— — * — * re — Sk coe +e FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D.D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 J http://archive.org/details/commOOchur * uve - * * ee - 7 — ef, — me EF — a) om ae 3S ae 5 <_< - — 2 Qe 3. | aS. 8.mi. 34 35 73 falle 4st, 26 WN : ~ — a * ss Ke . 3 a) = Glmese 5 = S *5 1 tre Byer. Dau. Deut.xvi. Lu e vi. No. Cedde. xbiii f jv, No. xx tilt, No. xxii iiii iii 320! =. erp + fn. xxviixvbii xxviii onas erpetue, xxix tt xxx biii Fd, xxxxi xxxii biii bit Id. xxxiii xxxiiii a Id. Joſu.i. Jolu .ii. Id. Equinod. itt rf iii Id.Gregozp. v xii biii FD, ol e vii _ jtitf jc Wiid. Id. ix ett. dus.) xxiiii Thee | BL Apꝛilis. Judg.ii. ore de et = kL, rvii ig ire kl. Edward. xviii riiii KL. xix b fritt = RL. ite 1 tit kll. | Benedict, at mR ‘Ierit ie 3: kl} ey erttt (F t —— xvii * rriiii it BLL RTs. fat Ecclu ii. tits i 8 kl. An. of Mar. Judg. — fist: Rhy — — Iri —— Ruch ii. (GB kl, — — —_ * -@§ April-hach XE, dayes. | ees — 3m ——— £5 , | a 2 8! 1 si rs | ; Pig —— Es 42.8 | lL wANM kalleth 6.mi. 4 5 wt =: AN * 5 — —2 ton Cee ee eee lp falmes. | 3 Ss. < 3 2 5 Kalend. —— John xix. i Deb.iii. i liiii No. xx lie atte iii 6 it No. Kichard. tet tt v uii t¢ Pꝛid. Ho. Ambzol. Acts.i. [rift ‘vi 0 By Nonas. Wt xv iit bi fe viii Id. tit xvii viii vit If jut gp tii sit ix ig \ot = Jp. v xxi x (Ajo IdD. vi xxiii rt y b iiii = Jp. bit rv it tt ¢ lit db olin Taur. viii xxvii xiii frit] 0 "gtd. Jip. ix xxix [Slameg.t. riii Idus- x xxxi ii xiiit | F irviii kl. ait, xi i hing .i. tit ce \rbit rit itt: ith roi A |rbe xiii vi v roit |b jeb xiiiii viii Debt] xviii |.c [ett xb AE gy win IDd riii xvi rid iti xx Je {eit xvii riiii tit» rei | & et xviii xvi rrtt [o le it xviii ui, Pet.i. xxiii ix xx xx it rlitt |b [bid xxi xxii ii ero ic vi rxii Eccle.5. i.Johni. xxvind vi iikin.rxxiii xriii 2.kin. 24. it rxviie (8 iiking xxiiii 3.kin. 2. lii rxviiik iiii iii xxv itit Litt cele g it xvi vi —— re ee et Be OR in le q May hath xxx} dayes. “roAeid Sutuong ———— — — — — 4 4mi.36 oe Le SIS rnAND 7M, 24 |B. = — — te F ~ a oO fa) > co 6B S — = 2 Eccle. — Ecclix. Judei. 70, 3. kin. 9.xxbuiz. Ringer, Kom.i. No. Inuent. of xi Matt. i rii it No.the Croile, xiii tt xiiii iti No. xv iii rht iiii id. No. John Poꝛt. xvii iiii rit = ib xonas, | xix v xx {of $0. xxi bt rxii vii J 4.king. i. bii 4. Aingti, bili Id. iiti viii (1 — 5 Id. bᷣol in Gem. vii viii xi Id. ix i rx | nti iD. Id. I tt tit xiii = Idus xiii ttf xiiii ſun i . Ki} Sunit, x kitte = | xbf bs es — rm so ieviit = eb : A.. xbi tr i. Coꝛ.i. iii kl, Dunltan. KE xvii raii ff ii kKl. xxiii xviii xxiiii rp six — lt, Eſd. iii xx ie — ie xxi vi — tet vii rit ix be a Help, t, xxiii fil, ti} viii vale tt xxtiii b ix bt xxv viii —— ix xxvi r ix riii xxvii Heſt.i. xii Bae | pbiit = fit 2 Bark. 1.'B — 3 3.mi. 34 8.mi. 26 T — | a | fia ies | A SGT aeatan etter Bake tt, pen, bi. p02, 7b. i f i 320. vitli itt Ir - xvi fi | gif Zze.ſNichomede. Tobi, iit Jobii. . Coꝛ.i. itié ipzio, 726. iii v üii * Gonikace. vi loi. tit ui feloit 3. ‘loti Uti viii itrii bit [dist gp. ip .. julit * {0 pitt heli — Jo. ri ixx be fis ~ Jp. xiiix xiiii bit chit Id, xv xi xvi ‘it Att if ‘it Yo.) Barnab. apo. Eccle.x. Acts.14. | Eccl, rit,|Acts,15. rit | D2, BD. 5 1 in Can: [0b 7. lar, rit, | Job rip, i Coꝛ ·ix. rili dus. Solftit.efti. tr (18 iti xxi x citi | dixviit = RL Jule xxii xrriiii xxiii xi to oj etrbii BT, xxiiii. xxbxv 26.27. xii Set roi firvi RL. trbitt —irbt xxix xiü xvii jrb Kil. rxx Luker, {xtti Galat.i. roitt | riiii RL jereit «= {tt fetid fit or ris blriii BLINN op poperetitt. jut eee tt 4 xx cxii kll. Edward. rxxxbi tit — iii xxi dixi K*l. trot | xxxix | rrti | elt kl. — Ue xli i rxiii fix kKl. SFraff, lif oti (Prout. epheli, | xxiiii qjoutt = Rt. fohnBepgh, ID Ula.tit,| Date. ut, | Wala, 4.)9Bat. t4y |, cro fo BLY poi, Luxke its, | Proutit Ephel.ii. ſexvi ſobi RL ie Nie v Hitt troti | ¢ kl, | 1) ra | 4 ‘| bit i rxvlir plat = RL] Fak viii ri ‘ie. pig ac KITS Per, Apo. Etclurt| Acts, iii. | Eccl.xix cxx if [eats kl, — Lute xii. | Brows Ft — — path XX] _dayese om at 3, mi.18. kalleth 7.mi. 2. | *9Aeid eye == — me = ee a: EE: — * * * BF BF sy P ial nes. —— ait = 5 Ag Kaleno uuifit, of 9Ba,) Pouri. Luke riti, 1920, xiii.aꝛil.i. ii No. xiiii riiii xv itt iii No. Hartin. reir rit hi ‘litt No. xbiii — jpbt rif be a xx xvii xxi Lolol,t, bf xxii xbiii xxiii it bit rrtiti = ittp xxv tt pitt Breé NK xrvii iiii ix rebitt [eet xxix Chel.i i. J rxxixxii Cecles, t tit xi Eccle.ii. rxiii tt lie | kit jit petite fb F riii vi Jebni. vii “a ie Cheta Ei Zo viii * tt [dus. > Swithun. x tit ltt tt rot kl.Augulſt. git = tit ere.t. itt rot sR, Tere, tt, v tif Ai. Tan, iti = - jut v ii. iii. tit bi bit bit Jette biti viii ix ly Fatt, ‘oR ee tamcs ie Anne, Eccl.ix. iiii Jere.xix. Titus i. [ f, iii. Phile.i. Debz,'. he oi. J | ES LEE PR ALES ELA —— ——— —— ——— — — Saree — q r \ s ’ : “ J * * — 4 ee 1* ‘ — 4 P J —2 8 f =] ; : * — 9— Bon seme] — * kalleth 7ami. 26 MN — te ae) ‘Pfalmes.. 5 aig 8 . * * — i Lammas, Jere.xxx· (obnzr. — Th oo a vie | xxxii xxi xi iit ye jut 520.| xxxiiii Act.i. iiiint Hꝛid. No. xxxvi lii b q Nenas. xxx biii itt ) bi jolt Id. Tranlſſigur. xl iiii bit b vii Id.Mame of Je.xlii | bit jc jet oy cxxxliiii vi a ie (BiB IB xlbii bit i cle fiiti , SoiXaurence, {elig foie ; xi fiitt Jp, li ix f rit § Pre. Id. Sol in Vig Lamen.i. x i pitt aus. liii xi xiiii b xix ¶Septembaiv +3) xii “| pb c vxvili Rly Crekstit, hs , xbi darbii kl, bit xiiii riti i.Pet.i. roll je xvi Kt riili xv xviii ft — rbitt |F kl, xxxiii rot aeepiité tit { ; rik By , Want, ao |Dan.it, ee f xx iii xbiii uit v xxi v xix ii. Pet.i. i vit INE vitt tt xxiii |p kj Falt. ix xxi itt iiii kl Bar th. Ago. Eccl. rrb, xxii reo if Bh Darr, | xxiii Ck rit. jit: xxvi kh, home — Pꝛou.zo. ey i Need xxp a Krbifijo 9 Kl, Augudtin, | itt xxvi id vi. xl, Bebeadot vii ... rrvit ine ft. . "‘algs oly | EEK i aL Hobm i per ; ir se "i Kbit iF (Fave. ' tre le ier kl. és lopatthé. ie Roma | Note,that the 13,0 Daniel,touching the Hiſtory of Sulanna,is to berdad vault | thefe words : And Kine A Gyages, &c- — —— ct te o> 2 * Aames⸗ 5 = | — — g iit No. Joeli. itt ltt No. ttt ttt i Pꝛid.No. Qmos ü. |b h €| Nonas, Dow dayesiitt vi Ine Dj btit Fp.) env. lot vii vii e vii Id. Enurc. bith viit viii ‘pitt |f jot Id.Nat.of Ma.Abdii. ix if fib Fo, (Fon. titi. 2 | x jAgit Jo, Piche.i. x itt : ‘tt Id ' lüi i rig jc Pꝛid. Id. ol in Libr. fa > ft We. Is | xiii duuas. xiiii ritti |e xviii AL DolpCrokle,37 aum.ii. ke xv ae xvii Kl.Aequinoct. atte” xvi xvi kl.Autumnale iii xvii 4 ie rh «= RL, Lambert. oph. fi, xbiii net ik ~ Bach. ier Fatt. u ei Matthe w. ge J— Zach.7. xxiii lit i is xxv b vii xiiixxvi leevile [oi kl, Cypeian. [Bale revit frebiijp{ > =, iii xxviii xxviiie tit = Bi, Tob, I. parké, (Z 3 5.Michael. Ecenn 3916 ‘pre pot |f |i , —— J — Tob.iii, tt FRR — ti. alend. Tend. | Giles, Voſe xiii. i off. — ete oe ps * — 2 2 | 5 = = 3 Dote,ritii, Bom. tt, | JIoel ii. lii ‘amos. ht Ip rf vit ix viii ix Jonas i. ¥ itty Ral of Bich. it. J | Hit - xii tit {eB Abate i rot Zeph.i. Cori. it Gare. t ti” lii | zach. 2435 | te i iy Eccle.38. vi Fach. biti, ii x viü rxii ix xiiii Mala.ii. xi ttti rit Tod, ti, xiii €ccl.44. xiiii J— Fe - -tOD si a ee mi.r. 2 Aoure kalleth 3.mi. 48 Kemige. pes DarkallilFoL20,_ “ide 16.4 i} ji ) b -|Jofl,22, nates: bt J5 No. vii rt " le No. iii viii itiiiit — Faith. Judith.i. ix Judith.ii. v iii. Id. oli Id. Dennis. c ‘tt, co . — v. Id. i He S: : Cit. Zo Corward, Ag SP cia | a rit | fab rot. 1.° tH a ad 7 “ne, E ure | RGp Uke cult: Ecckli. iii e xiiii RL) Aild.ix. v lo. f. yet ! : K, Crip Eel 4 * > fall, pete Ri.Bun.d tude Nags zs{xtitfé Job 42, kl Ecclu.viiiſxv Eccl.ix. {itt it RL x xbi x | SM ae eae tere {e fon, at! stat, [ti frit siete Coto, | “J Note that the 6,of Exodus.is to be read the firft of OGober at Morning Prayer, ynto ETS HE * De — — XEX] — — —— — — — — — — — ain Smits ej qe —— ap. a tp * — * eulet sag bat ar> | Sail 3, phat xuu Acts.ii. ee Nor i ‘on [eottis itt riz 3 xx.xxi v xxii rit. viſrxiiu di.vbiixxvi ki di.vii xxvui xiii biii — pert lig Peet \¢ fal t Spa ita xvii v 4 ns. |{9710,234 xxi Eſai.lo. xxii zi elit F — Hes RIS an — — qi Fypore be ab peel for aly : dayes,andnone other, ' pent a bx ig to fay, AU Sundayes in the; peere, Che daxes of the feaftes of the Circumetiion of sue EN | Cy Lowe Telus Chꝛiſt. Dithe Cpiphanie, Of the & ‘ ‘2 Purifitation of the bleſſed hitgin. DF S,Aat é 5 bys Ny chide Apottle, Ot the Auntinciation of che ASA bielled virgin, DF S, Marke the Cuangelitty >¥ . EN nn Lond Jeſus Chit, Di che Natiuitie of S. John Baptitt, OFS.’ Peter the Apottle. Df laine James thie Apoitte, DE laine Bartho- {omewwe Apoltle, Df faint Matthewe apottle DW Flaint Michael the Archangel; Dé faine Luke che Euangeliſt. OF faint Simon and Juve the Apottles. Deal Daintes, Of latnt Anew fhe Apottie, MOflaint Thomas the Apoſtle. Df che Natiuitie of oir Low. DF faint Steuen the Martyz. Ot laine John the Euangelilt. Okthe holy Junocents, Munday and Tueſday in Calter mete, any. Vundar and Guelbay t in Tbhitlun weeke. 3 an pile to kiGw ber the — axtd std beginneth and endeth. | Ight dapes before any Terme be, the Exchequer | Opencth fo2 certaintic, except Crinitie Cerme, agit is open but foure payesbefore, _ ‘lory Terme beginneth the xxiii. day of ——— if it bee not Sunday: Ff it be Sun⸗ dap, thenthe next dap alter, and endeththe xii,of 9 — Pra. ce & Ceeme beginneth bit, dayes after Calter, anv endeth foure dayes after the Afcenfion day, | ¢ ive Terme hegmneth he nere vay after Corpas Chilli and endeth the wedneſday fortnight after. * Miche ‘mss Cerme beginneth their, of Detober ifithee. noi, i" ——- ‘sighidiads xxbiii. phe ha “Of Saine Poilipand Jacob the Spokes. Dfche Aicenfion of our’ ’ ll em OS ee ii. : — Rede. — — Sane COC UCSC ae | » aes Phe Preface. — — — vVere was never anything by ỹ wit of man ſo vbvelldeuiſed, oꝛ ſo ſure eftablithen, which in coe Iinuance of time bath not bincoꝛrupted:as (a SS Pagwks mong ocher chings)it may plainly appearehp es Me &F py food the Comon prapersinthe Church, comoniy Be called Diutne feruice, Che firkt onginall anv —— ground wherot if a man would ſearch out by the ancient kathers, he thal find chat p fame was not. opdeinedburof a good purpole,¢ foꝛ a great aduãcement ef godlines, sop they fo oꝛdered che matter,that the whole Bible (oꝛ the greatekt parc thers ‘ef fhould be read ouer once tn the peeresincending therby, that the Clergie, and ſpeciallyſuch as were Miniſters of the congregation, ſhould(by oftenreading and meditation.of Gods word) hee ſtirred bp to godlines chemfelucs, anv bee moze able to exhort other bp | Wwholcfome doctrine, and Co confutethem that were aducrfaries to : the truech. And further, that che people, by dayly bearing of bolp = ſcripture readin the Church, fhoulocontinuallp profitemoye ans moze tn theknowlenge of God and be the more enflamed withthe loue of bis crue religion, But theſe many pecres paflen,chis yous {p and Decent opder of the auncient fathers hath beene ſo altered, Inoken,t neglected, bp planting in bucertaine Stopies,Legends, Keſpondes, Uerſes, vainerepecitions, Commemoꝛations, and Sy⸗ novalics thatcommonly when any booke of the Bible was begun, bekorethꝛee oꝛ foure Chapters were read out, allthe reſt were vht ⸗ read. And in this fort, the booke of Elai was begun in Aduent. ano the booke of Genefis in Septuageſima: but they were onelx begun,and neuer read though. After alike ſoꝛt were other bookes of bolp (cripcure vſed. And moreouer, whereas Saint paul weelp haue ſuch language fpoken to the people in the Church, asehep Might vnderſtande and haue profit by bearing the {ames che ſer⸗ nice in this Churchof England ( thefe manp peeres) hachbene readin Latine to the people, tobich they vnderſtoode not: fo that they haue heard with their cares onely, and their heart, ſpirit, and minde hatte not bene evifien thereby. And furthermoyze, notwith⸗ ſtanding chat the ancient fathers haue diuined the jPlalmes into, feuen portions, whereof eucrp one was called a Nocturne: — eee | . eee 2 > ———————— ee lt 0 * — fe e's The Preface, : ef late time a fewe of them haue beene daily faide, and oft repeated, and the relt btterlp omitted, Moꝛeouer, the number and hardneſſe of the rules called the Pie, and che manifalde chaungings of che feruice was the caule, that to turne the booke onelp was fo bard and intricate amatter, chat manp times there was moje buſineſſeto find cut what ſhould be read.then to reave it when tt was found out, Chele inconuentences therefore confivered, bere is fet forth {uch an onder whereby the fame hall be redzeſſed. And kor areadtue fle in this matter, berets dꝛawen out a Kalender for that purpole, which is plaine and eaſie to be vnderſtanded, wherein (fo much as map be) the reading of holy {criptures ts fo let forth, chat all chings hall be bone in onder without breaking one piece thereof from another, Foꝛ this caufe bee cut off Anthemes Reſpondes, Inuitatoꝛies, and {uch ltke things ag did byeake che continuall courfe of che reading of the {cripture, Het becauſe there is no remedte, but that of neceflitie there mutt be fame rules , therfore certatne rules are here {et forth, which as they be kewe in number, fo thep be plaine and caffe to bee vnderſtanded. Spo that here pou haue an onder for prayer (as tou: ching chereading ofbolp {cripture) much agreeable to p minde and purpoleof the olde fathers, and a great deale moze profitable and commodieus then that which of late was bled, It is moze proftta: bie becaule here are {eft out many things, whereof fome be vntrue, fomebneertaine,fome baine and ſuperſtitious, and is ordeined no⸗ thing to be read, but the verp pure word of God, the holy Scrip: cures, oꝛ that which iseuidently grounded bpon the fame, and that in luch alanquage and oder, as ig mot eafie and plaine fo2 the vn⸗ derltanding both of chereaders and hearers, It ts alfo moje cont ‘odious, both fo the ſhoꝛtneſſe thereof, and fo the plataenes of the oꝛder, and for chat therules be lewe and ealie. Furthermore, bp this order che Curates thall ncede none other Bookes fop thei publike ſeruice, but this bookeand the Bible, Wy che meanes whereof, the _ people thall not bee at fo great charges for bookes, ad in times paſt they haue bene, | And where heretofoyechere hath beene great diuerlitie in faping and ſinging in Churches within this Realme, fome following Sa⸗ tifburie ble, ſome Derfoyn ble, fome the vſe of Bango, fome of Wopke,andfome of Lyncolne : nowe from henceforth all che whole Realme thall haue but one vſe. And if any will iudge this wap more patnefull, becaule that all things mutt be read bpon the booke, whereas before by therealon of fo often repetitian , they coulve fap Ab ees B many — ; Sis ke ge, * ty we a. eo. ae — The Preface. hoe many chings by heart: Ikthoſe men twill weigh their labour , with the profit and knowlege which dayly they hall attatne by reading vponthe booke, they will not refule the paine, in confiveration of the great profit chat fhallentue thereof, aac na And koꝛalmuch ag nothing can almott bee fo plainelp fet foerch, but doubtes may rife in the ble and ppactifing of the fame: Co ap⸗ peaſe al fuch diuerſitie(ikany ariſe) ¢ for the reſolution of al doubtes concerning the maner howe to vnderſtand, doe, x execute the things contained tn ebisbooke : Che parties that ſo voube, op diuerſly take any thing, (hall alway reſoꝛte to the Byſhoppe of che Dioceſſe, who by his dilcretion thall cake oꝛder koꝛthe quieting € appeafing of the © ſame, fo chat the fame orꝛder be not contrarp to any thing contapned inthisbooke, Anvifthe Bithappe of the Diocelle be inanp doubt, then he map fend for che refolution theresfinte the Archbiſhop. Though it bee appointed inthe afore wꝛitten preface , that all things hall be reavand fung inthe Church inthe Engliſh tongue, tothe ende thatthe Congregation may be thereby edifpen: vetitig not intent, but when men fap Moꝛning and Cuening prayer potuates ly, they map fap the fame in any language that they themfelues poe vnderſtand. Andall Pꝛieſtes and Deacons ſhall bee bounde to ſay dayly the : MWoming and Cuening paper, epther privately or opentp , except thep be let by preaching , ſtudying of diuinitie, oꝛ by fame other ws gent caule, bi pie Aundehe Curate chat miniftrech in euery parith Churcher chap: — pel, being athome,and not being otherwile reafonably iette, tall — fap the fameinebe pavith Church or Chappell where he minittrech, and hall toll a bell chereta,a conuenient time before he beginne that fuch as bee diſpoſed, may come toheare Gods woꝛde, and to ppaye with him, :. qihe — i Ue ee eS ae ee ee ee ee J € The table * Kalender ex xprefsing the order of Pfalmes and Leflonsto be faid at - Morning and Evening ptayer throughout the yeere, (except certaine proper Feafts) as the Rules follow- ing more plainely declare. q The orderhow the Pfalter is appoin- ted tobe tead. fen Ger He Plalter halbe read though once euery Mo⸗ nech and becaule that ſome Monethes be lenger ata? then lome other be, it ts thought good to make Ae, them cuen by this ‘meanes, Co euerp Moneth | halbe appointed (as ciceruing this purpale) iuſt “OF pe thirtie dayes. @no becaule January and March haue one day aboue the ſayde number , and Febꝛuary which is placed betweene them both, hath onelp rrbitt, dayes : Febuary ſhall boꝛrowe of epther of the Mo⸗ nethes (of Januarie and March) one dap + Aud ſo the Plalter which fhalbe readin Febꝛuarie, mutt beginne the lak day of Januarie, and ende the fir day of Warch, And whereas Wap, July, Auguſt, October, and December haue xxxi. Bayes apiece: It is oꝛdered that the fame Pſalmes ſhall See read the laſt day okthe ſayde monethes, which were read the day be⸗ fore: Soa that the Plalter may begin againe the lirſt bap of the next moneth enluing. owe to knowe what Plalmes ſhall be read euery day, ldoke in che Kalender the number chat is appoynted koꝛ the Pſalmes, ether finde che fame number in this Table, and vpon that number (hal pou ſee what Plalmes ſhalbe ſaid at Monning and Eueniug pꝛayer. And there the Cxix. Vſalme is deuided into rei, portions, and | ig ouerlong to beread atone time : itis ſo oydered , that atone time fhall not be read aboue foure oꝛ fiue of the ſayd ee you fhall perceiue tobe noted tn this table folowing, And bere is alfo to bee noted, that inthis Cable and in all other partes of the ſeruice, where any Plalmes are appoynted, the num⸗ ber is expꝛeſſed after the great Engliſh Byble, which from che tr Plalme, vnto the Cxlviii. Pſalme (folowing the siuifion of the Dee ——— varie in numberkfrom che common Latine tranflation. — Bz q Atable +. ) 6 LiL iff, 1111.V. ix.x.xi. xv.xvi. xvii. 19. 20. 21. xxiiii, xxv. xxvi. XxXxx.xxxi. | OY XExv xu, 8 | xxxvili,xxxix,xl, 9 | xliiii.xlv.xlvi. 10 IL. li.lii. I1IIlvi. Ivii. viii. 1 2| Ixii Ixiii.lxiiii. 13, Ixviit. 14 Lxxi. lxxii. I 5) Ixxv.Ixxvi.lxxvil, 16 Ixxix,lxxx,lxxxi, 17| 86,387.88. 18) XC.XCi.xCil, 19xcv. xcvi, xcvii. 20 cii. ciii. 21} cv, 22cvii. 231cx. cxi. cxii. cxiii. 24 cxvi. cxvii. cxviii. 25Inde.v. 26 Inde.v. (125. 271120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 28132. 133. 134. 135. 291139. 140. 141. 39.'144.145.146. | - Morning prayer. i xxii.xxiii. xlvii.xlviii. xlix. Euening prayer, vi.vii. viii. xii.xiii. xiiii. xviii. 27.28.29. 32-33-34. 37. xli xlii. xliii. iti liiii. lv. lix. Ix. lxi. lxv.lxvi. Ixvii. Ixix,Ixx Ixxiit, xxiiti, Ixxvili, 82.83.84,85. 89... xciii.xciiii. xcviii. xcix.c.ci. ciiii. cvi. cviii.cix. cxiiii.cxv. Cxix. Inde.iiii. Inde.iiii. Inde.iiinn.. 126. 127,128.129,130, 136. 137. 138. cxlii.cxliii. cxlvii. cxlviũ. cxlix.cl. (The The order how the reft f boly™ aes (befide the Pfalter)is appoin- ted to beread, | Te olve Teltament ig appointed for the fir Leftons : at Moꝛ⸗ ning and euening pꝛayer, and ſhalbe read thꝛough eucrp pecre once, except certaine bookes and chapters, which bee leaſt cdifping, and might belt be ſpared, and cherefore ave left bnread, The new Celtament is appointed foꝛ che {econd Leſſons at Wo: ning and Euening praper,and thalbe read euer oꝛderly euerp yeere thꝛiſe, belive the Cpitties and Golpels ; except the Apocalpps,out of the which, there bee onelp certaine Leflons appointed vpon diuers proper feats, And toknow what Leſſons ſhalbe read euery vay, finde the day of che Woneth in the Kalender, and chere pe Mhall percetue the bookes and Chapters that hall be read fo, che Leſſons both at Moꝛning and Cuening praver,' And here is to bee noted, that whenſoeuer there bee any proper Pſalmes oꝛ Leflons appointed for the Sundapes, op for any kealt, moueable o2 vnmoueable: chen che Pſalmes anv Leſſons appointed inthe Kalender, thalbe omitten fop that time. De muff note alfo,that the Collect, Epiſtle and Goſpel,appointed for the Sunday, thall ſerue all the weeke after ercept there fal fome featt that hath bis proper. Then the peeres of our Loyd may be deuided into koure cuen partes, which is euerp fourth peeresthen che Sunday lecter leapech, that peere the Plalmes and Leffons which ferue for the xxiii. of Febꝛuarie, hal be read againe the dap following, except it bee Sunday, which hath proper Leilons of the olde Teſtament, appoin: ted in the table feruing to that purpofe, Gifo, wherefoeucr the beginning of any Leſſon, Cpittle, oꝛ Gol: J pel, is not expzeſſed, there pee muſt begin at che beginning of che | Chapter, . And whereloener is no: expꝛeſſed how farre {hall bee read, there fhall pou reave to the end of the Chapter, Item, fo oft as che firlt Chapter of faint Matthewe is read either | fo) Leffon 02 Goſpel: pe thal begin the fame at (The birth of Iefus Chriſt was on this wife.&e,) And che chird Chapter of faint Lukes Golpel, thalbereap into (Sothathe was fuppofed to bethe fonne | | jof. Tofeph ) By icf Proper} ‘ 7. = 7 - ere oe Y ae -— 7 — 4 yo , ; 9 * or >) “© 5. 7 Se Proper — to * — * he fk | Leſſons, both at Morning andEuening prayer, | mom the Sundayes throughout the yeere,and 7 for ſome alſo rhe fecond Leſſons. — Be ¢ Mattens,' @Sundayesof | — Aduem. | ‘Tye trd, | Cfatt, —— i, it b rriiit in rb xxbi ULE EXE | xxxii Sundayes af- cer Chrift- mas. , The lirlſt. xxxv xxxviii ii rt PUG - Sundayes af- 3 terthe E- f piphanic. eet , : | The fire. rliiit xlvi if —— liit it oe ib ibi | | iiii lvii wiii v lix lxiliii J Septuageſima. Gene.i. | Senet, ) Sexageſima. 41 Quinguage- | fima. | — "Phe Lefions, . | Lent. Mattens, Eu — fet funday. Gene.xix. Gene. xxiu. xxvii xxxiiii xxxix rlii tiii xliii rib ob Exod. ttt Exod. | Dt ip 7 Eafter day. | i, Leſſon. Crod,tit ‘Crop. vittt i tt. Leſſon. Rom.vi. Act.ii i @ Sundayes after Eafter, | Firſt ſunday. (| Pum. rhe Num. xxii | tt xxiii J | iii Deut .iili Deut.b iiii vi vii b biii ix | Sunday after Afcenfionday. | Deut. ti, Deut .xiii pW hitfenday, - — | Leffon, peut coi Wiſdomei. — Aet. x Actes xix. It Then Peter kortuned that opened his while Apoilo mouth, ac. was at Co⸗ rinth. ac. (vnto) After @Trinitie thele things, _ Sunday. | | i.Leſſon. Gene.xbiii. Joſuah.i. ii. Lellon. Mat .iii. at B 4 9 Ye trace vf. * ⸗ * ss, ee — * = — » — — — es — Mattens. Evening FJotuabr, Joluah xxiii. Judg .iii. Judg.v. i. King.ii. i. King.iii. git ee ee — rot | ii. King xii. — — tet, xxii. xxiiii * xiii. oe ri, | ii ine, v. — ix. x. rviii xix CO Sa; Ferem.b, Jerem “hits xxxv xx Exꝛecch. — — — xvi xbiii rx xxiiii Dan.iii. Daniel.bi. Joel.ii. Miche.bi. Ibatuc ii. Pꝛouerp.i.. J Pꝛouerb.ii. Pꝛouerb.iii. toes, on id Pia xiiii Wriigainanh pet Bs PDEs erevencn dt LIE q Leflons |S. Thomas. —— || Patiuitie of Chyxꝛitt. i. Lelſon. ii. Lefton. S.Steuen. ti. Leſſon. John. a ih effort, , ‘| Jnnocents ~ Day, Circumciſũ. i. Leſſon. i. Leſſon. Mattens. Pꝛouew xr. xxiii. Elaiix. Luke ii.(vnto) And vnto mẽ good will. Pꝛou.xxvbiii. Acts br. a bii. Steuen tll of faith and power, ac. (vnto) And wher fortp:- ~ | peeres,ac. Ecclel v. Apocalyp.i. Jerem.xrxi. Gnto)Moꝛeo⸗ | UeeZ heard Ephraim. Seneůsrvii. oman. tt. Eveniong, Pꝛou.xxi. xxiiii. Elſai.bii. God ſpake once a⸗ gaine to gc. Titus itt. The kindneſſe and loue.ac. Ettleſ.iiii. Acts bit. And whenxl yeres were expired, there appeared vnto Moles, ãac.(vnto) Stes uen kull of the holy Ghoſt ac. Ecclel.bi. Apoc.vxxii. Wiſedome.i. Deu.x.(vnto And now Flr. of.it. 7 t Leſſon. ti.Leſſon. Conuerſion ofS paul. . i. Leſſon. tt. Leſſon. ‘Purification , of the Giitgin Marte, S.Matthias | Annfictation — ofour Lady, wWedneſdax | afore Cater, Thurdap a- | ‘fore Cater. Ealter Cuen. Mundaxy in i. Leſſon. ii. Leſſon. Tueſday itt Ealſterweeke. f, Leſſon. Good Frivay. Eaſter weeke. | it, Wefton, Mattens. Elſlai.xl. Lußk.iti( vnto) | Sop tee was fuppofed tobe (he fonne of Joſeph. “| wotDome.b. Icts.xxii.ſvn⸗ to) Thep beard Hint, Wiſdome. ir, wiſdome. rir. Eccle.ii. Olee xili g Manieliv, Genel cet. Zacha.ix. Exod.xbi. Matth.xxbiii Exod. xx. 0 And behold “tre of tnem. | Euenfong, | 's Obit. (vn- bee went to | Cfat.iti, Proper Leffons Cyipnane, | Elai xlix. to) After this Capernaum. idifdome.bi, Act.xxvi. wildome. xii. Eccle i. Cecle.itt, Dice.vittt. Jerem.xxxi. Exod .xiii. Exod.xbii. Actes iii. Exod. xxxii. i. Coꝛ.xÜ. Jacob. Aicenſion dap WMundar in Whitſun⸗ weeke. i. Leſſon. Tueſday in whitſun⸗ Weeke. S. Marke. Philip and J ii Leſſon J J 5. Barnabe. —— Martens. JEccle.iiii. Eccle.vii, Deut.. | Gen Lt(vnto) » | Thele arethe generations + of Sem. i. King rix. Mauldcame to Samuel to ama.ac. Eccle.x + | AcE, ett Mala.iii. Ecclu.xv. Acts. ttt. Ecclus. xxi Proper Leſſous. —— Eccle.v. Eccle ir x. > 4 a Bingetle 4— Num. — Cher onto me 70. men #0. (vnto) Moſes athe Citers | | returned. Eccle xii. Act.xv. (vnto) After certain dayes. Mata, tit, * Matt.xiiti (vnto) Wyen eſus beard, 3 Clin rie? Sets. ii?, We ge oe €cci &? 6 ee - i ee er 7 | S. Michael. S, | Bil Sainte, t. Leſſon. ii.Leſſon. day. Eaſter day. day. it shod Liv. Chriftmas | Pfal. Sab Aſcenſion. Proper Leſſons. Mattens. SMatthew Ecclus.xxxv. xxxix. Ecclus.li. Job xxiiii xxb Wiſdome. iii. (vnto) Bleſſed is rather the barren. Hebꝛe.xi.xii. —— at vnto Ff pe indure: chaftening, q ipPigper Pfalmeson certaine dayes. Mattens, lxxxb. xliiii. ã— ictus. 38, Job.i. xlii. Wiſdome b. (vnto) BIg iealouſie alto. Apocalpyp. 19, (vnto) And J Taw an An⸗ gel _— Euenfong. - toric. pate cha ash RASS Sp Cd tS — raat CS 2VEDS) eT OIVED SIEVE SIH ONES An Aé& for the vniformitie of Com- mon Prayer, and Seruice in the Church, ; and Adminiftation of the - Sacraments. : ere at the death of our late Souereigne Low Bing Edward the fict,tbere rematnen one bnifozme ogver of Common Beruice and Pꝛaper, and of the avminiitration of Sacraments, Rites anv Ceremonies in the Churchof England, which was (et foorth in one: Booke, entituled, Che Beoke of Common pzaper, and adminiſtta⸗ | tion of Sactaments,and other Rites and Ceremoniesin the Church 4 YR) of England, authorized bp Acteof Parliament, holven inthe fifth Oey ann firth peres of our (aide late Soueteigne Iozv Wing Edward the . 5 >’ fixth, entitulen, An Acte fog che bnifogmity of Common Pꝛaper, and adminuiſtration of the Sacraments: the which wasrepeated and taken alwap bp Act of Jpar- | ; Hiament,in the fir pere of the reigne of our late Souercigne 1 aby Ducene Mary,tothe great: aay of the nue Honour of God, and dilcomfoge to che pzofeflogs of the Trueth of Chꝛiſts eligion ¢ ; “Beit therefoze enacted bp the austhozity of this prefent Parliament, T bat the lain Statute ef repeale,and euery thing therein contained, onelp concerning the Cain Booke, and the Sere. uice, Adminiftration of Sacraments, Rites, ¢ Ceremontes, contained o2 appointed, in,oz bp: the (ait Booke, halbe voide and of none effect,from and after the Feaſt of the Matinitp of S. John Baprif next comming. And that the laid booke with che ogder of Seruice, and of the Gamuniffration of Sacraments, Rites , anu Ceremonies, with the alteration and additions: therin added and appointed bp this Eftatute hall ſtand, aud be from and after the ſaid feaſt of _. the Matiuiey of S. John Baptiſt, in fullforce and effect, accozding tothe tenour and effect of this Eſtatute· anp thing in the forelain Eſtatute of repeale tothe contrarp notwithſtanding. And further bee it enaced by the Queenes Highnefle, with rhe aſſent of the Loos anv — Commons of this pꝛeſent Parliament aſſembled, and bp che authoꝛity of the fame,tbat all and ss fingular Winters in anp cathe Beal oz pariſh Church, og other place within this Realme of —s Englann, CHales Erhe marches of che fame, oz other the Quenes bominiong, hall krom and after the fealt of the Natiuity of S. John Baptiſt neve comming. be beunden ta Cap ¢ ole the Wattens, Eucnlong,celebzation of the Logds Supper, anv adminifiration ofeach ofthe Sa⸗ ctaments,and all other Common and Dpen praper,in {uch opder and forme ag is mentioned inthe {ayo Booke,fe authorized bp Parliament, tn the (ain fift ann fire peere of the Reigne of _ Wing Edward che fet, with one alteration o2 addition of certaine Lefſons to he olen on eurerp Sunday in the pere, andthe fezme of the Letanie altered and cozrected, and two ſentences on⸗ Ip added in the delitierie of the Dacramentto the Cammunicants, e none other, oꝛ otherwile. ; Gnv-that tf anp maner of Parſon, Clicar, og other whatſoeuer Miniſter, that ought 02 ſhould fing: 02 fap Common praper mentioned ia the (sid Wooke, o2 minifter the Sacraments, from, ane afer tle feaft ef tye Natiuitie oF S. John Baptiſt neve comming, refule co bſe the fain Common pꝛayers, oꝛ to miniſter the Sacraments m (uch Cathedzal 02 Pariſh Church,o2 other places, as he fhouln ole tominifter the fame, in {isch order and fozme as thep be mentioned ana fet foarrh in the fain oeke, 02 Hall wilfully oz obſtinately (tanding in the fame) ble anpotber- Rite, Leremanp, Oꝛder, Forne,oz Maner of celebrating of rhe Lens Supper, openly oꝛ pꝛiui· tp, 02 Mattens Euenfong, Adminiltration of the Sacramenteg, o2 other Dpen praiers,then is mentioned ano let foorth in the fais Boeke, (Open praver in and thorowoutthis Act, is meant that prayer which is for other to come vnto.or heare,either in Common Churches,or Private Chappels, or Oratories commonly called The Seruice of che Chusch)og fhatt IOyeach,veslare, . ‘ “ay i * ® am Se ee, oe Ana@e for the Vniformitie oꝛ tpeake any thing in the Betogation, 62 Depraning of the fain Booke, oꝛ any thing therein com. —— of ap part thereof, and ſhalbe thereeflatfully conuicten, according to the L atures of this Realme,bp berdtct of twelue ment, 02 bp bis owue conkeſſisn, oꝛ bp the notozions enivence of the facts thal lofe ann forfeit to the Queenes Highnelle, ger heites and {accefiegs, fo2 bis Sri oxence the profit of all his Spiritual berefices oꝛ promotions,comming 62 crifing in one tehole peere nett after bis conuiction: and alfc that the perfon fo conuicted, hall fo2 the fame offence fuffer imprilonent the fpace of Gre moneths, twithout Baile o2 Mainpꝛiſe. Ano if aap fuck erfon once couuiet of any offence concerning the premifies, fall after big Grit conuiction eft- ones offend, ¢ be thereof, in forme afozefain tatwfully tonuict : that thew the fame perfon hall fez bis fecond offence {utter unpgifoument bp the {pace of one whole pecre,ann alle {hall therfore be depriued ipfo face of all bts Spiritual promotions, Anv chat it Hall be lawEall to all pae trons o2 donours ofall and ſiagular the ſame Spixituall prometions, 02 of anp cftbem, to pies Lent og collate to the (ame, as though the perion o2 petſons fe offneiog tecre Dead. Andl that if anp Cuch perfor oz perfens, after he Mall be twiſe conuicted in ferme afogefaiv, Mall citend ae gaint anp of the prꝛemiſſes the thir time, ¢ fhalbe thereof, in foyme afoze(ain,latofullp conui« cted: that chen the perſon fo offending, and conuicten the third time, ſhalbe vepzined iplo fo of all bis Spiriteatl promotions, ann allo fhatl iuffer impzifenment during Bigtife. And ifthe perlon that fall efend, and bee conuict, in forme aforelaiv, covicerning atip of the premifles, hall not be Bereficed,tiez hase anplpirituall Pꝛomotien: that then the fame yerien fo offending and conuice, fhal fo2 the firſt offence ſuſfer impzifonment Biring one behole pere vert after bis (aid conuiction, without Gaile oz mainepzile. And if anp (uch petſon, not haning any Spiritual promotion, after His ſitſt conuiction, ſhall eftfoenes : fend in any thing concerning the premiffes, and (all, in forme aforeſaid, be thereot lawfully conuicten ; that then the fame perion ſhal, foꝛ bis ſecond offence, fuffer impzifonment during his life. y And it ig erdeined and enacted bp the aurhozitie Rbouelaiv, that tf any perfor ez perſons wbhatloeuer, after the fain feat of the Matiuttie of S. John Baprilt nett comming, Gall in anp CEnterluses, Playes, Songs, Rimes,oꝛ bp ot her sper woꝛde, Declare o2 (peak anp thing in the detogation, depꝛauing, oꝛ deſpiſing of the fame Booke, oz of anp thing therein conteined, of anx part thereof,oz thal bp open fact, decd, ez Sp open thzeatnings,compel,oz caufe,oz otherwiſe proe cure,o2 maint aine anp JSarfon, Gicar,oz other Mtuiſtet, in any Cathedzall 02 Pariſh Church, oz in Chappel,oz tn anp other place,to fing,ozfap anp Cemmon anv Dpen praper,e: to minifier anp Sacrament, othertuife, oi anp other maner and fozme then is mentioned tn the fapde Booke,orthat by anypof the laid meanes, hall vnlawfully intertupt oꝛ let anp Parſon, Ai⸗ cat,o2 other Miniſter, in anp Cathevzal o2 Parifh Church, Chappel.oz anp ether place,to fing 02 fay Common and Open praier.o2 to miniſter the Sactaments,o} anp of them in fuchmaner anu forme as is mentioned in the fais Booke: that then euerp uch perlon, being thereof iatu- Fully conutcted én fozme afozelatd, Hal fogteit to the DQiucene our Soueraigne Lady, ber beires - and fuccefiours, fo the Grif efferce an hundzed matkes. Ang ifanp perſen oz petions, being Otice connincted of (uch offence, eftloones offend, againſt any of the laff recited offer.ces, and fhal,in forme afozelain, be thereof latofullp conuict: battben the fame perfon ſo efending ana ronuict, Hal fo2 ihe (econd offence fozfeit ro the Ducene cur Soueraigne Ladp,ber beites ans fucceffours foure hundzed matkes. And if anp perfen, after Hee, in forme afezelaive fhall bane Beene twile conuict of anp offence concerning any of the laſt recited offences, fhall offend the third time, aud be thereof,in fezme abouelai> lawfully conuict: that tken every perfon fo offers Ding and conuict, Ball fo2 bis chird effence forfeitte cnr Ssueraigne Ladp the DQueere all His goods and catteig, and fhall (uffer impzifonment suring bis life. Anv if any perfon o2 pers fons, that fo2 bis ficf offence concerning the premifies hail bee conuict in foyme afezeſaid doe not pap the (aive ſumme to be papa bp bertue of his conuiction, in {ach maner ann forme asthe fame ought to be payed, withing fire weeks next after bis ronufction: that then eucrp perfon,fo tentict, and fo net paying theifame, hall for che fame firſt effince, in flea of the faite fumme, Cuffer impzifonment fy the (pace of fire moxeths, without baile ez mainpaife. Ane if anp pere for oꝛ petſons that fo2 bis ſecond offence, concerning the pzemiffes, ſhall bee conuictin forme afezefaid, Do not pap the ſaid ſumme to bee payd bp bertueof his conutetton ¢ this Eſtatute in {uch maner and fozme as the fame ought to be payed, within fire weekes nert after his fain ſecond conuiction: that then euery perfon fo connicted,and net fo paping the fame hall fo2 the fame fecond offence,in the Fead of p {ait fumme fuffer impzifonment During twelue monetho⸗ Lrithout baile oz mainepꝛiſe. And that from and after the ſaid fealk of he Matiuitie of Saine Jehn WaptiF nert comuning,al and euery perfon and perfens, inhabiting within this Realm, eranp other the DQeenes Maieſties dominions, ſhall diligentlp and faithfallp,baning no law· full oz reafonable excuſe to be ablent, endeucut themlelues to relozt to theit Patiſh Church o2 Chappell — —————————————L of Common prayer. ‘Chappel aecuſtomed, oꝛ bpon reafonadle tet thereof, to fome bſuall place where Common p2aier anv {uch Seruice of Gov ſhalbe olen in {uch time of let,bpon etiery Sundap,and other Dapes ozdained and dfed to be kept as holppayes: and then and there to abide ozderly and foberlp, paring the time of Common paaper, peeachinge, o2 orher Sexruice of Gov,there to be olen ary minifired, vpon paine of pantihment bp the cenſures of the Church: aud alfobpon paine that euerpperfon fo offending. fhall forfeit fog euery {uch offence twelue pence, tobe leuten bp the Churchwarvens of the Patiſh twhere luch offence hall he Dene, to the ble of the yooze of the fame 19 o.:f,of the geons, lands, and tenementsof {ueb offender bp wasrof diſtreſſe. 2nd fo Bite execution bereot , the Queenes moſt excellent Maieie,the Lords tempozall, and all the Commons in this pꝛeſent JIatliament aſſembled, doth in Gods Rame earnefily require and charge all the Atchbſhops, Biſhops, and other Oꝛdinaries, that thep fhal indeuour themſelues to the uttermoft of heir knowledges, that the Due & true execution hereof map be had throughs dut their dioceſſe and charges, a3 thep will anfwere befoze Goo, for luch eutls and plagues wherewith Almighty God map iuſtly puni his people foznegiecting his good and whole⸗ fore Law And foz the authoaitie inthis bebalfe,be it further enacted by the authority afozes fais; Ghat all and Gugular che fame Arehbifhops, Bifhops and all other their officers exerci⸗ Ging EccleGafticall inrildiction, afwnelt in place erempe ag not exempt, sithin theit Dioce fle, fhall haue full potoer ¢ authozitie hp this Act,torefogme,cozrect,and punifh by cenfures of the Courch, all and Gngular perfons, which ſhal offtnn within any their Juriſdictions oz Dtocefle, alter the ſayd Feaũ of the Natiuitie of S.Joon Baprift Next comming, againkk this Acte and Statute: anp orber Lato, ſtatute, pꝛiuiledge, libertic, og pꝛouiſion heretofoze mave, bad, o2 fuffered,to the contrarp notwitbſtanding. Gud it fs oꝛdeined, and enacted by the authority afozelaid , That all and euery Juices of Dper & Determiner, or Juſtices of Afſiſe, Hall haue full power and authozitp in euery of theie open ¢ generall Sefiions, toenquite,beare, and determine all, and all maner of offences that fhall be committed oz Done contarp to anp article contained in this pzeſent Acte, within the li⸗ mitsef the Coinmiffion to them directed, and to make pzoceſſe foz the erecution of the fame,ag they may poe againſt anp perfon being indicted befoze them of trelpaffe, oz latefullp conuicten thereof, - Pe ontber altuapes, and be it enactet by the authogitie afozefain, That alland enery Arche bifhop and Bihop , fhall oz may at all time and times, at his libertie anv pleaſure, topne and alleciate bim(cife bp veriue ofthis Act.to the fata Juſtices of Dyer anB Determiner,oz to che fain Juices of Affife,at eucrp of the (aid open and general Sefiions to be holden in anyplace Within bis Diocelfe, fez and to the inquirp, bearing and Determining of the offences afozelain, Pꝛouided alſo, aud be it enacted bythe Authozitte afozelaty, What the Bookes concerning the ſayd Heruice, Hail at the cofis ¢ charaes of the Pariſhioners of cuerp Pariſh anv Cathee dꝛall Church, be attained anv gotten hefoze the ſaide fealk of the Matiuitie of S. John Baps \ tiſt next following : and that ali ſuch Pariſhes and Cathedrall Churches, o2 other places where the laid Gooks Mall be attainted and gotten hefore the fain feat of the Matiuitie of S. John Bapt iſt hati within thece weekes next after che fain Wookes fo attained and wetten,vle the fain Seruice,and put che fame in vſe according tothis Act. And be it kurther enacted by the suthozitp afozelain, That no perfor oz perſons ſhalhe at any time bercafter impeached,oz othetwiſe melefed, of o2.f02 any the offences aboue mentioned, hereafter to be committed 02 Done contrarptothis Act, oulefie he ogthep ſo offending. be ther> _ of indicted at the next general Seflionsto be holden befeze any {uch Juſtices of Dpere Dee tetminer.oz Juſtices of Allile, next alter anp offerice committed 02 Dorie contratp to the tenog _ ofthis Scte. dreniven alwayes, and beit ordeined and enacted bp the authozitie afezelain, that all anv ~ Bngular Logng of the Parliament, fo2 the third offence aboue mentioned ſhalbe tried bp theie 3D eeres. Pꝛouided allo, and be it ordeined anv enacted bp the authozitie afozelain, shat the Maioz of London, and all other Maiozs, Bailiffes, and other head officers, of all and fingular cittes, boroughs ¢ tobines cozpozate, within this Realme,CClales,and the marches of the ſame, to the which Juſtices of Aſſiſe doe not commonly repaive, thal haue full power and authozitie,By ver « tue sf this Act, to enquire, heare and Determine the offences abouelaid, and euczp of thens peetelp Within Hiteene tapes after the Fealts of Eaſter and. Wic hael che Archangel, in tke matter and forme ag Juftices of Aſſiſe,and Dper and Determiner may dee. Pꝛeuided alwapes, and be it agdained andenacted by the auth ozitie afozefain, that all and fingular Arcbbiſhops ans Biſhops.and enerpol their Chancellers, Commiſſaries, Archneas cong, ¢ other Ordinaries, hauing any peculiar Eccleſiaſticall invilviction,Halibaue full power | ang — — re i <<< ee a ee eee 7 7 ) =? a ae ty . : : a ; —— eS oa - — ‘ ove " Anaéte for the Vniformitie,&c. . and authozitte, by bertuc of this Act, alwel te enquire im heir bilit ation. lpnodes. eꝛ elle where within theit tuctloicrion, at any ot zet time and piace, to take accufations and infozmations of — ail and euerp the things aboue mentioned, Done, committed, oz perpetrated within rhe limits of their iuriſdiction and attthozitie, and to puniſh thefame by admenision, erconmntication, fequeltration oz Depzination, oꝛ ethers cenfures ang proceffes in like fogme as beretofoze hath beene dled im ltke cales bpthe Queenes CccleGakicall Lawes. pe Pzoutded alwayes, and be it enacted, that tovatloener petſon offending in the premilies, Gat fo2 che ſitſt offence receiue punifgment of the Dadinarp, hauing atcHin-onialthereef bnner the {ain Drvinaries ſeale, hail not fo; che fame offence eftfoones be convicted befoze the Pufices, ann likewile receiuing feztbe laid fic offence purifhment bp the Jalices, he fhall not fo rhe fame offence eftfoones receine puniſhent of the Ozdinary: any thing contained iu this Ace to the coutrarp notwithſtanding. Pꝛouided alwapes anv bee it etiacted, that ſuch oꝛnaments of the Church, FoF the Wink. flere thereof, fhall be retcined, and be in vle, as was in this Church ef England bp the authoe titieof Parliament in the lecond peere of tee reigne of king Edward the ſict vntil other orsers ‘) fhallbee cherein taken bp authozitie of the Queenes Malellie, with the aduice of ber Come Si) miflioners, appointed and authoztfed onder the great Seale of England, foz canles Ec⸗ . cleſiaſſicali. og of the Metropolit ane of this Realme. Ano alfo, that if there Hall happen any contempt og itreuence to bee bfed inthe Ceremouics og Bitesof the Church. by the mif⸗ my uling of the ogders appointed inthis Booke : the Queenes Maieſtie map bp the like aduiſe Lint ofthe fain Commiſſioners, 02 Wetropolitane, oꝛdeine anv publih ſuch further Ceremonies fe o2 Kites, as map be moff foz the abuancement of Gods glory, the edifping of bis Church, - Fie anv the Bue reuerence of Chriſtes belp Myſteries anu Sacraments, And be it farther enacted bp che authoꝛitie afozefain,that al lawes, ſtatutes, anv oꝛdinances fobereit o2 wherebp anp other Seruice, adminiſtration of Sacraments, 02 Common is limitted, eſtabliſhed, 02 fet foorth to be vſed within this Realme, ez anp other the Dugened YB Dominions and countteves,Qall from henceforth vtterlp be boyd, and of none eſfett. ¢ The orderwhere Mornin 8 and Euening prayer fhall be vied and ſaid. T He Morning and Euening prayer thall bee vfed in the accuftomed place of the Church, Chappell,or Chan- ‘cell,exceptit thal be otherwife determined by the Ordina- _ tyoftheplace. andthe Chancels fhall remaine as they haue donc in times paft, * And here is to be noted, that the Miniſter ar the time of the Communion,andat all other times in his miniftration, thall vfefuch ornaments in the-Chureh, as Were in vfe by _ authoritieafParliament , inthe Second yeere ofthe reigne ~ of King Edward the fixt, according to the A&e of Parlia- ment in that cafe made and prouided. § An order for Morning prayer dayly throughout the yeere. A T the beginning both of Morning prayer,and likewife of Euening praier, the Minifter fhall reade witha lowd voycefome onc of rhefe Sentences of the Scriptures that follow, And then fhall he fay that whichis written af- ter _terthe: faid Sentences, 8 Twyhat time ſoeueraſinner doth repent Exek18; cee hint ofbis ſinne trom the bottome of his Breve zeart J will put ali his wickednes out: er on Jolmpremembzance,saiththe Lod, — ESS Foe knowo mine one wichednen te Pſalgn, andmy nne altoay againſt me, RNS 10 AWurne thy face away from our ſinnes © Lox y) ae — and biot out all our offences. SF A foprotofull ſpirit is afacrifice to God: Deipitent aSte 6 Loꝛd) bumble and contrite hearts, a ee | | 1 eS ee eof \ ; 3 : J 5 eT PRL Sl oo Morning prayers ——— ⸗oel.2. Kent your hearts, and or your garments, and turne (0 (he Lod pour God,becaule he ts gentle and merciful, Be ts patient,andofimuch mercy, and ſuch Wan. a one that ts ſorꝛy for pour afflictions. penis? Wo thee (D Lod God) belongeth mercy and fo2- giuenes, fo2 we Hatie gone away from thee, and hᷣaue not Hearkened fo thy botce, whereby we might walke uithp Lawes which thou haſt appointed fo2bs. . Tere.10, Coꝛrect bs(D Lo2d)and pet in thy iudgement,not in thy fury leh wee hould be conſumed, and brought Mattz. tonothing. nend POE US for the hingdome of Gad (sat hand. Lube 15. J will goe to mp father, and layto him Father, F a haue ſinned egaink beauen and ageing thee: 3 ant Fpl. r43, no more worthy to be called thy fonne, 9 Enter not into iudgement with thy feruanits , Fay ‘x Tohn.1, 1020: fogne fleth is righteous tn thy fight. fi It we fap that we haucne finne, wee beceitc our 4 —— there is no trueth in vs.. ~e? Garelp beloued bzethzen, the Sitipe ~ turemoueth bs in ſunder places 3 toate Iknowiedge and conleſſe our manttetie ; finnes ato wickednes, a that we houia » not diſſemble nor ctoke —— a ace of Almighty God our beauenip father, but cone il feffe them with an humble lowly, penitent,and obe wi dient heart te theende thatwe map obtatne forꝛciue⸗ neſſe of the famesby bis infinite. qoodnefle-and mer: cy. Andalthouah weought at all tities pumbip-to. acknowledge our ſinnes before God, vet ought wee | mol chiefly (0 to Do, when weakemble and meete tar « .. | gether, to render thankes forthe great beneſits that ine Hane receiued at bis handes to fet forth his moſt | wodthy pearfe,to heaxe his moſt Holy W020, sae : ip. 7; 1 eas See ee Morning prayer. afae thoſe things which berequifite and neceffary, aſoeil £02 the body as thefoute. Wherefore Jprap and befeech pou, as manypas bee here preſent, to ace companyme witha pure heart and humble bopee, bie fo thethzone ofthe beauenlyarace. faping afer me, GA generall confefsion to bee faid ofthe whole Con- gregation after the Miniter. kneeling. A hinigoty and moſt mercitul Facer, we haue er⸗ ved and ſtrayed from thy wayes ithe loſte fheeve, Wee haue followed too much the deuiſes a deſixes of our ovone hearts, We haue offended againd thy voip Lavwoes We haucictt vndone thole things which we ought to haue tone, And voe haue done thole thiugs which wee ought not to haue done, And there ts no Health in bs: But thou, D Lod, hate merete vpon bsiniferabie offcnders. Spare thou them, D Good, Wwohich confefie their faults, Keſtorꝛe thou them that bepenitent according to thy promiſes declared onto mankinde in Chik Jeſu our Lowd, And grant, O moſt mercitull father, foz bis fake. that we mar heres . aAtter liue a gedlp.righteous, and ſober life,to the gies - fp of thy hoiy Qamc, amen. & Theabfolution or reviiifsion offinnes to be pronouns Seed by che Minifter alone. A Miuigher God . the gather of our Low Fetus Cou. which delireth net the death of afinner, but rather that bee map turne from His wickedneſſe ‘and live, and bath aiuen power ain commandement to his miniſters to declare and pronounce to his peo pie, being pentient,, the abſolution and remiffion of their Gnnes: hee pardonech andabfolucth ailthem togich truelp repent, and bnkainedly beleeue his ho⸗ iy Gotpel. Wherfore toe befeech himto qraunt bs true repentance and bis holy Spirit, that thoiethings ~~ map pleate him — wedoat Pe prelent,and ‘nue | xe Le ee : ne — prayer. e the reft of our life beareatter map be pure andholy,fo: that at the laf wee map come to hig eternalt toy, { through actus Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd. he people fhalanfwere, Amen. @ Then * the Miniſter begin the Lords prayer — aloude bdr bartint ather which art inbeauen, c. Ourę Then likewiſe he thal cy O Lozd open thou * tips. Anſwere. And our mouth wan * forth thy praiſe Tieit, | : O God make ſpeede to faue bg, Anfwere,. O Loꝛd mane hattto belpe $.. Glory be to the — Asit was inthe beginning, ac. pesto ae" Pꝛaiſe pe the Lo2d,. : 3a Then fall be ſaid or fungthis Pfalme Showings : . 7 Come, ict bs fing vnto the Lopbsiee bs | : WES 9 beartly reioyce inthe ſtrength otour fale : PAIK) uation ot aad IM Let be cowe before bis pacfence with thankefatuing: and thew our ihe B ial in him with pfalmes.. Che oh Ree Foꝛ the Lord is aareat God:and a great Bing J Horie all gods. A In his hand are alt the comers of the earth: and ‘toe ſtrength of che hils is his alſo. pe — Che Heais hit3,4nd bemaveitsend bis hands pace pared the Brie land, O come, tet bs wo2thig and: falldowne: and finecie Defoze the Lozscur maker, — = an bets the cies our — andwe are wits nS —* er 7 LF Re a. 3 Loe eee eae, | a é \y ili Sieh So esll Vee, ae eh ,vT. * orning prayer. of big patture,and the heepe ot his hands. Today it ye will heare His voyce, harden not pour Hearts :asin the pꝛouocation, and agin tye dap of temptation in the wilderneffe. When pour fatherstempted mei prooued me, and fav inp wozkes. : Fourtie peeres tong was J qrieued with this ge⸗ neration,and ſaid: It is a people that do erre in their hearts.forthey haue not knowen inp wayes. VUnto whom Iſware in my weath: that ther — notenter info my reff, Glory be tothefather:ac, Asit was in the ac. @ Then fhall follow certaine Pfalmesin order , as they bee appointed ina Table made for thatpurpofe,except there be proper Pfalmes appointed for that day. And atthe end of euery Pfalme throughout the yeere, and likewife in the end of Benedictus, Benedicite, Magnificat,and Nunc dimittis,fhall berepeated, Gloꝛy be to the father, ac. As it was in the,ac. ia Then fhall be read two Leffons diftin@ly witha lowd voyce,that the people may heare. The firftofthe Old _ Teftament,thefecond ofthe New, like as they bec ap- pointed inthe Kalender , except there bee proper Lef- ſons afsigned for that day's The Minifter thatreadeth ~~ the Leffon ftanding, and turning him foashe may be beft heard ofallfuchas bee prefent. And before every a Leffon, the Minifter fhall fay thus, The firft,fecond, third, or fourth Chapters of Genefis or Exodus, Mat- | thew, Marke, or other like ,as is appoinred in the Ka- lender. Andinthe end of euery Chayter,he fhall fay. 7 PHereendethfucha Chapter offuch aWooke, : q Andtotheend thepeople may the better heate, in fuck _placeswhere they doe fing , there fhallthe Leſſons bee ſungina plaine tune, after the maner of diſtinct reading: me kewl the Epiftlea and —— After the firſt Le iS 3 fou en Le” tect... *, = ~ \ ; —— are — SS ⏑ ha - ** aS te * ———— er. fon,fhall follow, Te Deum] throtighout the whole yeere. . — — Ee praiſe thee, D God: twee knowledge : ch s thee tobe the 1020. Ali the earth —* worſhip thee: the 2 “A Father cuctlatting. : esl To thee all Angeis crie aloud: the —— — all the powers therein. Go thee Cherubin.e Seraphin:coutinualp 00 crp, Holy, bolp, Holy : Loꝛd God of Sabaoty. Peauen eearty are ful ofthe Datettp:of thy giozy. Tie glorious company ofthe Apoſtles:praiſe thee, audamus,in Enelifh , dayly | Tie goodly fellow hip of he Prophets:praiſe thee, — @e noble army of Martys:pꝛaiſe thee. The holy Church theoughout all the woꝛd:doeth knowledge thee, The father: ofan infinite Maieſtie. Chine Honourable : truc,and onelp Sonne, Alſo the holy Ghoſt: the Comforter. Thou art the Bingofgloy: O Chriſt. Thou art the eueriaſting Sonne: ofthe Father. when thou tookeſt vpon thee to deltuerman:thou — diddeſt not abbozre the wirgins wombe. - Death: : thou diddeſt open the kingdome of heauen to {beleeuers, Chou litte atthe right hand ot Gor: in che —— | ofthe father. We beleeue — ſhalt come: to be our Judge. Wothereſore pray thee — thou hal redeemed with thy preciousb Mate them to bee numbed wi ht glory euerlaſting. ee tee and bie pine When thou bade ouercome the tharpenceffe of J J Morning prayer. Dap bp day: we magnifie thee, And we wozthip thy Mame : etter wold vᷣout end, 6 Wiouchfafe(D Logo: )¢o heepe bg this Day without une. O Loꝛd haue mercy vpon bs:haue mercy bpon bs. O Loꝛd let thy mercy lighten vpon vs:as our Crud thee, D Lapin thee bane Itruſted: {et ince neuer bee confounded. q Or this Canticle, Benedicite omnia opera, &c. is in O: Al pe woms of the Lozd.blefle pethe Lordepraile Benediz him and magnific htm fo2 ever, D pe Angels of the Lord, bleſſe ye the 1.020: praiſe | him and magnifie him fo2z cuer. D peheauens, blefle ve the Lozd: praile him and magniklie him ioe cuer. D pee waters that be aboue the firmament, bleſſe re the Low: pratle him and magnifte him fo2 ever. D all pee pomers ofthe Lod, biefle ve the Lod: praife him and magniſie htm fo2 ever, & D pe Sunne and Woone, bleſſe ve the Loꝛd:praiſe him and magnilie him fo2 ever. * D pee ſtarres ofheauen, bleſſe pe the Low: peatfe him and magnifte him fo. ever, O pee fhom2es anddeaw,biefle pe the Lord: praile him and magnifie him fo2 ever. D pe windes of God, bleſſe re the Lozd:prartle him and magnific him fo etter, D pe fire and heate,bielle pee the Low: pratſe him and magnifie him fo2 eucr. D pee winterand Summer, bieffe pe the Lord: pꝛaile him and magnifie him fo: cuter. D pedeawes and frofts , bleſſe pe tHe Loy: : praile him and magnilie him koreuer. O vee whe and cold, — air the 1923 praile — cite. ae ee é 8 Pe) ce 2a P Morning payer. anamagnifichimfogeuer, —— O ye ?ce and ſnow, blelſe ye the Lord: praiſe him and sagt foz euer. | D penights anddapes, belle ye the Lord:prailſe him and magnifie him fo2 ever. D pelight and darkneſſe, bit fle pe (he Lord: parte Him and maguifie him fo2 euer, iis D pee lightnings andclouds, bieflepec the Loꝛd: pratfe him and magnifie him fez ever. Det the carth belle the Lord: pea, tet it praiſe Him and magrifie him fc2 ever, D pee mountaines and hilles, blefle pe the Lod: peatte hint and magnifie bim foz euer. | D ail pe greene things bpon the earth, blefle pe the 029: praife him and magnifie him fo2 ever. | D pee welles, bleſſe yee the Loz: peaife Him and magnifie him fo2 euer. | D pe Seagand floods, biefle ve the Lozd:peaife him and magnilie him foreuer. O pewhales ¢ ali that mooue in the waters , bleſſe ye the Lord: praiſe dim and magnifie him ſor ever. ® alive koules of the aire, bleſſe ye the Loꝛd: pꝛaiſe him and maanifie him for ever. O all pe beats and cattell,bielle pe the Lozd:peaife Him and magnifie him fo2 ever. * VWVWpyrechildren okmen, bleſſe ve the Lorꝛd: pratie him and magnifie Him fo2 euer. Olet Iſrael blelle the Lod: praiſe Himand mage nifie him fo2 ever. D pe Prtetts ofthe Lord, bleſſe ye the Lozd:pzarle: Hun and inagnifie hin foz etter, D pe feruanis of tie L020, blefle pe the Lorꝛd:pꝛaiſe Him and magnifie him for euer. te D pe {pivits and ſoules of the righteous, bleſſe pee: che Lozd:; praiſe him and magnifie him for — Lord:praiſe but and magiifie htm for ever, D Auantas, Azarias, and Milael, biefle ve the Lozd: praife him and magnifie him for ever, Glory be tothe father,and tothe Sonne, ee, As it wasin the beginning, ee. @ Andafter the fecond Leffon,thalbe vfed and faid Bene- dictus in Englith,as followeth. Leſſed be the LozdGon of Flrael:fo2 He Hath biſited and redecined his people. And bath raifeo bp a mighty faluation “for vs:in the boule of bis ſeruant Dauid. As heſpake by the mouth of his boly Prophets: tobich haue bene fince the world began. Chat toe fhould be faued from our enemies: and from the hands of ali that bate bs. To perfozme the inercy promiſed to our foreta: thers: and toremember His holy Conenant. CTo perſorme the othe which he ſware to our ſorefa⸗ ther Abzabait: that he would giue be. That we being deliuered out ofthe Hands of our enemics : might ferue him without feare. In holineſſe and righteoutnes before him: ail tive | ‘Daves of our life. Gud thou Childe halt be called the Prophet of the Diqhed: foz thou thalt goe before the face of the Lord, to prepare His waves. Go giue knowledge of faluatton vnto Hts people ; fo2 the remiffion of their ſinnes. Through the tendermercy of our God: whereby the dayſpring from an bigh bath viſited vs. To Giuclight to them that fit in darkeneſſe and in the fhadowof death: and to guide cur fecte into the Laap of peace. -Glozpbeto the Father, gc. Asit was in thee. Morning prayer. @ OrthisC.Pfalme. Iubilate Deo. ea Ox ioyfull in the Lord (atl pee lands: ſerue the Deo Lozd with gladneſſe, a come befoze bis pefence toith along. Be peture thatthe Lordhee is God: it is hee that hath made bs,and not we our ſelues, we are bis peo⸗ ple,and the theepe of bts patture. O goe pour way into bis gates with thankeſgi⸗ ting, and into bis Courts with pratle: be thankefull vnto him, and ſpeake good of his Mame. | Foꝛ the Lois gracious,his mercy iseuerlaſting: and His trueth endureth from generation Co geries ration. Glory be to the father,and to the Sonne, Ee, As it was in the beginning, 1s now, ac. ¶ Then ſhall be ſayd the Creed, by the Minifter, and the people, ftanding. JBeleeue in God, the Father Almighty, maker Of: = beatien and earth sand in Jeſus Chk bis onelp Sonne our 1.020 , which was conceiued by the holp bok, bowie ofthe Uirgin Warp, fuffered vnder Ponce Wrlate, was crucifled,dead, and buried.he deſ⸗ cended into hell, the third Day he roſe againe from the. _. Dead, bee aſcended into heauen, ¢ ſitteth on the right Hand of God the father Almighty. from thence hall Hee come to tudge the quicke andthe dean. J beleene inthe holy Ghoſt, the holy catholique Church, the Communion of Saints , the fozatuenefle offinnes, poe returrection of the body, and theitte euerlatting, men. ¢ And — that, thefeprayers following,as wellat Eue- ning prayer, as at Morning prayer, all deuoutly kneeling, the Minifter firft pronouncing witha lowd — Me Lord be wit} your, ‘ Anfwere And with thy tpivit, | ¢ Biv with Cop tp The Minifter. : | @ Let vspray. Lo haue mercy bpon bs. : Chrift haue mercy vpon ys, ‘Lowhauemetcybponbs, q Thenthe Minifter, Clerks, and people fhall fay the ~ Lords prayer in Englith,with aloud voyce; O wey Fatver which art in heauen, ac, @ Then the Minifter landing vp, fhall fay. D ‘102d = thy mute alt bs Ant{were . and grant vs thy 4 en D Loyd ſaue teeing. An{wete. And mercilully — ue wert wee cail vponthee. Indue thy apinigers with righteou frrefle, An {wetre, Gnd make thy avai peope top fury. Prieft D Lord laue thy —— Anfwere. And blelſe thine inheritance, Prieft. Giue peace in our time, D Loz, An{were Becaule therets none other that fighteth for 4 but onely thou,D * am rie DO Gor make cleane hearts within bs.. ſwere. And take not thy holy Spirit from vs. Thes eS a i, he ¶ Then fhall follow — —— ’ The — of cheday se which fhalbethe fame that is appointed at the Commu- BPS OE RG nion. The fecond for peace. The third, for grace to liue well, And the two laft Colle&s thall neuer alter, burt dai- ly be faidat Motning prayer throughout all — sig as followeth, @ The fecond Colleé& for peace. O Sod which art the aut hour of peace,and louer of concord, in Browledae of whom fandeth our eternalllife, whofe feruice ts perfect freedome,defend bs thy bumble ferwants in all affaults of our ene⸗ qnies.that we ſurely truſting in thy defence, map not feare the power of any aduerfaries, though the might of Jeſus Chrik our Loꝛd, Amen. @ The third Colle& for grace, O Lord our heauenly father , almighty and eters latina God, which bat fafelp bought bs to the beginning of this day, defend bs tn the fame with thy mighty power, andgrant that this dap we fail into no finne, netther runne into any ind of Danger: but that all our Doings may bee o2dered by thy gouer- = on ‘ 8 ia 3 nance, to toe alwaypes that is righteous tn thy fight, — j through Jeſus Chiff our Loꝛd, Amen. evs An order for Euening prayer ef F throughout the yeere. ¶ The Prieſt ſhall fay. Fk oy Ut Father which are in heauen ec, SNe Thenlikewife he fhall fay. 1 \ceseoy ls D Lozdopen thouour lips. ; An{were. SOR And our mouth fhall ſhew loorth thy : Prieſt : Hebath putdownethe m _ hath exalted tye humble and meeke. — He hath filled che hungry with good things: and Luening prayer. Prieſt. O God make ſpeedto ſaue bg, Anſwere. O Loꝛd make haſte to helpe vs. prieit. Gloꝛy be to the Father, and to the Sonne, ee. As it was in the beginning, is now, ee. Paaple ve the Lord. Then the Pfalmes in order as they be appointed in the ta- ~ ble for Pfalmes, except there be proper Pfalmes appoin- _ted forthatday. Then a Leſſon ofthe old Teftament,as is appointed likewile inthe Kalender, exceptthere bee . proper Leffons appointed for that day. After that Mag- nificat in Englifh as followeth. HOA _ Sforbee hath regarded:the lowlinette “ap ANY, otbishandmatven. | __ £62 behold from bencefosth:all gene: - yattons thal call mebletted. * For he that is mighty bath magnified me: and hos Iy is his Name. | ; And his mercyis on them that feare him:through⸗ outallgenerations... : He hath he wed ſtrength with bis arme: hee hath ſcattered the proudin —— their hearts. ghtyfrom their ſeat:and the rich be bath fent empty away. ; De remembzing bis merep hath holpen his teruant AIrael:as he pꝛomiſed to our forefathers, abzapam,. and his ſeede for euer. Siorr be tothe FackerandtotheSonneae, Aasg it was in (ye Leguining, is now, ge, Or Dfouledoth magnifie the Lord:and my Magnificar, f ſpirit bath reiovced in God my ſauiour. Luke x. — + veining pray, Or els this Pralime. PEI i Pale & C2 with bis pedi by 2m and wich his Nunc di. . mittis. ‘bolp avine: hath be gotten himnleife the victorr· Che Lord declared His fatuation: bis righteout: ites hath heopenly thewed in the fight ofche heathen, He hath remembred hts merep and tructh toward che houle of Ilrael: and al che ends of the: world haue leene the ſaluation of our God. Shew vour ſelues toyfull vnto the Lord all pee {ands: fing. reiopce, and gine thankes. Pꝛaiſe the Lord vpon the Harpe: fing tothe Darpe ‘f with a Pſalme of Chankelagiuing. weith Trumpets alfo and fhatomes : D thew. your i felucg ioylull befoze the Lord the King. > et the Sea make a nople, and ait that cherein fg: the round wozld,and they thatowelltheretn, Let the floods clap theit yands ; and letthe Hilles be topfull together before fhe opp : foz bets come te indgetheearth, With righteouſnes wan hee iudge che word: and the people with equitie. | _ Glory be to the father, and tothe Sonne ac. — As it Was in the beginning, tenow,éc. e. € Thena Leffon of the New Teftament, And afer har Nunc dimittisin Englifh,as followerh, - ; at DS Dd now letteſt thou tr fernant depart in (es peace: accogding to thp woz). | CS fo2rmineepes hauefeene: thy fatnation. | Mhich ð hak prepared: before the face o all peopte, ~ Tobe alight to lighten tye Gentiles; and to be the irlorp of tRy people Iſrael. Glory be tothe ffather,and to the Sonne,ac | As it was in * — ——— 11010540, — ~ Wr —— Euening prayer) | elinst ¶ Or elle * Pſalme. oc T : — Odbe mercifull vnto —— vs: and Deus miſe⸗ % a be feb bs the lightot his countenance.and be aL * 8 9. Hh daa " &bat thy wap map be lino wen p76 earth: tbefa auing bealth among. alMations, het the people praite tees, D Gard: ‘yeas ket allie peo le pꝛaiſe thee. srnolosii iet the fi Mations reioyce and J alan: for thous thai iudge the folke righteouſly. and gouerne the ae tions bpon earthy. Let the people pate thee,D God: etal ithe people pꝛaiſe thee, Chen Mali the earth b2ing koorth her increate: ‘ and God tuen our otone God, hallgiue bs bis bleſſing. 7 Gar ſhall biefte vs:and all theendes of ‘the wou Glo» be to the Father, and to the Sonne ac. tt As it wast in the beginning.is now, ac. Theo thakfollow the Creed;with other -prayersias is * fore appointed at morning prayer after Benedictus, and *) withthree Collects Firftofthe day, The fecond for peace. Thethird for ayde againftallperils,as hereafter ‘3 isfoawerlh: swhich: two laft Colle&s: fhallbe * at Xuening prayer ithout alteration. 2722 The fecond Colle& at Euening prayer. C) God. from whom all holy defives , alt: good coun⸗ ſels andall iu workes doe proceed: giue vnto thy ſeruants that peace which the world cannot giue sua both our hearts map be fet toobey thy Cõman⸗ dements and alfo that by thee wee being ‘Defended fromthe feare ofour enemies may patie our time in reſt and quicenes, madi —— our Sauiour, amen, BE : one | : ¶ The The 9*— > ot! el ee fe et het 5 OS ee Oe eee Vüüv— ~ L_Javtenourvarkenetle we veteecy thee, DiLop, and Dangers of this night forthe idue of ehp ore i Holy @pote eternall, -Quicunquey vule Ee The third Colle for ayde J ſt all perils. ãnd by thy great mercy defend vs from all ¢ Honneour Saulour Fetus Chri, amen, - @ Inthe feaft of Chriftmas, the Epiphany, Saint Mathie, Eafter, the Afcenfion, Penticoft, S. lohn Baptiſt, Saint Tames , Saint Bartholomew, S Mathew, S.Simoa and Iude, Saint Andrew, anid Trinicie Say fallbling or faid immediatly after Benedictus, this confefsion of our Chriftian Feith, Quicunque vule. : 8 Hotecuer wil be ſaued: belbre al tings fs it is neceflary , that be holde the Cathe: Dlique wots ito * — which faith excep euery one 0 eep es holy and vnde nied without DoUbE Hee hail perith euerlaſtingly. Ana the Catholique faith is this: that we worhip one Godin Crinttic,and Trinitie in buitie. J reine confounding the perfous: nop diuiding e ſubſtance. ffoz there igone perfor ofthe father, another of the Sonne: another ofthe holy Ghoſt. But the Godhead ofthe ather ofthe Sonne and - ofthe holy Shot, isallone :the glory equal, the mas iellie coeternall. oe a3 ste Father is, luch isthe Sonne: a luch abe Father vucreate the Sonne vncreate: and the Holy Ghok vncreate. Che Father incompiebentible, le, the Sonne incom⸗ pachentible sand the holy Shot fricompzebenti ible. . Che Father eternal ithe Sonne eternal: and the And ae petthes are not thꝛee eternals: but one eter⸗ — 9 alfo there are net thee incomprehenſibles nor three vncreated: butone vncreated, and one incom: peebentibte. Ho likewiſe the Father ts Almighty the Sonne Qimightie: andthe holy Ghoſt Almighty. — vet they are not thꝛee Almighties: but one Al⸗ mighty. pee — the Father ig God, the Sonneis od: and the holy Ghok is God. And pet they are not thzee Gods: but one God. So like wiſe the father ts 'Lo2d,the Sonne Lord: andthe boly Gyoſt Lord. And pet not thee Lo2d8: but one $029, Foz like as we be compelled bythe Cheittian beri tie:to acknowledge euery perfon by himlelle to bee God and Loꝛd. Hoare we forbisdenby the catholique Religion: . to fay there be three Gods,cz three Lords. The Father is made of none: netthercreated , 102 ‘begotten, _ Bbhe Sonne is of the Father alone :not made, nor cecated, but begotten. Che holy Ghok ts ofthe Father, eof the Sonne: neither made, nozercated, no} begotten, but procee ⸗· 3 ding. ey OT ee te, ia ~~ So there ig one father, not thee fathers, one poly bots thee Sones: one Poly Ghot not thꝛee oly Ghoſts. And in this Trinitie, none ig afoze 02 after other: none ts greater or leſſe then another, _ But the whole theeeperfons be coeternalt toge⸗ ther: and coequall. — that in all — is aloreſayd: the vnity itt D ATrinitie, Quicunque vult. Trinitie,a the Trinitie in vnitie is to be woꝛſhipped. He therefore that will be ſaued: mutt thus tite of the Crinitie. | * Furthermoze itis necellary to euerlalling ſaluati⸗ on :that he alſo beleeue ri ightly in the incarnation of our Lord Jeſus Chꝛiſt. Forthe right faith ts, that wee beleeue and cons fefle: that our Lod Jeſus Chriſt,.che Sonne of Gon is God and man, Goo of the ſubſtance of the Father, begotten be- fore the wozids cand man of the tubttance of bis mo⸗ ther, borne in the world. Perfect. God, and perfect man:of a reaſonable foule,and humane ſſleſh ſubſiſting. Equall to the Father as touching his Godhead: and inkeriour tothe father touching his manhood. Who although bee be Goo and man vet bee tS not tivo, but one Chꝛiſt. Dne,not by conuerſion of the Godhead into fief: : but by taking oftbemanvcodinio God, - One altogetber,not dp confulion offubffance: but by vnitie of perfor. fozras the refaonabie foute and flehis one nian: lo od and man fs one Cheiſt. oho tuffered for our faluation:: defcended into bel. rofe againe the thiva dap from the dean. ee afcendedinto heauen, he litteth on the right hand ofthe father, God Almightie: from whence He fhalicome to iudge the quicke and the dead. | At whole comming all men hall rifeagqaine with thet booties: and haligtue accompt fo2z their ovone workes. - Aro they that haue done good, hall goe into life e- ucriafing ; and abbr baat done euil into euerla⸗ ena . jf , Ahis — — ae ee c— 4 From ail euill The Letanie. Tyhis is the Catholique faith: which erceptaman belecue faithfulip,be cannot be fauen. Glory be to the father.ec. As it was inthe ac. ; @ Thus endeth the order of M otning and Euening prayer thorowourthe whole yeere. ¢ Here followeth the Letanie,to be vied _ pon Sundayes, Wedne|dayes and Fridayes, and at ochertimes when it fhallbe.com- manded by the Ordinary. Ko ane OY Bod the father ofbeauenshaue mercie Y/ SEX \¢ bpon os mfferable finners. | P) $s O God the Father of heauen:haue mercy . - -ypon.vs miferable finners. : Qseeey, God the Sonne redeemer of the World: paue mercie bpon os miferable finners, » OGodthe Sonne redeemer of the world : haue mercie vpon vs miſerable ſinners. O Bon the holy Gholt proceeding from the Father and tie Sonne: have merce bpon vs miferable fin: ‘Hers. | i O QO God the holy Ghoft proceeding from the Fatherand the Sonne:haue mercy vponys miferable ſinners. O boly,bietles, glorisus Crinitie, thee perfons and one God: haue mercy bpon bs miferable finners, _ + Oholy,bleffed,and glorious Trinitie,three perfonsand one God: haue mercy. vpon vs mifcrable ſinners. Remember not Lord our offences.n02 the offerices ofour forefathers..neither take thou. bengeatice of our finnes: {pare vs good Hod, fpare.thy people wohome thou hall redeemed with thy moſt precious blood, and be not angry with bs foz euer, »SparevsgoodLord. = and mifchiete, fronifinne, from tHe MMR ee ee at _ tratts f —— miei aie —— 72 as eee The —— crafts and aflaules of tye deuill, krom thy wweath and | from euerlatting damnation. | Good Lord deliuer vs. 4 | | From all blindnelle of heart, from pꝛide, vaine glo: a ry, and hypocriſie, from enuie,batred,and matice,and | all vncharitableneſſe. Good Lord deliuer vs. “From kornication, and all other deadly (inne, and ia from all the deceits of the world, the fleſh, the Denil. = Good Lord deliuervys. . it Fromlightning and tempeſt from plague, peſti⸗ ih lence, and famine, from battelt and murther, and : J from fudden death. i dit ag Good Lord ditives Vs. 3 | From all {edition andpeiute confpiracie ; from ali if falfe Doctrine and berelie, from hardnes of beart,and 4 | contempt of thy word and Commandement. Good Lord deliuer vs. | By the myllerie of thy boty incarnation, bp thy . holy nattuttie aud Circumecifion, by thy Baptitme, Ss falling and tensptation. : dee Good Lord deliuer vs. Be | Wy thine agonte and bloody fweate, by thy croſſe iif and paffion,bp thp precious death and burial, bp thy — 9 glorious reſurrection and aſcenſion, and bp the com: : | ming of the oly Chowk. Bei Good Lord delivervs. ; Bas In alltime of cur tribulation, in alltime of our (a wealth, in the houre of death, and in the dap of iudge⸗ it i ; ment. iI ~ Good Lord delnies vs. uf | We ſinners doe beſeech thee to heare vs (O Lod God) and that tt may pleaſe thee to rule and gouerne { thy holy Church vniuertally in the right wap. We eſeech thee to heare vs,g00d Lot. PR ey SS ee eee ee eC The Letany: Chat it may pleate thee to keepe and Lrengthen in thetrue worſhipping of thee, in righteouſneſſe and - Holinefie ofitfe, thy feruant James, our mot gracis — — —— — ~ oug king and gouernoin 3 — UE ⸗ EES | ee We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord, Mhat t¢ map pleate thee to rule bis heart in thy - faith, feare,and louc,and that be map euermoꝛe baue alliance in thee,and euer feeke thy honour and glory. We befeech thee to heare ys good Lord. Thatit may pleafe thee to be his defender and bees per, giuing Dim the bictozy ouer all bis enemies, ‘Webefeech thee to heare vs good Lord. That it may pleafe thee to bielle and preſerue our gracious Nucene Anne, Pzince Henry, andthe ree of the King and Queenes royall iſſue. _ Webefeechtheeto heare vs good Lord. Chat it may pleate thee to illuminate ali Bihops, paftors and Miniſters ofthe Church, with true Bnowledge and buderfanding of thy word, and that both by their preaching and lining they map fet it foozth.and thew tt accordingly, _.,. Webefeechthee to heare vs good Lord. That it may picate thee to endue the Lords ofthe Counlei,and ali the Nobilitie, with grace, wotledome, — and vnderſtanding. i _ +3 We befeechthee to heare vs good Lord. That it may pleaſe thee to biefle andkeep the Ma⸗ giftrates, giningthemarace to execute iuſtice, andto maintainetruct). . | - We befeech thee to heate vs good Lord. ‘That it may pleale thee to bleſſe and keepe all thy people, | | Dis ae ee = . = , > PT: — Ni — ee — — Webefeechthee to heare vs,&ßcec. That it may pleafe thee to giue to all ations, ‘i Hiitie, peace and concoꝛd. ie We befeechthee co heare vs, &c. | ‘ That it may pleafe thee to giue bs an heart fo lone and dread thee, and diligently fo tive after thy Con mandements. Pa We befeech thee to Thais vs, &c. That it may pleate thee to gine to all thy sept in⸗ creaſe of qrace, to beare meekelp thy word and tore⸗ ceitiett with pure affection, and to. being foorth the. fruits ofthe fpirit. | Webefeechtheeto heare vs, &c. Chat it may pleaſe thee to bring into tiie way of truth, all {uch ag haue erred. and are deceiued. We beſeech thee to heare vs, &.. That it may pleaſe thee toſtrengthen ſuch ag Doe ſtand, andto comfort andbelpe the weake Hearted, and to raife bp them that fall, and — to beg dovone Sathan binder our feet. a ~~ Webefeechtheetohearevs,8&es5 8 Chat it may pleate thee fo ſuccour. helpe and com⸗ | ſort aul that be in danger, neceſſitie and tribulation, 4 Webefecchtheetoheare-vs,&c.. . - * That tt may pleaſe thee to pꝛeſerue atl that trauell J byland or by. water,alt women labouring ofchild.al licke perſons and yvong childzen.and to ſhew ihr pitie vpon all pꝛiſoners and captiues. We befeech thee to heare ys, &c. : Ghat it may pleafe thee to defende and prouide for the fatheriefle children and wido wes, and alt that be. deſolate and oppreſſed. We — eo ae F The Letany. We beſeech thee to heare vs, &c. — * Chat it may pleaſe thee to haue mercie vpon all ¥ vo , - We befeech thee to heare vs, &c. q That it may pleatethe to forgiue our enemies: © pertecutours and llaunderers, and to turne their hearts. Webeſeech thee to heare vs, &c. That it may pleaſe thee to giue and preſerue Co our bfe the kindly fruits ofthe earth, fo as ti due time we may entoy thent, F | aa Webefeech ihe to heare ie ee What t€ map pleale thee to giue bs true repen⸗ tance , to forꝛgiue vs all our finnes, nealigences and ignorances, and fo endue bs with the arace of thp sphere Spirit, fo amend our liues according to thy ho⸗ py word, We befeech hh to heare vs, &c. Sonne of God: we beleech thee to heare hs, — Sonne of God: wee befeech thee to eg heare vs. ‘ a of God, that take away the fing of the 21D, + “he aes Grant vs thy peace. © D Lambe of God, that takes awap the ſinnes of the Wold , : Hauemercy vponys. D Chit heare bs. reais O Chrift hearevs. Lowdbhauemercie bpon bs, Lord hauemercie vpon ¥s. ne ene mercy bpon bs, sant haue mercie vpon vs. D4 Loꝛd The — Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. (): Ar father vohich artin Aranenee. And leade bs not into temptation, Wut deliuer bs from euill. * The verſicle. | DP Lord deale not with vs after our linnes AnſwWere. Neither reward vs after our iniquities. ¶ Let vspꝛar. ©): God mercifuti Father, that delpilelt not the ſi gh⸗ ing of acontrite heart,nor the deſire of ſuch as be forvowfull,mercifulip alli our Prayers, chat wee make before thee, in all our troubles and aduerſities, whenfoeuer they oppefle vs: and graciouſſy Heare bs, thatthole cutis , which the craft and fubtiitie of the deuilloz man worketh againg bs, bee bꝛought to nought, and by the proutdence ofthy goodneſſe cheyx imap be difperled, that we thy feruantsbeingbhurtbp no perſecutions, map euermoze giuethankes bao * J thy holy Church, through Fetus Chak our 02! O Lord arile, helpe vs, and deliuer vs for thy N ames fake. | D God we haue heard with our eares, and our fas thers baue declared vnto 8 the noble wozkes that oe dideſt in their dayes, and in the old time before e O Lord ariſe pee vs,and detiner vs for thine Ho-- The Letany. As it was in the beginning, is now, and euer halbe: vwoꝛld without end. Amen, from our enemies defend bs, D Chait. Gracioulſſy looke vpon our afflictions. Pitifully behold the ſorrowes of our hearts, Mercifully forgiue the finnes of thy people. Fauourably with mercy heare our pavers, O Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie vpon vs, ‘Beth now andeuer vouchfate to heave bg, O Cheiſt. Gracioufly hearevs,O Chriſt. Gracioufly hearevs, O Lord Chrift. The verficle. O Lozdilet thy mercie be —— vpon vs. The Anſwere. Asine Doe put our trutin thee, € Let bs pray. | we humbly befeech thee, D Father, mercifuilp to looke bpon our infirmities, and foꝛ the glo⸗ ry oftiy Mames fake turne from bs all thofe euils. that twee mot righteoufly baue deſerued: and grant thatin allour troubles we map putour whole truſt andconfidentein thy mercie , ¢euermoze ſerue thee inbolinefle and pureneſſe of ituing, to thy bonour and glory, theough our onely Mediatour and Aduo⸗ | mae Jeſus Chziff our Loꝛd.Amen. @ A prayer forthe Kings Maieſtic Oto our heauenly father, high and mightie, Kingot kings. Loꝛdotloꝛds, the onely ruler of Princes, which doek from thy Chrone behold all a dwellers vpon the ae — eee bee ae —= — — — — —— — a — — — — —— —— — — — et c * =~ ¥ r * — * =. * a = = : 5 : = — — SS — — — — | a: pamela ——— — — — — — — — pan Se reer : = ——— The Letany. ‘thee with thy fauour to behold our moſt gracious Souereigne Lord King James, and fo replenith hint with tbe grace of thy Holy Spirit, that hee may al⸗ wap tucline co thp wil, and wale tnthp wap: endue Hint plenteoutly with heauenly gifts : qraunt him in health and wealth long to liue, ſtrengthen him, that he may banquifh and oucr come all his enemies, and finally after this ttfe, be may attaine euerlating ioy and feitcitte, through Jelus Chriſt our Lovo, Amen. @ Aprayer for the Queeneand Prince, and other the King and Queenes children. A mighty God, which hal promtfed to bee a fa: ther of thine Elect, andoftheirv feed, we humbly beſeech thee to biefle our qracions Queene Anne, Prꝛince Henry, and allthe King and Ducenes Koratt progeny: endue them with thy boly Spirit, enrich them with thy heauenly grace, proſper thems with all bappinefle, andbzing then to thine euerlaſting hing: come, theough Jeſus Ch our Loꝛd. Amen. A Binighty and euerlaſting God, which onely too: keſt great marteiles, ſend downe vpon our Bi⸗ ſhops and Curates, and all Congregations commit⸗ ted Co their charge, the healthtull ſpirit of thy grace, and that thep map truely pleate thee, powꝛe vpon them the continualldew of thy blefling : Grant this, O {Lo2d, for the honour of otty Sduocate and Media⸗ four Zeſus Chik, Amen. @ Aprayerof Chryfoftome. A nuante God, which hak giuen bs grace atthis time with one Accord fo malig our common ſup⸗ plications The Letany. plications vnto thee, and doe promife that when twooꝛ theee be gathered together in thy Maine,tvou wilt grant their requetts : fulfill not ,D 02d, the ~ Defires and petitions of thy feruants, ag map be moſt erpedient fozthem, granting b3 in this woztd know⸗ ledacofthy trueth,andin the world to come life euer: lating. Ames, 2. Corinthians 13. or He grace of our Loꝛd Jeſus Chil, and the loue Of God, and the fellowmip of the holy Ghoſt, be With bs all cuermoze, Amen. For Raine ifthe time require. | O Gon Heauenly Father, which by chy —— Je⸗ ſusCheiſt.haſt ppomiſed to al them that ſeeke thy kingdome, andthe righteouſnes thereof, all things necellary to their bodily fuffenance : Send bs we be: feech tice, inthis our necefitty , fuch moderate raine and ſhovores, that hoe map recetue the fruits of the - earth toour comfozt.and to thy honour, through Je⸗ {us Chriſt our Low.4inen, © : se For faire weather, | O pee God, twhich for the firme of man diddeft once Downe all the world, ercept eight perfons, — and afteryoard of thy great mercy diddeſt promife nes uer to deſtroy tt foagaine: weebumblybeleechtyee, that although we fo2 our iniquities haue worthily deſerued thisplague of raine ayo waters, pet vpon our truerepentance thou wilt fend bs ſuch weather, Loberedy wh the fruits oftheearthinodue ſeaſon, anBicarneboth by puniſhment fo amend bur lives and cie mencie to giue thee prayſe and glo st | le — Chriſt our Lord. Amen. q In - = — — — — — *— — et — * — — — — — a — — = — — = i Bi a ge — — — — —— — ee ee SL = = — — — — — — —— — — Se Ba eT ee See Se yee — — 9 — — e 5 : — — — — ia A — — —— : =: — — — = = — eetany @ In thetime ofdearth and famine, Ose heauenly father, whofe gift itis thatthe \/ caine doeth fall, the earth ts fruittfull, beattes in⸗ creafe.anud filbes do multiply : behold we beſeech thee the afflictions of thy people, and grant, that the ſcar⸗ ſity and dearth (vohich we dee now moſt iuſtly fuffer fo2 our iniquitic) map though thy goodneſſe be mer: cifully turned inte cheapneſſe andplentie, tor the loue of Jefus Chi our 102d,to whom with thee andthe holy GHoll,be all Honour, ac. @ Inthe imeofwarre. O Almightie God, Bing of all kings, and gouers nour of all things, whoſe power no creature tg as ble to reſiſt. to whomit belongeth iuſtly to puniſh firs ners, and to be mercifull to them that truely repent: fatte and deliver bs (toce humbly befeech thee) from the hands ofour enemies, abate their pride, aſſwage their malice, and confound their dettices. that we bes ing armed with thy defence, nap be preferued euer⸗ moꝛe From al perils, to glozifie thee, bobich art the on: ip giuer of al bictozp.thzough the merits of thy onelp Sonne Jeſus Chik our L020. @ Inthe time ofany common plague or fickneffe. A Litiightic God. which in thy wrath, in the time “of Bing Mautd , diddeſt flap with theplague of peſtilence theeefcoze and ten thouſand, and pet rez membring thy mercy, diddeſt faue the retl, haue pitie bpon bs miferable finners, that now are viſited with great ſickneſſe and mogtalitie, that ithe as thou dive then command thine Angel to ceale from apres : ty} — eben, | fo it may now pieate thee to withozaw from bs this _ plague andgrieuous ſickeneſſe thoough Fetus Chꝛiſt our Loꝛrd.Amen. — God, whoſe nature and propertie ts euer to haue mercy and to korgiue, receiue our humble petiti⸗ ons:and though nee be tied a bound with the chaine of our ſinnes, pet let the pitifulneſſe of thy aveat mer: cploole vs,foꝛ the honour of Jeſus Chꝛiſtes ſake our Mediatour and Aduocate, Amen. — @ A thankefgiuing for taine. God ourheauenty Father, tobo by thy gracious pꝛouidence doeſt caule the Ffozmer and toe Latter raine to deſcend bpon theearth, that tt map bring foozth fruit fo2 the vſe of man : ne qiue thee buinbie thankes , that it bath pleated thee tn ourgreatett nes ceffitie to fend vs at the lal atoptul Raine pon thine inheritance, and to refreth tt when it was dete, to the Great comfort of bs thine vnworthy ſeruants, andto the glozy of thy boly Mame, theough thy mercies in Fetus Chk our 102d, Amen. @ Athankefgiuing for faire weather, 02d God who hak iuſtly humbled bs by thy late X plague of immoderate raine and waters,and in tip mercy Hak relieved andcomfozted our foules by this ſeaſonable and bielled change of weather, Wee pratte and glczifie thy holy name fo2 this thy Were cie, and will altvapes declare thy louing kindneſſe from generation to generation , through Jeſus Chaikour Loꝛd. Amen. eA - / ‘ s a ee es J e we. Ue eee. cS oa — The Letany. ¶ A thankefgiuing forplenty: O Wok mercifull father, which of thy gracious goodneſſe, batt beard the deuout prayers of the Church, and turned our dearth and ſcarcity tnto cheapnefieand plenty : We giue thee humble thanks fo2 this thy ſpeciall bounty, beieeching thee to come tinue this thy loutng kindnes vnto bs, thatour land may peeldbs her fruits of increate, to thy giogy and our comfozt,thzough Jeſus Chriſt our Loꝛð, Amen. @ Athankefgiuing for peace and vicorie, , C) Almighty God, which arta rong Gower ofde- ferice vnto thy ſeruants, againg the face of their enemies: MWe peeld thee praife and thankefatuing forour deliverance from thole great and apparant banaers, where with. we were compalled: we ace knowledge it thy goodneſſe, that woe were not deliues red oucr asa prap vnto them, beleeching thee ſtillto continue fuch thy mercies towards bs, that all the Wold map know, that thou art our Sautour and mighty deliuerer, though Jeſus Chik our Lod, Amen. @ A thankeſgiuing for deliuerance from the Plague. O L023 God, which hal wounded bs fo2 our fing, and conſumed bs fo2 our tranſgreſſions bp thy fate heauy and dzcadfull bifitation, and nowin the middelt of Judgement remembing Mercie, bak redeemed ourfoules fromthe tawes of death’, wee offer vnto thy fatherly goodneſſe our felues, our foutes and bodies, which thou haſt deliucred, fp bea liuing BAe co) PhellLeratytc.} : lining facrifice vnto thee alwapes praiſing and mag: nlipingt thmercies tthe middeſt of the Congregã⸗ tion. through Jeſus Chriſt our Loꝛd. Amen. Or this. VVEebumbix acknowledge before thee ( O nok * * mercifullgfather) thatall the puniſhments which are thecatnedin thy Late, might iuſtly haue fallen vpon be, by reafon of our manifold tranſgreſ⸗ — flongand bardnefie of heart: Det: feeing it hath plea: «Fea thee otthy tender mercy, bpon our weake and bn: worthy Humiltation, to allwage the noplome peſti⸗ lence, wherewith tee lately haue bene foze afflicted, and to'vettoze the voyce of ioy and Health into our Dwellings: wee offer vnto thy diuine Maieſtie the Hacrifice of pꝛaiſe and thankeſgiuing, lauding and: maguifping thy glozious Name forfuch thy preleruation and pꝛouidence ouer $8, through Fetus Chit our - Lord. Amen, qThe « The ’) Leit,and were comete Wethphage by: g tomount Oliuet, then lent Jelus two IC\ We of bis difciples, faping vnto them, Goe pis Sees into the towne that lieth ouer again® vou and anon pe ſhall find an aſſe bound,and ber colt with her looſe them,and bring them vnto me: and tt any man fap ought onto pou.fap pee, Che Lorꝛdhath needofthem:and ſtraightway He will let them goe. Allthis was done, that it might be fulfilled whicy was fpoken by the Prophet, faving, Ceili ve the dDauahter of Sion : Beboid, thy Bing commeth bnto tice meeke, fitting bpon an aſſe, anda colt the foate of the affe vſed to che poke, The Dilciples went and did as Felis commanded them ,and brought the affe anothe colt, andput on them their clothes, and ſet him thereon. And many ofthe people ſpread their garments in the wap:other cut downe beanches. from the trees,and ſtrawed themin the wap. Moꝛre⸗ ouer the people that went before, and thep that came after,cried,fapinig, Hofanna to tiie fonne of Dautd: Bleſſed is he that commeth in the Name of the Lod Hofannain the higheſt. And when be toascomete | Hieruſalem,all the citie was moued, faping, Who is this? andthe peopielayd, Chis ts Jeſus the Pro⸗ phet of Masareth, a citie of Galtier. And Jeſus went into the Cemple of God, and call out al them that folde and bought in the Cemple,and ouerthrew the tables of theinonep changers,and the feates of — that ie Thefecond Sunday in Aduent. thatfolde doves, and ſayd vnto them, It is wttten, My houſe hall bee called the houſe of pzaper, but yee haue made tt a denne of theeues, | @ Tlic fecond Sunday in Aduent. The Collea. B Leffed Lod, which haſt caufed all holy Scrip, cures to be written fo2z our learning : Graunt bs that wee may tn fuch wile heare them,reade, marie, learne, and in wardly digeſt them, that by patience ¢ comfort of thy Holy wo2d, toe may embzace and ever holde fatt the bleſſed hope of eucriating life , which thou bat giuen vs tn our Sattiour Fetus Chik. ~~ ‘The Epiftle. . je See DHatfoeuer things are weitten afore: S//c//p tine they ave woritten fo2 our tear: a, ning, that toe , thzough patience and eve comfort of the Scriptures, might Haue Cease hope.Che God of patience and confolas tion, grant you to be liße minded one towards ano- ther, after the enfampieof Cyt Felts : that pee ail agreeing together, map with one mouth pratfe God the father of our Loꝛd Jeſus Chk. Whereſfore re ceitie pee one another, as Chriſt receiued vs, to the praifeof God, Andthis F fay.chat Jeſus Chꝛiſt was a minifter of the circumciſion fo2 the trueth of God, fo confirme the promifes made vnto the fathers,and that the Gentiles might praiſe God for Hts merce, as it is written, Foꝛ this cafe Jvwill pꝛaiſe thee ae mong the Gentilesand fing bntothyMame. And a⸗ gaine be faith, Keioyce ve Gentiles with his people. Andagaine, Praile the Lord allyee Gentiles, anv laud him, all pee nations together, And againe Clap fayth, There fhall be the roote of Jefle, and hee that ſhall rife to reiqne ouer the Genttles, in Hint a —* entile — a. el — a eS ee t ” — i ng The HfirdSihday'in A — Gentiles trult. Che God of hope all pou with ait ioy and peace in beleeuing, that pee map bee rich in hope through the power of hp boty coda he Gofpe : = ep Vere teats lignes in the Sunne, and in oy. — rhe Moone.g in the Starres:and inthe EE earth the people ſhall be at their wittes yA Cd through difpare. The Seaandthe 2 water hhallroare,and mens hearts thal faile them fozrfeave , ¢ for looking after thoſe things wich ſhall come on the earth : fo2 the powers of hear tien fhall mooue. Andathen thal they tee the Soune ofman come ina cloud, with power and qreat glory. When thele things beginne to cometo paſſe, then looke bp, and lift bp pour heads , fo2 pour redempti⸗ on draweth nich. And he ſhewed them a ſimilitude: Behold the ſigge tree, and all other trees, when chev ſhoote foorth their buds,pe fee and know of pour owne felucs, that Summer is then nie at band. So like wile pee alfo (when pee feethele things come to pale) be ture that the kingdome of God ts nie. erily 4 fap onto pou, this generation hall not paſſe, tik — allbefuifiiied. heauen and earth mall pafle, but nity 5 ſhall not patie, © @ Thethird Sundayin Aduent. J 'TheColleQ.. 12 2d twee befeecy thee qiue cave to our papers, aid by thy avactous bilitation lighten the darke⸗ nefie of our Hearts. by our Loꝛd Fetus Chꝛiſt. The Epiftle.. Saere Ct a man this toile elleeme vs, euen ag the 1-Con4-t a yes minifters of Ch2ik, and ſtewards of the ſe⸗ Exe cretsofeDD. Sevihermoze, it is requt- re of — — that aman bee found — The third Sunday in Aduent. with me itis but a very lmall thing that J mould be iudged oſxou.either of mans iudgement:Mo J iudge not mine cwne ſelle, kor kncw noughtbymp felfe, petam J not thereby tuliified. It ts the 102d that iudgeth me. Cheefore tudge nothing before the time, vntill the Lord come, Which will lighten things that are Hid in darkeneſſe, and open the countels of the bearts,and then hhalieuerp man haue praife of Gon; = Ben Jobin being inpxfon, heard eb : — en John, being in priſon, heard the arte (LG workes CCH, Hefent two of his CANO WAS) difcipies, and fapd vnto him, Are thou ** As F Oe that thai come, 02 d0 we looke fo2 an⸗ Se Come other? Jeſus anſwered, and ſayd vnto them, Goe a ſhew John againe what ye haue heard pr andfeene. Cheblind receiue theiv fight, the lame Pit walke, thelepersareclenfed. and thedeafe heare, 4 the Dead are raiſed bp,and the poore recetue the glad | | tidings of the Gofpel: and happie ts be that ts not of: fendedbyp me. And as they departed, Fi fus began to fap buto the people concerning John, what went pe i out into the wridernefie to fee? A reede that is ſhaken with the wind? o2 what went peout to fee? A man clothed tn foft rayment? Bevold, they that weare ſoft clothing,arein Kings houſes. Wut what went ve out foꝛ to fee? A Pzophet7aerely Flay vnto you,and moze then a Prophet. Foz this ts hee of whom itis Written, Behold, Iſende my melſſenger before thy face, which ſhall prepare thy way befoze thee. _ ~~ —_—-" —— . — — —— — — = — —— —— — = — e — — > sz So Saas — eS ———— — a, awe ce — — — — 73 -« — — © The fourth Sunday in Aduent. The Collect. [22 raife bp (toce pray thee) thy power, and come among bs, and with great might fuccoz bs, that Whereas (thzougy our finnes and wickeduelle) 7 e 4 — a me mT 8 The üij. Sunday in Aduent. belore let and hindred, thy bountiful grace and mers cy (trough the fatiffaction of thy Sonne our Lord) may {peedily Deliver bs: to whom with thee and the holy Gyo, be Honour and giozy, wold wothout li. 400% The Epiſtle. hil. — A} Ctopce in the Lozdalway , and agatne * — (| :f \ fap, Keioyce. Let your fottnetle be knowen — « A De)! | Phe. Golfpel)) 827053 oy Fofe 23 —bis is the record of John, when the O°"* ay) (2), Fees tent Pꝛieſtes and Leuttes from +” i Key Dierufalem, toate Him, What art soe thous and be confelled, and dented not, Yasrrs, 4 And fatd plainly, FJ am not Chik. And they alked him, What art thon then? art thou Citas? And be ſaid J am not. Arve thou the Prophet? And he — anfwered, Qo, Chen lapd they onto Hin, What art thou, that woe may giue an anfwere bnto them that {ent vs? What ſaveſt thouwol thy letfe? He fato, 4 am the voyce ofacrper nthe wildernc fle; Wake freight the toap of je Lord as ſayd the Prophet Clap. And they which were lent were of the Phariſees, and thep — afhed din, and ſayd vnto Him, Why baptiset thou then if thou be not Chu, nor Citas, neither that «Prophet? John anſwered them , faying , J baps tize ith water, butthere fandeth one among you wyhom pee know not: hee it 13, which though hee came after me, was before mee , whofe ſhooe latchet Jam not worthy to as ai Chele things ss 73} | one Lea UO UL eae UU me - 2 ‘ - -% Pon EES Ol ee ee eee ee ee a ; —— ort | pone at Bethabara bexond Jordan, wyere oom ie baptise, mt Chriftmas day. : The Colle&, A Lmighty God, which hat giuen bs thy onely be gotten Sonne to takeour nature vpon him and this day fo be borne of a pure Girgin:qraunt that we. being regenerate, snd made thy childien bp adoption and grace, map dayly be renewed by thy holy Sopitit, —244 the ſame our Lord Jeſus chun e liueth and reigneth with thee, ac. The Epiſtle. Heb. 1,1, ASH Dd itt times palt, Diuertip and man A YY fa7r2 Ve wapes {patie bnto the fathers by 20s Sane phets:but in thele laſt dayes bee hath os < se Ay fpoken to bs by bis own Sonne, whom 8 5G, He hath made heire of all things, by whom alfobe made the. world, Which Sonne being tie brightneſſe ot his glory, and the berp image of his ſubſtance, ruling all things with the word of His power, bath bp Dis owne perfon purged our finnes, and litteth on the Right bandofehe Maieſty on high, being fo muchmoze excellent then the Angels, ag bee bath by inbertfance obtained a moze excellent Name then they. For vnto which ofthe Angels ſayd he at any time, Chou art my Sonne, this day haue Jbegotten thee? And againe, J willbe hts Father, and He hall bemy Sonne, Andagaine, when he bringeth inthe firt begotten Sonne into the wold, he ſayeth, Andict all the Angels of God worſhip bint. And buto the Anaels he fayeth, He maketh His are gels Spirits,and his miniſters a damectfive,. Wut bito the Sonne he ſayeth, Chy Seate(D God)whall be foz euer and eucy.the Scepter ofthy kingdome is a right Scepter:thou hak loued righteouſnes, and 3 at alli . a 6 obs ee a paid ~ Gheiftmas day. . ted iniquitie. wherefore God, euen (Hy Cod, path anoynted thee with the Dple of giadnelie aboue thp fellowes. And thou Lord in the beginning bak layd thefoundation oftheearty, andthe heauens are the workes of thy hands. Chey ſhall periſh, but thou en: dures, They all Hall ware olde as doeth a garment, andas a veſture thalé thou change them, and thep fhalbe changed: but thou art euen tye faite, and thy : aera Maas HOF AAT By The Goſpel. —386 Q the beginning was the word, and John.1.73 | Sp the word was with God, and God wag 25 REC» the word. Thelame was inthe begin: ‘(Peel ning with Goo, All Chings were made rots bvit, € without it was madenothing that was made, In it waslife,and the life wag the light ofmen,and the light hineth in the darknes and thedarkenes compzebended it not. There was ſent from God aman, whoſe name was John, thelame came as a twitiiefte,to beate witnes ofthe Light, that ali men through him might beleeue. Be was rot that Light, but was tent to beare witneſſe ofthe Light. Chat Light was the truclight, which lighteth euerp man Chat commeth into the world. He hoas in the world, and the world was made by pim, and the world finew Hin not. He came among bis owne, and ig owne receiued him not. But as many ag receiued int, to them gaue bee power to bee made ſonnes of God; euch them that beleeued on his Name, wobich were bozne, not of blood, 102 of the wil of the fleth, 102 petofthe willofman, but of od, And the lame to02d became fet, and dwelt among ve and we {aw the glow of it, as tbe glory of the onelp begotten Sonne of ie Hather,tu ſoſ grace baer is trueth. ae The A&s.7, ena Matt,23. 34 S. eed in” The Colle&, G Want b8,D 02d, to learne toloue our enemtes, by the example of thy Marty: S, Steven, who paved foz bis perfecutozs , to thee which live, ac, q Fen fhall follow the Colle@ of the N — — fhalbe faid continually vnto New yeeres * TheEp iftle. Y < ‘iookeD 6p ftenfatip with his epes. inte ‘Heaven, and faw tbe gloryof God, and PEON Felus anding on the Wight band of Meese God, tlaid, Behold, F feetheHeauens oven, and the ay of man fanding onthe Kight bandof God. Chen they qaue athout withatows boice, and Topped therr eares, and ran bpon him al at once, and caſt him out of the City, and Toned him. and the witneſſes layd do wu their clothes at a pong mans feet, whofe name was Saul:and ther Toned Steuen calling on, and faping ; Lord Jeſu receiue mp {pirit, And be fineeled Downe, and cryedD with alowd bovee, Loud lay not this ſinne to their charge. bai nig} si Had thus fpoken, be fellafleepe. °° The Gofpell, repre ee Ehold , F lend vnto you ——— Ba fo) 9 wife men, a Scribes, and lome of them ye thalhiland crucitie. and ſome ofthem —6 pe fail fcourge in pour Syna ogues and perlecute them from City to Citp,’ tnat ppon you map come all the richteous blood tobich bath bene hed bpon the earth, fromthe blood. ofthe righteous Abel’; vnto the blood ‘of Facharias’ the ſonne of Barachias. whottrye flew betweene tae Temple and thealtar. wierily Ilay onto — ———— OS —_— as ‘Ss Toke Buangchits * things ſhall come bpon this generation. O Hieruſa⸗ lem, hieruſalem, thou that killeſt the Prophets, and ſtoneſt them which are ſent vnto thee, how often would Jhaue gathered thy children together, euen and pe wouldnot? Weholde, your houle ts {eft bnce poudefolate. Foꝛ Flap vnto you, pe ſhall not fee mee Henceforty, til that pe fay, Bleſſed is he * commeth in the ame ofthe Lord. ¶ S. John Euangelifts day. - The Colle&. MErcitul Lord, toe beſeech thee to caf thy bright beames oflight bponthy Church, that it being lightened by the Doctrine of typ bleſſed Apoſtle and E⸗ uangeliſt John, may attaine to thy eucrlating — thꝛough Jeſus Chriſt our Lo. Amen, The Epiſtle. =m Dat which was from the beginning, SS wbich we haue beard, which we baue oe es {fen wtih our eves,twhich we haucloo- RAG (AR) Ged vpon, andourbands baue handled se of the wo2d of life (And the life appear. red and we haue ſeene, and beare witneſſe, and ſhew vnto pou that eternall life, which was with the fae - ther, a appeared bnto bs) Chat whicy we haue feene «and beard, declarewe vnto you.that pe alfo may haue fellowſhip with b3, and that our fellowihip map be with the father and bis Sonne Jeſus Chꝛiſt. And this we write vnto pou, that pe may reioyce, and that pour top may be full. And thts ts the tidings which we haue heard of pin, and declare onto pou, that God is light, and in him is no darkneſſe at all, If we ſay we haue fellowſhipwith him, and walke in dark⸗ neſſe, hoe ite, and doe not — trueth. Buc andtf we as the hen gathereth bev chickens vnder ber wings, | 1. Ioh. I. * — € 3 ‘walke S. Iohn Euangelifts day. - : walke in light, euen as he is intight, then haue we fellowſhip with Hint, andthe bicod of Jeſus Chak bis Sonne deanlety vs from ati finne. If we fap woe haue no (inne, wee Decetue our ſinnes, ¢ the tructh is notin bs, It we acknovoledge our ſelues, he is faiths full and iuſt to foꝛgiue vs our ſinnes, and to clenſe pg from all vnrighteduſneſſe. Il we fap we haue not ſin⸗ ned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in vs. The Gofpel. Oe at Clus ſayd vnto eter. follow thou me. prey Peter turned about, and ſawe the dife op ciple wyom Jeſus loucd, following, ot (which alfo icaned on his breaſlt at ſup⸗ EW Sa per, and (aid, Lozd, which is he that be: trayeth thee 7) when eter therefore (ato hins, hee faid to Fetus, Lozd, what thall he here do? Jeſus fain brite hin, GFF wil haue bint to tarp tilF come, what is thatto thee: follow thoume, Chen went this ſay⸗ ing abzoad among the beethzeit, that that difcipie Thould not die: pet Jeſus laid not vnto him, Be hat not bie: but, If F wil that be tary ttl Fj come, whatis thattothee> Che lame diſciple is he, which teſtifiech of theſe things,and wrote thele things, and we know that bis teſtimony ts true. Chere are alfo many other things which Jeſus vid, the which if they ſhould bee written every one, Iſuppoſe the world could not con⸗ taine the Bookes that howld be weitten. _ @ Innocents day. : TheCollea. ALmighty God, whoſe prarle this day the yong in⸗ nocents thy witnelles haue confelled and memen foozth notin ſpeaking but in dying: mortifie and Rit all bices in bg, that in our conuerſation, our life may erprefle tip farty, which with our Conques wee doe contelic, ough Jeſus Chriſt our Loꝛd. Tohn 21. 19. The i i a, ee ee a ae — — 4 Innocents day. The Epiftle. Acoked, sndiloe, a Lambe ſtood on the Apoc tg. t. Roe] (Seg) nount Sion, with Hunan Hundred EA | AG foety and foure thoufand, hauing big \ ey Name andbhis fathers Mame vortten : Sin their koreheads. And J beard a voice sae heauen, as the loundof many waters, and as the voice ola great thunder.and FZ heard the voyce of Harpers, harping with their harpes. And they tung agit were a Mewo fong before the feat, and before the foure beats and the Elders, and no man could learne theSong,but tye hundred forty and foure thoufand, which were redeemed fromthe earth. Chele are hep which were not defiled with women, for they are Wirains. Theſe follow the Lambe whitherloeuer be goeth. Chele were redeemed from men, being the fir fruits suto God, andtothe Lambe, andin their mouthes was found no guile ; foz they ave without fpot befo2ze the Dhzone of Hod. he Gofpel. $e Angel of the 102d appeared fo Jo⸗ Math.⸗. © feph in a ſleepe, ſaying, Arifeandtake ,;, * the childe and bis mother, and flee into | aia thee word. For tt boil come to paſſe chat Savane will ſeeke the child to Defror Him. So when he awoke, bee tooke the child ¢ bis mother by night, and departed into Egypt, and was there vnto the deathof Herod, thatit might be fulfilled tohich was ſpoken of Che L020, by the Prophet, fapina , Out of Esgypt haue F caticd mp Sonne. Chen Herod, when he ſavo that be was mocked of the notte mes, was ex⸗ - ceeding woth, and ſent forth men of warre, and fleto all the childzen that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coats (ag many ag were two veerte olde 62 bider) i | E 4 accor⸗ Gal.4.1. Mat. 1. 1. The Sunday after Chriftmas day. according to the time, Which be had diligentlyknow⸗ enoutof wiſe men. Chen was fulfilled that which was ſpoken bp the Prophet Jeremp, whereas he fais, In Rama was there abopce Heard, lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Kachel weeping fo2 Her chtideen, and would not be comfozted, becaute they were not. ¶ The Sunday * Chriſtmas day. The Collect. Almighty God, ac. (As vpon Chriftmas day * The Epiſtle. — J fay, that the heire (as long as he is y ze coe achtiloe) dtffereth not from a fernant, ) though be be 1020 of all butts vnder tu⸗ tors and gouenors.vntillthe time that the Father hath appointed. Euen fo we Si x alto, When we were children, were in bondage onder the ozdinances of the wold: But when the time was: ful come, God fent bis Sonne made ofa woman,and made bound bnto the Law,toredceme them which were bond vnto the Law, that we though election might recetue the inheritance that belongeth onto the natural ſonnes. Becauſe pe are fonnes, God hath fent the (ptrit ofhis Sonne into vour hearts, which cryeth Abba, father. Wherefore now thou art not a feruant, but a fonne. Ifthou be a fone, thou art al⸗ fo an heire oẽ God through Chk. The Gofpel. Sams =F isis the Wooke of ehe generation of een kere fl selus Chul the Sonne ot Dauid, the - — J ſonne of Abraham: Abraham begat J⸗ — cayac Iſahac begate Jacob:Jacob be⸗ — gat Judas and his brethren:Judas bee nat Dyares and Zaram, of Chantar: hares begat Cfrom: Cirom begataram:Aram beqate Aminadab: Aminadab i] TURRET A TAT mM na he Sunday after Chriftmas day. Iminadab begat Naafion: Maaffon begat Salmon: Salmon begat Boos of Wahab : Hoos begat Obed, f Ruth: Obedbegat Jeſſe: Jeſſe vegate Dauid the sing : Dauid the king begate Salomon, of her that nas the wife of ari: Salomon begat Roboam:Ko⸗ oam begate Abia: Abia begate Aſa: Ala begat Jolas at: Jofaphat begat Joram: Jozam beqate Dias: Ditas begate Joſatham: Joatham beqate Achas: a: bas begate Ezekias:Ezekias begat Manaſſes:Ma⸗ aſſes beqate Amon : Amon begat Joltas: Jofias be- at Fechonias and his brethren, about tije time that bey were caried awayto Babylon. And after thep vere brought to Babylon, Jechonias begate Sata- biel: Salathiel begat Jorobabel: Foz0babel begate Abiud: Abiud begace Cliachim : Eliachim begate A⸗ 02: A502 begat Sados: Sadocbegat Achin: Achin gat Eliud: Eliud begate Cleazar : Cleasar begate Watthan: Matthan begat Jacob: Jacob begat Jo⸗ eph the hufbandof Mary, of whom was borne Fes us, euen he that is called Chriſt. And fo all the gene⸗ ations from Abꝛaham to Maud, are fourteen genes rations, And from Dauid onto thecaptiuity of Wa oplon,are fourteene generations, And from the caps Hiuity of Babplon vnto Chiff, are 14. generations. | The birth of Fetus Chriſt was on this wile: tober his mother Mary was married to Joſeph, (before hep came to Dwelltogetber) thee was found with hilde by the holy Ghot. Chen Joſeph her Hulband, becatife bee was a righteous man, and would not put her to ſhame, was minded prtuily to depart from per, Wut while he thus thought, bebold, the Angel of the Lord appeared bute Him tn ſleepe, faping, Fo: ſeph thou fonne of Dauid, feare not to.cake vnto thee Garp thy wile: for that which is conceiued in per, commeth of the holy Ghoſt. Shee hall bing J — toorth 1). Rom.4.8. wt it i The Circumcifion of Chriſt. forth a Sonne,and thou halt call his Name Jeſus, fo2 he ſhall faue pis people from their finnes. J All this was done, that it might be kullilled which was ſpoken of the Lord bp the Prophet, faping, Be⸗ Holoe,a maid ſhalbe voith chloe, and hal bring foo2th a Sonne, and they tall call bis Qame Emmanuel: - which tia man interpret, gas much to lay, as Gon with vs. And Joſeph, afloone as be awooke our of lleepe, Did ag the Angel of the Lod had bidden him: and he tooke his twit: vnto Him, and knew ber not, till he Had brought foozth ver fir begotten Sonne, . andcallea bis Mame Jeſus. € The Circumcifion of Chrift. TheColle&. A Lmwighty God, which mandek thy bleſſed Sonne tobe Circumcifed, and obedient to the Lat fo2 man: Grant bs the true circumciſion of the Spirit, that our Hearts and al our members betng mortified from all worldly and carnall luſts, may tn all things obey thy bielled will, through the fame thy Sonne Jeſus Chik our Lozd. The Epiftle. “Dye! Lefled isthe manto whom the Loz will ‘ —D not impute ſinne. Came this bleſſedneſſe ethen vpon the Circumciſion, o2 vpon the vbncircumſion alſo? Foꝛ wee fay , that faith was reckoned to Abraham fo2 righ- teoufnes. Hote was tt then reckoned? when he was in Circumciſion, o2 vohen He was in the vncircumcei⸗ fion 7 not itt time of Circumciſion, but then hee was pet vncircumciſed. And he recetued the ſigne of Cite cumciſion, asafeale of the righteouſneſſe of fatty, which be had pet being ncir umciſed, Hat he ſhould be the father of all Chem that deleeue, though they - Nn — The Circumeifion of Chrift, not circumciſed, that righteouſneſſe might be impu⸗ ted to them alſo, and that be might be the father of Circumtiſion,not vnto hemonelp which came ofthe Circumcifed, but vnto them allo that walkie in the ſteps of tie faith Coat was in our father Abꝛaham bes foze the time ot Circumcifion. Foꝛ the pꝛomiſe ( that be ſchould be weire ofthe world bavpened notto Abra⸗ ham, otto his teed chzough the Law, but through the righteouineſſe of falth. Foꝛ if they vohich ave of the ‘Lato be heires, then ts fatth but baine, and the pro⸗ mife of stone effect. : : The Gofpel. Mit fortuned, affoone as the Angels Luke2.35; & % Were gone away from the ſhepheards HALVED intoheauen, they ſayd one te another, @ Let bs goe euen now buco Bethlehem. aand lee this thing that wee beare lapis Happened, which che Lord hath he wed onto vs. And they came with bale, and found Mary and Joſeph, and ihe Babelapdinamanger, And when they bad ſeene tt, they publiſhed abzoad the faring that twas told them of that child. And ali thep hat heard tt, . hoonderedat thole thinges which were tolde them of the thepbearde. But Mary kept alithele ſavings, and ponderedthem in her heart, And the ſhepheards returned, praiſing and lauding God, for al the things that they had Heard and ſeene, euen as it was tolde vnutothem. And when the eight day was come, that the chia ſhouid be Circumciſed, bis Mame was called Felus, which was named of the Angel befoze he wags conceiued in the wombe. _ Ifthere bee a Sunday betweene the Epiphany andthe Circumcifion, then fhallbe vfedthefame Colle&, E- ~ piſtle and Gofpel atthe Communion,which was vied ~ vpon the day of Circuincifion. @ The a? - we OA ER SK 2 —— —— — — mee Se a's — So — — — Po S56 — — ee —— — — The Epiphany. The Collect. Son, which by the ieading of a ſtarre, didſt ma nifett thy onely begotten Sonne to the Gentiles: mercifully qrant , that we iobhich know thee now bp faith, may after this life haue the fruition of thy glo⸗ rious Godhead, through Chae our Lord. Amen, Ephe. 3° yi Cx I. he Epiftle. =0erey D2 this caule J Paul am a priloner of | Porto Jelus Chk for pou heathen, tf pe have SS pnp» beard of the mintfration of the grace of 1 Ea God which is giuen me to poumard.foz fers by reuclation thewedbe the myſtery vn⸗ to — wrote afoze in few words, toherby when pe reade, pe may vnderſtand mp knowledge in the myſterie of Chriſt, which myſterie tn times paſt was Not opened vnto the ſonnes of men, as it is now de⸗ clared vnto bis holy Apoſtles and Prophets by the Spirit, thatthe Gentiles ſhould be inheritors alfo, and of the fame body, and partakers of hts pzomife of Chik, by the meanes ofthe Golpel : whereotf J am made a miniſter, according to the gikt of the grace of God, which ts giuen vnto mee after the working of bis potver. qntome the lea of all Saintsis this grace giuen, that JIſhould preach among the Gen: tiles, the bnfearchable riches of Chriſt, and to make all men fee what the kellowchip of the myſterie ts, which from the beginning of the world hath bene Hid in God, which made all things through Felus Chris, to the intent that now vnto the rulers and pewers int heauenly things, mightbe knowen bp the Con: aregation, the manifolde wifedome of Goo, accoꝛ⸗ ding to the eternal purpofe which be wrouqhe in Chul Fetus our Lod, by whom wee haue boldnefle and entrance, with the confidence which ts by the fa'th ofkhim. i ~ TheEpiphany. The Golpel, = Den Feius was bore in Bethleyem. Mare. 2. a City of Jury, inthe time of Herode ;. the King: bebold.there came wile men Sy frome the Cat to Pierniaicin, laying, REE Where is he that is borne King of the Mewes: i f02 we Hane ſeene his ſtarre in the Ealt, and arecome to worihip him. When herod the hing had « Hearatyetethings.be was troubled, anBalityedtty =, of Hieruſalem with him. And wbenhe bad gathe⸗ red all the chiefe pozielts and Scribes of the people together hee demanded of them where Chriſt thouin be borne, And theyfayd vnto him At Bethlehem in Fury : for thus tt is waitten-by the Deophet, And thou Bethlehem in the land of Jurys art not the leak among the painces of Auda ; fo2 out of thee hhalicome | bntomee the Captaine that hall gouerne my people Iſrael. Ghen erode ( whenhe vad priuity called the Wilſe men) be enquired of them diligently what time the Starre appeared. And he bade them goe to Bethlehem , and ſard, Boe pour way thither, and fearch diligently fo2 tive child : and when pee baue found him, bring me word agatne, that FJ may come and worſhp him allo. wWhen they had beard. che King. they departed, and loe the Starre which thep ſaw in the Cal, went before them, cill i¢ came and ffood ouer the place whereinthe chiloe was. when « therfawtbe Starve, they were erceeding glad; and went into the houſe, and found the chtla with Mary bis mother and fell downe flat and worſhipped him and opened their Treaſures, and offered vnto him gilts Gold Frankincenſe, and Myrre. And after they Were warnedot God tra ſleepe, chat they Mould not goe againeto erode, they returned intotheir ovone ——— anomer way, — Se The firſt Sunday. ; The Colle. Y Ee we é beret thee mercifully to receive the prapersof thy people, which call vpon thee: and graunt that they may both perceine and know what things they ought to Doe, and alfohaue grace and power faithfully to kutn the fame, though Jens Chait our Lord. Amen. Bei HESI, The Epiftle. 1. —— Beſeech vou therefore, brethren, by the — — etd of God, that pe make pour NM) bodies a quicte Sacrifice, hoiy and accep⸗ vnto Ged, which is pour reafonable some ‘of 0b, And fathion not pour ſelues like bits to this world, butbe ye changed in your ſhape, by the rene wing of pour minde; that pee may pꝛooue what thing that good and acceptable and perfect will of Gods. Foꝛ F Cay ( thaough the arace twat onto mee giuen is to euery man among vou that no man fand High in his owne conceite, more then it becommeth him fo eſteeme of himſelke: but fo iudge of himlelle, that he be gentle and ſober, accoꝛding ag God hath dealt toeuery man the meature of faith. Foꝛ as wee haue many membersinone body, andall members haue not one office: fo we being many are one body in Chat, and euery man among our lelues one HGS riser '~ The Goſpel. m ‘Lukes: = Laean) De father and mother of Fetus went to Ore S| Dierutalent,ateer p cuttomme of the feat Stet hres 4 DAY, And tober they had fulsilled the J uk | kara | Daves, 8s thep returned home, the child 2! FJ ofus above til at Hieruſalen and his father and mother knew not oft: but they ſuppo⸗ fing Him to haue beene in He company, came adayes journer, AND fought him among their kinſtolke and acqus in⸗ after the Epip hany. | acquaintance, And when they found him not, they went bucke agatne to Pierufatem,a fought him. and if fo2ztuned, that after theee dares they found him in che Temple, ſitttngin the midſt of the Doctors, hea: ring them and poling them : And ali that beard him, were aſtonied at his vnderſtanding and anfweres. Aud whenthep faw him. they marueiled. And his moe ther ſayd onto btm, Sonne, why bak thou thugs dealt With b37 Behold, thy father and Jhaue ſought thee ſorrowing. And he fapd bnto them, Bow happened te, that pe fought mes Wiſt pe not that F mull goe about my fathers bultneile 7 And they onderitood not that faring which be fpake onto them, And he went down With them,andcame to Masareth,and was obedient buto them, But his mother kept all thele ſayings to- gether in her heart. And Jeſus pro{pered tn wiles dome and age, and in fauour with God and men. @ The ſecond Sundayafter the Epiphany, ; The Collect. : A Lmighty and everlating God, which doeſt gor uerne all things in beauen and earth : mercilul⸗ ly heare thefupplicationsofthppeople, and grant vs thy peace all the dayes of our life. The Epiſtle. de tothe grace that fs giuen ontobs, 6. as BA ifamanbhaue pagttotpeopheltetechings: — eae) >, bauc it, thatitbe agreeing tothe faith, N72) wet vim that bath an office, wait on hi⸗ office. “Let ‘yim that teacheth; take beede to bis doc: trine, Let him that exhorteth, giue attendance to his exboztation. Ifany man give, let him doe tt with ſin⸗ glenelſe. Let him that ruleth, doe it with diligence, ae ang man dew mercy let him doe it wiry rat — —X VASA cr went out tofowe his feede, and as Re KES) He foiwed,fome fellby the way fide, and know ¢ y vertues, without the which wholoeuer liucth, is The Sunday called Quinquagefima. Bnobve the lecrets othe kingdom of God. but to other — bpparables that when they fee, they ſhould not fee, and when they Heare, they ſhould not vnderſtand. The parable isthts. Che lecde isthe word of God. Choſe that are beſide the way, arethep that heare: then commeththe deutll, and takety away the wo2d out of their hearts, leſt thep ſſould beleeue, and bee ſaued Chey onthe ſtones, are they Which when they Heare, receive the word with toy, and thele haue no rootes, which fo2 awhile beleeue, and in time often⸗ tation go. away, and that which fellamong thoznes, are they which when they baue heard goe foorth and are choked with cares and riches. and voluptuous liuing. and being koorth no kruit. Chat which fell on the good ground, arethep , which with apure and good heart heare the word, and fieepe it, and bring Porth fruit theough pattence. | _ © The Sunday called Quinquagefima. ert The Collect. 3 which doeſt teach vs that all our doings —2 charitie are nothing worth: fend thy holy Ghoſt, and powre tnto our. hearts that moſt ex⸗ cellent gift of charitic, the bery bondof peace andall counted dead before tice. Grant his ſor thy onely ſonne Fetus Chitts fake, The Epiftle. S Dough F tpeakie with tongues oft men 1. Cor. —— andot Angels, and haue no loue, Jam 13.1. Bay CY euen as founding braſſe, or as a tinck⸗ iing Cemball. And though F could pꝛo⸗ {A poetic, and vnderſtand all ſecrets, and: J————— pea, StF baue al taith.ſo that Jcould mooue mountaines out oftheir places,and pet haue ei ake PUN And though Ibeſtow all my goods: . arene J) The Sunday called Quinquagefima. goods to feed the pooze, and though ‘4 gaue mp bodp enen that ZF burned, and pet haue noloue,tt profiteth me nothing. Loue luffereth tong, and ts courtcous, loue enuieth noe, loue doeth not frowardly ſwelleth not, Dealeth not diſhoneſtly, feeketh not ber ovone, is not provoked Co anger, thinketh none euil, reioyceth not in iniquity, but reioyceth in the tructh, ſuffereth alithings, beleeueth all things, hopeth all things, endureth al things. Though that prophecying fatie, either congues ceate,o2 knowledge vaniſh away, pet loue faliety) newer away. Foꝛ our hnovwledge ts bit perfect,and our pzophecping ts bitperfect. But wher that inbhich is perfectis come, then that whichis vn⸗ perfect halibedone away. When F was achtid, F fpake asa child, 4] bnderſtood asa child, Jimagi⸗ ned aga child: but alloone as Fj was aman, J put a⸗ ‘way childiſhneſſe. Moto we ſee in a glaſſe, eucnina darke ſpeaking:but then thal we fee face to face Low FZ know bnperfectlp:but then ſhall know euen as ‘4 am knowen. Now abloeth Faith, Hope, and Loue, euen theſe theee:dut the chiete oftheletsLoue, The Gofpel. vii Clas tooke vnto him the twelue, and =| ace fapd bnito them Behold, we goe vpto mA poxes Dlerufalem,and all ſchalbe fulfilled that (i Mex are waitten by p Prophets of the ſonne | = of matt. Foꝛ hee hhalibe delinered buto —99 , and ſhall bee mocked and deſpitefully We intreatedD,and ſpitted on. And when they haue ſcour⸗ | With) Luke 18. (es hay 37. ———eEe he gedbin, they will put him to death , and the third i dap he ſhall riſe againe. And thep vnderſtood none of bert! thefethings. And this ſaying was hid from them, fo th thatthey percetued not the things which were ſpo⸗ |, hea «Ker. Andtecatne to palle, tbet as hee wascome nigh | | i to Jericho, acertaine blinde man tate by the Hie wae, (hea * — — — Aaa eee V—— Thefirftday.ofLent. fine, begging. And vohen be beard the people paffe by, be alfied what tt meant And they fatd vnto him, that Felus of Nazareth paſſed by. And vee cried, faying, Jeſu thou ſonne of Mauid, Haue mercy on me. And they which went before, rebuked him, that be ſhould Hold bis. peace: But he cried fo much the nove, Chou ſonne of Dauid, haue mercy on me, And Jeſus food fill, and commanded him tobee brought onto vim. Gnd when be was come neere, be atked Him, ſaying, hat witt thou that Jdoe butothee? And Hee fayd, Loꝛd. that J might receiue mp fight, and Jelus ſaid ovnto him, Recetue thy fight, thy faith bath taued thee. Andimmediately be received His ſight, and ſol⸗ lowed him, pratling God. Andall the peeple when. thep law it, gaue praiſe vnto Goo, eefirſt day ot Lent ae Warr — Lhe. @olle@.” ° % A Linigoty and euerlaſting God, which hatet tio: tching that thou bal made, and doeſt foegiue the —sEmnes of all Chem that be penttent : create and make in vs new and contrite hearts, that wee woꝛrthily la⸗ menting our ſinnes, a knowledging our weetched⸗ neſſe, may obtaine of thee, the God of all mercy, per fectremiliion and fosgiuenes though Fetus Chik. | — The Epiſtle. vurneyoubntome with alpour hearts, Toel.2.15 — AES EX with fafing, peeping and mourning: fey oes rent pour hearts and not pour clothes. vp Cl k ah Turne poubnto the Lord pour Ged,fo2: — —he is Gracious and merciful tong fufice ring, and of areat compaflion, and readp to pardon Wwickeonelle, Chen (no doubt) be alfo hal turneand fozgiuesand after hig chakening, be chall let your in: creale remaine fo2 meat and drinke offerings vnto the Load pour God. Blow out with —J— Lt iOWT;. — Sl _-———e—e ES ————E eT ee NMatth. 6. ue and reigneſt, ec. — The firft Sunday in Lent. — Sion, pꝛoclaime a faſting, cali the Congregation; and gather the people together : warne the Congres gation, gather the Ciders, being the childzen and fuchlings together. Wet the bridegrome goe forth of bis chamber, andthe bride out other clotet, Let the Prielsteruc the Lod betweene the porch andthe Gitar, weeping, and faring, We fauourable,D L020, be faucurable buto thy peopie.iet not thine heritage be brought to ſuch cofufion,tett the beathenbe Loze thereof, whereforze ſhould they fay among the Dea: then, Where ts now thetr God? The Gofpel. Hen pe fall, be not fad, as the hypocrite X are:fo2 they diſſigure their faces, that it CONV 28 Map appeare vnto men How that they Syn fall, Werily Z fay vnto pou, thephaue | Fedeas tcheir reward. But thou, tober thou fas fie anoint thine head , and wath thp face.that tt ap⸗ peate not vnto men how that thou fattelt, but bute thy father, which isin ſecret, and thy father which feeth in ſecret, hall reward thee openly. Lay not vp for pour felues treafure vpon cart), wobere therutt and moth doeth corrupt, and where theeues breake though ¢ ſteale, but iay dp fo2 vou treafures in hea⸗ uen, where neither ruff 02 moth doth corrupt, and where theeues do not breake through no2 ſteale. For where pour treafure ts, there wil pour hearts be alfo, @ The firft Sunday in Lent. ; The Colle&. QO 02d, which fo2z our fake didſt faſt ſourty dayes aid fourty nights : ative bs arace to vſe ſuch abs ffinence,that our fleth being fubdued to the {pirit , we map euer obep thy godlp motions, in righteouſneſſe, and true holineſſe, to thy honour and glory, Which Its The 4 Thefirn Sunday in Lent. The Epifile. s aCe Cas helpers erbort pou, chat ye receive . Cot.ca ‘dfe not the grace of God tn baine. for hee faith, J baue beard thee tn a time ate =, cepted,anDin the day of ialuation haue pel 4 (uccoured thee. Behold, now is that pot fit time: Bchold , now ts that davoi ſaluation. Let vs giue none occation of cuil, chat in our office be found nofauit: butin all things let bs bebaue our felues as the minifters of God,.tn much patience, in alflictions, in necellities, in anguiſhes, tn ſtripes, in p2ifonments,in ſtrifes, in labours,in watchings. in kaltings, in pureneffe,in knowledge, in long ſuſfring. in kindnes, in the holy Ghoſt, in loue vnkeined, in the word oftrueth, in the power cf God, by the armoz of righteouſneſſe on ihe right band and on the left, bp Honour, and diſhonour, by euill report, and good re⸗ port, as deceiuers, and pet truce: as vnknowen; and. pet knowen: as dying, and behold we liue: as chaſte⸗ ned, and not Killed: as fozrotving , and pet alway me- ry: as poore, and pet making manp rich: as hauing OGRE AND pet ——— ne “oleae ben Fetus was ted away of the lpirit yar.4.r. Dinto the wildernefie ,.to bee temptedof 4 Swe te deuil. And when. be had fated four: . : py dapes and fourty nights, be was at : A the laf am hungred. And when the tempter came to dim, be ſayd, Jf thou bethe Sonne of God, command that thele ſtones bee made bzead.. But he anfwered and ſayd, It is weitten, Dan ſhall not lite by bread onelp , but by euerp word that pro⸗ ceedeth aut ofthe mouth of God.. Chen the deutli ta- keth him bp into the Holy City, and ſetteth him on a | — Temple, and ſayth onto him, —— 4 Va oy ie Ry J Hh 4 ae re) ae 1 e ‘ bi 1 4. 4; » r 7 1. Thef. The fecond Sunday in Lent. be the Sonne of God, cal thy felfe downe headiona: fo2 it is bozitten, De hall qtue bis Angels charge ouer . thee, and with their bandes they (hall bolve thee bp, ie at any time thou daſh thp foote againſt a ſtone. And Jeſus ſaid vnto him, It is wꝛitten again, Thou ſhalt not tempt the Loꝛd thy God. Againe the deuill taketh him bp into an exceeding high mountaine, and ſheweth him all the kingdomes of the world, and the glozy of themt,and ſayeth bnto him, All thele will Igiue thee, ifthou wilt falldowne and worth'p mee. Chen ſayeth Fetus vnto him, Auoide Satan :fo2 it is weitten, Chou halt worthip the Lod thy God, and him onely halt thouflerue. Cohen the deuill lea⸗ ueth him, and bebold, the Angels caine and miniftred vnto him. — Fig @ The fecond Sunday in Lent. 7 The Colle&. | A Lmightr God, which doekk {ee that wee haue no power of our felues to belpe our felues: keepe thou bs both outwardly in our bodies. and inwardly in our foules, that we map be defended from all ad: tierfities which map happen to the body, and from all eutli Choughts which map alſſault and hurt the foute, through Fetus Chꝛiſt, ac. “i he Epiſtle. ; Kees Cheleech pou brethren, and exhort rou. ly by the Lord Belus , that pee increafe 3 Fy M2 AND MOL, euen as pe haue recet: 2 Veer. ted of bs how wor ought te walkie, and cx’se Sagal COpleale God. For ye know what come mandements we gate you by ourLo2d Jeſus Chꝛiſt. for this is the wil of Gob, euen pour bolines : that ye fhould abfaine from fornicatton , and that euery one pf pou ſhould bnow bow to keepe bis velſſoll in wi : nelle ‘The fecond Sunday in Lent. neſſe and Honour, and not tn the luſt of concupiſcence ag do the Heathen, which know not God:thatno man oppꝛelſſe ¢ defraud bis brother in bargaining, becaute that the 1020 is the auenger of ail fuch things.as we tcolld pou belore, and tettified.ffo2 God ath not calied Hs to vncleanneſſe, but vnto holineſſe. De therefore thatdelpilety, defpifeth not man, but God, which. bath fent bis holy Spirit among pou. . The Gofpel. Yay, Clus went thence, And departedinto th Do (ee coals cl Tyꝛe and Sion: andbebholde, a voman of canaan (which came out ofthe fame coattes) cryed vnto bim, faping, Haue A> & Me ©) % mercy on mee, D Lod, thou Sonne of Dauid : mp Daughter tz pifeoully bered with a deutll, But he ans fwered hernothing atall, And his difciples came and beſought hin, ſaying, Send ber awap, for ſhee cryeth after bs, Buthe anlwered and fayd, J am not fent, but to the loft theepe ofthe boule of Iſrael. Chen came he and worſhipped him, faping,Lo2zd Helpe me, He anlwered and ſayd, It ts not meet to take the chit drens bread, and cal it to dogs. She anſwered and: Mate, 1 toe II, lard, Cruth Lo2d, fo2 the Dogs eate of thecrummes | which fall from their makers table. Chen Jeſus ane fwered and ſayd buto her, D woman, areatisthy fait), beit vnto thee euen as thou wilt, And her daughter was made whoie euen che fame time... ¶ Thethird Sunday in Lent. The Collect. VV Ebeteech thee Aimightie God, loone vyon the hearty deüres of thy humble ſeruants, and ſtretch forch the right handofthy Maielly, tobeour defence againſt all our enemies, theouah. Jeſus Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd. Luke 11. Hy 14. —s = ——. —_ rightcoufnefic,and tructh. Accept that which is pleas fing onto the Lozd, and haue no fellowſhip with the onfruttfull workes of darkeneſſe, but rather rebuke them. Foꝛ it is a thamecuen to name thole things which are done of them in fecret,but al things when thep are bꝛought forth by the light,are manifell, Foz whatfoeneris mantieff, the fame ts light. Hoberefoze he fayth, Awake thou thatileepett, and fand bp frons Death, and Cheiſt ſhall giue theelight. - | The Gofpel. NS Eſus was cating out a deuill that was Z| for Dumbe, And tohen hee had caſt out the deuill, the dumbe {pake, and the people 1) | wondered. But fome of them ſayd, He cae eth out deuils thzough Beelsebub the chiele of the deuils. Andother tempted him, and : required . { : Thethird Sunday in Lene. required of him a figne from heauen. But be know⸗ ing thetr thoughts, ſaid buto them, Cuerp kingdome Diuided againt it {ele ts defolate,and one houſe doty fall bpon another. If Satan alfo be dtulded againſt himlelfe, bow fhalibis kingdome endure? Becauſe ve ſay, cat outdeuilsthrough Weelsebub. It J by the Help of Beelsebub caf out deutis, by whole help doe pour children cat chem out? Cheretore hall they be pour Judges.But it Jby thefinger of God call out deuils, no Donde che kingdome of God iscome vpon pou. When a rong man armed watcheth bis houſe, tie things that de pollelicth are in peace: But wher aftronger then be commeth bpon bim, and ouer: commeth him, hetaketh from him all bis harneſſe wherein be truſted, and diuideth his goods. He that ig not with me, is againſt me:and he that gathereth not with me, ſcattereth abꝛead. When the vncleane ſpirit ig gone out ofa man, be walketh though dey places ſcekingreſt: and when he findeth none, be faith, J will returne againeintompbhoufe whence | Icame out. And when he commech, be findech te ſwept and garnifhed. Chen goeth he, and taketh to Hin leuen other (pirits worſe then himicife.and they enter itt, atid dwell there: and the end of (hat man tg wb2le then the beginning. And it foztuned, that ag be (pake thele things, a certaine woman of the coms pany lift bp ber voyce, andfatd vnto him , Happy ts the wombe that bare thee,and the paps which gaue thee ſucke. But he ſaid, Dea, happy are thep that beare the word of God, and keepe tt. ¶ The fourth Sunday in Lent. The Colle&. ant we befeech thee Aimightie God, that we | which fo2 our euill we are — — The fourth Sunday in Lent. bythe comfort of thy grace map — bee relie⸗ ued though our Lod Jeſus Chiff, Lohn 6.1. — 8 The Epifile. Ellme, (pe thatdelire to bee vnder the SAY Law) doe penotheare of the Law: fo2 Gwe itis weitten, that Abzaham had two Sſonnes : the one by a bondmatd, the o: (Sa ther by afree woman. Dea, he which © was poze ofthe bond woman, was borne after the fief): but he which was bozn of the free woman, was borne by promiſe. Wp tch things are ſpoken by an al: legorie: for theſe are two teftaments, the one from the mount Sina, which gendzeth onto bondage, which is Agar: foꝛ mount Stnats Agar in Arabia, and bordereth bpon the Citie, whichts now called Hierufatem,¢ts tn bondage with per childeen, Wut Hieruſalem which ts aboue, ts free, which is the mo- therofbsall. Foꝛ tt is wꝛitten, Retopce thou barren that bearett no childern, beeake toozth and crp thou that trauatiet not: for the defolate baue many moe children, then he which baty an bulband. Beethren, toe arc after Iſahac the childrꝛen of promile. Wut ag then be that was borne after the fleſh, perſecuted bin that was borne after the ſpirit:euen fo is it now.Ne⸗ uerthelefie, what faith the Scripture 2 Put away the bond woman and her fone: fo2 thefonne of the bod woman thallnot be beive with thefonne ofthe free woman. Sothen-beeth2en, we are not children ofthe bond woman. butoftbefreewoman,. The Gofpel. | —8 Elus departed duer thetea of Galilee, PEs pyre, Which ts the fea of Tiberias, and a R924 RSey Areal multitude followed him, becaufe (eS (sew they flaw bis miracles which He did on. 4 ⸗ Ys —2 em that were dileated. sates — TT. = — | The fourth Sunday in Lent. ‘went bp intoa mountaine, and there he fate with his diſciples. And Calter (ateal ofthe Jewes) was nigh. when Felus then lifehp bis eves, and fawe a great company come vnto Him, he ſaid vnto Philip Mhence ſhall we buy bzead, that theſe map eate 2 Chis he laid to prooue him, for be himſelfe knew what he would do. Philipanſwered him, Cwo bun: dred penyworth of bzead ave not fuilictent fo2 them, — that every man maptatie alitie. One of bis dilciptes, (Andrew Simon Peters brother) faith onto Him, There is aladde which bath fiue barley loaues and two fiſhes: but what are they among fo many? And Jeſus ſayd, Dake the people ſit downe. Chere was much gralſe intheplace, Spo the men fate dovone in number about fiue thoufand. And Jeſus tooke the -bzead, and when be Yad giuen thankies, bee gaue to the difciples , and the difciples to them that were ſet dowue, and like wife of the filhes as much as they — would. When thep had eaten pnough, he ſayd nto His difciples, Gather bp the bzoken meate which re- maineth, that nothing be loſt. And they gathered tt together, and filled twelue baffiets with the broken meate of the fiue barley loaues, which broken meate remained vnto them that had eaten. Then thole men (when they had teen the miracle that Jeſus did) fat, This is ofatruch the fame Pꝛophet that Mould come into the world. q The fift Sunday in Lent, The Collect. W €e befeech thee Almightie God, mercikully to looke bpen thy people, that bythy areat good⸗ neſſe they map be gouerned euermore both in body | : andfoule,thzough Jelu⸗ Chꝛiſt our Lord. —— 2 € — — ee — — N — — — — — A a = cs ẽ *8* —— —— ae. — — — — — — — — — — — eS —— —— — — — — — = 2 a Heb.9.11 The fife Sunday in Lent. The Epiftle. Hit being an High Wie of good ri things tocome,came byaqteater and © ERG S | a moze perfect Cabernacte, not made ay {| with hands,that ts to ſay, not of this Cay * A — itt * intothe bolp since dl found eternal redemption. fez tf the blood of oren and of qoats,and - the aftbes of apong Cov, wher it is ſprinkled, purifi: eth the bucleane, as touching the purifying of the fief): bow much moze hall the blood of Cheiſt, which thzouch the eternal Spirit offered himlelfe without ſpot to Bod, purge pour confcience front dead wozks, fo tofeructheltuing God? And loz this cauſe is he the Mediatour ofthe new Cefament, that though death, which chanced fo2 the redemption of thofe trafgreffions that were vnder the firſt Cekament, _ they which are called, might recetue the — of e⸗ Ioh.8.46 ternall inheritance. The Goſpel. = Dich of you can rebuke me off linne:! It Ilay the trueth, why do pe not belecue ie? Hethat ts of God, Heareth Gods 100208; pe therefore heare them not,be- : ye caule peare not of God. Chen anſwe⸗ red the FJewes,and fatd buto Him. Sap we not writ, that thou arta Samaritane,and hak the deutli? Je⸗ {us anfiwered, Jhaue not the deuill: but F honour mip Father, and pe hanedihonoured me, Iſeeke not mine owne praife, there ts one that ſeeketh and iudg⸗ eth, Verily, veriiy fap bntopou, If aman keepe mp faping, he ſhall neuer fee death. Chen ſayd the Jewes vnto btm, Now we know that tyou halt the deuill. Abahani ts dead, and tye Prophets:and nee ſayeſf. — ei next —— Balter. } fapett, It a man keepe my laring, be whall neuer tafe of death. Sri tyou greater then our father Abraham, wyich is Dead? And the Pꝛophets art dead: whem. makeit thou top trite 7 Fetus anſwered, It Jhonour my leite, mine honour is nothing : itis mp Father. thatwonourcth ine, which pe fap is pout God, and yee pe haue notknowen him: but inci him. Anoit Iſar. Innow him not, J mali be aliar like vnto you. «But Junow him, and keepe his ſaynng. Pour father Abrahaum was glad to ſee my day: and be (awit, and retopesd. Chen ſayd the Jewes vnto him, Thou are nor pet fifty peres old and haſt thou feene Abraham: Jeſus ſaid vnto them, werily, bertlp F fap butopou, - Der Abraham was borne, J am. Chen tooke they vp ſtones to caf at him : Dut Jeſus Hio himſelte, and went out ot the Temple. Af The Sunday next before Eafter. The Colle@. A tmisto aid euerlafing God, which of thy tere der loue towards man, Hadfent our Sauidur Jeſus Cheitt, to take ppond: mi our ficih,add to fuffer death vpon the Croffe , tyat ati mankind hould fol low the example of bis arcat humilitie: mercifully grant, that we boty follow the example of his pati⸗ ence, and bee made partakers of bis reſurrection, rough ib: * Jeſus Cheiſt sur Lod. The Epiitle. ’ wasin mine ral of (Ban, * ught tt no a7 robbery toa be equall with Goo: neuer⸗ .§ theiefie, hz mace himſelte otno reputa⸗ : fiom, tahine on him the ſhape of a ſexuant, and bee ‘came ike bito met, and was found in bis apparel | Sunday next before Eafter, | as aman.hehumobled himieife,andbecameobedient Matt, 26.1. 3; vnto the death,euen the deaty of the Crofle.usherfore God hath alfo eraited him on bigh, and giuen hima Name, which ts aboue all names, that tn the Name: ‘of Jeſus every knee ſhould bow, both of things in heauen, and things tn earth, ethings buder the earth, and that alltongues thouid confefic that Jeſus Chis is the Lord, vnto the praiſe of God the father. he Gofpel. Kens s2D te came to pafle, when Jeſus had finiſhed Waves al thele fayings,be laid brio hig difeiples, De oles, fiiole that after two dayes ſhalbe Eaſter, and tije Sonne of mai hall be deliuered ouer to be cruci⸗ fied. Then aſſembled together the cijlefe Prieſts, and the Scribes, and the Clders of the people, onto the — place of the high Prieſt ( which was called Cata- phas)and held a councell, chat thep might take Jeſus by fubtiltie,and kill him. Wut Chey fapd, Moton the Wolp day, let there bee au bproze among the peovie, — when Fetus was in Wethany. in the boule of Si⸗ ton the Leper, there came vnto Hint a woman, ha⸗ ting an Aiaballer bore of precious opntiment, and pow2ed tt byon bis Head as hee fate atthe board. But when His ot{cipies faiv tt, they Bad indigna- tion, faving , Whereto ferueth this waſte? Chis oyntment mightbatie bene well (olde, and giuen to the poore. When Jeſus onderflood that, he ſayd vn⸗ to them, WMhy trouble yee the woman? for ſhee hath Weucht a good worke vpon mee, fozyee haue the poore alwayes with pou, but me pe ſhall not haue al⸗ Wapes. And in that ſche Hach cal this oyntment on mp body, ſhee did it to burymee. Gertlp J fap onto pou, whereſoeuer this Bolpel hall be preached tn ail tye world, there Hail alto this be tolde thatthee hath — bore, for a memoztal offer, Chen one of the twelue (which + ms Suh day next ecbefore Puher. (which was called Judas Iſcariot) went vntothe chiefe Prielts and fats vnto them, What wil yee giue me, and J willdehuer bim buto pou? And they ap- pointed vito bint thirty pieces of ſiluer. And kroͤn Chat tine foort) , Hire fought opportunitie to betray him. The fir bapot Sweetbread, the diſciples came to Jeſus,ſayingto him, where wilt thou that we pre⸗ pare for thee to care the Paſſeouer? And hee laps, Goer into the City to ſuch aman, and fap outo him, The Malter faith, Wp timeis at band: 4 will keepe wy Caficrt bp thee with my diftiples. And the ditcis ples did as Jeſus had appointed them, and they made ready the Paſſeouer. When the Euen was come, he ſate dorene with the T wilue:and as they DID eate, he ſayd, Wertlp Flap vnto pou, that one of pou hall betrapme. And they were exceeding forrowinll, and — euery one of them to lap pnto hyim. Lord, Is, it hHe anſwered and ſayd, Hethat dippeth his hand with me ithe dif, the fame (hall betrap mee, Che Sonne ofmantruclp goeth as tt ts written ofhim: bit Woe vnto that man by whem the Sonne of man is betrayed: it had bene £Ko0d for that man it hee had not bene borne. Chen Judas which betrayed him, anſwoered and ſaid, Malter is tt J? Be ſayd vnto bim, Chou haſt ſaid. And wyen they were esting, Jeſus tookebecad, and when he bad giuen thanks be brake it, and gaue it to tie diciples anid fad, Take, cat, this igmpbodp. Aud be taoke checup, and banked, and gaue it to them ſaying Dieinke pe all of this: for this iss myblood (tobicy ig of the New Ceament) thatis ſhed fo2 many, for the remiffion st ſinnes. But J fay Dito pou, J will not dinke henceſoorth ofthis. fruit ofthe Gine tree, vntill that vay wien J all dꝛrinke tt nebo with you in my Fathers itingdome, Nay al pad sabi ok they went cut nee | moun - ——— — — 7: — — — — — — — — — — — ———— Sunday next before Eaſter. mount Oliuer, Cheis fatd Jeſus puto their, Aitpe fhall be offended becauſe of mee this night : for itts wiitten, Jwil fintte the Swepheard.and the theepe of | tije flock ſhalhe ſcattered aboad : but after Jam rifert | againe FZ will gov before you into Galile. Deter an⸗ i fwered andfayd puto him, Though all men be offer: ded becaule of thee, vet willnot J beofiended. Jeſus ſayd vnto bin, uerilx J fay onto thee, thatin this ſame night betore the Cocke crow, thou ſhalt deny me ik i thrile. eter ſayd vnto him, Yea, though F whould die 4 with thec, pet wil Inot denythee. Likewiſe alſo ſaid —4 all che diſciples, Deen came Jeſus with them vntoa Farme place, (nobich ts calied Geth{emane) 4 ſayd vnto | the Ditciples, Sit pe bere, while go and pray ponder, hie Gnd be tooke with him Peter,and the thoo foines of | Zebede, a began to ware fozowfull and heauy. Chen fayd Jeſus vnto them, Wy foule is heauy, euen bute the Death: tarp pe Here, and watch with me, And he Went alittle furrber, ¢ fel flat on Hits Caceand prayed, faying, D my faiher, fit be poffible, let this cup palſſe fromme:neuertheleffe not as Jwil. but as thou wilt. And he came vnto the diſciples and found them Sficepe, ¢fapd bitto jeter, What couid pe not watch | aa with me one houre? Watch a pray. that ye enter not | tito temptation: Che ſpirit is willtag. but the fleſh is weake. Hetoentaway once againe, and praped, fay: ha ing, D mp Father, if this cup may not patie away a’ from ime, ercept 4 deintie of it, thy will be fulfiiled, He : And he came and found then afleep againe, fo2 their ee eves were heauy. And be teft them , and went a- gaine, and paved the third time, faping the fame words. Chen commeth Heto his difcipies, and ſayd Fh ontothem, Sieepeon now ,and take pour reſt. Be⸗ J Hold, the houre is at hand, and the Sonne of man is een betrapedinto tye hands of ſinners. Riketet bs be go- * lig, — — — ———— - Sunday next before Eafter. ina, bevois, he is at hand that doth betray me. While be yet (patie, foe, Judas, oneot the number of the tinelae,caine, and with him agreat multitude wih ſwords and faues, lent fromthe chife Prieſts and Ciders ofthe people : but he that betraped Him gave them atoken ſaying, whomſoeuer J hiſſe, the fame is he, holde him fa. And koorth with he came to Fes fus,andfapd, Haile maffer, and killed hint. And Je⸗ fus ſayd vnto him, friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they,and layd Hands on’ Jeſus, and tooke Him. Aud behoide, one of them which were with Je⸗ fus firetched out his hand, and dꝛew His ſword, and ſtrooke aferuant ofthe hie Prieſt, and ſmot off bis eare. Thenſayd Jeſus vnto him, Put bp thy ſworo into the (heath: foz all they that take the ſword, thali ‘perith with the ſword. Thinkeſt thou that Jcaunoe now pray tomy Father, and he hall giue mee euen now moze then twelue legions of Angels? Wit bow then falithe Scriptures be fulfilled? for thus muſt it be. In that ſame houre ſayd Felus to the mutt tude , Pe be come out asit were to a thiefe, with {words and ftaues for to take me. Jſate dayly with pouteaching inthe Cemple, and yee tooke menot, Wut alithis was done, thatthe Scriptures of the Prophets might be fulfilled. Chen all the diſciples forſooke bimand fled. And they tooke Jeſus andied him fo Caiaphasthe high zie, where the Scribes and the Ciders were aſſembled. But Weiter folio wed him afarre off buto the bigh Pztelkes Palace, and went in, andfate with the feruants, to ſeethe end. Whe chiefe Prieſtes and Cloers, and allthe Coun⸗ fell fought fatfe witneſſe againſt Jeſus; fo2 to put Him todeeth, but found none: pea, when many faile witnefies came, pet fond Chey none. Ae the ict came two falfe witneſſes, and apd, This fellow ſayde Jam able Sunday next beforeE Eaſter. able to deſtroy the Temple of God, and to build te a: gaine intheece dayes. And the chiele Bete aroſe, and fayd onto bim, Anfwerelt thou nothing? Why dee thefe beare witnelle again thee? Wut Fetus Heid bispeace, And thechiele Prieſt anfwered, and ſayd huto Him, F charge thee by. the liuing God, that thou - fell bs whether thou be Chriſt the Sonne of God, Fetus ſayd vnto him, Chow hak ſayd Neuerthe⸗ infle J fap vnto you, Pereafter thall vee fee tie Sonne of man fitting on the Right baud of power,. and comming in the cloudes of the thie, Then the bigh Prieſt rent his clocyes faving, Hee bath {poten blafphemie, what neede wee of any moze witneſſes? Beholde, now pee haue heard bis blanhemie, what thinhke pe? They anſwered and fapd, Be is worthy tonic. Chendid thep {pit tt bis face, and bufietea Hin with fiftes, And other ſwote Him on the ſece with the palme oftheir bands, laying, Cellos, thou Chit, who ts He that ſmote thee? Peter ſate with: out inthe Court, and a Damoſell canie to him, fap- ing, Thou alfe walk with Jeſus of Galile. wWuthe dentedbefore them all, faptng, Fj wotnot what thou faye. taben be was gone outinto the porch, anos ther wench ſaw him, and fayd vnto them that were - there, Chis fellow toas alfo with Fetus of Nasa: reth. And againe he denied both an oath, fayina, Idoe not know the man. Alter a while came bnto him they that foodby, and ſayd vnto Peter, Surely thouart euen one of them, for thy ſpeach beweray⸗ eth thee. Chen began hee to curfe and to ſweare that be knew not tie man. And immedtatiy the Coche crewe. And Peter remembeed the word of Aelus which ſayd vnto him, Wefore the Cocke crow thou fait deny mee thrice: and hee went out and wept bitterly. When the morning was come, all the q — chiele Sunday next before Eafter. chiefe Prielts and Elders ot the people held a counſel again Jeſus toput him to deaty, andbeoughe him bound, tdelinered Him vnto Pontius Pilate the Wee putic, Chen Judas which bad betrayed hin (leeing that he was condemned) repentedhinlelfe,e bꝛought «agate the thirty plates of ſiluer to the chiefe Pꝛieſts and Clders, ſaying, Jhaue finned: betraping the in naocent blood.And they apd, What ts that to bs? fee cthou to that. And he caſt downe 6 ſiluer plates tn the Temple, EDeparted, and went and Hanged himlelfe. And the chiefe Prieſtes tooke the fitter plates,¢ fats, ‘Atisnotlawfuill forte put them into tie treafurie, becaulettis the peice of blood. And they tooke coun: faiie, bought with the a potters fieldto burp Qrans Gers in. Wherefore the fieldts catled Acheldama, that 1S, the Geldof blood, vntill this Day.Cihen was fulfil: led that which mas ſpoken by Jeremie the Prophet, faving, And thep toofe thirty ttluer plates, the peice ofhim that was baiued, whom they bought of che children of Iſrael, a gaue thein fo2 tie potters ficid, asthe Lozd appointed me. Jets food befoze toe De⸗ puty,andthe Deputy atked him. farting, Are thou the King of P Jewes? Jeſus ſaid vnto him, Chou ſayeſt. And when He was acculed ofthe chiefe Prieſts ¢ El⸗ ders bee anfwered nothing. Chen laid Pilate vnto bim, Hearett chou not hovo many witnelles they lap againg thee? And he anſwered Hint to neuer a word, inſomuch that the Beputie marueiled qreatiy. Ae that feal the Deputie was wont to deliuer onto the people a prifoner whom thep would defire. Heebad then a notable p2ifoner called Barabas. Cherefore when they were gathered together, Pilate ſarde, wWhether will pe that Igiue looſe vnto you Barab⸗ bas,o2 Fetus whichis called Chik? soz hee knew that toe enuie thep had deliuered hint, pen he * * 14 a Sunday next before Eafter, (er Downe to give Judgement, Hts wifefent onto him, faring, Baue thou notying todo wih tyat iuſt inan , fo2 3 bane ſuffered this day manp things tn my flecpe becanfeot him, But the chtefe Picks and Eiders perfwaded the people that thep thoula afke Barrabbas and deſtroy Fetus. Che Deputie anfwe: red, and ſayd vntothem, Whether ofthe twame wilt | re that Filet looſe vnto rou? Cheplapd, Barabbas, 4 Pilate fayd bnto them, What ſhall J doe then with j Jeſus, which ts called Chak? Chey all fapd bato Dim, Let him be crucified. Coe Meputie lard, wat | rad i iM 1 i bP il + —9 ABH 2 SS Sen 4\\ } J nil yom ay (145 aes | a Hl iy ‘ J J i i 4 4 By 1 |} il ai at Fe OS TS — «EE IT — = = — — —— ee lt aa eutilvatg be done? Buttheycryed the moze, fapina, | ‘Let him be crucificd. when Pilate law thathe coud 1 pꝛeuaile nothing, but that moze buſineſſe was made,’ be tooke water, and waſhed bis hands before the peo; ple, faping, J aminnocent ofthe blood of this inf perſon,ſee pe. Chen anfwered ali the peopie, and fai, His blood be on bs, andon our chtldzen, Chen let he Waradbas loole vnto them, and {courged Jeſus, and delivered him to ve crucified. Chen tye fouldiers of the Deputie tooke Jeſus intothe Common ballant oe gathered vnto him ali the company.and theyſtripped } bin, and put on him a purpie robe, and platted 4 iP Crowne of Hownes, and putit vpon His head, anda i reed in His right Hand, and bowed the knee beſere ne him, andmocked bim, faying, Datie Bing of the —41 Jewes. And wyen they had ſpit vpon him they tooke —J the reed, and ſmote him onthe Head, aud after that 1 they bad mocked bin, they tooke the robe oſt him a: rat gaine, and put big owne rayment on him,and led him n awap to cructhe Him. And as they came out, thep eae | ng) found a manof Cyrene, named Simon, him thep a compelled to beare His crofle. Andthep came vnto the ne place which ig called Golgotha, (that is to fap, a place vie ofocad mensfhuls) and gaue dim bineger mingled. PEE yf with Sunday next before Eafter, with gall to dzinke. And when He had taſted thereof, he would not drinke. When thep had crucified him, they parted bis garments, and did caf lots, that te might be fulfilied which was ſpoken by the Pzophet, Chey parted mp garments among them, and bpon my befture DID they caſt lots, And they fate and wat: ched him there, and ſet vp ouer bis bead the caufe of bis Death written, This is 1ES VS, the King of the Iewes. Then were there two theeucs crucificd with him, one on the right band, and theother on the lett. Chey that patled by, reutled Him, wagging their Heads, and faping, Chou that deſtroyedſt the Cempie of God, and diddeſt butlditin three dates, faue thy felfe, Fithou bethe Sonne of God, come downe from the croſſe. Like wtile alfo the high Pꝛieſts moc- hing bim with the Scribes ¢ Ciders, faid, He faued other. himielfe be cannot ſaue. It he be the Ring of Iſrael. let him now come downe from the crofle, and toe will beleeue Him. He truſted in God, let him delt- ver him now, tf he will baue him: fo2 be laid, FJ am the Sonne of God. Che theeucs allo which were crus cified twith him, caf the fame in bis teeth. from the firtboure was there darkneſſe ouer all the land, bntill the ninth Houre. Andabout the ninth boure, Aclus crped with aloud boyce,ſaying, Eli, Eli,lamafa- bachthani, that isto apy, My God, mp God, whp hak thou fozfaken me? Some of them that food there, when they heard that fapd, Chis man catleth fo2 E⸗ lias. And ſtraightway one of themran and fooke a ſpunge, and when he Had filled it full of bineger, be putit on a reed, and gaue him to dꝛinke. Other faid, Let be letys fee whether Elias will come and delt- I uer him. Jeſus. when He bad crped agatne with a Ne lowd bopce, peelacd op the Ghoſt. And bebotd, the iid bapicofthe Cemple did rent in two parts from * op a Efai,63.1 ~ Munday before Eafter. top to the bottome, andthe earth did quake, and the ffones rent, and graues Did open, and many bodies of Saints which dept arole, ẽ went outok the graues after his reſurrection, andcame tnto the Holp Citic, aud appeared vnto many, When the Centurion, and they that were with him watching Fetus, law the earthquake, and thofe things which bappened, thep feared areatiy faving, Truely this wasthe Sonne of God, And many women were there bebolding him afarre off, which folloveed Jeſus from Galilee, miniſtring bnto him: among which twas Mary Magdalene, and Marythe mother of James and Joſes, and the mother of Febedees childzen, @ Munday before Eafter. The Epiftle. hat is be this that commeth from Cs § ly Ye DOM, With red coloured clothes of Boſ⸗ ra. which is ſo coſtly cloth, a commeth — info mightily with all his ſtrength? J Vãam he that teacheth righteouſnes and am of power to helpe.Wherefore then is thy clothing red.¢ chy raiment like bis that treadeth in the wine⸗ pꝛeſſe? Jhaue troden the preſſe my felfe atone, and ofall people there ts notone with me. Chus will J tread downe mine enemiestn my wrath, andfet mp feet vpon them in mine indignatton,and thetr blood ſhall beſpring mp clothes, and fo will Iſtaine all mp ratinent, Foꝛ the dayof bengeance is alligned tn mp heart, and the peere when my people hail be delius⸗ red, is come, FJ looked about mee, and there was no mat (o Hew mee any Helpe, Imarxueiled that no man helde me bp. Then F held me by mine owne arme. and my feruentnefle ſuſtained me. And thus will Z tread doven the peopie in my vorath, and pe | | ent so aa Rg ETT aI) SERRE TT 0 ES —— — Munday before Eafter. them in my difpleafure, and vpon the earth will J lay thetr frenath. J will declare the goodneſſe of the L023, pea,and tiie pzaiſe of the 102d, fo2 all that be Hath giuends, fo2 the great good that he hath done fo2 Iſrael, which bee hath giuen them of his owne fauour.and according to the multitude of bis louing kindneſſe. For he (aid, Theſe no doubt are my peopie, and no ſhrinking children : and fo hee was thety Sa: ulour. In their troubles he was alfo troubled with them, and the Angelthat wernt foo2th from bts pre⸗ fence delivered them. Di herp loue, and kindneſſe that be bad bnto them, be redeemed them. Be Hath. borne thein,and carted them bp, ener fince the worid begat, Hut after they prouolied him to wath, and: bered bis Holy mind, be Was theirenemyp, a fought againt them bimfelfe, Det remembzed Alracl- the oid time of Motes and bis people, laying, where ts. be that bought tyem from the hater of the Sea, With thensthat fed his ſheepe? Whereis he that hath giuen his holy Spirtt antong them? He ied them be the right handof Doles with his gloꝛious arme, di⸗ tubing the water before them. whereby he gate him⸗ felfe an euerlaſting name. Be ledthem in the deepe, as ani hoꝛſe is led in the plaine, thatthep fhould not ſtumble, as a tame bea goeth inthe ficld, and the breath giuen of God, giueth him reſt. Chus, D God pall thou led thy people, to mabe thy ſelfe a glo:tous Mame withall, Looke downe ther front: heauen, and behold the dwelling place ofthy Sane: tuarte,and thy glorv. Dow is it that thy teloutie, thy ſtrength, the multitude ofthp mercies, and thy fo: uing kindneſſe, will not be entreated of vs? pet are thou our father: fo2 Abzabamfnoweth vs not, net: ther is Iſrael acquainted with bs. Wnt thou Lod | art our father andredecmer,and thy Name an — — — * este — — Aiea 4 Py $e te; — — ee — — ee Ba Ed BE ae a i te ee 4 — — — — Mar. 14.1 SF Munday before Eafter. lating. D Lozd, wberefoze bak thou led bs outof the way? wherefoze haſt thou Hardened our Hearts, that we feare thee not? He at one with bs againe fo2 thy feruants fake,and fo2 the generation of thine Hert: tage. Thy people baue Gad buta little of thp fanctu- aric in pofleflion,fo2 our enemies haue troden Downe thy holy place, And we were thine from the begin: ning, when thou waft not their Lozd, fo2 they haue not called bpon thy Name, he Gofpel. a) Fter two Dapes was Cafter,¢ the daies of ſweet bread. And the hie Petes and <4) the Scribes fought bow ther might fst \S take bim by craft,and put him to death. SFOAS But they laid, Hot in the feat dap.letk as ny bulines ariſe among the people. And when be was in Bethanie in the houle of Stnon the Leper, euen as hefate at meate, there came a woman bauing an alablatter bore of ointment called Nard, that was pure and coftly,and be bzake the bore, and powzedit vpon bis bead, And there were fome that were not content within themfelues, and faid, what needed this wafte of ointment? fo2 tt might haue beene folde fo2 moze then three hundred pence, abaue bene giuen to the pooze: and they grudged againſt ber, And Je⸗ {usfaid, Let ber alone, wby trouble ye ber? Sbee bath Done a good woꝛke on me: foz pe haue the pooze with pou alwapes,and whenſoeuer pou will,pe map doe them good: but me haue pounotalwares, She bath done that the could, the came afozeband to ans oint my body to the burping. aerely, Iſay bnto you, Whereſoeuer this Goſpel hail bee preached thozotw: out the whele 021d, this alfo that hee bath done, thal be rebearfed in vemembzance of her. and Judas Iſcariot, one of thetweluc, went away vnto Ave = zie ee ee -”)hClFr Munday before Eafter. Prielts fo betray him vnto them. When they heard that, thep were glad, and pꝛomiſed that they would giue him money. And hee lought hots be might con⸗ ienientip betray him. and the fir day of ſweet bread (cohen they offeredthe Paſſeouer) Hisdiicipies ſayd vnto him, where wilt thou that wee goe and pze- pare,that thou maieſt cat the Paſſeouer: And be ſent forth two of bis diſciples, and ſayd vnto them, Goe ye into the citie,and there ſhall meet you a man bearing apitcher of water, follow him. And whitheriocuer He goethin fap pee vnto the goodman ofthe houſe, Che Water ſayeth, Where is the gheſt chamber, where FZ thalleate thepafieouer with mp diſciples? And he wil hem pou agreat Parlour paved and pre- pared, theremakeready for bs. And his diſciples went fo2zth, and came into thc citte ,and found as be had ſayd bnto them ,andthep made ready the Pafle- our. And wher it boas novo euentide, Hee came with the tweluc: andas thep fate at boord, and did eat , Fee {us fad, verily, J fay vnto pow, one of vou (that ea: teth with ine) ſhall betray ime. And they began tobe ſory, andto fay tohim one by one, Js it FJ? And anos ther ſayd, Is it J? He anfwered and ſayd bnto them, It is one of the twelue, euen he that dippeth with me in the platter. Che Sonne of man truelygoeth as it is Lozitten of him: but woe vnto chat man by whomthe Sonne ofan ts betrayed:good were tt foz that man it he had neuer beste bone. And ag thep Did cate, Jeſus tooke beead ,and when He had giuen thanks he brake tt,and gave to them,and fatd, Cake, eate,thisis mp body.And he tooke the cup,and when He had giuen thankes , he gaue tt to them: and thep alldzanke offt. Aud he ſaid vnto them , Chis is my bloodofthe newe Ceffament, which ts thed ſor ma: My, Werily J fay vnto vou, J as eee no more oe —— the ⸗ ee Munday before Eafter, » tie kruite of the dine, vntill that Day that J that drinke itnew inthe kingsome of God, Ano when thep bad faydqrace , Chey went out tothe mount O⸗ liuet.and Jeſus fapeth bntothent, Si pee thail be of fended becaule of me this night: For tis totter. J will fintte the hepheard andthe ſheepe thai be ſcatte⸗ ted: but after oe Jam riſen againe, J will goe into Galile belore voue Peter ſayd vnto him, Snd thoueh ali men be oftended, yvet wiͤlnot J. And Jeſus ſaith vnto him, Werily Flap unto thee that this day euen in this night, before the Cocke crow twiſe, chouchalt denie me chee times, Hut be fpake moze vehement⸗ Ip, fo, ik Hould dte with thee, 3 will not dente } thee. Likenstfe alſo ſayd they all. Gnd theycame into 4 j J | i —90 Pan | Wwe a Sh i] ot ian —4 it —4 —44 pe Bry! fy} \ ual al | 1 ah i] } { 1) if a i) smal (atl i} — <— we — — aii _ &piace which was called Gcthfemane, and Hee fapde al to lis difciples, Sxitpeehere , while Igoe aſide and | pray. And bee taketh with him eter, and James, and John, and begat te ware abated, andto bein an agonie, and ſayd vntothem, My foute is heanie, euen vnto tie death: tarp yee here and watch. Ana Hee weit foorth a little, and fell Downe flat on che } Ground, and praved,thatilit were poſſible the houre | might paſſe from him. Sndbhee fayd, Abba, Father, Well all thittigs are poſſible vnto thee, takeaway thiscup —S =? = — =e from me: Meuertheleile.not as J will, but that thou il wilt, be done. And be came and found them fieeping, ied andfatth to Peter, Simon fleepee thous Couldekf Ya eal notthou watch one houre? Match pee, andprap, Bia) leſt ye enter into temptation: the ſpirit truely is rea⸗ a le by but the fleſh is weaze. Andagaine he went afize | at and prayed, and fpake the fame too2ds. And hee res we |) turned. and fonnd them aficepe againe, fo2 their eyes ede were heauie, neither wiſt they tobat to anſwere him, | Be a, And hee came the third time, and fayd onto them, | mitt Sleepe Hencefoorth, and take pourealettisenougy, — Bu | The —A — — — — — ——— — — ——— — — — — —— — —— — — — — = —— ~ Munday before Eatter. | Theh oure is come, Behold, the Sonne of man is be: traved into the handes ot ſinners. Rile bp, let vs goe: loe,be that betrayeth mets athand. And immediat⸗ iy while be pet fpabe ,commety Judas (which was one of the tioeluec) and withbimaqreat number of people, with fwords a faues, from the high Pꝛieſls, and Scribes, and Elders. And he that betrared bit, Had given them a general token, ſavying, Whomſoe⸗ uer J Doe kiſſe, the fame is be, take and leade him a⸗ way warily. And afloone ashe was coine, be goeth ſtraight way to him, and ſayeth vnto him, Wafer, Matter, and kiſſed him. And they layd their handes on Him, and tooke Hin. And one of them that Loos by, drewo Out a ſword, and ſmote a ſeruant of Che die Prielts, and cut off his eare, And Jeſus anfweres and fayd vnto them, De be come out as bitto a thiefe, with ſwords and flaues , for to take me :F wag day: Ip with pouinthe Temple teaching, and pee tooke me not: But thele things come to pafle, that the Scriptures Houid be fulfilled. And they alt forſooke Him, andra awar. And there followed him a cers taine yong man clothed in linnen bpon the bare, and | the poung men caught bin, and bee left bis linnen rment, and fed fromthera naked, And they led Jelſus away to the high Weick of all, and with Him came all the bigh Prieſts, and the Clders, andthe Scribes, And Peter followed him aqreat way of - (een tin hee was come into the Palace of the High Paeieſt) and be fate with the feruants, and toarmea — —_—---. —— himſelfe at the fire. And the bigh Prieſts and alithe Countell fought for witnelle again& Jefus to put him to death, and found none: for many bare falſe Witnelle againk hin, but their witneſſes agreed not 4 it ther. And there avofe cerfatne, and boughs falle satiate ah —— ing⸗ Wee Beaty m Neel i: A | ; 82 fap iif Munday before Eafter. fay , J voit deſtroy this Cemple that is m ade with hands, and Within theeedapes F will build another mde without Hades: Bat pee their witneſſes a⸗ greed not together. And the high Prieſt Loon vpa⸗ mong them, and alked Jeſus, laying, Anſwerelt thou nothing? Dow is it that theſe beare witneſſe againſt thee? But he held His peace, and anſwered nothing. Agatne the bigh Pete alked him, and laid vnto him, Art thou Chriſt the Sonne ofthe Bielled? And Jeſus ſayd. an: and pe hall fee the Sonne of mais fitting on the right Dandof power, and com: minginthe clouds ofpeauen, Chen the high priek rent His clothes,and ſayd, What need we any further witneſſes? Pehaue Heard blalphemic, what thinke yee? And they all condemned him to bee worthy of Death. And Come began fo {pit at him, and tocoucr his face, andtobeate him With ites.and to fay vnto Him, Areade. Andtheleruants buffeted himonthe face. Andas Peter was beneath in the palace, there came one of the wenches ofthe high pziek, and wher. thefaw Peter warming hinelfe, the looked oi him. and faid watt not thou.alio with Jeſus of Nazareth: And he denped,faping, J know him not, neither wot J what thou ſayeſt. And be went out into the pozch, aid the cocke crew. and & dainfel( when the ſaw Him) began againe to fay buto them that food by, Chis ts. one of them.And he dented tt agate. And anor after, they that food by , ſaid againe vnto Peter , Surely thou art one of thet, fo2 thou art of Galilee and thp {peech agreeth thereto. But he began to curfe and to fiveare, faving, F know not this man of whom pee ſpeake. And. againe the cock crete. And Peter remem: bred the word that Jeſus had ſayd vnto Him, Before tie cock crow thoife, thou ſhalt deny me thzee times: and be began to weepe. Tuefday q Tuefday before Eafter. \ — The Epiſtle. ee, Ye Lozd God bath opened mine eare, pay 50.5 Sy | <2) therefore can J not fay nap, neither Fe) Kew) Wwithdeaw inp telfe: but F offer my back Al 5 bnctothe ſmiters, and my cheekes to the —nippers. Iturne not my face frõſhame and ſpitting and the Lord God hall helpe me, there⸗ fore hall J not be confounded. Jhaue hardened my face tike a flint fone ; for Jam ſure that F hall not com toconfution. He ts at hand that tullifieth mee: oh Who will then qoe to lato With mes let bs and one a⸗ a gainanother. Ifthere be any that wii reafon with me, let him come Here foozth tome, Behold the Lod Nf Gon ſtandeth by mee: what ts hee then that cancen: demne me? Loe, they thall be life as an old cloth, the —9— moth ſhall eat them bp. Cherefoze who fo feareth the Lodamong you, let him beare the voyce ot bis fer: uant. Who fo walketh in darknelle a no light hineth Hpon hint, tec him put his trulin the Mame of the Lod, hold him bp by bis God. Hut take heed, ve all Kindle a fire of the wrath of God,¢ irre bp the coles. Walke on in the gliſtering of pour otone fire, ein the doles that pe haue kindled. Chis commeth vnto pou from my band. nanely.that pe tall fleepe in ſorow. he Goſpel. Nd anon inp dawning, the hie Peieſts ,, | ¢ held a councel with the Clders,andthe 07 57 2) Scribes, and the whole congregation, J and bound Fetus, eledhimaway, and : oe deliuered him to Pilate, And Pilate at ked him, Are thou the Ling ofthe Jewes? And hee i anſwered, and faid vnto bim, Chow ſayeſt it. And 9 the high Prieſts accuſed Him of many things. So | Pilate alfed Him againe, faping, Anfwere chou ie nothing 7 Beholde how many things they lap to thy a | D3 . charge, eI iu: Tuefday before Eafter. rk charge. Fetus anſwered pet nothing , fo that Pilate | imaruapled, At that feaſt Pilate delivered onto them a pꝛiſoner, whomſoeuer they would defire. and there was one that toads named Warabbas , which lay —90 boum with them that wade inſurrection: Hee had CH committed murder.And the peopie called vnto bine, and began to defire him that he woulddoe accozding i as bee vad euer donebntothem. Pilate anfwered I them, faving, Will pee that J let iooſe vnto pou the J king of the Jewes? for he knew that the hie Prieſts Be Had delivered him of enuie. But the hie Pztelts moc- ucd the people, that he hould rather Deltuer Barab⸗ bas onto them, Pilate anfwered againe, and ſayde vnto them, What will pe then that ZF toe vnto him, whom pe call the king ofthe Jewes? And they cryed againe, Cructie him.Pilate fapde vnto them, what euill bath be done And they crped the moze feruent⸗ iy, Cructfie him. and fo Pilate wiiling tocontent the people det looſe Barabbas vnto them, and deliuered vp Jeſus(when he had ſcourged himfor to be cruci⸗ Ged. Gud the ſouldiers led him away into the Come mon HaiLand called together the whoie multitude. And ther doched him with purple, and thepplatted Q acrotone ofthorꝛnes and crovencd him withall,and ma) began to falute hin, Haile Bing of the Jewes. And Hh! they finotehimon the head with areede, and did {pit Be | bponhim,and bowed their knees, and worſhipped 440 Him. And when they had mocked Him, theytooke the [eam purple ci him, and put hts own clothes on him, and ie Al 12d him cut to cructiie him, And they competied one id that paſſed by, called Simon of Cyꝛene (the father of i" Gicrander and Kufus) wich came out of the field, ii tobcare bis Crofie. Gnd theybꝛought him to a place named Golgotha, (whitch ifa man tnterpzet, ts, Che Weg place of dead mene fiuls.) And thep qaue Fs 8 | é | Danke — — * — Se — — — — — oe F — — — — — — a * ey = — ~ a es ‘Tuefday before Eatter. drinke, Wine mingled with myrrhe, but hereceiucd it not. And when theyhadcruciked him. they parted his garments,calling lots bpon them, vohat exery man Mould talkie. And it was about the third houre and Chey crucified him, and the tithe of bis caule was written, The King ofthelewes, Gnd thep crucifien with him two theeues, the one on Hisriabtband, and the other on bis left: And the Scripture was fulfilled, tobich fareth , He was counted among the wicked And they that went by, rapled on Him, wag: ging their heads. and ſaving. A wretch, thou that de- ſtroyeſt the Cemple, and buildeſt it againe tn three dayes faue thyſelte,andcome do wne from the croſſe. Linewile alo mocked him the High Prieſts among themſelues, with the Scribes, and ſayd, Be fauedo- ther nen, himſelfe be cannot ſaue. Let Cheiſt the King of Iſrael deſcend now from the Crofle,that we mayfee, and beteeue, And they that werecrucifieo. with him. checked him alfo. And toe the ſixt houre was come.darkeneſſe arofe ouer allthe earth, vntill the ninth houre. and at the ninth houre Jeſus crped wth aloude hoice, ſaying, Eloi,Eloi,lamafabachchani, which ts (ifone interpret tt) Dy Goo, my God, why Hatt thou foxfakenine? And fome of them that Loon by, when they heard that. ſayd, Webotd. he calleth for Elias.And one ran, and filled a (purge full of bitte- ger, and puc tt on arced,and gaue him to drinke, ſay⸗ tng, Let him alone, ict bs fee whether Elias will come and take him dovone. But Jeſuscryed with a {oud voyce, and gaue dp tbe Ghoſt. And the varie of the Cemple rent in two peeces from the toppe to the Ee —— — W ednefday before Eafter. him : among whom was Wary Magdalene and Wary the mother of James the little, andof Joſes and Mary Salome (which alſo when he wag in Ga⸗ | lilee, had followed Hint, and miniſtred vnto him) and na inany other women, which came bp with Him to 40 Hieruſalem. And now when the euen was come, (becauſe it was the dap of preparing that goeth be⸗ ea kore the Sabboth) ¥oleph of the citie of Arimathea, a noble counfeliour , which alfo looked fo2 the ings Dom of God, came and went in boldly onto Pilate, and begged of him the body of Jeſus. And Pilate, marueiled thathe wasalready dead, and called vnto him the Centurion, and affied of htm whether he had bene any whiledead. Andtobenbe knew the truth ofthe Centurion, he gaue thebody to Joſeph. And he bought alinnen cloth , and tooke Him dotone, and Wrapped Him in thelinen clot), and layd him in a fepuichze that was hewen out ofarocke, and rolled a ftone befoze the doore of the fepuichee. And Mary ————— and Mary Jolesbehelde where he was apd, , | P @ Wednefday before Eafter. The Epiftle. : Hereas ts aCeftament, there mutt alfo Oy = 9 /e of neceflity bee the death of him that I ffs maketh the Ceftament. Foꝛ the Cefta- i; ce ss, nent taketh authority when men are A aah mx Sees] DEAD, foꝛ it is pet ofno balue ag long Laie, as he that makety the Celament is aliue. Ffo2rwbhich ie a cauſe allo neither the firll Ceſtament was ozdeined ia without biood. Foz when Moles had declared all the }, commancements toall the people accozding to the i Lato he tootie the blood of calues andof goates, with —30 water and purple wooll, and hyſſope, and ſprinckled miei, beth) the booke endail the people, faving, Chis is | : | the — es —— —— — TT Ane Srey SS — —“⸗— — =. — pa Heb. 9.16 Base Wedneſday before Eafter: the blood of the Tellament, which God hath appoin: ted bnto pou. Wozeouer he ſprinkled the Cabernacie. with blood alfo, and ali the minifring veſſels. And almoſt ali things are by the Law purged with blood, and without thedding ofbloodisnoremiflion, It is need then that the fimilttudes of heauenly things bee purified with fuch things, but that the beauentyp things themfelues bee purified with better facrifices - thenarethofe. for Ch2tt is not entred into the bolp places that are maoe with handes ( which are ſimili⸗ tudes of true things) but is entredinto bery beaver, fo2 to appeare now in the ſight of Gon forbs : not to offer him felfe often,as the bie Prick entreth into the Holy place euery peere with range blood ( fog then hee mus haue often ſuffered fince the world began) but now in theendot the world bath be appeared once to put {inne to flight, by theofiring dp of him⸗ felfe. Andasit tg appointed vnto allmen that thep ſhall once dte, and then cometh the tudgement : euen fo Chriſt was once offered, to fake away the finnes of Matty, and vnto them that looke for him, hall he aps peare againe without finne vnto ſaluation. ‘ The Gofpel. be feat of Smect bread deew nigh, Lok.22.1 se) (Se which ts called Calter , ana the bigh eS CVE Wrielts and Scribes fought how they ‘etic [>e52, mighthill hin, fo2 they keared the peo- M4 Ces ple. Chenentred Satan into Judas whoſle furname was Iſcariot, vehich was of the number of the twelue, and be went his way, and communed with the high Prieſts and efficers , how hee might betray bim vnto them, And they were glad, and promifed to giue him money. And he con ſented, and fought oppoztunity to betray him buto them, when the people were aay. Chen came ee ! | ap — — — — — th : = igen — — — ———— Sao ae - Wednefday before Kafter; day Of Sweet bead, wher ofneceilicy the Wafleo: uer mult bee offered. And he ſent Peter and John, ſlavinq, Goe,and prepare bs the Palleouer, that wee may cate. Chep ſayde bute Him, Where wilt thou that We prepare? And hee ſayd buto them, Beholde. when pe enter into the citte, there halla nian meete pou,bearing apitcherot water, him follow into the fame boule thathe entreth in, and pee thalifay bute the goodman ofthe boute, Che Maſter ſayeth unto . thee, Where is the qhelt-chamber, where. F may cate the Palleouer with mp Wiiciples ? And hee hail (he pou a great Parlour paued, there make ready, And thep went, and found a3 be had ſayd onto them, andthep madeready the Pafleoucr. 4nd wher the houre was come, hee fate dotwne, and the twelue A⸗ potties with him. And hee ſayde vnto them, Jhaue inwardly deſired to eate Chis Paſſeouer with you be⸗ ſore that JIſuſfer. Foꝛ Jſay bntovou, Hencetoorth will J wot eate of tt any moze, vntillit befullfiled in the kingdome of God. And he tooke the cup. and gaue thanks andfatde 5 Cake this , and diutde tt among pou:for Flap vnto yvou. Jwiil not dinkeot the fruite of the ine, bncti the kingdome ofGodcome, And hee tooke bread, and woven he had giuen thantis , hee brake tt, and gaue tt bnto thent, faving, This is mp body, Which ts giuen kor you : this doe in the remem⸗ bance ofme. Likewiſe allo when he bad fupped, be. fooke the cup, faping , This cupis the new Teſta⸗ ment in my blood, which ts hed fez pou. Vet beholde. the hand of him that betrapeth mee , is with meeon thetable. And truely the fonne of man goeth as itis appotnted : but woe vnto that man by whom Hee is betrayed. And they began to enquire among them⸗ felues, which of them tt was that ſhould doe it. And there Wasa Erife among the, which of them * eeme Wednefday before Eafter. feeme tobe the greateſt. And be ſayd onto them, Che Wings of nations reigne ouer Chem, and they that hauẽ authortty ouer themarecalied Gracious: but pe Hall not fo be, Dut he that is greateſt among pou, {hall be as the yonger : and He that ts chiete, hail bee as he that doeth miniſter. Foꝛ whether ts greater hee that ſitteth at meat, oꝛ he that ſeruety? Fs not hee that fitteth at meate? Wut Jam among pou as bee that miniſtreth. Weare hep which haue abidden with me in my temptations. And J appoint vnto poua Kingoome,as my father hath appointed to me, that ve may cate and drinke at my tablein my kingdome, and fit onleats, iudging the twelue tribes of Iſrael. And the Lord fapyd, Sino, Simon, behold, Satan Hath deliredto litt pou,as it were wheat: but Jhaue praped for thee, that thy fatth fayle not: and when thow art converted, dyengthenthy brethren. And he faid vnto Him, 1020.7 amveady togoe with thee in to priſon and to death. And he ſayd, Itell thee wee ter, the Cocke ſhall not crowe this day, till thou haue denyed thatle that thou knoweſt me, And he ſayd vn⸗ to them When Jſent pou without wallet, and ſcrip and hooes lacked pouany thing? And ther ſayd, Po. Then ſayd he vnto them, But now hee that hatha . walletjiet him take it vp, and like wiſe bis (trip, and he that bath no ſword; let him ſell his coat and buy one, For Iſay bnto vou, that vet the fame which is woritten, muſt be performed inne, Cuen among the wicked was Hee reputed: foz thoſe chings which ate written ofime,baucanend. And they fapd. 010. behold Heercare twoo ſwordes. And hee ſayde vnto them It is ynough. And he came out, and went (ae hee was wont)to mount Oliuet. Andthe diſciples ollowed Hint: and when he came to the place, bee layde bio them. Pap, leſt pee fallints tenn ga no oe Wednefday before Eafter. And hee gate him ſelie from them about afonescaff, and necked Downes and prayed, laying , Father , if thou wilt, remoue this cup from me, neverthelefle, not mp voll, but thine be fulfilled. Andthere appea⸗ red an Angel bnto hun from Heauen , comfozting Him, And hee was in an agony, and prayed the lon: Ger, and his ſweat was like drops of blood, trickling downe to the gronnd. And vohen he aroſe from pray⸗ er, and Was come to his diſciples, He found them fees ping fo2 heuineſſe, and bee fatd buto them, Why fleepe pe 7 Kiſe and pray, leſt pe fall into temptation, While hee pet ſpake, behold, there came acompany, and hee that was called Judas, one of the tivelue, went before them, and preated nigh vnto Jeſus, te kiſſe him. But Jeſus ſayd puto hin, Judas, betrays ef thou the Sonne of man with a kiſſe? nohen they which were about bimt,iaw what would foliow,thep ſayd vnto him, 02d, hall we finite with the fwo2d 7 and one of them finote a ſeruant of the High Petes, and ſtrooke off his right eare. Jeſus anfwered, and fapd, Suffer pe thus farre foorth. And when he tou: chedhiseare, be heated him. Chen Jeſus ſayd vnto thebiah Prieſts and rulers of the Cemple, andthe Elders which were come to bint , Pe be come out as vnto a thiefe with {wo2d8 and ſtaues. When F was dayly with pouin the Cemple, pe ſtretched forth no hands again# me : but this ts euen pour very houre, and the power of darknes. Chen tooke they him, and led him, and brought him to the high Prieſts houſe. Wut Peter followedafarreof, And vohen they had kindled afire in the mids of the patace, and were fet Doton fogether, Deter alfo ſate downe among them. But when one-of the wenches behelde Him as hee fat: bp the fire , and looked bpon bim, ſhe ſayd, Chis fame fellowo was alſo with him. And he ** bim, aying, — — tT and A hn eee Fa — — — — — — Thurſday before Eafter. faping, woman, FJ know him not. Andateer alittle while, another faw bint, and fapd, Chou art alſo of them. And Peter fayd, Man. Jam not. And about the ſpace of an houre after, another affirmed, ſaving, dierily this fellow was with him alſo, foz hee is of Galilee, And Peter fatd, Man. J wot not what thou ſayeſt. And immediatly while be pet (pake, the Cocke crew. Andthe Lord turned backe, and looked vpon Peter,and Peter remembred the word of the Lord, how pe bad faid vnto him, Before the cock crow, thou halt deny me thriſe: and Peter went out and wept bitterly. And the men that tooke Fetus, mocked hint, and {mote Hint: and when they had blindfolded him, they ttrooke bint onthe face, and afked him, faping,. Areade, who is he that {mote thee? And manyother things difpitefully fayd they againt gin, And affooneas it was day, the Elders of the people, and thebigh Prieſts and Scribes came together, and led Him intothetr Council. faping, Are thou very Chzitt? Tell vs.And he fapd vnto them, FFF teil you, ye will not beleeue me: ¢ fF alke pou, pou will not anſwere. nozietmegce. Dereatcer hall the Sonne ofman fit ontheriaht band ofthe power of God. Then layd they all, Art thou then the Sonne of God 7 He fayd,. VPe lay thatZ am. And thep ſayd. hat need toe of ae ny further witneſſe? Foz we ourfelues haue Heard: of his owne mouth, PUR Se @ Thurfday before Eafter, The Epiftle.. ee = 11s J warne you of,and commend not, ꝛ Cort 1, =39) [ee that pe come not together after abets17° wb ter maner, but after a worſe. Foꝛ fir GEG 15 ENS OF all, when pee come togetherin the Riel 4 Congregation, J heave that there is a ee * , aa a Fink X Thurfday:before Eafter, difiention among pou, and J partly beleeue lt, For there mull bee fects among pou , that ther which are pericct among pou may be knowen. When peecome rogether therefor into one place, theLosds Supper _ cannot be eaten, fo2 euery man beainneth afoze te ‘ cate bisoton fupper,and one ts hungry, and another ts drunken. Haue pe not houſes to cate and dinkia = H — = — 2 rar, — * a Se — — — — — — — — — * = - = — ot —2 SSS —— — —" = 54> pa hve in —25— bp. — See — — | Delpiſe ve the congregation of God, and ſhame them that baur not? What hall Ff fay bnto pou? Shall J — — — — peaile pou? In this J pꝛaiſe vou not. Chat which / “ee deliuered vnto pou, J receiued ofthe Lod. For the ran LCord Jeſus,the fame night tn which pe was betrays a ed, tooke bread, and when he bad giuenthankes, pee brake tt,and fata. Cake pee and cate, this is mp bodie, which is broken fo2 you: this doe yee in the remem: brance of me. Stter the fame maner allo he tooke the cup vohen ſupper was done, faping , Chis cupis the Mew Ceklamentin mp blood: Chis Doe as oft as pee drinke tt inremembrance ofme. Foras oftenasypee : thailcate this bead, and drinke of this cup, pee hall Pht ſhewo the Lords death till hee come. wherefore who⸗ / foeuer fhalleate of this bead , and drinke of thiscup ae ofthe Lorꝛd buwozthily , ſhall bee quiltie of the bodie eal andbloovot the Loz. But let a man eramine hime Hi felfe,and fo let him cate of the bzead,and drinke of the —4 cup. Foꝛ hee that eateth and drinketh vnworthily. J eateth and drinketh his owne Damnation, becaule — he maketh no difterence ofthe Loꝛds body. Foꝛ this Bika), caufe many are weake and fice among pou, and th Wea manpficepe, Fer ifisee had iudged our ſelues, wee | fhould nothate beene tudged: But when we are tuds gedofthe Lozd.we are chaftened, that toe ſhould not ak: bedamned with theworld. Wherefore mp beethzen, j ‘when pee come together tocate,fary one ſor another. ae Itany man hunger, let bimeateat Dome, that pee iy! | come | ry fh 3 a * = — a lia sli hai lil er cet) aes — ig ea a Bb rfilay: — Batter come not together puto cõdemnation. Otherthings my mart fet in order when F come, The Gofpel. =>) E whole muititude of them aroie, Latk,2 3.1 i eS, andied him vnto Pilate. And they be-. ye Fay Gan toaccule him, faping,iBec found Re A) aoe this fellow perucrting the people, and ero} forbidding to pay tribute to Cetar, fay- | — dels Cheid aking, And Pliaie appoted bint ſaying, Art thon the King cf the Jewes: Hee anſwered him and ſayd, Thou ſſayeſtit. Chern ſayd Pilate tothe high Prieſts, and to the people, J And no kault in this man. Gnd they were the moze fierce, faving, Bee moucth the peopie, teaching thozomout atl Jury and began at Gattice, euen to this place, When Pilate Heard mention. of Galilee, hee al ked. whether the man were of Galiice, and affoone as bee: huevo that he belonged vnto Herods iuriſdiction, he fent him te Herode which was allo at Hievulalem at thattime. Ano when erode faw Fetus.he was ex⸗ ceeding glad: fo2 be was deſirous to {ee him ot a long ſraſon,becauſe be had Heard many things of him, and he truſted to haue ſeene fome miracles done bp bint. Chen hee quekioned with him many wordes: but beantwered him nothing. The high Prieſts and. Scribes ſtood foorth/ and accuſed him ſtraightiy And Herode with vis men of warre diſpiſed him. And when bebadmecked him, he arayed Himtn bite . Hothing, and fent him againe to Pilate. And the lame dap Pilate and Herode were made friends toge⸗ they:tor before they were at variance. And Pilãte called together the Dich Priefts, and therulers, and. tie peopie, and ſayd vnto chemn, Pehaue brought this man vnto me as onechat peruerteth the peo⸗ e —— peter rou, — ee a VVVüV ww 4 en} pet i y iV ¢ Thurfday before Eafter. no Fanle in Chis man of thofe things whereok pe ac- cute him, no 1102 pet Herod, Foz FZ {ent pou onto Hint, and loe, nothing worthy of death tg done vnto him: J will therefore chaten bim, andiet him looſe. Foꝛ ofneceflitie he muſt baue let one loofe to them at that feat, And all che people cried at once faving, Away with hint, and detiner bs Barabas (which foz a cers taine inſurrection made in the Citie , and fo2 a mur: der, Was call into pꝛiſon.) Pilate fpake againe bute them, willing tolet Fetus toole. Wut they crped, fay: ing, Crucifie him crucilie him. He ſayd vnto them the third time, What euill bath bee done? J find no caufe ofdeath tn bim: F Wil therefore chatter Hint. and let him goe. And they crted with loud voyces re- quiring that be might be crucified, And the voyces of them and ofthe bigh Prieſts preuatied. And Pilate . gattefentence that tt hould be as they required: and ie let looſe vnto them bim that foztnfurrection and — murder was call into p2ifon, whom they had deſired. And be deliuered onto them Jeſus, to doe with bint what they would, And as they led him away, they caught one Simon of Cyrene comming out of the ficld,and on Him layed thep the croſſe, that hee might beare it after Jeſus. And there follotoed him agreat company of people , andof women , which bewailed audlamented Him. Wut Jeſus turned backe vnto them,andfatd, Pee Daughters of Hieruſalem, weepe not fo2 ine, but weepe foz vour {clues , and for pour childzen: Foꝛ bewold, the dayes will come, in the robich they haltlap , Happie are the barren , andthe Wombes that neuer bare,and the paps which neuer gaue ſucke. Chen hall hep begin to fay to the moun⸗ taines, fall on bs : andto the hilles, Couer vs. Foꝛil they do this ina greene trec,wobatthallbedoneinthe dete? And there tere two euill doers led with * J ssi T hurfday before Eafter. | fo be Maine. And after that they werecome 5— ed place, which ts called Caluarie, there they cru Dim, and the eutl Doers, one onthe right hand ,and the other ontheleft. Chenlaid Fetus, father, fo: giue them fo2 they wot not what they doe. And thep parted his raiment,.and caſt lots:and the people ſtoed and beheld. Andthe rulers mocked Him with them, faving, He ſaued other men , let him ſaue himſelle, if bebe very Chriſt the chofen of God. Che fouidiers aifo mocked him, and came and offercd Him vineger ‘and faid, ifthou be the Ling of the Jewes, faue thy feife. And afupericription was hozitten ouer him with letters of Grecke, and Latine, a Bebrew, This is the King of the Iewes. Qndone of the euill Doers which were banged, ratled on bim, ſaying, Ifthou be Chait. faue thy telfe and vs.But the other anſwe⸗ red, rebuked him, faping, fearet not thou God, ſee⸗ ing thou artin the fame damnation? We are righte- ouſly punifhed,fo2 We receiue according to our deeds: but this man bath done nothing amifle. And he ſaid onto Fefus , Lod, remember mee when thou coms meſt intothy kingdome. And Jeſus ſaid vnto him, Werily Jſay vnto thee, Co day ſhalt thou be with me in Paradiſe. And it was about the ſixt houre: and there was a darkeneſſe ouer all the earth, vntill the ~ ninth boure,and the Sun was darkened, a tiie baile ofthe Cemple did rent, euen thorow the mids. And when Jeſus had cryed with aloude voyce, he fayd, Father, tnto thy hands FJ commend my ſpirit. Gnd when be bad thus fatd, he gaue bp the Ghokk. When the Centurion ſaw what had happened, be glorified God, laying, werily this was arighteous man, And allthe people that came together to that fight, and fatoe the things which bad happened, fmote their Decafsand returned, And qs acquaintance, “A | ei oa the \ ‘ Sn Thurſday before Eafter. the women: that followed him from Galilee, food ae farre off, bebolding thefe thinges. And beholde, there was aman named Joleph, acounfelier, andhe was a good matt, anda tud: the fame bad not confentedte the counſell and deed of them, tobich was of Arima= thea,a City of the Jewes, which fame allo waited fez the kingdome of God: he went bnto Pilate, and beg: ged the body of Fetus, and tooke tt Downe,and weap. pedit in a linnen cloth, and layd it in Scpulchze that was hewenin fone wherein neuer man before Yad benelaped. Andthat day was the preparing of the Sabboty, and the Sabboth drew on, Che wo: men that followed after, which had come with him from Galilee, bebeld the Sepulchre, and bow bis bo: Dy was layd. And they returned,and pzeparealweet odours, and opntments: but reſted on the Sabboth Dap acogding to the Commandenent, : Hal @ On Good Friday; Af: The Collects. ae Ay Minigitte Gon, we befeech thee gracioutiy to bes eh A hold this thy family, forthe vohich our 020 Je⸗ a fus Chriſt was contentedto be betrayed, eqtuen dp ee into the hands of wicked men, and to tufier Death vp⸗ | on the Crof{e, who liveth and veigneth with ther and the boly Ghoſt, nowandfozeuer.Amen, A Minigbty andeuerlatting God, by whole Spirit the whole boop of the Church is qouerned and — fanctified ; recetue our fupplications and payers, which we offer befoze thee foz al eſtates of menin thy — Holy Congregation, that euerymember of thefame — in his vocation and miniferp, maptrucipandgodiy — ferue thee, through our Lord Fetus Chriſt. 4 Erciful God, who hak made all men, and hateſt Ryuothing that thou haſt made, noz wouldeſt the — — — — — — — — J — — — — — — — > — — — — On Good Friday. death ofa finner,but rather that he thould be conuer: ted, ¢ line, bane mercy vpon all Jewes, Curis, Inks Deis, and heretikes, and take from thers al ignorance hardneſſe ofharte,and contempt of thy 1020; and ſo fetch them Home, biefled 02d, to thy locke, that they may be faued among the remnant of the true Iſrae⸗ liteg,and be made one fold vnder one Shepherd Je⸗ fus Chris our 1020, ed — and reigneth ac. — e Epiſtle. Jhe Law ( which bath buta chadow of Heb.r0.7 3 ees good things tocome, and not the berp a3 fathton of things themfelues) cannes Zuer with thole lacrifices, which they ofe put re 4 fer peere by rere continually , make the commers therunto perfect. Foꝛ would not then thoſe facrifices baue ceafled to baue bene offered, becaufe that the offerers once purged, ſhould haue bad ns moꝛe confcience of Annes 2: Meuerthelelle in thoſe fa: erificesis there mention made of ſinnes euery peere. fo2 the blood of oren and qoates cannottake away linnes.Wherefore when he commeth into the world, - Helapth , Sacrifice and offering thou wouldett not baue,but a body ball, thou o2dained me. Burnt offes rings alfo fo2 finne haſt thou not allowed. Chen ſayd 4, Loc, Jambere. Inthe beqinning ofthe booke it 19 written of me, that Jſhould doethy will, D God, Aboue, when be fapth , Sacrifice andoffering, and. burnt lacrifices , and ſinne offerings thou wouldeſt not haue,neither bat thou allowed them (which pet are offered dy the Latw:) then ſaid he, Loe. Jam bere to doe thy will,D God: be taketh atoap the firft, to e⸗ ſtabliſh thelatter, By the which will wee are made _holpeuen by the offering of the body of Fefus Chek oncefozall, Andeuerp piel ig ready dayly mint- ftring, and offring oftentimes one maner ofoblation, a bh rasa 3 2 _ | whe 2* = > eo SS On Good Friday. which can nener take away finnes, But this man, after be bad offred one facrifice fo2 ſinnes, ts fec down foz ener on the right hand ot God, and from hence: forth tarrieth till bis foes be mane his footoole. Foz with one offering hath be made perfect fo2 ever them ay that are fanctified. Che holy Ghok himlelfe atfo beas ad) | reth bs reco2d, euen when he told before, Chis is the at | Teſtament chat FZ will make vnto them: After thofe dayes(ſayth the Loꝛd)J will put mp Lawes in their Hearles, and in their mindes voll J weite them, and their ſinnes and tniquities toil F remember no moze, And where remiffion of theſe thinges ts, thereigne moꝛe offering kor ſinnes. Sceing therefore Deetheen, that bp the meanes of the bioodof Jeſus, we haue li berty to enter into the holp place bp the new and li⸗ ft Ling vay, vohich he bath prepared fo2 03 theough the es Gaile, thatisto fap, by bis fle : And ſeeing allo that = toc hate an High Prieſt, which isruler over fhe boute Hii of God, lef bs draw nigh with a true heart in a fure 4} faith fp2inkled in our Hearts from an euti confcience, oH! and waſhed tn our bodies with pure water, Let bs aM keepe the p2ofeliton of our bope without wauering. J (fo2 be ts faithful that promifed)and let bs confider if one another, tothe intent that we map prouoke vnto foue, and to good works, not forſaking the fellowſhip that ine bane among our felues.as the maner of fome is: but let bs erboztone another, and that ſo much the move, becaule pe fee that the day draweth nigh. The Gofpel, 2 Teha 18. eae x — went korth with bis diſciples ouer the nnto the which be then entred with his r, brooke Cedron, where was a Garden,. aol Dilciptes, Judas alto which betraped — bint: ; @ Hen Fetus had poken theſe words,hee — it * a — On Good Friday. ‘Hfin Bnew the place: for Jeſus oft times reforted thi⸗ cher with bis diſciples. Judas then (after he had res ceiued a band of menand minifers of the hie Prieſts and Pharifes)came thither with lanternes,and fires bands ¢ weapons. And Jeſus Knowing all things that thouid come on him, went ioozth and ſayd vnto then, wWhom ſeeke ve? Chey anſwered hin, Jeſus of Nazareth. Jeſus ſayd bnto them, Jam hee. Judas alfo which betrayed him, food with them. Alſoone then as be had faid bnto them, Jam hee, they went backward, and fell to the ground. Then alked hee them againe. Whom feehe pe? Chey fatd, Fetus of Paszareth. Fetus anlwered, J haue colde you that J am he: tf pe ſeeke me therfoze,tet thele goe thetr way, that the faping might be fulfilled which be ſpake, DE them tobich thou gauett mee, haue J not fof one. Chen Simon Peter Having a ſword, drew tt, and {mote the bigh Prieſts ſcruant, and cut off his right eare. Che leruants name ioas Malchus. Cherefoze faith Fetus bnto Peter, Put op thy ſword into the fheath : thal J not drinke of the cup which my fae ther Hath gtuen me? Chen the company,and the cap: Caine, and the minifters of the Jewes , tooke FJelus, and bound him, and ted Kim awap todnnas fick, fog hee was father in lawe to Cataphas, which was the High Prieſt the fame yeere. Cataphas was hee that gaue counfell to the Jewes, that t¢ was expedient that one man fhouid die fo2 the people. And Simon eter followed Jeſus, and fo did anotber diſciple: that diſciple was knowen to the bigh Prieſt, a went in with Jelusinto the palace ofthe high Prick, Bue Peter food at the Dooze without. Chen went out that other diſciple (which was knowen to the high | pet) and ſpake to tye damolell that Kept the doore, and brought in Peter. —— ſaid the damoſell “he " — 3 ep ee — — — — — ae ee — — = — = = = ee — 2. eS — 2 —⸗ — — — 2 ————— ee * aS = — . - ~- - . - > — — — — — — —— = : On good Friday, Kept the doore, bite Peter, Art not thou allo one of this mans diſciples? Dee ſayd, Jam not. The ſer⸗ uants and minilters ſtood there, which had made a fire of coales, fo2 tt was cold, and they warmed them⸗ felucs, peter alfo food among them, and toarmed bimlelfe. Che bigh Prieſt then ated Jeſus of his Difciples , and of bis Doctrine, Jeſlus anfwered him, Iſpake openly it tithe woetd , Jeuer taught in the Spnagogur, andin the Cemple, whither all the - Fewes hauerelorted.and in ſecret haue F {poken no⸗ thing, Why alkeſt thou mez Aſtze thom which beara ince, what Ffatd vnto them: Bebold, they can tell what J fatd. When hee had thus fpoken, one ofthe minitters which foove by, finote Fetus on the face, faping, Anſwereſt thou the high ate fo7 Jeſus ans ſwered him, It J haue eutl (pokes, beare witnefie ofthe cull : but if Jhaue well ſpoken, why ſwiteſt thou mee? And Annas ſent him bound buto Caia⸗ phas the high Piet. Simon Peter ſtood and war: mcd hiniielfe. Chen fain Hep vnto him Art not thou alſo one of his dittiples 7 Hedeniedit, and fais, Fam not. Dire of the feruants of the high Priel (His cou: fin whofe care Peter ſmote off) fatd vnto him, Did not Flee thecin the garden with him? eter theres. fore denied againe: and immedatlythe Cocke crew. Then ledthey Jeſusfrom Cataphas, tito the hall of iubgemen’: 6 was in the morning, and hep them⸗ ſelues went not into the Judgement hall, teh thep howd be deſiled, but that they might eat the Paleo: ier, Bilate then went out tothem, and ſayd, shat accufation bing pou againſt thisman? They an= ſwered, and ſayd buto Him , It he were notan euill doer’, we would riot Haue deliuered Him onto thee, Then laid Pilate buto them, Cake pe him and tudge Himafter pour owne law. Die Jewes nal —* nfo | fag a ie needs tne 4 F | On Good Friday. vnto him, It isnotlawiullfo: bsto put any man to death: that the wordes of Fetus, might be tuifilles which he tpake, fiqnifping what death be fhouid die, Chen Pilate entred into the tubgement hail againe, andcalled Jeſus, and fapdontohim , Are chou the - Hing of the Jewes? Jeſus anſwered, Sapel thou that of thy fette, o2 did other tell it thee of me? Pilate anfwered , Am Ja Jewe? Chine owne tation, ana Hie Prieſts haue delivered thee vnto mee: What haſt thou done? Jeſus anfwered, Dy khingdome ts not ofthis wold, It my kingdome were of this veszld, then would my minifters furelp fight, that Iſhould not be Deliucredtothe Jewes: but nowismy hinge dome not from Hence. Pilate therefore fayd vnto Him, Art thou a king then? Jelusanfiwered, Chou faped that Jama Bing. ffo2 this caule was GF bozne, and fo2 this cauſe came F into p wo2ld, that Iſhould beare witnelle vnto the truth: and all that ave of the trueth heare my voyce. Pilate (ald vnto him, What thing is trueth? And when be had laid this, he went out againe vnto the Jewes, and ſayd vnto them, | finde in bin no cauſe at all, De haue a cuſtome, that Fi ould deliver pou one looſe at Eater: will pe that J looſe bnto pou the Hing of the Fewes 7 Chen cried they all againe, faping, Mot Him, but Barabbas: Wie faine Barabbas was a murderer, Chen Pilate Cooke Jeſus therefore, and ſcourged him:and thelout- diers wound acrowne of thoes, and put it on his bead, Gnd they did on Him a purple garment, and came vnto Him, and faid, Hayle Hina of the Fewes: and (hep tmote him on the face. Pilate went footy againe, andfayd bite Chem, Beholde. J being Him looꝛth tovou, that pe map fino w that J find no fault inhim, Oyen came Jeſus foorth, wearing a crowne OF Chogne, amd arobe of purple. Ana he fapthbuto On good Friday. . them, Behold the man. Whenthe bie Prieſts theres fkore, and the miniſters favo Him; Chey cried, Crucifie Him, ceucifiebim. Pilate faith onto them, Gake vee Him, and crucifie bin, foꝛ 9 find no caule in hint. Che Fewes anfwered hint, we baue alaw,¢ byourtawe He ought to die, becauſe he made himſelſe the Sonne of God. wien Pilate Heard that faving, he was the moze afraid, € Went againe into the iudgment hall, and fatd vnto Jeſus, Whence art thou? Bur Jeſus gaue him no anſwere. Chen (aid Pilate onto him, Speakiet thou not vnto me? Knoweſt thou not that J haue power to crucifie thee, haue power to loole thee? Jeſus anfwered, Thou couldes haue no power. at all againſt mee, except it were giuenthee froma: boue: therefo2e be that Deliuered ine vnto thee. bath the moze finne. And from thenceforth fought Pilate meanes too loofe him. Hut the Jewes cried, faying, ii) Fl thou let himgoe, thou art not Cefars friend : for Te whofocuer maketh bimieife aking, ts again Ceſar. Ua when Pilate heard that faying, he brought Jeſus — forth.and fate Downe to giue ſentence, in a place that a iscalledthe Pauement, but in the Hebrew tongue, Vike Gabbatha It was the preparing dap of Cafter, about ~ : Ai the ſirt houre. Andbe ſayth vnto the Jewes, Bebold iH pour Hing, Chey cried, laying , Away with bins, a⸗ i wap with bim,cruc:flebtin, Pilate faith onto thent, Spall Zceucifie pour hing? Che high Wrieks ans ſwered, We hate no hing but Cefar. Chen delinered _ ’ he him to them fo be crucified. And they tooke Jeſus, and led him away. And be bare bis Crofle,andwent foozth into a place which tscalled, The place ofdead mens ſkulles, but in Pebsew, Golgotha, wherethep crucified bim,and two other with Him, on either fide one, aud Jeſus in the midſt. And Pilate wrote atitie,. and put it spon the Crofle. Che weiting was, lefus of Nazareth, _ On good Friday. Nazareth, King ofthe Iewes. Chis title read many of the Feiwes: for the place tobere Jeſus was crucified, Was neere to the city:and it was wetiten tn Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine. Chen fatd the high P2tekes of the Jewes to Pilate, Wꝛeite not, Hing of the Jewes: but that hee fatd, Jam Bing of the Jewes. Pilate anfiwered, Wyat ZF baue waitten, that J haue waits ten, Chen the fouldiers when they Had cructied Fe: ſus, tooke dis garments, and made foure parts,to e- uery fouldicr a part, and alfo bis coat. Che coat was without feame, wrought bpon thorowout. Chey fapd therefore among themfelues, Let bs not diuide it but caſt lots fo2 tt, voho ſhall haue tt: that the ſcrip⸗ ture might be fulfilled, laying, Chey haue parted my raiment among them, and kor my coat did they caſt lots.And the fouldiers did {uch things indeed. There ſtood by the Crofle of Jeſus, his mother, and his mo⸗ thers iter, Wary the wife of Cleophas , and Mary Magdalene. When Jeſus therefore ſaw His mother, aiid the diſciple whome he loued, ſtanding, hee ſayeth bnto His mother, Woman, Behold thy ſonne. Chen ſayd be to the diſciple, Behold cthymother. And fron that houre the diſciple tooke her fo2 his owone. After theſe thinges, Jeſus knowing that all things were now performed, that the Scripture might be fulfils led, be faitn.F thivit. So there food a vetlei by fuli of - bineger: therefore they filed a fbunge with bineger, and wound tt aboute with byflope, and put it tobis mouth. Afloone as Felus then received the bineaer, i j a he ſayd, It is finithed , and bowed bts Head, and qaue bp the ghoſt. The Fewes therefore, becaufe tt was the preparing of the Sabbath. that the bodies thould Not remaine bpon the Crofieon the Sabbath dav, (for that Sabbath Dap was au high Day ) beſought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that one | mig Eaſter Euen. might beetaken downe. Chen caine the fouldiers,; and brake the legs of the firf, ando€ the other which Was crucified with Him. But when they came to Ze: fus , and favo that be was dead alveadic, they brake not his legs : butone of the fouldiers witha ſpeare thruſt bim tnto the fide, ¢ foorth with there came out blood and water. And he that law it, bare recozd, and his record isſtrue:and he knoweth that he faith true, that pee might beleeue alfo. Foꝛ theſe things were done, that the Scripture ſhould be fulfilled. De hall not breake bone of him. And againe , another Seripturelapth, They ſhall looke bpon dim whom they haue pearced. After this Joleph of Arimathea (which was a difcipte of Fetus, but fecretly fo2 feare ofthe Jewes) befought ulate that he might take Downe the body of Jelus, And Pilate gaue him li⸗ cence. He came therefore, and tooke the body of Fe: ſus. Andthere came alfo Nicodemus ( which atthe beginning came to Jeſus by night) and brought of myrrhe and aloes mingled together, about an hun⸗ dred pound weight. Cher tooke they the body of Je⸗ fus, a wound tt in linen clothes with the odours,as the maner of the Jewes ts to burp. Gnd in the place: where he was crucified, there Wasa garden, and in the garden a new fepulche, wherin was neuer man {aid. Chere laid they Jeſus therefore, becauſe ofthe preparing of the Sabbath of the Jewes , foz the ie- puichec was nigh at band. @ Eafter Even. The Epiftle. Sa] Cis better (tithe wit of Godbe fo) that ye AX fuffer for weil doing, then kor eutll doing : Z| foratmuch as Chꝛiſt Hath once ſuſired for wy (ing, the tult fo2 the vniuſt, to bing boy to J (\ — —6 al BD ua Eafter Euen. God, and was killed as pertayning Co the fleth , bue was quichned tn thelpirit. In which ſpirit hee alſo went and preached to the ſpirits that were in prifon, which fometime had beene Difobedtent, when the long ſuffring of God was once looked fo2 In the dayes of oc, while the Arke was apeparing : wherein a few, that is to ſay, eyght foules were ſaued by the wa⸗ ter,like as baptiſme aifo now ſaueth vs: not the put: ting alway of the filth of the fle, butin thata good conictence confenteth toWod, by the returrection of Jeſus Chriſt, which son the tight band of God,and is gone into heauen, Angels, Powers, and Wight ſubdued vnto Him. — The Goſpel. * ——hHenthe Cuen was come, there came a Matth.ꝛ7. F hy Frich man of Ar.mathea named Joſeph, 57. Vain vobich alfo toas Jeſus dilcipte ; he went a\\) VES Onto Pilate, and begged the body of Je⸗ a Yo Meal (us. Chen Pilate commanded the bony fo bee delinered. And when Joſeph bad taken the bo: ~ Dp, Hee wrapped it in acleane tinencioth, and layd te in his new tombe, which he had hewen outeuenin the rocke, and rolled a great ſtone to the doore of the — fepuichze,and departed. And there was Mary Mag⸗ dalenc, and the other Wary, fitting cucr againſt the HSepuichze. Che nert day that followeth theday of meparinag,the high Bzietts and Phariſes came toge- ther vnto ulate, faring , Sir, wee remember that thisdecetuer fad, while he was pet alive; After th2ee dayes J wit rifeagaine. Command therefore, that the Sepuichze be made lure, one the third day, ick bis difcipies come and ſteale him away, and fay vnto the peopie, Heets rifenfrom the tead, andthe lat so ettour thalibe worſe then the firſt. Pilate fayd onto 4 them, Deehaue a watch. go pour way, maticitag ture RTE a ae op Wisi OS ~ Eafter day. with the watchmen, and fealcd the fone. Fafter day. At morning prayer, in ftead of the Pfalme, D come fet 3, ac.theſe Anthemes fhalbe {ung or ſaid. Cut rifling agate from the dead, now dieth nof, Death from bencefo2rth hath ne power bponbim, ff o2 in that he dyed, bee dped but once to put away fin, but in that be liueth, he liueth vnto God. And fo like⸗ wife count pour ſelues Dead bnto ſinne but living vn⸗ foGod,in Chat ZJelusour Lod. Cut is riſen agatne, the firtt fruites of thent that ſleepe. For ſeeing that bp nan came Death,.bp man alfo commeth the refurrection of the dead, Foꝛ as by Adam all men do die: ſo by Chzitl all men hall be ree ſtored to life.. The Colle&. A Liniabty God, which theough thy onty begotten Son Jelus Ch2ik hak ouercom death, ¢ opened a vnto vs b gate of euerlaſting life: we humbly beleech ij thee, that as bp thy {pectal grace preuenting vs,thou } doeſt put in our mindes good deſires: fo by thy conti: thozow Jeſus Chꝛiſt our Lod, voho liueth and reig⸗ neth with thee and the holy Ghoſt, now and ever. The Epiftle. ; Ace F pee be rifen againe with Chit, ſeeke Ithole things which are aboue, wijere BS Phe» Chet fitteth onthe right band of Goo. ay) Kear Dee your affectio on Heauenty things, WaeeSs and not onearthly things. oz pee are dead, and pout life is Hid with Chl in God, When⸗ ſoeuer Chriſt (which ts our life hall Hewe himielfe, then hall pee allo appeare with him in glozp, ae eae Ag pe can. So they went, andmade the fepulchze fure ‘ nuall belpe, wee map being the fanie to good effect, b -_— a = ~~ ee - eo Ae - Eafter day. | tifie therfore pour earthip wn fo2titcation, br: cleanneſſe vnnaturall luſt euil concupifcence,and coz uetouſnes, wyich is worſhipping of idoles, foꝛ which things fafie tiie wreath of God vſeth toco vie on the childzen of vnbeliefe, among whom pe waiked ſome⸗ tine, Mg peituedinthem, — | . | TheGofpel. . helirſt day ofthe Sabboths came Ma⸗ pon, 20. © 2% ty Magdalene early (oben it was yet | @ ¥2 ———— the Sepulchre, and fa the to ie other Difcipie, whom Fetus lowed, and faith bit to them, They haue taken away the Lord out of the ~ graue, and we cannot tell where they haue layd bint. Peter therefore went foorth, and that other difctpie, | and camebnta the fepulchze. Chey ran boty together, and that other difciple did outrun Deter, and came fill to the ſepulchꝛe. And when he gad ouped down, be ſaw the lintien clothes lying, pet went be notin, Then came Simon Peter following him, and went into the fepuichze,and faw the linnen clothes lie, and the naphinthat was about bis bead, notiping with thelinnen clothes, but wrapped together ina place vbypit ſelle. Ghen went tu alfo that other adticipte, which came kirſt to the ſepulchre, and he fatw.and bes leeued: fo2 as pet they knew not the Scripture, that _ Bethouldrife againe from death.. Then oe —F went a way againe to their owne home. @ Munday in Eafter Wecke, The Collect. : | A init God which through thy only begotten | Son Fetus Chait haſt over come death, and opes -nedonto ent of ee life; wee Sete &, ~~ neffe Munday in Eafter weeke. befeech thee, that as by thy tpectall grace pꝛelrenting 3. thou dof put in our minds good Defires: fo by thy continual belpe we map being the fame to good effect though Jelus Ch2tf our Lord, who liuetũ,ac. The Epiftle. 5 Eter opened vis mouth. andfayd, Dfa LOS tructh J perceiue that there is no reſpect f-\ PAC Of perfons with God: but in all people, be KOE SP that feareth him, and worketh righteout is accepted with him. Pe know the preaching that God lent vnto the childzen of Iſrael preaching peace by Jeſus Chrifl, which ts 1.020 over alithings, which pzeaching was publifhed thezowoutall Jury (and beganne in Galtice, after the Baptiſme which ‘John preached) Hoto God anoynted Jeſus of Haza⸗ reth with the holy Ghol, and with power. Which Jeſus went about doing good, andbhealing all that were opprefied ofthe deutil: fo2 God was with him. Gnd we are woitnefles ofall things which be bid tn thelandofthe Jewes, and at Jerulalem, whom they flew ehangedon atree. Him God raiſed bp the third Day and fhe wed Him openip , not to all (he pcople, but to be witnelles,chefen befoze of God fo the fame ine cent, wobich did cate and drinke with Him after He rofe from death. And be commanded b3 to preach vnto the people, ¢ to teftifie, that itis he which was osdeined of God, to be the Judge of the quicke and the dead. Co Him giue allthe Prophets witneſſe, that through is Mame, wholdeuer beleeneth tn him hall receiue re⸗ The Gofpel. SEXY Cholde, tuo of his diſciples went that faine — ä ch ee — ; — — The firft Sunday after Eafter. ave three which beare vecogd in earth, Che Spirit, and Water, and Blood, and thele thece are one. Ff we recetucthe witneſſe of men, the witneſſe of God ig greater:for this ta (he mortnetie of God, which ve teſti⸗ fiedofbis Sonne. Be tyat beleeucth on the aotine ofos , batu che witnelle in bimlelfe, Be that beice ueth not God, hath made him altar, becaule Hei elec: tieth not the recez5,that God gaue of hisonne. And thisis the reco}, Dow tyat God bath atuen bnto bs efernalitife, andthislifeisin bis Sonne, Be that ‘hath the Sounc, hati life, and ve that batt not the — of sf Gov, ham not itte, : The Gofpel. men {52 taine Day at night, which was the Tohn 4G. Say fic Dap of the Sabboths, when the ! WE DONS where (hut ( where the difciples vere allembied together , fog feare of Dy Sees the Fewes) came Ieſus.and ſtood in tie middes, andfayd bite them, Peace be vnto pou.and when be bad fo fapd, be fhe wed vnto them his hands and bislide, Then were the diſciples glad, when they fare the Loꝛd. Then ſayd Jelus to thew againe, Peace be vnto you. AS mp father lent mee, even fo fend Z| pow allo, And when be had ſayd thele words, be breathed on tient, and fapd vnto them, Keceiue pe the joly Shot. Whoſoeuers ſinnes pee remit, thep are remitted vnto them, and whoſoeuers finnes pe re⸗ bettie, they are reteined. —2— * — yf - “4 — — * ⸗ 7 ¶ The ſecond Sunday —— The Collect. — —— ⸗ * * —* * iy A buissty Gov, which vatt. qiuen thine onely Sonne io be onto vs both a Sacrince forltnne, and alſo an enfample of godly Itfe, gine bs the grace Pe we may alwares moſt — receiue ie | ta a ee ao... Toe ra FO: Re. 1,Pet.2. Tohn ro. | The ij. Sunday after Paſter. his ineſtimable benefit, and alio daply endenour our ‘felues te lollovo the bleſſed ſteps ot his moſt Holy life. The Epiftle. ay Dis is thank wo2thp,ifa man forconſci⸗ CEAY ence toward Godendure ariefe, eiuffer 1 wong vndeſerued. For what praiſe is 2 tt, il when pe be buffeted for pour faules, 25.4 pe take it patiently? But and tf when pe DO tell. peluffer wong, and take it patiently,thenis there thanke with God: fo2 hereunto dertip were vse alten, Foꝛ Chꝛiſt allo ſuſfered fo2 bs, leauing bs ait erampie,that pe fhould follow bis feps, which did no finne, neither was there quite found in his moury. Which when Hee was reutled, reutled not againe: when he ſuffered, he threatned not, but comitted the vengeance to bim that iudgeth righteoulip Mhich bis owne felfe bare our ſinnes in his bodyon the tree that wee being deliuered from (inne, hould line onto righteouſneſſe, bp whole fripes pe were healed. soz vee were as theepe going afiray, but are now turned bito the Shepheard aud rt * vour ſoules. CGO pe SETA) rift faid, J am the good Shepheard. Cex — Agood werherd giueth his life fo2 the. es —— i 7 fheepe, An bivedferuant, a hee vhich 4 | red + ts not the hepbera, (neither the heep ASSAD) ate bis one) teeth the wolfe com ming, and leaucth the ſheepe, and flees ety.and the wolfe catcheth and fcattereth the ſheepe The hired feruant ileeth, becaule hee is ant Hired ſer⸗ want, andcareth not for the theepe. Fam the good Eyepheard.and know my theepe and am knowen of nine, As myffather knoweth mee, euen fo inow J alſo my father. Gnd J aiue my life for the teepe. | ud other heepe" Hane, which ave not oſ this —* -_) ¢ 2@-ORe tlio’ 2 Ac ieee SES — -. The third Sunday afterEafter. _ Hein alfo muſt J bring , ¢ they hail beare mp boyer, and there fhaibe one folde,and one ſhepheard. | @ The third Sunday after Eafter. : The Colle. A Mighty God, wyhich cewett to att men that bee in errour, thelight of thy trueth, tothe intent that thep map returne into the wap of righteouſnes: graunt onto all them that bee admitted into the fel⸗ Lowhip of Chriſtes religion, that they may eſchew thoſe things that be contrary to thetr profeſſion, ant follow all fuch things as be agreeable to the fame, thzough our Lord Jeſus Chriſt. F The Epiftle. =i Carely betoued, F befeech pou as fran: 1.Pct.2, gers a pilgrims abſtein from fleſhly luſts. 11. 3 which fight againſt the ſoule, ¢ lee that pe yaue honeſt coucrfation among the Gen: “tiles, that tobereas thep backebtte pou as euill doers, they may {ee pour good works, and praiſe Godin the dap of viſitation. Submit your ſelues therefore eueryman fo2 the Lo2ds falie, whither tebe vnto the king. as vnto the chieke bead, cither vnto ru; lers,as vnto them that ave ſent of him fo2 the puniſh⸗ ment ofeuill doers, but forthe laud of thein that doe well. for fo is the will of God, that with well doing ‘$e may Top the mouthes of fooliſh anditqnozant men, — asfree, and notas hauing the libertiefo2 a cloake of malictoufnelle, but euen asthe feruants of God. Ho- nour all men: loue brotherly fellowihtp; feare God: Honour the king, i - HOH SEE The Gofpel. Elus lard to his difciples, After awhile yee Ioh.is. wo he (hallnot fee me, and againe after a while pe 2°. (SRS thalliee me, lor I goetothe father. Cher ~ 77 fapdfome of bis ditciples betweene them⸗ hides | R3 ſelues, —— — The fourth Sunday after Eafter. felues, npbatis this that he ſayeth bntobs, Attera while pe hhallnot fee mee, and againe , after a wiitie ye ſhallſee mee, andthat J goe to the father? Chey fatd therefore, What is thts that he fapeth, Aftera while? We cannot tell whathe fapth. Fetus percei⸗ uedthat they would aſke him, and ſayd onto thent, Pee enquire of this betweene pour ſelues, becaule J faid, Atter a while pe hall not fee me,andagaine, Afe tera waile pe fhallfee mee, Verily, verily Z fap onto pou, Pee hall weepe and lament, but contrariwite the weed hall retopce : Dee ſhall ſorow, but pourfos row Halbeturnedtotop, Awoman when the trauel- icth, bath ſoꝛow, becaule ber houre is come: but afs foone as (he is deliuered of the childe, the remembzeth no moꝛe theanguith, foztoy that a man is bozne into : the world. And pee now therefore haue ſoꝛow:but FZ willfce pou againe,and pour bearts hall retopce,and pour top malino man take from pou. _.. © The fourth Sunday after Eafter, es ! The Colle&.. 1 ARES, A hinighty God, which dock make the mindes ol all faitifull men to be of one will,grant vnto thy people, that they map loue the thing which thou cons mandeſt, and defire tbat which thou doe promiie, that among the ſundry and mantfold changes of the world, ourbearts map (urelp there be fired, whereas true (opes are tobe Foun th eaHSy Chꝛiſt our 1020.9 cEpiftle. | ra T = Very good atfc.and every perfect gift is 9 the father of lights, with whom is no bariablenes, neither ſhadow of change, word of tructh , that wee ſhould be the fire — * from aboue, and commeth downe from Ved —— begat be bs withthe The fourth Sunday after Eafter. biscreatures. noherefoze , deare bꝛethren, let euery man be ſwilt to beareflow tofpeake.dowto weath: foz the wrath of man woozketh not that which is righteous befoze God. Whereſoꝛe lay apare ali filthi⸗ neſſe, and ſuperfluitie of malicioutnelle , and receiue With meckenefle the word that ts grafted in you, which is able to faue pour foules. TheGofpel. 382 bs, at Wap toHim that ſent me, and none of yeu al: Xa ley eth me whither J goe: but becaule J haue me fald fuch thinas onto you, pour bearts are full of fo20t0. Neuerthelelle,F tell you the tructh,ttis erpedient fo2 vou,that F qoawap. Foz il Jgoe not as wap, that Comforter wil not come onto you: but if J Bepart, J will ſend him vnto you. And tober heets come,be wil rebuke the world of artic, ¢ Of righteouſ⸗ ties, and of iudginent. Of inne, becaule they belceue noton me. Ofrighteoufnefle, becaule Fj go tomy fa: ther,e ve haltfee me no moꝛe. OF iudgment.becauſe tie prince of thts world is iudged alredy. Jhaue yet inany things to ſay vnto pou, but pee cannot beare them away now. Dowbeit, when he is come (which is the ſpirit of trueth) be wil lead pou into all trueth. He thal not{peake of himéiclfe,but whatloeuer he ſhal Heare,that hhatt be {peake,¢ bee will ſhew pou things tocome, He thaliglozifie mee: fo2 bee hail receiue of mine, andthall Hew vnto you. All things that the Father hath,are mine : therefore ſayd J vnto you, Chat he hailtake of mine,and ſhew vnto pou, @ The fift Sunday after Eafter. Alenia: The Collea&: | Md front whom all good things doe come, grant Mvsthrhumble ese tea thy holy —** 4 (OM Elus ſayd vnto bis dilciples, Now goe F my toh. 16.;. Tan.1.22. Toh, 16. 2m. The fift Sunday after Eaſter. tion we may thinke thoſe things that bee good, and by thy mercifull guiding map performe the ſame, through our Lorꝛd Jeſus Chik. The Epiſtle. AR Ee that pe be doezs of the world and not & P ee hearers onelp , decetuing pour owne Pay VEZ lelucs. fortfany man heare the wo2d, ER ) Jai? declareth notthe fame by bis workes, LO wee yee slike vnto a man bebolding his bo- dily facettt a glaſſe: fo2 aſſoone as hee hath looked on himlſelle, he goeth his way, and forgetteth immedi⸗ ately what bis fathton was. But who fo looketh in the perfect 1a w of liberty, and continueth therein, ( if he be nota forgetful hearer, but a doer of the worke) the fame fhall bee happyin his deed. FF any man as mong pou feeme to bee deuout, and refraineth not His congue , but decetucth his clone heart, this mans deuotion is in vaine. Pure Dewotion, and vn⸗ Defiled before God the Father is thts, Co viſite the fae therleMe and widowes tn their aduerfitie, ¢ to neepe himſeltke vnſpotted of the world. The Gofpel. Erily, berily lap vnto you, whatſoe⸗ : ~ uer peatke the father inimp Mame, Hee {4 will giue tt you. Hitherto haue peatked XS, Nothing in my Mame. Atke, and pe halt As eye receiue,that pour toy ſhall be full, Cheſt things rae J tpoken bnto you bp prouerbs. Che tine willcome, when ZW fhall no moze ſpeake vnto pou bp proucrbs, but J hail hebo pou platnelp front myfather. Acthat day hall pee alicin mp Name, and 4 fap not vnto pow, that J will ſpeake buto mp Father (02 pow: 202 the Father hinflelfe loucth pou, becaute pe hauc laued mee,andbaue beleeued that Z caine out — God, J went out fro the father, and caine ne 8* The Afcenfion day. came into the wold. Againe Jleaue the world, and goe to the father. His diſciples {apd onto him, ‘Loe, now thou talkeſt plainelyp , and ſpeakeſt no prouerbe. Now are wee fure that Hou fino we all things, and needeſt not that any wan ould alfe thee any queſti⸗ on, therefere beleeuc we that thou came fron God. Felus anlwered ther, Now pe doe beleeue: bevoly, the houre draweth nigh, andts already come, that pe ſhalbe {catteredeuery inan to his owne, a ſhall leaue wie alone: and yet am Inot alone, for the father is With ine. Theſe words haue Jſpoken vnto pou, that in mee pe might haue peace , fozinthe world ſhall yee haue tribulation : But bee of good cheare, Jhaue o⸗ uercome the world. es GUE DE, @ The Afcenfion day.. —— The Collect. G Raunt toe beleech thee Almightie God , that tike as we do belecue thy onely begotten Sonne our Lozd to haue afcended tnto the Heavens: fo toce map alfo in beart and minde thither alcend, and with Him continualipydiwell, | | Shy The Epiftle. years eg f2 the foꝛmer treatife deare Cheopht: Ads x. 1, CoG! br %> 1113 ) tor Haue ſpokenot all that Fetus hoAG Pee begatt todo and teach, vntill the day in ee Ow which hee was taken bp alter that hee Wop through the holy Ghok bad giuen conv mandements bnto the Apoſtles whom he had cho⸗ fet, to whom alſo Hee ſhewed himſelfe aliue after bis paflion (and that by manp tokens) appearing bute — them fourtic dayes, and ſpeaking of thc kingdome of : God , and gathered them together, and commanded them thatthep hould not depart from Hierufalem, but co waite fo2 the promifeof the Father, — ‘thes | (fateh, s > } * J EE Vvve 14. Mark.16. Goda te The Afcenfion day. (faith be) pe baus beard otmee.Foꝛ John truely bap⸗ tized with water, but pe ſhalbe baptised with the hos ip Gholt, after thele fein dapes. When thep therefore tere come together, they aſked of him, ſaying, Lord. wilt thou at this time reſtore againe the kingdom to Iſrael? And hee ſayd vnto them, Bets not fo2 you te know the times oz the feafons, which the Father hath putin bis owne power, But pee hall recetue power after the boly Ghoſt ig come bpon you: and pe ihali be witnefles vnto me,not onely in Hieruſalem. but alfo in all Jurte; and in Samaria, and even bus tothe worlds ende. And when hee Had (poken thele things , while thep beheld, he was taken bp on high, Anda cloude receiued Him bp outot their fight, And while thep looked ſtedfaſtly vp Coward Heauen as he went, behold, twoo men food by them in white appa: rell, tobich alfo faid, Pe menof Galile, why Land pee galing bp into heaueu? Chis fame Fetus tobich is taken bp from pou into heauen.cſhal ſo come, euen as pee haue ſeene him goe info heauen. ) The Gofpel. : ag Elus appeared vnto the eleuen, as they BVaate atineate, and calt in their teety 2652 their bubeliefe and Hardnelle of Heart, * © becaule they beleeued not them which 2D eh had leene thathe was riſen again from the dead, And hee ſaid vnto them, Goe ve into ali the world, a peeach the Golpel to all creatures: Be that beleeneth and ts baptised, hall be faued: Dut he that beleeueth not, halbe damned, And thele tokens hall follow then that beleeue. In my Name they thal cal out deutls, chep hall Speake with new tongues, thep fhalldziue atoap Serpents, and ti they drinke anp Deadip thing, tt chal not hurt them they ſhal lay their bandes on theficke, and they ſhall tne oe va en — — ae ee UC Sunday after Afcenfion 1 day. when the Lom bad ſpeken vnto them, hee wasrecet: nedintobeauen, andis onthe right hande ef Gor, And they went foorth and preachedeuery where, che Loꝛd working with them, ae crisis tiie wo pipe — tollewing. Tas 4 Sunday after Afeénfion diy, TheColle&, O 0d, the king okglory, tobich batt exalted thine onelp Sonne Jeſus CHL, with areat triumph vnto thp kingdome in heauen: we beſeech thee leaue bs not comtoꝛleſſe, butfend tobs thine holy Ghoſt tocomfozt bs, and eralt vs vnto the fame place whi⸗ ther our — Chit i gone belore, who liueth The Epilile. ene Be end of all things is at hand, We pe 1.Pet4.7. Ve, therefore fober,and watch vnto prayer: ewe Y aBut aboue al things bane feruent toue J aes among pour ſelues:toꝛ loue hall couer R E the multitude ofſinnes. Be yee harbe⸗ * one to another without grudging. 2s cuery man bath recetued the gift, euen fo minitter the ferme one to another. asgood miniftersof the manifolde graces of Gon. Ff any man {peake tet him talkie ag tye words of God. If any man minifer, tet him doe it, as of the ability which God minifrech to him, that God inalthings map be glozified thzougy Jeſus Chrift.to whom be — and dominion fo2 euer a euer. amen, The Gofpel. De Hen the Comfogter {3 come, whom J Joh.trs. b wilifend bnte you fro the Father (euen 26. HF, the Spirit of tructh , which proceedeth fen ofthe father) ve (hall teftifie of me,ere Y fhalbeare witneſſe alfo,becaufe pe ee -- bene WV hitiunday. bene with mee from the beginning, Thele things hatte F {aid vnto pow, becaule pe ſhould wot be offen ded. They Hhailerconnumitcate pou, pea, the tine fhallcome, that wvhoſoeuer killeth vou, will thinke that be doeth God ſeruice. dnd ſuch things will chew poe vnto pou, becaufe they baue not knowen the Fa- ther, neither pet me. Wut thele things haue F tolde pou,that robert the time tg come, pe may remember thenthat Jtoldeyou. eo) co 12) Said , WMidanddysrinces viene ad cay : Phe Qalleasrcini Pe oie JOD, Which as bpon this dap batt taught the hearts of thy faith full people, by he {ending to them the light et thy holy Spirit: Graunt bs bp the ſame Spirit to haue a right iudgment in all things and euermoꝛe Co reioyce in his Holy comtoꝛt, thꝛough the merits of Chriſt Jeſus our Sauiour, who liueth and reigneth with thee, in the vnitie of the lame hi | Spirit,one God; world withoutend. Amen . = i The Epiftle.. fee BS . Ox Hen the fiftie dapes twere come fo ait 7s end, they were all with one accogd toges Ither i one place, and fuddenly there Diy. caine & found from heauen, as it had Ay mes bene thecomming of a mightie inde; and tt filles all the Houle tobere they fate. And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues, tie as they bad bene fire, and it fate bpon each onc of them, and thep were ail filled with the holy Ghot, a began to tpeatie with other tongues, even as the fame Spirit gaue them vtterance. Then were dwelling at Hieruſalem Jewes, deuoutemen, out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen. When this was noiſed aboutf. the multitude came together and were afonted , be⸗ cauſe that euery man heard them ſpeake with bis ’ * Ht i ’ a set a) | ‘ “a 4) : * i : ‘oly Se {3 Me Gal, pied a veh t * ‘Of if + —4 Ht ‘ it ; Ge | | owne , 7 ‘a . J —— a — —— —— —— » 7 Foor bide With pou fo2 ever, euen the Spirit : of Trueth, ohom tHe world cannot recetue , becaule che world {eeth him not, neither knowerh him: Bue _peknoto him, for be dwelleth with pou.and ſhalbe in : you, ZF wilinot leaue vou comtoztlefic, but wil come to you. Vet alittle while, and the woztd leeth mee no moze, but pe fee me: For F itue,and pe hal liue. Ghat Day thati pee Bnew that Jam in my father, and pou in me, and Jin you. He that hath my Commaundes ments and keepeth them, thelame ts hee that loucth me. And He that loueth me, hall be loved of mp faz ther, and Jwill loue him, wil ſhevo mine ovone ſelfe vonto him. Judas ſaith onto bim, ( not Judas Iſca⸗ riotLord. Mhat is done that thou wilt ſhew thy felfe vnto bs, and not bute the world 7 Jeſus anſwered. and fatd vnto him, Ika man loueme he wil keepe my fapings,and my father willloue him, and wee wil ccome Oto Him, and dwell with him. Hee that lo⸗ ueth me not keeper notimplapings. And the “din ‘Munday in WV hitfun weeke, which pe heave Snot imine, but the fathers which ferit me. Theſe things bane Jſpoken vnto pou. being | petpzeient with youbutthe Comforter, whichistiye Holy Ghot, whom wip father willtendin my Mame, be (bal teach pouali things, ebzingaltbingstovouy remembrance , wiailocuer J bate fatd bute pow, | Peace Jleaue with pou, mp peace Fj qiue vnto pou: ot as the world giueth, glue J vnto pou. Wet not your hearts be gneued neither (eave. Pewaue heard how J fait vnto pou, 7 go and come again bntovou, Af ye loued me, ye would berily retepce, becauſe lain Igoe onto the Father: fox the father is greater then J. And now hatte F (hewed pou before ti come, that when itis come Co paſſe, pe might beleeue. Dereatter will J not talfic many words vnto you :fo2 the peince of this worꝛld commeth, and hath nought ime, but that tye| world map know that Iloue theFather. And ag the Father gaue me commandement,euen ſodo F, € Munday in Whitſun weexe. . i | | The Collect. ‘ig (522; which as vpon this dap at taught the —n Heatts,¢¢, As vpon Whitſunday. | 14 Lr The Epiftle, { 1 Adtes 10 2 tnd Hen Jeter opened his mouih,and far, . ee fie} Otatrueth J percetue, that there ts no Je) Kye telpect ofperfons with Ged: but nall rons 8* Zpeoplie, he that keareth him, z worketh righteouſnes, is accepted with him, Ve know the peeacving that Godlent vnto tye children pF Ilrael preaching peace by Jeſus Cys, which ts ‘Lord ouer ail things. which preaching sas publiſh⸗ ’ en throughout all Jury ( and beganne in Galilee, at ter the Baptifine which John preached ) How God anoynted Jeſus of Hazareth with toe holy Cue Munday in n Whitlan weeke, and » with power, — Jeſlus went about doing good, and healing althat were oppreſſed of the deuti: fo2 God was with him. And we ave witneiles ofall things, which be did in the land of the Jewes, and at Hieruſalem: whom they ficto and hanged ona tree: Him God rayſed bp the third vay, and the wea im o- penip, not to all the people, but vnto 08 witneſſes (chofen before of God loz tye ſame intent) which ota eate and drinke with bun after he aroſe from Death. And he commanded bs to preac vnto the people,and to teſtifie thatitis he whic) Was ordeined of Godto he the Judge ofquicke and ead. Co him giue all the Prophets witiuelle,thattiesugy bis Name, wholſoe⸗ fier beleeuech in him, thal receiue remifion of finnes. Mhile Peter yet fake thele words, the holy GHokk fel on alithem which beardthe preaching. Andthep of oe Civcuntcifion, which belecued, where aſtonied as manyas came with Peter, becaule that on the ‘Gentties alfo was hed out the gift ofthe Holy Ghoff, 02 Hep heard them fpeake with conzues, magni⸗ fie God. Chen anfwered peter, Can any man forbid | water, that thele ſhould not be baptised, wich haue receined the holy Gyoſt aſwell as we? ad He conte one tens tobe baptised in tije (laine ofthe Lord. Then prayed Hep him to tary a few dayes. The Goſpel. GAD Gud louedthe world, that hee gaue His 13.16 sas Onelp begotten Sone, that whofoener be- eeueth in him, touid not perith, but haue eue natting life, For God ſent not bis Sonne in⸗ to the world to condemne the wond, but thatthe wold through Him wight tee faued. Bee that beleeueth on him, ts not condemned. Wut hee that beleeueth not, is condemned siready becauſe : bee eis not geeued in cesses oF tHe oneip | | begot⸗ ‘Tuefday in Whitfun weeke. begotten Sonne of God. And this is the condemna⸗ tion, that light is come into the world, and men leucd darkeneſſe moze then light, becauſe their deedes were. ani i euill. Foꝛ euery one that euill Doet), batech the tiave, ny AM neither commeth to the light, left His deeds howid be reprooued. Hut he that doeth the trueth.commethH to the light, that bis deeds may be knowen; how * they are wrought in God. - @ Tueſday in Whirfun —* The Collect. God which as, — i @ Asvpon Whitfunday. Epittle. a A2.8.14. DEW Hen theApottles which were at Hieruſalem, ASS 10020 OF God, theyſent vnto them Deter ana John · which when they were come downe, prayed for them that they might receiue tye holy Gyoſt. Foz | aspet he was come on none of Chem, but they were \ a baptised onely inthe Mamie of Chit Jeſu. Chen cat, 1 laͤyd they their hands on them, and they receiued the in i holy Ghoſt. haya The Gofpel. a | Johnio.1 ( Erilp, berily Flay vnto pou, Hethatens S treth notin by tye doore tite the theepes* AZ fold, but climeth bp ſome other war, the ee; fame is a thieke and a murtherer. “Sut RQes@yr hee that entrety in by the doore, isthe Shepheard of the ſſheepe: to Hime the porter openett, and the hheepe beare his voyce, ¢ he calleth tis owne | fheepe by name, andileadeth themont. And when he mm | hath (ent fo2th his own theepe, be goeth befoze them, and the theepe follow him, forthey know bis voyce. A a | firanger will they not follow, but will flee from Him: | fos they know not the voyce ot or This * (e/, — things worch mutt bee kullilled hereafter, and imme⸗ Tle aduacy pee punday, uerbe ſpake Jeſus vnto them,but they vnderſtaod not what things they were which he patie buto them, Then ſayd Jeſus onto themagaine,wertly,bertly J fap vnto you, Jam the doore of the ſheepe. All euen as marty as came before me, are theeues and murde⸗ revs, but the theepe did not heare them. J am the Deore, by meifany enter in, he Hall be fafe, and hall goe in and out,and finde paſture. A theefe commeth - not but foz to fteale.filil,and deſtroy. Jam come that they might bauclife, ethat they might baue tt moze abundantly. Hee: | ore Soe @ Trinitie Sunday. The Colle. A Misha and euerlaſting God, which bak giuen “A pnto bs thy ſeruants avace, by the confellton ofa true faith, to acknowledge the glozy of the eternall Trinitie, and tn the power of the deutne Maieſtie, to worſhipthe Uinttte : Wee beleech thee , that through the ſtedtaſtneſſe of thts faith, we may euermoꝛe De de- fended from all aduerſitie, which liuck and reiqnett One God, wo72!d without end.Amen, | The Epiftle. was open in beauen, andthe fivl bopee z. wiich J beard, was as it were of a Trumpet, talking with me, which fapd, =) Come bphither, and J will whew thee Diatly J was in the Spirit, and bebolde,aleate was fet in heaven. and one fate on the ſeate. And hee that fate. was to looke bpon ithe vnto a Jaſper fone, and aSHardineftone. Andthere wasarainebow about the ſeate, in ſight like vnto an Emerald. Andabout cthe Seate were foure and twentie ſeates, and vpon the ſeates foure and twenty litting, yee 2) = , Ze 2, 2 f K rt a ee _— Tee * — — Fter this Jiooked, and behold, adooze Apoca. 4. Frititie Sunday. én white rapment, and had on their beads crownes of gold. And out of thefeat proceeded lightnings and: thundzing, and bopces, And there were feuen lamps of fire burning betoze the ſeate, which ave the ſeuen Spivits of God, aud: before the feat there was afea of glaſſe like vnto Chꝛiſtall, andin the middes of the {eate, andround about the feate were foure beaſtes fullof eyes. befoze and behind.and the fir bea was like a Lion, and the fecond beaſt like acalfe , and the third beaft had a face like aman, and the fourth beak was like a flying Cagle. And the foure beakes had each of them fire wings about bim, and they were full ofepes. within, And they did not reſt day neither | night, faping, Holy, boly, holy 102d God Aimightic, A Which was,andis.andistocome. And wheuthele fi | beaftes gaue glory and honour, and thankes to him that fate on the ſeate (which liueth foꝛ euer and euer) the faure and twentie Elders fell downe befoze him that fate on the thzone, and worchipped him that it ueth kor euer, acaſt their ero wnes before the theone, fapitia, Chou art worthy, D Lord our God, toreceine glory, and honour, and power, for thou hall created ali things, and for thy wils fake thepare and were created.. The Gofpel. 5 here was a man of the Phariles na- SS [SEXY med Nicodemus, a ruler ofthe Jewes. ancy) [GER Che fame came to Fetus by night, th. Ra] [Soy Andlayd vnto bint, Wabbit, toce howe ti Risers, 4 that thou art a teacher come trom God, + Foꝛ no man coulddoe ſuch miracles as thou doeſt. 4 except God were with him. Jeſus anſwered and ſayd vnto him, werily, verily Jſay vnto thee, Except aman be borne from aboue, hee cannot {ee the hing: dome of God. Nicodemus fapd onto Him, Hom ; | can Iohn. 3.1. wv — REE al Io — The firft Sunday after Trinitie. catta man be borne when be is olde? Can he enter in⸗ tohis mothers wombe, and be borne againe 7 Jeſus anfwered, Uertly , verily Flap buto tice, Except a mat be bozne of water and of the {pirit.be cannot ens ter into the kingdomeof God. Tyat vohich is borne of the fleſh, is fleſh:and that which is borne of the ſpi⸗ tit, is ſpirit. Maruaile not thou that J ſayd vnto chee, Pe mull be borne from aboue. Che wind blow: eth where it luſteth, and thou heareſt the foundtheres of, but thou cant not tell tebence it cõmeth.noꝛ whi⸗ cher it goeth: So tg every one that is boꝛne ofthe {pirtt. Micodemus anfiwered,and {ald vnto Hin, How can thele thingsbe 7 Jefus anfwered,and ſayd vnto bim, Act thoua Maſter in Iſrael, and knoweſt not theſe things ’aertip.berily Iſay vnto thee, we fpeake teat we huow, and teflifie that wee jaucleene, and pee receiue not our witnelle. FE J haue tolde rou earthly things, and pee beleeue not, how ſhall pe be: leeue ik tell you of heauenly things? And no man afcendeth bp to heauen, bute that came down fron heauen, euen the Sonne of man which fs in heauen. And as Soles lift bp the Serpent in the wildernes, even fomut the Sonne of man be life bp, chat toes — beleeucth in hint, peri not, but haue life euer⸗ ng, | @ Thefirft Sunday after Trinitie. i The Colle&. G ODM the ſtrength ofall them that trull in thee, mercifully accept our prayers: and becaule the weakeneſſe ofour moztall nature can Boe no Good thing without thee,qraunt bs the helpe of thy grace, that tn Keeping of thy commaunaements toee map pleale thee boty in will and deede, through Felis ChitourLogd, U2 The a ee ——— 4 The firft Sunday after Trinitie. > The Epiftle. | i 1.Iohn... 8 Carely beloucd.tet bs loue one another, 7. : and bade many, and lent his leruant at , ) fupper time to fap to them that were > inden, Come, fo2z allthings are now ooex ready. And they all at once began ta matic excule. Che firt (aid bnto him, 4 Haue boughe afarine, and J mué needs goe and {ee tt, J peay tijec haue me excuſed. And another layd , J baue bought fine yoke oforen,and J go to pꝛoue them, F pray thee haue me excuſed. Andanother ſayd, baue married & wife, an#therefore F cannot come, And che ſeruant returned, and brought his maſter word againe theres of. Chen was the goodman of the houte difpieates, and fayd to His feruant, Goe out quickly tnto the freetsandquartersef the City, and being in hither Che poo2e, and feeble, and thebaltand blind. And the feruant fapd, Lord, itis done ag Chou batt comma: ded, and yet there is roume. Andthe Lord ſayd onto Gis ſeruant, Goe out into the high wayes and hedges and compell them to come tn, chat mp Houle map bee filled. for J fay onto you, that none of theſe men — * were bidder, thal tafe of mp fupper, ag] The itj. Sunday after Trinitie, ~The Colle&. L Dd, twee befeech thee mercifully to heare vs and vnto wohom thou bak giuen an hearty deſtre to prꝛay grant that by thy mighty atde we — neem Jelus Chꝛiſt our Lord. | The Epiſtle. BRbmit pour ſelues euery man one to ano⸗. Pets. 5s. oN] ther, Knit pour felues together it iow: DUAN lineffe of minde : Foꝛ God reſiſteth the POO — and giueth grace to the humble. L4 Submit The 11, Sunday after Trin‘tie, Submit pour felues therefore vnder the mighty handok God, that he map erale you tohen the time is . come. Caftall pour care bpon bim , foꝛ bee careth fo2 pou, Be fober and watch ; fo2 pour aduerfary the dee uil, as roaring Lion, walketh about. feeking whom bee map devoure: whom reliſt fedfat in the faith, Knowing that the fame afflictions areappointeddn« · to pour becthzen that are in the woꝛid. Wutthe God - ofaligrace, which bath called vs vnto bis eternal glory by Chriſt Fetus , hail his owne felfe (after that pe haue ſuſſered alittle affliction ) make pou perfect, fettic, frength and fablih you. To him beglozy and Dominion for ever and euer. Amen. The Cofpel. Luke rs. F Hen reforted vnto Him all the Publi⸗ I. 9 be hath foundit, hee layech it on his ſhoulders with top: and aſſoone as he commeth home, he calleth to⸗ | gether his lovers and neighbozs , faping vnto them, | # Keioyce with mee, for Jhaue found mp heepe which 4) was tof. Flap bnto pou,that likewiſe toy thal bee in Meh. it heaven ouer one inner that repenteth, moze then o⸗ i Her ninetpand nine tuff perfons, which neede no re- pentance. Cither what woman, hauing tenqroats, ( t€the fofe one ) doeth not lights candle, and ſweepe the houfe, and feeke diligenttp till thee findeit? And when thee hath found tt, thee calleth Her louers and ber neighbours toacther, laying, Keioyce with mee, ) — “bal Wee | a 1) : A 7 Poh 7 : at ! j J 4 fos S| Saat | ~ > — — — — — — SS - — —— — =. = — — — — The iiij. Sunday after Trinitie. fo: Jhaue foundthe groat which F lof. Likewite F ‘fap vnto pou , halt there be top in the preſence of the Angels of God, ouer one finner that repentech, © — © The fourth Sunday after Trinitie, The Colle&. G On the protectour of all that trulin thee, with: out whom nothing ts trong, nothing ts holy: in creale and multiply bpon bz thy mercy, that thou be- ing our ruler and guide, wee may fo pafle through things tempozalt,that wee finally lole not the things eternall: Graunt this , heauenly father, for Jeſus Chilis fake our 102d . he Epiſtle. aoe ape Suppote that the afflictions ofthts life, Rom.3. = Jare Not worthy ofthe qlozp which ſhalbe 18, Ope B'S: — ronnes of Bod hall appeare.becaufe the creature is ſubdued to hanity againg the wil thereof, Dut fo2 his toill which hath tubdued the ſame in hope. 02 the fame creature Hhailbe Deliuered from the bon: dage of cozruption , into the glozious liberty of the ſonnes of God. Foꝛ we knovo that eucry creature gro⸗ neth with bs allo, and traueyleth in paine,cucn onto this time :notonelp it, but we alſo which haue the — fir fruits ofthe Spirit, mourne in our ſelues alfo, and wait fo2 the adoptiõ ofthe childzen of Gov, euen the deliuerance of cur bodyes. | The Gofpel. i 2 eye mercifuilp,as pour Father alto is mer⸗ Lukee. |) Ss g cifull. Judge not, and ve hall notbetudged. 36. 9 3 © Condemne not, and re fhall not be condem⸗ = | ‘ned. ffozgiue, and ye ſhalbe fozgiuen, Giue, ambit paitbe given bnto POU, good — ane preſſe — ‘Thev.Sunday after Trinitie. preſſed dowone, and ſhaken together, and running o⸗ uer, (hall men giue into pour bofomes. Foꝛ with the fame meafure that pee mete withall, Hall other men mete to pou againe, And hee put fortha ſimilitude vnto them, Can the blinde leade the bitnde? Doe they not both fall into the ditch? Che diſcipie ts not aboue bis matter. Euery man thalibe perfect, euen as his malter is. roby leek thou a mote tn thy brothers ere, but conũdereſt not the beame Chat is in thine otone eve, Cither vow cank thou fay to thy beotber , Bꝛo⸗ ther, let mee pull out the mote that ts in thine epe, when thou feel not the beame that is tt thine owne eve? fir, thou hypocrite, call out the beame out of thine owneepe, Chen Malt thou fee perfectly to pull daout the mote that is in thy beothers eve. } 1.Pet.3.8. @ They. Sunday after Trinitie. The Colle&. * G Raunt, Lod, voce befeech thee, that the courſe of N this wold may be fo peace ablpordered bp thy gaz uernance, thatthy Congregation map ioyfullyſerue , thee in all godly quietnetic,chrough Jeſus Chzitt our The Epiftle. : de Erou all ot one mind, and of one heart, & ($8) ) loucas bꝛethren, be pitiful, bee courte: pol = tog OUS, meeke, Not rendring eultl fo2 euill, FD ) o2 rebuke foz rebuke: but contrary wile (Ses Ne 9, biefle, inowing that pee are thereunto called, eucn that pee ſhould bee heires of the bleſſing. For bee that doeth long after life, and louety to fee good dayes, let himretraine bis tongue from euiti, and his lips that they ſpeake no. quiie.. Let him ef: cheweuil and doe good, let bim ſeeke peace, and enſue ft. Forthe cyesot the Lozd are ouer the righteen an - ~The v,Sunday after Trinitie. and his eares are open nto their prayers. Agatne, the face ofthe Lordis ouer them that doe euil. More⸗ Oller, whois he that vortlHarine you, if pe follow that Which is good? Pea happy are peit any trouble hap: penbnto pou foz righteoutnelle ſake. Be not pee a trapd fo2 any terrourofthem , neither be pe troubled: butfanctifie the L020 Godin pour Hearts, | lide The Gofpel. Pat | iwc! CDeame to palle , that when the people Luke y.1- | 4 he peealled bpon bim to heare the word cf ; | God, hee food by the lake ot Genesareth, Ste and fave two Mippes Gand by the lakes fine, but the fithermen were gone out of them, and were wathing theirnets, And heeentred. into one of the thippes (which pertapned to Simon) and prayed him thathee would thzutt outa littie from the land. And bee fate Downe, and taught the people out ofthe fhip. When bee bad ieft {peaking , bee fapd vnto Si- mon, Launch out into the oeepe,andiet Miprournets tomake adzaughs. And Simon anſwered, and fayd pntobim, Water, wee haue labouredatinight,and haue taken nothing :Meuerthelelle, at thycomman⸗ dement, J will looſe foozth the net, And when they had ſo done, they inclofed a great multitude of fitfes. But their net brake, and they Deckened to their kel⸗ jowes, Which were inthe other thip.that they ſhould come and belpe them. And they came and filled both fhips.that they fanke againe. when Simon Peter ſaw this, hee fel Downe at Jeſus knees, faping, 102d, goe from mee, for Jamalintull man. Foꝛ hee was aſtonyed, and all that were With Him, atthedzaughe Of filbes which they bad taben: And fo was alſo James and John the ſonnes of Febedee, which were =. partners With Simon. And Jeſus fayd bnto Bie * .°' - mon, Feare not, from Henceloosth chou ſhalt catchy re GHEE Peet mMoen. — — © The vj. Sunday after Trinitie. men. And they bought the hips to land, and forſooke ail ann followed Him. 3 @ The fixt Sunday after Trinitie. } The Colle&. G Dd which hak prepared to them that ioue thee, fuch good things as pafle mans vnderſtand⸗ ing : powe into our hearts ſuch loue toward thee, that wee louing theeinall things, may obtaine thy pꝛomiſes which exceed al that woe can deſire, thzough Jeſus Chl our L020. | The Epiftle. in Jeſus Chik, are baptised to die with him? we are buried then with him by baptiſme for He foto pee not , that all we tohich are baptised co die, thatithetotfe as Chꝛiſt was rapled front death bythegloryof b father, euen ſo we alſo hould walkie inanewitfe. Foꝛ if voe be grafted in death like vnto him , euen ſo hall wee be partakers of the holy refurs rection : brotoing thts, that our olbeman ts crucified with him ailo, that the body of inne might dttetlyp be deſtroyed, that hencetorth we hould notbe feruants vnto finne. Foꝛ he that ts dead, ts tukified from finne. uaberefoze,tf we be Dead with Chriſt, we beleeue that toe ſhall liue afc with bint: Bnowing that Chik be: ing rapien from death , dieth no nroze , Death hath no moꝛre power ouer him. soz as touching that he died, He diedconcerning {inne once: and as touching that beliueth, beeliueth vnto God. Like wile confider pe alfo, that pe are dead as touching fine, but ave aliue vnto God,theough Jeſus Chriſt our L020. The Gofpel. Elus layd Onto bis difciples, Creept pour ESche Scribes and Phariſes, pe cannoe enter — — — — — —— — ⸗ ey Mn tighteoufnefle exceede the vighteoutnefle of — info The vij. Sunday after Trinitie. intothe kingdome of heauen. Pe haue heard that it was ſaid vnto them ofold time, Chou ſhalt not kill: wyoſoeuer killeth ſhall be in danger of Judgement. Wut Alay vnto you, that whoſoeuer is angry with bis brother vnaduiſedly, ſhall be tn Danger of iudge⸗ niente. and whoſoeuer faith vnto his bother, Kacha, ſhalbe in danger of a Councell. Out wyofocier fatty, Chou foote,hailbe tn danger cf hell fire. Cherefore it thou offerctt thy gift at the altar, a there remembectt ie thy brother hath ought againg thee, leaue there t ine offring befoze the altar, and go thy way ſirſt and be reconciled to thy botbher.¢ then come and offer thy gift. daree with thine aduerfay quickly, whiles thou attin the wap with him, tet at any time the aduerſa⸗ ry deliver thee tothe Fudge, andthe Judge deliver theetothe minifer,and then thoube caft into patfon, werily Flay onto thee, thou thalt not comeout thence tin thou ball payd the bttermof farthing. — ¶ The vij.Sunday after Trinitie, , — ao ColleA: and giuer of all good things, avafic in our Hearts theioucol thy Mame, tncveafetndstrue religion, nourxiſh b3 with al goodnelic,and of thy great merce keep vs in the lame through Fetus Cyzié our L020. he Epiſtle. LOrdetalpower and miane, which art the author J Speake qrofly, becauſe ofthe infirmi- Rom.s,. : (2s ee ticofpourfieth. As ye haue giuen pour 19. joe” pW members feruants to pncleannefie. - — —— / Pra a ep ae S| an es at Fh = a eh ee eee : * l*9 NCL) Pees And to iniquity (from one iniquitie to === another) euenfo wow giue ouer pour members feruants vnto righteouſneſſe, thatpemap befanctified. for when pe wereferuantsofitnneye — Were voyd ofrighteoumnede, What fruit had ye then —A — in Se a SS > ' | g i} 13 —1 hia} u —54 Veit “Hi ; ui) | ' hd a { ty ny | H) 7 iil it “4 Hic ie 49 J tae 9 Pik a. SS eee Mark.8,1. The vij.Sunday after Trinitie. in thote things whereof pe are now athamed?fo2 the end of thole things is death. Butnow are pe deliue⸗ red from ſin, and made toe ſeruants of God, and haue pour fruit to be fanctificd, ¢ the end euerlaſting tife. Foz the rewardof finne is Death, bit eternal life ig the gift of God, chzough Jeſus Chik our Lord. The Gofpel. SES PD thofe dayes toben there was a herp areat Voy (Ge Company ,andhad nothing toeare, Fetus FiO ie called his dilcipies vnto him, and fayd nto | then, F hae compalſion on the people, bes cauſe they haue beene now with me thzee Daves, and haue nothing to eat, andifZ (end thein away fatting to their owne houſes they thall faint bp the way: foz diuers of them came from farre-And bis diſciples an- fwered bin, Where hould a man haue bzead here in the wildernefie, to fatiffie theſe? And he aſked them, How many loaues haue ye? Cher fayd, Seuen And He commanded the people fo fit dotone on the ground. And he tooke the ſeuen loaues, and toben he had gi⸗ uen thankies. be brake, and gaue to his diſciples to fet befoze them: and they did fet chem before the people. And they haa a few (mal fithes:and when he had bleſ⸗ fea he cOmanded thensalfotobeletbefozethem. And they dideate,and were fufficed. And they tooke * of the bzoker meat that was left, ſeuen bafkets ful. And they that did cat. were about foure thoufand. Andbe | fent them away. @ The viij. Sunday after Trinitie. The Colle&. ( , Ddiwbele peourdencets neuer decetued, we bum: bly befeech thee.that thou wilt put away frombs all hurtfali things, and giue thofe things tobich bee profitable foꝛ bs, through Jeſus Che our ete: 4 c —. * 7 ‘ rae Se ee a Thevit}.Sunday after Trinitie. TheEpittle. LE ethzen, we are debters, not to tbe Rom.8. “NH, fleth, to liue after the teh :fo2 tf pe liue 12. avr after thie fieth,peethatldie, Wut ifyee, A) A through the ſpirit, doe moztifie the ST deedes of the bodte, pe ſhall liue. for as inany ag are led by the {pirit of Goad , they are the ſonnes of Bod. Foꝛ pe haue not receiued the ſpirit of bondage to feare any moze: but ye haute receiued the ſpirit of adoption, whereby weerp , Abba, Father. Che lame Spirit certificty ouripirit that wee are thefons of God, Ff we be fonnes, then ave we aifo heires, the beires (4 meane)of God, and heires ans neredwith Chriſt, ik ſo be that we lufier with him, that toe may alfo be glorified together with him, The Gofpel. YE! vowin meeps ctothing,b 5 thep Mat 7.15. arerauening wolues: pe Hall know thers. . 2 by thetr fruits. Doe men gather grapes of ~~~. ~ thomnes? 02 fias of thifties? Cuen fo euery | eae koorth good fruits: buta coꝛrupt tree bringeth foorth euill fruits. A qoodtreecannot bring foorth bad fruits, neither can a bad tree bring forty good fruits. Cuery tree. that bꝛingeth not forty: good fruit.is hewen dovone/ a caf into the fire. Phere⸗ foze bp their fruits ye ſhall know them. Moteuerp one that faith vnto me, Loꝛd, 102d, ſhall enter into the kingdome ofheauen:but he that doeth the will ofmy father, which is inbeauen, @ The ix. Sunday after Trinitie. The Colle&. CG, Baune to bs, Lord, we befeech thee, the ſpirit to: thinke and doe alwayes {uch things as beright> full, that we which cannot bee without thee, sis Aa ——— The ix. Sunday after Trinitie. thee be able to line according to thy will, through Fee ‘ame I.Cor,10. i). fus Ch2t our Lod, TheEpiftle. ON Weth2e1, J would not that ve ſhould beigno ZED cloud and all patted thozow the fea,and were rant, bow that our fathers were all onder the alipaptised vnder Doles tn the cloud, and in the fea, and did all eate of one ſpirituall meate, a did al drinke ofone ſpiritual drinke:and they danke of the ſpiritu⸗ al roche that followed them, which rocke boas Chit. Wut in many ofthem Had God no delight: fo2 they vere ouerthrowen in the wilderneſſe. Theſe are ens faples to bs,that we ſhould notiut after euththings, ag they luſted, and that we ſhould not be woꝛſbippers Ofimages, as toere fome of thent, accozding as it is weitten: Che people fate downe to cate and drinike, and vole bp to play. Neither let vs be defiled with foz- nication, as ſome ofthem were defiled with fornicas tion, and fell in one day thee and twenty thoufand. Neither let bs tempt Chriſt, as ſome ofthem tempted and were deſtroyed offerpents. Neither murmure pe, as ſome of them murimured,and were deſtroyed of the deſtroyer.All theſe chings happened vnto them £02 ex⸗ amples:but are weitten to put vs in remembꝛance, whom the endes of the world are come vpon. Where⸗ foze let him that thinketh he fandeth , take Heed, tek he fall. Chere hath none other temptation taken pou but ſuch as followeth the nature of man.But God ts faithful, which hall notfuffer pou tobe tempted a⸗ boue pout ſtrength, but hall tn the mids of tempta- tion make alway, that pe map be able to beare if. The Gofpel. : Be) Elus layd bute bis dilciples, Chere wasa 4 if certaine rich man which bad a Steward,ana ess, the fame was accuſed onto him that bee baa waſted , The x.Sunday after Trinitie. , walled his goods. And he called him, and ſayd onto him, How isit that Jheare thts of thee? Giue ac: compts of thy Stemardihip, foz thou mayeſt bee no longer Steward. Che Steward ſaid within him: felfe, what hall Idoe? foz mp matter taketh away from me the Stewardſhip. JIcannot dig, and to beg F am aſhamed. Jwote what to do, that when Jam put outofthe Stewardhip, they may recetuemee into their boufes. So when he had called allbis matters debters together, he ſaid vnto thefith, Bot much oweſt thou vnto uy maker? and be apd, An hundred tunnes ofovle: And he ſayd onto him, Cake thy biil, and fitdomwne quickly, and write fifty, Chen fata he to another, Dow muchowed thousand be laid, An hun⸗ Deed quarters of wheate. He ſayd vnto him, Cake thy biltjand weitefourelcoze, Aud the Loꝛd commended _ thebnint Steward, becauſe he had done wiſely. Foꝛ the childzen of this world are in their Nation wiſer ‘then the children of light. And fap onto pou, Dake roufriends ofthe burighteous chammon that when pefhallbaueneed,thep map vecetue you into euerlaſt⸗ ‘Wgbabitations: | ve Ss 6) o@ Thex.Sunday after Trinitie, 7 WHO) _. The Collea, | IEtthr mercituu eares, D. Lord, bee open to the “prapers of thy bumble ſeruants: and that they May obteine thetr petitions, make thent to aſke ſuch things as thall pleafe thee, through Fetus Chit our Log, | sah, siijaoe TheEpifle. PW) Ducerning fprituall things, beethzer, «Cor. 12 ARS O26) would not haue vou ignorant. Peer. d (tee. Eno that ve were Gentiles, and went NG OK vour wayes bntodumbe tages, euen SYN a8 ve were led. Whertore J] declare vnto M ‘pou, Ade. ot oe Thex.Sunday after ities piu, thatne man ſpaking by the Spirit of God, de: tieth Jeſus. Allono mar can fay that Fetus isthe Lod, Out by the holy Ghoſt. Chere ave diuerlitiesof gifts,petbut one Spirit. And there are differences of adminiſtrations.and pet but one Lozd.and there are: divers manersof operations, and pet but one Gad; which worketh all in all. Che gilt ofthe Spirit ig ais uen to euery man Co edilie withal. fozto one is giuen through theSpirit the btterance of wifdome,to ano: tier ig giuen the btterance of inotoledae bythe fame SHpirit,to anether ts gtuen faith by the fame Spirit, fo another the gift of healing by the fame Spirit, to another powerto doe miracies, to another to prophe⸗ ſie, to another iudgement to difcerne Spirits,to ane: ther diuers tongues, to another the interpzetation of tongues: andthefle al worketh the felfe fame Spirit, DIMIDING Co enerp man aleucrall gitt, euen as he will) | te The Gofpel. 3.4’ Nd when he boas come neere to Hieru⸗ -¢ falem, De bebelathe city, and wept on » It, laying, Ikthou bad knowen thole eo things which belong puto thy peace, e⸗ ose Len it this thy day, thou wouldeſt take: Heed: but now are they hid fromethinecpes. soz the Daves (hall come. bnto thee, that thineenemtes halk cal a banke aboutthee, and compafie thee round and Reepe thee in on erery fide, and make thee euen witty thearaund, andthy childzen which are in thee: and thep tall not leaue tn thee one fone bpon another, becauſe thou hnowe not the time of thy bifitattor, And he went into the Compile, and begat to calout thein that fold therein, and them that bought faping pnto them, It is wꝛitten, My Houle isthe houſe of prayer, but pe haue made it a denne ot theeues. And. hetaught dayly inthe Cempie... The ee es, ee so. — The xj Sunday after Trinitie. ; The Colle&.* Py or G2: , which declarett thy ãimighty power 08 chiefly in hewing mercy andpity:atue vnto vs abundantip thy grace, that wee running to thy pro⸗ mifes , may be made parta kers of thy heauenlytrea⸗ ee Jeſus ee ——— ike : piſtle ay J Rethze11,a8 pertaining to the Gofpel twbhich — Cort. 15 9 F preacher nto pou, which ye haue alfo ac: Be) fe cepted, and tn the which ve contitiue,beche | —“ wobich ve are alfo faued: Fj doe you to wit af: ter whatmaner J preached vnto pou, tf pee keepe tt except ye haue belee ued in bate. Foꝛſirſt of ati Z de: liuered vnto you that which J receiued, How that Chzik died for our finnes; agreeing to the Scrip: tures: and thathe toas buried. ¢ thatherofe againe the third Day, accosding to the Scriptures, an’ that he was ſeeneof Cephas, then ofthe twelue:after that, He was feeneofinoze then fiue Hundzed brethren at once,of which many remaine vnto this dap, and ma⸗ ny arefallen afeep, Sfrer thatappeared he to James then to all the Gpofties,andlatt of ali be was feene of me, a8 One that was bozne out ofdue time: foꝛ Jam the leaft of the Apoſtles, which am not worthy tobe called an Spoftle,becaule Z baue perfecuted the Con: gregation of God, But by the grace of God. Jam that Jam:and his grace which ts in me, was not in batne. But J laboured moze abundantly then they all : pet not Jbut the grace of God whichis with me. There⸗ fore whether tt were J. 02 they, fo te preached, and haue beleeued. S The Goſpel. 5 Brit tolde this parable vnto certaine which Luke 18, re tuted in Chemfetues,that they were perfect, o, i and defpiled other. @. men went bp *7 The xij. Sunday aferT Trinitie. the Temple to prap, the one a Phariſee, and the other a Publicane. The Phariſee ood and prayed thus with himſelke: God F thanke thee, that Jam not as other men are, Extortioners vniuſt, adulterers,o2 as this Publicane. J fall twiſe in che Weeke, J giue tithe of all that J poſſeſſe. And the Publicane fan: ding afarre off, would Noth bp His eves to heauen, >) but tmote bis bef, faping , God be merctfuiltomea was glozious, fo that the chilojen of Iſrael | 4 D sayy 2. Cor. 3° ey, NES 5 | Cx - 3 1 finner, 9 telipou, this man departed home to bis. houſe, iuſtiſfied moꝛe then the other ffo2reuerp man that exalteth himſelfe thali be brovaghtiow: tale that humbleth himlcife,thalibe evalied. — I Thexij. Sunday after Trinitie. Sz ci oo Fite Colle: 3 ae | A Lmiabty a cuerlattine God which art alwepes 5 moꝛe readyto heare, then wee to pray, and art Wont to giue moze then either we delire o: deferue:. powrt Doone bpon bs the abundance of thy mercy, _ forging bs thole things whereofourcontcienceis 4 afratd,and giuing vnto bs that, that our prayerdare. not —— to cae through Fetus. bei our Lord cach erutt ——— — chau to 600 ey Ward. not that we are fufficient of our lelues Ato thinke any thing as ofour felues: but if we be able vnto any thing, the ſame comineth of God. which bath made vs able to miniſter the new Getta? ment, not of theletter, but of the ſpirit: for the letter Killeth. but the Spirit gtueth itfe. Fe the miniſtrati⸗ on of Death, theough che letters figured in fones, not behoide the face of Motes for the alor ot Dis countenance (which glozy is done away +) Wop 9* — — The xiij.Sunday after Trinitie: not themintiration of the Spirit be mutch moze ato: ‘rious? Foꝛ tithe minifiration of condemnation bee glorious, much moze doeth the miniſtration of righ teoufnetle exceed in glory. he Goſpel. Pay — Elus departed fromthe coalles of Tyre Marke.7, and Sidon, and came Onto the Seaof 31. [2B | we = Galilee, thorow the mids of the coats UN Ss “i oftheten cities. Andthey broughe onto J == him onethat was deake, and had an im⸗ pediment in bis fpeach :and they prayed Him to put bis band vpon him. And when hee had taken bint a: {ide from the people, be put bis fingers into his eares and did {pit , and touched his tongue ,andlooked bp ‘to heauen and fiqhed, and ſayd vnto Him, Ephata, that is to ſay, Be opened. And ſtraightway his eares were opened, and tie Fring of his tongue was looſed, and he ſpake plaine, And he commaunded them that they ould telinoman. Butthe moze hee forbade them, fo ‘much the moze a great deale they pubitthed, ſaying, He hath oone allthings well, hee bath made both the deate to ae and the dunbe to tpeakie. | * @ The xij | Sunday after Trinitie. The Collect. “A kinda and mercifntl God, of whofe onely gitt 2it commeth that thy kaithlul peopie doe vnto thee true and laudable ſeruice:grant we beſeech thee. that we may fo runne to chy heauenly pꝛomiſes/ that wee ‘failenot finally to attaine the fame, theough sre phy our Loꝛd. The Epiftle. —— D aAbraham and his {eede were the aria Gal. 3.16 36 made, Detapeth not, Jn his ſeeds as many: | weet but In thyeeo ag otdne· which is Chit <« “2. za —_— E se The xiij. Sunday after Trinttie. This Alay that the Law, which began afterward bes pod foure hundzed ¢ thirty peeres , doth not difanull the Celament that was confirmed afoze of Gon vnto Chriſt ward, to mabe the pomite of mone effect. Foꝛ té the inheritance come ofthe Law,tt commerh not now of Promiſe:but God gave it to Abraham by promife, Wherelore then Cerueth the Latas the Law was ad: bed becaule of tranfcrellion (cil the teede came, to whom the Promiſe Was made) and tt was ordeyned by Angels inthe bandbdfa Mediatour. A Mediatour is not a Dediatour of one: but God is one, Asthe Law then againſt the pꝛomiſe of God? God fozbid. Foziftherehadbene a Law giuen witch could have giuen lile, then no doubt righteouſneſſe ſhould have come by theLaw. But the Scripture concdudeth all things vnder fine, that the promife by the faith of Jeſus Chik Hould be giuen to them that belecue,. The Gofpel.. “gaia be 10, 6 Abby are the eves which fee the things iy Luke 10. fea y that peette, For J tell pousthatimanp > ieee Pꝛophets and Kings Yaucdelireatofee tf hy (S23) | eholechings which pefee,and hauenot Gel ae & feene them, and to beare thofe things which pee heave, and haue not heard them. Andbes — vold,a certaine Lawyer foodbp, andtempteddim,. Hf ſfaxing. Datter, wobhat hall J doeto tnheriteeternalt | J life, He ſayd vnto him, wWbhatis written inthe Law⸗ Qa How readeſt thous? And he anſwered and fayd, Loue the 1020 thy God with aii thy heart; and with ail thy fovle, and with all thy ſtrength, andwithal | thy minde, and thy neighbour as thy telfe, Anohee fayd vnto Him, Thou haſt anſwered riqht: this doe, and thou thalttiue, But hee, willing to iuſtilie him · felfe, ſayd vnto Jeſus, And who is mpneighboury Jelſus anſwered and ſayd, Acertaine man deſcended frou — ~The xiiij Sunday after Trinitie. from Hierutalem to Jericho, and fell among theeties, which robbed Him of His rapment, ¢ Loounded Him anddeparted, ieauing him balfe dead. And it chan ceo that there came downe a certaine Prieſt that fame wapy, and vhhen he ſaw him, hee paſſed by. And like: wile a Leuite (when he went nigh to (beplacc) came and fooked on him, and paieabp. But acertaine Sa⸗ maritane, as he iournyed, came vnto him. and wher he ſaw him, he had compaſſion on him, and went to him and bound bp bis wounds, and powred in oyle and Wine, and ſet him on his owne beaſt, aud brꝛought Him Coa common Inne, and made prouiſion foꝛ him. Gnd on the morrow, when Hee departed, he tooke out twopence,and gaue them to the bole, and ſayd vnto him, Take cure okhim, and whatſoeuer thou {pers deſt more, when Icome againe, J will recompenſe thee: Which now of theſe thzee, thinkeſt thou, was neighbour vnto Him that fell among the theeues? And he ſayd vnto him, He that ſhewed mercp on hii. Then ſayd Jeſus to him, Goe and do thou likewiſe. @ The Xiiij, Sunday after Trinitie. The Colle&. (A mighty and euerlaſting God.ciue vnto bs the increaſe of faith hope and charity: and that wee may obtaine that which thou doek promiſe, maſie vs toloue that vohich thou dock command , through Je⸗ {ug Chut our 1020. _ xe: : The Epifile, SS (2, S ay, Walketu the Spirit ,and fulfill not the He od ber littoftbhe fet. forthe fet luſteth contraty Gal. 5. 6 Sto the ſpirit, a the ſpirit contrary to the fleſh. — Thet⸗ ave contrary one to another, ſo that pe cannot Doe whatſoeuer pe would. But and il ye be ted of the | Spirit, then are ——— the Law. The deeds of the 4 The xiiijSunday after Trinitie. the fiet are manikeſt, which are thete: adultery, korni⸗ Luke.17. tO Cation, bncleanneffe , Wantonnefle, worſhipping of F- mages , witchcraft, hatred, variance, seale, wrath, ftrife,feditions, fects, enuping, murther, drunkennes, gluttony, and tuch life, of the which F telpou before, as J haue told you in times pat,that ther which com: mit fuch things, ſhall not bee inheritours of the hing: dome of God. Contrarily, the frutt of the Spiritis toue,toy peace, iong fuffering, gentleneſſe, coodnefie, faithfulnefle, meekenefle, temperance :againgt ſuch there is no Law, Chey trueip that ave Cheiftes, bane. crucifizd the fleh with the affections and luſts. The Goſpel. woe QD ft chancedas Jeſus went to Hieruſa⸗ s& lem,that hee paſſed thorowo Samarta and WA Galilee And as he entred into.a certaine. FANG towne, there met him ten men that tere — — Lepers, which food afar off,and put foot» wei voyces, and ſayd, Fefusmafer, baue mercy on bs. When he fatothem , be layd vnto them, Go, hein pour ſelues vnto the Pricttes, And itcame topafie, that as thep ment, they were cleanfed, And one of thent, when be fate that he was cleanted turned backe againe; and with a lovod boyce praiſed God, and Feit. Downe on his face at his feet, and gaue bim thankes, and the fame was a Samaritane. And Fefus anthoes red, and ſayd, Are there not tencteanted? But where. are thofe nine 7 Chere are not found that returned a⸗ gatne Co. giue God praple, faue onelp this ſtranger. And hee ſayd vnto him, Ariſe, goe thy way, thylaith hath made thee whole. @ The xv Sunday after Trinitie: TheColle&, — K Eepe we beleech thee, D Lord, thy Church with thy perpetual mercy: and becaule the fratity of Brana { The xv.Sunday after Trinitie. _ Man Without thee cannot but fall, keepe bs cuerby - thy belpe, andiead vs fo all things profitable to our faluation. ners,bue citizens with the Saints,and 10. Nid Of Che Houhould of God, care built vpon yb. Che foundation of the Apotties 4 20: xe phets, Jelus Coit himſelle being the _ “Head comer Cone: in whom what building ſoeuer is coupledtogether, it groweth vnto an holy temple of the Lord, in whom ve alſo are built together,to be ait habitation of Gad through the holy Gyoſt. The Gofpel. =i Pomas one of the twelve, which is cats ohn 20. EP) 12h (cd Didymus was not with chem WHE 24. Ga Kew Seluscame. The other diſciples there: CA laa fore fapd onto biin, Wee haue feene the AG er?) ‘1010, But he ſaid vnto them, Creepe g feet bis handes the print obthe naples, and pist mwy finger into the printotthe nailes, aud thzut mp * Ax into bis ſide, J wilnotbeleeue, And after — The Conuerfion of S, Paul. dapes.again his difciples were within, and Chomas with them. Chen came Fels tohen the Doozes were fhut,¢ food in the midſt, and ſaid, peace be vnto pou. And after that, Helatd to Thomas, Bring thy finger hither,and fee my bands , and reach hither thy band, and thzutt it into my fide, and be net faithiele,buthes leeuing. Thomas anfwered, and laid vnto him, My Loꝛd, and mp God. Fetus ſaid vnto him. Chomas,be- cauſe thou bak ſeene me,thou batt beleeued. Bleſſed A&s.9.1. are they that baue notleene, and yet haue belecued. And many other fignes truely did Jeſus in the pees ferme of his diſciples, which are not weitten tn this booke. Chele are weitten,that ve might beleeue,that Fetus Chik ts the Sonne of God, and that in belees ing pe might haue life thzough his Mame. @ The Conuerfion of $.Paul. The Colled. G Od which haf taughe alt the world, though the pꝛeaching of thy bieficd Apottle S.jaul, grant, we befeech thee, that we which haue bis wonderfull conuerfion in remembance, map follov and fulfill thy holy doctrine that bee taught, though Jeſus Chak our Lozd, | : The Epiftle. ND Sat pet breathing out threats AN enings and flaughter againſt the diſci⸗ pies of the 1020, went bnto the bigh C5 Dre, anddelired of him letters to : carieto Mamalcotothe Spnagogues, that ik hee tuund any of this way, (were they men 02 women)hee might being them bound to Hieruſalen And when hee tourneped,tt forztuned that ashe was come nigh to Damalſco, ſuddenly there ſhined round about bun alight from heauen, andijee fell to “if earth, The conuerfion of S. Paul. earth, and heard a voyce, faving bntobim, Suvi, Saul why perſecuteſt thou me? and be lapd , What art thou Lord: And the Lord favd, Jam Fetus, whom thou perſecuteſt. It is hard fo: thee to kicke -againt the pricke. And be both trembling and affo- nied fapd, Lozd, what wilt thou haue me todoe? And the Lozd ſayd vnto him, Arifeand goe into the citie, andit hall betold thee what thou mull doe, Che men pobich io urneyed with him ſtood amazed, Hearing abovce, butfeeing no man. And Saul arofe from the earth, and when be opened his eyes, hee law no man: but they led him bp the hand, and brought him into Damaſco. And hee was thzee dayes without ſight, and neither did eate nor dꝛinke. And there was a certaine diſciple at Damaſco, named Ananias: and to him ſayd the Lord in a viſion, Ananias. And heſayd, Behold, Jam here Lod, And the Lord ſayd vnto him, Ariſe, and goe into the fireet which is cal: {ed Straight, and leeke in the houſe of Judas after. onetalicd Saul of Charfus.. Foꝛ behoĩd hee pap: eth, and hath ſeene in abtfion aman named Anant: Ags comming in vnto Him, and putting his handson him, that he might recetue his fight. Chen Ananias anſwered, Lord, J baue beard bp many, of this. man, how much euill he hath Done tothy Saints at Hieruſalem.And bere he bath authozitie ofthe high Peieſts,to bind alithat callon thp Name.Che Loꝛd fayd bnto him, Goe thy wav, fo2 he is achofen veſſel butomee, tobeare mp Name before the Gentiles, and Kings, andme childzenof Iſrael. Foꝛ J wiil hew him bow great things bee mutt fuffer for mp ames fake. And Ananias went his way, and en: tredinto the boule, andputhis hands on him and fayd, Brother Saul, Che Lod that appeared vnto theein the way ag thou cameft bath fent me, — thou — ‘Marth. ! 19.27. very Chꝛilt. "The Conuerfion of 8. Prul. — thou mighteſt receiue thyſight, and be filles with the holy Ghoſt. And immediately there fell from His eves as it had bin ſcales, and be received fight, andarofe, and was baptiſed, andrecetued meate and wag come forted. Chen was Saul ceriaine dayes with the ait: ciples which were at Mamalco, Ant firaightway be preached Chriſt in the Spnagogues, how that hee was the Sonne of God. But ali tyat heard him were - amaszed,and (apd, Is not cyis be that ſpoyled them which called on this Name in Hieruſalein andcame hither kor that intent, that hee might being them bound vnto the high 2tels 7 But Saul increated the moze in ſtrength, andcontounded the Jewes which Diwel€ at Damaſco, affirming that thts was The Goſpel. n sus Z| Cter anſwered, a la d vnto Jeſus, Bee hold. we bate fo2fatien al,and followed ey 7 tice, what thall we haue therefore? Je⸗ | Fake? tustato bnto them, cerily 9 fap vito Padus” >ay YOU, that when the Son of man halt tie ta che leate of his Maieſty. ye thathauc follo wed me in the reqeseration,thalifitalic bpon twelue ſeates, and iudge the twelue tribes of Iſrael. And euery one toat fortaketh boule, o2 bꝛethren, 02 ſiſters, o2 father, ormother, o2 wife, o2 childꝛen, o2 fands, foꝛmy Names Cake, Hall receiue anhundzed fold, and hall inherite cucrialling itte But many that ave fick that belaiand the laſt hall be firſt. @ The Purification of $, Mary the Virgin. The Colle&, A mighty and euerlaſting God we Humblp be- feech thy Maieltie, that as thy onely begotten ſonne Was this Dap preſented inthe Cemple in ſub⸗ ſtance — ee ae — Saint Matthias day. ftance ofour fleſh: fo grant tbat we maybe preſented vnto thee wit) pure and cleare mindes, bp Jeſus Chꝛill our Loꝛd. ri The Epiftle. The fame thatis appointed for the Sunday. The Gofpel. . yas Denthe tine of their purification (af. Luk.2.22 *//d fe ter tie Law of Moles) was come, they NN E/E: bought him to hieruſalem, to preſent _ 1 Him tothe Lod (as it is written in the ay aa Law of the Lod: Cuery mai childe font fire openeth the niatrir, thal be called Holy to tie Lod) ¢to offer (agit igfapdin the Law ofthe 102%) a payre of turtle Douizs,02 two pong pigeons, And be- bold, there was aman in hieruſalem, whole name Was Simeon, ard the fame man was iuſt and godly, and looked fo2 the confolation of Iſrael, and the bolp Gholſt Was in him. Andan anlwere had berecetued of the holy Ghot , thathe thould not feedeath, ercepthe firſt Taw the Lord Chk. And became by inſpiration into the Gemple, hap. — day. The Colle&. J Ait Lmighty Bond, which tn the place ofthe traytour Judas, diddeſt chuſe thy fatehfull ſeruant Wat: thtas to be of the number of the twelue Apofties: grant that thy Church being alway preſerued from | falfe apoſtles, map be ordered and guided by fatthiull- and true Paſtors, thrꝛough ani Chriſt our Lod. e Epiſtle Hie J — M thofedapes Peter Lood pinche middves aigir-1 52, My is (6) ofthe Diſciples, and ſayd, (the number of | ie EN names tyat were together, were about ar: hundꝛed ————— men and byeth: we. é ¢ Saint Matthias. aS this Scripture mutt needs haue bin fulfilled, which the holy Gholk through the mouth of Dauid, fpake before of Judas, which was guide to them that tooke Fetus. Foz be was numbed with os,and had obtat: ned keillovoſhip in this mintfration. And p fame bath now polſſeſſed a plat of ground with the reward of ints quity,and when be was hanged. burſt afunder in the middes , andall bis bowels guſhed out. And it was fnowen onto all the tnhabtters of Hieruſalem, info: much p the fame field is calied in their mother tongue Acheldama,that tg to fap. Che bloody fielde. soz itis written tn the booke of Plalmes, Bis habitationbe bopd, and no man be dwelling therein, and his Wt fhopzickelet another tale. wherefore, ofthele men which haue companied with bs (all the timethatthe Loꝛd Jeſus had his conuerlationamong $3 , begin: ning at tbe baptifine of Zohn, vnto that fame day that ‘be was taken vpfrom vs) muff one be oꝛdeined tobee A witnefle with bs of his refurrection, And thep ap- poynted two: Jofeph, which ts called Barſabas ‘whofe furname was Juſtus) and Watthtas. And when they praped, they fayd. Chou 102d, which knowel the hearts of all men, fhew whether of thefe two thou batt choſen, that he may take the roome of thisminifration and Apoſtleſhip, trom which Ju⸗ das by tranfaretiion fell, thathe might goe into his ovone place. Andthey gaue foorth their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias, and be was counted with thee⸗ leuen Apoſtles. The Goſpel. Matt.in. RO pe 2 hat time Jeſus anſwered, and fapd, J — I thanke thee, D father, Lord of heauen Se and earth, becaule thou haf hidde theſe eer things from the wiſe and prudent, andbae ſhewed them onto babes: erily Father, —— — epee gate ria ki : Annunciation ofthe Virgin Mary. itthyaoodplicafure. Ail things are giuen vnto meof pe hae and no man kno weth the Sonne but the Father, neither knoweth any manthe father faue the Sonne, and he fo whomloeuer the Sonne will open him. Come bntomeall ye tyat labour, and are fader, and J will eafe pou. Cake myp yoke bpon pou, andlearne of me,foz Jam mecke and lowly mn beart, and pe hal finde ret vnto pour ſoules: fo2 my poke tg eafic, and my burden ts light. @q Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, The Colle&. A 7 € befeech thee, 1023, pomee thy grace into our hearts, thatas wee haue knowen Chait thy Sonnes incarnation by the mefage of an Angel: fe by. bis Croſſe aud pation, we may bee bꝛought vnto the glory of bis Relurreccion, though the fame Chꝛiſt our L020. | The Epiftle, e7 ex Dd f{pake once againe to Abas, faying, Efai,7, — Requireatokenol the Lod thy Gov. 10, 4 Lb (4&5 £9) vobether tt be toward the depthbeneath CANS LZ 02 Coward the beight aboue. Chen ſaid is wey ares Aas,'Z wil require none.netiher wil J tempt the Lord, Ana he ſaid Bearken ta, pee of the boule of Daud : Fait notynough fozvouthatve bee grievous vnto men, but ye mutt grieue mp God ailſo: And therefore the Lod hail giue pou a token: Be⸗ Holga Girgin hal conceiue and beare a Sonne,and thou bis mother ſhalt call his QName Emmanuel. Butter and hony Halt heeate; that hee niy know to refuſe the euill and chufetheqood, i 3 CHS: aor te Bb Gelpdoiin . ody’ a0 meres id. ithe fire moneths the Angel Gabriel Luke r, SANs) wasient from Ged, vnto a Citic of Galilee 26, ON named Nazareth; to a virgin ſpouſed toa children, caryed away witheuerp blaſt of bat Ant nunciation of the Virgin Mary. man, Whole name was FJofeph, of the boule of Ma: uid, and the birgins name was Mary. And the An⸗ gel Wentin vnto her. and ſayd, Haile full of grace; the Lozdis with thee, blefled art thou among woz mes. When fhe fato Him, the was abahedat his fay: ing, and caf in her minde. what maner of ſalutation {gat ſhyould be. And the Angel ſaid onto her; Feare got Warp, lor thou hak found grace with God: be: Hold. thou thalt concetue tii thp tombe, and bearea Sonne, shalt call his Mame Jeſus. He chalbe great and ſhall be called the Sonne ofthe Hhigheſt. And the Loꝛd God hall giue vnto him the ſeate of his father Dauid, and he ſhall raigne ouer the boufeofPacod fo2 euer, and of his kingdom there fhali be none end. Wien tatd Warp to the Angel, how Hall this bee, feeing FJ knownotaman? Andthe Anactanfiwered, andfatd vnto her, Che holy Gyoſt thaticome bpon tice, andthe power ofthe Higheſt ſhall ouerſhado w | thee; Cherefore allo that holp thing tohich halt bee | bose; thalibecalled, Che Sonne of God. Andber — hold thy coulin Citzabeth, thee hath alfo conceiued 4 fonne inher age, and this is the ſirt moneth; which twas calied barrett: fo2 with God nothing chal be in· poflibie, And Wary ſayd, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it vnto mo according to: thy pete Ana. the — —— tomers. J ¢ 6, Markesday, | | opecTheColea,) : | ‘A Umi God; eobiey Hatt inttrncteo thp poly | Church with che heauenly doctrin ofthy Cuans — geliſt S, Darke, give bs grace that wee bee not like trine: but Girmelp to be eftablithedinthetrutyotthy — bole Gofpel.theougy Fetus Chriſt our Lord. ee SQUETIACIGL ri + Epiltle, | SEA Mo cuery one of esis giuen grace, accore Ephe.4 7 it Ge AN ning to the mealure of tye gitt of Crit. Nwherelore be laith, when be went vp on Oo! biah, heeled capttuitie captiue and gaue " gifts vnto men, Chat hee alcended. what meaneth it, but that bee alfo Decended firk tuto the lower parts of the earth? Oe that delcended ts ever the fame alfo that alcended bp aboue all beauens,ts fkullill all things. And the berp fame made fome A⸗ pofies, fame Wophets, fome Cuanaelitts, fome Sheapheards, and Crachers, to the edifping of the Saints, to che worke and adminiftration, euen te: the edifping ofthe body of Chzif, till voce ali come to the vnitie of the faith and Knowledge of tbe Sonne Of God, vnto a perfect man, onto the mealure of the full perfect age of Chul: That wee hencefoorth ſhould bee no moze children, wauering and. carped about with eucry winde of Doctrine, by. the wili⸗ tiefle of mets, though craftinefle, whereby they tap waite fo2 b3 to decetue bs. But let vs follow che. Cructh tn loue, and inailchings grow tn him which ts the Bead ,cuen Cheiſt, in whom tf all the body be coupled and knit together thoꝛowout euery topnt, WwWherewith one miniſtreth to another (according to. - theaperation,as euery part hath bis meature) ye ine fou. the body, vnto the heat ofitfelé — ote. gen Wott Te: “The Gofpel: YRS oem the true bine, abo mp Satter is is Ich, I eo] 2 ENG pa&y ant bulbandinan. Cuery beanoh that 092% P£e), beareth not fruit in me he will take a- : (a eg, (Gace Wap: and euery branch that beareth iets fruit, willhe purge thatit may bring : — * mage finite, Pow * reẽ cleane; thyoughene 18 S. Philip and lames day. words tobich Jhaue ſpoken bnto pou. Wide inmee, and Fin pou, As the branch cannot beare fruit oeit {elfe, ercept If abide inthe aiine : no moze can pec. er: cept vec abitein mee. Jam the wine, pee are the branches. De that abideth in mee and J in him, the famebuingeth feozth much frutt, For without mee can ve do nothing. Ifa man abide notin ne.beiscak foo2') as a beanch, and ts withered,and men gather them and catt themintothe fire, and they burne. Fe ye abide in me, and my 0208 abide tipou,atke what ye wiil, and it ſhall be done fo2 pou; Herein is my ta: ther alozified, that pee beare much fruit, and become imp diſciples. As the father hath loued mee, even fo alfo baue Ficued pou: Continueyouin my loue, FE pe heepe mp commandements, vee thall abide in mp joue , euen as Jhaue kept mp fathers Commandes ments, and abide in his ue. Theſe things haue J fpoken vnto pou, that my iop might remaine in pou, and that pour toy might be full, @ S.Philipand Iames day, . ——— The Collect. Aright⸗ God, whom truely to know is eucrias Aſting life: grant vs perfectly to fnow thy Sonne Jeſus Cyriſt to be the Way, the Cruth, andthe Life, — as thoubat taught &, Philip ¢ other the Apoſtles though Jeſus Chriſt our Logd, | | The Epiftle, Ames the ſeruant of God. andof the Lod — Jelus Cyr , ſendeth \ greeting to the Ge twoelue Cribes which ave {catteredabzoad, My brethzen; count it fo2 an exceeding top, when pee fall into divers temptations : knowin this, Chat the trying of pour fatth qendereth pate ence, and let patience haue her pericct woke, that ve §.Philip and James. pe may be perfect and found lacking nothing. Ff any ofyou lacke wifedom,let him athe of him that giueth it euen God, which giueth to all men indifferently, and caſteth no mai tn the teeth, and it ſhall be giuen Hint, Out let him alke in kaith, and wauer not.ffoz be that Doubteth, ts like a wate of the (ca, which is tof _ Of the Windes,and carped with biolence:Reither tet that man thinke that be hal recetue any tytng of the 020.4 wauering minded man is vnſtable in all Hig toapes. Letthe brother which ts of low degree, re- topce when he ts exalted.Againe,let him that is rich, reioyce when hee ts made low: fo2 euen as the floure ofthe graſſe ſhall he paſſe away.Foꝛ as the ſun viſeth with heate, and the grafle withereth, and his floure lalleth atoay, a the beauty ofthe faſhion of it periſh⸗ eth: euen fo ſhall the rich man perith in bts wayes. Dappte ts the man that endureth temptation: foz when bets trped, he ſhallreceiue the crowne of Itfe, which the Lord Hath sheet + them thatioue him. : C€GOLPE). © Red ND Fetus laid onto his difciples, Wet not Ioh.14. 1 pour beartes bee troubled, Pee beleeue in 2S! Gop, belecue alfo in mee, Jn mp Fathers Houle ave many manfions. Ff it were not ſo. would haue told you. Igoe to prepare a place fo2 you: and 1f'F qoe fo prepare a place for pou, F wil come againe andreceiue pou, euen bute mp felfe, that twohere J am there may pe be alſo. And whither Igo yeknow. and the way yeknow. Chomas faith vnto bim, 02d, We know not tobhither thou goeſt, and how ts it poſſible fo2 03 to Know the way? Jeſus faith vnto bint, J am the way,and the Cruethand tte life, Qo man commeth tothe Ffatherbutbpme, Five had knowen me, pe had knowen mp Father alfo:and now vpeknovo him, and have oe Him. Philip faith —2 — er JJ Ss. Barn abe A poftle, him. 023, ſhew bs the Father,and it fufficeth vs.Je⸗ ſus ſaith vnto him, Haue J beene fo long time with you, and vet haſt thou not bnowen me? Philip, Hee that hath ſeene me.bath ſeene my father: and how fapett thou then, Shew bs the father? Beleeueſt Not thou, that F amin the father, and the fatherin ine? Che words that JF (peake vnto you. Iſpeake not of my (elle: butthe Father that dwelleth in mee, ts he that doeth the workes. Weleeue me that Jam in the father, and the father in me, 02 elfe beleene me for the works (ahe.aievelp, verily J fay onto you, be that belecucth on me, the works that Jdoe,the fame {hall he doc alfo:and qreater works then theſe hal he doc, becaule Jgoe vnto mp Father.and whattoeuer pe alhe in my same, chat will FZ doc. that the father may be glozificd bythe Sonne. Ji¢ee thal alße any thing in my Name, J will doe it. S. Barnabe Apoſtle. The Collect. L2 Almightie, which hak endued thy holy Apoe te Barnabas with fingular gistes of the Holp Shoſt: tet hs not he deſtitute of thy manifold giftes, 1102 pet of grace,to bfe chem altway to thy honour and | gloir, thꝛcugh Jeſus Cheriſt our Lord. The Epiſtle. JIdingsol theſe things came vnto the eares of the congregation which teas ee in Jerufalem, And they fent footy XH Barnavas, that he hould goe vnto An: ‘4 tioch. which when bee came, and had feene thee grace of God, wasaglad,anderbostedathent ail, that with purpofe of heart they would continus — allp cleatte bnto the Lod, Foꝛ he wasagoodman, — ‘and lullot the bolp Ghat, and. of faith, am people Acts 11. 22 ~, Se — S.Barnabe Apoſtle. people Was added vnto the Lod. Chen departed Barnabas to Carfus to fee Saul: and wher Hee Had found him,be bought him buto Antioch. And te chanced, thata whole peere thep Had thetr conuerfa- tion with the Congregation there,and taught much people infomuch that the difciples of Anttoch were tie irk that were called Chriſten. In thoſe dayes came Prophets trom the Citte of Hieruſalem vnto Antioch. and there food bp one ofthem named Aga- bus, and fiqnified by the Spirit, that there ſhould be Great dearth thoughout ali the world : which came to pafle inthe Emperour Claudius dapes, Chen the diſciples euery man according to His abilitie, purpo⸗ fed to fend fuccour vnto the brethren vohich dwelt in Jury: which thing they alfo did, and ſent it to the El⸗ ders by the bands of Barnabas and Saul, The Gofpel. | His is mpcommandement,that velour ,.1,., 5.12 © 2%, together as J baue loued pou, Greater ew touchath no man then tits, Chat a es man betow his life fo2 bis friends, De are my friends, it ye doe whatfoeuer J commana pou. Pencefoorth call 4 uot pou feruants, fo2 the feruant inoweth not what His Lord doeth: but poubaue F called friends, fo2 all things that J haue beard ofmy Father, FJhaucopencd vnto you. Pebaue not chet me, but J have cholenrou, and ordeined pouto Coc avd being koorth frutt, and that pour fruit Hould remaine,chat whatloeuer pee aſke of the Father in my Name, he may giue it you. @ Saint Iohn Baptift. | | vo | — The Collet. e i A miigite dod, by whofe prouidence thy feruant 4John Baptiſt was — ——— and a SiGe, ; ua 4 | = a? — — ‘at - S.John Baptift. topꝛepare the toay of thy Son our Sautour by prear ching of penance: make bs fo to follow his Doctrine, and holy life,ehat woe may truely repent,accozding to his preaching, eafter bis erample contantlp ineake J Eſa.40.1. toe trueth boldly rebuke vice, and patiently fuffer fo2 the truths ſake, thr ough Jeſus Chriſt our Load. an The Epiſtle. Fane Ce of good cheare, my people, D-ypee Pro⸗ * phetg, comfort my people, faith pour. God, § ES) comfort Dierufalem at the heart, and teil wo ber that ber traucilis atan ende, that her offence is pardoned, that thee hath. receiued of the ‘Lozdes band (uffictent cozrection foꝛ all her fnnes: A bopee crpedinthe wildernefic, Prepare the wap of the Lozde tn the wiloernetle , make ſtraight tye path fo2 our Godin the delert. Let all valleys bee eralted, and euerymountaine and hill be laid tome. © Mhat ſo is crooked,let tt be made ſtraight, and let the rough bee made plaine fieldes. For the glozp of the Logde thatl appeare, and all fich ſhall at once ſee it. Foꝛ why? the mouth of the 1020 bath ſpoken it. Che fame bopce {patic, Now cry, andthe Peophet anſwe · red, What hall Icry! Chat all fleth is graſſe and that all the goodlineſſe thereofis asthe floure.of the field. The graſſe ts withered, the floure falieth away. E⸗ ucn fois the people ag graſſe, when the brꝛeach of the Lord bloweth bpon then. Neuertheles. whether the grafle wither, orthat the floure fave awap, pet the wo2d of our Godendurety koreuer. Goe bp dito the Dich Hill, D Sion, thau that bringeſt good tpdings, iit bp thy bopce With power ,D thou preacher Hte- rufalem.life tt bp withoutfeare, and fap vnto the ci⸗ ties of Suda, Behold pour,God, behold, the Lorde God hall come with power, andbearerulewith his arine, Beholde, He bringeth his trealure with enn S.lohn Baptiſt. andbis workes goe befoze him. Hee hall keede bis flociie iifie a yeardman, he thal gather the Lambes to: gether with bis arme, andcarp chemin bis bofome, aid hall kindly entreat thoſe that beare yong. The Gofpel. ) Lisabeths time came that {hee ould Luk.1.57 be delivered, and ſhee brought foorth a fonne, And ber neighbors and ber cou: fins beard lap, how the 1.020 bad ſhew⸗ edareat mercy bpon Her, andretoyced withye ber. Andit foztuned, thatin the eight dap they caine to circumciſe the child, and calied bis name Fa- chary, after the nameofhis father. And bis mother anfwered,and fain, Mot fo, but his Name thall be cal: led John. And they (aid bntoher, Chere is none of thy kindred that is named with cis name. And they made lignes to his father, How he would haue him called, And he affied foz writing tables, ¢ weote, lay⸗ ing, Dis name ts John.And they maructicd all, And bis mouth was opened immediately, and bis tonque alfo, ¢belpake and pratied God. And fearecameon ail them that dsecit niah onto bim. And all thele ſayings bere noiſed abzoand throughout ail the high countrey of Jury, they that heard them layd them by in their hearts, ſaying, What maner of child thatt this bee? Andtbhe band of the Lod was with Him. And bis father Zacharias was filled with the holy Ghoſt, and prophelted faping, Praiſed be the Lod Godof Iſrael, forzhebath viſited and redeemed bis peopie,and hath raiſed vpan bone offaluation vnto vs in the boute of hts feruant Mauid,cuenashe pro⸗ — mifed by the mouth of his holy Prophets, which vwere lince the woztd began. Chat we houtabe faned from our enemies,and from the hand of att that hate i bs. That he would deale mercifully with * “ ers, S. Peters day. thers, and remember bis holy Couenant: Chat hee would prefozme the othe whtch bee fware to our fa: ther Abraham, fo to give bs, Chat we being deltues red out Of the hands ofour enemies might ſerue Him without feare all the Daves of ourlife, in ſuch holi⸗ nefle and righteouſneſſe, ag ave acceptable foz bim And thouchtiide ſhalt bee catled the Prophet of the. Higheſt: fo2 thou ſhalt goe befoze the face ofthe Lod to pꝛepare his wayes. Co giue knowledge of ſalua⸗ tion vnto bis people for the remiſſion of ſinnes, through the tender mercie of our God, whereby the day Spring froman high bath viſited vs. To giue {ight to them that fit in darkneſſe, and in the hadow ofacath, and to guide our feet into the way of peace. And the childe grew, and wared ſtrong in ſpirit, and was in Torldernefie cil the day came when he ſhould ſhew himlſelle bnto the Iſraelites. ¶ S. Peters day, Al The Colle&. Bi Amiabtr God, which by thy Son Jeſus Chiff, | haſt giuen to thine Apoſtle S, Weter many ercet: | lent gifts,and commandedſt him carnettlp to feed thy ity flocke : make wee befleech thee, all Biſhops and Pa⸗ i flours diligently to preach thy holy word, ¢ the peo: Hit ple obedientty to follows the fame, that thep map ree | J | cetue the crowne ofeucrlafing qlozy, through Fetus J Chriſt our Loꝛd. han. The Epiftle. yy) (Acts 12.1 2206 T thelamecime, Herod the hing fret aa {ey ESched forth bis hands to bere certatne of : \e> the congregatts, ebe billed James the CPSAONS brother of John with the ſword. And MeSszx becaule he law tt pleated che Fetes, bee proceededturther, and tooke Peter alfo, Chen were : ‘1 it fe 3 bl 8 the ar. i i - - —W — ⸗ 7 = — = SS | 8. Peters day. | the dayes of ſweet bread. And when he had caught bint, He put hint inprifon alto, and deliuered him to foure quaternions offolviers to be kept, intending af ter Ealter tobzing Him fozth to the people. And Peter was kept in pꝛiſon. But prayer was made without ceafing of the Congregation vnto God {oz him. And inven Perode would haue brought him out onto the people, the fame night fept peter between two foul: dDiers, bound with two chaines, andthe keepers be- lore the ooze Kept the prifon, And behold, the Angel of the Lozd was there relent, anda light ſhined tn the habitation, and he tinote Peter on Che live, ¢ firs red him bp, ſaying. Ariſe bp quickly. and bis chapnes fellfrom his Hands, And the Angel fa:d vnto bint, Gird thy telfe,and bind on thy landals. And fo be did, Aird be faith vnto him, Call thy garment about thee, and follow ne, And He came out, and followed Him, and wit not that t¢ was truth which was done by the Angel, but thought that bee Had feene a viſion. When they were pat the fir and fecond watch, thep came onto the pon gate that leadeth vnto the City, which openzdto them by theowne aceczd: and thep went out, andpaficd thzougy one ſtreet, and foo2th- With the Angel Departed from Him. and wen Peter was conte to himfelie,be laid, ow FZ finow ofafure: ty, that the Rod bath (ent bis Angel, and bath deli⸗ uered me out of the band of Herode, and fromalithe waiting of the people of the Jewes. | ' The Gofpel. | — > Hen Felus came into the coaſts of the Ma.i6.3. WI9/S City, which is called Cefarea Philip⸗ | DNV vi. bee alked his Diſciples, faving, ey "Ds WMA Thom doe men fay that FJ the Sonne 7 —otman am? Chey fapd, Some fay that cthou art John Baptiſt, (ome Clias, Come Jeremias. —— ——1 Acts 1}. ee eS ee ee ee —— S.James the Apoftle. or one ofthe Prophets. Hec faith onto them, Wut whom fay pee that Jam? Simon Peter anfwered and (aid, Chou art Ch2il the Sonne of the liuing Gon. and Jeſus anfwered, and laid onto him, Hap: pyart thou Simon the fonne of Zonas: fo2 leh and biood bath not opened that vnto thee, but mp Father whichisin heauen. And J fay vnto thee, that thou artPeter,and bpon this Kocke wit FZ build mp Con: gregation,and the gates of Hell hall not pꝛeuaile a- gainſtit. And J will gtue vnto thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen: and whatſoeuer thou bindeſt in earth, hallbe bound itt heauen: and whatloeuer thou looſeſt in earth,ſhall be looſed tn heauen. ¶ Saint Iames the Apoſtle. The Collect. Raunt,D mercifull God,that ag thine holy Apo⸗ fie Janes, icauing bts father and all that he ad without delay was obedient bnto the calling of thy Sonne Fetus Chik .and followed him : So toe fo2- faking al worldty and carnal affections, may beeuer- moze readpto follow thy Commandements.thzowgh Fetus Chat our Lord. | nee The Epiftle. . f2 thofe dayes came Prophets from the <4 Be] Citte of Hterufalem vnto Antiocy. And (EN) there foode bp one of tyem named Aga: WANS cing g Be Lag SS HY, and fignified by the Spirit, that there ſhould bee great dearth thoughout all the FS Aa eo : A ) Wwooꝛlde, which came to palſe in the Emperour Clau- Dius dayes. Then the difciples, euerp man accoꝛ⸗ ding fo His abtilitie, purpoled to fend fuccour vn⸗ tothe beethecn which dwelt in Jury: which thing ‘they alfodid, and {ent tt ta the Ciders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul. At the fame time Heros the tc ing —E— ee — — se! lr ee a amesthe Agniie,c ‘ Ring ſtretched fo2th his hands to bere certaine of the Congregetion. And hee hillea James the brother of John voit che fwo2d: and becaule be faw it pleated tive Jewes,he proceeded further,aud took Peter allo, 9 The Golſpel. | — aed, Wet caine to him the mother of Zebe⸗ Matt. 20, oY | (SS, dees childzen, with her ſonnes worſhip⸗ 20, hi@w ping dim, and deſiring a certaine thing ef him And be ſaid vnſo her, What wiſt Var 22 thou? She lſaid onto him, Grant that theſe mp two ſonnes mapttt, the one on thy Right band, and the other on the left.in thy Bingdonme.But Jeſus anſwered, and fapd, Ve wot not what pe alfie. Are pe able to drinke of the cupthat J ſhall drinke of? and to be baptized with the baptifine that Jam bap- tised with? Chey fatd onto hin, We ave, He fayd vn⸗ tothem, De thalldzinke indeed of inp cup, and be baps tifed with the baptiſme that Fam baptised with: but to fit on mp righthand and os my left, is not mine to: giur, butit hail cyance vnto them thatit ts prepared foz of mp father. And when the ten heard this, they diſdained at the two brethrẽ. But Jeſus called them bnto hin, and ſayd, De know that the princes of the nations haue dominion ouer thetn,and thep thatare Great men exerciſe authoritie bpon them. It Hal not be fo among you. But whoſoeuer wil begreat among. pou, let him be pour mintiry, and whoſoeuer wilbe chiete among vou, fet him be pour feruant: Euen as the Son of man came not to bee miniſtred buto,buc to miniffer, a to giue his life aredemption fozmany.. q S. Bartholomew Apoftle. dr eek . The Colle@. O Maniabty and enertatiing God, twhich bat gi — ven grace Co thine RMT cue : ‘ ~~ _ Luke 22, 24. -- §.Bartholomew Apoftle. to beleeue and to pzeach thy word:grant we befeech thee bntothy Church,bothtolouethathebeleeued, — and to preach that bee taught, through Chzitt our { Aogd, The Epiftle, paw ee PD thebandsof the Apofties were ma⸗ Ya) JAG ny ſinges and wonders hewed among 2A the people: and thep were all together — P vith one accoꝛd in Salomons porch. seer dc, And of other durſt no man ioyne bin: iclfe vnto them: Neuertheleſſe, the people magnified ; them. Che number of them that beiceued in the q Lozd, both of men and toomen grew moꝛre and moze, infomuch that they brought the fiche tnto the ireets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the leat Way the ſhadow of Geter when hee came. by might ſhadow ome of them. Chere came alfo a multitude out of the cities round about, buto Jeruſalẽ, being: ing ſicke folkes, and them which were hered with vncleane ſpirits, and they were healed euery one. eer 7 ry bhe Golpelg:>° sete era aes Saas 2B there wasa Grife among thein, N wobich of them fhould feemeto bee the 3 ae 3 — dead ſaid vnto keg foF ht) Vo iitigs of Mations retgne ouct thet, SOAS and they that haue authozitie bpon them, are called gracious Loꝛds: but pe all not fo be. ut he that is greateſt among pou, hall be ag the vonger.and be thatis chicie,halibeas be that doch minifer. fo2 whether is greater, Hee that ſitteth at meate, 02 bee that ferueth 7 Is not hee that citeth at meat? Out Jam among vou as one that minifirety. De are they whtch haue bidden With me in my temp: tations, Ano" appoint butopou abingoom,as, father hath appointed onto me, Chat pe may — Lee. Wo » sl wre s? ——————————————— ll 3 SS. Matthew the Apoftle. Danke at my tablein my hifigdomte, and lit on leates iudseing the twelue tribes of Iſrael. @ S. Matthew Apoſtle. The Collect. * Ablright, Bod, which by thy bleſſed Sonne diok cali Matthevo front the receitofCuitome, tobe an Apoſtle and Euangiliſt: Grant vs grace to forſake alicouctous delires ¢ inoꝛdinate foue ofriches, and tofollomthy Said Sonne Felus Chriſt, who liueth andreiguety with thee ad the Holy Goll, ae... 1c pi Ce — MIEN, Cina that wee haue fuch an Ditice, e + 2,Cor 45. Ko Coho, uct as God hath mercy on bs,tore goe 1. bad not outof Kinde, but haue call from vs ay lag” the cloahesot brbonet, ¢ walke not CSG in craftinelle, neither handie wee the 1010 of Bod deceitfully, but open the tructh,and rez port our (eines to euery mans conſcience inthe fight of God, It our Goſpel dee pet Hid. i¢ is Hid. among them that are tof, it whom egod of this world Hath blinded the mindes of cheint which beleeue nor... ief the light of the Golpel of the alozp of Chrit (wbich ts theJ nage of God) Hould hine vnto then, For We preach not our ſelues but Chri Fetus to be the 102d, and our ſelues your ſeruants for Fetus. fake, For it is God that commandeth the light to: hine out oldarknes which bath hined in our hearts, ue to giue the light ofthe —— of the glorr of Vedn — face of Fetus Coit, ° ~ i 7 ** The Goſpel. he das Jeſus patten font krõ * © Matt,93. NGS} fat aman named Watthew.fteingat 6" Se Ne Shara etotenie-anpbeato he ſaid vnto foie, Wx Hit, Folow Me And he arole, kolowed SD MCICS inane came “aa Jeſus a ea ee) ws ) ad — * Apoc.12. & 7 S. Michael and all Angels. atmeate in his houſe, bebold, many Publicanes al⸗ fo and ſinners that came, fate Downe with Jeſus and bis diſciples. And when the Phariſees {aw it, thep ſayd to his diſciples, Why eateth pour mater with Publicans and ſinners? But when Jeſus heard that,he ſaid vnto them, Chey shat be ſtrong need not the Phyſitian, but theythat are ſicke. Goe ve rather and learne what that meaneth : FZ will haue mercie, and not facrifice: Foz Jam not come to call the righ: tcous, but inners to repentance, @ S, Michael and all Angels, The Colle&, Verlaſting God, which halk o2dained and conſti⸗ tuted theſeruices ofall Angels and men in a won⸗ derfullorder:mercifully grant, that they vohich al⸗ wap doe thee ſeruice tt heauen, may by thy appoint⸗ ment fuccour anddecfend bs th earth, theough Jeſus Ch2it our Loꝛd. : | : ‘) >> «¢ >The Epuftle. | —5 Here was a great battell in heauen: WMichael and his Angels lought with Sve the Dragon, a the dragon fought with : D his Angels, and preuailed not, neither af So 4 was there place found any moꝛe in hea⸗ uen. And the great dragon that old ferpent calicd the . = deuill and Satanas, was caſt out, which deceiucty ali the we2ld, And be was cat into tye carth,and dis angels were cat outalfo with. him, And 3 bearda lowde voyce, ſaying, In heaven ts novo made ſalua⸗ tion, and ſtrength, and the kingdom otour God, and the power of bis Chk. Foꝛ the accuſer of our bre- threrts call Downe, which accufed them before God Day and night, And they ouercame him by the blodd ofthe Lambe; and bp the word of hegegene * S.Michael and all Angels. and they loued not their Hues vnto the death. Chere: fozereiopce pe heauens, and pee that dwellin them, Woe batothe invabiters of the earth , and of the fea, for the deuillis come Downe vnto pow, to¥ich hath great wath, becaufe he kno wet that be bath buta fhozt time, The Gofpel. Mat.13. b to Fetus faying, nabots the aveatctt in 2 the kingdome of heauen? Fetus called Wo achilde vnto hin, and fet him tn the toes middett of them, and ſaid, Werily J ſay bnto pou,ercept pe turne, and become as children, pe fall not enter into the kingdome of heauen. Whoſo⸗ euer therefoze humbleth himſelle as this childe, that fame ts the greateſt in the kingdome ot heauen. And whofoeuer receiueth ſuch achtlde in mp Mame, ree ceiueth me, Out who fo doth offend one of thele little ones which belecue in mee, it were better foz Hine that a milſtone were Hanged about bis necke, and that be were drotoned in the depth ofthe Sea. Woe vnto the world becaufe of offerices. Neceſſary it is that offences come :but woe buto the maby whont - the offencecommeth, Wherefore, ifthy bandoz thy foote hinder thee, cut them off, and caſt them from thee : itis bitter fo2 thee to enter intolife bait oz mat: med, rather then thou ſhouldeſt ( hauing two Hands, 02 two feete ) bee caf into euerlaſting fire. And tf thine epe offend thee, pluckett out, and caſt it from thee: tt ig better fo2 thee fo enter into life with one epe.vather then (bautng two epes)fo be caſt into bell five. Cake heed that pee delpife not one of thele litte ones.Foꝛ J fap vnto pou, thatin heauen their An⸗ gels do al wayes behold the face of mp Father, tobich is in heauen. * P @ 8. Luke : | The Collect. A Lmighty God, which calledſt Luke tie Phyſici⸗ at, whole praiſe is in v Goſpel,to be a Phyſician ofthe ſoule:it map pleaſe thee by the wholeſome me⸗ dicines of His doctrine, to Heale all the diſeaſes ofour ſoules through thy Sonne Felts Chit our Low, The Epiſtle. —— 2.Tim.4, WSBsse Beh thouinal things, futier afflicti- B Of, doe the worke theoughly of an E⸗ TAH trangelift, fulfill thine office vnto the bt- =) termoft. Belober. fo2 F am noto ready AA to be offered, and the time of my depar: tingigatyand. Jhaue foughtagoodfight, Jhaue fuifitied mp courfe, Jhaue kept che faith. Frõ hence forth there ts layd bp fo2 mee a Crowne of righteoul nes, which the L020, thatis arighteous fudge, hail giue me at Chat day, Not tome onely, but toall them thatiouchiscomming. Mo thy diligence that thow mareſt come Hhoztly bnto mee, Foꝛ Demas hath fo2- faben mee, andioueth this prefent world, tis depar⸗ ted vnto Theſſalonica. Creſcens ts gone to Galatia, — Titus vnto Malmatta,onlp Lucasis with me. Cake Darke, and bring him with thee: (02 beis profitable brito me fo2 the mintiration, 4nd Tychicus haue J fent vnto Epheſus.The cloake that Jleft at Croada : with Carpus, when thou comme, bring with thee, and the bookes, but {pecially theparchment. Alexan — der the Copperfinith did mee much cul, the Lord re= Ward Him accozding to his deedes: of whom be thou ware difo,foz he hath greatly withitood our words, Lukero, gee —=y De Low appointed other ſeuentie and two |e Alloys anid {ent them two and two before pimieife would come. Cierefozre hee fapd bnto — | them, The Gofpel. Oma Din nto eueryp citte and place, whither bee them, The harueſt is great, but the labourers are — feta, Pray ye therfore the Lord of the harueſt to ſend forth labourers into bis harueſt. Go your waves, be: botvde, 4 tend pou foorth as lambes among wolues. Weare io wallet, neither (crip, nor hoes, and falute noman by theway. Into whatſoeuer boule pee ens ter, fir fap, Peace be to this houſe. Andifthe ſonne of Peace bee there, pour peace ſhall reſt vpon him, it not, it hall returne to pouagaine. And tn the fame haoule tarp Hill, eating and drinking fuch ag thep i giue: For the iabourer is worthyol his reward. ~ @Simonand Iude Apoſtles. The Collect. A Lmighty Bod, which batt builded thy Congre⸗ gation vpon the foundation of the Apoſtles ana Prophets, Jeſus Chet himlelfe being the bean cor⸗ ner ſtone: grant bs fo tobe topred together in vnitie of ſpirit by their doctrine, that we may be made an Holp temple aecepeabte to thee, thr ough Fetus Chꝛriſt orate The Epiftle. ey roe, das theleruant of Fetus Chet, the luder: SEG LS beother of James, tothem which are 285 Ree» called andfanctifiedin God the father, Ze and prelerucd in Jeſus Chk, merce vnto pou, and peace,and loue be muitt- * Beloued when Igaue all diligence to weite vnto vou of the common faluation, it was needfull fo2 me to weite vnto pou, to exhoꝛt you that pe Mould continually labour in the faity, which was once gi- tien vnto the Saints. Foꝛ there are certaine vngodiy men craltilycrept in, ofbobich it was voritten afeze- time vnto ſuch iudgement: they turne the grace of out toyed —— — God — is - ! — doueiuy Simon andIude Apoftles, ~~ onelp 102d) and our Lord Felus Chit, My minde is therefore to put poutn remembeance , fozafmuchy ag pee Once knowe this.how that the Lozd.after that hee had delinered the people out of Egypt, deſtroyed them which after belecucy not. Che Angels aifo which Kept not their fir eſtate, but left their owne habitation, bee bath referuedin euerlaſting chaines vnder darkeneſlſe, onto the iudgement of the great bap. Cucnas Sodom and Gomoꝛrhe, andthe cities avout hem , which tn like maner defiled themſelues with foznication, and followed range fletb , are {et foo:th fo2 anerample, and fuffer the patne of eternalt fire, Like wife thefe being decetucd by dꝛeames, defile the fleſh, deſpiſe rulers, and ſpeake euill ofthem that are in authoꝛitie. : The Gofpel. P) . Tohnrs. J Viscommand F pou, that pe loue toges J 17. Ie Dy, ther. Ff the wozldbate rou, peknow it ay) vated me before tt hated pou. Ff pe were <= ofthe worzld, the wold would loue bis <2) owne:Hovobeit, becaufe pe are not ofthe haue chofen pou out ofthe woꝛld, theres thep both fecne and bated , not onelp me, but alfomp Father, a te | i , uy oy ; i — — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — 2 LPL — — Father. Wut this happeneth , that the ſaying might be fu filled that is wzittewin thew Law, Chey hated mee withoutacaule. But when the Comfozter is come, whom 3] wiilfend vnto poutrom the father, euen the Spirit of trueth. which proceedeth of the Father, he Halltchifie ofme. And ye ſhall beare wit: neſſe ailo, becaule pe haue bene with me from the bes sinning. sf Hg @ AllSaints. ert The Colle&. A Linighty God.tobich bak knit together Cop elect in one communion and fellowibhip , in the myſti⸗ call body of thy Sonne Cyr our Lord: graunt bs — grace fo to follow thy holy Saints in all bertuous and godly living , that wee may come to thofe vn⸗ f{peakeabie topes , which thoubat prepared for then that vntainedly loue thee, theough Jeſus Cheiſt our Loꝛd.Amen. 7 TheEpiftle,: | — Eholde, J John ſawe another Angell af Avoc.: > Si cende from the rifing of the Sunne, © wae Niecy Which bad the feale of the lining God, #7 and yee ctyed witha loude bopce to the — * * foure Angels, to whom power was gi⸗ uen to hurt the earth, and the lea , faving, Burt not tie catth. neither the fea neither the trees cit wee haue ſealed p feruants of cur God in thetr foreheads. And Jheard the nuinber otthemwhich were fealed, and there were fealed an hundred andforty and foure thouſand of all the tribes ofthe chiluzen of Iſrael. _, Di the tribe of Juda, were ſealed xii. M. Mf the tribe of Reuben, were fealed rif. M. | Mt the tribe of Gad, were fealedrti. M. | Mf the tribe of Aer, were lealed xii. M. Df the tribe of kins yaa fealed — 3 J ee Fe 4 “eee Matt.5,t. Qe AllSaintsday. "" Otthe tribe of Danafles, were fealed xii. M. Di the tribe of Simeon, were fealed xii. M. Di the tribe of Leut, were fealed xii. M. Othe tribe of Iſachar, were ſealed xii. M. Di the tribe of Fabulon, were ſealed xii. M. Di the tribe of Joleph, were ſealed xii. M. Di the tribe of Beniamin, were fealed xii·M. After this J beheld, and lo, a great multitude which no man can ntinber ) ofall nations, and people, and. tongues. food befoze the feat,and befoze the Lambe, clothed with long white garments, and Palmes in their hands, ¢crped with alowde boyce, laying, Sal⸗ tation be aſcribed to him that fitteth bpon the feat oF our God, and bnto the Lambe, And allthe Angels oon tn the compaſſe of the feat, ¢ ofthe Ciders, the foure beatles, ¢ fell before the ſeate on their faces,and Worhipped God faping, Amen: Bleſſing; and glory and wiledome,and thankes, and honour, and power, and might be vnto our Good fſoꝛeuermoꝛe. Amen. rane © yatligne cdvhe Golpek . OFS = 9 SV io ee Elus ſeeing the people , went bp into a —mountaine, and when Hee was lethis Q229 PL» dilciples cameto him. Andafter.that (Pes| hee hadopened his. mouth shee taught Co Sate them laxing, Wielledare the poore in {pirit,fo2 theirs is the hingdome of heauen. Bleſſed are they that mourne, ſor they hatl recetuc comfort... Wielfed are the meeke, for they ſhall receiue the inhe⸗ ritance of the carth. Bleſſed are they that hunger and thir after righteouſneſſe, for they mall be ſatiſfied. Bleſſed are the merciful, foz they hal obtetne mercy, Bleſſed are the purein heart, ſor they ſhall fee Good, Bleſſed are the peacemakers, foz they hall bee called the children ok God. Bleſſed are they which tufier perſecution foꝛrighteouſneſſe ſake, ſor (Heirs is the kingdome ningdome of heauen Bleſſed are pe when ment reuile pou,and perſecute pou,and ſhall falfly fay all manner of eutllfayings again pou foz mp fake, reioyce ¢ be qlad.fo2 great is pour reward in heauen.Foꝛ fo perfe- cuted thep the Prophets which were before rou. ¢ The order for the. Admini- {tration of the Lords Supper, or 7 Holy Communion. S O many asintend to be partakers of the holy Commu- nion,fhall fignifie their Names tothe Curate ouer night, or els in the morning afore the beginning of Morning prayer,or immediately after. b ANS, And ifany of thofe be an open and notorious euill liuer, ſo that the Congregation by himis offended,or hane done any Wrong to his neighbours by word or déed : the Cu- _ rate hauing knowledge thereof, fhall call him,and aduer- tife him in any wife not to prefumetothe Lords Table; Vantill he haue openly declared himfelfe to haue truely _fepented and amended his former naughty life, thatthe Congregation may'thereby bee fatisfied, which afore were offended, and that hehaue recompen(ed the par- tics whom he hath done wrong vnto, or at the leaft de- _ clare himfelfe to be in full purpofe fo to doe,as fooneas _ heconueniently may. 7 : - ‘The fame order fhall the Curate vfe with thofe betwixt whom he perceiueth malice & hatred to reigne,not {uff- fering them to be partakers of the Lords Table, vatill he know them to be recõciled. Andifone of the parties fo -atvariance , be content to forgiue from the bottomeof his heart ; all that the other hath trefpaffed again{t him, and to make amends for that he himfelfe hath offended, _. & the other party will not be perfwaded to a godly vni- _ tie, but remaine ftillin his frowardnes and malice: the —_— fF 4 Minifter - Minifterin thar cafe ought to admit the penitent perfor: ~ tothe holy Communion,and not him thatis obftinate; The Table hauing atthe Communion timea faire white linen clothvp6 it ſtall ftand in the body of the Churche or inthe Chancell,where Morning prayer and Evening prayer be appointed to be faid, And the Prieft ftanding atthe Northfide of the Table,thall fay the Lords prayer withthis Colle& following: J _ .q¢ The Communion... ay — Lmighty Ged, vnto whom all hearts iN ce be opett.. all delives knowen. and from whom no: fecrets are Hid: cleanfe the 8 thoughts of our hearts by the inſpira⸗ ¶ Then ſhalltlie Prieſt rehearfe diſtinctly all the ten Cons- mandements: and'the people kneeling, ſhall after euery Commandementaske God mercy for their tran{gref- fion ofthe fame after this fort. Hi: oh : Minifter.. | Ati | G Mo fpake thele words, efatd. Jam the Lord thp God: Thou iar —* none other Gods but me, _ People. | Lord haue mercy vpon bs,andtncline our hearts. to keepe this Lawe. Minifter,? 212029196 ©) faeng Wes Chou thalt not make to thy felfe any grauen J⸗ image, noꝛ the likeneſſe of any thing thatis in heauen aboue ,o2 tithe earth beneath.o2 nthe water vnder thecarth, Chou ſhalt not bow Downe tothew,noz ⸗e· woꝛ shtp them: lor the Lord thy God ama ee 3 OD, God/ and vilit the ſinnes ofthe fathers vpon the chil⸗ dren, vnto the thirda fourth generation of chem that Hate mee, and ſhevo mercy vnto thoufands in them that loue me,and een mp Commandements cop C. ‘02d Haue mercy vpon — * —* incline o out r hearts to keepe this RKaow — — Thou ſhalt not take the Name ofthe Lesa thy God in vaine: Foꝛ the Loꝛd will not holde Hint guiltleſſe that taketh his Name —— habeas copie ROLt ION BBG ie) 020 haue mercy vpon 08, and incline our hearts to kcepe this Law. Minifter. Remember that thoukeep holy the Sabboth Dap. Sire dares ſhalt thHoutabour , and doe all that thou Hatt to Do, but the feuenth dap is the Sabboth of the Loꝛd thy God. Fn it thou Halt do no maner of woke, thou, and thpfonne, and thy daughter, thy man fers : Uant,and thy maid (eruant,thycattell,and the ſtran⸗ | ger that is within thy gates: For in fire dayes the Lord made heauen and earth, the Sea and all hatin themis, and reſted the feuenth dap : Wherelore the Lord bleſſed the agai sou Spe gate et copie 3 Lord haue mercy bpon OB, and incline our bearte to heepe this Law. Minifter. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy dapes map be long in the tand which the Lordthe God gi⸗ ueththee. QUAY ! People. Loꝛd haue mercy vpon vs incline our hearts to ieche ihis Law. Pil yea inifter, —— 1 oe - ~ Minifter, Tboutalt dono murther. cople, * Lord baue mercy port 085 ‘and frctine our bent 3 to neepe this Law. Miniſtet. Thou wait not commie ulter, i copie. “plow re ppott bs, and incline our —* to heepe thi s Law Miniter. — Cheurbalenot ale. fdo3 Lord haue mercy bpen 08, an incline our eat fo licepe this Law. Chou thal not beare fale wanen again thy sicighbour. | p €o le e i. Loꝛd haue mercy vpon bs; and incline our bearts tokeepethis Law. NMiniſter. Chouchalt not couet thy neighbours houte. Thou ſhalt not couet thy neighbours wife,no2 bis ſeruant. noꝛ his mayd/noꝛ his oxe, noꝛ bis alle, noz any thing that is his. X People. Loꝛd haue mercy bpon bg, and weite all thele thp Lawes in our Hearts, wee beleech thee. Then thallfollowthe Collet of the day;with one of thefe two colle&s following for the Kings > the prieft ftanding vp,and faying. @ Let be pray. eX Lmighty God, whole kingdome is euerlaſting. and power infinite baue mercy vpon the be on⸗ Congregation,and fo rule the heart of thy choſen ſer⸗ vant Janes our Bing ¢ Governor , that he kino w- ing whole minttter he 18, may aboue all things feeke thy honour and glozy,and that wee his ſubiects,due⸗ Ip confidering whole authozitiehee hath, map kaith⸗ fullpferue, honour, and humbly obey him, tn thee, and kor thee accozding to thp bleſſed word and ordi⸗ nance, through Jeſus Chik our Lorꝛd, who with thec andthe holy Ghott liueth and reigneth euer one God, world without end. Amen. Lmightie and euerlaſting God, we be taught by hyholy woad, that the hearts of Kings are in thy rule and governance, and that thou doeſt diſpoſe and turne them,as it ſeemeth bet to chygodiy wiſedome: we humbly beſeech thee ſo to diſpoſe and gouerne the heart ol James thy ſeruant, our Hing and Gouer⸗ tour, that in all his thoughts, wordes And workes, Hee may euer ſeeke thy honour and glory, and ſtudy to preferue thy people committed to his charge, in wealth,peace, andcadlinefie: Grant this, D merci full father, for thy deare Sonnes fake Jeſus Chriſt out Lod.amen, » @4Immediatly after the Colleas, the prict fhall read the Epiftle beginning thus. >’ Tyhe Epittie writteninthe Chapterot. q And the Epiftle ended, he hall fay the Gofpsl aa ning thus’. Che Golvel written inthe Chapterok. Andthe Epiftle and Goſpel being ended, fhall be {aid the Creed, Ba EQ Beleette in ore God, the Father Atmightic, Bay (es Malier of heaven and carty,andofall things 2A WS pifivic and inutlibie : andin one Lord Fetus Chu, the oneip begotten Sonne of God, begot: * of bis Father befoꝛe all woꝛlds, God . fate VNAMEAIUII — Light of Light — God of very Gop, begotten not made, being of one ſubſtance with the Father, by whom alithings were made: who for vs men, and foz our faluation,came downe from heanett,and was incarnate by the poly Ghok ofthe birgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified alfofo2 bs vnder Pontius Pilate, He tufred.and was buried, andthe thivd Day be tole againe,accozding to the Scriptures and alcended into heauen, and {itteth on the right hand ofthe father. And he thail come againe with Glozy to iudge both the quicke and the dead : whofe hingdome ſhall haue no ende. And F beleeueinthe holy Shek , the Lozd and gtuer of life, who procee⸗ Ddeth from the Father and the Sonne, who with the Father andthe Donne together is worshipped and gloriſied wholpake bythe Prophets. And J beleeue one Catholique and Apoſtolique Church. Jacknow⸗ ledge one baytiſme fo2 the remiffion of finnes. And J Jooke foz the: refurrection of the dean, and ¢ stipe life of the worid to come. Amen. | @ After the Creed iftherebeno —— ſhall follo one ofthe Homilies alteady fetfoorth,or hereafter to be {et foorth by common authorities; 100 @ After {uch fermon,Homily, or Exhortation,the Ciitate fhall declare vnto * people, whether there be any Ho- ly dayes,or Faſting dayes the weeke following and ear- neftly exhort them to remember the poore, faying one or moe of thefe fentences following as he thinketh moſt conuenient by his diſcretion. [_Stvour light fo thine befoze men; that they map fee pour good workes, and gloꝛitie pour father which is in heauen. Lay not bp fo2 pour ſelues treaſure vpon theearth, where * ruſt and moth doeth cozrupt, anv roeeues. theeue * 2 Opa. The Communion. theeues breake thozow and fteale: but lap bp fo2 pour ſelues treafure in heauen, where neither rut no2 moth Both corrupt, and where thecucs do not beeake. thorow and ſteale. Whatſoeuer pee would that met Mould doe vnto Matth.7. pou, euen fo doe vnto them for this ts the Laweand the Prophets. Not euerpone that faith ontome,Lo2d,L0d,thatt Matth.z. enter into the kingdome ofheauen: but he that doeth the wiilofimp father which is in heauen. | Zache Kood foo2th , and ſaid vnto the Lorde, Be⸗ Luke ro. Hold L020, the halfe of my goods FJ giue to the pooze, and it Jhaue done any wong Coany man, JF refoze fourefoulde. — WMho goeth a warrefare at any time of Hig owne 1.Cor.o. cott 7 nebo planteth a ainepard.and eateth not ofthe frutt thereof? 02 robo feedeth a flocke, and eateth not of the milke of the flocke. o It we haue ſowen vnto pou {pirituall things ,isit 1.Cot-.9. agreat matter it we Hal reape your wozldly things? Woe pe not know, that thep vohich miniſter about 1. Cor.9. boly things, line of the facrtfice? and they tobich wait of the altar, ave partakers with the altar? Cuenfo bath the Lord alfo ozdatued , that thep which preach _ the Gospel, ſhould liue of the Goſpel. Hee that foweth tittle, thall reape tittle: and hee 2,Cor.9. that foweth plenteoufly , hallreape plenteoutly , let euery mando according as He is diſpoſed in bis heart, — notgrudaing,o2 ofnecellitic, for Godloucth a cheere⸗ full giuer. Let him thatis taught inthe word, miniller vnto Salat. 6. Him that teacheth , in all good things. We not decei⸗ ned, Godisnot mocked: foz whatfoeuer a man ſow⸗ eth. that ſhall be reape. | — while we haue time, let bs doe good vnto all — The Communion. | rome Seppe Dito them which ave of the houtwold of al ; ait r) 4 1,Tim.6, Godlineſſe is great riches ika man be content with that be hath:foꝛ we brought nothing tnto the world, aie neither map wee carp any thing out. Tim.«. . Charge them which are rich inthis wold, that they vee ready to giue, and glad to diſtribute, taping bp tn ſtore for themfelues a good foundation againtk | the time to come,that thep map attaine eternal life, Hebr.6, Godis not vnrighteous, that be will forget your Woꝛkes and labour that proceedeth of loue, which loue ve haue ſhewed for bis names fake , which haue miniſtred Onto the Saints,and pet do ménifter, Hebr.13. To doe geod, and to diſtribute foeget not, foz with {uch facrifices God ts pleated. tJoh.3, Wyho lſo hath this worlds good, and feeth bis byes ther baue need, and ſhutteth bp his compaſſion from | Him, Hobo dwelleth the loue of Godtn him? Tob.4. Give almes of thy goods, and turne neuer thy face x from any pooze man, and then the face of the Lode = Mall not be turned away from thee. Tob4. %Wemercifuilafterthy power. Ikthou hatt much, give plenteoutly, Ifthou bal littic, do thy diligence qiadlp to giue of that littte : for fo gatherett thou thy felfe a good reward inthe Day ofnecellitie. — Prou.ro, Hethathathpity bponthe pooze,tendeth vnto the Sheds ‘ag and looke what hee layeth out. ſhall be payed Plſal4t. Bilieſſedbe the man that prouideth fo2 the ſicke and ncedie: the Lorde hall detiuer Him tn the time of troubie. | @ Then fhall the Churchwardens , or fome other by them appointed , gatherthe denotioa ofthe people, and put the fameinto the pooremans boxe, and vpon the offe- ring days appointed, euery man and Woman fhall pay to a "Fhe Communion. to the Curatethedue and accuftomed offerings, After . which done, the Prieft fhall fay. : Let os pray fo: the whole fate of Chꝛiſts Churcy militant bercinearth. A Lmiahtr and euerliuing Ged, which bv thy ho- iy Apoſtle ball taught bs to make prayers and Capplications, andto giue thankies fo2z alimen: wee humbly befeech thee, moſt mercifully (toacceprour sf therctens almes , and) to vecetue thele our prayers, which wee wercvore, offer Ditto thy diuine Maieſtie, belecching thee to in⸗ {pire continuatly the vniuerſall Church with the tpt: nec tecien rit obtrueth, vnitie, andconcozd: and grant that alt «*- they that doe confelle thy Holy ame, may agree in the tructhot thy holy word, and liue tn vnitie and godly loue. Wee beleect thee alfo to ſaue and defend all Chꝛiſtian Kings, Pꝛinces, and Gouernours, and ſpecially thy ſeruant James our Hing, that vnder Him wee nap be godly and quietly gouerned. And quant bnto his whole Councell,and to all that be put in authority vnder him, that thep may truely and in⸗ Differently miniffer iuſtice to the puniſhment of wie⸗ kedneſſe and vice, and to the matntenance of Gods true Religion and vertue. Giue grace (D heauenlp ffather)to all Dithops, Patours and Curates, that they map both by theirlife and doctrine (et forth thy - true and lively 02d, and rightly and duely admini⸗ fier thy holy Sacraments, And to all thy peoplegiue thy beatteniy grace, and {pecially to this Congregati⸗ on bere prefent, that with meeke heart and due reue⸗ rence they may heare and receiue thy holy word, tru⸗ ip feruing thee tit Hotpnefie and righteouineffe ali the Dapes oftheirlife. And we moſt humbly beſeech thee of thy goodnefle(D Lozd)to comfortand fuccour all them which in this tranſitory life bee tn trouble, ſor⸗ ss fi ? 2 * i os The Communion. | row, reed, ſickeneſſe, or any other aduerfitie: Grant this, D father, fo Jeſus Chꝛriſts fake our onely me: Diatour and aduocate. Amen. @ Then hhall follow this exhortationat certaine times, when the Curate fhall fee the people negligent to cometo the holy Communion. AD € be come together at this time (dearly belouedbzethzen) to feede at the Lords Supper, vnto the which in Gods bes halfe J btd rou all that be bere preſent, * and beſeech pou for the Lord Jeſus Chattes fake, that pe will not refute to come thereto being (0 louingly called ¢ bidden of God himlelfe. De firlow How grieuous a vnkinde a thing itis, when a man bath prepared a rich) keaſt, necked his table with all finde of pouition, fo that there lacketh nothing but the gheſts to ft Downe, and pet thep which be cat- ied (Without any cauſe) mot onthankefullp refute to come. Which otf you tn ſuch acafe would not bee mooued? who would not thine a great iniurie and wrong Done bnto hint? Wherefore moſt dearely belo: Lied in Cheiſt, Calie pee good Heed, left pee, withozaw: ing pourfelues from this holpfupper,peouoke Gods {indignation againſt pou, It is an eaſie matter fo2a man to ſay, J will not communicate, becaufe Jam otherwiſe letted with wozldly buſineſſe: but ſuch excuſes be not fo eafilp accepted and allowedbefoze God. It anyman fap, J am agrieuous finner, and therefore am afratde fo come: wherefore then doe pou not repent and amend? When God caileth pou, bee you not athamed to fap pe will not come? When pou ſhoubo returne to God, wii pou excuſe pour felfe, and fap that you bee not readp ? Confider earneſtly with pour felues, How little fuch fained ercules hall auatle before God. They that refuted aden — oſxel, — The Communion. Goſpel, becauſe they hadboughta farime, oꝛ would try their pokes of oxen, oꝛ becatule they were married, were not fo erculed, butcounted vnworthyof the heauenly feat. J fo2 my part am here peelent,and ac: cording to mine office. bid pou tn the frame of Goo, FJ cali pou in Chꝛiſtes bebalfe, Jexhoꝛt you, as you loue pour otone faluation,that ye wiilbe partakers ofthis holy Communion. and as the Sonne of God did bouchfafe to peeld bp his ſoule by death bpon tye Croiie for pourhealth, euen ſo it is your duette to re⸗ ceiue the Communion together in the remembzance of his death,as be himlelfe commanded. Now, ifpee will in no wife thusdoe, confider with pour ſelues, How great iniurie pou Do vnto God, and how foze pu- niſhment bangeth ouer pour Heads foz the fame, And whereas pou offend God foloze tnrefuling this holy banquet. Jadmoniſh, exhort.a beleech you,that onto this vnkindneſle pee will not adde any moze: which thing pe hall doc, tf pe Land by as gazers and lookers on them that doe communicate and be notpartakers ofthe tame pour felues. Foꝛ what thing can this bee coaunted els,then a further contempt ¢ vnkindneſſe onto God? Truely it is a great vnthankefulneſſe to. fay nay, wher pebe called:but the fault is much greater, when men Land by,anod pet will neither eate | 102 drinke thts holy Communton vith other.F pray | you, what can this beelfe.buteuen tohauethe my: | ſteries of Cheiſt in deriſion? Ft is ſayd vnto all, Cake ye, and cate, Take.and drinke pe all ofthis, Doe this in remembrauce of me. with wat face then.o2 with what countenance halve heare thele words? hat Wwil this be els but a neglecting, a deſpiſing, and moc⸗ kingofthe Teſtament of CH 7 woberefore, rather em then ve ould fo do, depart you hence,and ciue place. ~ to them that bee godly diſpoſed. But when voude⸗ és : — MQ par f, The Communion. — part, J befeech pou ponder with your felues frome wohomye depart, Pe depart from the Lords table, ye depart from pour brethren, a from the banket of mok Heauently food. Theſe things tfpee earneſtly confider, 4 pe ſhall by Gods grace returne toa better minde, foz | the obtaining whereot we (hail make our bumble pe: | titions, Lobite we hail recetue the bolp Communion, @ And fometime fhall this be faid alfo, at the difcretion of the Curate. Senne Carely beloued,forzatinuch as our duty YX is torenderto Almightie Godour hea: 3 4 tientp father molt hearty thankes, fos that he hath giuen His Sonne our Sas ulour Jelus Chꝛiſt.not onelptoodie for: bs, but alſo to be our ſpirituall food and ſuſtenance. as it is declared vnto vs aſwell bp Gods word, as by the holy Sacraments of hts bleſſed body a bicod, the which being focomfoztable a thing to them which receiue it worthily, and fo dangerous to them that Will prefume to receiue tt vnworthily: my duetie ts to exhort pouto confider tie dignitie ofthe Holy my⸗ fferic,and the great perill of the vnwoꝛthy receiuing thereof, and fo to {earch and eramine pour owne cons ſciences, as you fhould come holy and cleane to a mot godly and heauenly feat , fo that in no wile pe come but in the marriage garment required of od in holy Scripture, and fo come and be vecetued, aS worthy partakers of ſuch abeauenly Cable. Che way and meanes thereto, ts: irl toeramine your liues aud conuerfation by the rule of Gons Come maundements, and wherein foeuer pee Hail pers ceiue pour felues to haue offended, etther bp will, 02D, 02 deed, there bewaile pour owne ſinfull liues, and confefle pour felues fo Almighty God, with full purpofe of amendment of tile, And tf —* ak, alt The Communion. fhall perceiue pour offences tobe ſuch, as be not ones ip againſt God, butalfo again pour neighbours : then pou fhallreconcile pour ſelues bno them, ready to mate reſtitution and fatiffaction , accozding to the vtterinoſt of pour powers, fo2 alliniuries ¢ wongs Dore by pou to any other, andlibewwile being ready to forgiue other that haue offended pou, as you would haue forgiueneſſe of your offences at Gods hand : foz otherwilſe the recetuing of the holy Communion doth i * nothing elle but increaſe pour damnation. Aud be⸗ cauſe it is requifite b no man ould come to the holy Communion , but with afull tru in Gods mercy, and with a quiet confcience : therefore if there be any of rou, whichbptbemeanes aforeſayd cannot quiet his ovvn conſcience but requireth further comfort o2 countfell, thenict bim come tome , 02 fone other diſ⸗ creet andiearned Miniſter of Gods word, and open - bis ariefe, that be may recetue fuch ahottip counfell, ~ adutfe,andcomfo2zt .as his conicience may be relies ued, and that by the miniferp of Gods woꝛd Hee may receiue comfort, and the benefit ofabfolution , tothe quietitig of bis confcience , and auoyding all fcrupte anddoubtfulneffe, _@ Then fhallthe Prieft fay this Exhortation = wee Carely beloucd tn the Lord, pee that Zminde Co come (othe Holy Communion S.of the body andbiood of our, Sauiour IZ Chik, mus confirer what Saint Paul * writeth to the Corinthians, bow be ex⸗ hoveett all perſons diligently to trie ecramine them⸗ ſelues, before they pꝛeſume to cate of that bꝛead, and drinke ofthat cup.Foꝛ as the benefit ts great, tf with atrue penitent heart and liuely faith we recetue that holy Sacrament (fo2 then we ſpiritually eat the fleſh Of Chu, & dpinke His —— dwell in ag on ; M2 an The Communion. _ and Chitin vs, weebeone with Chꝛiſt, and Coie with bs:) Dots the danger great, il wee recetue the fame vnworthily. For then we be quiltteof the bodie andbiood of Chit our Sauiour: we cate and dzinke Our owne damnation, not con{idering the Los bo: dp: we kindle Gods wath again bs, voce prouoke him to plague 63 with diuers difeales, and ſundey Kinds ofdeath. ChereforetE any of pou be a blaſphe⸗ ‘Mer of God, an hinderer or ſſanderer ofhis word, an abulterer, oz bev in malice ozenuy, oꝛ in any other grieuous crime, bewaile pour finnes , and come not to this poly Cable, tel after the takingof that holx Sacrament, thedeutilenter into pou, asheentred into Judas, and Hil pou full of all iniquities, and: bring pou to deſtruction both of body efoule, Fudge therefoze pour felues, beethien, that pe be not iudged: of the Lord. Kepent you truely for your finnes patt : baue a liuely and feofak faith tn Chriſt our Sautour, Amend vour liues, and bein perfect cha: ritte With all men, fo ſhall yee be meete partakersof thofe holy myſteries And aboue allthings, vee muſt gtue mot humble aud Hearty thankes to God the Father, che Sonne, andthe baly Ghoſt, for the res. demption ofthe world by the death and paſſion of our Sauiour CH , both God a man, who did humbie himſellkeeuen onto the Death vpon the Croſſe for pos ziſergble ſinners, which lap in darkeneſſe and thes dow of death, that hee might make bs the children of @od, and evalt os to euerlaſting life, And to Che ende that we ſhould alway remember Cie evcecding great lowe of our Wafer and only Saviour? clus Chaff. thus dying fo2 bs, and the tnnumerable benefits Which bp His pecctous bloodſhedding be hath obtay: ied fo vs: he hath tnfituted and orrayned Holy mp» ſteries, as pledges of bis lowe, and continual — saree ~~~ The Communion. bzatice of his Death,to our great and endiefle comfort, — To him therefore, with the Father and the holy Ghoſt, let vs giue (a3 we are moſt bounden) continue all thankes ſubmitting our fe tues wholyto bis holy will and pleafure, and ſtudying to ſerune him in true oe andr righieoufielleal the Dapes ofour life, men. @ Then ſhall the Prieft ſayto them that come to receiue the holy Communion. Y Du that doe truely and earneſtly repent you of pour finnes, snd be in loue andcharity with pour - neighbours, and intend to leade a new life, following the Commaundements of God, and walking from Henceforth in bis holy wapes: Drꝛaw neere, and take this bolp Sacrament to your comfort, mate pour humble conteſſion to Aimighty God before this Con: gregation here qathered together in bis holy fi Mame, mechelp kneeling bpou pour knees. ¶ Then fhall this general Confefsion be made in the name ofall thofe that are minded to receiue the holy Com« munion, either by oneofthem, or els by one of the Mi- nifters , orby thePrieft himfelfe, allknecling humbly _ vpon their knees. A ianiaity Bod, father of our Lod Jeſus CH, _* }matker of all things, Judge of all nen toe Know: ledge and bewaile our manifoide finnes and wicked⸗ neſſe, which wee from time to time moſt grieuouſly haue committed, by thought, word, and deed, againſt thy diuine Datel y prouoking mot iuſtly thy wrath andindiqnation againſt bs. Wee doe earneſſtly re- pent, and bee heartily fozpfo2 theſe our miſdoings, the remembrance ofthem ts grieuous vnto bs, the burthen of them is intollerable: Haue mercy vpon vs, haue mercy vpon vs, moſt mercifull Father . for thy fonne. our Lod Jelus ow fake , forgiue * ~ TheCommunion — all that is palt, and grant that we may euer hereatter ſerue and pleate thee in newnes of Itfc, to the honour. and glogp of thy Name, through Jelus Chit our — 102d. Amen. ; ¶ © Then hhallthe Prieft or the Bifhop being prefent,ftand vp,and turning himfelfe to the people, fay thus. A Lmighty God our beauenty Father, who ofhis: great mercy bath promiſed forgiueneſſe of Mines foallthem which with Hearty repentance and true faith tuene outo bint: Haue mercy bpon you, pardon anddeliuer pou from ail pour ſinnes, confirmeand ſtrengthen pou in all goodnes, and bring you to euer⸗ lating life,chpough Jeſus Chek our Lord, Amen. Then ſhallthe Prieft alſo ſay. @ Heare what comtortable wozdes our Sauiour Chik ſayeth to all that truely turne to him. Come bute me al that trauell and be heauy laden, aiid J will refreſh pou. So God loued the world, that he gaue bisonly bes. gotten Sonne, to the end that alithatbeleeucin bit» hauld tot peri but haue life encrlaking,. ) ¶ Heare allo what S. Pauli faith. This isgatruclaying, and worthy ofallmen tobe receiued, that Fetus Chriſt came into cye world to faue finners, -@ Beare alfo what &: Fohutaithe — Ikanyman ſinne, wehaue an Aduocate with the- Father J eſus Cheiſt the righteous, and he is the pro⸗ pitiation fo2 our ſinnes. @ After which the Prieſt hhall proeed, faying.. Litt bp your hearts. Ant{were. : se lif them bp onto the Lord rieſt Let vs gtue thankes vnto orr Lord God. (3 Anfwere - The Communion, | ~ Anfwere, It femeete and right foto dee. Prieft. It is very meete. right, and our bounden duetie, that we homd at all times, and inall places, giue thankes vnto thee. O Loz,boly Father, Almighty, euerlaſtino God. ¶ Here fhall follow the Proper Preface,according to the -time,ifthere be any efpecially Appointed, or els immedi- atly thall follow, Cherefoze Wh Angels, te. ¢ Proper Prefaces. -@ Vpon Chriftmas day,and ſeuen dayes after. Cy Ccaufethou diddeſt gine Jelus Chk thine onely Sonne to bee bozne as this dap for vs, set WHO by the operattonof the holy Ghok was madz very man,of the ſubſtance ofthe Wirgin Mary hismother, ethat without ſpot of ſinne, to mate vs cleane from all inne. Cherefoze with Anaels, ec. ¶ Vpon Eafter day and feuen dayes after, Butchietſy are we bound to praile thee kor theglori⸗ ous relurrection of thy Sonne Jeſus Cheiſt our L020: forbe is the very Paſchal Lambe which was Offered f02 bs, and Hath taken awaythe finneof the {021d who by bis death bath deſtroyed death, and bp his riſing to life againehath refozed to. bs euerlatting lile. Cheretore with Angels, as. A Vpon Aſcenſion day and ſeuen dayes after | —J Prough thy mol searelp beloued Sonne Jeſus Chri our’Lo2d, who after bis moſt glorious re- ‘furrection manifeftip appeared to al bis Spoilles, and in their fight. aſcended bp into heauen to prepare | aplace foꝛba.that where he is thither might we alio aſccend and reigne with him in eas ae 7 bata and oe gels ac. aa OAc. ae pen The Communion. — € Vpon Whitfunday, and fixe dayes after.’ T drug Fetus Chrik our Lord, according to whole moſt true promife the holy Ghof came Dowie this day from Heauen, with a fudden great found, as it had bene a mighty winde, inthe likeneſſe of fierytongues lighting bpon the Apoſtles,to teach thent, and toleade them fo all trueth, giuing them both the gift ofdiuers languages, andalfoboldnefle with feruent zeale, conſtantly to preach the Golpel > pnto all ations, whereby wee arebzought outot darkeneſſe anderrour, into the clearelightandtruc ~ —-Rnotaledgeofthee, andotthy Sonne Jeſus Chriſt. Chereloꝛe with Angels.ac. ¶ Vpon the feaſt of Trinitie. is berp meet,vight.and our bounden duetie, that we ſhould at all times a in all places giue thankes to thee, D Loꝛd.Almighty. a euerlaſting God, which art one God, one 102d, not one only perfon, but three: perſons in one ſubſtance. Foꝛ that tobich we beleeue. of the glory of the father, the ſame we beleeue of the Horine.and of the bolp Ghoſt, withoutany dillerence 02 inequalitie. Therefore,ac. © @ After which Prefaces fhall followeémmediael “[ Berefoze with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company otheauen, welaud and magnifie thygloridus Qame,euermoze prayſing thee, and fay» ing, Holy, holy, holy, Loꝛd God of hoſts. Heauen and: shite Ashe sa Ofthp glory. Glory be tothes, O Loz ind. _ © Then fhal the Prieft skneeling downe at Gods board fay. inthe name of them that fhall receiue the Communi- on sthis prayer following. aK ag € doc not pꝛeſume to come te this thp Cable, Bf V, (es D merciful Lord, trating in our owne righ: GAAS! teoutnesie , but in thy mantfolbe and great: : merrica.. oe Oe Reale ae ee eT ee | , The Communion. mercies. We be not worthy fo much ag to gather bp the crummes onder thy Cable. But thou art the fame Loꝛd, whoſe propertic tg alwayes to, baue mercy: grant bs therefore gracious Lod, {0 to cate the fleſh of thy deare Sonne Jeſus Chak, and to drinke bis blood ,that our finful bodies may be madecieane by bis body, and our ſoules wathedthzough his moft pꝛecious blood , and that we may euermoze dwell in. him, and be in vs, Amen. ¶ Then the Prieſt ſtanding vp fhall fay as followeth. A Lmightr God our heauenly father, which of thy tender mercy diddeſt giue thine onely Sonne Je⸗ fus Chit to fuffer death vpon the Crofle foꝛ our re- demption, tobo made there by His one oblation of. himlelle once offered,a full, perfect, and ſuſſicient fa- crifice, oblation, and fatiffaction fo the finnes of the whole too ND.and did inſtitute, and in His holy Goſpel command bs to continue a perpetualmemorꝛvofthat his precious death, vntil bis comming againe: Deare 3,9 mercifull father, we beleech thee , andaqraunt that wee ictal theſe thy creatures of Beead and. Gthp Sonne our Sautour Jeſus Cheiſts holy tnlitutionin remembeance of his deaty. and paſſion,may be partakersot bis mot bieted body: Wine, accozding and blood:who inthe fame night that be was betray⸗ ed,tooke bread, and toben be bad giuen thankies bee bake it,and gaue tt to his diſciples faving, Cake, cat this is my body, which is giuen for pou, do this inre · membrance of ne, Likewiſe after Supper hee tooke the cup.aud when he had. giuen thanks, be gaue it to: them, faping, Brinke vee allofthis, forthts ts my bicodof the Nets Cekament , whichis ſhed for pou: and fo2 many foz the remiſſion ofſinnes: doe this, as. olt as ye ſhal drinke it,in remembzance of me, | © Then ſhallthe Miniſter firft receiue the B—— * ee a ee ee SS ee - - . TheCommunion, — bothkindes himfelfe, and nexedeliueritto other Mini. _ {ters (ifany bee there prefent): that they may helpe the chiefe Minifter, aud after,to.the people in their handes, * kneeling. And when he deliuereth the bread, he fhal fay. Te body ofonr Lord Jeſus Chit, which was ai: “ nen foz thee, prelerue thybody efoule intoeuer: | laſting life sand take and cate this , in remembzance that Chriſt died forthee, and feedeonhim tn thine Heart by faith, with thankeſgiuing. $) @ And the Minifter that deliuereth the cup, fhall fay. T He biood ofour Lod Jeſus Chriſt which was ſghed for thee, preferue thy body and foule into e: uerlaſting life: and drinke (his tnremembzance that Chꝛiſts blood was ſhed toz thee, and be thankefuil. ¶ Then fhall the Prieft fay the Lords prayer, the people repeating.after him euery petition. After thal be fayd as follow eth. | 7 SAG () Loꝛd and heatienty father, we thy humble ſer⸗ uants entirely delire thy fatherly goodnes , mer: cifullp fo accept this our ſacriſice of praple ã thankeſ⸗ giuing, mot humbly beleeching thee tograunt , that by the merits anddeath of thy Sonne Fetus Chiiſt. and through faith in his blosd, wee and all thy whole Church may obtaine remiſſion ofour finnes, and all other benefits ofbis.patlion, Gnd bere wee offer and preſent vnto thee, D Lord, cur felnes,our foules and. bovies, tobeareafonable, holy, andituely facrifice ‘pntotiee , humbly veleeching thee that al we which be partakers of this BolpC ommunion, map be fulfil: led with thy. arace and heauenly benediction, And al — though bore bee vnworthy, thozow our mantfolde finnes, to offer pinto thee anpfacrifice : pet we beteech thee to accept this our bounden duety and fertiice, - not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offert- ces, through Jeſus Chriſt our Lord, by whom, and hi With whom, in the vnity eftbe holy Gholt.al honour | andglozy be bute thee , OFather almighty World without end, Amen. q Or this. A banigity and euerliuing God, weimok heartily thanke thee, for that thou doeſt goucylate to feed | bs which haue duely recetuedthele holy myſteries, with the tptrituall food of the moſt precious body ana blood of thp Sonne our Sauiour Jeſus Chriſt, and dort alltire bs thereby ofthy fauour and goodnes to: Ward bs,and that wee be berp members incorporate in thy myſticall body, which is the bleficd company of al fatthfull people , and be alfo heires thꝛough hope, of thy euerlaſting kingdom, bythe merits of the moſt precious death and paſſion ofthpdeare Sortie: wee now moi humbly beſeech thee, Dheauenlp father, foto aif bs with thy grace, that vec map continue | in that holy tcliowihip,and doe ail fuch good workes. a3 thou batt prepared fo2 bs to walke in, through Je⸗ fus Chit our Lod, to whom with thee and the holy Gholſt, be ail Honour and giozy, worid without Ee “i Amen, . q Then thal be faydorfung, - G Lowy be to God on high, and in earty 7 peace, good r — men.Weprayle thee, we bleſſe thee, We worſhip thee, wee glorilie thee, wee giue thankes to thee forthygreat glory,/ D 102d Goo, heauenly Hing, God the father Almighty, O Lozd, the onely begotten Sonne Jeſu Chrift, O Loi God, Lambe. | | : | ae * — ts of God, Sonne ofthe Gather, that takeſt away the finnes of the wozld, haue mercy bpon bs. Chou that takett aay the ſinnes of the word, haue mercy vpon 3, Chou that takeſt away thi fumes of the 021d... receiue our pꝛayer. Chou that ſitteſt at the right hand owen the we mercy Laake 63... ffo2 thou = J —⸗ only: / TheCommunion, — onelp are holy,thou onely art the Lord, thou onely D Chil, with the holy Ghok art moſt bigh in the glory of God the Father,. Amen. ¶ Then the Prieſt, or the Bithop if he be preſent, fhal let them depart with this blefsing. T He peace of God which paſſeth all vnderſtanding keepe pour hearts and mindes tn the knowledge and loue of God, and of bis Sonne Jeſus Chꝛiſt our Lod, andthe blefling of God Almighty, the father, — the Sonne, and the holy Ghoſt, be amongt you, aud — remaine with you alwayes, Ainen. ¶ Colle&s to be fayd after the Offertory,when therets no Communion, cuery fuch day one.And the ſame may be faid alfo as often as-occafion fhalferue,after the Colle&s either of Morning and Euenin g prayer, Communion ot Letany,by the difcretion of the Minifter. PIE Slit vs mercifully, D Lord, in thee our hy Wj Cupplications and prapers , and difpote the SON wap of thy feruants tovoard the attainment oreneriatting faluation, that amongall the changes and chances ofthis mozcailitfe , thep may cuer be de- fended by thy moft gracious and ready belpe,through D2 our 102d, amen, O Almighty Lod and euerliuing God, bouchlafe wee befeech thee to direct ,fanctifie,a nd gouerne Loth our hearts ¢bodies inthe wayes of thy Lawes andin the workes ofthy Commatundements, that through thy mol mighty protection, both bere and euer, we may be peeferued tn body andfoule,thzough our Lozdand Sautour Jeſus Chꝛiſt, Amer. (3 Raunt woe beleech thee, Almighty God, that the 90258 wohich we haue Heard this day with our Outward cares, may through thy grace be ſo grafted inwardly in our hearts, that they may bꝛing foorth in vs fruit of good living. to the * and — _™ ~The Communion. pre of thy Name, thzough Jeſus Chriſt our Lord, men. PReuent vs, O Lorꝛd, inallour doings, with thy mot gracious fauour, and further vs with thy continuall beipe,that in all our woꝛkes begun, conti⸗ nued, and ended inthee, wee may glorifie thyholy Name, and finally by thy mercy obtaine euerlaſting life,thꝛough Jelus Chrilt our Lord. Amen. A Lmighty God, the fountaine of all wiſedome, which knowelt our neceflities before wee aflke, and our ignorance in atsing: we beſeech thee to haue compaflion vpon our infirmities, and thoſe things which fo2 our vnworthines we dare not, and for our blindneſſe we cannot affie, bouchflafe to giue vs , for. we wozthinelle of thy Sonne Jeſus Chriſt our Lord Amen. A Lmightr Goo, which bak promiled to heare the petitions of them that afte in thy fonnes Name, toe beleech thee mercifullpto encline thine eares to vsthat haue made now cur prayers and fupplicatt: ons bitte thee, and graunt thatthole things which wee haue fatthfuily aſked accoding to thy will, map effectialip be obteined, to the reltefe of our neceflity,. and to the ſetting koorth of thy alozy, theough Jeſus Chat our 10,0. amen. | ¶ Vponthe holy dayes (1f there be no Commnnion) fhal: be fayd all that is appointed at the Communion, vntill the endofthe Homily, concluding withthe generall prayer (forthe whole fate of Chriſts Church militant bere tit earth) and oncormoe ofthefe Collects afore rehear- fed.as occafion fhalferue. Andthere fhal be no celebration ofthe Lords Supper, except there bee agood number to: communicate with the Prieft , according to his difcretion. Andifthere bee not aboue twentie perfons in the Parith of difcretion to receiue the Communion, yet there fhall bee: no Publique Baptime.” no Communion, except foure or three at the leaſt commu- nicate With the Prieft. And in Cathedrall and Collegiat Churches, where bee many Priefts and Deacons, they hall all receiue the Com- munion With the Minifter euery Sunday at the leaft,excepr they haue a reafonablecaufeto the contrary. Andto take away the fuperftition, which any perfon hath or might haue inthe bread and wine, it fhall fuffice thatthe bread be fuch as is vfually to be eaten atthe Table with other meats, but the beft and pureft wheat bread that conueniently may begotten. And ifany of the bread and wine remaine, the Curate fhall haue it to his owne vie, Thebreadand wine for the Communion fhall bee prouided by the Curate and the Churchwardens , at the charges ofthe Parifh, and the | Parifh fhall bee difcharged of fuch f{ummes of moncy oro- ther ducties, Which Wr they haue payde forthe fame by order of their houfes cuery Sunday. And note that euery Parifhioner thall communicate at the leaft three times in the yeresof which Eafter tobe one, and fhall alfo receiue the Sacraments and other Rites, ac- cording to the order inthis booke appointed. And yeerely at Eafter , euery Parifhoner fhall reckon with his Parfon, Vicar or Curate, or his or their Deputie or Deputies , and pay tothem or him all Ecclefiafticall dueties, accuftomes ably due,then and at thattime to be payd, 4s The miniftration of baptifme to be vfed inthe Church, | Bw} 1 appeareth by ancient Writers, thatthe Sa- 24 bs 2) cramentof Baptifme in the olde time was not = ey commonly miniftred but at two times in the Seas yeere : at Eafter and Witfuntide: At which times it Was openly miniftred inthe prefence of al the Con- gregation. Which cuftome now being growen out of vfe, | although ~ Publique Baptifme. alchoughit cannot for many confiderations be wel reſtored again,itis thought good to folow the fame as neere as con. ueniently may be. W herfore the people are to be admoni- fhed,that itis moft conuenient that Baptifme fhould not be miniftred but vpon Sundaies,& other holy daies,when the moft number of people may come together, afWel for that thecongregation there prefent may teftifie che receiuing of them that be newly baptized into the number of Chrifts Chutch, as alfo becaufein the baptifme of Infants, eucry man prefent may be putin remembrance of his owne pro- fefsion madeco God in his Baptifme.For which caufe alfo itisexpedient that Baptifme bee miniftred in the Englifh tongue. Neuertheles, if necefsitie fo require,children may at all times be baptized at home, æ⸗ Publique Baptifme. @ When thereare children to bee baptized vpon the Suns day or Holy day, theparents fhall giue knowledge ouer night or in the morning afore the beginning of morning prayertothe Curate. Andthen the Godfathers, God- mothers, and pr ople with the children, muft be ready at the Font, either immediatly after the laft Leffon at Mor- ning praier,or els immediatly after thelaft Leffon at Eue- ning praier,as the Curate by his difcretion fhall appoint. Andthen f{tanding there,the Prieft thal aske whether the children be baptized or no. Ifthey anfWere no: then fhai - the Prieft fay thus, SoS a | Carely betoued, fozatmuch as allmen YA \] be concetuesd and bone infinne, and I that our Sauiour Chzik fatty, None Ud RARE /i| can enter tuto the kingdome of God, } Ee || ercept bebe tegenerate and bone a: ms) new of water and ofthe holy Ghok: u to callbpon God the father thaouch our Lod Felis Chih, that of bis bountecus — Publique Baptifme. hewil grat to thefe chilazen that thing, which by na⸗ ture they cannothaue, p they map be baptised with water and the bolp Ghol , and recetued into Chritts poly Church, a be made ltuelp members ofthe fame, Then fhall the P rieft fay. : {het vspꝛay. — Lmighty and euerlaſting God, which ofthy great mercy diddeſt ſaue foe and bis family in the arke from periſhing by Yeti Vve Water,and alfo aide fafelp lead the chil⸗ eC ASSEN D2eN OF Ilrael thy people thorow the red Sva, figuring thereby thy bolp Baptifme:and bp the Baptiſmeof thy toelbeloucd Son Felus Chꝛiſt, didſt fanctifie the flood Jordan. andal other waters tothe myſticall waſhing away of inne: We befeech thee foz thine infintte mercies that thou writ mercifulip look vpon theſe children, fancttfie them, and waſh them with the holy Gyoſt, that they being delivered from thy wath, map be receiued into the Arke of Chriſts Church, and being ſtedkaſt in faith, toviull through Hope, androoted tn charity, may fo paſſe the wanes of thistroubiefome wold, that finally thep mapcome to thelandof euerlafting life, there toreigne with thee | video without end, through Fels Colour Lo2d, inet, | J A» mighty andimmeztall God, the apd ofall that need, the helper of all that flee to Chee fo2 fuccour: the life ofthem that beleuce, audthe refurrection of the dead: We call bpon thee foz thefe Infants, that ther comming to thy holy Waptifine.may receive res miflion of their finnes by (pirttual regeneration. Re- ceiuethem, D Lod, asthou bak promiſed by thy welveloued Sonne, laying. Athe,and you ſhall haue, ſeeke. and pou thal finde, knocke and it fhaibe opened vnto you.So giue now onto bs that afiic, tet 5* eeke, Publique Baptifme. | fecke, finde, open the gate bnto bs that knocke, that thefeintants may entop the eucrlatting benedicton _ Of thy heauenly wating, and may come to tive eter: nallfitdgdome, which thou haſt promifea bp Chit our Lord.Amen. 3 : Then fhalithe Prieft fay. Heare che words ofthe Golpel watttert by Saim . Marke in the tenth Chapter, — Tacertaine time they brought children “© to Chait that he ſhould touch them:and 4 “1p 7% commanded the chtildzen to be brought cS Eko) bito him: bow bee blamed thofe that Cre would haue kept them frombpim: bow ve erhozteth all mento folow their innocency. Dou pers ceiue How by his outward geſture and deed be decla⸗ Led His Good wil tomard them :fo2z he imbꝛaced them in his armes. he layed His bands spon thense bleſſed them. Doubt pe not therefore, but carnefflp beleeve, that he wil like wile fauourably recetue thete preſent infants, that he wil imbrace them with tire armes of bis mercy, thathe will giue vnto them the bielling of eternall life. and make them — of wear Publique Baptifme. * ſting kingdome. Wherefore we being thus perſwa⸗ bed ofthe good willot our heauenly father toward thele infants, declared by bis Sonne Jeſus Chꝛiſt, and nothing doubting but that he fauourablyaliow⸗ eth this charitable worke of ours, in bringing theſe children to bis holy Baptiſme: let bs faithfully and deugutly giue thanks vnto him, anbfap, oo A Linighty and euerlaſting God, heauenly father, wee gitte thee Humble thanlies , that thou pat pouchlated to call vsto the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee: Encreaſe tits ino wledge.and con: firine tits faith in vs euermore:giue thy holy Svirte to theſe infants,that they map be borne againe and be made heirs oteuerlaſting faluation. through our Lord Jeſus Chik, who liueth a reigneth with thee and the holy Spirit. no and for euer. Amen. @ Then the Prieft thall fpeake vnto the Godfathers and Godmotherrs on this wife. =~ Ty CD th VV Elbeloued friends, pe bate brought theſe chit- ~ Y. geen bere to be baptized, vee haue prayed that our Low Jeſus Chit would houchfafe to receiue them, tolay his handes vpon them;to hleſſe them , to reieate them of their finnes, to giuethem the fing dome of heauen, andeuerlatingitfe. Pe haue heard alſo that our Lod Fetus Chk hat) promifed tn bis Goflpel,to grant all thele thingsthat ye Haue prayed fo2 : which promife hee fo2 Dis part will moſt furelp figepe and perfozme. Wherefore alter thts promife made by Chit theſe infants mutt alfe tatthtuity foz thetr pavt promife by pou, that be thetr {ureties, that ther will fozlake the deuill and all His Wwoztics; ana conſtantly belecue Godsholy word, andobedientip keepe his Commandements. ~ @ Then fhalithe Prieſt demandof the Godfathers and Godmothers thefe queftions following. *3 Doeſt | Publique Bap site ne. cee D Det thou forfake the coe and all his voortg the vaine pompe a glory of the world, with all coue⸗ tous defires of the fame, the carnali delives of the fem | fo that toou wilt not ters noebeledby them? Anfwere. Iforſake themall. Miniſter. Doell thou beleeue in Gad the Father Almighty. maker ofheauen and earth? And in Fetus CHa bis onely Begotten Sonne our 10207 and (gat he was conceiued by the holy Ghot, bozne of the Wiraine Wary, that he fuffered onder Pontius wWilate, wags crucified, dead, and burted, that be went downe inte Hell, ¢alfo did rife againe che third day, that he aſcen⸗ ded into heauen, and ſitteth at the right hand of Goo — the Father Almighty, and krom thence hall come a- gaine at the end of the ‘wold, to fudge the quicke and the Dead 7 And doeſt thou beieeue in the holy Ghoſt, the holy Catholique Church, the Communion of Saints, theremiffton ofſinnes, the refurrection at the let and ier pro death: . : An were au chisJ fedfattly —— Minif cr, watthou be baptizedi in this kaith? Anlwere. That is my Delite, WWiisiorot ot F Then fhall the Priet ey. as O Mercikuli God grant that the old Adam in ithete children maybee fo buried, that the Sew matt maybe rayſed bp in them. Amen. —J Grant that all carnall affecttons map die in chem, and that allthings belonging to tye ſpirit, May lige andgrowinthem. Amen. 7 Sry that they map 6 aR and ltrength to aue —2 PubliqueBapt tifme: - . haue victory, and to triumph againſt the deuill, the world. and the fle, Amen. Grant that whofoeucr ts bere dedicatedtotbee by © our Difice and miniſtery, may allo be indued with heavenly bertues,¢ euerlaſtingly rewarded through: thy mercy , © bleffed 1020 God, whodoek liue and gouerne ali things, noid without end, Amen. A Lmighty euerliving God, whoſe moſt dearely be: loved Sonne Jeſus Chꝛriſt foz the forgiueneſſe of. our finnes did fhed out of His moſt prectous fide boty water and blood, and gaue commandement to bis diſciples, that they ſhouĩd goe teach ail Nations,and baptise them in the Mame of the father, the Sonne, ard oltheboly Ghoſt: Regard, toe beleech thee, the fupplications ofthy Congregation, and graunt that all thy feruants which ſhalbe baptized inthis water, rap receive the fulneſſe of thy grace, a euer remaine in the number of thy faithfull and elect childzen, through Jeſus Chef our Lod, Amen, Then the Prieft thal take the childe in his hands,and aske the name.And naming the childe, fhall dip icin the wa: ter, ſo it be difcreetly and warily done,fayin | N.] Saptize thee inthe Name ofthe Father, and of the Sonne,and ofthe holy Ghok. Amen. . @ Andifthe childe be weake, it fhall fuffice to powre wa- ter vponit, faying the forefaid words. N. Baptize thee inthe Mame of thefather, and of the Sonne.andof the holy Ghoſt. Amen. @ Then the Prieft thall make a Croffe vpon the childs fore- head faying, VV € recetuethis childe into the Congregation of Chꝛiſts flocke and do ſigne him with the ſigne ofthe Croſſe, in token that hereafter he ſhall not bea, harmed tocontelte the faith of iene crucilied, F J Up ” Publique — *— fully to fight vnder bis banner, againſt ſinne, the world, and the deuil, and to continue Chriſts faithful fouldier and ſeruant, vnto bis tfuesend, Amen, @ Then fhall the Prieſt fay. S Cing now, dearely beloued brethren, that thele childzen bee regenerate and grattedinto the body ‘OF Chriſts Congregation, tet os giue thankes vnto⸗ G00 fo? thefe benefits,and with one accord make our prayers onto Almightie God, that they map leade the reſt of thetr life according to this beginning. Then fhall be faid, Our father which art in heauen, ac. Then fhall the Prieft fay. YS Cyeeld thee heartie thanks, mot mers. Seo/$ citull Father, that tt bath pleated thee | NZ pow, to regenerate this infant with top bolp * 2 Spirit, to receiue Him fez thine owne — E eee Childe by adoption, andtoincozpozate bim into thy holy Congregation, And humbly we beleechthee to grant, that be being dead bntofinne, and lining butorighteoufnes,and being buried with. Cheitt in bis death, may crucifie the old mart, and bt- terly abolifh the whole body of finne, that as hee is made partaker of tye death of thy Sonne, fo be map be pattaber of fis refurrection, fothatfinatlp, with the reſidue of thy holy Congregation,be may be inbe- ritour of thtne cuerlating Kingdom though Chriſt our Loꝛd.Amen. q At the laft end,the Prieft calling the Godfathers 8 God- mothers tosether,{hall fay this ‘exhortation following. ah Draimuch as thele children haue pom: ZN) fed by port to forfake the deuil and all his e-\Sre veorkes , to beleeue in God, and to ſerue | —* him: you mutt remember that tt ts pour — * dueties to fee * * inkants be mene” a Publique Baptifme. mee fe foone as they thalbe able toicarne, tobat a ſolemne bow, pꝛomiſe ane profeilion they haue made by port. And that they may finow thele things the better, pee ſhallcall vpon them to beare Sermons, and chiefely rou ſhall prouide that they may icarne the Creed, the Lows prayer and the ten Commandements in the Englifh tongue,andall othcr things which a Chei⸗ Tian man ought to know and belecue to His foules health, and that thele chilbeen may Bee bertuouflp brought opto leade a godlp anda Cheiſtian life , ree membring alwapes that Baptiſme doeth repreſent vnto bs our profefiion, which ts to follow the exam⸗ pie ofout Saufour Ch, and to be made life puto Him, that as he Died, and rofe agatae fo2 bs, fo ſhould we which are baptized, die from ſin, and riſe againe vnto righteoufnefle , continually moztifping ail our etsilt and cosrupt affections , and dayly pzoceeding in all vertue and godlineſſe of liuina, . : @ The minifter fhall comand thar the children be brought to the Bifhop,to be confirmed of him, fo foone as they can fay in their vulgar tongue , the Articles.of the Faith, the Lords prayer,and the ten Commandements ,and be further inftru@ted in the Catechifme, fet foorth for that purpofe,according as it is there expreſſed. @ Of them that areto be baptized in priuate houfes in time of nece/fitie,by the Miniſter of the Parish, orany other ~ Jawfull Minifter,that can be procured, q ThePaftors and Curates fhall often admonith thepeo , ple,that they defer not the Bapti{meof Infants any lons ger thenthe Sunday, or éther Holy day next after the - : child be borne, vnieffe vpon agreat & reafonable cauſe declared to the Curate, and by ———— And alio they thal warne them,that without great cauſe, & neceſ- firy, they procure not their children to be baptized at —* eh os gg ee ell eee Priuate * me. home in their houſes. And when great need fhall com. - pel them fo to doe, then Baptifmethalbe adminiftred on this fafhion. Firft,let the lawful Minifter , and them that be prefent,call vpon God for his grace, & fay the Lords Prayer, if time will (uffer. And then the childe being na- _ med by fomeone that is prefent, the faiddawfull Mini- fter fhall dip icin water , or powre water vpon it, faying thefewords, N J baptife thee inthe ame of the Father, and “ofthe Sonne and of the holy Gholl. Amen, @ Andietthem not doubt, but that the child fo baptized, is lawfully and fufficiently baptized, and ought notto bee baptized againe. But yet neuertheleffe, ifthe child which is after this fort baptized, do afterward liue, it is ex pedi. ent thatit be brought into the Church,to the intent that ifthe Pricft or Minifter of the {ame parihh did himfelfe baptize that child,the Congregation may be certified of the true forme of Bapufme by him priuatly before vied : Or ifthechild were baptized by any other lawful Mini« fter, that then the minifter of the Parifh, where the child was borne or Chriftenedyfhall examine & trie, whether the childe belawfully baptized orno. In which cafe, if thofe that bring any childe to the Church, doe anfwere _ thatthe fame childe is already baptized, then fhall the Miniſter examine them further, faying; Dp whom was the childe baptised? Who was prefent when the childe was bapttzed: ra And becaule fome things Eſſentiall to this Sacra: ment, map Happen to be omitted, theougy feareo2 haſte in fuch times of ertremitie: Cherefoze 3 498 maund further of you. With what matter ad che chile baptized 2 With what words was the childe baptised? Beef ec cgi nee the childe to beelaiwiully and atid baptised? a. Be Aad 13. comfort onthis wife, Mark,ro. CG; — Private Baptifme. = = 39 ~~ @ Andifthe Minifter fhall finde by the anfweres of fuchas. bring the childe, that all things were done asthey ought to be: then fhall nothe chriften the child again, bur hall ‘ receiue himas one of the flock of the true Chriftian peo- ple, faying thus. ny | | Certific pou,that in this cate allis well done, and according bite Due order, concerning the baptizing ef this child which being borne tn orginal ſin and in tye wrath of God, ts now by thelauer of regenerati« onin Baptifme,vecetued tnto the number of the chil⸗ dren of God, and bepacsof euerlaſting life. For our xord Jeſus Chri doth not deny his grace and mercy vnto fuchinfants, but mek touingly doeth callthem vntohim, asthe holy Golpel doeth witneſſe to our GS T acertalite time theybrought childzen vnto SANE, Chik that he ould touch them. and bis dif- AEN? ciples rebuked thote that broughttbem, But wien Fetus fato tt.be was difpteated , and faid vnto thein,fuffer title childzen to come vnto me,and forbid tiem not, for to fuch belonaeth the kbingdom of God. werilp F fay vnto pou, Whoſoeuer doeth not receiue the kingdome of God as alitle child, be ſhalnot enter % therin. Gad when. bebadtaken then bp inbisarmes he put vis bands bpon thent.and bleſſed them. « After the Gofpel is read, the Minifter thall make this ex- hortation vpon the Words ofthe Gofpel, | 4 * Kiends. ye heare in this Goſpelthe wordes of our Sautour Chit, that he commanded the children to be brought vnto Him: How bee blamed thoſe that would Yate kept them from Him: bow Hee erhorted all men to follow their innocency. Pe perceiue pow by hig outward geſture and deede Hee declared bis good wiltoward them: for beembsaced themin his: armes, hee layd his handes spon them, and — * * — Pri riuate pBapeiin’ them. Doubt ye rot therefore, but earneſtly beleeue, tyhat hee hath like voiſe ſauourably recelued this pre⸗ ſent Inlant, that be hath embraced him with the armes of his mercy, that he path giuen vnto him the bleſſing ofeternal life, and made him partaker of his euerlaffing kingdome. ‘woheretore, Wwe being thus per⸗ ſwaded of tie good witlof our heauenly Father, de- clareabphis Sonne Fetus Chak towards this in- fant, let vs fatthiulip and deuoutly giue thanks bi: to him and fay the prayer which the Low himieife _ Fatight, and in dectaration of our Faith, let os recite the Articlesconteinedinour Creed. @ Herethe Minifter ,with the Godfathers and Godmo- thers, fhall fay. - Dur Father which art in heauen, ae, @ Then thal! the Prieft demand the name of the childe, which being by the Godfathers and Godmothers pro- nounced,the Minifter fhall fay. Doeſt thou in the name of thts childe lorſake the deuil and all his workes, the vaine pompe and glory of the world, with all the couetous deſires of the fame,the carnal deſires of the flew, and not to follow and be led by them? —4 Anſwere. 4 loriake them all, fini Cre Soelt thou in the name ofthis chtide piokelle this faith,to beleene in God the Father almighty, maker ofheauen andearth? And in Jeſus Chit His onely begotten Sonne our Loꝛd? And that he was concets ued by the holy Gholl, boone of the wirgin Marie, that hee tuffered bider Pontius Pilate, was crite cified, Dead, andburted, thathee went Downe in- tohell, and allo did rife againe the thirde day, that ve roe into _— > and litteth at the bam | an 3 Private Baptimeé;; 9 - hand of God the father Almightie, and from thence he fhaticome againe at the end of the world.to iudge tie quicke andthe dead? And do you in his name bes leeue in the boly Shot. theboly Catholike Church, _ the Communton of Saints, the remiflion of finneg, — refurection,and euerlaſting life after Death ~ | —9 — Anſwere. Ail this Iſtedlaſtly beleeue. ¶ Let vs pray, A Lmighty a euerlaſting God, heauenly Father, we gtue thee bumble thanks, for that thou haſt ‘pouchfafed to call bs fo the Rnowwledge of thy arace, and faith in thee: Encreale this knowledge, and con⸗ firme this faith in bs euermoze : gtue top holy Spirit tothis Fufant,that bee being bozne againe, and be⸗ ing made hetre efeucriating faluation , theough our Lod Fetus Chak, may continue thy leruant ¢ at: taine top pzomile, though the fame our Lord Fetus Chik thp Sor, who liveth a reigneth with thee in the bnity ofifamebslp Spirit euerlaſtingly. Amen. @ Then fhall the Minifter make this exhortation to the Godfathers and Godmothers. 7 E Oꝛaſmuch as this chide bath pꝛomiſed by pou fe korſake the deuill and all big woꝛkes.to beiceue in God, and to ferue him: pou mull remember that itis 4 pour partanddutp, to feethat this infant be taught, 4 fofoone as be hail be able tolearne, whata ſolemne bow, pꝛomiſe, a pꝛofeſſion be bath mate by xou. Gnd that be map know thele things the better, ye hall call vpon Hin to heare Sermons, tchietly ye Hal prouive tyat He may learne the Creed,the Lozds prarer,¢ the ten Coinmandements tn the Engliſh tongue,and all. other things which a Chꝛiſtian man ought to know and beleeue to his ſoules health, andthat thts childe may be bertuoully brꝛought bp, to leade a godly anda : Cheiſtian oOo or CC rr rr CT Priuate Baptifme. Chrittiantife,vemembing alway that baptifme doth repreſent vnto og our pꝛoteſſion, which is to follew the example of our Sauiour Chꝛriſt, ard be made tlhe vnto him, that ag he died and role againefo2 63, fo ſhould we which are baptised, die from ſinne, and rife againe vnto righteoulnes. continually moztifping al our euill and coꝛrupt affections,and dayly proceeding in ald bevtue.and godlines of liuing. And ſo foorth as in publike Baptifine. Butifthey which bring the Infants to the Church,do make {uch viicertaine an{weres to the Priefts queftions,as that it cannot appeare thatthe child was bapufed withwater, Inthe Name ofthe Father,and of theSonne, and of the holy Ghoft,which are Effentiall parts of Baptifme : chen let the Prieft baptize it in forme aboue written , concer- ning Publike Baptiſme, ſauing that at the dipping ofthe child in the Font,he fhall vfethis forme of words, 1 F thou be not already baptized. M. Jbaptize thee tn the Mame of the father, and ofthe Sonne, andof the poly Ghoſt. Amen. The order of Confirmation,or laying 0: of hands upon children baptized, and able torender an acconat of their faith according | tothe Catechifme following, T* O theend that Confirmation may be miniftred to the more edifying of{uch as thal receiucit,according toS. Pauls doétrine,who teacheth thatal things fhould be done in the Church tothe edification of the fame , itis thought goodthat none hereafterfhalbe confirmed, but fuch ascan fay in their mother tongue the Articles of the Fayth, the ~ Lords prayer,and the ten commaundements, and can alfo anfwer to fuch queftions of this fhortCatechifme,as the Bi- fhop ( or fuch as he fhal appoint) fhalby his difcretion ap- pofehimin. And this order is moft conuenient to be ob- ferued for diuers confiderations. | Firft , becaufethat when children come to the — of. NESSES ———7—— iſcretion Ping 9 ee . >. x =) 3 ‘ . * 7 a we. me ; : = 2 / di(cretion,and haue learned what their Godfathers & god. ° mothers promifed forthem-in Baptifme, they may then themfelues with their own mouth, with their ownecon- fent,openly before the Church ratifie & confirm the fame, & alfo promife that by the grace ofGod they wil euermore indeuour them{clues faithfully to obferue and keepe fuch things as they by their owne mouth andconfeffion haue af: {ented vnto. Secondly,forafmuch as confirmation is mini- ſtred to them that be baptized,that by impofitionofhands and-prayerthey may receiue ftrength and defence againſt all remptations to fin, and the affalts of the world and the deuil.itis moft meet to be miniftred when children: come te thatage ,. that partly by the frailty of their owne fleth, partly by the aflaults of the world and the deuil,they begin to bein danger to fall into fundry kinds of finne. Thirdly, for that itisagreeable with the vfage of the Church in times paft: wherby it was ordained that Confir- mation fhould be miniftred to them that were of perfit age, that they being inftru@ed in Chrifts religion fhould openly profeffe their owne faith,and promife to be obedient vnto the willof God.And that no man fhal think that any detri- ment fhal come to children by deferring of their cOfirmati- on,he fhal know for truth, that itis certaine by Gods word, that children being baptized , haue all things neceflary for their faluation,and be yndoubtedly faued. wi ¶ A Catechifme,that is to fay, An inftrudtion to be learned of every child,before he bebroughtto be confirmed by the Bifhop. tit Queftion. ws DatisyourMame? — ! Anfwere. | Q.02dp. | Queftion, > sCiaen No gauevou this name 2 J =" fj ” a | . : n oa | —— The Catechifme, 6 : Anfwere, 1a My Godfathers e Godmothers in mp Waptitme, woherein J was made a member of Chꝛiſt, the chiide Of God, and an inheritour mee kingdom of heauen. UetIon. What did your Godlathers and Godmothors chery fo? pou? : -. Anfwere. : They did promife and vowe three things tn mp name, firi, that Jſhould foꝛſake the Deutil, ard ail His workes, the popes, and bantties ofthe wicked — Wozld,and all the ſinkull lulls of the fieth, Secondiy, that Z hould beleeue all the Articiesof the Chaiftian faith.And thirdly, that Iſhould keepe Gods holy will. and Commandements,and walke in the fame all the Dayes of myplife. — 4 , ueition. Doeſt thou not thinke that thou art bound to be⸗ leeue, and to do as they haue pꝛomiſed for thee: Pe ay Anfwere. Pes verily: and by Gods Helpe oF will. Andy heartily thanke our heauenly father, that he hath called me to this fate of Saluation, theouch Fetus Chyꝛiſt our Sauiour. And J pray God to giue me bis grace , that FI may continue in the fame vnto mp liues end. | Queftion. Kehearle the Articles of thy Belieſe. Anfwere. ; | ] Beleeue in Goo the Father Almighty, maker or | heaven and earth. Andin Fetus Chit his oncly Sonne our Lod, which was conceiued bp the holy Ghoſt, bozne ofthe wirgine Warp, tuffered vnder Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and bursed, He delcended into Hell, che third dap He rofe againe 2 ~" — the dead, he aſcended into heauen, and ſitteth at che right hand of God the Father Almighty: from thence be ſhall come to tudge tye quiche andthe dead. Fj bes ieencinthe holy hol, tye holy Catholike Church, the Commun oi of fatntg, the forgtuenefle of innes, therefurrection of the body, and the life — Amen. ueftion. what pock chou chtefely learne in — Articles of thy belicfe Anfwere. Sirk Jlearne to beleeue in God the Father, tobo bath mate me and ail the worlid. Secondliy in Bod the Sonne, who haty redeemed me,and all mankinde. | Thirdly, tn Goo the holy Ghoſt, who fanctitiett mie, and all tHe elect pesple of God. Queſtion. ttt Mh a Poutaid that vour Godfathers and Godmotiers did promife fo2 pou that you ſhould keepe Bods Come mandements. Celi me How many there be, Anlwetes Tenne. Queftion, Whichbe they? | nf{fwere. ay He fame which Gea ſpake in the twentieth chaps - terof Exodus, faving, Zam the Lod thy Goo, which Bane bought thee out ofthe land of Cgypt.out 3 ofthe houſe of bondage. i MChou halt haue none other gong but me. i. Chou ait not make to thy ſelte anp grauen image, no2 the likeneſſe of any thing thatis in hea⸗ uen aboue , o2 inthe earth beneath 02 in the water onder the earth ibeuẽ Walt noe bowwDowne to them, — : nop : The Catechifmne. noꝛ Worhipthem, for 7 the Loza thy God arta ica: fous God, and vilite the ſinnes of thelathers vpon the childzen bute the thirde and fourth qeneration of them that bate mee, and Hew mercy vnto thouſands in them that loue mee, and keepe my Commaunde⸗ ments. itt, Thou halt not fake the Mane of the Lord thy Godin baie : Foz He Lord will not Hold him guile leſſe Chat taketh bis flame in vaine. titi, Wemember that thou ieee holy the Sab- both dav. Sire dayes ſhalt thou labour and doe ali that thou batt to doe, but the ſeuenth day ts the Sab⸗ boty ofthe Lod thy God. In it thou ſhalt doe no ma⸗ ner of woke, thou,and thy fonne, and thy daughter, thy man feruant, and thy mapade feuant, chy cattell, and the ſtranger that ts within thy gates : Foz itt fire dayes the Lord made heauen andcarth,the Seca, and all that in them is, and refed. the feuenth dap —— the Lod bleſſed the leuenth day, and hal⸗ owedit, — v. HYonour thy father and thy nether, that chp dayes may bee tong tn the tand which che Lord thy God giveth thee. bi, Chou halt doe no murther. _ bi. Thou fhait not commit adultery, viii. Chou halt not ſteale. it, Chou halt not beare falle witneſſe ageing thy neighbour. x, Thouchalt not couet thy neighbours houſe. Thou ſhalt not couct thy netabbours wife, 102 bis ſeruant, no2 hts mayde, 1102 bis ore, HO aſſe, noꝛ any thing that is his. Oueftion: ee rand “9 8g epietclp Bane by Fete Comman⸗ demen Anfivere. ee ee a ae, EN. ers —_-~ we The Catechifme. gst 2p > Aun ees os ae a * FJ learne thoo things: Dy ouety towards God, and ip duety to wards my neighbour. ae + Queftion. | | wyhat is thy duety towards God? Anſwere. My duety towards God isto beleeue in him, to feare him, and to loue Him With all my Heare, with all my minde, with al my foule,and with al my ſtrength. ‘To worbip hin.to giue him thanks, to put mywhole trutinbim, to call vpon him, to honour his Holy: Mame and his word, andtolerue him truely all the papes of my itfe. | Queftion. what is thy duety towards thy neighbour? : Anfwere. My duety towards my neighbour is to loue him. a3 my felfe, and to doe to all men as Fj would thep hould doe brite me. Coloue, honour, andfyccour inp fatherand mother. Co honoz and obey the Hing and his miners, Cofubmit mp lelfe to all my go- uernours, teachers, Spirituall pafours and ma⸗ fers. Cooder my feife towly and reuerently to alt iny betters.Co Hurt no body by word o2deede. Cobe - trucand tut in all my dealing, to beare no matice no: hatredin mp Heart. Co keepe my handes trom picking and fealing ,and my tongue from euili fpea- Bing, ving, andflandering. Co keepe my body in temperance, fobernefie, and chaſtitie. Motto couct nozvelire other mens goods-but te learne and labour truely to getinine obone living, and to doe my duety in that tate ot life vnto the which it tall pieale God to call me. ueſtion. Qui Av good child , know this, that tho uart not able to doe thefe things of thpfelfe, nor to walke tn the Comimandements of God. and to ſerue Him, without bis ſpecial grace, which thou mull learne at ali tines to call foꝛ bp diligent prayer, Let me heave therefore tithoucant fap the 10208 prayer, _Anf{were. O wir father which art in pedtien, bablotsed be thy Name. Thy kingdome come. Chy wil be done in earth, as it is inbeauen, Giue hs this day our day: tp bzead, Gnd fozgine bs our treſpaſſes, as we forgive them that treſpaſſe againſt bs, And leade vs not into ——— but deliuer bs from euil. Amen, ueftion. what delireſt thou on in this praper 2 An (Were, Idecſire my Lod God ourheauenty Father, ho ig the giuer of all goodneff{e,to fend hts grace vnto me and toali people, that wee may worlhip him, ſerue Him, andobey him as we ought to Do, And F pray vn⸗ to God, that be willend bs all thinas that be needfull both fo2 our foules and bodies , and that be wilibee merciful vnto vs, and foꝛgiue bs our finnes,and that | it wil pleaſe Him to ſaue and defend bs in alldan gers ghoſtly and bodtiy, and that be will feepe bs from all finne and boickedneffe , and from our qhoftip enemiec, and krom euerlaſting death, And this J truſt be wilt doe of His mercy and goodnelle,thzough our Lod Fe: ſus punt. And therefoze Iſay, Amen.So be te, ueftion. H Ow many e>acraments hath Chpitt ordained in his Church: ” An{were. Two onely as generaliy necettary to faluation, & that - ~ TheCatechifme. * that is to fay, Baptifine, and the cuppa o ithe | 1020. Queftion, | What meanest thou by this woꝛd Sacrament? — nf{were,. — FJ meane an outward and bifible ſigne, of att in⸗ wardand Spirituall grace, giuen vnto bs, odalned by Chik himſelfe, as a meanes woberchy we receiue the ſame, and a pledge to allure vs thereof. - Queftion. Yow many parts be there ina Sacrament 2 Anſwere. Two: theoutward viũbie Signe, and uae inward Spiritual Grace.. Queftion.. nohatis the outward bifible Sfane , 02 lorme in Baptiſme! Anfwere, Water : wherein the perſon baptized is Dipped, 02. ſprinckled with it : In che Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoft. What isthe inward and and Spivitual race: “4 Anfwere. . A death butofinne, anda Newbirthbnto righte⸗ outneffe : for being bp nature borne tn finne, and the ee of wath, we are hereby made thechildzen of race, $i Queftion. Mhat is required — to be baptized: — AnſWvere. Kepentance, whereby they korſake fin: and gait; whereby they ſtedlaſtly beleeue thepromilesofGov, made Co them in that Sacrament. Queltion | Thetoceechimne. Quettion. noby then are Infants baptised, when by reafor oftheir tender age, they cannot perfozme them 2 Anfwere. Pes :they doe perfozme them by their Sureties, who promife and bow them both in their names: tobich wher they come to ane, themfetues are bound | Queftion. wWhy was the Sacrament of the Lo2d8 Supper ordained? | An({were. Fo2rthecontinuall remembzance ofthe Sacrifice of the death of Chriſt, andthe benefits which wee re⸗ ceiue thereby, Queftion. what is the outwardpart , o2 figne of the Lords Supper? Te | An(were. Bꝛead and Witte, which the 'Lozd hath commart: Ded Co be recesued. | WG Queftion. Mhat is the inward part, o2 things liqnified? An({were. Che Body and Blood of Chil, which are verely and indeed taken andreceiued of the faithful inthe Loꝛds Supper, et Queftion. What are thebenchits whereof wee ave partakers thereby? | , 7 Anſwere. Che ſtrengthning and refrethirig of our ſoules by the Body and Blood of Chꝛiſt, as our bodies ave by the Beeadand wine. a 52 , Queltion. —— he Catechiſme. ay — X Pe CDR es What is requited of then which « come ‘onto the Lo2d3 upper ? -Anfwere. frucly oftheir former fnnes, ſtedtaſtly purpoſingto leade a Newiife, haue alinely faith in Gods mercie through Chit, with atbankelull remembgance of = His death, ano bein charitie wiry all men, er att as 4 ba *% , oe To erxamine themlelues whether theyrepent them q] So fooneas the children can Goi heron rongue the Articlesof the faith, the Lords prayer the ten Com- mandements, and alfo can anfwereto fuch queftions of : this fhore Gatechilme . as the Bifhop , or fuchas he fhall : appoint, fhall by his di(cretion appofe them in: then fhal : they be brought to the Bifhop , by one that fhall bee his | Godfather or Godmother, that euery child may hauea witnefle of his confirmation. And the — that confirme them on this wile. @e Confirmation, Sri on of hands. bd OES wir helpe isin the 2 of the Lo —— Anſwere. Rwhich bath made heauen and earth, Tu J Minifter.. —— Bleſſed be the Name —— i) Anfwere, Dencctoxty woozld without enp, inifter, Lord beare our prarers· Anſwere Confirmation, JAnfweres ioc: amietomr ce come vnto thee. ¶ Lethsy pape A Lmighty and —— God, who haſft bouche fafed toregenerate theſe thy feruants by water and the holyGhoſt, and bal giuen bnto them fozqtue- nefle of all their finnes: ſtrenthen them, toe beſeech thee,D Lord. with the holy Gholt the comfozter,and dayly increale in them thy manifolde gikts of grace, the ſpirit of wifedome and bnderfanbding, the ſpirit of counfell and ghoſtly ſtrength, the ſpirit ofknow⸗ Ledge andtrue godlineſſe, and fulfil thens, D Lord; with the ſpirit ofthy holy feare. Aamen. * q Then the Bithop thalllay hishand vpon eucry childese. ~ uerally,faying, wefend, O Lord, this childe with thy heaueniy gvace,that pe may continue thine foz cuer, and dayly tncreafe in thy holy Spirit mozeand moze, vntill he come vnto thy euerlaſtingkingdome. Amen. “4 Then hhall the oe fay. At Lmighty and euerliuing God, which makelt bs both to will, and to doe thofe things thatbe good and acceptable bnto thy Maieſty, we make our hum · bie fupptications vnto thee for thefe childzen, vpon whom, after the erampleofthe holy Apofties » wee haue layd ourbands, to certifie them bp this ſigne of thy fauour a gracious goodies foward them : let thy Fatherly hand, we beleech thee, euer be ouer them: tet thy holy Spirit euer bee totth then; and fo leade 5 in the ie a and obedience of te Waa 5 —_-dmUme eC Sndude a Se —= tse On Hirniation that inthe end thep may obtaine the euerlaſting life, though our Lod Jeſus Chl. who with thee and the holy Ghoſt, liueth and — one God, world — end. Amen. d24 —— Bithop Balle che shen, Pope: faying thin. fancy po biesting of Gob almighty: the Father, the Sonne, andthe boly — one rou andr te mane with you foe Pens ueemarr ve ig tthe ¢ g The Cn at of euery. Parith, or ms ome -other at an appoint: ~ ment, fhall diligently vpon Sundayes and Holy dayes, halfe an houre before Euenfong, openly inthe Church inſtruct and examine ſo mahy-¢hildren of his parihh,fent vnto him, as the time will ferue, as he fhall thinke conuenientjin'fome part of this Catechifme. ji q And all Fathers; Mothers; Matters, & Dames,fhall caufe. their children’, feruants and prentifes,( which have nor - learned their Catechifme)te@come tothe Church atthe time appointed, and obediently to heare,and be ordered bythe Curate; vntill {uch time as they haue learnedail that is here appointed for them tolearne. And whenfo- euer the Bifhop fhall gimeknowledge for children to be brought beforehim to any conuenient place for th¢ir _ Confirmation, then hall the Curate of euery Parith, ei> ther bring or fend in writing the names of ‘all thofe chil. drẽ of his parifh, whichcan fay the Articles of the faith) the Lords prayer;and the ren Commandements,and al fo how many of them cananfiwwere to the other quefti- ons contained in this Catechifne. @ And there fhal none be admitted to the holy Communi?» von, vatill fuck time — can — * ——— bei ——— tf arn ed) wee See q The : —' a eT in ‘ a , The forme of fol emniza- ction.of M atrimony. nanan “std q Firft,the Banes muftbe tad three —— Sun * or Holy dayes in the time of ſeruice, the people being pre- fent,after the accuftomed maner. €. Andifthe perfonsthat rould be married,dwelin diuers Parifhes,the Banes muft bee askedin both Parifhes: and _ the Curate of the one Parifh; thall not folemnize Ma- trimony betwixt them, without a Certificate of the ~ Banes being thrice asked, irae the Curate of the other P arith, € fot the day appointed for ———— of elicitin the perfons to be married fhall come into the body of the Church, with their friends and eat 2 And there the Pricft-thallfay thus. 9 aS Oi] Carely beloued friends, we are gathe⸗ zd Vi xed together bere tn the fight of Gon, sac Wandin the face of bis Congregation, Paes jj; tCofopne together this man and thts } pee fel Woman inholp acrimony, which ? — isan honourable eſtate, inſtituted of Goo iri Paradite,i in the time of mans innocencie,fig- nifping vnto bs the myſticall vnion thatts. betwirt Chik and his Church: tobich holy eſtate Chriſt adoz- ned and beautified with bis peefence, and fire mira: cle that hee wrought in Cana of Galile , ands cont mended.of S, Paul to bee honourable among ail met, and therefore is not to enterpriſed nor taken in hand vnaduiſedly, lightly, or wantonly, to ſatiſtie menscamnailiuties and appetites , like bruit beaſtes von 10. etl’ ep —— —— Ys PE ES 4 c=." ~, =e —* a -OfMatrimony, iy. aduitedi ſoberly, and in the feare of od, buclp confidering the caufles fo: tobtch WPatrimony was oꝛdained. Dune was the procreation of childzen, tobe — bought op in the feare and nurture ofthe Lod, and peatle of God. Secondly, it was ordained fo2 a re⸗ medy againt inne , and to auoyd fozntcation that fuch perfons as have not the gift of continencte, might matry,and keepe thensielues vndefiled mem: nays of Chriſts body. Thirdly, for the mutual focies tte, helpe,and comfozt that theone ought to bane of the other both in profperitie and aduerfitie, into the which holy: etate: thefe two perfons prefent come - now to be iopned. Cherefoze it any man.can thew anp tuft caule, why thep may not lawfully be iopned tos gether, let bimnow fpeake 02 elle — fo euer hold his peace. is g And alfo fpeaking to tie —* that fhall be married, he thal fay. ) * Iweauire and — pou, as vou will atts ( 8 — at the Dzeadfull day of Judgement, < GF whe the fecrets of all hearts chalbe diſclo⸗ LY (ep, that tfeither of youdo knowany im⸗ pedimec, why pe may not be latofullp toined together in Matrimony,chat pe confelle it. Foꝛ be pe well aſſu⸗ red, that fo many ag bee coupled together otherwiſe then Gods word doth allow, are not topned together bp God. neit her is their Matrimony lawlull. 4 At which day of Mariage, ifany mando aleage and dé clare any impediment , why they may notbee coupled - together in Matrimony by Gods Law, or the Lawes of this Realme, and willbe bound, and fufficient Sureties with him,to the — els put in a cautionto the full value J ° ie 4 $4 * — Of Matrimony. ~-valueof fuch charges as the perfons tobe mari¢d do ſu ftaine,to proouc his allegation : then the folemnization: _ mutt be deferred vnto {uch time, as the trueth bee tried. - Ifno impediment bealleadged;then fhal the Curate fay vntotheman, | N, VV Fit thou haue this Woman to thy wedded wife.toline together afttevGods ozdinance,,. inthe holy efate of acrimony utile thou loue her, comfozt ber, honour and keepe ber tn ſickneſſe and in Health: and fozfaking all other, keepe thee onely bute ber, folong.as pou both ſhall liue? The man fhall anſwere. Jwill. Then ſhallthe Prieſt fay vnto the Woman: N, VV Fit thou haue this man to thy wedded hul- band,to liue together after Gods oꝛdinãce inthe Holp eftace of Matrimony notit thou obephim,,. aad ſerue bins, loue, honour, and keepe him in ſicke⸗ nefie and in. health, and foelaking ali other, keepe thee onely vnto him, folong as pou both ſhall liue? | 3 The Woman fhall'an{were.. J will. py Then fhall the Minifter fay... | too giveth this woman tobe married vnto this: mane @ And the Minifter receiuing the woman at her fathers or friends hands,fhall caufethe manto-take the Woman by _ the right band,and fo either to giue their troth to other,, the man Arlt faying,. | IO.tane thee N.to my wedded wife, to haue and fo holde from this dap ſoꝛward, for better, fog wwozte, foz richer, foz poozer, in — app iapestty , Ba ee ad . — a, A ee ’ 2 oe et Sete Tee ee * — : t | . | —4 4 Of Matrimony. — lous and to cheriſh, till death bs depart.accoꝛding to Gods holy ordinance: and thereto J plight thee mp troth. @ Then ſhalthey looſe their hands ,and the woman taking againe the man by theright hand, hall fay. "Fj #2. take thee {2. to mp wedded huſband, to haue and to bold from this dap fozward, for better, fo2 woefe, fo2 richer, kor poorer, in ſicknes andin health, to loue, cherifh,and to obey, till death bs Depart, ac: cording to Gods Holy osdinance : and thereto Jgiue thee my troth. Pe @ Then fhall they againe loofe their handes, and the man. fhall gine vnto the woman a Ring,laying the fame vpon the Booke with the accuftomed duety to the prieftand Clarke. And the Prieft taking the Ring, fhall deliuer it vnto the man, to put it vpon the fourth finger of the womans left hand, And the man taught by the Prieft, fhall fay. bi rset With this Ring F chee wed, with my body F thee worſhip. and with all my worldly goods FJ theeen: ⸗ dow. In the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, - andotthe holy Gott. Amen. q Thentheman leauing the Ring vpon tke Faris finger | | ofthe womans left hand, the Minifter fhall ſay. C Let vspꝛay. | €) ternal God, creatour and preferuer of alf man: hind, giuer of all ſpirituall grace. the authour of euerlaſting lite, fend thy bleſſing vpon theſe thy fer- wants, this man andthis woman, whomewmecbiefe inthy Mame,thatas Iſahac and Rebecca liued faith: fully together, fo thefe perfons map ſurely ren ’ ey ko “Of J a ——— bow a couenant betwirt them made, — —— ee bis Z (wheroltHis Bing given and recetucdis a token and pledge) and map ever remaine in perfect loue and peace —J and liue according tothy Lawes, through Jeſus Chik our Loꝛd Amen. @ Then fhal the Prieſt ioyne their right hands together, and fay. Chote tobont Godhath toyned together, fet 10 man putatunder. @ Then fhall the Minifter {peaxe vnto the people. foratmuch as N.and (2. baue confented together in holy wedlock, and baue witneſſeo the fame before God and this company, and thereto haue giuen and pledged their troth either to other, and haue declared the ſame by giuing and recetuing ot Ring,and by | ioyning of bands, J pronounce that they be man and wife together. Jn the Mame ofthe fatwer, andof the : Horne, and ofthe holy Ghoſt. Amen. @ And the Minifter thall adde this blefsing. | (423 the father, God the Sonne, God the holy “* bof, bleſſe, preferue, andkeepe pou, the Lod ~ mercifully with bis fauour lookebpon yott,and fo fill you with al fpiritual benediction and grace, that you may fo liue together in this itfe, that inthe world tocome pou may haue tife euerlaſting. Amen. q Thenthe Miniſter or Clarkes going to the Lords Ta- ble, fhall fay or fing this Pfalme following. B: Leſſed are ail they that feare the Lord:and walke B:ati omnes in his wayes. oz thon thalt cat.che labour of thehandes: O wnis thee, and happy halttpoube, oh 4 | of Matrimony: J Chy wife thall bee as the fruitkull bine: bponiye walles of thine houſe. Thy children like the oliue branches :round about thy table. ne the manbe bleſſed: that leareth the 020. The Lord from out of Sion thall fo biefle thee :: iit thou thalt fee Hieruſalemi in proſperitie all thy elong. Pea, that thou ſhalt (ee thy childrens childzen: and: | peace bpon Iſrael. Glow beto the Father, andtothe Sonne, ac. As itt was inthe bequining,ts now, ac. | | @ Or this Pfalme.. © Deus mi- iV Od be merciful onto bs, and bielle bos:and ſereatur. I ſhew bs the light of bis countenance, and: Pfal.67. SS. be merciful vnto bs. ~—— Chat thy way map bee knowen bpon the: — thy fauing health among all Mations.. Letthe peopte prꝛayſe thee, D God: yea, let all the people prayſe thee. O let the Nations reioyce andbee glad: for thou chalt iudge the folke righteoully, and gouerne theRa- tions bpon the earth. Let the people pratie thee, D God:letallthe people: praiſe thee.. Then chall the earth being forth ber encreafe: and God, euen our owne God, hail qtue vs bis bleſſing. od hall biefle bs : and all the endes of the woꝛld asi feare Him. —— to — and to the Sonne: andto the holy G As it was inthe beginning, is now, and euer ſhall be: wozld without end Amen. ahh ~ > Lia - —* — — et bee eee ~ 4 — Cam pee |}! The. Of Matrimony. q This Pfalme ended , and the man and the woman knee- fing afore the Lords Table, the Prieſt ftanding at the Table, and turning his face toward them, fhall fay, Lom haue mercy ppont bs. An {were, Chk haue mercy ee bs. Minifter, - L02d haue mercy bpon bg. QO wir ener which artin beauen, halowed be thy fame, And ieade * not into temptation, n{were, But deliver bs from euil.Amen. Minifter. ! D Loꝛdtaue thy Saari t thax thy handmard. n{were. * Which put their en in id Minift cr. O LLoyd fend them sai from thy Holy place. were. And euermoze 5 bet int er. Be vnto them a Tower of ftrenath. niwere, from the face of thety enemy, Minifter. MO Powheareourpzaper, An{were. And Ietourcry come nto thee, Minifter. O Bod of Abzahant, God of Iſahac, God of Jacob, biefe thefe thy feruants,and fow the feed of eter: nall tife in their mindes, that whatfoener in bole EE i EGOS —— holy wordthey Hall profitably learne, they map is Deed fulhilthe fame. Looke O Lo2p.mercifully vpon them frombeauen,and bielle them. And as thou dids deft fend thy biefling bpon Abraham and Sara to their greatcomfozt : fo bouchfafe to lend thy bleſſing vpon thele thy ſeruants, that they obeping thy will, a and alway being in fatety. vnder thy protection, may j abide inthy loue vnto their ies end, thzough Fetus . Chzifl our Loꝛd. Amen. “@ This prayer next follow! ng fhall be Omitted, Where the womanispaft childbitth..;........0 0 7, O Percitull Lozd and peauenty Father, byxshote ™ gracious gift mankinde 18 cncrealend : we beſeech thee aflit with chp blefling thefe two perfons, that they may both be frutttull in procreation of childzen. and allo {tue together fo long in godly Ioue and hone⸗ ſty, that they map (ee their chuldzens childgen vnto the third and fourth generation, vnto thy prayſe and — honour, cheough Jeſus Chꝛiſtour Loꝛd. Amen. O &od, which by thp mighty power haſt made ail things oknought, which alfo after other things ſet in order dant appoint, that out of man, created After thine owne image a ſimilitude, woman ſhould take her beginning, and knitting them together, diddeſt teach that it ſhould ncuer be lawfull to put a- funder thofe tobom thou by. Matrimony haddeſt maoe one , D God which ball conlecrated the Tate of - MPatrimony to fuch an excellent mpfterp,that init is fignificd and vepaefented the ſpirituall marriage and vnitie betwirt Chil andhis Church : Looke merct- fully vpon thete thy feruants, that both this man map loue bis wife according to thy M0020 , as Chk did loue bistpoutethe Church, who gaue mee | , 02 “y a — OfMatrimony. . foritdouing and cherithing it euen as bis otone fet, J alfothat this Doman may be touting and amia⸗ bie tober huſband as Rachel, wile as Rebecca, faith⸗ fullandobcdientas Sara ,andin all quictneiie, fo beiety, and peace. be a follower ofpolpand goaly mae trons. D Mord biefle chemboth, and graunt them to inherite thy euerlalling hingodmes Theough Jeſus OSH REE, by. Chyitkoue Lords amen, gor cn . Sief Dher thalleiie Prieſt Hi )% - soo ALmighty God, which at the beginningoaid create Rour fir pavents Adam and Cue, and did ſanctiſie and ioyne them cogether in marriage :potwze vpon pouthe riches of his grace. fanctifie and bleſſe pou that pe may pleale him both tn body andfoule, and liue together in holy loue vnto pour liues end. Ainen, ¶ Then fhall begin the Communion. Andafter the Gofpel fialbe {aida Sermon,wherin ordinarily,fo oft as there is any mattiage, the office ofa man and wife thalbe decla. red, according to koly Scripture!’ Orif there be no Ser- mon,the Minifter fhallreade this that followeth. es A pe which be marted.o2 which intend Eto tale the holp eftate of Matrimony vpon you, heate what holy Scripture X odoeth fay as touching the duety of huſ⸗ SSSA banos toward their wiues, and wiues towardsthetthutbands. ~ &, Paulin bis Epiltle to the Gpheſians the ith Chapter,oocth giue this commandement to all mar- ried men, Pehuibands, loue pour wiues, even as Chꝛiſt loued the Church,and hath giuen Limfeife fo2 tt, tofanctifiett, purging iti the fountaine of wa⸗ ter, though the word, that he might make it onto — him⸗ i ai aR aaa aay eS a . Of Matrimony; | ' himſelle a glorious Congregation , not hauingſpot o2 wrinkle, or any ſuch thing. but that it it on iy and blamelefle. Somen ate bound to toue their owne wiles, agtheivowne bodies. Heethatioueth - his owne wile, foueth himletfe :sfoz never did any inan Hate his owne fle: dut nouriſheth and cherith: ethit, euen as the Lord doeththe Congregation: fo? hoc are members of his body, of his ich, andothis bones. for this cauſe ſhall a man leaue father and mother, and ſhall be ioyned vnto his wife, and they two ſhall be onefelh, Chis myſterie is great: but J ſpeake of Chriſt, and of the Congregation. Neuerthes icfle,iet every one of you ſo loue hts otone wife, euen as bimilelfe. Likewile the fame S. aul weiting to the Co⸗ loſſians, ſpeaketh thustoalimen that be married, Pee men loue pour wiues, andbee not bitter vnto Heare alfo what S. Deter the Apokle of Chꝛiſt. which was himlelle a married man, fayth ontoall men chat are married. Pe huſbands,dwell with your wites accordingto knowledge, giuing honour vnto the wife ag buto the weaker beffeil, and as heires to⸗ aetherofthe grace of life, fo that pour prayers be not hindered. —R Bi 0) 9337 De Hitherto pe haue heard the Ductpof the huſband to- Ward the wife. Now likewile vee wines Heare and learne pour duetys towards pour huloands, euenas itis plainely fet foozthin bolp Scripture. &. Paul inthe forenamed Epiſtle to the Epheſians teacheth pou thus: Pe women ſubmit pour felues vn⸗ to your owne huſbands, as bnto the L020, Foꝛ the bulband is the wiueshead,eucnas Chet ts the bead ofthe Church, and hee is allo the Sauiour ofthe whole body. sty. Isa 9G Cress 4199 | ! Theres - Therefore as the Church 02 Congregation is fubs fect vnto Cheitt: So likewiſe let the wiues alſo bein fubtection to their otone huſbands in allthings.ana againe he ſaith, Let the wife reuerence her hulband. Andin bis ‘E€vittie tothe Coloflians S. Paul giueth Colof 3. you this tho2c tetion, De wines, ſubmit pour ielues biito pour owne pull bands, as it ig conuenient inthe L020, Saint peter alfo doeth inffruct pou very godly, 1.Per. a, thus taping, Lee wives be fubiect to their owne hus bands; fo thatifany obey not the word, they may be wonne without the word by the conuerſation of the wiues, while thep behold pour chate conuerſation coupled with feare. Whoſe appareil let it not be out: ward With braided Haire, and trimming about with gold, either by putting on of gozgeous apparel: but let the bid man whichis in the heart, be without all corruption , fo that the ſpirit be milde a quiet, which is a pꝛecious thing in the light of God. Foꝛ after this maner itt the old time did the Holy women which tru- fted in God, apparell themfelues, being fubiectto their owne putvands: Qs Sara obeyed Abzabam, calling bim 202d, whofe daughters pe are made do⸗ ing well, and not being diſmayed with any leare. | q The newe married perfons the fame day of their mat- riage, muft receiue vat holy ——— a; €5 The ~ @ Lhe orderror the vi tion of the ſicke. @ The Prieſt entring into the ſicke perfons houfe thal ps. Peace be tn this Houle, and to all that dwell tn it. ~ @Whenhecommeth into the fick mans e ſhall ie Hye downe. ml Emember not od our iniquities, 1102 qq: aml Che intquities of our forefathers. Spare ST xe vs good Lord (pare thy people whi thou eK] hak redeemed with thy moft precious blood, and be not angry with bs fo2 euer. Lord haue mercy vpon bs. Chi haue mercy vpon bs. Loꝛd haue mercy Dpon bs, O ur Father which art in heauen, ac. And leade bs not into temptation, An({were, But deliuer vs from euil. Ament, Miniſter. O oꝛdtaue chy ſeruant. Anf{were. m hich putteth his fae iM thee, Mini ſter. Send him helpe ne Cap help place, An (were. And euermore mightily DesenD Hint. inuter | Let the enemie haue tb aduantage of hint, ; Ae? niwere, | Ror the wicked approch to hurt him. iniſter. Bevnto him, O —2**— ſtrong Cover. ſWwere. From the face of his enemy. Minifter, — — ee eee * — ~The vifitation ofthe ficke. — Miniſter. VONoꝛd heave our prayers. ir An{were, And let our cry come onto thee. SG: 2 inifter,, | O £020 locke downe from heauert, bebold , bilite and releiue this thy feruant. Looke bpon dine With the eves of thy mercy, qiue him comfort andfure confidence in thee, defend him from the Danger of the .. enemy, and keepe him in perpetual peace and fafety, theough Jeſus Chk our Lozd.Amen.9 HH Gate bs aimightyand mot mercifull God. and Sauiour, ertend thine accuomed goodnelle to this thy leruant, whichis qrieued with fichnel: bts ne | fife him D 02d, as thou dtddekk bifite eters wiaes © mother, ad the Captaines ſeruant. Soviclandves ſtore to this ſicke perfon bis fozmer health, (tiie be thy will) ozelfe giue him qrace fo totake thy vilitation, that after thispatnefulltife ended, be may dwell With thee in life euerlaſting. Amen, @ Then fhall the Minifter exhort the ficke perfon after this ' forme, or other like. D Carelybeloued, knovo this, that Aimighty God. | is the Lozd of life and death , and ouer all things fo thems pertaining, as youth, ſtrength, health, age, Weakenelle andfickenefle,. wheretore, whatloeuer pour ſickneſſe is.know pou certatnelp,that itis Gods bifitation, And fo2 what caule foeuer thts ſickneſſe ts fent vnto you, whether it be to try pour. patience foz the erampie of others, and that your faith may be found in the day of the Lord laudable glorious, and honourable, to the increafe ofglozy and endleſſe felts citp, or elfe it be fent bnto poutocogrect and amend in xou whatfocuer doth offend the epes of your beavers: lyfather:know vou certainelp.that tf pou — | The vifitation of the ſicke... pent pou of pour ſinnes, and beare vour ſickneſſe pati· ently, truſting in Gods mercy, for bis deare Sonne Fclus Chꝛeiſts fake, and render vnto Him Humble thankies [02 bis fatherly dification, fubmitting pour felfe wholly vnto bis wil. it hall turne topour profit, « vnto euerlaſting life. @ Ifthe perſon viſited be very ficke,then the Curatema end his exhortation in this place. \ si Ake therefore in good worth the chaftifement of the Lod. Foꝛ whom the Lozd loueth he chaſti⸗ feth: yea,as S. Paul faith, be ſcourgeth euery ſonne which be recetueth. Fi veendurechakifement,ve of fereth bimfelfe vnto pou, as vnto his owne children. what ſonne ts be that Che father chatkileth not? Ffpe be not birder cozrectron(wiereok all true child2en are partakers ) then are yee baſtards and not children. Wherefore {eeing that when our carnall fathers doe correct bs, Wereuerentipy obey them: thall wee noe now much rather be obedient to our ſpirituall fa: ther,and fo liue? And they for afew dayes do chaſtiſe Os after their owne pleafure : but he docth chakife bs foz our profit, to the intent hee may make bs parta- kers ot his holineſſe. Chelewo2ds,qoodbzother, are Gods words, and written in holy Scripture for our comfoꝛrt and inſtruction,that we ſhould patiently and with thankeſgiuing beare our heauenly fathers correction, whenſo euer by any maner of aduerſitie it ſhall pleaſe thy gracious goodneſſe to viſit vs. And there ſhould beeno greater comfort to Chriſtian per⸗ fons, then to be made like vnto Chꝛriſt, bp fuffring pa⸗ tiently aduer(ittes, troubles, andficknefles. doz te himſelfe went not bp to toy, but firk he ſuffred paine, he entred noe tito bis glory, before he was crucified, fo truely our wap to eternall toy ts to fuffer — at | 2 and helpe pou forward in the right wap that leadeth “ ; i e vifitation of theficke, “Che, and our dooze to enter mto eternal! life ia, glaͤdiy odie with Cyriſt, that. wee may rife aqaine froin deatl), and Dwell with himin euerlatting itie. Mow theretoze, taking your fickenefle, which ts wus profitable fo2 pow, patiently, J erboee pouin the ane of God, to rementber the profeliton which pow made vnto God in your Baptiſme. And foraſmuch as alter this tite , there is account to bee giuen vnto the righteous Judge, of whom all muſt bee iudged without reſpect ot perſons:Jrequire pou to examine pour ſelfe and pour ſtate, both toward God and man. ſo that accuſing and condemning vour ſelfe fo2 pour owne faults, you map finde mercy at our heaueniy fathers band foz Chriſts ſake, and not bee accuted and condemnedin that fearefull tudgement : theres fore Iſhall thoztly rehcarſe the articles of our faith, that pou map hnowe whether pow doe beleeue a3 a Chrittian man ſhould o2 no. @ Here the Minifter hall rehearfe the Articles of the faith, faying thus, T?) Sei thou beleeue in Godthe father Almighty, “ac. As itisin Baptifme. 1 ge - Then thall the Minifter examine whether he be in cha- ritie With all the world, exhorting him toforgiue from the bottome of his heart all perfonsthat haue offended him, and if he haue offended other , toafke them forgrieneffe : and where he hath done wrong or imury to any man, that he make amends to the vttermott ofhispower. Andifhe haue not afore difpofed of his goods,let him then make his Will;and alfo declare his debts, what he oweth,and what ts eWing vnto him , for difcharging of his confcience. and quictnefle of his executors. But men muftbee oftadmont: dhed that they fec an order for their temporal! goods and lands, when they be in health. | Munſter Thelte wordes before rehearſed may be ſaid, before the Sette | — Ra _ minefpe- agi ay | °7I. raui.pſal. “@ he vifitatton of theficke. ™ Minifter begin his prayer, ashe fhall fee caufe, The Mini- {ter may not forgetnor omit to moue the fick eperfon,and, — that moft eatneftly,to liberalitie toward the poore. Here’ fhal the ficke perfon make a {pecial confeffion,if he feele his confcience troubled with any waighty matter,A fter which confeflion,the Prieft fhallabfolue him after this fort, : O Ur Lord Jeſus Chriſt, who hath left powerto his Church to abſolue all ſinners which truely repent ¢ beleeue in him, of His great mercie forgiue thee thine offences: and by bis authoritie committed vnto mee, Jabſolue thee from allthy ſinnes, in the Mame of the father, andof the Sonne, and of the holy Ghok Amen. iy st @ And then the Prieft thalfay the Colle& following: — QLetospeap, O Mok merciful God, which according to the mul: titude of thy mercies Dock ſo put away the finnes of thofe which truelp repent, that thou rememb2ekt them 110 mo2e,open thine eve of mercte bpon this thy fevuant, who molt earneſtly delireth pardon and korgiueneſſe. Kenew tnbim, mo louima fa- ther, whatfoeuer bath been decayed by the fraud and malice of the deutil, 02 by hts otone carnall willand fratleneffe,preferue and continue this fiche member in the vnitie of the Church, confider his contrition, accept his teares,all wane his patne,as thal bee ſeene to thee moſt erpedient fo2 bint. And foraſmuch as bee putteth bis full truſt onely in thy mercy, impute noe bito Him bis fozmer finnes, but take bimbnto thy - fauour, through the merits of tby moſt dearelp beta: ued Sonne Jeſus Chk, Amen, fare Dos @ Then fhall the Minifter fay this Pſalme. Nthee, OLord, haue J put my truk, tet me neuer be putto confulton: but rid mee, yy and deliver mee tnthy righteouſneſſe i ins Oe * litle FT im, The vi itation ‘of he ficke. | clitte thine eare vnto me, and faue me, Be thou my ſtronghold, whereunto Jmay a tefort: thou batt promifed to belpe mee, fo2 thou art mp houfe of defence, and my cattie, Deliver me, D mp God, out of che hand ofthe ore govtp: out of the band of the vnrighteous and cruell forthou O Lord God, art the thing that ZF tong fon: thou art mpbopeeuenfrommy youth. Through thee haue J bene Holden bp euer fince F was bozne : thou are he that tooke me out of my mo: thers wombe, my peavle hall alway be of thee. 4 am become ag it were a monſter bnto many: but my fure truſt ts in thee. Diet mp mouth bee filled with thy praiſe: that J inaplingofehyglozyandhonourallthedaplong. Call meenot away in the time ofage : foꝛſake mee not when myſtrength kaileth me. For mine enemies ſpeake againt me, and theythat lap waitforzmpfoule, takethety counſaile together, fapitig: God hath forfaken him , perfecute him and take him, fo2 there ts none to deliuer Him. Go not farre from ine, D God: my God Dafte thee fobelpeme. Let them be confounded Eperith, that are again myſoule: let them be coueres with fhame and diſho⸗ nour, that feeketo doe me euill. as foz mee ,FI will patiently abive alway: and will praite thee more and moꝛe. My mouth ſhall dayly fpeate of thy. righteoutnelle an ſaluation: foꝛ Iknow no end thereof. J will goe forth in the ſtrength of the Lord God: and will make mention of thy righteouſneſſe onely. Thou, OGod haſt taught me frõ my pouth op be til aem cheretore wil a — ot tip wonderous works. Forſake The vifitation of the ficke: | orfake mee not, ctun micaasaenaa * am ‘grarbeaded: vntiſn J haue Hewed top ſtrengty vnto this generation, and iby power to ail them taaé. are pet for tcocome. Oey righteouſneſſe, O God, is verphigh agreat thiugs are they that tyou haſt done: O God, wo is uke burothic? D what great troubles and aduerfities haſt thou: | f2ined me land pee diddeſt Chouturne ¢refreh mee: yea, a bꝛonghteſt me fro the deep ofthc earthy againe. Thou bad bought melo great honour: aud com⸗ Gozted-mie on cuery Hes. Therefore will J praiſe thee ¢ thy kaithtulnelle O God, playing vpõ an infrumentofmufich ; bute thee wll Jſiag vpõ the. batpe; Dthou holpone of Iſrael. My lips wtil be faine when Jſing vnto thee:and fo Will my foule whom thou hak deliuered. My tongue aifo ſhall talke of thy righteoutnes all. . the nay long: fo2.thepare. confounded and brought ovnto ſhame,that ſeeke to doe me euiſl. Glow be te the Father, ee. As it was inthe ac. ingt is. €) EY) Sautour- of the, world, ſaue vs, which by thy croffe and precious blood haſt redeemed D8, helpe bs, tec befeech thee, D: God-. @ Then fhallthe Minifter ſay. T. He Almighty Lord, which is a moſt Grong tower to all them that put their truſt in him, to whom all things in heauen, in earth, and vnder the earth bo bowand obey, bee noto.andeuermozethp.defence, Gnd make thee know andicele, tat here is none o⸗ ther name vnder heauen giuen to mani whom and theough whom thou mayeſt receiue health and fale: sation, but onely the Mame of-oyr Loꝛd Fetus: CoE. Amen. ——— q The The Communiono _ Be | the ficke, | ; Foramuch as all mortal men be ſubiect to many ſudden perils,difeafes, and ſickneſſes, and euer vncertaine what time they fhal depart out of this life:therefore to the intent they may be alwayes in areadinefle to die Whenfocuer it fhal pleafe Almighty God to call them,the Curates fhal di- ligently fro time to time, but {peciallyinthe plague time ex- hort their Parifhioners,to the oft receiuing(in the Church) of the holy Communion ofthe body and blood of our Sa- uiour Chrift : which if they.dee,they fhall haue no cauſe in their {udden vifitationto be vnquiet for lacke ofthe fame, Bur ifthe ficke perfon be not able to come tothe Church, and yet is defirous to receiuethe Communion inhishoufe, then he muft grue knowledge ouer night,or els early.in the | -morning,to the Curate, fignifyingalfo how many beap- ' pointed to communicate with him, and hauing a conueni- ent place in the ficke mans houfe wherethe Curate may re. uerently minifter,and a good number to receiue the Com- munion with the ficke perfon, with all things neceflary for the ſame, he fhall there minifter the holy Communion, rat The Colle. | Lmightie eucrituing God, maker of mans thow doch receiue: we beleech thee to haue mercy vp⸗ on this thy feruant, viſited with thine baud, andto ‘grant that be may tale his fickenefle pattentip, and recouer bis bodilp Healthifit beethy qracious will. And bohenfoeter his foule hall depart from the body, it may be toithoutfpot peeſented puto thee, theough Jeſus Chriſt our Loꝛd. Anen. The Epiſtle. | % Lozd, neither faint: wien thou art rebuked se of him. Foz whom the Lord loueth, him hee a : 3 coavecteth \ P fonne, diſpiſe not the correction cf the Hebr.x2? The Communion of the ficke correcteth: Pea,and He ſcourgeth euerp on whom he receiueth. The Goſpel. |, Johns. Crelp verely J fay vnts pou, he that heareth | - we my 0020, and beleeueth on Him that tent me, | — hath euerlaſting lite, and ſhall not come into damnation, but paſſeth from Death vnto life, 4 Atthe time ofthe diftribution of the holy Sacrament, the Prieft fhall firft receiue the Communion himfelfe - andafter minifter vntothem that be appointed to com: municate with'the ficke, Butifany man, either by rea- ſon ofextremitieof fickenefle, or for want of Warning in due time to the Curate,or forlacke of company to rez ceiue With him,or by any “other inft impediment do not receinethe Sactament of Chritts body and blood: then the Curate fhall inſtruct him that if he doe truely repent him‘ofhis finnes,and ftedfaftly beleeue that lefus Chrift hath fuffered death vponthe Croſſe forhim, and fhed his blood: for his redemption, earneſtly remembring the benefits hee hath thereby ;:and giuing him hearty: thankes therefore, hee doeth eaté and drinke the body and blood ofour Sauiour Chrift, profitably to his foules _ health, although he donot receiue the Sacrament with his — — @ Whentheficke perfon isvifited,and receineth the holy’ Communion all at onetime,thenthe Prieft for more expedition, fhall curoffthe forme ofthe vifitation atthe . Plalme In thee O Lodhaue F put my tru, pen | . goefirdighttothe' Communion, || @ Inthe time ofplague,fweat,orfuch otherlike contagious times of fickneffes,or difeafes , when none of the Parifh. or neighbours can bee gotten to communicate with the ficke in their houfes, for feare ofthe infection, vpon ſpe- ciall requeft of the diféafed, che as ay’ may alonely cominunicate with — * 4 The e order for the buriall ofthe dead. ) @ The Prieft meeting the corps atthe Church ftile, thal! | faysorels the Prieft and Clerks fhall fing , and fo goc ci ther into the Church, or towards the graue. CEQ! Ain the reſurrection a the lite, faith the Iohn rr- rPaG trey Lod. Wee that belecucth tn mee, pea, A224 Pee)» though hee were dead, pet ſhall hee liue. 24 Oe And wholoeuer liveth and beleeucth army Wine, hall not die fo2 euer. i now t that mp Redeemer iiueth, andthat F hail lob 19. rife out ofthe earth inthe laſt day, and thalbee co: Licred againe with my Minne, and hail fee Godin wp fleſh:yea, and JImpy felfe thal ‘pebord him, not with other but with thele ſame epes. VV Ee brought nothing tuto thts wowld, neither 1, Tim.c map Wwe carp any thing out ofthis woꝛld. he Tob 1, Lopdaiueth, andthe Lozdtaketh away. Euen as it pleateth the Loꝛd, fo commeth things to baths Wiel fe bethe@Mame ofthe Lod. q When they come to the graue, whilethe corpsis made ready to be laydinto the ei Res Prieft fhall aye rthe Prieft and Clearkes ſhall ſing. M an tbat ts borne ofa woman, hath but amort y. . time toliue, andis fullof mifery. ee commeth °° ** Dp, andis cut dovone ithe a flowee, He fleeth ag tt were aſhadow, and neuer continueth in one tay. In the middeſt oflife toe be in death:of whom may toe ſeeke korſuccour but of thee, D Loꝛd, vohich foꝛ our hapa iuſtly art diſpleaſed? Pet, D 1013 God mok holy, O Lord mot mighty, D holy and moſt mercifull Saut- out deliuer bs notinto the bitter paines of eternal death. Chou kno welt 102d tie fecrets of cur hearts, fhut not bp thy mercifull eves to our prayers: ge ipare vs 1029 mot boly ; o* God nol eas ; Ow ore ~ ee ~ Atthe buriall ofthe dead. holy and mercifull Saviour, thou mot worthy Fudge eternall,fuffer ds not at our laſt boure fo. anp soit ini ads, fallfromthee, Then while the earth fhalbe caft vpon the body by __ fome ftanding by,the Prieft fhallfay, ~ * FOꝛraſmuch agit path pleated Almighty God of his great mercie.to take vnto Himlelfe the foule of our neare brother here departed, wee therefore commit His body to the qround.earth to earth, athes to aſhes, Dutt to duſt, in ſure and certaine hope of reſurrection to eternall lite thꝛough our Loꝛd Jeſus Chzitt, who thal change our vile bodythat it map be like vnto bis gloztous body, according to the mightie working: - toherebp be ts able to ſubdue all things ta himfelfe. Then fhall be fayd or fung. [Beato a voyce from heauen.ſaying vnto me, Wꝛite From hencefoorth bleſſed are the dead which die in the Lod. Euen ſo faith the Spirit , that thep tet from their labours. ¶ Then fhal folow this Leſſon taken out ofthe 15 35 ter to the Corinthians the firſt Epiſtle. ane pitts riſen fromthe dead, a become the firtt. (Es fruits of them that fleepe.ffo2z by aman came Oe Death, andby aman came the revurrection of the Dead.ffozasby Adam al die,cuen ſo by Cheiſt hat all be made aliue but euery man in his owne order. The firkt{s Chritt, thei they that are Chriltes at his comming : then commeth theende, tohen hee hath deliuered op the kingdome to Good the father, oben. be bath put dotone all rule, and all authozitie and power. Foz he mutt reique tile haue put ail his e⸗ nemies vnder bis keete. Che laſt enemie that ſhall bee deſtroyed, isdeath., Foz hee hath putall things vn⸗ der his feete. But when hee ſayeth, All things ave put vnder him: it is on — hee is accepted — that , “ ~Atthe buriall of the dead. that hath put all things vnder bim. When all things ave fubdued vnto Hiin,chen hal the Sonne allo him: felfe bee fubtect buto Him that put all things onder Him, that God may beealinall, Cig vohat doe they which are baptised ouer the dead, tithe Dead rife noe atall? why are they then baptized outer tient? pea, andiwhy land wee alwap then in teopardy ? Wy our reiopcing tobich J haue in Chriſt Jeſu our Lord, J die dayly, Chat Jhaue fought with beaſtes at Epe⸗ ſus after the maner of men, what aduantageth it me, ifthe Dead rife not againe: Let vs cate anddeinke,foz to moꝛrow We Haldie, Be not pe decetued,eutl words corrupt good manners. Awake truely out of Aeepe, and ſinne not. Foꝛ fomebaue not the kno wledge of God, F {peake this to your hame, But fome man will fap, ow rife the Dead 7 swith what body ſhall thepcome? Chou foole, that which thou lowell , ts not quickenedercept itdie, And what ſoweſt thou? Chou lowell not that body that ſhallbee, but bare corne, as ofinheate, o2fome other: but God atueth it abody at his owne pleatuve, to cuerp feed His owne body. Ail fle ig not one maner of fle: but therets one maner of fleſh ofinen, anothermaner offleth of beats, another of fitbes.another of bivds, Chere are. allo celeſtiall bodies, and there ave bodies tervefirtall. . But the glozyp of theceleRialltsone, andthe glozy of the terreſtriall is another. Chere is one maner glory of the Sunne,and another glory of the Moone, and - another glorvokthe Starres. Foꝛ one larre-diffe- reth from another in glory, Sois the reſurrection of thedead. It is ſowen in corruption, it riſeth againe in incorruption. It is owen tn difhonour , it riſeth againe in honour. It is ſo wen in weakenelle, tt riſeth againe in power. It is iowenanaturall body, it ri⸗ ſethagaine a Spixituall body. Chere is a — OVP, At the puriail or the dead. Hody,and there is afptrituall body: as itis alfo wit⸗ tin, Che fire man Adam was madea living foute, aud the ial Adam was made a quickening ſpirit. Howbeit, that isnot irl which ts (pirttuall , but that whtch isnaturall, and then that which is (piri: tual, Chelirl man is ofthe earth, earthy. Che fee cond mati ts the 202d from beauen , heauenly. Asis the earthy, ſuch are thep that be earthy. And agis the heauenlp, ſuch are they Chatarebeauenlp. And as. wee baue bone the tmage of the earthy, fo ſhall wee beare the image ofthe beauenly. Chis fay J bres then, that fleth and bicod cannot tnbertte the fing: dome Of God, neither doth cozruption inberite incor⸗ ruption.Gevold,F thew pou a myſterie. We fhhali not ail ſſeepe: but we thall allbe changed, a that tn amo: ment, in the twinckling of an eye, by the laf trumpe. §'o2 the trumpe hall biow , andthe dead ſhall riſe in⸗ corruptible, and toe ſhalbe changed: Foꝛ this cezrup: tible mutt putonincozruption, and this moztal mut puton tmmoztalitie. When this corruptible hath put on incoꝛruption,and this moztal bath put on im⸗ immortality, then ſhalbe broughtto paſſe thefaping that is witten: Death ts ſwallowed bp into bictozie: Death where is thy ling? Veil where ts thy victory: | Che ting of Meath is ſinne, and theſtrength of inne isthe Law, But thanks be vnto God which Hath gi- ucn bs bictozie through our Lod Jeſus Chꝛilt. Ghereforze my deare brethren, bee ve ſtedfaſt and bir: moueabie,alwayes rich in the worke of the 102d, fo2- afmuch as pe nol , how thatpour labours notin vaine in the Lord. ¶ The Leſſon ended, the Prieſt ſhall fay. Loꝛd haue mercie vpon bs, Chriſt haue mercy vpon bs. Loꝛd haue mercy bpon bs, ay | | ¶ Dur Our Father, which attinheauen, ac, And lead bs not inte temptation, An{were, But deliuer b3 froin ——— FIC A knight 60d, With whom doe live the {pirits of them that depart hence inthe Lord, and in whom the foules of them that be elected, after they be Delinered from the burde of the fleſh, be in tov and felt: citie: we atue thee Hearty thanks,foz that tt bath piea- fed thee to Deliuer thts (42) our brother out of the mi⸗ feries of this ſinfull wold, beteeching thee, that it map pleaſe thee of thy gracious goodneſſe, ſhortly to accompliſh the number of thine elect, and to haſten thy hingoome, that wee with this our brꝛother, and alather departed tthe true faith of thy holy Rame, may haue our perfect confummation and bitile, both in body and foule, in thy eternail and euerlaſting lory. Amen. The Collect. O Mercifull God; the Father of our Lord Fetus Chriſt, who is the refurrection and the life, tr whom whofoeuer beleeueth, ſhallliue, though bee die,and whoſoeuer liueth andbelecueth in him, half not die eternally, whoallo taught vs by hts boip A⸗ poſtle Paul, not to hee ſoꝛy as men without hope/foꝛ them that ſleepe in him: Wee meekely beſeech thee, OfFather, to raiſe vs from the Death of ſinne vnto the life of righteoufnelle , that wher we Mall depart this life, we may reſt in him, as our hope ts this our brother doeth, and that atthe generall reſurrection in the laſt day, voee may bee found acceptable tn thy ſight, and receiue that bleſſing which thy welbeloued Sonne ſhalthen pronounce to al that loue and feare =e pee blelled childzen of mp — iu Churching of wo nen. — receitie the kingdome peepared foz you from the bee ginning of the world. Grant this, we beſeech thee, O mercifull father , thaough Felus Cozi our medi: atour and redeemer.Amen. The thankefgiuing ofwomen after Childbirth,commonly called, The Churching ofwomen,. ; @ The woman fhall come into the Church,and there hhall knecle downein fome conuenientplace, nigh vatothe . lace where the Table ftandeth , and the Prieft ftanding is her, fhall fay thefe wordes,or ſuch like, as thecafe thal OMꝛaſmuch ag t€ Hath pleaſed Almightie Fe Godothis goodnelle to giue you fate deli⸗ s RCS)! Uevance, and bath; peeferued pou in the great danger of childbirth: yee hall theres fozcigiue hearty thanks bnto God,¢ pray. ‘Then fhall the Prieft fay this P falme. ‘Beepeth thee will not fleepe. SS. Behold, be that heepeth Frael: hall neither Mums ber nor ſleepe. Che Lord himlſelle ig thy keeper: the Lord ts thy dekence vpon thy right hand. So that the Sunne ſhall not burne thee by Day: noz the Moone by night. 7 CThe Lozd hail preferue thee from alleuill: pea, it is euen he that hailkcepe thy foule, ohe ) nso , aye ‘Lov ihail p ae rue thy goin g out, ¢ thy com⸗ ming in from chistime kooeth tc: euermore. Giory be totue Father ac. As it was in the ac. Ho Have mercy vpon bs, Ciniff haue mercy vpon vs. Load haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Dur Father which art inbeauenac, And leade vs notinto temptation, «>: Anſwere. But deliuer bg —— Amen. rie @ | D L070 faue this woman thpteruant, > — ntwere. LY aod 16s Which putteth her trut tn in thee. Be thou to her a ſtrong tower, Anf{were. | Frou thetace of her enemie. Prieſt. Lod heare our prayer. . | | (were, And let our ery come onto — | Prieſt. @ Let vs — ‘God, which ee Fostineted this wo⸗ anal thy Seruantfromtbe areat paineand periit : of childbirth :qrant,twe befeech thee, moſt mercilull Father, that hee theough thp belpe may both fatth- fully line and walke in Her bocation accoꝛding to thy willinchig like prefent,and alſo map bee partaker of euerlaſtingglory in the ligeto come, though Jeſus Chꝛriſt our 102d. Amen, @ The woman that commeth to giueher thankes,mutft of- fer accuftomed offtings : andif there bea Communion, _ tisconucnicat that thee receiue the holy —— ek Mieliat Pen —— “finners, with: certaine prayerst to bw OTE vſed diuers timesin the yeere. coer. @ After morning praycr, the people being. called ie cr by the ringing of a Bell , and affembled in the Church, the Englifh:Letanie hall bee faidsafter the accuftomed maner :which end¢d; * Prieft fhall goe into — o © £46. : ¥ — — 52 ‘Of ene "fac peat a3 — Nee) jee were notozious ſinners, were put to o⸗ — pen penance , a punithed tn thts world, that thelr ſoules might bee faued inthe dap of the 02d: and that other admoniched by their example, might be the moze afraid tooffend. In che lead whereok, vntilthe ſaid diſcipline may be reſtored againe, (obich thing ts much tobee with: ed) it is thought good , that atthis time in pourpre- - ſence ſhould beeread the generall fentences of Gods curſing againſt tmpenitentiinners, gathered out of the xxvii. Chapter of Meuteronomie,and other pla- ses of Scripture: and that pe fhould anſwere to eue⸗ rp fentence Amen: to the intent that you, being ads monifhedot the great indignation of God againu fits ers: map the rather be called to earneſt and true re⸗ pentance, and may walke moze warity in theſe dan⸗ gerous dayes, teeing from ſuch bices, for the which pee: affirme with yout owne mouthes, the curte of God to be due. | forty t3 nee * Curſed is the man that —35 anveactied 02 mol⸗ ten finage,an abomination to the 102d, the woke of thebandsof the — — —— in * * io woꝛſhip tf, >: * | ie : ~ A Commination. - “And the people fall anfwere,and a : | , Minifter. | Curted is he that curfeth bis father and mother, Anſwere. Amen. Minifter, Curled is he that remoueth away the Marke of His : neighbours land, | ) Antwere. Amen. * Minifter, Curledis hee that maketh the blinde to got out of bia way. | Amen. a0 Minifter: Curled is hee that letteth in iudgement the right ple — them that be. latherletle and of wi⸗ owes. es AnGeitre: Anfwere, 7 Minifter, : Curted is be that iene bis neighbour — Anf Were, ; amen, - | ’ Minifter.. Curted is he — wih bis neighbours wite An {were. Amen, | Minift Curiedis he that taketh revwatD to flay the ſoule of innocent blood, Anſwere. Amen. OHTA Minifter, Pfal.r 194 Matth.3 cbr. ‘Pfal. rt. Efa.26. ‘Mala.3. Matth. 3 | Y : ; aaa * : isha: ee ) Curted tg he that patcerh his rude it —— —— tog his delence, and in bis eave — the — Amen. Antwere. Minifter. Cured are the Bumercefull, the foznicatours,@ads ulterers and the couetous perfons, the worſhippers ofimages, tlanderers,druntiards,and — Anſwere. Amen. Niniſter. N Dw, leeing that all they be accurſed (ag the 102.08 phet Daud beareth witnelle) which * dee erre and goe aftray from the commandements of God tet bs (remembꝛing the dreadfull tudgement banging ouer oly heads,and being alwayes at hand) returne histo our 02d God with.ati contrition ¢ meekeneſſe ofheart, be wailing and lamenting our finfull lite knowledging and conkelling our offerices, and ſee⸗ Hing to bring foo2th worthy Fruits of penance. * Foz now isthe are put vnto the root of the trees, {o that euery tree, which bringeth not foot) good Fruit,is hewen Downe, and cat into the fire. «Ft is a fearefull thing to fall intothe handset the liuing God: be hall powedowne raine vpon the ſin⸗ ners, ſnares, fite and brimſtone, ſtorme and tem: peſt, this thail be their postion to drinke. fez foe, *the 02d is comeout of his place.to viſit the wickedneſſe ot ſuch as dwell vponthe earth. Wut* wo maya: bide the Dap of his comming? Who ſhall be abietoen: dure vͤben he appeareth?* His fanis tn bis hand, and ye will purge his flooze, and gather his wheate into ip barne dut he will burne the challe with bn: Auenchadie »* A Commination. quenchable fire,* Che day ofthe Lord commeth ag a t-Thet. 5, theife in the night: and when men (halltay, Peace, and ali things arelate, then ſhall ſudden deſtruction come bpon thent,as fozrow commeth bpon a woman trauatling with childe, a they (all not efcape, Chen hail appeare the wath of Godin the day ofden- pws. geance, which obfinate finners theotiah the iub: ~~ buries of thett heart, haue heaped bnto themſelues which delpiſed the goodneſſe, patterice , aud tong fut: ferance of God, whenee calied them continuatty to repentatice. * Chen hail they calibpon me,faity the Lord, but J will not heare, they thallfeeke mee eare: lp, but they thall not finde mee, and that becaule thep ‘hated kuowledge, and receitsed not the feare of the Lod, but abhoꝛred my countell, and deſpiſed mp coz: tection, Chen thallit bee too late to knocke, when the doore Hall bee (hut, and too late to cry for mercie, wohen it isthe time of Juſtice. D terrible voyce of mot tut et ltd hallbepzonouncedbpos chem, when it chall be fain bnto chem, *Goe pe curten Mate. 254 into the fire euerlaſting, which is prepared fo2 the de⸗ uill and bis angels, — *Gherefozre bꝛethren, take wee heed betime, while 2.Cor.6, the dap of ſaluation laſteth, for the night commeth when nonecan worke: but*let bs while we haue the Tohn 9. light beleeue in the light, and walke as the children — of thelight, that we be not*calkinto vtter darkneſſe, Matth.25 wohere ents guathing of teeth, Let bs not aubule the goodneſſe of God, which calleth vs merct- Prou. ti fully Co amendinent, andof bisendielle pitie promi: feth vs forgiuenelſe ofthat tobich is patt, if with a Whole minde andtrue heart weereturnednto him, RFoꝛ though our finnes be as vedas (carlet,thep tail Efai te be as white asfiow: and though they be life purple, pet hail they be —— | Turne A Commination.. Ezeci28. CTurne pou cleane, fateh the Lord, from all your ———— pour ſinne ſhall not be vour deſtruc⸗· Caſt away from you alt pour vngodlineſſe that pee Haue done, make pou new hearts, and anew ſpirit. Mbherefoze will pee die, D pee houle of Iſrael, feeing that Jhaue no plealurcinthe death of him that di- 5 amma the Loꝛd God ? turne you then, and pe thail tue, zJohn 2° * Although we baue finned, pethatte toe an aduo⸗ cgte With the Father, Jeſus Chet the righteous, . Efay<3: and heit is that obteineth gtacefozourfinnes. Slay 03+ . *foꝛ bee was wounded fozour offences, and ſmit⸗ fen fo2z our wickednes. Let bs therefozereturne vnto Him, whois the mercifull receiver of all true pents tent finners, alluring our ſelues that bee ts ready to receive bs.and mot willing topardon bs, tt we come to him with faithfull repentance , il we will ſubmit | __ Our felues bute Him, and from benceforth walke in Matth. 11 pig wapes, * if wee will take his ealie poke and light | burden bpon bg, to follow bim in lotolines, patience, and chavitte,and be ordered by the gouernanceot his Holy Spirit, fecking alwayes his glozp, andieruing Him duely in our bocation, with thanklgiuing. Chis ik we Doe , Chriſt will deliuer bs from the curſe ofthe. Law, and from the ertreme malediction which ſhall Marth.2 light bpon them that hall be fet on the lett hand,and — a7) peewillferhs on bis tight * hand, andgiue vs the bieted benediction ofhts father, commanding os to take poſſeſſion of bis glogious kingdome, vnto the which bee bouchfafe to bytng vs all, fo2 bis infinite inercy, Amen. @ Then thal they al kneele vpon their knees, & the Prieft & _ Clerkes kneeling (where they are accuftomed to fay the - Letany) fhall fay this Plalme,Msferere mei Deus, ae ~~ A Commination. | | Ey ane mercy bpon mee, D Goo, after thy great — Agoodneſſe:according to the multitude ofthy mer: Pil Hie: cies doe away mine offences, ate} Te Wath mee toeougyle front my wickedneffe ¢ and cleanſe me from my ſinne. J for FZ knowledge my faults: and my ſinne is euer efoze me. gaint thee onely haue F ſinned, and done this euill in thy fight:that thoum ghteũ be iuũiũed in thy — cleare when thou art iudged. Behold, F was haper in wickednes: and in linne Hath utp mother conceiued me. But loe,thou requires tructh in the inward parts: af ſhalt make me to vnderſtand wiſedome ſecret⸗ chou halt purge me with Hyſſope, and J chall be awe halt wath me, and Jſhalbe whiter ther no Thor ſhalt make mee heare of top and gladneſſe: that the bones vohich thou haſt bꝛoken may reioyce. Turne thy face from myplinnes: and Bue out a} mp miſdeedes. Dake me acleane heart.O God:and renue a right ſpirit within me. Caſt we not away from thy preſence: and take not thy holy Spirit from me. D giue mee the comfort ofthy helpe againe: and ſtabliſh me with thy free ſpirit. Chen hall J teach thy waves onto the wicked: aid finners hail be conuerted vnto thee, Deliuer mec from bloodguiltineſſe, D (od, thou that art the God of my Health sand mp tongue ſhall fing of thy righteouſneſſe. Thou fait oper my lips.D Loꝛd: my mouth halt As Hew — e. for Ga for $0. thou Dediretn no recite ete —* Fat fae a abe facrifice. of God iga troubled tpi ) its: broken and contrite heart, O Gor, thait thouno mp fet O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion: build thou the walles of Hieruſalem. : Then (hait thou be pleaten with the. faceitice of: righteoutnefle, with the burnt offerings and oblati⸗ ons _ (hall they offer pong bullockes bpon _ {tar Glow be to the Father.gc, As it bettie aye —-Po2d haue mercy bpon vs. ae Anditourcer come bree wee Chri haue mercy bpon vs. Loꝛd haue mercy bpon vs. Our father which art in heauen, at. And leade vs not into temptation. Anſwere. But deltuer bs from eutll. Minifter, . O Loꝛd ſaue thy ſeruants. Anſwere. Which put their truſt in thee. Miniſter. Sende brite them belpe from aboue., nfwere. And tuermore mightily defend ehent, | Miniſter. Helpe vs,. O God, our Sautour. Anſwere. And forthe gloryofthy Names fake deltuer vs, bee “merciful vnto vs ſinners for thy Names take. al | Miniſter. ® Loꝛd heare our prayers, ee Anfwere. ~ A Comnunation. | |< Let osprey. r — we beleech thee mercitully heare our prays ers and ſpare al thoſe vhich conielie their ſinnes tothee, thatthey; —5 conſciences by ſinne areace . tufled, by — — may bee ablolued,tho⸗ row Chriſt our Lord. Amen. “sc O Moſt mightie Godand ineecifull Father, which batt compaſſion of all men, and hateſt nothing that thou haſt made, which wouldeſt not the death of afinner but that he houid rather turne from ſinne. and be laued:mercitullyforgiue vs our trefpaties, re⸗ ceiue and comfort bs ; which be grieued and wearied withthe burthenof ourfinne. Coy proverticisto haue mercy, to cthee onely itappertaincth to foꝛrgiue fines. Spare vs therefore, good 1020, feare thypeo⸗ ple wyom thou hall redeemed: enter not into tudge⸗ ment with thy feruants, which be vite carth and mi⸗ ferable finners:but fo turne thine pie from bs, which meekely knowledge our vileneſſe, and trucly repent — bs of our faults :fo make haſte to helpe bs in this world, that we map ever live with thee in the woꝛd focome,th2ough Jeſus Ch2i€ our Lord. Amen. _ © Then fhall the poopie fay this that followeth , after the Minifter. > ̃ Urne thowhs,D good L020, a to ſhall we be tur⸗ ned: be fauourable,D 102d, be fauourable to thy people, which turne to thee in Iweeping, falling, and paving :forthou att amercifull Good, full ofconpal: fion, tong ſuffering, and ofareat pitie. Chow ſpareſt wohen we deſerue puniſhment and in thy wrath thin⸗ keſt vpon mercy. Spare thy people good L020, fpare them, andletnot thine heritage be brought to confu- fon. Heare bs; D Lon sforthpniereyisgreat, and ° om. —— multitude — Laue vs. V3 | Aprayet. —* iy’ ee « ay sie oa Godly prayers. A prayer neceflary for all perfons. Wy Wok merctiull God , FZ a vozetched fins a thy holy Commandements, but pet vn⸗ AX able to perfozme thems, and to be accep: > 9 of Je it Ehriſt thy onely Sonne, who bath perfcctlp fulfilicd the Lawe ,to tuftifie all them that belecue and truſt in him. Thereſore grant me grace, Jbeſeech thee, to be occupied in doing ofgood workes, which thou commandeſt in holy Scripture , atl the dayes of my life to Chy glory, and pet to truſt onelp in thy mer: cy, a in Chꝛiſts merits, to be purged from my finnes, aiid notin my good workes, bee they neuer (o many. Giue mee qvrace to lone thy holy wozde feruentip, to — fearch the Scriptures oiligentiy,to reade them hum: bly, to vnderſtand them truely,toltue after them ef fectually. Oꝛder my life fe, Lozd,thatit be alway acceptable bntothee. Giue me grace, not to reioyce in any thing that diſpleaſeth thee, but euerimoze to delight in thofe things that pleate thee, bee thep ne: uer ſo contratp to my deſires. Geach me fo to pray. that my petitions map bee gracioufly heard ofthe. Keepe mee bpright among diuerſities of opinions and tudgements in the wo2ld, that J neuer ſwarue from thy tructh taught in holy Socripture. In prot peritic, D Lod, fauemee, that Fj ware not pꝛoude. In aducriitie helpe mee, that Ff neither deſpaire, nor blafpheme thy holpName, buttaking it patiently, to giue thee thankes, and truſt to be deltuered after thy pleafure, When Jhappen to fall into ſin thꝛough fratitie , Jbeſeech theeto worke true repentance in my heart, that JZ may be ſory without deſperation truſt in the merce without pꝛeſumption, that Z map amend. OG nev acknowledge mp felfeboundto beep WAN fed fo2 iuſt, without the righteoutnel{e - Sag eh, Godly prayers. amend nty itfe, andbecome truely religious without Hypocrific, lowly in heart without fatning, faithful and truſtie without deceit, merry without lightnes, fad without diſtruſt, fober without tiouthiuinelle, content with mine owne without couetouſneſſe, to tellmp neighbour bis faults charitably without ait fimulation,to inſtruct mine bouthould in thy Latwes truely, toobepour Bing andall gouernours onder him bnfainedlp, to veceiue all lawes and common o2- Dinances (which difagree not from thy holy word) obediently, to pay every man that which FZ owe buto Him truely.to backbite no man noꝛ lander mp neigh: bour lecretiy, and to abbogre all bice louing all good: nefle earneſtiy. D 102d, grant me this to doe, for the glory of thy holy Name. Amen. @ A prayer neceffary tobe faid arall times. O Bountifuil Jeſu, Oſweete Sautour, D Chꝛriſt the Sonne of God,haue pitie vpon mee, merci⸗ fully heare mee: and deſpiſe not my prayer. Chou bhatt created mee of nothing, thou bak redeemed mee from the bondage of finne, death, and bell, neither Wilh Gold , 102 {iluer, but with thy moll prectous bo: dp once Offered vpon the crofie , and thine owne blood fhed once for ali mp vanfome. Cherefore call mee not away, whom thou by thy great wifedome bal made: defpife mee not, whome thou hal redeemed With ſuch apzectous tveafure :noziet mp wickeones deſtroy that which thy qoodnefle hath butlded. Now Whites J liue, D Jeſu, haue mercy on me, for if F die outof thy fauour., it will be too late after warnd to cali for thy mercy: whiles J haue time to repent, looke Hpon mee with thy merctfull eves , as thou diddeſt houchlafe to looke bpon Peter thine Apoftte, that J may bewarle my ſintull life, and obtaine thy faucur, and die therein. JIreknovoledge,that ifthou — A 4 Godly pra rayers. : deale With me acco ding to very iultice; J haue seep ued euerlaſting death Therefore F co en to thy high Cheone of mercie truſting to obtaine Gods far uour, not for mp merits but foꝛthy merits, OF eft, who bak giuen thy lelfe an acceptable facvifice tothe ffacher.to appeale bis wꝛath and to bring alſinnets truelyrepenting and amending their fatal lite into his fauour againe. Accept mee, OLoꝛd, amonathe number of (hem that chall be faued, forgiue mee mp finines; giue mee qraceto leade.a godly and innocent tife, grant meethy Deauenty Wiſledome rms heart with faith, Hope and Charitie,giue mee av tobe bumble in pzofperttie.patient tn sper fitte, obes dient Comp Rulers, faithfull vnto them that tru€ nic ocaling truely with al men,to live chatipin wee locke, to abhorre adultery, fornication, andall vn⸗ cleanneſſe,to doe good after inp power vnto all men, to hurt no man, that thy Mame may bee gloriſied in — during this preſent lite and iat gy akterward max obtaine euerlaſting liſe chrought . : ~ Sou | se pl Boat attested op.digio S ; A cy amen i, Oe —— 357250 $30 i } solaagd 3 . HONK 3. i Vii IE a 6 ele os aj hoe? tern ethy eek cenee proadiee?_ eccdeaam > rhs Ss x! j ~ te VTS LAS G Li ID SE ts eit ay! py most eee ; it: i aoe og tear ; ijt be iid 313 Be J [® ssiier i 2 ry tie fied sor ae re: “ Hippie, 53S N . = < 8 - eA ‘ ' % 5 CZ EZ SSAA NOS SW W ð WY \ Pfalter or Pfalmes of Davin, afterthe Tranflation of the great BIBLE. Pointed as it fhallbe fung or faidin Churches, ay 2 es —— aes Sea Sr — SS 8 i ve RFD AS z tal | | Imprintedat London by He Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings mott Excel- lent Maieſtie. Ny —* aed * — wore th a aR TNT EI A POI / . / 4 ‘ * J — — Moneth. "The j.day. i ¢ ThePfalmes of Dauid. Beatus vir quinon abijt. Pfal.1. > The tot is fallen vnto mee tna laire ground: veaJ haue a goodly heritage. J will thanke the Lord fo2 giuing mee wate hos inpreines alfo chatten me tn the night feafon. 9 Abvauelet Godalwars beforeme: fo2 he tg on my right hand,therefoze FJ hail not fall. 10 Wherekore mp heart was alad, and my glory refopced : mp fleth alfo ſhall reſt in hope. 11 Foz why?thou ſhalt not leaue my foule in Helsnets ther thait thou fuffer thine holy one to fee corꝛruption. 12 Chou ſhalt hew me the path of life, in thypze⸗ fence is the fulnefle of ioyand at thy righthand there is pleafure fo2 euermoꝛe. Exaudi Domineiuftitiam. Pfal.17. Hy fare the right, OLoꝛd, confider mp complaints and hearken onto my paver, that gocth not out ——— lips. Ea: 2 Pet ~ Moneth. The: üſ. day. 2 Let mpfentence come foxtis trom thy prelence: ann let thine epes looke vpon che thing that is equal, Chou Hall pꝛooued and viſited mine heart in the rie feafon,thou batt tryed me and halt find no woickeduelle inimee: for FI am vtterlx purpoled that mp mouth ſhaltnot offend. Becaule of mens workes that are done againſt the words of np lips: Jhaue kept me from the wares ofthe deſtroyer. 5 holde thou vp mp goings in th. paths : that my kootſteps ſſip not. 6 J hauecalled spon thee, D God; for thou chalt heare ine: incline thine care to me,and hearken ome my words. 7. Sbhew thymarueilous louing kindne ie, that art the Sauiour ot them that put cher i it thee: from ſuch as rei thy righthand. - 8 heepeme asthe appieofan eve: ive me vnder the fhadow of thy wings. 9 Ffromthe vngodlythat trouble me? mine ene: mies cõpaſſe me round about to take away mp foute, 10 Theyare tictoted in —* owne fat: and their mouth ſpeaketh proud things. rl Chey lie watting tn fae ‘way on eutery fide tur⸗ ning their eyes downe tothe ground. 2 Like asa Lion that is greedie of his p sand as it were a Lions whelpe lurking in ſecret saya 13 Up L020, difappoint him, and cakhimbowne: —5* my foule from the vngodly, which is a ſword ofthine. 14 From the men ok thy.hand;D Loi, from the - inen (J fay, )and from the eutli world: which haue their postion in thistife , whole beilies thou fille with iby Hid treafure. 15 Chep sez childzen at their deſire: and leaue the Moneth. the ne ae fubitte nce the bab oat , o16 But as kor me 3% wiltbebotaciby prefence in riahter (nelle and 1H awake vp alier Hed ag nelle , Hal be — — Miri gue ————— 38 ee rat fal, 18. —9 — eR mi ‘ony. rostieand 1 inp — prayer, —n—mey Sauiour, mp God andwup might, ti ! — — Z| 7 truf,myp —— horne allo ot my laluation, and my refuge. i will call bpow the Loz, whichis: —* — to peat fall ‘J be late from mnie enemie Che ſorrowes ofdeath compat ed ine: ai the ouerflowings of bugodlinefie made me afraid, 4Che paines of hell came basins wees : the cnares ofdeati ouertodhe me, 5 Fn mp trouble J ‘twill call bhon the Loz: and compiaitie vnto my Goo. o Solqhal be heare my voyce outot bis boly Cem: plesand my complaint hzallcome befoze bums) it fall enter euen into bigeares, 7 be earch trembled a quake: the very fous Dations alfo.of the hilles Mhooke and were remooucd,. becaute he was woth. 8 Gbherewenta ſmoke out of hig pretence: and a confuining five out of bis mouth,{o that coales were. Rindiedatt(,.. - 9g Pebowed the beauens atta and came downe: andit was darke vnder hig eete 7 10 Derodebhponthe Cherubims anddidflie shee caine flying bpon the wings ofthe winne. ri Demande darkenelle his ſecret place: his aui— round thor hain with Darke water and t sicke Clouds to cou 12 * the ‘yabinet othis pretence bis doudes 407! remooued: 13 Oe seth alfo thug red out — and the bighet gaue his thunde ileſtones ¢ coales of fire, 4 Hee ſent out his avroteecs, and ſcattered them: he cad forth lightiuings.anddetromt them, Ghe ſprings of waters were feene, and the fourvacions ofthe round would were difcouered at thy chiding , D Lozd: at the blaſting of the brꝛeath of thy diſpleaſure. 16 He hati fend dobone from the bigh to fetch) me: and thailtake me outofmany waters, 17 Pe chall deliuer me froin my ſtrongeſt enemie, and from them which bate me: for ther are too migh⸗ tie foꝛme. 18 Ther preuented mee in the day of myp trouble: but the Lozd was inp vpholder. 19 He brought me forth alfotnto a place of liber⸗ tie: be bꝛought me foorth; euen becauſe he had a fa⸗ uour vnto me. 20 The Lod hak reward me after my righteous Dealing: according to the cleanneſſe of my Hands hat he recompenfe me. 21 Wecaule Jhaue kept the wapes of the Lorde: and haue not fozfaben mp God asthe wicked doeth.. 22 Foꝛ Jhaue an eve vnto al his Lawes: and will * caſt out his Commandements from me, 3.J was alſo bucogrupt befoze him sand eſchew⸗ * 34 owne wickednelſſe. 24 There orꝛe Hhallthe Lord reward me after my righteous dealing: andaccozding vnto the cleanneſſe of my bands tn his epe ſight. 25 With the holythou thait bee poly: and with a perfect man thou (hale be perfect, 26 With the cleane thou hate beecleane: and with the froward thou ſhalt learne frowardneſſe. 27 Foꝛ * For si ait {auc the people thatare in aduer⸗ fitie:a ſhalt bring downe the high loofes of the proud· 28 Chou alfo hattliqhtmy candle: tee Lod iy God fhalimate my darfiencile to be light. 29 Foꝛ in thee J (hail difcomitt an bot of men: and With the helpe of mp God F Hall leape ouer tye wail, - 30 Che wap of Godts an vndeſiled wap: the 9020 of the Logdallo igtricd in thefive, beets the Defender ofallthemthat put their truſt in bim. 31 ffo2 whois God but the Loꝛd: 02 who bath) any Krength erceptour God? 32 It is God that giroeth mee with thiengt) of Warte sand maketh mp wap perfect. 33 Be maketh) my feetlike Harts fect: and fetteth me bp on high. 34 He teacheth mp hands to ſight:and mine armes ſhall brꝛeake euen a bow otſteele. 35 Thou halſt giuen me the dekence of thy ſaluati⸗ on: thy right hand alſo ſhall holde me bp, and thy lo⸗ uing correction ſhall make megreat. 36 Thou halt make roome pnough vnder mee fo2: togoe: that my footſteps ſhall not fice. 37 J Will follow vpon mine enemies, and ouer⸗ take them: neither wit Iturne againe ttl Z haue de⸗ ſtroyed them. 38 Iwill ſmite them that ther thal not be able fo. - ffand:but fall vnder my feet, 39 Chou hak gtrded mee W renath vnto the bats: cl: thou ait thzow do wn mine enemies onde: me,. 4° Chou hak inade mine enemies alfo to turne * backs vponmee: ana J hall deftroy them that. ate me, - 4t Thep hailcry, but there hall be nore to helpe them: vea, euen vnto the Lord hail they crp,.but pre: een beare thein.. | 42 9 wit Moneth. Theitjday. tall 42 J will beat them a3 ſwmall as the duſt before the winde: J will caſt them out asthe dap inthe freets, 43 Tyhou ſhalt deliaer me from the ſtriumgs ofthe people: ¢ thou ſhalt make methe bead of the beaten. 44 A people whomJ haue not! wen:chall ferue 45 Aalloone ag they heare of e chall obey me: but the frange children hall diſſemble with me. 46 Che range chilazen hail laile: and be afraid out cofehety priſons. 47 The Loꝛd liueth. and vleſſed be mottrong bel per: and pratfedbe the Gon ofmypfatuation, <- 48 Cuen the Bod which feety that J be avenged: and ſubdueth the people vnto me. 49 Atishe that deliuereth me front my eruelene⸗ mies and letteth me by aboue mine aduerlaries: thou ſhalt rtd me fromthe wicked man. 50 Fox this caule will Igiue thankes onto thee, D Lord ainons che Gentues and ſi ing praites brite thy Name, 0 J ‘51 Great piotperiey giuethhe bits his ing: and ſheweth louing kindneſſe puto Maud ee and dato bis ſeede foreuermoꝛe. Cclicnartrant. Plal. x8 6e heauens declare the glory of Goviand Od bee the firmament heweth his handy worke. Ce oy 2 Dnedap telleth anothersandone night certifieth another. 3 Chere is neither fpeech: noranguage ‘but their boyces are heard among them. 4 Wheirfound is gone out into all landes and their words into the ends ofthe world. . 5 In them hath tic tera tabernacle fo2 the Sun: Which commeth koorth as a bꝛidegrome out of His DENT AN reiopeeth a 0 Moneth. “They. ay es Is It geeip loorth from the vttermoſt part of the heaueñ. ã runneth about vnto the ende otit againe aid there is nothing bid from the heat ihercof. 7The Lawe ot the Lordis an vndetiled Lawe, conuerting the ſoule: che teſtimony of the Lod is furesand giueth wifedome vnto the fimple.. | 9 8 y Ghettatutes of the Loza are right,and reiopce the ‘Heart :the Commandement of the Lord is pure, and giueth light vnto the eyes. 9 Whe feare ofthe Lord is cleane and endureth foz euer:the indgements of the Lead are truc , and righteots altogether. 10 Moꝛe to.bedefiredare thep then gold. ve, then pe finegold: ‘Tweeter alfo then hony, and the hony com eg. Males 11 Moreouer by chem is thy leruant taught and in keeping ofthem there is great reward. 12 Whocan tell how oft he offendeth: O cleante thou me from my ſecret faults, 13 Keepe thy feruant alfo from preſumptuous finnes, ict they get the Dominion ouer me: ſo tall I be vndefiled, and innocent from the areat offence. 14 Let the wo2ds of my mouth, and the medita: tion of mp heart; be alway acceptable tn thy fight, a oe DO Lord: inp frength,and mp Redeemer. . Exaudiatte Dominus, Pfal.20. Te. {Loz heare thee tn the day of trouble: the age of the Bod of Jacob defend thee. : HDend thee helpe fromthe Sanctuary ; and | trenget theeoutofSion. 3 Remember ail thy offerings: and accept thy burnt Sacrifice. 4 “aly Grant thee thy vearts Deft re: and kullill alt thy mi 5: seed wilreioreet in thyluuauonamd tuiumyn ‘Moneth. The iiij.day. : “inthe Name ofthe 102d our Godithe Loz petopme all thy petitions, 6 How brow F that the Low helpeth his andin⸗ ted, and will heare him from his holy heauen: even rt the wholfome ſtrength ofbisrighthand.. Home put their trulin charets, and fome in bores we wil remember the Name of the Lord our God. 8 Wher are brought downe and fkallen: but wee are riſen, and ſtand vpright. 9 Have Lod, and heare b8, D wing otheauen: when we call vpon thee. Doniinein virtute. Pal. 21. | T 2 Hing hall reioyce in thy Krengty,D Xordꝛer⸗ ceeding glad ſhall he be ofthy ſaluation. 2 Chou bak giuen him bis hearts defire: and Hak not dented Hint the requeſt of his tips: 3 sfozthouthalt pzeuent him with the blellings ofgoodnelſe: and chalt feta crowne of pure gold vp⸗ on bis head, 4 Pealhediife ofthee,and thou gauek him a long _. fife scuen fo2 euer and ever, His honour ig great in thy ſaluation:gloꝛy and aveat worſhip halt thou lay bpon Him. 6 for thou halt give bim euerlatting felicttte: and mae him glad with the top of thy countenance, 7 And why? becaule the Bing puttech his tru€ in the Lord: and in the mercy of the molt Higheſt, he ſhall not miſcarie. 8u thine enemies thal keele thy hand: thy right Hand Hall finde out them that bate thee. 9 Thou halt make them lithe a ficrp onenin time of thy wath: the 1025 hall deſtroy them in His dil⸗ A eho the fire hill confuime tiem, | Their krute hale thou root our of the carth: Mm Pe IVLONneth.: -** J. aye and their feed from among the childzen of ment, Ir ffo2 thep intended mulchiete againd thee:aimas gined fuch a deuice as cthey are not able to performe. - 12 Cherefore fhalé thou put themto flight: and the firings of thy bow halt thou make ready againg the face of them. ihe dpe 13 Be thou evalted Lord tn thine otone ſtrength: ſo will we ſing and praiſe thy power. Deus. Deus meus. »Pfal.22,:;. a God, my God; looke vpon mee, why. hak 6 thou forſaken mee: and art fo farre from my B health,a from the wo2dg of my complaint? 2 Damp God,F cry inthe day time, but ou hea: relt not: and tn the night feafon alſo Jtake no reff, at 3. “alg thoucontinuct poly: D thou worſhip of rae ) ⸗ 4 Dur fathers hoped in thee: they truſted in thee, and thou didſt deliuer them. F 5CTheycalled bponthee, and were holpen: they put their truſt in thee and were not confounded. 6But as foꝛ me, Fama wozme,and no man :a veryſcorne ofmen,and the outcaſt of the people, 7 All they that ſee mee, laugh me to ſcorne: they eres hoot out t heir lips.and hake their beads. faping, 8 Hetrutedin God, that he would deliver him: let him deliuer him, ik he will hawe Him. 9 But thou art hee that tooke me out of mp mos thers tombe: thou wa mp hope when Jj banged. pet vpon inp mothers bretts. te 109 bate bin left bnto thee euer fince Iwas bones thou art mp God,euen from my mothers wombe.. 11 O goe not frome , foz trouble tg hard at hand: and there is none to helpe me. 13 Many oxen are come about mee: fat bulles of Balan cloſe me in on euery fide, cher 3 cows gape ‘Spon’ me — * mouthsas Werearamping andrearing Lion, = 14 Jam powꝛed out lite water,and all my bones a are out of topne: mp heart aifo inthe midi of my bo⸗ oY a ithe meltitig ware. 5 Wy ttrength ts died bp like a potihear, and itp tongue cleaueth to mp gummes: and chou tale bing me into the duſt ofdeath, 16 Formafy dogs are come aboue mee: and the Cotnfell of he wicked layeth ſiege again me...-< “a> Chey pearced my hands: aim fete: Fmay tell allinp bones they and faring a looking spon me. 18 They paremyp garments — them: and * lots vnon myp veſture. 19 But be not thou farre *— me, DLom: thou art my ſuccour, haſte thee to helpe me. 20 Deliuer myſoule fromthe ſword: my darling id : arom che power of the dogge. Mi ot Sot Gate me fromehe ons mouth:thoubatt beard | (a — — me alfo from among the bones of the Anicornes 232bwoill declare thy Name onto mp beethzens in - — mids of the Congregation will J pratie thee. — 23 Mpraiſethe Lord pe that feare him:magniſie him all ye ofthe feed of Jacob, aud feare him ail pee ~— feene of Iſrael. 24. for he hath noe Ditpited ino2 abbezren the lowe eftate of the pooze.te bath not hid his Face froin Dim: but when he called vnto him he heard hin . 25. My pꝛraiſe is ofthee inthe great Congregati: on: my vowes will J perfozme in the fight of them that leare him. : “36 Che pooꝛe hall eate and be fatittied: they that feckeafter the L020 hall pꝛaite him rour heart chall liue kor euer. 27 AN the ends ofthe world callremember es elue “ee §6Moneth, Thev.day. — felueg and bet eucned vnto the Lod: and all the Birt: reds ofthe nations thatl worſhip befoze Him. 28. Foꝛ the kingdome is the Lords: and bets the gouernour among the people. 29 All ſuch as be fat bpon earth: bane caten and worhipped. 30 Al they that qo dotone into the duſt hal kneele befoze him:and no man Hath quickned his own foule, 31 Mpleede halllerue him: they thalibe counted vnto the 11.020 £02 a generation. 32 Cher hail come and the heauens hal declare bis righteoutnefie : bnto a people that hail be borne, whom the Lozd bath made. Dominusregitme, Pfal.23 T Beton: is imp Shepheard: therefore can Jlacke nothing 2 Pee ball feed me itta greene pafure: and leabe | me forth beſi de the waters ofcomfoze, — 3 He ſhall conuert my fouie: and bꝛing me forth i fs thepaths oftighteoutnelefozbisMamesfake, 4 Dea, though Jwalke through the valley ofthe thadow ofdeath, J will feare no euiil:toꝛ thou ave | with me,thy rod. and thy Kaffe comfort nie. . an 5 Thou thalt prepare atabie before mee againe themthat trouble mee:thouballanopntedmpbead With opie,and mp cup ſhall be full. * 6 But thy louing kindneſſe and mercy fal follow mec all the dayes ok mylife: and J willdwell.in the. haoule of the 1020 fo2 euer. 2 , Domunreftterra. Pfal.2 posters Decarth is the 10208, and all that Moming : | COV therein is: the compafle of the woꝛid, PE2Y EY ISVs and they that dwell therein. fife 2 Forhechaty founded it vpon the MW SORE, ae as:and prepared tt bpon tie floods. Dp 2 yoye ” ens. at oe y Bee YT ys ee 3 Who hall afcevib into the —* the Lows 02 wi⸗ (ai rife bp in His Holy place ? . Cuenhes that baihcleane handes, and apure heart: and that hath not lift bp bis mind vnto pani: tie,1102 ſwoꝛne to deceive dis neighbour, He hall receiue the bleſſing from the Lod: and rishteouſneſſe from the God of his faluation. 6 Chis ts the generation of them that feeke him: euen ofthem that ſeeke thp face, D Jacob, | 7 ‘Lift bp pour beads,D pe gates, & be pe tift op ye euerlaſting doores:and the hing of glozy thal come in. , & Wwoo is the Hing of glory: tt is the Loꝛd rong, and mightie, euen the Lord mightie tn battell. 9 Litt bp pour heads.,O pe gates, ebe ye lift bp ge euerlaſting doores:and the fing of qlozy thal come tn. 10 Who ig the Hing of glozy: euen the Low of ‘Holtes,be is the Bing of qlozyp. AdteDomine, Pfalas. | AV htotHee, © Loꝛd, wil J lift bp mp ſoule,my God Jhaue put mp tru in thee: Olet menot be con: eee: let mine enenites triumph ouerme. 2 foralleber that hope intiee, ſhall not be aſha⸗ _ med: butfuch as tranſgreſſe without acaufe.fhall be ~ puttoconfufion. | H 3 eng me thy wapes O L070: ‘and teach mee thy patos, , jLead me koorth inthy trueth, and learne mee: * thou art the God ot my faluatton, in thee hath beene my hope all the day long. 5 Wailtovemembzance,D 10723, thy tender mer⸗ cies:¢ thy louing kindnes which bath bin euer obond. - 6 ei remember not fe — — vouth:but accoꝛdingto thymerciet nethou vpon me,D Lord.forthygoodneſſe. 7 ‘Gracicusandvighteousisthe Lord pert me ‘Moneth. The v.day. | will he teach linners in the way, 8 Chem that be meebe hal he guide tn futiotnent: 1 and fuch as be gentle, them ſhallhe learne Gis wap. —J 9 All the patos ofthe Loꝛdare mercy and trueth: onto ſuch as fieep his couenant, and his teſtimonies. 10 ffoz thy Names ſake, O Lord: be merctfull vn⸗ fo my finne,foz tt 1s great. It What man ts he that feareth the Lode: him Mail He teach in the way that he ſhall chute, 12 His ſoule halldwellat eaſe: and bis ſeede hall inherite the land. 13 Chelecret of the Lord is among them that feare hun: and he will he w them bis Couenant. 14 Mine eyes are euer looking vnto the Lord:lor heſhall plucke mp ſfeet out of the net. 15 Turne thee vnto mee, and haue mercie vpon me: fo2 Jam deſolate andin mierp. 16 The ſorrowes of my Heart are enlarged: D bring thou mee out of mp troubles. | 17 Looke bpon mine aduerfitie and miſerie: and fozgiue me all myſinne. oy 18 Confider mine enemies how many thep ere : and they beare a tyzannous bate againſt me, be 19 Okeepe mp foule, and deliuer me: tet mee not an be confounded, for FZ baue put mp trudin thee. : a 20 ‘Let perfectnefie and righteous dealing waite Hyon me : fo2 mp Hope hath bene tn thee. 21 Deliuer Itrael.O od: out of all his troubles, ludicameDonine.. Pfal.26.: . | B € thou my Judge, D 02d, fo2 Jhaue watkedin» nocentlp: mp truſt hath beene alſo in the L020, therefore fhall ¥ not fall, 2 €ramineme,D Loꝛd, and prooue me: trie cut sand my beart. gm oe louing hina is ever before mine eyes; , Gi Moneth, The vic AY. eves:andGwalketuthptrueth, = . 4, Bhane not dwelt with vaine perfor: neither Wi haue fellovoſhip with the deceittull, Jhaue Hated the congregation ofthe wicked. By and willnot tit among the vngodly. 6 F pill wath my bands iñ innocency, D Lord: andfo will F goe to thine Altar. | 7 Chat F map thew the voyce ofthankeſgiu ing: and tell ofalithy wonderous WOES. 8 Lord,F bauelouedthehaditation oftyphoute: ; andthe place where thine bonourdwelleth, 9 Ohutnot dp mp ſoule withthe ſinners 102 my life with the bloodthirltie. 1o ‘Fn whofe hands is wickednes: and their right. handsare fullofaifts. 11 But as forme, ¥Z toil walke innocentipy:D Loꝛd deliuer me,and be mercifull vnto me. 12. Dyploot landeth right: Iwill pratie the Lon in ei Congregations. | Dominusilluminatio; Pal, Pr a : ae He Lord is my light a my faluation, whom ee ban then chau J fearesthe Lord is the ftrenath of a 3 SY my lifesof obo then fhatl Jbe afraid ? 2 nobenthe wicked, cuen mine enemies a my foes came bpon me to cat bp my fleth: they Humbled fells 3. Though an Hoffe of men were laid againſt me, pet thal not my heart be afratd:and thougy there rote bp warreagain€ me, pet wilt 7 put my true in bin. 4 MOnething haue J defired of the 102d, which J will require: euen that Jmay Dwell inthe boule of the Lozd all the Daresof mp life, to beholde the faire veg ofthe Lozbd, and to bifit bis Temple. Foꝛ in the time of trouble be hal bide me in bis Géabernacie : pea, tithe fecret place ot bis dwelling, ss be hide me, and fot me ‘at vpon arocke of sag And Joneth. Thev. day. 6 ano now hall be lift bp mitte Head: abciie mine enemies round about me. 7 Wherefore will F offerin his dwelling an ob- lation with great gladnelle: J will ling and {peuke praifes vnto the Lov. 8 Hearken onto my bopce, D Lod, when Icry onto thee: haue mercy bpon me,andHeare me. 9 ap heart hath talfien of thee,(eeke pee my faces thy face Lo2d will J ſeeke. 10 DM Hide not thot thy face from mez 102 catt thp feruant awap tn difpteature. 11. Chou hat beene my ſuccour:leaue menot, nets . ther fozfake me,D God of my ſaluation. 12 When my father and my mother foꝛſake mee: the Lord taketh me bp. 13 Geach me thy way, D Lord: and lead mee in the right wap. becauſe of mine enemies. 14. Deliuer me not ouer into the wiilof mine ads uerſlaries: fo2 there are falle witneſſes riſen vp ae gaint me,and fuch as fpeake wꝛong. 15 Iſhould vtterly have fainted: but that J bee ; leeue verily to fee the goodnes of the Lointheland of the lining, 16 D tarp thott 6 Lozds leifure:be ffrong,¢ be that * comfoꝛt thine heart,a put thou thy at inthe Led. AdteDomine. P{al.28, V to thee will Z cry, D Lo2d, my ſtrength:thinke noſcorne of me, leſt tf thou make as though thou heareſt not, J become like the that go down into p prt, 2 Peare the voyce of mp humble petitions when Icrie vnto thee: when FJ bold bp my hands toward the Dercifeat of thy holy Cempte. 3 Dplucke me not away, neither Dekrop me tb the bngodly ¢ wicheddoers:which ſpeak friendly to their mifchiefeintheiy hearts. P3 4 Keward — ~ Moneth. The v.day.. ‘Reward — ——— their Deeds: — —9 ing to the wickedneſſe of their owne inuentions; Kecompenle them after the worke of their ands: pay tyem tbat they haue deſerued. , 6 Fozthep regard notin thelr mindethe workes ofthe 020,102 che operation of his hands:therefore halle breake them downe, and not build them vp. 7 Pꝛaiſed be the Lozd:foz he path beard the voice ofimphumble petitions, . 8 Che Lord is my irengty amy thield my heart hath truſted indim .and Jam helped: therefore my heart danceth for ioy, tin mp fong wil J praiſe him. 9 Whe VWrdis myſtrength: and he isthe Whole: ſome defence of bis anoynted, 10 O faue thp people, and gine toy bleling onto thineinheritance:fcede them, fet them bp fo2 ever, este Domino. Pfal,29. B Ring vntothe Lod; D pee mightie, being pong rammes vnto the Lord:aſcribe vnto the Lozde Wohip and ſtrength. 2 ine the Lord the honourdue vnto bis ame: worship the Lod with holy worſhip. 2 Itisthe Lo2d that cominandetd the waters: it isthe gloꝛious God that maketh the thunder, 4 Ftis the Lozd that ruleth the fea, the voyce of the Lord is mightie tm operation ; the voyce of the Loꝛd is a gloꝛious boyce. 5CThe voyce of the Lod bꝛeaketh the cedar trees: yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Libanus, 6 Hemande them alſo to ſkip like a calle; Libanus allo and S prion tke a pong bnicome. 7 Wbcbopce ofthe Lozd diuideth the flames: of fire,the voyce of the Lord haketh the wildernes:vea, the Lord thaketh the wilderneſſe of Cades. J The voyce of of the Lozamatieth tie Dindes to bring ~ Moneth. The vj. day. , bring foorth yong.and difcouereth the thiche buſhes: in his Cemple doth cuerp man tpeake of his honour. 9 he Lord fitteth aboue the water flood: and the Lord rematneth a hing fo ener, 10 Che Lord hal gtue Lrength onto bis peoples tbe Lord ſhall giue bis people the bleſſing of peace. Exaltabo te Domine. Pfal.30. 36 will magnifie thee, O Lord, fo2 thou Morning balt fet me bp: and not made my foes to prayer. 934 PLS» triumph) over me. Peller 2 DLowempy God, J criedbuto Wap theer:and thou batt Heated me, : 3 Thou Lozd hat brought my foule out ofbeli: — thou haſt kept mp life from them ᷣ go down to the pic. 4 ba@put of my — ſ girded mp with gladneſſe. dowane to the pit? it —75* thy * 4 Sing pꝛaiſes onto the Lozd, D pee Saints of —55 sand giue thanks to him for 4 remembrance ofkhis olineſſe. 5 Forhisweath endureth but the twinckling of an eye, and in his pleaſure is life:heauineſſe map ert dure kor a night, but iopy commeth in the morning. 6 And iñ my pꝛoſperitie J atid, F mail neuer bee remooued:thou Lord ofthygoodneſſe hadſt made mp bill fo ſtrong. 7 —55 DINE turne thy face fro mee: andJ was roubled. 8 Chen a hyn >D L010: and gate me bntomy Lord right bumbly, 9 what peofite isthereinmyp bicod: when J go 10 hall the duſt giue thantics onto the: or ſhall 1 Beare, O Low, and haue mercy bpor mee;: Lobe thou my helper. 12 Chou batt ine myheauinelle into toy: thou P 4 3 . — a — Se ⸗* Th AIO — — — — —— — ms — — — — —— — ~~ — — — — — — — — — ——— v Moneth. Thee day. — 13 Gherefoze tall every good man fing of thp v4 _ praple without ceafing : D mp G —— thanks vnto thee for ever. Inte Domine fperaui, Pſal. 31. iF f2 thee, D Lord, haue FZ put mp truſt:let me neuer be put to contuũon deliuer me in thy vighteoutnes, 32> 2 Bow Downe thine eare tome: make hait to, des — litter me. 3° - Bnd be thou my rong rocke, and the houle of — dekence: that thou mayeſt faue me. ffo2 thou ave my trong rvocke,and my caffle: be thou allo mp quide,and leave me fo2 thy Names fake, > DWravo mee out ofthe net that they Haue laide piutly for me: foz thou art my ftrength. 6 Into thy bands J commend mp fpirit: fo2 thou. haſt redeemed me,D Lord, thou God of trueth. 7Ihaue hated them that holde of ſuperſtitious banities:and mytruſt hath bere in the Lord.· 8 Iwilbe glad and reioyce in thy mercy: fo2 thou Halt coniidered my trouble, hattknowen my foule in aduerſities. Thou halſt not hut me dp into the hande of the enemie: but batt (ct inp feet in a large roome. 10 Hauemercybponinee, D Lod, for Jam in trouble: and mine eve ts conſumed for bery beaut nefle,pea,inyp foule and my body. 11 for my lifeis waren olde with heauineſſe: and My peeres with mourning. 12 Myftrength fatleth mee, becaufe of mine int: quitic:and my bones are confumed, 13 J became areproote among all mine enemies, but (pecially among my neighbors : and they of mine acquaintance were afvatd of me,and they that did fee me without, conueyed themſelues from me. 14 Jam cleane lorgotten. as a dead man out oe minde: ~ Moneth. Thevj.day. bir inde Jam become like a bzoken vellelt. z 15 Fo2F haue heard the blalphemie of the multi⸗ _ tude: and fearcison euery fine ,tobtle thep confpire — together againg me, and take their counfatie to take away my life. 16 But my hope hath beene in thee, O Lod: J —— haue laid, thou art my God. —- & 17 MD y tine isin thy band, deliver me frd the Band. SH mineenemies:and from them that perfecute me, v thy feruant the light of thy countenance : sfaue me fo2 thy mercies fake. = 9 Let me notbe confounded,D L010, for F haue called bpon thee : {et the vngodly be put tocontufion, and be put to ſtlence in the graue. 20 Let the 4 ab seed Sat to filence : which crise — y, and delpitelully ſpeake againſt the righteous. 21 Dhow plentifull isthy goodneſſe, which thou Hak latde bp fo2 them that feare thee : and that thou Hatt prepared fo2 them that put thetr trutin thee, e⸗ uen before the fonnes of men, 22 Chou ſhalt hide them priutly by thine okane pre-e fence from the peouoking of all men :thou ſhalt keepe —* — in thy Cabernacle from the ſtrife of ongues. 23 Thanßs be to the Lozd: foz he hath ſhewed me maructlous great hindnelle tna rong City. 24 And when Jmade hatte, 7 fapd : Jam call out of the fight of thine eyes. 25 Neuertheleſſe thou heardeſt the voyce of mp praper:when Jeryed vnto thee, 26 O loue the Lozdal ve bi >ainits:fo2 the Lo . pꝛeſerueth them that are faithfull, and plenteoullp rewardeth the proud doer 227 Beſtrong.and hee don ſtabliſh your * le Be: vethat put pout trutti in = — Moneth. iyi 1e Vj day. Beati quorum. a gastos qo Lefiedts hee whole nrigneeotitnet | is 1) )7|| forgiven sand whole ſinne ts couered. CEAW! 2 Wlelledisthe man onto whome the Loꝛrd imputeth no finne + and in whole = fpirtt there tg no guile, ffo2 white Jheld mp tongue: my bones conlu⸗ * away thrꝛough my daylycomplaining. 4 Foꝛ thyhand is heauy vpon me Dap and night: and my moilture ig like the Brought in Summer. 5 ]J wilknowledge myſinne vnto thee:and mine pnrighteoutnelle haue Jnot id. 9 I laid.J wil conteſſe mp wr vnto the Loz: and chou fo forgaueſt the wickedneſſe of my Gnne, 7 Forthis halleuery one that is godly make his praper onto thee in a time vohen thou mayeſt bee found : but in the great water floods they hall not come nigh him. 8 Thott art a place tobide me ti, thou ſhalt pee- ſerue me from trouble: thou hait compatie me about with fonas ot deliuerance. 9 FZ wil,enforme thee:¢ teach thee in 6 wap theres fn chou fhaitgo:and F will quide thee with mine eye. 10 Beypee not tiie to horſe and mule, whichbaue no vnderſtanding: whofe mouthes muſt bee holden with bit and bridle,; leſt they fall vpon thee. 11 Great plagues remaine forthe vngodiy: vut wie fo putteth bis trutin the Lord, mercy embra⸗ ceth him on every fide. 12 Beglad, Oye righteous, and reioyce in the Loꝛd:and be topfult all pe that are true of heart, Exultateiufti. Pfal33 R Cioveet in the Lord, O re: righteous: for it becom⸗ meth well the tuft to be thankeſull. 2 neem the Lozd with — fing tn bee * coin wit toe Lute and intrumentoften ings Sing vntothe Lo2da new fong sling pꝛaites inn vnts him with a goodcourage. 4. Forthe word ofthe Lord igtrue: and all bis workes are faithfull. 5hee loueth righteouneſſe and iuogement: the earth is ſull ofthe goodneſſe of the Lok. 6 Bppᷣword of the Lord were the beauens made: and allthe bots of them by the breath of bis mouth, 7 He gathereth the waters ofthe tea together.as it werebpon au heape: and layeth bp the deepe, as in a treaſure houſe. 8: PLet all the earth feare the Lod: fand in awe ofhim all pe that dwell in the world. 9: Fforbelpake,and it was done : be commande, and it food fae. 10 The Lozd bringeth the countell of the beathen to noughe: and maketh the deuices of the people tobe of none effect, a caſteth out the counſailes of princes, 11 Che counfel of Lozd thal endure fo2 euer:a the thoughts of bis heart fro qenerationtogencration, 12 « Wlefled sre the people whoſe God is the Lod Jchoua:and bleſſed are the folke that be hath choſen to him to be bis tuberitance.. 13 Cie Losdicoked dovone from heauen, ebebeld al the childzen of nen: fro the habitation ofvis dwels ling he confidereth all chem that dwell in the earth. r4 Pee fathione thallthe hearts of them: and vn⸗ derſtandeth all cheit workes. 15 Chereis no Ling thatcan be ſaued by tye mute titude of an hoſte: neither is any mighty man deline- red bp much ſtrength. 16 An porte is cotited but a bain thing to ſaue ama: 2 neither thal he deliner any man by bis great ſtrength. P Seaiaatadial eye ofthe Lord is bpon ian im: Moneth: evj.day, him:and vpon them that put their tru in his mercy. 18 To deliuer their ſoules front death: and to feed them in the tine of dearth. 19 DOurfoule hath sewer tavied fo2 the Lod: fo2 be t8 our helpe, and our ſhield. 20 Foꝛ dur Heart ſhall reioyce in him:becauſe we haue hoped in his holy Name. 21 Let thy mercifull kindneſſe (D 02d) be — O38: like as we doe put our truſt in thee. Benedicam Domino. Plal. 34. [wit allway give thankes bnto the Lord: bis — ſhall euer be in my mouth. 2 Myloule hall make ber boaſt of the Lorꝛd: the bumble hall beare thereof and be glad. 3 Dpzatle the L020 with mes and let bs magni⸗ fie his Mame together. 4 Flought the Lod, and he heard me yea, he dee liuered me outof al imy feare. Chey had an epe dato Him, and were lightes ned: and thetr faces were not aſhamed. 6 Lo the pooꝛe crpeth,and the Lord heareth bim: vea, and ſaueth him out ofall his troubles, Che Angel of the Lord tarieth round about them that feare him: and Deliuereth them. 8 Dtatte ana fee hovo gracious the Lozd is:blelſ⸗ {ed is the man that truſteth in him. 9 Ofeare the Lord pee that bee bis Saints: foz thep that feare bim.lacke nothing, 10 The lions dalacke and fluffer Hunger: but thep tobich ſeeke the Lod, ſhall want no maner of thing thatis good. rr Come se childzen and hearken bnto me: F twit teach pou thefeareofthe Low. 12 What manis he that luſteth to liue and would faire {ee good dayes: keepe thy tongue from — thy toplips * they fpeake 110 undo, X 3 Elcheweuill, a dogood:ſeeke peace,¢ entue if: 14 The eves ofthe Lord are ouer therighteous: and his eares are open vnto their papers, 15 Thecountenance of the Lorzd is againſt them that doe cutli: to roote outthe remembzance ofipent from the earth. 16 The righteous erp,and the Lord beareth them: poo deliuereth them out ofall their troubles. 7 Ohe Lo is nigh onto them that are of acons evite heaves a wiillfaneluchias be ofan humble ſpirit. 18 Great ave the troubles ofthe righteous: but the Lord deliuereth himout ofall. . 19 Hee keepeth all his bones: fo that not onc of them is broken. 20 But milkortune ſhal dap the Dngodipy: and they that bate the righteous, (hall be deſolate. 21 Che Lod deliuereth p foules of hisſeruants:a all they p put their truſt in bim, hail not be deſtitute. te udicame Domine. Pfal35. Sey Leade thou mypcaule, D Lod, with Morning — — thou againſt them > fight againſt me. | Re: 2° Lap Hande bpon the ſhielde and Eee eed UUCKICY and ſtand bp to helpeme. 3 Bring foo2zth the {peare , and fop the way a gainſt them that perfecute me; fay vnto my fouls , J. am thyſaluation. 4 Let them be confounded, and put to ſhame that fecke altermy ſoule: let them be turned backe, and Ithem that ſtriue with me: and fight prayer. brought to confuſion.that imagine miſchiete forme... 5. Letthenvbeasthe dui before the winde:and the Angel ofthe Lord (cattering them. 6 Let their waybe darke and: Cippery: and let the Angel of the Loꝛd perſecute them. gu YS dnd —* a) a lag Vloneth. © e vi} day. 7 Foꝛ they bane peiuilp tata theirnet to deftrop me without acaule : pea. euen without acaule baue they made a pit for mp fouie, Lr 8 Letaludden dettruction come bponbim vna Wares ,andhis nette that he hatu laid priuilp, catch © bimielfe : that he map fall into his owne milchtete. 9 And mp foule,be ioylull in the Lord: it chall re⸗ ioyce in bis faluation. 10 All my bones thali lap, Lod, who is like vnto thee, which deliuerelt the poore from btm that is too rong for him: pea .the pooze and him that isin mis fery, from bint that fpotieth him. | 1D’ 11 Falle witnes did rife vprthey latd to mp charge things that I knew not. | 12 Tyey rewarded me eutli fo2 good: fo the great difcomfozt of mp ſoule. | 13 Neuertheleſſe, when they were ficke J puton fackcloty, andbumbied my foule with tafting: and my paper hall ture into mine owne boſome. 14 J behaued mp as though it had bene my kriend, or my brother: Jwent heauily, as one that mourneth for His mother. 15 But in mine aduerlitie they reioyced, and ga⸗ thered them together: yea, the very abtects came to: gether again ne pna wares, making mowes at me, and ceafed not. ' . 16 Withthe flatterers were buſie mockers: which gnached vpon me with thetr tecth. J 17 - Lod, bow tong wilt thou looke bpon this: O deliuer mp foule from the calamities, which thep bring on me and mp darting fromthe Lions, 4 13 So will J giue thee thankes tn the great Con: qregation : ZF wittl pꝛaiſe ghee among much people. 19 Dietnorthemtyat ace mineenemics triumph ouer me bigedlps Neither let them winke with * pe j ~ Moneth, The.vi). aay. is epes that hate ime tnithoutacaute. 20 AnD why ? their communing is not fo2 peace: ‘ but they imagine deceittull words again tyemthat are quiet in the land. a1 Chey gapedon mee totth their mouthes, and faid: fie on Chee, fie on thee, we far it With ovr eves, 22 This thou bat feene, D Lod: Hold not typ tongue then, goe not farre from me,D Lord. 23 Awake and fland bp totudge my quarreil: as Uenge thou mp caule, mp God and my 102d. 24 ‘Judge mee, D Lo2d mp God, accowing to thy vighteoutnelle : and let them noe triumpyouer me. 25 Let them notflap in their Hearts, Chere, there, fo would we haue it: neither let them lay , Wee haue deuoured him. 26 ‘Let them be put to confuſion ehame together that reioyce at my trouble : let them bee clothed with _ Lebuke and diſhonor, that boat thefelues againſt me, 27 Let the be glad and reioyce v fauour mp righte⸗ ous dealing: yea,let thE lay alway, Blelled be vᷣ Lozd, which bath pleature in the proſperity of his ſeruaut. 28° And asfo2 mp tongue, tt hall be talhing ofthy righteoutnetle: and of thy praiſe all the day long, Dixitiniuftus, Pſal 36. Mboentt ſhewethme the wickeanes of the vngod⸗ ly that there is no feare of God betore his eyes. 2 soz be flattereth himſelle in His owne fight: bntillbis abominable (inne be foundout. - 3 Ohe words ofbis mouth are bnriahteous, and: full of decrit:he bath left off to behaue himlelte wile⸗ ly· andto dee good, 4 DPeimagineth mtfchiete vpon his bed, and hath fethinitelte inno good wapy:neither doeth he abhorre any thing wat is euill. 5 ‘The mercy (D Lo2d) reacheth * i Euening “prayer, ee eg ee ee Moneth. Thevy.day. ™ uens: and thy faithfulnelle vnto the clouds. - 6 Ghyrighteoutnes tandeth like b trong moun⸗ taines :thy tudgementsare like the great Deepe, 7 Chou Loꝛd halt faue both manand beak, How excellent istby mercy D God: athe childzen of nen ſhall put their truſt vnder the fhadow of thp wings, 8 They chall be fattlhea with the plenteouſneſſe of thy houſe: and thou chalt giue them drinke of chp pleaſures as out of thertuer. 9 For with theets the well oftite: and in thy light fhait ive fee light. 10 PD continue foozth thy louing kindneſſe onto. thet thathnote thee : andthy righteouſneſſe puto them that are true of heart, 11 Det not the foot of pride come againſt me:and fet not the band of the vngodlyxcaſt me Downe. rz Chere arethep falien(all) that worke wicked: nelſe: they ave cal downe, ⁊ Hall not be able to ſtand. oliæmulari. Plal. 3 , ees Ree not thy felfe becaute of the vngodiy: nei · J mel ther be thou enuious ag inlſt the euill doers, =) 2° Sfozthey hall foone bee cut donne like tie grate: and be withered euen as the greene herbe. 3 pPutthouthy true inthe Lozd, and bee doing good:dwoell in the land and verily thou ſhalt be fed. 4 Belight thou ithe Lo: andheethalatue thee thp pears defire. 5 Commit thywapr bnto the L020,and putthy trult in him: and be ſhall being tt topafie,. - 6 Pehall make thy righteouſneſſe as cleare as the light: and thy tult dealin g as the noone day, . 7 Hold thee Kitin the Lod, ¢ abide patientty vpon Bim: but grieue not thy feife at him whofe way doeth pꝓꝛoſper,againſt > man that doch after euillcounſails. 8 Leaue off froin nozath, and let goe atte e M — — OT he: vif dey. Se J not w felfe,cife halt thou be mooucd to do euil. 9 Wicked doers ſhall be rooted out: and they that patiently abidethe 02d, thole hail inherit the land. 10 Pet alitle while, and the vngodly ſhalbe cleane gone: thou thalticok after hts place,¢ be ſhalbe away, 11 Hut the meeke ſpirited Hall poſſeſſe the earth: and thal be refrethed in the multitude of peace. CThe vngodiy ſeeketh countel againk the iuk : and gnaſheth bpon him with bistesth. 13 Che Lozd thailiangh him to ſcorne: for be bath. Seene that bis Day ts comming. | 14 Che vngodly Have Dra wen out the ſword, and haue bent their bow : to caſt downe tie poore and needy, andto flay fuch as be of aright conuerlation. 15 Cheir ſword Hhali go though their owne hears: and their bow ſhalbe broken. 16 Afmali thing that the righteous bath : ts bet: tertben areat riches of the bngodlp 17 ffo2the armes of the —— ſhall bee Sohen: and the Lord bpholdeth the righteous. 18 Che Lord knoweth the Daves of the godly:and their inberitance Hall endure fo2 ever. 19 Chey ſhall not bee confounded tn che perilous | ~ time: tin the dates ofdearth they hall hauepnougy. | 20 As forthe vngodly, they hal perifh.and the ene⸗ mie s of the Lord thall confume ag the fat of lambes: rea euen as thetmoke thail they confine alway. 22 Che vngodly bozroweth a payeth not againe: but the tighteousis mercifullanditberatl, 22 Such as be bieſſed of God hall polelte the tan: and they that be curfed of dim, ſhalbe rooted out. 23 Che Lord odereth a good mans going : and ra maketh bis way acceptabie to Himlelfe. 224 Though be fail, be hall not be cal away:foꝛ the , a. ong + ges eh ; “ > 25 J — — Sees eee ne a ee — — i ax | Coe —* i 3. Ke Vane ek she The Vil. are day, 25 J haue bene yong, and no w am olde: — ſaw Jneuer the righteous fo Aaken noe bistech begs ging their bꝛead. 26 Che righteous ts euer mer cilull, and lendeth: and Hts ſeed is bleſſed. 27 Flee from euill, and doe the thing that is goon: and dwell for euermore. 28 Forthe Lord loueth the thing that is right: he forſaketh not his that be aonty, but chey are preſer⸗ ued fo2 ever. 29 The righteous fhali be puniſhed as kor the feed of the bugodly.itfhaihe rooted ott, 30 The righteous hal inherit the land: and dwel therein fo2 euer. 31 The mouth of righteous ts exerciſed in wiſe⸗ dome: and his tongue wilibe talking ofiudgement. 32 Che Law ofvis God is in his beart ; and big goings hall net fide. 33 The bngodly teeth the righteous : and feeketh occaſion fo fay him. 34 The Lo willnot leaue him in big hand: 1062 condemne Him wien eis iudged. 35 Hope thou in the Lord, and keepe his way, and be thalipzomoce thee, that thou foait poſſeſſe the land: when the bngodly hail peri,.theu thalt fee tt, 4 36 Bmp feife haue ſeene the ougosipin great po wer: ‘and flouriſhing like sareenebaytree. 37 2nd 4 went by and de, he was gone: J fought fim, but bis place coms no where be found, . 38 Keepe innocencie, and take heed vnto the thing that is right: ſor that hal bing a man peace at pᷣ left, 39 Astor tic tranigreſſors, thep hall perth toge: ther: am the endofthe vngodly ts, Chepthaiberoge tedeut af the lat. 402 itp ſaluation of eye righteous comet — f L020; ~~ ‘Moneth. ‘Theviij. day. Loꝛrd:which is alſo their ſtrẽgth in oͤ time of trouble. at Aud the Lordſhalſtand by them and faue them: bell {hall Deliver them from the bngodly, and ſhall faue them, becauſe they put their truſt tr ‘sh | Domine nein furore, Pfal.38. e a7) Wit ine NOE fo rebuke OLoꝛd) it thine anger: Morning | x neither chaſten mec in thy heatty diſpleaſure. prayer. — 2 forthine arrowes ſtick fal in me: and Eby and preliety me ſore. > berets no healty in my fleth, becaule of thy Difpleature: neither is there any reſt tn my bones bp reafon of myſinne. Foz mp wickedneſſes ave cone ouer mp bead: ann are like afore burthen too beauy fo2zme to beare. 5 My woundes inks, and ave coꝛrupt: though my fooliſhneſſe. 6 Bans brought intofo qreat trouble and mifes rp: ar" Igoe mourning all the day tong. Foꝛ my loynes are filled With aloze diſeaſe:and ehere is no whole part in my body. 8 Fam feeble and fore ſmitten: Jhaue roared fo2 che ery Difquietnefie of mp Heart. | «gg Low, thou knoweſt all my deſire: and my gras Ning is not Hiv from thee. ss Fo Mp heart panteth, my ftrength Hath fatied mes (ae bok the fight of mine eyes ts gone from me. sar My louers a my neighvours dia ſtand looking pon my trouble: and my kinſmen food afarre off, 12 Thepy allo that fought after my lifelapd ſnares forme: athey that went about to Doe me eull,talbed of wickedneſſe, and imagined deceit all the Day long. 13 Asformec, J was like a deafe man and heard totzand as one that is dumbe, which doeth not opert his mouth, ae —— euen as Msg that heareth not: — ‘en! sats ry . ie ¥ = } * SS te Pee oe | A Ne AER Foe a? Ye “e A * = 4 iS a. 2 4 at ; eee Moma The: viij. day. in whoſe mouth arenoreproofes, fe 15 For in thee. O Lod, haue FZ put my truſt: thou ſhalt anſwere for me.D od my God 16 Jhaue required spaterniemean nine enemies) Mould wot triumph ouer ines for vohen mp foote flipt, ther retopced greatly againſt me. 17 And F truely am fet in the plague : and my Heauinette iseuer inmy fight. 18 Foz F willcontefle my wickedness: andbe lorie kor my ſinne. 19 Wut mine enemies liue and are mightie: and they that bate me weongfully ave manyin number. 20 Chey allo that reward euttl fo2 qood, ave a⸗ gaint me: becaule F follow the ching that good is. 21 fforlakeme tot, D Lede my Goo: be not thou farre from me, 3 22 Dalle thee tohelpeme : D Low 600, my fal: tation, Dixi,cuftodiam, Pfal.39 ſ Haid J will take heed to my wayes: that J —* not in my tongue. ; 2 J will keepe my mouth ( as tt There with a bztole: whilethe vngodly is in my fight. — 3 Iheld my tongue,and ſpake nothing : J kept ſilence, yea. euen froin good words, but it was paine aid griefe to me, 4 Wypheart was hote within mee, ann while J was thus muſling, the fire kindled: and at the lat J ſpake with mp tongue. k 5 fLozd, tec me finow mineende,gthenumberot — my Daies :b J map be cevtificd how lig F hatte to liue. 6 Behold thou haſt made mpdapesasit were — fpaniong:¢ mine age ig euen as nothing tn reſpect of thee a verily euery man liuing is altogether vanitie. * 40% man — in a vaine ſhadow, and diſ⸗ auieteth Moneth. The viij day. quieteth bimfelfe tn vaine: be heapeih bp riches, and cannot tell who thal gather them. | Ndnow, Lod, whatis my Hope ;: truely my hope is euen int thee. 9 Deluer mee from all mine ollences: and mate me not a rebuke bnto the foolith. — ro Gbecame dumbe, and opened not my mouth: fo2 it was thy doing. 11 Cake thy plagueawap from me: Jam eves conſumed by the meanes of thy beauyp hand, 12 When thou with rebukes doeſt chaſten man for ſinne, thou makeſt hts beautie to confume away like as it were a moth fretting a garment;: euerp man therefoze ig but vanitie. 13 Pearemyp paper, D 102d, & with thine eares confider mp calling: hold not thy peace at mp teares. 14 Foꝛ Jama ſtranger with thee, and a fotourner: as all my fathers were. | _ 15 Ohſpare mee a little, that J map recouer my ſtrength: befoze J goe bence, and beso moze feence. Expectans expectaui. Pfal. 4o. Matted patiently foz the Lord: and be enclined vn⸗ tO me, and Heard my calling. 2 he brought me alfo outof the horrible pit, out ofthe mpze and clap: and fet my feet vpon the roche, and ordered mp goings. 3 And he bath put anew ſong in mpmouth:euen a Thaukeſgiuing vnto our God, 4 Many hall {ee tt, andfeare: and hall put their trutt inthe Loꝛd. } 5 Blelled is the man that hath fet his hope in the Lozd: andturned not vnto the proud, and to fuch as goe about with lies, = 6 DP) Lowd my God, great are thp wonderous more which wou batt Done : like as bee alfo thy —— 33 Borin | ua 4 — * — J J * — > Sete — in a 4 ey Dh yi nr ial fo SRR i Se ale at et, — ee ae — Pe ee my ee ey - — ws —————e—E Ole ae ee - ~ — — Moneth. Thevir. day. thoughts which are fo vs ward, andyet therets no man that ordereth them vnto thee. FEZ would declare them a (peake aithemthep ſhould be moze then Jam able to expreſſe. 8 Sacriũce and meat offring thou wouldeſt not haue: but mine eares hall thou opened. _ 9 Burntoficings and facrifice for finne batt thou —* ers: then fatd J], Loe, Icome. o In the bolumeot the bocke tt is written ofime, that FZ ſhould fulfil thy toil, D my.God: Jam content to Dorit, yea, thy Lawis within my heart. 11 J haue declared thy righteoutnetle in the great Congregation: {cc.F will not refraine my lippes, O Loꝛd, and that thou knoweſt. 12 Jhaue not hid thy righteouſnes win mpheart: mp talking bath bene of ty truty, g of thy ſaluation. J baue not kept backe thy louing mercy and — from the great Congregation. 14 Withdraw not thou thy mercie from mee, O — Loꝛd: let thy louing kindneſſe and thy trueth alway pꝛeſerue me. 15 For innumerable troubles are come about me, my ſinnes haue taken fuch hold vpon mee,thatZ ant not able to looke bp: yea, they are moinnumber then the batres of mp head, and my beart bath fatied me. 16 D Lord,let itbee thy pleafure to deliuer mee: Make hafte( D Lord) to heipe me. 17 Let them be aſhamed and confounded together that (ecke after my foule to deſtroy tt: let them be dat: vien backward and put to rebuke that with me euil. 18 Leethem be deiclate and rewarded with hhame, that ſay bnto me: fte vpon thee, fie vponthee. | 19 Let all thole that feeke thee, be ioyfull and glad in thee: and iet ſuch as loue top faluation,fap alwar, Che Loꝛd be praiſed. 209g ~— Moneth. The viij.day. : 20 Qs foz me Jam pooze and needy: but the Lord careth for me. 21 Chou —— and Kedeemer: make no 1). } yy needy : —* Lod hall deliver him inthe prayer. ol PS) ye Cline of troubie. EYES 2 Che Lordpreſerue hima keepe him alive, thathee map be biefled bpon earth: and deliuer not thou Him into the hol ofbis enemies. The Lordcomfort him wher hee lieth ficke vp⸗ on bis bed: make thou all hts bed tn his ſickneſſe. 4 Ilaid, Lod be mercifull bnto mee ; beale my fotile, toe Jhaue ſinned againit thee. 5 Mine enemies tpake euill of mee : when tall he die, and his name perth? 6 And ik he come to ſee me, be ſpeaketh vanitie: and his heart conceiueth falthood within himſelle, and when He commeth forth, hee telleth tt, 7 Ailmine enemies whilper together again me: | cuen aginſt me doe they imagine this euill, 8 Letthe fentence of guiltineſſe proceed againſt him: and now chat he lieth, tet him rife bp no moze. 9 Pea,erren mine owne familiar friend whom F truſted: tobich did alfo eat of my bzead, hath tatd great wait fo2 me. | 10 But be thou merciful vnto mee,D Voꝛrd:raiſe thou me bpagaine, and Jſhall reward them. 11 Bythis Jknow thou fauoureſt me:that mine enemie doeth not triumph againſt me. 12 Gnd when J amin my health, thou vpholdelt me: and ſhalt fet me befo2e top face ſor ever. 13 Bleſſed bethe Lord God ioe — * with⸗ out end. Amen. baa Shue! — ——2 “Quem: = z a > - A 2 2 oe ; oe — ia Moneth. Thevii.day. | Quemadmodum. Pfal.42. L_ Ake asthe Pare deſireth the water brookes : fo longeth my foule after thee, D God. 2 Wy loule is athirſt fo2 God,rea,euen fo2 the lie uing God : when hall Jcome toappeare before the pꝛeſence of God? | 3 Dy teares haue bene mp meat day and night: white they daily fay vnto mec, Where ts now thy 00; | 4 Now when FZ thinke thereupon, J poweeout — my Heart by my felfe: ſor went worth the multitude, and brought them forth into the houſe of God. 5 In the voyee of pꝛaiſe andthankelgiuing : a: mong ſuch as keepe Holpday. 6 Why art thou ſo fullof heauineſſe, D my foule: and why art thou fo difquicted within me? 7 Put thy tru in God: for F will pet giue him thankes tor the helpe of his countenance. 8 MyGod,ʒ my foule ts veredwithin mec: there: - foze will FJ remember thee , concerning theland of Jordan, andthe little hilt of Hermon, | 9 Mnedeepecaileth another, becaufe of the noiſe of the water pipes : all thp waues and Tomes are gone ouer me. | : ; 10 Che Lord hath granted bis louing kindneſſe O11 the Day times andin the night (eafon did J ſing of Hint, and made myp prayer buto the God of mlife. 11 J wilifapy nto the Godof my Krenath, wohp haſt thou forgotten mee: why goe 4 thus heauily while the enemie oppreſſeth me 7 12 My bonesare ſmitten afunder as with a ſword: while mine enemies p trouble me, caf me in oᷣteeth. 13 Namely, while they ſay dayly vnto me: where ig now thy God? | 14 Wyparvethoulobered, D my foule: and why ars — — “< | Moneth. Theix.day. art thou fo difquicted within me? 15 D put thy trukin God:foz J wil pet thank him, which {8 the belpe of my countenance,and my Goo, Iudicame Deus. Pfal.43. | Gane fentence with mee, D God, and defend my caufe againg the bngodly people: D deliuer mee from the dDeceitfull and wicked man, 2 §o2 thou art the Godofmp trength, toby batt thou put me from thee : and whp goe J fo heauily, while the enemie oppreffeth me ? 3 Db lend out thy light and thy trueth, that they may leade me:andbzing me onto thp Poly hill, and to thy dwelling. 4 And that J may go dito the Altar of God, euen vnto the God ot my top and gladneſſe: and vpon the harpe will Jgiue thanks vnto thee, God mp God. 5UWhy art thou lo heauy, O mp foule: and why art meu fo dDifquieted within me ? | D put thptrufin Good: for 5 wili pet aiue him thenkes. * isthe belpe of my countenance, and: my Goo, 4 Deus auribus. Pfal.44. we Ee haue heard withour eares,O God, Morning | ſ our fathers haue tolde bs : what thou prayer. 3 Wa\G/an halt done in thetr time ofotd. ARWVES 2 Pow thoubal deinen out the hea⸗ Xthen with thy band,¢ planted them in: bow thou Dat deſtroied the nations,¢ cat them out. 3 Foꝛ they gate not the land in poſſeſſion theough belt owne ſword: nether was it their owne arme that helpedthem. 4 But thy right bandandthinearme , and the light of thy countenance; becaufe thou pandetta fas —- BOUL vnto them. ——— ne God; tappetp onto — * ou — * * in’ east” et =. — ia V—— Moneth. Theix.day. 6 Thꝛough thee wil we ouerthrꝛow our enemies: and in chy Name will we tread them vnder that rife bp againſt bs. 7 So J wilinot truſt in my bowe : if isnot my ſword that hall beipe me. 8 But it is thou that fauek bs from our enemies: and putteſt themto confufion that hate bs. . 9 ndcmakeourboat of God all day long:and wel praife thy Mame foz ever. 10 Mut now thou art farre off, and puttet vs to confuſion: and goeſt rot fozth with our armies. 11 Chou maliel bs to turne our backes bponour enemics:fo that they which hate bs ſpoile our goods, 12 Chou letteſt bs to bee caten bp like fheepe :and hafticattered bs among the heathen. 13 Chou ſelleſt thy people fo2 nought : and takeſt No money foz them. ; 14 Chou makek bs tobeerebubed ofour neigh: bours: to belaugied to ſcorne, and had in deriſion of them that ave round about bs. 15 Choumaket bs to bee a by· woꝛde among the Heathen: andthat the people Hake their heads at bs. 16 My confulion is datly befoze me: andthe ſhame of my face bath couercd me. | 17 S02 the boice of the Handerer and blaſphemer: foz the enemie and auenger. | 18 And though all this be coin bpon be, petdo we not forget thee :noz behaue our ſelues frowardly in thy Couenant, | 9. Dur heartis not turned backe : neither our ſteps gone out of thy way. 20 Mo not whenthou hat {mitten bsintopplace ot dꝛagons:and couered bs with the fhadowofdeath. . 21 If we hance for gotten the name ofour God, and bolden dp our handes to any frange god: ſhali not — — ties BO — Pr heist: day! 4a cos it out? fo2 be unoweth the veryſecrets of ebeart, 22 for thy fake alfo are we billed all the day long: and are counted as fheepe appointed to be ſſlaine. 23 Gp Lo2d, why ſleepeſt thou: awake, and be not abſent * bs for euer. 24 «Wherefore hideſt thou thy face: and forgetteſt our miſery and trouble? 25 Foz ourfoule is brought low, euen vnto the Dutt: our belly cleaueth onto the ground. 26 Ariſe and helpe bs: and deliver vs fo2 thp ners cies fate. Eruauit cor meum. PGl. 45. M P Heart ts inditing ofa good matter: F fpeake of the things, tobich Jhaue made vnto the Ling, 2 Uy tongue ts the pen: ofa readp weiter. 3 who art fairer the the childz¢ of men: ful of qrace are thy lips, becaule God bath bleſſed thee for ever. 4 Bird thee with thy ſword bpd thy thiah,D thou moſt mighty:acco2ding to thy woꝛrthip and renowme. 5 Good lucke haue thou Wh thine honor: ride on, becaule of the word of truth, of meeknes,¢ righteoul: nes, ethy righthand hall teach thee terrible things. 6 Chyarrowes are very tharpe, and the people ſhallbe fubdued vnto thee: euen in —— mids among the kings enemies. 7 bp leat, O God, endureth fos euer:the tcepter ofthy kingdome is a right Scepter. 8CThou hak loued righteouſnes, and hated ini⸗ quitie : wherefore God, euen thp God hath andinted thee with the oyle of gladneſſe aboue thy fellowes. 9 Allthy garments finell of Myrerhe. Aloes, and Caffia: outof the Juoꝛy palaces, whereby they haue made thee glad. to peste were — thp honourable Ga ; women: Moneth. Theix.day. women: bponthy right hand did and the Mueene ina veſture of gold, wꝛought about vᷣdiuers colours. it Hearken, O daughter, ¢ conlider,encline thine eave:fozget alfo thine own people, ethy fathers houſe. 12 Do hall the King haue plealure in thy beauty: fo2 be ts thy 102d God,and wozibip thou him. 13 andthe daughter of Cyze hall be there witha gift :fike as the rich alfoamong the people hall make their fupplication befoze the. 14 Che Kings daughter ig allglozious within ; ber clothing tsof wꝛought gold. 15 She thaibe bzought vnto the Ling in raiment of needle worke:the Virgins that be ber felowes thal beare bercompany, and thalbe brought vnto thee, 16 With toy and gladneſſe ſhallthey bee brought: and thallenterinto the kings palace. 27 In ſtead of thy fathers thou halthaue children: whom thou maye make pzinces tn all lands. 18 J willremember thy Mame from one genera: tion bnto another: therefore thall the people giue thankes vnto thee wo2ld without end. Deus nofter refugium. Pfal.46. G — dur hope and ſtrength:a * prꝛeſent helpe in trouble. 2 bherefoze wil wee not feare though the earth be mooued: and though the hilles bee carted into the mids of the Sea, 3 Though the waters thereof rages fell: and though pmountains hake at the tempet of the fame. 4 Whe riuers of the flood thereof thall make glad the Citte of God : the holy place of the Cabernacie of the mot Higheſt. 5 Godisin the midé ofher, therefore hall the not be remoued: God hall helpe her, and that right early. 6 Whe heathen make much adoe, and 9 king⸗ omes ‘ - . Vloneth. The ix. cay. domes are asia: but God haty ſhewed his dover, and the earth thal melt away. 7 GbheLordot hots is with vs: che God of Ja⸗ cobis our reluge. 8 Deomedither, and beholde the workes of the piel wyhat deſtruction hee hath brought vpon the cart 9 He maketh warres to ceafe in all the world:he breaketh the bow, and fnappeth the ſpeare tn fun: der, and burnieth the chariotsin the fire, . 10 Be fill then and know that FZ am God: Joi | be exaltedamong the heather, and J will be evaiten in the earth. 11 The Lop of holles is with oS :the God of Ja⸗ cob is our refuge, Omnes gentes plaudite. Pfal. 47. HA Clap pour yands together, alive people: O Bical fing vnto Gon withthe bopceofimelodie, prayer. 2 forthe Lord is high, andto be keared: is the great Ring bpon allthe earth. 3 Dee hall fubdue the people vnder vs: and the ations onder our fete, 4 He thallcbule out an heritage for vs: euen the worſhipof Jacob whome he loued. 5 God ts gone bp with a merie noyſe: and the Lord with the foundof the trumpe. —s-s«nS: Ws M fing praifes, fing pratfes onto (our) God:D uing peaties, fing pzaiſes vnto our King. gs «for Bodts the Bing of allthe earth: ſing vee prailes with vnderſtanding. Fod reigneth ouer the heathen: Gov fitterh bpon bis Polp feat. aes Che princes of $ people are topned onto the peo: piẽ otẽ God of Abzavam: {02 God, wHich is bery High — — pee defend sp oat agit were withatielD, a 5! (UES. — — — awe Moneth. The ix day. NMagnus Dominus. Pfal.g8. G Reat ts the Lord, and highly to be praiſed: in the Citie ofour God, euen bpon bis Holx hill. . 2 Dhe hill of Sion isa faire place, andthe iop of — ——— ee * er hee, pean J eS 8X the whole earth: vpon the Northlſide lieth the city of the great King, Ged is weil knowen in her palaces, as a ſure retuge. ae 3. «-ffozloe, the Bingsofthe earth : are gathered andgonebytogether. . “4 Chepmaructlen to fee fuch things : they were aſtonied, and ſuddenly cal Downe. 5 Feare came there vpon thent, and fozrow: as vpon a woman tn Yer trauaile. 6 Chou thalt bꝛeake the hips ofthe fea : through the Catt winde. : 7 Like as wehaue heard, ſo haue we feene in the city of the Lo2d of hots , in the city of our God: Gea bpboloeth the fame fo2 euer. IA 8 Oe waite lor thy louing kindneſſe, D God: in the middeſt of (hp Temple. 9 O God, according onto thy Name, ſo is thp praife vnto the worlds end: thy right band is full of righteouſneſſe. 10 Letthe mount Sion reioyce, and the daugh⸗ ters of Juda be glad: becaule of thy Judgements. 11 Walke about Sion , and qoeround about her: and tell the towres thereof. | * 12 Darke well ber bulwarks , fet bp her houtes: that pe may tell them that come after. 13 For this God is our God foz euer and euer: he {hall be our guide vnto death. | . | | Auditehecomnes. Pfal.49. O Beate vee this all ve people : ponder it with your eares all ye that dwell in the woꝛid. 2 Pigh a low, rich and pooꝛe: one with another. 3 My * J Pioned “Theis 1X, aay. , 3 My⸗ mouth chall ſpeake of a ae ano my heart hail mule of vnderſtanding. 4 % will encline mine eare to the parable: and hew mp darke ſpeech bpon the Harpe. 5 Wherefore Mould F fearc inthe dayes of wic⸗ kedneſſe: and sohen the wickednes of my heeles com: paſſeth me round about? 6 Cyere be ſome that put their truk in their goods; and boatt thẽſelues tn the multitude of their riches. 7 Wut no man nay deliuer his brother: nor make agrecement vnto Gob fo2 him. 8 Forit cof moze to redeeme their ſoules:ſo that He muſt tet that alone fo2 ever, 9 Pea,though be liue long: and {ce not the graue. 10 Foꝛ bee ſeeth that wile men allo die, and perith together : as wellas the ignorant and foolith > and leaue their riches for other, 11 And yet they thinke that their houles hati con: - ‘tinue for euer: and that their dwelling places hall > emdure from one generation to another, andcallthe lands after their one nannies. + - 12: FLeuerthelefie, man wil not abide in Honour : feetng hee may bee compared onto the beats that pe⸗ rith, thisisthe wap ofthe, — 13 This is their kooliſhneſſe: and their pofteritte pꝛaite their ſaying. 14 Chey lie in rhe hell like cheepe deach gnaweth vpon them.and the righteous ſhall haue domination ofthemin the morning: their beautie ſhall conſume Uitte ſepulchre out oktheir dwelling. But God hath deltuered wip ſoule from the place ot hell: fo2 he hall recetue me. 16 WenotthouafratD though one bee made rich : Orit tie glorp of his Houte be increaſed. 17 ek he is! cary nothing away with Hw alae — gee eee Se oe Oo. | ae Ae POP, a we | | f ptayer. Morning Baap — a | ig ſpoken: and called the world from thevifing Ae 8 7 v——— J— — — Moneth. Thex. day. He dieth: either tall bis pompe follow —— 18 Foz while hetined,vecounteshimlelfeanhapys — pie man:and folong as thou doeſt weil brite tip ſelte, men wilipeake good of thee, 19 Hee chall follow che generation ofbistathers: : and hall neuer fee light. 20 Gan being inbonouy, bath no vnderſtanding: but is compared vnto the beats that periſh. Deusdeorum. Pfſal. 50. exes De LoD, even the mot mightie God hath May a bpot the Sun vnto the going down thereok. 2 DMutof Stonvath God appeared : in perkect eautie. 3 Our God ſhal come, and hal not keepe ſilence: there ſhallgoe before him a conſumingſire, g a migh⸗ tie tempeſt ſhall be ſtirred bp round about him. 4 Hee ſhall call the heauen from aboue: and the earth, that he may iudge his peoplhe. 5Gather my Saints together vnto mee: thoſe that haue made a couenant wtih me with lacrifice. 6 And the beauens thail declare bis righteoul — for God is iudge himſelfe. Heare, DO my people, and Jwill {peake: JImy teite will teſtilie againſt thee, D Iſrael, for J ant God, euen thy Bod. 8 IJ wili not reproue thee, becauſe of thy ſacri⸗ fices, 02 foz thy burnt offerings: becauſe they were not allway befo2e me. 9 IJ witltake no bullocke out of thy houſe: nor Hee goates ont of thyp folds. 10 forall the beaſts of the forreſt are mine: and ſo are the cattels vpon a thouſand hils. i Ibknow all the foules bpon the mountaines: and tHe wilde beatts of the field arein my fight. — 12 —E Moneth. —— day. 12 It J be Hungry, J will not tell thee : fo2 the — whole world ig mine, and all that is therein. 13 Chinkek thou that J willeate Buls fleh: and drinke the blood of Goates 7 | 14 Offer vnto God thankelatuing: and pay thy howes vnto the mot Higheſt. 15 Andcallbpon me in the time oftrouble:ſo wiil FJ beare thec, andthou ſhalt praiſe me, 61 But vnto the bngodlylatd God:Mhy doeſt thou preach mp lawes,¢ takeſt my couenatin thp mouth: ] : a osha | 17 Whereas thou hateſt to bee refozmed: and bak caſt my words bebinde thee. 18 When thou ſaweſt a thiefe,thou conſentedſt vn⸗ to him:and ball bene partaker with the adulterers. 19 Thou hal iet thy mouth (peake wickedneſſe: and with thy tongue thou haſt (et forth deceit. 20 Thou fatefl and paket againſt thy brother: yea, and batt flandered thine owne mothers fonne. 21 Theſe things hat thou done, and J helde mp tongue, and thou thoughteſt wickedly that Fam euentuch a one as thy felfe: but ZF wil repzooue thee, and fet before thee the things that thou batt done. 22 D-confider this, pe that forget God: ica J plucke pouawa?r , and there be none to deliuer pou. 23 Who fo offereth me thankes and praife, hee ho⸗ noureth mee: and to him that ozdereth bis conuerla- tion right, wil F hew the ſaluation of Gon, Mifereremei Deus, Pfal. 51. Hau mercy vpon mee, D God, after thy great goodneſſe:according to the multitude of thy mers clesdoc away mine offences. 2 wath me thzoughip from my wickedneſſe: sand. Cleanfe me from myſinne. 3 Foꝛ J knowledge ny faults : and my linne is Ga pe 43gainſt ‘Moneth. Thex,day. 4 aint thee only haue J finned, and done this euil in tip fight: that chou mighteſt beinutified tn thy faping,andcicare when thou art iudged. 5 Behold, J twas ſhapen in wickedneſſe: and in ſinne hath my mother conceiued wme. 6 But lo, thou requireſt truth inthe inward parts: and ſhalt make me to bnderifand wiſedome ſecretlp. 7 Thou ſhalt purge me with Yyſope, and I ſhall becleane:thouſhalt wath mee, and F thal. be whiter then ſnow. 8 Thou ſhalt make me heare ofioyand gladnes: that the bones which thou haſt ꝛ2oken may reioyce. 9 Turne thy face from mp fines: and pur out ail my miſdeeds. 10 Wake meaceane peart, O God:and renew a right ſpirit Within me, 11 Caf me not away from (hp pretence: and take not thy boty (pivit from me. 12 Ogiue me tye comfort otthy help agate: and ſtabliſh me with thy free ſpirit. 13 Chen (hall J teach thy waies vnto the wicked: and ſinners halve conuerted vnto thee, 14 Deliuer me from bicodauiltines, D God, thou thatari the Godot mp Health; and mp tongue thalt fing of thy righteouſneſie. 15 Chow halt open my tips,D Lod: tainy mouth ſhall wewthy praiſe. 16 §o2 thou deſireſt no facrifice, els would J atue | it Chee :but thou delighteſt not in burnt offerings, 17 Whe facrifice of Gedis a troubled ſpirit: a bios hen t contrite heart, O God, chalt thou not defpife. 18 O bee fauourable and aracious vnto Sion: build thou the walles of Hierulalem. 19 Cheuthait thou be pleated wi: h the fecrifice o€ righteouſnes, with the burnt —— ¢ eblations: — V—— — — ae ee Eee — — foes | Monethit The: x. aiayhh then hail they offer yong bullocks a thine altar, uid gloriaris? Pfal. VV boaties tyou thp telfe, tyou tyzant: that thou canſt doe miſchiefe? 2 whereas p goodnes of God:endureth pet daily. 3 Thy tongue tinagineth wickednes: and with lies thou fuceet inke a fharpe raſor. 4 Thou bhatt loued vnrighteouſneſſe more then goodnes: and Co tail of lies moze then righteouſnes. 5 Chouballiloucd to ſpeake ali wo2u8 that map do Hurt: D chou faite tongue. | 6 Tyerloꝛe thal God deſtroythee fozeuer: he hall fake thee and pluck thee out of thy dwelling, and root thee out of the landot the liuing. The tighicous alfo fhall (ce this, and feare: and ſhall laugh him to ſcorne. 8 Lor,thists the man that tooke not Goo for bis ſtrength: but truſted vnto the multitude of his rte ches, and ſtrengthened himſelle in His wickednes. 9 Asforzme, Jam like a greene Oliue tree in the haouſe of God: my truſt ts in the fender mercy of God —. fozetter and ever. | 10 Jwillalwayes giue thanks bnto thee for that thou hat done: and J will pope in thy Namie, fog thy SDaints like tt well, ee - Dixitinfipiens. Pfal.s aa He foolih body hath fainin bis Heart: There Eue ing wy a is no God, prayer. — 862 Coerupt are they, a become abominable in their wickednes: there ts none that Docth good. 3 Godlocked downe from heauen vpon the chils dren of men: tofectt there were any that would vn⸗ derſtand, and ſeeke after Gov. 4 But ther are all gone out of the way, they are —— become abominabie: there ts alfo none & 3 a iw: rig aa 2 that * 7 — ae — a — — — — * — —— shah Seed < bs ee ; * — — — — —_ = ros = — ————— — os te * a — — == = — CE yo ee eee — — * = — — —2 —— J =r : — — — =. — eee — -Sasas —— — — * — — — — Sr — — a = . ———S — ——— — * — — — = = — ———— J — — — E - — * * — = - J eS — — —— —— — == — — — u = a = nl aS te. eth als | ae eee ee Moneth. Thex.day. that doeth good, no not one. 5 Arve not thep without vnderſtanding that worke wichednes:eating bp my people as if they would eate bead 2 they Hane not calied bpon God. 6 They wereafratd where no feave was for God Hath broker p bones of them p befieged thee, thou haſt put themto cOfution becaule God hath deſpiſed them. 7 Mbhthat the laluation were giuen vnto Iſrael out of Sion: Oh that the Lod would deliuer his people out of captiuitie. 8 Chen hhouid Jacob refopce: and Feat ſhould be right glad. , Deusinnomine, Pfal.54. G 2ue me,D God, for thy Names fakes and auenge ine in (hy ſtrength. 2 Peare my prayer, D God: and hearken bate the 00208 of mp mouth. ffoz Trangers arerifen bp againſt mee: and 3 trrants, vobich haue not Goa before their eyes, ſeeke after my foute. Beholde, Godts my helper: the Loꝛrd is with them that behold my ſoule. Hee thal reward cutil vnto mine enemies: de- ftroy them in thy trueth. 6 Anoffering ofafree heart will Faiuethee, and — pꝛaiſe thy Name,D Loꝛd:becauſe itis fo comfogtable. — 7 Foꝛ he hath deltucred me out of allinp trouble: @inine epe hath ſeene bis deſire bpon mine enemies, ExandiDeus. Plal. §5. Hs mp paper, D God: and hide not thy ſelte yom my petition, 2 Take heede bntomee, and heare mee: how 3 Mourne in mp prayer andam bered, 3 Tye enemie crveth fo, andthe vngodly com⸗ meth on ſo faſt for they are: minded to doe mee ſome miſchiefe. ~ Moneth. The x.day. intfchiete, (o maliciouſty ave thep fet again me, 4 «Dy heart is diſquieted within mee: and the feare ofdeach is fallen bpon me, 5fFfearefulnes and trembling ate come vpon me: aud an apo tiale Dread bath overwhelmed nie. 6 And Iſaid, Dthat Z had wings like a doue: fo: ehen would Fj flee awap, and be at reff. 7 Loe, then would FZ get mee away farreof:and remaine inthe wildernefie, 8 Fwould make hatte to eſcape: becaute of the ſtormy winde and tempeſt. | Delſtroy their tongues,D 102d, edeulde them: fo2 F baue {pied vnrighteouſnes, and ſtrife inthe city. 10 Wapandnight they go about withinthe wats — thereof: mifchtefe alſo a ſorrow are in the mide of it. 11 Wickedneſſe is therein: deceit, and guile goe not out of their ſtreets. 12 Foꝛ it is not an open enemy that hath done wme this diſhonour:foꝛ then FZ could haue boꝛne it. | 13 Neither was it mine aduerſary that did mage nifie himſelſe againſt mee: for then peraduenture J would haue hid my ſelfe from him. 14 But it was euen thou my companion: mp guide, and mine owne familtar friend. 15 We tookelweetcountell together: arid walked in the boule of God as friends. 16 Let death come haſtily vpon thent,and let them goe downe quicke into hell:for wickedneſſe is in their dwellings, and among them. 17 asfoꝛ me.Jwillcall vpon God: and theLord ſhall faue me. rs In theeuening and morning, and at nooneday win 3p pray, and that infantly: and he fhalibearemyp — boy Aye 2 Its bee that path botered mp ſoule in — * rom — — ee "Manel The 3}. day. from the battell that was again me:fc2 tere were many with me. 20 Pea, euen Godthat endureth fo2 euer, hall Hearemee, am bring them Dowie sfo2 they will not turne, nor feare Good, 21 Hee layde bishandes vpon {uch as be at peace (with him: and be brake bis couenant. 22 Che words of hig mouth were fofter then bute ter: hauing warre in bis heart: Dis wordes Were ſmoother then ople,and pet be thep beryſwords. 23 D cat thyburthen vpon the 1o020,¢ he bal nous tiththee:e hal not ſuffer the righteous to fal fo2 euer. 24. And as fo2 them. thou, D God, thalt bring them into the pit of deſtruction. 25. Ohe bloodthirſtie and deceitfull mei hall not liueout halle their Daves : neuerihelelle, my true halbewn thee D Lord. Mifereremei Deus, . Plal.s6 KO. C nercifullntome,D God, for ima go⸗ Pat eth about to deuoure mee:he ig daply figh⸗ 19 Aine enemies are dayly in hand to — fwallow me bp:foz they bemanyp that ight again me,D thou mok Higheſt. 3 Neuertheleſſe, though FZ am ſometime afraid: vet put Imytruſt tn thee. 4 Iwill praiſe God becauſe oſhis wo2d: F baue put my truſt in God,and will not leare what tien can Ddoe vnto me. 5 Gheytaply-miftake my. wozdes: all that ther : imagine is to doe euill. 6 Theyhold all together a beep themfelues clote: | and marke my fleps, when ther lay wait fo2 mp foutes. 7 Hallthey elcape foe their wickednelle : thow D God, in thy oilfpleature.thate cak them —7— Ts U. & Morning @x@ : prayer, hai f y | | ~ Moneth. The xj.day. 8 Chou teliek my Hittings, put my teares into the bottell: ave not thele things noted tn thy booke - 9 wDbenfocuer F call bpon thee then hall mine — be put to flight: this JIknowe,tor God tg ors my 10 In Gods worde will Jreioyce: in the Lords Wozd twill Icomfoꝛt me. 11 Pea, th God haue F put my truſt:J will not be afratd what man can doe bnto me. 12 nto thee, D God will J pap mp bowes: bite chee will Jgiue thanks. 13 Foꝛ thou bat delivered mpfoule from death, andiny feet from falling: that ‘4 may walke befoze Godin the light of the tiuing. _ MifereremeiDeus. Pfal.57, B € merciful buto mee, O God, bee mercifullbnte mee, for mp foule trufeth tn thee: and vnder the {hadow of thy wings hall be mp refuge, onetil this tyranny be ouerpaſt. By FJ will cal onto the moſt bie God:euen bnto the | — p hat perſorme the cauſe which Jhaue in hand. He ſhall fend from heauen: and ſaue mee from the rep20ofe of biin that would cate me bp, 4 God ſhall ſend forth bis mercy and trueth: my ſoule is among Lions. 5 And J lie euen amongthe children of men that ave ſet on fire:whoſe teeth are ſpeares and arrowes, and their tongue a tharpe ſword. 6 Het opthyleife, D God, aboue the peauens : and thy glory abouealithbeearth, 7 Toep haue laid ·a net for my feete , and peeled downe my foule : hep Have digged a vit befo2e mee, se fallenintothe mids ofitthemfelues, tit —— is —* »D God, mr heart ts fired: J a BUR waue Te 3 Be faa —ss_- gp Awake EEE EE Oe = EE oo UWwTt0GMiH]! SL _—_—-_=-=— ——_ — —-_ — > . ~ * ere — > oo ~~ — ~~ so — — —— — 2 2 = — = = 7 ee tee Dh ie hae. — ⸗ = , — * — 5—— = - a ee bate "Moneth. “The xj.day. 9 Awakeop my glory, awake Lute and Barpe: J my felfe wilatwakerightearly. io Jwilgiue thankes vnto thee O Lord, among the people:a’Z wil fing onto thee among the nations: 11 FO; the greatucile ofthpy mercy reachety bnte: the beaucngs:and thy trueth vnto the cloudes. 12 Set bp thy felfe, © Sod, adore rie Heauensi and thy glozp aboue all the earth. Siverévtique. Pfal. 58. At pour mindes (ec bpon righteouſneſſe O vee: Congregation: and doe veetudge the thing that is right, D pefonnesofmens « . 2 Peay yee imagine mifchiefe in yout heart vpon the earth: and pour hands deale with wickedneſſe. 3 Obe bngodly are frowardeuen from their mo: thers wombe: afloone as theybee borne theygoe a⸗ ſtray, and ſpeake lies. 4 Thep areas benemous as the poilon ota Ser⸗ pent: euen like thedeafe Adder ſtoppeth Her eares 5 Which rekuleth to heare the voice ofthe Thar: mer: charme he neuer ſo wilely, 6. Wreake thetr teeth, —D God, it cheir mourhe⸗ ſmite the raw bones of she Lions,D Lows tet them fail awap like water that runneth apace, and when theyſhoote thetr arrowes, let them be rooted out. 7 Letthem conſume away like atnatle, and Bee like the vntimely fruit ofa vooman: and let them not fee the Sunne. i 8 Dez ener pour pots be made hote with chornes: ſo oe vexe Him, euen as a thing thatts ra ig Che righteous chan retoyce when he feet) the bengeance: he (hall wath His Korteps inthe blood of the vngedly. Lo Soiwat a man ſhall ſap, Rerilythere wate wards ~ Moneth Thexy.day wardfo: therighteous: doubtlelle there isa God po lei earth. . : 928900 Esipe ————— Pol — 5 Eliuer me from mine enemies, O God: it ose! ; detend me tromthem that rile vp ag ainſt prayer Tite ge S deliver mefromthe wicked Doers? Li i ‘and faue me fromtbebloonthiraie men. 3 Foꝛ ioe they lie waiting kor mp ſoule:the migh⸗ tte men are gathered againit me, without any offence ortauta ane, O Woz.) 4 Cheyrun and prepare themfaluestwithout inp fault avile thou therefoze to helpe me and behold. + Stand bp. D Low God ofpotes.thou God of cack to bifite all the heathen:and be not mercituit. vnto them that offendof maltcious wickedneſſe. 6 Chey goetoand froin the euening: theygrin like adogagesandDrunneabout though the city. 7 Beholde, they ſpeake with their mouth sand. ſwords are in their lips:for who doethheare:. 8 Butthow; O Lorde, ſhalt haue them in deriſi⸗ on:andthou thalt laugy alithe Heathen toſcorne. 9 My lſtrength voill Jaſcribe vnto thee: for thou artthe God of myrefuge. ~ xo God theweth me his goodnelſe plenteoutly:and. God ſhalllet me tee mp delire vpon mine enemies, 11 Slaythem not, temp people forget tt: but {catter thentabzoad among thepeople, and put them downe. O Loꝛrd, our defente. )22) for the ſinne of thetr mouth and for the words oftheir lips, thep hall bee taken in cheir pride sand. whyp7 their. preaching is ofcurting and lies. 13. Conſume chemin thy wrath, confume them, thattheymay periſh: and know thatit is God which tulech in Jacov,and vnto the ends ot the woz. toi 3 14. Moneth. The xj. day. 14 And in the euening they will returne: grinne like adogge,and will goe about the cit. X 15 Chepwill runne here and there for meate: and grudge if they be not ſatiſtjied. 160 Ags for mee , F willing of thy power, and wili praife thy mercy betimes tu che mouning : for thou batt bin my delence a refuge in the dap ot — 17 unto thee, D my trengey, will Jſing: korthou O Gov.art my refuge,and my mercifull Goo, ° Deus repuliftinos. | Pfal.6o. iets Oe thots batt catt bs out.'@ {catered bsabyoan: : thou haſt alſo been diſpleated, © ture thee bnto bs againe. 2 chou pat mooued theland,¢ deutdedit: heale tie ſores thereof, foztt haketh. 3 Chow bak hewed thy people heauy things: thou bal giuen vs a drinke of deadly wine. 4 Thou haſt Fiuen a doken koz tuch asteare thee: that they map triumph becaufeotthetrueth,. 5 Wherefore were thy beloued deliuered: helpe me withthy righthand, and heare me. é God hath ſpoken in his holines,F wilreioice and diuide Sichem: and mete out che valleyoſ Succoth. Gilead is mine, a Danalesis mine: Eph ꝛaim alfa is the ſtrength of my head, Judats my lawgiuer. 8 Moabis mp wathpot, ouer Edom will 4) cat out my oor : Philiſtia be thou glad ofl me. 9 Who wall leade me into the ſtrong citie: wis voill bring me into Edom: 10 Hak thou not cal bs owt, D Gov: wile noe thou, D God,coe out with ourbottes 7 11 Obetyoucur helpe tn trouble; foz bane is the helpe of mait, 12 Through Bod toil we doe great actes: lor it is he that ſhalltread downe our enemies, J A kxXau — hn ee So i ~ Moneth. Thexy jday. . Exaudi Deus. (Pal 6acoxt a “Hexe ep ering s ® God : giue eare vnto mp ayer. 2 ye nts ihe endes ofthe earth will FJ call onto theeswhen tip heart is in heauineſſe. 3 Diet we bp bpon the rocke that is bigher thers J “for thou haſt bene wp popes and aſtrong tower foz me againſt the enremxr - 4I will dwell in thy tabernacle for euer:and my eu fhaii be bnder the couering of thy wings. fozthou, D Low, bal beardimy delires: ehak — an heritage vnto thoſe that feare thy Poame. 6 hou ſhalt grant the Ging atong life:that Hig ‘peeres may endure throughout all generations. 7 ee fhatldwell befoze God fo2 cuev: D prepare thy louing mercy and taithtulnele,. that they. map preſerue him. 8 So wil Jalwayes fing prꝛaiſe vnto thy Name: that Imar ari performe my bowes, NonneDeo. Pfal.62.. 2) Pfloule truciy waiterh til vpon Goo: 4 f fox of bint commeth my ſaluation. : ess Ke 2 DHeberelytsmy ſtrength and my | AN faluation : beets mp defence, fo that J aS ee (hall not greatly Cail, Dove long will pee imagine. miſchiefe againt | — manspe thali be flatne all the fort of pou, rea, ag: atottering wall ſhall pe be,and libe a bꝛoken hedge. 4 Weir deuile is only bow to put him outwyone God willeraltithetr delight ts in lies, they giue good words with their mouth, but curſe with their heart. § Meuerthelelle ,mpfoule waite thou ſtill vpon , (od:fo2 mp hope ts in bin. 6 He truely is my ſtrength and my ſaluation:het iin thatZ hall not fait, Morning. prayer. 7 Fn. Se. a ee ee ——— The xij day. 7 In God is my health and mp glozy :the rocke of my might and in God is my truſt. 8 Oput your truſt in him alway, ee peopleꝰ powre out pour hearts before him, foꝛ God is our ope. 9 Asforthe children ofmen, they are but vaine: the children of men are deceftfall vpon the weights, they are altogether lighter then banitte tt felfe, 10 D truft Ret in Wrong and robberp.qiue not your felues vnto banitie:if riches increaſe, fet not your heart bpon them, Ir God ſpake once andtwile : F hatte alfo heard the fame.that po wer belongeth bnto God. 12 And that thou 020 art mercifull : for thoures wardeſt euerr man according fo his worke. Deus, Deus meus. Plal.63. QO) God, thou are mp God :carely witt J leeke thee. 2 Myſſoule thirſteth forthee, my fleh aifo longeth after thee: in a barren andodzpland.whereno . water is. Thus haue F looked kor thee in holine fle: that 7 pe? behold thy power and glorp. Foz thy louing findnefle ts beiter thenthe tit it diee my lips hail pꝛaiſe thee, 5 Aslongas J liue wittF magnificthee on this maner: and lift spiny Hands in thy Name. 6 Dp foule hat be fatilficd,cuen astt were with matrow and fatnefle : when mp mouth pratlerh thee with ioyfuli lips. 7 PaueF not rememb2ed thee tn my bed: and thought byonthee when F was waking? 8 Becaule thou ha bene mp Helper : therefore pnder th: ſhadow of thy wens will Jreioyce. 9 pp loule hangeth vpon thee thy right band hath —" ine, 10 Thee “ Moneth. Thexij. day. Tae Chet alfa that ſerke the burt of mpfoute : they (Hall goe vnder the earth. rr Let them tall bpon the edge of the ſword: that thep map be a postion fo2 fores. 12 Mur the King hallretopce tn God, all they alfo that ſwear bp bim fhalbe commended: for the mouth of them that ſpeake Ives, ſhalbe ſtopped. ExaudiDeus. Pfal. 64. [care my botce,D God.in my prayer: peferue mp | life from feare of the enemy, 2 Hide me from the gathering tonether of the fro: ward: and from the infurrection of wicked doers, 2) Which haue wet their tongue tike a ſword:and fhoot out their arrooes, even bitter words. 4 What they may priuily ſhoote at hint that ts perfect: fuddenly doe they Hit him, and feare not. 5 Thepycourage themlelucs tn mifchiefe :¢ com: muneamong themfelues how they map tap tnares, and fay that no man ſhall ſee them. 6 Theyimagine wickednes, and practile it: that they keep (ecret among themlelues, euerp man in the deepe ofhis heart. 7 But God hall ſuddenly ſhoote at them with a ſwift arrovo: that they thall be boounded. 8 Pea, their ovon tongues hal make the fall :in fo much that who fo feeth thE, hat laugh them to ſcorne. 9 Andalimen that fee it. ſhal ſay, This hath Gov done ; for they hall perceiue that it tg hts woke. - 10 Cherighteous thai retopce inthe Lozd, and put his truſt in Him: and allthey tHatare true of Heart, ſhalbe gtad. Tedecethymnus. Pfal.o's. Ais Dou. © God, art praiſed in Sion: and dnto Evening x . ra thee thalt the — be perlormed in Hieru⸗ prayer. raft 2 Chow Al a et Ss ee ee Moneth. ‘The xy day. 2 Thouthat heareſt the paaper : vnto thee that alt fleſh comie. | 3 Wy mifdeedspreuavle againſt me: O be thor mercifull vnto our ſinnes. 4 Blelled is the man whom thou chute, and re- ceiueſt vnto thee : be hall dwell in thy court,and hall bee fatiffied with the pleaſutes of thy houle, euen of thy Holy Temple, § Thou that ſhewe bs wonderfull things in thy rightecufnes.D God ofourfaluation: thou that art the hope ofall the ends of the earth, and of chem that rematne inthe broad (ea. 6 Which in bis ſtrength ſetteth fak the m ou⸗ taines :andis girded about with power. 7 Whhich ftillech the raging of the fea: ethe nopfe Of his waues,and the madnes of bis peopie. 8 Wher alfo that dwell in the bttermok parts of the earth, hall be afrayd at thy tofiens: thou that ma⸗ Ket the outgoings of the morning and euening to pratle thee. 9 Chou biſiteſt the earty,and bleſſeſt tt: Chott ma⸗ keſt it very plenteous. Io The riuer of God is fullof water : thou prepa⸗ reft their cozne,fo2 ſo chou pꝛouideſt forthe earth. 11 Thou watereſt her kurrowes, thou ſendeſt rayne into theiittic valleyes thereof: thou mabseſt it —— the drops of raine, and bleſſeſt the increaſe of if. 12 Cott crowneſt the vere with thy goodnes: and thy clouds drop facneſſe. 13 Theyſſhall drꝛop vpon the dwellings of the wil⸗ dernes: and the little huls ſhall retopce on every fide. 14 The folds ſhalbe full of Hheepe : the valleyes alſo annus. fo thicke with cosne, that they ſhall laugh and ling Iubilate . — — Deo. Pfal.ce. | O ve ioyfullin Goa all ye landes:ſing praiſes vnto the honour of bis flame, make bis pꝛaiſe to be ‘glorious, 2 Saponto God, Dhow wonderfull art thou inthy workes: thzoughthe greatneſſe of thy power fhall thine enemies be found tars bnto thee, 3 PFozallthe wold Hal wozhhiy tice: fing of thee, and praiſe thy Maine. 4 D comedither, andbebotd the works of God: how wonderfull hee ts tn His doing toward the chtt H2e% of weit. 5 Peeturned thefea into drie land: fo that they went Ronab the water on foot, there DID We reioyce thereof. ‘6 Perulech with his power for euer, his eyes be⸗ holde the peopic: and ſuch as will not beleeue, ſhall not be able to exalt theinſelues. 7 O praife our God, (pe people:) and make the voice of bts p2aife to be beard. 8 Which bolvethour foule in life : and fufferety not our fect to flip. 9 fo2zthou,D God.hak pꝛoued bs: thou alſo bat fricd bs. like as ſiluer is tried. 10 Thou bꝛoughteit vs into the fare: and laydell trouble vpon our ioynes. ort Chou lufieredet men to ride over our heads: we went thorow fire and water, andthou brouabied Hs into a wealthy place. 122I Fipillgointo typ houle with burnt oftrings: * will pay thee my bowes witch Ip omilſed with my lips.¢ ſpake wits mp mouty when F 4 Was in trouble. 13 G will offer bnto thee fat burnt facrificee, with the incenſe oframmes: J will offer bullocks a goats. ad D come hither ¢ hearken all ye that feare pt an — 1* ie Prayer, i | — ee ee Monc& The xi. oy and J Wil tell you what he bath done for my ſoule. 15 4 calledonto vim with my mouth: and gaue Him prattes with my tongue. 16 HE Jencline dato wickedneke with my heart. the Lord will not heave me, 17 But God hath Heard meer and conlidered the boice of my prayer. 18 P2ailed bee God which hath not ca out my prayer :1102 turned bis mercy from me. Deus mifereatur. ~ Pfal.67. 7 G Dd be mercifull vnto bs, and bleſſe bs: and ſhew bs the light of his countenance, and be merciſfull vnto bs. 2 That thy way map be hitotone bpon earth: thr ſauing health among all nations. 3 Letthepeople pratle thee, D God:vea, let all the peopic praiſe thee. 4 MD letthenationsretoyce and be glad: fo2 thou fhalt tudgesie folke righteouſſy, and gouerne the na⸗ tions vpon earth. 5 Petthe people praiſe thee, D God: let all the people peaife thee. 4 6 Then thali the earth bring loorth her increate: : and God, euen our own God ſhal giue vs his bleſſing. 7 God ſhal bleſſe vs:andall the ends of thewozia ſhall feare him. 4 Exurgat Deus. Pfal.68. 3 eee Ct God avife, and tet his enemies be fcatte- — ved: let them aifo that bate Him, flee before © 5} Le Dim. 2 Like asthe ſmoke banithety,fo fhalt thou dztue themaway: and like as ware melteth at the fire , fo let the vngodly perith at the pretence of Goa, 4 3 But let the vighteousbee glad and retovcebe: foze God: let them aifo be merry and iortull. . 9g comũted: and they of tye houmoid diuided the ſpoyie. —— ae —— The xii pig | 4 ® fing onto God, and fing praites onto hfs Name: maguife him thatrideth bpon theheauens as it were vpon an horſe, pratie him tn His Mame. i. yea,and reiopce before him, J 5 He isa father ofthe tatherleſſe. a defendeththe a cauſe of vᷣwidowes: euen God tn bis holy habitatio, 6 Hee is the God that maketh men to bee of one minde in an boule, and bringeth the priſoners out of captitity : but letteth the runnagates continue in : ſcarceneſſe. 7 DGor, when thou wentell forth before the 4 people: when thou wente through the wildernefic. . 8 CHecarty hooke, and tie beauens dropped at the pretence of God: ecuen as Sinat alfo was moued at the pretence of God, which is the God of Iſrael. 9 Chou, O God ſenteſt a gracious ratne vpon thine inheritance : ¢retvethentt ie whe it was weary. 10 Thycongregation thal dwell therein : fo, thou, D God. vat of thy goodneſſe prepared foz the poore. - tr Che Lord gate the word: great was the cont: i pany oftive Preachers. e 12 ings with thetr armies did flee and toere Dit: : 13 Chough ve haue lyen among the pots, pet hall pee bee as the wings ofa Doue: that ts coucred with filuer wings.and ber feathers like gold, | ' 14 When the Almightie ſcattered Kings foz their f _ fake: tien were thep as white ag ſnow in Saimon. 15 Asthe hil of Balan.ſo is Gods hil :cuenan hie ’ hill as the hill of Balan, 4 16 Why hop ve ſo ye high hils? this is Gods hil, in the which it pieaſeth himto dwell: yea the Lord wit! abide in t foreuer. Edhecharets of Godare twenty thoutand ·· * — ——— * the Lord is J oe =, — — — — — - — — i — — ——~ — J Moneth. The xiij day. them as in the holy place of Sinai. . 18 Chou art gone vp on high, thou Hak led captiut- ty cantine, a recetued alts for me: pea, euen for thine enemtes, 6 the Lod Goo might dwell among them, 19 P2atled be the Lord daylyp: cuen the God which belpeth bs, and powreth his benefits bpon bs, | 20 Heis our God, euen the God ol whom comely faluation : Godis the Lodby who we efcape aeath, 21 od hall wound thie head of pts enemies: and. the dairy fcalpe ofſuch aone as gocth on Hil in bis wickednelle. — 22 The Lord hath ſayd, J will bring my people a: gaine, as 9 did from Baſan:mine owne will J being againe , as J Did fometime from the deepe of the fea. 23 Ghat thy foote map be Dipped in the blood of thine enemies : and that the tongue of thy dogs map. be red though tye fame. | 24 It is well {eene, O God, how thou goeſt: how thou my God and king goeſt in tbe Sanctuary, 25 Che lingers qo befoze the minfrelsfolow after: inthe midf are the damlels plaping the timbzeis. 26 Giue thanks,D Flracl, onto Godthe Loin the congregations : from the qreund of the heart. 27 Cherets little Beniamin ther ruter, and che Princes of Juda their counſell: the princes of Sabu: lon, and the princes of Nephthali. 28 Chy God bath lent forth irengcth fo2 thee : ſta⸗ bliſh the thing, D Goo, that thou hat wrought in vs. : 29 F02 thy Cemples fake at hieruſalem: fo hail Kings bring prefents vnto thee. _ 30 When the company ofthe (pearemen, aid mul⸗ titude of the mighty arefcatteredDabroad aimongthe beaſts ofthe people, ſo chat they humbly bring pieces of ſiluer: and when he hath ſcattered the people that delightin warre. a F aa * —1 a — ater — come outs sfc — che Ho— ee ee 4 "its land (hal foone fretch outer bands vnto Gov. »™ ; / . 32 Sine orto God, D ye kingdonres ofthe earth: “— D * praiſes vnto the Lord. 33 Which litteth in the heauens ouer all from the beginning: toe, be doeth (end out hts voyce, yea, and that a mightie bovce. 34 Aſcribe ye the powerto Godouer Iſrael: bis woꝛſhip and ftrength is in the clouds. 35 O God, wonderfulart thou tn thy holy places: even the God of Aracl, hee will giue ſtrength a and poe vnto bis peopie, biefled be Bod. : . Saluumme fac. Pfal. 69. —“ re 7 FON 15 Sue mee, D God: fo2z the waters are SR Ecome in euen vnto my foule. prayer. Cm LZ 2» Pticke falin the deepe mire where Deh) faye 10 Ground {3:9 am come intodeepe wa— OSES S, erg, fo that tie foods runne over me. 3 7h ain Tocary of erying, mp throatets drie: mp fight fatlety me fo2 waiting fo long vpon my God, — 4 They that bate me without a caule, are mo then the Haires of mp head : thep that are mine enemies, and would dettrop me guiltleſſe, are mighty. 5 J patde them the things that J neuer tooke:. BGod, thou knowelt my ſimpleneſſe, andmy faults are eee Ok * = not pid from thee, a 6 Let not them that tru in thee, D Lord God of * | Botts, be aſhamed for mp caufe: let not thofe that ſeeke thee, be cOfottded cipzough me, D Lord Gonof Firat. g 7 Andwihy ? (o2 thy ſake hatie F tufiered reproote: ſhame path couered inp face. 8Jam become aranger onto my brethren: euen pee > an aliant bnto mp mothers childzen. | Re ihe. 5froꝛthe scale of thy boule bath euẽ eaten merand momen tan i A abi —— ⸗* Dn ee fallen bpart ey — — J Moneth. The xii. day. 10 J wept and chaftened my felfe with fatting: % andthat was turned tomp repeoote. 11 Iput ona ſackcloth alſo:g they ieſted vpon me. 12 Thep that fit tn the gate ſpeake againſt me:and the druntards make ſongs vponme. But Lord J make mp pꝛayer vnto thee sin an 14 Deare ine, D God, inthe multitude of thy mer: Cie: euen in the trueth of thy faluatton. 15 Wake me out of the mire, that Flinkenof:o08 iet ine sede liuered from them that bate mee .and out 516 L “ TOE TRY water flood drowne mee Netter let the deepe fwaliow me bp: and let not the pit hut per mouth bpon ime, 17 Peare me,D Lord, for thy louing kindneſſe ig comfoztable: turne thee Dnto mee, accogding to the multitude of thy mercies. 18 And hide not thy face from thy feruant, for J ain in trouble: ob haſte thee, andieare me. ; 19 Draw nigh vnto mp fouie, and faue it: ob delt- ucr nie, becaule of mine enemies, 20 Thou haſt knowen my reproofe my ei nip difhonour:mine aduerſaries are ail in top fight. 21 Tyy rebutie hath bioken my Heart, Jam full of heauineſſe: J looked fo2 ſome to haue pétie on me,but there Was no man, neither ſound anyto cofe2t me. 22 Chey gaue mee gail co cate: and wien J Was thirty, they gaue me vineger to drinke. 23 Let their table bee made a Mare to take them: felucs withal :¢ ict the things that thould haue bene fo2 Chetv wealth, be vnto them an occalton of falling. 24 Let their epes be blinded that thep fee not: and cher botw downe ete backes. 25 Powe out thine indignation vpon them: and . | itt — ‘The x * i ya | eethy wyatotat diſpleaſure take holo of them. 26 Let their habttatton bee voide: and no man te Dwellintheir tents. . 727 For they perlecute him whom thors hak ſmit⸗ ten:andthep talbe bow they map bere them whom thou hat wounded. 28 Wet then fall from one wickedneſſe to anothers and not come into thy righteouſneſſe. 29 Let them bee wiped out of the boone of the li⸗ ving: and sot be Written among the righteous. 30 As forme, when Jam poozeandin heauineſſe: thy helpe,D God, Hall litt me dp. 31 F willpzatfe che Name of God with a forig: and magnific tt with thankeſgiuing. 32 Chis allo thail pieafe the Lod: better thena | buitocke that bath hoꝛnes and boofes. 33 The humble hail conftoer this, and bee glad: | feck pe after God, and pour ſoule hail liue. 34 forthe Lozd beareth the pooze: and deſpiſeth not his pꝛiſoners. 35 Let heauen and earth praiſe him: the fea and ati that mooueth therein. 36 For God will ſaue Sion, and build the Citt eg of Juda: that men may dwell there, and haue it in poſſeſſion. 37 The poſterity alſo of hts ſeruants hall inyerite {t:andtheyp that loue his Name ſhall Dit therein. Deus in adiutorium. Plſal.7 H Affe thee, D God, to deliuer mee: eye? hatte to beipe me, D Lo2d. ee them bee afbamedD and confounded that ſeeke after my foule : let them bee turned backeward and put to confufion that wiſh me euill. 3 «Letthem for their reward befoone brought to 2 | thame; thatcrie ouer me, Chere, there. OB 4M Morning prayer, q 4 | | ~ Moneth. Thex xiiij. day. — 4 But let all thole that ſeeke thee , be ioylull ans giant in thee: andiet all ſuch as delight in thy ſalua⸗ tion , fay alway, Che Lorde peated, 5. Agforme, Fam pooꝛe and in miſery hatte thee bite me, D God. 6 Chou ars my helper and: my redeeiner; D Lo2d, ? make no long tarying. InteDominefperaui. Pfal.zr. EQ © thee,D Lod, haue F put my truſt, tet me sf ApS neter be put to contuſion:but rid me, and de⸗ E liuer meinthy righteoulnelſſe, incline thine care vnto me, and faue me, 2 Be thou nity {trong bold, whercunte F map als way refore: thou batt promifedte belpe me, foz thou are my Houle of Defence, and my caftie. 3 Deliuer me, Omy God, out ofthe handof the —— out okthe hand of the vnrighteous and cru⸗ ell man. 4 Forthou, O Loꝛd God. art the thing that J long fo2: thou art mp Hope euen from my pouty. 5 Through thee haue Jbene holden by ener fince J was bone: thou arthe that tooke me out of mp mothers wombe , my praife ſhall be alway of thee. 6 Pam become as tt were a monſter buto many: but my ſure truſt is in thte. 7 Mict my mouti be lilled with chy praiſe: that 3 nay fing of thy glozy and Honour all the day long. 8 Caftine not away in the time of age : lorlake Ine NOL whet myſtrength fatlethime, 9 For mine enemies ſpeake again# me, and they that lap wait for mp foule, take their countaile toges ther, faping : Godbhath forlaken Him, perle cute yim and take him, fo2 there ts nene to deliuer him. 10 Goe not farce from WP D shih my God, hatte thee to helpe me. 41 | BE Det 3 aa ——— = ; E my se - Moneth. sini day. ii Vt quid Deus? — Pfal. 7 . O Gon,soheretore art thou abſent cont vs ſo long; wyn is thp wath fo hot againt the heepe of thy ure? ee D thinkie vpon the Conare ation: whom thou bat purchaſed and redeemed of old, 3 Whinke bpon the tribe of thine inheritance: aid mount Sion voberein thou hak dwelt, 4 Likt op thy feet, that thou mayſt dtterlp deſtroy euery enemy : which bath Done eutlin thy farictuary, 5 Whine aduerfaries roarein the middes of the Congregations: and fet bp their banners foz tokens. 6 Pee that hewed timber afore out of the thicke trees: was kanowen to bring it to an excellent worke. 7 But now they breake downe all the carued worke thereof: with ares and hammers, 8 Thepxy haue ſet fire bpon thp bolp places : and baucdefiledthe dwelling place of thy Mame, even . bnito the ground, 9 Pea, they latd in their hearts, Let bs make ha⸗ Locke ofthem altogether : thus haue they burnt bp all the houles of God tn the land. | 10 Me fee not our tokens , there ts not one Pꝛo⸗ phet moꝛe:no not one ts there among vs that vnder⸗ | ſtandeth enp moze. / 11 D God, bow long (hall the aduerfary doe thts dilhonour: how tong thal the enemy blaſpheme thy Qaime,fozeuers | 12 Why withdraweſt thouthpband:whypluckett not thou thy right hand out of thy boſome to con⸗ fume the enemie⸗ 13 ffo2 God ts my Hing of olde: the helpe that is done vpon earth, be doeth it him ſellſfe. 4 Thou diddeſt diuide the ſea thꝛough thppower: poe braket the heads of the dꝛagons in the — | coe, * E5 oy Fe : : Moneth. The xv.day, 8 © 15 Thou ſmoteſt the heads of Liuiathan in pieces: = ea Him to bee meate fo2 the people tithe toils erneſſe. | | oh 16 Thou bzoughtes out fountaines ¢ waters out of the hard rockes : thou driedſt bp mighty waters. 17 Che day ts thine , and the nightis thine ; thou bat prepared the light and the Sunne, 18 Chou hat let all the borders of che earth: thou haſt made Summer and winter. 19 Remember this,D Lod, bow theenemie hath aoe [and how the foolith people bath blafphemed p Mame. 20 O deliuer not the foule of thy Curtie dowe vn⸗ to the multitude of the enemies : and fozgetnot the congregation of the pooze foz ever. — 21 Looke bpon the Couenant: fog silthe earth is fullofdarkenefle, and cructl habitations. 22 Db let not the fimple goe away aſhamed: but let the pooze and needie give praiſe bnto thy Name. 23 Arife,D God, maintaine thine owne caufe : re: member bot the fooltt manblafphemeththeedatiy. 24 forget not thebopceofthineenemies:thepres = fumption of chem that bate thee, increafeth euer moꝛe And more. | | F Confitebimurtibi. Pfal.zs. Mortning ff ANto thee, O God, doe wee giue thankes: prayer. mee TAS pea, puto thee doe we giue thankes. 2Thy Name allo is ſo nigh: and that “| DO thy wonderous wornes declare. 3 When J receiue the Congregation; : Iſhall iudge according vnto right. | . Che earth ig weake , andallthetnbabiters thereof: F beare bp the pillarsof if. * 5 Iſaid vnto the fooles, Beale not ſo madly: and 6 Het to the vngodly, Set not bp pour hozne, ) Mohedis “The XV. “ay 6 Mienot xp yen Doone on high: and ſpeake not with a ſtiffe necke. 7 For promotion commeth neither from the Eaſt noꝛ from the weſt: 102 pet from the South. 8 And why: God is the tuage: he putteth downe one, and ſetteth bp another. 9 Foꝛ Inthe handof the Lod there is a cup. & the wine is red:tt ts full mirt,¢ be potwze'h out of b fame, 10 Qs fo2 the dregs thereol: all the vngodly of che : «earth halt drinke them, and fucke them ont. | - \ . i 11 But FA wil talkie of the God of Jacob:and pꝛaiſe him for euer J the hornes of the vngodly alſo wil J breake: and the hornes of the righteous thatbe eralted. Notus in Iudæa. Pfal.76. 12 Jurieis God knowen: his name ts great in Fl — ‘at Halem is his tabernacle : and his dwelling in Sion. 3 There brake bee the arrowes of the bowe:the jeld, the ſword, and the battell, 4 «Chou art of moe honour and might: then the | hils of the robbers, 5 dhe p20ud are robbed, they baue fiept their lleepe: andail the mien whoſe Bands were mightie, haue found nothing, 6 Atthy rebuke, O Godof Jacob: both the charet and porte are fallen. (7 Thou,cuen hou art to be feared : and who may fandinthy fight when thou art angrie? 8 Chou didoett caule thy tudgement tobe heard fromheauen: the earch trembled and was til. 9 When God arole to iudgement:and to helpe all the meeke vpon the earth. 0 aoe ee olman oo turne to oe praiſe: eg i gi i Cab asounwe; Moneth. Thexv.day. and the Gerceneffe of them thalt thou refratite. 11 Pꝛomiſe vnto the 102d pour God, and fieepe it, all re that be round about bim: being peetents vnto him that ought to be feared. 12 He hall refraine the fpirtt of Princes: andis wonderfull among the Kings of the earth. Voce meaad Dominum. Pfal. 77. [ Will ord vnto God with my vovce: even onto God wil FZ crp with my boice,¢ be hal hearken vnto me. 2 Jn thetime of mp trouble Jſought the Loz: my ſore ranne and ceaſed not, tn the nighefeaton ty foulercfuledcomfozt. 3 When Jam tn heauinelle J Will thinke bpon God:when my heart is vexed, Jwill complaine. 4 Chow holdeſt mine eyes waking: 3 amt fo fee: bie chat J cannot {peate. 5 ‘3 baue confidercd the dapes of olde: and the -peeres that are pat. 7 6 J call to vemembeance my ſong: and in the © night J commune with mine owne heart, and ſearch out mp ſpirits. 7 willthe Lord ablent himſelke foz euer: and will be be no moze intreatede 8 Js his mercy cleane gone fozeuer: and is his pꝛomiſe come vtterlyto an end fozeuermozge? ꝛ: 9 Path God korꝛgotten to be gracious:and wilhe ſhut vp bislouinghindnefieindifpicature? 10 And J fatd, It is mine own inſirmitie: but J wit: remeber tye yeres ofthe righthand of 6 moſt higheſt. Ir J willremember tie wozkes of the Loed sand call to minde thy wondergofoldtime. | 12 I wilithinke alfe of all (hy worhes: andmp talking thallbe of thy noings. 13 Ghp wap, D God ts boty: eho ~ — great a 4 Chou f { — — XV. ves ee — art the God that doeth wonders: and batt coor thy power among tye people, | 1s Chou Hatt mighttip deltucred thy people: euen the fonnes of Jacob and Joleph. 16 The waters faw thee , D God , the waters . fato thee, and were afraide: the Depths alfo were troubled. 17 Checlondes powezed out water , the aire thun⸗ dred: andthine arrowes went abeoad, 18 Che bovce of thy thunder was Heard reund a- bout : the lightnings bone bpon the ground , the earth was moued and ſhooke withall. 19 Thy way is in the fea, and thy pathes tn the great waters : and thy footieps are not knowen. 20 Thou leddeſt tipy people like ſheepe:by the hand of Moles and Aaron. | Attenditepopule, Pfal.78. Caremp Law, O my people: encline your — eares vnto the wordes of mp mouth. * prayer. FEA 5 Iwill open my mouth ina parable: J will ‘acelave Hard fentences of old, 3 Which we haue heard anid knowen sand fuch as our fathers haue tolde bs. | 4 What wee thoutd hot Gide them from the chit: d2en of the generations tocome: butts thew the Yor nowr of the L020, bis mightie and wonderfull works that be bath done. 5 Pe madeacouenant with Jacob, and geaue Iſ⸗ | vaela Law: which be commanded our fozefatbers to | feacptheirchitozen, — Tahat chetr poſteritie might knew tt : and the e childeen which Were petonbone, 7 70 the intent that when thep same bp: thep might ſhew their children the ſame. bs as erent 1504 te truttin God: — an — a Sti ees i 7 ¥ he 3! SENS — — oe — aite o rs — Jee. — ee * “Moneths : The xv. vday. " not to forget the wozties Of God, but to teepe vis. Comimanbements, — 9 And not tobe as their forefathers , atatthlefe — and fubburne generation: a generation tyat fet not their yeart aright, and whole ſpirit cleaueth not fied: fattip vnto Goo. | — 10 Likeasthe childzen of Ephraim: which being — Harneficd and carping bowes , turned themſelues backe in the day of bateeti, 11 Chey kept not the Couenant of Gon: and would wot walke in his Law. 12 Butlorgat what he bad done: and the won⸗ derful worke that he had ſhewed for them. g 13 Maruetious things did bee inthe fight of our — tye land of Egypt:euen inthe fielde of | oan. 14 Hee diuided the fea , and let them goe thorow: he made the waters to tand on a heape. 15 Inthe day time alſo hee ted them with a cloud: and all the night through with alight of fire. 16 Peeclaue the hard rockes in the wildernefie: and gaue them drinke therot, as it had bene out of the great depth. | 17 Pee brought waters outof the ltonie roche : fo that it quad out like toe riuers. 18 Petfozr all this they finned moze againlt him: and peouoked the moſt Higheſt in the wuderneſſe. 19 Theytempted Goodin their hearts: and requi⸗ red meat for their iuſt. 20 Tyey ſpake againſt God alfo, faving: fhali God — a table in the wildernefle? 1 Delinote tye ſtonie rocke indeed, tyatthetwater — guheß out, and the ſtreames flowed withall: but can he giue bread alfo, oꝛ pꝛouideflech for bis people? =~ 22 When tie Lord heard this, oe —* “Moneth. | rr he Big , thelire Was kindled in Jacob and there came bp bea: uie dtipleafurc againſt Iſrael. 23 Wecaule — not in God:and put not their trut in his helpe 24 Sobe commanded the clouds al aboue : and ope: nedthe oozes otheauen. 25. Hee rained Downe Manna alſo vpon them fo2 to eate:and gaue them food from heauen. 26 So man did eate Angels foode : fo2 Hee fenit | them meate enough. 27 Hee cauled the Eall winde to blow vnder bea 4 Lien: a through bis power he brought in the Souths well winde. 23° Pee rained fleth bpon them as thicke ag Dutt: | and feathered foules like as the ſand ol the ſea. 29 Helet it fallamong their tents: euen round as bout thetv habitation, — 30 SHothey did eate and were well filled, fo2 hee gaue them thelr owne delire: they were not difaps pointed of their luſt. 31 Wut LoHile the meat was petin their mouthes, the heauie wꝛath of God came bponthens, and ſſewe the tocalthiett of them: yea, and ſmote Downe the cho⸗ ſen men that were in Iſrael. "32. Butfozall this, chey finned pet moze: and be⸗ | leeused not his wonderous wozkes, 33 Therelore their dapes did be conſume in bani: i tie:and their peeres tn trouble. _34 tbe be flew them, they fought him: and tur⸗ ned them early and enquired after God, 35 And they remembreed, that God was their \. ftrenath : and that the bie God was their redeemer. B 26 Meuertheles,thepdid but flatter him with their | mouth: anddifembled with him in their tongue, | at oa exter 7 Not whole with yim: nei⸗ — ~ Moneth. Thexv.day. | ee continued they fedfat in hiscouenant. 38 But he was fo mercifull thatbe lorgaue thet | miſdeeds: and Dekropeb them not. 39 Peamany atime turned hee hig wrath away — and would not suffer His whole diſpleaſure to ariſe. 40 Foꝛ he conſidered that they were but fleſh: and that they were euen a winde that patteth away » and commeth not againe. 41 Many a time did thep prouoke him in the twit Seruefle: and grieued him tn coe deſert. 4a Chey turned backe ana tempted God: andmo⸗ ued the hon Onein Ferack. 43 They thought not ofhishande: and of the day when be Delivered them from the bandof the enemte, 44 How hee had wrought bis miracles in Capt: 4 and his wonders tn the feild of Zoan. 45 DHeturned thett waters into blood: lo that they might not drinke of the riuers: 46 WPeelentilice amongthem, and deuouredthem Hp: and frogs to deſtroy thent; ? 47 Pe gauetheir kruit vnto the Catterpitier : and their labour vnto the Graibopper. 48 He —— mies haiteftones: and their Mulberie trees with the kroſt. 7 49 Be lmote their Cattell alfo with: hailettones: and their flocks with bote thunderbolts. ’ so. He cat vpon them the furiouſnes of bis wath, — anger.diſpleaſure,and trouble: and. ſent euill angels } among thers. | st Pe madeatoayto His indignation, and. {pared. not their ſoule fromdeath: butgaue theivitte oucy to. the peſtilence. 52 And ſmote all the firt borne in Egypt: the mot. pꝛincipal and mightiet in thedwellingscfHam. . 3 But as ſoꝛ bis ee aig | ° ’ —_— —_———- as _ 3— — 2 4 oe naw fae _ “eee Sion —— loued. | : iN ui —— — 2 Ano — * | “Mooeth. The ——— y. dite setae: ecaried tbe in the wildernes life a flocke. 54 Hee brought them oul fafely thatthey ſhould not feare:zouer whelined thett enemies with the fea. 55 And brought them within the borders of his Sanctuary: euen to his mountaine which Ge pur⸗ chaſed with his right hand. 56 Hecaſt out the heathen alſo before them:cau⸗ ſed their land to be deuided among them kor an heri⸗ * made p tribes of Iſraelto dwell in their tents, 7 So theytempted and diſpleaſed the mott high | 00: and kept not his teſtimonies. 58 But turned their backes, and fell away Like their fozefathers : farting aſide liße a bꝛoken bow. 59 for they grieued him with their Hill altars: And provoked him-todipleature with their images. 60 When God heard this, Hee was woth « and tooke ſore diſpleaſure at Iſrael. 1 So that bee fozfooke the tabernacle tn Silo: Sas the tent that be bad pitched among them, |. 62 Dedelivered their power into captiuitie: and soe beauty into che enemies band, 63 Pe gaue bis people ouer alfo onto the {wo2d: | * was voroth with bis inheritance. 64 The fire conlesmed thew yong men and their maidens were HOt giuen to marriage. 65 Their Prieſts were ſlaine with the ſword: and there were no widdowes to make lamentation. s6s6 So the Loꝛdawakted as one out ob leepe: and like a giant refkreſhed with wine. 67 Heſmote his enemies in che hinder parts: and put them toa perpetuall ſſhame. De refuted the tabernacle of Joleph: and chote 69 ‘But chote the evibe of guda⸗e euen che ‘pill: of — * . = eR ” ogee | The xvj. day. ! 7o0 And there hee builded his temple on high: and - layd the foundation otit tthe the ground which Hee | path made continually. 71 Hee chole Dauid alfo hig feruant: and toone him away from the ſheeptolds. 72 As hee was following the Ewes great with | yong ones hee tooke him: that he might feede Jacob bis people,and Iſrael hts inveritance, 73 Sobe feather with a fatthfuland true heart: and rules thems p2udentip with — — Deus, venerunt. Pfal. * RF, cyte cannes ofthy — Dane thep gi⸗ uen to bee meate vnto the foules ofthe aire: and the fieth of thy faints vnto the beatts of theland, = - 3. Ghetr blood haue ther thed like water on euery fide of Pierufalem: a there was no man to bury the. 4° $e are become an open ſhame fo our enemies: a berp ſcorne and derifion vnto them that are round about bs, 02d hot tong wilt thoube angry: ſhall the tealoufie burne tthe firefozener? 6 Powꝛe out thine indignation vpon the hea: then that baue not knowen tice: and bpon the bing: domes that have not calleddponthy name. 7 for thephaue devoured Jacob: and laid wate His dwelling place. 8 D remember not our ota finnes,but haute mer ce peor b3, and that foone: fo2 we are come fo great miſerie. 9 Help b3,D Gov of our fattratioit, for the glorie of thyname:O deliver bs andbe mercifutl nee out firines for et uames fake, e A ‘ I — wae =e | . . ‘ 2 ee = ~~ Moneth. = The.xvj.day. 7 i | their Go 10 9 laalmiatiead Jigu: sane where isnow Ir Detthe vengance of thy feruants blood that. is ſhed:be openly ſhewed bpon b heathen tn our fight. 12 Dlet:the fozrowfull ſighing of the patfoners come befoze thee according to the greatneſſe of thp power peclerue thou thoſe that are appointed to die, 13 And foztheblafphemte wherewith our * bours haue blaſphemed thee: reward thou them, D Loꝛd, ſeuen fold into their boſome. 14 Do we that be thy people, a Heep of bp paſture. ſhall giue thee thankes for euer:a will alway be ſhew⸗ ing forth thy praiſe from generation to generation, Quiregis Ifrael. Pfal.80. H Eare,D thou thepheard of Iſrael, thou that teas Deft Joleph like a theepe :ſhew thy felfe allo thou that fittett bpon the Cherubims. 2 Before Ephraim, Beniamin and Manalſſes: ſtirre bp thy frength,and come and helpe bg. 3 Turne bs againe, D God: Helv the light of thy countenance, and we fhall be whole. 4 OLoꝛd Godofhokes: how long wilt thou bee Angry with thy peopie that prayeth? 5 Chou fecdek them with the bzeadoftecares:and — | giueſt them plenteouſneſſe of teares to drinke. 6 Thou haſt made os a very ſtrife vnto our neigh⸗ bours:andour enemies laughvs toſcorne. 7 Turne bs againe, thou God ofhoſtes:ſhew the light of thy countenance.and we hall be whoie. Chou bak bꝛought a wine outof Egypt: how bat caf out the heathen, and slanted tt, 9 Thou made roome for tt: and when it had ta⸗ Sen roote.it flied the land. 10 The hils were Coucred with the Hadew ofit:a er boughes thereot were —— goodlycedar trees. Cc 11 ue ~ Mossel. The xvj. — 11 She ſtretched out her branches vnto the tonal and her boughes onto the rier, | 12 Why Vat thouthen breken downe Ger hedge: : that all they that goe by. plucke ofher grapes? | 13 Dhe wilde Wore owt of the wood doth voote t¢ Dp: and.the wilde beatles of the fickd deuoure tt, 14 Turne thee againe, thou God ofhoiles , tocke downe from Heaucn: behold and bilite this bine. J 15 Ano the place of the vineyard that thy right hand hath planted sand the branch, that thou madeſt ſoſtrong fo2 thy ſelſe. 16. It is burnt with fire, andcut downe: and they fall periſh at the rebuke of thy countenance. | 17 Let top Hand bee bpon the man of thy right band: and vpon the fonne of man, whom thou madee fo ſtrong for thy owne ſelſe. | 18 Andfo will not we goe backe from thee: O tet | vs liue, and woe hall call bpon thy Mame. 19 Turne bs againe, D Lod God ofhokes: chew the light of thy countenance, and we ſhall be whole. ExulrateDeo, Pfal.8r. S Fug wee merily vnto God our firenath: makea chearefull noyſe bisto the Gon of Jacob. 2 Wake the Plalme, bring hither the Tabꝛet: the merie HYarpe, with the Lute. 3 Blow bp the Trumpet in the nebo moone:euen in the time appointed, ẽ vpon our ſolemne feaſt day. 4 Foꝛ this was madea ſtatute for Iſrael, and a Law ofthe God of Jacob. 5 Chisheordeined ti Joſeph for & teftimonte: when He came out of the land of Egypt, and had heard a fivatige language. 6 FJealed his ſhoulder fromthe burthen: and his hands were deliuercd from making the pots. 4 7 Thoucalledſt vpon me tn troubles, and J et uere ln ete le ee aed eee. fb ee) PMoneth, Thexy) dey. | — uered thee: and heard thee, what time ag the ſtorme feli vpon thee, 8 Ipꝛooued thee alſo: atthe waters of krtfe, 9 Heare, D mp peopie,and J will aſſure thee,D Gitael: ifthou wilt hearken vnto me, 10 There thall no ſtrange godbe tu thee: neither fhalt thou wo2hip any other God. 11 Jam the Lord thy God, which brought thee outoftheland of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and F thall fill it. 12 Mut mp people would not Heare my voyce: and Iſrael would not obey me. 13 So J gaue them bp onto their owne heartes luk :anadtet them follow their owne imaginations, 14 DH that my people would haue bearkened vn⸗ fo ine: fo2 (fFfract Had walked in nw waves, 15 J fhouldfoone baue put downe ther enemies: and turned my hand acaink their aduerfarics, 16 Che haters ofthe £020 Houldhauebene found Ivars :but thetr time hould haue endured foz ever. 17 Hee ſhould haue tedde thein allo with the fineſt wheate floure: and with hony out of the ſtonie rocke © ſhould Jhaue fatitfied thee. Deus ftetit. Pfal.82. Od ſtandeth in the congregation of princes: Evening He is a iudge among Gods. rayer. a 2 PHowlong will pee giue weongtudee⸗ ment: and accept the perſons of the vngodly! 3 PDaefend the pooꝛe and Fatheriefle: (ce that ſuch as be in need and neceflitie haue right. 4 Deliuer the out call and pooꝛe: fave them rons ie the handof tye vngodly. ! | 5 They will not be learned nor vnderſtand, but woalke on ſtill in darkneſſe: allthefoundations ofthe — | - earth be out of courte, 3 | | | a ae se ee ee = The xvj.dax5. 6 Fhauelatd, Pe ave gods:and ye ai are childzen ofthe moſt higheſt. ae 1 7 But ye haldielike men: andfalliikeonectthe — uinces. — PS Ariſe, D God and tudge thou the earth: foz thou thalt take all heathen to thine inheritance. Deus quis ſimilis. Pfal 83. H Dide not thy tongue, O God, keepe not Kill ſi⸗ icnce :refratne not thy {elfe,D God, | 1 2 Foꝛ loe,thine enemies mabe a murmuring:and they that hate thee, haue litt bp their head, 3 Chey haue imagined craftily againſt thy peo: ple: and taken counceil againſt thy fecret ones. 4 Whey haue ſaid, Come, andiethsroote them out.that they be no moze a people: and that the name of Iſrael may be no moze in remembrance. } 5 Foꝛ thep haue cal their Heads together with ene confent :and are confederate againt thee. 6 The Tabernacles ofthe Coomites and the Fe maclites :the Woabites.and the Hagarenes. 7 Gebaland Ammon, and Amalech: the biti: fines, with them thatdwell at Cpe. 8 Alſur alfo ig topned onto them: and haue holpen the childzen of Lot. | 9 But doe thou to them as bnto the Madianites: buto Sifera,and vnto Jabin, at the brooke of Kiſon. 10 Which perithed at Endor: and became as the — dung ofthe earth. — 1: WMakethem and their Pzinceslike Oꝛeb and | Feb : pea, make all thet Princes like as Seba and — Salmana. 12 Which lay, tet bs take to our ſelues:the hou⸗ ſes of Bodin poſſeſſion. 13 Omy God, make them like vnto a wheele: and as the ſtubble befoze the winde, 5 * . 14 Life. ~~» Moneth. he xvj.day- 14 Like as fire that —— vp the mood: and asthe flame that conſumeth the mountaines. 185 Perlecute them euen fo with thy tempeh: and ‘Make them afratd with thy ſtorme. 6 Wake thetr faces athamed, D Loꝛd: that thep map feche thp Name. 17 Letthembe confounded andbered euer moze and more: let them be put to thame and perith, 18 And they hall know that thoucwhoſe name is Jehouah:)art onelp the mot higheſt ouer all p earth. Quimdile@a, Pfal,84. or amiable are chp Dwellings: thou Lord of oftes. 2 Myſoule hatha defire and longing to enter ine to the courtes ofthe 102d: mp Heart and my het) ree topce in the liuing God, 3 Pea, the fparrow hath found ber an Houle,and the {wallow a nett, where the map lay her vong: euen thy altars, D Lord of volts, my King and mp God, 4 Blelſed are they that dwell in thy Houle they will be alway praifing thee. 5 Bleſſed isthe man tobole ſtrength is in thee: int whoſe heart are thy wares. 6 wWhich going thozow the bale of miſery, ble tt fo2 a well: and the pooles are filled with water. 7 Wher will goe from ſtrength to ſtrength: and. ene the God of gods appeareth eucry one of themi in ion. 8O Lod God of hotles, heare my pꝛayer: beats ken,O God of Jacob. 9 Behold, O God, our defender: and looke vpon the face of chine anointed. is ane Ove dap in thy courtes: is better then a 0 XI Aba rather bee adooze — in the ae ame | Moneth: Thexvj.day. my God : Cher to dwell in Che tents ofongosliner{le. 12 Foz the 102d God ts a light and deferce : the Loꝛd will giue qrace and worlhip, and no good thing — hall he with-Hold from them that liue a godiy iife, 13 D £023 God ok hoſtes: bleſſed ts the man that putteth bis truſt in thee. ; | Benedixifti Domine. pfal.85. [22 > thots art become gracious vnto thy land: thou haſt turned away the captiuitie of Jacob. 2 Thou hat forgiuen the offence of thy people: and couered ali thetr ſinnes. Chou hak taken away allthydiſpleaſure: and turned thy felfefrom thy wathfull indignation, 4 Turne vsthen, D Godour Sautour: and let thine anger ceafe from bs, 5 Wilt thou be otfpleated at vs forever: and wilt Chou ſtretch out thy w2ath front one generation to another? | } 6 Wwilt hou nol turne againe and quicken bs: that thy people may reioyce tn thee? 7 SHbhew hs thpmercy, O Lod: and graunt vs thy faluation, | 8 FJ wilhearken what the Lord God will fap con: corning ine: fo2 He hall ſpeake peace vnto His people, and to his Saints that thepturmenstagaine, 9 Foꝛ his faiuation is nigh them that feare him: that qlozp may Dwell in our land. | 19 Mercie and trueth are met together: righte- ouſneſſe and peace haue kiſſed each other. 11 Cruety hall flourth out ofthe earch: and righ: teouſneſſe bath looked Downe from heaven. iz Pea,the Lord hall hewlouing kindneſſe: and our iain that qiue ber increafe. Agyteoutneſſe thai go befoze him: and be ſhall oreo 3 gonig ur the wap, Inclina i Aoneth. The xvij day. Bi InclinaDomine. Pfal.86. 4 AS] Min bovone ihlne care, D Lo2d,and Morning : N22! peare me :(o2 Jam pocge ¢ im mitferp, prayer. 4 ZS 2 Preſerue thou nip ſoule oz Fam ANS F holy:my God fave chy ſeruant that j Bel putteth bis trudin chee, =F Bemercitaull bufome,D Lod: for 4) ‘Dill call dayly Hpon thee, 4 Comkoꝛt the fouleot thy feruant :fo2 vnto thee (D Lord) doe F life bp my foule.. 5 Forthou Lozde art goodand gracious :and of great mercy bitto all them that call pon thee. 6 Give eate 102d bnto my praper:and ponder the boyce of mine Humble defires. 7 Arnthe time ofmy trouble ZF wiicall bpon thee: for thou heareſt me, 8 Among the gods there is none ithe vnto thee (D Lo2d:) there ts not one that can do as thou doef, 9 Allnations whom thou hal made, thailcome and worſhipthee, O Loꝛd:and hal glozifie thy ame. 10 For thou arf great, doch wonderous things: thou art Godalone, ri Teach nie thp way, D Lod: and Jwill walke in thy trueth: D knit mp heart onto thee, that 3 may feare thy Mame. 12 Jwill thanke thee, D Lord my Cod, with all niy Heart :and will praiſe thy Name fo2 cuermogze. - 13 fforzagreat ts thy mercy toward me: and thot Hall deliuered my loule from tye netherinok bell. 14 O God, the proud arevifen again’ mee: and the congregations ofnaughty men baue fought after. my foule, and Baue not fet thee before their eyes. 15 But thou, D 02d God, art ful otfcõpaſſion and mercy:long ſuffering, plenteous in goodnes a trueth. 16 O turne thee then onto mee, andhaue dese pod. SEA] —ANe 7 = Moneth. Thexvy.day. — sss Hpattinee: giue chy ſtrength vnto thy ſeruant, and helpe the ſonne of thine handmaid. 17 Shew ſome Gord token vpon me fo2 good, that they which hate me may fee tt, and be aſhamed: bes cauſe thout 020 hall holpen me, and comfo2ted mee, Fundamentacius. Plal. 87. H& foundations are bpon the holy hils: the Lod + “loueth the gates of Sion, moze then al the dwel⸗ lings of Jacob. ) r 2 Werp excellent things ave {poker of thee: thor citieofGod. | | 3 FJ will thinke bpon Raab and Babylon: with them that fnow me. » 4 Webhold pee the Pbvilitines alfo: and they of | Tyre, with the Wortans.toc,there was be borne, 5 Andof Sion it thal be repozted, that hee was boznein her: and the mot High hall ſtabliſh ber. 6 Whe Lozdthati rebearle it when he writeth bp the people: that he was bozne there. : 7 Wbefingers alfo and trumpetters hall he re: hearſe: all my freſh ſprings hall be in thee. DomineDeus, Pfal.88. O Loꝛd God of my faluation , J haue crped day and sight befoze thee: D let mp praper enterinto thy preſence, incline thine care vnto my calling. 2 for mp foute is full of trouble : and mp life draweth nigh vnto Heil. 3 FJamcounted asone of them that goe downe into the pit:and Jhaue bene euen as aman that bath 4 Free among the dead, ike vnto them that bee Wounded and lie in the graue: vohich bee out of res membzrance, and are cut away from thy hand, 5 Thou haſt laid me in the loweſt pit: in a place Of darkeneſſe, and in the deepe. i = See — 3 — 6 Chine i @ , Moneth. The xvijday, ¢ Chine indignation lieth hard vponmee: and 6 Hou bat vexed ne ‘With all thy tormes, ⸗ Chou hat put away mine acquaintance farre at , from me: and made melobeabhorred of them. 9 Dp light fatter fo2 bery trouble: Loy haue called dayly vpon thee, J haue ſtretched out my ‘Dands vnto thee, i Be. oe. to Boek thou thety wonders among the dead: o2 hall the dead rite bp againe and pratferhees · — 11 Shall thy loving hindneffe be chewed tn the graue: orꝛ thy faitifutnerte in defruction: «= a! ‘12 Spal thy wonderous workes bee knowen in the darke: and thy righteoutnerte in tie land where all things are forgotten? D5 at 13 Unto thee haue Jeryed, D Low: anv early hall my praver come befoze thee, L020, toby abh atelithou mp foule sand hidelt 14 thouthy face from mee . 3 Jam in milerie, and like vnto him that is at the point to die: euen from my youth pp thy terrozs haue J luffered with a troubled mind, naa o, CUP wratheull ditpleature Goeth ouer me: and the feare of Chee path ondone ine, 17 Dhep came round about mee dayly like water: and compaſſed me fogetber on enery fine, 18 Dy louers and friendes bat thou put away from ine: ana hid mine acquaintance out of ny fight, “| “Mifericordias Domini. Pfal,8o, Ince i LING WBWMeuer bee fhewing thy tructh , fronvone ge⸗ — Hep) Moses my ForJ haue ard, Mercy malbe let vp (hate thou ſtablim in the heavens. ; 3. J ne a —— — Pong Matt be altway oftvetouingtiinnes Evening nelle of the £o2d: with mymouth will J prayer. — — — Thexvy.day. J have made a couenant wtih mp chotens J paire (wozne vnto Mautd my ſeruant. "4 Chy teed will J ſtabliſh foz euer:andſet vp thy throne front one generationtoanether, 5 DO Low the very beauens hall praiſe thy won⸗ derous workes: aid thy trueth in the Congregation ofthe Saitits, 6 Fforwhots be among the clouds; that hall be compared vnto tie Lod? 7 And whatishe among the gods: that hall bee ‘Whe bnto the Lod? 8 ovis very greatly to be feared inthe countelt of the Saints: and tobe had in reuerence of all them -thatare about him. yg PD Lo2d Godokhoſtes, ‘oho islife vnto thee: thytrueth mot mightte Low, ison eueryſide. 10 Thou ruleſt the raging of the Sea:thou ſtillell ‘the wanes thereof vohen chey ariſe. 11 Thou hak ſubdued Egypt, and delkroped it: thou haſt ſcattered thine enemies abrdade with thy ‘Mighty arme. 12 The heauens are ehine,the earth alſo is thine: ‘thou batt laid the foundation of the round worlde, and all that therein is. 13 Thou pa made the North and the South: CTaboꝛ and Hermon hallretopceinthpName, 14 Thou haſt a mightie arme : ſtrong is thrhand, and high is thy right hand. 13 Kighteouſneſſe and equitie is the habitation ot 10 -thp feate: mersy and trueth hall goe before thy face. .¢ . 26 dBlefledis the people, D Lod, that can reioyce nthe: thep Hal walke tn p light ofthy counten aS 17 Their delight ſhalbe daply in thy. namesand.in £bp vighteownelle malt thepmaketheir boat, — 8 Foz thou art the glory oftheir Grength randn sea =a 5 Ni Eo parinaaa Mn» coup” Moneth. The xyij. day. — thy louing kindnes thou ſhalt lift bp our hornes. 19 For the Lord is our delence:the holy One of Iſ⸗ raelis our hing. 20 Thou {pakek ſometime tn bilions vnto thy Saints, etatdet: Jhaue laid heipe bpon one that fs mightie Jhaue exalted one cholenout of the peopie, 21 J hauefound Dauid imp lernant: with my ho⸗ iy opie haue FZ anointed htm... 2 My hand ſhall hold au fall: and my arme ſhal Guenatben vim, 23 Gbheenemie hail not be able to doe him bio⸗ lence: the ſonne of wickedneſſe Hall not hurt him. 24 J ſhal ſmite dovone bis loes before his tace:and plague them that bate him, 5 My trueth alfo and my mercy halbe with Him: . an in my Mame hail his horne be exalted. 6 FZ will ſet his dominion alfoin the ſea: and his : - righthand ihe floong, 27 Pe thalcallme, Chou art my Father: my God, aid inp frongfaluation. 23 And J will make Him mp fir borne: higher. then the kings of the earth... - 29 My mercie wit J keepe fo2 him koreuermore: and my couenant hall ſtand faſt with him. His ieede allo will J make coendure-foz euer: and his thzone as the daves of heauen. 31 But ik his chiloren lorlake mp law: and walke "notin my tuagementg;...... 32 Fithey breake my ſtatutes, and Heepe not my. — commandements: F.wiil bilite their offences with - | Sherodand their ſinne with ſcourges. | 33 Meuerchelelle, my loning hindnelle will J wot vᷣtterly take from bin: 1102 fuffer my tructh to faile. 34 Pycoucnant wil F not bzeake, no2 alter the sing cba fsgoue out ofmp ips: a pate womn bre J is ; —— aa * ¢ te 2 b of. Mobeth. The: xviſ ay. ‘by my bolinefle hae Iwin — Dauid. 35 Dis ſeedeſhall indure for euer: and his ſeate is , like as the ſunne before me, | 36 He hall Cand fal for euermoꝛe ag the Moone: aiid as the faithful wWitnef{e in Heaven, dD 37 Wutthou bak abhorred and korſaken thine ae nointed: and art diſpleaſed at himn. 33 Thou bak broken the couenant of thy feruant: ) and call His crowne to the ground. 39 Thou hak ouerthzowen al bis hedges: and — ſtrong holde. 40 All they that geebp, fpoite him: and be {3 bee come arebuke to bis neighbours. - 41 Thou bak (et bp the right hand of big enemies: and made ali his aduerfaries to reioyce. 42 Thou haſt takew away the edge ofbis word: and giueſt hint not victory in the battell. 43, Chou bat put out bis glory: and cat his throne downe to the ground. 44 Che dayes of bis pouth att thou wortened: and couered Him with diſhonour. 45 Lord, How long tilt thou bine thrtelte fo2 e⸗ tier sand hall thy wath burne life fire? 46 Oh remember how thot my time 18: wyhere⸗ ‘fore halt thou made all men for nought?: 47 Mhat man is he that liueth and ſhall not: kee Death: hal he deliuer bis ſoule from the band of bei? 48 Lozde , where are thy olde louing kindneſſes: wvhich chow fioaret onteDawdinthp tricky? - ‘49 Remeber , Low, the rebuke that thy fee? vants bate: and how J doe beare in my bofome the 3 — " herewith thine enemies bane: biaſphemed thee and flandered the footefteps of thine andinted: peapledbe the 1020 fo2 a — — kee omine, ‘ Moneth. The XViij. day. Domine,refugium. Pfal.9o, 4 Ot oe D2d, thouvatt beene our reftige :from Mornin Frys Oe generation toanother, — — Before the mountaines were °°” 4 off * brought forth.oz euer the earth andthe : a> world wereimade: thou art God frem eueciaiting,and wo2id Without end, 3 Chou turneſt man to deſtruction:againe thou fayeft, Come againe pe childzen of men. 4 fora thoufand peeres in thy fight are but as pefterdar : fectng that is paſt as a watchin the night. 5 Aflooneas thou {cattcreft them, thepare even 88 afleepe: and fade away ſuddenly like the graſſe. 6 Anthe moming it is greene, a groweth bp: but in the euening it ig cut Downe, dried bp, ¢ withered. 7 §fo2 weconſume away in thy difpleature: and are afraid at thy tozathfull indignation. : 8 Chou hak fet our miſdeedes before thee: and our ſecret finnes in the fight of thy countenance. 9 for when; thou art angry, allour dayes are — Gone: we being our reeres to an end,as it were a tale — that is told. 10 Ghedapes of our age are threeſcore peeres and ten, and though mer bee fo rong that they come to fourefcoze veres:yet is their ſtrength then buttabour - and ſorrow.ſo foone paſſeth it away, and toe are gone, - 11 But who regardeth the power of thy tozath:fo2 euen theraftcras aman feareth, fo ts thy Difpieafure. i 12 sD teach bsto number our dapes: that hoc map : apply our bearts nto wiſedome. 13 Gurne thee againe,(D Loꝛdat the laſt: and be - gracious vnto thy feruants, . 14 Difattifie bs with chy mercp,and that ſoone:ſo ~ hall wereioyce andbe glad all the dayes of our life. 15 Comfort bs againe * alter the time pot | d Moneth. Phexviyj.day, ~~ thou batt plagued bs:and for the peeres wherein twee | haue ſuſſered aduerſitie. 16 Syewe thyleruants thr wornerand their chil | dren thy gloryv. 17 Andthe glorious Maieſtie ofthe Loy our od “be vpon vs: anes thou tbe wo2ke of our bands vp⸗ on vs.O pꝛoſper thou our handie woꝛke. | — habitat. Pfal.or. VV Hofodweileth oudertye defence of * moſt High:hall abide onder the Hadow of the Al⸗ 2 5 ‘wil fay ontothe Lod, thou art mp hope, and myſtrong bold: my God, in him will J traf. 3 Foꝛhee thall deliuer thee from the tare of the Punter: and fromthe noyſome peſtilence. 4 He ſhall dekend thee buder His wings, and thou fhalt be fafe onder bis feathers: bis faithfulineſſe and tructh ſhalbe thy ſhield and buckier. 5 Wbhou halt not bee afraid for any terrour by night : 1102 foz the arrow that flieth by dap, «6 forthe pettilence that walketh in darkeneſſe: noz fo the ſickneſſe that deſtroyeth in the noone day. 7 Athouſand ſhall kall beſide thee, a ten thouſand at thy right band: but it hall not come nigh thee. g Dea,with chine eyes hale choubeholo and fee | * the reward ofthe vngodir. - 9 Fozrthou Lozd art mp hope: thou batt fet thine . poufle ofdefence berp High. 10. Chere chall no euill happen vnto thee: neither ſhall any plague come nigh thy Dwelling, wl > - bE for peethall qiuebis Angelschargeouer thee: : to keepe thee in ail thy wares. 12, Chep hall beave thee in their hands : that chou hurt not thy foote againſt a ſtone. chonnaue ———— Moneth The xviij.day. Lion and the dragon halt thou treade onder thy feet, 14. Wecaule He Hath (et his loue bpon ine, therefore thali Jdeliuer him: F ſhal ſet htm bp, becaule he bath hnowen my Name. q 15 He thalcall vpon ime, and J wil beare him:yea, J am with him introuble, J will deliuer him, and bringo bi to honour. s ith long like wil J fatitiie him: and ſhew him |) Mypfatuation. = - Bonumeftconfiteri, » Pfaligz. M3 a good thing togiue thankes vnto the Lod: and Co ling praties bute thy Name,D SD ynot Bison. —F — ran Wo tell of thy loutug —— ete the moz- m frand ofthyptrueth in the night ſeaſo 3 Wponaninirument of ten rings, ¢ bpon the Lute ppon a lowd inſtrument, and bpon the Parpe. 4 Fo2thou ho2d halt made me glad thzough thy works:and F wil reioyce in giuing praiſe fo2 the opes rations of thy hands. 5 DLord,how glorious are thy vooskes: and thy thoughts are very deepe. 6 An vn wile man doeth rot weil conſider this: and a foole doeth not vnderſtand it. 7 When the vngodly are greene as the gralſe, and when all the wozkes of wickednes do flourith: then fhali they be deſtroyed foz euer,but thou Lord art the moſt hieſt for euermoꝛre 8 Foꝛ loe, thine enemies (D 02d) toe thine enes nies (hail peril: and all the workers of wickednetle fhalbe deſtroyed. 9 But my borne ſhall be exalted like the horne of an unicorne: fo2 Jam anointed with freſh oyvle. 10 Mine eye atfo hal tee hig luſt of mine enemies: and mine care thal hearebis deſire of the wicked that riſe “3 again me, © wih D D2 11 The aS . — 8 — = ’ Se Sete on Se i —— _ prayer.. |) Euening Monteth Thexvijday. ~ 11 The righteous tall four tikes palme tree: and ſhall ſprꝛead abꝛoad like a Cedar in 2 Such as bee planted in the houſe ofthe Lord: — fhalt flourith in the Courts(of the boufe) ofour God, 13 They alfo halt bring koorth moze fruit in their age: and ſhall be fat and well liking. | 14 Chat they map thewe how truethe Lo my = ig; and that there ts no — — im. Dominus regnauit. Pal. 93. yore = F He Lord is King, and hath put on gloꝛious he apparell : the Lord bath put on big apparel, and girded himlelfe with ſtrength. 2 Hebath made the round world fo ſure: that tt cannot be mooued. — Euer unce the world began, hath thy leatebene dota thou art from euerlaſting. Che floods are tifen(D Lo2d) the floods haue ut⸗ bp their voyce:the floods lift vp cheir waues. 5 Whe waues of the Sea are mighty, and rage horribly : but pet the Lozd that dwelleth on high, is mightier. 6 Chyteſtimonies D Loꝛd are very fure: holi⸗ neſſe becommech thine boule for euer. Deus vltionum Plſal.94. Oꝛr God to whome vengeance belongeth: thou : Godto whmbengeance belongeth, he wthy ieife 2 Arile thou tudge ofthe worid: and reward che prꝛoud after their deſeruing. 3.102d, how long ſhall the vngodly: hovo long ſhallthe bngodly triumph? 4 Powlong thall all wicked doers ſpeake fo dit⸗ dainefully, and make ſuch proud boaſting? 5. They ſmite downe thy people; D ord: rand | 6 Ther: 4 trouble ihe ben Sex 7? They murther the widow aud the ſtranger⸗ and put the katherleſſe to death. 7 Andpet they fap, Guth, the Lord hall not tee: neither hall the God of Jacob regard ic. | $ Wake heed ve vnwiſe among the people: be. ‘eli of his faluation trom das today. 3. Declare his honour vntothe Heathers; and pis 4 Foz wonder⸗ bite all people. * oneth. . ¥ 4 forthe Lozdis greatand cannot woꝛthily bee patted : be is moze to be feared then all gods. 5 Asforchegodsof the Heather, they be but J⸗ Doles: but it is toe Loꝛd Chat made the Heauens, 6 Glozpand woꝛlhip are before him ; power and Honour ave in bis Sanctuary, 7 Alcribe vnto the Lozd, (D pee binreds ofthe people :) alcribe vnto the 1020 woꝛſhip and power. — 8 Afcribe vnto the Lozd the bonourdue vnto big Mame : bring pꝛeſents and come tito his courts, 2 D wozrthip the Lord inthe beautp of holineſſe: let thewbholeearthfandinaweofiim, = | lo @elltt out among the Peathen, thatthe Lo is Ring : andthatitis he which hath made the round world fo fa that it cannot be mooued, and bow that be ſhall tudge the people righteoully, | | _ Ir Let the beauens reioyce, and let the earth bee glad :iet the fea make a noyſe, and all that therein is. «2 Letthe Keld betopfull and all that ig tn it:then Hail all the trees of che wood resopce befoze the Loꝛd. 13 Foshe commeth, foz hee commeth to tudge the earth: and with righteouimeſſe to tudae the woeld, andthe people with bis trueth. : Dominusregnauii, Pfal.97. | T He Lozdis hing. the earth maybe glad thereof: pea, the multitude of the ples map be alad therof. 2 Cioudesanddarkenefle areround about Him: oy See andiudgement are the habitation of Bis Seat, 3 Where hail goe a fire befoze Him: and burne bp his enemies on euery fide, 4 His lightnings gaue ſhine vnto the worſd: the earth faw it and was atraid. | | . § The bits melted like ware atthe preſence of the Loꝛrd: at the pꝛeſence ofthe Loꝛd of the whole earth. ep Bae 6 He ) . prayer. J pening 9 r SVLOTICULI. AAC ALA, ‘Udy ee 6 Che beauens haue declared dis righteoumes: and all the people bane ſeene bis glory. 7 -Contoundedbe all they that worſhip carued J⸗ mages, and that delight in vaine Gods: worſhip him. all pe gods. | 8 Sion Beard ofit,aud reioyced: and the daugh⸗ ta OF Juda were glad, becaute of thy iudgements, 020, | 9 Foꝛ thou Lord art higher, then all that are in theeartth: thou art exalted farre aboue allgods. | “io O pe that toue the Lord, fee that pee bare the thing which is cull: the Lord preſerueth the toutes: of his Saints,Ye hall deliuer them from the hand of. the vngodly. 11 There is ſprung bp a itght fog the righteous. andiopfullglaancle toz fuch asbetruebearted. ‘J2 Retoycein the Lord pee righteous: and giue varn koꝛ a remembꝛance of bis holineiſe. Cantate Domino. Pfal.98.. J Sing vnto the Lord a Mew ſong: for he: BI ath done marueilous things. "2: with his hie tight hand & with ~ the bictogp.. 3, Che Lord declared his faluation:bigrightcout: ES hath heopenly ſhewed in the fight ofthe heathen. Hee hath rememb2ed his mercy and trueth tos ward the houſe of Iſrael:and al the ends ofthe wozld: YE ueſeene the faluation ofour God... 5 Siew your felues foptull onto the Lord, atl ye HEN tig, reioyce and giue Hankes, zaiſe the Lord vpon the harpe: fing to the bape wis HE pte of thankeſgiuing. ts alfo and ſhawmes: O chew ‘pour it ioyfull before the Lozd the eee? cg “ee the — — ai all that therein {3 ee world,and ther that dwell therein. 9. Letthe floods clap thetr bands, and iec the hils be topfull together befoze the Lord: kor be is come to iudge the earth. 10 With righteoutnene hall he iudge the world: And the people with equitie. { Dominus regnauit. Pfal.99. 1 Lord is ing, be the people neuer fo — ene: helitteth betweene the Cherubime, bethe earth neuer ſo vnquiet. $5 2 ' Che Lord is great in Sion:and high abou all Op eg. ; 3 They thal giue thankes onto thy Name:which is qreat, wonderfull,and boly. . 4. The Bings power loueth iudgment. thou bat Prepared equity: thou hak executed tudgement and. righteoufnes in Jacob. 5 MDinagnifie the 102d our God: and fail Downe before bis fosteftoole,foz be tg boty. 6 Moles and Aaronamong his rieks,and Sa⸗ muel among ſuch as call vpon his Name:theſe cal⸗ led vpon the Lord, and be beard them. 7 Hee ſpake vnto themoutof the cloudie pillars. for theykept his Teſtimonies, and the Law that hee gaue them. 8 hou heardeſt them (D 02d our God:) how: forgauett them, D God, and punithead thetr ovone ingen, Omaagnifie the Lord our ‘od, and wortchip bin vpon hishoty bill: fo2 the Lord our God is holy. TubilateDeo. Pfal,109. oO () Be ioyluli in the Lord (all pe lands:) ferue the oli gladneſſe; scone before pis: pretence yA Pe ee — 2 Bepefure thatthe Lord he is Gov,itishethat hath mabe vs.and not we our ſelues:we are His peo ple,and the theepeofhispatture. 3. O goe vrour way into his gates with thanke⸗⸗ giuing, and into his courtes with praiſe:be thankiull * vᷣnto him, and ſpeake good of bis Mame, die 4, forthe Lord is gracious , bis mercy ts euerla· Pt ſting: and His trueth endureth trom generation to an generation. Miſericordiam & iudicium. Pfal.ror, q Me (ong thalbe of Mercy and Judgement: orto thee, D Lod, will JIſing. 2 Olet mebaue vnderſtanding: in the way of qgodlineffe, J 3 uber wilt thou come vnto me: J will walke in my boule with a perfect Heart, 4 GF roil cake no wicked thing in hand, Z hate the —— of vntaithtulneſſe: there fhall nofuch cleaue nto me, | 5 Atroward heart call departirom wees F tot not know a wicked perfon. | 6 Who ſo pꝛiuiiy Gandereth bis neighbour:him will J deſtroy. | 7 who ſo hath alſo a pꝛoud looke, and high foe macke: J mall not ſuffer bin, 8 Mine epestooke vnto ſuch as bee fatthtull in theland:thattheyimapdwellwithme, Th who ſo leabeth agodly life: he ſhall de myſer · ne, | 3 : , to Chere Halt no decettfall perfon dwellin mp — qeue = Wee that, telleth ives hall not tarry in mp ght, | | at Iſhall ſoone deſtroy al the vngodly that are in theland:that 3 may roote out all wicked doers from the City of the 1.020, ; ; Domine ‘ . = 4 , * . . —~— - eee Ee Moneth. The x.day. Domine exaudi. Pfal.102, fem 4 Care my prayer. D Lord: and let my cry Morning i ingcome vnto thee. ptayer Rens 2 Pidenot toy face fromme inthetime : | ofiny trouble senciline thine cares vnto me when Fcal,Oveare me, and that right ſoone. 3 fozmpdapesare confumed amar like finokes and mp bones areburnt bp as it were a ſirebrand. 4 My heart is {mitten downe,and withered like Grafle: fo that Jj fozgettocate my bꝛead. — 5 Foꝛr the voyce of my groning: my bones will ſcarce cleaue to my fieth. 6 Jam become like a Pelicane inthe wildernes: and like an owle that is in the deſert. | 7 Phaue watched,and am euen as it wert a ſpar⸗ row: that fitteth alone bpon the boule top. 8 Mine enemies reutle me al the day long: a they that are mad bpd me,are fwo2n together again me, 9 F025 haue eaten ates as if were bꝛead: and. mingled my drinke voith weeping. a 10 And that becaule of thine indignation ¢ wath; ae fo2 thou bat taken me bp,and cal me Downe. ; i 11 My dayes are gone likea fhadow : and J am witherealike gralſe. | | 12 Dut thow, (MD Lozd halt endure for ener: and thy remembrance throughout all generations, | 13 Chow Mhait ariſe and baue mercy bpon Sion: fo2 itis time that thou haue mercy vpon her, yea, tae time is come. opr si 14 And whyr?thy leruants thinke bpon ber Tones: and it pitieth them to flee ber inthe duſt. 15 Che heather thall feave thy Name, D Lord: and all the Bings ofthe earth thy Maieſtie. 16 —— bp Sion:and when Gb appeare.- : iagiorr ahs Appears 17 when : eta infirmities, AVANCE ST) Ae 17 When be curneth him onto the prayer t of the : pooie deſtitute:and deſpiteth not their deltre, 18 This hall be written fo2 thoſe that come afters — and the people which thatbe bozne, hal pꝛaiſe 6 Logp. 19 for he hath looked Dotone from bis Sanctuas fp: out of the heauen dtd the 102d behold the earth, 20 Dyathe might heare the mournings offuch as be tn captiuitie: and deliver the children Sppotnted bnto death. 21 Chat thep may declare the Hame of the Loꝛd in Sion: and his woꝛſhip at Hhie ruſalem. 22 When the people ave gathered together:and the kingdomes allo to ſerue the Loꝛd. 223 he brought downe my trength in my tourney: uz and — mydapes. But Iſaid, D myp @od, take menot away tit the midaed of mine age: as fo2 thy yeres, they endure throughout all generations. 25 Chou Lerd in the beginning halk laid the fours | Datson of Che earth: and the heauens are the worke Of thy bands, 26 Thepyſhall perith , but thot ſhalt endure: they allthail ware olde asdocthagarment, 27 And asa befture halt thouchange them, and -thepihali be changed sbut thou art thc fame, and thy peeres ſhall not faile, 28 Che childzen of thy feruants thal continue: and their feede thal 2nd fa tn thy fight, Benedicanima. Pfal,103 a Pe 8 Pp: Kaiſe the Lod, D. mp foule: and alt ithatis wich⸗ in ime pꝛaſſe hig holy Name. bi st eae tye L023, inp foute,and forget not al aOHICh torgiueih cig an Heated all tm | wyich —5 — Beir nl ohlapes eo - oe ‘ ~ Moneth. Thexx. “lie which laueth thy life from deutuction: and —— thee with mercy and louing kindneſſe. 5 Which latiſlieth thy mouth with good things: | making thee pong and luſty as an eagle. 6 The Loꝛrd erecuteth righteoutnefle and iudge⸗ ment: fo2 all them that are opprefied with wong. 7 as Pe thewed his waves vnto Motes: His workes onto the childzen of Iſrael. : The Lozdis fulofcompalion and mercy; long fuffering and ofareat goodneſſe. 9 He will not alway be chiding: neither keepeth he his anger kor euer. 10 He hath not dealt with bs after our ſinnes:nor rewarded bs accozding to our wickedneſſe. 11 Foꝛ locke how High the beauenis in compart: fon ofthe earth : fo great is his mercy alſo toward: _ themthatfearebim. : 12 Looke bom wide alfo the Catt is fromthe noel: fo farre bath be fet or finnes from bs, 3 13 Peg, like as a father pitieth his owne children: euẽ ſo is the Loꝛd merctfulonto them that ſeare him. 14 For He knoweth wohereot wee be made: hee re⸗ membieth that toe are but but. 1535 The dayes of man are but as graſſe: fo2 he flour githethasaflowjeotthe field. 16 Foꝛ afoone as the winde goeth ouer it, it is gone : andthe place thereof thallhnow tt no moze. 17 Butthe mercifull qoodnefle ofthe ‘Lord endu- reth fozeuer and ever vpon them that feare him: end his rigute ouineſſe vpon childsenschildzen, 18 Euen vpon ſuch as keepe bis Couenant: and: thinke vpon his Commandements to doe chem. 19 The Lord hath prepared his feate in beaten: and bis kingdome tuleth ouer all. 20 7 ne the Lod, pe Angels otis, ve * ten | Moneth. Ihexx.day. 4 cell in ſtrength: pee that tulfilibis Commandement, | and hearken vnto the voyce of Higiwo2ds, 21 D peatle the Lozd, all ye bis hoſts:ye feruants of his that Doe his pleafure. 22 D ſpeake goon of the Lord, all ye Works of hig, in all places of his dominion: pꝛaiſe thou the Lord, D mvp foule, Benedicanimamea. Pfal.104, SS Waite the Lord, O myfoule : D Lodmyp Vise, (BOD, thou art become erceeding glorious SAREE thou: art clothed with matey and Honour. “2 Thou deckeſt thy ſelfe with tight as tt were with a garment:a ſpꝛeadeſt out the heauens like a curtain. 3 Which lapeth the beame s of his chamber inthe waters: and maketh the cloudes his charet, and wal: keth bpon the wings of the wind 4 Pee maketh bis Angels fpivite: and bis mints ters a flaming fire. . 5 DHeelapde the foundations of the earth: that it neuer (ould moue at any Cime. 6 Thou coucredé it withthe dcepe like as with agarment: the waters ſtand tn the hilles. 7Atthyrebußke they flee: at the boyce of thy thun⸗ der they are afratd, They goe bp as high as the hils, and downe to the balleps beneath: euen vnto the place which thors bat appointed foz them. 9 Thou batt fee them their bounds; which they fal not pafle:nettherturne againe to coucr the earty. 10 Helendeth theſprings into the riuers: which runne among the hils. 11 All beaſtes of the field dzitihe thereof: and the wilde aſſes quench their thirſt. 12 Belides themhatt the foules of the aire haue their habitation: and ings mong the branches, be 13 Euening prayer. '> % — * - 4 ’ ee ee : , The xx. day. — 1 —— ———— aboue: the earth is filled with the fruit olthy works. 4 De beingeth foorth gralſe kor the cattell: and greene berbefo2 theferutceofmen, 15 Ghathe map being food outof the earth, and wine that maketh glad the heart of mai: andopleto make Him a cheerefull countenance, and bread to ſtrengthen mans heart. 66 The trees otthe 102d alſo are full of fap: euen the Cedarsof Libanus which be bath planted. 17 Wherein the birdes make their nes: and the Firre trees are adwelling foz the Stoztie. 1g Che bigh hils are arefuge foz the wild goates: and fo are the ſtony rocks (02 the conics. 1g He appointed the Moone fo2 certaine featons : and the Sunne knoweth his going downe. 20 Chou makelt darkenefle that tt maybe night: wherein allthe beatts ofthe forreſt doe moue. their meat at God. 22 Che Sunne ariſeth, and thepaet them away i sandlay them dovone tn their dennes. 3 Wan goeth korth tohis worke, and to bis la bout oe the euening. D Lo2d, how manifold are thy works: in wifes bona thou made them all,the earth ts full of thy — riches 25. Hoistheareat and wide fea alfa: ‘wherein are —— creepinginnumerable, both fmaitand great eaſts. 26 There goe the ſhips, a there ts that Liuiatham whom thou. haſt made to take his paſtime thercin. 27 Theſe wait all vpon thee: that thou mapelt, giue them meate in due ſeaſon. 21 The Lions roaring after their praye: doe feeke | 28 secetaeemee them, they gather tt: iad — — — Fe ES ee ee Moneth. The xxj.dax. wohen thou openett thy band, they arefilled 16 goon; 29 When thou hidelt thy face ,thep are troubled: when thou takeſt away their becath,tyep die, and are turned againe to their duff, 30 When thou lettelk thy brꝛeath qo forsth,thep thal | be made: and thou fhalt renew thefaceoftheearth, 31 Che glozious Maieſty of the Lozd hal endure fo2 euer: the Lozd hall retopce in bis workes. =~ 32 Cheearth hall tremble at the looke of him: il Motning player. Se ir or cheval he doe hut touch chebils,thepthalifmoie. 33 J will fing onto the Lord as long as Jliue: J will praple mp God, while Jhaue my being, | 34 And fo thall mp words pleaſe Him: mp top hall be in the Lord. | | 35 As fozfinners,thep ſhalbe confumed out of the earth, and the vngodly hall cometo an end: praife thou the Lod, D mp foule,pzaple the Lord. Confſitemini Domino. . Pfal.ro5. YAN, Biue thankes vnto the 102d, and call vpon Es his Mame: tell the people what things hee Pees Hath done, ae SE: 2 Diet por fongs be ofhint,and praiſe him: and Iet pour taiking be of all His wonderous workes. 3 Retoypce ie his holy Name : let the heart of chem relopce that fecke the Lord. a} 4 Seekethe Lod and hts ſtrength: ſeeke his face iy euermoze. 5 Remember the marueilous works that he hath a Done:hiswonders,and the iudgements of his mouth, Lit 6 Opee feed of Abraham his leruant: pe children oe of Jacob his choſen. SHE — q > Peis the Lozd our God: his iudgements are in ; ali the world. ; } 8 He hath beene alway mindfullofhiscouenant — and promitle: that pe made to a thouſand “eo | — 9 Cue Moneth. The xxy.day. 9 Cuenthe Couenant that be “a with Abra ham : and the othe thathe fware vnto Iſahac. 10 Andappointed che fame vnto Jacobtoꝛ alaw: and to Iſrael foz an euerlaſting teſtament. 11 Saying, unto thee voll J giue the land of Chanaan : the lot of pour inhetitance. 12 When there were yet vut few ofthem : and they Grangers tn the land. 13 Mhat time as they went from one nation to another: fromone kingdome to another people. 14 Be lufiered no man Co Doe them wong: but res pooued even Kings fo; their fakes, 15 Couch not mine anointed: ¢ doe nip Pꝛophets no harme. 16 Moꝛeouer He called lor a dearth vpon the land: and deſtroyed all the prou:fion of brꝛead. 17 But he had fenta man before them: euen Foe feph which was fold to be a bond ſeruant. 18 Wholſle feet they burt inthe ſtocks: the yron en⸗ tred into bis foule. 19 Wintilithe time came that his caule was knowo⸗ en: the word of the Lord tried him. 20 Che King fent and deliuered him: the prince of ie people let him goe free, r Pemade him Lod alo of bis boule: and ruler - Of ail his fubffance. 22 Chat hee might informe His princes afterbis will: and teach bis Senatozs wiſdome. 23 Iſraelalſo came into Cgypt: and Jacob was a ſtranger in the land of Bam, 24 And he encrealed His people exceedingly: and made them ſtronger then their enemies. 25 Whoſe heart turned.fo that thep hated His peo- ple: and Deait ontrucly with Hts feruants. 26 Gpen len: bee Doles hisleruant: and Aaron Ce —* ae: ae Moneth. T. whom he had choles. | 27 2nd thele hewedbis tokens among themand wonders in theland of Bam. 28 Be lent darkeneſſe, and it Was Darke: and they Were notobedient onto His word. | * ——— their waters into blood: and ew their 30 Their land brought koorth frogs: pea, euen in their Kings chambers. 31 Heipake the word, and their came all maner of flies: and lice inall their quarters, 32 Hegatic chem haileſtones toz rainesand flames Of fire in tueir tand. | 33 Helmote thelr bines alfo and figge trees:and Ve deſtroyed the trecs that were in their coaſts : 34 He lpate te word. the grafhopperscame,and a catterpiliers innumerabie:¢ did cate bp all theagraffe in their land, and deuoured the fruit of thetr ground, . - 35 He ſmote allo the firk bone in theiviand: eves. 1 the coiefe of all their ſtrength. rm 36 Hebrougut them forty allo with ſiluer ¢ gold⸗ ay there was not one feeble perfon among their tribes, hie 37 Egypt was glad at their Departing: fo2 thep a were afratd of them, | 38 Heſpread out acloud to be acouering: and fite a to giue light in the night featon. ‘. 39 At their defire he brought quailes: and Heated — then with the brrad ot heauen. 40 Peopened therocke of fone, and the waters a flowed out : ſo that rivers rannein Dp places, 2 _ 41 Foꝛwhp? he remembꝛed bis holy promile: and | Avraham dis ſeruant. 7 } 42 Andie bought forth bis people with lop: ang 4 a his choſen with gladnefie, is 43 And gaue ihemthe landsotthe heathen and £ = beh 2 oS al Rone. The s xx]. May.’ f chey tooke the laboursof the people tn poſſeſſion. 44 Tyat ther might keepebis Statures: and obs lerue his Lawes. Confitemini Domino Pfal. to6. JGiue thankes nto che Lord, fo2 He ts gra⸗ Eucning , cious:and his mercy endureth foreuer. prayer. NA | 2 ho can expeeſſe the noble actes of 4) ſche Loꝛd:oꝛ ſhew foorth all bis pꝛaiſe: Bleſſed are they that alway keepe iudgement: anddoc righteouſneſſe. Kemember me, O Lord, acccording to the fa⸗ uour that thou beareft vnio thy "people: O pifite me with tcp ſaluation. 5, Chat FZ may fee the felicity of thy choſen: and reiopce inthe gladneſſe ofthy people, and gtue thanks with thine in heritance. 6 We haue finned with our fathers: we haue done amifle and dealt wickedly. 7 Mur fathers regarded not thy wonders in E⸗ | pp neither kept hcp thy great qoodnefic in remem: | bance: but were diſobedient at the Sea, euen at the Wed fea. 8 Neuerthelelſe he helped them for his Mames _ fake: thathe might makebis power tobe knowen. | 9 He rebuked the Ked ſea alſo, a it was dried op: fo Heied them thoow the deep.as thorow a wiidernes, | 10 And he ſaued them from the aduatlaries band: and delivered thei from the band of the enemy. . 4 J 11 As fo: thofe that troubied them , the waters o⸗ ) _ ner wbeimed chem: there was not cne of chem left. ! 12 Then belecucd they His we2ds; and fang praife | vnto him. | 13 But withina while thep korgate His weekes: Le and would not abide His countell. 1 vant lua caine vpon ate a aie — * ep \ Sa a et ? ; 5 bas 7 — — * Moneth. Thexx. day. | they tempted God tn the defart, 15 Andhee gaue them their deſire; and fent lean⸗ neſſe withall into their ſoule. 16 Theyangred Moles alfo in the tents: and Aa- “ the Saint of the Loz. 7 So the earth opened, and ſwallowed bp Da⸗ than: and couercd the congregation of Abiram. 18 Andthe fire was kindled in their company: the flame burnt bp the bngodly. 19 Chey made a catfe inHozeb: and worſhipped the molten Image. 20 CThus they turned their glory: into the ſimili⸗ tude of acaife that catcth hay, 21 And they korgate God their Saulour: which. had done fo great things in Cgypt.. 22 Wonderous wozkes tn the land of Ham: and: ee ull things bp the red Sea. 3 Hobe latdhe would haue deſtroyed them, had. ‘not @Botes his chofen ſtood before Himinthegap:to. turne away bts wrathfullindignation,lek&bhe touts: deſtroy them, 24 Pea, they thought fcozne of that pleafantiand:. and gaue no credence vnto His word. 25. Bue murmured tn theirtents :and Pearkened: Hot vnto the voyce of the Lord. 26 Chen litthe by his hand againt ther: to ouers q throw themin the wilderneſſe. J 27° To cal out their feed among the Hations: and to ſcatter them in the lands. 28 Cheyioyned themſelues vnto Baal Peor:and ate the offcring of the Dead. 4 29 Thus they prouoked him to anger with the, owne inventions: andthe plague wasgreatamong — them : 30 ‘Then food bp Phinees, and prayed; and f : . : ib oe ee 1 he XX] day. 31 And that Was counted vnto Him fo2righteoute neſſe: among all pofterities fo2 euermoꝛe. — 32 Chep angred him alſo atthe waters of rife: ſo toat be punithed Doles fo2 their fakes, 33 Wecaule they provoked his ſpirit: fo that wee Spake vnaduiſedly with his lips. 34 Neither deſtroyed they the Heathen: as the Loꝛd commanded them, 35 But were mingled among the Heathen: and learned their workes. 36 Inſomuch that they worſhipped their idoles, which turned to their ovone decay: vea, they offerea their ſonnes and daughters vnto deuils. 37 And ſhed innocent blood, euen the blood of their fonnes and of their Daughters: whom they offered Onto the oles of Chanaan,and the land was defied with blood, - 38 Chus were they ained w their owne workes: and went a whoring with their ovone inuentions. 39 Therefore was the wrath ofthe Lord kindled again€ bis people: in fo much that bee abhorred his owne inheritance. 40And be gaue them ouer into the Hand of the hea⸗ then: a they that hated them, were lords ouer them, 4t Their enemies opprefled them: and Had then in fubiection. 42. Wanya time did he deliuer them: but they vee belied again bin woth their owne inuentions, awd Were brought downe in their wickedneſſe. 43 Neuertheleſſe, when he ſaw their aduerhite: he heard their complaint, 3 44 Be thought vpõ hig couenant .a pitied them ace coding vnto ᷣ multitude ot his mercies:xea.he made Bes iy ” led them —— captiue, to me them — ——— 5 Bell mioneth. i he xXtj.a 45 Deliuer bs, D Lowdour Ged, and —— fromamengthe heathen: that we may give thanks vnto thy holy Mame.a make our boak of thypraiſe. 46 Bleſſed bethe Lord Godof Iſrael, trom euer⸗ laſting,and world without end: and let all tye people ſay, Amen. J— Plal. Lor. * SN Giue thanties onto the Lord, foz he is graci⸗ 15) ous :andijismercyendurett ir eue | — Let them giue thanks vohom the Low oath rebecmed: anid deliuered fromthe Hand of the enemie. 3 And gathered thei outofthelandes, fromthe Catt and from the Weſt: from the f North and from the Sout. 4 Cher went affrap inthe wildernelle out ofthe way: and found no city te Dwell in. 5 Hungry athirkt< : their touie fainted in them 6 SHotheycrred vnto the Lord in their trouble: and he deliuered them from their diſtreſſe. He led them toorth by theright wap: that they might goe tothe city wherethepdwelt. 8 that men toould therefore praiſe the Lor for bis goodneſſe: and declare the wonders that Hee doeth foz the childzen of men. 9 For hee ſatiſfieth the emptie foule sand fillers: the hungry foule with goodneſſe. 10 Such as fit in darkenedeandin the chadow of death: being fat bound in miſery and pron. 11 Becauſe thep rebelled againſt the words of the Lod: elighttp regarded the countell ofthe mot Bie. 13 Hee alfo brought downe their heart through: Heauineffe: they fell Downe, and there was noneta Helpe them bp, | 13 re when thee crped vnto the Lord in theit * * _— troubles, ~ Moneth. The xcxij.day. ** ——— he deliuered them out ofthetratarefte, 14 Foꝛ be brought them out of darkneſſe, and out ofthe fhadow ofdeath: ¢ brake their bonds in ſunder. 15 Othat men would cherefoze praple theLo2d fo2 bis goodneſſe: anddeciare the wonders that Hee Doct foz the chtldzen of met, 16 Fo2 He hath bzoken the qates of brake:and finite - fen the barres of yron in funder. 17 Fooliſh men are plagued fo2 thety offence: and becauleof their wickeonelie, 18 Their foule abbozred all maner of meate: and thep were even bard at deaths doore. 19 So when thevcrved vnto the Lord in their | trouble He deliuered them out of their diftrefle. o Pe fent bis word and healed them: and thep were faned froin their deſtruction. 21 D that men would therefore praiſe the Lord fo2 bis gaodneſſe:and declare the wonders that hee doech fo2 the chitdzen of mer, 22 Ghat thep would offer vnto him the facrifice of Chankefatuing;: and fell out HIS workes with gladneffe, - 23 They that goe downe to the fea tn ſhips:and oc⸗ cupie their bufinefle in great waters. 24 Theſe men fee the workes of the Lord: and bis Wonders tn the deeve. 25 F02 at His word the — wind ariſeth: which liftech by the waues thereof. 26 Thep are carried bp to the heauett, and Downe againe tothe deepe:their ſoule meiteth away becaule of the trouble. 27 They reele to and fro, and ſtagger like a drun⸗ ken man:and are at their wits end. 28 So when they erie vnto the Lord in thetr trous 3 bie —— themout nen diſtreſſe. Ee 4 a 9 Ree ; tg ie eel — — tS Pon” : ane ae Moneth. The xxy.day. 29 fo2 hee maketh the ſtorme to ceale: fo that the waues thercofare fill. > 30 Chen are thep giad becaule they be at ref: and fo be buingeth them onto the hauen where they yooulDd be.. , | 31 Othat men would Herefoze praiſe the Lord fo2 His goodneſſe: and Declare (he wonders that Hee doeth fo2 the childern of men. 32. Chat they would exalt hin alfo inthe Congre⸗ gation of the people: and pratle him in the feat of the Dders. : | | _ 33 WMhich turneth Che foods into a wilderneffe: and drieth bp the water (pings. 34. 2 fruttfulliand maketh be barren : fo2 the wie: kedneſſe of them that dwell therein, | 35 Againe be maketh the wilderneſſe a ſtanding water: andiwaterfpeingsofadzieground, 36 And there be lettety the hungry : that they may buildthemacttptodwellin, 37 Chat they map fow their land, and plant Gine: pards : to peeld them fruits of increafe. 38 Heblefleth chem , fo that they multiply ercee- Dingly :and faffereth not their cattelltodecreate, 39 Andagaine when they are miniſhed ¢ brought — through oppreflion through any plague o2 trouble. 40 Though hee ſuffer them to bee euill intreated through tyrants:and tet them Wanderout of the way in the wotiderneffe. 41 Det helpeth He the poore out ofmiferp: and ma⸗ eth him boutholds like a flocke of cheepe. 42 Che righteous will conlider this, and reioyce: andthe mouth ofall wickedneſſe hail be Hopped. 43 Who fo ts wile will ponder theſe things: a thep hall vnderſtand the louing kindneſſe — —— ~~ = | aratum Moneth. The xxi.day. Paratum cor meum. Pfal.108, — God, my heart is ready. my heart is ready: Eu ening EN F votllfing and give praite with the bet prayer. Mio ih member that F pate, 2 Awake thou Lute and Darpe:F mp felfe will awake right early. 3 J will give thanks onto thee, D Low, among — will fing praiſles vnto thee among the ations, 4 for thy mercy is qreater then the peauens: and cn trueth reacheth bnto the clouds: Set op thy telfe, D God, aboue the heauens: aid thy pease aboue all the earth. 6 Chat thy beloued maybee delivered :let thy right hand laue them, and heare thou me. 7 GBod hath ſpoken in bis Holineſſe: J wil res ioyce therefore and diuide Sichem, and mete out the balley of Sucoth. 8 Gileadis mine, and Manalles ig mine, Ephra⸗ iin allo is the ftrenath of mp Head. 9 Zudats imp Lawgtuer, Moab is my waſhpot: ouer Cdom will F cal out myp ſhooe, bpon the Phili⸗ fines will FZ triumph. 10 Who will leade meeinto the rong City: and whowill bring meinto Coom ? -- ir DHakthou not forfaken vs, God: and wilt not thou God goe foorth with our hoſtes? 12 Dhelpe vs againt the enemie :fo2 baine isthe Helpeofman, — 13 Thꝛrough God we thal Doe Great actes: and it is he that Hall tread Downe our enemies. Deus laudem. Pfaliog. | — -L{[Olve hot thy tongue, D Godofmy prayle : for the mouth of the bngodly , pea, and the mouth of , Sere ig opened bpon me. 2 And 2VLULICULIs SEY AALANAY © 2 And they baue fpoken agatn mee with fale tongues :thep compatied me about alfo with words of hatred, and fought again me withoutacaute. 3 Ffo2theiouc that J had onto them, toe, thep take nowiny contrary part: but Jgiue mp felfe vnto prayer. 3 4 hus haue they rewarded mee euill foz good: - and hatred fo2 my good will, 5 Set thouan vngodly man to beruler over him: and let Satan Land at bis right band. 6 When lentence is giuen bponbhim.let him bee condemned: and let bis prayer be turned into finne. 7 Let his daies be fewe: and let another take bis office. * oo bis childzen bee fatheriefic: and bis wife a idowe. 9 Let his childꝛen be bagabonds, and beg their b2ead : let them ſeeke tt alfo out of deſolate places. 1o Let the ertoztioner confume all that bee hath: and let the franger ſpoyle bis labour. 11 Let there be no man to pitie bint: noz to haue compalſſion vpon his tatherleſſe chudren. 12 Let his poſteritie be deſtroyed:and inthe next generation let bis name be cleane put out. 13 Let the wickednefe of bis fathers be Had in rez mi embzarice in the fight of the Lord: and let not the finne of Dis mother be Done away. 14 Leéthem alway be befoze the 102d: that hee oo ont the memoziall of them from off the earth. 15 Andthatbecaulehismindiwasnottodogood: ⸗ꝛ but perfccuted the pooze belplefie man thathemight ſlay him that was bered atthe heatt. ; 16 His delight wasin curling, and it ſhalt happen Hite him: He loucd not bleſſing, therefoze ae 4 arrẽ farre fort! * 17 He clothed himleite with — like as with arsiment: and it ſhall come into bis bowels ike wa⸗ ter, and like oyle into his bones. 18 Letit be vnto him as thecloke that he hath vp⸗ on him : and asthe girdle that hee ts alway girded withall. 19 Letit thus happen krom the Rord puto mine enemies: and to thoſe that ſpeake euill againſt mp ſoule. 20 But deale thou with mee, D L020 God, accor⸗ Ding bute thy Name; for ſweete is thymercy. 21 Ddekiuer mee, for I ambelplelle and pooze: and np Heartis wounded within me. 22 Fgohencelite the hadow thatdeparteth : and. amdetucn alway as the graſhopper. 23 Myknees are weake — kaſting: my fleſh is Dried bp fo2 want of fatnelle, 24 3 became alfoa rebuke bute them: they thas — vpon me,cſhaked their heads. 25, Helpeme,O Lord my God:Oh ſaue me accor⸗ — tothy mercy, 26 Andthey hal Know how that this is thy Hand : andthat thou Lod bak done it. a7 Though they curfe, pet bleſſe thou:and let them be confounded that rite bp againſt me, but let ihy ſer⸗ uant reioyce. 28 Let mine aduerſaries be clothes with ſhame: and let them couer themſelues with their owne con⸗ fuſion, as with acloake. 29 As forme, J will giue areat chants brito the: Lord with my mouth: and pꝛayſe Him among the multitude, 30 fo2 he hal Kandatthe right had of the poore: to faue bis foute from onvighteous Judges, Dixie. AVEVLICLITLe 2 il AEE fs Cty’ Dixit Dominus. Pfal,110. he Loz laid onto mp Loꝛd: fit thou on {2 mypright hand, onttl J make thine ene: he) Ka ry2 mies thy tootſtoole. ASS 2 The Lowhallfend the rodof thy povwerout ot Sion: be thou ruler euen inthe muadett among thine enemies, | 3 Inthe day of toy power ſhall the people offer thee free-wil offrings with an holy woz2hhip:thedew of thy birth ts of the wombe of the morning. 4 Che Lowdlware and will not repent: thou art a zie for eucr, after the oder of Deichifedech, . 5 Che Lod spon thy right band: hall wound euen Kings in the Day of his wath, 6 Hee thalliuage among the heathen, bee hail itt the places with the dead bodies: and ſmite in funder the heads ouer diuers countreys. 7 He thallozinke ofthe brooke in the way: theres fo2ze fhall he lift bp bis head. — Confitebor tibi. Pfalz11. | (oil giue thaks butop Lozdtorth my topoieheart: = fecretip among the kaithkul, in the Congregation, 2 Che workesofthe Lord are great:ſqught out of ail (bem that haue pleaſure therein. 3 His workeis worthy to beepzatledandhadin | Honour: andhisriqhteouluelleenduvethfozeuer, J 4 The merciful, andgractous Loꝛd hath io done I bis maruetious voorkes: that they ought to be had in J remembrance. # Tt he hath giuen meat vnto them that feare bin: if he thall euer be mindfullofhis Couenant. —J & Hee hath ſhewed his people the power of hig workes: thathe may giue them the heritage ofthe heathen. 7 The workes okhis hands are veritie and iudge ⸗ ment: ~~ "Moneth, 'Thexxiij day. — ment: all his Commandenients are true, 8 Chey Land fat foz euer and ever: and are done in truech and equitie. 9 He ſent redemption vnto bis people: bee hath commanded bis Couenant foz cuer, holxand reves rent is bis ame, . 10 Whe feare of the Lord 18 the beginning of wifes dome:a good vnderſtanding haue ati they that doe thereafter, the praiſe of tt endureti) for euer. Beatus vir. Pfal.r12.. B Lefied tg the man that feareth the Loyd: he hath great delightinbis Commandements. 2 Histeed hallbe mighty bpon earth :the gene: ration of the fatthfull thailbebieficd, 3 Kiches and plenteouſneſſe ſhalbe in his houſe: and his righteouſneſſe endureth fo; ever. winto the godly there arifeth bp light inthe darhenelle: he ts mercifull,toutng, and righteous. 5 Agoodmanis merciful, andiendceth: and will guide bis words with diſcretion. 6 Foꝛ he ſhall neuer be mooued:and the righte⸗ ous ſhal be had inan euerlaſting remembꝛance. 7 He will not be afratd foꝛ any euill tidings: foe: his heart ſtandeth fat and beleeueth in the Loꝛd. 8 His heart is ſtabliſhed and wil not hainke: vn⸗ till he fee bis deſire vpon His enemies. 9. He hath diſperſed abroad a giuen tothe poore: aud bis righteouſneſſe remaineth fo: ever, bis bozne: fhallbeeralted with honour, = . 10 The vngodly Mail lee tt,and tt ſhal grieue him: he ſhall gnaſh with bis teeth,and confume away, the Defire of the bngodip hall peri, Laudatepuerit,. Pfalir13. ‘ P Baile the Lord, pec ſeruants: D peatfe the Mame * ofthe Lord. sf . ae : ‘ */ ca * 952 F 1 * —J— = Ja") "Ss 7 u we - — ae oe — — Ga ~~ — oll 2 Euening prayer. time foo2th foreuermoꝛe. glorꝛy aboue the Heavens. Moneth. The - 2 Bletled be the Mame of the Loz: from chis — 3 The Lords Name is praiſed: from the riling by of the Sunne, vnto cye going Downe of the fame, 4 The Lod is high abouc all heathen: and his 5 Who is like vnto the Lord our God, that hath his dwelling fo high: and yet humbleth himſelle to behold the things that are in beauen and earth? 6 ®Hetakecy vp the ſimple out ofthe duſt: and lif teth the pooze out of the mire. 7 What he map ſet him ue the Princes: euen withthe Princes of His people, 8 PHemakethtbebarren woman to feepe houſe: andto be atopfullmotherofcbildzen. Inexitulfracl, Pſal. 114. VEE Den Iſfrael came out of Egypt:and the houſe AAS of Jacob from antong the range people. ALS 2 Juda was his Sanctuary: and Iſrael bts: Dominton, 3 nc Sealaw chat, and fled: Jordan was dei⸗ on mountaines Caipped ike raimines: and the little hils like voung fheeepe. 5 what atletth thee, D thou Sea, that thou fled⸗ Deft: and thou Jordan that thou wak dꝛiuen backe: — 6 Pe mountaines, that yee ſtcipped libe rames: And pe itttle hules like voungſheepe. 7 Trembie thou earth at the peefence of the fod: at the pretence of the God of Jacob, - 8 which turned the hard rocke into a fanding Mater: and the flint fone into a fpringing well, NonnobisDomine Plal. 115. J N Mf britobs, D Low, noe vnto bs, but hbntothp hee giue the praiſe: fo2 thy loutng mercy, 9* J 02 wa | oneth. The xxii. day. 02 cp — fale, | thett ae ſhall the Peathen fay: vohere is now 3 Gs forour God hee is tn beauen: he hath done Whatfocuer pleated him, 4 Their doles are filuer and gold: euen the worke Of imens bands, 5 GHeyhaue mouthes, and tpeake not:eves baue they, and {ee not, 6 Whey haue eares, and heare not: noſes haue they, and finell not, 7 Theyhaue hands, andbanodle not, feete haue they, and walk not: neither ſpeake ther through their throat. 8 Chey that make them are like vnto chem: and fo are ail fuch as put their truſt in them, 9 Wut thou boule of Iſrael, tiuſt thow tn the: Loꝛd she is their fuccour and defence. 10 Pehoufe of Aaron, put pour truftin the 02d bets their helper and defender. . 11 Dee. that feare the Lod, put your trad inthe 02d: pets their beiper and defender. 12 Che Lod bath bene mindetull of 63 ,and hee fhatl biefle bs: cuen be halibiefethe boule of Ilratl be ſhall bleſſe the boule of Aaron, 13 He fhail bleflethem that fcare the Lord: both ſmall and great. 14 Che Lod wall increaſe you meze and meze; vou and pour childzen. 15 Pee are the dietled of the Lod: Lohich made heauen and earth. 16 Allthe whole heauens are the Lords:the earth hathhe giuen tothe chilozen of men, 7 The dead praiſe not thee. O Loꝛd:neither all ther that goe Downe into the ſilence. gor = | wi, xxiiijday. ' 12 E Gury came about ine litte bees, and are extinct elicit as the Gre ainong che thornes: for in toe Name of che 1023 JIwill defrop them. 7 13. Tyou bak thaul fore at me, that J might falls But the Lod was mp heipe. J— 14 Che 102d is mp drength and my ſong: and is become my ſaluation. 4 15 The boice cfioy and bealey ig in the dwellings — ofthe righteous: the right bandof theLo2d bringeth mighty things to paffe, 16 Gheright band sfthe Lord hath the prehemi⸗ nence: theright hand ofthe Lord bringeth mighty things to pafie, 17 J will not dic, but line :and declare the workes of the 1020, 18 Che Lord hath chakened and corrected me: but he hath not giuen me ouer bnto death. 19 Open me the gates of righteoutnefle: that J May zoe info them,and giue thanks vnto the Lord. 20 Thisis the gate of (heLoza:the righteous hail enter into tt 21 J will thanke thee, for thou bal heard me: and art become my ſaluation. 22 The ſame ſtone which the builders refuſed: is become the head ſtone in the corꝛrner. 3 This is the Lords doing: and it is marueilous inour eves. 24 Chisis the dap tobich the Lord hath made:we will reioyce and be glad in it. 25 Heipe me nowo O Loꝛd:O Loꝛd ſend vs now profperitie. # 26 Wlefieabe be that commeth in the Mame of the. | Loꝛd the haue wifhed pou good lucke: pe that beok the houle ofthe L020, 4 27 God isthe cielo which hath ſhewed vs — J tutes. ee ) 5 bith mp tips — tetis rot all le ae i = iudae ments OF bp mouth. } . Sid soe Moneth. The xxiiij. day. binde the ſacriſice with cords,; * euen bonto the hornes of the altar. 28 Thou art my God, and J wil thanke thee:thou art my God, and J weil pꝛaiſe thee, 29 O giue thankes onto thie Loꝛrd, (02 He igs graci⸗ OUS :and His mercy endureth fo2 euer. Beatiimmaculati. Pfal.tig. 6 Lelled are all thole thatare vndeſiled in Euening eS) JN p tbe wap: & waliie in the Lat of b Lord, prayer. ae 2 — ave they that keep his Cee 3 #f02 they which Doe no Wickedues: walkie in bis ape pes, 4 Thou bal charaedsthat wee ſhall diligently Keepe thy Commandements, 5 Othatimp waves were made fo direct : that J might heepe thy Statutes. a 6 So fhallF not be confounded: toile FJ haue retpect vnto all chy Commandements, 7 Iwill thanke thee with an onfeined heart: when J ſhall haue learned tye judgements of thy righteouſnes. 8 Iwill keepe thy ceremonies:O korſake me not otterly. In quo corriget. VV. Herewithall halia yong man clente his wap: euen by ruling bimfelfe after thy word. 2 ith my whole heart haue F fought thee: O {et me not goe wong oUt Of thy Commandements, 3 Spe toons bane 9 hip within myheart: that Jq̃ouid not {inne againt thee. 4 wlelled art tiou, © Lord: D teach me thy ta: · deſt me: D teach me thy Satutes. me to make much ofthy iaw, Monee’ "The: xxiii ae i a 6 : haue had as great Delight in the way ot thp ie Teſtimonies: as in all mance ot riches. 7 J wiltalße ofthy Commandements: and haue — sect vnto thy wapes. HE Delight thatbe in thy Statutes: andF will not fo e¢ (Hp w02D. Retribue feruo tuo, OP? ee well onto thy feruant: that J ——— heepe thy wo2d. 2 Mpenthou mine eves: that F map lee the won⸗ derous things of thy Law. 3 Jama ranger bpon carth: D Hide not thy Commandements from me, 4 Wp foute breaketh out for the herr feruent de⸗ fire : that it bath alway bute thy Judgements. Thou val rebuked the peoud:and curfed are. they thatdoe erre from thy Commandements. 4 6 Oturnefromme Hame and rebuke :fozTJhaue Rept thy Teſtimonies. q 7 Prꝛinces alfo dtd fit and ſpeake againſt me: but thy ſeruant is occupied tn thyſtatutes. 8 forthy Ceſtimonies ate my Delight: and my counſailers. Adhæſit pauimento. M P foule cleaueth te the Duk: D auickenthou me according to thy vord. 2 Jhaue knowledged mp wares, and thou hear⸗ 3 Make me to vnderſtand the way ofthy Cõman⸗ dements: ¢ fo ſhall Jtalheoſthy wonderous works. | 4 Dp loule melteth away ſor very heauinetle: comfort thou me acco2ding to thy word. f 5 Wake trom me the wap offping:and caute th nt i, CE ROMS? et annebp ug J 1 Mohech: ‘The pee : ments haue J layd before mee. Ba 7 hauẽeẽ Cicken vnto chp tellimontes · O poy conlound me not, 8 SJ wtivunne the way of thy conmmandentents : : inven thou halt fet my Heart at libertie. Legem pone. fae aye ach mee, Word, the way of chy fq: Morning : amy tutes anid 7 (hail keepe it vnto theend. prayer, AW hES) 2 Gtue me vnderltanding. and FZ thal : ee keepe thy Law: yea, F Hhailticepe tt with “tp topole heart. | 3 Makeme togointhe path ot thy Commande⸗ ments : kor there in is mydelire. 4 «Encline my heart onto thy tellimonies: and not fo couetouſneſſe. 5 Dturncaway mine eyes, lef they behold ba⸗ : nitie: and quicken thou me in thy way. — 6 O llablilh thy word in thy ſeruant: that Jmay tage a feave thee. > ake away the rebuke that J ans afvatd of : foz 4 thy iudgements are good. g Behold, my delight ts in thy commandements: OMDauicken mein thy righteoutnefie, Et veniat ſuper me. — thy louing mercy come alſo vnto me, O Lord: euen thy ſaluation, according vnto thy word. 2 So ſhall J mate anſwere onto mp blaſphe⸗ mers: ſor my trud ts in thy word. 3 MPtake not the word ofthy tructh vtterly out _ of mp mouth : fo2 my Hope isin thy Judgements, — ee So hal alway keepe thy Law: pea,foz cuier : an ever 5 eS: anid toitl walke at libertie: for a feche thy ss — Commandements — 6 FL —— tzumoniegai alto euen bore * — Moneth. Thexxv.day. on’ ings: andwillnotbeahamed. 7 And my delight tail bee in thy commaunde ments: which Jhaue loued. 8 Gp hands alfo will J likft bp vnto thy Com⸗ mandemems which J haue loued: and my ſtudie haſ be tn thp ſtatutes. Memoar efto verbi tui. () Giiniie vpõ thy ſeruant as concerning thy word: wherein thou bak cauſed me Co put mp truſt. 4 2 The ſame is mycomlort in my troublesfozthy * —4 word hath quickened me, | 3 Che proude haue hadme erceedingly in deriſi⸗ . on:yet haue FZ not ſhrinked from thy Law, | 4 for J remembzed thine enerlating iudge⸗ iments, O Lord: and receiued comfozt, 5 Jam horribly afraid: fo2 the pnaodly that fo «=o fake thy Law. ti 6 bp tatuteshaue bene my tongs: inthehoute “| of my pilgrimage. 7 ‘Fhauc thought bpon thy Mame, O Lord, in che night ſeaſon: and haue kept thy Law, 8 Obhis Zbad: becaule F kept thy Commande: men tS. Portio mea Domine. * —J Hou art my yeni » D 102d:3, bes bꝛomiled — Reepe thy Law. J made my bumble petition in thy pꝛeſence with mp whole heart :D be mercifull onto me accoꝛ · * ding to thy voord. = : 3 Icalled mine owne wayes to remembrance: 1 and turned my feete vnto thy Teſtimonies. + 4 Imade halle. and at not the time sta. 4 keepe thy Commandements. gis 5 Whecongregation of the aa robbed: me — — aie aw⸗ ha ~ The xxv.day. 6 5 J will rife to giue thankes onto thee: becauſe of thy righteous iudgements. 7 Samacompanion of alithemthat feare thee: aun keepe thy Commandements. 8 Ciecarth, O Low, is tull of thy mercies D teach ne thy Statutes. Bonitatem fecifti. © fLozd, thou bat dealt gracioully with thy ler⸗ Wane: accoꝛding vnto thy word. 2 O Learne me true vnderſtanding and knowo⸗ — fo2 3) haue beleeuedthy Commandements. Before J was troubled, J went wong: bul now haue Ikept thy word. ai coon are good and gracious: D teach me thy atutes, The proud haue imagined a lie againſt me:but Joͤm litepe thy Commandements with my whole . CTheir heart ts as fat as bꝛawne: butimp delight hath beene in thy Law. 7 Itis good fo2 me that F vaue bene in trouble: nt 4) mapiearne thy Statutes. | The Law of thy mouth is dearer vntome:then toutes ofgm ano Atut Manus tue fecerunt me, | La. by bands haue made me, a kaſhioned Evening — i @2k inte: D giue me pndertanding that J prayer, 1 t@wy imap learne thy Commandements. — * me 2 Whey that keare thee, witbe glad t —* whentheyſee me: becauſe J haue put mp tout tt ** word. 3Ixnowe, O 102d, that thy Judgements are rigcht: and that thou ofbery taithfulneſſe hai cauſed me to betroubled. ae ehh ae iia mpcomfoets; fa | FE 4 Pied ~ Moneth. inheXXv.day, acco Din to thy word vnto thy feruant, —— i” geo louing mercies come vnto meyebat may line: for thy Law is my delight. 6 ‘Letthe proud be confounded, for they goe wic⸗ kedly about to deſtroy me: but J will be occupied in thy commandements. 7 Let ſuch as keare thee and haue knowen thy tes ftimonies: be turned vnto me. 8 Diet my Heart be found in thy ee thatJ be not achamed. Defecit anima mea, , | M2 ſoule hath longed fo2 thy faluation: and J haue a good Hope becauſe ofthyword. 2 Mine epes long foze foe thy wo2d: faping, D . when wilt thoucomfoztme? 3. FforF am become tthe a hottell in the ſmoke: vet noe J ñot forget thy Statutes, — - | Dow many are the daves of thy ſeruant: when wiit thou be auenged of them that perfecute me? 5 Phe proud haue digged pits lor me: ;which ave not after thy Late. 6 Allthy Commandements ave true: they perte: cute me falilp,D be thou my beipe. ‘a 7 They bad almoſt made an ende of mee bpon cart): but J fosfookenot thy baila ot PE E —— O quicken mee after thy louing ht — .. fo hall Jkeepe the Teſtimonies of thy mouth, . hee Inzternum Domine, J O Loja, thy word: endureth kor euer in heauen. 34 2 Thy truth alſo remaineth fromonegenc- ‘ration to another: thou bak laid the foundation of theeartD.anditabioeth, 4 3 Obey continue thts day accoꝛding fo thine ordi⸗ ANCE: foz ali things feruethee. 4 + Bimpreighe ad notin inthy Law: oS i | 2 VLU ict yeperit edin mp J— I will neuer fozget thy Cominandements: foe : soitts tems thou haſt quickened me· 6 Fam thine,ob faue mee:for J haue cought chr Commandements. 7 The vngodiy laid wait ſor me, to deſtroy me. but JWwil conlider thy Ceſtimonies. 8 Flee that all thingscome to an end: but a Commandement is exceeding bꝛaoad. uomodo dilexi. [22 what loue bine FZ onto thy: Law, all the Day long ig mp udp in it. 2 Thou thꝛough toy commandements Hatt made ee Wwifer then mine encmics:fo2 they areeuer 1b me, Thaue moze vnderſtanding then my teachers: tor thy Tellimonies areany ſtudy ee Jam witer then the aged: —— I heepethr ‘Commandements. 1645 5 Sbauerefrained my feet from every euil wap: that Fay keere top word. Jhaue not ſhrunke from, thy Judgements top | thou.teachepane. att} . 7. Dhow {weet are thp words nto mp th? at: —s pea, fiweeterthen hony vnto my mouth, : » 8 Chrough thy commanrements J get vnder⸗ ttanding ali wicked wayfss. Lucerna pedibus meis. Je € . ¥ >atm ¥ s (ick Y¥. oo ae * —J A Re light onpotnp pathes. ese Jhaue fworne and aun ffentatt! ip pur⸗ pote ‘10 32 thy righteous iudgdements. 3 Jam troubled sboue mealuve: quicken me, D Lozp,accezding fothpi02d. 4 Letthe free will offerings ofmy mouth her 4 wea Loni and teach me te JUDE RA. =e) Dy woedisa lanterne vnto mp feete: an Moin 4 JAVAWAILEEFG ~ RBI AAV) Licdye 3 My foulcis alwapin mp band; yet doe, F not ie forgettby haw, 6 Tyebngoodly Hane laid aftare for me: but vet Iſwarued not from typ Commandements, 77 Thyteſtimonies haue Iclaimed ag wise heri⸗ tage * euer: and why: they are the berpiop of ming Hear 8° ‘“g yaue applied imp heart to fulanitop Satutes alway: euen vnto the end, Iniquos odio habui. — themthat imagine euill things but thy Law poe J loue. * 2 so enh. art my delence and ied and mp Crue in 3. Away Frommer: vee wiched: z J twill keepe the Commandements of mp God. . D fablith mee according te thy word that J may liue: and iet me not be diſappointed ofmy hope. § Poivethou me bp, and J all be fate; pea,my delight that be ever intbpiatutes, 6 Thou hak tvodendowne all them that depart from thy Statutes; fo2 they imagine but deceit. 7 Thou putteſt away althe vngodly of the earth se droſſe: therefoze F loue thy Teſtimonies. My yp fleth trenshleth fo2 feare of — and Jam atvatd of thy Judgements. | Feciiudicium. I Deale with the thing thatis fatwfat and tight: D giue me Not ouer vnto mine oppꝛeſſors. 2 Makethou thy leruant to delight in that which is goed that the pꝛoud doe me no wtong. Mine eves are walked away with looking fee top Health : and for the word of thy riahieoutnelfe. 4 Ddeale wity tho eruent ccconDing io thr lo⸗ 54) ving Mercy sandtiau; rie fay Sarutes. ¥ Moneth. The XXVj. day. 5 Famthy feruant,D grant me budirdanding: : that ZF may know thy Teſtmonies. It is time fo2 cee, Lord .to lap to thine band: Pi they haue Deftroped typ Law, 7 Foꝛ Jloue thy Commandements: aboue gold and precious ſtone. 8 Cyerefore holde J traite all thy Commande⸗ ments: and all kalſe wares J vtterly abhorre. Mirabilia. T Be Seftimonies ate wonderlum: therefoze doth my ſoule keepe then. > phen ty oor gorth forth sit giueth light ad vnderſtanding buto the ſimple. Jopened mp mouth ,and ozew tn my breath: ſcdoꝛ mydelight was inthy Commandements. — O looke thou vpon me,ébe mercifull onto mes. asthou vſeſt todo bntothoiethatioucthy Mame. — 5 sDader mp iteps in thy word:and ſo thal no. wit kedneſſe haue dominion ouer me. 6 Modeliner mee krom the wzonglull dealings o€. men: am ſo ſhall Jkeepe thy Commandements. > Sbewtheliaht ofthy countenance vpon thy —— and teach me thy Statutes. 8. Mine epesquh out with waer: becaute, wen keepe not thy Law. — es Darin me R Fabteous art thou, D Lozd:and true ig thy Judgement. 2 rae teftimonies that thou. bat commaunded: are excxeeding righteous and true. 3 My zeale bath even conſumed mee : becaute mine enemies haue forgotten. chp words. 4 CThy woꝛdis tryed tothe vitermoſt:and thy fers mantioneth tt, . 5 am Small and.otuoreputtion: pet dain 9 oe eee = = . BE Fee _ ee —— Moneth.: The XX}. day. = fornet thy Cominandements, 6 Ghy richteoutnes ig aneuerlatting righteous I neffeand thy Late ig the trueth. | 7 rouble and heauineſſe bane taken hold vpon me: yet is my delight in thy Commandements, ~ 8The righteoulnelſſe of thy teſtimonies is euer⸗ laſting: Ogrant me vnderſtanding and Jchall liue. Clamaui in toto corde meo. ==] Call with mp whole heart: heare ince, D xi Lord Iwill keepe thy Satutes. | 22 2 . Pea, euen vpon thee doe¥ cal: helpe RM * andF Hal Reepe thy tefinionies. ‘Early in the mozning doe J cty vnto thee: foi" in thy word is mytruſt. 4. Mine epes preuent the ve hd watches: : that | might be be occuptedin thp w 0208 5 Hearempboice, D Lord, acording vnto thy {os 3 ning kindnes quiche me according as thou art wont. 6. hey draw might ti ofmalice pevlecuite mes — are farre from thy 1 “Be thounigh at nan. Lordelo⸗ authy Com: | nisudements are true. 8 Ag concerning thy teftimontes, FZ haue knowen lons lince: that thoͤn haſft rrounded them lor euer. Vi de humilitatem. * | O Contider mine aduerttie, and deliver ime: fo2 5 noe not forget thy Law. © 2. Auenge thot my caufe and deliver me: quicker me according to thy word. 3. Bealth is farre fromene vngodiy: fos they re⸗ gard notthy Statutes, - - 4. Greatts thy mercie, D Lord : quicken mee as —— ea | 0 exe g font trouble me, and perfecute sie: pet Boe F tot ete teltimontes. ye e ~Moneth. The. xxvj. days becauie they keepe not thy Law 7 Conlider,D L020, how J toue thy Comman⸗ oements : O quicken mee according to. thy louing bindnefle, 8 OChp word is trite krõ euerlaſting: ralthe iudge ments ofthy righteouſfneſſe endure foz euermoꝛre. Principes perſecuti ſunt. P Kinces haue perſecuted mee without a cauſe: but inp Heart ſtandeth in awe of thp words. 2Jam as glad ot thy word: ag one that ſindeth great ſpoiles. 3. Asforties,Z hate and. abhorre them: but thy Lawe:doe Fioue, 4. Seuen times adapdoe J pꝛraiſe thee: ‘becaute : of thy righteous Judgements. _ § Greatis the peace that they haue which loue thy Law and they are not offendedatit, | 6 020,34 haue looked fo2 thy fauing Health: and - done atter thy Commandementg, 7 My ſoule hath kept thy Teſtimonies: and tos ued them exceedingly. 8 J haue kept thy Commandements and teſti⸗ monies:toꝛ all mp wayes are befoze thee, Appropinquet deprecatio. ee Le my complaint comebefoze thee, D Lord: giue ine vnderſtanding according to thy voord. 2 Let my ſupplication come before the: deliuer me Sy ae thy word My lips hall aera of thy praife : when thouu Hatt taught me thy Statutes, . 4. Dea, my tongue hall ingot toy word:tor al hp Commandements arerighteous, _ 5 Ket ehinehand helpe mee; lor Jhaue cheten “hy aye Sarnenvanbements., 6 It grieueih me when Flee the tranſgreſſors: | i 4 1 _ Moneth. Thexxvi.day. #3 6 IJ haue longed lor thy faving health,D Los andinthy Lato is my delight. | | Ohlet mp foule liue, and it wall praiſe tek Pes and thy Judgements hati? pelpe nie, | J 8 J haue gone altray like a theep pis loſt: ob ſeene | thy — Idoe vot forget thy Cõmandements. a: AdDominum. Pfal120. E Hen J was tntrouble, J called vpon Ys the Lord: and He beard me. i Ae) 2 DMWeliuermy foule, D Lozd, from DSO, (ving lips:and from a deceitful tongue, He What reward fhali bee giuen oꝛ “pote vnto thee thou falſe tongue:euen mighty and. | fharpe arrowes, with bot burning coales. 4 4 wots me.that Jam conſtrainedto dwell with i —— rand £0 haue ity habitation among the tents of cedar, xy WDyploulehath tong dwelt among theut: that be enemies vnto peace, 6 J labour foz peace, but when Iſpeake vnto them thereof: thep make themreadp tobattell, Leuauioculos, Pfal.121. bot lift bp mine eves vnto the hils:trom whence Me comimeth inp helpe. ia \ 2 My Helpecommett etter from the Lord: which Hath made heauen and earth. 3 He wil not fuller thy foot tobe mooted: and be that keepeth thee witli not Reepe, | 4 Behold, he that keepeth Iſrael: ſhall neither fluinber 102 fleep, 5 Whe Low himlelle is thy keeper: the Lord is thy defence pon thyright hand. 6 BSothat the Sunne thall not burne thee by Day neither the Doone by night. 4 7 Whe Lor ſhallpeeſerue thee from all out pea, itigeuen he that allt —* iby foule. Se = | Morning NL Oneth. ke The xxvy. day. Lætatus ſum. Pfal.122. ] was qladiwhen they ſaid vnto me: we will goe into the boule of tiie Lord. 2 Our keet ſhal and in thy gates:D Hieruſalem. 3 Hierufalemis butloed aga Citp; thatis at buts tyin itſelle. Fothither the Cribes goe vp euen the Cribes ofthe Loed: to teſtifie vnto Iſrael,to giue thanus bi tothe Mame of the Lord. 5 Foz thereis the ſeate of Judgement: euen the feate ofthe houſe ot Dauid. 6 MD pray loꝛthe peace of Hieruſalem: they hall. — that loue thee. Peace be within thy walls: and plenteouſnes within thp palaces. $ Ffo2rmypbzethzen andcompanions fakes : J wil wich thee proſperitie. 9 Pea, becaule of the boule of the Loꝛd our God: J wil leeke to do thee good. Ad te leuaui oculos. Pſal, 123. V S20 thee lift J bp mine exes: D thou ehat dwel⸗ efi in the heauens, | 2 Bebhold,eucn asthe eves offeruantsi{ooke puto the band of their mafters.and as he eves of a maiden pntotheband of Dir miffrifie: eucn ſo our eyes watt. vpon the Lord our God, vntill he haue mercy bpo bs. . 3 Haue mercy vpon vs, D Lord, haue mercy bps on bS 3 fo2 we are vtterly deſpiſed. 4 Dur foule ts filled w the icornetul repzoofe of the weealthr: and with the Defpittuinelie of the prꝛoud. -Nifiguia Dominus,. Pfal.124, “ma — Rif the Lord himtelte had not bene Che Lord tail — thy going out and thy “comming in: from this time fort for cuernioze. ‘F the Lord hemteite hav noc bene onour fine (new yi te oe )) Euening ‘We prayer. Moneth. The xxvij.day. on our Gide, when men role bp aga ink bs. 2 Ghephadlwallowed bs bp quiche ; when — woere ſo wrath fully diſpleaſed at bs. 3 Pea, the waters haddzowned 8:4 the Greame - Yad gone ouer our ſoule. Cie deepe waters ofthe proud: had gone euen ouer our ſoule. 5 But pratler be the Lord: which hath not giuen bs ouer foz a pꝛaye vnto their teeth. 6 Dur loule is efcaped, euen as a birdoutofshe “{nare of the fowler:the ſnare is broken, and wee are deltucred. 7 Our helpe fandeth in the Mame ofthe Loz: which hath made Heauen and earty, Quiconfidunt. Pfal.125. T Hep that put their tru in the 102d, hall be euen as (he mount Sion: which map not be remoued, ‘Dut Fandech fat fo2 euer. 2 he bils Cand about Dierutalem: euen fo ſtan⸗ deth the Lord round about his people, from this time Forth fo2 euermoꝛe. 3 Fortherod of the vngodly commeth not into the lot of the righteous: leaf the righteous put their Hand vnto wickedneffe, 4 Moe well.D Losw:bnto thofe that be good and true of peart. 5 Qs for tach as turne back vnto their owne wic⸗ _ Bedhes : the 029 hati tead them forth with the euill ~ Doers, but peace halbe bpon Iſrael. Inconwertendo. Pfal.r26. a nw pe») a \" Sion then were we like bnto themp deame. ther : -andour tongue with top. - 3 Then laid cher among oe — a ake Den the Lozd turned againe the captiutticof 2 Shen was our mouth filled withlaugy: 4s ha * one * things foz them. co ~ The xxvij. day: | 4 Pea,the Lozd hath Done great things for 8 als reaby: : whereok we reioyce. 5 «Turneour Captiutty,D Loꝛd:as the rivers its J the South. 1 6 icy that ſow in teares: ſhall reape in top. | 7 PHethatnow goeth on His way weeping, and beareth forth good feed : hall doubtleſſe come againe with toy, and bring bis ſheaues with bim, NifiDominus. Pfal,12 F Peeve the £ od build the houſe:their labour is but lof that buildit. 2 Except the Lord keepe the city: the watchmert waketh but in vaine. 3 It is but lot labour that ye hat to rife bp ears {p,and fo late take reſt, and eate the bzead of carefuls neſſe: fo2 fo be qtueth bts beloued fieepe. 4 Loe, children and the fruit ofthe wombe: are an heritage and gift thatcommeth ofthe L020. 5 Pikeas the arrowesin the hand ofthe Giant: euen ſo are the pong chilozen. | 6 Papppistbemanthat bath bis quiuer full of them :thep hall not bee ahamed when thep fpeake Weve their enemtes in the gate. Beatiomnes, Pf{al 128. Leſſed are ait they that feare the Loꝛd: and walke an his wares. Foꝛ thou thalt eate the labours of thine hands: 4 D well is thee,and bappy ſhalt thou be, Js Chy wife hall be ag the fruitfull bine: vpon thiwales of thine houſe. Thy a ah like the Oliue branches : ; round aboit thy table, La el — man be — that fearet h ——— 6 Wye Low froin out ‘of Sion thatt fo — ees — ſhalt ſee Hieruſalem inpꝛoſperitie alt. thy : life tong. . > Pea,that thou halt fee thy childeens childꝛen: arid peace vpon Iſrael. Sæpe expugnauerunt. Pfal.129. M Anya time baue they fought again mee from my youth bp : may Iſrael now fay, 2 Dea, manypa time haue they dered me from my pouth op: but thep baue not prevailed againt me. 2 Che plowers plowed vpon my backe: and made long furrowes. 4 But the righteous Lord:hath hewen the ſnares ofthe vngodly in pieces. 5 ‘Let them be confounded and turned backward: as many ashaue eutlitotilat Sion, 6 Letthem be euen as graſſe growing bponthe houle Cops: which withereth alore tt be plucked bp. 7 Whereokthe mower filleth not bis hand: nei⸗ ther be that bindeth bp the heaues, bis boſome. 8 Sothat they which goe by, fay not fo much as Che Lord proſper vou:we with pou good lucke inthe Mame of the Lord. De profundis. Plal. 130. €3 ait ofthe deepe hatte F called onto tice, D Lo: Lo2d heare mp voyce. | 2 Db ict thine eaves contider well: the bopce of mp coniplaint, | 3 Ifthou Lod wilt bee evtremetomarkemine 7 is done amiffe : D Lo2d, who may abide it? J 4 Foꝛ there is mercie with thee: therelore Halt. thoube feared. J 5 Iloohe forthe Lord, my ſoule doeth wate fſ fy bim : in his word is my truſt. | 6 My loule decth vnto the Lod; befoze ait sg | ng. oS Moneth. gait xxvii *8 ning watch, J lay, before the morning watch. 7 O Itrael truſt in the Loꝛd, for with the Low there tg mercy:a with him is plenteous redemption, 8 And be Hal redeeme Iſrael: from all his ſinnes. Domine,noneft, Pſal. 131. ‘Leng am not high minded : J haue no proude lookes. 2 Idoe not exerciſe my ſelfe in great matters: — ate too high fo2 me. 3 But Jrefraine wy foule, and keepe tt low, like as achilde that is weaned from His mother : pea, mp ſoule is euen asa weaned childe. 4 D Iſrael truſt in the Loꝛd:from this time lorth fo2 euermoꝛe. Memento Domine. Plſal. 132. VOꝛdremember Dauid: and ail his trouble, Motning Altes 2 Powhe ware onto the Lord:a bowed Prayer. a vow vnto the Aimighty Good of Jacob. 3 FB wilinotcome within the tabernacle of mune — 1102 clime bp into my bed. J will not tuffer mine epes to ileepe , tor mine eve tidg fo ſſumber: either the temples of mp bead totake any reff. 5 untilJ finde out a place fo2 the Cemple ofthe «Lord: an habitation fo2 the mighty God ol Jacob. " 6 ‘foe, we heard of the fame at Ephrata: and | 4 p found it in the wood, 4 We will goe into his Cabernacie: and fall tow on our knees befoze bis footſtoole. 8 Atile,D Loo, into thy reſling place: thou and the Arke ofthy ſtrength. 9 Letthy Prieks be clothed with righteoutnes : and let thy Satuts fing with ioylulneſſe. | 10 For thyleruant Dauids fake; turne not away [= cs ‘the preſence of thine oie — a4 13 BG oo as W 2 —* od “Fa. Wee ie Manet bie le xxviij.da 11 The Lord hath made a faithful othe vnto Da⸗ tid 2 and He ſhall not ſhrinke from it. i2 Of the fruit of thy body hal F fet bponthy fear, 13 Ikthychildzen wil keepe wycouenant and u teſtimoniesthat J ſhall tearne them : their childzen alſo fhall {tt bpon thy ſeat forꝛeuermoꝛre. Sa 14 02 the Lozd hath chofen Sion to bean habi⸗ tation fo2 biméelfe: He bath longed fo2 her. 15 Chis thalbe my ref tor euer:here will dwell, for Jhaue a delight therein, q 16 J will biefle Her bitailes With increafe:and = wilifati(fie her pooze with bzead. 17 F will decke ber Prieſts with Health: and her Saints hall retopce and fing. 18 Chere hall J make the horne of Maid to flows riſh: Jhaue ordeined a lanterne fo2 mine anointed, 19 Qs fo2 bis enemies, J thali clothe them with fhame : but bpon bimlelfe hall his crotone flouriſh. Ecce quambonum. Pfal. 133. Pebold.bow good anDdtopful athing it is:brethren to dwell together tn vnitie. 2 It is like the pꝛecious ointment vpon the head that ranne downe vnto the beard: euen vnto Aarons beard, and went dovone to thefhirts ofhis clothing. 3 Likeas the dew of Hermon: which kell ppon the bill of Sion. 4 4 forthere the Lord promifedbis bleſſing: and life fo2 euermoze, | Eccenunc. Pfal. 13 34. Bf — ———— praiſe the Lod: all ve ſeruants of the rt De that by night fand inthe boute of the Lord⸗ euen in the Courts ofthe boule of our God. J— Litt bp your handes in the Sanctuary; and —* the set iy Favela Ghe cord ehatmade heauen and Death giue thee biefling cutofSion, — Laudatenomen. Pfal 13 | O Pꝛaiſe the Low, laud pe the Paine of che Lord: pꝛaiſe it, O pe ſeruants of the Lord. 2 Pe that ſtand in the houſe of the 102d: in the Courts of che boule ofour God, _ 3 Mpratle the Lo2d,foz the Lozdis gracious: D ung praiſes vnto bis Mame,fo2 it is louely. Foz why? the Lord bath choſen Jacob vnto binntelte: and Iſrael for his ovone polſſeſſion. 5 Foz Iknow that the Lord ts great:and that Our Lod is aboue all gods. 6 Whatiocuer the Lozd pleated, that did He in hea: uen and inearth : andin the ſea, einatldeepe places, 7 Hebringeth forth the clouds from the ends of the world sano (endeth foorth lightnings wi ) the raine binging tye winds out ofhistreafures. 8 Heſlmote the firſt boꝛne of Egypt: both of man and beaſt. 9 He hath ſent tokens g wonders into the midſt ofthee, D thouland of Egypt: vpon Pharao and all his ſeruants. Sheth De finote diuers nations ; and few mighty ngs Tie Sehon hing of the Amoꝛites, am 6 the fing. — Of Baſan: and all the bingdomes of Canaan, 12 And gaue their land to be ati heritage: euen an Heritage vnto Itrael his people. F 13 Chp Name, DO Lord,endureth ertſo doth thy memoꝛial.O Lozd, fro one generatio to another, org ‘for * Lord will auenge his people: and bee ntok 15 Ss OrtHeimages of che heachen they are but gold; the — okmens —— ome Gan Og 3 cher er —— _ prayer, | Evening &S hig mercie endtivech oreuer. Moneth. Ihexxvij.day. 16 They haue mouthes, and fpeake not; eveshatie they, but they fee not. 3 17 They haue eares, and pet they Heare not: nei⸗ ther there ig any bacath iniheir mouthes, 18 Ghep that make them, arclike vnto them: and foare all they that put their truſt tu them. 19 P2atle the Lod ye Houle of Iſrael: praile the Loꝛd pe houſe of Aaron. 3 20 Pꝛaile the Lod pehoute of Leut: ve that feare the Loꝛd.paaiſe the Loꝛd. 21 Pꝛailed be the L ozdout of Sion: which wel: leth at pera | Confitemini, Pfal136. SIM Giue thankes onto the Lord. ſfor hee is COA gracious:¢ his mercy endureth forever. aE 2 Dagtue thankes vnto the god of XGA VAN al gods:fo2 hig mercy endureth foz ever, GION 3. Dtbhanke the Lord ofallozas:foz its mercie endureth foz ever, 4 Wyhich onely doth areat wonders: foe big nets cic endur eth for euer. 5 Which byhis Cee ene ene mabe the heas uens: fo2 bis mercy endureth foz ever. 6 Which lapde out the earth aboue the waters: fo2 big mercie endureth foe ever, 7 tabichbath made great iights: lor his merch endureth for cuer, $ Che Sunne torule tye dap: kor his mercy en· dureth for euer. CThe Moone and the ctarres fo gouerve the night: fo2 bis mercp endureth fo2 ever. 10 UBHich {mote Egypt witty cheir first boyns:for His mercy endureth foz ever, | Lr Andbeought out Iſrael fromamongthem:fos 12 With J Moneth. The xxviij day. 12 Witha mighty hand and ſtretched out arme: foz his mercie endureth foꝛeuer. _ 13 Which deuided the red Seca in two parts: ſoꝛ His mercy endureth fo2 euer. 14 And made Iſrael to goe thozoto the midoeſt of i; for bis mercy endureth for ever. 15 Mut as fo2 Pharao and his hott, be ouerthzeto them in the red Seca; fo; his mercy endureth foz ever. 16 Which led his people thozow the wilderneſſe: for bis mercy endureth fo2 euer. : 17 wWhich finote great Kings: fo2 hig mercy endu⸗ reth fo2euer, 18 Nea, and ſlewe mighty Kings:foz his mercy endureth kor euer. 19 Sehon hing ofthe Amorites:foꝛ his mercy en⸗ dureth Foz etter, 20 And Og the Hing of Balan: fo2 His mercy ere dureth fo2 euer, * 21 Andgaueaway their land foꝛ art heritage: fog His mercy endureth fo2 ever. 22 Euen for an heritage vnto Iſrael his ſeruant: fo2 bis mercy endureth fo2 euer. muy 23 Which remembred bs when we Were in trou⸗ Die:fo2 bis mercy endureth foreuer. 24 Andbhath deliucred bs from our enemies: fog his mercy endureth fo2 ever. 25 Which giuech foode to all fet: lor His mercie endureth fo2 ever, | 26 D Giue thanks vnto the God ofheauen:foz His Mercy endureth fo2 ever. 27 OGiue thanks vnto the Lod of loꝛds: for His mercy endureth foz euer. | ; : Super flumina. Pfai,137. P the waters of Babylon ie fate Downe a wept: ’ When Wweremembzed — Sion. — — ——— 4 2 Qsforour bates: wwe panged te n bp: yon the trees that aretherett. 3° for thep that led os awap captiue required of | Hs thea fong and melody in our heauiueſſe fing vs as) of thefongs of Sien pow ſhal we ſing tie Lords ſong: in a firange ia nines if age BEG forget thee, O ierufatem: let mp right hand forget ber cunning, 6 Fiz doe not remember thee, tee my tongue cleaue to the rooſe of my mouth:vea it I preterre not Hieruſalem in mp mirth. 7 - Remember the children ok Edom, D Lord; in the day of Hieruſalem: bow they ſayd, Towne with) it, downe withit,eucntothe ground, 8 Mdaughter of Babylon, waked with milerie: yea, happie hailice be that rewardeth hee ag thou haſt ſerued vs. 9 Blelled thal he be that takeththy chilogen: : ae throweth them againtt the ſtones. Coafiteborx tibi. Pfal 1 38. [mit giuet thanks vnto thee,D Lod with mp whote heart:euẽ befoze pᷣ gods mill F fing praiſe vnto thee. 2 J will wozship toward thy holy Cemple.and pꝛaiſe thy Name, becauſe of chy louing kindnelle and cructh :fo2 Chou yal magnified thy Mame, andeyy — word aboue ail things. 3 When Jcallep bponthee, thon beardet ner and induedſt my foule with much ſtrength. 4° Ailthe Kings ofthe earth tal praiſe thee, O Loꝛd: fo2 they haue heard the words of hy mouth. Dea, they hail fing in the wares of the Lod; that great is the glory of the ow. 4— FfFodꝛ though pᷣ Lord be hie yet hath beretpect onto — the prꝛoud he i te city — | i ae — in * mids of —— pet fhalt thou refreſh me : thou fhalt ſtretch foorth thine Hand vpon the furtouinelle of ming enemies, and thy right hand hail ſaueme. 8 Whe Lo2d halmatie good his louing hindneſſe toward me: yea, thy mercie, D Lod, endureth for e⸗ uer, delpile not thenthe works of thine owne —— | ‘Domine,probatti, Pſal 139. Tans Lord thou batt fearchea me out.and ino wer ~ mine bp2ifing, thou vnderſtandelt my iv —— before. 2 Chou art about mppath, and about mp bed; and {piel out ali my wayes. 3 Ffo2loc, there is nota Wosdin my tongue: but thou; Lord, knowel tt altogether. 4 Thoubak fathioned me behind and before: and. layd thine band bpon ine. 5 Such knowledge ts too wonderfull and ercets {ent fozme :F cannot attatne vnto it. 6 Whither hal FZ go then from thyſpirit: oꝛ whi⸗ ther hall Igoe then trom thypreſence? 7 StF cliunbe bp into heauen, thou art there: if ‘4 coc downe fo bell,thou art there aifo. 8 IkJ take the wings of the morning: and re⸗ maine in the vttermoſt parts of the Seca, 9 Euen there allo hal thy handiead me: and thy righthand ſhall oid me, (10 Jef fap, Peraduenture the darknelle hall coe Hermie: Chen hall mp night be turned today. 11 Peathe darkenelſe isnodarkenefle with thee, but the nightisas cleare as the dap: the darkenelſe and light to thee are both alike. 312. Formy reines are thine; on pat —— me in my ~iggugial wombe,. me: thou knoweſt my Downe fitting, and —— AVEOHCUs RHC AALA GAY, — 13 J will giue thankes vnto thee, fo2 Fam feare: fullp and wonderfully made : marueilous arethy a workes,and that mp foule knoweth right well. | 14 My bones are not hid from thee : though F be made fecretlp, and faſhioned beneath tn the earth. 15 Chineepes did lſee my fubffance , pet being bus perlect: ein thy booke were al mp members weitten. 16 Which dap by dap Were fathioned : oben as yet thete was none of them, : 17 How Deare are thy counfailes bute me,D God: D how great ts the ſumme of them? 18 If Itell them, they ave moe in number ther ’ the fand: when F wake vp. Jam prefent with thee. F 19 Wilt thou not flap the wicked, D God: depare : from me pe bloodthivitie men. a 20 Foꝛ they ſpeake ag againſt thee: andthine enemies take thy Mame tn baine, | 21 Woe not F hate them, D Lozd. that hate thee: d am not Igrieued with thofe that rifebp againt chee? 4 22 Pea, Phate them right ſore: euen as thougy they were mine enemies. 23 Tryme, O God, and ſeeke the ground of my heart: prooue we,and examine my thoughts. 24 Looke welif there bee anp way of wickedneſſe in me: andicad mein the way euerlaſting. Eripemedomine. Pfal.14o. D Eliuer me, O 02d, from the eutll matt: and pees ſerue me krom tbe wicked man, 2 Which imagine mifchiefe in their hearts:and ſtirre bp ſtrite all the day long. ae Chey haue thharpened their tongues tthe a ſer⸗ pent: Adders poifon is vnder their tips. 4 Teepe me, D Lord, fromthe hands of the bus godly: preſerue me from the wicked men, Which are purpoted to ouerthꝛow my goings, 5 The me Moneth. The xxix.day. § The proud yauelapda {are fo2 wie,and ſpread nel ahjoad with cords: pea, fet traps in mp wap. 6 ‘J faio onto the Loz.chou art my God: beare the bopce of my prayers, Lo2d. 7 OL0d God, tyou frength of my health : thou — couered mp head in the day of battell. Let not the vngodly haue his deſire, O Lod: * riot His mifchicuous imagination prolper, leg they be too pzoun. 9 ‘Lethe mifchieke oftheir owne lips fall-bpor the bead of them: that compaſſe me about. 10 {Let hot burning coles fal bpon them: let them be caft into the fire, and into the pit, that thep neuer rile bp againe. 1r Amat fullofivo2zds hall not profger vpon the Oa zeuil (hai bunt the wicked perfon to ouerthꝛow m. 12 Sure J am that the Lord will auenge the pooꝛe: andimaintaine the caufe of the helpleſſe. 13. The righteous allo hall gtue thanks buto thy ame: and — iuſt Hall continue in thy fight. Domine, clamaui. Pfal.141. Lae. ‚J call bpon thee, bate thee onto mesand nfider my voyce when FZ cry vnto thee. 2 Let mpypraper be let koorth inthy ight, asthe - tncenfe: andiet the lifting op of mp bandes be an E⸗ Renting facrifice. «33 Seta watch, D Loyd, belore mp mouth sand Beepe the dooze of my lips, 4 Olet not mine heart be enclined to any euill thing:let me not be occupied in vngodly works, with the men that worke wickedneſſe, tet J eate of luch things as pleaſe them. 5 Letthe righteoussatier nite me lriendiy and reproo —— ͤBut ~ Moneth. The xxix day. . 6 Gut ict not cheir preciousbalmes breake mine ‘Head: pea ,F will pray pecagaing their wickedneſſe. 7 Let their Judges be ouerthrowen in ſtony pla⸗ ces: p thep may heare mp words. for theparetweet. 8 WDurbones lye fcattered befoze the pit: {ike as when one breaketh ehemweth wood vpon the earth. 9 But mine eres looke vnto thee, O L020 God: int thee is my tru, Ocaſt not out mp ſoule. 10 Heepe me from the ſnare that they haue lard foz tite: and from tye traps of the wicked Doers. ; 11 Letthe vngodly fall into their one J to⸗ gether: and let me euer eſcape them. 4% VocemeaadDominum, Pfal142. Ly, By) (ea Crped vnto the L020 with mp voyce: pea, oy es euen vnto the Lord did Jmane mp ſupplica⸗ 2 | powꝛed out my complaints before Hitt: and ſhewed him of my trouble. 3 When myſpirit was in heauineſſe, thou knew: et mp pati: inthe wap wherein FZ walked, baue ther pꝛiuily laid a ſnare for me. ay 4 Ilooked alſo vpon my right band ;: and ſawe there was no man that would know me, 5 ‘3 bad no place totlee vnto:and no man cared fo2 my toute, - 6 Ycerpedhnto thee, D Lod andflapd: thou art my Hope and my portion tn the land of the liuing. 7 — complaint:toꝛ Jam brꝛought be: rxio 8 ODdeliuer me from my perlecutors· for they aretoo ſtrong foz me. 9. Gring my foule out of priton that J may giue thankes vnto thy Mame: which thing tf thou wilt — Grant me, then ſhall the righteous reſort vnto my⸗ — ibe a Be Ys | ‘Domine d * 1h ae ys 7 ae eS eee eet ul —— ‘ ‘ | : MP sages Domine,exaudi. Pfal,143. H Care my prapyer,D Lod, and conũder my deſire: - *pearken vnto me for thy Cructh and riahteoul: — 2 And enter not into indgement with thp fers uant : fo2 in thy fight hall no man liuing be tuftifien, 3 Foz theenemie Hath perfecuted my foule, hee Hath (mitten mp life Downe to the ground: bee bath lavyd me in the darkenes, asthe men that haue beene long dead, As — 4CThereloze is my ſpirit vexed within mee: and “mp heart within me is deldiate. 5 Petdo Jrememberthe time paſt. JImuſe vpon all thy workes: vea, Jexerciſe my ſelte in thy workes ofthpbands. - . bot Ree rer 6 Fretch foozth my hands vnto thee: mp foule gaſpeth bnto thee as a thirſtie land. — 7 Heare me, O Lozd, and that ſoone, foꝛ mp ſpirit wareth kaint: bide not thy face from me, leſt Jbe like vnto them that goe Downe into the pit. 8 Olet me heare thy louing kindneſſe betimes in the mozning, foz in thee is my tru: thew thou me the way that Jſhould walkie tn, for Jlitt bp mp foule vnto thee. 9 Deliuer me, D Lod, from mine enemies ; foz J fliebntotheetobideme, 10 Geach me to doe the thing that pleatety thee, forthou artmp God: let thyloutng ſpirit leade mee foo2th into the land of righteoufeffe. 11 Quicken me, O Lozd, for thy ames fake: and fo2 He righteouſneſſe fake bing my foule out of trouble, 12 Snd of thy goodnelle flay mine enemies: and deftrop all them that bere my foute,foz Jam thy ſer⸗ uant, ; Benedictus if See Rw ERO A d—— bi | _ Benedictus Dominus ~ Pfal. r A ‘ | _ Morning Leſſed be the Lord myſtrength: which teach⸗ prayer. eth mp hands to warre, a my fingers to fight. A 2 My hopeand mp foztrefle,myp cate and Deliuerer: my defender, in whom FZ trud, which ſub⸗ dueth my people thatis vnder me, 3 Lod, whatis man that > bak tuck relpect bu: to him:orthe lon of man that thou fo reqardet him 4 «Manis ithe a thing of nought:his time paſſeth away like a ſhadow. | 5Bow the heauens. D Lozd, and come downe: fouch the motuntaines,and they thatl ſmobke. | 6 Call fosth thy lightnitig , andteare them: hoot out thine arrowes, and conſume them, | 7 Send downethine band from above: deliuer me, and take meout ofthe great waters, from the hand of frange children. 8 bole mouth talketh of vanitie: and their right band ig aright hand of wickedneſſe. F 9 BJ willfing a new fong vnto thee, O God: and ſing praiſes vnto thee bpon a ten fringed Lute, 10 Ghou hall giuen victory onto hings:¢ balk de- liuered Dauid thy feruant fro che pertil of the ſword. x1 Saue mee, and deliver mee from the Hand of ſtrange children: whoſe mouth talketh of bantty.and their right hand is a right hand of iniquitie 12 Chat our ſonnes may grow bp as the vong plants: and thatour daughters may bee as the po- liſhed cozners of the Cemple. 13 That ouv garners may bee fall and plenteous withall manner of fo2e: that our ſheepe may bring forth thoufands,and ten thoufands tn our ſtreets. 14 That our orenmay be trong to labour, that there be no decay: no leading into captiuitie and no complayning tn our ſtreets. ae | 15 Pappp =} =e oS oe “ten are vothe ——— in peepee vea,bilet ‘fedare the people which Haue the Lord foz their Good, --ExaltraboteDeus. Pfal.t a magniſfie thee, D God, my hing: and Jwill — thy Mame fo2 euer and euer. Euerpdarp will Igiue thankes bnto thee: and praite thy Mame ſor euer and euer. 3 Great is the Lord, and marueilous worthy to be praiſed: there is no end of bis greatnelſſe. 4 Mune generation hall praife thy workes vnto another: and declare thp power, 5 Astor me,F willbe talking of thy worſhip: tip glory, thy praifle and wonderous workes. 6 So that men thall {peake ofthe might of thy. marueilous acts: and J will alfo tellof thy greatnes. 7 The memoziall of thine abundant kindneſſe ſhalbe the wed: andimen ſhall fing of thy rightcoutnes. 8 Che Lordis gracious andmercifull tong tuts ht = 5 of great goodneſſe. Che Lord is loutng vnto euery man: and his merep is ouer all bis workes. 10 All thy workes praile thee, D Lod: and thp - Haines gine thankes vnto thee, : tr Chey ſhew the glory of thy kingdom: and talke otthypower. 13 Ghat thy power, thyglory, and mightineſſe of thy Bingdome : might be hnowen bnto men, 13 Thy kingdome is an euerlaſting kingdome: and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages. 14 The Low vpholdeth all ſuch as fall:and liſteth bp ail thole that be downe. 15 Che epesof ali waite pon thee,D Lord: and thou giueſt them their meate in due ſeaſon. 6 Thou openett thine hand;and filles all things : —— 17 Che HiONeCTH. 1InNnexxx. Gay 17 The Lord ts — in all hig wares : and | holy ta all His workes. 13 Che Lord is nigh onto all them that call vpon him: pea,alt fuch as call bpon Him fattyfully, 19 He wil kullill the defire of them that feare him: he alfo will heare theircry, and will Helpe them. 20 Che Lod preſerueth all them that toue him: but ſcattereth abrꝛoad allthe vngodly. 21 Myp mouth ſhall ſpeake the pratte ofthe Loꝛd: audiet all fleſh giue thankes vnto bis holy Mame for euer and euer. Lauda anima mea. Pfal.146. 1 P Raiſe the Loꝛd, O mp foule, while Jliue, will F peatfe the Loꝛd: rea,astongas Jhaue any being, FJ willfing praties vnto mp God. 2 @D put not pour truſt in princes, noꝛ in anp childe of man : £02 there ts no belpe in them. 3 Foz when che breath of man goety foorth bee (hail turne againe to his earth : and then all bis thoughts perth, 7 4 Wlelledis he that hath the god of Jacob foꝛ his helpe: and whole hope tg in the 2020 His God, 5 Which made beauenandecarth, thefea and all that therein is: which keepeth his promifefozeucr, — 6 Which belpeth them to right that tuffer wrong: 7) which feedeth the hunary. 7 7 The Lord — men out ofpriſon: the Lord giueth ſight to theblinde. g Che Loꝛd helpeth them that are fallen : the Lod careth fo2 the righteous, 9 Whe Lozdcarety fo2 the frangers, he defert beth the fatheriefic and iwidow: as toz the way ob tbe | bugodip he turnech tt vpſide downe. 10 The Lord thy God, O Sion, hallbe Bing for euermore:and throughout all generations, | a Laudate | i edad —— * Plſala⸗7. and pleaſant thing it is to be thankefull. 2 Che Lod bothbuild bp Hieruſalem: ~ and gather together. outcatts of Iſrael. 3 Hehealeth thole that are beoken in heart: and sitet medicine to heale their ſickneſſe. 4 Pee telleth the number. ofthe ſtarres: and cals leth them all by their names. 5 Great is our Loꝛd,and great is bis power: yea, and bis wiſedome is infinite. 6 Che Lord fetteth bp the aries and bringeth the vngodiy downe to the ground 7 Diag vnto the Lod — thankefgiuing: fing praples bpon the barpe vnto our God, 8 Which covereth the heauen with cloudes,¢: pre⸗ pareth vaine forthe: earth:and maketh the gratſe te grow bpon the mountaines.¢ herbe for the ble of men. 9 Wyhich giueth fodder onto the cattell: and fees deththe voung rauens that call vpon hin. © ro He hath no pleaſure inthe itrength.of anhorle: Neither delighteth he in any mans legs. fea Hut the Lordsdeliahtisin them that feave him: and put their cruftin big mercy. i) * \ —4 i — 4 7 2 J * yA )} + Se SEY, cy 12, Prarle the Word, O Jerulalem prayſe thy God, fort, 13 Foꝛ he hath made fall the barres of thy gates: and bath bleſſed thy childzen within thee, -» 14. Be maketh peaceinthy boaders:and filleth chee with the floureofwheate. 15 Helendeth foorth bis Commatundement vpon earth: and his word runneth berv{wittly, 16 Pee giueth {now like wool: and ſcattereth the 5 life aches. — EE a ne ee 2 Paꝛarte the Lord, torit is a oo bin — fing prayſes vnto our God pea, a ioyfull Prayer. © a 17 Be Moneth. i ne xXxx¥.day, 17 Wecatteth st spe ie mone: wyers — ble to abide his fro 18 Hefendeth a his word and melteth there bloweth with bis winde,and the waters flow. 19 Hetheweth his word brito Jacob : his fatute and ovdinances bnto Ffrael.: 20. De. path not deattfo with any nation: —— baue the heathen knowledge ofhis Lawes, LaudateDominum. Pfal. 148, : QO Pꝛaite the Lord of heauen:pꝛaiſe him in bd height — 2Pꝛaiie him all ye angels of bis: praile bint all his hoſte. 3 Pꝛailſe him Sunne and MWoone-praite him at ye farres and Ligne. 4 praileHim all pe heauens:and ye waters that. be aboue the beauens, | 5 Leethempratte the Mame of the Lord: lor hee | fpake the wozd.and they were made, be commanded and they were created. 6 He hath made thentfaft for euer and euer: bee bath giuen them a Law which hallnotbebzoken, 7 Pratle the Loꝛd bponearth: pee dzagonsand: — all deepes. 8: fire andhaile, note and bapours: winde and: forme fulfilling big 1020. a Mountaines and all biis:fruitiatl trees, and: ali Cedars ; 10 Beatle and ail cattell: wormes, and feathered: oules. II ings ofthe earth.and all people: princes and ali Judges of the world. 12 Pong men and mapdens,old men and children pꝛaiſe the Name ofthe Lord:for His name onelp ts excellent, and bis peaife aboueheauenandearth, 13 Heſhall exalt the horne of big people. —* et — ~ Mioneth,. I. — enaints {hal pꝛaiſe Him: euen * ein of fh Ate even the people that ſerueth him. Cantate Domino. Pfal.r 49. —— tie Lozd a new ſong: lec the Congre⸗ gation of Saints praiſe him. 2 Let Ilſrael reioyce in him that made him: and let the children of Sion be ioyfull in their Ling. 3 Let them praiſe bis Name in che dance:let them fing pꝛaiſes vnto him with Tabret and Darpe. 4 forthe Lord hath pleaſure in bis peopie: and Heipethy the meeke Hearted. Let the Saints be topfull with glory: tet them reioyce in their beads. 6 “Let thepzayples of God be tu their mouth: and Atwo edged ſword in their hands. 7 Tobe avenged of the heathen: andto rebuke the people. - 8 Tobinde thetr kings in chaynes: andtheir no⸗ bles With links of yron. , 9 That they may bee auenged okthem, as it is swzitten :fueb bontour bau altbig Saints. LaudateDominum. Pfal.tso. ih} O Praile God in his holinelſe:prailſe him in the firs ; mamentofhis power. } 2 Paaple htm in hignoble acts: praile him accor ⸗ Ding to bts excellent greatneſſe. 3 Peaiſe him inthe found of (he Crumpet:peatte Him vpon the Lute and Harpe. ak : 4 Pravle him in the Combat ig and Dances: praiſe “Him vpon the ſtrings and pipe. 5Pꝛavyſe him vpon the well tuned Cymbais: * him vpon the lowd Cymbals. Se 6 High euery thing that hath mea i (he. i FINIS. | i Hh. « Cee. fic andpeaite thee euerlaſtingly. And alſo that @ Wertaine SOay prayerstO De Vieques | forfixidry purpofes.. 2°) ee @ Agenerall confefsion of finneste be faid: euery Morning. PANS Almighty God our beauenly Father, cone Ee ‘feffe and acknowledge ; that Jam a miferas asso Dicand a wretched finer , and bane mantfola Iwapes mot grieuoully tranfgrefied (by mol godly Commaundements, through wicked thoughts, vn⸗ godly luftes, ſinfull words and deeds, committer all my vopoleitie, In ſinne am 4 bone and conceiued, and there ts no goodneſſe ta me, in as much as if thon ſhouldeſt ewter into thy narrow iudaement with nie, indging me according bnto the fame, F were neuer a bie to ſuffer and abideit ;,but mu needs perth and be Damned foz euer ; So tittle: belpe comfort oz ſuccour is there either in me, oꝛ in anyother creatures. One ty this is my comfoꝛt, D beauenty father , that thou diddeſt wot {pare thy onely deare beloued Sonne, Dut diddeſt giue him bp vnto the moſt bitter and moſt bile and ſſaunderous death of the Crofiefor me, that Hee might ſo pay the ranfome of my ſinnes, fatiffie thy tudgement, frill and pacifie thp wath, reconcile inc againe vnto thee,. andpurchalewme thy qrace and fauotir, andeuerlafting life. wherefore theoughthe merit of bis mot bitter death and paflion,and thos · row bisinnocentbloarhedding, Fbefeech thee, D ~ heauenly father, thatthou wilt bouchlafe tobe qras ⸗ cious and mercifult onto mee, to forgive and pardon ne all myſinnes; to lighten my heart with tip holx Spivit, to renew, confirmeand Frengtben ime witha right and perfect faith,and toenflame meinitouctos ward thee and myneighbour,that J mayhenceloorth witha willing a glad heart walkie, as tt becommeth me,in thy mot godly Commandements, and eae map: with with afree confcience, a quiet heart in all maner of tens tations, atiictions 02 neceflities, and eucn inthe very pangs ofdeaty, cry bodily a merily onto thee,andfayp, 1 beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of heauen and earth,and in Iefus Chrift, &c. But. D. Lod God heauenly Father,to comfort my ſelte in affliction and temptation with thefe Articles of the Chriltian fatth.ttis notin my power, fo2 faith is thy ath: aud foratmuch as thou wilit be prayed vnto, and called bpon fo2 it, Fj come vnto thee, to pray and beleech thee , both fo2 that and for allother my neceflities, euen as thydearely beloued Sonne our Sauiour Jeſus Chꝛeiſt himſelte hath taught bs, And from the bery bottome of mp heart Icry andfay, Out Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, &c. ©) 40 4 Aprayerto be faidinthe Morning, <" © Mercitull Lord God heauenty father, Irender moſt high laudes, pratte and thanks bnto thee,that Chou bak pzelerued me boty this night.and al the times and dayes of mp life hitherto Sider thy protecttow, and halſt ſuffered me to liue vntill thispzelent houre, Andy beſeechthee heartily, that thou wilt bouchfate to ves ceiue me this day, and the reſidue of my whole itfe from Henceforth into thy tuition, ruling and qouerning mee —- LOCH hy Holy Spirit, chat all manner ofdarkenelle; of muilbeliefe inſidelity, andofcarnalltutsand affections map be otteriy chafed and dritten out of my heart, and that FZ may bee iuſtified and faued both body and foule through aright ¢ perfect faith, and ſo walke in the tight of thy mot godlytrueth to thy glozp and peaple , andto thepofite and furtherance of myp neighbour, through Jeſus Chriſt our Lozdand Sautour.amen, -— A Li pofitble thankes that we are able, we render bite tothee,D Loꝛd Jeſus Ch2if,foz that thou balk wil⸗ led this night pat to be profperous vnto vs:and we bes fo3 _f WSS he me — —“ ſeech thee ſiikewiſe to preter F this ſame day vnto vs, DY 3 ~ Godly prayers. , * a | > Woadtly prayers —— kor thy glory, afor the health of our foule,and that thon which art the true light, not knowing any going Down and which art the Sunne eternal, qtuing life, food, and gladneſſe bnto all things, boucbfate to fhine into our minds, that we may not any where fumble to fallinto any finite, but map thꝛough thy good guiding and con⸗ Ducting come to the ltée euerlaſting. Anen. Choad Jetus Chak, which art the true Sur ofthe world, euermoꝛe ariling , and neuer going Downe, which by thy mot wholefome appearing and fight, dof being foozth, preterue, nourith, and refreſh all thitigs,as wel that ave in beauen a3 allo that are on earth, we be- feech thee merctiuily and fauourably to thine into our hearts, that the night and darkeneſſe of ſinnes, and the mits ofexrogson euery ſide dꝛiuen away thou bzights iy fhining within our hearts , wee may all our litefpace go without fumbling o2 offence and mapdecentiy avd feemely walke as in the day time, being pure andcleane from tbe workes of darkenes, and abounding in allgood workes which Gos hath prepared fo2 vs to walke in. Lobish with the father and the Holy. Ghoſt, liueſt and reigneſt foz euer andeuer.Aimen, TRE Riley C) Savard Lord Jeſus Coutt, thou knowecſt, yea.and batt alfo taught bs howgreat the infirmitte and weahenes of man is,and How certaine a thing itis that it can Do nothing without thy godly belpe. Ifſman teu€ in himſelfe, itcannotbeauotded, but that he muſt xun headlong, and fall into a thouſand vndoings andmik | chiefes.Mour father, haue thou pitie and compaſſion pon the weakenes of vs thychildren; be thou peeſt and readyto helpe vs,alwaies ſhewing thy mercie vpon bs, and profpering whatſoeuer we godlygo about :fo that thou giuing vs light, we may fee what things are true⸗ Ty (ood deeds Chow encouraging bs, we may haue an earneſt deſire to che ſame: and thou being our guide. we mar Godly prayers. may come where to obtain tHE : fo2 we Hauing nothing but miſtruſt in our felucs , Bo yeeld a commit our (elucs full ¢ wyole vnto thee alone, which woke all things in alicreatures,to thy Honour and glory. So be tt. i @ Aprayer tobe ſaid at night going to bed. © Werciful Low Godheauenly Father, whether we fleepe o2 wake, liue oꝛ die, Weare alwayes thine. Wherloꝛe Jbeſeech thee hartily, that thou wilt vouch⸗ lale to take care ¢ charge of me, and not to ſuſſer mee to periſh inthe works ot darkneſſe, butte kindle the light of thy countenancetn my heart, thattby godly kvovo⸗ {edge may Daily increafe in mee, (hough aright ¢ pure faith, and that 4 may alwares bee found to walke and liue after thy wal and pleafure, though Jeſus Chriſt our Loꝛd and Sauiour. Amen, SU oa ; @ A prayercontaining the dutie of euery. | 7 true Chriftian. s | Mok mighty God, mercifulland loving Father, J Nwetched finner come vnto thee in the fame of thy dearely beloued Sonne Jeſus Chit my onely Saui⸗ ourand Redeemer: and mot humbly beleech thee for. His fake to be merctfull bntome, and fo caf all mp fing © out of thy fight and remembzance, through the merits of his bloodie death and paflion, Poto2e bpon mee, D Lord, the holy Spirit of wifedome and grace: Gouerne — andleadme by thy bolpww02ad . that it may be a lanterne vnto my feetc, and alight vnto my ſteps. Shew thy mercie vpon mee and ſo lighten the naturall blindneſſe and darkeneſſe of my heart through thy grace, that J may dayly be renewed by the fame (ptri¢ and grace: By the which, D Lo2d, purge the qrotierielfe of yp Hearing and bnderflanding, that F may profitably read. heare, and vnderſtand thy word a heauenly will, belecue, and | practife the fame in my life and conuerfation, and euer⸗ |) Mmorebotofateparbieten bopeoteuertating ite ae WPortifie Godly prayers, a Mortific a hill all dice in me, that my life may expꝛeſſe my faith in thee: mercifully heare the bumbie {uit ofthy ſeruant, ¢ avant ine thy peaccall my dayes: gractoufly pardon mine infirmities, ¢defcnd mec ty all dangers of body goods and name:but moſt chieily mp foule again allaflaults temptations, acculations fubtill batts and ſleights of that olde enemie of mankinde Satan that roaring {yon , euer feching whom he may deuoure. Andbere, D Low, Ipꝛoſtrate, with moſt bumble mind crave of thy diuine Maieltie to he mercifuil vnto the bniuerfall Church of thy Sonne Chat: And efpects ally according to mp bounden Duety beleech thee for bis lake, to bleſſe, ſaue, anddefend the principail member therof, thy feruant our moſt deare ¢ Soueragine Lod Ling James, encrealein his Koyall heart true faith, godly zeale, and toue of the ſame: and granthim bictozy _ duer all his enemies, a long profperous , and bonozable life bpon earth, a biefled end, and Wife euerlaſting. MPoreouer , D Lord, grant orto his Mateſties mok bhonozable Counfellers, aeuery other member of this thy Church of Cugland,that they and we in our feueral | callingsmar trucip and godly (erue thee: lant in our | Hearts true feare, andbonozofthy Name, obedienceto gut Prince, andloue toournetahbours:encreate in ss 4 true kaith, and Keligion: Repleniſh our minds with all i goonnefie, andoft thy great mercy keepe vs in the ſame | tillthe endof our liues: Giue bnto bs a godly scale in | praper, true humilitie in peofperitie, perfect patience int | adueritie,and continuall top in the boly Ghoſt. And latip |Z commend bnto top fatherly protection ati that thou ba giuen mee, as wiſe, children and fers uants: Ayde me, D Lord, that may gouerne, nourich and being them bp in thy feareand ferutce, Gnd fo2 as much as in this wold J mutt alwayes bee at warre and frife, not with one fore of enemies, but with an infintte Es odly prayers. inlinite number, tot onely with fleth a blood, but with the deuill which is the prince ot darkenefle, and with wicked men executors of his moſt danable will :graunt me therefoze thy grace, that being armed with thp des fence, Fmaypfand inthis battelt with an inuincible confancpagaint all cozruption, which Zam compat fed with on eueryſide, vntill {uch time as J hauing en: dedthe combat, which during thistife J mul ſuſtaine, . end J may attaine to thy heauenlyxreſt, which is epared for me and all thine elect, throuch Cyt our Lewandonely Sautour, @ Certaine godly prayers for {undry dayes: Munday. Sane} all comfort, which onelp korgiueſt ſinne: forgiue Eonto vsour ſinnes, good L020, forgiue vnto bs dur finnes, that by the muititude of thy mercies they map be couered, and not imputed vnto vs, andby the operation of the holy Ohok wee map haue power and ſtrength hereafterto reſiſt inne, by our Sautour and Low Jeſus Chak, Amen, | baa!) i33 tie Tudfday. at, Cy herd God, tohich delpiſeſt nota contrite heart, and : forgettet the ſinnes and wickedneſſe of a inner, in what boure foeuer he Doth mourne and lament His old maner of liuing: grant vnto bs , D Loꝛd, txue contriti⸗ on of heart, that we map vehemently deſpiſe our ſinfull life paſt, and wholy be conuerted vnto thee, by our Sa⸗ uiour and Loꝛd Jeſus Chis, Amen. ioe | i ednefday. O Mercifull Father , by whole power ¢ ſtrength wee map overcome our enemies both bodtly ghoſtly: | grantentobs, D Lod, thataccozding to our pꝛomiſe made in our baptifme, we may ouercome the chtete F — mie Oy “! é A? F Lmighty God, the Father of mercy, and God of — A — x — ——00 — ee a. =. = + ole —- Wodly prayers. | mics ofour ſoule, thatis, thedelires of thetworld;, the | pleafures of the flefh , andthe ſuggeſtions of tke wicked ſpirit: and fo atter, lead our liues in Holines and righte⸗ oufiies, that we may ſerue him in ſpirit and trueth, and | that by our Satsiour and 10720 Fetus Chꝛiſt, Amen. i Thurlday..) 7 : O Almighty ¢ euerlaſting God, which not only giueſt euery good and perfect gift,but alfo increafett thote glits that thou ball giuẽ: we moſt humblybeſeechthee, inerciful God, to increale in bs the gift of faith, that we nay truly belecue in thee, a in vᷣ pꝛomiſes made vnto be: and that netther by cur negligence, noz infirmitie of the - © flefh,noz by grieuoutnes of temptation neither by 6 ſub⸗ till crafts ¢ aflauits ofthe deuil, we be driuẽ fro faith in the blood of our Sautour and Lo Jeſu Chriſt. Amer, ‘ Friday. ; | ; G Want vnto vs, D mercifull God, we mol heartily befeech thee, knowledge and true vnderſtanding of thy wo2d , Chat allignozance expelled, wee map knome What thy will and pleafure ts inal things, andbowto Doe our ducties,and truly to walke in our bocation,and that alſo wee may erpzefletnour liuing, thoſe things | that we doe know, that we be not onelp knowers of thy } f202D, good Lod, but alfo be workers of the ſame, by our Sautour and Lod Jeſus Chꝛiſt. MmMmen. SHB Sry Saturday, crf fouseg) oer eee O almighty Gon, twbich bat peeparedeuerlatingtife to all thole that be thy faithfullferuants:qrant vn⸗ to vs Lo2zd,furebope of the life euerlating , that we be- ing tn this miſerable worſd, may haue ſome tafe and feeling of it in our Hearts, and that not bp our defer: uing, but by the merits and deferutng of our Sautour and Lord Fetus Chriſt. Amen. tit sia y Se O Weratull Ged.our only apde,fuccour,and firength V atall times: graunt onto b3, D Lod. that ot J “Oph ime il 2 J PO Pe] ee Peer ne ae Me | odly prayers tinte ofp2ofperity we be not proud, a ſo forget thee , but that with our whole beart and firength we map cleaue vnto thee,¢ inthe time of aduerſity that we fall not into infioelity and delperation, but that alwaies with a con: flant faith we may cal foꝛ belp vnto thee. Grant this, D ‘£020, fo2 our Aduocates fake, ¢ Sautour Fetus Chꝛiſt. amen, > af Sunday. O Almighty and mercikull Lo2d, which giueſt vnto thy elect people the holy Oho, as a ſure pleage of thy beauetiphingdom: Grant vnto vs. O Lo2d,thy ho⸗ ipfpir it; that be may beare witnes with our ſpirit, chat we be thy chitdzen, and beires of thy kingdom, and that by the operation of this Sptrit, we map killall carnall duſts, vnlawtul pleatures, concupticences, euill affectt- ons, contrary bntothy will, by our Sautouy and Loꝛd ely Chik Amen... aco | yer crite A prayer for truftin God, ‘| He beginning of the fall of man was truſt inbiney «~ felfe, The beginning of the refozing of matt was diſtruſt in himſelfe, and trust in God. D mokt gracious and moſt wifeguide , our Sauiour Chill, which voek lead them the right way totmmoztal bleſſednes, which truly ¢ bnfainedly truding tu thee, commit themlelues to thee: avant vs that ttheas we be blind ana feebie in Deed fo we map take andrepute our felues,that iwe pres fume notofourfeluestofeeto our ſelues, but ſo far to feethat alway we may haue thee before Bur eyes to tol⸗ low thee being our quide.te bereadpatthycall moto . -bedientip, and te commit our felues wholy onto thee, that thou which only huowell the way mayel lead vs the ſame wap vnto our heauenly deſires:to thee with the father and the holy Ghoſt,be glory fo2 euer. A Aprayeragainft worldly carfullnes. ——— O Wok deare andtender Father, our defender an N nourthher, endue vs with thy arace , that wee map cat. ~~. 4 : | ’ 7 a, 4 Wodly prayers. — cat of the great blindnes ot our minds, and carefulnes of worldly things, and may put our whole ſtudy and care in keeping of thy Holy law. and that we may labour and trauail foz our neceſſities tn this life, likethe birds - of the apze, andthe lilies of the field, without care. Fo⸗ thou bat pꝛomiſed tobe carefull forbs, and Hatt com: manded that bpd thee we ſhould caf all our care: which liueſt and reigneſt world without end. Amen. ¶ Aprayeragainfttemptation, O Lod Jeſus Cou, the only ay and deſence of our meztall fate,ouronelybops, our onely faluatton, our glozy,¢ our triumph, who in the fleth ( which thou haddeſt for our onelycauſe taken vpon thee) diddek fuk fer thy felfc to be temptedof Satbhan, and who only and alone of allmen, diddſt vtterly ouercome and banquifh ſinne, death, the world.the deuill, andallthe kingdome of hell:and whatſoeuer thou bak ſo ouercommed, foz our behookfe it is that thou haſt ouercommed it, neither bathit been thy wil to bane any of thy feruants to keepe battel,o2 fight with any of the foze ſaid eutig, but ofpure poſe to reward bs with a crown of the moze gtozy foꝛ it: and to the intẽt that thou mighteſt lißewiſe ouerthrꝛow Sathan in thy members, as thou hadſt before Done in thine owne perſon, giue thou (we beſeech thee) vnto bs thy fouldiers(D lion moſt bictoztous of the tribe of Ju⸗ Da) frength again€ theroaring lion, which continuallp wandzeth) to a fre feeking who He may deuoure. Chor being thatfame ferpent.the true giuer of health a tife, that was nayled on bie bpona tree, gine vnto 68 thy ſil⸗ iy ones wilineſſe againſt the decettiull awapting of the moffubtiiferpent. Choubeing a Lambe as white as | fnow,the banquiſher of Satans tyranny , giue vnto vs | thp little theepe the frength and bertue of thy Spirit, | that being in our otone felues weake and feeble, and in thee rong and valiant, toc map withiand¢ — a , odly prayers. allaflaults of the deuil, fo that our ghoſtly enemy may not glozy obs, but being conquered thrꝛough thee.we nap giue thankes tothy mercy whtch neuer leaueſt them deftitute that put their trutin thee, who liueſt andr ignet Godforeucr, without end. Amen. @ A prayerfor the obtainingofwifedome: Sap:o. O Godot our fathers, and Lod ofmercy, thou chat Hat made all things with chy wo2d, and odeined: manthzough chy Wiſdome, that he ſhould haue domi⸗ nion over the creatures which thou halt made, that he fhouldozder # world accozding toequity.¢ vighteoul: nes and execute iudgement with a true heart:giue me Wiſdom, which ts euer about thy feat, and put me not out from among thy children: for. 4 thy feruant ¢ torn of thine handmayd, ama feeble perfon, of hort time, atid foo yong tothe buderitanding of thy Judgement and lawes: pea, though aman beneucr fo perfit amõg fhe childzenofimen,pet tl thy wiſdom be not with him be fhalbenothing worth: Dh {end thy wifoomeout of tip holy heauens, and fromthe throne of chy matetty: thatthe map be withine, ¢ labour with me pF may know whatis acceptabicin thy ſight, fo2 fhe knoweth and bnderfandeth al things, and ihe ſhallconduct me right foberlpinthy workes, and preſerue me in her po⸗ wer ſo ſhall my workes be acceptable. Amen. Aprayer neceſſary for all men. O Wercituil God, F a wretched finner reknowledge “my felf bound tokeepe thpbolpcommandements,- bit pet vnable to perform thent,and to be-accepted foz full, withoutthe righteouſnes of Jeſus Chriſt thyonly Son, who hath perfectly kultilledthy Law, to tukisie al men that beleeue a truſt in him. Therfore grant me grace J beleech thee, to bee occupied in doing of good- works, which thoucommandelt in holyſcripture, all e daxes ot my liſe tothyglory, g pet to truſt —— — * ——— — —— OES OS a ." i «i wel Spee oe = dy a, at a } reed OPE Ia & ae ok Ae Godly prayers. mn thy mercy , and tn Chriſts merits to be purged fro mp fing, AND notin my good voorks, be they neuer fo mae ny. Giue megrace toloue thy word keruẽly, to ſearch the Scriptures diligetlp, toread then humbly, to vn⸗ derfland them truelp,to line after them effectuatly. Oꝛ⸗ Der my life fo,D 102d, that tt map be alway acceptable vnto thee. Giue me grace, not toretopcetnanp thing that diſpleaſeth thee, but eucrinoze to delight in thofe things that pleafe thee, be they neuer ſo cotrary to my deſires. each me fo to pray, that my petitions map be gratioufly beard of thee, Beepe me bpeight among di⸗ uerfities sfopinions and tudgemets tn the wold, that @ neuer ſwarue from thy truth taught in holy Scrip: ture. In prolperity, OD Lozd,faue me,that Fj ware not pzoud, In aduerſity helpe me,that F neither delpayze, 102 blafpheme thy holy name, but taking it patiently, to giue thee thanks, and truft to be delivered after thy pleature. When F happen to fall into ſinne thꝛough fratity, J befeech thee to work true repentance in mp heart, thatZ may be ſory without defperation, truſt in thy mercy without prefumption, 63 may amend mylike and become truly religious without hypocri⸗ ſie, lo wly in heart without fatning.fatthtul and truſty without deceit, merry without lightnes, fad without miltruſt, fober without ſlothlulnes, contẽt with mine owne withoutcouctoutnelie,to tell mp netghbour his faults charitably without diffimulattd, toinfructmp = houſhold in thy lawes truly, to obey our Ging aaligo: · uernors vnder him vnkainedly, to receiue all lawes and common ordinances (which diſagree not from th ' holy w02d obediently,to pay every man that which J owe vnto him trulp,to backebite no man,no2 launder inp neighbour ſecretly, and to abhoꝛre all bice,louing ali goodies earneſtly. D Lozd grant me this todo, for thealozpofthpbolypMame. = © ¶ Aprayer — — Godly prayers. ; q A prayer for patience in trouble. : H Diw halt thoucD 102d) humbled and plucked me down 4 Date NOW vnneaths make mp praters bn- fo thee,fo2 thou art angry with me ,but not without my delerutng. Certainelp F haue finned, L020, F con: feffe it, wil not deny it: but ob mp God, pardon mp trefpafies, releale mp debts, render now thy arace a: gain bnto ime, fopmyp woũds. for J ant all to plagued a beaten, pet L020, this notwithfanding J abtoe pa- tientlp, and giue mine attendace on thee, continually matting foz reliefeat thy hand, ¢ p not without ſkill. fox3 Haue recciucd a token of thy fauour @ grace tos wards me, Jmeane, thy wo2d of promife concerning - , Ch2ik, who foz me was offered on the Crofle fo2 a ran: fom, afacrifice eprice fo2 my fins: wherefore accoꝛding | to pthy promile , deſend mee Lozdbyp thy right band, and giue a gracious care tomprequefts, fo2 all mans ſtayes are but baine.Beat Downe therefore mine ene⸗ ) mies thine otone (elfe, with thy power, which art mine i onelp alder a pzotecto2,D Loꝛd God almighty. Amen. |. @ Aprayer to be faid at the houre of death; C) Lean Fetus , which art the onely health of all —~ meniiuing,and the euerlating life ofthem which: Die in faith: 4 weetched finner giue and fubmit my felfe wholy vnto thy mo bleſſed will. And beeing: fure that the thing cannot perith which ts commit: ted vnto thy mercy, vollinaly now Fleaue this fraile and wicked fleſh, in hope of the Keſurrection, which : in better wife hall vefoze itto me againe. Jbeſeech thee moſt merciful od Jeſus Chri, that thou wilt by (hp grace make ſtrong my ſoule againſt all temp⸗ tation, andthat thou wilt couer and defendme with the buckler of thy mercy agatnf al the affaults ofthe deuil. Iſee and acknowledge that there ts in my felfe no helpe of fatuation,but all mpcofioence hope a truſt is in thy moſt mercifull goodneſſe. Ihaue wo merits a | nor — — — J 4 ee ae - = oe. — — — * Uodly prayers. — 1102 good Works, which F may alledge before thee. DE ſinnes andeutll works (alas) J leeagreatheapesbut = through thy mercy FZ tru to betn the nũber of thens Co whom thou wilt not impute their ſinnes, but take and accept me kor righteous a iuſt, a to bethe inheri⸗ toꝛr oteuerlaſting life. Thou merciful Loꝛd waſt boꝛne lormy fake, thou didſt tuffer both hunger and thirſt ‘fox mp Cake, thou didſt peeach a teach, thou didſt pay and fat fo2 inp fake, thou didſt all good works a Deeds ‘ foz my ſake, thou ſufferedſt moſt grieuous paines and torments foz mp fake, And finally, thou gaueſt thy moſt precious body tO die, and thy blood tobe Hendon the Crofie foz my falc, Now mok mercifull autour, ict alithefe things profit me, which thou freely hat gtuenmee,that haf aiuen thy fetfe fo2 mee. Let thy blood clenſe and Wath atoap the {pots and foulenefie of my finnes. Let thy righteouſnes hide and couer mine bnrighteoutnedle., Let the merits ofthy paliton and bioodbe the fatiffaction for my ſinnes. Giueme, Lod, thy grace, that imp faith and ſaluation in thy blood wauer not in me, butbe euer firme ¢conttant, that the hope ofthy mercy and like euerlaſting neuer Decay in me, thatcharity ware notcold in me. finals iy, that the weakeneſſe of inp fie be not ouercome with the feare of Death. Graunt me mercifull Saui⸗ our, that when deathhath tut bp the eves of mp bo: dp, yet that the eyes of mp foule may Mull bebold and {ooke vpon thee: that twoberdeath Hath taken away the vſe of mp tongue and ſpeech, pet that my heart anap crp and fap vnto thee, in manus tuas Domine, Soren ee commendo fpiritum meum, (that istolay,) DLordine — cothp hands Igiue and commit my foule; Do- minc Ieſu accipe {piritum meum, 020 Jeſu receiue my ſoule vnto 22 Ze. WP, ™ EE SS —— lid — Mae. 2 2 ZZ. ae iy a HOpkKIN Ss, and others, 2 STE RNHOLD, Jou y é onferrea with the He. brew, with apt OOfes.to f) them SS ae ae * Pray,and if any be merry lve Lug Piaimes, LONDON Printed for the Com eS 9] 5 ale Tames y. — q if any be affi.ched, Tettim » ‘et pany of STATYO NERS.1 61 2. AG. of Ae — oo. THE PEALM ES OF DAVID. a Beatus vir. Pfal, — Mit fat by the Miners five: Whether it was Efdras, or any otherthat dabhich Sage et pet fit, gathered the Pfalmesinto a Booke, it in * vive ice a see ental . feemeth hee did fer this Pſalme firft in 3 eee — eh de 4p 4 manner of a Preface,te exhort all godly ¢ He: Hee t aoe * i mento fludy ard meditate the heauen- SUCH fo all things oa p20 — ell, ly wifedome. For the effect is, that they that this nian takes in ban be bleffed that giue themfelues wholely So mall not the vngodly men, all their life to Gods Law: and thatthe thep thall be notbing {fo : ___ wicked contemners of God , thougliis it ag the dutt wubich from the earth, they feeme fora while fortunate, yet the wind doiues fw and fro. Jength fhall come to miferable deftru 5 herefoze hall not the (wicked Melty ‘tion. intudgement and vpright: | | ——No ꝛ vet the Sinners with the juſt, 7 fA === z thallcome inplaceop fight. — He man is 6 Fo2why ? the tvayof goodly men, : Seen — vnto the Lord is knowne : a — aAnd eke the way of tucked men, ~ {yall quite be ouerthzowne. © Quare fremuerunt. Pal. I, T. S. t = Sp tL naling A te — pelts: Dauid reioyceth, that albeit Enemies and — — SS worldly powerrage, God will aduance his Kingdome, euento the fartheft end of the World. Therefore he exhorteth Princes humbly to fubmit themfelues ~ vader the fame : Heerein is fignified Chrift and his Kingdome. BUR Sin ig this as the firft Palme, We: did fhe Gentiles rte vaife, a {wbat rage was in their beatne: — ads — — Why did the Jewich people mute, | in nha Law ty doth erercife himſelfe ſeeing allisbutbaine? ⸗ = SS SSS 2 Whe kings and rulers oftheeatth, i i , === _ confpire and are allbent: bot bapa andnight, againlt the Loꝛd and Cheilt bis fone, : He hall be like the tree that groweth which be amonatt bs ſent. / > * aoe — + Ax Pſaln 2 : ee” — — — 3 Shall we be bound to them, lay they? Lealt in his wrath ve ſuddenilyx let au their bonds be broke: perifl in the mid way. ‘Andof their dacrine and their law, | J —— 13 Ikonce bis wath neuer ſo ſmall 4 Wut be that inthe heauen vwelleth, lhall kindle in bis bref: : ft dhe Sere cart Db then all they that traf in Chik, 4 d make themaltas mocking⸗ſtockes, ſhall happy be and bleſt. _ theoughout the woꝛld fo wide. Domine quid. Pſal. . T. S. i ay ap Dauid driuen out of his Kngdome by his Foꝛ in his wꝛath the Lord willſay 8 Ie | Sonne Abfolom, was greatly tormen- ~ fo them bpona day: Er ; im ted in mind forhis finnes, Therefore he f — wil 2. called ypon God,and is bold in his pro- . mifes againft the terrours, both-of his enemies and prefer, t death. Then he re- 6 Fbaucannointed him my ising, vpon my bolp bill: Ae ioyceth for the victories given to him dt — aban chthe law, and the Church ouer his enemies. i 7 $02 inthis fife the Lord himſelle = ny sce — Tord how ave my foes ineveatk, Thou art my deare ans onelp Sonne. = SS SS — | today J tha begot. ——— —— i i "B Ail people J Will giueto the, which bere nie moze and moze 2? hey: | as heires at thy requeſt: =f {= a — 2 Tho ends and coatts of all the earth, HE = = aan ee =e | bp thee thall be pottett.. , Haseena — 9 9 Thou talttbem bout euen with amace, =< =—5=—= ——— +} — ass men onder fot tred: can bim not reltoꝛe. 2 Wut thou D —— and as the Potters ſheards Halt bꝛeake = — — — = eee chem with an icon rod. — “40 HPolw pe O ings and Rulers ali, . be wile therefore and learned; ‘Bytohomthe matters of the world be iudged and diſcernd. — oh ME Oe =) bie See that peferuethe Godaboue, —— — ——— in trembling and in feare: both, and thou holoit bp np head. J ee that with reuerence peretopce, 3 hen with mp voice vnto the Lox — to him in like manner. Jdid both call and cry: = 12 S& that pe kiſſe and cke embzace and he out of bis holy btll ‘7 3 Ff his bleted Soune 4 fay Did bearemebyandbys 0 ’ AS Atha Adept and rofe againe: Fo2 why Jknow alluredly, the Lord will me ſuſtaine. 5 Ikten thouſand had hemd mein, Jcould not be afraid: Foꝛ thou art Hill mp Lorꝛd mp God, my Sautour and my aide. 6 Wile op therefo2e, (aue me my Gad, fo2 now to thee ¥ call: F02 thou hak booke the chakes any teeth, of theſe {wicked men all. 7 Saluation onelie voth belong, fo tice D Lord aboue: Thou dol€ below vpon thy flocke, thy blefling and thy lone. Cum. innocarem, Pſal. IIL. T.S. “Dauid perfecuted by Saule, caileth vppon i i ly (el — Pſalme III. v. 4 x laid me dobone and quietlie, God with aſſured truſt, reprooueth his enemies for refifting his dominion, and preferreth the eee of God before all treaſure. > Singithis as the ſirſt P fale. \ Good that art my righteoummerte, Lodꝛd beare me when J call: — hou halk (et meat liberty, when J was bound tt thal, 2 Paue mercy Loꝛd therefore on me, and grant ime my requeſt: Foꝛ vnto the vnceſſantlie, focrp Jwill not reſt. J O moꝛtall men how long will ye, i; — my glory thus deſpiſe; duhy wander pein vanity, and follow after lies? Bnow ye that god ano godly mer; fhe 1.020 Both take and chute: And when fo him J make my — te Both me not relule. “and beare mp voice my King my od, My p2ater earlie in the mozne, 5 Sinne not but and in awe therefore, eramine well pourbeart: And in pour Chamber quietlie, fee you pourfelues conuert. 6 fer to God the facrifice, of vighteouſneſſe J fap : ang loke that in the liuing Lord, pou put your truſt alway. 7 The greater fort craue worldly goods, andrichesdotmboace, Wut io avant vs thy countenance, thy kausur and thy avace. 8 Foꝛ fbou thereby thalt make my bear, inode iopfull and moze glad: ben they that of their corne and Caine; full great in increaſe haue had. 9 In peace therefore lie dowane will J, faking my ref and Oeepe: | Fo2 chou onely wilt me D 30920, ea alone in fafetie kepe. ae Perba mea anribus, P fal, vj. ir. Sa Dauid perfecuted by Deog & Achitophel, i | Saules flatterers, ealleth vppon God — punniſh — Then affured o fucecfle, he conceiueth comfort. Sing this as the third P ſalme. 1 Nncline thine cares vnto my words O Loꝛd my plaint conſider: to thee Jmake my praier. 2 Heare me betime, 1620 tarry nof,, fo2 Jwil haue reſpect, to thee fo2 fo direc. 3 And J wil trutt thoongh pattettce, inthe my Godalone: and il with the divels none, Biss ue - sa thea f: ae ; " | | What art not pleated with wickeonete, — : And in thy fight fall neuer Sis theſe furtous fooles D 1922: Caine workers of iniquity, thou batt alwaies abhord. 5 Whe liters and the klatterers, | thou halt deſtroyr them than: Aand God hall hate the slour thirty, — and che oecettfull mai. 6 Wherefore will Icome fo thy boule, trading vpon top grace: “and renerently toll worſhip the, ccward thy bely place. 7 Loꝛd lead mein thy righteouſneſſe, “ fo2 fs confound my foes : and eke the tories that J hall walke, ; — before my foes difclofe. 8 Forte their mouths therets no truth, their beartis loule and vaine: Their throat an open ſepulchre, ctheir tongues do gloſe and kaine. 9 Deltroy their falfe conſpiracies, that they may come to nought; Dubuert them in thet: beapes of finne, that haue rebellion wrought. | letthembe glad alfnates : and render thankes fo2rthy defence, and giue thy name the praiſe. ‘i 11 Fo⸗ thou with fauour wilt increaſe, the iuſt and righteous fill: and with thy grace as with a chield, delendthem from all ill. Dowine ix furore. Pfal. vi, Tis. — — aa i tel | Pfalme VI. — ee ee ee Siag this asthe first Pfile q Rs | Dasinthy wrath repredue me not, 1o0 But thofe that put their truftin the, _ Dauid for his fins felt Gods hand, & con- ‘ ceiued the horrour of euerlaftine death. Therefore hee defireth forgiuenefle, and 9 He heard not onelie the reguett, “ais not to die in Gods indignation, Then fud- —— denly feeling Gods mercy,he rebuketh his Wut tf receiued af imp hand, * nemies, who reioyced at his afflition, though J deictue thine ire: Ne pet coꝛred mein thp rage, D Lowy ute sefire, 2 Jfo2 Jam Wweake, therefore 2D Lord, of mercy thee ſorbeare: And heale me Lorde, fo2 vohy thouknowſt, my bones do quake fo2 feare. 3 My foule is troubled herp fore, and bered vehementlie; ut 1020 bow long wilt thou delay, fo cure my miferte.?, f 4 31020 turne thee fo thy wonted avare, nip &illicfoule bp take; Dh ſaue me not fo2 my deſerts, but fo2 thy mercies fake, 5 Forwhp?nto man amend the dead, remembzeth thee one ebifs D3 who thal worſhipthee D Lord, in the infernal pit ? "* 6 So grieudus is my plaint and moeane, = a — that J ware wondz0us faint: > / All the night long Jwaſh mp bed, with teares gẽ my complaint. 7 My light is dim and waxeth ala, with ananilh ok my hearts - Foꝛ feare of thoie that are my foes, ard ould mp foule ſubuert. 8 But now away from me all pe, that woke tntquitte : of mp complaint and crie. and praier of inp Heart: : and tooke it in good part. ws Foz why ? Whe Lod hath heard the boyce f * * aot on 2 Leaf like a Lion they meteare, ee — 10 And now my foes that vexed me, the 1.023 wil ſone defame: andfuddenly confound thei al, fo their rebuke and Game. Domine Deus. Pfal.vy. T.S. Dauid falfely accufed by Chus Sauls Kinſ- man, calleth to God to be his defender. Firſt for that his confcience did not ac- cufehim of any cuill coward Saul: next, that it touched Gods glorie to award fentence againft the wicked : And fo vppor Gods mercies and promifes hee waxeth bold, threataing that ic fhall fal ontheir owne Neckes, that which his enemies purpofed for others, Sing this.as the third Palme, | Lowa my God 7 pufmy truſt, and confidence tii the Saue me from them that me purfue, and eke delinerme. and rent in peeces final ; Whillt there is noneto fuccout me, and rid me ont of thrall. 30 Lowmyp God if J haue done, the thing that ts not right ; Od elle if Ibe foundin fault, oꝛguilty in thy fight: 4 D2 tomy friend rewarded euill, sad left him in diſtreſſe: Wihich me purſude molt cruelly, and hated me cauſeleſſe. 5 When let my foes purfue mp foule, and eke my life downe thruſt ‘Unto the earth, and alfolay, mine honourinthe duff, 6 Start op DiLo2d now in thy wrath, and put my loes to painee: bas wm “PhilmeV IT. Perlorme thy kingdome promited, —e fo me which wrong futtaine. 7 Then ſhall great Mations come fo the, and know the by this thing : 4f thou declare fo2loue of then, thy felfe ag 11020 and ising. 8 Andas thou art of all men Judge, O 31023 now iudge thou me : according te my righteouſneſſe, any mine integrity. The fecond part, 9 Lord ceale the hate of wicked men, and be the tull mang guide : 10 By whom the ſeerets of all hearts, ave ſearched and deſcride. 11 ¥ fake inp helpe fo come of God, in all my paine andfimart: That doth pꝛeſerue althofe that be ofpure and vpright bart. 12 Wheiu man and the wicked both, ed tudgeth by bis power : - So that ve keleth hisnughtie hand euen cucrp Day and houre. 13 Creept be change bis mind J die, fo: euen as he ſhould ſmite: He whets his ſword, bis boty he bends, aiming where be mighthif. 14 Aud doth prepare bis mogtall dart, bis arrowes Keene and ſharpe; Foꝛ them that vo me perfecute, inbhil he doth miſchiefe warpe. £5 But though that he in trauatiebe, of bis diueliſh foze-cak: and of bis miſchiele once concetuen, vet bangs fosth nought at laſt. 16 We digs a ditch, and deluegit deepe, in bope fo burt bis Brother: ‘Wut he hail kall into the pie, - that be digd bp fo2 other, Aig P 17 bag 7 hus wꝛong returneth to the hurt, And at his lete hat tet all things, | ofbiniin — — that be ſyould keepe them vnder. And all the nutchiefe that he wzought, As chepe and neat, and all bealts ele, fall fall vpon bis bean. — that in the field do feede ; , 8 F will giue thankes fo Gontherefore, Fowles ok the aire, Hin the Hea, that iudgeth righteoufiy ; and all that therein boede. And with mp Song will pratfethename, 8 Wherefore muſt J once fay agatne, | ofbimthatis mot hie. D God that artour £023: ) Li | Hoty famous and how wonderfull, —9 Domine Deus meus. Pfal.u.y.T. S. are thy workes through the world: The Prophet confidering the excellent li- Confitebor tibi. Pfal.ix. T. S. i berality and fatherly providence of Gad " toward man; whoinhe made as it were ™ God ouer all his woikes, onely giueth » thankes, and isaftonied with the admi- | ration ofthe fame. * deftroy — Sing this as the 3. Pſalme. Sing this as the third Pſalme. ' @ are thy workes every inbere : ¥% will ſing laud and p2aife: Ahoſe fame furmounts tn dignifys. And fpeake of all thy tyond2ous works, aboue the Beauens clere. and them declare alwaies. | Cuen by the mouthes of fucking Babes, 2 J will be glad and much reioyce, thou ſhalt confound thy foes ; Zn the D Goo mok high: : Fo2 in thofe Wabes thy might ts fene, and make my ſonas erfoll thy name, Hi thyaracesthep difelofe. aboue the ftarry fky. And when J fe the beauens high, 3 Foꝛ that my foes are driuen backe, the workes of thine stone band: and turned info flight: r che Sun, the Mone, and all the Starres, Whey falidotwne flat and are deſtroxed, 4 In order as they ſtand. by thy great force and might. Ahat thing ts man Lord thinke Ithen, 4 Thou haf reuenged all mp wrong that thou vot hin remember 2- my ariefe, andallmy grudges - D2 what is mans pofpertty, Thou doſt with iuſtice hearemy cauſe, ° ) that thou dott hun confider ? mot like a righteous Judge. | Fo thou halt made him littte leſſe, 5Thou dolſt rebuke the Heathen folke, - then Angels tn degree :. and wicked fo confound: : In thou haſt crowned him alfo, That afterivard the memo2y, with glory and dignity. 7 of them cannot be found. Thou hakk preferd him to be Loyd, 6 My foes thou hak made god vipat : ; ot all thp workes ofivonder: and all their tones deftropa: | * hee a4 Dauid giueth thankes for his manifold vi- tories receiued,defireth the fame won- ted helpe againe againft his new Ene- inies, and their malicious arrogancy to God our 1020 bow wonderfull, — VV Ith heart and mouth onto the Lord, Pfalme VIII IX. — ——ää——— hou hak their fame with them defac d, thꝛough allthe world fo wide, 7 now thou that be which ts aboue, fo2 euermoꝛe ſhallraigne: And tn the feat of equity, true Juſtice will maintaine. 8 With Jultice he twill keepe and quide, the world and euery tight : And fo twill pela theough equitte, fo evierp man bis right. 9 Weis pꝛotectoꝛ ofthe pmze, what time thep be oppreſt: Heisinalladueraty, their refuge and thetr reff. 10 All they that knots thp bolp ame, therefo2e fhall trutt tn the : 2 thou ſorſakeſt not their (ute, in their aduerfitte. _ The fecond part.. 11 Sing Plalmes therefoze onto the Lord, that dwelloth in Sion bill: Publiſh among all Pations, bis Noble acs and twill. 12 F02 he is mindfull of the blad, of thofe that be oppꝛeſt: Foꝛgetting not the afflicted heart, - that feekes to bim fo2 reff. 13 Haue mercy Ho2d on me pore weetch, Inhofe enemies ſtill remaine: Thich from the gates of peath art wont, . toratle me bp againe, 14 3n Sion that J may fet fo2th, thy praiſe with beart and voice : And that in thy faluation Lord, mp ſoule might fill reioyce. 15 Whe Beathen Kicke fatk in the pit, __ that they themfelnes prepared: And in the net that they did fer, ttheir obone leete falt are ſſared. Pfalne IX. X, 16 God ſhewes his iudaments which were fo2 euerp man to marke: (god, Then as pe fee the wicked man, ; lie trapt tn bis otune warke. 17 Whe {wicked and the finfull man; goe downe fo Hell fo2 cuer : Sind a! the people of the world, that will not God remember. 18 Wut fure the Lord will not korget, the poze mans queefe and paine: The patient people neuer loke, _ fo2 helpe of Sod tn vaine. 19 O Loꝛd artfe leaſt men pꝛeuaile, that be of woꝛldiy might: Andict the Heathen folke receiue, thetr iudgement in thy ſight. 20 1020 trike fuch terror, feare, and d2ead, into the hearts of them: | That they may know affuredly, they be but mo2tall men. Vt quid Domine, Pfal.x. T.S. Hee complaineth of all the wrongs whic worldly men vie, becaufe of their prof- perity, who therefore without all feare of God, thinke they may doe al! thinges bncontroled, Hee calleth for remedy a- gainft fuch, and is comforted with the hope thereof, ; Sing this as the third Palme. | VV bat is the cauſe that thou O io, art now fo far from thine? | And Keepet€ clofe thy countenance, ftom bs this troublous tine 2 The poze doe perith by the provd, | and wicked mens delice : Let them be taken in the fare, that they themfelues confpire. 3 Foꝛ in Che lutts of his owne heart, the vngodly doth delight: 5: 5 ae - sey eo 20 odoth the wicked praiſe himſelle, and doth the Lord deſpight: ‘Wet is ſo proud, chat right and tuzong, be ſetteth all apart ;. — pay, nay, therets no Sod faith be, - fo2 thus be thinkes in bart. | | sBecaute bis waies do profper well, he deth thypdaives nealect : ind with a blait both puffe againſt | fuch as would bun cored. Tulh, tush (faith he) J auc no dread, | leatt mine effafe ould change: ind toby ? fo2 all adueriific, fo him ts very range. His mouth is full of cuvfenneffe, , of fraud, deceit, and guile: nder bis tongue doth muichete fit, amd traucll all the tobile. | Belteth hid in waies and holes, ) tofapficinnocent: {gaint the pooze that paſſe him by, his cruell eies are bent. And like a Lyon pꝛ iutite, _, lieth lurking tn bis den: “f be map (nare them tn bis net, _ to fpoile pooze fimple men. 9 Aud fo2 the nonce full craffilie, hecrowcheth downe F fay : “7 So are great heapes of Bes men made, ' by bis ſtrong power bis prep i. The fecond part, Tulh, God forgetteth this (faith be) ~ thereof J may be bold: is countenance ts caſt aſide, he doth it not behold. Ariſe, O Lord, O Gov. in whom thepoore mans hope doth retk , ft bp thy hand, — Mare, _ the pooze that be oppreſt 4 2% ie 7 Vlaime M. Al. = 14 What blaſphemie is this rn the, 1.920 doſt thou net abhor it To heare the wicked in their heart, fay tuſh thou careſt net fo2 it? 15 Wut thoes ſeelt all this wickeoneſſe, and well doſt vnderſtand, 16 What kriendleſſe and poore fatherleſſe, are left into thy hand. 17 Df wicked and malicious nen, then bꝛeake the power fo2 euer: What they with there intqutty, may perth ail together. J 18 The Loꝛd ſhall raigne ſor euermore, as King and God alone: eee ee and be thall chafe the Heathen folke, out of bis land each one. 19 Thou heareſt D Hod the poore mans their papers andrequeft: Glaint, Their hearts thou wilt confine, vntill thine eaves to heare be preſt. 20 Lo iudge the poꝛe and fatherletfe, and belp them fo thetr right : That thep map be no moze oppꝛeſt, {with men of wozlolic might. In Domsino Coxfido, Pfal, xj. T.S. This Pfalme fheweth; firft, what aflault of temptation and anguifh of mind he ſu- {tained in perfecution, Next, hercioy- ceth that God fent him fuccor in necef= - fity, declaring his Iuftice,as well in go- uerning the good and wickedmen, a as | ~ the whole werld. i = Sing this as the 3. Pſalme. Truſt in Sod, hotwoareyethen, = fay thus my foule vntill? A Flie hence as fatEas any Folnle, and bide youtn vour hill. + : The Prophet feeing the miferable decay : | Plalme XU. XI, 2 Beholð the Wicked bend their Bowes, Elpe Lord fo2 god and godly men, -andmake thew arrowes pelt: Boe perifh and decay : To thate in fecret, and to burt and fait) and truth from worldly meit, the found and jarmeleite breſt. is parted cleane atvay. — 2 WMWho fo doth with bis neighbor talke 3 DF worldly bape all ſtaies are H2tinke, — is — * * and clerely brꝛought to nought: Sto. cuerp man bethinketh how, Alalſe the tuff and righteous man, to flatter, lic, and faine. twat euill bath be w20ught 2 4 Wut be that in bis Temple is, 3 But fiattring and decettfull tipss, molt holy and nok high: and tongues that be ſo ſtout, and in the heauens hath bis (cat, To ſpeake pꝛoud words, and make great ofroxall Maieſtie: the Lord ſone cut them out. (bags. Fo2 they fap til tue will preuaile, The poꝛe and ſimple mans etfate, * tongues tall bs anal: confisereth in his mind: Dur tongues are ours, toe ought to ſpeake and fearcheth out full narrowlie, what od Gall vs controll 2 ‘the manners of mankind. 5 And with a cherefull countenance, 5 Wut fo2 the great complaint ANd Cty, therighteous man twill bie: ef poore and inen oppreſt: | But in bis heart he doth abhoꝛ, arilſe twill J now faith the 102d, all fuch as milchiele muſe. and themreilore to reſt. 6 Sods wo2dis like fofiluer pure 6 Andon the inners cafteth ſnares, that from the earth ig nist : ; , as thicke ag any raine: and bath no icile then feauen times; J Fire and Bumltone, and whirle⸗ poi inmn fire beene puritide. appointed fo2 their paine. ſthic 7 Be fe then how a righteous Gad, 7 Hoty Mice thy promife is to helpe,. doth righteouſneſſe imbrace: Lord keepe thypromiſe then; and to tho iuſt and vpright man, and ſaue bs now and euermore, +3 theives fo2th bis pleafant face. : from this tl kind of men. i Fo02 now the wicked world is fuil,. Saluum me fac, Pſal. xy. T. S. ok miſchiekes manitold: WMhen vanitie with Mortall men, vo oighw i ertoto. lyto fend reformation, Thencomtorted Vſquequo Domine, Pfal, xiij. T.S. withthe aſſurance of Gods helpe and Dauid (as it were) ouercome with afficti- promifes, concludeth,that whenallor- ons flyeth to God his onely refuge,and ders are molt corrupted, then Godwill | encouraged through Gods promifes,he ‘deliver his.. conceiueth confidence againft the ex« Sing this as the third Palme. treame horrors of death, — Sing this as the third Pfalme, Dw! long wilt thou lorget me Lord, ſhall Jneuer berememb2e0 ; How long wilt thou thy viſage hide, i . asthough thou wertoffended? {2 In heart andinind how long hall JZ, | init care tormented be: Dou long eke hal mp deadlie foes, thus triumph over me 2 3 Behold ne now my LArd my Goo, and heare me ſore oppreſt: Wighten mine etesleat that J lleepe, ‘) asone by death polleſt. 4 Leak thusmine enemies fay fo itie; bebold ¥ do preuaile: Leaſt they alſo that bate my foule, | ketopee fo fee me quatle. | ; Wut from thy mercy and godnelſe, , my hope fhall neuer art: In thy reltefe and fauing health, right glad fhall be my heart. 6 J ivill giue thankes onto the Lord, and pratfes to bin fing: ) i, Betaule be hath heard my vequett, ) and granted my withing. Dixit infipiens. Pfal. xiiy.T.S. "was brought to vtter contempt : + yet perfwaded that God woul it, heis comforted, qe — HSS = — —— — — — Here is no God as vata ) ment, af — — at Pſalme XII. XIIII. aaa — — — 4 i, He defcribeth the wickedneffe of men, growne to fuch licentioufnes, that G ee ’Wecaule they put theirtrut in Goo, which albeit hee was greatly fae edrefle 7 But who ſhall gine thy people health, — Hi firme iu theic mad mode. , heir driſts oo aed >" _—_— ) aed — —— — — — are all corrupt and paine, nof one of Se ee ee eS ‘them doth h good. 2. Whe 4020 — — — from Heauen bigh, | the whole raccof —— — — — — — EN CARES! CAME aR — — — — — — — — — — — —— — mankinde: and ſaw not oue — fought SSS: page= lit dede, the lining Godfofinde, 3 Ther tent all {wide and were corrupt, and truely there was none, That in the WMorld did any gov, 4 fay there was not one. 4 38 all their iudgement fo far loft, J that all worke mifcheefe ſtille Cating my people euen as bꝛead, not once to ſeke Gods twill, 5 CUben they thas rage then fubpenty,:’~ great keare on them ſhall fall: a Foꝛ God dothloue therighteousmen, _ and {will maintaine them all. | 6 Pe mocke the doings of the poore, fo their repꝛoch and thames and call ppon bis name. and ingen wilt thou fulfil Thy pomife made fo Ffraell, fromoutof Ston bill? 3 Cuen when thou thalt reſtore Be te fuch as were captine led: eben Jacob thall therein retopee, and Iſraell Hall be alan. — “i 6: — alt 8 ! Cconſerua me. Pfal.xvi.T. 5. Domine quis, Pfal, xv. T. S. Dauid prayeth ro God for fuccour,not for his workes;but for his fruourr fake,pro- te(ting that he hareth al idolatry,thank- ing God only for his comfort and felici- ty, who fuffereth him to lack nothing. Sing this as the 14. Pfalme, — a keepe me, fo2 J truſt inthe, Heere is taught, why God chofe the Iewes to be his peculiar people,and placed his Temple among them, which was, that « they by liuing vprightly, might witnefle that they were his fpeciall people. Sing this asthe 3. Pfalme. and dee confeſſe indeede, , Thou art my God, andofmy gods, (} 1.020 within thy Wabernacle, D Loꝛd thou batt no neede. : ' fobo thallinbabit fill ? 2 ¥ giue my gods vnto the Saints, D2 whom twilt thou receine to dwell that in the wozld do dwell, in thy mott holy hull? and namely to the fatthfull focke, 2 Che man whofe life ts vncoꝛrupt, in vertue that excell, 7 {whofe workes are iuſt and ſtraight, shev fhall heav forvotwee on thei Wihofe heart doth thinke the very truth, 3 Sh Cathe tev es 5 adi wyole tongue fpeakes no deteit. To offer to their Idoil Gods, » $03 to hig neighbour doth none tlt alafleitistobad. 3 3 — gods, oꝛname: 4 As for their bloody (actifics, —— | Moz willingiy doth moue faltetales, and offerings of that ſort, twbich might impairethe fame. J twill not touch, no2 pet thereof | 4 Whatin his heart regaroeth not my tongue thall make report. malicious Wicked men: 5 Forwhy 2 the Lord the postion is But thole that loue and feare the 1030, ofmine inheritances he maketh much ofthbem. And thou art be (hat doſt maintaine a , my rent, my lof, my chance. 5 Bisoath and al bis promiſes. 6 She place wherein my lot vid fall, that kepeth faithfully : in beauty did excell: although be make bis couenant ſo, opine heritage allignde to me, that be oth lofe thereby. doth pleaſe me wondꝛous well. 4 eaves bis — 7 I thanke the Lord that cauſed me Ne foꝛ to hurt the innocent, to buderttand the right: ~ pothbibeo2elfepurioine.. For by this meanes my fecret thoughes | | do teach meenerpuight, 7 Who fo doth allthings as pou fe. 8 ZF fet the Lord ſtulin my fight, _ that hereis to be done, and truſt bim ouer all: Shall neuet perith in this world, F 02 he doth and at mp right hand, noꝛ in the woꝛld tocome. therefo2e J thall not fall. 3 5% —— WMhere⸗ ae > Piimeay Pig. ee 9 wberefore my tongue and heart * ttay we Lord and —— do both xeioyce together: That from the way wherein Jwalke, By fel and body reſt in hope, my ſteps may neuer ſwarue. {when J this thing conſider. 6 Aber J do callto thee Dio, | 10 Shou wilt not leauemyfouleim grauc, __fureip thou wilt me atte: M fozthou Lord loueſt me: Then heare mp praier,and weigh ig fl | Hoꝛr yet wilt giue thy holy one the words that Jhaue ſaide. corruption ſor to fe. | [xx Wut dwilt teach me the way ofife; 7 D thou the wvauiaur ot alt them, i for all treaſures and ſfoꝛe hat put thet ttutt tn thee J——— Declare thy ſtrength on them that lp urne againſt thy Maieſty. 8 O keepe me Lord as thou sinned Exanai Dewiine. P fal. xvy.T.S,. . theappleofthineeye:. i and poiver for cucrinoze. . i i Heere he complaineth to God for JJ And — — wings, Se ee ell pride and arrogancy of Saule, who defend me fecretiy nk Norie aged without any, y caule, and therefore ‘The — hee deſireth God.to reuenge his inno-. | "| cency,and deliver him, . —— 9 From Wicked nien that trouble me,, and daily me annop 838 os Sing thisas the 14. Pfal@e. aus from mip foes that acc about, A i) 1020 gine eare to my iult cante, Mp loule foꝛ to deſtror. ly ‘dl atend inben ; — * —— tml nat, And beare the prayer that 3 put fo2 . — with lps that doe not kaine. That in their pride they Doenat fpare, ti ij 2 Gndlettheiudgementofmycaufe, . ‘olpeakethepcarenot what. : a ia proceede alivates from the: 7 4 And iet thine eyes veheid and cleare Ther lie in waif where J thouls oat ‘ “4 With craft me fo confound: . ij Chismyfimplicty.. |» And mufingmifchiefem theirminds, ,, coal 3 Thou hatt well trive mein ee itight, to calſt mete theground, | ce | j and yet couldſt nothing finde ¢ 12 Much like a Epon greedily, * That J haue ſpoken wſth my tongue that would bis pꝛer embꝛace: | { 1 that was notin my mind. - Oꝛ lurking like aL pons tobelp, - faa ( ‘4 Ssfod the workes of inicken men, {within forme fecret place. J and paths peruerſe and ill: mS | Foz loue ofthy moſt holy yor, = 13 Up Lord ith hattpreuent mp foe, * \ Ihaue refrained till, and caſt him at my feete: Saue thou my ſoule from the ill man 13 le the pathes thatbe molt pure, and with thy ſword him finite, | — ae” —* ee eae 14 Deliuer me Lord by thy pater, out of thefe tp2ants bands; eet Uti bich now folong time raigned Hane, and kept vs tn their bands. 1 5 A meane from worldlie men to whom all worlolx gutftsavertie: That haue no hope nor part eftop, but in this pecient hie. 16 Shou of thei Lore their bellies ale {with pleafure to their mind 3 Their Children haue enough, andleaue fo theirs the reſt bebind. 17 But ¥ Mall pure confcience, behold thy gracious face: So when J wake J ſhall be full, of thine Image and grace. - Diligamte, Pſal. xviij. T. S. Kingdome, extolling the marueilous graces of GOD in his preferuation. Chrift,by the vnfpeakable loue of God, though allthe world refift. — my — and a : — eal 1. pe: of force J mi muff lous us the: : Thou art my. Cattle and — mp ) Neteffitic. 2 Dy God — = — — —J— J truſt tet worker of my wealth: —F — — — — — Pſalme XVIII. Heerein is the Image of Chriftes King- dome, which thall conquer throuch er ae = = —— — — — — — —— — — ee — — ‘Py refuge, Buchler and mp | thielde, — — — — — — — — the boone of all my health. 3 Wiben J Ging laud vnto the Lorꝛd, moſt worthy to be ſerued: When fom my loes Jam right ſure, that J hail be pꝛeſerued. 4 The pangs of death did compare me, and bound me eucry wheres he flowing tnaues of wickedneſſe did put me in great feare. 5 Whe Aye and fubfill Mares of bell, Wwere roundabout me let ; And fo2 my death there was prepard, a deadly trapping nef, Dauid giueth thankes entering into his 6 ¥ thus beſet {with paine and qrtefe, DID pray fo God fo2 grace: And be forthivith div beare my plaint, — out ofbis bolp place. 7 Suchishis potwer that in his wꝛath, he made the earth to quake: * __ ea the foundation ofthe mount, of Baſan fo2 fo Take. 8 Gna from bis noftuls came a ſmoake {oben kindled was his tre: = 4nd from bts mouth came kindled coales, of bot confuming fire. = — =z /Che Lord deſcended from aboue, and bowed the beauensbie : = — And vnderneath hts leete he calt, | the parkneffe of thefky. “10 On Chervbs and on Cherubins, fullropally be rede: at on the Wings of atl the winds came flxing all —— Pe The rE i PYalme X The fecond part. rf (3 1 Andlikea den moft darke, he made bis bid and fecret place ; | With tuaters blacke and aive clauds, inuironed be was. 12 (ut when thepreſence of his face, in brightnelſle hall appeare : came baile, and coalegof fire. | | 13 Theſe fierpsDarts and thunder-boults, ik difperfe them bere and there : | | And with bis often lightenings, f be puts them in great feare. )) 14 2020 at thy tw2ath and theeatnings, | and at thy chiding chere: ) Whe lprings andthe foundations. ) _ efall the woꝛldappeare. ‘| 45 Aud from aboue the Lord fent downe, fo fetch me from below: And plucke me out of waters aveat, that iveuld me ouerflow. 16 Andme deliuered from my foes, — that would Haue made me thzall : | ea from ſuch foes as were tw rong fo2 me fo deale withall. 17 Shey did preuent me fo oppꝛeſſe, tit time of my great aviefe: But vet the Lord was my defence, my luccour and reliefe. — — — — ~ — a — —* al a — aoe eh * J * pao se 18 He bought me forth in open place, wWehereas J might be fre And kept me fate, becaule he has J a fauour bnto me, f | 19 Anaas J was antnnocent, | fo did He me regard: and to the cleaneſſe of mp hants, he gaue me my reward. 20 For that J walked in bis way . ie — — * 2.8 . ‘ ~ Z ua —* 4 ee — PS ee a ee r | | hen Clouds confumeandin their ſtead, e 7 . Xv I I Cc — and in bis paths baneteatis Thy ~ and baue not — * 8 againſt my Lord my God. The third part. 21 Wut euermore J haue refpec, to his lawes and deckeeee. is ſtatutes and commandements, Icaſt not out from me: 22 Mut pure and cleane and vncorrupt, appeared before bis face: | Aud ard refraine from wickedneſſe and finne in any cafe. ae soe 4 ’ a a ey 23 Whe Lord therefore will me reward as Jhaue done aright: “And fo the cleannefeof my bands, appearing in his fight. 24 Foꝛ 020 Wwith him that holy is, {wilt thon be bolp fo: and {with the god and berfuows man, right bertuoully wilt doe, 25 And fo the louing and elec, thy loue thou wilt referue : and thou wilt vſe the wicked men, as ivicked men deferue. 26 $03 thou doſt faue the ſimple folke, in trouble when they lie: . and dott boing downe the countenance, — | of them that loke full bie. 27 Whe Loꝛd will light mpcandlefo, thatitthall ſhine full biicht · The 1020 my God will make alſo, mp darknefle to be light. _ 28 For by thinebelpanhoakofmen, diſcomũt Lord J hall: WBy thee J ſcale and ereape, the ſtrength of any wall. 29 Unfpotted are the wates of Cod, bis words are shane tribes _ | | Pfalme XVIII He is afure defence to (uch, as in dis faith abide. +3.0 Foꝛ who is Ged ercept the 102d? foz other there ts none: D>; elfe who is omnipotent, fauing out God alone ? ‘The fourth part. 3 1 Whe God that gicteth me with trength is be that 3% Doe meane: That all the waies wherein J walke, bid euermoze keepe cleane. 3 2 That mabe my fecte like to the Warts, in ſwiltneſſe of my pace: And fo2 my ſurety brought me forth, into an open place. 33 Pe did in order put my hands, fo battatle and to fight: To bzeake in funder barres of braſſe, be gaue mine armes the might. 34 Thou teaches me thy ſauing health, thyright hand ig my tower: Shy loue and familtacrity, | doth ſtill increaſe mp power. 35 And onder me thou makelt plaine, the way where J fhould walte : So that my fete ſhall neuer diy, - no2 fumble af a balke, 36 And fiercely Jpurſue and take, my foes that meannoys : And from fhe eld do not returne, fill they be all deſtroyd. 37 0 J oppretle and wound my foes : that they can rife no moze : Foꝛ at my fet they fall dotwre flat, ~ 3 frike them all fo fo2¢. 3 9 1.020 thou balt put into my hands, my moꝛtall enemtes poke : And all my foes thou doſt deuide, in funder, with a ſtroke. 40 Shep cal d fo2 belpe but none gaus care, 1162 holpe them with reltefe : Bea to the Xoꝛd they cal d fo2 belpe, pet heard be not their griele. The fifth part, 41 And ill like duſt befoze the winde, J driue them ender feet : And ſweepe them out like filthy clay, that ſticketh inthe fret. 42 Thou keepſt me from ſedicious folke, that ſtill in ſtrife be len: And thou att of the Heathen folke, appoint me fo be head. 43 Apeople ſtrange fo me Dnimoiune, , aid pet they thail ine ferue : Gud at the fir obey my words, fovereds np olone twill fiverue. 44 J ſhall be irkefome to mineotone, they will not f my light: {ut wander wide out of the tvay, | and bide them out of fight. 45 Wut bleed be the lining Lov, moft woꝛthy of all pꝛaiſe: That is mp rocke and fauing Health, saifed be be alwaies. 46 Foꝛ God it ig that gaue me potver, renenged fo2 to be : And with bis holp woꝛd ſubdude. the people vnto me. 47 And from my foe me delivered. and fet me biaher then thoſe: $8 Ffo2 thou dol quide me with thy ſtrength That cruell and vngodly were, to warre in fuch a wife: What they be all (cattered abroad, that vp againt me rife, and bp againtt me rofe. 48 And fo2 thiscaufeD Lod mp Sod, to gine the thankes 4 hall: fies. And @,; ah pie de acta And aad praitosto | F thy na F Potuperfetis tel wofGod, © among theGeatilesalh how is — — ect bey) i to That gauede geeatppofpricy, * — Conusitingfoules ano mang wiles puto the sing flaps 5. | the fimpleandobfeure, a To Danio thine appainted. Sing, 8 Jult are theo: —— 24 and foféedsfozapes © pe oe) veo and glad both bart and minde · tz _ Bis precepts pure and giueth light, | Caliemrrint. P fal. ars T. S. ‘to vies that be full blinde. He mioucth the fathfillso glorify God by 9 The feare of Boni is ercellenty fi “the workemanthip, proportion,and or- and doth endure faz ener: —J. naments of the heauens, and by the law The iudgemem⸗ ofthe Lembavetsue, }| wherein God is reuealed familiarly to andriahteousaltogether. = || his chofen people. 10 And moꝛe fo be embrac d alwwaies, Sing this ac the 14. Pſalme. Pe fined Gate Bayz She bony andthe ony combes,.» He Heauens and the firmament, } Doe wondr oully declare: , are not fo ſweete ag ther... ent ete e glosy of Godomnipotent, 11 Bp them shy lecuant is hoeewarnd, — vond:ous workes ol appeare and in perfoomance ofthe iame, 190 ‘ a ’ bp every daies ſucceſſe: — there thallbe great reward. a Hi the felfefamethings —* the errors ot his life: i; Chen clenfe my foule from fecret gms, i! 3 There is no language tongue, 0? (pec, nay ‘ o where their ſound is —— evwbicharzin — J J— En all the earth and coatts thereof, 13 And kepe me that Mamptudue fin 1s. their knowledge is conferd. — — aa : : a i 4 In them ye Lord made forthe * and then chall J be innocent, 4 a place of greatrenoune: and great offences ſ. WMho like a Bꝛidegrome ready trimd, 14 Accept tmp mouth and cke nip heart, doth trgmn his — J iny words and fhoughts cachone: | _ Fo2imy redemer and my ſtrength ha with fey doth hat to fake in hand, Exaudiat re Dens, Plaleccx. TS. | | fomenobleenterpsife. G The people pray toGod to —— 6 And all the ſky from end to end King, and receiue his facrifice — 8 be compaſſeth about: offered before hee went ro bartell 2 _ | pathing can hive it froin bis Heat, gaintt the Ammonites , declaring t ae. | , ow COT ae } Pecipmnmes oar act ~~, the Heathen eM ‘Nt ae butt fore hey fhall fall, but the King and his people fhall and, _ Sing this as the 14. Pſalme. aX trouble and aduerſit, the Lord God heare thee ill: The Maielty of Jacobs Goa, : defendthefremall ull, : 2 Andfendthe fiom bis boly place, his helpe atenerp neve: and ſo in Sion ſtablilh the, and make thee rong indeede. Kemembring wellthelacriũce, that note fo him ts done: and fo receiue Light thankefully, thy burnt offerings each one. 4 According fo thy hearts defite, the Lorꝛd grant onto the : Ano alltby counfeil and denice, : full well perfozme may he. 5 Whe Hall reiopce when ss bs faustt, | and our banners diſplay: uinto the 102d, which thy requetts, fulfilled bath alway. ee The Lod will his annointed faue, Jkuow well by bis grace: And fend him health by his right out ot his holy place. 7 In Chariots fome put contidence and ſome in hoꝛſes tru: But we remember God our Lord, that keepeth promiſe iuſt. andð ftand opiterfatip; * ſaue and help bs Lord and ,King, the 2 when weds cry. —* “hg Ppalme XX. xx J. —** in hisname,Where- David in the perſon of the people pracen 4 And whenbeatkenlife of thes. — To haue long like, yeatuchalife, 3 Shep fall doivire Hat, but we doerile, i | n Great woꝛlhip and great honour boch, Domine in virtue, Pfal.xxi, TS. God for the victory giuen them againit | the Syrians atid Ammonites, 1. Sam, 12. Wherein hee was Crowned with the Crowne of the King of Ammon,2. Sam.12. And endued with ae manifold 3 bien of God, i OnsSisiansiet= ——— — — — — —— — — — in thy ſtrength and dthe eyoine: ato ee see Ste eee i ne ae the bebemently dooth be reiopee, in in the SS SS SS SS — Sauiour ? 2 22+ a thou 30u halk giu given { — — 7 “onto ji bis — hearts deſire: to ee = —— — | == =f Shoes ot bin nothing batt thou denide, of that — = es he did require. 3 Thou divtE prenent him wichthr guifts and bleſſings manifold : And thou batt fet vpon his head, o a Crotune of perfect Gold. ; thereof thou madeſt bim fure: as ener ſhould endure. 5 Greatis his gloꝛr by thy belp, | ‘thy benefite and aide: : thou batt —— ———— nae +. y ~ eee ae — 9 "THR Te) JRA aft) pete —* * \ ehetell dheabies ley: ‘thatucuerthallvecap: : And with thy cherefull countenance, wilt comloꝛt bunalap. 7 Forwhy the King doth ſtrongly tut » it Govfazto preuatle: ‘Wherefore his godneſſe and his qrace, | tuillnot that be thall quaile. | ! 2 But let thine enemies feele thy force, and thofe that thee withſtand: Finde out thy foes and let them fale, | the potwer of thy right band. 9 Andlike anouen burne them 1020, At flameand fue. Thine anger thall deſltroy them all, 1! and fire thall them confine. i Lo Andthou thal rte out ofthe carth, - their frutt that hould increaſe: and from the number of thy llocke, thetr fede Hall end and ceaſe. ya agatnt thy boly name: 4 - fog to perlorme the fame. ag Wut as amarke thou thalé them (et, . twa moſt open place: And charge thy Bow-ttrinas readily, a againſt thine s nemies face. 423 Be thou exalted Loꝛd thereſore, ti in thy ficengtheuerpboure: So thallive fingright ſolemnelie, prꝛarlingthymight and potver. Deus Dens mens. Pfal. xxij. ToS. Pſalme XxII. Wee i lee Foz why 2 much mifcbiefe did they mufe 5 hep were deliueredener when - “4 Bet did they faile, and had no potver, Dauid complaineth of his defperate ex- Let him redeeme and belpe him now, | | treamity, and declareth whereby he re- couereth himfelf from temptation, Vn- der his perfon is figured Chrift. Heeres 9 Aut Lop out ofure mothe wombs, J nis dua declared the iba ail of Efay, | a _he was — forthof wba | ment. 3 j Sing this 4s the 12. Plame. ie God ny Gov , Wwherefore Dott thon foxfake me bttertp: · Gnd belpek not tuben % doe make inp great complaint and trp? 2 Ho the inp God euen all daylong, ¥ doe both crp and call: 7 % ceafe not all the night, and pet, {hou heareſt not at all. 3 Euen thou that in thy fand uarp, and holy place doſt divell ; hou art the comfort anathetoy, . and glory of Iſrall. 4 And be in whom our Fathers * had all their hope fez euer: Sif Aud when they put their truſt in tbe. fo didſt thou them deliuer. F they called on thy name: And fo2 the faith thep han in the, they were not put to ſhame. i 6 Wut J annoty become a Moꝛme moe like then any man: | An out⸗caſt whom the people frogne, with allthefpiaht they can. 7 Andinenefpifeas thepbebalo = me walking anthetwap, | SChep avin, thep mot,and nod theirheats, and in this wile they fay. ar a 8 Whis man did glospin the Loꝛd, ca bis fauour and bis lone: bis power tf be twillpzoue, me ss ihe 7% f —— Thou diott ppelerue me ſtill in hope, = J did fuckeber breaſt. as committed from my birth, th thee to haue above ; Hince J was tn mp Mothers wombe, thou batt beene ere my God. Thefecond part, 11 Shen Lord depart not now frome, in this mp prefent griefe : Since J haue none to be my helpe, my fuccour and reliefe. 12 So many Buls dee compatie me, thatbe full ſtrong ofhead | Pea Wuls fo fat as though they had in Baſan fielobenefed. = 13 Ther gape vpon me greedily, as though they would me flay : Much like a Lyon roaring out, and ramping fo2 bis pay. 14 Wut J dzop downe like water (hen, my iornts in funder b3eake : My heart doth in my body mel, like ware agatntt the beat. 15 And likea pottherd drieth my ſtrength, my tongue tt cleaueth faſt Anto mp iawes, and J am brought fo duſt of death at laſt. 16 And many Dogs do compaſſe ine, and {wicked counfelleke,: Conſpire againk me curſedly, they pierce mp bands and fete, | 17 ¥ was tozmented (o, that J might all my bones haue fold : Met Mill vpon me they dolwke, |. and Mill thep mebebold. 18 Py garments thep deuided cke, tn parts among them all: + And fo? my coat they did caſt lots, ae ohg it — belall. ~“Pialme xX iW. 19 Wherefore J pray the be uot fae from meat my great nad: wut rather {ith thou are myſtrength, fo belp me Loꝛd inake ſpede. ‘ 20 And from the ſword lord fauemy ſoule by thy belpe and thy potwer: aid keepe my foule thy darling dare, frown decs that would deuour. 21 And from the Lions mouth that would me all in funder ſhiuer: and from the hoones of Anicornes, lord ſafely me deliuer. 22 And J thall to my Bꝛethren all, thy Maieſtie record: and in thy Church ſhall prꝛaiſe the name of thee the liuing lord. The third part. 23. All ye that feare him praiſe le, ‘thou Jacob honour him: And all pe feed of Iſraell, {with reuerence worſhip Him. 24 S02 be deipifeth not the poore, he turneth not awry {Dis countenance {oben they doe call. . but granteth to thetr cry. ! 25 Among the flocke that feare the 1020, 4 will therefoze proclaime Thy praife, andkeepe thy promifemade, fo2 fetting forth thy name. 26 The pooze ſhall eate anv be fuftic d, and thofe that do their devour To know the Loꝛrd thall peatfe bis name, — their hearts thall line fo2 ever. 27 Qilcoatts onearth thall praife the lord and turne fo him fo2 grace: The Heathen folbe hall worſhiphim, befo2e bis bleſſed face. 28 The Kingdome of the Weathen folke, the Lord fall pis therefore: : ig Pfalme XXL XXIIII. a ndbe chall be their gouerneur, 5 Thou hatt my tablevichip read and King foz euermore. in defpiteofinp for: | Thou halt my head with balme ete, ' | 1 9 The rich mien of his godly gikts, nip Cup doth ouerſflow. 2 4 yall fede and taft alfo > 6 And finally whileſt bscath totblat, And in big pretence worchip bint, thy grace ſhall me deſend: and bow their knees full low. And in the prefence of God will J o And all that Hall goe volute fo duit, my time foz ewer fpend. of lifeby him muſt taſt: Hy ſede chall ferue and praiſe the L020, Another of the fame by Thomas. while any woꝛld Hall tat. Sternhold, =~ ; Hr feede (all plainely here te them, M?» S hepheard ts the liuing Lox, | that Gall be borne hereatter, nothing therefoze J neede: M 'D auid having g tryed Gods manifolde mer- To twalke in paths oftighteouftrete, i cies divers waies, gathereth affurance for bis moſt holy uame, * + that God will continue his goodneſſe 3 Pea though J watke in pale of death is tuffice and bis righteoufneſſe Zn pattures faire, toith waters calme, and all hts tvoskes of wander. be ſets me fo2th to fxde. 2 We did convert and glad my ſoule Dominus regit. P fal. xxi: j. WW. and bought my minde in frame : : apr CUce, vet {will J feare none ill: Sing bi asthe 21. P falme.. Tyy ren, thy fale, noth comfo2time,. and thou art with nte tll. Ye loz is onely my fuppozt, 4 Anvin the pretence of mp foes, - A atthe that beth me fede : my fable thalt thou ſpread: 8 dovb can J then lacke any thing, Thou halt O LXoꝛd till ſull wy cu whereal J Landin nade? and cke annoint mp bea. 7 Bedoth me ſold tn coates moſt ſale, Pepto BY — the tender gralle fait by: 5 Dheough allmplifethpfauguris, - And after driues me to the frreames, ſo kranckly Hewedto mes _ A which runne molt pleaſantlp. That tn thy houſe fo2 euermoze, + Sno when J feele my felfe-neerelott, my divelling place Hall —* tthen doth be me home take : — — ——— me in his right paths, Domini eftterta. Pfal, xxiz. pa - | euen fo2 bis otune names fake... The grace of God beeing now vttercdin F 4— And though J teere euen at deaths doꝛe, the Temple more glorious then before pet weu'd Jfeare none ill: inthe Tabernacle, Dauid with exclas F iy | Fo2 with thy rod and Shepheards pats mation fetteth forth the honour theres i Fam comfozted Hill, — of, mooning the conf deration of the _ ⁊ iC lila eee * & by 4 ut Ma ‘ — ~ PYalme XXII, XXV, — manfion prepared in Heauen, ro WRhat is the hing of glosions fdte 2 whereof this wasa figure, | the £020 of boatts he is: "5 Sing this asthe 21. Pfalme, The Kingdome and the ropalty, T™ earth ts all the Loꝛds, withall of glorious fateishis. her ſtore and furniture : ; 5, Vea his ig all the woꝛld and all, Adte Domine, Pſal. xxv, T. ) that therein doth endure. _. Dauid grieved at his finnes, and maliciow 2 For he hath fafelyfounvedit, Enemies , moft feruenelie prayeth fo aboue the Sea to ſtand: forgiueneſſe, eſpe ciallie of ſuch ſinnes a And laid alotw the liquid flouds, he committed in his youth, fo floty beneath the lang. = — — 3 Fo2 whois he, O Lord, that all, a ie — J aſcend vnto thy bill: it mine a g owe — paſſe into thy bolp place, there to continue fill 4 dhoſe hands are harmeleſſe, and whoſe — ai iu ‘Fo — shee * no * there doth deñle: (heart at — — = is foule not ſet on banity | fi ev do Itrutt who hath not ſworne to guile. — — — — 5 Hum that is ſuch a one, the Loꝛd — =i=|= = fhall place in bliſſetullplight, _, 2 Let not my foes reioyce, no2 make a And God his Cod and Saviour, — = ——— chall yerld fo him his right. ay 6 Whisis the brood of trauellers, — tn ſeeking olhis grace: gee eu, eee As Jacob bid the Jlraelites, throwne that p put ttheir trutt in thee 7 in that time of bis race. . 3 But ſhame call them betall, — 7 yews ices Spel pont gates, Rannopent {which barme them wronglully. the euerla aftfe 4 — in thereby, Therelore thy pathes and thy right waver the King of gloztous fate. bite me Loꝛd delcry. : 8 Whois che King ok glorious tkate + Direc meinthyteuth, the frong.andmightylez: . and teach me J thee paps · Whe mighty Lord in battell tout, Thou art mp Godand Sauiout, andfrvalloftheftvo2.. on thee ¥ waite alway. 9 Pe Pꝛinces open pour gates, andopen 5 Why mercies manifold, — the euerlatting gate: Zi pray thee Losbremember, Fo2 there thal enter in thereby, Aud eke thy pitty plentifull, ior ReN eciine fate. : ſor they haue Beene foreare, % ty 5 RKemember not thefaulfs, and frailty ofimp pout}: emember not hoy ignorant, 3 haue bene of thp truth. 7 sozrafter my deferts, Y letme {hy mercy finde. But of thine owne benignity. Lord baue mein thy mind · 3 is mercy ls full ſweete, ) pis truth aperfed guive : 2 Aheretore the Lord will finners —— and {uch as goe alide. The humble be will feach,. his pzecepts fo2 to heepe 50 {pill direct in all bis waies, — and the meeke. orꝛ all the waies of God, i Preach and imercy both, | Wo them that keepe bis Teſtament. the witneile of bis troth. The ſecond part. i I Pow forthy holy neine, OLoꝛd 3 ther tutreat, - To graunt me pardon fozmy firme, } fozitis wondreus great. 12 Who fo doth feare the Lord, YE the Lord doth bint direct, ‘Io lead his life in fuch atvayp, as he doth belt accept. 33 His foule ſhalleuermoꝛe | | ingodnedfe dwell and ſtand: — arog inherite ſhall the land. All thoſe that leare the Lord, , h xnow his ſecret intent · my And vnto them he doth det a ha {will ——— ——— Plalme AMV. — — b HG spite iesame che nipheact, a ALhat placktmny teeteoubof ibe faave, fo hun J twill aduance: of fimneandignozance, 16 With mercy me bebold, to thee J make my moane: Fo2 Jam pore and deſelate, and comfoztieficatone. 17 She troubles of mp beat, are mulitplied indede: Wing me out of this mifery. neceflitp and neede. 18 Behold my pouerty, mine anguifh and my p Remit my fines and — and make me cleane againe. +3 D Lord behold my foes; how thep do fill increaſe: Puriuing me with deadly hate, that fatne would ltue in peace. 20 Pꝛeſerue and —— n and eke deliuer me:; i i And let menot beouert)zoume, becaufe Zfrulinthe. =” F 21 Let my ſimple purenctic, me fromm mine enemies thend: | Becauſe Iloke as one ofthine, that thou fhouldt me defend.” 22 Deliuer Lord thy 1 See and fend them fone reliefe : J meane thychoſen Ztraell, front all their paine arin rele Indica me Dowsine, Pfalsxavi. qr 8. Dauid’ injurioufly opprelfed, any eft, Ki yct affured of his tire rity “1 icth to God to defend hin. ing caufeleffe affi@ed. ‘Thea hee i t ~ Os ae : 12 neX XVII to — in * company of the faithfull in the Cengregation oy of te — —— pcre “gt hee was bannifhed by Saule, promifing S292 pet inp life among thofemeit godly air sya praifes, thankfgiuing that fake much bladte ſpill. nd ſactifice for his deliuerance. 10 Watbhofe hands ave beape with od ‘and Sing this as the 14. Pſalve. —— — h pet : | nd {with weench and wile 2 wie —— = boa thalt fe fo2 babes doth plucke and pull. ile⸗ t ght and plaine: 11 But Jina J truſt in God, and hope that be * oan ——— ere {will ſtrength me to remaine. Haue mercy Lord andine — 2 Proue nie my God, J the defire, fothat{roenotfweme. my twap fo (earch and try : 12 Py fotets ſtaid ſor all alſaies As men do pꝛoue their Gold with tire, it ltandeth well and right: inp raines and heart efpy. herelore to God will J ine praife, : 3 Thy godnelſe lain befoze my fac in ail the peoples ſight. 4 burt behold aiwaie ra — — $3 ? Fro2 of thy truth J tread the trace Domine illuminatio, Pfal, xxvq, I. H. and {will Do allnty daies. : Dauid deliuered from great perils, giueth 4 4 doe notlut fo haunt 02 vie. thankes, wherein we fee conftant faith with men tobofe Deedes are vaine: againit * aflaults of all enemies & the To come in houſe J vorefue, end why hee defireth ro live and to bee with the decettfutl traine. deliucred, Then he exhortetn to faiths | 5 4 rnxch abboore the nicked fase. and to attend faBOR God... gee , 7 that partaull tia —— mf i 20 ig both mp bel an? light, 6 My bands Z {oath and Doe prnccede Sith oe ——— in —— od doth giue me ſtrength and might, Then to thine Alter 3 make f aoe, — —— to offer there in fight. P 2 UUbile that my foes with al'thete ttrength 7 That J may ſpeake and preac * th —— ———— inke to that doth belong to thee: bcereaiũ * sbewntelues —— and fo declare how wondꝛous waies, — — « 3 Though they in campe againlt me lie, 8 Dio Dtbp boute 3 loue motte my heart ts not airait: ta tiet tf both once s ate, In battell pitcht ikthey will try. FtuinGovferaive. | ip vane Wish sya toonln be neere, > 4 Dne thing of Gos J Boe — eee erere | that be wouid not deny > Plaine AAVlde 9 os tubich and Wwilldefive, fo trap me if they — a 4 ‘7 tul be Aap a : 14 Doe not “aes me be the twill | | my like thoughout may divell, : : ite vmitnelie — eon | Ho feethe beauty ot bis face, aue tien F and view bis Temple well. 15 Sy heart would faint, but that in me 6 In time of dead he Hall be hive thts hope is fircd faſt: | within bis place mog pure : The 1070 Gons godgrace hall iffee, And kepe ine fecvet bp his ſide, in liie that ape ſhall laſt. as onarocke moſt lure. 16 Trug Millin God whole wholothouart, ‘47 Atlenath Jknow the Lordes godgrace, his twill abide thou muſt: i fhall make me ſtrong and Mout: And he thalleafe and ſtrength my heart, if 9)» foes ts ſpoile and cleane deface, ik thou in him dotcul. that compaiſe nie about. : Bn Peng icy |g sChecetoze twithin bis houte will 3, Adte Domi.clamaberP lah xxvii, ToS. | giur facrifice of p2atfe : @ Beeing in feare and penfiueneffe to fee at Mith Plalmes and fongs J will apply, God diſhonoured by wicked men, hee iz ed land the 11020 alwaies. cryeth for-vengeance againſt them, and — * being aſſured that God hath heard him, | The fecond part. hee commendeth all the faithfull to his” 1 Lord heare the voice — requett, tuition. oꝛ which to the Icall: Fie! ) Bane mercy 11030 on mie opprett, | Sing this as the 21. Pfalme : Aand fend me Helpe withau “T Bou att.® Loz np ttrenath ann ar. i 10 My bart doth knowledge vnto the, = — — aad ref th t 9— rap go te et - ce ſai m Boyd * * ke thy f ene sees 2 The voyce of thy fuppliant Beare, 0 a Wael feehe be face, that onto thee do cry: aa In wrath turne not thyface atway, When Juſt vp my bands bnfo no? (uffer me to fide: thy holy Arke moe hie. | Bua my ae Gill to this day, e ill my gd and guide. 3 K fe me not amen e ſo k My Parents both their Sonne forfaoke, ° — and —* — ene and call ine offat larae : That ſpeake right faire onto their eno, Bee ene Nove bntete et tate, and thinke fullillin heart. of ine. the care and charge. 4 According to their handy oes * — th; each me D Lord the tway to thee, as they deſerue indeede: 4 and lead me forth aright: | | . Andaftertheirinuentions, - 4— —— as watch ior me let them recive epee ney oe * pſalme XXIX, XXX 5 Foꝛ thepregard nothing Bors workes, 3 Wis voice doth rule the waters all, higlawnepethisloe: = cucn ag himſelle doth plea’ : Therefore willbe them and their ſeed, Wedothpreparethe thunder-claps, deſtroy fo2 euermoꝛe. and gauerne all the ſeas. 6 Lorenverthankestntothe 202, 4 The vorce ok God is of great face, - botwareatacaufehaueZ? and wondꝛaus ercellent ; My vorce, my prayer, and my complaint, It is ined mighty in effert, that beard ſo willingly. and moſt magnificent. 7 He is my hielo and fortitude, 5 She bopce of God doth rent and beeake my bucklerin diſtreſſe: the Cedar trees fo long :. Py hope, my help, my hearts reltefe, The Cedar trees of Libanus, my fong fall him confetle. which are: met bigh and ſtrong. 8 He is our ſtrength and our defence, 6 And make theinleape like as a Calſe, our enemies to reſiſt: oꝛ elfe the Anicorne: The health and the ſaluation Not oncly frees, but Mountaines great, of bis elect by Cheiſt. whereon the trees are boone... 9 Why peopleand thine heritage, oꝛdð bleſſe, quide, and peferuc ; Increaſe them 2070 and rule their harts, 8 gemakes tye defert quake for leare, that tbep may neuer ſwerus. that called is Cades. . omine. Plalxxiv. T.S, 9 stmabes the Hindes for fearetocalue,. Afferte Domine. Pſal. xxix. T.S and makes the couerts plaine: ben iit the Temple euery man, bis glory doth proclaune. 7 Wis veyce denies the flames of fire, and hakes the wilderneſſe: ¢ Dauid’exhorteth Princes, who forthe g | moft part thinke there isno God, atthe Jeaft to feare him forthe Thunders and Tempells for feare whereof all Crea- 10 he Lord twas fet abouc the feuds, turestremble, And albeititthreatneth ‘ ruling fjeraqinafea:. , finners, yet it mooueth histo praife his So hall be ratgne as 1020 and hing, - name. loꝛ euer and :o2 aye. — | Sing this as the 30. P{alme. nie The Low will giue his peope power, bic | in vertue ts increaſe: sa ¶ue tothe Sord ye Potentates, . — qT he 1070 will bletfe his choten fake, | 4" perulers of the world: | with euerlatting peace. # GBiue pe J——— and ſtrength, i vnto theliuing Lord. Exaltabote Domine, Pfdl.xex: TS. iP esthe ahve to bis hety naiwe, xaltabote Domi ⸗ Pfc | sal i and honour him alone: @ When Dauid fhould dedicate his houfe _ Moꝛlhip hun in his Patek, to the Lorde, hee fell extreame ficke, — within his holy thzone. without all hope of life, and he A} bins > x — © \ * re >. * 4 Sees > a Sry 5 ovale ae ee e ~ Piha os, ee eee a — * ẽ * a elk kl, a ali —— beet. : Daiic Mee RAL Sy fore after recouery hee thanketh God, bef theDarbelights — ‘exhorting others to the kes & todesrn ~ ciel edit by him *— God is rather mercifull © When J inioyde the worl at * ) thenfeuere towardshim: alfothatad- thus would J boaſt and ſar. wer ~ uerfity is fudden, Then heprayeth, and Culh J anvlure to felenonedll, $303 promifeth to praife God for ever. this twealty Hallnetoecap, ... 4 Oe ie tae 7 Se2tgon dD Lenore gad grate, . | Ais=)2 SF“ baltfent mettcongthannaine: | Lil laud and praite with heart and Wut when thou furnedfatuap we face, Sar See — =. my mind was ſore diſmaide. rary Loz Da gine to thee rinhich 8 Welbereforcagaine pet ni Aap, os a = — ss — to thee D 1028 of might: = — — Py God with plaints J did apply, | didſt not — my foes ceiopee, but and praide bath bay and. night. — — —9 dhat gaine is in my bloud ſaid J. SiS eaiai= — — il death deſtroy my daies: batt exalted me. 2. O i020 my God Doth dull declare thy Maiellp, JS =F] STE Zon vet the teuth noth pate? te thee ‘Fede, nail n my paine and dWherelore mp Bod fome pittie take, ——— — — D Loꝛd Ithe Defire: | griete, thou gauelt an eare and D dine Docnot this fimple foutefortake, Ay SS Sass ~SCéf elpe I thee require. —— —— I11Then DIDEE thou furne mygriele and tuo, prouide, to cafe me withrelieſe. vnto a cheerefull voyce: i 3 Okthy aoediwillthou hattcalobacke, The mourning weed thou tookeſt me fro, ny foule from Well te faue : and madelt meforeioyce. _ . i i | i, Er eemott we bon ne ig oid lachez 45 Wyerelre my foule bneeffantly, | 4 Sing praite ye Saints that proue andfe, _ Hall fing ape thy peaifes i the godneſſe ofthe 020; A DY Lowmp God fo thee. {will J, In memory ofhis Palenie giue laud and thankes alwaies. retopee {with one accord. | lute Domine peraui. Pfal, XXX» * 5. Foꝛ whyis anger but a ſpace, Dauid deliuered ftom great danger, fhew. | _ doth lat and flacke againe : eth firft what Meditation hee hathby 7 ay PBut in his fauour and bis grace, the power, of faith, when death ae 3 | _ altvaies doth liferemaine. fore his eyes, and how the fauour ¢ f _, hough aripes of griefe andpangsful fore, God alwaicsi ie ready to thofe thatfeare | thall lodge with bs all night: him. He exhorteth the faithfull to trult | if * Loꝛ dto top ſhall bs reſtore. in God, becauſe ae them P| ' i | * | ‘ hr PRAT, Eon! a Pialme XX XI. | - Sing this asthe u 8. Pfalme, 4 1.030 J put my trutt in thee, let nothing worke me ſhame: As thou artinffdeliverme, =. and let me quite from blame. 2 Heare me D 102d, and that anone, to belpe me make god ſpede: Be thou mp rocke and houſe of fone, my fence in tine ol neede. 3 Foꝛ why 2 as ones thy ſtrength is trido, thou act my ſoꝛt and totver ; F032 thy names fake be thou my guide, and lead mein thy potver, - 4 lucke forth mp fiet fromm out the ſnare, which thep fo2 me haue lata: Thou art my ſtrength, and all my care ~ {tsfo2thp might and aide 5 Into thy hands Lord Jcommit my ſpirit which is thy due; Foꝛ toby ? thou hak redemedit, Dlord me Gen molt true. 6 I hate fuch lolke as will not part, from things that be abhord: —— they on trilles fet their hearts, “7 $03 J twill in thy mercy ior, Rlecitnothercell: - Thou ſeeſt when suaht would ne annoy, and knowelt my foule full well. 3 Thou hak not left mein their hand, that would me ouer-charge: But thou hatk fet me out of band, to walke abroad at large. he fecond part. i Great griefe O Loꝛd doth me affaile, ſome pitty on me take: DY vies waxe nip fight doth faile, — woe doth ake, bier” — tae (Ea J J. * 10 Heucei is worne with griefe and paine, my pearesin woe are paſt: Oy ffrength 1s gone, and thoough difoaine, _ my bones coprmpt and walt. 11 Among my foes ¥ ama core, my friends are all diſmaid: Pp neighbours and my Kinſmen bone, | to fee mie are afraid. 12 Ag men orice dead are out of minde, fo am J now fo2qot: As {mall effect in me they finde, ag in a bꝛoken pot. ’ 13 ¥ beard the beags of all the cout, their fheeats mp minde did frap : How thep conipirde and went abut, fo take my life amay. 14 Wut lozd J truſt in thee fo2 aide, not to be ouer⸗trod: Foꝛ ¥ confelle, and Mill haue fato, thou art my 11020 my Gor. 15 The lengt 5 ofallmy hife anbage, O lord is in thy band: | efend me from the to2ath and rage, efthem that me withſtand. 16 To me thy fernant lord erp2effe, and {hein thr ropail face: Aud me ue L020 fo2 thy godneſſe, thy mercy and thp grate. The third part. 17 Loud let not me be put to blame, fo2 that on thee 3 call: i Wut let the wicked bearetheirfhame, => 4 and in the graue to fall, { 18 D how great god hatt thou in ffoze, laid bp full fate fo2 them: | That feare and truttin thee therefore, . befozethefonnesof men? ·· & *4 9 Shy pecfence thal them fenee anid quite re: des =—S J. Pialme A XXTDI. L sath thy place thou (halt them holde, —wity daily moane and plaint. } . feomrall the drtfe of tongues. 4 Fornight andsay thy bandon me, * 20 Thankes to the Woo that bath * fo grieuous was and ſmart: on me bis grace fo far: That all my blod and humors mot, 1) De to defend with watch and ward, to zzinelle did conuert. as inatowne of warre. iN | did therefore confefle mp f. |) 21 Thus ota 3g fap bothtap and night, * pe 9 * Silos — wyꝛen Jwas lore opprelt: Tyhyhen thou, D lord, dink me fozgine, a Loc, J— {nas cleane caſt cut of fighE£, and ail my finnes paffe ouer. 4 t h oT ſt. et heardtt thou mp reque 6 The humble man thallpeap therefore, 7 522 Pe Saints loue pe the lord 3 fap, and fecke thee in Duc time — the kaithſull be doth guide: So that the flouds of waters great, | and fo the proud he tuillrepay, thall haneno poweron him according to their pride. | 23 Beftrong, and God thall Kay pour bart, 7 Then trouble and abuerfitie, +) bebold and haue a luſt: doe compaſſe me about : Fe: ſure the Lord will take pour part, Shou art my refuge and iny top, (> Geb pe om bimae trutt, and thou dott rid me dut. | 8 Come hither and J twill thee teach, 4 Beati quorum. Pſal. xxxij. T.S. how thon ſhouldſt walke aright: Dauid punnifhed with grieuous ſickneſſe Jwill thee guide as J my felfe, y ~ for * ſinnes, —— all them happie haue learnd by proole and fight. to whom God dooth not impute their 9 Be not fo rude and ignoꝛant, tranſgreſſions. And afterthat hee had asis the Poole ang Mule: confeffed his finnes, and obtained par- hole mouth without a raineo2 bit, don, he exhorteth the wicked men to from barme thou canſt nofrule. ~ liue ‘godly, andthe goodtorcioyce. 10The wicked mau fhall mantiols ‘| Sing this as the 30, Pſalme. ſorrowes and greefes ſuſtaine: t “ke man is bletf whoſe wwickeonettz, Sut bute him that trulls in God, the lord hath cleaneremitted : bis godnelſe Hallremaine, and be tobofe finne and wickedneile 11 Be merry therelore in the Lord, is hid and aiſo covered. pe tutt lift bp peur voice: 2 Mud blelt is he to whom the lord, And ye of pure and perfect beart, 1 imputeth not his Gane : be glad and eke reiorte. icy! thath hidn — — ———— guile, Exultate iuſti. Pſal. xxxi. TS. — | in fflence and conitraint: for creating and gouerning all out all proud * and wrengs: ghr bones did weare and talk away, J 3 Foꝛ while that Ikept eh aang fe, He exhorteth good men to se for bin inl salsa for Seater J— the counſell of the wicked, teaching, that no Creature pteferueth any man, but onely his mercy. Sing this as the 30, Pfalme, Crighteousin the Loꝛd reioyce, itis a ſeemelie ſight: That vpright men with cheerelull voice, ſhould prꝛaiſe the Lord of might. 2 praife pe the Lord {vith arp and fon, in Pſalmes and pleafant things ; WMith lute and infruments anong, that loundeth with ten firings. 3 Sing to the Lord a fone moſt neiy, with courage gine bun praiſe: 4 Foꝛ why bis wo28 is euer true, his workes and all bis waies. 5 To iudgement, equity, and ught, dew bath a great god will: and {with bis guilts be doth delicht, the carth thꝛoughout to fill. | — 6 Foꝛ by the woof Godatone, the heauens all were wrought: hoaſts and powers euery eachone, bis breath ta patie bath brought. 9 Whe waters great gathered hath de, . on heapes within the hore: |. and hid themi in the depth fo be, ass in an houſe of oze. ut SAlmenoncarth, bothleakannmok, 4 5, both With ſuch as feare him fo offene; | feare Bod and keepe his lato : | pe that inhabite in cach coalt, dread him and ſtand in aloe, | ’ dhat be commaunded wrought it figs, _ at once {wich preſent ſpeede: ‘eabat the boty et pa ae — * FA % * — ey Ra ee mf . * R ee : ni ; * “RE eee 2S re * 7 NESSES RS es ae a = * — 2 —— — as — * 5 owen iklie aetna mi ———— PL ee pee lai as wee ° 14 The lord from heauen cak hig fiaht, Foꝛ he alone doth snow the thought The firenathof Hoꝛſe Mall not preuaile, ; 19 That he of death and all bittrette, — with full effect indeede. 10 The countell of the ~ abd rude, the Lord till beine to —* oe they neuer —* nor ſ image: Sanat 12 The motions of bis minde and will, fake place in suery age. ) The fecond part. 13 And ble are they to vbom aeunes” as od and guise ts knowen: Whom he doth chufeofmere accozd, - fo take them as bigotwne.. on men mortail by bath; Confidering from bis feat of mtghe, the dwellers on the earth. 15 The lord ¥ fay twhofe hand hath wroght mans Heart, anddothitframe: and working of the fame. 16 A King that truſteth in his poatt fhail nought prenatle af length: ; The man thatof his might noth —— ſhall faile forall bis feength. 17 Whe frospesof Yor‘eanen eke thatl faile, their ſturdy Steeds ſhall ſterue: — the rioer fo preſerue. 18 But ios the epes oF Dod attend, and watch to aid the iuſt: and ov his godneſſe truſt. * may ſet theit ſoule from drꝛead and ti that dear h the land opp? zee, ——— (RD. ae 20 saber | a =e RM at ee sane ee ee heir countenance | 20 Uahevelore aur foule doth fill depend | on odour ſtrength and Kap: He isour ſhield bs to defend, and Batue all darts alway. 21 Durfoule in Godhath isp and game, reioycing in bis ſight: Foꝛ why z in his mot holy name, | twe bope and haue delight: (22 Therefore let thy godneſſe D L070, ftill pꝛeſent with os be: ) And we alwares with one accoyd: will onely truſt in thee. Benedicam Dom. Pfal.xxxiiy. T. S. Dauid hauing efcaped Achis, (1.Sam.22) _ praifeth God for his deliverance, giuing ___ others exainple to truftin God,to feare and ferue him,who defendeth the godly with his Angels, and vtterly deftroyeth che wicked in their finnes, 1 Sing this a the third Pſalme. pon giue land and honour both, J+ pnto the Loꝛd alinaies: And cke my mouth fo2 enermoze, {hall (peake vnto bis pzaiſe. 2 Ada belight to laud the £920, + in foule and eke in voice: That humble men and mopfiften, /. may heare and foreioice. 3 Thoreloꝛe fee that pou maguifie with mee thelining L030: and let vs noty eralt bis name \ fogether tutth one accozd. 4 S02 A myplelie befought thetio;s, | ~ Heantivered meagatne: and me delivered incontinent, | ftom allinp feare and paine. 5 Whe fothey be that bn behold, fail fee bis light moſt cleave : 9 4 : i } ‘ "i | 1 \ 5 Chis me twreteh fop forme veliete, Toho div him heare without detay, oO happy man that maketh bim ali nof be pafyt, thep neditnottofeaes; = vnto the 1023 did call: and rid him out of thrall. 7 The angell of the Lord doth pitch, bis tents in euerte place: Co ſaue all {uch as feare the Low, that nothing them teface. 8 Malte and confider well therefore, that God is god and iuſt: big onely ſtay and truſt. 9 Feare ye the Lod his holy ones, aboue all earthly thing : Foz they that feave the liuing lord, are fure fo lacke nothing. 10 Lhe Lyons thall be hunger bit, and pinde with famine much ¢ Wirt ag fo2 thein that feare the L030, no lacke fhall be to fucd. ; The fecond part. 11 Come neere therefoze my childen deere, and fo mp woꝛrds gine eare: . J thall vou feach the perfect way, how pou the Loꝛd ſhall feare. 13 Wibo is the man that would and lead a bleffed life 2 13 Se thou refraine thy tongue and lips, from all deceit and Mtrife. : 14 Turne backe thy face from doing ill, and Bo the godlp od > | Inquire fo2 peace and quietnelfe, ) and folloiy it with (peed. | 2 15 Foztwby:theepesof Godaboue, © bpon the tuff are bent: F Wis eares liketwife to heare the plaint 9 - line long, a wa | of thepooze innocent. 16 But he doth fotuneebend bis bꝛewes, vpon the wicked traine: And cuts aay the memoꝛy so ofthem that ſhould remaine. 17 But when the iult do call and cry, the 4.020 doth beare them ſo: — out ofpaine aud miſery forthwit h be lets them ge. 18 Whe Lorvdiskindand ſtraight at hand, fofuchas becontrife: He ſaues alfo the fo2votvfull, the meeke and pare in ſpirit, 19 Full many bethe miferies,’ that righteous inen to ſuffer: But out ef all adueriities, the Lord bath thein deliuer. feo Whe Lord doth fo pꝛeſerue and keepe bis very bones alway: That not fo much as one of them, doth periſh o2 decay. 22 The finne ſhall flea the tuicked man, which be bunfelfe hath wꝛought: And (uch as bate the riahteous man, lqhall fone be bought to nought. 22 Bnt thep that feare the living 1020, the Lord hall (ane them fonnd: - who that put their truſt in bint, - nothing hall themgonfounn, Indica me Domine. Pfalexxv. I. H. Saules flatterers perfecuted Danid, who ‘prayeth for reuenge, that his Innocency ' may bee declared, and that fuchas take his part may reioyce,for which hee pro- eth to magnifye Gods name all the - dais ofhislife.: —————— Pf, almeX V X v. Sing this asthe14,Pfalme, © Bae plead my caufe again my foes, confound their fo2ce and might: Fight on mp part agatnt all thot, that fecke with me to fight. 2 Lap band vpon the ſpeare ann ſhield, thy felfe tn armor dreſſe: Sfand bp fo2 me, and fight the lield, fo helpe me in diltreſſe. 3 Gird on thyſword and ſtop the way, mine enemies to withſtand: That thon vnto my ſoule maveſt fay, loe Jthy belpe af band. 4 Confound then {with rebuke and blame, that fecke my foule fo ſpill: | Let them turne backe and fipe with thame, | that thinke to worke me tl. 5 Let them difperte and fie sbzoad, as winde doth dtue the duſt: Ans that the Angell ofcur God, their might away may thruſt. 6 Let alltheir wayes be voide of light, and fitppery like fo fall; And fend thine Angell with thy might, fo perfecute them all, 7 Foꝛ why? without my fault they baue in fecret feta ain: a4 And fo2 no caufe haue digd acaue, to take mp foule therein. : When thep thinke leak and haue no care | — Lozt deſtroy them all: | Let them be frapt in their owne ſnare, and in their miſchiele fall. 9 And lef my ſoule, my heart, and voice, in God haue ioy and wealth: That in the Lord Jmay — and in bis lauing health. Cc - 10 ° Ato Pialme AAA V, oe bo dine then my bones (hall (peakeandfap, before thy — alwaiess8s8 my parts ſhall all agree: And where ag molt of people be, VD 1.020 thouah they do fame full gay, . there will ¥ theta thy praiſe. what man is like to he? - 20 Let not my foespreuaile on me, Tied {which hate ine fo2 no fault; The fecond part, . Noꝛ pet to winke o2 turne their eye, (x1 Lhou doſt defend the tucake from them, CDA CAREC ORI: that are both out and ſtrong: The third part. And rid the pore from wicked men, | that {patle and doe then wꝛong. 21 Dfpeace no woꝛd thep thinke 02 fay, i! 12 MWyccuell foes againſt me rife, | their talke is all vntrue: ) to twitnelfe things vntrue: They ill confult and tosuld betray, And fo acculeme they deuiſe, allthofe that peace enfue. | ofthat J neuerknelw. 22 —9* open — a si a mt, Ahere F fo them Bid owe god will, ep cape, theplaugh, thep flere : | 3 * ne — Weil, well, fap they, our eie doth fe That they ſhould pay my god with ill, thething that we delire. my foule doth ſore complaine. 23 But lord thou ſeeſt what waies ther take. ‘114 When they {were ficke J mourndtheres ceaſe not this geare fo men: and clay my feifetn facke: - (fore, Bo not farve off no2 me foꝛſake With kaſting J id fatut full fo2e, ag men that faile their friend. fop:ap Jwas not ſſackhe. 24 Awake, ariſe, and ti abzoab, — hanhi — — delend me in my right: Pen " -ruengeme canter Lada S20, * As one that maketh mournetull chere, | and atde me with thy might. | about bis Mothers graue. 25 According to thy righteouſneſſe, 16 Wut they at my difeafe dtd top, mp i020 Bod grant tome ; And Sather on a rout: And let not them their pride expꝛeſſe, Pea abied flaues at ine d13 toy, - no2 triumph ouer me. 437 The belly Gods and flattering traine there, there, this geare goeth trim ; that all good things deride: Noꝛ gine themcauſe to ſay on high, At me do grin With great diſdaine, Wwe haue our twill on bint. and plucke their mouths aſide. 27 Confound them with rebuke and chame, 8Lord tuben wilt thou amend this geare, that toy when J doe mourne: twp doſt thou ſtay and pauſe? and pay them home with ſpite and blues, Drid mp foule, mine onelp deere, | that bꝛag at me with ſcorne. out of thefe Lyons clawes. 28 Let them be glad and eke reioyce, ho And thon will Jgiue thankes to thee, Wohich loue mine vpright war: ee - « a 3 Wis words are iwicken, bile and naught, Dauid vexed by the: wicked, complaineth a eee — ~ ete Praline XXXVI, And they all times with heart and boice, So doth thy truth it felte ertend, ſhall pꝛaiſe the Loꝛd and fay ; bntotheclouspfky. ae 29 Great is the Lord and doth ercell, 6 Puch moze then dils ſo high and lope fo2 2 he doth delight thy iuflice is expreſt: | | Eo ea Mag tvell, Thy iudgements like to leas molt tepe, that.is bis pleatant fight. | thou ſaueſt both man and beat. 30 TWWherelore my tongue J willappiy, 7 Thy mercy is aboue all things, thy righteouſneſſe fo praiſe: O God it doth excell: Unto the Lord mp God twill J, In tru thereof, asin thy wings, fing laud and thankes alwaies. the fonnes of men thall dwell. wt ipa —X 8 Within thy boule they ſhall be fed Dixit iniuſtus. Pſal. xxxvi. I, H. {vith plenty at their twill: MOF ail delight they ſhall be (ped, oftheir malice, but confidering Gods and fake thereof thetr fill great mercy toall Creatures, efpeciallie 9 Foꝛ twby ? the Cell of life fo pure, _towardshis Children, by faiththerefore doth oucrflote from thee : he is comforted and aflured of his deli- Andinthy fight we ave full (ure, uerance. tthho lalting light to fe. | in 10 From all (uch as defire fo knoiv, Sing this as the 35. Pfalwe. let not thy grace depart : T We wicked with his works vniuſt, Thyrighteouſneſie declareand ſhew, Abdoththus perl wade bis heart : fo men of vpright beart. That of the 3.030 be bath no truſt, 11 Let not the proud on mepzenaile, his keare is (et apart. O Lord of thy god grace: 2 Pet doth he top tn his efate, Noꝛ let the ticked me affatle. to walke as be began: . to thꝛow me out of place. So long fill be deſerue the bate, 12 But they in thet denice Hall fall, oF God and eke ofinan. that twicked workes maintaine : They hall be onerth2otune withall, : bis fongueno truth can t al: and neuer xiſe agatne, Pet at uc hand he will be taught, Noli emulari. Pſal. 1. W. fobich way be may do well. —— 4 Then be thould ſleepe then doth he muſe, Becaufe the godly fhould not be daunted his miſlchiete to fulaill: to fee wicked men profper, Daui Ho wirked waies he doth refufe, fheweth that all things ſhall be grantec noꝛ nothing thatis ill. | euen with heartes defire, to them that j loue and feare God: but the wicked al 5 Wut Lord thy godneile doth aſcend, beit they flourifh for a time, fhall a aboue the heauens high: length periſh. if (Sing Plaime AAAY 13. Sing this as the 35. Pſalme. © Sponot — ãs penton ple, uot 8 ZRKudge not to fer the bucked men, where once be div vemaiie. AT inwealth to foun tills > ~The fecond part. De $02 pet enuy ſuch asto ill, Ty 11 But mercifull and bumble coh oe haue bent and fet their will, entop (all fea and land: oR 2 Foras greene quale e flourtthing hearbs, In reſt and peace they chall reiorre, are cut and wither away: foz nought ſhall them —— —* So chall their great pꝛoſperity, 12 The leud men and malicious, fone paſſe, fade, and decay. againſt the iuſt —— — XX— Trult thou thereforcin God alone, Ther gnath their teeth at him, asmen, to doe well giue thy minte: which dae bts bane delire. So thalt thou bane the land as thine, 13 Wut while the lewd men thas do thinke, i) and therefure fade thalt finte. the 11020 laughes them fo ſcorne: 4 Jn God let allthy whole delight, F 02 why 2 be feeth their ferme approach, and loke what thou wouldſt baue + when they thallfiah and mourne. VDrelle cant with in all the twozld, 14 Che intcked haue thetr ſword ont pation thou needſt if not fo craue, it their boin eke —— bent: 5 Catt both thy felfe and thy affaires, To ouerthrow and kill the pooze, HW on side perfect ane —-as they the tight way went. . And thou thalt fee with patience, 15 Wut the fame ſword ſhall pierces theit | the effect both fure and tuff, . Wobich twas tokulthetu®: (harls iJ Thy perfect ifcand godly name, Likewite the boin ſhall breake fo ſchiuers / he twillcleare as thelight : | wherein they put their traf. ‘ “Sothatthe Sunnecuenatnone-dates, 16 Doubtlefle the iu mans peoꝛe eſtate qhghall not thinebalfefobzight. is better a great deale moꝛe: Be ttill therefore, and ſtedlalkly Then all chefelewo and inoztalpmens on God fee thou waite then: rich pompe and heaped ſtore. 4 Not ſhrinking fo2 the pꝛoſperous Kate, 17 Foꝛ be their power neuer fo ſtrong. 1) ofleiyd and wicked men. God will it onerthow ; 2 8 Sbake off deſpight, enup, and bate, WMhere contrary he doth preſerue, - ry — leaſt tn arp wiſe: the bumble men andlow. a | Their wiched ſteps auoid and file, 18 Heſeeth bp bisqreatpouinence, } andfolloiy net their guiſe. the god mans trade and way: | (9. For enery wicked man will God And twill giue them inberitance, J | deftvop, both moze andlelle: which neuer hall decay. a But fuch as truſt in bimare fure, 19 They (hall not be diſcouraged, ' 7 || thetandfo2 to poffefte. when fone are barn beſted: oe ino Match but a while and thou chalt fee, Tuhen other ſhall be hunger⸗biß no moꝛe the wicked traine: 2 they ſhall be clad and ſed. > vo i « — 02 — {wicked i Is, a entmy tothe Lord: hal quaile,yea melt euenas lambs greaſe, or ſmoke that flyeth abroad. The third part. 21 Webold the ticked borroweth much, and neucr payeth againe: WMhereas the tuff by liberall qut‘ts, make mary glad and fatne. 22 Jt02 thep whom Ged poth blevte va the land fo2 heritage : And they whom be doth curile likewite, {hall perith in bis rage. PfalmeX XXVIL 8 ————— ——— = 17 inherite atl the land : Hauing as Loꝛds all things therein, “ tn their owne power and hand, ß 30 The iu mans mouth doth euer fpeake; of matters wiſe and high: is tongue doth talke fo editie, with truth and equity. 31 Foꝛ tn his heart the law of God bis Lord doth Mull abide: 1¢ 29 that where ere be goes 02 walkes, his feete can nener fitde. 32 he wicked lke a rauening Wolfe, thetudt man doth beſet: 23 The lord theiut mans waies doth guide Gy atl meanes ſeeking him fo kill, and gines him gadtuccetic : To eucry thing be takes in band, he ſendeth god addeeſſe. 24 Though that be fall, pet bets ſure naot vtterly to quatle: Becaule the Lo2d ſtretches ont bis hand af aged, and doth notfatle. 25 Jhaue bene young, and nots amold, | pet d1d J neuer fee | Whe wk man left, noz pet his feed fo beg fo2 miſery. 26 Wut gines alwaies snot liberally, and lends tubereas ig nede: His Childꝛen and poſterity receiue of God their meed. 27 Fly vice theveforcand wickedneſle, | andbertuedoembeaee: So God hall grant the lone te have in earth a dweiling place. 28 Foꝛ God foloucth equity, and ſheweth fo vs fuch arace: | | hat be preferucs then eucrinoze, but ftropes the wicked race. | 29 AWhereas the gad and godly men, aty Be ; ae — a ie ae ifbe fall in bis net. The fourth part. 3 ; Though be Mould fait into bis hands, pet God would fuccour fend: Though men againtk hun fentence giue, od iveuld hin pet defend, 34 Watt thou on God ard keep) bis way, be thall poeferne thee then: She earth to rule, and thou halt fee deffropd theſe wicked men. 35 Whe wicked haue J feene moſt ſtrong, and placed in high degree: Flouriſhing in all wealth anv ſtore, as toth the Laurell free. 36 Wut ſuddenly be paſſed atway, andloe he was quite gone: Then J hin fought, but could ſcarce find — the place where dwelt ſuch one. 37 Marke and behold the perfect man, how God doth him increale : Foz the iuſt man Hall haue at length, great lop with reſt and peace. 38 As fo2 tranſgreſſors woe ts them, deſtroied they Mall all be ; : —— Ved * J rr - ye) ———— ; | PlameX AAV BI I G0 will cut off their budding — E asloathfomearetofe: = = - awD rich poſterity. TUbich all thaough mine olone wichnete, betideth vnto me. M5 But the faluation of the inh, 6 And Fin carefull wile amb sought, | doth) come from ad aboue : : in trouble and diſtreſſe: duho in their troubles fends them aide, Chat J goe twailing ali the day. | of bis meere grace and loue. in dolefull heauineſſe. 40God doth then belp, faue, and deliuer, from leude men and vniuſt: 7 By loines ave fild withſore bifeate, And ſtill will laue them whillt that they my fleth bath no whole shat : )) in dim do put theirtruſt. 8 J feeble am and broken fo2e 3 Jroare fo2 aviefe of heart. — Domine ne in. Pfal, xxxviy. I. H. 9 Thou knowwelk Lord my defive, mp 1) Dauid ficke of fome grievous difeafe, ac arcopen in thy fight. (guoanes t doth pant, mp ſtrength hath knowledgeth himielfe to bee challifed 4 10 Dy bear of rhe ‘Bel for his finnes, and therefore mine etes haue lof their light. (failo, pny: ethto God toturn away his wrath: ;, opp louers and my wonted fiends, utin the ende with firmeconfidence, gand loking on my woe, | and commending his caufeto God,ho- And eke my Kinſmen farre awap, peth for {peedy help at his hand. ate me departed fro. Sing this as the 35.Pfalme. 12 They that did fecke my life layd fnates, and they that fought the way: PD) Ut menof to rebuke, D 1030, Lo doe me hurt fpake lies and thought ‘A inthp — WE; on treaſon all the day, Toͤr arrowes doe lkicke fate in me. 13 Sut aga ovate man 3 became, wi thine band doth preſſe me ſore: that cannot heare at all: And inme fieth no ~~ at all, 14 And as one dumbe, that opens not J 15 Foꝛ all ny confidence, D Leap, “i 3 And all this is by reaſon of, is wholy fet on the. F thr inzath that J amin: 16 O 1020, thou Lord that art mp Gov, © | Noꝛ any reikis in my bones, | thou ſhalt giue eare fo me. E | bp reafoncfmp ſinne. | Vig Fo2loe my wicked doings 1020, Thus did J craue that they mp foes, ‘| aboue mp head are gone: triumph not ouer me ; Agreater load then ¥ cadbeare, 17 F702 when my fote did Mip, then thepil | : thev lie me f 2 bpoit. | | did toy my fall fo fe. it} H And truely (Jpore tw2etch) am fet, Hs PY wounds — and are leltred fo, in placea tuofull ight : And eke my grievous beauinelle, is euer in thy fight. — 18Foꝛ while that 3 my wickednelſe, in bumble wiſe confeſſe: And while Jfor my finfull neds, my ſorrowes Do expreſſe. 19 My foes do Mill remaine altue, and mighty are alfo: And they that hate me wweongfully , in number bugelp grow. 20 They Land againſt me, that my good with euill doe repay ; | Becauſe that god and honeſt things, ¥% do enfue alfvay : | 21 Forxfake me not my Lord my God, be thou not farre away: , 22 Walk me fo help my Lo2p my God, my fafetp and my fap. Deus cuftodiam. Pfal, xxxix, I. H. Dauid hauing determined filence, yet braft forth into wordes that hee would not through his bitter greefe. For hee maketh certaine requeftes , which taft of mans infirmity, yet mixed wich many praiers,and allte fhew a mind wonder- fully troubled, that it may appeare how he did ftriue mightily againft death and deſperation. | Sing this as the 35. Palme. | Sato J will loke fo my waies/ A fo2 feare Jſhould go wꝛong: Jwill take heede all times that J, offend not in my tongue. 2 As with abit Jwill make fat, m mouth with force and might: | Slot once fo whiſper ail the while, x the ticked are in fight. (3 Iheld my tongue and tpake no word, | ; — a= \, Peele —J — ee er “ ee: r r RE ae, Pfalme XXX1X. 19 but kept me cloſe and fill: Vea, from god talke J dtd reſraine, but (ore againſt my will. 4 Dy beart wart hot within my brealt, with mufing, thought and doubt ; WA hich did increale and ſtirre the fire, at lenath thefe words balk out. 5 102d number out my life and daies, which pet Jhaue not paſt: So that J may be certified how log my life halilalk. 6 Loꝛd thou bat pointed out my life, in length much like a ſpan: Mine agets nothing vnto the, ſo haine ts cuerp mat. 7 Pan walketh like a fhade, and doth — in batne himſelfe annop : In getting gods andcannot tell, who hall the fame entoy, - } 8 Nowo lod fith things thus wiſe do frame, | what help doe J defire? Ditruth my belp voth bangon the, . J nothirg elfe require. The fecond part. From allthe fines that Bhaue done, | Lord quit me outofhand; And make me not afcome tofoles, that nothing vnderſtand 10 JWas as dumbe aid to complaine, no tronble might me moue: Becauſe Jknow tt was thy worke, my patience foꝛ to ppoue. 11 1020 take from me thyſcourge and Ican Chemnotwmithtand: (plague 4 faint an? pine away fo2 feare, of thy mot beauphana: | 12 When thou fo2 ſinne do manrebuke, he waxeth woe and wan: J Ciiij As 9 PfalmeAL. g ae doth a cloath that Mothes baue fret, 5 blelt is he whole cope batt, fo vaine a thing is man. - pothin theLor | That with the proud doth take ne — | 13 102d heare mp fute and cine god heede, 1102 ſuch as lie and faine. regard my teares that fall: 6 $02 (Loꝛd my God) thy wondrous deede J foisurne like a ſtranger bere, in greatneife farts do pale: ’ as pid mp Fathers all. Thy favour foward bs ercedes, 14 Dh (pare — jo me {pate, all thinges that cuer was. my frenath fo3 fe reſtore: pe ay 2 ben J entenda de Belore I go alway from Bence, 7 —* — and fall be feene ne moze. Ho {uch areckoning they dorife, thereof no end Iknow. Expettans expettani. Pfal.x!. I'H. 8 Burt offerings thou delighfs netin, Dauid deliuered froin great danger, doth Iknowothy whole defire: magnifie God therefore, and commen- @Qith facvifice to purge his finne, deth his prouidence toward all man- thou doſt no man requite. kinde. Then hee promifeth to giue him- , ee felfe wholy to Gods feruice, and decla- ? — reth how God is truely worſhipped. Af- wut thou D i020 atk open mave, terward he giveth thankes, and hauing ine eaves to heare wichau ? — este hee calleth 10 Wut then, faid J, behold and looke, 4 come a meane fo be: Sing this as the 35. Pſalme. Foꝛ in the volume of thy bake, Waited long and ſought the 1023, thusitisfaidofme. ‘3 i andpaticatly dia beare: 11 That 3D God thoula oo thy mind, 14 At length fo me be did acco2d, which thing doth like me well ; J inp voyce andery fo heare. 302 in thy heart thy law J finde, He pluckt me from fhe lake ſo Deepe, falt placed there fo Divell; 4 outof the mre anaclap : 12 Lby iuſtice and thy righteoutnette, And on & rocke be fet iny feete, in great refo2ts % fell: + andbedto guide my wap. Webold myp tongue no tune dothceafe, “) ome he taught a Plalme ofpzaite, D Loꝛd thou rei full well. ‘) fwbich J mufk ſhew abroad: The fecond parr, - z And fing new ſongs of thankes alwaies 13 Jhaue not bid within my break, — vbnto the Loꝛd our God. thr godnelſe as by ſtealth: 3 WMhen all the folkethefe things ſhall ſee, Wut J declare and haue expreſt, J as people much afratd ; thy truth and fauing bealth. + = en they onto the Lord will flee, 14 3 kept not clofe thy louing minde, — and fru vpon his aide. that no man ſhould it know: Che trult that in thy truth J finde, fo all the Church Jſhow. 15 Shp tender mercy 1020 from me, with-dalv thou not aivay : But let thy loue and verity, pelerue mie fill fo2 aye. Ffoꝛ F with mifchiefes many one, am ſoꝛe befef about: My finnes increaſe and ſo come ci, 3 cannot ſpy them out. 16 Foꝛ wyy in number they erreede, the haives vpon my bead: Oy heart doth fatnt fo2 very drꝛead, that ¥ am almoſt dead, | 17 With ſpede fend helpe and fet me free, D 1.020 F thee require : Wake hak with atoe to fuccourme, O 1.020 at my defire. | 18 Let them fuftatnerebuke and ſhame, | . that fekemy foule fo fpill: Deiue backe my fees and them defame, | that wiſh and would me til. 19 Foꝛ theirillfeates doe them oifcry, | that tuould deface thy name: | Alwayes at me they ratle and cry, ficon bun, fie fo3 ſhame. 20 Wet them in thee haue top and wealth, | that ſeeke to thee alwaies: That thofe that loue thy fauing health, | may fay to Dod be p2atfe. | 21 But as fo2 me Jam but paor¢, | oppzeft and bꝛought full low: Bet thou D 11020 wilt me reſtore, ) — fobzalth full well Jknow. - 22502 why thou art my hope andtruk, | mprefuge, helpe, and ſtay: Wherefore my God as thou art ee | — ort Pfalme XL I —— 20 Beatus qui. Pfal, xli. 3 ape: Dauid oricuoufly afflicted , blefied then that pitied his cafe complaining on his faithleffe friends, fuchas Iudas, Ioh. 15. Then he giueth abies for Dade mere cy in chattifine him gently, and not fuf. fering his enemies to triumph, ibe man ts bleſt the that fcarefull ts, Se Sere reo =e tbe needy fo cenfider : fo2 In the ſeaſon 2 — eS — ind the Lord will him de deliuer, — Ss a Se eee — — —— ‘thea 1930 oe = him fate a and fo found, and eae in ae lands and — — — —— — ef = SSS deliuer bin, info * enemies hand. 3 And in bis bed when be lyeth ficke, the Lord twill him reffo2e: And thou D Lord wilt turne to health, — bis ficknefle and bts ſore. 4 Then in my ficknefle thus fay J, haue mercy Loon me: And beale my foule which is full wo that 3 offended thee. : 5 Mine cnemtes wilht me iil in Hart, and thus ofme din fap: WMhen hall be die, that alt hts name map banith cleane away. | 6 And when they come fo viſit me, they aſke if Jdoe well: a But in their harts mifchiefethephateh. and to their mates it tell. PlhailmiG@ag bs Glos V7 Whey bite their lips and whiſper ſo, Like as the Wart path breath andbaay, _ as though they would mecharme : the twell-fpringfoobtaine; == And cal thetr fetches how to trap So doth my foule defirealiuap, me with fome moztall harme. with the Lord to remaine. Some grieuous ſin hath bꝛought him to 2 Myſoule doth thirlt, and would draw his ficknefic, they fay plaine: the liuing God of might: (neere, pets fo low that without doubt, O toben ſhall 4 come and appeare, a) rifecanbenot againe. in pꝛeſence of thy Giaht 2 | he man allo that J div trutk, 3 The feares of all fimes are my repatt, with me did bfe deceit: which from mine cies ove fide, Aho at my table eate my bead, When ticked men cryp out fo fat, }, the Came fo2 me laid wait. where now ts God thy guive 2 fh o auc merep Loꝛd on me therefore, 4. Glas what griele ts this to thinke, and lef me be preſerued: : iwhat kredome once J had 2 Phat J may render onto them, Therefore my ſoule as at pits byinke, the things they haue deſerued. is moft heauy ant fad. 1 1Bp this ¥ knotw atlareoly, When J did march in good array, fo be beloued of ther : — {with my trate: J ne hen that mine enemies haue no cauſe ane the Tempie was our wap, J. gotriumph over me. {with fongs and barts mot faine: J But in my right thou hatt mekept, 5 My foule thy art thou fad altwaies, and Maintained me alwaie: and feet tt thus in my beatk 2 | Ind in thy pretence place aſſignd, Truk Kill in God, for bun ta praife : FT e wyere J Mail dwell fo2 ape. J hold it euer bef. ? i ubegtt otal a 3 Lhe Lon the Good of Fraell, By hun J haue ſuccour af nere, Sie be peaifedeucrinoe: | againtt all paine and griefe : J Xuen fo be it (Lord will J fay) Beis my Cod which with all ſpede, I suenfo be it therefore, will batt to fend reliefe, i | PRS . 6 And thus my fculewithinmelow, = i Qemadmodum. Pfal. xly, TH. doth faintfothinkebpon wt Whe Land of Jo2daw, and veco2d 4 ae is greeued, that through perſecu- the little bill Hermon. y tours hee could not bee prefent in the i Congregation, protefting his prefence Thefecond part, . aan )) in heart, albeitin body feparate, At laft ; — J | heefheweth, tharnorwith{tanding for- 7 One griele another in doth call. rowes and thought. yet hecontinuallie _ 48 clouds burftout their vovce: A putteth his truſt in the Lord. The llouds of euill that do fall, = |h AS | runne quer me iweb mopfe. phe he Sing this as the 35-Pfalme. 8VPet aby day felt bis gooditelle, 9 i , Pfalme XLII. XLIIII. 2 and belp at all attaies : | oppreſſed with mp foe? Likewiſe by night Jwill not cate, thelining God topeaife. 3 Sendout chy light and ckethy truth, and lead mre with thy grace; 9Jam perſwaded thus fo fap, Which map conduct me fo thy bill, to him with pure pretence : and fo thy divelling place. D 1.020 thou art my guise and Kay, 4 Then thall J to the Altar go, my rocke and my defence. of God my top and cheare : 10 Wlby doe Ithen in pennfinenette, Andon my Warp giue thankes fo thee, hanging the head thus walke : O Gon my God moft deare. WMhile that mine enemies me oppzelle, ; and ber me {with their talke ? 5 Wiby art thou then fo fad my foule, and fretit thus in my breaſt? II Fo2 {why they pierce my inward parts, gtilltruſt in God, ſor him fo parte, {with pangs to be abhord: % bolo tt alwaies bef. WMhen they cry out {with ſtubborne harts, 6 wy hing haue deliuerance, wehere is thy God thy Lod? agatnt ail paine and grieſe: 12 So fone toby dott thou faint and quatle, He is my God which ooth alway my foule with patnes oppreſt af neede fend me relicfe. WMith thoughts why doſt thy felfe aſſaile | —— fa foze within my b2ealk > Deus auribus, Pfal, «lity. T.S.. 13Trult in the Lord thy Dod alwaies, and theu tie tine Hhaltfe, To gine him thankes with land and pzatfe, fo2 health reſtord tothe. | ¶ A moft earneft praier made in the name | ~ of the faithfull in perfecution, for ſu⸗ {taining the quarrell of Gods word, as in Saint Paule. Rom. 8. i Tuaica me Domine. Pfal.xly. T.S. ¶ Hee prayethto be deliuered from them OE 4: = _ which confpire with Abfolom, to the _ endthathe might ioyfully praife: Godin $= 5 the holy congregations, Sing this asthe 35. Pfalme. Uudge and reuenge my cauſe D 402d, from them that euill be: + From wicked and deceitfuli men, —* pv oa 4 | ) 2 Foz of my Krength thou art the God, gy | _ why putt thou me the fro : = {= es baal —* agg walke ¥ fo beanily, caft the Cae out, and — = — in — — — — — — — — — thers rein their plare. and caueft to hem ti their lana. 2 Chey conquered not byſword nor the land of thy beheſt: (ſtrength, Bnt by thy band, thine arme and grace, becaufe thou louedſt them beet. ⸗Thou art my King D God that holpe Jacob in fundzy wiſe: Lord with thy power te threw doiune as DID againſt vs rife. IJtruſted not in bow ne ſword, ) they could not faue me found : +7 Whou keptit bs from our enemies rage, thou didſt our foes confound. 3 Anp fill ive boat of thee our God, and pꝛaiſe thy boly name: Pet nob thou goeſt not with our hoaſt but leaueſt bs fo ſhame. 10 Thou madeſt bs fice befoꝛe our foes, and lo Were ouerfrod : 42 Dur enemies robd and ſpoiud our goods when we wore ſpearſt abroad. 11 Shou haſt bs giuen fo our fors,. | as theepefo2 fo be Maine: Among the Beathen euerx where, ſcattered we do remaine. 12 Whe people thou halt fold like ſſaues, >) andasa thing ofnought: oꝛ profit none thon haſt thereby, 7) nogatne af all was fought: #3 And fo our neighbors thou hak made |) ofbs alaughing ſtocke: — - pPlalme — — = aE? And thofe tha‘ round aon esa “7 with 8 5 cong hand: : Planting out Fa» a> 85 === 14 Chus we lerue for noother vie, hey mocke, they {coane, thep nod their ee — — — — — — — —— —— — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Vea ſo J bluſh, that all my face: (uch 17 Foꝛ all this we forget not the, ALY. ‘ — at vs doe grin and mocke. The ſecond part. but fo2 a common talke: where euer they goe o2twalk, (beads, 15 ¥ am athaind continuallie to beare theſe wicked men, {with red was couered then. 16 Foꝛ why? Wwe heare fuch ſſanderous fuch falfe reports and lies: (wordes, That death it ts to fee their wꝛongs, their threatnings and their cries. nor pet thy couenant beake : 18 We turne not back our hearts from the,, ne2 pet thy paths fo2fike.. 19 Vet thou halk trod bs dobbne fo dull, where dens ef Dragons be? And couercd bs {vith thade of drath, and areat aduerſitie. 20 If we bad our CF ods name forgo’, and belp of Idols ſought: 21 Would not God then baue tryed fhis 2 _ for he doth know cur thought. 22 Map, nap, fo2 thy names fake D Lord, alivates are tue Matne thus: As theepe vnto the Spambies tent, right fo they deale with bs. 23 Up 1020, why lleepeſt theu : 2 —— and leaue bs not fo2 all: — 22 Gaby hideſt thou thy countenance, and dott forget our thzall? 25 Foꝛ downe fo dull our foulets bough and we now at lat cat; vnto the ground cleaues fat. ife vp therefore fozaurbefentes:: ~ arin belp bs Lovdat nad: — 3 ce belie fo2 thpgoodnelte, to reſcue bs with ſpeede. We | - Eruttanit. Pſal. xlv. T. F Salome; his Maiefty, Habour]Ssrength, ~ “Beauty, Riches, and power, are praifed : his marryage with the Adgyptian, an Heathen Woman is bleffed, ifthat thee renounce her people and Country, and giue her felfe wholely toher Husband. Heere is figured the wonderfull Maie- fty.andincreafe of Chriftes Kingdome, and the Church his Spoufe how taken of the Gentiles. — — Sing this as the 25. Pfalves : A P heart doth take in hand, fome godly fong to fing: | Whe prailes that J thal ſhew therein, pertaineth to the hing. nu 2 py tongue ſhall be as quicke, his honour fo indite: Asis the penof any fcribe, that vſeth fat to wꝛite. 3 O kairelt of allmen. thy ſpeech is pleafant pure: 34 Foꝛ God hath bleſſed thee with guifts, ) fozeuertoendure. =. : 4 About thee gird thy ſword, D Writice Ofimighteledt : With honour, glozy, and reno, | = thy peclſon pure is deckt. Goeo forth with godly ſpede, 1 meeknelſe, truth, and right :; And thp right hand challthee inſtruct, | tn workes of dreadlullmight. as PrleheX LV. e 6 Whine artolwes (harpeand kene, © their hearts fo ſore hall ſting: Ghat folkesthall falland ne fo me pea all the loes D hing." 7 Shp topall featysD L020, fo2 euer ſhall remaine: vBecaule the Scepterof thy Kealme, doth riahteouſneſſe maintaine. 8 Becauſe thou louelt the right; and dof the ill deteſt: 7 God euen thy God hath nointed thee, withi ioy abouethe reſt. 9 With Pyrre and fauours ſweete, top cloaths are all be ſpꝛes: When thou dott fromthy Wallace paſſe, therein to make thee glad. 10 Kings Daughters do attend. in fine and rich arra e At thy right hand the Queene doth Tand, | in Goldand garments fay. The lg ap * > 1D Daughter takes aeod need; incline and gine gooneare: hou mul forcet thpkind2epall, and Fathers boufenwit deare. 12.Then ſhall the King delve; thr beauty faire andtrin 99 > Foꝛ why? he is the Lord thy Gos, and thou muſt worſhip him. : 13The Daughters then yrrc ith gilts ſultrichto ſeeꝛc Qudailthe wealthp of the — — fhathnahe their fre to thee: re 14 The Daiahtevoftheising, : is glorisus to beheld: Within Her Cloſſet ſhe doth fit, - all deck¢ with beaten Salo.” Peer. Mame AL Vi, — A 15 In robes {well wrought with needle, t= === — and many a pleafant thing: $4 TUUth Clirgins faire on ber to waite maide, bet ig out —— if Se Ve te commeth tothe tinge wii lo : — * — —— 16 hus ave they brought with i io, —— and mirth on eucry fide: CThouoh th earth remoue we twill not 4 nto the Pallaceofthetking, — — — — a and there they teeabibe. SS — leare.though hils fo 0 high and fepe, > —* Zn Lead of Patents left, ASS © Epp ae ae goog ean j= — Y, 2D Queenethe chance ſo Fanvg : see He — — pen tat hauefons whom thou maite ef, ¶ Betheutt and bucleo peeve and shave, — — — —— — — — — as Pꝛinces in all lands. — == — 8 Wherekoꝛe thy holy name, eS — Se a : h allages ſhall recoꝛd: within the Beas fo depe. i Thy people tall giue thankes fo thee, | . } 3 No thongh the waues doe rage ſo fore, ——— ‘that all the bankes tt ſpils: aud though if suerfloty the fee, at and beafe downe — * hils. or one faire floud doth ſpꝛead abroad Tt Song of thankef-giuing for the deliue- bid pleatant fEreames —— rance of Hicrufalem , after Senacharib To freth the Citty ofour God, / | with his army was driven. away,or fome ¥ , otherlikefuddaine and maruellous de- and twath bis holy place, liuerance by the mighty hand of God, 5 In midſt of her the Lord doth dwell, ») whereby the Prophet commendinghis” fhecan no whit decay: great benefits, doth exhort the faithfull Qui things againt ber that rebel, ‘i to giue themfelues wholy into the hand the lord twill ſurely flap. of God, doubting nothing butthatvn- 6 Che Weather folke the Kingoomes feare, der his prote@tionthey fhall bee fafe a- the people make a noiſe: gainft all the affaults of their Enemies. Ihe earth soth melt and not appeare, when Gods puts forth his voice. tre — — — 7 Whe Loꝛd of hoſts doth fake our part, Deus uoſter. Pfal, xlvi. I. H, — He Loꝛd is our vefence and fo bs he hath ai eie: [ i = ee eee — — Dur hope of health with allour beatts, : Se SESS ott Jacobs BOD doth lie. | ! Apbe, the ſtrength whereby we awd; 8 Comeheare and fee with minde thought, : eet smn Te f= 7 __ the woking ofour Cod: J | eee what wonders he himfelfe hath wꝛopught | Then tog with woe ave much dil⸗ th2ougbout the earth abjoad. Bp | 9 — KPilaime XLVII. AL Vii, 9 By dim all wars ave butt andgone, 5 Dur God afcendedbp onbigh, Countries did contpire ; {with iop and pleafant noiſe: | Where bowes be brake, and {pears cach one, The Lod goeth bp aboue theſky, their Chariots burnt twith fire. with trumpets royall voice. 10 Leaue off thereſore ſaith he, and knolo 6 Sing pꝛaiſes to our God, fing ppaife, Jam a God mok ſtout: fing praiſes to our King: Among the Peathen high and low, F 02 Godis iking of all the earth, and all the earth theougbout.. all fkilfullpzatfes fing. 11 Whe Lod ofhoalts doth vs defend, 7 God in the heauens raignes ano fits, be is out ſtrength andtower: - bpon bis holy theone : 7 Dn Jacobs God we do depend, Lhe Princes of the people haue andon bis frength and power. . thei iopned euerp one } : 8 Ho Abrahams people : fo2 our God, Omnes gentes, Pfal. xtvy. I. H. which is exalted high: As with a buckler doth dekend | the earth continually... | An exhortation to worfhip God for his - | — mercies to Jacobs poſteritie. Herein is Magnus Dowsinus, Pal, xlviij I. H. propheſied the Kingdome of Chriſt, in | the time ofhis Gofpel : Thankesis giuen to God for the notable | deliueraunce- of Hierufalem*from the | Sing this-as wn 44.Pfalme. - hands of many Kinges, the eftate théere- | of is prayfed, forthat God is prefent at | E people all with one accoꝛd, alltimes to defendit, This Pialme fce- | clap hands and eke reioyce: meth to bemadein the time of ‘Abas, | Be glad and fing vnto the i020, Jofaphat, Afa,or Ezekia, forthen chief- with fiveete and pleafant voice. ly was the Cittie by forraigne’ Princes | i 2 bets the 102d and dreadlullis, aſſaulted. with wonders manifold: diy" Amiahty thing be is truely, Sing this as the 46, Pfalme. in all the earth extold. Keat is the Lod and with great praite| fo be aduanced Mill; fs 3 She people he hall make tobe, Within the Citty ofourie23, - biito bis bondage theall : bpon bis holp hill. And vnderneath ourfixte be chall 2 MPount Sion is a pleaſantplace, the Nations make to fall, if gladdeth ali theland: - 4 Fo2 vs theberitage he choſe, Whe Citty of the mighty ting, | tubich we poftette alone: on her right ſide doth ſtand. | The flouriſhing worſhipot Jacob, 3 Within the Pallaces thereof, — a — is dal Goo ig a refuceknotone, e ies. < — >. er J 0? loe the Kings ave peti an W fogetbercke are Gone, | Wut tuben they did behold it fo, » they wondred andthep were: Afonicd much, and fubddenlp.. | were driuen backe with feares | Oreat terror there on them did fall, ſoꝛr very twee they erp: i bis both a woman when the hati », | goe trauellby and by. > As thou with Clterne wind the hips, ; v pon the Sea doſt breake: do they were aid, and euen as | we heard our Fathers ſpeake. * So tit the Citty of the oz, toe ſaw as it was told: Bea tn the Citty of our God ſoꝛeuer twill vphold. O Loꝛd Wwe do wait and attend, | j on thy awd belpe and grace: foꝛ fubich we doc all times attend, A within thy boly place, >» Dio according fo thy name, fo2 eneris thy peaile : And thy right band, O Lord ts full, 1 , oftighteoufneffe alwaies. ‘Let fo2 thy ludgements Sion mount, \ fulfilled be with ioyes: And eke of Juda grant D Loꝛd, “, the Daughters to reioyce. ro Go walke about all Sion bill, >= -pearound about her goe: And tell the towers thereupon are builded on a row. pir And marke ye well ber bulwarkes all, , bebold ber towars there: That pe may tell thereof to them, |) _ that after Mall be here. 4 J lame XLVI bh w2 Fos is Canine Con 001 Gen rg 4 fox euermozets Hef. es ee ee Pea and vnto the death Hos riftod 3 our guinen talk ie RP f — “‘Andite hac omnes. PAL 1x xlh ee T. Se ~ Gods fpirit mooueth the- pores 01° mans life,fhewing that the wealthieft are not happielt, but noreth how yall things are tuled by ‘Gods providence’; who as he iudgeth thefe worldly Mifers to euer- lafting torments : fo dooth hee preſerue his, and'will reward ther in the day of the refurrection. I Theſſ. = —! Si ing this as the 46. Pfalme. A® people hearken and giueeare, to that which ¥ thall tell: 2 Woth high and low, both rich and poor, that in the world do dwell. 3' Fo2 wby 2 my mouth fhall make difcourfe of many things right wiſe: Jn onderfanding fall mp beart bis udp exerciſe. . { 4 J tvillincline mine eaves fo know ‘ the parables fo darke : | ‘| ~ And open all my doubtfull ſpech, in incefer on my Harpe. . ~ 5 Wiby thould IJ feare affliction, a o2 any carefull toile, a Oꝛ elfe my foes which at my heles, are pet my life to fpotle 2 . —— 6 Foꝛ as fo2 (uch as riches haue, oe |: . wherein their trult is mok: 3 And ther which of their treaſures great, themſelues do bꝛag and boaſt. a 7 here isnot one ofthem that can a, hishzothersbeathredeme: = | © that ginea price fo God, | _ fufficient fo2 him. | 8 Itis fo great a price to pay, none can thereto attaine : D2 that be might bis life prolong, oꝛ not in Braue remaine. 10 Ther fee wiſe men as well as foles, ſubied vnto deaths bands: Gnd being dead rangers poſſeſſe their gods, their rents their lands. 11 Their care ts to build houſes kaire, and ſo determine ſure To make their name right grear on earth, fo2 ener fo endure. 12- Bet ſhall no man alvateseniop, | high honour, wealth, and reſt: Wut chall at length taſt of deaths cuy, as well as the brute beaſt. The fecond part, 13 Andthough they trp their faith thoghts fo be moſt leud and baine: Their Children pet approue their talke, and in like ſinne remaine. 14 As ſheepe into the fold ave brought, fofhallthepintograne. - Death thall them cate, and in that day, the iuſt fall Lozdthip haue. “Ts Their Image andtheir ropall post, Mall fade and quite decay ; When as from houle to pit they patle, with woe and well amay: 16 Wut God {will ſurely peferue mv, ‘froin death and endleffe paine ; Becauſe he will ofbis awd grace, my foulerecetue againe. 17 Zf any man ware wondrous rich, _ feare not ¥ fay therefo2e: although the glogpot his houſe, Pemex LIXL. — increaſeth moze and moꝛe. 18 Fo2 when be dyeth, of all thoſe things nothing thall be recetue: Wis qlo2y twill not follow him, his pompe will fake ber leaue. 19 Pet in this life be takes bimfelfe, the bappiett vnder ſunne: and otbers likeivife flatter him, faping allis well done. 20 And prefippofe be line ag long as old bis Fathers old: Pet mutt he needes at length atuc piace, and be brꝛought te deaths fold. 21 Thus man fe bonour God bathcald, vet doth be not conſider: Wut like boute boaſts fo doth be line, jubich turne fo sulk and porter. Deus Deorum. Pſal. L.J. Hee propheſieth how God will callall Na- tions by the Gofpell, and require no o- ther facrifice of his people, but confef- fion of the benefites and thankfgiuing, and how hee detefteth all fuch as feeme | zealous of Ceremonies, and not of rhe: power of the word, | pag = —— thus fpoke, i andallthe Morld betel! — ——— — — —— — = ee ee ee — ec » call —— — Cuentr from — Cat — — — ——— — — Soe cee ——— and ſo — to * 2 Wtlel, 2 ne Fim Dis fo — — — — — — —— ee | — — == — oe — — < a — — — ——— fa that long time be ſpent. ) Dsuourtng fire fall ace before hig face: Agreat tempett | fgallreund about him trace. | 4 hen Kall hecall, the earth and heauens bright · To iudge bis olke with equity and right. 5 Saring gdeto, and voip my Saints aſſemble: i BY peace they kepe, * their guilts bo not 8: Kemble. ⸗ The herauens all, declare his righteouſneſſe: 46 Godis Judge 4 of ail things moꝛe and lefie. 17 Weare ny peeple, ſcoꝛ Jlbill nobo reneale: Liſt Zfraell, Ihbilithee nought conceale: Thy Gad, thy God, ain 4, and willnot blame the, . 13 Foꝛ giuing not W allmannerofring fo ine, 19 haueno neve, _ fo fake oftheeatall, ) Coats ofthy fol, . Plaime By * — — ee ——— — — —— oꝛ all the beaffee m — — 5 place ce dim liketh to or any “es paket: | | — — — Z Du thouland bila; RS 2 Se ‘belt. Goud trill appeare in beautie — 11 J lobe fo3 mine, ~ ercellent. 3. Dur: Gad {vill come, bez ES — Le Speed eet te AAG SSS — — — — — — — — — ——⸗— = — —ñ, — — — —— — = —— — pitta — — — — 17 and hateſt to be * “4: - by diccipline relsrined ⸗· 2 8 | IBY ino2ss Flap, ope J J thou dof reiect and hatte 18 Ikthat thouſce | See. a theefe as mith thy tiate, Thou runneſt with hint, OTS a) Calfcoutotby at — exh aE ah ave mine within the “tht — cattle ave mine stone RODS. ** all Birds that are enmountaines: 4.5 Gill beaſts are mine, | which haunt the fields and fountain, 12 Banary if Jwere, Jwould not the tt fell: Fo2 ailig mine, that tn the world det} dwell. 13 Cate Itheſleſh. of great ‘Bulg 92 Bullockes: Oꝛ drinke the blosd of Goates oꝛ cf the ſockes? 14 Oſter to God praiſe and hearty thankſgiuing: And pay thy vowes bute God euer⸗ liuing. 15 Call bpon me, tudcit troubled thou alti be: hen will J beipe, | and thou ſhalt honour me: 16 To the wicked, . ; thus * theternall Ged: * Why doſt thou preach, my laiueg and heats abzoan, Seeing thou hak, we them with thy mouth abuſed⸗ Ra and fo pour peep do ſceke: dunartattone {with Bauds and Ruffians eke. 19 Thou giuelb thy lelle, to backe-bite and fo ſſander: And how thy tongue deceiues it is a onder. 20 Thou ſitteſt muſing, thybrother how fe blaines And how to put thy mothers ſonne to ſhame. 21 Theſe thinges thon did, and whilſt J hela mp ee Chou didſt me tudge, | becauſe % fats fo long, iLike fo thy (eife: vet though 7 kepttona filenec., Duce halt thou fale ofthp weongs tu recompence. 22Conſiderthis, pe that ſorget the Lord, And feare not when, be threatneth with bts word:; Leaſt without helpe, Jſpoile pou ag a pꝛay. 23 But he that thankes offereth, parꝛarſeth me ape, | Saith the Lord Gor: and he that walketh this trace Ff will hun feach, Gods faning health fo embrace. Another of the.fameby R.W. Be Godof Gods the 102d, hath cald the earth by name: From tohence the Sunnie doth rife, vnto the ſetting of the fame. 2. From Dion dis fatre place, his glory bright and cleare: The perfect beauty of his grace, from thence tf did appeare. 4 fame Tuk 4 Our God hall come in ball, fo ſpeake be ſhall not Doubt : Belfore him Hall the fire walt, and tempeſt round about. 4 The heauens from on bie, the earth below likewiſe: He will call forth fo iudge and frp, bis folke be doth deuiſe. 5 izing fo2th mp Saints, faith be, inp kaithlull flocke io deare CUbich are in band and league with we, my lain fo lone and feare, 7 6 And when thefe things are tripe, the beauens hall reco2d, ‘What Goa is ink, and all muſt bide the iudaements of the Lot. 7 Py people D giue hede, Iſcaell to thee FZ cry : Jam thy God, thy belp at nade, thou cant it not deny. 8 donot lap tothe, thy Sacrtfice is ſllacke: Thou offerck dailie bute ine, ninich moze then J dee lacke. ‘9 Hhinket thou that J do ucede, nile Cattle young 03 old: relfe ſo much oefire fo fede, on Boates out of thy ſolde 10 Nar alt the beaſts are mine, int wods that cate their Gls: And thoufands moꝛe of neat and Late, that runne wildo in tbe hils. The ſecond part. 11 Whe Wirds that build on hie, in hils and onfof fight : And beats that in the fields doe lie, are ſubiect to my might. 12 Then though J hunger fore, what neede J ouahtofthine: ? Via eae Pe ee ——— ea “a i both te se fans — — J— Sith that the earth {with ber great ſtore, and all therein is mine. 1 3 To WBuls flefh haue J mind, tso eate it dott thou thinke 2 Oꝛlauch alweetneſſe do J finte, | the bloudof Goates fo drinke? 14 Giue fo the Led bis pratfe, (with thankes fo Sim apply, 4 And fee thou pay thy vowes altwates, | onto the God moft bie. it % 15 Shen fake and call (ome, 1 when ought would worke the blame, And J will fure deliuer the, that thou maiſt pꝛaiſe my names. a 6 But to the wicked traine, twhich falke of Eod each day: jain vet their workes ave feule and vaine, fo them the Lord will fay: | i ly 7 With what face davett thou, 1 may words once fpeake o2 name: 1 | WAby doth thy talke my law allotw, and dedes denp the fame ? | 18 whereas fo2fo.amend thy lize, thou art fo facke + 22 Dhoukudpet toreutle, — thy friend to the ic neere: Wlith dander thou would nets veil — thy mothers ſonns fo deere. 23 Hereat while J doc t winke, ag though J did net fe: Thou cect on ſtill and ſo doſt thine | that Jam like te the. 24 But fure J will not let, to ſtrike when Jbeginne: Thy faults in order when Iſet, and open all thy ſinne. 25 Marke this J you require, that haue not Godin mind; Leett when FJ plague pon in mine ttt,. pour helpe be farce to fitid. 26 We that toth gine fo ine, the ſacriſice of pꝛaiſe: Doth pleafe me tell, andhethailfee,. to walke tn godly wates. Miferere mei. Pfal, Li, Wl. q Dauid rebuked by the Prophet — for his great © fence acknowledged the — fame to,God, protefting his natorall. § corruption, W here fiw Res pre yeth Godq to forgiue his ſins,and renew in him his holy (pirit, promfing that hee wilknoed be vnmindfull of ade greateraces, Fi. © nally fearing left God would punith the whole Church ¥or his fault he require : J that he rather would incteaſe his grage towards the fame, 4 My word the tubich thou doſt pretend, is catt bebind thy backe. | 4 The thitdpart, i 19d Mhen thou a theefe doſt fee, by theft to liue in wealth: J driih bin thou runneſt and doſt agree, 4 likewiſe to thatue by ftealth. 1 20 When thon coll them behold, i | that dAiues and Maids detitbe: * a ! Thou likeſt it tell, and waxeſt bold, Vchytongueistaughtte cvattand lye, : : J * i . w " —— — * ot aed = ." 4 ve f — — — — now with ſpcede ſome pittie t fake : Taal ! ) tovte that life mof bile, Lord contider mpodittrete,and 22 Thr lips thou doſt apply, — | ts lander and tefame: — — eee — | “din fo * fruthitisthe bet. and okt all facrifice the effect. 18 £029 bute Sion turne thy face, podvvre out thy mercies on thy bill: And on Jerufatem thpavace, buils pp the wals and loue tt ſtill. 19 Thou halt accept then our offerings, ( ofpeace and righteouſneſſe ¥ fap: # Peacalucs and many ofber things, bpon Chute alfar full we lap. 4 Another of the fameby T. N. | Sing this as the Lamentation, F Aue mercy on mie 0d, after thy great abounding grace, ) Afterthy mercies multitude, poe thou my Mines deface. 2 Bea waſh me inoze front mine offence, and cleanfe me from my finne: Foꝛ Ido know my faults, and ſtill my ſinne ts in mine epen. 6 3 Againll the, thealone Jhaue oſſended in this cafe: and euill bane dene before the pre Juce of thy face. al hi 4 Shatin the tings that thou batt pene vpright thou mai be tide: A and ebc in iudging that the dom 1 may pate gponthp fae. - Beholdin ivickennede im and thape Jdid receiue yy Andloemy finiud: — 1 in ſinne did mo coucciue. Wm © Wut lee the tenth in inward parts, % ispleafant vnto fet And lecrets of thy wiſedome thou revealed pall tome. pas Fa, > Bisby, ze 7 With Bylop Lord beſprinckle me, 3 ſhall be cleanſedſo: 6d scant ile iia — iin | ea oath thou me anofo all eA be whiter then the ſaow. 8 Mfiop and glabneiſe make eon ies to heare thepieafantbvoices hat fo the bauited bores which thon hat bꝛoken map reioxce. 9 From the bebolvincofmy ſinne, z : L923 furne alway thy face: and all inp dads of wickedneſſe, Dee biterlp deface. ’ 10 D Gad create in mea Heart, | | vnſpotted tn thy fight: Soa and cke within my bobels L023, | renew a ſtabled ſpirit. Tr Ne calt me from thy fight, nor tafe thy dolp ſpirit awap: ale The comfort of thy — hea giue nie againe J pia . 12 With thy free ſpirit oftablifh nie, aid J will feach therefo2e Sinners thy waies, and wicked hall, be turned fo thy lore. — The ſecond part. 13 D God that art inp God of bleh, . from bloud dcliuer me: a The praifes oftbvrighteonfache, —I nip tongue may fing fo thee. at 14 By itis (hak pet fad clofen be, : noe the: $e Led vnloe: Hi e pra tes oF thy ere ite, By monty pa sti % 39 diſt cis! hag — a 8 15 i would haue ofered ——— ie ikthat bad pleafed thee: : } But pleafen with binnt offerings. Jknowe fou wouldſt tot be. 16 Atroubled fpirit ts facrifice, —9 delightfuilin Gods etes, — 1 a bꝛoken and an bumble heart, ae Cod thoutilfnottefpife, > oe ¢ 2* ime * ot} | — ae oe 17 In thy — deale gentlx Loꝛ2d. 3 On imifchiefe why fottt thou thy mind, fo Sion, and teithail | and wilt not walke vpright? Grant that of thy Jeruſalem, Thou halt moze luſt falfe tales to finde, vpꝛeard may be the fall. then bring the truth to light. 18 Burnt offerings, gifts and ſacritice 4 Chou doll delight in fraud and guile, of iuſtice in that day, in milchiete, blod, and wꝛong: Thou ſhalt accept, and calues ther all Shy lips haue learned the flattring hile, vpon thine altar lay. O kalſe decitkull tongue. Quid gloriaris. Pſal. ly. I, H. 5 Therelore hall Ged for aye confound anv plucke thee from tp place : Dauid deferibeth the arrogant tyranny of Thy ſeed root out from eff the ground, Doeg, Sauies chiefe fhepheard, whoby , ahd {fo ſhall thee deface. falfe — againſt Abimelech & the 6 The iuſt when thep behold thy fall, Priefts to be ſſaine: hee prophefiethde- wiith leare mall praiſe the Loꝛd: ſtruction, enc ourageth the faithfull to and in reproach ofthee withall, truſt in God, who moft fharpelyreuen- crpsut w tch one accord. geth his, and: rendreth thanks for his de- : liuerance, Heerein is liuely fet forth the 7 Behold the man that would not fake kingdome of Antichrift. the Lord fo2bis defence: ‘But of hts coods bis God did make, WieeSie =) — and truſt bis corrupt ſenſe. Wut Jan Dhue kreſh and greene, Hy didſt thon tyrant boaſt will (pring and ſpꝛead abꝛoad: = — suse es aoe Jor why

thy nunde pet ill deutfe, fuch wicked - = = eee — Dauid deforibethicheerooked nature,cru> elty, & punifhment of the wicked,whe® wiles to — * yntrue tn they looke notforit, and defireth the a ne SL == deliuerance. of the godly, that they = — aes — may reioyce together. , feaging — raſor wali 2h : fs £ > ~ 7 Bes. * wai 5 : Sm SRY, — Sing this.as the 46. Palme. Te foli man in that which be withia bis heart bath ſaid, hat there is anp Good af all, hath vtterly denaid. 2 Whey are torrupt, and they alſo a haynous crime bath tw2oug yt : ! Among them all there is not one, of gwd that woꝛketh ought. 3 Whe Loꝛd lokt dolone ou (ors of men, from beauen all abroad: To fe ifanp were that would, : be wile and feeke fo2 God. | 4 They are all gone out of the way, i they are cozrupted all: ) Where is not one doth any good, there ts not oneat all. | 5 Deenot all wicked workers know, that they doe fede vpon Mypeople, as they feede on byead ? , J 4 : | the 31029 €hey call not on. | Cuen there they were afcain and fwd, with trembling all diſmaid: : ) Whereas there was no caufe at all, whyther chould be afraid. it 7 Foꝛ Gon is banes that (he beſiedg d, " bach ſcattred all abjoad : Thou hat confounded them, fo2 they i reiected are of Dod. ) 8 D Lod giue then thy peeple health, q , and thou D i020 Fuidiil 4 The promife made to Iſcaell, * — fremont of Sion bill. — ⸗ Tuhen God his people ſhall reſtore, | | that carft was captiue led: hen Jacob thail therein reioyce, }} ie and Irraell an be glao. f . we... ee = PCS ae ae + Sede ea fo. Dominus in nomine. Pſol. Liiij. I. He 1 Dauid in great daunger through — | calledvpon God to deftroy his Enemies, @ promifing facrifice for his deliverance, Sing this as the 45. Pfalme. 7 Od ſaue me for thy holy name. and fo2 thy godneſſe ſake: Tinto the Krength 102d of the fame, ¥ doe my cauſe befake. 2 Regard, D Hod, and aiue an care fo me when J Boe pap: 3 Wotv downe thy felfe to me and heare, — the words that J doe fay. s Foꝛ Trangers bp agatn me nee, and tyrants bere me Hill, . Mhich haue not Cod before their eies they ſeeke my ſoule to ſpill. 4 Wut loe mp God doth giue me aide, the L020 is ſtraight at hand, | WMith them bp whom my foule ig aid, fhe 1.020 doth euer Land, 5 With plagues vepay againe all thote, ſoꝛ me that lie in wait: And in thy truth deſtroy my foes, {with their oifune fare and bait. 6 Anoffering offre heart and tuill, then % tothe thall make: And p2aife thy name, fo2 therein ill great comfo2t 4 doe take. 7 O Lodd at length oofetmefie, from them that craft conſpireee. And now my epe with top doth fer, of them my hearts defire. Exaudi Deus, Pfal. Lv. I. H. ¢ Dauid in great diftreffe , complaineth o} of Sauls cruelty, and falfhoed of his fami: liar acquaintance, cffetuoufly moo⸗ ueththe Lorde to pitty him, then afi 7 red of his deliverance, hee fetteth forth the grace of God, asifhee had alreadie obtained his re queft. Sing this as the 35. Pfalme. God giue care and do apply, to beare me when J pay, And when to the J call and cry, hide not thy face alway. 2 Dake heave to me, grant my requeſt, andanfiver me againe With plaints J peay full ſoꝛe oppꝛeſt, great quiefe Doth me conſtraine. | 3 Wecaufe my foes with threats and cries, oppꝛelſe me though defpight : Ano fo the ticked fort likewiſe, fo bere me haue delight. 4 4 Forthep in counfell aoe conſpire, to charge me with ſome ill: So in their batty wꝛath and ire, they doe purfue me fll, 5 My heart voth faint fo want ofbzeath, it panteth in my bealk The terrors and the dead of death, Doe worke me much vnreſt. : 6 Such dreadfuil feareon me doth fall, that 4 thereat do quake: Such terror whelmeth me withall, : that 4 no ſhift can make. 7 Wut J do fay who will give me, the ſwift and pleafant wings — Df lome fatre Doue, that J may fly, and reff me from thofe things 2 J 8 Locthen J would goe farre atway, to fly Jwould not ceafe: And J would bide my felfe and fay, in ſome great wilderneſſe. 3 would be gone inal the halt, 1 and not abide behind: — Cw ere What J were quite and ouer⸗ꝓaſt thofe blatts of boyſtrous winte. 10 Diuide them Lord and from them pull their diuelliſh double fongue, Foꝛ F haue {pide their Citty full ofrapine, fife and iy20ng. rt Which thinas both night and day doe clofeberasatvall: (throughout In mid of ber is miſchieſe Tout, and ſoꝛrow cke withall. . 12 Wer priuy parts are wicked plaine, her deeds are much to bile: Gnd tn her ſtreets there ofh remaine all crafty fraud and guile.. The fecond part, 13 Af that mp foes did fake my Game, 4 might it well abide Fram open enemies checke and blame, ſome⸗where % could me bide. 14 But thou tt was my felloty deare, {which friendihip didſt pretend: Aud didſt my ferret countell beare, as my kamiliar friend. 15 With whom J had delight to talke, tH fecref and abzcad ¢ ‘ And tue together oft did walke. within the boule of God, 16 Let death in bal vpon them fall, and fend them quicke fobell: - Foꝛ miſchiefe rataneth tn their ball, and Parle where they dboell. 17 Wut % onto mp God docey, fo hint fo2 belpe ¥ Alpe: Whe Lord doth heave me by andby, and he doth fuccour me. 18 At moming, none, and cuciviig fide, vnto the 3020-7 pray: : When J ſo inſtantly haue cride, he doth not fap wenap. i aw _ } : | + t 3 ee 4 ’ 19 ig — i a Me a a 4 Epes be all tone vet, * Sing this as —E my th atte be now at hand; | mercy ae “esi the number be full great med ee man i bik i 2 * — ⸗ 4 uould aga me fans. We fighteth with me day by day, The Lord that firs and laſt doth vai Gite < f cath nots and enermo:e: 2 and feoubleth me 5* houre. fill beare when ¥ to him complaine, tyu ſwallow me outright: | ans punt them fall ſore. Zp 0 find. * age, tft me manyp tlic, | # S02 ſure there is ne hope that they, Dthon mo. Thigh of might. | i posinane tx will once —* 2 duhen they ‘oo, to make me moet alraid, Yer aU ? they Wwill ndt dye o oY, with boaſts a. iy: k “AGS of pide s > Apon their friends they lay their hands, * by thee fnill z abio.”> ; | which were in couenant knit: 4 Gods promife J doer Und andpraiſe, triendchip fo neglect the bands, O Lord J ſceke to thee: ther palſe or cave no whit. ——— J doe uot care at allaffaies, | hile they haue war within their hart, what lleſh can doe to me. gas butter are their words, at thinas % evther pid o3 foake,. * Thouch their words as moth as oxle. ° th will : — ther cut as Harpe as twords. Aud all the countell that thep take, Calt thoa thy care vpon the Lord, ishotytotworke meill: i and be dali nowrith the : 6 Whey allcoufent themtelues to hide, in no tone fail be accord, cloſe watch fo2 me to lap: | ha iuſt in thrall to fer, Ther ſpide my paths, and fares haue tide, But God ſhall caſt them deepe in pit, fo take my life away. that thir for bind alwaies: ae i —* — guilefull man permit, 7 Shall thep thus ſcape on miſchiele fet 2 4 “to Liue out bal’e bis dates. thou God on them wilt krowne: Though {uch be quite deſtrord anv gone 5 Fo2 in His wath he doth not let, Linthe D 102d Itruſt: hayall devend thy grace bpott, 4 wot ind luſt. gmail essa * Keſerue them in a glalſe by thee, Miſerere mei. Pſal. Lvi. 1, H. and weite them na boke. 8 hou ſeeſt boin off thep make me flee, uidbeing broughtto Achisthe king of 9 TWhen J doe call vpon thy name, 3athi2.Sa. 27. 12.complaineth of his mv foes alway doſtart: Wienemies, demanded fuccour, trofteth in J well perceiue it bpthatfame, == God, and promifeth to perform hisvow that God doth take my part. a if vhich was to eer Godi in his Church, 10 % aloopin the word feo, | 2 Pine enemies datlp enterpaite, = fo thꝛow whole Kingdomes dolore. i 4 and on my teares Do loke: ae es : I 2 ‘Within the haddow of thy wings, And ſhew his praiſe that — excell, — 3 qf call buon the Gon mee bie, 7 am @ fo to posite yactby : | That fo deuour nie haue attain, duith toy F will declare abzoat, bis merep, truth, and might. the promile of the Lord. 5 Alead my life with Lyons fell, | all let on wꝛath and ire: 119 * nti i ltill X fay, And twith uch wicked men J dwell, . as Jbelore beg “dl — that fret ike flames of fire. | he Lord eis my he'pand fay, 6 Their teeth are fpeares,and arrowes long J doe not care fo2 man. ag (harpe as J bane fine : : 52 Jwill perlorme with heart fo fe, They wound and cut with cheir quick tong fo @od my vowes alwaies: Gud JD L029 all times to ther, like ſwords and arrowes Keene. {ill offer thanks and praiſe. 7 Set vp and ſhew thy telfe, D Gad, aboue the beauens bright: 13 My fonle fiom deach thou doſt deſend Erxalt thy praiſe on earth abꝛoad, and keepe my fete vpright: thy Maieſty ans might. That J beforethee may afcend, 7 8 Whey lay their net and doe prepare, Wwith ſuch ag live in light. | a pꝛiuy caue andyptt, — iferere mei, Pſal. Lvi. I. M CKibercin they thinke myſoule fo ſnare, of Ziph, betrayed by but they are fallenin tf. the Inhabitants, andin the fame Caue g My heart is fet to laud the 1020, with Saule, calleth vnto God, withfull” jf, bim to-top alwaies: confidence that hee will performe his My heart J fay doth well accord - promife, and thew his glory inthe Hea- ¢5 9, ig big iaud and praiſe. uen and earth, againſt his cruclenemics. 4 ginake iy tay, alvake 3 fap Therefore he rendreth laud and Brats: my Lute, mp Warpeand fing: Sing this as the 44. Pfalme. Fo2 Fry felfe before the nay; * ae pitty fo2 thy pꝛomiſe fate, will riſe retopee and fing. & haue mercy iLodonine: 7 j | For why my foule doch her betabe, 11 Ginong the pesp'e J twill tell, vnto the help of thee. the godneſſe of np God: IJ fetiny felfefullfat, in Beathen land abroad at — chiefe, malice,and fuchthings, 12 His merey doch ertende fo farre be gone ano ouer⸗paſt. ag heauens allare hie: Bis truth as biah as anv Far re, th at ita fo whoin J Micke and ſtand: pc J ndethin Br Ye ia meane the Od thai will ſtand by 13 Dei £3 26h and ete thy ee abrsad, the cauſe Jhaue in band. | aboue the heavens by; J be: . . 1 wr From heauen de hath ſeat his aide, Ertoll thy patie on ox: 3h 3 2b- —— io ſaue me from thewfaight, thp maietty anon — ie Bey *** sy * 4 2 * . Resi . % 4 ie ai fe, a — a2 a4 ss > " 3 > il \ _ ’ ; de - fey Rae Arete we —— a — — PRON ene ’ * es — J—— ve, &@Hinta Tries etn. eS See at ee and inte — — — | Siverevtique, Iſal. vi. I.E. gone belore hi⸗ cine hat ennn ® tee deferibeth his malicious Enemies, and neuer fat the ſunne. auls flatterers, Aho fecretly & openilie M fought his: detusSion, from whom hee : — pathos — ac young, ; | appealeth to Gods iudgement,fhewing Che ſtormes of anger faring forng, that the iuft fhall reioyce at the punifh- fhall take themere thep Enolw. #) mentofthe wicked, toGodsglory. 10 TCheink chall ior, ifooththemans, | Sing this as the 48, Palme, that Gov doth vengeance take, hic i — which are put in truſt, And they thall wath their leete in blood, | iy : fi iudge of mong andright : oftbem that bim forfake. Pe all your judgements true and tuff, | ) not knolving meedo2might 2 ? 11 Then thall the world thete forth and fel, . ) Pavin your hearts pe macke and muſe that good nen bane retvard : — in miſchieke to confent: And that a God on earth doth dwell, nd where pou Mould true iultice vfe, that iuſtice doth regard. your bands fo bribes are bent. Eripe me, Pfal.lix. IT. H. Che wicked fo2t from their birth day, Dauidin great danger of Saul,who fentto ; | haue erred on this wife, —- flay him in his bed , declareth his inno- And from their Mothers wombe alway, — 12 Thou dekllthe earth of thp goad grace 6 His night doth rule the wold Res | With faire and pleafanterop: Wis cies allthings bebop: = == Whe clouds diſtili their dew apace, Ai fuch as would hun ditober, great plenty they doe dꝛoc. by bimthallbecontrola, — 13 AUherebp the delerts Hall begin, full creat increaſe to bring; 7 Pee people gine vnto our God, delv laud and thanks alivaies : The little children top therein WU ith toyfull voice declare abroan, — much fruit in them Mall ſpring. and fing vnto his praife. J 14 In places plaine the flocke Mall fad, WUbich doe indue our ſoules With life ee cba sR cart u fo erced and it pꝛeſerue withall: * eballics with corne Mall foerceds — ao natey our feete fo that ao — that mon (all ling with mirth. Dr faethe ee rie 7 4 can make vs ſlipoꝛ fall. Iubilate Deo. Pfal. Lxvi. IH. 9 Lhe Low doth proue our deeds with | “Hee exhorteth to praife the Lord in his ” It that thev will abide: (fire | wonderfull works, he fetteth the power As workmen doc when thev defire of Godto affray rebels, and fheweth ts hauc their mettals tride, Gods mercy to Iftael, andto.prouoke sq Although thou futterds folotigs ‘all mento feare and praife his name, in prifor to be cact: . Sing thisas the 68. P falme. Gud there With chaines € fetters thas 4 y° men on carth in God reioyce, to lie in bondage fatt, 4 with pratfe tet forth hisnames . The fecond part. Cy toll his — with heart and voyce, “IL although J fay thou fuffer met, giue glory ta the tame⸗⸗ ovbstoriveanDratqgne: | = 2How wonder full D Lod fav pe, Though toe through fire and water rut itt all thy workes thou art: of berp griefe and paine: Thy foes fo2 fearedoefeketothe, 72 Pot fure thou dol of thy good grac full fore againſt their heart. diſpoſei it to the beſt: ) And bung vs out into a place, 300 al | AU men that dwell on earth theouan⸗ F bd | * Doe praifethe nameofGet. (aut, to liue in weathanorett. 1 The laud thereof the world abonty. A z Unto thy houte tefort witty, ° : is ſhewed and fet abroad. or ta offer and to pap: ae 4 All folke come forth, behold and fe, And there J twill my ſelſe apply, what things the Lowbhath tought: my vowes to thee to pap. 2, Sparkie wei the wondrous works thathe 14 Lhe bows. | f dr bina ta patle bat) bzought. in all my griele and ſmart: Pfalm. LXV. LXVIII. 33 Thebolbes a tay, tobich Idid make, . 2 That all the carth map know, — in dolour of nip hearts ehiinarads 4 ah to godly wealth: nd all the nations on a rowe 15 Burnt offerings 4 will gine to thee, . — Deen fat and ams : map fee thy ſauing health. Pone other-facrificehallbe, 3 Let all the worꝛld D God, of bullockes,coates, and lambes. gine praiſe vnto thy name: 16 Come forth ¢hearken,hearefulfoon D let the people all abzoan, all pe that feare the Loꝛd: ertoll and laud the fans. What he formiypoore foule hath done, 4 Mheoughout the world fo tide, fo pyouZ will record. ir — i ame fied Foꝛ thou with truth and riqht ao quia 17 7 Ful oft J call vpon his grace, pra “this mouth tohintdoth erp : the nations of the earth. And thou mp tongue make ſpeed apace, 5 Let all the world O Goo, to praiſe bun by and by. giue praife bute thy name: 18 But if J fale my heart within, O let the people all abroad, in wicked works reioyce; extoll and laud the fame. D2 if J hauc delight to fine, » Then ſhall the earth encreafe; _ God Will not heare mp voyce. a — ſtore je ind lt * ss itd then our Gad the God of peace, r Wut lurely God my boice hath heard andivhat doc require: {hall bleſſe bs eke withall. DY paper he doth well regard, 7 God lhall bleſſe Jay, and granteth my defire. and then both karre and ere: bo Ail praile to him that hath wot put Whe folke theoughout the carth alway, . noꝛ caſt me out of mind: of hint ſhall ſtand in feare. Dew. abe Dauid cxprefferh: the wwonderfill mercy Deus mifer eatur. Pſal. Lvvii. I. H. of God toward his people, who by all’ vf weet prayer for all the faithful toob- meanes,and moſt {irangeforts ‘decla- _tainethe fauour of God and to bee reth himfelfe tothem. Gods: Church “Jightned with his countenance,tothe therefore by reafon of his’ promlfes, end, that his way and iudoem: nts may". graces and viétories, dooth excell all _ be knowne throughout che earth: and worldly things. Wheeko e all men are “teioycing that God is gouernour ofal. mouedto praife God for euer, Is “Nations, / Sing this asthe 30. Palme. ? | LigS=3= = ee ee J Aue inerey on bs toy, 0S gt God arife ann then his foes and Grant tobsthyaraccs HE — a oſhew to bs da thou acco2d, pee — a ere j ie ia of tiv face. — will turne or to fight: His OES C2 enemies 7 ro =. Aud fox the poore thou deft prouine, © Pebsingeth bonomen aut of — Pet Sion Gods mek holp hull * 8 Whe earth did quake, the raine pourde 17 Gods army ts tins millions, ——— LXVIII. Bi ass sey: Size — Eine heritage with props of cane, + ie —" abundantly was wa —4 enemies then will run — smal? Andif fo beit barren et. BEE: — —— == bp thee it was — — oe — 10 Why choſen fiscke do ere remaiy C ter out of fight.2. and as the fite doth thou batt prepared that place: miele ibe ware, and winde blowes of thine efpectall grace. — SS =F - The fecond part. 43 4 fmoate away: So in the oa LI God willgiue women caules inl, tess psiceatscetagee to magnifie bis name: | ee ⸗ ——— — — “= @Wibenas the peo ple trinmmphs make, _ — Loꝛ d, the wicked hall decay. and purchafe beutt ana fante, ee 12 and puiſſant kings fo2 al their power 3 But rigateous men before the 02d, hall Aie and take the foile · ſhall heartily reioyce, And women which remeine at home, They (all be glad and merry all, fall helpe to pact the ſpoile. aid cherefull in their bopce. 4 4Sing paait ¢, fing praife vnto theo 1 3 And though ve were as black as pote who rideth onthefkie: pour hue thall paſſe the Doue, 3 Extoll the name of Jay our Gad, Woſe wings s feathers ſceme to han and bin ose magnifie. filuer and cold absue. 14 when inthis lava God thatl triumph | 5 The fame is he that is aboue, ouer kings both high and lowe: within bis holy place : Then ſhall it belike Salmon hill, | That father is of fatherleſſe as white as any mowe. Al and. Judge of widos wes calc. 6 Houſes he giues, and iſſue both, 15 Though Watan be atenittun bit, bnto toe comforztleſſe: and in height others paffe : and cebels to dtitre Me. dath farre cxcell in race. aa | 3 | 6299) 16 Wty baag pe thus. ye hils matt hie | 7 Whẽ thou pint march before the folk, ~ andieap faz pꝛide togethers · the Cgiptians from among : Thehill of Sion Geddothloue, And brought themthreah the wildernes and there will dwell forewer. woich was both wide e long. (downe beard were great claps of thunder: of warriours good ana ſtrong: i Che mount Sinat heoske wif uch) fort, The Bod alfoin Sinai, * as it would cleaue in ſunder. ts pzeſent sai PfaimeLXVII. és 18 Thou int O Loꝛd afcend on bic, O Ueael praife the Low: and captines ledſt them ail : And Jacobs whole pofteritic, Which in times pall thy chofen flocke, giue thankes with one accord, in priſon kept and thrall. ae: ——— was oe wisi ut Juda made their boat : — — foxtopay, With⸗ — * Nepthalim, e Fa] . * Thou div! abdae that ther might dwel re in thy temple diuine. 28As Gov hath giuen polver te thee, 19 Mow pratler be the 102d fo2 that, fo Lord make firme and fure : he powres on Os {uch grace: Whe thing that thou hat wrought in vs From day today he is the God, fo2 cuer fo endure, of our health andf{olace. 29 and in thy fomole gifts twill we | The third part. given vnto thee D Lor, 20 Be isthe God from whome alone, Fozrthine vnts Jerufalem ‘faluation conmeth plaine : {ure pꝛomiſe made by word. Weis the God by whome ive ſcape, all dangers,death and paine. : 21 hus God will wound his enemies The fourth part. 30 Pea and ſtrange Kings to vs ſubdude (hall doe like tit thofe daies, and bꝛeak the hairie ſcalpe: (head J meane to thee they ſhall prefent Mf thote that tn their wickedneſle ——— gikts of laud and praiſe. continually doe walke. We chall deſtroy the ſpearemens rankes, 22 From Waſon twill J being faith be, their Calues and Buls of might: mip peaple and wy Heepe : And cauſe them tribute pay, and daunt, And all mine owne as J haucdone, all ſuch as loue fo fight. . from danger of fhe depe. * — — 31 When Hail the Lows of Egipt come 23 Aub make thé dip their fetinblood, ° 5 prefents with them beina : — ofthoſe that bate mp name: x 7 | yin e 9p02e8 moſt black hat fre teh their And dogs thal haue their tongs imbꝛude F * Lowa hb —— with licking of the fame. 32 Therekore ve kingvoms of the earth, Al men may fe how thou O Gon, giue pꝛaiſe vnto the Lord: | me enemies doſt saa ‘ Sing Plalmes to God with one content , gino how thou goett as God and hing, thereto let all acco2d. into thp holy place. Who thou | | ch he ride and ener bath, . a5 The Singers acc before wwithioy, 3 — —— the oak tele ‘dae Vet by the fearefull thundercdaps, : su — Lan mt aber, (c-Met may well nowy bis might. : ae : 34 Therekore the ſtrength of Iſrael ‘ bie 0 Tie alcribe to God on hie ; 4 Pfalme LXIX. : Wihofe night ¢ power doth far ertend, 3 With erping oft 4 faint andguaile; aboue thecloudy ſkie. my throat is hoarte and dps With loking bp mw fight doth fai Ga 35 D Govthy holynelle and power, * aoe ti pb ate th le, —— vy foes that guiltleſſe me o The Godof atracl giues vs ttrength, * 6 — oul ne oppete, praiſed be Gad therelore. Au number Cure thev are nolette, 4 then haires vpon mine head. uy Saluum me fac. pſal. Lxix. I. H. 5Though foꝛ no cauſe thep v Q Chriftand his elect is figured in Dauids — ——— nf hep ih ed zeale & anguifh, the malitious cruel- They doe compell me terefiore, = ty‘of whofe enemies , & their punifh- the things J neuer bad. “| ments, Judas and — *— traitors noteth 6 What Jhaue done fo2 Want sf wit, whoareaccurfed: then gatherethhee thou Xoꝛd all times canſt fell: : courage in affliétions, & ‘offereth prai- ana; all the inne that % commit, fes to ed, who aremoreacceptable to thee ig knowne full well. then al — Finally he doth pro- uoke al creatures to praiſes, propheci- 7) ow sf hoſtes defend and ſtarx ing ofthe kingdome of Chrift,gabuil- all thofe that truſt in thee? . an g of Juda, where all the faithful & Let no mandouht or ſhꝛinke alway, their feede fhall dwell for euer. fo2 sught that chanceth me. 8 It is for thee and fo2 thy fake, 4 § ———— gS HEF _ that Aoorbeavethisblame, = An fpight of the thev Would memake, — Aue me D God,and that with ipa, 3 +3 ee nip face hame. al theta fers dotve full fait, (0 —— my * Aeon arowe: ao — Am as a ſtranger they me take, — — —— — my face * will —— J— 10 into thy houte ſuch zeale Jbeare thatit doth putememuch: ~- at taunts at the to be heare my very heart doth grutch. —J— The ſecond part. 4 11 Though g doe fatty eth — plese! 2 = — tre peatf Jweepe and m ia Sante J— — Jat be —* Pet in my teeth this — a a aime IX. rere, — 35 they palſſe not thereupon. 21 That Jabide rebuke and ame, 12 $f J forgriefe and paine of heart, thou knoweſt and thou cand teil: itt fackcloth bfe to walke: F702 thole that feeke and Worke the Came, Then they anon twill it pervert, thou lett them all Full well. thereof thep wef and talke. 2 —— — brags doe * ue | eck for helpe arom: cart, ag ee eon Reames —— Wut finde no friends to eaſe my ſmart, hey haue mee euer in their tongue, to comtoꝛt me not one. of me they talke and prate. 14Dhe drunkards whichin wine delight 23 Wut in my meate they gaue ste gall, foo cruel fo: to thinke, itis their chiefe paſtime: cite in mp thirtk withall Ther lek which way to worke me fpite a es —— —— ee ‘of me they ing and rime. 241020 turne their table toa ſnare, 15 Wut thee the while,D Low, Apap, to take themlelues therein: and when it pleafeth thee : And when thep thinke full well te fare. F 02 thy great truththou will alivay then trap them tit the gin. fend downe thine aide to ute. 16 Pluck thou mp feete out of the mire, 25 Quo let their cies be Darke and blind, frou drowning doe me keepe: that they may nothing fee: Fromfuchas owe me wrath and ire, Bowo down their back ¢ doc them binde, and from the waters deepe. int thoalvame fo to be. t thy wrath as hot as fie,” 17 Leſt with the waues J hould be — — and Depth my ſoule deuoure (dꝛownd at ee au aes Let thp diſpleaſure in thine ire And that the pit ould me confound, take hold vpon thentall, fe and ſhut me inber power. 180O Loꝛd of hots to me giue care : as thou icin anid — eisai 27 As defert dy, their houſe difarace, And as thy mercy is moſt deare, their ofſprings eke expell: Lord haue me in thy mind. That none thereof polſeſſe their place, F 102i their tents doe dwell. “19 And doc not from thy feruant bide, 28 Xf thou doc ſtrike the man to tame⸗ noꝛ turne thy face alway: | on him thep ite full fore : Jam oppꝛeſt on enerp fide, And if that thow doe wound the fame, * in halle giue eare — they feke to burt him more. 20 O Loꝛd vnto my ſoule dꝛaw nie the tame with aide repoſe· 29 Then let them heape vp — fh ſe of their great tp2anp Gth thepare all peruert : —— From nip —— —— That of thy fauour and good will, ie tther neuer haue apart. | _ Thethird par, 3 and dach tbe cleanse out of thebnoke 4 of ~ Od of life, of hope/of trnft: — That fo2 their names they neuer looke, in number of the tuft. The fourth part. 31Though FD 302d twith woe e griefe haue bene full ſore opreſt: Thy helps hall giue me fuch reiiefe, that all Hall be redeeſt. 32 That J may gine thy name the praiſe and thet it with a kong: J twill extoll the faine alwaies, {with hearty thanks among. 33 Wilhich is moe pleafant vnto thee, fuch mind thy arace bath borne: When cither Ore of Calfe can be, that hath both hoofe and home. 34 When fiinple falke doe this behold, it Hall retopce them fure: Gil vee that fake the Loz, behold vour tife fo2 aye (hall dure. 35 For whyrthe Lo of hoſts doth heat? the pooze when they complaine: Bis pꝛiſoners are fo him kuil deare, he doth them not diſ daine. 35 wherefore the Chie and earth below, e ſea with foudandiircaine: is praife thev fhall declare and hetv, With allthat liue tn them. 37 Forfure our Gor will Sion faue, and Judaes City build : Much folke ps ſieſſion there Hal haute, ber fireets ſhall be all fild : 2 8His ſeruants feed thal kaye the fame, allaces aut of minde: goAunthere all they that loue his nante a dwelling place fhall inte. IAIIICLAMA.-. Be Ale — his enemies to be — an all that ' 2 Cy to me take heede, O Low of hots with hatte make uuege helpe, helpe, J thee deſire. 2 Wlithſhame confound them all that fake my foule to (pill: : Rebuke thom backe with tame to fall, that thinke and with me ill. — 3 Conkound them that apply, And at my harme doc laugh and erp, ſo,ſo, there goes the came. _ 4 But let them topfull be, a in thee withisy and inealfh: ’ Which onely truk and ſeeke to thee; and to thy fa uing health. 5 Hhat they may ſay alwaies in mirth and one accord: All glory, honour, laud and praife, 6 but Zant weake and poor came 102d thine aide Jlacke: CThou art mp Lay, and helpe cheret oꝛe make ſpeede and be not dacke. . He prayeth in faith, eftablithed bypromife and confirmed by the workes of Dens adiutorium Pſal. Lux. IH. M ? He prayeth to bay right — ase ered Then let no ſhame my ————— Ba | feekethe Lordtobe comforted. 12 Sing this as the 25. Pfalme. ofhelpe Jthee require: and ſeeke fo worke ne ſheme: be giuen to thee D ion. “Inte Domine. Pfal.Lxxi. I.H. from his youth,to be deliuered fromhis wicked and cruel fone Abfolom with his confederacy, promifing to bee thankefull therefore, Sing this as the 5.9. Pſalme. i 9 1070, mp God, in all diſtrelle nip hope is whole in thee 3 nor once take bold on nie. 2 As thou art init delend me Lord, and rid me out of dꝛead: Giue eare and to my ſute acco, and fend me helpe at neede. 3 Wethoumy rocke to whom 4 mia, ~ foz aidall tines refort, Shy promife is to helpe allay, thou art mp fence and fort. 4 Save me mp Ged from wicked mer, and from their ſtrength and power: From folke vniuſt, avd eke from theut, that cruelly deuoure. 5 Thou art the fav wherein J truſt, thou Lord of hoſts art he: Pea from my pouth Jhad aluſt, ttill to Depend on thee. 6Thou hat we kept euen from mp birth and J tough thee was bone: Wherefoꝛe J wil thee praiſe with mirth Hoth euening and al morne. 7 As to a monſter ſeldome fecne, | much folke about me thasng : But thou art now avd Mill hak beene, my fence and aid ſs Krong. 8herlore my mouth no time ſhall lack thy glory and thy naif e3 And cke mp tongue ſhall net be flacke, to honour thee altwates. 9 Uefulemenst D 1920 F fav, when age my limbs doth take : and when my frenath doth waſte atwap doe not my ſoule forlake, re Among themfelues my foes en to take me though eeccite: Sind they againt me doe confpire, fb mie fou my foule laid waite. he fecond part, for God krom him is gone: yan and fake * now theyfaid, thy doings all may fees 36 Diſpatch him quite, fo2 to his atde, Amis there commeth rene. 12 Dacnot abfent thy felfe aivap, O iLo2d when neede fhall be: Wut that in time of criefe thou may, | with hatte giue helpe to ime, | 13 With ſhame confoundandouerthow =f all thofe that ſeeke mp life: | Dpprefle them with rebukes alfo, that fine Would worke me itrife. 14 But J will patiently abioe, thy helpe in all afaies : Sill moze and more,cach tune and tire, ¥ toull fet forth thy pꝛaiſe. 15 Wp mouth thy iuſtice Hall record, that daily helpe doth ſend: ut of thy benefits D Lord Iknow no count 102 end. 16 Vet will Igoe and fecke forth one, with thy good helpe D Goo : Zhe fauing health of thee alone, ts ſhew and fef abꝛoad. 17 For of mp vouth thou takeſt the care, and deelt inſtruct me ſtill: Therefore thy wonders to declare, 3 have great mind and will. 18 and as in pouth from wanton rage, thou didſt me keeps and flap ; Forlake me not vnto mp age, and fill my head be gray. The third part. quire, » o That 3 thy firenath and ——— may to them that now bebeere : (how And that our ſeed thy might may know, heercafter many a veere. 20 D 41023 thy iuftice doth exceede, Thy —_ af SANE Le Adi ae Cp works ave wonderkull indeede, —— * —— — 8=: — 3 oh who is like to thee?: — Low et thp — a eT rtm : piu fice dwell. 21 Chou madelt me fele afdiction ſore. 5* — — * and yet thau didſt me ſaue: 36 =e Mea thou didſt helpe and me reito2, may gouerne —— rule thy and tookſt me krom the graue. —— — | 22 and thou mine honour volt increaſe, === — ey my dignity maintaine : folke aright, and fo defend thrꝛough Vea thou doſt make all griefe toceafle, and comfort nie againe. +83 — sila Hi tg to praiſe ill both lute and fing : And let the mountaine igh, (Py harpe hall found thp praife alwaies : vnto tp ftke gt — —— O Iſraels holy King. Andeke let little hils apply, 24 My mouth hall top with pleafant in infice to encreaſe. when F Mhall fina to thee: (bole 4 That he map helpe the weake & ponre, And eke mv tongue will much retopee, With aide and make them ſtrong: for thou hait made nie fre. And eke dellroy for euermore, 25 My toug thy bprightnes Mall found, all thofe that doc them wꝛong. and fpeake tf daily till : | | ‘ For aricfe and ſchame doe thentconfound 5 Aird then from age to age hall they that fought to workeme Ul. regard and feare thy might : SglengasSunncaothhhinebydayp, Deus iudicium. P fal, Lxxii. I. H. 02 elfe the nisone by nicht, : Gods kingdome by Chrift is reprefented 6 Ptairmerhaio by Salomon,vnder whom fhal be righ- ind like the vos that lay theutt, ! teoufnes peace, & felicity, vnto — all Kings and nations fhall do homage and Feet theland new folune. whofe name and power fhall endure 7 Ce ink hall dourith in his tune, for cuer, and all (hall be at peace : ee — — — Untill the Moone ſhall leaue to p2 32236 — Fe = walte,change,and fo encecale. Dav aiue f viud ementstothe 8 Helhall be Lozdof fea amd lan, i -— lib val ind — == — franifhaze toſhore throughout : — SSE SS SE TSE ann — King — vet him fell and th2ough all the earth about. — = — — 9 Whe people that in delerts bal : se ee te — eet equity the poore thathaue no might. ee es ——— — — — with his — that po incely thie, calluneele to him kull thickes | Qe “Pfalme LXXIIL. 32 and all his enemies that rebell, And thinke them happy thꝛough the fame the earth and dult thalllicke, ail folke ſhall bleſſe his might. hewows ofall th : if bese | —* poet bi ah ia, : rebr⸗ 19 Pralte ve the Loz of hattes, and fing Myetsings of Saba and Araby, Saibe bath art 3 — thing ' — J} . ¥ 2 giue many a collly thing. peahe hunſelle alone. . 20 And ble fie be his holp name. The fecand part. all times eternalty : . II Ai things chall feeke with one acord, Pa * —— ee praile the fame, inmn thygood grace to ſtand: men, Amen LAP 3. And all the people of the world, Quam bonu. pſal. Luxiu. T. S, ſhall ſerue hint at bis band. to pa it 12 02 he thenedy (ort doth fauc, Dauid teacheth that neither the profperi= Hat vnto hunt doe calt the good, ought to difconrage Gods che : : bi: one oi aed haue, — n — moue th em to co- nobelpe of man af all, fider gods prouidence,& to reuerence 13 Be taketh pitty on the poore, his iudgement,for that the wicked va- that are with neede oppreſt: nifh away like fmoke, andthe godly He doth poeferue him cuermoye, enter into life eueflafting, in hope and being their foules to reſt. whereof he refigned himfelfe into 14 We hall redeem their life from dread Gods hands, from fraud,from wong from might: And eke the blood that they ſhall bleede, Sing this as the Aq Pſalme. is pretions in his fiat. Ow euer it be,vet God ts good, er — Habe and kinde to Iſrael, 15 But he hall liue and thev ſhall bring, And to all (uch as fafelp keepe, to him of abaes geldꝰ their conſcience pure and well. He Hall be honoured as ahing, 2 Bet like afoole Jalmoſt ſlipt, and daily be extodd. my koote began toſſide: 16 The mighty mountains of this land Andere J wiſt, euen at a pinch, oktcoꝛne Hail —* —— my ſteps alide gan glide. at itlike Cedar tres tha a, | — Libanus full long. 3 Foꝛ then F ſaw luch kooliſh men, — J—— Jgrudgd and div diſdaine, 17 Their Cities cke full well ſhal ſpced What wicked men all things ſhould haue the kruits thereof thal paſſe: without turmoile or paine. Ju plentyitWallfarrecrcecde, 4 Whep nener lutter pangs nor griete, and (ping as arene as araffe. as ik death ſhould them {mite + 18 Foꝛ euer they hall praiſe his name; Their bodies are both ſtout and trong, vwdile that the Sunne is lights and ever in goon plight, eS 5 Ant pam * ty of the vngodly, nor the afflictionsof | — Pſalme LXXIII. ns And free framall aduerſitie, asfubiecttoallblame: 9 thenothermenbefhent, = = Andeuery moming from my pouty, A eit the rett they take no part, ſuſtaine rebuke and hame? «Of plague 2 puniſhment. 6 Therefore prefunrption ooth imbrace, 15 And Jhad alot (ato as they, their neckes as doth a chaine: miflizing mine effate + * And are euen wraptas tira robe, — — ae ine and diſdaine. as tolke DIGIC — RT I6 When J bethought me how J might 7 Thep are fo fed that euen fo? faf, this matter vnderſtand: their epes off tines out ſtart: Wut pet the labour was foogreaf, And as fo2 worldly goods then haue, fo2 me fo fake in hand. moꝛe then cant with their heart. 8 Their life is moſt licentious, 17 Untill the time J twentinto, boatking much of the wong, thy bolp place, and then WAhich they haue done te mpie men, 3 Biderikood right perfectly and cusr pride among. the end of ali thofe men. | | 18 Gud namely how thou ſetteſt them, 3 he heauens and the liuing Lord, vpon a fippery place: : thev {pare not fo blafphenic: And at thy pleafure and thy teil, And fees a doe inte things, thou dott them all deface. | no whit thep doe efeme. ths 10 Whe people of Gor oft tins turne 19 Then all men mute at that frange tafe their profperousttate: (backe _ tole bot ſuddenly ight And almot danke thetelfefamecup, bey are deltroid. diſpatchd, conſunde 10 follow the ſame rate. and dead fo horribly. . h re 20 uch like a dꝛeambohen one awakes The fecond part. - fo hall their wealth decap : . II How cat it bethat Gov, fay they, Their famous nantes in all mens Ught, : —— knot 02 —— vther⸗ ſhall ebbe and paſſe away. Thele worldly things, ſith wicked ment, The third part. be 10208 of Sca and land. 21 Vet thus my heart was grieued then 12 Foz we may fee how wicked men, my minde was much oppꝛeſt: A——— in riches ſtill increaſe: 22 So fond was Jand tanozant, Rewarded well wich worldip goods, and in his point a beaſt. and liue in reſt and peace. 23 Pet neuertheleſſe bp thy right jan, thou holdeſt me euer fatt : | 13 Dhen why dor A from wickednelle 24 Gnd with thy countell dott me egu nide, my kantaſie refraine, toglozy at the laft. a | an waſh mp hands with innocents, a8 ie b | and cleanſs my heart in baine? 25 Uthat thing ts there that Ae an nt Ud 14 And Cutter (courgescucrpday, buf the in heauen — at's! — — ‘Pfalme LXXIDT. baa Andintheearththereisnothing —andalityyfoesvefares like thee that 3 can loue: _) BMbich now at pleafure rob and toate, 26 Py leh and eke mp heart doth fatle, within thy holy place. but God doth faile me neuer: Snip ’ Forofmvbealth Govis tettrensth, ” “gine encmtastoate D God: mypaoztion eke lor euer. hep fet as ſignes on euerv wall, 27 andloe all ſuch as thee forfake, their banners ſplaid abzoad. thou ſhalt deltrop cach one : 5 As men with ares hew downe tras, End thofe that truſt in any thing, that onthe bils doc grow : auing in thee alone. So ſhine the ſwords and bits of thele 28 Hterefor will J draw necretoGod within thetemple now. variants al > Whe feling ſawd, the carued bers, ~ pis wonders J twill tell. ) the geodly grauen Hanes; | Y ! MAith arcs banuners, bils and (i309, Vr quid Deo, pfal.Lxxiiii.I.H. © — tyep-beat tyem downe at once. ; & Thy places they conſums with Kame, A complaint of the deftrudtion of the anv eke inal this toile, Church and true religion, vnderthe g- a niet name of Sion, & the Altars deftroyed. Thy haute appointed to thy mame, But truſting inthe might & free mer- thep race downe — se — cyof God by his couenant, herequi- 9 And thus they laid within their heart reth helpe and ſuccour to the gloryof diſpatch him out of hand: his name, & ſaluation ofhis poore af- Then burnt they vp in cuery place, ſlicted ſeruants, andthe confufion of Gods houſles thꝛough the land. his proud enemics. 10 Pet thou 9 “a of helpe oct fend, ; | es vie a our Prophets alare gone ; «Sing thisasthe 72 Pfalme. Sa tell when this our plague Gall endy - V Hy art thou Lord ſo long frẽ vos among bosthereisnenc. in all this danger deepe? 11 Wil — eG ear 4 Bass ae us Uhen wilt thou 71.023 once end this ee Be eae bile ye: gceaietyine encnaies ſtrong? (fame | atthine awne paſure chepe · ¶ sah they altnaies blatpyerte thy name, 2 Lozdcall the people fo thy thought, and raile on thee ſo lang ⸗ẽ which bane bene thine fo long: 12 Wihy dak withdraw thp hana aback The weich thou haft redee md a braught, snp tincitinthylan? ſcom bondage lore and ſtrong. O plucke it out and be nst ſiacke, Haue mind therefore and thivke vpon to giue thy aes a rap. | renrember it full ells » Fhefecond part. Thy pieafant place the mount Stow, 13 D Gad thou artiry kingand U929,"° where thau waſt wont to dwell. and euerntore pa bene: Aft by thy ſoot, and come in hacte, Pea the good grace theougjoutp mova — sss | 4 as — N — . 5 4 — * ae Lats — Fae i — * A - —— pee + 4 : * a i | “aff ; | J _ - Ff 4 A re “RE Pſalme LXXV. — 7 “fo: our good helpe hathfeene. the cauſe that is thine owns nih 14 dye'feas that are ſo deepe Fdead;, -- Remember how that thot Happ thy mightdid make theme: < < artbythefoolifjone, af And thou didi beak the Serpents head 24 Whe voice forget not of thy foes, that he therein dia die. for their pꝛeſuming hie 7 15 Pea thou dint break, the heads fa Is moꝛe and more increaſt of thofe, — : ot whales that are lo fell: (arent that hate the fpighttully, = a J ——— — rete to eat, Confitebimur tibi. Pfal. Lxxv. I.H. atin the delerts dwell. 4 16 en madeft a ſpring with ſtreams The faithful praife the Lord, who fhall fromrocke both hard high: (to riſe cometo iudge at his time, whenthe And eke thy hand hath madclikeiwife wicked fhal drink the cup of his wrath : deepe riuers to be Dy. but the ri ighteous fhall bee exalted to : honour, 17 Both dap and cke the nightare thine by the thep were begun: Sing this as the 44. Palme. | Whoufetitoleruevs with their wine, V Nto thee Good we twill gine thanks, the light andeke the Sunne. Wwe Wwill giue thanks to thee, | ey 18 Chou dow appoint theendand coats Sith thy name is fo neare, declare” of all the earth about: thy fwondrous works Wwillive. Wath ſummers heat, and winters fro, 2 J will vprightly iudge, when get thy hand. hath ſound them out. conuenient time Jmay: The earth is weake andallthbercin, 19 Thinke on D Word 19 time korget, bat die: pillers fay. wees ay thy foes that thee defame: — oS aE ae And baw the foolish tolke are fet 3 J did fo fhe mad people fav, | fo raile vpon thy name. deale not fo furioufly : { 20D let nocrucll beat deudure, And trite the vngodly ones, 1 _ thy turtle that is truee ſet not pour hornes fo bie. Forget not alwaies in thy powwer, 4 3 (awd vnto them, fet not bp, the pooze that much doc rue. pour raiſed homes on hie: And fee that pe doe with ſtiſfe necke, 21 Regard thy couenant, and behold wot ſpeake ppeſumptuoſ. thy foes poſſeſſe the land: ? : # Dil fad and darke,forvasneandold, 9 ne eon ee aaa parts, our Kealme as now both Tand. 2 f roxtt fonts : 22 Let not the fimple goe alway, 2 3 — with diſapointed ſhame: For twyv? the Lew our Goo heis, j But let the poodze and needie aie, the righteous Judge alone: ‘glue praiſe onto thyname .·. De puttethdowne the one, andtets / 23 Kiſe Lozd/ let be by the maintaind another in the thaone. — 7 — * " Pfalme LXXVL — 30.4 7 geri why, a —— wine, And bꝛake the ray fo ouerthrow, | in the hand of of God: $i in battcll on the field. ano allthe mighty winethereit,» 4Thou art moze worthy honour Lo, himſelfe doth powꝛe abroad. more might in thee Doth lie: S$ As kor the lees and ilthy dzeggz, Then in the ſtrongelt of the world, that doe remaine in it : that rob on mountaines hie. be wicked of the earth alld inthe, * ie fucke them — oe = 8 Sut * — * ſpoild through A 9 And J till talke of Ood F fay, Crouch v mien of war ney * ‘lia — _of Jacobs Gon therefoꝛe: themfclues they could not keepe. ; And will not ceafe to celebrate, 6 At thy rebuke D Jacobs Gap, _ bis pratle fo2 euermoꝛe. when thou doſt them reproue: 10 In ſunder breake the hornes ef all, gs paige alleepe their chariot ſtood, cee A no horſemen once Did mou an then fhe hornes of righteous men, hor e peal be exalted hte. 7 Foꝛ Chou art deadfull Lo 23 indecd, Gloria Patri. that man the courage bath, To Father Sonne and holy Oho, To bide thy fic if, and Doe not Dread, all gloay be therefore : when thou art in thy wrath? (beard, s in beging was is now, 8 Wihen thou dof make thy — and ſhall be euermoꝛ ee — heauen — He ground, * pew all the earth full ſore alraid In Iudæa. Pſal. Læxvi. I. H. in Gilence wan bekond deere is defcribed the power of God and care ofthe defence of his people, by _ the deftruction of Senacheribs army, for whichthe faithfullare exhortedto bethankfull, 9 And that D Gon wien thou dolt ane ke in iudgement fo2 to f veakie, To faue the affitcted of the land, .« on earth that are full ucake: 3 10The fury that in man doth raigne, i ‘Sing this asthe66.Pfalme. | “thal turne vnto thy praiſe: | Dall that now in Fury divell, ere after Lorddoe thou reftraine, the Lord is clerly knotune their Iuzath and thoeats alwaies. J — V I Make vawes and pap them to our. Mt Salem he his tents hath vishts: ~ _ vefolae-thatnigh bimbe: God/ atarptherealzace : . Waing gifts all pe that dwell abba, 8 oncke be hath delight, 28 fo2 dꝛeadfull furets he. | ee adiwelling place... .. ‘'!? $02 he doth take bath life amish ~ ibe both) thaft and bow and full of terror is his ight, a front Princes great by birthꝛ itd there Heb: | | “eat “page se —— Kings on eartꝛc. 1D > ae 0ce — mame LXXVII. [a and oft Did thinkebpot, =F Vocemes Pfal.Lexvii, LH. ~ Whetimes and ages thatare vat, Dauid rehearfeth his great afflitions,and full many peeves agone. -6 WBy night mp fangs 3% call to mind, once made thy praiſe to ſhobo: 34 And with my heart much talke J finde, — my Cpirits doe fearch fo knioly. gricuous temptations, whereby hee is driuen to confider his former conucr- fation,and the courfe of Gods works, inthe preferuation of his feruants, aii fo he confirmeth his faith againft thefe 7 Wul Ged, faid 4, at once fo} all, temptations. calf off his people thus, 4 415 : —— ⸗ Ho that henceforth no time he hall Lit = == = =a — * be frtendlp vnto bs ? — my voere to God doecry, 8 AWhat, is his goodnes now decaid, BE — — tea === for euer and a dayp? — —=—-———— Do is his promilſe cleane delaid with heart and hearty cheare, (yp . ’ and — bis truth decay? ‘ BES st 6= ? — — =e ee whee tte 9 Aid Will the Lord our God forget voice to God Tift on hie,and he kc his mercies manifold 2 —— a — SS Saree D2 hail bis fuzath encreafe fo hot, futc Doth beare. 2. In time of qriefe his mercies to withhold⸗ EE at bea — — — 10 At laſt Jſaid, my weaknelſſe is = — ite S=== the caule of this miſtruſt: i “Se aueht to Gor, bp night iio ret % eds mighty band can helpe all this, —— and change it when he lill. | fo enon be ee eh wee eiomnanceseoll i tuoke,but ltretcht my hands to him The ſecond part. — — 2 [See ms 1 J will regard and thinke vpon, abroad, my foule comfort fo2fooke. thetworkingeftheLeb: 8 Ff : Of all his wanders vali and gone, 3 TWen Ito thinke on Good intend, Igladly will recozd. | mp trouble then is moze, 12 Bea all dis workes J will declares ¥ fpake but could inet make an end, andiobathestaaeni(e: & my Breath was opt fo ſoze. To tell his facts J will not ſpare, a1 4Thou holdeſt mine eies ſuch wife from and eke bis counſeil wile. bE that 3 alwaics awake: (reſt, a With feare Jam ſo fore oppreft, 13 Thy works D Logvare all oi ah my ſpeech Doth me forſake. and help all abꝛoade: om i 7 Ghat one hath firengthtomatchthe | , 5 Dhedaics of alo in mind F call, of thee O Lord our Gode (mie h re =, 14 Dhar SCP LX VIET 38 14 hou * God that oft doſt chew, Gods benefits, that the groſſe people thy Wonders euery houre: might fee infew words the effect oſ And fodok make the people know, the whole hiftory, thy bertue and thy power. ——— Sets 15 Aud thine own folk chou dott Defend ) ATS — — acces = With firength and firetched arme, Etend mp mm to my lat la, The ſonnes of Jacob that vefcend, piri — == and Joſephs ſeede froin harme. 16 Ths waters Load perceaued thee, the waters ſaw thee well: And thep fo2 feare afide dia flic, a ne Fe ae the depths on trembling fell. —— trange ee and ace Hoe . 17 Dhecoudes that were both thicke € “| Did raitefullplentesully: (black, —— wai Wwe eur The thunder intheaivenivcracke, BEF ee the ſhafts abꝛoad did fite. 18The thunder in the aire was heard, — —— the lightning krom aboue, So = — = = With lathes great mave men afeard, = the earth did quake and ntoue. “of our fathers ¢ old: Ans which foo : SS — 19 Thy waies within the fea doe lie, — * “and to my — —— mouth thy paths in waters deepe: our —— our Fathers haue Pet nonecan there thy ſteps eſpie, Se ee noꝛz know thy paths to keepe. bs told — —— 20 Thou leads thy folke bpon the land, as ſheepe on euery Gide , Dough Poles and thꝛouch Aarons 4 Becauſe we Houldnot keepe itcloſe, from them that ſhould come after: ae rene: ee Cathe ould Gods power to thetr race ; Attendite populi, Pfal. Lxxviii, T.S. and all bis works of wonder, (praiſi To Jacob he commandement gaue, ‘He fhewethhow God ofhis mercy chofe how Hirael ſhould live : his Church ofthe pofterity of Abra- Willing sur fathers ſhould the fame ham, caftingintheirteeth therebelli- vnto their chilozen gine. on oftheir fathers, that their children __ might acknowledge Gods free mer- 6 That thep and their potiecity, cies, andbeafhamed oftheir perucrfe which were not ſprung bp the : its Anceftors :the holy Ghofthathcom- Should haue the knowledge of the lato, _ prehendedasit werethe {umme of all and teach Ps (eed alfo, That * Plalme. LXXVIII. — — 4 Chat hep map haue the better hoxe, that were bath deie and hard · in God that is aboue: Of ſuch abundance that no ouds, And not fozget to Keepe his lates, to them might be compara. : and bis.precepts in loue. -.. 17 Bet forall this againt the tae; sole their fimes they did encteale : $ Not being as theirfathers Were, And dirred him that is motkbie, __ rebelling in Gods fabt : to wrath in wilaerneffe. And would not krame their ticked to know ther Godaright. (hearts 18 They tempted him Within their | 9 Bow went the people of Cphraun, like peopleof miſtruſt: (heart their neighbours fo2 to fpaple ? Requiring fuch akinde of meate, Shooting their darts thedapofiwarre, as ſerued for their luſt. and pet thep tooke the fople. 19 Saving tort —— in their vnthanke ae Lo Foꝛ thy they div not keep With God enpat, cant this God prepare fo bs, the coucnant that was made: a featk in wiloeritefie 2 4202 vet would twatl 02 lead their lines, according to his trade. 20 Behold he brake the ſtonie rocke, - 21 Wut pat into obliuion, and flouds forthwith Did fisiu: bis counfell and bis will ; But cart he now gine to bis folke, And all bis workes mot magnifique, both beeavandficthalfo? ?⸗ | wihich he acclared ttl. 21 When God see this he iwared © : {with Jacobandhis ſeede: (wꝛoth — patty So me his indignation, | _ 32 What wonders to our forefathers, frael dio procecde did he himlelke ditctofe : ant Ilt Pe : 1 In — er the ficls, The third part. | that called is Dhancos ? 4 23 be din diuide a cut the Seq, 22 ABecaufethepoidmotfarthfully, ~ that thep might patie at once : belecugand hope that be N Aud made the water Land as till, Could alwaies helpe and ſuccour 1 as doth an heape ot ſtones. in their necelſitv. 23 Wberfor he did cõmand the slouty | 14 Beled them fecret in. acloud, korthwith thep brake in (ander, — b| by dap when it was bright : 24 4nd raind downe Banna fo ther 4 And in the ee when darke it was, a foode of micale wonder. (of With fire he gaue them light. 15 We bake the rocke in twiloernefie, 25 Ahen earthly men With Angels and gaucthe people drinke : were ked at theirrequett: (Ef As plentitull as when the deepes, 26 We bad the eaſt wind blow awar +p and brought in the fouthivetf. vi doe flatue ——*— beac. 27 he raind down fick as thickasOuya cali W 16 He dzew out riuers out ot rockes, and kowles as thicke as ye eee Vibiads ail Platte CXXVIII. 4 23 Which he did caſt amid the place, diſpleaſure toarife. where all their tents did ſtand. 39 Condering that they were but fick Po we, and euen as a winde 29 5 ni thep —— * paſſe —— and cannot tell, Pet more and moꝛe they diddefire, J sie B bis DINO HUN to feruc their luſts and wills. ae Do ; * —— wx wils erneile, 30But as the meat was in their months did on 5 Hob ponies —— his tozath bgon them fell : —— 31 And flety the owee ofall their youth. to plague them with his ſtroke· and choice of 3frael, 41 Pet did thep turne againe to Gute, and tempted Sod eftſoone: 32 Pet fell ther to their wonted ſinne, Pꝛeſcribing to the holy Loyd, and fill they did him grieue: what things they would haue done. o2all the wonders that he wwꝛought, Aap mt pe * tp wonphimot eee,” 42 otthnking otis ban aw puter, 33 Their daies therefore he ſhortned N02 orthe dap when He | gprs 6 * Delivered them out ofthe hands, . z 4CTheir peeres id walte and pute away af ats fda ill shthis micades ith ferro. and with paine. . — —— wichp * as they themfelues beheld, 35 Wut euer when he plagued them, In Egypt, and the wonders that they a bun bp and bp: be did in Zoan field, | Rememboing then he twas their ſtren | . | their helpe and Ged mott hie. a 4.4 202 how be turned by bis potver 6 Though intheir mouths they did but thetrwwaterintobloops; == | and flatter with the Loed: — (glofe What no man might receive his dꝛinke But with their tongues €intheirhearts at riuermo2 at found. diſſembled every word. si 45 $202 how bee fent them ſwarmes of The fourth part, 4 me ge aaah i * (fies 7 Foꝛ When their hearts were nothing And HO Wer countries tall ot frogs, 4 “asée * pa bis trade : neh: which Mould their land deſtroy. — —— | The fift part, | thecouenant that was made: | 3 Seid ito as Petivashetillfomercifull, 46 Mozrbotw he div tommit their fruits, When they deferud to dies vnto the Caterpiller : pst he lorgaue them their mifoeens, ee all —* * won hands, and would notthemdettrop. — «—«-_—se gauetothe@rathopper. — ‘ie Z 47 With haileſtones be deſtroyd their SPea many a time he turnd his wzꝛath, ſo that they were all lott : (vines and bib himſelfe aduiſe: And not ſo much as wilde fig trees, hid would tot (uffer allbistubole but beconfumdwithfroft. — F2 43 And ey, in flaime LAAYV il], — — 48 And pet with hailettones once againe Wuchlike a bowe that would not ro the 1020 their cattell (mote : but flip and ftart away. And all their flocks and beards like wife, The fixt part. ; with thunderbolts full hote. 8 And griu d him with their Hill altars’ 49 Be cat bpon them in his ire, With offerings ad With fire: and in his fury trong, ANd with their Jools vehemently, — Dilpieafure, wrath and cuill ſpirits, pꝛouoked him to ire, | totrouble them among. 59 There with his wrath began againe, to kindle tn bis boeatt: 50 Then to bis wꝛath he mane alway, aiid Chared not the leat: The naughtinefle of Iſrael, But gaue vnto the peltilence, be Dio fo much detett. : themau and eke the beak. 60 When be forfooke the Tabern ade, 51 Be rake allo the firſt boone all, of Silo where be was : that vp in Egypt came: Right conucrſant with carthly men And all the chicfe of men and beatts, euen as his dwelling place. within the tents of Bam. G61 Chen (uffered he his might ¢ power, | 52 But as for all bis owne deare folke, oun — th x i ambit orks ace, ; be Did pacferue and keepe intohisenemieshand, fe And carried. them though wildernelſe, euen like a flocke of ſheexe. 62 And did commit them fo the ſword, 53Without all feare both fafe and found wꝛroth with bis heritage: be bought them out of thrall: 63 Che pourig men were deuourd with * Whereas their foes with rage of (ea, maives had no mariage. (fire were ouerwhelmed all. 6 4 And with the ſword the Prietts alfo J Cnc: f $4 And brought thein out ints the coalfts ott Rigg rete? A ba ai * of his owne holy land: Their death kor to benone. Euen to the mount which he had got, heir death fo t by dis grong arme and hand. « and then the Low began to wake, © 55 And there cat aut the —— folic, § Alike one that fept atime: - otal anid Did their land diuie And asabvaliantman of warre, Gund in their tents be fet the Eribes, refrethed after wine: of Ifrael to abide. 66 With Emrods in the binder pacts, «| ! | be ffrake hts enemies all: 1 66 Pet for all this their Godinot hte, And put thenrthen onto ahane, — ‘| i thep — Sey — —— that vas perpetuall. ak And would not keepebis Weitanents, 92 pet obey his will. 67 Then he the CTent and rr | i 57 But as their fathers turned backe, of Jofeph did rekfuſe: euen ſo ther went a t Ms foꝛ the tribe of Ephꝛain f —_— Plalmie LXXIX ~ 42 he would in no wiſe ln , 8) 3 Their bloud thꝛoughout — 68 But choſe the tribe of Jehuda, as water ſpilt they haue: A aniseed he thought to dwell: po that there ts not one of thent, Cuen thenoblemount gion, 2.4 2 «fo lap their dead in graue. — Which he did loue fo well. 4 Wbhus are wemade amocking tocke, almoſt the world thaoughout: 69 Whereas he did hts Temple build he cwmintes Abba tit ae moves: both funptuoullp and Cure . Like as the earth which he hath made Wwhich dwell our coalts about. kor euer to indure. WMiut thou D iow thus in thine ire Jo Mhenchotche Dauid him to fete, ; = at ee — bis people for to keepe, Ana ſhew thy wrath as hot as fire, Which he tooke bp, andbzought away, thy folke faz toconfume 2 euenfromtbefolosofiheepe. . 6 Upon thofepeople poure the fame, — 71 Ashe didfollow the Ewes with yong which io thee neuer knew: | the 1020 did hint aduance, Ail Kealmes that call not on thy naxte, Wo feede his people Iſrael, conſume and auerthrowo. and his inheritance. 72 Thus Dauid with a kaithkull heart, 7 For they haue got the vpper hand, his flock and charge Did feed: and Jacobs ſeede deſtroid 2 And prudently with all his power, — His habitation aud his land, . BD gouerne them indeed. they haue left waſte and void. 8 Weare not in mind our former faults, Dens venerunt, Pfal.Lxxix..H, . with {peene fome pittie ſhew, ‘The Ifraelites complaine to God for the cr ah eee care calamities that they fuffered, when An- tiocus deftroyed theit Temple and Ci- The fecend part, tie, defiring aid again{t his tyranny left al boalthand tel ipiical la —— _ nedby the ——— who fhould fee Wicigh wot our tworkes our ſins deface » them forfaken and perith, for honour of thy name. b Sing this as the 77, Pal * 10 dhy thall the wicked ſtil alway, 4 to bs as people dombe: CO) *rincbecicagetotpoies Sty repoach reiayce ad fap, ae falemiant beape is mabe, where is their God become? thy Temple thep defile. 11 Require D Lozd as thouteett goo 2 Ahebodies of thy Saints mok deare betore our eies infight: | abroad to Wirds thep caſt: Df all thofe folke thy — blood, The de ot then that doe thee feare, which they {pilt in oefpight. thebeatts deuour and toate. 12 Meceiuetntothyiightinbat, = : ™" * =) "4 ; J ee ae : : ; : Sa ‘ * * * . a * * a ae * Pee A ey — F rae) | . | WMhich leaded Joſeph like a Heype, and fild the land at laſt. 4 iDirectourbearts tuto thygrace, 13 The Woꝛe out of the waod fol o SHS LA Ae . ae thedamozs,criefeandioong ¶¶ Sbew oathe hightnesorthptace; aiid fhen full fafe are we. | gcd9 9 4 a MF ſuch as are in prifor catk, ſuſtaining irons ſtreong. a — force and ſtrength fo celebrate, J —— ‘ode KD BN oe ee ban, | —_- AGainte thy folbe inanger fell, Jeaporspertity By: ? And Wilt not heare them pap 2 I ry i} ait — 55— band. 6 Thou doſt the feed with ſorrowes deeps 3 : lait hg haue beet fo bolo their bread with teares thep cate: as to blafphemte thyname: | 3 oe * — Into their laps with ſeuen fold, Bat shitting pay hep | repay againe the fame. | . 14 So we thy folke and patture hepe, 7 Theu haſt bs maveaverpitrite, . Will praiſe thee euermore : _ _, fo thofe that dwell about: And teach all ages fo2 to ka pe And that our foes declouca life, J fo2 thee like praiſs in ſtore. iis . yf arene and tet if out, ive cbs Lor Onto thy grace Lui regis Iſtael. Pſal. Lxxx. I, H. conuert our minds to eg ’ rr) A lamentable praier toGod, tohelpethe Shew forth tabs thy pleafant face miferies of the Church, defiring him to «At tu full fafe ſhall be. | confider the firfteftate, when hisfauor 9 frome pot where it sian ; fhined towasds them that he might fi- — ke mone a —— a nith the worke which he began, The heathen fotke thau didſt erpell, — and thou didſt plant it there. ——— 10 Thou doe pacpare for it place, a Dodo Berd that Iſrael dot kare, and fet ber roots full fad : giuccare and take good heede: That it did grow ana {pring apace, d doſt him watch and Fede. i 2 Chan Lo:d ¥ fap whore teatis fet, 11 Lhebils were cauered raund about ~ or Cherubtis full bright: with ſhade that frombincame: Ebetw forth trv lelte and doe not let, And eke the Cedars high and tout, fend dovone thy beames of light. with branches of the fame. | | » 12 Why then dT thon her walsd i Wefore Ephraim and Beniamin ber hedges pluci thon halk, oF . ° smathes eke likewiſe: That au the folke that pate thereby, To hew thy power do thou begin, thy bine map ſpoyle and watt. tf come belpe bs Led arte. | The fecond part. J. conuctt vs 2.020 fo thee:; doth dig and roote touts i * * 9 — a ong — © Pſalme LXXAL 4 hefuriousbeatkssutoftheficle, — : — = ee se —— ee ee te — - Benourettallabout. 14DiLowofhottsreturneagaine, vbich is our Mrengty and ay, be iov- frombeauentookebetime: ··· Beis yeas: — — — Wehold, and With thv helpe luſtaine this poore bineard of thine. . er and ndlitt ‘maa pour boice, to ta Zatobs 35 Thy plant J lay, thine Iſrael, ——— — whome thy right hand hath ſet: God J far. 2. ast: Piepatey your — — The tame which thoudinttioue fo well, Fee FF — A ® Lord doe not forget. SS SS ee id Theplop and cut tt downe apace, me re tee x von! 3 ther burnett eke with fire: eee eee eer oer ‘And thoough the frowning of thy faces tng th weoe perilh in thine tre. ae s — ———— Sages — ‘Iz Let thp right hand be with them —— — —— fo — euery pleaſant ſtring. Gnd With the ſonne of man whome thou 3 Blow asit were in the new Moone, _ father bait mabe fo ferona. With trumpets of the belt: 38 And ſo when thou hat ſet vs free, As itis bfed to be Dene and fauca bs from ſhame: at anp foleumte feat. hen Hall weneucrfall fromthe, 4, sar thigis unto alcasl but call vpon thy name. a fhatute Atedfcane, — IoD Worwofhoks though thy good A latv that muff be kept full well, conuert bs vnto thee: (srace Which Jacobs God hath mare. Behold vs with apleafant face, : 5 Dhis claufe with Joſeph was decrees and then full fafe are we. when he from Egypt came, | 7 | That as a witnelſe, all his feede Exuleate Deo. Pfal. Lxxvxi. I. H fhould fill obferuc the fame, Bie. 6 When God J ſay had ſo An exhortation to praiſe God, bothin * — peu that ae - heart and voice for his benefits sandto Whereas the ſpeech which he had beard ~~ worthip him onely.God condemneth he did not Dnderitand. k their ingratitude , and fheweth what _ great benefits they haue loft through 7 I from bis ſhoulders tooke faith he, their malice. the burthencleane away : Tere Gnd front the furnace quit him free, Ifrom burning beicke ofclap. | =I RE SUlhen thou in ariefe didſt crp and call, 4 —— 2 dele Shee by an by — 4 and J 2 a ae £4 Erase LX A Alle a And J div anfwer thee withall, ſhould flouriſh ener frill. bats in thunder ſecretly. 18 J would haue fen them iveh the cop | and finelt of the tubeat, 9 Pca at the waters of diſcord, And mane the rocke with hony rep, 3 did thee tempt and proue, that they their fils thould cat, Mbereas the goodnes ofthe 1020, with muttering thou didſt moue.. Deus fetit. Pfal. Lxxxit, I. H. 10 Heare D my folke D Iſrael, and 4 affureitthec: Dauid declaring Godto be prefent with Regardand marke my words full tell, . Iudges: and Magiftrates,’ reproueth if thou wilt cleauc to me. their partiality and ynrighteoufneffe, and exhorteth them to deinttice: : but The fecond part. feeing no amendement, he defireth II Thou hake no God in thee refe sad -Godto doc iuftice himfelfe, of atipland abꝛoad: Noꝛ in no wiſe to bow oꝛ ferue, Sing this as the 77. Pſalme. — and ee God. Sin the preate with men otmigh t —— Pld eet him > the Lord himlelfe dia and : hen afke ome abunvantly * Loplead thecaufe of truth and right,” mys CITY with {utacs of the land: an 3 woul sunset see, 2 How long ſaid he will pou pꝛoceed 13 And vet my people would not heare falſe iudagement to award my voice when that Jſpake, And haue reſpect for loue of meede, 9 Nor Iſrael would not obey, the wicked to regard⸗ẽ 21 but did me quite forſake. 14Then did (ie them to their will, > cteteas of dae ya hale Deft, © j j t * 9 + ———— And when the poors man doth contends | To walke tn their ownecounfell Hill, ~ . in iudgement rightly ſpeake. themlelues thev might peruert 4. Af pebe wife defend thecaute, ts D that my people would haue heard, of pooꝛemen in their right, the words that Jato fap: And ria the needy from fheclatses,. : And eke that Irael would regard, of tyrants force and might. am Ko ‘ to walko within my wap But nothing will they kote orleame 5 16 How foone would ¥ confound their int baine to them talke: and bꝛing them downe full low, (foes Andturne mphand oponallthofe - hey will notieeny ought vifcerne, that would then ouerthow2 but ill in darkeneſſe walke. > | Foꝛ loe, even now the time tS comes. 17 And thep thet atthe Lord doc rane, that allthings kall to nought: as ſlaues hould ſeeke me till: And like wiſe lawes both all and fone, : 4utof bis liacke, the time andage, fo gaing ave fold and — q | — Pfalme LXXXIII. 44 6 J had detreed it in my ſight, how they may thee withſtand: as Gods totakeyouall: Againlt the Loꝛd to takea part, And children to the mok of might, they are in league and band. for loue Jdid powcall. i 6 Lhe tents of all the Coomites, 7 Wut notwithitanding pe ſhall die the Ifraelites alfo : ag mett, and fo decay : She Bagarens and Woabites, D as ‘, hall vant beers with divers other mo. and plucke pou quite away. P es yi | 7 Gebal With Ammon, and likcivife, 8 Up Low eletthy rength be knowne — doth Amateck confpires gh: and indge the world with night: F 02 toby? all nations are thine olune, — to take them as thy right. ~ Dens quis ſmilis. Pal. Læxxxiii. 1, F. | The. Ifraclites pray the Lord to deliuer them frõ their enemies, both at home & far off:alfo that al fuch wicked peo- ple be firicken with his. ftormy tem- peſts, thatthey may know his power.. | ! “Sing this as the 77. Pfalme.. 1° not D God reframe thy tongue, in Gilence doe not ſtay: Withhold not Lord thy felfe ſo logs. mozrmase no moze delay. 2: Fe2 whye behold thy foes and ſee, how thev Doc rage and cry: And thote that beare an bate to thee, hold vp thet heads on hie. 3 Againlt thy folke they dle deceit, and craftilp enquire: Foꝛ thine elect to lis in waite, their counfellocthconfpire. 4Come on ſay they let vs expell, and plucke theſe folze away: So that the name of Iſrael nay vtterly deeap. ol E ba * The Philiſtiuis again thee rife, with them that dwell at Lyre. 8 And Adur eke is well apaid, with them in league to be: And doth become a fence and aid,. to Lots pofterity.. 9 Gs thou didſt to the @anianites,, fo ſerue them Loꝛd cach one: As to Siler and to Jabin. befide the beooke Riſon. Lo Whom thau in Endoꝛ didſt deffrop, and walſte them theough thy might: What ther ibe dungeon earth did lye, and that in open faht. The fecond part. II Bake them now and thetr Lords ap- ‘tke Zeband Dreb then, (peare As Zeba ard Salmana were,. the Kings of Madian. TX Which fad, let bs thoughout the in all the coaits abꝛoad. (land . Poklelle and take intoour hand, — the faire houles of God. ag Turne them D God with towns as as wheeles thathaucnoftap: (fat DPrlike the chaffe that men Doe call, With windes to five away. 5 They all contpire within their hearts 14 Like as the tire with — we the mighty forrelf fpils : And as the dame doth quite confume, the mountaines and the hils. 15 Solet the tempeſt of thy wrath, vpon their necks be laid: And of thy ſtormy winde and ower, Loꝛrd make them all affraid. 16 Loꝛd bring thei all 4 thee defire, tofuch rebuke and ſhame: That if map caule them to enquire, and learne to ſeeke thy name. 17 Gnolet theneuerniore daly, to ſhame and flander fail : And in rebuke and obliquie, to perith eke withall. 18 That thep may know ¢ feele ful well that thou arf called od: And that alone thou dott ercell , and raigne theoughout the world. Quam dilecta. Pſal Lexxiiii. Dauid exiled his country, defireth ardét- ly to returne to Gods Tabernacle and & ALOE Ads Qs ALL _e-" = And eke the ſwallow hathanee, = wherein fo keepe her yong. 4 Dhele birds kull nigh thine altar may have place to At and ing: O 102d of bolts thou art ¥faps my Ood and cke mp Bina. 5 Dh thep be ble fled that map dwell Within thy houfe aliwaics : Forthey alwates thy factes doe fell, and ever giue thee pratfe. 6 6 Pea haypy ſure likewiſe are they, whofe ay and firength thou art: WAhich to typ houle doc minde the way, and feeke it in their heart. 7 As they goe thoough the bale of tears they Dig bp fountaines ill: That as a ſpring tt all appeares, and thou their pits dott fil. . 3 From ſtrength to ſtrength they walke no faintaeiſe there ſhall be: (full faſt And ſo the God of Gods at laſt : in Sion they doe fee. | : affembly ofthe Saints to praifeGod: 9D Low of hoſts tome giuehecs, ~~ then hepraifeth thecourage of the and heare when J doe pray: people,that paſſe through the wilder- Andletit theough thine cares proceed, 4 nefle to affemble themfelues in Sion, Sing this as the67.Pfalme. H** pleafantis thy otvelling place O Loꝛrd of hoſts to me? She Tabernacles of thy grace, how pleafant Lord they be. 2 My (oule doth long full fore to goe, tito thy courts abꝛoad: My heart doth luſt, my fle alfo, thee theliuing God. D Jacobs Gon J Cap. 10 D 102d our Mhicld of thy good ar, regard and ſo dꝛaw neere: Regard Alay, beholotheface, . of thine anointed deare. 11 F02 why? within thy courts one Dap 4 is better to abide: Then other · where to keepe or tap, a thauſand daies beſide. 12 Puch rather would Jkeepe a dore, within the houſe of Gon: a, 3 Whe ſparrowes findea rome to reſt, When inthe tentsof wickedneile, and ſaue themſelues from wzong, to ſettle mine abode. agp Plame LXXXV. 13 For God the Lord light and vefence, And hall thy wrath it telfeertend, + “Willgraceand worhipaiue: - bbvvpon all ages thus? — And no good thing twill he withhold G6 Wilt thounot rather turtie therefore | from thent that purely ltue: and quicker BS, that toe (14D Lovof hots that manis ble, Andall thy folke map enermozr, and happy Curcis he, be glad and top in thes 2 What is perſwaded in his break, . se 7 D Low ons doe thou declare, fa fruit all fumes in thee. thp coodneffc fo our tnealth : Benedixiffi. Plal. Lxxxv. IH. Hhew forth to BS and doe not {pare, Becaufe God withdrew not his rodfrom g {will bearhe * at oo rath, fo be his Church after the returne from Ba- (peakes to his people peace, __ bylon, firftthey put him inminde that 9.15 +9 hig Saints that never they, hee fhould net leauethe worke of his returne to foolifirette, “grace vnperfect, and complain of their | vig Jong affiigtion. Then they reioyce in 9 $02 toby eh is help is ſtill at hand, hope of promifed deliverance, which to fuch as De hin feare: was a figure of Chrifts kingdome, vn- MWVhereby great glory in the lana, der which fhould be perfect felicitic. ſhall dwell and uouriſh there. | 10Foꝛ truth and mercy there thall meet, Sing this as the 18.Pfalme. in one to take their places: Voubat been merciful indeed, and peace fhall iuſtice with bitte grecte, D £023 vnto thy land, and there they hall invbzace. For thou reſtoredſt Jacobs feed, from thealdome sut of band. 1198 truth fromearth hall ſpꝛing apace 2 Whe wicked waies that they were in, and fisurifh pleafanttp: a thou didſt them cleane remit, So righteoſneſſe hall ſhew her face, And thou didſt hide the veoples ainne, and looke from heauen high. full clofe thou caueredi it. 12 aun he ade ri take in band to giue bs each good thing: 3 Chae angerebe thoudintatwage, and — the coatts ofall our lane, at all thy Wrath was gone· the carthher fruit thall bring. Gnd Co dak turne thee from thy rage, | with them to be at one. 13 Before his face Hall iulice gore, 4 D Godour health doc now conuert much like a guide 02 ſtay: thy people vnto thee: He thall direct his ſteps alfa, Put all thy weath from vs apart, and keeps them in the wap. and angry ceafe tobe, ! M | | Tuclina Domine. Pfal. Lxxxvi. I. . 5 Why hall thine anger never end, Dauid fore afflicted, . praieth feruently 2 for deliuerance,fomtime rehearfing his oe | mife- but Hill proceed subs? + Set — ——— a er eo Se ee Sl eel ——— — and mercies receiued, sdefiring. The fecond part. alfo to be inftruéted ofthe Lerd, that 9 The Gentiles and the people alll he may feare and glorifie his name : he * thou —5 —— complaineth alfo of his aduerſaries, Hefore thy face on knees will fall, and requireth to bee deliuered from and glozifie thy name, — 10 #02 why? thou art fommuch of might, Sing this as the 18,Pfalme. we polver ts thine owne: sv bolw thine cares to my requett, Hou workelt wonders Hill in aht, ee and —* me by and — for thou arf Gcd alone. | With grieuous paine and griele oppretl, 11 O teach me Hor the wap, and J full pooze and weake am J. ſhall in thy truth pꝛocæd: 2 pPrelerucmpfoule becaulemp waies gp; ioyne my heart to thee fo trie, aid doings holy be, that if thy name map dread. And faue thy feruant D my Lord, 12 Do the my God will Z gine pie, that puts his trud in the. with allmpheart,D to, | 2 Thy mercies Lord on me exprꝛeſſe, And glorie thy: name alwaies defend me eks withall: id fo2 euer thꝛough the world. 62 thrꝛough the day Jdoe not ceaſe 3 dic oe and call. 13 F02 why ? thymercy ſhewed fo me, 4 Comfort D Loꝛd thyſeruants feule, is greatand doth) ercell, that now With paine ts pinde: Shou lett my foule at liberty, $02 buto thee £020 F ertoll, out from the lower bell. oe and lift mp foule and minde. 14 D £020 the proud againſt me rife, and heaps of men of night: Chev ſeene my ſoule and in ito Wile will baue thee in their fight. 5 Fo02thouart goad and bountifull, thy aifts of grace are fre: Aud eke thy mercy plentiful, toall thatcall onthe. Ls Thou Lo art mevevfull and mecke, 6 DLovwlisewife when doe prar, gut gacke an lotwe to tnsath regard and giue an eare· Thy goodnelle is full great and eke Parke well the words that Idoe fay, — no pach bath. and all mp praiers heare. 16 D turtte fo me and mercy grant, 7 In time when trouble noth me mone, thy ſtrength to me apply: — —— J ~ tothe 3 doe complaine: O helpe andfaue thine atune fernant, Foꝛwhy?J kwOW,and well Bae prone thine handmaids fonne am J. theu anſwereſt me againe. 8 Among the Gods O Loꝛdis none, 17 On me ſome ſigne of fauoꝛ het, with the to be compar d: that all my foes map fee, “a And tone catt doe as thou alone, And be athanrd becaufe Lowthou =| thelike bath not been heard. Dott helpe and comfozt mee· ¶ oo Palme LD XXXVIL LXXXIII. 44 Fundamenta viss. Pfal. Lxxxvii. I, H. Py forntaines and my pleafant pings | are compat all in thee. Domine Deus. Pfal.Lexxviii. IH. The faithfull fore afflicted by fickneffe, perfecution, aduerfity,& as it were left of God without any confolation, yet he calleth on God by faith, and “ftri- ueth againft defperation. : Sing this asthe 81. P falme. Sing this asthe 71. P falme. P | 2B God of Health, thehope and a T Pat Citty hall full well endure, I * art ae : ‘ ‘ AS ber ground worke til doth ſtay, cat and ery throughout the dav, The holy Ghoft promifeth that the Church as ie in mifery, after the capti- uity of Babylon, fhould bee reflored to reat excellency, fo that nothing fhould ¢ more comfortable then to be numbred among the members thereof, : Cipon the holy bill full fure, ann all thenight to thee. itcannotime decay. 2 Dict my praters foone afcends 2 Gadloues the cates eyes bett, vnto thp fight on bie : bis grace Doth there abide : uclinte thine eare D 1020 intend He loues themim a all the rel, - and —— to my cry. por Jacobstents belive. 3 For why 2 my foule With woe is kil d 5 Fi ns (pede ne reported be, and doth it trouble dwell: | ot AiO, and abwWwad life and breath almoſt doth veeld Great things Ffavarctaivot thee, — “PE drawech to hell. m thou City of bit God. 4 Jam eſteem d as one of them, 4 ne a Ag Eee on a Ww + that in the pit doth fall : : ; And made as ote among thofe men And Babylon hal che apply, thathaueno ftrength at all. and learne to know thy name. de svat habeas 5 Loe Palelline and Tyre alfa, : Frou rise that por —— with Ethiope hkewiſe: ati Were mo e cafe fo2 me to be people ola fulllona ager, — Wit the tut fl Were borne and there oid rife ity fem the whieh are daw. ee y ' 6 As thofe that lie in grane F fap 5 Df Sion they thall fay abroad, irhom thou hattcleane forgot: Chat ouiere tate oF fanny ee sre which thy hand hath ent alvay, Ipaue ti ere fp2ung Bp, and the high God and thou regard’ ft themnot bath founded fatt the fame. : 7 In their records to themit fall 7 Pealike to one hut bp full (ure, through Gods deuiſe appeare : within the lower pit: DF Sion that thechtefe of all, - In places Darke and all obfcure, had his beginning there. and in the depth of it. 8 ihe trumpeters with ſuch as lng, 8 Chine anger and thy tuzath pinot therein great plenty be ; , fullfoze onmedothlie: ee | “ta anv « BS BBLS WO S440 94244505 ‘ And allthe tomnesagainteme rife, 18 All pay they compatteme about, my foule to bere and frp. as {water at the fides And all at once with ſtreames full Tout, 4 9 Thou putt my friends far oft krom me peſet me on each fide. ! and maktt them ate me cere: 19 Chou fettelk far from memy friends — ¥ am chut op in prilon fat, and louers euery one: 4 and cart come forth no mor· · ea and nune ald acquaintance all, Loy fight doth fale through gricfeand dut of my fight ave gone. Icall tothee D God: (pate, 3 | Throughout the day my hands allo, Auiſerecordias. Pſal. Lxxxix. to thee J ſtretch abroad. Dauid praifedGod for his couenant made betweene him and his elect by Tefus Ghrift, then he complaineth of the des 7 folation of his kingdome, fo that the promife feemed to be broken. * Finally © he praicth to be deliuered from affii- tion, mentioning the fhortneffe of mans life, and confirming himfelfe by Gods promifes, } 11 Doek thou buto the dead declare, thy wondrous Works of fame: Shall dead tolife againe repatre, and praife thee fo2 the fame ? | 12 D2 ſhall thylouing kindneſſe Lord, be preached in the graue? D> hall with them thatare deſtroid, thp truth ber honour baue ¢ 13 Shall thep that lie in Darke full Lote, Sing this as the 67.P{alme. O fing the mercies of the 11020, of all thy twonders wot: att D2 there thall they thy iuftice knob, nip tongue fall never ſpare: J where all things are forgot And with mp mouth from age to age, 5 14 Wut IO 020 to thee alway, _ thy truth 3 — ea Doe crp and call apace : 2 — 0) Ayaue tain that eye Senin ae app praier che eve ithe dav, SD denhsscet atte p> ded ‘ Pe (hall come befaze thy face. In that thou dot the heauens Map, thy truth appeareth plaine. ¥ Ls Why Dok thou Wow abjor niyfoule, , : 9 ariefe that fecketh thee 3 Domine clect, faith God, J made, Z ¥ }: | ant and beheſt: And now O 3.070 twhp dott thou hive, ep teruant Dani ts perſwade, py face alvay from me? ; ae afflict as ovine Mill, —— — | front pout this many a peare : +. Feablith ic full a Ys ; Thy terrors which doe vere me Mill, —_ in tivy fae alle With troubled minde J beare. an —— a, 1 17 Dhefuries of thy wꝛathfull rage, g ah ' * full fore vpon me fall: 5 Aheheauens ſhew with iop ¢ mirth, Thy terrors eke doe not aſſwage, thy wondrous workes D Lord: but me opprelile withalil. The lſaints within thy Church on “ie —— 7 * thy faith and truth record. 6 Who with the 103d is equall then, irn all the coaſts abꝛoadd ⸗: Among the ſonnes of all the Gods, notone is like our Gon. * 7 God in aſſembly of his Saints, is greatly fo be d2ea0 : And ouer all the earth abꝛoad, in terro2 te be bad. 8Lord God of hofts in all the woꝛld, wehat one is like to thee? On euery lise mail mighty Lord, thy truth ts ſeene to be, 9 The raging Vea by thine adutee, thou ruleſt at thy twill: And when the waues thereof arife, | thou makſt them calme and frill. ‘10 And Egipt Loꝛd thou haſt ſubdude, and thou batt it deſtroid: — Pea thou thy koes with mighty arme, halt ſcattered all abroad. : e fecond part. LI Whe heaucns are thine, ¢ fill haue like wiſe theearthandland, (bene, The world with all thatts therein, thou foundeft with thy hand. 12 Both nozth € fouth, with cal ¢ tock . thy ſelfe didſt make and frame: reioyce and pꝛaiſe thy name. 13 Thine arme ts ſtrong e fut of power all might therein dothlie, Whe ſtrength of thy right hand each thou lifteſt pp ont Hie. (houre 34 In righteouſneſſe and equity, thou haſt thy ſeat ard place: Hercy and truth are ſtill with thee, and goe bekore thy face. Plalme LXXXIX. Both Taboꝛ mount, andeke Bermon, Es that folsis blett that knoweth aright — 47 thy prefent potver D Gon: 3 Fon the fauour of thy fight, thep walke full fafe abroad. 16 F702 in thy name throughout the dap | they ioy and much reioyce: | And thaough thy righteoulnes haue they | a pleafant fame and noite. | 17 F02 whyẽ their glo2y, ſtrength € aio, | in thee alone doth tye, | hyp coodnelle eke that hath bs fain, | yall lift our hoꝛne on Fie. 18 Sur ilrenath thatooth oefend bs the i 022 fo bs doth being: (well he holp.cneof Iſrael, : he is our guide and hing, 19 Sometime thy will vnto thy faints, in bifion thou doſt fhe : And thus thendinit thowfay to thent, | thy minde to make themknow. 20 A man of might Jhaue erect. pour guide and King to be: And fet him bp whome F elect, among the folke to me. Fas. | The third part. 5 21 My feruant Dauid J apport, whome Jhaue fearched out: And with my holy ople annoint, him King of all the rout. a For why? my hand is ready Mill, | with him fo2 to remaine : | | And with mv arme alfo J foul | him firengthen and ſuſtaine. 23 The enemies hall not him oppzeſſe⸗ they ſhall not him deusure: fre vet the fonnes of wickedneſſe, of him fhallbanenopolwer, 24 His foes likewiſe will Ideſtrox bekore his face in ſight: And thefe that hate hun Jwill plague, and firike them with my might. 25 DP 22 & SEL p 25 My truth and mercy eke withall, ſhall Hill vpon him lie: Ann in mp name his home eke hall, beltfted bp on hie. 26 Bis kingdome J will fet tobe, bpon the fea and land: . And cke the running fouds ſhall be, embace with his right hand. 27 Be ſhall depend with all his heart on me, and thus thall fay, My father and my God thou arf, my rocke of health and ftav. 28 As one firtt borne J will him take, of all on earth that ſpꝛings: his might andhonour J till make, abous all worldly Kings. 29 Py mercy thall be with hur Mill, as J imp (elfe haue told, My faithful couenant to fulfill, nly mercy J will h old. 30 Andekebis feed J twill ſuſtaine, fo2 ener ſtrong and fure : So that his feat hall fill rentaine, while heauen doth wdures The fourth part. 31 Afthathis fonnes forfake mp laity, and fo begin fo ſwerue: 22w sAas4a0nv“ourrm Hor handle him With eraftinede, e and fo my truth forgo. ‘ 35 But lure mycouenant J will holo, : with all that J hauelpote : } Ec word the tobicy mplipshanetelD, chall alter 02 be bꝛoke. 36 Dnee ſware J bymyholynelſe, and that performe twill J, With Dauid J thall keepe pꝛomiſe, to him 4 willizat lye. 37 His feed foreucrnisze ſhall raigne, and eke bis theoie of might: | As doth the Suime tt thall remaine, fo2 euer in mp fight. 38 Andas the Moone within the f Bes foꝛcuer ſtandeth faſt: A faithfull witneſſe from on hie ſo ſhall his kingdome laſt. 39 Wut now D Loꝛd thou doſt reiect, and now thou changelicheare: Poa thouart wꝛath with thine elect, thine ovone annointed Beare. 40 the couenant with thy ſernant made #929 thou hat quite vndone: And downe bpon the groundalfo, — bat cat bis ropall crotuie. : “The fift part. And of my indgements haue tone aboe, 41 Thou pluck his hedges bp tot 1192 will not thent obſerue. 32 Dif they doe not bie aright, my ſtatutes to them mads: And ſet all my commandements light, and will not keepe my trade. 33 Then with the rod will J begut, theirdoings to amend: And ſo with fcourging fo their ſime, Ps that thev doc offend. 4 By mercy vet ard mp goadnelle, ** will nat take him fro: his wals thou dof confound: (mi Chou beatell cke his bulwarks c and break them ts the ground. 42 What he is fore deſtroid and foz of conmters by theoughout: And fo is made amocke and ſcoꝛne, toallthatdiucliabout. — 43 Thou their right hand halt ut that him fo ſoꝛe amoy: And all his foes that — loe thou haſt made to i 48 , * = Pfalme XC. 43 4 his ſwords edge thon doſt fake alway Through Chie and carth and al the coats that ſhould his foes withſtand: Amen Amen ZF fay. To him in warre no victory, Domine refugi gium. pſall. Xe. I. H. thou giuelt noz vpper hand. Moſes fecing the people neither admoni- Wi ou dof alfa inate thed by the breuity of their life,nor by Peete oh ioy, bis mirth, “ plagucs,to be thankful,praieth Godro sBv tee ‘i is onerti ature and cat, turnetheir hearts, & couti nue his mer- full lowe vpon the earth. cies to wards them & their pofteritic. 46 “hou hatt cut off and made full ſhoꝛt Sing this as the 72. pfalme. _ bis pouth and luſty dates : Wou Lord haſt bene our ſure defence Sind raifae of him an ill report, T pur place of cafe and ree : with ſhame ane great diſgrace. In all tines paſt, yea ſo long ſince, * ne O as cannot be expꝛeſt. 47 pate Tents atoay from 4 ia 2 Cre there was made mountaine 92 Hull foꝛ euer tilt thou turne: —A— And thall chine anger Hill alwap, ——— as Gre ronſume and burne: From age to age and alwaies Till, 48 @) call to ntinde,reatember then —— — my time conſumeth fak, 3 Dhouarindeit man through grief, and Ca yv hak thou mare the ſonnes okmen, todutordapjans then: (then as things ut vaine fo waite ? And then thou faped againe returne, ' ; againe pe ſonnes of met. 49 What man is he that liueth here, — o lath — J 4 je laling of a thouſand peares, what is fin thy fiaht 2 Difromthehandofbellbisfonle, As petterday it doth apveare, fhall be deliuer fra ? : a : (O Ahere ts D Wor thine old goodnes ae ey Oe ſo olt declarde befoꝛne, 5 So (gare as thou doſt ſcatter them, Uhich by thy truth and vpꝛightneſſe, thei is their life and trade J o Dauid thou haſt ſworꝛne? Ail as a flave and like the graſſe, * va ed whole beauty foone doth fade. THhegreatrebukes to minde Icall ¢ wyich in the morning Hines ful bright _ that on thy feraant ite : but kadeth by and bp: he rayling of the people all - Andis cutdowne ere it benight, borne in my breſt haue J. all withered, dead and dry. Wherewith D Lor thine enemies, laf phemned haue thy name: 7 $02 through thine anger we conſume, ‘thep cafe wot to defame. And of thy feruent wꝛath and funte, . | Wweare full fore afraid. zall praite to the O Lord of heats, 8 Lhe wicked works that we bane Doth now and cke far are = ten thine eie, Say — > Dur priute faults ,vea cke our thoughts thy countenance doth (pic. 9 Foꝛ though thy wath sur dates dor Dur peeres confumeas words 02 blaits, and are net cald againe. ro Dur tune is threſcoꝛe peeres and fert, that tue dee line on mold: Af ene {ee fourfcore, ſurely then Wwe count him wondrous old. The fecond part. II Pet of this tune the ſtrength e chiefe theiubich we count bpon, Is nothing elfe- but painefull griefe, and hoc as blaſts are gone. 12 Who once Doth know what ſtrength what might thine ager hath, (is there Jn ſhadow of the mightieſt grace zin his heart ho doth the feare, according fo thy to2ath? 13 4nffruct vs 102d to know and fry how long our daies remaine: That then we may our hearts apply, truc wiſdome to attaine. 14 Returne D Lord, how long wilt thou fo2th on in wꝛath pꝛoced? Shew fauor to thy ſeruants now, and helpe them at their need. 15 Kekreſh bs with thy mercy ſoone, and then our top ſhall be, Ail times as long as life oth lak, . in heart retopre ſhall ine. 16 As thou hak plagued bs befoze, now alfo make bs gla, Ano fo2 the peares wherein full ſore affliction tue haue ban. 17 Det thy worke and power appeare, and on thyleruants light: And chew vnto thy epilazen deare, #5} * i) Plaime XCI. 5 So that ti thy glory and thy might. 18 Loꝛrd let thy grate and glory ftand on 0s thy feruants thus, Loꝛd prolper them to ee Lui habitar. Pfal. xci, IH. in that committeth hunfelfe wholly to ~ thercofaoth nought remaine: (walle, Confirme the works te take in hand, i Here is def ied the aflurance he fined | Gods proteétion in all temptations. A promife of Godto thofe that loue him, know him,and truft in him, to deliner them, and giue them immortal glory. | Sing this asthe gg. Palme. H*° that within the fecret place of Godmott high doth divell, . at ref hall kcepe hin weil. 3 to the Lord will fay, yp God is he, in him will J my whole affiance ſtay. 3 Bethall defend thee from the ſnare, —1 the which the hunter laid: And from the deadly plague and care whereof thowart affratd. 4 And with his wings Mall couer f and keepe thee fafelp theres His faith and truth thy fence hall be, as Cure as fhield and ſpeare. fo feare oꝛ be afright. Df all the watto that die by bay, , | 1102 terrors of the nicht. wl 6 Novoftie plague that — doth Wwalke in darke fo falt Hoꝛ vet of that which death pefkroy and at noone daies doth wale, J— 2 Thou art mphope and my trong hol yf purdhattnot need 3 tap, © | : Ct —— — 7 Pea at thy fine as ‘iad doſt ſtand, a thouſand dead ſhall be: Ten thouland cke at thy right hand, and pet thou fhalt be fre. — But thou ſhalt (se it fo2 thy part, thine eie hall well regard: That euen like to their deſert, the wicked haue reward. 9 F02 why? D No2d 7 onelplu®f, to fay my hope sn thee: and in thebiabet J put my truct, my Cure dekence is he. 10 Thou halt not neede none ul fo feare with thee it hall not mel, $02 pet the plague Hall once come nere the houſe where thou doſt diwell. IL Foꝛ whye vnto bis Angels all, with charge commanded he; What Kili in all thy waies they hall, pꝛeſerue and proſper thee. riaime ANdde The goodneſſe of my ſauing health Jwill declare to him. Bonum eſt conſiteri. Pſal. XNcu. I, H. A Pfalme for the Sabbath, to ftirvp the people to acknowledg & praife God in his works. Dauid reioiceth therin but the wicked confider not that the’ vn- godly when he is moft florifhing,fhall moft {peedily perifh. In the end is de- {cribed the felicity ofthe iuft, planted in the houfe of God,to praife: the Lord Sing this as the 88, pſalme. [*' isa thing both good and merte fo pꝛaiſe the higheſt 1020 : And to thyname O thou moft hiah, to üng with onc accow. 2 Toſhew the kindneſſe of the Lor, betime cre dap be light, 12 and in their hands hall thee beare bp And eke declare his truth abroad frill Waiting thes vpon: So that thp feote Hall neuer chance to ſpurne at any ſtone. a 3 Upon the Lyon thou halt goe, ~ “the Adder fell and long, and tread vpon the Lyon pong, is {with Dragons Kout and ſtrong. 4 Foꝛ he that truſteth vnto me, I vill diſpatch hint quite: And hun delend,becauſe that he » doth know my name aright. 1 5 When he for helpe om me doth erp, an anſwere Jwill giue: nd from his griefe take him will J, in glow for to liuc. . 16 With length of peres and daies of Jwill fulfill his time: * =: (Wealth when if doth draw fo night. 3 Upon ten ringed inſtrument, on Lute ad Harpe ſo ſweete: With all the mirth pou can invent, of inſtruments mo meete. 4. F702 thou halk made me fe reioyce, in things fo wrꝛought by thee : And J hauc top in heart and voice thy handy toorkes to lee, 5 D Lord how glorious and how press are all thy woꝛkes fo Tout? So depely are thy countels (ef, thatnonecantrythemout. 6 The man vnwiſe hath not fhe wit, - this geare to pafle fo bꝛing: And alifuch fosics are nothing fit, to vnderſtand this thing. G 7 When ry 2 & 4h11L/G se wistloa —R 7 ANhen ſo then wicked af their twill, - Dominus regnanit. Pfal.Xciti, IH. 5 hye —* thes larity or torte ill, He praifech the power of God in the cre⸗ } a —* all be twaike ation of the world,and beateth downe S 1 ‘score Stan pa at pea thou dof raigne therefo2e, Ye P —6 eternally, der his promifes, | both now and purty ave Sing this as the77. pica The fecond part. T He 1920 asking aloft doth eign int glory goodly dight: 9 Foꝛ why? D Low, beholvandle, gna he to mew his ſtrength amaine, beheld imp foes J fay : bath girt bunfelfe with might. VHow all that worke iniquity, 2 Whe Loꝛd like wiſe the carth ‘bath made ‘Mall periſh and decar. and ſhaped it fo ſure: — 10 But thoulike ag an Unicorne, No might can make it moue oꝛ fade,/ ſhalt lift mine horne on hie: at fay it doth endure. = ADith freiy and new prepared ovic, thine opnted king am J. 3 Cre that the world was made o2 *4 —T feat was fet aforꝛe: ivrought _ {hall fe the fall and hae: thou hatte hecne euermore. % Of ali that vp againik me rife, 4 The flouds D Low, the flouds do a ife 12 The iit Hall Gouri bp on he, The lauds % fay div entecprife, as Date trees bud My * and lifted bp their voice. | And as the Cedars multiply, | x || in Libanus that grow. 5 Pea though the formes arife ut Fo : , though feas doc rage and fiveil : ¥3 F02 they are planted in the —— The Lor is Trang and moze of 3 — — and he on high doth dwell. 4 ithin his Court they ſpring apace, 6 and looke that promife he doth make and fisurt all abꝛoad. his houthold to defend: . 142d in thetr age much fruit Hat bring £5: ins ano true they Malt it take, : both tat nd well aia "all times twithouten env. th eafantly both bud ana ſprꝛing i ———— — epee pistes _ ‘Deus vltionum. Pſal. Xciii. I. H. 4 ‘ 3 odis good and iuſt, He praifeth God againft the vi iolence | af |} | ; ‘mo belgie ae toi: ats tyrants, and comforteth the afilicte He is my rocke,my hope,and trult, by the good iffue of the afflictions, a met in him there is none ill. by theruine ofthe wicked, ah. a —— . Plalmè X.— 50 BSing this as the'78. Pſalme. aria mia se then vndertand: Cramton doſt reuenge all waong, Dail he not then your deers detect, / that office longs to thee: haovw can pefcape his band 2 a seep’ doth to thee belong, The fecond part, 7 eclare that all map (ee. 11The Word doth knolw fhe th By e ‘ eS VOL) BM e thought 2 Set forth typ felfe, fos thau of right via eave be feeth full 36 *— the earth doit iudge and guide: The Low J fap mans heart doth ſcan, Reward the proud and men ofmight, and findeth them but baine. according to their pride. 12 but Lon that man is happy Cure, 3 How long hall wicked men bear ſway Whom thou dod keope in awe: — With lifting bp their boyce: and though correction doſt procures Bow long hall wicked mew J fay, fo teach hun in thy law. thus frumpy and reiopce 13 Wihereby he Mall in quict ref, 4 How long thal they with beagsbucte ee of trouble fit and pꝛoudly poate their fill? (out Wwben wicked men wall be ſuppzeſt, Shall they reioyce that be ſo ſtout, ei ewes © 4 and fail into the pit. mubete orks argence tl 14 $02 (ure the Lozo twillnetrefute, -§ Thy flocke D Low,thineheritage, — bis people foztotake: ‘thepfpoileanpvcr fullfoxe: Bis heritage whom he did chuſe, Again thy people they doe rage, he twill no tune foafake, ili Dat | Op sais . | 6 —— comfortlette, 15 Untill that iudgement be decreed, and ftrangers thep dettrop: to iudlice to J — Whey Hay their children katherlele, That all may follow her with ſpeed, and none doth put them by. that are of vpꝛight heart. ie | : 16 But who vpon my part will ana, 7 And when they take thefe things in againd the curſcd traine. this talke they haue of thee, (hand D2 who ſhall rid me from their hand, Can Jacobs God this vnderſtand? that wicked woꝛks maintaine? Ee eutomo,, be cannot fee. 17 Except the Lod hav been mine ats, 80 falke vnwiſe and people rude, — mine enemies to erpell, 3 -Enciileage now difcerne . Betedies vata leg MPy Coule and life had now been laid, atlength beain tolearne. —_ alinoaslowashell, me i Va } 13 WUben J dtd fap my foote did live, The Lord that made the eare of man, and now am like to fall, - be needs of riaht muff beare, Thy goodnelie Lo2dd1d ſo pcuide, He made the ciesollthings muſt then to fray me bp ivithall, _ befoze his ſight appeare. beac | ae 10 Loe 102d doth all the twogla corꝛrect, LOM Sen with my * Imuſed much. *» ram ‘ — * ee ee ee . and could not comfort finde: | a areat and mighty Gov, Then £029 thp goodnelſe did me touch, A king aboucali Gods througout, and that nid cafe my mind. in ali the world abroad. 20 Wilt thou inhant thy ſelfe and dzaw, 4 Whe fecrets of theearth fodeepe, with wicked men fo ft, and comers of theland, - Wihich with pactence in Kedoflaw, Whetops ofbhils that are fo ſtcepe, much mifchiefe doe commit: he hath them in his hand. 21Foꝛ theyconſent againſt the life 5 Dheleaand waters all arc his, of tighteous men and good, fo2 be the fame hath wꝛought, And in their counfels they are rife Whe earth and all that therein is to thea the guiltles bloud. bis hand hath made of nought. 22 Wut pet the Lord he ts to me 6 Comelet vs bow and praife the Lord, a ſtrong defence o2 locke: before him let bs fall, | | eis my Gon to him F fie, And kueele to hint with one accord, j hei is my firength and rocke. the which hath made bs all. 23 Andhe fhail caule their milchiefes all, 7 Foꝛ why he is the 102d our God, them: clues fo2 fo annop: fo2 vs be doth prowide : . And in their malice thep chall fall, Ue arehis folkehedathbsfede, sur God hail them deſtroy. bis ſheepe and be our guide. J 8 Lo dayik pe his voice will heare, : i Venite exultemus. Pfal.xcu. IH. then bardet not pour heart, Gs pe with grudging many a peare, An earneft exhortation to praife God for 4 * the gouernment of the world, and ele- prouokt mie in deſert. - &ion ofhis Church, to efchew the ré- 9 Whereas pour fathers tempted me, bellion of the old fathers,who tempted mp polwer fo2 fe proue: God inthe wilderneffe, and therefore My wondrous works when they did ity entred not the land of promife, vet ſtill they would me moue. 10 Twice twenty yeares they din me Sing this as the Benediétus, and Jtothempivtay, (arte Ono tng ontothenon: > _Thev errein heart and net beleue, not knowne An him dur rockeof health reioyce ther heuenataan—w tet bs with one accord. 11 WUWberefore J ware then thatmpy — 2 Bea let vs come before his face, was kindled in my bef, (wrath to giue him thanks and praiſe, That they ſhould neuer tread the path, In lingiag Plalmes tuto bis grace, tco enter in my rect. 4 let vs be giad alwaies. Cantate Domino. Pſul. xcvi. TH @ 3 For whvẽ the Loꝛd he is. wo doubt, An exhortation both to the Tewes and. Ge et ' cd —— °°» Plalme XCVI. XCVII. — Gentiles to praifeGod forhismercy, within his temple bright: and this efpecially ought toberefer- Let all the people of the world red tothe kingdeme of Chrift, Sing this as the 77. pfalme. | Si" Ye with pratle vnto the 03d, new ſongs of top and mirth, Sing pratfe fo him with one accozd, - all people on the earth. 2 Bea ſing vnto the iow Flap, praife ye his holy name: Declare and ſhew from day to day, faluation by the fame. 3 Among the heathen eke declare, his honour round about: To ſhew his wonders doe not (pare, imn all the world thoughout. 4 Foꝛ twhve the Lord ts much of might, and woꝛthy pratfe alway: Foꝛ he is to be dead of right, aboue all Gods JIſay. 5 Foralt the Gods of heathen folke, ars Idols that will fade: But pet our Sod heis the 102d, that bath ihe heauens mace. 6 All peaife and honour cke doc dwell, .. fo2 ate before bis face: ‘Both power and might like wilſe ercell, Within bis holy place. 7 Atcribe vnto the Lord alway, __ pepeaple of ths waald, All might and power eke 4 fay, alcribe vnto the Lo. 8 Alcribe vnto the Lord alſo, the glory of bis name: And eke vnto bis courts do gor, with gifts Brito the fame. The fecond part. 9 Fail downe and woꝛlhip pe the Low, be fearefall at bis fight. 10 Well all the woꝛld, be not agaff, the Lord doth raigne aboue : Pea he hath fet the carth full fakk, that tt can neuer moue. LI And that itis the Lord alene, that rules with princely might +: To indae the nations euerv one, with equity and right. 12 The heauens Hall great top begin, the cart thall eke retovee, The fea with all that is therein, hall Hout and make a noyſe. 13 Whe field Hall ioy and euery thing that ſpringeth on the earth : Ihe wood and euery tree thall Gna, with gladnes and With mirth. 14. Befoze the preſence of the Lo20, and comming of bis might : When he hall tuflp tudge the word, and rule bis folke with right. Dominus regnauit. Pfal. Xevii.I. H. | Dauid exhorteth all to reioyce for the comming ofthe kingdome of Chrift, dreadfullto the rebels and Idolaters, and ioyfull to theiuft, whome he ex- horteth to innocencie, to reioycing and thankfgiuing. Sing this asthe 77. pfalme. He Loꝛd doth raigne, whereat the may top with pleafant botce, (earth And eke the Iles with iopfull mirth, may triumph and retopce. EE mE ae SALSA Aah TT ASAD 2 Bothrlotwos ¢ darknes she did ſwell, For he nothkeve fhe foules otbisy. and round sbout bint beat: from fact as would themfpil. Prarightandinktecencediocll, - 12 Andlight noth ſpring op tothe iat, and bide about bis feat, — pleature fo2 bis parts teat top with gladnes, mirth and lute 3 Bea fire and heat af once dg rune and goe before bis face: : to them o Gynt Beare 4 WMhich thall his foes and enemies burne I 3 Pe righteous it the Low reiorce, ab2oad in cuerp place. bis holpne tts pꝛoclaime: | 4 Wis lightning eke full light did blaſe, We thankfullebe with heart and porte, and to the wold appeare : , and mindefull of the fame, UWihereat ihe earth did looke and gale, with dread and deadip feare. Cawtate Domino. pfall. Xcviii. I. H. 5 The hils ike waxe did meltin fight, An earneft exhortation to al creatures to. and preſence of the Lorꝛd: raife the Lord for his power, mercy, hep fled before the rulers mighf, and fidelity in his promife by Chrift, which guideth all the world. by whome he hath communicated his. 6 ie heaucns eke declare and hey, faluation to all nations. bis iuſtice forth abꝛoad: ‘ , That all the earth may fee and know, Sing this as the 95. pfalme. ' the glory of our God. Ors ve now vnto the Lord, a nety and pleafant fone, 7 Contufion ure ſhall come fo ſuch Forhe bath wrought throughout the — great €ftrong. (world And che to thote that gloop much, 2 c bis right hand full worthily, dumb pictures fo maintaine. be doth bis foes deuour: 8 Foz all the Jools of the world, And get himfel fe the victory tohich they as Gods da call, Sohail fezle the power of the Lozd, With his owns arme and power. and Downe to him hall fall. 2 The Lord doth make the people knokt ] 9 With iop (hall Sion heave this things _ bts fautng health and might: ented —— eae Whe Loꝛd doth eke bis iuſtice ſhow, Foꝛ at thy iubgements thev halifing, Wall the heathens fighf. | : J and make a pleafant noite. 4 is grace and truth to Zfracl, ‘lo hat thou D Loa art (ct on bic, in minde be Doth reco, — int all the earty abroad, That all the earth hath (ene right well And art exalted wondzoullys, the goodneſſe of the Logo. a —— aboue cach other God. 5 Be glad in him with topful wins r q| II Allpe that lone the Lord doe this, ail people of thecarth: | ate ali things thate are iil: Give thanks to God, fin if and reioic ay: ~ fo him with ioy and mirth, 6 Upon the harpe vnto him fing, - give thanks to pint with Plalines: Reioyce before the Lozd our King, With trumpets and with ſhalmes. 7 Pealet fhe fea and.all therein, fox icy boty rage and (weil The carth like wile let it begin, With all that therein dwell. 3 And let the flouds reioyce their als, and-clap their bands apace : Gnd eke the mountaines and the hils, before. the Lord his face. 9 Forhe fhallcome fo tudge and trp, the world and euery Wight: And rule the people mightily, with infice and with right. Dominus regnauit. Pſal. Fcix. 1H. Hee commendeththe power, equity and Piaime ACAA U, 3 52 3 et all men praife thy mighty name, foꝛ it is fearefull ſure: And let him magnilie the fame; that holy ig and pure. 4 Whe Princely power of our Ling, both Ioue tudgement and right: Chou rightly rulett cuery thing, - it Zacob thoough thp might. 5 Ho pratfe the Load sur God deuiſe, all bonour to Him der: Wis footefioele woꝛſhip hun before, fo2 he is holp ton. 6 Moles, Aaron.and Samuels. as Pꝛieſts an him did call: WMhen they dtd pray, he heard them wel and gaue them anſwere all, 7 Within the cloud to them he ſpake, theit did they labour fill: To keepe {uch lawes as he dtd make,, and potted them vntill. SD Lod our God thou didſt them heare and anfweredl them againe: excellency of the Kingdome of God 9 Thy mercy did on them appeare, by Chrift ouer the Iews — Gentiles, provoking them to magnifie the fame andtoferue the Lord, asthe ancient aaron and Samuel, who calling vpon God were heard in. fathers , Mofes , ‘ their prayers. Sug this asthe 77, Pſalme. be Lord doth raigne although atit fie people rage full ſore: ie be on Cherubins doth ſit, | though all the world both roare. 2 Wheiior that doth in Sion dwell, is hie ann wondrꝛeus greats . Aboue all foike he doth excell, aand he alokt is fet, their deedds didſt not maintaine. 10 Olaud and paaife the Lord sur Good, within bts holy hill: $02 wyyeour God throughout the woꝛld is holy euer ſtill. Iubilate Deo omnes, pſal. C. He exhorteth all men to ſerue the Lord, who hath made vs to enter into his courts & aſſemblies to sees his name — ke a — Doe bivel, a > — + — eas T gies a5 — —— =e ee et ee —— — — — ——— = — — — — — lng te — —— voice, 73 —— — — -_—— = = ow — —— — os eee — — & 2etssy Xf LO | ee oe EES Fromage to age throughout the tuoald, 4 voice. 2. Bim ſerue with feare, his ps tratzrach Sil eens A SSS SSSI = = Miferiee rdiam & indicia. Pfal. CAN, peaife forth tell,come pe beferehimt Dauiddefcribeth what gouernment hee ee = SS wil obferue in his houfe & kingdome, | Ssatrantetcch Aina —— by rooting out the wicked,& cherifh- and reioxce. : ing the Godly perfons, : 3 Lhe Lord ye know is God indeed, | Without our aid he din bs make, Sing this asthe Bt — Ge are his llocke he doth vs fecde, Percy Will and iudgement fine, and fo2 his thepe he doth bs take. O 102d God onto the: 4Denter then his gates withpratle, 2 And wilely doe in perfect way, — approach with ioy hisCourts vnto: vbntill thou come to mee. Pꝛaile, laud, € blefle hig name alwaies, Andi in the mas of my houſe twalke, fo2 tt ts femely fo to doe. an pureneffe of mp ſpirit: md J no kinde of wicked thin 5 F02 why the Lod our God ts good, ae fet before thy fight. m | 8? his mercy tg fo ener fure, His truth at all times firmely ſtood, 4 I hate thet works that fall alway, — and ſhall from age to age endure. tt ſhallnot cleaue to me: 4 , wees From nie hall part the froward heart, Another of the fame. noite cuill will J fee. 7 5 Him will 4 ſtroy that flandereth, Sing this asthe 67. Pfalme. ene neighbour priuily: * elofty heart Icannot be are, a QGod the Loꝛd be glad andlicht. sag» Hin that Leoketh bie. peatfe him thꝛoughout the carth: Serue him and conte belore his ight, 6 Dy eies tall boon them within Wwith linging and with mirth. the land that farthfull be : 2 now thatthe Lord our Godheis, Inperfect way who walketh Hall he did vs make and kecpe : be feruant wats nie. : Mot weour felucs for we are his 7 ¥ toll no guilefull perfon hauc, owne focke and paſture ſheepe. within my Hi ts ie : id in my prefence he hall not 3O goe into his gates alwaies, — that lies so fell. if gine thanks vnto the ſame: | : Within his courts let forthhis praife, 8 Betimes J will oeftropeucwall, and laud bis holy name. the wicked of the land: A - 4 For whyrtheqoomete of the Nozd, That Jmay from Gods Citie cut fo AGE, raigne: the wicked — * band. ab ‘ rat i) Domine exaudi. Pſal. Ci, 1. H. It feemeth that this prayer was appointed ofthe faithfull, to pray inthe captiui- tie of Babylon. A confolation for the building ofthe Church, whereof fol- loweth the praife of God, to be publi- fhed vnto ail pofterities, The conucr- fion ofthe Gentiles, and the ftabilitie of the Church, Sing this as the 67.P falme. O Weave my praper 102d ans let myertecome vnto thee: 2 Antime of trouble doe not hide thy face alway from mc. 3 Incline fhine eave te me, make haſte to heare me vohen g call: Foꝛ as the ſmoake doth fade fo doe my Dates conſume and Fall. 4 And as a harth mp bores are burt, mp heart is ſmitten dead : And withered as the graſſe that J foꝛget fo eate mp bead. 5 Wy reafon of my groaning boice, my bones cleaus to my fait: As Pellican in wilderneſſe, fuch cafe note ani Jin. (6 Am as an owle in deſert is, loe Jcanſuch a one: 7% watch and as a ſparrow ow the boule topam alone. 8 ioe daily in reprsachfull wife, myenemies dde me ſcorne: And they that doc againſt me rage, — againit ne they banc ſworne. odurely with athes as tity bean; my hunger J haue Gin: ·· And mingled haue my d2215 with teares OE om i ra | . ‘ Pſalme CII. The people yet vncreated 53 that from my eies haue ſtild. 10 Wecaule of thy difpleafure L023, thy math and thy difagine : F02 thou hak tiften me aloft, and call me downe againe. 11The dates wherein J palſe my life, are like the fleeting fhade : Gnd J am withered like the craffe, that ſoone away doth fade, 12 Wut thou D 102d fo2 ener doeſt, rentaine in ſteady place : And thy remembzance eucr doth abide from race fo race. The fecond part. 13 Thou wilt arife and mercy thou foStonwwiltertend: Whe time of mercy, now the tune forefet is come to end. 14 Foꝛ euen in the Tones theresf, thy feruants doe delight + Gnd on the but thereof they haue compalſſion in their fpatte. 15 Then thall the heathen people feare, the 20228 moſt mighty name: Andall the kings on carth hall dean, thy glory and thy fame. 16 hen when the 1020 the mighty Gon againe Hall Stonreare : And when that he molt nobly in bts glory thall appeare. 17 Lo praver of the delolate, when he hunfelfe Hall bend : WMhen he Hhallnot diſdaine tuts: _ their prayers to attend. 18 Dhis twill be written fo2 fhe age, that after ail ſucced: | the Lords renowne Mall ſpread. 19 Fey ” SS eS ee ee ae ee I 9 Forhe —* his high fanciuarp bath looked downe belo ¢ And ont of heauen hath the L933 beheld the earth alfa. 20 What of the mourning captine he might heare the worullery, And that he might deliuer thele that damned are fo die. 21 What thev in Sion map declare _ the Lords moft holp name: Aid in Jeruſalem fet forth the praiſes of the fame. 22 Wher when the people of the land > and kingdomes with accoꝛd, Shall be aſſembled for fo doe their ſeruice to the Lon. | The third part. 23 Py former force of ſtrength be hath abated in the wap, - ~ And (horter he oid cut my dates, Ni thus J therefore Did fap. > 24 9p Godin mids ofall my daies, _ —- note take me not away: CThyveares endure continually, : from age to age fe2 ape. 25 Thou the foundation of the earth before all times batt laid: Gnd Lord the heauens are the wo⸗ke {which thine owne hands haue made. 26 Pea they hall perith and decay, but thou thalt tarp fill : And ther lhali all in time tar old, ceuen ag a garment foul. ard changed they ſhall be: But thou doſt ſtill * the fame; 3 ‘thy perce Doe Neuer fig. 28 CThe childꝛen of thy feruants Hall Pi The Prophet prouoketh men and Angels _ RE — — 27Thou as a garment ſhaltthem changs continually induces. —— . p And in thy fight their happy (a — — for ener ſhall tandfure. Bae Benedic. anima. Pal. Citi, R 5 and all creatures,to praife the Lord for his fatherly mercies, in deliuerance. of | the people from euil, in his providence e ouer allthings,andin the preferuation of the faithfull, . | Mi8:55}2 =| SS Sls 5 fo ule — onto et | —— — fp vit Bhat Doe. hy — 9— —— all tet ae — — — EE —— —— = ——— “bis! poly name : Giue — to ony | Sp Sie eee oe oe toꝛ all bis gifts, thew nef thy felfe — — — — — — — ind: dnp Cuffer not bis benefits — — to ſlip out af thy mind. a 3 What gaue thee pardon fo2thp faults and fhe reito2d agautc, $02 all thy weake and fraile difeafe, and heald the ofthy patie, = 4 What vid redeeme thyp life from death, —— which thou couldſt not Gia, " : His mercy andcompaMionboth, S| | he did ertend to {te — A 5 AY [== Eb = — a es ”:—“(“‘é«éa TE I. | - 54 5 What Ho with goodnelle thy deſire, — Sur mould and fathion int: AND did prolong thy youth: Hov weake and fraile our nature is, ae sa * caſteth ber bill, and how we be but duff. ereby ber age reneweth. 6 PE ey wit initice path re I 5 ard how the time of moztall men a ote hrepar⸗ is like the withering hay: all ſuch as be oppꝛeſt: | Hathat * furétrings and theit tongs D2 like the fotnze right faire in tield, 16 Whoſe gloſſe ¢ beauty fto2my Winds 7 Wis waies and bis commandements doe btterlp difgrace : to Polſes he Did Ho: And makes that after thetr atfauits, is counfell and his Valtant acts, fuch bio ſſomes haue no place. the Iſralites did know. 8 Zie Lord is kinte and mercitull, 17 But vet the goodnede of the Lord, tco fuch as doc him grieue: with bis (hall euer ſtand: The Aoweik to concciue a wꝛath, Their childzens chudzen doe receiue, and readieſt to forgiue. his righteoulite fe at hand. 18 Jmeane which kepe his couenant, 9 We chives not vs continually, with all their whole defire : | though we be full of ftrife : And not forget fo doe the thing, Hoꝛ keeres our faults in memory, thathe doth them require. forall our finfull life. * 1oMorvetaccazaingtoourfinnes, 19The heauens hie are made the feat, the Lord doth bs regard: ad footilocte of the Lord: S202 after our iniquities And bp his power imperiall, be doth bs not reward. be gouerns all the world. | 20 Pe Anacis which are great in power 3— But as the fpace ts wondrous great praife ve and bleſſe the Lord: . twirt earthand heaucn aboue : Which to obey and doc his twill, Ho is his goodneſſe much moze large, immediatly accord. to them that doc hun loue. 12 God doth remourour unnes frombg 21 Beenoble hols and Binitters, ceafe not to laud him itll: and our offences all: Gis farce asis the Dunne rifirg Which readp are to exccute, kull diſtant krom his fall. fis pleafure and bis till. - 22 Dee alt hig works in euery place, The fecond part. praiſe p pe hts holy name: 12 And locke what pitty parents deare, Gy heart, mp minde, and cke my fe ule, vntao their children beare: ace re alſo the fame. Bike pitty beareth Godto ſuch Benedic animamea.P fal, Ciin. WKS as woꝛſhip him infeare. (our ſhape, ee eh eons A thankfgiuing for the creation of the world world & gouernement ofthefame,by _ of windes in the aire. his marueilous prouidécezalfo a praier 4 Be maketh bis (pirits, © againft the wicked,who arethe ocafi- as Beralds to gor, oa that God diminitheth his bleflings and lightning to ferue, — G Wefecallo peek : MES st saa — — His till to accomplith. - - -P foule pratfe ith Lo. peak ae tutto and fro, At eas =x £10 faue and confume things, = —— —— — == — — —— as leemeth him beſt. 600 of bis name, D Loꝛd our great Hn wd — 225 hegroundeth the earth, B22 =p op to fo firmelpand fatk, 8 carezSopal- That it once to moue God how dolt thou i app — ae — none thallbaue fuch power: —— — * = —/, The depe ã faire coucring fig in glory that qreat ts thp fame, fo2 it made thou bak, tear geenes teneetebet Sete test P= — — Which by bis owne nature, H-——-3——2 — — = — ee the hils would deuoure. Honour, ¢ maieie in the dine mot 7 But at thy rebuke, === Sta = —* the waters did fite, Sag Sst SE: ant 65 gaue due place, — — ty light as arobe thou bait thp wozds to obey: ae — a SS — a tby i ice wh — — Se o fearefull they be thee vbeclade whereby all the earth That in thy oveat racing, BSS SSE te tace tame aay * — — 8 The mountaines fo mouk, E: — Sees, —— they then vpaſcend: a — — — — — — — — — — —— — —— — — — ee — lort thou allo halt fpread: that It thou poll but {peake == ===} }--= thy i020 they Fulfill : E — — == = as 0 like wife ou — * it ap be. moſt quickely defcend, | to rte acurtaine compared may aathere thou — ointett, is chamber beames lie remaine thep doe itil. in the claudes fullfure : 9 Their bonds thou hak fet, 3 UWthich as his charets how farre thep ſhall run, are made him to beare : . Soas in their rage And there with fuch fwiftnete, not that paſſe thev cant: bis courfe doth endure, * Foꝛ God hath appointed, pon the windes ridingg. they (all not returne, Whe earth to deftrop moze, Which made was for man, The f cond part. 10 he fendeth the ſprings to ſtrong ſtreames 02 lakes, Which run doe fullffift among the huge bils: 11 Where both the wildeafles _ their thirit oft times flakes, And beafis of the mountaines thereof drinks thetr fils. 12 5p thele pleafant ſprings o fountaines full faire, The fowles of the aire abide Halland divell, ~ Who moued bp nature —s fo Hop here and there,’ Among the greene branches their fongs fhallercett. | 13 The mountaines to moiſt ; the cloudes be doth bfe, The earth with his works are wholy repleat: 1450 as the bꝛute cattell lhedothnot refute, But grafic doth prouide them, | and hearbe fo2 mans meat. 15 Bea bread; Witte, and oile he made fo2 mans fake, is face torefreh, and bearf fo make rong: 16 Lhe Cevars of Liban, this areat 2 920 did make, Ghich trees be noth nourth, that grote dp fo long. 17 Jñ theſe may birds build, and make there their neſt: riaimew iiss, 50 In ferre trees the Forks remaine and abide: | 18 CThe high hils are fucconrs fo2 inilde goates to reſt, And eke the rocks ſtony, fo2 Conies to hide. 19The Woone then is ſet, ber feafons to run, The dates from the nights thereby to diſcerne. And by the defcending aifo of the Sun, The cold from heate alway therebp wee doclearne. 20 When darknefle doth come bp Gods Willand power, _ When creepe forth doe all tie beatts of the wood: 21 The Lyons range roaring, their pꝛey fo deuoure: Wut yet it is thon Loꝛd which giueſt them kood. 22 As ſoone as the Sunne is bp, thep retires To couch in their dens then are they full faine: 23 That man to his wozke map . as right doth require, Gill night cone and call him to take reff againe. The third part. 24 Bow fund D020 are all thy, works found? - With wifdome full great thep are indecd weught; So that the whole wond ee ee —— of thy praife noth ſound: And as for thy riches, thev paffe all mens thoughts. 25: Bois the great fea, which large is and bꝛoad, CU bere things that cre peliwarine, and Beats of cach fort: 26 Dhere both mighty hips faile, ard ſome lie af road : he Whale huge and monſtrous, thore alfs doth ſport. 27 Ulthings on the wait, thou doit them relicue, And thou in due time full wel doſt thein fede: 28 How whe it doth pleafe thee the fame fo to gine, Chev gather full qlanty. - thofe thugs that thep reed. Thou openeſt thp hand and they ünde ſuch grace, Chat thev with good things are filled tue fee : 29 But fore are thev troubled, if thou turne thp face : Forif thou their breath take, pileaud then they be. 30 Againe, when thy ſpirit, from the doth procene, All things to appoint, and what Hall enſue: Then are they created, as thou batt decreed, Gnd dok by thy goodnefic, the dꝛy earth renue. 31 ihe pratleof the Lord, for euer ſhalllaſt, WMho may in his works — by right well reioice: 32 Wis lok can fhe earth make iy ~—s- fa trentblefullfas And likewiſe the mauntaines to ſmoke at his voice. it 33 Lothis Lewd and God fing will 4 altwatcs, Soloug as 9 line ny Goo praife will J: 34 Then aim {mot certaine nay words Mall him pleale, * {will reidice in him, | to him will J cry. 35 Theſinners D Loꝛrd, conſume in thine tre, Gnd ekethe peruerfe, 4 them root out with ſhame, Wut a¢ for my foule now, let it filloeire, Ana fav with the faithful pratfe pe the Lows name. Confitemimi Domino, Pſal. Cv. M. He praiſeth the ſingular goodnes of God for chufinga peculiar people to him- } felfe, neuer ceafing to doe them good | euen for huis promife fake, Sing this as the 95. pſalme. (3 prailes vnto God the 1030, : | and call vpon bis name: Among his people eke declare x ‘ his works to ſpꝛead his fame. — 2 Sing pe onto the Loꝛd Alay, . and ſing vnto hint praiſe, And talke of all his wondrous — that be hath wꝛought alvoaies. 4 | ‘ — “| ; * 3 In honour of his holy nane, | reioyce With ane accowds And let the hearts alſo reioree, of them that ſeeke the Lord. 4 Sreke pe the Low ad ſeek the ſtrength of bis efernall might· Gnd feeke bis face continually, and pꝛeſence of hts fabt. 5 Ake wondrous Wworkes that be hath keepe ſrill in mindefull heart: — (Gone Noe let the iudgement ofhis meuth, out of your minde depart. 6 Me that offaithfull Ababa, his ſeruants are the ſeede: Pe his clect He children that, of Jacob Boe procecrde. 7 Foxꝛ he, beonelpis J fav, the mighty Lord our Gov: And his moſt righteous iudgements are, through all the world abꝛdad. 8 His poomile anid his coucnant, Wwehhich he hath mate to his: ‘Se hathremembredeuermore, to thoufands ofdearces. » The fecond part, 9 The couenant whichtehath nade, _ with Abraham long agoe: Whe faithful cath which be bath ſworne, fe Iſaake allo. | ‘TO And did confirme thefame for law, _ that Jacob Mhoula obey; nf eternall couenant, to Iſraell fo2 ave. 11 When thus he fain loe J to pou, all Canaan land will giue: he lot of your inheritance, whherein your ſeede chall liue. 12 Atthoual their number at that time, did ery ſmall apreare : Pea berp mall, and in the land, F — Yo 55 they then but ſtrangers were. 13 While pet they walkt from land to without afureaboaa: · (lanes Aud while front ſundꝛy kingdomes thew’ did wander all abroad. 14 And weong at no oppreſſors hand he {uttered them fo take: ‘ Mut euen fhe creat and mighty kings: — repoucd fo2 thetr fake. 15 Andthus he ſaid, touch pe not thoſe that mune annointed be - Ne Doe the Prophets any harme that doe pertaine to me. 16 Be caloa dearth vpon the land, of bread he ſtroid the tore : Wut be againſt the tone of nes: hao ſent a man before. The third part. 17 Cucn Joſeph which had once been ſold fo liue a flan in wo: | E8 Whoſe fet they hurt in ſtocks, whore fhe prot peartt alfo. (foule. ¥9 Untill the time cane when his cauſe Iwas knowne apparently ; : Zhe mighty word of Goo the dew, his kaultleſſe truth dia trie: 20 The King (ent and delinerca him front priſon where be was he ruler of the people tien, d:d frety let him patie. 21 Andouer all his houſe pe made him Lord to beare the fipay : | And of hts fubltance made him hatte, fhe rule and all the fay. | 22 Dhathe might to his will intruct, the Princes of the lana: And wiſdomes lore his ancient men, Might teach to vnderſtand * 9 23 Then 23 Then into the Egiptians land, wyereon their dgsow aqrowse ⸗c | came Iſrael alſo: And all the trees within thecoatts, | And Jacob in the land of Bart, downe Did he oucrthzow. — | Did liue a ranger tho. 34 As — — liens nin; =. | 24 Wis people be exceedingly, and Grathoppersabound, | — mabe te lowe: — pe Paes in al their land) And ouer all his enemtes, ‘all their ground. | | in firenath he made them growe · The fift part. | . 25 Whole hart he turnd that they with 36 The firk begotten in the land, iP bis people did intreat: (hate ckedeadlp din he ſmite: i | And via bis feruants worgfully, Pea the beginning and firit fruit, | abufe with falfe decett. ofall their ſtrength and might · 37 With gold afilucr be them bꝛought, The fourth part. from Cgiptlandtopaile: ·· 4 a6 His faithfull ſeruant Moles then, And in the number ofthetribes, and Garon whome be choſe: wo feeble one there was. He did commaund to goe to thent, 3 8 Egypt was glad and iopfull then, : his meflage fo diſcloſe. when thep did once Depart: 27 The wondrous mellage of his ſignes Fo terror andthe ſeare of tkem. among them he did choaw:;· {ang fale vpon their heart. | | And wonders in the land of Yam, 39 Tofhnotud them from the parching | i then Bin they worke alſo. acloud be did Mat play: (heat, | , 23 Darkenelſe he font ¢ mane tt Darke And firehe fent thom to giue light, q in feed of Brighter Dav + when wight had hid fhe Dap. ' 19 and onto bis commilſion, 40 hep atked and he caufed quattes, they did not dilobey · to raine at theif requeſt: go We turnd ther waters into blood, And fully with the bꝛead of heauen, pe did their filhes Map : | their hunger he repzelt. | ; Their land brought frogs cuen wt that 41 he opened then the fonp rocks, ~ I where their king Pharasiay. (place and waters guibes out: 4 ſpake and at bis voyce there came And ut the dey and parched grounds, ¥ ‘ pei fivarmes of noifome fltes + like riuers ran about. ! . And all the quarters of the land, 4% Forofhishalvcoucnant, 4 were fila with crawling lc. ape mindetuil was he tho: He gaue them cold and tony haile, Amich to his ſeruant Abꝛaham, int ſteed of milder rame he plighted long ager. And firp lames within their Land, 43 He bꝛought his people korth with be fent vnto their parte. andbis clect with top, (nnieth 33 he mote their vines € al their trees, Dut of the cruell land where they 4 YY ee = ’ ‘ Pfal. ‘CVI. 57 had lied ingreatannep. = Dur fathers though ther fats them all, 44. Andof theheathen men he gauc, _° did not vnderſtand. to them che fruitfull lands: : Noꝛ vet thy nrercies multitude, ZX helabaur of the people cke, _ DID keepe in thankefull minde: be gaue inte thetr hands. Wut at the fea, pea the rev fea,s 45 That they his help ſtatutes might 8 rebelled molt vnkinde. oh obſerue foꝛ cuermoꝛe: mene at — them, t his lawes o2 henour ame : | PNA ssi dacertte, That he mighthaue bis power knowne Ma) bi and ſpread abroad the ſame. Confitemini Domino. Pſal. Cut. N. 9 Thored feabe did then rebuke, The people difperfed vnder antiochus,do = ana korthwith it was — magnifie the goodnefle of God among And as in wildernelſſe, ſo tha2ough the repentant,and pray to be gathe ered the Beepe he Did them or _ from among the heathen,that they may 10 Be fau'd them Frou the cruel hand, praiſe his name. of their diſpightfull fae: ——— Satie And krom the enemies hands he did. Sing this as the-§ 9. Pfalme. Deliuer them alfa. Maife pe the Lord for he is good, wis Geasid his mercy dures fo2 ave : Se ae ce 2 Whocanrerpretchisnobleacts, 11 Lhe waters thetr oppreſſors whelmꝰ orallbis pratfe difplap 2 naot one was teft aliue: 3Thevr bleiſed are that iudgement keere 12 When they beleeued his works, and and tufily doe alwap: in ſong they did him giue. (xꝓꝛaiſe With kauour of thy people Le, 13 Wut by and by vnthankelully _- venteanber mee 3 pray. his workes thep cleanc korgat: Ann fo2 bis counſell and his will, 4 And with thy ſauing bealth D Low 4 beuchlafs to tifit me: : shen Op eee buat ‘What H the areat felicitie, 14 Wutinked in fhe wilderneſſe, oↄ of thine clect may fec. With fond and greedy lute :; And with thy peoples top F may, And un the delert — God, aioykull minde polleſſe: the ſtav of all their truſt nd map with thine inheritance, Ty And thet their Wanton mindes ochre a glorious beart expreſſe. he lulflered them to haue: Both we and cke dur kathers all Rut walking leanenetie thercwith alt, - haue finned everp ane : t into thetr foules be gaue. e haue committed wiekednes, 16 Then wher they lodged in their tents and lewdly we haus done... at $B ofes ther did grutch: | 7 The wonders ‘arcat Which fhouD Aaren-thebelp cfthe Lord, fr baa dens in Cavptland (Low = fo did they enupmuch,. 2 7 There Ly yas 17 ‘Wherefore the earth din open wide, Noꝛ fo the voyce of Gov the Low, aid Dathan did deuoure they gaueno harken ing minde. And all Abirams company, 26 herefare againſt them lifted he, did couer in that houre. his ſtrong reuenging hand: 4 18 In their allembly kindled was, Them to deſtroy in wuderneſſe, ere they ſhould fee the land. the bote conſuming fire, And watting dame div then burtte bp, 27 And todeffrop their feed among, the wicked in bis tre. thenations Wwith bis rod: 19 Upon thehill of Bored ther, And though the countries of the woꝛd, an Idolcalfe did frame: to fcatter them abꝛoad. And there the molten Jmace they, 28 To Waal Peo then thep div, did worſhip of the fame. 4 adtopite thenrfelucs alſo: ; 20 UntothelikenetieofaCalfe, Andeate the offerings of theneap, that keedeth on the graſſe: fo2 they forſooke bun tho. 4 “hus they thetr gloꝛy turnd, and all 29 Thus with their owne inuentions, their honour did deface. bis wrath thep did pꝛouoke: 21 And God their onely Sautour, And in bis fo inkindled wrath, vnkindeiy they fo2 2got: the plague vpon them bꝛoke. Wihich many greatand mighty things 30 Wut Phinees ſtood dp with zeale, in Egypt land had ought. the ſinners bile to Gap: The third part, And iudgement he did crecute, j 22 And in the land of Ham fo2 thent, and then the plague did fay. g maoſt wondrous workes had done: And by the red fea deadfull things, The fourth part. : performed long agence, 31 ‘mounted bite him “| 23 Wherefore fo2 their fo ſhewing them, — eda that * * forgetfull and vnkinde: And fronibenceforth focountedis, | f Tobring deſtruction on them all, from race to race for ape. ol be purpofo in bis minde. 32 At waters che of Beribath, Bad not bis chofen Moſes ood, thep did him angry make: : before htin in the bacake : Pea fo far forth that Wofes twas, To turnehis wꝛath leaf he on then, then punitht fo2 their fake. i with daughter Hhould him wreake. f vert bis {pirit fo fore, 24. Dhep ord difpife the pleafant land, 3 gat impatient beat , P ws i i thathe behight to giue: is lips ſpake vnaduiſedly if Pea and the words that he had (poke, * his aise was fogreat. : | | thep did no whit belecue. 34 ora the Lord commaunded fhent, : 25 But i their tents iwith grudging they ſlew the people tho: they wickedly repinde: (heart 35 Wut were among the heathen muirts — we endleamd their workes alto. 45 He cald fo minde his coucnant, which he fo them had ſworꝛe: 36 Aud did their Idols ferue which werẽ guy by bis mercies multitude, their ruine and decay: ep. rc ntee han metas 3 7 To fiends thetr formes and daughters pented hun h * — Oe ee 45 And fauour he them made fo finde, - 38 Pea with vnkindely murdering knife before the fight ofthoſe, _ their guiltleſſe blood they fpilt, hat led them captiue from the land, Pea their olwne formes and daughters when erff thep were their foes. Without all caule of guilt. (blood; 47 Sauc * O ae that artour God, ſaue bs D Lod ie pray, | Thome they to Canaan Fools then, and from prt hn —* kolke, offered With Ticked hand ; Lord gather bs alway. ‘And fo with blood of Innocents, defiled teas the land. (woꝛks Chat we may (pread the noble praife, 39 Thus were they ſtained with the of thy molt holy nante, _. of their owne filthy wap: What tue map glory wm thy praifc, And With their owne inuentions, and founding of thy fame. a whoring they did ſtray. 48 The ior the God of Iſrael, be bicit fo2 euermore: 40 Therefore againſt his people twas, - 2 ct all the people fav Amen, the Lords wꝛath kindled ſors: And even his owne inheritance, therefore be 010 abbo2. “41 nto thehands of beathon men, he, gauc them fo2 a prev ; poate pe the Low therefore. - Confitemini Domino. Pfal, (vii. VR. (thev Dawid exhorteth all that are redeemed And made their foes their Lows whome by the Lord, & gathered vnto him, to . {were forced to obey. giue thanks therfore, who by fending — The fift part profperity & aduerfity, bringeth men * Sea and their h — enemies vnto him. Therefore as the righteous 2 oppꝛelt them in the land: And ther were humbly made to as ſubiects fo their hand. cy Delivered then before : ; prꝛouokt him euermore. he hearkened to their crv. 43 Full often tines from thrall hadhe, thereat reioyce, fo fhall the wicked ttoope, haue their mouthes ſtopped. Sing this as the 69. Pſalme. Jue thanks vnto the Lord our God ut with their counleis they to wzath, fo2 gracious ts be: And that bis mercy hath no end, all moztall men may fee. herefore they by their wickedneſſe, 2 Such as the Lod redeemed hath, were brought kull lowe folpe : with thanks ſhould pratle bis name, 44 Bet when he law them in diftrefic, And ſhow how they from foes ave freed, and how he wrought the fame, By 3 Ge ee —— — Bk ee Boe Seale to ee — 3 Hegathered them forthof thelands, — they then fell downe with ariefe: toat lap fo far about And none twas found fo tie From cak to weſt, from north to fouth whereby to get relic — to helpe, thy hand did finde them out. —DE 4 Chey wanderd in thetwilvernete, ʒz When dirthevery inthcirdittrelte, and Eraped from the wap, bitfo fhe 1.023 for aid, duo foundnacitty tobereto dwell, #hadid remoue theirtroublous fate, — that feruc might fo2 their fay. according asthep paid. (brought ——— 14 Foꝛ he from darknes ont them 5 When thirlk hunger was ſo great, and from deaths dreadtull ſhade: in thoſe deſerts fo bow, Burling with force the pron bands, That faintnetlc did them foreafault, — tobich were before them lain. and che their foules annoid. : 6 hen did they erp in their dittrete, 14 Let men therefore before the Low, vnto the Lord fo2 aid, confeſſe his kindneſſe then. Wiho did remoue their troublous Late, And chew the wonders that he doth according as thep praid. before the fonnesofmen. (braffe,, . 16 Foꝛ he thew dotune the gates of 7 And bp that way Which was fo right, and brake them with trong hana, be led them like a guide, The pon barres he {mote in tivo, hat they might to acittp goc, nothing could him withſtand. and there alſo abide. ; 8 ict men thercfore befoze theo, 17 Whe kooliſh folke great plagues dee And thet the wonders thathe noth, — Wutheapesw more to thole thephaue, before the ſonnes of men. becauſe thep doe offend. . 18 Their ſoules fo much did foath all 9 For hetheempty foule ſuſtaind, that none they could abioe: (meat whome thick had made fo faint, Cbercbyp death had them almoſt caught | Whe hunary foules with goodnelle fed, as they full truly tride. i. and Did them che acquaint. peer . 1o Such as doe dwell in parknetie deepe, 19 Then dw thep-crp in their dilkree, {ohere they of death doe waite, vnto the 11.020 fo2 aide, — Fatt bound to taſte of troublous Tihs did rentoue thet troublous ſtate, as prochatics doc thꝛeat. (omnes accoꝛding as they paid. 20 02 he then fentto themtbis fused, @ The fecond part. wyhich health did foone reſtore: 11 Foꝛ that againſt the Lords obone And beought themt trom chee danger⸗ chep fought foto rebell: — (words wherein thep tere before. Eſtecmning light his countels hie, The third part. J which did fs farre excell. 21 Let men therefore before the Low, | 12 But when he humbled them inllaw, contefte his kindneſſe thean: & KALI XY Jado — tee ee that he do The fourth part, 22 Gactnente paisa. 9 31 Let meit therefore before the Lo2d, confeſſe bts kindneſſe their, Wwith thanks and alfofeare, And ets th: wonders that he both, And ſpeake of all his wondrous works, before the formes of men. with glad and topfull che a 32 Let them in preſenco of the folke, 23 Suchas in (hips 02 brittle barkes, with patie ertoll his namte : into the feas vefceno, And tobere the Cloers doc conuent, Their marchandile taoghfearfuldouss cthere let than docthe fame. fo compaſſe and to end: 24 hols men are forced to behold, 3 ee ee sk ‘ delerts, _ he Lords inorkes what they be: gi baveth bp as it wereduk, gee hee fe i i they hi (ane, the ſpringiag well and bourne. marue sid 34.4 fruitfull ſand with pleafures deckt eee is full barren be doth make : * ——— tye flormy winde, Wahen on their ſinnes that dwell therein Arileth enn be doth iuſt vengeance take, And Tirreth dp the furges fo, as nought can them aſſwage. 35 Againe the wildernes full rude, 26 Chen are theylifted vp fohigh, be maketh fruit to beare: | the cloudes they ſeeme to gaine: Withypleaſant ſprꝛings of wafers cleare, And plunging dotone the derths, vntillthough none before wero there. their loules confume with paine. 36 daherein ſuch hungry foules are fet, bert > as be doth freelp chufe: 27 and like a drunkard to and fro, That they a City map them build, now beere, now there fhev reel: to dweil in fo2 thetr vſe. As men with feare of wit bereft, oꝛ had offerte no feele. 37 What they map low e their pleaſant 28 Then did they cry in their diſtreiſe, — andbincpardsalfoplant, .-. (land vnto the Lord foꝛr aid ꝛr To veeld them fruit of Cuchinereafe, © “ira 99 bid remoue their froublous ſtate, as none may ſecme to want. accoꝛding as thep praid. 38 Whey multiply ereeedsinalp, EST TS pat tic tLo2d doth bleficthem{o: ⸗ For With his word the Lord did make dzuhich doth allo their beuit bealls make che ſturdo itormes toceafe, by numbers great to grow. Do that tie quent waues fromttheirrage =~ Bie ciis : are brought to reſt and peacre. 39 Wut tuber p faithful are Lote broghe, ¶ Then are men glad when reſt is ceme by the opprellors out, Which they fo much did craue: and miniſh doe thꝛough many plaques, And are bp him in hauen bought that compalſſe them about. Which * ſo faine would haus. . 40 Then both are bring to ue ir i. ‘ : : C 4 h — —— twhich doe them fore spree : 4 Becaule rxmercy Lordisg at, eee | Andliketwife cauled them to erre, aboue the heauens hie : {within the wildernelſe · And cke thy truth doth reach the cloudes —* within theloftpfky, = 8 =i 41 But pet the poore be raifeth Dp, — out of his troubles deepe, 5 Abouctheftarrpheaucns hie, — Ano oft times doth their trame augment — eralt thp felfed) God: muchlike aflocke of fheepe. And fod diſplay vpon the earth, 43 The righteous halt beboln this ight thy glozp all abroad. amd alfo much reioyce: 6 That thy dearely beloued may, Cihereas the wicked and peruerle, be fet at liberfp: 4 {with ariefe thal Lop their voice. Helpe D my God with thy riaht hand, a ans and hearken vnto me, — 43 But who is tile that now full well, 5 —— he may thele things recoꝛd? 7 Godin his holynelle hathſpoke, Fo2 certainely fuch thall perceaus wherelore my iopes abound: the goodnelle of the 1020. Sichem J twill diuide and mete . the vale of Sucoth ground. Paratum cor meum. Pſal. Cviii. N. 8 and @ilcadthallbe mute oioe, MPanalſſes mine ſhall be Lord,and affureth himfelfe ofthepro- ſhall Juda giue fo me. . — Dauid with heart and voyce,praifeththe Mphead ſtrength Ephraim, and late if (es of God, cocerning his kingdom 1 Hrael, & his — other 9 Moab my walſhpot, and mp hoc, ” nations, who though he feeme to for- _ on Edom will Z thꝛow: fake ysfora time, yet he alone in the Upon the land of Paleſtine | nemies. in triumph till Igoe. 4 end will caſt downe eur : 10 Getha fhall ints the City ttc, | Sing this as the 95. P. alte. be —* — ae. ; Dhow by whometoCoomland, | “\ Gand me heart prepared 15, » | . t F ‘@) and ckemrp tongue is {0 conueyed ſhall 3 be + ; J will aduance my foule in ſong 11 Is it not thou O God which late, and giuing praile alfo. pani bs fortaken quite: | | 2 Awake my Wiel and my Yarpe, And thou D Lord which with our Hol ſweete melodte to make : pidttnot gor forthto fight, = 14 And in the moming J mrp lelle, 32 Gineds D 102d thy fauingain, ti right carly will awake. 3 when troubles ie afaile : . me among the people 3020, $02 all the helpe of man ts vaine 3 ily: aifed thalt thou be: and can ito whit auaile. | And 3 among the heathen folke, 13 CThrough God toc Malt doe valiant A — — qwillfing D Lord to thee · and worthy ol renowue: te Sts." Hethall lubdue our enemies, 9 higs childꝛenlet be athertemte, peahethall tread them downe. his wiſe a widdo we make. Bete Yo ict his offpaing be bagabonds, Dens laudem tuam. Pfal. (ix. N. to beg and feeke their becad : Wand ezing out of the watted place, — Dauid being falfly accufed by Sauls flat- where erlt they haue bene fed. ~ terers,praicth God tohelpe himto de- | pei ſteoy his enemies, who reprefent Iudas LI ict couctous ertozttoners, < the traitor vmo Tefus Chrift,é all like catch allhis goods and ftore : enemies ofthe ChildrenofGod, 40lettheftranger ſpoile the fruits, 7 | of all hts totle befoꝛe. 12 Let there be none to pitty him, let there be none at all: Tp {peechlette Glence doe wot halo, ——— — I28 a — ae Willlet their mercy fall. ; @ Godenen thou Aap that art The fecond part. the Godof all mp p2aife. ' 13 Andlolethis polerity, 2 Che wicked tong and guilefull mouth fozeuerbedeitrow: — pw me difclofed be + Their names out blotted in the age, nd they withfalleandlving tongue, _ ‘hatatter thal ſucceede. pa tle — 14 Let not his fathers wickedneſſe Sing this as the 98. Pfalme. haue fpoken vnto me. . front Gods remembance fall : g Whey didbefet me round about, And let not thou his mothers fine, {with words of hateful ſpight: be Dons alway at all. | Wuithout all cauſe of my deſert. —— againte medio thep fiat. 15 But in the pzeſence of the Lord, 4 Fozmpgoad twill thep were my koes _ kt them rematnefo2 ave: shut then J gan fo prav: What from the carth ther memop, 5 Spqood with ill,my friendlinete, _ Ye mav cutcleancarnap, {with hate they did repay. 7 16 Sith mercy be forgat to ſhew, vighis ⁊ but did purſue with ſpight: «6 Set thou the wicked ouer him, CThe troubled mar, and thought to flay, ~ _ tobaue the vpper hand : “the wofullfeartea Wight, == At his right hand eke fuffer thou, 3 begs hishatefullfoctoftand. 17 as he did curling loue, it ſhall 7 Tihen he is iudged, let him then boetide vnto him ſo: condemned be therein: And as he did not bleſling tou, \, Gna let the praier thathe makes, — itthall be farre htm fro. be turned into fine, 18 As he with curfing clad himſelte, geile ; ſo it like water tall are 8 Few be his daies, his charac alle, nto his botwels, and like ople letthouanother takes into bis bones befall. i a : eis ° 19 dg 22Becauſe in depth of great ditteete, . 31 Foꝛ he with helpe at his right ba, 29 As garment lef it be to him, ee thaltbletfe with louing voice; Sit oy tocouerhimfozape, = = hep thall ariſe and cometo fame, - Andas a girdle wherewithhe, == thy fecuantthallreiovee, Ans ſhall girded be alwap. 20 Loclet the fame be from the ox, 29 Let them be clethed all ‘with tin the guerdon of mp foes thatencutiesaretome: a Pea and of thotethat euill £ peake, Ano with confuffon as adoake, — ckecouercdlctthembe. againſt my foule alſo. aBut greatly’ init with es 3° Wut greatly J iwi mp mon 21 But thou O Wor, that art mp Ood. gine thanks bnto tieLLow: deale thou F fap with arte: And Jamong the multitune, After Chy name deliuer me, bis praifes will recog. for good thy mercies be. : tig Ineedy ant and poore: will ſtand the poore man bp : And cke wi thir my pained breaſt, To ſaue him frem the man that would mv heart is wounded ſoze. condemne his foule fo dic, ; The third part. Dixit Dominus. Plal. (x. N. 22 Euen ſo doe J depart awa Dauid propheficth of the power & euer ge —— — iio’ Bs lafting Kingdome of Chrift, & ofthe And as the Grathopper fo J, priefthood which fhould put an end am haken off and fade. to the Priefthood of Leui. : 24 With faking long fro needfull food etttecbled are mp 5 | sas 3 pal rene Pf line. — bene tolcefe. fit thou at nip right 45 Will Jhauc made thy foes a fteole, > 25 And Jallo a bile reproach, whereon thy feete hall ſtand. to them was made tobe: 2 Lie Word ſhall out of Ston ſend, dd And they that did vpon nielooke, the fcepter of thy might | did hake thetr heads at me. | Amid thy moꝛtall foes be theu, 26 But thou D Lowthatart mp Gor, the ruler in their ght. mine aid and fuccour be ; According to thp mercy 1.020, 3 And in the dap en which thy raigne, faue and deliuer mic. | and power they thali fee : Then hereby free toil offerings hall, 27 And thep thal know thereby that this the people offer thee. | a Lord is thy miahtp hana, Bea with an holy tuozthipping, | And that thou, thou haſt done it Low, then thall thep offer all: _ . fo hall they vnderſtand. (thou Thy births dew is the dew that both )} 23 Although thev-curle With (pight, pet treom wombe of morning fall. re | 4 re ord hath cworne, and neuer will Fo thisthep fhafl tnell finde, repent what be doth ſay, Be will them haue in minde,- IB p the order of Pelchiſedech, and Keepe them ashe faid.. . thouarta Pꝛielt fo2 ave. ) 5 Dheordthy Good on thy right hand, © Foꝛ he sid mot diſdaine, © that ftandeth fo thy tap, his workes to ſhew thent plaine hall {wound for thee the gately Rings, _ bvlightnings and by thunders; vpon his wrathtull day · WAhert he the heathens lanb, — DW giue into their hand, ; 6 The heathert he ſhall iudge and fill, WMWhere they beheld his wonders. ttheplace wit) bodies Dead : Am ouer diners countrics Halt, 7_ Df allhis workes enfueth, in ſunder {mite the head, Both wdgement, right,and truth, 7 7 Andhethall dzinke aut of the bꝛooke, Wihereto his Matutes tena: hhat runneth in the twap : 8: hep are decreed ſure, CThereloꝛe he ſhall lift bp ort hie, Foꝛ euer to endure, his ropall bean that day. UVlhich equity dothend. Redemption he gaue, — Confitebor tibi. Pſalme Cxt. N. He — —— to the Lord for his mer —— aad : - cifull works towards his Church, and 2, declareth wherein.true w Fhe and bis pꝛomile not to fatle, eee i pl But alwaies to preuaile, ; right knowledge.confifteth.. his holy name be fearcd.. 3 d Sing this at tie 47+Pfalme. =», Tuho ſo with heart full faine; VViee heart J doe accoꝛd, True wiſedome would attaine,. ; : to praife and laud the Lord, The Loꝛd feare and obey: In pꝛeſence of the iuſt: Such as his lawes doc keepe, «2, For greathis woꝛks are found, . Spall knowledge haue full deepe; Xo fearch them fuch are bound, - His pꝛaiſe hall latk for aye. as doe him loue and tru. — Beatus vir. Pſal. Cxii.w.K. 4 He praifeth the felicity of themthat feare Deitel a “GUE, . God, &condemneth the curfed ſtate ~ ¢f doth endure fox cucr: — * ema “hi ‘4 Wis wondzous works he twould,. — Wha sia «hid gw 2 4 (de fill remember thoul : xs Be man ts bleſt that God doth feare ig inercy fatleth neuer. and that his laws doth loue indeed 5 r 2 Bis feed on carth God wil vprꝛeare »§ Suchas to him leue beare,. And bleſſe fuch as from him proceed. A yoꝛtion full faire, 3 Wis houle with good he twill fulfill, ipc hath op foz them laid: isis righteouſneſſe endure (hail ſtill. 4 Unto 4 Unto the righteous doth ariſe gn troubletoy,it darknes light, Compationisibhiseyes, — furmount, a8 fox bi glory And mercy alwaies in his fight. EE-3=— — — — Z 5 Pea pitty moueth fuch fo lei, He doth by iudgement things erpend. 6 And ſurely ſuch Hall neuer fale, Foꝛ in remembꝛance had is he; 7 fotivings ul can make him quate, Who in the Loꝛd (ure hope doth (ee : 8 His heart is firme bis feare ts palt, Foꝛ he hall lee his foes downe caſt. lead ae —— = 9 Be did well fo2 the poore pronide, Ee — -6== = — is righteouſnes chall ſtill remaine, heauens are? of fuch — oot and: ‘ ———— == And his eltate with pratle abide, | BES EE hough that the wicked man difoaine, 10 Peagnath his teeth thereat shal ye, Meis te And fo confume his trate fo fee. 6 Be noth abale himlelte we indw, Laudate pueri. Pſalme (xiii. V. K. Things to behold both heere below, An exhortation to praiſe the Lord for his And alſo in heauen aboue: prouidence, in that contrary to the 7 The needy out of duſt to dꝛabp, courfe of nature, hee worketh 1 in his And eke the poore which helpe none ſaw, Church. his onely mercy did him moue. —— =: — 8 And fo hun ſet in high degree, wWith Pꝛinces of great dignity, cbhidꝛen which dee feruethe That rule his peaple with weeat fame, Sa {= 9 The barren he doth * beare, AT am vith great top her fruite to reare, — P? a: ee — — * — therefore praile pe his holy name. SSPr SF == 8a-8--§ t= §--- pF | accord: yea pleed be Awaies his Inca ſrael. Pfalme Cxitit, WW. =e Sees ars Ifraels deliuery out of Egypt, putreth vs =S=8==5:5 — inremembrance of Gods great mercy ante. Cdipe fromthe rpfing ofthe Sunt, towards his children, and ofouryn= Bis o= Ss Se ee ris zfs 2 thankfulneffe for the fame. till it — were it begun is to be Sing this as the 59. Pſalme. : = — VV Ben Fracilby Gods addzefle, — 23S Se EE fron: Pharashs land twas bent pꝛaiſed with great at rane, The Loꝛd all And Jacobs houle the firangerleft, an⸗ —— IAGIIIIV AAMA— Keel © — amd in the lamo traine tent. N jek = ei Sis =: ate ===: — =e 2 ngupa@eohisgloyMewo, tit * his hoiyneſſe moſt bright : — Ot nts ———— — So did the Iſraelites declare, E — ———— =: == 2 bis iudgement, power and might. _ thy name giue praiſe, both fo2 thy 3 Whe fea it law * ſuddenly, = ——— as all amaʒde Did lie: nthe The roaring ſtreames of Jordans flood, —— reculed backwardly. BE =o —— § — — 4as Kans afraid the mountaines fhipt —atinaics. 2 Wthy thal the hea their ſtrength did them korſake: = == — — St a5 Ano as the filly trembling lambes, = — on their tops did beate and (hake. {comers fap, wherei is 3 their EOD bee -s§ What aild thee fea as allamaso, Be <9 —— — * — *— fo ſuddenly to flie 2 ome 2 Pe rowling waues of Jordans flour, — — ———— wyhy ran ye backwardly⸗ $B 6 Wibhy thooke pe hils as Rams afrain, tohathe will, that hath he pone. why Did vour ſtrength (o hake ? Ahy did pour tops as trembling lambs heir Jools Muer are and gold, for feare quincy and quake? | iwozke of mens hands they be: 7 Dearth confelle thy Soucraigne Lo 5 They hauc a mouth and dacnot {peake and dread his mighty had : andetes and doe not ſee. “ABefore the face of Jacobs God, 6 They hauc eke cares topnd to their feare ye both fea ana lan. and Doe not heare at all : (beads 8 Ameane the Gov whieh frombarn And noles che thep fozmed hane, Did cauſe maine fouds appeare:(rocks and doe not ſmell withall. And from the ſtony flint doth make * guch as four — * 7 And hands they haue and handle not, — and feete and Boe not go: A thꝛoat thep haue, vet thꝛough the f ame they makeno found fo blowe. 8Thole that make the are like to thent, The faithfull oppreffed byIdolatrous Ty- and thofe whoſe tr “ult they be; rants,promife that they willbeminde- 9 D Iſrael truſt in the Wo, full of fo great a benefit, ifit would their helpe and thicld is he. leafe God to heare their praier, and deliver them by his omnipotent pow- 10M Aarons houte trutt in the ow, Non nobis Domine. Pſal. Cxv. N. ee. | their belpe and ſhield is be ; a | | Drak re, ad Trott ye the 2020 that feave the Low, cdies, and protefteth that hee vil bee their helpe and ſhield is he: thankefull for the fame, 11 he iow hath nundfull bene of bs oe and will vs bieſſe atfo : ZE — — — — On Ilrael and on Aarons houſe — —— — — =i — bis bleſſing he Hall how. Loue the Lord becauſe my bore. BE: — COPS psy SS ge 12 Them that be feaversofthewo, =s$S5-5-- eee — = the Lord will bleſſe them all , and praicr heard hath he: 2. Wen Euen he Hall bleſſe them euery one, — woe * the great and eke the frail. Ee — — — ee — — a 13 To you J fav the loumg Lord Nite 7 "will a his grace — in my daies Icald cnvim,pebotned: “| To pou and to the childeen that, — cee a chall follow of vour rate. * SSeS SSS his care ta me. Weforethe Lord Jin tye land, wherefore the Lord peatfe pee. ——s QF Life will walke therefore: 10 Bodiwdbeleeuc,fherefor A l{pake, Laudare Dominum, Pfal, Cxvii. N. ſoꝛ 3 was troublea foe. = aa ste 4 He exhorteth the Gentiles to praife God The fecond part. becaufe he hath accomplifhed as well ” to themas tothe Iewes, the promife 21 Flaid in my diſtreſſe ant feare, of life euerlafting by Ieſus Chriſt. that all mem lyers be: What ſhall J vay the 1.020 fo2 all Sing this as the 98. P falme. bis benefits to me ? 13 Whetoholfome cup of ſauing health 0 ies penations of the world, _ , A thankefullp toill fake, raile pe the 1020 alivaics: Am on the Wows name J will call, And all pe people euery where, wehen AZ my papers make. fet forth bis noble patfe. VaR aN 2 Foꝛ great his kindeneſſe ts fo bs, 14 Ato the Lord Will pap the botwes, bis truth endures fo2 ave: ‘that 3 to him behight: Wherefore praite pe the ozd our Gov, Pra cuen at this preſent func, pate pe the Loꝛd J fap. in all bis peoples fight. 2 15 Wight deare and precious in his ſight Confitemini Domino. Pfalme Cxviti.N. the 3.20 doth ape eſteeme, | The death ofall his holp ones, Dauid reieGted of Saul and of the people, what ever men Doc deeme. at the time appointed, obtained the ee ei kingdome, forthe whichhe biddeth 16 Thy feruant Low thy ſeruant toc, all men that feare the Lord to bee Idoe my felfe confeſſe: thankefull,vader whofe perfon Chrift Sonne of thy handmaid thou halk broke — isliuely fer forth, who fhouldbee of the bonds of my diltreſſe. his peple reiected. 17 Am J will offer dp to thee, “Sadie i ‘a facrifice of praife: Sing this as the 34. Palme. And J will call vpon the nae, pe God the Loꝛd alwaics. Cy pethankes tuto theo, 4 sendy fo2 gracious is he: 18 Ito the Lord will pay the vowes, Wecauſle his mercy doth endure, that J to him behight: for euer towards thee. Bea euen at this prefent tine, 2 ict Iſrael con feſſe and ſay, im all his peoples fight. — his mercy dures fo2 ape: me | — 3 poly 3 Mow let the houte of Aaron fap, hs mercy dures for ave, 41Let ali that feare the Lord sur God, euen now confeffe and fap : The mercy of the Low our Gov, endureth ſtill for ave. In trouble and in heaupneile vnto thelLoꝛd IJ crive: Which louingip heard inc at large, my {ute was not denide. 6 Lhe Low himlelle ts onmy fide, J {will wot ſtand in out : Noꝛ feare what man cart dae fo me, when God ands me about, 7 The Lod doth take mw part with therm that help ta fuccour mes Tberfore hall J fee my defire, dpon mine enemis. 8Bettor it is to truſt in Eod, then in mans moꝛtall feed : 9 Oꝛto put confidence in Kings, doꝛ Painces in their need. 10 All Nations haue incloſed me, and compaſſed me round: But in the name of Cod will J, mine enemies confound. 11Thep kept me in on every Go, _ they kept mein J fap But thꝛdugh the Lows moſt mighty % chall worke their decay. mame 2 whev came about mealllike Bres, but pet in the Aords name, J quencht their thornes that were on fire, ‘ai will deltroy the ſame. he ſecond part. 13 Thou hatk with force thauft ſoꝛe at me ‘that 3 indeed might fall: But sth the Loꝛd J found * help that thep were vanquicht alt. 14 Whe 1020 ts my delence and eet, my Lop, my mitth, my ſong. : eis become formemeerd, = = - a Sauiour moſt ſtrong. ls The right hand ofthe Low our Gon, doth bring to paſſe great things: He cauſeth voyce of wy and bealth, in righteous mens divellings. } 16 Che right hand of the Lord doth boing, moſt mighty things to pafic: a His hand hath thepeehennences his farce is as tt was. 28 ; 17 J will not die but cucr Tue, | fo vtter and Declare: ( power The Lord his might and wondrons his workes and what they are. 13 The Lord hanleit⸗ hath challened, and hath corrected me: — But hath not giuen nie ouer yee, fo death as ve map fee. 19 Setopen vnto methe gates, «> of truth and righteouſneſe: 5 a | Lhat J may enter into thet, the ords praile to confeſſe 20 This is thegate euen of the Lord, wyhich thalinot be fo hut; But good and righteous men altar, Mall enter into it. a The third part. q : 21 J will giue thankes to thee D Lod, becaufethoubatthbeadaw: - = And art becomemoitloungly, aSautour vnto me: 22 The ſtone which eve: this tune the builvers was refuted, , a Is now become the comer fone, d and chiefly tobe bien, sd | : | J a ¥ , ~ 23 Eis — 1441 AG VMAX— 23 his ‘exe the wiinhti work ef God, —— —— — — this was the Lords atone fact, S58 SES And itis oc atta behold, pure in minde and heart, whole liues 24 xis is fhe top full dap indeed, Sse ee Ea which God himlelle hath wrought, and conuerſation krom Gods lawes ‘Ret ds be glad and tov thereat, So oe 3 in heart, in minde,withought. SS: —— — neuer ſtart: Bleſſed are thep that 25 HNob helpe bs Lord aud piofper bs, t= —— — =a Sis — we With with one accord: — 26 Bieũüed is he that canes to bs, — giue re themſeines bis ‘at tutes fobs inthe name of the 1020. —— — woes, pb — 27 Godis the ord that ſhewes bs ist, SS ete Best: see ‘Hinde pe therefore with cor, ferucsfeeking the i070 with all — Pour facrifice to the altar, E == ee i and gine thankes to the Lord beart, and neucr from bun ſwerue. 23 Thou art my God J twill confelle, and render thanks to thee: 3 Doubtleſſe fuch men goe not aſtrav, Mhouart my God/ and J tell praile 1102 Dor no {wicked hina, thy mercy towards mee. Which fedfattlp walke in his way, 29 Dainepethanks bute thelo, § without anv wandꝛing. ~ for graciousis be: 4 It is thp will and commandement, Eecauſe bis mercy doth endure, that with attentiue heed : lſoꝛ euer towards wme. Thynoble and diuine precepts, we learne and keepe indeed. Seati immaculati. Pſalme (xix.WW. 5 D would to God it might thee pleafe, The Prophet wonderfully commendeth my Wwaies fo to addzefie, Gods Law, wherein he cannot fatiffie himlelfe, nor expreſſe ſufficiently his T = — ah rs nate, “affection thereurito , adding notable — : complaints and — meet for € Do thould nO thame mylite attaine p {whit J thus {et mine eies, the faithfull to haue bothin heart and ; . voice: Andinthe Hebrew, euery eight And bend my minde alwaies fo muſe verles begin — oneletterofthe Al en thr lacred decrees. — 7 Then will J praiſe with vpright heart Se ee at See and maghifie thy name, — —— S25 — When J callearne thy inogentents ink and liketwife pꝛoue the fame, 4 — — that perfect are ee 3 § And wholy will 3 giue my felfe, GIMEL. ‘Thethirdpart.- | to keepe thy lawes mot right: (je ſernant now ſuch orfake me not for euer 1020, ag map myplife prolong: (grace | but chew thy grace and might. Thy holy word there will 9 keepe, voth in my heart and tongue. A | BETH. The ſecond part. 13 Pine cies which are dim ¢ (hut bp, 7 | ſa open and make bꝛicht Rp” what meanes may a ponoman bel T hat of thy law and marucitons works | bislifelearne to amend : 4mayhaucthecearefight. | It that he marke and kecpe thy word⸗ hee iF and therein his time ſpend. 19 Jama ſtranger in thigcarth, = Eo Antanedly J haue thee l ought. Wwandzing new heere now theres | ans thug fecking abide: Thy word therefore to me oifelofe, O neuer (uffer me D L020, my feotfteps fozfocleare. from thy precepes to ſlide· 20 Spy loule is rauiſht with delire, and neuer is af reſt, | © —- xk Withinmybeart a ſetret thoughts, Wut feckes to inow thy iudadments Hie | : thy woꝛd Jhaue hid Hall: and what may pleate thec beſfſt. That Jmight not at auy tine. * | offcnd thy holy twill. 21 Whe proud men and malicious, 12 Wile magnifie thy name @ 10205 thou haſt deſtroyd cach one : IK and praife thee euermore: Gud curfed are fuch as Doe not, Thy ttatutes of moſt {worthy kame⸗ thyheftsattendbpom. ©} Lowteach me therefore. 22 Lorwturne krom me rebuke ¢fhame 7 {which wicked men tonſpire: | ~ 13 9y liys haue neuer ceaſt to preach, For Jhaue kept thy couenants. at os ant publish pay and Miah, vith scale as hot as fire. The indacments all that did proceede i ee | from thy month full of might. 23 Che Princes areat in councell fate; _ 14 Thy eſtimonies and thy waies· and did againſt me ſpeake: 1g pleaſe me no leſſe indeed, But then thy ſeruant thought how hes Sen all the treafures of the earth, thy ftatutes might not breake. ie vhich worblings make theirmeed. 24 F02 toby, thy couctiants are mp io ga, 7 andy great hearts folaces 15 Dechy precepts Aivtil Killmute, — srhepfeructw Head of counfellozs, ana thereto lrame mp talke: my matters kor to pate. J— As at a marke fo will Jaime, : *— J thy waies how g mar walke. DALETH. The ſourth part. 16 sey oncly top thal be fo ft, —* alasaghioughttograue, and on thy lawes fo fet: and alot turnd to duſt: aThatnothing cat me fo far blinde, Rellore tyerefore my life againe 4 | that 3 thy woꝛds toꝛget. Oe ae — raanne Nose ke O> 26 Dy waies when FZ acknowledged, guide me Lo J require : | with mercy thou dak heare: Hane other pleaſure doc J wih, Heare me eftſoones and ine inſtruct, noꝛ greater tying decre. thy lawes to lous and feare. 46 Incline ny heart thy lawes to keepe, a . and coucitatits to embꝛace: 27 Seach me once threchly fortoknote and krom ali filthy auarice, thr pretepts and thy lore ; 4070 chield me with th Thy workes then will F inevditate, : hee and lap thent bp in ſtore. 37 From vaine defires ¢ twoldlp lus 23 spy foule J feele ſo ſore opprefk, turne backe mine cies and fight, - that it melteth with griefe: Giue me the ſpirit oflticand power, Accoꝛding fo tiv word therefore, fo walke thy waies aright. halte Loꝛd to fend relike. 38 Confirm thy gracious promiſe Low which thou hak made to me: WMhich am thy ſeruant and doe ioue aiid feare nothing but thee. 99 Fromipitg and derciffulllips, ict fv arace me Befend : | And that J mav learne thee to feare, thy holy late ine fei. 39 Keproch and ſhame which J doe feare gor he way of truth bothitraight tfure — from me D Low erpell: | Jhaue chofen and faund: F 02 thou doſt iudge with equity, 4 fet thy tadgements me before, and therein doſt excell. wyhich keepe me lafe and found. 40 WBehold inv hearts defire ts bent, 3 — ae thy lawes tokeepe for aye: — or ———— my felfe, Arengthen me fo with thy grate, ov bial oak s * 2 nia. ict me therefore haue no rebuke, thatit pertarae a amap ~ noꝛ checke in any cafe. VAV. The fixt — 32 Thyen will J run with topfal cheare P wyhrere thy word doth me call: Ff ippmicrcies great and manifold, let me obtaine D Loꝛd: Ahen thou halt fet my heart at large, and rid ate ont of thrall. Shy lauing health let me eniex, a according fo thy word. BE, The ſiſt part. 42 So thal J flop the ſiandrous mouths IHcſtruct me Loꝛd in the right trade, ot lewd men and vniuſt: J of thy ſtatutes diuine: Foꝛ in typ faithtull pomifes, Indit to keepe euen fo tho end, ſtands ny conifost ans truſt. mp beart will Z encline. 43 The word of truth within my month ae 7 — — — A let euer ſtill be pꝛeſt: ra ith heart and ee gall my might, Foꝛ in thy iudgements wonderkull, 6 tkcepe 3 fay. Z my hope doth ſtand and reſt. has a . 44. And whileſt that breath within mp AInthe right paths of thy precepts, daodoth natural life eh Ss a . — | % . ‘ ; | 2 | ca ; = peatilltis toon tallbeniteluy, —Lhptatofoxfookeand odd pancnire || et thy tudgements who knoweth when. thy law wül Joblerue. ll by tung | | as 10. 2 J. a3 — | | 45 — phe — ho meee wae | and made tree romalldzead: ꝛ When J among the ſtran ers dw ae | Eecaute J fought how fo2 to kecpe and thonabts gan me shes as Be | thy precepts and thy read. | wee | 46 Thy noble acts 3 will deſcribe, 55 Ithought vpon thy name, O U0, | ag things of moft great fame: by night when others fecpe: - } Cuen before Wings J will them blage, As for thy law Jalbeaies kept, — | and ſhrinke no whit for ſhame. and euermoꝛe will kecpe. — 56 This grace J did obtaine, becauſe 47 J will reioyce then to obey, thy couctiants ſweete and dearc thy worthy belts and will: J did embrace and alfokeepe VWh cuermore J haue loud beſt, wath reucrence and with teare · and fa will loue them fivil, : 43. Spy hands (will Jlift to thy lawes, HETH. The eight part. which J haue dearely fought, ie : And practite thy tommandements/⸗ C) God tohich att my part and let, “qr tuill, in Deed, in thought. mp comfogt and my fap: Jhaue Decreed and promiſed thy law to keepe alway. ZAIN. The feauenth part. 2 ig 58 @ycarnettbartnohamblyfue, | “We promile which thou madlt to me prprefence of thy face: J thy feruant hozdremember: As thou tyerefors haſt pꝛomiſed, yyoꝛ therein haue Jput my trult, Lod graunt he ana confidence for cucr. · wgrannt 50 Itis my comfort and my ior⸗ 59 By life J haue examined, when troubles me aſſaile: and tryed my fecret hart: op inere mplifenot by thy wow, Tuhich to thy fatutes cauted me, “al ‘my life would ſoone me faile. mpfeet ftraighttoconuert. 60 4 did not ſtay, no2 linger longs — +, ~ nn 51 Whe proud and fuch as Dod corts a ee lon bi Pr fillmadeof meafcomne: (temne, pic a — Pet would 4 not thy Law forſake, | y: pally f J awes Ps | | as he that were forlome. 4 did my (elfe peepare.. a . en AButcalp tominde Loꝛd thy great | BS | chewed toourfathers ol, (works 61 Lhe — of wicked men, Wiereby Itelt my top ſurmount, —* —* — — y grefe an hundred fold. Vet wauld Jnotthrlawes torget nese : no2 frem theegoe allray · (me But vet alas, foꝛ ſeare J quake, 62 Thy righteous iudgements toward⸗ ſeeing how wicked men fo great igandfobies = —⸗ —— oe Oem em hat ee at midnight A wilt * Fpoꝛ asa 4 guide to learne thy lawes, namecamagnice re * did me direct. 72 So that to me thy o Companion am J to.all thers, f is a —— ae iwhich keare thee m their heart: Then thouſands great of Muce axa gold And neither tillfazlonenordz2ad oꝛ ought that cat be told. from thy commandements fart. IOD. Thetenth part. 64. Thy mercies Load matt plenteoully Cing thy hands pis made me Lord Bion ae ig? —— > tobe thy cveature, * act ins how J zp obey, Grant knowledge like wile holy to learne thy iatutes and thy will. to put thy lawes in bre : ETH. © Theniath part. 75 Bothep that feare thee hall reioyce Hi where euer they me ſee: Actas to thy pontifemade, Becaule J hauclearnd by thy woꝛd, fo hatt thou with me dealt: to put my truſt in thee. Fo of v [02% . | 5 ane 4 fbp tenanttale lorts 75 Wlhen with thy rod tye worlde is — J 66 Teach me toiudge aiwaies aright, , Akmow thecaule ts iui: (plagus and gine me knotwlevas fare: - So when thou doſt correct me Lord, ——— 718 pats ofp goood 3 the pray that thy precepts are pure. Come comfort to mefend : | 67 Erethou didſt touch me With thy rod As thou tome thp feruant hetſt, — * and went aſtray: fa from all ill me ſhend. u | a ——— tat 77 Thy tender mercy poure on me s hou art both good and gracious, and 3 (yall furely line : and giuelt mott liberatiy : F as ——— Thine ord mances how to keepe, AW? : : 78 Confound the p2oud whoſe flte ses ; eee RAR ismefoztadeirop:; = — (he 69 The proud ¢ wicked men haue Wut as for me thy heits ta Pear againſt me many alte : ¥ twill my felte imeloy. ct thy commandements fill obferue ” init all my heart twill 3. > 79 Ayo lawith rouerente ba eae, “Fo Theichacts arelwanewithwordiy _ to melet them retire: s — foare they fat: — And ſuch as Doe thy couenants intoto, [ and thein alone dedire ;: So Spy heart witjout all — let ox thy lawes be a “nik R 5 But in thy law Jdoe delight, and nothing, fceke but that. ~ pe happy tine may J well fay, That no confation cometome, * CAP H. when ——— — try 3 eet €CAPH = Thexi.part, DO Te . wat both the carth witneſſe, MP tute doth faint and ceatethnst, . | srthpmercesercell, Au the vay long my wholeseuice, = | And fothall I thycouenantsheepe, ~< ig onelv on thp fan. Mic? J tittdcath 0 expell. 98 Thy $3020 hath taught me fe at LAMED, The xii-part. niy foes in pollicy, [beast aoa tobore than net dweu 7°? — as athiig | thymiowistablithtiure: oe? And thail foo alleternity. 99 Wy teachers which did me te, | fat ear oe aes in knowledge Icrcell, LLGU { i} B — ———— . PF le@lINE AIA- ——— 109 By loaule is aye ſo in my hand, - and them to others tell. that dangers me alſſaile, 100 In wiſedome J doe palle alfo, Pet do F not thplatwe forget, the ancient men indeede: 1102 it fo keepe will faile. And all becauſe to keepe thy lawes, LOI Aithough the wicked lain their nets ¥ held it ave belt recede. | ts Paton Mery bap : : , ef did J not from t Tol Op feetc J haue reſtrained eke, once 0} — 3 from euery euill way: Becauſe that J continually, III Thy lato Jhaue fo claimde altoay, thp word might beepe 3 fap. ag mine owne heritage: 102 Jhauenot ſwarude from thy iudge⸗· And why? for therein Jdelight, noꝛ vet ſhꝛunke any dell. (ments and ſet my whole courage: For why, thou haſt me taught thereby, 112 Foꝛeuermoꝛe Jhane beene bent, toliue godly and well. thy ſtatutes to sania oltketwife vntot 103 D 102d how fineete buto my tafe, ne thet — al, he end, * ied pig ——— th LAMECH, The xv.part. wD caper ? thecraftp thouahts q feele ought ſo ſweete J may. Ty Dor he os double hearts. 104Thy lawes haue me ſuch ee But as fo2 thy latuand precepts, that btterlp Jhate Ilou d them euer beit. Gil wicked and vngodly waies, 114 Thou art my hid and ſecret place, in euerr kinde 92 rate. nip {hielo of trong defence : NVN. The xiii. part. Theretor e haue Jthy promiſes, fe Aden as alanterne temp feete, iook d fo2 with patience. fo doth thp word ſhine bright, and tomp paths tobereruct J 995 115 (ae to therefore pe wicked men itis a dang light. depart from me aitotte, “Zoe J haue bothſwoꝛne € twillperforne Foꝛ the commandentents will J keepe, - gnoficertainely doubtleſſe, of God my 3020 alotte. What J will keepe thy iudgements tuk, 116 As thou halk pꝛomiſed, ſo verterme⸗ and ther in like cxpꝛeſſe. that — affaile : j letmphopeabufeineto, 107 Affliction bath mefoze oppreſt, — and bꝛought me to deaths dooꝛe: that thꝛough diltrelle Z quaile. O Uoꝛd as thou bak pꝛomiſed 117 Iphold me and J thall be ſafe, fo me to life reſtore. forought they doe oꝛ fap: iF 108 The offriigs wyhich with heart and And in thefExtutes pleafure take » mof frankly J thee giue, (voice, will A both wight and dap. ——— and teach me bow Jmay LIS Zhou haſt trod ſuch vnder thy feet, 3 alter thy iudgements lines as doe thy ſtatutes bꝛcake: — A wm a4 For gS a ee a oe Fernonaht suafics thelr fubtiltp moſt cofly tobe ſolde. : their counfellis but tweake. 128 3 thought thy precepts all met int 4 1g aida Hace heidi pea toberecuer they goe or dwell, (out There kore can J ag thy ftatutes, Jdoe abhorre therefore.» loue nothing halfe ſo well. PE. The xvii.part. 120 ſeſh alas is taken with feare, — —— itwerebenumbo: [ coucniatits are mot tonderfull $02 when J fee thy iudgements, llraight and full ofthings profound: : | amas one altonde. By loule therefor doth keepe ‘them ſure when they are tride and found, 4 & 7 4 a : g AIN The xvi. part, 1360 When men firk enter inte thy woz Doe the thing thatlatefullis, - thepfindealight mofideare: = and giue to allmen right: And very idiots bnderffand, = > — KReſigne menottothemthatwonls , when they it read oz hearse. oppreſſe me With their ‘miaht. $8), | — > 131 Foriop J haue both gapd € breaths E22 Sy Wut fo2 thy feruant furety be, to knotn.thp consis oh y in that thing that is qocd : : : | That —* —* giue oo not thefsile, “Yat Jmight guide my ſelle thereby, Which rage as they were wood. . _ Afought what thing it meant · ; - 132 With mercy and compation Low 223 Pine cpes With waiting arc now behold me fromaboue, | thy health ſo much Icraue, (blinde As thou watt wont fo behold fuch, Ind eke thp righteous promife L030, as thy name feare and loue. whereby thou wilt me faze. 424 Intreat thy ſeruant louingly 133 Direct mp footſteps bp thy word. —— tol him thetv: _ fhat J thy will may inow : Thy atutes of mort excellxncy, And neuer let iniquitie, _ teach me alfo to know. thp feruant ouerthrow. 134 From ſlanderous tongs and deadly — 125 Thy humble feruant Lodam 7, pꝛeſerue ane keepe mre fare, (barmes. grant me fo vnderſtand: Thy precepts then will F obferue, | How by th p fatutes J may know, and put them eke in b2e. beſt what fo take in hand. iy 126 Jtisnow time Lord to begin, 135 Thy countenance which doth ſur⸗ for truth is quite decaide: 7 the Sunne trbisbeighthety, ¢ mount. | Why law likewiſe they haue tranſgreſt, Let ſhine on me, and by thy law an anit them fai. teach me what to eſche w. a ange sy gt 136 Dut ofmine cpes qreat ſlouds auth 127 Dhis the caufe wherefore F lone, of Dacary teares and fell, (out thy lawes better then gold: Wiben J behold how twicked men, = D>? icwels fine which are eſteemed, thy lawes keepe neuer a dell, ae & 404482% “pape, - The xviti, part. Ie euery point Lord thou art init, the ticked though they grudge: - And ther thou dokk fentence pronounce thou art a righteous Judge. 13 8 To render right ¢ flee from guile, - are tivo chicfe points moſt hie: And ſuch as thou haſt in thy latw, commanded bs ſtraightly. 139 With zeale ¢ weath Jam confound and even pinde away, To fee mp foes thy word forget, foꝛ ought that 7 doe map. 140 Sopure ard perfect is thy tvo2d, aS any heart can deeme: And J thy ſeruant nothing more, bos loue 22 pet eſteeme. r41 And though % be nothing fet by, as one of bafe dearer : Pet doenot J thy heſts forget, noꝛſhrinke away from thee. 142Thy righteouſnes Lord is moſt init foꝛ euer to endure: Allo thy laly ts truth it felfe, moſt conſtant and mof fure. 143 rouble ¢aricfe haue feasd on me, and brought me wondrous lotve, Bet doe F fill sf thy precepts, delight toheare and know. 144 The righteouſnes of thy iudgemẽts doth laſt foꝛ euermoꝛe: Then teach thoume, foz euen in them, my lile lyeth bp in ſtore. KOPH, . Thexix.part.: Vv Vꝰt feructit heart J calla € cride, now anfiocre me D L020, Thatthy commandentents to obferue, I mavp fullp accoꝛd. 146 To thee my God Imake my — with moſt Humble rcquett· Sauc me therefore andZ will keepe thy prꝛecepts and thy heſt. 147 Wo thee Icride euen tit the mome; befo2e the day were licht: Becauſe that J haue in thp wor mp confidence whole plight. 148 Mine cies preuent the watch by andere thep call Iwake: (ight⸗ That bp deuilng of thy wos Zz might fonte contfoot fake.. 149 Incline thine cares fobeare nw and pitty on me take : As thou watt wont fo indge me Bod, leaſt life Goulo.me forſake. 150 Mp focs diay neare € doe procure my death nralicioully : WA hich from thy latw.are far cone backe, and fraid front if lewdlv. 151 Dherefore D Lowdapproach thou fo2 need doth fo require, And all thy paccepts true they are, thet helpe J thee defire. 152 Ey tiv commaundements 3 hatte (learnd, rot nein buf lone agoe, hat they remaine for eucrmo7e, thou haſt them grounded fo. RESH The xx, part, V trouble and affliction, conGder and beheld; Deliuer me,fo2 of thy law Jeuer take fat hold. 154 Defend mw good € riahfeous vale; with {peede me Cuccour fend, From death as thou haſt prontifen,, 7 — keepe me and defers. 55 As fo2 the wicked, far they are, * hauing —— and arate: (voice mneare capers q Cn a BB Whereby they mightfop Latutes kuote 165 Great peace, red that all (uty haue they enter rot the trate. 156 Great arethy mercies Lord Igrant so Danger hall their quiet fate. what tongne cats them attaine 2 Am as thou halk me iudg dere tow, ſo let me life obtaine. 157 Though many men Did trouble me, and perfecute me ſore: Pet from thy lawes Ineuer Hounke, 1102 went alwap fhercfo2e. 1538 And truth it is, fo2 grisfe Z dic, when J thefe traitors fer, ‘Bccaufe thep keepe no whit thv word, noꝛ pet ſeeke fo know thee. 159 Behold foꝛ J doe loue thy lawes {with heart moſt glad and faine: As thou art good and gracious Loꝛd/ reftore mylife againe. | 160 What thy word Both decrec mult be arid fo it bath beene euer: Thy righteous inagements are alfo moſt truc and decay neuer. SCHIN. The xxi.part. 1) Winices hauc fought thy crucitic, cautelefe to make mecrouch: VBut all in baine, foꝛ of thy tod the keare DID my Heart touch. 562 And certainly euen of thy word J was more merry and giad, When he which of rich ſpoiles and pry, great ſtore and plentie bad. 563 As forall lics and fallities, J hate moſt and deteſt: $02 why? thp holy lawe dee J— aboue all things loue beſt. as doe typ ſtatutes loue: impaire 02 once remous. 166 SP» only helpe and comkoꝛt 1928, J looke fo2 at thy hand; And therefore haue Jdone thoſe things, that fhou dioſt me command. 167 Thy lawes haue beene my exerciſe, which my foule mot deſred: | So much my loue to thent was bent, that nought elfe 4 required. 168 Thy flatutes and commandements FZ kept thou knowoelſt aright : Foz all the things that J hauc done, are preſent int thy ſight. TAY. The xxii. part. ( Loꝛd let mv complaint and rrie, before thp face appeare: And as thou bak me pꝛomiſe made, ſo teach me thee fo feare. 170 Gpine fumble fupplication, toward thes let finde acceſſe: And grant me Lord deliucrance, for fois thy pꝛomiſe. 171Then ſhal mp lips thy praiſes ſpeak after moſt ample ſort: Chen chou thy Latutes hak me taught wherein Fands my comfort: | 172 Spy tongue (hall fing and preach thy and in this Wife fap tall, (Song famons acts ana noble lawes, are iuſt and perfect all. 173 Stretch out thy hand F thee befeccy and fpeedtip me faue, . — 16040euen times a day Jpꝛaiſe thei ord f oꝛ thy commandements to obſerue, f ſinging with heart and voyce, Thy righteous acts and wonderfull, poe cauſe nic £0 veioyce. chofen D Lod Jhaue. te 174 Df thee alone Loꝛd Icraue Health, for other Iknaw none: : % “ALD — (wond | —— ss - £& bAddss& 4R4BS0 “eZ And in thy law and nothing clic, And all of Iſaacks fect, J doe delight alone. are put to oper ſheme. I me therefosclongdaves to 7 Mith them that peace did hate, — to magnific : : Cine Icame a.peace toinake, . Anb of thy iudgements mexcifull, and fet a quicthife : _ tetme thy fauour trie. 8 ut bohen my tale was tolde, I 76 F02 % was lot and went allray, Caufeleties wascontreld, much like a wanbdaing ſheepe: by them that wauld haus rife. D fecke me fo2 x haus not faila, Lesaui occ#los. P; fale Cæxi. V.V. thp connmandements to keepe. Ad Dominum. Pfal.Cxx.T.S. Dauid banifhed among the barbarous A- rabians, through falfe reports of enui- ous flatterers, lamenteth his long a- bode among fuchinfidels giuen to all The Prophet fheweth by his own exam- ple that the faithful! oughtto look all their fuccour of God alone, who" will gouerne & giue good fuccefie to all their godly enterprifes. | Lift mine epes to Sion hills. From whence 4 dve attend, hat fuccour God mo fend + = asi eee Che mighty Gormefuccour will, == agibich heaucn and carth framed, £ trouble and in taal balan —— Aap all ings therein named. SS SSS SS ee — OW sy y foot from flip be twill pzeſerue . Loy A call, and nee Doth me tom· And will thee fafelpkeepe, i oS — Foz he will ueuer Aecpe. 4 Leche that doth Iſrael conſerue⸗ fort: deliuer wie Flap kramli iers lips Po lecpe at all can him catch kinde of wickedneſſe & contention. re urhis eies doe cuer watch· altar, and tongues ffalte report The Lord is thy warrantalway;. The 10. cl * 4 Wibat bantage o tohat thing, seen (Orth thon thus kor to fting,. 6 Whe Dun thall not thee ees by dav. — ath burt ghiet? os .@ Moathe Poonehalfe to 5 09 pa tap j ¢ pole tye areatiie ea i Sbhallvot wich colt fice — — night. of het conſuming fite,. > 7 The Loꝛd twill keep thee from aiutcele And will thy lile fure faur,. 6 Mas teslona I ftatke, . And thowalfo ſhalt haue, “Within thee tents foblacke,,_- ~ Inall thy bufinete goed fuecefies. >. > _ Which bedarsarebpuame:: 8 TWihere cucrthongocinozaut,, 9. 02 3 e locke clect,, God will thy things bying. about. Laetatus BE=s8 Letatus fam. Pſal. Cxxit. WW. Dauid. siloyceth that God acomplifheth his promife, and placed his Arke in Si- ‘on, giuing thanks and praying for che ie of the Church. Leg Didi it — reiovce,tot heave the — == =o | “ peaples baice{ ut offering fo | fo willing⸗ 5: 5 Fartyerearetheanes erect, yt that fo2tgisrefpect, == is To fet forth iuftice opderips · WHijich thrones right to mia, , To Dauids haute pertaine, is folke to iudge accordingly. 6 Wo pꝛay let vs not ceaſe, — —— Foꝛ Jeruſalems peace : EThy friends Goo profper ntightily: 12 3 7 Peace be thy wals about, * And prolper thee throughout. — Thy places eke continually. — SHE 8 J Wih thy proſperous tate HE: SS e — Foꝛ imp pooꝛe bretherens fake, ip: Foslet bs bp lav Chop, and in ithe — ⸗ — —— — — ey 22 ——— — = SS — — — Lords — pap: thus ſpake the =a oT eaes Less a SEES bs A yan Pte ie De =F —— — — == es — —— 3 folie Full ———— ur feete that pate SS — — ow in the —— ae) —— — — — seh — — —r — = — paper fas pA ee, — —— art fo ſcemely fet, ut a like a ci oe Bete $=] SEES a the like whereot is not alte where. 4The tribes with one accaꝛd, he trikes of God fhe Lord, —* Are thither bent their way to take, Ho God before did tell, That there his Iſrael, ee Their papers auto RON That comfort haue by meanes of thee 9 Oads houfe oath meallare, SS en soz ED hv wealth far to procure, So much alivaics as lyeth i me. Adte leuaui. Pfal. Cexiii. TiS. A prayer of the faithfull, which are afflics® ted by the wicked worldlings,& co cone temners of God, = Sing this as the II 9: Pfalose: | , OO"; 2) that heanen pol & pnt AI Ilift mine cies tathee: = = i == Cuen as the ſeruant litteth hig, his ma ters hands to fee. | 2 As haitdinains watch their mitris ~ fomegracefartaatchiene, — toc behold the Lord our ita ee | till be noe bs forgine. 33 aii ata : 3 Lord grant vs thy woe, | and mercy in thy fight, _ og * Ffo2 we ave filo and ouercome = 4 with hatred and deſpight. Dur minds be au with — the rich and worldly Wife, i IAIIICMAIIII. AAVe 62 a Dacwedvieren eheir mocking focke, had long agoe, tte pꝛoud doe vs detpiſe. ouerwhelmed vs in the decpe: 6 Wut loued be Goo, ; — Dom. Pſal. Cxxiiii. VW. which doth bs fafely keepe, From bloody teeth, and thetr moſt cruell boice,, Which as apeep, ; to eat vs Would reioyce. i ‘The faithfull deliuered out of great dan- ger, acknowledge not tohaue eſcaped 85 their owne power, but through the favour of God. . ; Se pete ag Euen as a bird. q NEES sees o§ SS fee out of the fotulers ont, Diw Itraei may fap,and that truly, Cfeapeth away, ee ae aia sha Re ewe if right fo it fareth with bs 2 4 E: — a far = iz Weokeare thetrnets, 9 —— and we are ſcaped thus. —8 = Nolet * —— 8 God that made heauen — Eʒ SES — — i= ~ whe earth is our belpe ther, Inaintaind: Ff that the Loꝛd had not our His name hath faucd vs, ‘ = ees — *from theſe wicked men. right ſuſtaind, when all the world Qui confidunt. Pſal. Cxxv. WW. = SS =? He defcirbeth the affurance of the faith- againtt bs furioully wade their bps full in their afflictions , and defireth the wicked. ane —— — — — eee —— — — 2b ould all die. re , , — Sing this as the Benedictus. 2 Polulongagee = Ach as in God the Aord deer truſt they had deuourd bs all, As mount Sion ihall firmely ttand And ſwallowed quicke, And be remoued at no hand. 4 fo2 ought that we could deeme Whe Lord will count them firme and inte Such was their rage, fathat they chall be ſure, weo might well elteeme. Foꝛ ever tocndure. qa And as the flouds, With mighty force do falt, 2 As mighty mountains huge ¢ areal, fo bad thep now, Acrufalem about doe clofe, our lines euen brought to thal. So twill the Lon be Onto thofe, ; Wibho on his cooly will doe waite. + s Khe ragiug fireames, Such are to him ſo deere, maoſt pꝛoud in rearing noiſe, ther neuer need to ſeare: their wealth, and the deftruétion of — — a : 4 , : : . — * : ae) ine _-—_-. ££ as 3 O — a me 7 pat a eo 4 02 though the righteous trv doth be, O Loꝛd doe gots Cyitias al | ip * wicked men his rodd That ſtedfkalt n thy woard abide, Leadt they through grieke lorſake their uch as willinaly from Ooo fall, It chall not as their lot Hillbe: (God Aid to kalſe doctcine daily hive, — Cine Loyd to thofe thy light, ‘Such will the 1.020 ſcatter abroad, — Ahoſe hearts are true and right. WMith hipocrites thꝛowne downe to pally 7 Gsdtoill them fend pames — 5 But as for ſuch as turne afiae, VBaut Lord grant peace to Iſrael. Lp crooked waies which thevout fo ught 8 The Lord will furcly bring to nought. Glory to God the father of might, = With warks mobile they chall abide: and to bis forme our Sauiour, — i But yeace with Prac, And to theboly Oot, whofe light Foꝛ euermoꝛe hail divell. Shino in our hearts and bs fucconr, That the right wav from day today, Another of the fame by R. W. Ue may waike and yun clovifie: Sing this as thetea Comm. andements, With hearts Defire all that be heere, oq Gort t hat bac put their continence CClozthtp the Lord and fap Amen. A Gipon the Lod sur God onely, ae — And flee to him fo2 their Defence, Lncentertendo, Pſal. CxxUi, WW. . Their faith is (ure, firme to endure, : yy Grounded on Chuk the comer Kone, This Pfalme was made after the returne Moued with none il: but ſtandeth Tl, of the peopie from Babylon, & fhew= \ Htedfatk like to the mount Sioen. eth that the mean ef their deliverance — was wonderful!, after the feauenty — Ano as about Jeruſalem, - -yeares of captiuity, forefpoken of — The mighty hils doe it compaſſe, der. 25. 12. and 29.10. 20 that no enemies come fo thent, Be burt that towne in an caſe: Yv V = Se 5 7 = Ho God indecd iiteuerp need, — — Wis kaithkull people dath defend, Hen that the Lord againe his Standing them by alluredly, 55* =i {SS SS SSS From this time forthworld wits hs anes penny —— Dion had fo: 3th brought, from bondage. oe file and goed is our 1932 Gon ==$ = $= =$5- Samiti :| : ND Will not fuffer certaincly, — cu’ fe: Seslead 0— 7; The fitters aNd tiicoblies 0d, great and alſo ſeruitude —— ae To tarry bpon his family, eS eter Meat they alfa from God Hould goe, “Work was ſuch as did — mans j | Falling to ſinne and wickedneſſe »—-;---;-—-- PUGET 1 4 O i020 defend toond Without end, — a — = “4 , b . Hhvchatkian flock thoogh thp goodnes. heart andthonught, i we were ae Peo ee a TMA ALY Ble: *2 riches, preferueth Townes and Coun- — — — — re : ics wages 4s eraunteth nourifhment, & chil- much like to them that bfe tt to — — —— ae Ptepts the 1.020 the houfe doc make, And thereunto doe {et his — See et oe Se Se Likelvife in paine men Endertate, ~ fille ber And eke our tongues did Cities and holts to tvatch and warp, = = = — Crcept the Low be their ſaſegard. 222·2 ee ——— — ene ſuew ovs ic pfull men · Though pe rife carlp in the morne, And fo at night aoc late to bed, 2 The heathen kolke Feeding full hardly with bootwne bread, were korced then this to conkeſſe, et were pour labour lof and woe : Dow thatthe 1 ov Wut they whome Cod doth loue ¢ keep, great things for him had done : Recene things with quiet lleep. 3 But much more we, aand therefore can conteſſe noltſſe: 3 Therfoꝛe mark wel wh en euer pou fee. Witherefore toisy, That men haucheires to enioy their land Vc haue good cauſe as we begun. It is thegiftof Gods owne hand: 4 D Lord goe forth, F02 Geo himſelſe doth multiply. thourant cur bondage end, Df his great liberallity, As to deſarts, he bleſſing of poſterity. theflowing riuers — 4 And when his children come to age, . ¢ Fulltruc itis, Thevy growe in ftrenath and actiucnefle that they which ſowe in teares indeed In perfor and m comelineſſe, time {will come, . So that athaftthot with courage, whenthey Hhatl reape in mirth ¢ isp: Ol one that hati a mov trong arme,, 6 They went and wept lieth wot (o ſwift 102 doth like barme:. 5: erties precious leed, 5 D tellishe thathath bis quiuer, | full oftentimes did them annoy. Furniſhed with f uch arfillery, 7 But their returne, F.02 Wyen in perill he hall be, . 7 Such one thail neuer hake nor Giver, With iop they thall fure fee... Their ſheaues home bring and not empaired be. When that be pleadeth before the Judge daaintt bis. foes that beare him grudge, Beati omnes, P fal. Cxxvit. T.S. J Nifi Dominus. Pal. (xxvii. WH. ' Ati is not mans wit, power or labour, but Herein he defcribeth the — C= . the free goodnes of God that ect ftate of perfOs mariedin the fear ofGod and andthe promifes of Gods bleffingsto 6 And made asaratle vpon thebeute, all them that liue in this honourable which twithereth ere tt growe. | eftate according toGods commande- 7 herot᷑ the mower cannot finde = ments. : enough to all bis hand: ae — orz he can fillbislap that — Sing thathes 37. Pſalme. ae take vpon ite, % wa Lefled art thou that feare ft God, . and walkelt in his way: 8 Moz pallers bypray Godan them, 2 #02 of thy labour thou ſhalt cat, # et his blotting all, * happy art thou 3 fap : Noꝛ fap, we bleffe pou in the Name, 3 ithe fruttfull tines on thy boule Gide, ~ pe sgn the Lord at all. ; ; fo doth thp tuife ſpring out, “_ 9 | Thy child2en and like Oliue plants Kt A oe tbp tableround about. —— | Deprofiandis. P fal. Cae sam 4Thus artthou blest that kearelt God, An effectuall prayer to obtaine mercy & and he thalllet thee fee forgiuenefle ofhis finnes, & at length - The pꝛomiſed Jeruſalem, deliuerance from ail euils. | and his felicttie. — — 5 Hou thalt thy childꝛeus childꝛen ſee, IIe — to thygreat topes encreaſe: BH Ando tthetwifegrace on Heacl, rae 2: 5 : thee 4 J make mp Mowe» 7 4 pofperity and peace, —— Ss when Daigers me oppꝛelle, Zz x He admonifheth the Church to reioyce BEtaof — = ee through affli¢tioninallages,forGod call, J figh, playne, and groane will deliver, and fuddenly deftroy the — $2575 = — — enemiesthereof. | truſting to ſinde releaſe. 2. Beare . : 5 Sing this as the 137. Pſalme. [fered Saese ae — > ee | * Fi they, note Iſrael mav fay, 2 =e a Sepeexpugnancrunt.Pfal. (xxix. me front my pouth aſſaild: now D Lord my requeſt, ſoꝛ 2 Ott they alſaild me frommy vouth, —S— — — ba pet ncuer they preuaild. st is — — ii 3 Upon mo backe the plotuers plot, is due tune, and F and furrowes long did cate: EES == f= Se = 5 4. Whe righteous Loꝛd hath cut t — — of wicked foes at laſt. — ape sth — vnto pave mine. s 2 Loꝛd our cod it thou weigh, our ſimes and them peruſe, Who ſhall then eſcape and fap Ican my fslfc ercute? 4 ut 1030 fhou art mercifull, and turnlt to bs thy grace: That we with hearts wok carefull, ſhould feare befoze thy face. 5 In GodJ put my whole truff, my feule waites on his will: Foꝛ his pꝛomiſe is matt iui, aand Ahape thereu tll. 6 ploule fo Gon hath regard, wilhing fo2 him alway: Moꝛe then thep that watch and ward, ta fee the dawning Dap. 7 Let Sfracl then boldly, in fhe Lord puthis truſt: He is that God of mercy, a eet bis deliver muit. 8 Foꝛr he it is that muſt ſaue Iſrael from his ſinne: And all ſuch as furely haue, their con lidence in him. Domine non eft: Pſal. Cxxxi. N. Dai chargedwith ambition,protefteth his humility befote God, Sing this as the Lamentation, oC Lod J am not prft in minde, Ihaue ns ſcoꝛnetulleie: J— doe not srercife mp felfe, in things that be to hie. ‘Sut as achilde that weaned 1S, euen from bis mothers beak : D0 haue J Lowbehaudmytelie in lence and tit relt. | ® Iſrael truk ithe Low, 1 —— Mt = ee plalme Cxxxi.Gxxxii. From this time forth fo2 euermoꝛe from age fo ane J fap. Memento Dom.Pfal, Cxxxii, M. — The faithfull grounded on Gods promiſe made vnto Dauid, deſireth that hee would eſtabliſh che fame,both as tous ching his pofteritie, ant the building of the Temmple,to pray therin as it was fore-fpoken. Sing this asthe'73. Pfaime. Emember Danids troubles Wood, how to the Loꝛd be ſwore: And vowd a vate fo Jacobs God, - to keepe fo2 euermore. Jwill not come within mp hone, nor climbe bp te my bed, Nor let my temples take their reſt, 1192 the cies in my bead. il J haue found out fo2 the 11920, a place to reſt thereon : An houſe fo2 Jacobs Gon to be, an habitation. . We heard of it at Cuphrata, there did we heare this founds And in the fields and korreſts there, thele voices firit were found. rt Ce till aſſay and ace fo not, bis tabernacle there, : Bekoꝛe his foottoole ta falldotoe, re vpon our kitees with feare. Avife D 1020, arife J fap, into thy reſting place, Both thou, and the arke of thy ſtreugth the preſence of thp grace. = Let all thy Prieſts be clothed 1020, with truth and righteouſneſſe, Let all thy Saints and holy men, — fingall _ topfulnete, — |e SE rita eede i? 2 Y YF ergo ye tin cid x Aino farthyfernant Dauids fake, J— J refuſenot Lord Jſay, Sing this as the 137. —2 * She kace of thine annointed, Loꝛd, ow happy athingitis, * noxꝛ turne thp face away. —J and toot fe for re fer, The ſecoud part. — eek far te hols : DheLowtoDaurtolworcintruth, , 7 calth to nite that ſweet pect | and will not chaꝛinke from it : and thar coftly ointment, maping, the tout of thy Boop - hich ove the lacrilicers — vpon thy feat tall At. by Gods precept wag tpt. And tf thp konnes myp covenant keepe, sah Be that 3 hall learne cach ane : 31t wet not Aarons bea alone, vpon thy princely throne. And fara, if nip rumtedotone, ⸗/ ho! . bis rich attire about. | Aye Low beutelte bath aN es * 4 And as the lower group doth naire © pa lotics ean fa nieee the ociy of Hermon Gill: Saping, this ts mv reſting place, % lout andlike it tue. And Sion with hiv fluer drops, Aud J will bleſte and che eucreale, the felbs with Fcute Nath. Gis oa ber inctualls euery —— Euen ſo the Lod beth) poure on tent, | the needy that be there. Whole hearts and mindes without all : ¥ ea Fw wildeckeandclotheber priets chis Anat doe Reepe and hole. : with my faluation : And allher Saints fhall fintg for io Eecenunc, Pfal, Cxxxiiii. V. K. of my pretection: He exhorteth the Leuites that watch in |. : here will J furcly make fhe horne the Temple, to praife the Lord, g of Danio forte bud: FJoꝛ Jhaue there ordaind for mine,, Sing this as the Beneditins, om 4 a lanthorne bꝛight and good. Ehold and haue regard, o vec ſeruants of He i028, : Ag for mine enemies J will clothe, Wihich in his houle bp night doe { with ſhame fo2 euermoꝛe: zaiſe him With one accom. — ff ut J willcaulehis crownetowhine, 2 Urftoppourhandsonbice, > “moze freth then beretofoze. vnto bis holp place, me | Ecceguam bewnm of. Cras wan. AS Oe epee Ot ae, ‘The commendation of godly and bro. a therly amitie, compared tothe moft 3 Fortwhy,theLoowha pie, | i precious oylementionedinExod:zo, botycarthanabeaucnframe, an f * | Doth a , aca kia Pfalme CXXXYV. | 73 * Sion blette, and boill conſerue, Weis indeed aboue all Gong, | for euermoꝛe the ſame. moſt cafe to entreat. 6 Foꝛ whatſoeuer pleaſed him, Landate nomen. Pfal.Cuxxv. M. all that full well be wrought, In heauen and earth, and i the fea, He exhorveth the faithfullro praife God which he bath framde of nought. _fochis maruciious works and S265 7 Welitts wp clouds euen from the earth to the confufion of all [dolatrie, be mares lightinigs —E He bꝛingeth forth the windes alfo, — — === bemabde nothing in baine. Oj — j= a Z 8 Be (mote the fir borne of cach thing, —— the Low,praifc him. pale — in Egipt that tooke rect — = SS ==5 We (pared there no lining thing, _ ————— aſt. — e him with one accord: O Foe man sen Pee See rt ee Se 9 Be bath in thee chewd wonders great © = — — SS DE gipt boidofbannts: - lar care ttill al all pe — be vat ne On Pharaoh thy curfed ising; and Hts. feuere ſeruants. “ay oz 10 Be finote then manpnations, uants of the * —* praite fe im ve a did.great acts and things, —— = — — *** —— e ſſew the great and mightied, a ere aa fa eee =e — and chiekfelt of thetr kings. ea — ind and be in the ho — ee Sees et Se tl Sehon hing of the Amozrites, =sbiSt= == Eat Sos ie Dog King of Baſan: — Be of his court and of his Be ſlew alſs the Bingdomes all, SSS — that were of Canaan: = SSS — SS 12 And gane their land to Irael, houce puce hun with one accord. me heritage we fee: o Iſrael his owne peo e — id for be ts good, ant heritage to be. &. ig praiſes fo his name : | is a comely andqocothing, Thefecond part. : __ itaies ta Boe the fame. I 3 — O oe Killendure, | $02 wyyethe Lor hath chofe Jacob, __ 419 thy memoria | 4g0 very sie —— ” Throughout allgenerations t- 3H foo hath hechofen Ifrael, that are o2-euer fhall. : | his treafure fo2 to be. 14 Zhe Low will furelp now anenge, bis people all indecte : 5 Fo2 this Jknow and am right fure, ‘And to his feruants he thall het, esa is very iit ss faugur ut time of need. —— ae ce | PiiimeEXXX VA jah — 5 The Idols of the heathen are made, BESo== — — 3* — — — ~~. thi — — — in all the coatts and lands: : “=f Of Glucrandof cone be J— vnto the Lord of — bis mercy : the warks cucn of mets hands. fẽ——— (= 16 Dhey haue ther mouthes ¢ cannot ee — * and eies and haue no ſight· ¶ peake, endureth fo2 euer. Which aot) 17 Hhev haue eke cares, bearenothing their mouthes be bꝛeathleſſe quite. 2 — — 18 Wherekore all they are like to them, great wondrous works, for apis mn — tos — ise oe that doc fo fet them forth : — —* = Aud hketwile they that trutt im them, — — === 92 thinke they be ought forth. Urety 102 euer. 19 D all pe houfe of Iſrael, 5 Which by his wiſedome nade thehea fee that pe pratfe the Wow: «for his mercy endureth fo2 ever: ane Aud ve that be of Aarens houſe, 6 Which on the waters ſtretchtthe eg) pꝛaile him with one accord. fo2 his ntercy endurethfo2 ener. 20 And re that beof Leuies houſe — WUlpich made areat lights tothittea- · — ve likewife the con. Bit fo2 his mercy endureth for ener. (ps0 And all that ſtand in aive of him, . 8 = lunne to rule the lightfeme bap, “| praife hint with one accor. | or big mercy endureth forcuer. 21 And out of Sion ſound his pꝛaiſe, 9 The moon 3 : ¢ftars toguive theniaht, __ the great praite of the L020: ſoꝛ his merep endureth fo2 deuer:iboane | Which dwelleth in geruſalem, 10. Which (mote Egipt with their irlt pꝛaiſe him with one accoꝛnd. cgoꝛ his mercy endurethforeucr. Coufitemini. P fal.Cxxxvic N. Il Gnd Iſrael bꝛought out from them, — A moftearneft exhortatiõ to giue thanks foꝛ bis merep-endureth fo2 ever. 4 vnto God forthe creation and gouer- 12 with mighty hand ¢ ſtretched arme, nance ofall things, ©: fozbis mercy endureth for curs . | Pgs = — Z 13 WMhich cut thered fea in tine parts; - eve. fe hae — 2 14 ana Arael made patfe there thꝛough ee oe a9: — — loꝛ his mercy endureth for euer. lor his mercy — —— fo2 —— 15 And drowned Pharadh and his hott, — = —— for bis mercy endureth fozcucr.: BOS R= SS-8— = Chrough wilaernes his peoplelen, pratte vnto the Goof — bis. foz his mercy endureth for euer.· —4 te — SL Sra cae — — be Which did ſenite great noble kit * endureth fog euer. Giue pꝛaiſe fer his mercy endureth me 4 _seggat anagem — ſoꝛ his mercy endureth foreuer: 1 9 As Sehon King of Amoꝛites, coꝛ his mercy endureth fo2 ever. 20 Gib Do the king of Baſan tan, ‘ * fo2 bis mercy endureth for euer. 21 And gaue their land kor heritage, a fo2 his mercy endureth fo2 ever : 2 Euen to bis feruant Iſrael, - for bis mercy endureth fo2 eucr. - 93 Kemembeing bs in bale eftate, for his mercy cndureth fo2 ever. 24 and from appꝛeſſors reſcued bs, loꝛ his mercy enbureth kor euer. 2 25 Which giveth kosde vnto all llech, fo2 bis mercy endureth for ever. 26 Waaife yee the 1020 of heauen aboue, ſcoꝛ his mercy erdureth fo2 ever. j 27 Giue thanks vnto the £020 of 10208, = for bis mercp endureth fo2 euer. Anotherofthefameby T.C, Sig intis as the 32. Pſalme. Laud fhe Lob benigne, Whoſe mercies laſt foꝛ ave: Gut thanks and poaifes fing, i 2 To God of Gods Jſay. Hm certainlp, &. : Bs 3 74 5 Ubi God omnipotent, Dy bis great wifenomebhie, The heaucnlp firmament, wid frame as we doe ſee: F 02 certainly, Wis mercies dure, oth firme and lure, Eternally. 6 Bea he the heauie charae, Of all the earth did ttretch: And on the waters large, Whe famehe id outreach. Foꝛ certainly, ec. 7 Great lights he made tabs, ae why? bis loue is ape: 8 Such as the Sunne tue fee, Worule the lightfome dap. Forcertainlyp, ¢c. 9 And cke the Moone ſo cleare, Which Hineth in our fight : Gnd ſtarres that doe appeare, To guide the darkfome night. Forcertatlp, ec. Io UUith grieusus plagues and fore All Egypt fmote he then: The firſt boꝛne, leſfe € moꝛe Ve llew of beaſts and men. Forcerfainlp, ec. 11 Gnd from amidlſt their land, is Iſrael forth baought : 12 WUUbich he with mightp hand; And ftretched arme hath Wrought. Foꝛ certainly, €c. 13 Whe feahecut in two, Which {rood vp like a walls 14 And made —— to goe His choſen childzer all 15 Bnt F “ae? I 5 But there he wheimed then The proud King Wharaoh, With his Huge hoff of mest, And Charists. che alfo Foꝛ cortainely/cc. J / 16 Who les through wilderneſſe, His people ſafe and found, Sind fo 02 his loue endleffe, 17 Great kings be brought fo ground: Forcertainlp, ẽc· 13 And llew with puifant hand Vines mighty and of fame, 19 Ss of the Amoꝛites land, Sehon the ing bp name: Foꝛ certainly, ec. 20 And Da (the Giant large) Df alan king alfo, 21Whaſe land ſoꝛ heritage, He gaue his people tho: F02 certatily, fe. a2 Euen bnto Ilrael. Wis ſeruant deare Flap, ve gaue tie fame to divell, Sno there abwe fer ave: * 4 Hor certainly,ce. | 22 To minde he nin bs call, In our molſt bafedearee’: ; 24and from oppeetiszgall,. - In ſafety (et vs free: Forcertamly €c. 2; Ail fiz on earth abzoad, With foode He doth fulfil: - 26 Whereloꝛe ot f heaven the Cod. : To laud be thy will: For certariilp,¢e. Super flomina. Nal. Cxxxvit WW. Tht Uralites in their captiuity hearing the. 7 Chaldeans —— en Theu let mv fineers quite forget, Pai e God * and his religion, defire God to punith the Edomites, who prouoked the Ba⸗ bylonians again{t them, and Sg arse the deftruction of Babylpa. | J | WE: ea See : Pen as we fate in — — —— tn > — — = the riuers round about, and in remem ⸗ — brance of Sion, the teares for griete — 2p SSS fe — burſt out: we hang d our harps. and. oe Seeereenes ey et = — | infiruments, re willow trees vpon: Se = F 02 in Chat Bie, men faz their ote, ee — bad planted many sits... —t —— et ee ee — } - — — 3Then they to whem tue priſoners were faid tobs tau tinal : $. Now let vs heare vour hebꝛew forges j and pleatant melodie. 4. Glas, fata ine, vihocan once frame, 8 bis f orrowtu beart to fine, The peaifcs ef the liuing God. thus vnder a ſtrange Ki gs 5 But vet fF Jerufalem out of nv heart ict fine, the warbling | Barpeto guide. “Zl 6 And let my tongue. within mp — ——— a Pp A ep ‘i iG xxxix. 75 i inset tnerfat, «(ss SFO} hou thy name hall by thy woꝛd, It that Atay before F fee, aduancedoucr all, thy kull deliuerante pak. = 3 3 Wen T did call thouheardek me, — F aid thou bak made alſo, 7 Therefore D Low remember now, The power of enereated ſtrength, the curled noiſe and cry, within my foule to grow. That Edoms ſonnes againſt bs made, when thep razd our Citic. 4 Bea all the Kings on earth,they all “Remember Lord thecrucl wozds, giue praiſe ta thee D Wow: wehyen as with one accor, Fo2 they of thy mot holy mouth, They cryed, on, lacke, and razd our wals oe beard the mighty word. in detpight of the Lord. 5 They of the waies of Gan the 198, in linging thall intreat : 8 Cuen fo chalt thou O Babilon, Becauſe the glory of the Loz, at length to duit be brought : itis erceeding great. “sin happy thall that mar be cald, _that our reuenge bath wrought. 6 he Word is hie,and pethe doth 9 Vea blefied thall that nian be cald, behold the Lotuly ſprite: that takes their chilozen vong, But hecontemmng inowes a farre, =o Bath thei bones aga hard ſtanes the proud andlofty wight. . Ivbich lic the ſtreetes among. 7 Althouch in midſt of trouble 3 Confitebor t tibi. Pfal. Cuxxviti, N. oe Watke, pet Mall 5 Meith f Menucd bp thee, D nw Low, Dud praifeththe goodneffe of God to- thou wilt iretch ont thy hand, wards him, for which euen forraine 3 Princes fhall praife the Lord together Upon the weath of all my foes, "with him, and he isaffuredto haue _ andfaucd (yall J be: Slike commfortof — —— ashere- Wy thy righthand the Lord Goa will 4 rofore. 10 5, ’ perfoune this iworketome. ef i 8 Thy mercy Lordendures fo2 aves — — Sing tid asthe 47. Pfalne, Lod doe net me forfake: a "IF Bee will a maite With my whole Forſake nis not which am the worke, A mp xox may Geo, alwaies, (heart which chine olune hand id make, ay Cveitin the preſegce ofthe Gong, 29 - ; ae will aduarics the praile. | Domine probafti. Pfal. Cuxxix N. cena “yt sh ta Dauid to cleanfe his heart fromal hypo⸗ 7 crifie,fheweth that nothingis fofecrer, ; month, which God feeth not. Aftereclaring | his zeale and feare of God, hee prote- . kuen kor thy louing kiadnelle fake, ſteth to bean enemie to all thein that an in fap ae “A withall: : contemne God. Pe it pk De a em k * Sing Plame CXXXIX. Sing this as the % —E— Lora thou haſt me fride x knowne, my fitting thou dof know, 2 Gnd riung eke, my thoughts a farre, - thou bnderttandtt alfa. 3 Sv pathes pea and my lving dovone, thoucompalſſeſt alwapes, And by kamliar cuſtome art, acquainted With ny waies. 4 No ford is in my tongue D 1020, but knowne it isto thee: 5 Thou me behinde hold, and before thou lateft thp band on me. 6 Too wonderfull aboue my reach, Loꝛrd is thy cunning fill: It is too high that 3 the ſame, cannot attaine vntill. 7 From Licht of thy all ſeeing ſpirit, 1.033 tobtther thatl 3 aoe 2 D2 whither ſhall J fite alway, thy paefence to {cape fro ? $ To heauen if J mount aloefé, loe thou art preſent there ; Bn heli tf 4 lye Downe belowe, cucn there thou doeſt appeare. 9 Pealet me take the morning wings, and let me goe and hive, Euen there there are the fartheſt parts tobere flowing fea noth five, 1o Pea eneit thither alſo thalt, thy reaching hand me guide: And thy right hard hail hold me fart. and snake me to abide. 7 1 Pea ify fap the darkneſſe fhatt, pet ſhroud me from thp fight: Avce euen alfo the varkott might, about me ſhall be tight. 12 ea darkeneile hidethnot from theee 14Thee will Jpꝛaiſe, made featefully, - Shp works avemarueilous, right well moe then thefand Ffee : but niaht noth thine as da Lo thee the darkuette —— are both alike alway. The ſecond part. 13 Forthou poſſeſſed hak my raines, and thou halk couered me, WMhen F within my mothers wombe, encloſed was by chee. and wondrouſly Jam: my ſoule doth know the ſame. 15 Wy bones they are not hid from thee although tt fecref place, Jhaue bene made, and in the earth, beneath J fhaped was. 16 When J twas fapnicles, then thine ei eie fate me, for ut thy booke, : Were written all waught was before, that after faihion tooke. J 17The thoughts therfore of thee D con | hol deare they are fone? = And of them all how pa fing gteat, the endleſſe number be > - | 18 af Jſhould rount them loe their fot | And whenſoeuer J awake, vet am J ſtill with thee. 19 Tho wicked and the blondy men, F oh that thou twouldeiiflap: =. > Euen thofe D Gon te whome — depart from me Flap ꝛ; 20 Cuen thoſe of thee D Loa mp Gov. that ſpeake ſo wickeolp: a Thoſe that are lifted bp in —— being cnemies to ther. 21 Hate JInot them thathate ha and that inearnell wile? 1* ue n'ai —— — phate * plalme CXL.CXLI. a Contend Iet geint them all, where with Tprapandmeane, againt thee that ariſe? 7D L0ꝛd my God thou onely art, 22 J bate them with bufained hate, the ſtrength that faueth me. euen as my bitter foes yy head in day of battell hath, 23 Tryme O God, ¢ —— lt bette coucred Mill by thee. t ts pꝛoue and difciofe, j mip Chavights pone 8 Let not D Lowthe wicked haue,, 24 Confioer Lozdif wickednelle, the endof his defire: — tame there any be: Prrforne not hts ill thoughts lealt he, And in thy way, D God myguide, with pride be fet on fire. oR fo euer lead thou me. 9Okthem that compaſſe me about, Gop the chiefelt of then all: Eripe mse Domine. Pfal, Cul. N. Low let the mifchtefe of their lips, ¥ Dauid prayeth vnto the Lord againftthe vpon themfelucs befall. cruelty,falfhood,& i iniuries of his ene- mies, oi etna ofhis fuccour. Io Let coales fall om them, let him caſt Wherefore he prouoketh the iuſt to themi in conſnming flame: praiſe the Lord, and to aſſure them- nd tn deepe pits fo as they map’ — of his tuition. not rife out of the fame, O0y ; 11 Forno backbiter hall onearth, - "Sing this as the Lamentation. be fet in fable plight ; Dad faueme fromthe cutllinan, And euill to deſtruction ill, and fromt the cruell wight. ſhall hunt the cruel wight. | 2 Deliuer me, wyich euill doe imagine in their (p2ite. 12 Ixknow the X ad the afflicted wilt Which make on me continual warre, reuenge and iudge fhe pose: their tongues loe they haue whet: ~ Abe tu thall praiſe thy name, iuſt * 31ine Serpents bnderneth their ipüs diwell with thee euermore. 4 Keepe me D Lor from wicked panda to cauſe my ſleps to ſſide. 5 The pꝛoud haue laid a ſnare foꝛ me, is Adders popfon fet Domine clamaui. Pfal, Cæli. M. pieferue me to abide: Dauid being’ grieuouſſy perfecuted yn- Fr be from thecruci man that meanes, God take vengeance of his enemies. ana thep haue ſpread anct: Sing this as the 137. Pſalme. ; WMith cords in my pathwav,and cing, (ye Loꝛd vpon thee doe Icall, forme eke haus they fet. Lord haſt thee vnto mee: And hearken 1023 puto mp boice, y- 6 Therefore 4 fain vnto the Lord, {hen J doe crp to thee. 4 thou art my God alone: 2 Ag incenfelet nw pavers be, paspetes me D Lord, O heave the voice, directed tn. thine eares: der Saul deſtreth fuccour & patience tl * —— ri tip the splitting of onions “SS 1 Feat me 2a ad. pf Celi Ne, Doms AS euening lacriũce · ne | Forthey that doe me perſecute, y _ Baelsoke bp vnto thee: forme tos firong thev be. J In thee is all nip trait, let not a Tip fouie foxfaken be. : 7That Imay p2 aiſe thy name Hy louie 4J 5 Which they hance laid to catch me i, feompafon Lord byutgout: 3.020 keepe me from the {nares When thou art good taine, the tuft, J And fromthe ſubtill cing of them, fhall pꝛeaſe me round about. that wicked voorkers are. | Domine exaudi. P fal. Cxbii. M. | 10 The wicked into their ow zenets, An carnelft prayer for remiffion of f innes > together let thent fall, acknowledging that the enemies di ges Jdoe by thy helpe eſcape, cruelly perfecute him by Gods * * danger otchem all. GES —— defireth to be reftores = A | J —*8 a4 —_ 6? te — — dusts by his holy D Loꝛd oeliuetine, ~~ i 4 | ſirit, that he may ſo end the reft of his From all my enimies, 4 life in thetruc feare andferuiceof God, haue hidden me {with thee. 10 Teach me to doe thy twill,for thou Sing this as the L41.Pfalme. thouart mp Gon J fap: Ordherre nip pagper, hark the plaint Let thy good kpirit vnto the land _ that Idoe make to thee: of mercy meconusp. mi, hey dintip natiue truth, and in | hy iuſtice anſwere me·. 11Foꝛ thy names fake with quicining 2 ———— with thy ſeruant Rord, aliue doe thou me make: (grace oh enter not at all: And out of trouble bꝛing my foule, — or iuilificd bein thy fight, ceuen koꝛ thp Juſtice faite. not one * et Hall. 12 And fo2 thy mercy flap my foes, D i228 dDefrov them all: omy life to oun ie thomme, | thy feruatit am and thal. J laid me in the darke like them — that dead are Loti aganee. Benedittus Dom.P fal, Culiiii. N. 4Mithinme i in perplerity, Dauid praiſeth the Lord for his victories was mine accumbred fprite: and kingdome reſtored, yet calling for And in me was my froublea hcart⸗ the deftrustion ofthe wicker: and de» ’ amazʒed and atkright. clareth wherein the felicity ofany peo⸗ i fj ft th.. 5 Pot Jrecord time pale, in all ——— — thy works JImeditate: Sis erie tz Philp 7 — ng this asthe 141.Plalme.. Aes Pea in the works 3 meditate PD Lek be the Lord my ſtrẽach that doth Which thy bands haue create. inſtructt my hands to fight: | 6 Lathes D iow my Godlee J. Whe 10 that sath my fingers frame, — * — — —— hands, fo battell by his might. ote the siete ekg 2e is my goconesie, foot, and. towers: : — deliuerer and ſhield: | rhim J tru, mp pecple he : i a 7Heareme with eed mp cpirit doth fail nip oes satin sis hide not thy face me feo: . ſubdues tome to peda. ~ 7 J lfc hail J be like them that downe 3 O Loꝛd wyhat thing is man, that him inte the pit doe gee. thou bolded fo in price: 81et mi thylouing kindneſſe in — Msfonne of man that vpon him, the moerning heave ad knaw: thou thinbet in this wiſe? Foꝛ theeſs my trug, ſthew wme4 Man is but like to vanity, e theloay thats hall ace. actin fa paftebisdatestocnmd, (oF au ft veme foule ‘9 ar: 5As Eeeting haves bow dovvne O 2018 the ae _— . + £4] Th Lave a Oe ee * che heauens and delcew. * pte 8* e people are 6 The mountaines touch and they chall cate footh thy lightning fame, (Cmoke — Pte Cots — And featter them, thine arrowes thoote, Exaltaho te. Pfal. (xlu,N. ; confume them with the fame. Dauid defcribeth the — proui- = | 7 Lend dot thine had cuen from abotic, dence of God,in gouerning and in pre= · O Lord deliuer mec, feruing all the other creatures. He prai- 3 Take me from waters qreat,fromband feth God for his iuftice, mercie, and of frangers make me free. {peciall louing kindnestoward all Ithofe | 8 Whole Cubtile monty of vanity, that call ypon thim, that feare him, and © and fondnefle doth intreat : ra loue him, = Grd thetr right hand ts aright hand Seer ok — of falſhood anddeccite, ing this asthe 84. F fi alme | — — oon Traore, — ma 2 = | On Tioll and on inlklrument 2 Foꝛ euer will J praifethyname, ‘fen ſtringed vnto thee. and praiſe thee dap by Bap. q 10 Cuenbeit is that onely gives 3 ———— Bern > iris praite eliuerance ot hings : 4 Front race to race they Mall thy works Anto his feruant Dauid helpe, raife and thy power preach, from hurtful ſword be bꝛings. 11 From ftrangershandmelaueand 5 Zof thy glorious maickie, whofe mouth falkes vanitie: (hicld the beautic twill record : — Auntheirrighthandisarighthand And meditate bponthy works, of guile and ſubtiltie. : moft wonderfull D 1020: 19 the 52 That our fos may beas the plants, f= — — Asher growing earth doth reate⸗ gun x to publiſh all abꝛdd edd Dur daughters ascarwd comer ſtones like to a Palace faire. thy sreatne tte will not pare. i 13 Dur garners full and plentymay, 7 And they into thementionfhall | ith ſundry forts be found; byeake of thy goodneſſe areat : a | Dur —— baits thoufandsin our ſtreets And Jaloud thy righteouſneſſe, a | tert thoufands may abound. in linging Gall repeate. ; a eu r aa Rs <8 ——— ean re — a8 — 2 — di lta | atnone doe bs inuade: haundin J There be no goings out,nocrie Conc Saif within our ſtreets be made : ; 1 5 The people bletted ate, tit eth | Pea — Oo — > ae his mercy doth exceede ⸗· Pfaline CxLV. 78 Lauda aniwa mex. Pal. Cri. LT. 10 Ld all thp tuorks Do pratfe thee Lord, Dauid teacheth that none fhould purtheir and dee thy honour ſpread. ‘11 Thr Saints de blelle thee € thep dee thy kinadomes glorv ſhow: . 12 And blafe thy power to caule se fond ° of men bis power to know. The ſecond part. 13 And of thy mighty kingdome eke, fo fpacad the alozious pꝛaiſe: Loy kingdome Hud akingdome ts; that Both endurealivates. And thy dominion thꝛoughout ail a ge, “endures without delay : 14. The Worn vpholdeth them that fall their fiding he doth flav. 15 The cies of all that wait on ther, thou doſt them all relieue: And thou to each ſuctiſing foode, in ſeaſon dus doſt giue. 16 Thou openck thy nughty Gand; and boun tifullv doſt fill: Al things whatſoeuer doe liue, with gifts of thy good will. (17 Dherowisiull walt his waics, his works are holy all: | 18 HNecre all he ts that call on him, in truth that on him call. 19 Be the defites which thev require, that feare him Will fulfill: a And be will heave them when they erie, and ſaue them all he wil. 20The 1030 wreferues all thoſe to him that bente Wotiing hearts “SB utte ali them that wicken are, © - will biterlpfubuert. 2198p thankfull mouth hat stably (peat the paaifes afthei.oi : au * to prꝛalle his holx name, —— onal 7 truftin men, but in God olone, who is almighty, and deliuereth the afflicted, - nourifheth the poore, fetteth prifoner at libertie., comforteth the fatherleffe, _ widdows, ftrangers, &is King for ever. Sing "hikes the 137.Pfalme, Mꝰ foule pzatle thon the Lod alwaies my God x twill conte : : 2 While breath ¢ life pastong mv daies my tongue no tine hall teafe. 3 Truſt not in worldly princes then, though they abound in wealth: yoꝛ in the formes of moztall ment, | in whome there is no Health. 4Foꝛ Why, their bꝛeath doth foot depart to earth anone they fall: And then the councels of their hearts decay and serif all, 5D — is that man Jſay, whem Jacobs God doth aide: And be whole hape dothnot decay butent ʒe L920 ts ſtaid. 6 Wibich made the earth eiwaters deepe the heauen hie twithall,. | _ Which Doth his word and premile keepe in truth and cuer ſhall. 7 With right alwaies be doth p2 accede: fo2 fuchas ſuffer wꝛͤong 8 The posꝛe and hungrp he doth keede, and looſe ia fetters Grong. | "78 the Roꝛd doth Fenn the blind their fight! N thelame to limmes reife: The Lord J fap doth loue the right, and tut kore uerniore. 9 We noth defend the fatheriefle, | the ſtranger fan in heart: ae And quit the widdow ream diſtre fe, anid ee PRR * ano dl mens waies ſubuert. thhe gralſe fo growagaine. 10 Thy Loꝛd and Godeternallp, 9 he giues to beaks their food, and ne ⏑— — D Sion Hil Hall raigne; voung Kauens when theperie: In time ofall poficritic, ,..., 10 Bis pleafure not in ſtrength ot horſe, feꝛeuer to remaine. naoꝛ in mans legs doth lie. Laudate Dominum. Pſal. Cvii. x. yates —— —— the Landy: The Prophet praifeth the ‘bounty , wile- Ano luch as doe attendbpon dome,power, iuſtice ond prouidence of hig mercie ining light. j God vpon all his creatures, but {pecially | ‘ek aultia # i yponhis Church, which hee gathered The fecend part. > e together. after heir difperfion, decla- | ring his word and iudgement fo ynto ————— — them , ashee hath done to no other 13 For he the eins bath forges rong - people —* wyherewith thd gates he tares Sing this a⸗ the 1 37% Palme, 14 Why chilozen he hath ble in thee, *X Raiſe pe the orn, for it is good, and in thy borders hee a vnto our God fo ſing: D ath fettle peace, and with the aowet Foꝛ it is pleaſant, and topaiſe . oftwheat he ſilleth thee. it is acomely thing. 15 And his — vpon 2 The Lord his owne Ferufalem, the earth he ſendeth be buildeth bp alone: Aad eke his word with (Hobie courte - Aud the diſpeartt of Iſrael, noth {iwiftly runne about: doth gather into one. 6 he giueth inew lke woolly hore fom” like aſhes Doth hefprcady ee 3 Debheales the brohen in their beac * 17 agin be — X their ſore vp he noth binde: the cold who can abide? 4 Becounts the numberof the ſtarres, and names them in their kinde. 18hHe lendeth forth bis mighty ford,” | $. @reatis the orb creatts his power, . and melteth hem againe: “his wiſedome infinite: | His inde he makes to blow, aid then. 6The pad relicues the meck,€ thooivs the waters MoWwamaite, (po a} toground the wicked wight. a fe by doctrine of His help tuo, so Jacob dathheMhow:~.«-. 7S ing onto God the L032 with preile, His ſatutes and his tangents ee vnto the L020 reiovce: Am toour Goobponthe arp, giues Ilrael to knolw. - aduante pour ſinging voice. 20 With euery nation hath he not 8He couers heauen with clouds, and kor fo dealt, noꝛ haue they knowne the earth pꝛepareth raine: Wis ſecret iudgements, ve therefoꝛe, And onthe mountaines he doth make praite Ye te Lord alone. : a " * “Laudate — * ‘PlalmeCXVIII. * u ye Landate Dom, Pfal. €xlviii, 1.H, Dnearth pe Dacgons fell, tok carr na tte we All deepes doe pe the fame, Hee prouoketh al creatures to praife rhe 3702 tf becommety pou tells Lordin heauen, & in all places,{peci- § Bim magnifie, ally for the power that he hath giuen Ftre,batle, Ife, ſnow, his people Hrael. And ſtormes that blot, ‘ at his decree, - earoed Hee See : — 2 Lvebilsanpmountaines all, - x 3 * ae, — — — And trees that fruitles are, - Bh tbe ppt ce Cedars greatano tall, , Cis fo bie, Draifehunindecd bis Worthy praiſe declare. heauen that is fo hic, Pratfe him in — J—— —— ttthat on earth dweli. ESS aes ) alfo ve, bis Angels allarmicsropall,. yp. gy Kings both more and leffe, SS With alt their pompons traine: fa Or Se ee ———- Painctes and all iudges, poraile punt withglee. That in the world remaine. 3 Pꝛaiſe i'm both Boone and Sunne, 94 —— clan ¢ | Uthich ave fo cleere and bright +. | : a : Olde men and babes, CThe lame of pau be dorie, Doe pe the fame |» Be gliltering farres oftight: — 4 And eke no leſſe, Shale * | Bee heauens faire, 23 F oꝛ his name (hall we prowe, 5 And clouds ofthe aire, ao be molt ercelient : yhijis laud expreũe. Ahole praile is ſarre aboue, ae ale 9 alg ae sarge 6 For at thy word they were, 4 Forlucehemar, «All Framed as iwe fee, Cratt with bliſſe, At his voice did appeare, The horne at his All things in their degree, And helpe them all. Which be fet fatt, Lyons To them he made, His Saints ſhall all forth tett, Alaw and trade, Wis pꝛaiſe and oarthureſſe, fFoꝛ ape to laſt. Whe childꝛen of Iſrael, Cach one both moꝛe and leſſe. Y Crtoll and praiſe Gods name, 15 and allo they, That —— CL. That With good will, 7 To plague the heathen, and cerrect His woꝛds fultill + _ the people with their hands: | and him obay.. —* 3 7To bind their ſtately kings in chaines, 1 their Lords in iron bandß. Cantate Domino, PfalmeCxlix. N. * ptt ——— Pre —— This honour all his Saints ſhall haue, An exhortation to the Chiireh: to praife praife ye the Lord therefore. the Lord for his vitorie and conqueſt — a that hegiueth his Saints againft mans ~~ i Landate Dominum. Plul. ChLN. | power. | — An exhortation to praiſe the Lord with- out ceaſing by all manner of wayes, | for all his mightie and wonderfull | Sing this asthe x 4. Pſolme. Ing pee vnto the Lord our God “works. ãnew reiopsing ſong: And let the praile of him bebeard, Sine this asthe 147. Palme. his holy Saints among. Me HATE SA ee | 2 Let Iſrael reioyce in han, Celd Onto Goo the mighty Lo, that made him of nothing : | Y praife in his ſ —— — And iet the feeneof Sioneke, And praife him in the firmament, be iopfull ut thew King that ſhhewes his power on pte. 2 Aduance bis name and pratle him in acne praile with boxe ol flate, “pis mohto acts — RED DLS DSI Toute. > Accoawitra to his excellence, And with the Timbꝛell and the Parpe, 6 Hien. Giant pasiles of the fate, : of greatneſſe gine bun parte i| 4 Forwhy? tye Lorwbispleatureall 3 tig prailes with the printcelv noile, hath in his people fet: .” pffounding trumpetsblow: . |) And by deliverance he will raife, Pꝛaiſe him vpon fhe Cliol and thentecke to glorv great. | vpon the arp alfa. —— 1 * him with timbrel wi aute _ letallbis Saints reioyce, 5 with —* Cimbals praiſe pe him And now aloud vpon their bers, praiſe him with lond Cumbals. aduance thew ſinging voyce. 6 And in their mouths let be the acts 6 What euer hath the benelit, of God the mighty 1020, o bꝛeathing parle the Lod ; And in their hands ekelettyembeare, Wo praile thename of God the Lord, 4 dauble beep ſword. agree With one accord. The end ofthe —— of Dauid, in meetre. —_—- = — Veni Creator. 80 — — * — O holy Ghottinto our wits ~2 Pia === — *lend downe thy heanenipliaht : — Ome holy a eae Windle our hearts with “i loue — eff=s= — ———to ſerue Godday and night. yeaa — — — ve Strength ¢ ſtabliſh all our weaknes, Sele oe UGov NG opie eterna ?,. _ {ofeebleand ſo fraile: VASO BE j= That neither lieth, the world, nor diuell, es pecan from againlt bs doe pꝛeuaile. — —— — == ==f== Put backe our enennes far frombs, | andgrant bs te obtaine ~aboue, beth fromthe Father andthe Peace in our hearts with God and nat | —— ee without grudge 02 diſdaine. gr a ae * net — 2.Uifite And grant D 3030 that theu beg Sonne, the God cfpeare elour, our leader and our guide, gb == — — — WMe may eſchew the nares of inne, Dur minds and ints vs thy pheauenty and frem thee neuer fine. — Se Tae at oes ee Wo —* wp plant aff * grate, goad Lod¢ e thee pap: Be! ae —— — CThat thou mailt be our comforter, ‘EES —— — — = at the late dreadtu day, — — * —— — godl nelle, t tier may — 7 aefire, Ok all iteife and dillention, gn tbe five knot of peace arid lone, hou art the berp comfogter 5** x; ati iude anv dittrette : ? a thzauqhout all Chriſtian lands. ‘Thebeauenty gifts of God mothie, Grant vs D Low through thee toknowm hech na tongue can erpꝛeſle. the father nit of might: : The fountaineandtheliuctpfpeing erat of bis deare beloued tome, oł ioy celefiall, Wwe map obtaine the fight. Ahetireto bright, the loue ſocleare, And tat with perfect faith alfo, and vnction ſpirituall. we may acknowledge thee: The lſpirit of them both alway, Thou in thy gifts art manifety, thoes. ~ tubereby Cheitts church doth aun: ene Godin perlons thees In fatthfullbearts torting thvlaw, Laud and praiſe be fo the Father, the finger of Bods hand. and to the fonne equall : According to thy promife made, And to the holp fpirit alfo, thou ginett ſpeech of grace, one God coeternall. What th2ough thy help the praiſe oẽ Gow And pꝛay wie that the onely Sonne, i, ſound in euerr place. vouchſafe * ſpirit to lend: B — oo Venite exultemus. i 995 xo all that Doe profeſſe his name, vnto the worlds ene. Venite exultemus, Pfal.XCV. | Sing this as the Benedictus. Come and let bs now retepce, Gnd fing onto the Lod, And to our onely Dantour, Alſo with one accord· O let bs come brite the Loꝛd With inward reverence, Caoankeſcing all our foꝛrmer Grime, Ana that with ailicence, 47 thanke him for his benefits, J imap be ſtributing: Wherefore of him right iopfully, Sn Pſalnes nowiet bs ng, And that becaufe that God alone Is i020 magnificent, And eke aboue all other Gods; A King omnipotent. His people he doth not ſorſake At anv time 02 fide: And in his hands are ali the coats: of all the woꝛld ſo tite. And twith bis louing countenance: Be looketh euery there, Aud doth behold the tops of all ——- Hhe mountaines farre and ncere.. The fea and all thatts therein Are his, for he them made: And ekehis hand hath fathionea The earth that doth not fate... O come therefore aria worſhip bint, And downe befoze hun fall : And let vs weepe before the Roꝛd, The witch hath made vs all. ~ To God the Fatherand the Sonne; Be is our God, —— anv Bing. And we his people are, | is flocke ann Hheepeofbispalure, Of whome he taketh care. - . Fz This day if pe will heare his voice, be Then harden not pour heart: = |) As inthe bitter murmuring, GWAhen ve were in Defart. * Which thing was oftheir negligence, committed in the time Of trouble in the tui ilderneſſe, A great and greiuous crime. § Wibereas pour fathers tempted me, Gnd trped me euery way, ‘a They proud me and fale mp workes, What I could doe oꝛ fav. hele forty peares Jhaue bin greeued, With all this generation: And euermoꝛe } ſaid they exred, In their imaginatien: Wherwith their hearts were ſore com⸗ Long time and many daies: (bꝛed Wherefore Ikunow aluredly, Thep haucnot knolwac my waies. To isbome J in myanger ſwore, What ti yep choud not be blett: Noꝛ fee the ioy celeſtiall, Noꝛ enter in my reſt· Gloria patri. All laud and praiſe be to the Lord, O that of might art moft: Andto the holy Ghoft, As itin the beginning was, For euer — —— Andis now at this preſent time, And fhall be euermerey 5 on me) a 8 oe “eDeum Laudamus. These Song of Saint Festi called 7 Whe holy re the comfo2fer, Te Desm. of glow thou art thing : D Chak and of the Father art „JJ. — the lonne euerlafting. —* praite thee Gaviwceknatss 8 Sane — * decay in band, ——— — — hou tookeſt fo reſtore: ES = — * EETo be encloſde in Uirgins wonibe, ledge thee, tie onely Aord to be: — thou diddelt not abhorre. Ss == — — — —— Wlhen thou hadſt ouercome of peat as eter hall father all, the fee) pats the Harpe and cruell night : Bess: —— — tf — 3 Thou heauens kingdome vid fet ope SS ISDE — * to each belee uing wight. worſhio thee + To thee all Angels cry/ r0 In glory of the Father, thon — ae — = Dott fit on Gods right bana: a e truit that thou fhalt conte 9 d the bec auens, an ail the powers —— pent nines — ur iudge — 7 235 — — 8 Pe — — 7 — tee = an co a — — — 2 os ys ER — — —⸗ Sy oie —— nth IT Loa help thy ſeruants wha thon halk Coyne fete tye ene PINAHE with his precious bloud: BetSsp ote 2 ees And in eter nail glory fet ‘tey they oz not i. . thet with top Saints ſo good, bie — 12 D Adoꝛrd dae thou thy people fauc, 2. D bolp, Holy sie 1.020 bblelſe thine inheritance: | GEBabiets ne whee a0 *— Lord gouerne them, and 1930 do thou Through heauen and earth typ praile is fo et them aduance. and glow all abꝛoed . ((ſpꝛead 3 The Araues warzee com 13 Ge en thee day by dap = he Prophets gs aly fclioweigip, Bane top boty nate D 929, pꝛraiſe thee continually. voauchlale bs to defend. _14 srom fin this dap. bane mercy Wo, 4 The noble arr bictorisus hoa © = auc mercponds all: BE Hartyrs ſaund thy. poaite t Am onvs.as Wwe trwF in thee, ‘5 Whe holychurch thꝛoughout the woꝛdd Loꝛd let thy mercy fall. doth knowledge Thee alwaws. . | 6 Father of endleMe mate fe, 15 D Low Jhaue repotcd all ther sev acknowledge thee: : muy conlidence in thee: Thy Chak thine honorable true Put ts confounding ſhame therefore and onely forme to be, oꝛd let me neuer be. — a The —â— — be oe TheSongofthethreeChildren, . 12D pe fheneines ama batbintg trotts, The fon of the three Children praifing bleſſe ye the Leꝛd tc, Got , prouoking all creaturesto £3 Dye frots and chilling cold -doethe fame, blelle pe the L020, praife pi and mags nifie him for euer. lA alae — 2 O pe coniealed Iſe and Oro, eS as es ae = bilefle pethe 102d, €. "GH pe tuorkes of God the hoz, 15 D ye the nights and lightſeme dayes, ; Eases Se eee ce es 4-5 biefe pe the i.o2d,"¢. } — = — <== 36 D ye the darknes and the light, bleffe ye the Low, praiſe him and mage tle fic pe tie 1028, €. * — ——-— 17D ve the lightning and theclowas, = = —— bleſſe pe the Lord, €. — nilie him fo2 euer. 18 Det the earth eke bleſle the Lord· yea bleſſe the Lorꝛd, ẽcc. 3 Ove Angels of the Lord, lo D pe the mountaines aud the hilles, bieffe pe tie L020, pꝛaiſe him and mag⸗ blelſſe ye the Lorn, ec. nifie hint. kor ever, 20 0 ait ve greene things on the earth, 4 2 ve the waters abouc fhe thie, bleſſe ve tye Lord, ec. -bleffcye the Lord, praife hun and inags 21 D ve the ever ſpringing wells nilie bint for ener, bleſſe pe the Low, ec. 5 O all the poivers of the 1023, 22 D ve tie feas, andve the fouds, bleffe pe the Load, pratfe hint and mags bleffe ye the — * 2d, Ec. nilie hun kor euer. 23 whales ẽ all that in the Coleen 6 Dye the hining Suime and Boone, bleffe ve the £020, ¢¢. bieffe pe the Lord, praiſe him and mag: 24 O pe the Aping fowies of the ayre nifie him fo2 eter. . .. “hheffe pe the Led, ¢¢. 7 Dvethe gliſtring ſtarres af heauen, 25 Dall pe beats and cattell che, blefe pethe £020, praiſe him and mags blefle pe the Lord, ee. . ‘Wife bun forencr. 26 D pe tie chudren ofmankindc, — 3 D pe the ſhowers and drꝛopping Ocive, bleffe pe the 1 52354. ‘bietle ve the Rod, praife hint and iMag? 27 Let Itraci eke bleſſe the Loꝛdd nitie him kor euer. yea bleſſe the Lord, peaiſe him and. mage 9 Dretheblowing winds of God. Ke huu foꝛ eurr. — ve the Lord, praiſe him and mag · 23 D ve the Prielts of GSod the Lord, nilie him kor cuer. bleſſe pe fhe Lod, €c. 10D pethefire and warming beat, 29D ve the feruants of the Lod, zr bicffe pe the #020, ec. blefie ve the Logd, praiſe him and mage | 11 Pe elinter andthe Sommer tide, nitie him for cuer. blefic ve the R020; %. 30 Pe * tſoules of timhteus nn Al ~The Song o Zacharias, 8 bleſſe ye the 102d,6. That we might be deliuered 310 ve holy and pe mecke ui heart, From fuch as make debate : biefle pethe Howe. Dur enemics and from the hands: 32 D Anamas plete pe the Loz, Mf all that doe bs hate, biefle thou the 1020 €c. Whe mercy tohich he promifed 33 Asariag bleſſe the Lord, Dur Fathers to fulfill: - bleffe thou the Lord tc, Gnd thinke bpon his coucnant made, And Wifael eke bleſſe the Lad, According to his wil. ble fie thou the 1020, pratfe him €c. ———— tis Aud alfa to — the Dath The Song of Zacharias, called. Which he before had ſworne Denedictuc. To Abꝛaham our Father deare, F02 Vs that were fozlozne. — — That he would Sel wate elfe fo2 bs, ae —-—"— And bs from bondage being : eonely Lord ot Hracl,be pate Dut of the hands of all our foes, F SSS * ee To ſerue our heauenly ing. * — — And that without all manner feare, be — — tee = = And ebe in righteouſneſſe: — —— — — In ſtedtaſt holineſſe. nee — Berens — — thon Pails which now art bone people now he ath ssdecmnd thatlong Ind of the Lord elect, — Shalt be the Prophet of the higheſt, ‘BE ===} — = See $= pis Wwaies for to direct, Fath bene Ut fheall,and ſpread abyoad See — Seen} ‘SF 92 thou fhalt goe before bis face, | 6 as —— 02 to prepare his waies: “bis 5 faving health vpon bis feruants all. And oath fi to teach his will, And pleafure all thp dates. In Danids houfe bis feruant true, To gine the knowledge hots that their According tobis minde: Saluationtsnere, And alſo his armointed hing, And that renuffion of their fines, As we in Scripture finde. 4s theough bis mercy mere. As by his holp Prophets all Okt times be did declare : Tatherchy the dap {pring fromt on high - The which were ſince the world began, Is come vs foꝛ to viſtte: Dis waies fog top2epare. And thofe fo2 to — 3 Cubic > 12 rt — oe : —“ Ls Py eee ae ee —— ~ Magnificat. RRS © CES ENON 7 ‘Which aoc in darkneſſe fit: To fuch as feare bis name. To lighten thofe that Hadowes be, He ſhewed firength with his great arme With death and eke oppreſt, And made the pꝛoud to ſtart. And alſo for to guide our feete, With all imaginations, — The wap to peace and reſt. That thep bare in their heart. The Song of the bleffed Virgin Marie He hath put downe the mighty ones, called Magnificat. From their ſupernall eats : ee Mit Me eb Did exalt the merke in heart, = — Set ae $ he hath thought itineete. Mie —— aoe eee ae Lhe hungry he repleniſhed, a A ſoule noth sip oad the Lord⸗ Mith all things that were godd, s So nese f= === 2 “nd though his power be made the — my ſpirit cke exermore,retoveety Df times to want theit tocde . i SoS Se == Anoecallingto remembrance, - * — =i — — “= Bis mercy euery deale, ti fhe Lord my (op, which is : 45 athholpen op affiftantly, === — — Ss Se = Wis feruant Ilrael, ip Sanicur. Anvwyy? becaute ¶ cording Cobis promiſe mane, —— — CTo Abraham before: i So ees Bee And to his ſeede fucceffinely, owes =. * ———— ⸗ he did regard: and gaue relpect vn· To Land foꝛ euermoꝛe. — SSE to,fa bale eſtate of bis — The oe Siem, called a — — let the mighty goe ·. o SS — Foꝛ now behold ak nations, 3.020 becaute my hearts vefire, | ãnd generations all, —— Se . From this time forth fo2 euermoꝛe, Shall me right bleſſed call. Becauſe he hath me magnified, Which ts the Loꝛd of might, Whole name be euer ſanctifved, And praifed day and night · pate — ei to {e2, SBP: — — — PC — oe — — — For with bis mercy and his grace, “ll mew be doth onflame, CThꝛoughout all generations;, 4 . : — defiren long — which ae ase om — rie Now ts cote Sts — world/ot mers — — Quicunque vult. 83 == ea = 7. oh et -——_*~ — et B-D=} — —— doubt, eternally he ſhall be ſure fo die. Es: = — a 762 fp Sf 7 E Ee ea The Cathslike belicfe ts this, cie bꝛinging ſtoꝛe. that God we worſhapone | An Lrinitic,and Trinitie Thou ſuſfereſt thy ſeruant now, in Anitie alone. imn peace fo2 fo depart, So as we neither doe confound | According to thy holy word, the perſons of the three: Which lighteneth nip heart. Noꝛ vet tye ſubſtance whole of one Becaulſe mine eies which thoubalmave in {under parted be. to giue mp body light⸗ Haue nob bebeld thyſauing health, One perfon of the Father is, which ts the Logs of night. another of the Sonne : Another perfon proper of — Mahon thou mercifully hak (et, the holy Ghoſt alone. of thine aboundant grace, In open fight and biftble, befo2e all peoples face. The Gentiles to tluminate, and Sathan ouerquell And eke to be the glory of thy people Iſraell. The Simbole or Creed of Athanaſius, : called ucunqu⸗ vult. | WE — man ſoeuer be be ‘that : |e Sere | BSE — Selation: ‘will attaine: the Cathe⸗ =e = — —N —— Of Father, Sonne and holy Ohok, but one the Godhead is, ike glozy cocternall cke, the mateſtie likewiſe. Such as the Father ts, ſuch is bis Sonne th cach degree: And Cuch alfa doc we bel&ue, the holy Obolk to be. fy Uncreate is the Father, and vncreate is the Sonne: Tie holp Oho vncreate, fo vncreate ig each one. Incompꝛcehenſible Father is, incomprihenlible Sonne, BEES =a ae gIncompꝛehenũble alfo is —— —— en ths holy Ghott of none. like beliele be muſt, betore all thugs The Sather iseternall, and Jas aoe eee eee ee ee retaine. Caihic) Faith, enletlebe hoe 5 SE es 3 “tpheepe ar and ‘onbefileoly, without all the Sonne cternall fo: Bnd inlikefo2t eternal is, the bolp Ghoſt alfa. fae Ano pet thouah we beleeue that each of theſe eternall be: 14 pet ss. —— Ee eC Pet there buf one efernallis, anid not eternals the : As ne incomprehenfible we, neyet vncreate hoe, But one incompꝛehenſible, one vncreate holde fo be.. Almighty fa the father is,. the ſonne Almightie fo : And in like fort Almighty is, the holy Ghoſt alfo. And albeit that eucrp one of thefe Aintighties be: — Vet there but one Almightie is, and not Almighties thre.. he Father God is, God the Sonne, God the holy Ghoſt alfa : Bet are there not theee Gods in all, buf one God and no moe. So likelwife Lo the Father is, and Lord alfo the Sonne, And Loꝛd the holy Ghoſt: pet are there not thee Loꝛds but one. For as we are compeld to grant,. by Chatitian beritic,. Cachof the perfons by himfelfe,, both Godand tor to be: © — Sa Cathoitke religion fozbiddeth bs alway, | That either Gods be thoe,o2 that,. there Lords be thre to fap. Df none the Father is nemade,. ne create no2 begot, Whe ſonne is of the Father not create, ne made, but got. The holy Gholt is of them both. the Father and the Sonne, Ne made, Ne create, 102 begot, but dath proceeds alone. * * Quicunque Vult. * Ne greater any then there, So we one ——— one Sonne alfo not thre : Die holy Gholt alone, and not thae holy Ghoſts te be. Sone in this Trinitie before rin2 after other ts: ne leſſer be likewiſe. Wut every one among themfelucs, of all theſe perfous thre, Together coeternall all, and all coequall be. Do vnitie in Lrinity, asfaitis befor: And Trinitie with Anitie, in all things we adore, Therefore what man ſoeuer that: faluation will attatne, This faith touching the Trinitie of force be muſt retaine : And needful to eternall life, it is that euery wight, | Of the wearnating of Chaté,. our #020 beleeuc aright. F02 this the right faith is, that toc belceue and eke doc know, That Chk our Loꝛd the fonne — is God and man alſo. J Oodof hts fathers ſubſtance, got before the world began: Ano of his mothers ſubſtance borne in World a very man. Both perfect God and perfect mari in one, one Jeſus Chk, GUibich doth of reaſonable fouir, and humane fle ſubſiſt. } J Touching his — Ag J his Father Goavishe: | 7 ‘Touhy | —— The Lamentation ofa Sinner. Touching his manhood lower then, bis Father in degre. Mho though be be both perp God, and Dery man alſo: Pet is he but one Chꝛaiſt alone, and is not perſons two. One not by turning of Godhead into the lleſh of man: But by taking manhood to Gon, this being one began. All one not by confounding of tthe ſubſtance mto one : But onely by the vnitie, tthat is of one perfor. : Foꝛ as the reafsnable ſoule and flefh but one man is: So in one perfor God and man, is but one Chꝛiſt likewiſe. Who fuftered fo2 fo ſaue bs all, to hell he did deſcend, fe Whe third dav rofe againe from deaths. tto heauen he did afcend. He kts at the right hand of Goo; the Almighty Father there : againe he hall retire, At tohofe returne all men Mall rife,. With bovies now reſtord: account vnto the Loꝛd. Gnd they onto eternall life fhall gor that hauc done well :- Vho haue done iil Hall goeinto eternall fire to dwell. This is the Catholique beltete, woo doth not faithfully Beleeue the ſame, without all doubt ne” ſaued cannot be. — From thence to iudge the quick and drad = ‘And of their owne Works they hall giue To Father, Sonne and holy Ghoft, all glory be therefore: As in beginning was, is now, and fhall be euermore. The Lamentatiod ofa Sinner, M. — oe — ee SS os ST —— — — pee GP — — — — — PS one ee ee ee —— — =I ee — — — — — ae Sig Atta tat geist ara *5* hs = 3 — mercy gate. 2. Which gate thou ope⸗ — — es ee —7 = — — * — —— — —— —— ee ee ee —— — — neſt wide to — doe lament = — — — — kms their finne,fhut. tot thate cate — eae — me 1020, but let mie enter in, And call me not to mine accounts, ow 4 haus lived here : F 02 then IKnow riaht well O Loꝛd How vile Jſall appeare. Ineede not to confeſſe mp life, Jam Cure thou canſt tell, | WMhat Jhaue beene and what Fant, Iknow thou knoweſt tt well. OLoꝛd thou knowſt what things be pale And cke the things thatbe: | Thou knoweſt ally iwhatis to come, . No The humble F ofa Sinner. abi hea to in from thee, | piSSrgSits == = = — — are the heauens ⁊ earth were made 6 —e — kone 3 Jat things were then, are, wiv ait is Rrisione ts thee, and ie l things elſe that haue beene finee, tes = Peake se ; nong the Cones of men. "there is none that can remoue,o2 take Anm can the things that Jhaue done, = ES — — — Be hidden from thee then? — — Nay mavthouknowelk themall Dow the fame from Hig. Cbere they were done and then. Wherckore with teares Acome to thee But onely thou whofe aide Icraue, La) * DD REED =n ae] —— 1 ua To beg and tointecat : tuhote mercy fill is prctk @uenas thechild that jath done euill, To eale ail thofe that come to thee, And feareth to be beat. fo2fuccour aut fo2 rei. And fith thou feel my refilefe vies, So come F to fv merey-aate, my feates and greeusus grone, Chere mercy doth abound, Attend bnto my fute D Lord; BR Hequiring inercy fo2 mp ſinne marke ivell my plainf and mone, —— le my deadly wound. | . Hod Jneede not to repeate, 02 ſinne hath fo enclofed me, UAhat J doe beg 02 craue: — compaſt me about, - Thou knowelt Loꝛd before Jaſke. That Jamnow remediletfe, The thing that Jwould haue. ii mercy helpe not ont. Foꝛ moꝛtall man can not releaſe Percy God Lord, mercy Jaſke, 01 mittigate this paine: This ts the totall f umme: Foꝛ mercy Loꝛd is all my Cute, LTordiet thy mercy come. : Lhe humble fute ofa Sinner. Adlhoſe bissdy wounds are pet fo fee bNaae « teabes: € Spy err, though not with mortall eve: a —— = Bet poe thy Saints behold themall, 4 hE pet ae ee) eee 3 aaa a . — Though ſinne Doth hinder me a white — ae ‘when thou —* * — & ain alleniov the fight of bint, 4 beholo mp carefull heart,and when thy 3 i ates —— on raat ——— —— Res ree — wina andpleature ig, releafemeofmp Andas thine Angels and thy saints | HE = — 7cc doe now behold the ſame: — J — — — — mote — So truſt Ito poſſeſſe that placte. Imiact,thouteet ny ſorrowes sini they with them topzaifetyy tame, Wut cucn thy Chi my Low and Gon, which kor my linne was flaine. * he Lords prayer. —— The X. Commande renis. 5 But whild Jliue heere in this vale gasp ype where ſinners doe frequent : Attiemesuer with thy arace, as tue —* sur debtors fo — wip linnes fill to lament. —— — — S— debts we pray. 3- Inte temptation Leſt that Itread in inners trace, StL SAINTE csc and gine them my content i= Se — To dwell With thet in wickedneſſe, a * whereto nature is bent. lead vs riot: Front cuill make vs — en pop — Onely thy arace mak be my fay, E=-—t—— = — — = === ? | — leſt that Jfail dobone flat: And being downe, then ol my lelke, tor kingdome, power, aud glory cannot recouer that. —— — ee =55 — SES Wiherefare this is pet once againe, thine, both now — be. my fute ad my requeſt, The eli To grant me pardon for uy Gre, : that Jin thee map reft. Hif == — S— Then chall my heart, my tongue ¢boice | S25 $= SEsScice — be inſtruments of praiſe: | Arke Sfracl, and — % fap, giue And in thp Church ¢ boule of Satuts, — == Sess — fing Pſalmes to thee alwaies. — — — — heede to —— J an fhe Sate ate The Lords Prayer, or Pater-nofter. Bo Se as. c peas Semarang oe — — — — Hash we V— Loyd thy Goo, which bought the O35] —— — —— — See eee — Ur Father Which in heauen art, s-=-= f= We ri —— 2. Euen from — — — —— — — ee — — * =e x — — — — — — —— — — re aes, — of k= — 22—⸗ — —— — — — — — — =o — —— — — owe — —— esas! $F — ad — — — — wom — pe Se — — —— — = pet EE — 7— — — Lord e ame,thy king- — i eet fern — Dbethy name bp king the houſe whercin thou vind, in — — a —— — = — == — —— — ed = sere dDonetiearty -—---— JS SSS Lah leas thꝛaldome line a flaue: : Ponene Wea — =F —. 52 —⸗ — Some 3 Be = A —— $i — — ee ee eee we —=- — — — — — — — — — — od mento one — —— — eee teat ante pes eS — —— —— — — — — — ———— — — — oe — — — — od —— ——— ruen as the i aa 2. Giue Cons obs — ail. beter Lemp — * 355 — — — Preis 4 —— — — — — — — — — — — —— — — —— —— —ñ — == — ean * — ee ; ' E =i es 2 RE —— — — — — — — — — —— —— — — —* 2⸗— — — — — “tg © 9704 cur dailp ay thig dap hen haue. ee Be ake - 4 — - for ſhalt them ſerue: the 102d thy God, Thou ſhalt not ſteale, Hoꝛ witnes alle in vaine halt neuer vſe: thy neighbour proper is. F02 him that takes his name in baie, 4 fhe Lord will not ercufe. Ths X Commandemeneae Ainigbee J Remember that thou holy keepe God. Exod.10. W.W. : the facred Sabbath dap : a Dix dates thou labour ſhalt ard doe =< ——— = == — thy wecdfull works alway. A =3=f== ——— — ———— “The X. Commandements. : po manner grauen Image alt «And facrento himlelte alone, thou make at all i‘ thee, eee appointed to remaine. | 92 a re like ce, : # —— Peeld honour to thy ——— Df any thing in heauen aboue, prolongs thy Dales map be: - 192 it hah below: Upon the land the which the Loꝛd HNoꝛ in the waters beneath the earth, — Ged hath giuen thee. ¢o them thon walt not bow. CThoulhalt not murder, weucheltnet commit adultery : ee a iealous God am 4, againſt thy neighbour be. at puniſh fathers faults, vnto —* Bet bentes, hou fhalt not conet houſe that to Upon their children that me hate, thy neighbour doth belong, and mercy Doe difplap Ne couct Halt in hauing of To thoufands of Cuch as louc me, bis wife to dae him wong. and my precepts obep. Noꝛ bis man feruant,t1o2 bis maid, | 02 Ore, no2 Alle of his: She name thou of the Lodthy Gor, Noꝛ any other thing that to tend my people and giue gare, Whe ſeauenth apis fet by the Lord, .. thy Godto ret bpon : — = No worke then (halt thou doe onit, of ferlp things J will thee ee tellsfoee that f ne Chou 102 pet thy ſonne. — — bp daughter, ſeruant, nozbandmain, =&——-——-=---—— —* thine Dre no2 pet thine Affe, i Words in minde thou — and to Noꝛ ſtranger that within thy gates, S=R= — — ⸗ hath his abiding place. Loaiee Sn aeons s= inp peecepts lifter well. Fo2in fire daies Cod heauen andearth, and all therein Div make: I ¥ an thy foneraigns Low and 1 Gon, jt And after thofe, his rett he did WAhich hane thee brought from carefull | vpon the ſeauenth dap take. And eke reclaimd frõ Pharaos rod,(thzal | Ahereloꝛe he blett that day thathe, WDaketheno@ons onthemtocall. | fo retking did ogdaine : Oe. 2 $20, | oa || : he A. nandements.. — 2o2 kalhioncd oie of any thutg, Zn keauen 02 earth fo worſhip it Foꝛ Ithy Godby reuenging withgricuous plagues this fin w 3 Take not in haine his holyname, Abule itnot after thy will: Foꝛ ſo thou mightit foon purchafe blame And in his wrath he would thee ſpill. 4 The Word from worke the 7 dap ceaſt, and brought all things to perfect end, So thou and thine that dap take reit, That to Gods heits pe may attend. § Unto thy parents honour giuc, Ss Gods commandements doe pretend: | What thoulong dates and good eee & In earth where Goda place doth leno. 6 Yeware of murther and crucll bate, 7 All filthy fornication feare : 8 See thou ſteale nat in any rate, 9 Faille witneſſe againſt no man beare, 10Thy neighbors houle wiſhnot to bane {Dis wifeo2 ought that he cal th mine, His field, bis Dre, his Affe, bis llaue, | Drany thing that is not thine. A prayer, The ſpirit of grace crant bs D Lor, To keep thefe lames our hearts reitore, And cauſe bs ail with one accord, To macnifie thy name therefore. F02 Hf sur felucs no ſtrength tuzkane, To keepe theſe lawes after thp twill, Thy might therefore O Chriſt we craue a tue in thee may them fulfil, ord {92 tip names fake grant bs this, sn art our Trenath D fautour Chik ‘Ot thee tofpecte hotethould we miſte —S—— —_-- - “The Lord Prayer. — In whom our trealure doth conte. To thee faz eucemoze be praite, Aſfmits With the Father in each refpect: And with thy holy (ptrit altwaics, The comforter of thine elect. The Lords Prayer. D. Cox, OR — Ur Father which in heauen —F —— == iba — — —* and Ayr all ay bretherhocod:to calle = —— — == : — ee ee — — — E Father and our Goo: grant £ we — == — — pap not with lips alene, but with SSS Se the bearts deepe gh end groane Thy blefled name be ſenctified, Thy holp word might vs enſlame In holy life foꝛ to abide⸗ Tom anniée thy holy name. From ail errors defend end kerre, The kt tele Hacke of thy pocee eepe, Thy kingdame rome euen at this houre, IAnd ber neefoath cucrlatingly, Thine holy Ghoſt into bs poure, With all tis gifts moſt plentiouſly. fromm Sathans rage and filthy band defend vs — thy mighty band, Thy toil be Dane with diligence, Like as in heauen mnearth alfe, HO In trouble grant vs hatience, Ee Thee to obey in wealth and fuses Let not dech, blood 1102 any ill, Prceuaile againt thy poly twill. Giue ds this day our daily bread, And all other good gifts of thine: Reepe bs from warre € from bloodſhed, — Alfs from hunger, dearth and pine, * and —* the night, the —— and the That we may line in quietnente, me — — Without all greedy carefulneſſe. as 3 — = ae * firmament and alfa many a Forgiue bs our offences all, Relieue our carefull confciences —— — — eS a As wwe forcing both qreat and ſmall, The carth and all that is th ape GWUyich onto vs haue done oteice: z —— reſerue vs Lord kor to ſeruc thee 223 SS SS In perfect loue and vnitie. paſie mans reaſen arre. J— O Loꝛd into temptation, And in like manner J beleene Lead vᷣs not when the fienddothrage, In ChuhourLed)ts ſonne Co wtthſtand all inuation, Coeq uall with the Beaty, Grant power and ſtrength fo euery age And man tit —* band bore Acrme anduake Krong thy feeble you Conce ued by the beip bak, With faith and with thepoly Gyor. Ys werddoty me ature, Mud ofbisinother Harp bame, O Lordfromecuilldeliner 03, ct hea virgin pure. Lhe dates and times are dangerous/ Fremeuerlalting death ſaue bs, Decanfe ma winde to Sathen was, » Aadin our laſtnẽede comfort * F oꝛ Sine ut bond and thrall. | Abilelſed end to bs bequeath, We came and offred by himſelfe, Into typ hands our foules receiue. To deat} to ſaue be all, Sina ſuffering mal grieuaus aine * Foꝛ thou O Loꝛd art King ofliigs, — Then Wilate vbeing Judge, — Gnd thou hac power ouer all: Wias crucifien onthecrote, Why glory Hireth mall things, Qua thereat did nol grudge. In the wide world vniuerlall. a Amen, letit be done D Row, And ſo be diedin the ficih, That we haue pray wity one accord. Mut quickned tn the (rites Bis body then was buried, The xii. Atticles of the Chriſtian faith. Gs is our bfe and rife. a453 —— ca Sap Saree Wis ſpirit did after this deſcend f=S==S5£ Znto thelotwer parts, — a | Al may iit igs gael Lu them that long in darknes were, gh | - Ne } | eh A A prayer to the holy Ghoſt. “the ene Hight oftheirbearts, VNith all the holy company, And in the third day of his death, Df Saints and Angels bieti. | Be rofetolifeagaine, — AUhich ſerue the Lod omnipotent, o thend be might be glorilied, Obediently each houre: Dut of ail aricfe and paine. To whom be all dominion, Slcending tothe heauens hte, And pratfe for eucrinoze.. Ao fit in gloꝛy fil, | Dn Bods right hand his Father deare, Aprayer to the holy Ghoſt, to be ſung before the — — —— Sing this asthe LIę9. Pſalme. Gin till the day of iudgement come, Ome haly tpirit the Gav ot might, Gti en he Hallcome againe -comfoater of bs all: REGIE Angels power xetot thatrax Teach us ta know thy word aright, Aal be vucertaine· that we dee neuer fall, Eg iudge ailpeople righteouhy, O holy Ghotk viltte our coatk, Ahem he hath dearely bought, defend bs with thp wieid The lang and the dead alto, Gqaink all ſinne and wickednes, : Cathie he haty mabe cf nought. Loꝛd belpe me winne the field. And inthe holy (pirit of God, Lowdkeepe the hing, and his countell, My faith to fatilfe, and caine them will and might |“ Lhe third perſon in Lrinitic, To perfever in thy Goſpell, Ptleeue 4 cofattty. | which can put inne to ſſight. Ehe hoiy and Cathelique Church, O Aord that ancl thy help word, | What Cons 92d Voth maintaine; fend ‘Pree chers plenteoufly : | And oly (cripture bath allow, That in the fanie we may accord, “Gavi Sathan doth diſdaine. and therein liue and die. gndolſa Jdoe truſt to bane, O ſpirit direct aright * y Jeſus Chꝛiſt his death | be Preechers of thp wow: | Releaſe and pardon of my flnnes, chit thou by thom mart cut downe fin; so pane that oncip by faith. as it were: with a iword· Titahat time all lleſh ſhall riſe agaitte, Depart ust from thefe Paſtors pure, “aE etoie the Lord or might, but aide themat all neede: And ec hun with their bodily eies, AUbdich breake to bs the beat oftife, —AUAhich now doe giue them light. whereon our ſoules dee frede. And then ſhall Chakour Sauter, O bleiied Spirit of truth keepe bs. The theepe from Goats dinides ist peace and vnitie: And giue life euerlaſtingly⸗ Keepe ts from fects and errors all, Wo thole Whom he hath trie. | and from all Papiſtrie. | WUithin his Beane celedtall,, Conuert all toofe that be our fors, Im glozy ſoꝛ torcit, and byine them tothplight: hat. Da pacem Domine. Ihce Complaint ofa sinticte is Giue vs that peace which we doe lack, Thꝛaugh miſbeliele anvil ite s z hat they ard we may all agree, and pratle thee day ana might. O Lozencreafe our faith in bs, and laue ſo fo abound ¢ That man and wile be void of rife, ~~ and netabbeurs about bs round. In our timeaiue tip peace D 1020, to nations farre and nic : And teach them all thy help wo2d; that ine map ſing to thee. All glory tothe Trinitie, that is of mighties — The liuing Rather and the Sonne, andekethe holy Ghoft. As it hath benein all the time that hath bene heretofore, ‘As it is now and fo fhall be, henceforth for euermore, ; Dz ae cem Domine. one seace in — our Daves, 5 i ae ibeed.be thou the —— fue Sia = — — i “thee — — —— alla. Thich ue vnkindly gainftriue, Thy word to offer thou donot flacke, With fire and fiver, his: healthfull word, Sonre perſecute and oppꝛeiſe: Some with the mouth Confele the truth, Without fincere godlineſe. Giue peace and vs thy ſpirit potun fend, With griefe and repentance true — Do pierce our hearts sur lives toamend Aud by faith Chriſt renue. ~ What feare and dz ꝛead, Warre and blond Hep, J Through thy ſweete mercy anv grates map from bs dive, Thy truth may bide, And hine neuerv place. ES — ected — — aL oxd : greatnangersare now at hand, Were righteouſnes doth fay, == — cae ere — — SL — * — Rae | SSR ae Fea ee SSeS = —— = at SS = ¥ thineenemics with enc accor, oe 20:5 foz mv finfull part: In wr zach fees ge eS eee name in euery land, fecke to deface, thou Moulod mee pap vengeancet fag arn miosis epee mance — — cers fe) ae — SS = pS yee = E eS ee =§sg=i==0 <9 roof out and rase — “ap betert: IJcan it wot bie, but _B- Gri -$=7G = 5 === E== 8 — - 2 = ae eee es = — pe = == a =a — “heeds 4 muttconfetle, how * con⸗ ily = — aa ——— — — —— = — — — thy lawes J doe are os tatoes sat Doe — But if it be thy will, Amith finners to contend, CThen all thy klocke thal (pill, And be loft without env. Foꝛ who lineth heere fo right Bhat rightly be can fap, He finneth not in thy fight, aa oft and euery dap 2 The Scripture plaine telleth mee | Khe righteous man offendeth Seauen times aday to thee, — WUhereon thy wrath dependeth . So that the righteous man, Doth walkeinno ſuch path, But be fal th not and than 3m Danger of thy wath. Then fith the cafe fo ſtands, That euen the man right wife, «Sal th oft in finfull bands: Atlherebp thy wrath mav rile: fod J that am vniuſt, And righteouſneſſe none bauc, Auhereto then hall J tru, Pp linfull ſoule to fauc? But truely fo that pot, | UUibhereto Acleaue and hall: | WWbich is thy merep molt, Lordlet thy mercy fall. - Gua mittigate thy moode, | Drelfe we perifgall: - i The price of this thp blood, | grep mercp J call. She Scripture doth declare, ⸗ drop of blood in thee, But that thou didſt not (pare, La thed cach dzop fo2 me, / rh C omplaint ofa Sinner: | $F = Potv lef thofe drops moſt ſweet. — Ho moill my heart fo dy : What J with finnerepleat, May liue and fnne may die. That being mortified, This ſinne of mine in me, J may be fanctified, Vy grace of thine in thee. So that J neuer fall, Into fuch moꝛtall firitte, That my foes infernall, Retopce nw death therein. Wut bouchlafe me fo keepe, From thoſe infernal foes : And from that lake fo deepe, UUbhereas no mercy growes. . And JZ hall fing the ſongs, Confirmed with the inf, That vnto thee belongs, AUhich art mine onely truſt. The Lamentation, Through perfect repentance the finner hath afure truftin God, that his finnes fhall be wafhed away in Chrifts blood Os = te Sa — — * — in — is all pani feat — — — —— ee ee S33 ae am oni, sbut mae Doboite = — a ae aoa ——-—— — — eve ; cor holy 4 — asses ee ee — — "ill lament my — —— Idoe __ it 21h ee ; | ; A Athanklgiuing.’ | 77 ae | ——— = — * Rees =F y= ———— — fae — ſuch mercies of the Loꝛd· ue > — “= Chou dott oefer — pzzczeeeeee woth, oH a sGeese eee eet ee aa Nought elfe but fin and weett cones, np ſhent, ith the to pleale Idoe intend? doth reſt within ourbearts: — * No, 10, Not fo, thy will is bent —— againit the Lord to deale with finners in thine ire: Che — acres } Ee Wut whenis heart they Mall — ments atts to vs alight, - ag thou qrantit wrth: foert that they Defire * — thee therefore fall fhall 3 Dy, Doth fhew it (elfe moze cleare ana pure, fo aly alvay mip finfullerime : then we bein his fae, | Thy bloed O 4020 is not pet day, The heauens aboue and all therrinn.. but that ti may bely mie in tine. moꝛe holy are then we: aa 5 They fernet e L020 in their eftate, J— Valle the O Lor, hatte the Jſapy, rs one ai deh dear os ' 20% fo poure on me fhe sifts of Graces Theyp aoe not ſtriue far — — That when this life hail et awap. 102 flack their officefet, pp ltt beauen with the X may haue place. yut feare the Low, and doe bis twill, TWuhere thou dof raigne eternally, bate is to them no let. = | with Gop {which once did downe the Where Angels ting continually, (fenv, Allo the earth and all therein, o thee be pratfe woꝛld mithe fond. of Coditisin awe: — re * a St doth obfernethe formers will, J— Athanbſgiuing after the receiuing of by frilfull natures lato. “the Lords Supher, She fea and all that is therein, " < doth bend when Gon doth berks Sieg thisasthel37-Pfalme. __ gr-ve cpivits beneath oth tremble all, — ) He Lord be thanked forbhis gifts, anid feare bis torathfull check. 4J — rerczerernn— Vut we alas kor whom all theſe —* That he doth thew vnto his Saints: were made them fo2 to rule, ed merece Dac not ſo know oꝛ loue the 1020; Durtorgucecannot ſo pꝛaiſe the Loꝛd. as doch the Oxe oꝛ gWule. as be noth right befernes A law he gaue fo2 bs to know, : Dur hearts cannot of hun fo thinke, what was his help will: — as he doth vs pꝛeſerue. He would bs good, but te would not a Vis benefits they be ſo great, auoid the thing is ill. 4 to bs that be ‘but finnc: . .. . ot oncof bs that feketh ouf,-- . ahatatourhandsforrecompence, .. the Loꝛd of lifeto pleafe: Byer | S there ts no hope to winne. Noꝛ doe the thing that might vs i iopne, J — deſh * pan woulos T to Ch? ua and quiet bales ae J —224 ens are we all hig enemies, we can it not denie, And he againe of his good twill, Would not that we Mould die. CTherelore when remedy was none, to bꝛing es vnto life, The lonne sf Good our lleſh he tooke, to end our moꝛtall ſtrife. And all the law of God the 1020, be div if full sbav : Sno for eur finnes bpon the Croffe, bis bloun our debts did pay. And that we ſhould not vet forget what good be to bs wꝛought, anum he lekt our eyes to tell, a that he our bodies bought. In bꝛead and wine here vifible, nfo our eves and taſte: His mercies great thou maieſt reco2d, if that his Sprte thou halk. As oncoe the coꝛne did line and grow, and was cut dobne with Sithe: And threſhed out with many ſtripes, gut from his huſko fo dꝛius. And as the Pill with violence, did teare it out ſo ſmall, And make it like to earthly out, naot ſparing it at all. And as the Ouen with fire hote, did cloſe it bp in heate: And all this done that Jhaue laid, that tt ſhould be our meat. Ho twas the Loꝛd in his ripe age, cutdolone by cruelldeath: - His foule be qaue to toꝛments great, and veelded Bp bis bꝛeath. Becaute that he fo bs might be an euerlaſting bead: vidi Winns os oan aa > 2 —* ea regia and troubles * krom Turke a ope defend AThank{pining. , 90 on earth bis life helen. And as the grapes in pleafant time, are poefed very ſore: And plucked pote tie when thev be rive, and let to grow no moꝛe. Wecaufe the iuyce that in them is, as comfo2table datnke, We might receiue and topfull be, - when ſorrowes make bs ſhrinke. So Chrittes bisod outpꝛeſſed was withnatleandeke withfpeare: The iuyce tuhereof doth faue all thofe that rightly doe him feare. And as the cones by bnifps into one loafe are knit: So ts the Lod and his whole Church, hough be in heauen ft. — As many grapes make but one wine, ſo ould we be but one | In fatth and louc in Chit aboue, and vnto Chik alone. Leading alife without all frife, in quiet ret and peace, From enuie and from malice both our hearts and tongues fo ceafe. Which if we doc then hall we chew, that wehis choſen be, Bp kaith in him fo lead a life, as alwaies willed he. And that we may fo doc inden, Godfendbsallhisgrace: Shen after death we thall be fure, with him to baue a i SS See ‘Meferue bs 5 020 by thy deare word, ae ee co SESiue vs one minde and perfect peace, O per that ſtand in the Lords houſe, thy deere ſonne. nobo and at every leaton. — Low Fefus Chꝛiſt ſhew forth thy might hat twoemay praite ther without end. Sing this as the 100. Pfalme, God holy Ohoit our comforter, Ihe Lows fernants faithfuil ¢ tru Thiy name be praifed in vnitie, Which worketh our faluation. 2 praifebimallpesplemoztall, (igh — APrayers EIS: — SSeS — * Foꝛ he is full determined⸗ bs jaime bath would theutt out oun tho nose truth be pe tien, Se Es — GES abineth perpetually. pf bis theone, our Lord Jeſus Chik Glory be to God the Fafher, Se “== ES andto Jeſus Che iſt his Some: — an <=3= — ero dn ee es e,; * wWith the holy Ohok in hike aint Anexhortationtobe fung before That thou art 1030 ef 102s bp right. Euening prayer, Thy poore afflicted flock defend, Chola now giue ben fuch as be Be our patron helpe and fuccour, Come pratfethe 1028 enerp degre, All gifts of grace in bs encreafe. Tuen it our ofene Gods mantfion, hou liuing God in perfons thee, Pꝛaiſe ve the Lord fo bountcous, ‘An ali our necde fo bs defend, (end. Lift bp pour hands in his holp place, That we may pratfe thee world without ea ana that in the timeof night, Araife pe the Lord that giueth ali gra An exhortation to the praife ofGod,to be ¥ Ee : fung before Morning Prayer. W. B. Foꝛ he ts the Lord of great might. St mB this as the 100. P falme. ME ———— pate by bi Raile the Lod D ve Gentiles all, Ginetayowandpaur nation, (pate wyich hath bought poutnto his _ Wis bleffing mercy and kauour. | J ag itis mod woꝛthy and right. Glory beto God, &c.as before,. 3 A forme of Prayer to be v/ed in priuate houfes euery M. orning and Euening. Morning Prayer.. — Linighty God and molt mier / manikold mercies wich hallpꝛomiſed te HANH cifull Father, we doe not pres heare our pravers, Egrant our requelts aN fent our ſelues heere before which we ſhall make to thee tn the — — Ethy Paieltie, trulting in our of thy beloued Sonne Fetus Chrilt a JJ ewig merites gy ae but in thp 1020, who bath alto connnanded bs fi afſſemb — = ~ al rers jcoucteus met Lecutentions perfons, mary times by thew fins poeused 4 - c Ber — Prayers. aſſeinble our ſelues focether in his name splat: the kingdome of Goo. ; With fullaflurance, thathe tulilnetonely And becaufe thoubak commaunded bs beanwnatt vs, but alfo be our Pediato to pꝛay one for another, we doe not onely and Apuccate towards Chop ntar ieſtie,that make requeſt O Lord for our ſelues, and Wwe may obtaine all things vohich ſhall for them that thou haſt already called to ſecme expedient to thy bleffed (will, fo2 cur the tre vnderta Ding of thy heauenly neceflities. Dherefore tuce befeerh thee twill, but forall people andnations of the moſt merciful Rath er, to turne thy loving woau2, fhe as thep Enof by thy weonter countenance towards vs, and impute not full tes wks that fi —— art God ouer all, ſo _ $ntebs our manifcld ſinnes and oſſences, they map be inſtructed by thy help ſpirit to wlereby tee tudly deſerue thp Meaty and beleeue in thee their onely Santina and ſharpe put niſtzmeut, * rather receane Bs Redeemer. But fosas much as they can tethy mercy fa Zeſus Ch priffes fake, ac: not beleeue excert they heare, nor cannot cepting bis deat Chand allan aS a iuſt re⸗ heare but by MPa te and none cat ecmpence f52 all our oͤffences, in whome preach exceyt they be ſent: Therefore D ———— art pleaſed jan 3 then 3 who: £923 raiſe bp f fait falls ‘ftetouters cf thy «thou cane wat be ofended with vs: And myſteries, toga ſetting apart all worldiy oe tyatof thy aveat mercies, we haue reſpects, may both in their life € doctrine etiy pafied thisniaht, stant’ O hea- onely (eek thy glow.Contraripconfoun * Father) that toc map betow this Dathan a uid Autichsit with allt hirelings, pana foyelp t 1% thy seat er fo that ail our wyomt out jad already caſt of rinted re— thought ig, boꝛdes and dredes, may re- probate —8 that they: nap ist bp frets, pound: tothe — oft fp name and (009 fcyilines hereites anderre2s,di fquict thy enſamtle to all men, Lay g ſceing our good little lacks :and becaufe 2) Ho tes Be ~ fuarks may olovif e thecour beanctily Fa⸗ fallen into fhe tatter dates ans dange ous ‘ther. times, tubere ni taieeai eek gate gotten tie > Andfor ag musch a3 af by meere fans? Hp sor hand 3 18 > Sathan Ly bts ——— end love; thewbat not —— creates vs to ſeekes by all meanes fe quence t betightot thitte otis finlits noe anplikenefic » brut ts se Soſpel sue beicech thee {s maintaine alichat cyefen ts to be heires twit thy thy caufe again thete: rauening (a siuess Beers forte Jeſus Chrikt of that immortal ana ſtrengthen ai thy fetuants fobeme kingdome which thou preparedt fo2 vs they beene in priſon and bonda ge. Let not befo fore the kein ing ofthe world, we be- the lone atatiecing | bE an secant either t feechttee to encreafe cur fatth and ꝛnow· encreafe heir trrannie, 62 ————— 508. ice, ant te lighter cur hearts with thp thy cilien: neither pet cur its ana ae ſpirit that We may in the mca: re time Wwicketne fe be ant hindrance te hy MECC? 5 _ Hue treetiv conn serfation @ integritie but with ſreede D 3922 conases: thefe ~ oflife, kitotume Syat Idelaters, aduite- great yas #02 thy people ‘Kfcact sine ares, 7 eae? and ft bed pie in all anger, “ait thou puns heat chem — — CARE — | Prayers. > uſt iudgement, pot though their fines thy ſo aerairne bounty as aur oiely cep q were neuer fo grecusus, if they once re-andrefuge: befachinethe not te callta turned from their iniquitie, thou recet-rememboance our manifclae fines ana 8) ued then to nievep. Ke therefore moſt wickedneſte toherchy werontinucilp pre⸗ zetched finners bewaile our mantisloe uoke thy wrath aud indignation again fiimes, and carncily repent vs of our for · bs : neither our negligence € bitkindnes, mer wickednelle aud vngodly behaviour which hauc neither worthily eſteemed a2 tolvards tyes: and whereas we cannot of in our lines fufficiently expreſſed the ſweet ourfelues purchale thy pardon, vet wee comtort of thy Cofpell reucaled vnto bs: humbly beſech the for Jeſus Chris fake but vather to accept the obedience anv to ſhew thy mercie vpon Bs, and receiue death of thp Sonne Jeſus Chis, wha by bs againe to thy fauour. Orant os deeve offring op his body in Cacvitice once for all, Sather theſc our ecqueits, and all other hath madea (ulicieit recompence for all ‘things neceflary fo2 vs and the whole our ſinnes. Haue mercy there fore vpon vs Church, according to thy promiſe in Fe· O Loꝛrd, e forgiue bs our offences. Teach ſus Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd, In whole name we vs bp thy holy ſpirit,. that we may rightip — beieech thee as he hath taught bs, faping, weigh them, and earneſtly repent for the Our Father &c. fame. And (o much the rather (D Loy) oy ) becauſe that the Weprobate, and ſuch as — Euening ptayer. thou haſt foꝛſaken cannot pꝛaiſe the nor Lord God Father euerlaſting, and call bpd thy name,but the repentiag heart full of pitty, Wwe acknowledge and tic ſorrowtull mind, the conſciente opprefe confeſſe that we be not worthy to lift bp fed, hungring and thirdting for thy grate aur eyes to heauen, much leſſe to pꝛeſent ſhall euer (et forth thy praiſe and alory. | our ſelues before thy Waieſtie, with con⸗ And albeit we be but wornes aAnd duſt/ Adence that thou wilt heare our prayers, yet thou art our Creatoꝛ, and wee be the | ed grant our requeſts, tf we conſider our worke of thy hands: vea thon art our Fa- je Deferuings: for our conſciences doe ther, and tucthy Chudren: thou art our culſe bs, and sur Os do witneſſte againſt 2heepheard and ive thy flocke + thou art Hs, and we kis that thou art an vpright our edeemer, and we thy peaple whome Appage, which dof not iuſtifie the ſimers thou bak bought: thou art eur Goa, anv ai iwicked ncn, but puniſheſt the faults we thine mberifance. — . ‘bf alifuch as tranſgrelle thy counnante: Corect os wot therefore in Chine anager ments: pet moft mercifall father fince Dow, neither according to our deferts — it bath pleafed the fo commas bs to cali punto bs, but mercifully chaiice bs with on the tn allour trsubles and abduerfities, a fatherip affection, that all the world map ꝛomiling euen then to belpe bs, when know, that at what time foeuer a ſinner we féele our felues(as it were)fivallowwes doth repent him of bis Gunes, from the - bp of death and defperation : We dtterlp bettome ofhis heart, thou wilt put away renounce all worldly confidence, and flic fo bis wickedneſſe out of thy — ara ie so) M — - sm. hak posattifed by thy kelp 12209 therlyin all our tribulations and perfects phet. Finalip, foꝛ as much as it hath pleas tions,fo2 ſparing vs ſo long, and giuing fed thee to make the night for man fo reſt vs fo large a tune of repentance. Theſe imn, asthouball ordained him the dap to benefits (O mok mercifull Father) like traueill, grant O deere Father, that wee as tue knowledge to haue receiued them mavy ſo take sur bodily reſt that ourſoules of thy onely goodneſſe, euen fo we beſcech mav continually watch for the time that thee fo2 tip Beare Sonnc Jeſus Chrifts pur how Jeſus Cheik thall appeare fo2 fake grant ts alwaics thy holy ſpirit that dur deliuerance cut of this motal life : € tue may continually grow in thantkiulttes ithe mean feafon, that we not ouercome towards thee to be ted in all truth, ¢ con by any fantafies, dꝛeames 02 other temp: forted in ail our aduerfitics, ® Lod Fe tations.) nay kullv fet our muds vpon the ſtrengthen our faith kindle it more in fers ldue fee, keare thee,and rei in thee. Furs uentvefle andloue toward thee, andour _ thermnze,that our fieepe be not oxceſſiue neighbours foathy fake. - Suffer bs not g2ouerrmuch, after the inſatiable defres molt deere Father, fo receiue thy word , of dur fist but oncly fufficient to content anp moꝛe in baine: but grant bs alwaies 4 our weake nature,that we may be the bets the alliſtance of thy avace and haly (pirit, © ter diſpeſed to line in all godly conuerſati⸗ that in heart, word and deed voe widp fart . . otitis the gleap of thy boty name, and the cttficand tec tuo hip to thy name: help to * prot of our bꝛethren. So be tt. amplie and encxeaſe thy kingdome, and = battoeucr thou ſendeſt, we may bears — os ee godly eae to be faidat all times, tily lusilcontent with thy goed pleaſure . ee and iwil.Let vo wot lack the thing(D Fas © Ly Oeoure praice be giuen te thee, O ther) without the whic) wwe cannot ferue —& bio Codainiahty, molt dcare Fas thee, vut bleſte thoufoall the works efour — ther of heauen, fo2 all thy mercies ans lor h Hands, that we mar haue ſuſticient not wing kindnelſe ſhewed vnto vs tn that if tobechargeable, but rather helpfull fo 0 hash pleated thy gracious goodnoſſe freely ther. Be merc ifull (O & 02) to our often Sab of tyne obon accord to clect and choofe ces ſeeing our debt is great which thou ‘Us {a faiuation, before the beginning of the hak fosguten vs tn Felus Chk make bs pord:and euen likeeontarall thaniss be lous thee and eur neighbours fo mach the ~ giurtt to thee fozcreating of bs after thine more: be thon our Lather,our Captaine - gione image, faz redeeming BS with. the €5 efender in ai temptations/hold how ibs _ Pocetons biood of thy deere oune, when by thy mercif all hand that we may be Doe om Sce wero vtterly loft, ſor ſanctifping bs liuered front all inconueniences € end our “pith thy bolp ſprrit in the reuelation and liues in the ſanctifying and honour of thy “Enotwledge of thy holy tor, for helping holpname,th:cugl JfusCheb our Loa and fuccoucing ¥s in all our necdes and. and onely fauiour. tct thy iatahty hana = neẽcellities, for fanina bs krom all dangers and aut⸗gretched arme (D Loꝛd be bode andlaule, tor —“ vs ſo fa: full aur defence. t tip mercie — : as 4 ae ny) Aen tos ee a te: “i ‘ aust ee a a —— i ‘ —— Tee — eer fannestet in as Chuk thy dears Son allure aur conſcientes that thon —— * £ ur ſaluation, thy truc and holy word our cifull Father, and ſs loueſt bs thy chiloren in the end⸗ So be it. vs. To thee therefore O Father mith thy . Sonne, aud the holv Ghoſt, be ali bonsur : A C onfeffion for all eftates and times. and stag y wor is without end Amen. Eternall God e moſt mercifull Fae A prayerto be faid before aman begin © WA ther wee conkeſſe and acknowledge his worke. heere before thy Dinine na neſtie, that wee Lord, moſt mercikull Father and Haz in ſinne and iniquity, ſo that in bs there ts command bs ta trauell, t hat we may res no goodnes. For the ſieſh euermore rebel⸗ leue our nab, we befech thee of thy grace leth againlſt the fvirit, whereby we conti: fo to bleſſe our labours,that thy bieſting⸗ . wally tranfaretie thy holy precepts and map extend vnto bs, without the which connnandements, aud fo purchate to our we are not able to continue : and that thig felues through thy tu iudgement, death creat fauour ntap be a witneſſe ite be at and damnation ot withTanding(D heas he awe and alliſtance, fo that uenlp F ather) ſoraſmuth ae we are nit t 3» wee may know the faibeviv care | ‘pleated with our felucs fo2 fhe funes that that thee aulad over bs. a bane committed againf ther, andose Ay szeency,D Lad,tne >befeech 4 thee that ag bufainesivirenent bs of the fame, we moſt thou! moulbedt irengthen bs mith chp bas bumbly beteech thee for Jeſus Chriſtes ſpirit that fe nay + faith ty Hp franchl tid faketo! ſhewt ch ? were y vpon hete korgiue our cftat fea 5 bocation. ithont { ras can sh : 4 vs all our ſtines, and encreale thy holy deceit, that ive may endeuour our if Tees ſpirit in bvᷣs that we acknowledging from to fellate thy holy orotin anco rather Chew oe our finfullluds and aitecti Lord to preſper our labsur > Site vs a bis, butalio boing forth ſuch fruttes ag ininde allots { helpe thom that haue neede, AIOE fo2 the 92 chinetic therent, but foo the mercy thalt gine bs + and knowing that Merites oftyp dearely belouca Sonne Be: al qoodthings come of thee, grant that tee ſus Chritt our onely Sauiour, whom thoy may huni ble aur ſelues fo our neighbors, halt alrcady giuen an oblation and offring and not ymeanes lift vpour ſelues -f02 our innes and fo2 bohoſe fake wee are aboue ther: vehich haue not recciued ſo li⸗ certainly perlwaded that thou wilt denie ———— s tio of thy mercy bak Rs nothing, that Wwe that atise in his name, giuen rte bs san ifit plate thee te trie’ , ae a to top will, fo2 iy ſ Lge boty ay exercile vs by greater pouerty and Bac s, — a ya, eo — — — re 2 A Pay eee eee inſeruttion, thy grace and poly ſpirit our though him, that nothing is able to re · conifart and confolation vnto the end, and mane thy heauenly arace and kauour from — q ave miſerable Giners, conceiued and born uiour, ſeeing it hath pleaſed thee to ye bottome sf our hearts our owne vn⸗ fe ſeebe to Catilfie nue queedy affect} ons ag | rightesuſneſle, may ftzom hencefo 2th not Befire ta maine, And eit pleafe thee D = ~ ad “May be agrecable fo thy matt blotice ty: Al, according to Chat abilite that thou of thy ie | — — — sone 2 fet would defite, that Frength D Lord ſu Aine anv weakneſſe thou 133 wine? pot OLord grant D3 grace thal tux being defended with the farce a! — to know that thou wilt nouriſh bs conte thy grace, may be ſafely —— Arata ~ nually through toy bounticull liber ality, ali aſſaults of Bath jait, HO goeth about that we benot ſo tempted that we fall ia⸗ cantinually like a roaring A yan ſeetingte ts diltruft, but that we mayp atiently wait deudure vs. Increaſe one fais) D merci tull Chou filles, not onely with — fill Father, that we BS vot ſwarue at any . Braces and bene fits butehielip with thine time fei thy heauenly word but augment heauenly and ſpirituall treafures, to ‘thet in bs hope ẽ loue, with acarefull. eepia ‘intent that wee may aa waies haue moe of all thy ip oma that nohare ample occafien fo giue thee thanks,ann ſo nefle of heart, no hypaceifie, na concuxiſ wholy to reſt vpon thy mercies: heare Bs cence af the eies entiee ments sf the wan O Loꝛdof mercy, thꝛough Jeſus Chꝛiſt do dꝛcco bs ats v fr am — obedience. Aid ic thes Sonne our Load. Amen. feing ine litte now in th sete mo é perilous B.'s times, let thy fatherip pꝛauids ce tefent 9 A Prayer for the whole eftate of Bs againſt the bielence of sur enentics, ne ; of -Chrifts Church. {which Boe ſeeke by all meanes to opreette Amighty Gad and mot merciful Fa- the truth.F uirtherinaze, for as muchas bp Dcher, we humbly ſubmit dur fclucs ẽ thy holy Apoſtle wee be taught fe make — fail downe before thy Maickic,belecching our mapers and ſupplyxcations for al men, «thee krom the bottome of our hearts, that we pray not onelv for our ſelues here pre⸗ this kood of thy =. nowſo vone ——— fent, but beleech fies allo to reduce all ſuch bs may take fash deep raote,that neither as be petignorant front the miſerable cap & : fhe burning heat of : erſecution cauſe tf to tiuity of bundneſſte and errors to the pure bee “wither, neither the thorny cares of Chis vnderſtanding € kno wlerge of top truth i‘ lie cheabe it: but that as fone ſowne in that tue all with one cenfent and vnity of good ground, it may being forth thirtie, minde, map worn thee our onely Gov Grivaa an hundzed faloe,a8 tip heauen⸗ and Sautsur. 2nd that all yates, Tens Ap wiſedome bath appointed : and becaule hearts and miniſters, to wyom thon bail We bauenecdeconttin ally fo craue many committcd the diſpen ſation cf thy beiv - thins at thy bands, tuce hamwly befeesh word and charge of thy chofen peaple ninp —F thee Dheauenly Father fa grant vs thy both by their life and Doctrine be found holy ſpiritto direct our petitions that they fatthfull, ſetting only before their eies thy aay proceed from lucha feruent minde as gloary, and that by them all poore fheepe “map be agreeable to thy mF bleſſed twill: inbich wander aid gee aſtray, map bega⸗ ‘and feing that our infirmity ts able todo ere and bought home to thy foloe. nothing 55 — thy help, €thatthouart Moꝛeouer, becauſe the hearts. of rulers not ignoꝛant with ho w many and creat are in thy hands, foe befeesh thee to direct epee —— {wee poore wretthes are on and gouerne the harts of all Kings Perin⸗ — ——— and — let thy ces ana —— fo whomth — yh aan | commit⸗ —— ee k J = Prayers. committed the ſword, eſpeciallx D Lord; Sonne Jeſus Chritt may encreafe ann according fo cur bounden duty, we belech thine thaough all the toozla. Jn whoſe thee to maintainc and encreale the horas name we make our humble petitions tne rabieeftate of the laings Maieſtie, and all to thee as he bath taught bs, Our Father | bis moſt noble Councellers and Magi⸗ which art,&c. ftrates, with ali the (pirituall Paſtors, and Minillers, and all tie whole body of A Prayer againſt the Diuell and his mani- this common⸗weale. Let thy fatheriv f as fold temptations, made by nour fo preſerue them, and thy holp ſpirit S. Aueuftine. fo gouerne their hearts, that they map in ſuch ſort execute their office thatthprelts “Pwere wanted a tenipter, and thou gion may be pucely maintained, manners I walt the caufe that he was wanting: reformed, and finne puniſhed, according to there wanted time and place, ¢ thou inait the precife rule of thy holy word: and for thecaute that they wanted. Thetempter | that we beall menibers of the myficall was pꝛeſent, and there wanted neither al body of Jeſus Chriſt, wee make our res place nor fine, but thou heldeſt me bacfe guetts onto thee D heauenly Father, for that Iſheuld notconſent. The teipter ailfuchasareafflicted with any kinde of cante full of darkneſſe as heeis, and thou crolſle a2 tribulaticn,as warre, plague fa⸗ diddeſt hearten me that J aught deſpiſe mine, ficknefic, pouerty, impriſonment, him. he tempter came armed ¢ ſtrong⸗ oethy rods/whether tt becalamity of bo⸗ come me, thou didſ reſtraine bin, and pleale thee to gine thein patience and con formed into at Angell sflight, and to the » flancie,til thou fend them full deliuerance intent he ſhould not deceiue me,thou dDiDgt - pf all their troubles. Roote out from hence rebuke him: and te the intent J thouin (D 302d) all rauening UCloiues, which to knew him, thoudiditlightenme. For te ( ‘Ailltheir bellies, feeke to deſtroy thy fisck: is the great red Dragon, the old Serpent, and ſhew thy great mercies vpon thofe called the Diuel. and Sathan, which hath perſecution baniſhment, oꝛ any ether kind ly, but to the intent hee ſhauld not ouer⸗ | dic, 22 Beration of imide, that it would ſtrengthen me· The tempter came tranfe | our bꝛethꝛen in other Countries, which feauen beads and ten hommes, wham thow are perfecuted, cait tits pꝛiſon, and dailie halt created fo take his pleaſure in this “Gun though they be vtterly deſtitute of huing wights innumerable, anv beatts all mans alde, vetlet thy fiecete comfort great ¢ ſmall, thatis to fav, diners forts their hearts with thy holy (pirit, that they noz ight, but 50 goe about fling whom, — may boldly and checrefully abide (ach tri he may deuouce, exceptthou refeuc him, Rul, as thy godly wiſedome Mhail appoint, @ 2020 Jeſus: Fo it is that old Dragon condemned for the teſtimony of thy truth. huge and broad Sca, wherein there crepe | ener depart from them, but ſo enflame of fiends, which practife nothing elfepap So that at length as tell by their Death which draweth dotone the third part of ag by their life the kingdame of thy deere. Che ſtarres of heauen with bis taile, ann , | cailetp Prayers. eaſteth them fo the gronnd, which with hts our fonles : and tobe cant efcape D Lord vcenom porloneth the waters of ths earth, Jeſus, fomany andgreat dancers? Pe that as map men as drinke of thent map bath law {nares fo2 0s tu curriches in our Bie, which trampleth vpon qolde as tit poucrty, in our meat in our drinke, in our were mite, andis of oprnion, that Je2dan pleafures,n our ſlape, and in our waking, ſhall runne into his month, and which is Hehath laid nares fe2 bs insur words € matecf (uch ameuld, that he fearetiy no our tuozks,and in all cur life.15ut theu,O man. And tube Hal fauc bs from his chaps Lord, deliuer bs front thenet of {he foty- O Lod Jeſus? Who hall pluck bs out of lers, and from hard twos, that toe map bis mouth ſauing thou, O Loꝛd, boho batt gine praiſe to the faping: Wleſſed be the broken the head of this great Dragon? Kord who hath wt giuen vs op ts bea Belpe bs, O Low, fprcad out thy wings prep for their teeth: our ſoule is deliuered ouer bs, D Loꝛrd, that we map Ae vnder as a ſparrow out of the folvlersnet: the thein from the face of this Deagon that net ts broken and we eſcaped. purfucth bs: and fence thon bs front bis hoꝛnes ith thy hield. Foꝛ this ts bis The Confeffion ofa Chriftian faith, . continual endenour,this ts tis onlp defire, to deuour the ſoules which thou haſt crea: J Velceue and confeile my L620 Goo, es ted. And therefore wwe crye bute thea O Aternall, intinite, vnmeaſurable, incom⸗ God, deliuer bs from sur dayly aduerſary prehenſible, and tiutable, one in ſubſtance who whether we Aeepoo2 wake, whether andthe in perſon, Father, Soime, anv Inc cat 92 drink, oꝛ whether we be Doing of Holy Ghoſt, who bp his almighty power andy thug elfe, pꝛeſſeth vpon bs by all kind and wiſedome, hati wot onelp of nothing of meanes, aſſaulting Os Dap € night with created heauen andearth, and all things fraines and policies, and ſhoting his be- therein contained, andiman after his otvn nomous arrotucs at bs, fonietime spentp, image, tiathe night tn him be glorified and ſometime priuilp to flay our foules : bul alfoby his fatherly proutdence goners nd pet fuch ts our qreat madneſſe, D neth, maintaneth,and preferueththe fame Loꝛd, in that whereas we fx the Dragon according tothe purpofe ofhis twill, continualip ita readineſſe to deuoure vs 4 beleene allo and confefle Jeſus Chik with open month, tee neuertheleſſe doe the onlp Sautour and Peſſias, who being fleepe and reioyce in ous obne floathful- equal with God, ntade himfelfe of no re- nes as thouch we were out ot his danger, putation, but tooke on him the thape ofa lobo deũreth nothing elſe but to deſtroy feruant,and became man in all things like — ¥s. Dur milchienous enemic tothe intent onto bs, ercept ſinne, to aſſure vs of mercy otill bs, watcheth continually and neuer and foꝛgiueneſſe. Foꝛ when though our leepeth, ¢ willnot we awake from ſſeepe Father Adams tranfgreflion, we were ofauesur foules? Behold he hath pitched become children of perditton, there was no afinite (nares before our fete, and filled meanes to bping vs from the poke of fin Hour waies with fuidey traps, to catch and danmation, but oncly Jeſus Chit | | out a ae eg — eg eva — 9 1a 4 fois Prayers. . — our Lord, Whe giuing bs that bp arate, ſtored by his reſurrection. And becauſe he hich was bis by nature, mads bs thoꝛo w would accompliſh all things, and take poſ⸗ ‘faith the cbiazen of God, tos when that ſeſſion fo2 vs at bis kingdome, he aſcended fulnefle of time was come, tuas concei· inte heaucn fo inlarge the fame kinadame | ued by the power of the holy Ghoſt, borne by he aboundant power of his fpirit, by of ihe virgin Barp(accorwing fo the fel) whoame wo are moſt aſſured of his conti< — and prcachen in earth the Goſpel of ſalua⸗ nuatl interceſſton towards God the Fa- — tion, tit atlength bp tyrannie of the ther forbs. Andalthough he be in heaven Pꝛiells be was guiltleſſe condemned vn⸗ as touching his coꝛporall pꝛeſence, where der Pontius Bilal, thou Preũdent of Zu: the Father bath now ſet him at his richt rie, and moſt llanderouſiy hanced on the hand, committing vnto him the adnin Croſte berwene tboo cheeues ag a treſpeſ⸗ ſtration ofall things, as well in heauen ae fer, where taking vpen bun the puniſh - boue, as inthe earth beneath, pet is hee ment ofcur finvies hoo delinered bs from preſent with vᷣs hisimembers, euen to he the curſe of the law. enor the world, in preſeruing and gouer⸗ And for as much as be being only Gad ning bs with bis effectual potwer € grace. coudnot fecie Death, neither being onely wyo when all thinges are fuldilen vyreh men could cucrcome Beath, he ioyned both God hath ſpoken by the mouth of all bis together, ana ſuffered bis humanity tobe Prophets Mice fhe world began, twill “purithed with moſt cruell Death, feeling come in the fame vitblefoune in the which “tat hinlclſe the anger « ſeuere iadgement he aſcended with an vnſpeakable inaieBie, of Gen, euen as he had bene in extreame power andcompany,to ſexerat the lamb⸗ torments of bellana tyereforecricd with from the goates , the elect fram there- aloud boice: By Goa my Cad, why hall probate. So that noite tohether he be as thou forfaken me? Thus of is mercy hue then, o2 dead beiowe, Mall efeape fis | without compuifion, be offered ho bint indgenicnt, : ot ‘felfastheonelp ſacrifice to vurge che ſis Moꝛreouer J beleeue and cenfeſſe thetos ofall the 0210, fo that all other facrifices ly Ghoſt ad equal with the Father and “€02 auc are blaſphemous, and derogate the Sonne, who recenerateth and fanctis from fie fufficientic therest. Mhich fet) es, ruleth and auidely bs vnto all Death albeit it Did (uFicientiv reconcile bs truth, perfivading mio aiſuredly in cur to God, yet the Scriptures commonlv do cõſciences, that we be the childꝛen s f God attribute our regeneracion to bis reſur⸗ bꝛethren to Jeſus Cyt, e fellow beires rection. $702 ag by riſing agate from the with bin of life euerlatting tpet notith graue the third day be conquered death, e- ſtanding itis not ſuſficient tobeleeucipat uen ſo the bictoop of our farth Tandeth in Gon is omnipotent and mercifull, that. his refurtection, € therefore without She Chriſt hath made fatiffaction , or that the one ive cannot feels the bettefites of the oly Ghok hath this power and effect, other. Foꝛ a8 by hits death, fire was ta- exceyt tuee Boe apply the fame benetites _henaway, ſo our righteoulneſſe Was re to ts which ave Gods elect. Jbeleeue 5** there ⸗ X * aes a ) =F Prayers. © } therefore and confette one holy Church, graces € benefits of Jeſus Chattt, which Which as members of Jeſus Cheiſt the the Scripture calleth cating of his fleth, onelvy bead thereof, confent ur fatth, hope, and drinking of his blod, neither mutt we ~ andcharity, dfing the gikts of God, whe⸗ tn the adminiſtration of thele facraments, ther they be tempozall 02 ſpirituall,to the follow mans fantafic,butas Chit him- profit and furtherance of the fame, which felfe hath oꝛdained, ſo mut they be mini⸗ Church is not féne to mans eve, but ones fired, and by fuch as by oadinary bocation y knowne to God, toto of the loſt ſonnes are thereunto called. Therfore whoſoeuer of Adam, hath o:daincd ſome as veſſels of referucth ¢ worſhippeth thele facraments wrath to Damnation, and hath chofen o⸗ oꝛ contrariwiſe contemneth them in time thers as veſſels ofhis mercy to be faued : and place, pꝛocureth himſelfe damnation. The which in due time hecalleth to infe- he third mark of this Church ts eccleſia⸗ zrity of life, and godly conuerfation, to ſtical diſcipline, whichſtandeth in admoni⸗ nake them a glorious Church in himſelk. tion andcoarectid of faults.The finall ena Wnt that Church which is viGbie and whereof is erconmiumication by the con- ne to theeve, bath three tokens ana (ent of the church determined, tf the offen _ marks tobereby it map be knowne. Firſt der be obſtinate. And befides this ceclefias fhe word ef God, contained in the olde and tical diſcipline, Jacknowledge fo belong neko Teſtament, which as tt is aboue the fo this church a politike magiſtrate, tubo zuthoritie of the fame Church, and onely miniſtrethto cuerp man iuſtice, de lending lufficient to inſtruct bs in all things con · the good ¢ puniſhing the cull: To wyeme erning ſaluation, (sis ttleft for all de- toc muſt render honour ann obedience in eres of men to read and vnderſtand: Foꝛ all things which are not contrary to the mithout fis tuo, neither Church, Coie woꝛd of God 3 and ag Moles , Ezechias, 2 telb a: Decre, can eſtabliſh any point tou⸗ Iofias, and other qood rulers, purged the hing ſaluation: The fecond ts the holy Church of God from ſuperſtition and ido - Sacraments, to wit, ef baptiſme andthelatrp, ſo the defence of Chuils Church « Rods fupper, which Sacraments Chatit appertaiieth to Cheittian Magiſtrates a- bath left bute bs as holy fignes and feales gainſt allidolaters and heretikies, as Pa⸗ sfhis pꝛomiſes. Foꝛ as bp baptifme once pitts, anabaptiſts, with Cuch like lime of receiued, is igniſed that we (as weil In⸗Antichzriſt, to roote out all doctrine of di⸗ fants ag other of age and diſcretion)being uels and men, as the Balle, Purgatorp, ſtrangers from God by orꝛiginal ſinne, are Limbus patrum, papers to Saints, anv: reccitied into his family ¢ congregation, for p dead, free wil, diſtinction of meats, With full aſſurance that although thts rot apparcll and dapes, vowes sffinale lifc, “fine lie hid tn bs, vet to the clect it hal pꝛeſence at Idoll ſermons, mans merits,. it be imputed: fe the upper declareth with fuch whe, which B2aw vs from the at God as a moſt provident Father, ſociety of Chrifts Church, wherein. dane thnot cnelp feed our bodies, but alfo ſpi/ deth onely remiſſion offinnes, purchaſed tually nouriſheth eur foules with the by Chꝛilts blood fo all them that oeleue, ; whe⸗ i a) ~¢ : . i — — Deherthe thes be Jewes os Gentiles, and bletten okmy — — the bings | lead bs to baine confidence in creatures, dome prepared for pou from the begins and truſt in our owne tmaginations. Lhe ning of the world, and fo hallgoe trium· puniſhment whereof although God often: phing with him tn body and foule-te re· times deferreth in this life,pet after the maine enerlattingly in glory, where we generall reſurrection, when our foules ſhall fez Good face to face,and ſhall no more and bodies hall rife againe to immoꝛtali·nede to initruct one another, we ſhall all - tie, they thall be dammed to vnquenchable know him from the highei to the lowe. — - five, and then we which haue fogfaken all To whome with the Sonne andthe holp — mans wiledome to cleaue vnto Chit, Ghoſt, be all praife, honoꝛ and Slory nal | Hall heare the iopkull voyce, Come peandeuer, So be it. * Table both for the number of the whole Pfalmes, & alfo in i j what leafe you may finde enery of them. Pfalme. Folio. Pſalme. _ 9 Folie | Ll laudand praife. 13} H a 49 SAI people hearken 23 12 Helpe Lord for, 4 78 Attend my people. 49; 13 Howlong wilt. | , 9 32 Amid the preafe. 43) 51 Haue mercy on, 29 ToOAllpeoplethat §z| 56 Haue mercy Lord, | 23 B 67 Hauc mercy onvs, 33.9 “T $1 Be light and glad. | 43 75 Howeueritbe.. 37. 199 Bleffed arethey 64B84How pleafantis. — 4 - 128 Bleffed art thou. 71} 91 He that Within, 48 ——— and haue. PEI? I ee | 142 Beforethe Lord. 76| 5 Incline thinecares. — at r44Bleh be the Lord. 77| 111 truftm God, | — 1— D 20 In trouble & aduerſitie. 9 83 DonotO God refraine 44| 29 Lliſt my heart. It E 34.1 will giue laud. 15.9 ; 127 Except the Lord. : 71| 39 Iſaid I wiltlooke. 19 LS Bash sux 40 I waited long and 19 s 29 Giueto eke Lerd. « | 13| 43 Iudgeandreuenge, © © 21 37 Grudge not to ſee 17771vithmy voyce. (ie. 48Greatisthe Lord. 23} 92 Itisathin Be 49 34 God faue me for. 27| yooInGodtheLord, as 10 Giuepraifevnto. =~ 5 § | of Imercy willand. | 52 107 Giue thanks vptoo. 3 §8| rol In {peechleffe fi lence. bi 60 148 Giue laud vntee 5AAIG6 Iloue the Lord. 62 * vf » xv | a‘ : ; * — * — | * i (oe : 9 ⸗ VV We or ey * — sh - x * —2 10. Pfalme. In tice ond, ve DT os YP 3 Bp! e% © Lord cop 12 eies. GQ!) sy OGod gilt 1221 di inheart © a a. 99 690 Lord thoudia,. : Le | 63 OGodmy God | 6 Lord inthy wrath,’ 2640 Lordvnto my! sive bots) i ” xis Reepeme, 02/1 Slcos¢ S56] ¥o.OGodtome take. 26 Lord bemy Iudge. 12790 Lord the Geran i a gee * 35 Lord plead my caufe, ‘. 16} 940 Lordthou dacck gar A Like asthe Hart, . : 20} 95 Ocomelet vs. Sho ae ieee rae Let Godarife, * 33) 98 Ofine gye now. * 53 72Lord giue thy, Lee 8 "96 Fed Chews my prayer. gy 8 Lord bow thine, 451080 God my heart · 5 8 Lord God ofhealth. 46| 1170 allye nations, * 63 es 30 Lord tothee I, ; _ 71} I18 Ogiueyethanks, hot fag ft Lordfaue, 76| 123OLord that heauen. 6 p 233 Lord heare my, » 77 12Ott they now Ifrael" — M | 13tOLordIamnot 4 72 E — 23 My fhepheard is Io} 133 Ohow happy aiid bso tee) gee | 45 Myheart doth take, 22 I35 Opraifethe Lord, « 73 62 Myfoule to God, 44 ite 31} 1390 Lord thou hawt : 75 —-71MyLordmyGod, 35 | 141 OLordvponthee, . 76 I 03 My fouleg oiue laud, 293 Pot, P — 104 My foulep praifethe — 54/ 38 Put menotto — i: fae 146 mip eile praife thou, - 78} 106PraifeyetheLord. —37 Laas N ‘ 136 Praife ye the Lord, 73 h ‘IIs Norvnto vs, 62 Rie! i ee: a 4 Now Iſrael —— 70 Pe RegardO Lord: —J——— i : 2 Remember Dauids. — * 10W — 3 S pit: é * OGod a3 art. 2) 59Sendaideandfaue, © 29. «2. O Lord my God, 369 Saue me O God. es Seat Lord, 3] 96Singye with, «9+: ia 9, Lord within thy, “i 8" 61, 225 Such asin God) wages — — at iueeare, * ae te 149 Sing ye Vnto, | J pts ge 13 iy Rrength, 7 Blow ; 21 os ord hov ioyfull 9 1 The man i is bleſt. gs 2 . © God my God, 9} 14 There is no God, 210 LordIp It, 14 19 The heauens and Our eares auc, * 1 Be ong Lordi is onely — —— * — Stitt a’ tk PA Pe br — The foolith men, Take pitty for thy⸗ OS Thy praifealone, ~ 76 Toallthat now. 80 Thou Heard that, 85 Thouhaltbeene, 7. That Citic fhall. : iPr 9 Tofing the mercies. ‘ 90 Thou Lord haft.. = The Lord as Kings 7 The Lord doth athe Lord doth raignes | ; — a TO The Lord did fay, 112 Themanis bleſt. 125 Thoſę that do put. | ot 38 Thee will I praife, - By we — 15 Votothee God, Rat oW Why. did the Gentiles? OM ich heart and mouth. — 4 Why doftthou, bs 4. Why artthou Lord, ‘Wit nheart Idoe,, i nas! — “i 3 ——— 126 When that tkhe. — * 3 Yerighteous in. 49 Yepeopleallin, 58 Yerulers whiche · a : 113 Yechildren which 150 Yeeld ynto God. Veni Creator. - Venite exultemus. Tedeum Laudamus, The Song of the three Children Benedictus Dominus, © - Magnificat animag | Nunc Dimittis Quicunque vult. . The Lamentation ofa Sinner, ~The humble fute ofa Sinner. | The Lords prayer or Pater nofte The ten Commandements | Attend my people and giue eare Our Father which in heauen art All my beliefe and coulda Come holy ſpirit. Giue peace in theſe Where — doth f O Lordiu thee is —— tru, The Lord be thanked. ’ Preferue ys Lord, ii Praife ye the Lord, 44 Behold now giue. bs Alſo certaine — praygtt. Theſe follow after the Pfatmes. : —— Uv * ⸗ J * — ae ~ * — n> 8