*#• :***■ > •^•U .T' ? <». V S. OF THE ' AT PRINCETON, N. J. DOXATIOX OK SAMUEL AGNEW, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. ♦ ??^>«e« >?qf: =>3? Tfi Case % Shelf, Sect.onC .."/.. -6>-fS9 ./rs*?v J ; 1~J. LETTERS ON THE Sacred Predictions: Proper for the Confideration of all Sorts of People at all Times; more efpecially, whenever in Danger of pub- lick Calamities : Collected out of the Holy Scriptures ; (hewing the Events, which fome Perfons have Reafon to fear ; and thofe for which others have Ground to hope. Whereunto is added, a LETTER, containing an Anfwer to the Question, viz. Whether the pub- lick Reading the Holy Scriptures, on the Lord's Days is an Ordinance of divine Appointment; and a Part of the Werfhip which God requires from his People ? All intended for promoting Piety, and the Confolation of ferious Chriftians of every Denomination. By THEOPHILUS^LOBB, M. D. And C. R. M. L. C. and R. S. L. S. Search the Scriptures. John v. 39. LONDON: Printed for J. Buck land, at the Buck in Paler nofter-RQW. MDCCLXI. ADVERTISEMENT. PREDICTIONS, are all thofe Decla- rations of future Events recorded in the Holy Scriptures, which God by his Providence has brought, or will bring to pafs 5 whether thofe Events be Punifhments. or Bleflings. Thus the Declarations of the Deftruction of Jerufalem, and of the Miferies which befel the Jews, were Predictions. Thus the Declarations of the Deliverance of the Children of Ifrael out of Egypt, and from the feventy Years Captivity, were Pre- dictions ; and fo indeed, are all the Threat- nings God has denounced againft the Wick- ed; and all the Promifes of Bleffings, which he has made to Nations, or particular Per- fons, who love and ferve him, and keep his Commandments : And thus the Sacred De- clarations in the two firft of thefe Letters are Predictions. The Providence of the righteous and faithful God, is always fulfilling his Word : Therefore David faid unto God, Iwillpraife thee with my whole Heart , — »Jor thy Loving- A 2 kindnefs, iy ADVERTISEMENT. kindnefs, and for thy 'Truth; jor thou haft magnified thy Word, above all thy Name. Pfal. cxxxviii. i, 2. God has done it above every other Way, in which he had made himfelf known ; and he does fo Hill, by bringing to pafs the Events foretold by the Prophets of the Old Teftament, and by the blerfed Jefus, and the Apoftles, and Prophets of the New. It is therefore incumbent on all Chriftians to take Notice of them, fo far as they mail come within their Knowledge ; and to ob- ferve the Dealings of the fupreme Gover- nour of the World, with their own Coun- try, and their Neighbours, and like wife with themfelvesj whether the Events, which occur be merciful, or affliclive. The Works cf the Lord (both thofe of Creation, and thofe of his Providence) are greats fought out of all them, that have Plea- fur e therein. His Work (of Providence, as well as of Creation) is honourable, and glori- ous j and his Righteoufnefs endureth for ever. He hath made bis wonderful Works to be remem- bred. Pfal. cxi. 2, 3, 4. We ought there- fore to obferye, and remember them. A disregard of the Acts of the righ- teous and gracious God in his Government of the World, and more efpecially in what relates to our own Country, our own Ci- ties, ADVERTISEMENT. v ties, and Families, and Perfons; is a pro- voking Difregard of himfelf. Because they regard not the Works of the Lord, nor the Operation of his Hands, he foall deftroy them, and not build them np. It is faid Pfal. xxviii. 5. The two firft of thefe Letters were pub- lifhed, 1750. under the Title of Sacred Declarations, confidered, 6cc. and are now publifhed again, with others fubfervient to the fame Defign. I have in thefe Letters collected a Sum- mary both of the Law, and Gofpel, and a Summary of the Predictions of Punilhment appointed for the Wicked ; and of the Pre- dictions of Blemngs for the Righteous, for all true Believers in this Life, at Death, and afterwards ; and on thefe Accounts, it may be ufeful for Christians frequently to look into them. The lafl Letter is added on the Account of the Importance of its Contents, and the many Advantages which may be obtained, by diffufing the Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures among the People. In the poetical Lines cited in thefe Let- ters, I have here and there changed a Word to render them more expreflive of my own Thoughts. THE THE CONTENTS. LETTER I. WHEN the Inhabitants of any City, cr Country have Reafon to apprehend the Dan- ger of publick Calamities, is fhewn. p. 3, 4. Some Tokens of the divine Arger noted, viz. 1 . The Mortality, which through feveral Tears dejiroyed the Cattle, p. 4, 5. 2. The Earthquakes, which lately happened in our Jfland. p. 5, 6. Thefe Calamities are the Productions of the al- mighty Power of God, and happens only when, and where he pleafes. p. 6. No Aftronomer, no Phi- lofopher can tell when, or where the righteous God willfhake terribly the Earth, and raife thofe mighty Convu'fions in it, which overthrow Cities, and often fwallow in Multitudes of People, p 6. The divine Power is always Acting, and fome Things, which appear to be the immediate Effecl of its Agency, are fpecified. p. 7. Famines, and Peflilences are Manifejlations of the divine Anger, p. 7. The Day of the Lord's Vifitation for Sin, is a dif- mal Time. p. 8. Yet there is no Ground for Defpair, but Room to hope for Mercy, and far don. p. 9. Some Sorts of Perfons are particularly threatned with Punifhments in the Day of God's Vifitation for Sin? viz. I. Thofe r/je CONTENTS. I. Thofe Minifters of the Word of God of every Denomination, who either fet bad Examples, or live in the Negletl of the Duties they owe to the Peo- ple under their Care. p. n. Why thefe are men- tioned in the firfi Place, the Reafons as Jigned, ibid. p. 12. &c. by the Expreffwns Watchmen, and Shepherds, who are meant, ibid. II. Prophane Perfons, are another Sort of Sin- ners, p. 14. &c. Who are fuch. ibid. The Hein- oufnefs of their Guilt, ibid, are Qbjecls of God's Curfc, and Scorn, p. 15. II[. Idolators, alfo are Objecls of God's threatned Judgments, p. 15. There are two Sorts of Idola- try, viz. One a Tranfgreffion of the firfi Command- ment, viz. When Perfons o%vn, and acknowledge any Creature as God, or pay religious Refpefi, or Re- verence by any inward Aclion of their Mind, or out- ward Gejlure of their Bod'.es to a Creature as God, and as the Ob j eel of their WorfJjip. ibid. The other Sort of Idolafry, is making any Image to be the Means of worfhiping the true God, and performing any Atts of religious Worfljip to it. p. 16. and this is a Tranfgreffwn of the fecond Command- ment, ibid. The Heinoufnefs of this Idolatry difplayed. p 17. IV. Proud Perfons, are particularly threatned with Punifhment, in the Time of God's Vifitation of a People for their Sins. p. 18. The common Incen- tives to Pride mentioned, ibid. What Pride is. p. 19. Tbreatmngs agairfl the Proud, ibid, &c. V. Thofe who are Lovers of Pleafures, more than of God, are Objecls of divine Threatnings. p. 20. &c. If 'ho are fuch defiribed. ibid. If a Man takes all Opportuniti s of being in the Company of one Ac- quaintance, and indufiriGufly fljuns the Company and Converfation of another, it is a Demonflration that he loves the one, and djlikcs the other ; and thus as 1 ts The CONTENTS, to the Levers of Plea fure, &c. ibid. Threatnings againji them mentioned, p. 21. VI. Profaners of the holy Name of Godj are threatned with Punijloment sin this Life, p. 22. &c. ^60 are fuch. ibid. VII. Profaners of God's Sabbaths, <*r£ likewife tinder the divine Threatnings. p. 24. &c. 7^0 Suitable Reflections for thofe who repent of their Sins, and accept of Chrift tofave them. p. %6. LETTER II. The happy Condition of thofe, who are fo in- fluenced by what the holy God hath f aid in his Word, and threatned to inflicl on the ftubborn Tranfgreffors of his Laws, as to repent of their Sins, and by Faith in Chrift to feek Pardon, and Salvation, p. 1. &c. How penitent Believers, pious Perfons may think, and reafon within themfelves to their own Comfort, p. 2. a Of ^CONTENTS, Of the Reafonings proper for thofe, who have hitherto neglected God and their Duty. p. 3. There are fever al Sorts of Perfons, who live in wilful Difobedience to one, or other of the Six loft of the ten Commandments. "Particularly, VIII. Rebellious Perfons. p. 4. &c. Rebellion is a wilful Oppofition to the Authority, and lawful Commands of thofe whom God hasfet over us. p. 4, &c. And it is a TranJgreJJion of the fifth Command- ment, ibid. Of Difobedience to natural Parents, p. 4, 5. Of Difregard to ihofe Mmiflers of God's Word, under whofe Care the divine Providence has placed us. p. 6. We may from the Behaviour, which God requires of us towards them^ infer the Sinfulnefs of a con- trary Conducl : So far as the Mini Iters of Chrift de- liver to us the Word of God, it is our Duly to believe it, and to be obedient to it. But we are to examine by the Holy Scriptures, every Dotlrine they teach, and every Injtruclion in Matters of Practice they inculcate, and -we are not to receive them metrly becaufe delivered by our teachers. p. 7. Of obedience to Kings, and fubordinate Magif- trates. p. 8. &c. IX. Oppressors, are another Sort of Perfons, who have Reafon to few the Effefts of God's Wrath in the Day of his Vifitation for Sin. p. 10. As Rebellion includes the various Sorts of Mi/be- haviour, and Oppofition of Inferiors to their Supe- riors in Authority ; fo Opprefllon comprehends the fever al Abufes, whuh Superiors in Authority, or Power., are guilty of to their Inferiors, ibid. When Perfons err e guilty of Oppreffwn is Jhewed. p. IO, II, 12. ^CONTENTS. The oppreffive Abufes of Authority or Power, are very provoking to the merciful God, And what he has three, tned frrribly to punifh. ibid. X. Murderers, are Tranfg'-ejfors of the fixth Commandment ', and are appointed of God to fffer his Vengeance both in this World, and the next. p. 12. He is a Murderer, who defignedly, and mallcioufly takes away the Life of another, ibid. Of Fighting Duels, p. 13. The Occafion of a Duel isfome Injury, or Provo- cation by the Challenged, either imaginary or real : Often it. is imaginary, feme Words or Behaviour of the Per/on challenged, mifreprefented, or .mifimder- food ; and often a cool Inquiry into the Cafe would prevent a Quarrel, and confirm a Friend/hip. But fuppofe Challengers to be really injured, the Laws of the Land have provided a Remedy, which he may life without Shame or Difloonour, and without becoming a bloody Criminal before God and Man. A Remedy which he may ufe with Reputation, by having his Caufe heard bfore proper Judges, and their Sen- tence given upon the Evidence of the Witneffes of each Party. But he mufi not murder the Man that has offend- ed him, (ibid) and thereby rebel againfi, and fub- vert the Laws of God, and his Country. And as to the Challenged, the Reafon for his wicked Acceptance of the Challenge is very vain: He doth it to avoid the Char abler of being a Coward, but better to be thought fo by unre'afonable Men, than in Contraditlion to the Law of the great God, vio- lently and malicioufy to take away the Life of another. p. 14. The Cafe of a Duel, fated both as to the Chal- lenger, and the Challenged, p. 14. The dreadful Confequences of Fighting a Duel, both as to the Per/on killing, and the Perfon killed, p. -U. 15- az XI. ^CONTENTS. XI. Drunkards, Gluttons, and all riotous Livers, are alfo Tranfgreffors of the fixth Command- ment, and a Sort of Perfons whom God has threat- tied with horrible Miferies in the Day of his Vifita- tation for Sin. p. 16. &c. XII. Unclean Persons, Whoremongers, and Adulterers, are Tranfgreffors of the feventh Com- mandment, againft whom God has denounced deftroy- ing Judgment, p. 19. &c. XIII. Unjust Perfons, likewife are the Objecls of the divine Threatnings, and are Tranfgreffors of the eighth Commandment, p. 21. They are unjufi Perfons, who either by Force, or Fraud take, or withhold to their own Ufe any 'Thing that is the Property of another, ibid. Three Sorts of unjufi Perfons noted, viz. Thieves, Extortioners, and fraudulent Dealers. p. 21, 22. &c. Another Sin inconfifieni with that jujl and righ- teous Manner of dealing with others, which the eighth Commandment obliges all Men to avoid, is the. giving and taking Bribes, p. 27. A Bribe, is any Gift to another to bias, or in- cline him to do fomsthing he ought not to do, or to cm t doing fomething which he ought to do. p. 27. The heinous Nature of this Iniquity, both in the Giver, and Receiver of Bribes, is explained, p. 27—30. XIV. Persons, who bear falfe Witnefs againfi ethers, are Tranfgreffors of the ninth Commandment, and are Objecls of the divine Threatnings. p. gp, 31. A falfe Witnefs foall not go unpunifhed, and he that fpeaLctb Lies, foall not efcape. Pro. xix. 5. XV. Covetous Persons, are Tranfgreffors of the tenth Commandment, and are marked for fufering Puniftjmen: in the Day of the Lord's Fiji tat ion for Sin. p. 31. &c. A fericus ^CONTENTS. A ferious Addrefs to thofe, who have hitherto lived in wilful DiJ "obedience to the holy Commandments of God. p. 35. &c. the Happinefs, and Comfort of becoming fincere Chrifiians. p. 42. &c. LETTER III. Containing the Introduction, with fome thoughts of the Importance of continuing the Ufe of the Expreffions, or Language of the Sacred Scrip- tures among Chrijlians ; and a Summary of the Evidences of the Truth of the Gofpel, for the Con- viction of fuch as are doubting of it ; and for the Confirmation of the Faith of ferious Chrifiians 5 withal fhewing the fad State of Infidels, who have the Means of knowing the truth, p. 1. LETTER IV. Containing Remarks on fome Parts of the Holy Scriptures, by which Prcfeffors may know themfelves, whether they are fincere Chrifiians, to whom the predicted Blejfings do belong : And of their being in Covenant with God, and having the Holy Spirit Dwelling in them : Likewife of the different Man- ner, in which the Holy Spirit bringeth Perfons to be fincere Chrifiians. p. 22. LETTER V. On the Predictions, of the great Blessings which in this Life are beflowed on every true Be- liever, viz. Juftification, Adoption, and Sancti- fication ; BUJfmgs abfolutely neceffary to the Safety, the Comfort, and Happinefs of every Man ; and which import a great Variety of Benefits ; even Af- flictions are intended as a Means to promote the Holi- nefs, and the future Happinefs of Chrijlians : And likewife ^CONTENTS. likewise on the Predictions which encourage Back- fiiders to return unto God. p. 39. LETTER VI. On //^Afflictions of fine ere Chriflians, and the Predi&ions, which may comfort them in the 'times of their Troubles : When they have been under many Afflictions, and are brought into great Perplexity r , there are Predictions, which may fupport them. Afflictions are of two Kinds, temporal, and fpiritual : I. Of temporal Afflictions particularly, 1. By the Death of Children. 2. The Death of Hufbands. g. The Lofs of dear and ufeful Friends. 4. The falling under falfe Jccufation, with the Predictions which may afford Relief under fuch Sorrows. II. Of fpiritual Troubles, and fui table Pre- dictions -, particularly, 1 . Of an habitual Dejpon- dence. 2. Of the Anguijh and Difirefs of the Soul, after the Commfflicn of feme heinous Sin. 3. Of the great Troubles, and Sorrows occo.fioned by the violent Temptations and Affaults of the Devil, p. 64. LETTER VII. On the Predictions relative to fincere Chriflians, from the Time of their Death. Particularly ; 1 . // is predicted, that at Death their Souls Jloall be made perfect in Holinefs. What is communion with God, explained. 2. That their Bodies Jhall remain under the Care of Chrifi after Death. 3. That their Bodies will be raifed to life again ; end alfo the Bodies of the Wicked. 4. That the Soul of every Believer at Death, will be put into another Building for its Habitation. 5. That the Souls of Believers immediately after Death, will be with Chrijl. •€. That The CONTENTS. 6. That the Time of the general Refurre&ion will he very folemn, magnificenr, and awful. Of the Change, that will be made in the Bodies of thofe, who fhall be living at the Time of the gene- ral Refurretlion. And that it will make their Bodies incorruptible and immortal. Laftly. It is predicted, that the Saints Jhall have an Inheritance, but not be -put into the Pojfejfion of it, till the Day of Judgment. A Kingdom feems to be the Inheritance promifed to them -, and as fuita- ble to fuch an Inheritance, it is foretold, that they fhall have a Crown of Righteoufnefs, and a Crown of Life •, and that they fhall reign, reign in Life by Jefus Chrifl. p. 79. LETTER VIII. Of Predictions of Events, fuhfequent to the Day of Judgment, which will be aftonifhingly terrible to the Wicked, and inexpreffibly happy and glorious to the Saints, p 107. LETTER IX. Of Predictions, relative to Jincere Chriflians in Times of publick Calamities ; fome of which art general -, and others particular. In Regard, 1.. To their Safety in Times of War. 2. To their be'ng provided for in Famines. 3. To their Prefer' vation in Seafons of the Peftilence. 4. To their being kept from diftrefling Fears, when defolating Judgments are on the Wicked, p. 114. LETTER X. Containing an Anfwer to the Quefiion, viz. Whether the publick Reading the Holy Scriptures on the Lord's Days, is an Ordinance of divine Appoint' ^nent, and a Part of the Worfhip, which God^re- quires from his People? p. 140. BOOKS BOOKS publiflied by Dr. LOBB. I. A DISCOURSE of the divtr T ^ution of X\. the Mini/try of the Q^^-. with Anfwers to the Arguments (in a Book intitied, The Rights of the Chrijlian Church, &c.) againft it. 2. A Discourse, wherein the Being of God; the divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures, and the Doclxine of the Sacred Trinity, are briefly proved. 3. A brief Defence of the Chriftian Religion for the Conviction of Del/is ; and the Eftablifhment of Chriftians in the Belief of the Gofpel. 4. A Dialogue between a Majier and his Servants, concerning the Sin of Lying, explaining the Nature, and fhewing the Heinoufnefs of it, and of other Sim, for the concealing of which, Lying is often ufed ; and pro- pofing a fure Way to become free from the ftrong Incli- ijations to it. A fit Prefent from Mafters, and Miftrefles, to their Servants, and from Parents to their Children. 5. An Answer to the Question, viz. Whether it is lawful for the Profeflbrs of the Chriftian Religion to go to Plays ? With fome Soliloquies, proper in Relation to them. 6. Letters relating to the Plague, and other in- fectious Fevers, in two Parts, viz. Part I. Containing Letters read at feveral Meetings of the Royal Society, fhewing by Reafon, and Experi- ments fome proper Means to preferve People from In- fection, and to alter the morbid Quality of infectious Air. Part II. Containing Letters, (not read to the Roy- al Society) (hewing who may fly from a City, when the divine Providence brings the Peftilence, or other in- fectious Fevers into it, and who are obliged in Duty to ftay in it ; and propofing proper Means to preferve Magijlrates, and the Minifters of Cbri/l, and the Aflemblies of Peo- ple when met together, either for the Adminiftration of Juftice, or the Celebration of divine Worfhip : Like- fa wife BOOKS publifhed by Dr. LOB B. wife propofing fuitable Methods of Management In Fa- milies before, and zuben, and after the Diftemper ha 3 been in them : And lilcewife, as to the Conduct; of Pbyjici'ans, Sur- geonSt apothecaries, Nurfes, and others obliged to attend or viilt the Sick : Intermixed with Advices to ferious Chriftians ; and alfo fhewing the Influence which fuch an awful Vifitation (hould have on the Minds of thofe who have been negligent of Religion, and have lived ill known and wilful Difobedience to the holy Command- ments of God. To which is added a Letter con- cerning the Mortality among the Cattle. 7. A Letter, intitled Sacred Declarations, cott- fidered, &c. Containing an Account of Things which may render People apprehenfive that publick Calamities are approaching ; with a Summary of the divine Laws comprehended in the firff Four of the ten Command- ments ; and of the Predictions of Punifhments on thofe who live in wilful Difobedience to them : Likewife an Account of a fure Way for Perfons under the terrible Threatnings of the holy God to obtain the Pardon of all their Sins, Peace, Safety, Comfort, and Happinefs. 8. A Letter, containing both a Summary of the divine Laws comprehended in the Six laft of the Ten Commandments ; and of the Predictions of Punifh- ments recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, for the wilful 1 ranfgrefjTors of them, with proper Advices. 9. A Treatise on the Small Pox in its various Kinds, {hewing what ought to be done in the Manage- ment of the Sick, in Regard to the feveral Periods of the Diflem, er. and the dangerous Symptoms incident to it, as to Diet and Medicines: Illuftrated with fifty His- tories it; which the Symptoms are exemplified, even the moft Threatning ; with an Account of the Manage- ment, and Remedies which were effectual to the Reco- very of the Sick from this terrible Difeafe : Recom- mended to the Publick by the late learned Dr. Boer- H.aave, which Recommendation, with his exprefs Confen t, is Printed, and prefixed to the Book. ic. Ra- BOOKS publilhcd by Dr. LOB B. 10. Rational Methods of curing Fevers, deduced from the Stru&ure, and Oeconomy of human Bodies, and the different States of the Solids, and Fluids, under the different Claffes of them. ir. Medical Practice in curing Fevers^ correfpon- dent to rational Methods, &c. Confidered and Exempli, fied in many Cafes of the moft ufual Fevgrs t with an Ac-* count of the Medicines by which they were removed. 12. A Treatise or DiflhlvenU of the Stone, and on curing the Stone, and Gout by Aliment, fhewing, by Reafon fupported with Experiments and Cafes, the Pro- bability of diflblving the Stone, and preventing the Re- turns of the Gout by fuitable Diet, with particular Di- rections of Diet, not only in regard to thofe Diforders, but likewife for the Benefit of Perfons afflicted with Fevers, and various other Difeafes. 13. A Treatise on painful Diflempers, the Caufes of them, and the proper Remedies ; illuftrated with Hif- tories of Perfons afflicted with the different Kinds of Pains incident to human Bodies, with an Account of the Method and Medicines by which they were cured. 14. A Compendium of the Practice of Phyfick : Containing the Heads, orSubje&s treated on in a Courfe of Le£lures, intended for communicating thofe Inftructions, which may qualify Perfons for a judicious and fuccefsful Management of People under the various Difeafes to which they are liable. Whereunto is added a Letter, fhewing, what is the proper Preparation of Perfons for Inoculation, and for having the Small Pox favourably in the natural Way. 15. General Medical Principles and Cautions, for the Confideration# of fuch as undertake to perform the Office of a Phyfician to the Sick, in three Parts, founded on Facts fupported by Reason, and confirmed by Ex- perience. 16. Letters on the Sacred Predictions, herewith publifhed. ERRATA. In P. 6. L. 12. r. XXX. p. 12. 1. 24. r. faying, p. 15. 1. 16. dele av£f«. p. 17. 1. 3 3 . for excepted, r. accepted. p. 18. 1. 23. for Angles, r. Angela p. 21. 1. 2. r. Genera- tion, p. 28. 1. ll. for is, r. it. p. 30. 1. 11. for when, r. where, p. 65. 1. 14. r. *£ 34 Sacred Declarations, &c. viz. All things work together for Good to them that love God, to them vuho are the. Called according to his Purpofe. I have now (hewed from the infallible Word of GoJ, the Way that leads to the Suffering of his Wrath in this World, and to an endlefs Deftruc- tion in the next ; and alio the Way, and the fure Way to Safety, Comfort, and Happinefs, here and for ever hereafter. 1 fhall now conclude this Letter, with a brief Ad- drefs to thofe Sorts of Perfons,- whom the righteous God has threatned with Punifhments in this World. And let me intreat fuch of you to confider the awful Threatnings denounced againft you. You are the Objects, the miferable Objects of the divine Anger. The Lord's Indignation is againft you, his terrible Controverfy is with you. You have been hitherto heaping up Wrath againft the Day of Wrath ; the Day of his wrathful Vifitation for Sin. And tho' he may fuffer many Individuals, in each Sort of Sinners, to efcape, in this World, his threatned Vengeance, yet Multitudes will be de«» ftroyed, and by a dreadful Violence be fent to take their dreadful Abode with Devils refer ved in Chains under Darknefs to the final Judgment. And you do not know, that you fhall not be fome of this Multitude. O ponder this in your Thoughts, and reafon with yourlelvts in the following Manner, as you have goo-i Caufe to do r o, viz. u How lamentabl. is my Condition ! how fearful V are the Threatnings of the Almighty ! how " fhall I be able to bear the Execution of them ! " How bitter are the Reflections on the Iniquities " of my Heart and Life ! What Advantage, " what Confohtion have I, or can I have from " thole Sins, which I have indulged ! How mon- " flrous, Sacred Declarations, &c 4 35 " ftrous, how heinous, how aggravated are the " Sins which I have been guilty of, and wilfully re- ¥ peated, Times without Number! Alas ! what will " become of me, if I ft ill go on in my evil Ways ! *' God be merciful to me a Sinner ! a vile Sinner,"a " mod Hell- defer ving Sinner ! And may fuch a " one as I, hope for any Mercy ? Is there a Way " for fuch a TranfgrelTor as I have been, to ob- ¥ tain Pardon, and Peace, and Reconciliation with M the holy God, whom I have fo much, and fo " long offended ? " Yes, O my Soul ! there is a fore Way, even " for the Chief of Sinners, to obtain all that " Mercy, Salvation and Happinefs, which guilty " and wretched Creatures do want. " The Declarations, the kind Declarations ¥ of God which I have read in this Letter, and Si which are recorded in the facred Scripture, are un- ¥ deniable Proofs of it. An Address to GOD. a M And now, O moft gracious God, I humbly praifc and thank thee for them •, I now renounce all my Sins with Shame and Grief: I confefsthem with a Loathing of them, and acknowledge that thou mighteft moft juftly deftroy me. But, O fpare me for Chrift's Sake ! for thy Mercy Sake ! " I believe that the Lord Jefus is both able and willing to fave even the Chief of Sinners, and fuch a vile SiriP.tr as I have been. I believe him to be the promifed Saviour ! Lord increafe my Faith ! Help me againft Unbelief! I take the Bleffcd Je- fus to be my Saviour, and humbly bcieech thee by thy holy Spirit, thoroughly to convert, renew, and fanctifv me! and do thou work continually in me both to wiil, and to do of thy good Plea- fure ! 36 Sacred Declarations, &c'. " I now devote myfelf to thee, to be thine in ari ** everlafting Covenant ! I befeech thee from this *' Time to incline, and enable me to live according 44 to the holy Rules of thy Word.'* Amen, for Jefus Chrift his Sake. Suitable Reflexions, " O my Soul reflect upon it, and confider the 44 wonderful Patience of God towards thee, in not •' pouring out his Plagues upon thee, and fending 44 thee down quick into Hell ! Think on the Riches 44 of his Mercy manifefted in giving thee this 44 Hour for renouncing thy Sins, and for accepting 44 the Saviour whom his Love provided ; and think 44 on his Grace in helping thee, by his holy Spirit, •' to return to him through Chrift ; and to truft in 44 Chrilt. Jefus alone for Salvation. 44 Happy Tranfaction, between God and my Soul 44 this Hour ! " If I had remained thoughtlefs, and inconfide- •• rate, and perfifted in my evil Ways, fome de- '* flroying Judgment might have put an End to my •* Life while I was fo doing ; and then the impor- ** tant Tranfaction could never, never be performed. 44 But fince I have been through Grace enabled to 44 accept of Chrift, and am become one of his Dif- ** ciples ; fince I have devoted myfelf to God, and 44 renounced all my Tranfgreflions, I have great 4t Reafon to delight in God, as my God, and to re- u joice in Chrift Jefus, as being now my dear Lord, 44 M after, and Redeemer. 41 And may well hope, that whatever Confufions, •' and Calamities may happen in this Country, or 44 City, my Condition for Eternity is fafe, and will 44 be happy. Now I may lay afide all Fears of 44 D^ath, even when the killing Arrows (hall fall 4t - thick around me. « Fcr Sdtred Declarations, &c. 37 « For to a good Man, the Day of Death is bet- , «< ter than the Day of his Birth, and when his Sou " becomes abfent from his Body, it will be prefer* «« with the Lord, and the earthy Houfe of this «« Tabernacle (viz. of his Body) mall be diflblved; i « he has a Building of God, an Houfe not made with " Hands, eternal in the Heavens. 2 Cor. v. 1 . " And although in this World I may have Trou- « ble, yet I may well hope for Peace in Chrift « Jefus ; and therefore by the Help of the Holy « Spirit I will continue feeking to, and trufting in " the bleffed Jefus, and endeavour faithfully to ferve " my God and Saviour to the utmoft End of " Life." Thus may every one that repents of his Sins, and thankfully accepts of Chrift to be his Saviour, and Lord, as he is freely offered to all Sorts of Sinners in the Gofpel •, thus, I fay, may every fuch Perfon -reafon within himfelf, and be comforted. I will only add, that it is my earned Prayer for thofe who have hitherto been regardlefs or God , of an Intereft in Chrift and their Duty, and thoughtlefs of the Concerns of their immortal Souls, and hi- therto walked in Ways of wilful Difobedicnce to the pure and holy Commandments of God, that they may by his Spirit have the foregoing Thoughts made their own, and their Souls inclined, and en- abled to perform thofe Acls fignified by the Ex- preffions in the Addrcfs to God. O merciful God ! hear this Prayer, and grant thefe Petitions for Jefus Chrift's Sake' and lor the glorious Manifeftation of the Energy and Sove- reignty of thy Grace, and of the Riches of thy Love ! Amen. And let every one that (hall read thefe Papers fay Amen. FINIS, This Day is Publijhed, The Hand of the Lord upon the Cattle, confi- dered and improved, IN a Sermon Preached at Northampton, December- 7, 1749. On Occafion of the prefent Morta- lity amonglt the Cattle. By SAMUEL KING. How do the Beajis groan ? the Herds of Cattle are per- plexed. Joel i. 18. Printed for J. Buckland, in Paternofier-Row. [Price Four-pence.] Where may alfo be had, I. A Discourse on the Favour of God to the Wicked, the Evil and Danger of abufing his Good- nefs, and not being reformed by his Judgments and Threatnings. On Occafion of the late Earthquakes. By JOHN GREENE. JZe fure your Sin will find you out. Numb, xxxii. 23. [ Price 4-d. or 3 s. 6d.per Dozen. ] II. A Dialogue on the Sin of Lying, between a Matter and his Servants. Lying Dps are Abomination to the Lord. Prov. xii. 22. He xhdXfpeaketh Lies /hall per ijh. Prov. xix. 9. A proper Book in every Family, and a fit Prefent from Majiers and Mijlrejfes to their Servants, from Parents to their Children, and from the Rich to the Poor ; and to Children in Charity-Schools. The Second Edition, Corrected, and a little Enlarged. [Price 6 d. or 5 s. per Dozen.] LETTER T O T H E Inhabitants of London and West- minster, and all other Parts of Great-Britain, &c. J£ HAVE in my former Letter con- is!; fidered fome of the Declarations of ^|lp the Holy God, concern ing_/h;£/z Sorts (c3|l of Peffons ; Declarations, which fig- ^<)lpi nify that he has appointed them for 'fe> fufferins the fearful Effects of his Wrath in the Day of his Vifitation for Sin ; and happy for them will it be, if they (hall read; and ferioufly confider what has been related ; and if they fhall without Delay repent of their Sins, and by a Faith unfeigned accept of Chrift Jefus, as their only Saviour, and join themfelves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant, never to be for- gotten : Then will their State be fafe for Eternity, then, in what Manner foever, and whenever Death fhall happen to them, their Entrance into the invi- fible World, the World of Spirits, and their Ap- pearance before the more immediate, and glorious Frefence of God will be mod joyful : Then they will be admitted to an inexpreflibly more full Enjoyment of our God and Saviour, than any Saints ever had B on 2 Sacred Declarations, &c. on Earth ; then they will be in the Company, and in Communion with the Patriarchs, and Prophets, and A potties, and the Spirits of juft Men made perfect ; thofe happy Souls, who would not be again in this Vale of Tears, in this Wildernefs of Snares, expos'd to Temptations, Dangers, and Troubles, for ten thoufand Worlds : And even as to this World, as foon as ever a Sinner is convinced of his guilty and miferable Condition by Nature, and Practice, and thereupon repents and believes in the Lord Jefus, and is converted from his evil Ways, our merciful God is reconciled to him, forgives all his Iniquities, adopts him into the Number of his dear Children, and makes him an Heir of Heaven : The Almighty becomes his God in a Covenant Re- lation, and his Portion ; and therefore, he may then have Peace, and Joy, whatever Vials of divine Wrath fhall be poured out upon the Earth, for the Wickednefs of thofe who dwell in it. Such pious Perfons may be comforted, and fay with the Pfalmift, Pfal. xlvi. i, &c. God is our Refuge and Strength, a very prefetit Help in Trouble. There- fore will we not fear (tho' dreadful Earthquakes happen, nay) though the Earth be removed, and tho* the Mountains be carried into the midjl of the Sea, though the Waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the Mountains fhake with the Swelling thereof : There is a River, the Streams whereof fhall make glad the City of God (there are fuch Communications of Grace, Bleffing, and Comfort, as fhall make glad the Hearts of the Inhabitants of the City of God, the true Members of his Church) God is in the midft of her, fhe fhall not be moved, God fhall help her and that right early. The LORD of Hofis is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge. The Safety, the Comfort, and the Happinefs of thofe, who through the divine Grace have an Intereft in Chrift, 'and which any others (who hitherto re- main Sacred Declarations, &c. 3 main impenitent, unbelieving, and difobedient) may- yet obtain, mould excite all Sorts of Sinners to at- tend to whatever may be propofed from the Word of God, in order to promote their Converfion to him, and excite them to fly from that fearful Wrath, which is coming apace on the Children of Difobe- dience. Indeed, they who have hitherto been regardlefs of God, and of a Saviour, and negligent of the Con- cerns of their never-dying Soulc, and have lived in the allowed Practice of Sin, may well reafon thus with themfelves, viz. " Since there is a God, an " Holy, and a Mighty God ; fince thefe Scriptures " called the Bible, contain the Declarations of his " Will, and fince in thofe facred Scriptures are re- " corded not only Promifes of Bleflings to thofe who " knOw, and love, and ferve the Lord ;. but like- ** wife Threatnings of heavy Judgments againft va- " rious Sorts of Perfons, who live in wilful Dif- " obedience to his Laws, who provoke his Anger, " and continue to do fo ; I will no longer be flupid, " and thoughtlefs, but will read the Declarations of " the Righteous God, and obferve whether I am in £ « one or other of thofe Sorts of Perfons, whom he " has marked out for fuffering Punifhment in a time " of general Calamity, in the time when Multitudes " will be deftroyed by divine Judgments : And " now, O moft merciful God, I humbly befeech " thee to help me to read thy Threatnings with M Attention, and do thou fo imprefs my Mind by " thy holy Word, that I may not only know the " Evils threatned againft ftubborn Tranfgreffors of " thy Laws, but be inclined, and enabled to follow " the Directions of thy Word, for gaining thy " Favour, and the Salvation I want.*' I wiffi that fuch a Difpofition of Mind, as is fig nified by the foregoing Expreffions, was in every ir~ B 2 religious 4 Sacred Declarations, &c. religions Perfon, that fhall take this Letter into his Hands. Tii ere are fevcral Sorts of Perfons,who live in wilful DiloDedience to one or other of the/fo laft of the Ten Commandments, and who are Objects of tremend- ous Declarations upon Record in the Sacred Scrip- ture-, and it greatly concerneth fuch toconfider what the Lord hath fpoken of them. And therefore I proceed to take thefe into Con- fkleration, viz. VIII. Rebellious Perfons. Thefe are another Sort under the Threatnings of the Holy God. Rebellion is a wilful Oppofition to the Autho- rity, and lawful Commands of natural, or fpirUual 9 or civil Parents. It is God's Ordinance that natural Parents mall have Authority, and a Right of ruling, and com- manding their Children ; and that thofe whom God has fct among his People as ipiritual Guides, and Teachers of his Word, of his Doctrines and Pre- cepts, mail have Authority to inltruct the People in them, and to require them to believe his Doctrines, and to obey his Precepts ; and likewife, it is the Will of God that Kings, and fubordinate Magifl rates, fhall have Authority over their Subjects to Com- mand Obedience to thofe Laws which are confident with the divine Precepts, and for the Good of the Community. As to natural Parents, The Moral Law of God, a Law in all Nations, and in all Ages of equal Fore-' : This Law fays, Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy Days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, Exod. xx. 12. m Ephef. vi. f, 2, 3. it is wri ten, Children obey your Parents in thd Lord : For this is right. Honour thy Father and thy Mother (which is the Jirji Com- mandment Sacred Declarations, &c. 5 mandment with Promife) that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayeft live long on the Earth. The Honour, and Obedience, which God re- quires Children to render to their Parents, fhou'd chearfully be performed by them, as a Part of that Conformity, which they owe to the divine Precepts, (God having appointed their Parents to be their Teachers, Guides, and Governors) and as fome Return (tho' not equivalent) to the Obligations they are under for their Lives, their Maintenance, their Education, and for the tender Care of them under SicknefTes, and other Afflictions, and Troubles, and. for their Expences, and Diligence to introduce them into a comfortable Way of Subfiftence for them- felves, and new Families, when they are grown up to fettle in the World. But if Children are refractory, and difobedient, if they come to defpife, and miftreat their Parents, and inftead of adminiflring Comfort to them, they bring Difgrace upon them, and occafion heart- breaking Sorrows, and Griefs unto them •, they fub- vert the Order, God has eftablifhed, they throw the Families to which they belong into Confufion, they are found in the Number of the Rebellious, and greatly provoke the Wrath of the Almighty, and are among rebellious Perfons. The alwife, and righteous God pronounces fuch Children rebellious, and commanded that they fhou'd be put to death. In Deut. xxi. 18, 19. the iupreme Lawgiver laid, If a Man has a ftubborn, and rebellious Son, which will not obey the Voice of his Father, or the Voice of his Mother, and that when they have chaften'd him, will not hearken unto them : Thenfloall his Father and his Mother lay hold on him, and bring him cut unto the Elders of his City, and unto the Gates of his Place : And they ji hall fay unto the Elders of his City, This our Son is fiubborn, and rebellious, he will not obey our Voice, he is a Glutton, and a Drunkard, And 6 Sacred Declaratio?Js, &c. And all the Men of his City, fhall Jlone him with Stones, that he die : Sofhalt thou put away Evil from among you , and all J frael fhall hear, and fear. It appears from thefe Pailages that a Courfe of wilful Difobedience to Parents, was by God's Ap- pointment a capital Crime, a Crime to be punifhed with Death : And that altho' the Punifhment has not for many Ages been inflicted by Men, and Children on this Account are more fearlefs of being guilty of the Crime, God is neverthelefs provoked, and it may be reafonably apprehended (tho* the guilty are fullered toefcape Punifhment among Men) that God will not fuffer them to efcape, when he vifits a Land for the Iniquities of thofe that dwell in it. As for thofe whom God has appointed to be spi- ritual Guides to his People, Teachers, and Miniflers of his Word, we have the following Laws to direct our Behaviour towards them, viz. In Theff. v. 12, 13. where St. Paul fays, We be- feech you Brethren, to know them, which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonifh you -, and to ejieem them very highly in Love for their Works Sake. In Heb. xiii. 7. it is written, Remember them which have the Rule over you, who have fpoken unto you the Word of God: Whofe Faith follow, confidering the End of their Converfation. And in the 17th Verfe of that Chapter it is faid, Obey them that have the Rule over you, and fubmit your J "elves : For they watch for your Souls, as they that mufi give Account, that they may do it with Joy, and not with Grief : For that is unprofitable for you. Thefe divine Precepts teach us the following Par- ticulars, viz. 1. That it is our Duty to refpect, and love the Minifters of the Gofpel, and to become acquainted with thofe of them whofe Labours we attend. 2. That fo far as they deliver to us the Word S-acred Declarations , &c. 7 Word of God, it is our Duty to receive it, and to be obedient to it : But it is our Duty alio to examine every Doctrine they teach, and every Inftruction, which (as a Matter of Practice incumbent on us) they inculcate : We are, I fay, to examine them by the facred Scriptures, and not to receive them merely becaufe delivered by our Teachers. The Word of the Lord plainly (hews, he would have us to take this Courfe. When our blefled Saviour preached to the Jews y he directed, and commanded them to fearch the Scriptures, fee John v. 29. he appealed to thofe fa- cred Writings as a Proof of the Verity of his Doc- trine, faying, they, are they which teftify of me. The Commendation given of the Bereans, {Alls xvii. 1 1.) on the Account that they fearched the Scrip- tures daily (to know) whether thofe Things (the A- poftle preached) were fo ; that is, were according to them, is an Evidence that God wou'd have us to exa- mine by the Scriptures, the Things we hear preached. And our doing this is a Matter of Importance, as we may reafonably conclude from the Injunction which Chrift gives to all People, Mark iv. 24. Take heed what you hear. This Precept imports, that it is the Duty of every one, that hears, to ex- amine by the Scriptures what is fpoken, and there- by to judge, whether it is true, and fit to be re- ceived, or not. " Further, That we are thus obliged, appears from Ifa. viii. 19, 20. in the 19th Verfe the Prophet mews the People, that they ought not to be in- fluenced by thofe, who would perfuade them to feek for Inftruction and Direction to them that have familiar Spirits, but fhou'd apply themfelves to God, and his Word, if they wou'd know his Will, and their own Duty. Shoudnot a People feek unto their God ? To ths Law, and to the Tejiimony : If they (if Men, or Angels from Heaven) fpeak not according to 8 Sactrd Declarations, &c. to this Word (the "Word of the Lord delivered by his Servants the Prophets; it is becaufe there is no Light (or Truth) in them. And again, i John iv. i. ic is faid, Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they are of God : Becaufe many falfe Prophets are gone out into the World. But if any People (hall oppofe, or obftruct the Minifters of the Gofpel in the faithful Performance of their Office, and in preaching, not their own private Opinion, but the Word of God, they are guilty of an heinous Sin, and hinder the Succefs of the Gofptl Miniftry, and greatly provoke God ; and alfho' they may not be liable to Punifliment from Men, yet they have Reafon to fear the the EfFe&s of the divine Dsfpleafure, when the Judgments of the Almighty are brought on a Land for the Ini- quities of the People. As forcings and fubordinate Magljlrales, God by his Law requires thofe under their Authority to honour, and to obey them. Kings, and Queens may be confidered as political, or civil Parents. Kings Jhall be thy Nurfing-fathers, and their Queens thy Nurfwg-mothers, it is faid in Ifaiah xlix. 23. The great God has faid. Honour the King ( 1 Pet. ii. 1 7. J I counlel thee to keep the King's Command- ment, and that, in Regard of the Oath of God. (It is written in Eccles. viii. 2.) 'That firft of all, Sup- plications, Prayers, InterceffionSs and giving of Thanks be made for all Men : For Kings, and for all that are in /Authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godlinefs and Honefy. For this is good, and acceptable in the Sight of God cur Saviour. (1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 3.) Curfe not the King, no not in thy Thought. Eccles x. 21. Thou malt not revile the Gods (the Judges, as the Word is tranflated in the Margin) nor curfe the Ruler of thy People^ (Exod. xxii. 28.) The Sacred Declarations, Sec. 9 The holy God by his Apoftle fays, Let every Soul be fubjebl unto the higher Powers. For there is no Power but of God: The Powers that be, are ordained of God Whofoever therefore refifieth the Power, re- fifteth the ordinance of God: And they that re/ijl, fkall receive unto themfelves Damnation. Rom. xiii. i, 2. And therefore, they who refufe due Honour and Obedience to the lawful IVLgiftrate, have Reafon to be afraid of the divine Wrath in the Day when God vifits a Land for the Iniquities of the Inhabi- tants. The Apoftle adds, Wilt thou not then be afraid of the Power, &c. Ye mufi needs be fubjeel not only for V/rath, but alfofor Conference Sake, tor, for this Caufe, pay you Tribute alfo ; for they are God s Minijlers, &c. Render therefore unto all their Dues : Tribute, to whom Tribute is due, Cuflom, to whom Cuftom, Pear, to whom Fear, Honour, to whom Ho- near. See Rem. xiii. 3, 5, 7. It is a Charge committed to the Minifters or the " Word of God to teach the People the Duty they owe to their civil Governours ; in Tit. in. 1. Put them in mind to be fubjeel to Principalities, and Powers, and to obey Magijirates. And the divine Law fays to the People, Submit yourfelves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord s 'Sake: Whether it be to the King, as Supreme -, or unto Governours, as unto them that are fent by him for the Punifhment of evil Boers, and for the Praife of them that do well. 1 Pet. ii. 13, 14- Fear thou the Lord, and the King : And meddle not with them that are given to Change. For their Calamities floall rife fuddenly, and who knoweih the Ruin of them both. See Prov. xxiv. 2 r, 22. It may well be obferved, that thofe who realt Magiftrates in the right Exercife of their Authorities, and rebel againft their lawful Governours, not only expofe themfelves to eternal Damnadon in the nexe * q World, io Sacred Declarations , &c. World, but bring upon themfelves, and their Fa- milies, Ruin, and Deftrudion in this. It appears from the Hiftory of Nations, and King- doms that Multitudes of Ferfons, and Families, have been ruined and deftroyed for the Sin of Rebellion againft their lawful Governours. The Confideration hereof fhou'd reftrain all Peo- ple from oppofing either the juft authority of their King, or of the fubordinate Magiftrates. IX. Oppressors are another Sort of Perfons, who have Reafon to fear the Effects of God's Wrath in the Day of his Vifitation for Sin. As Rebellion includes in it the various Sorts of Mif- behaviour, and Oppofition of Inferiors to their Su- periors in Authority •, fo Oppression comprehends the feveral Abufes, which Superiors in Authority, or Power, are guilty of towards their Inferiors, When they exact from Perfons fubject to them Contributions, or bodily Labours, which are not due, or when they reftrain their natural Liberties, without legal Authority, or R.eafon. they are Op- preflbrs, and may be reckon'd among the Tranf- greflbrs of the fifth Commandment, which mud be underftood not only as obliging Inferiours to the Per- formance of the Duties they owe to their natural, ipiritual, and civil Parents, to all in Authority over them, and to forbid every Thing that is inconiiftent with the Practice of thofe Duties, fo very reafonably it fhou'd be underftood to oblige all in Authority, and Power, faithfully to difcharge the Duties they owe to thofe who are fubjeft to them, and likewife to forbid every Thing that is inconfiftent therewith, and confequently to forbid Oppreffion. The Nature of the Sin of Oppreffion, according to the Account of it in Holy Scriptures, will be evident, if we con fid er Exod. iii. 7, 9. The Lord fcid, I have furely feen the /iffliclion of my People, which are in Egypt, and have heard their Cry, by Reef on of e uyk- Mafters, Sacred Declarations, &c. 1 1 Maflers, for 1 know their Sorrows. — And 1 have alfo feen the Opprefjion, wherewith the Egyptians opprefs them. The Oppreffton, which Pharaoh, and his People were guilty of towards the Ifraelites, was the re- quiring of them unreafonable Labours, and fetting over them Tajk-Mafiers, to affliff them with their Burdens, Exod. i. u. But this Abufe of Authority, and Power, this Miftreatment, Tyranny, and Cruelty towards In- feriors is very provoking to the merciful God. It is an Iniquity which God has threatened terribly to punifh. In lfa. xlix. 20. God fays to his People, I will feed them that opprefs thee with their own Flefh, and they fhall be drunken with their own Blood, as with fweet Wine, and in Jer. xxx. 26. the Almighty fays i" will punifh all that opprefs them. Thus fpeaketh the Lord of Hofis, faying, Execute . true Judgment, and/hew Mercy, and Compaffion, . every Man to his Brother. And opprefs not the Widow, nor the Father lefs, nor the Stranger, nor the Poor, and let none of you imagine Evil againfi his Brother, in your Heart. Zech. vii. 9, 10. / will be afwift Witnefs — againfi ihofe that opprefs the Hireling in his Wages, the Widow, and the Fa- therlefs, and that turn afide the Stranger from his Right, and fear not me, faith the Lord of Hofis. Mai. iii. 5. If Parents treat their Children with unreafonable Severity, and withold from them, what, according to their Rank, and Circumftances in Life, and the Occafions of the Children, fhould be allowed them, they are guilty of the Sin of Opprefiion. If Mailers make their Servants to ferve with Ri- gour, and by exacting unreafonable Labours, or by not allowing them Food convenient in fufficient Quantity, they imbitter their Lives, they are alio guilty of OppreiTion. C 2 If 1 2 Sacred Declarations, 6cc. If Men of Riches, or Power, bear hard on their Inferiors, retrench the Liberties they have a Right unto, or put them unnrafonably to Trouble, they are guilty of OpprefTion. St. James faid, Do not rich Men opprefs ycu, and draw you before the Judg- ment-Seats ? James ii. 6. But the Lord will be a Refuge for the opprefjed, Pfal. ix. 9. Thus faith the Lord, execute Judgment in the Morning, and deliver him that is fpoiled out of the Hand of the Oppreffor, left my Fury go out like Fire, and burn that none can quench it, becaufe of the Evil of your Doings, Jer. xxi. 12. As theft; Words mew the Indignation of the righ- teous God againft thofe who can, and will not de- liver the OpprefTed from their OppreiTors, fo they manifeft that the Wrath of almighty God is greatly provoked by the Iniquity, and Cruelty of OppreiTors ; and 1 hat fuch unmerciful Perfons have Reafon to expect Punifhment, not only hereafter, but even in this World, when the righteous God vifits a Peo- ple for their Sins. For he fhall have Judgment with- out Mercy, that hath floewed no Mercy : Saith the Word of the Lord, James ii. 13. X. Murderers mu ft be reckoned one Sort of Perions appointed to fuffer the Vengeance of God bom in this World, and the next. Lie is a Murderer, that defignedly, and malicioufty takes away the Life of another, and he is a Tranl- greffor of the fixth Commandment, which lays, Thou /halt not kill, Exod. xx. 13. And the juftGod has appointed that all fuch mall be put to death. Whofo JJjeddeth Man*s Blood, by Man fjall his Blood befhed, faid the fovercign Lord of Life and Death. Gen. ix. 6. He that fmiteih a Man fo that he die, ft all fur tly be put to Death, Exod. xxi. 1 3. If a Man come prefumptuoufly upon his Neighbour, to flay him with Guile, thou fhalt take him from mine Altar, that he may die, fays God, Exod. xxi. '3. Sacred Declarations, &c. 13 13, 14. In Numb. xxi. 13. the Almighty fays, Ye /hall take no Satisfaction for the Life of a Murder* er 9 which is guilty of Death : Bui he Pall furely be put to Death. The Con federation of thefe Laws mould deter all Men from the Crime of Duelling. There is no Duel fought, but one of the Parties gives the Challenge; and the Occafion of it is fome Injury, fome Provocation either imaginary, or real. Oftentimes it is imaginary, fome Words or Be- haviour of the Perfon challenged, mifreprefented, or mifunderftood ; and a cool Inquiry into the Cafe, would prevent a Quarrel, and confirm a Friendfhip. But fuppof? the Challenger has indeed been mif- treated, and fuffered a real Injury, the Laws of God, and of the Land have provided a Remedy, and the Law is open to be ufed for obtaining Juftice to one, any Way really injured. The injured Perfon muft not murder the Man that has offended him ; fuch a cruel A&ion, is a fubverting, in that Cafe, all the Laws, divine, and human, made to prevent fo heinous a Crime. And what is the Apology for his wicked Chal- lenge ? Is it that his Innocence of fomething he has been falfely accufed of may be vindicated, and made manifeft ? This is belt done in an open Court of civil Judi- cature, where the real State of Things may become evident by the Teftsmony of WitnefTes on both Sides. But his Innocence can never be cleared by his endeavouring to kill, and murder the Perfon that has falfely accufed him, nor by his expofing him- felf to be murdered by the other. And the true State of the Cafe between the Duellers after their Battle, may continue to the Publick, in as much Darknefs and Uncertainty as before, becaufe of the different Accounts o{ it by the Friends of each Party. Or, is the Reafon of the Challenge to get Satif- ia q ion 14 Sacred Declarations, &c. faction for the Affront, or Injury done him ? But what Satisfaction can it be for a Man needlefly, and wickedly to expofe himfelf to be murder'd by the Man, whom he challenges. If the Satisfaction meant is the Gratification of a malicious Defire of taking Revenge by a wilful fhedding the Blood of his Neighbour, of his Brother who has offended him, it is a wicked Satisfaction, and greatly to be abhorred •, and the Defire of it ought to be contradicted : The gratifying fuch a Defire is an Act of Rebellion againft the divine Au- thority, which fays, Thou (halt not kill, Exod. xx. and which has alfo faid, Avenge not your j elves, Rom. xii. 19. And as to the Challenged, what is" his Apology for his wicked Acceptance of the Challenge ? Is it that he fhall be effeemed a Coward, a Man of no Cou- rage, if he does not accept it ? Be it fo, yet better for him that unreafonable Men think fo, than for him (in direct Oppofition to the Will, and Law of the great God) violently, and malicioufiy to take away the Life of another, or thus unjuftifiably to expofe his own. In the Cafe of a Duel, the Challenger, and the Challenged (according to their Appointment) meet at the Place fixed upon •, they meet each of them with a premeditated, and malicious Defign to kill, and to murder the other, in Defiance of the Autho- rity of that God who made them both, who com- mands them to love each other, and to promote each others Safety and Good, and if they did fo, they would find true Honour, Peace, and Comfort. But what a fharrieful, horrid Tragedy do they act by their Duelling. Let the Cafe be rightly confidered both as to the Perfon killing:, and the Perfon killed : The Perfon killing is a Murderer with his Hands and Heart, and the Character of being a Murderer will always molt Sacred Declarations, &c. 15 mod juftly belong to him : And if he truly repents, the bed that can be faid of him is, that he is a Pe- nitent Murderer. But there remains an indelible Stain in his Character ; it can never be faid of fuch a Man, that he never was a Murderer. And will the Character of being a Man of Courage compen- fate the juft Shame, Difgrace, and Guilt of being a Murderer ? It mould likewife be confidered whether the Per- fon kill'd was fit for Death ; if not, the Murderer forced his Appearance before God, to be fent down among the accurfed Spirits, to be referved to the Judgment of the great Day. The Murderer puts a Period to his Space for Re- pentance, to his Opportunity of feeking Peace with God, and eternal Salvation. Thus it is with the Perfon killing. O the miferable Confequences of Duelling! And then as to the Perfon killed ; he had Mur- der in his Heart, and no Space to repent of it. Duellers take the mod effectual Courfe to render their everlafling Damnation, Shame, and Torment inevitable. Thefe fix things doth the LORD hate, yea /even are Abomination unto him : A -proud Look, a lying Tongue, and Hands that Jhed innocent Blood, Prov. vi. 16, 17. The Prophet Hofea, faid (Hof. iv. 3, 4.) By Swearing, and Lying, and Killing, and Stealing, and committing Adultery, they break out, and Blood toucheth Blood. Therefore Jhall the Land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein Jhall laugmfh with the Beajls of the Field, and the Fowls of Heaven ; yea the Fifhes of the Sea alfo Jhall be taken away. The righteous Providence of God often has in a moft remarkable Manner difcovered Murderers, and brought them quickly to fuffer Death by the 3 Sentence 1 6 Sacred Declarations, &c: Sentence of the Magiftrate, according to the divine Law. •And although he may permit fome of them for a while to remain undifcovered, yet in the Day of his Vifitation for Sin, when he mall make Inquifition For Blood, they may be lure he will remember them, and they have Reafon to fear that he will deal with them according to their Blood-guiltinefs. XI. Drunkards, Gluttons, and riotous Liven, are another Sort, .of Perfons, againfl whom ter- rible Threatnings of God are recorded in the holy Scriptures. Thefe likewife are TranfgrefTors of ihejixtb Com- mandment, as by their Intemperance, and frequent Exceffes, they impair their own Health, and fhorten their Lives •, that is, put an End to them as certain- ly, as if they thruft themfelves through with a Sword, though not in fo fpeedy a Manner. And then by importuning their Companions to eat, or to drink to Excefs, or to indulge themfelves in any Pleafure inconfiftent with Health, they are inftrumental in deflroying their Health, and haften- ing their Death. But what faith the Word of God concerning fuch as thefe ? In Ifa, xxviii. i, g. it fays, Wo to the Drunkards of Ephraim, the Drunkards of Ephraim Jhall he trodden under Feet. In Prov. xxiii. 21. it is declared, that the Drun- kard, and the Glutton /hall come to Poverty 5 and there are frequent Inftances of this. In Joel i. 5. God by his Prophet fays, Awake ye Drunkards, and Weep, and howl all ye Drinkers of Wine. The Prophet Nahum faid, the Lord is good, a Jtrong Hold in the Day of trouble (i. e. to thofc who love and ferve him j and he knoweth them that trufi in him. But with an overflowing Flood, he will make an Sacred Declarations \ Sec. 17 an utter End of the Place thereof, and Darknefs Jhall pur fue his Enemies. What do ye imagine againft the LORD ? He will make an utter End : AffiiSiion Jhall not rife up the fecond Time. For while they be J olden together as Thorns , and while they are drunken as Drunkards, they Jhall be devoured as Stubble fully dry, Nahum i. y, 8, 9, 10. In Ifa. v. ii — 14. it is faid, Wo unto them that rife up early in the Morning, that they may follow Jlrong Drink, that continue until Night till Wine in- flame them. And the Harp, and the Viol, the Tabree, and the Pipe, and Wine, are in their Feajis : But they regard not the Work of the LORD, neither con- Jider the Operation of his Hands. Therefore my Peo- ple are gone into Captivity, becaufe they have no Know- ledge, and their honourable Men are famijhed, and their Multitudes dried up with Thirjl. Therefore Hell hath enlarged herfelf, and opened her Mouth without Meafure: And their Glory, and their Multitude, and their Pomp, and he that rejoiceth Jhall defend into it. In Verfe 22. it is added, Wo unto them that are mighty to drink Wine, and Men of ftrength to mingle Jlrong Drink, i. e. if they abufe their Strength by drinking to Excefs, and that is Excefs, which is more than needful to the healthful Nouriihment, and Chearfulnefs of the Body. The Prophet further adds, in Verfe 25. Therefore is the Anger of the LORD kindled againft his People, and he hath Jlr etched forth his Hands againft them, and hath fmitten them : And the Hills did tremble, and their Carcaffes were torn in the midft of the Streets : For all this his Anger is not turned away, but his Hand is Jlr etched out Jlill. Thefe, and fuch like Declarations do plainly mew, that they who indulge their Appetites with ExcefTes in Meats and Drinks, and they who perfuade, and tempt others to do fo, have Reafon to fear the D Judgments iS Sacred Declarations, &c. Judgments of the Holy God, when he is vifiting for Sin. But how much loever they may fuffer by com- mon Calamities in this World, thefe Sufferings will be to them only the Beginnings of Sorrows, unlefs they repent, and amend their Ways. For Drun- kards fo all not inherit the Kingdom of God, See i Cor. vi. 10. It is our blefTed Redeemer, who faid, take heed to your/elves, left at an) time, your Hearts be over- charged with Surfeiting and Brunkennefs, and the Cares of this Life, and fo that Day come upon you unawares. For as a Snare fhail it come on all them that dwell on the .Face of the whole Earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to efcape all thefe (terrible) Things that /hall come to pafs, and to ftand before the Son of Man, Luke xxi. 34, 35, %6. The Things which Chrift refers to, and which he in that Chapter foretold mould come to pafs, were that Jerufalem mould be compaffed with Armies, and Defolation, Verfe 20. He foretold its Days of Ven- geance, Verfe 22. and that there mould be great Diftrefs in the Land, and Wrath upon the People, Verfe 23. And that they mould fall by the Edge of the Sword, Verfe 24. That upon the Earth mould be Diftrefs of Nations with Perplexity, Verfe 25. Men's Hearts failing them for Fear, and for look- ing after thofe Things, which are coming on the Earth, Verfe 26. And thus it happened to the Jews, when thejuft God brought upon them the Day of his Wrath, the Day of his Vifiting them for their Iniquities. And in like manner it will happen to other Nations, when the Almighty mall come forth in Judgment againft them, and make a finful incorrigible People to fee, and feel the Miferies of the Days of his Ven- geance. Therefore, Sacred Declarations , &c. 19 Therefore, Let us walk honejlly, as in the Bay ; not in Rioting and Drunkennejs, not in Chambering and Wantonnefs, not in Strife and Envying. But put. ye on the Lord J ejus Chrijl, and make not Provifion for the Flejh, to fulfil the Lujls thereof, Rom. xiii. 13' *4- XII. Unclean Persons, Whoremongers and Adulterers, are another Sort, on whom God has denounced deftroying Judgments. Thefe are Tranfgrefibrs of the feventh Command- ment. Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge, &c. It is declared, Heb. xiii. 4. and in Galat. v. 19, 21. it is faid, Now the Works of the Flejh are manijejl, which are thefe, Adultery, Fornication, Uncleannefs, Lafcivioufnefs ; and it is added, That they who do fuch Things jhall not inherit the Kingdom of God. In Ephef. v. 3, 4, 5, 6. But Fornication and all Uncleannefs, let it not be once named amongfiyou, as becometh Saints. Neither Filthinejs nor foolijb Talk- ing, nor Jefting which are not convenient : But rather giving of Thanks. For this you know that no Whore- monger nor unclean Perfon — hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Chrijl, and of God — for becaufe of thefe Things cometh the Wrath 'of God upon the Chil- dren of Difobedience. What the Holy God has faid concerning the Jews, in Jer. v. 7, 8, 9. fhews evidently that this Sort of Sinners are appointed to fuffer in the Day of his Vifitation. The LORD faid, When I fed them to the full they committed Adultery, and affembled them- felves by Troop in the Harlots Houfes. They were as fed Horfes in the Morning : Every one neighed after his Neighbour's Wife : Shall I not vifit for thefe Things ? faith the LORD, jhall not my Soul be a- venged on juch a Nation as this ? D 2. The 20 Sacred Declarations, &e. The Prophet Ezekiel alfo, reckoning up feveral Sorts of Tranfgrdlors of the divine Law in Jeru- falem, fays, One hath committed Abomination with his Neighbour's Wife, and another has lewdly defiled his Daughter-in-Lazv, and another in thee hath humbled his Sifter, his Father's Daughter, Ezek. xxii. It mull be obferved, that Self- Pollution, the Sin for which the Holy God flew urn, Gen. xxxviii. 9, 10. is a Sort of Uncleannefs very heinous in its Na- ture. And likewife that the unnatural Lufts of the Sodomites, Gen. xix. 5. for which the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah, Bnmftone and Fire from the Lord out of Heaven, and overthrew their Cities, and all the Plain, and all the Inhabitants of the Cities, and that which grew upon the Ground, Gen. xix. 24, 25. I fay, thofe unnatural Lufts are Kinds of Filthinefs which cry loudly for divine Ven- geance to be infli&ed on the Guilty : And it is Mat- ter of great Lamentation, that notwithstanding the fearful, and utter Deftruclion of thofe Cities for the Crimes of their Inhabitants, there have been in the fucceeding Ages, Perfons guilty of the fame mon- itions and filthy Practices. St. Paul fpeaketh of fuch in Rom. i. 16, 27. faying, For this Catife God gave them up unto vile Affections : For even their Women did change their natural Ufe unto that which is againft Nature : And likewife alfo the Men, leaving the natural Ufe of Wo- men, burned in their Luft, one toward another, Men w ,'h Men, working that which is unfeemly, and re- ceiving in themfeves that Recompence of their Error wheh was meet. The Sins of thefe monftrous Tranfgreflbrs, in- deed, aie fecret, they are Deeds of Dafknefs, but the righteous God may openly take Vengeance on them, in the Day of his Viiitation for Sin. Such hive no Re don to hope they fhall efcape the de- itroying Wrath of the Almighty Gcd. And Sacred Declarations, &c. 2 1 And as the Inhabitants of Jerufalem were incor- rigible, and did not repent of their Iniquities, the Holy God according to his Threatnings, infli&ed ©n them deftroying Judgments. See Jer. v. 31. where he fays, Therefore have I poured out mine In- dignation upon them, 1 have confumed them with the Fire of my Wrath : Their own Way have I recom- penfed upon their Heads, faith the LORD GOD. I may add, that Perfons under the like Guilt, have Reafon to expect like Puni fitment ; and therefore have Caufe to be afraid of God's proceed- ing in the Way of his Judgments. And happy for them will it be, if the Whore- mongers and Adulterers ; happy will it be, if all the filthy, the unchafte, the unclean Perfons of both Sexes, mail confider the Evil of their Ways, and the Declarations of the Holy God againit them ; if they fhall repent of their Sins, and feek the For- givenefs of them, and Peace with God through Chrift Jefus, before the Viols of his Wrath be poured out upon them. XIII. Unjust Perfons, are another Sort againft whom deftroying Judgments are denounced in the Word of God. Unjust Perfons are all they, who either by Force, op Fraud, take, or with-hold to their own Ufe any Thing that is the Property of another. Thefe all are Tranfgrefibrs of the eighth Com- mandment. This Clafs includes not only Thieves of every Denomination, but alfo Extortioners, and fraudulent Dealers with unjuft Weights and Meafures. Extortioners are thofe Perfons who take Ad- vantage from the Neceffuies, or Ignorance of others, to conftrain them to give more Money for the Things they buy, than is the Market-price, or to perform 22 Sacred Declarations, &c. perform more Labour for Wages than is ufual ac- cording to the Cuftom of the Country, thus, e. g. If the Sellers of any Commodity know the Buyers to be under a NecdEty of getting the Things they treat about, and that they can have them no where elfe, or that they are ignorant of the Value, and Market-price of them, and therefore exact from them a greater Price than they are worth, or than the Sellera would infift on, if the Buyers were not under fuch Neceffity, or fuch Ignorance, they are guilty of Extorrion. And if any Manufacturers, as a Method of Gain to themfelves, mall keep for Sale to their Work- People, varkius Sets of Goods, they at Times have Cccafion for, and fhall oblige them to buy fuch Goods, when they do not want the Goods but the Money for other Ufes, they are Extortioners. Thefe two Sorts of Perfons are guilty of Tranf- grelTing that divine Law, which fays, All Things whatfoever ye would thai Men fyould do to you, do ye even Jo to them, Matt. vii. 12. which implies, tliat All Things whatfoever we would that Men mould not do to us, we mould not, we ought not to do to them. Thus Gcd has manifefled his holy Will concern- ing our Conduct and manner of Dealing with others. And the Extortioners above-mentioned, would not like to be themfelves treated in fuch Manner as they treat others. I muft add, that their Crime is abominable in the Sight of God, who delights in Mercy and Good- i j els'. Let fuch TranfgrefTors read, and confider what is faid in Ezck. xxii. 12, 13, 14. Thou haft greedily gained ofthy~Nei%hbov.rs by Extortion, and haft forgotten me, frith the LORD GOD. Behold, therefore I have fmit ten mine Hand at thy difhoneft Gain, which ihou haft made — — Can thine Heart endure, or can thine Sacred Declarations, &c. 23 thine Hands be ftrong, in the Days that I (hall deal with thee ? I the LORD have fpoken it, and will do it. Thefe Declarations (hew that God will deal with Extortioners in the Days of his Vifitation for Sin ; and that their Hearts will not be able to endure the Tokens of his Wrath, or to fuftain the frrokes of his Vengeance. There is another Sort of Extortion, cruel in its Nature, and abominable in the Eyes of the Lord •, that is, when Manufacturers or others con ft rain the People they employ to labour for lefs Wages, than Cuftom, or particular Agreement has made their Due, or exact from them more Work than is ufual- ly done for the cuftomary Wages ; or on fome un- reafonable Pretence with-hold from thtm Part of their Wages. Thefe may be faid to grind the Face of the Poor : They opprels the Hirelings, the People they employ to-labour, and the Character of Extortioners juftly belongs to them. Let fuch confider the Import of this Declaration in Mai. iii. 5. I will come near to you to Judgment, and I will be a fwift Witnefs — agalnfi thofe that op- prefs the Hireling in his Wages — and fear not, faith the LORD of Hojis. And in James v. 4. it is faid, Behold the Hire of the Labourers, which have reaped down your Fields, which is of you kept back by Fraud, crieth ; and the Cries of them which have reaped, are entered into the Ears of the Lord ofSabaoth, who will deal with fuch Oppreffors, and take Vengeance on them when he vifits for Sin. In Levit. xix. 13. it is faid, The Wages of him that is hired, pall not abide with thee all Night until the Morning. In Deut. xxiv. 15. it is written, At his Day thou fhalt give him his Hire, neither JJoall the Sun go down upon 24 Sacred Declarations, &c. upon it, for he is poor, and fetteth his Heart upon it : left he cry againft thee unto the Lord, and it be Sin unto thee. In Levit. xix. 9. are recorded the following Laws, viz. When you reap the Harveft of your Land, ihcu Jhalt not wholly reap the Comers of thy Field, neither Jhalt thou gather the Gleanings of thy Harveft. And thou fhalt not glean thy Vineyard, neither Jhalt thou gather every Grape of thy Vineyard, thou fhalt leave them for the Poor, and Stranger : I am the Lord your God. Signifying that the great God has compaf- fion for the Poor, and Strangers, and approves all Acts of Kindnefs done unto them ; and that he is both able, and willing to recompence with his Blef- fings, thofe who obey his Will, by leaving in the Time of Harveft, and Gathering of Fruit, Glean- ings of their Harveft, and of the Fruit for the Poor. In Deut. xxiv. 19. it is likewife enacted, by the fupreme Governor of the World, thus, viz. When thou cutteft down thine Harveft in thy Field, and baft forgot a Sheaf in the Field, thou fhalt not go again to fetch it : It Jhall be for the Stranger, for the Fatherlefs and the Widow : That the LORD thy God may blefs thee in all the Work of thine Hands. When thou beat eft thine Olive-tree, thou fhalt not go over the Boughs again : It Jhall be for the Stranger, for the Fatherlefs, and for the Widow. I have mentioned thefe Laws of our good God, becaufe they manifeft his gracious Care for Strangers, and for the Fatherlefs, and for Widows in needy Circumftances ; and becaufe they are Laws always obligatory, thty are divine Laws always binding all Perfons, in all Ages, who are concerned in Huf- bandry, in Sowing, in Reaping, in Raifing, and Gathering-in the Fruits of the Earth. We ought to think, and acknowledge that they are Laws ftill in Sacred Declarations , &c\ 2$ m Force, fince God never repealed them, fince neither Men, nor Angels, can annul the Obligations of his Commandments, and fince divers Reafons ot them, viz. the Wants of the Poor, and the Sup- ply, and the Comfort they will have by Means of a due Obedience to thofe Laws : And I apprehended it the more needful to recite them, becaufe many Landholders, Farmers, and Pojfejfors of Vineyards* and Olive Yards, and others employed in railing and propagating the Fruits of the Earth are ignorant of them. I mu ft add one Declaration more, viz. that in i Cor. vi. 10. Nor Thieves, nor Covetous — nor Ex- tortioners Jhall inherit the Kingdom of God. There- fore we may reafonably conclude, that this hard- hearted and cruel fort of Sinners, are obnoxious to the deftroying Judgments of God, when he is vifit- ing an ungodly Nation for their Iniquities. I have further to obferve, that fraudulent Dealers, 'with unjufi Weights and Meafures, muft be reckoned among; the TranfsxefTors of the eighth Command- ment, becaufe by their Frauds they get fo much ot the Buyer's Money unjuftly, as the diminifbed Quan- tity ot the Goods fold amounts to in Value •, and the ufing divers Weights and Meafures, that is, Weights and Meafures different from, and lefs than the Standard eftablilhed by the Laws of the Country in which they live, is in Reality one Way of deal- ing Money from the Buyers, Te fliall do no Unrighteoufnefs in Judgment, fays the divine Law, in Mete Yard, in Weight, or in Meafure. Jufl Balances, jufl Weights, ajujlEpbab, and a jujl Hin foall ye have ; 1 am the LORD your God. Therefore (hall ye obferve all my Statutes, and all my Judgments, and do them ; /am the Lord. Lev it. xix. 35, 36, 37. In Dent, xxv. 1 $, 14, 15, ij§. it is U\d, Thou & alt not have in ihs B :g divers Weights, a great and E a 26 Sacred Declarations , &c. a/mall. Thou, jhalt not have in thine Houfe divers Meafures, a great and a [mall. But thou /halt have a perfefi andjuji Weighty a perfecl and a juji Mea- fur e Jhalt thou have -, that thy Days may be lengthened in the Land which the Lord thy God give th thee. For all that do fuch Things {viz. the keeping divers Weights and Meafures) and all that do unrighteoufly 9 are an Abomination unto the LORD thy God. In Prov. xi. i. it is faid, A falfe Ballance is Abo- mination to the Lord : but a juji Weight is his De- light. And Chap. xx. 10. Divers Weights, and di- vers Meafures, both of them are alike Abomination to the Lord. See alio Verfe 23. The Prophet Micah faid to the People (who had provoked deftroying Judgments by manifold Sins) He (viz. God) hath fhewed thee, O Man, what is good, and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to dojujtly, and to love Mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ? The LORD's Voice crieth unto the City, and the Man of Wifdom fhall fee thy Name: Hear ye the Rod, and who hath appointed it. Are there yet the Treafures of Wickednefs in the Houfe of the Wicked, and the fcant Meafure that is abominable ? Shall I count them pure with the wicked Balances, and with the Bag of deceitful Weights ? For the rich Men thereof are full of Violence, and the Inhabitants there- of have fpoken Lies, and their Tongue is deceitful in their Mouth. Therefore alj'o will I make thee fick in fmiting thee, in making thee de folate becaufe of thy Sins. See Micah vi. 8 — 13. Thcfe Declarations (hew moft evidently that frau- dulent Dealers, with falfe Weights and Meafures, have Reafoii to expect Punifhment even in this World, when God is vifiting a Nation for their Iniquities. But if they {hall efcape Punifhment in this World, th?y jhould know and confder, that the Hope of un- juji Men perifieth, (Prov. xi. 7.) and that, The LORD Sacred Declarations, &c. 27 LORD knoweth how — to referve the unjuft unto the Bay of Judgment to be punifhed. 1 Pet. ii. 9. There is yet another Sort of Iniquity to be taken Notice of, as inconfiftent with that juft and righte- ous Manner of Dealing with others, which the eighth Commandment obliges all Men to, viz. the Giving and Taking Bribes. A Bribe is any Gift to another, to bias, or in- cline him to do fomething he ought not to do, or to omit doing fomething he ought to do. And the righteous God, to prevent all unjuft Prac- tices among Men, has ftrictly forbidden this Ini- quity. In Exod. xxiii. 8. he has faid, Thou (halt take no Gift : For the Gift blindeth the Wife, and pervert- eth the Words of the Righteous. It occafions Perfons to form a wrong judgment, or to give an unjuft Sentence inaCaufe, or to pervert, or misinterpret the Words of the Righteous, with whom they have to do. In Deut. xvi. 18, 19, 20. the Holy God faid to his People, Judges and Officers {halt thou make thee in all thy Gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee % throughout all thy Tribes : And they fhall judge the People with juft Judgment. Thou (halt not -zvreft Judgment \ thou /halt not rtfpecl Per fans, neither take a Gift : For a Gift doth blind the Eyes of the Wife, and pervert the Words (or Matters, as the Expref- fion is tranflated in the Margin) of the Righteous. That which is altogether juft Jh alt thou follow, that thou may eft live, and inherit the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Which laft Claufe implies that by receiving Bribes, and not following that which is altogether juft, they would provoke God by fome Stroke of Judgment to cut fhort their Lives. In Prov. xvii. 23. it is faid, A wicked Man taketb a Gift out of the Bofom (i. e. fecretly) to pervert the Ways of Judgment, Signifying that he is a wicked, Man indeed that receiveth a Bribe. E $ Thus 28 Sacred Declarations, &c. Thus wicked were Joel, and Abiah, the Sons of Samuel, whom he made Judges ever Ifracl, they turned q/tde after Lucre, and took Bribes, and per- verted Judgment, fee i Sam. viii. i, 2, 3. And his W.ckedn fs became general in the Days of the Prophet Jfaiab, fee Ifa. i. 23, 24. where it is written, Every one lovetb Gifts, and follow eth after "Rewards : they judge not the Fatherlefs, neither doth the Caufe of the iVidow come unto them. Therefore, thus faith the Lord, the L,ord of Hofts, the mighty one of lfrael, Ah, I will eafe me of mine Adverfaries, and avenge me of mine Enemies. This Declaration fignifies, that fuch Sinners are Enemies to Go^, and that he will avenge himfelf of them ; and that they have Reafon to fear a De» ftruction from the Almighty, when he vifits a Na- tion for Sin. But gracious Promifes are made to the Righteous, that Ji hake ih his Hutu* Jrom holding of Bribes, for it is faid, He fl j all dwell on high : His Place of Defence, flail be the Munition of Rocks, Bread fhall be given him, his Waters fhall be jure, Ifa. xxxiii. 15, 16. which Declarations import that akho' Perfons guilty of Bribery are obnoxious to the Miferies of a Day of God's Vifitation for Sin, yet that the Righteous, who abhor the taking of Bribes, may hope for the divine Protection, and be provided for, and com- forted in Times of publick Calamities. Many Sins bring Guilt oniy on fingle Perfons, but a Bribe is an accurfed Thing, which pollutes two Perfons, and renders them both guilty before God, and obnoxious to his Wrath, viz. the Giver and the Receiver of it, and the Nature of this Iniquity ought to be known to all Men, and abhorred by all Men, And the Action of the Giver, and the Action or the Receiver as to its Signification de- ferves ferious Notice. The Sacred Declarations, &c. 29 The Intention of a Bribe is to prevail with the Receiver of it, to do fomething in itfelf finful, as for a Judge to pafs an unrighteous Judgment on a Caufe, or elfe to do fomething, which the Receiver apprehended to be finful, and therefore was unlaw- ful for him to do. In both thefe Cafes the Giver endeavours to cor- rupt the Receiver, and engage him to fin againft the holy God, to wound his own Soul, and expoie himfelf to eternal Damnation •, a dreadful Crime I vile in its Nature, and deftructive in its Confequences, both to him that gives, and him that takes the Bribe. A fad Matter to be confidered by the Guilty ; befide the Injury which may be brought on others by Means of a prevailing Bribe. The Action of the Giver fignifies that he is a Man of corrupt Principles, chat he fears not God, has no Regard to his Glory, and the Pleafing him, nor to the Welfare and Salvation of the Soul of the Perfon whom he bribes ; it fignifies that he joins his Endeavours with the Devil's to ruin for ever the Per- fon whom he has corrupted. And the Action of the Receiver fignifies, that he is deftitute of a right, and good Principle, that he has yielded to, and been overcome by the Tempta- tion, and that he has fold the Favour of God, and his Soul, and Salvation for the Price of the Bribe he has received. Thefe Remarks have a like Foundation when a Bribe is given to prevail with any one not to do a Thing which the Law of God has made his Duty, or which he apprehends that God requires of him. Both the Givers, and Receivers of Bribes, are Men of very corrupt Minds •, and without fincere Repentance, and a thorough Reformation, they will never efcape the Damnation of Hell, though they ihould be fuftered to efcape Puniihment in to World, Thefe 30 Sacred Declarations, &c. Thefe Things dcferve the ferious Con (ideration both of thofe, who at Eleclions of Members to ferve in Parliament, give Bribes to engage Votes, and of thofe who receive them. XIV. Perfons who bear Falfe Witnefs againft others are another Sort of Sinners who have juft Reafon to fear Punilhment when God vifits a Nation for Sin. Thefe are Tranfgreflbrs of the ninth Command- ment, which fays, Thou /halt not bear falfe Witnefs againft thy Neighbour, Exod. xx. 16. The Prohibition is not limited to the bearing fa!fe Witnefs againft others on Trials in Courts of Judi- cature, altho' that is a mod aggravated Kind of falfe Witnefs-Bearing, becaufe of the Oath taken by WitnefTes, wherein they appeal to God for the Truth of what they fay falfely. But a Man's Re- putation, and Livelihood may be ruin'd by falfe WitnefTes that are never called before Magiftrates. A Man bears falfe Witnefs againft his Neighbour, when he fpeaks that of another, which he knows to be falfe -, whether it be in a Way of Affirmation, or Negation -, whether he affirms of another thac he fpoke fuch Words, or did fuch Things, which he knows he did not ; or denies his having fpoken Words, which himfelf heard, or his doing Things which to his Knowledge the other really did. All falfe WitnefTes are Liars, and all Liars fhall have their Part in the Lake which burneth with Fire andBrimfione, as it is fa id in Rev. xxi. 8. Wherefore (faith St. Paul) putting away Lyings fpeak every Man Truth with his Neighbour : For we are Members one of another, Ephef. iv. 25. A faith] ul Witnefs will not lie : But a falfe Wit- nefs will utter Lies, it is faid Prov. xiv. 5. and Verfe 25. a true Witnefs deliver eth Souls \ but a deceitful Witnefs Jpeakitb Lies. In Sacred Declarations, Sec. 3 1 " In Prov. xix. 15. it is declared, He that juftifieth the Wicked, aid he that condemnelh the Jufi, even they both are Abomination to the Lord. The fupreme Lawgiver fays, Thou fJjalt not raife a falfe Report : Put not thine Hand with the Wicked to be an unrighteous Witnefs, Exod. xxiii. 1. And in Prov. xix. 5. it is declared that, A falfe Witnefs fhall not be unpunified, and he that fpeaketh Lies /hall not efcape. This Declaration fhews, that thefe Sinners have Reafon to expe<5t Punifhment in the Day of the Lord's Vifitation for Sin. The fpeaking falfely of others is a pernicious Prac- tice ; and the doing fo as Witneffes in Courts of Judicature has brought innocent Perfons to fufrer Death for Crimes they never committed, and others to loofe their Eftates, which were their juft Pro- perty, or to loofe their good Reputation, a Blefling more valuable than Life. They who are guilty of this cruel Iniquity do not deal towards others, as they would have others to deal with them. They imitate their Father the Devil, who is the Accufer of the Brethren* fee Rev. xii. 9, 10. And altho' they may for a while efcape Punifh- ment, the Day is coming when the righteous God will take Vengeance on them, when they fhall nei- ther be able to efcape, nor able to bear his Wrath, XV. Covetous Perfons, are another Sort of Sinners marked by divine Threatnings for fuffering Punilhmenr. in the Day of the Lord's Vifitation for Sin* Thefe are Tranfgreflbrs of the tenth Command- ment, which fays, Thou Jhalt not covet thy Neigh- bour's lioufe, thou Jbalt not covet thy Neighbour's Wife, nor his Man-fervant, nor his Maid-fervant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any Thing that is thy Neigh- bours, Exod. xx. 19. This 32 Sacred Declarations, Sec. This Law (hews that it is finful to defire any Thing that is another's Property, and appropriated to his own Ufe-, becaufe the Things of another* which he trades in, and has a Right to fell, and which we have Occafion for, we may defire, and may purchafe -, but appropriated Things we muft not defire, or covet. A ftrong Defire, or Coveting another Man's Houfe, or Land, has prevailed with fome to murder the rightful PoiTeflbr, as was the Cafe when Ahab coveted Naboth's Vineyard, i Kings xxi. or to ufe other unjuft Methods to get the Poffeflion of it. Thus coveting another Man's Wife, has been fol- lowed with Adultery, and Murther ; of which Da- vid was a fad Inftance. And the coveting the Servants of others, has in- fluenced fome to ufe indiredt, or difhoneft Means to prevail with them to leave their Matters. And the coveting of Money has led many to rob, ileal, and commit Murder. So are the Ways of every one that is greedy of Gain : Which taketh aivay the Life of the Owners thereof, Prov. i. 19. The tenth Commandment muft be underftood to forbid all inordinate, or too flrong Defires after worldly Things, or too much Love to Money : Be- caufe fuch Coveting is not only inconiiftent with the Love we owe to God, and to our Neighbour, but leads on to nlany other Sins. For (as St. Paul fays) the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil : Which while fome covet afer, they have erred from the Faith, and pierced themjeives through with many Sorrows, 1 Tim. vi. 10. Here I would obferve that a Man's Defire of Money, or other worldly Things is certainly too ftrong, or is a finful Coveting, when for obtaining them, he will ufe unlawful Means, or neglect fome Duty God requires of him ; and likewife, when, for the Sake of increafing his Riches, he will withhold to Sacred Declarations, &C. 33 to himfelf what Gcd would have him to diftribute for the Ufe and Benefit of oihers. Thus, if a Man for Lucre Sake will be guilty of Extortion, he is a covetous Man ; orifinltead of performing the religious Duties of the Sabbath, he will buy, or fell on that holy Day, or if on other Days he will be fo eager in his Purfuits after earthly Riches, as not to allow Time for the Woriliip of God in his Family, and Clofet, he is a covetous Man : And likewife if he will not expend in the Maintenance of his Family, and Education of his Children, fo much as according to nis Rank in the World, and his Riches, ought to be expended, he is a covetous Man; and if he will not diftribute in Acts of Charity, according to his Abilities, and the Occafions, which call for his Affiftance, he may juftly be thought a covetous Man. And fuch covetous Perfons certainly do love their Money, more than they love their God ; for they who do not defire, and endeavour to pleafe God, cannot be truly faid to love him •, and of thofe, who wilfully fin againft God in their way of getting, or of keeping Money, it cannot be juftly faid they defire, and endeavour to pleafe him. The covetous, the Lord abhorreth, Pfal. x. 3. In Prov. xxviii. 16. it is faid, He that hateth Co- vetoufnefs Jhall -prolong his Days, which implies that he who loveth Covetoufnefs, is like to fhorten his Days. In Ifa. lvii. 17. The Lor. d faid of his People, For the Iniquity of his Covetoufnefs was I wroth, and fmote him. Hence it is very evident, that in Ages paft, God inflicted deftroying Judgments on his People for their Covetoufnefs. And therefore cove- tous Perfons have Reafon to be afraid of his Judg- ments in the Day that he vifits a Land for Sin. It was a fad Complaint which God made of his People in Ezek, xxiii. 3 1 . where he fays to the Pro- F phet 34 Sacred Declarations 9 6cc. phet concerning them, They come unto thee, as the People cometh, and they fit before thee as my People, and they hear thy Words, but they will not do them : for their Heart goeth after their Covetoufnefs. That is, altho' they profefs Love, and Obedience to God, and attend the folemn AiTemblies to hear the Words of the Lord delivered by his Prophet, yet they will not do them •, their ftrongeft, and prevailing Affec- tions, being after Riches and Other worldly Things, the Objects of their Covetoufnefs. Their Riches, and other earthly Things, are the Idols of their Hearts : therefore, Covetoufnefs is de- clared to be Idolatry in Col. iii. 5. where Chrifiians are commanded to mortify inordinate Affeblions, evil Concupifence, and Covetoufnefs, which is Idolatry. In Ephef v. 5. it is declared, That no Whore- monger ; nor unclean Perfon, nor covetous Man, who is an Idolater, hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Chrijl, and of God. It appears from this Declaration, that it is decreed by the righteous Governour of the World, that co- vetous Perfons mail not be admitted to partake of the Joys, and Happinefs of the Kingdom of Chrift, and of God : And this implies that they will be fent into endlefs Miferies in the next Word, and that they are liable to deftroying Judgments in this, when God proceeds in vifiting a Nation for Sin. The Covetous, inftead of looking to, and relying on the Lord, place a Confidence in their Wealth. The rich Man" s Wealth, is his firong City, and as an high Wall in his own Conceit > as it is faid in Prov. xviii. 1 1. But let fuch know, and confider thofe De- clarations recorded in Prov. xi. 4. viz, Riches profit not in the Day ofWraih; and Verfe 28. He that trufleth in Riches Jhall fall. Thus faith the Lord Let not the rich Man glory in bis Riches, Jer. ix. 23. In Sacred Declarations, Sec. 3 5 In Jer, xv. 13. God fays to the Wicked among his People, Thy Subjlance, and thy Treafures will I give to the Spoil without Price, and that for all thy Sins, even in all thy Borders, Jer! xv. 13. See alfo Jer. xvii. 3. Theie Declarations plainly mew that the Covetous, and they who will go on in difobeying the Com- mandments of the Lord, have Reafon to be afraid, when he is rifen out of his Place to punifh wicked Nations. I have now confidered the principal Sorts of Per- fons, TranfgreiTors of one or other of the ten Com- mandments, againft whom the holy God k has de- nounced his awfui Threatnings. A righteous Nation, a holy City, whofe Inhabi- tants know, and love, and ferve the Lord, and make it their Practice to obey all his Precepts, have no Caufe to be afraid, but abundant Ground for Comfort, and Joy on the Account of the manifold Promifes of Bleflings in this World, and of ever- lafting Felicity in the next, which are made to the Righteous. But if the Inhabitants of a City, or Country, have revolted from God, if the Generality of them have caft off the Fear of the Almighty, and have long been regardlefs of his Authority, and Laws, and have gone on flubbornly in wicked Ways, and remain incorrigible, notwithstanding the Obligations of multiplied Bleflings, notwithstanding die Patience, and long Forbearance of God, notwithstanding the divers Threatnings, and the Feeling of leffer Judg- ments, they have then the flrongeft Reafons to ex- pect that the righteous God will proceed in vifiting them for Sin, and pour out the Vials of his Wrath upon them. I (hall now conclude thefe Papers with an Ad- drefs to the Inhabitants of London, JVeJlminfier, and all the other Parts of Great-Britain. F 2 I need 36 Sacred Declarations, &c. I need not tell you that Infidelity, and Profane- nefs, that a Contempt, and Derifion of the divine Providence, and the holy Scriptures, are crying Sins among us ; nor that keeping holy the Sabbath- Day, and a due Attendance on the publick "Worinip oi God are generally neglected ; nor that our Cities and Country have long been polluted with ail Sorts of Immoralities •, neither need I fay to you that the holy God has fhewn himfelf angry with us, by a Series of awful Judgments, tho' fome of them thro' his abundant Mercy have been taken away. And furely I need not fay to you that Iniquities flill abound among us, that Provocations of al- mighty Wrath are ftill committed, and that there appears very little of Reformation •, neither need I add that the Tokens of God's Anger do ftill fub- fift. The great God has given us Warning after Warning, and Stroke after Stroke, and then ceafed awhile, and waited to fee whether we will confider our evil Ways, and repent of our Sins, and return unto him : he has waited, and ftill waits that he may be gracious to us ; that he may, confident with the Honour of his Government, with the Glory of his Name, forgive our Sins, and be reconciled unto us, and blefs us. But the Reconciliation is not yet brought about ; No, for we ftubbornly perfift in our Rebellion againft him : And it is too evident to be denied that his Hand is ftill ft retched out againft us. Was it not that holy God who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity without Abhorrence, and without being incenfed againft the wilful Tranfgref- fors of his Laws ? Was it not he who permitted our Enemies to draw the Sword, and from a Number, fmall, at firft, to increafe into a Multitude, and to march thro' the Heart of our Country, and to ap- proach Sacred Declarations, &c. 37 proach fo near this our Metropolis, as to fill the Minds of all true Proteftants, and faithful Subjects of our gracious Sovereign with a Dread of the Con- fequences, if he had not by his Influence turned them back by the Way that they came, and afterwards intirely fubdued them ? Was it not he, who fent the mortal Sicknefs among our Cattle ? and who has been thro' a Courfeof feveral Years deftroying them ! and fhewing that he can as eafily deftroy our Perfons! and does he not awfully proceed,- in the Way of his Anger, by firming the Beafts of the Field (till with Sicknefs, and Death, in divers Parts of the Country ? Pray confidcr, That Beflruclion of Cattle is one of God's threatned Judgments ; and that this tiill fub- fifls in the Land ; and that Earthquakes are another Sort of them, very terrible : And Jet us keep in Remembrance how the Almighty has once and again very lately made the Earth to tremble under thefe great dries ; and has violently fhaketi the Houfes of the Inhabitants over them ; and that the divine Power might either have caufed the Earth to open and fwallow up the Buildings, and all the living Creatures that are upon it, or elfe without the Opening of the Earth might have mattered, and thrown down even the ftrongeft Edifices, and have crufhed to Death thofe who dwell in them ; and who can tell what, or how many of his other Threatnings will be executed among us, or how foon ! I entreat you to read again, and again, and re- volve in your Minds what has been offered to your Thoughts in the foregoing Papers. Let every one faithfully examine himfelf, and confider whether he is not of one or other of the Sorts of Perlons whom God has threatened, not only with everkfting Torments in the future State, but with Miferies, with Diftrefs, and Deflruction even in this World, when he vifits Cities, and Na- tions for their Sins, If 3 3 Sacred Declarations , &x. If you compare your Lives with the holy Laws of God, your Conferences will tell you, whether you are among the mile rable Objects of the divine Threatnings. And is this your Cafe ! I muft then tell you, that yon are under a dreadful Sentence of Condemnation. For hitherto you have not repented of your Sins, nor believed on the Lord Jefus Chrift. In John iii. 18, 19. it is thus declared, viz. He that believeth not is condemned already, becaufe he hath not believed en the Name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men loved Darknefs rather than Light, becaufe their Deeds were evil. O how deplorable is your Condition! in being Enemies to God by your wick?d Works, in being the Servants of Sip, and Satan ? How deplorable, I fay, is your Condition, whatever be your worldly Honours, Riches, and PofTeffions, or Eminency for Learning! Know ye not that to whom ye yield your- f elves Servants to obey, his Servants ye are, to whom ye cbey, whether of Sin unto Death, or of Obedience unto Right eoufnefs ! Rom. vi. 16. How lamentable is your Cafe in your being Ob- jects of the divine Anger ! For God is angry with the Wicked every Day, (Pfal. vii. n.) He is fo continually ; and how wretched are you, in your being obnoxious to all the Mileries threatned to be inflicted in this Life ! and in being liable to a fpeedy Death, and to the Pains of Hell for ever ! And what Comfort, what Peace can you have in your prefent State ? There is no Peace, faith my God, to the Wicked, Ifai. Ivii. 21. What have you to yield unto your Souls a ratio- nal, a fincere Confolation ! Have you itately Houfes, rich Furniture, large Eftates, and great Honour:. ? yet thefe do not iatisfy you. You Sacred Declarations, Sec. 39 You feek after Pleafure, and Joy in {enfual En- tertainments •, your Ears are delighted with e^quifite Mufick ; your Eyes are pleafed with a vail Variety of the agreeable Objects of Sight! Numberlefs are the Recreations, and Atnufements, which human In- vention has contrived to take up your Time. But thefe Things do not fatisfy you ! you are at great Expences, and often take great Pains ; ycu fatigue your Bodies, and prejudice your Health in Purfuits of Objects, to gratify one or other of your bodily Senfes. And in the mid ft [of your higheft Enjoyments, you (till find fomething wanting to give your Minds fatisfying Joy ! you have not yet found Reft for your Souls ! And all the while that you have an Affluence of worldly Things, you are wretched Creatures. The CurfeofGod is upon you ! you are liable to a Variety of Diftempers, to the Gout, to the Stone, and to a thoufand other bodily Difeafes, to Melancholy, toDe- fpair; and you are obnoxious to Enemies, to Shame, and to a Diverfity of Afflictions, which you cannot comprehend, and liable to everlaft.ing Torment in the next World. But I may add, that altho' your prefent Condi- tion is bad beyond Conception, yet you may be de- livered from it ! There is a fure Way to Safety, Comfort, and Happinefs, both in this World, and in that to which you are going. Read again, and ponder in your Thoughts what has been propofed to your Consideration in my former Letter, Pag. 28, 29, C5V. for the Encouragement of your Hope and Joy in following the Directions of the Gofpel. Repent of your Sins, and believe in the Lord Jefus Chrift and all your Iniquities will be forgiven you. Our good God, tho* you have provoked him Times and Ways without Number, will then be reconciled to you ; and your eternal Salvation, and Happinefs 40 Sacred Declaratiotis, Sec: Happinefs through the crucified, the rifen, the ex- alted and bleffed Jesus will be (lire. O become fincere Difciples of the crucified, and rifen Jefus ! take him for your Saviour, and Prince ! for your Matter, and Lord ! and truft in him, and in him alone, for a compleat Salvation from all your Sins, as well as from the evcrlafting Punifhment due unto you for them ! Truft in him alone for Holinefs, and Happinefs •, for Grace to encline, and enable you to lead holy Lives accord- ing to the Will of God. Then will you find thofe rational Pleafures, thole fincere Comforts, and that folid Peace and Reft for your Souls, which you never knew before ! then will you know the Difference between the Pleafures of Sin, and the Confolations which the Gofpel ad- minifters to penitent, and believing Sinners ! then you will defpife, and abhor your former carnal, and lenfual Delights, and find that Satisfaction in the Service, and Enjoyment of God, which you would not part with for ten thoufand Worlds. This has been the Experience of thofe who formerly practifed the like Sins, and purfued and enjoyed the fame fenfual Pleafures as yourfelves, but fince have been truly converted, and have accepted of Chrift, and joined themfelves to the Lord in his gracious Cove- nant, and walk clofely with him in the Way of Holinefs, and known by Experience that the Plea- fures of a religious holy Life, are inexpreflibly greater than thofe of Sin. And O that it may pleafe the God of all Grace, by the mighty working of his holy Spirit, to put it into your Hearts fincerely thus to exprefs yourfelves unto him, viz. " O holy, and moft merciful God ! I am now C£ convinced that I have long been a vile, finful, " guilty, and a rebellious Creature againft Thee ! M convinced that there is a finful, and dreadful De- " pravity Sacred Declarations, &c: 4 1 «* pravity in my Nature, and a ftrong and prevail- " ino- Bias on my Will and Affedions to Things " contrary to thy Laws ! and that I have been eagerly " purfuing Objects, unbecoming the Defires, which «« i plight to cherifli! I am now convinced that I « want a Saviour ' ami that I mud be miferable for «l ever without one ! u I am now convinced that thy only begotten, « and well-beloved Son, the bleffed Jefus, is the " Saviour, and I thankfully accept of him as my « only Redeemer ! as my great Prophet, Prieft, « and King ! " Faith is thy Gift ! Lord, beftow this heavenly « Gift on me in a large Meafure! and quicken " me by thy Spirit, who am naturally dead in Tref- " panes, and Sins ! ■« O make me a new Creature in Chrift Jefus! « Make the old Things to pafs away, and ail " Things to become new * and holy in me ! " I now renounce all my Sins ! I give up myfelf • " unto Thee, to be thine in the everlafting Cove- « nant •, and to be inftru&ed, inclined, and enabled tc always to live according to the Engagements of «« it. " O pardon all my Sins ! be Thou my reconciled " God, my Lord, my Lawgiver, and my Portion, " now henceforth, and for ever ! Amen, for the" « Sake of Chrift Jefus my Advocate, and Redeemer. " Amen." Thus be you prevailed with to accept of Chrift, and devote yourfeives to God ; and tettify the Since- rity of your Faith in Chrift, and the Uprightnefs of your Hearts, by a conftant Attendance on the pub- lick Worftiip of God, and a conscientious Obedience to all his Commandments. * % Cor. V. 17. G And 42 Sacred Declarations, &c. And let not the Scoffs and Derifions of any of your Acquaintance make you afhamed of theGofpel of Chrift, who fuffered Death, that you might obtain Forgivenefs, and everlafling Life ! nor alhamed of obferving his Sabbaths, and Ordinances, nor of own- ing his Caufe, and his People. Let the Operations of the Divine Providence be compared with the Declarations of God recorded in his Word, and they are a perpetual Evidence of the Divine Authority of the facred Scriptures, and of the Truth of the Golpel ! An Evidence of the Being, Wifdom, Powt, Goodnefs, and Righteouliefs of God, and of the Unreafbnabienefs of Atheifm, and Infidelity, and indeed of all Irreligion. Many other Things I might fitly propofe to the Confederation of the Inhabitants of Great Britain, who have long been under the Threatnings of the "Word and Providence of God ; but I will only add, that God, in the Time of his awful Vifitation of Cities and Countries for Sin, will make a Difference in his Dealings with the Righteous, and the Wicked. See Ifa. iii. 10, n. Say ye to the Righteous that it /hall be well with him : For they (hall eat the Fruit of their "Doings. Wo unto the Wicked, it fhall be ill with him : For the Reward of his Hands JJoalll be given him. The E N DJ LETTER III. Containing the Introduction* with fame Thoughts of the Importance of continuing the Ufe of the Ex- preffions in the Sacred Scriptures among Chriftians^ and a Summary of the Evidences of the Truth of the Gofpel for the Conviclion of fuch as are doubting of it 5 and the Confirmation of the Faith of Serious Chriftidns ; with all fhewing the fad State of Infidels $ who have the Means of knowing the Truth. N the foregoing Letters I gave a Summary of the Divine Laws* chiefly in the Order of the Ten Commandments, and confidered the Predictions relative to thofe Perfons, who live in wilful Dif- obedience to any of them ; I have fhewed that the Holy God, who has denounced everlafting Pu- nifliments, and Torments on them in the next World, has likewife threatned them with horrible Punifhments, and Miferies in this. I have fhewed that the Righteous God will vifk Cities, and Countries with his great Plagues, if the Wicked Inhabitants of them will not be re- formed, either by his Methods of Mercy, or by his lefTer Judgments. B Thcfc 2 On the Sacred Predictions. Thefe Things I have given an Account of •, that fo by the Confideration of them fome Pcrfons may be brought to Repentance towards God and Faith in the Lord Jefus Chrift, who is both able, and willing to fave, even the Chief of Sinners. The terrible Predictions of inexpreflible Mif- eries to be inflicted on incorrigible Sinners, col- lected in the foregoing Papers, may well fill the Minds of impenitent, ftubborn Perfons with A- mazement and Horror. And efpecially fmce the Righteous God is rifen out of his Place to punifh the Inhabitants of the World for their Iniquities ; fmce by his juft Providence thro' the Courle of ieveral late Years, He has been bringing upon many Cities and Countries the Miferies of War, or of Peftilence, or of Famine •, ruining Thoufands after Thoufands, both Rich and Poor, and de- stroying theLives of Multitudes after Multitudes: I fay fince thefe Events, there is Reafon for wilful Sinners to be afraid. And thofe Cities and Nations, which have hitherto been preferved in Health, Tranquility and Plenty, have no Ground to imagine they Ihall always efcape unpunifhed ; but they have Reafon to fear fuffering the Jike Judgments except they repent. God indeed delights not in the Miferies of his difobedient Servants: Say to them, as I live faith the Lord God / have no Pkafure in the Death of the Wicked, but that the IVicked turn from his Way, and live. (Ezek. xxxiii. n.) Joyful Tidings to all Sorts of Sinners! God in his infinite Mercy has provided a mighty Saviour, his only begotten and well beloved Son \ and in his Gofpel has re- vealed the Way, by which the moft wretched Tranfgrefibrs may obtain a fure Intereft in him, and Salvation by him. This On the Sacred Predictions. 3 This fure Way, I have likewife confidered in the former Letters, that fo none may Defpair, but all may be prevailed with by the Loving-kindnefs of the Lord ; to renounce their Sins, and with Joy ac- cept of Chrift, and truft in him, to lave them from their Sins, and from the dreadful Wrath, which is coming on the Children of Difobedience. I fhall in the following Papers confider thofe Predictions of Bleflings, which may adminifter Comfort to the Minds of ferious Chriftians at all Times ; and particularly when God is vifiting the Inhabitants of any City, or Country, for their Iniquities. I may obferve that in all Ages, and in every Town and Nation ; there are in God's Account, but two Sorts of People ; viz. the Righteous, and the Wicked: Into thefe general Claries they are diftributed, in Gen. xviii. 23, 25. The Exprefiion the Righteous comprehends all thofe, who did know, love, and ferve God, all who believed his Word, and whofe Courfe of Life was a Practice of all Duties towards God and Man, required by the Divine Laws ; and the Expreflion the Wicked includes all thofe, who would not practice the Duties they owe to God and Man, and did not believe his Word. TheExpreflionsftill retain the fame Significati- ons. And at the End of the World people will be divided only into two Sorts. When the Son of Man Jhall come in his Glory, and all the Holy Angels with him, then/hall he Jit upon the 'Throne of his Glory, and be- fore him Jhall be gathered all Nations, and he Jhall fe- parate them one from another, as a Shepherd di~ videth the Sheep from the Goats -, and he /hall fet the Sheep on his right Hand, and the Goats on his left. (Matt. xxv. 31, 32,33.) By the Metaphor of Sheep are meant the faithful Servants of God, the true Difciples of Chrift ; and by that of Goats B 2 are 4 On the Sacred Predictions. arc fignified all the Difobedient and Impenitent, who would not believe, and obey the Gofpel. Thus from the Beginning of the World to the End of it, there are only two Sorts of People. After Chrift (the promifed MefTiah) came into the World, and his Gofpel was preached ! they who were convinced by it, and believed on the Holy Jefus, and accepted of him as their Saviour and Prince, were called Believers. By this Title they were denoted in Alls v. 14. Where it is faid, and Believers were the more added to the Lord, Multitudes both of Men and Women. Thus alfo in 1 Tim. iv. 1 2. where the Apoftle fays to him, Be thou an Example of the Believers, And the Believers were called Chriftians, firft at Antioch. (Ails xi. 26.) and from that Time they who profeiTed the Gofpel were denominated by the fame Name. But it rnufl be faid that not all, who call themfclves Chriftians are fuch in Truth. They who live in wilful Dilbbedience to the Rules of his Gofpel are not Chrift's Difciples in- deed. The Apoftle James fays, Evenfo Failh, if it hath not Works, is dead; (James ii. 17.) that is, it is as ufelefs as a Body without Life. No Sorts of wilful Sinners are ferious Chrif- tians •, Know ye not that the Unrighteous Jhall not inherit the Kingdom of God ? Be not deceived, 'nei- ther Fornicator^, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor Abufers of themf elves with Man- kind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners fhall inherit the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor. vi. 9, 10.) Therefore none of thofe forts of People are to be reckoned ferious Chriftians. But that we may better underftand, who are truly Religious or fmcere Chriftians, to whom the Predictions of Bleffings do belong, Bleffings intended On the Sacred Predictions. § intended for their Happinefs, Comfort and Joy ; I (hall confider fome of the Characters by which they are defcribed, or difiinguifhed from others in the Holy Scriptures ; and likewife feme of the Bleflings promifed to them. Thefe Things I propofe to give an Account of, not in the Words, which Man's Wifdom teacheth^ but which the Holy Ghoji teacheth ; Comparing Spiritual Things with Spiritual, (i Cor. ii. 13.) Doubtlefs God knows what Words and Expref- fions are fittefl: to convey to our Minds the Ideas, and Thoughts he would have uwto entertain. And therefore we are not to lay them afide in Speaking of our Spiritual Concerns, and of the Doctrines he has revealed, or of the Ordinances, and Laws he has enjoined us. It is a Duty, and a very weighty Duty, to • retain and ufe the Language of the Holy Scrip- tures i for the Laying afide the Ufe of the Words, and Exprefiions of God, which we find in his Sacred Revelation contained in our Bible, is a Throwing into Oblivion, and a Lofing thofe important Thoughts and Ideas, which they def- cribe and exprefs ; and indeed it is Rejecting fo much of the Gofpel as is contained in them. It introduces different Ideas and Notions •, and fo far another Religion, or Gofpel •, although they, who do fo, call themfelves Chriftians. Can I with Reafon believe that Man to have been born and lived in England, who neither ufes, nor underftands the Englifh Language ? And have I more Reafon to think that Man a real Chriftian, who neither ufes, nor underftands the Language of the Gofpel, thofe Words which the Holy Ghoft teacheth ? It is a bold Undertaking in any Perfon to alter the Language of the Holy Spirit, or to bring into Pilule- thofe Words and Phrafes by which he expreffes 6 On the Sacred Predictions. exprefles the Doctrines of the Gofpel, and the Things which concern our Salvation. In Rev. xxii. 18, 19. it is faid, If any Man Jhall add unto thefe Things, God jhall add to him the Plagues that are written in this Book. And if any Man /hall take away from the Words of the Book of this Prophefy, God Jhall take away his Part cut of the Book of Life. It is a heinous Sin to add any Thing unto, or to take away from the Words of any other Book of the Holy Scriptures. In Prov. xxxjji 5, 6. it is faid, Every Word of God is pure, he is a Shield unto tfyem that put their Truft in him : Add thou not unto his Words, left he reprove thee and thou be found a Liar. In Deut. iv. 2. it is written, Tejhall not add unto the Word which I command you, neither JJjall you diminijh ought from it. My Soul trembles at the Thoughts of Laying afide the Language of the facred Scriptures, and fubftituting other Expreflions in the Stead of it. St. Paul fays, But though we, or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gofpel (that is, other Doctrines about Cnrift and Salvation by him,) than that which we have preached to you, let him be accurfed. See Gal. i. 8, 9, 10. By ufing the Expreflions of the Sacred Scrip- tures, the Words which the Holy Ghoft teaeheth, I do not mean that we muft not ufe any others ; for the Ufe of other Words is very needful in preaching the Gofpel, and expounding the Scrip- tures, and in catechifing and inftruCting Children and Youth, and in difcourfing on the feveral Parts of Divine Revelation. But we muft not difufe the Scripture Language, nor ufe Terms which convey Ideas, or Thoughts different from, and repugnant to it. In On the Sacred Predictions. j In every Language, into which the Holy Scrip- tures have been tranflated from the Hebrew and Greek, the Words, are different as to the Letters, Syllables and Sound •, but as the Words in the feveral Tranflations fignify and exprefs the fame Thoughts, and Ideas, which are conveyed to the Mind by the Words in the Original Language, the Words in every Tranflation, may fo far be efteemed the Words, which the Holy Ghoft teacheth. If what I have faid concerning the Words of the Holy Ghoft, and of the Importance of con- tinuing the Ufe of them, be a Difgreffion, it is a neceffary One, and needs no Apology in this Age, wherein many are fallen into a Diflike and Difufe of them. I (hall now confider fome Parts of the Holy Scriptures, by which it may be known who are real Christians, to whom the Predictions of Blef- fings do relate, and who may be much comforted by them. The Character of real Chriftians in general, in- cludes a Believing thofe 'Things, which are written concerning Chriji. The Apoftle Paul in Defence of himfelf before Felix, fays, This I confefs unto thee, that after the Way which they call Herejy, fo wor/hip I the God of my Fathers ; believing all Things which are written in the Law, and the Prophets. (Acts xxiv. 14.) That is, all the Things written concerning Chrift, as appears from the Context ; and for the fame Reafons we are to believe all Things that are writ- ten concerning Chrift by the Apoftles in the New Teftament. I fhall therefore mention fome of thofe Things which are written in the Sacred Scriptures con- cerning Chriji, and which we are to believe. ■ 1 It (be Sacred Pr editions. plainly evident from what is written in the 1/ Scrptures, that the promifed Meffiah, (the .Redeemer of Ifrael, and the Saviour of the Gen- tiles, as well as of the Jews,; was a Perfon of tranfeendent Excellency, Majefty, Authority, Power and Goodnefs. It was revealed that he mould be a Man-, that is, that he mould have an human Nature, con- fiding of an human Soul, and Body. This ap- pear* from its being declared, That he fhould be a Child, bom of a Virgin. (Ifa. vii. 14.) For every Child, every Son that is born of a Woman hath an human Soul, and an human Body. And of the Virgin Mary it is faid, that She was found with Child of the Holy Ghoft. (Matt. i. 18.) And when foe brought forth her firfi born Son, his Name was called Jefus, according to the Appoint- ment of God his Father, (ver. 25.) and in (1 Tim. ii. 5.) he is called The Man Chrift Jefus. But it is alio revealed that the Mefliah, our blefied Redeemer is God, as well as Man : For thofe Things are affirmed of him, which cannot be applied to any meer Creature. It is teflified that when the Mefliah mould come, he fhould be Immanuel, that is, God with us. (Ifa. vii. 14.) and afterwards, that He is the Mighty God. (Ifa. ix. 6.) And in (John i. 1, 3.) it is revealed that, In the Beginning was the Word, and- the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All Things were made by him, and without him was not any Thing made that was made. And in {ver. 14.) it is faid, And the Word was made Fleffp, and dwelt among us. In (John iii. 13 .) the blefied Jefus himfelf fays, No Man l\ith afcended up to Heaven, but he that came On the Sacred Predictions. g 'came down from Heaven, even the Son of Man which is in Heaven. This (hews that the Son of Man, who was born of the Virgin Mary, had another Nature befides the Human; a Nature Omniprefent, which was in Heaven, at the fame Time it was prefent wirh him, while he was on Earth, talking with Nicodemus. Hereby Chrift made it known that his human Nature was united to the Divine; and that he is both God, and Man, in one Perfon, and may well be called Wonderful. Of this glorious Perfon, the Prophet (in Ifa. ix. 6, 7.) faid, Unto us a Child is horn, unto us a Son is given ; and the Government fhall be upon his Shoulders, and his Name fid all be called Wonderful, Counfeller, the mighty God, the everlafling Father, ■the Prince of Peace. Of the Increafe of his Govern- ment, ("which implies it would be fmall at nrfl) and Peace, there fhall be no End. Upon the Throne of David, and upon his Kingdoms, to order and to ejlabhfh it with Judgment , and with Juflice, from henceforth even for ever : Ihe Zeal of the Lord of Hojls will perform this. And (in Ifa. xlix. 5, 6.) Now faith the Lord; (that is, to his promifed Mefliah) I will alfo give thee for a Light to the Gentiles, that thou may eft be my Salvation to the Ends of the Earth. He is declared to be A Light to lighten the Gen- tiles, and the Glory of his People Ifrael. (Luke ii. He is called The Defire of all Nations. (Hag, ii. 7-) And all Nations ought to defire him, on the Account of his Divine Excellencies ; his Majefty, and Power, and Honour, and Glory ; and on the Account of his redeeming Love ; his great Com- panion for all Sorts of People, in a State of Sin G and io On the Sacred Predictions. and Mifery ; and undertaking to procure a great Salvation, not for the Jews only, but for all Na- tions. In regard to Authority, Wifdom, Power, Juftice and Goodnefs, and likewife in Refpect to his Dominion, the Extent, and Duration of it, the greateft Potentates on Earth are as nothing. Yet how did this raoft glorious Perfon, whom the Holy Angels worfhip and adore, how did he enter into this World ? Not with Pomp, and Grandeur •, no, he was born of a Virgin in mean Circumftances, tho' deicended from David the King j he was born of one deftitute of the Conveniences common to "Women in her Condition. And altho he was born King of the Jews, he had no Palace for the Place of his Birth, but his firft Accommodations were in a Stable, and to be laid in a Manger. Behold, O my Soul, the Beginning of thy Saviour's Life ! The Beginning of a Life of deep Humiliation and Suffering ! Surely he was a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with Grief, from his Birth to his Death. And why was all this, but out of Love and Fity to me and other Sinners like myfelf ? And fhall I not love him, who fo greatly humbled himfelf that I might be delivered from my natu- ral State of Sin and Mifery, and be exalted into a State of Holinefs and Happinefs ? I pray that I may be enabled always, to love him in Sincerity. In Ifa. liii. 2. the Prophet fpeaking what would be the Thoughts of the Jews, when the Meffiah mould appear, fays, He has no Form nor Comelinefs : And when wejhallfee him, there is no Beauty that we Jhould defire him. That is, none that was agreeable to the carnal Expectations and Wifhes of the Jews. The 0?t the Sacred Predictions. 1 1 The Jews therefore defpifed and rejected him, becaufe he came into the World in a mean, and low Condition, deftitute of the Accommodations of the Attendants, and of the Honours, which are common to Emperors and Kings. But did not the gre^t God bear witnefs that this Jefus of Nazareth was his Son, and the very Mef- fiah fpoken of by all the Prophets, notwithstand- ing his Poverty, and mean Appearance among the Jews ? Did not the Angel of the Lord appear unto Jofeph in a Dream, faying, J 'feph, thou Son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy Wife : For that, which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghofi. And fhe Jhall bring forth a Son, and thou fhalt call his Name Jesus: For he fhall fave his People from their Sins? (Matt. i. 20, 21.) And when Chrift was born, did not the Al- mighty God make known this grand Event to certain wife Men in the Eaft, and reveal to them that this Child was born King of the Jews ? (Matt. ii. 1, 2.) and did he not incline them to take a long Journey to vifit, and bring Prefents, and pay their Homage to him ? And did he not by a miraculous Star guide them, and made it pafs be- fore them, till it came and flood over where the young Child was ? (Matt. ii. 9.) When the Virgin Mary brought forth her firft born Son (in Bethlehem) and wrapped him in Swadling Cloths, and laid him in a Manger, be- caufe there was no Room for him in the Inn.- (Luke ii. 7.) we read, There were in the fame Country Shepherds abiding in the Field, keeping Watch over their Flock by Night : And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them, and the Glory of the Lord fhone round about them, and they were Core afraid. And the Angel faid unto them, fear not : For behold I bring you good Tidings of great C 2 Joy, 12 On the Sacred Predictions. Joy, which ft) all be (the Occafion of great Joy) to all People, for unto you (and to all People) is born this Day in (Bethlehem) the City of David a Saviour, which is Cbrijl (or the Mefilah) the. Lcrd. And this /hall be a Sign unto you -, ye Jhall find the Babe wrapped in Swadl'wg Clothes, lying in a Monger. Thus God fent an Angel to publifh or proclaim 10 the Shepherds, that the Meftiah was come ; that theg'oiiots Saviour was born in Bethlehem, Chrifl: the Lord. (Luke ii. 8, 6Yc.) But God did not attest this grand Event, by ons Angel only, No, For fuddenly there was with that Angel, a Multitude of the Heavenly Ho]i % frcifing Gcd (on this Account,) and faying : Glory to God in the Hi? heft, and en Ear'.h Peace, Good- will towards Men. (ver. [3, 14.) And when the Angels were gone from them into Heaven, the Shep- herds faid one to another, let us now go even tarto Bethlehem, and fee this Thing, which is come to pafs, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they cam: with hafle, and found Mary, and Jofeph-, and the Babe lying in a Manger. And when they had fecn it, they made known abroad the Sayingt which was told them concerning ih s Child. And all they th at heard it, wondered at thofe Things which were told them by the Shepherds. Thus God himfelf did bear Witnefs that Jefus, Mho was born of the Virgin Mary, was his Son, and the true Median, and thus in the mod mag- nificent and glorious Manner, proclaimed his Birth to the World. And as at his Birth, fo through his Life, and at h s Death, and after it did God bear witnefs to the Truth of his Gofpel. When the Mefiiah our great Redeemer was baptized, the Heavens were opened unto him and be jew the Spii it of God defc ending like a Dove and lighting On the Sacred Predictions. j 3 lighting upon him -, and lo, a Voice from Heaven, Saying, This is my beloved Sfen, in whom I am well plea 'fed -, hear ye him. (Mat. jii. 16, 17.) When he was cranfigured before his DifcipJes, (viz. Peter, James and John,) while he yet fpake, behold, a bright Cloud over fuadowed them ; beheld, a Voice out of the Cloud (that is the Voice of God,) which faid, This is my beLved Son in whom I am well pleafed, hear ye him. Matt. xvii. 5. It may, and itought to be obferved, that our great Redeemer through the whole Courfe of his Life ihewed a continual Difregard to the Honours, the Riches and Pleafures of this World, and wholely employed himfelf in preaching the Gofpel, fhew- ing the People the Way to be faved, and teach- ing them thofe Things they mould know, and believe and piaclife. Daily proving his Million from God, and confirming his Doctrine by num- berlefs Miracles, calling out Devils, raifing the Dead, and healing all Manner of Difeafes. And in his laft Sufferings, when he was dying on the Crois as a Sacrifice for us, Behold, the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain, from the Top to the Bo t ton:, and the Earth did quake, and the Rocks rent, and the Graves were opened, and many Bodies of Saints, which flept ' arofe, and come out of the Graves afer his Refurreclion, and went into the Holy City, and appeared (not to a few but) unto many* And when the Centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jefus, faw the Earthquake and thofe Things that were done, they feared greatly, faying, Tru- ly this was the Son of God. (Matt, xxvii. 31, &c.) Well, after he was dead Joieph, a rich Man of Arimathea buried his Body, and laid it in his own new Tomb, which he had hewn out in the Rock, and rolled a great ftone to the Door of the Sepulchre. The Enemies of ChriH remembred his Predic- tion of himfelf, viz. that he would rife again the third J 4 On the Sacred Fr editions. third Day, and intreated Pilate to command the Sepulchre to be made fine until the third Day, And Pilate faid unto them ye have a Watch, go ycur Way, make it as fur e as you can, fo they went and made the Sepulchre fure, feeling the Stone and fitting a Watch. (See ver, 63, &c.) Vain Precautions ! in Matt, xxviii. 2, &c. it is faid, Behold, there was a great Earthquake -, for the Angel cf the Lord defended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the St-one from the Door, and fet upon it. His Countenance was like Lightning, and bis Raiment white as Snow. And for Fear of him the Keepers did fhake, and became as dead Men. And the Angel anfwered and faid unto the Women ( mentioned ver. 1.) Fear not ye, for I know, that ys feek Jefus, which was crucified. He is not here, for he is rifen, as he faid. Come, fee the Place where the Lord lay. And after he was ri'en from the Dead, he often appeared unto his Difciples, and He did eat, and drink, and converfe with them. It is faid, he /hewed himfelf alive to his Apofiles, by many infallible Proofs being feen of them forty Days, and fpeakng of the 'Things partaining to the Kingdom of God Acts i. 3. When he left this World, and had taken Leave of his Difciples he did not go from them into a iecret Place, and thence by himfelf alone afcend up into Heaven : No, but as there were many Witneflesof his Death, and of his Refurredion, fo like wife of his Afcenfion into Heaven. The Hiftory of the Holy Jems written by St, Luke teftines, that tivo of his Difciples, (Luke xxiv. 1 3.) went the fame Day (in v/hich our Lord rofe from the Dead) to a Village called Emmaus, and that cur Lord joined himfelf to their Com- pany, (ver. 15 J and beginning at Mofea, and all the Prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the Things concerning himfelf. (ver. in flaming Eire, taking (J Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrifl : Who fhall be funifhed with everlafting Deftrutlion from the Prefence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power. Thefe Predictions may well excite in rational Minds the moft amazing Fears, if they are guilty of difbelieving the Gofpel of Chrift ; becaule their reafoning Faculty renders them capable of coufidering the Evidence of true Propofitions, and thereby of receiving Conviction of the Truth of the Gofpel. And if they are not convinced of the moft plain, and molt important Truths, it is becaufe they will not confider the Evidence of them. If On the Sacred Predictions. 19 If a Man at Noon Day, with a clear Sky, fhall fay the Sun does not fhine, and that there is no fuch Thing as the Sun, he either i< blind, or belies his Senfcs, and either he has no Reafon, or knowingly contradicts it. And thus if a Man fhall fay, the Gofpel of Chnft is not true, (fince Chrift by many infallible Proofs has eftablifhed it,) he fpeaks and acfts againft Reafon in rejecting ic. What the Holy Jefus laid of the Jews, is ap- plicable to thefe Unbelievers. In John xv. 24. the b'.effed Jefus faid of them •, If I had not done among- them the Works which none other Man did, they had not had Sin ; but now have they both feen and hated me and my Father. And it may be faid of the Infidels (who have the Gofpel among them, and will not believe it,) that they have Sin, and no Cloke for their Sin. They fhut their Eyes and will not fee, but they {hall fee, and be afhamed, as it is faid ; Ifa, xxvi. 1 7. and it may be very foon : For when Death comes, tho' it clofes the Eyes of their Bodies, it will open the Eyes of their Minds: And then they will fee that the Holy Scriptures are indeed the Word of God, and that the Gofpel came from God, publishing and offering Salva- tion to all Sorts of Sinners, by Jefus Chrift: Then they will fee the Worth of their Souls, and the Excellency of the Happinefs purchafed by Chrift, and offered to them, and refufed by them. O what Horror, what Diftrefs filled the Mind of St. Paul, when Jefus of Nazareth appeared to him in the Way, as he went to Damafcus, and when he found that juft One, whom the Jews had crucified, both Lord and Chrift 1 But how much greater Horrors, and even a dreadful and irremoveable Defpair join'd with D 2 them, 2© On the Sacred Frediblions. them, will fill the Souls of the Infidels, as foon as they are taken irom their Bodies, by an Angry and a Sin- revenging God ! Theie Infidels are more guilty, and their Guilt more ao-aravated than that of the Devils. The Devils believe that Jefus or Nazareth is the Son of God, and the Saviour of Men ; they believe all the Facts relating to him, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. But the Infidels deny them •, and their Guilt is the more heinous, as Chrift came into the World on purpofe not to fave the Devils, but the finful Children of Men. And as the whole Series of his Actions, were Acts of Pity, of Love mani- fefted both to the Bodies and Souls of Men, as he came to purchafe the Pardon of Sins, Peace with God, and everlafting Felicity for all that would become his Difciples. O Merciful God, awaken the Confciences of thofe defperate Sinners-, biing them to believe that Faith which they have hitherto been labour- ing to deftroy ! Bring them to read, and confider what the bletfed Jefus fays, (in Matt. x. 32, 33.) whofoever the y ef ore Jhall confefs me before Alen, him will I cenfef alfo before my Father, which is in Heaven. But whofoever Jhall deny me before Men, him will 1 afo de>y before my Father which is in Heaven. Thefe Words mould engage us not only ro be- lieve in Chrift, but readily to own and acknow- ledge him to be our Redeemer, in whom we truft for Salvation, and thty fhould refrain us from denying him. In Mark viii. 36, 37, 3$. Chrift fays, For what Jhall it profit a Man, if he gain the whole World, and lofe his own Soul? or what /hall a Man give in Exchange for bis Sold? Whoever therefore Jhall he ajhamed of me. and of my Words (which On the Sacred Predictions. ?_ j (which include his Doclrines and Laws,) in this adulterous, and Sinful Generations, of him alfo fhall the Son of Man be afhamed, when he comeih in the Glory of his Father, zvith the Holy Angels. Tkefe Sayings of Chrift import not only that the Unbelievers, but alfo that thofe Frofeffors of his Gofj el, who to avoid Sufferings, or to gain any Worldly Advantage, fhall either deny ChriO, or be afhamed of him, or his Words and Doc- trines, are appointed to inexpreflible and ever- *}afting Punifhmcnts, they lofe their own Souls, and all the Happinefs purchafed by Chrift, and offered to Sinners by the Gofpel, and are not to be reckoned real Chriftians. But though Men in Words may own Chrift, and call themfelves Chriftians, yet if they live in allowed Difobedience to the Rules of his Gof- " pel, they are not fincere Chriftians. In Tit. i. 6. The Apoftle fays, They prof efs that they know God, but in Works deny him, being abominable and dif- qbedienty and to every good Work reprobate. Thus it appears fiom infallible Proofs, that Jesus of Nazareth who was born of the Virgin Mary, who led a Life of Sufferings and Sorrows, who was crucified and put to Death under Pon- tius Pilate, and who rofe again from the Dead the third Day •, is Chrift, the promifed Saviour. I have faid thus much concerning the Sin of Unbelief, and of ProfefTors being afhamed to own Chrift, and his Gofpel, to warn People againft complying with any Temptations, which may incline them to be guilty of thofe Crimes, LET T E 7 Containing Remarks on fme Vc/U of the Holy Scriptures , by which Perfons m know hem- f elves, whether they are Jinceri Chi «j, to whom the prediclei B effings do belong . And of their being in Covenant wi.b God, and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in them : Likewife of the different Manner, in which the Holy Spirit bringeth Perfons to be fine ere Chrifiians. ffil Shall now take Notice of fome |p Parts of the Holy Scriptures from $§S which we may know, who are Sy£ .«! ferious Chrifiians. m reai ' Jte|p| In Matt. x. 3. the Holy- Jefus ')sM^^i£4&%& fays, Except ye be converted, and become as little Children, ye fhall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven : Therefore they who are not converted, and do not become as little Children, are not real, and ferious Chrifiians ; becaufe fin- cere Chrifiians have many Promifes, which are a folid Ground of Affurance that they fhall be ad- mitted into the Kingdom of Heaven. Another plain Conclufion may be added, viz. that therefore the Miniflers of Chrifl, fhould explain, and prove the NecefTity of that Conver- fion, which Chrifl fpeaks of. 4 In On the Sacred Predictions. 23 In John iii. 3, 5. Chrift the glorious Teacher, who came down from Heaven, fays, Except a Man be born again he cannot fee the Kingdom of God. Except a Man be born of Water •, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Therefore they who are not born again, born of Water, and-of the Spirit, are not to be reckoned fincere Chriftians. And therefore the Minifters of Chrift fhould explain the Nature, and preach the Neceffity of being born again, according to our Saviour's Doctrine. In 2 Cor. v. 17. It is faid, If any Man be in Chrifl , he is a new Creature, old Things are pafi away, behold all 'Things are become new. There- fore, they who are not new Creatures, they in whom the old Things are not pad away, and in whom all Things are not become new, are not ferious, or real Chriftians : And therefore alfo the Minifters of Chrift fhould explain, and preach the Doctrine of the new Creature, and of the palling away of the old Things, and of the Na- ture, and Neceffity of all Things becoming new. True Chriftians are diftinguifhed from others by their receiving Chrift, and trufting in him, In John i. 12, It is faid, But as many as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God, even to them, that believe on his Name. The Devils believe that Chrift is the Saviour ef Men, and believe what is related in the Gof- pels of his Birth, of his Doctrines, Miracles, Sufferings, Death and Refurrection, but they do not receive Chrift -, He was not offered to them! True Believers receive him as their Saviour, and Prince, and confent to be fubject to his Au- thority, and obedient to his Laws ; and they truft in him for his great Salvation. St. 24 On the Sacred Predictions. St. Paul fpeaking of Chrift, lays, to the heathen Converts at Ephefus, In whom alfo we have obtained an Inheritance, being predeftinated ac- cording to the Purpofe of him, who woiketh all Things after the Counfel of his own Will: That we (q. d. we Jews,) fhould be to the Praifd of his Glory, who fir ft i rafted in Chrift. In whom ye (Gentiles) alfo trailed after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the Gofpel of your Salva- tion : In whom alfo, after that ye believed ye were fealed with that Holy Spirit of Promife. Eph. i. II, 12, 13. True Believers, ferious Chriftians, are diftin- guifhed by their Love to Chrift, and their keep- ing his Commandments. Unto you therefore which believe, He, (that is Chrift) is precious, fays the .Apoftle, ( 1 Pet. ii. 7.) Therefore they to whom Chrift is not precious, are not true Believers, or fincere Chriftians. The fame Apoftle fpeaking of Chrift unto Be- lievers, fays, Whom having not feen, ye love -, in whom though now ye fee him not, yet believing, ye re- joice with Joy unfpeakable and full of Glory. (1 Pet-. 8. i,)- Divine Love with its happy Fruits, is the ful- filling of the Law. In Deut. vi. 5. it is faid, Thou jhalt love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart, and with all thy Soul, and with all thy Mind. So in Matt. xxii. 37. which implies that fincere Love to God is eflential to true Piety. In John xiv. 21. the bleffcd Jefus faid, He thai hath my Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me \ and he that loveth me, Jhall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifeft myfelf unto him, and ver. 24. he fays, He that loveth mt not, keepeth not my Sayings. Whence On the Sacred Predictions. 1$ Whence it is evident, that they who truly love Chrift, do keep his Commandments; and that they who live in Difobedience to them, do not fincerely love him, whatfoever they may profefs ; and they are not real Chriftians. In John viii. 42. Jefus faid to the Jews, If Cod were your Father, ye would love me : For I proceeded forth, and came from God. Therefore they who do not love Chrift have not God for their Father, and are not real Chiiftians. I would further obferve that real Chriftians, are Perfons in Covenant with God. There is an holy Agreement, or Covenant between the great God and them : It is the Way, the Almighty has in- ftituted of dealing with his beloved People: God made a Covenant with Noah. For it is faid, Gcd fpake unto Noah, and his Sons with him, faying^ And I, behold, I eftabli/h my Covenant with you, and with your Seed after you ; Gen. ix. 8, 9. God alfo made a Covenant with Abraham. We read in Gen. xvii. 1, 2. that, The Lord ap- peared unto Abram, and faid unto him, I am the Almighty God, walk before me, and be thou perfetl^ And I will make my Covenant between me, and thee. Here are two Engagements in this folemn Co- venant, viz. 1. God's gracious Promife to be Abraham's God, which implies the greatetl Hap- pinefs and Honour, and alio Abraham's Obliga- tion to walk (or live) before God according to his Will, with Uprightnefs of Heart : 2, Abra- ham's Confent to walk as God required. And thus there was a mutual Agreement or Covenant between God and Abraham. Frequent Mention is made throughout the Old Teftament of God's Covenant : David in a Pfalm of thankfgiving, faid, He is the Lord our God, his Judgments are in all the Earth, be ye mindful aU E wayi 26 On the Sacred Predtctkns. ways of his Covenant : The Word which he has commanded to a Thoufand Generations, 1 Chron. xvi. 14, 15. In Pf.iL xxv. 15. It is faid, The Secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will fhew them his Covenant. He will make known to them, who are truly pious, fome of his fecret Purpofes ; and the Bleflednefs of their being in Covenant with him •, but unto the Wicked God faith, What has thou to do to declare my Statutes, or that thou fhculdeft take my Covenant in thy Mouth ? Pfal. 1. 16. Which plainly implies that the Wicked have no Intereft in God's Covenant, and that he did not approve of their being Teachers of his Laws. In Ijaiah xlii. 5, 6. we read, Thus faith Gcd the Lord, (that is to the Mefliah) / the Lord have called thee in Right eoufnefs, and will hold thine Hand^ and will keep thee, and give thee for a Covenant of the People, for a Light of the Gentiles. Theie Words import that God's Covenant with his People was intended to continue, not only till Chrift came, but through the Times of the Gofpel. In Jer. xi. 1 — 4. It is written, The Word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, faying Hear, ye the Words of this Covenant, and fpeak unto the Men of Judah, and to the Inhabitants of Jerufalem, and fay thou unto them, Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, curfed be the Man, that obeyefh not the Words of this Covenant, which I commanded your Fathers m the Day that I brought them forth out of the Land of Egytt, from the Iron Furnace, fay- ing, Obey my Voice and do them, according to all which I command you : fo fhall ye be my People, and 1 will be your God. Hence On the Sacred Predictions. 27 Hence do appear the mutual Engagements be- tween God, and his People in the Holy Cove- nant, viz. on the People's Part, God command- ed them to obey his Voice, and keep all his Com- mandments, and this the People confented, and pro mi fed to do. They exprefled to Mofes their Confent, Exod. xxiv. 3. All the People anfwered with one Voice, and f aid, All the Words which the Lord hath faid will we do. In ver. the 7th, we read. And he (i. e. Mofes) took the Book of the Covenant, and read in the Au- dience of the People, and they faid ; all that the Lord hath faid, will we do, and be obedient. This Engagement the People entered into : On the Part of God, he confented to, and by , Promife agreed that they fhould be his People, and himfelf would be their God. It is hkewife evident, that they who will not obey the Words of God's Covenant, and keep his Holy Commandments are Cur fed. God dill deals with Men in the Way of a Covenant : Our glorious Redeemer is called by the Prophet Malachi, the Meffenger of the Cove- nant, when he fpake of the Median's Coming into the fecond Temple, Mai. iii. 1. where it is faid, Beheld I will fend my Meffenger, and he fhall prepare the Way before me \ and the Lord whom ye feek /kail fuddenly come to his Temple -, even the Meffenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in j Behold he fhall come, faith the Lord of Hofts. And in the EpifHe to the Hebrews, he is de- clared to be the Mediator of the Covenant, (which tinder the Difpcnfation of the Gofpel, is called a new Covenant, Heb. viii. 6. where the Apoftle fays, But now hath he (that is Chrifl) obtained a more excellent Minifiry, (that is better than the Miniftry of Mofes,) by bow much alCo he is the E 2 Afctt- 2& On the S acred TrediBiom . Mediator of a better Covenant \ which was ejlabiijh- ed upon better Promifes. In Heb. xiii. 20, 21. the Apoftle fays, now the God cf Peace that brought again from the Dead our Lord Jejus, that great Shepherd of the Sbe>p y through the Blood cf the everlafiing Covenant, make you perfetl in every good Work to do his Will, work- i g in you that which is well ple^fing in his Sight, through Jefus Chrijt ; 10 whom be Glory for ever, and ever Amen. l/fc Hencejt appears that the Covenant of which Chrift is the Mediator is an everlafting Covenant, ratified, and made lure by the fhedding of his precious Biood for us on the Crofs. And ali real Chriftians do devote themfelves to God in Covenant •, they define to have the Lxrd for their God, their Lawgiver, their Por- tion and Happinefs, and in the name of Chrift give tlumfeb es to be his Servant ; they defire to have Chrift as the Mediator between God and them, |hcy defire to have the Lord Jefus in all his Offices, and truft in him alone for all the Solvation they want ; and they defire the Holy Spirit may dwell in them as a Sanclifier, and work in them both to will and to do, and to be always their Guide, and their Comforter. j Thus they do confent to be the LorcL and to live according to his Holy Will. And all the Promifes of the Gofpel, fhew God's confent to be their God ; and thus it appears, that there is a mutual Agreement, or Covenant between the Holv God, and all fincere Chriftians. There is another Thing to be obferved as to real Chriftians, true Believers and of the utmoft Importance, viz. that they have the Holy Spi- rit due ling in them; they were born of the Spi- rit, and the Holy Spirit abideth in them. 7 The On the Sacred Pr editions. 29 The Predictions on Record in the Old Tefta- ment a-e a iolid Ground for the People of God under that Difpenfation, and for all true Believers under the Gofpel, lor expe&ing the great Blefllng and Dignity of having the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. In Ezek. xxxvi. 27. The God of Truth fays, / will put my Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in my Statues, and ye Jh all keep my Judgments, and do them. A precious Promife! Which may comfort the Hearts of the Saints when they meet with Difficult-es in the Way of their Duty ; and may well encourage them when they meet with the Temptations, and BufFctcings of the Devil. And th ; s great Bieffing, the In-dwelling of God's Holy Spirit we fhould pray for it; and we arc incour^ged to do fe, by the Words of our "gracious Redeemer, in Luke xi. 13. where he lays, If ye then being evil, how how to give good Gifts unto your Children : How much more Jh all your heavenly bather give the Holy Spirit to them that ajk him ? In John vii. 38, 39. Chrift fay?, He that be- lieve th on me, as the Scriptures hath J (aid ', out of his Belly Jhall Jiow Rivers of liv.ng Water. But this fpake he . of the Spirit, which ihey that believe on him fJjould receive. In John xiv. 17. the bleffed Jefus, fpeaking of the Holy Ghoft, fays, Even the Spirit of Truth, whom the World cannot receive, becaufe it Jeeth him not- neither know eth him: But y) know him, for he dwelkth with you, and fijali be in you. In Gal. iii. 14. the Apoftle fays, Thst the Biffing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jefus Chrift ; that we might receive tie Promife of the Spirit (^or the Spirit promifedj through Faith. Whence 30 On the Sacred Predictions. Whence it appears, that they who have the Faith which the Golpel requires, have alfo received the Holy Spirit. In 2 Tim. i. 14. the Apoftle fays to Timothy, That good Thing which was committed unto thee, keep by the Holy Ghoft which dwrtleih in us. The Sacred Scriptures, both of the Old and New Teftament, fpeak abundantly of the Holy Spirit : David earneftly prayed, that God would not take his Holy Spirit from him. ^Aa-re; See P fa. li. 11, 12. q wh t q jie prays thus, 0w are conftantly there : Now many of their former 38 On the Sacred Predictions. former Acquaintance deride them, and now all pious Perfons, who know any thing of them rejoice in their Converfion. Such a Convert may fay, When God revealed his gracious Name, And chang'd my finful State, My Rapture feem'd a pleafing Dream, The Grace appear'd fo great. The World beheld the glorious Change, And did his Hand confefs, My Tongue broke out in unknown Strains, And fung furprizing Grace. Great is the Work, my Neighbours cry'd, And own'd the Power Divine ; Great is the Work, my Heart reply'd, And be the Glory Thine. Watt's Pfalms, Pfal. 126. And how thankful are fuch Converts, for the holy and happy Change of their Condition, and thankful even for the Afflictions which were the Means of it : Such a Chriftian can fay, Father, I blefs thy chaft'ning Hand ; Mow kind was thy rebuking Rod, Which forc'd my Confcience to a Stand, And brought my wand'ring Soul to God ! Foolifh and vile, I went aftray, E'er I had felt thy Scourges, Lord, ] left my Guide, and loft -my Way ; But now I love, and keep' thy Word. Watt's Pfalms, Pfal. no: LETT V. On the Prediclions, of the great Bleffings, which in this Life are befiowed on every Believer ; viz. Jiiftification, Adoption, and Sanclification ; Blef- fings abfolutely neceffary to the Safety ', the Comfort, and Happinefs of every Man ; and which import a great Varieiy of Benefits', even Afflictions are intended as a Means to promote the Holinefs, and the future Happinefs of Chriftians \ and likewife of Preditlions, encouraging Backjliders to return unto God. Shall now proceed more particular- ly ro confider thofe Predictions of the Blefiings, which are given to fincere Chriftians in this Life ; but muft obferve that there are no Predictions of Immunity to them from Troubles in this World, but feveral of Afflictions in this Life, which therefore they mould expect. It is faid, Man that is born of a Woman is of few Days, and full of Trouble. Job xiv, i. And it is faid, Pfal. xxxiv. 19. Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous, but it is there fore- told, that the Lord delivcreth him out of them all. Our 40 On the Sacred Predictions. Our blefled Saviour foretold to his Difciplesj that Troubles would befal them •, for in John xvi. 32. he faid to them, In? the World ye fkall have Tribulation. In Heb. xii. 6. it is laid, Whom the Lord hveth he chafteneth, and fcourgeth every Son whom he re- ceiveth, and ver. 8. But if ye be without chaftifanent, 'whereof all are Partaken, then are ye Baftards, and not Sons. Yet notwithstanding all the Troubles and Afflic- tions, which true Believers meet with in this Lite, it will appear from the Predictions of Bleffings relating to them, that they are truly happy, and the only Perfons that are fo in this World, as well as in the next : Particularly from the following. I. Prediction. Justification is one of the Blelfings purchafed by Chrift, and revealed in his Gofpel, and is that Act of God by which he ac- cepts of a Sinner as righteous in his Sight, and forgives all his Sins, and becomes reconciled to him : And this Act of Divine Grace is predicted ; It is foretold that they mould be juftified, and pardoned. In Ifa. xlv. 25. it is faid, In the Lord (that is, the Lord Jefus Chrift) Jhall all the Seed of If ad be juftified, and (hall glory, that is, all the Spiri- tual beed, ail who truly believe, whether Jews or Gentiles, ihall be juftified in him by' Faith j and in Ifa. liii. ii. it is faid, By his Knowledge foall my righteous Servant jujtify many -, for he /hall bear their Iniquities, (i. e. the Punifhment, which their Iniquities delerved.) In Acts xiii. 39. it is faid, By him, all that believe are juftified from all Things, from which ye could no t be jujlified by the Law of Mofes. The Apoftle Paul fays, Rom. v. 1. Being juftified by Faith, we have peace with God through our On the Sacred Predictions. 41 our Lord Jefus Chrift ; and ver. 9. Being jufti- Jied by his Blood, we jhall be faved from Wrath through him. In Tit. iii. 7. That being juftified by his Grace, iv e Jhould be made Heirs, according to the Hope of eternal Life. It appears from the Texts now cited, 1. That Men are juftified by Faith: And therefore as fbon as Sinners truly believe in Chrift, they are juftified. 2. That no Perfons are juftified by a Courfe of evangelical Obedience perfifted in till their Death ; for it Juftification was to be obtained in that Way, Men could not be juftified and their Sins par- doned, till that Courfe of Obedience fhould be compleated •, and till then, they would remain under Condemnation by God's Law, and deftitute of the Pardon of their Sins, and of a fblid Ground for Peace and Comfort in their Confciences. Miferabje Comforters are they who preach fuch Doclrine •, but the Gofpel aflures us that we are juftified by Faith, that is, as foon as we believe. 3. That they who believe have the Pardon of their Sins, a Difcharge from Condemnation, Peace with God, and are made Heirs of God. There is therefore now no Condemnation to them which are in Chrift Jefus, who walk not after the Fle/h, but after the Spirit. Rom. viii. 1. The Prediction of the BlefTing of Juftification to them who believe, and the Accompliftjmenc of it, fhews that fincere Chriftians are brought into a very happy Condition. Before their Faith in Chrift, they were under a dreadful Sentence of Condemnation to everlafting Punifhmems and Miferies : Not one of their nutn- berlefs Sins was pardoned ; but the wretched Perfons were- Objects of God's Wrath and Curfe, G and 42 On the Sacred Predictions. ar.d they were obnoxious to the Pains of Hell for ever, till they believe. They that remain in a State of Unbelief, and of wilful Difobedience to the Holy, and good God, do remain in a miferable Condition ! A Condition, miferable beyond ExprefTion, and be- yond Thought ; and no Honours, no Dignities, in this World, no ftately Houfes, no great Eftates, no large Pofieffions, nor Heaps of Riches, nor all the Pleafures of Senfe, can render their Condition better. In the Midft of the greateft Affluence of earth- ly Felicities, they are but condemned Malefactors in the Sight of God ; and the Lord the Judge of all, may unexpectedly fend Death the Execu- tioner to take them away, and remove them to be among the Devils, who are referved in Chains under Darkneis againft the Judgment of the great Day. But as foon as any Sinner by a Faith unfeigned clofes with Chrift, be he high or low, or rich, or poor, he is immediately freed from the Guilt of all his Sins ; the Sentence of his Condemna- tion is cancelled ; all his Iniquities are forgiven ; the Holy, and offended God is at Peace with him, and reconciled to him, and he is juftified in his Sight. But how is it, that a Sinner is juftified? This indeed is a Queftion, and a Queftion of the utmoft Moment ; and the Gofpel anfwers it. That it is by Faith ; by Faith as the Inftru- ment, or Means, and by Faith alone. St. Paul fays, not by Works of Right eoufnefs y which we have done. Titus iii. 5. Therefore by the Deeds of the Law, there fnall no Flefli be juftified in his Sight, (that is in rhe Sight of God,) for by the Law is the Know- ledge of Sin, Rom. iii. 20. as if he had faid, No Man On the Sacred Predictions. 43 Man by performing the Deeds, which the Law requires, fhall be justified ; becaufe by examin- ing his Courfe of Life, and all his Actions by the Law, he will know himfelf guilty of many Sins, notwithstanding the Number of Duties he may have performed. And ver. 9. the Apoftle takes Notice, that they had before proved both Jews, and Gentiles, that they are all under Sin ; (that is under the Guilt and Curfe of Sin.) But what is Righteoufnefs ? It may be replied to this Queftion, that Righteoufnefs in a rational Creature, Righteoufnefs in a Man is that Courfe of Life, and Actions, which confifls in the Per- formance of the Duties he owes to God, to him- felf, and to his Fellow Creatures, and in a total Abftinence from every Thing, which God has forbidden. If there is a Neglect of any of the Duties commanded, or a Doing any Thing that is for- bidden by the Divine Law, that Man's Righte- oufnefs is imperfect, and the more numerous his OmifTions of Duty, and his Tranfgreflions are in doing the Things forbidden, the more im- perfect it is. , If his Righteoufnefs was perfect for a Courfe of Years, yet that Righteoufnefs could make no Amends for the Sins committed before that Courfe was begun : But there is no fuch Thing as a per- fect Courfe of Righteoufnefs performed by any Man through the Space of one Year, or Month, or Day ; and an imperfect Righteoufnefs can never make any Man to appear perfectly righteous in the Sight of the Holy God. Therefore no Man can be juftified by the Du- ties he performs. We may well fay with the Pfalmift, If thou, Lord, Jhouldefi mark Iniquities, Lord who fhall G 2 Jland? 44 On the Sacred P red/ fit ens. fiand? Pfal. cxxx. 3. And we may fay to God with David. Pfal. cxliii. 1, 2. Hear my Prayer , O Lord / and enter not into Judgment with thy Servant, for in thy Sight pall no Man living be jujlifi'd, that is by his own Deeds. We have Reafon to confefs to God, and fay Ifa. Ixiv. 6. we are all as an unclean 'Thing, and all our Right coufneffes are as filthy Rags. And therefore no Man has any Ground to ex- pect Juftification in the Sight of the AH feeing God, by his own Righteoufnefs. If we confider the manifold Defects in our Obedience ; and how our beft Services are pol- luted with Mixtures of Sin, we fhall fee abundant Reafon to admire the Grace and Goodnefs of God, in providing another Righteoufnefs for our Juf- tification •, even the Righteoufnefs of his own beloved Son : We fhall fee Reafon to adore and blefs God for appointing Chrift, who had fulfilled all Righteoufnefs to be the End of the Law, for Righteoufnefs to every one that believeth. Rom. x. 4. They who go about to eftablifh their own Righ- teoufnefs, are ignorant of God's Righteoufnefs, the Righteoufnefs which he hath appointed for our Juftification, and have not fubmitted them- felves unto the Righteoufnefs of God : As we may conclude from what is faid in ver. 3. and we may alfo conclude that they have no Intereft in it. In Rom. iii. 20, 21. the Apoftle after he had concluded, (ver. 20 ) that by the Deeds of the £aw, (that is the Duties performed in Obedience to it,) no Flejh (or no Man) fhall be juftified in }>is Sight, (that is in the Sight of God,) he fays in ver. 21. But now the Righteoufnefs of God, (not his Attribute of Righteoufnefs, or Holinefs, but the Righteoufnefs, which he appointed for the Juftification of the Ungodly, without their 2 Obedj- On the Sacred Predictions. 45 Obedience to the Law, that is, the Righteoufnefs of the Mefiiah,) is man if eft, being witnejfed by the Law and the Prophets: and ver. 22. Even the Righteoufnefs of God, which is (received) by' Fait b of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all them, that believe. Not that the Attribute of God is unto all, and upon all them that believe, but the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, which is received by Faith, and imputed to all, and is always upon all them that believe in his Name. We mould cherifh the fame Difpofitions in our Souls, which the Apoftle expreffes in Phil. iii. 8, 9. where he fays, Tea, doubtlefs, and I count all Things but lofs, for the Excellency of the Know- ledge of Chrift Jefus my Lord ♦, for whom I have fuffered the Lofs of all Things, and do count < them but Bung, that I may win Chrift, And be found in him, not having mine own Righ- teoufnefs, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chrift, the Righteoufnefs which is of God by Faith. I dare not think of appearing before the Holy and All-feeing God, with no better Righteoufnefs than my own ; I dare not enter into his Prefence clothed only with my own filthy Rags. Wherewith fhall I come before the Lord, and bow myfelf before the High God? Shall I come before him, with Burnt-Offerings, with Calves of a Tear old? Vain Sacrifices. Will the Lord be pleafed with Thoufands of Rams, or with ten Thoufands of Rivers of Oil? No, they are worthlefs Obla- tions. Shall I give my Firft-Born for my Tranfgref- Jion, the Fruit of my Body for the Sin of my Soul ? Impious Thoughts ! As if the Merciful God, who forbid Murder, could be appeafed by mur- dering human Bodies in Sacrifice to him. Yet there is a fure Way, and a mod comfor- table Way, for the moft guilty Sinner to obtain Mi- 46 On the Sacred Predictions. Juftification before God, Reconciliation to him, and Peace with him •, and the Way is to obtain the Knowledge of Chrift, and by Faith to receive, and truft in him, and in his Righteoufnefs, which he wrought. O merciful God, I earneftly pray that thou wilt not deal with me according to my own Righ- teoufnefs polluted with numberlefs Sins, both of Omiffion and Commiffion ! Grant that I may be found in Chrift having on his Righteoufnefs, which he wrought for the Juftification of Sinners, who believe in him. No more, my God, I boaft no more Of all the Duties, I have done ; I quit the Hopes, I held before, To truft the Merits of thy Son. Now for the Knowledge of his Name, "What was my Gain, 1 count my Lofs, My former Pride, I call my Shame, And nail my Glory to his Crofs. Yea, and I muft, and will efteem All Things but Lofs for Jesus Sake ; O may my Soul be found in him, And of his Righteoufnefs partake ! The beft Obedience of my Hands, Dares not appear before thy Throne : But Faith can anfwer thy Demands, By pleading what my Lord has done. Watts. It is evident from what has been collected out nf the Holy Scriptures, that all who truly be- lieve in the Lord Jefus, are juftified in the Sight of God from all their Sins •, all their Sins are forgiven them, the Holy God is reconciled to them, On the Sacred PredicJtons. ^rj them, and at Peace with them, as foon as ever they perform that Faith in Chrift which the Gofpel requires : Likewife it is manifeft that their receiv- ing this great Blefling of Juftification, is a fulfill- ing of Predictions on Record in the Word of God. The Contemplation of the ineftimable Benefits imported in this great Blefling, may adminifter Comfort to ferious Chriftians at all Times ; and not only in Times of Profperity, but in Times of perfonal and family Trouble, and in Times of publick Calamities. In every Time of Affliction and Diftrefs, it is matter of Comfort to confider, that the righteous God, is my reconciled God, and has received me into the Number of his beloved People, arid is my God in Covenant. II. Prediction. Adoption, is another of the Blefiings, which the Holy Jefus purchafed for all that fhall believe in his Name. It is predicted of Believers, that they fhall be Children of God ; that is, it is foretold that they fhall have the great Blefling and Honour of Adoption by the Almighty into the Number of his Sons and Daughters. A. In Jer. xxxi. 9. the Lord fays, Tarn a Fa- ther to Ifrael. And fo he was to Abraham and to Ifaac •, and fo he was and is, and will be to all the fpiritual Seed of Abraham •, to all who are Ifraelites indeed, Children of Abraham's Faith, in all Ages, paft, preient, and future. B. In Ifa. Ixiii. 16*. the People of God are re- prefented, as faying, Dcubtlefs thou art our Fa* ther. Thou* O Lord, art our Father, our Re> deemer ; thy Name is from Everlajiin^. 48 On the Sacred Predictions. C. In John i. 12. it is faid, But to as many as received him,' that isChrift) to them gavehe Power to become the Sons of God, even to them, that be- lieve on his Name. D. The Apoftle Paul fays, As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. For ye have not received the Spirit of Bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of Adoption ^whereby we cry Abba, Father. Rom. viii. 14, 15. And in ver. 17. he fays, And if Children, then Heirs j Heirs of God, and joint Heirs with Chrift. E. Rom. ix. 26. We read, And it Jhall come to pafs that in the Place (i. e. in the heathen Countries, where the People knew not God, nor Jefus Chrift,) where it was /aid unto them, Te are not my People, there (upon their Converfion to Faith in Chrift, by the Preaching of the Gofpel) jhall they be called the Children of the living God. F. In 2 Cor. vi. 15, &V. the Apoftle fays, (to the Saints at Corinth) What Concord hath Chrift with Belial? Or what Part hath he that believeth with an Infidel I And what Agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols ? For ye are the Temple of the living God; as God hath J aid, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they Jhall be my People. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye feparate, faith the Lord, and touch not the unclean Thing, and I will receive you. G. And I will be a Father unto you, and ye (hall be my Sons, and Daughters, faith the Lord Al- mighty. H. On the Sacred Predictions. 49 H. In Gal. iii. 26. the Apoftle fays, Ye are all the Children of God by Faith in Chrift Jefus. I. In Gal. iv. 4, 5. it is faid, God fent forth his Son, To redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the Adoption of Sons. K. Ver. 7. Wherefore thou art no more a Servant, but a Son ; and if a Son, then an Heir of God through Chrift. L. In Eph. i. 5, 6. the Apoftle fays, Having predejlinated us to the Adoption of Children by Jefus Chrift to himfelf; according to the good Pleafure of his Will, to the Praife of the Glory of his Grace, wherein he has made us accepted through the Beloved. M. In 1 John iii. 1. it is faid, Behold what Manner of hove the Father hath beftowed upon us, that we jhould be called the Sons of God. ver. 2. Beloved now are we the Sons of God. Thefe Texts of the Holy Scriptures now recit- ed inftruct us in the following Particulars, viz. 1. That God was, is, and will be the Father. of all that believe and obey his Word. See Let- ters A. B. C. 2. That all fuch Perfons are adopted into the Number of his Children. See Letters C. D. E, 3. That Faith is the Means by which thofe who have been wilful Sinners, the Children of the Devil ; do become the Children of God. See Letters C. H. H There^ 50 On the Sacred Predictions. Therefore when a Man (or as foon as a Man) believes in Chrift, God gives him, and he receives the great Bleffing of Adoption : 4. That the Adoption into the Number of the Children of God, is a Bleffing purchafed for us by Jefus Chrift. See Letter I. 5. That they who have received the Adoption are Heirs of God, Heirs to an Inheritance moft glorious and everlafting •, but of this, I fliall fay more hereafter. See Letters D. K. 6. That Adoption is an Act of God's free Grace. See Letters L. M. Behold what Man- ner of Love the Father hath beftowed on us in making us his Children I A wonderful Inftanceof free Favour utterly undeferved by us ! 7. That true Believers are predeftinated of God to this Felicity. See Letter L. O how great is the Happinefs of all fincere Chriltians ? To be the Children of God is the higheft Dignity. This Honour have all the Saints. But the Unbelieving, and Difobedient have it not : No, they are of their Father the Devil, and the Luft of their Father they do. But this great Bleffing includes many others ; which are a Ground of Comfort at all Times. They are very many : I fhali only felect fome of them, as follows, viz. 1. God has foretold, that he will give them his Presence. His gracious Prefence will make a Wildernefs to beaParadife: how often has it madePrifons, Houfes of Joy, and Gladnefs to the persecuted Saints ? The Omniprefence of God, which excites painful Thoughts in the Minds of the Wicked, when they think upon it, gives a Pleafure to ferious Chrilliajis. And On the Sacred "Predictions. 5 1 And how fhould we daily pray for God's Pre- fence with us ? We may pray for it with a chear- ful Hope, if we read fome of his Predictions. In Exod. xxxiii. 14. God fays, My Prefence /hall go with thee. In Pfal. cxl. 13. It is faid to God, the Upright (hall dwell in thy Prefence. In Jfa. xli. 10. God fays, Fear thou not, for I am with Thee. In Dent. xxxi. 8, It is faid, The Lord, he it is that doth go before thee, he will be with Thee, He will not fail Thee, neither for- fake Thee. And in John xiv. 23. Chrift fays, If any Man love me, he will keep my Words : And my Father will love him-, and we will come unto him, and make our Abode with him. Let ferious Chriilians contemplate thefe Decla- rations frequently ; and with the Influence of the Holy Spirit, they will derive much Comfort from them. 2. It is likewife predicted, that God will hear the Prayers, and grant the Petitions of his Chil- dren. It is a great Advantage for a Man to have a rich and companionate Friend, able and willing to fupply and help him on every Occafion : But the Favour of God affords inexpreflibly more abundant Confolation. And there are gracious Predictions that he will regard the Prayers of his People. In Pfal. iv. 3. It is faid, But know that the Lord hath fet apart him that is godly for himfelf: The Lord will hear, when I call unto him. In Pfal. xxxiv. 15. It is written, The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous, and his Ears are open unto their Cry. ver. 1 7. The Righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth iliem cut of all their Troubles. H 2 In 52 On the Sacred Predictions. In Pfal. cxlv. 19. It is faid, He will fulfill the Dcjire of them that fear him : He alfo will hear their Cry, and will fave them. Comfortable Pre- dictions ! In Zecb. xiii. 9. Our good God fays, They Jhall call on my Name, and I will hear them : I will fay* It is my People, And they fh all fay, the Lord is my God. In Matt. vii. 7. Our loving Redeemer fays to his Difciples, Afk, and it Jhall be given you : Seek and ye Jhall find: Knock and it Jhall be opened unto you. And in Matt. xxi. 22. he fays, And all Things tvhatfoever ye Jhall afk in Prayer, believing, ye Jhall receive. Thefe are comfortable Predictions •, and many, very many more of like Import I might men- tion ; for the Sacred Scriptures abound with them. They are Evidences of our Heavenly Father's Loving-kindnefs to his Children. O what Encouragements has he given unto us to the Duty of Prayer ? And to pray with hum- ble Hope of Succefs to our Petitions ? None of his Children ever fought his Face in vain, nor trufted, nor hoped in him in vain. If ferious Chriftians did record the Petitions they afk of Him, and the gracious Anfwers to them, which they receive from Him, what a Difplay of the Divine Power, Goodnefs, Mercy, and Faithfulnefs might they behold in God's Dealings with them ? The Predictions mentioned, and the Accom- plifhment of them, mould be improved to con- firm our Faith, heighten our Love, and our thankfulnefs to our Father, which is in Heaven j and they mould more and more endear our glo- rious Saviour and Mediator to our Souls. As On the Sacred Predictions. 53 As we offer up our Supplications at the Throne of Grace in his Name, and as He is continu- ally making Interceffion for us, (6 it is for his Sake, that we are accepted with the Father, and that our Requefts are granted. In John xvi. 24. Chrift faid unto his Difciples, Hitherto, ye have ajked nothing in my Name. AJk y (q. d. in my Name,) and yejhall (for my Sake,) receive, that your "Joy may he full. III. Sanctification, is another of the great Bleflings predicted for true Believers, and is that Work, by which polluted Sinners become Holy in Heart and Life, and are renewed more and more after the Image of God. This, is the Work of God's Holy Spirit : It begins when true Faith begins in the Soul of a Sinner. The Bleflings of Juftification and Adoption, tho' different the one from the other, yet are con- joint, and are bellowed on the Believer, in the fame Article of Time ; and at the fame Time the glorious Work of a Sinner's Santlijication does alfo begin. But this is gradually carried on through the Courfe of a Believer's Life, from his firft being born again to the Time of his Death ; when Be- lievers are made perfect in Holinefs. This, indeed, is a mod blefled and important Work of the Holy Spirit. It is that Divine Operation by which we are renew'd in the Like- nefs and Image of God. A Blefling abfolutely neceffary to fit us for the happy Enjoyment of him; Becaufe without Holinejs no Man fi all fee the Lord. Heb. xii. 14. But this Blefling (as is evident from the Sacred Scriptures,) belongs to them that believe in Chrift. 6 The 54 On the Sacred Predictions. The holy Jefus, when he pray'd for all his true Difciples to his Father, faid, Sanclify them through thy Truth: thy Word is Truth. John xvii. 17. And ver. 19. he adds, And for their fakes I fanclify myfelf, that they alfo may be fanclified through the Truth. The Apoftle Paul faid to the believing Thefla- lonians, For this is the Will of God, even your Sanclification. 1 Thef. iv. 3. And in 2 Thef. ii. 13. God hath from the Beginning chofen you to Sal- -vat ion, through Sanclification of the Spirit 9 and be- lief of the Truth* The Apollle Peter calls the true Believers, Elecl according to the Foreknowledge of God the Father, through Sanclification of the Spirit unto Obedience. 1 t J eter i. 2. The Apoftle Paul fays to Titus, Chap. ii. 11. The Grace of God which bdngeth Salvation hath (by the Gofpel) appeared to all Men, teaching us that denying Ungodlinefs and worldly Lujls, we Jhou'd live fiber ly, righteoufly, and godly in this pre- fect World ; locking fcr that bleffed Hope, and the glorious Appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jefus Chriji ; who gave him f elf for us, that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purify unto himfelf (by the Operation of the Holy Spirit,) a peculiar People, zealous of good Works. See alfo Tit. iii. 4—7- The Way which infinite Wifdom has con- trived, for the Recovery and Salvation of fallen Man is moft remarkable : For as our firft Parents fell into a State of Sin and Mifery, through a proud Ambition of being wifer, and in a higher Rank than their glorious Creator thought fit ; and through Unbelief of God's Word to them •, for they believed the Words of the Devil, and dif- believed the Words of the Lord, who made them : So the righteous and wife God has ken fit On the Sacred Predictions. $$ fit to require Men to believe his Word ; the Word of the Truth of the Gofpel, and to dis- believe the Suggeftions of the Devil. And he requires all Men to believe in his Son. Jefus Chrift, and to follow after Holinefs -, and fent his beloved Son into the World that they might be faved from their Sins, Sanctified and fitted to dwell with Him. Itisthe Will of God that we mould be holy ; ho- ly in our Hearts, in our Lives and Converfations. But we cannot make ourfelves holy : No, therefore our merciful God and Saviour, has ient down the Holy Spirit to perform the Office of a Sanftifier to us. And the more attentive to, and obfcrvant we are of the Word of God, that, Word of Truth, and of the Motions of the Holy Spirit, the more profperouQy proceeds the Work of Sandtification in us. But they who always refift the Holy Ghoft, and quench the Spirit, are not like to have the holy Fruits of the Spirit in them. We fhould daily pray for the Holy Spirit always to dwell in us, and guide us in the Way wherein we fhould go, and always to help us to perform every Duty, and reftrain us from every Thing that is finful, and enable us to withftand and overcome every Temptation. But notwithstanding the Holinefs of fin cere Chriftians, God fees fit by Afflictions to try their Faith and Patience ; and to moderate their Affec- tions to this World, to purge away their Drofs, and to keep them circumfpect in their PafTage through it. Man that is born of a Woman is of few "Days* and full of Trouble. (Job xiv. j .) And the Trou- bles of the Saints are fome of the Means of their Sanctifkation, But 5 6 On the Sacred Predictions* But there are many Predictions on Record in the Holy Scriptures replete with Comfort for the Children of God, in regard to the Afflictions they meet with in their Courfe through this World. Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous, be they high, or low in Life. Job, and David, and Lazarus, and all the reft of God's People in every Age, and every Country, have found it fo, in their own Experience. But that is a comfortable Prediction in Rom. viii. 28. which fays, All things (adverfe and prof- perous) work (i. e. (hall work,) together for Good to them thai love God, to them who are the called according to his Purpofe. And fo is that recorded in Ifa. xliii. 1,2. where it is written, Thus faith the Lord, that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Ifrael, Fear not •, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy Name, thou art mine. When thou pajfejl through the Waters (i. e. of Afflictions) / will be with thee, and through the Rivers (of Calamities) they fhall not overflow thee : (thou /halt not perifli uridtr them) when thou walkefi through the Fire (through fiery Trials,) thou fhalt not be burnt \ neither fhall the Flame kindle upon thee ; but thou fhalt remain fafe in all forts of Troubles. Afflictions are intended as a Means to pro- mote Holinefs, and to keep the Children of God diligent, and faithful in their Obedience to him. God promifed his People many Blefiings if they would forbear Idolatry, and keep his Sab- baths, and reverence his Sanctuary, and walk in his Statutes, and keep his Commandments: And he threatened to bring many Calamities upon them, if they would not hearken unto him, and would not do al Ihis Commandments. Levit. xxvi. 7. and vsr. 14- Our On the Sacred Predictions. 57 Our heavenly Father doth not afflitf wi'lingly, nor (willingly) grieve the Children of Men. Lament". iii. 33. They arc chaftifed only when it is need- ful. The Apoftle Peter having mentioned to the Saints, the Inheritance referved in Heaven for them, and the Salvation revealed in the Gofpel, fays, Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a Seafon, (if need be) ye are in heavinefs through manifold 'Temptations. 1 Pet. i. 6. And ferious Chriftians have reafon to be patient under their Troubles, and to fupprefs every murmuring Thought, and remember, That whom the Lord loveth, he corretleth, even as a Father the Son, in whom he delight eth. Pro v. iii. ir. The Apoftle fays, Heb. xii. 6. Whom the Lord loveth, he chafteneth, and fcoargeth every Sen whom he receiveth : And the Pfalmift faid, (Pfal. xcix. 12.) Bleffed is the Man, whom thou chafteneth, O Lord, and teacheft him out of thy Law. When Divine Providence brings Afflictions on us, our heavenly Father is then teaching us, and we fhould learn the LefTons which he teaches ; we ihould fee his Name, hear the Rod, and him who appointed it. Mich. vi. 9. And the Children of God do find much Benefit by their heavenly Fathers chaftening. We know the Experience of the holy Pfalmift, from his faying to God, Before I 'was afflitled, I went aftray ; but now I have kept thy Word. Pfal. cxix. 67. and ver. 71. // is good for me that 1 have been afflitled, that I might learn thy Statutes. ver. J 5. I know, Lord, that thy Judgments are right, and that thou in Faithfulnefs haft afflitled me, God's People in all Ages have the like Ex- perience : through the Temptations of the World, and the Fiefh, through the Enticements of Ac- quaintance, and the Remainder of indwelling Sin, I ■ Chriftiaris 58 On the Sacred Predictions. Chriftians often grow negligent of their Duties, and fall into finful Compliances with Cuftoms of- fenfive to the Holy God ; till He brings fome Af- flictions upon them, and his Spirit by Means of them, awakens their Confciences to fearch their Hearts, to examine and amend their Ways. O my Father which art in Heaven ! Help me by thy Grace to walk fo circumfpectly, fo diligently and c hear fully before thee, in the Way of Obedi- ence to all thy Commandments, that Afflictions may become iefs needful for me. O that the Lord would guide my Way To keep his Statutes ftill ! O that my God would grant me Grace To know, and do his Will. O fend thy Spirit down to write, Thy Law upon my Heart •, Nor let my Tongue indulge Deceit, Nor ac~f. the Liars part ! Make me to walk in thy Commands, 'Tis a delightful Road -, Nor let my Head, or Heart, or Hands, Offend again ft my God. Watts's Pfalms 1 1. When Chriftians for a while go on in the Neg- lect: of any known Duty, or in the CommifTion of any known Sin, they bring upon thcmfelves the Character of Backsliders from God, and it is a great Mercy, when his Providences follow them with one Calamity after another, till their Con- fciences are awaken'd, and they are brought to confider the Evil of their Doings, and to repent of their Sins, and tofeekthe Forgivenefs of them through Chrift Jefus. That On the Sacred Predictions. 59 That is a comfortable Prediction in Ifa. xxvii. 2. By this therefore Jh all the Iniquity of Jacob be purged^ and this is all the Fruit (intended) to take away his Sin. God's ufing all proper Means to cleanfe his Children from their Iniquities, and to recover them to their Duty, when they have gone aftray from the Way of it, is an Evidence of his Fa- therly Love and Care of them. O the Condefcenfion of the holy God to fuch Offenders ! Turn backfliding Children faith the Lord. Jer. iii. 14. and in Hof. xiv. 4. I will heal their Backflidings^ I will love them freely. How does the Father of Mercies manifeft his Companion and Love, to his tranfgreffing Child- ren ! He draws them with the Cords of Love. And how fhould the Thoughts of the divine Loving-kindnefs, melt the Souls of Backfliders into Shame and Sorrow for their finful Departures from their God and Father. How mould every one of them think, and fay, thus within themielves. How have 1 finned againft the Lord •, how great are the Provocations which I have been guilty of ? My Father has been continually laying Obligations on me to love and ferve him, and is always doing me good, and preferving me from numberlefs Evils •, but how bafe has been my Behaviour ? All the In- ftances of his Patience and Favour, fhew the heinous Nature of my Sins : Sins committed againft aftonifhing Go.cinds, I have forfeited his Love : O holy God ! May fuch a wicked Wretch as I have been call thee Father ? Thou mighteft not only difinheric me, but juftly doom me to Death eternal, tor being a rebelli ms Son. Have I then any Reafon to think God will re- ceive me, if i return to him ? I 2 Hark! 6p On the Sacred Predictions. Hark ! O my Soul ! He calls to thee, he fays, Return unto me ye backfliding Children, and I will heal your Backjlidings. (Jer. iii. 22.) And now, O my Soul, anfwer, Behold, I come unto thee, for thcu art the Lord my God. And may I not take encouragement to do fo, from the Parable of the prodigal Son ? He fpent all the Subftance his Father gave him in riotous Living ; but when he had fuffered fore Diftrefies, and was reduced to great Want, he refolved to return Home, and to humble himfelf, and to in- treat his Father to receive him again into his Fa- mily, though it was but as one of his hir'd Ser- vants. This Prodigal when he came to himfelf, when he came to be in a right Mind, and to a due Senfe of his fad Condition, faid, (Luke xv. 18. 19.) I will arife, and go to my Father \ and will fay unto him, Father I have finned againjl Heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son 1 make me as one of thy hrSd Servants. He went, and his loving and forgiving Father, (when he was yet a great "Way off) faw him, avd had Compajfion, and ran, and fell upon his Neck, and kiffed him. ver. 20. He received his penitent Child, he was imme- diately reconciled to him, and rejoiced in his Converfion, and abraided him not with his paft Sins. And may I not hope that my heavenly Father will receive and forgive me ? And be reconciled to me i for he is a merciful God, and deligheth in Mercy. O gracious God, though thou mighteft reje<5t me with Abhorrence, though I am no more wor- thy to be called thy Son, yet for the Sake of the blefftd Jefus, pardon my Sins, receive me again into thy On the Sacred Predictions. 6 1 thy Favour, for in his Name I return unto thee i And Lord evermore keep me in the Way of Faith and Holinefs, Amen. He will turn again, he will have Companion on us-, he will fub due all our Iniquities -, and thou wilt caft all their Sins into the Depth of the Sea. Said the Prophet Micah unto God. Mic. vii. 10. Com- fortable Words ! God will chaftife his adopted Children ; he may hide his Face from them, but he will not caft them off for ever. If his Children for fake my Laws, ffays God,) and walk not in my Judgments -, if they break my Statutes, and keep not my Commandments : 'Then will I vifit their Tranfgreffions with a Rod, and their Iniquity with Stripes. Never thelefs, my Loving- kindnefs will I not utterly take from him, nor fuffer my Faith fulnefs to fail; my Covenant will I not break, nor alter the Thing that is gone out of my Lips, Pfal. lxxxix. 30 — 34. If God's Children go aftray like a loft Sheep, (as the Pfalmift did, Pfal. cxix. 176.) he will re- cover, and bring them back. Our great Redeemer calleth true Believers his Sheep. In John x. 27, 28. he fays, My Sheep hear my Voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal Life, and they fhall never perijh, neither fhall any (neither wicked Men nor Devils) pluck them out of my Hands. A plain Proof thefe Words are, that Chrift our good Shepherd, who laid down his Life for the Sheep, will certainly bring all true Believers to the Poffeffion of eternal Life. If any of them wander from him, he will find them out, and bring them back to his Fold. The Apoflle Paul in his Epiftle to all the Saints in Chrift Jefus, (Philip, i. i.)inver. 6. affurcs them of the Certainty of their Perfeverance j for 3 he 62 On the Sacred Predictions. he fays, Being confident of this very Thing, that he which hath begun a good Work in you, will perform it (or carry it on) until the Day of Jefus Chrift. And the Apoftle Peter eftablifhes the fame Doctrine, in i Pet. i. 5. where fpeaking of true Believers, he fays, Who are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation : and as this is true, fo is it true alfo, That at lajl they will receive the End of their Faith, even the Salvation of their Souls. This is a comfortable Doctrine to ferious Chrif- tians, when in the Courfe of their Pilgrimage through the Wildernefs of this World towards the heavenly Canaan, they meet with Difficulties and Dangers ; and they are afraid they (hall not be able to hold out to the End of Life. As David was afraid that one Day or other, he fhould perifh by the Hand of Saul, though God had promifed to make him King of Ilrael : So ferious Chriftians have fometimes difmal Fears on the Account of their great Frailty, and the ftrong Oppofitions they meet with in the Way of their Duty. But it is matter of Comfort to confider, that we are not left to ourfelves : No, Chrift the Cap- tain of our Salvation .has undertaken to obtain for us a compleat Salvation -, we have fkd to him for Refuge, and we have committed ourfelves to Him, both Souls and Bodies, to be faved by him from all our Sins, and from all the Miferies which our Sins have deferved, and from all our Spiri- tual Enemies. The Apoftle faid to Timothy, 1 know whom I have believed, 'or tr lifted,) and I am perfuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him againjl that Day. 2 Tim. i. 13. And every fmcere Chriftian may fay the fame. And On the Sacred Predictions. 63 And (in Rom. viii. 25' " m 37-) he f a Y s > Who jhall feparate us from the Love of Chrift ? Shall Tribulation^ or Dijlrefs, or Perfection, or Famine* or Nakednefs, or Peril, or Sword? Nay, in all thefe Things we are more than Conquerors, through him that loved us. Although without Chrift we can do nothing, yet through his ftrengthening us, we fhall be able to hold on our Way, and obtain a compleat Victory over all the Principalities and Powers of Darknefs. The Contemplation of thefe Things may con- folate our Minds, and relieve us from uneafy, unbelieving Fears. w LETTER VI. On the Afflictions of fcrious Chriflians, and the Pre- dictions, which may comfort them in the Times of their Troubles. When they have been under many Afflictions and are brought into great Per- plexity^ there are Predictions, which may fupport them: Afflictions*^ of two Kinds, Tem- poral, and Spiritual : I. Of temporal Afflictions particularly. 1. By the Death of Children. 2. The Death of Hufiands. 3. The Lofs of dear and ufeful Friends. 4. The Falling under falfe Accufations, vAth the Predictions which may af- ford Relief under fuch Sorrows. II. Of Spi- ritual Troubles particularly. 1 . Of an habitual Defpondence. 2. Of the Anguifh and Diflrcfs of the Soul, after the Commijjion of fome heinous Sin. 3. Of the great Troubles and Sorrcw OC' cafioned by the violent Temptations^ and Affaults cf the Devil. HERE are Times of great Af- flictions and Diftrefs even with ferious Chriftians ; and there are Predictions in the Holy Scriptures, which may relieve, and comfort their forrowful Hearts : Blefied be our Companionate God for them ! Sometimes On the Sacred Predi&'icns. 6 5 Sometimes Afflictions come quick, one after another, and are of long Continuance, and the Troubles are great, and the Afpect of Providence feems to threaten greater. They are under thick Darknefs, reduced to great Extremity, and they can fee no Way in which Deliverance can come to them ; and they are ready almoft to give up their Hope. Yet in fuch a difmal Time as this, there are Predictions proper for their Support and Comfort. For in Ifa. x!i. 17. we read thefe Words, I the Lor d will hear them, I the God of Jfrael will not forfake them : that is, thofe who are his People, he will not forfake : Comfortable Predictions^siias ! And in many Places Go J has promifed to deliver his People. And may not ferious Chriftians think that with God, their own God, all Things are poffible ; and may they not think he has Bowels of Pity, as well as bound lefs Power ? May they not pray ? May they not fay to their Father which is in Heaven ? O my Father ! Thou art the mighty God, which doth great Things p. ft finding out, yea, and Wonders without Number. Have they not Leave to pour out their Com- plaints before Him ? may they not fay ? Confider all my forrows, Lord, . And thy Deliverance fend ; My Soul for thy Salvation faints, When will my Troubles end ? Yet have I found, 'tis good for me To bear my Fathers Rod, Afflictions make me learn thy Law, And live upon my God. I know thy Judgments, Lord, are right, Tho' they may feem fevere ; K The t/icJe- 66 On the Sacred Predictions. The fharpeft Sufferings I endure, Flow from thy faithful Care. Watts's Pfalms 119. O my merciffil God, purge away the Drofs j of my Sin from my Soul, by thy Chaftifements ; and forgive, and fave thy Servant that trufteth in Thee! True ; to an Eye of Senfe, my Deliverance ap- pears as a Thing impoffible ; and thus appeared the Deliverance of the Children of Ifrael, when they had the Sea juft before them, and their Enemies juft behind them : And thus did appear the Deliverance of Abraham from his agonizing Trial, when his Arm was lifted up to flay his Son, and the only Son of the Promife, as a Sacrifice to God ; and yet thou didfl deliver the Children of Ifrael, and didfl deliver Abraham in the lafl Extremity, and thou canft deliver me. May I not fay ? Oft in the laft diftreffing Hour The Lord difplays delivering Power, The Mount of 'Sorrows is the Place, Where we fhalJ fee furprizing Grace. Watts. Why then art thou cafi dewn, my Soul? And tz hy art thou dif quieted within me ? Hope thou in Gcd, for J Jhall yet Praife him, who is the Health cf my Countenance and my Gcd. Pfal. xlii. 11. Our good God in his Predictions has provided for the Comfort of his People, under the various Afflictions wherewith they may be exercifed. The Afflictions incident to Chriftians, are either of a Temporal, or of a Spiritual Nature i I fhall briefly take notice of both Sorts. I. Of On the Sacred Predictions. 67 I. Of the Afflictions of a temporal Kind, thefe are many, but 1 (ball take notice of fome that are very frequent ; particularly the following. 1. If their Children die, they may confider that there is a Name better than of Sons and of Daughters, which God hath foretold that he will give to them that keep his Sabbaths, and choofe the Things that pleafe him, and take hold of his Covenant. That he will give them an everlafting Name, that fiall not be cut off. Ifa. lv. 4, 5. Serious Chriftians under the Lofs of their lit- tle Ones, may take Comfort as David did, by confidering that although their Children cannot return to be with them again in this World; yet, that they mail in a little Time, go to be with them in the other World ; and they mould imi- tate David's Example, and inftead of fecreting themfelves, and indulging an unreafonable Grief, they mould give their Bodies all needful Re- fremment, and go to the Houfe of God and worfhip him in the Seafons of it ; whofe Provi- dence wifely and rightly manageth all Things. 2. When Hufbands die, our companionate God has provided for the Comfort of the Widows, and of their fatherlefs Children. In Jer. xlix. 11. God fays, Leave thy Father- lefs Children, I will preferve them alive, and let thy Widows truft in me. Thefc Words plainly imply a Prediction, that God will take care of, and provide for the Fatherlefs and the Widows. In Pfal. lxviii. 5. it is faid, A Father of the Fatherlefs, and a Judge of the Widows is God in his Holy Habitation. Thefe Words fignify a Pre- diction that God will defend and provide for the Widows, and their fatherlefs Children. And the Confideration of thefe Predictions may well comfort the Minds, and rejoice the Hearts K 2 of 68 On the Sacred Predictions, of ferious Chriftians in fuch an afflicted Condi- tion ; and more efpecially as the divine Providence is always fulfilling the Predictions recorded in the Sacred Scriptures. In Exod. xxii. 22. God fays, Te foatt net af~ fiitl any Widow, or fatherlefs Child. And to en- force this Law, he adds, If thou afflict them in any zcjfi) and they cry at all unto me; I will fur cly hear their Cry, and my Wrath fhall wax hot, and I will kill you with the Sword, and your Wives fjjall be Widows, and your Children fatherlefs, ver. 23, 24. Thefe. awful Threat nings fhould not only make all Men afraid of injuring the Fatherlefs and Widows -, but excite all Men to fhew them Kind- nefs as there may be Occafion ; becaufe their do- ing fo will be pleafing to God, as may well be concluded from the aforementioned Law, enforced with fuch terrible Threatnings againft the Tranf- grefibrs of it. 3. Serious Chriftians may likewife be in great Affliction by the Death of dear and ufeful Friends, who were a principal Support and Comfort to them : Or if not by their Death, yet by their ceafing to be Friends, and fometimes by their be- coming Enemies. A Chriftian thus afflicted, may take Comfort in confide ring, that although earthly Friends die, yet their Father which is in Heaven lives for ever ; and can, and often doth raife up new Friends in their flead, and more ufeful than thofe they have loft : Or if God fufTers our Friends to forfake us, he teaches us never to truft in Man, Nor in an Arm of Fief j. .This Affliction befel David, as appears from vJhat he f;ys, in Pfal. Iv. ver. 12, 13, 14. For it was not an Enemy that reproached me, then 1 could have bo n it ; nei.her was it he that ha'ed me, thai did magnify himfelf againft me t then I would have On the Sacred PrediSiions. 69 have hid myfelf from him ; but it was thou, a Alan mine equal, my Guide and my Acquaintance; We took fweet Counfel together, and walked unto the Houfe of God in company. David very plainly fufFered much Grief, by the Behaviour and Reproaches of his Friends ; but under fuch a Trouble, there are Predictions, which may adminifter Comfort to our Minds. For it is faid, 'The Lord thy God is a merciful God, he will net forfake thee, (No, although worldly Friends may do fo,) but with everlafting Kindnefs will I have Mercy on ihee, faith the Lord, thy Re- deemer, Ifa. liv. 8. 4. Serious Chriftians may alfo be in great AfBic^ tion by falfe Accufations. It was the Cafe of David. Falfe Witneffes did rife up ; they laid to my Charge, Things that • I knew not, was his Complaint. Pfal. xxxv. 11. But againft Trouble by fuch vile Treatment 9 that Prediction in Pfal. xxxvii. 5, 6. viz. Com- mit thy Way (and thy Caufe) unto the Lord j trufi alfo in him, and he fhall bring it to pafs : And he jhall bring forth thy Right eoufnefs as the Lights and thy Judgment as the noon Day, His Providence will make thy Innocence ap- pear clearly ; therefore reft in the Lord, and wait patiently for him. Some of the Troubles, which our glorious Re- deemer went through for our Sake*, were falfe Accufations, bitter Reproaches, and perverfe Mifinterpretations of his kindeft Actions. He long endured the Contradiction of Sinners againft himfelf, even through the whole Courfe of his Life. And exercifed perfect Meeknefs and Pa^ tience, under all Indignities and malicious Treatment ; and from his Example we fhould karn to exercife Patience and Meeknefs, and en- deavour Jo On the Sacred Pr editions. deavour to behave as he did, under the cruel Be- haviour of thofe who mould have received him as their bell Friend and Saviour, and who mould have rejoiced in him, and fervently loved him. IF. Afflictions of a fpiritual Nature are various : I mail only mention the Three following, viz. i. An habitual Defpondency or Defpair, from the Difeafe of the Body called Melancholy. This needs Medicines till the Diforder of the Body is removed. 2. Anguifh, and Diftrefs of the Soul, after the Commifiion of fome heinous Sin. This was the Cafe of David after his Sin in the Matter of Uriah. (2 Sam. chap. xi. 12.) His Guilt was great, and great was the Grief, and Remorfe of his Soul on that Account. The Fifty firft Ffalm, was written as a publick penitent Confemon to the World of his complicated Crime, and to exprefs his deep Contrition, and doubtlefs, to preferve in his Confcience a Self-loathing Re- membrance of it. The Pfalm is a very mournful Supplication to God, on the Account of thofe Tranfgrefiions f and feveral of the Petitions fhew that his Sorrow was long and grievous ; fo great that they could not be fully exprefled. But we may form fome Idea of his Sorrows from his Petitions, viz. Have Mercy upon me, O God, according to thy Loving- kindnefs ; according to the Multitude of thy tender Mercies, blot out my 'Traufgreffons : Wajh me throughly from mine Iniquity, and cleanfe me from my Sin : For I acknowledge my 'Traufgreffions, and my Sin is ever before me : Make me to hear Joy and Gladnefs ; that the Bones, which thou haft broken may rejoice. Hide thy Face from my Sins ; and Hot out all On the Sacred Predictions. 7 1 all mine Iniquities : Create in me a clean Hearty O God, and renew a right Spirit within me : Cqft me not away from thy Prefence ; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me : Rejiore unto me the Joy of thy Sal- vation -, and uphold me with thy free Spirit. A broken and a contrite Heart, O God, thou wilt not defpife. Great was the Anguifh, and Diilrefs of his Soul ! And fo it was after he had committed the Sin of numbring the People. 2 Sam. xxiv. 10. After the Thing was done, Davids Heart fmote him-, and David faid unto the Lord, 1 have fin- ned in that I have done : And now I befeech thee, O Lord, take away the Iniquity of thy Servant, for I have done very foolifJoly. And how much greater muft be the Horror of his Mind, when the Lord expreffed his Anger .againft him ? And put three dreadful Things to his Choice, viz. kven Years Famine, or to flee three Months before his Enemies, while they pur- fued him -, or to have three Days Peftilence in his Land: As he chofe the Peftilence, ver. 75. So the Lord fent the Peftilence upon Ifrael in the Morn- ing, even to the Time appointed, that is for three Days. Who can imagine the Anguifh and Diftrefs of his Soul during thofe three long Days ? But fome- what of it is difcovered by thofe Heart-piercing Words, which he fpoke to the merciful God on the third Day, ver. 17. David fpake unto the Lord, when he J aw the Angel that fmote the Peo- ple, and faid, lo, I have finned, and I have dene wickedly ; but thefe Sheep, what have they done ? Let thine Hand, I pray thee, be againft me, and my Father's Houfe. The Words difcover not only great Humanity, and a tender Regard to the Welfare of his Sub- ject, J 2 On the Sacred Predict ions. jeets, but alfo that he was long under agonizing Sorrow. O it is a dreadful Thing to provoke the Anger of the holy and righteous God ! But as God is juft, fo he is merciful! And how foon was his Companion manifefted to David ? For the Prophet Gad, that fame Day, came to David, and directed him to rear up an Altar unto the Lord in the Threfhing- floor of Araunah. He did fo, and offered burnt Offerings, and peace Offerings to the Lord* And the Lord was intreated for the Land, and the Plague was jlayed from Jfrael. ver. 25. The Apoftle Peter had like Diftrefs, and An- guifh of Soul, after he had denied his Mailer and his Saviour : When he had done it, he re- membred the Words of Jefus, who foretold him of it, And went out> and wept bitterly. Matt, xxvi, IS- We have need to watch and pray, left we fall into Temptation, and are overcome by it. 3. Another Sort of fpiritual Troubles, arife From the violent Temptations and Aflaulcs of the Devil. The Devil will give no Difturbance to his own Servants and Children, who voluntarily do his Will, and run on in the broad Way of Sin, which leads down to everlafting DeftruCtion. It gives him a Pleafure to fee the Generality of People continuing their Rebellion againft the holy God, and going on boldly in a Courfe of wilful Dif- obedience to his Authority, and his Law. It pleafes him to fee the Places where the Gof- pel is preached, thin of People, and the Aifem- blies for fenfual Delights crouded : To fee fuch Multitudes eageily purfuingthe Pleafuresof Senfe at grtat Expence, and at the Hazard of their 8 Health • 0?t the Sacred Predictions. 73 Health : Or elfe labouring with all their Might, early and late, for the Meat that periihes, and for the Riches of this World, which may make themfelves Wings and fly away : Or indefatigable in ufing all Ways and Means to obtain Honours among Men, to the intire Needed: of the Welfare, the Safety, the Salvation and Happinefs of their immortal Souls. Thefe People do as the Devil would have them do ; they pleafe their infernal Mafter, and will be with him in the next World, in Torments, which will never end, except they hearken to the merciful Calls of the Gofpel. O merciful God ! Look down with Pity on thefe miferable People! They are dead, dead in their Trefpafies and Sins, and are as infenfibl^ 01 their Guilt, and Wretched nefs, and Danger as a dead Body is infenfible of Pain. Lord by thy Holy Spirit do thou quicken them ! Make Mul- titudes of them Converts from Sin and Sa- tan. Have not many of thy Saints been fuch as thefe ? For the Apoftle, after he had declared to the Saints at Corinth, that Neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor Abu- sers of themfelves with Mankind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Ex- tortioners fhall inherit the Kingdom of God. He faid unto them, And fuch were fame of you ; but ye are w a [Joed, but ye are fanSiified, but ye are juf- tified in the Name of the Lord Jefu-, and by the Sprit of our God. 1 Cor. vi. 9 — 11. O my Father which art in Heaven ! Will it not be a glorious Difplay of the Riches of thy Grace, if thou malt fend down thy Holy Spirit, and a- waken the Confciences of Multitudes of thefe un- happy Creatures, and bring them to repent of their Sins, and by Faith unfeigned with Joy to accept of thy beloved Son to five them ? L O my 74 On the Sacred Predictions. O my good God, once I was as regardlefs of the State of my Soul, and of an Intereft in Chrift, as any of thefe, and was dead in Sin as thefe are; but thou hadft Mercy on me, and broughteft me to be fenfible of my Want of a Saviour, and didft convince me that Chrift only could redeem me ; thy Holy Spirit did fct the loving Jefus before me, as both able, and willing to fave me : Blefied for ever be thy holy Name tor that Grace which brought me to be one of Chrift's Difciples ! O gracious God, extend that Mercy to thefe miferable People, which thou didft fhew to me ! Will they not rejoice in thy Loving-kindnefs, and labour to promote that Gofpel which many of them have been endeavouring to deftroy ? Lord glorify thy great Name, by fubduing them to thyfelf! But although the Devil fulrers wilful Sinners to go on in their evil Ways, without difturbing their Minds •, yet when he finds the holy God work- ing in the Souls of any of them, he beftirs him- felf to hinder it as much as pofilble, and purfues them with his fiery Darts, and many Times they have dreadful Conflicts with this grand Enemy of their Salvation. But Chrift, who is in them by his Spirit, is ftronger than all the Principalities and Powers of Darknefs. When Satan makes his AfTaults on Chriftians, in the Beginning of their new Life, dees fome- times repeat them with great Violence : He is always watching Opportunities of prefenting his Temptations, to make them neglect Duty, or to do Things, which God has forbidden them. And therefore a Chriftian's Life is compared to a Warfare ; and the Difciples of Chrift are in- formed of this in the holy Scriptures, and in- ftruflfed On the Sacred Predictions. j$ ftructed how to manage it -, particularly, in Eph. vi. 10 — 17. Where the Apoftle fays to them, My Brethren be flrong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might. Put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to ft and againfl the Wiles of the Devil. For we wreftle not (only) againfi (the Lufts of) Flefh and Blood, but againfl Princi- palities, againfl Powers, againfl the Rulers of the Darknefs of this World, againfl fpiritual Wickednefs in high Places : Wherefore take unto you the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to withjland in the evil Day, and having done all to fi and : Stand therefore, having your Loins girt about with Truth, and having on the Breafl-plate of Righleoufnefs : And your Feet fhod with the Preparation of the Gofpel of Peace: Above all, taking the Shield of Faith, wherewith ye ft all be able to quench the fiery Darts of the Wicked, (one) And take the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The Enemies, which ferious Chriftians mud en- counter with, are very fubtle, very potent and very malicious There is no avoiding them, when God permits them to aflault us : We muft refill, we muft fight, and we muft conquer them, or be overcome and perifh by them. No wonder then, that diftreffing Fears do fometimes arife in the Minds of pious Perfons. But there are Predictions in the holy Scriptures, which may animate our Hope, excite our Cou- rage, and adminifter Confolation to our Souls, when under ftrong Temptations. In the 1 Cor. x. 11. it is faid, God is faithful, who will not fuffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the Temptation alfo make a Way to efcape, that ye may be able to bear it. A moll comfortable Prediction this ! And may help L 2 us j 6 On the Sacred Predict km. us again ft our Fears, and revive our Hope, when the Devil continues urging his Temptations ftrongly upon us, and we are afraid of being over- come by them. In Rom. viii. %y. After the Apoftle had mentioned fome of the Trials of true Believers, as in Tribulation, Difltfefs, Perfecution, Famine, Nakednefs, Peiils and Sword, he lays, In all thefe Things ive are (and mall be) more than Con- querors, through him that loved us. The Words imply a Prediction, that God will not fufier fin cere Chriftians to be overcome by the Enemies of their Souls, but that through Chrift, who loved them, they (hall be made victorious over all their Adverfaries : And it teaches us to look to Chrift the Captain of our Salvation, and to depend on him for Succefs in our Warfare. St. Peter fays, 2 Pet ii. 9. The Lord km' ■ hew to ddiver the Godly out of 'Temptations. Which Words plainly imply a Prediction that the Lord ■will deliver the Godly out of Temptations ; be- oufe crlicrwife the Declaration is no ground of Comfort to the Saints. In Rom. xvi. 20. The Apoftle fays to the Saints at Rome, and to the Saints in all Places, 2nd Ages; And the God of Peace Jball briiife (or tread) Satan under your Feet portly. Here is a Prediction fignifying, that although the Saints for a while are tempted and atTaulced by the Devil, yet tHat Go.i in due Time, will fubciue the DeviJI under them, and make them victorious over him. Thefe Promifes may well encourage us to con- tinue a vigorous Oppofition to all his Attacks, remembring that it is faid, Refift the Devil, and he will fieefrbm you. James iv. 7. The Cbriftian in the Day of Temptation, mould do as i\\z Apoftle did, when, There was ziven On the Sacred Predictions. yy given to him a Thorn in the Flefh, the Meffe.-iger of Satan to buffet hm, left he fhould be exalted above Meafure. 2 Cor, xii. 7, 8, 9. He fought by Prayer ro his Lord and Mailer, the glorious Captain of his Salvation, for Help and Deli- verance. For this Thing I be/ought the Lord thrice ', th.^t it might depart from me. ver. 8- And he did not pray in vain; for the Lord returned this gra- cious Anfwer to his Petition, faying, My Grace is fufficient for thee ; for my Strength is made -per feci in weaknefs. The -Grace of the Lord Jefus was fufficient to fupport the Apoftle all the Time of his Trial, and to relcafe him from it, when it mould be fit to do it ; and the Strength of Chrift is manifeft in fuftaining his weak Difciples, and in making them Conquerors over their mod powerful Ene- mies : And what was the Apoftle's Refolution upon receiving fo gracious an Anfwer to his Prayers ? He tells us, faying, Moft gladly there- fore will 1 rather glory in my Infirmities, that the Power of Chrifi may reft upon me. The Confideration that the Power of Chrift refteth upon Believers, may well reconcile them to endure Hard (hips in their fpiritual Warfare, as becometh good Soidiers of the bleffed Jefus, and may keep them from being difcouraged, by the Thoughts of their own Weaknefs and Infirmities. The ferious Chriftian in the Hour of Tempta- tion, fhould go to the Throne of Grace, and pre- fent his Petitions for Support, for Help, and De- liver.; nee. We mould look to our great Redeemer, and may fay to him, Lord didft thou not come into the World to deftroy the Works of the Devil ? And didft thou not thyfelf fuffer being tempted ? O pity me now, being forely diftreffed by the AfLults 78 On the Sacred Predictions. AfTaults and Bufferings of Satan ! For thou art a companionate Saviour, and art able to fuccour them that are tempted : O merciful Jefus help me, and rebuke the Devil, and command him to ceafe his Suggeftions : Thy Grace is fufficient for me, and thy Strength is made perfect in Weak- nefs •, and thou knoweft my Weaknefs, O com- municate Strength to me, and make the Enemy of my Soul to fly from me. My God, the Prince of Darknefs tries Ail his malicious Arts ; He fpreads a Mi ft before my Eyes, And throws his fiery Darts. Be thou my Sun, and thou my Shield, My Soul in Safety keep j My Foes will fly at thy Command, And Satan hide his Head. Thou wilt difplay that fovereign Grace, Where all my Hopes have hung ; I fhall employ my Lips in praife, And Victory fnall be fung. Watts's Pfak p. 34. LETTER VII. On the Pr editions relative tofincere Chrijlians, from the "Time of their Death. Particularly : i . // is predicted that at Death, their Souls Jhall be made perfecl in Holinejs. What is communion with God, explained. 2. 'That their Bodies Jhall remain under the Care of Chrift after Death. 3. That their Bodies will be raifed to life again -, and alfo the Bodies of the Wicked. 4. That the Soul of every Believer at Death, will be put into another Building for its Habitation. 5. That the Souls of Believers immediately after Deaths will be with Chrift. 6. That the Time of the general Refurreftion will be very folemn, magnificent, and awful. Of the Change, that will be made in the Bodies of thofe, wbofball be living at the Time of the general Re- fur re tlion. And that it will make their Bodies incorruptible and immortal. Laftly. 7/ is predicted that the Saints Jhall have an Inheritance, but not be put into the Poffeffion of it, till the Day of Judgment. A Kingdom feems to be the Inheritance promifed to them ; and as fuitable to fuch an Inheritance, it is foretold, that they Jhall have a Crown of Right eoufnefs, and a Crown-' 8o On the Sacred Predictions. Crown of Life ; and it is predicted, that th:y ' crL Jhall reign, reign Jit Life by J e fits Chrijt. Tp^fS PROCEED now to conflder " the facred Predictions, relative to fincere Chriftians from the Time the wonder- wards them, & appears glorioufly in thofe which •dilSi f> ncere Chriftians froi (J%| of their Death : And gyI'M hd Love of God tov fhall be mentioned, as well as in thofe which have been confidered. Great are the Felicires purchafecf by the blelTed Jeius, and intended for his Difciples : We can have no adequate Notions of them, while we re- main in this Vale of Tears, in a State mixed with Sin and Sorrow. As it is written, Eye hath riot feen, nor Ear beard, neither have entered into the Heart of Man, the Th'.ngs Inter- ruption in it. Serious Chriftians daily have Communion with God here : But what is Communion with God ? And when may 1 think that I enjoy it ? M Thefe 8 2 Oti the Sacred Predictions. Thefe are weighty Queftions, and it helps me to form right Anfwers to them, when I confider that I may be faid to have Communion with, and the Enjoyment of a beloved Friend, when we are prefent together, and I am fpeaking to him, and he to me alternately •, when there is a mutual Converfe between my Friend and me. And thus it is in the Time of religious Wor- ship in Publick, in the Family and in fecret : In the publick Wormip, when the Word of God is read, or any Fart of it is difcourfed on by a Minifter of Chrift, then God is fpeaking to us : And when the Minifter as the Mouth of the chriftian Affembly prefent, offers up Prayers, and Supplications, and Praifes to God, with Confef- fion of Sin, and thankful Acknowledgment of divine Mercies, then we are fpeaking to God, and thus there is a mutual Converfe, or Communion between God and his People. Not that every Perfon prefent in the Affembly has the blefled Enjoyment of God : No ; they whofe Thoughts are wandring after a thoufand Vanities in the Time of divine Service, who nei- ther regard what the Lord fpeaketh by the Word read, or preached, nor what is fpoken to the Lord, in the foiemn Addreffes at the Throne of Grace : 1 hefe have no Communion with God. But thofe fcrious Chriftians, who are very atten- tive to the Word of God which they hear, and whofe Souls fay Amen to the feveral Things fpoken to God in the Name of Chrift, may be faid to have Communion with God, in the Ordinances of his publick Worfhip. And this may help us to underftand, when a Chriftian has Communion with God, in the Sea- ions of Family, and of fecret Worfhip. 1 may add that a fcrious Chriftian has Commur nion with God, and Fellowfhip with Chrift, not 8 only On the S acred Predictions. 83 only in the ftated Times of religious Worihip> but occafionally, and often between thole happy Seafons. When we are abroad, or at home, when we are alone, or in company, if God by his Holy Spirit brings fome good Word of his to our Remem- brance, for our Guidance, Edification and Com- fort ; or fpeaks to us by his Providence, producing merciful Events for our Advantage, thereby call- ing us to immediate thankful Acknowledgments and Praife ; or fpeaks to us by afflictive Events, which fill us with Grief, and bring us fometimes jnto great Perplexity, which excite us to cry to the Lord in Diftrefs, that he would fupport and deliver us: If at fuch Time, our Souls are atten- tive to the Voice of God fpeaking to us, and fuitable Ejaculations of Thanks and Praife, or of humble Supplications afcend from us to our Fa- ther which is in Heaven, fuitably to what the Lord fpeaketh by his Word, or by his Providence, there is then a Communion between God and us. And fuch Communion fhallChriftians frequently have, who walk clofely with God. They are fhort indeed, but very comfortable, and conduce much to preferve us in a holy Frame. II. It is revealed in the holy Scriptures, that the Bodies of true Believers, are under the Care of Chrift after Death, to the Refurrection of the Dead. In John vi. 39. Chrift fays, This is the Father's Will, which hath fen t me, that of all which he hath given me, I fhould lofe nothing, but Jhould raife it up again at the lafi Day. That is, raife up the Bo- dy. Thefe W r ords plainly mew, that the Father hath committed the Bodies of thofe that are given to Chrift, to the Care of Chrift, and by him to be raifed up from the Dead at the laft Day, M 2 And ^4 On the Sacred Predictions. And thus they are a Prediction that Chrifl will do fo. In ver. 44. Chrift fays, And. I will raife him t'p at the laft Day. i. e. The Body of every one that comerh to him by true Faith. It mult be obferved, that the fame Bodies of the Saints, which die are to be raifed again : Chrift does not fay, I will create new Bodies at the End of the World, in which the Souls of my Difciples fhall dwell, but that identical Body, which the Soul of a Believer is taken from, at Death fhall be raifed again. It feems hence a jufl Conclufion, that there are certain Parts of Matter in every human Body, which as fixed Stamina abide always the fame, and a certain Modification, or Conltruction of them, peculiar to each individual Body, by which it is diftinguifhed from all others, and become an in- dividual Body. By Death the original Stamina are feparated, the Union of them difTolved, and their Conflruc- ture pulled to pieces. As if a prudent Man for fome good Rcafons fhculd take his Houfe to pieces, and carefully preferve the Materials, and after fome Time fhould put them together, and in the fame Form in which they were before the Houfe was pulled down. It may very fitly be called the fame Houfe. In fomewhat fimilar Manner, the Materials of the Bodies of each dead Saint, are preferved by the Care of the mighty Jefus, and at the Refur- redtion, the feparated Parts of each individual Body, are collected and united to the forming each identical Body, which it was before Death. How the feperate Parts are brought fo together, I know not, but it is eafy to an omnipotent Being, with whom all Things are poflible. In On the Sacred Predictions, 8 5 Jn 1 Thef. iv. 14. It is faicj, Even fo, them (ilfo which Jleep in Jefus, will God bring with him. This is fpoken of the Bodies of true Believers ; for their Souls never deep, but are happily with. Chrift, and a<5tive in their Enjoyment of Him, where he is : It is the Body therefore that fleeps, and the Time which paries between the Death of the Body, and its being raifed to Life again in the Morning of the Refurrection, will feem as no- thing : As does the Time tint paffes between a Man's falling afleep at Night, and remains fleep- ing, till the Morning. The Bodies of the Saints being fpoken of as fleeping in Jefus, lets us know that their Bodies are under his fpecial Care ; which likewife is im- plied in the Prediction, That he will raife them up t at the laft Day. And the Confideration of this Truth, may be a Means of Comfort to ferious Chriftians, and contribute to abate the Fears of Death. III. It is predicted that the Bodies of true Be- lievers mail be raifed to Life again, and likewife the Bodies of the Wicked : This is evident from thofe Words of the Lord Jefus already men- tioned. In Rom. viii. n. It is faid, If the Spirit of him that raifed up Jefus from the Dead, dwell in you, he that raifed up Chrifl from the Dead, Jhall alfo quicken your mortal Bodies, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. In many Places of the holy Scripture, the Re- furrection of Mens Bodies again to Life is mani- feftly predicted. The Bodies both of the Righte- ous, and of the Wicked, will be made to live again. The Hour is coming in the which, all (both good and bad) that are in the Graves, Jhall hear his Voice, 86 On the Sacred Predictions. Voice, (that is, the Voice of the Son of God,) and jhall come forth, they that have done Good, unto the Refurretlion of Life ; and they that have Evil, unto the Refurretlion of Damnation -, faid our great Re- deemer. In John v. 28, 29. Some of the Dead will be awakened from the Sleep of Death, or raifed up to everlafting Life, and fome to Shame and everlafting Contempt. There will be a vast Difference between the State of the Bodies of fincere Christians, and that of the Unbelieving, and Difobedient after the Re- furrection, in the last Day. The Saints in their firft believing on the Lord Jefus, Yielded themf elves unto God, as thofe that were alive from the Dead, and their Members as In- struments of Righteoufnefs unto God. According to the Commandment, in Rom. vi. 13. And as the dead Bodies of Believers during the Time of their Life here, were faithful Servants to their Souls, always acting according to the De- termination of their Wills, carrying them to the Places of divine Worfhip ; and were Instruments of Righteoufnefs, and happy Instruments in the Per- formance of all Duties required by the Gofpel ; fo at the Refurrection, when thefe fame Bodies lhall be raifed up, and their immortal Spirits, their former Inhabitants are again put into them ; then will they become Partakers of the good Things, which God has prepared for, and will beftow on thofe who love, and ferve him. In like manner, when the Bodiesof the Wicked fliall be raifed up out of their Graves, and their guilty, their accurfed, and condemned Spirits fhall again enter into, and be united with them ; then the wretched Bodies which instead of ferving their Souls, in being Instruments of Righteouf- nefs, did by their finful Luftings enltave their Souls, and carried them into Harlots Houfes, or to On the Sacred Predictions. 87 to feek other finful Pleafures, or hurry them to practife Things, or to perform Actions which the holy God has forbidden ; then will thofe filthy Bo- dies reunited with their former wicked Inhabitants become Partakers with them of the fame everlaft- ing Torments. The Unbelievers willingly fuffered Sin to reign in their mortal Bodies, and obeyed it in the Lulls thereof. They yielded their Members as Inftru- ments of Unrighteoufnefs unto Sin. Both their Souls and Bodies were the willing Servants of Sin, while they lived together in this World, and there- fore after the Refurrection, they will together fuffer endlefs Tortures and Miferies. But the Bodies of the Saints will have a glori- ous Refurrection. The Apoftle Paul foretells that the Saviour ; The Lord Jefus Chrifi will change our vile Body, that it may be fajhioned like unto his glorious Body, according to the Working whereby be is able even to fubdue all Things unto himfelf. Phil. iii. 20, 21. And in 1 Cor. xv. 42, 43. The Apoftle fpeak- ingof the Body at Death, and of the Refurreclion of the Dead, fays, // (that is, the Body at Death,) is fown in Corruption, it is (to be) raifed in Inccr- ruption : It is fown inDifhonour, it is (to be) raifed in Glory : It is fown in Weaknefs, it is (to be) raifed in Power. Thefe are comfortable Predictions ! Holy Job comforted himfelf, with the Confi- deration of the Certainty of the Refurreclion of the Dead : The Truth of which God revealed to him : It was a Cordial to his Soul bowed down under complicated Afflictions, and full of Grief and Anguim. Job xix. 23. He fays, Oh that my Words were now written, Oh that they were printed in a Book ! That they were graven with an Iron Pen and Lead, in the Rock for ever! For I know that my Redeemer livetb> and that he /ball ft and at the 88 On the Sacred Predictions. the latter Day upon the Earth ; And though after my Skin, Worms dejiroy this Body, yet in my Flejh fhall I fee Cod, (my Redeemer,) whom I fhall fee for my f elf, and mine Eyes Jhall behold, and not an- other ; though my Reins be confumed within me. What this juft Man faid, by the Infpiration of the Almighty, ought to be efteemed a Prediction of the Refurreclion of the Bodies of the Saints, and fignifying that thofe fame Bodies, which were dead and buried, mould be raifed to Life again. It was revealed to him, that there was a Re- deemer, and that this Redeemer will appear at the laft Day. And they fignify a Prediction, that every Saint at the Refurrection, fhould with their own Eyes behold the blefied Saviour, and with their Souls and Bodies he admitted to the Enjoyment of God. And we may take Comfort in the Consideration of thefe Truths. IV. It feems predicted that God will put the Soul of every true Believer at Death, into another Building for its Habitation, inftead of its natural Body. The Apoftle Paul fays, We know that if the earthly Houfe of this Tabernacle were diffohed, (that is, dead,) we have a Building of God, an Houfe not made with Hands, eternal in the Heavens. 2 Cor. v. 1. 1. Here it may be obferved, that the Body of a Man is called a Houfe, and it may be fo called, becaufe it is the Habitation of the Soul, in which it dwelleth here till Death. 2. It is called our earthly Houfe, and it may be fo called, becaufe the Materials of it are earthy : Man, as to his Body being made of the Earth. 7. The X On the Sacred Predictions. 89 3. The Body of aMan is alfo called a 'Tabernacles and very fitly, becaufe as a Tabernacle, whofe Materials are flight, is fbon taken down •, lb the Body of a Man is eafily deftroyed, and taken down. 4. That the Apoftle fpeaketh of two Habita* tions appointed for the Souls of Believers to re" fide in, viz. the natural Body called the earthly Houfe, and another Building different from it ; and to diflinguifh it from the natural Body, the Apoftle calls it a Building of God\ and he calls ic an Houfe, as the Soul of a Believer is to have his Refidence in it after Death ; and it is called an Houfe not made with Hands, q. d. not made with the Hands of Men. 5. We may obferve, that the heavenly Building intended for the Habitation of the Soul, is called an Houfe eternal in the Heavens : Our Bodies, thefe earthly Houfes, have their Situation only on this Earth, till the Great and laft Day, [the Day of the general Refurrection ;] but our other Houfes, called the Building of God, have their Situation not on Earth, but in the Heavens. We know that if the earthly Honfl of this Taber- nacle were dijfolved, (in Death,) we have a Build- ing of God. The Words plainly imply, that God has made and provided another Houfe, into which the Soul will be removed as foon as the earthly Houfe' of this Tabernacle isdiffolved, and in which it will dwell not on Earth, but in the Heavens. There is no Reafon to think that this Building of God, (this Houfe not made with Hands,) was intended for the Soul after the Refurrection, and not before •, for at the Refurrection, the Soul is to be received again into its own natural and iden- tical Body. N In go On the Sacred PrediStiotis. In Verfe 2. the Apoftle fays. For in this 'Taber- nacle, (of our natural Body,) we groan eameftly, (on the Account of our Sins, and Afflictions, and Troubles, and the Impediments of our more in- timate Enjoyment of God, and therefore) de/iring to be clothed upon with our Houfe, which is from Heaven. We defire at Death to be removed into thofe Houfes, which have their Situation in the Hea- vens, and in which we fhall be perfectly free from all Temptation, from all Sin, and from all Sorrow, and fhall have a more full Enjoyment of our God and Saviour. Serious Chriftians have the gracious Prefence of God, and an Enjoyment of him, even while their Souls remain in their earthly Houfes, ac- cording to the gracious Promifes of their heaven- ly Father : And Chrift is prefem with hisDifciples, even while they remain on Earth ; and not only when two or three of them are met together in his Name, according to his Word, but when they are alone, f peaking to him by Petitions or Thankfgivings, and he is fpeaking to them, by his Word and Spirit. • But there is fo great a Difference in the Degrees of enjoying God, which believing Souls are ad- mitted to when they are refident in thofe Build- ings, which God has made for them fnuated in the Heavens ; that their Enjoyment of God here, is very little in Companion with what the Saints are Partakers of in the Heavens : On which Ac- count they may in a comparative Senfe, be faid to be abfent from the Lord, while in this World, and to be prefent with him, when they are refident in their Houfes, which are in the Heavens. Whether the Souls of the Wicked at Death, will be put into other Habitations, I will not deter- mine i very likely they may j but then it is cer- uin. On the Sacred Predictions. 9 1 tain, that their new Habitations will not be eter- nal in the Heavens : No; but they will be fituated among the Devils, who are referved to the Day of Judgment. They will have long Time in their new Houles, (feparated from all Things, that were pleafant to them in this World,) they will have long Time in them to confider, for how fhort a Space they enjoyed their merry Companions, their Diverfions and Pleafures, or eager Purfuits, after Riches, of Honours, before Death fetched them away ; and to confider for what Trifles, and Vanities, (which endure but for a very little while,) they loft the Salvation of their Souls, and all the folid Blefiings, Joys, and Glories, fit to give Delist to rational Minds, and which will never fade, and never end. They will have Time to confider, that they are under the fame Condemnation with the Devils, and that although they will not have their full Punifhment till the Day of Judgment, when they and the Devils together, will be call into the Lake of Fire, (which indeed, is like to be very many thoufand Years diftant,) yet that through this exceeding long Duration, they are miferable beyond Expreflion, and their aftive Minds, will reflefl: on their Sins and Stubbornefs, in refufing to accept of. Chriu% as their Saviour and their King: Then they will remember their aggravated Iniquities, and their Obftinacy in refufing to com- ply with the kind Invitations of the Gofpel. Then they will perpetually feel the Reproaches of a Self accufing, and Self-condemning Confci- ence, and find nothing to divert their tormenting Thoughts, nothing to mitigate; or abate the • Horror of their Souls. , O that Perfons negligent of Faith and Holinefs, would think on ttiele Things ! Now, now while the Lord waits to be gracious : Now, while tney N 2 nave 92 On the Sacred Pr editions. have Opportunity of believing in Chrift, and be- coming his true Difciples ; and then they will be in a mod fafe and happy Condition. O merciful God ! Convert many of thefe Ser- vants of Satan unto thyfelf, for Jefus Chrift his Sake, Amen. V. It is predicted, that the Souls of true Be- lievers immediately after Death, wiil go to be with Chrift, where he is. In Philip, i. 23. The Apoftle fays, I am in a Strait between two, having a defire to depart (out of this World, and out of this natural Body,) and to be with Chrift, which is far better. The Words plainly fhew, that the Souls of the Saints, when they are departed out of this World, do become prefent with Chrift. When the Souls of the Righteous are taken out of their natural Bodies, (which were confined to this Earth,) they a re conducted into Houfes not made with Hands, into Houfes whofe Situation is[in the Heavens, and in which Houfes they have abun- d mtly more intimate Enjoyment of their God and Saviour. Our Hefted Redeemer, when he hung on the Crols, fu fieri ng Death as a Sacrifice for us, fpoke thus to the penitent Thief, who was crucified with him. Verily I fay unto thee, to Bay fl: alt thou be with me in Paradife. Luke xxiii. 43. q. d. As foon as thy Soul departs from thy Body, it (hall be with me in Paradife. But we mult ob- ferve, that the Happinefs which Chrift prom i fed to this believing, repenting Malefactor, was not •peculiar to him, but what Chrift vouchfafes to all who repent of their Sins, and belie ve in his Name. In John xii. 26. The blefTed Jefus fays, If any Alan Jerve me, let him follow me, and where I am, tbtre flail alfo my Servant b$, Thefe On the Sacred Predictions. 93 Thefe Words manifeftly mew, that the Souls of true Believers are with Chrift as ibon as they de- part from their dead Bodies ; and this is an Evi- dence, that they are immediately happy after Death 5 for being with Chrift they are fare from the Aflaults of the Devi), and they are fecure from the Temptations of the World, and the Flefh, and from all Sorrow and Grief; and have no Hindrances to their Communion with God and Chrift, and the holy Angels, and the Spirits of juft Men that went before them into Chrift's more immediate Prefence. The Confideration hereof, may convince us, that there is folid Ground for that Declaration, in Ecclef. vii. 1. The Day of one's Death, is better than the Day of one's Birth. The Confideration of this Truth, may well a- bate our fears of Dying. VI. It is predicted, that the Time of the ge- neral Refurreclion will be very folemn, magni- ficent and awful ; and followed with Events, mod happy to fincere Chriftians. Our bleffed Redeemer fays, When the Son of Man pall come in his Glory, and all the holy Angels 'with him, then Jhall he fit upon the Throne of his Glory. And before him Jhall be gathered all Nations, and hefoallfeparate them one from another, as a Shep- herd divide th his Sheep from the Goats : And he Jhall Jet the Sheep at his right Hand, and the Goats on the Lejt. Mat. xxv. 31 — 33. St. Paul fays, The Lord him f elf fnall defend from Heaven with a Shout, with the Voice of the Archangels, and with the Trump of God. And the Dead in Chrift Jhall rife firjl. 1 Thef. iv. 16. And in 2 Thef. i. 7. He declares, That the Lord Jefus foal I be revealed from Heaven, with his mighty An- gels. In 94 On the Sacred Predictions. In Rev. xx. 1 1 . &c. The general Refurrec- tion, and the general Judgment that is to follow, are in Vifion predicted thus, ver. 1 1 . Jfaw a great white Throne, and him that fat on it, from whofe Face the Earth and the Heavens fled away, and there was no Place found for them. And I faw the Dead, fmall and great fland before God ; and the Books were opened ; and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life : And the Dead were judged out cf thofe Things-, which were written in the Books, according to their Works. And Death and Hell, were cafl into the Lake of Fire : This is the fecond Death. And whofoever was not found written in the Book of Life, was cafl into the Lake of Fire. In Regard to the general Refurrection of the Dead, I may obferve two Things, viz. i. That it will be fudden and unexpected ; this is predicted. Our blefled Redeemer fays, As the Days of Noah were, fo fhall alfo the Coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the Days, that were before the Flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying, and giving in Marriage, until the Day that Noah entered into the Ark, and knew not until the Flood crme, and took them all away ; fo fhall alfo the Coming of the Son of Man be. Mat. xxiv. 37 — 39. And in Luke xvii. 28. Like-wife alfo as it was in the Days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they fold, they planted, they builded : But the fame Day that Lot wt nt out of Sodom, it rained Fire and Brim fi one cut of Heaven, and dejlroyed them all: Even thus fhall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed. 2. It is foretold, that they, who fhall be living at the Time of the Refurrection of the Dead, fhall undergo a great Change in their Bodies. Behold, On the Sacred Predictions. 95 Behold, (fays the Apoftle Paul, 1 Cor. xv. 51, 52.) I Jhew you a Myjlery, we Jhall not all Sleep, but we Jhall all be changed, in a Moment, in the Twinkling of an Eye, at the lafi 'Trump, (for the Trumpet Jhall found) and the Dead Jhall be raifed incorruptible, and we Jhall be changed. For the Right underftanding of the wonderful Prediction contained in thefe Words ; a few Things fhould be confidered, viz. 1. That when the Apoftle fays, We Jhall not all Jleep, (or die,) he did not mean, or fpeak of the People of that Generation, who were living at the Time he wrote his Epiftle •, for all the People of that, and the following Generations did die, and fell afleep in Death •, but he fpoke of the People of all Nations, in the Age, wherein the Refurrec- tion fhould happen, that they mould not all die. Which Interpretation agrees with the Account of our Saviour, who fpeaks of People marrying, and giving in Marriage •, buying, felling, eating, and drinking, and planting, and building, when the Son of Man fhould come at the End of the World. 2. It is declared by the Apoftle, that they, who mail be living (that is, at the Day of the general Refurrevflion) fhall undergo, or experience a great, a wonderful Change in their Bodies, which feems to be a Change equivalent to that, which had paffed on the Bodies of thofe who had died, and been raifed again from the Dead. And therefore, 3. That as the Bodies of thofe who had died, were raifed incorruptible, and had put on Immorta- lity,' (ver. 52.) fo the Bodies of thofe who fhall be then living, iliall have fuch a Change wrought in them 3 96 On the Sacred PrediBtom. them, as fhall render them incorruptible, and im- mortal. 4. We muft obferve, that this very great and wonderful Change will be fuprizingly quick, for it will he in a Moment, in the 'Twinkling of an Eye : The Apoftle might well introduce this Prediction, with faying, Behold, 1 fhew you a Myflery : That there will be fuch a Fact, is no Myflery after the Apoftle had foretold it ; but how this marvellous and inftantaneous Change will beproduc d, is and v/ill be a Myftery, that we cannot comprehend. 5. I may add, that the making the Bodies of thofe who fhall be raifed from the Dead, and of thofe who fhall be living, incorruptible and immor- tal, will be an Event of vaft Confequence, both to the Righteous, and to the Wicked. For the Righteous by having their Bodies (which while they lived in this World, were corruptible and mortal, always liable to Difeafes, Death, and Corruption) made incorruptible and immortal, will never more be liable to Sicknefs and Death. There fhall be no more Death. Rev. xxi. 4. But they fhall for ever be Partakers with their Souls of all the Blefllngs, of all the Glories and Joys, which Chrift has purchafed for his Difciples, and with them will enjoy our.God and Saviour to all Eter- nity. And it is implied that their Body thus raifed, will be a Means of Comfort, and Felicity to them for ever : And as the Souls will have an Advan- tage from their Bodies, fo will the Bodies receive Good by means of their Souls. We know much of the Ufes of the Body to the Soul in this World, but very little of the Ufes of it to the Soul in the next World ; when the Saints fhall be equal to die Angels, when they fhall hunger On the Sacred Predictions. 97 hunger no more, nor thirft any more: Only we may conclude, that then there will be reciprocal Advantages between them. The Bodies of the Wicked, will alfo be raifed incorruptible and immortal j and as fuch, each Body will have its own Soul united to it : But the Con- fequences of their Reunion, are like to be vaftly different from thofe of the Righteous. The Bodies and Souls of the Wicked after the Refurredtion, will be joint Sufferers of Miferies and Torments, which no Tongue can exprefs, and no Thought can conceive. The Body and Soul inftead of being mutual Comforts, are like to be Torments to each other, and that for ever. And from the Bodies of the Wicked being made incorruptible and immortal* it feems reafonable to conclude, that they are made capable of fubfifting in Fire, and of bearing ths Aclion and Pain of it for ever, without being con- fumed. Doubtlefsthe Almighty Power of God can give to the human Body fuch aConhftence: He preferved thole Jews, viz. Shadrach, Mefliachand Abednego, in the Midft of a fiery Furnace. Dan. iii. 12. &c. Their Prefervation (hews the Power of God ; and the Confideration of it is very inftruclive : When thefe pious Jews were threatned by King Nebuchadnezzar to be caft into a burning fiery Furnace, if they would not worfhip the Idol he had fet up : They like faithful Servants of the Moll high God, replied, If it be fo, our God whom weferve, is able to deliver us from the burning fiery Furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine Hand, O King : But if not, be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not fcrve thy Gods, nor worfaip the golden Image, which ihou haft fet up. G Here- 98 On the Sacred Predictions. Hereupon the King, full of Rage and liury, commanded they mould heat the Furnace one feven Times more, than it was ufed to be heat. Into this Furnace, thofe faithful Jews were caft bound, in their Coats, their Holen, and their Hats, and their other Garments. And becaufe the King's Commandment was urgent, and the Furnace exceeding hot, the Flame of the Fire flew thofe Men that took up Shedrach, Mefhach, and Abednego : And they walked in the Midjl of the Fire, and had no Hurt. ver. 25. Nebuchadnezzar, and the Princes, Governors, and the Captains, and the King's Ccunfellors, being ga- thered together, faw tkefe Men, Ufon whofe Bodies the Fire had no Power, nor was an Hair cf their Head fmged, neither were their Coats changed, ncr the Smell of Fire had paffed upon them. ver. 27. We may here oblerve, that there were very many Eye-witneflTes of the Fact, that God pre- ftrved thefe Men alive, and their Garments, and even the Hair of their Heads from being finged, while in the Midft of the fierceft Fire that could be made. This Fact proves, that God can make even the corruptible and mortal Bodies of Men to live in the Midft of Fire ; and a Fire fo ftrong, that the Flames of it flew thofe Men, who caft Shedrach, Mefhach and Abednego into it. And this is an Evidence, that God can make (he incorruptible and immortal Bodies of the Wick- ed, to live in Fire everlaftingly without being confumed. The Bodies of thofe Jews, fuflfered no Pain from the Fire in which they walked j but it will not be fo with the Bodies of the Wicked, when they fhall be caft into the Lake which burneth wirh Fire and Brimftone: They will there feel the Pains and Torments of ;he Fire for ever. But On the Sacred Predictions. 99 But if the Word Fire, (when mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, as Part of thePunilhment of the Damned) be ufed as a Metaphor, it can admi- nifter no Relief or Comfort to the Wicked ; be- caufe it imports that th^Torments of the Damned are fo exquifite, that no Words in Language, can convey adequate Ideas of them. O that Men were wife, wife in Time to confi- der their latter End, and the Bvents, the horrible Events, they fhall meet with after their Life in this World mail be ended, and after the Judgment of the great Day ! O merciful God, open the Eyes of carelefs Sin- ners to fee their Danger, to be fenfible of the Sin- fulnefs, and Miferablenefs of their Condition ; and to fly from'that dreadful Wrath, that will be pour- ed out on thofe who (hall live and die in a Courfe of Unbelief, and Difobedience ; and by the Working of thy holy Spirit prevail with them to fly from the Punifhments threatned in thy righteous Law, by flying to Chrift with a Faith unfeigned ! Sad, indeed, is the State of thofe, who are re- gardlefs of an Intereft in Chrift, and of Peace with God ! But glorious Things are predicted for true Believers after the general Refurrectiori. Par- ticularly, It is predicled, that Chrift will own them in the Day of Judgment. In Mat. x. 32. Chrift fays, JVhofoever therefore fhall confefs me before Men, him will I confefs alfo before my Father, which is in Heaven. He will then own them to be his true Difciples, and fauhful Servants. In Rev. iii. 5. He fays, I wi' I confefs his Name, before my Father, and before his Angels. He will do fo in the great Day of Judgment, when all the holy Angels fhall be prefent, and be Witnefies O z of loo On the Sacred Predictions. of the righteous Conduct of the bleffed Jefus fit- ting on his Throne judging all Nations, and every individual Ptrfon. He will then own all true Believers, acquit them from all Guilt, and will confefs they belong to him. Many glorious Things are foretold of the Saints in the laft Day, when their Saviour and their Judge will render to every Man according to his Works. In the Time, when the Dead mall be judged, he will give Rewards to his Servants the Prophets, and to the Saints, and them that fear his Name, fmall and great. As we learn from Rev. xi. 18. It is predicted, that they fhall have an Inheri-. tance : The Apoftle Peter fays, Bleffed be the God and Father of oar Lord Jefus Chrift, which according to his abundant Mercy, hath begotten us again to a lively Hope by the Refurreftion of Jefus Chrift from the Dead, to an Inheritance incorrupti- ble and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, referv- ed in Heaven for you. i Pet. i. 3, 4. In Acts xx. 32. St. Paul fays. And now Bre- thren, I commend you to God, and to the Word of his Grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an Inheritance among all them which are fanclified. Which fhews that an Inheritance is appointed for all them that are, and that mail be fanctified. Andwhenhe (in Actsxxvi. 18.) gave an Account of his Converfion* 'rrom being a violent Perfecu- tor of the Chriflia.is, to be himfelf a Chriftian, and made an Apoftle of that Jefus, whofe Difciples he was hunting alter, to be caft into Prifons and punifhed,) to King Agrippa,' and Porcius Feftus the Governor, and a very auguft AfTembly, ad- dreffing himfelf to King Agrippa, he faid, At Mid- day, Ki.vg> 1 faijin the IVay, a Light from Hea- ven, On the Sacred Predictions. 101 v en, above the Brightness of the Sun, fh'ming round about me, and them which journeyed with me : And when we were all fallen to the Earth, I heard a Voice /peaking unto me, and faying, in the Hebrew Tongue, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me ? It is hard for thee to kick againft the Pricks : And I faid, Who art thou, Lord? And he faid, lam Jefus whom thou perfecuteft. But arife, and fiand upon thy Fe:t, for I have appeared unto thee for this Purpofe, to make thee a Minifler, and a Witnefs of thefe Things which thou hafi feen, and of thofe Things in the which I will appear unto thee : Delivering thee from the People, (the Jews) and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I fend thee: To open their Eyes, audio turn them (Gentiles) from Darknefs to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, that they may receive Forgivenefs of Sins, and Inheritance among them which are fanclified by the Faith that is in me. Hence it appears, that an Inheritance was ap- pointed for all who become fanctified by Faith in Chrift, whether Jews or Gentiles. And the Words imply a Prediction, that all that are fanclified (hall have an Inheritance. And weChriftians, who are Defendants from the Sinners of theGentiles, are under thegreater Obliga- tions to prize and love the blefied Jefus, for thatcom- paffionate Regard he fhewed to the Gentile Nat.ons, by appointing this Convert to be a Minifler, and an Apoftle to preach the Gofpel to the Gentiles, that their Eyes alfo might be opened, and they brought to believe'in Chrift, and receive Forgive- nefs of Sins, and an Inheritance, as well as the believing Jews. And we have Reafon to be very thankful, that the holy Spirit has made the Preaching of the Gofpel among the Gentiles, sn effectual Means of Salvation, from the fiift; preaching of it to this Day. 3 la io2 On the Sacred Predictions. In Ephef. i. n. The Apoftle fpeaking of Chrift, fay?, In whom alfo we have obtained an In- heritance : Not the actual PofTeflion of it, but a Title to it. In Colof. iii. 24. He fays to the Saints, Know- ing that of the Lord, ye jhall receive the Reward of the Inheritance, for ye ferve the Lord Chrift. Which Words (hew, that the Inheritance was not then in the PolTefTion of the Saints, but that they fliall furely have it in due Time: And likewife it will be given them as a Reward, although they deferve nothing. A Reward it will be, not of Debt but of Grace, the free Gift of God. The Inheritance (fo much fpoken of in the Holy Scriptures,) is not to be pofTefled in this World ; but ferious Chriftians mould pray for it, and hope for it, and blefs God, that they have in themfelves the Earned of it. The Apoftle fays, to the Saints at Ephefus, After that ye believed, ye were fealed with that Holy Spirit of Promife, which is the Earneft of our In- heritance, until the Redemption of the purchafed Poffeffion, unto the Praife of his Glory. Ephe. i. All fincere Chriftians have the Holy Spirit dwell- ing in them, and his Indwelling may be known to their Confciences, by obferving his Fruits in their Souls; and this Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is an Earneft, that they fhall hereafter be put into the PofTeffion of the proroifed Inheritance. It is a glorious Inheritance ; but it cannot be enjoyed on Earth, No •, it is referved in Heaven for them : And at the Day of Judgment Chrift will fay unto them, Come ye bleffed of my Father, in- herit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Founda- tion of the World. Mat. xx. 34. Chrift (when fitting upon his Throne of Judg- ment,) will fay to the Sheep on his right Hand, (that On the Sacred Predictions. 103 (that is, to all the Saints,) Come ye Bleffe d - •in- herit the Kingdom -prepared for you, (which im- plies,) that a Kingdom is the Inheritance prepar- ole for them. Jn Luke xii. 32. Chrift fays to his Difciples, to thofe who believed on him, Fear not little Flock, for it is your Father's good Pleafure to give you the Kingdom. Not immediately, but at the Day of Judgment; when Chrift mall fay to them, Come, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you. The Apoflle James fays, Hearken my beloved Brethren, hath not God chofen the Poor of this World, rich in Faith, and Heirs of the Kingdom, which God hath promifed to them that love him. James ii. 6. And fuitable to fuch an Inheritance, it is fore- told, that they fhall have a Crown •, for 2 Tim. iv. 8. The Apoftle fay, Henceforth there is laid up for vie, a Crown of Rightcoufnefs, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will vjve me at that Day, (the Day of Judgment,) and not to me only, but unto all them alfo that love his appearing. In Rev. ii. 10. Chrift fays, Be thou faithful unto Death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life. In James i. 12. It is faid, Bleffed is the Man that endureth Temptation, for when he is tried, he fhall receive a Crown of Life, which the Lord hath promifed to (all) them that love him. It is alfo predicted, that the Saints fhall reign in Life, in Rom. v. 17. Where the Apoftle fays, For if by one Man's Offence, Death reigned by one, much more they which receive abundance of Grace, and the Gift of R'ghteoufnefs, fhall reign in Life by one Jefus Chrift. In Rev. xxii. 5. It is faid, They fhall reign for ever and ever. That is, in the new Jerufalem. See the Context. In 104 On the Sacred PrediBicm. In Heb. xii. 28. The Apoftle fpeaking in the Name of all true Believers, fays, Wherefore tie receiving (the Promife of ) a Kingdom, which can- not be moved> let us have Grace, whereby we may ferve Gcd acceptably with Reverence, and Gody Fear. From thefe Predictions it evidently appears, that all true Believers at the Day of Judgment, will receive from Chrift their faithful Redeemer, and righteous Judge-, an Inheritance; an Inheri- tance that fadeth not away ; a Kingdom that fliall not be moved, and a Crown of Righteoufnefs, a Crown of Life, and fhall reign in Life by our Lord Jefus Chrift. But who can defcribe the glorious Inheritance ? "Who can give an Account of the Nature, and Extent of the Kingdom which the Saints fhail hereafter pofTefs ? A Crown is a Sort of Cap, conftrucled with Jewels, and other coftly Materials, which is let on the Heads of Kings, as a Badge or Sign of Ma- jefty, Authority and Power : But the Crowns that will be given to the Heirs of God, when they fliall receive the Kingdom prepared for them, will be no fuch material Ornament : But they will have Crowns more excellent and glorious : But who can explain them ? The Holy Scriptures have not unfolded thefe Things. Things of tranfeendent Value and Glory. Eye hath not feen them, nor hath the Ear heard by any Revelation from God, what they are •, nor is it pofiible for human Minds to form any certain Ideas of them. We cannot live by Sight, we muft' live by Faith : The Things which God hath prepared for them that love him, are far more excellent, than can be exprefTed by the Words Inheritance, a Kingdom, and a Crown. But while we remain in this World, they remain under a Veil. Never- thelefs On the Sacred Predictions. 105 thelefs they are propofed to us as Objects of our Defire and Hope, and we mould be preparing, and praying, and hoping for them. But although the future Happinefs of the Saints does in Part remain a Myftery, yet there is fo much of it revealed in the Holy Scriptures, as may well make us aftonifhed at the Riches of the divine Goodnefs, and as may excite in us ear- neft Longings to be Partakers of them. We that believe in Chrift, have in PoffelTion, even now while we are palling through the Wildernefs of this World, much to rejoice in, and comfort our Souls. For we have an Almighty and a moft loving Saviour, a faith- ful Redeemer, who will keep what we have com- mitted to nim. — We have an Interefl in all the Promifes of the Gofpel : Many and precious Pro- mifes, which are yea, and amen, fure and cer- tain in Chrift Jefus. We have God for our Fa- ther, and are made his Children and Heirs. The Lord is my Portion faith my Soul, therefore will 1 hope in him. Lament, iii. 24. O how many joyous Predictions concerning the Saints, do we find in the Word of God ? They fhall have Treafures in Heaven, as we may con- clude from Chrift's faying to the Multitude, who heard his Sermon on the Mount, Mat. vi. 19, 20. Lay not up for your f elves Treafures upon Earth, where Mcth, and Rufi doth corrupt, and where Thieves break through and fteal : But lay up for your- felves Treafures in Heaven, where neither Moth, nor Ruji doth corrupt, and where Thieves do not break through, norjleal. The Instruction of our Saviour in thefe Words, import, that there are Treafures in Heaven, and a Prediction, that they who diligently ufe the Means mail obtain them. P It jo6 On the Sacred Predictions. It is alfo predicted, that the Saints fhall judge the World, and judge Angels : In i Cor. vi. 2, 3. Where the Apoftle fays to the Church of God at Corinth, to them that are fanclified in Chrift Jefus, (chap. 1. ver. 2.) Do ye not know, that the Saints /ball judge the Wirld? — Know ye not that we flo all judge Angels? Thefe Interrogations imply, that there was a Prediction, that the Saints (hall judge the World, and judge Angels : And that the Truth predicted, was well known to the Chriftians at Corinth. I do not pretend to explain the Things predict- ed, but obierve, that they imply great Honour and Glory, intended for the Saints. LET- LETTER VIII. Of Predictions of Events, fubfequent to the Day of Judgment, which will be aflonifhingly terrible to the Wicked, and inexprej/ib>'y happy and glorious to the Saints. MAY now obferve, that there are Predictions of Events, fubfe- quent to the Day of Judgment : Events, that will be brought to pafs at the End of the World, aftonifhingly terrible to the Wick- ed, and inexpreffibly happy and glorious to the Saints. As to the Wicked it is foretold, That the Hea^ vens and the Earth which now are, by the fame Word (of God) are kept in Store, referved unto Fire againft the Day of Judgment, and Perdition of un- godly Men. 2 Pet. iii. 7. Who at the Day of Judgment will be condemned to that dreadful Fire. In ver. 10. It is faid, But the Day of the Lord, will come as a Thief in the Night, in which the' Heavens fhall pafs away with a great Noife, and the Elements fhall melt away with fervent Heat, the P a Earth io8 On the Sacred Predictions. Earth alfo and the Works that are therein Jh all be burnt up. And in this burning World it plainly feems, that the Damned are to have their Habitation : Here feems to be the Lake, that burneth with Fire and Brimftone. In Rev. xxi. 8. It is faid, But the Fearful and Unbelieving, and the Abominable, and Murderers, and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and Idolaters, and all Liars, jhall have their Part in the hake, which burneth with Fire and Brimjlone -, which is the fecond Death. The Predictions relative to the Saints, fubfe- quent to the Day of Judgment, may well excite Joy- For behold-, (T avs God,) / create new Heavens, and a new Earth, and the former Jhall not be re- membered, nor come into Mind. — But be you glad, and rejoice for ever in that which I create ; for be- held I create Jerufalem a Rejoycing, and her People a Joy. Ifa. lxv. 17, 18. And the Apoftle Peter fays, Neverthdefs, we according to his Promife (in the lafl cited Text,) look for new Heavens, and a new Earth, wherein dwell- eth Righteoufnefs. 2 Pet. iii. 13. In Rev. xxi. 1. &c. The Predictions are thus . expreiTed, viz. And Ifazv a new Heaven, and a new Earth: for the fir Jl Heaven and the firfl Earth were paffed away ; and there was no more Sea. (No Wa- ter to quench, or abate the Fire of the burning Earth.) And I John f aw the holy Cty, newjerufa- Lm, coming down from God, out of Heaven, pre- pared as a Bride adormd for her Hufband : And I heard a great Voice out of Heaven, frying, beho'd, the '■Tabernacle of God is with Men, and he will dwell with them, and they fhall be lis People, and God himfelf fhall be with them, and be their God : -And God Jhall wipe away all Tears from their Eyes •, and On the Sacred Predictions. 109 and there Jhall be no more Death, neither Sorrow, nor Crying, neither Jhall there be any more Fain, for the former things are paffed away. And he that fat upon the Throne, faid, behold I make all Things new : And he faid unto me, Write -, for thcfe Words are true and faithful. And he faid unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End : I will give unto him that is athirfi, of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. He that overcometh Jhall inherit all Things, and I will be his God, and he jhall be my Son. The great, the marvelloufly great, the inex- preffibly great Events, which will follow the Day of Judgment, although they are now many Thoufands of Years diftant, yet will furely be brought to pafs. Neverthelefs, they ihould have the fame Influence on us, as if they were to hap- pen at the End of our Lives : Becaufe we have only the Jhort and uncertain Time of our Con- tinuance in this World, for feeking an Intereft in Chrift, and the Pardon of our Sins, and Peace with God, and the Sanctification of our Natures, and the Salvation of our Souls. Wehave only the very little Time of our fojourn- ing on Earth, for fecuring a Deliverance from all the Curfes, the Miferies, the Punifliments, and Torments predicted againft the Unbelieving, the Impenitent, and Difobedient in this Life, and againft them after Death, and after the Refurrec- tion, and after the Day of Judgment, and the End of the World. We have only a ihort Space of Time for lay- ing up for ourfelves Treafures in Heaven, and obtaining a Share in all the Bleflings, the Felici- ties, the Joys, and Glories predicted for fincere Chriftians in this Life, and after Death, and after the Refurrection, and after the Day of Judgment, and the End of the World : But fhort as it is, it is I io On the Sacred Predictions. is long enough to efcape Mifery, and obtain all Happinefs ; if Sinners immediately recent of their Sins, and believe in Chrift, and in an humble Drpendance on his Spirit, and Grace, do hence- forth live according to the Rules of the Gofpel. And therefore the prefent, I fay the prefent Time, mould be improved for this moft impor- tant Work. It is very uncertain to every one, whether there is any future Time, or how little of future I ime is allotted to them in this World, by the fovereign Lord of Life ? how mould the Thoughts hereof, quicken every one to give all Diligence to make their Call- ing and Election fure ! 1 may obferve, that the End of the World, and the general Conflagration of it, was above feven- teen hundred Years more future than it is now, when the Apoftle Peter wrote his fecond Epiftle ; yet he ufed the Confideration of it, as a Motive to an holy Life. In 2 Pet. iii, n. He fays, Seeing then that all ihefe 'Things will be diffolved* what manner of Per- fons ought ye to be in all holy Converfation and Godli- nefs? And in ver. 14. He fays, Wherefore* he- loved* feeing that ye look for fuch 'Things* be diligent that ye may be found of him in Peace* without Spot and blamelefs. It it predicted, that eternal Life mail be given to all true Believers. In John vi. 40. The holy Jefus fays, This is the Will of him that fent me* that every one* which feeth the Son* and believeth on him* may have ever- lafting Life : And I will raife him up at the laji Day, And in ver. 47 He expreffeth himfelf thus, Verily* verily* I fay unto you* be that be'ieveth on me haih ever lofting Life. That is, he hath a Title, or a Right to it, and it is begun in him. St. On the Sacred Predictions. i i i St. John fays, This is the Promife that He, (viz. God,) hath promifed us, even eternal Life, i John ii. 25. and in chap. v. n. He adds. And this is the Record, that God hath given to us (by Promife) eternal Life \ and this Life is in his Son. In Rom. v. 22. St. Paul fays to the Saints at Rome. But being made free from (that is, from the Dominion of ) Sin] and become Servants to God, you have your Fruit unto 'Holinefs, and the End everlaftlng Life : For the Wages of Sin is Death ; but the Gift of God is eternal Life, through Jefus Chrifi our Lord. It muft here be obferved, that the Exprefllon, eternal Life, fignifies more than an endlels Exif- tence, more than that the Saints fhall live for ever after the Redirection •, and implies, that the ever- lafting Life which God infinitely good and graci- ous, gives unto them is a fpiritual Life, a Life of Holinefs and Happinefs : I apprehend that it be- gins in Converfion, with the. fird Act of true Faith, by which Sinners (before guilty, wretched. and miferable,) become united to Chrift, and living Branches of this bleiTed Vine ; and thus fhew when they are in the Character of the Jufl, whofe Pathis as the jhiningL-ght, that flmieth more and more unto a per feci Day. Prov. iv. 18. Their Sanctification through the Working of the Holy Spirit is carried on, divine Blefiings are multipl ed to them, and at Death the Holinefs of the Saints is made perfect, and their Happinels with Chrift in Heaven, is inconceivably increall-d ; and then after the Refurrection of their Bodies, and their Appearance at the Judgment Seat before their Saviour and their Judge ; the Fulnefs of the Rewards purchafed by Chrift, and promifed in the Gofpel, will be beftowed on them : And then the Saints with their Souls and Bodies reunited, will be with God, and*Chrift, with the holy An- gels, 112 On the Sacred Predictions. gels, with the Patriarchs, and Prophets, and Apoftles, and all their fellow Saints, in Manfions of Glory for ever and ever : And there will never, never, never be a Period to their Happinefs, and Glory, in the Enjoyment of God : All this I take to be included in thefe ExpreiTions, eternal Life, and L'fe everlaflivg. But the Apollle lets us know, that eternal Life is not given to the Saints as Wage^ for any Work, or Service they did on Earth ; for the beft Ser- vices of the beft Chriftians, are n >t only worthlefs Performances, and void of Merit, but polluted by Mixture of Sin : And therefore though he calls, and juftly calls Death the Wages of Sin, he changes his Phrafe, and calls eternal Life the Gift of God, and moft fitly he does lb; becaufe it is undeferved by us, and moft freely beftowed u's. (Rom. v. 22.) I may likewife remark, that the Wicked will have an eternal Exigence ; but not worthy of the Name of Life, and is properly denoted by the Word, Death. The Death of a Man in this World, is the Se- paration of his Soul from his Body, which fo:n after putrifies, turns into Corruption and Earth, as it was. But the Death of the Wicked, is the Separa- tion of their Perfons, both of their Souls and Bodies from God and Chrift •, from Peace and Happinefs, to endlefs Punifhments, Miferies and Torments. This is the Death of Deaths, the moft dreadful of all Deaths ; and it is the Wages of Sin. O that carelefs Sinners would think on this Death in Time ! O merciful God ! open the Eyes of their Minds, awaken their Confciences to confider whom they • are On the Sacred PrediBiotis. 1 1 3 are ferving, and what they are doing, and what Wages they mud receive for the evil Works they do ! O turn them from Darknefs to Light *, and from the Power of Satan unto thyfelf, that they may receive Forgivenefs of Sins, and Inheritance among them that are fanclifled by Faith, that is in Chrift Jefus. Amen, for the Sake of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. LET- LETTER IX. Of Pr -editions , relative to fine ere Chrijlians in Time of publick Calamities ; feme of which are general, and others particular. In Regard, j. To their Safety in Times of JVar. 2. To their being provided for in Famines. 3. To their Pre- fervation.in Seafons of the Peflilence. 4. To their being kept from dijlrejjing Fears, when defolating Judgments are on the Wicked. SHALL now take Notice of fome of the Predictions, relative to God's faithful People, in Times of publick Calamities-, of Calami- ties brought on Cities and Coun- tries, by the righteous Providence of God, as Punimments for Sin. There are Times when the all-wife God calls his People, his beloved People to Sufferings •, and fuch are the Times when the Wicked are perfe- cting the Saints of the moft high God. Our blefled Redeemer who went about from City to City, and from Town to Town •, teaching the People the Doctrines they were to believe, gnd the Way for their Salvation foretold them ; t. not Oft the Sacred PredicJicM. H§ not of worldly Profperity, not that they fliould gain Honours or Riches * if they would become his DifcipJes : No ; but he plainly forewarned them of Troubles, and of great Troubles, if they would be his Difciples. In Mat. xvi. 24 j 25. Then Jefus faid unto hisDif ciples, if any Man will come after me, (and be my Difciple indeed,) let him deny himfelf, and take up his Crofs and follow me : (in the Way of Suffer- ings.) For whofoever will fave his Life, (by for- faking me,) fhall lofe it, and whofoever will lofe his Life (and fuffer Death) for my Sake, fhall find it, happily and joyfully in the next World.) In Mat. x. 38. Jefus fays, He that taketh not his Crofs, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. And in Luke xiv. 27. He fays, Whofoever doth not bear his Crofs, (when called to it by divine Providence,) and come after me, cannot be my Dif- ciple. In Mark xiii. 9. But take Heed to your' j elves, for they fhall deliver you up to Councils ; and in the Synagogues ye fhall be beaten, and ye fhall be brought before Rulers, and Kings for my Sake. In John xvi. 2. He fays* 'They fhall put you out of the Synagogues, yea the Time cometh, that whofoever killeih you, will think that he doeth God Service. Mod frequently did our blefled Saviour, in- culcate the Expectation of Sufferings* and Trou- bles on thofe that would be his Difciples. In this World, ye fhall have Tribulation. He faid in John xvi. 33. The Apoftle likewife teftified the fame: For they went about confirming the Souls of the Difciples, and exhorting them to continue in the Faith ; and that we muji through much Tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God. Acts xiv. 22. And this Conduct is an evident Proof, that Chrift was a Teachqf come from God; and that the Gofpel is no Impofture, but moft certainly Q^a true. 1 1 6 On the Sacred Predictions. rtuc. Would any Impoftor ever teach a Syftem of Notions, and expect to make Profelytes by telling his Hearers, that if they will believe and profefs his Doctrine, they will be expofed to manifold Troubles, that it would bring on them the Hatred of Magiftrates, and occafion to them the Lofs of their Houfes, their Lands, their Liber- ty and Lives. No Impoftor ever talked in fuch a Strain : The Devil, the fubtile Devil, that he may keep Men in Bondage to himfelf, and prevail with them to so on in Unbelief and Difobedience to God, ex- rites in them the Defire and Hope of fenfual Plea- fu res, or of Riches and Honours. When he tempted our Mafter and Lord, it was with the Things of this World : For when he had taken him up into an exceeding high Mountain, and Jloewed him (a Reprefentation of) all the Kingdoms of the World, and the Glory of them. This lying Spirit faid unto him, All thefe Things will I give thee, if thou 'wilt fall down and worfhip me. Mat. iv. 8,9. But our great Redeemer and his Apofiles, in preaching the everlafting Gofpel, propofed no worldly Advantages to induce their Hearers to believe and obey it, but gave undeniable Proofs of the Truth of it, and propofed fpiritual Blef- fings in this World, and a Happinefs in the Enjoyment of God for ever. They propof- ed to their Hopes thofe great Mercies which g'.iilry miferable Sinners ftand in need of 5 they propofed Forgivenefs of their Sins, Peace, and Reconciliation with God, and eternal Life : Bleffings fuitable to the wretched Cafe of Men, under the Guilt of Sin, under the Condemna- tion of the Divine Law, obnoxious to the Wrath of God, and the Pains of Hell for ever. And I may add, that the Preaching of the Gofpel, was * accompanied with the mighty Working of the • Holy On the Sacred Predictions. 1 1 7 Holy Ghoft ; the Lord himfelf bearing Tefti- mony to the Truth of the Word of his Grace ; for every Convert was a Seal and Evidence of the Verity of the Gofpel. But a Time of Perfecution of the Saints is not a Day of God's Vifitation for Sin : There is no Divine Wrath in the bitter Cup of their Suffer- ings : No ; but there is wonderful Love in it. In fuch Times, God gives his faithful Servants extraordinary Communications of Grace and Strength, and often fills them with Joy unfpeak- able and full of Glory : He enables them to take joyfully the fpoiling of their Goods, and to rejoice in Tribulation, and to count it an Honour to fuf- fer Shame and Death for tfie Name of Chrift:, whom their Souls admire and adore, as the Au- thor of Salvation, and everlafting Happinefs to them. And it is predicted, that they who have teftified the Sincerity of their Faith in Chrift, and Love to him, by laying down their Lives for his Sake, fhall live, fhall live again before the general Re- furrection ; for it is faid, in Rev. xx, 4. I faw the Souls of them that were beheaded for the fVitnefs of Jefus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worfhiped the Beafi, neither his Image, neither had received his Mark upon their Foreheads, or in their Hands,', and they lived and reigned with Chrift a thoufand Tears. And in the next Verfe it is added ; But the reft of the Dead lived not again, till the thcufand Tears were finifhed. They that fuffer Death in the Caufe, and for the Sake of Chrift, will have peculiar Rewards, and a more exceeding Weight of Gloi-y. St. Paul fays, If fo be that we fuffer with him, that we may be alfo glorified together -, for 1 reckon that the Sufferings of the prefent Time, are not "worthy to be compared with the Glory which fhall be revealed 1 1 3 On the Sacred PrediBioJis. revealed in us. Rom. viii. 17, 18. (It will be Co exceeding great.) The Saints are always the Objects of the Love and fpecial Care and Goodnefs of God. And in the Times of publick Calamities, various Pre- dictions relative to them, do (hew the com- panionate and faithful Regards which our Fa- ther in Heaven, has for them while they re- main in this World, even when he is executing his Judgments on wicked Cities and Countries. Manifold are the Judgments of God for Sin : The moll frequent are the Sword of War, the Pejiilence, the Famine and Fire. But the mighty God takes Care of his People in fuch dreadful, fuch defolating Seafons. There are in every Country, and in every City; a great Variety of Sorts of People, both among the High and the Low : But in God's Ac- count, they are diflinguifhed only into two Sorts, viz. his faithful People, who know, and love, and ferve him; who keep his Covenant and his Teftimonies •, and thofe who live in a Courfe of wilful Difobedience to his holy Command- ments. And when the Providence of God brings his deftroying Judgments into any Nation or Town, it is to punifh and deftroy the Wicked ; and it is a Day of the Lord's Vifitation for Sin. We may be fure that the Lord has a Controverfy with every Place into which he brings the Sword, the Miferies of War, or of the Peftilence, or of Famine, or of any other deftruftive Calamity. And we know that in fuch dreadful Times, the Lord's Controverfy is not with the Righteous : The Vials of his Wrath are not intended to be poured out on them : No *, God will take a fpecial Care of them. The On the Sacred Predictions. 1 1 9 The Predictions which have been taken Notice of in the foregoing Papers, may be as fo many Cordials to confolate their Minds, in Days of the moil terrible Calamities. God is our Refuge and Strength, a very prefent Help in Trouble. Pfa. xlvi. 1. And there are Predictions on Record in the Holy Scriptures, which mew the Regard which the Almighty and all-gracious God has for his faithful Servants. God, before he inflicts Punifhments on any fin- fui People, gives them Warning by his Servants the Prophets : So he did in the Times of the Old Teftament. But the divine Threatnings, I think, are not to be interpreted, as if it was intended that every individual wicked Perfon mould be deftroyed. Sometimes God has threatned Judgments to take away the fourth Part of Men. Rev. vi. 8. Sometimes a third Part of the People. Rev. ix. 5. Which implies, that the merciful God would fuffer very many individual Perlbns to efcape. And it is foretold of thofe that mould efcape, that they would remain impenitent and uniform- ed. Rev. ix. 19, 20. It is faid, And the reft of Men which were not killed by thefe Plagues, yet repented not of the Works of their Hands, that they fhould not worflnp Devils, and Idols of Gold, and Silver, and Brafs, and Stone and Wood\ which neither can fee, nor hear, nor walk : Neither repent- ed they of their Murders, nor of their Sorceries, nor of their Fornications, nor of their Thefts. And as to the Promifes made to the Righteous, it does not appear to me, that they are to be in- terpreted as if no fincere Chriftians will fuffer by Means of the Calamities, which will be inflicted on the Wicked in the Day of their Vifitation : For many are the Afflictions of the Righteous, 2 even 120 On the Sacred Predictions. even in Times of publick Tranquility, and of publick Profperity ; and they are at all Times liable to LoOes, Difappointments, a Variety of Troubles, Difeafes, and Death. But this I may fay, that they are not the Objects of the divine Wrath ; they are not that Part of the People God is contending with, when he is pouring out the Vials of his Indignation on incor- rigible Sinners. But they are that Sort of People, which God will take a fpecial Care of in Times of publick Calamities, and of Diftrefs in Nations and Cities : God would not deflroy Sodom, till he had remov- ed Lot out of it. And there are many Predictions of our Father which is in Heaven, which ftiews his Regard to his beloved Children, and what they may hope for and expect in thofe melancholy Days, when they fhall be furrounded with Multitudes of Ex- amples of divine Vengance, ruining particular Perfons, Families and Towns. As to the Righteous it is predicted, that when God's Judgments fhall be executed, it fhall be well with them. In Ifa. iii. 10, n. God gives thefe Predic- tions to his Prophets, in refpect to the Time of his Judgments on Judah and Jerufalem : Say ye to the Right ecus i that it JhaH be well with him ; for they pall eat the Fruit of their Doings : Wo unto the Wicked itjhallbe ill with him ; for the Reward of bis Hands Jhall be given him. The Words mew that God, mod Merciful, will have his People comforted with the AfTurance from him, that when it goes ill with the Wicked, fuffering under deftroying Judgments, it fhall at the fame Time go well with the Righteous : And that Exprefllon, Say ye, mews that it was the Duty not only of Ifaiah, but of all other Prophets and Minifters On the Sacred Predictions. 1 2 i Miriifters of God, to declare to the People the fame Affurance. And the Words do likewife mew, that it is the Duty Of the Minifters of Chrift in all Ages, and in all Countries, when they learn from the Threat- nings of God's Word, and from the Wickedneis of the Generality of People among whom they dwell, and from the Operations of the divine Providence, that deftroying Judgments are ap- proaching ; it is their Duty then to fpeak comfor- tably to the Godly, and declare to them, that whatever Calamities fiiall come, it will go well with them ; though it will go ill with the Wicked. I fhall now collect the Predictions about the Righteous in Times of publick Calamities, under the following Heads* viz. i. It is predicted, that they (hall be preferved in Safety in Times of War } they (hall be fafe, though furrounded with Dangers. In Prov. xviii. 10. It is faid, The Name of the Lord is aftrong Tower ; the Righteous runneth into it, and is fafe. The Words fignify a Prediction to the Righteous, that if they by Prayer, and Faith feek to God for his Protection, they fhall find Safety. In Prov. xxix. 25. It is faid, Whofo pitteth his Trufi in the Lord, fhall be fafe. All the Righteous do put their Truft in him ; therefore the Promife is a Prediction of Safety to them. In 2 Chron. xvi. 9. It is laid, The Eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth to fhew himfelf flrcng in the Behalf of them, whofe Heart is per feci towards him. Which Words im- ply God's watchful Providence over the Righte- ous, and that he will manikft the Greatnefs of his R Power 122 On the Sacred Predictions. Power in protecting them from the Dangers they may meet with. In i Sam. ii. 9. It is faid, He will keep the Feet of his Saints, and the Wicked Jhall be filent in JOarknefs. In Pial. xci. 1. It is faid, He that dwelkth in the fecret Place of the mcji High, Jhall abide (in fafety) under the Shadow of the Almighty. Verfe 2. 1 will fay of the Lor b, he is my Refuge, and my Fortrefs, my God, in him will 1 trufl, Verfe 4. He jhall cover thee with his Feathers, and under his Wings Jhall thou truji : His Truth Jhall be thy Shield and Buckler. Verfe 10. There Jhall no Evil befal thee. Thefe Words teach us our Duty of trufting in God, and imply a Prediction of Safety to righteous Perfons, who do fo. Pfa. cxxi. Is full of Predictions of the like Import. God's faithful Care of his Church and People, is like wife predicted, in Ifa. xxvii. g. ItheL,ORD do keep it, I will water it every Moment, left any hurt it, I will keep it Night and Day. In Zech. ii. 5. The Almighty fpeaketh thus, For I Jaith the Lord, will be unto her (i. e. his Church,) a Wall of Fire round about, and will be the Glory in the MidJl of her. In Job v. 20. It is faid, In W ar he Jhall 'redeem thee Jrom the Power oj the Sword. In Prov. iii. 25, 26. It is faid, Be not afraid cf fudden Fear, nor of the Defolation of the Wicked, when it comet h : For the Lord Jhall be thy Confidence, and Jhall keep thy Foot jrom being taken. The Righteous in Countries that are the Seat of War, when oppofite Armies are Marching and Counter-marching, and are frequently Fighting with each other, the Righteous are in the Midft of Perils and Dangers •, but in the Midft of all thefe Perils and Dangers, and even in Battle, if God On the Sacred PrediSticfis. 123 Go J will preferve them, they are as fafe, as if there were none. Every Bullet that is fhot, and every Stroke of the Sword had it's Direction from the Providence of God : Since one Sparrow lhall not fall on the Ground, without our Father which is in Heaven -, (Mat. x. 29.) fince not one of them is forgotten before God; (Luke xii. 6.) fince no Evil hap- pens to thofe little Birds, without his Providence ; we may be fure, that no Wound, no Hurt, hap- pens, to any Perfon in a Battle without it. It is the Providence of God which takes away thofe, who are (lain in War, and which preferves thofe, who efcape unhurt. In Mat. xxiv. 40, 41. It is faid, Then two /hall be in the Field, the one JhaU be taken, and the other left ; two Women /hall be grinding at the Mill, the one Jhall bs taken, and the other left. And ic is God who determines which of them fhall be taken, and which of them fhall be left. In perilous Times, the Righteous may ufe the Words of David, and fay, The Lord is my Light, •and my Salvation, whom fhall I fear ? 'The Lord is the Strength of my Life, of whom fhall I be afraid? Pfa. xxvii. 1. And they may be confi- dent, that the Lord will fulfil all his Predictions, 2. It is predicted, that the Righteous fhall be provided for in Times of Calamities by Famine. Famine, is a Judgment very terrible ; but blefled be the Name of our bountiful God, we of this Generation have never feen the moft deplorable Effects of it. It may help us to fome right Apprehenfions and Senfe of it, if we read what is faid of it by the Prophet. The Prophet Jeremiah defctibes the Miferies of a Famine in Lament, iv. Where he fays, The R 2 Tongue 124 On the Sacred Predictions. Tongue of the fuckling Child ', cleave th to the Roof of his Mouth for Thirft ; the young Children ajk Bread, and no Man breaketh it unto them. ver. 4. They that did feed delicately, are defolate in the Streets ; they that were brought up in Scarlet , em- brace Dunghills, ver. 5. For the Punifhment of the Iniquity of the Daughter of my People, is greater than the Punifhment of the Sin of Sodom, that was overthrown in a Moment. ver. 6. Their Vifage is blacker than a Coal; they are not known in the Streets, their Skin cleaveth to their ficries ; ("their Flelh being wafted for want of Food,) it is withered, it is become like a Stick. ver. 8. They that be flain with the Sword, are better than they that be flain with Hunger. For thefe pine away, flruken through, for Want of the Fruits of the Field, ver, 9. The Hands of thz pitiful Women have fcdden their own Children ; they were their Meat, in the Defiruc- tian of the Daughter of my People, ver. 1 o. O how tremendous are the Miferies of a great Famine ! And War often brings on a Famine, even in the nioft fruitful Countries. But it is predicted, that God will provide for his own People in fuch defolating and dreadful Times. In Pfa. xxxiii. 58, 19. It is faid, Behold the Eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him : Upon them that hope in his Mercy \ to deliver their Sou's from Death, and to keep then alive in Famine. In Pfa. xxxvii. 19. It is faid of them, They jhall not be afhamed in the evil Time : And in the Days of Famine they Jhall be fatisfied. In Ifa. xli. 1 7. When the Poor and Needy feek Water, and there is none, and their Tongues faileth 4 f° r On the Sacred Predictions. 1 25 for Thirft, 1 the Lord will bear ihem ; / the Gcd of Ifrael will not for fake them. Thefe Predictions imply, that God will prc- ferve the Righteous, and provide neceffary Food for them, even when theie (hall be the greatest Scarcity. And our gracious Gcd has recorded them in his Word, for the Comfort of his People againft the Terrors of fuch a Judgment : They may be lure that God is faithful to his promife, and will fulfil all his Predictions: His Wifdom knows how to contrive Ways and Means for their Sup- ply ; and his Power is able to procure all that (hall be needful for them. 3. It is predicted, that the Righteous mail be preferved in Times of the Pestilence. In Pfalm xci. 2. The Sentiments, and pious Refolutionof the Righteous are thus exprefied. ver. 2. I will fay of the Lord, he is my Refuge, and my Fortrefs, my God, in him will I trufi. And this is the Language of every one of God's faithful People. In this Pfalm are many comfortable Predictions relative to them. In ver. 3,&c. it is faid, Surely he fhall deliver thee from the Snare of the Fowler ; and from the noifome Pejlilence. He fhall cover thee with his Feathers, and under his Wings /halt thou trujl : His Truth fhall be thy Shield and Buckler : "Thou foalt not be afraid for the Terror by Night; nor for the Arrow thatflyeth by Bay : Nor for the Pejlilence that walk* eth in Darknefs ; nor for the Dejlruclion, that wafl- eth at noon Day. AThoufand Jhall fall by thy Side, and ten Thoufand at thy right Hand ; but it fhall not come nigh thee. Only with thine Eyes flo alt thou behold and fee the Regard of the Wicked, (ver. 8.) Becaufe thou hajl made the Lord y which is my Re- fuge, even the mojl High, thy Habitation : (by Faith and 126 On the Sacred Predictions. and Prayer, trufting in him, and praying to him in the Way of Holinefs.) There Jhall no Evil be- fall thee, neither jhall any Plague come nigh thy Dwelling. For he, (God) ft jail give his Angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy Ways. If forne particular Perfons mould die by a peftilemial Fever, they will be immediately hap- py in a better World. But it is evident from ver. 8. ift. That when God fends the Peililence into any City, or Country, it is not againft the Righteous : No \ they are the Sort of People, God has appointed for his Protection. And 2dly. It is manifd't that the Wicked are the Sort who are appointed to die by the Peftilence. It appears from ver. 5. That God would not have the Righteous to be afraid, when the I efti- lence comes into the Town, and Country where they dwell : And he afllires them of Safety-, that he will furely deliver them : (ver. 3.) That though Multitudes may die round about them, yet the Arrows of Deftruclion (hall not come nigh them : Only with their Eyes (hall they fee Examples of God's Vengeance among the Wicked, and that no Evil mail befal them, or come nigh their Dwelling. God will give his Angels charge over them ; this will be their fecurity. Comfortable Promifes thefe are ! BlefTed be our good God for them ! And they will moft faithful- ly be performed : And therefore I need only to obferve, that it is our Intereft and Duty to make it fure, that we are of that Number to which they belong. 4. It is Predicted, that the Righteous fhall be preserved from diftfejfmg Fears in Times of pub- lick Calamities. Fear On the Sacred Prediftiem. 127 Fear hath Torment. 1 John iv. 18. Perils and Dangers naturally excite Fear. And the greater, and more terrible the Evils are, the greater is the Pain and Anguifh of the Mind at their Approach. The Time or publick Judgments, is a Time of difmal Fears to the Wicked : When the Al- mighty cometh forth to take Vengeance on them ; when the Vials of his Wrath are pouring forth among them, they will fear; Fearfulnefs will fur- prize the Hypocrites, lfa. xxxiii. 14. In fome Circumftances of Affliclion, a good Man may be greatly diftreffed with Fears : And this feems to have been the Cafe with David. Pfa. Iv. 5. When he faid, Fearfulnefs and Trembling are upon me, and Horror hath overwhelmed me. But every fincere Chriftian may pray, and obtain freedom from his Fears. Fears alfo may arife in the Minds of pious Per- fons, under the Apprehention of Miferies like to befal the People of the Land in which they dwell ; which feems to be the Cafe of the Pro- phet. Ifa. xxi. 4, Where he fays, My Heart panteth-, Fearfulnefs affrighted me \ the Night of my Pleafure hath he turned into Fear unto me. That is, by his being informed of the Judgments God was then about to bring on his People. But fuch Fears, are not the Fears of guilty Sinners going on in their Trefpaffes, which they feel, when their Confciences are made fenfible of their Guilt. God has promifed Peace and Comfort to his own Children and Servants, even when he is pu- nching his, and their Enemies. It is a comfortable Prediction relative to a righ- teous Man, in Pfa. cxii. 7. Where it is faid, He ffjall not be afraid of evil Tidings ; his Heart is fixed tr ufting in the Lord. There 128 On the Sacred Predictions. There is a Fear confident with inward Tniri quility and Comfort of Soul $ there is a Fear which is our Duty. It is faid, Thou jh alt fear the Lord thy God, and ferve him. (Deut. vi. 13.) Our good God is the fupreme Object of our Fear : And the Duty of fear- ing him is molt frequently inculcated in the Holy Scriptures. . And the Beginning the Practice of this Duty, is the Beginning of Wildom. The Whole of ferious practical Piety, is often denoted by the Expreflion the Fear of God. And many Things are predicted, for the en- gaging People to this Duty, Solomon fays, Tet furely I know it /hall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him. Eccle. viii. 13. Surely his Salvation is nigh them that fear him. It is faid, Pfa. Ixxxv. 8. There is alfo a Fear due to Magi Urates ; a great Refpect to their Authority •, For Rulers are not a Terror to good Works, but to the Evil: Will thou then not be afraid of the Power ? Says the Apoftle Paul, Horn. xiii. 3. Thereby teaching Chritlians that they ought to have a Fear of their Power, and not incur their Difpleafure by any evil Doings. A Fear is likewife due to Parents. In Levit. xix. 1, 2, 3. The L.ord fpake unto Mo fes faying, fpeak unto all the Congregation of the Children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, ye fhall be holy -, for I the Lord your God am holy. Ye fhall fear every Man his Mother, and his Father, and keep my Sab- baths : 1 am the Lord thy God. Ye foa'.l fear every Man his Mother, and his Father. Thefe Words are one of the Commandments and Laws of God, and he has never repealed it : The Real ; s . it are always the fame, and fo is the Obligatioi tyit: It implies that Refpect, that On the Sacred Predictions. 1 2 g that Awe, and Regard to Parents, which mail reftrain us from giving them any juft Occafion of Offence, and Grief, and fhall conitrain us to con- tribute to their Support and Comfort, as much as they fhall want, and we mail be able to contribute. There is another Law in this Book of Leyfaatft and it may not generally be known •, becaufe all the holy Laws of God are not generally read in the worfhiping Affemblies of Chriftians •, and yet this is an important One, and the Realbns of it have always the fame Weight. In Levit. x. 8, 9, io> H. VU Lord /pake unto Aaron-, faying* Bo not drink Wine, nor ftrcng Drink, thou, nor thy Sons with thee, when ye go into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, left ye die : It fhall be a Statute for ever throughout your Genera- tions : And that ye may pit Difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean. And that ye may teach the Children of Ifrael all the Sta- tutes, which the Lord hath fpoken unto them by the Hand of Mofes. If the Priefts of God, under the Old Tefta- ment, and the Minifters of Chrift under the New, had the Liberty of drinking ftrong Liquors be- fore they went into the Congregation to adminifter the Ordinancesof divine Worfhip, and to teach the People the revealed Will of God, they might be tempted to drink too much, and becorr.e incapable of a due Performance of their Office ; and if they were earned in their Exhortations, the People might be tempted to think their Zeal and Fervour did not proceed from the A Mi (lance of the Holy Spirit of God, but from the Spirits of the ftrong Liquors they drank. But God by his Law abfolutely forbidding them to drink Wine, or ftrong Drink, effec- tually prevents thele ill Confequences, if they S who j 30 On the Sacred Predictions. who officiate pubiickly in the divine Worihip, do obferve this Law. I have mentioned the proper Objects of Fear, I fhall now fhew whom we ought not to iear : And we ought not to fear cither wicked Men, or wicked Devils. We ought not to fear wicked Men. Fear net them which kill the Body, but are not able to kill the Soul : But rather fear him which is able to deftroy both Soul and Body in Hell ; fays our bJeffed Sa- viour. Mat. x. 28. Our good God fays to his People, (in Ifa. li. 12.) I even I am he that comfort eth you; who art thou, that thou Jhonldejl be afraid of Man, that pall die, and of the Son of Man, which fhall be made as Grafs ? In lfa. xli. 10. God fays to his People, Fear thou not (thine Enemies,) for I am with thee, be not difmayed for I am thy God •, / will firenglhen thee, yea I will help thee, yea I will uphold thee with the right Hand of my Righteoufnefs. Behold, all they that were incenfed cgainft thee, fhall he apamed and confounded, they pall be as nothing, and they that ftrive with thee, pall perijb, O what a Clufter of comfortable Predictions are thefe ! and they have been, they are, and they will be fulfilled to the Saints in all Ages ; and the Saints in all Ages have found much Confolation in mufing upon them. But as we fhould not be afraid of wicked Men, fo neither mould we fear the wicked Devils y thofe unholy Angels: There are Multitudes of them - ~4n all Places, though they are fpoken of in the fingular Number, as if there was but one, becaufe one among them is their Chief, the Prince of Devils •, and becaufe they are all one in Defign ; but as numerous as they are, we have no Realbii to fear them. In On the Sacred Fredicl'tons. 131 In James iv. 7. lc is faid, Refift the DJv'd, and he will flee from you. Which Words contain a Prediction, that- the Devil will flee from thofe fe- rious Chriftians who refift him : Chrift the Captain of our Salvation (who himfelf fullered, being tempted) knows how, and is able to fuccour and deliver his Difciples when they are tempted, and will make the Devil to ceafe his' Temptations and to depart from them. The Apoftle Peter (in 1 Pet. v. 8, 9.) fays to the Saints, Be feber, be vigilant, becaufe your /idverfary the Devil, as a roaring Lyon, walketb about, feeking whom he may devour : Whom refift Jiedfajl in the Faith, knowing that the fame Afflic- tions are accomplijbed in your Brethren, that are in the World. Our mighty Saviour would have us, with flrm- nefs of Mind, to continue our Refiftance to the Devil, and without fear of being overcome by him. O how often does our good God fpeak comfort- ably to his People, and fay unto them, Fear not ! In Ifa. xxvi. 3. the Prophet by the Infpira- tion of the Holy Spirit, fays to Gxl, Thou wilt keep him in -per feci Peace whofe Mind is flayed on thee, becaufe he trufteth in thee. A Prediction this, which hath been the Means of much Comfort to many a Chriftian in Times of Trouble. But where is the Chriftian that hath perfect Peace ? The W T ords of the Prophet imply, that a trufting in God, or Faith in Exercife, is the Means of enjoying the fweet Blefting of Peace, and of freedom from diftrefling Fears : And where is the Chriftian that has his Faith and Truft in God, al- ways in due Exercife? There is a Remainder of finful Corruption in the Souls of the Deft Chriftains, fo that the Good they would do, they fometimes do not. S 2 Abraham 132 On the Sacred Frcdidlions. Abraham, the Father of Believers, and the glo- rious Example of a ftrong Faith, had fpecial and immediate Afiurances of God's Favour and Pro- tection. The Lord faid unto Mr am, I will make of thee a great Nation, and I will hlefs thee, and make thy Name great, and thou flj all be a Bleffing : And 1 will blcjs them that blefs thee, and curfe him that eurfelh thee : and in thee foal I all Families of the Earth be b'ejfed. Gen. xii. 1, 2, 3. And in about a Year after thefe gracious Afiu- rances, gPAn him immediately from the Lord, when he went into Egypt to fojourn there, his Faith was very weak, and unbelieving Fear dif- trefied his Mind, and prevailed with him to deny his Wife, and to engage her to fay, fhe was his Sifter. Gen. xii. ver. 10 — 13. Iri Gen. xiii. the facred Hiftory informs us, that when Abram dwelt in the Land of Canaan, The Lord [aid unto him, — All the hand which thou feefl, to thee will I give it, and to thy Seed for ever. (ver. 15.) And I will make thy Seed as the Duft of the Earth, (ver. 16.) In Gen. xvii. i. When Abram was ninety Tears old and nine, the Lord appeared unto Abram, and faid unto him, I am the almighty God; walk before me, and be thou per feci ; and I will made my Cove- nant between me and thee, and will multiply thee ex- ceedingly, (ver. 2.) And changed his Name to Abraham, (ver. 5.) And faid, / will make Na- tions of thee, and Kings floaty come out of thee. ver. 6. — And I will efiablfjh my Covenant between me and thee, and thy Seed afer thee in their Generations, for an tverlafting Covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to t'i.y Seed after thee. ver. 7. As for Sarai thy Wife — I will blefs her, and give thee a Sen alfo of her : yed I will blefs her, and foe jhall On the Sacred Predictions. 133 Jhall be a Mother of Nations j Kings of People Jhall be of her. ver. 15, 16. And after all thefe Promifes ma;!e to Abraham immediately by the almighty and faithful God, did he a fecond Time deny hi^ Wife: He did fa at Gerar to Abimelech the King, who (when Abraham had told him fhe was his Sifter) took her, but the Lord made Abimelech toreftore her. (Gen. xx. 1, 2.) This was about twenty and three Years after the Promifes God had made to him, in Gen. xii. O what are the bed of Men, if left to them- felves ! Lord, increafe my Faith, and by thy holy Spirit keep it always in due Exercife ! Another Inftance of human Frailty we have in David: The Prophet Samuel, byGod's Appoint- ment, anointed David to be king over Ifrael after the Death of Saul : He was, according to Chro- nology, anointed in the Year 1063 before Chrift. And yet this good Man in the Year J058 before Chrift, that is, about five Years after Samuel had anointed him to be King, almott defpaired of God's performing his Promife. For in 1 Sam. xxvii. 1. we read that David laid in his Heart, I Jhall now perifo one Day by the Hand of Saul. No wonder then, confidering thefe Instances of Faith being fometimes very weak, that ferious Christians at Times have their Doubts and Fears. All our past Experiences prove to us, that God is a prefent Help in Trouble, that he has been fo to us in all our paft DifirefTes, he has fupported us, and wrought one Deliverance for us after another ; yet when we meet with new Afflictions, Difappointments, or Straits, or Dangers, how often do unbelieving Doubts and Fears arife in our Minds •, efpecially if the Devil is fufFered, for our Trial, to throw his Suggestions into our Minds. Never- *34 ® n ^ oe Sacred Predictions. Neverthelefs, God has provided for our Com- fort, and Remedies againtt perplexing Fears in Times of publick Calamities, whether prefent, or approaching. Come my People (fays our God) enter thou into thy Chambers, and jhut thy Doors about thee, and hide thyfelf as it were for a little Moment ', until the Indignation he cverpafi : For behold, the Lord cometh out of his Place, to punijh the Inhabitants of the Earth for their Iniquities. Ila. xxvi. 20, 21. 1. Thefe Words fliew, that there are Times when God will punifh the Inhabitants of the Earth for their Iniquities. 2. That God has a gracious Regard to the Safety and the Comfort of his People, through the Time that his Judgments are deftroying ftub- born Sinners, even till the Indignuion be over- pan:, till the Effects of his Wrath ceafe : There- fore did he give Directions to his People, what Courfe they mould take for Safety and Comfort during the Day of his terrible Vifitation ; viz. to enter into their Chambers, and fhut the Doors about them, and to hide themfelves : This Direc- tion, I apprehend fignifies, that the Righteous do daily commit themfelves by Faith and Prayer ro God's Protection, and walk clofely and circum- fpeftly with him, in the Way of their Duty, and keep themfelves from all unneceiTary Converfe with the open Enemies of God, taking fpecial Care that they be not Pai takers of their Sins, left they alfo become Partakers of their Plagues. God's People fometimes grow carelefs and re- mifs in their Obedience, and comply with the fin- ful Cuftoms of the Age in which they live .- And to fuch as thefe, the Prophet Zephaniah feems to fpeak, when he faid, Before the Decree bring forth, kef ore the Daypafs as the Chvff, before the fierce Anger of 4 On the Sacred Predictions. 135 of the Lord come upon you, before the Bay of the Lord's Anger come upon you : Seek ye the Lord, all ye Meek of the Earth, which have wrought his Judgments (in Time pail,) feek Righteoufnefs, feek Meeknefs ; it may be, ye foall be hid in the Bay of the Lord'j Anger. Zeph. ii. 2, 3. If we walk clofely wich God, in the Way of Faith ..and Holinefs, we may hope, he will free and preferve us from terrifying Fears, even if we mould be furrounded with Danger. Thofe are comfortable Words in Prov. iii. 23. to ver. 26. Thenfhalt thou walk in thy IVay fafely, and thy Foot fh all not fumble. When thou Heft down thou /halt not be afraid; yea, thou fhalt lie down, and thy Sleep fhall be fueet. Be not afraid of fudden Fear, neither of the Befo- lation of the Wicked when it cometh ; for the Lord fhall be thy Confidence, and fhall keep thy Foot from being taken. The Loving-kindnefs of God, and his com- - paflionate and and faithful Care of the Righteous, appear in all his Predictions, which relate to them. The facred Frediuiions collected in the foregoing Papers, and the very many which have not been mentioned, do abundantly manifeft, that the holy God in the Operations of his Providence, will make a Difference between the Righteous and the Wicked, between him that ferveth God, #nd him that ferveth him not. They reveal the Blefiings which all true Be- lievers do enjoy, and may hope for in this Life, and after Death, and at the RefurrecYton, and at the Day of Judgment, and through a never end- ing Eternity after it : They alfo Difplay and that very awfully, the Curfes and Miferies of the Wicked, while they remain on this Farth, and the unutterable Torments they mud endure in- their Souis 136 On the Sacred Predictions. Souls after De.ith to the Refurrection, and in their Souls and Bodies then reunited, at the Judgment of the great Day, and after the End of the World, in a Duration, which will never, never have an End. The righteous and merciful God hath fet be- fore the Children of Men in his holy Word, Life, and Good, and Deaths and Evil, (according to what is faid, Deut. xxx. 15.) that every one was Wife to make the right Choice, to choofe Lite and Good, and act ac- cordingly ! 1 have in thefe Letters, from an ardent Defire cf being, with many others, an happy Inftrument of promoting the everlafting Salvation, and Hap- pineis, and prefent Comfort of Men, fet before my Readers thofe Things which are of the great- eft Importance for them to know, and confider. \ have fet before them a Summary of the Laws is the Sword of the Spirit. Ephef. vi. 17. And the Word of God is quick and powerful, and Jharper than any two edged Sword, piercing even to the dividing afunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joints and Marrow, and is a Difcerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart. Heb. iv. 12. It is the Law of the Lord, that is perfect, con- verting the Soul: It is the Teftimony of the Lord that is fure, making wife the Simple. Pfal. xix. 7, 8. It is by the Word of God, that the Holy Spirit bringeth Sinners to believe in Chrift. St. Paul fays, So then Faith comet h by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God, (read, or preached.) Rom. x. 17. So it is by the Word of God, that the Saints are fanftified ; therefore faid the blefied Jefus to his Father, Sanfiify them through thy Truth : Thy Word is Truth. John xvii. 17. And his Word of Promife is the Means of their Peace, their Comfort, and their Joy : O how mould Chriftians prize the Holy Scriptures, and improve all Opportunities of reading, and hear- ing them ? Prophane Perfons will deride them: It is fore- told, that, There /kail come in the lafi Days, Scoffers walking after their own Lufis; 2 Pet. iii. 3. But in the Word of Truth, it is faid, that, The Curfe of the Lord is in the Houfe of the Wicked •, but he bleffeth the Habitation of the Jufi. Surely he fcorn- eth the Scorners : but he giveth Grace unto the Lowly. Prov. iii. ^, 34. It On the Sacred Predictions. 139 It is exprefsly declared, that Judgments are prepared for Scorners, and Stripes for the Back of Fools. Prov. xix. 29. and there have been In- flances of God's Indignation againft fuch Of- fenders : For (as it is faid, in Ifa. xxix 30.) The terrible One is brought to nought , and the Scorner is confumed, and all that watch for Iniquity are cut off. God will magnify his Word above all his Name. If there is any Error or Miftake in thefe Letters, it is mine; and thofe Things which are true and ufeful in them, I collected from the Holy Scrip- tures : And I earnestly pray that God, the God of all Grace, who delighteth not in the Death of the Wicked, and has demonftrated his Willing- nefs to be reconciled to finful Men, and difplayed his amazing Love, by fending his only begotten and beloved Son into the World, that whofoever believeth in him, mould not perifh, but have everlafting Life : Iearneftly pray that he will blefs and profper thefe Endeavours to the faving Bene- fit, and great Comfort of thofe, who fhall read them ; Amen, for the Sake of Jefus Chrift who is worthy, Amen. Pfal. viii. 1, 2. O Lord, our Lord, how excel- lent is thy Name in all the Earth ! Who haft thy Glory above the Heavens. Out of the Mouth of Babes, and Sucklings haft thou ordained Strength, becaufe of thine Enemies, that thou might eft ft ill the Enemy, and the Avenger. Therefore blelTed and praifed be thy Name, O Lord ; becaufe in fo doing the more illuftrious is thy Power, and the greater is thy Glory. Luke ii. 14. Glory to God in the Higheft, and on Earth Peace, Good-will towards Men. LET- T 2 LETTER X. Containing an Anfwer to the Que/Hon, viz. Whether the publick Reading the Holy Scriptures on the Lord's Days, is an Ordinance of divine Appoint- ment, and a Part of the Worfiip y which God requires from his People ? 5/^^7~^V! H E Queftion being about a Cuf- WP? ^W tom > or Prac1:ice u fe ^ in the P ub - S» lick Wormip of God in many (§r$mk Congregations of Christians, and cW^I L^ : |$-fj5 in many others not ufed ; it is of (•^i^wvMMrr?: great Moment to enquire what is the Will of God concerning it. There are two divine Laws, which will lead us to a right Determination, viz. I. The Firft is in Deut. iv. 2. where God the fupreme Lawgiver, faid, Ye shall not add to the Word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought from it ; that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God. As Of the public k Reading, &c. 141 As if it had been faid, that ye may keep them pure, and intire, without any Addition to, o:: Diminution from them. II. The other is in Deut. xii. 32. where our holy God faid, What Thing soever I com- mand YOU, OBSERVE TO DO IT: THOU SHALT NOT ADD THERETO, NOR DIMINISH FROM IT. Thefe Laws have never been repealed : No; but they are obligatory in all Ag.s, and in all Piaces : The Reafons of them are always the fame ; and no Creatures, neither Men, nor An- gels, have a Power paramount, or fuperior to that of the glorious Creator, nor Authority to al- ter, to add to, or take away any Thing from what the mod high God has commanded, who can crufli Angels, and Men into nothing, as eafily as he made them : And therefore the moft wife, the moft potent, and the moft exalted among Angels or Men, mould never dare to change, or prefume to mend the Ordinances he has ap- pointed. O my Soul ! Dread the being a Tranfgreflbr of the mentioned Laws! \£ I fhould make any Addition to the Things which the Lord hath commanded ; would it not fignify, that I think them defective ? And if I lay afide the Ufe of any one of his Ordinances, does it not denote, that I think it needlefs ; that I think it wouid have been better if it had not been enjoined ? And as to both thefe Ways of Acting, are they not an Impeachment of the divine Wiftlom, and an Ufurpation of the divine Authority ? Dread- ful Imagination ! to think of mending any of the Inftitutions of the infinitely wife, and holy- God ! Horrid Thoughts ! Horrid Thoughts ! Lord evermore preferve me from them, and keep me from 142 Of the publick Reading from complying with any Alteration of thine Or- dinances ! And enable me always to keep them pure, and intire ! Amen, for the Sake of Jefus Chrift, and for the Sake of thy great Name. If the publick Reading the Holy Scriptures in the ArTemblies of Chriftians for the Worfhip of God, be an Addition to the Things, which the Lord hath commanded ; if it is a Thing, he would not have to be done, it mould be laid afide in every Congregation of his People : But, if on fearching the Holy Scriptures, it mall appear, that the Reading them in the worfhiping Afiembliesof Chriftians on the Lord's Days, is an Ordinance which God has appointed, and what he will have to be done, then it ought to be done in every Congregation ot Chriftians on thofe holy Days •, and the Neglect of it, is a manifeft Tranfgreflion of the Laws mentioned. I may further obferve, that if this Practice of publick Reading the Sacred Scriptures is an Or- dinance of God, and Part of the Worfhip he re- quires from his People, then Sermons and the other Parts of the holy Service mould be fo fhort- ned, as to allow Time for a fufflcient Ufe of it. Now in Anfwer to the Question, although the publick Worfhip of God confifts of feveral Parts -, it will be fufficient, in regard to our Sub- ject, if I take Notice of the two following, viz. 1. That the publick Worfhip, confifts in fo- lemn Addrefles to God : When Chriftians join together in offering up at the Throne of Grace in the Name of Chrift, our glorious Mediator, Pe- titions, and Supplications for Grace, Mercies and Bleflings, for themfelves and others : Thefe Prayers fignify a Senfeof God's Knowledge of all the Wants of his People, and of his Power and Goodnefs £0 fupply them. Thus tfhe Holy Scriptures. 143 Thus Thankfgivings for Benefits received by us, and by others, are Acts of Worfhip, as they fignify and exprefs to God, grateful Acknowledg- ments of his Mercy manifefted by his beftowino- them. And thus all Expreffions to God, which denote a ferious Senfe of his glorious Attributes, and thofe which are exprefiive of a filial Fear of him, and of our Love to him, our Truft and Hope in him, and our Refolution (by the Help of his holy Spirit) to ferve and obey him, are Acts of religi- ous Worfhip : There is no Doubt of all this. 2. The Worfhip of God confifts in a ferious Attention and Regard to what He fpeaketb unto us. The great God fpeaketh unto Men by the Holy Scriptures, by his Word read, and by his Word preached. God gives us leave to fpeak unto him, as in the fore-mentioned Part of his Worfhip, and we mould rejoice that he condefcends to fpeak unto us-, and we mould know, that he commands us to hear him. A ferious attentive Hearing his Word, that is, his Holy Scriptures, is expreflive of Reverence to him, and of our Regard to his Authority, and to the Doctrines, the Precepts, the Promifes and Threatnings of his Word, and to the Records of his Providence, contained in the hiftorical Parts of it. This is a very important Part of the Worfhip we owe to God, the Good of our Salvation, as will appear from the Revelation he has made of his Will. In Exod, xxxiv. 7. We are informed that, Mofes took the Book of the Covenant, and read it 1 (and 144 Of the publick Reading (and all the Commandments of the Lord) in the ■Audience of all the People. I may here obferve, that in every Age, and in every Congregation of God's People, there are always the fame Reafons for the publick Reading of the Holy Scriptures, viz. to inftrucl the Igno- rant, and to ftir up the pure Minds of the Godly by way of Remembrance. In Jofhua viii. 34, 25- h * s faid, Jcfloua read all the Words of the Law, the Blefftngs and Curfings, according to all that is written in the Book of the Law. There was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Jojhua read not before all the Congregation of Ifrael, with the Women, and the little Ones, and the Strangers that were conver- fant among them. The important End for which Jofhua perform- ed this Service, was that the People, old and voung, might know the Commandments, and all the revealed Will of God : He did it as a Means of communicating to them that Knowledge, which was neceffary for them to obtain. I think it may be faid, that People in every Age, and every Congregation do very much want the fame Means of Knowledge. And that the pub- lick Reading the divine Laws, and the Writings of the Prophets and Apoftles, may with the di- vine Blefling contribute as much to the fame holy Purpofes as in the Days of Jofhua. In Nehemiah viii. 1. We are told, That all the people gathered themfehes together as one Man. And they fpake unto Ezra the Scribe, to bring the Book of the Law of Mofes, which the Lord had commanded to Jfrael. In Verfes 2, 3. We are informed that, Ezra the Priefi brought the Law before the Congregation both of Men and Women, and all that could hear .'• Under ft an ding, and that he read therein from the The Ho'y Scriptures. 14$ the Morning until Midday before the Men, and tloe Women, and thofe that could under/land; and the Ears of all the People were attentive to the Book of the Law. , In this Account it is obiervable, 1. That the Reading of the Laws of God> or the Holy Scriptures, which were then extant, was at the Requeft of the People. A good Example for thofe People to imitate, who have not had the Opportunity of hearing the Holy Scriptures pub- licity read. 2. That in this AfTembly, much of the Law of the Lord was read, as appears from the Read- ing of it, from Morning to the Midday. 2 That all the People were attentive to the Reading: The holy God by his Word read, did fpeak unto all his People there afiembled ; and and their ferious Attention to it, was a Service of lVorfhipx.0 him, expreffive of their Reverence : or him, and of their Regard to his Authority, and to his holy Commandments : And this is an Example, which ought to be imitated by all People when the Laws of the Lord are publickly read, and they have Opportunity of hearing them. In Deut. iv. 10. God faid unto Mofes, Gather me the People together, and I will make them hear my Words -, that they may learn to fear me all the Bays that they fhall live upon the Earth, and that they may teach their Children The Reafon, which the great God in this Scrip- ture affigns for his commanding Mofes to read publickly, and the People to hear his Words fo read (hews that God intended more than his Words being once read by Mofes, at the giving the Law at Mount Sinai; even to appoint it an Ordinance for ever to be obfcrvcd by his People U through- 1 46 Of the publick Reading throughout all their Generations, fo long as there fhould be a People co learn, to fear, and ferve him, and lb long as there mould be Children, that need inftruclion. And the Difufe of this Ordinance, is the Way to have People ignorant of God and their Duty ; ignorant of the Things he has revealed, and in- capable of teaching their Children, what God would have them taught. In Deut. xii. 28. Mofcs faid unto the People, Ob ferve and hear all thefe Words ', which I com- wand thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy Children after thee for ever \ when thou doejl that which is good and right in the Sight of the Lord thy God. Here we may obferve, 1. A Precept to the People, viz. To hear all the Words which the Lord hath commanded : Which implies, that it is the Duty of thofe whofe Office it is to inftruct the People, to read unto them, all the Words which the Lord hath commanded. 2. That Peoples hearing, and obeying the Words of the Lord, doing that which is good and right in his Sight, is the Way to have the BlefTing of God upon themfelves, and their Children. The Book of the Covenant of God with his Peo- ple, and his Laws, his Statutes and Ordinances were publickly read, and heard in the Days of Mofes, who wrote the Book of Deuteronomy about forty Years after his firft reading of the Law to the Feople ; and afterwards in the Time of Jofhua. But was the Reading themd Part of God's publick Worfljip on the Holy Sabbaths ? To this Queftion, I return to myfelf this Anfwer, viz. that if nothing had been faid about it in the Hiftory contained in the Holy Scrip- tures, I fhould conclude that it was fo •, becaufe it The Holy Scriptures. 147 it is as needful a Means of propagating the Knowledge of God, and of his revealed Will, and of bringing People to fear him, and to do that which is good and right in the Sight of the Lord in every Age, Country, and Congregation, as in the Days of Mofes and Jofhua. But from the Holy Scriptures we know certainly, that it was a Part of the publick Worfhip every Sabbath Day. In Acts xiii. 27. The Apoftle Paul fays, For they, that dwell at Jerufalem, and their Rulers, be- caufe they knew him not, (did not know Chrift) nor yet the Voice of the Prophets, which are read every Sabbath Day, they have fullfilled them in condemning him. In Acts xv. 21. It is faid, For Mofes of old l'ime hath in every City them that preach him, being read in the Synagogues (in every City) every Sab- bath Day. Hence it is evident, that the publick Reading the Scriptures then extant, viz. the Writings of Mofes and the Prophets, was part of the publick Worfhip of God, through the Times of the Old Teftament : And the Reading them is here called preaching them. As it was an Ordinance of God's commanding, To it was confcientioufly obferved by the People through the Times of the Old Teftament : And the Laws which enjoined it, God has never re- pealed ; and no Angels or Men have Authority to fet it afide. Our blefTed Redeemer did himfelf join in this Part of divine Worfhip : In Luke iv. 15, 16. It is faid, He taught in their (the Jews) Synagogues, being glorified of all. And (that) he came to Naza- reth where he had been brought up, and as his Cuflom was, he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day, and food up for to read; which fhews his Approba- U 2 tion 1 48 Of the publick Reading tion of the Ordinance; and therefore all hisDifciples fhould prize it, and gladly give their Attendance on the Sabbath Days, and hear the Word of God contained in the Law of Mofes, and in the Writ- ings of the Piophets and Apoftles, and hear with great Attention and Reverence. In Mat. xxui. 1, 2. we read thus, Then [pake Jefus unto the Multitude, and falfo) to his Difci- ples, faying, 1 he Scribes and Pharifees Jit in Mofes Seat : All therefore, whatfoever they bid you obferve, (of the Laws of God by Mofes) that objerve and do. Thefe Injunctions of Chrift (hew, that he did not fet afide the Ordinance, but required the Multitude to hear the Word of God, and to obey it. If that very antient Cuftom of Reading the Holy Scriptures ever Sabbath Day as a Part of the publick Worfhip, was a meer human Appoint- ment, our blefTed Saviour who faid, Every Plant which my heavenly Father hath not -planted, fball be rooted up. (Mat. xv. 13.) doubtlefs would not have conformed himfelf to it, and joined in that Part of religious Worfhip as he did : And it ap- pears moft evident from what has been noted, that this Part of Worfhip was a divine lnftitution; and the Reafons which God himfelf gives for com- manding it, prove that he intended it to continue fo long as he had a Church and People in the World. But this alfo appears evident from his own Words in Luke xvi. 19, &c. where we have the Parable of a certain rich Man, that was clothed in Purple and fine Linnen, and fared fumptuoufly every Day •, and of a Beggar named Lazarus^ who was laid at his Gate full of 6'ores : '1 hefe both die 1 •, but their Condition immediately after Death was vaftly different ; for the poor Beggar was carried by Angels up to Heaven into Abra- ham's The Holy Scriptures. 149 ham's Bofom, but the rich Man was taken away from all his Riches and Grandeur, and vqluptuous Way of living, and carried down into Hell, and there was tormented with Flames unquenchable. And t,his rich, now, miferable Sinner, feeing Lazarus with Abraham, intreated that he might be fent to his five Brethren, to teftify to them the Torments he endured, that fo being forewarned, they might be excited to an holy Life, left they alfo mould come to the fame Place of Torment. Our blefTed Redeemer reprefents Abraham as oivino - this Anfwer, viz. They have Mofes and the Prophet Si let item hear them. ver. 29. And when the rich Man repiied, Nay Father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the Dead, they will repent :■ But Abraham faid, If they will not hear Mofes and the Prophets, neither will they be perfuaded, though one rofe from the Dead. We may from thefe Words which our bleffrd Saviour reprefents Abraham as fpeaking to the rich Man, learn, 1. That the publick Reading of the Writings of Mofes and the Prophets, and confequently the Books of the New Teftament, was an Ordinance appointed by God the fupreme Lawgiver. 2. That this Ordinance was appointed as the Means of bringing Men to repent of their Sins, and to know, and love God, to believe and obey his Word revealed in his Holy Scriptures. 3. That it is a Duty incumbent on the Minify ters of Chrift, and one great Part of their Work, fince the Eltabliihment of the Gofpel Difpenfa- tion, to read publickly the Holy Scriptures. 4. That it is the Duty of all Sorts of People to attend on the publick Reading of them : And there are Promifes to engage them to this Duty. In 150 Of the publick Reading In Ifa. lv. 3. our merciful God fays, Incline your Ear, and come unto we. hear and your Souls Jhall live, and 1 will make an everiajiing Covenant with you. It is a very great Duty for People to read the Word of God, but that is not the Duty enjoined in this Text, there is no Ufe of the Eyes in that Exercfe •, the Expreffion, incline your Ear, and Hear, ihews plainly, that the Duty enjoined is a ferious Attention to the publick Reading of the Holy Scriptures. In Luke xi. 28. It is faid by our dear Redeemer, BleJJed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it. I may add, that as the Reading the Scriptures of the Old Teftament, was a fufficient Means to bring Men to repent ; To the Reading the Holy Scriptures of both the Old and the New Tefta- ment, is a fufficient Means to the fame End. By fufficient, I would not be underftood as if I thought all other Means needlefs and ufelefs : For Parents teaching their Children the Things which the Lord has commanded in his Word •, and the Minifters of God, whofe Office is to inftruct the People by explaining, and difcourfing, or preach- ing on particular Parts of the Sacred Scriptures, are great Duties, which the Lord hath commanded, and of great importance to the People : But how ? Only as they help the People more clearly to un- derftand thofe Parts of Scripture which the Minif- ters of Chrift preach upon, and which are, or ought to be read unto them. The Apoftle Paul in his fecond Epiftle to the Corinthians, (writ about fixty Years after our Sa- viours Nativity,) fpeaking of the Jews fays, But their Minds were Winded, for until this Day remain - eth the fame Vail, untaken away in the Reading of the G'd Tefiament, which Fail is dene away in Chrift: But "The Holy Scriptures. 151 But even unto this Day, when Mofes (that is, the Word of God by Mofes) is read, the Vail is upon their Hearts. 2 Cor. iii. 14, 15. What the Apoftle here obferves fhews, that the Writings of Mofes and the Old Teftament, were in his Time publickly Read on the Sabbath Days. And hence we may conclude, that the Writings of the New Teftament, the Gofpels, and the Epift- les of the Apoftles, and the Revelations by the Apoftle John, which containeth further difcoveries of the Will of God, and the Way of our Salva- tion, were likewife publickly Read, as a Part of the Worfhip we owe to God, the God of our Salvation. And in 1 Cor. i. 1, 2. St. Paul directs that Epiftle not only to the Church of God at Corinth, but to them that were fanclified in Chrifi Jefus> f wherever they inhabited) called to be Saints, with all them that hi every Place call upon the Name of Jefus Chrift our Lord. In 2 Cor. i. 1. The Apoftle directs that Epif- tle, unto the Church of God at Corinth, with all the Saints which are in all Achaia. In Colof. iv. 16. The Apoftle who had direct- ed the Epiftle to the Saints, and faithful Brethren, which were in Chrift at ColofTe, (Chap. i. 1.) fays to them, When this Epiftle is read among/tyou, caufe that it be read alfo in the Church of the Lao- diceans, and that ye likewife read the Epiftle from Laodicea. We may very reafonably conclude from fuch PaJTages as thefe, that God intended that the Writings of the Apoftles which make the Books of the New Teftament, fhould be read in all the Churches of Chrift. The Reafons for the publick Reading of the New Teftament, are more numerous than thofe for the Old •, on the Account that it is a better 1 Teftament 152 Of the publick Reading Teftament, or Covenant, (Heb. ix. 6.) and that it contains a more clear Revelation of the ever- lofting Gofpel, (Rev. xiv. 6.) the Gofpel of Peace, (Ephef. vi. 15.) the Gofpel of our Salvation, (Epher i. 13.) iheGc-fpelof Chrift, (Rom. i. 16) the Gofpel of the blejfed God, (1 Tim. i. 11.) that glorious Gofpel. (2 Cor. iv. 4.) And brighter Manifestations of the Love of God in fending his only begotten Son into the World to fave Sin- ners : On the Account that the New Testament, contains four Hiflories of the Life, Doctrines, Miracles, Sufferings, Prophefies, Death, Refur- rection, and Alcenfion into Heaven of the Son of God : And more distinct Instructions in thofe Things we are to believe, to practife, and to hope for : And on the Account that the New Testament contains the other Writings of the Apoftles, {hew- ing us more plainly the Way of Faith and Holi- nefs, and forewarning us of all the great Events that are to be brought to pafs in the World. The Confideration of thefe things convinces me, that it is the Will of God, that the Scriptures of the New, as well as thofe of the Old Tefta- ment, mould be read in the Congregation of Christians, as Part of the publick Worfhip, he re- quires of us, and as a considerable Part of it ; and that by a ferious and attentive Hearing, we are to exprefs our Reverence of God, and Regard to his Authority and to the gracious Contents of his Word, and to signify our Refolution always to believe and obey it. In the third Verfe of the fir ft Chapter of the Book of the Revelations to St. John, it is faid, Blejfed is he that readeth, and they that hear the Words of this Prophecy \ and keep thofe Things which are written therein. This Text mews, that notwithstanding thofe Parts of ir, which are difficult to be interpreted, God The Holy Scriptures. 153 God requires all Chriftians to read it and to hear it, and thofe who cannot read, mould be more diligent to hear it : Which implies, that it be- longs to the Office of fome, even of the Minifters of Chrift to read it publickly, that the People may have the opportunity of hearing it •, and may be informed of thofe many ufeful Inftructions con- tained in it, and which are eafy to be underftood. I am not for laying afide the preaching Ser- mons on fome one, or a few more Verfes of the Holy Scriptures, which has been in the pad Ages, as well as in the prefent, one right and good Way of teaching the Word of God, of publishing the glad Tidings of Salvation by Jefus Chrift, and inculcating the great Things God has revealed to us: And I hope 'twill be always in Ufe to the End of the World, for the Conversion of Sin- ners, and for the Confirmation, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints. But then thefe Sermons on the Lord's Days, mould not be fo enlarged as to exclude the pub- lick Reading the Holy Scriptures ; fince that is one of the Parts of publick Worfhip, which the Lord requires of u 5 , which is as needful now for the Good of immortal Souls as ever, and will be as much wanted in all future Ages. The People ought to have the Opportunity of hearing the Words of God, in that Order and Connexion in which his Wifdom has difpofed them, and I think we mould fhew our Reverence of his Wifdom by the publick Reading them as they were written. And as God will be glorified by a due Perfor- mance of this Part of his publick Worfhip, fo with his Bleifing, it may be very beneficial to the feveral Sorts of People that may be Hearers. It may be an happy Means of edifying and com- forting the mod ferious Chriftians : The Paflages X of 1 54 Of the publick Reading of Scripture which they fhall hear, may occafion fuitable pious Thoughts, and excite holy Deftres, Affections and Relblutions, according to the Matter of them. When a ferious Chriftian hears the Command- ments, he can fay in his Mind to God : Lord ! they are all of them holy, wife, juft and good •, O how love I thy Law ! Do thou by thy bleffed Spirit make it the Subject of my Meditation Day and Night, in every Opportunity and Occafion for it ! When from the hiftorical Parts of the Scriptures he hears of a wicked Man, and of God's Ven- geance upon him, he may think thus •, By Na- ture I am the fame ; but O my good God, it is thy Grace which has made the Difference, and re- ftrained me from thofe Sins, which were the Ruin of his Soul and Body ! I praife and thank thee, for the Reftraints thou didft lay on me, and for all the Workings of thy holy Spirit in me ! When he hears the Account of any of thofe who feared God, and walked daily with him, and of the Tokens of his Favour to them, he may fay within himfelf : Here, O my Soul, is an Ex- ample for thy Imitation ! O my God make me fuch a faithful Servant to thee, and make me to excel in Faith, Holinefs and Humility ! When he hears read the Hiftory of the Idola- try, and other Immoralities of God's own People, when he hears of their Departures from God, and the long Abounding of Iniquities among them, and of the deftroying Judgments which his righ- teous Providence brought upon them ; he may think, that 'tis a dreadful Thing for a Nation to forfake their God, and to go on in a Courfe of Rebellion againft him ; and that no fuch Nation can efcape his Vengeance without Reformation ; and hereby he may be excited the more to fear God, The Holy Scriptures. 155 God, and to avoid all thofe Things which will provoke him. When he hears read the Account of God's People repenting, and humbling themfelves, and of their reforming their Lives, and returning to God with earned Supplications for Pardon, for Mercy and Deliverance •, and hears how merciful- ly God forgave them, and delivered them from their Enemies, and made the Storms of his Ven- geance to ceafe ; and Peace, Tranquility and Profperity to return •, he may think how gracious is the great God ! How willing to be reconciled to his difobedient People upon their Repentance: O my God, help me to love thee more and more for thy immenfe Goodnefs ! Oh that all Men would praife the Lord for his Goodnefs, for his wonderful Works to the Children of Men! (Pfal. cvii. 15. 24.) And when the Pfalms of David are read, which are full of pious Petitions, when he hears thofe which are fuitable to his Cafe, he may fay in his Heart, Lord grant this Petition to me ! Pfal. cxix. 12. it is faid, Blejfed art thou, Lord, teach me thy Statutes -> deal bountifully with thy Servant, that I may live and keep thy Word ; open thou mine Eyes, that I may behold wonderous Things out of thy Law. ver. 17, 18. A Multitude of Inftances might be mentioned to mew how the Reading the Holy Scriptures, as Part of the publick Worfhip of God, may be profitable to the mod pious Hearers, although they daily read them at Home. But this Ordinance in every Congregation, is more efpecially needful for thofe who never read, and feldom hear the Holy Scriptures ; it is necef- fary for thofe who remain in a State of Ignorance, of Unbelief, and Difobedience. X 2 And 1 56 Of the fublick Reading And if fuch Perfons fhall attend the publick Worfhip in AfTemblies of Chriftians, in which the Holy Scriptures are read evey Sabbath Day, as well as preached, they will be prefent when, and where both thofe divine Ordinances are admini- ftered, which our good God, the God of Sal- vation, has appointed for the Inftru&ion, and Converfion of Sinners, as well as for the Edifica- tion of the Saints : They will be where they will hear that Word of God, which is perfecl converting the Soul-, they are in the Way of being made wife unto Salvation. And who can tell but the Holy Spirit may this Sabbath, or another, fee home on their Confciences fome Word of God to heir Conviction, and to the bringing them to Repentance towards God, and to Faith in our Lord Jefus. It is good to be where God would have us to be, and ufing the Means to obtain faving Know- ledge. But they who will neither read, nor hear the Word of the Lord, are in the direct Way to die in their Sins, and fink down in the Gulph of end- lefs Miferies. Thefe are ignorant, and very ignorant of thofe Things God would have them to know •, ignorant both of his Laws, and of his Gofpel, They are ignorant of his Laws; no wonder then that they live in Difobedience to many of them. It appears therefore to me a Matter of great Importance, that the holy Laws of God, not only the Ten Commandments, which are but a Summary of them ; but his other moral Precepts, fome recorded in the Old, and fome in the New Teftamenr, mould be made publick; and the Reading the Holy Scriptures every Lord's Day, in every Congregation of Chriftians, is the proper Way of doing it. This T.he Holy Scriptures. 157 This Reading would be a fetting before People, A Lamp unto their Feet, and a Light unto their Path. (Pfal. cxix. 105.) It would be a fhewing them the Way in which they mould go, a fhewing them what they mould do, and what they mould not do ; and may be a Means of preventing much Sin, and of keeping fome People from thofe finful Ways in which they allow themfelves ; and a Means of their becoming fincere Chriftians. There are fome Laws which either are /lot com- monly known, or are not regarded : It is commanded, Children obey your Parents ; Honour thy Father and thy Mother ; And thefe Laws are apprehended to bind Children while they are young : But there is another Law, which binds them when they become Men, and Women, I mean that in Levit. xix. 3. Te Jhall fear every Man his Mother, and his Father. And that in Levit. x. 8 — 11. which is as binding on all the Minifters of Chrift in all Ages, as it was on Aaron, and his Sons and their Defcendants ; but thefe have been taken Notice of already. In Deut. xxv. 13, 14, 16. God, the righteous and juft God, fays, 'Thou Jhalt not have in thy Bag divers Weights, a great and a fmall. But thou Jhalt have a per j r eff, and a juft Weight, a perfetl, and a juft Me a fur e, Jhalt thou have : For all that do fuch Things, (viz. keeping divers Weights, and divers Meafures) and all that do unrighteoujly, are Abomination unto the Lord thy God. Thefe are moral Precepts, and fhould be known to all Men. The Doctrines of the Gofpel which we are to believe, and very many of the Duties incumbent on Chriftians, are frequently preached by the faith- ful Minifters of Chrift of every Denomination, and bleffed be God that they are fo ; but this does not render the Reading the Holy Scriptures needlefs to 158 Of the public k Reading to the mod knowing Chriftians : They find In- ftru<5tion and Comfort in their daily Converies with them in their Clofet, and can alfo profit by them when they hear them read in Publick. But as there are fo many in mofl Congregations, who have neither read, or heard the Holy Scrip- tures ; methinks, all who truly love God, and believe in Chrift, and wifh all their fellow Crea- tures to be not only almoft, but altogether fuch as they are, in Covenant with God, and fincere Difciples of the blefled Jefus : Methinks, 1 fay, they fhould rejoice, that God has made the Read- ing his Word a Part of the publick Worfhip of Him. It is a proper Means of diftufing in the Minds of the Hearers, the Knowledge of thofe Things which concern their Salvation, and everlafting Felicity, and alfo their Happinefs, their Comfort and Joy, while in this World. I apprehend, that if three or four Chapters ot the Holy Scriptures (more or lefs, as Circum- flances mail direct) were publickly Read on our Lord's Days in the Time of divine Worfhip, and the Minifter at the End of each Chapter recited the Contents of it, a little fuller than the large Contents which in fome Bbles are prefixed to the Chapters ; with brief general Obfervations when needful, it would contribute much to the Hearers Underflanding of the bleiled Revelation contained in them. It is a pious Cuftom of fome Matters on the Sabbath Day, to read fome Part of a good Book to their Families \ and their doing fo, (hews an Efteem for the Author of the Book, as well as for the Contents of it : And fo the ferious Reading God's Book is pay- ing a Refpect to the wife, the great, and the gracious Author of it. And The Hcly Scriptures. 159 And when this is done ferioufly in Publick, it is a publick Act of Reverence to God, and of Love to his Word -, it is a pubiick Act of religious Worfhip, and our mod reafonable Service. And therefore I cannot but wifh that the Ufe of this Ordinance, this ancient, this moil benefi- cial Ordinance, divinely inftituted, may obtain and be improved in every Congregation of Chrif- tains, for the Glory of God, and for the Sake of the many in every worfhiping Affembly, who do greatly want it. 1 have already obferved, that in Rev. i. 3. it is faid, BieJJed is he that readeth? and they that hear the Words cf this Prophecy, and keep ihofe Things which are written therein. I would now a little more distinctly mention the Particulars expreffed, or evidently implied in this Text, which ought to influence the Practice of all Christians, viz. 1. That God requires every Perfon (who can read) to read his Book of the Revelations, and to keep thofe Things which are written therein : Which fignifies that they believe the Doctrines, the Promifes, and Threatnings, and obey the Com- mandments contained in it. This is a juft Inference from God's declaring that every fuch Perfon is blejfed : He is bleffed of God, and bleffed by him. 2. It is likewife evident, that God requires the publick Reading his Book of the Revelations, without which People cannot hear it. 3. That it is the Duty of Christians to attend the publick Reading of this Book. 4. It may be concluded that it is the Duty of the Ministers of Chrift to perform this Office. 5. We 1 60 Of the publick Reading 5. We may infer that God requires Men to read his other Books of the Holy Scripture, and to hear them publickly read, and to keep thofe Things which are contained in them : And like- wife, that it is incumbent on the Minifters of Chrift publickly to read them ; efpecially thofe Parts of the Holy Scriptures, which contain the Doctiines, the Promifes and Threatnings, the Statutes, the Ordinances, and the Laws of God ; the Predictions recorded in his Word, and the Hiftories of the Righteous, and the Wicked, and of God's Dealings with them. And the Bleflednefs fpoken of mould be a Motive prevailing both with Minifters and People, confcientioufly to perform the Duty now men- tioned. We mould always remember that there is one Lawgiver, who is able to fave, and to dejlroy. (James iv. 12 J We fhould always endeavour to know the revealed Will of our gracious God, and faithfully act according to it. Should not a People feek unto their God? it is faid, Ifa. viii. 19. and in ver. 20. To the Law, and to the Tejiimony ; */ they /peak not (i. e. do not teach) according to this Word, it is becaufe there is no Light, or Truth, in them. It appears to me mod evident, that the right and true Answer to the Queftion confidered, is this, viz. Anfwer : That the publick Reading the Holy Scrip- tures in the djfemblics of Chrijiians every (Sabbath, or) Lord's Bay, is an Ordinance cf divine Appoint- ment, and Part of that Worfhip which God requires from his People. It is hence manifeft, that the Difufe of this Ordinance, is a taking away from the Things, which the Lord hath commanded ; and is a Tranf- 5 grefllon 'The Holy Scriptures. 161 gretfion of thofe Laws which were mentioned in the Introduction of this Letter. Happy will it be, if all the Societies of Chrif- tians of every Denomination fhall examine by the facred Scriptures, their religious Cuftoms in the Worfhip of God ; of the great God, jealous of his own Authority and Glory ; and if they fhall lay afide every Ufage, which is an Addition to the Things which the Lord hath commanded, and fhall let up the Ufe of every Ordinance of God, which has hitherto been neglected. The Consequence, the glorious Confequence, will be an endearing Coalition of the different Sects of Chriftians, and a bleffed Reformation among the profefied Difciples of the holy Jefus. Then will Idolatry and Superstition ceafe among Chrif- tians, then the Worfhip of God will be more pure, and intire, more agreeable to his revealed Will, and free from Additions to, and Diminu- tions from his Ordinances, which he has ftrictly forbidden, and which he greatly abhors; and therefore it will be more pleafing to him, and more comfortable and profitable to thofe who fin- cerely worlhip him. ^ O gracious God, by the Influence of thy holy Spirit on the Minds of Chriftians of every Deno- mination, do thou bring fuch a Reformation to pafs! Do thou convince all Men of the Excellency and Value of thy Word ! Oh, that they could truly fay unto thee, The Law of thy Mouth is bet- ter to me than Thoufands of Gold and Silver ! (Pfal. cxix. 72.) Lord excite them both to read and hear it"! Open their Understanding, that they may understand it, and help them by thy Grace duly to improve it! Amen. 2 Tim. iii. 15. The Holy Scriptures; which are able to maize thee wife unto Salvation, through Faith, which is in Chrijl Jefus. Y A pious 1 6 2 Of the pub lick Reading A pious Poet well exprefTed himfelf to the gra- cious Author of our Bible, in the following Lines, iiz. Let all the Heathen Writers join To form one perfect Book •, Great God, if once compar'd with thine, How mean their Writings look ! Not the moft perfect Rules they gave, Could mew one Sin forgiven •, Nor lead one Step beyond the Grave ; But thine conduct to Heaven. Watts's Pfalms, p. 318* Pfal. cvii. 8. Oh that Men would praife the Lord for his Goodnefs> and for his wonderful Works to the Children of Men ! Amen. CONCLUSION. This, and the preceeding Letters, are addrefTed unto all Men, becaufe all Men are moft nearly concerned in the Contents of them ; and becaufe all who mail believe the Words of the Lord cited in them will have Peace, Comfort, and Honour in this World ; they will have that Honour which cometh from God only, the Honour of being his true Servants, his beloved Children, and his Heirs •, and they will have in- expreflible Felicities, and Glories in that endlefs World to which we are going. And at the Day of Judgment they will receive the Reward of the Inheritance, they will be put into the PofTefTion of a Kingdom and a Crown, which Chrift has purchafed, and in his Gofpel promifed, to all his fincere Difciples, who lhall reign in Life by him. Rom. v. 17. That $be Holy Scriptures: 163 That this may be the Cafe of thofe,' who (hall read thefe Papers, is the Prayer of, their faithful Servant, London, March 17, 1761. Et in Anno Vita^ 83. THEOPHILUS LOBB, F I N I Si mmmssmm I I