Wff/ffj. Wff SEAMEN'S HYMNS UNDER THE DIRECTION OP THE AMERICAN SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. FIFTEENTH EDITION. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, AND FOR SALE AT THEIR OFFICE 71 WALL STREET. 1846. Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1843, BY MARK H. NEWMAN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. TKRKUTYTKD RY SMITH AND WRIGHT, (OR. FULTON AND OOL1) STREKTs, MKW YORK. " J. Bedford, Print. 133Fulion st. HYMNS. THE SCRIPTURES, 2. C. M. - • 77te Bible suited to our Wants. 1 FATHER of mercies ! in thy word What endless glory shines ! For ever be thy name adored, For these celestial lines. 2 Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast ; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste. 3 Here, the Redeemer's welcome, voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life, and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 4 Oh ! may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight ; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 5 Divine instructor, gracious Lord ! Be thou for ever near ; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. L. M. Prophecy and Inspiration. 'T WAS by an order from the Lord, The ancient prophets spoke his word ; His spirit did their tongues inspire, And warmed their hearts with heavenly fire. >8 HYMNS. 2 Great God ! mine eyes with pleasure look On the dear volume of thy book ; There my Redeemer's face I see, And read his name who died for me. 3 Let the false raptures of the mind Be lost, and vanish in the wind ; Here I can fix my hope secure ; This is thy word, and must endure. Be. M. • The Holy Scriptures. 1 LADEN with guilt, and full of fears, I fly to thee, my Lord ! And not a glimpse of hope appears. But in thy written word. 2 The volume of my Father's grace Does all my grief assuage ; Here I behold my Saviour's face, Almost in every page. 3 Here, consecrated water flows, To quench my thirst of sin ; Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows ;— No danger dwells therein. 4 This is the judge that ends the strife, Where wit and reason fail ; — My guide to everlasting life, Through all this gloomy vale. 5 Oh ! may thy counsels, mighty God I My roving feet command ; Nor I forsake the happy road That leads to thy right hand. . L. M. '•3P» A Saviour seen in the Scripturet. 1 NOW let my soul, eternal King ! To thee its grateful tribute bring ; My knee, with humble homage, bow, My tongue perform its solemn vow. 2 All nature sings thy boundless love, In worlds below, and worlds above ; But, in thy blessed word, I trace Diviner wonders of thy grace. 6 THE SCRIPTURES. 259 3 There, what delightful truths I read ! There, I behold the Saviour bleed : His name salutes my listening ear, Revives my heart, and checks my fear. 4 There Jesus bids my sorrows cease, And gives my lab'ring conscience peace ; Raises my grateful passions high, And points to mansions in the sky. 5 For love like this, Oh ! let my song, Through endless years, thy praise prolong ; Let distant climes thy name adore, Till time and nature are no more. * CM. *• Revelation welcomed. 1 HAIL, sacred truth ! whose piercing rays Dispel the shades of night ; Diffusing, o'er the mental world, The healing beams of light. 2 Jesus ! thy word, with friendly aid, Restores our wandering feet ; Converts the sorrows of the mind To joys divinely sweet. 3 Oh ! send thy light and truth abroad, In all their raSiant blaze ; And bid th' admiring world adore The glories of thy grace. L. M. The Blessings of tlie new Covenant. 1 GOD, in the gospel of his Son, Makes his eternal counsels known ; Where love in all its glory shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here, sinners of an humble frame May taste his grace, and learn his name ; May read, in characters of blood, The wisdom, power and grace of God. 3 Here, faith reveals, to mortal eyes, A brighter world beyond the skies ; Here, shines the light which guides our way From earth to realms of endless day. 260 HYMNS. 4 Oh ! grant us grace, almighty Lord ! To read and mark thy holy word, Its truths with meekness to receive, And by its holy precepts live. 5 May this blest volume ever lie Close to my heart, and near mine eye, — Till life's last hour my soul engage, And be my chosen heritage. 7L. M. • A written Revelation. 1 LET everlasting glories crown Thy head, my Saviour, and my Lord! Thy hands have brought salvation down, And writ the blessings in thy word. 2 In vain the trembling conscience seeks Some solid ground to rest upon ; With long despair the spirit breaks, Till we apply to Christ alone. 3 How well thy blessed truths agree ! How wise and holy thy commands ! Thy promises — how firm they be ! How firm our hope and comfort stands ! 4 Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith, with treacherous art, I 'd call them vanity and lies, And bind the gospel to my heart. L. M. TJie Power of Truth. 1 THIS is the word of truth and love, Sent to the nations from above ; Jehovah here resolves to show What his almighty grace can do. 2 This remedy did wisdom find, To heal diseases of the mind ; — This sovereign balm, whose virtues can Restore the ruined creature, man. 3 The gospel bids the dead revive, — Sinners obey the voice, and live ; Dry bones are raised, and clothed afresh, And hearts of stone are turned to flesh. 8 GOD. 261 4 May but this grace my soul renew, Let sinners gaze, and hate me too ; The word that saves me doth engage A sure defence from all their rage. GOD. 9 L. M. Existence of God. 1 THERE is a God !— all nature speaks, Through earth, and air, and sea, and skies ; See ! — from the clouds his glory breaks, When earliest beams of morning rise ! 2 The rising sun, serenely bright, Throughout the world's extended frame. Inscribes, in characters of light, His mighty Maker's glorious name. 3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad, And trace creation's wonders o'er ! Confess the footsteps of your God ; Bow down before him and adore. 1 c M i-V/o Creation and Providence. 1 LORD! when my raptured thought surveys Creation's beauties o'er, All nature joins to teach thy praise, And bid my soul adore. 2 Where'er I turn my gazing eyes, Thy radiant footsteps shine ; Ten thousand pleasing wonders rise, And speak their source divine. 3 On me thy providence hath shone With gentle, smiling rays; Oh ! let my lips and life make known Thy goodness and thy praise. 4 All-bounteous Lord ! thy grace impart ; Oh ! teach me to improve Thy gifts, with ever-grateful heart, And crown them with thv love. 262 HYMNS. 11 H M -*- -L • Perfections of God'a Government. 1 THE Lord Jehovah reigns ; His throne is built on high ; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty : His glories shine with beams so bright, No mortal eye can bear the sight. 2 The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe ; His wrath and justice stani To guard his holy law : And where his love resolves to bless, His truth confirms and seals the grace. 3 Through all his perfect work, Surprising wisdom shines ; Confounds the powers of hell, And breaks their cursed designs : Strong is his arm — and shall fulfill His great decrees — his sovereign will. 4 And can this mighty King Of glory condescend, — And will he write his name, My Father and my Friend ? I love his name, — I love his word : Join, all my powers ! and praise the Lord. CM. God. the Creator. 1 ETERNAL Wisdom ! thee we praise, Thee the creation sings ; With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas, And heaven's high palace rings. 2 How wide thy hand hath spread the sky ! How glorious to behold ! Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye, And starred with sparkling gold. 3 Thy glories blaze all nature round, And strike the gazing sight, Through skies, and seas, and solid ground, With terror and delight. 4 Infinite strength, and equal skill, Shine through the worlds abroad ; 12 GOD. 267 6 Great God ! to thine almighty love, What honors shall we raise 1 Not all th' angelic songs above Can render equal praise. on c M - *w \J» The glory of God in Creation. 1 THE God of nature and of grace In all his works appears ; His goodness through the earth we trace. His grandeur in the spheres. 2 Behold this fair and fertile globe, By him in wisdom planned ! 'T was he who girded, like a robe, The ocean round the lanj. 3 Lift to the arch of heaven your eye ; Thither his path pursue ; His glory* boundless as the sky, O'erwhelms the wandering view. 4 How excellent, O Lord ! thy name, In all creation's lines ! Spread through eternity, thy fame With rising lustre shines. 5 These lower works that swell thy praise, High as our thoughts can tower, Are but a portion of thy ways, — The hiding of thy power. 6 Millions before thy presence stand, Who feel, while they adore, Fulness of joy, at thy right hand, And pleasures evermore. lis. The Mercy of God. 21. 1 THY mercy my God ! is the theme of my song, The joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue ; Free grace hath alone, from the first to the last, ^cured my affections, and bound my soul fast. Thy mercy, has vanquished my obdurate heart, xt wonders to feel its own hardness depart : 268 HYMNS. Dissolved by thy goodness, I fall to the ground, And weep to the praise of the mercy I 've found. 3 The door of thy mercy stands open all day, To the poor and the needy, who knock by the way No sinner shall ever a place be denied, Who comes seeking mercy through Jesus that died 4 Thy mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell ; Its glories I '11 sing, and its wonders I '11 tell : 'T was Jesus, my friend, when he hung on the tree, Who opened the fountain of mercy for me. 99 s.m. ixst. 1 JESUS ! I love thy charming name, 'T is music to mine ear ; 26 302 HYMNS. Fain would I sound it out so loud, That earth and heaven should hear. 2 Yes, — thou art precious to my soul, My joy, my hope, my trust : Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious powers can wish, In thee most richly meet ; Nor to mine eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there ; — The healing balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5 I '11 speak the honors of thy name, With my last lab'ring breath ; Then, speechless, clasp thee in mine arms,- The antidote of death. 85 CM. God reconciled in Christ. DEAREST of all the names above, My Jesus and my God ! Who can resist thy heavenly love, Or trifle with thy blood 1 'T is by the merits of thy death, The Father smiles again ; 'T is by thine interceding breath, The Spirit dwells with men. Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find ; The holy, just, and sacred Three, Are terrors to my mind. But,if Immahuel's face appear, My hope, my joy begins ; His name forbids my slavish fear, His grace removes my sins. While Jews on their own law rely, And Greeks of wisdom boast ; — I love th' incarnate mystery, And there I fix my trust. CHRIST. 303 Qf\ CPM ' O U • The Excellency of Christ. 1 OH ! could I speak the matchless worth, — Oh ! could I sound the glories forth, Which in my Saviour shine ; I 'd soar and touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Gabriel while he sings, In notes almost divine. 2 I'd sing the characters he hears, And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne ; In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would, to everlasting days, Make all his glories known. 3 Soon the delightful day will come, When my dear Lord will bring me home, And I shall see his face ; Then, with my Saviour, brother, friend, A blest eternity I '11 spend — Triumphant in his grace. qtj c. M. O i • Christ, the living Fountain. 1 THERE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb ! thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be, till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I '11 sing thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. 304 HYMNS. 88. 89. 90 C. M. Sun of Righteousness. 1 RISE, glorious Sun ! supremely bright, Diffuse thy rays abroad ; Scatter the shades of gloomy night, And show the heavenly road. 2 With healing in thy wings, arise On this dark soul of mine ; Oh ! pour thy glories from the skies, And give me life divine. 3 Though thorns and briers, pits and snares, Beset the path I go, One ray of thine dispels my fears, And guides me safely through. s. M. Christ, suffering for our Sins LIKE sheep we went astray, And broke the fold of God ; Each wandering in a different way But all the downward road. How dreadful was the hour, When God our wanderings laid, And did at once his vengeance pour Upon the shepherd's head ! How glorious was the grace, When Christ sustained the stroke ! His life and blood the shepherd pays, A ransom for the flock. But God shall raise his head, O'er all the sons of men, And make him see a numerous seed To recompense his pain. " 1 '11 give him," saith the Lord, " A portion with the strong ; He shall possess a large reward, And hold his honors long." L. M. The Teaching of Jesus. 1 HOW sweetly flowed the gospel's sound From lips of gentleness and grace, 91 CHRIST. 305 While listening thousands gathered round, And joy and reverence filled the place 1 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven he led his foll'wers' way ; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. Come, wanderers ! to my Father's home, Come, all ye weary ones ! and rest; — Yes, sacred Teacher ! we will come, Obey, and be for ever blest. Decay, then, tenements of dust ! Pillars of earthly pride ! decay ; A nobler mansion waits the just, And Jesus has prepared the way. S. M. • Preserving Grace. TO God, the only-wise, Let all the saints, below the skies, Their humble praises bring. 2 'T is his almighty love, His counsel and his care, Preserves us safe from sin and death, And every hurtful snare. 3 He will present our souls, Unblemished and complete, Before the glory of his face, With joys divinely great. 4 Then all the chosen seed Shall meet around the throne ; Shall bless the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known. 5 To our Redeemer-God, Wisdom, with power, belongs ; Immortal crowns of majesty, And everlasting songs. L. M. Love of Christ. 1 I WAS a traitor doomed to die, Bound to endure eternal pains ; 26* 92. 93. 306 HYMNS. When Jesus saw me from on high, Was moved by love, and broke my chains. 2 Did melting pity stoop so low, The Lord from heaven pour out his blood, To save our rebel-race from wo, And be our advocate with God 1 3 Infinite mercy ! boundless love ! Stand in amaze, ye rolling skies ! The Son of God, his grace to prove, Hangs on a tree, and groans, and dies ! s. m. TJie Light of the World. 1 HOW heavy is the night That hangs upon our eyes, Till Christ, with his reviving light, Over our souls arise ! 2 Our guilty spirits dread To meet the wrath of heaven : But in his righteousness arrayed, We see our sins forgiven. 3 Unholy and impure Are all our thoughts and ways ; His hands infected nature cure, With sanctifying grace. 4 The powers of hell agree To hold our souls in vain : He sets the sons of bondage free And breaks the cursed chain. 5 Lord ! we adore thy ways To bring us near to God ; Thy sovereign power, thy healing grace, And thine atoning blood. 94 7s. ,Sim of Righteousness. 1 CHRIST, whose glory fills the skies,— Christ, the true, the only light, — Sun of Righteousness ! arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night : Day-spring from on high ! be near, Day-star ! in my heart appear. CHRIST. 30 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn, If thy light is hid from me ; Joyless is the day's return, Till thy mercy's beams I see ; Till they* inward light impart, — Peace and gladness to my heart. 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; Fill me, Radiancy divine ! Scatter all my unbelief : More and more thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. 95. C. M. Praise to the Redeemer. 1 PLUNGED in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and — Oh ! amazing love ! — He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled, Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 Oh ! for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ; And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praises speak. 5 Angels ! assist our mighty joys ; Strike ail your harps of gold; But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told. 96 C. M. Pearl of great Price. 1 YE glittering toys of earth ! adieu ;- A nobler choice be mine ; A real prize attracts my view, — A treasure all divine. 308 HYMNS. 2 Begone, unworthy of my cares, Ye flattering baits of sense I Inestimable worth appears, — The pearl of price immense. 3 Should both the Indies, at my call, Their boasted stores resign, With joy I would renounce them all, For leave to call thee mine. 4 Should earth's vain treasures all depart, Of this dear gift possessed, I 'd clasp it to my joyful heart, And be for ever blessed. 5 Dear Sovereign of my soul's desires ! Thy love is bliss divine ; Accept the praise that grace inspires, Since I can call thee mine. 97 98 C. M. Christ, our Support in Death. 1 JESUS ! the vision of thy face Hath overpowering charms : Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace, While in the Saviour's arms. 2 And while ye hear my heart-strings break How sweet the minutes roll ! A mortal paleness on my cheek, And glory in my soul. L.M. Christ, our Wisdom and our Righteousness. 1 BURIED in shadows of the night, We lie, till Christ restores the light ; Wisdom descends to heal the blind, And chase the darkness of the mind. 2 Our guilty souls are drowned in tears, Till his atoning blood appears ; Then we awake from deep distress, And sing the Lord, our righteousness. 3 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns, Binding his slaves in heavy chains : He sets the pris'ners free, and breaks The iron bondage from our necks. CHRIST. 309 4 Poor helpless worms in thee possess Grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness : Thou art our mighty All — and we Give our whole selves, O Lord ! to thee. QQ SM i/t/. All Things in Christ. 1 THOU very-present Aid In suffering and distress ! The mind, which still on thee is stayed, Is kept in perfect peace. 2 The soul, by faith reclined On the Redeemer's breast, Mid raging storms, exults to find An everlasting rest. 3 Sorrow and fear are gone, Whene'er thy face appears ; It stills the sighing orphan's moan, And dries the widow's tears. 4 It hallows every cross, It sweetly comforts me ; It makes me now forget my loss, And lose myself in thee. 5 Jesus, to whom I fly, Will all my wishes fill ; What though created streams are dry ? I have the fountain still. 6 Stripped of my earthly friends, I find them all in one : And peace, and joy which never ends, And heaven, in Christ, begun. 100 L. M. The Mercy of God in Christ. NOT to condemn the sons of men, Did Christ, the Son of God, appear; No weapons in his hands are seen, No flaming sword, nor thunder there. Such was the pity of our God, He loved the race of man so well, He sent his Son, to bear our load Of sins, and save our souls from hell. 101 310 HYMNS. 3 Sinners ! believe the Saviour's word, Trust in his mighty name and live ; A thousand joys his lips afford, His hands a thousand blessings give. L. M. Love of Christ in the Heart. 1 COME, dearest Lord ! descend and dwell, By faith and love in every breast ; Then shall we know, and taste, and feel, The joys that cannot be expressed. 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength ; Make our enlarged souls possess, And learn the height, and breadth, and length. Of thine eternal love and grace. 3 Now to the God whose power can do More than our thoughts and wishes know, Be everlasting honors done By all the church, through Christ, the Son. 109 SM lU/V. Vital Union to Christ. 1 DEAR Saviour 1 we are thine By everlasting bonds ; Our names, our hearts, we would resign , Our hearts are in thy hands. 2 To thee we still would cleave, With ever-growing zeal ; If millions tempt us Christ to leave, Oh ! let them ne'er prevail. 3 Thy Spirit shall unite Our souls to thee, our head ; Shall form us to thine image bright, That we thy paths may tread. 4 Death may our souls divide From these abodes of clay ; But love shall keep us near thy side Through all the gloomy way. 5 Since Christ and we are one, Why should we doubt and fear ? If he in heaven hath fixed his throne, He '11 fix his members there. CHRIST. 311 1 03 c M JL \JtJ» God's Love in Christ. 1 THE Saviour !— Oh ! what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound ! Its influence every fear disarms, And spreads sweet peace around. 2 Here pardon, life, arid joys divine, In rich effusion flow, For guilty rebels lost in sin, And doomed to endless wo. 3 Oh ! the rich depths of love divine, Of bliss a boundless store ! Dear Saviour ! let me call thee mine ; I cannot wish for more. 4 On thee alone my hope relies, Beneath thy cross I fall ; My Lord, my life, my sacrifice, "My Saviour, and my all ! 1 f)A H. M. i- v/t) » Mission of Christ. 1 COME, every pious heart, That loves the Saviour's name ! Your noblest powers exert To celebrate bis fame ; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to him you owe. 2 He left his starry crown, And laid his robes aside ; On wings of love, came down, And wept, and bled, and died , What he endured no tongue can tell, To save our souls from death and hell. 3 From the dark grave he rose, — The mansion of the dead ; And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up through the sky the conqueror rode, And reigns on high, the Saviour-God. 4 From thence he '11 quickly come, — His chariot will not stay, — 312 HYMNS. And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day : There shall we see his lovely face, And ever be in his embrace. 105. C. M. King of Saints. 1 COME, ye that love the Saviour's name, And joy to make it known ! The sovereign of your hearts proclaim, And bow before the throne. 2 Behold your King, your Saviour, crowned With glories all-divine ; And tell the wondering nations round, How bright these glories shine. 3 Infinite power and boundless grace, In him unite their rays ; Ye that have e'er beheld his face I Can ye forbear his praise ] 4 When in his earthly courts we view The beauties of our King, We long to love as angels do, And wish like them to sing. 5 And shall we long and wish in vain 1 Lord ! teach our songs to rise ; Thy love can animate the strain, And bid it reach the skies. 106 C. M. A new Song to the Lamb. BEHOLD the glories of the Lamb, Amidst his Father's throne ! Prepare new honors for his name, And songs, before unknown. Let elders worship at his feet, The church adore around ; With vials full of odors sweet, And harps of sweeter sound. Those are the prayers of all the saints, And these the hymns they raise : Jesus is kind to our complaints, He loves to hear our praise. CHRIST. 313 4 Now to the Lamb, that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid ; Salvation, glory f joy, remain For ever, on thy head. 5 Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood« Hast set the pris'ners free, Hast made us kings and priests to God, And we shall reign with thee. 107 CM. Asking tfte Presence of Christ. 1 COME, thou desire of all thy saints ! Our humble strains attend, While, with our praises and complaints, Low at thy feet we bend. 2 How should our songs, like those above, With warm devotion rise ! How should our souls r on wings of love, Mount upward to the skies ! 3 Come, Lord ! thy love alone can raise In us the heavenly flame ; Then shall our lips resound thy praise, Our hearts adore thy name. 4 Dear Saviour ! let thy glory shine, And fill thy dwellings here, Till life, and love, and joy divine A heaven on earth appear. 5 Then shall our hearts enraptured say,— Come, great Redeemer ! come, And bring the bright, the glorious day, That calls thy children home. 1 Oft L M - JL \J O • Divinity of Christ proved by his Miracles. 1 BEHOLD ! the blind their sight receive ; Behold ! the dead awake and live ; The dumb speak wonders — and the lame Leap, like the hart, and bless his name. 2 Thus doth th' eternal Spirit own And seal the mission of the Son ; The Father vindicates [lis cause, While he hangs bleed' ig on the cross. 314 HYMNS. 3 He dies — the heavens in mourning stood !- He rises, and appears a God ; Behold the Lord ascending high, — No more to bleed — no more to die ! 4 Hence, and for ever from my heart I bid my doubts and fears depart ; And to those hands my soul resign, Which bear credentials so divine. 109 L M. CHirist, our Righteousness. 1 JESUS ! thy robe of righteousness My beauty is, — my glorious dress : Mid flaming worlds, in this arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 W T hen, from the dust of death, I rise To claim my mansion in the skies, E'en then shall this be all my plea, — " Jesus hath lived and died for me." 3 This spotless robe the same appears. When ruined nature sinks in years ; No age can change its glorious hue ; — The robe of Christ is ever new. 4 Oh ! let the dead now hear thy voice ; Now bid thy banished ones rejoice ; Their beauty this — their glorious dress Jesus, the Lord, our righteousness. 110 L M J- X \J» TJie example of Christ. 1 MY dear Redeemer, and my Lord! I read my duty in thy word, But in thy life" the law appears. Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such deference to thy Father's will, — Such love and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine 3 Cold mountains, and the midnight-air, Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer ; The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict, and thy vict'ry too. CHRIST. 315 4 Be thou my pattern ;— make me bear More of thy gracious image here ; Then God,' the judge, shall own my name, Among the folFwers of the Lamb. 1-j "I 6s and 4s. J- 1 • Worthy the Lamb. 1 GLORY to God on high ! Let heaven and earth reply — " Praise ye his name !" His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore ; And sing for ever more — " Worthy the Lamb !" 2 Ye who surround the throne I Cheerfully join in one, Praising his name : Ye who have felt his blood Sealing your peace with God ! Sound his dear name abroad, — "Worthy the Lamb !" 3 Join, all ye ransomed race I Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye his name : In him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice — "Worthy the Lamb!" 4 Soon must we change our place, Yet will we never cease Praising his name : To him our songs we '11 bring, Hail him our gracious King, And through all ages sing — "Worthy the Lamb !" A J. /W» Praise from Saints and Angels. 1 COME, let us join our cheerful songs, With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 " Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, "To be exalted thus!" 316 HYMNS. "Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, "For he was slain for us !" 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord ! for ever thine. 4 Let all who dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thine endless praise. 5 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. 113. L. M. Blessing and Honor to the Lamb. 1 WHAT equal honors shall we bring To thee, O Lord, our God, the Lamb! When all the notes that angels sing Are far interior to thy name? 2 Worthy is he who once was slain, — The "Prince of peace, who groaned and died,-' Worthy to rise, and live, and reign, At his almighty Father's side. 3 Honor immortal must be paid, Instead of scandal and of scorn ; While glory shines around his head, And a bright crown without a thorn. 4 Blessings for ever on the Lamb, Who bore the curse for wretched men ! Let angels sound his sacred name, And every creature say, — Amen. . 1 4*. Love to Christ desired. 1 THOU lovely source of true delight, Whom I unseen adore! Unveil thy beauties to my sight, That I may love thee more. 2 Thy glory o'er creation shines ;— But in'thy sacred word, CHRIST. 317 I read, in fairer, brighter lines, My Weeding, dying Lord. 3 'T is here, whene'er my comforts droop, And sin and sorrow rise, Thy love, with cheering beams of hope, My fainting heart supplies. 4 But ah ! too soon the pleasing scene Is clouded o'er with pain ; My gloomy fears rise dark between, And 1 again complain. 5 Jesus, my Lord, my life, my light ! Oh ! come with blissful ray ; Break radiant through the shades of night, And chase my fears away. 6 Then shall my soul with rapture trace The wonders of thy love : But the full glories of thy face Are only known above. 11/=; L * L A-*J • Christ, cur High Priest and King. 1 NOW to the Lord, who makes us know The wonders of his dying love, Be humble honors paid below, And strains of nobler praise above. 2 'T was he that cleansed our foulest sins, And washed us in his richest blood ; 'T is he that makes us priests and kings, And brings us rebels near to God. 3 To Jesus, our atoning priest, To Jesus, our superior king, Be everlasting power confessed, And every tongue his glory sing. 4 Behold j on flying clouds he comes, And every eye shall see him move : Though with our sins we pierced hirn once Then he displays his pard'ning love. 5 The unbelieving world shall wail, While we rejoice to see the day: Come, Lord ! nor let thy promise fail, Nor let thy chariot long delay. 27* S18 HYMNS. 1-1 r* 8s and 7s. Peculiar. -L \J* Chrisi, the Lamb, enthroned and worshiped. 1 HARK ! — ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above, Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices ; — Jesus reigns, the God of love : See ! he sits on yonder throne ; Jesus rules the world alone. 2 Jesus ! hail ! whose glory brightens All above, and gives it worth ; Lord of life ! thy smile enlightens, Cheers, and charms thy saints on earth. When we think of love like thine, Lord ! we own it love divine. 3 King of glory ! reign for ever — Thine an everlasting crown ; Nothing, from thy love, shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own ;- Happy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy face. 4 Saviour ! hasten thine appearing ; Bring — Oh ! bring the glorious day, When the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away ; — Then, with golden harps, we '11 sing, — " Glory, glory to our King." j -| ry 8s and 7s. L JL I • Praise to God, the Saviour. 1 MIGHTY God I while angels bless thee, May a mortal lisp thy name ] Lord of men, as well as angels ! Thou art every creature's theme : Lord of every land and nation ! Ancient of eternal days ! Sounded through the wide creation, Be thy just and lawful praise. 2 For the grandeur of thy nature, — Grand beyond a seraph's thought ;— For the wonders of creation, Works with skill and kindness wrought ,- For thy providence, that governs Through thine empire's wide domain, CHRIST, 319 Wings an angel, guides a sparrow ; — Blessed be thy gentle reign. 3 For thy rich, thy free redemption, Bright, though veiled in darkness long ; — Thought is poor, and poor expression, Who can sing that wondrous song } Brightness of the Father's glory ! Shall thy praise unuttered lie? Break, my tongue ! such guilty silence, Sing the Lord who came to die : — 4 From the highest throne of glory, To the cross of deepest wo, Came to ransom guilty captives ! — Flow, my praise ! for ever flow : Re-ascend, immortal Saviour ! Leave thy footstool, take thy throne ; Thence return and reign for ever ; — Be the kingdom all thine own ! 118. S. M. Moses and Christ. 1 THE law by Moses came ; But peace and truth and love Were brought by Christ, a nobler name, Descending from above. 2 Amidst the house of God, Their different works were done; Moses a faithful servant stood, But Christ a faithful Son. 3 Then to his new commands Be strict obedience paid ; O'er all his Father's house he stands, The sovereign and the head. 4 The man, who durst despise The law that Moses brought — Behold ! how terribly he dies For his presumptuous fault. 9" But sorer vengeance falls On that rebellious race, Who hate to hear when Jesus calls, And dare resist his grace. 320 HYMNS. mail. © Various Success of the Gospel. 1 CHRIST and his cross is all our theme ; The mysteries that we speak Are scandal in the Jews' esteem, And folly to the Greek. 2 But souls, enlightened from above, With joy receive the word ; They see what wisdom, power, and love. Shine in their dying Lord. 3 The vital savor of his name Restores their fainting breath ; But unbelief perverts the same To guilt, despair, and dealh. 4 Till God diffuse his graces down, Like showers of heavenly rain, In vain Apollos sows the ground, And Paul may plant in vain. 1 QA 8s and 7s. JL /C\J« Tlie Light of the World. 1 LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death ! Come, and, by thy love revealing, Dissipate the clouds beneath : The new heaven and earth's Creator, In our deepest darkness rise, — Scattering all the night of nature, Pouring eye-sight on our eyes. 2 Still we wait for thine appearing ; Life and joy thy beams impart, Chasing all our fears, and cheering Every poor benighted heart : Come, and manifest thy favor To the ransomed, helpless race ; Come, thou glorious God and Saviour ! Come, and bring the gospel-grace. 3 Save us, in thy great compassion, O thou mild, pacific Prince ! Give the knowledge of salvation, Give the pardon of our sins ; By thine all-sufficient merit, Every burdened soul release ; CHRIST. 321 Every weary, wandering spirit, Guide into thy perfect peace. mH.M. • Christ, our King. 1 REJOICE ! the Lord is King !— Your God and King adore ; Mortals ! give thanks, and sing, And triumph evermore : Lift up the heart, — lift up the voice, — Rejoice aloud, ye saints I rejoice. 2 His kingdom cannot fail ; He rules o'er earth and heaven ; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given : Lift up the heart, — lift up the voices- Rejoice aloud, ye saints ! rejoice. 3 He all his foes shall quell, — Shall all our sins destroy, And every bosom swell With pure seraphic joy : Lift up the heart, — lift up the voice, — Rejoice aloud, ye saints ! rejoice. [ Rejoice in glorious hope ; Jesus, the judge, shall come, And take his servants up To their eternal home : We soon shall hear th' archangel's voice , The trump of God shall sound, — Rejoice. 122 L. M. God, the Son, equal with the Father. BRIGHT King of glory, dreadful God ! Our spirits bow before thy seat ; To thee we lift an humble thought, And worship at thine awful feet. A thousand seraphs, strong and bright, Stand round the glorious Deity ; But who, among the sons of light, Pretends comparison with thee 1 Yet one there is, of human frame, — Jesus, arrayed i n flesh and blood, — 322 HYMNS. Thinks it no robbery to claim A full equality with God. 4 Their glory shines with equal beams, Their essence is for ever one : Though they are known by different names, The Father-God, and God, the Son. 5 Then let the name of Christ, our king, With equal honors be adored ; His praise let every angel sing, And all the nations own him — Lord. 1 OQ 12s A. /W U • The Voice of free Grace. 1 THE voice of free grace cries — " Escape to th mountain!" For Adam's lost race, Christ hath opened a fountain For sin and uncleanness, and every transgression His blood flows most freely, in streams of salvation CHORUS. Hallelujah to the Lamb ! he hath purchased our pardon, We '11 praise him again, when we pass over Jordan. 2 Ye souls that are wounded ! Oh ! fiee to the Saviour ; He calls you in mercy, — 't is infinite favor Your sins are increasing, — escape to the mountain, — His blood can remove them, it flows from the fountain 3 O Jesus ! ride onward, triumphantly glorious, O'er sin, death and hell, thou art more than victorious* Thy name is the theme of the great congregation, While angels and saints raise the shout of salvation. 4 With joy shall we stand, when escaped to the shore ; With harps in our hands, we '11 praise him the more ; We '11 range the sweet plains on the bank of the river, And singr of salvation for ever and ever ! 124 C. M. Christ precious. HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds And drives away his fear. CHRIST. 323 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'T is manna to the hungry soul, And, to the weary, rest. 3 Jesus ! — my shepherd, husband, friend, My prophet, priest, and king,. My Lord, my life, my way, my end, — Accept the praise I bring. 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought ; But, when I see thee as thou art, I '11 praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then, I would thy love proclaim, With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. L /O D o Life in Christ. 1 WHEN sins and fears prevailing rise, And fainting hope almost expires, Jesus ! to thee I lift mine eyes, — To thee I breathe my soul's desires. 2 If my immortal Saviour lives, Then my immortal life is sure ; His word a firm foundation gives ; Here let me build, and rest secure. 3 Here let my faith unshaken dwell, For ever firm the promise stands ; Not all the powers of earth and hell Can e'er dissolve the sacred bands. 4 Here, O my soul ! thy trust repose ; If Jesus is for ever mine, Not death itself — that last of foes — Shall break a union so divine. L. M. Communion icith Christ. 126. 1 OH ! that I could for ever dwell, Delighted at the Saviour's feet, Behold the form I love so well, And all his tender words repeat 324 HYMNS. 2 The world shut out from all my soul, And heaven brought in with all its bliss Oh ! is there aught, from pole to pole, One moment, to compare with this ] 3 This is the hidden life I prize, — A life of penitential love ; When most my follies I despise, And raise my highest thoughts above . 4 When all I am, I clearly see, And freely own, with deepest shame ; When the Redeemer's love to me Kindles within a deathless flame. 5 Thus would I live, till nature fail, And all my former sins forsake ; Then rise to God, within the veil, And of eternal joys partake. L. M. Christ, the supreme God and King. 1 AROUND the Saviour's lofty throne, Ten thousand times ten thousand sing ; They worship him as God alone, And crown him — everlasting King. 2 Approach, ye saints ! this God is yours ; 'T is Jesus, fills the throne above : Ye cannot want, while God endures ; Ye cannot fail, while God is love. 3 Jesus, thou everlasting King ! To thee the praise of heaven belongs ; Yet, smile on us who fain would bring The tribute of our humble songs. 4 Though sin defile our worship here, We hope ere-long thy face to view ; And, when our souls in heaven appear, We '11 praise thy name as angels do. 127 128 7s. Jesus, the Refuge. 1 JESUS, lover of my soul ! Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high ; CHRIST. 325 Hide me, O my Saviour ! hide, Till the storm of life be past ; Safe into the haven guide ; Oh ! receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none, — Hangs my helpless soul on thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone ; Still support and comfort, me : All my trust on thee is stayed ; All my help from thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head, With the shadow of thy wing. 2> Plenteous grace with thee is found, — Grace to pardon all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within ; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee ; Spring thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. 9Q L M - & *J • Christ, the only Refuge. 1 THOU only Sovereign of my heart, My refuge, my almighty friend ! And can my soul from thee depart, On whom alone my hopes depend 1 2 Whither, ah ! whither shall I go, A wretched wanderer from my Lord 1 Can this dark world of sin and wo One glimpse of happiness afford ? 3 Eternal life thy words impart, On these my fainting spirit lives ; Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart, Than all the round of nature gives. 4 Let earth's alluring joys combine ; While thou art near, in vain they call ; One smile — one blissful smile of thine, — My dearest Lord ! outweighs them all, 5 Low at thy feet my soul would lie, — Here safety dwells and peace divine : 28 326 HYMNS. Still let me live beneath thine eye For life— eternal life — is thine. 1 30 c M ± tJ\J^ Jesus, seen of Angels. 1 BEYOND the glittering, starry skies Far as th' eternal hills, There, in the boundless worlds of light, Our dear Redeemer dwells. 2 Legions of angels round his throne, In countless armies shine ; And swell his praise with golden harps, Attuned to songs divine. 3 "Hail, glorious Prince of peace 1" they cry " Whose "unexampled love Moved thee to quit these glorious realms, And royalties above." 4 Through all his travels here below, They did his steps attend ; Oft wondering how, or where, at last, The mystic scene would end. 5 They saw his heart transfixed with wounds, And viewed the crimson gore ; They saw him break the bars of death, Which none e'er broke before. 8 They brought his chariot from above, To bear him to his throne ; Clapped their triumphant wings, and cried,— "The glorious work is done !" 131 7s and 6s. Praise to the Saviour. TO thee, my God and Saviour My heart exulting sings, Rejoicing in thy favor, Almighty King of kings ! I '11 celebrate thy glory, With all thy saints above, And tell the joyful story Of thy redeeming love. Soon as the morn, with roses, Bedecks the dewy east. CHRIST. 32' And when the sun reposes Upon the ocean's breast ; M) r voice, in supplication. Well-pleased the Lord shall hear : Oh ! grant me thy salvation, And to my soul draw near. 3 By thee, through life supported, "i '11 pass the dangerous road, With heavenly hosts escorted, Up to thy bright abode ; Then cast my crown before thee, And, all my conflicts o'er, Unceasingly adore thee : — What could an angel more 1 A iy/W» Glory and Grace in Christ. 1 NOW to the Lord a noble song ! Awake, my soul ! awake, my tongue ! Hosanna to th' eternal name, And all his boundless love proclaim. 2 See where it shines in Jesus' face, — The brightest image of his grace ! God, in the person of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone. 3 Grace ! — 't is a sweet, a charming theme ; My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name : Ye angels ! dwell upon the sound ; Ye heavens ! reflect it to the ground. 4 Oh ! may I reach that happy place Where he unveils his lovely face ; Where all his beauties you behold, And sing his name to harps of gold. 133 L. M. The Presence of the Saviour. 1 LORD ! what a heaven of saving grace Shines through the beauties of thy face, And lights our passions to a flame ! Lord ! how we love thy charming name ! 2 When I can say, — my God is mine, — When I can feel thy glories shine, 328 HYMNS. I tread the world beneath my feet, And all that earth calls good or great. 3 While such a scene of sacred joys Our raptured eyes and souls employs, Here we could sit and gaze away A long, an everlasting day. 4 Well, we shall quickly pass the night, To the fair coasts of perfect light ; Then shall our joyful senses rove O'er the dear object of our love. 5 Send comforts down from thy right hand, While we pass through this barren land, And in thy temple let us see A glimpse of love, a glimpse of thee. 1 3/1 c M JL £-J^rf» Christ, our Example. 1 BEHOLD ! where, in a mortal form, Appears each grace divine : The virtues, all in Jesus met, With mildest radiance shine. 2 To spread the rays of heavenly light, To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor, Was his divine employ. 3 Mid keen reproach and cruel scorn, He, meek and patient, stood ; His foes, ungrateful, sought his life, Who labored for their good. 4 When, in the hour of deep distress, Before his Father's throne, With soul resigned, he bowed, and said,— " Thy will, not mine, be done !" 5 Be Christ our pattern, and our guide, His image may we bear ; Oh ! may we tread his holy steps, — His joy and glory share. 1 Q£; c M L tJ *J • The Glory of Christ in Heaven. 1 OH ! the delights, the heavenly joys, The glories of the place. CHRIST. 329 Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of his o'erflowing grace ! 2 Sweet majesty and awful love Sit smiling on his brow ; And all the glorious ranks above, At humble distance bow. 3 Archangels sound his lofty praise, Through every heavenly street ; And lay their heavenly honors down, Submissive, at his feet. 4 This is the man, th' exalted man, Whom we, unseen, adore ; But when our eyes behold his face Our hearts shall love him more. 5 Lord ! how our souls are all on fire, To see thy blest abode : Our tongues rejoice in tunes of praise To our incarnate God. 136 H. M. Propfiet, Priest, and King. 1 JOIN all the glorious names Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew, That angels ever bore : All are too mean to speak his worth, Too mean to set my Saviour forth. 2 Great Prophet of our God ! Our tongues would bless thy name ; By thee the joyful news Of our salvation came : — The joyful news of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. 3 Jesus, our great High-Priest, Hath shed his blood and died ; My guilty conscience needs No sacrifice beside : His precious blood did once atone ; And now it pleads before the throne. k O thou almighty Lord, Our conqueror and our King ! 28* HYMNS. Thy sceptre and thy sword. Thy reigning grace we sing ; Thine is the power ; Oh ! make us sit, In willing bonds, beneath thy feet. L. M. Loving- Kindness. 137. 1 AWAKE, my soul ! in joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from me ; — His loving-kindness, — Oh ! how free ! 2 He saw me ruined by the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all ; He saved me from my lost estate ;— His loving-kindness, — Oh ! how great ! 3 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick, and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood ; — His loving-kindness, — Oh ! how good ! 4 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale — Soon all my mortal powers shall fail ; Oh ! may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. 5 Then let me mount, and soar away To the bright world of endless day ; And sing, with rapture and surprise, His loving-kindness in the skies. ± Yanous Influences desired. 1 ETERNAL Spirit !— God of truth ! Our contrite hearts inspire ; Kindle a flame of heavenly love, And feed the pure desire. 2 'T is thine to soothe the sorr'wing mind, With guilt and fear oppressed ; 'T is thine to bid the dying live, And give the weary "rest. 3 Subdue the power of every sin, Whate'er that sin may be ; That we, in singleness of heart, May worship only thee. 210 368 HYMNS. 4 Then with our spirits witness bear, That we are sons of God ; Redeemed from sin, and death, and hell, Through Christ's atoning blood. s. M. Prayer for Ike Spirit. 1 BLEST Comforter divine ! Let rays of heavenly lave Amid our gloom and darkness shine, To guide our souls above. 2 Draw, with thy still small voice, From every sinful way ; And bid the mourning saint rejoice, Though earthly joys decay. 3 By thine inspiring breath, Make every cloud of care, And e'en the gloomy vale of death, A smile of glory wear. 4 Oh ! fill thou every heart With love to all our race : Great Comforter ! to us impart These blessings of thy grace. L. M. Prayer for Light and Guidance.. COME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove ! With light and comfort from above ; Be thou our guardian, thou our guide ; O'er every thought and step preside. To us the light of truth display, And make us know and choose thy way t Plant holy fear in every heart, That, we from God may ne'er depart. Lead us to holiness — the road That we must take to dwell with God: Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his precepts stray. Lead us to God, our final rest, To be with him for ever blessed ; Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share, And drink our fill of pleasure there. 211 212 HOLY SPIRIT. 369 CM. The Staling of the Spirit. WHY should the children of a king Go mourning all their days 1 — Great Comforter ! descend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heaven 1 When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiven ] Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood ; And bear thy witness with my heart, That I am born of God. Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come ; And thy soft wings, celestial Dove 1 Will safe convey me home. L. M. Prayer against grieving the Spirit. 1 STAY, thou insulted Spirit ! stay, Though I have done thee such despite ; Cast not a sinner quite away, Nor take thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er thy grace received ; Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved ;— 3 Yet, Oh ! the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High-Priest; Nor, in thy righteous anger, swear I shall not see thy people's rest. 4 My weary soul, O God ! release, Uphold me with thy gracious hand ; Guide me into thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. L. M. TJie Comforter. 1 SURE, the blest Comforter is nigh ; *T is he sustains my fainting heart ; 213 214 215 370 HYMNS. Else would my hope for ever die, And every cheering ray depart. 2 Whene'er, to call the Saviour mine, With ardent wish my heart aspires, — Can it be less than power divine. That animates these strong desires'? 3 And, when my cheerful hope can say, — I love my God and taste his grace, Lord ! is it not thy blissful ray, That brings this dawn of sacred peace 1 4 Let thy good Spirit in my heart For ever dwell, O God of love ! And light and heavenly peace impart — Sweet earnest of the joys above. c. M. The Necessity of renewing Grace. 1 HOW helpless guilty nature lies, Unconscious of its load ! The heart, unchanged, can never rise To happiness and God. 2 Can aught, beneath a power divine, The stubborn will subdue ? 'T is thine, eternal Spirit ! thine, To form the heart anew. 3 'T is thine, the passions to recall, And upward bid them rise ; To make the scales of error fall, From reason's darkened eyes; — 4 To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live ; A beam of heaven — a vital ray, 'T is thine alone to give. 5 Oh ! change these wretched hearts of ours, And give them life divine ; Then shall our passions and our powers, Almighty Lord ! be thine. 91 fi CM - «w J- \J • The Spirit desired. 1 GREAT Father of each perfect gift ! Behold thy servants wait ; HOLY SPIRIT. 371 With longing eyes, and lifted hands, We flock around thy gate. 2 Oh ! shed abroad that choicest gift, — Thy Spirit from above, To cheer our eyes with sacred light, And fire our hearts with love. 3 Blest earnest of eternal joy ! Declare our sins forgiven : And bear, with energy divine, Our raptured thoughts to heaven. 4 Diffuse, O God ! thy copious showers, That earth its fruit may yield, And change the barren wilderness, To Carmel's flowery field. 917 CM - vl I • TJie Outpouring of the Spirit. 1 LET songs of praises fill the sky ! Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down his Spirit, from on high, According to his word. 2 The Spirit, by his heavenly breath, New life creates within : He quickens sinners, from the death Of trespasses and sin. 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes, And to our heart reveals : Our bodies he his temple makes, And our redemption seals. 4 Come, Holy Spirit ! from above, With thy celestial fire ; Come, and, with flames of zeal and love, Our hearts and tongues inspire. 01 Q LM A^ JL KJ* TJie Operations of the Holy Spirit. 1 ETERNAL Spirit ! we confess, And sing the wonders of thy grace ; Thy power conveys our blessings down, From God, the Father, and the Son. 2 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day ; 372 HYMNS. Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger, and our refuge too. 3 Thy power and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning sin ; Do our imperious lusts subdue, And form our wrelched hearts anew. 4 The troubled conscience knows thy voice -, Thy cheering words awake our joys ; Thy words allay the stormy wind, And calm the surges of the mind. & J. *J • Prayer for the promised Spirit. 1 ENTHRONED on high, almighty Lord ! The Holy Ghost send down : Fulfill in us thy faithful word, And all thy mercies crown. 2 Though, on our heads, no tongues of fire Their wondrous powers impart, Grant, Saviour ! what we more desire, Thy Spirit in our heart. 3 Spirit of life, and light, and love ! Thy heavenly influence give ; Quicken our souls — born from above — In Christ, that we may live. 4 To our benighted minds reveal The glories of his grace, And bring us, where no clouds conceal The brightness of his face. 5 His love within us shed abroad, — Life's ever-springing well, — Till God in us, and we in God, In love eternal dwell. 990 c M *J&\J* Regeneration by the Spirit. 1 NOT all the outward forms on earth. Nor rites that God has given ; Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, Can raise a soul to heaven. 2 The sovereign will of God alone Creates us heirs of grace, HOLY SPIRIT. 373 Born in the image of his Son, A new peculiar race. 3 The Spirit, like some heavenly wind, Breathes on the sons of flesh ; Creates anew the carnal mind, And forms the man afresh. 4 Our quickened souls^awake, and rise, From the long sleep of death : On heavenly things we fix our eyes, And praise employs our breath. TRINITY. 221 6s and 4s. Invocation. 1 COME, thou almighty King J Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise : Father ! all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of days ! 2 Come, thou incarnate Word ! Gird on thy mighty sword ; Our prayer attend : Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success ; Spirit of holiness ! On us descend. 3 Come, holy Comforter I Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour : Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power ! 4 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore ! 32 374 HYMNS. His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. 222. CM. Praise to the Godhead. 1 LET them neglect thy glory, Lord ! Who never knew thy grace ; But our loud songs shall still record The wonders of thy praise 2 We raise our shouts, O God ! to thee, And send them to thy throne ; All glory to th' united Three, — The undivided One. 3 'T was he — and we '11 adore his name- That formed us by a word ; 'T is he restores our ruined frame ; — Salvation to the Lord ! 4 Hosanna ! let the earth and skies Repeat the joyful sound ; Rocks, hills, and vales reflect the voice, In one eternal round. >W-W *J • Praise to the Trinity. 1 FATHER of glory ! to thy name Immortal praise we give, Who dost an act of grace proclaim, And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honor to the Son, Who makes thine anger cease ; — Our lives he ransomed with his own, And died to make our peace. 3 To thine almighty Spirit be Immortal glory given ; Whose influence brings us near to thee, And trains us up for heaven. * 4 Let men, with their united voice, Adore th' eternal God, And spread his honors and their joys, Through nations far abroad. TRINITY. 375 5 Let faith, and love, and duty join One general song to raise ; Let saints, in earth and heaven, combine, In harmony and praise. 99 A h M v/W^rt Prayer to the Trinity. 1 FATHER of heaven ! whose love profound A ransom for our souls hath found, — Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy pard'ning love extend. 2 Almighty Son — incarnate Word — Our prophet, priest, redeemer, Lord ! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; « To us thy saving grace extend. 3 Eternal Spirit ! by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, — Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah ! — Father, Spirit, Son ! — Mysterious Godhead — Three in One ! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; Grace, pardon, life, to us extend. Q Q K 6s and 4s - »w-W tJ • Prayer to the Triune Jehovah. 1 THOU ! whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard, And took their flight, — Hear us, we humbly pray, And where the gospel's day Sheds not its glorious ray, — "Let there be light!" 2 Thou ! who didst come to bring On thy redeeming wing, Healing and sight, — Health 'to the sick in mind, Sight to the inly blind, — Oh ! now to all mankind "Let there be light !" 3 Spirit of truth and love, Life-giving holy Dove ! Speed forth thy flight : 376 HYMNS. Move on the waters' face, Bearing the lamp of grace, And in earth's darkest place "Let there be light!" 4 Holy, holy, holy, Most glorious Trinity, — Wisdom, Love, Might ! Boundless as ocean's tide Rolling in fullest pride, O'er the earth, far and wide — "Let there be light!" 99(\ L M (V/wU» Praise to tlie Father, Son and Spirit. 1 ELEST be the Father and his love, To which celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joy above, And rills of comfort here below. 2 Glory to thee, great Son of God ! From whose dear wounded body rolls A precious stream of vital blood — Pardon and life for dying souls. 3 We give thee, sacred Spirit ! praise, Who in our hearts of sin and woe, Mak'st living springs of grace arise, And into boundless glory flow. 4 Thus God, the Father,— God, the Son,— And God, the Spirit, we adore ; — ■ That sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom, or a shore. 907 <*■ jW/W 6 o Christians praising the Trinity. 1 GREAT the joy when Christians meet ; Christian fellowship, how sweet, — When, their theme of praise the same, They exalt Jehovah's name ! 2 Sing we then eternal love ; Such as did the Father move : — He beheld the world undone ; Loved the world, and gave his Son. 3 Sing the Son's unbounded love ; — How he left the realms above ; TRINITY. 377 Took our nature and our place, — Lived and died to save our race. 4 Sing we too the Spirit's love ; — With our stubborn hearts he strove ; Chased the mists of sin away, — Turned our night to glorious day. 5 Great the joy, the union sweet, When the saints in glory meet ; Where the theme is still the same ; Where they praise Jehovah's name. 7s. Communion with the Triune God. 1 IiST thy presence we appear ; Lord ! we love to worship here, When, within the veil, we meet Thee upon thy mercy-seat. 2 While thy glorious name is sung, Touch our lips, and loose our tongue ; Then our joyful soul's shall bless Thee, the Lord, our righteousness. 3 While to thee our prayers ascend, Let thine ear in love attend ; Hear us, for thy Spirit pleads ; Hear, for Jesus intercedes. 4 While thy word is heard with awe, And we tremble at thy law, Let thy gospel's wondrous love Every doubt and fear remove. 5 While thy ministers proclaim Peace and pardon through thy name, In their voices, let us own Jesus, speaking from the throne. 6 From thy house when we return, Let our hearts within us burn ; That, at evening, we may say, — " We have walked with God to-day.*' QQQ 8s and 7s. &&*J * Praise to Father, Son and Spirit. 1 TO the source of every blessing, Grateful anthems let us raise ; 378 HYMNS. Holy joy, our souls possessing, Swells the tribute of our praise. 2 Glory to th' almighty Father, Fountain of eternal love, Who, his wandering sheep to gather, Sent a Saviour from above. 3 To the Son all praise be given, Who, with love unknown before, Left the bright abode of heaven, And our sins and sorrows bore. 4 Equal strains of warm devotion Let the Spirit's praise employ ; Author of each pure emotion, — Source of wisdom, peace, and joy. 5 Thus — our joyful hearts ascending, — Glorify Jehovah's name ; Heavenly songs with ours are blending,- There, the theme is still the same. *J*J m Living Waters. 1 HO ! every one that thirsts ! draw nigh ; — 'T is God invites the fallen race ; Mercy and free salvation buy, Buy wine, and milk, and gospel-grace. 2 Ye nothing in exchange can give, — Leave all ye have and are behind ; Freely the gift of God receive, — Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 3 Come to the living waters, come ; Sinners ! obey your Maker's voice ; Return, ye weary wanderers ! home, And in redeeming love rejoice. c. M. The Resolve. 260. 1 COME, trembling sinner! in whose breast, A thousand thoughts revolve ; 261 HYMNS. Come, with your guilt and fear oppressed. And make this last resolve : — " I '11 go to Jesus, though my sin Hath like a mountain rose ; I '11 seek his courts, and enter in, Whatever may oppose. " Prostrate I '11 fall before his throne, And there my guilt confess ; I '11 tell him, I 'm a wretch undone, Without his sovereign grace. "Perhaps he will admit my plea, Perhaps will hear my prayer ; But, if I perish, I will pray, And perish only there. "I can but perish if I go, I am resolved to try ; For if I stay away, I know I must for ever die." 8s and 7s. Peculiar. A Fountain set open. 1 COME to Calv'ry's holy mountain, Sinners, ruined by the fall ! Here a pure and healing fountain Flows to you, — to me, — to all,— In a full perpetual tide, Opened when the Saviour died. 2 Come, in sorrow and contrition, Wounded, impotent, and blind ; Here the guilty, free remission, — Here the troubled, peace may find ; Health this fountain will restore ; He that drinks shall thirst no more :— 3 He that drinks shall live for ever, — T is a soul-reviving flood : God is faithful — God will never Break his covenant in blGod ; — Signed, when our Redeemer died, Sealed, when he was glorified. OfiO 8s and 7s. & VJ&s* False and true Pleasure. 1 TELL us, wanderer ! wildly roving From the path that leads to peace, INVITING. 395 Pleasure's false enchantment loving, — When will thy delusion cease 1 2 Once, like thee, by joys surrounded, We could kneel at pleasure's shrine ; Then our brightest hopes were bounded, By delights as false as thine, 3 But those visions never blessed us, — Soon their fleeting day was o'er ; Then the world, that had caressed us, Charmed us with its smiles no more. 4 Such is pleasure's transient story; Lasting happiness is known Only in the path to glory, — In the Saviour's love alone. WUUi The happy Choice. 1 TO-DAY — if ye will hear his voice, Now is the time to make your choice ; Say — will you to Mount Zion go 1 Say — will you have this Christ, or no 1 2 Ye wandering souls, who find no rest I Say — will you be for ever blest 1 Will you be saved from sin and hell? Will you with Christ in glory dwell 1 3 Come now, dear youth ! for ruin bound, Obey the gospel's joyful sound ; Come, go with us, and you shall prove The joy of Christ's redeeming love. 4 Once more we ask you in his name, — For yet his love remains the same, — Say — will you to Mount Zion go 1 Say — will you have this Christ or no] 9fi/L CM & v/td* Pardon and Sanctification in Christ. 1 HOW sad our state by nature is ! Our sin — how deep it stains ! And Satan binds our captive minds, Fast in his slavish chains. 2 But there 's a voice of sovereign grace, Sounds from the sacred word ; — 396 HYMNS. "Ho! ye despairing sinners ! come, And trust upon the Lord." 3 My soul obeys th' almighty call, And runs to this relief ; I would believe thy promise, Lord ! Oh ! help my unbelief. 4 To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God ! I fly ; Here let me wash my spotted soul, From stains of deepest die. 5 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall : Be thou my strength and righteousness. My Jesus, and my all. oa& cm /wUt'i The Way to Zion. 1 INQUIRE, ye pilgrims ! for the way That leads to Zion's hill, And thither set your steady face, With a determined will. 2 Oh ! come, and to his temple haste, And seek his favor there ; Before his footstool, humbly bow, And pour your fervent prayer. 3 Oh ! come, and join your souls to God In everlasting bands ; Accept the blessings he bestows, With thankful hearts and hands. 9(\(\ CM. ^~J l • Confession and Entreaty. 1 SOVEREIGN Ruler, Lord of all ! Prostrate at thy feet 1 fall ; Hear, Oh ! hear my earnest cry, Frown not, lest I faint and die. 2 Vilest of the sons of men, — Chief of sinners I have been ; Oft abused thee to thy face, Trampled on thy richest grace. 3 Justly might thy righteous dart Pierce this bleeding, broken heart ; Justly might thine angry breath Blast me in eternal death. 4 But with thee there 's mercy found,— Balm to heal my every wound : Soothe, Oh ! soothe the troubled breast, Give the weary wanderer rest. 406 HYMNS. ftftft 1 PROSTRA feet, And up* rcy-seat, Presumes to lift his eyes. 2 Let not thy justice frown me hence ; Oh : stay the vengeful storm; Forbid it, that Omnipotence Should crush B Jim 3 If tears of sorrow could suffice To pay the debt I ouid, from both my weeping In ceaseless currents flow. 4 But no such sacrifice I plead To expiate my guilt; \ ti r.N, but those which thou hast shed, blood, but thou bast spilt 5 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord ! And all my sins forgive ; Then justice will approve the word That bids the sinner live. 289 cm. Pleading fur Mercy. 1 LORD ! at thy feet, we sinners lie, And knock at mercy's door; Z heart, and downcast eye, Thy favor we implore. 2 Without thy grace, we sink oppressed, of hell ; Oh ! give our troubled spirits rest, Our gl« 3 'T is mercy — mercy r. ad ; Let thy c< . — fed thee once to bleed, ness and love. 4 In mercy now, f. Thy er ur stubborn hearts can break, aking, bid us live. 291 PENITENTIAL. 409 0(\f\ Hs and 10s. /wJU. T j t'K Mercy- Seat. 1 COME, ye disconsolate ! where'er ye languish, Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel : Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish ; Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure! Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying, Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure. 3 Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above: Come to the feast of love ; come, ever-knowing, Earth has no sorrow, bat heaven can remove. c. M. Hie Friend of Sinners. 1 JESUS ! thou art the sinner's friend ; As such I look to thee ; Now, in the fulness of thy love, Lord ! remember me. 2 Remember thy pure word of grace, — Remember "Calvary ; Remember all thy dying groans, And. then, remember me. 3 Thou wondrous Advocate with God ! 1 yield myself to thee ; While thou art sitting on thy throne. Dear Lord ! remember me. 4 Lord ! I am guilty — I am vile, But thy salvation \s tree; Then, in thine all-abounding grace, Dear Lord ! remember me. 5 And, when 1 close my eyes in death, When creature-helps all Then, O my dear Redeemer-God! I pray, remember me. 909 B M ***Ji~~>* Repentance, i>\ <:'s Compassion. 1 DID Christ o'er sinner.' weep 1 — And shall our cheok- >e dry! 35 293 410 HYMNS. Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears The angels wondering see ? Be thou astonished, O my soul ! He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept — that we might weep ; — Each sin demands a tear ; — In heaven alone no sin is found, — There is no weeping there. c. M. The Soul casting itself on Christ. 1 APPROACH, my soul ! the mercy-seat, Where Jesus answers prayer ; There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh : Thou callest burdened souls to thee, And such, O Lord ! am I. 3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely pressed, By wars without and fears within, I come to thee for rest. 4 Be thou my shield and hiding-place, That, sheltered near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him—" Thou hast died." 5 Oh ! wondrous love, — to bleed and die, To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thy gracious name ! 294 C. M. In-dwelling Sin lamented. WITH tears of anguish, I lament, Before thy feet, my God ! My pission, pride, and discontent, And vile ingratitude. Sure, there was ne'er a heart so basf* So false as mine has been ; PENITENTIAL. 411 So faithless to its promises, — So prone to every sin. 3 How long, dear Saviour ! shall I feel These struggles in my breast 1 When wilt thou bow my stubborn will, And give my conscience rest I 4 Break, sovereign grace ! Oh ! break ttie charm And set the captive free : Reveal, great God ! thy mighty arm, And haste to rescue me. 295. C. M. Sin bewailed at the Cross. 1 OH ! if my soul was formed for wo, How would I vent my sighs ! Repentance should, like rivers, flow From both my streaming eyes. 2 *X was for my sins, my dearest Lord Hung on the cursed tree, — And groaned away a dying life, For thee, my soul ! — for thee. 3 Oh ! how I hate those sins of mine That shed the Saviour's blood ; That pierced and nailed his sacred flesh Fast to the fatal wood ! 4 Yes, my Redeemer ! they shall die ; My heart hath so decreed ; Nor will I spare the guilty things That made my Saviour bleed. 5 While with a melting, broken heart, My murdered Lord I view, I '11 raise revenge against my sins, And slay the murderers too. PQfi c M "W *J \J • Mourning at the Sepulchre. 1 YE humble souls that seek the Lord ! Cast all your fears away ; Draw nearj and, with delight, behold The place where Jesus lay. 2 Thus low the Lord of life was brought ;— 'T was love that brought him low ; 412 HYMNS. Thus low in death the Saviour lay, Who lived and bled for you. 3 If ye have wept at yonder cross, And still your sorrows rise, Stoop down and view the vanquished grave, And wipe your weeping eyes. 4 Yoifr Saviour lives, — for ever lives ! — Raise a triumphant strain ; No powers of hell, nor bars of death, The conqueror could detain. 5 O'er heaven and earth he now presides, Though once among the dead ; And to eternity shall reign Creation's glorious Head. 6 Ye mourning souls ! rejoice, while you His empty tomb survey ; As Christ arose, so you shall rise To realms of endless day. /wJ / • Returning to Christ. Q% : .'M..^/CJ^\^ 1 HOW oft, alas ! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, — Forgetful of his word ! 2 Yet sovereign mercy calls — "Return !* Dear Lord ! and may I come 1 ^ My vile ingratitude I mourn ; Oh ! take the wanderer home. 3 And canst thou — wilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove ? £ And shall a pardoned rebel live To speak thy wondrous love 1 * 4 Almighty grace ! thy healing power, How glorious — how divine ! q That can to life and bliss restore A heart so vile as mine ! 5 Thy pard'ning love — so free, so sweet- Dear Saviour ! I adore ; Oh ! keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. «* CONVERSION. 413 CONVERSION. 298. C. P. M. Tlie New-Birth. x AWAKED by Sinai's awful sound, My soul in bonds of guilt I found, And knew not where to go : One solemn truth increased my pain, — The sinner "must be born again," Or sink to endless wo. 2 I heard the law its thunders roll, While guilt lay heavy on my soul, — A vast oppressive load : All creature-aid I saw was vain ; — The sinner " must be born again," Or drink the wrath of God. 3 The saints I heard with rapture tell — How Jesus conquered death and hell To bring salvation near : Yet still I found this truth remain, — The sinr *t "must be born again," Or sinn in deep despair. 4 But while I thus in anguish lay, The bleeding Saviour passed that way, My bondage to remove : The sinner, once by justice slain, Now by his grace is born again, And sings redeeming love. L. M. God, the Portion of the Soul. 299. 1 FAR from thy fold, O God ! my feet Once moved in error's devious maze ; Nor found religious duties sweet, Noi sought thy face, nor loved thy ways. 2 With tenderest voice thou bad'st me flee The paths which thou couldst ne'er approve ; And gently drew my soul to thee, With cords of sweet eternal love. 35* 414 HYMNS. 3 Now to thy footstool, Lord ! I fly, And low in self-abasement fall ; A vile, a helpless worm, am I And thou, my God ! art all in all. 4 Dearer — far dearer to my heart, Than all the joys that earth can give ; From fame, from wealth, from friends I 'd pai Beneath thy countenance to live. «1AA 8s and 7s. t)vv» Taking up the Cross. 1 JESUS ! I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be ; Perish every fond ambition, — All I 've sought, or hoped, or known ! Yet how rich is my condition, — God and heaven are still my own ! 2 Let the world despise and leave me ; They have left my Saviour, too ; Human hearts and looks deceive me :— Thou art not, like them, untrue ; Oh ! while thou dost smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and might ! Foes may hate, and friends disown me ; — Show thy face, and all is bright. 3 Perish, earthly fame and treasure ! Come, disaster, scorn, and pain ! In thy service, pain is pleasure ; With thy favor, life is gain : Oh ! 't is not in grief to harm me, While thy love is left to me ; Oh ! 't were not in joy to charm me — Were that joy unmixed with thee. 301 8s, 7s and 4. The Surrender. 1 WELCOME, welcome, dear Redeemer ! Welcome to this heart of mine ; Lord ! I make a full surrender, Every power and thought be thine ; Thine entirely, — Through eternal ages thine. CONVERSION. 415 2 Known to all to be thy mansion, Earth and hell will disappear ; Or in vain attempt possession, When they find the Lord is near :^ Shout, O Zion ! Shout, ye saints ! the Lord is here. 302. ■ 7s. Love to the Saints. 303 PEOPLE of the living God ! I have sought the world around, Paths of sin and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort no where found : Now to you my spirit turns, — Turns, a fugitive unblest ; Brethren ! where your altar burns, Oh ! receive me into rest. Lonely, I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave ; Where you dwell, shall be my home, Where you die, shall be my grave : Mine the God whom you adore, Your Redeemer shall be mine ; Earth can fill my soul no more, — Every idol I resign. C M. Subdued by the Cross. IN evil, long I took delight, Unawed by shame or "fear, Till a new object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career. I saw one hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood ; He fixed his languid eyes on me, As near his cross I stood. Oh ! never, till my latest breath, Shall I forget that look ; It seemed to charge me with his death, Though not a word he spoke. My conscience felt and owned the guilt, It plunged me in despair ; 416 HYMNS. I saw, my sins his blood had spilt, And helped to nail him there. 5 A second look he gave, that said, " I freely all forgive ; This blood is for thy ransom paid, — I die that thou may'st live." 6 Thus, while his death my sin displays, In all its blackest hue, — Such is the mystery of grace, — It seals my pardon too. QA/{ 8s and 7s. OVy^r* Redemption. 1 SWEET the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend ! Life, and health, and peace possessing From the sinner's dying friend. 2 Here I '11 sit, for ever viewing Mercy streaming in his blood ; — Precious drops ! my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. 3 Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the cross I gaze ; Love I much ? — I 've much forgiven, — I 'm a miracle of grace. 4 Love and grief my heart dividing, Gazing here I 'd spend my breath ; Constant still in faith abiding, — Life deriving from his death. 5 Lord ! in ceaseless contemplation, Fix my heart and eyes on thine, Till I taste thy whole" salvation, Where, unveiled, thy glories shine. L. M. Parting with carnal Joys. I SEND the joys of earth away, — Away, ye tempters of the mind ! False as the smooth, deceitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind. Your streams were floating me along, Down to the gulf of black despair : 305 CONVERSION. 417 And, while I listened to your song, Your streams had e'en conveyed me there. 3 Lord ! I adore thy matchless grace, That warned me of that dark abyss ; That drew me from those treacherous seas, And bade me seek superior bliss. 4 Now to the shining realms above, I stretch my hands, and glance mine eyes ; Oh ! for the pinions of a dove, To bear me to the upper skies. 5 There, from the bosom of my God, Oceans of endless pleasure roll ; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrows of my soul. U \J \J • Rejoicing. 1 NOW let our voices join Tu raise a sacred song ; Ye pilgrims ! in Jehovah's ways, With music pass along. 2 See — flowers of paradise, In rich profusion, spring ; The sun of glory gilds the path, And dear companions sing. 3 See — Salem's golden spires, In beauteous prospect, rise ; And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Which sparkle through the skies. 4 All honor to his name, Who marks the shining way, — To him who leads the pilgrims on To realms of endless day. 307 c M *J v/ I • Salvation welcomed. 1 SALVATION! Oh! the joyful sound ; 'T is pleasure to our ears ; — A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay ; 418 HYMNS. But we arise, by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. 3 Salvation ! — let tb~ echo fly The spacious earth around ; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. *-* v/0« Darkness turned to Light. 1 BOUNDLESS glory, Lord \ he thine J Thou hast made the dai kness shine ; Thou hast sent a cheering ray ; Thou hast turned our night to day. 2 Darkness lo$g involved us round, Till we knew* 1 the joyful sound ; Then our darkness fled away, — Chased by truth's effulgent ray. 3 They are blessed, and none beside, — They, who in the truth abide ; Clear, the light that marks their way- Leading to eternal day. 4 Guide us, Saviour ! through the road, Till we reach the saints' abode ; Till we see thee throned above, As thou art, — the God of love. OQQ C M. *J\J*J • Returning to Zion. 1 SING, all ye ransomed of the Lord ! Your great Deliverer sing : Ye pilgrims ! now, for Zion bound, Be joyful in your King. 2 See the fair way his hand hath made ;— How peaceful and how plain ! The simplest traveler need not err, Nor seek the path in vain. 3 A hand divine shall lead you on, Through all the blissful road ; Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your smiling God. 4 Bright garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on every head ; CONVERSION. 419 While sorrow, sighing, and distress, Like shadows, all are fled. 5 March on, in your Redeemer's strength ; Pursue his footsteps still ; With joyful hope, still fix your eye On Zion's heavenly hill. Qlf) SM tJ J. v/o Submission to Christ. 1 JESUS ! I come tc thee, A sinner doomed to die ; My only refuge is thy cross, — Here at thy feet I lie. 2 Can mercy reach my case, And all my sins remove? Break, O my God ! this heart of stone, And melt it by thy love. 3 Too long my soul has gone, Far from my God, astray ; I 've sported on the brink of hell, In sin's delusive way. 4 But, Lord ! my heart is fixed, — I hope in thee alone ; Break off the chains of sin and death, And bind me to thy throne. 5 Thy blood can cleanse my heart, Thy hand can wipe my tears ; — Oh ! send thy blessed Spirit down, To banish all my fears. 6 Then shall my soul arise, From sin and Satan free ; Redeemed from hell and every foe, I '11 trust alone in thee. 311 CM. Self-Dedication. 1 WELCOME, O Saviour ! to my heart ; Possess thine humble throne ; Bid every rival hence depart, And claim me for thine own. 2 The world and Satan I forsake, — To thee, I all resign ; 420 HYMNS. My longing heart, O Jesus ! take, And till with love divine. 3 Oh ! may I never turn aside, Nor from thy bosom flee ; Let nothing here my heart divide,— I give it all to thee. QIO CM *-> J- /W« Prayer for the Spirit of Adoption. 1 SPIRIT of holiness ! look down, Our fainting hearts to cheer ; And, when we tremble at thy frown, Oh ! bring thy comforts near. 2 The terrors thy convictions wrought, Oh ! let thy grace remove ; And may the souls, which thou hast taught To weep, now learn to love. 3 Now let thy saving mercy heal The wounds it made before ; Now on our hearts impress thy seal, That we may doubt no more. 4 Complete the work thou hast begun, And make our darkness light, — That we a glorious race may run, Till faith be lost in sight. 5 Then, as our wandering eyes discern The Lord's unclouded face, In fitter language, we shall learn To sing triumphant grace. 313. C. M. Old Things passed away. 1 LET earthly minds the world pursue, It has no charms for me ; Once I admired its trifles too, But grace hath set me free. 2 Its joys can now no longer please, Nor e'en content afford : Far from my heart be joys like these, For 1 have seen the Lord. 3 As by the light of opening day, The stars are all concealed ; 314 CONVERSION. 421 So earthly pleasures fade away, When Jesus is revealed. 4 Creatures no more divide my choice, I bid them all depart ; His name, his love, his gracious voice, Have fixed my roving heart. 5 But may I hope that ihou wilt own A worthless worm like me 7 Dear Lord ! I would be thine alone, And wholly live to thee. C. M. Tliefull Purpose. 1 IN all my Lord's appointed ways, My journey I '11 pursue ; Hinder me not, — ye much-loved saints ! For I must go with you. 2 Through floods and flames, if Jesus leads, I '11 follow where he goes ; Hinder me not ! — shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oppose. 3 Through duty, and through trials too, I '11 go at his command ; Hinder me not, for I am bound To my ImmanuePs land. 4 And when my Saviour calls me home, Still this my cry shall be, — Hinder me not, — come, welcome, death ! I '11 gladly go with thee. <_) -J ^T 8s and 7s. O JL tJ • Redeeming- Love. 1 COME, thou Fount of every blessing ! Tune my heart to grateful lays ; Streams of mercy, never-ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. 2 Teach me some melodious measure, Sung by raptured saints above ; Fill my soul with sacred pleasure, While I sing redeeming love. 3 Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; 422 HYMNS. He to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 4 Oh ! to grace how great a debtor, Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let. thy grace, Lord ! like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee. 5 Prone to wander, — Lord ! I feel it ; Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart, Oh ! take and seal it*— Seal it from thy courts above. 31 ft * M U JL \J • Joy over tfie Penitent. 1 OH ! how divine, how sweet the joy, When but one sinner turns, And with an humble, broken heart, His sin and error mourns ! 2 Pleased with the news, the saints below, In songs, their tongues employ ; Beyond the skies the tidings go, And heaven is filled with joy. 3 Well-pleased, the Father sees and hears The conscious sinner's moan ; Jesus receives him in his arms, And claims him for his own. 4 Nor angels can their joys contain, But kindle with new fire: "The sinner lost is found !" they sing, And strike the sounding lyre. Q 1 H L M J X I • Joy in Heaven for a repenting Sinner. 1 WHO can describe the joys that rise, Through all the courts of Paradise, To see a prodigal return, — To see an heir of glory born 1 2 With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of his eternal love ; The Son with joy looks down, and The purchase of his agonies. 3 The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul he formed anew ; CONVERSION. 423 And saints and angels join to sing The growing empire of their king. 01 O S. M O J- 0» Tlie Song of the Saved on Earth. 1 FROM Egypt's bondage come, Where death and darkness reign, We seek a new, a better home, Where we our rest' shall gain. 2 To Canaan's sacred bound, We haste with songs of joy, Where peace and liberty are found, And sweets that never cloy. 3 There sin and sorrow cease, And every conflict 's o'er : There we shall dwell in endless peace, Nor thirst nor hunger more. 4 There, in celestial strains, Enraptured myriads sing ; And love in every bosom reigns, — For God himself is king. 5 We hope to join the throng, And soon their pleasures share : — To sing the everlasting song, With all the ransomed there. 6 How sweet the prospect is ! It cheers the pilgrim's breast ; We 're journeying through the wilderness, To our eternal rest. 319 L.M. A Youth, seeking heavenly Wisdom. I ASK not wealth, nor pomp, nor ppwer, Nor fleeting pleasures of an hour : My soul aspires to nobler things Than all the pride and state of kings. One thing I ask ; — Lord ! wilt thou hear, And grant my soul a gift so dear 1 — Wisdom, descending from above, The sweetest token of thy love : — Wisdom, betimes to know the Lord, ro fear his name, and keep his word ; 424 HYMNS. To lead my feet in paths of truth, And guide and guard my wandering youth. 4 Then shouldst thou grant a length of days, My life shall still proclaim thy praise ; Or early death my soul convey To realms of everlasting day. 390 H M U/^syJ* Renouncing the World. 1 COME, my fond fluttering heart ! Come, struggle to be free ; Thou and the world must part, However hard it be : My trembling spirit owns it just. But cleaves yet closer to the dust. 2 Ye tempting sweets ! forbear; Ye dearest idols ! fall ; My love ye must not share, Jesus shall have it all : 'T is bitter pain, — 't is cruel smart, — But, ah ! thou must consent, my heart ! 3 Ye fair enchanting throng ! Ye golden dreams ! farewell ! Earth has prevailed too long, And now I break the spell : Farewell, ye joys of early years ! — Jesus ! forgive these parting tears. 4 In Gilead there is balm, A kind Physician there, My fevered mind to calm, And bid me not despair : Aid me, dear Saviour ! set me free ; My all I would resign to thee. 5 Oh ! may I feel thy worth, And let no idol dare, — No vanity of earth, With thee, my Lord ! compare : Now bid all worldly joys depart, And reign supremely in my heart CHRISTIAN. 425 CHRISTIAN. 321 Rejoicing in Jesus. 1 NOW begin the heavenly theme, Sing aloud in Jesus' name ; Ye, who his salvation prove, Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye, who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, As to Canaan on ye move, Praise, and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls ! dry up your tears; Banish all your sinful fears ; See your guilt and curse remove, — Cancelled by redeeming love. 4 Welcome all, by sin oppressed, — Welcome to his sacred rest ! Nothing brought him from above, — Nothing but redeeming love. 5 Hither, then, your music bring ; Strike aloud each joyful string ; Mortals ! join the hosts above^— Join to praise redeeming love. 6 When his Spirit leads us home, When we to his glory come, We shall all the fulness prove Of the Lord's redeeming love* 8s and 7s. Joyful Hope. KNOW, my soul ! thy full salvation, Rise o'er sin, and fear and care, Joy to find, in every station, Something still to do or bear : Think, what spirit dwells within thee; Think, what Father's smiles are thine; Think, what Jesus did to win thee ; — Child of heaven ! canst thou repine 2 36* 426 HYMNS. 2 Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed with faith, and winged with prayer; Heaven's eternal day 's before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there : Soon shall close thine earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim-days ; Hope shall change to glad fruition, — Faith to sight, and prayer to praise- 323 s. M. Salvation by Grace. 1 GRACE ! — 't is a charming sound,— Harmonious to the ear ; Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first contrived the way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. 3 Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenly road ; And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone r And well deserves the praise. O/C^dtt. Filial Obedience. 1 GRACE, like an uncorrupted seed r Abides and reigns within ; Immortal principles forbid The sons of God to sin. 2 Not by the terrors of a slave, Do they perform his will ; But, with the noblest powers they have, His sweet commands fulfill. 3 They find access, at every hour, To God, within the veil ; Hence they derive a quickening power, And joys that never fail. 325. CHRISTIAN. 427 4 Oh ! happy souls ! — Oh ! glorious state Of overflowing grace, — To dwell so near their Father's seat, And see his lovely face. 5 Lord ! I address thy heavenly throne ; Call me a child of thine ; Send down the Spirit of thy Son To form my heart divine. 6 There shed thy choicest love abroad, And make my comforts strong ; Then shall I say,—" My Father, God 1* With an unwavering tongue. c. M. Faith encouraged by ancient Examples. 1 RISE, O my soul ! pursue the path, By ancient worthies trod ; Aspiring, view those holy men, Who lived and walked with God. 2 Though dead, they speak in reason's ear, And in example live ; Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds, Still fresh instruction give. 3 T was through the Lamb's most precious bloody They conquered every foe ; And to his power and matchless grace, Their crowns of life they owe. 4 Lord ! may I ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given ; And ne'er forsake the blessed road, That led them safe to heaven. 326. Salvation through Christ. NOW, to the power of God supreme Be everlasting honors given ; He saves from hell, — we bless his name, — He calls our wandering feet to heaven. Not for our duties, or deserts, But of his own abounding grace, He works salvation in our hearts, And forms a people for his praise. 428 HYMNS. 3 'T was his own purpose that begun To rescue rebels, doomed to die ; He gave us grace in Christ, his Son, Before he spread the starry sky. 4 Jesus, the Lord, appears at last, And makes his Father's counsels known Declares the great transaction past, And brings immortal blessings down. 5 He dies, — and, in that dreadful night, Did all the powers of hell destroy ; Rising — he brought our heaven to light, And took possession of the joy. O97 CM. *->& i • The Hope of Heaven. 1 WHEN I can read my title, clear, To mansions in the skies, I bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And hell's fierce darts be hurled : Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares, like a wild deluge, come, And storms of sorrow fall ; May I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all ; — 4 There shall I bathe my weary soul, In seas of heavenly rest ; And not a wave of trouble roll, Across my peaceful breast. 7s and 6s. Peculiar. Pilgrim's Song. 328. 1 RISE, my soul ! and stretch thy wings. Thy better portion trace ; Rise from transitory things, Toward heaven, thy native place: Sun, and moon, and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise, my soul ! and ha.ste away, To seats prepared above. CHRISTIAN 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course ; Fire ascending seeks the sun, — Both speed them to their source ; So a soul, that 's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face ; Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims ! cease to mourn, Press onward to the prize ; Soon the Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies : Yet a season, — and you know, Happy entrance will be given ; All our sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for heaven. qOQ CM. *JAJ *J • Salvation by Grace. 1 LORD ! we confess our numerous faults ; How great our guilt has been ! Foolish and vain were all our thoughts, And all our lives were sin. 2 But, O my soul ! for ever praise, For ever love his name, Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways Of folly, sin, and shame. 3 'T is not by works of righteousness Which our own hands have done ; But we are saved by sovereign grace, Abounding through his Son 4 'T is from the mercy of our God, That all our hopes begin ; "Iiis by the water, and the blood, Our souls are washed from sin. 5 'T is through the purchase of his death Who hung upon the tree, The Spirit is sent down, to breathe On such dry bones as we. 6 Raised from the dead, we live anew ; And, justified by grace, We shall appear in glory too, And see our Father's face. 430 HYMNS. tJU\J» Heavenly Joy on Earth 1 COME, ye who love the Lord ! And let your joys be known : Join in a song of sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 2 Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God ; But children of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 3 The men of grace have found Glory begun below : Celestial fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow 4 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. 5 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; We 're marching through ImmanuePs ground, To fairer worlds on high. 331 CM. Redemption and Protection. ARISE, my soul ! my joyful powers ! And triumph in my God ; Awake, my voice ! and loud proclaim His glorious grace abroad. He raised me from the deeps of sin, — The opening gates of hell ; And fixed my standing more secure, That 't was before I fell. The arms of everlasting love, Beneath my soul he placed ; And on the rock of ages set My slippery footsteps fast. The city of my blest abode Is walled around with grace , Salvation for a bulwark stands, To shield the sacred place. CHRISTIAN. 431 5 Arise, my soul ! awake, my voice ! And tunes of pleasure sing ; Loud hallelujahs shall address My Saviour and my King. vW/Vi Pleasures unseen. 1 OH ! could our thoughts and wishes fly, Above these gloomy shades. To those bright worlds, beyond the sky, Which sorrow ne'er invades ! — 2 There, joys, unseen by mortal eyes, Or reason's feeble ray, In ever-blooming prospects rise, Unconscious of decay. 3 Lord ! send a beam of light divine, To guide our upward aim ; With one reviving touch of thine, Our languid hearts inflame. 4 Oh ! then, on faith's sublimest wing, Our ardent hope shall rise To those bright scenes, where pleasures spring Immortal, in the skies. 3QQ CM. O O • Tlie Robe of Righteousness. 1 AWAKE, my heart ! arise, my tongue ! Prepare a tuneful voice ; In God, the life of all my joys, Aloud will I rejoice. 2 'T is he adorned my naked soul, And made salvation mine ; Upon a poor polluted worm, He makes his graces shine. 3 And, lest the shadow of a spot Should on my soul be found, He took the robe the Saviour wrought, And cast it all around. 4 How far the heavenly robe exceeds What earthly princes wear ! These ornaments — how bright they shine I How white the garments are I 132 HYMNS. 5 Strangely, my soul ! art thou arrayed By the great sacred Three ! In sweetest harmony of praise, Let all thy powers agree. 334 L. M. The Christian Race. 1 AWAKE, our souls ! away, our fears ! Let every trembling thought be gone ; ' Awake — and run the heavenly race, And put a cheerful courage on. 2 True, — 't is a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint \ But they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of every saint ;- 3 The mighty God, whose matchless power Is ever new, and ever young, And firm endures while endless years Their everlasting circles run. 4 From thee, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a foil supply ; While such as trust their native strength, Shall melt away, and droop, and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We '11 mount aloft to thine abode ; On wings of love, our souls shall fly, Nor tire amid the heavenly road. C. M. The Christian Race. 1 AWAKE, my soul ! stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 'T is God's all-animating voice, That calls thee from on high ; ? T is he, whose hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 3 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 335 CHRISTIAN. 43B 4 Blest Saviour ! introduced by thee, Our race have we begun : And, crowned with vict'ry, at thy feet. We '11 lay our trophies down. fJtJyJt Rejoicing in Hope. 1 CHILDREN of the heavenly King ! As ye journey, sweetly sing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are travelling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Shout, ye little flock ! and blest ; You on Jesus' throne shall rest ; There, your seat is now prepared, — There, your kingdom and reward. 4 Fear not, brethren ! joyful stand On the borders of your land ; Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on. 5 Lord ! submissive make us go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow thee. i^rv L. M. 'Oio The Christian Warfare. 1 STAND up, my soul ! shake off thy fears, And gird the gospel-armor on ; March to the gates of endless joy, Where Jesus, thy great Captain 's gonu. 2 Hell and thy sins resist thy course, — But hell and sin are vanquished foes ; Thy Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sung the triumph, when he rose. 3 Then, let my soul march boldly on, Press forward to the heavenly gate ; There, peace and joy et< rnal reign, And glittering robes ( r conquerors war 37 434 HYMNS. 4 There shall I wear a starry crown, And triumph in almighty grace ; While all the armies of the skies Join in my glorious leader's praise. 338 CM. Holy Love. 1 HAPPY the heart where graces reign, Where love inspires the ureast ; Love is the brightest of the train, And strengthens all the rest. 2 Knowledge,— alas ! 't is all in vain, And all in vain our fear ; Our stubborn sins will fight and reign, If love be absent there. 3 This is the grace that lives and sings, When faith and hope shall cease ; 'T is this shall strike our joyful strings, In the sweet realms of bliss. 4 Before we quite forsake our clay, Or leave this dark abode, The wings of love bear us away To see our smiling God. 339. L. M. Love to God and Man. 1 HAD I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, And nobler speech than angels use,— If love be absent, I am found Like tinkling brass— an empty sound. Were I inspired to preach, and tell All that is done in heaven and hell,— Or could my faith the world remove, Still— I am nothing without love. Should I distribute all my store To feed the hungry— clothe the poor; Or give my body to the flame, To gain a martyr's glorious name ; — If love to God, and love to men, Be absent, all my hopes are vain : Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal, The work of love can e'er fulfill. CHRISTIAN. 435 ij^tiKJt Wlio on earth are blessed. 1 BLEST are the humble souls, that see Their emptiness and poverty ; Treasures of grace to them are given, And crowns of joy laid up in heaven. ii Blest are the men of broken heart, Who mourn for sin with inward smart ; The blood of Christ divinely flows — A healing balm for all their woes. 3 Blest are the meek, who stand afar From rage and passion, noise and war ; God will secure their happy state, And plead their cause against the great. 4 Blest are the souls, that thirst for grace,— Hunger and long for righteousness ; They shall be well-supplied, and fed, With living streams and living bread. L. M. Who on earth are blessed. 341. 1 BLEST are the men, whose hearts do move And melt with sympathy and love ; From Christ, the Lord, shall they obtain Like sympathy and love again. 2 Blest are the pure, whose hearts are clean From the defiling power of sin ; With endless pleasure, they shall see A God of spotless purity. 3 Blest are the men of peaceful life, Who quench the coals of growing strife ; They shall be called the heirs of bliss,— The sons of God, the God of peace. 4 Blest are the sufferers, who partake Of pain and shame, for Jesus' sake ; Their souls shall triumph in the Lord, — Glory and joy are their reward. 342 CM. Brotherly Love. 1 HOW sweet and heavenly is the sight, When those who love the Lord 343 56 HYMNS. In one another's peace delight, And so fulfill his word ! 2 Oh ! may we feel each brother's sigh, And with him bear a part ; May sorrows flow from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart. 3 Let love, in one delightful stream, Through every bosom flow ; Let union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action, glow. 4 Love is the golden chain that binds The happy souls above ; And he 's an heir of heaven who finds His bosom glow with love. 7s. Christian Union and Love. 1 JESUS, Lord ! we look to thee, Let us in thy name agree ; Show thyself the Prince of peace, Bid all strife for ever cease. 2 Make us one in heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind, Lowly, meek, in thought and word, Wholly like our blessed Lord. 3 Let us each for others care, Each his brother's burden bear, To thy church a pattern give, Showing how believers live. 4 Let us, then, with joy, remove To thy family above ; On the wings of angels fly, — Showing how believers die. iJHti^t 9 Christian Union. 1 BLEST be the tie, that binds Our hearts, in chrislian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne, We pour cur ardent prayers ; CHRISTIAN. 437 Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, — Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear ; And often, for each other, flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage, by the way ; While each, in expectation, lives, And long to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin, we shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign, Through all eternity. OAK SM - U^-HO . All, one in Christ. 1 LET party-names no more The christian world o'erspread : Gentile .* ~\d Jew, and bond and free, Are one, in Christ, their head. 2 Among the saints on earth, Let mutual love abound ; — Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crowned. 3 Thus will the church below Resemble that above ; Where streams of endless pleasure ilow, And every heart is love. 346 7s. Parting of Christians. 1 FOR a season called to part, Let us now ourselves commend, To the gracious eye and heart Of our ever-present friend. 2 Jesus ! hear our humble prayer ; Tender shepherd of thy sheep ! 37* ' 438 HYMNS. Let thy mercy and thy care All our souls in safety keep. 3 In thy strength, may we be strong ; Sweeten every cross and pain ; Grant, that, if we live, ere-long We may meet in peace again. 4 Then, if thou thy help afford, Joyful songs to thee shall rise, And our souls shall praise the Lord, Who regards our humble cries. 3/17 CM ' eJ^tl I • Love to our Neighbor. 1 FATHER of mercies! send thy grace. All-powerful from above, To form, in our obedient souls, The image of thy love. 2 Oh ! may our sympathizing breasts That generous pleasure know, Kindly to share in others' joy, And weep for others' wo. 3 When the most helpless sons of grief, In low distress, are laid, Soft be our hearts their pains to feel* And swift our hands to aid. 4 So Jesus looked on dying men, When throned above the skies ' r And mid th' embraces of thy love, He felt compassion rise. 5 On wings of love the Saviour flew, To raise us from the ground ; And gave his own most precious blood, A balm for every wound. Q/l Q c - M l/TJOt Compassion and Charity. 1 BLEST is the man, whose softening heart Feels all another's pain ; To whom th ,j supplicating eye Is never raised in vain ; — 2 Whose breast expands with generous warmtlv| A brother's woes to feel, CHRISTIAN. 439 And bleeds in pity o'er the wound He wants the power to heal. 3 He spreads his kind supporting arms To every child of grief ; His secret bounty largely flows, And brings unasked relief. 4 To gentle offices of love, His feet are never slow ; He views, through mercy's melting eye, A brother in a foe. 5 He, from the bosom of his God, Shall present peace receive ; And, when he kneels before the throne, His trembling soul shall live. CM. For benevolent Societies. 349. 1 BRIGHT Source of everlasting love ! To thee our souls we raise ; And to thy sovereign bounty rear A monument of praise. 2 Thy mercy gilds the path of life, With every cheering ray : Kindly restrains the rising tear, Or wipes that tear away. 3 When sunk in guilt, our souls approached The borders of despair, Thy grace, through Jesus' blood, proclaimed A free salvation near. 4 What shall we render, bounteous Lord ! For all the grace we see 1 Alas ! the goodness, worms can yield, Extendeth not to thee. 5 To tents of wo, to beds of pain, Our cheerful feet repair ; And, with the gifts thy hand bestows, Relieve the mourners there. (? The widow's heart shall sing for joy, The orphan shall be fed ; The hungering soul, we '11 gladly point To Christ, the living bread. 440 HYMNS. 350 C. M. Charitable Appropriations. 1 JESUS, our Lord ! how rich thy grace ! Thy bounties — how complete ! How shall we count the wondrous sum, Or pay the mighty debt 1 2 High on a throne of radiant light, Dost thou exalted shine ; What can our poverty bestow, Since all the world is thine. 3 But thou hast brethren here below, The children of thy grace, Whose humble names thou wilt confess, Before thy Father's face. *1 In them may'st thou be clothed and fed, Be visited and cheered ; And, in their accents of distress, The Saviour's voice be heard. 5 Whate'er our willing hands can give, Lord ! at thy feet we lay ; Grace will the humble gift receive. And grace at length repay. *J fJ JL • Supports of Religion. 1 WHEN gloomy doubts and fears The trembling heart invade, And all the face of nature wears A universal shade ; — 2 Religion can assuage The tempest of the soul ; And every fear gives up its rage At her divine control. 3 Through life's bewildered way, Her hand unerring leads: And o'er the path, her heavenly ray A cheering lustre sheds. 4 When reason, tired and blind, Sinks helpless and afraid ; Thou blest supporter of the mind ! How powerful is thine aid ! CHRISTIAN. 441 5 Oh ! let me feel thy power And find thy sweet relief, To cheer my every gloom)'' hour* And calm my every grief. ^J tJ& • Contrition and Prayer. 1 OH ! for that tenderness of heart, That bows before the Lord ; That owns how just and good thou art, And trembles at thy word. 2 Oh ! for those humble, contrite tears, Which from repentance flow ; That sense of guilt, which, trembling, fears The long-suspended blow ! 3 Saviour ! to me, in pity give, For sin, the deep distress ; The pledge thou wilt, at last, receive, And bid me die in peace. 4 Oh ! till my soul with faith and love, And strength to do thy will ; Raise my desires and hopes above, — Thyself to me reveal. Q£\Q 8s, 7s and 4. Ot/O. Hope encouraged. 1 O MY soul ! what means this sadness T Wherefore art thou thus cast down 1 Let thy grief be turned to gladness, Bid thy restless fear begone ; Look to Jesus, And rejoice in his dear name. 2 Though ten thousand ills beset thee, Though thy heart is stained with sin, Jesus lives, he '11 ne'er forget thee, He will make thee pure within ; He is faithful To perform his gracious word. 3 Though distresses now attend thee, And thou tread'st the thorny road ; His right hand shall still defend thee ; Soon he '11 bring thee home to God ; Thou shalt praise him, — Praise the great Redeemer's name. 354 442 HYMNS. 4 Oh ! that I could low adore him, Like the heavenly host above, Who for ever bow before him, And unceasing sing his love ! Happy spirits ! When shall I your chorus join 1 C. M. Strength from Heaven. 1 WHENCE do our mournful thoughts arise 1 And where 's our courage fled ? Have restless sin, and raging hell, Struck all our comforts dead ) 2 Have we forgot th' almighty name, That formed the earth and seal And can an all-creating arm Grow weary, or decay ? 3 Treasures of everlasting might In our Jehovah dwell ; He gives the conquest to the weak, And treads their foes to hell. 4 Mere mortal powers shall fade and die, And youthful vigor cease ; But we, that wait upon the Lord, Shall feel our strength increase. 5 The saints shall mount on eagles' wings And taste the promised bliss , Till their unwearied feet arrive, Where perfect pleasure is. *JOO» Spiritual Desertion. 1 WHERE is my Saviour now, Whose smiles I once possessed 1 Till he return, I bow, By heaviest grief oppressed : My "days of happiness have gone, And I am left to weep alone. 2 Where can the mourner go, And tell his tale of grief] Ah ! who can soothe his wo, And give him sweet relief? 356 CHRISTIAN. 443 Earth Ccannot heal the wounded breast, Nor give the troubled sinner rest. 3 Jesus ! thy smiles impart ; My dearest Lord ! return, And ease my wounded heart, And bid me cease to mourn : Then shall this night of sorrow flee, And peace and heaven be found in thee. L. M. Asking divine Consolation. 1 SWEET peace of conscience, heavenly guest Come, fix thy mansion in my breast, Dispel my doubts, my fears control, And heal the anguish of my soul. 2 Come, smiling hope ! and joy sincere ! Come, make your constant dwelling here ; Still let your presence cheer my heart, Nor sin compel you to depart. 3 Thou God of hope and peace divine ! Oh ! make these sacred pleasures mine ; Forgive my sins, my fears remove, And send the tokens of thy love. 4 Then should mine eyes, without a tear, See death with ail its terrors near ; My heart should then in death rejoice, And raptures tune my faltering voice. *JZJ I • Beatific Vision of Christ. 1 FROM thee, my God ! my joys shall rise, And run eternal rounds, Beyond the limits of the skies, And all created bounds. 2 The holy triumphs of my soul Shall death itself out-brave, Leave dull mortality behind, And fly beyond the grave. 3 There, where my blessed Jesus reigns, In heaven's unmeasured space, I '11 spend a long eternity In pleasure, and in praise. 358. <14 HYMNS. 4 Blest Jesus ! every smile of thine Shall fresh endearments bring, And thousand tastes of new delight From all- thy graces spring. 5 Haste, mv Beloved I fetch my soul Up to thy blest abode ; Fly— for my spirit longs to see My Saviour, and my God. c. M. Heaven on Earth. 1 WHILE through this changing world we roam, From infancy to age, _ Heaven is the christian pilgrim s home, His rest at every stage. 2 Thither, his raptured thought ascends, Eternal joys to share ; There his adoring spirit bends, While here, he kneels in prayer. 3 From earth his freed affections rise, To fix on things above, Where all his hope of glory lies,— Where all is perfect love. 4 There too may we our treasure place, There let our hearts be found ; That still, where sin abounded, grace May more and more abound. 5 Henceforth, our conversation be, With Christ before the throne ; Ere long we, eye to eye, shall see, And know as we are known. J a C. P.M. qOc/. Worlrlliness lamented. 1 THE mind was formed, to mount sublime Beyond the narrow bounds of time, To everlasting things ; But earthly vapors dim her sight, And hang, with cold oppressive weight, Upon her drooping wings. 2 Bright scenes of bliss,— unclouded skies, Invite my soul ;— Oh ! could I rise, Nor leave a thought below, CHRISTIAN. 445 I 'd bid farewell to anxious care, And say, to every tempting snare, — Heaven calls, and I must go : — Heaven calls, — and can I yet delay 1 Can aught on earth engage my stay? Ah ! wretched lingering heart ! Come, Lord ! with strength, and life, and light. Assist and guide my upward flight, And bid the world depart. 360. Backsliders invited to return. 1 RETURN to the guide of thy youth,— Thy Maker, thy Father, thy Friend ! Behold him prepared to receive The child who has dared to offend : Return — the Redeemer invites ; Full oft he hath sought thee before ; But, lo ! with unspeakable grace, He deigns to entreat thee once more. 2 Return, — and enjoyments are thine, Too vast for the heart to conceive ; — Enjoyments which only belong To those who repent and believe ; A love which for ever expands ; Unceasing composure of heart; A crown of unfading delight; A kingdom which cannot depart. *J \J JL • God, the Author of Mercies and Afflictions: 1 NAKED, as from the earth we came, And rose to life at first, We to the earth return again, And mingle with the dust. 2 The dear delights we here enjoy, And fondly call our own, Are only favors borrowed now, To be repaid anon. 3 'Tis God, who lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave ; He gives, and — blessed be his name !— He takes but what he gave. 38 446 HYMNS. 4 Peace, all our angry passions ! then ; Let each rebellious sigh Be silent, at his sovereign will, And every murmur die. 5 If smiling mercy crown our lives, Its praises shall be spread ; And we '11 adore the justice too, That strikes our comforts dead. Q£?Q 86 and 7s. 0\)/C, Eternity. 1 IN this world of sin and sorrow, Compassed round with every care, From eternity we borrow Hope that banishes despair. 2 Thee, triumphant God and Saviour ! In the glass of faith we see, Oh ! assist each faint endeavor, Raise our earth-born souls to thee. 3 Bring that awful scene, before us, Of the last tremendous day, When to life thou wilt restore us ; — Lingering ages ! haste away. 4 Then this vile and sinful nature Incorruption shall put on ; Life-renewing, glorious Saviour ! Let thy gracious will be done. OOO. Trust in God. 1 YOUR harps, ye trembling saints ! Down from the willows take : Loud to the praise of love divine, Bid every string awake. 2 Though in a foreign land, We are not far from home ; And nearer to our house above, We every moment come. 3 His grace will, to the end, Stronger and brighter shine ; Nor present things — nor things to come Shall quench this spark divine. CHRISTIAN. 447 4 When we in darkness walk, Nor feel the heavenly flame ; Then will we trust our gracious God, And rest upon his name. 5 Soon shall our doubts and fears Subside at his control ; His loving-kindness shall break through The midnight of the soul. 6 Blest is the man, O God ! That stays himself on thee : — Who waits for thy salvation, Lord ! Shall thy salvation see. 364. 8s. 7s and 4. The Gladness of the Righteou*. 1 FAR from us be grief and sadness , Farther still unhallowed mirth : Zion's sons may sing, with gladness, Theirs are joys of heavenly birth : ~;sus owns them, — Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth. 2 All the worlding's mirth is madness, All his labor fruitless toil : 'T is the saints that taste of gladness, Though the world their choice revile : Sweet their portion : — Life is in the Saviour's smile. & Worlds would seem as nothing to us, Balanced with a Saviour s love : Since the Lord in mercy drew us — Drew our souls to things above, Earthly objects Can no longer greatly move, 4 Once the world was all our treasure ; Then the world our hearts possessed ; Now we taste sublimer pleasure, Since the Lord has made us blest ; We can witness, — Jesus gives his people rest 44? HYMNS. 365 8s and 73. Pilgrim. 1 GENTLY, Lord ! Oh ! gently lead us, Through this lonely vale of tears ; Through" the changes thou 'st decreed us, Till our last great change appears : When temptation's darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray, Let thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in thy perfect way. 2 In the hour of pain and anguish, In the hour when death draws near, Suffer not our hearts to languish, — Suffer not our souls to fear : And, when mortal life is ended, Bid us on thy bosom rest, Till, by angel-bands attended, We awake among the blest. 3/? /I? 7s and 6s. Peculiar. UUt Pleading by tlie Cross. 1 LAMB of God ! whose bleeding love We now recall to mind ; — Send the answer from above, And let us mercy find : Think on us who think on thee; Every burdened soul release ; Oh ! remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. 2 Let thy blood, by faith applied, The sinner's pardon seal ; Speak us freely-justified, And all our sickness heal : By thy passion on the tree, Let our griefs and troubles cease; Oh ! remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. 3 Can we ever hence depart Till thou our wants relieve 1 Write forgiveness on our heart, And all thine image give : Still our souls shall cry to thee, Till renewed by holiness, — Oh ! remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. 367 CHRISTIAN. 449 C. M. Asking Mercy in Affliction. 1 O THOU whose mercy guides my way ! Though now it seems severe, Forbid my unbelief to say There is no mercy here. 2 Oh ! grant me to desire the pain That comes in kindness down, More than the world's alluring gain Succeeded by a frown. 3 Then, though thou bend my spirit low, Love only shall I see ; The very hand, that strikes the blow, Was wounded once for me. oao c. m. 0\JO» Confidence in God's Government. 1 SINCE all the varying scenes of time God's watchful eye surveys, Oh ! who so wise to choose our lot, Or to appoint our ways 1 2 Good, when he gives — supremely good; Nor less, when he denies ; E'en crosses, from his sovereign hand, Are blessings in disguise. 3 Why should we doubt a Father's love, So constant and so kind 1 To his unerring gracious will Be eveTy wish resigned. 4 In thy fair book of life divine, My God 1 inscribe my name ; There let it fill some humble place Beneath my Lord, the Lamb ! 3f\Q lls \J*J • Relying ok the Promises. 1 HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord ! Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ! What more can he say, than to you he hath said 1— You, who unto Jesus for refuge* have fled. 2 Fear not, I am with thee, Oh ! be not dismayed, I — I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I '11 strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to Upheld bv my righteous, omnipotent hand, [stand, 38* 370 450 HYMNS. 3 When through the deep waters I cause thee to go* The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow ; For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 4 When thro' fiery trials thy path-way shall lie, My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee, — I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 5 E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary, hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still, in my bosom, be borne. 6 The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes ; That soul, tho' all hell should endeavor to shake, I '11 never, — no, never,— no, never forsake. C. M. Complaining of spiritual Sloth. 1 MY drowsy powers ! why sleep ye so 1 Awake, my sluggish soul ! Nothing has half thy work to do, Yet nothing 's half so dull. 2 The little ants, for one poor grain, Labor, and tug, and strive ; Yet we, who have a heaven t' obtain, — How negligent we live ! — 3 We, for whose sake all nature stands, And stars their courses move ; — We, for whose guard the angel-bands Come flying from above ; — 4 We, for whom God, the Son, came down, And labored for our good ; — How careless to secure that crown He purchased with his blood ! 5 Lord ! shall we lie so sluggish still, And never act our parts 1 Come, holy Dove ! from th' heavenly hill, And sit and warm our hearts. , 6 Then shall our active spirits move, — Upward our souls shall rise: With hands of faith, and wings of love, We '11 fly and take the prize. CHRISTIAN 451 371 7s and 6s. Desire for Heaven. 1 FROM every earthly pleasure, From every transient joy, From every mortal treasure That soon will fade and die ;— No longer these desiring, Upward our wishes tend, To nobler bliss aspiring, And joys that never end. I From every piercing sorrow That heaves our breast to-day, Or threatens us to-morrow, Hope turns our eyes away ; On wings of faith ascending, We see the land of light, And feel our sorrows ending, In infinite delight. II 'T is true we are but strangers And pilgrims here below,. And countless snares and dangers Surround the path we go : Though painful and distressing, Yet there 's a rest above ; And onward still we 're pressing, To reach that land of love. 372 7s. In Darkness. 1 ONCE I thought my mountain strong, Firmly fixed r no more to move ; Then my Saviour was my song, Then my soul was filled with love : Those were happy, golden days, Sweetly spent in prayer and praise. 2 Little, then, myself I knew, Little thought of Satan's power ; Now I feel my sins renew. Now I feel the stormy hour ; Sin has put my jo}^s to flight, — Sin has turned my day to night. 3 Saviour ! shine, and cY.or my soul, Bid my dying hopes i\ v ive, 452 HYMNS. Make my wounded spirit whole, Far away, the tempter drive ; Speak the word and set me free- Let me live alone to thee. 373. L. M. Inconstant Heart lamented. 1 AH ! wretched, vile, ungrateful heart ! That can from Jesus thus depart ; ^^* Thus, fond of trifles, vainly rove, Forgetful of a Saviour's love. %9 2 In vain I charge my thoughts to stay, And chide earth's vanities away: There 's naught beneath a power divine, That can this roving heart confine. 4r 3 Jesus ! to thee I would return, J- And, at thy feet repenting, mourn : There let me view thy pard'ning love, ^ And never from thy sight remove. 4 Oh ! let thy love, with sweet control, Bind all the passions of my soul ; Bid every earthly charm depart, And dwell for ever in my heart. OrjA l. M. tJ i t4« Secret Self-Examination. 1 RETURN, my roving heart ! return, And chase those shadowy forms no more Now seek, in solitude, to mourn. And thy forsaken God implore. 2 O thou great God ! whose piercing eye Distinctly marks each deep recess ; — In these sequestered hours draw nigh. And with thy presence fill the place. 3 Through all the windings of my heart, My search let heavenly wisdom guide, And still its radiant beams impart, Till all be cleansed and purified. 4 Oh ! with the visits of thy love, Vouchsafe my inmost soul to cheer; Till every grace shall join to prove, That God has fixed his dwelling here 375 CHRISTIAN. 153 CM. The Pilgrimage of the Saints. 1 LORD ! what a wretched land is this, That yields us no supply, — No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees, Nor streams of living joy ! 2 Long nights and darkness dwell below, With scarce a twinkling ray : But the bright world, to which we go, Is everlasting day. 3 Our journey is a thorny maze, But we march upward still, — Forget these troubles of the ways, And reach at Zion's hill. 4 See the kind angels, at the gates, Inviting us to come ! There Jesus, the forerunner, waits To welcome travelers home. 5 There, on a green and flowery mount, Our weary souls shall sit, And, with transporting joys, recount The labors of our feet. 6 Eternal glory to the King, Who brought us safely through, Our tongues shall never cease to sing, And endless praise renew. 376. C. M. Filial Submission. 1 AND can my heart aspire so high, To say—" My Father, God ]" Lord ! at thy feet I fain would lie, And learn to kiss the rod. 2 I would submit to all thy will, For thou art good and wise ; Let each rebellious thought be still, Nor one faint murmur rise. 3 Thy love can cheer the darkest gloom, And bid me wait serene ; Till hopes and joys immortal bloom, And brighten all the scene. 454 HYMNS. 4 "My Father, God!" permit my heart To plead her humble claim, And ask the bliss those words impart, In mv Redeemer's name. 377 C. M. Unfru itfulness. 1 LONG have I sat beneath the sound Of thy salvation, Lord ! But still, how weak my faith is found, And knowledge of thy word I 2 Oft I frequent thy holy place, And hear almost in vain ; How small a portion of thy grace My mem'ry can retain ! 3 How cold and feeble is my love ! How negligent my fear ! How low my hope of joys above ! How few affections there ! 4 Great God ! thy sovereign power impart, To give thy word success ; Write thy salvation in my heart, And make me learn thy grace. 5 Show my forgetful feet the way, That leads to joys on high ; There knowledge "grows without decay, And love shall never die. 378 S. M. Ingratitude to divine Goodness. IS this the kind return'! Are these the thanks we owe 1 Thus to abuse eternal love, Whence all our blessings flow ! To what a stubborn frame Hath sin reduced our mind ! What strange, rebellious wretches we, And God as strangely kind ! Turn, turn us, mighty God ! And mould our souls afresh ; Break, sovereign grace ! these hearts of stone* And give us hearts of flesh. CHRISTIAN. 455 4 Let past ingratitude Provoke our weeping eyes ; And hourly, as new mercies fall, Let hourly thanks arise. QT'Q c M - •J I %J • Repentance in View of divine Patience. 1 AND are we, wretches, yet alive 3 And do we yet rebel 1 'T is boundless — 't is amazing love, — That bears us up from hell ! 2 The burden of our weighty guilt Would sink us down to flames ; And threatening vengeance rolls above To crush our feeble frames. 3 Almighty goodness cries — " Forbear 1" — And straight the thunder stays ; And dare we now provoke his wrath, And -weary out his grace ? 4 Lord ! we have long abused thy love, — Too long indulged our sin ; Our aching hearts e'en bleed to see What rebels we have been. 5 No more, ye lusts ! shall ye command ; No more will we obey : Stretch put, O God ! thy conquering hand, And drive thy foes away. 380 C. M. Backslidings and Returns. 1 WHY is my heart so far from thee. My God ! my -chief delight 1 Why are my thoughts no more, by day,- With thee, no more by night ! 2 Why should my foolish passions rove ? Where can such sweetness be, As I have tasted in thy love, — As I have found in thee ? 3 When my forgetful soul renews The savor of thy grace, My heart presumes, I cannot lose "The relish all my days. 456 HYMNS. 4 But ere one fleeting hour is past, The flattering world employs Some sensual bait, to seize my taste, And to pollute my joys. 5 Wretch that I am, to wander thus, In chase of false delight ! Let me be fastened to thy cross, Rather than lose thy sight. 6 Make haste, my days ! to reach the goal, And bring my heart to rest On the dear centre of my soul, — My God, my Saviour's breast. 001 CM. OO J. • Watchfulness and Prayer. 1 ALAS ! what hourly dangers rise, What snares beset my way ! To heaven, Oh ! let me lift mine eyes, And, hourly, watch and pray. 2 How oft my mournful thoughts complain, And melt in flowing tears ! I strive against my foes in vain, — I sink amid my fears. 3 O Lord ! increase my faith and hope, When foes and fears prevail ; And bear my fainting spirit up, Or soon my strength will fail. 4 Oh ! keep me in thy heavenly way And bid the tempter flee ; And never, never let me stray From happiness and thee. " 382. Hardjiess of Heart lamented. 1 OH ! for a glance of heavenly day, To chase the shades of night away; To melt, with beams of love divine, This unrelenting heart of mine. 2 The rocks can rend, the earth can quake, The ocean roar, the mountain shake ; All nature feels, and gives the sign ; But not this stubborn heart of mine. CHRISTIAN. 457 3 Dear Lord ! the sorrows, thou hast felt, Might cause a heart of stone to melt ; YeF, I can read each sacred line* And nothing melt this heart of mine. 4 But power supreme the soul can move* And purify, and melt to love ; Come, Holy Spirit I Power divine ! Oh ! come, subdue this heart of mine. OOOo Dead to Sin by the Cross of Christ. 1 SHALL we go on to sin, Because thy grace abounds 1 Or crucify the Lord again. And open all his wounds ? 2 Forbid it, mighty God ! Nor let it e'er be said, That we, whose sins are crucified, Should raise them from the dead. 3 We will be slaves no more, Since Christ has made us free, Has nailed our tyrants to the cross, And bought our liberty. 384 L. M. Faith, our Guide. 'T IS by the faith of joys to come, We walk through deserts dark as night , Till we arrive at heaven, our home, Faith is our guide, and faith our light. The want of sight she well supplies ; She makes the pearly gates appear ; Far into distant worlds she pries, And brings eternal glories near. Cheerful we tread the desert through, While faith inspires a heavenly ray; Though lions roar, and tempests blow, And rocks and dangers fill the way. So Abr'am, by divine command, Left his own home to walk with God; His faith beheld the promised land, And fired his zeal alciig the road. 39 458 • HYMNS. OOX c. M. WvV • Faith of Tilings unseen. 1 FAITH is the brightest evidence Of things beyond our sight; Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sense, And dwells in heavenly light. 2 It sets times past, in present view, Brings distant prospects home — Of things a thousand years ago, Or thousand years to come. 3 By faith, we know the worlds were made By God's almighty word : Abr'am, to unknown countries led, By faith, obeyed the Lord. 4 He sought a city fair and high, Built by th' eternal hands ; And faith assures us, though we die, That heavenly building stands. 386 CM. The Power of Faith. 1 FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss, And saves me from its snares ; Its aid, in every duty, brings, And softens all my cares. 2 The wounded conscience knows its power, The healing balm to give ; That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live. 3 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign ; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. 4 It shows the precious promise, sealed With the Redeemer's blood ; And helps my feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful God. 5 There — there unshaken would I rest, Till this vile body dies ; And then, on faith's triumphant wings, To endless glory rise. 387 CHRISTIAN. 459 C. M. Justification ; or, Law and Grace. 1 VAIN are the hopes, the sons of men On their own works have built ; — Their hearts, by nature, all unclean, And all their actions, guilt. 2 Let Jew and Gentile. stop their mouths, Without a murm'ring word ; And the whole race of Adam stand Guilty before the Lord. 3 In vain we ask God's righteous law To justify us now ; Since to convince, and to condemn, Is all the law can do. 4 Jesus ! how glorious is thy grace ! — When in thy name we trust, Our faith receives a righteousness That makes the sinner just. L. M. ■fhe Value, of Christ and his Righteousness. L NO more, — my God ! I boast no more, Of all the duties I have done ; I quit the hopes I held before, To trust the merits of thy Son. 2 Now, for the love I bear his name, What was my gain, I count my loss ; My former pride I call my shame, And nail my glory to his cross. I Yes, — and I must, and will, esteem All things but loss for Jesus' sake ; Oh ! may my soul be found in him, And of his righteousness partake. 4 The best obedience of my hands Dares not appear before thy throne ; But faith can answer thy demands, By pleading what my Lord has done. c. M. Retirement. 1 FAR from the world, O Lord ! I flee,— From strife and tumult far : 388 389 460 HYMNS. From scenes, where Satan wages still His most successful war. 2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With prayer and praise agree ; And seem, by thy sweet bounty, made For those who follow thee. 3 There, if thy Spirit touch the soul, And grace her mean abode, Oh ! with what peace, and joy, and love, She then communes with God. 4 There, like the nightingale, she pours Her solitary lays ; Nor asks a witness of her song, Nor thirsts for human praise. 5 Author and guardian of my life, — Sweet source of light divine, — And — all harmonious names in one — Blest Saviour ! — thou art mine. 6 What thanks I owe thee, and what love And praise, an endless store, Shall echo through the realms above, When time shall be no more. 390 7s. Privileges of Adoption. 1 BLESSED are the sons of God ; They are bought with Jesus' blood ; They are ransomed from the grave ;- Life eternal they shall have : With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 2 They are justified by grace ; They enjoy the Saviour's peace ; All their sins are washed away ; They shall stand in God's great day With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 3 They produce the fruits of grace, In the works of righteousness ; They are harmless, meek and mild Holy, blameless, undefiled : 391 CHRISTIAN. 461 With them numbered may we be Here, and in eternity. 4 They are lights upon the earth, — Children of a heavenly birth, — One with God, with Jesus one ; Glory is in them begun : With them numbered may we "be, Here, and in eternity-, c. M. Hope of Heaven through Christ. BLEST be the everlasting God. The Father of our Lord ; Be his abounding mercy praised, — His majesty adored. When from the dead he raised his Son, And called him to the sky, He gave our souls a lively hope, That they should never die. What though our inbred sins require Our flesh to see the dust ; Yet, as the Lord, our Saviour, rose, So all his followers must. There 's an inheritance divine, Reserved against that day ; ' 'T is uncorrupted, undefiled, And cannot waste away. Saints, by the power of God, are kept Till the salvation come ; We walk by faith, as strangers here, Till Christ shall call us home. S. M. Adoption. 1 BEHOLD ! what wondrous grace The Father has bestowed, On sinners of a mortal race, To call them sons of God. 2 'Tis no surprising thing, That we should be unknown ; The Jewish world knew not their king, — God's everlasting Son. 3 Nor doth it yet appear How great we must be made : 39* 392 462 HYMNS. But when we see our Saviour here, We shall be like our head. 4 A hope, so much divine, May trials well endure ; May purge our souls from sense and sin, As Christ, the Lord, is pure. 5 If, in my Father's love, I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To rest upon my heart. 6 We would no longer lie, Like slaves, beneath the throne ; Our faith shall—" Abba, Father '."—cry, And thou the kindred own. 393. G. M. The Fearful encouraged. 1 YE trembling souls ! dismiss your fears, Be mercy all your theme ; Mercy — which, like a river, flows, In one perpetual stream. 2 Fear not the powers of earth and hell ; — Those powers will God restrain ; His arm shall all their rage repel, And make their efforts vain. 3 Fear not the want of outward good ; For his he will provide, Grant them supplies of daily food, And all they need beside. 4 Fear not that he will e'er forsake. Or leave his work undone ; He 's faithful to his promises, And faithful to his Son. 5 Fear not the terrors of the grave, Nor death's tremendous sting; He will, from endless wrath, preserve — To endless glory bring. 394 CM. Saints in t/ie Hands of Christ. FIRM as the earth, thy gospel stands, My Lord, my hope, my trust ! 395 CHRISTIAN. 463 If I am found in Jesus' hands, My soul can ne'er be lost. 2 His honor is engaged to save The meanest of his sheep ; All, whom his heavenly Father gave, His hands securely keep. 3 Nor death, nor hell shall e'er remove His fa v 'rites from his breast ; In the dear bosom of his love, They must for ever rest. L. M. Hope in the Covenant. 1 HOW oft have sin and Satan strove To rend my soul from thee, my God I But everlasting is thy love, And Jesus seals it with his blood. 2 The oath and promise of the Lord Join to confirm the wondrous grace ; Eternal power performs the word, And fills all heaven with endless praise. 3 Amid temptations, sharp and long, My soul to this dear refuge flies ; Hope is my anchor, firm and strong, While tempests blow, and billows rise. 4 The gospel bears my spirit up ; A faithful and unchanging God Lays the foundation for my hope, In oaths, and promises, and blood. O tJ O • Security of the Saints. 1 WHO shall the Lord's elect condemn 1 — 'Tis God, who justifies their souls ; And mercy, like a mighty stream, O'er all their sins divinely rolls. 2 Who shall adjudge the saints to hell 1 — 'T is Christ, who suffered in their stead, And, the salvation to fulfill, Behold him, rising from the dead ! 3 He lives ! — he lives, and reigns above, For ever interceding there ; 464 HYMNS. Who shall divide us from his love ? — Or what shall tempt us to despair T 4 Not all that men on earth can do, Nor powers on high, nor powers below, Shall cause his mercy to remove, Or wean our hearts from Christ, our love 3QJ-V 8s, 7s and 4. %J i o God, the Pilgrim's Guide 1 GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah ! Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty ; Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven ! Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open, Lord ! the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters flow ; Let the fiery cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through : Strong deliverer ! Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction ! Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises — I will ever give to thee. C. M. Joys departed. 1 SWEET was the time, when first I felt The Saviour's pard'ning blood, Applied to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. 2 Soon as the morn the light revealed, His praises tuned my tongue ; And, when the evening-shade prevailed, His love was all my song. 3 In prayer, my soul drew near the Lord, And saw his glory shine ; And when I read his holy word, I called each promise mine. 4 But now, when evening-shade prevails, My soul in darkness mourns ; 398 CHRISTIAN. 465 And, when the morn the light reveals, No light to me returns. 5 Rise, Saviour ! — help me to prevail, And make my soul thy care ; I know thy mercy cannot fail, — Let me that mercy share. 399 400 - C. M. Seeking God- OH ! that I knew the secret place, Where I might find my God ; I 'd spread my wants before his face* And pour my woes abroad. I 'd tell him how my sins arise, — What sorrows I sustain ; How grace decays, and comfort dies, And leave my heart in pain. He knows what arguments I 'd take To wrestle with my God ; I 'd plead for his own mercy's sake, And for my Saviour's blood. My God will pity my complaints, And heal my broken bones ; He takes the meaning of his saints,— The language of their groans. Arise, my soul ! from deep distress, And banish every fear ; He calls thee, to his throne of grace To spread thy sorrows there. c. M. Walking with God. OH ! for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame, — A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! Where is the blessedness I knew, When first I saw the Lord I Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus, and his word 1 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed ! How sweet their mem'ry still ! 466 HYMNS. But they have left an aching void, The world can never fill. 4 Return, O holy Dove ! return, Sweet messenger of rest ! I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast 5 The dearest idol I have known, — Whate'er that idol be, — Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. 401 ML Love to Christ. 1 HARK ! my soul ! it is the Lord ; 'T is thy Saviour — hear his word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee, — "Say, poor sinner ! lovest thou me] H "I delivered thee, when bound, And, when bleeding, healed thy wound; Sought thee wandering, set thee right, Turned thy darkness into light 3 "Can a woman's tender care Cease towards the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee. 4 "Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above ; Deeper than the depths beneath — Free and faithful — strong as death. 5 "Thou shalt see my glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be ; — Say, poor sinner ! lovest thou me !" 6 Lord ! it is my chief complaint That my love is weak and faint , Yet I love thee, and adore, — Oh ! for grace to love thee more. CHRISTIAN. 467 L09 c M V\J&, Love to Christ. 1 DO not I love thee, O my Lord 1 Behold my heart, and see ; And turn each hateful idol out, That dares to rival thee. 2 Do not I love thee, from my soul 1 Then let me nothing love : Dead be my heart to every joy Which thou dost not approve. 3 Is not thy name melodious still To mine attentive ear 1 Doth not each pulse with pleasure beat My Saviour's voice to hear ? 4 Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock, I would disdain to feed ! Hast thou a foe, before whose face, I fear thy cause to plead 1 5 Would not my heart pour forth its blood In honor of thy name, And challenge the cold hand of death To damp th' immortal flame ? 6 Thou knowest I love thee, dearest Lord ! But Oh ! I long to soar, Far from the sphere of mortal joys, That I may love thee more. A(\0 S.M. 'x'V/tJt Christian Watchfulness. 1 A CHARGE to keep I have, A God to giorify ; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky : — 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill, — Oh ! may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And Oh ! thy servant, Lord ! prepare A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely, — 408 HYMNS Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die. ^»v/tcU Seeking a Rest. 1 WE seek a rest beyond the skies, In everlasting day ; Through floods and flames the passage lies, But Jesus guards the way. 2 The swelling flood, and raging flame, Hear and obey his word ; Then let us triumph in his name, — Our Saviour is the Lord. 405 406 C. M. Double. Si?iai and Zion. NOT to the terrors of the Lord, The tempest, fire, and smoke ; — Not to the thunder of that word, Which God on Sinai spoke ; — But we are come to Zion's hill, The city of our God, Where milder words declare his will And spread his love abroad. Behold th' innumerable host Of angels clothed in light ! Behold the spirits of the just, Whose faith is turned to sight ! Behold the blest assembly there, Whose names are writ in heaven i And God, the judge of all, declares Their every sin forgiven. The saints on earth, and all the dead, But one communion make ; All join in Christ, their living head, And of his grace partake : In such society as this My weary soul would rest : The man who dwells where Jesus is, Must be for ever blest. S. M. The vigilant Servant. YE servants of the Lord ! Each in his office wait ; CHRISTIAN. 469 With joy obey his heavenly word, And watch before his gate. 2 Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame ; Gird up your loins, as in his sight, For awful is his name. 3 Watch — *t is your Lord's command ; And while we speak, he 's near : Mark the first signal of his hand, And ready all appear. 4 Oh ! happy servant he, In such a posture found ! He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honor crowned. 407 S.M- Watching and Praying. 1 MY soul ! be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise ; And hosts of sins are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh ! watch, and fight, and pray ;— The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor lay thine armor down ; Thine arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. A OQ c - M - fJuv/Oa Desiring the Presence of God. 1 HEAR, gracious God ! my humble moan, To thee I breathe my sighs ; When will the mournful night be gone, And when my joys arise ? 2 My God ! Oh ! could I make the claim, — My Father and my frien'i, — And call thee mine, by every name, On which thy saints depend ; — 3 By every name of power and love, I would thy grace entreat; Nor should my humble hopes remove, Nor leave thy mercy-seat. 40 470 HYMNS. 4 Yet, though my soul in darkness mourns, Thy word is all my stay ; Here I would rest till light returns ; — Thy presence makes my day. 5 Speak, Lord ! and bid celestial peace Relieve my aching heart ; Oh ! smile and bid my sorrows cease, And all the gloom depart. 6 Then, shall my drooping spirit rise And bless the healing rays ; And change these deep, complaining sighs To songs of sacred praise. A OQ c M rk\J*J+ Submission. 1 O LORD ! my best desires fulfill, And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to thy will, And make thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at thy command? Thy love forbids my fears ; Why tremble at the gracious hand, That wipes away my tears 1 3 No, — let me rather freely yield What most I prize, to thee ; Thou never hast a good withheld, Nor wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favor, all my journey through, Shall be rny rich supply thin) 410 What more I want, or think I do, Let wisdom still deny, s. M. Restoration to Health. KINDLY the Lord appeared In nature's trying hour; His love my sinking spirit cheered ; — I felt his strengthening power. He found me on the bed Of languishing and pain ; And bade me lean on him my head, Nor seek his aid in vain. 411. CHRISTIAN. 47; I saw his mighty arm Stretched o'er the rolling wave ; He snatched my life from threatening harm. And showed his power to save. How, then, can I refuse The glad and grateful strain? The Lord my wasted strength renews, And makes me well again. Oh ! may my future days My gratitude display ; Nor speak alone, but live thy praise, Through each revolving day. c. M. Sickness and Recovery. 1 MY God ! thy service well demands The remnant of my days ; Why was this fleeting breath renewed, But to renew thy praise 1 2 Thine arms of everlasting love Did this weak frame sustain, When life was hovering o'er the grave, And nature sunk with pain. 3 Calmly I bowed my fainting head, On thy dear faithful breast ; Pleased to obey my Father's call To his eternal rest. 4 Into thy hands, my Saviour-God ! Did I my soul resign, In firm reliance on that truth Which made salvation mine. 5 Back from the borders of the grave, At thy command I come ; Nor will I ask a speedier flight To my celestial home. 6 Where thou appointest mine abode, There would I choose to be ; For, in thy presence death is life, And earth is heaven with thee. 412. The Mind that was in Chritt. 1 FATHER of eternal grace! Glorify thyself in me ; 472 HYMNS. Meekly beaming in my face, May the world thine image see. 2 Happy only in thy love, Poor, unfriended, or unknown; Fix my thoughts on things above,— Stay my heart on thee" alone. 3 Humble, holy, all-resigned To thy will : — thy will be done ! Give me, Lord ! the perfect mind Of thy well-beloved Son. 4 Counting gain and glory loss, May I tread the path he trod ; Die with Jesus on the cross, — Rise with him, to thee, my God ! A1 3 L * tp JL tJ o Holiness and Grace. 1 SO let our lips and lives express The holy gospel, we profess ; So let our works and, virtues shine. To prove the doctrine all-divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour-God ; When his salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Religion bears our spirits up, Whil§ we expect that blessed hope,— The bright appearance of the Lord ; — And faith stands leaning on his word. /LI A c ' M- TP J- j^» Hope in Affliction. 1 WHEN musing sorrow weeps the past, And mourns the present pain, How sweet to think of peace at last, And feel that death is gain ! 2 'T is not Uat murm'ring thoughts arise, And dread a Father's will ; 'T is not that meek submission flies, And would not suffer still ; — 3 It is that heaven-taught faith surveys The path to realms of light, And longs her eagle-plumes to raise, And lose herself in sight. CHRISTIAN. 473 4 It is that hope with ardor glows To see him face to face, Whose dying love no language knows Sufficient art to trace. 5 It is that harrassed conscience feels The pangs of struggling sin ; Sees, though afar, the hand that heals And ends her war within. 6 Oh ! let me wing my hallowed flight, From earth-born wo and care, And soar beyond these realms of night, My Saviour's bliss to share. 'dp X tJ • Faith struggling in Darkness. 1 OH ! let my trembling soul be still, While darkness veils the sky : And wait thy wise, thy holy will, Wrapt yet in mystery : I cannot, Lord ! thy purpose see, But all is well since ruled by thee. 2 Thus trusting in thy love, I tread The path of duty on : What though some cherished joys are fled : Some flattering dreams are gone! Yet purer, brighter joys remain ; Why should my spirit then complain 1 *A* JL \) • Presence of God in Afflictions. 1 THY gracious presence, O my God ! Can soothe my inward pains : With this, beneath affliction's load, My heart no more complains. 2 This can my every care control, And gild each scene with light ; This is the sunshine of the soul ; Without it, all is night. 3 My Lord ! my Life ! Oh ! cheer my heart, With thy reviving ray : Oh ! bid these mournful shades depart, And bring the dawn of day. 4 Oh ! happy scenes of pure delight, Where thy full beams arise : 40* 474 HYMNS. Unclouded beauty to the sight, — Sweet rapture and surprise ! 5 Lord ! shall these breathings of my heart Aspire, in vain, to thee ! Confirm my hope, that, where thou art, I shall for ever be. 6 Then shall my cheerful spirit sing The darkest hours away, And rise, on faith's expanding wing, To everlasting day. L. M. Submission to the Will of God. 1 WAIT, O my soul ! thy Maker's will ; Tumultuous passions ! all be still ! Nor let a murm'ring thought arise, — His ways are just, — his counsels wise. 2 He in the thickest darkness dwells, Performs his work, — the cause conceals; But, though his methods are unknown, Judgment and truth support his throne. 3 Wait then, my soul ! submissive wait, — Prostrate before his awful seat : Mid all the terrors of his rod, Still trust a wise and gracious God. 417 418 C. M. 77ie christian Soldier. AM I a soldier of the cross, — A foll'wer of the Lamb I And shall T fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name 1 Are there no foes for me to face 7 Must I not stem the flood ] Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God 1 Sure I must fight, if I would reign j Increase my courage, Lord ! I ? 11 bear the toil — endure the pain, — Supported by thy word. Thy saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, though they die ; 419. CHRISTIAN. 475 They see the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thine armies shine, In robes of vict'ry, through the skies, — The glory shall be thine. C. M. Christian Assurance. 1 I 'M not ashamed to own my Lord, Or to defend his cause ; Maintain the honor of his word, — The glory of his cross. '. Jesus, my God ! — I know his name , His name is all my trust ; Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as his throne, his promise stands, And he can well secure What I 've committed to his hands, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he own my worthless name, Before his Father's face, And, in the New-Jerusalem, Appoint my soul a place. 4,20. 7s. The three Mounts. 1 WHEN on Sinai's top I see God descend, in majesty, To proclaim his holy law, — All my spirit sinks with awe. 2 When in ecstacy sublime, Tabor's glorious steep I climb At the too-transporting light, Darkness rushes o'er my sight. 3 When on Calvary I rest, God, in flesh made manifest, Shines in my Redeemer's face, Full of beauty, truth, and grace. 4 Here, I would for ever stay, Weep and gaze my soul away 4 8s and 7s. Hope in God encouraged. 476 HYMNS. Thou art heaven on earth to me, — Lovely, mournful Calvary ! 421. 1 WHY, when storms around you gather, Should your trembling spirit sink 1 Look to God, your heavenly Father, And of his sweet promise think. 2 Fancy will be often painting Scenes, in dark and fearful shade : Yet why should thy soul be fainting, Of prospective woes afraid 1 3 Cease that dark anticipation ! Still let love and faith abound ; For the day of tribulation, Strength sufficient will be found. 4 God is love, and will not leave you, When you most his kindness need , God is true — nor can deceive you, — Though your faith be weak indeed. 422 8s. The Promise of God sure. 1 HOW sweet on thy bosom to rest, When nature's affliction is near ! The soul that can trust thee is blest, — Thy smiles bring deliverance from fear ; The Lord has, in kindness, declared, That those who will trust in his name, Shall in the sharp conflict be spared, His mercy and love to proclaim. 2 This promise shall be, to my soul, A messenger sent from the skies, — An anchor when billows shall roll — A refuge when tempests arise : O Saviour ! the promise fulfill, Its comfort impart to my mind, Then calmly I '11 bow to thy will, — To the cup of affliction resigned. CHRISTIAN. A93 CPM ff/C' ts • Resignation. 1 O LORD ! in sorrow I resign, And bow to that dear hand of thine, — While yet the rod appears ; That hand can wipe these streaming eyes, Or, into smiles of glad surprise, Transform these falling tears. 2 My sole possession is thy love ; On earth beneath, in heaven above, I have no other store : And though, with fervor, now I pray And importune thee night and day — I cannot ask for more. 424. C. L. M. Submission in Trials. 1 WHEN I can trust my all with God, In trial's fearful hour, — Bow all resigned beneath his rod, And bless his sparing power ;— A joy springs up amid distress, — A fountain in the wilderness. 2 Oh ! to be brought to Jesus' feet, Though trials fix me there, Is still a privilege most sweet ; For he will hear rrv prayer ; Though sighs and teaisjits language be, The Lord is nigh to answer me. 3 Then, blessed be the hand that gave, Still blessed when it takes ; Blessed be he who smites to save, Who heals the heart he breaks : Perfect and true are all his ways, Whom heaven adores and death obeys. 425 c. M. Depending on Grace. 1 AMAZING grace ! — how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me ! I once was lost, but now am found, — Was blind, but now I see. 478 HYMNS. 2 'T was grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved ; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed ! 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come ; 'T is grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 Yea — when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease ; I shall possess, within the vail, A life of joy and peace. 5 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine ; But God, who called me here below, Will be for ever mine. 426 CM. Submission in Trials. MY times of sorrow and of joy, Great God ! are in thy hand ; My choicest, comforts come from thee, And go at thy command. If thou should'st take them all away, Yet would I not repine ; Before they were possessed by me, They were entirely thine/ Nor would I drop a murm'ring word, Though the whole world were gone, But seek enduring happiness, In thee, and thee alone. PRAYER, 427 CM. Habitual Devotion. I WHILE thee I seek, protecting Power 1 Be my vain wishes stilled ; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be filled. PRAYER. 479 9j Thy love the power of thought bestowed ; To thee my thoughts would soar ; Thy mercy o'er my life has flowed, — That mercy I adore. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ! Each blessing to my soul more dear, Because conferred by thee. 4 In every joy that crowns my days, In every pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in prayer. 5 When gladness wings my favored hour Thy love my breast shall fill ; Resigned, 'when storms of sorrow lower, My soul shall meet thy will. My lifted eye, without a tear, The gathering storm shall see ; My steadfast heart shall know no fear,— - That heart shall rest on thee. TuiwQt A Blessing humbly requested. 1 LORD ! we come before thee now ; At thy feet we humbly bow ; Oh ! -do not our suit disdain ; — Shall we seek thee, Lord ! in vain 1 2 Lord ! on thee our souls depend, In compassion, now descend ; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace ; Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 3 In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee, here we stay ; Lord ! we know not how to go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Send some message, from thy word That may joy and peace afford ; Let thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart. 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn ; Let the time of joy return ; 480 HYMNS. Those, who are cast down, lift up ; Make them strong in faith and hope. 6 Grant, that all may seek and find Thee, a God supremely kind : Heal the sick, the captive free — Let us all rejoice in thee. 429. L. M. Forgiveness sought. 1 FORGIVE us, Lord ! to thee we cry, Forgive us through thy matchless grace ? On thee alone our souls rely, Be thou our strength and righteousness* 2 Forgive thou us, as we forgive The ills we suffer from our foes ; Restore us, Lord ! and bid us live ; Oh ! let us in thine arms repose. 3 Forgive us, for our guilt is great, Our wretched souls no merit claim ; For sovereign mercy still we wait, And ask but in the Saviour's name. 4 Forgive us, — O thou bleeding Lamb ! Thou risen — thou exalted Lord ! Thou great High-Priest ! our souls redeem, And speak the pardon-sealing word. 430. C. M. The God of Bethel. 1 O GOD of Bethel ! by whose hand Thy people still are fed, Who, through this weary pilgrimage, Hast all our fathers led : — 2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present, Before thy throne of grace : God of our fathers ! be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life, Our wandering footsteps guide ; Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. PRAYER. 481 4 Oh ! spread thy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cease, And at our Father's loved abode, Our souls arrive in peace. 5 Such blessings, from thy gracious hand, Our humble prayers implore ; And thou shalt be our chosen God, — Our portion evermore. 431 7s. Christ's Presence invoked. 1 LIGHT of life !— seraphic fire !— Love divine ! — thyself impart ; Every fainting soul inspire ; Shine in every drooping heart. 2 Every mourning sinner cheer ; Scatter all our guilty gloom : Saviour — Son of God ! appear ; To thy living temples come. 3 Come, in this accepted hour, Bring thy heavenly kingdom in . Fill us with thy glorious power — Rooting out the love of sin. 4 Nothing more can we require, We will covet nothing less ; Re thou all our heart's desire, — All our joy and all our peace. AOO C. M. rt *->& • The Nature of Prayer. 1 PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed ; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, — When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; — Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4L 482 HYMNS. 4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air ; His watchword at the gates of death,— He enters heaven with prayer. 5 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning from his ways ; While angels, in their songs, rejoice, And cry, — " Behold he prays !" 6 O Thou ! by whom we come to God, The life, the truth, the way, — The path of prayer thyself hast trod ;- Lord ! teach us how to pray. /IQQ 71 ^a^JtJm Sin bewailed. 1 COME, my soul ! thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He himself has bid thee pray ; Rise, and ask without delay. 2 With my burden I begin ; — Lord! remove this load of sin; Let thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 3 Lord ! I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast ; There, thy sovereign right maintain, And, without a rival, reign. 4 While I am a pilgrir.i here, Let thy love my spi it cheer ; Be my guide, my p uard, my friend ; — Lead me to my journey's end. 5 Shew me what 7 have to do, Every hour my strength renew ; Let me live a ? .ife of faith, Let me die thy people's death. HtitJ^tm Prayer for needed Grace. 1 FATHER ! whate'er of earthly bliss, Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted, at thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise : — PRAYER. 483 2 " Give us a calm, a thankful heart, From every murmur free ; The blessings of thy grace impart, And make us live to thee. 3 " Let the sweet hope, that we are thine, Our life and death attend ; Thy presence through our journey shine, And crown our journey's end." jo;c cm. WOO* Seeking God. 1 AUTHOR of good ! to thee we turn ; Thine ever- wakeful eye Alone can all our wants discern, — Thy hand alone supply. 2 Oh ! let thy love within us dwell, Thy fear our footsteps guide ; That love shall vainer loves expel, — That fear, all fears beside. 3 Not what we wish — but what we want, Let mercy still supply ; The good we ask not, Father ! grant ; The ill we ask — deny. 436 C. M. Pr^j n rfor Wisdom. ALMIGHTY God ! in humble prayer, To thee our souls we lift ; Do thou our waiting minds prepare For thy most needful gift. We ask not golden streams of wealth. Along our path to flow ; We ask not undecaying health, Nor length of years below : — We ask not honors, which an hour May bring and take away ; We ask not pleasure, pomp, and power, Lest we should go astray : — We ask for wisdom ; — Lord ! impart The knowledge how to live : A wise and understanding heart, To all thy servants give ; — 484 HYMNS. 5 The young — remember thee in youth, Before the evil days ! The old — be guided by thy truth, In wisdom's pleasant ways ! A Q7 c - M - *dbt> I • Prayer for Sincerity. 1 LORD ! when we bend before thy throne, And our confessions pour, Oh ! may we feel the sins we own, And hate what we deplore. 2 Our contrite spirits pitying see ; — True penitence impart ; And let a healing ray, from thee, Beam hope on every heart. 3 When we disclose our wants in prayer, Oh ! let our wills resign ; And not a thought our bosom share, Which is not wholly thine. 4 Let faith each meek petition fill, And waft it to the skies ; And teach our hearts — 't is goodness still That grants it, or denies. A QQ s - M - ^±1 O • Christ will hear Prayer. 1 JESUS, who knows full well The heart of every saint, Invites us, all our griefs to tell, To pray, and never faint. 2 He bows his gracious ear, — We never plead in vain ; Then let us wait till he appear, And pray, and pray again. 3 Jesus, the Lord, will hear His chosen when they cry ; Yes, though he may a while forbeai, He '11 help them from on high. 4 Then let us earnest cry, And never faint in prayer , He sees, he hears, and, from on high, Will make our cause his care. 439. FOR SEAMEN. 485 APPROPRIATE FOR SEAMEN. L. M. God's Dominion. 1 GOD of the seas ! thine awful, voice Bids all the rolling waves rejoice ; And one soft word of thy command. Can sink them silent in the sand. 2 If but a Moses wave thy rod, The sea divides, and owns its God, The stormy floods their Maker know, And let his chosen armies through. 3 The smallest fish that swims the seas, Sportful, to thee a tribute pays ; And larger monsters of the deep, At thy command, or rage or sleep. 4 Thus is thy glorious power adored Among the watery nations, Lord ! Yet men, who trace the dangerous waves, Forget the mighty God who saves. 440. L. M. Divine Guidance. 1 BESET with dangers, and with fear, In life's uncertain seal steer ; Saviour divine ! diffuse thy light ; O Spirit, guide my vessel right. 2 Engage this roving treacherous heart To fix on Christ the better part ; To scorn the trifles of a day, For joys that none can take away. 3 Then let the wildest storms arise ; Let tempest mingle earth and skies ; No fatal shipwreck shall I fear, But all my treasures with me bear. A A 1 c - M " ^^± JL • There 's Hope for Thee. 1 BLEST be that voice, now heard afar, O'er the dark, rolling sea, 41* 486 HYMNS. That whispers to the hardy tar, " Sailor, there 's hope for thee V* 2 Blest be that pure, that Christian love, That boundless charity, Which bears the olive, like the dove, Brave, generous tar, to thee. 3 Blest be those lips, in accents mild, From sordid motives free, That first proclaimed to Ocean's child, u Sailor, there 's hope for thee." 4 Long hast thou rode the foamy wave, From sin nor danger free, Till mercy stretched her arm to save — To save, brave sailor, thee. 5 God of the just ! Oh, lend thine ear, And blessings rich decree On those who spread these tidings dear- " Sailor, there 's hope for thee." 442. C. M. Traveller's Psalm. 1 HOW are thy servants bless'd, O Lord ; How sure is their defence ! Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care, Through burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 3 When by the dreadful tempest borne High on the broken wave, They know thou art not slow to hear Nor impotent to save. 4 The storm i> laid, the winds retire, Obedient to thy will ; The sea, that roars at thy command, At thy command is still. FOR SEAMEN. 487 5 In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths, Thy goodness we '11 adore ; We '11 praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 443 c. H. Seamen Singing. . 1 HOW sweet the songs of Zion sound When seamen tune their voice In praise to him who reigns on high, And bids the world rejoice. 2 These tongues, which once their God bias- Now sound his praises high ; [phemed ; For that sweet word of gospel grace, Which brings a Saviour nigh. 3 They sing, to tell how God has given Deliverance from the storm, And brought them to their port in peace, By his almighty arm. 4 Tbey sing, to tell of all the love Of him who died to save ; Who now in glory reigns above, To rescue from the grave. 5 Sing on, dear seamen, sing and tell Of all Emanuel's love ! And may you rise and sit on high, And reign with him above. AAA 6 S andSs. fiiWAL Jesus, the Pilot. 1 JESUS, at thy command, I launch into the deep ; And leave my native land. Where sin lulls all asleep : For thee I feign would all resign, And sail to heaven with thee and thine. 2 Thou art my Pilot wise ; My compass is thy word ; My soul each storm defies. While I have such a Lord ! I trust thy faithfulness and power, To save me in the trying hour. HYMNS. Though rocks and quicksands deep Through all my passage lie, Yet thou wilt safely keep, And guide me with thine eye ; My anchor, hope, shall firm abide, And I each boisterous storm outride. By faith I see the land, The port of endless rest ; My soul, thy sails expand, And fly to Jesus' breast: Oh, may I reach the heavenly shore, Where winds and waves distress no more ! Whene'er becalm'd I lie, And storms and wind subside; Lord to my succor fly, And keep me near thy side : For more the treacherous calm I dread, Than tempest burning o'er my head. Come, heavenly wind, and blow A prosperous gale of grace, To waft me from below, To heaven my destined place : Then in full sail, my port I '11 find, And leave the world, and sin behind. c. M. Fur Mariners. 1 WHEN o'er the mighty deep we rode, By winds and storms assail'd: We call'd upon the ocean's God, Whose mercy never fail'd. 2 The raging tempest heard thy voice, The winds obey'd thy will ; The elements withheld their noise, And all the floods were still. 3 With joy we hail'd the distant shore, And safe the vessel moor'd : With grateful hearts, that happy hour 5 We praised the ocean's Lord. 4 And when the voyage of life is past, And we are call'd to die ; Oh may we see thy face at last, In realms beyond the sky. 445 446 FOR SEAMEN. 489 S*. Death of a Shipmate. 1 REJOICE for a brother deceased, Our loss is his infinite gain ; A soul out of prison released, And freed from its bodily chain ; With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above ; Escaped to the mansions of light. And lodged in the Eden of love. 2 Our brother the haven hath gain'd, Outflying the tempest and wind, His rest he hath sooner obtain'd, And left his companions behind; Still toss'd on a sea of distress, Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more. 3 There all the ship's company meet, Who sail'd with the Saviour beneath ; With shouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er sorrow and death: The voyage of life 's at an end, The mortal affliction is past : The age that in heaven they spend, For ever and ever shall last. i 447. C, M. The Mariner's Psalm. 1 THY works of glory, mighty Lord, Thy wonders in the deeps, The sons of courage shall record, Who trade in floating ships. 2 At thy command the winds arise, And swell the towering waves: The men astonish'd mount the skies, And sink in gaping graves. 3 Then to the Lord they raise their cries, He hears their loud request, And orders silence through the skies, And lays the floods to rest. 490 HYMNS, 4 Sailors rejoice to lose their fears, And see the storm allay'd : Now to their eyes the port appears ; There let their vows be paid. AAQ 8s and 7, **^*^« Sailor's Hymn. 1 TOSS'D upon life's raging billow, Sweet it is, O Lord, to know, Thou didst press a sailor's pillow, And canst feel a sailor's wo. 2 Never slumbering, never sleeping, Though the night be dark and drear, Thou the faithful watch art keeping, " All, all's well," thy constant cheer. 3 And though loud the wind is howling, Fierce though flash the lightning's red ; Darkly, though the Storm-cloud's scowling O'er the sailor's anxious head — 4 Thou canst calm the raging ocean, All its noise and tumult still ; Hush the tempest's wild commotion, At the bidding of thy will. 5 Thus my heart the hope will cherish, While to thee I lift mine eye ; Thou wilt save me ere I perish, Thou wilt hear the sailor's cry. AAQ 6*. *±K*t/« False Land. 1 WHEN many a tempest blew, And hope was almost past ; The worn and weary crew, Hail'd distant land at last. 2 Far o'er the lee it lay, Its arms seem'd spreading wide, To form a quiet bay, Where ships might safely ride. 3 That refuge from the storm, That distant bay so fair, Was but a cloudy form, And melted into air ! FOR SEAMEN. 491 So earthly hope deceives, The heart that trusts it most ; So all the beauty leaves, Some seeming happy coast. But faith can look before, And see the land of light ; That is the only shore, That never mocks the sight. L. M. Deliverance. 450. 1 WOULD you behold the works of God, His wonders in the world abroad, Go with the mariner, and trace The unknown regions of the seas. 2 When land is far, and death is nigh, Lost to all hope, to God they cry : His mercy hears their loud address, And sends salvation in distress. 3 Oh may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord ! Let them their private offerings bring, And in the church his glory sing. 401, Gulf of Despair. 1 WHERE shall the sea- worn sinner rest, When raging billows round him roll ; When fierce and roaring storms oppress, And bitter anguish rends his soul. 2 And when dark clouds around him throw A veil of gloom and anxious care, And flash on flash of lightning show A yawning gulph of deep despair? 3 Oh, say, when thus by tempest toss'd, The sea and sky all wild and drear ; And all his hopes are nearly lost, What power can teach him how to steer? 4 Ah '. then 't is God alone can show The only port of peace and rest ; Though billows rage and tempests blow, His word will calm the troubled breast. 492 HYMNS. 452 L. M. Middle Watch. 1 YES Lord, my grateful voice I '11 raise, At midnight, in my watch at sea, The floods .shall hear me sing thy praise, And tell what grace has done for me. 2 The moon, the stars, the deep shall hear, Millions shall catch the grateful sound, And winds shall o'er the ocean bear The praise, till earth and heaven rebound. 3 I '11 praise for grace already given, I '11 praise for grace I 'm yet to have, I '11 praise for grace " reserved in heaven," With glory crown'd beyond the grave. 7s. God's Protection to Mariners. 453. 1 THEY that toil upon the deep, And in vessels light and frail O'er the mighty waters sweep, With the billow and the gale ; Mark what wonders God performs, When he speaks, and, unconfin'd, Rush to battle all his storms, In the chariots of the wind. 2 Up to heaven their bark is whirl'd On the mountain of the wave ; Downward suddenly ' tis hurl'd To th' abysses of the grave ; Mid the tempest now they roll, As intoxicate with wine ; Terrors paralyze their soul, Helm they quit and hope resign. 3 Then unto the Lord they cry : He inclines a gracious ear ; Sends deliv'rance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear: Oh that men would praise the Lord For his goodness to their race ; For the wonders of his word, And the riches of his grace ! FOR SEAMEN. 493 4r«v4r« Seamen Sing Praises. 1 SING, seamen, sing to God on high • And let his praise on every breeze Sound to all lands, both far and nigh, O'er swelling floods and raging seas. 2 So He ordains that you should sing And tell the world his power to save; To heathen lands his gospel bring, To cheer their passage to the grave. 3 Then sing, ye seamen, sing and tell Of all the goodness of the Lord, In saving men from sin and hell, By his good spirit and his word. 4 By land or sea, at home, abroad, In christian or in heathen lands; Lift up your voice and praise your God, In all the labours of your hands- 455 C. M. The Sailors Friend. 1 OF old did Jesus condescend To calm the raging sea ! Yes. lie was then the Sailor's Friend, And such he still would be. 2 He does but wait to hear us crave, As they besought him then — "Master, we perish ! come and save, For we are dying men !" 3 Not to sustain our mortal breath, We raise the earnest cry ; Lord save our precious souls from death, And make us fit to die. 4 Then blow, ye winds, ye surges roar ! T will not our souls appal ; Though waves and billows pass us o'er, And deep to deep should call. 5 But Oh ! without that blessed hope, Without a Saviour near, What desperate courage bears us up ! What madness not to fear ! 42 494 HYMNS. 6 Jesus ! on thee our hopes we cast, No more thy wrath defy ; Thou art the anchor, sure and fast ; On thee our souls rely. 7 Soon shall the sea give up its dead ; And should our graves be there, With joy we '11 quit our watery bed To meet thee in the air. 456. L. M. Presei-vation. 1 RECORD, my soul, thy Maker's power, Whose winds and waves obey his will; He bids the awful tempest roar, His voice the wildest storm can still. 2 View, O my soul, with wonder view The roaring billows round thee toss'd, And bless his mercies ever new, While thou art saved, and others lost. 3 Speak to my heart, dear Lord, and say, " The rain is gone, the tempest 's o'er; Come, my beloved, come away, Satan and sin shall reign no more. 4 "Fear not, I '11 guard thy helpless head, While life, and all its conflicts last, And when the raging winds have fled, Thy soul shall sing of dangers past." 8, 7 and 3. Far at Sea. 1 STAR of Peace ! to wanderers weary Give the beam that smiles on me, Cheer the Pilot's visions dreary, Far at sea. 2 Star of Hope ! gleam on the billow, Bless the soufthat sighs for thee ; Bless the sailor's lonely pillow, Far at sea. 3 Star of Faith ! when winds are mocking All his prayers — he flies to thee ; Save him, though on billows rocking, Far at sea. 457 FOR SEAMEN. 495 4 Star of God ! yet safely guide him To the shore he longs to see ! Long tempestuous waves have tried him, Far at sea. 458. L. M. Christian voyager. 1 THE Christian voyager strikes the rock That lies conceal'd beneath the wave ; Yet safely he survives the shock, For Jesus is at hand to save. 2 His destined land he sometimes sees, And thinks his toils will soon be o'er, Expects some favourable breeze Will waft him quickly to the shore. 3 But hark ! — the midnight tempest roars ! He seems forsaken, and alone : But Jesus, whom he then implores, Unseen preserves and leads him on. 4 Though fear his heart should overwhelm, He '11 reach the port to which he 's bound ; For Jesus holds and guides the helm, And soon the haven will be found. 459. C. M. Our little Bark. 1 OUR little bark on boisterous seas, By cruel tempest toss'd, Without one cheering beam of hope, Expected to be lost. 2 We to the Lord, in humble prayer, Breathed out our sad distress ; Though feeble, yet with contrite hearts, We begg'd return of peace. 3 The stormy winds did cease to blow, The waves no more did roll ; And soon again a placid sea Spoke comfort to each soul. 4 O, may our grateful, trembling hearts Sweet hallelujahs sing, 496 HYMNS. To him who hath our lives preserved, Our Saviour, and our King. 460. C. M. The Pilot. 1 O PILOT, 't is a fearful night ; There 's danger on the deep ; I '11 come and pace the deck with thee, I do not dare to sleep : 2 "Go down ;" the sailor cried, " go down ; This is no place for thee, Fear not, but trust in Providence, Where ever thou may'st be." 3 Ah ! Pilot, dangers often met, We all are apt to slight ; And thou hast known these raging waves, But to subdue their might : 4 " Oh ! 't is not apathy," he cried, "That gives this strength to me ; Fear not, but trust in Providence, Where ever thou may'st be." 5 On such a night the sea engulph'd My father's lifeless form ; My only brother's boat went down In just so wild a storm : 6 And such, perhaps, may be my fate ; But still I say to thee, "Fear not, but trust in Providence, Where ever thou mav'st be." 461 p. ML To be sung at Sea. 1 LORD of the wide extensive main, Whose power the wind, the sea, controls, Whose hand doth earth and heaven sustain, Whose spirit leads believing souls: 2 'T is here thine unknown paths we trace, Which dark to human eyes appear j FOR SEAMEN. 497 While through the mighty waves we pass, Faith only sees that God is here. 3 Throughout the deep thy footsteps shine, We own thy way is in the sea, O'eraw'd by majesty divine, And lost in thy immensity; 4 Thy wisdom here we learn to adore, Thine everlasting truth we prove ; Amazing heights of boundless power, Unfathomable depths of love 462. C. M. A Storm at Sea. 1 THE billows swell, the winds are high, Clouds overcast the dark'ning sky, Out of the depths to thee we call, Our fear is great, our strength is small. 2 Amid the roaring of the sea, Our anxious souls look up to thee ; Thy constant love, thy faithful care, Alone can save us from despair. 3 Though tempest-tost, and half a wreck, The Saviour through the floods we seek: To him alone will we complain, Amid the winds, and stormy main. 463 S. M. Little Faith. 1 O THOU of little Faith, On seas of trouble toss'd, Depend on what the Saviour saith, And you can ne'er be lost. 2 He bids you to him come, Why should you yield to fear 1 The winds may blow, and billows foam, But Jesus Christ is there. 3 Though storms of sorrow rise, And winds may adverse prove, Yet, " Wherefore dost thou doubt !" he cries "Mine is unchanging love." 42* 498 HYMNS, 464 465 L. M. Baptism. OBEDIENT to our Zion's King, We to his holy laver bring These happy converts, who have known And trusted in his grace alone. Lord, in thy house they seek thy face; Oh, bless them with peculiar grace ; Refresh their souls with love divine ; Let beams of glory round them shine. Ye, who your native vileness mourn, And to the great Redeemer turn, Arise, his gracious call obey, And be baptiz'd without delay, L. M. Baptism. 1 'T WAS the commission of our Lord, Go, teach the nations, and baptize : The nations have receiv'd the word, Since he ascended to the skies. 2 "Repent, and be baptiz'd," he saith, " For the remission of your sins ;" And thus our sense assists our faith, And shows us what his gospel means. 3 Our souls he washes in his blood, As water makes the body clean ; And the good Spirit from our God Descends, like purifying rain. 4 Thus we engage ourselves to thee, And seal our cov'nant with the Lord ; O may the great Eternal Three In heaven our solemn vows record ! 466 L. M. Entering into Covenant. 1 OH! happy day, that fixed my choice On thee, my Saviour, and my God I Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. 2 Oh ! happy bond, that seals my vows To him who merits all my love ! ORDINANCES. 499 Let cheerful anthems fill the house, While to his altar now I move. — 3 'T is done — the great transaction 's done ; — I am my Lord's, and he is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Rejoiced to own the call divine. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart ! Fixed on this blissful centre, rest ; Here have I found a nobler part, Here heavenly pleasures fill my breast. 5 High Heaven, that hears the solemn vow, That vow renewed, shall daily hear ; Till, in life's latest hour, I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. 467 L. M. A Welcome to christian FeUowthip. COME in, thou blessed of the Lord ! Oh ! come in Jesus' precious name ; We welcome thee, with one accord, And trust the Saviour does the same. Those joys which earth cannot afford, We '11 seek in fellowship to prove, Joined in one spirit to our Lord, Together bound by mutual love. And, while we pass this vale of tears, We '11 make our joys and sorrows known; We '11 share each other's hopes and fears, And count a brother's cares our own. Once more, our welcome we repeat ; Receive assurance of our love ; Oh ! may we all together meet, Around the throne of God above. 468 L. M. Entire Consecration. NOW I resolve, with all my heart, With all my powers, to serve the Lord ; Nor from his ways will I depart, Whose service is a rich reward. Oh ! be his service all my joy ! — Around let my example shine, 500 HYMNS. Till others love the blest employ, And join in labors so divine. 3 Be this the purpose of my soul, My solemn, my determined choice, To yield to his supreme control, And, in his kind commands, rejoice. 4 Oh ! may I never faint nor tire, Nor wandering leave his sacred ways ; Great God ! accept my soul's desire, And give me strength to live thy praise. 469 L. M. Self- Dedication to God. 1 LORD ! I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine; With full consent thine I would be, And own thy sovereign right in me. 2 Grant me, in mercy, now a place, Among the children of thy grace, — A wretched sinner, lost to God, But ransomed by Immanuel's blood. 3 Thee, my new master, now I call, And consecrate to thee my all ; Lord ! let me live and die to thee, — Be thine through all eternity. C. M. The Young entering into Covenant. 1 COME, let us join our souls to God, In everlasting bands ; And seize the blessings he bestows, With eager hearts and hands. 2 Come, let us to his temple haste, And seek his favor there ; Before his footstool humbly bow. And pour our fervent prayer. 3 Come, let us seal, without delay, The covenant of his grace ; Nor shall the years of distant life Its mem'ry e'er efface. 4 Thus may our young companions haste To seek their fathers' God ; 470 ORDINANCES. 501 Nor e'er forsake the happy path Their fathers' feet have trod. . rvi c. m. 4fl li Public Profession. 1 YE men and angels ! witness now, Before the Lord we speak ; To him we make our solemn vow, A vow we dare not break ; — 2 That, long as life itself shall last, Ourselves to Christ we yield ; Nor, from his cause will we depart, Nor ever quit the field. 3 We trust not in our native strength, But on his grace rely ; May he, with our returning wants, A needful aid supply. 4 Oh ! guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in thy ways ; And, while we turn our vows to prayers, Turn thou our prayers to praise. A79 L - M - * M I /W • On receiving new Memoers. 1 KINDRED in Christ ! for his dear sake, A hearty welcome here receive ; May we together now partake The joys which only he can give. 2 May he, by whose kind care, we meet, Send his good Spirit from above ; Make our communications sweet, And cause our hearts to burn with love. 3 Forgotten be each worldly theme, When Christians see each other thus ; We only wish to speak of him, Who lived, and died, and reigns, for U3. 4 We '11 talk of all he did and said, And suffered for us, here below ; — The path he marked for us to tread, And what he 's doing for us how. 5 Thus, — as the moments pass away, — We '11 love, and wonder, and adore ; 502 HYMNS. 473 And hasten on the glorious day, When we shall meet to part no more. L. M. The Lord's Supper instituted. 'T WAS on that dark— that doleful night, When powers of earth and hell arose Against the Son of God's delight, And friends betrayed him to his foes : — Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and blessed and brake ; What love through all his actions ran ! What wondrous words of grace he spake ! " This is my body, broke for sin : Receive and eat the living food :" — Then took the cup and blessed the wine, — u 'T is the new covenant in my blood." " Do this," he cried, " till time shall end, In mem'ry of your dying friend ; Meet, at my table, and record The love of your departed Lord." Jesus ! thy feast we celebrate ; We show thy death, we sing thy name- Till thou return, and we shall eat The marriage-supper of the Lamb. 474. O. M. The new Covenant sealed. 1 THE promise of my Father's love Shall stand for ever good : He said — and gave his soul to death, And sealed the grace with blood. 2 To this dear covenant of thy word I set my worthless name ; I seal th' engagement to my Lord, And make my humble claim. 3 I call that legacy my own, Which Jesus did bequeath ; 'T was purchased with a dying groan, And ratified indeath. 4 The light and strength, the pard'ning grace And glory shall be mine : ORDINANCES. 503 My life and soul — my heart and flesh, — And all my powers are thine. tp I eJ • Sacramental Emblems. 1 BREAD of heaven I on thee I feed, For thy flesh is meat indeed ; Ever may my soul -be fed, With the true and living bread ; Day by day, with strength supplied, Through the life of him that died. 2 Vine of heaven ! thy blood supplies This blest cup of sacrifice ; 'T is thy wounds, my healing give ; To thy cross I look and live : Thou, my life ! Oh ! let me be Rooted, grafted, built on thee AH a LM - ^f I \J • The Memorials of Grace. ' 1 JESUS is gone above the skies, Where our weak senses reach him not ; And carnal objects court our eyes, To thrust our Saviour from our thought. 2 He knows what wandering hearts we have, Apt to forget his lovely face ; And, to refresh our minds, he gave These kind memorials of his grace. 3 Let sinful sweets be all forgot, And earth grow less in our esteem ; Christ and his love fill every thought, And faith and hope be fixed on him. 4 While he is absent from our sight, 'T is to prepare our souls a place, That we may dwell in heavenly light, And live for ever near his face. 477 S. M. Communion with Christ and with Saints. 1 JESUS invites his saints To meet around his board ; Here pardoned rebels sit, and hold Communion with their Lord. 504 HYMNS. 2 This holy bread and wine Maintain our fainting breath, By union with our living Lord, And interest in his death. 3 Our heavenly Father calls Christ and his members one ; We the young children of his love, And he the first-born Son. 4 Let all our powers be joined, His glorious name to raise : Pleasure and love fill every mind, And every voice be praise. tB I O* Not ashamed of Christ. 1 AT thy command, our dearest Lord ! Here we attend thy dying feast ; Thy blood, like wine, adorns thy board, And thine own flesh feeds every guest. 2 Our faith adores thy bleeding love, And trusts for life in one who died ; We hope for heavenly crowns above, From a Redeemer crucified. 3 Let the vain world pronounce it shame, And cast their scandals on thy cause ; We come to boast our Saviour's name, And make our triumphs in his cross. 4 With joy we tell the scoffing age, He that was dead has left his tomb ; He lives above their utmost rage, And we are waiting till he come. 479 c. If. 77te Lore of Christ. HOW condescending and how kind Was God's eternal Son ! Our misery reached his heavenly mind, And pity brought him down. He sunk beneath our heavy woes, To raise us to his throne ; There 's ne'er a gift his hand bestows, But cost his heart a groan. ORDINANCES. 505 3 This was compassion, like a God, That when the Saviour knew — The price of pardon was his blood, His pity ne'er withdrew. 4 Now, though he reigns exalted high, His love is still as great ; Well he remembers. Calvary, Nor lets his saints forget. 5 Here let our hearts begin to melt, While we his death record, And, with our joy for pardoned guilt, Mourn that we pierced the Lord. a &n L - M - T^Ov/i The Day of Espousals. 1 JESUS, thou everlasting King ! Accept the tribute that we bring ; Accept the well-deserved renown, And wear our praises as thy crown. 2 Let every act of worship be, Like our espousals, Lord ! to thee ; — Like the dear hour, when, from above We first received thy pledge of love. 3 The gladness of that happy day — Our hearts would wish it long to stay , Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold. 4 Each foll'wing minute as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys . Till we are raised to sing thy name, At the great supper of the Lamb. 481 CM. Humble Communion icith Christ. 1 LORD ! at thy table, we behold The wonders of thy grace ; But most of all admire, that we Should find a welcome-place. 2 We, who were all defiled with sin, And rebels to our God ; — We, who have crucified thy Son, And trampled on his blood ; — 43 506 HYMNS. 3 What strange, surprising grace is this, That we, so lost, have room ] Jesus our weary souls invites, And freely bids us come. 4 Ye saints below, and hosts above ! Join all your sacred powers ; No theme is like redeeming love, — No Saviour is like ours. A R9 c - M - ^O/Vi The triumphal Feast. 1 COME, let us lift our voices high, — High as our joys arise. And join the songs above the sky, Where pleasure never dies. 2 Jesus, our God, invites us here, To this triumphal feast ; And brings immortal blessings down For each redeemed guest. 3 Victorious God ! what can we pay For favors so divine 1 We would devote our hearts away, To be for ever thine. 4 We give thee, Lord ! our highest praise— The tribute of our tongues ; But themes, so infinite as these, Exceed our noblest songs. A QQ °* M **Ot), The Gospel-Feast. 1 HOW sweet and awful is the place, With Christ within the doors — While everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores ! 2 While all our hearts, and all our songs, Join to admire the feast ; Each of us cry, with thankful tongues, — " Lord ! why was I a guest 1 3 " Why was I made to hear thy voice, And enter while there 's room — When thousands make a wretched choice, And rather starve than come ¥' ORDINANCES. 507 4 'T was the same love that spread the feast, That sweetly forced us in ; Else we had still refused to taste, And perished in our sin. 5 Pity the nations, O our God ! Constrain the earth to come ; Send thy victorious word abroad, And bring the strangers home. 6 We long to see thy churches full, That all the chosen race May, with one voice, and heart, and soul, Sing thy redeeming grace. 4Q/L c M * OtcU Remembering Christ. 1 IF human kindness meets return And owns the grateful tie ; If tender thoughts within us burn, To feel a friend is nigh ; — 2 Oh ! shall not warmer accents tell The gratitude we owe To him, who died, our fears to quell — Our more than orphan's wo ! 3 While yet his anguished soul surveyed Those pangs he would not flee, What love his latest words displayed, — "Meet and remember me !" 4 Remember thee — thy death, thy shame, Our sinful hearts to share ! — O mem'ry ! leave no other name But his recorded there. 485 L. M. The Presence of Christ desired. 1 FAR from my thoughts, vain world ! be gone, Let my religious hours alone : Fain would mine eyes my Saviour see ; — I wait a visit, Lord ! from thee. 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire ; Come, my dear Jesus ! from above, And feed my soul with heavenly love. 508 HYMNS. 3 Blest Saviour ! what delicious fare — How sweet thine entertainments are ! Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace and dying love. 4 Hail, great Immanuel, all-divine ! In thee thy Father's glories shine : Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest one, That eyes have seen, or angels known ! 486. C. M. Remembering Christ. 1 ACCORDING to thy gracious word,— In meek humility, — This will I do, my dying Lord ! I will remember thee. 2 Thy body, broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember thee. 3 Gethsemane can I forget 7 Or there thy conflict see, — Thine agony and bloody sweat, — And not remember thee 1 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice ! I must remember thee : — 5 Remember thee, and all thy pains, And all thy love to me ! — Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember thee. 6 And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and mem'ry flee ; When, in thy kingdom, thou shalt come— Jesus ! remember me. 487 SABBATH. 500 SABBATH. 7s. Tlie, Sabbath in the Sanctuary. 1 SAFELY through another week, God has brought us on our way ;— Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day : Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciled, face, Take away our sin and shame ; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest, this day, in thee. 3 Here we come thy name to praise ; Let us feel thy presence near : May thy glory meet our eyes, While we in thy house appear : Here afford us, Lord ! a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners — comfort saints ; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief from all complaints : Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above. A 8^ s M- TbOO« The Lord' 8 Day and public Worship. 1 WELCOME— sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise ! Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes. 2 The king himself comes near. And feasts his saints to-day ; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day, amidst the place Where my dear God hath been, 43* 310 HYMNS. Is swcctor than ton thousand days Of pleasurable sin. 4 My willing soul would stay, In such a frame as this, — And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. II. M. Sabbath- Morning. 489. 1 WELCOME— delightful morn, Thou day of sacred rest ! 1 hail thy kind return ; — Lord ! make these moments blest; Prom the low train Of mortal tO)*3, I soar to reach immortal joys. 2 Now may the king descend* And 11 1 1 his throne of grace; Thy sceptre, Lord! extend, While saints address thy face: Let sinners feel thy quickening word, , And learn to know and tear the Lord. 3 Descend, celestial Dove ! With all thy quickening powers; Disclose a Saviour's love, And bless the sacred hours ; Then shall my soul new life obtain, Nor Sabbaths be bestowed in vain. 490 C. M. Dawn of the Sabbath. 1 AGAIN, the Lord of life and light Awakes the kindling ray, Dispels the darkness of the night, And pours increasing day. 2 Oh ! what a night was that which wrapt A sinful world in gloom ! Oh ! what a sun, which broke this day, Triumphant from the tomb ! 3 This day be grateful homage paid, And loud hosannas sung; Let gladness dwell in every heart. And praise on c very tongue. SAUBATFi. 511 4 Ten thousand thousand lips shall join To bail this welcome mom, Which scatters blessings, from its wings, To nations yet unborn. 491 II. M. Morning of tltn. Lord's Day. AWAKE, ye saints ! awake, And hail this sacred day ; Id Loftiest songs of praise Your joy fill homage pay : Come, bless the day that God hath blessed, — The typo of heaven's eternal rest. On this auspicipus morn The Lord of life arose, And burst the bars of douth, And vanquished all our foes ; And now he pleads out cause above* And reaps the fruit of all his love. All hail ! triumphant Lord ! Heaven with nosannas rings; And earth, in humbler strains, Thy praise responsive sings; — "Worthy the Lamb that onee was slain, Through endless years, to live and reign!" Great King ! gird on thy sword, Ascend thy conquering car; While justice, power And love Maintain the glorious war: This day let sinners own thy sway, And rebels east their arms away. 492 L, K. The Morning of the Lord's Day. HAIL! morning known among the blest, — .Morning of hop'-, and joy, and love, — Of heavenly peace, and holy rest, Pledge 01 the endless rest above! Ulest be the Father of our Lord, Who, from the dead, hath brought his Son; Hope to the lost was then restored] And everlasting glory won. 512 HYMNS. 3 Scarce morning-twilight had begun To chase the shades of night away, When Christ arose — unsetting sun — The dawn of joy's eternal day. 4 Mercy looked down, with smiling eye, When our Immanuel left the dead ; Faith marked his bright ascent on high, And hope, with gladness, raised her head. 5 Descend, O Spirit of the Lord ! Thy lire to every bosom bring ; Then shall our ardent hearts accord, And teach our lips God's praise to sing. 493. C. M. The Resurrection- Morn. 1 BLEST morning ! whose young dawning rays Beheld our rising God ; That saw him triumph o'er the dust, And leave his dark abode. 2 In the cold prison of a tomb, The great Redeemer lay, Till the revolving skies had brought The third, th' appointed day. 3 Hell and the grave unite their force To hold our God in vain : The sleeping Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain. 4 To thy great name, almighty Lord ! These sacred hours we pay ; And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. 5 Salvation, and immortal praise, To our victorious King ! Let heaven and earth, and rocks and seas, With glad hosannas ring. L. M. The Rest of the Sabbath. 1 ANOTHER six days' work is done, Another Sabbath is begun; Return, my soul ! enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God hath blessed. 494 SABBATH. 513 2 Oh ! that our thoughts and thanks may rise, As grateful incense to the skies ; And draw, from heaven, that sweet repose Which none, but he that feels it, knows. 3 This heavenly calm, within the breast, Is the dear pledge of glorious rest — Which for the church of God remains, — The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties let the day, — In holy pleasures, pass away ; How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end ! 495 L. M. The earthly and heavenly Sabbath. 1 THINE earthly Sabbaths, Lord ! we love, But there 's a nobler rest above ; To that our longing souls aspire, With cheerful hope and strong desire. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin, nor death shall reach the place ; No groans shall mingle with the songs That warble from immortal tongues. 3 No rude alarms of raging foes, No cares to break the long repose, No midnight-shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. 4 Soon shall that glorious day begin, Beyond this world of death and sin ; Soon shall our voices join the song Of the triumphant, holy throng. 496 The holy Day of Rest. WELCOME— sacred day of rest ! Sweet repose from worldly care ; — Day above all days the best, When our souls for heaven prepare ; — Day when our Redeemer rose, Victor o'er the hosts of hell : Thus he vanquished all our foes , — Let our lips his glory tell. 514 HYMNS. 2 Gracious Lord ! we love this day, When we hear thy holy word ; When we sing thy praise, and pray ; — Earth can no such joys afford : But a better rest remains, Heavenly Sabbaths, — happier days, Rest from sin, and rest from pains, — Endless joys, and endless praise. 497 C. M. A Sabbath in the House of God. 1 HERE cares and angry passions cease, For saints together meet To spend an hour of prayer and peace, At their Redeemer's feet. 2 No sculptured wonders meet the sight, — Nor pictured saints appear, Nor storied window's gorgeous light, For God himself is here. 3 And here are comrades in the war With Satan and with sin, Who now in God's own favor share, And soon their heaven will win. 4 Glory to God ! who deigns to bless This consecrated day, Unfolds his wondrous promises, And makes it sweet to pray. 5 Glory to God ! who deigns to hear The humblest sigh we raise, And answers every heart-felt prayer, And hears our hymn of praise. c. M. The first Day of the Week. 1 AND now another week begins, This day we call the Lord's ; This day he rose, who bore oui sins,— For so his word records. 2 Hark, how the angels sweetly sing ! — Their voices fill the sky ; They hail their great victorious king, And welcome him on high. 498 SABBATH. 515 3 We '11 catch the note of lofty praise ; May we their rapture feel ; Our thankful song with theirs we '11 raise, And emulate their zeal. 4 Come, then, ye saints ! and grateful sing Of Christ, our risen Lord, — Of Christ, the everlasting king, — Of Christ, th' incarnate word. 5 Hail, mighty Saviour ! thee we hail ! High on thy throne above ; Till heart and flesh together fail, We '11 sing thy matchless love. AQQ CM *jb*J*J» The first Sabbath. 1 HOW bright a day was that, which saw Creation's work complete ! All nature owned her Maker's law, And worshiped at his feet. 2 The world, arranged by power divine, In perfect order stood ; And, resting from his great design, God saw that all was good. -■$ Not such a Sabbath now appears, For sin has ruined all ; No longer man with pleasure hears A gracious Father's call. \ Yet, Lord ! bring back the reign of peace, Let brighter days begin ; And teach vain creatures how to cease From folly and from sin. 5 Let sinners be again made thine, Though once with vengeance cursed; And let a second Sabbath shine, As glorious as the first. 500 c. at The Resurrection of Christ. 1 THE Lord of Sabbath let us praise, In concert with the blest : And joyful, in harmonious lays, Employ this day of rest. 501. 516 HYMNS. 2 Lord ! may we still remember thee, And more in knowledge grow ; Oh ! may we more of glory see, While waiting here below. 3 On this blest day, a brighter scene Of glory was displayed, By God, th' eternal word, than when This universe was made. 4 He rises, who our souls hath bought With blood, and grief, and pain : 'T was great — to speak the world fromnought,- 'T was greater — to redeem. L. M. The Lord's Day. 1 THIS day the Lord hath called his own ; — Oh ! let us then his praise declare, Fix our desires on him alone, And seek his face, with fervent prayer. 2 Lord ! in thy love, would we rejoice, That bids the burdened soul be free ; And, with united heart and voice, Devote these sacred hours to thee. 3 Now let the world's delusive things No more our groveling thoughts employ But faith be taught to stretch her wings, In search of heaven's unfailing joy. 4 Oh ! let these earthly Sabbaths, Lord ! Be to our lasting welfare blest ; The purest comfort here afford, And fit us for eternal rest. ^09 10s *J\J&m The Sabbath, a holy Rest. 1 AGAIN the day returns of holy rest, Which, when he made the world, Jehovah blest ; When, like his own, he bade our labours cease, And all be piety, and all be peace. 2 Let us devote this consecrated day To learn his will, and all we learn obey; So shall he hear when fervently we raise Our supplications, and our songs of praise. SABBATH. 517 3 Father in heaven ! in whom our hopes confide, Whose power defends us, and whose precepts guide; In life our guardian, and in death our friend, — Glory supreme be thine, till time shall end. 503 504 C. M. 27ie Sacrifice of the Heart. WHEN, as returns this solemn day, Man comes to meet his God, What rites — what honors shall he pay ! How spread his praise abroad ) From marble-domes and gilded spires Shall clouds of incense rise? And gems, and gold, and garlands deck The costly sacrifice 1 Vain, sinful man ! — creation's Lord Thine offerings well may spare ; But give thy heart — and thou shalt find, That God will hear thy prayer. 7s and 6s. Sabbath-ContemplaU'ont. LORD of the vast creation, Support of worlds unknown, Desire of every nation ! — Behold us at thy throne ; We come for mercy crying, Through thine atoning blood ; And on thy grace relying, We seek each promised good. We bless the condescension That brought thee down to earth; Of which the seers made mention, Who prophesied thy birth : We celebrate the glory, That marked thy wondrous way, And own the joyful story, That claims this hallowed day. Oh ! when shall thy salvation Be known through every land, And men, in every station, Obey thy great command 3 44 // 518 HYMNS. In God's own Son believing, From sin may they be free ; And gospel-grace receiving, Find life and peace in thee. iJ\Jfj0 The Close cj the Sabbath. 1 ANOTHER day has passed along, And we are nearer to the tomb, — Nearer to join the heavenly song, Or hear the last eternal doom. 2 Sweet is the light of Sabbath-eve, And soft the sunbeams lingering there : For these blest hours, the world I leave, Wafted on wings of faith and prayer. 3 The time how lovely and how still ; Peace shines and smiles on all below, — The plain, the stream, the wood, the hill, — All fair with evening's setting glow. 4 Season of rest! the tranquil soul Feels the sweet calm, and melts to love,- And while these sacred moments roll, Faith sees a smiling heaven above. 5 Nor will our days of toil be long, Our pilgrimage will soon be trod; And we shall join the ceaseless song, — The endless Sabbath of our God. 506 CM. Evening of the Lord's Day. FREQUENT the day of God returns, To shed its quickening beams; And yet how slow devotion burns ! How languid are its flames ! Accept our faint attempts to love, Our frailties, Lord ! forgive ; We would be like thy saints above, And praise thee while we live. Increase, O Lord ! our faith and hope, And fit us to ascend, Where the assembly ne'er breaks up, The Sabbath ne'er shall end : — SABBATH. 51f 4 Where we shall breathe in heavenly air, With heavenly lustre shine, Before the thione of God appear, And feast on love divine : — 5 Where we, in high seraphic strains, Shall all our powers employ ; Delighted range th' ethereal plains, And take our lill of joy. ^507 c - M - *J\J I • Lord's Day-Evening. 1 WHEN, O dear Jesus ! when shall I Behold thee all-serene ; Blest in perpetual Sabbath-day, Without a veil between 1 2 Assist me while I wander here, Amidst a world of cares ; Incline my heart to pray with love, And then accept my prayers. 3 Spare me, my God ! Oh ! spare the soul That gives itself to thee ; Take all that I possess below, And give thyself to me. 4 Thy Spirit, O my Father ! give To be my guide and friend, To light my path to ceaseless joys— Where Sabbaths never end. SANCTUARY. 508 S. M. The Mercy-Seat. 1 HOW charming is the place, Where my Redeemer-God Unveils the glories of his face, And sheds his love abroad ! 2 Not the fair palaces, To which the great resort, Are once to be compared with this, Where Jesus holds his court 520 HYMNS. 3 Here, on the mercy-seat, With radiant glory crowned, Our joyful eyes behold thee sit, And smile on all around. 4 To thee, our prayers and cries Each humble soul presents : Oh ! listen to our broken sighs, And grant us all our wants. 5 Give us, O Lord ! a place, Within thy blest abode, Among the children of thy grace, — The servants of our God. ^HQ c M 'J \J V • The Glory of Zion. 1 HOW honorable is the place, Where we adoring stand ; Zion ! — the glory of the earth, And beauty of the land. 2 Bulwarks of mighty grace defend The city where we dwell ; The walls, of strong salvation made, Defy th' assaults of hell. 3 Lift up the everlasting gates, The doors wide open fling ; Enter, ye nations that obey The statutes of our king ! 4 Here shall you taste unmingled joys, And live in perfect peace, — You that have known Jehovah's name, And ventured on his grace ! 5 Trust in the Lord, for ever trust, And banish all your fears : Strength, in the Lord Jehovah, dwells, Eternal as his years. *J J- V/. The Churchy the Palace of God. 1 HAPPY the church, thou sacred place, The seat of thy Creator's grace ! Thy holy courts are his abode, Thou earthly palace of our God ! 511 SANCTUARY. 521 Thy walls are strength, — and at thy gates A guard of heavenly warriors waits ; Nor shall thy deep foundation move, Fixed on his counsels and his love. Thy foes in vain designs engage — Against thy throne in vain they rage, Like rising waves, with angry roar, That dash and die upon the shore. God is our shield, and God our sun ; Swift as the fleeting moments run, On us he sheds new beams of grace, And we reflect his brightest praise. H. M. The House of Prayer. 1 GREAT Father of mankind ! We bless that wondrous grace, Which could for Gentiles find, Within thy courts, a place : How kind the care Our God displays, For us to raise A house of prayer ! 2 Though once estranged afar, We now approach the throne, For Jesus brings us near, And makes our cause his own Strangers no more, To thee we come ; We find our home, And rest secure. 3 To thee our souls we join, And love thy sacred name : No more our own, but thine, We triumph in thy claim ; Our Father-King ! Thy covenant-grace Our souls embrace, Thy titles sing. 4 Let all the nations throng To worship in thy house ; And thou attend the song, And smile upon their vows, 44* /// 522 HYMNS. Indulgent still, Till earth conspire To join the choir, On Zion's hill. 512 7s. Tlie House of Prayer and Praise. 1 LORD of hosts ! to thee we raise, Here, a house of prayer and praise; Thou thy people's heart prepare, Here to meet for praise and prayer. 2 Let the living here be fed, With thy word, the heavenly bread ; Here, in hope of glory blest, May the dead be laid to rest. 3 Here, to thee a temple stand, While the sea shall girt the land ; Here, reveal thy mercy sure, While the sun and moon endure. 4 Hallelujah ! — earth and sky To the joyful sound reply : Hallelujah ! — hence ascend Prayer and praise, till time shall end. 513 L. M. On opening a House of Worship. HERE, in thy name, eternal God ! We build this earthly house for thee , Oh ! make it now thy fixed abode, And keep it, Lord ! from error free. When here thy people seek thy face, And dying sinners pray to live ; Hear thou, in heaven, thy dwelling-place, And when thou nearest, Lord ! forgive. Here, when thy messengers proclaim, The blessed gospel of thy Son ; Still, by the power of his great name, Be mighty signs and wonders done. When children's voices raise the song, — Hosanna to their heavenly King ; Let heaven, with earth, the strain prolong- " Hosanna !" let the angels sing. SANCTUARY. 523 5 But will, indeed, Jehovah deign, Here to abide, — no transient guest 1 Here, will our great Redeemer reign, And here, the Holy Spirit rest? — 6 Thy glory never hence depart! Yet choose not, Lord ! this house alone i Thy kingdom come, in every heart, — In every, bosom, fix thy throne. /r-i a l. m. vIt^* Prayer on opening a Church-Edifice. 1 WITHIN thy house, O Lord our God ! In glorious majesty appear ; Make this a place of* thine abode, And shed thy choicest blessings here. 2 When we thy mercy-seat surround, Thy Spirit, with thy word, impart ; And let thy gospel's joyful sound, With power divine, reach every heart. 3 Here, let the blind their sight obtain, Here, give the broken spirit rest ; Let Jesus here triumphant reign, — Enthroned in every yielding breast. 4 Here, let the voice of sacred joy And humble supplication rise, Till higher strains our tongues employ, In realms of bliss, beyond the skies. A1^ CM. *J ± %J • Dedication of a Church. 1 GOD of the universe ! to thee This sacred fane we rear, And now, with songs and bended knee, Invoke thy presence here. 2 Long may this echoing dome resound The praises of thy name, — These hallowed walls to all around The Triune God proclaim. 3 Here, let thy love — thy presence dwell, — Thy glory here make known ; Thy people's home, Oh ! come, and fill, And seal it as thine own. 524 HYMNS. 4 When sad with care — by sin oppressed,- Here may the burdened soul, Beneath thy sheltering wing, rind rest; Here, make the wounded whole. 5 And when the last long Sabbath-morn, Upon the just, shall rise, May all, who own thee here, be borne To mansions in the skies. MINISTRY. fJ JL \J • The Heralds of Christ. 1 HOW beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Zion's hill ! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal 1 2 How charming is their voice I How sweet the tidings are ! — " Zion ! behold thy Saviour-King, He reigns and triumphs here !" 3 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound ! Which kings and prophets waited for And sought, but never found 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light \ Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. {> The Lord makes bare his army Through all the earth abroad; Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. 517 MINISTRY. 525 L. M. Toe great Commission. 1 " GO, preach my gospel !" — saith the Lord, — "Bid the whole earth my grace receive ; He shall be saved who trusts my word ; He shall be damned who don't believe 2 " I '11 make your great commission known, And ye shall prove my gospel true. By all the works that 1 have done, By all the wonders ye shall do. 3 " Teach all the nations my commands, — I 'm with you till the world shall end ; All power is trusted in my hands, I can destroy, and I defend." 4 He spake — and light shone round his head ; On a bright cloud, to heaven he rode : They to the farthest nations spread The grace of their ascended God. /r-iq cm. tJJL\-/» Ministers icatch for Souls. 1 LET Zion's watchmen all awake, And take th' alarm they give ; Now let them, from the mouth of God, Their awful charge receive. 2 'T is not a cause of small import The pastor's care demands ; But what might fill an angel's heart ; — It filled a Saviour's hands. 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego ; — For souls, that must for ever live, In raptures, or in wo. 4 All to the great tribunal haste, Th' account to render there ; And shouldst thou strictly mark our faults, Lord ! how should we "appear ! 5 May they that Jesus, whom they preach, Their own Redeemer see ; And watch thou daily o'er their souls, That they may wa'tch for thee. 526 HYMNS. 519 L. M. Meeting of Ministers. POUR out thy Spirit from on high ; Lord ! thine assembled servants bless ; Graces and gifts to each supply, And clothe thy priests with righteousness. Within thy temple where we stand, To teach the truth as taught by thee, Saviour ! like stars, in thy right hand, The angels of the churches be ! Wisdom and zeal, and faith impart, Firmness with meekness from above, To bear thy people on our hearts, And love the souls whom thou dost love «- To watch and pray, and never faint ; By day and night strict guard to keep ; To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, Nourish thy lambs, and feed thy sheep. Then, when our work is finished here, In humble hope, our charge resign : When the chief Shepherd shall appear, O God ! may they and we be thine. 520. C. M. The Death of a Minitter. NOW let our drooping hearts revive, And all our tears be dry : Why should those eyes be drowned in grief That view a Saviour nigh 1 Though earthly shepherds dwell in dust, — The aged and the young ; The watchful eye, in darkness closed, And mute th' instructive tongue ; — Th' eternal shepherd still survives, New comfort to impart ; His eye still guides us — and his voice Still animates our heart. " Lo ! I am with you," saith the Lord, " My church shall safe abide ;" The Lord will ne'er forsake his own Who in his love confide. MINISTRY. 527 5 Through every scene of life and death, His promise is our trust ; And this shall be our children's song, When we are cold in dust. ^91 SM *)& J. • The Pastor's Death. 1 REST from thy labor, rest ;— Soul of the just, set free ! Blest be thy memory, and blest Thy bright example be ! 2 Faith, perseverance, zeal, Language of light and power, Love, — prompt to act, and quick to feel, — Marked thee, till life's last hour. 3 Now, — toil and conflict o'er, — Go, take with saints thy place : But go — as each hath gone before, — A sinner saved by grace. 4 Lord Jesus ! to thy hands Our pastor we resign ; And now we wait thine own commands ;— We were not his, but thine. 5 Thou art thy church's head; And when the members die, Thou raisest others in their stead : — To thee we lift our eye. 6 On thee our hopes depend ; We gather round our Rock ; Send whom thou wilt ; but condescend Thyself to feed thy flock. ^99 s m *J6*Aj • The Death of an aged Minister. 1 » SERVANT of God ! well done ! Rest from thy loved employ : The battle fought, — the vict'ry won, — Enter thy Master's joy." 2 The voice at midnight came, He started up to hear ; A mortal arrow pierced his frame, He fell — but felt no fear. 3 Tranquil amid alarms, It found him on the field, 528 HYMNS. A veteran slumbering on his arms, Beneath his red-cross shield. 4 The pains of death are past, — Labor and sorrow cease ; And, life's long warfare closed at last His soul is found in peace. 5 Soldier of Christ ! well-done ! Praise be thy new employ ; And while eternal ages run, Rest in thy Saviour's joy ! CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 523, 7s. Inquiring of a Watchman. WATCHMAN ! tell us of the night. What its signs of promise are 1 Traveler ! o'er yon mountain's height 1 See that glory-beaming star : Watchman ! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell 7 Traveler ! yes ; — it brings the day, — Promised day of Israel. Watchman ! tell us of the night ; — Higher yet that star ascends ; Traveler ! blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends Watchman ! will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? Traveler ! ages are its own, See ! it bursts o'er all the earth. Watchman ! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn ; Traveler ! darkness takes its flight, Doubt and terror are withdrawn : Watchman ! let thy wanderings cease Hie thee to thy quiet home ; Traveler ! lo ! the Prince of peace, — Lo ! the Son of God is come ! CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 599 KG A H M - *J& *-# • Christian Effort. 1 RISE, gracious God ! and shine In all thy saving might : And prosper each design, To spread thy glorious light : Let healing streams of mercy flow, That all the earth thy truth may know. 2 Put forth thy glorious power ! The nations then will see, And earth present her store, In converts born of thee : God, our own God, his church will bless, And earth shall yield her full increase. KC)rX 8s and 7s. tz/Wt/f The Heathen crying for Help. 1 HARK ! what mean those lamentations, Rolling sadly through the sky 1 'T is the cry of heathen nations,— " Come and help us or we die 1" 2 Hear the heathen's sad complaining, Christians ! hear their dying cry ; And, the love of Christ constraining, Haste to help them, ere they die. KQn 7s and 6s. tz/OUt The Gospel- Banner. 1 NOW be the gospel-banner, In every land, unfurled ; And be the shout. — " Hosanna !" — Re-echoed through the world ; Till every isle and nation, Till every tribe and tongue Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. % What, though th' embattled legions Of earth and hell combine] His arm, throughout their regions, Shall soon resplendent shine : Ride on, O Lord ! victorious, Immanuel, Prince of peace ! Thy triumph shall be glorious,— Thy empire still increase. 45 530 HYMNS. 3 Yes, — thou shalt reign for ever, O Jesus, King of kings ! Thy light, thy love, thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings : The isles for thee are waiting, The deserts learn thy praise, The hills and vallies greeting, The song responsive raise. AO7 t. m. ^/W I • Missionary Meeting. 1 ASSEMBLED at thy great command, Before thy face, dread King ! we stand : The voice, that marshalled every star, Has called thy people from afar. 2 We meet, through distant lands, to spread The truth for which the martyrs bled ; Along the line, to either pole, The thunder of thy praise to roll. 3 Our prayers assist, accept our praise, Our hopes revive, our courage raise, Our counsels aid, to each impart The single eye, the faithful heart. 4 Forth with thy chosen heralds come, Recall the wandering spirits home ; From Zion's mount send forth the sound To spread the spacious earth around. /rr>Q v »• *J&\-)» The Heralds pointing out the War/. 1 NOW let our faith with joy survey The glories of the latter day : Its dawn already seems begun, — Sure earnest of the rising sun. 2 The friends of truth assembled stand, — A chosen consecrated band, The emblem of the cross display, And cry aloud, — "Behold the way!" 3 Behold the way to Zion's hill, Where Israel's God delights to dwell : He fixes there his lofty throne, And calls the sacred place his own. 4 "Behold the way !" ye heralds ! cry , Spare not, but lift your voices high : CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 531 Convey the sound from shore to shore, And bid the captive sigh no more. 5 Auspicious dawn ! thy rising ray, With joy, we view, and hail the day : Thou Sun ! arise, supremely bright, And fill the world with purest light. O/^ t/ . The Heralds of Christ. 1 CAPTAIN of thine exalted host ! Display thy glorious banner high ; The summons send, from coast to coast, And call a numerous army nigh. 2 A solemn jubilee proclaim, — Proclaim the great sabbatic day ; Assert the glories of thy name ; Spoil Satan of his wished-for prey. 3 Oh ! bid thy heralds publish loud The peaceful blessings of thy reign ; And when they speak of sprinkled blood, The mystery to the heart explain. %.ftJ\J» Missionaries encouraged. 1 YE messengers of Christ ! His sovereign voice obey ; Arise, and follow where he leads, And peace attend your way. 2 The Master, whom you serve, Will needful strength bestow ; Depending on his promised aid, With sacred courage go. 3 Go, spread the Saviour's name ; Go, tell his matchless grace ; Proclaim salvation, full and free, To Adam's guilty race. 4 Mountains shall sink to plains, And hell in vain oppose ; The cause is God's — and will prevail In spite of all his foes. £rOl 8s, 7s and 4. Is*-* J- • Departure of Missionaries. 1 MEN of God ! go take your stations ; Darkness reigns o'er all the earth 532 HYMNS. Go, proclaim among the nations, Joyful news of heavenly birth; Bear the tidings — Tidings of the Saviour's worth. 2 When exposed to fearful dangers, Jesus will his own defend : Borne afar midst foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your friend ; And his presence Shall be with you to the end. £CQQ 7s and 6s. *-/&*+/• Departure of Missionaries. 1 ROLL on, thou mighty ocean ! And, as thy billows flow, Bear messengers of mercy, To every vale of wo : Arise, ye gales ! and waft them, Safe to their destined shore ; That men may sit in darkness And death's black shade no more. 2 O thou eternal Ruler ! Who holdest in thine arm The tempests of the ocean, — Deliver them from harm : Thy presence still be with them Wherever they may be ; Though far from those who love them, Let them be nigh to thee. /^QQ 8s, 7s and 4. OOO* The Heralds of Salvation. 1 ON the mountain's top appearing, Lo ! the sacred herald stands ; Welcome news to Zion bearing,— Zion long in hostile lands : Mourning captive ! God himself will loose thy bands. 2 Has thy night been long and mournful, All thy friends unfaithful proved 1 Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmoved] Cease thy mourning ; — Zion still is well-beloved. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 538 3 God, thy God, will now restore thee, He himself appears thy friend ; All thy foes shall flee before thee, Here their boasts and triumphs end ; Great deliverance — Zion's king will quickly send. 4 Peace and joy shall now attend thee, All thy warfare now is past, God, thy Saviour, shall defend thee, Peace and joy are come at last ; All thy conflicts End in everlasting rest. D O 4fc • The Messengers of God. 1 GO — ye messengers of God ! Like the beams of morning, fly ; Take the wonder-working rod, Wave the Banner-Cross on high. 2 Where the towering minaret Gleams along the morning-skies, Wave it till the crescent set, And the "Star of Jacob" rise. 3 Go to many a tropic isle, In the bosom of the deep, Where the skies for ever smile, And th' oppressed for ever weep. 4 O'er the negro's night of care Pour the living light of heaven ; Chase away the fiend despair, — Bid him hope to be forgiven. 5 Where the golden gates of day Open on the palmy east, Wide the bleeding cross display, — Spread the gospel's richest feast. 6 Circumnavigate the ball, Visit every soil and sea: Preach the cross of Christ to all, — Christ, whose love is full and free. U*J*J* Promised Aid. 1 GO, and the Saviour's grace proclaim Ye favored men of God ! 45* 534 HYMNS. Go, publish, through Immanuel's name, Salvation bought with blood. 2 What though your arduous path-way lie Through regions dark as death? What though, your faith and zeal to try, Perils beset your path 1 — 3 Yet, with determined courage, go, And armed with power divine : Your God will needful strength bestow, And on your labors shine. 4 He, who has called you to the war, Will recompense your pains : Before Messiah's conquering car, Shall mountains sink to plains. 5 Shrink not, though earth and hell oppose, But plead your Master's cause ; * Assured that e'en your mightiest foe Shall bow before his cross. AOfi C M. t/f U, Designation of a Missionary. 1 FATHER of mercies ! condescend To hear our fervent prayer, While this our brother we commend To thy paternal care. 2 Before him set an open door ; His various efforts bless ; On him thy Holy Spirit pour, And crown him with success. 3 Endow him with a heavenly mind ; Supply his every need ; Make him in spirit meek, resigned, bold in word and deed. 4 In every tempting, trying hour, Uphold him, by thy grace ; And guard him, by thy mighty power. Till he shall end his race. 5 Then, followed by a numerous train, Gathered from heathen lands, A crown of life rmy he obtain, From his Redeemer's hands. 537. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 535 L. M. Commission to the Gentiles. 1 GO — messenger of peace and love ! To nations plunged in shades of night; Like angels sent from fields above, Be thine to shed celestial light. 2 Go, to the hungry food impart ; To paths of peace the wanderer guide, And lead the thirsty, panting heart, Where streams of living waters glide. 3 Go, bid the bright and morning-star, From Bethlehem's plains resplendent shine, And, piercing through the gloom afar, Shed heavenly light and love divine. 4 To India's various castes, proclaim The gospel's soft, but powerful voice ; And, at the blest Redeemer's name, Let ocean's lonely isles rejoice. 5 From north to south, from east to west, Messiah yet shall reign supreme ; His name, by every tongue, confessed, — His praise. — the universal theme. ^OO ft M. •_/?-/ w • Prayer for Israel. 1 LORD ! send thy servants forth To call the Hebrews home ; From east, and west, and south, and north, Let all the wanderers come. 2 Where'er, in lands unknown, The fugitives remain, Bid every creature help them on, Thy holy mount to gain. 3 An offering to the Lord, There let them all be seen, Sprinkled with water and with blood, In soul and body clean. 4 With Israel's myriads sealed, Let all the nations meet ; And show the mystery fulfilled, — Thy family complete. 536 HYMNS. 539 8s, 7s and 4. The Missionary's Farewell. 1 YES, — my native land ! I love thee ; All thy scenes I love them well ; — Friends, connexions, happy country ! Can I bid you all farewell] Can I leave you. Far in heathen lands to dwell? 2 Home ! — thy joys are passing lovely,— Joys no stranger-heart can tell ; Happy home ! — 't is sure I love thee ! Can I — can I say — Farewell ? Can I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell? 3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure, Holy days and Sabbath-bell, Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure ! Can I say a last farewell? Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell ? 4 Yes ! I hasten from you gladly, From the scenes I love so well ; Far away, ye billows ! bear me ; Lovely native land ! — farewell ! Pleased I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell. 5 In the deserts let me labor, On the mountains let me tell, How he died — the blessed Saviour — To redeem a world from hell ! Let me hasten, Far in heathen lands to dwell. 6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean ! Let the winds my canvass swell : Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell : Glad I bid thee, Native land ! — Farewell !— Farewell ! E\ A C\ L M ' t/TPv/t Missionaries remembered. 1 MARKED as the purpose of the skies, This promise meets our anxious eyes,— CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. 537 That heathen lands the Lord shall know, And warm with faith each bosom glow. 2 E'en now the hallowed scenes appear ; E'en now unfolds the promised year : Lo ! distant shores thy heralds trace, And bear the tidings of thy grace. 3 Mid burning climes and frozen plains, Where pagan darkness brooding reigns, Lord ! mark their steps, their fears subdue, And nerve their arm, and clear their view. 4 When, worn by toil, their spirits fail, Bid them the glorious future hail ; Bid them the crown of life survey. And onward urge their conquering way SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. /yi l.m. vtd1» Prayer for the Millennium. 1 JESUS ! we bow before thy throne, We lift our eyes to seek thy face ; To bleeding hearts thy love make known, On contrite souls bestow thy grace. 2 See, spread beneath thy gracious eye, A world o'erwhelmed in guilt and tears, Where deathless souls in ruin lie, And no kind voice dispels their fears ! 3 Lord ! arm thy truth with power divine, Its conquests spread from shore to shore, Till suns and stars forget to shine, And earth and skies shall be no more. 4 Oh ! rise, ye ransomed captives ! rise, Peal the loud anthem here below ; Let earth reflect it to the skies, And heaven with new-born rapture glow. KAO c.m. iJHti&i Returning to Zion. 1 DAUGHTER of Zion ! from the dust Exalt thy fallen head ; 538 HYMNS. Again in thy Redeemer trust, — He calls thee from the dead. 2 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, — Thy beautiful array ; The day of freedom dawns at length, — The Lord's appointed day. 3 Rebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlarge, And send thy heralds forth : Say to the south, — " Give up thy charge, And keep not back, O north !" 4 They come, they come ; — thine exiled bands Where'er they rest or roam, Have heard thy voice in distant lands, And hasten to their home. 5 Thus, though the universe shall burn, And God his works destroy, With songs, thy ransomed shall return,^ And everlasting joy. tJHtiO* The Gcipel-Trumpet. 1 YE trembling captives ! hear ; The gospel-trumpet sounds ; No music more can charm the ear, Or heal your heart-felt wounds. 2 'T is not the trump of war, Nor Sinai's awful roar ; Salvation's news it spreads afar, And vengeance is no more. 3 Forgiveness, love, and peace, Glad heaven aloud proclaims , And earth, the jubilee's release, With eager rapture claims. 4 Far, far to distant lands The saving news shall spread ; And Jesus all his willing bands, In glorious triumph, lead. 544 S.M. Prayer for Success. 1 O LORD, our God ! arise, The cause of truth maintain; SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 539 And wide o'er all the peopled world Extend her blessed reign. 2 Thou Prince of life ! arise, Nor let thy glory cease ; Far spread the conquests of thy grace And bless the earth with peace. 3 Thou Holy Ghost! arise, Expand thy quickening wing, And o'er a dark and ruined world Let light and order spring. 4 All on the earth ! arise, To God, the Saviour, sing, From shore to shore, from earth to heaven, Let echoing anthems ring. *jj~ l.m. *J £ ±*Jo The Time to favor Zion. 1 SOVEREIGN of worlds ! display thy power, Be this thy Zion's favored hour ; Bid the bright morning-star arise, And point the nations to the skies. 2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns, On Afric s shore, on India's plains ; Far let the gospel's sound be known, And claim the nations for thy own. 3 Speak — and the world shall hear thy voice; Speak, — and the desert shall rejoice ; Scatter the gloom of heathen night ; Bid every nation hail the light. vtpvi Millenn ial Days. 1 LORD ! send thy word, and let it fly, Armed with thy Spirit's power ; Ten thousands shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour. 2 Beneath the influence of thy grace The barren wastes shall rise, With sudden green and fruits arrayed— A blooming paradise. 3 Peace, with her olive-crown shall stretch Her v ings from shore to shore ; 540 HYMNS. The nations of the earth shall hear The sound of war no more. 4 Lord ! for those days we wait ; — those day Are in thy word foretold : Fly swifter, sun and stars ! and bring This promised age of gold. 5 Amen ! — with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered myriads cry ; Amen ! — with joy divine, let heaven's Unnumbered choirs reply. 547 548 S. M. Prayer for all Lands. O GOD of sovereign grace ! We bow before thy throne ; And plead, for all the human race, The merits of thy Son. Spread through the earth, O Lord ! The knowledge of thy ways ; And let all lands, with joy, record The great Redeemer's praise. 7s. Jesus shall reign. 1 HARK ! — the song of jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar, — Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore, — " Hallelujah ! for the Lord God Omnipotent, shall reign !" Hallelujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 "Hallelujah !"— - hark !— the sound, From the centre to the skies, Wakes, above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies : See Jehovah's banners furled, Sheathed his sword ! he speaks — 't is done, And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 3 He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway : 549 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 541 He shall reign, when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have passed away ; Then the end ; — beneath his rod, Man's last enemy shall fall ; Hallelujah ! — Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. L. M. Prayer for Zion. 1 INDULGENT Sovereign of the skies ! And wilt thou bow thy gracious earl While feeble mortals raise their cries, Wilt thou, the great Jehovah, hear ? 2 How shall thy servants give thee rest, Till Zion's mouldering walls thou raise? Till thine own power shall stand confessed, And make Jerusalem a praise 1 3 Look down, O God ! with pitying eye, And view the desolations round ; See, what wide realms in darkness lie, What scenes of wo and crime abound ! 4 Loud let the gospel-trumpet blow, And call the nations from afar; Let all the isles their Saviour know, And eaith's remotest ends draw near. tJtJ\J* Prayer for the Reign of Christ. 1 JESUS, immortal King ! arise ; Rise and assert thy sway ; Till earth, subdued, its tribute bring, And distant lands obey. 2 Ride forth, victorious Conqueror ! ride, Till all thy foes submit ; And all the powers of hell resign Their trophies at thy feet. 3 Send forth thy word, and let it fly, This spacious earth around ; Till every soul beneath the sun Shall hear the joyful sound. 4 From sea to sea, from shore to shore, May Jesus be adored ; 46 542 HYMNS. And earth, with all her millions, shout»— Hosannas to the Lord. pT pf -1 7s and 6s. OO ± • The State of the Heathen. 1 FROM Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palm)'' plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, — Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile 1 — In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness. Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, — Shall we, to men benighted, The lamp of life deny ! Salvation ! O Salvation ! — The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft — waft, ye winds ! his story And you, ye waters ! roll, — Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till, o'er our ransomed nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. ^9 LM - KJ <./ Aj • Zion encouraged. 1 ZION ! awake, thy strength renew, Put on thy robes of beauteous hue ; And let th' admiring world behold The king's fair daughter clothed in gold SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 543 2 Church of our God ! arise and shine, Bright with the beams of truth divine : Then shall thy radiance stream afar, Wide as the heathen nations are. 3 Gentiles and kings thy light shall view ; All shall admire and love thee too ; — Shall come, like clouds across the sky Or doves that to their windows fly. *J*J*J» Prayer fur Missionaries. 1 GREAT God ! the nations of the earth Are by creation thine ; And in thy works, from nature's birth, Thy radiant glories shine. 2 But, Lord ! thy greater love hath sent Thy gospel to our race ; Unveiling thy divine intent Of rich redeeming grace. 3 Soon may these gracious tidings roll The spacious earth around, Till every tribe and every soul Shall hear the joyful sound. 4 Then, to her sable sons conveyed, Shall Afric learn thy word, * And vassals, long-enslaved, become The freemen of the Lord. 5 When shall the scattered wanderers meet, That now in darkness rove, And gathered round Immanuel's feet, Sing of his saving love ] 6 O Lord ! each faithful effort own, To spread the gospel-rays ; And rear, on sin's demolished throne, The temples of thy praise. 554 H. M. Prophecy fulfilled. 1 ALL hail ! incarnate God ! The wondrous things foretold Of thee, in sacred writ, With joy our eyes behold ; 544 HYMNS Still doth thine arm new trophies wear, And monuments of glory rear. 2 Oh ! haste, victorious Prince ! That glorious happy day, When souls, like drops of dew, Shall own thy gentle sway : Oh ! may it bless our longing eyes, And bear our shouts beyond the skies. 3 All hail ! triumphant Lord ! Eternal be thy reign ; Behold the nations wait To wear thy gentle chain : When earth and time are known no more. Thy throne shall stand for ever sure. L. M. Triumph of the Gospel. ARM of the Lord ! awake, awake ! Put on thy strength — the nations shake, And let the world, adoring, see Triumphs of mercy wrought by thee. : Say to the heathen, from thy throne, — " I am Jehovah — God alone !" Thy voice their idols shall confound, And cast their altars to the ground. Almighty God ! thy grace proclaim, In every land of every name ; Let Zion's time of favor come ; Oh ! bring the tribes of Israel home. Arm of the Lord ! awake, awake ! Put on thy strength — the nations shake ; "Let hostile powers before thee fall, And crown the Saviour — Lord of all. 555 556 8s, 7s and 4- The Day- Spring. CHRISTIAN ! see— the orient morning Breaks along the heathen sky ; LoJ th' expected day is dawning — Glorious day-spring from on high : Hallelujah !— Hail the day-spring from on high ! SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 545 ! Heathen at the sight are singing ; Morning wakes the tuneful lays ; Precious offerings they are bringing — First-fruits of more perfect praise : Hallelujah ! — Hail the day-spring from on high ! I Zion's Sun ! — salvation beaming, — Gilding now the radiant hills, — Rise and shine, till brighter gleamings All the world thy glory fills : Hallelujah ! — Hail the day-spring from on high ! : Lord of every tribe and nation ! Spread thy truth from pole to pole ; Spread the light of thy salvation, Till it shine on every soul : Hallelujah ! — Hail the day-spring from on high ! MflJ L.M. IftJ I • Christ's Coming to reign. 1 JESUS ! thy church with longing eyes For thine expected coming waits : When will the promised light arise, And glory beam on Zion's gates 1 2 E'en now, when tempests round us fall, And wintry clouds o'ercast the sky, Thy words with pleasure we recall, And deem that our redemption 's nigh. 3 Oh ! come and reign o'er every land ; Let Satan from his throne be hurled, — - All nations bow to thy command, And grace revive a dying world. 4 Teach us in watchfulness and prayer, To wait for thine appointed hour ; And fit us, by thy grace, to share The triumphs of thy conquering power. 558 L. M. The coming Reign of Christ. 1 ASCEND thy throne, almighty King ! And spread thy glories all abroad; 46* 546 HYMNS. Let thine own arm salvation bring, And be thou known the gracious God. 2 Let millions bow before thy seat, — Let humble mourners seek thy face ; Bring daring rebels to thy feet, Subdued by thy victorious grace. 3 Oh ! let the kingdoms of the world Become the kingdoms of the Lord ; Let saints and angels praise thy name, — Be thou through heaven and earth adored 559 7s and 6s. The final Victory of Christ. 1 WHEN shall the voice of singing Flow joyfully along 7 When hill and valley, ringing With one triumphant song, Proclaim the contest ended, And him, who once was slain, Again to earth descended, In righieousness to reign 1 2 Then from the craggy mountains- The sacred shout shall fly ; And shady vales and fountains Shall echo the reply : High tower and lowly dwelling Shall send the chorus round, All hallelujah swelling In one eternal sound. C. M. The New- Creation. 560. 1 SPIRIT of power and might ! behold A world by sin destroyed : Creator-Spirit! — as of old, Move on the formless void. 2 Give thou the word ; — that healing sound Shall quell the deadly strife; And earth again, like Eden crowned, Produce the tree of life. 3 If sang the morning-stars for joy,. When nature rose to view SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 547 What strains shall angel-harps employ, When thou shalt all renew ! 4 And if the sons of God rejoice To hear a Saviour's name, How will the ransomed raise their voice, To whom that Saviour came 1 5 So every kindred, tongue and tribe, Assembling round the throne, Thy new-creation shall ascribe To sovereign love alone. S. M. Rejoicing in Christ's Reign. 1 NOW living waters flow To cheer the humble soul ; From sea to sea the rivers go, And spread from pole to pole. 2 Now righteousness shall spring, And grow on earth again : Jesus, Jehovah, be our king, And o'er the nations reign. 3 Jesus shall rule alone, The world shall hear his word ; By one blest name shall he be known— The universal Lord. 561 562 L. M. Prayer for the World's Conversion. O SPIRIT of the living God ! In all thy plenitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race. Give tongues of fire, and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word ; Give power and unction from above, Where'er the joyful sound is heard. Be darkness, at thy coming, light, Confusion — order, in thy path ; Souls without strength, inspire with might; Bid mercy triumph over wrath. O Spirit of the Lord ! prepare A sinful world their God to meet. 563. 548 * HYMNS. Breathe thou abroad, like morning-air Till hearts of stone begin to beat. 5 Baptize the nations ; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record ; The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call him — Lord. 8s, 7s and 4. Prayer for the Heathen. 1 O'ER the realms of pagan darkness, Let the eye of pity gaze ; See the kindreds of the people, Lost in sins bewildering maze ; — Darkness brooding On the face of all the earth I 2 Light of them who sit in error ! Rise and shine — thy blessings bring ; Light — to lighten all the Gentiles ! Rise with healing in thy wing: To thy brightness, Let all kings and nations come. 3 Let the heathen, now adoring Idol-gods of wood and stone, Come, and, worshiping before him, Serve the living God alone : Let thy glory Fill the earth, as floods the sea. 4 Thou ! to whom all power is given, Speak the word ; at thy command, Let the company of heralds Spread thy name from land to land : Lord ! be with them, Always till time's latest end. L. M. Spread of the Gospel. 1 THY people, Lord ! who trust thy word, And wait the smilings of thy face, Assemble round thy mercy-seat, And plead the promise of thy grace. 2 Hast thou not said — thine only Son Shall be a light to Gentile lands, 564 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 549 To open the benighted eyes, And loose the wretched pris'ners' bands! — 3 From land to land, from sea to sea, That his dominion shall extend ! — That every tongue shall call him Lord, And every knee before him bend 1 4 Now let the happy time appear — The time to favor Zion come ; Send forth thy heralds far and near, And call the wandering exiles home. Kat^ Ss, 7s and 4. tJKJtJm Success of the Gospel among the Heathen. 1 O'ER the gloomy hills of darkness, Cheered by no celestial ray, Sun of righteousness I arising, Bring the bright, the glorious day ; Send the gospel To the earth's remotest bound. 2 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness, — Grant them, Lord ! the glorious light ; And, from eastern coast to western, May the morning chase the night ; And redemption, Freely purchased, win the day. 3 Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel ! Win and conquer, never cease ; May thy lasting, wide dominions, Multiply and still increase ; Sway thy sceptre, Saviour ! all the world around. 566 7s. Triumphs of the Gospel. WHO are these that come from far Led by Jacob's rising star 1 Strangers now to Zion come, There to seek a peaceful riome. Lo ! they gather like a cloud, Or as doves their windows crowd: Zion wonders at the sight, — Zion, feels a strange delight. 567 550 HYMNS. 3 Zion now no more shall sigh, God will raise her glory high ; He will send a large increase, — He will give his people peace. 4 Sons of Zion ! sing aloud : See her sun, without a cloud ! God will make her joy complete— Zion's sun shall never set. C. M. Kingdom of Christ among Men. 1 LO ! what a glorious sight appears, To our believing eyes ! The earth and seas are passed away. And the old rolling skies. 2 From the third heaven, where God resides, — That holy, happy place, — The New-Jerusalem comes down, Adorned with shining grace. 3 Attending angels shout for joy, And the bright armies sing, — " Mortals ! behold the sacred seat Of your descending King. 4 " The God of glory, down to men, Removes his blessed abode ; — Men, the dear objects of his grace, And he their loving God. 5 " His own soft hand shall wipe the tears From every weeping eye ; And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears, And death itself shall die." 6 How long, dear Saviour ! Oh ! how long Shall this bright hour delay"? Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time ! And bring the welcome day. ^fift lls ' *J vJ O* Zion encouraged. 1 DAUGHTER of Zion ! awake from thy sadness ; Awake, — for thy foes shall oppress thee no more : [ness ; Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day-star of glad- Arise, — for the night of thy sorrow is o'er. SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 551 2 Strong were thy foes ; but the arm that subdued them, And scattered their legions, was mightier far ; They fled, like the chaff, from the scourge that pursued them ; Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war. 3 Daughter of Zion ! the power, that hath saved thee, Extolled with the harp and the timbrel should be: Shout, — for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee, Th' oppressor is vanquished, and Zion is free tJ\JfJ • Universal Praise. 1 O CITY of the Lord ! begin The universal song : And let the scattered villages The joyful notes prolong. 2 Let Kedar's wilderness afar Lift up the lonely voice : And let the tenants' of the rock In accent rude rejoice. 3 Oh ! from the streams of distant lands To our Jehovah sing ; And joyful, from the mountain-tops, Shout to the Lord, the king. 4 Let all combined, with one accord, The Saviour's glories raise, 570 Till, in the earth's remotest bounds, The nations sound his praise. 8s, 7s and 4. Daicning of the Latter-Day. 1 LOOK, ye saints ! the day is breaking ; Joyful times are fiear at hand ; God, the mighty God, is speaking By his word in every land ; Day advances, — Darkness flies, at his command. 2 While the foe becomes more daring, While he enters like a flood, God, the Saviour, is preparing Means to spread his truth abroad : Every language Soon shall tell the love of God. 571 552 HYMNS. 3 God of Jacob, high and glorious f Let thy people see thy power ; Let the gospel be victorious, Through the world for evermore ; Then shall idols Perish, while thy saints adore L. IK. Success anticipated. 1 BEHOLD th' expected time draw near The shades disperse, the dawn appear * Behold the wilderness assume The beauteous tints of Eden's bloom ! 2 Events with prophecies conspire To raise our faith, our zeal to fire : The ripening fields, already white, Present a harvest to the sight. 3 The untaught heathen waits to know The joy the gospel will bestow ; The exiled captive, to receive The freedom Jesus has to give. 4 Come-, let us, with a grateful heart, In the blest labor share a part ; Our prayers and offerings gladly bring To aid the triumphs of our King. A70 c. m. tJ i &• The Victories of Christ. 1 HOSANNA to our conquering King I All hail ! incarnate love ! Ten thousand songs and glories wait To crown thy head above. 2 Thy vict'ries and thy deathless fame, Through the wide wtfrldrshall run ; And everlasting ages sing The triumph thou hast won. ^70 H. M. *J I IJ» The general Jubilee. 1 FAIR shines the morning-star ; The silver trumpets sound, Their notes re-echoing far, While dawns the day around : Joy to the earth — the earth is free ; It is the year of jubilee; SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 553 2 Pris'ners of hope, in gloom And silence, left to die ! With Christ's unfolding tomb, Your portals open fly : Rise with your Lord— he sets you free ; It is the year of jubilee. 3 Ye who yourselves have sold For debts to justice due, Ransomed — but not with gold ! He gave himself for you : The blood of Christ hath made you free ; It is the year of jubilee. 4 Captives of sin and shame ! O'er earth and ocean, hear An angel's voice proclaim The Lord's accepted year : Let Jacob rise — be Israel free ; It is the year of jubilee. Kf i Hfm The Reign of Christ established. 1 SHOUT, — for the great Redeemer reigns, Through distant lands his triumphs spread ; Sinners, now freed from Satan's chains^ Own him their Saviour and their head. 2 Oh ! may his conquests still increase ; Let every foe his power subdue ; While angels celebrate his praise, Saints shall his rising glories show. 3 Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb, From all below and all above; In lofty songs, exalt his name, — In songs as lasting as his love. 575 Tlie Reign of Christ. WAKE the song of jubilee, Let it echo o'er "the sea ! Now hath come the promised hour ; Jesus reigns with sovereign power. All ye nations ! join and sing, — "Christ, of lords and kings, is King !' Let it sound from shore to shore, — "Jesus reigns for even: ore !" 47 554 HYMNS. 3 Now the desert lands rejoice, And the islands join their voice ; Yea, the whole creation sings, — "Jesus is the King of kings!" 576 7s. The triumphant Reign of Christ. 1 SEE the ransomed millions stand, — Palms of conquest in their hands ! This before the throne their strain, — " Hell is vanquished — death is slain ! — 2 " Blessing, honor, glory, might, Are the Conqueror's native right ; Thrones and powers before him fall, — Lamb of God, and Lord of all !" 3 Hasten, Lord ! the promised hour ; Come in glory and in power ; Still thy foes are unsubdued — Nature sighs to be renewed : 4 Time has nearly reached its sum ; All things with the bride, say, "Come !' Jesus ! whom all worlds adore, Come, — and reign for evermore. MORNING. 577 7s. Morning. IN this calm impressive hour, Let my prayer ascend on high , God of mercy ! God of power ! Hear me, when to thee I cry : Hear me from thy lofty throne, For the sake of Christ, thy Son. With the morning's early ray, While the shades of night depart Let thy beams of light convey Joy and gladness to my heart : Now o'er all my steps preside, And for all my wants provide. MORNING. 555 3 Oh ! what joy that word affords, — ** Thou shalt reign o'er all the earth ;" King of kings, and Lord of lords ! Send thy gospel-heralds forth: Now begin thy boundless sway, Usher iu the glorious day. j~ryQ s.M. «/ I 0» Prayer for spiritual Light. 1 WE lift our hearts to thee, Thou Day-Star from on high ! The sun itself is but thy shade, Yet, cheers both earth and sky. 2 Oh ! let thy rising beams Dispel the shades of night ; And let the glories of thy love Come, like the morning-light. 3 How beauteous nature now ! How dark and sad before ! — With joy we view the pleasing change, And nature's God adore. 4 May we this life improve To mourn for errors past ; And live, this short revolving day, As if it were our last. 579 7s. Morning- Thanks. 1 THOU that dost my life prolong ! Kindly aid my morning-song ; Thankful, from my couch I rise, To the God that rules the skies. 2 Thou didst hear my evening-cry ; Thy preserving hand was nigh ; Peaceful slumbers thou hast shed, Grateful to my weary head. 3 Thou hast kept me through the night,- 'T was thy hand restored the light ; Lord ! thy mercies still are new, Plenteous, as the morning-dew. 4 Still my feet are prone to stray, — Oh ! preserve me through the day ; Dangers every where abound, Sins and snares beset me round. 556 HYMNS. 5 Gently, with the dawning ray, On my soul, thy beams display ; Sweeter than the smiling morn, Let thy cheering light return. *J OV_/ Jf rning- Prayer-Meeting. 1 HOW sweet the melting lay That breaks upon the ear, When, at the hour of rising day, Christians unite in prayer ! 2 The breezes waft their cries, Up to Jehovah's throne ; He listens to their bursting sighs, And sends his blessings down. 3 So Jesus rose to pray, Before the morning-light ; Once on the chilling mount did stay, And wrestle all the night 4 Glory to God on high, Who sends his blessings down, To rescue souls condemned to die, And makes his people one. AQ1 s * *J L-/ -L • Morning- Meditations. 1 AWAKE, my drowsy soul ! These airy visions chase ; Awake, my active powers renewed ! To run the heavenly race. 2 See — how the rising sun Pursues his shining way ; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With every brightening ray ! 3 Thus would my rising soul Her heavenly parent sing ; And to her great original Her humble tribute bring. 4 Serene, I laid me down Beneath his guardian care; I slept, and woke ; and still I found My kind preserver near. MORNING. 557 Dear Saviour ! to thy cross, I bring my sacrifice ; Tinged with thy blood, it shall ascend, With fragrance to the skies. c. M. A Morning- Song : 1 ONCE more, my soul ! the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes : Once more, my voice ! thy tribute pay To him who rules the skies. 2 Night unto night his name repeats, The day renews the sound ; Wide as the heaven, on which he sits To turn the seasons round. 3 'T is he supports my mortal frame, — My tongue shall speak his praise ; My sins would rouse his wrath to flame And yet his wrath delays. 4 A thousand wretched souls are fled, Since the last setting sun ; And yet he lengthens out my thread, — And yet my moments run. 5 Great God ! let all my hours be thine, Whilst I enjoy the light ; Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a peaceful night. 583 L. M. Morning-Gratitude. IN sleep's serene oblivion laid, I safely passed the silent night ; Again I see the breaking shade, — I drink again the morning-light. New-born, I bless the waking hour, Once more, with awe, rejoice to be ; My conscious soul resumes her power, And springs, my guardian God ! to thee. Oh ! guide me through the various maze, My doubtful feet may this day tread ; And spread thy shield's protecting blaze, Where dangers press around my head. 47* 558 HYMNS. 4 A deeper shade will soon impend, — A deeper sleep mine eyes oppress ; Yet, then thy strength shall still defend, — Thy goodness still delight to bless. 5 That deeper shade shall break away, That deeper sleep shall leave mine eyes; Thy light shall give eternal day ; Thy love — the rapture, of the skies. ^ft/L L *" t/UTlt Praise to the God of the Morning. 1 GOD of the morning ! at thy voice The cheerful sun makes haste to rise, And like a giant doth rejoice, To run his journey through the skies ; — 2 From the fair chambers of the east, The circuit of his race begins, And without weariness or rest, Round the whole earth, he flies and shines. 3 Oh ! like the sun may I fulfill Th' appointed duties of the day ; With ready mind, and active will, March on, and keep my heavenly way 4 Lord ! thy commands are clean and pure, Enlightening our beclouded eyes ; Thy threatenings just, thy promise sure, Thy gospel makes the simple wise. 5 Give me thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss : All my desires and hopes beside Are faint, and cold, compared with tbis. EVENING, Kft* t M. *JKjtJ* An Evening- Sacrifice. 1 GREAT Go 9 The changing Seasons. 1 GREAT God ! let all our tuneful powers Awake, and sing thy mighty name : Thy hand revolves our circling hours, — Thy hand from which our being came. 2 Seasons and moons still rolling round, In beauteous order speak thy praise ; And years, with smiling mercy crowned, To thee successive honors raise. 3 To thee we raise the annual song, To thee the grateful tribute give ; Our God doth still our years prolong, And, midst unnumbered deaths, we live. 4 Our life, our health, our friends, we owe All to thy vast, unbounded love ; Ten thousand precious gifts below, And hope of nobler joys above. 5 Thus will we sing, till nature cease, Till sense and language are no more, And, after death, thy boundless grace, Through everlasting years, adore. c. M. Neic- Year : — Providential Goodness. 603. 1 GOD of our lives ! thy various praise Our voices shall resound : Thy hand directs our fleeting days, And brings the seasons round. 2 To thee shall grateful songs arise, Our Father and our Friend ! Whose constant mercies, from the skies, In genial streams descend. 563 HYMNS. 3 In every scene of life, thy care, In every age, we see : And, constant as thy favors are, So let our praises be. 4 Still may thy love, in every scene, In every age, appear ; And Jet the same companions deign To bless the opening year. 5 If mercy smile, let mercy bring Our wandering souls to God ; In our affliction, we shall sing? If thou wilt bless the rod. 804 L. M. New- Year : — Gvd,our Helper. 1 OUR helper, God ! we bless thy name, Whose love for ever is the same ; The tokens of thy gracious care Open, and crown, and close the year. 2 Amid ten thousand snares we stand, Supported by thy guardian hand ; And see, when we review our ways, Ten thousand monuments of praise. 3 Thus far thine arm has led us on ; Thus far we make thy mercy known ; And while we tread this desert land, New mercies shall new songs demand. 4 Our grateful souls, on Jordan's shore, Shall raise one sacred pillar more ; Then bear, in thy bright courts above, Inscriptions of immortal love. nO^ c M - \ / \J %J • New- Yea r : — Prayer fur a Blessing. 1 NOW, gracious Lord ! thine arm reveal, And make thy glory known ; Now let us all thy presence feel, And soften hearts of stone. 2 From all the guilt of former sin, May mercy set us free ; And let this year, we now begin. Begin andend with thee. THE YEAR. 569 3 Send down thy Spirit from above, That saints may love thee more ; And sinners now "may learn to love, Who never loved before. 4 And, when, before thee, we appear, In our eternal home, May growing numbers worship here, And praise thee in our room. ()f\ L ' M 'V-/ vJ« A Song fur the opening Year. 1 GREAT God ! we sing that mighty hand, By which supported still we stand ; The opening year thy mercy shows, — Let mercy crown it till it close. 2 By day, by night — at home, abroad, Still we are guarded by our God ; By his incessant bounty fed, By his unerring counsel led. 3 With grateful hearts the past we own : The future — all to us unknown — We to thy guardian care commit And peaceful leave before thy feet. 4 In scenes exalted or depressed, Be thou our joy — and thou our rest ; Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Adored, through all our changing days. ** When death shall close our earthly songs, And seal, in silence, mortal tongues, Our helper, God, in whom we trust, Shall keep our souls, and guard our dust. J\J I • The opening Ytar. BLESS, O Lord ! the opening year To the souls assembled here ; Clothe thy word with power divine, Make us willing to be thine. When thou hast thy work begun, Give new strength the race to run ; Scatter darkness, doubts, and fears ; Wipe away the mourner's tears. 48* 570 HYMNS. 3 Bless us all both old and young, — Call forth praise from every tongue : Let our whole assembly prove All thy power and all thy love. /?/~\Q 7s and 6s. DUO. A Winter's Dog. 1 TIME is winging us away, To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb ; Youth and vigor soon will flee, Blooming beauty lose its charms; AM that 's mortal soon will be Enclosed in death's cold arms. 2 Time is winging us away To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb : But the Christian shall enjoy Health and beauty soon above ; Far beyond the world's alloy — Secure in Jesus' love. 609 C. M. Double. Spring of the Year. WHILE beauty clothes the fertile vale, And blossoms on the spray ; And fragrance breathes in every gale, How sweet the vernal day ! Hark ! how the feathered warblers sing ! 'T is nature's cheerful voice ; Soft music hails the lovely spring, And woods and fields rejoice. How kind the influence of the skies, While showers, with blessing fraught, Bid verdure, beauty, fragrance, rise, And fix the roving thought ! Oh ! let my wandering heart confess, With gratitude and love, The bounteous hand that deigns to bless Each smiling field and grove. That hand, in this hard heart of mine, Can bid each virtue live ; 610 THE YEAR. 571 While gentle showers of grace divine, Life, beauty, fragrance give : O God of nature, God of grace ! Thy heavenly gifts impart, And bid sweet meditation trace Spring blooming in my heart S. M. D. The Spring, SWEET is the time of spring, When nature's charms appear ; The birds with ceaseless pleasure sing, And hail the opening year: But sweeter far the spring Of wisdom and of grace, When children bless and praise their King, Who loves the youthful race. Sweet is the dawn of day, When light just streaks the sky ; When shades and darkness pass away, And morning's beams are nigh : But sweeter far the dawn Of piety in youth ; When doubt and darkness are withdrawn, Before the light of truth. Sweet is the early dew, Which gilds the mountain's tops, And decks each plant and flower we view, With pearly glittering drops: But sweeter far the scene On Zion's holy hill, When there the dew of youth is seen Its freshness to distill. 611 7s. Spring, natural and spiritual PLEASING spring again is here. Trees and fields in bloom appear ; Hark ! the birds, with artless lays. Warble their Creator's praise. Lord ! afford a spring to me ; Let me feel like what I see: Ah ! my winter has been long, — Chilled my hopes, suppressed my song- 612 572 HYMNS. 3 How the soul in winter mourns, Till the Lord, the Sun, returns ! Till the Spirit's gentle rain Bids the heart revive again ! 4 O beloved Saviour ! haste, Tell me — all the storms are past : Speak, and by thy gracious voice, Make my drooping soul rejoice. L. M. The Year croicned with Goodness. 1 ETERNAL Source of every joy ! Well may thy praise our lips employ, — While, in thy temple, we appear, Whose goodness crowns the circling year. 2 While, — as the wheels of nature roll, — Thy hand supports the steady pole ; The sun is taught by thee to rise, And darkness, when to veil the skies. 3 The flowery spnng,at thy command, Embalms the air and paints the land ; The summer-rays, with vigor, shine To raise the corn, and cheer the vine. 4 Thy hand, in autumn, richly pours, Through all our coasts, redundant stores ; And winters, softened by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 5 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of praise ; Still be the cheerful homage paid, With morning-light and evening-shade. V/ J. *-s • Summer and Harvfst. 1 TO praise the ever-bounteous Lord, My soul ! wake all thy powers : He calls — and at his voice come forth The smiling harvest-hours. 2 His covenant with the earth he keeps ; My tongue ! his goodness sing ; Summer and winter know their time — The harvest crowns the spring. THE YEAR. 573 3 Well-pleased the husbandmen behold The waving yellow crop; With joy they bear the sheaves away, And sow again in hope. 4 Thus teach me, gracious God ! to sow The seeds of righteousness ; Smile on my soul, and, with thy beams The ripening harvest bless. CIA c M- v/ J. tB» Seed- time and Harvest. 1 FOUNTAIN of mercy, God of love ! How rich thy bounties are ; The changing seasons, as they move, Proclaim thy constant care. 2 When, in the bosom of the earth, The sower hid the grain, Thy goodness marked its secret birth, And sent the early rain. 3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord ! was thine— The plants in beauty grew ; Thou gav'st refulgent suns to shine, And soft refreshing dew. 4 These varied mercies, from above, Matured the swelling grain : A kindly harvest crowns thy love, And plenty fills the plain. 5 We own and bless thy gracious sway — Thy hand all nature hails : Seed-time nor harvest, night nor day, Summer nor winter, fails. fil *> ° M VJ -L tJ • Fruitful Seasons from God. 1 O THOU who givest all their food !— Causing thy sun to shine Upon the evil and the good. — Earth's teeming stores are thine. 2 Thy covenant to man secures The harvest of his toil : Thy faithful word, while earth endures, With plenty clothes the soil. 3 The wintry frost, the flowery prime, Alike thy laws obey : 574 HYMNS. Each herb and blossom knows its time, And fools the quickening ray. 4 Revolving seasons still proclaim Thine all-sustaining word: Seed-time and harvest speak thy name, — The promise-keeping Lord. 010, Close of the Year. 1 AWAKE, ye saints ! and raise your eyes, And raise your voices high ; Awake, and praise that sovereign love That shows salvation nigh. 2 On all the wings of time it flies, Each moment brings it near ; Then welcome each declining day, Welcome each closing year. 3 Not many years their rounds shall run, Nor many mornings rise, Ere all its glories stand revealed To our admiring eyes. 4 Ye wheels of nature ! speed your course Ye mortal powers ! decay ; Fast as ye bring the night of death, Ye bring eternal day. fi17 GM vl I i Time short— Man frail. 1 THEE we adore, eternal Name I And humbly own to thee, How feeble is our mortal frame, What dying worms arc we ! 2 The year rolls round, and steals away The breath that first it gave ; Whate'er we do, where'er" we be, We 're traveling to the grave. 5 Good God ! on what a slender thread Hang everlasting tilings ! Th' eternal state of all the dead, Upon life's feeble strings. 4 Infinite joy, or endless wo. Attends on every breath, — And yet how unconcerned we go, Upon the brink of death ! DEATH. 575 Waken, O Lord ! our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road ; And, if our souls are hurried hence, May they be found with God. DEATH n-i o L.M. \J -1- 0» Death and Burial of Saints. 1 UXVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb ! Take this new treasure to thy trust, And give these sacred relics room To seek a slumber in the dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Invade thy bounds ;• — no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept ; — God's dying Son [bed ! Passed through the grave, and blessed the Rest here, blest saint ! — till, from his throne. The morning break, and pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn ! Attend, O earth ! his sovereign word ; Restore thy trust ; — a glorious form Shall then arise to meet the Lord. 619 8s and 7s. Mourners Comforted. 1 CEASE, ye mourners ! cease to languish, O'er the grave of those you love ; Pain, and death, and night, and anguish, Enter not the world above. 2 While our silent steps are straying, Lonely, through night's deepening shade, Glory's brightest beams are playing Round th immortal spirit's head. 3 Light and peace at once deriving, From the hand of God most high, In his glorious presence living, They shall never — never die. 576 HYMNS. 4 Endless pleasure, pain excluding, Sickness there, no more can come ; There, no fear of wo, intruding, Sheds o'er heaven a moment's gloom. 5 Now, ye mourners ! cease to languish, O'er the grave of those you love ; Far removed from pain and anguish, They are chanting hymns above. fi90 c M v//VV/« Dying in the Lord. 1 HEAR what the voice from heaven proclaims For all the pious dead ; — " Sweet is the savor of their names, And soft their sleeping-bed. 2 " They die in Jesus, and are blessed, — How kind their slumbers are ! From sufferings, and from sins, released, And freed from every snare. 3 " Far from this world of toil and strife, They 're present with the Lord ; The labors of their mortal life End in a large reward." \J/yJ J. • Mourning with Hope. 1 WHY should our tears in sorrow flow When God recalls his own ; And bids them leave a world of wo, For an immortal crown 1 2 Is not e'en death a gain to those Whose life to God was given? Gladly to earth their eyes they close To open them in heaven. 3 Their toils are past — their work is done. And they are fully blest ; They fought the fight, the vict'ry won, And entered into rest. 4 Then let our sorrows cease to flow, — God has recalled his own ; But let our hearts, in every woe, Still say,—" Thy will be done !" 622. DEATH. 577 C. M. Prayer in view of Death. WHEN, bending o'er the brink of life, My trembling soul shall stand, Waiting to pass death's awful flood, Great God ! at thy command ; — When every long-loved scene of life Stands ready to depart ; When the last sigh that shakes the frame Shall rend this bursting heart ; — O thou great Source of joy supreme I Whose arm alone can save, — Dispel the darkness that surrounds The entrance to the grave. Lay thy supporting, gentle hand Beneath my sinking head ; And, with a ray of love divine, Illume my dying bed. Leaning on thy dear faithful breast, May 1 resign my brea..:, And in thy fond embraces Lose " The bitterness of death." 623 S. M. Reflections on past Generations. HOW swift the torrent rolls, That bears us to the sea ! The tide which hurries thoughtless souls To vast eternity ! Our fathers ! — where are they, With all they called their own 1 — Their joys and griefs — and hopes and cares And wealth and honor — gone ! But joy or grief succeeds Beyond our mortal thought, While still the remnant of their dust Lies in the grave forgot. There, where the fathers lie, Must all the children dwell ; Nor other heritage possess, But such a gloomy cell. 49 578 HYMN& 5 God of our fathers ! hear, — ^ Thou everlasting friend ' — While we, as on life's utmost verge, Our souls to thee commend. 6 Of all the pious dead May we the footsteps trace, Till with them, in the land ul' light, We dwell before thy face. f\9A LM yj&'-K* Death of the Righteous. 1 HOW blest the righteous when he dies, — When sinks a weary soul to rest ! How mildly beam the" closing eyes ! How gently heaves th' expiring breast ! 8 So fades a summer-cloud away ; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er ; So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around, — A calm which life nor death destroys ; Nothing disturbs that peace profound, Which his unfettered soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears ! Where lights and shades alternate dwell - How bright th' unchanging morn appears ' Farewell, inconstant world ! farewell ! 5 Life's duty done, as sinks the clay, Light from its load the spirit rlies ; While heaven and earth combine to say, — "How blest the righteous when he dies S" \J^> *J • The dying Saint comforted. 1 HAPPY soul ! thy days are ending,— All thy mourning days below : Go, the angel-guards attending — To the sight" of Jesus go ! Waiting toVeceive thy spirit, Lo ! the Saviour stands above ; Shows the fulness of his merit — Reaches out the crown of love. DEATH. 579 2 For the joy he sets before thee, Bear a momentary pain ; Die — to live a life of glory ; Suffer — with thy Lord to reign : Struggle, through thy latest passion, To thy dear Redeemer's breast, — To his uttermost salvation, — To his everlasting rest. (\9(\ 7sand4 - \JAs\J • Support in Death. 1 WHEN the vale of death appears,^ Faint and cold this mortal clay, — Kind Forerunner ! soothe my fears, Light me through the darksome way ; Break the shadows, — „ Usher in eternal day. 2 Upward from this dying state, Bid my waiting soul aspire ; Open thou the chrystal gate ; To thy praise attune my lyre : Then, triumphant, — I will join th' immortal choir. 3 When the mighty trumpet blown, Shall the judgment-dawn proclaim ; From the central, burning throne, Mid creation's final flame ; With the ransomed, — Thou wilt own my worthless name. ft 97 q M - *-j£j I • Mourning with Hope. 1 THAT once-loved form, now cold and dead Each mournful thought employs ; And nature weeps, her comforts fled, And withered all her joys. 2 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, — When what we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 3 Then cease, fond nature ! cease thy tears, Religion points on high ; 580 HYMNS. There everlasting spring appears, And joys that cannot die. ftOQ L. M. V/40* Death of an Infant. 1 SO fades the lovely, blooming flower, — Frail smiling solace of an hour ! So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die. 2 Is there no kind, — no lenient art, To heal the anguish of the heart 1 Spirit of grace ! be ever nigh, Thy comforts are not made to die. 3 Bid gentle patience smile on pain, Till dying hope shall live again ; Hope wipes the tear from sorrow s eye And faith points upward to the sky. 629 c. M. The Grave peaceful. HOW still and peaceful is the grave, Where, — life's vain tumults past, — Th' appointed house, by heaven's decree, Receives us all at last ! The wicked there from troubling cease, Their passions rage no more ; And there the weary pilgrim rests From all the toils he bore. All, leveled by the hand of death, Lie sleeping in the tomb, Till God, in judgment, call them forth To meet their final doom. 630 C. M. Prospect of Death. MY soul ! come, meditate the day, And think how near it stands, When thou must quit this house of clay, And fly to unknown lands. And you, my eyes ! look down and view The hollow gaping tomb ; This gloomy prison waits for you Whene'er the summons come. DEATH. 581 3 Oh ! could we die with those that die, And place us in their stead ; Then would our spirits learn to fly, And converse with the dead. 4 Then should we see the saints above, In their own glorious forms, And wonder, why our souls should love To dwell with mortal worms. 5 We should almost forsake our clay Before the summons come, And pray, and wish our souls away, To their eternal home. f* Q 1 8s and 7s. \J*-) JL • 77ns Spirit of a dying Christian. 1 PARTING soul ! the flood awaits thee, And the billows round thee roar ; Yet rejoice, — the holy city Stands on yon celestial shore. 2 There are crowns and thrones of glory, There the living waters glide ; There the just in shining raiment, Standing by ImmanueL's side. 3 Linger not, — the stream is narrow, Though its cold dark waters rise ; He, who passed the flood before thee, Guides thy path to yonder skies. \J O Aj • Death disarmed. 1 WHY should we start, and fear to die 1 ? What tim'rous worms we mortals are ! Death is the gate of endless joy, And yet we dread to enter there. 2 The pains, the groans, the dying strife, Fright our approaching souls away ; Still we shrink back again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. 3 Oh ! if my Lord would come and meet, My soul would stretch her wings in haste Fly "fearless through death's iron gate — Nor feel the terrors as she passed. 49* 633 582 HYMNS. 4 Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, While on his breast I lean my head, And breathe my life out sweetly there. C. M. Comfort in the Death of Friends. 1 WHY do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms 1 'T is but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. 2 Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move 1 Nor should we wish the hours more slow To keep us from our love. 3 Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb 1 There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume. 4 The graves of all the saints he blessed, And softened every bed : Where should the dying members rest, But with their dying Head 1 5 Thence he arose, ascended high, And showed our feet the way ; Up to the Lord his saints shall fly, At the great rising day. 6 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise ; Awake, ye nations under ground ! Ye saints ! ascend the skies. 634 c. M. Silent Submission. PEACE ! 't is the Lord Jehovah's hand That blasts our joys in death ; Changes the visage once so dear. And gathers back our dust. 'T is he, the Potentate supreme Of all the worlds above, Whose steady counsels wisely rule, Nor from their purpose move. DEATH. 583 3 'T is he, whose justice might demand Our souls a sacrifice ; Yet scatters, with unwearied hand, A thousand rich supplies. 4 Our covenant-God and Father he, In Christ, our bleeding Lord ; Whose grace can heal the bursting heart, With one reviving word. 5 Silent we own Jehovah's name, — We kiss thy chastening hand ; And yield our comforts and our life, To thy supreme command. fi q^ CM. \J tJ tJ • Triumph over Death. 1 GREAT God ! I own the sentence just, And nature must decay ; I yield my body to the dust, To dwell with fellow-clay. 2 Yet faith may triumph o'er the grave, And trample on the tombs ; My Jesus, my Redeemer, lives, My God, my Saviour, comes. 3 The mighty Conqueror shall appear, High on a royal seat ; And death, the last of all his foes, Lie vanquished at his feet. 4 Then shall I see thy lovely face, With strong, immortal eyes ; And feast upon thine unknown grace, With pleasure and surprise. 12s and lis. A Funeral Hymn. 636. I THOU art gone to the grave — but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb ; The Saviour has passed through its portals before thee, And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom. 584 HYMNS. 2 Thou art gone to the grave — we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough paths of the world by thy side ; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope, since the Sinless hath died. 3 Thou art gone to the grave — and, its mansion forsaking, Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered long ; But the sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking, And the sound thou didst hear was the se- raphim's song. 4 Thou art gone to the grave — but we will not deplore thee, Since God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide ; He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee, And death hath no sting, since the Saviour hath died. vf I « Victory over Death. 1 OH ! for an overcoming faith, To cheer my dying hours ; To triumph o'er the monster, death, And all his frightful powers! 2 Joyful, with all the strength I have, My quivering lips should sing, — "Where is thy boasted viet'ry, grave? O death ! where is thy sting V 3 If sin be pardoned, I 'm secure ; Death has no sting beside : The law gives sin its damning power, But Christ, my ransom, died. 4 Now to the God of victory Immortal thanks be paid ; — Who makes us conquerors, while we die, Through Christ, our living head. DEATH. 585 /^qo CM. XJOO, The Death of Children. 1 YE mourning saints ! whose streaming tears Flow o'er your children dead, — Say not in transports of despair, That all your hopes are fled. 2 While, cleaving to that darling dust, In fond distress ye lie, Rise, and with joy, and reverence, view A heavenly parent nigh. 3 Though — your young branches torn away, — Like withered trunks ye stand ; With fairer verdure shall ye bloom, Touched by th' Almighty's hand. 4 « ; I '11 give the mourner," saith the Lord, " In my own house a place ; No names of daughters and of sons Could yield so high a grace. 5 " Transient and vain is every hope A rising race can give ; In endless honor and delight, My children all shall live." 6 We welcome, Lord ! those rising tears, Through which thy face we see ; [hearts, And bless those wounds which, through our Prepare a way for thee. 639. L.M. The Christian's parting Hour. 1 HOW sweet the hour of closing day, When all is peaceful and serene ; And the broad sun's retiring ray Sheds a mild lustre o'er the scene ! 2 Such is the Christian's parting hour, — So peacefully he sinks to rest ; When faith, endued from heaven with power, Strengthens and cheers his languid breast. 3 Mark but that radiance of his eye, — That smile, upon his wasted cheek ! They tell us of his glory nigh, In language which no tongue can speak. 536 HYMNS. 4 A beam from heaven is sent to cheer The pilgrim on his gloomy road ; And angels are attending near, To bear him to their bright abode. 5 Who would not wish to die, like those Whom God's own Spirit deigns to bless , To sink into that soft repose, Then wake to perfect happiness ! c. M. The Christian's Farewell. 640. 1 YE golden lamps of heaven ! farewell. With all your feeble light ; Farewell, thou ever-changing moon ! Pale empress of the night. 2 And thou, refulgent orb of day ! In brighter flames arrayed, — My soul, that springs beyond thy sphere No more demands thy aid. 3 Ye stars are but the shining dust Of my divine abode ; The pavement of those heavenly courts. Where I shall see my God. 4 The Father of eternal light Shall there his beams display ; Nor shall one moment's darkness mix. With that unvaried day. 5 No more the drops of piercing grief Shall swell into mine eyes ; Nor the meridian sun decline Amid those brighter skies. 6 There all the millions of his saints Shall in one song unite ; And each the bliss of all shall view, With infinite delight. 641 CM. The Moment after Death. 1 IN vain the fancy strives to paint The moment after death, — The glories that surround a saint, When yielding up his breath. DEATH. 587 2 One gentle sigh the fetters breaks ; We scarce can say, — He 's gone I — Before the willing spirit takes Its mansion near the throne. 3 Faith strives — but all its efforts fail, — To trace the spirit's flight ; No eye can pierce within the veil Which hides the world of light. 4 Thus much — and 't is enough to know — Saints are completely blest ; Have done with sin, and care, and wo, And with their Saviour rest. 5 On harps of gold, they praise his name, And see him face to face : Oh ! let us catch the heavenly flame, And live in his embrace, c. M. Tae eartMy and heavenly House. 1 THERE is a house not made with hands, 642 Eternal, and on high ; And here my spirit, waiting, stands, Till God shall bid it fly. 2 Shortly this prison of my clay Must be dissolved and fall ; Then, O my soul ! with joy obey Thy heavenly Father's call. 3 'T is he, by his almighty grace, Who forms thee fit for heaven ; And, as an earnest of the place, Hath his own Spirit given. 4 We walk by faith of joys to come , Faith lives upon his word ; But while the body is our home, We 're absent from the Lord. 5 'T is pleasant to believe thy grace, But we had rather see ; We would be absent from the flesh, And present, Lord ! with thee. vTit/i A Voice from Vie Tomb. 1 HARK ! from the tombs a doleful sound ! My ears ! attend the cry — 588 HYMNS. " Ye living men ! come view the ground, Where you must shortly lie. 2 " Princes ! this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers ; The tall, the wise, the reverend head, Must lie as low as ours." 3 Great God ! is this our certain doom 1 And are we still secure ] Still walking downward to the tomb, And yet prepare no more ! 4 Grant us the power of quickening grace, To fit our souls to fly ; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We '11 rise above the sky. a a a s. m. V/^fclftU Death and the Resurrection. 1 AND must this body die ?— This mortal frame decay) And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay 1 2 God, my Redeemer, lives, And often from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust, — . Till he shall bid it rise. 3 Arrayed in glorious grace, Shall these vile bodies shine ; And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. 4 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love ; We would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. 5 Dear Lord ! accept the praise Of these our humble songs ; Till tunes of nobler sound we raise, With our immortal tongues. vJ^fc *J • The Death- Bed of the Righ teoua. 1 THIS place is holy ground ; World ! w'th thy cares, away ! DEATH. 589 Silence and darkness reign around ; But lo ! the break of day ! What bright and sudden dawn appears, To shine upon this scene of tears ! 2 Behold the bed of death,— This pale and lovely clay ! Heard ye the sob of parting breath 7 Marked ye the eyes' last ray ? — No ! — life so sweetly ceased to be, It lapsed in immortality . 3 Could tears revive the dead, Rivers should swell our eyes ; Could sighs recall the spirit "fled, We would not quench our sighs, Till love relumed this altered mien, And all th' embodied soul were seen. 4 Bury the dead, — and weep, In stillness, o'er the loss ; Bury the dead, — in Christ they sleep, Who bore on earth his cross, And, from the grave, their dust shall rise In his own image to the skies. 646. C. M. Funeral. 1 BENEATH our feet and o'er our head, Is equal warning given ; Beneath us lie the^countless dead, — Above us, is the heaven. 2 Death rides on every passing breeze, And lurks in every flower ; Each season has its own disease, Its peril — every hour. 3 Our eyes have seen the rosy light Of youth's soft cheek decay, And fate descend, in sudden night, On manhood's middle day. 4 Our eyes have seen the steps of age Halt feebly to the tomb ; And yet shall earth our hearts engage, And dreams of days to come ] 590 HYMNS. 5 Turn, mortal ! turn ; thy danger know; Where'er thy foot can tread, The earth rings hollow from below, And warns thee of her dead. 6 Turn, Christian ! turn ; thy soul apply To truths divinely given; The forms, which underneath thee lie, Shall live, for hell, or heaven. f\A!7 c M - KJ^o I • Death and Eternity. 1 STOOP down, my thoughts ! that used torist Converse a while with death ; Think — how a gasping mortal lies, And pants away his breath. 2 His quivering lip hangs feebly down, His pulse is faint and few ; Then, speechless, with a doleful ..groan, He bids the world adieu ! 3 But Oh ! the soul that never dies ! At once it leaves the clay : Ye thoughts ! pursue it where it flies, And track its wondrous way: — 4 Up to the courts where angels dwell, It mounts, triumphant there.; — Or devils plunge it down to hell, In infinite despair. 5 And must this body faint and die 1 And must this soul remove 1 Oh ! for some guardian angel nigh, To bear it safe above ! 6 Jesus ! to thy dear faithful hand, My naked soal I trust ; And my flesh waits for thy command, To drop into my dust. vJt^O* Prayer for the dying Christian. 1 GENTLY, my Saviour ! let me down, To slumber in the arms of death : I rest my soul on thee alone, E'en till my last expiring breath. DEATH. 591 2 Soon will the storm of life be o'er, And I shall enter endless rest : There I shall live to sin no more, And bless thy name for ever blest. 3 Bid me possess sweet peace within ; Let childlike patience keep my heart ; Then shall I feel my heaven begin, Before my spirit hence depart. 4 Hasten thy chariot, God of love ! And fetch me from this world of wo ; I long to reach those joys above, And bid farewell to all below. 5 There shall my raptured spirit raise Still louder notes than angels sing, — High glories to ImmanuePs grace, — My God, my Saviour, and my King ! L. M. Mourning with Submission. 1 THE God of love will sure indulge The flowing tear, the heaving sigh, When righteous persons fall around, — When tender friends and kindred die. 2 Yet not one anxious, murm'ring thought Should with our mourning passions blend Nor would our bleeding hearts forget Th' almighty, ever-living Friend. 3 Beneath a numerous train of ills, Our feeble flesh and heart may fail ; Yet shall our hope in thee, our God, O'er every gloomy fear prevail. 4 Our Father-God ! to thee we look, Our Rock, our Portion and our Friend ; And on thy covenant-love and truth, Our sinking souls shall still depend. 649 650 C. M. The Death of a Youth. WHEN blooming youth is snatcthed away, By death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay, That pity must demand. 592 HYMNS. 2 While pity prompts the rising sigh, Oh ! may this truth, impressed With avvfui power, — "I too must die !" Sink deep in every breast. 3 Let this vain world engage no more ; Behold the gaping tomb ! It bids us seize the present hour, — To-morrow death may come. 4 Oh ! let us fly — to Jesus fly — Whose powerful arm can save ; Then shall our hopes ascend on high, And triumph o'er the grave. 5 Great God ! thy sovereign grace impart, With* cleansing, healing power ; This only can prepare the heart, For death's surprising hour. c. M. Death and the Resurrection. 651. 1 THROUGH sorrow's night, and danger's path Amid the deepening gloom, We, soldiers of an injured king, Are marching to the tomb. 2 There, when the turmoil is no more, And all our powers decay, Our cold remains, in solitude, Shall sleep the years away. 3 Our labors done securely laid In this our last retreat, Unheeded, o'er our silent dust, The storms of life shall beat. 4 Yet not thus lifeless, thus inane, The vital spark shall lie ; For, o'er life's wreck, that spark shall rise To seek its kindred sky. 5 These ashes too, — this little dust, — Our Father's care shall keep, Till the last angel rise and break The long and dreary sleep. 6 Then love's soft dew, o'er every eye, Shall shed its mildest rays, DEATH. 593 And the long-silent dust shall burst, With shouts of endless praise. 352. C. M. Death dreadful or delightful. 1 DEATH !— -'t is a melancholy day, To those who have no God, — When the poor soul is*forced away To seek her last abode. 2 In vain, to heaven she lifts her eyes, — But guilt a heavy chain, Still drags her downward from the skies, To darkness, fire, and pain. 3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of wo ! Let stubborn sinners fear ; Why will ye sink to flames below, And dwell for ever there 1 4 See how the pit gapes wide for you, And flashes in your face ; And thou, my soul ! look downward too, And sing recovering grace. |>^q C. M. f*J *-> • Death and Judgment appointed to all. 1 HEAVEN has confirmed the dread decree, That Adam's race must die ; One general ruin sweeps them down, And low in dust they lie. 2 Ye living men ! the tomb survey, Where you must shortly dwell ; Hark ! how the awful summons sounds, In every funeral-knell ! 3 Once you must die — and once for all, — The solemn purport weigh ; For know, that heaven and hell are hung On that important day. 4 Those eyes, so long in darkness veiled, Must wake the Judge to see ; And every word, and every thought, Must pass his scrutiny. 594 HYMNS. 5 Oh ! may I, in the Judge, behold My Saviour and my Friend ; And, far above the reach of death, With all thy saints ascend. JUDGMENT. v/t/TcU Christ coming to save his People. 1 HARK — that shout of rapturous joy, Bursting forth from yonder cloud I Jesus comes — and, through the sky, Angels tell their joy aloud. 2 Hark ! — the trumpet's awful voice Sounds abroad through sea and land: Let his people now rejoice, Their redemption is at hand. 3 See ! — the Lord appears in view ; Heaven and earth before him fly ; Rise, ye saints ! he comes for you, — Rise, to meet him in the sky. 4 Go and dwell with him above, Where no foe can e'er molest ; Happy in the Saviour's love, Ever blessing, ever blest. U 79 s - M VrVyj 8s and 6s. Irregular. U I tp« Things temporal and eternal. 1 OH ! weep not for the joys that fade, Like evening-lights away, — For hopes, that, like the stars decayed, Have left thy mortal day ; For clouds of sorrow will depart, And brilliant skies be given ; And though on earth the tear may start, Yet bliss awaits the holy heart, Amid the bowers of heaven. 2 Oh ! weep not for the friends that pass Into the lonely grave, As breezes sweep the withered grass Along the restless wave ; For though thy pleasures may depart, And mournful days be given, And lonely though on earth thou art, Yet bliss awaits the holy heart, When friends rejoin in heaven. \J l ts» Heaven anticipated. 1 COME, Lord ! and warm each languid heart, Inspire each lifeless tongue, And let the joys of heaven impart Their influence to our song. 2 Then to the shining realms of bliss The wings of faith shall soar, And all the charms of paradise Our raptured thoughts explore. 51* 606 HYMNS. 3 There shall the foll'wers of the Lamb Join in immortal songs ; And endless honors to his name Employ their tuneful tongues. 4 Lord ! tune our hearts to praise and love,— Our feeble notes inspire ; Till in thy blissful courts above, We join the heavenly choir. f*V*y C* 8s and 6s. Irregular. \J I vJ • Heaven anticipated. 1 THERE is an hour of peaceful rest, To mourning wanderers given : There is a joy for souls distressed, A balm for every wounded breast, 'T is found above — in heaven. 2 There is a home for weary souls, By sin and sorrow driven ; When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals, Where storms arise and ocean rolls, And all is drear but heaven. 3 There, faith lifts up her cheerful eye, To brighter prospects given ; And views the tempest passing by, The evening-shadows quickly fly, And all serene in heaven. 4 There, fragrant flowers immortal bloom, And joys supreme are given ; There, rays divine disperse the gloom ; — Beyond the confines of the tomb, Appears the dawn of heaven. \) i I • The Peace and Repose of Heaven. 1 THERE is an hour of hallowed peace For those with cares oppressed, When sighs and sorr'wing tears shall ceass And all be hushed to rest. 2 'T is then the soul is freed from fears And doubts which here annoy; Then they,w:io oft have sown in tears, Shall reap again in joy. 3 There is a home of sweet repose, Where storms assail no more; HEAVEN. 607 The stream of endless pleasure flows, On that celestial shore. 4 There, purity with love appears, And bliss without alloy ; There, they, who oft had* sown in tears, Shall reap again in joy. 678. C. M. Heaven unseen and immortal. 1 HOW far beyond our mortal sight The Lord of glory dwells ! A veil of interposing night His radiant face conceals. 2 Oh ! could my longing spirit rise On strong, immortal wing, And reach thy palace in the skies, My Saviour and my King ! — 3 There, thousands worship at thy feet, And there — divine employ — Thy love triumphant they repeat In songs of endless joy. 4 Thy presence beams eternal day, O'er all the blissful place : Who would not leave this house of clay And fly to thine embrace 1 679 Union of Saints in Heaven and on Earth. 1 COME, let us join our friends above, Who have obtained the prize, And, on the eagle-wings of love, To joy celestial rise. 2 Let saints below in concert sing With those to glory gone, For all the servants of our King In heaven and earth are one : — 3 One family, — we dwell in him ; One church, — above, beneath ; Though now divided by the stream — The narrow stream of death. 4 One army of the living God, To his command we bow; 608 HYMNS. Part of the host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. 5 Ev'n now to their eternal home Some happy spirits fly ; And we are to the margin come, And soon expect to die ! 6 Dear Saviour ! be our constant guide ; Then, when the word is given, Bid Jordan's narrow stream divide, And land us safe in heaven. vOU. Rising to God. 1 NOW let our souls, on wings sublime, Rise from the vanities of time ; Draw back the parting veil, and see The glories of eternity. 2 Born by a new celestial birth, Why should we grovel here on earth ? Why grasp at transitory toys, So near to heaven's eternal joys ? 3 Should aught beguile us on the road, When we are walking back to God 1 For strangers into life we come, And dying is but going home. 4 Welcome, sweet hour of full discharge! That sets our longing souls at large, Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell, And gives us with our God to dwell. 5 To dwell with God — to feel his love, Is the full heaven enjoyed above ; And the sweet expectation now Is the young dawn of heaven below. UU 1 • The Heavenly City. 1 JERUSALEM !— my happy home ! Name ever dear to me, — When shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee ] 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built wallf And pearly gates behold 1 HEAVEN. 609 Thy bulwarks, with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold 1 3 Oh ! when, thou city of my God ! Shall I thy courts ascend? — Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths never end. 4 Why should I shrink at pain or wo, Or feel, at death, dismay? Jerusalem I soon shall view, In realms of endless day. 5 Redeemed saints and angels, there, Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ, below Will join the glorious band. 6 Jerusalem ! — my happy home ! My soul still pants for thee; Then shall my labors have an end, When I thy joys snail aee. 682. S. L. M. Tlie Perpetuity of Heaven. 1 FRIEND after friend departs : Who hath not lost a friend 7 There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end : Were this frail world our final rest, Living or dying, none were blest. 2 Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath ; Nor life's affections, transient fire, Whose sparks fly upwards and expire. 3 There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love, Formed for the good alone ; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that glorious sphere. 4 Thus star by star declines, Till all have passed away ; 610 HYMNS. As morning high and higher shines, To pure and perfect day ; Nor sink those stars in empty night, But hide themselves in heaven's owii light. vUUi Heaven :—for Sunday- Schools. 1 THERE is a glorious world of light, Above the starry sky ; Where saints departed, clothed in white, Adore the Lord most high. 2 And hark ! — amid the sacred songs Those heavenly voices raise, Ten thousand, thousand infant tongues Unite in perfect praise. 3 Those are the hymns that we shall know, If Jesus we obey ; That is the place where we shall go, If found in wisdom's way. 4 This is the joy we ought to seek, And make our chief concern ; For this we come, from week to week, To read, and hear, and learn. 5 Soon will our earthly race be run, Our mortal frame decay ; Children and teachers, one by one, Must pass from earth away. 6 Great God ! impress the serious thought, This day, on every breast ; That both the teachers and the taught May enter to thy rest. 684 C. M. The Joys unseen. 1 NOR eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, Nor sense nor reason known, What joys the Father has prepared, For those who love the Son. 2 But the good Spirit of the Lord Reveals a heaven to come : The beams of glory, in his word, Allure and guide us home. HEAYEX. 611 3 Pure are the joys above the sky, And all the region peace ; No wanton lip, nor envious eye, Can see or taste the bliss. 4 Those holy gates for ever bar Pollution, sin, and shame ; None shall obtain admittance there, But foll'wers of the Lamb. 685 L.M. Heaven alone unfading. 1 HOW vain is all beneath the skies ! How transient every earthly bliss ! How slender all the fondest ties That bind us to a world like this ! 2 The evening-cloud, the morning-dew, The withering grass, the fading flower, Of earthly hopes are emblems true, — The glory of a passing hour. 3 But, though earth's fairest blossoms die, And all beneath the skies is vain, There is a land whose confines lie Beyond the reach of care and pain. 4 Then let the hope of joys to come Dispel our cares, and chase our fears : If God be ours, we 're traveling home, Though passing through a vale of tears. fiftfi C.L.M. V/OU« Tlie everlasting Bliss of Heaven. 1 HEAVEN is the land where troubles cease Where toils and tears are o'er ; — The blissful clime of rest and peace, Where cares distract no more ; And not the shadow of distress Dims its unsullied blessedness. 2 Heaven is the place where Jesus lives To plead his dying blood ; While, to his prayers, his Father gives An unknown multitude, [days, Whose harps and tongues, through endless Shall crown his head with songs of praise. 612 HYMNS. 3 Heaven is the dwelling-place of joy, The home of light and love, Where faith and hope in rapture die And ransomed souls above Enjoy, before th' eternal throne, Bliss everlasting and unknown. 687. C. M. The unseen and blessed World. 1 FAR from these narrow scenes of night Unbounded glories rise, And realms of infinite delight, Unknown to mortal eyes. 2 Fair distant land ! could mortal eyes But half its charms explore, How would our spirits long to rise, And dwell on earth no more ! 3 No cloud those blissful regions know, — Realms ever bright and fair ; For sin, the source of mortal wo, Can never enter there. 4 Oh ! may the heavenly prospect fire Our hearts with ardent love, Till wings of faith and strong desire Bear every thought above. 5 Prepare us, Lord ! by grace divine, For thy bright courts on high ; Then bid our spirits rise and join The chorus of the sky. f*QQ 8s and 6s. Irregular. UOO« Nothing like Heaven. 1 THIS world is poor from shore to shore, And, like a baseless vision, Its lofty domes and brilliant ore, Its gems and crowns, are vain and poor;- There's nothing rich but heaven. 2 Empires decay and nations die, Our hopes to winds are given ; The vernal blooms in ruin lie, Death reigns o'er all beneath the sky ; — There 's nothing sure but heaven. HEAVEN. 613 3 Creation's mighty fabric all Shall be to atoms riven, — The skies consume, the planets fall, Convulsions rock this earthly ball ; — There's nothing firm but heaven. 4 A stranger, lonely here I roam, From place to place am driven; My friends are gone, and 1 'm in gloom, This earth is all a dismal tomb ; — I have no home but heaven. 5 The clouds disperse — the light appears, My sins are all forgiven, Triumphant grace hath quelled my fears ;— Roll on, thou sun J fly swift, my years ! I 'm on my way to heaven. ftOQ c. H. yJ O %J « Heaven in Prospect. 1 ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 Oh ! the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my sight ! Sweet fields, arrayed in living green, And rivers of delight ! 3 O'er all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day ; There, God, the Son, for ever reigns, And scatters night away. 4 No chilling winds — no pois'nous breath, Can reach that healthful shore ; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more. 5 When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest 1 When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest ] 6 Filled with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves should round me roll,—' Fearless I 'd launch awav. 52 614 HYMNS. 690 8s and 7s. The Christian's Flight to Heaven. 1 WHAT is life 7 't is but a vapor ; Soon it vanishes away ; Life is but a dying taper ; O my soul ! why wish to stay 1 Why not spread thy wings and fly, Straight to yonder world of joy 1 2 See that glory — how resplendent ! Brighter far than fancy paints ; There, in majesty transcendent, Jesus reigns — the King of saints: — Spread thy wings, my soul ! and fly Straight to yonder world of joy. 3 Joyful crowds,his throne surrounding, Sing with rapture of his love ; Through the heavens his praises sounding Filling all the courts above : Spread thy wings, my soul 1 and fly Straight to yonder world of joy. 4 Go, and share his people's glory, Mid the ransomed crowd appear ; — Thine a joyful, wondrous story, One that angels love to hear : Spread thy wings, my soul ! and fly Straight to yonder world of joy. c. M. The blessed Society in Heaven. 691. 1 RAISE thee, my soul ! fly up, and run Through every heavenly street ; And say, — there 's nought below the sun, That''s worthy of thy feet. 2 There, on a high majestic throne, Th' almighty Father reigns ; And sheds his glorious goodness down, On all the blissful plains. 3 Bright, like the sun, the Saviour sits, And spreads eternal noon : No evenings there, nor gloomy nights, To want the feeble moon. HEAVEN. 615 i Amid those ever-shining skies, Behold the sacred Dove ! While, banished sin, with sorrow, flies From all the realms of love. 5 The glorious tenants of the place Stand bending round the throne ; And saints and seraphs sing and praise The infinite Three-One. 6 Jesus ! — and when shall that dear day, — That joyful hour, appear, When I shall leave this house of clay, To dwell among them there ! fiQ9 c M \J%JAm)% The everlasting Song. 1 EARTH has engrossed my love too long ; 'T is time, I lift mine eyes Upward, dear Father ! to thy throne, And to my native skies. 2 There, the blest man, my Saviour, sits ;— The God ! — how bright he shines ! And scatters infinite delights On all the happy minds. 3 Seraphs, with elevated strains, Circle the throne around ; And move and charm the starry plains With an immortal sound. 4 Jesus, the Lord, their harps employs, — Jesus, my love, they sing ! Jesus, the life of all our joys, Sounds sweet from every string. 5 Now let me mount, and join their song, And be an angel too ; My heart ! my hand ! my ear ! my tongue ! Here 's joyful work for you. 5 I would begin the music here, And so my soul should rise ; — Oh ! for some heavenly notes to bear My passions to the skies ! 616 HYMNS. 693 C. M. Victory through the Lamb. 1 GIVE me the wings of faith, to rise Within 1 he veil, and see The saints above, — how great their joys,— How bright their glories be. 2 I ask them, — whence their vict'ry camel They, with united breath, Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, — Their triumph to his death. 3 They marked the footsteps he had trod ; His zeal inspired their breast ; And, foil' wing their incarnate God, Possess the promised rest. 4 Our glorious Leader claims our praise, For his own pattern given, — While the long cloud of witnesses Show the same path to heaven. U 4»» The Worship of Earth and Heaven. 1 FATHER ! I long, I faint, to see The place of thine abode ; I 'd leave thine earthly courts, and flee Up to thy seat, my God ! 2 Here I behold thy distant face, And 't is a pleasing sight ; But, to abide in thine embrace Is infinite delight. 3 I'd part with all the joys of sense, To gaze upon thy throne ; Pleasure springs fresh for ever thence, Unspeakable, unknown. 4 There all the heavenly hosts are seen , In shining ranks they move ; And drink immortal vigor in, With wonder and with love. 5 Then at thy feet with awful fear, Th' adoring armies fall ; With joy they shrink to nothing there, Before th' eternal All. HEAVEN. 617 6 Father ! I long, I faint to see The place of thine abode ; I 'd leave thine earthly courts to be For ever with my God. lis. Longing for Heaven. 695. 1 I WOULD not live always — I ask not to stay, Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way ; The few lucid mornings that dawn on us here, Are followed by gloom, and beclouded by fear. 2 I would not live always — no, — welcome the tomb ; Since Jesus hath lain ta re, I dread not its gloom ; There, sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise To hail him in triumph descending the skies. Who — who would live always — away from his God;— Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns 1 There saints of all ages, in harmony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet ; While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. fiQfi c M \ ■ %J \J • The Martyrs glorified. 1 "THESE glorious minds, — how bright they shine ! Whence all their white array 1 How came they to the happy seats Of everlasting day?" 2 From torturing pains to endless joys, On fiery wheels they rode : And strangely washed their raiment white, In Jesus' dying blood. 3 Now they approach a spotless God, And bow before his throne ; Their warbling harps, and sacred songs, Adore the Holv One. "52* 618 HYMNS. 4 The unveiled glories of his face Among his saints reside, While the rich treasures of his grace See all their wants supplied. 5 Hunger and thirst for ever flee — Their joys for ever last : The fruit of life's immortal tree Shall be their sweet repast. 6 The Lamb shall lead his heavenly flock Where living fountains rise ; And love divine shall wipe away The sorrows of their eyes. fiQ7 7s \JC/ I • The Redeemed in Heaven. 1 WHAT are these in bright array, This innumerable throng, Round the altar night and day, Hymning one triumphant song] — " Worthy is the Lamb once slain, Blessing, honor, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain, New dominion, every hour!" 2 These through fiery trials trod, — These from great affliction came ; Now before the throne of God, Sealed with his almighty name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor-palms in every hand, Through their dear Redeemer's might More than conquerors they stand. 3 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed ; Them, the Lamb, amidst the throne, Shall to living fountains lead; Joy and gladness banish sighs, Perfect love dispel all fears, And for ever from their eyes, God shall wipe away the tears. /^("\Q 9s and 6s. O *J O • Prospect of Heaven. 1 COME away to the skies — My beloved ! arise, And rejoice in the day thou wert born t HEAVEN. 619 On this festival day, Come exulting away, And, with singing, to Zion return. 2 We have laid up our love, With our treasure, above, Though our bodies continue below ; The redeemed of the Lord — We remember his word, And, with singing, to paradise go. 3 For thy glory we were First created, to share Both thy nature and kingdom divine ; Now created again, That our souls may remain, Both in time and eternity, thine. 4 With thanks we approve The design of thy love, Which hath joined us in Christ's precious name,* So united in heart That we never can part — We shall meet at the feast of the Lamb. 5 There, Oh ! there, at his feet, We shall joyfully meet, And be parted, in body, no more; We shall sing to our Jyres, With the heavenly choirs, And our Saviour, in glory, adore. 6 " Hallelujah !" — we sing, To our Father and King, And his rapturous praises repeat ; To the Lamb that was slain, "Hallelujah !" — again — Sing all heaven, and fall at his feet 699. 8s. Longing to be with Christ. 1 TO Jesus, the crown of my hope s My soul is in haste to be gone ; Oh ! bear me, ye cherubim ! up, And waft me away to his throne. 620 HYMNS. 2 My Saviour ! whom absent I love ; Whom, not having seen, I adore ; Whose name is exalted above All glory, dominion, and power ; — 3 Dissolve thou these bonds, that detain My soul from her portion in thee ; Ah ! strike off' this adamant-chain, And make me eternally free. -1 When that happy era begins, Arrayed in thy glories I '11 shine, Nor grieve any more, by my sins, The bosom on which I recline. 700. 7s. The Victory of the Saint*. 1 PALMS of glory, raiment bright, Crowns that never fade away, Gird and deck the saints in light, — Priests, and kings, and conquerors they. 2 Yet the conquerors bring their palms To the Lamb amidst the throne, And proclaim, in joyful psalms, Yict'ry through his cross alone. 3 Kings for harps their crowns resign, Crying as they strike the chords, — "Take the kingdom — it is thine, — King of kings, and Lord of lords !" 4 Round the altar, priests confess, — If their robes are white as snow, 'T was their Saviour's righteousness And his blood that made them so. 5 Who were these 1 — On earth they dwelt, Sinners once of Adam's race,— Guilt, and fear, and suffering felt, But were saved by sovereign grace. 6 They were mortal, too, like us : — Ah ! when we like them shall die, May our souls, translated thus, Triumph, reign, and shine on high ? 701 HEAVEN. 621 C. M. The New- Song before the Thront. 1 WHAT blissful harmonies above, In vocal thunders swell? The perfecting of joy and love, What raptured legions tell ! 2 The glorious apostolic band, — Do they in triumph sing? Do prophets from the holy land Their inspiration bring ] 3 Or from the noble army breaks The deep, adoring strain, Who won their way from fiery stakes, And were for conscience slain ] 4 Is it the patriarchal race That breathe the sacred song 1 Or to the heirs of gospel-grace Do the full choirs belong ] 5 For each, for all, the Word is found Almighty to atone : All, — all in shining hosts surround The bright celestial throne. 6 Peoples, and languages, and tongues The choral anthem raise : To every voice and speech belongs The work of heavenly praise. 7fl0 CM - I V/rd ! awake, awaKe H F. Burder's Col. 54fi 628 IXDEX. Pace. Around the Saviour's lofty throne Keily 324 Ascend thy throne, almighty King ! Beddome 545 As pants the hart for cooling streams Tate and Brady 83 Assembled at thy great command Col'yer 5J0 Astonished and distressed Toplady 3*J] At thy command, our dearest Lord ! Watt's 504 Author of good ! to thee we turn Merrick 4S3 Awake, and sing the song Hammond 353 Awake, awake the sacred song Mrs. Steele 297 Awaked by Sinai's awful sound Ockum 413 Awake, my drowsy soul ! Mrs Steele 556 Awake, my heart ! arise, my tongue! Watts 431 Awake, my soul ! and with the sun Kenn 21 Awake, my soul ! in joyful lays Med'ey 390 Awake, my soul ! stretch every nerve Doddridge 432 Awake, my soul ! to sound his praise Barlow 179 Awake, my tongue ! thy tribute bring Needham 280 Awake, our souls ! away our fears Watts 43*} Awake, ye saints ! and raise your eyes Doddridge 574 Awake, ye saints ' awake Epis. Col. 51 1 Awake, ye saints! to praise your King Watts 227 Before Jehovah's awful throne Watts 104 Begin, my soul ! th' exalted lay Ogilvie 249 Begin, my tongue ! some heavenly theme .Watts 286 Behold a stranger at the door Gregg 399 Behold! how good and sweet Ha'fietd 225 Behold ! the day is come Beddome 601 Behold ! the blessed Redeemer comes Watts 80 Behold! the blind their sight receive Watts 313 Behold ! th' expected time draws near Voke 552 Behold the glories of the Lamb Watts 312 Behold the grace appear Watts 291 Behold! the lofty sky Watts 42 Behold ! the morning-sun Watts 42 Behold the throne of grace Newton 436 Behold the Saviour of mankind Colliers Sel. 339 Behold the sure foundation stone Watts 193 Behold thy waiting servant. Lord ! Watts 200 Behold where Cedron's waters flow *S". F. Smith 339 Behold! where, in a mortal form Enfield 328 Behold! what wondrous grace Watts 461 Behold ! what condescending love Doddridge 498 Beneath our feet, and o'er our head Heber 589 Be joyful in God. all ye lands of the earth ! Montgomery 166 Beyond, beyond that boundless sea Conder 237 Beyond the glittering, starry skies Turner 326 Bless, O Lord ! the opening year Cong. II. Book 569 Bless, O my soul ! the living God Watts 170 Bless ye the Lord with solemn rite Montgomery 226 Blessed are the sons of God Humphreys, or HammoiuL 460 Blest are the humble souls that see Watts 435 Blest are the men whose hearts can move Watts 435 Blest are the sons of peace Watts 224 Blest are the souls that hear and know Watts 143 Blest are the undefiled in heart Watts 195 Blest be the everlasting God Watts 461 Blest be the Father and his love Watts 376 Blest be the tie that binds Faiccett 436 Blest Comforter divine ! Cleland's Hymns 368 Blest is the man, for ever blest Watts 66 Blest is the man who shuns the place Watts 14 INDEX. 629 Page. Blest is the man whose heart doth move Watts 81 Blest is the man whose softening heart Airs. Barhnuld 433 Blest is the nation where the Lord Watte 63 Blest morning! whose young dawning rays Watts 512 Blow ye the trumpet ! blow Altered by Toplady 488 Boundless glory. Lord ! be thine Scotch Cong. Col. 418 Bread of heaven ! on thee I feed Conder 503 Bright King of glory, dreadful God ! ' Watts 32] Bright source of everlasting love ! B* den 439 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning Hcber 296 Broad is the road that leads to death Waits 387 Buried in shadows of the night Watts 308 Call Jehovah thy salvation Montgomery 149 Captain of thine exalted host G. Burders Col. 531 Cast thy burden on the Lord JR. HilVs Col. 103 Cease, ye mourners ! cease to languish Co/tyer 575 < hildren ! hear the melting story Hastings 403 Children, in years and knowledge young Wat's 70 Children ! listen to the Lord Hastings 404 Children of the heavenly King ! Ceitmck 433 Christ and his cross is all our theme IT alts 320 Christian ! see the orient morning Cleland's Hymns 544 Christ, of all my hopes the ground Windham 358 Christ, whose glory fills the skies C. Wesley 306 Come, all ye saints of God Pratt's Col. 355 Come away to the skies C. Wesley 618 Come, blessed Spirit, source of light ! Beddome 365 Come, dearest Lord ! descend and dwell Watts 310 Come, every pious heart ! >■?. Stennett 311 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove ! Brorcn 363 Come, happy souls ! approach your God Watts 298 Come hither, all ye weary souls ! Watts 393 Come. Holy Ghost ! come from on high Reed's Col. 497 Come, Holy Spirit ! calm my mind Burder 366 Come. Holy Spirit! come Hart 363 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ! Watts 362 Come in. thou blessed of the Lord ! Kelly 499 Come, let our voices join to raise Watts 155 Come, let us anew C. Wesley 566 Come, let us gladly sing Hatfield 157 Come, let us join our cheerful songs Watts 315 Come, let us join our friends above C Wesley 607 Come, let us join our songs of praise Campbell's Col. 362 Come, let us join our souls to God Montgomery fOO Come, let us lift our joyful eyes Walls ?JA Come, let ns lift our voices high • . . . . Watls 506 Come, Lord ! and warm each languid heart Mrs Steele 505 < ome, my fond fluttering heart ! Miss Jane Taylor 424 Come, my soul ! thy suit prepare Newton 482 Come. O my soul ! in sacred lays B.'acklock 264 Come, see the place where Jesus lay Montgomery 348 Come, shout aloud the Father's grace Heginbotham 276 Come, sound his praise abroad Waits 156 Come, thou Almighty Kin? ! Madan's Col. 373 Come, thou desire of all thy saints ! Mrs. Steele 313 Come, thou fount of every blessing ! Robinson 421 Come to Calv : ry's holy mountain Montgomery 394 Ccme, trembling sinner ! in whose breast E Jones 393 Come, weary souls ! with sin distressed Mrs. Steele 392 Come, ye disconsolate ! where'er ye languish Musica Sacra 409 Come, ye saints ' look here and wonder Kelly 346 53* 630 INDEX. Page. Come, ye sinners ! heavy laden Hart 399 Come, ye that know and fear the Lord ! G. Burder 285 Come, ye who love the Lord ! Watts 430 Come, ye that love the Saviour's name ! Mrs Steele 312 Consider all my sorrows, Lord ! Watts 202 Could 1 so false, so faithless prove Watts ^34 Daughter of Zion ! awake from thy sadness Fitzgerald's Col. 550 Daughter of Zion ! from the dust Montgomery 537 David rejoiced in God his strength Watts 401 Day of Judgment, day of wonders ! Newton 59S Dearest of all the names above Walts 302 Denr Father ! to thy mercy-seat Mrs. Steele 209 Dear refuge of my weary soul ! Mrs Steele 274 Dear Saviour ! we are thine Doddridge 310 Dear Saviour ! when my thoughts recall Mrs. Steele 407 Death, — r t is a melancholy day Watts 503 D -"p are the wounds which sin has made Mrs Steele 337 Deep in our hearts let us record Walls 1 19 Delay not. delay not, O sinner ! draw near Hastings 381 Descend from heaven, immortal Dove ! Watts 366 Did Christ o'er sinners weep Bin/dome 4(K) Do not I love thee, O my Lord ! Doddridge 467 Dread Sovereign ! let my evening-song Watts 560 Early, my God ! without delay Watts 109 Earth has engrossed my love too long Watts 615 Encompassed with ten thousand ills Montgomery 206 Enthroned on high, almighty Lord ! Humphries 372 Eternal God, celestial King ! Wrangbam 104 Eternal God, eternal King! March 62 Eternal source of every joy ! Doddridge 572 Eternal Spirit, God of truth ! Prutts Col. 3G7 Eternal Spirit! we confess Watts 371 Eternal VVisdom ! thee we praise Watts 262 Exalt the Lord our God W'ltts 163 Extol the Lord, the Lord most high Montgomery 92 Fair shines the morning-star Montgomery 5.^2 Faith adds new charms to earthiy b) iss. Turner 45? Faith is the brightest evidence Watts 45.? Far as thy name is known Watts 01 Far from my thoughts, vain world ! b» gone Watts 507 Far from thy fold, O God ! rny feet . . . Tattock 4 13 Far from the world, O Lord ! I flee Cowper 459 Far from these narrow scenes of night Mrs S'i (tie 612 Far from us be grief and sadness Ki.lly 417 Fast flow, my tears ! the cause is great Stre/nck's Col. 313 Father ! adored in worlds aL^ve Pope t Col 4$ Father! how wide thy glory shines Watts 2^2 Father! I bless thy gentle hand Watts 104 Father ! I long, T faint to see IVntts 615 Father ! I sing thy wondrous grace Walts 119 Father! is not thy promise pledged Gibbons 15 Father of eternal grace ! Montgomery 471 Father of glory ! to thy name Watts 374 Father of heaven ! whose love profound Pratt's Col. 375 Father of mercies ! condescend M>rrll 534 Father of mercies, God of love ! Raffles 405 Father of mere ies ! in thy word Mrs Steele 2Ti7 Fattier of ! send thy grace Doddridge 43K ather . whate'er of earthly blue Mrs. Steele 482 INDEX. 631 Page Tirm a»d unmoved are they Watts 213 Finn as the earth thy gospel stands Tl '(ills 462 Finn was my health, my day was bright Walls 63 Fools, in their hearts, believe and say Walts 32 For a season called to part Xtirtun 437 For ever blessed be the Lord Wutts 241 For ever shall my song record Watts 142 Forgive us, Lord ! to thee we cry Hastings 4S0 Fountain of mercy, God of love ! Ejiis Col. 573 Frequent the day of God returns Brown 518 Friend. after frieiid departs Montgomery 609 From all that dwell below the skies Walls 190 From Calvary a cry was heard Cunningham 34o From deep distress and troubled thoughts. Wutls 218 From every earthly pleasure Ge?7is 451 From Egypt's bondage come Kelly 423 From Greenland's icy mountains Heber 542 From lowest depths of wo Tate and Brady 219 From thee, my God ! my joys shall rise Waits 443 From the throne of God there springs Tujilady 91 Gently, gently lay thy rod Lyte 23 Gently, Lord! Oh '.gently 1 ad us Hastings 44S Gently, my Saviour! let me down R Hill 590 Gird on thy conquering sword Doddridge 68 Give glory to God in the highest ; give praise Montgomery 63 Give me the wings of faith to rise Watts 616 Give thanks to God, invoke his name Watts 174 Give thanks to God most high Watts 228 Give thanks to God, the sovereign Lord Watts 228 Give thanks to God. he reigns aoove Watts 177 Give to our God immortal praise Watts 227 Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame ! Watts 61 Glorious things of thee are spoken Neirton 139 Glory to God on high R. Hill's Col. 315 Glory to thee, my God ! this night Kenn. 20 Glory to the Father give. . . . -. Montgomery 27 Go. and the Saviour's grace proclaim Morell 533 God. in his earthly temple, lays Watts 138 God. in the gospel of his Son B'ddome. 259 God is gone up on high Wor. Sel. 53 God is my strong salvation Montgomery 60 God is our refuge and defence Montgomery 90 God is our i efoge, tried and proved Lyte 90 God is the refuge of his saints Walts 89 God moves in a mysterious way Courper 284 God, my supporter and my hope Watts 125 God of eternal love ! Watts 176 God of mercy, God of grace ! Lyte 117 God of my childhood, and my youth ! Watts 121 God of nv. life ! look gently down Walts 78 God of toy life ! through all my days Doddridge 273 God of rny mercy and my praise ! Watts 1^.1 God of our lives ! thy various praise HegittboUiam 567 God of the morning ! at thy voice Watts 553 God of the universe! to thee Miss Mary O. 523 Good is the Lord, the heavenly King Watts 112 Go, messenger of peace and love ! Balfour 535 Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lord Watts 525 Go to dark Gethsemane Montgomery 338 Go, ye messengers of God ! Marsden 533 Grace, like an uncorrupted seed Walts 426 632 INDEX. Page Grace, t is n charming sound Doddridge 426 Gracicns Spirit, Love divine ! Slocker 363 Grant me within thy courts a place Montgomery 59 Great Father of each perfect gift! Doddridge 370 Great Father of mankind ! Doddridge 521 Great Former of this various frame ! Doddi idge 167 Great God ! attend to my complaint Barlow 110 Great God ! attend while Zion sings Watte 133 Great God .' indulge my humble claim Walts 108 Great God ' how infinite art thou Watts 263 Great God ! I own thy sentence just Watts 583 Great God ! let all our tuneful powers Heginbothani 567 Great God .' now condescend Felloics 496 Great God of nations ! now to thee Presb. Great God i the nations of the earth Gibbons 543 Great God ! to thee my evening-son;: Mrs. Steele 558 Cheat God ! to what a 'glorious hpight Watts 359 Great God ! we sing that mighty hand Doddridge 569 Great God ! what do I see and hear Luth'er 599 Great God ! whose universal swav Watte 122 Great is the Lord, his works of might Watts 182 Great is the Lord our God Watts 93 Great Shepherd of thine Israel !' Watts 131 Great the joy when christians meet G. Bvrder 376 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah ! Oliver, or Robinson 464 Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews Watt* 434 Had not the Lord, may Israel sav Watts 212 Had not the Lord, my rock, my help Waits 155 Hail ! gracious source of every eood ! Spirit of the Psatns 106 Hail! great Creator ! wise and good Gent. Mag. 280 Hail ! morning known among the blest ! Wardluw 511 Hail ! sacred truth ! whose piercing rays Lon. Ev. Mag. 259 Hail the dav which sees him rise ' Mudan 347 Hail! thou long-expected Jeans! Whitcf eld's Cul 290 Hail to the Lord's anointed ! Montgomery 123 Hail to the Prince of life and peace ! * Doddridge 361 Hallelujah! praise the Lord Hatfield 253 Hallelujah: raise, Oh! raise Cinder 185 Happy the < hurch, thou -acred place Watts 520 Happy is be who tears the Lord Watts 183 Happy soul ! thy days are ending C. Wesley 578 Happy 'l»e heart where graces reign Watts 434 Happy the man whose cautious feet Watts 13 Hark ' from the tombs a doleful sound Watts 587 Hark ! hark ! the co-pel-trumpet sounds Day's Col 402 Hark! hark! -the notes of joy Heed's Col 292 Hark — my soul ! it is the Lord Cotrper 466 Hark ! ten thousand harps and voices Kelly 318 Hark ! that shout of rapturous joy Kelly 591 Hark tne glad sound ! the Saviour comes ... Doddridge 290 Hark ! the herald-angels sing. Wes'n/s ' Hark ! the judgment-trumpet sounding Demon 597 Hark ! the son;* of jubilee Montgomery ; r 40 Hark ! the voice of l.'.ve and mercy . .Evans 341 Hark ! what celestial notes Salisbury Col ^93 Hark ! what mean those lamentations Catrood 559 Hark ! what mean those holy voices Catrood 292 Hasten. Lord ! the glorious time Spirit of the Psalms 124 Hasten. Lord ! to my release Montgomery 120 Haste, O sinner! to'be wise Rippon'e Set. 381 Hear, gracious God ! my humble moan Mrs. Steele 469 INDEX. 633 Page. Hearken, Lord ! to my complaints Montgomery 83 Hear. Lord ! the sons of praise and prayer Cjir/>*r 29 Hear ine, God ! nor hide thy face Waits 1 69 Hear me, O Lord ! in my distress Montgomery 240 Hear my prayer, Jehovah ! hear W. Goode 170 Hear, O sinner ! mercy hails you Heed 3S2 Hearts of stone ! relent, relent Tiebouf's Col. 405 Hear what God, the Lord, hath spoken Cutoper 491 Hear what the voice, from heaven proclaims Waits o?6 Heaven has confirmed the dread decree Doddridge 593 Heaven is the land where troubles cease 4 O thou that hear'st when sinners cry! Watts 97