BX 5199 .N55 A37 1850 Newton, John, 1725-1807. The life of the Rev. John Newton, rector of St. Mary Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/lifeofrevjohnnewOOnewt_0 THE LIFE OF THE REV. JOHN NEW T O N , RECTOR OF ST. MARY AVOOLN.OTH, LONDON. Written by himself to A. D. 170'3, and Continued to his Death in 18U7, BY REV. RICHARD VE C 1 L , MINISTER OK 3 T. JOHN'S CHAPEL, LONDON. 4% I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not ; ! will lead them in paths that they have not known ; 1 will make darkness light before them, and crooked thing* straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.'*— tsuiah, 42 : 1G. " I am a wonder unto many." — Psalm 71 : 7. FT'BMSHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 150 NASSAU-STREET, KEW-YORK. V. 1'anthaw,- Primer. The Memoir of Newton prefixed to his Works in 6 vols. 8vo. consists simply of the Narrative written by himself in the following Letters to the Rev. T. Hawies, which brings down his history to the age of 38, A. D. 1763, and was published in 1764. The Me- moir by Rev. Mr. Cecil presents only an abridgment of those letters; but they are here given entire, with the remainder of the Memoir as continued by Mr. Cecil to Mr. Newton's death. CONTENTS. MR. NEWTON'S NARRATIVE OF HIMSELF, IN LETTERS TO THE REV. T. HAWIES, PUBLISHED 1764. Leitcr. Page. 1. — Introductory, 5 2. — Early history to the age of 17 — 1742, 14 3. — Acquaintance with Mrs. Newton. — Sails for Ve- nice. — Dream. — Is impressed and put on board a man-of-war. — Infidelity. — Misconduct. — Sufferings— 1743, 1745, 23 4. — Voyages for Madeira and Africa. — Remains in Africa. 40 5. — Sickness and cruel oppression in Africa, 49 6. — Better circumstances in Africa. — Is sent for by his father, and embarks in an English trading ship, Feb. 1747, 58 7, 8, 9. — Trading on the African coast. — Dangerous voyage to England.— Apparent conversion, 1748, 68 to 86 10. — Sails again for Africa as mate.— Sickness.— Stu- dies Latin, 94 11. — Sails for Antigua and Charleston. — Returns to England. — Is married, Feb. 1750. — First voy- age to Africa as captain. — Resumes the study of Latin, but renounces it for the Scrip- tures, 103 CONTENTS. Letter. Page. 12. — Second voyage to Africa, July, 1752. — Religious reflections. — Varied adven tur es. — Studies. — 13. — Third and last voyage to Africa. — Sickness. — Religious experience. — Returns to England, 14. — A fit prevents his return to sea. — Sickness of Mrs. Newton. — Devotions amid rural scenes. Is appointed tide-surveyor. — Residence in Liverpool. — Studies Greek and Hebrew. — Proposes to enter the ministry, but is refused ordination, December, 1758, 129 rev. mr. Cecil's continuation of the memoir. Employment at Liverpool. — Visit to Dr. Young. — Ministerial labors at Olney, where he is ordain- ed, June, 1765. — Acquaintance with John Thorn- ton, Esq. the poet Cowper, and Rev. Thomas Scott. — His publications. — Removal to St. Mary Woolnoth, London, 1779.— His fidelity in the mi- nistry. — Acquaintance with Dr. Buchanan. — Death of his niece. — Sermons on Handel's Messiah. — Death of Mrs. Newton. — Letter to a friend at Rome. — Refusal of the degree of D. D. — Fruitfulness in old age.— Death, Dec. 1807, 138 to 217 Sketch or his character, 218 His remarks in familiar conversation, 230 Return to England, Aug. 1753, 112 Aug. 1754, 120 THE LIFE OF THE REV. JOHN NEWTON. Mr. Newton's Narrative of himself, in Letters to the Rev. T. Hawcis, published in 17C4. LETTER I. Introductory. I make no doubt but you have at times had pleasing reflections upon that promise made to the Israelites, in Deut. 8 : 2. They were then in the wilderness, surrounded with difficulties, which were greatly aggravated by their own dis- trust and perverseness: they had experienced a variety of dispensations, the design of which they could not as yet understand; they frequent- ly lost sight of God's gracious purposes in their favor, and were much discouraged by reason of the way. To compose and animate their minds, Moses here suggests to them that there was a future happy time drawing near, when their jour- ney and warfare should be finished; that they should soon be put in possession of the promis- 1* 6 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. ed land, and have rest from all their fears and troubles ; and then it would give them pleasure to look back upon what they now found so un easy to bear: "Thou shalt remember all the way by which the Lord thy God led thee through this wilderness." But the importance and comfort of these words is still greater, if we consider them, in a spiritual sense, as addressed to all who are pass ing through the wilderness of this world to a heavenly Canaan ; who, by faith in the promises and power of God, are seeking an eternal rest in that kingdom which cannot be shaken. The hope of that glorious inheritance inspires us with some degree of courage and zeal to press forward to the place where Jesus has already entered as our forerunner ; and when our eye is fixed upon him, we are more than conquerors over all that would withstand our progress. But we have not yet attained ; we still feel the infir- mities of a fallen nature : through the remains of ignorance and unbelief we often mistake the Lord's dealings with us, and are ready to com- plain; when, if we knew all, we should rather re- joice. But to us likewise there is a time com- ing when our warfare shall be accomplished, our views enlarged, and our light increased ; then with what transports of adoration and love shall we look back upon the way by which the Lord INTRODUCTORY. 7 led us! -We shall then see and acknowledge that mercy and goodness directed every step ; we shall see, that, what our ignorance once call- ed adversities and evils, were in reality blessings, which we could not have done well without ; that nothing befell us without a cause ; that no trouble came upon us sooner, or pressed on us more heavily, or continued longer than our case required : in a word, that our many afflictions were each in their place among the means em- ployed by divine grace and wisdom, to bring us to the possession of that exceeding and eternal weight of glory which the Lord has prepared for his people. And even in this imperfect state, though we are seldom able to judge aright of our present circumstances, yet if we look upon the years of our past life, and compare the dispensa- tions we have been brought through with the frame of our minds under each successive pe- riod ; if we consider how wonderfully one thing has been connected with another, so that what we now number amongst our great advantages, perhaps, took their first rise from incidents which we thought hardly worth our notice ; and that we have sometimes escaped the greatest dangers that threatened us, not by any wisdom or foresight of our own, but by the intervention of circumstances which we neither desired nor thought of: I say, when we compare and consi- 8 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. der these things by the light afforded us in the Holy Scriptures, we may collect indisputable proof from the narrow circle of our own con- cerns, that the wise and good providence of God watches over his people from the earliest mo- ment of their life ; overrules and guards them through all their Avanderings in a state of igno- rance, and leads them in a way that they know not, till at length his providence and grace con- cur in those events and impressions which bring them to the knowledge of him and themselves. I am persuaded that every believer will, upon due reflection, see enough in his own case to confirm this remark ; but not all in the same de- gree. The outward circumstances of many have been uniform, they have known but little variety in life ; and, with respect to their inward change, it has been effected in a secret way, unnoticed by others, and almost unperceived by them- selves. The Lord has spoken to them, not in thunder and tempest ; but with a still small voice he has drawn them gradually to himself; so that, though they have a happy assurance that they know and love him, and are passed from death unto life, yet of the precise time and manner they can give little account. Others he seems to select in order to show the exceeding riches of his grace, and the greatness of his mighty power : he suffers the natural rebellion and wickedness INTRODUCTORY. 9 of their hearts to have full scope : while sinners of less note are cut off with little warning, these are spared, though sinning with a high hand, and, as it were, studying their own destruction. At length, when all that knew them are perhaps ex- pecting to hear that they are made signal in- stances of divine vengeance, the Lord (whose thoughts are high above ours, as the heavens are higher than the earth) is pleased to pluck them as brands out of the fire, and to make them mo- numents of his mercy, for the encouragement of others: they are, beyond expectation, convinced, pardoned and changed. A case of this sort indicates a divine power no less than the creation of a world : it is evidently the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in the eyes of all those who are not blinded by prejudice and unbelief. Such was the persecuting Saul : his heart was full of enmity against Jesus of JS'azareth, and therefore he persecuted and made havoc of his disciples. He had been a terror to the church of Jerusa- lem, and was going to Damascus with the same views. He was yet breathing out threatening* and slaughter against all that loved the Lord Jesus. He thought little of the mischief he had hitherto done. He was engaged for the suppres- sion of the whole sect ; and hurrying from house 10 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. to house, from place to place, he carried menaces in his look, and repeated threatenings with every breath. Such was his spirit and temper when the Lord Jesus, whom he hated and opposed, checked him in the height of his rage, called this bitter persecutor to the honor of an apostle, and inspired him to preach, with great zeal and earn- estness, that faith which he so lately labored to destroy. Nor are we without remarkable displays of the same sovereign efficacious grace in our own times: I may particularly mention the instance of the late Colonel Gardiner. If any real satis- faction could be found in a sinful course, he would have met with it j for he pursued the ex- periment with all possible advantages. He was habituated to evil ; and many uncommon, almost miraculous, deliverances made no impression upon him. Yet, he likewise was made willing in the day of God's power ; and the bright example of his life, illustrated and diffused by the account of him published since his death, has afforded an occasion of much praise to God, and much com- fort to his people. After the mention of such names, can you per- mit me, sir, to add my own ? If I do, it must be with a very humbling distinction. These once eminent sinners proved eminent christians : much had been forgiven them, they loved much. St. INTRODUCTORY. 11 Paul could say, " The grace bestowed upon rue was not in vain ; for I labored more abundantly than they all." Colonel Gardiner likewise was as a city set upon a hill, a burning and a shining light : the manner of his conversion was hardly more singular than the whole course of his con- versation from that time to his death. Here, alas ! the parallel greatly fails. It has not been thus with me. I must take deserved shame to myself, that I have made very unsuitable returns for what I have received. But, if the question is only con- cerning the patience and long-suffering of God, the wonderful interposition of his providence in favor of an unworthy sinner, the power of his grace in softening the hardest heart, and the riches of his mercy in pardoning the most enor- mous and aggravated transgressions ; in these respects I know no case more extraordinary than my own : and indeed most persons to whom I have related my story have thought it .vorthy of being preserved. I never gave any succinct account, in writing, of the Lord's dealing with me, till very lately : for I was deterred, on the one hand, by the great difficulty of writing properly when self is con- cerned ; on the other, by the ill use which per- sons of corrupt and perverse minds are often known to make of such instances. The Psalmist reminds us, that a reserve in these things is pro- 12 LIFE OP REV. JOHN NEWTON. per, when he says, ff Come and hear, all ye thai fear Goe/, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul j" and our Lord cautions us not to ft cast pearls before swine. 1 ' The pearls of a christian are, perhaps, his choice experiences of the Lord's power and love in the concerns of his soul ; and these should not be at all adven- tures made public, lest we give occasion to earth- ly and grovelling souls to profane what they can- not understand. These were the chief reasons of my backwardness ; but a few weeks since I yielded to the judgment and request of a much- respected friend, and sent him a relation at large, in a series of eight letters. The event has been what I little expected : I wrote to one person ; but my letters have fallen into many hands : amongst others, I find they have reached your notice ; and, instead of blaming me for being too tedious and circumstantial, which w r as the fault I feared I had committed, you are pleased to desire a still more distinct detail. As you and others of my friends apprehend my compliance with this request may be attended with some good effect, may promote the pleasing work of praise to our adorable Ke- deemer, or confirm the faith of some or other of his people, I am willing to obey : I give up my own reasonings upon the inexpediency of so in- considerable a person as myself adventuring in so public a point of view. If God may be glori- IATKODUCTOKV. 13 tied on my behalf, and his children in any mea- sure comforted or instructed by what I have to declare of his goodness, 1 shall be satisfied ; and am content to leave all other possible conse- quences of this undertaking in his hands who does all things well. I must again have recourse to my memory, as I retained no copies of the letters you saw. So far as I can recollect, what I then wrote I will relate 5 but shall not affect a needless variety of phrase and manner, merely because those have been already perused by many. I may, perhaps, in some places, when repeating the same facts, express myself in nearly the same words ; yet I propose, according to desire, to make this rela- tion more explicit and particular than the former ; especially towards the close, which I wound up hastily, lest my friend should be wearied. I hope you will likewise excuse me, if I do not strictly confine myself to narration, but now and then intersperse such reflections as may offer while I am writing ; and though you have signified your intentions of communicating what I send you to others, I must not, on this account, affect a con- ciseness and correctness, which is not my natural talent, lest the whole should appear dry and con- strained. I shall, therefore, if possible, think only of you, and write with that confidence and free- dom which your friendship and candor deserve. Newtou. 2 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. This sheet may stand as a preface ; and I pur- pose, as far as I can, to intermit many other en- gagements, until I have completed the task you have assigned me. In the meantime I entreat the assistance of your prayers, that in this, and all my poor attempts, I may have a single eye to His glory who was pleased to call me out of hor- rid darkness into the marvellous light of his Gospel. LETTER II. Early History to the Age of 17. — A. D. 1742. I can sometimes feel a pleasure in repeating the grateful acknowledgment of David, ff O Lord, I am thy servant, the son of thine handmaid ; thou hast loosed my bonds." The tender mercies of God toward me were manifested in the first mo- ment of my life. I was born, as it were, in his house. My mother (as I have heard from many) was a pious, experienced christian : she was a dissenter, in communion with the late Dr. Jen- nings. I was her only child ; and as she was of a weak constitution, and a retired temper, almost her EARLY LIFE. 15 whole employment was the care of my education. I have some faint remembrance of her care and instructions. At a time when I could not be more than three years of age, she herself taught me English ; and with so much success, (as I had something of a forward turn,) that when I was four years old I could read with propriety in any common book that offered. She stored my memo- ry, which was then very retentive, with many valuable pieces, chapters and portions of Scrip- ture, catechisms, hymns and poems. My temper at that time seemed quite suitable to her wishes ; I had little inclination to the noisy sports of chil- dren, and was best pleased when in her company, and always as willing to learn as she was to teach me. How far the best education may fall short of reaching the heart, will strongly appear in the sequel of my history : yet I think, for the encou- ragement of pious parents to go on in the good way of doing their part faithfully to form their children's minds, I may properly propose myself as an instance. Though in process of time I sin- ned away all the advantages of these early im- pressions, yet they were for a great while a re- straint upon me ; they returned again and again, and it was very long before I could wholly shake them off* ; and when the Lord at length opened my eyes I found a great benefit from the recollec- tion of them. Further, my dear mother, besides 16 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. the pains she took with me, often commended me, with many prayers and tears to God ; and I doubt not but I reap the fruits of these prayers to this hour. My mother observed my early progress with peculiar pleasure, and intended, from the first, to bring me up with a view to the ministry, if it should please God to convert me by his grace, and incline my heart to the work. In my sixth year I began to learn Latin ; but before I had time to know much about it, the intended plan of my education was broken short. The Lord's designs were far beyond the views of an earthly parent : he was pleased to reserve me for unusual proof of his patience, providence and grace ; and therefore overruled the purpose of my friends, by depriving me of this excellent parent when I was something under seven years old. I was bom the 24th of July, 1725, and she died the 11th of that month, 1732. My father was then at sea : (he was a com- mander in the Mediterranean trade at that time :) he came home the following year, and soon after married again. Thus I passed into different hands. I was well treated in all other respects ; but the loss of my mother's instructions was not repair- ed. I was now permitted to mingle with careless and profane children, and soon began to learn their ways. Soon after my father's marriage I was EARLY LIFE. 17 sent to a boarding-school in Essex, where the im- prudent severity of the master almost broke my spirit and relish for books. With him I forgot the first principles and rules of arithmetic, which my mother had taught me years before. I staid there two years : in the last of the two, a new usher coming, who observed and suited my temper, I took to the Latin with great eagerness ; so that before I was ten years old I reached and main- tained the first post in the second class, which in that school read Tully and Virgil. I believe I was pushed forward too fast, and therefore, not being grounded, I soon lost all I had learned ; (for I left school in my tenth year ;) and when I long after- ward undertook the Latin language from books, I think I had little, if any, advantage from what I had learned before. My father's second marriage was from a family in Essex ; and when I was eleven years old he took me with him to sea. He was a man of re- markable good sense, and great knowledge of the world ; he took great care of my morals, but could not supply my mother's part. Having been educated himself in Spain, he always observed an air of distance and severity in his carriage, which overawed and discouraged my spirit. I was al- ways in fear when before him, and therefore he had the less influence. From that time to the year 1742, 1 made several voyages ; but with con- 18 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. siderable intervals between ; which were chiefly- spent in the country, excepting a few months in my fifteenth year, when I was placed upon a very advantageous prospect at Alicant in Spain. But my unsettled behavior, and impatience of re- straint, rendered that design abortive.* In this period my temper and conduct were exceedingly various. At school, or soon after, I had little concern about religion, and easily re- ceived very ill impressions. But I was often dis- turbed with convictions. I was fond of reading, from a child. Among other books, Bennefs Chris- tian Oratory often came in my way ; and though I understood but little of it, the course of life therein recommended appeared very desirable, and I was inclined to attempt it. I began to pray, to read the Scripture, and keep a sort of diary. I was presently religious in my own eyes ; but, alas! this seeming goodness had no solid founda- tion, but passed away like a morning cloud, or the early dew. I was soon weary, gradually gave it up, and became worse than before. Instead of prayer, I learned to curse and blaspheme, and was exceedingly wicked when not under my pa- * Mr. Newton elsewhere states that he went aboard his father's ship the day he was eleven years old, and made five voyages with him to the Mediterranean. His father left the sea in 1742, and in 1748 went as Governor of York Fort, in Hudson's Bay, where he died in the year 1750, EARLY LIFE. 19 rent's view. All this was before I was twelve years old. About this time I had a dangerous fall from a horse : I was thrown, I believe, within a few inches of a hedge-row newly cut down. I got no hurt ; but could not avoid taking notice' of a gra- cious providence in my deliverance ; for had I fallen upon the stakes, I had inevitably been killed. My conscience suggested to me the dreadful conse- quences, if, in such a state I had been summoned to appear before God. I presently broke off from my profane practices, and appeared quite altered. But it was not long before I declined again. These struggles between sin and conscience were often repeated ; but the consequence was, that every relapse sunk me into still greater depths of wick- edness. I was once roused by the loss of an in- timate companion. We had agreed to go on board a man-of-war ; (I think it was on the Sabbath ;) but I providentially came too late ; the boat was overset, and he and several others were drowned. I was invited to the funeral of my play-fellow, and was exceedingly affected, to think that by a delay of a few minutes (which had much dis- pleased and angered me till I saw the event) my life had been preserved. However, this likewise was soon forgot. At another time, the perusal of the Family Instructor put me upon a partial and transient reformation. In brief, though I cannot distinctly relate particulars, I think I took up and 20 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. laid aside a religious profession three or four dif- ferent times before I was sixteen years of age ; but all this while my heart was insincere. I often saw the necessity of religion as a means of escap- ing hell; but I loved sin, and was unwilling to forsake it. Instances of this, I can remember, were frequent. In the midst of all my forms, I was so strangely blind and stupid, that sometimes when I have been determined upon things which I knew were sinful, and contrary to my duty, I could not go on quietly till I had first despatched my ordinary task of prayer, in which I have grudged every moment of my time ; and when this was finished, my conscience was in some measure pacified and I could rush into folly with little remorse. My last reform was the most remarkable, both for degree and continuance. Of this period, at least of some part of it, I may say in the apos- tle's words, " After the straitest of our religion, I lived a Pharisee." I did every thing that might be expected from a person entirely ignorant of God's righteousness, and desirous to establish his own. I spent the greatest part of every day in reading the Scriptures, meditation and prayer. I fasted often ; I even abstained from all animal food for three months ; I would hardly answer a question for fear of speaking an idle word. I seemed to bemoan my former miscarriages very EARLY LIFE. 21 earnestly, sometimes with tears. In short, I be- came an ascetic, and endeavored, so far as my situation would permit, to renounce society, that I might avoid temptation. I continued in this se- rious mood (I cannot give it a higher title) for more than two years without any considerable breaking off : but it was a poor religion ; it left me, in many respects, under the power of sin ; and, so far as it prevailed, only tended to make me gloomy, stupid, unsociable and useless. Such was the frame of my mind when I became acquainted with a work of Lord Shaftesbury's. I saw the second volume of his Characteristics in a petty shop at Middleburg, in Holland. The title allured me to buy it, and the style and manner gave me great pleasure in reading, especially the second piece, which his lordship, with great pro- priety, has entitled A Rhapsody. Nothing could be more suited to the romantic turn of my mind than the address of this pompous declamation. Of the design and tendency I was not aware: I thought the author a most religious person, and that I had only to follow him and be happy. Thus, with fine words and fair speeches, my simple heart was beguiled. This book was always in my hand : I read it till I could very nearly repeat the Rhapsody, word for word, from beginning to end. No immediate effect followed ; but it operated like a slow poison, and prepared the way f< r all that followed. 22 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. This letter brings my history down to Decem- ber, 1742. I was then lately returned from a voy- age ; and my father not intending me for the sea again, was thinking how to settle me in the world : but I had little life or spirit for business ; I knew but little of men and things. I was fond of a vi- sionary scheme of a contemplative life, a medley of religion, philosophy and indolence j and was quite averse to the thoughts of an industrious ap- plication to business. At length a merchant in Liverpool, an intimate friend of my father's, (to whom, as the instrument of God's goodness, I have since been chiefly indebted for all my earth- ly comforts,) proposed to send me for some years to Jamaica, and to charge himself with the care of my future fortune. I consented to this; and every thing was prepared for my voyage. I was upon the point of setting out the following week. In the meantime my father sent me on some bu- siness to a place a few miles beyond Maidstone, in Kent ; and this little journey, which was to have been only for three or four days, occasioned a sudden and remarkable turn, which roused me from the habitual indolence I had contracted, and gave rise to the series of uncommon dispensa- tions of which you desire a more particular ac- count. So true it is, that "the way of man is not in himself ; it is not in man that walketh to di- rect his steps." ACQUAINTANCE WITH MRS. NEWTON. 23 LETTER III. Acquaintance with Mrs. Sewton, — Voyage to Venice. — Im- pressed for a Man-of-War.— 1743 to 1745. A few days before my intended journey into Kent, I received an invitation to visit a family in that country. They were distant relations, but very intimate friends of my dear mother. She died in their house ; but a coolness took place upon my father's second marriage, and I had heard nothing of them for many years. As my road lay within half a mile of their house, I ob- tained my father's leave to call on them. I was, however, very indifferent about it, and some- times thought of passing on : however, I went. I was known at first sight, before I could tell my name, and met with the kindest reception, as the child of a dear deceased friend. My friends had two daughters. The eldest (as I understood some years afterward) had been often consider- ed by her mother and mine as a future wife for me from the time of her birth. I know, indeed, that intimate friends frequently amuse them- selves with such distant prospects for their chil- 2* LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. dren, and that they miscarry much oftener than succeed. I do not say that my mother predicted what was to happen, yet there was something remarkable in the manner of its taking place. All intercourse between the families had been long broken off; I was going into a foreign country, and only called to pay a hasty visit ; and this I should not have thought of, but for a message received just at that crisis, for I had not been invited at any time before. Thus the circumstances were precarious in the highest degree, and the event was as extraordinary. Al- most at the first sight of this girl (for she was then under fourteen) I was impressed with an affection for her which never abated or lost its influence a single moment in my heart from that hour. In degree, it actually equalled all that the -writers of romance have imagined ; in duration it was unalterable. I soon lost all sense of reli- gion, and became deaf to the remonstrances of conscience and prudence; but my regard for her was always the same ; and I may perhaps ven- ture to say, that none of the scenes of misery and wickedness I afterward experienced, ever banished her a single hour together from my waking thoughts, for the seven following years. Give me leave, sir, to reflect a little upon this unexpected incident, and to consider its influ- ence upon my future life, and how far it was ACQUAINTANCE WITH MRS. NEWTON. 25 subservient to the views of Divine Providence concerning me ; which seem to have been two- fold ; that by being given up for a while to the consequences of my own wilfulness, and after- ward reclaimed by a high hand, my case, so far as it should be known, might be both a warning and an encouragement to others. In the first place, hardly any thing less than this violent and commanding passion would have been sufficient to awaken me from the dull me- lancholy habit I had contracted. I was almost a misanthrope, notwithstanding I so much admired the pictures of virtue and benevolence, as drawn by Lord Shaftesbury ; but now my reluctance to active life was overpowered at once, and I was willing to be or to do any thing which might sub- serve the accomplishment of my wishes at some future time. Farther, when I afterward made shipwreck of faith, hope and conscience, my love to this per- son was the only remaining principle which in any degree supplied their place ; and the bare possibility of seeing her again was the only pre- sent and obvious means of restraining me from the most horrid designs against myself and others. But then the ill effects it brought upon me counterbalanced these advantages. The interval usually styled the time of courtship, is indeed a Newton. g 26 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. pleasing part of life, where there is a mutual af- fection, the consent of friends, a reasonable pros- pect as to settlement, and the whole is conduct- ed in a prudential manner, and in subordination to the will and fear of God. When things are thus situated, it is a blessing to be susceptive of the tender passions. But when these concomi- tants are wanting, what we call /ot'e, is the most tormenting passion in itself, and the most de- structive in its consequences that can be named. And they were all wanting in my case. I durst not mention it to her friends, or to my own, nor indeed, for a considerable time, to herself, as I could make no proposals : it remained as a dark fire, locked up in my own breast, which gave me constant uneasiness. By introducing an idola- trous regard to a creature, it greatly weakened my sense of religion, and made farther way for the entrance of infidel principles ; and though it i seemed to promise great things as an incentive \^to diligence and activity in life, in reality it per- formed nothing. I often formed mighty projects in my mind of what 1 would willingly do or suf- fer for the sake of her I loved ; yet while I could have her company I was incapable of forcing myself away to improve opportunities that offer- ed. Still less could it do in regulating my con- duct. It did not prevent me from engaging in a long train of excess and riot, utterly unworthy ACQUAINTANCE WITH MRS. NEWTON. 27 the honorable pretensions I had formed. And though, through the wonderful interposition of Divine goodness, the maze of my follies was at length unravelled, and my wishes crowned in such a manner as overpaid my sufferings, yet I am sure I would not go through the same series of trouble again to possess all the treasures of both the Indies. I have enlarged more than I in- tended on this point, as perhaps these papers may be useful to caution others against indulg- ing an ungovernable passion, by my painful ex- perience. How often may such headstrong vota- ries be said u to sow the wind, and to reap the whirlwind !" My heart being now fixed and riveted to a par- ticular object, I considered every thing I was concerned with in a new light. I concluded it would be absolutely impossible to live at such a distance as Jamaica, for a term of four or five years ; and therefore determined, at all events, that I would not go. I could not bear either to acquaint my father with the true reason, or to invent a false one ; therefore, without taking any notice to him why I did so, I stayed three weeks, instead of three days, in Kent, till I thought (as it proved) the opportunity would be lost, and the ships sailed. I then returned to London. I had highly displeased my father by this disobedience ; but he was more easily reconciled than I could 28 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. have expected. In a little time I sailed with a friend of his to Venice. In this voyage I was exposed to the company and ill-example of the common sailors, among whom I ranked. Impor- tunity and opportunity presenting every day, I once more began to relax from the sobriety and order which I had observed, in some degree, for more than two years. I was sometimes pierced with sharp convictions ; but though I made a few faint efforts to stop, I at no time recovered from this declension, as I had done from several be- fore : I did not indeed, as yet, turn out profli- gate: but I was making large strides toward a total apostacy from God. The most remarkable check and alarm I received (and, for what I know, the last) was by a dream, which made a very strong, though not abiding impression upon my mind. The consideration of whom I am writing to, renders it needless for me either to enter upon a discussion of the nature of dreams in general, or to make an apology for recording my own. Those who acknowledge Scripture will allow that there have been monitory and supernatural dreams, evident communications from heaven, either directing or foretelling future events: and those who are acquainted with the history and experience of the people of God, are well assured that such intimations have not been totally with- VOYAGE TO VENICE. 29 held in any period down to the present times. Reason, far from contradicting this supposition, strongly pleads for it, where the process of rea- soning is rightly understood and carefully pur- sued. So that a late eminent writer, who I pre- sume is not generally charged with enthusiasm, undertakes to prove that the phenomenon of dreaming is inexplicable at least, if not absolute- ly impossible, without taking in the agency and intervention of spiritual beings, to us invisible. For my own part, I can say, without scruple, M The dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure." I am sure I dreamed to the fol- lowing effect ; and I cannot doubt, from what I have seen since, that it had a direct and easy application to my own circumstances, to the dangers in which I was about to plunge myself, and to the unmerited deliverance and mercy which God would be pleased to afford me in the time of my distress. Though I have written out a relation of this dream more than once for others, it has happen- ed that I never reserved a copy ; but the prin- cipal incidents are so deeply engraven on my memory, that I believe I am not liable to any considerable variation in repeating the account. The scene presented to my imagination was the harbor of Venice, where we had lately been. I thought it was night, and my watch upon the 3* 30 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. deck ; and that, as I was walking to and fro by myself, a person came to me, (I do not remem- ber from whence,) and brought me a ring, with an express charge to keep it carefully : assuring me, that while I preserved that ring I should be • happy and successful ; but if I lost or parted with it, I must expect nothing but trouble and misery. I accepted the present and the terms willingly, not in the least doubting my own care to preserve it, and highly satisfied to have my happiness in my own keeping. I was engaged in these thoughts, when a second person came to me, and observing the ring on my finger, took occasion to ask me some questions concerning it. I readily told him its virtues ; and his answer expressed a surprise at my weakness, in expect- ing such effects from a ring. I think he reason- ed with me some time upon the impossibility of the thing; and at length UTged me, in direct terms, to throw it away. At first I was shocked at the proposal ; but his insinuations prevailed. I began to reason and doubt myself ; and at last plucked it off my finger, and dropped it over the ship's side into the water; which it had no sooner touched, than I saw, the same instant, a terrible fire burst out from a range of the mountains, (a part of the Alps,) which appeared at some dis- tance behind the city of Venice. I saw the hills as distinct as if awake, and they were all in VOYAGE TO VENICE. 31 flames. I perceived, too late, my folly > and my tempter, with an air of insult, informed me, that all the mercy God had in reserve for me was comprised in that ring which I had wilfully thrown away. I understood that I must now go with him to the burning mountains, and that all the flames I saw were kindled upon my account. I trembled, and was in a great agony ; so that it was surprising I did not then awake: but my dream continued ; and when I thought myself upon the point of a constrained departure, and stood, self-condemned, without plea or hope, suddenly, either a third person, or the same who brought the ring at first, came to me, (I am not certain which,) and demanded the cause of my grief. I told him the plain case, confessing that I had ruined myself wilfully, and deserved no pity. He blamed my rashness, and asked if I should be wiser supposing I had my ring again 1 I could hardly answer to this ; for I thought it was gone beyond recall. I believe, indeed, I had not time to answer, before I saw this unexpected friend go down under the water, just in the spot where I had dropped it ; and he soon returned, bringing the ring with him. The moment he came on board the flames in the mountains were extinguished, and my seducer left me. Then was ff the prey taken from the hand of the mighty, and the lawful captive delivered/' My fears 32 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. were at an end, and with joy and gratitude I ap- proached my kind deliverer to receive the ring again; but he refused to return it, and spoke to this effect : If you should be intrusted with this ring again, you would very soon bring yourself into the same distress: you are not able to keep it j but I will preserve it for you, and, whenever it is needful, will produce it in your behalf." Upon this I awoke in a state of mind not easy to be described : I could hardly eat, or sleep, or transact my necessary business, for two or three days. But the impression soon wore off, and in a little time I totally forgot it ; and I think it hardly occurred to my mind again till several years afterward. It will appear, in the course of these papers, that a time came when I found myself in circumstances very nearly resembling those suggested by this extraordinary dream, when I stood helpless and hopeless upon the brink of an awful eternity ; and I doubt not that, had the eyes of my mind been then opened, I should have seen my grand enemy, who had se- duced me wilfully to renounce and cast away my religious profession, and to involve myself in the most complicated crimes, pleased with my ago- nies, and waiting for a permission to seize and bear away my soul to his place of torment. 1 should, perhaps, have seen likewise, that Jesus, whom I had persecuted and defied, rebuking the VOYAGE TO VENICE. 33 adversary, challenging me for his own, as a brand plucked out of the fire, and saying, " Deliver him from going down to the pit : I have found a ran- som." However, though I saw not these things, I found the benefit : I obtained mercy. The Lord answered for me in the day of my distress ; and blessed be his name, he who restored the ring, (or what was signified by it,) vouchsafes to keep it. 0 what an unspeakable comfort is this, that I am not in my own keeping ! — " The Lord is my Shepherd." I have been enabled to trust my all in his hands ; and I know in whom I have be- lieved. Satan still desires to have me, that he might sift me as wheat ; but my Savior has pray- ed for me, that my faith may not fail. Here is my security and power; a bulwark against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. But for this, many a time and often (if possible) I should have ruined myself since my first deliverance ; nay, I should fall, and stumble, and perish still, after all that the Lord has done for me, if his faithfulness were not engaged in my behalf, to be my sun and shield even unto death. " Bless the Lord, O my soul." Nothing very remarkable occurred in the fol- lowing part of that voyage. I returned home in December, 1743, and soon after repeated my visit to Kent, where I protracted my stay in the same imprudent manner I had done before ; 34 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. which again disappointed my father's designs in my favor, and almost provoked him to disown me. Before any thing suitable offered again, I was impressed, (owing entirely to my own thoughtless conduct, which was all of a piece,) and put on board a tender : it was at a critical iuncture, when the French fleets were hovering upon our coast, so that my father was unable to procure my release. In a few days I was sent on board the Harwich man-of-war, at the Nore : I entered here upon quite a new scene of life, and endured much hardship for about a month. My father was then willing that I should remain in the navy, as a war was daily expected, and pro- cured me a recommendation to the captain, who took me upon the quarter-deck as a midshipman. I had now an easy life as to externals, and might have gained respect ; but my mind was unsettled, and my behavior very indifferent. I here met with companions who completed the ruin of my principles j and though I affected to talk of vir- tue, and was not so outwardly abandoned as afterward, yet my delight and habitual practice was wickedness. My chief intimate was a per- son of exceeding good natural talents and much observation ; he was the greatest master of what is called the free-thinking scheme I remember to have met with, and knew how to insinuate his sentiments in the most plausible way. And his IMPRESSED FOR A MAN-OF-WAR. 35 zeal was equal to his address : he could hardly have labored more in the cause if he had expect- ed to gain heaven by it. Allow me to add, while I think of it, that this man, whom I honored as my master, and whose practice I adopted so eagerly, perished in the same way as I expected to have done. I have been told that he was over- taken in a voyage from Lisbon by a violent storm j the vessel and people escaped, but a great sea broke on board and swept him into eternity. Thus the Lord spares or punishes, ac- cording to his sovereign pleasure ! But to re- turn : I was fond of his company ; and having myself a smattering of books, was eager enough to show my reading. He soon perceived my case, that I had not wholly broken through the restraints of conscience, and therefore did not shock me at first with too broad intimations of his design ; he rather, as I thought, spoke favor- ably of religion ; but when he had gained my confidence he began to speak plainer j and per- ceiving my ignorant attachment to the character- istics, he joined issue with me upon that book, and convinced me that I had never understood it. In a word, he so plied me with objections and arguments that my depraved heart was soon gained, and I entered into his plan with all my spirit. Thus, like an unwary sailor, who quits his port just before a rising storm, I renounced 36 LIKE OF REV. JOHN KEWTOK. the hopes and comforts of the Gospel at the very time when every other comfort was about to fail me. In December, 1744, the Harwich was in the Downs, bound to the East Indies. The captain gave me liberty to go on shore for a day ; but without consulting prudence, or regarding con- sequences, I took horse, and following the dic- tates of my restless passion, I went to take a last leave of her I loved. I had little satisfaction in the interview, as I was sensible that I was taking pains to multiply my own troubles. The short time I could stay passed like a dream ; and on New-Year's day, 1745, I took my leave to return to the ship. The captain was prevailed on to ex- cuse my absence ; but this rash step (especially as it was not the first liberty of the kind I had taken) highly displeased him, and lost me his favor, which I never recovered. At length we sailed from Spithead with a very large fleet. We put into Torbay with a change of wind j but it returning fair again, we sailed the next day. Several of our fleet were lost in attempting to leave that place ; but the following night the whole fleet was greatly endangered upon the coast of Cornwall by a storm from the southward. The darkness of the night, and the number of the vessels, occasioned much confu- sion and damage. Our ship, though several PUNISHED FOR DESERTION. 37 times in imminent danger of being run down by other vessels, escaped unhurt ; but many suffered much, particularly the Admiral. This occasioned our putting back to Plymouth. While we lay at Plymouth I heard that my father, who had interest in some of the ships lately lost, was come down to Torbay. He had a connection at that time with the African Com- pany. I thought if I could get to him, he might easily introduce me into that service, which would be better than pursuing a long, uncertain voyage to the East Indies. It was a maxim with me in those unhappy days, never to deliberate : i the thought hardly occurred to me but I was re- solved to leave the ship at all events ; I did so, : and in the wrongest manner possible. I was sent i one day in the boat to take care that none of the people deserted 5 but I betrayed my trust, and | went off myself. I knew not what road to take, and durst not ask for fear of being suspected ; I yet having some general idea of the country, I i guessed right ; and when I had travelled some j miles, I found, upon inquiry, that I was on the I road to Dartmouth. All went smoothly that day, f and part of the next ; I walked apace, and ex- i pected to have been with my father in about two •j hours, when I was met by a small party of sol- i diers. I could not avoid or deceive them. They i brought me back to Plymouth ; I walked through Newton. 4, 38 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. the streets guarded like a felon. My heart was full of indignation, shame and fear. I was con- fined two days in the guard-house, then sent on board my ship, kept a while in irons, then pub- licly stripped and whipped; after which I was degraded from my office, and all my former com- panions forbidden to show me the least favor, or even to speak to me. As midshipman, I had been entitled to some command, which (being suffi- ciently haughty and vain) I had not been back ward to exert. I was now, in my turn, brought down to a level with the lowest, and exposed to the insults of all. And, as my present situation was uncomfort- able, my future prospects were still worse ; the evils I suffered were likely to grow heavier every day. While my catastrophe was recent, the offi- cers and my quondam brethren were something disposed to screen me from ill -usage j but dur- ing the little time I remained with them after- ward, I found them cool very fast in their endea- vors to protect me. Indeed, they could not avoid it without running a great risk of sharing with me ; for the captain, though in general a humane man, who behaved very well to the ship's com- pany, was almost implacable in his resentment when he had been greatly offended, and took several occasions to show himself so to me ; and the voyage was expected to be (as it proved) PUNISHED FOR DESERTION. 39 for five years. Yet I think nothing I either felt or feared distressed me so much as to see myself thus forcibly torn away from the object of my affections under a great improbability of seeing her again, and a much greater of returning in such a manner as would give me hopes of seeing her mine. Thus I was as miserable on all hands as could well be imagined. My breast was filled Avith the most excruciating passions, eager desire, bitter rage and black despair. Every hour ex- posed me to some new insult and hardship, with no hope of relief or mitigation ; no friend to take my part, or to listen to my complaint. Whether I looked inward or outward, I could perceive nothing but darkness and misery. I think no case, except that of a conscience wounded by the wrath of God, could be more dreadful than mine : I cannot express with what wishfulness and regret I cast my last looks upon the English shore : I kept my eyes fixed upon it till, the ship's distance increasing, it insensibly disap- peared ; and when I could see it no longer I was tempted to throw myself into the sea, which (ac- cording to the wicked system I had adopted) would put a period to all my sorrows at once. But the secret hand of God restrained me. Help me to praise him, dear sir, for his won- derful goodness to the most unworthy of all his creatures. 40 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. LETTER IV. Voyages to Madeira and Africa. Though I desired your instructions as to the manner and extent of these memoirs, I began to write before I received them, and had almost finished the preceding sheet when your favor of the 11th came to hand. I shall find another oc- casion to acknowledge my sense of your kind expressions of friendship, which I pray the Lord I may never give you cause to repent of or with- draw; at present I shall confine myself to what more particularly relates to the task assigned me. I shall obey you, sir, in taking notice of the little incidents you recall to my memory, and of others of the like nature, which, without your direction, I should have thought too trivial, and too much my own to deserve mentioning. When I began the eight letters I intended to say no more of myself than might be necessary to illus- trate the wonders of Divine providence and grace in the leading turns of my life ; but I account your judgment a sufficient warrant for enlarging my plan. Amongst other things, you desired a more ex- VOYAGE TO MADEIRA. 41 plicit account of the state and progress of my courtship, as it is usually phrased. This was the point in which I thought it especially became me to be very brief ; but I submit to you ; and this seems a proper place to resume it, by telling you how it stood at the time of my leaving Eng- land. When my inclinations first discovered themselves, both parties were so young that no one but myself considered it in a serious view. It served for tea-table talk amongst our friends ; and nothing farther was expected from it. But afterward, when my passion seemed to have abid- ing effects, so that in an interval of two years it was not at all abated ; and especially as it occa- sioned me to act without any regard to prudence or interest, or my father's designs ; and as there was a coolness between him and the family, her parents began to consider it as a matter of con- sequence ; and when I took my last leave of them, her mother, at the same time that she expressed the most tender affection for me, as if I had been her own child, told me, that, though she had no objections to make, upon a supposition that at a maturer age there should be a probability of our engaging upon a prudent prospect, yet as things then stood, she thought herself obliged to inter- fere ; and therefore desired I would no more think of returning to their house, unless her daughter was from home, till such time as I could 42 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. either prevail with myself entirely to give up my pretensions, or could assure her that I had my father's express consent to continue them. Much depended on Mrs. N 's part in this affair ; it was something difficult ; but though she was young, gay, and quite unpractised in such mat- ters, she was directed to a happy medium. A positive encouragement, or an absolute refusal, would have been attended with equal, though dif- ferent disadvantages. But without much study- ing about it, I found her always upon her guard : she had penetration to see her absolute power over me, and prudence to make a proper use of it ; she would neither understand my hints, nor give me room to come to a direct explanation. She has said since, that, from the first discovery of my regard, and long before the thought was agreeable to her, she had often an unaccountable impression upon her mind, that sooner or later she should be mine. Upon these terms we parted. I now return to my voyage. During our pas- sage to Madeira I was a prey to the most gloo- my thoughts. Though I had well deserved all I met with, and the captain might have been justified if he had carried his resentment still far- ther ; yet my pride at that time suggested that I had been grossly injured: and this so far wrought upon my wicked heart, that I actually formed designs against his life j and this was one reaso VOYAGE TO MADEIRA. 43 that made me willing to prolong my own. I was sometimes divided between the two, not thinking it practicable to effect both. The Lord had now, to appearance, given me up to judicial hardness ; I was capable of any thing. I had not the least fear of God before my eyes, nor (so far as I re- member) the least sensibility of conscience. I was possessed of so strong a spirit of delusion, that I believed my own lie, and was firmly per- suaded that after death I should cease to be. Yet the Lord preserved me ! Some intervals of sober reflection would at times take place : when I have chosen death rather than life, a ray of hope would come in (though there was little probabi- lity for such a hope) that I should yet see better days ; that I might again return to England, and have my wishes crowned, if I did not wilfully throw myself away. In a word, my love to Mrs. N was now the only restraint I had left. Though I neither feared God nor regarded men, I could not bear that she should think meanly of me when I was dead. As, in the outward con- cerns of life, the weakest means are often em- ployed by Divine Providence to produce great effects, beyond their common influence, (as when a disease, for instance, has been removed by a fright,) so I found it then ; this single thought, which had not restrained me' from a thousand smaller evils, proved my only and effectual bar 44? LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. rier against the greatest and most fatal tempta tions. How long I could have supported this conflict, or what, humanly speaking, would have been the consequences of my continuing in that situation, I cannot say ; but the Lord, whom I little thought of, knew my danger, and was pro- viding for my deliverance. Two things I had determined when at Ply- mouth ; that I would not go to India, and that I would go to Guinea ; and such, indeed, was the Lord's will concerning me ; but they were to be accomplished in his way, and not in my own. We had been now at Madeira some time: the business of the fleet was completed, and we were to sail the following day. On that memorable morning I was late in bed, and had slept longer, but that one of the midshipmen (an old compa- nion) came down, and, between jest and earnest, bade me rise ; and as I did not immediately com ply, he cut down the hammock, or bed, in which I lay ; which forced me to dress myself. I was very angry, but durst not resent it. I was little aware how much his caprice affected me ; and that this person, who had no design in what he did, was the messenger of God's providence. I said little, but went upon deck, where I that mo- ment saw a man putting his clothes into a boat, who told me he was going to leave us. Upon inquiring, I was informed that two men, from a VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 45 Guinea ship which lay near us, had entered on board the Harwich, and that the commodore (Sir George Pocock) had ordered the captain to send two others in their room. My heart instantly burned like fire. I begged the boat might be de- tained a few minutes : I ran to the lieutenants, and entreated them to intercede with the captain that I might be dismissed. Upon this occasion, though I had been formerly upon ill terms with these officers, and had disobliged them all in their turns, they pitied my case, and appeared ready to serve me. The captain, who, when we were at Plymouth, had refused to exchange me, though at the request of Admiral Medly, was now easily prevailed on. I believe, in little more than half an hour from my being asleep in my bed I saw myself discharged, and safe on board another ship. This was one of the many critical turns of my life, in which the Lord was pleased to dis- play his providence and care, by causing many unexpected circumstances to concur in almost an instant of time. These sudden opportunities were several times repeated; each of them brought me into an entire new scene of action, and they were usually delayed to almost the last moment in which they could have taken place. The ship I went on board was bound to Sierra Leone, and the adjacent parts of what is called the Windward Coast of Africa, The commander, 46 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. I found, was acquainted with my father : he re- ceived me very kindly, and made fair professions of assistance, and I believe would have been my friend ; but without making the least advantage of former mistakes and troubles, I pursued the same course ; nay, if possible, I acted much worse. On board the Harwich, though my prin- ciples were totally corrupted, yet, as upon my first going there I was in some degree staid and serious, the remembrance of this made me ashamed of breaking out in that notorious man- ner I could otherwise have indulged. But now, entering amongst strangers, I could appear with- out disguise ; and I well remember, that, while I was passing from the one ship to the other, this was one reason why I rejoiced in the exchange, and one reflection I made upon the occasion, namely, M that I now might be as abandoned as I pleased, without any control;" and from this time 1 was exceedingly vile indeed, little, if any thing, short of that animated description of an almost irrecoverable state, which we have in 2 Peter, 2 : 14. I not only sinned with a high hand my self, but made it my study to tempt and seduce others upon every occasion ; nay, I eagerly sough, occasion, sometimes to my own hazard and hurt One natural consequence of this carriage was, a loss of the favor of my new captain ; not that he was at all religious, or disliked my wickedness VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 47 any further than it affected his interest, but I be- came careless and disobedient : I did not please him, because I did not intend it ; and as he was a man of an odd temper likewise, we the more easily disagreed. Besides, I had a little of that unlucky wit, which can do little more than mul- tiply troubles and enemies to its possessor ; and, upon some imagined affront I made a song, in which I ridiculed his ship, his designs, and his person, and soon taught it to the whole ship r s company. Such was the ungrateful return I made for his offers of friendship and protection. I had mentioned no names ; but the allusion was plain ; and he was no stranger either to the intention or the author. I shall say no more of this part of my story ; let it be buried in eternal silence. But let me not be silent from the praise of that grace which could pardon, that blood which could ex- piate such sins as mine. Yea, " the Ethiopian may change his skin, and the leopard his spots," since I, who was the willing slave of every evil, possessed with a legion of unclean spirits, have been spared, and saved, and changed, to stand as a monument of his almighty power for ever. Thus I went on for about six months, by which time the ship was preparing to leave the coast. A few days before she sailed the captain died. I was not upon much better terms with his mate, who now succeeded to the command, and had, 48 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. upon some occasion, treated me ill. I made no doubt but if I went with him to the West Indies he would put me on board a man-of-war ; and this, from what I had known already, was more dread- ful to me than death. To avoid it, I determined to remain in Africa ; and amused myself with many golden dreams, that here I should find an opportunity of improving my fortune. There are still upon that part of the coast a few white men settled, (and there were many more at the time I was first there,) whose busi- ness it was to purchase slaves, &c. in the rivers and country adjacent, and sell them to the ships at an advanced price. One of these, who at first landed, like myself, in indigent circumstances, had acquired considerable wealth : he had lately been in England, and was returning in the vessel I was in, of which he owned a quarter part. His example impressed me with hopes of the same success ; and, upon condition of entering into his service, I obtained my discharge. I had not the precaution to make any terms, but trusted to his generosity. I received no compensation for my time on board the ship but a bill upon the own- ers in England, which was never paid, for they failed before my return. The day the vessel sail- ed I landed upon the island of Benanoes, with lit- tle more than the clothes upon my back, as if 1 had escaped shipwreck. SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 49 LETTER V. Sickness and Sufferings in Africa. There seems an important instruction, and of frequent use, in these words of our dear Lord, " Mine hour is not yet come." The two follow- ing years, of which I am now to give some ac- count, will seem as an absolute blank in a very short life : but as the Lord's hour of grace was not yet come, I was to have still deeper expe- rience of the dreadful state of the heart of man when left to itself. I have seen frequent cause since to admire the mercy of the Lord, in banish- ing me to those distant parts, and almost exclud- ing me from human society, at a time when I was big with mischief, and, like one infected with a pestilence, was capable of spreading a taint wherever I went. Had my affairs taken a different turn, had I succeeded in my designs, and remain- ed in England, my sad story would probably have been worse. Worse in myself, indeed, I could hardly have been ; but my wickedness would have had a greater scope ; I might have been very hurtful toothers, and multiplied irreparable evils. But the Lord wisely placed me where I could do little harm. The few I had to converse Newton. 5 50 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. with were too much like myself, and I was soon brought into such abject circumstances that I was too low to have any influence. I was rather shun- ned and despised than imitated ; there being few, even of the negroes themselves, (during the first year of my residence among them,) but thought themselves too good to speak to me. I was as yet an " outcast lying in my blood," Ezek. 16 : 6, and, to all appearance, exposed to perish. But the Lord beheld me with mercy. He did not strike me to hell, as I justly deserved ; " he passed by me when I was in my blood, and said unto me, Live." But the appointed time for the manifesta- tion of his love, to cover all my iniquities with the robe of his righteousness, and to admit me to the privileges of his children, was not till long after- ward ; yet even now he bade me live ; and I can only ascribe it to his secret upholding power, that what I suffered in a part of this interval did not bereave me either of my life or senses : yet, as by these sufferings the force of my evil example and inclination was lessened, I have reason to account them amongst my mercies. It may not, perhaps, be amiss to digress for a few lines, and give you a very brief sketch of the geography of the circuit I was now confined to, especially as I may have frequent^casion to re- fer to places I shall now mention ; for my trade afterward, when the Lord gave me to see better SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 51 days, was chiefly to the same places, and with the same persons, where and by whom I had been considered as upon a level with their meanest slaves. From Cape de Verd, the most western point of Africa, to Cape Mount, the whole coast is full of rivers ; the principal are, Gambia, Rio Grande, Sierra Leone, and Sherbro. Of the form- er, as it is well known, and I was never there, I need say nothing. The Rio Grande (like the Nile) divides into many branches near the sea. On the most northerly, called Cackeo, the Portuguese have a settlement. The most southern branch, known by the name of Rio Nuna, is, or then was, I the usual 'boundary of the white men's trade ' northward. Sierra Leone is a mountainous penin- sula, uninhabited, and, I believe, inaccessible, up- t on account of the thick woods, excepting those parts which lie near the water. The river is large and navigable. From hence, about twelve leagues to the south-east, are three contiguous i islands, called the Benanoes, about twenty miles I in circuit ; this was about the centre of the white men's residence. Seven leagues farther, the same way, lie the Plantanes, three small islands, two miles distant from the continent at the point, which forms one side of the Sherbro. This river is more properly a sound, running within a long island, and receiving the confluence of several large rivers, " rivers unknown to song" but far 52 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. more deeply engraven in my remembrance than the Po or Tyber. The southernmost of these has a very peculiar course, almost parallel to the coast ; so that in tracing it a great many leagues upward, it will seldom lead one above three miles, and sometimes not more than half a mile from the sea-shore. Indeed, I know not but that all these rivers may have communications with each other, and with the sea in many places, which I have not remarked. If you cast your eyes upon a large map of Africa while you are reading this, you will have a general idea of the country I was in : for though the maps are very incorrect, most of the places I have mentioned are inserted, and in the same order as I have named them. My new master had formerly resided near Cape Mount, but now he settled at the Plantanes, upon the largest of the three islands. It is a low sandy island, about two miles in circumference, and almost covered with palm-trees. We imme- diately began to build a house, and to enter upon trade. I had now some desire to retrieve my lost time, and to exert diligence in what was be- fore me ; and he was a man with whom I might have lived tolerably well, if he had not been soon influenced against me: but he was much under the direction of a black woman who lived with him as a wife. She was a person of some conse- quence in her own country, and he owed his first SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 53- rise to her interest. This woman (I know not for what reason) was strangely prejudiced against me from the first ; and what made it still worse forme, was a severe fit of illness, which attacked me very soon, before I had opportunity to show what I could or would do in his service. I was sick when he sailed in a shallop to Rio Nuna, and he left me in her hands. At first I was taken some care of ; but a^ I did not recover very soon, she grew weary, and entirely neglected me. I had sometimes not a little difficulty to procure a draught of cold water when burning with a fever. My bed was a mat spread upon a board or chest, and a log of wood my pillow. When my fever left me, and appetite returned, I would gladly have eaten, but there was no one gave unto me. She lived in plenty herself, but hardly a) lowed me sufficient to sustain life, except now and then, when in the highest good humor, she would send me victuals in her own plate after she had dined ; and this (so greatly was my pride humbled) I received with thanks and eagerness, as the most needy beggar does an alms. Once, I well remember, I was called to receive this bounty from her own hand ; but being exceeding weak and feeble, I dropped the plate. Those who live in plenty can hardly conceive how this loss touched me ; but she had the cruelty to laugh at my disappointment ; and, though the table was 5* 54 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. covered with dishes, (for she lived much in the European manner,) she refused to give me any more. My distress has been at times so great as to compel me to go by night and pull up roots in the plantation, (though at the risk of being punished as a thief,) which I have eaten raw upon the spot for fear of discovery. The roots I speak of are very wholesome food when boiled or roast- ed ; but as unfit to be eaten raw, in any quantity, as a potatoe. The consequence of this diet, which, after the first experiment, I always ex- pected, and seldom missed, was the same as if I had taken tartar emetic; so that I have often re- turned as empty as I went ; yet necessity urged me to repeat the trial several times. I have sometimes been relieved by strangers j nay, even by the slaves in the chain, who have secretly brought me victuals (for they durst not be seen to do it) from their own slender pittance. Next to pressing want, nothing sits harder upon the mind than scorn and contempt; and of this, like- wise, I had an abundant measure. When I was very slowly recovering, this woman would some- times pay me a visit, not to pity or relieve, but to insult me. She would call me worthless and indolent, and compel me to walk ; which, when J could hardly do, she would set her attendants to mimic my motion, to clap their hands, laugh, and throw limes at me ; or, if they chose, to SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 55 throw stones ; (as I think was the case once or twice ;) they were not rebuked ; but, in general, though all who depended on her favor must join in her treatment, yet, when she was out of sight I was rather pitied than scorned by the meanest of her slaves. At length my master returned from his voyage. I complained of ill-usage ; but he could not believe me ; and as I did it in her hearing, I fared no better for it. But in his second voyage he took me with him. We did pretty well for awhile, till a brother-trader he met in the river persuaded him that I was unfaithful, and stole his goods in the night, or when he was on shore. This was almost the only vice I could not be justly charged with : the only remains of a good education I could boast of was what is commonly called honesty ; and, as far as he had entrusted me, I had been always faithful ; and though my great distress might, in some mea- sure, have excused me, I never once thought of defrauding him in the smallest matter. However, the charge was believed, and I was condemned without evidence. From that time he likewise used me very hardly: whenever he left the ves- sel I was locked upon deck, with a pint of rice for my day's allowance ; and if he staid longer, I had no relief till his return. Indeed, I believe I should have been nearly starved, but for an op- portunity of catching n>h sometimes. When 56 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. fowls were killed for his own use I seldom was allowed any part but the entrails, to bait my hooks with : and at what we call slack water , that is, about the changing of the tides, when the cur- rent was still, I used generally to fish, (for at other times it was not practicable,) and I very often succeeded. If I saw a fish upon my hook, m y j°y was little less than any other person may have found in the accomplishment of the scheme he had most at heart. Such a fish, hastily broiled, or rather half burnt, without sauce, salt or bread, has afforded me a delicious meal. If I caught none, I might (if I could) sleep away my hunger till the next return of slack water, and then try again. Nor did I suffer less from the inclemency of the weather and the want of clothes. The rainy season was now advanc- ing ; my whole suit was a shirt, a pair of trow- sers, a cotton handkerchief instead of a cap, and a cotton cloth about two yards long, to supply the want of upper garments ; and thus accoutred, I have been exposed for twenty, thirty, perhaps nearly forty hours together, in incessant rains, accompanied with strong gales of wind, without the least shelter, when my master was on shore I feel, to this day, some faint returns of the vio»- lent pains I then contracted. The excessive cold and wet I endured in that voyage, and so soon after I had recovered from a long sickness, quite SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. •57 brokt my constitution and my spirits. The lat- ter were soon restored j but the effects of the former still remain with me as a needful memento of the service and wages of sin. In about two months we returned, and then the rest of the time I remained with him was chiefly spent at the Plantanes, under the same re- jgimen as I have already mentioned. My haughty heart was now brought down ; not to a whole- some repentance, nor to the language of the pro- digal : this was far from me ; but my spirits were sunk ; I lost all resolution, and almost all reflec- tion. I had lost the fierceness which fired me on board the Harwich, and which made me capable of the most desperate attempts; but I was no farther changed than a tiger tamed by hunger ; remove the occasion, and he will be as wild as ever. One thing, though strange, is most true. Though destitute of food and clothing, depress- ed to a degree beyond common wretchedness, I could sometimes collect my mind to mathe matical studies. I had bought Barrow's Euclid at Plymouth ; it was the only volume I brought on shore ; it was always with me, and I used to take it to remote corners of the island, by the sea-side, and drew my diagrams with a long stick upon the sand. Thus I often beguiled my sorrows, and almost forgot my feelings: and thus, 58 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. without any other assistance, I made myself, in a good measure, master of the first six books of Euclid. LETTER VI. Continuance in Africa. — Is sent for by his Father, and em- barks for England, 1747. There is much piety and spirit in the grateful acknowledgment of Jacob, " With my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I am become two bands." These are words which ought to affect me with a peculiar emotion. I remember that some of those mournful days to which my last letter refers, I was busied in planting some lime or lemon-trees. The plants I put in the ground were no longer than a young goose- berry-bush ; my master and his mistress passing by the place, stopped a while to look at me : at last, " Who knows," says he, " who knows, bu^ by the time these trees grow up and bear, yov may go home to England, obtain the command of a ship, and return to reap the fruits of your labors \ We see strange things sometimes hap- CONTINUANCE IN AFRICA. 59 pen." This, as he intended it, was a cutting sar- casm. I believe he thought it full as probable that I should live to be king of Poland. Yet it proved a prediction, and they (one of them at least) lived to see me return from England in the capacity he had mentioned, and pluck some of the first limes from those very trees. How can I proceed in my relation, till I raise a mo- nument to the Divine goodness, by comparing the circumstances in which the Lord has since placed me with what I was at that time ! Had you seen me, sir, then go, pensive and solitary, in the dead of night, to wash my one shirt upon the rocks, and afterward put it on wet, that it might dry upon my back while I slept ; had you seen me so poor a figure, that when a ship's boat came to the island shame often constrained me to hide myself in the woods from the sight of strangers : especially had you known that my conduct, principles and heart were still darker than my outward condition ; how little would you have imagined that one who so fully an- swered to the description of the apostle, ft hate- ful, and hating one another," was reserved to be so peculiar an instance of the providential care and exuberant goodness of God ! There was, at that time, but one earnest desire in my heart, which was not contrary and shocking both to Teligion and reason : that one desire, though my 60 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. vile licentious life rendered me peculiarly un- worthy of success, and though a thousand diffi- culties seemed to render it impossible, the Lord was pleased to gratify. But this favor, though great, and greatly prized, was a small thing, compared to the blessings of his grace : he spared me, to give me ft the knowledge of him- self in the person of Jesus Christ." In love to my soul he delivered me from the pit of corrup- tion, and cast all my aggravated sins behind his back. He brought my feet into the paths of peace. This is, indeed, the chief article, but it is not the whole. When he made me acceptable to himself in the Beloved, he gave me favor in the sight of others. He raised me new friends, protected and guided me through a long series of dangers, and crowned every day with repeat- ed mercies. To him I owe it that I am still alive, and that I am not still living in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and the want of all things : into that state I brought myself ; but it was He who delivered me. He has given me an easy situation in life, some experimental knowledge of his Gospel, a large acquaintance among his people, a friendship and correspond- ence with several of his most honored servants. But it is as difficult to enumerate my present ad- vantages, as it is fully to describe the evils and miseries of the preceding contrast. CONTINUANCE IN AFRICA. 61 I know not exactly how long things continued with me thus, but I believe nearly a twelvemonth. In this interval I wrote two or three times to my father : I gave him an account of my condition, and desired his assistance ; intimating at the same time, that I had resolved not to return to England unless he was pleased to send for me. I have likewise by me letters written to Mrs. N in that dismal period : so that at the low- est ebb, it seems I still retained a hope of seeing her again. My father applied to his friend in Liverpool, of whom I have spoken before ; who gave orders accordingly, to a captain of his who was then fitting out for Gambia and Sierra Leone. Some time within the year, as I have said, I obtained my master's consent to live with an- other trader who dwelt upon the same island. Without his consent I could not be taken; and he was unwilling to do it sooner ; but it was then brought about. This was an alteration much to my advantage : I was soon decently clothed, lived in plenty, was considered as a companion, and trusted with the care of all his domestic effects, which were to the amount of some thousand pounds. This man had several factories and white servants in different places ; particularly one in Kittam, the river I spoke of, which runs so nearly along the sea-cost. I was soon ap- pointed to go there, where I had a share in the Newton. g 62 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. management of business jointly with another of his servants. We lived as we pleased, business flourished, and our employer was satisfied. Here I began to be wretch enough to think myself happy. There is a significant phrase frequently used in those parts, That such a white man has grown black. It does not intend an alteration of complexion, but disposition. I have known se- veral who, settling in Africa after the age of thirty or forty, have, at that time of life, been gradually assimilated to the tempers, customs and ceremonies of the natives, so far as to prefer that country to England : they have even become dupes to all the pretended charms, necromancies, amulets and divinations of the blinded negroes, and put more trust in such things than the wiser sort among the natives. A part of this spirit of infatuation was growing upon me ; (in time, per- haps, I might have yielded to the whole ;) I en- tered into closer engagements with the inhabit- ants ; and should have lived and died a wretch amongst them, if the Lord had not watched over me for good. Not that I had lost those ideas which chiefly engaged my heart to England ; but despair of seeing them accomplished made me willing to remain where I was. I thought I could more easily bear the disappointment in this situation than nearer home. But as soon as I had fixed my connections and plans with these CONTINUANC IN AFRICA. 63 views, the Lord providentially interposed to break them in pieces, and to save me from ruin in spite of myself. In the meantime the ship that had orders to bring me home arrived at Sierra Leone. The captain made inquiry for me there, and at the Benanoes; but understanding that I was at a great distance in the country, he thought no more about me. Without doubt, the hand of God di- rected my being placed at Kittam just at this time ; for, as the ship came no nearer than the Benanoes, and staid but a few days, if I had been at the Plantanes I could not perhaps have heard of her till she had sailed. The same must have certainly been the event had I been sent to any other factory, of which my new master had seve- ral upon different rivers. But though the place I was at was a long way up a river, much more than a hundred miles distance from the Plantanes, yet, by the peculiar situation which I have al- ready noticed, \ was still within a mile of the sea- coast. To make the interposition more remark- able, I was at that very juncture going in quest of trade to a place at some distance directly from the sea ; and should have set out a day or two before, but that we waited for a few articles from the next ship that offered, to complete the assort- ment of goods I was to take with me. We used sometimes to walk on the beach, in expectation 64 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. of seeing a vessel pass by; but this was very pre- carious, as at that time the place was not at all resorted to by ships for trade. Many passed in the night, others kept at a considerable distance from the shore. In a word, I do not know that any one had stopped while I was there, though some had before, upon observing a signal made from the shore. In February, 1747, (I know not the exact day,) my fellow-servant walking down on the beach in the forenoon, saw a vessel sail- ing past, and made a smoke in token of trade. She was already a little beyond the place ; and as the wind was fair the captain was in some de- mur whether to stop or not. However, had my companion been half an hour later she would have been gone beyond recall; but he soon saw her come to an anchor, and went on board in a canoe ; and this proved the very ship I have spoken of. One of the first questions he was asked was concerning me ; and when the captain understood I was so near, he came on shore to deliver his message. Had an invitation from home reached me when I was sick and starving at the Plantanes I should have received it as life from the dead; but now, for the reasons already given, I heard it at first with indifference. The captain, unwilling to lose me, told a story alto- gether of his own framing : he gave me a very plausible account how he had missed a large VOYAGE ON THE AFRICAN COAST. 65 packet of letters and papers which he should have brought with him ; but this he said he was sure of, having had it from my father's own mouth, as well as from his employer, that a per- son lately dead had left me £400 a year; adding further, that if I was any way embarrassed in my circumstances he had express orders to redeem me, though it should cost one half of his cargo. Every particular of this was false ; nor could I myself believe what he said about the estate ; but as I had some expectation from an aged relative, I thought a part of it might be true. But I was not long in suspense ; for though my father's care and desire to see me had too little weight with me, and would have been insufficient to make me quit my retreat ; yet the remembrance of Mrs. N , the hope of seeing her, and the possibili- ty that accepting this offer might once more put me in a way of gaining her hand, prevailed over all other considerations. The captain further promised (and in this he kept his word) that I should lodge in his cabin, dine at his table, and be his constant companion, without expecting any service from me. And thus I was suddenly freed from a captivity of about fifteen months. I had neither a thought nor a desire of this change one hour before it took place. I embarked with him, and in a few hours lost sight of Kittam. How much is their blindness to be pitied who 6* 66 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. can see nothing but chance in events of this sort ! So blind and stupid was I at that time, I made no reflection, I sought no direction in what had happened : like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed, I was governed by present appearances, and looked no farther. But He who is eyes to the blind was leading me in a way that I knew not. Now I am in some measure enlightened, I can easily perceive that it is in the adjustment and concurrence of these seemingly fortuitous cir- cumstances, that the ruling power and wisdom of God is most evidently displayed in human affairs. How many such casual events may we remark in the history of Joseph, which had each a necessary influence on his ensuing promotion! If he had not dreamed, or if he had not told his dream ; if the Midianites had passed by a day sooner, or a day later ; if they had sold him to any person but Potiphar; if his mistress had been a better woman ; if Pharaoh's officers had not displeased their lord ; or if any, or all these things had fallen out in any other manner or time than they did, all that followed had been prevented ; the promises and purposes of God concerning Israel, their bondage, deliverance, polity and settlement, must have failed; and as all these things tended to, and centered in Christ, the promised Savior, the desire of all nations, VOYAGE ON THE AFRICAN COAST. 67 would not have appeared. Mankind had been still in their sins, without hope, and the counsels of God's eternal love in favor of sinners defeat- ed. Thus we may see a connection between Jo- seph's first dream and the death of our Lord Je - sus Christ, with all its glorious consequences. So strong, though secret, is the concatenation between the greatest and the smallest events. What a comfortable thought is this to a believer — to know that, amidst all the various interfering designs of men, the Lord has one constant de- sign which he cannot, will not, miss j namely, his own glory Tn~~fh^rrornptete" salvation of his peo- ple ; and that he is wise, and strong, and faith- ful, to make even those things which seem con- trary to this design, subservient to promote it. You have allowed me to comment upon my own text ; yet the length of this observation may need some apology. 68 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. LETTER VII. Trading on the African coast. — Dangerous voyage for England. The ship I was now on board as a passenger, was on a trading voyage for gold, ivory, dyer's wood and bees-wax. It requires a long time to collect a cargo of this sort. The captain began his trade at Gambia, had been already four or five months in Africa, and continued there a year, or thereabouts, after I was with him ; in which time we ranged the whole coast as far as Cape Lopez, which lies about a degree south of the equinoc- tial, and more than a thousand miles farther from England than the place where I embarked. I have little to offer worthy your notice in the course of this tedious voyage. I had no business to employ my thoughts, but sometimes amused myself with mathematics : excepting this, my life, when awake, was a course of most horrid impiety and profaneness. I know not that I have ever since met so daring a blasphemer : not content with common oaths and imprecations, I daily invented new ones ; so that I was often seriously reproved by the captain, who was him- TRADING ON THE AFRICAN COAST. 69 self a very passionate man, and not at all circum- spect in his expressions. From the relation I at times made him of my past adventures, and what he saw of my conduct, and especially toward the close of the voyage, when he met with many disasters, he would often tell me that, to his grief, he had a Jonah on board j that a curse at- tended me wherever I went ; and that all the troubles he met with in the voyage were owing to his having taken me into the vessel. I shall omit any further particulars, and after mention- ing an instance or two of the Lord's mercy to me while I was thus defying his power and patience, I shall proceed to something more worthy your perusal. Although I lived long in the excess of almost every other extravagance, I never was fond of drinking ; and my father has often been heard to say, that while I avoided drunkenness he should still entertain hopes of my recovery. But some- times I would promote a drinking-bout for the sake of a frolic, as I termed it ) for though I did not love the liquor, I was sold to do iniquity, and delighted in mischief. The last abominable frolic of this sort I engaged in was in the river Gabon : the proposal and expense were my own. Four or five of us one evening sat down upon deck to see who could hold out longest in drink- ing geneva and rum alternately: a large sea- 70 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. shell supplied the place of a glass. I was very unfit for a challenge of this sort j for my head was always incapable of bearing much strong drink. However, I began, and proposed the first toast, which I well remember was some impreca- tion against the person who should start first. This proved to be myself. My brain was soon fired. I arose and danced about the deck like a madman ; and while I was thus diverting my companions my hat went overboard. By the light of the moon I saw the ship's boat, and eagerly threw myself over the side to get into her, that 1 might recover my hat. My sight in that cir- cumstance deceived me ; for the boat was not within my reach, as I thought, but perhaps twenty feet from the ship's side. I was, however, half overboard, and should in one moment more have plunged myself into the water, when some- body caught hold of my clothes behind, and pulled me back. This was an amazing escape ; for I could not swim if I had been sober ; the tide ran very strong ; my companions were too much intoxicated to save me ; and the rest of the ship's company were asleep. So near was I, to all appearance, of perishing in that dreadful con- dition, and sinking into eternity under the weight of my own curse ! Another time, at Cape Lopez, some of us had been in the woods and shot a buffalo, or wild ADVENTURES ON THE AFRICAN COAST. 71 cow ; we brought a part of it on board, and care- fully marked the place (as I thought) where we left the remainder. In the evening we returned to fetch it ; but we set out too late. I undertook to be the guide ; but night coming on before we could reach the place, we lost our way. Some- times we were in swamps, up to the middle in wa- ter ; and when we recovered dry land, we could not tell whether we were walking toward the ship, or wandering farther from her. Every step increased our uncertainty. The night grew dark- er, and we were entangled in inextricable woods, where, perhaps, the foot of man had never trod before. That part of the country is entirely aban- doned to wild beasts, with which it prodigiously abounds. We were, indeed, in a terrible case ; having neither light, food nor arms, and expect- ing a tiger to rush from behind every tree. The stars were clouded, and we had no compass to form a judgment which way we were going. Had things continued thus, we had probably perished ; but as it pleased God, no beast came near us ; md after some hours' perplexity, the moon arose, md pointed out the eastern quarter. It appeared then, as we had expected, that, instead of draw- ing nearer to the sea-side, we had been penetrat- ing into the country ; but by the guidance of the moon we at length came to the water-side, a con- siderable distance from the ship. We got safe 72 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. on board without any other inconvenience than what we suffered from fear and fatigue. These, and many other deliverances, were all at that time entirely lost, upon me. The admoni- tions of conscience, which, from successive re- pulses had grown weaker and weaker, at length entirely ceased ; and for a space of many months, if not for some years, I cannot recollect that I had a single check of that sort. At times I have been visited with sickness, and have believed myself near to death ; but I had not the least concern about the consequences. In a word, I seemed to have every mark of final impenitence and rejec- tion ; neither judgments nor mercies made the least impression on me. At length, our business finished, we left Cape Lopez, and after a few days' stay at the island of Annabona, to lay in provisions, we sailed home- ward, about the beginning of January, 1748. From Annabona to England, without touching at any intermediate port, is a very long navigation, perhaps more than seven thousand miles, if we include the circuit necessary to be made on ac- count of the trade-winds. We sailed first west- ward, till near the coast of Brazil, then northward, to the Banks of Newfoundland, with the usual variations of wind and weather, and without meet ing any thing extraordinary. On these Banks we stopped half a day to fish for cod : this was then VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 73 chiefly for diversion ; we had provisions enough, and little expected those fish (as it afterward proved) w r ould be all we should have to subsist on. We left the Banks March 1, with a hard gale of wind westerly, which pushed us fast home- ward. I should here observe that, with the length of this voyage in a hot climate, the vessel was greatly out of repair, and very unfit to support stormy weather ; the sails and cordage were like- wise very much worn, and many such circum- stances concurred to render what followed more dangerous. I think it was on the *9th of March, the day before our catastrophe, that I felt a thought pass through my mind which I had long been a stranger to. Among the few books we had on board, one was Stanhope's Thomas a Kempis : I carelessly took it up, as I had often done before, to pass away the time j but I had still read it with the same indifference as if it w r as entirely a ro- mance. However, while I was reading this time, an involuntary suggestion arose in my mind, What if these things should be true \ I could not bear the force of the inference, as it related to myself, and therefore shut the book presently. My conscience witnessed against me once more ; and I concluded that, true or false, I must abide the consequences of my own choice. I put an ab- rupt end to these reflections by joining in with some vain conversation or other that came in the way. Newton. 7 A 74) LIFE OF KEV. JOHN NEWTON. But now the Lord's time was come, and the con- viction I was so unwilling to receive was deeply impressed upon me by an awful dispensation. I went to bed that night in my usual security and indifference, but was awakened from a sound sleep by the force of a violent sea which broke on board us. So much of it came down below as filled the cabin I lay in with water. This alarm was followed by a cry from the deck that the ship was going down, or sinking. As soon as I could recover myself I essayed to go upon deck ; but was met upon the ladder by the captain, who desired me to bring a knife with me. While I re- turned for the knife another person went up in my room, who was instantly washed overboard. We had no leisure to lament him; nor did we expect to survive him long; for we soon found the ship was filling with water very fast. The sea had torn away the upper timbers on one side, and made the ship a mere wreck in a few mi- nutes. I shall not affect to describe this disaster in the marine dialect, which would be understood by few; and therefore I can give you but a very inadequate idea of it. Taking in all circumstances, it was astonishing, and almost miraculous, that any of us survived to relate the story. We had im- mediately recourse to the pumps ; but the water increased against all our efforts: some of us were set to bailing in another part of the vessel, that VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 73 is, to lade it out with buckets and pails. We had but eleven or twelve people to sustain this service; and, notwithstanding all we could do, she was full, or very near it : and then, with a common cargo, she must have sunk of course ; but we had a great quantity of beeswax and wood on board, which were specifically lighter than the water; and as it pleased God that we received this shock in the very crisis of the gale, toward morning we were enabled to employ some means for our safety, which succeeded beyond hope. In about an hour's time the day began to break, and the wind abated. We expended most of our clothes and bedding to stop the leaks; (though the weather was exceedingly cold, especially to us who had so lately left a hot climate ;) over these we nailed pieces of boards, and at last per- ceived the water abate. At the beginning of this hurry I was little affected. I pumped hard, and en- deavored to animate myself and my companions. I told one of them that in a few days this distress would serve' us to talk of over a glass of wine : but he beinGf a less hardened sinner than myself, replied with tears, fr Xo, it is too late now." 1 About nine o'clock, being almost spent with cold and labor, I went to speak with the captain, who was busied elsewhere ; and just as I was return- ing from him, I said, almost without any mean- ing, " If this will not do, the Lord have mercy on 76 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. us." This (though spoken with little reflection) was the first desire I had breathed for mercy for the space of many years. 1 was instantly struck with my own words, and as Jehu said once, What hast thou to do with peace? so it directly occurred, What mercy can there be for me? I was obliged to return to the pump, and there I continued till noon, almost every passing wave breaking over my head; but we made ourselves fast with ropes that we might not be washed away. Indeed, »' expected that every time the vessel descended in the sea, she would rise no more ; and though I dreaded death now, and my heart foreboded the worst, if the Scriptures, which I had long since opposed, were indeed true, yet still I was but half-convinced, and remained for a space of time in a sullen frame, a mixture of despair and impa- tienee. I thought if the christian religion were true I could not be forgiven ; and was therefore expecting, and almost, at times wishing, to know the worst of it. VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 77 LETTER VIII. Voyage for England continued. — His infidelity renounced* The 10th (that is, in the present style, the 2 1st) of March is a day much to be remembered by me ; and I have never suffered it to pass wholly unnoticed since the year 174-8 : on that day the Lord sent from on high and delivered me out of deep waters. I continued at the pump from three in the morning till near noon, and then • I could do no more. I went and lay down upon my bed, uncertain, and almost indifferent whe- ther I should rise again. In an hour's time I was called; and not being able to pump, I went to the helm and steered the ship till midnight, ex- cepting a short interval for refreshment. I had here leisure and convenient opportunity for re- flection. I began to think of my former religious professions ; the extraordinary turns in my life ; [he calls, warnings and deliverances I had met with ; the licentious course of my conversation, particularly my unparalleled effrontery in making [the gospel-history (which I could not then be sure was false, though I was not as yet assured I it was true) the constant subject of profane ridi- cule. I thought, allowing the Scripture premises, 78 LIFE OP REV. JOHN NEWTON. there never was, nor could be, such a sinner as myself ; and then, comparing the advantages I had broken through, I concluded, at first, that my sins were too great to be forgiven. The Scrip- ture likewise seemed to say the same ; for I had formerly been well acquainted with the Bible, and many passages, upon this occasion, returne/ upon my memory, particularly those awful pas sages, Prov. 1 : 24-31 ; Heb. 6:4-6; and 2 Pet 2 : 20, which seemed so exactly to suit my case and character as to bring with them a presump- tive proof of a divine original. Thus, as I have said, I waited with fear and impatience to receive my inevitable doom. Yet though I had thoughts of this kind, they were exceedingly faint and dis- proportionate ; it was not till long after, (perhaps several years,) till I had gained some clear views of the infinite righteousness and grace of Jesus Christ my Lord, that I had a deep and strong ap- prehension of my state by nature and practice: and perhaps till then I could not have borne the sight. So wonderfully does the Lord proportion the discoveries of sin and grace ; for he knows our frame, and that if he were to put forth the greatness of his power, a poor sinner would be instantly overwhelmed, and crushed as a moth. But to return : when I saw, beyond all probabi- lity, there was still a hope of respite, and heard, about six in the evening, that the ship was freed VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 79 from water, there arose a gleam of hope ; I thought I saw the hand of God displayed in our favor: I began to pray. I could not utter the prayer of faith: I could not draw near to a re- conciled God, and call him Father. My prayer was like the cry of the ravens, which yet the Lord does not disdain to hear. I now began to think of that Jesus whom I had so often derided ; I recollected the particulars of his life, and of his death: a death for sins not his own, but, as I remembered, for the sake of those who in their distress should put their trust in him. And now ' I chiefly wanted evidence. The comfortless prin- ciples of infidelity were deeply riveted, and I rather wished tftan believed these things were real facts. You will please to observe, sir, that I collect the strain of the reasonings and exer- cises of my mind in one view ; but I do not say that all this passed at one time. The great question now was, how to obtain faith ? I speak not of an appropriating faith, (of which I then knew neither the nature nor necessity,) but how I should gain an assurance that the Scriptures were of divine inspiration, and a sufficient war- rant for the exercise of trust and hope in God. One of the first helps I received (in consequence of a determination to examine the New Testa- ment more carefully) was from Luke, 11 : 13. I had been sensible that to profess faith in Jesus so LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. Christ, when in reality I did not believe his histo- ry, was no better than a mockery of the heart- searching God ; but here I found a Spirit spoken of, which was to be communicated to those who ask it. Upon this I reasoned thus: If this book is true, the promise in this passage is true like- wise : I have need of that very Spirit by which the whole was written, in order to understand it aright. He has engaged here to give that Spi- rit to those who ask. I must, therefore, pray for it ; and if it is of God, he will make good his own word. My purposes were strengthened by John, 7 : 17. I concluded from thence, that though I could not say from my heart that I believed the Gospel, yet I would for the present take it for granted, and that by studying it in this light I should be more and more confirmed in it. If what I am writing could be perused by our modern infidels, they would say (for I too well know their manner) that I was very de- sirous to persuade myself into this opinion. I confess I was ; and so would they be, if the Lord should show them, as he was pleased to show me at that time, the absolute necessity of some expedient to interpose between a righteous God and a sinful soul. Upon the Gospel-scheme I saw at least a peradventure of hope, but on every other side I was surrounded with black, unfathomable despair. VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. SI The wind was now moderate, but continued fair, and we were still drawing nearer to our port. We began to recover from our conster- nation, though we were greatly alarmed by our circumstances. We found that the water hav- ing floated all our moveables in the hold, all the casks of provision had been beaten to pieces by the violent motion of the ship ; on the other hand, our live stock, such as pigs, sheep and poul- try, had been washed overboard in the storm. In effect, all the provisions we saved, except the fish I mentioned, and some food of the pulse kind, which used to be given to the hogs, (and there was but little of this left,) all our other pro- visions would have subsisted us but a week at scanty allowance. The sails, too, were mostly blown away, so that we advanced but slowly even while the wind was fair. We imagined our- selves about a hundred leagues from the land, but were in reality much farther. Thus we pro- ceeded with an alternate prevalence of hopes and fears. My leisure time was chiefly employed in reading and meditating on the Scripture, and praying to the Lord for mercy and instruction. Things continued thus for four or five days, or perhaps longer, till we were awakened one morning by the joyful shouts of the watch upon deck proclaiming the sight of land. We were all soon raised at the sound. The dawning was 82 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. uncommonly beautiful, and the light (just strong enough to discover distant objects) presented us with a gladdening prospect : it seemed a moun- tainous coast, about twenty miles from us, ter- minating in a cape or point ; and a little further two or three small islands, or hummocks, as just rising out of the water ; the appearance and po- sition seemed exactly answerable to our hopes, resembling the north-west extremity of Ireland, which we were steering for. We sincerely con- gratulated each other, making no doubt but that, if the wind continued, we should be in safety and plenty the next day. We ate up the residue of our bread for joy at this welcome sight, and were in the condition of men suddenly reprieved from death. While we were thus alert, the mate, with a graver tone than the rest, sunk our spirits by saying " that he wished it might prove land at last." If one of the common sailors had first said so, I know not but the rest would have beat him for raising such an unreasonable doubt. It brought on, however, warm debates and disputes, whether it was land or not ; but the case was soon unanswerably decided, for the day was ad- vancing fast, and in a little time one of our fan- cied islands began to grow red from the ap- proach of the sun, which soon arose just under it. In a word, we had been prodigal of our bread too hastily ; our land was nothing but clouds ; VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 83 and in half an hour mors the whole appearance was dissipated. Seamen have often known de- ceptions of this sort, hut in our extremity we vvere very loth to he undeceived. However, we comforted ourselves that though we could not >ee the land yet, we should soon, the wind litherto continuing fair. But, alas ! we were leprived of this hope likewise. That very day »ur fair wind subsided into a calm, and the next norning the gales sprung up from the south- cast, directly against us, and continued so for nore than a fortnight afterward. The ship was ;o wrecked that we were obliged to keep the vind always on the broken side, unless the wea- her was quite moderate. Thus we were driven, >y the wind fixing in that quarter, still further rom our port, to the northward of all Ireland, is far as the Lewis, or western islands of Scot- and, but a long way to the westward. In a word, >nr station was such as deprived us of any hope )f being relieved by other vessels. Jt may, iu- Iced, be questioned whether our ship was not the ery first that had been in that part of the ocean t the same season of the year. Provisions now began to grow very short: the ialf of a salted cod was a day's subsistence for welve people. We had plenty of fresh water, >ut no bread, hardly any clothes, and very cold ireather. We had incessant labor with the pumps 84 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. to keep the ship above water. Much labor and little food wasted us fast, and one man died un- der the hardship. Yet our sufferings were light in comparison to our just fears. We could not afford this bare allowance much longer, but had a terrible prospect of being either starved to death, or reduced to feed upon one another. Our expectations grew darker every day ; and I had a further trouble, peculiar to myself. The cap- tain, whose temper was quite soured by distress, was hourly reproaching me (as I formerly ob- served) as the sole cause of the calamity j and was confident that if I was thrown overboard, and not otherwise, they should be preserved from death. He did not intend to make the experiment ; but the continual repetition of this in my ears gave me much uneasiness, especially as my conscience seconded his words ; I thought it very probable that all that had befallen us was on my account. I was at last found out by the powerful hand of God, and condemned in my own breast. However, proceeding in the method I have described, I began to conceive hopes greater than all my fears ; especially Avhen, at the time we were ready to give up all for lost, and despair was taking place in every counte- nance, I saw the wind come about to the very point we wished it, so as best to suit that broken part of the ship which must be kept out of the VOYA&E FOR ENGLAND. 85 water, and to blow so gentle as. our few remain- ing sails could bear j and thus it continued, with- out any observable alteration or increase, though at an unsettled time of the year, till we once more were called up to see the land, and were convinced that it was land indeed. We saw the island Tory, and the next day anchored in Lough Swilly, in Ireland. This was the 8th of April, just four weeks after the damage we sustained from the sea. When we came into this port our very last victuals was boiling in the pot ; and before we had been there two hours, the wind, which seemed to have been providentially re- strained till we were in a place of safety, began to blow with great violence ; so that, if we had continued at sea that night, in our shattered en- feebled condition, we must, in all human appear- ance, have gone to the bottom. About this time I began to know that there is a God that hears and answers prayer. How many times has he appeared for mc since this great deliverance ! yet, alas ! how distrustful and ungrateful is my heart unto this hour. Newton. s Sb LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. LETTER IX. Voyage to England concluded — Apparent Conversion — 1745. I have brought my history down to the time of my arrival in Ireland, 174-8 5 but before I proceed I would look back a little to give you some fur- ther account of the state of my mind, and how far I was helped against inward difficulties, which beset me at the time I had many outward hard- ships to struggle with. The straits of hunger, cold, weariness, and the fears of sinking and starving, I shared in common with others : but besides these, I felt a heart-bitterness which was properly my own ; no one on board but myself being impressed with any sense of the hand of God in our danger and deliverance, at least not awakened to any concern for their souls. No temporal dispensations can reach the heart un- less the Lord himself applies them. My compan- ions in danger were either quite unaffected, or soon forgot it all ; but it was not so with me ,* not that I was any wiser or better than they, but because the Lord was pleased to vouchsafe mc peculiar mercy ; otherwise I was the most un- likely person in the ship to receive an impres- sion, having been often before quite stupid and VOYAGE TO ENGLAND. R7 hardened in the very face of great dangers, and having always, till this time, hardened my neck still more and more after every reproof. I can see no reason why the Lord singled me out for mercy, but this, " that so it seemed good to him j" un- less it was to show by one astonishing instance, that " with him nothing is impossible." There were no persons on board to whom I could open myself with freedom concerning the state of my soul, none from whom I could ask advice. As ,to books, I had a New Testament, Stanhope, already mentioned, and a volume of Bishop Beveridge's Sermons, one of which, upon our Lord's Passion, affected me much. In perus- ing the New Testament, I was struck with seve- ral passages, particularly that of the fig-tree, Luke, 13; the case of St. Paul, 1 Tim. 1; but particularly the prodigal, Luke, 15; a case I thought had never been so nearly exemplified as by myself: and then the goodness of the father in receiving, nay, in running to meet such a son ; and this intended only to illustrate the Lord's goodness to returning sinners: this gained upon me. I continued much in prayer ; I saw that the Lord had interposed so far to save me ; and I hoped he would do more. The outward circum- stances helped in this place to make me still more serious and earnest in crying to Him who alone could relieve me ; and sometimes I thought I LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. could be content to die even for want of food, if I might but die a believer. Thus far I was an- swered, that before we arrived in Ireland I had a satisfactory evidence in my own mind of the truth of the Gospel, as considered in itself, and its ex- act suitableness to answer all my needs. I saw that by the way there pointed out, God might de- clare, not his mercy only, but his justice also, in the pardon of sin, on account of the obedience and sufferings of Jesus Christ. M y judgment at that time embraced the sublime doctrine of" God manifest in the flesh, reconciling the world to himself." I bad no idea of those systems which allow the Savior no higher honor than that of an upper servant, or, at the most, a demi-god. I stood in need of an almighty Savior, and such a one I found described in the New Testament. Thus far the Lord had wrought a marvellous thingj__I^ was no longer an infidel ; I heartily renounced mjHformer profaneness ; I had taken up some right notions, was seriously disposed, and sin- cerely touched with a sense of the undeserved mercy I had received, in being brought safe through so many dangers. I was sorry for my past misspent life, and purposed an immediate re- formation: I was quite freed from the habit of swearing, which seemed to have been deeply rooted in me as a second nature. Thus, to all appearance, I was a new man. VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 89 But though I cannot doubt that this change, so far as it prevailed, was wrought by the Spirit and power of God; yet still I was greatly deficient in many respects. I was, in some degree, af- fected with a sense of my more enormous sins ; but I was little aware of the innate evils of m y heart. I had no apprehension of the spirituality and extent of the law of God.; the hidden life of a christian, as it consists in communion with God by Jesus Christ ; and a continual dependance on him for hourly supplies of wisdom, strength and comfort, was a mystery of which I had as yet no knowledge. I acknowledged the Lord's mercy in pardoning what was past, but depended chiefly upon my own resolution to do better for the time to come. I had no christian friend or faithful minister to advise me that my strength was no more than my righteousness ; and though I soon began to inquire for serious books, yet, not having spiritual discernment, I frequently made a wrong choice ; and I was not brought in the way of evangelical preaching or conversation (except a few times when I heard but understood not) for six years after this period. Those things the Lord was pleased to discover to me gradual- ly. I learned them here a little and there a little, by my own painful experience, at a distance from the common means and ordinances, and in the midst of the same course of evil company and 90 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. bad examples as I had been conversant with for some time. From this period I could no more make a mock at sin, or jest with holy things; I no more questioned the truth of Scripture, or lost a sense of the rebukes of conscience. ^Therefore { consider this as the beginning of my return to God, or rather of his return to me ; but I cannot consider myself to have been a believer (in the full sense of the word) till a considerable time afterward. I have told you that, in the time of our dis- tress, we had fresh water in abundance. This was a considerable relief to us, especially as our spare diet was mostly salt-fish, without bread ; we drank plentifully, and were not afraid of want- ing water; yet our stock of this likewise was much nearer to an end than we expected ; we sup- posed that we had six large butts of water on board ; and it was well that we were safe arrived in Ireland before we discovered that five of them were empty, having been removed out of their places, and stove by the violent agitation when the ship was full of water. If we had found this out while we were at sea, it would have greatly heightened our distress, as we must have drunk more sparingly. While the ship was refitting at Lough Swilly, I repaired to Londonderry. I lodged at an ex- ceedingly good house, where I was treated with VOYAGE FOR ENGLAND. 91 much kindness, and soon Tecruited my health and strength. I was now a serious professor, went twice a-day to the prayers at church, and was, at times, very particular and earnest in my private devotion ; but yet, for want of a better knowledge of myself, and the subtlety of Satan's tempta- tions, I was soon seduced to forget the vows of God that were upon me. One day as I was abroad with the mayor of the city, and some other gen- tlemen, shooting, I climbed up a steep bank, and pulling my fowling-piece after me, as 1 held it in a perpendicular direction, it went off so near my face as to burn away the corner of my hat. Thus, when we think ourselves in the greatest safety, we are no less exposed to danger than when all the elements seem conspiring to destroy us. The Divine Providence, which is sufficient to deliver us in our utmost extremity, is equally necessary to our preservation in the most peaceful situation. During our stay in Ireland I wrote home. The vessel I was in had not been heard of for eio-h- teen months, and was given up for lost long be- fore. My father had no more expectation of hear- ing that I was alive ; but he received my letter a few days before he left London. He was just going governor of York Fort, in Hudson's Bay, from whence he never returned. He sailed be- fore I landed in England, or he had purposed to take me with him ; but God designing otherwise, 92 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. one hinderance or another delayed us in Ireland until it was too late. I received two or three af- fectionate letters from him, but I never had the pleasure of seeing him more. I had hopes that, in three years more, I should have had an oppor- tunity of asking his forgiveness for the uneasi ness my disobedience had given him; but the ship that was to have brought him home came without him. According to the best accounts we received, he was seized with the cramp when bathing, and drowned, a little before her arrival in the bay. Excuse this digression. My father, willing to contribute all in his power to my satisfaction, paid a visit, before his depar- ture, to my friends in Kent, and gave his con- sent to the union which had been so long talked of. Thus, when I returned to I found I had only the consent of one person to obtain ; with her I as yet stood at as great an uncertainty as on the first day I saw her. I arrived at Liverpool the latter end of May, 1748, about the same day that my father sailed from the Nore ; but found the Lord had provided me another father in the gentleman whose ship had brought me home. He received me with great tenderness, and the strongest expressions of friendship and assistance ; yet no more than he has since made good: for to him, as the instru- ment of God's goodness, I owe my all. Yet it ARRIVAL IN ENGLAND. 93 would not have been in the power even of this friend to have served me effectually, if the Lord had not met with me on my way home, as I have related. Till then I was like the man possessed with the legion. No arguments, no persuasion, no views of interest, no remembrance of the past, or regard to the future, could have constrained me within the bounds of common prudence. But now I was, in some measure, restored to my senses. My friend immediately offered me the command of a ship ; but, upon mature considera- tion, I declined it for the present. I had been hitherto always unsettled and careless ; and therefore thought I had better make another voyage first, and learn to obey, and acquire a further insight and experience in business before I ventured to undertake such a charge. The mate of the vessel I came home in was preferred to the command of a new ship, and I engaged to go in the station of mate with him. I made a short visit to London, &c. which did not fully answer my views. I had but one opportunity of seeing Mrs. N , of which I availed myself very little ; for I was always exceedingly awkward in pleading my own cause in our conversation. But after my return to Liverpool I put the question in such a manner, by letter, that she could not avoid (un- less I had greatly mistaken her) coming to some sort of an explanation. Her answer (though pen- 94, LIFE OF TvEV. JOHN NEWTON. ned with abundance of caution) satisfied me ; as I collected from it that she was free from any other engagement, and not unwilling to wait the event of the voyage I had undertaken. I should be ashamed to trouble you with these little de- tails, if you had not yourself desired me. LETTER X. Sails for Africa as Mate. — Sickness. — Studies Latin. My connections with sea-affairs have often led me to think, that the varieties observable in chris- tian experience may be properly illustrated from the circumstances of a voyage. Imagine to your- self a number of vessels, at different times, and from different places, bound to the same port; there are some things in which all these would agree — the compass steered by, the port in view, the general rules of navigation, both as to the management of the vessel and determining their astronomical observations, would be the same in all. In other respects they would differ; perhaps no two of them would meet with the same dis- tribution of winds and weather. Some we see VOYAGE TO AFRICA AS MATE. 95 et out with a prosperous gale ; and when they tlmost think their passage secured they are checked by adverse blasts ; and, after enduring much hardship and danger, and frequent expec- ations of shipwreck, they just escape, and reach he desired haven. Others meet the greatest dif- ficulties at first ; they put forth in a storm, and ire often beaten back; at length their voyage iroves favorable, and they enter the port with a ich and abundant entrance. Some are hard beset vith cruisers and enemies, and obliged to fight heir way through ; others meet with little re- narkable in their passage. Is it not thus in the spiritual life 1 All true believers walk by the >ame rule, and mind the same things ; the wora )f God is their compass; Jesus is both their lolar star and their sun of righteousness; their learts and faces are all set Zion-ward. Thus far hey are as one body, animated by one -spirit; yet heir experience, formed upon these common principles, is far from being uniform. The Lord, n his first call, and his following dispensations, las a regard to the situation, temper and talents )f each, and to the particular services or trials ic has appointed them for. Though all are ex- ercised at times, yet some pass through the oyagc of life much more smooth! y than others. 3ut he " who walketh upon the wings of the wind, md measures the waters in the hollow of his 06 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. hand," will not suffer any of whom he has once taken charge to perish in the storms, though for a season, perhaps, many of them are ready to give up all hopes. We must not, therefore, make the experience of others, in all respects, a rule to ourselves, nor our own a rule to others 5 yet these are common mistakes, and productive of many more. As to myself, every part of my case has been extraordi- nary. I have hardly met a single instance resem- bling it. Few, very few, have been recovered from such a dreadful state ; and the few that have been thus favored have generally passed through the most severe convictions ; and after the Lord has given them peace, their future lives have been usaally more zealous, bright, and exemplary than common. Now, as on the one hand my convictions were very moderate, and far below what might have been expected from the dreadful review I had to make j so, on the other, my first beginnings in a religious course were as faint as can be well imagined. I never knew that season alluded to, Jer. 2:2; Rev. 2 : 4, usually called the time of ihe first love. Who would not expect to hear that, after such a wonderful unhoped-for deliverance as I had received, and after my eyes were in some measure enlightened to see things aright, I should immediately cleave to the Lord and his ways with full purpose of heart, and consult no VOYAGE TO AFRICA AS 31 ATE. 97 more with flesh and blood 1 But, alas! it was far jtherwise with me. I had learned to pray ; I set >ome value upon the word of God, and was no longer a libertine : but my soul still cleaved to he dust. Soon after my departure from Liver- pool I began to intermit, and grow slack in wait- og upon the Lord ; I grew vain and trifling in my conversation ; and though my heart smote ne often, yet my armor was gone, and I declined fast ; and by the time I arrived at Guinea I seem- ed to have forgot all the Lord's mercies, and my own engagements, and was (profaneness except- ed) almost as bad as before. The enemy prepared i train of temptations, and I became his easy prey ; and, for about a month, he lulled me asleep in a course of evil, of which, a few months be- fore, I could not have supposed myself any long- er capable. How much propriety is there in the apostle's advice, " Take heed, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin !" 0, who can be sufficiently upon their guard ! Sin iirst deceives, and then it hardens. I was now fast bound in chains ; I had little desire, and no power at all, to recover myself. I could not but at times reflect how it was with me ; but if I at- tempted to struggle with it, it was in vain. I was just like Samson when he said, tf I will go forth and shake myself as at other times but the Lord was departed, and he found himself help- Nfevrtoa. y 98 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. less in the hands of his enemies. By the remem brance of this interval, the Lord has often in structed me since, what a poor creature I am in myself, incapable of standing a single hour with- out continual fresh supplies of strength and grace from the fountain-head. At length the Lord, whose mercies are infinite, interposed in my behalf. My business in this voyage, while upon the coast, was to sail from place to place in the long-boat, to purchase slaves. The ship was at Sierra Leone, and I then at the Plantanes, the scene of my former captivity, where every thing I saw might remind me of my ingratitude. I was in easy circumstances, court- ed by those who formerly despised me : the lime' trees I had planted were growing tall, and pro- mised fruit the following year ; against which time I had expectations of returning with a ship of my own. But none of these things affected me, till, as I have said, the Lord again interposed to save me. He visited me with a violent fever, which broke the fatal chain, and once more brought me to myself. But, O what a prospect ! I thought myself now summoned away. My past dangers and deliverances, my earnest prayers in the time of trouble, my solemn vows before the Lord, and my ungrateful returns for all his goodness, were all present to my mind at once. Then I began to wish that the Lord had suffered me to sink into VOYAGE TO AFRICA AS MATE. 99 the ocean when I first besought his mercy. For a little while I concluded the door of hope to be quite shut ; but this continued not long. Weak, and almost delirious, I arose from my bed, and crept to a retired part of the island ; and here I found a renewed liberty to pray. I durst make no more resolves, but cast myself before the Lord, to do with me as he should please. I do not re- member that any particular text or remarkable discovery was presented to my mind ; but, in general, I was enabled to hope and believe in a crucified Savior. The burden was removed from my conscience, and not only my peace but my health was restored ; I cannot say instantaneous- ly ; but I recovered from that hour ; and so fast, that when I returned to the ship, two days after- ward, I was perfectly well before I got on board. And from that time, I trust, I have been deliver- ed from the power and dominion of sin j though, as to the effects and conflicts of sin dwelling in me, I still w groan, being burdened." I now be- gan again to wait upon the Lord ; and though I have often grieved his Spirit, and foolishly wan- dered from him since, (when, alas, shall I be more wise !) yet his powerful grace has hitherto pre- served me from such black declensions as this I have last recorded : and I humbly trust in his mercy and promises, that he will be my guide and guard to the end. 100 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. My leisure hours in this voyage were chiefly employed in learning the Latin language, which I had now entirely forgot. This desire took place from an imitation I had seen of one of Horace's odes in a magazine. I began the attempt under the greatest disadvantages possible ; for I pitch- ed upon a poet, perhaps the most difficult of the poets, even Horace himself, for my first book. I had picked up an old English translation of him, which, with Castalio's Latin Bible, were all my help. I forgot a dictionary, but I would not therefore give up my purpose. I had the edition in usum Delpkini ; and, by comparing the odes with the interpretation, and tracing the words, I could understand from # ope place to another by the index, with the assistance I could get from the Latin Bible : in this way, by dint of hard in- dustry, often waking when I might have slept, I made some progress before I returned, and not only understood the sense and meaning of many odes, and some of the epistles, but began to re- lish the beauties of the composition, and acquired a spice of what Mr. Law calls classical enthusiasm. And indeed, by this means, I had Horace more in my mind than some who are masters of the Latin tongue ; for my helps were so few, that I generally had the passage fixed in my memory before I could fully understand its meaning. My business in the long-boat, during the eight VOYAGE TO AFRICA AS MATE. 101 months we were upon the coast, exposed me to innumerable dangers and perils, from burning suns and chilling dews, winds, rains and thunder- storms, in the open boat ; and on shore, from long journeys through the woods, and the tem- per of the natives, who are in many places cruel, treacherous, and watching opportunities for mischief. Several boats in the same time were cut off, several white men poisoned, and in my own boat, I buried six or seven people with fevers. When going on shore, or returning from it, in their little canoes, I have been more than once or twice overset by the violence of the surf, [ or breach of the sea, and brought to land half- dead (for I could not swim.) An account of such escapes as I still remember, would swell to seve- ral sheets, and many more I have perhaps forgot : I shall only select one instance, as a specimen of that wonderful providence which watched over me for good, and which, I doubt not, you will think worthy of notice. When our trade was finished, and we were near sailing to the West Indies, the only remaining service I had to perform in the boat was to as- sist in bringing the wood and water from the shore. We were then at Rio Cestors. I used to go into the river in the afternoon with the sea- breeze, procure my loading in the evening, and return on board in the morning with the land- M>2 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. wind. Several of these little voyages I had made ; but the boat was become old and almost unfit for use. The service likewise was almost completed. One day, having dined on board, I was preparing to return to the river as former- ly : I had taken leave of the captain, received his orders, was ready in the boat, and just going to put off, as we term it, that is, to let go our i*opes and sail from the ship. In that instant the captain came up from the cabin, and called me on board again. I went, expecting further orders ; but he said that he took it in his head (as he phrased it) that I should remain that day in the ship ; and accordingly ordered another man to go in my room. I was surprised at this, as the boat had never been sent away without me be- fore, and asked him the reason ; he could give me no reason but as above, that so he would have it. Accordingly the boat went without me ; but returned no more : she sunk that night in the river, and the person who had supplied my place was drowned. I was much struck when we re- ceived news of the event the next morning. The captain himself, though quite a stranger to reli- gion, so far as to deny a particular providence, could not help being affected ; but he declared that he had no other reason for countermanding me at that time, but that it came suddenly into his mind to detain me. MARRIAGE. 103 LETTER XI. Marriage. — First Voyage to Africa as Captain. — Study of Latin exclianged for the Scriptures. A few days after I was thus wonderfully saved from an unforeseen danger we sailed for Anti- gua, and from thence proceeded to Charleston, in South Carolina. In this place there are many serious people ; hut I knew not where to find them out : indeed I was not aware of a difference, but supposed that all who attended public wor- ship were good christians. I was as much in the dark about preaching, not doubting but whatever name from the pulpit must be very good. I had two or three opportunities of hearing a dissent- ing minister, named Smith, who, by what I have known since, I believe to have been an excellent ind powerful preacher of the Gospel ; and there vas something in his manner that struck me, but j ■ did not rightly understand him. The best words hat men can speak are ineffectual till explained ind applied by the Spirit of God, who alone can )pen the heart. It pleased the Lord, for some ime, that I should learn no more than what he mabled me to collect from my own experience md reflection. My conduct was now very incon 104 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. sistent. Almost every day, when business would permit, I used to retire into the woods and fields (for these, when at hand, have always been my favorite oratories,) and I trust I began to taste the sweets of communion with God in^the exer- cises of prayer and praise ; and yet I frequently spent the evenings in vain and worthless com- pany. Indeed my relish for worldly diversions was much weakened, and I was rather a specta- tor than a sharer in their pleasures; but I did not as yet see the necessity of an absolute forbear- ance. Yet as my compliance with custom and company was chiefly owing to want of light, ra- ther than to an obstinate attachment, and the Lord was pleased to preserve me, in some good degree, I trust, from what I knew was sinful, I had, for the most part, peace of conscience, and my strongest desires were toward the things of God. As yet I knew not the force of that pre- cept, "Abstain from all appearance of evil;" but very often ventured upon the brink of tempta- tion ; but the Lord was gracious to my weakness, and would not suffer the enemyto prevail against me. I did not break with the world at once, (as might, in my case, have been expected,) but I was gradually led to see the inconvenience and folly of one thing after another ; and when I saw it, the Lord strengthened me to give it up. But it was some years before I was set quite at liberty MARRIAGE. 105 from occasional compliances in many things, in which at this time I durst by no means allow myself. We finished our voyage, and arrived in Liver- pool. When the ship's affairs were settled, I went to London, and from thence (as you may suppose) I soon repaired to Kent. More than se- ven years had now elapsed since my first visit. No views of the kind could seem more chimeri- cal, or could subsist under greater discourage- ments than mine had done ; yet, through the overruling goodness of God, while I seemed abandoned to myself, and blindly following my own headstrong passions, I was guided by a hand that I knew not, to the accomplishment of my wishes. Every obstacle was now removed. I had renounced my former follies, my interest was established, and friends on all sides consenting, the point was now entirely between ourselves ; and after what had passed, was easily concluded. Accordingly our hands were joined on the 1st of February, 1750. The satisfaction I have found in this union, you will suppose has been greatly heightened by reflection on the former disagreeable contrasts I had passed through, and the views I have had of the singular mercy and providence of the Lord in bringing it to pass. If you please to look back to the beginning of my sixth letter, I doubt not 106 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. but you will allow, that few persons have known more either of the misery or happiness of which human life (as considered in itself) is capable. How easily, at a time of life when I was so little capable of judging, (but a few months more than seventeen,) might my affections have been fixed where they could have met with no return, or where success would have been the heaviest dis- appointment. The long delay I met with was likewise a mercy ; for had I succeeded a year 01 two sooner, before the Lord was pleased tc change my heart, we must have been mutuall) unhappy, even as to the present life. " Surel) mercy and goodness have followed me all mj days!" But, alas ! I soon began to feel that my hear was still hard and ungrateful to the God of mj life. This crowning mercy which raised me t< all I could ask or wish in a temporal view, an< which ought to have been an animating motivi to obedience and praise, had a contrary effect, rested in the gift, and forgot the Giver. My poo narrow heart was satisfied. A cold and careles frame, as to spiritual things, took place, an gained ground daily. Happily for me the seaso was advancing, and in June I received orders t repair to Liverpool. This roused me from m dream. I need not tell you that I found the pain of absence and separation fully proportioned t MARRIAGE. 107 my proceding pleasure. It was hard, very hard to part, especially as conscience interfered, and suggested to me how little I deserved that we should be spared to meet again. But the Lord supported me. I was a poor, faint, idolatrous creature ; but I had now some acquaintance with the way of access to a throne of grace by the blood of Jesus ; and peace was soon re- stored to my conscience. Yet, through all the following voyage my irregular and excessive af- fections were as thorns in my eyes, and often made my other blessings tasteless and insipid. But He who doeth all things well over-ruled this ikcwise for good. It became an occasion of quickening me in prayer both for my wife and myself; it increased my indifference for compa- ny and amusement ; it habituated me to a kind }f voluntary self-denial, which I was afterward aught to improve to a better purpose. While I remained in England we corresponded ?very post ; and all the while I used the sea af- erward, I constantly kept up the practice of vriting two or three times a-week, (if weather ind business permitted,) though no conveyance lomeward offered for six or eight months to- gether. My packets were usually heavy ; and as lot one of them at any time miscarried, I have o the amount of nearly two hundred sheets of >aper now lying in my bureau of that correspond- 108 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. ence. I mention this little relief by which I con- trived to soften the intervals of absence, because it had a good effect beyond my first intention. It habituated me to think and write upon a great variety of subjects ; and I acquired, insensibly, a greater readiness of expressing myself than I should otherwise have attained. As I gained more ground in religious knowledge, my letters became more serious ; and, at times, I still find an advan- tage in looking them over ; especially as they re- mind me of many providential incidents, and the state of my mind at different periods in these voyages, which would otherwise have escaped my memory. I sailed from Liverpool in August, 1750, com- mander of a good ship. I have no very extraor- dinary events to recount from this period, and shall therefore contract my memoirs lest I be- come tedious: yet I am willing to give you a brief sketch of my history down to 1755, the year of my settlement in my present situation. I had now the command and care of thirty per- sons ; I endeavored to treat them with humanity, and to set them a good example : I likewise es- tablished public worship, twice every Lord's-day, officiating myself. Farther than this I did not proceed while I continued in that employment. Having now much leisure, I prosecuted the study of the Latin with good success. I took a FIRST VOYAGE AS CAPTAIN. 109 dictionary this voyage, and procured two or three other books; but still it was my hap to choose the hardest. I added Juvenal to Horace ; and, for prose authors, I pitched upon Livy, Caesar and Sallust. You will easily conceive, sir, that I had hard work to begin (where I should have left off) with Horace and Livy. I was not aware of the difference of style : I had heard Livy highly commended, and I was resolved to understand him. I began with the first page, and laid down a rule, which I seldom departed from, not to pro- ceed to a second period till I understood the first, and so on. I was often at a stand, but seldom discouraged : here and there I found a few lines quite obstinate, and was forced to break in upon my rule, and give them up, especially as my edi- tion had only the text, without any notes to as- sist me. But there were not many such; for be- fore the close of that voyage I could (with a few exceptions) read Livy from end to end, almost as readily as an English author. And I found, in surmounting this difficulty, I had surmounted all in one. Other prose authors, when they came in my way, cost me little trouble. In short, in the space of two or three voyages I became tolera- bly acquainted with the best classics ; (I put all I have to say upon this subject together :) I read Terence, Virgil, and several pieces of Cicero, and the modern classics, Buchanan, Erasmus and Cas- Ncwton. -If) 110 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. simir. At length I conceived a design of becom- ing a Ciceronian myself, and thought it would be a fine thing indeed to write pure and elegant La- tin. I made some essays toward it, but by this time the Lord was pleased to draw me nearer to himself, and to give me a fuller view of the " pearl of great price," the inestimable treasure hid in the field of the Holy Scriptures ; and, for the sake of this, I was made willing to part with all my newly-acquired riches. I began to think that life was too short (especially my life) to ad- mit of leisure for such elaborate trifling. Neither poet nor historian could tell me a word of Jesus, and I therefore applied myself to those who could. The classics were at first restrained to one morn- ing in the week, and at length quite laid aside. I have not looked into Livy these five years, and I suppose I could not now well understand him. Some passages in Horace and Virgil I still ad- mire ; but they seldom come in my way. I pre- fer Buchanan's Psalms to a whole shelf of Elze- virs. But this much I have gained — and more than this I am not solicitous about — so much of the Latin as enables me to read any useful or curious book that is published in that language. About the same time, and for the same reason that I quarrelled with Livy, I laid aside the ma- thematics. I found they not only cost me much time, but engrossed my thoughts too far , my FIRST VOYAGE AS CAPTAIN. Ill head was literally full of schemes. I was weary of cold contemplative truths, which can neither warm nor amend the heart, but rather tend to aggrandize self. I found no traces of this wis- dom in the life of Jesus or the writings of Paul. I do not regret that I have had some opportu- nities of knowing the first principles of these things ; but I see much cause to praise the Lord that he inclined me to stop in time ; and, whilst I was " spending my labor for that which is not bread," was pleased to set before me f? wine and milk, without money and without price." My first voyage was fourteen months, through various scenes of danger and difficulty, but no- thing very remarkable ; and as I intend to br more particular with regard to the second, 1 shall only say that I was preserved from every harm $ and having seen many fall on my right hand and on my left, I was brought home in peace, and restored to where my thoughts had been often directed, November 2, 1751. 112 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. LETTER XII. Second Voyage to Africa as Commander. I almost wish I could recall my last sheet, and retract my promise. I fear I have engaged too far, and shall prove a mere egotist. What have I more that can deserve your notice 1 However, it is some satisfaction that I am now writing to yourself only ; and I believe you will have candor to excuse what nothing but a sense of your kindness could extort from me. Soon after the period where my last closes, that is, in the interval between my first and se- cond voyage after my marriage, I began to keep a sort of diary ; a practice which I have since found of great use. I had in this interval re- peated proofs of the ingratitude and evil of my heart. A life of ease in trie midst of my friends, and the full satisfaction of my wishes, was not favorable to the progress of grace, and afforded cause of daily huviiliation. Yet, upon the whole, I gained ground. I became acquainted with books which gave mt a farther view of christian doc- trine and experience ; particularly, ScougalVs Life of God in the Soul of Man, Hervetfs Medi- ANOTHER VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 113 tations, and the Life of Colonel Gardiner. As to preaching, I heard none but the common sort, and had hardly an idea of any better ; neither had I the advantage of christian acquaintance. I was likewise greatly hindered by a cowardly re- served spirit j I was afraid of being thought pre- cise ; and though I could not live without prayer, I I durst not propose it even to my wife, till she I herself first put me upon it : so far was I from i those expressions of zeal and love which seem I so suitable to the case of one who has had much \ forgiven. In a few months the returning season \ called me abroad again, and I sailed from Liver- • pool in a new ship, July, 1752. A seafaring life is necessarily excluded from the benefit of public ordinances and christian communion ; but, as I have observed, my loss upon these heads was at this time but small. In other respects, I know not any calling that seems more favorable, or affords greater advantages to an awakened mind, for promoting the life of God in the soul ; especially to a person who has the command of a ship, and thereby has it in his power to restrain gross irregularities in others, and to dispose of his own time ; and still more so in African voyages, as these ships carry a double proportion of men and officers to most others, which made my department very easy ; and, excepting the hurry of trade, &c. upon the 10* in LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. coast, which is rather occasional than constant, afforded me abundance of leisure. To be at sea in these circumstances, withdrawn out of the reach of innumerable temptations, with oppor- tunity and turn of mind disposed to observe the wonders of God in the great deep ; with the two noblest objects of sight, the expanded heavens and the expanded ocean, continually in view ; and where evident interpositions of Divine Provi- dence, in answer to prayer, occur almost every day ; these are helps to quicken and confirm the life of faith, which, in a good measure, sup- ply to a religious sailor the want of those advan- tages which can be enjoyed only upon the shore. And, indeed, though my knowledge of spiritual things, as knowledge is usually estimated, was at this time very small, yet I sometimes look back with regret upon these scenes. I never knew sweeter or more frequent hours of divine com- munion than in my last two voyages to Guinea, when I was either almost secluded from society on shipboard, or when on shore amongst the na- tives. I have wandered through the woods, re- flecting on the singular goodness of the Lord to me, in a place where, perhaps, there was not a person that knew him for some thousand miles round me. Many a time, upon these occasions, I have restored the beautiful lines of Propertius to their right owner ; lines full of blasphemy and ANOTHER VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 115 madness when addressed to a creature, but full of comfort and propriety in the mouth of a believer. Sic ego desertis possim bene vivere sylvis, duo nulla huraano sit via trita pede : Tu mini curarum requies, in nocte vel atra Lumen, et in solis tu mihi turba locis. PARAPHRASED. In desert woods, with thee, my God, Where human footsteps never trod, How happy could I be ; Thou my repose from care, my light Amidst the darkness of the night, In solitude my company. In the course of this voyage I was wonderfully preserved in the midst of many obvious and many unforeseen dangers. At one time there was a conspiracy amongst my own people to turn pi- rates, and take the ship from me. When the plot was nearly ripe, and they waited only a conve- nient opportunity, two of those concerned in it were taken ill in one day ; one of them died, and he was the only person I buried while on board. This suspended the affair, and opened a way to its discovery, or the consequence might have been fatal. The slaves on board were likewise frequently plotting insurrections, and were some- 116 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. times upon the very brink of mischief; but it was always disclosed in due time. When I have thought myself most secure, I have been sudden- ly alarmed with danger ; and when I have almost despaired of life, as sudden a deliverance has been vouchsafed me. My stay upon the coast was long, the trade very precarious ; and, in pur- suit of my business, both on board and on shore, I was in deaths often. Let the following instance serve as a specimen: I was at a place called Mana, near Cape Mount, where I had transacted very large concerns; and had, at the time I am speaking of, some debts and accounts to settle which required my attend- ance on shore, and I intended to go the next morn- ing. When I arose I left the ship, according to my purpose, but when I came near the shore, the surf, or breach of the sea ran so high that I was almost afraid to attempt landing: indeed I had of- ten ventured at a worse time ; but I felt an inward hinderance and backwardness, which I could not account for : the surf furnished a pretext for indulging it ; and after waiting and hesitating for about half an hour, I returned to the ship without doing my business ; which I think I never did but that morning in all the time I used that trade. But I soon perceived the reason of all this : It seems, the day before I intended to land, a scan- dalous and groundless charge had been laid ANOTHER VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 117 against me, (by whose instigation I could never learn,) which greatly threatened my honor and interest, both in Africa and England, and would perhaps, humanly speaking, have affected my life, if I had landed according to my intention. I shall, perhaps, enclose a letter which will give a full account of this strange adventure ; and there- fore shall say no more of it here, any further than to tell you that an attempt, aimed to destroy either my life or character, and which might, very probably, in its consequences, have ruined my voyage, passed off without the least inconveni- ence. The person most concerned owed me about a hundred pounds, which he sent me in a huff; and otherwise, perhaps, would not have paid me at all. I was very uneasy for a few hours, but was soon afterward comforted. I heard no more of my accusation till the next vOyage ; and then it was publicly acknowledged to be a malicious calumny, without the least shadow of a ground. Such were the vicissitude^ and difficulties through which the Lord preserved me. Now and then both faith and patience were sharply exer- cised ; but suitable strength was given ; and as such things did not occur every day, the study of the Latin, of which I gave a general account in my last, was renewed, and carried on from time to time when business would permit. I was mostly very regular in the management of my 118 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. time ; I allotted eight hours for sleep and meals, eight hours for excerise and devotion, and eight hours to my books : and thus, by diversifying my engagements, the whole day was agreeably fill- ed up ; and I seldom found a day too long, or an hour to spare. My studies kept me employed; and so far it was well ; otherwise they were hardly worth the time they cost, as they led me to an admiration of false models and false max- ims ; an almost unavoidable consequence (I suppose) of an admiration of classic authors. Abating what I have attained of the language, I think I might have read Cassandra or Cleopatra to as good purpose as I read Livy, whom I now account an equal romancer, though in a different way. From the coast I went to St. Christopher's; and here my idolatrous heart was its own punish- ment. The letters I expected' from Mrs. Newton were by mistake forwarded to Antigua, which had been at first proposed as our port. As I was certain of her punctuality in writing, if alive, 1 concluded, by not hearing from her, that she was surely dead. This fear affected me more and more ; I lost my appetite and rest ; I felt an in- cessant pain in my stomach; and in about three weeks time I was near sinking under the weight of an imaginary stroke. I felt some severe symp- toms of that mixture of pride and madness which ANOTHER VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 119 is commonly called a broken heart; and indeed I wonder that this case is not more common than it appears to be. How often do the potsherds of the earth presume to contend with their Maker ! and what a wonder of mercy is it that they are not all broken ! However, my complaint was not all grief; conscience had a share. I thought t my unfaithfulness to God had deprived me of t her, especially my backwardness in speaking of | spiritual things, which I could hardly attempt, | even to her. It was this thought, that I had lost invaluable, irrecoverable opportunities, which both duty and affection should have engaged me i to improve, that chiefly stung me ; and I thought < I would have given the world to know that she was living, that I might at least discharge my engagements by writing, though I was never to see her again. This was a sharp lesson ; but I hope it did me good ; and when I had thus suf- fered some weeks, I thought of sending a small vessel to Antigua. I did so ; and she brought me several packets ; which restored my health and oeace, and gave me a strong contrast of the Lord's goodness to me, and my unbelief and in- gratitude towards him. In August, 1753, 1 returned to Liverpool. My >tay was very short at home that voyage — only 4x weeks. In that space nothing very memorable >ccurred ; I shall therefore begin my next with 120 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. an account of my third and last voyage. And thus I give both you and myself hopes of a speedy period to these memoirs, which begin to be te- dious and minute even to myself ; only I am ani- mated by the thought that I write at your re- quest ; and have therefore an opportunity of showing myself Yours, &c. LETTER XIII. Third, and last Voyage to Africa. — Sickness. — Religious experience. My third voyage was shorter and less per- plexed than eifher^of my former. Before I sailed I met with a young man who had formerly been a midshipman, and my intimate companion on board the Harwich. He was, at the time I first knew him, a sober youth ; but I had found too much success in my unhappy attempts to infect him with libertine principles. When we met at Liverpool our acquaintance was renewed upon the ground of our former intimacy. He had good sense, and had read many good books. Our con- versation frequently turned upon religion ; and LAST VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 121 I was very desirous to repair the mischief I had done him. I gave him a plain account of the manner and reason of my change, and used every argument to persuade him to relinquish his infidel schemes ; and when I sometimes pressed him so close that he had no other reply to make, he would remind me that I was the very first person who had given him an idea of his liberty. This occasioned me many mournful re- flections. He was then going master to Guinea himself ; but before his ship was ready his mer- chant became a bankrupt, which disconcerted his voyage. As he had no farther expectations for that year, I offered to take him with me as a companion, that he might gain a knowledge of the coast ; and the gentleman who employed me promised to provide for him upon his return. My view in this was not so much to serve him in his business, as to have an opportunity of debating the point with him at leisure ; and I hoped, in the course of my voyage, my arguments, exam- pie and prayers, might have some good effect on him. My intention in this step was better than my judgment ; and I had frequent reason to repent it. He was exceedingly profane, and grew worse and worse. I saw in him a most lively picture of what I had once been ; but it was very inconvenient to have it always before my eyes. Besides, he was not only deaf to me Newton. 1 1 122 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. remonstrances himself, but labored all he could to counteract my influence upon others. His spirit and passions were likewise exceedingly high ; so that it required all my prudence and authority to hold him in any degree of restraint. He was as a sharp thorn in my side for some time ; but at length I had an opportunity upon the coast of buying a small vessel, which I sup- plied with a cargo from my own, and gave him the command, and sent him away to trade on the ship's account. When we parted, I repeated and enforced my best advice. I believe his friend- ship and regard were as great as could be ex- pected, when our principles were so diametrical- ly opposite. He seemed greatly affected when I left him : but my words had no weight with him ; when he found himself at liberty from under my eye, he gave a hasty loose to every appetite ; and his violent irregularities, joined to the heat of the climate, soon threw him into a malignant fever, which carried him off in a few days. He died convinced, but not changed. The accounts I had from those who were with him were dread- ful. His rage and despair struck them all with horror ; and he pronounced his own fatal doom before he expired, without any appearance that he either hoped or asked for mercy. I thought this awful contrast might not be improper to give you, as a stronger view of the distinguish- LAST VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 123 ing goodness of God to me, the chief of sinners. I left the const in about four months, and sailed for St. Christopher's. Hitherto I had enjoyed a perfect state of health, equally in every climate, for several years ; but upon this passage I was visited with a fever, which gave me a very near prospect of eternity. I have obtained liberty to enclose you three or four letters, which will more clearly illustrate the state and measure of my ex- perience at different times than any thing I can say at present. One of them, you will find, was written at this period, when I could hardly hold a pen, and had some reason to believe I should write no more. I had not that " full assurance" which is so desirable at a time when flesh and heart fail} but my hopes were greater than my fears j and I felt a silent composure of spirit, which enabled me to wait the event without much anxiety. My trust, though weak in degree, was alone fixed upon the blood and righteousness of Jesus; and those words, " He is able to save to the uttermost," gave me great relief. I was for a while troubled with a very singular thought ; whether it was a temptation, or that the fever disordered my faculties, I cannot say ;J)ut I seem- ed not so much afraid of wrath and punishment, as of being lost and overlooked amidst the my- riads that are continually entering the unseen world. What is my soul, thought I, amongst such 124 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. an innumerable multitude of beings 1 and this troubled me greatly. Perhaps the Lord will take no notice of me. I was perplexed thus for some time ; but at last a text of Scripture, very appo- site to the case, occurred to my mind, and put an end to the doubt : " The Lord knoweth them that are his." In about ten days, beyond the hope of those about me, I began to amend ; and by the time of our arrival in the West Indies I was per- fectly recovered. I hope this visitation was made useful to me. Thus far, that is, for about the space of six years, the Lord was pleased to lead me in a se- cret way. I had learned somethirfg of the evil of my heart ; I had read the Bible over and over, with several good books, and had a general view of Gospel-truths ; but my conceptions were, in many respects, confused, not having in all this time met with one acquaintance who could assist my inquiries. But upon my arrival at St. Chris- topher's, on this voyage, I found a captain of a ship from London, whose conversation was great- ly helpful to me. He was and is a member of Mr. Brewer's church, a man of experience in the things of God, and of a lively communicative turn. We discovered each other by some casual expressions in mixed company, and soon became, so far as business would permit, inseparable. For nearly a month we spent every evening together LAST VOYAGE TO AFRICA. 125 on* board each other's ship alternately, and often prolonged our visits till toward day-break. I was all ear ; and, what was better, he not only in- formed my understanding, but his discourse in- flamed my heart. He encouraged me to open my mouth in social prayer 5 he taught me the advan- tage of christian converse ; he put me upon an attempt to make my profession more public, and to venture to speak for God. From him, or ra- ther from the Lord by his means, I received an increase of knowledge : my conceptions became clearer and more evangelical ; and I was delivered from a fear which had long troubled me — the fear of relapsing into my former apostacy. But now I began to understand the security of the cove- nant of grace, and to expect to be preserved, not by my own power and holiness, but by the migh- ty power and promise of God, through faith in an unchangeable Savior. He likewise gave me a general view of the state of religion, with the errors and controversies of the times, (things to which I had been entirely a stranger,) and finally directed me where to apply in London for fur- ther instruction. With these newly-acquired ad- vantages, I left him, and my passage homeward gave me leisure to digest what I had received. I had much comfort and freedom during those se- ven weeks, and my sun was seldom clouded. I arrived safely in Liverpool, August, 1754?. 11* 126 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. My stay at home was intended to be but short ; and by the beginning of November I was again ready for the sea ; but the Lord saw fit to over rule my design. During the time I was engaged in the slave-trade I never had the least scruple as to its lawfulness. I was, upon the whole, sa- tisfied with it, as the appointment Providence had marked out for me ; yet it was, in many re- spects, far from eligible. I tw^s, indeed, account- ed a genteel employment, and usually very pro- fitable, though to me it did not prove so, the Lord seeing that a large increase of wealth would not be good for me. However, I considered myself as a sort of jailer or turnkey, and I was sometimes shocked with an employment that was perpe- tually conversant with chains, bolts and shackles. In this view I had often petitioned, in my prayers, that the Lord, in his own time, would be pleased to fix me in a more humane calling, and, if it might be, place me where I might have more fre- quent converse with his people and ordinances, and be freed from those long separations from home, which very often were hard to bear. My prayers were now answered, though in a way I little expected. I now experienced another sud- den, unforeseen change of life. I was within two days of sailing, and, to all appearance, in as good health as usual ; but in the afternoon, as I was sitting with Mrs. Newton, drinking tea by our- FOURTH VOYAGE PREVENTED. 127 selves, and talking over past events, 1 was in a moment seized with a fit which deprived me of sense and motion, and left me no other sign of life than that of breathing. I suppose it was of the apoplectic kind. It lasted about an hour; and when I recovered, it left a pain and dizziness in my head, which continued, with such symptoms as induced the physicians to judge it would not be safe or prudent for me to proceed on the voyage. Accordingly, by the advice of my friend to whom the ship belonged, I resigned the com- mand the day before she sailed ; and thus I was unexpectedly called from that service, and freed from a share of the future consequences of that voyage, which proved extremely calamitous. The person who went in my room, most of the officers, and many of the crew died, and the vessel was brought home with great difficulty. As I was now disengaged from business, I left Liverpool, and spent most of the following year at London and in Kent. But I entered upon a new trial. You will easily conceive that Mrs. Newton was not an unconcerned spectator when I lay extended, and, as she thought, expiring, upon the ground. In effect, the blow that struck me reached her in the same instant : she did not indeed immediately feel it, till her apprehensions on my account began to subside ; but as I grew better, she became worse: her surprise threw 1'28 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. her into a disorder which no physicians could define, or medicines remove. Without any of the ordinary symptoms of a consumption, she decay- ed almost visibly, till she became so weak that she could hardly bear any one to walk across the room she was in. I was placed, for about eleven months, in what Dr. Young calls the dreadful post of observation, Darker every hour. It was not till after my settlement at Liver- pool that the Lord was pleased to restore her by his own hand, when all hopes from ordinary means were at an end. But before this took place I have some other particulars to mention, which must be the subject of the following sheet, which I hope will be the last on this sub- ject from, &c. IN ENGLAND. 129 LETTER XIV. Sichiess of Airs. Newton. — Rural devotions. — Residence in Liverpool. — Studies Greek and Hebrew. — Is refused ordi- nation. By the directions I had received from my friend at St. Kitts, I soon found out a religious tcquaintance in London. I first applied to Mr. Brewer, and chiefly attended upon his ministry when in town. From him I received many helps, both in public and private; for he was pleased to favor me with his friendship from the first. His kindness and the intimacy between us has continued and increased to this day; and of all my many friends, I am most deeply indebted to him. The late Mr. H d was my second ac- quaintance, a man of a choice spirit, and an abundant zeal for the Lord's service. I enjoyed his correspondence till near the time of his death. Soon after, upon Mr. Whitefield's return from America, my two good friends introduced me to him ; and though I had little personal ac- quaintance with him till afterward, his ministry was exceedingly useful to me. I had likewise access to some religious societies, and became known to many excellent christians in private 130 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. life. Thus, when at London, I lived at the foun- tain-head, as it were, for spiritual advantages. When I was in Kent it was very different; yet I found some serious persons there ; but the fine variegated woodland country afforded me advantages of another kind. Most of my time, at least some hours every day, I passed in retire- ment, when the weather was fair ; sometimes in the thickest woods, sometimes on the highest hills, where almost every step varied the pros- pect. It has been my custom, for many years, to perform my devotional exercises sub die, when I have opportunity ; and I always find these rural scenes have some tendency both to refresh and to compose my spirits. A beautiful diversified prospect gladdens my heart. When I am with- drawn from the noise and petty works of men, I consider myself as in the great temple which the Lord has built for his own honor. The country between Rochester and Maid- stone, bordering upon the Medway, was well suited to the turn of my mind ; and were I to go over it now, I could point to many a place where I remember to have either earnestly sought, or happily found, the Lord's comfortable presence with my soul. And thus I lived, sometimes at London, and sometimes in the country, till the autumn of the following year. All this while I had two trials more or less upon my mind : the IN ENGLAND. 131 irst and principal was Mrs. Newton's illness; >he still grew worse, and I had daily more rea- son to fear that the hour of separation was at land. When faith was in exercise, I was in some neasure resigned to the Lord's will ; but too )ften my heart rebelled, and I found it hard ;ither to trust or to submit. I had likewise ;ome care about my future settlement ; the Afri- can trade was overdone that year, and my friends lid not care to fit out another ship till mine . eturned. I was some time in suspense ; but in- leed a provision of food and raiment has seldom >een a cause of great solicitude to me. I found t easier to trust the Lord in this point than in he former; and accordingly this was first an- wered. In August I received notice that I was lominated to the office of tide-surveyor. These >laces are usually obtained, or at least sought, >y dint of much interest and application ; but his came to me unsought and unexpected. I , ,:new, indeed, my good friends in Liverpool had mdeavored to procure another post for me, but ound it pre-engaged. I found, afterward, that he place I had missed would have been very msuitable for me ; and that this, which I had no nought of, was the very thing I could have wished for, as it afforded me much leisure and he liberty of living in my own way. Several ircumstances, unnoticed by others, concurred 132 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. to show me that the good hand of the Lord was as remarkably concerned in this event, as in any other leading turn of my life. But when I gained this point, my distress in the other was doubled ; I was obliged to leave Mrs. Newton in the greatest extremity of pain and illness, when the physicians could do no more, and I had no ground of hope that I should see her again alive, but this— that nothing is im- possible with the Lord. I had a severe conflict ; but faith prevailed : I found the promise remark- ably fulfilled, of strength proportioned to my need. The day before I set out, and not till then, the burden was entirely taken from my mind j I was strengthened to resign both her and myself to the Lord's disposal, and departed from her in a cheerful frame. Soon after I was gone she began to amend, and recovered so fast, that in about two months I had the pleasure to meet her at Stone, on her journey to Liverpool. And now I think I have answered, if not ex- ceeded your desire. Since October, 1755, we have been comfortably settled at Liverpool : and all my circumstances have been as remarkably smooth and uniform, as they were various in for- mer years; My trials have been light and few; not but that I still find, in the experience of every day, the necessity of a life of faith. My princi- pal trial is, the body of sin and death, which RESIDENCE AT LIVERPOOL. 133 makes me often to sigh out the apostle's com- plaint : tf 0 wretched man !" but with him like- wise I can say, " 1 thank God, through Jesus Christ my Lord." I live in a barren land, where the knowledge and power of the Gospel is very low ; yet here are a few of the Lord's people ; and this wilderness has been a useful school to me, where I have studied more leisurely the truths I gathered up in London. I brought down with me a considerable stock of notional truth j but I have since found that there is no effectual teacher but God ; that we can receive no farther than he is pleased to communicate ; and that no knowledge is truly useful to me but what is made my own by experience. Many things I thought I had learned, w r ould not stand in an hour of temptation, till I had in this way learned them over again. Since the year 1757 I have had an increasing acquaintance in the West-riding of Yorkshire, where the Gospel flourishes greatly. This has been a good school to me : I have con- versed at large among all parties, without joining any ; and in my attempts to hit the golden mean, I have sometimes been drawn too near the differ- ent extremes ; yet the Lord has enabled me to profit by my mistakes. In brief, I am still a learner, and the Lord still condescends to teach me. I begin at length to see that I have attain- ed but very little ; but I trust in him to carry Newton. 1 0 134 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. on his own work in my soul, and, by all the dis- pensations of his grace and providence, to in- crease my knowledge of him and of myself. When I was fixed in a house, and found my business would afford me much leisure time, I considered in what manner I should improve it. And now, having reason to close with the apos- tle's determination, ft to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified," I devoted my life to the prosecution of spiritual knowledge, and re- solved to pursue nothing but in subservience to this main design. This resolution divorced me (as I have already hinted) from the classics and mathematics. My first attempt was to learn so much Greek as would enable me to understand the New Testament and Septuagint : and when I had made some progress this way, I entered upon the Hebrew the following year ; and two years afterward, having surmised some advan- tages from the Syriac version, I began with that language. You must not think that I have attain- ed, or ever aimed at, a critical skill in any of these: I had no business with them, but as in reference to something else. I never read one classic author in the Greek ;. I thought it too late in life to take such a round in this language as I had done in the Latin. I only wanted the signi- fication of scriptural words and phrases ; and for this I thought I might avail myself of Scapula, RESIDENCE AT LIVERPOOL. 135 he Synopsis, and others, who had sustained the Irudgery before me. In the Hebrew I can read .he historical books and psalms with tolerable 3ase ; but in the prophetical and difficult parts I im frequently obliged to have recourse to lexi- ons, f the tyrant custom, till it leaves them scarcely ■tiough to preserve their conscience, or even heir credit 5 much less to employ their talents a Mr. Thornton's nobler pursuits. He, however, "ould afford to be generous, and while he was ge- lerous, did not forget his duty in being just. He tnade ample provision for his children : and though, while they are living, it would be indelicate to say more, I am sure of speaking truth, when I say they are so far from thinking themselves impover- ished by the bounty of their father, that they con- emplate with the highest satisfaction the fruit of :hose benefits to society which he planted — which t may be trusted will extend with time itself — and which, after his example, they still labor to extend. But, with all the piety and liberality of this ho- nored character, no man had deeper views of his own unworthiness before his God. To the Re- deemer's work alone he looked for acceptance of his person and services : he felt that all he did, or could do, was infinitely short of that which had been done for him, and of the obligations that were thereby laid upon him. It was this ibasedness of heart toward God, combined with the most singular largeness of heart toward his fel- low-creatures, which distinguished John Thorn- ion among men. To this common patron of every useful and pious endeavor, Mr. Newton sent the ' f Narrative " 13* 150 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. inserted in the former part of these memoirs, Mr. Thornton replied in his usual manner, that is, by accompanying his letter with a valuable bank note ; and, some months after he paid Mr. Newton a visit at Olney. A closer connection being now formed between friends who employed their distinct talents in promoting the same be- nevolent cause, Mr. Thornton left a sum of mo- ney with Mr. Newton to be appropriated to the defraying of his necessary expenses, and the re- lief of the poor. fr Be hospitable," said Mr. Thorn- ton, w and keep an open house for such as are worthy of entertainment. Help the poor and needy. I will statedly allow you 200/. a year, and readily send whatever you have occasion to draw for more." Mr. Newton told me, that he thought he had received of Mr. Thornton upward of 3000/. in this way during the time he resided at Olney. The case of most ministers is peculiar, in this respect. Some among them may be looked up to, on account of their publicity and talents: they may have made great sacrifices of their per- sonal interest, in order to enter on their ministry, and may be possessed of the warmest benevo- lence ; but, from the narrowness of their pecu- niary circumstances, and from the largeness of their families, they often perceive that an ordi- nary tradesman in their parishes can subscribe to a charitable or popular institution much more ACQUAINTANCE WITH COWPER. 151 liberally than themselves. This would have been Mr. Newton's case, but for the above-mentioned singular patronage. A minister, however, should not be so forget- ful of his dispensation as to repine at his want of power in this respect. He might as justly es- timate his deficiency by the strength of the lion, or the flight of the eagle. The power communi- cated to him is of another kind : and power of every kind belongs to God, who gives gifts to every man severally as he will. The two mites of the widow were all the power of that kind which was communicated to her ; and he** be- stowment of her two mites was better accepted than the large offerings of the rich man. The powers, therefore, of Mr. Thornton and of Mr. Newton, though of a different order, were both consecrated to God: and each might have said, Of thine own have we given thee. Providence seems to have appointed Mr. New- ton's residence at Olney, among other reasons, for the relief of the depressed mind of the poet Cowper. There has gone forth an unfounded re- port, that the deplorable melancholy of Cowper was, in part, derived from his residence and con- 1 nections in that place. The fact, however, is the reverse of this : and, as it may be of importance to the interests of true religion to prevent such 152 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. a misrepresentation from taking root, I will pre- sent the real state of the case, as I have found it attested by the most respectable living witnesses ; and, more especially, as confirmed by a MS. writ- ten by the poet himself, at the calmest period of his life, with the perusal of which I was favored by Mr. Newton. It most evidently appears that symptoms of .Mr. Cowper's morbid state began to discover themselves in his earliest youth. He seems to have been at all times disordered, in a greater or less degree. He was sent to Westminster school at the age of nine years, and long endured the tyranny of an elder boy, of which he gives an af- fecting account in the paper above-mentioned ; and which ,f produced," as one of his biographers observes, who had long intimacy with him, ?f an indelible effect upon his mind through life." A per- son so naturally bashful and depressed as Cow- per, must needs find the profession of a barrister a further occasion of anxiety. The post obtained for him by his friends in the house of lords over- whelmed him : and the remonstrances w T hich those friends made against his relinquishing so honorable and lucrative an appointment, (but which soon after actually took place,) greatly increased the anguish of a man already inca- pacitated for business. To all this w r ere added events, which, of themselves, have been found ACQUAINTANCE WITH COWPEEt 153 ufficient to overset the strongest minds : name- y, the decease of his particular friend and inti- nate, Sir William Kussel ; and his meeting with . disappointment in obtaining a lady upon whom lis affections were placed. But the state of a person, torn and depressed not by his religious connections, but) by adverse •ircumstances, and these meeting a naturally norbid sensibility, long before he knew Olney, or iad formed any connection with its inhabitants, vill best appear from some verses which he sent it this time to one of his female relations, and or the communication of which we are indebted o Mr. Hay ley. " Doom'd as I am, in solitude to waste The present moments, and regret the past ; Depriv'd of every joy I valued most, My friend torn from me, and my mistress lost : Call not this gloom I wear, this anxious mien, The dull effect of humor or of spleen ! Still, still I mourn with each returning day, Him — snatch'd by fate, in early youth, away ; And her, through tedious years of doubt and pain, Fix'd in her choice, and faithful — but in vain. See me — ere yet my destin'd course half done, Cast forth a wand'rer on a wild unknown ! See me, neglected on the world's rude coast, Each dear companion of my voyage lost ! Nor ask why clouds of sorrow shade my brow, And ready tears wait only leave to flow ; Why all that soothes a heart, from anguish free, All that delights the happy — palls with me !" 154. LIFE or REV. JOHN NEWTOX. Under such pressures, the melancholy and sus- ceptible mind of Cowper received, from evange- lical truth, the first consolation which it ever tasted. It was under the care of Dr. Cotton, of St. Albans, (a physician as capable of administer- ing to the spiritual as to the natural maladies of his patients,) that Mr. Cowper first obtained a clear view of those sublime and animating doc- trines which so distinguished and exalted his fu- ture strains as a poet. Here, also, he received that settled tranquillity and peace which he en- joyed for several years afterwards. So far, there- fore, was his constitutional malady from being produced or increased by his evangelical con- nections, either at St. Albans or at Olney, that he seems never to have had any settled peace but from the truths he learned in these societies, it appears, that among them alone he found the only sunshine he ever enjoyed through the cloudy day of his afflicted life. It appears, also, that, while at Dr. Cotton's, Mr. Cowper's distress was for a long time en- tirely removed, by marking that passage in Rom. 3, 25 : Him hath God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to declare his righ- teousness for the remission of sins that are past. In this scripture he saw the remedy which God pro- vides for the relief of a guilty conscience, with such clearness, that for several years after his ACQUAINTANCE WITH COWfER. 155 heart was filled with love, and his life occupied with prayer, praise, and doing good to his needy fellow-creatures. Mr. Newton told me, that, from Mr. Cowper's first coming to Olney, it was observed he had studied his Bible with such advantage, and was so well acquainted with its design, that not only his troubles were removed, but that, to the end of his life, he never had clearer views of the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel, than when he first became an attendant upon them — that (short intervals excepted) Mr. Cowper enjoyed a course of peace for several successive years — that, during this period, the inseparable attendants of a lively faith appeared, by Mr. Cowper's exerting himself to the utmost of his power in every benevolent ser- vice he could render to his poor neighbors — and that Mr. Newton used to consider him as a sort of curate, from his constant attendance upon the sick and afflicted in that large and necessitous parish. But. the malady, which seemed to be subdued by the strong consolations of the Gospel, was still latent j and only required some occasion of irritation, to break out again, and overwhelm the patient. Any object of constant attention that shall occupy a mind previously disordered, whether fear, or love, or science, or religion, will not be so much the cause of the disease, as 156 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. the accidental occasion of exciting it. Cowper's letters will show us how much his mind was oc- cupied at one time by the truths of the Bible, and at another time by the fictions of Homer: but his melancholy was originally a constitutional dis- ease — a physical disorder, which, indeed, could be affected either by the Bible or by Homer, but was utterly distinct in its nature from the mere matter of either. And, here, I cannot but mark this necessary distinction ; having often been witness to cases where religion has been assigned as the proper cause of insanity, when it has been only an acci- dental occasion, in the case of one already affect- ed. Thus Cow t per's malady, like a strong current breaking down the banks which had hitherto sus- tained the pressure and obliquity of its course, pre- vailed against the supports he had received, and precipitated him again into his former distress. I inquired of Mr. Newton as to the manner in w r hich Mr. Cowper's disorder returned, after aa apparent recovery of nearly nine years' continu- ance ; and was informed that the first symptoms were discovered one morning in his conversation, soon after he had undertaken a new engagement in composition. As a general and full account of this extraor- dinary genius is already before the public, such particulars would not have occupied so much ACQUAINTANCE WITH DR. SCOTT. 157 oom in these memoirs, but with a view of re- aoving the false statements that have been made. Of great importance also was the vicinity of rlr. Newton's residence to that of the Kev. Thomas >cott, then Curate of Ravenstone and Weston Jnderwood, and afterwards Rector of Aston >andford ; a man whose ministry and writings ave since been so useful to mankind. This lergyman was nearly a Socinian : he was in the abit of ridiculing evangelical religion, and la- ored to bring over Mr. Newton to his own senti- ' lents. Mr. Scott had married a lady from the imily of a Mr. Wright, a gentleman in his parish, rho had promised to provide for him. But Mr. cott's objections to subscription arose so high, lat he informed his patron it would be in vain 3 attempt providing for him in the Church of ingland ; as he could not conscientiously accept ' living on the condition of subscribing its Litur- y and Articles. " This," said Mr. Newton, tf gave le hopes of Mr. Scott's being sincere, however nrong in his principles." But the benefit which Mr. Scott derived from is neighbor will best appear in his own words. 5 I was," says he, " full of proud self-suffi- | iency, very positive, and very obstinate : and, eing situated in the neighborhood of some of lose whom the world calls Methodists, I joined Newton. 14 158 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. in the prevailing sentiment ; held them in sove- reign contempt; spoke of them with derision; declaimed against them from the pulpit, as per- sons full of bigotry, enthusiasm and spiritual pride ; laid heavy things to their charge; and endeavored to prove the doctrines which I sup- posed them to hold (for I had never read their books) to be dishonorable to God, and destruc- tive of morality. And though, in some com- panies, I chose to conceal part of my senti- ments ; and, in all, affected to speak as a friend to universal toleration ; yet scarcely any person could be more proudly and violently prejudiced against both their persons and principles than I then was. " In January, 1774-, two of my parishioners, a man and his wife, lay at the point of death. I had heard of the circumstance ; but, according to my general custom, not being sent for, I took no notice of it : till, one evening, the woman being now dead, and the man dying, I heard that my neighbor, Mr. Newton, had been several times tc visit them. Immediately my conscience reproach- ed me with being shamefully negligent, in sitting at home, within a few doors of dying persons my general hearers, and never going to visii them. Directly it occurred to me, that, what ever contempt I might have for Mr. Newton'. doctrines, I must acknowledge his practice t( ACQUAINTANCE WITH DR. SCOTT. 159 more consistent with the ministerial charac- r than my own. He must have more zeal and ve for souls than I had, or he would not have alked so far to visit, and supply my lack of care y those who, as far as I was concerned, might ave been left to perish in their sins. This reflection affected me so much, that, ithout delay, and very earnestly, yea with tears, besought the Lord to forgive my past neg- *ct ; and I resolved thenceforth to be more at- mtive to this duty : which resolution, though at rst formed in ignorant dependance on my own rength, I have by divine grace been enabled itherto to keep. I went immediately to visit the irvivor ; and the affecting sight of one person ready dead, and another expiring in the same damber, .served more deeply to impress my se- ous convictions. "It was at this time that my correspondence ith Mr. Newton commenced. At a visitation, fay, 1775, we exchanged a few words on a con- overted subject, in the room among the clergy, hich I believe drew many eyes upon us. At lat time he prudently declined the discourse ; it, a day or two after, he sent me a short note, ith a little book for my perusal. This was the ?ry thing I wanted : and I gladly embraced the pportunity which, according to my wishes, ?emed now to offer ; God knoweth, with no in- 160 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. considerable expectations that my arguments would prove irresistibly convincing, and that I should have the honor of rescuing a well-meaning person from his enthusiastical delusions. " I had, indeed, by this time conceived a very favorable opinion of him, and a sort of respect for him ; being acquainted with the character he sustained even among some persons who ex- pressed a disapprobation of his doctrines. They were forward to commend him as a benevolent, disinterested, inoffensive person, and a laborious minister. But, on the other hand, I looked upon his religious sentiments as rank fanaticism ; and entertained a very contemptuous opinion of hi* abilities, natural and acquired. Once I had had the curiosity to hear him preach ; and, not un- derstanding his sermon, I made a very great jes of it, where I could do it without giving offence I had also read one of his publications j but, fo the same reason, I thought the greater part of i whimsical, paradoxical and unintelligible. " Concealing, therefore, the true motives ol my conduct under the offer of friendship and ; professed desire to know the truth, (which, a midst all my self-sufficiency and prejudice, I trus the Lord had even then given me,) with the great est affectation of candor, and of a mind open t< conviction, I wrote him a long letter ; purposinj to draw from him such an avowal and explanatio; ACQUAINTANCE U'iTH DR. SCOTT. 161 his sentiments as might introduce a contro- versial discussion of our religious differences. ,f The event by no means answered my expec- ation. He returned a very friendly and long an- =\ver to my letter ; in which he carefully avoided he mention of those doctrines which he knew voukl offend me. He declared that he believed ne to be one who feared God, and was under the caching of his Holy Spirit 5 that he gladly ac- •eptcd my offer of friendship, and was nowise in- clined to dictate to me : but that, leaving me to he guidance of the Lord, he would be glad, as >ccasion served, from time to time, to bear tes- imony to the truths of the Gospel ; and to com- nunicate his sentiments to me on any subject, vith all the confidence of friendship. "In this manner our correspondence* began : and it was continued, in the interchange of nine >r ten letters, till December in the same year. Throughout I held my purpose, and he his. I nade use of every endeavor to draw him into controversy, and rilled my letters with defini- ions, inquiries, arguments, objections and consc- iences, requiring explicit answers. He, on the >ther hand, shunned everything controversial as nuch as possible, and filled his letters with the nost useful and least offensive instructions : ex- ept that, now and then, he dropped his hints concerning the necessity, the true nature, and 162 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. the efficacy of faith, and the manner in which it was to be sought and obtained ; and concerning some other matters, suited, as he judged, to help me forward in my inquiry after truth. But they much offended my prejudices, afforded me matter of disputation, and at that time were of little use to me. " When I had made this little progress in seek- ing the truth, my acquaintance with Mr. Newton was resumed. From the conclusion of our cor- respondence, in December, 1775, till April, 1777, it had been almost wholly dropped. To speak plainly, I did not care for his company : I did not mean to make any use of him as an instructor; and I was unwilling the world should think us in any way connected. But, under discouraging cir- cumstances, I had occasion to call upon him j and his discourse so comforted and edified me, that my heart, being by his means relieved from its burden, became susceptible of affection for him. From that time I was inwardly pleased to have him for my friend j though not, as now, rejoiced to call him so. I had, however, even at that time, no thoughts of learning doctrinal truth from him, and was ashamed to be detected in his company ; but I sometimes stole away to spend an hour with him. About the same period I once heard him preach, but still it was foolishness to me ; his ser- mon being principally upon the believer's expe- ACQUAINTANCE WITH DK. SCOTT. 163 rience, in some particulars, with which I was un- acquainted. So that, though I loved and valued him, I considered him as a person misled by enthusiastical notions; and strenuously insisted that we should never think alike till we met in heaven."* .Mr. Scott, after going on to particularize his progress in the discovery of truth, and the cha- racter of Mr. Newton, as its minister, afterward adds : " The pride of reasoning, and the conceit of superior discernment, had all along accompanied me : and, though somewhat broken, had yet con- siderable influence. Hitherto, therefore, I had not thought of hearing any person preach ; be- cause I did not think any one in the circle of my acquaintance capable of giving me such informa- tion as I wanted. But, being at length convinced that Mr. Newton had been right, and that I had been mistaken, in the several particulars in which we had differed, it occurred to me, that, having preached these doctrines so long, he must un- derstand many things concerning them to which I was a stranger. Now, therefore, though not without much remaining prejudice, and not less in the character of a judge than of a scholar, I * Scott's Force of Truth. 164. LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. condescended to be his hearer, and occasionally to attend his preaching, and that of some other ministers. I soon perceived the benefit ; for, from time to time the secrets of my heart were dis- covered to me, far beyond what I had hitherto noticed ; and I seldom returned from hearing a sermon, without having conceived a meaner opi- nion of myself — without having attained to a fur- ther acquaintance with my deficiencies, weak- nesses, corruptions and wants — or without being supplied with fresh matter for prayer, and di- rected to greater watchfulness. I likewise learned the use of experience in preaching ; and was con- vinced, that the readiest way to reach the hearts and consciences of others, was to speak from my own. In short, I gradually saw more and more my need of instruction, and was at length brought to consider myself as a very novice in religious matters. Thus I began experimentally to per- ceive our Lord's meaning, when he says, Except ye receive the kingdom of heaven as a little child ye shall in no wise enter therein." In the year 1776 Mr. Newton was afflicted with a tumor or wen, which had formed on his thigh; and, on account of its growing more large and troublesome, he resolved to undergo the experi- ment of extirpation. This obliged him to go to London for the operation, which was success MINISTRY AT OLNEY. 165 fully performed, October 10, by the late Mr. Warner, of Guy's hospital. I remember hearing him speak several years afterward of this trying occasion ; but the trial did not seem to have affected him as a painful operation, so much as a critical opportunity in which he might fail in de* monstrating the patience of a christian under pain. "I felt," said he, ''that being enabled to bear a very sharp operation with tolerable calm- ness and confidence, was a greater favor granted to me than the deliverance from my malady."* While Mr. Xewton thus continued faithfully discharging the duties of his station, and watch- ing for the temporal and eternal welfare of his * His reflections upon the occasion, in his diary, are as follow: — : - Thou didst support me. and make this operation very tolerable. The cure, by thy blessing, was happily ex- pedited: so that on Sunday, the 27th, I was enabled to go to church and hear Mr. F , and the following Sunday to preach for him. The tenderness and attention of Dr. and Mrs. F , with whom we were, I cannot sufficienilv de- scribe: nor, indeed, the kindness of many other friends. To them I would be thankful, my Lord, but especially to thee; for what are creatures but instruments in thy hand, fulfilling thy pleasure 1 At home all was preserved quiet, and I met with no incident to distress or disturb me while absent. The last fortnight I preached often, and was hur- ried about in seeing my friends. But though I had little leisure or opportunity for retirement, and my heart, alas ! as usual was sadly reluctant and dull in secret, yet, in pub- lic thou wert pleased to favor me with liberty.'" 166 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTOX. flock, a dreadful fire broke out at Olney, October, 1777. Mr. Newton took an active part in com- forting and relieving the sufferers ; he collected upward of £200 for them ; a considerable sum of money, when the poverty and late calamity of the place are considered. Such instances of benevolence toward the people, with the constant assistance he afforded the poor, by the help of Mr. Thornton, naturally led him to expect that he should have so much influence as to restrain gross licentiousness on particular occasions. But to use his own expression, he had ff lived to bury the old crop, on which any dependance could be placed." He preached a weekly lecture, which occurred that year on the 5th of Novem- ber ; and, as he feared that the usual way of ce- lebrating it at Olney might endanger his hearers in their attendance at the church, he exerted himself to preserve some degree of quiet on that evening. Instead, however, of hearkening to his entreaties, the looser sort exceeded their former extravagance, drunkenness and rioting, and even obliged him to send out money, to preserve his house from violence. This happened but a year before he finally left Olney. When he related this occurrence to me, he added that he believed he should never have left the place while he lived, had not so incorrigible a spirit prevailed in a parish he had long labored to reform. MINISTRY AT OLNEV. 167 But I must remark here, that this is no so- litary fact, nor at all unaccountable. The Gos- pel, we are informed, is not merely tf a savor of life unto life," but also M of death unto death." Those whom it does not soften it is often found to harden. Thus we find St. Paul M went into the synagogue and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God. But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them." " The strong man armed " seeks to keep his "house and goods in peace," and if a minister is disposed to let this sleep of death remain, that minister's own house and goods may be permit- ted to remain in peace also. Such a minister may be esteemed by his parish as a good kind of man — quiet, inoffensive, candid, &c. ; and if he discovers any zeal, it is directed to keep the pa- rish in the state he found it ; that is, in ignorance and unbelief, worldly-minded, and hard-hearted; the very state of peace in which the strong man armed seeks to keep his palace or citadel, the human heart. But if a minister, like the subject of these Me- moirs, enters into the design of his commission — if he be alive to the interest of his own soul, and that of the souls committed to his charge ; 168 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. or, as the apostle expresses it, " to save himself and those that hear him," he may depend upon meeting, in his own experience, the truths of that declaration, "Yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution," in one form of it or another. One of the most melan- choly sights we behold is when professed chris- tians, through prejudice, join the world in throw- ing the stone. There is, however, such a deter- mined enmity to godliness itself in the breast of a certain class of men existing in most parishes, that, whatever learning and good sense is found in their teacher — whatever consistency of charac- ter, or blameless deportment he exhibits ; what- ever benevolence or bounty (like that which Mr Newton exercised at Olney) may constantly ap- pear in his character ; such men remain irrecon- cilable. They will resist every attempt made to appease their enmity. God alone, who changed the hearts of Paul and Newton, can heal these bitter waters. I recollect to have heard Mr. Newton say on such an occasion, "When God is about to per- form any great work, he generally permits some great opposition to it. Suppose Pharaoh had acquiesced in the departure of the children of Israel, or that they had met with no difficulties in the way, they would, indeed, have passed from Egypt to Canaan with ease ; but they, as well as MINISTRY AT QLNBT. 169 the church in all future ages, would have been great losers. The wonder-working God would not have been seen in those extremities which make his arm so visible. A smooth passage here would have made but a poor story." But under such disorders, Mr. Newton, in no one instance that I ever heard of, was tempted to depart from the line marked out by the precept and example of his Master. He continued to rf bless them that persecuted him," knowing that "the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient." To the last day he spent among them he went straight forward, " in meekness instructing those that opposed, if God peradventure might give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth." But, before we take a final leave of Olney, the reader must be informed of another part of Mr. Xcwton's labors. He had published a volume of sermons before he took orders, dated Liverpool, January 1, 1760. In 1762 he published his Omi- cron, to which his letters, signed Vigil, were af- terward annexed. In 1764 appeared his narrative. In 1767 a volume of Sermons, preached at Olney. In 1769 his Review of Ecclesiastical History, ind, in 1779, a volume of Hymns, of which some vvere composed by Mr. Cowper, and distinguished ly the letter C prefixed to them. To these suc- ;eeded, in 1781, his valuable work, Cardiphonia. Newtou. 1 f% 170 LIFE OP REV. JOHN NEWTON. From Olney Mr. Newton was removed to the rectory of the united parishes of St. Mary Wool- noth and St. Mary Woolchurch Haw, Lombard- street, on the presentation of his friend, Mr. Thornton. Some difficulty arose on Mr. Newton's being presented, from Mr. Thornton's right of presen- tation being claimed by a nobleman j the ques- tion was, therefore, at length brought before the house of lords, and determined in favor of Mr. Thornton. Mr. Newton preached his first ser- mon in these parishes, December 19, 1779, from Eph. 4 : 15, " Speaking the truth in love." It con- tained an affectionate address to his parishioners, and was directly published for their use. Here a new and very distinct scene of action and usefulness was set before him. Placed in the centre of London,, in an opulent neighborhood, with connections daily increasing, he had now a course of service to pursue, in several respects different from his farmer at Olney. Being, how- ever, well acquainted with the word of God and the heart of man, he proposed to himself no new weapons of warfare for pulling down the strong- holds of sin and Satan around him. He per- ceived, indeed, most of hjs parishioners too in- tent upon their wealth and merchandise to pay much regard to their new minister ; but, since they would not come to him, he was determined MINISTRY AT LONDON. 171 ) go, as far as he could, to them ; and, there- >re, soon after his institution he sent a printed idress to his parishioners : he afterward sent lem another address, on the usual prejudices lat are taken up against the Gospel. What ef- ;cts these attempts had then upon them does ot appear ; certain it is, that these and other cts of his ministry will be recollected by them hen the objects of their present pursuits are jrgotten or lamented. I have heard Mr. Newton speak with great ieling on the circumstances of his last import- nt station. " That one," said he, " of the most rnorant, the most miserable, and the most aban- oned of slaves, should be plucked from his for- )rn state of exile on the coast of Africa, and at mgth be appointed minister of the parish of the rst magistrate of the first city in the world ; hat he should there not only testify of such race, but stand up as a singular instance and lonument of it ; that he should be enabled to ecord it in his history, preaching and writings, o the world at large — is a fact I can contem- late with admiration, but never sufficiently esti- late." This reflection, indeed, was so present o his mind on all occasions and in all places, hat he seldom passed a single day any where >ut he was found referring to the strange event, n one way or other. 172 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. "When Mr. Newton came to London he resided .for some time in Charles' Square, Hoxton ; after- ward he removed to Coleman-street Buildings, where he continued till his death. Being of the most friendly and communicative disposition, his house was open to christians of all ranks and de- nominations. Here, like a father among his chil- dren, he used to entertain, encourage and in- struct his friends, especially younger ministers, or candidates for the ministry. Here also the poor, the afflicted and the tempted, found an asy- lum and a sympathy which they could scarce- ly find, in an equal degree, any where besides. His timely hints were often given with much point and profitable address to the numerous ac- quaintance who surrounded him in his public sta- tion. Some time after Mr. Newton had published his Omicron, and described the three stages of growth in religion, from the blade, the ear, and the full corn in the ear, distinguishing them by the letters A, B, and C, a conceited young minis- ter wrote to Mr. Newton, telling him that he read his own character accurately drawn in that of C. Mr. Newton wrote in reply, that "in draw- ing the character of C, or full maturity, he had forgotten to add, till now, one prominent feature of C's character, namely, that C never knew his own face." "It grieves me," said Mr. Newton, "to see so MINISTRY IN LONDON. 173 <3W of my wealthy parishioners come to church, always consider the rich as under greater obli- ations to the preaching of the Gospel than the oor. For at church the rich must hear the rhole truth as well as others. There they have o mode of escape. But let them once get home, ou will be troubled to get at them ; and, when ou are admitted, you are so fettered with punc- ilio, so interrupted and damped with the frivol- us conversation of their friends, that, as Arch- ishop Leighton says, ' it is well if your visit oes not prove a blank or a blot.' " Mr. Newton used to improve every occurrence rhich he could with propriety bring into the ulpit. One night he found a bill put up at St. Iary Woolnoth's, upon which he largely com- lented when he came to preach. The bill was 3 this effect : rf A young man having come to he possession of a very considerable fortune, esires the prayers of the congregation that he lay be preserved from the snares to which it ex- oses him." " Now, if the man," said Mr. New- on, " had lost a fortune, the world would not ave wondered to have seen him put up a bill, ut this man has been better taught." Coming out of his church on a Wednesday, a ady stopped him on the steps, and said, f ' The icket, of which I held a quarter, is drawn a prize >f ten thousand pounds. I know you will con- 15* 174 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. gratulate me upon the occasion." " Madam," said he, M as for a friend under temptation, I will endeavor to pray for you." Soon after he came to St. Mary's I remember to have heard him say, in a certain company, r ' Some have observed that I preach shorter ser- mons on a Sunday morning, and with more cau- tion j but this I do upon principle. I suppose I may have two or three of my bankers present, and some others of my parish, who have hitherto been strangers to my views of truth. I endeavor to imitate the apostle. f I became,' says he, 1 all things to all men ;' but observe the end, it was in order to f gain some.' The fowler must go cautiously to meet shy birds, but he will not leave his powder and shot behind him. r I have fed you with milk,' says the apostle ; but there are some that are not only for forcing strong meat, but bones too, down the throat of the child. We must have patience with a single step in the case of an infant ; and there are one-step books and sermons, which are good in their place. Christ taught his disciples as they were able to bear ; and it was upon the same principle that the apostle accommodated himself to preju- dice. Now," continued he, " what I wish to re-, mark on these considerations is, that this apos- tolical principle, steadily pursued, will render a minister apparently inconsistent j superficial hear- p MINISTRY IN LONDON. 175 ers will think him a trimmer. On the other hand, a minister, destitute of the apostolical principle and intention, and directing his whole force to preserve the appearance of consistency, may thus seem to preserve it ; but, let me tell you, here is only the form of faithfulness without the spirit." I could not help observing, one day, how much Mr. Newton was grieved with the mistake of a minister who appeared to pay too much atten- tion to politics. " For my part," said he, " I have no temptation to turn politician, and much less to inflame a party in these times. When a ship is leaky, and a mutinous spirit divides the company on board, a wise man would say, f My good friends, while we are debating the water is gaining on us — we had better leave the debate and go to the pumps.' I endeavor," continued he, " to turn my people's eyes from instruments to God. I am continually attempting to show them how far they are from knowing either the matter of fact or the matter of right. I inculcate our great privileges in this country, and advise a discontented man to take a lodging for a little while in Russia or Prussia." Though no great variety of anecdote is to be expected in a course so stationary as this part of Mr. Newton's life and ministry — for sometimes the course of a single day might give the ac- 176 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. count of a whole year — yet that day was so be- nevolently spent, that he was found in it M not only rejoicing with those that rejoiced," but lite- rally " weeping with those that wept." The por- trait which Goldsmith drew from imagination Mr. Newton realized in fact, insomuch that had Mr. Newton sat for his picture to the poet, it could not have been more accurately delineated than by the following lines in his Deserted Village : " Unskilful he to fawn, or seek for power, M By doctrines fashion'd to the varying hour j " Far other aims his heart had learn'd to prize, " More bent to raise the wretched than to rise. " Thus to relieve the wretched was his pride, " And e'en his failings lean'd to virtue's side j " But in his duty prompt at every call, u He watch'd and wept, he pray'd and felt, for all : M And as a bird each fond endearment tries " To tempt his new-fledged offspring to the skie»". M He tried each art, reprov'd each dull delay, " Allur'd to brighter worlds, and led the way." I remember to have heard him say, when speak- ing of his continual interruptions, " I see in this world two heaps of human happiness and misery; now if I can take but the smallest bit from one heap and add to the other, I carry a point. If,, as I go home, a child has dropped a half-penny, and if, by giving it another, I can wipe away its tears, I feel I have done something. I should be glad MINISTRY IN LONDON. 177 indeed to do greater things, but I will not neglect this. When I hear a knock at my study door, I hear a message from God ; it may be a lesson of instruction, perhaps a lesson of patience ; but since it is his message, it must be interesting." But it was not merely under his own roof that tiis benevolent aims were thus exerted j he was found ready to take an active part in relieving the miserable, directing the anxious, or recover- ing the wanderer, in whatever state or place he discovered such: of which take the following nstance : The late Dr. Buchanan was a youth of consi- derable talents, and had received a respectable education. I am not informed of his original destination in point of profession ; but certain it m that he left his parents in Scotland, with a de- sign of viewing the world at large ; and that, without those pecuniary resources which could render such an undertaking convenient, or even practicable. Yet, having the sanguine expecta- :ions of youth, together with its inexperience, ie determinately pursued his plan. I have seen in account from his own hand, of the strange, jut by no means dishonorable resources to which le was reduced in the pursuit of this scheme ; lor can romance exceed the detail. To London, lowever, he came ; and then he seemed to come :o himself. He had heard Mr. Newton's character, 178 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. and on a Sunday evening he came to St. Mary Woolnoth, and stood in one of the aisles while Mr. Newton preached. In the course of that week he wrote to Mr. Newton some account of his ad-- ventures and state of mind. Such circumstances eould be addressed to no man more properly Mr. Newton's favorite maxim was often in his mouth, more often in his actions, and always m his heart ; Hand ignara mali, missris succurrere disco. ! " Not ignorant of suffering, I hasten to succor the wretched." Mr. Newton therefore gave notice from the pulpit on the following Sunday evening, that if the per- son was present who had sent him such a letter, he should be glad to speak with him. Mr. Buchanan gladly accepted the invitation, and eame to Mr. Newton's house, where a friendship began which continued till Mr. Newton's death Mr. Newton not only afforded this youth the in- struction which he at this period so deeply needed, but marking his fine abilities and correct inclina- tion, he introduced him to Henry Thornton, Esq. who, inheriting his father's unbounded liberality and determined adherence to the cause of real religion, readily patronized the stranger. Mr. Bu- ehanan was, by the munificence of this gentle- man, supported through a university education, and was afterward ordained to a curacy. It was, ACQUAINTANCE WITH DR. BUCHANAN. 179 however, thought expedient that his talents should be employed in an important station abroad, which he readily undertook, and in which he maintained a very distinguished cha- racter. It ought not to be concealed that Mr. Bucha- nan, after his advancement, not only returned his patron the whole expense of his university edu- cation, but also placed in his hands an equal sum for the education of some pious youth who might be deemed worthy of the same assistance as was once afforded to himself. Mr. Newton used to spend a month or two, annually, at the house of some friend in the country ; he always took an affectionate leave of his congregation before he departed, and spoke of his leaving town as quite uncertain of returning to it, considering the variety of inci- dents which might prevent that return. Nothing was more remarkable than his constant habit of regarding the hand of God in every event, how- ever trivial it might appear to others. On every occasion — in the concerns of every hour — in matters public or private, like Enoch, he "walk- ed with God." Take a single instance of his state of mind in this respect. In walking to his church he would say. " 'The way of man is not in himself,' nor can he conceive what belongs to a single step — when I go to St. Mary Woolnoth 180 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. it seems the same whether I turn down Lothbury or go through the Old Jewry ; but the going through one street arid not another, may produce an effect of lasting consequences. A man cut down my hammock in sport, but had he cut it down half an hour later, I had not been here, as the exchange of crew was then making. A man made a smoke on the sea-shore at the time a ship passed, which was thereby brought to, and af- terward brought me to England." Mr. Newton experienced a severe stroke soon after he came to St. Mary's, and while he resided in Charles Square, in the death of his niece, Miss Eliza Cunningham. He loved her with the affec- tion of a parent, and she was, indeed, truly lovely. He had brought her up, and had observed that, with the most amiable natural qualities, she pos- sessed real piety. With every possible attention from Mr. and Mrs. Newton and their friends, they yet saw her gradually sink into the arms of death; but she was, through grace, prepared to meet him as a messenger sent from her heavenly Father, to whom she departed, October 6th, 1785, aged four- teen years and eight months. On this occasion Mr. Newton published a brief memoir of her cha- racter and death.* * This Memoir is Tract No. 83, published by the Ame- rican Tract Society. MINISTRY IN LONDON. 181 In the years 1784 and 1785 Mr. Newton preach- ed a course of sermons on an occasion of which he gives the following account in his first dis- course : " Conversation in almost every company, for some time past, has much turned upon the commemoration of Handel, and particularly on his oratorio of the Messiah. I mean to lead your meditations to the language of the oratorio, and to consider, in their order, (if the Lord, on whom jur breath depends, shall be pleased to afford life, ability and opportunity,) the several sublime md interesting passages of Scripture which are [he basis of that admired composition." In the year 1786 he published these discourses in two volumes, octavo. There is a passage so original Ht the beginning of his fourth sermon, from MaL 3 : 1-3, " The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple," &c. that I shall transcribe it for the use of such as have not seen these dis- courses ; at the same time it will, in a few words,, convey Mr. Newton's idea of the usual perform- ance of this oratorio, or attending its perform- ance in present circumstances. " ' Whereunto shall we liken the people of this generation, and to what are they like V " I re- present to myself a number of persons, of various characters, involved in one common charge of high treason. They are already in a state of confinement, but not yet brought to their trial. 182 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. The facts, however, are so plain, and the evidence against them so strong and pointed, that there is not the least doubt of their guilt being fully proved, and that nothing but a pardon can pre- serve them from punishment. In this situation it should seem their wisdom to avail themselves of every expedient in their power for obtaining mercy : but they are entirely regardless of their danger, and wholly taken up with contriving me- thods of amusing themselves, that they may pass away the term of their imprisonment with as much cheerfulness as possible. Among other resources, they call in the assistance of music: and amidst a great variety of subjects in this way, they are particularly pleased with one. They choose to make the solemnities of their impending trial, the character of their Judge, the methods of his procedure, and the awful sentence to which they are exposed, the ground- work of a musical entertainment : and, as if they were quite unconcerned in the event, their atten- tion is chiefly fixed upon the skill of the com- poser, in adapting the style of his music to the very solemn language and subject with which, they are trifling. The king, however, out of his great clemency and compassion toward those who have no pity for themselves, prevents them with his goodness. Undesired by them, he sends them a gracious message : he assures them that MINISTRY IN LOtfDON. 183 he is unwilling they should suffer: he requires, yea, he entreats them to submit. He points out a way in which their confession and submission shall be certainly accepted ; and in this way, which he condescends to prescribe, he offers them a free and a full pardon. But instead of taking a single step toward a compliance with his goodness, they set his message likewise to music ; and this, together with a description of their previous state, and of the fearful doom awaiting them if they continue obstinate, is sung for their diversion, accompanied with the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dul- cimer, and all kinds of instruments. Surely, if such a case as I have supposed could be found in real life, though I might admire the musical taste of these people, I should commiserate their insensibility." But " clouds return after the rain :" a greater loss than that of Miss Cunningham was to follow. Enough has been said in these memoirs already to show the more than ordinary affection Mr. Newton felt for her who had been so long his idol, as he used to call her ; of which I shall add 3ut one more instance out of many that might 3asily be collected. Being with him at the house of a lady at 31ackheath, we stood at a window which had a )rospect of Shooter's Hill. " Ah," said Mr. New- 184 LIFE OF BEV. JOlfH KEWTON- ton, M I remember the many journeys I took from London to stand at the top of that hill in order to look toward the part in which Mrs. Newton then lived : not that I could see the spot itself, after travelling several miles, for she lived far beyond what I could see when on the hill j but it grati- fied me even to look toward the spot : and this I did always once, and sometimes twice a week." " Why," said I, " this is more like one of the va- garies of romance than of real life." " True," replied he, " but real life has extravagances that would not be admitted to appear in a well-writ- ten romance — they would be said to be out of mature." In such a continued habit of excessive attach- ment, it is evident how keenly Mr. Newton must have felt, while he observed the progress of a threatening disorder. This will be manifest from the following account which he published. It was added to his publication, Letters to a Wife, and he entitles it A Relation of some Particulars respecting ike Cause, Progress, and Close of the last Illness of my late dear Wife. M Among my readers there will doubtless he some of a gentle, sympathizing spirit, with whom I am not personally acquainted ; and perhaps ILLNESS OF MRS. NEWTON. 1S5 their feelings may so far interest them in my concerns as to make them not unwilling to read a brief account of my late great trial. " My dear wife had naturally a good constitu- tion, and was favored with good spirits to the last : but the violent shock she sustained in the year 1754, when I was suddenly attacked by a fit, (I know not of what kind,) which left me no sign of life for about an hour but breathing, made as sudden a change in her habit, and subjected her, from that time, to a variety of chronic com- plaints. She was several times confined, for five or six months, to her chamber, and often brought so low that her recovery seemed hopeless. I be- lieve she spent ten years, out of the forty that she was spared to me, (if all the days of her suf- ferings were added together,) in illness and pain. But she had likewise long intervals of health. The fit I have mentioned (the only one I ever had) was the means the Lord was pleased to ap- point, in answer to my prayers, to free me from the irksome seafaring life in which I was till then engaged, and to appoint me a settlement on shore. " Before our removal from Liverpool she re- ceived a blow upon her left breast, which occa- sioned her some pain and anxiety for a little time, but which soon wore off. A small lump re- mained in the part affected, but I heard no more 16* 186 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON, of it for many years. I believe that, latterly, she felt more than I was aware of; but her tender- ness for me made her conceal it as long as pos- sible. I have often since wondered at her suc- cess, and how I could be kept so long ignorant of it. "In the month of October, 1788, she applied, unknown to me, to a friend of mine, an eminent surgeon : her design was, if he approved it, to submit to an operation, and so to adjust time and circumstances with him, that it might be perform- ed in my absence, and before I could know it: but the surgeon told her that the malady was too far advanced, and the tumor (the size of which he compared to the half of a melon) was too large to warrant the hope of being extracted without the most imminent danger of her life, and that ho durst not attempt it. He could give her but little advice, more than to keep herself as quiet, and her mind as easy as possible ; and little more en- couragement, than by saying that the pains to which she was exposed were generally rendered tolerable by the use of laudanum ; to which, how- ever, she had a dislike little short of an antipathy. " I cannot easily describe the composure and resignation with which she gave me this recital the next day after her interview with the surgeon : nor of the sensations of my mind while I heard it. My conscience told me that I had well deserv- ILLNESS OF -MRS. NEWTON. 187. ed to be wounded where I was most sensible ; ind that it was my duty to submit with silence to the will of the Lord. But I strongly felt that, un- less he was pleased to give me this submission, I was more likely to toss like a wild bull in a net, in defiance of my better judgment. M Soon after, the Lord was pleased to visit our dear adopted daughter with a dreadful fever, which at first greatly affected her nerves, and af- terward became putrid. She (Miss Catlett) was brought very near to the grave indeed ; for we once or twice thought her actually dead. But He, who in the midst of judgment remembers mercy, restored her, and still preserves her, to be the chief temporal comfort of my old age, and to afford me the greatest alleviation of the loss I was soon to experience, that the case could admit. M The attention and anxiety occasioned by this heavy dispensation, which lasted during the whole of a very severe winter ; were by no means suited to promote that tranquillity of mind which my good friend wished my dear wife would en- deavor to preserve. She was often much fatigued, and often much alarmed. Next to each other, this dear child had the nearest place, both in her heart and mine. The effect was soon apparent : as the spring of 1789 advanced, her malady ra- pidly increased ; her pains were almost incessant, 188 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. and often intense, and she could seldom lie one hour in her bed in the same position. Oh ! my heart, what didst thou then suffer! "But in April, the God who heareth prayer mercifully afforded relief, and gave such a bless- ing to the means employed, that her pains ceas- ed. And though I believe she never had an hour of perfect ease, she felt little of the distressing pains incident to her malady, from that time to the end of her life, (which was about twenty months,) excepting at three or four short inter- vals, which, taken together, hardly amounted to two hours : and these returns of anguish, I thought, were permitted to show me how much I was in- debted to the goodness of God for exempting her feelings and my sympathy from what would have been terrible indeed ! " In the close of the summer she was able to go to Southampton, and returned tolerably well. She was twice at church in the first week after she came home. She then went no more abroad, except in a coach, for a little air and exercise: but she was cheerful, tolerably easy, slept as well as most people who are in perfect health, and could receive and converse with her kind friends who visited her. tr It was not long after, that she began to have a distaste for food, which continued and increas- ed ; so that perhaps her death was at last rath- ILLNESS OF MRS. NEWTON. 189 er owing to weakness, from want of nourishment, than to her primary disorder. Her dislike was, first, to butcher's meat, of which she could bear neither the sight nor the smell. Poultry and fish in their turns became equally distasteful. She re- tained some relish for small birds awhile after she had given up the rest j but it was at a season when they were difficult to be obtained. I hope I shall always feel my obligations to the kind friends who spared no pains to procure some for her when they were not to be had in the markets. At that time I set more value upon a dozen of larks than upon the finest ox in Smithfield. But her appetite failed to these also, w T hen they be- came more plentiful. " Under this trying discipline I learnt, more sensibly than ever, to pity those whose sufferings, of a similar kind, are aggravated by poverty. Our distress was not small, yet we had every thing within reach that could, in any degree, conduce to her refreshment or relief ; and Ave had faithful and affectionate servants, who were always will- ingly engaged to their power, yea, as the apostle speaks, beyond their power, in attending and as- sisting her, by night and by day. What must be the feelings of those who, when afflicted with grievous diseases, pine away, unpitied, unnoticed, without help, and, in a great measure destitute of common necessaries 1 This reflection, among 190 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. others, contributed to quiet my mind, and to convince me that I had still much more cause for thankfulness than for complaint. " For about a twelvemonth of her confinement her spirits were good, her patience was exem- plary, and there was a cheerfulness in her looks and her language that was wonderful. Often the liveliness of her remarks has forced a smile from us when the tears were in our eyes. Whatever little contrivances she formed for her amuse- ment, in the course of the day, she would attend to nothing till she had finished her stated read* ing of the Scripture, in which she employed much time and great attention. I have her Bible by me, (which I would not part with for half the ma- nuscripts in the Vatican,) in which almost every principal text, from the beginning to the end of the book, is marked in the margin with a pencil by her own dear hand. The good word of Goo was her medicine and her food, while she waa able to read it. She read Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns, and the Olney Hymns, in the same man- ner. There are few of them in which one, two, or more verses, are not thus marked j and in ma- ny, which I suppose she read more frequently, every verse is marked. "But in October the enemy was permitted, for a while, to take advantage of her bodily weak- ness, to disturb the peace and serenity of her ILLNES3 OF MRS. NEWTON. 191 mind. Her thoughts became clouded and confus- »d ; and she gradually lost, not only the com- fortable evidence of her own interest in the pre- vious truths of the Bible, but she lost all hold of the truth itself. She doubted the truth of the Bible, or whether truth existed ; and, together with this, she expressed an extreme reluctance ho death, and could not easily bear the most dis- ' Lant hint of her approaching end, though we were i expecting it daily and hourly. This was the acme, ihe highwater-mark of my trial : this was hard to Dear indeed. My readers, perhaps, will scarcely believe :hat I derived some consolation, during this pe- riod, from perceiving that her attachment to me I was very sensibly abated. She spoke to me with ' m indifference, of which, a little before, she was incapable. If, when the Lord's presence was with- drawn, and she could derive no comfort from his word, she had found some relief from my being with her, or from hearing me speak, I should have been more grieved. Her affection to me, con- firmed by so many proofs, in the course of forty years, was not to be impeached by this tempora- ry suspension of its exercise. I judged the same of the frame of her mind, as to her spiritual con- cerns : I ascribed them both to the same cause — !ier bodily weakness, and the power of tempta- tion. She was relieved, in both respects, after 192 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. about a fortnight spent in conflict and dismay. The Lord restored peace to her soul, and then her former tenderness to me immediately revived. Then, likewise, she could calmly speak of her approaching dissolution. She mentioned some particulars concerning her funeral, and our do- mestic concerns, with great composure. But her mind was not so fully restored to its former tone as to give her freedom to enlarge upon her hopes and views, as I had wished, till near her dissolu- tion ; and then she was too low to speak at all. M One addition to our trial yet remained. It had been her custom, when she went from her sofa to her bed, to exert herself for my encou- ragement, to show me how well she could walk. But it pleased the Lord that, by some alteration, which affected her spine, she was disabled from moving herself ; and other circumstances render- ed it extremely difficult to move her. It has taken five of us nearly two hours to remove her from one side of the bed to the other, and, at times, even this was impracticable : so that she has lain more than a week exactly in the same spot, with- out the possibility of changing her position. All this was necessary on my account. ^ie rod had a voice, and it was the voice of the Lord. I un- derstood the meaning no less plainly than if he had spoken audibly from heaven, and said, ff Now contemplate your idol. Now see what she if ILLNESS OF MRS. NEWTON- 193 whom you once presumed to prefer to Me!" Even this bitter cup was sweetened by the pa- tience and resignation which he gave her. When I have said, "You suffer greatly," her answer usually was, "I suffer, indeed, but not greatly." And she often expressed her thankfulness that, though her body was immoveable, she was still permitted the use of her hands. " One of the last sensible concerns she felt, respecting this world, was when my honored friend, patron and benefactor, the late John Thornton, Esq. of Clapham, was removed to a better. She revered and regarded him, I believe, more than she did any person upon earth : and she had reason. Few had nearer access to know and admire his character; and perhaps none were under greater, if equal, obligations to him than we. She knew of his illness, but was always afraid to inquire after the event ; nor should I have ventured to inform her, but that the occa- sion requiring me to leave her for four or five hours, when I hardly expected to find her alive at my return, I was constrained to give her the reason of my absence. She eagerly replied, fC Go by all means ; I would not have you stay with me upon any consideration." I put the funeral iring I was favored with into her hands ; she put it first to her lips, and then to her eyes, bedew- ing it with her tears. I trust they soon met Newton. 1 7 194? LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. again. But she survived him more than a month " Her head became so affected that I could dc little more than sit and look at her. Our inter course by words was nearly broken off. Sh( could not easily bear the sound of the gentles foot upon the carpet, nor of the softest voice On Sunday, the 12th of December, when I wa preparing for church in the morning, she sent fo me, and we took a final farewell, as to this world She faintly uttered an endearing appellation which was familiar to her, and gave me her hand which I held, while I prayed by her bedside. W , exchanged a few tears j but I was almost as un able to speak as she was. But I returned soo after, and said, f If your mind, as I trust, is in state of peace, it will be a comfort to me if yo can signify it by holding up your hand.' Sh held it up, and wavepl it to and fro several time; " That evening her speech, her sight, and believe, her hearing, wholly failed. She cont nued perfectly composed, without taking notic of any thing, or discovering any sign of pain c uneasiness, till Wednesday evening toward seve o'clock. She then began to breathe very hare her breathing might be called groaning, for was heard in every part of the house ; but I h lieve it was entirely owing to the difficulty c respiration, for she lay quite still, with a plac countenance, as if in a gentle slumber. Thei DEATH OF MRS. NEWTON. 195 .vas no start or struggle, nor a feature ruffled. I ook my post by her bed-side, and watched her learly three hours, with a candle in my hand, ill I saw her breathe her last, on the 15th of De- •ember, 1790, a little before ten in the evening. ff When I was sure she was gone I took off her *ing, according to her repeated injunction, and 3ut it upon my own finger. I then kneeled down with the servants who were in the room, and re- turned the Lord my unfeigned thanks for her leliverance, and her peaceful dismission. "How wonderful must be the moment after ieath! What a transition did she then experi- ance ! She was instantly freed from sin, and all its attendant sorrows, and, I trust, instantly ad- mitted to join the heavenly choir. That moment was remarkable to me likewise. It removed from me the chief object which made another day or hour of life, as to my own personal concern, de- sirable. At the same time it set me free from a weight of painful feelings and anxieties, under which nothing short of a divine power could have so long supported me. " I believe it was about two or three months before her death, when I was walking up and down the room, offering disjointed prayers from i heart torn with distress, that a thought sudden- ly struck me with unusual force, to this effect : The promises of God must be true ; surely the 196 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. Lord will help me, if I am willing to be helped! It occurred to me that we are often led, from a vain complacence in what we call our sensibility, to indulge that unprofitable grief which both our duty and our peace require us to resist to the ut- most of our power. I instantly said aloud, 1 Lord, I am helpless indeed in myself, but I hope I am willing, without reserve, that thou shouldst help me.' K It had been much upon my mind, from the beginning of this trial, that I was a minister, and that the eyes of many were upon me ; that my turn of preaching had very much led me to en- deavor to comfort the afflicted, by representing the Gospel as a catholicon, affording an effectual remedy for every evil, a full compensation for every want or loss to those who truly receive it ; so that though a believer may be afflicted, he cannot be properly unhappy, unless he gives way to self-will and unbelief. I had often told my hearers that a state of trial, if rightly improved, was, to the christian, a post of honor, affording the fairest opportunity of exemplifying the pow- er of divine grace, to the praise and glory of the Giver. It had been, therefore, my frequent daily prayer that I might not, by impatience or des- pondency, be deprived of the advantage my situation afforded me, of confirming by my own practice the doctrine which I had preached to DEATH OF MRS. NEWTON. 197 others ; and that I might not give them occasion to apply to me the words of Eliphaz to Job, chap. 4 : 4, 5, " Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees; but now it is come upon thee, and thou faintest ; it toucheththee, and thou art troubled!" And I had not prayed in vain. But from the time that I so remarkably felt myself willing to be helped, I might truly say, to the praise of the Lord my heart trusted in him, and I was helped indeed. Through the whole of my painful trial I attended all my stated and occasional services as usual; and a 'stranger would scarcely have discovered, either by my words or looks, that I was in trouble. .Many of our intimate friends were apprehensive that this long affliction, and especially the closing event, would have over- whelmed me ; but it was far otherwise. It did not prevent me from preaching a single sermon, and I preached on the day of her death. " After she was gone, my willingness to be helped, and my desire that the Lord's goodness to me might be observed by others, for their en- couragement, made me indifferent to some laws of established custom, the breach of which jis often more noticed than the violation of God's commands. I was afraid of sitting at home, and indulging myself, by poring over my loss ; and therefore I was seen in the street, and visited 17* 198 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTOX. some of my serious friends the very next day. I likewise preached three times while she lay dead in the house. Some of my brethren kindly offered their assistance; but as the Lord .was pleased to give me strength, both of body and mind, I thought it my duty to stand up in my place as formerly. And after she was deposited in the vault I preached her funeral sermon,* with little more sensible emotion than if it had been for another person. I have reason to hope that many of my hearers were comforted and animat- ed under their afflictions, by what they saw of the Lord's goodness to me in my time of need. And I acknowledge that it was well worth stand- ing a while in the fire, for such an opportunity of experiencing and exhibiting the power and faithfulness of his promises. *' I was not supported by lively sensible consola- tions, but by being enabled to realize to my mind some great and leading truths of the word of God. I saw, what indeed I knew before, but never till then so strongly and clearly perceived, that, as a sinner, I had no right y and as a believer, I could have no reason to complain. I considered her as a k)an, which He who lent her to me had a right. * From a text which I had reserved from my first en- trance on the ministry, for this particular service, if 1 should survive her, and be able to speak. DEATH OF MRS. NEWTON. 199 to resume whenever he pleased ; and that as I had deserved ^o forfeit her every day, from the first, it became me rather to be thankful that she was spared so long to me, than to resign her with reluctance when called for. Farther, that his sovereignty was connected with infinite wis- dom and goodness, and that, consequently, if it were possible for me to alter any part of his plan, I could only spoil it ; that such a short- sighted creature as I, so blind to the possible con- sequences of my own wishes, was not only un- worthy, but unable to choose well for himself; and that it was therefore my great mercy and privilege that the Lord condescended to choose for me. May such considerations powerfully af- fect the hearts of my readers under their troubles^ and then I shall not regret having submitted to the view of the public a detail which may seem more proper for the subject of a private letter to a friend. They who can feel, will, I hope, excuse me : and it is chiefly for their sakes that I have written it. When my wife died the world seemed to die with her, (I hope, to revive no more.) I see little now but my ministry and my christian profession to make a continuance in life for a single day de- sirable ; though I am willing to wait my appoint- ed time. If the world cannot restore her to me (not that I have the remotest wish that her return 200 LTFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. was possible) it can do nothing for me. The Bank of England is too poor to compensate for such a loss as mine. But the Lord, the all-suffi- cient God, speaks, and it is done. Let .those who know him, and trust him, be of good courage. He can give them strength according to their day ; he can increase their strength as their trials are increased, to any assignable degree. And what he can do, he has promised he will do. The power and faithfulness on which the suc- cessive changes of day and night, and of the seasons of the year depend, and which uphold the stars in their orbits, are equally engaged to support his people, and to lead them safely and unhurt (if their path be so appointed) through floods and flames. Though I believe she has never yet been (and probably never will be) out of my waking thoughts for five minutes at a time, though I sleep in the bed in which she suf- fered and languished so long, I have not had one uncomfortable day, nor one restless night since she left me. I have lost a right hand, which I cannot but miss continually, but the Lord enables me to go on cheerfully without it. "May his blessing rest upon the reader ! May glory, honor and praise be ascribed to his great and holy name, now and for ever ! Amen." DEATH OF MRS. NEWTON. 201 Anes composed by Mr. Newton, and sung after the funeral sermon of Mrs. Newton. Habakkuk, 3 : 17, 18. M The earth, with rich abundance stor'd, To answer all our wants, Invites our hearts to praise the Lord For what his bounty grants. " Flocks, herds and corn, and grateful fruit, His gracious hand supplies ; And while our various tastes- they suit, Their prospect cheers our eyes. " To these he adds each tender tie Of sweet domestic life; Endearing joys, the names imply, Of parent, husband, wife. 11 But sin has poisoned all below; Our blessings burdens prove ; On ev'ry hand we suffer wo, But most where most we love. Jf«r vintage, harvest, flocks nor herds, Can fill the heart's desire ; And oft a worm destroys our gourds, And all our hopes expire. " Domestic joys, alas ! how rare ! Possessed and known by few ! And they who know them, find they are As frail and transient too. 11 But you who love the Savior's voice, And rest upon his name, Amidst these changes may rejoice, For he is still the same. 202 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. " The Lord himself will soon appear Whom you, unseen, adore ; Then he will wipe offevery tear, And you shall weep no more." Mr. Newton made this remark on her death, ff Just before Mrs. Newton's disease became so formidable, I was preaching on the waters of Egypt being turned into blood. The Egyptians had idolized their river, and God made them loath it. I was apprehensive it would soon be a similar case with me." During the very affect- ing season of Mrs. Newton's dissolution, Mr. Newton, like David, wept and prayed ; but the desire of his eyes being taken away by the stroke, he too, like David, "arose from the earth, and came into the temple of the Lord, and worshipped," and that in a manner* which sur- prised some of his friends. Besides which, Mr. Newton had a favorite sen- timent which I have heard him express in differ- ent ways, long before he had so special an occa- sion for illustrating it in practice. " God, in his providence," he used to say, M is continually bringing about occasions to demonstrate charac- ters." He used to instance the case of Achan and Judas among bad men ; and that of St. Paul, MINISTRY IN LONDON. 203 Acts, 27, among good ones. " If any one," said he, " had asked the centurion who Paul the prisoner was that sailed with them on board the ship 1 it is probable he would have thus replied, ' He is a troublesome enthusiast, who has lately joined himself to a certain sect. These people affirm that a Jewish malefactor, who was cruci- fied some years ago at Jerusalem, rose the third day from the dead ; and this Paul is mad enough to assert that Jesus, the leader of their sect, is not only now alive, but that he himself has seen him, and is resolved to live and die with him — ■ Poor crazy creature !' But God made use of this occasion to discover the real character of Paul, and taught the centurion, from the circumstances which followed, to whom it was he owed his direction in the storm, and for whose sake he received his preservation through it." In all trying occasions, therefore, Mr. Newton was particularly impressed with the idea of a christian, and especially of a christian minister, being called to stand forward as an example to his flock — to feel himself placed in a post of ho- nor — a post in which he may not only glorify God, but also forcibly demonstrate the peculiar supports of the Gospel. More especially when this could be done (as in his own case) from no doubtful motive ; then it may be expedient to leave the path of ordinary custom, for the greater 204 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. reason of exhibiting both the doctrines of trutji and the experience of their power. Though I professedly publish none of Mr. Newton's letters, yet I shall take the liberty to insert part of one, with which I am favored by J. Forbes, Esq. of Stanmore Hill, written to him while at Rome, and dated December 5th, 1796. It shows the interest which the writer took in the safety of his friend, and his address in at- tempting to break the enchantments with which men of taste are surrounded, when standing in the centre of the fine arts. " The true christian, in strict propriety of speech, has no home here ; he is, and must be, a stranger and a pilgrim upon earth : his citizen- ship, treasure and real home, are in a better world ; and every step he takes, whether to the east or to the west, is a step nearer to his Fa- ther's house. On the other hand, when in the path of duty, he is always at home ; for the whole earth is the Lord's : and as we see the same sun in England or Italy, in Europe or Asia, so wherever he is, he equally sets the Lord always before him, and finds himself equally near the throne of grace at all times and in all places. God is every where, and, by faith in the great Mediator, he dwells in God, and God in him." To him that line of Horace may be applied in the best sense, HIS DEATH. 217 of my age, do, for the settling of my temporal concerns, and for the disposal of all the worldly estate which it hath pleased the Lord in his good providence to give me, make this my last Will and Testament as follows. I commit my soul to my gracious God and Savior, who mercifully spared and preserved me when I was an apostate, a blasphemer and an infidel ; and delivered me from that state of misery on the coast of Africa into which my obstinate wickedness had plunged me ; and who has been pleased to admit me (though most unworthy) to preach his glorious Gospel. I rely with humble confidence upon the atonement and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, God and man, which I have often pro- posed to others as the only foundation where- on a sinner can build his hope ; trusting that he will guard and guide me through the uncertain remainder of my life, and that he will then admit me into his presence in his heavenly kingdom. I would have my body deposited in the vault un- der the parish church of Saint Mary Woolnoth, close to the coffins of my late dear wife and my dear niece, Elizabeth Cunningham ; and it is my desire that my funeral may be performed with as little expense as possible, consistent with decency." Newton. 19 218 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. MR. NEWTON'S CHARACTER. There seems to be little need of giving a ge- neral character of Mr. Newton after the particu- lars which appear in the foregoing memoirs. He unquestionably was the child of a peculiar provi- dence, in every step of his progress; and his deep sense of the extraordinary dispensation through which he had passed was the prominent topic in his conversation. Those who personally knew the man, could have no doubt of the probity with which his "Narrative" (singular as it *may ap- pear) was written. They, however, who could not view the subject of these memoirs so nearly as his particular friends did, may wish to learn something further of his character with respect tO his LITERARY ATTAINMENTS his MINISTRY his FAMILY HABITS his WRITINGS— and his FAMILIAR CONVERSATION. Of his literature, we learn from his ft Narra- tive " what he attained in the learned languages ; and that, by almost incredible efforts. Few men have undertaken such difficulties under such dis- advantages* It, therefore, seems more extraordi- nary that he should have attained so much, than that he should not have acquired more. Nor did he quit his pursuits of this kind, but in order to HIS CHARACTER. 219 gain that knowledge which he deemed much more important. Whatever he conceived had a tenden- cy to qualify him, as a scribe xocll instructed in the kingdom of God, bringing out of his treasury things new and old — I say, in pursuit of this point, he might have adopted the apostle's ex- pression, One thing I do. By a principle so sim- ply and firmly directed, he furnished his mind with much information : he had consulted the best old divines ; had read the moderns of repu- tation with avidity ; and was continually watch- ing whatever might serve for analogies or illus- trations in the service of religion. " A minis- ter," he used to say, Kt wherever he is, should be always in his study. He should look at every man, and at every thing, as capable of affording him some instruction." His mind, therefore, was ever intent on his calling — ever extracting some- thing even from the basest materials which he could turn into gold. In consequence of this incessant attention to this object, while many (whose early advantages greatly exceeded his) might excel Mr. Newton in the knowledge and investigation of some cu- rious abstract, but very unimportant points ; he vastly excelled them in points of infinitely higher importance to man: — In the knowledge of God, of his word, and of the human heart in its wants and resources, Newton would have stood among 220 LIFE OF REV. JOHN' NEWTON. mere scholars, as his namesake the philosopher stood in science among ordinary men. I might say the same of some others who have set out late in the profession 5 but who, with a portion of Mr. Newton's piety and ardor, have greatly outstripped those who have had every early ad- vantage and encouragement : men with specious titles and high connections have received the re- wards ; while men, like Newton, without them, have done the work. With respect to his ministry, he appeared, per- haps, to least advantage in the pulpit ; as he did not generally aim at accuracy in the composition of his sermons, nor at any address in the delivery of them. His utterance was far from clear, and his attitudes ungraceful. He possessed, however, so much affection for his people, and so much zeal for their best interests, that the defect of his manner was of little consideration with his constant hearers: at the same time, his capacity and habit of entering into their trials and expe- rience, gave the highest interest to his ministry among them. Besides which, he frequently interspersed the most brilliant allusions ; and brought forward such happy illustrations of his subject, and those with so much unction, on his own heart, as melted and enlarged theirs. The parent-like tenderness and affection which ac- companied his instruction, made them prefer him HIS CHARACTER. to preachers, who, on other accounts, were much more generally popular. It ought also to be noted, that, amidst the extravagant notions and unscriptural positions which have sometimes disgraced the religious world, Mr. Newton never departed, in any in- stance, from soundly and seriously promulgating the faith once delivered to the saints ; of which his writings will remain the best evidence. His doctrine was strictly that of the Church of Eng- land, urged on the consciences of men in the most practical and experimental manner. " I hope," said he one day to me, smiling, " I hope I am, upon the whole, a scriptural preacher ; for I find I am considered as an Armenian among the high Calvinists, and as a Calvin ist among the strenuous Armenians." I never observed any thing like bigotry in his ministerial character ; though he seemed, at all times, to appreciate the beauty of order and its good effects in the ministry. He had formerly been intimately connected with some highly re- spectable ministers among the dissenters, and re- tained a cordial regard for many to the last. He considered the strong prejudices which attach to both Churchmen and Dissenters, as arising more from education than from principle. But, being himself both a clergyman and an incumbent in the Church of England, he wished to be consist - 19* 222 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. ent. In public, therefore, he felt he could not act with some ministers, whom he thought truly- good men, and to whom he cordially wished success in their endeavors; and he patiently met the consequence. They called him a bigot; and he, in return, prayed for them, that they might not be really such. He had formerly taken much pains in compos- ing his sermons, as I could perceive in one MS. which I looked through : and, even latterly, I have known him, whenever he felt it necessary, pro- duce admirable plans for the pulpit. I own I thought his judgment deficient, in not deeming such preparation necessary at all times. I have sat in pain, when he has spoken unguardedly in this way before young ministers ; men, who, with but comparatively slight degrees of his informa- tion and experience, would draw encouragement to ascend the pulpit with but little previous study of their subject. A minister is not to be blamed, who cannot rise to qualifications which some of his brethren have attained ; but he is certainly bound to improve his own talent to the utmost of his power : he is not to cover his sloth, his love of company, or his disposition to attend a wealthy patron, with the pretence of depending entirely on divine influence. Timothy had as good ground, at least, for expecting such influence as any of his successors in the ministry ; and yet HIS CHARACTER. 223 the apostle admonishes him to give attendance to reading, to exhortation, and to doctrine — to neglect not the gift that was in him — to meditate upon these things — to give himself wholly to them, that his profiting might appear to all. Mr. Newton regularly preached on the Sunday morning and evening at St. Mary Woolnoth, and also on the Wednesday morning. After he was turned of seventy he often undertook to assist other clergymen ; sometimes, even to the preach- ing of six sermons in the space of a week. What was more extraordinary, he continued his usual course of preaching at his own church after he was fourscore years old, and that, when he could no longer see to read his text ! His memory and voice sometimes failed him ; but it was remarked, that, at this great age, he was nowhere more collected or lively than in the pulpit. He was punctual as to time with his congregation. Every first Sunday evening in the month he preached on relative duties. Mr. Alderman Lea regularly sent his carriage to convey him to the church, and Mr. Bates sent his servant to attend him in the pulpit ; which friendly assistance was con- tinued till Mr. Xewton could appear no longer in public. His ministerial visits were exemplary. I do not recollect one, though favored with many, in which his general information and lively genius did not 224 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. communicate instruction, and his affectionate and condescending sympathy did not leave comfort. Truth demands it should be said, that he did not always administer consolation, nor give an account of characters, with sufficient discrimina- tion. His talent did not lie in discerning of spirits. I never saw him so much moved, as when any friend endeavored to correct his errors in this respect. His credulity seemed to arise from the consciousness he had of his own integrity ; and from that sort of parental fondness which he bore to all his friends, real or pretended. I knew one, since dead, whom he thus described, while liv- ing — " He is certainly an odd man, and has his failings ; but he has great integrity, and I hope he is going to heaven :" whereas, almost all who knew him thought the man should go first into the pillory ! In his family, Mr. Newton might be admired more safely than imitated. His excessive attach- ment to Mrs. Newton is so fully displayed in his ^ Narrative," and confirmed in the two volumes he thought it proper to publish, entitled, " Let- ters to a Wife," that the reader will need no in- formation on this subject. Some of his friends wished this violent attachment had been cast more into the shade ; as tending to furnish a spur, where human nature generally needs a curb. He used, indeed, to speak of such attachments, in HIS CHARACTER. 225 the abstract, as idolatry; though his own was providentially ordered to be the main hinge on which his preservation and deliverance turned, while in his worst state. Good men, however, cannot be too cautious how they give sanction, by their expressions or example, to a passion, which, when not under sober regulation, has over- whelmed not only families, but states, with dis- grace and ruin. With his unusual degree of benevolence and affection, it was not extraordinary that the spi- ritual interests of his servants were brought for- ward, and examined severally every Sunday af- ternoon: nor that, being treated like children, they should grow old in his service. In short, Mr. Newton could live no longer than he could love : it is no wonder, therefore, if his nieces had more of his heart than is generally afforded to their own children by the fondest parents. It has already been mentioned that his house was an asylum for the perplexed or afflicted. Young mi- nisters were peculiarly the objects of his atten- tion: he instructed them; he encouraged them ; he warned them ; and might truly be said to be a father in Christ, spending and being spent, for the interest of his church. In order thus to execute the various avocations of the day, he used to rise early : he seldom was found abroad in the even- ing, and was exact in his appointments. 226 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. Of his writings, I think little needs to be said here ; they are in wide circulation, and best speak for themselves. The ft Sermons" which Mr. Newton published at Liverpool, after being refused on his first ap- plication for orders, were intended to show what he would have preached, had he been admitted: they are highly creditable to his understanding and to his heart. The facility with which he at- tained so much of the learned languages seems partly accounted for, from his being able to ac- quire so early, a neat and natural style in his own language, and that under such evident disadvan- tages. His f ' Review of Ecclesiastical History. ' so far as it proceeded, has been much esteemed; and, if it had done no more than excite the Rev. Joseph Milner (as that most valuable and instruc- tive author informs us it did) to pursue Mr. New- ton's idea more largely, it was sufficient success Before this, the world seems to have lost sight of a history of real Christianity ; and to have been content with what, for the most part, was but an account of the ambition and politics of secular men assuming the christian name. It must be evident to any one who observes the spirit of all his Sermons, Hymns, Tracts, &c that nothing is aimed at which should be met by critical investigation. In the preface to his Hymns, he remarks, Though I would not offend HIS CHARACTER. 227 leaders of taste by a wilful coarseness and negli- gence, I do not write professedly for them. I have simply declared my own views and feelings, as I might have done if I had composed hymns in some of the newly discovered islands in the South ^ea, where no person had any knowledge of the name of Jesus but myself." To dwell, therefore, with a critical eye on this part of his public character would be absurd and impertinent : it would be to erect a tribunal to which he seems not amenable. He appears to have paid no regard to a nice ear, or an accurate reviewer ; but preferring a style at once neat and perspicuous, to have laid out himself entirely for the service of the Church of God, and more es- pecially for the tried and experienced part of its members. His chief excellence, as a writer, seemed to lie in the easy and natural style of his epistolary correspondence. His letters will be read while real religion exists ; and they are the best draught of his own mind. He had so largely communicated with his friends in this way, that I have heard him say, he thought if his letters were collected they would make several folios. He selected many of these for publication; and expressed a hope that ?no other person would take that liberty with the rest, which were so widely spread abroad. In 228 LIFE OF EEV. JOHN NEWTON. this, however, he was disappointed and grieved \ as he once remarked to me : and for which rea- son I do not annex any letters that I received from him. He esteemed that collection published un- der the title of r< Cardiphonia," as the most useful of his writings, and mentioned various instances of the benefits which he heard they had conveyed to many. His " Apologia," or defence of conformity, was written on occasion of some reflections (perhaps only jocular) cast on him at that time. His "Let- ters to a Wife," written during his three voyages to Africa, and published in 1793, have been received with less satisfaction than most of his other writings. While, however, his advanced age and inordinate fondness may be pleaded for this publication, care should be taken lest men fall into a contrary extreme ; and suppose that temper to be their wisdom, whicn leads them to avoid another, which they consider as his weak- ness. But his "Messiah," before mentioned, his Letters of the Rev. Mr. Vanlier, Chaplain at the Cape — his Memoirs of the Rev. John Cowper, (brother to the poet,) and those of the Rev. Mr. Grimshaw, of Yorkshire, together with his single sermons and tracts, have been well received, and will remain a public benefit. I recollect reading a MS. which Mr. Newton lent me, containing a correspondence that had HIS CHARACTER. 229 passed between himself and the Rev. Dr. Dixon, Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford ; and an- other MS. of a correspondence between him and ; the late Rev. Martin Madan. They would have i been very interesting to the public, particularly | the latter 5 and were striking evidences of Mr. • Newton's humility, piety and faithfulness : but I reasons of delicacy led him to commit the whole to the flames. To speak of his writings in the mass, they cer- tainly possess what many have aimed at, but very jfew attained, namely, originality. They are the 1 language of the heart: they .show a deep expe- dience of its religious feelings 5 a continual anx- liety to sympathize with man in his wants, and to I direct him to his only resources. His conversation and familiar habits with his friends were more peculiar, amusing and instruc- tive, than any I ever witnessed. It is difficult to i convey a clear idea of them by description. I ■ venture, therefore, to add a few pages of what I ■ may call his Table-Talk, which I took down at different times, both in company and in private, t rom his lips. Such a collection of printed re- ) narks will not have so much point, as when spoken in connection with the occasions that pro- duced them : they must appear to considerable disadvantage, thus detached 5 and candid allow- mce should be made by the reader on this ac- Newton. 20 230 LIFE OF REV. JOHN MEWTON. count. They, however, who had the privilege of Mr. Newton's conversation when living, cannot but recognise the speaker in most of them, and derive both profit and pleasure from these re- mains of their late valuable friend ; and such as had not, will (if I do not mistake) think them the most valuable part of this book. REMARKS MADE BY MR. NEWTON IN FAMILIAR CONVERSATION, While the mariner uses the loadstone, the phi- losopher may attempt to investigate the cause ; but after all, in steering through the ocean, he can make no other use of it than the mariner. If an angel were sent to find the most per- fect man, he would probably not find him com- posing a body of divinity, but perhaps a cripple in a poor house, whom the parish wish dead, and humbled before God with far lower thoughts of himself than others have of him. When a christian goes into the world because he sees it is his ca//, yet, while he feels it also his cross, it will not hurt him. FAMILIAR REMARKS. 231 Satan will seldom come to a christian with a gross temptation: a green log and a candle may be safely left together ; but bring a few shavings, then some small sticks, and then larger, and you may soon bring the green log to ashes. If two angels were sent from heaven to execute a divine command, one to conduct an empire, and the other to sweep a street in it, they would feel » no inclination to change employments. What some call providential openings are often > powerful temptations ; the heart, in wandering, I cries, Here is a way opened before me: — but, t perhaps, not to be trodden but rejected. I should have thought mowers very idle peo- ple ; but they work while they whet their scythes. Now devotedness to God, whether it mows or whets the scythe, still goes on with the work. A christian should never plead spirituality for being a sloven ; if he be but a shoe-cleaner, he should be the best in the parish. My course of study, like that of a surgeon, has principally consisted in walking the hospital. My principal method of defeating heresy, is by establishing truth. One proposes to fill a bushel with tares ; now if I can fill it first with wheat, I shall defy his attempts. When some people talk of religion, they mean • they have heard so many sermons, and perform- l ed so many devotions, and thus mistake the means 232 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. for the end. But true religion is an habitual re- collection of God and intention to serve him, and this turns every thing into gold. We are apt to suppose that we need something splendid to evince our devotion, but true devotion equals things — washing plates and cleaning shoes is a high office, if performed in a right spirit. If three angels were sent to earth, they would feel per- fect indifference who should perform the part of prime minister, parish minister, or watchman. When a ship goes to sea, among a vast variety of its articles and circumstances, there is but one object regarded, namely, doing the business of the voyage: every bucket is employed with respect to that. Many have puzzled themselves about the ori- gin of evil ; I observe there is evil, and that there is a way to escape it, and with this I begin and end. Consecrated things under the law were first sprinkled with blood, and then anointed with oil, and thenceforward were no more common. Thus under the Gospel, every christian has been a common vessel for profane purposes 5 but when sprinkled with the blood of Christ, and anointed by God the Father, (2 Cor. 1 : 21,) he becomes separated and consecrated to God. I would not give a straw for that assurance which sin will not damp. If David had come from his adultery, and had talked of Lis assu- FAMILIAR REMARKS. 233 ranee at that time, I should have despised his speech. A spirit of adoption is the spirit of a child ; he may disoblige his father, yet he is not afraid of being turned out of doors : the union is not dis- solved, though the communion is. He is not well with his father, therefore must be unhappy, as their interests are inseparable. We often seek to apply cordials when the pa- tient is not prepared for them, and it is the pa- tient's advantage, that he cannot take a medicine when prematurely offered. When a man comes to me and says, "I am quite happy," I am not sorry to find him come again with some fears. I never saw a work stand well without a check. {f I only want," says one, H to be sure of being safe, and then I will go on." No ; perhaps, then you will go off. For an old christian to say to a young one, rr Stand in my evidence," is like a man who has with difficulty climbed by a ladder or scaffold- ing to the top of the house, and cries to one at the bottom, M This is a place for a prospect — come up at a step." A christian in the world is like a man who has had a long intimacy with one, whom at length he finds out to have been the murderer of a kind father ; the intimacy, after this, will surely be broken. 20* 234 LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. iety 244 LIFE OF EEV. JOHN NEWTON. of : then, putting them all together into one man, I say to myself, fr This would be a perfect minister." Now there is one, who, if he choose it, could actually do this ; but he never did. He has seen fit to do otherwise, and to divide these gifts to every man severally as he will. I feel like a man who has no money in his pocket, but is allowed to draw for all he wants upon one infinitely rich ; I am, therefore, at once both a beggar and a rich man. I went one day to Mrs. G 's just after she had lost all her fortune ; I could not be sur- prised to find her in tears, but she said, " I sup- pose you think I am crying for my loss, but that is not the case : I am now weeping to think I should feel so much uneasiness on this account." After that I never heard her speak again upon the subject as long as she lived. I have many books that I cannot sit down to read : they are, indeed, good and sound ; but, like halfpence, there goes a great quantity to a little amount. There are silver books; and a very few golden books : but I have one book worth more than all, called the Bible ; and that is a book of bank notes. THE END. DATE DUE GAYLORD #3523PI Printed in USA