'•®«Kff*^!^5' live ExiTd from the prefence of C With forrow diftracled and doubt, With palpable horror oppreft, The city we wander about, And feek our repofe in his brcalt. 5 Ye watchmen of Ifrael declare If ye our Beloved have feen, A T. HYMNS FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. And point to that heavenly fair, Surpaffing the children of men : Our Lover and Lord from above, Who only can quiet our pain, Whom only we languifh to love, O where (ball we nnd him again! 6 The joy and defire of our eyes, The end of our forrow and woe, Cur hope and oar heavenly prize, Our height of ambition below ; Once more if he Chews us his face, He never again fhall depart, Detain'd in our ciofeft embrace, Eretnaily held in our heart. HYMN V. 8's. & 7 ' 3 . 1 TESUS, God of our falvation, $$ Give us eyes thyfelf to fee, Waiting for the confolation, Longing to believe on Thee : Now vouchfafe the facred power, Now the faith divine impart ; Meet us in this folemn hour, Shine in every drooping heart. 2 Anna like within the temple, Simeon-Wins we meekly ftay, Daily with thy Saints affemble, Nightly for thy coming pray : While our fouls are bow'd before Ther, "While we humbly fue for grace, Come, thy people's light and glory, * Shew to ail thy heavenly face. 3 If to us thy facred Spirit Hath the future grace reveal'd, Let us by thy righteous merit Now receive our pardon feal'd : HYMN'S FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. To eternal life appointed, Let us thy falvation fee, Now behold the Lord's anointed, Now obtain our heaven in thee. H Y M N VI. All 7 's. i "ITESUS, guard thy gather'd fheep, «J' Who thy voice begin to know, Day and night in fafety keep, Help us after Thee to go : Eyeing thee with fix'd regard, By thy word and Spirit led. Walk we in thy works prepar'd, Clofe in all thy footfteps tread. 2 In thy pilgrimage with men, (Objects of thy conftant care,l Thou didit all their grief fuftain, Labouring, watching unto prayer : Thou whole nights in prayer didft fpend, On the mount for us employ 'd, Prompt the helplefs to defend, Prevalent with man and God. 3 By no private wants compel I'd, Only love infnir'd thy breaft, Love thy fteady hand upheld, Love enfore'd the kind rcqueft : And fhall we refute to join, We who all the good receive, Reap the fruit of toil divine, By the prayer of Jefus live ? 4 Nav, but in thy ftrength we rife, Nightly to the mountain go, Breathe our wifhes to the fkies For the fleeping crowd below : Prav, my watchful brethren, pray, Full of wants, and fins, and fears, W"reftle 'till the break of day, 'Till the faving grace appears. 5 HYMNS FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. 5 Jefus hear our midnight cry, Execute thy love's defian ; Bring thy great falvation nigh, Claim a ranfom'd world for thine : Take the purchafe of thy blood, (Blood rhat fpeaks our fins forgiven ,) Let it bring us near to God, Let it pray us up to heaven ! HYMN VII. 4: 8's. & 2: 6's. 1 7T1TOW happy, gracious Lord, are we, JLlL Divinely drawn to follow Thee, VVhofc hours divided are Betwixt the mount and multitude; Our day is fpenr in doing good, Our night in praife and prayer. 2 With us no melancholy void ; No moments linger unemploy'd, Or unimprov'd below ; Our wearinefs of life is gone, Who live to fe:ve our God alone, And only Thee to know. j The winter's night and furnmer's day Glide imperceptibly away, Too fhert to fing thy praife ; Too few we find the happy hour*, And hafte to join thofe heavenly powers, In everlafting lays. I With all who chaunt thy name on high, And holy, holy, holy, cry, A bright harmonious :hrong, We long thy praifts to repeat, And reftlefs fing around thy feat The new eternal fong. HYMN VIII. 7 "s. & 6's. /TEET and right it is to fing, In every time and place, HYMNS FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. 9 Glory to our heavenly King, The God of truth and grace : Join we then with fweet accord, All in one thankfgiving join : Holy, holy, holy Lord, Eternal praife be thine ! 2 Thee, the firft-born fons of light In choral fymphonics, Pray by day, (day without night) And never, never ceafe : Angels, and archangels, all Sing the myftic Three in One j Sing, and (top, and gaze, and fall ! O'erwhelm'd before thy throne. 3 Vying with that happy choir, Who chaunt thy praife above, We, on eagle's wings afpire, The wings of faith and love : Thee they ring with glory crown'd* We extol the flaughter'd Lamb : Lower if our voices found, Our fubjedl is the fame. 4 Father, God, thy love we praife, Which gave thy Son to die 1 Jefus, full of truth and grace, Alike we glorify : Spirit, Comforter divine, Praife by all to thee be given, 'Till we in full chorus join, And earth is turn'd to heaven. HYMN IX. 1 /pOME, let us anew, Our pleafurcs purfue ; V^ For Chriftian delight, The day is too fhort : let us borrow (he night. In fanclified joy Each moment employ To Jefus's praife, And fpcnd, and be fpent in the triumph of grace. 10 HYMNS FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. 2 The flaves'of excefs, Their fenfes to pleafe, Whole nights can bellow, And on in a circle of riot they go ; Poor prodigals, they The night into day By revellings turn, And all the reftraints of fobriety fcorn. 3 The drunkards proclaim At midnight their fhamc, Their facrifice bring, And loud to the praife of their matter they fing : The hellifh defires Which fatan Lfpires, In fonnets they breathe, And (homing defcend to the regions of death. 4 The civiller crowd In theatres proud, Acknowledge his power, And fatan in nightly affemblies adore : To the mafque and the ball, They fly at his call : Or in pleafures excel, And chaunt in a grove* to the harpers of hell. 5 And (hall we not fing Our Matter and King, While men are at reft, With Jefus admitted at midnight to feaft ? Here only we may With innocence ftay, The' enjoyment improve, And sibide at the banquet of Jefus's love. 6 In him is beftow'd The fpiritual food, The manna divine, And Jefus's love is far better than wine : With joy we receive The bleffing, and give By day and by night, All thanks to the fource of our endlefs delight. 7 Our concert of praife To Jefus we raife, And all. the night long Continue tlie new evangelical fong : We dance to the fame Of Jefus's name : The joy it imparts Is heaven begun in our mufical hearts. ♦ Ranelagh's Garden, Vauxhall, Sec. Y 1 HYMNS FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. jr 8 Thus, thus we beftow Our moments below And finging remove, With all the redeem d to the Sion above : There, there we lhall ftand With our harps in our hand, Interrupted no more, And eternally fing, and rejoice, and adore. HYMN X. 4: 6's. & 2 : 8's. E virgin fouls arile, With all the dead awake, Unto falvation wife, Oil in yeur veffels take ; Upftarting at the midnight cry, Behold the heavenly Bridegroom nigh. 2 He comes, He comes to call The nations to his bar, And raife to glory all Who fit for glory are : Made ready for your full reward, Go forth with joy to meet your Lord. 3 Go meet him in the iky, Your everlafting Friend, Your Head to glorify, With all his faints afcend ; Ye pure in heart obtain the grace, To fee without a veil his face. 4 Ye that have here receiv'd The undtion from above, And In his Spirit liv'd Obedient to his love, fefus fhall claim you for his bride ; Lejoice with all the fanclified. 5 Rejoice in glorious hope » Of that great day unknown, When all fhall be caught up, And ftand before his throne ; Call'd to partake the marriage- feaft, And lean on our ImmanueV s breaft. fc 12 HYMNS FOR THE WATCH-NIGHT. 6 The cverlafting doors Shall foon the faints receive, Above thofe angel- powers In glorious joy to live ; Far from a world of grief and fin, With God eternally fhut in. 7 Then let us wait to hear The tiumpet's welcome found; To fee our Lord appear, Watching let us be found ; When Jefus doth the heavens bow, Be found — as Lord, thou finds us now. HYMN XL C. M. 1 TTOIN all ye ranfom'd fons of grace, $3 The holy joy prolong, And fhout to the Redeemer's praife A folemn midnight fong. 2 Blefling,- and thanks, and love, and might Be to our Jefus given, Who turns our darknefs into light, Who turns our hell to heaven. 3 Thither our faithful fouls he leads, L Thither he bids us rife, ■With crowns of joy upon our heads, To meet him in the fkies. 4 To feal the univerfal doom The fkies he foon mail bow ; But if thou muft at midnight come, O let us meet thee now ! ^ FINIS. rc-Qffice, Nortk-Gretn, Gio. S;o**, Ago.t, # /