to parents, Deut. 21: IS, 19. refusing to receive correction, Bent. 21:1b; Jer. 5:3; 7:28. rebelling against God, Deut. 31:27; Psa. 78 :y. resisting the Holy Ghost, Acts 7:51. walking in the counsels of an evil heart, Jer. 7:24, with Jer. 23:17. hardening the neck, Neh. 9: 16. hardening the heart, 2 CAr. 36:13. going backward and not forward, Jer, 7:24. heinousness of, 1 Sam. 15:23. MINISTERS SHOULD be without. Tit. 1:7, warn their people against, Heb. 3:7- 12. pray that their people may be forgiven for, Exod. 34:9; Deut. 9:27. characteristic of the wicked, Pro- 7:11 ; 2Pef. 2:10. the wicked cease not from, Judg. 2:19. punishment for, Deu. 21:2l ; Pro. 29:k, illustrated, Psa. 32:9; Jer.' 31:18. exemplified. Simeon and Levi. Gen. 49:6. Israelites, Exod. 22:9 \ Deut. 9:6, 13. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:19-2-3. David, 2 Sam. 24:4. Josiah, 2Chr. 35:22. Zedekiah, 2 C/ir. 36:13. SENNACHERIB invades Judah, 2 Kin. 18:13. his blasphemous letter, 2 Kings 19:9. his army destroyed, 2 Kings 19: -35. slain by his sons, 2 Kings 19:37. See 2 Chr. 32 ; Isa. 36 ; 37. SEPARATION from the congregation, laws concerning, Lev. 12, etc. ; Nu.5. SEPHARVAIM subdued by the Assy- rians, 2A7n^s 17:24; 18:.34. 19:13. SEPULCHRE, one purchased by Abra- ham, Gen. 23; Acts 7:16. of Moses unknown, Deut. 34:6. of Christ, Mat. 27:60; 3Iark 15:46; Luke 23:55; Jo/m 19:41. figurative. Mat. 2:3:27. SERAI AH. charge to, Jer. 51:59. SERAPHIM. 7sa. 6:2. SERGIUS PAULUS, Acts 13:7. SERMON on the mount. Mat. 5-7; Luke 6:20. SERPENT, deceiving Eve, cursed. Gen. 3:14; 2 Cor. 11:3; [Rev. 12:9.) the brazen. Num. 21:8; (John 3:14.) whv destroyed, 2 Kings 18:4. SERVANTS: Christ condescended to the office of, Luke 22: 27 ; John 13: 5 ; Phil. 2: 7. are inferior to their masters, Lu. 22:27. should follow Christ's example. I Pet. 2:21. DUTIES OF, TO MASTERS : to pray for them. Gen. 24:12. to honor them, Mai. 1:6 ; 1 Tim. 6:1. to revere them the more, when they are believers, 1 Tim. 6:2. SER BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SEE, BERVANTS, co7it. — duties of, to mas- ters : to be subject to them, 1 Pet, 2:18. to obey them, Eph. 6:5 ; Tit. 2:9. to attead to their call, Psa. 123:2. to please them well in all things, Tit. 2:9. to sympathize with them, 2 Sam. 12:18. to prefer their business to their own necessary food. Gen. 21:33. to bless God for mercies shown to them, Gen. 24:27. 4S. to be faithful to them, Luke 16:10- 12; ICor. 4:2; T^. 2:10. to be profitable to them, Luke 19:15, 16,18; Phile. 11. to be anxious for their welfare, ISam. 25:14-17; 2 X/h§-5 5:2, 3. to be earnest in transacting their busi- ness, Gen. 24:54-56. to be prudent in the management of their affairs, Gen. 24:34-49. to be industrious in. laboring for them, AV/i. 4:16, 2:3. to be kind and attentive to their guests, G«rt. 43:2:3, 24. to be submissive even to the froward, Gen. 16:6, 9; 1 Pet. 2:13. not to answer them rudely, Tit. 2:9. not to serve them with eve-service, as men-pleaser.s, Eph. 6:6; Col. 3:22. not to defraud them, Tit. 2: 10. should be contented, 1 Cor. 7:20, 21. should be compassionate. Mat. IS: 33. IHOULD SERVE for Conscience towards God, 1 Pet. 2:19. in the fear of God, Eph. 6:5; Col. 3:22. as the servants of Christ, Eph. 6:. 5, 6. heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men, Eph. 6:7; Col. 3:23. as doing the will of God from the heart, Eph. 6:6. in singleness of heart, Eph. 6:5 ; Col. 3:22. with good will, Eph. 6:7. when patient under injury are accepta- ble to God, 1 Pet. 2:19, 20. miF.s GOOD are the servants of Christ, Co/. 3:24. are brethren beloved in the Lord, Phile. 16. are the Lord's freemen, 1 Cor. 7:22. are partakers of gospel privileges. 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:23; Eph. 6:8; Co/. 3:11. deserve the confidence of their mas- ters, Gen. 24:2, 4, 10; 39:4. often exalted, Gen. 41 :40 ; Prov. 17:2. often advanced by masters, Genesis 39:4, 5. to be honored, Gen. 24:31; Prov. 27:18. bring God's blessing upon their mas- ters, Gen. .30: 27. 30; 39:3. 11 SERVANTS, co7it. —WN-Ey good adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things, Tit. 2:10. have God with them, Gen. 31:42; 39:21; Act.s 7:9,10. are prospered by God, Gen. 39:3. -are protected by God, Ge7i. 31-7. are guided by God, Gen. 24:7, 27. are blessed by .God, Mat. 21:46. are mourned over after death. Gen. 35:8; see marginal note. shall be rewarded, Eph. 6:8 ; Col. 3:24. the property of masters increased by faithful. Gen. 30:29, 30. WHEN WICKED are eye-servants, Eph, 6:6; Col. 3:22. are meu-pleasers, Eph. 6:6 ; Col. 3:22. are deceitful, 2 Sam. 19:26; Psa. 101:6,7. are quarrelsome, Gen. 13:7; 26:20. are covetous. 2 Kings 5:20. are liars, 2Kitigs 5:22, 25. are thieves, Tit. 2:10. are gluttonous and drunken, Mat. 24:49. are unmerciful to their fellows. Mat. 18:30. will not submit to correction, Prov. 29:19. do not bear to be exalted, Prov. 30:21, 22, with ha. 3:5. shall be punished, 3Iat. 24:50. good, exemplified. Eliezer, Gen. 24. Deborah, Gen. 24:59. with Gen. 35:8. Jacob, Gen. 31 : 36-40. Joseph, Gen. 39:3; Acts 7:10. Servants of Boaz, Ruth 2:4. Jonathan's armor-bearer, 1 Sam. 14:0, 7. David's servants, 2 Sam. 12:18. Captive maid, 2 /v/ng-s 5 : 2-4 . Servants of Naaman, 2 Kings 5:13. Servants of Centurion, Mat. 8:9. Servants of Cornelius, Acts 10:7. Onesimus after his conver- sion, Phile. 11. bad, exemplified. Servants of Abra- ham and Lot, Gen. 13:7. Servants of Abimelech, Gen. 21:25. Absa- lom's servants, 2Sajn. 13:23, 29; 14:30. Ziba, 2 Sam. 16:1-4. Ser- vants of Shimei, 1 Kings2:29. Jer- oboam, 1 Kijigs 11:26. Zimri, 1 Kings \Q:9. Gehazi, 2 jfvmg-s 5 : 20. Servants of Amon, 2Kings 21:23. Job's servants, Job 19:16. Servants of the high-priest, illar. 14:65. Ones- imus before his conversion, PA i7e. 11. See BONDME.V. SERVILE work forbidden during the feasts. Let;. 23:7; iVwrn. 28:18; 29:1. SERVING God: commanded, Dent. 6:13. a chief duty, Deut. 10:12, 13. due to him alone. Mat. 4:10. MUST BE from the heart, Eph. Q:Q. in singleness of heart, Eph. 6:5. with a perfect heart, 1 Chr. 28:9. 161 SHA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SHE SERVING God, cont.—MVST be with all the heart, Psa. 110:69. with humility, Acts 20:19; 26:7. in sincerity and truth, Josh. '24:14,31. in holiness and righteousness, Luke 1:75. in newness of spirit, Rom. 7:6. with a pure conscience, 2 Tim. I :.3. with godly fear, Ps. 2:11 ; Heb. 12:23. with gladness, Psa. 100:2. constantly, ^cis 26:7; Rev. 7:15. with watchfulness, Luke 12:37. characterizes saints, Psa. 102:28 ; Isa. 54:17; Joe/,2:29; Rom.lA; Rev. 1:3. BLESSINGS PROMISED TO : temporal sup- plies, Exod. 23:25. covenant mercies, 1 Kings 8:23. security, and justification, Isa. 54:17. salvation, Jer. 30:10, 11. the Holy Spirit, Joel 2:29. favor in the Judgment, Mat. 24:45; 25:21; Rev. 7:3; 19:2. God forgives his servants, 2 Sam. 24:10. hears their prayer, Neh. 1:11. reveals himself to them, Psa. 31 :16. is compassionate to them, Psa. 69:17 ; 9U:13; 135:14; Dan. 3:17. WOES THREATENED FOR NOT : tO Serve enemies. Dent. 2S:47. the judgment of God, Mai. 3:14. IS; Maf. 24:50; 25:30; Luke 12:i7. SETH, son of Adam, Eve's saying con- cernins. G«rt. 4:25; 5:3. SEVENTY elders appointed, Exo. 18:25; 24; Num. 11:16. disciples sent out, Luke 10, etc. weeks, Daniel's prophecy con- cerning, Dan. 9:24. years' captivity foretold, Jer. 25:12; ending, Ezra 1. SHADOW, figurative of protection, Psa. 17:8; 36:7; 63:7. of fragility, 1 Chr. 29:15 ; Job 8:9. (a type,) the Levitical law, Heb. 8:5; 10:1. SHADRACH, Meshach, and Ahed-nego, their captivity and abstinence, Dan. 1:.3-16. their promotion, Dan. 1:19. their faith and deliverance, Dan. 3:8. SHALLUM, king of Israel, his evil reign, 2 Kings 15:10. SHALMANESER, king of Assyria, car- ries ten tribes captive, 2Km. 17; 18:9. SHAME, consequence of sin, Gen. 2:25; 3:10; Exod. 32: 25. See Prov. 3:35 ; 11:2; 13:5; J5:zc.l6:03; Rom.Q:2l. subdued hy hope, Rotn. 5:5. everlasting shame of God's enemies, Psa. 40:14; 109:29; Eze. 7:18; Dan. 12:2. SHAMGAR delivers and judges Israel, Juds;. 3:31; 5:6. SHAMMAH, his valor, 2 Sam. 23:11. SHAPHAN appointed to repair the tem- ple, 2 Kings 22:3; 2 Chr. 34:8. SHARON, 1 Chr. 5:16 ; 27:29 ; Sonf, king of the Amorites, subdued, Num. 21 :2l ; Dew«. 1:4 ; 2:20 ; Psa. 135:11 ; 136:19. SILAS, (Silvanus,) companion of Paul in persecution, etc.. Acts 15:22 ; 16: 19 ; 17:4. See 2 Cor. 1:19; IT/ies. 1:1; 1 Pet. 5:12. SILENCE, through grief, Jo6 2:13; Psa. 39:2,9. enjoined upon women in the church, 1 Tim. 2:11. See Pro. 10:19; 11:12; 17:23; Ja5. 1:19. in heaven. Rev. 3:1. SILK, Prov. 31:22; Eze. 16:10. SILOAM, pool of, John 9:7. SILVER, employed in the tabernacle, Exod. 23:19; Num. 7:13. as money, Gen. 23:15; 44:2; Beut. 22:19; 2 Kings 5:22, etc. Christ betrayed for, Zech. 11:12; Amos 2:6; Mat. 26:15. SIMEON, son of Jacob, Gen. 29:33. avenges Dinah, Gen. 34:7, 25. detained by Joseph, Gen. 42:24. Jacob's prophecy concerning, Genesis 49:5. 164 SIMEON, cont.— his descendants, Gen. 46:10; Exo. 6:15 ; 1 Chr. 4:24 ; 12:25. numbered. Num. 1:22; 26:12. reduced by a plague, Num. 25:9. their inheritance, josh. 19:1; Deut. 27 : 12 ; Judg. 1:3:2 Chr. 15:9; 34:6 ; JETze. 43:24; Rev'. 1:1. blesses Christ, Luke 2:25. SIMON, (kinsman of Jesus.) Mat. 13:55; Mar^ 6:3. , (the Canaanite, Zelotes,) apostle. Jllaf. 10:4; Jl7ar^:3:18; Luke6:\5. , (a Pharisee,) reproved, Luke 7:36. , (a leper,) Christ anointed in his house, Mat. 26:7; Mark 14:3. , (of Cyrene.) bears the cross of Jesus, Mat. 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26. , (a tanner.) Peter's vision in his house. Acts (9:43;) 10:6. , (a sorcerer.) baptized. Acts S:9 rebuked bv Peter, Acts 8:18. PETER. See peter. SIMPLICITY : is opposed to fleshly wisdom, 2Cor. 1:12. necessity for. Mat. 18:2, 3. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED in preaching the gospel, 1 r/ie5. 2:3-7. in acts of benevolence, Ro7n. 12:8. in all our conduct, 2 Cor. 1:12. concerning our own wisdom, 1 Cor. 3:13. concerning evil, Rom. 16:19. concerning malice, 1 Cor. 14:20. exhortations to, Rom. 16:19 ; 1 Pet. 2:2. THEY WHO HAVE THE GRACE OF, are made wise by God. Mat. 11:25. are made wise by the word of God, P5a. 19:7; 119:130. are preserved by God, Psa. 116:6. made circumspect by instruction, Pro. 1:4. profit by the correction of others. Pro. 19:25; 21:11. beware of being corrupted from that, which is in Christ, 2 Cor. 11:3. illustrated. Mat. 6:22. exemplified. David, Psa. 131:1, 2. Jeremiah, Jer. 1 : 6. Primitive Chris- tians, Acts 2:46 ; 4:32. Paul,.2 Cor. 1:12. SIMPLE, the, (fools.) exhortations to, Prov. 1:22; 8:5.' See Prov. 1:32; 7:7; 14:15. SIN, (Zin.) wilderness of, quails and manna given there, Exod. 16 ; Num. 13:21; and water from the rock, Num. 20; 27:14. SIN: is the transgression of the law, 1 Johri 3:4. is of the devil, IJokn 3:8, with John 8:44. all unrighteousness is, IJohn 5:17. omission of what we know to be good is, Jas. 4:17. SIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. sm SIN, co/it. — whatever is not of faith is, Rovi. 14:-23. the thought of foolishness is. Pro. 24:9. all the imaginations of the unrenewed heart are, Gen. 6:5; 8:21. BESCRIBED AS Coming from the heart. Mat. 15:19. the fruit of lust, Jas. 1 :15. the sting of death, 1 Cor. 15:56. rebellion against God, Deut. 9:7; Jo5A. 1:18. works of darkness, Eph. 5:11. dead works, Heb. 0:1 ; 9:14. the abominable thing that God hates, Prov. 15:9; Jer. 44:4, 11. defiling, Pror. 30:12; /sa. 59:3. deceitful, Heb. 3:13. disgraceful, Prov. 14:34. often very great, Excel. 32:30 ; 1 Sam. 2:17. often mighty, Atnos 5: 12. often manifold, A7?ios 5:12. often presumptuous, Psa. 19:13. sometimes open and manifest, 1 Tim. 5:24. sometimes secret, Psa. 90:8; 1 Thn. 5:24. besetting, Heb. 12:1. like scarlet and crimson, Isa. 1:18. reaching unto heaven, Rev. IS: 5. entered into the world by Adam, Gen. 3:G, 7, with Rojn. 5:12. all men are conceived and born in, Geji. 5:3; Joi 15:14; 25:4; Psa. 51:5. all men are shapen in, Psa. 5] :5. Scripture concludes all under, Gal. 3:22. no man is without, 1 Kings 8: 46 ; Ecd. 7:20. Christ alone was without, 2 Cor. 5:21 ; Heb. 4-15; 7:26; IJohn 3:5. Gou abominates, Deut. 25:16; Prov. 6:16-19. marks. Job 10:14. remembers. Rev. 18:5. is provoked to jealousy by. 1 Km. 14 :22. is provoked to anger by, 1 Kings 10:2. alone can forgive, Exod, .34:7; Dan. 9:9; Mic. 7:18; Mark 2:7. recompenses, Jer. 10:18; Rev. 18:6. punishes, Isa. 13:11; Amos 3:2. THE LAW is transgressed by every, Jas. ' 2:10, 11, with 1/oAw 3:4. gives knowledge of,. Rom. 3:20; 7:7. shows exceeding sinfulness of, Roni. 7: 13. made to restrain, 1 T/m. 1:9. 10. by its strictness stirs up, Rom. 7:5, 8,11. is the strength of, 1 Cor. 15:. 56. curses those guilty of. Gal. 3:10. no man can cleanse himself from, .Tob 9:30, 31 ; Prov. 20:9; Jer. 2:22. no man can atone for, ill/c. 6:7. God has opened a fountain for, Zech. 13:1. 165 SIN, cont. — Christ was manifested to take away, ,Tohn 1:29; lJok?i 3:5. Christ's blood redeems from, Eph. 1:7. Christ's blood cleanses from, 1 John 1 .1. SAINTS made free from. Rom. 0:18. dead to, Rom. 6:2, 11 ; 1 Pet. 2:24. profess to have ceased from, 1 Pet. 4:1. cannot live in, 1 John 3:9 ; 5:18. resolve against, Job 34:32. ashamed of having committed, Rojn. 6:21. abhor themselves on account of. Job 42:0; Eze. 20:43. have yet the remains of, in them, Ro)7i. 7:17, 23, with Gal. 5:17. the fear of God restrains, Exod. 20:20; Psa. 4:4; Prov. 16:6. the word of God keeps from, Ps. 119:11. the Holy Ghost convinces of, John 16:8,9. if we say that we have no, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, 1 John 1:3. if we say that we have no, we make God a liar, 1 John 1:10. confusion efface belongs to those guilty of, Dan. 9:7, 8. SHOULD BE confessed. Job 33:27; Prov. 2c: 13. grieved for, 2 Chr. 6:29 ; Mark 3:5. mourned over, Psa. 38:18 : Jer. 3:21. hated, Psa. 97:10; Pror. 8:13; Amos 5:15. abhorred, Rom. 12:9. put away. Job 11:14. departed from, Psa. 34:14; 2Titn. 2:19. avoided even in appearance, 1 Thes. 5:22. guarded against, Psa. 4:4; 39:1. striven against, Heb. 12:4. mortified, Rotn. 8:13; Col. 3:5. wholly destroyed, Rom.. 6:6. specially strive against besetting, Heb. 12:1. aggravated by neglected advantages, L^<^-e 12:47; John 15:22. guilt of concealing. Job 31:33; Prov. 28:1.3. WE SHOULD PRAY TO GoD to search for, in our hearts, Psa. 139:23, 24. to make us know our, Job 13:23. to forgive our, Exo. 34:9 ; Luke 11:4. to keep us from, Psa. 19:13. to deliver us from, J\Iat. 6: 13. to cleanse us from, P.ta. 51:2. prayer hindered by, Psa. 66:18; Isa. .59:2. bless. ngs withheld on account of, Jer. 5:25. THE WICKED servants to, John 8:34; Jiom. 6:10. dead in, Eph. 2:1 . guilty of, in every thing they do, Pro, 21:4; 2?=e. 21:24. plead necessity for, 1 Sam. 13:11, 12. SIN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SIN SIN, cont. — THE WICKED excuse, Gen. 3:12,13; 1 Sa^n. 15:1:3-15. encourage themselves in, Psa. 64:5. defy God in committing, Isa. 5: IS, 19. boast of, Isa. 3:9. make a mock at, Prov. 14:9. expect impunity in, Psa. 50:21 ; 94:7. cannot cease from, 2 Pet. 2: 14. heap up, Psa. 78:17; Isa. 30:1. encouraged in, by prosperity, Prov. 10:16. led by despair to continue in, Jer. 18:12. try to conceal, from God, Gen. 3:8, 10, with Jo6 31 : 33. throw the blame of, on God, Gen. 3:12; Jer. 7:10. throw the blame of, on others, Gen. 3:12, 13; E.xod. 32:22-24. tempt others to, Gen. 3:6 ; 1 Kin. 16:2. delight in those who commit, Ro. 1 :32. shall bear the shame of, Eze. 16:52. shall find out the wicked, Num. 32:23. ministers should warn the wicked to forsake, Eze. 33:9; Dan. 4:27. LEADS TO shame, Rom. 6:21. disquiet, Psa. 38:3. disease. Job 20:11. the ground was cursed on account of. Gen. -i-.n, IS. toil and sorrow originated in. Gen. 3:16, 17, 19, with Joi 14:1. excludes from heaven, Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 21:27. against the Holy Ghost, Mat. 12:31; Mark 3:23; Luke -12:10. See Heb. 6:4; 10:26; I John 5:16. when finished brings forth death, Jas. 1:15. death the wages of, Rom. 6:23. death the punishment of, Gen. 2:17; Eze. 18:4. SINS. NATIONAL : often pervade all ranks, Isa. 1:5; Jer. 5:1-5; 6:13. often caused and encouraged by rulers, 1 Kings 12:26-33 ; 2 Chr. 21: 11-13. often caused by prosperity, Dent. 32:15 ; Eze. 28:5. DEFILE the land. Lev. 18:25 ; Isa. 24:5. the people, Lev. 18:24 ; Eze. 14:11. national worship. Hag. 2:14. aggravated by privileges, Isa. 5:4-7; ^ze. 20:11-13; iHa«. 11:21-24. lead the heathen to blaspheme, Rom. 2:21. are a reproach to a people, Prov. 14:34. SHOULD BE repented of, Jer. 18:8 ; Jonah 3:5. mourned over, Joel 2:12. confessed, Judg. 10:10. turned from, Isa. 1: 16 ; Jonah 3:10. saints especially mourn over, Psalm 119:136; Eze. 9:4. Mrs'isTERS SHOULD mourn over, Ezra 10:6; Eze. 6:11; Joel 2:17. 166 SINS, national, cont. — ministers should testify against, Isa. 30:8,9: Eze. 2:3-5; 22:2; Jonah 1:2. try to turn the people from, Jer. 23:22. pray for forgiveness of, Exod. 32:31, 32; Joe^ 2:17. national prayer rejected on account of, Isa. 1:15; 59:2. national worship rejected on account of, Isa. 1:10-14; Jer. 6:19, 20. cause the withdrawal of privileges, Lam. 2:9; Amos 8:11. bring down national judgments. Mat. 23:35, 36; 27:25. denunciations against, 75a. 1:24 ; 30:1 ; Jer. 5:9; 12:17. punishment for, Isa. 3:8; Jer. 12:17; 25:12; Eze. 28:7-10. punishment for, averted on repentance, Judg. 10:15, 16; 2 Chr. 12:6, 7; Jonah 3:10. exemplified. Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 18:20; 2 Pet. 2:6. Children of Israel, Exod. 16:8; 32:31. Nations of Canaan, Deut. 9:4. Kingdom of Israel, 2 Kings 17: 8-12 ; Hos. 4:1,2. Kingdom of Judah, 2 Kings 17:19; Isa. 1:2-7. Moab, Jer. 48:29, 30. Babylon, Jer. 51:6, 13, 52. Tyre, Eze. 28:2. Nineveh, Nah. 3:1. SINAI, mount, Deut. 33:2; Judg. 5:5; Psa. 0-5:8, 17. See horeb. SINCERITY: Christ was an example of, 1 Pet. 2:22. ministers should be examples of. Tit. 2:7. opposed to fleshly wisdom, 2 Cor. 1:12. should characterize our love to God, 2Cor. 8:8. 24. our love to Christ, Eph. 6:24. our service to God. Josh. 24:14. our faith, 1 Tim. 1:5. our love to one another. Rom. 12:9; lFeM:22; 1 John 3:18. our whole conduct, 2 Cor. 1:12. the preaching of the gospel, 2 Cor. 2:17; 1 Thes. 2:3-5. a characteristic of the doctrines of tho gospel, 1 Pet. 2:2. the gospel sometimes preached without, Phil. 1:16. the wicked devoid of, Psa. 5:9; 55:21. exhortations to, 1 Cor. 5:8; 1 Pet. 2:1. pray for, on behalf of others, Phil. 1:10. blessedness of, Psa. 32:2. exemplified. Men of Zebulun, 1 Chr. 12:33. Hezekiah, Isa. 38:3. Na- thanael, John 1:47. Paul, 2 Cor. 1:12. Timothy, 2Ti?n. 1:5. Lois and Eunice, 2 Tim. 1:5. SINGING used in divine worship, Exod. 15; lC7ir.6:31; 13:8; 2 C/i/-. 20:22; 29:30; Neh. 12:27; Mat. 26:30, etc. exhortations to. 1 Chr. 16:9; Psa. 33; 66; 67; 95; 96; 93; 100; 105, e1,c. ; lCor.l4:15; Eph.5:ld; Co;.3:16; Jas. 5:t3. SL-A BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SOB SINGLENESS of heart, Acts 2:46 ; Eph. 6:5; Col. 3:22. STRION, mount, Deut. 3:9 ; Psa. 29:6. SISERA oppresses Israel, Jiidg. 4:2. slain by Jael. JudgA:2i ; 5:24 ; ISam. 12:9; Psa. 63:9. SIVAN, month, Estk. 8:9. SLANDER: an abomination unto God, Pro. 6:16, 19. forbidden, E.rod. 23:1 ; Jas. 4:11. INCLUDES whispering, Kom. 1 :29 ; 2 Cor. 12:20. backbiting, Eom. 1:30; 2 Cor. 12:20. evil surmising, 1 Tim. 6:4. talebearing. Le?;. 19:16. babbling, Ercl. 10:11. . tattling, 1 Tim. 5:13. evil speaking, Psa. 41:5; 109:20. defaming, Jer. 20:10 ; 1 Cor. 4:13. bearing false witness, Exod. 20:16; Deut. 5:20; Luke2:\\. judging uncharitably, Jas. 4:11. 12. raising false reports, Exod. 23:1. repeating matters, Prov. 17:9. is a deceitful work, Psa. 52:2. comes from the evil heart. Lithe 6:45. often arises from hatred, Psa. 41:7; 109:3. idleness leads to, 1 Tim. 5:13. the wicked addicted to, Psa. 50:20 ; Jer. 6:2S; 9:4. hypocrites addicted to, Prov. 11:9. a characteristic of the devil, Rev. 12:10. the wicked love, Psa. 52:4. they who indulge in, are fools, PTbv. 10:IS. ' they who indulge in, not to be trusted, Jer. 9:4. women warned against. Tit. 2:3. ministers' wives should avoid, 1 Tim. 3:11. Christ was exposed to, Psa. 35:11; Mat. 26:60. rulers exposed to, 2 Pet. 2: 10 ; Jude 8. ministers exposed to, Rom. 3:8 ; 2 Cor. 6:8. the nearest relations exposed to Psa. 50:20. saints exposed to, Psa. 33:12; 109:2; \Pet. 4:4. SAINTS should keep their tongue from, Psa. 34:1.3, with 1 Pet. 3:10. should lay aside, Epli.A:'i\ ; 1 Pet. 2:1. should be warned against, Tit. 3:1, 2. should give no occasion for. 1 Pet. 2:12; 3:16. should return good for, 1 Cor. 4:13. blessed in enduring. Mat. 5:11. characterized as avoiding, Psa. 15:1, 3. should not be listened to, 1 Sam.. 24:9. should be discountenanced with anger, Prov. 25:23. BFFECTS OF : Separating friends, Prov. 16:23; 17:9. deadly wounds. Prov. 18:8; 26:22. strife, Prov. 20:20. SLANDER, conr. — effects of : discord among brethren, Prov. 6:19. murder, Psa. 31:13; Eze. 22:9. the tongue of, is a scourge. Job 5:21. is venomous, Psa. 140:3; Eccl. 10:11. is destructive, Prov. 11:9. end of, is mischievous madness, Eccl. 10:13. men shall give account for, Mat. 12:36. punishment for, Deut. 19:16-21 ; Psa. 101:5. illustrated, Pror. 12:18; 25:18. exemplified. Laban's sons. Gen. 31 :1. Doeg, 1 Sam. 22:9-11. Princes of Ammon, 2 Sam. 10:3. Ziba, 2 Sam. 10:3. Children of Belial, I Kings 21 :13. Enemies of the Jews, Ezra 4:7-16. Gashmu, Neh. 6:6. Ha- inan, Estk. 3:8. David's enemies, Psa. 31:13. Jeremiah's enemies, Jer. 38:4. Chaldeans, Dan. 3:8. Daniel's accusers, Dan. 6:13. Jews, Mat. 11:18, 19. Witnesses against Christ, Mat. 26:59-61 . Priests, Mar. 15:3. -Enemies of Stephen, Aets 6:11. Enemies of Paul, etc., Acts 17:7. TertuUus, Acts 24:2, 5. SLAYER without malice. Num. 35:11 ; Deut. 4:42; 19:3; Joi^h. 20:3. SLEEP, deep, sent by God, Gen. 2:21; 15:12; 1 Sam. 26:12; Job A:\^. too much, Prou. 6:4; 19:15; 20:13. figurative, Psa. 13:8; Dan. 12:2; Mark 13:36; Rom. 13:11; \Cor. 11:30; 15:20; 1 Tkes. 4:14. SLING, skill in its use, Judg. 20:16. Goliath slain by, 1 Sam. 17:49. See 2 Kings 3:25 ; 2 Chr. 26:14. figurative, 1 Sam. 25:29; Prov. 26:8. SLOTHFULNESS censured, Pro. 12:24, 27; 15:19; 21:25; 26:1-3-16; Mat. 25:26; Rom. 11:8. leads to want, Pro. 18:9; 19:15: 20:4; 24:30; -Err^. 10:18. magnifies obstacles. Pro. 15:19; 22:13. in ministers, Isa. 50:10; Eze. 34:2. exhortations against. Prov. 0:4; Rom. 12:11; 13:11; IThes. 5:6; Heb. 6:12. See IDLENESS. SLUGGARD described, Pro. 6:6; 10:20; 13:4; 20:4; 26:10. SMYRNA, church of, comforted under persecution, Rev. 2:3. SNAIL, unclean. Lev. 11:30. SNUFFERS of gold, Exo. 25:38; 37:23. SOBRIETY: commanded, 1 Pe^ 1:13; 5:8. the gospel designed to teach. Tit. 2:11, 12. with watchfulness, 1 Thes. 5:6. with prayer, 1 Pet. 4:7. KEQUiRED IN ministers, 1 Tim. 3:2, 3; r/M:8. wives of ministers, 1 Tim. 3:11. aged men, Tit. 2:2. young men, Tit. 2:6. 167 SON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. SPI SOBRIETY, co««.— EEQUiRED I.N young women, Tit. 2:4. all saints, 1 r/ie5. 5:6,8. women should exhibit, in dress, 1 Tim. 2:9. we should estimate our character and talents with, Rom. 1"2:3. we should live in. Tit. '2:12. motives to, I Pei. 4:7; 5:S. SODOM, wickedness of its inhabitants, Gen. 13:13; 18:20; 19:4; Deut. 23:17; 1 A'mg-5 14:24, etc. their captivity and deliverance by Abra- ham, Gen. 14. God's judgment on, and Abraham's in- tercession for. Gen. 18:17. Lot's deliverance from. Gen. 19. awful destruction of. Gen. 19:24. a type of God's wrath, Deut. 29:23; 32:32; Isa. 1:9; 13:19; Lam. 4:G, etc. ; Mat. 10: 15 ; Luke 17:29 ; Jude 7; Rev. 11:8. SOLDIERS, instructed by John the Bap- tist, Luke2:U. their conduct to Christ, John 19. bribed by the priests. Mat. 28:12. rescue Paul, Acts 21:32 ;— 27:31. SOLOMON, king, born, 2 Sam. 12:24. prophecy concerning, 2 Sam,. 7:12; 1 Vhr. 22:9; Mat. 1;G. proclaimed king, 1-Kings 1. exhorted by David, I Kin^s 2 ; 1 Chr. 23:9; 29. • executes justice upon Adonijah, Joab, etc., lii:i«g-5 2:24. his choice of wisdom, 1 Ki7igs 3:5; 2 Chr.i-.'r. ' his wise judgment, 1 Kings 2:16. his officers, 1 Kings 4. message to Hiram, 1 Kin. 5; 2 Chr. 2. builds the temple. (2 Sa7n. 7:12; 1 Chr. 17:11;) 1 Kings 6; 7; 2 Chr. 3-5. his prayer at the dedication, 1 Kings 8 ; 2 Chr. 6. God's covenant with him, 1 Kings 9 ; 2C/ir. 7:12. his great wisdom, 1 Kings 4:29. Yisited by the queen of Sheba, 1 Kings 10; 2C7ir. 9; Mat. 6:29; 12:42. his idolatry, 1 Kings 11:1 ; Neh. 13:26. rebuked by God, 1 Kings 11 : 9. his adversaries, 1 Kings 1 1 : 14. Ahijah's prophecy, I Kings 11:31. his death, 1 Kings 11:41 ; 2 Chr. 9:29. See Psa. 72 ; Prov. 1:1 ; Song 1:1 ; Eccl. 1 . SON OF GOD. See jesus christ. SONS of Israelites proscribed by Pha- raoh, Exod. 1:16. purification for, Lev. 12:6. punishment of rebellious, Deut. 21:18. See ADOPTION, CHILDREX, FIRST- BORN. SONGS : of Moses, iJ.ro. 15 ; J\'«m21:17; Deut. 32; iZeu. 15:3. 168 SONGS, conr.— of Deborah, Judg. 5. of Hannah, 1 Sam. 2. of David, 2 Sam. 22 ; Psalms. of Mary, Luke 1:46. of Zacharias, Luke 1:68. of the angels, Luke 2:13. of Simeon, Luke 2:29. of the redeemed. Rev. 5:9; 19. SORCERY condemned, Isa. 47:9; 57:3; -Rev. 21:8; 22:15. iSVe divination. SORROW, godly and worldly, contrasted 2 Cor. 7:10; 1 Thes. 4:13, See af- fliction. SOUL, or spirit, of man, proceeds from God, Ge/i. 2:7; Joi 32:8; ZecA. 12:1. its inestimable value, Mat. 16:26; Marks .21, etc. its separation from the body, Eccl. 11:5 ; 12:7. its condemnation, Psa. 49:8: Prov. 13:2; 22:3; Mat. 25; Luke 12:4; 16:23; Rev. 20:13, etc, its redemption. Lev. 17:11 ; Psa. 33:19; 34:22:49:15. See redemption. SOUR GRAPES, proverb concerning, Jer. 31:29; Eze. 18:2. SOUTH, the king of, Daniel's vision con- cerning, Dan. 11. SOWER, parable of. Mat. 13:3; Mark 4:3; Luke 8:5. reaps whatever he sows. Gal. 6:7. reaps sparingly, or bountifully, as he sows, 2 Cor. 9 : 6. shall reap with joy, Psa. 126:5, 6. should labor always, trusting in God, Eccl. 11:6. SPAN, a measure, Exod. 28:16. SPEAR, Josh. 8:18; 2. Sam. 23:8, 18. Goliath's, 1 Satn. 17:7, etc. Christ pierced with one, John 19:34. SPICES, for the anointing oil, etc., Exo. 25:6; 30:23,34; 37:29. for purification, Esth. 2:12 ; Psa. 45:8, for embalming, etc., 2Chro?i. 16:14; Markl6:l; Luke23:56; Johnl9:i0. SPIES sent into Canaan, Nu?n. 13:3. their instructions, Nu7n. 13:17. report often of them. Num. 13:26. their punishment. Num. 14:35; Deut. 1:22; 11 eb. 3:17. two sent to Jericho by Joshua, Josh. 2:1. preserved by Rahab, Josh. 2:4. their covenant with her, Josh. 2:17. their report to Joshua, Josh. 2:23. their oath performed, Josh. 6:17, 23. See Heb. 11:31; J as. 2:2-5. sent by the Danites. Judg. IS: 2. sent by Absalom, 2 Sawi. 15:10. SPIKENARD, Christ anointed with, MarkU:3\ Luke 7:37; John 12:3. SPIRIT OF God : his agency in forming the body of Jesus, Mat. 1:18,20; Luke 1:35. descends upon Christ, Mat. 3:16 ; Mark 1:10; Luke 3 : 22 ; John 1 : 32. SPI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. STE SPIRIT of God, cont.— Tests with Christ, Isa. 11:2,3; 42:1; 61:1; Luke'iAS; Jokn3:3i. cooperated with Christ, Mat. 4:1; ]2:2S; I,MA;e4:14; 11:2U; Heb.O-.U; I Pet. 3:18. witnessed unto Christ, John 15:26; Acts 5:32; Rom. 1:4; Rev. 19:10. is poured out from on high, Prov. 1 :23 ; l5a. 32:15; 44:3; Zec^. 12:10. God baptizes with, Mat. 3:11. is a covenant blessing, Isa. 53:11; Joel 2:23. is a promised blessing, Eze, 36:27; 37:14; Eph. 1:^3. GRANTED TO Joseph, Gen. 41:33 ; Beza- leel, JSxo. 31:3; 35:31; tiie seventy elders. Num. 11:17; Balaam, Num. 24:2; Joshua, Num. 27:18; Saul, 1 Sam. 10:10; 11:6; 19:23; his messengers, 1 Sam. 19:20 ; Amasai, 1 Chr. 12:18; Elisha, 2 Kings 2:9; Azariah. 2 Chr. 15: 1. the prophets, Neh. 9:30. See Isa. 1 :6 ; 48:16; Jer. 1; Eze. 1; 11, etc.; Dan.i.S; 2 Pet. 1:21. Zacharias. Elisabeth, and Mary, Luke 1:41,67. Simeon and Anna, Luke 2:25, 33. the disciples, Acts 2:4; 6:3; 7:55; 8:29; 9:17; 10:45, etc.; Rev. 1:10. all saints, Psa. 51:11; Luke 11:13; John 14:17; 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19; 12:13; Eph. 1:13; 1 Thes. 4:3; Jude 20. his final invitation, Rev. 22:17, fruits of, Ga?. 5:22; Eph. 5:9. opposed to the flesh, Rom. 6 ; GaJ. 3:3. must not be grieved, Eph. 4:30; re- sisted, Acts 7:51 ; vexed. 75a. 63:10; tempted, Acts 5:9 ; quenched, 1 Thes. 5:19. blasphemy against, condemned, Mat. 12:31 ; 3Iark 3:29 ; Luke 12:10. See HOLY SPIRIT. SPIRIT of antichrist, 1 John 4:3, of bondage, Rom. 8:15. of divination. Acts 16:10. of dumbness, etc., Mark 9:17. of fear, 2 Ti?n. 1 : 7. of jealousy, Nu7n. 5: 14. of slumber, Rom. 11:8. SPIRITS, to be tried, IJohn 4:1. unclean, cast out, see devils. SPIRITUAL body. 1 Cor. 15:44; Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:2. gifts, regulations concerning, 1 Cor. 12; 14; Rom. 1:11, house, and sacrifices, 1 Pet. 2:5. songs, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. things to be compared, 1 Cor. 2:13 SPITTING in the face a reproach. Num. 12:14; Deut. 2,3.9: Joi 30:10. endured bv Christ. (Isa. 50:6;) Mat. 26:67; 27:30; Mark 10:34; 14:65; 15:19. SPOIL, its division, Num. 31:27. enforced by Joshua and David, Josh, 22:8; 1 Sam. 30:24. SPRINKLING of blood, of the lamb, Exod. 12:22; Heb. 11:23. of the covenant, Exo. 24:3 ; Heb. 9:13. of the sin-offering on the day of atone- ment. Lev. 16: 14. on the altar, E.xod. 29:20. of people and priests, Exo. 21:8 ; 29:21 ; Lev. 8:30; ife^>. 9:19. in cleansing the leper, etc.. Lev. 14:7, of the blood of Christ, Heb. 10:22; 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:2. of the water of purifying. Num. 8:7, of the water of separation. Num. 19. of oil. Lev. 14:16. STANDARDS of the twelve tribes, Nuon. 2. STAR, Balaam foretells. Num. 24:17. seen by the wise men. Mat. 2:2. morning Star, Christ, Rev. 2:28; 22:16. one falls from heaven, Rev. 8: 10 ; 9: 1. STARS created. Gen. 1:16; Jo6 33:7. show God's power, Psa. 8:3 ; Isa. 40:26. made to praise God, Psa. 148:3, differ in glory, ] Cor. 15:41. worship of, forbidden, Deut. 4:19. typically mentioned. Gen. 15:5; Heb. 11:12; Jude 13; Rev. 8:12; 12:1. STATUTES of God. See law. STAVES, for the tabernacle, Exo. 25:13; 37:15; 40:20; Num. 4:6. STEADFASTNESS: exhibited by God in all his purposes and ways, Dan. 6:26; Heb. 2:2; 6:10. commanded, Phil. 4:1 ; 2 Thes. 2:15. godliness necessary to, Job 11:13-15. SECURED BY the power of God, Psa. 55:22; 02:2. the presence of God, Psa. 16:8, trust in God, Psa. 26:1, the intercession of Christ, Luke 22:31, 32. a characteristic of saints. Job 17:9; John S:31. SHOULD BE MANIFESTED in cleaving to God, Deut. 10:20; Acts ]l:23. in the work of the Lord, 1 Cor. 15:53. in continuing in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, Acts-2:. Jeremiah put in the, Jer. 20:2. also Paul and Silas. Acts 16:24. STOICS deride Paul, Acts 17:1$. STONE of the corner, Christ so named, (Psa. 11S:22; ha. 2S:16;) Mat. 21:42; 3Iark 12:10; 1 Pet. 2:6. STONES, precious, in the breastplate, E.Tod. 2S:17; 39:10-14. employed in the temple, IChr. 29:2; 2Chr. 3:6, etc. in the new Jerusalem, Rev. 21:11, 19, STONING, as a punishment. Lev. 20:2; 24:14; Deut. 13:10; 17:5; 22:21, etc. of Achan, Josh. 7:2.5. of Naboth, 1 Ki7igs 21. of Stephen, Acts 7:53. ofPaul. .4c/i.4:]9. SUB?kIISS10N to God commanded. Lev. 28:41 ; /«5. 4:7. to magistrates, etc., Eph. 5:21 ; Heb. 13:17; I Pet. 2:13; 5:5. See hus- bands, WIVES, PARENTS, CHILDREN, MASTERS. SERVANTS, etC. SUCCOTH. in Canaan, Gen. 33:17; Jo.-ih. 13:27 ; 1 Km. 7:46 ; Psa. 60:6. why punished by Gideon, Judg. 8:5, 16. • , in Egypt, first-born sanctified there, Exod. 12:37; 13:20. SUFFERINGS of Christ : foretold. Isa. 50:6; 53; Dan. 9:26. he was tempted of Satan, Mat. 4: 1. he hungered, 31at. 4:2; 21 :18. he thirsted, John 4:7; 19 : 28. SUFFERINGS of Christ, coit.-he was weary, John 4:6. he was grieved, Mark 3:5. he wept. John 11:35. he was troubled, John 12:27. his soul was sorrowful, Mat. 26:37. he was in an agony, Luke 22:44. he was homeless. Mat. 8:20. he was despised and rejected, Isa. 53:3 ; Mat. 27:23; Lvke 19:14; 2:3:18; John 1:11; 18:40. he was hated, .7o/i?i 7:7; 15:18. he was slandered. Mat. 11:19; 12:24; Jp/i/i 5:16; 9:16,24; 10:20,33. he was mocked. Mat. 27:29; Luke 16:14; 23:11,35. he was persecuted, Johti 5:16, 18. he was conspired against, Mat. 12:14. he was sold and betrayed. Mat. 26:14, 47. he was forsaken, Mark 14:50. he was denied, Mat. 26:70. he was scourged. Mat. 27:26. he was beaten, Mat. 27:30. he was spit upon. Mat. 26:67. he was condemned. Lithe 23:24. he was crucified. Mat. 27. he died, Mark 15 ; John 19. tasted death for every man, Heb. 2:10. all were for sinners. 75a. 53:12; Hth. 13:12; \Pet. 2:21-24; 3:18. of the apostles. Acts 5:40; 12; 13:50; 14:19; 16:23; 20:23; 21 ; 22; ICor. 4:11; 2Cor. 1:4; 4:8; 6:4; 1 1 : 23 ; Phil. 1 ; 1 Tim. 4 : 10 ; 2 Tim. 3:10. exhortations concerning, 1 Pet. 1 : 6, 13 ; 2:19; 3:14; 4:12. of patriarchs and prophets, Heb. 11. SUMMER, yearly return of. Gen. 8:22. illustrative of the season of grace. Pro. 6:8; 10:5; 80:25; Jer. 8:20. SUN created. Gen. 1:14; Psa. 19:4; 74:16; 136:8; 1 Cor. 15:41. worship of, forbidden, Deut. 4:19; Job 31:26; Jer. 8:2; Eze. 8:16. stands still miraculously, Josh. 10;12. shadow of, returns by request of Heze- kiah, 2 A'//! g-."! 20:9. darkened at Christ's death, Luke 23:44. of righteousness, Mat. 4:2. SUPPER, parable of the, Liike 14:16. marriage sui^per of the Lamb, Rev. 19:9. Lord's supper. See communion. SURETYSHIP, evjlsof. Pro. 6:1 ; 11:15; 17:18; 20:16; 22:26; 27:13. SWALLOW, its habits alluded to, Psa. 84:3; Prov. 26:2; Isa. 38:14; Jer. 8:7. SWAN, an unclean bird. Lev. 11:18; Dent. 14:16. SWEARING falsely : forbidden, Lev. 19:12; Nvm. 30:2| Mat. 5::33. hateful to God, Z*ch. 8:17. 171 SYG BIBLE TEXT-BOOK.' TAB SV7EARING falsely, cont.—we should not love, Zech. 8:17. fraud often leads to, Lev. 6:2, 3. saints abstain from, JosA. 9:20; Psa. 15:4. blessedness of abstaining from, Psa. 24:4,5. THE WICKED addicted to, Jer. 5:2; Hos. 10:4. plead excuses for, Jer. 7:9, 10. shall be judged on account of, Mal.3:5. shall be cut off for, Zech. 5:3. shall have a curse upon their houses for, Zech. 5:4. false witnesses guilty of, J)€!«. 19:16, 18. exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 19:6, 10. Shimei, 1 Kiti. 2:41-43. Jews. Eze. 16:59. Zedekiah, Eze. 17:13-19. Peter, Mat. 26:72, 74. SWEARING, PROFANE : of all kinds is desecration of God's name, Mat. 5:.34, 35; 23:21. 22. forbidden, Exod. 2U:7; 3Iat. 5:34-36; Jas. 5:12. saints pray to be kept from, Pro«. 30:9. THE WICKED addicted to, Psa. 10:7; Rom. 3:14. love, Psa. 109:17. clothe themselves with, Psa. 109:18. guilt of, Exod. 20:7; Deut. 5:11. woe denounced against, ]\la.t. 23:16. nations visited for, Jer. 23:10: Hos. 4:1-3. punishment for, Lev. 24:16, 23; Psa. 59:12; 109:17, 18. exemplified. .Joseph, Geti. 42:15, 16. Son of Israelitish woman. Lev. 24:11. Saul, 1 Satn. 28 : 10. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5:20. Jehoram, 2ii:/;i§'5 6:31. Pe- ter, Mat. 23:74. Herod, Mark 6:23, 26. Enemies of Paul, Acts 23:21. SWINE, an unclean animal. Lev. 11:7; Deut. 14:8; Isa. 65:4. figurative of unbelievers and apostates. Maf. 7:6; 2 Pet. 2:22. the devils sent into, Mat. 8:32; Mark 5:13; Z.MA;e8:33. SWORD, guarding Eden, Gen. 3:24. early use of, Ge7i. ;34:25 ; 1 Sam. 13:19. turned to ploughshares, Isa. 2:4 ; Mic. 4:3. made of ploughshares, Joel 3:10. sent as a punishment, Lev. 26:25; Deut. 32:25 ; Ezra9:7; Psa.l8:G2. a sore judgment of God, Eze. 14:21. of the Lord, Jitdg. 7:18; 1 Chr. 21 : 12 ; Isa. 66:16; Jer. 47:6. of Christ the King, Psa. 45:3. of the gospel, Isa. 49:2; Rev. 1:16. of just execution, Rom. 13:4. of divine justice, Deut. 32:41 ; Zech. 13:7. of divine protection, Deut. 33:29. of endless calamity, 2 Sam. 12:10. BYCAMORE-TREE mentioned, 1 Kin. 10:27: ^?no5 7: 14; Luke 19:4. 172 SYMPATHY. See compassion. SYNAGOGUES of the Jews, Christ and the apostles teach in. Mat. 12:9; Luke 4:IG; John 6:59; 18:20; Acts 13:5; 14:1; 18:4. SYRIANS, Gen. 25:20; Deut. 26:5. subdued by David, 2 Sam. 8 ; 10. tributary to Solomon, 1 Kings 10:29. revolt, 1 Kings 11:25. besieging Samaria, defeated, 1 Kin. 20. Ahab slain by, 1 Kings 22:34; 2 Chr. IS: 33. again besiege Samaria, 2 Kings 6:24. their sudden flight, 2 Kings 7. See 2 Kings 8:13; 13:7; 16:6. employed to chastise Joash, 2 Chron. 24:23. See 2Chr. 2S:23; Isa. 7:2; ^26.27:16; Hos. 12:12; Amosl:5. the gospel preached to, Mat. 4:24 ; Acts 15:23,41; 18:18; Gal. 1:21. SYROPHENICIAN woman's faith, Mark 7:25; her daughter healed, Mark 7:30. TABERNACLE, directions for making, Exod. 25-27; its construction, Ezo. 36-38. itssettingup, Exo.40; Num.i0:n,^2. covered by the cloud, Exod. 40:34; Num. 9:15. anointed by Moses, Lev. 8:10; Num. 7:1. mode of its removal. Num. 1 :50 ; 9:18. the Levites' charge. Num. 1:53; 3; 4: 18:2; 1 CAr. 6:48. set up in Shiloh, Josh. 18:1. love for, Psa. 27; 42; 43; S4 ; 1-32. typical of Christ, Heb. 8:2; 9:2. human body compared to, 2 Cor. 5:1; 2 PeM: 13. of witness. Num. 17:7; 18:2; 2 Chr. 24:6; Acts7:\\. in heaven. Rev. 15:5. TABERNACLES, feast of, Lev. 23:.34; Nu. 29:12; Deut. 16:\3; 2 C/ir. 8:13. its observance, Ezra3:4 ; Zech. 14:16; John 7:2. TABLES of stone containing the law, written by God, Exnd. 24 : 1 2 ; 31 : 18. broken by Moses at the people's idola- try, Exod. 32:19 ; Deut. 9:15. renewed, Exod.3\; Deut. 10. TABLE of the Lord, in the tabernacle, E.xod. 25:2:3; 31:8; 37:10; 40:4; Eze. 4\ .22. the show-bread placed thereon, Exod. 25:30; Lev. 24:6; Nmn. 4:7. its profanation condemned, Mai. 1:7, 12; 1 Cor. 10:21. See commuxiox. TABOR, mount, Canaanites discornfited there, Judg. 4:14. See Judg. ^:\8; ] Sam. 10:3; Psa. 89:12; Jer. 46:18; Hos. 5:1. TABRET, musical instrument. Gen. 31:27: 1 Sam. 18:6; Isa. 5:12. TEM BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TEM TALEBEARING forbidden, Lev. 19:1(5; Pro. 11:13; 1S:S; 26: -20; J^ze. 22:9; 1 Ton. 5:13; 1 Pet. 4:15. TALENT, of gold, Exod. 25:39, etc. of SI Iyer, 1 A7/ig-5 20:39. of lead, Zeck. 5:7. TALENTS, parable of the, Mat. 25:14; Uike 19:12. TALKING, vain, censured, 1 Sam. 2:3; Job 11:2; Prov. 13:3; 24:2; Eccl. 10:14; JS'ze. 33:30; 36:3; Eph.5:\\ Tit. 1:10. See tongue. TAM.MUZ, weeping for, Eze. 8:14. ■ TARES, parable of the. Mat. 13:24. TARGET. See shield. TARSHISH, {Gen. 10:4,) dealings of the Jews with, 1 Kings 10:22; 2C/ir. 9:21; 20:36; Jer.WiO; Eze.27:l-2; 38:13. Jonah's flight to, Jonah 1:3. prophecies concerning, Ps. 4fS:7; 72:10; Isa. 2:16; 23; 60:9; 66:19. TARSUS, Paul's city, ylc?5 9: 11; 11:25; 21:39. TASKMASTERS, Egyptian, cruelty of, Exod. 1:11; 5:G. TATNAI and Shethar-boznai oppose the building of the temple, Ezra 5; 3. their letter to Darius, Ezra 5:6. made to assist the Jews, Ezra 6:6. 13. TAXATION, under Jehoiakim, 2 Kings 23::35. under Augustus, Luke 2:1. TEACHING which proceeds from God. Psa. 71:17; Isa. 54:13; Jer. 31:34; John 6:45; Gal. 1:12; Eph. A:2l ; 1 Thes.i-.d; 1 John 2:27. of Christ. Mat. 5. See prophets. TEKEL. Dan. 5:25. TEKOAH. a wise widow of, intercedes for Absalom, 2 Sam. 14; (Jer. 6:1.) See 1 Chr. 2:24; 4:5. TEMA, Gen. 25:15; Job 6:19; Isa. 21:14; Jer. 25:2-3. TEMAN, Gen. 36:11. prophecies concerning, Jer. 49:7. 20; Eze. 25:13; ^mos 1:12; Obad. 9; iJai. 3:3. TEACHERS appointed in Israel, Num. 11:25; 2 Chr. 17:7; Ezra 7:W, etc. in the Christian church. Acts l3:l; i?om. 12:7; 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11: Col. 1 :28 ; 3: 16 ; 1 Tim,. 3 ; Tit. 1 :5. duty towards, 1 Cor. 9:1-14; Gal. 6:6: Tiin. 5:17. FALSE. See DOCTRINES. TEMPERANCE, exhortations to, Prov. 23:1 ; 1 Cor. 9:25; Gal. 5:23; ^-pA. 5:18; Tit.l.Q; 2:2; 2 Pe<. 1:6. TEMPLE. See nou.SE of god. TEMPTATION : God cannot be the subject of, Jas. 1:13. does not come from God, Jas. 1 : 13. COMES FROM lusts. Jas. 1 :14. covetousness, Prov. 28:20; 1 Tim. 6:9. TEMPTATION, cont.—ihe devil is the author of, 1 Chr. 21:1 ; Mat. 4:1 j 1 Thes. 3:5. evil associates, the instruments of, Pro. 1:10; 16:29. OFTEN ARISES THROUGH poverty, Prov . 30:9; Mat. 4:2,3. prosperity, Prov. 30:9; Mat. 4:8. worldly glory. Num. 22: 17 : Ma«. 4:8. to distrust of God's providence, Mat. 4:3. to presumption. Mat. 4:6. to worshipping the god of this world, Mat. 4:9. often strengthened by the perversion of God's word. Mat. 4:6. PERMITTED, AS A TRIAL OF faith, 1 Pet. 1:7. disinterestedness, Job 1:9-12. always conformable to the nature of man, 1 Cor. 10:13. often ends in sin and perdition, 1 Tim. 6:9; Jas. 1:15. Christ endured, from the devil, Mark 1:13. endured, from the wicked, Mat, 16:1 ; 22:18; Luke 10:25. endured same kind of, as man, Heb, 4:15. endured, yet without sin, Heb. 4:15. resisted by the word of God, Mat. 4:4-10. overcame, Mat. 4:11 ; .Tohn 16:.33. sympathizes with those under, Heb. 4:15. is able to succor those under, Heb. 2:18. intercedes for his people under, Luke 22:31,32; John 17:15. God will not let saints be exposed to, beyond their power to bear, 1 Cor. 10:13. God will make a way for saints to es- cape out of, ] Cor. 10:13. God enables saints to bear, 1 Cor. 10:13. God knows how to deliver saints out of, 2 Pet. 2:9. Christ keeps faithful saints from the hour of. Rev. 3:10. saints may be in heaviness through, 1 PeM:6. saints should resist, in faith, Eph. 6:16; IPet. 5:9. ' watch against, Mat. 26:41 ; 1 Pet. 5:8. pray to be kept from. Ma^ 6:13; 26:41. not occasion, to others, Ro?n. 14:13. restore those overcome by. Gal. 6:1. avoid the way of, Prov. 4:14, 15. the devil will renew, Luke 4:13. has strength through the weakness of the flesh. Mat. 26-41. hypocrites fall away in time of, Luke 8:13. blessedness of those who meet, and overcome, Jas. 1:2-4, 12. exemplified. Eve, Ge?i. 3:1, 4, 5. Jo- seph, Gen. 39:7. Balaam, Nu7n. 22:17. Achan, Josh. 7:21. David, 173 THA BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. THE 2 Sam. 11:2. Jeroboam, I Kings 15:30. Peter, Ma?■^- 14:67-71. Paul, 2 Cor. 12:7, with Gal. 4:14. ■■ or trial, of Abraham, Gen. 22. of Israel, Deut. S:2 of David, 2 Saw. 24 ; 1 Chr. 21. of Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 32:31. of Job, Job 1, etc. of Daniel, Dan. G. of all saints, Psa. 66:10; Daw. 12:10; Zerh. 13:9; D27o/j?i 1:14. Our Passover, 1 Cor. 5:7. Plant of renown, Eze. 31:29. Prince of life, Acts 3: 15. peace, Isa. 9:6. the kings of the earth. Rev. 1:5. Prophet, Luke 24:19; Jo/i7i 7:40. Ransom, 1 Ti7n. 2:6. Redeemer, Job 19:25 ; /sa. 59:20 ; 60:1& Resurrection and Life, John 11:25, Rock, 1 Cor. 10:4. Root of David, Rev. 22:16. Root of Jesse, Ita. 11:10. Rose of Sharon, Song 2:1. Ruler in Israel, Mic. 5:2. Saviour, 2 Pet. 2:20; 3:18. Seed of Abraham, Gal. 3:16. Seed of the woman, Gen. 3:15. Servant, Isa. 42:1. Shepherd and Bishop of souls, 1 Ptt. 2:25. Shiloh, Gen. 49:10. Son of the Blessed, Mark 14:61. God, Luke 1:35; John 1:A9. the Highest, Lvke 1:32. David, Mat. 9:27. man, John 5:27 ; 6:27. Star, Num. 24:17 Sun of righteousness, M»l. 4:2. Surety, iie6. 7:22. True God, lJo/!n5:20. True Light, John 1:9. True Vine, 7o/m 15:1. Truth, JoA?il4:6. War, Jo/m 14:6 TIT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TIT TITLES and names of Christ, cont.— Wisdom, Pror. 8:12. Witness, Isa. 55:4. Wonderful, Isa. 9:G. Word, Johji 1:1 ; 1 John 5:7. of God, ilfr. 19:13. /. of life, lJo/z« 1:1. - S OF THE Holy Ghost. Breath of the Almighty, Job 33:4. Comforter, John 14:16, 20 ; 15:26. Eternal Spirit, Heb. 9:14. Free Spirit, Psa. 51:12. God. Actso:^^ 4. Good Spirit, Neh. 9:20; Psa. 143:10. Holy Spirit! Psa. 51:11 ; Luke 11:13. Holy Spirit of God, Eph. 4:30. Holy Spirit of promise, Efh. 1:13. Lord, the, 2 Thes. 3:5. Power of the Highest, Luhe 1:35. Spirit, the, Mat. 4:1; John 3:G; 1 Tim. 4:1. Spirit of the Lord God, Isa. 61:1. the Lord, Isa. 11:2; Acts o-.Q. God, Gen. 1:2; ICor. 2:11. the Father, Mai. 10:20. Christ, i?o>rt. 8:9; lPeM:ll. the Son. Gal. 4:6. life, PoOT. 8:2; Rev. 11:11. grace, Zec/f. 12:10; Heb. 10:29. prophecy, Pe«'. 19:10. adoption, Rom. 8:15. wisdom, Isa. 11:2; JS^pA. 1:17. counsel, Isa. 11:2. might, 7sa. 11:2. understanding, Isa. 11:2. knowledge, 7sa. 11:2. the fear of the Lord, Isa. 11:2, truth, John 14:17; 15:26. holiness, Rom. 1:4. revelation, Eph. 1:17. judgment, /sa. 4:4 ; 28:6. burning. Isa. 4:4. glory, IPe^ 4:14. Seven Spirits of God, Rev. 1:4. Voice of the Lord. Isa. 6:8. V OF THE Church : ' Assembly of the saints, Psa. 89:7. Assembly of the upright, Psa. 111:1. Body of Christ, Eph. 1:22, 23; Col. 1:24. Branch of God's planting, Isa. GO; 21. Bride of Christ, Rev. 21:9. Church of God, /l«s 20:28. Church of the Living God, 1 Tim. 3:15. Church of the first-born, Heb. 12:23. City of the Living God, Heb. 12:22. Congregation of saints, Psa. 149:1. Congregation of the Lord's poor, Psa. 74: 19. Dove, .Song- 2: 14; 5:2. Family in heaven and earth, Eph. 3:^5. Flock of God, Eze. 34 : 1 5 ; I Pet. 5:2. Fold of Christ, John 10:16. General assembly of the first-born, iJed. 12:23. Golden candlestick. Rev. 1:20. 12 TITLES and names of the Church, conv. — God"s building, 1 Cor. 3:9. God's husbandry, 1 Cor. 3; 9. God's heritage, Joel 3:2 ; 1 Pet. 5:3. Habitation of God, Eph. 2:22. Heavenly Jerusalem, Gal. '1:26: Htb. 12:22. Holy city. Rev. 21:2. Holy mountain, Zech. 8:3. Holy hill, Psa. 15:1. HorsE OF God, 1 Tim. 3:15 ; Heb. 10:21. the God of Jacob, Isa. 2:3. Christ, Heb. 3:C. Household of God, Eph. 2:19. Inheritance, Psa. 25:9; Isa. 19:25. Israel of God, Gal. 6:16. King's daughter, Psa. 45:13. Lamb's wife, Rev. 19:7; 21:9. Lot of God's inheritance, Deut. -32:9. Mount Zion, Psa. 2:6; Heb. 12:22. Mountain of the Lord of hosts, Zech. 8:3. Mountain of the Lord's house, Isa. 2:2. New Jerusalem, Pew. 21:2. Pillar and ground of the truth, 1 Tim. 3:15. Place of God's throne, Eze. 43:7. Pleasant portion, J«r. 12:10. Sanctuary of God, Psa. 114:2. Sister of Christ, Song A:\2; 5:2. Spiritual house, 1 Pet. 2:5. Spouse of Christ, Song ^:\2\ 5:1. Strength and glory of God, Psa. 78:61. Sought out, A city not forsaken, Isa. 62:12. Tabernacle, Psa. 15:1. The Lord's portion. Deut. 32:9. Temple of God, 1 Cor. 3: 16, 1 7. ■, Temple of the Living God, 2 Cor. 6: IS ,Tineyard, Jer. 12:10; Mat. 21:41. OF Ministers : Ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20. Angels of the Church, Per. 1:20; 2:L Apostles, Luke 6:13; Rev. 18:20. Apostles of Jesus Christ, Tit. 1:1. Elders, 1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:1. Evangelists, Eph. 4:11 ; 2 Tim. 4:5. Fishers of men. Mat. 4:19; Mark 1 :17. Laborers, Mat. 9:38, with Phile. 1. Laborers in the gospel of Christ, 1 Thes. 3:2. Lights, John 5:35. Men of God, Deut. 33:1 ; 1 Tim. 6:11, Messengers of the Church, 2 Cor. 8:23, Messengers of the Lord of hosts, Mai, 2:7. ministers of God. 2 Cor. 6:4. the Lord. Joel 2:17. Christ, Pom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 4:1. the sanctuary, Eze. 45:4. the gospel, Eph. 3:7; Col. 1:23. the word, Luke 1:2. the new testament, 2 Cor. 3:6. the church. Col. 1:24, 25. righteousness, 2 Cor. 11:15, overseers, Acts 20:28. 177 TIT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TIT TITLES and names of Ministers, cont.— Pastors, Jer. 3:15; Eph. AAl. Preachers, Rom. 10:14; 1 Tim. 2:7. Preachers of righteousness, 2 Pet. 2:5. Servants of God, Tit. 1:1 ; Jas. 1:1. the Lord, 2 Tim. 2:24. Jesus Christ, Phil. 1:1 ; Jude 1. the Church. 2 Cor. 4:5. iShepherds, Jer. 23:4. Soldiers of Christ, Phil. 2:25; 2Tim. 2:3,4. Stars, Rev. 1:20; 2:1. Stewards of God, Tit. 1:7. the grace •:■' jod, 1 Pet. 4:10. the myster'as of God, 1 Cor. 4:1. Teachers, Isa. 30:20; Eph. 4:11. "Watchmen, Isa. 62:6; iize.33:7. Witnesses, 4c«s 1:8; 5:32; 2G:16. Workers together with God, 2 Cor. 6:1. OF Saints : Believers, Acts5:\\; 1 Tim. 4:12. Beloved of God, Rom. 1: 7. Beloved brethren, 1 Cor. 15:5S ; Ja. Heirs of promise, Ja"e6, 6;i7 : Gal. 3:29. salvation, Heb. 1:14. Hidden ones, Psa. 83:3. Holy brethren, 1 Thes. 5:27; Heb. 3:1. and mighty people, Ban. 8:24. nation, Exod. 19:0; 1 Pef. 2:9. people, Dei«^ 26:19; Isa. 62:12. priesthood, 1 Pet. 2:5. seed, Jsa. G:13. ^oint-heirs with Christ, Rom. 8:17. Just, the, Prov. 20:7; iin6. 2:4. Kings and priests unto God, Rev. 1:6. Kingdom of priests, Exod. 19:6. Lambs, Isa. 40:11 ; Joh7i 21:15. Lights of the world, Blat. 5:14. Little children, John 13:33 ; IJohn 2:1. Lively stones, 1 Pet. 2:5. Members of Christ, 1 Cor. 6:15. Epk. 5:30. Men of God, Deitt. 33:1 ; 1 Tim. 6:11. Obedient children, 1 Pet. 1:14. Peculiar people, Dewf . 14:2; Ttt. 2 14. Peculiar treasure, Exod. 19:5; Psa. 135:4. People of God, Heb. 4:9; 1 Pet. 2:10. of God's pasture, Psa. 95:7. of inheritance, DeH« 4:20. near unto God, Psa. 14y:14. prepared for the Lord, Luke 1:17. saved by the Lord, Deut. 3:3:29. Pillars in the temple of God, Rev 3.'12. Ransomed of the Lord, Isa. 35:10. Redeemed of the Lord, Isa. 51:11. Righteous, the, Psa. 1 :6; Mai. 3:18. Royal priesthood, 1 Pet. 2:9. Salt of the earth. Mat. 5:13. Seed of Abraham, Psa. 105:6. Seed of the blessed of the Lord, Isa. 65:2:3. Servants of Christ, 1 Cor. 7:22 ; Epk. 6:6. the Lord, Deut. 34:5; Isa. 54:17. the most high God, Dan. 3:26. righteousness, i?07rr. 6:18. Sheep of Christ, Jo/;« 10:1-16 ; 21:16. the flock, Mat. 26:. 31. God's hand, Psa. 95:7. God's pasture, Psa. 79:13. Sojourners with God, Lev. 25:23; Psa. 39:12. Sons of God, John 1 :12; Phil. 2:15. Sons of the Living God, Hos. 1:10. Special people, Deut. 7:6. The Lord's freemen, 1 Cor. 7:22. The Lord's people, 1 Sam. 2:24 ; 2 Kin. 11:17. Trees of righteousness, Isa. 61:3. Vessels unto honor, 2 Tim. 2:21. Vessels of mercy, Rom. 9:23. Witnesses for God, Isa. 43:10 ; 44:3. of the wicked : Adversaries of the Lord, 1 Sa7n. 2:10. Children of Belial, Deut. 13:13; 2 Chr. 13:7. TIT BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TON TITLES and names of the wicked, cont. . — CHILDREN OF the devil, J.c«s 13:10; 1 Jo/in 3:10. the wicked one, Mat. 13:3S. hell, Mat. 23:15. the bond-woman. Gal. 4:31. base men, Job 30:8. fools, Job 30 : S. strangers, Isa. 2:6. transgression, Isa. 57:4. disobedience, Eph. 2:2 ; Col. ":". the flesh, Rom. 9:8. iniquity, Hos. 10:9. pride, Job 41:34. this world, Luke 10 :S. wickedness, 2 Sa?n. 7:10. wrath, Ep/i. 2:3. in whom is no faith, Deut. 32:20. that will not hear the law of the Lord, Isa. 30:9. that are corrupters, Isa. 1:4. Cursed children, 2 Pet. 2:14. Enemies of God, Psa. 37:20 ; Jas. 4:4. the cross of Christ, Phil. 3:18. all righteousness. Acts 13:10. Evil-doers, Psa. 37:1 ; 1 Pet. 2:14. Evil men, Prou. 4:14; 2 Tim. 3:13. Evil generation, Deut. 1:35. Evil and adulterous generation. Mat. 12:39. Fools, Prov. 1:7; Rotn. 1 : 22. Froward generation, Deut. 32:20. Generation of vipers. Mat. 3:7; 12:34. Grievous revolters, Jer. 6:28. Haters of God, Psa. 81 : 15 ; Rom. 1 :30. Impudent children, Eze. 2:4. Inventors of evil things, Rom. 1:30. Lying children, Isa. 30:9. Men of the world, Psa. 17:14. People laden with iniquity, Isa. 1:4. Perverse and crooked generation, Deut. 32:5; Mat. 17:17; P/i(7. 2:15. Rebellious children, Isa. 30:1. people, 75a 30:9; 65:2. nation, Eze. 2:3. house, Eze. 2:5, S; 12:2. Reprobates, 2 Cor. 13:5-7. Scornful, the, Psa. 1:1. Seed of fa'sehood, Isa. 57:4. the wicked, Psa. 37:23. evil-doers, Isa. 1:4 ; 14:20. Serpents, Mat. 23:;3:3. Servants of corruption, 2Pet. 2.:19. Servants of sin, John 8:34 ; Rom. 0:20. Sinful generation, Mark S:.3S. Sinners, Rva. 2o:9; Prow. 1:10. Sons of Belial, 1 Sam. 2:12; 1 Kings 21:10. Sottish children, Jcr. 4:22. Strange children, Psa. 144:7. Stubborn and rebellious generation, Psa. 78:8. Transgressors, P.ra. 37:33; 51:13. Ungodly, the,' Psa. 1:1. Ungodly men, Jude 4. Unprofitable servants, Mat. 25:30. TITLES and names of the wicked, cont. — Untoward generation. Acts2:H). Vessels of wrath, Rojn. 9:22. Wicked of the earth, Psa. 75:8. transgressors, Psa. 59:5. servants, Mat. 25:26. generation, Mat. 12:45; 10:4. ones, Jer. 2:33. doers, Psa. 101:8; Prov. 17:4. Workers of iniquity, Psa. 28:3 \ 36:12, OF THE Devil : Abaddon, Rev. 9:11. Accuser of our brethren, Rev. 12:10. Adversary, 1 Pe^ 5:8. Angel of the bottomless pit, Rev. 9:1L ApoUyon, Rev. 9:11. Beelzebub. Mat. 12:24. Belial, 2 Cor. 6:15. Crooked Serpent, Isa. 27:1. Dragon, Isa. 27:1 ; Rev. 20:2. Enemy, Mat. 13:39. Evil Spirit, 1 Sa>n. 10:14. Father of lies, John 8:44. Great red Dragon, Rev, 12:3. Leviathan, Isa. 27:1. Liar, John 8:44. Lying Spirit. 1 Kitigs 22:22. Murderer, Jo/m 8:44. Old Serpent, Rev.l2:Q; 20:2. Piercing Serpent, Isa. 27:1. Power of darkness. Col. 1 : 13. Prince of this world. John 14:30. the devils. Mat. 12:24. the power of the air, Eph. 2:2. Ruler of the darkness of this ■world, Eph. 6:12. Satan. ICVir. 21:1; Job 1:6. Serpent, Gen. 3:4, 14; 2 Cor. 11:3. Spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience. Eph. 2:2. Tempter, Mat. 4:3; 1 Thes. 3:5. The god of this world, 2 Cor. 4:4. Unclean Spirit, Mat. 12:43. Wicked one. Mat. 13-19, 38. TITUS, Gal. '2:3. Paul's love for, 2 Cor. 2.13; 7:6, 13. why sent to Corinth, 2Cor. 8:6; 12:18; 2Ti}7i.4:U). reminded by Paul of his office, instruct- ed concerning the qualifications of bishops, 1 Tijn. 1 ; and exhorted to fulfil his charge with bold- ness, 1 Tim. 1: 18; 2; 3. TOBIAH, the Ammonite, vexes the Jews. Neh. 4:3; 6:1, 12, 14; 13:4. TOGARMAH, Gen. 10:3; Eze. 27:14. TONGUE, the : an index of the heart, Isa. 32:6; Mat. 12:35; Luke 0:45. death and life in power of, Prov. 13:21. safety dependent on, Pro. 21:23: Amos 5:13. benefits of governing, 2 Chr. 10:7 ; Pro. 12:14; 15:23; 1^5:20. evils of ungoverned, Prov. 12:13. 179 TON BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TEE TONGUE, cont. — good and evil contrast- ed, Pr'ov. 10; 14:3; 15; Eccl. 9:17; 1():1'2; Jas. 3. • prudent restraint of, Prov. 30:32 ; Eccl. 10:20; Mic. 7:5; Jas. 1:19. AN EVIL, IS deceitful, Psa. 55:21; Jer. 9:8. mischievous, Psa. 10:7; 52:2. untamable, Jas. 3:7, 8. hypocritical, Psa. 57:4; Prov. 11:9. full of poison, Rom. 3:13; Jas 3:3. blasphemous, Luke 22:ii5. flattering. Job 17:5; Psa. 12:2. perverse, Prov. 4:24. froward, Prov. 6:12; 10:31. a world of iniquity. Jas. 3:6. set on fire of hell. Jas. 3:6. a sharp sword, Pm. 57:4. a burning fire, Prov. 16:27. A GOOD, IS gracious, Eccl. 10:12; Luke 4:22. right and forcible, Job 6:25. •wise and just, Psa. 37:30. sound. Tit. 2:S. peace-making, Prov. 15:1. seasonable, and fit. Pro. 15:23 ; 25:11. kind, Prov. 31:26. healthful, Prov. 12:18. guileless, 1 Pei. 2:21; 3:10. modest, Job 32:11. truthful, Psa. 15:2; Prov. 8:7. as a tree of life, Prov. 15:4. as a well of life, Prov. 10:11. as a flowing brook. Prov. 18:4. as choice silver, Prov. 10:20. as a honey-comb, Prov. 16:24. as a precious jewel. Prov. 20: 15. IS WRONGLY USED IN lying, Psa. 15:2; 34:13. swearing. Mat. 5:.34; Jas. 5:12. false witnessinff, Prov. 25:18. profanity, Exod. 20:7 ; 2 T/m. 2:16. privy slander, Psa. 101:5. backbiting, Psa. 15:3; Eom. 1:.30. needless reproach, Prov. 24:23. rash censure. Mat. 7:1 ; Jas. 4:11. evil speaking. Tit. 3:2; 1 Pet. 2:1. railing, 1 Pet^ 3:9 ; Jiide 9. reviling, 1 Cor. 6:10; Jude S. filthy words. Col. 3:8; 2Pef. 2:7. murmuring, 1 Cor. 10:10. talebearing. Lev. 19:16; Prov. 18:8. scoffing, Psa. 123:3; Jude IS. foolish talking. Eccl. 10:13. jesting, P/oi'. 26:18; Eph. 5:4. self-praise, Proi'. 25:14, 27. loquacity, Prov. 10:19; 29:11. boasting, Prov. 25:14. cursing and bitterness, Rom 3:14. unprofitable disputes, 1 Tim.. 1:4. THE RIGHT USE OF, IS prayer to God, Psa. 27:7; 28:2; Mar/c 10:47. in praise, Psa. 71:23; Heb. 13:15. in confessing sin. Job 33:27. giving a reason of our hope, 1 Pet. 3:15. 180 TONGUE, COJlt. — THE RIGHT USE OF, 13 blessing. Gen. 47:10; 2 Sam. 0:18. cheering, Ma«. 9:2; 14:27. rebuking sin. Lev. 19:17 ; 1 Tmi. 5:20. teaching, Prov. 9:9; 10:20- 15:2, 7: 16:23; Mat. 13:52. edifying, Eph. 4:29. consoling, Jo6 16:5. exhorting, 1 Thes. 5:11. giving counsel. Job 29:21. defending the right, Job 29:12; Psa. 72:12. Christian fellowship, Mai. 3:16. always with grace, Col. 4:6. punishment of wicked, Psa. 52:4. TONGUES, confusion of. Gen. 11. gift of, ilf^s 2:3-18; 10:46; 19:6. regulations concerning its exercise, 1 Cor. 12:10; 13:1; 14:2-40. TOPAZ, Exod. 23:17; Rev. 21:20. TOPHET defiled by Josiah, 2 Kin. 23:10. See ha. 30:33; Jer. 7:31 ; 19:11. TORN beasts, flesh of, not to be eaten, Exod. 22:31; Lev.22:S; Eze.4:14; 44:31. TORTOISE, unclean. Lev. 11 :29. TOUCHING Christ's garment in faith, many healed by, Mark 5:23; 6:56: Luke 6:19. TOWER, God is, of his people, 2 Satn. 22:3,51; Psa. 18:2; 61:3. of Babel, Gen. 11. of Penuel, Judg. 8:17. of Shechem, Judg. 9:46. TRADERS in Tyre described, Eze. 27. See Rev. 18:11. TRADITIONS of men, observation of, censured, illa^.' 15:3 ; Mark 7:7 ; Gal. 1:14; Col. 2:8; Tit. 1:14. TRAITOR, .Tudas so called,.I-K/fce 6:16. TRANCE of Balaam, Num. 24:4, 16. of Peter. Acts 10:10; 11:5. of Paul,' Jf/s 22:17. TRANSFIGURATION of Christ, Mat. 17; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:29; John 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16. TRANSLATION of Enoch, Gen. 5:24: Heb. 11:5. of Elijah, 2 7(:/«g-s2. TRANSFORMATION of Satan, Gen. 3; 2 Cor. 11:3. 14. and his ministers, 2 Cor. 11:13, 15. TRANSGRESSIONS. See sin. TREACHERY of Simeon and Levi, Ge/!. 34:13. of Shechemites, Judg. 9. of Doeg, 1 -Sam. 21 : 7 ; 22:9 ; Psa. 52. of David. 2 Sam. 11:14. of Ziba, 2 Sam. 16. of Joab, 2 Sam. 3:27; 5C:9. of Jezebel, 1 Kings 21 : 5. of Jehu, 2 Kings 10:18. of Haman, Esth. 3, etc. of Judas, Mat. 26:47; Mark 14:43; I,;(/ie 22:47; John 18:3. TREASON of Absalom, 2 5am. 15-18. TRI BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TRU TREASON of Sheba, 2 Sam. 20. of Adonijah, etc., 1 Kings 1. ofZimri, I Kings 16:W. of Athaliah, 2 Kings 1 1 ; 2 Chr. 22:10. of Shallum, etc, 2 Kings 15:10. of Bisthan and Teresh, Esth. 2:21. TREASURY of the Lord, things de- voted belong to, Josh. 6:19. Levites have charge of, I Chr. 9:26; 28:11; Neh. 13:1:3. gifts cast into, Mark 12:41 : Luke2l:l. TREE of life, Gen. 2:9; 3:22; Frov. 3:13; 11:30; Eze. 47:7, 12; Rev. 2:7- 22:2 14. of knowledge, eating of, forbidden, Ge«. 2: 17; the command broken, Gen. 3. TREES, laws concerning, Lev. 19:23; 27:30; Deitt. 16:21; 20:19. Jotham's parable of the, Judg. 9:8. Nebuchadnezzar's vision of, jDa?i. 4: 10. shall praise God, 1 Chr. 16:33. fruitfulness of, in God's control, Lev. 26:4, 20; Eze. 34:27 ; Joel 2:22. ILLUSTRATIVE OF saints. Nil)?!. 24:6 ; Ps. 1 ; Isa. 65:22 ; Jer. 17:S ; Mat. 7:17. an unchanging state. Ecd. 11:3. man on probation, Mat. 3:10. sinners, Hos. 9:16; Blat. 7:17; Luke 3:9; 23:31 ; Jude 12. earthly glory, Psa. 37:35; Eze. 31; I>a«. 4:10. Christ, Song 2:3 ; Luie 23:31 ; Rom. 11:24. TRESPASS-OFFERINGS, laws con- cerning, Ley. 5; 6; 12; 14; 15; Nn.5. TRIAL of the heart, God's prerogative, IChr. 28:9; 29:17; 2 Chr. 32:31; Psa. 7:9; 11:4; 26:2; Prov. 17:3; Jer. 11:20; 17:10; 1 Thes. 2:4. of faith, Heb. 11:17; Jas. 1:3; Zech. 1:3:9; /o6 23:10; 1 Pe^ 4:12; Rev. o:lO. See TEMPTATION. TRIBES of Israel blessed, Ge}i. 49; iY«?n. 23:20; 24; Deut. 3:3. their order in the camp. Num. 2. in their march, Ahem. 10:14. numbered by Moses, Num. 1 ; 26. by David, 2 Sam. 21 ; i Chr. 21. number of those sealed. Rev. 7:4. location in Canaan, Josh. 13; 15-17. TRIBULATION connected with the gos- pel, ilZrzf. 13:21 ; 24:21; JoAn 10:33; AcisU:22; IThes.SA; Rev.l-.U. See AFFLICTIONS. TRIBUTE commanded to be paid, Blat. 22:21; Mark 12:13; Ltike 20:25; Rom. 13:6; I Pet. 2:1-3. Christ's example, Mat. 17:2t. TRINITY : doctrine of, proved from Scripture, Mat. 3:16, 17; Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 12:3-6; Eph.4A-6; IPet. 1:2; lJohn5:7; Jude 20, 21. divine titles applied to the three Per- sons in, Exo. 20:2, with John 20:23, and Acts 5:3, 4. TRINITY, cont. — each person in, de- scribed AS eternal, Rot?i. 16:26, with Rev. 22:13, and Heb. 9:14. holy. Rev. 4:8 ; 15:4, with Acts 3:14, and IJohn 2:20. true, John 7:23, with Rev. 3:7, and 1 John 5:6. omnipresent, Jer. 23:24, with Eph. 1:23, and Psa. 139:7. omnipotent, Gen. 17:1, with Rev. 1:8, and Rom. 15:19; Jer. 32:17, with Heb. 1:3, and I-MA:e 1:35. omniscient. Acts 15:18, with John 21:17, and I Cor. 2:10, 11. Creator, Gen. 1:1, with Col. 1:16, and Job 33:4; P^a. 148:5, with John 1:3, and Jo6 26:1G. sanctifier, Jude 1, with Heb. 2:11, and IPef. 1:2. author of all spiritual operations, Heb. 13:21, with Col. 1:29, and ICor. 12:11. source of eternal life, Rom. 6:23, with John 10:28, and Gal. 6:8. teacher, 75a. 54:13, with Luke 21:15, and John 14:26; Isa. 48:17, with Gal. 1:12, and I John 2:20. raising Christ from the dead, 1 Cor. 6:14, with John 2:19, and 1 Pet. 3:13. inspiring the propliets. etc., Heb. 1:1, with 2 Cor. 13:3, and Mark 13:11. supplying ministers to the church. Jer. 3:15, with Eph. 4:11, and 'Acts 20:23: Jer. 26:5, with Mat. 10:5, and ^ciJ 13:2. salvation the work of, 2 Thes. 2:13, 14; T(7. 3:4-6; I Pet. 1:2. baptism administered in name of, Mat. 23:19. benediction given in name of, 2Cor. 13:14. SAINTS are the temple of, 2Cor. 6:16, with Eph. 3:17, and 1 Cor. 3:16; Eph. 2:22, with fo/. 1:27, and 1 Cor. 6:19. have fellowship with, IJohn 1:3, with Phil. 2:1. sin, a tempting of, Deut. 6:16, with 1 Cor. 10:9, and ^cfs 5:9. the Israelites in the wilderness tempted. Exod. 17:7, with 1 Cor. 10:9, and ife6. 3:7, 9. TROAS visited by Paul, Acts 16:8 ; 20:5 ; 2 Cor. 2:12; 2 Tim. 4:13. TROOP, Gad so called. Gen. 30:11 ; 49:19. TROPHIMUS, companion of Paul, Acts 20:4; 21:29; 2r(m. 4:20. TRUMPETS, directions for their use, Num. 10; Josh. 6:4; Psa. 81:3; Eze. 7:14; 33:3; Joel 2:1. employed in worship, IChr. 13:8; 15:24; 2CAr. 5:12; 29:27; Psa 98:6. feast of. Lev. 23:24; Nmn 29 use of, memorable instances : at mount Sinai, Exod. 19:16; 20:18; at Jeri- 181 TRU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TRU cho, Josh. 6:20; by Gideon, Judg. 7:16-22. sounding of seven, Rev. 8; 9; 11:15. tlie last, 1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thes. 4:16. TRUST : God is the true object of, Psa. 65:5. the fear of God leads to, Prov. 14:26. ENCOURAGEMENT TO : the BverJasting strensth of God, Isa. 26:4.^ the goodness of God, Nah. 1 :7. the loving-kindness of God, Psa. 36:7. the rich bounty of God, 1 Tim. 6:17. the care of God for us, 1 Pet. 5:7. former deliverances, Psa. 9:10; 2Cor. 1:10. should be with the whole heart, Prov. 3:5. should be from youth up, Psn. 71:5. OF SAINTS IS not in the flesh, Phil. 3:3, 4. not in themselves, 2 Cor. 1:9. not in carnal weapons. 1 Sam. 17:38, 39,45; Psffl. 44:6; 2 Cor. 10:4. inGod, Psa. 11:1; 31:14; 2Cor. 1:9. in the word of God, Psn. 119:42. in the mercy of God. Psa. 13:5 ; 52:8. in Christ, Eph. 3:12. through Christ, 2Cor. 3:4. grounded on the covenant, 2 Sam. 23:5. strong in the prospect of death, Psa. 23:4. fixed, 2 Sam. 22:3; Psa. 112:7. ■unalterable. Job 13:15. despised by the wicked, Isa. 36:4, 7. at all times, Psa. 62:8. for ever, Psa. 52:8 ; Isa. 26:4. saints plead, in prayer, Psa. 25:20; 31:1; 141:8. the Lord knows those who have, Nah. 1:7. exhortations to, Psa. 4:5; 115:9-11. LEADS TO being compassed with mercy, Psa. 32:10. enjoyment of perfect peace, Isa. 26:3. enjoyment of all temporal and spirit- ual blessings, Isa. 57:13. enjoyment of happiness, Prov. 16:20 rejoicing in God, Psa. 5:11 ; 33:21. fulfilment of all holy desires, Ps. 37:5. deliverance from enemies, Psa. 37:40. safety in times of danger, Prov. 29:25. stability, Psa. 125:1. prosperity, Prov. 28:25. KEEPS FROM fear, Psa. 56:11 ; Isa. 12:2; Heb. 13:6. sliding. Psa. 26:1. desolation, Psa. 34:22. to be accompanied by doing good, Psa. 37:3. blessedness of placing, in God, Psa. 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; Jer. 17:7. OF THE wicKEU is not in God, Ps. 78:22 ; Zep/t. 3:2. is in idols, 75a. 42:17; Hab. 2:18. is in man, /i/rfg-. 9:26; Psa. 118:8, 9. is in their own heart, Prov. 28:26. 182 TRUST, cant. — of the wicked is in their own righteousness, Luke 18:9, 12. is in their religious privileges, Jer. 7:4, 8 ; Mic. 3:11 ; John 8:33. is in oppression, Psa. 62:10; I.sa. 30:12. is in wickedness, Isa. 47:10. is in vanity. Job 15:31 ; Isa. 59:4. is in falsehood, Isa. 28:15 ; Jer. 13:25. is in earthly alliances, Isa. 30: 2 ; Eze, 17:15. is in fenced cities, Jer. 5:17. is in chariots and horses, Psa. 20:7. is in wealth, Psa. 49:6; 52:7; Prov. 11:23; Jer. 4&:7; Mari 10:24. is vain and delusive, Isa. 30:7; Jer. 2:37. shall make them ashamed, Isa. 20:5 ; 30:3, 5; Jer. 48:13. shall be destroyed. Job 18:14: Isa, 28:18. woe and curse of false, Isa. 30:1, 2; 31:1-3; Jer. 17:5. of saints, illustrated, Psa. 91:12; Pro. 18:10. of the wicked, illustrated, 2 Kin. 18:21 ; Job 8:14; 18:21. of saints, exemplified. David, 1 Sam. 17:45; 30:6. Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:5. Jehoshaphat, 2Chr. 20:12. Shadrach, etc., Dan. 3:28. Paul, 2 Tim. 1:12. of the wicked, exemplified. Goliath, 1 Saw. 17:43-45. Benhadad, 1 2vmg-s 20:10. Sennacherib, 2 Chr. 32:8. Israelites, Isa. 31:1. TRUTH : God is a God of, Deut. 32:4 ; Psa. 31:5. Christ is, John 14:6, with John 7:18. Christ was full of, John 1:14. Christ spake, John 8:45. the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of, John 14:17. the Holy Ghost guides into all. John 16:13. the word of God is, Dan. 10:21 ; John 17:17. God regards, with favor, Jer. 5:3. the judgments of God are according to, Psa. 96:13; Rom. 2:2. SAINTS SHOULD Worship God in, John 4:24, with Psa. 145:18. serve God in. Josh. 24:14; 1 Sam. 12:24. walk before God in, 1 Kings 2:4; 2 Kings 20:3. keep religious feasts with, 1 Cor. 5:8. esteem, as inestimable, Prov. 23:23. love, Zech. 8:19. rejoice in, 1 Cor. 13:6. speak, to one another, Zech. 8:16; Eph.A:25. execute judgment with, Zech. 8:16. meditate upon, Phil. 4:8. bind, about the neck, Prov. 3:3. TRU BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. TYP TRUTH, cont, — saints should write, upon the tables of the heart, Prov. 3:3. God desires, in the heart, Psa. 51 :6. the fruit of the Spirit is in, Eph. 5:9. MixisTEKS SHOULD Speak, "2 Cor. \'Z:Q\ Gal. 4; 16. teach in, 1 Tim. 2:7. approve themselves by, 2 Cor. 6: 7, 8. magistrates should be men of, Exod. 18:21. kings are preserved by. Prov. 20: 23. THEY WHO SPEAK, show forth righteous- ness, Prov. 12:17. shall be established, Prov. I2;19. are the delight of God, Prov. 12:22. THE WICKED destitute of, Hos. 4:1. speak not. Jar. 9:5. uphold not, Isa. 59:14, 15. plead not for, Isa. 59:4. are not valiant for, Jer. 9:3. punished for want of, Jer. 0:5., 9; if 05. 4:1,3. THE GOSPEL AS, came by Christ, John 1:17. Christ bare witness to, John IS: 37. is in Christ, 1 Tim. 2:7. John bare witness to, Johyi 5:33. is according to godliness. Tit. 1 :1. is sanctifying, John 17:17, 19. is purifying, I Pet. 1:22. is part of the Christian armor, Eph. 6:14. revealed abundantly to saints, Jer. 33:6. abides continually with saints, 2Jwo. 2. should be acknowledged, 2 Tim 2:2-5. should be believed, 2The^. 2:12, 13; 1 Tim. 4:3. should be obeyed. Rom. 2:3; GaL3:l. should be loved, 2 Thes.'i.W. should be manifested, 2 Cor. 4:2. should be rightly divided, 2 Tim. 2: 15. the wicked turn away from, 2Tim. 4:4. the wicked resist, 2 Tim 3-8. the wicked destitute of, 1 Titn. 6:5. the church is the pillar and ground of, 1 Tim. 2:15. the devil is devoid of, Johu 8:44. - OF God: is one of his attributes, Deut. 32:4; Isa. 65:16. always goes before his face, Psa. S9:14. he keeps, for ever, Psa. 146:6. DESCRIBED AS great, Psa. 57; 10. plenteous, Psa. 86:15. abundant, Exod. 34:6. inviolable, Num. 23:19; Tit. 1:2. reaching to the clouds, Psa. 57:10. enduring to all generations, Ps. 100:5. united with mercy in redemption, Psa. 85:10. EXHIBITED IN lus couHsels of old, Isa. 25:1. •ways, Rev. 15:3. works, P50. a3: 4; 111:7; Dan. 4:37. TRUTH of God, cont. — exhibited in his judicial statutes, Psa. 19:9. administration of justice, Psa. 96:13. word, Psa. 119:160; John 17:17. fulfilment of promises in Christ, 2 Cor. 1:20. fulfilment of his covenant, Mic. 7:20. dealings with saints, Psa. 25:10. deliverance of saints, Psa. 57:3. punishment of the wicked. Rev. 16:7. remembered towards saints, Psa. 98:3. is a shield and buckler to saints, Psa. 91:4. WE SHOULD confide in, Psa. 31:5; Tit. 1:2. plead, m prayer, Psa. 89:49. pray for its manifestation to ourselves, 2Chr. 6:17. pray for its exhibition to others, 2 Sam. 2:6. make known, toothers, Isa. 38:19. magnify, Psa. 71:22; 138:2. IS denied by the devil, Ge7i. 3:4, 5. the self-righteous, IJohn 1:10. unbelievers, lJo/i?i5:10. exemplified towards Abraham, Gen. 24:27. Jacob, Gen. 32:10. Israel, Pya.<)S:3. TUBAL, Gen. 10:2; Isa, 66:19; Eze. 27:13; 32:26; 38; 39. TUMULTS about David, 2 Sam. 20:1. concerning Rehoboam, 1 Kings 12:1G. concerning Christ, JSIat. 27:24, etc. concerning Paul, Acts 14:5; 17:5; 18:12; 19:24; 21:27. TURNING TO God : commanded. 2 Jir/wg'S 17:13; Isa. 31:6: Jer. 18:li; Hos.U:\. ENCOURAGED : GoD WILL deliver, 15a««. 7:3. build up. Job 22:23. abundantly pardon, Isa. 55:7. remit his anger, Jer. 3:12. repent of the evil, Jer. 18:7 ; Joel'2:i.3. let the sinner live, Eze. 18:21; 33:11. heal and bind up, Hos. 6:1 ; 14:1. enforced by threats, 2 Kings 17:13; Psa. 7:12; Jer. 15:7; Mat. 18:3. asked in prayer, Psa. 80:3; 85:4; Jer. 31:18 ; Lam. 5:21 ; Acts2:2Q \ 1 1 :21. ministers persuade to, ^se. 3:19; Ban. 12:3; Luke 1:16; ^c^f 26:17. TURTLE-DOVE used for offerings. Gen. 15:9; Lev. 1:14, etc.; 12:6; Num. 6:10; Luke2:2A. TYCHICUS, companion of Paul, Acts 20:4; 2 T/m. 4:12; Tit.2:\2. commended, Eph. 6:21 ; Col. 4:7. TYPES OF Christ: Adam, Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:45. Abel, Gen. 4:8, 10, with Acts 2:23; Heb. 12:24. Abraham, Gen. 17:5, with Eph. 3:15. Aaron. Exod. 23:1, with Heb. 5:4, 5; Lev. 16:15, with Heb. 9:7. 24. ark. Gen. 7: 16, with 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. 183 TrP BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. UNB TYPES of Christ. cont.—a.rk of the cove- nant, Exod. 25:16, with Psa. 40:8; Isa. 42:6. atonement, sacrifices offered on the day of, Lev. 16: 15, 16, with Heb. 9:12, 24. brazen serpent, Nian. 21:9, with John 3:14, 15. brazen altar, Exod. 27:1, 2, with Heb. 13:10. burnt-offering. Lev. 1:2, 4, witli Heb. 10:10. cities of refuge. Num. 35:6, with Heb. 6:18. David, 2 Sam. 8:15, with Eze. 37:24; Psa. 89:19, 20, with Phil. 2:9. Eliakim, Isa 22:20-22, wiih Keu. 3:7. first-fruits, Exod. 22:29, with 1 Cor. 15:20. golden candlestick, Exod. 25:31, with JohnQ:\2. golden altar, Exod. 40:5. 26, 27, with JfJeti. 8:3, and Heb. 13:15. Isaac, Gen. 22:1, 2, with Heb. 11:17-19. Jacob, Gen. 32:25' with John 11:42; Heb.l-.-io. Jacob's ladder. Gen. 25:12, with John 1:51. Joseph, Gen. 50:19, 20. with Heb. 7:25. Joshua, Jo.s/i. 1:5,6, with Heb. 4:8,9; Josh. 11:23, with Acts 20::32. Jonah, Jonah 1-17. with Mai. 12:40. laver of brass, Exod. 30:18-20, with Zech. 13:1 ; Eph. 5 26, 27. leper's offering, Lev. 14:4-7, with Rom. 4:25. manna, Exod. 16:11-15, with John 6:. 32-35. Melchizedek, Ge?i. 14:18-20. with Heb. ■ 7:1-17. mercy-seat, Exo. 25:17-22, with Ro7n. 3:25; Heb. 4:16. morning and evening sacrifices, Exod. 29:38-41, with John 1:29, 36. Moses, Nu7n. 12:7, with Heb. 3:2; Deut. 18:15, with Acts 3:20-22. Noah, Gen. 5:29; 2 Cor. 1:5. paschal lamb, J^.rorf. 12:3-6, 46, with John 19:36; 1 Cor. 5:7. peace-offering, iet^. 3:1, with Eph. 2:14,16. red heifer. Num. 19:2-6, with Heb. 9:13,14. rock of Horeb, Exod. 17:6, with 1 Cor. 10:4. Samson, Judg. 16:30, with Col. 2:14, 15. scape-goat, Lev. 16:20-22, with Isa. 53:6,12. sin-offering, Lev. 4:2, 3, 12, with Heb. 13:11, 12. Solomon, 2 Sam. 7:12, 1.3, with Luke 1:32,33; \Pet. 2:5. . tabernacle, Exod. 40:2, 34, with Heb. 9:11; CoZ. 2:9. table and show-bread, Exod. 25:23-30, with. John 1:16; 6:48. 184 TYPES of Christ. fo«^— temple, 1 Kings 6:1, 38, with Jo/irt 2:19, 21. tree of life. Gen. 2:9, with John 1:4; Rev. 22:2. trespass-offering, Lev. 6:1-7, with Isa. 53:10. veil of the tabernacle and temple, Exo. 40:21 ; 2 Chr. 3:14, with Heb. 10:20. Zerubbabel, Zee. 4:7-9, with Heb. 12:2, 3. TYRANNY of Pharaoh, Exo. 1 ; 5, etc. of Saul, 1 Sam. 22:9. of Solomon and Rehoboam. 1 Kin. 12:4. of Ahab, 1 Kings 2\. of Jehoiakim, Jer. 26:20. of Herod, Mat. 2 ; Acts 12. See oppRESsiox. TYRE, Jo5A. 19:29; Isa. 23:7. a strong city, 2 Sam. 24 : 7 ; ZecA. 9:3. commercial, Isa. 23:2; Eze. 27:3. alliance with, 1 Kings 5 ; 9 ; 2 Chr. 2:3. Christ alludes to. Mat. 11:22. Christ visits. Mat. 15:21 ; Mark 7:24. . disciples at, MarkZ:ii\ Acts 21:3. prophecies respecthpg, Isa. 23; .Eze. 2o-23. U. UCAL, Prot;. 30:1. UNBELIEF : is sin, Joh7t 16:9. defilement inseparable from, Tit. 1:15. all, by nature, concluded in, Rom. 11:32. PROCEEDS FROM an evil heart, Heb. 3:12. slowness of heart, Lvke 24:25. hardness of heart, Mark 16:14; Acts 19:9. disinclination to the truth, Jo/in 8:45, 46. judicial blindness, John 12:39, 40. not being Christ's sheep, John 10:26. the devil blinding the mind, 2Cor. 4:4. the devil taking away the word out of the heart, Luke 8:12. seeking honor from men, John 5:44. impugns the veracity of God, 1 John 5:10. EXHIBITED IX rejecting Christ, Jno. 16:9. rejecting the word of God, Psa. 106:24. rejecting the gospel, Isa. 53:1 ; John 12:38. rejecting evidence of miracles, John 12:37. departing from God, Heb. 3:12. questioning the power of God, 2 Kings 7:2; Psa. 78:19, 20. not believing the works of God, Psa. 78:32. staggering at the promise of God, Rom. 4:20. rebuked by Christ, Mat. 17:17; John 20:27. was an impediment to the performance of miracles, Mai. 17:20; MarkQ-.S. miracles designed to convince those in, John 10:.37, 38; 1 Cor. 14:22. UNa BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. UNI UNBELIEF, cont.— the Jews rejected for, Rofji. 11:20. believers should hold no communion with those in. 2 Cor. G:14. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, have not the word of God in tliem, John 5:3ri. cannot please God, Heb. 11:6. malign the gospel. Acts 19:9. persecute the ministers of God, Rom. 15:31. excite others against saints, Acts 14 : 2. persevere in it, John 12:37. harden their necks, 2 Kings 17:14. are condemned already, John 3:18. under the wrath of God, John 3:36. shall not be established, Isa. 7:9. shall die in their sins, .Tohn 8:24. shall not enter rest, Heb. 3:19; 4:11. shall be condemned, Mark 16:16; 2 Thes. 2:12. shall be destroyed, JuJe 5. shall be cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 21:8. warnings against, Heb. 3:12; 4:11. pray for help against, 3Iark 9:24. the portion of, awarded to all unfaith- ful servants, Luke 12:46. exemplified. Eve, Ge?i. 3:4-6. Moses and Aaron, Num. 20:12. Israelites, Deut. 9:23. jVaaman,2 A'/«§-5 5:12. Samaritan lord, 2 Kings 7:2. Disci- ples, Mat. 17:17; Luke 24:11, 25. Zacharias, Luke 1 : 20. Chief priests, Luke 22:67. The Jews, John 5:38. Brethren of Christ, John 7:5. Thom- as, John 20:25. Jews of Iconium, Acts 14:2. Thessalonian Jews, Acts 17:5. Ephesians. Jf«5 19:9. Saul, 1 Titn. 1:13. People of Jericho. Heb. 11:31. UNBELIEVERS, communion with, to be avoided, Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 6:14; Phil. 3:2; 1 T/m 6:5. their punishment, Mark 16: IG; John 3:18; 8:24; Ro7n. 11:20; £pA.5:6; 2 Thes. 2:12; Heb. 3:19; 4:11; 11:6; Jas. 5 ; 2 Pet. 2 ; 3 ; Jude 5 ; Rev. 21:8. UNCHARITABLENESS to the poor, condemned, Prov. 29:7; /5a. 32:7. shown by acts, Jas. 2:15, 16. inconsistent with the love of God, 1 John 3:17. shows a hard heart, Deut. 15:9. brings a curse, Prov. 11:26; 21:10,13, 26; 28:27. UNCLEANNESSES, laws relating to. Lev. 5; 7; 11; 12; 15; 22: Num. 5; 19; Deut. 2:3:10; 24:1. typical of sin, Zech. 13:1 ; Mat. 23:27. UNCLEAN spirits. See devils. UNCLEAN animals, Lev. 11; 20:25; Deut. 14:3. UNGODLINFiSS described. P.ot. 13:4; Prov. 16:27; 19:28; Jude IS. vain babblings lead to, 2 Tim. 2:16. UNGODLINESS, coni.— abuses gtace, Jude 4. must not be aided, 2Chr. 19:6. leads to temporal prosperity but eternal ruin, Psa. 73. will meet God's wrath, Psn. 1 ; Rom. 1:18; 2 Pet. 2:5; 3:7; JndeU. UNICORN mentioned, Nmn. 23:22; Deut. 33:11 ; Jo6 39:9; isa. 34:7. UNION WITH Christ : as Head of the church, Eph. 1:22, 23: 4:15,16; Col. 1:18. Christ prayed that all saints might have, Johyi 17:21, 23. DESCRiBEB AS Christ being in us, Eph. 3:17; 00^.1:27. our being in Christ, 2 Cor. 12:2; 1 J"o/j/i5:20. includes union with the Father, John 17:21; 1 Jo/i?i2:24. isof God, 1 Cor. 1:30. maintained by faith. Gal. 2:20: Eph, 3:17. abiding in him, John 15:4, 7. his word abiding in us. John 15:7; 1 John 2:24; 2 John 9. feeding on him, John 6:56. obeying him, I Joh7i 3:24. the Holy Ghost witnesses to. 1 John 3:24. the gift of the Holy Ghost is an evi- dence of, IJohn 4: 13. saints have, in mind, 1 Cor. 2:16 ; Phil. 2:5. have, in spirit, 1 Cor. 6:17. have, in love, Song" 2: 16; 7:10. have, in sufferings, Phil. 3:10 ; 2Tim. 2:12. have, in his death, Rom. 0:3-8; Gal. 2:20. have assurance of, John 14:20. enjoy, in the Lord's supper, 1 Cor. 10:16, 17. identified with Christ by, Mat. 25:40, 45; Acts 9:i, with Acts S:\. are complete through. Col. 2:10. exhorted to maintain, Jo/j?j 15:4 ; Acts 11:23; Col. 2:7. necessary to growth in grace, Eph. 4:15, 16; Col. 2:19. necessary to fruitfulness, Joh}i 15:4, 5. beneficial results of : righteousness imputed, 2 Cor. 5:21 ; Phil. 3:9. freedom from condemnation, Rom. 8:1. freedom from dominion of sin, 1 John 3:6. being created anew. 2 Cor. 5:17. the spirit alive to righteousness, Rom. 8:10. confidence at his coming, 1 John2:Q3. abundant fruitfulness, John 15:5. answers to prayer, John 15:7. they who have, ought to walk as He walked, \ John 2:6. false teachers have not. Col. 2:18, 19. 185 UPH BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. UPK, UNION with Christ, cont. — is indissolu- ble, Rom. 8:35. punishment of those who have not, Joknl5:Q. illustrated. Vine and branches, John 15:1, 5. Foundation and building, ICor. 3:10, 11; Eph. 2:20, 21; 1 Pet. 2:4-6. Body and members, I Cor. 12:12, 27; Eph. 5:30. Hus- band and wife, Eph. 5:25-32. UNITY of the church, Jo/ui 10:16; Horn. 12:5; 1 Cor. 10:17; 12:13; Ga;.3:28; Eph. 1:10; 2:19; 4:4; 5:23,30. exhortations to, Psa. 133 ; Rom. 12:16 ; 15:5 ;1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 13:11; Eph. 4:3; Phil. 1:27; 2:2; 1^6^.3:8. OF God : a ground for obeying him exclusively, Deut. 4:39, 40. a ground for loving him supremely, Deut. 6:4, 5, with MarA; 12:29, 30. ASSERTED BY God himself. Isa. 44:6, 8; 45:18.21. Christ. Mark 12:29; John 17:3. Moses,' Deut. 4:39; 6:4. apostles. 1 Cor. 8:4,6; Eph. 4:0; 1 Tim. 2: 5. consistent with the deity of Christ and of the Holy Ghost. John 10:30, with 1 John 5:7; John 14:9-11. EXHIBITED i\ his greatness and won- derful works, 2 Satn. 7:22; Psa. 86:10. his works of creation and providence, 750.44:24; 45:5-8. his being alone possessed of foreknow- ledge. Jsrt. 46:9-11. his exercise of uncontrolled sovereign- ty, />e«f. 32:39. his being the sole object of worship in heaven and earth, Neh. 9:0; Mat. 4:10. his being alone good, Mat. 19:17. his being the only Saviour. Isa. 45:21, 22. his being the only source of pardon, Mic. 7:18, with 'Mar^' 2:7. his unparalleled election and care of his people, Deut. 4:32-35. the knowledge of, necessary to eternal life, John 17:3. all saints acknowledge, in worshipping him, 2 Sam. 7:22; "l Kings 19:15; 1 Chr. 17:20. all should know and acknowledge, Deu. 4:35; Psa. 83:18. may be acknowledged without saving faith. .Tas. 2:19,20. UNLEAVENED bread, when to be used, Exod. 12..39 ; 13:7 ; 23:18 ; Lev. 2:4 ; 7:12; 8:26; Num. 6:19. typical, 1 Cor. 5:7. UNMARRIED, Paul's exhortation to, 1 Cor. 7:8, 11.32. UPHARSIN, Dan. 5:25. UPHAZ, gold of, Jer. 10:9; Dan. 10:5. 186 UPRIGHTNESS : God is perfect in, Isa. 26:7. God has pleasure in, 1 Chr. 29:17. God created man in, Eccl. 7:29. man has deviated from, Eccl. 7:29. SHOULD BE IN heart, 2 Chr. 29:34 ; Psa. 125:4. speech, 75a. 33:15. walk, Prov. 14:2. judging, Psa. 58:1 ; 75:2. ruling, Psa. 78:72. the being kept from presumptuous sins is necessary to, Psa. 19:13. with poverty, is better than sin with riches, Prov. 28:6. with poverty, is better than folly, Prov. 19:1. THEY WHO WALK IN, fear God, Pro. 14:2. love Christ, Song 1:4. countenanced by God, Psa. 11:7. delighted in by God, Prov. 11:20. their prayer delighted in by God, Pro. 15:8. prospered by God, Job 8:6; Prov. 14:11. defended by God, Prov. 2:7. upheld in it by God, Psa. 41:12. recompensed by God, Psa. 18:23, 24. find strength in God's way, Prov. 10:29. obtain good from God's word, Mic. 2:7. obtain light in darkness, Psa. 112:4. guided by integrity, Proi'. 11:3. walk surely, Prov. 10:9. direct their way, Prov. 21:29. kept by righteousness, Prov. 13:6. scorned by the wicked, Job 12:4. hated by the wicked, Prov. 29:10; Amos 5:10. abominated by the wicked, Prov. 29:27. persecuted by the wicked, Psa. 37:14. praise is comely for, Psa. 33:1. a blessing to others, Prov. 11:11. the truly wise walk in, Prov. 15:21. the way of, is to depart from evil, Pro. 16:17. THEY WHO WALK IN, SHALL pOSSeSS gOOd things, Prov. 28:10. have nothing good withheld, Psa. 84:11. dwell in the land, Prov. 2:21. dwell on high and be provided for, 75a. 33:16. dwell with God, Psa. \5:%; 140:13. be blessed, Psa. 112:2. be delivered by righteousness, Prov. 11:6. be delivered by their wisdom, Prov. 12:6. be saved, Prov. 23:18. enter into peace, Psa. 37:37 ; 7s. 57:2. have dominion over the wicked, Psa. 49:14. have an inheritance for ever, Psa. 37:18. VAN BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. YEN UPRIGHTNESS, cont.—s. characteristic of saints, Psa. 111:1 ; Isa. -26:7. saints should resolve to walk in, Psa. 26:11. THE WICKED have not, in heart, Hab. 2:4. leave the path of, Prov. 2:13. do not act with, I\Iic. 7:2, 4. pray for those who walk in, Psa. 125:4. reprove those who deviate from, Gal. 2:14. UR, land of, Abram brought from, Gen. 11:23; 15:7. URIAH the Hittite, David's treachery to, 2 SaDi. 11 ; 1 Kings i 5:5 ; Mat. 1:0. URIJAH, (priest.) idolatry of, 2 Kings 1G:10-Iti. (prophet,) slain by Jehoiakim, Jer. 2(5:20. URIM AND THU.MMIM, part of the high-priest"s breastplate, Exo. 23:30; Lev. b:8. God to be consulted by, Nutn. 27:21. instancesof their use, /«.ev. 3:5, illustrated, Isa. 9:5; Zech. 10:5. WARNING must be given, 2 Chr. 19:10: iBze. 3:17; 33:3; 1 Thes. 5:14. Paul's example. Acts 20:31; 1 Cor. 4:14 ; Col. 1:28. WASHING, enjoined by the law, Exod. 29:4; Lev.Q:21\ 13:54; 14:8: Deut. 21:6; 2 C/zr. 4:6. traditional, ilfarA: 7:3; Luke\\:^3. the feet, a mark of hospitality and rev- erence, Gen. 18:4; 24:32; 43:24; 1 Sam. 25:41; Luke 7:33; I Tim. 5:10. Christ washes his disciples' feet, J?io. 13. the hands as token of innocence, Deut. 21:6; Psa. 26:6; Pilate an instance, Mat. 27:24. figuratively mentioned. Job 9:30; Isa. 1:16; 4:4; Tit. 3:5; Heb. 10:22. through the blood of Christ, 1 Cor. 6:11 ; Rev. 1:5; 7:14. WASTE forbidden by Christ. John 6:12. WATCHES, divisions of time, Exod. 14:24; 1 Sam. 11:11; Jlla^ 14:25; MarkQ:A± WATCHFULNESS : Christ an example of, Mat. 26:33, 40; Luke(i:\2. commanded, MarA; 13:37; Rev. 3:2. exhortations to, 1 Thes.5:Q; I Pet. 4:7. God especially requires in ministers, Eze. 3:17, with Isa. 62:6; Mark 13:34. ministers exhorted to, Acts 20:31; 2 Ti7n. 4:5. faithful ministers exercise, Heb. 13:17. faithful ministers approved by, Mat. 24:45, 46; Luke 12:41-44. SHOULD BE with prayer, Luke 21:36; Eph. 6:18. with thanksgiving. Col. 4:2. with steadfastness in the faith, 1 Cor. 16:13. with heedfulness, Mark 13:33. with sobriety, 1 Thes. 5:6; 1 Pet. 4:7. at all times, Prov. 8:34. in all things, 2 Tim. 4:5. saints pray to be kept in a state of, Psa 141:3. MOTH'ES TO : expected direction frorr\ God, Jffl^*. 2:1. uncertain time of the coming of Christ, JVfa^ 24:42; 25:13; Jkfar A: 13:35, 36. incessant assaults of the devil; 1 Pet. 5:8. liability to temptation. Mat. 26:41. blessedness of, Luke 12:37; Rev. 16:15. unfaithful ministers devoid of, 75. 56:10. the wicked averse to, 1 Thes. 5:7. danger of remissness in. Mat. 24:43-51 ; 25:5,8,12; Kev. 3:3. WED BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WHI WATCHFULNESS, cow«.— illustrated, LukeV2:33, 3G. exemplified. David, Ps. 102:7. Anna, Luke 2:37. Paul, 2 Cor. 11:27. WATCHMEN, their duty. 2Sam. 18:2.5; 2Ki>igs9:U; Psa. 127:1; So)ig3:3; 5:7; l5rt.21:5. 11: 52:S; Jer. 6:17; 31:6; Eze. 3:17; 33; Hab.2:l. evil, described, Asa. 56:10. WATCH-TOWERS, 2Chr. 20:24 ; Isa. 21:5. WATER, formed, etc., Gen. 1:2, 6, 9. flood of, poured on the earth, Gen. 7:1. miraculously supplied, Gen. 21:19; Exod. 15:23; 17:6; Nion. 20:7; Judg. 15:19; 2 Kings 3:20. divided at the Red sea, Exo. 14:21 ; and at Jordan, Josh. 3:14 ; 2 Kin. 2:8, 14. iron made to swim in, 2 Kings 6:6. Christ walks on. Mat. 14:25; Mark 6:48; John 6:19. in the trial of jealousy, Num. 5:17. in baptism, Mat. 3:11; ^cis 8:36; 10:47, etc. changed into wine, John 2:3. changed into blood, Exod. 7:19; Psa. 73:44; 105:29; Rev.l6:G. healing powers imparted to, 2 Kings 5:14; John 5:4; 9:7. of Jericho healed, 2 Kings 2:19. vision of healing waters, Eze. 47. of purification, law of, Niun. 8:7; 19. ILLUSTRATIVE OF death, 2 Sam. 14:14. providential bounty, Psa. 65:9. gifts of the Spirit, Isa. 41:17; 44:3; Eze. 30:25; John 7:.38. freeness of the gospel, /5a. 55:1. cleansing from sin, Zech. 13: 1. regeneration, John 3:5 ; 4:10. heavenly bliss. Rev. 7:17; 21:22. sore affliction, Psa. 66: 1:^; 69:1 ; Isa. 30:20; 43:2. instability, Gen. 49:4; Jas. 1:6. the course of sinners, Job 24: 18 ; Psa. 58:7. spread of the gospel, Isa. 11:9 ; Hab. 2:14. WAVE RING, exhortations against,He6. 10:23; Jas. 1:6. WAVE- OFFERING, Exo. 29:24 ; Lev. 7:30; 8:27; 2:3:11, 20; Num. 5:25; 6:20, etc. WAY, the, Christ so called, John 14:6; Heb. 10:20. WF'AK in the faith, exhortations con- cerning. Rom. 14; 15; ICor. 8; 1 Thes. 5:14; Heb. 12:12. Paul's example, 1 Cor. 9:22. WEANED child, figuratively mention- ed, Psa. 131:2; Isa. 11:8; 28:9. WEASEL, unclean, Lev. 11:29. WEAVER mentioned, Exod 35:3.5. figuratively. Job 7:6; Isa. 38:12. WEB, .spider's, Job 8:14 ; Isa. 59:5. WEDDING, parable of the. Mat. 22. See Luke 12:3G: 14:8. WEEKS, origin of, Gen. 2:2. feast of, J!;a;orf. 34:22; Deut. 10:9; .Acts 2:1. seventy, prophecy of, Dan. 9:24. WEEPING of Hagar, Gen. 21:16. of Esau, Ge?i. 27:38. of Jacob and Esau, Gen. 33:4. of Jacob, Gen. 31:35. of Joseph, Gen. 42:24 ; 43:30 ; 45:2, 14; 40:29; 50:1,17. of Israelites, Num. 11:4; 14:1; Deut. 31:8; Judg. 2:4; 20:23; 21:2. of Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:7. of Jonathan and David, 1 Sam. 20:41. of David, 2 Sam. 1:17; 3:32; 13:36: 15:2:3,30; L-:33. of Hezekiah, 2Kings 20:3 ; Asa. 38:3. of Jesus, Lukt! 19:41 ; JoAh 11:35. of Peter, Mat. 26:75; Mark 14:72; L('CE. WELL of Bethlehem, 1 Chr. 11:17. WELLS dug by Abraham, etc., Gen. 26:15-22, 33; John ^.d; 2 Chr on. 20:10. WHALE, (or great fish,) mentioned, Gen. 1:21; Jo6 7:12; Eze. 32:2. Jonah swallowed by one, Jonah 1:17; Mat. 12:40. WHEAT, offerings made of, Exodus 29:2, etc. Tyre supplied with, from Israel, 1 Kin. 5:11; Eze. 27:17. parable concerning. Mat. 13:25. WHEELS, vision of the, Eze. 1:15; 3:13; 10:9. WHELPS, (lion's,) parable of, Eze. 19; Nah. 2:12. WHIRLWINDS express God's power and glory, .Tob 37:9; 3S:1. foreshow and attend his coming, 1 Kin. 19:11; Job 38:1; Isa. 66:15; Eze. 1:4. 191 WIC BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WID WHIRLWINDS, fo«f.— Elijah taken up in one, 2 Kings 2:1. defend God"s people, Zech. 9:14. execute his wratla, Jer. 23:19. he hath his way in, Nah. ] :.3. illustrate the suddenness of sinners' ruin, Psa. 5S:9; Frov. 1:27; 75a. 17:13; 40:24. WHISPERIXG forbidden, Prov. 16:23; 26:20; Rom. 1:29; 2 Cor. 12:20. See SLANDER, TALEBEARERS. WHITE raiment of angels, Mat. 23:3; Mark 16:5. of Christ at the transfiguration, Mat. 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9: 29. of the redeemed, Rev. 3:5; 4:4; 7:9; 19:8.14. cloud, Rev. 14:14. horse. Rev. G:2; 19:11. throne. Rev. 20:11. WHORE, the great. Rev. 17; 18. WHOREDOM forbidden, Lev. 19:29; Deut. 22:21 ; 23:17. spiritual, Eze. 16 ; 23 ; Jer. 3 ; Has. 1 ; 2. See idolatry. WHOREMONGERS condemned. Eph. 5:5; 1 Tim. 1:10; Heb. 13:4'; Rev. 21:8; 22:15. WICKED MEN, are compared to : abominable branches, Isa. 14:19. ashes under the feet,' 3Ial. 4:3. bad fishes, 3Iat. 13:48. beasts. Psa. 49:12; 2 Pet. 2:12. blind, the, Zepk. 1:17; 3Iat. 15:14. brass and iron, etc., Jer. 6:28; Eze. 22:18. briars and thorns, Isa. 55:13 ; Eze. 2:0. bulls of Bashan, Psa. 22:12. carcasses trodden under feet, Isa. 14:19. chaff. Job 21:18; Psa. 1:4; Mat. 3:12. clouds without water, Jude 12. corn blasted, 2 Kings 19:26. corrupt trees, Luke 6:43. deaf adders, Psa. 53:4. dogs, Prov. 26:11; Mat. 7:6; 2Pet. 2:22. dross, Psa. 119:119; Eze. 22:18, 19. early dew that passeth away, Hos. 13:3. evil figs, Jer. 24:8. fading oaks, /5a. 1:30. fiery oven, Psa. 21:9; Hos. 7:4. fire of thorns, Psa. 118:12. fools building upon sand, 3lat. 7:26. fuel of fire, Isa. 9:19. garden without water, Isa. 1 :30. goats. Mat. 25:32. grass, Psa. 37:2; 92:7. grass on the house-top, 2 Kings 19:26. green bay-trees, Psa. 37:35. green herbs, Psa. 37:2. heath in the desert, Jer. 17:6. horses rushing into the battle, Jer. 8:6. idols, Psa. 115:8. lions greedy of prey. Psa. 17:12. melting wax, P5rt. 63:2. morning-clouds, Hos. 13:3. 192 WICKED men, are compared to, cant.— moth-eaten garments, Is. ?0:9; 51:8. passing whirlwinds. Prov. 10:25. potsherds, Prov. 26:23. raging waves of the sea, Jude 13. reprobate silver, Jer. 6:30. scorpions, Eze. 2:6. serpents, Psa. 58:4; Mat. 23:33. smoke, Hos. 13:3. stony ground, Mat. 13:5. stubble. Job 21:18; Mai. 4:1. swine. Mat. 7:6; 2Pet. 2:22. tares. Mat. 13:. 38. troubled sea, Isa. 57:20. visions of the night, Job 20:8. wandering stars, Jiidel3. wayward children, Mat. 11:16. wells without water, 2 Pet. 2:17. wheels, Psa. 83:13. whited sepulchres, Mat. 23:27. wild ass"s colts. Job 11 :12. WIDOW, counsels David, 2 Sam. 14. Elijah sustained by one, 1 Kings 17. parable of the importunate, Luke 18. the widow's mite commended, Mark 12:42; Luke 21:2. figurative, 75a. 47:9; 54:4; iam. 1:1. WIDOAVS: character of true, Luke 2:37; 1 Tim. 5:5, 10. God relieves, Psa. 146:9. surely hears the cry of, Exod. 22:23. judges for, Deut. 10:18; Psa. 68:5. establishes the border of, Prov. 15:25. will witness against oppressors of, Mai. 3:5. exhorted to trust in God, Jer. 49:11. SHOULD NOT BE afflicted, Exod. 22:22. oppressed, Jer. 7:6; Zer.h. 7:10. treated with violence, Jer. 22:3. deprived of raiment in pledge, Deut. 24:17. .SHOULD BE pleaded for, 7sa. 1:17. honored, if widows indeed, 1 Tim. 5:3. relieved by their friendSjlTm. 5:4,16. relieved by the church, Acts 6:1; 1 Tim. 5:9. visited in affliction, Jas. 1:27. allowed to share in our blessings, Beu. 14:29; 16:11, 14; 24:19-2^. though poor, may be liberal, Mark 12:42,43. when young, exposed to many tempta- tions, 1 Tm. 5:11-14. SAINTS relieve. Arts 9:39. cause joy to. Job 29:13. disappoint not. Job 31: 16. THE \ncKED vex, Eze. 22:7. do no good to. Job 24:21. send away empty, Job 22:9. take pledges from, Job 24:3. reject the cause of. 75a. 1:23. make a prey of, 75a. 10: 2 ; Mat. 23:14. slay, Psa. 94:6. curse for perverting judgment of, Deut. 27:19. WIS BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. WIS WIDOWS, cont. — -woe to those who op- press, 75a. 10:1, 2. those who relieve, blessed, Deut. 14:29. a type of Zion in affliction. Lam. 5:.3. laws relating to their marriages, Deut. 25:5; Mark 12:19; Lev. 21:14; Eze.U:2-2. See I Cor. 7:3. WILDERNESS, the Israelites' journeys in, Exod. 14; Num. 10:12, etc.; 13:3; 20; 33; Beut. 1:19; 8:2; 32:10; AWi.9:19; Psa. 78:40 ; 107:4. Hagar's flight into. Gen. 16:7. Elijah's, liCrn^-^ 19:4. of judea, John preaches in, Mat. 3, etc. WILL of God, irresistible, Dan. 4 :17, 35 ; John 1:13; Rom. 9:19; Eph. 1:5; Jas. 1:13. fulfilled by Christ, {Psa. 40:8;) Mat. 20:42; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42; Heb. 10:7; Jo/i«4:34; 5:30. how performed, John 7:17 ; Eph. 6:6 ; Col. 4:12; IThes. 4:3; 5:18; Heb. 13:21; \ Pet. 2:15; 4:2; IJolin 2:17; 3:23. to be submitted to, Jas. 4:15. See Mat. 6:10; Acts2V.U; Rom.V.W; 15:32. of man. in contrast to that of God, John 1:13; Eph. 2:3; Rom. 9:16; 1 Pet. 4:3. WIND, miraculous effects of, Gen. 8:1 ; Exod. 15:10; iViww. 11:31; Ez2. 37:9; Jona/t 1:4. rebuked by Christ, Mat. 8:26. figuratively mentioned, Job 1:1 \ 8:2; Jo/m 3:8; Jas. 1:6; 3:4. WINE made by Noah, Gen. 9:20. presented to Abram, Gen. 14:13. employed in offerings, Exod. 29:40; I o) CI o O Gi '/J r^ ■* l>- CO OJ iX) Deluge fgl A. M. I(i56. S! Delujre CI "/) -^ =^ S ;. c ^ :iajWoS4HSw;2;M<:Mpq flirt Mi^iE-Kl^iSH^i-^M-^S 204 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. TABLE OF HEBREW TIMES AND FESTIVALS. Hebrew Months. Abib. or Nisan, Exod. 12:2, 18. " 13:4: Esth. 3:7. lyar, or Zif, 1 Kings G:l. Sivan, Esth. 8:9. Tammuz. Eze. 8:14. Elul, Neh. 6:15. Ethanim, or Tishri, 1 Kings 8: 2. Marcheshvan, or Bui, 1 Kings 6:33. Chisleu, Zech. 7:1. Tebeth, Esth. 2:16. Shebat, Zech. 1:7. Adar, Esth. 3:7. Ve-Adar is add- ed here when necessary. Nearly corre- sponding with our April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. January. February. March. Months of the Sacred Year. 2d 3d 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10th 12th Months of the Civil Year. Sth 10th 11th 2d 3d Sth Gth Sea- sons. o 14. Paschal lamb killed. 15. Passover. 16. First-fruits of barley har- vest presented to the Lord. 21. Passover ended. 6. Pentecost. First-fruits of wheat presented to the Lord. 9. Temple taken on this day by the Chaldeans, and af- terwards by the Romans. 1. Feast of Trumpets. 10. Day of Atonement. 15. Feast of Tabernacles. 22. Last day of the feast. 25. Feast of the Dedication of the Temple. 14 and 15. Feast of Purim. Esth. 9:18-21. 205 BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF PALESTINE, SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF THE SEASONS, THE PREVAILING WINDS, AND WEATHER, FOR EACH MONTH IN THE YEAR. PROGRESS OF THE SEASONS. WIND. WEATHER. r Country verdant with young corn, groves and meadows adorned with many flowers. Oranges begin to ripen. N. w.,n.,n. E. Heavy rains ; thunder storms. Occasionally snow, and thin ice ; ground never frozen. Almond-tree and peach-tree in blos- som : in the lower and warmer parts, orange-tree laden with ripe fruit. N. W.,N.,N. E. Heavy rains, etc., in Jan. and Feb., called by the Arabs the "fa- thers of rain." 1 All trees in full leaf, many in bloom. In the lowlands, orange and lem- on-trees laden with fruits. Palm- tree blossoms : barley ripening. w. Rain , hurricanes, some- times snow ; rivers much swollen. > Fruits of oleaster and white mul- berry ripen. Barley harvest. Wheat harvest beginning. s. Occasionally rain ; sometimes Sirocco from the s. E. 1 Principal harvest month, es- pecially of wheat. Apricots and apples ripen, (in Jordan valley vegetation withered and burnt up. ) s. Rain very seldom ; from this to September no rain occurs. CI Almonds ripe. (Beyrouk honey of the Jordan valley collected in May, June, and July.) Grapes begin to ripen. E. Frequent hot winds, (Simoons;) air mo- tionless. Various fruits: apples, pears, plums, etc. Grapes fully ripe. Pump- kins. Harvest of corn in the higher mountains. E. Greatest heat in gen- eral; sky serene. trq Principal fruit month. Grapes, figs, etc. ; in the plains, walnut and olive. E. Dews begin to fall; at times large and dense clouds, (Nile clouds.) 02 Commencement OF VINTAGE. Har- vest of the dourra and maize. Cotton and pomegranate begins. N. E. Much lightning with- out thunder ; very rarely rain. f End of vintage. Gathering of cotton. Ploughing and sowing commence. Pistachio-nuts ripen. N. E. Dews very heavy ; au- tumnal rains begin. !2| Month of ploughing and sowing. Rice harvest. Fig-tree laden with fruit. Orange and citron- tree in bloom. N. W.,N.,N. E. Rainymonth. Thunder storms. Rains from the w. or s. w. r Trees lose their leaves. The brown and desolate plains and deserts become green pastures. N. W.,N.,N.E. Rainy, etc. In Dec, Jan. , and Feb. , great- est amount of rain in the year. 206 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. TABLES WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONEY, MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE. L JEWISH "WEIGHTS, REDUCED TO ENGLISH TROY WEIGHT. lbs. oz. pen. gr. The gerah, one-twentieth of a shekel 12 The bekah, half a shekel 5 Theshekel 10 The maneh, 60 shekels 2 G The talent, 50 manehs, or 3,000 shekels 125 2. SCRIPTURE MEASURES OF LENGTH, REDUCED TO ENGLISH MEASURE. Eng. ft. Inches. A digit 0.912 4 = Apalm 3.64S 12= 3 = Aspan 10.944 24= 6= 3 = Acubit 1 9.S8S 96= 24= 6= 2 = Afathom 7 3.552 144= 36= 12= 6 = 1.5 = Ezekiel's reed 10 11.328 192= 48= 16= 8= 2= 1.3 = An Arabian pole 14 7.104 1920 = 480 = 160 = 80 = 20 = 13.3 = 10 = A measuring line 145 11.04 3. THE LONG SCRIPTURE MEASURES. Eng. miles. Paces. Feet Acubit - 1.824 400 = A stadium or furlong 145 4.6 2000= 5 = A sabbath-day's journey 729 3. 400a = 10= 2 = An eastern mile 1 403 1. 12000= 30= 6= 3 = Aparasang 4 153 3. 9G000 = 240 = 48 = 24 = 8 = A day's journey 33 172 4. Note. — 5 feet = 1 pace; 1,056 paces =: 1 mile. 207 BIBLE TEXT-BOOK. 4. SqRIPTURE MEASURES OF CAPACITY FOR LIQUIDS, REDUCED TO ENGLISH WINE MEASURE. Gal Pints. A caph 0.6-25 1.3 = Alog 0.8.33 5.3= 4 = A cab -- 3.333 16 = 12= 3 = Ahin 1 2. 32 = 24= 6= 2 = Aseah 2 4. 96 = 72= 18= 6= 3 = A bath, ephah, or firkin 7 4.50 960 = 720 = ISO = 60 = 20 = 10 = A kor, choros, or homer 75 5.25 5. SCRIPTURE MEASURES OF CAPACITY FOR THINGS DRY, REDUCED TO ENGLISH CORN MEASURE. Bu. Pks. Gal. Pints. Agachal 0.141 20 = Acab 2.S53 36= 1.8 = An omer or gomer 5.1 120= 6 = 3.3 = Aseah 10 1. 360= 18 = 10 = 3 = Anephah 3 3. 1800= 90 = 50 =15= 5 = Aletech 4 0. 3600 = 180 =100 = 30 = 10 = 2 = Ahomer or kor 8 1, 6. JEWISH MONEY, REDUCED TO THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STANDARDS. £. s. d. $ cts. Agerah 1.3G67 02.5 10 = Abekah 1 1.6S7D 25.09 20= 2 = Ashekel 2 3.375 50.187 1200 = 120 = 50 = A maneh, or mina Hebr. - 5 14 0.75 25 09.35 60000 = 6000 = 3000 = 60 = A talent 342 3 9. 1505 62.5 A solidus aureus, or sextula, was worth 12 0.5 2 64.09 A siclus aureus, or gold shekel, was worth 1 16 6. 8 03. A talent of gold was worth- 5475 0. 24309 00. In the preceding table, silver is valued at 55. and gold at £1 psr ounce. 7 ROMAN MONEY, MENTIONED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, RE- DUCED TO THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STANDARDS. £ ». d. far. $ cts. Amite 0.75 00.343 A farthing, about 1.50 00.637 A penny, or denarius 7 2. 13.75 A pound, or mina 3 2 6 0. 13 75.^ 208