I >< O PRINCETON. N. J. *'> Presented by Mr. Samuel Agnew of Philadelphia, Pa. Division . Section Number i HYMNS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. AND OCCASIONS. ^>-0"-*monr guilty Sire A)' what's there now beneath the fkics Aias for this region of fhades Ail heaven and earth, andhell no lefs Almighty Potentate on high Almighty Sov'reign, gracious God Almight) Sov'reignof th( ikies was tiic love An arrogant b Angels we fain would p ie with you A Shepherd ' ve have Aftrayfrom Chrift thy only friend A ta : m\ you have B Begin the fong ye brighter pow'rs Bit ed God weVenow convened the Lord c^y foul earns we' fat and wept C C' riltians of ev'ry name affift Chrift is the firfl and Qfcrift thclaft Chrift is the w ay in which I'm led C n€ all in heav nana earth and feas C >i belong Come all y< faints Come ( , come and let us join le in ye blefled of the Lord Come ye happy chuien race D Dear brethren fee what coftlyfare E Encompafs'd with foes F Faith doth fubftantiate : : ;i thofe joys Faith realizes abfent things age. Hymn. 145 85 7 4 IO 6 59 36 152 88 I CO, 61 127 73 3 1 54 33 65 39 32 20 157 92 1 22 69 164 96 5 2 *7 J 99 6$ 40 169 98 112 63 186 142 83 4 2 133 77 130 75 18 10 J 74 102 105 59 178 105 114 64 161 Q4- *59 02 INDEX, Father o( lights and God of love ] cher of mercies look on me i r, Son i'. ,r ' Holy Spirit i depths of mifery and fin G las a law to mortals fent ( is a fov'reign, and his will an and my guide G ' is the; life of ail my joys of univerfal nature God's holy law in part or whole Go v nt Lord G-eat God the authoi and the end Gre; : work I'm caU'd to do Great Lord of all, thishoufe O deign H H lil nappy believer in Jefus H. i. highl) favour'd of the Lord w iih u for p sriod, facred morn ] : . py is he who attains to know i :, hark the glad found Hark how the-heav'nly arch.es ring Hark 'tis the latt loud trumpet's found Heav'r.ly Father be my guide How awful is this place How pleafant to fing How lh all I fing the boundlefs love How ihall I vent my fwellingwoes How tranuent are the longs I raife Ho ye that ftand bv I Jefus we're met in thy great name In vain do loofe profeflbrs talk I own with forrow and with ihame I fing the matchlefs fong of fongs Itrael God's fpecial love has prov'd 'age. tijymn. 28 i& *55 9° 185 — 81 47 72 43 43 2 7 *6 3 95 141 82 IOI 56 7i 42 183 109 75 45 7 6 45 38 23 20 12 J 73 IOI 1 11 62 57 35 l 9 46 167 97 98 55 48 30 35 22 107 60 9 5 180 106 *35 /8 95 54 172 100 1 40 Si 52 3 2 89 5i 93 52 INDEX. K Keep, O keep us mighty Saviour L Leave mortals, leave your trifling toys Let others deplore Let profligates boafl: Lionof Juclah, Lamb of God Long have we peniive fat Lord I have done, my mouth I clofe Lo what a ftrange amazing fight M Many and great and grievous are Mofes the merTenger of God Moft gracious Saviour me behold My hopes are founded on the rock My mouth with pleafure fhall proclaim N Nature thro' all her works declares Not what we have or what we want Now e'er we depart Now for a fong of gratitude Now to the great eternal THREE P Praife God on the throne Praife ye the Lord, and thou my heart Precious Bible how I love Prince of Pilgrims guide me ft ranger R Religion fource of boundlefs joy Rend now thy hcav'ns all gracious Lord S See how the temped fweeps the ikies See Jacob's ladder here is fet See the fpread table of our Lord Shout aloud, and let your joys Sin what an hideous inoniter tis Page. Hymn. 139 80 30 19 182 108 146 86 34 21 23 14 74 44 45 28 78 45 62 37 156 91 27 *7 77 45 I5 1 88 6 186 — 177 104 185 — 185 — . 92 52 123 7° 102 57 120 6 7 94 53 64 38 40 25 ?75 103 121 68 181 107 INDEX. Page. Hymn, Strait's the gate that leads to heaven 1 1 8 66 Swift as an arrow cuts its way 12 7 T ' That we are fav'd by faith alone 69 41 The gofpel's joyful found 1-4. gg The griefs I feel #-, r The Lord declares he'll caft out none 117 £^ The man that hopes for reft below 1 2 q n* Tho' thoufands of foes 124 ^j Thou great Firft Caufe and Final End 38 . 24 5 Tis faith is the gift ^ ~ r To Chriit my fong I'll raife T ^ 2 -6 To Father ana Son x g- j__ To him that believes j - Q To mercy's kind door j~- ^t Vain world adieu, your wiles give o'er 25 1 - Vouchfafe kind Prince of pilgrims i0 ? Jk W When God his purposed judgments fends 147 g 4 When I reflect upoi my work 42 26 Whenlfraelrcbell'd * 8 t" When O my God (hall I attain 1 26 -2 When the Refiner to the fire 26 16 When winter chills the ground 4 6 n Q Within this frail this mortal frame iq C r Without a thoufand foes furround i\ \ Why do miftaken mortals deem $i ,3 Why do miftaken mortals deem § - * Q Ye fearful fouls your doubts difmife o 1 1 •> Ye wretched and poor .5 ^ SCRIPTURES EXPLAINED. Gen. xxvlii. 12 xxviii. 17. Exodus iv. 13 Judges vii. 20. 1 Rings xxii. 29—34. xxii. 34. 2 Kings iv. ^8—4.1. 1 Chron. xvi. 9. 2 Chron. vii. 1. Job iii. 17. iv. 5. vii. 6. xxx. 31. Pfa. vi. 4. xvi. it. xvii. 15. xix. U. xxiii. xxiii 4. xxxii. 1,2. Ixxi. lxxii, 15. lxxxi. 2, 3* lxxxix. i^. . xcvii. 1. ciii. 1--4. 22. cvii. 30. cxi. cxi 4. cxvii. io» cxix. 72. .... 94.' cxxi. 5. CX XX. exxxvii. cxhii. g. • cxlv. 10, ex vi. 5. cxlvii. 1. Prov iji 13; xviii. 24. Cant. i. 1. li. 11-13. \ . ;. rfa ».i. 1. x\ 6. svii. 13. -3 2. Hjr. Pg. s Hv-. p *- 2 5 40 s EzffC. xlviii 35. 24 38 22 35 ? Hoi. ii. 7. 69 122 26 4 ? ' \ Zech. xii. 10. 106 180 87 >-|8 5 Mat. i. 23. 6z 1 11 *4 14-3 s Vii. 8. 79 137 85 M5 s vii. 17. 41 69 86 146 s ix. 29. 3i 5* 59 105 ) xiv. 31. 64 114 23 38 1 xviii. -»o. 99 171 74 12 9 I xxv. 15. 96 164 16 26 > xxv, 31—46. 55 98 7 12 ? Mar. ix. 23. 9 15 *8 13.5 s John vi. 37. 34 56 .4* 74 S X. T-ifl Q2 *57 3 6 S xir. 6. 83 142 7* 17.6 S xvi. 9.0. 75 130 48 8^ J xvi. 24. 9 1 *5S 9J 163 ? xvii 17. 18 28 30 48 \ Afts. xv. 9. 41 69 35 57 s xx. 23 50 «7 75 S Rom. iv. 16. 65 117 7fi 132 s vii. 12. 43 73 63 112 > viii. 3. 42 7i *9 J 54 > viii. 3*. 17 2 7 C8 121 ? ix. 20. *7 43 40 6S J X - IO. 37 62 2 4 ( X. 82 141 :-8 64 s 1 Cor. xv. 22. 4 7 5* 92 s 2 Cor. iv. 6. 61 309 73 127 s vii. 5. 8 13 107 i8r J Gal. iii. 28* JO 18 70 123 > v. 6. 4i 69 56 101 ? vi. 14, 6 10 80 *39 S Eph. iii. 19. 67 320 47 81 s iii. 18--10, 5 9 98 169 s Phi!, iv.4. 77 ^33 93 155 J iv. 13. 59 65 88 I5 1 ? Col. iii. 1. 3 1 '9 12 20 ) 1 Thef. iv. 13. 108 xSi 60 107 \ 2 Thei. iii. I. 309 »8i 25 57 s l Tim. v. 16. 28 45 7 l J24 \ 2 Tan. i. xe. '2 52 S 1 8q S Heb.ii. 18. 57 302 29 4 6 S « - .... 58 J03 *0 5 vii. 25. »i 21 <9 x. 14. 33 5+ 21 31 \ 79 s 95 ; 94 l XI. I. S3 '£* '.6 94 161 5+ xiii. 14, !6 §* 53 1 Pet. iv. 3. »6 *S J 9 3° > i John iii. 3. 8i 140 H *3 s Rer, iv. 8. 97 167 HYMNS ON Various Subje£ts. HYMN I. INVOCATION. i A LMIGHTY Sov'reign of the Ikies! Thou only great, thou only wife; Reigning in heav'n's mod holy place, Yet filling univerfal fpace. /2 To thee their maker, and their King, Angels unceafmg homage bring; And all thy wond'rous works below, Ten thoufand ways thy glories fhow. B Amidft 4 HYMNS 3 Amidfl applauding worlds I'm plac'd; Daily unnumber'd bleffings tafle: Fain wou!d I fomefmall tribute bring To thee, my saviour, and my King. 4 O tune my voice with thofe above; O warm my heart with heav'nly love; Then harp and organ, heart and voice. Shall in thy mighty praife rejoice. HYMN II AN EXHORTATION TO PRAISE GOD. Blefs the Lord, all his works, in all places of his do* minion; blefs the Lord, my Joul. Pj. ciii. 22. 1 /^OME, all in heav'n, and earth, and feas; Your great Creator blefs: To him, in all your di IF rent ways Your gratitude cxprefs, 2 He formd you by his fov'reign will, And all-creative Word; His mighty hand fupports you flill : O praife your common Lord ! His ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 3 His genial warmth all creatures prove; Shall none the grateful flame ? Millions of tongues to tafte his love, And none to praife his name ! 4 Stand forth my foul as chief eft bounds And fummons earth and heav n : Sure none has greater bleffings found ; Sure none has more forgiv'n. Seco?id Part. 5 T> EG IN the fong ye brighter pow'rs, That dwell more near your King : We own yourjkill furpaffeth ours ; But not your caufe to ling. 6 Inferior creatures fill the choir, Of ev'ry (hape and fize : Or fvvift or flow, that fink or foar, In water, earth, or ikies. B 2 Thrice 6 HYMN S. 7 Thrice happy faints your right affert; 'Tis yours to crown the fong : Creation doth to you in part ; Redemption all belong. 8 B!efs then the Lord in ev'ry place. 'Till ages ceafe to roll : But chiefly ye who taflehis grace, And chief of all my foul ! H1MN III. THE PRESENCE OF GOD ALL IN ALL. In his Prejence is fidnefs of joy, PJalm xvi. n. 1 VTOT what we have, or what we want, Concerns, if God his Prefence grant : Nothing is good, and nothing ill, But as his fmile, or frown we feel. 2 Seen in the funfhine of his love, Afflictions do but atoms prove ; Illumin'd by thofe rays divine, The darkcfl providences fhinr. But ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 7 3 But when night's gloomy (hades prevail, Whatever evils then a flail : Tho' in iigni Meant and fmall ; Are magnifi'd, and monftrous all. 4 O then, whatever ills annoy, May I his Prefence flill enjoy ; And with what e'er he grants befide, May not his Prefence be deny '4- HYMN IV. THE FALL AND RECOVERY. As in Adam all die, even fo in Chrijl JJiall all be made alive. i Cor. xv. 22. 1 " A DAM our guilty Sire, " Alas what haft thou done! " Difpleas'd thy God, defrroy'd thy race, " Made all creation groan. 2 " Mis'ries, difeafes, death! " A horrid train 'begin : •' Unnumber'd evils, endlefs woes " From one Ihort moment's fin.'* Sinn? rs 8 HYMNS 3 Sinners your murm'rings ceafe, Nor your firft Father blame : Sin's black original he drew ; You have tranfcrib'd the fame. 4 What Adam did but tafte. Y'ou greedily devour: And tbo' the dire refult you feel, Repeat it ev'ry hour. 5 Tho' heav'n with all its joys. And hell with woes extreme. Stand as the fixt' alternative : You daily both contemn. 6 But hail ye happy faints! Yourfecond Adam praife; Who came from heav'n— rendur'd your hell— Your fallen fouls to raife. 7 With this triumphant boaft. Make heav'n and earth refound: That tho 5 in Adam all was loll, In J cms all is found. Hymn ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 9 HYMN V. LOVE DIVINE. What is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love ofChrift, which pajfeth knowledge. Eph. iii. 18, 19. 1 TJOW fhall I fing the boundlefs love; Th' amazing goodnefs tell : That brought my Saviour from above; That brought my foul from hell. 2 'Twas love, whole power can't beexpreir. Nor its extent defin'd; By all that's found in human breaft, Or in an angel's mind. 3 High as the Majeily above; It fprung from God alone : The darling of his heart is love. The efTence of his throne. 4 Deep as the miferies below ; It reach'd to guilty me : Div'd to the bottom of my woe. And all mv fears fet free. Eroa ] 10 HYMNS 5 Broad as the breach that fin had made, Extenfive as my needs : Thro' all my foul its pow'rs pervade, And ev'ry wifh exceeds. 6 Long as eternity 'twill lad, Unalterably the fame: As from eternal ages pad, From God alone it came. 7 O may this love Mill rule my heart , And all my pow'rs control ; 'Till ev'ry other love depart, And this fhall fill my foul. HYMN VI. GLORYING IN THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Sod forbid that I ftiould glory , favc in the Crofs of our Lord Jefus Chrifl. Gal.vi. 14. 1 A H what's there now beneath the fkies, To charm my ears, to pleafe my eyes; Since I have known a Saviour's love, How vain, how empty all things prove! This ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 11 2 This earth (with all that it contains, Its joys, its honours, and its gains; For which poor mortals difagree) ' Affords no more delights for me. 3 5 Tis Ciilv'ry, there I've fixt my heart! From therfce it never can depart: ' Tis that dear Object on the crofs, My love, and wonder does engrofs. 4 Ah, what are thrones, and palaces! Jesus thy Crofs tranfcends all thefe; Thy thorny crown exceeds the gems, > That mine in princely diadems. 5 Thy robe of purple, mark of fcorn, Shall my bell ferVices adorn; Thy reedy iceptre's gentle rule Subdue each paulon of my foul, 6 Should all the dignities that are Prefume with thee my heart to fhare; Beneath my feet I'd tread them down, And triumph in the Crofs alone, G Hymn 12 HYMNS. HYMN VII. THE BREVITY OF LIFE. My days are fwifter than a weavers Jhuttle . Job . 7. 6. WIFT as an Arrow cuts its way ■s Thro' the foft yielding air; Or as the Sun's more fubtle ray, Or Lightnings, {iidden glare; Or as an Eagle to the prey, Or Shuttle thro' the loom; So hafle our fleeting lives away, So rufli we to the tomb. 2 Like airy bubbles, lo we rise, And dance upon life's ftream; 'Till foon the air that caus'd, deftroys Th ' attenuated frame. Down the fwift flream we glide apace, And carry death within; Then burfl, and lcarcely leave a trace To fhow that we have been, Solomon ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 13 3 Solomon wifeft of our kind, Who length of days had feen; To birth and death a time aflign'd,* But none to life between. Yet lo, what confequences clofe This tranfient ftate below; Eternal joys, or miffing thofe, Inevitable woe. HYMN VI I L THE CONFLICT. Without were fightings, and within were fears. 2. Cor. j. 5. 1 TT7ITHOUT a thoufand foes furround, Within a thoufand fears abound, Ah whither can I flee! Weari'd with cares, with griefs oppreft; Fain would I find a moments reft, But there's no reft for me. l Do I in mortals think to truft, And fuccour feek from worms of duft; The thought alas how vain! *Eccle.3.2. Thefe, 14 H Y M N S Thefe (far from yielding me relief) Laugh at my fears, and mock my grief. And trample on my pain. g Yet fome commiferatc my plight. My partners in the arduous fight: To thefe I fpread my lore:. But ah, my fore thefe cannot heat, Or oft with too- officious zeal, Miflaking, wound me rjaore. 4 Then I retire, and fain would find Some happinefs in my own mind, Confcious that I'm fincere: But oh what traitors lurk within' And my beft thoughts how fpoii'd by fin! No refuge find I here. g Yet lo( of ev'ry hope bereft) One fure afylum flill is left; *Tis Jefu's precious name: Whate'er befall, here I can re ft; In ev'ry ftate, here am I bleft; His love remains the fame. II Y M N" ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS 15 HYMN IX. THE POWER OF FAITH, All things are pofsible to him that bclieveth. Mar. 9. 23 1 nPO him that believes What can be too hard? Faith all things atchieves, By no dangers fcar'd : An earned of heaven; Aha where 'tis beftow'd, PofTeflion is given Of all that is good. 2 Tho ' a mountain of brafs Your progrefs would flop; Or leas of churefs Would fwallow you up: Pfefs forward! -- accounting That Faith can with ea(e Both level the mountain, And dry up the feas.. Wkh l6 h y m n s. 3 With guilt and with fhame, Tho' cover'd all o'er; Tho' all the world's blame Were laid at your door: Yet perfect falvation 'Tis Faith that applies: For where's condemnation, If Godjuftifies? 4 Tho* barren in grace, Quite fpent is your (lore; And you are alas, Both helplefs and poor; To open God's treafure, 'Tis Faith is the key; And 'tis his good pleafure, That you mould make free. 5 Beleagur'd with foes, No fuccour is nigh, Fierce devils oppofe, Their fiery darts fly! No ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS* 1J No harm can attend you! 'Tis Faith is thefhield To guard, and defend you Amidft the fharp field. 6 If clouds feem to roll, And darknefs and doubt Perplex your poor foul; From God's face fhut out: To gain you admiflion 'Tis Faith knocks aloud; Breaks down the partition, And pierces the cloud. 7 Or fhould you have nigh Accefs to the throne; Sweet freedom enjoy As a child of God's own: This holy communion 'Tis Faith does excite; The cement of union, The fource of delight. Whatever l8 H Y M N S, 8 Whatever God grants, Faith helps to enjoy; And whate'er our wants, 'Tis Faith can fupply: Then in each condition, In life or in death; Be this our petition, Lord ftrengthen our Faith. HYMN X. UNITY, Ye are all one in Chriji jfejus. Gal. 111. 28. 1 /^OME Christians, come, and let us join Our hearts and voices round the throne; Unite your grateful fongs with mine, As is our Lord, our theme be one: Come mingle now the sacred fire; 'Twill blaze the hotter and the high'r, j. For trifles we'll no more contend, (Concord and peace to faints belong) But our united efforts bend 'Gainft Satan, author of our wrong: Howe'er ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, 19 He a- e'er we differ, let him know, We hold him flill our common foe. g Jefus infpirit make us thine ; (Thou God of harmonv and love) Knit firm to thee the living vine, We branches to each other prove : Tender to thee as I all ; Who touches one, mull touch us all. HTMN XL AMBITION. Seek thofe things that are above. Col. 3. 1. 1 TTC7TTH IN this frail, this mortal frame Dwells an immortal mind ; A ipark divine, an heav'nly flame, That fcorns to be confin'd. 2 This paltry world can ne'er fupply Enough for its defires ; As foon with Hubble might you try To quench devouring fires. D 3 This 20 HYMNS- 3 This mind is fledg'd with foarifig wings To reach the throne of God : And (hall vile cobwebs, fordid things, Tye't clown to earth's mean clod ? 4 No, 1 defpife earth's tinfel toys; Its baubles I forego : Fill'd with imaginary joys, But with Jubilant i al woe ! 5 I've an immortal crown to win ; Then to that Hate afcend, Where woes can never once begin,, Where joys can never end. HYMN XII. THE HAPPY BELIEVER. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help* whofe hope is in the Lord his God. Pfa. 146. 5. 1 TI AIL happy Believer in Jefus ! Tho' all things around thee may frown ; At prcfent whatever thy cafe is, This know, thou art born to a crown. 2 Then ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. SI 2 Then let not earth's trifles diflrefs thee, Thy kingdom's preparing above : Thv God is determin'd toblefs thee With joys that can never remove. 2 O envy not thofe that afpire ; Tho' wicked men profper don't grieve : When theirs is all burnt up with fire, Thy portion will be to receive. 4 Hail happy Believer in Jefus ! No longer for trifles then care ; Thy kingdom above never ceales, And Jems will foon call thee there. HYMN XIII. THE ALL-SUFFICIENCY OF GRACE. He is able to -fave to the uttermojl. Heb. 7. 25. l "^vTE fearful fouls your doubts difmifs, For you grace all-iumcient is ; And Jefus precioui blood alone Is all-fufficient to atone. D 3 2 What 2 2 HYMNS, 2 What tho your fins exceed the fand Tha f croud along the ebbing ft rand ; His blood like the returning tide Flows deep, and ail your fins lhall hide. 3 What tho' againfl you there appear Ten thoufand talents ar; Jefusfuftain'd the mighty iois, And blots your debt out by his crois. 4 What tho* your enemies are ftrong, And weakneis does to you belong ; The mighty God is your ally ; Your foes lhall all before you fly. 5 What tho* your way may be perplext, Doubtful which path to take the next • His Providence will flop the wrong, Or in the. right guide you along. 6 Then let not unbelief prevail. Nor pleafe your envious foes fo well: Depreciate not the Savio'ur's blood, Nor doubt the promife of a God. HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 23 HTMN XIV. DESERTION. Wherefore dofi thou forget us for evzr ? Lam. 5. 20, 21. 1 X ONG have we penfive fat, And mourn'd an abfent God ; Bewail'd our barren flate, And fpread our griefs abroad : When, when alas ! Oar deareft Lord, Wilt thou afford Thy fmi ling face. ? 2 When inwards we retire, And think pad favours o'er ; Our doubting fouls enquire, Shall fuch be fhewn no more ? No more mail we Forever prove Thine ancient love, Thy kindnefs fee ? a win 24 HYMNS. 3 Will Jefus ftill forget ; Nor vifit once again The fouls for whom he fweat, And bore fuch mighty pain ? It cannot be — He's mindfull flill, And ever will Of calvary ! 4 Tho' now he feems to frown, His love why mould we doubt ? The fun goes often down, Yet never does go ont : He finks each night Beneath the main, To rife again With beams more bright. 5 Ceafe then each guilty fear ; Let ev'ry doubt be gone ; Jefus will loon appear, Our never- fetting fun. Then ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 25 Then fhall we praife With warmer zeal \ When once we feel His quick ning rays. HYMN XV. FAREWELL TO THE WORLD. The time pajl of our life may fujjice us to have wrought the will of the gentiles. 1. Pet. 4. 3, 1 "T TAIN world adieu, your wiles give o'er, I am no longer yours ; To win my heart attempt no more, Xor fpread your gilded lures. 2 Too oft have you my hopes deceiv'd, While nothing you bellow : Of heav'nly joys my foul bereav'd, And fill'd my heart with zuoe ! 3 Now I your fervitude difclaim • On all your offers tread : I'm ravifh'dby a nobler aim, To purer pleafures led. 4 Yes 26 HYMNS. 4 Yes, now my Saviours love I know, Here I perfection find : To him ten thoufand motives draw ; Ten thoufand blcflings bind. 5 Dear Jefus (my much injur'd Lord,} Thy rightful claim afTert : Subdue thy rivals with thy f to or d, And with thy love my heart. H2MNXVL THE DIFFICULTY OF SUBMISSION UNDER AFFLICTIONS. It is come upon thee and thou Jain iejt. Job. 4. 5. 1 TX7HEN the Refiner to the fire Commits his precious ore ; We much his art, and Hull admire, Nor doubt his love the more. 2 So chriflians do this truth profefs Undoubtedly to hold ; That God will try them more or lefs, II they arc his true gold. 3 But ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 27 3 But when the purifying flame We once begin to prove ; We dart, we wonder, and exclaim; Alas, can this be love ! 4 Oh, for a more fubmiflive mind ; Then like the paflive gold ; Weil melt, and leave our drofs behind, And take the heav'nly mold. HYMN XVII. THE TRIUMPH OF FAITH. Who is he that condemneth ? &c. Rom. 8. 34. 1 \/fY hopes are founded on the rock That is in Zion laid ; What then my confidence mould fhock. Or rrvake my foul afraid ? 2 Ah ! were is he that dares condemn, In heav'n, or earth, or hell ? Jefus my furetyboremy blame, And God approv'dit well, E 3 Hi S h 28 ' H Y M N S q High on a crofs he bled, he dy'd, Mv rebel foul to fave : Forme the King, the Crucify'd His foul an offering gave. 4 High on a throne of glory bright, He now exalted (lands ; P relenting to his Father's fight, The nail-prints in his hands. 5 The Father (miles — all heav'n approves. And Satan hides his head : Fear not my foul — God ever loves — The Saviour once hath bled. HYMN XVIIL INVOCATION BEFORE SERMON. Santlify them thro' thy truth, thy word is truth, John 17. 17. 1 T^ATHER of lights, and God of love, Free fountain of all good : Whole truth, firm as thy throne above, Eternally has flood. 2 On ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 29 2 On each afiembled in this place, O look with pity down : And now with all-fumcient grace Thine own appointment crown. 3 We open thine unerring word ; Thy Will we thence explore : Open our underftandings Lord, . And wifdom's precious (lore . AiTifl thy fcrvant to proclaim, And us thy word to prove. Give light, and liberty to him ; To us, give life, and love. 5 May he, thy pure and perfect Will With faithfulnefs impart : And may thy fpirit deeply feal The fame on ev'ry heart. 6 Then fhall our fruit to thee abound, Then fhall we to thee live : And as our fruit from thee is found, To thee the glory give. HYMN 3° H Y M N S. HYMN XIX. THE LAST WORDS OF A DYING FRIEND, Is it nothing to you, all ye that pafs by ? behold and fee, if there be any forroxv like nnto my forrciv. Lam. i. 12. 1 " EAVE mortals, leave your trifling tovs. And to thofe groans, thofe mournrujf cries A moment lend your ear. Behold what pafTes on yon tree ; 'Tis jefus dies ! Oh yes lis he ' His la ft entreaties hear. 2 The dying fpeeches or the great, And thofe you love, you oft repeat , And think they much intend : O then, if friendfhip moves vou thus, And dying words— -fee on that crois, Expires the world's beft Friend f 3 Yes, 'tis the fame almighty voice That bid the mountains upwards rile, And funk the hollow feas. Whole ox various subjects, 31 Whofe (bv'reign Will alone controls Unnurnber'd worlds— befecching fouls. In accents mild as thefe. a " Attend, attend ye palters by ! ci Oh let mine agonizing cry, li Your ftubborn ears allure: i( Slight me no morc--~behold and fee 3 ° ; Where can fuch mighty forrdws be, il As thefe which I endure ? 5 " It God, my Father and my Friend, " On me (who never did offend) " Such grievous pains inflidfc ! " For crimes imputed What can ye, '• From an incenied Deity <; Ah what can ye expect ! 6 " Each falling ftrokc, each gaping wound, : In awful language does refound (i The vengeance you may fear ! " Hence, O ye carelefs fouls prefume •' What you mull feel-— and read your doom " Deep writ in ev'ry fear. 7 " Chriftians 32 H Y M N S. 7 " Chriftians, behold my love- --How great " Thefe bleeding characters relate : " Oh read the crimfon lines ! " Mourn that your fms have pierc'd me thus ; " Yet while you mourn, rejoice— mv crofs *i Proves fatal to your fins." HYMN XX. THE CONTEST. A Dialogue between Angels and Chriftians* Chriftians. i A N GELS, we fain would vie with you To praife our common head : But you to him flood always true, And we have difobey'd. Angels. % Chriftians, altho' we never fwerv'd, No praife to us is due ; When Satan fell--- Grace its preferv'd, And grace redeemed you. Chi ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 33 Chr. 3 Our natures can't with yours compare ; Depraved from our birth : Of heavenly origin you are ; We're offsprings of the earth. Ang, 4 Our Lord for you was born, and died To raife your iapfed pow'rs : Your nature he has dignified; He ne'er took on him ours* Chr. 5 But when to praife him we intend, Alas, how faint our fong ! While you unwearied, without end Your loftier lays prolong. Ang. 6 To praife our God, what pow'r we have. We from himfelf derive : And of that pow'r (his word he gave*) He will not you deprive. Chr. * Ifa. 43, 21* 34 H Y M » & Chr. 7 Yet W are clogg'd with cumbrous clay ; Vile prifon of the .mind. You o'er the realms of boundlefs day Range ever unconfin'd. Aug. 8 We own we have th' advantage here, But this will not be long : Soon from this prifon you'll be cleali And join our heav'nly fong. Chr. 9 Then let us all our effbrts raife. Angels your mufic bring ; And wc in humble fongs will praife Our Saviour, an&your King. HYMN XXI. CONTRASTED CHARACTERS OF CHRIST. His name /hall be called wonderful, &c. Ife. n. 6- i T YON of Judah, Lamb of God , Mod meek, moil mighty Lord ! Xfrael's Redeemer, Ifrael's Rod : His Sceptre and his Sword ! 2 In ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 35 2 In anger kind, in love fevere ; Majeftically mild ! The mighty God whom angels fear ; The Virgin's tender Child ! 3 Thou waft, and art, and evermore Wilt ftill remain the fame : I love thee Lord, and I adore Thy ever wond'rous name ! HYMN XXII. Sung. . on Opening the Tabernacle at Trowbridge, Nov. 20, 1771. DEDICATION. This is none other but the houfe of God, Gen. 28. 17. 1 TLTOW awful is this place ! What fweetly folemn flate ! Sure 'tis God's Houfe, his feat of Grace : 'Tis heav'n's majeftic Gate. F 2 Let 36 HYMNS, 2 Let All with cautious feet Approach this facred ground ; And bow with adoration fweet, And reverence profound. 3 Ye carelefs Sinners fear ; Keep diftance ye profane ! And Hand in awe, for God is here ; His honour hell maintain. 4 Let Pharifees beware ! (Here ev*ry thought is try'd) Nor make God's houfe of humble pray'r* A nurs'ry for their pride. 5 But come poor Penitents, Your humble luit prefer : To ev'ry fmner who repents, God will be gracious here. 6 With all ye weeping Saints, Whom deep afflictions drown : Here may you drop your fad complaints, And lay your forrows down, 7 And ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 37 7 And ye thrice happy Race, Who have redemption found 5 Unite your fongs, and make this place With fhouts of praife refound. 8 Once zealous Souls — who yet Have yielded to the flefh ; Come, and your former vows repeat, And take up arms afrefh. 9 May all Defcriptions find This is the houfe of God ; Where Grace with Majefty is join'd, Thro' Jefus' precious blood. 10 And O moft gracious Lord! To all who thee adore Within thefe Walls, do thou afford Thy prefence evermore. Sung F 2 38 HYMNS HTMNXXIII. Sung after readihg the 6th chapter of the 2d of Chronicles, and three firfl verfes of the jth chap. 1 r^ RE AT Lord of All! this Houfe O deign Thy refidence to view : 'Tis but thine own we give again, And claim thyfelf in lieu. 2 Our bumnle, hearty boon receive ; Fulfil our warm denre : Now, now thine ancient fignal give, And anfwer us by fire. 3 Fire our devotion by thy love ; Our facrifice inflame : Then will it mount t'wards Thee above, Andfhew from whence it came. HXMN XXIV. jehovah s h a m m a 1 1 — The Lo rd is there . Sung after Sermon, from Ezec. 48. 35. 1 r ~pHOU great firft Caufe, and final End ! From thee All came, on thee depend ; In ev'ry place, and time the fame, Jehovah Shammah, is thy name. 2 Thro' ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 39 2 Thro' tr;e unmeafur'd fields of fpace, Is thine unbounded dwelling-place ; Nor can the heav'n of heav'ns on high, E'er circumfcribe thy Majefly. 3 Shall then this houfe be thine abode ; Shall man erecl: a feat for God : Or walls of flone prefume to vie, With his bright palace in the fky ? 4 Yes, tho' our God reigns o'er the lkies ? On earth his fav'rite manfion lies ! Where faints affemble, he is known, And ev'ry contrite heart's his throne* / 5 Then condefcend O God of grace, To enter now thy refling-place : This houfe that's for thy footflool fet, O beautily it with thy feet. 6 Here to thy people's various przy'r, At all times bow a gracious ear : Forgive their fins, their foes confound : Let blellings o'er thur vrant? abound. He re 40 HYMN S. 7 Here may thy word be truly taught ; Thine ordinances gladly fought ; Sinner^ converted, faints built up In holy joy, and humble hope. 8 Here may men found thy praife abroad. And fhout the wonder-working God : Triumph o'er Satan, felf and fin, And thoufands here their heaven begin* g Then we with gladnefs will declare Jehovah Shammah, God is there ! Be here great God — and may this place Be thine abode till time fhall ceafe. HYMN XXV. Jacob's ladder. And he dreamed, and behold, a ladder Jet upon earthy and the top oj it reached to heaven i Gen 28. 12. 1 Q EE Jacob's Ladder here is fet> Whofe top furmounts the fkies I Thro' this we all our ^mercies get y God all our wants (applies. 2 This ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 41 % This opens Paradife afrefh ; This makes a road to heav'n : 'Tis the dear Mediators flefh, For finful mortals giv'n, 3 (With God he's God, and Man with men ; This double nature bears : That union to refiore again, Which fin afunder tears.) . 4 This La ddei forms communion fweet Between the earth and flues: Here faints and angels often meet, And intermix their joys. 5 On this our blefTmgs all come down ; Our pray'rs and praife afcend — We vifit God's all -gracious throne ; He vifits man his friend. •6 O let us leave earth's wretched ground. And on this Ladder rife ; Soon fhall we gain its top mo ft round, And enter heav'nlv joys. MOSES' 42 HYMNS HYMN XXVI. MOSES' ROD. Send Lord by whom thou wilt fend. Exo. 4. 13. 1 TI7HEN I reflect, upon my work, And on my weaknefs too : My foes how many, and my gifts How feeble and how few ! 2 Like Mofes, my poor coward heart Would fain the talk refufe — And fend O Lord by whom thou Witt, But only me excufe. 3 But hark ! what voice is that I hear, That chides my lingering flay ? *Tis His, whom Devils ever fear; Whom Angels flill obey, " 4 And am not I who fend you forth, " The all-fufficient God; f 1 The rod who to a ferpcnt turn'd, 4; The ferpent to a rod ? is ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, 43 " 5 Tis I who give the pow'r of fpeech ; " And you my promife have, " That were my providence may call, li My pow'r mail be to fave." 6 Lord 'tis enough Arm'd with thy Rod } I'll boldly go and tell To (inners all thou (halt command, And brave th' aflaults of Hell. HYMN XXVII. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD SUITED tO HIS CREATURES. Who art thou that repliejl agairJIGod ? Rom.ix. 20. 1 /^ OD is a Sovereign, and his Will Is the fole law which guides him ftill : Yet who abufe of Pow'r need fear ? He is all Wife, and" cannot err. 2 Then let each murm'ring tongue be mute, Nor dare its Maker's Right difoute ; But ev'ry heart fecurely truft, For he is infinitely Juft. G To 44 HYMNS 3 To doubt his Love no creatures need ; His Goodnefs does all bounds exceed : And oh, forbear to tempt his Rod, . For he's an Holy jealous God. 4 Let ho bold wretch perverfely dare Plead his Decree to nurfe difpair : But all with thankfulnefs embrace The faithful Offers of his Grace. 5 His Mercy does to all extend Who to his footftool humbly bend : And all who truft him may be fure, His Truth for ever will endure. 6 He's ever Faithful to th' upright ; I His Holinefs is their delight : Nor lefs the Judgements that he mows On all their fins, and all their foes. 7 Thus God's Perfection's all agree, And fuit.with man's neceflity : And none of happinefs need fear, Who love his perfect. Character. HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 45 HTMN XXVIII. THE WONDERS OF THE CROSS. Great is the Myjlery of Godlinefs ! Tim. v. 16. *L O ! what a ftrange amazing fight Attra&s my wpnd'ring eyes • The Lord of glory, God of might, Becomes a man and dies. £ Heav'n's Majefty behov'd to (loop, Heav'n's happinefs to groan ; Rebellious meannefs to raife up From dunghills to a throne. 3 See natures' Author, and her Lord, By his own works arraign'd : Whom all the holts of heav'n ador'd ; Worms of the earth difdain'd. 4 He, in whom all perfection's found, Condemned by guilty laws. That thofe with glory might be crown'd, Whofe crimes were the fole caufe. G 2 6 Almighty 46 HYMNS 5 Almighty pow'r feem'd overcome ; Unerring wifdom dup'd ; And life's eternal fource and fum, To death's dark fceptre ftoop'd. 6 In Jefus fuch ftrange wonders meet ; In him fuch love abounds : This makes my happinefs compleat, While that my fenfe confounds, HYMN XXIX. RETURN OF THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, For lo the winter is pajl. Sec. Cant. ii. 11,12.13, 1 T I7HEN winter chills the ground, All nature hangs its head ; Dark horrors fpread around ; Beauty and joy are fled : Scarce mines the fun •, And when he does, Clouds interpofe, And quench his noo*). 2 No ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 47 2 No fruits, or flowers appear, No grateful odours rife ; The birds their fongs forbear, And ceafe their fprightly joys. . But when the fun His beams reft ore ; Winter's no more — Joy is begun. 3 Ah, fuch is my fad cafe When Jefus is withdrawn ; He hides his fmiling face, And lo all pleafures' gone ! I mope, I mourn ; Nor can I reft, Nor am I bleft 'Till his return. 4 Great Sun of righteoufnefs, With healing wings arife : Thefe gloomy horrors chafe, Oh blefs thefe longing eyes ! .iC 48 HYMNS One look of thine Will foon difpel This gloomy hell : Shine, Saviour mine ! 5 Then mall my doubts depart ; My drooping graces fpring ; Then fha.ll my barren heart Fruit to perfection bring : Then fhall my praile, In odours fvveet, Rife up to meet Thy quick'ning rays. HYMN XXX. THE LORD'S PRESENCE IN THE HOUR OF DEATH. Tho** I walk thro' the valley of the JJiadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Pfa. xxiii. 4. 1 TTEAV'NLY Father be my guide, Keep, oh keep me near thy fide : Foil andhelplefs, where can I But to thee my Father fly ? Let ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 49 Let thy gracious hand direft ; Let thy mighty hand protect, While I pafs this world of ftrife ; 'Till I reach eternal life. 2 Chiefly O indulgent Pow'r, Smile upon my dying hour ! Let no enemy afiail, While I pafs death's gloomy vale ; Let no doubt my views obfeure ; Let no worldly wifh allure ; Ev'fy fearful thought fupprefs ; vSmoothmy road to.heav'nly blifs, 3 Then fare wel vain world of ftrife,* Welcome everlafling life : Nothing here fhall tempt my flay, Death's kind fummons I'll obey, Now adieu all mortal things, Seraphs, take me on your wings ; Watt, oh waft me far away To the realms of peritcl dav. 50 H Y M N S 4 There the pleafures of my mind, Shall be vaft and unconfin'd ; There in praifes all divine, With Archangels I (hall join ;• There in purefl love to Thee; Oh mod glorious Trinity ; There in never ceafing joy. I ihall fpend eternity. HYMN XXXI. PRECIOUS FAITH. According to your Faith be it unto you. Mat. ix. 29. 1 5 nriS Faith is the gift Poor finners fhould prize; *Tis Faith that mud lift Our fouls to the fkies • 5 Tis this that enables To bear trials well ; Spurn earth and its baubles. And trample on hell. a Whatever ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 51 2 Whatever complaints O'erwhelm the fad min-d ; Tho' wants upon wants We ev'ry day find ► Temptations opprefs us, And forrows and fins — Faith foon docs releafe us, And heaven begins. g Is Fiith ftrong and firm, Eich grace will then fpring ; Our love will wax warm, Our hope fpread its wing ; Submiffive our patience,. And fprightly our joy ; And praife and obedience Each motion employ. 4 But when Faith is weak, Ah. where is the faint ! The whole head is fick ; The whole heart is faint. H Our 52 HYMNS Our graces all feeble, Our God out of fight ; And death and the devil Our poor fouls affright. 5 Oh then, let us pray More Faith may be giv'n « To us day by day, 'Till got fafe to heav'n : Where Faith will be fw allow 'd In vifion, and then God's name mail be # hallow'd For ever, Amen. HYMN XXXII. REVELATION Who hath brought life and immortality to light by the Goffiel. 2. Tim. i. 10. i OWN withforrow and with fhame. That I a guilty (inner am : But whence that finfulnefs arofe, 'Tis Revelation mufl difclofe. 2 In ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 53 2 In all I think, or fpeak, or do, Much imperfe&ion dill I view : But I'm 'by Revelation taught, How vile's each a&ion, word and thought, 3 That God in mercy could forgive, Some diftant hope I might conceive ; And how in jujiice that can be, From Revelation plain I fee. 4 To find an advocate with God, Making atonement by his blood, To hope, what creature dare prefume, Did Revelation not give room ? 5 That 'tis my duty, fure I deem, To love and fervc the Lord fupreme : But Revelation can alone Point out that fervice he will own. 6 Tho' I might gladly hope to have Life, and true joy beyond the grave : Yet lo ! wkat darknefs hangs between, Till Revelation clears the fcene.' H 2 7 But 54 HYMNS 7 But that the body too fhould rife, And fhare the glories of the fkies ; What mortal could pretend to know ? Yet Revelation tells me fo. 8 I find that I a fitnefs needs, Which all my nat'ral pow'r exceeds * But how that fitnefs I may gain, Tis Revelation mufl explain. o, Then Revelation let me prize, Which to falvation makes me wife. And let me to that Saviour flee, Who there reveals himfelf to me. HYMN XXXIII. THE ALL-SUFFICIENT SAVIOUR. By one offering he hath perfected for euer them that are fanBifed. Heb. x. 14. 1 A M A Z 1 H G was the love ! Unfpeakable the grace f That brought falvation from above, To Adam's guilty race, 2 Ruin'd ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 55 2 Ruin'd and wretched too, O'erwhelm'd with fin and fhame *, We nought to help ourfelves could do, Nor help from others came. 3 Then did th' eternal God Commiferate our cafe ; And as on Cherub's wings he rode, To refcue rebel's bale. 4 Not all th' angelic pow'rs, (Had they been fo inclin'd To fubftitute their Rate for ours) An equal price could find. 5 Not all the realms below, (Replete with lofs and pain) Could ample fatisfaction (how, Or wipe away the (lain. 6 'Twas God's coequal Son, That vail'd hinafelf in clay ! And by one off'ring he alone Took a41 our fins away. 56 H Y M N S 7 Had I ten thoufand tongues. They ne'er due praife could bring ; Should ev'ry tongue, ten thoufand longs, Thro* countlefs ages fmg. HYMN XXXIV. THE BEST BEN&FACTOR. Him that cometh to one I will in no zoife cajl out, John. vi. 37. 1 ^V^ wretched and poor, This, this is the door Where alms are mod freely beflow'd : A forrowful heart Did never depart The threfhold ot Jefus our God. 2 Lo, fee how he Hands With outflretched hands, And hear him mofl kindly declare : . " Here's bread, and a home " For all who will come, " And clothes for the naked and bare." 3 Who ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. $J 3 Who then dare ft and by, And fullenly cry ? " No, no 'tis not me that he means. M If you've a mind gave, An alms you would have : 'Tisyou, tho' he calls not your names. 4 Oh make no delay, To Child hafle away ; E'er long, and hell (hut mercy's door. Then tho* you fhall cry, And bitterly figh ; You'll bear his kind meffage no more. HYMN XXXV. THE HAPPY MAN. ' Happy is the man that jindeth wifdom. Pro. iii. 13. •BleJJ'td is he whofe tranfgrejjion is forgiven, Pfa. xxxii. i, 2. l TTAPPY is he who attains to know, His proper bufinefs here below ; Made wife his real ftate to learn, And his true int'reft to .difcern. 2 Happy 58 HYMNS 2 Happy is he wliofe faults bemoan'd Are by the- Saviour's blood aton'd ; Whom God his judge acquits from blame * Whofe conference teilifies the fame. g Happy is he who is fincere ; T" oflR rid bis God his only fear : To do his will, and tafte his love, The only joy he docs approve. 4 Happy is he who is content, Thankful for mercies daily fent ; Who patiently endures his woes, And with delight his duty does. 5 This is the man who gains the end, Which his Creator did intend : Whofe life is crown'd with folid peace, And with his days his joys increafe. 6 (Not boift'rous, muddy, fea- wrought joy; The fpume of pride or vanity : But Ready, loft, ferene and clear ; And deep as peaceful rivers* are.) 7 Thro' *Ifa. xlviii. 18. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS* 59 7 Thro' life he calmly glides along, Unmingling with the giddy throng ; 'Till death, which ends their (hallow blifs, Will give perfection unto his. 8 Then mall he nobly mount on high, To join the buhnefs of the fky : There on tranfportingpleafures live, Such as a God of love can give. HTMN XXXVI. triumphing over this world in Prospect of a better. Here we have no continuing city, but we feek one to come. Heb. xiii. 14. 1 A LAS for this region of fhades ! Dark valley of vifions and dreams ! This world of vain fhows and parades, And every thing but what it feems ! A ftate where nought liable abides ; Where evils from evils ftill grow ; Confufion and difcord prefides, And nothing is certain but woe. I 2 What's 60 H Y M N S 2 What's here to deferve a defire ? Or wifhing, what hope to obtain ? Or gaining — Earth's joys mod entire, How flight, and how foon to refign ! Sage mortals, the wife and the juft, Surrender to fools, and to knaves : Proud heroes are roll'd in the dull ; While cripples dance over their graves. 3 Let fools of the dignities dream, Which blind fickle Fortune affords : Her fmiles, and her frowns I contemn ; I trample on fceptres and fwords. There's nought o'er this pitiful clod, Or in the t bright regions above ; Can fatisfy me, but a God ; Can yield me delight, but his love. 4 How long mufl I trace the fad gloom, And here a ftray foreigner pine : How long fhall vile matter entomb A foul that's immortal, divine ! Whirl ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 6l Whirl round Time's flow loifering wheel, The dreary enchantment diflblve : My country no longer conceal ; Whirl round, and my fate dif-involve. 3 What tho' now I fink, now I rife ; On feas of viciffitude toft ! I'm heir to a throne in the Ikies ; My title can never be loft. What, tho* foon Time's whirlpool ingurge Whatever is found mortal of me ! Soon, foon fhall this alfo emerge, To ride a more pacific fea. 6 Let vengeance brimful, quench the fun ; The ftars from their orbits be hurl'd ; Confufion all nature o'errun ; And world fiercely dafh againft world : My heart fhall not yield to difmay ! When nature and creature is paft, My God is my ftrength, and my flay, And (hall be my portion at laft.* I 2 HYMN *Pfa. xlvi. i, 2, 3, 62 HYMNS HTMNXXXVIL MOSES POINTING TO CHRIST f Rom. x. 5, — 10. Paraphrafed. i \/[ OSES the meffengerof God, Indulged to know his Maker's will ; To fpread his royal law abroad, And nature's ancient rule reveal, Pronounc'd the man who did it bleft, Yet fought himfelf a better reft. 2 For well he knew, the law requir'd A righteoufnefs he could not give ; Yet to perform, no ftrength infpir'd ; But ftcrnly cry'd-~-' ; Do this and live :'* Therefore he turn'd (and poin-s us each) To the mild gofpel's gentler fpeech. 3 No airy flight to heav'n or hell, To found the deep, or fcale the fky : As tho' the Saviour thence to Ileal, Or fetch unwilling from on high. . Vain, ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 63 Vain, foolifti thought ! but gofpel faith Hath different language, thus it faith : 4 '< Ceafe vain atchiever, fpare thy fweat ; ;; To ranlack heav'n and hell forbear ; '•' Salvation is declar'd compleat : < ; Why feek fowide, what lies fo near ? <: 'Tis in thy heart, thy mouth alone ; ii Believe, confels* — the deed is done." 5 'Tis cordial faith does finners lead, To Chrift the fource of righteoufnefs • And faints by conflant love proceed, 'Till they the full reward pollefs. Believe, confefs, with mouth and mind, Nor feparate what God hath join'd. HYMN * Confeflion here comprehends a holy life, as the belt evidence of a true faith, and not barely the ex- preflion of the lips. To confefs Chrift was fo dangerous at the time St. Paul wrote this, that it might be fuppofed Iione would venture to do it unkfs they had true faith. 64 HYMNS HYMN XXXVIII. THE PORT OF REST. So he hringrih fhcm to the Haven where they would he, Pfa. cvii. 30. 1 Q EE, how the temped fweeps the ikies; See, how the fens in mountains rile; And terrors round me roll ! Lo now I rife, lo now I fink ; And ev'ry moment Teems the brink Of ruin to my foul ! 2 I toil, I ev'ry effort drain ; I pray and fweat, and pray again ; But hope, alas I've none ! My bark is dafh'd upon the rock, The flood well nigh my fpirits choke, I'm finking! Oh. I'm gone ! 3 Now, now I fpy the Port of Reft ! New life rekindles in my bread. — The prornife of a God; Eternal ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 6$ Eternal, changelefs, firm and free ; Made to the wretched, made to me, And ratify 'd with blood. 4 Here then I fix my anchor fail ; My bark fhall ride out ev'ry blaft, From finking I'm fecure : The winds and waves obey'd his will ; He calm'd them both, with, Peace —Be Mill — ■ No more — my foul no more ! HYMN XXXIX. BOASTING IN CHRIST. I can do all things, idc. Phil. iv. 13. l A X arrogant boaft It furely mufl feem ! Shall worms of the dud Omnipotence claim ? Yet lo ! what faint* Paul fings, Each chriflian may too : Tho' weaker than all things, .He all thing? can do. 2 The 66 HYMNS t The half of his feats 'Twould tail me to tell : The whole world he beats ; * He tramples on hell ; f He challenges juftice To find in him fault ; £ And e'en heav'n his trufl is To take by affault ! § g 3 He waxes in pow'r The greater his foes ; || And profpers the more, The more they oppofe : IT He conquers their hate, or ** If that can't be done ; He does v/hat is greater, He conquers his own. ft 4 The ftate he is in Affords him content : To lofe or to win ; To have or to want : J J Come # i John, v. 4, v— ti Cor. xv. 55, margin.— $Rom. viii. 32, 34. — §Mat. xi. i2.---||Deut. xxxiii. 25. — ^jExo.i. 12. — **Rom. xii. 21.— -ttPiov. xvi. 32.— IJPhil. iv. 11, 12. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 67 Come high things, come low things, In peace, or in thrall ; He's careful for nothing, Yet thankful for all. t When mofl he's di fire ft, He mofl can rejoice ; * And ever fings bed, When tears drown his voice : £ The dark valley paries Of death undifmay'd; And judgement he faces, And is not afraid. 5 Yet lo, all this powV Is none of his own ! He'd faint ev'ry hour If once left alone : From Chrifl he derives it, There, there is his ftore ! And the glory, he gives it To Chrifl ever more. K HYMN t Phil. iv. 6. * Jam. i. 2. J 1 Pet. iv. 13. «[ 1 John V. 17. 68 HYMNS HYMN XL. ON RECOVERY FROM A DANGEROUS ILLNESS, Jul)', I77O. Blefs the Lord my foul, &c. Pfa. ciii. 1 — 4. 1 T> LESS thou the Lord my foul ! The Maker of my frame ; And all my inward faculties Combine to blefs his name. Blefs thou the Lord my foul ! His goodnefs claims no lefs : For conflant as thy moments roll, His benefits increafe. $ The Lord, whofe tender care T 'wards thee has ever been : Whofe healing hand thy health reflores, Whofe love forgives thy fin. ! Whofe grace redecm'd thy life ; For which hell vainly ftrove : That -life, in daily mercy fpares, And chears with hourly love. 5 B $: ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 69 5 Be all his bounteous gifts That crown my mortal breath, In life devoted to his praife, 'Till render'd back by death. 6 But lo ! my noblefl joys Death's utmofl pow'r deride ; Springing from God's eternal throne, They firm as that abide. 'HYMN XLL TRUE FAITH DISTINGUISHED. . It worketh by love. Gal. v. 6. Purifeth the hedrt. Acts xv. g. Produceth good fruits. Mat. vii. 17. 1 r I ^HAT we are fav'd by Faith alone, God's holy word afferts ; But pride this doclrine does difown, And wickednefs perverts. 2 Some think, in Faith they fo abound Salvation is their due ! Thus Faith with works they would confound, Yet neither have to mew, K 2 3 An JO HYMNS 3 An empty notion fome profefs, And think they now believe ; As if to fee, was to poffefs, To know, was to receive. 4 Others, becaufe they ne'er did doubt, They muft have Faith conclude : As well might thofe of vicVry fhout, Who ne'er in battle flood. 5 But thofe who moji themfelves deceive, And fure definition win ; Are fuch who boaft that they believe, And yet are flaves to fin. 6 But Faith (if genuine) has thefe ends ; T' exalt the Lord alone; On his fole merits it depends, And quite difclaims its own, 7 It is an all-fubduing pow'r, All-purifying grace ; Of holinefs brings forth the Jlczu'r, And fruits of righteoufhefs. 8 It ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. J\ 8 It fills the heart with gratitude, And thence the life renews : And while vain works it does exclude, The noble ft works produce. HTMNXLII. THE LAW AS IT RESPECTS SINN T ERS. The law is weak thro* the jlejh. Rom. viii. 3. 1 /^ OD's holy Law in part or whole, Can never juftify a foul ; For where is he who dares to fay, He does not break it day by day ? 2 But has God giv'n a Law to men, That's vain and nugatory then ? It did with man's true ftate agree ; And dill fhews what he ought to be, 3 The Law's a ftraight and perfect rule, And deviates not 'caufe man's a fool ; And thofe fufficient pow'rs has loft, Which his primeval ftate could boaft. 4 The 72 HYMNS 4 The Law defcribes the proper road, Which fhould by ev'ry man be trode : But can the poft that fhews the way, To the lame trav'ler llrength convey ? 5 Yet 'tis not that the Law is weak : The lead commandment that we break, Has pow r fufficient to condemn, And doom us to eternal fhame. 6 The Law has ftill thefe ufes plain ; Men from excefTes to reft rain, And fhew to all what need they have Of an almighty Friend to fave. HYMN XLIII. THE LAW AS IT RESPECTS SAINTS. The commandment is holy, and jit/t, and good, Rom. vii. 12. 1 /^ OD has a Law to mortals font, Of fov'reign fan&ion, vaft extent : Outward to every action brought, Inward it reaches to the thought. This ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 73 2 This Law, tho' drift, fo fimple is, And fo congenial to our blifs ; Its full extent two precepts prove, Yea one fhort fyllabie, 'tis Love ! 3 But love, altho' man's proper good, (And was, while undeprav'd he flood) Is now become his foreft talk, And fupernat'ral pow'r does aflc. 4 With the whole foul, and flrength, and mind, Love to our God — to all our kind As to ourfelves ; full, free, fincere ; From ev'ry imperfection clear. 5 This was the rule of nature Mill, Publifh'd abroad on Sinai's hill ; Exemplify'd by God's own Son, And thro' eternity will run. 6 This Law in heav'n will flronger bind, Increafin^ obligations find : Nor can this rule of right remove, While there's a God of Love to love. HYMN 74 HYMNS HYMN XLIV. THE SINNER'S ONLY PLF A. Oh fave vie for thy Mercy's fake. Pfa. vi. 4. 1 T'ORD I have done — my mouth 1 clofe • Vain works I urge no more : My Hubble to thy fire oppofe ;* Or trifle with thy pow'r. 2 No longer dare I name defert, Bereft of ev'ry plea ; Does helplefs mis'ry move thy he. Then thou mud pity me. 3 Pity and pardon Lord I crave. No merit can I boaft ; Thy freed pardon I mud have. Or be for ever loft. 4 But can thy righteoufnefs allow, That grace mould triumph thus ? Ws. thy blefl volume fhews me how, And points me to thy croLs. 5 ^ * Ifa. xxvii. 4. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, J5 g There I behold my canceled blame. My guilty foul fet clear : Juilice and mercy both the fame. And God no more fevere, 6 O may this reconciling view My utmoft efforts raife : Works lefs I'll urge, but more I'll do, And thou fhalt have the praife, HYMN XLV. THE AUTHOR^ EXPERIENCE* Tkt jift P [aim paraphrased. t i^.REAT God the author and the end Of all things, and the finner's friend • I call myfelf, and all my care On thee — O let me not defpair. 2 When difficulties round me prefs, Open a way for my redrefs : For thou in juftice now can ft have An ear to hear, an arm to fave. 3 My 7$ HYMNS 3 My God, on ev'ry new furprife, As the defencelefs Rabbit flies Into the rock, * fo I to thee My Rock, at thy commandment- flee. 4 From men of fraud, and men of blood, Thro' life protect me O my God : For from my earlieft youth thou know'ii, I've made thy facrednamemy boafL 5 'Twas thou exiftence to me gave, 'Tis thou preferv'ft me from the grave ; From thee all bleihngs I derive, And to thy praife O may I live, Seco?id Part. 6 GREAT is the work I'm call'd to do, Great are the trials I go thro' : Men wonder I can bear the load; But I've a flrong, -almighty God. 7 To thee the honour fball be paid, For all thy counfel and thy aid ; And daily I'll alxmbe to thee The praife of all that's done by me. N 8 When * Compare the Margin with Pfa.civ. 18. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. %rfj 8 When age draws on, and tyrengtti JJiaU fail ; Num'rous infirmities prevail ; From fretful cares thy fervant keep ; My foes would gladly fee me (If p. 9 But, O my God be. thou uill near To help- me, then I will not, fear ; For all that watch to dome wrong, Shall be deceived, and bite their tongue. 10 But.I continually .wijl hope; And as thy favour bears me up, To all thy kind.deliv.V^iif e tell, And an .thy praife yet mpr^xcel. TLrikd\JZdrt. 11 MY mouth with ple^auire (hall proclaim, Thy great falvation, , and thy name :> T Thy glorious works of righteoulnefs, No numbers ever can exprefs. r 12 In thy almighty ftrength I'll %p, Nor fear the perfecuting foe z And of thv riohteoufnefs alone, I'll preach— for other there is none. L 2 13 Ev'n 78 HYMNS j£ Ev'n from my youth I've known thy name> And hitherto have taught the fame : O leave me not when hoary hairs Portend infirmities and cares. 14 Thy righteoufnefs all thought exceeds> Thou haft perfbrm'd amazing deeds ; And great has been thy love to me : Lord who can e'er compare with thee ! 15 Old-age, and death itfelf muft come ; But O, before thou tak'ft me home, To preach thy word aflift me frill, 'Till I've accomplifh'd all thy will. Fourth Part. 16 MANY, and great, and grievous are The troubles I am call'd to bear : But thou, who dofl thofe troubles (hew, Supports me in, and bfing'ft me thro.' 17 Thou wilt me raife, however low, On ev'ry fide make comforts flow : My flock, my family, my foul Wilt blefs — till all my joy is full. 8 ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, JQ 1 8 O make me great in ufefulnefs, And my unworthy labours blefs : Then all my inftruments of joy, I'll daily in thy praife employ. 19 I'll praife thee with my lips, my tongue • My heart, my foul, fhalljoin the fong ; For thou didft my loft foul redeem From death's dark fhades, and woes extreme, 20 My God, I'll boaft of all thy ways, And numbers Til provoke to praife : Far round thy righteous dealings fpread, And all my foes fhall hide their head. HYMN XLIV. THE PRECIOUS GOSPEL. The Trumpet Jh all he blown, and they Jl: all come which were ready to perijh. Ifa. xxvii. 13. * TT ARK, hark the glad found! 'Thro earth doth rebound ; Return home ye captives a ranfom is found. 2 For 80 HYMNS 2 For every grief Here's fov'reign relief ; Salvation for finners, of whom I am chief. * Then make no delay, Cad fear far away : Seize finners your portion, and biers the glad [day. 4 Salvation is yours With all its rich (lores : 9 Tis mercy beflows it, 'tis juflice fecures. 5 However di ft reft, If this is pbflfefl* You're richer than Indies, the eaft, and the weft. 6 Ye beggars then, rife ; Now {hew yourfelves wife .« Rife, rife from your dunghills, and feize the [rich prize. 7 Bleft fpirit exerc Thy pow'r on each heart, And all that is wanting moil freely impart. 8 Now, ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 8l 8 Now, now the will give, And pow'r to believe ; Thy mefTage to welcome, thy praifes to live. HTMN XLVIL PARDON FOR SINNERS. The i$5 6 Then ceafe your ixtfe diftmfling/ Nor doubt his loving power ; He'll help to bear, Or fet you clear. From every trying hour. 7 E'er long with him our Leader Triumphant we fhall enter ; Then every blafl For ever pad, And fix'd on. him our centre, 8 Of every fear divefted, We there ih fell fmg fecurelyj His conduct blefs, And (till confefs We came there by it purely. HTMNLIX. PRAISE TO THE TRINITY. Talkye of all kiswond'rous works, l Chron, xvi. 9, 1 OOME ye happy chofen race, Subjects of peculiar grace ; Let us join our grateful fongs : To our God all praife belongs. Wond'rous %g$ H :-y m n 6 Wond'rous t,grus, Let us ever pra ttfd«W>« 2 T was the Father's fov**&§bfefl Sent the Saviour 'from That his mercy he - ( And yet honourjaitice AotfW I He a Surety fouft# for . ; 'j Let us ever praife him dins. 3 Jems left his Father's fide/" Took our rleih, obey d and dy a ; Fought our foes, and when 'Sberfell; i • lO 8 Vanquifli'd hii; v and death, iU&tilfcll -!■•■ 3f He has purchas'd heav-'n-JofiV Let us ever praife him thir^ ft 4 'Tis the Spirit's influence Ev'ry blfeffoflg does -drfpenfe ; ; *\. Who' Sic -FattiePs fcvc reveafsj ; And the Son s redemption teals : tt II • : He all grace imparts to us Let us evei praile mm thus. 5 ft*!" ON VA'RIOUS SUBJECTS. 1 OJ 5 Father, Son and Holy Ghofl, Him who pitied linners loft : Us did choofe, redeem and call, God of gods, and all in all ! Let us ever to him raife Equal honour, thanks and praife. HYMN LX. PRAISE IS PLEASANT. It is a good thing tojing praifes unto our God, &c. Pfa. cxlvii. 1. 1 T TOW pleafant to fing. The praife of our King ! To publifh abroad The love of our God ! Dear chriftians for ever To you it belongs : Howe'er elfe you differ, Unite in your foiws. 2 Shall praife be deny'd To Jefus who dy'd ? He bore all your woes, All good things bellows : P Does io8 HYMNS Does any exceed him In perfon or ways ? Are any be fide him Deferving your praife ? His name to repeat, What mufic fo fweet ? His love to declare, We fure may compare To ointment diffufed All over the room : The more it is ufed, The more 'twill perfume. Come chriflians and join In work fo divine ; Your Saviour extol ; O praife him my foul ! Sure none are receiving More from him than I ; His would I be living, And his would I die. HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. IO9 BTMN LXL GOD IN CHRIST. The glory of God in the face of Jefus thrift. 2 Cor. iv. 6. I A LMIGHTY Potentate on high, How {hall I think of thee ! Is it for fuch a worm as I To fcan immenfity ! 2 How far remote from my dull fight Doth my Creator dwell : Wrapt in a veil of dazzling light, And unapproachable ! 3 Thy lowed works furmount my reach, They baffle all my (kill : Then to thefe heavens what thought can ft retch Or heavens more lofty ftill. 4 Yet Thou by earth, and all the ikies But flightly art reveaFd : Should myriads more of worlds arife, Still Thou art but concealed ! P 2 5 But HO. . H Y M N S 5 But there is one whofe gentle fcce^ CoileClsthv futt-orb'd rays ; There I thy. heft perfections trace, lie belt reflects thy praife. 6 'Tis Jefus, human yet divine, Thy greatnc -fs, goodnefs.proves In him thy brightefl gl^ne^ft^: fl In him thy fyveeteft loves. 7 In ev'rv creature fome thing frefli Of God I daily find.: But in the temple of his flefli I he Goanead is eninnn a. * ^ ■ /orfT 8 Here will I pro ft rate and adore *T 1 111'' 1 Nor dares an angel blame, T i Hi.ni will I worfhip evermore, For angels do tile fame.f I hczbhi HYMN *2Cor. iv. 6. || CJ.ii.y. t !kb. i. 6. ON VARIOUS SUBJECUS. Ill JIYMN LXIL THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST, EinmatiL:!,. — God with us, Mat. i. ^3. i T T A -J L willi'd-for period, facredmorn ! ■ Lo, angels fing the Saviour's born ! Swell, mortals fwell the heavenly lay ; ] efus is born, for us to day. - 2 O the bell tidings ever heard ; The Lord of heav'n in flefh appear 'd ! O g r ea te 11 my ft 'ry ever, kiio vr n ; The eternal Goas a virgin's fori I 3 O depth ^^ty/h4lito ( flLve, That brought our Maker "from above ! And veiPd in feeble infancy., •;• Th' almighty Pow'r that fram'd the iky. " I 1 4 Hail Bethlehem's Babe, hail great I AM, While born on earth, in heav'n fupreme : Heav'n fhall earth in' one unite, To fing thy weakne"isj and thy might. - 5 112 HYMNS. 5 Hail honoured Mary's virgin womb, In which our God did flefh afTume ! Hail happy fouls o'er all the earth, Where Jefus forms his heav'nly birth ! HYMN LXIIL ■A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Take a pfalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleafant harp with the pjaltery ; blow up the trum- pet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our joltmnjcajl-day. . Pfa. lxxxi. 2, 3. 1 CHRISTIANS of every name affift, Your utmoft efforts bring, To hail the birth of Jefus Chrift ; The entrance of your King. £ Drop all difpute, feize feize your parts, Your nobleft pow'rs employ 5 Bring your bell member, bring your hearts. Fill up the gen'ral joy. 3 Heralds of God in bright array, And ready order {land : *Tis yours to give the lofty key, To lead the tuntiul band. 4 Set ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. .1 1 g 4 Set the fhrill Trumpet to your mouth, And blow a chearful blaft, Shake heav'n and earth from north to fouth/ The Saviour's born at lad. r New flaming converts hither bring Your brifk extatic Lyre : Sweep, fweep the fprightly bounding firing, And let loofe all your fire. 6 Grave fires, profound by trials grown, Subjoin your deep accord : Praife on the Sackbut's folemn tone Your ever faithful Lord. 7 Ye plaintive faints, like lonely fwains, The penfive Flute you claim : Breath your foft folitary flrains To Jefu's balmy name, 8 Ye focial flocks on you it lies The Chorus to fupply : Into one body organize, And pour rich harmony. q Let .114 ; H V -M N S. 9 Let ev'ry name, and ev'ry' a^e, The feeble and the (Iron >, With all their (kill and pow'r engage To fwell the lofty fong. io Glory to God on high fly round Earth's favoured globe, and then " Heavn's echoing concave fhall refouiid Peace and good will to men. HTMNLXIV. DOUBT FOR B.I D D EJk Wherefore didjl thou doubt? Mat. xiv, 31. 1 Yf NCOMPASS'D with foes, And fears all within ; Perplexed with woes, And pefter'd with iin ; God's countenance hidden- All comfort fhut out : *Tho J doubt be forbidden, How can I but doubt ? 2 My ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS* 1 15 2 My foes, oh how ftrong, And fubtle withal i The conflid is long, My ftrengthis but fmall-— My Captain's almighty, Thofe foes he will rout ; Und'r his banner fight I, Then why mould I doubt t } A finner I am, Expos'd to the curfe, With guilt and with {hame.;-, Sure none can be Worie ! Yet Chrift can reflore me, And fave me throughout ; r He gave himfelf for me, ba* iuoAiW Then why mould I doubt ? A 4 . My way is all dark 3 My God is withdrawn ; ;dl ] And I from the mark To wander am prone — ; Q Divine il^ H Y M N s Divine truth has fpoke it, He'll bring me fate -out ; His word he ne'er broke yet, Then why mould I doubt ? - 5 With fharpeft diftrefs My Lord does me prove ; Yet trials of grace Are marks of his love. His rod let me rev'rence ; - g For he'll bring about i A happy deliverance, O let me not doubt ! 6 Soon, foon fhall my foes Without and within, All weakness and woes, All ign' ranee and fin, Be banim'd for ever ;■ And then I fhall fh out Full vicl'ry, and never, No nevermore doubt, HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 1 1 J HYMNLXV. FREE GRACE, It is of faith, that it might be by grace. Rom. iv. 16. i HPHE Lord declares he'll cafl out none, Who come to him thro' Chrift his Son : Yet Jefus faith that only thofe Can come, whom God his Father draws, 2 To faith in Chrift a right is giv'n, Of ev'ry grace that leads to heav'n : But yet we read, faith is no lefs God's gift than ev'ry other grace. 3 Thofe only can to heav'n afcend, Who perfevere unto the end : Yet God does every where declare, 'Tis by his ftrength we perfevere. 4 Thus does the fov'reigri Lord provide Such means as flaiii all human pride ; Ye: no difcouragement will give To fuch as only zuij/i to live. O 2 HYMN Il8 HYMNS. HYMNLXVI. THE STRAIT GATE. Enter ye in at the Jl rait gate : for wide is the gate, arid broad is the way, that leadeth to dejlruclion. M«t. vii. 14. ^ x 1 C TRAIT's the gate that leads to heaven^ And the road fix'd by God, Rugged and uneven. 2 Few there are that care to venture : Few alas feek topafs; Fewer yet that enter. 4 But the num'rous ways defcending Down to hell, how they fwell ! Thoufands thither tending. 4 Moll with fatal indifcretion Poft along, right or wrong ; Laugh at all profedion. 5 Some of being true believers Fondly talk, while their walk Prove thern but deceivers. 6 Others ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. lig 6 Others hate the word [believing] Heaven fjin they would gain By their decent living. 7 Thus the gorge of hell is filling, Both by lull, and by trull In a faith that's killing. 8 Yet God's own of ev'jy nation, Ever hath that true faith, Which attends falvation. 9 Thefe mud with their fuff'ring Mailer Undergo daily woe, Trouble and difafter. 10 Chriftians you mufl tafle the bitter : 'Tis but meet, that the fweet May be made the fweeter. n Here the Saviour went before ye : Tis the road, Jefus trod To eternal glory. l 2 Envy ( 120 HYMNS 1 2 Envy not the ions of laughter : We defpife all their joys, For a bleft hereafter. 13 Let them boaft their airy Something— • Jefus join us with thine, Trying and triumphing. HTMN LXVIL RELIGION. To know the love of Chrijl, which paffeth know- ledge, that ye might be filled with all the folnefi of God. Eph. iii. 19. 1 T> E LI G I O N fource of boundlefs joy, And pleafures that can never cloy ; Filling the foul's immenfe defircs, Yet willies ever new infpires. Kail happy happy piety, Infatiable fatiety ! 2 Pure are thy precepts, fweet thy force ; Love is thy fum, and love thy fource : Springing from God's eternal throne, And leading back to him alone. Hail happy happy piety, Infatiable fatiety ! 3 O ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, 121 3 O when fhall I thy pleafures know, Which, ever perfect, ever grow ; Fili'd with love's all-fufficing (lore, Yet ever thir fling after more.^ Hail happy happy piety, Infatiable fatlety ! HTMNLXVIII. EXULTATION. The Lord reigneth. Pfa. xcvii. i. CHOUT aloud, and let your joys Mount aloft and fhake the ikies : Jefus reigns, be that your fong ; And to Jefus we belong. 2 Jefus reigns, what need we fear ? Jefus reigns, dry ev'ry tear ; Jefus reigns, tell angels fo ; Jefus reigns, he reigns below. 3 Thus repeat the gladfome found, Conftantas the days roll round, 'Till with him we're cali'd to reign ; Then refume the fong again. HYMN 122 H Y M N S HTMNLXIX. CHIDING MY FOLLY. ; i / will go and return to my firjl luifband, for then it was better with me 'than now. Ho'f. ii. 7. 1 A STRAY from Chrifl thy only friend, Ah foolifh foul no longer rove : When will thy wand'rings have an end, And thou return to thy firft Love ? • 2 Can aught fuch happinefs afjord, As in his favour thou hafi found ? Is he not thy all-rightful Lord jj Does not his kindnefs ft ill abound ? 3 Objctts of fenfe may promifefair, And boaft the mighty joys they'll bring i Pofieif'd, they prove deluiive air ; A phantom ever ; oft a fting. 4 Uncertain is the world, and crofs ; Courted by numbers, gain'd bv tew i Or gain'd, too oft the gain is lois, And does her votaries undo. Oft ON VARIOUS SURJE?3 5 Oft has her frowns deferv'd thy fcorn,. Oft has her fmiles thy hopes deceiy'd : Why fhoul.d her infults yet he borne ? Why mould her promife be believ'd jj 6 Return, return my foul at laft; Let Chrift without a rival reign — • And O my Lord,, forgive the part, And never let me rove again! THE BIBLE. I The law of thy mouth is better to. me" than thoufands ofgcldandjilver. Pfa. cxix. 72. 1 pRECIOUS Bible, how I love Thy divine contents to prove ! Here I can fecurely reft ; Thou canft make me wife and bleft. 2 Beft of books ! in thee I find All things to inftru6l my mind : Comfort in affliction's hour, And o'er death a 10 v' reign pow'r. R 3 Who -> 12^ HYMNS q Who would rob me of this book, Better far my life had took : All earth's treafures rich, immenfe, Could' not make me recompenfe ! 4 Let the witlings of the age, Ridicule the facred page : Bind the Bible to my heart ; Never with it let me part. '. HYMN LXXL A FRIEND INDEED ! There is a friend thatjlicketh clofer than a Irothcr. Prov. xviii. 24, 1 nHHO* thoufands of foes Befet me around ; What care I for thofe ? A Friend I have found More kind than a brother; More ftrong than an hoft : There's not fuch another ; In him will I truft. % 'Tis ON VARIOUS. SUBJECTS, 125 t 'Tis Jefusmy God, Supreme of the fkies; Who left his abode, And lo, for me dies ! A Friend to the friendlefs, For puiffance renown'd ; Whofe love is a&^endlefs, As 'tis without bound. 3 If e'er I'm dijftreft, Toi Jefus I flee : Andwh^ri I am bled, My tyeffmg is he. In doubt my direction ; For, grief an alloy : He halves my affliction, But doubles my joy. 4 Ah, when face to face f My Friend fhall I meet ? In that happiefl place. To dwell near his feat, : ' Sphere R 2 % 126 H Y M N S. } Where angels before him Glad homage approve : And I fhall adore him, And ling of his love. HTMNLXXIL HEAVXX I Jhall be Jatisjied zvhai I ciivale -with thy Ivkxntfo, Pfa. xyii. 15. •( i TX THEN, O my God, : fhall I attain That holieft, 'irappicft pkce ? Where I my utmofl bhfs fhajl gain, yM In gazing on thyiface. t: iduoh 2 Where thou my vaft defires malt fill, At And I no more repine ; But my lubmils, unbiais a will Run parallel with thine. ..A 3 "Where I no grief in mind fhall know, Nor in my body pam ; But joy thro' ev'ry thought fhall flow, And health thro' cv'ry vein. 4 Where ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 12 J 4 Where knowledge {hall be clear and flrong, And truth (hall fliine fo bright ; I cannot err by what is wrong, > Nor doubt of what is right. 5 Where lotrfi fhall govern all my heart ; I s ev'ry pow'r employ : Whci. iplealure never fhall depart ; Enjoyment never cloy. 6 Where evil fhall no more be known, Good fhall unmixed be : Where thou, my God, malt be my own, And I be loft in thee. HYMN LXXIIL THE ATHEIST CONFUTED. ■ He hath made his wonderful works to le remembered. Pfa. cxi. 4 . l ALMIGHTY Sov'reign, gracious God! Shall I attempt thy praife ? r * Not more fublime is thine abode^ Than marvellous thy ways. 2 Thy 12§ HYMNS 2 Thy grandeur flrikes my wond'ring eyes, Where'er I roll them round : Or upwards to the vaulted flues, Or downwards to the ground. 3 Nor tefs thy goodnefs does appear DifFus'd tlito* great and imall : Thy powl'f in thofe, inthefe thy care; Thy wifdom ia them all. 4 Orheav'n, or earth, or fea, or air, Intelligent, on brute ; , ;) q A reigning Deity declare, And infidels confute. 5 Fools ! mu ft be made of ftubborn fteel, Who tafte their daily food, Or fee the fun, its influence feel :* t And yet deny a God. 6 A Cod • There is-nothiirg hid. from the heat thereof, Pfa. xix. g. — Should an athe'Hl be polled of no other fenfe than that of reeling, he would be inexcufable. - ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 129 6 A God who robes himfelf in light, Or in thick darknefs vails ; And to confound dull atheifls quite, Their ev'ry fenfe affails. j My gracious God, while thefe fupine On nature's volume gaze : Write thy more perfect law within, And I fhall read and praife. HYMN LXXIV. TRUE REST, There the weary are at reft. Job. iii. 17. I npHE man that hopes for reft below, Will fure himfelf deceive : . This changing world no reft doth know, Then reft how can it give ? a The earth itself's a rolling ball : And what are all its joys, But fleeting fmoke ? and what are all Its riches ? — fplendid toys ! 3 Its 13a HYMN S 3 Its honours too, what gaudy tralhj Which fcarce a moment pleafe ? How foolifh then that man, and rafh, Who hopes for reft in thefe ! 4 I've try'd the whole circumf rence round, The giddy circle trac'd ; At length true reft alone I've found, Is in the centre plac'd. 5 Chrift is my centre, heav'n the place Whither my foul would flee : When fhall I erid this fruitlefs chafe. And reft dear Lord in thee ? HTMN LXXV. THE BLEST EXCHANGE. YeJIidllbe forrozuful, but your forrow Jfiall L le turn'd into joy. John xvi. xx, l r^O ME all ye faints, It well becomes you to unite in praife : Drop your complaints, And your «lad longs in holy triumph raife. 2 What ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 131 2 Whatth led £% A thoufand thou (and evils ev*ry day : It (hail be well ; Dry up your Arrows, call your fears away. . ■ 3 Poor and defpifd • The fcofF,of atheiih, and (.he drunkard's fong : You will be railed To thrones of honour, crowns of joy e'er long. 4 Sorrow and ihame Your Lord endur'd, of ev'ry joy deni'd \ But he o'ercame,' i r ,0 ^Andnow behold him at his Father's fide-! 5 There now he reigns; J g And governs all things, and will you defend: Even your pains, 1 odW Shall but enhance your pleasures iu the end. £ Come then ye faints > Tho' now expos'd to ills of ev'ry kind : Drop your complaints ; ^ For nobler joys above, yon are deiign'd. i> I S HYMN 132 HYMNS HYMN LXXVI. HYMN TO CHRIST. And daily Jhall he be praifed. Pfa. lxxii. 15, 1 npO Chrift my fong I'll raife, My fweeteft notes I'll bring ; Wakeev'ry vocal pipe to praife, Andev'ry tuneful firing. 2 To Chrift the Son of God, Who hcav V s high throne forfook ; Came down from his fublimc abode, And my frail nature took, 3 To Chrift whofe death alone, Life for my foul procur'd ; Who freely laid my ranfom down, My punifhment endur'd, 4 To Chrift who intercedes With my offended God ; My advocate, who for me pleads The merit of his blood, 5 To ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 1 33 g To Chrift who taught me too This matchlefs love to know • And by his own example drew The path that I fhould go. 6 To Chrift who rules my heart By his fweet law of love. To Chrift who never will depart, 'Till I am fafe above. 7 There ev'ry pow'r I'll raife, To Chrift my gracious King : And in new fongs his glorious praife, For ever ever fing. IITMNLXXVIL SPIRITUAL JOY. Rejoice, and again I fay unto yon rejoice. Phil. iv. 4. 1 r^O ME all who belong To that happy throng, Who love the Redeemer, unite in a fong. S 2 2 Caft 10X H Y M N S £ Caft, caft ofF your fi ar, Your fcruples and care : Sure rhofe flhdtild be merry who Jefus revere. 3 Shall men celebrate Their heroes fo gK£#£, Who conquer their fojs, and deliver the flatc ? 4 Sure we have more caufe To lender applaufe, To him wiio redeem d us (rom infinite woes, 5 Their fric ni> do they toaft^ And Lliowih-ip bo; Our feljowftiipis with the heavenly hofl. 6 Or doe? iove incline, And fruit ot the vine ? Our love is the nobk ft, and we've the beft wine. We'll drink the rich blifs, N < ) r fe a r o f e x: c e is : Oar God is no niggard^ our (lore grows no lehs. 8 Ours is the beft cheet 4 ; NV mrf( il we fear : JniaiiaLe enjoyment is temperance here. 9 Then ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 135 6 Then lift up your head 3 Nor Jet it be laid That we Jiaye no h^ppinefs 'till fye are, dead. 10 But let the world know, Our pleasures below Exceed theirs by far, and to greater we go, HYMN LXXVIII. INCONSTANCY. My harp is turned into mourning. Job. xxx. 31, 1 "TOW tranfient are the fon^s I raife In this imperfect ilate ; My love how cold, how dull my praife, How foon my joys abate ! 2 But now! and lo rhy raptur'd foul On full-uretch'd pinions foar'd ! Fervent my love, my joy was full, And Jefus I aclor'd. 3 1 I36 HYMNS. 3 I far outflripp'd the eagle's flight, And aim'd th' eternal throne : Earth was diminifh'd to my fight, And heav'n feem'd all my own. 4 But ah, how quickly changed the fcene; The pleafmg rapture dies! Thick clouds of darknefs roll between, And I have loft the Ikies. 5 Now like the flow, the fluggifh fnail I drag along my load : My fooliih confidence bewail ; Bewail an abfent God. € When mall I drop this cumb'rous clay, This prifon of my foul ; And ft retch my wings and foaraway Where fm nor fenfe control ? 7 Then o'er the blifsful realms above My raptur'd foul mall range ; Find boundlefs joy, and pcifect love, Which never, never change. o - HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 137 HYMN LXXIX. THE DQOR OF MERCY To him thai knocketh itjhall be opened. Mat. vii. 8. l HpO mercy's kind door We beggars are come ; Would knock it once more, But fear to prefume. Tho' great are our troubles, And cover' d with fin ; Our doubts and our fcruples Won't let us go in. ft But why mould we doubt A welcome to find ? Was e'er one caft out, Who came with this mind; That if he muft perifh, Should be at Chrill s feet ? No, no fuch he'll cheriih, And tenderly treat. 5 The 133 , n y m H s o 3 The rich and the vam, Who bring their proud plea His grace to obtain, Go empty away : But thofe who are needy, And come to be fed ; Have fi ill found him ready To deal out his bread. 4 How needy are we, And helplefs and bare ! No friend can we fee, No refuge el fe where ! Thou only can blefs us, Dear Jefus we own ; And lo our diftrefTes Are all to thee known, 5 Thy Spirit fend down, To teach us true pray'r ; A figh or a groan From him thou canft hear : And ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. , I39 And while we're addreffing The footftool of grace ; To us be the bleffing, And take thou the praife. HYMN LXXX. DIVINE PROTECTION. The Lord is thy keeper. Pfa. cxxi. 5. 1 TV" EEP, O keep us mighty Saviour ; Keep us by thy loving favour ; Keep us thro' this defert dreary^; Keep us when we're weak and weary. 2 Keep us in affliction's furnace ; Keep us leafl profperity turn us ; Keep us from prefumptious daring ; Keep us ever from defpairing. g Keep us in the dying hour ; Keep us from the tempter's power • Keep us and forfake us never ; Keep, O keep us thine for ever. T HYMN 140 HYMNS HXMN LXXXI. PARDON AND PURITY. And every man that hath this hope in him, purifiith himfelf, even as he is pure. 1 John iii. 3. 1 TN vain do loofe profeffors talk Of pard'ning grace and love ! 'Tis holinefs of heart and walk, In thofe our int'reft prove. 2 Where'er the Saviour's blood has giv'n A right to heav'nly joy : His Spirit will make meet for heav'n, And fin's vilepow'r deftroy. 3 Sure, whom God loves, muft love him too, Whate'er God hates, mufl hate ; Whate'er Chrifl bids, delight to do, His life to imitate. 4 Was not the rich atoning blood, That flow'd from his dear veins, Mix'd with a facred wat'ry flood, To wafh away our ftains ? A beauteous ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 141 5 A beauteous emblem this, we deem, Of ev'ry chriftian's ftate : The pard'ning and the cleanfing ftream, Pie will not feparate. HYMN LXXXII. GOD ALL-SUFFICIENT. Whether we live or die.wt are the Lord's. Rom. xiv. 8. 1 /^ OD is the life of all my joys, And joy of all my life : Without him thofe were empty toys, This were a fruitlefs ft rife. 2 God is my hope when forrows prefs, And forrows try my hope : From theft in him I find redrefs, And that ftill bears me up. q God is my portion when I die, By death I that po fiefs. In joy or forrow bleft am I ; In life or death no lefs. T 2 HYMN 142 HYMNS HYMN LXXXIII. CHRIST THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. John xiv. 6. i /CHRIST is the way in which I'm led, And leader in this way : In it directs me were to tread, Nor from it lets me ftray. 2 Chrift is the truth which I am taught, And teacher of this truth : *Twas he my foul from error brought, And taught me from my youth. 3 Chrift is the life that quickens me, And giver of this life : 'Tis he fupports me day by day, To pafs thro' this world's itrife. 4 Is Chrift my way to God from fin, The truth to make it known, And gives me life to walk therein ? Then be the praife his own. HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 143 HTMN LXXXIV. AHAB AND JEHOSHAPHAT, 1 Kings xxii. 29—34. 1 TXTHEN God his purpos'd judgment fends, Or benefits bellows : He wants not means to help his friends. Or to confound his foes. 2 Ahab, that proud rebellious king, Whom God had often fpar'd : As oft on God contempt did fling, Yet he at laft was fnar'd. 3 For lo 3 to battle he muft needs — By flatterers abus'd : Yet his mifgiving confcience dreads; And he great caution us'd. 4 To fcreen himfelf, this worfl * of kings Jehofhaphat beguil'd. But he, who over-rules all things, His crafty purpofe foil'd. 5 Jehofhaphat * 1 Kings xxi. 25. 144 HYMNS 5 Jehofliaphat (not over wife, Altho' the Lord he fear'd) Got into danger, but he cries, And lo his cries are heard ! 6 A certain man (no matter who, 'Twas Ahab's death God meant) Unwittingly his bow he drew, But God the arrow fent. jr Thro' the tight mail it found its way, The wicked king is flain ; No more God's will to difobey, Or vex his faints again. 8 Sinners, howe'er fecure you grow, In fin however flout ; Thro* all your falfe difgui fes, know Your fin will find you out. 9 While thofe who truly fear the Lord, Are fometimes led aflray : Yet upright men fhall be reflor'd And flill hold on their wav. HYMN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 145 HTMNLXXXV. ahab's DEATH SPIRITUALIZED. A certain man drew a bow at a venture, &e. 1 Kings xxii, 34. 1 A certain man ! perhaps by him A faithful preacher's fhown: But mean oft in the world's efteem, And more fo in his own. 2 Lo, in fimplicity he bends The gofpel's wond'rous bow ! But grace the deftin'd arrow fends, And ftrikes the fatal blow. 3 Wrapp'd in difguife and drefs'd in Heel, What tho* the Tinner's heart ? Yet God can quickly make him feel, Conviction's pungent fmart. 4 Then crouds no more amufe his grief, Or hofts of pleafure pleafe ; Nor yield his wounded foul relief, His bleeding conscience eafe, £ Sick 146 HYMN S. 5 Sick of the world's confufed noife, He flies all fcenes of ftrife : On death his ferious thought employ*, The gate of endlefs life. 6 His will (that furious charioteer That drove him on to fin) Muft now commence anew career. The crown of life to win. 7 Thus while this hifVry we've appli'd, Inftru&ionto impart : May God the random arrow guide, To fome proud finner's heart. HYMN LXXXVI. DEATH IN THE POT. 2 Kings iv. 38-41, 1 T ET profligates boaft What joy fin affords : Their pleafures at moll. Are only wild gourds. Witk ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 147 With all your vain blufler, We envy you not : Yourbleflings are curft, for You've death in the pot, 2 Sly hypocrites too, Who fecretly fin ; Fair out fides you fiieW, Wild gourds are within : When death fhall arrcfl you, Your hopes will all rot ; And now at the belt, you Have death in the pot. 3 And thofe who profefs Religion in form ; Shred gourds in your mefs, And think it no harm : In forms while you're refting, Nor cold are nor hot ; You can have no bleffmg : There's death in the pot. V 4 *f 1^8 HYMNS, 4 Ye chriflians fincere, Whofe conduct accords ; Tho' fometimes you fear, You've many wild gourds : Yet where'er God's fear is, The true meal you've got ; Then fear not, for there is No harm in the pot. HYMN LXXXVII. THE SWORD OF THE LORD AND OF GIDEON, Judge vii. 20. i TITHEN Ifrael rebell'd,did Midian prevail; And Gideon was call'd from wielding [the flail, His army three hundred brave men, to ftand by, And the fword of the Lord and of Gideon to [cry. 2 With pitchers, and lamps, and trumpets, thefe [three— We feldom fuch camps of foldiers fhall fee ! Yet lo with thefe weapons they made their foes [fly ■> While the fword of the Lord and of Gideon [they cry. 3 Twas ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 149 3 'Twas dead of the night, when theft chofen few Advanc'd to the fight: the trumpets they Hew, The pitchers they break, and the lamps they [lift high: Then the fword of the Lord and of Gideon [they cry. 4 The Midianites fled, bold Ifrael purfu'd ; Sad havock they made, their foes they fubdu'd. Midian never more dared Gods holt to defy : While the fword of the Lord and of Gideon [they cry. 5 Then let us take care we trufl to the right ; Not weapons of war, or numbers or might : In every did re fs 'tis our ftrength to (land by, And the fword of the Lord and his Servant to [cry. 6 Tho' foes may furround in dreadful array, The gofpel's fweet found will fright them away : Let the light mine refplendent, the frail flcfh [denv, And the fword of the Lord and his Servant ft ill [cry. V 2 7 Ye t$Q H Y M N S 7 Ye heralds who ftand the gofpel to fpvead, At God's great command, no enemy dread, Nor mind the frail pitchers ; but lift vour voice [high, And the fword of the Lord let his Servants ftill cry. 8 Nor only declaim, but let your light fliine ! May all do the fame, whofe hearts with you join To refcue God's Ifracl, his glory raife hi-h. And the fword of the Lord and his Servants [we'll cry. q At midnight 'tis (aid the trumpet will found ; Bright lightnings will fpread like lamps all [around ; This world like a pitcher to pieces wdl fly : And the fword of the Lord the Archangel will [cry! 10 Not natures loud craih, nor death need we fear; The pitchers he'll dafh that the lamps may [f!i me clear. The trumpet of vicVry we'll found while we die: And the fword of the Lord and hjs Chfcifl ever |>y. HYMN ON T VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 151 IITMN LXXXVIII. THE VOICE OF NATURE. J 11 thy works praijc thee, Lord. Pfa cxlv, ig. 1 TVJATURE thro* all her works declares The God fupreme that gave them birth : On high ten thoufand glut/ring flars, Ten thoufand beauteous forms on earth. % The fun with his all-pow'rful rays, Proclaims a Pow'r iuperior far ; The feebler moon reflects his praife ; And he's reveal'd by ev'ry (tar. 3 Each drop* of liquid, throng'd with life ; Each particle that forms the clod ; The fpacious plain, the tow'ring cliff, Goflfefs an, all-creative God. 4 Revolving * A drop of water, no bigger than an ordinary grain of fane!, has been known to contain not Jefs than a million ef living creatures. 152 H Y M N S 4 Revolving feafons ftill bring round His varied goodnefs hour by hour; And the vex'd elements abound, With awful tokens of his pow'r. 5 Th* huge elephant and puny mite, Contend which moil may prove his fkill And beauteous flowYs and fruits unite To fliew his rich indulgence flill. 6 Birds fill the air with grateful founds; And beads his liberal hand confefs ; While the mute fifh. in fprightliefl bounds, Like gratitude would fain exprefs. 1 Plants, humble ill rubs and lofty trees, To him their leafy honours bring ; And bend and bow with ev'ry breeze In low obeifance to their King. Second Part. 8 ALL heav'n, and earth, and hell no lefs In one united chorus join ; God's love or vengeance to confefs And prove his pow'r is all divine. 9 In ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. I53 g In heav'n exalted accents rife, While earth the medium parts doth bear, And hell reluctantly fupplies The folemn bafs of deep defpair. 10 Shall man alone his voice refufe, With reas'ning faculties endow'd ? Or thofe fame faculties abufe To reafon againft nature's God? 11 O thou infulted majefty ! Refentment fires my very foul ; Why don't vindictive light'nings fly, To blaft the atheiftic fool ? 12 But thou art good as thou art great, And merciful as well as jufl : And haft referv'd a day to treat With daring rebels cf the dull. 13 Then will faints find a God of love ; Creation's Lord their dearefi Friend: And him they fear'd below, above Shall be their portion without end. HYMN 154 H Y M N 5 HTMNLXXXIX. THE MEANS OF GRACE. Blfjfcd is the people that know the joyful found* Pfa. lxxxix. 15. 1 r I 'HE gofpel's joyful found Has reach'd our favoured ifle ; Here does rich means of grace abound, And heav'nly mercy fmile. 2 O let us all rejoice In this abundant grace ; Incline our ear to Wifdom's voice. And all her truths embrace. 3 Come all who Grangers are To Chrilt and happinefs ; To his appointed means draw near, 'Till he your fouls fhall blefs. 4 And you who Chrift efleem ; Having in him beliey'd : In all things grow up into him, And walk as you received. 5 AlmJghfjr ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, 155 5 Almighty Saviour crown Thy gofpel with fuccefs : Send thine all-quick'ning Spirit down ; Thine all-fufficient grace, 1IXMN xa GOD A REFUGE. / flee unto thee to hide me. Pfa. cxliii. g» i T7ATHER of mercies look on me, An helplefs child of dull : Whither, ah whither can I flee 5 On thee is all my trufl. 3 From all my foes, from all my fears Defend me O my God : Regard a wretched Tinner's tears ; Regard a Saviour's blood. 3 I flee to thee on all alarms. And in thy bofom hide : Safe in a God's almighty arms ; A Saviour's wounded fide, EYMN W I56 H Y i\I N S HYMN XCL THE BOLD BEGGAR. AJk and ye Jh all receive, that your joy may be full, John xvi. 24. 1 A /TOST gracious Saviour me behold, "^ All-worthlefs tho' I be : I am a Beggar poor, but bold ; Yet not too bold for thee. 2 For Omy Lord haft thou not laid*, Afk and ye fhall receive ? And wilt thou ever thofe upbraid Who dare thy word believe ? 3 None need thy bleflings more than I, Yet none deferve them lefs ; My num'rous fins I can't deny, Nor plead my righteoufnefs. 4 I afk not pow'r or greatnefs Lord, I afk not wealth or fame ; Nor pleafures vain, earth may afford, Would I fo much as name, c Tis ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 157 5 'T is thou thy felf, 'tis thou alone My boundlefs wifli canft fill : Were all things elfe but thee mine own I fhould be wretched flill. 6 O fatiate thou my vaft defire; 'Tis thy whole felf I crave : Nought lefs than this would I require, Nought greater can I have. Permit me then my God to call Thee, and thy fulnefs mine ; And I'll devote my felf, my all To be for ever thine. HYMN XCII. THE GOOD SHEPHERD. John x. 1 — 16. 1 A SHEPHERD we have Whofe flock is his own ; Not like the hir'd knave, Or indolent drone : W 2 He I58 HYMNS He flill goes before them When dangers draw near ; He gave himfelf for them ; To him they are dear. & He knows all his fheep ; His voice they obey ; He does them fafe keep By night and by day ; His flock in green paflures He ever more feeds ; Defends from diiafters ; Supplies all their needs. g The Father did give Thefe fheep to his Son ; And none fhall deprive Him, ever of one : The Father's almighty, His power well fecures. The Son will ne'er flight ye 9 His love flill endures. A Our ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 159 4 Our Shepherd is gone A fold to provide ; And thither anon His own he will guide, Where gentile with jew fhall lite in the fkies ; And ever ft rive who fhall Their Shepherd moll praife. HYMN XCIII. FAITH AN EVIDENCE. Fauh is the evidence of things not feen. Heb, xi. 1, 1 T? AIT H realizes abfent things, Where fenfe and reafon fail : Self-evidence it with it brings, And does o'er doubt prevail. 2 By Faith we own a Pow'r divine, That's fov'reign and fupreme : And worlds laid out with nice defign His handy-work we deem. 3B7 l6o HYMNS 3 By Faith we judge Him juft and wife His favour to impart ; To all who do that favour prize. And feek with all their heart. m By Faith we God's kind thoughts defcry, Which were e'er time began ; And purpofe that his Son fhould die To fave rebellious man. 5 By Faith what Chrift performed, fhews clear As light is in the fun; And all his wond'rous works appear As in our prefence done. 6 By Faith that tragic fcene we view, On calv'ry's mournful hill : His wounds e'en feem to bleed anew* While we the anguifh feel. 7 By Faith we trace each recent fear, (Thofe marks of love abide) Where piere'd the nails, and where the fpear Plung'd deep into his fide. 8 By ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. l6l 8 By Faith we fee him on the throne, Our advocate on high. By Faith we fee him coming down At the great judgment day. . g By Faith we future worlds bring nigh : And lo ! by it we tell What bleffings faints in heav'n enjoy ; What finners feel in hell. 10 Thus Faith brings diftant things to view, And hidden things to light ; Things that feem'd doubtful proves moll true* And all God's dealings right. HTMN XCIV. FAITH A SUBSTANCE. Faith is the fub fiance of things hoped for. Heb. xi. l. t T^AITH does fubftantiate all thofejoys Which hope would fain poffefs ; Deftroys whate'er the foul de (troys, And brings in happinefs, * By l62 HYMNS 2 By Faith difcharge from fin we feel, All guilt is done away : Our prefent pardon Faith doth feal ; Faith keeps us day by day. 3 By Faith Chrift dwells within our hearty There ev'ry pow'r controls, And all his righteoufnefs imparts To juftify our fouls. 4 By Faith we holinefs receive, While we his beauties trace ; And from his graces we derive All correfponding grace. £ By Faith we fweet communion find With all the faints above ; And with the faints on earth are joinM By Faith in mutual love. 6 By Faith we antidate the crown Laid up for us above ; And bring celeflial blefTings dowri> Andtafle celeflial love. 7 Tfcus ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 163 7 Thus Faith doth all our joys renew, And quicken all our pow'rs : And all that God has promifcd too^ Is by believing ours. HYMN XCV. Tht 23d Pfalm Paraphrafed. 1 /^ OD is my guardian and my guide; What can I want or wifh befide ? All needful help to me he'll grant, And he'll fupply my ev'ry want. 2 Whene'er from him I go aftrav, He brings me back to his right way : When I am right he leads me on, To make his love and glory known. 3 When thro' dark fccnes of life I'm ledj Or death's declining valley tread : He v/ill fupport, and he dire&, I can no evil then fufpecfc. X 164 HYMNS 4 He all-fufficient good beftows In fight of all my envious foes ; And ev'ry true delight does fhed In rich abundance on my head. 5 Nor will he blot me from his heart, Or in.my pilgrimage defert ; And when to his blefl courts I foar, I'll love and praife him evermore, HTMN XCVI. THE TALENT. Unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one } &c, Mat. xxv, 15. l A Talent you have Confign'd to your truft, And he who it gave, „ Expecls you'll be ju ft : This Talent is fent, to Improve for your Lord ; *Tis for a time lent you, And muft be reftor'd ! 2 Perhaps ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 165 Perhaps you have^n^, Or one and no more ; Still you mould contrive To double your (lore : Not underground place it, There idly to rufl ; Much lefs mould you wade it, Or fpend on your lull. If riches abound, Lay 't out on the poor ; No trade can be founci To profit you more : 'Tis treafure in heaven, 'Tis lent to the Lord, Good intereft is given, 'Twill foon be reftor'd. If wifdom you've got In head or in heart ; To thofe who have not Be glad to impart : X 2 Take l6G II Y M N S Take light from a candle, 'Twill fhine not the lefs : If knowledge you handle 'Twill make it increafe. g If honour you gain, Authority get, Or influence obtain With thofe who are great : 'Twill make you mod blefled The helplefs to blefs ; To guard the oppreffed, But ne'er to opprefs. 6 With health are you bleft, Or ftrength do you find, Or are you pofleft Of vigour of mind, Or {kill in your calling Should heaven afford ? Then hulband them all, in The fear of the Lord. Tho' ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 167 7 Tho' talents you've none Wherein you excel 3 Yet time lure is one We all mould ufe well : Our moments are coflly As mountains of gold ; And if once they're loft, they Can ne'er be recall'd. JITMN XCVII. EMULATION. And they rejl not day and night, faying holy, holy, holy, &c. Rev. iv. 8. 1 TT ARK, how the heav'nly arches ring ! What raptures fill the flcy; Nor lefs can be, 'tis angels ling, 'Tis love infpires their joy. a Hear how they roll th* eternal fong, And holy, holy cry : The fame thro' endlefs years prolong In rich variety. Tho* l68 HYMNS 3 Tho* all contend in ftrenuous praife, 'Tis ftricleft unity. Tho' each ha6 his peculiar lays ; 'Tis perfect fymphony. 4 Here t 'wards the throne, the fons of fire,* With glowing ardour prefs : Here filently in love admire, And feem abforb'd in blifs. £ Then burfls again th* enraptur'd fong, And echoes o'er the fky : Whilft in feraphic accents ftrong They holy, holy cry. 6 O how my foul impatient burns, To tafte your unmix'd joys ; O how my heav'n-born fpirit fpurns Earth's beggarly employs ! 7 'Tis done, I catch the heav'nly flame; Angels I tafte your joys! Our God, our views, our pow'rs the fame, And foon our bleft employs. And * The word Seraph fignifies to burn or glow. ON VARIOUS SUBJFXTS. l6Q 8 Then will I mix my fweeter fong, And vie with all your hoft ; For fweeter themes to me belong Then angels e'er could boa ft. 9 'Tis Jefu's love mail fill my fong (Your God — my deareft Friend) Which ftill fhall wax more fweet more flrong. And never more (hall end. HYMN XCVIIL The 137th Pfahn Paraphrased. X T> Y Babel's ftreams we (at and wept ; 'Twas Zion's woes our hearts did rend : Ourharps, in tune no longer kept, Upon the willows we fufpend. 2 For there our foes infult us ftill, And taunting, aggravate our wrongs : " Captives difplay your boafted fkill ; cs Come ling us one of Zion's fongs." 3 The 170 H Y M K 5 3 The fongs of Zion are the Lord's^ And his are all the notes we raife ; We will not touch the tuneful chard* 'Till we can found them in his praiie. 4 While Zion lies in ruins ftill, Can we her dear remembrance leave ? No, firft our hands fhall lofe their (kill, Our tongues unto our palates cleave, c Remember Lord how Edom's fons Proudly contemn'd us in our woes ; Triumph'd o'er Zion'sfcatter'd ftones, And urg'd to rage her cruel foes, 6 But God will Babylon deftroy, Her righteous doom nought can retard ; And happy he who fees the day, When (he fhall meet her due reward. HYMN ****** 4 * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * # * m ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 171 HYMN XCIX. CHURCH MEETINGS. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midjl of them. Mat. xviii. 20. 1 T> LESSED God we're now convened In thy facred name and caufe ; From all felfifh motives weaned, May we acl: by thy pure laws : Lord we fearch thy facred pages, Seeking thence to know thy will ; And enquire how purer ages Serv'd thee once, to do fo flill. 2 Mighty Counfellor, unerring, Now difpofe us to the right ; No one his own wiflb preferring^ May we in the truth unite : Teach us Lord, O teach us often, Make each path of duty clear ; With thy love our fpirits foften, And fubdue with holy fear, Y HYMN 172 HYMNS 3 Free from ftrife and all did Tactions, Make us of one heart and mind ; And thy people's joint tranfactions, Saviour deign in heav'n to bind : Thus, all help from thee receiving, We thy facred work pur Cue ; And the glory would be giving To thyfelf, to whom 'tis due- HYMN C. BEFORE THE EXAMINATION OF PERSONS DESIRING ADMITTANCE INTO THE CHURCH. 1 TESUS we're met in thy great name, «J Thy prefence we implore ; Fulfil thy promife, ftill the fame, Be with us evermore. 2 Our caufe is thine, thy help afford, Supply our every want ; Grant courage to thy iervants, Lord, To us uifcernment grant. 3 Giv€ ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 1 73 3 Give them an undifTembling heart, May they the truth declare ; The wonders of thy love impart, While we rejoice to hear. 4 Give us a free impartial mind To choofe what thou fhalt choofe ; Then bind in heaven what we fhall bind, And loofe what we fhall loofe. 5 Thus let the Spir't of truth and peace On ev'ry bofom move ; Jnfpire with holy faithfulnefs, And fympathetic love. HYMN CI. ON THE RECEPTION OF SUCH AS ARE EXAMINED AND APPROVED. 1 TJ AIL, highly favour'd of the Lord; We greet you in his name : Come in, and what his cou its afford, With holy boldnefs claim. Y 2 2 No 1/4 HYMNS 2 No longer wander from the crofs, And penfive rove alone ; Caft in your lot, be one with us, As we with Chrlft are one. 3 Within our Father's houfe is bread Sufficient, and to fpare ; Come, and with fined wheat be fed, Our fweeteft dainties fhare. 4 Dear J efus bountiful and kind, Pro r per thy conqu'ring word : Gather thy remnant yet behind, And hade thy kingdom, Lord ! 5 Increafe thy churches more and more, In numbers and in grace ; 'Till all complete, the warfare o'er, We life to meet thy face. HYMN CIL Or the fame. X COME in { tl ^ u } bleffod of the Lord.. And ilia re with us the rich reward, Winch bleeding love procures: Whom ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 1 75 Whom Chrift approves we dar'n't refufe, Come in and all things freely ufe, 'Tis his, 'tis ours, 'tis yours. 2 Behold an open door is fer, Here's room, here's food for thoufands yet, r r . . , r f view : i he rich pro virion < r r \ lee : Comeall our privileges partake, We bid < |, > welcome for Chrift's fake And blefs his name for < \ Lthee. HTM N CIIL BEGGING THE I.O RD*S PRESENCE AT HIS OWN TAB LE. 1 QEE the fp read table of our Lord ! Now in a fong with fweet accord, Invoke his facrcd prcfenccnigh : Jefus behold each bidden guelf , Hither afiembled to be blcfl ; O feait thy waiting poor to day. 2 Tho' 176 HYMNS i Tho' thou doft'midfl the thoufands fhine, Of all thy happy firfl-born train; Yet glance on us a chearing ray : A broken fragment Lord bellow- On us thy family below, And feaft thy waiting poor to day. 3 Dear Lord we would not hence remove, 'Till in the midft thyfelf we prove ; O do not fend us fad away ! We break the bread, we pour the wine At thy command, but Lord 'tis thine To feafl our waiting fouls to day. PAUSE. 4 Beluld thefe gracious figns appear, To teflify the Saviour's here ; Ceafe then our fears, our doubts away : "Tis his own word, nor can he lie, Where you are met there I. am nigh ; He's here and feafling us to day. 5 O condefcention great indeed, That Jefus mould fuch finners feed ! Yet Lord, one blefling more we pray : Ever ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 177 Ever vouchfafe to be our gueft, Within onr hearts take up thy reft, And deign to feafi us every day. 6 Thus may we prove thee ever kind, Whene'er we call thy death to mind, 'Till thou fhalt bid us quit our clay : Then we around thy heav'nly board Shall meet, and thou our gracious Lord Wilt feaft us to eternity, HYMN CIV. FEASTING WITH CHRIST. 1 "VJOW for a fong of gratitude To our dear fuff'ring Lord ; His flefh is given to be our food, His blood does crown the board, % While you thefe precious dainties eat. Prepare your voice to fmg ; And let each thankful tongue repeat The bounties of his King. 3 ^ J 78 HYMNS. 3 " An outcaft Jefus took me up, EAR brethren, fee what coftly fare : How bounteous and how free, Does our Beloved's hand prepare For rebels vile as we J 2. The ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 1 79 2 The garden of Gethfemane, The potter's bloody field, Aceldama and Calvary, What precious fruits they yield ! 3 Here once our Lord with willing feet, But painful labour trod, To wear a way for us moft fweet, To banquet with our God, 4 Hear him, the Matter of the feaft, Invite you to draw nigh— " Eat O my friends, nor only tafte, " But drink abundantly. 5 <{ My flefh upon the crofs was broke, es Thefe dainties to provide ; Ci And this rich dream, by juftice* ftrofce, 4t Was drawn out of my fide." Q To feaft on this immortal food, We gladly come dear Lord ; No dainties like thy flefh and blood Can earth or heav'n afford, Z HYMN l8o HYMNS HYMN CVL MOURNING OVER A CRUCIFIED SAVIOUR, They Jliall look on me. whom they have pierced &c* Zech. xii. 10. i TTOW fliall I vent my fwclling woes O'er him my foul adores ! More than the tend'reft parent knows, Who a loft child deplores. 2 Oh how my ftruggling paflions try Which fir ft may force its way ! Love, pity, wonder, forrow,, joy ; I can no longer flay. 3 For furefuch l#ve, fuch wond'rouslove, Wherever it be felt, The moft obdurate heart mull move ! An adamant mull melt ! 5 And did my fins my Saviour wound ? Forme did Jefus die? Let love my proftrate foul confound ! Let forrow drown mine eye ! 5 Could ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. l8l g Could I but feize the cruel fpear Which caus'd my Lord fuch fmart, And bathe it with a bloody tear, And plunge it in my heart ; 6 Yet ah ! how cold my love would fhow When once compar'd with his, Who refcu'd me from endlefs woe, Who purchas'd for me blifs ! HTMN CVIL THE DEFORMITY OF SIN". Ye that love the Lord hate evil, Pfa. cxvii. xo» l C IN, what an hideous monfler 'tis J How could I e'er delight in this ? Its odious vilenefs who can tell ? It ruin'd angels, founded hell ! 2, But fin's dread picture would you fee ? Oh come with me to Calvary, Or that fad garden were your Lord In groans and tears his fpirit pour'd. Z 2 2 Then l82 H Y M N S 3 There view your agonizing God, Your mighty Maker fweatmg blood :* What floods of wrath on him were hurl'd, A tear of whofe could wafh a world ! 4 'Twas fin that brought the vengeance dow*\ Which did his foul in forrows drown, 'Twas fin, which you and I have done, That murder'd God's dear only fon ! 5 Then let us this foul monfter hate, And more than hell abominate ; For hell had not been but for fin, And thofe who take delight therein. HYMN CVIIL FOR A FUNERAL. Sorrow not as others without hope, i Thef. iv. 13. i T ET others deplore their friends are no more, With grief fwallow'd up as men without [hope ; 'T is but a fweet flumber faints take underground And fure of that number pur < fft . f was [1ound. 2 His * Adtsxx. 28. GN VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 183 His 1 t rr ^V afhes we here fecurely inter, Reftore to the duft what fprang from it firft, ^ But where is the fpirit ? 'tis long fince received, Thofe joys to inherit which here it believed, 3 Nor yet without hope we here treafure up The relicks of clay, againft the blefl day, When, fully refined, each atom of duft To each (hall be joined, nor one ihall be loft. 4 Then body and foul again fhall be whole, And glorioudy rife with Chrift to the flues, From fin freed for ever, and forrow and pain, And death fhall ne'er fever their union again, HYMNCIX. PARTING WITH A MINISTER. Pray for us that that the word of the Lord may have free course &c. 2 Thef. iii. 1. 1 jtii O with thy fervant Lord, His ev'ry ftep attend : All needful help to him afford, And blefs him to the end, 2 Preferv* 184 H Y M N SU 2 Preferve him from all wrong, Stand thou at his right hand, To keep him from the fland'rous tongue, And perfecuting band. J May he proclaim aloud The wonders of thy grace, Whilfl thou fhalt to the lift'ning croud His faithful labours blefs. 4 Shine on his work below With ever gracious beams, 'Till thou in heav'n his crown beflow Befet with blighted gems, 5 We thank thee for his love ; His prefence foon reflore : If not, O may we meet above To thank thee evermore. * * * # * # * * # # # * # # # # * # # # # # * # * * # * DOXOLOGIES, DOXOLOGIES. 185 "VTOW to the great eternal THREE, Who made, redeem'd and called me Doth equal praife belong : Praife, honour, glory (hall be giv'n, Living on earth, or rais'd to heav'n My everlafting fong. TpO Father and Son and Spirit who join Three Perfons in one bleft EflTence divine, All glory be given, dominion and pow'r, By earth and by heaven henceforth evermore. T^ATHER, Son and Holy Spirit, Lord of all in earth and heav'n ; Thou all glories dofl inherit, Unto thee all praife be given : Angels ever bow before thee, All thy works proclaim thy pow'r, And thy faints fhall flill adore thee Now, henceforth and evermore. i p IcAISE God on the throne, whofe love did [alone Provide for the fuccour of finners undone. 2 And l86 DOXOLOGIES* 2 And to the dear Lamb afcribe ye the fame, Who on the kind errand fo chearfully came. 3 In thee Holy Ghoft no lefs will we boaft, Who feals this rich grace, and recovers the loft. 4 Thus the divine THREE in ftricl; unity, To praife now and ever come let us agree. /JURIST is the firft, and Chrift the laft 3 To him let all things bow, Who joins the future, prefent, paft, In one eternal now. He alpha and omega is, Was dead, but is alive ; And now eternally does live Eternal life to give. VfOW e'er we depart we'll join in a fong ; May love warm each heatt, praife tune ev'ry [tongue : Then what we've been hearing go home and [pra&ife 4 And thus be preparing to meet in the fkics. PR AISE T HE LORD. Printed hvT ' r>ng, Trowbridge, P O E M S ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS.. AND OCCASIONS, BOTH MORAL AND ENTERTAINING. By JOHN CLAPvK. H....©»»