gs^l^^^jsy ^:^mW^^^i-i±F^^ C t<7^ rcr Ct *^ *^< m CTrt c c c c<:^ «7<'< • • t c ^ c «: <■ Cf <- <- <' >'(& cc ' c, cc '■ - - CC ^ " ' cc ( ccv ccicrcf ' C'-< <..«< .i<3C crc c ccctt , <:ir <:?c c_cc -^C <^, C ^-rc r-Cc^. ^^^ OGIGM^10 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS: SUPPLEMENT ^ TO THE SOUTH INDIA IIISSIONARY CONFERENCE REPORT. MADRAS : ADDISON AND CO., MOUNT ROAD. 1880. TABLE OF CONTENTS, Pages. I, Despatch of 1854 1 II. Memorial to Hie Grace the Governor in Council 30 III. Order of Madras Government respecting Memorial... ... 38 IV. Remarks on Proposed Grant-in-Aid Rules 38 V. Director of Public Instruction's Reply to Memorial ... ... 46 VI. Government Order on the Memorial 95 VII. Remarks by Missionary Education Committee on the Director's Reply 97 VIII. Director of Public Instruction's Second Reply 106 IX. Government Order on Director's Second Reply 115 X. Memorial to the Secretary of State 116 XL Memorandum by Missionary Education Committee on the Director's Second Reply 120 XII. Director of Public Instruction's Third Reply 129 XIII. Government Order on Director's Third Reply 140 XIV. Concluding Memorandum by Missionary Education Com- mittee 141 APPENDIX A. Memorial on the Results Grant Rules.. APPENDIX B. Madras Code 1880 ... 161 ... 153 PREFACE. The following papers are publislied as a supplement to the Report of the South India Missionary Conference held at Bangalore in June 1879. The Memorial to the Madras Government, which began the controversy with the Director of Public Instruc- tion, originated with the Madras Missionary Con- ference, but it was largely supported throughout the Presidency, as the names appended to it show, and was adopted by the South India Missionary Conference in the following Resolution : — " That this Conference appi'oves generally of the Memorandum regarding Aided Education addressed to his Grace the Governor in Council, and the Remarks on the Director's proposed rules ; and exjjresses its decided opinion that the matter should, if necessary, be carried to the highest authority." Further, the Executive Educational Committee, which is responsible for the other papers, was appointed by the General Conference to watch over the interests of education throughout the Presidency. It is, therefore, only due to those who composed that Conference, and to others interested in Aided Education throughout the Presidency, to lay before them these papers. The Educational Despatch of 1854 has been printed as the first Paper, because it is the authori- tative exposition and enactment of the educational policy to be pursued in India, and because on it the Memorialists entirely take their stand. They may claim a special right to do so, as paragraph 96 of the Despatch says : — " In Madras, whei'e little has been yet done by Government to promote the education of the mass of the people, we can only ii PREFACE. remark witli satisfaction that the educational efforts of Chris- tian Missionaries have been more successful among the Tamil population than in any other part of India ; and that the Presidency of Madras offers a fair field for the adoption of our scheyne of education in its integrity, by founding Government Anglo- Vernacular Institutions only where no such places of instruction at present exist, which might, by Grants-in-Aid and other assistance, adequately supply the educational wants of the people." Wdtli the Despatch before them the readers of the Papers which follow will be able to judge whether the Memorialists have not made out their conten- tion that the tendency of the Madras Educational administration in recent years has been in the opposite direction to that prescribed by the Des- patch ; and whether they are not right in claiming that if the policy of the Despatch is to be reversed, it be done openly, deliberately and by the high authority that imposed it. On these questions we now wait the decision of the Secretary of State for India. The Memorial of the South India Missionary Conference regarding the Results' Grant Rules has been printed as Appendix A. As its main petitions were granted and embodied in the Results' Grant Rules given in Appendix B, it has not been thought necessary to print the tables and other papers con- nected with that Memorial. The new Grant-in- Aid Code printed as Appendix B will be useful for reference to all interested in educational matters. In the name of the Committee, WILLIAM STEVENSON. EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. I. DESPATCH OF 1854. Copy of a Despatch from the Court of Directors of the East India Company to the Governor-General of India in Council, dated July 19th, 7854, No. 49. 1. It appears to ns^tliat the pi-eseiit time, when by an Act of the Imperial Legislature tlie responsible trust of tlie Govern- ment of India has again b^'en placed in our hands, is peculiarly suitable for the review of the progress which has already been made, the supply of existing deficiencies and the adoption of such improvements as may be best calculated to secure the ultimate benefit of the people committed to onr charge. 2. Among man}' subjects of importance, none can have a stronger claim to our attention than that of Education. It is one of our most sacred duties to be the means, as far as in us lies, of conferring upon the natives of India those vast moral and material blessings whicli flow from the general diffusion of use- ful knowledge, and which India may under Providence derive from her connexion with England. For, although British in- . flnence has already, in many remarkable instances, been applied with great energy aiid success to uproot demoralising practices, and even crimes of a deeper dye, wliich for ages had prevailed among the natives of India, the good results of those efforts must, in order to bo permanent, possess the further sanction of a general sympathy in the native mind which the advance of education alone can secure. 3. We have, moreover, always looked upon the encourage- ment of education, as peculiarly important, because calculated " not onlj- to produce a higher degree of intellectual fitness, bat Pni. lie letter to to raise the moral character of those who partake of its advan- fepf "I'sl?.'^ tages, and so to supply you with servants to whose probity you may with increased confidence commit offices of trust" in India, where the well-being of the people is so intimately connected with the truthfulness and ability of officers of every grade in all depai'tments of the State. 4. Nor, while the character of England is deeply concerned in the success of our efforts for the promotion of education, are her material interests altogether unaffected by the advance of European knowledge in fndia; this knowledge will teach the natives of India the marvellous results of the employment of EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. Western learniuf^ to be promoted. Eastern leai'DiDfr unsuitaljle. labour and capital, rouse them to emulate us in the develop* raent of the vast resources of their country, guide them in their efforts, and gradually, but certainly, confc-r upon them all the advantages which accompany the healthy increase of wealth and commerce ; and, at the same time, secure to us a larger and ]nore certain supply of many articles necessary for our manufactures and extensively consumed by all classes of our population, as well as an almost inexhaustible demand for the produce of British labour. 5. We have from time to time given careful attention and encouragement to the efforts which have hitherto been made for the spread of education, and we have watched Avith deep interest the practical results of the various systems by which those efforts have been dii-ected. The periodical reports of the different Councils and Boards of Education, together with otiier official communications upon the same subject, have put us in possession of full information as to those educational establishments which are under the direct control of Govern- ment ; whihi the evidence taken before the Committees of both Houses of Pai'liament upon Indian affairs has given ns the advantage of similar information with respect to exertions made for this purpose by persons unconnected with Grovern- ment, and has also enabled us to profit by a knowledge of the views of those who are best able to arrive at sound conclusions upon the question of education generally. 6. Aided, therefore, by ample experience of the past, and the most competent advice for the future, we are now in a position to decide on the mode in which the assistance of Government should be afforded to tlie more extended and systematic promo- tion of general education in India, and on the measures which should at once be adopted to that end. 7. Before i)roceeding fnrtlier, we must empliatically declare that the education which we desire to see extended in India is that which has for its object the ditt'usion of the improved arts, science, philosopliy, and literature of Europe ; in short, of European knowledge. 8. The systems of science and philosophy which form the learning of the East abound with grave errors, and Eastern literature is at best very deficient as regards all modern dis- covery and improvements ; Asiatic learning, therefore, however widely dift'used, would but little advance our object. We do not wish to diminish the opportunities which are now afforded, in special institutions, for the study of Sanskrit, Arabic, and Persian literature, or for the cultivation of those languages, whieh may be called the classical languages of India. An ac- ((UMintance with the works contained in them is valuable for historical and antiquarian purposes, and a knowledge of the languages themselves is required in the study of Hindoo and DESPATCH OF 1854. 3 Maliomedan law, and is also of great importance for the critical cultivation and improvementof tlie vernacular languages of India. 9. We are not unaware of the success of many distinguished Oriental scholars in their praiseworthy endeavours to ingraft upon portions of Hindoo philosophy' tin; germs of sounder morals and of moi-e advanced science ; and we are far from under- rating the good effect which has thus been produced iTpon the learned classes of India, who pay hereditary veneration to those ancient languages and whose assistance in the spreMd of educa- tion is so valuable, from the honorable and infiiiential position which they occupy among their fellow-countrymen. But such attempts, although they may usefully co-operate, can only be considered as auxiliaries, and would be a very inadequate founda- tion for any general scheme of Indian education. 10. AVe have also received most satisfactor}^ evidence of the Object— the high attainments in English and European science pg"pfg'°° ^^'^^ which have been acquired of late years by some of the natives of India. But this success has been confined to but a small number of persons ; and we are desirous of extending far moi'c widely the means of acquiring general European knowledge, of a less high order, but of such a character as may be practically useful to the people of India in their different spheres of life. To attain this end it is necessary, for the reasons which we have given above, that they should be made familiar with the works of European authors, and with the results of the thought and labour of Europeans on the subjects of everj^ description upon which knowledge is to be imparted to them ; and to extend the means of imparting this knowledge must be the object of any general system of education. 11. We have next to consider the manner in which our object Medium— the is to be effected ; and this leads us to the question of the mediumf^^^^^Q, through which knowledge is to be conveyed to the people of India. It has hitherto been necessary, owing to the want of translations or adaptations of European works in the vernacular languages of India, and to the very imperfect shape in M'hicli European knowledge is to be found in any works in the learned languages of the East, for those who desired to obtain a liberal education, to begin by the mastery of the English language as a key to the literature of Europe ; and a knowledge of English will always be essential to those natives of India who aspire to a high order of education. 12. In some parts of India, more especially in the immediate vicinity of the Presidency towns, where persons who possess a knowledge of English ai^e preferred to others in many employ- ments, public as well as private, a very moderate proficiency in the English language is often looked upon by those who attend school in.structiou, as the end and object of their educa- tion, rather than as a necessary step to the improvement of their 4 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. feneral knowledge. We do not deny the value in many respects of the mere faculty of speaking and writing English, but we fear that a tendency has been created in these districts, unduly to neglect the study of the vernacular languages. 13. It is neither our aihi nor desire to substitute the English language for the vernacular dialects of the country. We have always been most sensible of tlie importance of tlie use of the language whicli alone are understood by the great mass of tlie population. These languages, and not English, have been put by VIS in the place of Persian in the administration of justice, and in the intercourse between the officers of Grovernmcnt and the people. It is indispensable, therefore, that in any general system of education the study of them should be assiduously attended to. And any acquaintance with improved European knowledge which is to be communicated to the great mass of the people— whose circumstances yn'event them from acquiring a high order of education, and who cannot be expected to overcome the difficulties of a foreign language — can be conveyed to them through one or otlier of these vernacular languages. 14. In any general system of education, the English language should be taught wliere there is a demand for it ; but such instruction should always be combined with a care'ful attention to the study of the vernacular language of the district, and Avith such general insti-uction as can be conveyed through that language. And while the language continues to be made use of, as by far tlie perfect niedhint for the education of those persons who have acquired a sufficient knowledge of it to receive general instruction lln-owjii it, the vernacular languages must be employed to teach the far larger classes who are ignorant of, or imperfectl}' acquainted with This can only be done effectually through the instrumentality of masters and pro- fessors, who may, by themselves knowing English, and thus having full access to the latest improvements in knowledge of every kind, impart to their fellow-countrymen, through the medium of their mother tongue, the information which they have thus obtained. At the same time, and as the importance of the v(!rnacular languages becomes more appreciated, the vernacular literatures of India will be gradually enriched by translations of European books, or by the original compositions of men wdiose minds have been imbued with the spirit of European advance- ment, so that European knowledge ma^' gradually be placed in this manner within the reach of all classes of the peojile. We look, therefore, to the English langiiage and to the vernacular languages of India together, as the niedin for the diffusion of Enropeau knowledge, and it is our desire to see them cultivated together in all schools in India of a sufficiently high class to maintain a schoolmaster possessing the requisite qualilications. 15. We proceed now to the machinery which we propose to DESPATCH OF 1854. 5 establish foi* the superintendence and direction of edncation. This has hitherto been exercised, in onr Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, by Boards and Councils of Education, composed of European and Native gentlemen, who have devoted themselves to this duty Avith no other remuneration than the conscionsness of assisting the progress of learning and civilisa- tion ; and, at the same time, with an earnestness and ability which must command the gratitude of the people of India, and which will entitle some honoured names amongst them to a high place among the benefactors of India and of the human race. 16. The Lieutenant-Governor of Agra ha.s, since the sepanx- tiou of the educational institutions of the North- Western Provinces from those of Bengal taken upon himself the task of theii- management ; and we cannot allow this opportunity to pass without the observation that, in this, as in all other branches of his administration, Mr. Thomason displaj^ed that accurate knowledge of the condition and requirements of the people under his charge, and that clear and ready perception of the practical measures best suited for their welfare, which make his death a loss to India, which we deplox-e the more deeply as we fear that his unremitting exertions tended to shorten his career of usefulness. 17. We desire to express to the present Boards and Councils Department of of Education oiTi- sincere thanks for the manner in which they ^^1^*^'°°''°^® have exercised their functions, and we still hope to have the assistance of the gentlemen composing them in furtherance of a most important part of our present plan ; but, having determined upon a very considei'able extension of the general scope of onr efforts, involving the simultaneous employment of different agencies, some of which are now wholly neglected, and others but imperfectly taken advantage of by Government, we are of opinion that it is advisable to place the superintendence and direction of education upon a more systematic footing, and we have therefore determined to create an Educational Department, as a portion of the machineiy of oni- Government in the several Presidencies of India. We accordingly ])ropose that an officer shall be appointed for each Presidency and Lieutenant-Governor- ship, V. ho shall be .specially charged with the management of the business connected with education, and be immediately respon- sible to Government for its conduct. 18. An adequate system of inspection will also, for the inepectors. future, become an essential part of onr educational system ; and we de.sire that a sufficient number of qualitied inspectors be appointed, who will periodically report upon the state of those colleges and schools which are now supported and managed by GovLn-nment, as well as of snch as will hereafter be brought under Government inspection, by the measures that we propose to adopt. They will conduct, or assist at, the examination of the scholars at these institutions, and generally, by their advice, aid 6 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. the managers and schoolmasters in eondncting colleges and schools of every description throughont the country. They will necessarily be of different classes, and may possess different degrees of acquirement, according to the liigher or lower character of the institutions which tliey will be employed to visit ; but we need hardly say that, even for the proper inspec- tion of the lower schools, and with a view to their effectual improvement, the greatest care will be necessary to select persons of high character and fitting judgment for such employ- ment. A proper staff" of clerks and other officers will, moreover, be required for the educational departments. 19. Reports of the proceedings of the inspectors should be made periodically, nnd these again should be embodied in the annual reports of the heads of the educational departments, which should be transmitted to us, together with statistical returns (to be drawn up in similar forms in all parts of India), and otlier information of a general character relating to education. 20. We shall send copies of this despatch to tlie Governments of Fort St. George and of Bombay, and direct them at once to make provisional arrangements for the superintendence and inspection of education in their respective Presidencies. Such arrangements as they may make will be repoi'ted to you for sanction. Yon will take similar measures in communication with the Lieutenant-Governors of Bengal and of Agra, and you will also provide in such manner as may seem advisable for the wants of the non-regulation Provinces in this respect. We desire that your proceedings in this matter may be reported to us with as little delay as ])ossible ; and we are prepared to approve of such an expenditure as you may deem necessary for this purpose. 21. In the selection of the heads of the educational depart- ments, the inspectors, and other officers, it will be of the greatest importance to secure the services of persons who are not only best able, from their character, position, and acquirements, to carry our objects into effect, but who may command the con- fidence of the natives of India. It may perhaps be advisable that the first heads of the educational department, as well as some of the inspectors, should be members of our civil service ; as such appointments in the first instance would tend to raise the estimation in which these offices will be held, and to show the importance we attach to the subject of education, and also as amongst them yoa will probably find the persons best qualified for the performance of the duty. But we desire that neither these offices, nor any others connected with education, shall be considered as necessarily to be filled b}' members of that service, to the exclusion of others, Euro})eans or Natives, who may be better fitted for them ; and that, in any case, the scale of their remuneration shall be so fixed as publicly to recognise the im- portant duties they will have to perform. DESPATCH OF 1854. f 22. We now proceed to sketch ont the general scheme of the measares which we propose to adopt. We liave endeavoured to avail ourselves of the knowledge which has been gained f i-om the various experiments Avhich have been made in diiferent parts of India for the encoui'agement of education ; and we hope, by the more general adoption of those plans which have been carried into successful execution in particular districts, as well as bj the introduction of other measures which appear to be wanting, to establish such a system as will prove generally applicable throughout India, and thus to impart to the educa- tional efforts of our different Presidencies a greater degree of uniformity and method than at present exists. 23. We are fully aware that no general scheme would be applicable in all its details to the present condition of all portions of our Indian territories, dift'eiing, so widely as they do, one from another, in many important particulars. It is difficult, moreover, for those who do not possess a recent and practical acquaintance Avith particular districts to appreciate the import- ance which should be attached to the feelings and influences which prevail in each ; and we have, therefore, preferred confining ourselves to describing generally what we wish to see done, leaving to you, in communication with the several local Govern- ments, to modify particular measures so far as may be required, in order to adapt them to diffei^ent paints of India. 24. Some years ago, we declined to accede to a proposal Universities, made by the Council of Education, and transmitted to us, with the recommendation of your Government, for the institution of an University in Calcutta. The rapid spread of a liberal education among the natives of India since that time, the high attainments shown by the native candidates for Government scholarships, and by native students in private institutions, the success of the Medical Colleges, and the requirements of an in- creasing European and Anglo-Indian population, have led ns to the conclusion that the time is now arrived for the establish- ment of Universities in India, which may encourage a regular and liberal course of education, by conferring Academical Degrees as evidences of attainments in the different branches of art and science, and by adding marks of honour for those Avho may desire to compete for honorary distinction. 25. The Council of Education, in the proposal to which we have alluded, took the London University as their model ; and we agree with them, that the form, government, and functions of that University (copies of whose charters and regulations we enclose for your reference) are the best adapted to the wants of India, and may be followed with advantage, althougli some variation will be necessary in points of detail. 26. The Universities in India will accordingly consist of a Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows, who will constitute 8 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. a Senate. The Senates will have the management of the fnnds of the Universities, and frame regulations for your approval, under whieh pei'iodical examinations may be held in the different branches of art and scienee, by examiners selected from their own body, or nominated by them. Degrees. 27. The function of the Universities will be to confer degrees upon such persons as, having been entered as candidates accord- ing to the rules Avhich may be fixed in this respect, and having produced, from any of the " affiliated institutions," which will be enumerated on the foundation of the Universities, or be from time to time added to them by Government, certificates of conduct, and of having pursued a regular course of stndy for a given time, shall have also passed at the Universities such an examination as ma}'^ be required of them. It may be advisable to dispense with the attendance required at the London Univer- sit}' for the matriculation examination, and to substitute some mode of entrance examination which may secure a certain amount of knowledge in the candidates for degrees, without making their attendance at the Universities necessary, previous to the final examination. 28. The examinations for degrees will not include any sub- jects connected with religious belief ; and the affiliated institu- tions will be under the management of persons of every variety of religious persiiasion. As in England, various institutions in immediate connexion with the Church of England, the Presby- terian College at Caermarthen, the Roman C;itholic College at Oscott,__the Wesleyan College at Sheffield, the Baptist College at Bristol, and the Countess o£ Huntingdon's College at Ches- hunt, are among the institutions from wliich the London Uni- versity is empowered to I'eceive certificates for degrees. So in India, institutions conducted by all denominations of Christians, Hindoos, Mahomedans, Paisees, Sikhs, Bhuddists, Jains, or any other religious persuasions, may be affiliated to tlie Universities, if they are found to afford the requisite coux'se of study, and can be depended upon for the certificates of conduct which will be required. standard. 29. The detailed regulations for the examination for degrees should be framed witli a due regard for all classes of the affiliated institutions ; and we will only observe upon this subject, that the standard for common degrees Avill require to be fixed with very great judgment. There are many persons who will deserve the distinction of an Academical Degree, as the recogni- tion of a liberal education, who could not hope to obtain it, if the examination was as difficult as that for the senior Govern- ment scholarships ; and the standard required should be such as to command respect, without discouraging the efforts of deserving students, which would be a great obstacle to the success of the Universities. In the competitions for honours, DESPATCH OF 1854. 9 which, as in the London University, will follow the examina- tions for degrees, care should be taken to maintain snch a standard as will afford a guarantee for liigh ability and valuable attainments ; the subjects for examination being so selected as to include tlie best portions of the different schemes of study pursued at the affiliated institutions. 30. It will be advisable to institute, in connexion with the ProfessorsLipg. Universities, Professorships for the of the delivery of lectures in various branches of learning, for the acquisition of which, at any rate in an advanced degree, facilities do not now exist in other institutions in India. Law is the most important Law. of these subjects ; and it will be for you to consider whether, as was proposed in the plan of the Council of Education to which we have before referred, the attendance upon certain lectures. and the attainment of a degree in law, may not, for the future, be made a qualification for vakeels and moousift's, instead of, oi in addition to, the present system of examination, which must, however, be continued in places not within easy reach of an University. 31. Civil Engineering is another subject of importance, the Civil advantages of which, as a profession, are gradually becoming ^'^^'°^"''°°- known to the natives of India ; and while we are inclined to believe that instruction of a practical nature, such as is given at the Thomason College of Civil Engineering at Roorkee, is far more useful than any lectures could possibly be. Professorships of Civil Engineering might perhaps be attached to the Universi- ties, and Degrees in Civil Engineering be included in their general scheme. 32. Other branches of useful learning may suggest them- Languages, selves to yon, in which it might be advisable that lectures should be read, and special Degrees given ; and it would greatly encourage the cultivation of the vernacular languages of India that Professorships should be founded for those languages, and, perhaps, also for Sanskrit, Arabic, and Persian. A knowledge of the Sanskrit language, the root of the vernaculars of the greater part of India, is more especially necessary to tliose who are engaged in the work of composition in those languages ; while Arabic, through Persian, is one of the C(jmpouent parts of the Urdu language, which extends over so large a part of Hindustan, and is, we are informed, capable of considerable development. The grammar of these languages, and their application to the improvement of the spoken languages of the country, are the points to which the attention of these Profes- sors should be mainly directed; and there will be an ample field for their labours unconnected with any instruction in the tenets of the Hindoo or Mahomedan religions. We should refuse to sanction any snch teaching, as directly opposed to the principle of religious neutrality to which we have always adhered. 2 10 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. 33. We desire that you take into yonr consideration the institntion of Universities at Calcutta and Bombay, upon the general principles which we have now explained to you, and report to us upon the best method of procedure, with a view to their incorporation by Acts of the Legislative Council of Tndia. The offices of Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor will naturally be filled by persons of high station, who have shown an interest in the cause of education ; and it is in connexion with the Univer- sities that we propose to avail ourselves of the services of the existing Council of Education at Calcutta, and Board of Educa- tion at Bombay. We wish to place these gentlemen in a positiou which will not only mark our sense of the exertions which they have made in furtherance of education, but will give it the benefit of their past expei-ience of the snbject. We pi'opose, therefore, that the Council of Education at Calcutta, and the Board of Education at Bombay, with some additional members to be named by the Government, shall constitute the Senate of the University at each of those Presidencies. 34. The additional members should be so selected as to give to all those who represent the different .systems of education which will be carried on in the affiliated institutions — including natives of India, of all religiou.s persuasions, who possess the confidence of the native communities — a fair voice in the Senates. We ai-e led to make these remarks, as we observe that the plan of the Council of Education, in 1845, for the constitution of the Senate of the proposed Calcutta University, was not sufficiently comprehensive. 35. We shall be I'eady to sanction the creation of an Univer- sity at Madras, or in any other part of India, where a sufficient number of institutions exist from which proj^erly qualified can- didates for degrees could be supplied ; it being in our opinion advisable that the great centres of European government and civilisation in India should possess Universities similar in character to those which will now be founded, as soon as the extension of a liberal education sliows tliat their establishment would be of advantage to the native communities. 3G. Having provided for the general superintendence of edn- cation, and for the institution of Universities, not so much to be in themselves places oF instruction, as to test the value of the education obtained elsewhere, we proceed to consider, fiist, the different classes of colleges, and schools, which should be maintained in simultaneous operation, in order to place within the reach of all classes of the natives of India the means of obtaining improved knowledge suited to thcnr several conditions of life ; and, secondly, the manner in which the most effectual aid may be rendered by Goveinment to each class of educational institutions. 37. The candidates for University degrees will, as we have Despatch op 1864. H already explained, be supplied by Colleges affiliated to the Affiliated Universities. These will comprise all snch institutions as are "^''''" '°°** capable of supplying a sufficiently high order of instruction in the different branches of art and science, in which University degrees Avill be accorded. The Hindof), Hooghly, Dacca, Kishnagur, and Berhampore Government Anglo- Vernacular Colleges, the Sanskrit College, the ]\Iahomedan Madrissas, and the Medical College, in Bengal ; tlie Elphinstone Institution, the Poonah College, and the Grant Medical College, in Bombay; the Delhi, Agra, Benares, Bareilly, and Thomason Colleges, in the North- Western Provinces ; Seminaries, such as the Oriental Seminary in Calcutta, which have been established by highly educated n.atives, a class of places of instruction which we are glad to learn is daily increasing in numbers and efficiency ; those which, like the Parental Academy, are conducted by East Indians ; Bishop's College, the General Assembly's Institution, Dr. Duff's College, the Baptist College at Seram[)ore, and other institutions under the superintendence of different religious bodies and Missionary Societies ; will, at once, supply a considerable number of educational establishments, worthy of being affiliated to the Universities, and of occupying tlie highest place in the scale of general instruction. 38. The affiliated institutions will be periodically visited by Government Inspectors ; and a spirit of honourable rivalry, tend- ing to preserve their efficienc}', will be promoted by this, as well as by the competition of their most distinguished students for Universit\- honours. Scholarships should be attached to them, to be held by the best students of lower schools ; and their scheme of education should provide, in the Anglo- Vernacular Colleges, for a careful cultivation of the vernacular languages ; and, in the Oriental Colleges, for sufficient instruction in the English and vernacular languages, so as to render the studies of each most available for that genei'al diffusion of European know- ledge which is the main object of education in India. 39. It is to this class of institutions that the attention of Government has hitherto been principally directed, and they absorb the greater part of the public funds whicli ai'e now applied to educational purposes. The wise abandonment of the early views with respect to native education, which erroneously pointed to the classical languages of the East as the Media for injparting European knowledge, together -with the small amount of pecuniary aid which, in the then financial condition of India, was at your command, has led, we think, to too exclusive a direction of the efforts of Government towards providing the means of acquiring a very high degree of education for a small number of natives of India, drawn, for the most part, from what we should here call the higher classes. 40. It is well that every opportunity should have been given l2 ■ EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. to those classes fov the acquisition of a liberal Earopean Ednca- tion, the effects of which may be expected slowly to pervade the rest of their fellow-conntrymen, and to raise, in the end, the edncational tone of the whnU' country. We are, therefore, far from iinderi-ating the importance, or the success, of the efforts which have been made in this direction ; bnt the higher classes are both able and willing, in many cases, to bear a considerable part at lenst of the cost of their edncation ; and it is abundantly evident that in some parts of Indiii. no artificial stimulus is any longer i-equired in order to create a demand for such an education as is conveyed in the Government Anglo- Vernacnlar Colleges. We have, by the establishment and support of these colleges, pointed out the manner in which a hberal education is to be obtained, and assisted them to a very considerable extent from the ]mblic funds. In addition to this, we are now prepared to give b}- sanctioning the establishment of Universities, full development to the highest course of educa- tion to which the natives of India, or of any other country, can aspire; and besides, by the division of University degrees and distinctions into different branches, the exertions of liighly educated men will be directed to the studies which are neces- sary to success in the varions active professions of life. We shall, therefore, have done as much as a Government can do to place the benefits of edncation plaiiily and practically before the higher classes in India. Kducationof 41. Our attention should now be directed to a consideration peo^e?' ''^ '^^ if possible, still more important, and one which has been hitherto, Ave are bound to admit, too much neglected ; namely, how use- ful and practical knowledge, suited to every station in life, may be best conveyed to the great mass of the people, who are utterly incapable of obtaining any education worthy of the name by their OAvn unaided efforts ; and we desire to see the active mea- sures of Government more especially directed, for the future, to this object, for the attainment of which we are ready to sanction a considerable increase of expenditure. 42. Schools — Avhose object should be, not to train highly a few youths, but to provide more opportunities than now exist for the acquisition of such an improved education as will make those who possess it more useful members of society in every condition of life — should exist in every district in India. These schools should be subject to constant and careful inspection ; and their pnpils might be encouraged by scholarships being instituted at other institutions which would be tenable as rewards for merit by the best of their number. 43. We include in this class of institutions those which, like the Zilla schools of Bengal, the district Government Anglo- Vernacular Schools of Bombay, and such as have been estab- lished by the Rajah of Burdwan and other native gentlemen in bESPATCH OF i854. IS different parts of India, use the English language as the chief medium of instraction ; as well as others of an inferior order, such as the Tahsili schools in the North-Western Provinces, and the Government Vernacular Schools in the Bombay Presi- dency, whose object is, however imperfectl}- it has been as yet carried out, to convey the highest class of instruction which can now be tanght through the niedinm of the vernacular languages. 44. We include these Anglo-vernacular and vernacular Schools in the same class, because we are unwilling to maintain the broad line of separation which at present exists between schools in Avhich the Media for imparting instruction differ. The knowledge conveyed is, no doubt, at the present time, much higher in the Anglo-vernacular than in the vernacular Schools ; but the difference will become less marked, and the latter more efficient, as the gradual enrichment of the vernacu- lar languages in works of education allows their schemes of study to be enlarged, and as a more numerous class of school- masters is raised up able to impart a superior education. 45. It is indispensable, in order fully and efficiently to carry out our views as to these schools, that their masters should possess a knowledge of English in order to acquire, and of the vernaculars so as readily to convey useful knowledge to their pupils ; but we are aware that it is impossible to obtain at present the services of a sufficient number of persons so quali- fied, and that such a class must be gradually collected, and trained in the manner to which we shall hereafter allude. In the meantime you must make the best use which is possible of such instruments as are now at your command. 46. Lastly, what have been termed indigenous schools should by wise encouragement, such as has been given under the system organised by Mr. Thomason in the North- Western Provinces, and which has been carried out in eight districts under the able direction of Mr. H. S. Reid in an eminently practical manner, and with great promise of satisfactory results, be made capable of imparting correct elementary knowledge to the great mass of the people. The most promising pupils of these schools might be rewarded by scholarships in places of education of a superior order. 47. Such a system as this, placed in all its degrees under efficient inspection; beginning Avith the humblest elementary instruction, and ending with the University test of a libeial education ; the best students in each class of schools being encouraged by the aid afforded them towards obtaining a superior education as the reward of merit, by means of such a system of scholarships as we shall have to describe, would, we firmly believe, impart life and energy to education in India, and lead to a gradual, but steady, extension of its benefits to all classes of the people. 14 EDUCATIONAL PAPt!RS. To be encouraged by grants in aid. 48. When we consider the vast population of British India, and the snms which are now expended upon educational efforts., which, however successful in themselves, have reached but an iiisignilicaiit number of those who are of a proper age to receive school instruction, we cannot but be impressed with the almost insuperable difficulties which would attend sncli an extension of the present system of education b}^ means of Col- leges and Schools entirely supported at the cost of Government, as might be hoped to supply, in any reasonable time, so gigan- tic a deficiency, and to provide adequate means for setting on foot such a system as we have described, and desire to see established. 49. Nor is it necessary that we should depend entirely upon tlie direct efforts of Government. We are glad to recognise an increased desire on the part of the native population, not only in the neighbourhood of the great centres of European civilisa- tion, but also in remoter districts, for the means of obtaining a better education ; and we have evidence in many instances of their readiness to give a practical proof of their anxiety in this respect by coming forward with liberal pecuniary contributions. Throughout all ages, learned Hindoos and Mahomedans have devoted themselves to teaching, with little other remuneration than a bare subsistence ; and munificent bequests have not nnfrequently been made for the permanent endowment of educa- tional institutions. 50. At the same time, in so far as the noble exertions of societies of Christians of all denominations to guide the natives of India in the way of religious truth, and to instruct uncivi- lised races, such as those found in Assam, in the Cossya, Gar- row, and Rajmehal hills, and in various districts of Central and Southern India (who are in the lowest condition of ignorance, and are either wholly without a religion, or are the slaves of a degrading and barbarous superstition), have been accompanied, in their educational establishments, by the diffusion of improv- ed knowledge, they have largely contributed to the spread of that education which it is our object to promote. 51. The consideration of the impossibility of Government alone doing all that must be done in order to provide adequate means for the education of the natives of India, and of the ready assistance which may be derived from efforts which have hitherto received but little encouragement from the State, has led us to the natural conclusion that the most effectual method of providing for the wants of India in this respect will be to combine Avith the agency of the Government the aid which may be derived from the exertions nnd liberality of the educated and wealthy natives of India, and of other benevolent persons. 52. We have, therefore, resolved to adopt in India the system of grants in aid, Avhich has been carried out in this country with DESPATCH OF 1854. 15 very great success ; and we confidently anticipate, by thus drawing support from local resources, in addition to contribu- tions from the State, a far more rapid progress of education than would follow a mere increase of expenditure by the Gov- ernment ; while it possesses the additional advantage of foster- ing a spirit of reliance upon local exertions and combination for local purposes, which is of itself of no mean importance to the well-being of a nation. 53. The system of grants in aid which we propose to estab- lish in India, will be based on an entire abstinence from inter- ference with the religions instruction conveyed in the schools assisted. Aid will be given (so far as the requirements of each particular district, as compared with others, and the funds at. the disposal of Government may render it possible) to all schools which impart a good secular education, provided that they are under adequate local management (by the term " local management," we understand one or more persons, such as private patrons, voluntary subscribers, or the trustees of endow- ments, who will undertake the general superintendence of the school, and be answerable for its permanence for some given time) ; and provided also that their managers consent that the schools shall be subject to Government inspection, and agree to any conditions which may be laid down for the regulation of such grants. 54. It has been found by experience, in this and in other Fees however countries, that not only is an entirely gratuitous education required, valued far less by those who receive it than one for which some payment, however small, is made, but that the payment induces a more regular attendance, and greater exertion, on the pai-t of the pupils ; and, for this reason, as well as because school fees themselves, insignificant as they may be in each individual instance, will, in the aggregate, when applied to the support of a better class of masters, become of very considerable import- ance, we desire that grants in aid shall, as a general principle, be made to such schools only (with the exception of normal schools) as require some fee, however small, from their scholars. 55. Careful consideration will be required in framing rules for the administration of the grants ; and the same course should be adopted in India wiiich has been pursued with obvious advantage by the Committee of Council here, namely, to appropriate the grants to specific objects, and not (except, perhaps, in the case of normal schools) to apply them in the form of simple contributions in aid of the general expenses of a Bchool. The augmentation of the salaries of the head teachers and the supply of junior teachers, will probably be found in India, as with us, to be the most important objects to which the grants can ordinarily be appropriated. The foundation, or assistance in the foundation, of scholarships for candidates from 16 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. lower schools, will also be a proper object for the application of gmnts in aid. In some cases, again, assistance towards erect- ing, or repairing a school, or the provision of an adequate supply of school books, may be required ; but the appropria- tion of the grant in each particular instance should be regulated by the peculiar circumstances of each school and disti-ict. 5(3. The amount, and continuance of the assistance given will depend upon the periodical reports of inspectors, who will be selected with special reference to their possessing the confi- dence of the native communities. In their periodical inspec- tions, no notice ivJuifsoever should be taken by them of the religious doctrines which may be taught in any school ; and their duty should be strictly coutined to ascertaining whether the secular knowledge conveyed is such as to entitle it to considera- tion in the distribution of the sum which will be applied to grants in aid. They sliould also assist in the establishment of schools, by their advice, wherever they may have opportunities of doing so. 57. We confide the jjractical adaptation of the general principles we have laid down as to grants in aid to your discre- tion, aided by the educational departments of the different Presidencies. In carrying into effect our views, which apply alike to all schools and institutions, whether male or female, Anglo-vernacular or vernacular, it is of the greatest importance that the conditions under which schools will be assisted should be clearly and publicly jjlaced before the natives of India. For this purpose Government notifications should be drawn uj), and promulgated, in the dift'erent vernacular languages. It may be advisable distinctly to assert in them the principle of perfect religious neutrality on which the grants will be awarded ; and care should be taken to avoid holding out expectations which, fiom any cause, may be liable to disappointment. 58. There will be little difficulty in the application of this system of grants in aid to the higher oj-der of places of instruction in India in which English is at present the medium of education. 59. Grants in aid will also at once give assistance to all such Anglo-vernacular and vernacular Schools as impart a good elementary education ; but we fear that the number of this class of schools is at present inconsiderable, and that such as are in existence require great improvement. 60. A more minute and constant local supervision than would accompany tlie general system of grants in aid will be necessary in order to raise the character of the " indigenous schools," which are, at present, not only very inefficient in qualit}-, but of exceedingly precarious duration, as is amply shown l)y the statistics collected by Mv. Adam in Bengal and Behar, and from the very important information we have received of late years from the Noi-th- Western Provinces. In organising such a DESFATOn OF 1854. 17 system, we cannot do better than to refer you to the manner in which the operations of Mr. Keid have been condncted in tlie North- Western Provinces, and to the instrnctions j^iven by him to the Zilhxh and Pergnnnah Visitors, and contained in the Appendix to his First Report. 61. We desire to see local management under Government aovernmeut inspection, and assisted by grants m aid, taken advantiige of fjg'^e"'^!^'',/]-'^^^^ wherever it is possible to do so, and that no Government Colleges where otiier or Schools .shall be founded, for the future, in any district where already e.\ist. a sufficient number of institutions exist, capable, with assistance from the State, of supplying the local demand for education. Bat, in order fully to carry out the views we have expressed with regard to the adequate provision of .schools throughout the country, it will probabl}' be necessary, for some years, to supply the wants of particular parts of India by the establishment, temporary support, and management of places of education of every class in districts where there is little or no prospect of adequate local efforts being made for this purpose, but where, nevertheless, they are urgently i-equired. 62. We look forward to the time when any general system Direct of education entirel}^ provided b}^ Government may be discon- education to be tinned, with the gradual advance of the system of gfrants in aid, ^r'^duaiiy j' ci •• /^ '^ . . . discontinued. and when many of the existing Government institutions, especially those of the higher order, may be safely closed, or tx'ansf erred to the management of local bodies under the control of, and aided by, the State. But it is far from our wish to check the spread of education in the slightest degree by the abandon- ment of a single school to probable decay ; and we, therefore, entirely confide in your discretion, and in that of the different local authorities, while keeping this object steadilj' in view, to act with caution, and to be guided by special reference to the particular circumstances which affect the denaaud for education in different parts of India. 63. The system of free and stipendiary Scholarships, to Schoiiirships to which we have already more than once referred as a connecting ^'^ ®*'^'^'^''^'"^'*" link between the different grades of educational institutions, will require some revision and extension in carrying out our enlarged educational plans. We wish to see the object proposed by Lord Minute. 24th Auckland, in 1839, "of connecting the zillah schools with the i839, iiii 1 !• IT 111. 1 ■ t paras. 32 & 33. central colleges, by attaching to the latter scholarships to which the best scholais of the former might be eligible," more fully carried out ; and also, as tlie measures we now propose assume an organised form, that the same system may be adopted with regard to schools of a lower description, and that the best pupils of the inferior schools shall be provided for by means of scholarships in schools of a higher order, so that superior talent in every class may receive that encouragement and development which it deserves. The amount of the stipendiary scholarships 3 18 EDVCATIONAL PAPERS. should be fixed at snch a sum as may be considered safficientfor the maintenance of the holders of them at the colleges or schools to which they ai-e attached, and which may often be at a distance from the home of the students. We think it desirable that this system of scholarships should be carried out, not only in connexion with those places of education which are under the immediate superintendence of the State, but in all educational institutions wliich will now be brought into our general system. 64. We are. at the same time, of opinion that the expendi- ture upon existing Government scholarships, other than those to which we have referred, which amounts to a considerable sum, should be gradually ri'dnced, with the requisite regard for the claims of the present holders of them. The encouragement of young men of ability, bat of slender means, to pursue their studies, is no doubt both useful and benevolent, and we have no wish to interfere with the private endowments which have been devoted to so laudable an object, or to withdraw the additions which may have been made by us to any such endowments. But the funds at the disposal of Government are limited, and we doubt the expediency of applying them to the encouragement of the acquisition of learning, ])y means of stipends which not only far exceed the cost of the maintenance of the student, bnt in many eases are above what he coald reasonably expect to gain on entering the public service, or any of the active professions of life. 65. We shall, however, offer encouragement to education which will tend to more practical results than those scholarshi]>s. By giving to persons vvlio possess an aptness for teaching, as well as the requisite standard of acquiiements, and avIio are willing to devote themselves to the profession of schoolmaster, moderate monthly allowances for tlieir support dui-ing the time which it may be requisite for them to pass in normal schools, or classes, in order to acquire the necessary training, we shall assist many deserving students to qualify themselves for a career of practical usefulness, and one which will secure them an honour- able competence through life. We are also of opinion, that admission to places of instruction, which, like the ^ledical and Engii)eering Colleges, are maintained by the State, for the pur- pose of educating perstms for special employment under Govern- ment, might be made the rewards of industry and ability, and thus supply a practical encouragement to general education, similar to that Avhicli will be afforded by the educational service. 60. The establishment of Universities will otter considerable further inducements for the attainment of liigh proficiency, and thus supply the place of the present, senior scholaiships, with this additional advantage, that a greater number of subjects in which distinction can be gained will be offered to the choice of b^Si'ATCli OF i854, l9 students tlian can be comprised in one uniform examination for a scholarship, and that their studies will thus be practically' directed into channels which will aid them in the different pro- fessions of life which they may afterwards adopt. (17. In England, when systematic attempts begaii to be made for the improvement of education, one of tlie chief defects was found to be the insufficient number of qualified schoolmasters, and the imperfect metliod of teaching which prevailed. This led to the foundat ion of normal and model schools for the training of masters, and the exemplification of the best methods for the organisation, discipline, and instruction of elementary schools. This deficiency has been the move palpably felt in India, as the difficulty of finding persons properly educated for the work of tuition is greater ; and we desire to see the establishment, with as little delay as possible, of training schools, and, for masters, in each Presidency in India. It will probably be found that some of the existing institutions may bo adapted, wholly or pai'tially, tf) this purpose, Avith less difficulty than would attend tlie establishment of entirely new schools. 68. We cannot do better than refi'r you to the plan which has been adopted in Great Britain for this object, and which appears to us to be capable of easy adaptation to India. It mainl}'^ consists, as yon will perceive on reference to the Minutes of the Committee of Council, copies of which we enclose, in the selection and stipend of pupil teachers (awarding a small pay- ment to the masters of the schools in which they are employed, for their instruction out of school hours) ; their ultimate i-e- raoval, if they prove Avorthy, to norma] schools; the issue to them of certificates, on the com})]etion of their training in those normal schools ; and in securing to them a sufficient salary when they ai-e afterwards employed as schoolmasters. This system should be carried out in India, both in the Government colleges and schools, and, by means of grants in aid, in all institutions which are brought under Government inspection. The amount of the stipends to pupil teachers and students at normal schools sliould be fixed with great care. The former should receive moderate allowances rather above the sums which they would earn if they left school, and the stipends to the latter should be regulated by the same })rinciple which we have laid down with respect to scholarships. 69. Yon will be called upon, in carrying these measures into effect, to take into consideration the position and prospects of the numerous class of natives of India who are ready to under- take the important duty of educating their fellow-countrymen. The late extension of the j>ension regulations of 1831 to the educational service may reqnire to be adapted to the revised regulations in this respect : and onr wish is that the profession of schoolmaster may, for the future, afford inducements to the 20 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. Prcijaration of vernacutnr school liooks. Report, 1851)— 1, paras. 298—308. Education and the public service. natives of India snch as are held out in other branches of the public service. The provision of such a class of schoolmasters as we wisli to see must be a work of time ; and, in encouraging the " indigenous schools," onr present aim should be to improve the teachers whom we find in possession, and to take care not to provoke the hostility of this class of persons, whose influence is so great over the minds of the lower clashes, by superseding them where it is possible to avoid it. They should, moreover, be encouraged to attend the normal 8cho«ls and classes which may hereafter be instituted for this class of teachers. 70. Equal in importance to the training of schoolmasters is the provision of vernacular school books, which sliall provide European information to be the object of study in the lower classes of schools. Something has, no doubt, been done, of late year.<, towards this end, but more still remains to be done; and we believe that deficiencies might be readily and speedily supplied by the adoption of a course recommended by Mr. M. Elphinstone in 1825, namely, " That the best translations of particular books, or the best elementary treatises in the specified languages, should be advertised for, and liberally rewarded." 71. The aim should be, in compilation, and original compo- sitions, (to quote from one of Mr. Adam's valuable reports upon the state of education in Bengal), " Not to translate European works into the words and idioms of the native languages, but so to combine the substance of European knowledge with native forms of thought and sentiment as to render the school books useful aiid attractive." We also refer with pleasure upon this point to some valuable observations by Mr. Reid, in his report which we have quoted before, more especially as regards instruc- tion in geography. It is obvious that the local peculiarities of different parts of India render it necessary that the class-books in each should be especially adapted to the feelings, sympathies, and history of the people ; and we will only further remark upon this subject, that the Oriental Colleges, besides generally tend- ing, as we have before observed, to the enrichment of the vernacular languages, may, we think, be made of great use in the translation of scientific works into those languages, as has already been done to some extent in the Delhi, Benares, and Poonah colleges. 72. We have always been of opinion that the spread of education in India will produce a greater efiiciency in all branches of administration, by enabling you to obtain the services of intelligent and trustworthy persons in every depart- ment of Government; and, on the other hand, we believe that the numerous vacancies of different kinds which have constantly to be filled up, may afford a great stimulus to education. The first object must be to select persons properly qualified to fill these situations : secondary to this is the consideration how DJSSPATCU OP 1854. 2l far they may be so distributed as to encourage popular educa- tion. 73. The resolutions of our Govornoi--General in Council of the 10th of October 1844, gave a general preference to well- edncated over uneducated men in the admissions to the public service. We perceive, with much satisfaction, both from returns which we have recently received of the persons appointed since that year in the Revenue Department of Bengal, as well as from the educational reports from different parts of India, that a very considerable number of educated men have been employed under Government of late years ; and we understand that it is often not so much the want of Government employment as the want of properly qualified persons to be employed by Government, which is felt, at the present time, in man}^ parts of India. 74. We shall not enter upon the causes which, as we foresaw, have led to the failure of that part of the resolutions which provided for the annual submission to Government of lists of meritorious students. It is sufficient for our present purpose to observe that no more than 46 persons have been gazetted in Bengal up to this time, all of whom were students in the Government colleges. In the last year for which we have returns (1852), only two persons were so distinguished; and we Letter of 6th can readily believe, with the Secretary to the Board of Revenue returns L' ^" in Bengral, that vonns' men who have passed a difficult examina- Revenue tion in. the highest branches of philosophy and mathematics, are Bengal, naturally disinclined to accept such employment as persons who intend to make the public service their profession must neces- sarily commence with. 76. The necessity for any such list will be done away with Preference to be by the establishment of Universities, as the acquisition of a 1;'^^°^^^°^ degree, and still more the attainment of University distinctions. Natives for will bring highly educated young men under the notice ofemp^y™^" Government. The resolutions in question will, therefore, require revision so as to adapt them practically to carry out our views upon this subject. What we desire is, that, where the other qualifications of the candidates for appointments under Govern- ment are equal, a person who has received a good education, irrespective of the place or manner in which it may have been a::-quired, should be preferred to one who has not ; and that, even in lower situations, a man who can read and write be preferred to one who cannot, if he is equally eligible in other respects. 76. We also approve of the institution of examinations where practicable, to be simply and entirely tests of the fitness of candidates for the special duties of the various departments in which they are seeking employment, as has been the case in the Bombay Presidency. We confidently commit the encouragement of educated in preference to uneducated men to the different officers who are responsible for their selection ; and we cannot ^^ Educational papers. interfere by any fm-ther regulations to fetter their free choice in a matter of which they bear the sole responsibility. 77. We are sanc^nine enough to believe that some effect has already been prodviced by the improved education of the pnblic service of India. The aliility and integrity of a large and increasing nnmber of the native judges, to whom the gi-eater part of the civil jurisdiction in India is noAV committed, and the high estiiuation in which many among them are held by their fellow-countrymen, is, in our opinion, much to be attributed to the progress of edncation among these officers, and to their adoption along with it of that high moral tone which pervades the general litei-ature of Europe. Nor is it among the higher officers alone that we have direct evidence of the advantage which the pablic derives from the employment of educated men. Report on W« quote from the last Report of the Dacca College with parti- fnstruction P^^h'r .satisfaction, as we are iivvare that much of the hapjjiness Bengal, 1851-63, of the people of India depends upon the honesty of the officers ^'^^^ ■ of police : — "The best possible evidence has been furnished," say the local committee, " that some of the ex-students of the college of Dacca have completely succeeded in the arduous office of darogha. Krishna Chunder Dutt, employed as a darogha under the Magistrate of Howrah, in particular, is recommended for promotion, as having gained the respect and applause of all classes, who, though they mny not practise, yet know how to admire, real honesty and integrity of purpose." 78. But, however large the number of appointments under Government may be, the views of the natives of India should be directed to the fnr widei- and more important sphere of useful- ness and advantage which a liberal education lays open to them ; and such practical benefits arising from improved knowledge should be constantly i)npressed upon them l)y those who know their feelings, and have influence or authority to advise or direct their efforts. We refer, as an e.vample in this respect, with' mingled pleasure and regret, to the eloquent addresses delivered by the late Mr. Bethane, when President of the Council of Education, to the students of Kishnagur and Dacca Colleges. Medical 79. There are some other points connected with the general Coleges. subject of education in India upon which we will now briefly remark. We have always regarded with special interest those educational institutions which have been directed towards training up the natives of India to particular professions, both with a view to their useful employment in the pnblic service, and to enable them to pursue active and profitable occupations in life. The medical colleges in diffei-ent parts of India have proved that, in despite of difficulties which appeared at first sight to be insurmountable, the highest attainments in medicine and surgci-y are within the reach of educated natives of India; we shall be ready to aid in the establishment and support of such DESPATCH OF 1854. ^3 places of instruction as the medical colleges of Calcutta and Bombay, in other parts of India. We have already alluded to the manner in which students should be supplied to these colleges, as well as to those for the training of civil engineers. 80. The success of the Thomason College of Civil Engineer- ing at Roorkee has shown that, for the purpose of ti-aining up persons capable of carrying out the great works which are in progress under Government throughout India, and to qualify the natives of India for the exercise of a profession which, now Practical that the system of railways and public works is being rapidly |^^^^9|''°° extended, will att'ord an opening for a very large number of Engineering, persons, it is expedient that similar places for practical instruc- tion in civil engineering should be established in other parts of India, and especially in the Presidency of Madras, where works of irrigation are so essentiiil, not only to the prosperity of the country, but to the very existence of the people in times of drought and scarcity. The subject has been prominently brought under your notice in the recent reports of the Public Works Commissioners for the different Presidencies ; and we trust that immediate measures will be taken to supply a defi- ciency which is, at present, but too apparent. 81. We may notice, in connexion with these two classes of schools of institutions of an essentially practical character, the schools of J)° g^g^*"^ ^^^ industry and design, which have been set on foot from time to time in different p.'irts of India. We have lately received a very encouraging report of that established by Dr. Hunter in Madras ; and we have also been informed that Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, with liis accustomed munificence, has offered to lay out a very considerable sum upon a like school in Bombay. Such institu- tions as these will, in the end, be self-supporting ; but we are ready to assist in their establishment by gi-ants in aid for the supply of models, and other assistance which they may advan- tageously derive from the increased attention which has been paid of late years to such subjects in this country. We enclose you the copy of a report which we have received from Mr. Red- grave upon the progress of the Madras school, which may prove of great value in guiding the efforts of the promoters of any similar institutions whicli may hereafter be established in India. We have also perceived with .satisfaction, that the attention of the Council of Education in Calcutta has been lately directed to the subject of attaching to each zillah school the means of teaching practical agriculture; for there is, as Di-. Mouat most Report on truly observes, " no single advantage that could be afforded instruction, to the vast rural population of India that would equal the Bengal, 1851-52, introduction of an improved system of agriculture." pageclxsi. 82. The increasing desire of the Mahomedan popitlation to acquire European knowledge has given us much satisfaction. We perceive that the Council of Education of Bengal has this 34 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. Female Kducation. Report on Public Instruction, Bengal, 18-19-50, page 2. Roligrious Instruction. State of education in Bengal. subject under consideration, and we shall receive with favour any proposition which may appear to you to be likely to supply the wants of so large a portion of the natives of India. 83. The importance of female education in India cannot be over-rated ; and we have observed with pleasure the evidence which is now afforded of an increased desire on the part of many of the natives of India to give a good education to their daughters. By this means a far greater proportional impulse is imparted to the educational and moral tone of the people than by the educa- tion of men. We have already observed that schools for females are included among those to which grants in aid may be given ; and we cannot refrain from expressing our cordial sympathy with the efforts which are being made in this direction. Our Governor-General iu Conncil has declared, in a communication to the Government of Bengal, that the Government ought to give to native female education in India its frank and cordial support ; in this we heartily concur, and we especially approve of the bestowal of marks of honour upon such native gentlemen as Rao Bahadur Magaubhai Karramchand, who devoted 20,000 Rupees to the foundation of two native female schools in Ahmedabad, as by such means our desire for the extension of female education becomes generally known. 84. Considerable misapprehension appears to exist as to ouj* views with respect to religious instruction in the Government institutions. Those institutions were founded for the benefit of the whole population of India ; and, in order to effect their object, it was, and is, indispensable that the education conveyed in them should be exclusively secular. The Bible is, we understand, placed in the libraries of the colleges and schools, and the pupils are able freely to consult it. This is as it should be ; and more- over, we have no desire to prevent, or discourage, any explana- tions which the pupils may, of their own free will, ask from the masters upon the subject of the Christian religion, provided that such information be given out of school hours. Such instruction being entirely voluntary on both sides, it is necessary, in order to prevent the slightest suspicion of an intention on our part to make use of the influence of Government for the purpose of pro- selytism, that no notice shall be taken of it by the inspectors in their periodical visits. 85. Having now finished the sketch that we proposed to give of the scheme for the encouragement of education in India, which we desire to see gradually brought into operation, we proceed to make some observations upon the state of education in the sevei-al Presidencies, and to point out the parts of our general plan which are most deficient in each. 8G. In Bengal, education through the medium of the English language has arrived at a higher point than in any other part of India. We are glad to receive constant evidence of an increas- DESPATCH OF 1854. 26 ing demand for snch an education, and of tlie readiness of the natives of diiferent districts to exert themselves for tlie sake of obtaining it. There are now five Government Anghi-vei'nacnlfir CcxUeges ; and zillah schools have been established in nearly every disti-ict. We confidently expect that the introduction of the system of grants in aid will very largely increase the number of schools of a superior order ; and we hope that, before long, sufficient provision may be found to exist in many parts of the country for the education of the middle and higher classes, independent of the Government institutions, which ma}^ then be closed, as has been ali'cady the case in Bardwan, in consequence of the enlightened conduct of the Rajah of Burdwan, or they may be transferred to local management. 87. Very little has, however, been hitherto done in Bengal for the education of tlie mass of the people, especially for their instruction through the medium of the vernacular languages. A few vernacular schools were founded by Government in 1844, of which oidy 33 now remain, with 1,400 pupils, and, upon their transfer, in April 1852, from the charge of the Board of Revenue to that of the Council of Education, it appeai-ed that " they were in a languishing state, and had not fiilfilled the expectations formed on their establishment." 88. We have perused, with considerable interest, the i-eport of Mr. Robinson, Inspector of the Assam schools, of which there appear to be 74, with upwards of 3,000 pupils. Mr. Robinson's suggestions for the improvement of the system under which they are now managed appear to us to be worthy of consideration, and to approach very nearly to the principles upon which vei-na- cular education has been encouraged in the North- Western Provinces. We shall be prepai-ed to sanction such measures as you may approve of, to carry out Mr. Robinson's views. 89. But the attention of the Government of Bengal should be seriously directed to the consideration of some plan for the encouragement of indigenous scliools, and for the education of the lower classes, which, like that of Mr. Thomason in the North- Western Provinces, may bring the benefits of education practi- cally before them, and assist and direct their eiforts. We are aware that the object held out by the Government of Agra to induce the agricultural classes to improve their education does not exist in Bengal : but we cannot doubt that there may be found other similar solid advantages attending elementary know- ledge, which can be plainly and practically made apparent to the understandings and interests of the lower classes of Bengal. 90. We perceive that the scheme of study pursued in the Oriental Colleges of Bengal is under the consideration of the Council of Education, and it appears that they are in an unsatis- factory condition. We have ah*eady sufficiently indicated our views as to those colleges, and we should be glad to see them 4 26 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. placed npon such a footing as may make them of greater prac- tical utility. The points whicli you have referred to us, in your letter of the 5th of May, relative to the establishment of a Pre- sidency College in Calcutta, will form the subject of a separate communication. North-Western 91. In the North-Western Provinces the demand for educa- Provinces. t^JQ^ |g go limited by circumstances fully detailed by the Lieuten- ant-Governor in one of his early I'eports, that it will probably be long before private efforts will become energetic enough to sup- ply the place of the establishment, support, and management, by Government, of places of instruction of the highest grade, where there may be a sufficient reason for their institution. 92. At the same time, the system for the promotion of general education throughout the country, by means of the inspection and encouragement of indigenous schools, has laid the founda- tion of a great advancement in the education of the lower classes. Mr. Thomason ascertained, from statistical information, the lamentable state of ignoi'ance in which the people were sunk, while the registration of land, which is necessary under the revenue settlement of the North-Western Provinces, appeai'ed to him to offer the stimulus of a direct interest for the acquisi- tion of so much knowledge, at least of reading and writing, of the simple rules of arithmetic, and of land measurement, as would enable each man to look after his own rights. 93, He therefore organised a system of encouragement of indigenous schools, by means of a constant inspection by Zillah and Pergunnah Visitors, under the superintendence of a visitor- general ; while, at the head-quarters of each, tahsildar, a school was established for the purpose of teaching " reading and writing the vernacular languages, both Urdu and Hindi accounts, and the mensuration of land." A school-house is provided by Government, and the masters of the Tahsili schools receive a small salary, and are further entitled to the tuition fees paid by the pupils, of whom none are educated gratuitously, except " on recommendations given by village schoolmasters who may be on the visitor's list." A certain sum is annually allotted to each zillah for the reward of deserving teachers and scholars ; and the attention of the visitor-general was exiiressly directed to the prepai'ation of elementary school-books in the vernacular languages, which are sold through the agency of the Zillah and the Pergunnah Visitors. We shall be prepared to sanction the gradual extension of some such system as this to the other districts of the Agra Presidency, and we have already referred to it as the model by which the efforts of other Presidencies for the same object should be guided. Bombay. 94. In the Presidency of Bombay the character of the educa- tion conveyed in the Anglo- vernacular Colleges is almost, if not quite, equal to that in Bengal ; and the Elphinstone Institution i)ES PATCH OF 1854. 2? is an instance of a college condacted in tlie main upon the prin- ciple of grant in aid, which we desire to see more extensively carried out. Considerable attention has also been paid in Bom- bay to education, through the medium of the vernacular languages. It appears that 216 vernacnlar schools are under the management of the Board of Education, and that the nnmber of pupils attending them is more than 12,000. There are three Inspectors of the district schools, one of whom (Mahadeo Govind Shastri) is a native of India. The schools are reported to be improving, and masters trained in the Gov- ernment Colleges have been i*ecently appointed to some of them with the happiest effects. These results are very creditable to the Presidency of Bombay ; and we trust that each Government school will now be made a centre from which the indigenous schools of the adjacent districts may be inspected and encour- aged. 95. As the new revenue settlement is extended in the Bom- bay Presidency, there will, we appi-ehend, be found an induce- ment preci.sely similar to that which has been taken advantage of by Mr. Thomason, to make it the interest of the agricultural classes to acquire so much knowledge as will enable them to check the returns of the village accountants. We have learnt with satisfaction that the subject of gi-adually making some educational qualification necessaiy to the confirmation of these hereditary officers is under the consideration of the Government of Bombay, and that a practical educational test is now insisted upon pei'sons employed in many offices under Government. 96. In Madras, where little has yet been done by Government Madras, to promote the education of the mass of the people, we can ^j^iJ^^^enoua only remark with satisfaction that the educational efforts of Schools. Christian Missionaries have been more successful among the Tamil population than in any other part of India ; and that the Presidency of Madras offers a fair field for the adoption of our scheme of education in its integrity, by founding Government Anglo-vernacular institutions only where no such places of instruction at present exist, which might, by grants in aid and other assistance, adequately supply the educational wants of the people. We also perceive with satisfaction that Mr. Daniel Eliott, in a recent and most able Minute upon the subject of education, has stated that Mr. Thomason's plan for the encour- agement of indigenous schools might readily be introduced into the Madras Presidency, where the Rjotwari settlement offers a similar practical inducement to the people for the acquisition of elementary knowledge. 97. We have now concluded the observations which we think Summary, it is necessary to address to you upon the subject of the educa- tion of the natives of India. We have declared that our object is to extend European knowledge throughout all classes of the 2g EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. people. We have shown that this object must be effected by means of the Englisli language in the higher branches of instruction, and by that of the vernacular languages of India to the great mass of the people. We have directed such a system of general superintendence and inspection by Government to be established, as will, if properly cari-ied out, give efficiency and uniformity to your efforts. We propose by the institution of Universities to provide the highest test and encouragement of a liberal education. By sanctioning grants in iiid of private efforts, Ave hope to call to the assistance of Grovernment private exertions and private liberality. The higher classes will now be gradually called upon to depend more upon themselves ; and your attention has been more especially directed to the education of the middle and lower classes, both by the establish- ment of fitting schools for this purpose, and by means of a careful encouragement of the native schools which exist, and have existed from time immemorial, in every village, and none of which perhaps cannot in some degree be made available to the end we have in view. We have noticed some particular points connected with education, and we have reviewed the condition of the different Presidencies in this respect, Avith a desire to point out Avhat should be imitated, and what is want- ing, in each. 98. We have only to add, in conclusion, that we commit this subject to you with a sincex'e belief that you will cordially co- operate with us in endeavouring to effect the great object we have in hand, and that we desire it should be authoritatively communicated to the principal officers of every district in India, that henceforth they are to consider it to be an important part of their duty, not only in that social intercourse Avith the natives of India, Avhich Ave always learn with pleasure that they main- tain, but also with all the influence of their high position, to aid in the extension of education, and to support the inspectors of schools by every means in their poAver. 99. We believe that the measures we have determined upon are calculated to extend the benefits of education throughout India ; but, at the same time, aa^c must add that we are not sanguine enough to expect any sudden, or even speedy, results to folloAV from their adoption. To imbue a vast, and ignorant, population Avith a general desire for knoAvledge, and to take advantage of that desire Avheu excited to improve the means for diffusing education amongst them, must be a work of many years ; Avhich, by the blessing of Divine Providence, may largely conduce to the moral and intellectual improvement of the mass of the natives of India. 100. As a Grovernment, we can do no more than direct the efforts of the people, and aid them wherever they appear to re- quire most assistance. The result depends more upon them than bkSPATCH OF 1854. 29 upon us ; and although we arc fully aware that the measures we have now adopted will involve in the end a mnch larger expen- diture upon education from the revenues of India, or, in other words, from the taxation of the people of Indi.-i, than is at pre- sent so applied, we are convinced, with Sir Thomas Mnnro, in words used many years since, that any expense which may be incurred for tliis object, " will be amply re-paid by the improve- ment of the country ; for the general diffusion of knowledge is inseparably folloAved by more orderly habits, by increasi»ig in- dustry, by a taste for the comforts of life, by exertion to acquire them, and by the growing prosperity of the people." We are, &c., (Signed) J. Oliphant. W. J. Eastwick. E. Macnaghten. R. D. Mangles. C. Mills. J. P. Willoughby. R. Ellice. J. H. Astell. J. W. Hogg. F. Currie. ^0 iSDUCATIONAL PAPERS, II. MEMORIAL TO HIS GRACE THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL. TO HIS GRACE THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL, FORT SAINT GEORGE. The Meiiwrial of the undersigned repre- sentatives of various Missionary Societies and others engaged in Education in this Presidency. Humbly Sheavkth, Your Memorialists, who represent various Missionary Societies and other bodies largely engaged in the work of education thronghoat this Presidency, desire humbly to approacli Your Grace with reference to the woi-king of the Graiit-in-Aid system, to ask the attention of Your Grace in Council to certain features in the educational administration by which the due operation of that system seems to be limited and hindered, and to pray that such measures may be devised as may seem best fitted to promote the free development of the Educational Policy for India declared by Her Majesty's Government, and cordially adopted by Your Grace in Council. 2. Your Memorialists base their present representation on the Educational Despatch of 1854, in which Her Majesty's Govern- ment laid down the following liberal lines as the polic}' to be pursued in the education of the people of India : (1). Her Majesty's Government declare that they have been led to the " conclnsion, that the most effectual method of pi'o- viding for the wants of India in this respect Avill be to combine ■with the agency of Government the aid which may be derived from the exertions and liberality of the educated and wealthy natives of India and of other benevolent persons." (2). The mode in which independent agency was to be fostered, and their anticipations of its effect are set forth in the following paragraph : — " We have, therefore, resolved to adopt in India the system of Grants-in-Aid which has been carried out in this country (England) with very great success ; and we confidently antici- pate, by thus drawing support from local resources, in addition to contributions from the State, a far more rapid progress of education than would follow a mere increase of expenditure by the Government; while it jiossesses the additional advantage of fostering a spirit of reliance upon local exertions and combina- tion for local purposes, which is of itself of ho mean importance to the well-being: of a nation." MEMORIAL ON AIDED EDUCATION. 31 (3). With regard to the system of administration, the follow- ing general directions are laid down : — " We desire to see local management under Government inspection, and assisted by Grants- in- A id, taken advantage of whenever it is possible to do so, and that no Government Col- leges or Schools shall be founded for the future, in any district where a sufficient number of institutions exist, capable, with assistance from the State, of supplying the local demand for education." (4). Although Her Majesty's Goveinmeiit were of opinion that it would " probably be necessary for some yeai-s, to supply the wants of particular parts of India by the establishment, temporary support and management of places of education of every class in districts where there was little or no prospect of adequate local efforts being made for this purpose ;" yet it was intended that the maintenance of purely Government Schools and Colleges should be only temporary, and that they should gradually be withdrawn, as the growth of independent institu- tions made it possible to be done. On this point the following words are clear : — " We look forward to the time when any general system of education entirely provided by Government may be discontinued, with tlie gradual advance of the system of Grants-in-Aid, and when many of the existing Government Institutions, especially those of the higher order, may be safely closed or transferred to the management of local bodies under the control of and aided by the State." 3. Your Memorialists gratefully acknowledge that the policy embodied in this Despatch has been fully approved by the Madras Government, and they are glad to observe that Your Grace in Council, in an Order on the last publislud Report of the Director of Public Instruction, gave expression to it in the following terms : — " Looking therefore to the increasing demands upon the State for Grants-in-Aid, and the cheapness of the system, it is as much the true as it is the admitted policy of Government .since the Despatch of 1854, to reduce gradually expenditure on Govern- ment institutions, where there is a Private, Local or Municipal School doing equally good work, and capable of continuing it. The Director will bear this principle in mind, and, wherever and whenever the opportunity occurs, act in accordance there- with." With these words before us. Your Memorialists cannot but be fully satisfied as to the purpose of Your Grace in Council ; and the remarks which occur in connection with them render it unnecessary for us to vindicate the preferability of the aided system on the ground of economy, not to speak of its influence in fostering the spirit of freedom and local self-government. 32 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. 4. Taming now to the practical administration of the policy, Your Memorialists gratefully remember that in 1864 full elfect was given to it iu this Presidency by the introduction of a Revised Code of Rules for Grants-in-Aid, in which the main principle adopted was that of sahiry grants. These Rules were framed only after the fullest enquiry and consultation with the repre- sentatives of all bodies engaged in educational work throughout the Presidency, and the scheme made it possible for a well- equipped and efficient school to obtain the most liberal aid. 5. By the adoption of this Code a powerful stimulus was given to the progress of aided education. Missionary Societies and other bodies engaged in educational work now felt that full effect was likely to be given to the principles laid down in the educational Despatch, and the anticipations, which we have quoted above, expressed in that Despatch, were speedily realised. At the close of 1803-64, the year immediately preceding the introduction of the Revised Rules for Grants-in-Aid, there were on the rolls of aided institutions 20,005 pupils, and the Grants- in-Aid during that year amounted to Rs. 50,642-9-7. Six years later, at the close of 18G'J-70, aided institutions had on their rolls 95,035 pupils, and received in Grants-in-Aid during that year Rs. 3,07,881-14-7. Such a development of independent educa- tion would manifestly have been impossible but for the libei-al scheme established by the Madras Government in accordance with the policy of tlie Despatch ; and the further development of aided agencies or their continuance will doubtless depend on the effective application of the same liberal principles. 6. In 1869 the financial necessities of the Government led to a restriction being imposed on the issue of new Grants-in-Aid, except for Girls' Schools. This restriction, however, it was hoped, was only to be temporary. In I'eply to a Memorial, ad- dressed in the beginning of 1871, to His Excellency, Lord Napier, by members of the Madras Missionary Conference and others connected with aided education, His Excellency the Governor in Council in an Order dated 6th March 1871, " resolves to intimate to the gentlemen who have addressed the Government, that he is fully alive to the imi^ortance of maintaining tiie deve- lopment of the Grant-in- Aid system, and that the present res- trictions will be removed as soon as the state of the funds avail- able to this Government for educational purposes will allow." Relying on the conditional promise thus made, independent bodies have continued and even extended their efforts, but the restriction has not yet been withdrawn. 7. When we compare the expenditure on Grants-in-Aid from Provincial Funds for 1869-70 with that for 1876-77 as given in the Director's Reports, we find that it has not increased but diminished, having fallen from Rs. 3,07,881-14-7 in the foi-mer year to Rs. 2,78,682-2-4 in the latter. Daring the same period, MEMORIAL ON AIDED EDUCATION. 33 however, we observe that the gross expenditure on Government Colleges and Schools for general education from the same funds had risen from Rs. 2,13,827-8-2 to Rs. 3,09,0!t'J-7-6. In other word's, Avhile Grants-in-Aid had been during these seven years rednced by i>'4 per cent., the expenditure on direct Government education had increased by 45 per cent. Your Memorialists do not take it upon them to judge how it became necessary to in- crease so largely the outlay on Government institutions, which admittedly do their work at much greater cost to the State than aided institutions, while a restriction was maintained on the legi- timate operation of the Grant-in-Aid scheme ; but they respect- fnlly submit that priind facie it would have been more in accord- ance Avith the declared policy of Government, if the additional funds had been expended on fostering aided education. It is unnecessary also to point out to your Grace that if the larger funds available for education are absorbed by Government insti- tutions, the hope of seeing the restriction removed as promised, and the Grant-in-Aid scheme carried out in its entirety, must be abandoned. At the same time the confidence of independent agencies in the encouraging policy of Government must corres- pondingly be weakened, and their efforts in the cause of educa- tion restrained. 8. Your j\Iemorialists would here beg to state that they do not object to a revision of the present Grant-in-Aid rules, or to any modification of them, which, on due consideration of the ])rogress of education or other circumstances, may seem advisable. What alone they deprecate is any tendency to reverse the declared polic}- of Government — the policy, vi::., of fostering and extending aided education in preference toapnrely Government system, — or to hinder by special restrictions the free operation of any well considered scheme framed in accord- ance with this policy. That your Memorialists have good grounds to entertain serious apprehensions regarding this matter will appear not only from the contrast already pointed out between the increased expenditure on Government Institutions on the one hand, and the diminished Grants-in-Aid on the other, but from the following instances to which we crave the special atten- tion of your Grace in Council. (1). Your Memorialists have to complain that important changes are made in the administration of the Grant-in-Aid scheme without due consideration being shown to the bodies specially interested, and without an}- opportunity being given to express their opinion regarding arrangements by which they are materially affected, until remonstrance has become too late. In January last, for example, an order was issued by the Director of Public Instruction largely reducing the grants to aided Institutions in Madras, without any previous consultation with the Managers, and making the reduction take effect from 1st April, thus allow- 5 g4 tlPUCATIONAL PAPERS. ing only the very inadequate period of little more than two months to make provision for the extra charges thus thrown on them. It appears, further, from the Director's letter to Government of 13tli December 1878, that he submitted to Government in Januar}'^ of last year a revised Code of Rules for salary grants, and that this Code is now under the consideration of your Grace's Government. The Director's proposals have been sub- mitted without any consultation with the Managers of the Edu- cational Agencies to whicli they are to be applied, or any infor- mation being vouclisafed as to their nature and bearing. Up to the present moment all representatives of aided education are in entire ignorance of the new, scheme under which they may find tliemselves placed without previous warning. This procedure is in such complete contrast with that followed when the Revised Rules of 1864! were framed, that your Memorialists cannot but fear that it may indicate a different line of policy. (2). Your Memorialists beg to point, secondly, to the enlarge- ment of the school department of the Presidency College, through the opening of the lower classes in 1875-76. The Director justified this measui-e on the ground that it was necessary to strengthen the Presidency College, and that it would involve no additional expense. Even if we set aside for the moment the Educational Despatch of ISS-l, and admit that the strengthening of the Presidency College against aided Institutions were a legitimate end in itself, we cannot admit that as a College it needed such a buttress. The calculation, moreover, that the new classes would be self-supporting can only have been made by leav- ing out of account in respect of them all charges for buildings, general management, servants, pensions to masters, and the like. However this may have been, the expectation has not been ful- filled, for it appears from the Director's Report for 1876-77 that while the total expenditure of the middle department formed by these classes was Rs. 8,978-14-2, the income from fees was only Rs. 1,940-8 or not quite a half of tlie expense. But what we desire mainly to call your Grace's attention to in connection with this case is, that there was no need in Madras of these new classes, and that they could only be supplied by drawing away pupils from aided Institutions, which were ^^erfectl}'^ adequate to educate them. The weakening eft'ect on these Institutions must have been the greater that such an influential Government Institution as the Presidency College Avould naturally draw to itself the best pupils. Your Memoi'ialists must respectfully sub- mit that they cannot see how this measure can be reconciled with the insti'uctiou of the Despatch which lays down that no " Government School shall be founded for the future in any district Avhere a sufficient number of institutions exist, capable, with assistance from the State, of supplying the local demand for education." MEMORIAL ON AIDED EDUCATION. 35 (3). Youi- Memoinalists boo- R;avo to point, thirdly, to the action of Government with reo^ard to tlie Madras Christian Col- le^'e. This Institution, which is tl\e only f nlly-developed Colles^e amonpfst aided institutions and in whose management almost all the Missionary Societies engaged in edncation have now a part, deserves the fullest consideration on the ground both of its efficiency and of its representative character. But while during the last few years it has greatly grown, and its expenditure has therefoi'e largely increased, the aid given to it has, notwithstand- ing repeated and pressing applications, remained stationary. At pi'esent it receives as a Grrant-in-Aid rather less than 20 per cent, of its cost, although while still in a partially developed condition, it was receiving like other aided institutions about 40 per cent. This refusal of increased aid might possibly be justi- fied on the ground of want of funds ; though, as we have shown above, funds were found during the same period for a greatly iiicreased expenditure on direct Government Education. But it might reasonably have been expected that the first opportunity would be seized, when funds were available, to give it some of the additional aid to which it was entitled. Such an opportu- nity presented itself when the reduction of grants to schools in Madras was I'ecently made. But while the Director allows that a College requires more aid than a School, be assigns to the College Department of this Institution only Rs. 450 a month, although it has a staff of six Professors, two Assistant Profes- soi's, and other Ofl&cers, involving an expenditure of six times that sum. At the same time he reduces the grant to the School Department to Rs. 150 a month. The effect of the whole arrangement is to reduce the grant to the Madras Christian Col- lege by nearly Rs. 3,000 a year, even though that grant is already less than a fifth of the eutii'e expenditui'e. Your Memorialists respectfully submit that such treatment of an aided institution of this kind is calculated to awaken the gravest apprehension as to the tendency of the present educational administration, and to justify them in calling the attention of your Grace in Council to the case. (4). The fourth and last instance to which Your Memorial- ists would point is the action recently taken regarding the Government schools at Cuddalore and Salem. At each of these towns there is a Grant-in-Aid school, side by side with the Government school, and competing with it on equal terms. Each was plainly a case in which, according to the principles of the Despatch, the aided school should have been fostered, and as soon as it was capable of supplying the educational wants of the place, the Government school have been withdrawn. It is laid down in the Despatch that this is the process to be followed specially in the case of higher schools. Instead of this we hear with deep regret and apprehension that the Zillah schools have 36 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. been erected into Provincial Schools witli a Collegiate depart- ment. There does not seem, in oar humble opinion, to be any justification for this step in eitlier case on the ground of neces- sity : tliere are Collogiate schools at no great distance, to which those may resort who wish to prosecute their studies beyond the matriculation standard. On the other hand Aarious results will follow which are much to be deplored. In the first place, the aided schools can no longer compete on equal terms with the Government schools, but are most likely to be beaten out of the field. Secondly, the change will in each case involve a very heavy additional expenditure, as a Collegiate department, especially when it is small, involves heavy charges and yields but a small income. In present circumstances when the free opera- tion of the Gi-ant-in-Aid system is entirely hindered from want of funds, and grants are being reduced because of pressing necessities, we i-espectfnlly submit that an additional outlay on direct Government education of in all likelihood not less than Rs. 10,000 a year is greatly to be deprecated. Lastly, such action is calculated to have the worst effect on all itidependent agencies, as it seems to threaten the reversal of the declared l^olicy of Government, and to manifest a purpose to foster purely Government education in opposition to and at the direct expense of aided institutions. 9. We therefore pray your Grace in Council to take the foregoing into your gracious consideration, and specially to favour Your Memorialists with an answer on the following points : — (1). Whether it may not be possible to give free operation to a Grant-in-Aid scheme framed in accoidance with the policy declared in the Despatch of 1854 : (2). Whetlier the Revised Rules now submitted by the Direc- tor may not be publislied for the consideration of those interested in aided education, before your Grace in Council passes final orders npon them : (3). Whether some representatives of aided education might not be appointed to consult with the Dii'ector or with Govern- ment regarding matters directly affecting that important branch of educational agency : and (4). Whether in the instances to whicli we have pointed as appearing to our humble judgment to be out of h;irmony with the policy prescribed by the Educational Despatch and by your Grace in Council, the resolutions arrived at may not be recon- sidered. And Your Memorialists will ever pray, &c. Madras, March 1879. MEMORIAL ON AIDED EDUCATION. 37 Signed by A. H. Ardeii, Secy. C. M. S. J. M. Strachaii, Secy. S. P. G. Edward Sell, C. M. S. James Coolino:, W. M. S. D. Sinclair, Ch. of Scotland Mission. Walter Joss, L. M. S. John Cook, Doveton Protestant Col. J. T. Margoschis, S. P. G. William Miller, Principal, Christian College. William Stevenson, Secy. F. C. S. M. James Shaw, Methodist Episcopal Church. C. Runganadham, L, M. S. Daniel Jacob, Church of Scotland Mission. F. Wilkinson, L. M. S. W. T. Sathyanadhan, C. M. S. Geo. Patterson, W. M. S. P. J. Evers, W. M. S. William Burgess, W. M. S. C. Michie Smith. Geo. Milne Rae, Madras Christian College. William Elder, F. C. S. M, L. Jewett, Amer. Bap. Tel. Mission. F. G. Davis, Meth. Ep. Church. Andrew Dowsley, Ch. of Scot. Mis. J. Murdoch, Ch. Ver. Ed. Society. G. M. Cobban, W. M. S. M. A. Coopoosavvmy Rao, W. M. S. T. E. Slater, L. M. S. P. Kajahgopaul, F. C. S. M. F. Madras. R. Caldwell, Bishop. R. M. Bauboo, F. C. S. M. V. Simeon, C. M. S. S. W. Organe. R. Handmann, Evangelical Lutheran Mission. Joseph Cornelius, C. M. S. J.L.Duffield, Sunday School Teacher. W. Stokes, Kaity, Neilgherries. M. Meig, do. do. J. Layer, do. do. W. Schmolk, Tellieherry, Malabar. L. G. Hanhart, Palghaut, do. Ad. Ruhland, do. do. G. Wagner, Codacal, , do. J. Knobloch, Calicut, do, G. Kuhnle, do. do. S. Walter, Chombala, do. S. Frohnmeyer, Tellieherry, do. E. Liebendoerfer, do. do. E. Diez, Canuanore, do. J. LaufEer, Chowa, do. C. T. P. Luxmoore. Geo. Bidie. Spencer A. Shutie, b.a., Head Master S. P. G., Kamnad. George Billing, b.a., S. P. G., Ramnad. E. Unangst, A. D. Rowe. E. Sherman. Robert P. Cell. L. L. Uhl, Am. Mis. Sch., Guntoor. W. X. G. Herre. H. Brunotte. A. F. Wolff. H. Wannske. A. Gehring. C. A. Ouchterlony. D. Bergstedt. T. Paesler. C. F. Kremmer. C. J. Sandegren. A. V. Timpany, Cocanada. John Craig, do. W. F. Armstrong, Chicacole. C. E. Thompson, do. B. Paul, do. G. Churchill, Bobbilly. R. Stanes, Coimbatore High School. William Robinson, Coimbatore. H. A. Hutchison, L. M. S., Coimbatore. John Clay, S. P. G. Arther Inman, S. P. G. R. D. Shepherd, S. P. G. J. W. Scudder. H. M. Scudder, m.d. G. W. Legate. Jacob Chamberlain. J. H. Wyckoff. J. Xallathumbi, A. M. S., Arcot. Martin Ijuther, do. Arthur Margoschis, S. P. G. Alfred Morgan, C. M. S., Godavery. George Fryar, W. M. S. J. M. Thompson, W. M. S. E. J. Gloria, do Henry Little, do. George Hobday, do. J. Dixon, do. R. Arumainayagam, do. J. R. Slater, do. A. F. Barley, do. R. S. Boulter, do. J. B. Coles, L. M. S., Bellary. Edwin Lewis, do. do. E. Haines, do. do. Maurice Phillips, L. M. S., Salem. G. O. Newport, L. M. S., Travancore. 38 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. M. Ruthnura, C. M. S., Bezwadah. J. M. N. Schwarz, Leip. Luth. Mis., Tranquebar. A. Bloonistrancl, Leip. Luth. Mission. K. Ihlefeld, Leip. L. M., Tranquebar. J. Kabi.s, Lutheran Mission. K. Pamperrien, do. School. Edw. Sargent, Bishop, C. M. S. A. H. Lash, do. H. Schaffter, C. M. S. T. Kember, do. J. E. Padfield, C. M. S., Training In- stitution, MasuHpatam. E. Noel Hodges, Noble School Insti- tution. Arthur W. Poole, do. do, Henry Wm. Eales, C. M. S. do. C. S. Elliot, Madras. III. ORDER OF MADRAS GOVERNMENT. Educational Department. Proi'eediiKjs of the Madras Goi^ernment. Read the following Meinoi-ial from the Rev. A. H. Arden, Secre- tar}-^, Church Missionary Society, and other Gentlemen, dated March 1879. Order thereox, 12th April 1879, No. 119. Resolved that this Memorial be forwarded to the Director of Public Instruction for his remarks, which he will furnish at an early date. 2. Resolved also, that the Director's letter, dated the 15th January 1878, No. 215, .submitting revised Grant-in- Aid I'ules, which is now befoi'e Government, be referred to the Gentle- men who have signed the Memorial, for their remarks. (True Extract.) John Pionnvcuick, Major, R.E., Under Secy. P. W. D., for Acting Chief Secretary. To The Rev. A. H. Arden, and other Gentlemen with Director's letter. No. 215. IV. REMARKS ON PROPOSED GRANT-IN-AID RULES. To Sir, C. G. Mastkr, Esq., Acting Chief Secretary to Govt, of Fort St. George. We have the honour, on behalf of the Memorialists who lately addressed His Grace the Governor in Council regarding Aided Education, to acknowledge receipt of the Government Order of 12th April 1879, No. 119, together with the Director's REMARKS ON PROPOSED GRANT-IN-AID RULES. 39 . » letter of 15tli January 1878, No. 215, submittiwg revised Grant- in-Aid Rules. We desire to express our thanks for the oppor- tunity afforded us of considering the proposals contained in the lattei*, and we now have the honour, in accordance with the request of Government, to submit the following remarks. 2. We have the ])leasure, first of all, to say that we approve generally of the scheme now proposed by the Director. We recog- nise that it is no longer necessaiy, as it has not been for some time possible, to give free and full operation to the system of half grants. The funds at the disposal of Government for edacation are, we know, not unlimited, and though we are of opinion that a larger proportion of them ought to have been n.nd ouglit now to be allotted to Aided Education, yet we do not think that they could be made sufficient to give unrestricted aid, on the veiy liberal scale of a moiety of the expenditure of all efficient schools that apply for it under the Rules. To the f tee issue of graiits under this scheme a restriction has now been imposed for ten years, and we do not see how it can be removed except by a reduction of the scale of grants ordinarily given. The removal of the restriction is fit the same time so necessaiy, and the free opera- tion of any established scheme of so much importance, that we willingly consent to a reduction which Jiiakes it possible. By the new scheme it is proposed to red nee the ordinary salary grants issued in favour of schools for boys from one-half to one-third, as Avell as to cnt off various other grants, which in the aggregate will amoant to a considerable sum. A school will thus receive less than two-thirds of the aid it has been entitled to under the existing rules, and so large a diminntion will no doubt bear hard upon some. At the same time we think it greatly preferable that full effect should be given to a less liberal scheme, than that arbitrary restrictions should be imposed on one more libei-al. In the one case Managers know what they can count upon ; in the other case everything is brought into uncertainty. We accept therefore the substitution as a general rule of one-third grants in place of the half offered by the present rules, in the assurance that such grants will be given in all ordinary cases, when a school satisfies the conditions on which they are promised. Besides this, the progi'ess of edacation, by enlarging the income derived from fees, I'enders it unnecessary to give aid now in the same measure as was required fifteen years ago, and is provided for by the existing rules. We do not indeed think that the increase of receipts from fees will enable all aided schools to bear easily at first the reduction of the grants, but yet it may be hoped that they are to a certain extent prepared for it, and that none will suffer any serious in jniy. We know that there is great variety in the circumstances of aided schools, and that some are in a much better position to meet diminished 4/0 lEtoVCATIONAL PAPtlRS. grants than others. At the same time we are of opinion that, except in the case of poor schools which arc specially provided for, a fair amount of the expenditure m;iy ordinarily be met by fees, and that, accordingly, a part of the Government aid may be set free to benefit a wider area. 3. In this connection we would observe that as the exception of Poor Schools is specially provided for at one extreme, provi- sion should also be made in the Rnles for an exception at the other extreme. Some schools may now be, or may come to be, so favourably circumstanced, that the fees and Government grants together may more than cover their whole expenditure. In such cases the Government aid enables the managers to make a pi'ofit. Bat as the educational funds ai-e so limited, and at the same time so ni-gently needed to help the necessities of the poor, it is manifestly throwing them away when any portion is applied to enrich a school or to yield a profit to those who manage it. We are of opinion, therefore, that it should be dis- tinctly laid down that whenever the fees and the Government grants together are more than snfficient to meet the expenses, the Government aid shall be withdrawn in whatever measure seems fair and suitable. It is very necessary that the educa- tional fnnds be administered with a careful economy that shall make them as productive as possible. 4. There is another case which ought, perhaps, to be treated as special, and in which more liberal aid ought to be given. We refer to the case of College Departments. It can never be expected that in these the fees will bea.r nearly so lar^ a pro- portion of the expenditure as in schools, and therefore their claim to more help ought in some manner to be recognised. AVe content ourselves, however, with suggesting this for the consideration of Government. We believe that the Dii*ector agrees with us as to tiie diffei-ent proportion of fees in the two cases, and the pi-iuciple of giving aid that follows from it. 5. Having thus stated our opinion of what we take to be the central principle of the scheme and its bearings, we beg now to refer to some of the rules in detail, and to suggest certain altera- tions which seem to us necessary. We take them in their order. (I). Rule 5 under II (a) runs thus : — " Pjxcept in the case of Normal Scliools for training teachers, and of Female Schools, such monthly schooling fees must be levied as may from time to time be prescribed by Government." As this rule, we presume, is not meant to stand in the way of managers charging higher fees than those prescribed by Gov- ernment, should they deem it advisable, we would suggest that the rule read thus : — " Except in the case of Normal Schools for training teachers and of Female Schools, monthly schooling fees must bo levied not less than those which may from time to time be prescribed by Government." Remarks on proposed granT-in.aid rules. 41 (2). In Rule 7 under II (a) : — " No salary grant shall be given or continued to any school which cannot show an average attendance for three months of at least twenty boys," — ihe substitution of ' pupils' for ' boys' is necessary for accuracy, as it is meant to apply to girls' schools also. (8). Rule 8 under II (a) runs thus : — " Generally a teacher will not be eligible for a grant unless he or she spends at least four hours per diem in secular teaching, but in the case of Pundits teaching Oriental languages alone, and Mistresses teaching needle- work alone, two hours per diem will suffice, and in the case of Teachers instructing collegiate classes three and a half hours will be accepted." We approve of this rule with the exception of the last clause in which it is laid down that teachers instructing collegiate classes mnst give three and a half hours j>e/- diem to class- teaching. We are decidedly of opinion that not more than three hours should be here required. In Government Colleges only three hours of actual teaching is required of the Pro- fessors, and in fairness the same amount of woi'k ought to entitle to a grant in Aided Colleges. This principle, we believe has been tacitly recognised both by the present and former Director. Further, there can be no doubt that considering the amount of preparation and paper-work required in collegiate classes, three hours of teaching in these is much more than equivalent to four in a school. We trust tlierefore that for " three hours and a half," "three hours" will be substituted. (4). Under II (c) there are the following rules : — " 16. A grant not exceeding one-third of the total salary within the prescribed limits will be given to Masters holding Normal Certificates and to uncertificated Mistresses who have passed the Higher, Middle, or Primary Examination. 17. A grant not exceeding one-fourth of tlie total salary within the prescribed limits will be given to Masters holding Ordinary Certificates. 18. A grant not exceeding one-fifth of the total salar}' within the pre- scribed limits will be given to uncertificated Masters who have passed one of the Madras University Examinations or the Middle or Primary Examinations, or any examination which shall be declared equivalent to such examinations The following two rules, 19 and 20, define Normal and Ordi- nary Certificates. In these rules the Director proposes three proportions of grants : — (1) one-third of the salary of Masters holding Normal Certificates ; (2) one-fourth of the salary of Masters holding Ordinary Certificates ; and (3) one-fifth of the salary of Masters who have passed the General Educational Tests. We feel con- strained strongly to object to the two latter on the following .grounds: First, we think that they introduce unnecessary and harassing complications, and tend to give managers of Schools much trouble for little benefit. It is of importance for a workable scheme that it be as little intricate as possible. Secondly, we do not think that the difference of qualifications 6 42 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. between tlie first class of teachers and tlie thii'd gives any suffi- cient reason foi- making so large a dift'evence in their respective grants. Tho advantages possessed by the former :ire summed up in attendance at a Normal School for six months, which training, we submit, however beneficial and deserving of encour- agement, is not sufficient to Avarrant the preference implied in their receiving a tliird grant, while on account of the latter only a fifth will be sanctioned. We think that a fourth instead of a fifth will sufticiently mark the difference. ThiixUy, comparing the second class of teachers with the first, we see no ground whatever for giving the latter a preference. A teacher cannot receive an Ordinaiy Certificate until (I) he has passed the General Education Test ; (2) has been actually employed as a Teacher for at least two years in a school under Government inspection, and (3) has obtained a favourable report from an Inspector as to his teaching ability. We respectfully submit that the qualifications implied in these requirements are fully equivalent to those imparted by a Normal School training of six months, and requii-ed by its accompanying tests. We are there- fore clearly of opinion that a tliird grant may as reasonably be given in the one case as in the other. To give only a fourth grant on account of teachers certified to possess all the necessary qualifications of a teacher, appears to us decidedly unfair both to teachers and managers. It will be observed that Normal Students will, though the grants be equalised, still possess a great advantage, for they can receive a Normal Certificate after six months' study, whereas the Ordinary Certificate cannot be obtained till after two yeai's' actual service in a school. All necessai-y encouragement will therefore still be given to Normal Schools and pupils. On these grounds we think that, three rules should be put into two, and read thus : — " 16. A grant not exceeding one-third of the total salary within the prescribed limits will be given to Masters holding Normal and Ordinary Certiticates and to uncertiticated Mistresses who have passed the Higher, Middle, or Priniaiy Examination. 17. A grant not exceeding one-fourth of the total salary within the pre- scribed limits will be given to uncertificated Masters who have passed one of the Madras University Examinations or the Middle or Priniai-y Examin- ations, or any examination which shall be declared equivalent to such examinations." It may be noted that in the case of Mistresses those holding Normal and Ordinar}' Certificates ai-e classed together in the proposed Rules as entitled to the highest grant. (5). Rule 21, under II (n) :— " The cxiuiiinations for these tests will be held at Madras and other places api)ointed by the Director of Public Instruction once a year, com- mencing on the 8th day of December, unless that day falls on a Sunday, when the examination will be held on the Monday following." REMARKS ON PROPOSED GRANT-IN-AID RULES. 43 We suppose the ' tests' here referred to are all other than the University Examinations, but it might be well to make tliis more clear. (G). Rule 26, under II (c) lays down the scale of the maximum salary contemplated, and the grants to be given to the various classes of masters. We approve of the scale of salaries, but if Rules 16, 17 and 18 are altered as we have sug- gested, the scale of grants will have to be modified accordingly. (7). Rule 30, under II (c) runs thus : — " A Pundit who has passed the General Education Test for the Fifth Grade may receive the salai-y grant of a master of the Fourth Grade if he i.s employed in teaching students of the First Arts class, and the salary grant of a master of the Third Grade if he is employed in teaching students preparing for the B.A, Degree." In our opinion it is not necessary to require that a Pundit shall pass any General Education Test, nor do we think that the Test of the Fifth Grade is sufficient to certify the peculiar qualifications required in a Pundit. We would therefore sug- gest the following reading of this Rule : — " A Pundit, who is approved as duly qualified, may receive, if he is employed in a school department a grant of one-third of the maximum salary of a Fourth Grade teacher : and a grant of one-third of the maximum salary of a Third Grade teacher, if he. is employed in a College Department." (8). In Rule 33, under II (c) it is provided that " A half-salary grant of Rs. 10 may be assigned to any teacher of Physical Science who (c) has attended a course of lectures in the Presidency College on one of the subjects prescribed for the Physical Science branch of the B.A. degree, and has received a certificate stating that he is qualified to teach the elements of the subject." As there are other Colleges besides the Presidency College in which Physical Science is efficiently taught, there seems no ground for restricting the privilege liere given to its students. We therefore suggest that for ' the Presidency College' should be substituted ' any affiliated College provided with the requisite means of teaching the subject.' (9). Rule 42, under II (c) lays down that the maximum salaries contemplated for Mistresses are Rs. 100, Rs. 50 and Rs. 20 for the First, Second and Third Grades respectively. We beg to suggest, that especially considering the Higher Standards which School-mistresses will be required to pass, the maximum salaries should be Rs. 120, Rs. 60 and Rs. 30 for the three grades respectively. (10). We would suggest that under II a Rule be introduced providing for the sanction of grants on account of Writing Masters, who may be employed solely in teaching this subject for not less than two hours a day. The experience of the U. C. S. examinations shows the necessity of encouraging the bestowal of particular attention on this subject. 44 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. (11). With reference to building grants, the Director proposes in paragraph 19 of his letter to reserve the Edacatioual Building Fund exclusively for Government buildings, and that all the building grants to aided schools should be paid out of the amount alloted for Grant-in-Aid expenditure. The Director does not assign any ground for making tliis separation now, and we do not see why aided schools should not participate in the benefit of that Fund so long as it lasts. Indeed, we do not think there is any necessity to take it for granted that any special funds will hereafter be required for Government school- buildings. We .should i-ather hope that in accordance with the principles of the Despatch of 1854, which is our only guide in questions of this kind, the time has arrived for fewer buildings being required for purely Government education than are now in use. As to repairs of those that must be kept up, we tliiuk that the sum necessary for this purpose should come from the ordinary present expenditure on Government schools. Such measures would be much moi'e accordant with the declared policy of Government than those proposed by the Director. (12). Rule 54, under IV, lays down that " No grants will be given for the payment of school servants, contingent charges, ordinary school furniture, maps, prizes and books of reference ; but grants will be issued once to any College or school for the purchase of special apparatus, diagrams, and examples requii-ed for the instruction of pupils in science or art." Now we think that as servants ai-e as necessary a part of a school establishment as teachers, and school furniture as essen- tial as the building, the former in either case should be placed on the same footing as the latter. We are of opinion also that for the sake of encouraging the taste for general reading, and furnishing the means of gratifying it, aid should still be given in the purchase of school and college libraries. We regard these as holding a most important place in intellectual and moral culture, and we think special favour should be shown to them. We readily acquiesce in the abolition of grants for contingencies, maps and prizes. (13). With reference to Schedules A, B, C, we observe that the standards are very much raised for Schoolmistresses. On the whole we approve of this change, though we fear the new standards may be found hard enough. We think it would be well to make clearer what is no doubt implied, that candidates may go up and pass in one language onl}', this limitation, however, carrying with it certain disabilities in respect of employment. 6. In conclusion we have only to advert to the question of the application of these rules, should they be introduced, to teachers already employed. As certain changes are made in the Qualifications demanded, it cannot be expected that those already REMARKS ON PROPOSED GRANT-IN-AID RULES. 45 in the positiou of teachers can comply with the new require- ments, neither should they be placed, in our opinion, at such disadvantage in respect of grants as will impel managers to get rid of them. New rules should neither avowedly nor in effect be made retrospective. We suggest, therefore, that it be laid down, that those teachers now employed and entitled to the highest grants under the present rules should be regarded as still entitled to the highest grant under the new rules, and that those at present entitled to the lower grant receive similar con- sideration. The new regulations should of course be applied in their strictness to all who may enter the service after the date of their publication. 7. There are some other points to which we might have adverted as in our judgment capable of improvement, but we have taken notice only of those which seem to us important. We trust we may be permitted to express our satisfaction that there is so much in the Director's scheme of which we can heartily approve, and that the provisions in our opinion requiring amendment are comparatively so few. We respectfully submit the suggestion we have felt it necessary to make to the impartial consideration of His Grace in Council. We have the honour to remain, On behalf of the Memorialists, Sir, Your most obedient and humble servants, Signed by A. H. Ardkn. William Miller. Jas. Cooling. Edward Sell. John Cook. David Sinclair. Walter Joss. William Stevenson. J. T. Margoschis. J. M. Strachan. Madras, 5th May 1879. 46 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. V. DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. No. 16. From Colonel R. M. MACDONA LB, Director of Pvhlic Instruction, to the Acting Chief Secretary to Government, dated Madras, 1st May 1879, Nn. 1737-P. I have the honor to submit the foUowiug remarks on the memorial referred to me in G.O , No. 119, of the 12th instant. 2. The memorialists quote various passages from the Despatch of the Court of Directors, No. 49, of the 19th July 1854, in which it is laid dovm that the most effectual method of providing for the educational wants of India " will be to combine with the agency of Government the aid which may be derived froui the exertions and liberality of the educated and wealthy natives of India and of other benevolent persons," and in which instructions are given regarding the mode in which independent agency should be fostered. Stress is laid on the injunctions that Government Institutions should be limited in number at first, and that many of those in existence should be gradually withdrawn ; and special attention is drawn to the following words : — " We look forward to the time when any general system of education entirely provided by Government may be discontinued, with the gradual advance of the system of grants-in-aid, and when many of the existing Government Institutions, especially those of the higher order, may be safely closed or transferred to the management of local bodies under the control of, and aided by, the State." 3. There is no Presidency in which the action of Government under this despatch has been so favorable to Mission enterprise as Madras. Many large and important towns have been deliberately left witliout any Govern- ment schools for general education. Ajuong these may be mentioned Viza<'apatam, Vizianagram, Cocanada, Masulipatam, Nellore, Vellore, Tan- jore, Negapatam, Mannai^gudi, Trichinopoly, Palamcottah, Tinnevelly, Coimbatore, Ramuad, Coujeveram and Chilambaram. Anything resembling a general system of education entirely provided by Government has never been attempted. The Keport on Public Instruction for 1877-78 shows that out of 10,121 institutions \uider inspection only 131 were under the direct management of the Educational Department. The few Government schools which have been opened have boon generally established at stations where efficient schools of the kind re(iuired were not in existence. At some of these stations other schools have since sprang up. Some of these have been established by Missionaries, some by Hindus. In many cases grants have been given to these competing schools. In some cases the schools have from various causes worked without grants, especially since the increase in the rates of school-fees has rendered it possible for a well-educated and enterprising man to make a livelihood by keeping a school. In some cases DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 45^ the Government schools have been given np. In others the old Government schools are still <^o'ui{^ on. 4. The question as to whether an old Government Institution should be closed to make way for a new Mission institution is one whicli presents some difficulties. The Government Institution has been in most cases establiaiied, because the inhabitants had expressed a wish for it and had shown their interest in the matter by subscribing towards the cost of the building or in other ways aiding in the establishment of the school. If the Government School is abolished, they must either send their children to the Mission School, to which they may have objections on the score of religion, or they must establish and maintain a school of their own which thej' may not be able to do on an efficient footing, or they must leave their children unedu- cated. The memorialists evidently consider that it was intended by the despatch that Hindu parents should be reduced to one of these three dilem- mas, but a great many influential and intelligent Piuropeaus and Natives deny that this is the meaning of the Despatch. Paragi'aph 51 " speaks of the aid which may be derived from the exertions and liberality of the edu- cated wealthy natives of India ;" paragraph 52 " of the advantage of foster- ing a spirit of reliance upon local exertions and combination for local pur- poses, which is of itself of no mean importance to the well-being of a nation;" paragraph 62 of Government Institutions being " transferred to the management of local bodies under the control of and aided by the State." These expressions do not seem to refer to Mission Schools and Missionary Societies. In paragraph 94 the Elphinstone Institution is described as " an instance of a College conducted in the main upon the principle of grant-in-aid which we desire to see more extensively carried out." The Elphinstone Institution was at this period a secular College under the control of the Board of Education, supj^orted partly by endowments and partly by Government ; and when the Board of Education was superseded by'the Department of Public Instruction, this quasi Government Institu- tion became a Government College. It is obvious that if the Elphinstone Institution is to be regai-ded as the type of the class of institutions which the Court of Directors had in view, that type is something essentially different fi-om that contended for in the memorial. In this Presidency the nearest approach to the Elphinstone Institution is to be found in the Mangalore College and the Brennen High School, both of which, although partly supported by endowments, rank as Government Institutions. 5. The Despatch of 1854, in paragraph 96, distinctly contemplated grants-in-aid being given to Mission Schools, especially in this Presidency, and it went so far as to allow of instruction in the Bible being given by the Masters of Government Schools, provided such instructiim was entirely voluntary on both sides and given out of school hours. These portions of the Despatch gave rise to controversies which were summed up by the Secretary of State for India in his Despatch, No. 4, of the 7th April 1859, in which, after observing that the time had arrived for instituting an examination into the operation of the orders contained in the Despatch of 48 EtoucATtoitAL PAPms. 1854, he continued " such an examination seems more especially required since the measures, and particularly the more recent measures of Govern- ment for the promotion of education, have been alleged to be among the causes which have brought about the recent outbreak in the army of Bengal, and the disquietude and apprehension which are believed to have prevailed in some portions of Her Majesty's Indian territories." # # # " It is obvious that measures, liowever good in themselves, must fail if uusuited to those for whose benefit they are intended ; and it seems important, therefore, to learn whether any of the measures taken by Government in recent years to ])roTnote the education of the natives of India have been such as to afford just ground of suspicion or alarm ; whether, notwithstanding the absence of any just ground of alarm, there has, in fact, existed a misunderstanding of the intentions of Government with regard to their measures which excited apprehensions however unfounded ; and whether any and what alterations of existing arrangements can be devised by which without drawing back from the great duty so deliberately affirmed in the Despatch of the 19th July 1854 of raising the moral, intellectual, and physical condition of Her Majesty's subjects iu India bj- means of improved and extended facilities of education, the risk of misapprehension may be lessened and the minds of the people may be set at rest." 6. Two days after this despatch was signed a meeting was held at Madras, of which the following account is extracted from the Indian StatesDian of the 16th April 1859:— " A monster meeting (says the Eraminer) of the native inhabitants of Madras — Hindu and Mahomedan — took place on the esplanade facing Patcheapah's Hall on last Saturday evening. It was convened by the Sheriff and was attended, it is supposed, by about six or seven thousand persons, among whom were large representations of the Hindu and Mahomedanfgentry. The proceed- ings were carried on in the vernacular, and the object of the meeting was ' for the purpose of proposing and adopting a memorial to the Kight Honorable the Secretary of State for India on the subject of interference by the Govern- ment with the religious of the country.' This memorial was unanimously adopted by the meeting, between live and six thousand signatures being obtained on the spot. The document is lengthy, but its ' sum and substance' is thus recorded in its last paragraph, viz. : — " Your memorialists earnestly reiiuest that the system of grants-in-aid may be abolished, and the sums at present disbursed through that channel devoted to the establishment of Government Provincial Schools, by ineans of which a far better education can be afforded to the people than has been, or can be, in the institutions of the Missionary Societies in which the larger portion of the grants is swallowed up to the intense dissatisfaction of the people ; this appropriation having already evinced its natural consequences, as foreseen by the Hon. Mr. P. Grant in his Minute dated the 12th October 1854, in the unhappy events in the North-West Provinces — that Government Officers may be restrained from taking oflicial part in Missioiiary proceedings ou public anniversaries and meet- ings and that the neutrality promised liy your Lordship and solenmly confirmed by Her Majesty the Queen may be undeviatingly observed and adhered to by DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 49 which course of just and impartial policy the people of India will most assuredly be won over to prize the English Government beyond that of any of its prede- cessors, and in due time will be auspiciously and certainly reiilizcd the wise and memorable observation of Her Majesty at the close of Her Gracious Proclamation. " In the prosperity of the people will be our strength, in their contentment our security, and in their gratitude our best reward. " ThcChairujau on the occasion was Sreo Krisna Tatha Chariar, High Priest of the Hindoos and a Warden of the Conjeveram Pagoda." » 7. No papers connected with this memorial can be tiaced in this office, but the Indian Statesman of the 13th August gives the following summarj' of the contents of the memorial : — " The memorialists commence by alleging that, although from the time when the disturbances in the north-west side of India became the subject of public comment both in England and this country, they had been desirous of address- ing the Home Government wth a view of counteracting the renewed agitation of the missionary party to coerce the State into an open patronage of proselytis- ing operations, yet their unwillingness to embarrass the action of the autho- rities, whilst struggling with a sudden and gigantic difficulty, had hitherto caused them to refrain from doing so ; but that uo^v, when the Government of India has been transferred from the Company to the Crown and the repression of the disturbances has afforded leisure for Her Majesty's Ministers to consider the subject of missionary operations in all its bearings, they take the opportunity of presenting a respectful and loyal memorial upon the question. They then go on to observe that Government demonstrations to incite the evangelical and missionary party to renewed attacks upon the religions of the country must inevitably arouse very wide-spread and popular apprehensions, and that it is impossible to regard but as demonstrations of this nature certain meetings which had been presided over, or patronized by, the highest officials in the Madras administration. The powerful influence exercised by what is called the evangelical party over the Parliament of England is notorious to every one, and hence the operations of missionaries who are sent out by that party are regarded with the deepest anxiety by the native community as affording direct indications of the policy which will be pursued by so powerful a body in England. Thus apprehensions of the most painful kind had been excited by a proposition made at a recent large assemblage of missionaj-ies at the Neilgherries and j)ublished in their report to the effect that all caste distinctions should cease in jails, and that prisoners of every religion should be compelled to attend at religious services, performed by missionaries, the gi-ound of this proposition being that prisoners were slaves, not free men. Still more serious fears had originated in the conduct of certain missionaries of various sects who had combined together to agitate for the confiscation of all native religious endowments, proceeding so far as even to petition the Bombay Government on two occasions to this effect. And though these missionaries have .received a well-merited rebuke from that Government, yet the character of their agitation is such as affords little hope of its inter- mission ; while it is strongly countenanced by the speeches, addresses, and circulars, however speciously worded they may be, of the evangelical party in England. It is true that Her Majesty's recent Proclamation is no less than an emphatic condemnation of such proceedings, but the most ingenious arguments are put forward by the proselytising party to show that the declarations in that 7 50 EDVCATIONAL PAPERS. document are not incompatible with the policy they advocate, and experience sufficiently proves that Governments, when subjected to strong outward pressure, or when under the control of fanatical or unprincipled men, will not hesitate to stultify their own avowed and most explicit manifestoes. Some of the most popularly known and celebrated of the officials in the Indian Government have recently published opinions which urge the adoption of principles into the administration of this counti'y that are in direct contradiction of Her Majesty's Proclamation, and these opinions have been received with the highest approba- tion by the evangelical party in England. Sir John Lawrence has advocated that the Bible should be taught in classes in the schools established by the Government. Colonel Edwards, ^vithout meeting with the slightest rebuke from his Government, has urged on it the confiscation of all native religious endow- ments in addition to various other measures of persecution. Lord Harris, a nobleman notorious for proselytising tendencies, appointed, in defiance of the orders of the Home Government, three Clergymen to important posts in the Educational Department, one of whom officially reported on the quality of the Christian instruction which was afforded in certain schools that received pecuniary aid from Government, such report being another instance of disobedience to the orders issued from Home. Mr. (now Sir Robert) Montgomery offered the patron- age of appointments in Government offices in the Punjab ,to the missionaries of the district, requesting them to recommend Christian converts for employments, stating publicly ' he took shame to himself ' th^it he had not done so before. When such are the principles openly avowed antj practised by persons of high office and influence in the Indian administration, tlie system of ' grants-in-aid' becomes more objectionable than ever to the commtmity, who have always held it incompatible with that absence of interference with the religions of the country which has been solemnly guaranteed by the late East India Company as well as by Her Majesty in the late Proclamation. It is a system that may be made a powerful instrument of proselytism in the hands of an unscrupulous Government, nor is the distrust of the natives lessened in it by the fact that grants of this nature which have been made to missionary schools in this Presidency exceed the amount conferred on all other institutions in the proportion of nine to one and thus enable the missionaries to boast with some semblance of truth that they exercise their vocation with the direct patronage and support of the State. This impression, in so far as it exists, has been much strengthened by the recent slaughter at Tinnevelly which, originating in the pertinacious and determined claims of a missionary, does not appear to have been satisfactorily investigated or dealt with by Govern- ment. On the contrary the only certain facts which have yet reached the public are the conduct of the Rev. Mr. Sargent, the irregular judgment of Mr. Story, and the indiscriminate massacre of a multitude of men, women, and children, and thus the affair serves to connect the missionaries with the armed interven- tion of the military cantonment ns do official patronage and presence at their meetings connect them with the force of Civil Government. The memorialists therefore, taking the above and various other circumstances into consideration, earaestly beg that the system of grants-in-aid may be abolished, and the sums at present disbursed to them devoted to the establishment of Government Provin- cial Schools ; that Government officers may be restrained from taking official part in missionary proceedings, and that the neutrality solemnly promised by the late Royal Proclamation be undcviatingly observed. At the same time the DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 51 memorialists state distinctly that tliey ai-e not inimical to missionary enterprise and do not object to the attempts of the mission agents ' acting of and by them- selves and dependent only upon their own resources.' " Some quotations are made from the Minutes of the Governor, Sir Charles Trevelyan, and the Senior Member of Council, Mr. Walter Elliott, and also from the remarks of the Director of Public Instruction, Mr. A. J. Arbuthnot ; and the text of Sir Charles Trevelyan's Minute is given in evtenxo ii) another part of the same issue. The following is a copy of it : — " Minute by the Governor, dated June 28. — It is right that the native petition to Lord Stanley signed by large numbers of the Hindu and Mahomedan subjects of Her Majesty and entitled the Memorial of the Madras Native Association and others, Hindu and Mahomedan inhabitants of the Presidency of Madras, should be forwarded to the Secretary of State with some observations on my part. Although this petition was preceded by a public meeting at which speeches were made and resolutions were moved in the English form, and although it may contain some facts and arguments which are not fan\iliarly known to all the subscribers, the document ought in its main scope and tendency to be accepted as a genuine expression of the native mind. The subject of the petition is the same as that which has been the pretext and, to a certain extent, the cause of the great convulsion in Upper India ; but while Her Majesty's soldiers and subjects in Northern India have risen in mutiny and rebellion to obtain the redress of their alleged grievances, the faithful people of the South have had recourse to the legal and constitutional mode of petition to make their wishes and apprehensions known. They have even with affectionate loyalty waited vmtil the rebellion was suppressed, lest the petition coming amidst the din of arms might seem to convey something of a menace. The petitioners have entire confidence in the sincerity of the gracious assurance " contained in Her Majesty's recent proclamation, that the neutrality of the Government in matters of religion, which was firmly maintained under the administration of the East India Com- pany, will not be departed from under that of Her Majesty. They also, as they say themselves, do not object to the exertions of the Missionaries acting of and by themselves and dependent only on their own resources, as thus moving harm- lessly within their own sphere they would give but small cause of apprehension. But they have observed enough of the working of our institutions to know that the Government of our free country is merely the organ of the ^vill of the body of the people, and they are apprehensive that a popular cry in England might obstruct the fulfilment of Her Majesty's declaration that she assumes no right and entertains no desire to impose her religious convictions on any of her sub- jects, that it is Her Royal will and pleasure that none shaU be favoured or dis- quieted by reason of their religious belief or worship of any of her subjects. The people of England have made such progress in the last two years in acquiring correct information and forming sound opinions about India that I am persuaded they will not permit the religious liberty of their Indian fellow-subjects to be tampered with by State interference. There could not be a more grievous error in any point of view. The people of this country are devoutly disposed, and they are fond of religious discussion ; but they have not read the history of their country in vain, and they dread, above aU things, the tremendous machine of Government being brought into the field against them. This memorial, it will 52 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. bo observed, chiefly turns not upon acts of the Government, but upon pres- sure brought to bear against the Government in England and upon individual officers of Government in this country taking part in the proceedings of religious societies. The petitioners ought to be informed that the policy of non-interven- tion has been finally settled ; and when they are convinced of this the natives will regard the action of private bodies or individuals without alarm and will become accustomed to free discussion and the exercise of private judgment as befits the subjects of the British Empire. Officei's of the Government, whether Christian, Mahomedan, or Hindu, have a right in their private capacity to recommend their respective religions by all proper means, and they will be abje to do so, wthout disturbing the public tranquillity, in proportion as it is gene- rally believed that, under no circumstances, coercion or favouritism in matters of religion are possible while the British Crown holds dominion in India. The accompanjang minute and memoranda which were left on record by Lord Harris and the paper by Mr. Arbuthnot, our Director of Public Instruction, entitled ' Remarks on the Memorial of the Madras Native Association,' dated the 9th April 1859, contain explanations relating to past transactions of this Govern, ment adverted in the memorial. These papers also call attention to certain inaccuracies in the statements in the petition, especially in reference to the Han-is School. There are only two other points to which I need advert. The first of these relates to the native prisoners in our jails. The peculiar i^osition of these unhappy persons greatly strengthens the ordinary motives to refrain from the exercise of official influence. Lord Canning's excellent despatch dated 16tli May 1859, prescribing that Christian missionaries are not to ^-isit prisoners, except by their express desire, previously ascertained by the Magistrate, contains all that is to be said upon this subject, and these instructions will be carefully acted upon by this Government. The other point i-elates to grants-in-aid. The idea that religious instruction should form part of education is ivradicable. On the one hand, we ought not, by a system from which religion is excluded, to bring up an atheistical people. On the other, it is impossible for the Govern- ment itself to teach religion. The solution has been found in grants-in-aid which, while they leave everybody free to teach what religion he pleases, give assistance to sound secular instruction. If this compromise was necessary in England, where the differences of religious belief are so slight, how much more so in this country ? Besides this, the Government cannot bear the whole burden of the education of the people, and if this were attempted, the result would be a general relaxation of private eft'ort. The grant-in-aid system draws out private resources and stimulates private effort. It is capable of indefinite extension, greatly to the advantage of the public interests, and it would be a real misfor- tune to India if any obstruction were oiTcred to it." 8. The following reply appears from the Indian Statefniiati to have been received from the Secretary of State for India in a Despatch, Xo. 48, ' dated the 30th September 1859 : — " Your letter dated 12th July, No. 56, 1859, transmitting a memorial from the Madras Native Association and others, Hindu and Mahoniedan inhabitants of the Presidency of Madras, has been laid before me in Council. 2. The objects sought by the memorialists, besides the general one of an uiideviating neutrality on the part of Government and its oflieers in matters of religion, are, first, the abolition of educational grants-in-aid, and, second, the DIRECTOR'S llEPLT TO MEMORIAL. 63 prohibition of Government officers from talcin<^ ofticial part in missionary pro- ceedings on public anniversaries and meetings. " 3. Her Majesty has annonnced in Her gracious Proclamation to the Princes and people of India that ' she assumes no right and entertains no desire to impose Her religious convictions on any of Her subjects, that it is Her Royal vnll and pleasure that none shall be favoured or disijuietod by reason of their religious faith, and that all in authority under Her shall abstain from all interference with the religious belief or worship of any of Her subjects.' To the principles thus declared by the Proclamation the Government of British India will adhere. " 4. As to the tirst of the two objects specially urged in the concluding para- gi-aph of the memorial, the allegations of the memorialists h^ve failed to convince Her Majesty's Government of the injustice or inexpediency of making grants-in- aid under the existing rules for the promotion of education in India, such grants being available for schools established or maintained by persons of all religious persuasions indifferently, provided that the secular education given be equal to the prescribed standard. "5. In regard to the second point Her Majesty's Government consider that the announcement contained in the Royal Proclamation and the communica- tions which have already been made to the Governments in India respecting the interference of Government officers officially with the religion of the people, render unnecessary any further instructions on the subject. " 6. You arc requested to inform the memoi-ialists accordingly." 9. With regard to the despatch of the 7th April 1859, Mr. Arbuthnot reported that no objection existed to Mission Schools except in a few localities in which suspicions as to the views and policy of the Government on matters of religion had been suggested by Europeans. The recoi-ds of this ofRce contain no information with regard to the nature of the reports made in the other Presidencies. The Government of India must have replied to the despatch and the subject must have been disposed of in some other despatch, but this con-espondence does not appear to have been communicated to this office. The Return 397, headed " East India (Education)," laid before Parliament and ordered to be printed on the 29th July 1870, contains however some papers bearing on the general question in connection with particular cases which have arisen in this Presidency, and to these I will now advert. 10. The first of these cases relates to the refusal of Government to establish a Zillah School at Trichinopoly. As the Blue Book begins with 1866, the earlier papers relating to this (juestion are omitted, and it will be necessary for me to go back to a letter to Government froin Jlr Powell, Director of Public Instruction, No. 3315, of the 12th November 1863, of which the following is a copy : — " In Order of Government, No. 138, of the 13th May 18G2, a grant of Rupees 5,000 was sanctioned for the erection of a Normal School-house at Trichinopoly ; owing however to difficulties which arose in connexion with the selection of a site, as was explained in a communication from Mr. Fowler submitted with my letter, No. 403, of the 28th February last, no step had been taken up to that date. "2. On visiting Trichinopoly in March of this year I found a great desire for a Zillah School existed on the part of many of the principal Hindu 54 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. inhabitauts. Mr. WalliouHe also, the Acting Collector, recommended that a school of the above grade should be established aud was of opinion it would have every chance of success. " 3. In these circumstances I offered to convert tlie Normal School with its attached Practising School into a Zillah School with a Normal class, provided the inhabitants of 'i'richinopoly would come forward with a fitting subscription towards the erection of a school-room. "4. I have now to report that the sum of Rupees 2,000 has been paid into the treasury from local subscriptions ; and though this is not a large amount for such a place as Trichinopoly, yet it appears to be pretty fair considering that suliscriptious have also been collected for a Civil Dispensary. I, therefore, request that Governiiicnt will be pleased to permit the amalgamation of the grant already sanctioned for a Normal School-house with the amount raised from local contributions, and the appropriation of the whole sum, Rupees 7,000, to the erection of a Zillah School-house. " 5. I herewith sulnnit the papers marginally Report to accompany the csti- , , . ,, „ „i„„ „„,i „„*.: mate in constructing a school- noted, comparing among others a plan and esti- liouse at Trichiiioi)oly. mate drawn up by Captain Palmer, the Execu- ^'i^gT'sS:^o.!::;:tt^"hi: t-e Engineer, for a school-house to accommo- tiojjoly. (late some 200 ordinary scholars and a normal ''h^'':'lchoo!to[:;:oTtrct dass of 30 students. I request that the plan and inopoly. estimate, if approved, may be sent on to the Plan of the school-house. p^^^jj^ ^^^^^^ Department, aud that orders may be given for the work to be put in hand with as little delay as possible. " G. I may remark that a satisfactory site has been secured on land belonging to Government. I must also mention that the Educational Department is under much obligation to Mr. Walhouse for the ready assistance he has offered in the matter generally. " 7- Provision has been made in the current year's budget to the extent of Rupees 5,000 for a Normal School-house at Trichinopoly." 11. The following order was passed on this letter in G.O., 299, of the 27th November 1863 :— " Before sanctioning the arrangement recommended in the foregoing letter, the Governor in Council would wish to be informed what schools are now in operation at Trichinoi)oly in addition to the Government Normal School, and what is their pre;y the Right Honorable the Secretary of State for India in his despatch. No. 1, of the 9th March 1863, and desire to have their subscriptions refunded to them. I request that Government will be pleased to issue an oi'der iu regard to returning the subscriptions, and I beg to remark that the only objection I see to the refund is that the question of establishing a Zillah School does not appear to me to be disposed of since Sir Charles Wood, in paragraph G of his despatch, desires to have a further report upon the willingness of the native comnmuity to adopt the plan suggested by him. If it be finally decided that a ZiUah School is not to be established at Trichino- poly, the subscriptions will then of course have to be returned, as they were raised solely on the understanding that a Zillah School would be set on foot. "3. I have to observe in conclusion that the delay which has taken place in. can-ying out the Order of Government, No. 94, attaches entirely to the subscri. bers, who have been extremely slow iu coming to a decision. These gentlemen were addressed by me fii'st on the 22nd April last, again on the 28th July, and lastly on the 6th uUinw." " From C. Bauloo Moodelly and others, Trichinopoly, to the Director of Public Instruction, dated 27th October 1865. " On the receipt of your letter. No. 917, dated the 22ud of April last, we employed ourselves in communicating to others interested the views of the Secretary of State for India and ascertaining their wishes iu the matter. " 2. After due deliberation, we find it decidedly impracticable, from various inconveniences, to undertake the establishment of a school in the manner pointed out in paragraph 6 of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood's Despatch favored with your communication under reply. "3. All that we have asked and still ask for is, as already expressed, a Zillah School on the same footing as that at Chittur, and all that we are able to afford in furtherance of this project is the sum of 2,000 rupees already paid into the Treasury ; beyond this sum, we beg to assure you, no more aid can be had from lis. Should the higher authorities decline to grant our prayer, we request you will be pleased to issue the necessary orders to refund to us the above-said sum." 17. The following order was passed in G.O., No. 85, of the 26th March 1866 :— " For the reasons assigned in their Proceedings of the 26th October 1864, No. 324, paragraph 5, the Government are not prepared to sanction the estab- 60 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. lisliment of a Zillah School sit Tricliinopoly. The subscriptions, therefore, raised by the native community in 1803, towards the erection of a building for that purpose must be refunded." 18. The followiiif^ is a copy of the Educational letter from Fort St. Georfce, dated 26th March, No. 1 of 1866 : — " In furnishing a copy of your despatch of the 9th March 1805, No. 1, to the Director of Public Instruction, we rcque.->ted him to carry out the instructions contained iu paragraph 0, viz., to announce to those gentlemen who had applied for the establishment of a Government School at Trichinopoly that .should they be prepared to take steps for the fotmdation of a school, to be managi'd like that of Tinuevelly by some of their own community, for the purpose of affording education of :i superior character to the youth of the place, they might rely on receiving from Government a li])eral grant iu aid of their undertaking. " 2. We have now the honor to forward a copy of a letter on the subject from the Dii-ector, together with its enclosure, from Proceedings, aoth March IsOO, i • i v -ii i i\, t ii a- Nos. 19 and .)ii. wliicli it will he seen that the native community at Trichinopoly declined to establish a school for themselves. "3. In reply to Mr. Powell's further reference on the (juestion of establishing a Government Zillah School at that station, we informed him that, for the reasons assigned in our Proceedings of the 2(ith October 1804, paragraph 5, we were not prepared to sanction the measure. We have therefore given directions for the refund of the subscriptions raised in 1808 by the native community towards the erection of a building for that purpose." 19. Tiie follovriiig is a copy of the reply of tlie Secretary of State of the 16th July 1866 :— "I have considered in Council the letter dated 20th March (No. 1) 186G, reporting the result of the announcement regarding the establishment of a school on the grant-in-aid principle made to those native gentlemen at Trichinopoly who had applied for the establishment of a Government Zillah School at that place, and under the circumstances, I approve the deci.sion passed by your Government on the subject." 20. These paj)eis appear in the lihic Book with tlie following dissents: — DlSSK.Nl' liy Sill (lEOIUiK Cl.KKK. " I regret that I am unable t6 concur in the decision of the majority of the Council in this case. "In a dissent recorded on a former (jccasion (IStli .Inly 1804), I stated the reasons that led me to regard as erroneous and in contravention of the instruc- tions contained in the Educational Despatch of 1854 those views which now seem to suggest the approval of the resolution of the Madras Government. " I also dissent from the present decision — " Because the Madras Government, in forwarding c. Salary, furniture and book grants 2,03,828 14 5 2,07,002 14 4 Results Grants 41,404 5 ;i 68,618 Scholarships 2,648 10 11 3,001 4 Grants to Local Fund Schools shown in the returns 11,233 12 Do. Municipal do do. l,78y 9 8 Do. Local Fund Circles not shown in the returns 25,050 Total s^i-auts from Provincial Funds. 3,07,881 14 7 3,16,755 8 Results Grants paid from Local Funds. 2,04,742 8 6 Do. do. Municipal do. 33,293 12 10 Salary Grants paid from Local Funds. J 1,205 13 1 Do. do. Municipal do. 0,617 3 7 3,07,881 14 7 5,61,674 14 It will be seen that the expenditure on grants-in-aid from Provincial Funds so far from having fallen from Rs. 3,07,881-14 7 to Rs. 2,78,682-2-4 has risen to Rs. 3,16,755-8-0, the total increase being Rs. 8,873-9-5. This is very little less than the net increase on the outlay in Government institutions, and if allowance is made for the large grants given to private schools by Local Fund Boards and Municipalities, the grant-in-aid expen- diture has really risen from Rs. 3,07,881-14-7 to Rs. 5,61,674-14-0. 35. In paragraph 8 the memorialists complain that reductions have been made in the grants to certain schools without any previous consultation with the managers, and that the time given them to make provision for the charges thrown on them has been too short. The reasons for making these reductions are fully stated in my letter. No. 4696, of the 13th December 1878, recorded in G.O., No. 529, of the 24th December 1878, which has been communicated to the managers and the measure was carried out with the approval of Government from a date suggested by Govern- ment itself. Consultations on the general question of reducing the rates of grants to schools had been going on for several years and action of some kind seemed imperatively called for. The measure adopted could scarcely be expected to be palatable to the parties concerned, but it may be remarked that, except with regard to the grant to the Christian College no attempt is made to impugn the correctness of the facts stated by me, or to show that the time has not yet come for making these reductions. In fact one of the gentlemen by whom the memorial was presented has assured me both before and since that he has long been of opinion that a reduction of grants was called for, and another gentleman who has taken an active part in the matter has also assured me that he entirely approved of the policy of the measure as regards schools, although not with regard to colleges. 36. The memorialists complain that I submitted a revised Code of rules 11 82 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. for Salary Grants without jirevious consultation with them. The first Grant-in-aid Rules were those published in 1855. The managers of private schools do not appear to have been consulted in their preparation. The next set of rules was the Code of 1858. Here again the managers of schools do not appear to have been consulted. In the preparation of the Code of 1864, Mr. Powell did consult the Inspectors of Schools and the managers of the most important private schools ; but the rules in the shape in which he finally submitted them were not shown to the managers of schools by him. It was the Gliief Secretary, who, before submitting the papers for the orders of Government, circulated a memorandum on the whole question of grants-in-aid among the representatives of the leading educational societies and managers of the principal Mission Schools in Madras and who had a personal conference with several of these gentlemen, at which the various points adverted to in the memorandum were fully discussed. The papers relating to these dis- cussions were afterwards published as Selections from the Records of the Madras Government, No. XXXII. In 1867 the portions of the rules relating to results grants were entirely altered, and from time to time other minor changes took place. In 1869 Mr. Powell submitted a revised code of rules embodying all the modifications which had been ordered since 1864 and making some further additions and changes, the necessity for which he explained. In the preparation of this revised code he did not consult the managers of schools. The revised rules were not sanctioned, because Government deemed it advisable to delay the publication of them until it was seen what changes in the administration of the grant-in-aid system would be necessary under the legislative enactments then on the eve of being passed for the imposition of an Educational Cess. On further consideration however Government sanctioned the publication of a section of the revised rules, containing the conditions under which grants were to be made for the erection, purchase, repair or enlargement of scliool- buildings. The general question of revising the grant-in-aid rules remained in abeyance until 1873, when an important change in the educational policy of Government was announced. Government stated that it was their intention to employ for the purposes of elementary education some consider- able part of the funds hitherto devoted to higher education, and directed Mr. Powell to submit a report as to the best means of carrying out this measure. Mr. Powell considered that funds might be set free in two ways, (1) by reducing the scr.le on which aid was given in salary and other grants, and (2) by remodelling Government Middle Schools. He recom- mended that the grants to trained teachers should be reduced from one- half to one-third, to certificated but untrained teachers to one-fourth, and that no grants should be given to uncertificated teachers. He also suggested that grants for contingencies, books of reference and prizes should be dis- continued, and that grants for servants should be given only in the case of Higher Class Schools. These proposals were referred by Government to the representatives of the great Mission Societies and to the heads of blRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 83 some important institutions for the education of Europeans, East Indians, and Mahomedans, aTid their remarks were communicated in May 1874 to Mr. Powell for his opinion and for the opinions of the Inspectors of Schools. Mr. Powell having left India without disposing of the papers, the duty of reporting on the question devolved on me. I submitted my views in my letter. No. 1127, of the 22nd May 1875. In the following month I was directed to proceed to Ootacamund for the purpose of afford- ing information in connection with a measure proposed by the Acting Governor, Sir William Robinson, K.c.s.i., for the extension of elementary education in this Presidency. This scheme was discussed at a meeting held in Sir William Robinson's house. Sir William Robinson, the Hon. Mr. Ellis, and the Hon. Mr. Hudleston were present as well as Mr. Thompson and myself. At this meeting some remarks were made on the matters to which my letter. No. 1127, of the 22nd May 1875, related. Sir William Robinson was in favour of lump grants, and he read a portion of a minute which he had written on my letter. The Hon. Mr Ellis said that he agreed with me in nearly all my views. The Hon. Mr. Hudleston did not express any opinion. I remained five days at Ootacamund and soon after my return went on three months' privilege leave to England. I expected to receive a Government Order on the correspondence reviewed in my letter. No. 1127, of the 22nd May 1875. No order was however issued. In the meantime I dealt separately with the question of results grants. A revised set of rules for these grants had been called for, and at a conference of Inspectors held in January 1874 resolutions had been passed regarding the changes which these gentlemen considered necessary in the grant-in-aid rules, including both those relating to salary grants and those relating to results grants. A revised set of results rules was pre- pared and circulated by me in June 1875 for opinions among all the Local Fund Boards and Municipalities and also among all the leading repre-. scutatives of the Missionary Societies and other persons interested in the matter. In December 1875 I submitted all the replies and a fresh set of draft rules. In October 1876 the draft rules were reviewed by Govern- ment and some further changes were ordered. Revised rules were sub- mitted ill January 1877 and they were passed with some further modifica- tions in May 1877. In October 1876, I was also asked by Government to submit rules for the combined system, but it seemed desirable that these should be preceded by the preparation of revised rules for ordinary salary grants, and in April 1877 I drew the attention of Government to the fact that I was still without any orders on my letter. No. 1127, of the 22nd May 1875. In August 1877 I was directed to submit such rules as I wished to propose in parallel columns with the existing ones for ready comparison. As Government had expressed no opinion on any of the points discussed in my letter of the 22nd May 1875, it seemed useless to commence a fresh series of consultations with the Inspectors and Managers of Schools, and a revised code of rules, prepared in the manner directed by Government was submitted with my letter. No. 215, of the 15th January 1878. This 64 EDUCATION AL PAPERS. was followed on the 6th Febrnaiy 1878 by a set of rules for the combined system. It will thus be seeu that the memorialists are not coiTect in stating that the revised sivlary grant rules have been framed without the Managers of aided schools being consulted, but tlie discussions relating to the revision of these rules have been so protracted that some of them have perhaps forgotten the remarks made by them in the paper printed in G.O., No. 158, of the 7th May 1874, and bearing the following signatures : — John Barton, | „, t t.,- • c, ■ . { Uhurcn Missionary Society. David Fenn, ) j j John Murdoch, Christian Vernacular Education Society. D. Sinclair, Church of Scotland's Mission. William Miller, "^ William Carslaw, George Milne Rae, '. „ „, u c c n a ° >-Eree Church of Scotland. Charles Cooper, i AVilliam Koss, | P. Rajahgopal, J Edmund Jermyn, Gospel Propagation Society. Edward Sell, Harris School. George Hall, -v T. E. Slater, [■ London Missionary Society. S. Organe, > James Gillings, J vVcsloyan Missionary Society. William Burgess, J George Thorn, Doveton College. Edward H. DuBois, Bishop Corrie's Grammar School, i may add that not only have all these gentlemen been consulted in the manner above stated, but that my comments on their remarks have been published in the Public Instruction Report for 1875-76, pages 26—32, in which the whole of that portion of my letter. No. 1127, of the 22nd May 1875, which relates to the revision of the grant-in-aid rules is given. The ji.ssertioii that no information has been vouchsafed as to the nature and bearino- of my proposals does not therefore seem to be in accordance with the real facts of the case. 37. The next complaint of the memorialists relates to the establishment, or rather the re-establishment of a small middle department in the Presidency College in 1875-76. The circumstances which necessitated this measure were fully explained to Goverument at the time. The middle classes were abolished one after another some years ago, because they were no longer necessary. The Presidency College had for many years almost a monopoly of superior instruction, but the development of the Conibaconum and Free Church Colleges and of the Provincial Government and Aided Schools in course of time entirely altered its position, and at last it became evident that the College classes could no longer bo main- tained at their proper strength, unless some measures were taken to replace the School Department on something like its former footing. Such DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 86 an institution as the Presidency College must, under any circumstances, be costly, and in a financial point of view it is of importance that there should be about forty students in each class. The measure to which exception is taken was a very small one. Poruiissioii w:is given to establish an upper and a lower fourth class, each consisting of forty boys. Two additional masters were to be entertained for these classes, one on Rupees 70 and the other on Rupees 50. The school fee in the upper fourth class was to be Rupees 2-8-0, and in the lower fourth class Rupees 2. If the classes filled to the extent proposed it was estimated that the fees would pay for the two additional masters and leave in that case a surplus of Rupees 60 which might be applied to meeting the salary of an assistant for whom Dr. Oppert had applied. It was distinctly explained that the main object in view was not to provide for this Sanskrit Assistant, but to render the Presidency College more efficient. The Principal of the Presidency College makes the following remarks on this portion of the memorial in paragraph 10 of his annual report : — " The cost of educating each pupil in the College in 1878-79 is more than fifty rupees less than it was in the preceding year ; Con°e^4 °^ ^'^''^'^^^°° "" '^^ in the High School the saving is about Rupees twenty a head ; and in the Middle School the cost remains practically at the same figure. It is necessary to say a few words with regard to the cost of the Middle School in consequence of a statement made in a memorial recently presented to his Grace the Governor and printed in the Madras Times of the 7th instant. The memorialists say that when the lower classes of this College were re-established in 1875-76 the Government were informed that the change would involve no additional expense, and a little further on they remark that the expectation has not been fulfilled inasmuch as in 1876-77 the fees obtained from these failed to cover half the expense. This statement is so entirely misleading and has had unfortunately such a wide publicity given to it that it is necessary to expose its fallacy. The reason why the expense is double the income is that this Middle School is debited with portions of Dr. Oppert's salary, of the pay of the Sanskrit, Persian and Verna- cular Pundits, the Writing Master, Clerk, College Servants, &c. But it is obvious that if these middle classes did not exist the whole of these charges would be borne by the College and High School as they were in the interval between 1868 and 1876, and that the only additional expense caused by these classes consists of the salaries of the two English Masters employed to teach them and of a small amount of stationery consumed by the boys. In the year quoted by the memorialists the salaries of these masters amounted to Rupees 1,440 and the fees they admit to have been Rupees 1,940, so that Rupees 500 were available for papers and pens. Instead therefore of the hopes held out at the re-opening of these classes not being realized, they have been abundantly fulfilled, for each year a small contribution has been made by these classes to the general expenses of the institution. Regarding the necessity of the buttress, as the memorialists call these classes, I need not repeat what has been urged in former repoi-ts ; it is sufficient to remark that if an Aided College has a Junior Department of 800 boys, the Government College may surely be allowed one- fourth of the nrmiber. As to the ' weakening effect on aided institutions,' which 86 i:bUCATtONAL TAPERS. in the opinion of the memorialists is exercised hy these classes, I can only say that the institutions they allude to must indeed be in a precarious condition, if they can be affected to any appreciable extent by the education here of sixty or seventy boys, mostly dwellers in Triplicanc, the Anglo-Vernacular School of which suburb cer- tainly does not afford them the same sound education that they can get with us." The statement in the margin shows the additional receipts and addi- tional expenditure due to the re-estab- „ Salaries of ,. , „ , , n ^i Years. ii i two Adrtitional Iishment ot these two classes from the CO ectet. Masters. -^^th January 1876 to the 31st March Bs. A. V. lis. A. p. 1879. The surplus is Rupees 1,275. As 1876-77 ■■■ 1 9io 8 1 440 ^l however the salaries for March are paid 1877-78 .'.'.' l,'737 l!«o jn April, Rupees 120 should be deducted 1878-79 ... 1,619 4 l.iK) . j i u from this amount and also a small sum Total... 5,696 12 4,421 12 f^^. pj^pg,. ^nd pens. It will thus be seen that although it has not been possible to keep up these classes to the full strength proposed of forty boys, the fee collections have been more than sufficient to cover the additional cost of these classes. It is more necessary than ever that these classes should be maintained, for notwithstanding their existence, the strength of the Junior Department had fallen this year from 205 to 187. " This," Mr. Thompson remarks, " is entirely owing to the small number of boys in the fifth class ; the Anglo-Yernacular School at Triplicaue from which recruits for this class were mainly drawn having now become a fully developed High School, the boys that formerly came to us remain for the most part in the school in which they have been brought up." If the existence of a fourth class in the Presidency College now is a violation of the Despatch of 1854, the existence of this class at a former period must also have been a violation of the despatch, and if a fourth class must not exist iu the Presidency College, it is not apparent what right it has to have a fifth class or a sixth class, or, in fact, to have any classes at all. The establish- ment of an upper and lower fourth class in the Presidency College has been useful in many ways, and it has taught the important lesson that even in the town of Madras an increase of gross expenditure on education may be the means of obtaining a decrease of net expenditure. 38. The memorialists next point to the action of Government with regard to the Madras Christian College which is described as the only fully developed College amongst aided institutions. If this means that it is the only aided institution, which educates up to the B.A. degree, it may be remarked that St. Joseph's College, Negapatam, also educates up to the B.A. degree, and that the Doveton College has only recently discontinued doing so. It is no doubt a fact that Government has three times refused to make any increase to the annual grant of Rupees 10,047 given to this institution, but I had per.«onally nothing to do with any of these refusals. The first of these applications is recorded in G.O., No. 53, of the 29th Februai-y 1872. It was strongly opposed by Mr. Powell and the order on it by Government was as follows : — DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 87 " Cousidoriug tlie heavy demauds upon tbe allotment for grants-in-aid which are now made from all parts of the Presidency, and the backward condition of some of the districts in respect of education, the Government agrees with the Director in thinking that, except on very special grounds, no addition ought to be niade to the expenditure from the Provincial revenues on higher and middle class education in the Presidency town, and decline to sanction the gi-ants now asked for. " The Government gather from the correspondence that the teachers in aid of whose salaries grants have been applied for, were engaged by the Mission without any previous communication with the Director of Public Instruction. This, it seems to Government, was a very imprudent proceeding." It will be observed that the refusal was not put on the ground that there were no funds, but that such funds as there were ought to be applied to aiding schools in other parts of the Presidency. A few months afterwards the Secretary of the Financial Board solicited a reconsideration of this order. In the following passages he laid great stress on the distinction which ought to be made between the College and School Departments and fully admitted the propriety of treating the School Department in the same way as the other schools in Madras : — " I venture to ground my present request mainly on the distinction, to which, in the order in question, Government has not, I submit, suiRciently adverted, between the School and College Departments of the institution. For the School Department I gratefully admit that most liberal aid has been and is received. It is true that even in it the grant received is less in proportion to the work done than is afforded to any of the important schools in Madras. This appears from the statistics contained in my former letter of date 19th December 1871. It is also true that since the issue of fresh grants to schools in Madras was stopped in October 18G9 considerable additional outlay has been incurred even in this department. But I willingly admit that this has been more than covered by the addition to the school fees which has been realized largely through the action taken by Government, and I admit further that, in view of the necessities of other districts, no further aid can be faii'ly demanded by any of the higher class schools in the Presidency Town. " While fully admitting, therefore, the propriety of treating the School Department of the institution in the way as the other schools of Madras, I submit that the College stands on a decidedly diffei'ent footing." The application was disposed of in G.O., No. 309, of the 9th November 1872 in the following terms : — " The Governor in Council regrets that he is unable to depart from the resolu- tion contained in the G.O., dated 29th February last, declining to sanction certain grants .to the College Branch of the Free Church Mission Central Institution, Madras." In July 1875 a third application was addressed to Government. The following is an exti'act from this application : — " We do not apply to have the grant so raised as to meet one-half of the proposed outlay , though that is the proportion which it is implied in the existing rules that Government may contribute. We recognize that a distinction should 88^ EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. he made betweea the School Department and the College. The former should be largely and increasingly self-supporting by means of fees. In the latter, fees can never be expected to do so much to meet the outlay. We would therefore apply for half the amount only of what is spent upon the College, and be con- tent with a much smaller proportion of the expenditure on the school. " We venture however to request that whatever grant is issued should not be apportioned as at present to individual teachers and professors, but should take a consolidated form. The history of the Free Church Mission, extending now over nearly forty years (to say nothing of the still wider character of the body to which it is proposed that the management of the institution shall henceforth be entrusted), gives ground, we submit, for believing that it will honestly apply whatever funds are entrusted to it, aad ap]3ly them all the better if not hamper- ed by minute rules in using them. The results of the University examinations and the visits of an Inspector (should these be still thought necessary), Avill sutiiciently show whether the grant is wisely administered. In addition to this we should welcome an examination at the end of periods of perhaps five years, into the financial condition of the iustitution. If it then appeared that the grant was in any way misapplied, or that any part of it had become unnecessary, it might fairly be reduced, as on the other hand it might be increased if it appear- ed that its increase would be for the good of the community. " If the grant be issued in this consolidated form and assured to the institu- tion so long as it may be both needed, and well applied, we consider that one- fourth of the expense of the school would be enough for us to ask from Govern- ment. It would be the aim of the managing body to supplement the large deficiency which this ^vould leave by raising the rate of fees as rapidly as possible. The estimate of the division of the proposed outlay is as follows : — lis. On the School 18,800 yearly. On the College 21,200 „ Total ... 40,000 One-fourth of the former (ciz., Es. 4,700), together with one-half of the latter (viz., Rs. 10,000) or Rs. 15,300 in all, is accoi'dingly the annual grant for which we now apply, or to state it differently Rs. 1,2/5 per mensem." As I was then in Eugland the application was reported on by Mr. Thompson and the result was that Government intimated that the state of the funds did not admit of any additional grant being given to the Free Church Institution. When certain reductions in the grants to Colleges and Schools were recently recommended, the principle laid down by the Secretary of treating the School Department in the same w.ay as the other schools and of leaving the College on .a decidedly different footing, was carried out with a slight modification intended to be favourable to the College. According to the returns received from the institution the pro- portion of the grant spent in the College Department was Rs. 6,185-6-8, of which Rs. 1,510 was on account of scholar.ships, leaving the net Govern- ment grant to the College Department at Rs. 4,675-6-8, or rather less than Rs. 400 per mensem. This added to Rs. 200 the monthly grant given to the other schools would have been Rs. 600, but of this Rs. 450 was put DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL 89 down by me to the College and Rs. 150 to the School. As there is every probability of further reductions .at some future time in the grants to schools, this mode of distributing the grant was obviously advantageous to the institution. The Hector of St. Jo.seph's College points out in a commu- nication now before Government that even this reduced grant of Rs. 600 per mcuscui is more than double the grant given to his own institution, which receives only Rs. 250 per mensem. St. Joseph's College is the only Roman Catholic College in this Presidency, which educates up to the B. A. Degree and this is one out of many instances of the disparity of the grants obtained by the Madras Colleges and Schools. The reduced grant of Rs. 7,200 now given to the Madras Christian College is larger than the grant giveu to any similar institution in Bengal and Bombay- The follow- ing list of grants to aided Colleges in Bengal is taken from the Public Instruction Report for 1877-78: — " Saint Xavier's College, Calcutta 3,600 Free Church do. do 5,520 General Assembly's do. do 4,200 Cathedral Mission do. do 5,520 • Doveton do. do 3,000 London Mission do. Bhowanipore ... ... ... 2,296 In Bombay there are only two aided Colleges and they received between them Rs. 1,300 in 1877-78. The memorialists consider that it might reasonably have been expected that the first opportunity would be seized, when funds were available, to give the Chrisuian College some of the additional aid to which it was entitled, and that such an opportunity pre- sented itself when the" reduction of grants to schools in Madras was recently made. The reductions are only about sufficient to pay for an Inspectress of Schools, to provide funds for building grants and to allow of the Church of Scotland School at Vellore being raised to a High School, but even if the reductions had been of such a character as to leave money available for fresh salary grants, I do not see how in the face of the very decided refusal contained in G. 0., No. 55, of the 29th Febi-uary 1872, any further grants could have been given to the Madras Christian College. In an administrative point of view such a step as that suggested by the memorialists would, I think, have been singularly inopportune. The reductions proposed by me fell impartially both upon Mission Schools and upon Hindu Schools, but the Hindus would have had some reason to be indignant if they had found that the grant of the Hindu Proprietary School had been entirely stopped and large reductions made in the grants of Patcheappah'3 School and Govindoo Naidoo's School solely or mainly for the purpose of still further increasing the grant of the most largely aided Mission Institution in this Presidency, if not in India. 39. The last complaint of the memorialists relates to the action recently taken regarding the Government Schools at Cuddalore and Salem. It is asserted that the Zillah Schools at these stations have been erected into Provincial Schools at an additional outlay on direct Government education 12 90 EDUCATIONAL PAPSRS. of in all likelihood not less than Rs. 10,000 a year, and that this has been done in opposition to, and at the direct expense of, aided institutions, •wliich will no longer be able to compete on eqnal terms with the Govern- ment Schools, and will most likely be beaten out of the field. The measure is considered unjustifiable becMnse there are Collegiate Schools at no great distance. Before going into these canes in detail, I may observe that in I»aragrapli 61 of my report on Public Iiistr\ictif(n for 1875-70, I pointed out that tlie nninber of institutions working up to tiie F A. standard was not enough for the wants of this Pi-esidoncy and suggested that there ought, if possible, to be one in every district. In their order on my report Government observed that, in reviewing the past history of the department, I had di-awn attention incidentally to arrangements which had not beeii found to work satisfactorily in practice or had outlived the state of things for which they were designed, arid that I had indicated the direction in which I considered improvement called for. As several of these matters had formed tlie subject of separate communications, they presumed that I would deal similarly with the other questions, on which they therefore expressed no opinion. The above is one of these questions. In two districts, Vizagapatam and Tinnevelly, the want to which I have referred has been supplied by four aided schools raising their standard, and I liave little doubt that other aided schools will follow their example. But the measure is one in which the co-operation of Government is required and it appeared to me that the time had come for doing something in this direction for Cuddalore and Salem. Salem has a population of 50,012, and materials are now furnished for First Arts classes by the Government School and the London Mission School. The population of Cuddalo're is 40,290, and material is furnished for First Arts classes by the Government School and St. Joseph's Institution, Cuddalore, and Patcheappah's Branch School, Chilambaram, besides which the S- P. G. School in the Fort of Cuddalore has also become a school of the higher class. The Collectors of both these districts were cousidted and both were of opinion tliat the measure was unobjectionable. The abolition of the chair of Ver- nacular Literature in the Presidency College has effected a saving of Rupees 190, and out of this saving an additional master has been appointed at Salem on a salary of Kupees 125, rising to Rupees 175 by biennial increments of Rupees 10. At Cuddalore an additional master has been obtained by transferring a teacher from the Madras Normal School. This measure has therefore entailed no additional outlay on Government, and I do not sec in what sense it can be said to have been carried out in opposition to, and at the direct expense of, aided institutions. The College Department of the Government Institutions cannot compete in any way with institutions which have no College Department. As regards the School Department the competition will be the same as before, the private schools having the benefit in the competi- tion of lower rates of school fees. The person who ought to know best if any injury has been done to St. Joseph's Institution, Cuddalore, is the Kev. DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 91 Mr. Tarbes, the Superior of that Tustitutiun. As he has not signed the memorial, I wrote and asked hiiu whether he concurred with the memoria- lists in considering that the raising of the standard of the Government Institution was a ;j;rievaucc. The following is his reply : — " In reply to your letter, No. 1518, I beg to state — "1st. — That I knew nothing of the memorial presented to His Grace the Governor until I had read it in the columns of the Madras Mail. " 2nd.— That up to date St. Joseph's lustitution has not sustained any injury couseiiuent on the raising of the standard of the Government Institution ; and that, in my opinion, the establishment of an F.A. class in the Government School, is not likely to be detrimental to St. Joseph's Institution, at least for some time to come. But as regards its future, I cannot speak so confidently ; and I feel sure that the Director of Public Instruction would permit me to raise the standai'd of St. Joseph's Institution, should the measure recently adopted with respect to the Government School be found to prejudicially aifect the progress of our school. "I may add that the F.A. class established at Cuddalore will prove a great boon to the poor students of the town, who would be unable to continue their studies." The London Mission School of Salem is not an aided school, as is errone- ously stated in the memorial, and the Managers of that institution, which gave lip its grant about two years and a half ago, are very anxious that the Government Institution should be abolished or reduced, but as T have submitted a separate report on this subject, I need only remark here that there is no more reason why the London Mission School should be injured by the opening of a First Arts Class in the Government Institution than that St. Joseph's Institution should be injured by a similar measure at Cuddalore. If the argument that institutions working up to the F.A. standard are not needed at Cuddalore and Salem, because such institutions exist in other districts at no great distance, is a sonnd one, the practice of the Societies represented by the memorialists is singularly at variance with their theory. Why has the S. P. G. a First Arts Institution at Trichino- poly, when the district of Tanjore with several Colleges, one under the same Society, is close at hand ? Why has the Church Missionary Society reoently raised the standard of its institution at Palamcottah ? The fact is that the number of young men who can afford to leave their homes for the purpose of prosecuting their studies in other districts is very small and that in some districts it is extremely difficult, when appointments become vacant, to find men for them who have passed the higher examinations and are natives of the district. And of late years the F.A. classes in some of the southern Colleges have become so large that it is scarcely desirable that young men frotn the neighbouring districts should resort to them. At Combaconum, for instance, there have been F.A. classes containing upwards of a hundred students, and the Principal has actually been obliged to reject young men, because he had no means of receiving them. The theory that the interests of a whole district are to be sacrificed to the imaginary interests of some private school, that an old Government Insti. 92 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. tution is not to raise its standard because it is possible that a much more recently established private school may possibly raise its standard at some future period seems to me altogether unreasonable. The Government Institution at Cuddalore is the oldest one of its class in the whole Presi- dency. It was the first of the Provincial Schools and was established on the 1st July 1853. St. Joseph's Institution came into existence in January 1868. The Salem Zillah School was established in 1857, the London Mis- sion School in 1869. The memorialists speak of the expediency of fostering aided schools which compete with Government Schools. The fact that I some time ago increased the salary grants of St. Joseph's Institution was probably not known to them. That school has, I believe, never been in so efficient and thriving a state as it is now, and I trust that it will continue to advance. 40. In the concluding portion of the memorial it is suggested that some representatives of aided education might be appointed to consult with the Director or with Government regarding matters directly affecting that important branch of educational agency. No such body exists in any other part of India and it is not apparent how such a system is to be worked. As a matter of fact the Managers of schools have been, as shown in this letter, often consulted by the Director and by Government and there is nothing to prevent their being consulted when any question arises on which their advice is needed. Nor is there any thing to prevent their coming forward and stating their views on any question connected with the grant- in-aid system. Generally it is found that very different opinions prevail in different localities and among different classes of managers. The repre- sentatives of Koman Catholic Institutions consider that the Protestant Schools have received and are receiving more than their fair share of the grant-iu-aid funds. Many of the ^representatives of Hindu Institutions hold views on the grant-in-aid system strongly opposed to those entertained by Protestant Missionaries. It seems to me extremely undesirable that either the Director or Government should place themselves in the hands of any particular set of advisers, however chosen, and still more objectionable if such advisers are merely the representatives of certain class interests. 41. I have now gone through the various subjects'referred to in the memorial. The length to which this letter has [extended seems to render it desirable that I should conclude with a brief summary of the principal points touched on in my reply : — (1). It is assumed in the memorial] that, under'the Despatch of the I9th July 1854, old Government Colleges and Schools should be closed to make way for new Mission Institutions, but the language of the Despatch, espe- ciallyjin paragraphs 51, 52, 62 and 94, does not seem to justify this construction. (2). The Despatch of 1854 contemplated grants-in-aid being given to Mission Schools, and in 1859 the Hindu and Mahomedan inhabitants of this Presidency submitted a memorial to the Secretary of State through the Local Government complaining inter alia that the larger portion of the DIRECTOR'S REPLY TO MEMORIAL. 93 grant-in-aid funds was swallowed up in grants to Mission Schools and pray- ing that the gi'ant-in-aid system might be abolished, and that the sums disbursed through that channel might be devoted to the establishment of Government Pi-ovincial Schools. The prayer of their memorial was of course refused, but the history of this movement seems to show the neces- sity of caution in dealing with such demands as these set forth in the present memorial. (3). In 1859 the Secretary of State instituted an examination into the operation of the orders contained in the Despatch of 1854, which were openly alleged to be among the causes which had brought about the Sepoy Mutiny and the disquietude and apprehension prevailing in various parts of India. No despatch seems however to have been published summing up the result of the inquiries thus instituted. (4). In 1863 the Director of Public Instruction recommended the esta- blishment of a Zillah School at Trichinopoly, where the inhabitants had subscribed Rupees 2,000 for a building, but Government doubted the expediency of the measure, mainly because the Zillah School would draw away pupils from two Mission Schools already in existence. The Secretary of State in his Despatch of the 23rd July 1864 considered that these grounds were not sufficient to prevent Government meeting the wishes of the inhabitants for the formation of a Zillah School, but Government still maintained that Government Schools should not be established in localities, where independent bodies were prepared to undertake the work. The Secretary of State in his Despatch of the 9th March 1865 reiterated his conviction that Government should take some steps for meeting the wishes of those inhabitants, who objected to send their children to the Mission Schools, and suggested that at all events they should be promised a liberal grant-in-aid. if they would establish a school of their own. This the native gentlemen were not able to do and their subscriptions were returned to them. The decision of Government was ultimately approved by the Secretary of State, but two Members of the Council of India, Sir George Clerk and Sir Erskine Perry, recorded their entire dissent, the former appealing to the Despatch of 1854. (5). In reviewing the report on Public Instruction for 1867-68, Gov- ernment referred to a petition which had been addressed to Lord Napier, praying for the establishment of a Zillah School at Tinnevelly and observed that there was not sufficient ground for acceding to the prayer of the memorial, as the educational requirements of the town were to some extent met by the Church Mission School and the Hindu School, both of which could be improved, and added that the matter should lie over, as it was understood that the Church Missionary Society contemplated getting out as Head Master a graduate of one of the English Universities, who would be able to raise the standard of instruction to the level of a Government College. The Secretary of State expressed his general concurrence in the views of the Madras Government, but Sir George Clerk recorded a dissent, in which he declared that it was unfair to the people to leave education to 94 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. zealous Missionaries, supported by Indian i)iiblic mouey and denounced " the sacrifice of duty now offered for an illusory alliance with the Tinne- velly Missionaries." (6). In 1873 Lord Hobart's Government ordered the establishment of Government Mahomedan Schools at Ellore, Masulipatam, and Trichinopoly, at all of which stations Mission Schools already existed, in which provision was made for the education of Mahomedans. This measure was adopted in opposition to the views of the Director of Public Instruction and in spite of the protest of the Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, who appealed to the Despatch of 185 1. (7). In 1875 when it was proposed to transfer the Government Mahomedan School of Ellore to Narsapur, the District Officers recom- mended that the Ellore School should not be closed in order to compel boys to attend the Mission School, who could not be attracted in other ways, and Government concurred with thorn in opinion that the facts of the case fully warranted the continued maintenance of the Ellore Mahomedan School. (8). If the construction placed by the memorialists on the Despatch of 1854 is correct, not only these Mahomedan Schools, but several other schools should be abolished and the Presidency College should be closed to make room for the Madras Christian College, but G.Os., No. 286 of the 5th October 1872, and No. 212 of the 6th July 1875, are entirely opposed to the submission of any proposals for closing the Presidency College. (9). Government Schools have sometimes been closed when they have not been found to thrive, and Mission Schools have in some cases obtained a monopoly of education in consecjueuce. The case of the Anglo-Vernacular School, Ellore, shows the risk with which such measures are attended. (10). Much of the increase in the number of pupils in private schools which the memorialists ascribe in paragraph 5 to the Code of 1864 was due to the results rules which came into force in IS68. (11). The memorialists are entirely mistaken as to the nature and duration of the restriction on grant-in-aid expenditure referred to iu paragrai)h 6. (12). The memorialists are entirely mistaken in asserting that the expenditure on direct Government education has increased by 45 per cent, and the expenditure on grants-in aid has decreased by 9'4 per cent, in 1876-77 as compared with 1869-70. (13). Even if the gross expenditure had been correctly compared in these two years, it would be altogether unfair and misleading to take the account in that form and to ignore the fact that increased expenditure has been largely covered by increased receipts iu school fees. (14). The reductions of grants complained of in paragraph 8 were made with the previous approval of Government and from a date suggested by Government itself. (15). The memorialists are not justified in stating that the draft grant- in-aid Code submitted to Government in January 1878 was prepared without GOVERNMENT ORDER ON THE MEMORIAL. 06 the Managers of Schools being consulted, and that they have been left in entire ignorance of the new scheme under which they may find themselves placed without a moment's warning. (16). The establishment of two additional classes in the Middle School of the Presidency College was, and is, a necessary measure, and it lias not en- tailed any additional expenditure on Government, as asserted in the memorial. (17). No reduction has been made iu the grant to the College Depart- ment of the ^Madras Christian College. The Secretary of that institution lias himself admitted that the School Department should be treated like other schools, and anything like an appearance of partiality would have been highly impolitic at a time when the grants of several important Hindu Schools were being largely reduced. (18). The establishment of First Arts classes in the Government Schools at Salem and Cuddalore has been carried out without entailing any additional expenditure on Government, and there is no reason for believing that the measure will have any of the effects supposed in the memorial. (19). The Director and Government should, when necessary, obtain the best advice they can on matters relating to aided schools, and for this purpose Koman Catholic Missionaries and Protestant Missionaries, Hindus and Mahomedans, officials and non-officials should all be freely consulted, but the appointment of such a consultative body as that proposed is altogether inexpedient. VI. GOVERNMENT ORDER ON THE MEMORIAL. No. 17. Order thereon, 15th September 1879, No. 351. The leading feature of the policy enunciated iu the Educational Despatch of the 19th July 185i (paragraphs 41 and 97) is that Government aid should be given mainly to a less high class of education than had previously monopolized it ; and in view to utilizing to the utmost the available funds for the purpose the principle of grants-in-aid was urged on the considera- tion of the Indian Government. 2. In summing up the instructions in paragraph 97 the Secretary of State however observed, " The higher classes will now be gradually called upon to depend more upon themselves, and your attention has been more especially directed to the education of the middle and lower classes, both by the establishment of fitting schools for the purpose and by means of a cai'eful encouragement of the native schools which exist." 3. In the same summary it was remarked : " By sanctioning grants in aid. of private efforts we hope to call to the assistance of Government private exertions and private liberality ;" and in paragraph 49, after detailing the manner and extent iu which the development of middle and lower class education by means of Government Schools was contemplated, the Secretary of State remarks, "nor is it necessary that we should depend entirely upon the direct efforts of Government," and the despatch goes on 96 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. to explain the contemplated system of grants-in-aid, but it insists on the importance of manifesting in the details " the principle of perfect religious neutrality on which the grants will be awarded." 4. In paragraph 61 the desire is expressed " that no Government Colleges or Schools shall be founded for the future in any district where a sufficient number of institutions exist capable, with assistance fi-om the State, of supplying the local demand for education ;" and in paragraph 62 it is stated, " We look forward to the time when any general system of education entirely provided by Government may be discontinued with the gradual advance of the system of grants-in-aid and when many of the existing Government institutions, especially those of the higher order, may be safely closed." 5. The contention of the memorialists is that the free development of this avowed policy of grants-in-aid, as the chief means of promoting middle and lower education, has been violated by the action of Government in certain cases in which Government Schools have been unnecessarily placed in competition with existing private schools, and by the restricted expendi- ture on grants-in-aid and the limitation of the grant in particular cases. 6. The Director of Public Instruction in the letter above read shows how the memorialists are wrong in their facts in particular instances ; and argues generally that the entire policy of the despatch has been upheld and not violated by the action of this Government since its receipt. In para- graph 41 of his reply he enumerates his arguments which the Government regard as affording a full and satisfactory reply to the contention of the memorialists. They consider that to carry out at once and to the extent urged as due by the memorialists the principle of grants-in-aid to private schools in view to the speedy supersession of Government schools of a like class, would in fact be a practical abandonment of the still more important principle of strict religious neutrality in the application of State funds for aiding private effort in education, as it could not but have the effect of making the population for the present, and probably for a long time to come, mainly, if not solely, dependent upon Missionary and Christian institutions for what may be called upper and middle education ; and thus unavoidably envelope this branch of secular education in an atmosphere of possible, if not probable, prosely tism. 7. The Government hold that sucli would necessarily be the effect of their accepting the obligation which the memorialists would impose on them, of relaxing or relinquishing their local efforts to promote the education of the class in question, whenever a Missionary institution entered the field or was in joint occupation of it. 8. They further think it beyond question that the alternative, as regards superior education above the merest primary instruction, is between Gov- ernment schools and Missionary schools ; and, while allowing all credit to the magnificent efforts which have been made by Missionary institutions for the education of the people of India, they regard it as undeniable that proselytism is their ultimate aim and that it would be most unfair to the REMARKS ON THE DIRECTOR'S REPLY. 97 people of the country wlio provide the funds whence grants. in-ait tHE DikECTOR'S REPLY. 105 competition witli those whom it should aim at guiding. We do not wish to be understood as desiring to bring a charge of inten- tional unfairness against the Department : but it is universally acknowledged as a sound maxim that no man should be a judge in cases to which he is himself a party. We are aware that changes of the kind we advocate naust be judicious and gradual, and we believe the Memorialists would not have appx'oachcd Government in this matter if progress however slow wex'e being made in the direction indicated. Their Memorial was prompted by observing that all the recent action of the Department was establishing, — it may be unintentionally, — a tendency in an exactly opjiosite direction. We desire to conclude by saying that there are many reasons why we humbly think that the time has come when an effort may be advantageously made for completing the scheme of Indian education on the lines laid down in the Despatch of 1854, and that not the least weighty of these reasons is that in pro- portion as that effort came nearer to complete success it w^ould give to the Government Department a control over education, and a far-reaching influence willingly submitted to by all con- cerned, such as in the very nature of the case it cannot possess at present. We have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servants, (Signed ( „ ( „ ( „ ( „ ( „ ( „ ( „ ( „ Madras, ^lul Deceviher 1879. George Patterson, D. Sinclair. William Miller. Walter Joss. John Cook. J. T. Margoschis. Edward Sell. James Cooling. William Stevenson, Secretary. U i06 HbUCATtOML PAPERS. VIIT. THE DIRECTOR'S SECOND REPLY. No. 14. From Colonel Pv. M. MACDONALD, Director of Piihlic Instruction to the Chief Secretary to Government, dated Madras, 17 th March 18S0, No. 200- Z'. I have the honor to submit the followin) Many Schools of a still more elementary character which have received aid under the result system in former years have this year failed to gain any grant whatever. (c) The bulk of the money voted by the Local Fund and Municipal Boards, iu Tinnevelly, Tanjore, Madura, and other Districts for elementary education for the year remains unclaim- ed, tlie Schools, which for several years had gained adequate grants, utterly failing to do so this year. The consequences are, that the School-masters and Mistresses generally are discouraged, and in many cases schools have been closed and the teachers have been compelled to seek their live- lihood elsewhere. Your Memorialists fear that if these rules remain in force many thousands of boys and girls throughout the Presidency will be deprived of elementary education, and elementary schools 152 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. will receive a check from which it will take them years to recover. 8. Your Memorialists cannot comprehend why the Result Grant Standards in this country, wheie education is but partially diffused and the successful establishment of schools is attended with many difficulties unknown in more civilised countries, should be so much higher than they are in England and Scotland. A glance at the accompanying table A will illustrate this point. 4. The details of the present Result Grant Rules to which Your Memorialists chiefly object are as follows : — 1st Standard — Reading — The children are required to read from a book they have never seen before. Poetry — There are no simple poetical books in Canarese or Telugu. Arithmetic — They are required to do questions in compound rules, which demand a knowledge of division. 2nd Standard — Reading — The children are required to read from a book they have never seen before. Arithmetic — Omit the compound rule. 3rd Standard — Omit EngUsh weights and measures. Grammar — The parts of speecli only should be required. English — The reading should be limited to the book studied. 4th Standard — Arithmetic — Omit vulgar fractions. English Grammar — The parts of speech only should be required. Your Memorialists humbly request that the objectionable details alluded to above be omitted. A table of standards suggested by the Conference is attached to this memorial (see table B.) 5. Your Memorialists also feel that it woiild be decidedly advantageous to elementary education if a Primary Standard could be attached, lower than the first standard, and carrying with it a small grant as they find it is impossible in the majority of cases to pi^epare little children for the first standard in one year. Such a standard would correspond to that provided for the Infant Department in England and Scotland. A fifth standard, a little raoi'e difhcnlt than the foui*tii, might also in their opinion be added with advantage. Suggestions for the course of lessons of the proposed additional standards are appended to table B. With regard to the amount of the grants given, Your Memoria- lists would suggest that if possible the old scale of jjayments be reverted to as the remuneration offered under the existing scale is in their opinion insufficient to induce competent teachers to undertake the work. 6. We pray Your Grace to take the foregoing into your gi'aci- ons consideration and Your Memorialists will kver pray. (Signed) E. Sargent, Bishop, and sixty-two others. APPENDIX B. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS. . EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. \6th February 1880, No. 36. Read the following paper : — No. 8. From Colonel B. M. MAGDONALD, Director of Puhllc Instruction, to the Chief Secretary to Governmerd, dated Madras, 2ud February 1880, No. 442-P. I have the honor, with reference to G.O.,. No. 18, of the 24th ultimo, to submit for approval a draft Notification and Code of Grant-in-aid Rnles, in which I have made the alterations ordered. Rules 28 and 45 have been framed to give effect to paragraph 7 of the above order. 2. When these rules were first drafted there were no such examinations as the Upper Primary and Lower Primary Exami- nations. The Primary Examination in Schedule C is in some respects an examination of the same kind as the new Upper Primary Examination, and I think it will be desirable to desig- nate it the Special Upper Primary Examination. The former is a brief viva voce examination of children, conducted by the Head Masters and Head Mistresses, the latter is a departmental examination on paper, from which boys and girls will not be excluded, but which will be undergone by men and women, and which will of course b(3 a more difficult test. 3. In that portion of the code wlucli relates to the results system, I have made the alterations ordered in G.O., No. 854, of the 16tli September 1879. In my letter. No. 4118, of the 8th October 1879, I inquired what system of financial check 20 154 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. Government wished to be instituted with a view to giving efFecfc to tills order, bnt as no instrnctions have been yet issued, I have in the draft rules now submitted reverted to the principle on wdiich tlie revised results rules were originally based, of leaving the control of all expenditure falling on Local or Municipal Funds in the hands of the Presidents, and of all expenditure falling on Provincial Fuiuls in the hands of the Director of Pnblic Instruction. 4. The question as to the jiayment of fourth standard results grants in poor schools in the Madras Municipality is now before Government in connection with my letter, No. 241, of the 20th January 1880. In the draft rules now submitted I have assumed that Government will agree to pay these grants. 5. As results grants are not given under the rules now in force to schools which have classes working beyond the fonrtli standard, tliese schools can have no claim to grants under the higher standards during the official year 1880-81, but it seems as well that this should be distinctly announced, which is accord- ingly done in the draft notification. The applications of the Managers for examinations in 1881-82 under tlie higher stand- ards will of course bo investigated, when they are received. The matter is one which will require careful consideration with reference to financial, as well as other considerations. I see, however, no objection to Middle Schools on the salaiy-grant system being allowed to present pupils under the higher stand- ards in 1880-81 , provided that they agree to give up their salary- grants. Provision is therefore made accordingly in the draft notification, subject to cei'tain restrictions. It is of course quite uncertain whether many, or even any Managers, will care to avail themselves of this privilege. 6. For the Treasons stated in my letter, No. 5095, of the 16th December 1879, no rules on the combined system are entered in this code. 7. I trust that Government will see fit to pass early orders on this subject, as there is very little time to make the provi- sions of the new rules known before the 81st March 1880. Enclosure No. 1. NOTIl'ICATION. Fort St. George,— February 1880. The following Educational Grant-in-aid Code will come into force from the 1st April 1880 in supersession of all existing GRANT-IN-AID CODE. 165 rules, snbjecfc to the relaxations and restrictions hereinafter mentioned. 2. Musters, who are reeeivlng" lialt" salary-n'rants under the rules hitherto in force, will be eligible for one-third s;i.lary- grauts until the 3 1st March 1882, and Masters, who ai-e receiv- ing one-third salary-grants, will be eligible for one-fonrth salary- grants until the same date. 3. Schools, which have boon hitherto on the rcsnlt .system, will not be eligible for examination under the fifth and sixth and seventh standards during the official year 1880-81, but such schools will be at liberty to commence preparing pupils for examination under these standards with a view to obtaining grants in 1881-82. 4. Middle Schools, which have b(>en hitherto on the salary- grant system, may apply for pei'mission to relinf one-third may, with the sanction of Government, be assigned to a Mistr'csa appi-oved by the Inspector. 47. Tlie additional salary-grants laid down for male teachers of Physical Science and Drawing will be also given to female teachers on similar conditions. 48. Applications for grants-in-aid of the salaries of instruc- tors in Industrial Schools and Gymnasia will be disposed of by Government, each case being determined as far as i)os.sible by the analogv of the rules relating to salary grants. III. Thio Ili<;suLTs-rTRANT System. (a) Selertinji of SchooLs. 49. Every Manager, who desires to have his school examined for a grant under the results system sliall forward, before the 31st December, an application, in the subjoineil Form E, to the President of the Local Fund Board or Municipality in which the school is situated. In Madras the Managers of schools other than poor schools shall forward their applications to the Direc- tor of Public Instruction before tlie above-mentioned date, and managers of poor schools only shall forward their a[)plications to the President of tlie Madras Municipality before the 30th Sept. 50. Every such application shall be referred to the Deputy Inspector, who shall, as soon as possible after the 1st Jaimary, embody the substance of all the applications referred to him in a tabular statement, and shall submit the same to the Inspector 164 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. of the Division with a covering letter, in which he shall briefly state any facts, which he may consider it desirable to commnni- cate regarding the respective claims to aid of the several schools applying for grants, and shall also name the date on which he proposes to examine each school. In the Madras Municipality the Deputy Inspector shall submit the tabular statement and letter relating to poor schools as soon as possible after the 1st October. 51. A copy of this letter and list shall be furnished by the Inspector of the Division with his own opinion to the Local Fund Board or Municipality, who shall determine what schools shall be eligible for results grants payable from Local or Munici- pal Funds during the ensuing official year. A list of such schools and of the dates fixed for their examination shall be published in the District Gazette before the 31st March, and no other schools shall be examined for results grants payable from Local or Municipal Fu.nds without special orders from the President. In the Madras Municipality the list of poor schools and of the date fixed for their examination shall be published in the Fort St. George Gazette before the 31st December. 52. Such portions of the list and reports as relate to schools applying for results grants payable from Provincial Funds shall be forwarded by the President of the Local Fund Board or Muni- cipality with his own opinion to the Director of Public Instruc- tion, who shall decide Avhat schools shall be eligible for results gi-auts payable from Provincial Funds during the ensuing official year, and under what standards such schools shall be examined. The names of such schools, the dates fixed for their examination and the standards under which they ai-e to be examined, shall be published by the President of the Local Fund Board or Municipality in the Distiict Gazette, and no other schools shall be examined for results grants payable from Provincial Funds without special orders from the Director of Public Instruction. 53. In the selection of schools to be aided, the amount of funds available and the educational wants of the special neighbour- hood and of the Circle or Municipality itself will be taken into consideration. 54. An appeal shall lie to Government from any order passed by the President of a Local Fund Board or Municipality, or by the Director of Public Instruction refusing to declare a school eligible for results grants. The omission from the published list of any school for which an a]>plication (E) has been submitted, within the prescribed tiniej shall be deemed equivalent to an oi'der of refusal. (h) Gdiiditioiin (if Aid. 55. No school shall be deemed eligible for a results grant if it contains classes working beyond the seventh standard. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. 165 56. A school reccivint^ aid under the salary-grant system cannot claim assistance in the same official year under the pay- ment for results system, and similarly a resrdt school cannot be aided under tlie salary-grant system. 57. A school cannot receive aid under the salary-grant system for one portion of the school and under the result-grant system for another. 58. Amongst schools otherwise equally eligible a preference will be given to those in which school fees are levied and trust- worthy returns of such fees are submitted. 50. All schools receiving aid under the system of payment for results shall furnish such returns and statements as may from time to time be prescribed. CO. Regular registers of admissions, attendance, and fee collec- tions shall be kept and shall be submitted for inspection when demanded. 01. The attendance registers must be marked every time that the school meets. 62. The village or liouse-name of the pupils must be written in full in all the registers and when tliere are two pupils of the same name, the father's name must be added. No entries ai-e to be made in pencil, to be inked over afterwards. There must be no blanks or erasures. If any error has been made it must be corrected b}^ a foot-note. And in every case the register pro- duced must be the original register, and not a fair copy. 63. Every register must have the pages numbered before any entries ai'e made in it. (c) Examination. 64. A school shall bo examined for a results grant once a year. 65. Local Fund Boards and Municipal Boards are invited to depute one or more members to be present at such examination. In villages the head of the village and other local village officials are invited in like manner to atteiid and should be present at such examination. (jQ. The subjects of examination under the several standards are specified in Scliedule F. English-speaking children may bring the English language as their vernacular and one of the vernaculars of this Presidency as an extra language. Mussul- man children arc permitted to bring up Hindustani as their vernacular with a Hindu language or Persian or English as their exti'a language, or a Hindu language as their vernacular with Hindustani, Persian or English as their extra language. 0)7 . In the third and fourth standards, the choice is given of cex'tain alternative subjects. In the third standard History may be submitted for English or the extra language. In the fourth standard any two of the three following subjects, viz.. History, Hygiene and Agriculture may be submitted for English or the 166 EDUCATIONAL rAPERS. extra language in boys' schools. In girls' schools only History and Hygiene may be so submitted. 68. To be eligible for examination a pupil must have attended the school for at least ninety days during the six working months preceding the examination. Attendance for not less than three hours will suffice to allow a day to count. 09. Only such pupils as have been actually studying within the standards throughout the six working months preceding the inspection shall be eligible for examination. 70. A pupil presented under the first or second standard will not receive any grant unless he or she passes in at least two of heads 1, 2, or 3 of the standard. A pupil presented under the third or fourth standard will not receive any grant unless he or she passes in at least three heads, two of which must be 1, 2, or 3, Under the fifth and sixth standai'ds, in each of which there are foni- heads, a grant may be given even if a pupil passes only in one head. 71. A pupil is not to be presented for examination under the first, second, tliird, or fourth standard if he has already received a grant for that standard. Under the fifth and sixth standards he may be presented again as often as may be necessary, pro- vided he remains in the same class, but no second grant will be given for the head or heads under which he has already passed. 72. To pass in any head of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth standard a pupil must secure one-half the marks assigned to that head. Forty per cent, may, however, be accepted if the deficiency under one head is compensated by an equiva- lent proficiency under another. 73. When it is evident that some of the results attained at examination are due to some other school in the town or village, no grant shall be passed for those results, and the ground on which it is proposed to Avithhold it shall he reported for appro- val to the President of the Local Fund Board or Municipality, if the grant is one payable from Local or Municipal Funds, or to the Inspector of the Division, if the grant is one payable from Provincial Funds. 74. Any falsification of the registers, any misrepresentation regarding the fees and attendance, any deception in the present- ation of pupils, and any other fraud or itTCgnlarity, shall be similarly reported after the completion of the examination, and the countersigning Officer will have tlie power to withhold the grant in such cases and to take any ulterior measures which the occasion may appear to him to demand. 75. As soon as possible after the conclusion of the examina- tion the Inspecting Officer shall furnish the Manager with a statement giving the names of the pupils passed, the standards under which they were examined, and the marks which they obtained under each head. QRiNT.lN.AID CODE. 167 (d) Results Grants. 76. Tho maximum scale of grants claimable under these Rules in Primary and Middle Schools is shown below. Rates less than maximum rates may be given to any school when a smaller proportion of aid is evidently sufficient : — Extra Sub- ject for Girls. i-i Needle-work. RS. A, 1 8 2 3 (Lr test.) 4 (Hr test ) 1 -( 00 00 a N ■* 05 50 •/qdBJooag ■< _ _ 00 00 ai • • _ M rH \a •.IBUUnBjr) < _ _ 00 05 ^^ 1-H ■* • ..H t-^ '^ 168 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. B. Middle Schools. Standards. I. Vernacu- lar. II. III. Mathema- tics. IV. Geogra- phy and History. Total. Remarks. V BS. A. P. 4 BS. A. p. 6 8 BS. A. p. 3 8 HS. A. P. 4 U.S. A. V. IS VI 4 7 5 4 20 VII 25 The Middle School Examination. 77. The grants for girls under heads 1 to 11 in Primai'y Schools and in heads 1 to 4 in Middle Schools will be 75 per cent, higher than those named in the scale. 78. All prospective reductions in the scale of grants, wliother general or affecting particular schools, shall bo notified in the District Gazette when the list of schools to be aided is published. 79. The Inspecting Officers shall, as soon as possible after the examination of a school, furnish the Manager with a certifying memorandum in duplicate, or, if necos.sary, Avlth two certifying memoranda in duplicate, showing the number of pupils examined and pfissed under each standard, and the grant claimable in con- sequence either at maximum rates or at the reduced rates noted in the District Gazette. 80. If the grant is payable from Local or Municipal Funds, the certifying memorandum shall be submitted to the President of the Local Fund Boai'd or Municipality, on whose counter- signature the grant therein specified shall be paid by the Trea- sury Officer of the Circle or the proper Municipal Officer. 81. If the grant is payable from Provincial Funds, the certify- ing memorandum shall be submitted to the Inspector of the Division, on whose countersignature the grant therein specified shall be paid by the Treasury Officer. 82. The duplicate copy of every certifying memorandum siiall be forwarded, with an endorsement showing the amount paid thereon, to the Inspector of the Division for transmission to the Director of Public Instruction. 83. All I'esnlts grants earned by boys under the first, second, and third standards shall be payable from Local and Municipal Funds. All other results grants shall be payable from Provin- cial Funds. In the Madras Municipality all results grants earned by boys or girls in poor schools under the first, second, and third standards shall be payable from Municipal Funds, and all grants earned by such boys or girls under the fourth standard shall be payable from Provincial Funds. All results grants eai'ned in the Madras Municipality in schools which are not poor schools shall be payable from Provincial Funds. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. 169 84. If, owinpf to any miscalculation, the fund available for the payment of rosnlts grants ran short of the amount required, all unpaid claims due for the past year shall be discharged before any sums are paid for grants earned during the current year. IV. Normal Scholarships. 85. Half grants will be given according to the following maximum scale on account of scholarships to normal students in well-organiz^ Normal Schools : — Male Students. Female Students. Grade for which preparing. Maximum Maximum Stipend Con- Grants . Stipend Con- Grants. templated. templated. RS. A. P. RS. A. p. l?S. RS. A. P. I 15 7 8 12 6 II 12 8 G 4 9 4 8 Ill 10 5 6 3 IV 7 3 & V 5 2 8 86. In the case of students who are being taught as well as being trained, a grant for a scholarship will be tenable in each grade for two years. In the case of students wlio have passed the general education test of the grade, and are only being trained, a grant for a scholarship will be tenable for one year. V. School Buildings. 87. Grants will be made towards the erection, purchase, or enlargement of a school-building on the following conditions :^ 1st. — That in each case the nianagei-s of the school shall contri- bute double the amount of the grant. 2nd. — That satisfactory evidence shall be adduced of the necessity for the erection, purchase, or enlargement, in aid of which the grant is songht. 3rd. — That the amount applied for shall not exceed what may be considered reasonable, taking into account the budget provision for the year, the importance of the school, and any previous grants which may have been issued to the managers of the institution. h. — That the application, which should be submitted before the commencement of the undertaking, shall be 22 170 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. accompanied by a plan and estimate of the cost of the building proposed to be ei-ected, purchased, or enlarged. The plan and estimate will be retained in the Director's Office. 6th. — That previous to the disbursement of the grant it shall be certified by the District Engineer, or other res- ponsible officer who may have been deputed to examine the building, that the work has been pro- ceeded with as provided for in the plan and estimate previously sanctioned. Also that before disburse- ment the managers of the school shall declare that they have funds on hand sufficient, when supple- mented by the grant, to clear off all the debts incur- red in the execution of the work. 6th. — That in the event of any bailding, towards the erection, purchase, or enlargement of which a grant may have been made by Government, being diverted prior to the lapse of twenty years from the date of the issue of the grant to other than educational purposes, the managers at the time of the diversion shall refund to Government such portion of the grant allowed them as shall be determined by arbitrators, who in making their award, shall take into consideration the length of time the building has been used as a school-house, and its consequent deterioration ; but in the event of such managers failing to make such refund, then they shall sell the building to Govern- ment at a valuation to be determined by arbitrators, who, in making their award, shall deduct from the price such portion of the grant as may seem equit- able, regard being had to the length of time the building has been used as a school-house, and its consequent deterioration. 7th. — That the arbitrators referred to in the last preceding rule shall be three in number, one of whom shall be nominated by Government, another by the managers of the school, and the third by the two arbitrators so appointed ; and in case of the arbitrators dilfer- ing in opinion, the award of the majority shall be binding and conclusive on all parties. 88. Building grants on account of schools are not intended to provide house accommodation for teachers or pupils. 89. Grants are not given to pay off debts for building, nor in consideration of former expenditure for building, nor for the maintenance of buildings. 90. When a school is held in a building not owned by the managers, and for which rent is paid, a grant may be given not exceeding one-third of such rent. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. l71 01. Building gi-ants not exceeding Rs. 1,000 maybe sanction- ed by the Director of Public Instruction. VI. School Furniturk, Maps, School Libraries, Apparatus, Diagrams, Examples, and Tools. 92. No grants will be given for the payment of school-ser- vants, contingent charges and prizes, but grants will be issued once to any college or school for the purchase of school furniture, special apparatus, diagrams, and examples, required for the instruction of papils in Science or Art. 9H. Grants for special apparatus will be confined to articles of a non-destructible nature. Hence no aid will be afforded in the pui'chase of breakable articles, such as glass retorts, test tubes, &c., nor indeed generally in the purchase of articles to be used by the vstudent, as distinguished from those of a permanent and illustrative chai-acter, which are required by the teacher, in giving instruction in Science or Art. 94. Grants may be given once in five years on account of maps, and at sucli intervals as the Director of Public Instruction may consider expedient on account of school libraries. 95. All applications for these grants must be accompanied by a priced list of the furuiture, apparatus, maps, books, diagrams, and examples which it is proposed to purchase. In the event of the grant being sanctioned, half the cost of the articles will be paid on the Director of Public Instruction being satisfied that they have been provided. No grants will be allowed for any school benches made without backs. 96. In the event of the college or school being closed within five years fi'om the date on which the grant maj^ have been made the Government shall be at liberty to purchase the furniture, maps, books, apparatus, diagrams, and examples, towards the supply of which the grant was given, at a valuation to be deter- mined, as in the case of school-buildings, by arbitrators, credit being taken in each case for depreciation due to wear and tear. 97. Grants may be given on similar conditions for the pur- chase of tools in Industrial Schools and in other schools which have an Industrial Department, with the exception that the restriction in Rule 93 will not apply to these grants. 98. Grants may be given on similar conditions for the pur- chase of gymnastic apparatus. 99. Grants for school furniture, maps, books, apparatus, diagrams, examples, tools, and gymnastic apparatus not exceed- ing Rs. 200 may be sanctioned by the Director of Public Instruction. 172 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. THE HIGHER EXAMINATION (FOR WOMEN). I. — Compulsory Subjects. A.- English. (a.) Dictation — A passage from a boek eqnal in difficulty to tlie Matricnlation prose text-book. (h.) Questions on the prose arid poetry appointed for the ensuing Matriculation Examination. (c.) Qncstions on the language generally. (d.) Translating into the vernacular one or more passages fi'om a book not previously studied, equal in difficulty to Leth- bridge's Easy Selections. Or if the candidate knows no vernacular : paraphrasing one or more passages of poetry not pi-eviously studied, equal in diffi- culty to Gay's Fables. (e.) Translating into English one or more passages from the vernacular. Or if the candidate knows no vernacular : composition, such as a description of a place, an account of some useful, natural or artificial product, or the like. B. — Yernnctdar Language. (a.) Dictation — A passage from a book eqnal in difficulty to the Matriculation prose text-book. (i.) Questions on the prose and poetry appointed for the Matriculation Examination. (c.) Questions on the grammar, structure, and idiom of the language. {d.) Original composition of the Matricnlation standard. G. — Arithmetic. The first four simj)le and compound rales, reduction, vulgar and decimal fractions, simple and compound proportion, practice, extraction of the square root, interest. J). — Geograph)/ and Indian History. (a.) General Geography, and the Geography of India in particular. (h.) The History of India from 1817 to 1858. Optional Subjects. E. — Math ematics. Euclid — The first two books with easy deductions. Algebra — Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, in- aRAiiT-lN-AlD COtil. \^^ volution and evolution of algebraical quantities, and simple equations with easy deductions. F. — Physics. Balfour Stewart's Physics (Macmillan's Science Primers), first 67 paragraphs, or any similar book. G. — Chemistry. Roscoe's Chemistry (Macmillan's Science Primers), or any similar book. H. — Botany. Hooker's Botany (Macmillan's Science Primers), with the exception of Sections XIX and XXV, or any similar book. J. — Geology. Geikie's Geology (Macmillan's Science Primers), or any similar book. /. — Astronomy . Locker's Astronomy (Macmillan's Science Primers), or any similar book. K. — English History. The leading facts of the History of England to the year 1858. L. — History of English Literature. Brooke's English Literature (Macmillan's Literature Primers), or any similar book. M. — Needle-worh. Cutting out and working on fine cloth a finely-made European shirt, a native man's jacket, or a native woman's jacket and petticoat finely made — Such portion as can be completed within the time available. (rt.) To obtain a certificate a candidate must pass in all the compulsory and two of the optional subjects. Candi- dates coming up for an imperfect certificate under Rule 22 will be required to pass the same examination with the exception of the omission of one language. (6.) Marks will be deducted for bad writing and spelling in every subject. (c.) The answers in the non-language subjects must be in English, except in the case of candidates who do not bring up English. IJ'4 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. B. THE MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMINATION. (rt.) Male and female candidates, who obtain a first class in the Middle School ICxamination, but pass in one lan- guage only, fall under Rule 22. Such candidates can receive only imperfect certificates and the reduced grants attached to snch certificates. (h.) Female candidates must pass the following test in needle- work : — Gathering, back-stitching, working button holes and darning calico, generally such woi'k as is on the sleeve of a somewhat coarse shirt, or a native man's jacket. THE SPECIAL UPPER PRIMARY EXAMINATION. I. — Compulsory Subjects. A. — English-speakivri Candidates. English. (ffl.) Dictation — A passage from a book equal in difficulty to Chambers' Moral Class-book. (h.) Composition — A letter on some easy subject. (c.) Grammar, as contained in any approved elementary grammar. ((L) Poetry — Explanation of one or more passages from Selections in Poetry No. I, or such book as may from time to time be named by the Director of Public Instruction. B . — Vernacular-speak ing Candidates. Vernacular. (a.) Dictation — A passage from a book equal in difficulty to the Third Book of Lessons, Public Instruction Press. (5.) Composition — A letter on some easy subject, (c.) Grammar, as contained in the elementary grammars used in first and second classes of a Government School, or any others of equal difficulty. (t?.) Text-book — Explanation of one or more passages from the following books : — Tamil — Poetical Anthology, No. I. Teluga— Do. do. No. I. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. 175 Malayalain — Panchatantram, Part I. Canarese — First Book of Canarese Poetry. Uriya — Hitopodesh, Part I. Hindustani — Urdu Poetical Reader (Majmuah Sakhan), Part I, pages 1 — 30. Persian — Gulistan, Book I, expurgated edition, or such books as may from time to time be named by the Director of Public Instruction. C. — Arlthinetw. Four simple and compound rules, reduction, and vulgar fractions. (English figures must be used, and the candidate must be acquainted with the principal Indian weights and measures.) D . — Geography . (a.) The elements of General Geography as given in any approved Geographical Primer, (i.) The Geography of the Madras Presidency as given in the short account of the Madras School Book Society. II — Altkrnativk Subjects. E. — History. The leading facts of the Hiistory of India to the fall of Seringapatam. F. — Hygiene. An elementary knowledge of the laws of health as contained in Dr. Dhanakoti Raju's Elements of Hygiene, First Lessons in Health by J. Berners, Personal care of Health by Dr. Parkes, or any similar book. G. — Agriculture (for nude candidates). The elements of Indian Agriculture as contained in Robert- son's Agricultural Class Book or any other approved book. H. — Needle-ivork (for female candidates). Hemming, top-sewing, and felling on fine cloth. (a.) To obtain a certificate a candidate must pass in three compulsory and two optional .subjects. Only one language can be brought up for this examination. (&.) Marks will be deducted for bad writing and spelling in every subject. 176 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. (c.) The answers in the non-language subjects must be in the language brought up by the candidate unless the language is Persian, in which case the answers may be in Hindustani. D. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT. First, Second, and Third Grade Schoolmasters and First Grade Sclioolraistresses — (^a.) To answer questions on the best methods of teaching English and Vernacular reading, spelling, grammar, composition, translation, writing, arithmetic, geo- graphy, and history in a high school. (6.) To answer questions on the art of oral teaching gene- rally. (c.) To answer questions on the form of school registers, the mode of keeping them, and making returns from them. {d.) To write notes of a lesson on a given subject. (e.) To answer questions on the organization of a high school. (/.) To answer questions connected with moral discipline, as affecting the character and conduct of the pupils of a high school. Fourth Grade Schoolmasters and Second Grade School- mistresses — (ft.) To answer questions on the best methods of teaching, i-eading, spelling, grammar, writing, arithmetic, geography, and history in a middle school. (fc.) To answer questions on the art of oral teaching gene- rally. (c.) To answer questions on the form of school registers, the mode of keeping them and making returns from them. {(1.) To write notes of a lesson on a given subject. (c.) To answer questions on the organization of a middle school. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. 177 E. Form of Api'lication. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Locality. . (a) To read correctly a few line.s from any approved book, not previous- ly studied, equal in difficulty to the second part of the First Book of Lessons. (J>) To answer simple questions on the meaning and subject-matter of the second part of tlie First Book of Lessons or of an equiva- lent portion, previously prepared in any approved book of equal difficulty. Manuscript or cadjan books may be brought up instead of printed books. (a) To transcribe in round hand on a slate, board, or cadjan a sentence from the reading book in use. (h) To write from dictation short sentences out of any book, not previou.sly studied, equal in diffi- culty to the second part of the First Book of Lessons. Notation and Numei-ation to seven places of hgnres. Multiplication table to 12 times IG. Four simple rules. ((() To recite a few lines of very easy poetry or moral aphorisms. Fifty lines to be brought up. (?>) To answer simple questions on the meaning and subject-matter of the poetry or moral aphorisms brought up. 180 EDVOATIONAL PAPERS. Standards of Exaitdnatiou. — Continued. Maximum of Marks. Heads. Testa. E.dra Saljert fur Girls. 24 13th Head Hemming, top-sewing, and felling on (Needle-work). fine cloth. Third St.^ndard. Vernacular. (3 Ist Head (o) To read with ease and correctmess (Reading). a few lines from any approved book, not previously studied, equal in difficulty to the Second Book of Lessons, and also from a plainly written manuscript. 14 (&) To answer questions on the mean- ing and subject-matter of the lessons comprised in a portion, previously prepared, of the Se- cond Book of Lessons, or any approved reading book of equal difficulty. Sixty pages to be 2nd Head (a) brought up. 20 6 To transcribe in small hand on (Writing). paper a sentence fi-om the read- ing book in use. 10 (l^) To write from dictation a passage out of any book, not previously studied, equal in difficulty to the Second Book of Lessons. 16 3rd Head Eaa 32 y questions in the compound rules (Arithmetic.) and reduction, resti'icted to the Indian weight, measure, and money tables published by the Diiector of Public Instruction. Easy mental Arithmetic restrict- ed to the simple rules. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. ^gl Standards of Exammation. — Continued. Maximum i of Marks. ! Heads. 4th Head (Poetry). 12 16 5th Head (Gi'ammar). Cth Head (Geography). 12 20 32 7th Head (Reading). Tests. (a) To recite a few lines of easy poetry or moral aphorisms. One Ixundred lines to be brought up, not including any brought up under the first or second stan- dard. (b) To answer questions on the mean- ing and subject-matter of the poetry or raoi'al aphorisms brought up. To answer questions on etymology, as contained in any approved ele- mentary grammar, with easy applications of the rules to the reading book. To point out on a map the disti'icts, chief towns, and principal rivers and mountains of the Madras Presidency, and to have such a knowledge of the geography of the district in which the school is sitnated as may be acquired from " A short account of the Madras Presidency" or any simi- lar book. English. (a) To read a few lines from any approved book, not previously studied, equal in difficulty to the First Book of Reading of the Madras School Book Society. (h) To construe a passage from the First Book of Reading or any approved book of eqnal length and difficulty previously pre- pared. ISa EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. Standards of Examination. — Continued. Maximum of Marks. Heads. Tests. 8 8tli Head (a) To submit a full copy-book in (Writing;. large hand, each page to be dated. 8 (6) To write from dictation woi'ds from the English Reading Book 16 m use. Alternative Vernactdar Subjects. 48 10th Head The leading facts of the History of (History). India to the fall of Seringapatam in 1799, as contained in any ap- proved elementary History, with such a knowledge of General and Indian Geography as may be necessary for an intelligent .study of tlie subject. 13th Head Extra Siibject for Girls. 32 Gathering, back-stitching, working (Needle-work). button holes and darning on calico, generally such work as is on the sleeve of a somewhat coarse shirt or a native man's jacket. Fourth Standard. Vernacular. 8 1st Head (a) To read with ease and correct- (Reading). ness a few lines from any ap- proved book, not previously studied, equal in difiicnlty to the Third Book of Lessons, and also from any ordinary manuscript. 24 (b) To answer questions on the mean- ing and sabject-matter of the lessons comprised in a portion previously prepared of the Third Book of Lessons, or any approv- ed reading book of equal diffi- culty. Fifty pages to be brought 32 up. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. Standards of EzaminaJtion. — Continued. 183 Maximum of Marks. Tests. 2nd Head (Writing). 12 16 48 3rd Head (Arithmetic). 4th Head (Poetry). 12 16 24 5 th Head (Grammar). (a) To transcribe in running hand on paper a sentence from the read- ing book in use. (6) To write from dictation a passage out of any book, not previously studied, equal in difficulty to the Third Book of Lessons. Miscellaneous questions in the com- pound rules and reduction, easy questions in vulgar fractions, mental arithmetic applied to bazaar transactions. In Vernacular Schools the questions will bear exclusively on the Indian tables published by the Director of Public Instruction, including the native multiplica- tion table of integers and frac- tions marked A, and the table used in native bazaars marked B. (o) To recite a few lines from any approved book of poetry or moral aphorisms equal in difficulty to the Poetical Anthology, No. I. Two hundred lines to be brought up not including any brought up under the previous standards. (5) To answer questions on the mean- ing and subject-matter of the poetry or moral aphorisms brought up. To answer questions in any approved elementary Grammar with par- sing and application of the rules to the reading book. 184 EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. Standards of Examination. — Continued. Maximum of Marks. Heads. Tests. 24 6th Head (Geography). An elementary knowledge of the Geography of Asia, as eoutained in Duncan's Introduction to the Geography of the World, Part I, or any approved Geographical Primer. E)i(/Iis]t. 12 7th Head (Reading). ('0 To read a few lines from any approved book, not previously studied, equal in difficulty to the Second Book of Reading of the Madras School Book Society. 36 8th Head (Writing). (a) To construe a passage from the Second Book of Reading, or any approved book of equal length and difficulty, previously pre- pared. 48 8 To submit a full copy-book in round hand, each page to be signed and dated by the pupil. 16 (h) To write from dictation sentences from the PJnglish Reading Book 9th Head (Grammar). (a) in use. 24 12 Simple questions on etymology with parsing and easy applica- tions of the rules to the reading book. 12 (b) Oral translation of very easy sentences into English. 24 GRANT-IN-AID CODE. Standards of Examination. — Continued. 185 Tests. llthHead (Hygiene). 12th Head (Agriculture). 13th Head (Needle-woi'k.) 1st Head (Vernacular). Alteniatlce Vernaeahxr Subjects. The leading fact.s of the History of India from the fall of Seriiiga- patam in 1799 to the abolition of the East India Company's politi- cal power in 1H.58, as contained in any approved elementary History, with such a knowledge of General and Indian Geogi'aphy as may be necessary for an in- telligent stndy of tlie subject. W. E. Dhanakoti Raja's Elements of Hygiene or any approved book containing easy lessons on the preservation of health. Robertson's Agricultural Class-book or any other approved book. Extra Subjects for Girls. HiGHKR Test. (a) Catting out and working on fine cloth a iiually-made European shirt. Such poitioii as can be completed within tin- time avail- able. Or LowKR Test. (b) Cutting out and working on tine ciotii a native man's jacket, or a native woman's jacket and petti- coat, finely made. Such portion as can be completed within the time available. Fifth Standard. («) To read a few lines of poetry, not previously studied, equal in diffi- culty to the Anthology No. I. 24 186 EDVCATIONAL PAPERS. Staiulard^ of E.ratni nation. — Coutinued. Maximum of Marks. 10 Heads. Tests. 1st Head (Vernacular) . 12 12 12 12 12 20 '2nd Head (English). (ft) To answer qustions on the mean- ing and subject-matter of the lessons compi'ised in a portion previously prepared of the Brief Sketches of Europe, or any approved reading book of equal difficulty. Sixty pages to be brought up. (c) To write from dictation a passage out of any prose book, not pre- viously studied, somewhat more difficult than the Third Book of Lessons. (f?) To translate five lines from the portion prepared in the English Reading book in use. (e) To recite a few lines of poetry equal in difficulty to the Tamil Anthology No. II, or the Telugu Nalacharitram, and to answer questions on the meaning and subject-matter. Three hundred lines to be brought up. (f) To answer questions on any approved grammar equal in diffi- culty to pages 1 — 40 of Maha- lingiah's Tamil Grammar, or 1—18 of Venkiah's Telugu Grammar. (a) To read a few lines from any approved book, not previously 1 studied, equal in difficuhy to the Third Madras Reader. I (b) To explain in the vernacular a I passage from the Third Madras Reader, or any similar book, previously prepared. Fifty pages to be brought up. GRANT-IN-AID CODE. Standards of Examination. — Continued. 187 Maximum of Marks. i Heads. Tests. 8 2nd Head ('■) To exliibit a full copy-book in (English). small hand, each page signed and dated by the pupil. 16 (<0 To write from dictation five lines from the poi-tion read of the reading book in 24 (e) To translate into English a fable or a portion of a fable from the Second Book of LessODS, or any similar book. 24 U) To answer questions on any ap- proved grammar equal in diffi- culty to pages 1 — 40 of Dr. R. Morris' Grammar (Macmillan's . Primer Sei'iesj. 104 3rd Head Sii 56. nple and Compound Rules, Re- (Ai'ithmetic), duction, Vulgar aiid Decimal Fractions, Mental Arithmetic applied to bazaar transactions. 32 4th Head (") The Geography of Europe as con- (Geography and tained in the vernacular version History). of Duncan's Introduction to the Geography of the World, Part II, or any approved Geographical Primer. 32 V>) The leading facts of the Hi.stoiy of India a.s contained in any approved Vernacular Text-book, with such a knowledge of Gene- ral and Indian Geography as may be necessary for an intelli- gent study of the subject. Sixth Standard. 64 6 Ist Head i^) To read a few lines of poetry, not (Vernacular) . previou.sly studied, equal in diffi- culty to the Tamil Anthology No. II, or the Telugu Nala- charitjiam. 188 EDVCATWNAL PAPERS. Standards of Examination. — Continued. Tests. 10 12 12 12 12 64 12 24 1st Head (Vernacular.) 2nd Head (English). (h) To answer questions on the mean- ing and subject-matter of the lessons comprised in a portion previously prepared of Brief Sketches of Europe or any ap- proved reading book of equal difficalty. Seventy pages to be brought up, not including any brought up under the fifth, standard. (c) To write from dictation a passage from the poetical Anthology No. I. (d) To translate a passage from the portion prepared in the English Reading Book in use. (e) To recite a few lines of poetry equal in difficulty to the Tamil Anthology No. II, or the Telngu Nalacharitram, and to . answer questions on the meaning and subject-matter. Four hundred lines to be brought up. (/) To answer questions on any ap- proved grammar equal in diffi- culty to pages 41 — 70 of Maha- lingiah's Tamil Grammar, or pages 19 — 36 of Venkiah's Teln- gu Gi-ammar. (a) To read a few lines from any book, not previously studied, equal in difficulty to Chambers' Moral^Class-book. (fe) To explain in the vernacular a passage from Chambers' Moral Class-book or any similar book previously prepared, and to an- swer questions in English on the subject-matter. Sixty pages to be brought up. QRANT.IN-AID CODE. Standards of Examination. — Continued. 189 Maximum of Marks. Heads. Tests. 12 2nd Head (c) To exhibit specimens of writing (English). in fair exercise books, each exer- cise to be signed and dated by the pnpil. 16 (d) To write from dictation five lines from a book equal in difficulty to the reading book in use. 24 (e) To ti'anslateinto English five lines from any book equal in difficulty to Brief Sketches of Europe. 24 (/) To answer questions on any ap- proved grammar equal in diffi- culty to Dr. R. Morris' Grammar 3rd Head (Macmillan's Primer Series). 112 48 (a) Arithmetic — as far as the fifth (Mathematics). standard with the addition of Practice and Simple Proportion. 32 (h) Euclid Book I, to the end of the 4th Head 16th proposition. 80 32 (a) The Geography of Asia as con- (Geography and tained in Clyde's elementary History). Geography or any similar book. 32 (b) The History of India as contain- ed in Chapters I — IX of Morris' History of India or any similar book. 64 Seventh Standard. The Middle School Examination. (By order of His Grace the Governor in Council.) (Signed) R. DAVIDSON, Chief Secretary^ INDEX. Pages. Agi'icultural Colleges to be established 23 Aided Education, Development of 32,117 „ „ Reduction of Grants to 32,80,98,106,118,121 Approval of policy of Despatch of 1854 by Madras Goverument ... 31 Bengal, Need of Primary education iu ... ... ... ... ... 25 ,, State of education in ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Bombay, State of education in ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 Building Grants. ... 44,169 Changes in the mode of keeping Educational Accounts... ... ... 75 Civil Engineering Colleges to be establisshed ... ... ... ... 23 Clerk, Sir George, Dissent by 60,62 Code of Rules for Grauts-in-Aid. 1864 32,82 1880 153 Codes of Rules for Grants-in-Aid, History of 81 College classes, Teachers of, to work only three hours... ... 41,156 Concluding Memorandum by Committee ... ... ... ... ... 141 Cuddalore Zillah School raised to a Provincial College ... 35,89,101,108, 124,134,145 Department of Education created ... ... 5 Despatch of 1854 1 Directors of Public Instruction appointed 5 „ ,, „ at first to be members of the Civil Service... ... ... ... ... 6 Director's reply to Memorial ... 46 Director's second reply to Memorial ... ... ... ... ... 106 Director's third reply to Memorial 129 Eastern learning unsuitable for a general scheme of education ... ... 2 Educated natives to be pi'ef erred for Government employ ... ... 21 Education in the past too exclusively for higher classes ... ... 11 Education The, of the people, the object of the Despatch of 1854 ... 3,12 Efficiency of Government and Aided Schools compared 114,119,126 Ellore, Establishment of Government Muhammadan School at 66 „ Petition from Muhammadans at ... ... ... ... ... 68 English language The, to be taught where there is a demand for it ... 4 Enquiry respecting the working of the Despatch of 1854 ... ... 47 Fees in Government Schools, controversy respecting ... 74,80,98,107, 118,121,131,141 Fees to be collected in Aided Schools 15 Female Education to be encouraged ... ... ... ... ... 24 General Scheme A, of education not applicable in detail to all India ... 7 192 INDEX. Parjes. Government Education, Increase of expenditure on ... 33,78,98,107, 118,121 „ Institutions to be gradually closed or transferred... 17,47 „ Order on Director's second reply ... . ... ... 115 ,, Order on Director's third reply ... ... ... ... 140 „ Order on the Memorial ... ... ... ... 38,95 „ Schools dosed iu favour of Mission Schools ... ... 72 „ ,, not to be established where other schools exist. 17 „ unable alone to supply schools for all India ... ... 14 Grant-in-Aid Code 1880 ... 153 „ ,, Rules, Revision of, not objected to ... ... ... 33 „ ,, ,, The new, shonld not be retrospective ... ... 45 „ „ System introduced ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Grants for School Furniture ... ... ... .. ..- ... 171 Grants to be given for specific objects ... ... ... ... ... 15 „ to various classes of teachers ... ... ... ... ... 41 Half grants no longer necessary ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 Higher Examination for Women ... ... ... ... ... ... 172 Importance The, of Government encouraging Education ... ... 1 Increase of expenditure on Government Schools... 33,78,98,107,118,121 Machinery The, for the direction of education ... ... ... ... 4 Madras Christian College, Grants to ... 35,86,100,108,123,133,144 „ State of Education in, in 1854 27 Muhammadan Community, Efforts of Government to extend education among ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 66 Medical Colleges to be established and encouraged ... ... ... 22 Medium The, through which education is to be conveyed ... ... 3 Meeting in Madras on Government interference in religious matters... 48 Memorandum on the Director's second reply ... ... 120 Memorial The, based on Despatch of 1854 ... ... ... ... 30 ,, by natives of Madras for abolition of Grants-in-Aid... ... 49 „ on Aided Education to Mada-as Government ... ... ... 30 „ on the Results Grants Rules ". 151 „ to the Secretaiy of State .. ... ... ... ... 116 Middle School Examination... ... ... ... ... ... ... 174 Missionary Societies, Recognition of the Educational Work of 14 Moral training in Government Schools ... ... ... ... 136,146 Napier Lord, Reply of, to Memorial in 1871 ... ... ••• ••• 32 Normal Schools to bo established ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 J, Scholarships 169 „ Students, Grants to 41 North West Provinces, State of education iu 26 Object The, of Indian Education to diffuse European knowledge ... 2 Penaions to Government teachers ... ... ... ... ... 121,131 Perry, Sir E., Dissent by 61 INDEX, 193 Pages. Physical Science teachers, Grants to 43,161 Policy of Despatch of 1854 not being cai-ried out throughout India. 140,141 Poor Schools, Special grants to ... ... ... ... ... 40,160 Presidency College, Middle department of ... 34,84,99,108,122,132,142 Professorships in connection with the Universities ... ... ... 9 Pundits, Grants to 43,160 Reduction of Grants to Aided Education 32,80,98,106,118,121 Religious Instruction in Government Schools ... ... ... ... 24 „ Neutrality of Government 8,9,15,16,96,102,110,125 Remarks on Director's reply ... 97 „ Proposed Grant-iu-Aid Rules 38 Reply of Secretary of State to native Memorial, 1859 ... ... ... 52 Reports of the Educational Department ... ... ... ... ... 6 Representatives of Aided Education, Government asked to appoint. 36,92 Results Grant Rules 1880 163 Salary Grant Rules 1880 156 Salem Zillah School raised to a Provincial College ... 35,89,101,108,124, 134,146 Scale of Results Grants ... ... ... ... ... ... 167,168 Scholarships to be established ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 „ to bo given to Normal and Medical Students ... ... 18 Schools of Industry and Design to be encouraged ... ... ... 23 ,, under native management ... ... ... ... ... ... 103 School Management, Examination in ... ... .,. ... ... 176 Senate The, of Indian Universities, Constitution of ... ... ... 8 „ „ „ Selection of ... ... ... ... 10 Signatures to Memorial on Aided Education ... ... ... ... 37 Special Test Examinations to be instituted ... ... ... ... 21 Special Upper Primary Examination ... ... ... .. ... 174 Standard of degrees in Indian Universities ... ... ... ... 8 Standards of Examination under Results System ... ... ... 178 Summary of Director's reply ... ... ... ... ... ... 92 Tinnevelly, Application for a Government School at .., ... > ... 61 Trichinopoly, Correspondence respecting School at ... ... ... 54 „ Refusal of Government to establish a Zillah School at... 53 Trevelyan, Sir Charles, Minute by, on native Memorial... ... ... 51 Universities, Institution of, in India ... ... ... ... •■ 7 Vernacular Institution, Importance of ... ... ... ... ... 4 „ School books. Preparation of .. . ... ... ... ... 20 „ Schools, Establishment of ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ „ Masters in should know English ... ... ... 13 Western learning to be promoted by Indian Education ... ... ... 2 Writing Masters, Grants to 43,160 1 1012 01096 7380 x> ) > » • > v^ > JO i>5 : > » ■> w > > X) ■ •■>> > . » >:» >> ->> ;») >j> > r T> . -»j>j> > /> - i^ >:>:». > . >:» >v >j > , > •-> J ^ •■ > - ,■> -».-»•_> , >» > '5> 7. ^> "> ^ » > 4 y^:> > ' > > >^ »> >'\^^^ 5 5> J J» DATE DUE DEC 2 2 199: GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.SA » .T>> > > J ^^ ) > > > :» "\ ■ -^^^ '> -^ ■> :> o > « > :> '>^ » > > ' >^ »> > > > > >>-> :> > >-> »x ) ^ A> ») > > • ;>> y» ->i> > :> ^ > .^ ><■ ■* ^ > i> >> ^> > > -> > - '>>;>> j» J' ':>>>:» J» >-> V, ) -> ,> > > V ^ ^ >> >: 3>:> > -V > > ^^ ) > . > . > > » > ~> .:> J > » ^ ^ > -J J» _JS>> ^ 3 > J> > i^> ^J > ^ J>_ J»> '>> ) J > ;3B^> .>•■>> > . 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