nilli i * OCT 24 1911 *) 1910. ' ^^e^ander, i ^^e secret of 826- power THE SECRET OF POWER V T * OCT 24 HE S ECRE'r^'"^^ OF POWER AND OTHER, SERMONS bv Alexander Maclaren d.d. FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY NEW YORK CONTENTS ' SERMON I PAGE THE SECRET OF POWER \- SERMON II THE PATTERN OF SERVICE . . . . . .26 SERMON III THE AWAKING OF ZION $8 SERMON IV "TIME FOR THEE TO WORK" ' 8I SERMON V THE EXHORTATION OF BARNABAS IC7 SERMON VI MEASURELESS POWER AND ENDLESS GLORY . . . I30 V vi CONTENTS SERMON VII PAGE love's triumph 145 ^' SERMON VIII THE GRAVE OF THE DEAD JOHN AND THE GRAVE OF THE LIVING JESUS . . . . . . I59 SERMON IX THE TRANSLATION OF ELIJAH AND THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST 174 SERMON X CAN WE MAKE SURE OF TO-MORROW? . . . . 187 SERMON XI THE SOLITARINESS OF CHRIST IN HIS TEMPTATIONS . 20I SERMON XII THE WELLS OF SALVATION 212 SERMON XIII SEEKING THE FACE OF .OD 222 CONTENTS vii SERMON XIV PAGE CITIZENS OF HEAVEN 237 SERMON XV MOSES AND HOBAB §^ — jt' 25 1 SERMON XVI THE OBSCURE APOSTLES 265 SERMON XVII THE soul's perfection 280 SERMON XVIII THE first PREACHING AT ANTIOCH .... 294 SERMON XIX THE MASTER AND HIS SLAVES 304 SERMON XX A prisoner's DYING THOUGHTS . , . . > 313 SERMON !.• THE SECRET OF POWER. St. Matthew xrii 19, aa Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and laid. Why conld not we cast him oat ? And Jesus said onto them. Because of your anbelief. * A ND when He had called unto Him Hia twelve dis- •^^^ ciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out" That same power was bestowed, too, on the wider circle of the seventy who retrimed again with joy, saying, " Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name." The ground of it was laid in the solemn words with which Christ met their wonder at their own strength, and told how He " beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.'* Therefore had they triumphed, showing the fruits of their Master's victory ] and therefore had He a right to renew the gift, in the still more comprehensive promise, " I give unto you power — over all the power of the enemy." What a commentary on such words this story affords 1 What has become of their supernatural might ? Has it * Preached before the Directors and Friends of tkc London liisuoDJU7 Society. 2 THE SECRET OF POWER. [serm ebbed away as suddenly as it flowed ? Is their Lord's endowment a shadow — His assurances delusion ? Has He taken back what He gave? Not so. And yet His servants are ignominiously beaten. One poor devil- ridden boy brings all their resources to nothing. He stands before them writhing in the gripe of his tormentor, but they cannot set him free. The importunity of the father's prayers is vain, and the tension of expectancy in his eager face relaxes into the old hopeless langi*or as he slowly droops to the conviction that they could not cast him out The malicious scorn in the eyes of the Scribes, those hostile critics who "knew that it would be so," helps to produce the failure which they anticipated. The curious crowd buzz about them — and in the m»