twt ""wr "'ifr .' lf f r ^W' ^pr ^fsr Jfc> ^|r ^^K ^P ^§f' ^fr tm\ LETTERS. CLXXXIX.— To John Stuart, Provoft of Ayr. [Let. 163.] {HOPE FOR SCOTLAND— SELF-SUBMISSION— CHRIST HIMSELF IS SOUGHT FOR BY FAITH— STABILITY OF SALVATION— HIS WAYS.) ORTHY SIR, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. I long for the time when I mall fee the beauty of the Lord in His houfe ; and would be as glad of it as of any fight on earth, to fee the halt, the blind, and the lame, come back to Zion with ^applications,* " Going and weeping, and feeking the Lord; afking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward ;"f and to fee the Woman travailing in birth, delivered of the man-child of a blefTed reformation. If this land were humbled, I would look that our fkies mould clear, and our day dawn again , and ye mould then blefs Chrilt, who is content to fave your travel, and to give Himfelf to you, in pure ordinances, on this fide of the fea. I know the mercy of Chrifl is engaged by promife to Scotland, notwith- ftanding He bring wrath, as I fear He will, upon this land. I am waiting on for enlargement, and half content that my faith bow, if Chrilt, while He bow it, keep it unbroken ; for who goeth through a fire without a mark or a fcald ? I fee the Lord making ufe of this fire, to fcour His vefTels from their ruft. Oh that my will were filent, and " as a child weaned from the breafts !"J But, * Jer. xxxi. 8, 9. VOL. II. t Jer. 1. 4, 5- X Ps. cxxxi. A 2 LETTER CLXXX1X. [1637. alas ! who hath a heart that will give Chriil: the laft word in flyt- ing, * and will hear and not fpeak again ? Oh ! contentions and quarrelousf replies (as a foon-faddledj fpirit, " I do well to be angry, even to the death" §) fmell of the ftink of ftrong corruption. O blefled foul, that could facrifice his will, and go to heaven, having loft his will and made refignation of it to Chriil: ! I would feek no more than that Chrift were abfolute King over my will, and that my will were a fufFerer in all croffes, without meeting Chriil: with fuch a word, "Why is it thus?" I wi(h ftill, that my love had but leave to ftand befide beautiful Jefus, and to get the mercy of looking to Him, and burning for Him, fuppofe that pofTeffion of Him were fufpended, and f rifted || till my Lord fold together the leaves and two fides of the little fhepherds' tents of clay. Oh, what pain is in longing for Chrift, under an over-clouded and eclipfed afTurance ! What is harder than to burn and dwinef with longing and deaths of love, and then to have blanks and uninked paper for ** afTurance of Chrift in real fruition or pofTefTion ? Oh how fweet were one line, or half a letter, of a written afTurance under Chrift's own hand ! But this is our exercife daily, that guiltinefs fhall over- mist ff and darken afTurance. It is a miracle to believe ; but, for a Tinner to believe, is two miracles. But oh, what obligations of love are we under to Chrift, who beareth with our wild apprehenfions, in fuffering them to nickname fweet Jefus, and to put a lie upon His good name ! If He had not been God, and if long-fufTering in Chrift were not like Chrift Himfelf, we fhould long ago have broken Chrift's mercies in two pieces, and put an iron bar on our falvation, that mercy fhould not have been able to break or overleap. But long-fuffering in God is God Himfelf ; and that is our falvation ; and the inability of our heaven is in God. He knew who faid, " Chrift in you the hope of glory "J J (for our hope, and the bottom * Scolding. f Difputes and replies that provoke quarrels. % Hafty; little time taken to fit on the faddle. § Jonah iv. 9. || Poftponed for a time. ^[ Pine away. ** For ; *>., inftead of. ft Rife like a mift over. %% Col. i. 27. 1637.] LETTER CLXXXIX. 3 and pillars of it, is Chrift-God !), that Tinners are anchor-fall:, and made ftable in God. So that if God do not change (which is im- poffible), then my hope mall not fluctuate. Oh, fweet liability of fure-bottomed falvation ! Who could win heaven, if this were not fo? and who could be faved, if God were not God, and if He were not fuch a God as He is ? Oh, God be thanked that our falvation is coafted, and landed, and fhored upon Chrift, who is Mafter of winds and ftorms ! And what fea- winds can blow the coaft or the land out of its place ? Bulwarks are often caften down, but coaft s are not removed : but fuppofe that were or might be, yet God cannot reel nor remove. Oh that* we go from this ftrong and immoveable Lord, and that we loofen ourfelves (if it were in our power) from Him ! Alas, our green and young love hath not taken with Chrift, being unacquainted with Him. He is fuch a wide, and broad, and deep, and high, and furpaffing fweetnefs, that our love is too little for Him. But oh, if our love, little as it is, could take bandf with His great and huge fweetnefs, and tranfcendent excellency ! Oh, thrice blefTed, and eternally blefled are they, who are out of themfelves, and above themfelves, that they may be in love united to Him ! I am often rolling up and down the thoughts of my faint and fick defires of expreffing Chrift's glory before His people. But I fee not through the throng of impediments, and cannot find eyes to look higher ; and fo I put many things in Chrift's way to hinder Him, that I know He would but laugh at, and with one flride fet His foot over them all. I know not if my Lord will bring me to His fancliuary or not ; but I know that He hath the placing of me, either within or without the houfe, and that nothing will be done without Him. But I am often thinking and faying within myfelf, that my days flee away, and I fee no good, neither yet Chrift's work thriving ; and it is like % that the grave mail prevent the anfwer of my defires of faving fouls as I would. But, alas ! I cannot make right work of His ways ; I neither fpell nor read my Lord's provi- dence aright. My thoughts go away that I fear they meet not * Alas. f Unite with; q. d., bind in with. % Likely, probable. LETTER CXC. [1637. God •, for it is likely that God will not come the way of my thoughts. And I cannot be taught to crucify to Him my wifdom and defires, and to make Him King over my thoughts ; for I would have a princedom over my thoughts, and would boldly and blindly prefcribe to God, and guide myfelf in a way of my own making. But I hold my peace here ; let Him do His will. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweeteft Lord and Mafter, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. CXC— To Carsluth (Kirkmabreck). [The name of the perfon to whom this letter is addreflTed, was Robert Brown of Carfluth. He was a man of confiderable property in the part of the country where Rutherford's lot was caft previous to his imprifonment. He mull have died about the beginning of the year 1658, as on the 27th of April, that year, Thomas Brown of Carfluth is retoured heir of Robert Brown of Carfluth, his father, in the 7 merkland of Carfluth, etc. (Jnq. Retor. Abbrcv. Kirkcud.) Brown of Carfluth was an ancient family. Going along the more of Wigtown Bay, toward Creetown, you fee the old tower-like houfe, with a modern farm, well wooded. It is near the modern refidence of Kirkdale.] {NECESSITY OF MAKING SURE OF SALVATION— VANITY OF THE WORLD— NOTHING WORTH HAVING BUT CHRIST- FLIGHT OF TIME.) UCH HONOURED SIR —I long to hear how your foul profpereth. I earneftly defire you to try how matters ftand between your foul and the Lord. Think it no eafy matter to take heaven by violence. Salvation cometh now to the moft part of men in a night-dream. There is no fcarcity of faith now, fuch as it is ; for ye mail not now light upon the man who will not fay he hath faith in Chrift. But, alas ! dreams make no man's rights. Worthy Sir, I befeech you in the Lord to give your foul no reft till ye have real aiTurance, and Chrift's rights confirmed and fealed to your foul. The common faith, and country-holinefs, and week-day 1637.] LETTER CXC. zeal, that is among people, will never bring men to heaven. Take pains for your falvation j for in that day, when ye mail fee many men's labours and conquefts * and idol-riches lying in allies, when the earth and all the works thereof fhall be burnt with fire, oh how dear a price would your foul give for God's favour in Chrift ! It is a blefled thing to fee Chrift. with up-fun,f and to read over your papers and foul-accounts with fair day-light. It will not be time to cry for a lamp when the Bridegroom is entered into His chamber, and the door fhut. Fy, fy upon blinded and debafed fouls, who are committing whoredom with this idol-clay, and hunting a poor, wretched, hungry heaven, a hungry breakfaft, a day's meat from this hungry world, with the forfeiting of God's favour, and the drinking over their heaven [over the board, % as men ufed to fpeak), for the laughter and (ports of this fhort forenoon ! All that is under this vault of heaven, and betwixt us and death, and on this fide of fun and moon, is but toys, night-vifions, head-fancies, poor ihadows, watery froth, godlefs vanities at their beft, and black hearts, and fait and four miferies, fugared over and confe&ed with an hour's laughter or two, and the conceit of riches, honour, vain, vain court, and lawlefs pleafures. Sir, if ye look both to the laughing fide and to the weeping fide of this world, and if ye look not only upon the fkin and colour of things, but into their inwards, and the heart of their excellency, ye fhall fee that one look of Chrift's fweet and lovely eye, one kifs of His faireft face, is worth ten thoufand worlds of fuch rotten fluff, as the foolifh fons of men fet their hearts upon. Oh, Sir, turn, turn your heart to the other fide of things, and get it once free of thefe entanglements, to confider eternity, death, the clay bed, the grave, awfome § judgment, everlafting burning quick in hell, where death would give as great a price (if there were a * Not our common word for viffories, but (t acquiiitions," made by in- duftry or purchafe. f The fun above the horizon. £ Formally renounce ; as the feller did when he handed the goods to the purchafer, and drank good luck to him. The exprefiion is a proverbial one. $ Awful. LETTER CXC. [1637. market, wherein death might be bought and fold) as all the world. Confider heaven and glory. But, alas ! why fpeak I of confider- ing thofe things, which have not entered into the heart of man to confider ? Look into thofe depths (without a bottom) of lovelinefs, fweetnefs, beauty, excellency, glory, goodnefs, grace, and mercy, that are in Chrift ; and ye fhall then cry down the whole world, and all the glory of it, even when it is come to the fummer-bloom j and ye mail cry, " Up with Chrift, up with Chrift's Father, up with eternity of glory ! " Sir, there is a great deal lefs fand in your glafs than when I faw you, and your afternoon is nearer even-tide now than it was. As a flood carried back to the fea, fo doth the Lord's fwift poll:, Time, carry you and your life with wings to the grave. Ye eat and drink, but time ftandeth not ftill ; ye laugh, but your day fleeth away ; ye deep, but your hours are reckoned and put by hand.* Oh how foon will time fhut you out of the poor, and cold, and hungry inn of this life ! And then what will yefterday's fhort-born pleafures do to you, but be as a fnow-ball melted away many years fince ? Or worfe ! for the memory of thefe pleafures ufeth to fill the foul with bitternefs. Time and ex- perience will prove this to be true ; and dying men, if they could fpeak, would make this good. Lay no more on the creatures than they are able to carry. Lay your foul and your weights upon God. Make Him your only, only Beft-beloved. Your errand to this life is to make fure an eternity of glory to your foul, and to match your foul with Chrift. Your love, if it were more than all the love of angels in one, is Chrift's due : other things worthy in themfelves, in refpect of Chrift, are not worth a windleftraw, f or a drink of cold water. I doubt not but in death ye fhall fee all things more dis- tinctly, and that then the world fhall bear no more bulk than it is worth, and that then it fhall couch and be contracted into nothing ; and ye fhall fee Chrift longer, higher, broader, and deeper than ever He was. Oh bleiTed conqueft,J to lofe all things, and to gain Chrift ! I know not what ye have, if ye want Chrift ! Alas ! how Put afide as finifhed. f Withered ftalk of graft. \ Acquifitiori. 1637.] LETTER CXCL poor is your gain, if the earth were all yours in free heritage, hold- ing it of no man of clay, if Chrift be not yours ! Oh, feek all midfes,* lay all oars in the water, put forth all your power, and bend all your endeavours, to put away and part with all things, that ye may gain and enjoy Chrift. Try and fearch His word, and ftrive to go a ftep above and beyond ordinary profefTbrs ; and re- folve to fweat more and run fafter than they do, for falvation. Men's midway, f cold, and wife courfes in godlinefs, and their neighbour- like, cold, and wife pace to heaven, will caufe many a man to want his lodging at night, and to lie in the fields. I recommend Chrift and His love to your feeking ; and yourfelf to the tender mercy and rich grace of our Lord. Remember my love in Chrift to your wife. I defire her to learn to make her foul's anchor faft upon Chrift Himfelf. Few are laved. Let her conilder what joy the fmiles of God in Chrift will be, and what the love-kiftes of fweet, fweet Jefus, and a welcome home to the New Jerufalem from Chrift's own mouth will be to her foul, when Chrift will fold together the clay tent of her body, and lay it by His hand J for a time, till the fair morning of the general refurreclion. I avouch before God, man, and angel, that I have not feen, nor can imagine a lover to be comparable to lovely Jefus. I would not exchange or niffer§ Him with ten heavens. If heaven could be without Him, what could we do there ? Grace, grace be with you. Your foul's eternal well-wiiher, q n Aberdeen, 1637. CXCL — To Cassincarrie. [The manfion of Caffincarrie is a mile from Creetown. It (lands near the road, juft after you pafs the ftone quarries that help to fupply Liverpool. It is fo directly oppofite Wigtown, that from the windows we might fuppofe the godly proprietor looking acrofs, and praying for the martyrs Margaret Wilfon * Means. f Half and half, undecided. I Lay alidc, as having anfwered its end. § Barter. LETTER CXCL [163' m and Margaret M'Lachlan, in 1685.* This correfpondent of Rutherford was probably the fon of John Mure of Caffincarrie, who was the fecond fon of John Mure of Rowallan. Had he been John Mure of Caffincarrie, elder, he would now have been on the borders of ninety years of age, as his eldeft brother, William Mure of Rowallan, died in 1616, aged 69; and in that cafe, Rutherford would doubtlefs have enforced his folemn admonitions by pointed allufions to his advanced period of life. His fon, therefore, is very likely the perfon to whom this letter is addrefled. — Robert/on s Ayrjhire Families , vol. iii. p. 361.] (EARNESTNESS ABOUT SALVATION— CHRIST HIMSELF SOUGHT) UCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. I have been too long in writing to you. I am confident that ye have learned to prize Chrift, and His love and favour, more than ordinary profeffors, who fcarce fee Chrift with half an eye, becaufe their fight is taken up with eyeing and liking the beauty of this over-gilded world, that promifeth fair to all its lovers, but in the pufh of a trial, when need is, can give nothing but a fair beguile. I know that ye are not ignorant that men come not to this world, as fome do to a market, to fee and to be feen ; or as fome come to behold a May-game, and only to behold, and to go home again. Ye come hither to treat with God, and to tryft-j- with Him in His Chrift for falvation to your foul, and to feek reconciliation with an angry, wrathful God, in a covenant of peace made to you in Chrift ; and this is more than ordinary fport, or the play that the greateft part of the world give their heart unto. And, therefore, worthy fir, I pray you, by the falvation of your foul, and by the mercy of God, and your compearance J before Chrift:, do this in fad earneft, and let not falvation be your by-work, § or your holy- day's tafk only, or a work by the way. For men think that this may be done on three days' fpace on a feather bed, when death * The exact hiftorical truth of thefe two martyrdoms is attefted beyond denial by the full record, entered, a few years after, on the Minutes of the Kirk Seffion of Penningham, with which the martyrs were connected. f Appoint a meeting. J Appearance in obedience to citation. § Done at leifure moments onlv. 1637.] LETTER CXCL and they are fallen in hands together, and that with a word or two they fhall make their foul-matters right. Alas ! this is to fit loofe and unfure in the matters of our falvation. Nay, the feeking of this world, and of the glory of it, is but an odd and by-errand # that we may Hip, fo being we make falvation fure. Oh, when will men learn to be thatf heavenly- wife as to divorce from and free their foul of all idol-lovers, and make Chrift the only, only One, and trim and make ready their lamps, while they have ; time and day ! How foon will this houfe fkail,J and the inn, where the poor foul lodgeth, fall to the earth ! How foon will fome few years pafs away ! and then, when the day is ended, and this life's leafe expired, what have men of world's glory but dreams and thoughts ? Oh how bleffed a thing is it to labour for Chrift, and to make Him fure ! Know and try in time your holding of Him, and the rights § and charters of heaven, and upon what terms ye have Chrift and the Gofpel, and what Chrift is worth in your eftimation, and how lightly ye efteem other things, and how dearly Chrift ! I am fure, that if ye fee Him in His beauty and glory, ye fhall fee Him to be all things, and that incomparable jewel of gold that ye fhould feek, howbeit ye fhould fell, wadfet, || and forfeit your few years' portion of this life's joys. O happy foul for evermore, who can rightly compare this life with that long-lafting life to come, and can balance the weighty glory of the one with the light golden vanity of the other ! The day of the Lord is now near-hand, f and all men fhall come out in their blacks and whites, as they are ; there fhall be no borrowed lying colours in that day, when Chrift fhall be called Chrift, and no longer nicknamed. Now men borrow Chrift and His white colour, and the luftre** and fardingff of Chriftianity ; but how many counterfeit mafks will be burned, in the day of God, in the fire that fhall burn the earth and the works that are on it ? And howbeit Chrift have the hardeft part of it * An errand undertaken as of little importance, and as a matter that might be attended to at any time. f So really. % Difperfe. § Title-deeds. || Pledge away. 1" Near at hand. ** The factitious decoration. ff- Painted on difguife. io LETTER CXCIL [1637. now, yet in the prefence of my Lord, whom I ferve in the fpirit, I would not nifFer* or exchange Chrifl's prifon, bonds, and chains, with the gold chains and lordly rents, and fmiling and happy-likef heavens of the men of this world. I am far from thoughts of repenting becaufe of my lofTes and bonds for Chrift.. I wifh. that all my adverfaries were as I am, except my bonds. Worthy, worthy, worthy for evermore is Chrift., for whom we mould fuffer pains like hell's pain j far more the fhort hell that the faints of God have in this life. Sir, I wifh that your foul may be more acquainted with the fweetnefs of Chrift. Grace, grace be with you. Yours in his only Lord and Mafter, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. » CXCII. — To the Lady Cardoness. {GRACE— THE NAME OF CHRIST TO BE EXALTED —EVERY- THING BUT GOD FAILS US.) 'ISTRESS, — I befeech you in the Lord Jefus to make every day more and more of Chrift ; and try your growth in the grace of God, and what new ground ye win J daily on corruption. For travellers are day by day either advancing farther on, and nearer home, or elfe they go not right about to compais their journey. I think ftill the better and better of Chrift. Alas ! I know not where to fet Him, I would fo fain have Him high ! I cannot fet heavens above heavens till I were tired with numbering, and fet Him upon the higheft. ftep and ftorey of the higheft of them all ; but I wifh I could make Him great through the world, fuppofe my lofs, and pain, and fhame were fet under the foles of His feet, that He might ftand upon me. I requeft that you faint not ; becaufe this world and ye are at yea and nay, and becaufe this is not a home that laugheth upon * Barter. t Happy only in appearance. J What new advantage ye gain over. 1637.] LETTER CXCII. 11 you. The wife Lord, who knoweth you, will have it fo, becaufe He cafteth a net for your love, to catch it and gather it in to Him- felf. Therefore, bear patiently the lofs of children, and burdens, and other difcontentments, either within or without the houfe : your Lord in them is feeking you, and feek ye Him. Let none be your love and choice, and the flower of your delights, but your Lord Jefus. Set not your heart upon the world, fince God hath not made it your portion ; for it will not fall to you to get two portions, and to rejoice twice, and to be happy twice, and to have an upper heaven, and an under heaven too. Chrifr. our Lord, and His faints, were not fo ; and, therefore, let go your grip of this life, and of the good things of it : I hope that your heaven groweth not hereaway. * Learn daily both to poffefs and mifs Chrift, in his fecret bridegroom-fmiles. He mull: go and come, becaufe His infinite wifdom thinketh it beff. for you. We fhall be together one day. We mall not need to borrow light from fun, moon, or candle. There mail be no com- plaints on either fide, in heaven. There fhall be none there, but He and we, the Bridegroom and the bride ; devils, temptations, trials, defertions, lofles, fad hearts, pain, and death, mail be all put out of play ; and the devil muff give up his office of tempting. Oh, blefTed is the foul whofe hope hath a face looking ftraight out to that day. It is not our part to make a treafure here ; anything, under the covering of heaven, which we can build upon, is but ill ground and a fandy foundation. Every good thing, except God, wanteth a bottom, and cannot ftand its lone ;f how then can it bear the weight of us ? Let us not lay a load on a windleftraw.J There fhall nothing find § my weight, or found my happinefs, but God. I know that all created power would fink under me, if I fhould lean down upon it ; and, therefore, it is better to reft on God, than to fink or fall ; and we weak fouls muff have a bottom and a being- place, || for we cannot ftand our lone.f Let us then be wife in our * In this quarter, f By itfelf , uniupported. % Withered ftalk of grafs. § Feel. || A building place? Probably the M.S. word was " bigging," which is the Scottifh " building." 12 LETTER CXCIII. [1637. choice, and choofe and wale* our own blefTednefs, which is to trufl in the Lord. Each one of us hath a whore and idol, befides our Hufband Chrifl ; but it is our folly to divide our narrow and little love ; it will not ferve two. It is befl then to hold it whole and together, and to give it to Chrift , for we get double interefl for our love, when we lend it to, and lay it out upon Chrifl ; and we are fure, befides, that the flock cannot perifh. Now I can fay no more. Remember me. I have God's right to that people ; howbeit by the violence of men, flronger than I, I am banifhed from you, and chafed away. The Lord give you mercy in the day of Chrift. It may be that God will clear my fky again ; how- beit there is fmall appearance of my deliverance. But let Him do with me what feemeth good in His own eyes. I am His clay ; let my Potter frame and fafhion me as He pleafeth. Grace be with you. Your lawful and loving paflor, ^ ™ Aberdeen, 1637. CXCIII. — To Sibylla Macadam. [See notice, Let. 141.] (CHRIST'S BEAUTY AND EXCELLENCE.) ISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. I can m bear witnefs in my bonds, that Chrift is flill the longer the better ; and no worfe, yea, inconceivably better than He is (or can be) called. I think it half a heaven to have my fill of the fmell of His fweet breath, and to fleep in the arms of Chrifl my Lord, with His left hand under my head and His right hand embracing me. There is no great reckoning to be made of the withering of my flower, in comparifon of the foul and mani- fefl wrongs done to Chrifl. Nay, let never the dew of God lie upon my branches again, let the bloom f fall from my joy, and let it wither, let the Almighty blow out my candle, fo being the Lord might be great among Jews and Gentiles, and His opprefTed Church delivered. Let Chrifl fare well, fuppose I mould eat afhes. * Seled carefully. t The bloflbm of the flower. 1637.] LETTER CXCIV. 13 I know that He muft be fweet Himfelf, when His crofs is fo fweet. And it is the part of us all, if we marry Himfelf, to marry the crofles, loffes, and reproaches alfo, that follow Him. For mercy followeth ChriiVs crofs. His prifon, for beauty, is made of marble and ivory ; His chains, that are laid on His prifoners, are golden chains ; and the fighs of the prifoners of hope are perfumed with comforts, the like whereof cannot be bred or found on this fide of fun and moon. Follow on after His love ; tire not of Chrift, but come in, and fee His beauty and excellency, and feed your foul upon ChriiVs fweetnefs. This world is not yours, neither would I have your heaven made of fuch metal as mire and clay. Ye have the choice and wale* of all lovers in heaven or out of heaven, when ye have Chrift, the only delight of God His Father. Climb up the mountain with joy, and faint not ; for time will cut off the men who purfue ChrifVs followers. Our beft things here have a worm in them ; our joys, befides God, in the inner half are but woes and forrows : Chrift, Chrift is that which our love and defires can fleep fweetly and reft fafely upon. Now the very God of peace eftablifh you in Chrift. Help a prifoner with your prayers, and entreat that our Lord would be pleafed to vifit me with a fight of His beauty in His houfe, as He has fometimes done. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CXCIV. — To Mr Hugh Henderson, Minifier of Dairy, Ayrfhire. (THE WAYS OF PROVIDENCE— BELIEVING PATIENCE.) EVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER— Who knoweth but the wind may turn into the weft again, upon Chrift and His defolate bride in this land ■, and that Chrift may get His fummer by courfe again ? For He hath had ill-weather * Beft feledion. 14 LETTER CXCiV. [1637. this long time, and could not find law or juftice for Himfelf and His truth thefe many years. I am fure the wheels of this crazed and broken kirk run all upon no other axle-tree, nor is there any other to roll them, and cog* them, and drive them, than the wifdom and good pleafure of our Lord. And it were a juft trick and glo- rious of never-fleeping Providence, to bring our brethren's darts, which they have mot at us, back upon their own heads. Suppofe they have two firings to their bow, and can take one as another faileth them, yet there are more than three ft rings upon our Lord's bow ; and, befides, He cannot mils the whitef that He fhooteth at. I know that He fhuffleth up and down in His hand the great body of heaven and earth ; and that kirk and commonwealth are, in His hand, like a ftock of cards, % and that He dealeth the play to the mourners of Zion, and to thofe that fay, " Lie down, that we may go over you," at His own fovereign pleafure : and I am fure that Zion's adverfaries, in this play, mail not take up their own ftakes again. Oh how fweet a thing is it to trufr. in Him ! When Chrifr. hath fleeped out His fleep (if I may fpeak fo of Him who is the Watchman of Ifrael, that neither flumbereth nor fleepeth), and His own are tried, He will arife as a ftrong man after wine, and make bare His holy arm, and put on vengeance as a cloak, and deal vengeance, thick and double, amongit the haters of Zion. It may be that we may fee Him fow and fend down maledictions and ven- geances as thick as drops of rain or hail upon His enemies ; for our Lord oweth them a black day, and He ufeth duly to pay His debts. Neither His friends and followers, nor His foes and ad- verfaries fhall have it to fay, " That He is not faithful and exact, in keeping His word." I know of no bar in God's way but Scotland's guiltinefs ; and He can come over that impediment, and break that bar alfo, and then fay to guilty Scotland, as He faid, " Not for your fakes," § &c. * To put a piece of wood wedge-wife between a wheel and the ground, to prevent it moving. f The mark, or bull's-eye. J Pack of cards. § Ezek. xxxvi. 22, 2;,. 1637.] LETTER CXC1V. 15 On-waiting had ever yet a blefTed ifTue ; and to keep the word of God's patience, keepeth ftill the faints dry in the water, cold in the fire, and breathing and blood-hot in the grave. What are prifons of iron walls, and gates of brafs, to Chrift ? Not fo good as fail dykes,* fortifications of ftraw, or old tottering walls. If He give the word, then chains will fall off the arms and legs of His prilbners. God be thanked, that our Lord Jefus hath the tutoring of king, and court, and nobles ; and that He can dry the gutters f and the mires in Zion, and lay caufeways to the temple with the carcafes of baftard lord-prelates and idol fhepherds. The corn on the houfe- tops got never the hufbandman's prayers, and fo is feenj on it, for it filleth not the hand of mowers. Chrift, and truth, and innocency, worketh even under the earth ; and verily there is hope for the righteous. We fee not what conclufions pafs in heaven anent § all the affairs of God's houfe. We need not give hire to God to take vengeance of His enemies, for juftice worketh without hire. Oh that the feed of hope would grow again, and come to maturity ! and that we would importune Chrift, and double our knocks at His gate, and caft our cries and fhouts over the wall, that He might come out, and make our Jerufalem the praife of the whole earth, and give us falvation for walls and bulwarks ! If Chrift bud, and grow green, and bloom, || and bear feed again in Scotland, and His Father fend Him two fummers in one year, and blefs His crop, what caufe have we to rejoice in the free falvation of our Lord, and to fet up our banners in the name of our God ! Oh that He would haften the confufion of the leprous ftrumpet, the mother and mis- trefs of abominations in the earth, and take graven images out of the way, and come in with the Jews in troops, and agree with His old outcaft and forfaken wife, and take them again to His bed of love. Grace be with you. Yours, in our Mafter and Lord, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Turf walls ; a fail is a turf. f Pools of dirt. t Is left there unreaped ; Ps. cxxix. 8. § Concerning. || Bloflbm. LETTER CXCV. [1637. CXCV. — To the Lady Largirie. [She was wife of the proprietor of Caftermadie, in the Stewartry of Kirk- cudbright. The place was called alfo Largero, or Largerie, in the parifh of Twynholm, near Kirkcudbright.] (CHRIST THE EXCLUSIVE OBJECT OF LOVE— PREPARATION FOR DEATH.) ISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. I exhort you in the Lord, to go on in your journey to heaven ; and to be content with fuch fare by the way as Chrift and His followers have had before you •, for they had always the wind on their faces ; and our Lord hath not changed the way to us for our eafe, but will have us following our fweet Guide. Alas, how doth fin clog us in our journey, and retard us ! What fools are we, to have a by-good, * or any other love, or match, to our fouls, befide Chrift ! It were bell: for us, like ill bairns, who are belt heard f at home, to feek our own home, and to fell our hopes of this little clay inn and idol of the earth, where we are neither well fummered nor well wintered. Oh that our fouls would fo fall at odds with the love of this world, as to think of it as a traveller doth of a drink of water, which is not any part of his treafure, but goeth away with the ufing ! for ten miles' journey maketh that drink to him as nothing. Oh that we had as foon done with this world, and could as quickly defpatch the love of it ! But as a child cannot hold two apples in his little hand, but the one putteth the other out of its room, fo neither can we be matters and lords of two loves. BlefTed were we, if we could make ourfelves matter of that invaluable treafure, the love of Chrift ; or rather fuffer ourfelves to be mattered and fubdued to Chritt's love, fo as Chritt were our " all things," and all other things our nothings, and * An objecl: which we refort to in addition to Chrift. t A ScottHh phrafe for " beft ferved;" the word "to hear" being ufed for " to attend to, or treat." See Jamie/on s D'tft. 1637.] LETTER CXCVL 17 the refufe of our delights. Oh let us be ready for fhipping, againlt the time our Lord's wind and tide call for us ! Death is the laft thief, that will come without din or noife of feet, and take our fouls away, and we mall take our leave of time, and face eternity ; and our Lord will lay together the two fides of this earthly tabernacle, and fold us, and lay us by, as a man layeth by* clothes at night, and put the one half of us in a houfe of clay, the dark grave, and the other half of us in heaven or hell. Seek to be found of your Lord in peace, and gather in your flitting,f and put your foul in order; for Chrift will not give a nail-breadth of time to our little fand-glafs. Pray for Zion, and for me, His prifoner, that He would be pleafed to bring me amongft you again, full of Chrift, and fraughted % and loaden with the bleffing of His Gofpel. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his only Lord and Mafter, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CXCVI. — To Earlston, the Younger. {SUFFERINGS— HOPE OF FINAL DELIVERANCE—THE BELIEVER IN SAFE KEEPING— THE RECOMPENSE MARRED BY TEMP- TATIONS.) lORTHY AND DEARLY BELOVED IN OUR LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I long to hear from you. I remain ftill a prifoner of hope, and do think it fervice to the Lord to wait on ftill with fub- miffion, till the Lord's morning fky break, and His fummer day * Lay afide. f Furniture removed from a houfe when the tenant removes. % Freighted. VOL. II. B 1 8 LETTER CXCVL [1637. dawn. For I am perfuaded that it is a piece of the chief errand of our life (which God fent us for, fome years, down to this earth, among devils and men, the firebrands of the devil, and temptations), that we might fufTer for a time here amongfr. our enemies ; otherwife He might have made heaven to wait on us, at our coming out of the womb, and have carried us home to our country, without letting us fet down our feet in this knotty and thorny life. But feeing a piece of fuffering is carved to every one of us, lefs or more, as infinite Wifdom hath thought good, our part is to harden and habituate our foft and thin-fkinned nature to endure fire and water, devils, lions, men, lofTes, wo* hearts, as thofe that are looked upon by God, angels, men, and devils. Oh, what folly is it, to fit down and weep upon a decree of God, that is both deaf and dumb to our tears, and muft ftand fiill as unmoveable as God who made it ! For who can come behind our Lord, to alter or better what He hath decreed and done ? It were better to make windows in our prifon, and to look out to God and our country, heaven, and to cry like fettered men who long for the King's free air, " Lord, let Thy kingdom come ! Oh, let the Bridegroom come ! And, O day, O fair day, O everlafiing fummer day, dawn and fhine out, break out from under the black night fky, and fhine ! " I am perfuaded that, if every day a little ftone in the prifon-walls were broken, and thereby aflurance given to the chained prifoner, lying under twenty ftone of irons upon arms and legs, that at length his chain fhould wear into two pieces, and a hole fhould be made at length as wide as he might come fafely over to his long-defired liberty ; he would, in patience, wait on, till time mould holef the prifon-wall and break his chains. The Lord's hopeful prifoners, under their trials, are in that cafe. Years and months will take out, now one little ftone, then another, of this houfe of clay ; and at length time fhall win J out the breadth of a fair door, and fend out the imprifoned foul to the free air in heaven. And time fhall file off, by little and little, our iron bolts which are now on legs and arms, and outdate * Grieved, woeful. t Pierce through, make a hole. Let. 177. % Get. 637.] LETTER CXCVL 19 and wear our troubles threadbare and holey,* and then wear them to nothing ; for what I fufFered yefterday, I know, fhall never come again to trouble me. Oh that we could breathe out new hope, and new fubmiilion every day, into Chrift's lap ! For, certainly, a weight of glory well weighed, yea, increafing to a far more exceeding and eternal weight, fhall recompenfe both weight and length of light, and clipped, and fhort-datedf crofTes. Our waters are but ebb,J and come neither to our chin, nor to the flopping of our breath. I may fee (if I would borrow eyes from Chrift) dry land, and that near. Why then mould we not laugh at adverfity, and fcorn our fhort-born and foon-dying temptations ? I rejoice in the hope of that glory to be revealed, for it is no uncertain glory which we look for. Our hope is not hung upon fuch an untwifted thread as, "I imagine fo," or "It is likely ;" but the cable, the ftrong towe§ of our faftened anchor, is the oath and promife of Him who is eternal verity. Our falvation is faftened with God's own hand, and with Chrift's own ftrength, to the ftrong ftoup || of God's unchangeable nature, "lam the Lord, I change not ; therefore ye fons of Jacob are not confumed."f We may play, and dance, and leap upon our worthy and immoveable Rock. The ground is fure and good, and will bide** hell's brangling,ff and devils' brangling, f f and the world's aiTaults. Oh, if our faith could ride it out againft the high and proud waves and winds, when our fea feemeth to be all on fire ! Oh, how oft do I let my grips J J go ! I am put to fwimming and half finking. I find that the devil hath the advantage of the ground in this battle ; for he fighteth on known ground, in our corrupt nature. Alas ! that is a friend near of kin and blood to himfelf, and will not fail to fall foul upon us. And hence it is, that He who faveth to the uttermoft, and leadeth many fons to glory, is ftill * Full of holes. f That laft fo fhort a time. t Shallow. § Rope, hawfen || Pillar of wood, or port. ^ Mai. iii. 6. ** Endure. ft Shaking to and fro. %i Firm hold. 20 LETTER CXCVL [1637. righting* my falvation ; and twenty times a-day I ravelf my heaven, and then I muft come with my ill-ravelled \ work to Chrift, to cumber Him (as it were) to right it, and to feek again the right end of the thread, and to fold up again my eternal glory with His own hand, and to give a right caft of His holy and gracious hand to my marred and fpilled § falvation. Certainly it is a cumberfome || thing to keep a foolifh child from falls, and broken brows, and weeping for this and that toy, and rafh running, and ficknefs, and bairns' difeafes ; ere he win % through them all, and win out of the mires, he cofteth meikle black cumber** and fafhery f-|- to his keepers. And fo is a believer a cumberfome piece of work, and an ill-ravelled hefpJJ (as we ufe to fay), to Chrift. But God be thanked •, for many fpilled § falvations, and many ill-ravelled hefps hath Chrift mended, fince firft He entered Tutor to loft mankind. Oh, what could we bairns do without Him ! How foon would we mar all ! But the lefs of our weight be upon our own feeble legs, and the more that we be on Chrift the ftrong Rock, the better for us. It is good for us that ever Chrift took the cumber of us ; it is our heaven to lay many weights and burdens upon Chrift, and to make Him all we have, root and top, beginning and ending of our falvation. Lord, hold us here. Now to this Tutor, and rich Lord, I recommend you. Hold faft till He come ; and remember His prifoner. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his and your Lord Jefus, S. R. * Putting right. f Put into diforder, like one twilling threads confufedly. X Sadly entangled. § Spoiled. || Troublefome. f Get. ** Much fad trouble. tf The trouble of attending to details. XX Hank of yarn. 1637.] LETTER CXCVIL 21 CXCVIL— To Mr William Dalgleish. [Let. 1 17.] (THOUGHTS AS TO GOD'S ARRANGEMENTS— WINNING SOULS TO BE SUPREMELY DESIRED— LONGINGS FOR CHRIST.) JEVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I received your letter. I blefs our high and only wife Lord, who hath broken the mare that men had laid for you ; and I hope that now He will keep you in His houfe, in defpite of the powers of hell. Who knoweth, but the ftreets of our Jerufalem mall yet be filled with young men, and with old men, and boys, and women with child ? and that they fhall plant vines in the mountains of Samaria ? I am lure that the wheels, paces, # and motions of this poor Church are tempered and ruled, not as men would, but according to the good pleafure and infinite wifdom of our only wife Lord. I am here, waiting in hope that my innocency, in this honourable caufe, fhall melt this cloud that men have caften over me. I know that my Lord had His own quarrels againfl: me, and that my drofs ftood in need of this hot furnace ; but I rejoice in this, that fair truth, beautiful truth (whofe glory my Lord cleareth to me more and more), beareth me company; that my weak aims to honour my Mafter, in bringing guefts to His houfe, now fwell upon me in comforts ; that I am not afraid to want a witnefs in heaven ; and that it was my joy to have a crown put upon Chrift's head in that country. Oh, what joy would I have, to fee the wind turn upon the enemies of the crofs of Chrift, and to fee my Lord Jefus reftored, with the voice of praife, to His own free throne again ! and to be brought amongft you, to fee the beauty of the Lord's houfe ! I hope that country will not be fo filly as to fufTer men to pluck you away from them ; and that ye will ufe means to keep my place empty, and to bring me back again to the people to whom I have Chrift's right, and His Church's lawful calling. * Weights of a clock. 22 LETTER CXCVIIL [1637. Dear brother, let Chrifl be dearer and dearer to you. Let the conqueft* of fouls be top and root, flower and bloom f of your joys and defires, on this fide of fun and moon. And in the day when the Lord mail pull up the four flakes of this clay tent of rjie earth, and the lafl pickle J of fand fhall be at the nick§ of falling down in your watch-glafs, and the Mafler fhall call the fervants of the vineyard to give them their hire, ye will efleem the bloom \ of this world's glory like the colours of the rainbow, that no man can put into his purfe and treafure : your labour and pains will then fmile upon you. My Lord now hath given me experience (howbeit weak and fmall) that our befl fare here is hunger. We are but at God's by- board, || in this lower houfe ; we have caufe to long for fupper-time, and the high table, up in the high palace. This world deferveth nothing but the outer court of our foul. Lord, haflen the marriage- Hipper of the Lamb ! I find it flill peace to give up with this pre- ient world, as with an old decourtedf and cafl off lover. My bread and drink in it is not fo much worth, that I fhould not loathe the inns, and pack up my defires for Chrifl, whom I have fent out to the fecklefs** creatures in it. Grace, grace be with you. Your affectionate brother, and Chrift's prilbner, S. R. CXCVIIL— To the Laird of Cally. [Of John Lennox, Laird of Cally, near Girthon, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, to whom this letter is addrefied, little is now known. He muft have died previous to the 26th of January 1647, as at that date John Lennox of Cally is retoured heir of John Lennox of Cally, his father, u in the 20 pound land of Caliegertown, the 10 merk land of Burley, with mill and Minings of the fame, within the parifh of Girthon." The modern manlion of Cally may be faid, with its woods, to overhang the village of Gatehoufe, which alfo is entirely modern, and got its name from * Acquisition, winning, f Bloflbm. % Small grain. $ At the point. || Side-table. ' Caft out of court, difcarded. ** Worthlefs. 1637.] LETTER CXCVIIL 23 the fad: that the lodge, or gatehoufe, of Cally was the firft houfe built on that fpot. The old houfe has difappeared, any remnant of it being quite hid by the fine old trees of the maniion. It is properly in the parifh of Girthon, but borders on Anwoth. The land of " Calie-gerton," mentioned in the above extract, is evidently " Cally in Girthon." Gatehoufe is one-half in Anwoth, and one-half in Girthon. The Free Church of Anwoth is in Gatehoufe, the church being on the Girthon fide of the ftream (the Fleet), and the manfe on the Anwoth fide. The Fleet (which is navigable by very fmall veffels thus far) was formerly called Avon, "the water;" and this is the fyllable that appears in both Girth-ON and An-woTH, — the former fignifying "the village on the water," and the latter " the ford of the water."] (SPIRITUAL SLOTH— DANGER OF COMPROMISE — SELF, THE ROOT OF ALL SIN— SELF-RENUNCIATION.) ITCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I long to hear how your foul profpereth. I have that confidence that your foul mindeth Chrift and falvation. I befeech you, in the Lord, to give more pains and diligence to fetch # heaven than the country-fort of lazy profeffors, who think their own faith and their own godlinefs, becaufe it is their own, beft ; and content themfelves with a coldrifef cuftom and courfe, with a refolution to fummer and winter in that fort of profeilion which the multitude and the times favour moft ; and are ftill ihaping and clipping and carving their faith, according as it may beft ftand with their fummer fun and .a whole (kin ; and fo breathe out both hot and cold in God's matters, according to the courfe of the times. This is their compafs which they fail towards heaven by, inftead of a better. Worthy and dear Sir, feparate yourfelf from fuch, and bend yourfelf to the utmoft of your ftrength and breath, in running faft for falvation ; and, in taking Chrift's kingdom, ufe violence. It coil: Chrift and all His followers fharp fhowers and hot fweats, ere they won J to the top of the mountain ; but ftill § our foft nature would have heaven coming to our bedfide when we are fleeping, and lying down with us that we might go to heaven * Make for. t Chilly, heartlefs. J Got to. $ Always. 24 LETTER CXCV1IL [1637. in warm clothes. But all that came there found wet feet by the way, and fharp florins that did take the hide* off their face, and found tos and fros, and ups and downs, and many enemies by the way. It is impoflible that a man can take his lufts to heaven with him ; fuch wares as thefe will not be welcome there. Oh, how loath are we to forego our packaldsf and burdens, that hinder us to run our race with patience ! It is no fmall work to difpleafe and anger nature, that we may pleafe God. Oh, if it be hard to win one foot, or half an inch, out of our own will, out of our own wit, out of our own eafe and worldly lufts (and fo to deny ourfelf, and to fay, " It is not I but Chrift, not I but grace, not I but God's glory, not I but God's love conftraining me, not I but the Lord's word, not I but Chrift's commanding power as King in me !"), oh, what pains, and what a death is it to nature, to turn me, myfelf, my luft, my eafe, my credit, over into, " My Lord, my Saviour, my King, and my God, my Lord's will, my Lord's grace ! " But, alas! that idol, that whoriih creature, myfelf, is the mafter-idol we all bow to. What made Eve mifcarry ? and what hurried her headlong upon the forbidden fruit, but that wretched thing herfelf? What drew that brother-murderer to kill Abel ? That wild J himfelf. What drove the old world on to corrupt their ways ? Who, but themfelves, and their own pleafure ? What was the caufe of Solo- mon's falling into idolatry and multiplying of ftrange wives ? What, but himfelf, whom he would rather pleafure than God ? What was the hook that took David and fnared him firft in adultery, but his felf-lujl ? and then in murder, but his felf-credit and felf-honour f What led Peter on to deny his Lord ? Was it not a piece of him- felf, and felf-love to a whole lkin ? What made Judas fell his Matter for thirty pieces of money, but a piece of felf-love, idolizing of avaricious felfl What made Demas to go off the way of the Gos- pel, to embrace this prefent world ? Ev 'en felf-love and love of gain for himfelf. Every man blameth the devil for his fins ; but the Skin. t Packs, wallets. + Untamed, unruly. 1637.] LETTER CXCV1IL 25 great devil, the houfe-devil of every man, the houfe-devil that eateth and lieth in every man's bofom, is that idol that killeth all, himfelf. Oh, blefTed are they who can deny themfelves, and put Chrift. in the room of themfelves ! Oh, would to the Lord that I had not a myfelf, but Chrift ; nor a my lujl, but Chrift ; nor a my eafe, but Chrift ; nor a my honour, but Chrift ! O fweet word ! " / live no more, but Chrift liveth in me!"* Oh, if every one would put away himfelf, his own felf, his own eafe, his own pleafure, his own credit, and his own twenty things, his own hundred things, which he fetteth up, as idols, above Chrift ! Dear Sir, I know that ye will be looking back to your old felf, and to your felf-luit , and felf-idol, which ye fet up in the lufts of youth above Chrift. Worthy Sir, pardon this my freedom of love ; God is my wit- nefs, that it is out of an earneft defire after your foul's eternal wel- fare that I ufe this freedom of fpeech. Your fun, I know, is lower, and your evening fky and funfetting nearer, than when I faw you laft : ftrive to end your tafk before night, and to make Chrift your- felf, and to acquaint your love and your heart with the Lord. Stand now by Chrift. and His truth, when so many fail foully, and are falfe to Him. I hope that ye love Him and His truth : let me have power with you, to confirm you in Him. I think more of my Lord's fweet crofs than of a crown of gold, and a free kingdom lying to it. Sir, I remember you in my prayers to the Lord, according to my promife. Help me with your prayers, that our Lord would be pleafed to bring me amongfl you again, with the Gofpel of Chrift. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweeteft Lord and Mafter, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Gal. ii. 20. gg:^< gfe^ F>>^£J S3®fc&2; 26 LETTER CXCIX. [1637. CXCIX. — To John Gordon of Cardonefs, the Younger. {DANGERS OF YOUTH— EARLY DECISION.) EARLY BELOVED IN OUR LORD,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I long exceedingly to hear of the cafe of your foul, which hath a large fhare both of my prayers and careful thoughts. Sir, remember that a precious treafure and prize is upon this fhort play that ye are now upon. Even the eternity of well or wo to your foul flandeth upon the little point of your well or ill-employed, fhort, and fwift-pofting fand- glafs. Seek the Lord while He may be found •, the Lord waiteth upon you. Your foul is of no little price. Gold or filver, of as much bounds as would cover the higheft heaven round about, can- not buy it. To live as others do, and to be free of open fins that the world crieth fhame upon, will not bring you to heaven. As much civility and country difcretion as would lie between you and heaven will not lead you one foot, or one inch, above condemned nature. And therefore take pains upon feeking of falvation, and give your will, wit, humour, the green defires of youth's pleafures off your hand, to Chrift. It is not poflible for you to know, till experience teach you, how dangerous a time youth is. It is like green and wet timber. When Chrift cafteth fire on it, it taketh not fire. There is need here of more than ordinary pains, for corrupt nature hath a good back-friend # of youth. And finning againft light will put out your candle, and ftupify your confcience, and bring upon it more coverings and fkin, and lefs feeling and fenfe of guiltinefs ; and when that is done, the devil is like a mad horfe that hath broken his bridle, and runneth away with his rider whither he lifteth. Learn to know that which the apoftle knew, the de- ceitfulnefs of fin. Strive to make prayer, and reading, and holy company, and holy conference your delight ; and when delight * A friend to back, a help. 1637O LETTER CXCIX. 27 cometh. in, ye mail by little and little fmell the fweetnefs of Chrift, till at length your foul be over head and ears in Chrift's fweetnefs. Then mail ye be taken up to the top of the mountain with the Lord, to know the ravimments of fpiritual love, and the glory and ex- cellency of a feen, revealed, felt, and embraced Chrift : and then ye mail not be able to loofe yourfelf off Chrift, and to bind your foul to old lovers. Then, and never till then, are all the paces,* motions, walkings,* and wheels of your foul in a right tune, and in a fpiritual temper. But if this world and the lufts thereof be your delight, I know not what Chrift. can make of you ; ye cannot be metal to be a vefTel of glory and mercy. As the Lord liveth, thoufand thoufands are beguiled with fecurity, becaufe God, and wrath, and judgment are not terrible to them. Stand in awe of God, and of the warnings of a checking and rebuking confcience. Make others to fee Chrift in you, moving, doing, fpeaking, and thinking. Your actions will fmell of Him, if He be in you. There is an inftincl: in the new- born babes of Chrift, like the inftincl: of nature that leads birds to build their nefls, and bring forth their young, and love fuch and fuch places, as woods, forefts, and wilderneffes, better than other places. The inftincl: of nature maketh a man love his mother-country above all countries ; the inftincl: of renewed nature, and fupernatural grace, will lead you to fuch and fuch works, as to love your country above, to figh to be clothed with your houfe not made with hands, and to call your borrowed prifon here below a borrowed prifon, and to look upon it fervant-like and pilgrim-like. And the pilgrim's eye and look is a difdainful-like, difcontented caff, of his eye, his heart crying after his eye, " Fy, fy, this is not like my country." I recommend to you the mending of a hole, and reforming of a failing, one or other, every week ; and put off a fin, or a piece of it, as anger, wrath, luft, intemperance, every day, that ye may more eafily mafter the remnant of your corruption. God hath * Weights of a clock. The " walkings " may be the " nvaukings,' the ftrikings of the clock ; or it is for the ivaggings of the pendulum. 28 LETTER CXCIX. [1637. given you a wife ; love her, and let her breafls fatisfy you j and, for the Lord's fake, drink no waters but out of your own ciftern. Strange wells are poifon. Strive to learn fome new way againft your corruption from the man of God, Mr W. D. [William Dalgleifh], or other fervants of God. Sleep not found, till ye find vourfelf in that cafe that ye dare look death in the face, and durft hazard your foul upon eternity. I am fure that many ells and inches of the fhort thread of your life are by-hand* fince I faw you ; and that thread hath an end ; and ye have no hands to cafl a knot,f and add one day, or a finger-breadth, to the end of it. When hearing, and feeing, and the outer walls of the clay houfe fhall fall down, and life fhall render the befieged caflle of clay to death and judgment, and ye find your time worn % ebb, and run out, what thoughts will you then have of idol-pleafures, that poffibly are now fweet ? What bud § or hire would you then give for the Lord's favour ? and what a price would you then give for pardon ? It were not amifs to think, "What if I were to receive a doom, and to enter into a furnace of fire and brimftone ? What if it come to this, that I fhall have no portion but utter darknefs ? And what if I be brought to this, to be banifhed from the prefence of God, and to be given over to God's ferjeants, the devil and the power of the fecond death?" Put your foul, by fuppofition, in fuch a cafe, and confider what horror would take hold of you, and what ye would then efteem of pleafing yourfelf in the courfe of fin. Oh, dear Sir, for the Lord's fake awake to live righteoufly, and love your poor foul ! And after ye have feen this my letter, fay with yourfelf, " The Lord will feek an account of this warning which I have received." Lodge Chrift in your family. Receive no ftranger hireling as vour pafior. I blefs your children. Grace be with you. Your lawful and loving pafior, Aberdeen, 1657. S. R. * Paft from you. f Tie on a knot, to prevent it flipping on. % Worn down, till it is like the tide at low water. § Bribe. 637.] LETTER CC, 29 CC. — To Robert Gordon, Bailie of Ayr. [Let. 1 29.] {THE MISERY OF MERE WORLDLY HOPE— EARNESTNESS ABOUT SALVATION.) ORTHY SIR, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I long to hear from you. Our Lord is with His afflicted Kirk, fo that this Burning Bum is not confumed to afhes. I know that fubmiflive on-waiting for the Lord will at length ripen the joy and deliverance of His own, who are truly bleffed on- waiters. What is the dry and mifcarrying hope of all them who are not in Chrift, but confufion and wind ? Oh, how pitifully and miferably are the children of this world beguiled, whofe wine cometh home to them water, and their gold brafs and tin ! And what wonder, that hopes builded upon fand mould fall and fink ? It were good for us all to abandon the forlorn, and blafled, and withered hope which we have had in the creature ; and let us henceforth come and drink water out of our own well, even the fountain of living waters, and build ourfelves and our hope upon Chrift our Rock. But, alas ! that that natural love which we have to this borrowed home that we were born in, and that this clay city, the vain earth, fhould have the largefl fhare of our heart ! Our poor, lean, and empty dreams of confidence in fome- thing befide God are no farther travelled than up and down the noughty # and fecklefsf creatures. God may fay of us, as He faid, " Ye rejoice in a thing of nought." J Surely we fpin our fpider's web with pain, and build our rotten and tottering houfe upon a lie, and falfehood, and vanity. Oh, when will we learn to have thoughts higher than the fun and moon ! and learn § our joy, hope, confidence, and our foul's * In which there is nothing. Others read "naughty," i.e., evil. t Unfubftantial. % Amos vi. 13. § Teach ; it is the German " lehren" 30 LETTER CC. ' [1637. defires to look up to our beft country, and to look down to clay tents, fet up for a night's lodging or two in this uncouth land ! and laugh at our childifh. conceptions and imaginations that fuck our joy out of creatures — wo, forrow, loffes, and grief ! O fweeteft Lord Jefus ! O faireft Godhead ! O Flower of men and angels ! why are we fuch Grangers to, and far-off beholders of, Thy glory ? Oh, it were our happinefs for evermore, that God would cafl a pert, a botch, a leprofy, upon our part of this great whore, a fair and well- bufked* world, that clay might no longer deceive us ! But oh that God may burn and blaft our hope here-away,-f rather than that our hope mould live to burn us ! Alas, the wrong fide of Chrift (to fpeak fo), His black fide, His fuffering fide, His wounds, His bare coat, His wants, His wrongs, the oppreffions of men done to Him, are turned towards men's eyes j and they fee not the beft and faireft fide of Chrift, nor fee they His amiable face and His beauty, that men and angels wonder at. Sir, lend your thoughts to thefe things, and learn to contemn this world, and to turn your eyes and heart away from beholding the mafked beauty of all things under time's law and doom. See Him who is invifible, and His invifible things. Draw by J the curtain, and look in with liking and longing to a kingdom undefiled, that fadeth not away, referved for you in the heaven. This is worthy of your pains, and worthy of your foul's fweating, and labouring, and feeking after, night and day. Fire will fly over the earth and all that is in it ; even deftru&ion from the Almighty. Fy, fy, upon that hope, that fhall be dried up by the root ! Fy upon the drunken night-bargains, and the drunken and mad cove- nants that finners make with death and hell after cups, and when men's fouls are mad and drunken with the love of this lawlefs life. They think to make a neft for their hopes, and take quarters and conditions of hell and death, that they fhall have eafe, long life, peace ; and in the morning, when the laft trumpet fhall awake them, then they rue the block. § It is time, and high time, for you to * Gaily decked. t In this quarter. j Draw afide. § Bargain. 1637.J LETTER CCL 31 think upon death and your accounts, and to remember what ye are, and where ye will be before the year of our Lord 1 700. I hope ye are thinking upon this. Pull at your foul, and draw it afide from the company that it is with and round, and whifper into it news of eternity, death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jems, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCL — To Alexander Gordon of Earljlon. (CHRIST'S KINGDOM TO BE EXALTED OVER ALL ; AND MORE PAINS TO BE TAKEN TO WIN FARTHER UNTO HIM.) UCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — It is like, if ye, the gentry and nobility of this nation, be "men in the ftreets" (as the word fpeaketh*) for the Lord, that He will now deliver His flock, and gather and refcue His fcattered fheep, from the hands of cruel and rigorous lords that have ruled over them with force. Oh that mine eyes might fee the moon-light turn tof the light of the fun ! But I ftill fear that the quarrel of a broken covenant in Scotland ftandeth before the Lord. However it be, I avouch it before the world, that the tabernacle of the Lord fhall again be in the midlt of Scotland, and the glory of the Lord fhall dwell in beauty, as the light of many days in one, in this land. Oh, what could my foul defire more (next to my Lord Jefus), while I am in this flem, but that Chriit and His kingdom might be great among Jews and Gentiles ; and that the isles, and amongit them overclouded and darkened Britain, might have the glory of a noon-day's sun ! Oh that I had anything (I will not except my part in Chrift) to wadfetf or lay in pledge, to redeem * Alluding to Jer. v. 1. f Into. t Mortgage, alienate. 32 LETTER CCL [1637. and buy fuch glory to my higheft and royal Prince, my fweet Lord Jems ! My poor little heaven were well beftowed, if it could ftand a pawn* for ever to fet on high the glory of my Lord. But I know that He needeth not wages nor hire at my hand ; yea, I know, if my eternal glory could weigh down in weight its lonef all the eternal glory of the blefTed angels, and of all the fpirits of juft and perfect men, glorified and to be glorified, oh, alas ! how far am I engaged to forego it for, and give it over to Chrift, fo being He might thereby be fet on high above ten thoufand thoufand millions of heavens, in the conqueft of many, many nations to His kingdom ! Oh that His kingdom would come ! Oh that all the world would ftoop before Him ! O blefTed hands that fhall put the crown upon Chrift's head in Scotland ! But, alas ! I can fcarce get leave to ware J my love on Him. I can find no ways to lay out my heart upon Chrifl ; and my love, that I with my foul beftow on Him, is like to die upon my hand. And I think it no bairn's play to be hungered with Chrift's love. To love Him •, and to want Him, wanteth little of hell. I am fure that He knoweth how my joy would fwell upon me, from a little well to a great fea, to have as much of His love, and as wide a foul anfwerable to comprehend it, till I cried, M Hold, Lord ! no more." But I find that He will not have me to be mine own fteward, nor mine own carver. Chrift keepeth the keys of Chrift (to fpeak fo), and of His own love ; and He is a wifer diftributor than I can take up. I know that there is more in Him than would make me run over like a coaft-full § fea. I were happy for evermore to get leave to ftand but || befide Chrift and His love, and to look in ; fuppofe I were interdicted of God to come near-hand, % touch, or embrace, kifs, or fet to my finful head, and drink myfelf drunk with that lovely thing. God fend me that which I would have ! For now I verily fee, more clearly than before, our folly in drinking dead waters, and in playing the whore with our foul's love upon running-out wells, and broken fherds of crea- * A pledge. f By itfelf, without any other. % To expend. § Full to its utmoft fhore. || Were it only this and no more. 1 Near to it. 1637J LETTER CCL 33 tures of yefterday, which time will unlaw* with the penalty of lofing their being and natural ornaments. Oh, when a foul's love is itching (to fpeak fo) for God ; and when (Thrift, in His boundlefs and bottom- lefs love, beauty, and excellency, cometh and rubbeth up and exciteth that love, what can be heaven, if this be not heaven ? I am fure that this bit fecklefs,f narrow, and fhort love of regenerated finners was born for no other end, than to breathe, and live, and love, and dwell in the bofom and betwixt the breafts of Chrift. Where is there a bed or a lodging for the faints' love, but Chrift ? Oh that He would take ourfelves off our hand ! for neither we nor the crea- tures can be either due conqueftjj or lawful heritage, to love. Chrift, and none but Chrift, is Lord and Proprietor of it. Oh, alas, how pitiful is it, that fo much of our love goeth by § Him ! Oh, but we be wretched mafters of our foul's love. I know it to be the depth of bottomlefs and unfearchable providence, that the faints are fuffered to play the whore from God, and that their love goeth a-hunting, when God knoweth that it fhall roaft nothing of that at fupper time.|| The renewed would have it otherwife ; and why is it fo, feeing our Lord can keep us without nodding, tottering, or reeling, or any fall at all ? Our defires, I hope, fhall meet with perfection ; but God will have our fins an office-houfe for God's grace, and hath made fin a matter of an unlaw* and penalty for the Son of God's blood. And howbeit fin ftiould be our forrow, yet there is a fort of acquiefcing and refting upon God's difpenfation required of us, that there is fuch a thing in us as fin, whereupon mercy, forgivenefs, healing, curing, in our fweet Phyfician, may find a field to work upon. Oh, what a deep is here, that created wit cannot take up ! However matters go, it is our happinefs to win new ground daily in Chrift's love, and to purchafe a new piece of it daily, and to add conqueftj to conqueft, till our Lord Jefus and we be fo near each other, that Satan fhall not draw a ftraw or a thread betwixt us. - And, for myfelf, I have no greater joy, in my well-favoured * Fine on one who has broken the law. f Worthlefs. X Acquilition, by money or labour. § Paft. || Prov. xii. 27. VOL. II. C 34 LETTER CCIL [1637. bonds for Chrift., than that I know time will put Him and me to- gether ; and that my love and longing hath room and liberty, amidft my bonds and foes (whereof there are not a few here of all ranks), to go to vifit the borders and outer coafls of the country of my Lord Jefus, and fee, at leaft afar off and darkly, the country which mail be mine inheritance, which is the due of my Lord Jefus, both through birth and conqueft. I dare avouch to all that know God, that the faints know not the length and largenefs of the fweet earned, and of the fweet green meaves before the harveft, that might be had on this fide of the water, if we would take more pains : and that we all go to heaven with lefs earned:, and lighter purfes of the hoped-for fum, than other wife we might do, if we took more pains to win further in upon Chrift, in this pilgrimage of our abfence from Him. Grace, grace and glory be your portion. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. CCII. — To the Laird of Cally. (YOUTH A PRECIOUS SE A SON— CHRIST S BEAUTY.) ORTHY SIR, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I have been too long, I confefs, in writing to you. My fuit now to you, in paper, fmce I have no accefs to fpeak to you as formerly, is, that ye would lay the foundation fure in your youth. When ye begin to feek Chrift, try, I pray you, upon what terms ye covenant to follow Him, and lay your account what it may coft you ; that neither fummer nor winter, nor well * nor woe, may caufe you change your Matter, Chrift. Keep fair to Him, and be honeft and faithful, that He find not a crack in you. Surely ye are now in the throng of temptations. When youth is come to its faireft bloom, then the devil, and the lufts of a deceiving world, * Weal. 1637.] LETTER CCIL 35 and fin are upon horfeback, and follow with upfails. If this were not fo, Paul needeth not to have written to a fancYified and holy youth, Timothy (a faithful preacher of the Gofpel), to flee the lufts of youth. Give Chrift your virgin love ; you cannot put your love and heart into a better hand. Oh ! if ye knew Him, and law His beauty, your love, your liking, your heart, your defires, would clofe with Him, and cleave to Him. Love, by nature, when it feeth, cannot but call: out its fpirit and ftrength upon amiable objecls, and good things, and things love-worthy ; and what fairer thing than Chrift ? O fair fun, and fair moon, and fair ftars, and fair flowers, and fair rofes, and fair lilies, and fair creatures ; but O ten thoufand thoufand times fairer Lord Jefus ! Alas, I wronged Him in making the comparifon this way ! O black fun and moon, but O fair Lord Jefus ! O black flowers, and black lilies and rofes, but O fair, fair, ever fair Lord Jefus ! O all fair things black and deformed, without beauty, when ye are befide that faireft Lord Jefus ! O black heaven, but O fair Chrift ! O black angels, but furpaflingly fair Lord Jefus ! I would feek no more to make me happy for evermore, but a thorough and clear fight of the beauty of Jefus, my Lord. Let my eyes enjoy His fairnefs, and ftare Him for ever in the face, and I have all that can be wifhed. Get Chrift rather than gold or filver ; feek Chrift, howbeit ye fhould lofe all things for Him. They take their marks by the moon,* and look afquint, in looking to fair Chrift, who refolve for the world and their eafe, and for their honour, and court, and credit, or for fear of lofTes and a fore fkin, to turn their backs upon Chrift and His truth. Alas, how many blind eyes and fquint lookers look this day in Scotland upon Chrift 's beauty, and they fee a fpot in ChrifVs fair face ! . Alas, they are not worthy of Chrift who look this way upon Him, and fee no beauty in Him why they fhould defire Him ! God fend me my fill of His beauty, if it be poffible that my foul can be full of His beauty here. But much of Chrift's beauty needeth not abate the eager * A proverb for being changeable, or for judging by imperfecl: evidence. 36 LETTER CCIL [1637. appetite of a foul (fick of love for Himfelf) to fee Him in the other world, where He is feen as He is. I am glad, with all my heart, that ye have given your greeneft morning-age to this Lord Jefus. Hold on, and weary not ; faint not. Refolve upon fuffering for Chrift ; but fear not ten days' tribulation, for Chrift's four crofs is fugared with comforts, and hath a tafte of Chrift Himfelf. I efteem it to be my glory, my joy, and my crown, and I blefs Him for this honour, to be yoked with Chrift, and married to Him in fuffering, who therefore was born, and therefore came into the world, that He might bear witnefs to the truth. Take pains, above all things, for falvation ; for without running, fighting, fweating, wreftling, heaven is not taken. Oh, happy foul, that crofleth nature's ftomach, and delighteth to gain that fair garland and crown of glory ! What a fecklefs* lofs is it for you to go through this wildernefs, and never tafte fin's fugared pleafures ! What poorer is a foul to want pride, luft, love of the world, and the vanities of this vain and worthlefs world ? Nature hath no caufe to weep at the want of fuch toys as thefe. Efteem it your gain to be an heir of glory Oh, but this is an eye-look to a fair rent ! The very hope of heaven, under troubles, is like wind and fails to the foul, and like wings, when the feet come out of the fnare. Oh, for what flay we here ? Up, up, after our Lord Jefus ! This is not our reft, nor our dwelling. What have we to do in this prifon, except only to take meat and houfe-room in it for a time ? Grace, grace be with you. Your foul's well-wifher, and Chrift's prifoner, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. Unfubftantial, trifling. 1637.] LETTER CCIII. 37 CCIII. — To William Gordon at Kenmure. [This may be the fame correfpondent as he to whom Let. 72 is addrefied. He may have been on a vifit to Kenmure.] (TESTIMONT TO CHRIST'S WORTH— MARKS OF GRACE IN CONVICTION OF SIN AND SPIRITUAL CONFLICT.) EAR BROTHER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I have been long in anfwering your letter, which came in good time to me. It is my aim and hearty defire, that my furnace, which is of the Lord's kindling, may iparkle # fire upon ftanders-by, to the warming of their hearts with God's love. The very duft that falleth from Chriit's feet, His old ragged clothes, His knotty and black crofs, are fweeter to me than kings' golden crowns, and their time-eaten pleafures. I mould be a liar and falfe witnefs, if I would not give my Lord Jefus a fair testimonial f with my whole foul. My word, I know, will not heighten Him : J He needeth not fuch props under His feet to raife His glory high. But, oh that I could raife Him the height of heaven, and the breadth and length of ten heavens, in the eftima- tion of all His young lovers ! for we have all fhapen § Chrift but too narrow and too fhort, and formed conceptions of His love, in our conceit, very unworthy of it. Oh that men were taken and catched with His beauty and fairnefs ! they would give over playing with idols, in which there is not half room for the love of one foul to expatiate itfelf. And man's love is but heart-hungered in gnawing upon bare bones, and fucking at dry breafts. It is well wared || they want, who will not come to Him who hath a world of love, and goodnefs, and bounty for all. We feek to thaw our frozen hearts at the cold fmoke of the fhort-timed creature, and our fouls gather neither heat, nor life, nor light •, for thefe cannot give to us what they have not in themfelves. Oh that we could thruft in * Emit fparks of fire. f Atteftation. J Make Him higher. § Formed an idea of. || Well deferved that they mould want. 38 LETTER CCIIL [1637. through thefe thorns, and this throng of baflard lovers, and be ravifhed and fick of love for Chrifl ! We mould find fome footing, and fome room, and fweet eafe for our tottering and witlefs fouls in our Lord. I wifh it were in my power, after this day, to cry down all love but the love of Chrifl, and to cry down all gods but Chrifl, all faviours but Chrifl, all well-beloveds but Chriit, and all foul- fuitors and love-beggars but Chrifl. Ye complain that ye want a mark of the found work of grace and love in your foul. For anfwer, confider for your fatisfaclion (till God fend more) I John iii. 14. And as for your complaint of deadnefs and doubtings, Chrifl will, I hope, take your deadnefs and you together. They are bodies full of holes, running boils, and broken bones which need mending, that Chrifl the Phyfician taketh up : whole vefTels are not for the Mediator Chrifl's art. Publicans, finners, whores, harlots, are ready market-wares for Chrifl. The only thing that will bring finners within a cafl of Chrifl's drawing arm is that which ye write of, fome feeling of death and fin. That bringeth forth complaints ; and, therefore, out of fenfe complain more, and be more acquaint* with all the cramps, flitches, and foul-fwoonings that trouble you. The more pain, and the more night- watching, and the more fevers, the better. A foul bleeding to death, till Chriil were fent for, and cried for in all hafle, to come and flem the blood, and clofe up the hole in the wound with His own hand and balm, were a very good difeafe, when many are dying of a whole heart. We have all too litde of hell-pain and terrors that way ; nay,J God fend me fuch a hell as Chrifl hath promifed to make a heaven of. Alas ! I am not come thatf far on the way, as to fay in fad earnefl, " Lord Jefus, great and fovereign Phyfician, here is a pained patient for Thee." But the thing that we miflake is the want of victory. We hold that to be the mark of one that hath no grace. Nay, fay I, the want of fighting were a mark of no grace ; but I mail not fay the want of victory is fuch a mark. If my fire and the devil's water make crackling like thunder * Acquainted. f So far. % May God fend me ? 1637.] LETTER CCIV. 39 in the air, I am the lefs feared ; for where there is fire, it is ChriiVs part, which I lay and bind upon Him, to keep in the coal, and to pray the Father that my faith fail not, if I in the meantime be wrettling, and doing, and fighting, and mourning. For prayer putteth not Paul's devil (the thorn in the flefh, and the meiTenger of Satan) to the door at firtt ; but our Lord will have them to try every one, and let Paul fend* for himfelf, by God's help, God keeping the flakes, and moderating f the play. And ye do well not to doubt, if the ground-ttone \ be fure, but to try if it be fo ; for there is great odds between doubting that we have grace, and trying if we have grace. The former may be fin, but the latter is good. We are but loofe in trying our free-holding § of Chritt, and making fure work of Chrift. Holy fear is a fearching of the camp, that there be no enemy within our bofom to betray us, and a feeing that all be fait and fure. For I fee many leaky vefTels fair before the wind, and profefTors who take their converfion upon trutt, and they go on iecurely, and fee not the under-water,|| till a ttorm fink them. Each man had need twice a-day, and oftener, to be riped,^[ and fearched with candles. Pray for me, that the Lord would give me houfe-room again, to hold a candle to this dark world. — Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord and Matter, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. — » — CCIV. — To Margaret Fullerton. {CHRIST, AND NOT CREATURES, WORTHY OF ALL LOVE— LOVE NOT TO BE MEASURED BY FEELING.) ISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am glad that ever ye did catt your love on Chrift ; fatten more and more love every day on Him. Oh, if I had * Shift for. f Ruling over ; an ecclefiaftical term, ftill ufed. % Foundation-ftone. § Lands held for life. || Bilge-water. % Thoroughly fearched, as when a thief's pockets are examined. 40 LETTER CC1V. [1637. a river of love, a fea of love that would never go dry, to bellow upon Him ! But, alas, the pity ! Chrifl hath beauty for me, but I have not love for Him. Oh, what pain is it to fee Chrift in His beauty, and then to want a heart and love for Him ! But I fee that want we mufl, till Chrifl lend us, never to be paid again. Oh that He would empty thefe vaults and lower houfes (of thefe poor fouls) of baflard and bafe lovers, which we follow ! And verily, I fee no object in heaven or in earth that I could ware* this much of love upon, that I have upon Chrifl. Alas ! that clay, and time, and fhadows, run away with our love, which is ill fpent upon any but upon Chrift. Each fool at the day of judgment will feek back his love from the creatures, when he fhall fee them all in a fairf fire. But they fhall prove irrefponfalj debtors ; and, therefore, it is befl here, that we look ere we leap, and look ere we love. I find now under His crofs, that I would fain give Him more than I have to give Him, if giving were in my power ; but I rather wifh Him my heart, than give Him it. Except He take it, and put Himfelf in pofTeffion of it (for I hope He hath a market-right to me, fince He hath ranfomed me), I fee not how Chrifl can have me. Oh that He would be pleafed to be more homely § with my foul's love, and to come into my foul, and take His own ! But when He goeth away and hideth Himfelf, all is to me that I had of Chrifl as if it had fallen into the fea-bottom. Oh that I fhould be lb fickle in my love, as to love Him only by the eyes and the nofe ! that is, to love Him only in as far as fond and foolifh fenfe carrieth me, and no more ; and when I fee not, and fmell not, and touch not, then I have all to feek. I cannot love perqueer, || nor rejoice perqueer. But this is our weaknefs, till we be at home, and fhall have aged men's flomachs to bear Chrifl's love. Pray for me, that our Lord would bring me back to ypu, with * Expend, lay out. f A Scotticifm for, a complete blaze. % Not able to pay back. § Familiar. || Perfectly ; " par-cccur," by hearty is the etymology. 1637O LETTER CCV. 41 a new bleffing of the Gofpel of Chrift. I forget not you. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCV. — For the Right Honourable my Lady Viscountess of Kenmure. (DIFFICULTIES IN THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM— CHRIST'S LOVE.) Y VERY NOBLE AND DEAR LADY,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — The Lord hath brought me fafely to Aberdeen : I have gotten lodging in the hearts of all I meet with. No face that hath not fmiled upon me ; only the indwellers of this town are dry, cold, and general. They confift of Papifts, and men of Gallio's metal, firm in no re- ligion ; and it is counted no wifdom here to countenance a confined and filenced prifoner. But the fhame of Chrift's crofs mail not be my fhame. Queenfberry's attempt feemeth to fleep, becaufe the Bifhop of Galloway was pleafed to fay to the treafurer that I had committed treafon ; which word blunted the treafurer's borrowed zeal. So I thank God, who will not have me to anchor my foul upon falfe ground, or upon flefh and blood ; it is better to be fattened within the vail. I find my old challenges # reviving again, and my love often jealousf of Chrift's love, when I look upon my own guiltinefs. And I verily think that the world hath too foft an opinion of the gate % to heaven, and that many fhall get a blind and fad beguile § for heaven. For there is more ado than a cold and frozen " Lord, Lord." It muft be a way narrower and ffraiter than we conceive ; for " the righteous fhall fcarcely be faved." It were good to take a * Self-upbraidings. f Sufpicious. % Way. § Delufive difappointment. 42 LETTER CCV. [1637. more judicious view of ChrifHanity ; for I have been doubting if ever I knew any more of Chriftianity than the letters of the name. I will not lie on my Lord. I find often much joy and unfpeak- able comfort in His fweet prefence, who fent me hither ; and I truft, this houfe of my pilgrimage mall be my palace, my garden of delights, and that Chrift will be kind to poor fold Jofeph, who is feparated from his brethren. I would be fometimes too hot, and too joyful, if the heart-breaks at the remembrance of fin, and fair, fair feaft-days with King Jefus, did not cool me, and four my fweet joys. Oh, how fweet is the love of Chrift ! and how wife is that love ! But let faith frifl # and truft a while ; it is no reafon fons fhould offend, that the father giveth them not twice a-year hire, as he doth to hired fervants. Better that God's heirs live upon hope, than upon hire. Madam, your Ladyfhip knoweth what Chrift hath done to have all your love ; and that He alloweth not His lovef upon your dear child. Keep good quarters with Chrift in your love. I verily think that Chrift hath faid, " I muft needs-force J have Jean Camp- bell for Myfelf ; " and He hath laid many oars in the water, to fifh and hunt home-over § your heart to heaven. Let Him have His prey , He will think you well won, when He hath gotten you. It is good to have recourfe often, and to have the door open, to our ftronghold. For the fword of the Lord, the fword of the Lord is for Scotland ! And yet two or three berries fhall be left in the top of the olive-tree. If a word can do my brother good in his diftrefs, I know your Ladyfhip will be willing and ready to fpeak it, and more alfo. Now the only wife God, and your only, only One, He who dwelt in The Bufh, be with you. I write many kifles and many bleflings in Chrift * Put off for a time, poftpone. f Does not permit you to give the child that love which belongs to Him- felf. . % -By main force, by hook or crook. § Homeward. 1637J LETTER CCVL 43 to your dear child : the bleflings of his father's God, the bleflings due to the fatherlefs and the widow, be yours and his. Your Ladyfhip's in his only, only Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen. postscript. Madam, be pleafed at a fit time to try my Lord of Lorn's mind, if his Lordfhip would be pleafed that I dedicate another work againft the Arminians, to his honourable name.* For howbeit I would compare no patron to his Lordfhip, and though I have fuf- ficient experience of his love, yet it is poflible that his Lordfhip may think it not expedient at this time. But I expect your Ladyfhip's anfwer, and I hope that your Ladyfhip will be plain. m CCVL — For the Right Honourable my Lady Viscountess of Kenmure. (THE USE OF SUFFERINGS— FEARS UNDER THEM— DESIRE THAT CHRIST BE GLORIFIED.) ADAM, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to your Ladyfhip. — I long to hear from you, and that dear child ; and for that caufe I trouble you with letters. I am for the prefent thinking the fparrows and the fwallows, that build their nefts in Anwoth, blelTed birds. The Lord hath made all my congregation defolate. Alas! I am oft at this, " Show me wherefore Thou contended with me." O earth, earth, cover not the violence done to me. I know it is my faithlefs jealoufy,f in this my dark night, to take a friend for a foe ; yet hath not my Lord made any plea J with me. I chide with Him, but He giveth * " What his Lordfhip's anfwer was, we are not informed; but Rutherford did not publifh any book at that time, or for fome years afterwards, though it is not improbable that, while under confinement, he devoted himfelf much to theological ftudy." (Murray's Life cf Rutherford.) f Sufpicion. J Quarrel. 44 LETTER CCVL [1637. me fair words. Seeing my fins and the fins of my youth deferred ftrokes, how am I obliged to my Lord, who amongft many croffes hath given me a waled* and chofen crofs, to fuffer for the name of my Lord Jefus ! Since I mufl have chains, He would put golden chains on me, watered f over with many confolations. Seeing I mult have forrow (for I have finned, O Preferver of mankind !), He hath waled* out for me joyful forrow, — honeft, fpiritual, and glorious forrow. My croffes come through mercy and love's fingers, from the kind heart of a Brother, Chrift my Lord •, and, therefore, they muft be fweet and fugared. Oh, what am I ! fuch a lump, fuch a rotten mafs of fin, to be counted a bairn worthy to be nurtured, % and firicken with the beft and mofl honourable rod in my Father's houfe, the golden rod, wherewith my eldefr. Brother, the Lord, Heir of the inheritance, and His faithful witneffes were ftricken withal. It would be thought that I fhould be thankful and rejoice. But my beholders and lovers in Chrift. have eyes of flefh, and have made my one to be ten, and I am fomebody in their books. My witnefs is above, that there are armies of thoughts within me faying the contrary, and laughing at their wide miftake. If my inner fide were feen, my corruption would appear : I would lofe and forfeit love and refpecl at the hands of any that love God : pity would come in the place of thefe. Oh, if they would yet fet me lower, and my well-beloved Chrift higher ! I would I had grace and ftrength of my Lord to be joyful, and contentedly glad and cheerful, that God's glory might ride, and openly triumph before the view of men, angels, devils, earth, heaven, hell, fun, moon, and all God's crea- tures, upon my pain and fuffe rings ; providing always, that I felt not the Lord's hatred and difpleafure. But I fear that His fair glory be but foiled in coming through fuch a foul creature as I am. If I could be the finlefs matter of * Selected from among others. f Plated over. So in a fermon preached at Anwoth, 1630, on Zechar. xiii. 7 , he fays, " The catering will go off, and leave nothing but drofs." % Put under difcipline. 1637.] LETTER CCVL 45 glorifying Chrifl, howbeit to my lofs, pain, fufferings, and extre- mity of wretchednefs, how would my foul rejoice ! But I am far from this. He knoweth that His love hath made me a prifoner, and bound me hand and foot ; but it is my pain that I cannot win loofe, nor get loofe hands and a loofed heart, to do fervice to my Lord Jems, and to fpeak His love. I confefs that I have neither tongue nor pen to do it. Chrifl's love is more than my praifes, and above the thoughts of the angel Gabriel, and all the mighty holts that (land before the throne of God. I think fhame, I am fad and cafl down, to think that my foul tongue, and my polluted heart, mould come in to help others to fing aloud the praifes of the love of Chrifl : all I dow* do, is to wifh the choir to grow throng, \ and to grow in the extolling of Chrifl. Wo, wo is me for my guilti- nefs feen to few ! My hidden wounds, ftill bleeding within me, are before the eyes of no man ; but if my fweet Lord Jefus were not ftill bathing, warning, balming, healing, and binding them up, they mould rot, and break out to my fhame. I know not what will be the end of my fuffering. I have feen but the one fide of my crofs •, what will be the other fide, He knoweth who hath His fire in Zion. Let Him lead me, if it were through hell. I thank my Lord, that my on-waiting and holding my peace as I do (to fee what more Chrifl will do to me), is my joy. Oh, if my eafe, joy, pleafure for evermore, were laid in wadfet J and in pledge, to buy praifes to Chrift ! But I am far from this. It is eafy for a poor foul, in the deep debt of Chrifl's love, to fpit farther § than he dow leap or jump, and to feed upon broad wifhes that Chrifl may be honoured •, but in performance I am flark nought. I have nothing, nothing to give Chrifl but poverty. Except He would comprife || and arreft my foul and my love (oh, oh, if He would do that!), I have nothing for Him. He may indeed feize upon a dyvour's f perfon, foul and body ; but he hath no goods for * Am able to do. f Crowded. % In mortgage. § To fhow a wifh to get at more than he can accomplim. || Arreft by procefs of law. ^[ The debtor's perfon. 46 LETTER CCVL [1637. Chritt to meddle with. But how glad would my foul be, if He would forfeit * my love and never give it me again ! Madam, I would be glad to hear that Chritt's claim to you were fUll the more, and that you were (till going forward, and that you were nearer Him. I dowf not honour Chritt myfelf ; but I wifh all others to make fail to Chrift's houfe. I would I could in- vite you to go into your Well-beloved's houfe-of-wine, and that upon my word ; you would then fee a new myttery of love in Chrift that you never faw before. I am fomewhat encouraged in that your Ladyffiip is not dry and cold to Chrift's prifoner, as fome are. I hope it is put up in my Matter's count-book. I am not much grieved that my jealous Hus- band break in pieces my idols, that either they dare not or will not do for me. My Matter needeth not their help, but they had need to be that ferviceable as to help Him. Madam, I have been that bold as to put you and that fweet child into the prayers of Mr Andrew Cant, Mr James Martin, the Lady Leyes, and fome others in this country that truly love Chrift. Be pleafed to let me hear how the child is. The blefTings that came " upon the head of Jofeph, and on the top of the head of him who was feparated from his brethren/' and the " good- will of Him who dwelt in The Buffi," be feen upon him and you. Madam, I can fay, by fome little expe- rience, more now than before of Chritt to you. I am ttill upon this, that if you feek, there is a pofe,J a hidden treafure, and a gold mine in Chritt, you never yet faw. Then come and fee. Thus recommending you to God's dearett mercy, I rett, your own, in his fweet Lord Jefus, at all obedience, S. R. My Lady Marifchall § is very kind to me, and her fon alfo. Aberdeen, June 17, 1637. * Declare it a forfeiture to Himfelf. t I am not able to honour. % Secret hoard. § Lady Marifchall, whofe maiden name was Margaret Erfkine, being the eldeft daughter of John Erfkine, feventh Earl of Mar, by Lady Margaret [637.] LETTER CCVIL 47 CCVII. — To John Henderson, in Rufc CO. [He was probably tenant in the farm of Rufco, which is at the foot of the hill Caftramond, a farm on the property of Gordon of Rufco.] {PRACTICAL HINTS.) OVING FRIEND,— I earneftly defire your falvation. Know the Lord and feek Chrift. You have a foul that cannot die : fee for a lodging to your poor foul , for that houfe of clay will fall. Heaven or nothing! either Chrift or nothing ! Ufe prayer in your houfe, and fet your thoughts often upon death and judgment. It is dangerous to be loofe in the matter of your falvation. Few are faved ; men go to heaven in ones and twos, and the whole world lieth in fin. Love your enemies, and (land by the truth which I have taught you, in all things. Fear not men, but let God be your fear. Your time will not be long : make the feeking of Chrift your daily tafk. Ye may, when ye are in the fields, fpeak to God. Seek a broken heart for fin ; for without Stewart, daughter to Efme, Duke of Lennox, was the wife of William, lixth Earl of Marifchall. In 1635 fhe became a widow, his Lordfhip having died on the a 8th of October that year, aged about fifty. She had to him feven children, four fons and three daughters. (Douglas' Peerage- Relation of the Origin of the Keiths in Scotland, MS. Advocates Library.) Lady Marifchall's fon, whofe kindnefs Rutherford alfo gratefully records, was William, who fucceeded his father, as is evident from a fubfequent letter. He was a devoted adherent of Charles II.; and entering with zeal into the engagement in 1648 for the King's liberation, commanded a regiment of horfe at the battle of Prefton, where the Scottifh army was routed by the Englifh, and from which he hardly efcaped with his life. When he and others of the King's friends, who had afTembled at Alyth in 1650 for fettling matters to fupport the royal caufe, were furprifed and taken by a large body of Englifh horfe fent out by Monk, the Earl, with fome of his friends, were fent prifoners to the Tower of London by fea, where he was kept for a long time. He died in 1670, at his houfe of Inverringie, and was fucceeded by his brother George. 48 LETTER CCVIIL [1637. that there is no meeting with Chrift. I fpeak this to your wife, as well as to yourfelf. I defire your fifter, in her fears and doubtings, to fallen her grips* on ChrilVs love. I forbid her to doubt ; for Chrift loveth her, and hath her name written in His book. Her falvation is fall coming. Chrift her Lord is not flow in coming, nor flack in His promife. Grace be with you. Your loving paflor, S. R. Aberdeen. H CCVIIL — To Mr Alexander Colville of Blair. [Let. 99.] (REGRETS FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO PREACH— LONGINGS FOR CHRIST.) UCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I would defire to know how my Lord took my letter, which I fent him, and how he is. I defire nothing, but that he may be faft and honeft to my royal Matter and King. I am well every way, all praife to Him in whofe books I muft fland for ever as His debtor ! Only my filence paineth me. I had one joy out of heaven, next to Chrift my Lord, and that was to preach Him to this faithlefs generation ; and they have taken that from me. It was to me as the poor man's one eye, and they have put out that eye. I know that the violence done to me, and His poor bereft bride, is come up before the Lord ; and, fuppofe that I fee not the other fide of my crofs, or what my Lord will bring out of it, yet I believe that the vifion fhall not tarry, and that Chrift, is on His journey for my deliverance. He goeth not flowly, but paffeth over ten mountains at one ftride. In the meantime, I am * Firm hold. 1637.] LETTER CCVIIL 49 pained with His love, becaufe I want real pofTeflion. When Chrift cometh, He ftayeth not long; but certainly, the blowing of His breath upon a poor foul is heaven upon earth ; and when the wind turneth into the north, and He goeth away, I die, till the wind change into the weft, and He vifit His prifoner. But He holdeth me not often at His door. I am richly repaid for fufFering for Him. Oh, if all Scotland were as I am, except my bonds ! Oh, what pain I have, becaufe I cannot get Him praifed by my fufferings ! Oh that heaven (within and without) and the earth were paper, and all the rivers, fountains, and feas were ink, and I able to write all the paper (within and without) full of His praifes, and love, and ex- cellency, to be read by man and angel ! Nay, this is little ; I owe my heaven to Chrift •, and do defire, howbeit I fhould never enter in at the gates of the New Jerufalem, to fend my love and my praifes over the wall to Chrift. Alas, that time and days lie be- twixt Him and me, and adjourn our meeting ! It is my part to cry, " Oh, when will the night be paft, and the day dawn, that we mail fee one another ! " Be pleafed to remember my fervice to my Lord, to whom I wrote ; and fhow him that, for his affection to me, I cannot but pray for him, and earneftly defire that Chrift mifs him not out of the roll of thofe who are His witneffes, now when His kingly honour is called in queftion. It is his honour to hold up Chrift's royal train, and to be an inftrument to hold the crown upon Chrift's head. Show him, becaufe I love his true honour and ftanding, that this is my earneft defire for him. Now I blefs you ; and the prayers of Chrift's prifoner come upon you ; and His fweeteft prefence, whom ye ferve in the Spirit, accompany you. Yours, at all obliged obedience in Chrift, S. R. Aberdeen, June 23, 1637. vol. 11. So LETTER CCIX. [1637. CCIX. — To his Reverend and Dear Brother, Mr John Nevay. [Let. 179.] (CHRIST'S SURPASSING EXCELLENCY— HIS CAUSE IN SCOTLAND.) |Y REVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER —Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I have exceedingly many whom I write to, elfe I would be kinder in paper. I rejoice that my fweet Mafter hath any to back Him. Thick, thick* may my royal King's court be. Oh that His kingdom might grow ! It were my joy to have His houfe full of guefts. Except that I have fome cloudy days, for the moft part I have a king's life with Chrift. He is all perfumed with the powders of the merchant ; He hath a king's face, and a king's fmell. His chariot, wherein He carrieth His poor prifoner, is of the wood of Lebanon ; it is paved with love. Is not that foft ground to walk or lie on ? I think better of Chrift than ever I did ; my thoughts of His love grow and fwell on me. I never write to any of Him fo much as I have felt. Oh, if I could write a book of Chrift, and of His love ! Suppofe I were made white afhes, and burnt for this fame truth that men count but as knots of ftraw, it were my gain, if my afhes could proclaim the worth, excellency, and love of my Lord Jefus. There is much telling-)- of Chrifl: : I give over the weighing of Him ; heaven would not be the beam of a balance to weigh Him in. What eyes be on me, or what wind of tongues be on me, I care not : let me ftand in this ftage in the fool's coat, and acf. a fool's part to the reft of this nation. If I can fet my Well- beloved on high, and witnefs fair for Him, a fig for their hofanna. If I can roll myfelf in a lap of Chrift's garment, I mail lie there, and laugh at the thoughts of dying bits of clay. Brother, we have caufe to weep for our harlot-mother ; her * Crowded. f Counting; much to fet down in the account. 1637.] LETTER CCX. 51 Huiband is fending her to Rome's brothel-houfe, which is the gate* (he liketh well. Yet I perfuade you that there fhall be a fair after- growth for Chrift in Scotland, and that this Church fhall fing the Bridegroom's welcome home again to His own houfe. The worms fhall eat them fir ft, ere they caufe Chrift to take good-night at Scot- land. I am here affaulted with the Doctors' guns ;f but I blefs the Father of lights, that they draw not blood of truth. I find no lodging in the hearts of natural men, who are cold friends to my Mafter. I pray you, remember my love to that gentleman, A. C. My heart is knit to him, becaufe he and I have one Mafter. Remem- ber my bonds, and prefent my fervice to my Lord and my Lady. J I wifh that Chrift may be dearer to them than He is to many of their place. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, July 5, 1637. m CCX. — To my Lady Boyd. (HIS SOUL FAINTING FOR CHRIST'S MATCHLESS BEAUTY- PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL.} ADAM, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Few, I believe, know the pain and torment of Chrift's frifted§ love : frifting with Chrift's prefence is a matter of torment. I know a poor foul that would lay all oars in the water for a banquet or feaft of Chrift's love. I cannot think but it muft be uptaking|| and fweet, to fee the white and red of Chrift's fair * The road ftie is too much inclined to take. f Meaning the Aberdeen Doctors. % The Earl of Loudon and his lady, § Deferred till a future time. || Thomfon fays, "exhilarating." But Jamiefon quotes inftances of this word being ufed for " elevating, or exalting." 52 LETTER CCX. [1637, face ; for He is white and ruddy, and the chief eft among ten thou- fand. * I am fure that muft be a well-made face of His : heaven muft be in His vifage ; glory, glory for evermore mult fit on His countenance. I dare not curfe the mafk and covering that are on His face 5 but oh, if there were a hole in it ! Oh, if God would tear the mafk ! Fy, fy upon us ! we were never amamed till now, that we do not proclaim our pining and languishing for Him. I am fure that never tongue fpake of Chrift as He is. I am ftill of that mind, and ftill will be, that we wrong and undervalue that holy, holy One, in having fuch fhort and mallow thoughts of His weight and worth. Oh, if I could but have leave to ftand befide and fee the Father weigh Chrift the Son, if it were poffible ! But how every one of them comprehendeth another, we, who have eyes of clay, cannot comprehend. But it is a pity for evermore, and more than fhame, that fuch an one as Chrift fhould fit in heaven His lonef for us. To go up thither once-errand, J and on purpofe to fee, were no fmall glory. Oh that He would ftrike out windows, and fair and great lights, in this old houfe, this fallen-down foul, and then fet the foul near-hand § Chrift, that the rays and beams of light and the foul-delighting glances of the fair, fair Godhead might fhine in at the windows, and fill the houfe ! A fairer, and more near, and direct, fight of Chrift would make room for His love ; for we are but pinched and ftraitened in His love. Alas, it were eafy to mea- fure and weigh all the love that we have for Chrift, by inches and ounces ! Alas, that we fhould love by meafure and weight, and not rather have floods and feafts of Chrift's love. Oh that Chrift would break down the old narrow veflels of thefe narrow and ebb || fouls, and make fair, deep, wide, and broad fouls, to hold a fea and a full tide (flowing over all its banks) of Chrift's love ! Oh that the Almighty would give me my requeft ! that I might fee Chrift come to His temple again, as He is minting, f and, it is * Cant. v. 10. t By Himfelf. % On the fole errand. § Near to. I Shallow, as the tide at ebb. f Aiming. 1637.] LETTER CCX. 53 like, minding to do. And if the land were humbled, the judgments threatened are with this refervation (I know), " If ye will turn and repent." Oh, what a heaven mould we have on earth, to fee Scotland's moon like the light of the fun, and Scotland's fun-light fevenfold, like the light of feven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people, and healeth the ftroke of their wound ! # Alas, that we will not pull and draw Chrift to His old tents again, to come and feed among the lilies, till the day break, and the fhadows flee away ! Oh that the nobles would go on, in the ftrength and courage of the Lord, to bring our lawful King Jefus home again ! I am perfuaded that He fhall return again in glory to this land ; but happy were they, who would help to con- voyf Him to His fancluary, and fet Him again up upon that mercy- feat, betwixt the cherubim. O fun, return to darkened Britain ! O faireft among all the fons of men, O moft excellent One, come home again ! come home, and win the praifes and bleflings of the mourners in Zion, the prifoners of hope, that wait for Thee ! I know that He can alfo triumph in fuffering, and weep and reign, and die and triumph, and remain in prifon and yet fubdue His enemies ; but how happy were I to lee the coronation-day of Chrift, to fee His mother, who bare Him, put the crown upon His head again, and cry with fhouting, till the earth mould ring, " Let Jefus, our King, live and reign for evermore !" Grace, grace be with your Ladyfhip. Your Ladyfhip's, at all obedience in Chrift, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Ifa. xxx. 26. f Accompany Him on the way, as when friends go out to bear friends company. See note, Let. 230. mgj&mmmm 54 LETTER CCXL [1637. CCXI. — 31? a Chriftian Gentlewoman. (GOD'S SKILL TO BLESS BT AFFLICTION— UNKINDN ESS OF MEN— NEAR THE DAT OF MEETING THE LORD.) ISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Though not acquainted, yet at the defire of a Chriftian brother, I have thought good to write a line unto you, entreating you, in the Lord Jefus, under your trials to keep an ear open to Chrift, who can fpeak for Himfelf, howbeit your vifitations,* and your own fenfe, mould dream hard things of His love and favour. Our Lord never getteth fo kind a look of us, nor our love in fuch a degree, nor our faith in fuch a meafure of ftedfaftnefs, as He getteth out of the furnace of our tempting fears and fharp trials. I verily believe (and too fad proofs in me fay no lefs), that if our Lord would grind our whorifh lufts into powder, the very old afhes of our corruption would take life again, and live, and hold us under fo much bondage, that may humble us, and make us fad, till we be in that country where we fhall need no phyfic at all. Oh, what violent means doth our Lord ufe to gain us to Him, as if indeed we were a prize worthy His fighting for ! And be fure, if leading would do the turn, He would not ufe pulling of the hair, and draw- ing : but the befl of us will bidef a ftrong pull of our Lord's right arm ere we follow Him. Yet I fay not this, as if our Lord always meafured afflictions by fo many ounce- weights, anfwerable to the grain-weights of our guiltinefs. I know that He doth in many (and poffibly in you), feek nothing fo much as faith, that can en- dure fummer and winter in their extremity. Oh, how precious to the Lord are faith and love, that when threfhed, beaten, and chafed away, and bofted % as it were by God Himfelf, doth yet look warm- like, love-like, kind-like, and life-like, home-over § to Chrift, and would be in at Him, ill and well as it may be. * The afflictions wherewith you have been viiited. t Endure. % Threatened with a blow. £ Homewards 637.] LETTER CCXL 55 Think it not much that your hufband, or the neareft to you in the world, proveth to have the bowels and mercy of the oftrich, hard, and rigorous, and cruel ; for the Lord taketh up fuch fallen ones as thefe.* I could not wifh a fweeter life, or more fatisfying exprefllons of kindnefs, till I be up at that Prince of kindnefs, than the Lord's faints find, when the Lord taketh up men's refufe, and lodgeth this world's outlaws, whom no man feeketh after. His breath is never fo hot, His love cafteth never fuch a flame, as when this world, and thofe who mould be the helpers of our joy, caft water on our coal. It is a fweet thing to fee them caft out, and God taken in ; and to fee them throw us away as the refufe of men, and God take us up as His jewels and His treafure. Often He maketh gold of drofs, as once He made the caft-away ftone, " the ftone rejected by the builders," the head of the corner. The princes of this world would not have our Lord Jefus as a pinningf in the wall, or to have any place in the building ; but the Lord made Him the mafter-ftone of power and place. God be thanked, that this world hath not power to cry us down fo many pounds, as rulers cry down light gold, or light friver. We fhall ftand for as much as our mafter-coiner Chrift, whofe coin, arms, and ftamp we bear, will have us. Chrift hath no mifcarrying balance. Thank your Lord, who chafeth your love through two kingdoms, and followeth you and it over fea, to have you for Himfelf, as He fpeaketh.J For God layeth up His faints, as the wale§ and the choice of all the world, for Himfelf ; and this is like Chrift and His love. Oh, what in heaven, or out of heaven, is comparable to the fmell of Chrift's garments ! Nay, fuppofe that our Lord would manifeft His art, and make ten thoufand heavens of good and glorious things, and of new joys, devifed out of the deep of infinite wifdom, He could not make the like of Chrift ; for Chrift is God, and God cannot be * Ps. xxvii. 10. f Small ftone to fill a crevice in the wall. He fays, ' ' Would they give Him no room ? Might they not have made Him a pinning?" in a fermon at Anwoth, on Zech. xi. 9, preached 1634. t Hos. iii. 3. § The felecled portion. 56 LETTER CCXIL [1637. made. And therefore, let us hold with Chrift, howbeit we might have our wale* and will of a hoft of lovers, as many as three heavens could contain. Oh that He and we were together ! Oh, when Chrift and ye ihall meet about the utmoft march f and borders of time, and the entry into eternity, ye mail fee heaven in His face at the firft look, and falvation and glory fitting in His countenance, and betwixt His eyes. Faint not ; the miles to heaven are but few and fhort. He is making a green bed (as the word fpeaketh J) of love, for Himfelf and you. There are many heads lying in ChriiVs bofom, but there is room for yours among the reft ; and, therefore, go on, and let hope go before you. Sin not in your trials, and the victory is yours. Pray, wreftle, and believe, and ye mall overcome and prevail with God, as Jacob did. No windleftraws§, no bits of clay, no tempta- tions, which are of no longer life than an hour, will then be able to withftand you, when once you have prevailed with God. Help me with your prayers, that it would pleafe the Lord to give me houfe-room again, to fpeak of His righteoufnefs in the great congregation, if it may feem good in His fight. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, July 6, 1637. CCXII. — To William Glendinning. [Let. 137.] {SEARCH INTO CHRIST'S LOVELINESS— WHAT HE WOULD SUFFER TO SEE IT— HIS COMING TO DELIVER.) EAR BROTHER,— Ye are heartily welcome to that honour that Chrift hath made common to us both, which is to fufFer for His name. Verily I think it my * Selected portion. . f Boundary. % Cant. i. 16. § Withered ftalks of grais. 1637.] LETTER CCXIl. 57 garland and crown j and if the Lord fhould afk of me my blood and life for this cauie, I would gladly, in His ftrength, pay due debt to Chrift's honour and glory, in that kind. Acquaint yourfelf with ChrilVs love, and ye fhall not mifs to find new golden mines and treafures in Chrift. Nay, truly, we but ftand befide Chrift, we go not in to Him to take our fill of Him. But if He would do two things, — I. Draw the curtains, and make bare His holy face ; and then, 2. Clear our dim and bleared eyes, to fee His beauty and glory. He mould find many lovers. I would feek no more happi- nefs than a fight of Him fo near-hand,* as to fee, hear, fmell, and touch, and embrace Him. But, oh, clofed doors, and vails, and curtains, and thick clouds hold me in pain, while I find the fweet burning of His love, that many waters cannot quench ! Oh, what fad hours have I, when I think that the love of Chrift fcaurethf at me, and bloweth J by me ! If my Lord Jefus would come to bar- gaining for His love, I think He might make the price Himfelf. I fhould not refufe ten thoufand years in hell, to have a wide foul enlarged and made wider, that I might be exceedingly, even to the running-over, filled with His love. Oh, what am I, to love fuch a One, or to be loved by that high and lofty One ! I think the angels may blufh to look upon Him ; and what am I, to fyle§ fuch infinite brightnefs with my finful eyes ! Oh that Chrift would come near, and ftand ftill, and give me leave to look upon Him ! for to look feemeth the poor man's privilege, fince he may, for nothing and without hire, behold the fun. I fhould have a king's life, if I had no other thing to do, than for evermore to behold and eye my fair Lord Jefus : nay, fuppofe I were hoi den out at heaven's fair entry, I fhould be happy for evermore, to look through a hole in the door, and fee my deareft and faireft Lord's face. O great King, why ftandeft Thou aloof ? Why remaineft Thou beyond the mountains ? O Well-beloved, why doft Thou pain a poor foul with delays ? A long time out of Thy glorious prefence is two deaths and two hells to me. We muft meet, I muft fee Him, I * Near at hand. f Is afraid of, boggles. \ Part. § Defile. 58 LETTER CCXII. [1637. dow # not want Him. Hunger and longing for Chrift hath brought on fiich a neceffity of enjoying Chrift, that, coft me what it will, I cannot but allure Chrift that I will not, I dow not want Him ; for I cannot mafter nor command Chrift's love. Nay, hell (as I now think), and all the pains in it, laid on me alone, would not put me from loving. Yea, fuppofe that my Lord Jefus would not love me, it is above my ftrength or power to keep back or imprifon the weak love which I have, but it muft be out to Chrift. I would fet heaven's joy afide, and live upon Chrift's love its lone.f Let me have no joy but the warmnefs and fire of Chrift's love ; I feek no other, God knoweth. If this love be taken from me, the bottom is fallen out of all my happinefs and joy ; and, therefore, I believe that Chrift will never do me that \ much harm, as to bereave a poor prifoner of His love. It were cruelty to take it from me ; and He, who is kindnefs itfelf, cannot be cruel. Dear brother, weary not of my fweet Mafter's chains ; we are fo much the fibber § to Chrift that we fufFer. Lodge not a hard thought of my royal King. Rejoice in His crofs. Your deliverance ileepeth not. He that will come is not flack of His promife. Wait on for God's timeous j| falvation ; afk not when, or how long ? I hope He fhall lofe nothing of you in the furnace, but drofs. Com- mit your caufe in meeknefs (forgiving your oppreffors) to God, and your fentence fhall come back from Him laughing. Our Bride- groom's day is pofting faft on ; and this world, that feemeth to go with a long and a fhort foot, fhall be put into two ranks. Wait till your ten daysf be ended, and hope for the crown. Chrift will not give you a blind ## in the end. Commend me to your wife and father, and to Bailie M. A. ; and fend this letter to him. * Am not able to do without Him. t By itfelf. % So. § More nearly related. €€ We behoved to be as fib as brethren," occurs in one of his fermons. U Seafonable. 1" Rev. ii. 10. ** A cheat, or difappointment. 1637.] LETTER CCX1IL 59 The prayers of Chrift's prifoner be upon you, and the Lord's prefence accompany you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, July 6, 1637. o. R. CCXIII. — To Robert Lennox of D if dove. [Di/dove, or Difdow, is a farm about a mile from Girthon, on the floping brae. Lennox s name often occurs in the " Minute-book of Comm. of Cove- nanters." Was he connected with Lennox of Cally f] (MEN'S FOLLY IN UNDERVALUING CHRIST— IT IS HE THAT SATISFIETH— ADMIRATION OF HIM.) EAR BROTHER, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I befeech you in the Lord Jefus, make faft and fure work of life eternal. Sow not rotten feed : every man's work will fpeak for itfelf, what his feed hath been. Oh, how many fee I, who fow to the flefh ! Alas, what a crop will that be, when the Lord fhall put in His hook* to reap this world that is ripe and white for judgment ! I recommend to you holinefs and fanftification,* and that you keep yourfelf clean from this prefent evil world. We delight to tell our own dreams, and to flatter our own flefh with the hope which we have. It were wifdom for us to be free, plain, honeft, and iharp with our own fouls, and to charge them to brew better, that they may drink well, and fare well, when time is melted away like mow in a hot fummer. Oh, how hard a thing is it, to get the foul to give up with all things on this fide of death and doomfday ! We fay that we are removing and going from this world ; but our heart ltirreth not one foot off its feat. Alas ! I fee few heavenly-minded fouls, that have nothing upon the earth but their body of clay going up and down this earth, becaufe their foul and the powers of it are up in heaven, and there their hearts live, defire, enjoy, rejoice. Oh ! Sickle. 60 LETTER CCXIIL [1637. men's fouls have no wings -, and, therefore, night and day they keep their neft, and are not acquainted with Chrift. Sir, take you to your one thing, to Chrift, that ye may be acquainted with the tafte of His fweetnefs and excellency ; and charge your love not to dote upon this world, for it will not do your bufinefs in that day, when nothing will come in good ftead to you but God's favour. Build upon Chrift fome good, choice, and faft work ; for when your foul for many years hath taken the play, and hath pofted, and wandered through the creatures, ye will come home again with the wind.* They are not good, at leaft not the foul's good. It is the infinite Godhead that muft allay the (harpnefs of your hunger after happinefs, otherwife there mail (till be a want of fatisfadtion to your defires : and if He mould call in ten worlds into your defires, all mail fall through, and your foul will ftill cry, " Redf hunger, black hunger." But I am fure there is fufficient for you in Chrift, if ye had feven fouls and feven defires in you. Oh, if I could make my Lord Jefus market-fweet, J lovely, defirable, and fair to all the world, both to Jew and Gentile ! Oh, let my part of heaven go for it, fo being He would take my tongue to be His inftrument, to fet out Chrift in His whole braveries of love, virtue, gface, fweetnefs, and matchlefs glory, to the eyes and hearts of Jews and Gentiles ! But who is fufficient for thefe things ? Oh, for the help of angels' tongues, to make Chrift eye- fweet § and amiable to many thoufands ! Oh, how little doth this world fee of Him, and how far are they from the love of Him, feeing there is fo much lovelinefs, beauty, and fweetnefs in Chrift, that no created eye did ever yet fee ! I would that all men knew His glory, and that I could put many in at the Bridegroom's chamber- door, to fee His beauty, and to be partakers of His high, and deep, and broad, and boundlefs love. Oh, let all the world come nigh * Like a fhip running before the wind. t Red and black are intenfive words, like " burning fhame," and " black diigrace." % So attradive as to be fought for like precious wares at markets. § Attractive to the eye. 1637.] LETTER CCX1V. 6\ and fee Chrift, and they (hall then fee more than I can fay of Him ! Oh, if I had a pledge or pawn* to lay down for a feaful of His love ! that I could come by fo much of Chrift, as would fatisfy greening f and longing for Him, or rather increafe it, till I were in full poifes- fion ! I know that we fhall meet ; and therein I rejoice. Sir, ftand faft in the truth of Chrift that ye have received. Yield to no winds, but ride out, and let Chrift be your anchor, and the only He, whom ye fhall look to fee in peace. Pray for me, His prifoner, that the Lord would fend me among you to feed His people. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, n ™ 637. CCXIV. — To Mr James Hamilton. [James Hamilton was educated for the miniftry in Scotland, but going over to Ireland, he continued for fome time to act as fteward or agent for his uncle, Lord Claneboy. He commenced his labours as a preacher of the Gofpel in 1624, and in the following year was fettled at Balwater, in the county of Down, in which charge, fays Robert Blair, u he was painful, fuccefsful, and conftant, notwithstanding he had many temptations to follow promotion, which he might eafily have obtained." (Blair s Life.) In Auguft 1636, he and feveral of his brethren in the miniftry were depofed by Henry Leflie, Bifhop of Down, for refilling to fubfcribe the canons then impofed on minifters in Ireland. From the dark profpect of the Prefbyterian Church at that time, both in Ireland and in Scotland, he was induced to call in his lot with thofe who that year embarked as emigrants for New England, but who were forced to return by the adverfe ftate of the weather. After his coming over to Scot- land, he became minifter of Dumfries, and fubfequently of Edinburgh, where he continued to labour for fifteen years. He was a member of the famous AfTembly held at Glafgow in 1638. In March 1644, he and Mr Weir, minifter of Dalferf, were appointed to adminifter the Solemn League and Cove- nant in Ireland. On their return to Scotland, falling in with the noted Alafter Macdonnell, the two minifters, with feveral others (including Hamilton's * One of thefe two words probably crept into the text from the margin, juft as "banquet or feaft," Let. 210. Similar inftances maybe noticed in other letters. t Yearning greedily. 6i LETTER CCXIV. [1637. father-in-law, Mr Watfon, a minifter in Ireland), were taken prifoners, and carried to Caftle Meagrie, or Mingarie, on the coaft of Ardnamurchan, where they fufFered incredible hardfhips, which brought Mr Weir and Mr Watfon to their graves. Hamilton was liberated in May 1645, a ft ;er an imprifonment often months. In Auguft 1651, when the Committee of Eftates and of the General AfTembly, of which he was a member, were fitting at Alyth, they were apprehended by a party of horfe fent out by Monk immediately after his taking Dundee, and were fhipped for the Tower of London, where Hamilton was kept two years. Continuing faithful to the principles for which he had formerly fufFered, he was ejected from his charge in 1662, upon which he retired to Inverelk, and died on the 10th of March 1666. " He was naturally of an excellent temperament both of body and mind ; always induftrious and facetious in all the feveral provinces and fcenes of his life ; he was delightful to his friends and acquaintances, yea beloved of his enemies ; he was bold for truth, and tenacious in everything of moment, though naturally, and in his own things, among the mildeft of men ; rich in learning, intelligent, judicious, he was great in efteem with the greateft and wifeft." — (Raid's Hi/lory of the Prejbyterlan Church in Ireland^) Blair, in his Life (p. 136, Wodrow Edit.), mentions another James Hamilton, minifter, firft at Killileagh, in Ireland, and then at Ballantrae, in Scotland. Blair's firft wife was fifter to the wife of this James Hamilton.] (SUFFERING FOR CHRIST'S HEADSHIP— HOW CHRIST VISITED HIM IN PREACHING.) EVEREND AND DEARLY BELOVED IN OUR LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Our acquaintance is neither in bodily prefence, nor on paper ; but as fons of the fame Father, and fufferers for the fame truth. Let no man doubt that the ftate of our queftion, we are now forced to ftand to by fuffering exile and imprifonment, is, If Jefus mould reign over His kirk, or not ? Oh, if my finful arm could hold the crown on His head, howbeit it mould be fhicken off from the moulder-blade ! For your enfuing and feared trial, my very deareft in our Lord Jefus, alas ! what am I, to fpeak comfort to a foldier of Chrift, who hath done a hundred times more for that worthy and honourable caufe than I can do ? But I know, thofe of whom the world was not worthy wandered up and down in deferts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth ; and 1637.] LETTER CCXIV. 63 while there is one member of myftical Chrift out of heaven, that member mull fuffer ftrokes, till our Lord Jefus draw in that member within the gates of the New Jerufalem, which He will not fail to do at laft ; for not one toe or finger of that body, but it mall be taken in within the city. What can be our part, in this pitched battle betwixt the Lamb and the Dragon, but to receive the darts in patience, that rebound off us upon our fweet Mafter ; or rather light firft upon Him, and then rebound off Him upon His fervants ? I think it a fweet north wind, that bloweth firft upon the fair face of the Chief among ten thouiand, and then lighteth upon our finful and black faces. When once the wind bloweth off Him upon me, I think it hath a fweet fmell of Chrift ; and fo muft be fome* more than a fingle crofs. I know that ye have a guard about you, and your attendance and train for your fafety is far beyond your purfuer's force or fraud. It is good, under feud, to be near our ward-houfe,f and ftronghold. We can do little to refift them who perfecute us and oppofe Him, but keep our blood and our wounds to the next court-day, when our complaints mall be read. If this day be not Chrift's, I am fure the morrow shall be His. As for anything I do in my bonds, when now and then a word falleth from me, alas, it is very little. I am exceedingly grieved that any mould conceive anything to be in fuch a broken and empty reed. Let no man impute it to me, that the free and unbought wind (for I gave nothing for it) bloweth upon an empty reed. I am His over-burdened debtor. I cry, " Down with me, down, down with all the excellency of the world ; and up, up with Chrift ! " Long, long may that fair One, that holy One, be on high ! My curfe be upon them that love Him not. Oh, how glad would I be, if His glory would grow out and fpring up out of my bonds and fufferings ! Certainly, fince I became His prifoner, He hath won the yolk and heart of my foul. Chrift is even become a new Chrift * Somewhat more than a crofs. f Ward-houfe feems the true reading, though "warhoufe" is in former editions. 64 LETTER CCXIV. [1637. to me, and His love greener than it was. And now I ffrive no more with Him : His love mall carry it away. I lay down myfelf under His love. I defire to fing, and to cry, and to proclaim my- felf, even under the water, in His common,* and eternally indebted to His kindnefs. I will not offer to quitf commons with Him (as we ufed to fay), for that will not be. All, all for evermore to be Chrifl's ! What further trials are before me, I know not ; but I know that Chrift will have a faved foul of me, over on the other fide of the water, on the yonder-fide of croffes, and beyond men's wrongs. I had but one eye, and that they have put out. My one joy, next to the flower of my joys, Chrift, was to preach my fweeteft, fweeteft Mafter, and the glory of His kingdom , and it feemed no cruelty to them to put out the poor man's one eye. And now I am feeking about to fee if fujferitig will fpeak my fair One's praifes ; and I am trying if a dumb man's tongue can raife one note, or one of Zion's fprings,J to advance my Well-beloved's glory. Oh, if He would make fome glory to Himfelf out of a dumb prifoner ! I go with child of His word : I cannot be delivered. None here will have my Mafter : alas ! what aileth them at Him ? I blefs you for your prayers. Add to them praifes : as I am able, I pay you home. I commend your diving in Chrift's Teftament ; I would I could fet out the dead man's good-will to His friends, in His fweet Teftament. Speak a prifoner's hearty commendations to Chrift. Fear not, your ten days § will over. Thofe that are gathered againft Mount Zion, their eyes fhall melt away in their eye- holes, and their tongues confume away in their mouths, and Chrift's withered garden fhall grow green again in Scotland. My Lord Jefus hath a word hid in heaven for Scotland, not yet brought out. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, July 7, 1637. ^* ^* * Under obligation. + To be free of obligation by requiting. % Tunes. § Rev. ii. 10. 1637.] LETTER CCXV. ^ CCXV. — To Mistress Stuart. [Mrs Stuart is the wife of Provoft Stuart of Ayr, of whom fee an account, Let. 161.] {PERSONAL UNWORTHINESS— LONGING AFTER HOLINESS- WINNOWING TIME.) llSTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am forry that ye take it fo hardly that I have not written to you. I am judged to be that which I am not. I fear that if I were put into the fire, I mould melt away, and fall down in frireds of painted nature ; for truly I have little ftufF at home that is worth the eye of God's fervants. If there be anything of Chrift's in me (as I dare not deny fome of His work), it is but a fpunk* of bor- rowed fire, that can fcarce warm myfelf, and hath little heat for ftanders-by. I would fain have that which ye and others believe I have ; but ye are only witnefles to my outer fide, and to fome words on paper. Oh that He would give me more than paper- grace or tongue-grace ! Were it not that want paineth me, I mould have a fkailedf houfe, and gone a-begging long fince. But Chrift hath left me with fome hunger, that is more hot than wife, and is ready often to fay, " If Chrift longed for me as I do for Him, we ihould not be long in meeting ; and if He loved my company as well as I do His, even while I am writing this letter to you, we mould fly into each other's arms." But I know there is more will than wit in this languor and pining love for Chrift ; and no marvel, for ChrifVs love would have hot harveft long ere midfummer. But if I have any love to Him, Chrift hath both love to me, and wit to guide His love. And I fee that the beft thing I have hath as much dross befide it as might curfe me and it both ; and, if it were for * Spark. t Broken up and fcattered. VOL. 11. E 66 LETTER CCXV. [1637. no more, we have need of a Saviour to pardon the very faults, and difeafes, and weaknefs of the new man, and to take away (to fay fo) our godly fins, or the fins of our falsification, and the drofs and fcum of fpiritual love. Wo, wo is me ! Oh, what need is there, then, of Chrift's calling,* to fcour, and cleanfe, and warn away an ugly old body of fin, the very image of Satan ! I know nothing furer than that there is an office for Chrift amongft us. I wifh for no other heaven on this fide of the laft sea that I muff, crofs, than this fervice of Chrift, to make my blacknefs beauty, my deadnefs life, my guiltinefs fanclification. I long much for that day, when I fhall be holy. Oh, what fpots are yet unwafhen !f Oh that I could change the fkin of the leopard and the Moor, and niffer % it with fome of Chrift's fairnefs ! Were my blacknefs and Chrift's beauty carded through-other § (as we ufe to fpeak), His beauty and holinefs would eat up my filthinefs. But, oh, I have not caften old Adam's hue and colour yet. I trow that the beft of us hath a fmell yet of the old loathfome body of fin and guiltinefs. Happy are they for evermore who can employ Chrift, and fet His blood and death on work, to make clean work to God of foul fouls. I know that it is our fin that we would have fanctifkation on the funny fide of the hill, and holinefs with nothing but fummer, and no croffes at all. Sin hath made us as tender as if we were made of paper or glafs. I am often thinking, what would I think of Chrift and burning quick together ! of Chrift and torturing, and hot melted lead poured in at mouth and navel ! Yet I have fome weak ex- perience (but very weak indeed), that fuppofe Chrift and hell's torments were married together, and if there were no finding of Chrift at all except I went to hell's furnace, that there, and in no other place, I could meet with Him, I trow, that (if I were as I have been fince I was His prifoner) I would beg lodging for God's fake in hell's hotteft furnace, that I might rub fouls with Chrift. But God be thanked, I fhall find Him in a better lodging. We get * Chrift ufing His power for fanctifying us. f Unwafhed. % Barter. § Piomifcuoufly blended. 1637J LETTER CCXV. 67 Chrift better-cheap* than fo : when He is roupedf to us, we get Him but with a mower of fummer troubles in this life, as lweet and loft to believers as a May-dew. I would have you and myfelf helping Chrift. myftical to weep for His wife. And oh that we could mourn for Chriil: buried in Scotland, and for His two flain witnefles, killed becaufe they pro- phefied ! If we could fo importune and folicit God, our buried Lord and His two buried witneffes mould rife again. Earth, and clay, and ftone, will not bear down Chrifl and the Gofpel in Scot- land. I know not if I mail fee the fecond temple, and the glory of it -, but the Lord hath deceived me if it be not to be reared up again. I would wifh to give Chrift His welcome home again. My blefling, my joy, my glory, and love be on the Home-comer. I find no better ufe of fuffering than that ChrifVs winnowing putteth chaff and corn in the faints to fundry places, and difcovereth our drofs from His gold, fo as corruption and grace are lb feen, that Chrift faith in the furnace, "That is Mine, and this is thine. The fcum and the grounds, thy ftomach againft the perfecutors, thy impatience, thy unbelief, thy quarrelling, thefe are thine ; and faith, on-waiting, love, joy, courage, are Mine." Oh, let me die one of ChrifVs on-waiters, and one of His attendants ! I know that your heart and Chrift are married together ; it were not good to make a divorce. Rue not of that meeting and marriage with fuch a Hufband. Pray for me, His prifoner. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Cheap is " bargain," and this phrafe means, " better bargain." f Set up to fale by auction. -^M^^sr^e 68 LETTER CCXVL [1637. CCXVI. — To Mr Hugh Mackail of Irvine. {ADVANTAGES OF OUR WANTS AND DISTEMPERS— CHRIST UNSPEAKABLE.) EVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I received your letter. I blefs you for it. . My dry root would take more dew and fummer's-rain than it getteth, were it not that Chrift will have drynefs and deadnefs in us to work upon. If there were no timber to work upon, art would die, and never be feen. I fee that grace hath a field, to play upon and to courfe up and down, in our wants ; fo that I am often thanking God, not for guiltinefs, but for guiltinefs for Chrift to whet and fharpen His grace upon. I am half content to have boils for the fake of the plafters of my Lord Jefus. Sicknefs hath this advantage, that it draweth our fweet Phyfician's hand, and His holy and foft fingers, to touch our withered and leper fkins. It is a blefTed fever that fetcheth Chrift to the bedfide. I think my Lord's " How doeft thou with it, fick body ?" is worth all my pained nights. Surely, I have no more for Chrift than emptinefs and want ; take or leave, He will get me no otherwife. I muff fell myfelf and my wants to Him ; but I have no price to give for Him. If He would put a fair and real feal upon His love to me, and beftow upon me a larger fhare of Chrift's love (which I would faineft * be in hands with of anything ; I except not heaven itfelf), I mould go on fighing and finging under His crofs. But the worft is, many take me for fomebody, becaufe the wind bloweth upon a withered prifoner ; but the truth is, that I am both lean and thin in that, wherein many believe I abound. I would, if bartering were in my power, nifTerf joy with Chrift's love and faith, and inftead of the hot funfhine, be content to walk under a cloudv fhadow More gladly pofiTeis than anything elfe. t Exchange 1637.] LETTER CCXVL 69 with more grief and fadnefs, to have more faith, and a fair occafion of fetting forth and commending Chrift, and to make that lovely One, that fair One, that fweeteft and deareft Lord Jefus, market- f\veet # for many ears and hearts in Scotland. And, if it were in my power, to roupf Chrift to the three kingdoms, and withal per- fuade buyers to come, and to take fuch fweet wares as Chrift, I would think to have many fweet bargains betwixt Chrift and the ions of men. I would that I could be humble and go with a low fail , I would that I had defires with wings, and running upon wheels, fwift, and active, and fpeedy, in longing for Chrift's honour. But I know that my Lord is as wife here as I dowj be thirfty ; and infinitely more zealous of His honour than I can be hungry for the manifeftation of it to men and angels. But, oh that my Lord would take my defires off my hand, and a thoufand-fold more unto them, and fow fpiritual inclinations upon them, for the coming of Chrift's kingdom to the fons of men, that they might be higher, and deeper, and longer, and broader ! For my longeft meafures are too fhort for Chrift, my depth is ebb, and the breadth of my affections to Chrift narrowed and pinched. Oh for an ingine § and a wit, to prefcribe ways to men how Chrift might be all, in all the world ! Wit is here behind affection, and affection behind obliga- tion. Oh, how little dowj I give to Chrift, and how much hath He given me ! Oh that I could fing grace's praifes, and love's praifes ! feeing that I was like a fool foliciting the Law, and making moyen || to the Law's court for mercy, and found challenges that way. But now I deny that judge's power ; for I am Grace's man. I hold not worth a drink of water, the Law, or any lord but Jefus : — and till I bethought me of this, I was (lain with doubtings, and fears, and terrors. I praife the new court, and the new landlord, and the new falvation, purchafed in the name of Jefus and at His inftance. Let the Old Man, if he pleafe, go make his moan to * Attractive in the market. t Set up to fale by auction. t Am able to be. § Difpofition and ability. || Seeking to get influence. 70 LETTER CCXVIL [1637. the Law, and feek acquaintance thereaway,* becaufe he is con- demned in that court ; I hope that the New Man (I and Chrift to- gether) will not be heard ;f and this is the more foft and the more eafy way for me and for my crofs together. Seeing that Chrift fingeth my welcome home, and taketh me in, and maketh fhort accounts and fhort work of reckoning betwixt me and my Judge, I muit be Chrift's man, and His tenant, and fubjecl: to His court. I am fure that fuffering for Chrift could not be borne otherwife ; but I give my hand and my faith to all who would furTer for Chrift, that they fhall be well handled, and fare well in the fame way, that I have found the crofs eafy and light. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, July 8, 1637. CCXVIL — To Alexander Gordon of Gar loch. [Alexander Gordon was proprietor of Garloch, an eftate lying in Kells, about five miles N. W. of New Galloway. It is now corrupted into " Garroch." He was brother to Robert Gordon of Knockbrex, formerly noticed. He was a warm promoter of the Prefbyterian caufe in his day. Living- ftone defcribes him as a " very gracious perfon ;" and mentions him as prefent at a private meeting for prayer and Chriftian conference, with a number of " eminent Chriftians." John Gordon of Knockbrex, and his brother Robert, who were publicly executed in 1666, for being concerned in the infurreclion at Pentland Hills, were the grandchildren of the fubject of this notice. See Let. 63. They were tried for high treafon and rebellion, and fentenced to be hanged at the Crofs of Edinburgh upon the 7th of December that year, their goods confifcated, their bodies thereafter difmembered, and their heads fixed on the gate of Kirkcudbright. Other eight were at the fame time condemned ; and the arms of all the ten (becaufe they had with uplifted hands renewed the Covenant at Lanark, previous to the engagement) were to be cut off and fent to that town, to be fixed on the top of the prifon. This fentence was executed * Seek a friend in that quarter. f Not be heard lifting up His voice in that court of the Law. [637.] LETTER CCXVIL 71 in all its parts. The cafe of all the fufferers, but particularly that of the Gor- dons, who, as Wodrovv informs us, u were youths of mining piety, and good learning and parts," excited much fympathy. When turned off the ladder, the two brothers clafped each other in their arms, and in this affectionate em- brace endured the pangs of death. u They were lovely and pleafant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided." Livingftone, in the beginning of his Historical Relation of his Life, men- tions meetings which he ufed to hold at Airds (where Gordon of Earlfton at one time refided), and at Garloch, or, as it is printed in different editions, Gairleuch or Garleuch. Gordon of Garloch was a warm friend to the truth.] {FREE GRACE FINDING ITS MATERIALS IN US.) EAR BROTHER, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — If Chrift were as I am, that time could work upon Him to alter Him, or that the morrow could bring a new day to Him, or bring a new mind to Him, as it is to me a new day, I could not keep a houfe or a covenant with Him. But I find Chrift to be Chrift, and that He is far, far, even infinite heavens' height above men ; and that is all our happinefs. Sinners can do nothing but make wounds, that Chrift may heal them ; and make debts, that He may pay them ; and make falls, that He may raife them ; and make deaths, that He may quicken them ; and fpin out and dig hells for themfelves, that He may ranfom them. Now, I will blefs the Lord that ever there was fuch a thing as the free grace of God, and a free ranfom given for fold fouls : only, alas ! guilti- nefs maketh me afhamed to apply to Chrift, and to think it pride in me to put out my unclean and withered hand to fuch a Saviour. But it is neither fhame nor pride for a drowning man to fwim to a rock, nor for a fhipbroken foul to run himfelf afhore upon Chrift. Suppofe once I be guilty, needforce* I dowf not go byj Chrift. We take in good part that pride, that beggars beg from the richer ; and who fo poor as we ? and who fo rich as He who felleth fine gold?§ I fee, then, it is our beft (let guiltinefs plead * Of fheer neceflity. f Old editions add, " I cannot," which is evidently a marginal note. t Pafsby. § Rev. iii. 18. 72 LETTER CCXVIIL [1637. what it lifteth), that we have no mean* under the covering of heaven, but to creep in lowly and mbmiffively with our wants to Chrift. I have alio caufe to give His crofs a good name and re- port. Oh, how worthy is Chrift of my fecklefsf and light fufFer- ing ! and how hath He deferved at my hands that, for His honour and glory, I mould lay my back under feven hells' pains in one, if He call me to that ! But, alas ! my foul is like a fhip run on ground through ebbnefsj of water. I am fanded,§ and my love is itranded, and I find not how to bring it on float again. It is lb cold and dead, that I fee not how to bring it to a flame. Fy, fy upon the meeting that my love hath given Chrift. Wo, wo is me I I have a lover Chrifl:, and yet I want love for Him ! I have a lovely and defirable Lord, who is love-worthy, and who beggeth my love and heart, and I have nothing to give Him ! Dear brother, come further in on Chrift, and fee a new treafure in Him. Come in, and look down, and fee angels' wonder, and heaven and earth's wonder of love, fweetnefs, majefly, and excellency in Him. I forget you not ; pray for me, that our Lord would be pleafed to fend me among you again, fraughted |] and full of Chrifl. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCXVIIL— To John Bell, Elder. [There is in the churchyard of Anwoth a tombftone to one of this name, who died a martyr, and who lived at Whitefide. This perfon may have been related to him. His name appears at a petition of the elders and parifhioners of Anwoth, prefented to the Commifiion of the General AfTembly, againft the removal of Rutherford from that parifh, when applications were made from * No refource left. f Worthlefs. % Shallownefs at low tide. § " Sanded," as if it were "driven on the fands." It is like the phrafe " Faith being gravelled," />., non-plufled. || Freighted. 1637.] LETTER CCXVIIL 73 St Andrews and Edinburgh refpeclively to obtain him. He is defignated " John Bell of Hentoun." {Murray s Life of Rutherford, p. 356.) Ruther- ford here reminds him that " old age was come upon him." He appears, however, to have lived many years after this ; for fo late as January 13, 1657, Marion Bell is retoured " heir of John Bell of Hentoun, her grandfir," who was probably Rutherford's correfpondent. On the fame day fhe is retoured heir of u James Bell of Campbelltown (in Twynholm parifh), her guidfir ; " and of " John Bell of Campbelltown, her father." Henton is a fmall croft, as you go by the fea-fide from Ardwell toward Knockbrex. It was once a feparate property. Before old Anwoth church was pulled down (fee Murray s Life of Rutherford), there flood a feat or pew, on which were cut the letters " J. B." and the date " 1631," underftood to belong to this fame perfon. And (though it occurred after Rutherford was gone to his reft) it may be interefting here to notice that the anceftor of the martyr, John Bell of White- fide (which is fituated in Anwoth), was connected with this family. The martyr's mother, too, was the grand-daughter of "The guidwife of Ardwell" (fee Let. 101). His tomb (renewed a few years ago) is a flat ftone near the weft end of the old church, with the date 1685. ' i This monument fhall tell pofterity That blefied Bell of Whitefide here doth lie ; Who at command of bloody Lag was fhot, A murder ftrange which mould not be forgot. Douglas of Morton did him quarters give, Yet cruel Lag would not let him furvive. This martyr fought fome time to recommend His foul to God, before his days did end : The tyrant faid, ' What, Devil ? Ye 've prayed enough Thefe long feven years on mountain and in cleugh.' So inftantly caufed him, with other four, Be fhot to death upon Kirconnel Moor. So thus did end the lives of thefe brave faints For their adhering to the Covenants."] (DANGER OF TRUSTING TO A NAME— CONVERSION NO SUPER- FICIAL WORK— EXHORTATION TO MAKE SURE.) Y VERY LOVING FRIEND,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I have very often and long expected your letter ; but if ye be well in foul and body, I am the lefs folicitous. I befeech you, in the Lord Jefus, to mind your country above ; 74 LETTER CCXVIIL [1637. and now, when old age (the twilight going before the darknefs of the grave, and the falling low of your fun before your night) is come upon you, advife with Chrift, ere ye put your foot into the fhip, and turn your back on this life. Many are beguiled with this, that they are free of fcandalous and crying abominations ; but the tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is for the fire. The man that .is not born again cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Common honefty will not take men to heaven. Alas ! that men mould think that ever they met with Chrift, who had never a fick night, through the terrors of God in their fouls, or a fore heart for fin j I know that the Lord hath given you light, and the know- ledge of His will ; but that is not all, neither will that do your turn. I wifh you an awakened foul, and that ye beguile not yourfelf in the matter of your falvation. My dear brother, fearch yourfelf with the candle of God, and try if the life of God and Chrift. be in you. Salvation is not caften to every man's door. Many are carried over fea and land to a far country in a fhip, while-as they fleep much of all the way ; but men are not landed at heaven fleeping. The righteous are fcarcely faved ; and many run as faft as either you or I, who mifs the prize and the crown. God fend me falvation, and fave me from a difappointment, and I feek no more. Men think it but a flride, or ftep over to heaven •, but when fo few are faved (even of a number like the fand of the fea — but a handful and a remnant, as God's word faith), what caufe have we to fhake our- felves, and to afk our poor foul, " Whither goeft thou ? where fhalt thou lodge at night ? where are thy charters and writs of thy heavenly inheritance ? " I have known a man turn a key in a door, and lock it by. # Many men leap over, as they think, and leap in. Oh, fee ! fee that ye give not your falvation a wrong caft, and think all is well, and leave your foul loofe and uncertain. Look to your building, and to your ground-ftone, f and what figns of Chrift. are in you, and fet this world behind your back. It is time, now in * Miflock, or turn the key, fo as to pufh the bolt pait the focket into which it fhould have been put. t Foundation. 1637.] LETTER CCXIX. 75 the evening, to ceafe from your ordinary work, and high time to know of your lodging at night. It is your falvation that is in de- pendence ; and that is a great and weighty bufinefs, though many make light of the matter. Now, the Lord enable you by His grace to work it out. Your lawful and loving paftor, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. ♦— ■ CCXIX.— To Mr John Row. [John Row, minifter of Carnock, was probably the perfon to whom this letter is addrefTed. It could not be his fori, of the fame name, who afterwards became minifter of St Nicholas Church, Aberdeen, and Principal of King's College ; for he was at this time mafter of the grammar fchool of Perth, and did not qualify himfelf for the miniftry till after the overthrow of Prelacy in 1638. John Row of Carnock, the third fon of John Row (minifter of Perth, a dis- tinguifhed Reformer and coadjutor of Knox) was born at Perth about the clofe of the year 1568. He was ordained minifter of Carnock at the end of the year 1592, where he laboured with great affiduity and fuccefs. He oppofed the Perth Articles, and the introduction of Prelacy, with uncompromifing zeal. He is the author of a Hiftory of the Kirk of Scotland, which has been printed by the Wodrow Society. He died on the 26th of June 1646, aged 78.] (CHRIST'S CROSSES BETTER THAN THE WORLD'S JOTS—CHRISl EXTOLLED.) EVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER,— I received yours. I blefs His high and great name, that I like my fweet Mafter ltlll the longer the better ; a fight of His crofs is more awfome* than the weight of it. I think the worft things of Chrift, even His reproaches and His crofs (when I look on thefe not with bleared eyes), far rather to be chofen than the laughter and worm-eaten joys of my adverfaries. Oh that they were as I am, except my bonds ! My witnefs is above, that my miniftxy, next to Chrift., is deareft to me of anything ; but I lay it * Full of terror ; looks worfe than it is. LETTER CCXX. [1637. down at ChrifVs feet, for His glory and His honour as fupreme Lawgiver, which is dearer to me. My dear brother, if ye will receive the teftimony of a poor prifoner of Chrift, who dare not now dhTemble for the world, I believe certainly, and expect thanks from the Prince of the kings of the earth, for my poor hazards (fuch as they are) for His honour- able caufe, whom I can never enough extol for His running-over love to my fad foul, fince I came hither. Oh that I could get Him fet on high and praifed ! I feek no more, as the top and root of my defires, than that Chrift. may make glory to Himfelf, and edification to the weaker,* out of my fufferings. I defire ye would help me both to pray and praife. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, July 8, 1637. S. R. CCXX. — To my Lord Craighall. {DUTY OF BEING DISENTANGLED FROM CHRIST- DISHONOURING COMPLIANCES.) Y LORD, — I perfuade myfelf that, notwithftanding the greatnefs of this temptation, ye will not let Chrift want a witnefs of you, to avow Him before this evil genera- tion. And if ye advife with God's truth (the perfect teftament of Chrift, that forbiddeth all men's additions to His worfhip), and with the truly learned, and with all the fanclified in this land, and with that warner within you), which will not fail to fpeak againfl you, in God's time, if ye be not now faft and fixed for Chrift), I hope thenf that your Lordfhip will acquit yourfelf as a man of courage for Chrift, and refufe to bow your knee fuperftitioufly and idolatroufly to wood or ftone, or any creature whatfoever. I perfuade myfelf that when ye fhall take good night at this world, ye fhall think it God's truth I now write. * Philipp. i. 14. f l n that cafe. 1637.] LETTER CCXXL 77 Some fear that your Lordfhip hath obliged yourfelf to his Majefty by promife to fatisfy his defire. If it be fo, my dear and worthy Lord, hear me for your foul's good. Think upon fwim- ming afhore after this fhipwreck, and be pleafed to write your humble apology to his Majefty ; it may be that God will give you favour in his eyes. However it be, far be it from you to think a promife made out of weaknefs, and extorted by the terror of a king, ihould bind you to wrong your Lord Jefus. But for myfelf, I give no faith to that report, but I believe that ye will prove fait to Chrift. To His grace I recommend you. Your Lordfhip's, at all obedience in Chrifl, S. R. Aberdeen, July 8, 1637. CCXXL— For Marion M'Naught. (HER PRATERS FOR SCOTLAND NOT FORGOTTEN) ORTHY AND DEAREST IN THE LORD— I re- joice that you are a partaker of the fufFerings of Chrift. Faint not, keep breath, believe ; howbeit men, and hufband, and friends prove weak, yet your ftrength faileth not. It is not pride for a drowning man to grip to* the rock. It is your glory to lay hold on your Rock. O woman greatly beloved ! I teftify and avouch it in my Lord, that the prayers ye fent to heaven thefe many years bygone are come up before the Lord, and mall not be forgotten. What it is that will come, I cannot tell ; but I know that, as the Lord liveth, thefe cries fhall bring down mercy. I charge you, and thofe people with you, to go on without fainting or fear, and ftill believe, and take no nay-fay. f If ye leave off, the field is loft ; if ye continue, our enemies fhall be a tottering wall, and a bowing fence. I write it (and keep this letter), utter, utter delblation fhall be to your adverfaries, and to the haters of the * Cling to with firm hold. f Denial. 73 LETTER CCXXIL [1637. Virgin-daughter of Scotland. The bride will yet fing, as in the days of her youth. Salvation fhall be her walls and bulwarks. The dry olive-tree mail bud again, and dry dead bones fhall live ; for the Lord will prophesy to the dry bones, and the Spirit fhall come upon them, and we fhall live. I rejoice to hear of John Carfon ! I fhall not forget him. Remember me to Grizzel, and Jean Brown. Your hufband hath made me heavy; but be courageous in the Lord. I fend bleffings to Samuel and William. Show them that I will them to feek God in their youth. Grace is yours. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, July 8, 1637. CCXXIL— To my Lady Culross. [Let. 62.] (CHRISTS WAY OF SHOWING HIMSELF THE BEST— WHAT. FITS FOR HIM— YEARNING AFTER HIM INSATIABLY— DOMESTIC MATTERS.) ADAM, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am much refrefhed with your letter, now at length come to me. I find my Lord Jefus cometh not in that precife way that I lay wait for Him; He hath a gate* of His own. Oh, how high are His ways above my ways ! I fee but little of Him. It is beft not to offer to learnf Him a lefTon, but to give Him abfo- lutely His own will, in coming, going, ebbing, flowing, and in the manner of His gracious working. I want nothing but a back- burden of Chrift's love. I would go through hell, and the thick % of the damned devils, to have a hearty feaft of Ch riff's love ; for He hath fettered me with His love, and run away, and left me a chained man. * Way, manner. t Teach. % Crowd. 1637.] LETTER CCXXIL 79 Wo is me, that I was fo loole, rafh, vain, and gracelefs, in my unbelieving thoughts of Chrift's love ! But what can a foul, under a non-entry* (when my rights were wadfetj- and loft), do elfe, but make a falfe libel againft Chrift's love ! I know that yourfelf, Madam, and many more, will be witneffes againft me, if I repent not of my unbelief -, for I have been feeking the Pope's wares, fome hire for grace within myfelf. I have not learned, as I mould do, to put my flock and all my treafure into Chrift's hand ; but I would have a flock of mine own -, and ere I was aware, I was taking hire to be the Law's advocate, to feek j unification by works. I forgot that grace is the only garland that is worn in heaven upon the heads of the glorified. And now I half rejoice, that I have ficknefs for Chrift to work upon. Since I muft have wounds, well is J my foul. I have a day's work for my Phyfician, Chrift. I hope to give Chrift His own calling : it fetteth Him full well to cure difeafes. My ebbings are very low, and the tide is far out when my Be- loved goeth away; aad then I cry, "Oh, cruelty! to put out the poor man's one eye ;" and this was my joy next to Chrift, to preach my Well-beloved. Then I make a noife about Chrift's houfe, look- ing unco-like § in at His window, and cafting my love and my de- fires over the wall, till God fend better. I am often content that my bill lie in heaven till the day of my departure, providing I had afTurance that mercy fhall be written on the back of it. I would not care for on-waiting ; but when I draw in a tired arm, and an empty hand withal, it is much to me to keep my thoughts in order. But I will not get a gate || for Chrift's love. When I have done all I can, I would fain yield to His ftream, and row with Chrift, and not againft Him. But while I live, I fee that Chrift's kingdom in me will not be peaceable, fo many thoughts in me rife up againft His honour and kingly power. Surely I have not exprefTed all His * " Non-entry" is the condition of one, who though heir, has not yet obtained the legal inveftiture of his eftate from the fuperior. f My title-deeds pledged to others. % Good is it for my foul. § Like a ftranger. || Outlet. 80 LETTER CCXXIL [1637. fweet kindnels to me. I fpare to do it, left I be deemed to feek myfelf ; but His breath hath fmelled of the powders of the mer- chant, and of the King's fpikenard. I think that I conceive new thoughts of heaven, becaufe the card* and the map of heaven which He letteth me now fee is fo fair and fo fweet. I am fure that we are niggards, and fparing bodies in feeking. I verily judge that we know not how much may be had in this life ; there is yet fome- thing beyond all that we fee, that feeking would light upon. Oh that my love-ficknefs would put me to a bufinefs, when all the world are found deeping, to cry and knock ! But the truth is, that fince I came hither I have been wondering that, after my im- portunity to have my fill of Chaffs love, I have not gotten a real fign, but have come from Him crying, " Hunger, hunger." I think that Chrift letteth me fee meat in my extremity of hunger, and giveth me none of it. When I am near the apple, He draweth back His hand, and goeth away to caufe me follow ; and again, when I am within an arm-length of the apple, He maketh a new break to the gate,f and I have Him to feek of new. He feemeth not to pity my dwiningj and fwooning for His love. I dare fometimes put my hunger over to Him to be judged, if I would not buy Him with a thoufand years in the hotteft furnace in hell, fo being I might enjoy Him. But my hunger is fed by want and abfence. I hunger and I have not ; but my comfort is to lie and wait on, and to put my poor foul and my fufferings into ChrifVs hand. Let Him make anything out of me, fo being He be glorified in my falvation ; for I know that I am made for Him. Oh that my Lord may win His own gracious end in me ! I will not be at eafe, while I but ftand fo far aback. Oh, if I were near Him and with Him, that this poor foul might be fatisfied with Himfelf ! Your fon-in-law, W. G., is now truly honoured for his Lord and Matter's caufe. When the Lord is fanning Zion, it is a good token that he is a true branch of the vine, that the Lord beginneth firft to drefs Him. He is ftrong in his Lord, as he hath written * Chart, map. t Rufhes off again toward the road. % Pining. 1637.] LETTER CCXXIL 81 to me, and his wife is his encourager, which mould make you re- joice. As for your fon, who is your grief, your Lord waited on you and me, till we were ripe, and brought us in. It is your part to pray and wait upon Him. When he is ripe, he will be fpoken for. Who can command our Lord's wind to blow ? I know that it mall be your good in the latter end. That is one of your waters to heaven, ye could not go about ;* there are the fewer behind. I remember you and him, and yours, as I am able ; but, alas ! I am believed to be fomething, and I am nothing but an empty reed. Wants are my beft riches, becaufe I have thefe fupplied by Chrift. Remember my deareft love to your brother.f I know that he pleadeth with his harlot-mother for her apoftafy. I know alfo that ye are kind to my worthy Lady Kenmure, a woman beloved of the Lord, who hath been very mindful of my bonds. The Lord give her, and her child, to find mercy in the day of Chrift ! Great men are dry and cold in doing for me ; the tinkling of the chains for Chrift affrighteth them : but let my Lord break all my idols, I will yet blefs Him. I am obliged to my Lord Lorn : I wifh him mercy. Remember my bonds with praifes ; and pray for me, that my Lord may leaven the north by my bonds and fufferings. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * One of the rivers which you muft crcfs. t James Melville of Hallhill, who fucceeded his father, Sir James Mel- ville. By a charter of the barony of Burntifland, granted to him 16th Janu- ary 1638, he became Sir James Melville of Burntifland. — Douglas' Peerage, vol. ii., p. 112. wmmmmmm «& VOL 82 LETTER CCXXIIL [1637. CCXXIII. — To Alexander Gordon of Knockgray. {STATE OF THE CHURCH— BELIEVERS PURIFIED BY AFFLICTION —FOLLY OF SEEKING JOY IN A DOOMED WORLD.) EAR BROTHER, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — There is no queftion but our mother-church hath a Father, and that me mail not die without an heir : her enemies mail not make Mount Zion their heritage. We fee that whitherfoever Zion's enemies go, fuppofe they dig many miles under ground, yet our Lord findeth them out : and He hath ven geance laid up in ftore for them, and the poor and needy mail not always be forgotten. Our hope was drooping and withering, and man was faying, " What can God make out of the old dry bones of this buried kirk ? " The prelates and their followers were a grave above us. It is like that our Lord is to open our graves, and pur- pofeth to caufe His two (lain witnefles to rife on the third day. Oh, how long wait I to hear our weeping Lord Jefus fing again, and triumph and rejoice, and divide the fpoil ! I find it hard work to believe when the courfe of providence goeth crofs-wife to our faith, and when milted* fouls in a dark night cannot know eaft by weft, and our fea-compafs feemeth to fail us. Every man is a believer in daylight : a fair day feemeth to be made all of faith and hope. What a trial of gold is it to fmoke it a little above the fire ! but to keep gold perfectly yellow- coloured amidfi: the flames, and to be turned from veffel to veffel, and yet to caufe our furnace to found, and fpeak, and cry the praifes of the Lord, is another matter. I know that my Lord made me not for fire, howbeit He hath fitted me in fome meafure for the fire. I blefs His high name that I wax not paler, neither have I loft the colour of gold ; and that His fire hath made me fomewhat thin,f and that my Lord may pour me into any veffel He pleafeth. For a * Enveloped in mift. t Soft. 1637.] LETTER CCXXIIL 83 fmall wager I may juftly quit my part of this world's laughter, and give up with time, and caft. out* with the pleafures of this world. I know a man who wondered to fee any in this life laugh or fport. Surely our Lord feeketh this of us, as to any rejoicing in prefent perifhing things. I fee above all things, that we may fit down, and fold legs and arms, and ftretch ourfelves upon Chriit, and laugh at the feathers that children are chafing here. For I think the men of this world like children in a dangerous florm in the fea, that play and make fport with the white foam of the waves thereof, coming in to fink and drown them ; fo are men making fool's fports with the white pleafures of a ftormy world, that will fink them. But, alas ! what have we to do with their fports which they make ? If Solomon faid of laughter, that it was madnefs, what may we fay of this world's laughing and fporting themfelves with gold and filver, and honours, and court, and broad large conquefts,f but that they are poor fouls, in the height and rage of a fever gone mad ? Then a ftraw, a fig, for all created fports and rejoicing out of Chrift ! Nay, I think that this world, at its prime and perfection, when it is come to the top of its excellency and to the bloom, might be bought with an halfpenny ; and that it would fcarce weigh the worth of a drink of water. There is nothing better than to efleem it our crucified idol (that is, dead and flain), as Paul did. \ Then let pleafures be crucified, and riches be crucified, and court and honour be crucified. And fince the apoftle faith that the world is crucified to him, we may put this world to the hanged man's doom, and to the gallows : and who will give much for a hanged man ? as little mould we give for a hanged and crucified world. Yet, what a fweet fmell hath this dead carrion to many fools in the world ! and how many wooers and fuitors findeth this hanged carrion ! Fools are pulling it off the gallows, and contending for it. Oh, when will we learn to be mortified men, and to have our fill of thofe things that have but their fhort fummer quarter of this life ! If we faw our Father's houfe, and that great and fair city, the * Quarrel with. f Acquifitions. J Gal. vi. 14. 84 LETTER CCXXIV. [1637. New Jerufalem, which is up above fun and moon, we would cry to be over the water, and to be carried in Chriit's arms out of this borrowed prifon. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCXXIV. — To Fulwood, the Younger. [WILLIAM SEMPLEof Fulwood, in Renfrewfhire, was probably conn ecled with Semple of Beltrees, in the parifh of Lochwinnoch.] {VANITY OF THE JVORLD IN THE LIGHT OF DEATH AND CHRIST— THE PRESENT TRUTH— CHRIST'S COMING.) UCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Upon the report of this worthy bearer concerning you, I thought good to fpeak a word to you. It is enough for acquaintance that we are one in Chrift. My earnefl: defire to you is, that ye would, in the fear of God, compare your inch and hand-breadth of time with vaft eternity, and your thoughts of this now fair, blooming, and green world, with the thoughts which ye will have of it when corruption and worms will make their houfe in your eye-holes, and eat your flefh, and make that body dry bones. If ye fo do, I know then that your light of this world's vanity mall be more clear than now it is ; and I am perfuaded ye will then think that men's labours for this clay idol are to be laughed at. Therefore, come near, and take a view of that tranfparent beauty that is in Chrift, which would bufy the love of ten thoufand millions of worlds and angels, and hold them all at work. Surely I am grieved, that men will not fpend their whole love upon that royal and princely Well-beloved, that high and lofty One ; for it is curfed love that runneth another way than upon Him. As for myfelf, if I had ten loves and ten fouls, oh, how glad would I be, if He would break in upon me and take 1637.] LETTER CCXXIV. 85 poiTeiiion of them all ! Wo, wo is me, that He and I are so far afunder ! I hope we fhall be in one country and one houfe together. Truly pain of love-ficknefs for Jefus maketh me to think it long, long, long to the dawning of that day. Oh that He would cut ihort years and months and hours, and overleap time, that we might meet ! And for this truth, Sir, that ye profefs, I avow before the world of men and angels, that it is the way, and the only way to our country ; the reft are by-ways ; and, that what I furTer for is the apple of Ch rift's eye, even His honour as Lawgiver and King of His Church. I think death too little ere I forfook it. # Do not, Sir, I befeech you in the Lord, make Chrift's court thinner by drawing back from Him (it is too thin already) ; for I dare pledge my heaven upon it, that He will win His plea, and that the fools who plea againft Him fhall lofe the wager, \ which is their part of falvation, except they take better heed to their ways. Sir, free grace, that we give no hire for, is a jewel that our Lord giveth to few. Stand fail in the hope that you are called unto. Our Mafter will rend the clouds, and will be upon us quickly, and clear our caufe, and bring us all out in our blacks and whites. Clean, clean garments, in the Bridegroom's eye, are of great worth. Step over this hand-breadth of world's glory into our Lord's new world of grace, and ye will laugh at the feathers that children are chafing in the air. I verily judge, that this inn, which men are building their neft in, is not worth a drink of cold water. It is a rainy and fmoky houfe : belt we come out of it, left we be choked with the fmoke thereof. Oh that my adverfaries knew how fweet my fighs for Chrift are, and what it is for a finner to lay his head between Chrift's breafts, and to be over head and ears in Chrift's love ! Alas, I cannot caufe paper to fpeak the height, and breadth, and depth of it ! I have not a balance to weigh the worth of my Lord * 6i Ere I forfook.'" u Ere I could be induced to forfake" His honour as King, I muft be made to furTer fomething far more and worfe than death, f Something hazarded. 86 LETTER CCXXV. [1637. Jefus. Heaven, ten heavens, would not be the beam of a balance to weigh Him in. I muft give over praifing Him. Angels fee but little of Him. Oh, if that fair one would take the mafk off His fair face, that I might fee Him ! A kifs of Him through His mafk is half a heaven. O day, dawn ! O time, run faft ! O Bridegroom, poft, poll: faft, that we may meet ! O heavens, cleave in two, that that bright face and head may fet itfelf through the clouds ! Oh that the corn were ripe, and this world prepared for His hook ! * Sir, be pleafed to remember a prifoner's bonds. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, July 10, 1637. CCXXV. — To his Pari/fiioners. {PROTESTATION OF CARE FOR THEIR SOULS AND GLORY OF GOD— DELIGHT IN HIS MINISTRY, AND IN HIS LORD- EFFORTS FOR THEIR SOULS— WARNING AGAINST ERRORS OF THE DAT— AWFUL WORDS TO THE BACKSLIDER — IN- TENSE ADMIRATION OF CHRIST— A LOUD CALL TO ALL.) EARLY BELOVED AND LONGED-FOR IN THE LORD, my crown and my joy in the day of Chrift, — Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jefus Chrift. I long exceedingly to know if the oft-fpoken-of match betwixt you and Chrift holdeth, and if ye follow on to know the Lord. My day-thoughts and my night-thoughts are of you : while ye fleep I am afraid of your fouls, that they be off the rock. Next to my Lord Jefus and this fallen kirk, ye have the greateft mare of my forrow, and alfo of my joy ; ye are the matter of the tears, care, fear, and daily prayers of an oppreffed prifoner of Chrift. As I am in bonds for my high and lofty One, my royal and princely Mafter, * Sickle. 1637-J LETTER CCXXV. 87 my Lord Jems ; fo I am in bonds for you. For I mould have flept in my warm neft, and kept the fat world in my arms, and the cords of my tabernacle mould have been fattened more ftrongly ; I might have fung an evangel* of eafe to my foul and you for a time, with my brethren, the fons of my mother, that were angry at me, and have thruft me out of the vineyard : if I would have been broken, and drawn on to mire you, the Lord's flock, and to caufe you to eat paftures trodden upon with men's feet, and to drink foul and muddy waters. But truly the Almighty was a terror to me, and His fear made me afraid. O my Lord, judge if my minittry be not dear to me, but not fo dear by many degrees as Chrift my Lord ! God knoweth the fad and heavy Sabbaths I have had, fince I laid down at my Matter's feet my two fhepherd's ttaves. I have been often faying, as it is written, " My enemies chafed me fore like a bird, without caufe : they have cut off my life in the dungeon, and catt a ttone upon me."f For, next to Chritt, I had but one joy, the apple of the eye of my delights, to preach Chritt my Lord ; and they have violently plucked that away from me. It was to me like the poor man's one eye ; and they have put out that eye, and quenched my light in the inheritance of the Lord. But my eye is toward the Lord : I know that I fhall fee the falvation of God, and that my hope fhall not always be forgotten. And my forrow mail want nothing to complete it, and to make me fay, " What availeth it me to live ? " if ye follow the voice of a ttranger, of one that cometh into the fheep-fold not by Chrift the door, but climbeth up another way. If the man build his hay and ttubble upon the golden foun- dation, Chritt Jefus (already laid among you), and ye follow him, I allure you, the man's work fhall burn and never bide % God's fire : and ye and he both fhall be in danger of everlatting burning except ye repent. Oh, if any pain, any forrow, any lofs that I can fuffer for Chrift, and for you, were laid in pledge to buy Chrift's love to you ! and that I could lay my deareft joys, next to Chrift my Lord, in the gap betwixt you and eternal deftruction ! O if I had paper as broad * Gofpel, good news. \ Lam. iii. 52, 53. % Endure, be able to bear. LETTER CCXXV. [1637. as heaven and earth, and ink as the Tea and all the rivers and fountains of the earth, and were able to write the love, the worth, the excel- lency, the fweetnefs, and due praifes of our deareft. and faireft Well-beloved ! and then if ye could read and underftand it ! What could I want, if my miniftry among you fhould make a marriage between the little bride in thofe bounds and the Bridegroom ? Oh, how rich a prifoner were I, if I could obtain of my Lord (before whom I ftand for you) the falvation of you all ! Oh, what a prey had I gotten, to have you catched in ChrifVs net ! Oh, then I had cafl out my Lord's lines and His net with a rich gain ! Oh then, well-wared* pained breaft, and fore back, and crazed body, in fpeaking early and late to you ! My witnefs is above ; your heaven would be two heavens to me, and the falvation of you all as two falvations to me. I would fubfcribe a fufpenfion, and a f rifting \ of my heaven for many hundred years (according to God's good plea- fure), if ye were fure in the upper lodging, in our Father's houfe, before me. I take to witnefs heaven and earth againft you, I take inftrumentsf in the hands of that fun and daylight that beheld us, and in the hands of the timber and walls of that kirk, if I drew not up a fair contract of marriage betwixt you and Chrilt, if I went not with offers betwixt the Bridegroom and you, and your confcience did bear you witnefs, your mouths confefTed, that there were many fair tryftes§ and meetings drawn on betwixt Chrift and you at communion feafts, and other occafions ? There were bracelets, jewels, rings, and love-letters, fent to you by the Bridegroom. It was told you what a fair dowry ye mould have, and what a houfe your Hufband and ye fhould dwell in, and what was the Bride- groom's excellency, fweetnefs, might, power, the eternity and glory of His kingdom, the exceeding deepnefs of His love, who fought His black wife through pain, fires, fhame, death, and the grave, and fwimmed the fait fea for her, undergoing the curfe of the law, and then was made a curfe for you ; and ye then confented, and * Well laid out. t Delaying till a future time. \ Take documents to atteft. § Appointed meetings. 1637.] LETTER CCXXV. 89 faid, " Even lb I take Him." I counfel you to beware of the new and ftrange leaven of men's inventions, befide and againft the word of God, contrary to the oath of this kirk, now coming among you. I inftructed you of the fuperfHtion and idolatry in kneeling in the inftant of receiving the Lord's Supper, and of croffing in baptilm, and of the obferving of men's days, without any warrant of Chrift our perfect Lawgiver. Countenance not the furplice, the attire of the mafs-prieff, the garment of Baal's priefts. The abominable bowing to altars of tree* is coming upon you. Hate, and keep yourfelves from idols. Forbear in any cafe to hear the reading of the new fatherlefs fer vice-book, f full of grofs herefies, popifh and fuperftitious errors, without any warrant of Chrift., tending to the overthrow of preaching. You owe no obedience to the baftard canons ; they are unlawful, blafphemous, and fuperftitious. All the ceremonies that lie in Antichrift's foul womb, the wares of that great mother of fornications, the kirk of Rome, are to be refufed. Ye fee whither they lead you. Continue flill in the doctrine which ye have received. Ye heard of me the whole counfel of God. Sew no clouts upon Chrift's robe. Take Chrift, in His rags and lofTes, and as perfecuted by men, and be content to figh and pant up the mountain, with ChrifVs crofs on your back. Let me be reputed a falfe prophet (and your confcience once faid the contrary), if your Lord Jefus will not ftand by you and maintain you, and maintain your caufe againft your enemies. I have heard, and my foul is grieved for it, that fince my de- parture from you, many among you are turned back from the good old way, to the dog's vomit again. Let me fpeak to thefe men. It was not without God's fpecial direction, that the firft fentence that ever my mouth uttered to you was that, " And Jefus faid, For judg- ment I am come into this world, that they which fee not might fee ; and that they which fee might be made blind." % It is poflible that my firft meeting and yours may be when we fhall both ftand before * Wood. f See Let. 161. The Service-book, which has no author's name. X John ix. .19. 90 LETTER CCXXV. [1637. the dreadful Judge of the world ; and in the name and authority of the Son of God, my great King and Mafter, I write, by thefe pre- fents, fummonfes to thofe men. I arreft their fouls and bodies to the day of our compearance.* Their eternal damnation itandeth fubfcribed, and fealed in heaven, by the hand-writing of the great Judge of quick and dead 5 and I am ready to ftand up, as a preach- ing witnefs againft fuch to their face, on that day, and to fay " Amen" to their condemnation, except they repent. The vengeance of the Gofpel is heavier than the vengeance of the Law ; the Mediator's malediction and vengeance is twice vengeance ; and that vengeance is the due portion of fuch men. And there I leave them as bond men, aye and whillf they repent and amend. Ye were witnefles how the Lord's day was fpent while I was among you. O facrilegious robber of God's day, what wilt thou anfwer the Almighty when He feeketh fo many Sabbaths back again from thee ? What will the curfer, fwearer, and blafphemer do, when his tongue mall be roafted in that broad and burning lake of fire and brimftone ? And what will the drunkard do, when tongue, lungs, and liver, bones, and all, fhall boil and mail fry in a torturing fire ? He fhall be far from his barrels of ftrong drink then ; and there is not a cold well of water for him in hell. What fhall be the cafe of the wretch, the covetous man, the oppreffor, the deceiver, the earth- worm, who can never get his wombful J of clay, when, in the day of Chrift, gold and filver muff lie burnt in afhes, and he muff com- pear* and anfwer his Judge, and quit his clayey and noughty§ heaven ? Wo, wo, for evermore, be to the time-turning atheilt, who hath one god and one religion for fummer, and another god and another religion for winter, and the day of fanning, when Chrift fanneth all that is in His barn-floor : who hath a confcience for every fair and market, and the foul of him runneth upon these oiled wheels, time, cuftom, the world, and command of men. Oh, * Appearing in court in obedience to legal fummons. t Ever and till, ever onward till. { Bellyful, as Ps. xvii. 14. § That has nought in it. I637J LETTER CCXXV. 91 if the carelefs atheift, and fleeping man, who edgeth by* all with, " God forgive our paftors if they lead us wrong, we muff do as they command," and layeth down his head upon time's bofom, and giveth his confcience to a deputy, and fleepeth fo, whillf the fmoke of hell-fire fly up in his throat, and caufe him to ftart out of his doleful bed ! Oh, if fuch a man would awake ! Many woes are for the over-gilded and gold-plaftered hypocrite. A heavy doom is for the liar and white-tongued flatterer ; and the flying book of God's fearful vengeance, twenty cubits long, and ten cubits broad, that goeth out from the face of God, fliall enter into the houfe, and in upon the foul of him that ftealeth, and fweareth falfely by God's name.J I denounce eternal burning, hotter than Sodom's flames, upon the men that boil in filthy luffs of fornication, adultery, inceft, and the like wickednefs. No room, no, not a foot-broad, § for fuch vile dogs within the clean Jerufalem. Many of you put off all with this, " God forgive us, we know no better." I renew my old anfwer : the Judge is coming in flaming fire, with all His mighty angels, to render vengeance to all thofe that know not God, and believe not.|| I have often told you that fecurity will flay you. All men fay they have faith : as many men and women now, as many faints in heaven. And all believe (fay ye) ; fo that every foul dog is clean enough, and good enough, for the clean and new Jerufalem above. Every man hath converfion and the new birth ; but it is not leal % come. They had never a fick night for fin ; con- verfion came to them in a night-dream. In a word, hell will be empty at the day of judgment, and heaven pang** full ! Alas ! it is neither eafy nor ordinary to believe and to be faved. Many muft ftand, in the end, at heaven's gates.f f When they go to take out their faith, they take out a fair nothing, or (as ye ufe to fpeak) a blaflum.Jf Oh, lamentable disappointment ! I pray you, I charge you in the name of Chrift, make faff work of Chrift and falvation. * Pufhes afide thefe warnings, f Till. £ Zech. v. 2, 3. § Foot-breadth. || 2 Thess. i. 8. f Genuinely, lawfully got. ** Crammed. ft Luke xiii. 25. t+ Mockery, illufion. 92 LETTER CCXXV. [1637. I know there are fome believers among you, and I write to you, O poor broken-hearted believers : all the comforts of Chrift in the Old and New Teftaments are yours. Oh, what a Father and Hufband ye have ! Oh, if I had pen and ink, and ingine* to write of Him ! Let heaven and earth be confolidated into mafty and pure gold, it will not weigh the thoufandth part of ChrifVs love to a foul, even to me a poor prifoner. Oh, that is a mafty and marvellous love ! Men and angels ! unite your force and ftxength in one, ye mall not heave nor poife it off the ground. Ten thoufand worlds, as many worlds as angels can number, and then as a new world of angels can multiply, would not all be the balkf of a balance to weigh Chrift's excellency, fweetnefs, and love. Put ten earths into one, and let a rofe grow greater than ten whole earths, or whole worlds, oh, what beauty would be in it, and what a fmell would it caft ! But a blaft of the breath of that faireft Rofe in all God's paradife, even of Chrift Jefus our Lord, one look of that faireft face, would be infinitely in beauty, and fmell, above all imaginable and created glory. I wonder that men dow bide J off Chrift. I would efteem myfelf Hefted, if I could make an open proclamation, and gather all the world, that are living upon the earth, Jew and Gentile, and all that fhall be born till the blowing of the laft trum- pet, to flock round about Chrift, and to ftand looking, wondering, admiring, and adoring His beauty and fweetnefs. For His fire is hotter than any other fire, His love fweeter than common love, His beauty furpafteth all other beauty. When I am heavy and fad, one of His love-looks would do me meikle worlds' good. § Oh, if ye would fall in love with Him, how Hefted were I ! how glad would my foul be to help you to love Him ! But amongft us all, we could not love Him enough. He is the Son of the Father's love, and God's delight ; the Father's love lieth all upon Him. Oh, if all mankind would fetch all their love and lay it upon Him ! In- * Ability and difpofition. f Balk y the beam. It meant originally a ridge. % Are able to keep from Him. § More good than many worlds, or fubftantial good. 1637.] LETTER CCXXV. 93 vite Him, and take Him home to your houfes, in the exercife of prayer morning and evening, as I often defired you ; efpecially now, let Him not want lodging in your houfes, nor lie in the fields, when He is fhut out of pulpits and kirks. If ye will be content to take heaven by violence and the wind on your face for Chrift and His crofs, I am here one who hath fome trial of Chrift's crofs, and I can fay, that Chrift was ever kind to me, but He overcometh Him- felf (if I may fpeak fo) in kindnefs while I fufTer for Him. I give you my word for it, Chrift's crofs is not fo evil as they call it ; it is fweet, light, and comfortable. I would not want the vifitations of love, and the very breathings of Chrift's mouth when He kilTeth, and my Lord's delightfome fmiles and love-embracements under my fufferings for Him, for a mountain of gold, or for all the honours, court, and grandeur of velvet kirkmen.* Chrift hath the yolk f and heart of my love. " I am my Beloved's, and my Well-beloved is mine." Oh that ye were all hand-faftedj to Chrift ! O my dearly-be- loved in the Lord, I would I could change my voice, and had a tongue tuned by the hands of my Lord, and had the art of fpeaking of Chrift, that I might point out to you the worth, and highnefs, and greatnefs, and excellency of that faireft and renowned Bride- groom ! I befeech you by the mercies of the Lord, by the fighs, tears, and heart's-blood of our Lord Jefus, by the falvation of your poor and precious fouls, fet up § the mountain, that ye and I may meet before the Lamb's throne amongft the congregation of the firft-born. Lord grant that that may be the tryfting-place ! || that ye and I may put up our hands together, and pluck and eat the apples off the tree of life, and that we may feaft together, and drink together of that pure river of the water of life, that cometh out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Oh, how little is your hand-breadth and fpan-length of days here ! Your inch of time * High Churchmen. f The innermoft part. % Betrothed by joining hands. § Set to to climb. || Meeting-place by appointment. 94 LETTER CCXXV. [1637 is lefs than when ye and I parted. Eternity, eternity is coming, potting on with wings ; then mall every man's blacks and whites be brought to light. Oh, how low will your thoughts be of this fair-fkinned but heart-rotten apple, the vain, vain, fecklefs world, when the worms mail make them houfes in your eye-holes, and fhall eat off the flefh from the balls of your cheeks, and fhall make that body a number of dry bones ! Think not that the common gate* of ferving God, as neighbours and others do, will bring you to heaven. Few, few are faved. The devil's court is thickf and many ; he hath the greateft number of mankind for his valTals. I know this world is a foreft of thorns in your way to heaven ; but you muft go through it. Acquaint yourfelves with the Lord : hold faft Chrift. ; hear His voice only. Blefs His name ; fancYify and keep holy His day ; keep the new commandment, " Love one another j" let the Holy Spirit dwell in your bodies ; and be clean and holy. Love not the world : lie not, love and follow truth : learn to know God. Keep in mind what I taught you ; for God will feek an account of it, when I am far from you. Abftain from all evil, and all appearance of evil : follow good carefully, and feek peace and follow after it : honour your king, and pray for him. Remember me to God in your prayers ; I dow not forget you. I told you often while I was with you, and now I write it again, heavy, fad, and fore is that ftroke of the Lord's wrath that is coming upon Scotland. Wo, wo, wo, to this harlot-land ! for they fhall take the cup of God's wrath from His hands, and drink, and fpue, and fall, and not rife again. In, in, in with fpeed to your ftrong- hold, ye prifoners of hope, and hide you there whill the anger of the Lord pafs ! Follow not the paftors of this land, for the fun is gone down upon them. As the Lord liveth, they lead you from Chrift, and from the good old way. Yet the Lord will keep the holy city, and make this withered kirk to bud again like a rofe, and a field blelTed of the Lord. The grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift. be with you all. The * Way, manner. t Crowded. 1637.] LETTER CCXXVI. 95 prayers and Wettings of a prifoner of Chrift, in bonds for Him, and for you, be with you all. Amen. Your lawful and loving pallor, S. R. Aberdeen, July 13, 1637. CCXXVI. — To the Lady Kilconquhair. [Lady Kilconquhair, whofe maiden name was Helen Murray, being the third daughter of Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarony, was the wife of Sir John Carftairs of Kilconquhair, in the county of Fife. Her mother, Mar- garet Maule, was of the family of Panmure.] (THE INTERESTS OF THE SOUL MOST URGENT— FOLLY OF THE WORLD— CHRIST ALTOGETHER LOVELY— HIS PEN FAILS TO SET FORTH CHRIST'S UNSPEAKABLE BEAUTY.) ISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am glad to hear that ye have your face homewards towards your Father's houfe, now when fo many are for a home nearer hand.* But your Lord calleth you to another life and glory than is to be found hereaway ;f and, therefore, I would counfel you to make fure the charters and rights which ye have to falvation. You came to this life about a neceflary and weighty bufinefs, to tryftej with Chrift anent§ your precious foul, and the eternal falva- tion of it. This is the molt necefTary bufinefs ye have in this life ; and your other adoes || befide this are but toys, and feathers, and dreams, and fancies. This is in the greateft hafte, and mould be done firit. Means are ufed in the Gofpel to draw on a meeting betwixt Chrift and you. If ye neglecl: your part of it, it is as if ye would tear the contract before Chrift's eyes, and give up the match, that there may be no more communing about that bufinefs. I know * Nearer at hand. f In this quarter; the prefent ftate of things. t To meet with for bufinefs. § Concerning. || Things that keep you bufily engrofied. 9^ LETTER CCXXVL [1637. that other lovers befide Chrift are in fuit of you, and your foul hath many wooers ; but I pray you to make a chafte virgin of your foul, and let it love but one. Molt worthy is Chrift. alone of all your foul's love, howbeit your love were higher than the heaven, and deeper than the loweft of this earth, and broader than this world. Many, alas! too many, make a common ftrumpet of their foul for every lover that cometh to the houfe. Marriage with Chrift would put your love and your heart by the gate,* out of the way, and out of the eye of all other unlawful fuitors ; and then you have a ready anfwer for all others, "lam already promifed away to Chrift ; the match is concluded, my foul hath a hufband already, and it cannot have two hufbands." Oh, if the world did but know what a fmell the ointments of Chrift caft, and how ravifhing His beauty (even the beauty of the faireft of the fons of men) is, and how fweet and powerful His voice is, the voice of that one Well-beloved ! Cer- tainly, where Chrift cometh, He runneth away with the foul's love, fo that it cannot be commanded. I would far rather look but through the hole of Chrift's door, to fee but the one half of His faireft and molt comely face (for He looketh like heaven !), fuppofe I mould never win in to fee His excellency and glory to the full, than enjoy the flower, the bloom, and the chiefeft excellency of the glory and riches of ten worlds. Lord, fend me, for my part, but the meaneft fhare of Chrift that can be given to any of the indwellers of the New Jerufalem. But I know my Lord is no niggard : He can, and it becometh Him well to give more than my narrow foul can receive. If there were ten thoufand thoufand millions of worlds, and as many heavens full of men and angels, Chrift would not be pinched to fupply all our wants, and to fill us all. Chrift is a well of life ; but who knoweth how deep it is to the bottom ? This foul of ours hath love, and can- * Probably the next claufe is the infertion of an editor, and we fhould limply read, " By the gate, and out of the eye." — It would put your heart out of the way, and out of fight, of all others. Unlefs " gate" here be " door," which would not be Rutherford's ufual ftyle. r637-] LETTER CCXXVL 97 not but love ibme fair one. And oh, what a fair One, what an only One, what an excellent, lovely, ravifhing One, is Jefus ! Put the beauty of ten thoufand thoufand worlds of paradifes, like the garden of Eden in one ; put all trees, all flowers, all fmells, all colours, all taftes, all joys, all fweetnefs, all lovelinefs, in one : oh, what a fair and excellent thing would that be ! And yet it would be lefs to that fair and deareft Well-beloved, Chrift, than one drop of rain to the whole feas, rivers, lakes, and fountains of ten thou- fand earths. Oh, but Chrift is heaven's wonder, and earth's won- der ! What marvel that His bride faith,* "He is altogether lovely !" Oh that black fouls will not come and fetch all their love to this fair One ! Oh, if I could invite and perfuade thoufands, and ten thoufand times ten thoufand of Adam's fons, to flock about my Lord Jefus, and to come and take their fill of love ! Oh, pity for evermore, that there fhould be fuch a one as Chrift Jefus, fo bound- lefs, fo bottomlefs, and fo incomparable in infinite excellency and fweetnefs, and fo few to take Him ! Oh, oh, ye poor, dry, and dead fouls, why will ye not come hither with your toomf vefTels, and your empty fouls, to this huge, and fair, and deep, and fweet well of life, and fill all your toomf vefTels ? Oh that Chrift fhould be fo large in fweetnefs and worth, and we fo narrow, fo pinched, fo ebb, % and fo void of all happinefs. And yet men will not take Him ! They lofe their love miferably, who will not beftow it upon this lovely One. Alas ! thefe five thoufand years, Adam's fools, his waiter § heirs, have been wafting and lavifhing out their love and their affections upon black lovers, and black harlots, upon bits of dead creatures, and broken idols, upon this and that fecklefs || creature ; and have not brought their love and their heart to Jefus. Oh, pity, that Fairnefs hath fo few lovers ! Oh, wo, wo to the fools of this world, who run byf Chrift to other lovers! Oh, mifery, mifery, mifery, that comelinefs can fcarce get three or four hearts in a town or country ! Oh that there is fo much fpoken, * Cant. v. 16. t Empty. % Shallow. § Wasteful, prodigal. Prov. xviii. 9. || Worthlefs. 1" Run paft. VOL. II. G 98 LETTER CCXXVL [1637. and fo much written, and fo much thought of creature vanity ; and fo little fpoken, fo little written, and fo little thought of my great, and incomprehenfible, and never enough wondered at Lord Jefus ! Why fhould I not curfe this forlorn and wretched world, that fuffereth my Lord Jefus to lie His lone ? * O damned fouls ! O mifkenningf world ! O blind, O beggarly and poor fouls ! O bewitched fools ! what aileth you at Chrift, that you run fo from Him ? I dare not challenge providence, that there are fo few buyers, and fo little fale for fuch an excellent one as Chrift. (O the depth, and, O the height of my Lord's ways, that pafs finding out !) But oh, if men would once be wife, and not fall fo in love with their own hell as to pafs by Chrift, and mifken Him ! f But let us come near, and fill ourfelves with Chrift, and let His friends drink, and be drunken, and fatisfy our hollow and deep defires with Jefus. Oh, come all and drink at this living well •, come, drink and live for evermore j come, drink and welcome ! " Welcome," faith our faireft. Bridegroom. No man getteth Chrift with ill will ; no man cometh and is not welcome. No man cometh and ruethj his voyage : § all men fpeak well of Chrift who have been at Him : men and angels who know Him will fay more than I dow || do, and think more of Him than they can fay. Oh, if I were mifted f and bewildered in my Lord's love ! Oh, if I were fettered and chained to it ! Oh, fweet pain, to be pained for a fight of Him ! Oh, living death, oh, good death, oh, lovely death, to die for love of Jefus ! Oh that I fhould have a fore heart, and a pained foul, for the want of this and that idol ! Wo, wo to the miftakings of my mifcarrying heart, that gapeth and crieth for creatures, and is not pained, and cut, and tortured, and in forrow, for the want of a foul's-fill of the love of Chrift ! Oh that Thou wouldft come near, my Beloved ! O my faireft One, why ftandeft Thou afar ! Come hither, that I may be fatiated with Thy excellent love. Oh for a union ! oh for a fellowfhip with Jefus ! Oh that I could buy * Unviiited, all alone. t Miftaken; that overlook what is real. \ Repents. § Journey. || Am able to do. f Loft in a mift. 1637.] LETTER CCXXVL 99 with a price that lovely One, even fuppofe that hell's torments for a while were the price ! I cannot believe but Chrift will rue* upon His pained lovers, and come and eafe Tick hearts, who figh and fwoon for want of Chrift. Who dow bide drift's love to be nice?f What heaven can be there liker to hell, than to luft, and green, % and dwine,§ and fall a fwoon for Chrift's love, and to want it ? Is not this hell and heaven woven through-other ? || Is not this pain and joy, fweetnefs and fadnefs, to be in one web, the one the weft, the other the warp ? Therefore, I would that Chrift would let us meet and join together, the foul and Chrift in each other's arms. Oh what meeting is like this, to fee blacknefs and beauty, contemp- tiblenefs and glory, highnefs and bafenefs, even a foul and Chrift, kifs each other ! Nay, but when all is done, I may be wearied in fpeaking and writing ; but, oh, how far am I from the right ex- preflion of Chrift or His love ? I can neither fpeak nor write feel- ing, nor tailing, nor fmelling : come feel, and fmell, and tafte Chriit and His love, and ye fhall call it more than can be fpcken. To write how fweet the honeycomb is, is not fo lovely as to eat and fuck the honeycomb. One night's reft in a bed of love with Chrift will fay more than heart can think, or tongue can utter. Neither need we fear crofTes, nor figh nor be fad for anything that is on this fide of heaven, if we have Chrift. Our crofles will never draw blood of the joy of the Holy Ghoft, and peace of confcience. Our joy is laid up in fuch a high place, as temptations cannot climb up to take it down. This world may boft^[ Chrift, but they dare not ftrike ; or, if they ftrike, they break their arm in fetching a ftroke upon a rock. Oh that we could put our treafures in Chrift's hand, and give Him our gold to keep, and our crown. Strive, Miftrefs, to thring** through the thorns of this life, to be at Chrift. Tinef \ not fight of Him in this cloudy and dark day. Sleep with Him in your * Pity. f Can bear to find Chrift chary, or capricious, in His love. \ Defire, and greedily yearn for. § Pine. || The one into the other. % Threaten angrily to give a blow, ** Prefs through. ft Lofe. ioo LETTER CCXXVIL [1637. heart in the night. Learn not at the world to ferve Chrifl, but fpeer * at Himfelf the way ; the world is a falfe copy, and a lying guide to follow. Remember my love to your hufband. I wifh all to him that I have written here. The fweet prefence, the long-lafting good-will of our God, the warmly f and lovely comforts of our Lord Jefus, be with you. Help me His prifoner in your prayers ; for I re- member you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Auguft 8, 1637. CCXXVIL— To my Lord Craighall. {STANDING FOR CHRIST— DANGER FROM FEAR, OR PROMISES OF MEN— CHRIST'S REQUITALS— SIN AGAINST THE HOLT SPIRIT.) Y LORD, — I received one letter of your Lordfhip's from C, and another of late from A. B., wherein I find your Lordfhip in perplexity what to do. But let me entreat your Lordfhip not to caufe yourfelf to miftake Truth and Chrift, becaufe they feem to encounter with your peace and eafe. My Lord, remember that a prifoner hath written this to you, that, " as the Lord liveth, if ye put to your hand with other apoftates in this land, to pull down the fometimej beautiful taber- nacle of Chrilt in this land, and join hands with them in one hair- breadth to welcome Antichrifl to Scotland, there is wrath gone out from the Lord againfl you and your houfe." If the terror of a king hath overtaken you, and your Lordfhip looketh to fleep in your neft in peace, and to take the neareft more, there are many ways (too, too many ways) how to fhift Chrift with fome ill— * Inquire at. f Heart-warming. % Once. r637-] LETTER CCXXVU. 101 wafhen* and foul diftinclions. But afTure yourfelf, fuppofe a king fhould afTure you that he would be your god (as he fhall never be) for that piece of fervice, your clay god fhall die. And your carnal counfellors, when your confcience fhall florm againfl you, and ye complain to them, will fay, " What is this to us ?" Believe not that Chrift is weak, or that He is not able to fave. Of two fires that you cannot pafs, take the leafl. Some few years will bring us all out in our blacks and whites before our Judge. Eternity is nearer to you than you are aware of. To go on in a courfe of defection, when an enlightened confcience is ftirring, and looking you in the face, and crying within you, " That you are going in an evil way," is a ftep to the fin againfl the Holy Ghofl. Either many of this land are near that fin, or elfe I know not what it is. And if this, for which I now fuffer, be not the way of peace and the King's high- way to falvation, I believe there is not a way at all. There is not fuch breadth and elbow-room in the way to heaven as men believe. Howbeit this day be not Chrift's, the morrow fhall be His. I believe aiTuredly that our Lord will repair the old wafte places, and His ruined houfes in Scotland ; and that this wildernefs mall yet blofTom as the rofe. My very worthy and dear Lord, wait upon Him who hideth His face from the houfe of Jacob, and look for Him. Wait patientiy a little upon the Bridegroom's return again, that your foul may live, and that ye may rejoice with the Lord's in- heritance. I dare pawn my foul and life for it, that if ye take this ftorm with borne-down Chrifl, your fky fhall quickly clear, and your fair morning dawn. Think (as the truth is) that Chrift is juft now faying, " And will ye alfo leave Me ?" Ye have a fair occafion to gratify Chrift now, if ye will flay with Him, and want the night's deep with your fufTering Saviour one hour, now when Scotland hath fallen afleep, and leaveth Chrift to fendf for Himfelf. I profefs myfelf but a weak, feeble man. When I came firft to Chrift's camp, I had nothing to maintain this war, or to bear me out in this encounter ; and I am little better yet. But fince I find furni- * Ill-wafhed, dirty. f Shia for. 102 LETTER CCXXVIL [1637. ture, armour, and ftrength from the confecrated Captain, the Prince of our falvation, who was perfected through fufFering, I efteem fuf- fering for Chrift. a king's life. I find that our wants qualify us for Chrift. And, howbeit your Lordfhip write that ye defpair to attain to fuch a communion and fellowship (which I would not have you to think), yet, would ye nobly and courageoufly venture to make over to Chrift, for His honour now lying at the ftake, your eitate, place, and honour, He would lovingly and largely requite you, and give you a king's word for a recompenfe. Venture upon Chrifl's " Come," and I dare fwear ye will fay, " I blefs the Lord who gave me counfel."* My very worthy Lord, many eyes, in both the king- doms, are upon you now, and the eye of our Lord is upon you. Acquit yourfelf manfully for Chrift ; fpillf not this good play. Subfcribe a blank iubmifilon, and put it into Chriit's hands. Win, win the bleflings and prayers of your fighing and forrowful mother- church feeking your help : win Chrift's bond (who is a King of His word J), for a hundredfold more even in this life. If a weak man§ hath parted a promife to a king, to make flip to Chrift (if we look to flefh and blood, I wonder not of it ; pos- fibly I might have done worfe myfelf), add not further guiltinefs to go on in fuch a fcandalous and foul way. Remember that there is a wo, wo to him by whom offences come. This wo came out of Chrifl's mouth, and it is heavier than the wo of the law. It is the Mediator's vengeance, and that is two vengeances to thofe who are enlightened. Free yourfelf from unlawful anguifh, about advifing and refolving. When the truth is come to your hand, hold it faft ; go not again to make a new fearch and inquiry for truth. It is eafy to caufe confcience to believe as ye will, not as ye know. It is eafy for you to caft your light into prifon, and detain God's truth in unrighteoufnefs : but that prifoner will break ward, to your incom- parable torture. Fear your light, and ftand in awe of it : for it is * Ps. xvi. 7. f Spoil. % That keeps His word, and has the power to do it. § That is, If you, in a moment of weaknefs, have made a rafh promife that gives Chrift the go-by. 1637.] LETTER CCXXV1IL 103 from God. Think what honour it is in this life alfo to be enrolled to the fucceeding ages amongit Chrift's witneffes, ftanding againft the re-entry of Antichrift. I know certainly that your light, looking to two ways, and to the two fides, crieth fhame upon the courfe that they would counfel you to follow. The way that is halver and copartner with the fmoke of this fat world,* and wit and eafe, fmelleth ftrong of a foul and falfe way. The Prince of peace, He who brought again from the dead the great Shepherd of His iheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, eftablifh you, and give you found light, and counfel you to follow Chrift. Remember my obliged fervice to my Lord your father, and mother, and your lady. Grace be with you. Your Lordfhip's, at all obliged obedience, in his iweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Auguji 10, 1637. CCXXVIII.— To Mr James Fleming. [James Fleming was minifter of Bathans, now called Yefter, a parifh in the Prefbytery of Haddington, Eaft Lothian. He had previoufly lived fome time in England, and is defcribed by Livingftone as "an ingenuous, fingle-hearted man." Livingftone was related to him, having been married to the eldeft daughter of his brother, Bartholomew Fleming, merchant in Edin- burgh, and was prefent with him at his " gracious death." Holding Prefby- terian principles, Fleming was oppofed to Prelacy, and the ceremonies which James VI. and Charles I. were fo zealous in attempting to impofe on the Church of Scotland. In the controverfy occalioned by the Public Refolutions, he took the fide of the party favourable to them. He was firft married to Martha, eldeft daughter of John Knox, the celebrated Scottifh Reformer. When confiderably advanced in life, he married a fecond wife, by whom he had the well-known Robert Fleming, the author of the Fulfilling of the Scriptures, who was firft minifter of Cambuflang, and afterwards of the Scottifh congregation in Rotterdam, whither he retired fome years after his ejection for non-conformity, on the reftoration of Charles II.] * Ps. xxxvii- 20. io4 • LETTER CCXXVIIL [1637. {GLORY GAINED TO CHRIST— SPIRITUAL DEADNESS—HELP TO PRAISE HIM— THE MINISTRY) EVEREND AND WELL-BELOVED IN OUR LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I re- ceived your letter, which hath refreshed me in my bonds. I cannot but teftify unto you, my dear brother, what fweetnefs I find in our Matter's crofs ; but, alas, what can I either do or fufFer for Him ! If I my lone * had as many lives as there have been drops of rain fince the creation, I would think them too little for that lovely One, our Well-beloved ; but my pain and my for row is above my fufferings, that I find not ways to fet out the praifes of His love to others. I am not able, by tongue, pen, or fufferings, to provoke many to fall in love with Him : but He knoweth, whom I love to ferve in the Spirit, what I would do and fufFer by His own ftrength, fo being that I might make my Lord Jefus lovely and fweet to many thoufands in this land. I think it amongft God's wonders, that He will take any praife or glory, or any teftimony to His honourable caufe, from fuch a forlorn finner as I am. But when Chrift worketh, He needeth not afk the ques- tion, by whom He will be glorious. I know (feeing His glory at the beginning did lhine out of poor nothing, to fet up fuch a fair houfe for men and angels, and fo many glorious creatures, to proclaim His goodnefs, power, and wifdom), that, if I were burnt to allies, out of the fmoke and powder of my diflblved body He could raife glory to Himfelf. His glory is His end : oh that I could join with Him to make it my end ! I would think that fellowship with Him fweet and glorious. But, alas ! few know the guiltinefs that is on my part : it is a wonder, that this good caufe hath not been marred and fpilledf in my foul hands. But I rejoice in this, that my fweet Lord Jefus hath found fomething ado, even a ready market for His free grace and incomparable and matchlefs mercy, in my wants. * I alone t Spoilt- r637-] LETTER CCXXVUL 105 Only my loathfome wretchednefs and my wants have qualified me for Chrift, and the riches of His glorious grace. He behoved to take me for nothing, or elfe to want me. Few know the unfeen and private reckonings betwixt Chrift and me ; yet His love, His boundlefs love would not bide away, nor ftay at home with Him- felf. And yet I dow not make it welcome as I ought, when it is come unfent-for and without hire. How joyful is my heart, that ye write that ye are defirous to join with me in praifing, for it is a charity to help a dyvour* to pay his debts. But when all have helped me, my name fhall ftand in His account-book under ten thoufand thoufands of fums unpaid. But it eafeth my heart that His dear fervants will but fpeak of my debts to fuch a fweet Creditor. I defire that He may lay me in His own balance and weigh me, if I would not fain have a feaft of His boundlefs love made to my own foul, and to many others. One thing I know, that we fhall not at all be able to come near His excellency with eye, heart, or tongue ; for He is above all created thoughts. All nations before Him are as nothing, and lefs than nothing : He fitteth in the circuit of heaven, and the inhabi- tants of the earth are as graffhoppers before Him. Oh that men would praife Him ! Ye complain of your private cafe. Alas ! I am not the man to fpeak to fuch an one as ye are. Any fweet prefence which I have had in this town, is, I know, for this caufe, that I might exprefs and make it known to others. But I never find myfelf nearer Chrift, that royal and princely One, than after a great weight and fenfe of deadnefs and graceleffnefs. I think that the fenfe of our wants, when withal we have a reftlefTnefs and a fort of fpiritual impatience under them, and can make a din, becaufe we want Him whom our foul loveth, is that which maketh an open door to Chrift. And when we think we are going backward, becaufe we feel deadnefs, we are going forward ; for the more fenfe, the more life ; and no fenfe argueth no life. There is no fweeter fellowfhip with Chrift * Debtor. 106 LETTER CCXXV1IL [1637. than to bring our wounds and our fores to Him. But for myfelf, I am afhamed of Chrift's goodnefs and love, fince the time of my bonds ; for He hath been pleafed to open up new treafures of love and felt fweetnefs, and give vifitations of love and accefs to Himfelf, in this ftrange land. I would think a fill of His love young and green heaven. And when He is pleafed to come, and the tide is in, and the fea full, and the King and a poor prifoner together in the houfe-of-wine, the black tree of the crofs is not fo heavy as a feather. I cannot, I dow not,* but give Chrift an honourable and glorious teftimony. I fee that the Lord can ride through His enemies' bands, and triumph in the fufTerings of His own ; and that this blind world feeth not that fufFerings are Chrift's armour, wherein He is victori- ous. And they who contend with Zion fee not what He is doing, when they are fet to work, as under-fmiths and fervants, to the work of refining the faints. Satan's hand alfo, by them, is at the melting of the Lord's vefTels of mercy, and their office in God's houfe is to fcour and cleanfe veflels for the King's table. I marvel not to fee them triumph, and fit at eafe in Zion ; for our Father mull lay up His rods, and keep them carefully for His own ufe. Our Lord cannot want fire in His houfe : His furnace is in Zion, and His fire in Jerufalem. But little know the adverfaries the coun- iel and the thoughts of the Lord. And for your complaints of your miniftry. I now think all I do too little. Plainnefs, freedom, watchfulnefs, fidelity, fhall fwell upon you, in exceeding large comforts, in your fufTerings. The feeding of Chrift's lambs in private vifitations and catechifing, in painful preaching, and fair, honeft, and free warning of the flock, is a furTerer's garland. Oh, ten thoufand times bleffed are they, who are honoured of Chrift to be faithful and painful in wooing a bride to Chrift ! My dear brother, I know that ye think more on this than I can write ; and I rejoice that your purpofe is, in the Lord's ftrength, to back your wronged Matter ; and to come out, and call * Am not able. 1637.] LETTER CCXX1X. 107 you rfelf Ch rift's man, when fo many are now denying Him, as fear- ing that Chrift cannot do* for Himfelf and them. I am a loft man for ever, orf this, this is the way to falvation, even this way, which they call herefy, that men now do mock and feoff at. I am confirmed now that Chrift will accept of His fervant's fufferings as good fervice to Him at the day of His Appearance ; and that, ere it be long, He will be upon us all, and men in their blacks and whites fhall be brought out before God, angels, and men. Our Mafter is not far off. Oh, if we could wait on and be faithful ! The good-will of Him who dwelt in The Bufh, the tender favour and love, the grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, be with you. Help me with your prayers ; and defire, from me, other brethren to take courage for their Mafter. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Augujl 15, 1637. CCXXIX.— To Mr Hugh Mackail of Irvine. (THE LAW— THIS WORLD UNDER CHRIST'S CONTROL FOR THE BELIEVER.) Y VERY DEAR BROTHER,— Ye know that men may take their fweet fill of the four Law, in Grace's ground, and betwixt the Mediator's breafts. And this is the finner's fafeft way ; for there is a bed for wearied Tinners to reft them in, in the New Covenant, though no bed of Chrift's mak- ing to fleep in. The Law fhall never be my doomfter,J by Chrift's grace. If I get no more good of it (I fhall find a fore enough doom in the Gofpel to humble, and to caft me down), it is, I grant, a good rough friend to follow a traitor to the bar, and to * Ad; accomplifh anything. f Either 1 am a loft man, or — . X The pronouncer of the fentence. 108 LETTER CCXXIX. [1637. back* him till he come to Chrift. We may blame ourfelves, who caufe the Law to crave well-paid debt, to fcare us away from Jefus, and difpute about a righteoufnefs of our own, a world in the moon, a chimera, and a night-dream that pride is father and mother to. There cannot be a more humble foul than a believer -, it is no pride for a drowning man to catch hold of a rock. I rejoice that the wheels of this confufed world are rolled, and cogged, f and driven according as our Lord willeth. Out of what- ever airthj the wind blow, it will blow us on our Lord. No wind can blow our fails overboard ; becaufe Chrift's (kill, and honour of His wifdom, are empawned § and laid down at the flake for the fea- paffengers, that He fhall put them fafe off His hand on the fhore, in His Father's known bounds, our native home ground. My dear brother, fcaur || not at the crofs of Chrift. It is not feen yet what Chrift will do for you, when it cometh to the worft : He will keep His grace till ye be at a ft rait, and then bring forth the decreed birth for your falvation.f Ye are an arrow of His own making; let Him fhoot you againft a wall of brafs, your point fhall keep whole. I cannot, for multitude of letters and diffraction of friends, prepare what I would for the times : I have not one hour of fpare time, fuppofe the day were forty hours long. Remember me in prayer. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 5, 1637. * Help him on. In a fermon on Zech. xi. 9, at Anwoth, in 1634, he lays of Chrift's humanity, " The Godhead backed Him, and convoyed Him to the bar." f The wedge put in to ftop them. % Quarter of the compafs. § The next claufe feems to be a glofs on this word. || Boggle. f Zeph. ii. 2. w&mmtmBm 1637.] LETTER CCXXX. 109 CCXXX. — To the Right Honourable and Chrijlian Lady, my Lady Kenmure. (BELIEVER SAFE THOUGH TRIED— DELIGHT IN CHRIST'S TRUTH.) WV3 ADAM, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to your Ladyfhip. YW] J — God be thanked ye are yet in poffeffion of Chrift, gMgJ and that fweet child. I pray God that the former may be a fure heritage, and the latter a loan for your comfort, while ye do good to His poor, afflicted, withered Mount Zion. And who knoweth but our Lord hath comforts laid up in (tore for her and you ! I am perfuaded that Chrift hath bought you pafl the devil, and hell, and fin, fo that they have no claim to you ; and that is a rich and invaluable mercy. Long fince, ye were half challenging death's cold kindnefs, in being {o flow and fweer* to come to loofe a tired prifoner ; but ye (land in need of all the crofTes, lofTes, changes, and fad hearts that befell you fince that time. Chrift knoweth that the body of fin unfubdued will take them all, and more : we know that Paul had need of the devil's fervice, to buffet him ; and far more we. But, my dear and honourable Lady, fpend your fand-glafs well. I am fure that you have law to raife a fufpen- fionf againft. all that devils, men, friends, worlds, lofTes, hell, or fin, can decree againft you. It is good that your crofTes will but convoyj you to heaven's gates : in, they cannot go ; the gates fhall be clofed upon them, when ye fhall be admitted to the throne. Time ftandeth not (till, eternity is hard at our door. Oh, what is laid up for you ! therefore, harden your face againft the wind. And the Lamb, your Hufband, is making ready for you. The Bridegroom would fain have that day, as gladly as your Honour would wifh to have it. He hath not forgotten you. * Reluftant. t Sue for a decifion in law to fufpend the execution of a fentence. t Accompany you as attendants, or friends. no LETTER CCXXX. [1637. I have heard a rumour of the prelates' purpofe to banifh me. But let it come, if God fo will : the other fide of the fea is my Father's ground, as well as this fide. I owe bowing to God, but no fervile bowing to croffes : I have been but too foft in that. I am comforted that* I am perfuaded fully, that Chrift is halferf with me in this well-born and honeft crofs ; and if He claim right to the beft half of my troubles (as I know He doth to the whole), I mail re- mit over to Chrift. what I fhall do in this cafe. I know certainly, that my Lord Jefus will not mar nor fpillj m y fufferings ; He hath ufe for them in His houfe. Oh, what it worketh on me§ to remember that a ftranger, who cometh not in by the door, mall build hay and ftubble upon the golden foundation which I laid amongft that people at Anwoth! But I know that Providence looketh not afquint, but looketh ftraight out, and through all men's darknefs. Oh that I could wait upon the Lord ! I had but one eye, one joy, one delight, even to preach Chrift ; and my mother's fons were angry at me, and have put out the poor man's one eye, and what have I behind ? I am fure that this four world hath loft my heart defervedly ; but oh that there were a daysman to lay his hands upon us both, and determine upon my part of it. Alas, that innocent and lovely truth fhould be fold ! My tears are little worth, but yet for this thing I weep. I weep, alas, that my fair and lovely Lord Jefus mould be mifkent || in His own houfe ! It reckoneth little of five hundred the like of me j yet the water goeth not over faith's breath. 5[ Yet our King liveth. I write the prifoner's bleflings : the good-will, and long-lafting kindnefs, with the comforts of the very God of peace, be to your Ladyfhip, and to your fweet child. Grace, grace be with you. Your Honour's, at all obedience, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 5, 1637. * In having this perfuafion. f Has half the (hare of. % Spoil. § What care it caufes. \ Overlooked, as if unknown. % It is of little confequence what hundreds like me feel ; yet, at the fame time, I can fay that faith is not drowned in me. 1637.] LETTER CCXXXL 11 1 CCXXXI. — To the Right Honourable my Lord Lindsay. [John, tenth Lord Lindsay, of Byres, to whom this letter is addreffed, was the fon of Robert, ninth Lord Lindfay, by his wife Lady Chriftian Hamilton, eldeft daughter of Thomas, firft Earl of Haddington. (See Let. 77.) He was born about 1596, and was ferved heir to his father on the 1st of October 1616. He was created Earl of Lindfay and Lord Parbroath, 8th May 1633. On the 23d of July 1644, he was conftituted Lord High Trea- furer of Scotland ; and on the forfeiture of Ludovick, Earl of Crawford, he had the title and eftate of that nobleman conferred on him by Act of Parlia- ment, a 6th July the fame year, fo that he was thereafter defigned Earl of Crawford and Lindfay. Having entered with zeal into the " Engagement" for raifing an army to attempt the refcue of the King in 1648, he was deprived of his offices by the Act. of ClafTes, and excluded from Parliament till King Charles II. came to Scotland in 1650, when a coalition of parties took place. For the fame reafon, he fell under a cenfure of the Church ; but was reftored in July 1650, by the General AfTembly which met at Edinburgh. On the Reftoration, he was reinftated in his offices of High Treafurer of Scotland and Extraordinary Lord of Seffion. He warmly oppofed the Act Refcis- fory, annulling all the Parliaments fince 1633, as a terrible precedent, deftroy- ing the whole fecurity of government. His Lordfhip, in 1633, fcrupling to take the declaration, refigned his fituation as Lord High Treafurer for Scot- land, and was fucceeded by his fon-in-law the Earl of Rothes. Next year he gave up his place of Extraordinary Lord of Seffion, and retired to his country feat. " He was a man of great virtue, of good abilities, and of an exemplary life in all refpects. He died at Tyninghame in 1676, aged about 80." (Douglas' Peerage.) Rutherford's treatife, entitled " A Peaceable and Temperate Plea for Paul's Prefbytery in Scotland, printed at London in 1642," is dedicated to this nobleman.] (THE CHURCH'S DESOLATIONS— THE END OF THE WORLD, AND CHRIST'S COMING— HIS ATTRACTIVENESS.) IGHT HONOURABLE AND MY VERY GOOD LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to your Lord- fhip. — Pardon my boldnefs to exprefs myfelf to your Lordinip at this fo needful a time, when your wearied and friend- lefs mother-kirk is looking round about her, to fee if any of her fons doth really bemoan her defolation. Therefore, my dear and ii2 LETTER CCXXXI. [1637. worthy Lord, I befeech you in the bowels of Chrift, pity that widow-like fifter and fpoufe of Chrift. I know that her Hufband is not dead, but He feemeth to be in another country, and feeth well, and beholdeth who are His true and tender-hearted friends, who dare venture under the water to bring out to dry land finking truth ; and who of the nobles will caft up their arm, to ward a blow off the crowned head of our royal Lawgiver who reigneth in Zion, who will plead and contend for Jacob in the day of his controverfy. It is now time, my worthy and noble Lord, for you who are the little nurfe-fathers, under our fovereign prince, to put on courage for the Lord Jefus, and to take up a fallen orphan, fpeaking out of the duff, and to embrace in your arms Chrift's Bride. He hath no more in Scotland that is the delight of His eyes, than that one little filter, whofe breads were once well-fafhioned. She once ravifhed her Well-beloved with her eyes, and overcame Him with her beauty : " She looked forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the fun, terrible as an army with banners : her ftature was like the palm-tree, and her breafts like clufters of grapes, and me held the King in the galleries."* But now the crown is fallen from her head, and her gold waxed dim, and our white Nazarites are become black as the coal. BlefTed are they who will come out and help Chrift againft the mighty ! The fhields of the earth and the nobles are debtors to Chrift for their honour, and mould bring their glory and honour to the New Jerufalem.f Alas, that great men mould be fo far from fubjecling themfelves to the fweet yoke of Chrift, that they burft His bonds afunder, and think they dowj not go on foot when Chrift is on horfeback, and that every nod of Chrift, commanding as King, is a load like a mountain of iron. And, therefore, they fay, " This man ftiall not reign over us ; we muft have another king than Chrift in His own houfe." Therefore, kneel to Chrift, and kifs the Son, and let Him have your Lordfhip's vote, as your alone § Lawgiver. I am fure that when you leave the old wafte inn of this perifhing life, and fhall reckon with your hoft, * Cant. iv. 9 ; vi. 10 ; vii. 5,7. f Rev* xxi. 24. % Cannot. § Only. 1637.] LETTER CCXXXL 113 and depart hence, and take fhipping, and make over for eternity, which is the yonder fide of time (and a fand-glafs of threefcore fhort years is running out), to look over your ihoulder, then, to that which ye have done, fpoken, and fufFered for Chrifl:, His dear Bride that He ranfomed with that blood which is more precious than gold, and for truth, and the freedom of ChrifVs kingdom, your accounts will more fweetly fmile and laugh upon you than if you had two worlds of gold to leave to your poflerity. O my dear Lord, confider that our Mailer, eternity, and judgment, and the Laft Reckoning, will be upon us in the twinkling of an eye. The blafl of the laft trumpet, now hard at hand, will cry down all Acts of Parliament, all the determinations of pretended afTemblies, againfl Chrift our Lawgiver. There will be fhortly a proclamation by One (landing in the clouds, " that time mail be no more," and that courts with kings of clay mail be no more -, and prifons, confine- ments, forfeitures of nobles, wrath of kings, hazard of lands, houfes, and name, for Chrift, mail be no more. This world's fpan-length of time is drawn now to lefs than half an inch, and to the point of the evening of the day of this old gray-haired world. And, there- fore, be fixed and faft for Chrift and His truth for a time ; and fear not him whofe life goeth out at his noftrils, who fhall die as a man. I am perfuaded Chrift is refponfal* and law-biding, \ to make recompenfe for anything that is hazarded or given out for Him. LofTes for Chrifl: are but our goods given out in bank, in ChrifVs hand. Kings earthly are well-favoured little clay gods, time's idols ; but a fight of our invifible King fhall decry and darken all the glory of this world. At the day of Chrift, truth fhall be truth, and not treafon. Alas ! it is pitiful that filence, when the thatch of our Lord's houfe hath taken fire, is now the flower and bloom of court and flate wifdom ; and to cafl a covering over a good profeflion (as if it blufhed at the light), is thought a canny J * Solvent ; ahle to meet law. f Willing to wait the regular courfe of law, in oppofition to flight. % Prudent. VOL. 11. H ii4 LETTER CCXXXL [1637. and fare way through this life. But the fafeft way, I am perfaaded, is to tine and win* with Chrift, and to hazard fairly for Him ; for heaven is but a company of noble venturers for Chrift. I dare hazard my foul, that Chrift will grow green, and blofTom like the Rofe of Sharon yet in Scotland, howbeit now His leaf feemeth to wither, and His root to dry up. Your noble anceftors have been enrolled amongft the worthies of this nation, as the fare friends of the Bridegroom, and valiant for Chrift : I hope that you will follow on to come to the ftreets for the fame Lord. The world is ftill at yea and nay with Chrift. It mall be your glory, and the fare foundation of your houfe (now when houfes are tumbling down, and birds building their nefts, and thorns and briers are growing up, where nobles did fpread a table), if you engage your eftate and nobility for this noble King Jefas, with whom the created powers of the world are ftill in tops.f All the world mail fall before Him, and (as God liveth!) every arm lifted up to take the crown off His royal head, or that refuseth to hold it on His head, fhall be broken from the moulder-blade. The eyes that behold Chrift weep in fackcloth, and wallow in His blood, and will not help, even thefe eyes fhall rot away in their eye-holes. Oh, if ye and the nobles of this land faw the beauty of that world's wonder, Jefas our King, and the glory of Him who is angels' wonder, and heaven's wonder for excellency ! Oh, what would men count of clay eftates, of time-eaten life, of worm-eaten and moth-eaten worldly glory, in comparifon of that faireft, faireft of God's creation, the Son of the Father's delights ! I have but fmall experience of faffering for Him j but let my Judge and Witnefs in heaven lay my foul in the balance of juftice, if I find not a young heaven, and a little paradife of glorious comforts and foul-delighting love-kifTes of Chrift, here beneath the moon, in faffering for Him and His truth ; and that the glory, joy, and peace, and fire of love, which I thought had been kept whillj fapper-time, when we fhall get leifare to feaft our fill upon Chrift, I have felt in glorious be- * Lofe and gain. f In conflict ; " to tope," is to oppofe. t Till. 1637.] LETTER CCXXXIL 115 ginnings, in my bonds for this princely Lord Jefus. Oh ! it is my forrow, my daily pain, that men will not come and fee. I would now be afhamed to believe that it mould be poifible for any foul to think that he could be a lofer for Chrift, fuppofe he mould lend Chrift the Lordfhip of Lindfay, or fome fuch great worldly eflate. Therefore, my worthy and dear Lord, fet now your face againft the oppofites* of Jefus, and let your foul take courage to come under His banner, to appear, as His foldier, for Him ; and the blefs- ings of a falling kirk, the prayers of the prifoners of hope who wait for Zion's joy, and the good-will of Him who dwelt in the Bum, and it burned not, fhall be with you. To His faving grace I recommend your Lordfhip and your houfe ; and am fHll Chrift's prifoner, and your Lordfhip's obliged fervant, in his fweet Lord Jefus. S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXXXIL— To my Lord Boyd. {SEEKING CHRIST IN YOUTH— ITS TEMPTATIONS— CHRIST'S EXCELLENCE— THE CHURCHS CAUSE CONCERNS THE NOBLES.) Y VERY HONOURABLE AND GOOD LORD — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am glad to hear that you, in the morning of your fhort day, mind Chrift, and that you love the honour of His crown and kingdom. I be- feech your Lordfhip to begin now to frame your love, and to caft it in no mould but one, that it may be for Chrift only ; for when your love is now in the framing and making, it will take beft with Chrift. If any other than Jefus get a gripf of it, when it is green and young, Chrift will be an unco J and ftrange world to you. * Opponents. t Firm hold. X Strange. u6 LETTER CCXXXIL [1637. Promife the lodging of your foul firfl away to Chrift, and fland by your firft covenant, and keep to Jefus, that He may find you honeft. It is eafy to mafter an arrow, and to fet it right, ere the firing be drawn 5 but when once it is fhot, and in the air, and the flight begun, then ye have no more power at all to command it. It were a bleffed thing, if your love could now level only at Chrift, that His fair face were the black of the mark ye fhot at. For when your love is loofed, and out of your grips,* and in its motion to fetch home an idol, and hath taken a whorifh gadding journey, to feek an unknown and ftrange lover, ye fhall not then have power to call home the arrow, or to be mafter of your love ; and ye will hardly f give Chrift what ye fcarcely have yourfelf. I fpeak not this, as if youth itfelf could fetch heaven and Chrift. Believe it, my Lord, it is hardly credible what a neft of dangerous temptations youth is ; how inconfiderate, foolifh, proud, vain, heady, rafh, profane, and carelefs of God, this piece of your life is ; fo that the devil findeth in that age a garnifhed and well-fwept houfe for himfelf, and feven devils worfe than himfelf. For then affections are on horfeback, lofty and ftirring ; then the old man hath blood, luft, much will, and little wit, and hands, feet, wanton eyes, pro- fane ears, as his fervants, and as a king's officers at command, to come and go at his will. Then a green confcience is as fouplej as the twig of a young tree. It is for every way, every religion ; every lewd courfe prevaileth with it. And, therefore, oh, what a fweet couple, what a glorious yoke, are youth and grace, Chrift. and a young man ! This is a meeting not to be found in every town. None who have been at Chrift can bring back to your Lordfhip a report anfwerable to His worth ; for Chrift cannot be fpoken of, or commended according to His worth. " Come and fee," is the moft faithful meffenger to fpeak of Him : little perfuafion would prevail where this was. It is impoffible, in the fetting out of Chrift's love, to lie and pafs over truth's line. The difcourfes of angels, or love- books written by the congregation of feraphim (all their wits being * Firm hold. f With difficulty. % Supple. 1637J LETTER CCXXXIL 117 conjoined and melted into one), would for ever be in the nether fide of truth, and of plentifully declaring the thing as it is. The infinite- nefs, the boundlefTnefs of that incomparable excellency that is in Jelus, is a great word. God fend me, if it were but the relics and leavings, or an ounce-weight or two, of His matchless love ; and iuppofe I never got another heaven (provided this blefled fire were evermore burning), I could not but be happy for ever. Come hither, then, and give out your money wifely for bread ; come hither, and beftow your love. I have caufe to fpeak this, becaufe, except you pofTefs and enjoy Chrift, ye will be a cold friend to His fpoufe ; for it is love to the hufband that caufeth kindnefs to the wife. I dare fwear it were a bleffing to your houfe, the honour of your honour, the flower of your credit, now in your place, and as far as ye are able, to lend your hand to your weeping mother, even your opprefled and fpoiled mother-kirk. If ye love her, and beftir yourfelf for her, and hazard the Lordfhip of Boyd for the recovery of her vail, which the fmiting watchmen have taken from her, then furely her Hufband will fcorn to fleep in your common,* or reverence.f Bits of lordfhips are little to Him who hath many crowns on His head, and the king- doms of the world in the hollow of His hand. Court, honour, glory, riches, ftability of houfes, favour of princes, are all on His finger-ends. Oh what glory were it to lend your honour to Chrift, and to His Jerufalem ! Ye are one of Zion's born fons \ your honourable and Chriftian parents would venture you upon Chrift's errands. Therefore, I befeech you, by the mercies of God, by the death and wounds of Jefus, by the hope of your glorious inherit- ance, and by the comfort and hope of the joyful prefence ye would have at the water-fide, when ye are putting your foot in the dark grave, take courage for Chrift's truth, and the honour of His free kingdom. For, howbeit ye be a young flower, and green before the fun, ye know not how loon death will caufe you caft your * Under obligation. t Power j as if he mult do homage to you for your fervice. See Let. ;,o. u8 LETTER CCXXXIL [1637. bloom, and wither root, and branch, and leaves •, and, therefore, write up what ye have to do for Chrift, and make a treafure of good works, and begin in time. By appearance ye have the advan- tage of the brae.* See what ye can do for Chrift, againft thofe who are waiting whillf Chrift's tabernacle fall, that they may run away with the boards thereof, and build their nefts on Zion's ruins. They are blind who fee not lounsj now pulling up the flakes, and breaking the cords, and rending the curtains of Chrift's fometime§ beautiful tent in this land. Antichrift is lifting that tent up upon his fhoulders, and going away with it ; and when Chrift and the Gofpel are out of Scotland, dream not that your houfes fhall thrive, and that it will go well with the nobles of the land. As the Lord liveth ! the ftreams of your waters fhall become pitch, and the dull: of your land brimftone, and your land fhall become burning pitch, and the owl and the raven fhall dwell in your houfes : and where your table flood, there fhall grow briers and nettles. || The Lord gave Chrift and His Gofpel as a pawn to Scotland. The watchmen have fallen foul, and loft their part of the pawn ; and who feeth not, that God hath dried up their right eye, and their right arm, and hath broken the fhepherds' ftaves, and that men are trading in their hearts upon fuch unfavoury fait, that is good for nothing elfe ! If ye, the nobles, put away the pawn alfo, and refufe to plead the contro- verfy of Zion with the profefled enemies of Jefus, ye have done with it. Oh ! where is the courage and zeal now of the ancient nobles of this land, who with their fwords, and hazard of life, honour, and houfes, brought Chrift to our hands ? And now the nobles cannot but be guilty of mouldering out Chrift, and of murder- ing the fouls of their pofterity, if they fhall hide themfelves, and lurk in the lee-fide of the hill, till the wind blow down the temple of God. It goeth now under the name of wifdom, for men to caft their cloak over Chrift and their profeflion ; as if Chrift were ftolen goods, and durft not be avouched. Though this be reputed a piece * Are on the defcending (lope. f Till. % Scoundrels. § Once. || I fa. xxxiv. 9, 11. 1637J LETTER CCXXXUI. 119 of policy, yet God efteemeth fuch men to be but ftate fools and court gowks,* whatever they, or other heads-of-witf like to them, think of themfelves ; fince their damnable filence is the ruin of Ch rift's kingdom. Oh, but it be true honour and glory to be the fail friends of the Bridegroom, and to own Chriit's bleeding head, and His forfaken caufe, and to contend legally, and in the wifdom of God, for our fweet Lord Jefus, and His kingly crown ! But I will believe that your Lordfhip will take Chriit's honour to heart, and be a man in the ftreets (as the prophet fpeakethj) for the Lord and His truth. To His rich grace and fweet prefence, and the ever- lafting confolation of the promifed Comforter, I recommend your Lordfhip, and am your Lordfhip's, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXXXIII. — To his Worthy and much Honoured Friend Fulk Ellis. [Fulk Ellis was the eldeft fon of Major Edmond Ellis of Carrickfergus, an Englifh colonift. Edmond was a man of diftinguifhed piety, and a zealous Covenanter. * i Through all the difficulties and viciffitudes of thofe trying times," fays Dr Reid, li he was a confiftent Prefbyterian, and a truly eminent Chriftian. Several of his devout fayings on his death-bed (he died nth June 165 1), which have been preferred, are worthy of being recorded, as affording a fpecimen of the religious fentiments and feelings of the Prefbyterian elder- fhip at this period." Fulk alfo followed the military profeffion, in which he held the rank of captain, and embarked in the fame caufe with his father. u He and his company (who were all from Ireland) joined the Scottifh force in refilling the arms of Charles in 1640, and were at the battle of Newburn. He fhared in the fupplies forwarded to the different companies of the army from their refpe&ive parifhes in Scotland. He returned to Ireland after the rebellion ; and was captain and major in Sir John Clotworthy's regiment of foot, and is believed to have fallen in action near Defertmartin, in the county of Deny, in September 1643. His defcendants, of the fame name, ftill refide at Carrickfergus." — Re'uTs Hiji. of Pre/by t. Ch.~\ * Simpletons. f Wifeacres. % Jer. v. 1. 120 LETTER CCXXXIIL [1637. (FRIENDS IN IRELAND— DIFFICULTIES IN PROVIDENCE— UN- FAITHFULNESS TO LIGHT— CONSTANT NEED OF CHRIST.) ORTHY AND MUCH HONOURED IN OUR LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. I. I am glad of our more than paper acquaintance. Seeing we have one Father, it reckoneth* the lefs, though we never fee one another's face. I profefs myfelf molt unworthy to follow the camp of fuch a worthy and renowned Captain as Chrift. Oh, alas ! I have caufe to be grieved, that men expect anything of fuch a wretched man as I am. It is a wonder to me, if Chrift can make anything of my naughty, \ fhort, and narrow love to Him ; furely it is not worth the uptaking. 2. As for our lovely and beloved Church in Ireland, my heart bleedeth for her defolation -, but I believe that our Lord is only lopping the vine-trees, but not intending to cut them down, or root them out. It is true (feeing we are heart-atheijls by nature, and cannot take providence aright, becaufe we halt and crook % ever fince we fell), we dream of a halting providence ; as if God's yard, whereby He meafureth joy and forrow to the fons of men, were crooked and unjuft, becaufe fervants ride on horfeback, and princes go on foot. But our Lord dealeth good and evil, and fome one portion or other to both, by ounce- weights, and meafureth them in a juft and even balance. It is but folly to meafure the Gofpel by fummer or winter weather : the fummer-fun of the faints fhineth not on them in this life. How mould we have complained, if the Lord had turned the fame providence that we now ftomach at upfide down, and had ordered matters thus, that firft the faints mould have enjoyed heaven, glory, and eafe, and then Methufelah's days of forrow and daily miferies ? We would think a fhort heaven no heaven. Certainly His ways pafs finding out. 3 . Ye complain of the evil of heart-atheism : but it is to a * It is of the lefs importance. f Vile, worthlefs. t Walk lamely. 1637.] LETTER CCXXXIIL 121 greater atheift than any man can be, that ye write of that. Oh, light findeth not that reverence and fear which a plant of God's letting mould find in our foul ! How do we by nature, as others, detain and hold captive the truth of God in unrighteoufnefs, and fo make God's light a bound prifoner ? And even when the prifoner breaketh the jail, and cometh out in belief of a Godhead, and in fome practice of holy obedience, how often do we, of new, lay hands on the prifoner, and put our light again in fetters ? Certainly there cometh great miff and clouds from the lower part of our fouls, our earthly affections, to the higher part, which is our confcience, either natural or renewed : as fmoke in a lower houfe breaketh up, and deiileth the houfe above. If we had more practice of obedience, we mould have more found light. I think, lay afide all other guiltinefs, that this one, the violence done to God's candle in our foul, were a fufficient dittay * againft. us. There is no helping of this but by ft riving to ftand in awe of God's light. Left light tell tales of us, we defire little to hear ; but fmce it is not without God that light fitteth neighbour to will (a lawlefs lord), no marvel that fuch a neighbour mould leaven our judgment, and darken our light. I fee there is a neceility that we protefl againfl the doings of the Old Man, and raife up a party againff. our worft half, to accufe, condemn, fentence, and with forrow bemoan, the dominion of fin's kingdom ; and withal make law, in the New Covenant, againft our guiltinefs. For Chrift. once condemned fin in the flelh, and we are to condemn it over again. And if there had not been fuch a thing as the grace of Jefus, I fhould have long fince given up with heaven, and with the expectation to fee God. But grace, grace, free grace, the merits of Chrift. for nothing, white and fair, and large Saviour-mercy (which is another fort of thing than creature- mercy, or Law-mercy, yea, a thoufand degrees above angel-mercy), have been, and mult be, the rock that we drowned fouls muff fwim to. New warning, renewed application of purchafed redemption, by that facred blood that fealeth the free Covenant, is a thing of * Indictment. 122 LETTER CCXXX11L [1637. daily and hourly ufe to a poor finner. Till we be in heaven, our iflue of blood mall not be quite dried up 5 and, therefore, we mult refolve to apply peace to our fouls from the new and living way ; and Jefus, who cleanfeth and cureth the leprous foul, lovely Jefus, mull: be our fong on this fide of heaven's gates. And even when we have won the caftle, then muft we eternally fing, " Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, who hath faved us, and warned us in His own blood." I would counfel all the ranfomed ones to learn this fong, and to drink and be drunk with the love of Jefus. O faireft, O higheft, O lovelieft One, open the well ! Oh, water the burnt and withered travellers with this love of Thine ! I think it is poffible on earth to build a young New Jerufalem, a little new heaven, of this furpafling love. God either fend me more of this love, or take me quickly over the water, where I may be filled with His love. My foftnefs cannot take with want. I profefs I bear not hunger of Chrift's love fair. I know not if I play foul play with Chrift, but I would have a link of that chain of His providence mended, in pining and delay- ing the hungry on-waiters. For myfelf, I could wifh that Chrift would let out upon me more of that love. Yet to fay Chrift is a niggard to me, I dare not ; and if I fay I have abundance of His love, I mould lie. I am half ftraitened* to complain, and cry, " Lord Jefus, hold Thy hand no longer." Worthy Sir, let me have your prayers, in my bonds. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. * Conftrained ; perhaps Luke xii. 50 was in his thoughts. 1637.] LETTER CCXXXIV. 123 CCXXXIV.— To James Lindsay. [ We have no means of afcertaining who this correfpondent was.] (DESERTIONS, THEIR USE— PRATERS OF REPROBATES, AND HOW THE GOSPEL AFFECTS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY.) EAR BROTHER,— The conftant and daily obferving of God's going alongft with you, in His coming, going, ebbing, flowing, embracing and kiffing, glooming* and (hiking, giveth me (a witlefs and lazy obferver of the Lord's way and working) a heavy ftroke. Could I keep fight of Him, and know when I want, and carry as became me in that condition, I would blefs my cafe. But I. For defertions. I think them like lying leaf of lean and weak land for fome years, whill it gather fap for a better crop. It is poilible to gather gold, where it may be had, with moonlight. Oh, if I could but creep one foot, or half a foot, nearer in to Jefus, in fuch a difmal night as that when He is away, I fhould think it an happy abfence ! 2. If I knew that the Beloved were only gone away for trial, and further humiliation, and not fmoked out of the houfe with new provocations, I would forgive defertions and hold my peace at His abfence. But Chrift's bought abfence (that I bought with my fin), is two running boils at once, one upon each fide ; and what fide then can I lie on ? 3. I know that, as night and fliadows are good for flowers, and moonlight and dews are better than a continual fun, fo is Chrifl's abfence of fpecial ufe, and that it hath fome nourifhing virtue in it, and giveth fap to humility, and putteth an edge on hunger, and furnifheth a fair field to faith to put forth itfelf, and to exercife its fingers in gripping \ it feeth not what. * Frowning. t Unploughed land nfed for pafture. X In grafping firmly an objed unknown. 1 24 LETTER CCXXXIV. [1637. 4. It is mercy's wonder, and grace's wonder, that Chrifl will lend a piece of the lodging, and a back-chamber befide Himfelf, to our lulls ; and that He and fuch fwine mould keep houfe together in our foul. For, fuppofe they couch and contract themfelves into little room when Chrifl cometh in, and feem to lie as dead under His feet, yet they often break out again ; and* a foot of the Old Man, or a leg or arm nailed to Chrifl's crofs, loofeth the nail, or breaketh out again ! And yet Chrifl, befide this unruly and mis- nurtured f neighbour, can flill be making heaven in the faints, one way or other. May I not fay, " Lord Jefus, what doefl Thou here ?" Yet here He mufl be. But I will not lofe my feet to go on into this depth and wonder ; for free mercy and infinite merits took a lodging to Chrifl and us, befide fuch a loathfome guefl as fin. 5. Sanctiflcation and mortification of our lufls are the hardefl part of Chriflianity. It is in a manner, as natural to us to leap when we fee the New Jerufalem, as to laugh when we are tickled : joy is not under command, or at our nod, when Chrifl: kifleth. But oh, how many of us would have Chrifl divided into two halves, that we might take the half of Him only ! We take His office, Jefus, and Salvation : but " Lord" is a cumberfome word, and to obey and work out our own falvation, and to perfect holinefs, is the cumberfome and flormy north-fide of Chrifl, and that which we elchew and fhift. 6. For your queflion, the accefs that reprobates have to Chrifl (which is none at all, for to the Father in Chrifl neither can they, nor will they come, becaufe Chrifl died not for them ; and yet, by law, God and juflice overtaketh them), I fay, firft, there are with you more worthy and learned than I am, MefTrs Dickfon, Blair, and Hamilton, who can more fully fatisfy you. But I fhall fpeak in brief what I think of it in thefe affertions. Fhj} y All God's juflice to- ward man and angels floweth from an act of abfolute fovereign free- will of God, who is our Former and Potter, and we are but clay ; * Old copies have here " and ; " perhaps it was " aye y ' i.e., ever. f Undifciplined. 1637.] LETTER CCXXXIV. 125 for if He had forbidden to eat of the reft of the trees of the garden of Eden, and commanded Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, that command no doubt had been as juft as this, — " Eat of all the trees, but not at all of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." The reafon is, becaufe His will is before His juftice, by order of nature ; and what is His will is His juftice ; and He willeth not things without Himfelf becaufe they are juft. God cannot, God needeth not hunt sanctity, holinefs, or righteous- nefs from things without Himfelf, and fo not from the actions of men or angels ; becaufe His will is efTentially holy and juft, and the prime rule of holinefs and juftice, as the fire is naturally light, and inclineth upward, and the earth heavy, and inclineth down- ward. The fecond aflertion, then, that God faith to reprobates, " Believe in Chrift (who hath not died for your falvation), and ye mail be faved," is juft and right ; becaufe His eternal and efTentially juft will hath fo enacted and decreed. Suppofe natural reafon fpeak againft this, this is the deep and fpecial myftery of the Gos- pel. God hath obliged, hard and faft, all the reprobates of the vifible Church to believe this promife, " He that believeth fhall be faved :" and yet, in God's decree and fecret intention, there is no falvation at all decreed and intended to reprobates. And yet the obligation of God, being from His fovereign free-will, is moft juft, as is faid in the firft aflertion. Third aflertion : The righteous Lord hath right over the reprobates and all reafonable creatures that vio- late His commandments. This is eafy. Fourth aflertion : The faith that God feeketh of reprobates, is, that they rely upon Chrift, as defpairing of their own righteoufnefs, leaning wholly, and withal humbly, as weary and laden, upon Chrift, as on the refting-ftone laid in Zion. But He feeketh not that, without being weary of their fin, they rely upon Chrift, as mankind's Saviour ; for to rely on Chrift, and not to be weary of fin, is prefumption, not faith. Faith is ever neighbour to a contrite fpirit ; and it is impoflible that faith can be where there is not a caft-down and contrite heart, in fome meafure, for fin. Now it is certain, that God commandeth no man to prefume. Fifth aflertion : Then reprobates are not abfo- 126 LETTER CCXXXIV. [^37. lutely obliged to believe that Chrift died for them in particular. For, in truth, neither reprobates nor others are obliged to believe a lie ; only, they are obliged to believe that Chrifl died for them, if they be firft weary, burdened, fin-fick, and condemned in their own confciences, and ftricken dead and killed with the Law's fentence, and have indeed embraced Him as offered ; which is a fecond and fubfequent act of faith, following after a coming to Him and a clofing with Him. Sixth affertion : Reprobates are not formally guilty of contempt of God, and mifbelief, becaufe they apply not Chrifl and the promifes of the Gofpel to themfelves in particular ; for fo they mould be guilty becaufe they believe not a lie, which God never obliged them to believe. Seventh affertion : JufKce hath a right to punifh reprobates, becaufe out of pride of heart, confiding in their own righteoufnefs, they rely not upon Chrift as a Saviour of all them that come to Him. This God may juftly oblige them unto, be- caufe in Adam they had perfect ability to do ; and men are guilty becaufe they love their own inability, and reft upon themfelves, and refufe to deny their own righteoufnefs, and to take them to Chrift, in whom there is righteoufnefs for wearied finners. Eighth affertion : It is one thing to rely, lean, and reft upon Chrifl, in hu- mility and wearinefs of fpirit, and denying our own righteoufnefs, believing Him to be the only righteoufnefs of wearied finners ; and it is another thing to believe that Chrifl died for me, John, Thomas, Anna, upon an intention and decree to fave us by name. For, 1 ft, The firft goeth firft, the latter is always after in due order ; 2dly, The firft is faith, the fecond is a fruit of faith ; and, 3dly, The firft obligeth reprobates and all men in the vifible kirk, the latter obligeth only the weary and laden, and fo only the elect and effectually called of God. Ninth affertion : It is a vain order; "I know not if Chrift died for me, John, Thomas, Anna, by name ; and, therefore, I dare not rely on Him." The reafon is, becaufe it is not faith to believe God's intention and decree of election at the firft, ere ye be wearied. Look firft to your intention and foul. If ye find fin a burden, and can and do reft, under that burden, upon Chrift ; if this be once, now 1637.] LETTER CCXXXV. 12J come and believe m particular, or rather apply by fenfe (for, in my judgment, it is a. fruit of belief, not belief), and feeling the good- will, intention, and gracious purpofe of God anent* your falvation. Hence, becaufe there is malice in reprobates, and contempt of Chrift, guilty they are, and juftice hath law againfl them, and (which is the myftery) they cannot come up to Chrift, becaufe He died not for them. But their fin is, that they love their inability to come to Chrift ; and he who loveth his chains, deferveth chains. And thus in fhort. Remember my bonds. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXXXV.— To my Lord Craighall. {FEAR GOD, NOT MAN—SIGN OF BACKSLIDING.) Y LORD, — I cannot expound your Lordfhip's contrary tides, and thefe temptations wherewith ye are afTaulted, to be any other thing than Chrift trying you, and faying unto you, " And will ye alfo leave Me?" I am fure that Chrift hath a great advantage againft you, if ye play foul play to Him, in that the Holy Spirit hath done His part, in evidencing to your con- fcience that this is the way of Chrift, wherein ye fhall have peace ; and the other, as fure as God liveth, is the Antichrift's way. Therefore, as ye fear God, fear your light, and ftand in awe of a convincing confcience. It is far better for your Lordfhip to keep your confcience, and to hazard in fuch an honourable caufe your place, than wilfully, and againft your light, to come under guilti- nefs. Kings cannot heal broken confciences ; and when death and judgment fhall comprifef your foul, your counfellors, and others, cannot become cautionj to juftice for you. Ere it be long, our Lord will put a final determination to Acts of Parliament, and men's * Concerning. f Arreft by writ of law. % Security. 128 LETTER CCXXXVL [1637. laws, and will clear you, before men and angels, of men's unjuft fentences. Ye receive honour, and place, and authority, and riches, and reputation from your Lord, to fet forward and advance the liberties and freedom of Chrift's kingdom. Men, whofe confciences are made of ftoutnefs, think little of fuch matters, which, notwith- ftanding, encroach directly upon Chrift's prerogative-royal. So would men think it a light matter for Uzzah to put out his hand to hold the Lord's falling ark ; but it colt him his life. And who doubteth but a carnal friend will advife you to fhut your window, and pray beneath your breath. " Ye make too great a din with your prayers ;" fo would a head-of-wit # fpeak, if ye were in Daniel's place. But men's over-gilded reafons will not help you, when your confcience is like to rive with a double charge. Alas, alas ! when will this world learn to fubmit their wifdom to the wifdom of God ? I am fure that your Lordfhip hath found the truth. Go not then to fearch for it over again •, for it is common for men to make doubts, when they have a mind to defert the truth. Kings are not their own men ; their ways are in God's hand. I rejoice, and am glad, that ye refolve to walk with Chriit, howbeit His court be thin. Grace be with your Lordfhip. Your Lordfhip's, in his fweet Matter and Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXXXVL— To Mr James Hamilton. [Let. 215.] (CHRIST'S GLORTNOT EFFECTED BY HIS PEOPLE'S WEAKNESS.) 1EVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER,— Peace be to you from God our Father, and from our Lord Jefus. — I am laid low, when I remember what I am, and that my outfide cafteth fuch a luftre when I find fo little within. It is a * Wifeacre. I637-] LETTER CCXXXVIL 129 wonder that ChrifVs glory is not defiled, running through fuch an unclean and impure channel. But I lee that Chrift will be Chrift, in the dreg and refufe of men. His art, His mining wifdom, His beauty, fpeak loudeft in blacknefs, weaknefs, deadnefs, yea, in nothing. I fee nothing, no money, no worth, no good, no life, no deferving, is the ground that Omnipotency delighteth to draw glory out of. Oh, how fweet is the inner fide of the walls of Chrift's houfe, and a room befide Himfelf ! My diftance from Him maketh me fad. Oh that we were in other's arms ! Oh that the middle things betwixt us were removed ! I find it a difficult matter to keep all ftots* with Chrift. When He laugheth, I fcarce believe it, I would fo fain have it true. But I am like a lowf man looking up to a high mountain, whom wearinefs and fainting overcometh. I would climb up, but I find that I do not advance in my journey as I would wifti ; yet I truft. that He will take me home againft night. I marvel not that Antichrift, in his flaves, is fo bufy : but our crowned King feeth and beholdeth, and will arife for Zion's fafety. I am exceedingly diffracted with letters, and company that vifit me ; what I can do, or time will permit, I fhall not omit. Excufe my brevity, for I am ftraitened. Remember the Lord's prifoner : I defire to be mindful of you. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. S. R. CCXXXVIL— To the Laird of Gaitgirth. [Let. 187.] (TRUTH WORTH SUFFERING FOR— LIGHT SOWN, BUT EVTL IN THIS WORLD TILL CHRIST COME.) UCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I can do no more than thank you on paper, and remember you to Him whom I ferve, for kindnefs and care of a prifoner. * To keep pace with. f Of fmall ftature. VOL. 11. I 1 ljo LETTER CCXXXVIL [1637. I blefs the Lord, that the caufe I fufTer for needeth not to blufh before kings : Chrift's white, honeft, and fair truth needeth neither to wax pale for fear, nor to blufh for fhame. I blefs the Lord, who hath graced * you to own Chrift now, when fo many are afraid to profefs Him, and hide Him, for fear they furTer lofs by avouching Him. Alas, that fo many in thefe days are carried with the times ! As if their confcience rolled upon oiled wheels, fo do they go any way the wind bloweth them ; and, becaufe Chrift is not market- fweet,f men put Him away from them. Worthy and much honoured Sir, go on to own Chrift, and His oppreffed truth : — the end of furTerings for the Gofpel, is reft and gladnefs. Light and joy are fown for the mourners in Zion, and the harveft (which is of God's making, for time and manner) is near. CrolTes have right and claim to Chrift in His members, till legs and arms, and whole myftical Chrift, be in heaven. There will be rain, and hail, and ftorms, in the faint's clouds, ever till God cleanfe with fire the works of the creation, and till He burn the botch-houfe^: of heaven and earth, that men's fins have fubjected unto vanity. They are blefTed who furTer and fin not $ for fuffering is the badge that Chrift hath put upon His followers. Take what way we can to heaven, the way is hedged up with crofTes -, there is no way but to break through them. Wit and wiles, fhifts and laws, will not find out a way round the crofs of Chrift ; but we muft through. One thing, by experience, my Lord hath taught me, that the waters betwixt this and heaven may all be ridden, if we be well horfed j I mean, if we be in Chrift ; and not one fhall drown by the way, but fuch as love their own deftruclion. Oh, if we could wait on for a time, and believe in the dark the falvation of God ! At leaft we are to believe good of Chrift, till He gives us the flip (which is impoffible) ; and to take His word for caution, § that He * Given you grace ; alluding to the original of Luke i. 28. f An attractive commodity to purchafers. % A houfe fpoilt and disfigured. § Security. 1 63 7- J LETTER CC XX XV III. 131 mall fill up all the blanks in His promifes, and give us what we want. But to the unbeliever, Chrift's teftament is white, blank, unwritten paper. Worthy and dear Sir, fet your face to heaven, and make you a* ftoop at all the low entries in the way, that ye may receive the kingdom as a child. Without this (He that knew the way faid) there is no entry in. Oh, but Chrift is willing to lead a poor (inner ! Oh what love my poor foul hath found in Him, in the houfe of my pilgrimage ! Suppofe that love in heaven and earth were loft, I dare fwear it may be found in Chrift. Now the very God of peace eftablifh. you, till the day of the glorious appearance of Chrift. Your own, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. m V \ja r CCXXXVIIL— To the Lady Gaitgirth. (CHRIST AN EXAMPLE IN BEARING CROSSES— THE EXTENT TO WHICH CHILDREN SHOULD BE LOVED— WHY SAINTS DIE.) UCH HONOURED AND CHRISTIAN LADY — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I long to hear how it goeth with you and your children. I exhort you not to lofe breath, nor to faint in your journey. The way is not fo long to your home as it was ; it will wear to one ftep or an inch at length, and ye fhall come ere long to be within your arm-length of the glorious crown. Your Lord Jefus did fweat and pant ere He got up that mount ; He was at " Father, fave Me !" with it. It was He who faid, "I am poured out like water ; all My bones are out of joint." Chrift was as if they had broken Him upon the wheel : " My heart is like wax, it is melted in the midft of My bowels." " My ftrength is dried up like a pot- * Written ti to y " in old editions. " Make a ftoop " is equivalent to "ftoop." 132 LETTER CCXXXVIIL [1637. flier d." # I am fure ye love the way the better that His holy feet trod it before you. CrofTes have a fmell of croiTed and pained Chrift. I believe that your Lord will not leave you to die your lonef in the way. I know that ye have fad hours, when the Comforter is hid under a vail, and when ye inquire for Him, and find but a toomj neft. This, I grant, is but a cold " good-day," when the feeker mifleth Him whom the foul loveth ; but even His unkindnefs is kind, His abfence lovely, His mafk a fweet fight, till God fend Chrifl Himfelf, in His own fweet prefence. Make His fweet comforts your own, and be not ftrange and fliame-faced with Chrifl. Homely § dealing is befl for Him ; it is His liking. When your winter florms are over, the fummer of your Lord fliall come. Your fadnefs is with child of joy ; He will do you good in the latter end. Take no heavier lift of your children than your Lord alloweth. Give them room befide your heart, but not in the yolk of your heart, where Chrifl fliould be ; for then they are your idols, not your bairns. If your Lord take any of them home to His houfe, before the florm come on, take it well. The owner of the orchard may take down two or three apples ofT his own trees before mid- fummer, and ere they get the harveft-fun : and it would not be feemly that his fervant, the gardener, fhould chide him for it. Let our Lord pluck His own fruit at any feafon He pleafeth. They are not loft to you ; they are laid up fo well as that they are coffered in heaven, where our Lord's befl jewels lie. They are all free goods that are there ; death can have no law to arreft anything that is within the walls of the New Jerufalem. All the faints, becaufe of fin, are like old rufly horologues, || that mufl be taken down, and the wheels fcoured and mended, and fet up again in better cafe than before. Sin hath rufled both foul and * Ps. xxii. 14, 15. t No one with you. % Empty. § Familiar. || Clocks. In a fermon preached in Weftminfter Abbey, on Luke viii. 22, before the Houfe of Lords, in 1645, he fpeaks of Time's " horologue, fet agoing by God at the Creation." (P 8.) 1637.] LETTER CCXXXIX. 133 body : our dear Lord by death taketh us down to fcour the wheels of both, and to purge us perfectly from the root and remainder of fin ; and we mail be fet up in better cafe than before. Then pluck up your heart , heaven is yours ! and that is a word which few can fay. Now, the great Shepherd of the fheep, and the very God of peace, confirm and eftablifh you, to the day of the appearance of Chrifl our Lord. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, Sept 7, 1637. S. R. CCXXXIX.— To Mr Matthew Mowat. [Let. 120.] {WHAT AM I ?— LONGING TO ACT FOR CHRIST— UNBELIEF— LOVE IN THE HIDING OF CHRIST'S FACE— CHRIST'S RE- PROACH.) EVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER,— I am re- freshed with your letters. I would take all well at my Lord's hands that He hath done, if I knew that I could do my Lord any fervice in my fufFering ; fuppofe my Lord would make a flop-hole* of me, to fill a hole in the wall of His houfe, or a pinning \ in Zion's new work. For any place of truft in my Lord's houfe, as fteward, or chamberlain, or the like, iiirely I think myfelf (my very dear brother, I fpeak not by any proud figure or trope) unworthy of it •, nay, I am not worthy to ftand behind the door. If my head, and feet, and body were half out, half in, in ChrilVs houfe, fo that I faw the fair face of the Lord of the houfe, it would ftill my greening J and love-fick defires. When I hear that the men of God are at work, and fpeaking in the name of our Lord Jefus, I think myfelf but an outcaft, or outlaw, chafed from the city to lie on the hills, and live amongft the rocks and out- fields. Oh that I might but ftand in Ch rift's out-houfe, or hold a * Anything to fill up a hole. f A fmall ftone to fill up a crevice. X Greedily yearning. 134 LETTER CCXXX1X. [1637. candle in any low vault of His houfe ! But I know this is but the vapours that arife out of a quarrelous* and unbelieving heart to darken the wifdom of God ; and your fault is jufr. mine, that I can- not believe my Lord's bare and naked word. I muit, either have an apple to play me with, and make hands with Chrift, and have feal, caution, f and witnefs to His word, or elfe I count myfelf loofe ; howbeit, I have the word and faith of a King ! Oh, I am made of unbelief, and cannot fwim but where my feet may touch the ground ! Alas ! Chrift under my temptations is prefented to me as lying waters, as a dyvour and a cozener ! We can make fuch a Chrift as temptations, cafting us in a night-dream, do feign and devife ; and temptations reprefent Chrift ever unlike Himfelf, and we, in our folly, liften to the tempter. If I could minifter one faving word to any, how glad would my foul be ! But I myfelf, which is the greateff evil, often miftake the crofs of Chriit. For I know, if we had wifdom, and knew well that eafe flayeth us fools, we would defire a market where we might barter or niffer \ our lazy eafe with a profitable crofs ; howbeit there be an outcaft§ natural betwixt our defires and tribulation. But fome give a dear price, and gold, for phyfic which they love not ; and buy ficknefs, howbeit they wifh rather to have been whole than to be fick. But furely, brother, ye mail have my advice (howbeit, alas ! I cannot follow it myfelf), not to contend with the honeft and faithful Lord of the houfe ; for, go He or come He, He is aye gracious in His departure. There are grace, and mercy, and loving- kindnefs upon ChrifVs back parts ; and when He goeth away, the proportion of His face, the image of that fair Sun that flayeth in eyes, fenfes, and heart, after He is gone, leaveth a mafs of love behind it in the heart. The found of His knock at the door of His Beloved, after He is gone and paffed, leaveth a fhare of joy and forrow both. So we have fomething to feed upon till He return : and He is more loved in His departure, and after He is gone, than * Fault finding. t Security. % Exchange. % A contention, a quarrel. 1637J LETTER CCXXXIX. 135 before, as the day in the declining of the fun, and towards the even- ing, is often moft defired. And as for ChriiVs crofs, I never received evil of it, but what was of mine own making : when I mifcooked ChriiVs phyfic, no marvel that it hurt me. For fince it was on ChriiVs back, it hath always a fweet fmell, and thefe 1 600 years it keepeth the fmell of Chriil. Nay, it is older than that too ; for it is a long time fince Abel Hril handfeled the crofs, and had it laid upon his moulder ; and down from him, all alongft to this very day, all the faints have known what it is. I am glad that Chrift Jelus hath fuch a relation to this crofs, and that it is called " the crofs of our Lord Jefus,"* His reproach, f as if Chrift would claim it as His proper goods, and fb it cometh into the reckoning among ChriiVs own property. If it were fimple evil, as fin is, Chriil:, who is not the author nor owner of fin, would not own it. I wonder at the enemies of Chriil (in whom malice hath run away with wit, and will is up, and wit down), that they would eiTay to lift up the Stone laid in Zion. Surely it is not laid in fuch iinking ground as that they can raife it, or remove it ; for when we are in their belly, and they have fwallowed us down, they will be Tick, and fpue us out again. I know that Zion and her Huiband cannot both ileep at once -, I believe that our Lord once again will water with His dew the withered hill of Mount Zion in Scotland, and come down, and make a new marriage again, as He did long iince. Remember our Covenant. Your excufe for your advice to me is needlefs. Alas ! many iit befide light, as fick folks befide meat, and cannot make ufe of it. Grace be with you. Your brother in Chriil, S. R. Aberdeen*, Sept. 7, 1637. Gal. vi. 14. f Heb. xiii. 13. 13 6 LETTER CCXL. [1637. CCXL.— To Mr John Meine, Jun. [See Let. 81.] (CHRIST THE SAME— YOUTHFUL SINS— NO DISPENSING WITH CROSSES.) EAR BROTHER,— I received your letter. I cannot but teftify under mine own hand, that Chrift is ftill the longer the better, and that this time is the time of loves. When I have faid all I can, others may begin and fay that I have laid nothing of Him. I never knew Chrift to ebb or flow, wax or wane. His winds turn not ; when He feemeth to change, it is but we who turn our wrong fide to Him. I never had a plea* with Him, in my hardeft conflicts, but of mine own making. Oh that I could live in peace and good neighbourhood with fuch a fecond,f and let Him alone ! My unbelief made many black lies, but my recantation to Chrift is not worth the hearing. Surely He hath borne with ftrange gawds J in me ; He knoweth my heart hath not natural wit to keep quarters with fuch a Saviour. Ye do well to fear your backfliding. I had flood fure if I had, in my youth, borrowed Chrift to be my bottom. But he that beareth his own weight to heaven, fhall not fail to flip and fink. Ye had no need to be barefooted among the thorns of this apoflate generation, left a ftob§ ftrike up into your foot, and caufe you to halt all your days. And think not that Chrift will do with you in the matter of fuffering as the Pope doth in the matter of fin. Ye (hall not find that Chrift will fell a difpenfation, or give a dyvour's protection againft erodes. Crofles are proclaimed as common accidents to all the faints, and in them ftandeth a part of our communion with Chrift ; but there lieth a fweet cafualty to the crofs, even Chrift's prelence and His comforts, when they || are fancHfied. * Difpute, quarrel. t Helper. t Habits, tricks. § A fbarp pointed flake. || The crofles. 1637.] LETTER CCXLL 137 Remember my love to your father and mother. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jems, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXLI. — To John Fleming, Bailie of Leith. (RICHES OF CHRIST FAIL NOT— SALVATION— VAN FTY OF CREATED COMFORTS— LONGING FOR MORE OF CHRIST.) j]UCH HONOURED IN THE LORD,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am ftill in good terms with Chrift : however my Lord's wind blow, I have the advantage of the calm and funny fide of Chrift. Devils, and hell, and devil's fervants, are all blown blind, in purfuing the Lord's little bride. They mall be as a night-dream who fight againft Mount Zion. Worthy Sir, I hope that ye take to heart the worth of your calling. This great fair and meeting of the people mall {kail,* and the portf is open for us. As fail as time weareth out, we fly away ; eternity is at our elbow. Oh, how blefled are they who in time make Chrift. fure for themfelves ! Salvation is a great errand. I find it hard to fetch heaven. Oh that we would take pains on our lamps, for the Bridegroom is coming ! The other fide of this world fhall be turned up incontinently,;); and up fhall be down : and thofe that are weeping in fackcloth will triumph on white horfes, with Him whofe name is The Word of God. Thofe dying idols, the fair creatures that we whorifhly love better than our Creator, fhall pafs away like fnow- water. The Godhead, the Godhead ! a communion with God in Chrifl ! To be halvers with Chrift of the purchafed houfe and inheritance in heaven, fhould be our fcope and aim. * Break up and fcatter. f Gate. I Immediately. 138 ' LETTER CCXLIL [1637. For myfelf, when I lay my accounts, oh what telling, oh what weighing is in Chrift ! Oh how foft are His kiiTes ! Oh love, love furpafling in Jems ! I have no fault to that love, but that it feem- eth to deal niggardly with me ; I have little of it. Oh that I had ChrifVs feen and read bond, fubfcribed by Himfelf, for my fill of it ! "What garland have I, or what crown, if I looked right on things, but Jefus ! Oh, there is no room in us on this fide of the water for that love. This narrow bit of earth, and thefe ebb* and narrow fouls can hold little of it, becaufe we are full of rifts. \ I would that glory, glory would enlarge us (as it will), and make us tight, and clofe up our feams and rifts, that we might be able to com- prehend it which is yet incomprehenfible. Remember my love to your wife. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXLII. — To the Lady Rowallan, \_BiJhopton.~] [Lady Rowallan, whofe maiden name was Sarah Brifbane, being the fourth daughter of John Brifbane of Bilhoptown, was the third wife of Sir William Mure of Rowallan. — {Robert/on s Ayr/hire Families.) " In 1639, Lady Rowallan loft her hufband, who died that year in the 63d year of his age. He was a man of ftrong body, and delighted much in hunting and hawking." — {The Hi/lory and Defcent of the Houfe of Rowallan. By Sir William Mure, Knight, of Rowallan.)] (JESUS THE BEST CHOICE, AND TO BE MADE SURE OF— THE CROSS AND JESUS INSEPARABLE— SORROWS ONLT TEM- PORARY.) ADAM, — Though not acquainted, I am bold in Chrift to fpeak to your Ladyfhip on paper. I rejoice in our Lord Jefus, on your behalf, that it hath pleafed Him, * Shallow. t Rents, cracks. 1637.] LETTER CCXLIL 139 whole love to you is as old as Himfelf, to manifeft the favour of His love in Chrift Jelus to your foul, in the revelation of His will and mind to you, now when fo many are fhut up in unbelief. O the fweet change which ye have made, in leaving the black kingdom of this world and fin, and coming over to our Bridegroom's new kingdom, to know, and be taken with the love of the beautiful Son of God ! I befeech you, Madam, in the Lord, to make now fure work, and fee that the old houfe be caften down, and razed from the foundation, and that the new building of your foul be of Chrift's own laying ; for then wind nor ftorm mail neither loofe it, nor make it afunder. Many now take Chrift by guefs ; be fure that it be He, and only He, whom ye have met with. His fweet fmell, His lovely voice, His fair face, His fweet working in the foul, will not lie ; they will foon tell if it be Chrift indeed ; and I think that your love to the faints fpeaketh that it is He. And, therefore, I fay, be fure that ye take Chrift Himfelf, and take Him with His Father's bleffing : His Father alloweth Him* well upon you. Your lines are well fallen ; it could not have been better, nor fo well with you, if they had not fallen in thefe places. In heaven, or out of heaven, there is nothing better, nothing fo fweet and excellent as the thing ye have lighted on ; and therefore hold you with Chrift. Joy, much joy may ye have of Him : but take His crofs with Him- felf cheerfully. Chrift and His crofs are not feparable in this life ; howbeit Chrift and His crofs part at heaven's door, for there is no houferoom for croffes in heaven. One tear, one figh, one fad heart, one fear, one lofs, one thought of trouble, cannot find lodging there : they are but the marks of our Lord Jefus down in this wide inn, and ftormy country, on this fide of death. Sorrow and the faints are not married together ; or, fuppofe it were fo, heaven would make a divorce. I find that His fweet prefence eateth out the bitter- nefs of forrow and fufFering. I think it a fweet thing that Chrift faith of my crofs, " Half mine j " and that He divideth thefe fuffer- ings with me, and taketh the larger fhare to Himfelf ; nay, that I * Gives him a large allowance to fpend on you. 140 LETTER CCXLIIL [1637. and my whole crofs are wholly ChrifVs. Oh, what a portion is Chrift ! Oh that the faints would dig deeper in the treafures of His wifdom and excellency ! Thus recommending your Ladyfhip to the good- will and tender mercies of our Lord, I reft, your Ladyfhip's, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. CCXLIIL— For Marion M'Naught. (HIS OWN PROSPECTS— HOPES—SALUTATIONS.) UCH HONOURED AND DEAREST IN OUR SWEET LORD JESUS,— Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father, and from our Lord Jefus. I know that the Lord will do* for your town. I hear that the Bifhop is afraid to come amongft you : for fo it is fpoken in this town. And many here rejoice now to pen a fupplication to the Council, for bringing me home to my place, and for repairing other wrongs done in the country : and fee if you can procure that three or four hundred in the country, noblemen, gentlemen, countrymen, and citizens, fubfcribe it ; the more the better. It may be that it will affright the Bifhop ; and, by law, no advantage can be taken againfl you for it. I have not time to write to Carleton and to Knockbrex •, but I would you did fpeak them in it, and let them advife with Carleton. Mr A. thinketh well of it, and I think the others will approve it. I am ftill in good cafe with Chrifl ; my court f is no lefs than it was ; the door of the Bridegroom's houfe-of-wine is open, when iuch a poor ftranger as I come athort.J I change, but Chrift abideth ftill the fame. * Act for. f Influence. % Athwart, acrofs. 1637.] LETTER CCXLIIL 141 They have put out my one poor eye, my only joy, to preach Chrift, and to go errands betwixt Him and His bride. What my Lord will do with me, I know not : it is like that I mall not winter in Aberdeen ; but where it mail be elfe, I know not. There are fome bloflbmings of Chrifl's kingdom in this town, and the fmoke is rifing, and the minifters are raging ; but I love a rumbling and roar- ing devil beft. I befeech you in the Lord, my dear fifter, to wait for the falva- tion of God. Slack not your hands in meeting to pray. Fear not fleih. and blood : we have been all over-feared, and that gave louns * the confidence to mut me out of Galloway. Remember my love to John Carfen,f and Mr John Brown 4 I never could get my love off that man : I think Chrift hath fomething to do with him. Defire your huiband from me, not to think ill of Chrift for His crofs. Many mifken § Chrift, becaufe He hath the crofs on His back ; but He will caufe us all to laugh yet. I befeech you, as ye would do anything for me, to remember my Lady Mari- fchal to God, and her fon the Earl Marifchal, efpecially her Chriftian daughter, my Lady Pitfligo. |[ I fhall go to death with it, that Chrift will return again to Scot- land, with falvation in His wings, and to Galloway. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1637. * Worthlefs fellows. t See Let. 127. X This was Mr John Brown who became minifter of Wamphray. He was at this time a young man, whofe talents and piety gave promife of eminent ufefulnefs in the Church. See his life in the Scots Worthies. § Overlook, refufe to own. || Lady Jane, fecond daughter of Lady Marifchal, who was married to Lord Pitfligo. {Douglas' Peerage, vol. ii., p. 194.) See note to Let. 206. 142 LETTER CCXLIV. [1637. CCXLIV.*— To Marion M'Naught. " And in that day will I make Jerufalem a burdenfome ftone for all people: all that burden themfelves with it fhall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together againft it." — Zech. xii. 13. {PROCEEDINGS OF PARLIAMENT— PRIVATE MATTERS— HER DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE.) ELL-BELOVED SISTER,— I have been fparing to write to you becaufe I was heavy at the proceedings of our late Parliament.f Where law mould have been, they would not give our Lord Jefus fair law and juftice, nor the benefit of the houfe, to hear either the juft grievances, or the humble fup- plications of the fervants of God.J Nothing refteth, but that we lay our grievances before our crowned King, Jefus, who reigneth in Zion. And howbeit it be true, that the Acts of the Perth AiTembly for conformity are eftablimed, and the King's power to impofe the furplice, and other mafs-apparel, upon minifters, be confirmed, § yet what men conclude is not Scripture. Kings have fhort arms to overturn ChrilVs throne ; and our Lord hath been walking and ftanding upon His feet at this Parliament, when fifteen earls and * Aberdeen is affixed to this letter ; and if written from Aberdeen, it mull have been in 1637. Hence the letter is inferted here. At the fame time, the reference to events points to fome time about 1633. It is poffible that " Aber- deen " is a miftake for Anivotb. t The Parliament held at Edinburgh in June 1633. % Mr Thomas Hog, minifter of the Gofpel, in his own name, and in the name of other minifters, before the fitting down of the Parliament, prefented a paper, entitled, " Grievances and Petitions concerning the Difordered Eftate of the Reformed Kirk within this realm of Scotland," to Sir John Hay, Clerk Regifter, to be laid before the Parliament. § The reference here is to two Acts pafTed by the Parliament in June 1633, the one ratifying all Acts made before in favour of the Church, and confe- quently ratifying the Acts of Perth, and other Acts made for fettling and ad- vancing the eftate of bifhops ; the other, afTerting the King's prerogative of enjoining churchmen to wear whatever apparel he chofe. 1637.] LETTER CCXLIV. 143 lords, and forty-four commiiTioners for buroughs, with fome barons, have voted for our kirk,* in face of a king who, with much awe and terror, with his own hand, wrote up the voters for or againft him- felf.f Long before this kirk, in the fecond Pfalm, the ends of the earth (Scotland and England) were gifted of the Father to His Son, Chrift ; and that is an old Act of Parliament decreed by our Lord, and printed four thoufand years ago. Their Acts are but yet print- ing. The fir ft. Act fhall ftand, let all the potentates of the world, who love Chrift's room better than Himfelf, rage as they pleafe. Though the mountains be carried into the midft of the fea, yet there is a river that cometh out of the fanctuary, and the ftreams of it re- frefri the city of God. That well is not yet cried down \ in Scot- land, nor can it dry up : therefore, ftill believe and truft in God's falvation. If you knew the whole proceedings, it is the Lord's mercy that matters have gone at our Parliament, as they have gone. The Lord Jefus, in our King's ears, to his great provocation and grief, hath gotten many witnefTes ; and we faw in all the Son of God overturning their policy, and making the world know how well He loveth His poor fun-burnt bride in Scotland. The Lord liveth, and Hefted be the God of our falvation. For the matter betwixt your hufband and Carleton, I truft in God it fhall be removed. It hath grieved me exceedingly. I have dealt with Carleton, and fhall deal. Put it off yourfelf upon the Lord, that it burden you not. I have heard of your daughter's marriage: I pray the Lord Jefus to fubfcribe the contract, and to be at the banquet, as He was at the marriage of Cana of Galilee. Show her from me, that though it be true that God's children have prayed for her, yet the promife of God is made to her prayers and faith efpecially : and, therefore, I would entreat her to feek the Lord to be at the wed- * This was the number of members of Parliament who voted againft the above A els. f " The King's taking pen and paper in hand in the time of the voting, was a mfficient ground of apprehending fear." (Scot's Apologetical Narration.) % Depreciated ; it has not loft its fame. 144 LETTER CCXLV. [1637. ding. Let her give Chrift the love of her virginity and efpoufals, and choofe Him firft as her Hufband, and that match mail blefs the other. It is a new world me entereth into, and therefore me hath need of new acquaintance with the Son of God, and of a renewing of her love to Him, whofe love is better than wine. " The time is fhort : let the married be as though they were not married ; they that weep, as though they weeped not ; they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not ; they that buy, as though they poiTefTed not ; they that ufe this world, as though they ufed it not : for the fafhion of this world pafTeth away."* Grace, grace be her portion from the Lord. I know that you have a care on you of it, that all be right : but let Chrift bear all. You need not pity Him, if I may fay fo ; put Him to it, He is ftrength enough. The Spirit of the Lord Jefus be with you. Your friend, in his deareft. friend, Chrifl Jefus, Aberdeen. S. R. CCXLV.— To my Lady Boyd. {IMPERFECTIONS — YEARNINGS AFTER CHRIST— CHRIST'S SUPREMACY NOT INCONSISTENT H1TH CIVIL AUTHORITY.) lY VERY HONOURABLE AND CHRISTIAN LADY, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I re- ceived your letter, and am well pleafed that your thoughts of Chrift. ftay with you, and that your purpofe ftill is, by all means, to take the kingdom of heaven by violence ; which is no fmall conqueft. And it is a degree of watchfulnefs and thankful- nefs, alfo, to obferve fleepinefs and unthankfulnefs. We have all good caufe to complain of falie light, that playeth the thief and ftealeth away the lantern, when it cometh to the practice of con- ftant walking with God. Our journey is ten times a-day broken into ten pieces. Chrift getteth but only broken, and halved, and tired work of us, and, alas ! too often againft the hair.f * 1 Cor. vii. 29, 30, 31. t Againft the grain. 1637J * LETTER CCXLV. 145 I have been fomewhat nearer the Bridegroom ■ but when I draw nigh, and fee my vilenefs, for fhame I would be out of His prefence again. But yet, defire of His foul-refrefhing love putteth blufhing me under an arrefL Oh, what am I, fo loathfome a burden of fin, to ftand befide fuch a beautiful and holy Lord, fuch a high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity ! But fince it pleafeth Chrifr. to condefcend to fuch an one as I, let ihamefacednefs be laid afide, and lofe itfelf in His condefcending love. I would heartily be content to keep a corner of the King's hall. Oh, if I were at the yonder* end of my weak defires, then fhould I be where Chrift, my Lord and lover, liveth and reigneth ; there I fhould be everlafiingly folaced with the fight of His face, and fatisfied with the furpaffing fweetnefs of His matchlefs love. But truly now I ftand in the netherf fide of my defires ; and with a drooping head, and panting heart, I look up to fair Jefus, ftanding afar off from us, whillj cor- ruption and death ihall fcour and refine the body of clay, and rot out the bones of the old man of fin. In the meantime we are bjefied in fending word to the Beloved, that we love to love Him ; and till then, there is joy in wooing, fuiting,§ lying about His houfe, looking in at the windows, and fending a poor foul's groans and wifhes through a hole of the door to Jefus, till God fend a glad meeting. And blefied be God, that after a low ebb, and fo fad a word, " Lord Jefus, it is long fince I faw Thee," that even then our wings are growing, and the abfence of fweet Jefus breedeth a new fleece of defires and longings for Him. I know that no man hath a velvet crofs, but the crofs is made of that which God will have it. But verily, howbeit it be no warrantable market to buy a crofs, || yet I dare not fay, " Oh that I had liberty to fell Chrift's crofs," left therewith, alfo, I fhould fell joy, comfort, fenfe of love, patience, and the kind vifits of a Bridegroom. And, therefore, blefied be God we get croffes unbought and good-cheap. % Sure I * The far off. f On the lower ; not attaining them. J Till. § Preffing a fuit. || No one is warranted, in God's market, to buy fuch a thing as a trial ; we mu ft not bring trials on ourfelves. € At a very low rate. VOL. 11. K 1^6 LETTER CCXLV. [1637. am, it were better to buy crofles for Chrift than to fell them : how- beit neither be allowed to us. And for Chrift's joyful coming and going, which your Lady- mip fpeaketh of, I bear with it, as love can permit. It mould be enough to me, if I were wife, that Chriit. will have joy and forrow halvers of the life of the faints, and that each of them mould have a mare of our days ; as the night and the day are kindly partners and halvers of time, and take it up betwixt them. But if forrow be the greedier halver of our days here, I know that joy's day mail dawn, and do more than recompenfe all our fad hours. Let my Lord Jefus (fince He willeth to do fo) weave my bit and fpan- length of time with white and black, well and wo, with the Bride- groom's coming and His fad departure, as warp and woof in one web ; and let the rofe be neighboured with the thorn •, yet hope that maketh not afhamed hath written a letter and lines of hope to the mourners in Zion, that it mail not be long fo. When we are over the water, Chrift fhall cry down crofTes, and up heaven for evermore ! and down hell, and down death, and down fin, and down forrow ! and up glory, up life, up joy for evermore ! In this hope, I fleep quietly in Chrift's bofom whill He come who is not flack ; and would fleep fo, were it not that the noife of the devil, and of fin's feet, and the cries of an unbelieving heart, awaken me. But, for the prefent, I have nothing whereof I can accufe Chrift's crofs. Oh, if I could pleafe myfelf in Chrift only ! I hope, Madam, that your fons will improve their power for Jefus. For there is no danger, neither is there any queftion or juftling betwixt Chrift and authority (though our enemies falfely ftate the queftion), as if Chrift and authority could not abide under one roof. The queftion only is, betwixt Chrift and men in authority. Authority is for and from Chrift, and fib # to Him ; how then can He make a pleaf with it ? Nay, the truth is, worms and gods of clay are rifen up againft Chrift. If the fruit of your Lady fhip's womb be helpers of Chrift, ye have good ground to rejoice in God. * Related by blood, as it were. f Quarrel, controverfy. 1637.] LETTER CCXLVL 147 All that your Ladyfhip can expect for your good-will to me and my brother (a wronged ftranger for Chrift), is the prayers of a prifoner of Jems, to whom I recommend your Ladyfhip, and your houfe and children , and in whom I am, Madam, Your Ladyfhip's in Chrift, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 8, 1637. CCXLVL— To Mr Thomas Garven. [Let. 152.] {HEAVEN'S HAPPINESS— JOT IN THE CROSS.) EAR BROTHER, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I rejoice that ye cannot be quit of Chrift (if I may fpeak fo), but that He muft, He will have you. Betake yourfelf to Chrift, my dear brother. It is a great bufinefs to make quit of fuperfluities, and of thofe things which Chrift can- not dwell with. I am content with my own crofs, that Chrift hath made mine by an eternal lot, becaufe it is Chrift's and mine together. I marvel not that winter is without heaven, for there is no winter with- in it : all the faints, therefore, have their own meafure of winter, before their eternal fummer. Oh for the long day, and the high fun, and the fair garden, and the King's Great City up above thefe vifible heavens ! What God layeth on let us fufFer ; for fome have one crofs, fome feven, fome ten, fome half a crofs. Yet all the faints have whole and full joy ; and feven crofTes have feven joys. Chrift is cumbered with me (to fpeak fo) and my crofs ; but He falleth not off from me ;* we are not at variance. I find the very glooms f of Chrift's wooing a foul fweet and lovely. I had rather have Chrift's buffet and love-ftroke, than another king's kifs. Speak evil of Chrift who will, I hope to die with love thoughts of Him. Oh that there are fo few tongues in heaven and earth to extol Him ! I wifh His * Does not feparate Himfelf from me. f Frowns. 148 LETTER CCXLVIL [1637. praifes go not down amongft us. Let not Chrift be low and lightly efteemed in the midft of us : but let all hearts and all tongues call: in their portion, and contribute fomething to make Him great in Mount Zion. Thus recommending you to His grace, and remembering my love to your wife and mother, and your kind brother, R. B., # and entreating you to remember my bonds, I reft, Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 8, 1637. CCXLVIL— To Janet Kennedy. [Let. 88.] (THE HEAVENLY MANSIONS— EARTH A SHADOW.) OVING AND DEAR SISTER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I received your letter. I know that the favour of Chrift in you (whom the virgins love to follow) cannot be blown away with winds, either from hell, or the evil-fmelled air of this defiled world. Sit far aback from the walls of this pefthoufe, even the pollutions of this defiling world. Keep your tafte, your love, and hope in heaven ; it is not good that your love and your Lord fhould be in two fundryf countries. Up, up after your lover, that ye and He may be together. A King from heaven hath fent for you : by faith He fhoweth you the New Jerufalem, and taketh you alongft in the Spirit, through all the eafe-roomsj and dwelling-houfes in heaven, and faith, " All thefe are thine ; this palace is for thee and Chrift." And if ye only had been the chofen of God, Chrift would have built that one houfe for you and Himfelf : now it is for you and many others alfo. Take with you in your journey what you may carry with you, your confcience, faith, hope, patience, meeknefs, goodnefs, brotherly * Probably, Robert Blair. f Separate, diftincl. % Rooms for reft. 1637.] LETTER CCLXVIL 149 kindnefs ; for fuch wares as thefe are of great price in the high and new country whither ye go. As for other things, which are but the world's vanity and trafh, fince they are but the houfe-fweepings, ye will do beft not to carry them with you. Ye found them here ; leave them here, and let them keep the houie. Your fun is well turned and low ; be nigh your lodging againfr, night. We go one and one out of this great market, till the town be empty, and the two lodgings, heaven and hell, be filled. At length there will be nothing in the earth but toom* walls and burnt allies ; and, there- fore, it is belt to make away. Antichrilt and his mailer are bufy to plenifhf hell, and to feduce many : and ftars, great church-lights, are falling from heaven, and many are milled and {educed, and make up with their faith, and fell their birthrights, by their hungry hunting for I know not what. Fallen your grips \ fait upon Chriit. I verily efteem Him the bell aught § that I have. He is my fecond || in prifon. Having Him, though my crofs were as heavy as ten mountains of iron, when He putteth His fweet moulder under me and it, my crofs is but a feather. I pleafe myfelf in the choice of Chrift ; He is my wale % in heaven and earth. I rejoice that He is in heaven before me. God fend a joyful meeting ; and, in the meantime, the traveller's charges for the way, I mean a burden of Chrift's love, to fweeten the journey, and to encourage a breathlefs runner ; for when I lofe breath, climbing up the mountain, He maketh new breath. Now the very God of peace eitabliih you to the day of His appearance. Yours, in his only Lord Jems, S. R. Aberdeen", Sept. 9, 1637. * Empty. f Fill. | Firm hold. § Property; fo ufed by Gawin Douglas. || Helper, % Choice portion 15° LETTER CCXLVUL [1637. CCXLVIIL— To Margaret Reid. \_Probably an Anivoth par'iPiioner7\ (BENEFITS OF THE CROSS, IF WE ARE CHRIST'S.) Y VERY DEAR AND WORTHY SISTER — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Ye are truly blefTed of the Lord, however a four world gloom* upon you, if ye continue in the faith grounded and fettled, and be not moved away from the hope of the Gofpel. It is good that there is a heaven, and it is not a night-dream or a fancy. It is a wonder that men deny not that there is heaven, as they deny there is a way to it but of men's making. You have learned of Chrift that there is a heaven : contend for it, and contend for Chrift. Bear well and fubmiffively the hard crofs of this ftep-mother world, that God will not have to be yours. I confefs it is hard, and I would I were able to eafe you of your burden ; but believe me, that this world (which the Lord will not have to be yours) is but the drofs, the refufe, and fcum of God's creation, the portion of the Lord's hired fervants ; the moveables, not the heritage ; a hard bone caften to the dogs holden out of the New Jerufalem, where- upon they rather break their teeth than fatisfy their appetite. It is your Father's bleffing, and Chrift's birthright, that our Lord is keeping for you. And I perfuade you, that your feed, alfo, mail inherit the earth (if that be good for them), for that is promifed to them ; and God's bond is as good, and better, than if men would give every one of them a bond for a thoufand thoufands. Ere ye were born, crofles, in number, meafure, and weight, were written for you, and your Lord will lead you through them. Make Chrift fure, and the bleflings of the earth mall be at Chrift's back. I fee many profeflbrs for the fafhionf follow on, but they are pro- fefTors of glafs ; I would caufe a little knock of perfecution ding J * Frown fulkily. f Becaufe it is the fafhion. % Strike violently, fo as to break. 1637.] LETTER CCXLIX. 151 them in twenty pieces, and fo the world would laugh at the fhreds. Therefore, make faft work. See that Chriit lay the ground-ftone # of your profelTion ; for wind, and rain, and fpaitsf will not wafh away His building. His works have no fhorter date than to ftand for evermore. I mould twenty times have perifhed in my affliction, if I had not leaned my weak back, and laid my preiTing burden both, upon the ffone, the Foundation-ftone, the Corner-ftone laid in Zion : and I defire never to rife off this ftone. Now, the very God of peace confirm and eftablifh you unto the day of the blelTed appearance of Chrift Jefus. God be with you. Yours, in his deareft Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen. CCXLIX.— To James Bautie. [We do not know who this correfpondent was; even the name u Bautie" is now unknown. It may, however, be the fame as u Bcatie," or (i Bcattie," a name very common in Dumfriesfhire.] (SPIRITUAL DIFFICULTIES SOLVED.) OVING BROTHER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you. — I received your letter, and render you thanks for the fame ; but I have not time to anfwer all the heads of it, as the bearer can inform you. I. Ye do well to take yourfelf at the rightftotj when ye wrong Chrift by doubting and mifbelief. For this is to nickname Chriit, and term Him a liar, which being fpoken to our prince, would be hanging or beheading. But Chriit hangeth not always for treafon. It is good that He may regiftrate§ a believer's bond a hundred times, and more than feven times a day have law againft us ; and * Foundation. t Floods. X Point ; the rebound of a ball. Ye do well to recall your thoughts ere they have gone too far. § Regi/ier. A bond regiftered is kept on record, and cannot be taken out. 152 LETTER CCXLIX. [1637. yet He fpareth us, as a man doth fon that ferveth him. No tender- hearted mother, who may have law to kill her fucking child, would put in execution that law. 2dly, For your failings, even when ye have a fet tryft * with Chrift, and when ye have a fair, feen advantage, by keeping your appointment with Him, and falvation cometh to the very paffing of the feals, I would fay two things. — I. Concluded and fealed falva- tion may go through and be ended, fuppofe you write your name to the tail of the covenant with ink that can hardly be read. Neither think I ever any man's falvation palled the feals, but there was an odd trick or (lip, in lefs or more, upon the fool's part who is infefted in heaven. In the moft grave and ferious work of our falvation, I think Chrift had ever good caufe to laugh at our fillinefs, and to put us on His merits, that we might bear weight.f 2. It is a fweet law of the New Covenant, and a privilege of the new burgh, that citizens pay according to their means. For the New Covenant faith not, " So much obedience by ounce- weights, and no lefs, under the pain of damnation." Chrift taketh as poor men may give. Where there is a mean portion, He is content with the lefs, if there be fincerity ; broken fums, and little, fecklefs \ obedience will be pardoned, and hold the foot § with Him. Know ye not that our kindly Lord retaineth His good old heart yet ? He breaketh not a bruifed reed, nor quencheth the fmoking flax ; if the wind but blow, He holdeth His hand about it till it rife to a flame. The law cometh on with three O-yeffes, || " with all the heart, with all the foul, and with all the ftrength ;" and where would poor folks, like you and me, furnifh all thefe fums ? It feareth me (nay, it is mofl certain), that, if the payment were to come out of our purfe, when we fhould put our hand into our bag, we fhould bring out the wind, or worfe. But the New Covenant feeketh not heap-mete, % * Appointment to meet. f Stand the weighing. X Worthlefs. § Be allowed to go on with. || Proclamations intimating a demand: from the French, " Oyez," " Hear!" % Heaped or full meafure. r6370 LETTER CCXLIX. 153 nor ftented # obedience, as the condition of it ; becaufe forgivenefs hath always place. Hence I draw this conclufion : that to think matters betwixt Chrift and us go back for want of heaped meafure, is a piece of old Adam's pride, who would either be at legal pay- ment, or nothing. We would flill have God in our common, \ and buy His kindnefs with our merits. For beggarly pride is devil's honefty, and blufheth to be in Chrifl's common, \ and fcarce giveth God a grammercy4 and a lifted cap (except it be the Pharifee's unlucky, " God, I thank Thee "), or a bowed knee to Chriit. It will only give a " Good-day" for a " Good-day" again ; and if He diffemble His kindnefs, as it were in jefl, and feem to mifken § it, it in earneft fpurneth with the heels, and fnufFeth in the wind, and careth not much for Chrifl's kindnefs. " If He will not be friends, let Him go," faith pride. Beware of this thief, when Chrift offereth Himfelf. 3dly, No marvel, then, of whifperings, Whether you be in the covenant or not ? for pride maketh loofe work of the covenant of grace, and will not let Chrift be full bargain-maker. To fpeak to you particularly and fhortly : — I. All the truly regenerated cannot determinately tell you the meafure of their dejections ; becaufe Chrift beginneth young with many, and flealeth into their heart, ere they wit of themfelves, and becometh homely || with them, with little din or noife. I grant that many are blinded, in rejoicing in a good-cheap f converfion, that never cofl them a fick night. Chrifl's phyfic wrought in a dream upon them. But for that ; I would fay, if other marks be found that Chrift is indeed come in, never make plea** with him becaufe he will not anfwer, " Lord Jefus, how camefl Thou in? whether in at door or window?" Make Him welcome, fince He is come. " The wind bloweth where it lifleth ;" all the world's wit cannot perfectly render a reafon why the wind mould be a month in the eafl, fix weeks pollibly in the wefl, and * Fixed at a certain rate. f Under ohligation to us. % From the French, " Grand-merci," thanks. § Overlook. || Familiar. ^ That coft almoft nothing. ** Quarrel. 154 LETTER CCXLIX. [1637. the fpace of only an afternoon in the fouth or north. Ye will not find out all the nicks* and fleps of Chrift's way with a foul, do what ye can ; for fometimes He will come in ftepping foftly, like one walking befide a fleeping perfon, and flip to the door, and let none know He is there. 2. Ye object ; The truly regenerate fhould love God for Himfelf ; and ye fear that ye love Him more for His benefits (as incitements and motives to love Him) than for Himfelf. I anfwer ; To love God for Himfelf, as the lafl end, and alfo for His benefits as incitements and motives to love Him, may ftand well together ; as a fon loveth his mother, becaufe me is his mother, howbeit fhe be poor : and he loveth her for an apple alfo. I hope ye will not fay, that benefits are the only reafon and bottom of your love ; it feemeth there is a better foundation for it. Always, f if a hole be in it, few it up fhortly.J 3- Ye feel not fuch mourning in Chaff's abfence as ye would. I anfwer ; That the regenerate mourn at all times, and all in like meafure, for His abfence, I deny. There are different degrees of mourning, lefs or more, as they have lefs or more love to Him, and lefs or more fenfe of His abfence ; but, fome they muff have. Sometimes they mifs not the Lord, and then they cannot mourn ; howbeit, it is not long fo ; at leaft, it is not always fo. 4. Ye challenge yourfelf that fome truths find more credit with you than others. Ye do well ; for God is true in the leaft, as well as in the greateft, and He muff be fo to you. Ye muff not call Him true in the one page of the leaf, and falfe in the other ; for our Lord, in all His writings, never contradicted Him- felf yet. Although the beft of the regenerate have flipped here, always labour ye to hold your feet. 4thly, Comparing the ftate of one truly regenerate, whofe heart is a temple of the Holy Ghoft, and yours, which is full of unclean- nefs and corruption, ye ftand dumb and difcouraged, and dare not fometimes call Chrift heartfomely§ your own. I anfwer; I. The beft regenerate have their defilements, and, if I may fpeak fo, their * Degrees, marks. t Although. t Forthwith. § Cordially. 1637.] LETTER CCXLIX. 155 draff-poke,* that will clogf behind them all their days ; and, waih as they will, there will be filth in their bofom. But let not this put you from the well. I anfwer ; 2. Albeit there be fome ounce- weights of carnality, and fome fquint look, or eye in our neck to an idol, yet love in its own meafure may be found. For glory muft purify and perfect our love , it never will till then be abfolutely pure. Yet, if the idol reign, and have the whole of the heart, and the keys of the houfe, and Chrifl only be made an underling to run errands, all is not right ; therefore, examine well. 3. There is a twofold difcouragement : one of unbelief, to conclude (and make doubt of the conclufion) for a mote in your eye, and a by-look \ to an idol ; this is ill. There is another difcouragement of forrow for fin, when ye find a by-look to an idol ; this is good, and matter of thankfgiving. Therefore, examine here alfo. 5thly, The afTurance of Jefus's love, ye fay, would be the mod: comfortable news that ever ye heard. Anfwer ; That may flop twenty holes, and loofe many objections. That love hath telling in it, I trow. Oh that ye knew and felt it, as I have done ! I wifh you a fhare of my feafl: ; fweet, fweet hath it been to me. If my Lord had not given me this love, I mould have fallen through the caufeway of Aberdeen ere now ! But for you, hing § on ; your feaft is not far off ; ye fhall be filled ere ye go. There is as much in our Lord's pantry as will fatisfy all His bairns, and as much wine in His cellar as will quench all their thirft. Hunger on, for there is meat in hunger for Chrift. Never go from Him, but fafh || Him (who yet is pleafed with the importunity of hungry fouls) with a dim-full of hungry defires till He fill you ; and if He delay, yet come not ye away, albeit ye fhould fall afwoon at His feet. 6thly, Ye crave my mind, whether found comfort maybe found in prayer, when conviction of a known idol is prefent. I anfwer; * The bag which beggars ufed for holding all the refufe which might be given them. f Form an encumbrance. % Side-look. § Hang on. § Trouble by importunity. 156 LETTER CCXLIX. [1637. (ift), An idol, as an idol, cannot ftand with found comforts ; for that comfort that is gotten at Dagon's feet is a cheat or blaflume. # Yet found comfort, and conviction of an eye to an idol, may as well dwell together as tears and joy. But let this do you no ill ; I fpeak it for your encouragement, that ye may make the belt, of our joys ye can, albeit you find them mixed with motes. (2dly), Sole con- viction (if alone, without remorfe and grief) is not enough ; there- fore, lend it a tear if ye dowf win at it. ythly, Ye queftion j when ve win to more fervency fometimes with your neighbour in prayer, than when you are alone, whether hypocrify be in it or not ? I anfwer, if this be always, no queftion a fpice of hypocrify is in it, which mould be taken heed to. But poffibly defertion may be in private, and prefence in public, and then the cafe is clear. A fit of applaufe may occafion by accident a rub- bing of a cold heart, and fo heat and life may come ; but it is not the proper caufe of that heat. Hence God, of His free grace, will ride His errands upon our ftinking corruption. But corruption is but a mere occafion and accident ; as the playing on a pipe re- moved anger from the prophet, and made him fitter to prophefy.J 8thly, Ye complain of Chrift's fhort vifits, that He will not bear you company one night ; but when ye lie down warm at night, ve rife cold at morning. Anfwer ; I cannot blame you (nor any other that knoweth that fweet Gueft), to bemoan His withdrawings, and to be moft defirous of His abode and company ; for He would captivate and engage the affection of any creature that faw His face. Since He looked on me, and gave me a fight of His fair love, He gained my heart wholly, and got away with it. Well, well mav He brook § it ! He mail keep it long, ere I fetch it from Him. But I ifiall tell you what ye fhould do ; treat Him well, give Him the chair and the board-head, and make Him welcome to the mean portion ye have. A good fupper and kind entertainment maketh guefts love the inn the better. Yet fometimes Chrift hath an errand * Air-bubble, iham, illufion. t Are able to ^:et at it- % 2 Kings iii. § Enjoy. Head of the table. 1637.] LETTER CCXLIX. 157 elfewhere, for mere trial ; # and then, though ye give Him king's cheer, He will away ; as is clear in defertions for mere trial and not for fin. othly, Ye feek the difference betwixt the motions of the Spirit, in their leaft meafure, and the natural joys of your own heart. Anfwer ; As a man can tell if he joy and delight in his wife, as his wife ; or if he delight and joy in her for fa tisf action of his luft, but hating her perfon, and fo loving her for her flefh, and not grieving when ill befalleth her : fo will a man's joy in God, and his whorifh natural joy, be difcovered. If he be forry for anything that may offend the Lord, it will fpeak the finglenefs of his love to Him. 1 othly, Ye afk the reafon why fenfe overcometh faith. Anfwer ; Becaufe fenfe is more natural, and near of kin to our felfifh and foft nature. Ye afk, If faith, in that cafe, be found ? Anfwer ; If it be chafed away, it is neither found nor unfound, becaufe it is not faith. But it might be and was faith, before fenfe did blow out the act of believing. Laftly, Ye afk what to do, when promifes are borne-inf upon you, and fenfe of impenitency for fins of youth hindereth application. I anfwer, if it be living fenfe, it may ftand with application ; and in this cafe, put to your hand, \ and eat your meat in God's name. If falfe, fo that the fins of youth are not repented of, then, as faith and impenitency cannot ftand together, fo neither that fenfe and ap- plication can confift. Brother, excufe my brevity ; for time ftraiteneth me, that I get not my mind faid in thefe things, but muft refer that to a new occa- fion, if God offer it. Brother, pray for me. Grace be with you. Yours, in his deareft Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Merely for the purpofe of trying the foul, Chrift haftens away elfewhere. f Forcibly impreffed, and fuddenly. X Stretch your hand out, and take the food. 158 LETTER CCL. [1637. CCL. — To the Lady Largirie. [Let. 195.] {PART WITH ALL FOR CHRIST— NO UNMIXED JOT HERE.) DISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I hope ye know what conditions patted betwixt Chrift and you, at your firft meeting. Ye remember that He faid, your fummer days would have clouds, and your rofe a prickly thorn befide it. Chrift is unmixed in heaven, all fweetnefs and honey. Here we have Him with His thorny and rough crofs ; yet I know no tree that beareth fweeter fruit than ChriiVs crofs, except I would raife a lying report on it. It is your part to take Chriit, as He is to be had in this life. Sufferings are like a wood planted round about His houfe, over door and window. If we could hold faft our grips* of Him, the field were won. Yet a little while, and Chrift fhall triumph. Give Chrift His own fhort time to fpin out thefe two long threads of heaven and hell to all mankind, for certainly the thread will not break ; and when He hath accomplished His work in Mount Zion, and hath refined His filver, He will bring new velTels out of the furnace, and plenifhf His houfe, and take up His houfe % again. I counfel you to free yourfelf of clogging temptations, by over- coming fome, and contemning others, and watching over all. Abide true and loyal to Chrift, for few now are faft to Him. They give Chrift blank paper for a bond of fervice and attendance, now when Chrift hath moft ado. To wafte a little blood with Chrift, and to put our part of this drofly world in pawn over in His hand, as will- ing to quit it for Him, is the fafeft cabinet to keep the world in. But thofe who would take the world and all their flitting § on their back, and run away from Chrift, fhall fall by the way, and leave their burden behind them, and be taken captive themfelves. Well were my foul to have put all I have, life and foul, over into Chrift's hands. Let Him be forthcoming |j for all. * Firm hold. f Fill, furnifh. % Enter on houfekeeping. § Moveable goods. || Ready to come forward and anfwer. 1637.] LETTER CCLI. 150 If any afk how I do ? I anfwer, None can be but well that are in Chrift : and if I were not fo, my fufFerings had melted me away in afhes and fmoke. I thank my Lord, that He hath fome- thing in me that His fire cannot confume. Remember my love to your hufband ; and mow him from me, that I defire he may fet afide all things, and make fure work of folvation, that it be not a-feeking when the fand-glafs is run out, and time and eternity mail tryft* together. There is no errand fo weighty as this. Oh that he would take to heart ! Grace be with you. Yours, in Chrift Jefus his Lord, S. R, Aberdeen. CCLI. — To the Lady Dungueigh. [Lady DuNGEUCH, or Dungueich, was lifter to Marion M i Naught ; for her own name was Sarah M i Naught, and me is mentioned in the Regifters as " fecond heir to her father, John M i Naught of Kilquhannady" [or Kil- quhanatie (Let. 5)], " on 31ft March 1646, in the 3 merk lands of Dum- geuich, in Lanarkfhire." She married Samuel Lockhart, merchant burgefs in Edinburgh. There is the poor ruin of an old Dundeuch caftle on the roadfide ? near Earlfton ; but that is not the fame place, though refembling it in found. But the Gordons of Dengeuch (a branch of the Lochinvar family) were no doubt connected.] (JESUS OR THE WORLD—SCOTLAND'S TRIALS AND HOPES.) ISTRESS, — I long to hear from you, and how you go on with Chrift. I am fure that Chrift and you once met. I pray you to faften your grips. f There is hold- ing and drawing, and much fea-way to heaven, and we are often fea-fick ; but the voyage is fo needful, that we muff on any terms take fhipping with Chrift. I believe it is a good country which we * Meet. f Grafp. i6o LETTER CCLL L^37- are going to, and there is ill lodging in this fmoky houfe of the world, in which we are yet living. Oh, that we fhould love fmoke fo well, and clay that holdeth our feet fail ! It were our happinefs to follow after Chrift, and to anchor ourfelves upon the Rock in the upper fide of the vail. Chrift and Satan are now drawing to parties. And they are blind who fee not Scotland divided into two camps, and Chrift coming out with His white banner of love ; and He hangeth that over the heads of His foldiers. And the other captain, the Dragon, is coming out with a great black flag, and crieth, " The world, the world ! eafe, honour, and a whole flan, and a foft couch." And there lie they, and leave Chrift to fend* for Himfelf ! My counfel is, that ye come out and leave the multitude, and let Chrift have your company. Let them take clay and this prefent world, who love it. Chrift is a more worthy and noble portion : bleffed are thofe who get Him. It is good, ere the ftorm rife, to make ready all, and to be prepared to go to the camp with Chrift, feeing He will not keep the houfe, nor fit at the firefide with couchers.f A fhower for Chrift is little enough. Oh, I find all too little for Him ! Wo, wo, wo is me, that I have no propinej for my Lord Jefus. My love is fo fecklefs, § that it is a fhame to offer it to Him. Oh, if it were as broad as heaven, as deep as the fea, I would gladly beftow it upon Him ! I perfuade you, that God is wringing grapes of red wine for Scotland •, and that this land fhall drink, and fpue and fall. His enemies fhall drink the thick of it, and the grounds % of it. But Scotland's withered tree fhall bloffom again ; and Chrift fhall make a fecond marriage with her, and take home His wife out of the furnace. But, if our eyes fhall fee it, He knoweth who hath created time. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen*, 1637. * Shift for. t Cowards, according to Jamieson, in his Die!:. Is it not lazy ones, who love a " foft couch." % Gift. § Worthlefs. ■ The dregs. 1637.] LETTER CCLII. 161 CCLII. — To Jonet Macculloch. [See Let. 101.] {CARES TO BE CAST ON CHRIST— CHRIST A STEADY FRIEND.) S"|g||OYING SISTER,— Grace, mercy, and peace he to you. P%JS$J — Hold on your courfe, for, it may be, that I fhall not j»|£2s f° on ^ ee y ou - Venture through the thick of all things after Chrift, and lofe not your Mailer, Chrift, in the throng of this great market. Let Chrift know how heavy, and how many a ftone-weight you and your cares, burdens, crofles, and fins are. Let Him bear all. Make the heritage fure to yourfelf : get charters and writs pafled and through ; and put on arms for the battle, and keep you faft by Chrift. And then, let the wind blow out of what airth* it will, your foul mail not be blown into the fea. I find Chrift the moft fteadablef friend and companion in the world to me now. The need and ufefulnefs of Chrift are feen beft in trials. Oh, if He be not well worthy of His room ! Lodge Him in houfe and heart ; and ftir up your hufband to feek the Lord. I wonder that he hath never written to me : I do not for- get him. I taught you the whole counfel of God, and delivered it to you. It will be inquired for at your hands ; have it in readinefs againft the time that the Lord afk for it. Make you ready to meet the Lord ; and reft and deep in the love of that Faireft among the fons of men. Defire Chrift's beauty. Give out all your love to Him, and let none fall by. Learn in prayer to fpeak to Him. Help your mother's foul ; and defire her, from me, to feek the Lord and His falvation. It is not foon found : many mifs it. Grace be with you. Your loving paftor, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Quarter. t Ready to ftand in one's ftead, available. VOL. II. r 62 LETTER CCLIIL [1637. CCLIII. — To his Reverend and very dear Brother, Mr George Gillespie. (CHRIST THE TRUE GAIN.) Y VERY DEAR BROTHER,— I received yours. I am ftill with the Lord. His crofs hath done that which I thought impoffible once. Chriit keepeth tryft* in the fire and water with His own, and cometh ere our breath go out, and ere our blood grow cold. BlefTed are they whofe feet efcape the great golden net that is now fpread. It is happinefs to take the crabbed, rough, and poor fide of Chrift's world, which is a leafe of crofTes and lofTes for Him. For Chrift's incomes and cafualtiesf that follow Him are many; and it is not a little one that a good confcience may be had in following Him. This is true gain, and muft be laboured for and loved. Many give Chrift for a fhadow ; becaufe Chriit was rather befide their confcience, in a dead and reprobate light, than in their confcience. Let us be ballafted with grace, that we be not blown over, and that we ftagger not. Yet a little while, and Chriit and His redeemed ones mail fill the field, and come out victorious. Chrift's glory of triumphing in Scotland is yet in the bud, and in the birth ; but the birth cannot prove an abortion. He mall not faint nor be difcouraged, till He hath brought forth judgment unto victory. Let us ftill mind our Covenant ; and the very God of peace be with you. Your brother in Chrift, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 9, 1637. * Keeps appointments. t Emoluments beyond the ftated yearly payments by the vafial to his fuperior ; fo Let. 240. 1637.] LETTER CCL1V. 163 CCLIV. — To his Reverend and dear Brother, Mr Robert Blair. {PERSONAL UNWORTHINESS— GOD'S GRACE— PRATER FOR OTHERS.) EVEREND AND DEAR BROTHER,— The reafon ye give for not writing to me affect eth me much, and giveth me a dam, when fiich an one as ye conceive an opinion of me, or of anything in me. The truth is, when I come home to myfelf, oh, what penury do I find, and how fecklefs* is my fuppofed ftock, and how little have I ! He to whom I am as cryftal, and who feeth through me, and perceiveth the leafl mote that is in me, knoweth that I fpeak what I think and am convinced of: but men caft me through a grofs and wide fieve. My very dear brother, the room of the leaf! of all faints is too great for the like of me. But left this mould feem art to fetch home reputation, I fpeak no more of it. It is my worth to be Chrift's ranfomed finner and fick one. His relation to me is, that I am fick, and He is the Phyfician of whom I ftand in need. Alas ! how often play I faff and loofe with Chrift ! He bindeth, I loofe ; He buildeth, I caft down ; He trimmeth up a falvation for me, and I mar it ; I caft out withf Chrift, and He agreeth with me again, twenty times a-day ; I forfeit my kingdom and heritage, I lofe what I had ; but Chrift is at my back, and following on, to ftoop and take up what falleth from me. Were I in heaven, and had the crown on my head, if free-will were my tutor, I fhould lofe heaven. Seeing I lofe myfelf, what wonder I fhould let go, and lofe Jefus, my Lord? Oh, well to me for evermore, that I have cracked my credit with Chrift, and cannot by law at all borrow from Him, upon my feck- lefs and worthlefs bond and faith ! For my faith and reputation with Chrift is, that I am a creature that God will not put any truft into. I was, and am, bewildered with temptations, and wanted a * Worthlefs. f Quarrel with 1 64 LETTER CCLIV. [1637. guide to heaven. Oh what have I to fay of that excellent, fur- paffing, and fupereminent thing, they call, The grace of God, the way of free redemption in Chrift ! And when poor, poor I, dead in law, was fold, fettered, and imprifoned in justice's clofet-ward, which is hell and damnation ; when I, a wretched one, lighted upon noble Jefus, eternally kind Jefus, tender-hearted Jefus (nay, when He lighted upon me firlt, and knew me), I found that He fcorned to take a price, or anything like hire, of angels, or feraphim, or any of His creatures. And, therefore, I would praife Him for this, that the whole army of the redeemed ones fit rent-free in heaven. Our holding is better than blench : * we are all freeholders. And feeing that our eternal feu-duty f is but thanks, oh woful me ! that I have but fpilledj thanks, lame, and broken, and mifcarried praifes, to give Him. And fo my filver§ is not good and current with Chrift, were it not that free merits have ftamped it, and wafhen it and me both ! And for my filence I fee fomewhat better through it now. If my high and lofty One, my princely and royal Matter, (ay, " Hold, hold thy peace, I lay bonds on thee, thou mud fpeak none," I would fain be content, and let my fire be fmothered under allies, without light or flame ! I cannot help it. I take laws from my Lord, but I give none. As for your journey to F., 1 ! ye do well to follow it. The camp is Chrilt's ordinary bed. A carried bed is kindly f to the Beloved, down in this lower houfe. It may be (and who knoweth but) our Lord hath fome centurions, whom ve are fent to. Seeing your angry mother denieth you lodging and houfe-room with her, Chrilt's * Not a farthing to pay ; not even a quitrent, or piece of white money. t Yearly rent for a fief. J Spoilt. § Money ; ii filler" is the common term in Scotland for money in general. || This probably means France, as Mr Blair at this time refolved to go to that country as chaplain in Colonel Hepburn's regiment. He embarked at Leith, but owing to the exceffive wickednefs of fome of the men, he abandoned the enterprife, and returned to Edinburgh. See Rozvs Continuation of Blair s Life, pp. 151-153- •" Natural ; of a piece with other things. 1637.] LETTER CCLV. 165 call to unknown faces muft be your fecond wind, feeing ye cannot have a firft.* Oh that our Lord would water again with a new vifit this piece-withered and dry hill of our widow, Mount Zion. My dear brother, I fhall think it comfort, if ye fpeak my name to our Well-beloved. Wherever ye are, I am mindful of you. Oh that the Lord would yet make the light of the moon in Scotland as the light of the fun, and the light of the fun feven-fold brighter. For myfelf, as yet I have received no anfwer whither to go. I wait on. Oh that Jefus had my love ! Let matters frame as they lift, I have fome more to do with Chrift ; yet I would fain we were nearer. Now the great Shepherd of the fheep, the very God of peace, eftablifh and confirm you till the day of His coming. Yours, in his lovely and fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, Sept 9, 1637. S. R. CCLV. — To the Lady Carleton. [Let. 15.] (SUBMISSION TO GOD'S WILL— WONDERS IN THE LOVE OF CHRIST— NO DEBT TO THE WORLD.) ISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — My foul longeth once again to be amongft you, and to behold that beauty of the Lord, that I would fee in His houfe ; but I know not if He, in whofe hands are all our ways, feeth it expedient for His glory. I owe my Lord, I know, fub- miffion of the fpirit, fuppofe He would turn me into a ftone, or pillar of fait. Oh that I were he in whom my Lord could be glorified ! fuppofe my little heaven were forfeited, to buy glory to * In his " Chrijl Dying and Drawing," p. 534 (1727), he ufes the fame figurative language: " Compelled to arrive with a fecond wind, as a crofTed feaman— who mould have had the weft wind, but finds the eaft wind is blowing, and fo muft juft make the beft of this fecond wind." You cannot get the favour of your mother, the Church, which would have been a firft wind to you, according to your defire ; therefore, fail with this other wind, to wit, this call in Providence to vifit foreign lands. 1 66 LETTER CCLV. [1637. Him before men and angels j fuppofe my want of His prefence, and feparation from Chrift , were a pillar as high as ten heavens for Chrift's glory to ftand upon, above all the world. What am I to Him ? How little am I (though my feathers flood out as broad as the morning light) to fuch a high, to fuch a lofty, to fuch a never- enough-admired and glorious Lord ! My trials are heavy, becaufe of my fad Sabbaths ; but I know that they are lefs than my high provocations. I feek no more than that Chrift may be the gainer, and I the lofer ; that He may be raifed and heightened, and I cried down, and my worth made duft before His glory. Oh that Scot- land, all with one fhout, would cry up Chrift, and that His name were high in the land ! I find the very utmoft borders of Chrift's high excellency and deep fweetnefs, heaven and earth's wonder. Oh, what is He ? If I could but win in * to fee His inner fide ! Oh, I am run dry of loving, and wondering, and adoring of that greateft and moft admirable One ! Wo, wo is me, I have not half love for Him ! Alas, what can my drop do to His great fea ! What gain is it to Chrift, that I have caften my little fparkle into His great fire ! What can I give to Him ? Oh that I had love to fill a thoufand worlds, that I might empty my foul of it all upon Chrift ! I think I have juft reafon to quit my part of any hope or love that I have to this fcum (and the refufe of the drofs of God's workman (hip), this vain earth. I owe to this ftormy world (whofe kindnefs and heart to me have been made of iron, or a piece of wild fea-ifland that never a creature of God lodged in) not a look : I owe it no love, no hope ; and, therefore, oh, if my love were dead to it, and my foul dead to it ! What am I obliged to this houfe of my pilgrimage ? A ftraw for all that God hath made, to my foul's liking, except God, and that lovely One, Jefus Chrift ! Seeing I am not this world's debtor, I defire that I may be ftripped of all confidence in anything but my Lord, that He may be for me, and I for my only, only, only Lord ! that He may be the morning and evening tide, the top and the root of my joys, and the heart and Get in, in fpite of difficulty 1637.] LETTER CCLFL 167 flower and yolk of all my foul's delights ! Oh, let me never lodge any creature in my heart and confidence ! Let the houfe be for Him. I rejoice, that fad days cut off a piece of the leafe of my fhort life 5 and that my fhadow, even while I fuffer, weareth long, and my evening haiteneth on. I have caufe to love home with all my heart, and to take the opportunity of the day to haften to the end of my journey, before the night come on, wherein a man cannot lee to walk or work ; that once,* after my falls, I may at night fall in, weary and tired as I am, into Chrilt's bofom, and betwixt His breads. Our prifon cannot be our beft country. This world looketh not like heaven and the happinefs that our tired fouls would be at ; and, therefore, it were good to feek about for the wind, and hoift up our fails towards our New Jerufalem, for that is our Chrift. Remember a prifoner to Chrift. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his only Lord and Matter, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. , m CCLVI. — To William Rigge of Athernie. {THE LAW— GRACE— CHALKING OUT PROVIDENCES FOR OUR- SELVES— PRESCRIBING TO HIS LOVE.) UCH HONOURED AND WORTHY SIR,— Your letter, full of complaints, bemoaning your guiltinefs, hath humbled me. But give me leave to fay that ye feem to be too far upon the law's fide. Ye will not gain much to be the law's advocate. I thought ye had not been the law's but grace's man ; neverthelefs, I am fure that ye defire to take God's part againft yourfelf. Whatever your guiltinefs be, yet, when it falleth into the fea of God's mercy, it is but like a drop of blood fallen into the great ocean. There is nothing here to be done, but to let Chrilt's doom light on " the old man," and let him bear his condemnation, feeing in Chrift he was condemned ; for the law hath One time or other. [68 LETTER CCLVI. [1637. but power over your worft half. Let the blame, therefore, lie where the blame mould be ; and let the new man be fure to lay, "lam comely as the tents of Kedar, howbeit I be black and fun- burnt, by fitting neighbour befide a body of fin." I feek no more here than room for grace's defence, and Chrift's white throne, whereto a finner, condemned by the law, may appeal. But the ufe that I make of it is, I am lorry that I am not fo tender and thin-fkinned ;* though I am fure that Chrift. may find employment for His calling in me, if in any living, feeing, from my youth upward, I have been making up the blackeft procefs that any minifter in the world, or any other, can anfwer to. And, when I had done this, I painted a providence of my own, and wrote eafe for myfelf, and a peaceable miniftry, and the fun mining on me, till I mould be in at heaven's gates ; fuch green and raw thoughts had I of God ! I thought alfo of a deeping devil, that would pafs by the like of me, lying in jnuirs and outfields ;f fo I bigged the gowk's neft,f and dreamed of dying at eafe, and living in a fool's paradife. But fince I came hither, I am often fo as they would have much rhetoric that could perfuade me, that Chrift hath not written wrath on my dumb and filent Sab- baths j which is a perfecution of the lateft edition, being ufed againft none in this land, that I can learn of, befides me. And often I lie under a non-entry, § and would gladly fell all my joys to be con- firmed free tenant of the King Jefus, and to have fealed afTurances : but I fee often blank papers. And my greateft defires are thefe two : — I. That Chrift would take me in hand to cure me, and undertake for a fick man. I know that I mould not die under His hand. And yet in this, while I (till doubt, I believe through a cloud that forrow (which hath no eyes) hath but put a vail on Chrift's love. 2. It pleafeth Him often, fince I came hither, to come with fome fhort blinks 1 of His fweet love. And then, because I have none to help me to praife His love, and can do Him no fervice in my own perfon (as * The ufe I make of your letter is, it humbles me that I am not fo tender as you, and " thin-Jkinned^ £*., eafily made to feel. f Wafte places, covered with heath. % Built the cuckoo's neft. § The ftate of one who has not yet got inveftiture in the property. |j Glimpfes. 1637.] LETTER CCLV1L 169 I once thought I did in His temple), I die with wifhes and defires to take up houfe and dwell at the well-fide, and to have Him praifed and fet on high. But, alas ! what can the like of me do, to get a good name raifed upon my well-beloved Lord Jefus, fuppofe I could defire to be fufpended for ever of my part of heaven, for His glory ? I am fure, if I could get my will of Chrift's love, and could once be over head and ears in the believed, apprehended, and feen love of the Son of God, it were the fulfilling of the defires of the only happinefs I would be at. But the truth is, I hinder my communion with Him, becaufe of the want of both faith and repentance, and becaufe I will make an idol of Chrift's kiffes. I will neither lead nor drive, except I fee Chrift's love run in my channel ; and when I wait and look for Him the upper way, I fee His wifdom is pleafed to play .me a flip, and come the lower way. So that I have not the right art of guiding* Chrift ; for there is art and wifdom required in guiding of Chrift's love aright when we have gotten it. Oh, how far are His ways above mine ? Oh, how little of Him do I fee ! And when I am as dry as a burnt heath in a drouthyf fummer, and when my root is withered, howbeit I think then that I would drink a fea-full of Chrift's love, ere ever I would let the cup go from my head, yet I get nothing but delays, as if He would make hunger my daily food. I think myfelf alfo hungered of hunger. The rich Lord Jefus fatisfy a famifhed man. Grace be with you. Your own, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, Sept. 10, 1637. S. R. CCLVIL— To the Lady Craighall. [Let. 86.] (THE COMFORTS OF CHRIST'S CROSS— DESIRES FOR CHRIST.) ONOURABLE AND CHRISTIAN LADY,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I cannot but write to your Ladyfhip, of the fweet and glorious terms I am in Managing ; making ufe of. f Droughty, very dry. 170 LETTER CCLV1I. [1637. with the mofl joyful King that ever was, under this well-thriving and profperous crofs. It is my Lord's falvation, wrought by His own right hand, that the water doth not fuffocate the breath of hope, and joyful courage, in the Lord Jefus ; for His own perfon is flill in the camp with His poor foldier. I fee that the crofs is tied, with Chrifl's hand, to the end of an honefl profeffion. We are but fools to endeavour to loofe Chrifl's knot. When I confider the comforts of God, I durfl not confent to fell or wadfet* my fhort liferent of the crofs of the Lord Jefus. I know that Chrifl bought with His own blood a right to fanctiiied and blefTed croffes, in fo far as they blow me over the water to my long-defired home : and it were not good that Chrifl mould be the buyer and I the feller. I know that time and death mail take fufferings fairly off my hand. I hope we (hall have an honed parting at night, when this cold and frofly afternoon-tide of my evil and rough day mail be over. Well is my foul of either fweet or four, that Chrifl hath any part or por- tion in : if He be at the one end of it, it fhall be well with me. I fhall die ere I libel faults againfl Chrifl's crofs. It fhall have my teflimonial \ under my hand, as an honefl and faving mean of Chrifl for mortification and faith's growth. I have a flronger afTurance, fince I came over the Forth,J of the excellency of Jefus, than I had before. I am rather about Him than in Him, while I am abfent from Him in this houfe of clay. But I would be in heaven, for no other caule than to effay and try what boundlefs joy it mufl be to be over head and ears in my well-beloved Chrifl's love. Oh that fair One hath my heart for evermore ! But alas, it is over-little § for Him ! Oh, if it were better and more worthy for His fake ! Oh, if I might meet with Him, face to face, on this fide of eternity, and might have leave to plead with Him, that I am fo hungered and famifhed here with the niggardly portion of His love that He giveth me ! Oh that I might be carver and fleward myfelf, at mine own will, of Chrifl's love (if I may lawfully wifh this !) ; then would I enlarge * Mortgage, alienate. t Certificate in favour of. % He was banifhed to the north of the Firth of Forth. § Too little. 1637.] LETTER CCLVUL 171 my veflel (alas ! a narrow and ebb* foul), and take in a fea of His love. My hunger for it is hungry and lean, in believing that ever I fhall be fatisfied with that love : fo fain would I have what I know I cannot hold. O Lord Jefus, delighted: Thou, delightefl Thou, to pine and torment poor fouls with the want of Thy incomparable love ? Oh, if I durft call Thy difpenfation cruel ! I know that Thou Thyfelf art mercy, without either brim or bottom ; I know that Thou art a God bank-full f of mercy and love ; but, oh, alas ! little of it cometh my way. I die to look afar off to that love, becaufe I can get but little of it. But hope faith, " This Providence fhall ere long look more favourably upon poor bodies," and on me alio. Grace be with your Ladyfhip's fpirit. Your Ladyfhip's, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 10, 1637. CCLVIII. — To the Right Honourable my Lord Loudon. (THE WISDOM OF ADHERING TO CHRIST'S CAUSE.) IGHT HONOUR ABLE,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to your Lordfhip. — I rejoice exceedingly to hear that your Lordfhip hath a good mind to Chrift, and His now borne-down truth. My very dear Lord, go on, in the ftrength of the Lord, to carry your honours and worldly glory to the New Jerufalem. For this caufe your Lordfhip received thefe of the Lord. This is a fure way for the eftablifhment of your houfe, if ye be of thofe who are willing, in your place, to build Zion's old wafte places in Scotland. Your Lordfhip wanteth not God's and man's law both, now to come to the ftreets for Chrift. : and fuppofe the baftard laws of man were againfl you, it is an honeft and zeal- ous error, if here you flip againft a point or punctilio of ftanding * Shallow, as the tide at ebb. f Full to the top of the bank. 172 LETTER CCLVIIL [1637. policy. When your foot flippeth in fuch known ground, as is the royal prerogative of our high and moil: truly dread Sovereign (who hath many crowns on His head), and the liberties of His houfe, He will hold you up. Blefled mail they be who take Babel's little ones, and dafh their heads againft the ftones. I wifh your Lord- fhip may have a mare of that blefTing, with other worthy nobles in our land. It is true that it is now accounted wifdom for men to be partners in pulling up the ftakes, and loofing the cords, of the tent of Chrift. But I am perfuaded, that that wifdom is cried down in heaven, and mail never pafs for true wifdom with the Lord, whofe word crieth fhame upon wit againft Chrift and truth j and, accordingly, it mail prove fhame and confufion of face in the end. Our Lord hath given your Lordfhip light of a better ftamp,' and learning alfo, wherein ye are not behind the difputer and the fcribe. Oh what a blefTed thing is it, to fee nobility, learning, and fanclification, all concur in one ! For thefe ye owe yourfelf to Chrift and His kingdom. God hath be- wildered and bemifted* the wit and the learning of the fcribes and difputers of this time •, they look afquint to the Bible. This blinding and bemifting world blindfoldeth men's light, that they are afraid to fee ft raight out before them ; nay, their very light playeth the knave, or worfe, to truth. Your Lordfhip knoweth that, within a little while, policy againft truth fhall blufh, and the works of men fhall be burned up, even their fpider's-web, who fpin out many hundred ells and webs of indifference in the Lord's worfhip ; more than ever Mofes, who would havef a hoof material, and Daniel, who would have a look out at a window a matter of life and death, than ever, I fay, thefe men of God dreamed of. Alas ! that men dare to fhape, carve, cut, and clip our King's princely teftament in length and breadth, and in all dimenfions, anfwerable to the con- ception of fuch policy, as a head-of-witj thinketh a fafe and trim way of ferving God ! How have men forgotten the Lord, that they dare to go againft even that truth which once they preached * Enveloped in mill. f Would reckon. \ Wifeacre. 1 63 7.] LETTER CCLV1IL 173 themfelves, howbeit their iermons now be as thin fown as ftraw- berries in a wood or wildernefs ! Certainly the fweeteft and fafeft courfe is, for this fhort time of the afternoon of this old and declin- ing world, to ftand for Jefus. He hath faid it, and it is our part to believe it, that ere it be long, " Time mall be no more, and the heaven mall wax old, as a garment." Do we not fee it already an old holie* and thread-bare garment. Doth not cripple f and lame nature tell us, that the Lord will fold up the old garment, and lay it afide ; and that the heavens mail be folded together as a fcroll, and this peft-houfe fhall be burnt with fire, and that both plenifhing \ and walls fhall melt with fervent heat ? For at the Lord's coming, He will do with this earth, as men do with a leper-houfe •, He will burn the walls with fire, and the plenifhing of the houfe alfo.§ My very dear Lord, how will ye rejoice in that day, to have Chriit, angels, heaven, and your own confcience to fmile upon you ? I am perfuaded that one fick night, through the terrors of the Almighty, would make men, whofe confcience hath fuch a wide throat that an image like a cathedral church, would go down it, have other thoughts of Chriit and His worfhip, than now they pleafe themfelves with. The fcarcity of faith in the earth faith, " We are hard upon the laft nick || of time : " blefTed are thofe who keep their garments clean againft the Bridegroom's coming. There fhall be fpotted clothes, and many defiled garments, at His lafl coming ; and, therefore, few found worthy to walk with Him in white. I am perfuaded, my Lord, that this poor travailing Woman, our pained Church, is with child of victory, and fhall bring forth a Man- child all lovely and glorious, that fhall be caught up to God and to His throne, howbeit the dragon, in his followers, be attending the childbirth pain, as an Egyptian midwife, to receive the birth and ftrangle it. But they fhall be difappointed who thirft for the destruc- tion of Zion. " They fhall be as when a hungry man dreameth that he eateth, but, behold, he awaketh, and his foul is empty ; or * Full of holes. f Halting. % Pknijhing is furniture. § 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12. || Moment. 174 LETTER CCLVIIL [1637. when a thirfty man dreameth that he drinketh, but, behold, he awaketh, and is faint, and his foul is not fatisfied : fo mall it be," I fay, " with the multitude of all the nations that fight againft Mount Zion."* Therefore, the weak and feeble, thofe that are " as figns and wonders in Ifrael," have chofen the beft fide, even the fide that victory is upon. And I think this is no evil policy. Verily, for myfelf, I am fo well pleafed with Chrift, and His noble and honefl-borne crofs, this crofs that is come of Chrift's houfe and is of kin to Himfelf, that I mould weep if it mould come to nifferingf and bartering of lots and condition with thofe that are " at eafe in Zion." I hold ftill my choice, and blefs myfelf in it. I fee and I believe that there is falvation in this way, which is every- where fpoken againft. I hope to go to eternity, and to venture on the laft evil to the faints (even upon death), fully perfuaded that this only, even this, is the faving way for racked confciences, and for weary and laden finners to find eafe and peace for evermore in. And, indeed, it is not for any worldly refpect that I fpeak fo of it. The weather is not fo hot that I have great caufe to ftartlej in my prifon, or to boaft of that entertainment that my good friends, the prelates, intend for me (which is, banifhment), if they fhall obtain their defire, and effectuate what they defign. But let it come ; I rue not that I made Chrift my wale § and my choice ; I think Him aye the longer the better. My Lord, it fhall be good fervice to God, to hold your noble friend and chief || upon a good courfe for the truth of Chrift. Now the very God of peace eftablifh your Lordfhip in Chrift Jefus unto the end. Your Lordfhip's, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 10, 1637. * I fa. xxix. 8. t Exchanging. X Run about excitedly, as cattle do in hot weather. § Selection. || The Earl of Argyle. 637.] LETTER CCLIX. 175 CCLIX. — To Mr David Dickson. (DANGER OF WORLDLY EASE— PERSONAL OCCURRENCES.) EVEREND AND WELL-BELOVED BROTHER IN THE LORD,— I blefs the Lord, who hath fo wonder- fully flopped the ongoing of that lawlefs procefs againft you.* The Lord reigneth, and has a faving eye upon you and your miniftry ; and, therefore, fear not what men can do. I blefs the Lord, that the Irifh minifters find employment, and the profeflbrs comfort of their miniftry. Believe me, I durft not, as I am now difpofed, hold an honeft brother out of the pulpit. I truft that the Lord will guard you, and hide you in the fhadow of His hand. I am not pleafed with any that are againft you in that. I fee this, that, in profperity, men's confcience will not ftart at fmall fins ; but if fome had been where I have been fince I came from you, a little more would have caufed their eyes to water, and trouble their peace. Oh how ready are we to incline to the world's hand ! Our arguments, being well examined, are often drawn from our fkin ; the whole fkin, and a peaceable tabernacle, is a topic- maximf in great requeft, in our logic. I find a little brairding:); of God's feed in this town, for the which the doctors have told me their mind, that they cannot bear with it, and have examined and threatened the people that haunt my company. I fear I get not leave to winter here ; and whither I go I know not ; I am ready at the Lord's call. I would I could make acquaintance with Chrift's crofs, for I find comforts lie to, and fol- low upon, the crofs. I fufTer in my name, by them ; but I take it as a part of the crucifying of the old man. Let them cut the throat * This is probably an allufion to a threat of the Archbifhop of Glafgow, to profecute Dickfon for employing Blair, Livingftone, and Cunningham, after they had been filenced and ejected by the Irifh prelates. t A maxim for general ufe. J Sprouting above ground. iy6 LETTER CCLX. [1637. of my credit, and do as they like beft with it. When the wind of their calumnies hath blown away my good name from me, in the way to heaven, I know that Chrift will take my name out of the mire, and wafh it, and reftore it to me again. I would have a mind (if the Lord would be pleafed to give me it) to be a fool for Chrift's fake. Sometimes, while I have Chrift in my arms, I fall afleep in the fweetnefs of His prefence, and He, in my fleep, ftealeth away out of my arms ; and when I awake, I mifs Him. I am much comforted with my Lady Pitfligo, a good woman, and acquainted with God's ways. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, 8. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 11, 1637. CCLX.- — To Alexander Gordon of Earljlon. {ALL CROSSES WELL ORDERED— PROVIDENCES). UCH HONOURED SIR,— Howbeit I mould have been glad to have feen you ; yet, feeing that our Lord hath been pleafed to break the fnare of our adverfaries, I heartily blefs our Lord on your behalf. Our croftes for Chrift are not made of iron ; they are fofter and of more gentle metal. It is eafy for God to make a fool of the devil, the father of all fools. As for me, I but breathe out what my Lord breatheth in. The fcum and froth of my letters I father upon my own unbelieving heart. I know that your Lord hath fomething to do with you, becaufe Satan and malice have mot fore at you ; but your bow abideth in its ftrength. Ye mail not, by my advice, be a halver with Chrift, to divide the glory of your deliverance betwixt yourfelf and Him, or any other fecond mean whatfoever. Let Chrift (as it fetteth* Him * Becomes. 1637.] LETTER CCLX. 177 well) have all the glory and triumph His lone.* The Lord fet Himfelf on high in you. 1. I fee that Chrift. can borrow f a crofs for fome hours, and fet His fervants befide it, rather than under it, and win the plea too ; yea, and make glory to Himfelf, and fhame to His enemies, and comfort to His children out of it. But whether Chrift buy or bor- row croffes, He is King of croffes, and King of devils, and King over hell, and King over malice. When He was in the grave, He came out, and brought the keys with Him. He is Lord Jailor ; nay, what fay I ? He is Captain of the caftle, and He hath the keys of death and hell. And what are our troubles but little deaths ? and He who commandeth the great caftle commandeth the little alfo. 2. I fee that a hardened face, and two fkins upon our brows againft the winter hail and ftormy wind, is meeteft for a poor tra- veller, in a winter journey to heaven. Oh, what art is it to learn to endure hardnefs, and to learn to go barefooted either through the devil's fiery coals, or his frozen waters ! 3. I am perfuaded that a fea-venture with Chrift. maketh great riches : is not the fhip of our King Jefus coming home, and fhall not we get part of the gold ? Alas ! we fools mifcount our gain when we feem lofers. Believe me, I have no challenges J againft. this well-borne crofs : for it is come of Chrift.' s houfe, and is honour- able, and is his propine.§ " To you it is given to fuffer." — Oh, what fools are we, to undervalue His gifts, and to lightly || that which is true honour ! For if we could be faithful, our tackling fhall not loofe, or our maft break, or our fails blow into the fea. The baftard croffes, the kinlefs f and bafe-born croffes of worldings for evil-doing, muft be heavy and grievous ; but our afflictions are light and momentary. * Himfelf alone; unfupported. f In Rutherford's own cafe, the crofs was " bought," as it were ; made His fpan a life time. In Earlfton's cafe, Chrift only " borrowed it" for a fhort time, in order to mow how He could, if He pleafed, triumph by that very means. % Upbraidings. § Gift held out. || Treat lightly, (light. f That have no kindred. VOL. II. M 178 LETTER CCLX. [1637. 4. I think myfelf happy that I have loft credit with Chrift, and that in this bargain I am ChriiVs fworn dyvour,* to whom He will lippenf nothing, no, not one pin in the work of my falvation. Let me ftand in black and white in the dyvour-book,:j: before Chrift. I am happy that my falvation is concredited § to Chrift's mediation. Chrift oweth no faith to me, to lippen anything to me ; but oh what faith and credit I owe to Him ! Let my name fall, and let Chrift's name ftand in honour with men and angels. Alas ! I have no room to fpread out my affection before God's people ; and I fee not how I can ftiout out and cry out the lovelinefs, the high honour, and the glory of my faireft Lord Jefus. Oh that He would let me have a bed to lie on, to be delivered of my birth, that I might paint Him out in His beauty to men, as I dow. | 5. I wondered once at providence, and called white providence black and unjuft, that I fhould be fmothered in a town where no foul will take Chrift off my hand. But providence hath another luftref with God than with my bleared eyes. I proclaim myfelf a blind body, who knoweth not black and white, in the unco** courfe of God's providence. Suppofe that Chrift fhould fet hell where heaven is, and devils up in glory befide the elect angels (which yet cannot be), I would I had a heart to acquiefce in His way, without further difpute. I fee that infinite wifdom is the mother of His judgments, and that His ways pass finding out. 6. I cannot learn, but I defire to learn, to bring my thoughts, will, and lufts, in-underff Chrift's feet, that He may trample upon them. But, alas ! I am ftill upon Chrift's wrong fide. Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 12, 1637. * Admitted bankrupt. f Truft. % Bankrupt-roll. § Entrufted. || So far as I am able. * Shining ; appearance. ** Strange. ft Clofe under. I637-] LETTER CCLXL 179 CCLXI. — To the Lady Kilconquhair. [See Let. 226.] (THE KINGDOM TO BE TAKEN BY VIOLENCE.) jISTRESS, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I re- ceived your letter. I am heartily content, that ye love and own this opprefled and wronged caufe of Chrifl: ; and that now, when fo many have mifcarried, ye are in any meafure taken with the love of Jefus. Weary not, but come in and fee if there be not more in Chrifl: than the tongue of men and angels can exprefs. If ye feek a gate* to heaven, the way is in Him, or He is it. What ye want is treafured up in Jefus ; and He faith, all His are yours. Even His kingdom, He is content to divide it betwixt Him and you : yea, His throne and His glory.f And, therefore, take pains to climb up to that befieged houfe to Chrifl: ; for devils, men, and armies of temptations are lying about the houfe, to hold out all that are out, and it is taken with violence. It is not a fmooth and eafy way, neither will your weather be fair and pleafant ; but who- foever hath feen the invifible God and the fair city, make no reckon- ing of lofTes or crofTes. In ye mufl be, coft you what it will. Stand not for a price, and for all that ye have, to win the caflle. The rights to it are won to you, and it is difponedj to you in the teftament of your Lord Jefus) and fee what a fair legacy your dying Friend, Chrifl:, hath left you !), and there wanteth nothing but poffeffion. Then get up in the flrength of the Lord ; get over the water to pofTefs that good land. It is better than a land of olives and wine-trees ; for the Tree of Life, that beareth twelve manner of fruits every month, is there before you ; and a pure river of life, clear as cryftal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, is there. Your time is fhort ; therefore lofe no time. Gracious and faithful is He who hath called you to His kingdom and glory. The city is yours by free conqueft, § and by * Way, entrance. f Luke xxii. 29, 30; John xvii. 21 ; Rev. iii. 21. % Bequeathed. § Acquifition. 180 LETTER CCLXIL [1637. promife ; and, therefore, let no unco # lord-idol put you from your own. The devil hath cheated the flmple heir of his paradife, and, by enticing us to tafle of the forbidden fruit, hath, as it were, bought us out of our kindly f heritage. But our Lord Chrifl: Jefus hath done more than bought the devil by ; \ for He hath redeemed the wadfet,§ and made the poor heir free to the inheritance. If we knew the glory of our Elder Brother in heaven, we would long to be there to fee Him, and to get our fill of heaven. We children think the earth a fair garden ; but it is but God's outfield, || and wild, cold, barren ground. All things are fading that are here. It is our happinefs to make fure of Chrifl: to ourfelves. Thus remembering my love to your hufband, and wifhing to him what I write to you, I commit you to God's tender mercy. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept 13, 1637. CCLXIL— To Robert Lennox of Difdove. [See Let. 213.] {INCREASING EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST'S LOVE- SALVATION TO BE MADE SURE.) |ORTHY AND DEAR BROTHER,— I forget you not in my bonds. I know that you are looking to Chrifl: ; and I befeech you to follow your look. I can fay more of Chrifl: now by experience (though He be infinitely above and beyond all that can be faid of Him), than when I faw you. I am drowned over head and ears in His love. Sell, fell, fell all things for Chrifl:. If this whole world were the balk f of a balance, it would not be able to bear the weight of ChrhTs love ; men and angels have fhort arms to fathom it. Set your feet upon * Strange. f Heritage which our kin, or family, gives us right to. t Out. § Mortgage. || Wafte land. f Beam. 1637.] LETTER CCLXIL 181 this piece of blue* and bafe clay of an over-gilded and fair plaflered world. An hour's killing of Chrift's is worth a world of worlds. Sir, make fure work of your falvation : build not upon fand ; lay the foundation upon the rock of Zion. Strive to be dead to this world, and to your will and lufls ; let Chrifl have a command- ing power and a king's throne in you. Walk with Chrifl, howbeit the world mould take the hidef off your face : I promife you that Chrifl will win the field. Your paflors caufe you to err. Except you fee ChrifVs word, go not one foot with them. Countenance not the reading of that Romifh fervice-book. Keep your garments clean, as ye would walk with the Lamb clothed in white. The wrongs which I fuffer are upon record in heaven. Our great Mafler and Judge will be upon us all, and bring us before the fun in our blacks and whites : blefled are they who watch and keep themfelves in God's love. Learn to difcern the Bridegroom's tongue, and to give yourfelf to prayer and reading. Ye were often a hearer of me. I would put my heart's blood on the doctrine which I taught, as the only way to falvation : go not from it, my dear brother. What I write to you, I write to your wife alfo. Mind heaven and Chrift, and keep the fpunkf of the love of Chrifl which you have gotten. Chrifl will blow on it if ye entertain it ; and your end fhall be peace. There is a fire in our Zion, but our Lord is but feeking a new bride, refined and purified, out of the furnace. I allure you, howbeit we be nicknamed Puritans, that all the powers of the world fhall not prevail againfl us. Remember, though a finful man write it to you, that thofe people fhall be in Scotland as a green olive-tree, and a field blefTed of the Lord •, and that it fhall be proclaimed, " Up, up with Chrifl, and down, down with all contrary powers." Sir, pray for me (I name you to the Lord), for further evil is determined againfl me. * In the fame fenfe as in the phrafe, " To look blue ;" intimating diflatis- faction. t The fldn. % Spark. 182 LETTER CCLXIIL [1637. Remember my love to ChrifUan Murray and her daughter. I defire her, in the edge of her evening, to wait a little ; the King is coming, and He hath fomething that fhe never faw with Him. Heaven is no dream. " Come and fee" will teach her beft. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, Sept. 13, 1637. S. R. CCLXIIL— To Marion M'Naught. (HOPE IN TRIAL— PRAYER AND WATCHFULNESS.} EAREST IN OUR LORD JESUS,— Count it your honour, that Chrift hath begun at you to refine you firft. " Fear not," faith the Amen, the True and Faithful Witnefs. I write to you, as my Mafter liveth, upon the word of my royal King, continue in prayer and in watching, and your glorious deliverance is coming ! Chrifl is not far off. A fig, a flraw, for all the bits of clay that are rifen againft. us ! Ye (hall threfh the mountains, and fan them like chaff.* If ye flack your hands at your meetings, and your watching to prayer, then it would feem that our Rock hath fold us ; but be diligent, and be not dis- couraged. I charge you in Chrift, to rejoice, give thanks, believe, be ftrong in the Lord. That burning bufh in Galloway and Kirk- cudbright fhall not be burnt to afhes, for the Lord is in the bufh. Be not difcouraged that banifhment is to be procured, by the King's warrant to the Council, againft me : the earth is my Lord's. I am filled with His fweet love, and running over. I rejoice to hear that ye are on your journey. Such news as I hear, of all your faith and love, rejoice my fad heart. Pray for me, for they feek my hurt ; but I give myfelf to prayer. The blefling of my Lord, and the bleffing of a prifoner of Chrift be with you. O chofen and greatly beloved woman, faint not. Fy, fy ; if ye faint now, ye lofe a good caufe. Double your meet- * [fa. xli. 15, 16. 1637.] LETTER CCLX1V. 183 ings ; ceafe not for Zion's fake, and hold not your peace till He make Jerufalem a praife in the earth. Yours, in Chrift Jefus his Lord, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. CCLXIV. — To Thomas Corbet. [One of his Aniuoth pariJhiotiers7\ (GODLY COUNSELS— FOLLOWING CHRIST.) EAR FRIEND, — I forget you not. It will be my joy that ye follow after Chrift till ye find Him. My con- ference is a feaft of joy to me, that I fought in finglenefs of heart, for ChrifVs love, to put you upon the King's highway to our Bridegroom, and our Father's houfe. Thrice blefTed are ye, my dear brother, if ye hold the way. 1 believe that ye and Chrift once met ; I hope ye will not funder* with Him. Follow the counfel of the man of God, Mr William Dalgleifh. If ye depart from what I taught you in a hair-breadth, for fear or favour of men, or defire of eafe in this world, I take heaven and earth to witnefs that ill mail come upon you in the end. Build not your neft here. This world is a hard, ill-made bed 5 no reft is in it for your foul. Awake, awake, and make hafte to feek that Pearl, Chrift, that this world feeth not. Your night and your Matter Chrifl will be upon you within a clap ;f your hand-breadth of time will not bide you. Take Chrift, howbeit a ftorm follow Him. Howbeit this day be not yours and Chrift's, the morrow will be yours and His. I would not exchange the joy of my bonds and imprifonment for Chrift, with all the joy of this dirty and foul- fldnned world. I have a love-bed with Chrift, and am filled with His love. I defire your wife to do what I write to you. Let her remember how dear Chrht will be to her, when her breath turneth cold, and the eye-firings fhall break. Oh, how joyful mould my foul be, to know that I had brought on a marriage betwixt Chrift and that Part from. t All fuddenly. 1 84 LETTER CCLXV. [1637. people, few or many ! If it be not fo, I fhall be wo* to be a wit- nefs againft them. Ufe prayer : love not the world : be humble, and efteem little of yourfelf. Love your enemies, and pray for them. Make confcience of fpeaking truth, when none knoweth but God. I never eat, but I pray for you all. Pray for me. Ye and I mall fee one another up in our Father's houfe. I rejoice to hear that your eye is upon Chrift. Follow on, hing on,f and quit Him not. The Lord Jefus be with your fpirit. Your affectionate brother, in our Lord Jefus, Aberdeen, 1637. S. R. CCLXV.— To Mr George Dunbar. [George Dunbar was firft minifter of Ayr. Adhering with zeal to Prefbytery, he was fummoned before the High Commiflion Court in the be- ginning of the year 1622. On appearing, he gave in a paper declining its au- thority; but the Court pafTed fentence of deprivation upon him, and con- demned him to be confined within Dumfries. He was ejected from his charge a fecond time. When the mefienger of the Court came to his houfe on this laft occafion, either to fummon him or to intimate his fentence, a young daughter of his faid, " And Pharaoh's heart is ftill hardened!" while all that Dunbar faid was to bid his wife ii prepare her creels again ; " for, on the for- mer occafion, the children, being young, behoved to be carried away on horfe- back in creels. (Li'vingjlori s Characteri/iics.) He was for a long time prifoner at Blacknefs ; but at length, being banifhed by the Privy Council, he removed to Ireland. He firft preached at Carrickfergus, and was ultimately fettled at Larne, where he difcharged his miniftry with diligence and fuc- cefs. On being depofed by the Bifhop of Down, in 1634, for non-conformity, he came over to Scotland, and after the triumph of Prefbytery, in 1638, be- came minifter of one of the parifhes called Calder, in Lothian, where he died.] (CHRISTS LOVE IN AFFLICTION— THE SAINT'S SUPPORT AND FINAL VICTORY.) EVEREND AND DEARLY BELOVED IN THE LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Be- caufe your words have ftrengthened many, I was filent, * Grieved. t Hang on. 1637.] LETTER CCLXV. 185 expecting fome lines from you in my bonds ; and this is the caufe why I wrote not to you. But now I am forced to break off and fpeak. I never believed, till now, that there was fo much to be found in ChriH: on this fide of death and of heaven. Oh, the ravifh- ments of heavenly joy that may be had here, in the fmall gleanings of comforts that fall from Chrift ! What fools are we who know not, and confider not the weight and the telling that is in the very earneft-penny, and the firft-fruits of our hoped-for harvefl: ! How fweet, how fweet is our infeftment ! oh, what then muft perfonal pofTeffion be ! I find that my Lord Jefus hath not miscooked or fpilled* this fweet crofs , He hath an eye on the fire and the melt- ing gold, to feparate the metal and the drofs. Oh how much time would it take me to read my obligations to Jefus my Lord, who will neither have the faith of His own to be burnt to afhes, nor yet will have a poor believer in the fire to be half raw, like Ephraim's unturned cake ! This is the wifdom of Him who hath His fire in Zion, and furnace in Jerufalem. I need not either budf or flatter temptations and crofTes, nor flrive to buy the devil or this malicious world by, J or redeem their kindnefs with half a hair-breadth of truth. He who is furety for His fervant for good doth powerfully overrule all that. I fee my prifon hath neither lock nor door : I am free in my bonds, and my chains are made of rotten draw ; they fhall not bide one pull of faith. I am fure that there are thofe in hell who would exchange their torments with our crofTes, fup- pofe they mould never be delivered, and give twenty thoufand years' torment to boot, to be in our bonds for ever. And, therefore, we wrong Chriil who figh, and fear, and doubt, and defpond in them. Our fuflerings are wafhen in ChrhTs blood, as well as our fouls ; for ChrifVs merits brought a bleffing to the crofTes of the fons of God. And Jefus hath a back-bond § of all our temptations, that the free- warders || fhall come out by law and jufiice, in refpect of * Spoilt. t Bribe. % Off; buy them off. § A bond, promifing that the perfon who gave a former bond fhall not, in confequence, fuffer any lofs. II Prifoners who have a right to go free. 186 LETTER CCLXV. [1637. the infinite and great ium that the Redeemer paid. Our troubles owe us a free paffage through them. Devils, and men, and erodes, are our debtors, death and all florins are our debtors, to blow our poor toffed bark over the water fraught-free,* and to fet the travel- lers on their own known ground. Therefore we mail die, and yet live. We are over the water fome way already. We are married, and our tocher-good f is paid. We are already more than con- querors. If the devil and the world knew how the court with our Lord mail go, I am fure they would hire death to take us off their hand. Our fufFerings are only the wreck and ruin of the black kingdom ; and yet a little, and the Antichrifl: muft play himfelf with bones and flain bodies of the Lamb's followers ; but withal we ftand with the hundred forty and four thoufand, who are with the Lamb, upon the top of Mount Zion. Antichrifl: and his followers are down in the valley ground : we have the advantage of the hill ; our temptations are always beneath. Our waters are beneath our breath : "as dying, and behold we live." I never heard before of a living death, or a quick^: death, but ours : our death is not like the common death. Chriit's (kill, His handywork, and a new call: of Chriit's admirable art, may be feen in our quick death. I blefs the Lord, that all our troubles come through Chriit's fingers, and that He cafteth fugar among them, and cafteth in fome ounce-weights of heaven, and of the Spirit of glory that refteth on fufFering believers, into our cup, in which there is no tafte of hell. My dear brother, ye know all thefe better than I. I fend water to the fea, to fpeak of thefe things to you ; but it eafeth me to defire you to help me to pay my tribute of praife to Jefus. Oh what praifes I owe Him ! I would I were in my free heritage, that I might begin to pay my debts to Jefus. I entreat for your prayers and praifes. I forget not you. Your brother and fellow-fufFerer in and for Chrifr, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 17, 1637. * Free of fare. f Marriage-portion. t Alive. 637.] LETTER CCLXVI. 187 CCLXVL— To John Fleming, Bailie of Leith. (COMFORT ABOUNDING UNDER TRIALS.) ORTHY SIR, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — The Lord hath brought me fafe to this ftrange town. BleiTed be His holy name, I find His crofs eafy and light, and I hope that He will be with His poor fold Jofeph, who is feparated from his brethren. His comforts have abounded towards me, as if Chrift thought fhame (if I may fpeak fo) to be in the common* of fuch a poor man as I am, and would not have me lofe anything in His errands. My enemies have, befide \ their inten- tion, made me more blefled, and have put me in a fweeter poffeflion of Chriif than ever I had before ; only the memory of the fair days I had with my Well-beloved, amongft the flock intruded to me, keepeth me low, and foureth my unfeenj joy. But it muff be fo, and He is wife who tutoreth me in this way. For § that which my brethren have, and I want, and others of this world have, I am content ; my faith will frift || God my happinefs. No fon is offended that his father give him not hire twice a-year ; for he is to abide in the houfe, when the inheritance is to be divided. It is better that God's children live upon hope, than upon hire. Thus remembering my love to your worthy and kind wife, I blefs you and her, and all yours, in the Lord's name. Yours, in his only, only Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. ao, 1637. * Under obligation. f Without intending it. % 1 C° r « »• 9- § As for that which. || Wait God's time ; defer afking payment. 188 LETTER CCLXVIL [1637. CCLXVII. — To William Glendinning, Bailie of Kirkcudbright. (THE PAST AND THE FUTURE— PRESENT HAPPINESS.) [ORTHY SIR, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am well, honour be to God ! as well as a rejoicing prifoner of Chrift can be, hoping that one day He, for whom I now fufFer, will enlarge me, and put me above the threat- enings of men. I am fometimes fad, heavy, and caften down, at the memory of the fair days I had with Chrift in Anwoth, Kirkcudbright, &c. The remembrance of a feaft increafeth hunger in a hungry man. But who knoweth, but our Lord will yet cover a table in the wildernefs to His hungry bairns, and build the old wafle places in Scotland, and bring home Zion's captives ? I defire to fee no more glorious fight, till I fee the Lamb on His throne, than to fee Mount Zion all green with grafs, and the dew lying upon the tops of the grafs, and the crown put upon Chrift's head in Scotland again. And I believe it (hall be fo, and that Chrift will mow down His enemies, and fill the pits with their dead bodies. I find people here dry* and unco.f A man pointed at for fufFering dare not to be countenanced ; fo that I am like J to fit my lone upon the ground. But my Lord payeth me well home again; for I have neither tongue, nor pen, nor heart to exprefs the fweet- nefs and excellency of the love of Chrift. Chrift's honeycombs drop honey and floods of confolation upon my foul. My chains are gold : Chrift's crofs is all over-gilded and perfumed : His prifon is the garden and orchard of my delights. I would go through burning quick to my lovely Chrift. I fleep in His arms all the night, and my head betwixt His breafts. My Well-beloved is altogether lovely. This is all nothing to that which my foul hath Referved. f Strange. J Likely to be left alone. 1637.] LETTER CCLXVI1L 189 felt. Let no man, for my caufe, fcaur* at Chrift's crofs. If my ftipend, place, country, credit, had been an earldom, a kingdom, ten kingdoms, and a whole earth, all were too little for the crown and fceptre of my royal King. Mine enemies, mine enemies have made me bleiTed ! They have fent me to the Bridegroom's chamber. Love is His banner over me. I live a king's life ; I want nothing but heaven, and pofTeiTion of the crown. My earnefr. is great ; Chrifl is no niggard to me. Dear Brother, be for the Lord Jefus, and His heart-broken bride. I need not, I hope, remember my diftrefTed brother to your care. Remember my love to your wife. Let Chrifr. want nothing of us ; His garments (hall be rolled in the blood of the llain of Scotland. Grace, grace be with you. Pray for Chrift's prifoner. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 21, 1637. CCLXVIIL— To the Earl of Cassillis. [Let. 128.] {ANXIETY FOR THE PROSPERITY OF ZION— ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE NOBLES TO SUPPORT IT— THE VANITY OF THIS WORLD, AND THE FOLLY AND MISERY OF FORSAKING CHRIST— THE ONE WAY TO HEAVEN) Y VERY HONOURABLE AND NOBLE LORD — Grace, mercy, and peace be to your Lordfhip. — Pardon me to exprefs my earnefr. defire to your Lordfhip, for Zion's fake, for whom we mould not hold our peace. I know that your Lordfhip will take my pleading on this behalf in the better part, becaufe the neceflity of a falling and weak Church is urgent. I believe that your Lordfhip is one of Zion's friends, and that by obligation. For when the Lord fhall count and write up the people, * Boggle, take fright at. 190 LETTER CCLXVIIL [1637. it fhall be written, " This man was born there ," therefore, becaufe your Lordfhip is a born fon of the houfe, I hope your defire is, that the beauty and glory of the Lord may dwell in the midft of the city, whereof your Lordfhip is a fon. It muft be, without all doubt, the greateft honour of your place and houfe, to kifs the Son of God, and for His fake to be kind to His opprefTed and wronged Bride, who now, in the day of her defolation, beggeth help of you that are the fhields of the earth. I am fure many kings, princes, and nobles, in the day of Chrift's Second Coming, would be glad to run errands for Chrift, even barefooted, through fire and water. But in that day He will have none of their fervice. Now, He is afking if your Lordfhip will help Him againft the mighty of the earth, when men are fetting their moulders to Chrift's fair and beautiful tent in this land, to loofe its ftakes and to break it down. And certainly fuch as are not with Chrift are againft Him : and blefTed fhall your Lord- fhip be of the Lord, Hefted fhall your houfe and feed be, and blefted fhall your honour be, if ye empawn and lay in Chrift's hand the Earldom of Caflillis (and it is but a fhadow in comparifon of the city made without hands !), and lay it even at the ftake, rather than Chrift and borne-down truth want a witnefs of you, againft the apoftacy of this land. Ye hold your lands of Chrift -, your charters are under His feal ; and He who hath many crowns on His head, dealeth, cutteth, and carveth pieces of this clay-heritage to men, at His pleafure. It is little your Lordfhip hath to give Him ; He will not ileep long in your common,* but fhall furely pay home your loftes for His caufe. It is but our bleared eyes that look through a falfe glafs to this idol-god of clay, and think fomething of it. They who are paft with their laft fentence to heaven or hell, and have made their reckoning, and departed out of this fmoky inn, have now no other conceit of this world, but as a piece of beguiling well- luftred clay. And how faft doth time (like a flood in motion) carry your Lordfhip out of it ! And is not eternity coming with wings ? Court f goeth not in heaven as it doth here. Our Lord (who hath * Be under obligation. t Influence and favour. 637.] LETTER CCLXVIIL 191 all you, the nobles, lying in the fhell* of His balance) efteemeth you according as ye are the Bridegroom's friends or foes. Your honourable anceftors, with the hazard of their lives, brought Chrift to our land ;f and it mail be cruelty to the pofterity if ye lofe Him to them. One of our tribes, Levi's fons, the watchmen, are fallen from the Lord, and have fold their mother, and their father alfo, and the Lord's truth, for their new velvet-world and their fatin- church. If ye, the nobles, play Chrift a flip now, when His back is at the wall % (if I may fo fpeak), then may we fay that the Lord hath caften water upon Scotland's fmoking coal. But we hope better things of you. It is no wifdom (however it be the ftate-wifdom now in requeft) to be filent, when they are cafting lots for a better thing than Chrift's coat. All this land, and every man's part of the play for Chrift, and the tears of poor and friendlefs Zion (now going dool-like§ in fackcloth), are up in heaven before our Lord ; and there is no quefKon, but our King and Lord fhall be mafter of the fields at length. And we would all be glad to divide the fpoil with Chrift, and to ride in triumph with Him ; but oh how few will take a cold bed of ftraw in the camp with Him ! How fain would men have a well-thatched houfe above their heads, all the way to heaven ! And many now would go to heaven the land-way (for they love not to be fea-fick), riding up to Chrift upon foot-mantles, || and rattling coaches, and rubbing their velvet with the princes of the land, in the higheft feats. If this be the way Chrift called ftrait and narrow, I quit^[ all fkill of the way to falvation. Are they not now rouping ## Chrift and the Gofpel ? Have they not put our Lord Jefus to the market, and he who out- biddeth his fellow fhall get Him ? O my dear and noble Lord, go on (howbeit the wind be in your face) to back our princely Captain. Be courageous for Him. Fear not thofe who have no fubfcribed leafe of days. The worms mail eat kings. Let the Lord Jehovah * Scale. f It is ^^ hands/' in old editions. % In a depreffed ftate. § With forrowful afpect. || A garment for riding in. ^[ Renounce. ** Putting up to fale. 192 LETTER CCLXIX. [1637. be your fear, and then, as the Lord liveth, the victory is yours. It is true, many are ftriking up a new way to heaven ; but, my foul for theirs, if they find it, and if this be not the only way, whofe end is Chrift's Father's houfe. And my weak experience, fince the day I was firft in bonds, hath confirmed me in the truth and afTurance of this. Let doctors and learned men cry the contrary, I am perfuaded that this is the way. The bottom hath fallen out of both their wit and confcience at once ; their book hath beguiled them, for we have fallen upon the true Chrift.. I dare hazard, if I alone had ten fouls, my falvation upon this Stone that many now break their bones upon. Let them take this fat world. O, poor and hungry is their paradife ! Therefore let me entreat your Lordfhip, by your compearance* before Chrift, now while this piece of the afternoon of your day is before you (for ye know not when your fun will turn, and eternity mall benight you), let your worldly glory, honour, and might, be for our Lord Jefus. And to His rich grace, and tender mercy, and to the never-dying comforts of Hia gracious Spirit, I recommend your Lordfhip and noble houfe. Your Lordfhip's, at all obedience, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 9, 1637. CCLXIX. — To his Parijliiotiers at Anivoth. {EXHORTATION TO ABIDE IN THE TRUTH, IN PROSPECT OF CHRIST'S COMING— SCRIPTURAL MODE OF OBSERVING OR- DINANCES SUCH AS THE SABBATH, FAMILY PRATER, AND THE LORD'S SUPPER— JUDGMENTS ANTICIPATED.) EARLY BELOVED IN OUR LORD,— Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jefus Chrift, be multiplied upon you. * Appearance in obedience to legal fummons. 1637J LETTER CCLX1X. 193 I long exceedingly to hear of your on-going and advancement in your journey to the kingdom of God. My only joy, out of heaven, is to hear that the feed of God fown among you is growing and coming to a harveft. For I ceafed not, while I was among you, in feafon and out of feafon (according to the meafure of grace given unto me), to warn and ftir up your minds : and I am free from the blood of all men, for I have communicated to you the whole counfel of God. And I now again charge and warn you, in the great and dreadful name, and in the fovereign authority of the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and I befeech you alfo by the mercies of God, and by the bowels of Chriit, by your appearance before Chriit Jefus our Lord, by all the plagues that are written in God's book, by your part of the holy city, the New Jerufalem, that ye keep the truth of God, as I delivered it to you, before many witnefTes, in the fight of God and His holy angels. For now the lalt. days are come and coming, when many forfake Chrift Jefus ; and He faith to you, Will ye alfo leave Me ? Remember that I forewarned you to forbear the dishonouring of the Lord's bleffed name, in fwearing, blafpheming, curfing, and the profaning of the Lord's Sabbath ; willing you to give that day, from morning to night, to praying, praifing, hearing of the word, conferring, and fpeaking not your own words but God's words, thinking and meditating on God's nature, word, and work ; and that every day, at morning and at night (at leaft), ye mould fanctify the Lord by praying in your houfes, publicly in the hearing of all. That ye mould in any fort forbear the receiving of the Lord's Supper but after the form that I delivered it to you, according to the example of Chrift our Lord, that is, that ye mould fit as ban- quetters, at one table with our King, and eat, and drink, and divide the elements, one to another. (The timber and ftones of the church -wall mall bear witnefs, that my foul was refreshed with the comforts of God in that fupper !) And that croffing in baptifm was unlawful, and againft ChrifVs ordinance. And that no day befides the Sabbath (which is of His own appointment) mould be kept holy, and fanclified with preaching and the public worfhip of vol. 11. N 194 LETTER CCLXIX. [1637. God, for the memory of Chrift's birth, death, refur rettion, and afcenfion ; feeing fuch days fo obferved are unlawful, will-worfhip, and not warranted in Chrift's word. And that everything, in God's worfhip, not warranted by Chrift's Teftament and word, was unlaw- ful. Alfo, that Idolatry, worshipping of God before hallowed creatures, and adoring of Chrift by kneeling before bread and wine, was unlawful. And that ye fhould be humble, fober, modeft, for- bearing pride, envy, malice, wrath, hatred, contention, debate, lying, flandering, ftealing, and defrauding your neighbours in grafs, corn, or cattle, in buying or felling, borrowing or lending, taking or giving, in bargains or covenants ; that ye fhould work with your own hands, and be content with that which God hath given you. That ye fhould ftudy to know God and His will, and keep in mind the doctrine of the Catechifm, which I taught you carefully, and fpeak of it in your houfes, and in the fields, when ye lie down at night, and when ye rife in the morning ; and that ye fhould believe in the Son of God, and obey His commandments, and learn to make your accounts in time with your Judge, becaufe death and judgment are before you. And if ye have now penury and want of that word, which I delivered to you in abundance (yea to God's honour I fpeak it, without arrogating anything to myfelf, who am but a poor empty man, ye had as much of the word in nine years, while I was among you, as fome others have had in many), mourn for your lofs of time, and repent. My foul pitieth you, that ye mould fuck dry breafts, and be put to draw at dry wells. O that ye would efteem highly the Lamb of God, your well-beloved Chrift Jefus, whofe virtues and praifes I preached unto you with joy, and which He did countenance and accompany with fome power ; and that ye would call to mind the many fair days, and glorious feafts in our Lord's houfe-of-wine, that ye and I have had with Chrift Jefus ! But if there be any among you that take liberty to fin becaufe I am removed from amongft you, and forget that word of truth which ye heard, and turn the grace of God into wantonnefs, I here, under my hand, in the name of Chrift my Lord, write to fuch per- 1637O LETTER CCLXIX. 195 Tons all the plagues of God, and the curfes that ever I preached in the pulpit of Anwoth, againft the children of difobedience ! And, as the Lord liveth, the Lord Jefus fhall make good what I write unto you. Therefore, dearly beloved, fulfil my joy. Fear the great and dreadful name of the Lord. Seek God with me. Scotland's judg- ment fleepeth not : awake and repent. The fword of the Lord fhall go from the north to the fouth, from the eaft to the weft, and through all the corners of the land, and that fword fhall be drunk with your blood amongft the firft ; and I fhall ftand up as a witnefs againft you, if you do not amend your ways and your doings, and turn to the Lord with all your heart. I befeech you alfo, my beloved in the Lord, my joy, and my crown, be not offended at the fufFerings of me, the prifoner of Jefus Chrift. I am filled with joy and with the comforts of God. Upon my falvation, I know and am perfuaded it is for God's truth, and the honour of my King and royal Prince Jefus, I now fufFer. And howbeit this town be my prifon, yet Chrift. hath made it my palace, a garden of pleafures, a field and orchard of delights. I know likewife, albeit I be in bonds, that yet the word of God is not in bonds. My fpirit alfo is in free ward.* Sweet, fweet have His comforts been to my foul : my pen, tongue, and heart have not words to exprefs the kindnefs, love, and mercy of my Well-beloved to me, in this houfe of my pilgrimage. I charge you to fear and love Chrift., and to feek a houfe not made with hands, but your Father's houfe above. This laughing and white-fkinned world beguileth you ; and if ye feek it more than God, it fhall play you a flip, to the endlefs forrow of your heart. Alas ! I could not make many of you fall in love with Chrift, how- beit I endeavoured to fpeak much good of Him and to commend Him to you ; which as it was your fin, fo it is my forrow ! Yet, once again fufFer me to exhort, befeech, and obteff you in the Lord, to think of His love, and to be delighted with Him, who is altogether lovely. I give ye the word of a King, that ye fhall not repent it. * Is at liberty. 196 LETTER CCLXX. [1637. Ye are in my prayers night and day. I cannot forget you : I do not eat, I do not drink, but I pray for you all. I entreat you all and every one of you, to pray for me. Grace, grace be with you. Your lawful and loving paftor, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 23, 1637. SV wil t CCLXX.— To the Lady Busbie. [Let. 133.] (HIS EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST'S LOVE— STATE OF THE LAND AND CHURCH— CHRIST NOT DULY ESTEEMED— DESIRES AFTER HIM, AND FOR A REVIVAL.) ISTRESS, — Although not acquaint,* yet becaufe we are Father's children, I thought good to write unto you. Howbeit my firft difcourfe and communing with you of Chriit be in paper, yet I have caufe, fince I came hither, to have no paper thoughts of Him. For, in my fad days, He is become the flower of my joys -, and I but lie here living upon His love, but can- not get fo much of it as fain I would have ; not becaufe Chrift's love is lordly, and looketh too high, but becaufe I have a narrow veflel to receive His love, and I look too low. But I give, under my own hand- write, f to you a teftimonialf of Chrift and His crofs, that they are a fweet couple, and that Chrift hath never yet been fet in His own due chair of honour amongft us all. Oh, I know not where to fet Him ! Oh, for a high feat to that royal princely One ! Oh that my poor withered foul had once a running-over flood of that love to put fap into my dry root, and that that flood would fpring out to the tongue and pen, to utter great things, to the high and due commendation of fuch a fair One ! O holy, holy, holy One ! Alas, there are too many dumb tongues in the world, and dry hearts, feeing there is employment in Chriit for * Acquainted, perfonally known to each other. f Written with mine own hand. % Certificate in favour of. 1637.] LETTER CCLXX. i 97 them all, and ten thouland worlds of men and angels more, to fet on high and exalt the greateft Prince of the kings of the earth ! Woe is me that bits of living clay dare come out to rum hard-heads with Him ; * and that my unkind mother, this harlot-kirk, hath given her fweet half-marrow f fuch a meeting. For this land hath given up with Chrift, and the Lord is cutting Scotland in two halves, and fending the worft half, the harlot-fifter, over to Rome's brothel-houfe, to get her fill of Egypt's love. I would my fufFer- ings (nay, fuppofe I were burnt quick to allies) might buy an agreement betwixt His fairefl and fweeteft love, and His gaddyj lewd wife. Fain would I give Chrift His welcome-home to Scot- land again, if He would return. This is a black day, a day of clouds and darknefs ; for the roof-tree § of the fair temple of my Lord Jefus is fallen, and Chriil's back is towards Scotland. Oh, thrice blefled are they who would hold Chrift with their tears and prayers ! I know ye will help to deal with Him ; for He mall return again to this land. The next day mail be Chrift's, and there mail be a fair green young garden for Chrift in this land, and God's iummer-dew mail lie on it all the night, and we mail fing again our new marriage-fong to our Bridegroom, concerning His vineyard. But who knoweth whether we mail live and fee it ? I hear the Lord hath taken pains to afflicT: and drefs you, as a fruitful vine for Himfelf. Grow and be green, and call: out your branches, and bring forth fruit. Fat and green and fruitful may ye be, in the true and fappy root. Grace, grace, free grace be your portion. Remember my bonds with prayers and praifes. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Perhaps referring to Job xv. 26, though ibme have referred to a game wherein " Hard-heads " a fmall Scotch coin, was ufed. In his "Chrift Dying and Drawing," p. 178, he writes, " Is it wifdom to knock hard-heads with God ? " f Partner, married to her. X Jer. ii. 36. § The long beam running along the roof, on which the rafters lean. 198 LETTER CCLXXL [1637. CCLXXI. — To Earlston, Younger. (PROSPERITY UNDER THE CROSS— NEED OF SINCERITY, AND BEING FOUNDED ON CHRIST.) |UCH HONOURED SIR,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am well. Chrifl triumpheth in me, blefled be His name. I have all things. I burden no man. I fee that this earth and the fulnefs thereof is my Father's. Sweet, fweet is the crofs of my Lord. The bleffing of God upon the crofs of my Lord Jefus ! My enemies have contributed (befide* their defign) to make me bleffed. This is my palace, not my prifon ; efpecially, when my Lord fhineth and fmileth upon His poor afflicted and fold Jofeph, who is feparated from his brethren. But often He hideth Himfelf •, and there is a day of law, and a court of challenges f within me; I know not if fenced J in God's name. But, oh, my neglects ! oh, my unfeen guiltinefs ! I ima- gined that a fufferer for Chrift kept the keys of Chaff's treafure, and might take out his heart-full of comforts when he pleafed ; but I fee, a fufferer and a witnefs fhall be holden at the door, as well as another poor finner, and be glad to eat with the bairns, and to take the by-board. § This crofs hath let me fee that heaven is not at the next door, and that it is a caftle not foon taken. I fee, alfo, that it is neither pain nor art to play the hypocrite. We have all learned to fell ourfelves for double price ; and to make the people (who call ten twenty, and twenty an hundred) efteem us half gods, or men fallen out of the clouds. But, oh, fincerity, fincerity, if I knew what fincerity meaneth ! Sir, lay the foundation thus, and ye fhall not foon fhrink, nor be fhaken. Make tight work at the bottom, and your fhip fhall ride againft all ftorms, if withal your anchor be fattened on good * Apart from. f Accufations, upbraidings. $ Conftituted. § Side-table. 1637.] LETTER CCLXX1L 199 ground ; I mean within the vail. And verily I think this is all, to gain Chrift. . All other things are fhadows, dreams, fancies, and nothing. Sir, remember my love to your mother. I pray for mercy and grace to her ; I wifh. her on-going toward heaven. As I promifed to write, fo mew her that I want nothing in my Lord's fervice. Chrift. will not be in fuch a poor man's common # as mine. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 22, 1637. CCLXXIL— To John Gordon. [Let. 147.] {CHRIST ALL WORTHT—THIS WORLD A CLAY PRISON— DESIRE FOR A REVIVAL OF CHRIST'S CAUSE.) ORTHY AND DEAR BROTHER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I have been too long in writing to you, but multitude of letters taketh much time from me. I blefs His great name whom I ferve in the fpirit, that if it come to voting, amongft angels and men, how excellent and fweet Chrifl is, even in His reproaches and in His crofs, I cannot but vote with the firfl that all that is in Him, both crofs and crown, kifTes and glooms,f embracements, and frownings, and ftrokes, is fweet and glorious. God fend me no more happinefs in heaven, or out of heaven, than Chrift. ! for I find this world, when I have looked upon it on both fides, within and without, and when I have feen even the laughing and lovely fide of it, to be but a. fool's idol, a clay prifon. Lord, let it not be the nefr. that my hope buildeth in. I have now caufe to judge my part of this earth not worth a blafl of fmoke, or a mouthful of brown bread. I wifh that my hope may Debt ; obligation. f Frowns. 200 LETTER CCLXXII. [1637. take a running-leap, and flap over time's pleafure, fin's plaftering and gold-foil, this vain earth, and reft upon my Lord. Oh, how great is our night-darknefs in this wildernefs ! To have any conceit at all of this world is, as if a man fhould clofe his handful of water, and, holding his hand in the river, fay that all the water of the flood is his ; as if it were, indeed, all within the compafs of his hand. Who would not laugh at the thoughts of fuch a crack- brain ? Verily, they have but an handful of water, and are but like a child clafping his two hands about a night-fhadow, who idolize any created hope, but God. I now lightly,* and put the price of a dream, or fable, or black \ nothing, upon all things but God, and that defirable and love-worthy One, my Lord Jefus. Let all the world be nothing (for nothing was their feed and mother), and let God be all things. My very dear brother, know that ye are as near heaven as ye are far from yourfelf, and far from the love of a bewitching and whorifh world. For this world, in its gain and glory, is but the great and notable common whore, that all the fons of men have been in fancy and luft withal thefe 5000 years. The children that they have begotten with this uncouth and luftful lover are but vanity, dreams, gold imaginations, and night-thoughts. There is no good ground here, under the covering of heaven, for men and poor wearied fouls to let down their foot upon. Oh, He who is called God, that One whom they term Jefus Chrift, is worth the having indeed, even if I had given away all without, my eye-holes, my foul, and myfelf, for fweet Jefus my Lord ! Oh, let the claim be cancelled that the creatures have to me, — except that claim my Lord Jefus hath to me ! Oh that He would claim poor me, my (illy, light, and worthlefs foul ! Oh that He would purfue His claim to the utmolj: point, and not want me ! for it is my pain and remedilefs forrow to want Him. I lee nothing in this life but finks, and mires, and dreams, and beguiling ditches, and ill ground for us to build upon. * " To think lightly of." t Utter, entire. 1637O LETTER CCLXXIIL 201 I am fully perliiaded of ChrifVs victory in Scotland , but I fear that this land be not yet ripe and white * for mercy. Yet I dare be halver (upon my lalvation) with the lofles of the Church of Scot- land, that her foes, after noon, mail fing doolf and forrow for evermore, and that her joy mail once again be cried up, and her iky mall clear. But vengeance and burning mall be to her adver- iaries, and the finners of this land. Oh that we could be awakened to prayers and humiliation ! Then mould our fun mine like feven funs in the heaven ! then mould the temple of Chrift be builded upon the mountain-tops, and the land, from coaft to coaft, mould be filled with the glory of the Lord. Brother, your day-talk is wearing fhort ; your hour-glafs of this fpan-length and hand-breadth of life will quickly pafs ; and, there- fore, take order and courfe with matters betwixt you and Chrift, before it come to open pleading. There are no quarters to be had of Chrift, in open judgment. I know, that ye fee your thread wearing fhort, and that there are not many inches to the thread's end ; and, therefore, lofe not time. Remember me, His prifoner, that it would pleafe the Lord to bring me again amongft. you with abundance of the Gofpel. Grace, grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCLXXIIL— To William Rigge of Athernie. (COMFORT IN TRIALS FROM THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST'S POWER AND WORK— THAT WILL SOON BE OVER— CORRUP- TION— FREE GRACE.) ^ORTHY AND MUCH HONOURED SIR— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — How fad a prifoner mould I be, if I knew not that my Lord Jefus had the keys of * John iv. 2*5' t Grief. 202 LETTER CCLXXIIL [1637. the prifon Himfelf, and that His death and blood have bought a blefling to our crolTes, as well as to ourfelves ! I am fure that troubles have no prevailing right over us, if they be* but our Lord's ferjeants to keep us in His ward, while we are on this fide of heaven. I am perfuaded, alfo, that they mail not go over the bound-road, f nor enter into heaven with us. For they find no welcome there, where " there is no more death, neither forrow, nor crying, neither any more pain ; " and, therefore, we mail leave them behind us. Oh, if I could get as good a gate J of fin, even this woful and wretched body of fin, as I get of Chrift's crofs ! Nay, indeed, I think the crofs beareth both me and itfelf, rather than I it, in com- parifon of the tyranny of the lawlefs flefh, and § wicked neighbour, that dwelleth befide Chrift's new creature. But, oh ! this is that which preffeth me down, and paineth me. Jefus Chrifl in His faints fitteth neighbour with an ill fecond, corruption, deadnefs, coldnefs, pride, luit, worldlinefs, felf-love, fecurity, falfehood, and a world of more the like, which I find in me, that are daily doing violence to the new man. Oh, but we have caufe to carry low fails, and to cleave faff, to free grace, free, free grace ! BlefTed be our Lord that ever that way was found out. If my one foot were in heaven and my foul half in, if free-will and corruption were abfolute lords of me, I fhould never win wholly in. Oh, but the fweet, new, and living way, that Chrifl hath ftruck up to our home, is a fafe way ! I find now, prefence and accefs a greater dainty than before j but yet the Bridegroom looketh through the lattice, and through the hole of the door. Oh, if He and I were on fair dry land together, on the other fide of the water ! Grace be with you. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Sept. 30, 1637. * Provided they be ; or, oh that they were ! f Boundary-line. % Way of dealing with fin. § The flefh, that has no law, and is a wicked neighbour. [637.] LETTER CCLXXIV. 203 CCLXXIV.— To James Murray. [This may be the James Murray of whom Livingftone, in his " Charae- teriftics," writes, " An Israelite indeed, in whom was no guile." He was a writer in Edinburgh ; hence, perhaps, the expectation of news, as to what Government was doing, in the clofe of the letter.] (THE CHRISTIAN LIFE A MYSTERY TO THE WORLD— CHRIST'S KINDNESS.) EAR BROTHER,— I received your letter. I am in good health of body, but far better in my foul. I find my Lord no worfe than His word. "I will be with him in trouble," is made good to me now. He heareth the fighing of the prifoner. Brother, I am comforted in my royal Prince and King. The world knoweth not our life ; it is a myftery to them. We have the funny fide of the world, and our paradife is far above theirs ; yea, our weeping is above their laughing, which is but like the crackling of thorns under a pot. And, therefore, we have good caufe to fight it out, for the day of our laureation* is approach- ing. I find my prifon the fweeteft place that ever I was in. My Lord Jefus is kind to me, and hath taken the mafic ofTHis face, and is content to quit me all bygones.f I dare not complain of Him. And for my filence, I lay it before Chrift : I hope it will be a fpeaking filence. He who knoweth what I would, knoweth that my foul defireth no more than that King Jefus may be great in the north of Scotland, in the fouth, and in the eaft and weft, through my fufFerings for the freedom of my Lord's houfe and kingdom. If I could keep good quarters, in time to come, with Chrift, I would fear nothing. But, oh, oh, I complain of my woful outbreakings ! I tremble at the remembrance of a new outcaft \ betwixt Him and me •, and I have caufe, when I confider what ficknefs and fad days * The act of conferring academic degrees was called i ' Laureation." f Matters paft. $ Quarrel. 2G4 LETTER CCLXXV. [1637. I have had for His abfence who is now come ! I find that Chrift dow # not be long unkind : our Jofeph's bowels yearn within Him ; he cannot fmother love long ; it mull break out at length. Praife, praife with me, brother, and defire my acquaintance to help me. I dare not conceal His love to my foul. I wiih you all a part of my feaft, that my Lord Jefus may be honoured. I allow you not to hide Chrift's bounty to me, when ye meet with fuch as know Chrift. Ye write nothing to me. What are the cruel mercies of the prelates toward me ? The minifters of this town, as I hear, intend that I mail be more ftriclily confined, or elfe tranfported, becaufe they find fome people affect me.f Grace be with you. Yours, in the fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, Nov. 21, 1637. CCLXXV. — To Mr John Fergushill. [Let. 112.] (SPIRITUAL LONGINGS UNDER CHRIST'S CROSS— HOW TO BEAR IT— CHRIST PRECIOUS, AND TO BE HAD WITHOUT MONEY— THE CHURCH.) JlEVEREND AND WELL-BELOVED IN OUR LORD JESUS, — I mult ftill provoke you to write by my lines. Whereat ye need not wonder, for the crofs is full of talk, and fpeak it muft, either good or bad : neither can grief be filent. I have no dittayj nor indictment to bring againft Chrift's crofs, feeing He hath made a friendly agreement betwixt me and it, and we are in terms of love together. If my former mifcarriages, and my now filent Sabbaths, feem to me to fpeak wrath from the Lord, I dare fay it is but Satan borrowing the ufe and loan of my cowardly * Is not able. t Love. % Explained by the next word. 1637.] LETTER CCLXXV. 205 and feeble apprehenfions, which ftart at flraws. I know that faith is not lb faint and foolifh as to tremble at every falfe alarm. Yet I gather this out of it ; Blefled are they who are graced of God to guide* a crofs well, and, that there is fome art required therein. I pray God that I may not be fo ill friendflead, f as that Chrifl my Lord mould leave me to be my own tutor, and my own phyfician. Shall I not think that my Lord Jefus, who deferveth His own place very well, will take His own place upon Him as it becometh Him, and that He will fill His own chair ? For in this is His office, to comfort us, and thofe that are caften down, in all their tribulations.^ Alas ! I know that I am a fool to feek a hole or defect in Ch rift's way with my foul. If I have not a flock to prefent to Chrifl at His appearance, yet I pray God that I may be able, with joy and faith and conflancy, to mew the Captain of my falvation, in that day, a bloody head§ which I received in His fervice. Howbeit my faith hang by a fmall tack || and thread, I hope that the tack mall not break ; and, howbeit my Lord get no fervice of me but broken wifhes, yet I truft that thofe will be accepted upon Chrifl's account. I have nothing to comfort me, but that I fay, " Oh ! will the Lord difappoint an hungry on- waiter ?" The fmell of Chrifl's wine and apples (which furpafs the uptaking of dull fenfe) bloweth upon my foul, and I get no more for the meantime. I am fure, that to let a famifhing body fee meat and give him none of it, is a double pain. Our Lord's love is not fo cruel as to let a poor man fee Chrifl and heaven, and never give him more, for want of money to buy : nay, I rather think Chrifl to be fuch fair market wares, as buyers may have without money and without price. And thus I know that it fhall not fland upon my want of money ; for Chrifl upon His own charges mufl buy my wedding-garment, and redeem the inheritance which I have forfeited, and give His word for one the like of me, who am not law-biding ^f of myfelf. Poor folks mufl either borrow or beg from the rich j and the only thing that commendeth finners to Chrifl * Get grace to manage well. f Befriended. % 2 Cor. i. 4. § A wound. || Stitch; or, hold, tie. % Able to Hand at law, and anfwer charges. 206 LETTER CCLXXV. [1637. is extreme neceffity and want. Chrift's love is ready to make and provide a ranfom, and money for a poor body who hath loft his purfe. " Ho, ye that have no money, come and buy,"* that is the poor man's market. Now, brother, I fee that old crofTes would have done nothing to me ; and, therefore, Chrlft hath taken a new, frefh rod to me, that feemeth to talk with my foulf and make me tremble. I have often more ado now with faith, when I lofe my compafs and am blown on a rock, than thofe who are my beholders, ftanding upon the fhore, are aware of. A counfel to a fick man is fooner given than taken. Lord, fend the wearied man a borrowed bed from Chrift ! I think often that it is after fupper with me, and I am heavy. Oh, but I would deep foundly with Chrift's left hand under my head, and His right hand embracing me. The devil could not fpill that bed. When I confider how tenderly Chrift hath cared for me in this prifon, I think that He hath handled me as the bairn that is pitied and bemoaned. I defire no more till I be in heaven, but fuch a feaft and fill of Chrift's love as I would have ; this love would be fair and adorning pafTmentsJ which would beautify and fet forth my black, unpleafant crofs. I cannot tell, my dear brother, what a great load I would bear, if I had a hearty fill of the love of that lovely One, Chrift Jefus. Oh, if ye would feek and pray for that to me ! I would give Chrift all His love-ftyles and titles of honour, if He would give me but this ; nay, I would fell myfelf, if I could, for that love. I have been waiting to fee what friends of place and power would do for us. But when the Lord loofeneth the pins of His own tabernacle, He will have Himfelf to be acknowledged as the only builder-up thereof; and, therefore, I would take back again my hope that I lent and laid in pawn in men's hands, and give it wholly to Chrift. It is no time for me now to fet up idols of my own. It were a pity to give an ounce-weight of hope to any befides * Ifa. lv. 1. f See the firft paragraph in this letter. % Stripes of lace, fewed on as ornaments. 1637.] LETTER CCLXXV. 207 Chrift. I think Him well worthy of all my hope, though it were as weighty as both heaven and earth. Happy were I if I had any- thing that Chrift. would feek or accept of ; but now, alas ! I fee not what fervice I can do to Him, except it be to talk a little, and babble upon a piece of paper, concerning the love of Chrift. I am often as if my faith were wadfet,* fo that I cannot command it ; and then, when He hideth Himfelf, I run to the other extreme, in making each wing and toe of my cafe as big as a mountain of iron ; and then misbelief can fpin out an hell of heavy and defponding thoughts. Then Chrift. feeketh law-borrows f of my unbelieving apprehenfions, and chargeth me to believe His daylight at midnight. But I make pleas % with Chrift, though it be ill my common § fo to do. It were my happinefs, when I am in this houfe-of-wine and when I find a feaft-day, if I could " hearken, and hear for the time to come." || But I fee that we mull: be off our feet in wading a deep water ; and then ChrifVs love findeth timeous % employment, at fuch a dead-lift as that ; and, befides, after broken brows, bairns learn to walk more circumfpeclly. If I come to heaven any way, howbeit like a tired traveller upon my Guide's moulder, it is good enough for thofe who have no legs of their own for fuch a journey. I never thought there had been need of fo much wreftling to win to the top of that fteep mountain, as now I find. Wo is me for this broken and backfliding Church ! It is like an old bowing wall, leaning to the one fide, and there are none of all her fons who will fet a prop under her. I know that I need not bemoan Chrift. ; for He careth for His own honour more than I can do; but who can blame me to be wo** (if I had grace fo to be) to fee my Well-beloved's fair face fpitted upon, and His own crown plucked off His head, and the ark of God taken and carried in the Philiftines' cart, and the kine put to carry it, which will let it fall to * Pledged, alienated. f Security given at law not to injure the perfon. J Quarrels. § 111 becomes me, on account of my obligation to Him. || I fa. xlii. 23. 1" Seafonable. ** Grieved. 208 LETTER CCLXXVI. [1637. the ground ? The Lord put to # His own helping hand ! I would defire you to prepare yourfelf for a fight with beafts : \ ye will not get leave to fteal quietly to heaven, in Chrift's company, without a conflict and a crofs. Remember my bonds ; and praife my Second, and Fellow- prifoner, Chrift. Grace be with you. Yours, in Chrift. Jefus his Lord, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCLXXVI. — To William Glendinning. [Let. 137.] (SWEETNESS OF TRIAL— SWIFTNESS OF TIME— PREVALENCE OF SIN.) EAR BROTHER, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Your cafe is unknown to me, whether ye be yet our Lord's prifoner at Wigtown, or not. However it be, I know that our Lord Jefus hath been inquiring for you ; and that He hath honoured you to bear His chains, which is the golden end of His crofs ; and fo hath waled J out a chofen and honourable crofs for you. I wifh you much joy and comfort of it -, for I have nothing to fay of ChriiVs crofs but much good. I hope that my ill word fhall never meet either Chrift or His fweet and eafy crofs. I know that He feeketh of us an outcaft § with this houfe of clay, this mother prifon, this earth, that we love full well. And verily, when Chrift fnuffeth my candle, and caufeth my light to fhine upward, it is one of my greateft wonders, that dirt and clay hath fo much court || with a foul not made of clay ; and that our foul goeth out of * Put forth. t 1 Cor. xv. 32. { Selected. § Quarrel. " After a fore outcaJl y there is greater love betwixt Chrift and His people than before," are his words in a fermon preached in 1630, at Anwoth, on Zech. xiii. 7. II Influence. 1637.] LETTER CCLXXVL 209 kind* fo far as to make an idol of this earth, fuch a deformed har- lot, as that it mould wrong Chriit of our love. How faft, how fait doth our fhip fail ! and how fair a wind hath time, to blow us off thefe coafts and this land of dying and perifhing things ! Alas ! \ our fhip faileth one way, and fleeth many miles in one hour, to haften us upon eternity, and our love and hearts are failing clofe backoverj and fwimming towards eafe, lawlefs pleafure, vain honour, perifhing riches ; and to build a fool's neft I know not where, and to lay our eggs within the fea-mark, and fatten our bits of broken anchors upon the worft ground in the world, this fleeting and perifliing life ! And in the meanwhile, time and tide carry us upon another life, and there is daily lefs and lefs oil in our lamps, and lefs and lefs fand in our watch-glafs.§ Oh what a wife courfe were it for us to look away from the falfe beauty of our bor- rowed prifon, and to mind, and eye, and luft|| for our country! Lord, Lord, take us home! And for myfelf : I think, if a poor, weak, dying fheep feek for an old dyke, and the lee- fide of an hill, in a ftorm, I have caufe to long for a covert from this ftorm, in heaven. I know none will take my room over my head there. But, certainly fleepy bodies would be at reft and a well-made bed, and an old crazed bark at a fhore, and a wearied traveller at home, and a breathlefs horfe at the rink's % end. I fee nothing in this life but fin, and the four fruits of fin : and, oh, what a burden is fin ! And what a flavery and miferable bondage is it, to be at the nod, and yeas and nays, of fuch a lord-mafter as a body of fin ! Truly, when I think of it, it is a wonder that Chrift maketh not fire and afhes of fuch a dry branch as I am. I would often lie down under Chrift's feet, and bid Him trample upon me, when I confider my guiltinefs. But feeing He hath fworn that fin ftiall not loofe His unchangeable covenant, I keep houfe-room amongft the reft of the ill-learned ## * Contrary to her nature. f " And," in old editions, is inferted before " Alas !" X Backward, in the other direction. § Hour-glafs. || Look and defire. % End of the race-courfe. ** Ill-taught children. VOL. II. O 2io LETTER CCLXXVIL [1637. bairns, and mull: cumber the Lord of the houfe with the reft, till my Lord take the fetters off legs and arms, and deftroy this body of fin, and make a hole or breach in this cage of earth, that the bird may fly out, and the imprifoned foul be at liberty. In the meantime, the leaft intimation of Chrift's love is fweet, and the hope of marriage with the Bridegroom holdeth me in fome joyful on-waiting, that, when Chrift's fummer-birds fhall fing upon the branches of the Tree of Life, I fhall be tuned by God Himfelf to help them to fing the home-coming of our Well-beloved and His bride to their houfe together. When I think of this, I think winters and fummers, and years and days, and time, do me a pleafure that they ftiorten this untwifted and weak thread of my life, and that they put fin and miferies by-hand, * and that they fhall carry me to my Bridegroom in a clap. Dear brother, pray for me, that it would pleafe the Lord of the vineyard to give me room to preach His righteoufnefs again to the great congregation. Grace, grace be with you. Remember me to your wife. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCLXXVIL— To my Lady Boyd. (SENSE OF UNWORTHINESS— OBLIGATION TO GRACE— CHRIST'S ABSENCE— STATE OF THE LAND.) ADAM, — I would have written to your Ladyfhip ere now, but people's believing there is in me that which I know there is not, hath put me out of love with writing to any. For it is eafy to put religion to a market and public fair ; but, alas ! it is not fo foon made eye-fweetf for Chrift. My Lord feeth me a tired man, far behind. I have gotten much love from Chrift, but I give Him little or none again. My white * A fide. f Pleafant to. the eve. 1637.] LETTER CCLXXVIL 211 fide cometh out on paper to men ; but at home and within I find much black work, and great caufe of a low fail, and of little boaft- ing. And yet, howbeit I fee challenges* to be true, the manner of the tempter's prelTing of them is unhoneft, and, in my thoughts, knavifh-like. My peace is, that Chrift may find outing \ and fale of His wares, in the like of me ; I mean for faving grace. I wifh all profeiTors to fall in love with grace. All our longs fhould be of His free grace. We are but too lazy and carelefs in feeking of it ; it is all our riches we have here, and glory in the bud. I wifh that I could fet out free grace. I was the law's man, and under the law, and under a curfe ; but grace brought me from under that hard lord, and I rejoice that I am grace's freeholder. I pay tribute to none for heaven, feeing my land and heritage holdeth of Chrift, my new King. Infinite wifdom hath devifed this excel- lent way of free-holding for finners. It is a better way to heaven than the old way that was in Adam's days. It hath this fair advan- tage, that no man's emptinefs and want layeth an inhibition upon ChrilT:, or hindereth His falvation ; and that is far bell: for me. But our new Landlord putteth the names of dyvours,^ and Adam's forlorn § heirs, and beggars, and the crooked and blind, in the free charters. Heaven and angels may wonder that we have got fuch a gate || of fin and hell. Such a back-entry f out of hell as Chrift made, and brought out the captives by, is more than my poor fhallow thoughts can comprehend. I would think fufFerings glory (and I am fometimes not far from it), if my Lord would give me a new alms of free grace. I hear that the prelates are intending banifhment for me ; but, for more grace, and no other hire, I would make it welcome. The bits of this clay houfe, the earth, and the other fide of the fea, are my Father's. If my fweet Lord Jefus would bud ## my fufFerings * Upbraidings. f Exhihition of, laying out. % Debtors, bankrupts. § Loft; or, in the fenfe in which he elfewhere calls the Prodigal, " the forlorn fon." || A way of dealing with fin. \ Going hy a back-gate, as it were. ** Bribe. 212 LETTER CCLXXVII. [1637. with a new meafure of grace, I were a rich man. But I have not now, of a long time, found fuch high-fpring tides as formerly. The fea is out, the wind of His Spirit calm ; and I cannot buy a wind, or, by requeuing the fea, caufe it to flow again ; only I wait on upon the banks and fhore-fide, till the Lord fend a full fea, that with upfails I may lift up Chrift. Yet forrow for His abfence is fweet ; and fighs, with " Saw ye Him whom my foul loveth ?" have their own delights. Oh that I may gather hunger againft His long-looked-for return ! Well were my foul, if Chrift. were the element (mine own element), and that I loved and breathed in Him, and if I could not live without Him. I allow not laughter upon myfelf when He is away ; yet He never leaveth the houfe, but He leaveth drink-money* behind Him, and a pawn that He will return. Wo, wo to me, if He fhould go away and take all His flittingf with Him ! Even to dream of Him is fweet. To build a houfe of pining wifhes for His return, to fpin out a web of forrow, and care, and languishing, and iighs, either dry or wet, as they may be (becaufe He hath no leifure, if I may fpeak fo, to make a vifit, or to fee a poor friend), fweeteneth and refrefheth the thoughts of the heart. A mifty dew will ftand for rain, and do fome good, and keep fome greennefs in the herbs, till our Lord's clouds rue J upon the earth, and fend down a watering of rain. Truly I think Ch rift's mifty dew a welcome meffage from heaven till my Lord's rain fall. Wo, wo is me for the Lord's vineyard in Scotland ! Howbeit the Father of the houfe embrace a child, and feed him, and kifs him -, yet it is forrow and fadnefs to the children that our poor mother hath gotten her leave, § and that our Father hath given up houfe. It is an unheartfome || thing to fee our Father and mother agree fo ill ; yet the baftards, if they be fed, care not. O Lord, call: not water on Scotland's fmoking coal. It is a ftrange gate^[ the faints go to heaven. Our enemies often eat and drink us, and * Token of kindly feeling. f Moveable articles in a houfe. X Take pity. § Difmiflal. || Sad. f Way. 1637.] LETTER CCLXXVUL 213 we go to heaven through their bellies and ftomachs, and they vomit the Church of God undigefted among their hands. And even while we are fhut up in prifons by them, we advance in our journey. Remember my fervice to my lord your fon, who was kind to me in my bonds, and was not afhamed to own me. I would be glad that Chrift got the morning fervice of his life, now in his young years. It would fuit him well to give Chrift his young and green love. Chrift's ftamp and feal would go far down in a young foul, if he would receive the thruft of Chrift's ftamp. I would defire him to make fearch for Chrift -, for nobles are now but dry friends to Chrift. The grace of God our Father, and the good-will of Him who dwelt in the bufh, be with your Ladyfhip. Yours, in his fweet Lord Jefus, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCLXXVUL— To the Earl of Cassillis. (AMBITION— CHRIST'S ROYAL PREROGATIVE— PRELACY.) IGHT HONOURABLE, AND VERY GOOD LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to your Lord- fhip. — I hope that your Lordfhip will be pleafed to pardon my boldnefs, if, upon report of your zealous and forward mind, which I hear our Lord hath given you in this His honour- able caufe, when Chrift and His Gofpel are fo foully wronged, I fpeak to your Lordfhip on paper, entreating your Lordfhip to go on in the lfrength of the Lord, toward, and againft a ftorm of antichriftian wind, that bloweth upon the face of this your poor mother-Church, Chrift's lily among the thorns. It is your Lordfhip's glory and happinefs, when ye fee fuch a blow coming upon Chrift, to call: up your arm to prevent it. Neither is it a caufe that needeth to blufh before the fun, or to flee the fentence or cenfure of impar- tial beholders, feeing the queftion, indeed (if it were rightly ftated). 214 LETTER CCLXXVIIL [1637. is about the prerogative-royal of our princely and royal Lawgiver, our Lord Jefus, whofe ancient march-ftones * and land-bounds, our baftard lords and earthly generation of tyrannizing prelates have boldly and fhamefully removed. And they who have but half an eye may fee, that it is the greedy defires of time-idolizing Demafes, and the itching fcab of ambitious and climbing Diotrephefes (who love the goat's life, to climb till they cannot find a way to fet their foles on ground again), that hath made fuch a wide breach in our Zion's beautiful walls. And thefe are the men who feek no hire for the crucifying of Chrift, but His coat. Oh, how forlorn and defolate is the bride of Chrift made to all pafTers-by ! Who feeth not Chrift buried in this land, His prophets hidden in caves, filenced, banifhed and imprifoned ? truth weeping in fackcloth before the judges, Parliament, and the rulers of the land ? But her bill is caft by them, and holinefs hideth itfelf, fear- ing in the ftreets for the reproaches and perfecution of men. Juftice is fallen afwoon in the gate ; and the long fhadows of the evening are ftretched out upon us. Wo, wo to us, for our day flieth away ! What remaineth, but that Antichrift let down his tent in the midft of us, except that your Lordfhip, and others with you, read Chrifl's fupplication, and give Him that which the moft lewd and fcandalous wretches in this land may have before a judge, even the poor man's due, law and juftice for God's fake ? O, therefore, my noble and dear Lord, as ye have begun, go on, in the mighty power and ftrength of the Lord, to caufe our Lord, in His Gofpel, and afflicted members, to laugh, and to caufe the Chriftian churches (whofe eyes are all now upon you) to fing for joy when Scotland's moon fhal] lhine like the light of the fun, and the fun like the light of feven days in one. Ye can do no lefs than run and bear up the head of vour fwooning and dying mother-Church, and plead for the pro- duction of her ancient charters. They hold out and put out, they hold in and bring in, at their plealure, men in God's houfe. They flole the keys from Chrift and His Church, and came in like the * Boundarv-ftones. 1637.] LETTER CCLXXVUL 215 thief and the robber, not by the door, Chrift j and now their long is, "Authority, authority ! obedience to church-governors !" When liich a baftard and lawlefs pretended Hep-dame, as our Prelacy, is gone mad, it is your place, who are the nobles, to rife and bind them. At leaft, law mould fetter fuch wild bulls as they are, who pum all who oppofe themfelves to their domination. Alas ! what have we loft, fince prelates were made mailer-coiners, to change our gold into brafs, and to mix the Lord's wine with water ! Bleffed for ever fhall ye be of the Lord, if ye help Chrift againfl the mighty, and fhall deliver the flock of God, fcattered upon the mountains in the dark and cloudy day, out of the hands of thefe idol-fhepherds. Fear not men who fhall be moth-eaten clay, that fhall be rolled up in a cheft, and caften under the earth : let the Holy One of Ifrael be your fear, and be courageous for the Lord and His truth. Remember, that your accounts are coming upon you, with wings, as faft as time pofleth. Remember, what "peace with God" in Chrift, and the prefence of the Son of God (the revealed and felt fweetnefs of His love), will be to you, when eternity fhall put time to the door, and ye fhall take good-night of time, and this little fhepherd's tent of clay, this inn of a borrowed earth. I hope that your Lordfhip is now and then fending out thoughts to view this world's naughtinefs,* and vanity, and the hoped-for glory of the life to come ; and that ye refolve that Chrift fhall have yourfelf, and all yours, at command for Him, His honour and Gofpel. Thus trufling that your Lordfhip will pardon my boldnefs, I pray that the only wife God, the very God of peace, may preferve, ftrengthen, and eftablifh you to the end. Your Lordfhip's, at all command and obedience in Chrifl, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. * Evil; but ibme read noth'ingnefs, q.d. nought. 2i6 LETTER CCLXXIX. [1637. CCLXXIX.— For Marion M'Naught. {A SPRING-TIDE OF CHRISTS LOVE.) |Y DEAR AND WELL-BELOVED SISTER,— Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — I am well ; honour to God. I have been before a court fet up within me of terrors and challenges ; # but my fweet Lord Jefus hath taken the mafk off His face, and faid, " Kifs thy fill ! " and I will not fmother nor conceal the kindnefs of my King Jefus. He hath broken in upon the poor prifoner's foul, like the fwelling of Jordan. I am bank and brim full •, a great, high fpring-tide of the confolations of Chrifl have overflowed me. I would not give my weeping for the fourteen prelates' laughter. They have fent me here to feaft with my King. His fpikenard cafteth a fweet fmell. The Bridegroom's love hath run away with my heart. Oh love, love, love ! Oh fweet are my royal King's chains ! I care not for fire nor torture. How fweet were it to me to fwim the fait fea for my new Lover, my fecond Hufband, my firft Lord ! I charge you in the name of God, not to fear the wild beafls that entered into the vineyard of the Lord of Holts. The falfe prophet is the tail. God (hall cut the tail from Scotland. Take your comfort and droop not, defpond not. Pray for my poor flock : I would take a penance on my foul for their falvation. I fear that the entering of a hireling upon my labours there will cut off my life with forrow. There I wreftled with the Angel and prevailed. Wood,f trees, meadows, and hills are my witnefles, that I drew on a fair meeting betwixt Chrifl: and Anwoth. My love to your huiband, to dear Carleton, to my beloved * Self-upbraidings. t Perhaps fpecially referring to the wood adjoining Bufhy Bield, the fpot itill called, "Rutherford's Walk.'' 1637.] LETTER CCLXXX. 217 brother Knockbrex.* Forget not Chrift's prilbner. I long for a letter under your own hand. Your friend and Chrift's prifoner, S. R. Aberdeen, Nov. za, 1637. CCLXXX.— To John Gordon, at Rufco.\ [Let. 272.] {HEAVEN HARD TO BE WON— M ANT COME SHORT IN ATTAIN- ING—IDOL SINS TO BE RENOUNCED— LIKENESS TO CHRIST.) EAR BROTHER,— I earneftly defire to know the cafe of your foul, and to underftand that ye have made fure work of heaven and falvation. 1. Remember, falvation is one of Chrift's dainties He giveth but to a few. 2. That it is violent fweating and ftriving that taketh heaven. 3. That it coft Chrift's blood to purchafe that houfe to finners, and to fet mankind down as the King's free tenants and freeholders. 4. That many make a ftart toward heaven who fall on their back, and win not up to the top of the mount. It plucketh heart and legs from them, and they fit down and give it over, becaufe the devil fetteth a fweet-fmelled flower to their nofe (this fair bufked world), wherewith they are bewitched, and fo forget or re- fufe to go forward. 5. Remember, many go far on and reform many things, and can find tears, as Efau did -, and naffer hunger for truth, as Judas * Gordon of Knockbrex. f This feems to have been the letter referred to by Mrs Veitch, wife of Mr William Veitch, minifter of Dumfries, when me fays, — " One day, having been at prayer, and coming into the room, where one was reading a letter of Mr Rutherford's (then only in MS.), directed to one John Gordon of Rufco, giving an account how far one might go, and yet prove a hypocrite and mifs heaven, it occafioned great exercife to me." {Memoir of the Life of Mrs William Veitch , p. i.) 218 LETTER CCLXXX. [1637. did ; and wifh and defire the end of the righteous, as Balaam did •, and profefs fair, and fight for the Lord, as Saul did ; and defire the faints of God to pray for them, as Pharaoh and Simon Magus did ; and prophefy and fpeak of Chrift, as Caiaphas did ; and walk foftly and mourn for fear of judgments, as Ahab did ; and put away grofs fins and idolatry, as Jehu did ; and hear the word of God gladly, and reform their life in many things according to the word, as Herod did ; and fay to Chrift, " Mafter, I will follow Thee whither- foever Thou goeft," as the man who offered to be Chrift's fervant -, # and may tafte of the virtues of the life to come, and be partaker of the wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit, and tafte of the good word of God, as the apoftates who fin againft the Holy Ghoft.f And yet all thefe are but like gold in clink and colour, and watered J brafs, and bafe metal. Thefe are written that we mould try our- felves, and not reft till we be a ftep nearer Chrift than fun-burnt and withering profefibrs can come. 6. Confider, it is impoiTible that your idol-iins and ye can go to heaven together ; and that they who will not part with thefe can, indeed, love Chrift at the bottom but only in word and mow, which will not do the bufinefs. 7. Remember, how fwiftly God's poll: time flieth away ; and that your forenoon is already fpent, your afternoon will come, and then your evening, and at laft night, when ye cannot fee to work. Let your heart be fet upon finilhing of your journey, and fumming and laying your accounts with your Lord. O how blefled mail ye be to have a joyful welcome of your Lord at night ! How bleffed are they who, in time, take fure courfe with their fouls ! Blefs His great name for what you pofTefs in goods and children, eafe and worldly contentment, that He hath given you ; and feek to be like Chrift in humility and lowlinefs of mind. And be not great and entire § with the world. Make it not your god, nor your lover that ye truft unto, for it will deceive you. * Matt. viii. 19. f Heb. vi. % Plated with iilver. § As in Let. 119, " your heart wholly there." 1638.] LETTER CCLXXXL 219 I recommend Chrift and His love to you, in all things ; let Him have the flower of your heart and your love. Set a low price upon all things but Chrift, and cry down in your thoughts clay and dirt, that will not comfort you when ye get fummons to remove, and compear before your Judge to anfwer for all the deeds done in the body. The Lord give you wifdom in all things. I befeech you lanctify God in your fpeaking, for holy and reverend is His name ; and be temperate and fober. Companionry with the bad is a fin, that holdeth many out of heaven. I will not believe that you will receive the miniftry of a ftranger, who will preach a new and uncouth doctrine to you. Let my fal- vation ftand for it, if I delivered not the plain and whole counfel of God to you in His word. Read this letter to your wife, and re- member my love to her, and requeft her to take heed to do what I write to you. I pray for you and yours. Remember me in your prayers to our Lord, that He would be pleafed to fend me amongft you again. Grace be with you. Your lawful and loving paftor, S. R. Aberdeen, 1637. CCLXXXI. — To my Lord Loudoun. (TRUE HONOUR IN MAINTAINING CHRIST'S CAUSE— PRELACY —LIGHT OF ETERNITT.) IGHT HONOURABLE AND VERY WORTHY LORD, — Grace, mercy, and peace be to you. — Hear- ing of your Lordfhip's zeal and courage for Chrift our Lord in His honourable caufe, I am bold (and plead pardon for it) to fpeak in paper by a line or two to your Lordfhip, fince I have not accefs any other way, befeeching your Lordfhip, by the mercies of God, and by the everlafHng peace of your foul, and by the tears and prayers of our mother-Church, to go on, as ye have worthily begun, in purging of the Lord's houfe in this land, and plucking 220 LETTER CCLXXXL [1638. down the flicks of Antichrift's filthy neft, this wretched Prelacy, and that black kingdom whofe wicked aims have ever been, and ftill are, to make this fat world the only compafs they would have Chrift and religion to fail by, and to mount up the Man of Sin, their godfather the Pope of Rome, upon the higheft flair of Chrift's throne, and to make a velvet church (in regard of Parliament grandeur and worldly pomp, whereof always their flinking breath fmelleth), and to put Chrift and truth in fackcloth and prifon, and to eat the bread of adverfity and drink the water of affli&ion. Half an eye of any, not miffed with the darknefs of antichriftian fmoke, may fee it thus in this land. And now our Lord hath begun to awaken the nobles and others to plead for borne-down Chrift. and His weeping Gofpel. My dear and noble Lord, the eye of Chrift is upon you ; the eyes of many noble, many holy, many learned and worthy ones, in our neighbouring churches about, are upon you.* This poor Church, your mother and Chrift's fpoufe, is holding up her hands and heart to God for you, and doth befeech you with tears to plead for her Hufband, His kingly fceptre, and for the liberties that her Lord and King hath given to her, as to a free kingdom that oweth fpiritual tribute to none on earth, as being the free-born princefs and daughter to the King of kings. This is a caufe that, before God, His angels, the world, before fun and moon, needeth not to blufh. Oh, what glory and true honour is it to lend Chrifl your hand and fervice, and to be amongft the repairers of the breaches of Zion's walls, and to help to build the old wafle places, and flretch forth the curtains, and ftrengthen the flakes of Chrifl's tent in this land ! * We have already feen (note to Let. 116) that John, Earl of Loudon, was one of the Scottifh nobles who moft zealoufly efpoufed the caufe of the Second Reformation. In all the meafures of the Covenanters for promoting the caufe of the Covenant, he took a leading part ; and from his high character, as well as his diftinguifhed talents, his party repofed in him with the utmoft confi- dence, ^'odrow defcribes him as " a nobleman of excellent endowments, great learning, fingular wifdom and conduct, bewitching eloquence, joined with remarkable reiblution and courage."' 1638.] LETTER CCLXXXI. 221 Oh, bleffed are they who, when Chrift is driven away, will bring Him back again, and lend Him lodging ! And bleffed are ye of the Lord ! Your name and honour fhall never rot nor wither (in heaven at leal!:), if ye deliver the Lord's fheep, that have been Mat- tered in the dark and cloudy day, out of the hands of ftrange lords and hirelings, who with rigour and cruelty have caufed them to eat the pafhires trodden upon with their foul feet, and to drink muddy water ; and who have fpun out fuch a world of yards of indiffer- ences in God's worfhip, to make and weave a web for the Anti- chrift (which fhall not keep any from the cold) ; as they mind nothing elfe, but that, by the bringing in of the Pope's foul tail firft upon us (their wretched and beggarly ceremonies), they may thruft in after them the Antichrift's legs and thighs, and his belly, head, and moulders ; and then cry down Chrift. and the Gofpel, and up the merchandife and wares of the great whore. Fear not, my worthy Lord, to give yourfelf, and all ye have, out for Chrift. and His Gofpel. No man dare fay (who did ever thus hazard for Chrift), that Chrift paid him not his hundred-fold in this life duly, and, in the life to come, life everlafting. This is His own truth - that ye now plead for ; for God and man cannot but commend you to beg juftice from a juft prince for opprefTed Chrift, and to plead that Chrift, who is the King's Lord, may be heard in a free court to fpeak for Himfelf, when the ftanding and eftablifhed laws of our nation can ftrongly plead for Chrift's crown in the pulpits, and His chair as Lawgiver in the free government of His own houfe. But Chrift will never be content and pleafed with this land, neither fhall His hot, fiery indignation be turned away, fo long as the prelate (the man that lay in Antichrift's foul womb, and the Antichrift's lord-bailiff) fhall fit lord-carver in the courts of the Lord Jefus. The prelate is both the egg and the neft to deck* and bring forth Popery. Plead, therefore, in Chrift's behalf, for the plucking down of the neft, and the crufhing of the egg ; and let Chrift's kingly office fuffer no more unworthy indignities. Be Hatch. 222 LETTER CCLXXXIL [1638. valiant for your royal King, Jefus ; contend for Him : your adver- faries mall be moth-eaten worms, and die as men. Chrift and His honour now lie on your moulders, let Him not fall to the ground. Caft your eye upon Him who is quickly coming to decide all the controverfies in Zion. And remember that the fand in your night- glafs # will run out ; time with wings will flee away. Eternity is hard upon you ; and what will Chrift's love-fmiles, and the light of His lovely and foul-delighting countenance, be to you in that day, when God mail take up in His right hand this little lodge of heaven (like as a fhepherd lifteth up his little tent), and fold to- gether the two leaves of His tent, and put the earth and all the plenimingf of it into a fire, and turn this clay-idol, the god of Adam's fons, into fmoke and white afhes ! Oh, what hire and how many worlds would many then give to have a favourable decreet J of the Judge! Oh, what moneys would they not give, to buy a mountain to be a grave above both foul and body, to hide them from the awefome § looks of an angry Lord and Judge ! I hope that your Lordfhip thinketh upon this, and that ye mind loyalty to Chrift, and to the King both. Now the very God of peace, the only wife God, eftablifh and ftrengthen you upon the rock laid in Zion. Your Lordfhip's at all obedience in Chrift, S. R. Aberdeen, Jan. 4, 1638. CCLXXXIL— To the Lady Robertland. [This is probably the Lady Robertland (her own name was Fleming) men- tioned in Livingftone's CharaBeri/lics as " one deeply exercifed in mind, who often got as rare outgates." She was a great help to the poor people o£Ste