'^ PRINCETON, N. J. "^* Shelf. Section _..^S!\\>^, Nttmber RELIGION AND MYTH [All rights reserved] RELIGION AI^D MYTH Rev. JAMES MACDONALD AUTHOl! OF "light in AFKIf'A," KTC. ETC. LONDON DAVID NUTT, 270-271 STRAND 1893 TO MY FRIEND THE REV. JAMES STEWART, M.D. OF I;OVEDALE- IN ADMIRATION OP HIS SERVICES IN THE CAUSE OF AFRICAN MISSIONARY WORK AND CIVILIZATION PREFACE Thj8 volume is an effort to put into popular form a number of facts connected with the religious ob- servances and social customs of African tribes. No attempt is made to treat the subject exhaustively, and those who have made Ethnology a study will find in it little that is absolutely new. But the ordinary reader, w^ho is interested in questions affect- ing a people slowly emerging from barbarism, may have his sympathies quickened. When I first began the stud}- of Ethnology it opened to me a new world of thought. Reading Mr. J. G. Frazer's Golden Bough last winter, I found it touched so many subjects which long residence in Africa had made familiar to me, that the idea of putting the results of my own observations into permanent form took shape. This has been supple- mented by facts gleaned from such authorities as were at hand, and the result is the present volume. I have, in foot-notes, acknowledged my indebted- ness to various authors. viii PREFACE The facts have l:)een gathered chiefly from Mr. Frazer's volumes ; Bishop Callaway's Nursery Tales, Traditions anel Histories of the Zulus ; Miss C. G. Gordoii-Cummiiiof's In the Neiv Heh rides ; W. Mannhardt's Antike Wald-und Feld KvJte and his other works ; Wiiiterbotham's Tlie Niger and Laire Tribes; Rowley's Africa Unveiled; Dufl:' Macdonald's Africana ; Schweinfiirth's The Heart of Africa ; Chalmers' Tiyo Soga; Brownlee's MS. notes; Felkin's Four Tribes of Central Africa; Ramsey er's and Ktihne's Four Years in Ashantee ; Ashe's Two Kings of Uganda ; Arnot's Garanganze ; the missionaries New and Krapf, G. M. Theal, and several others, without whose works my book could not have been written. ThougVi living " at the back of the north wind," I still feel the African fever ; that is to say, tlie charm which it has to draw back to itself all who have tasted its l^itters and sweets. My object throughout has been to stimulate an interest in African peoples. If the book serves this purpose, I shall be am23ly rewarded for the labour bestowed upon it ; in the fullest sense a labour of love. JAMES MACDONALD. Reay Free Manse, Christmas, l