f THE DIVINES*^ MORAL SONGS Of ISAAC WAH S WILBUR MACEir STONE FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Dififlkm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/divinOOston "The T>ivine and ^t^oral Songs of Isaac Watts ^tfiteiazufiu^ > The Divine and Moral SONGS of . ISAAC WATTS An Essay thereon and a tentative L,ist of Editions by WILBUR Macey Stone Out of the zMouth of 'Babes and Suckjings thou hast perfected T^raise. Matt. xxi. i6 :^ceJV ro%K Privately printed for The Triptych I 9 I 8 V -< ^^V OF PhT^ A OCT 16 1931 i^m o^ .r\ L Se^^ vv ivine and Moral Songs — but — **the best-laid plans o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley'\ and mine were ruthlessly spilled; so instead of this book appearing in 191 5, the dear old world has made several stormy circuits of its orbit and the chronologers are about to hang out the sign for 1 9 1 9 before a kindly fate permitted the ful- fillment of my heart's desire in this matter. But never mind, I am doubtless the only one to be much annoyed, for the whole of 191 5 passed without the appearance of so much as a news- paper paragraph, so far as I could discover, rela- tive to the momentous fa6t that two hundred years ago an immortal book first saw the light. [5] T^he T)ivine and ivine and z^oral Songs has a worthy place beside it as the ''little Hymn-book", not only of New En- gland, but of old England as well. These two juveniles appeared in close sequence and for nearly one hundred and fifty years jointly con- tributed to the infant joys, and doubtless sorrows, of our sturdy ancestors. Even to-day well-nigh everyone is familiar with ''Let dogs delight to bark and bite" and "How doth the little busy bee improve each shining hour"; but alas, 'tis rarely that a knowledge of their authorship is associated with a knowledge of the rhymes. When these two little books were in vogue the principal objed: in teaching children to read was to open to them the advantages of the Christian religion. Therefore the children's first essay, after learning their letters, was to acquire a knowledge of the Scriptures and the characters therein portrayed. In the T^rimer the rhymed alphabet began with "In Adam's fall we sinned [9] The T)ivine and (iM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts air' and ended with "Zaccheus he, did climb a tree, his Lord to see", each illustrated with a thrilling wood-cut. The T>ivine Songs opens with a "General hymn of praise" and closes with the cradle hymn "Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber", all calculated to inculcate grace and wisdom. Before the middle of the nineteenth century modern influences toward secularization in edu- cation crowded the New England T^rimer into oblivion, and it has survived only on the shelves of colleftors and in a few reprints as a curiosity of bygone days. The Divine Songs has fared better, as it is still kept in print by one or two of our publishing concerns, and several beautiful, illustrated editions have been issued in very recent years. The New England T^rimer has long been considered as having the highest record of edi- tions and quantity published of any of the old juveniles, but I am convinced that it must yield first place to the T>ivine Songs, There are of record about three hundred and fifty editions of the T^rimer, but I have been able to gather about two hundred and fifty editions of the Divine Songs in the British list and over three hundred in the American list. It would be impossible to state the total number of copies printed, but as- suming that the accepted estimate of six and one [lO] T^he T>ivme and tvine and ivine Songs for Children, In graceful ac- knowledgment of his guestship, he dedicated that little book to Sarah, Mary and Elizabeth Abney, the three daughters of Sir Thomas and Lady Abney. One of the two known copies of the first edition of the T)ivine Songs bears on the inside of its front cover in Dr. Watts's hand- writing, "To Mrs. Elizabeth Abney, I. W." Of course Elizabeth, a child of eleven, was not [13] The T>ivine and z^oral Songs of Isaac Watts **Mrs/' in our present understanding of that term, but "Mistress'', used as an expression of respedt even to children at that time. This presentation copy has found a home in the sumptuous library of the late J. Pierpont Morgan, and another first edition of one of Dr. Watts's books in that library is similarly inscribed to another daughter of the Abneys'. The Morgan copy of the first edition of ©/- vine Songs was specially bound in red morocco rather elaborately gold-tooled. This copy had an interesting career before reaching its present resting-place. It was picked up by a Nottingham bookseller with a handful of other old books in a country house in 1902, at a cost of less than a guinea for the lot. It had come down to its previ- ous owner from her great-grandfather, Meredith Townsend, co-pastor with Dr. Watts at Stoke- Newington. The bookseller sold it to Mr. James Ward, a collector of Nottingham, for about ;^30 and by him it was sold at Sotheby's, after spirited bidding, for ;^I55 to Mr. Morgan's agent. The following Christmas, in a privately printed book- let, Mr. Ward distributed to a few friends a most interesting history of this little volume. In the thirteen pages of dedication which ap- pears in the earlier editions of the T>ivine Songs^ Dr. Watts pays pleasing tribute to the hospitality of the Abney family, beginning as follows: T^he T>tvine and ivine and zM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts The style well copied but the inspiration feeble and the moral hardly deducible from the subjedl. A few years later, the Taylor sisters, Jane, Ann, Mary and the rest of them, who had in 1803 been very successful with their ** Original Poems for Infant Minds", published a volume entitled ''Hymns for Infant Minds". These young women in their preface acknowledge their indebtedness to Dr. Watts as follows: "The 'Divine Songs' of Dr. Watts, so beautiful, and so universally admired, almost discourage, by their excellence, a similar attempt; and lead the way, where it appears temerity to follow. But as the narrow limits to which he confined himself, excluded a number of useful subjedls, the following Hymns, though with much diffidence, are presented to the public." It was not long after the T)ivine Songs rode into popularity on wave after wave of editions that itching fingers began to busy themselves with alterations and modifications of these simple and sincere verses. As early as 1720 one Cobbin, a reverend doctor, conceived the idea that the work would be more useful with Scripture references appended to each song. So he forthwith lum- bered up the little volume with voluminous foot- notes of references and comments, but thanks be, the dear children could skip all this dry stuff. The T)ivine and zM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Then later the strong theology of some of the songs annoyed our good friends the Unitarians and they, by the hand of one who modestly sub- scribed herself on the title-page as *'A Lady'', proceeded to take the starch out of some of the more rigid ones, to sprinkle in a little ''probation after death'' and entirely omit Song III, 'Traise to God for redemption through Jesus Christ." That song was a bit too Trinitarian for remod- eling. Dr. Watts's delightful preface is omitted and a new preface setting forth the reasons for revision and alteration, is substituted. This is signed "E. Y." and dated November 17, 1785. This "Revised and Altered" form evidently proved popular, as a second edition appeared in 1787, with an added note that "A large impres- sion of the first edition of these Hymns, Revised and Altered, having been favorably received by the public, the editor has been encouraged to give further attention to their improvement, and to cause them to be printed in their present form." The fair reviser was brave enough to retain Song XI, "Heaven and Hell", but replaced Dr. Watts's second stanza "There is a dreadful Hell, And everlasting Pains, Where Sinners must with Devils dwell. In Darkness, Fire, and Chains." T^he T>{vine and zMoral Songs of Isaac Watts with the following, much more comforting to a naughty world "There also is a future state, Of Mis'ry, grief and pain ; Where wicked children long must wait, And many years remain." And in verse 4, Dr. Watts wrote "Lest I should be cut off Today, And sent t' eternal Death." for the last line of which she has substituted "And suffer after death." In the first verse of Song XII, **The Advantages of early Religion", Dr. Watts's last line reads "The Road that leads to Hell." and which our tender reviser changes to "The Road that leads to ill." In Song XIII, verse 5, Dr. Watts wrote "One stroke of his almighty Rod, Shall send young Sinners quick to Hell." Our reviser changed the last line to read "May send young sinners to the grave." "Jesus who reigns above the Sky, And keeps the World in Awe," [21] The T)ivine and zM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts are the first two lines of verse 2, Song XIV. These are changed to "Jesus tho' now above the sky, Beloved by his God". The last verse of Song XV begins "Then let me always watch my Lips, Lest I be struck to Death and Hell." The second line is altered to "And keep my Tongue from ill." In verse 4 of Song XVII Dr. Watts wrote "The Devil tempts one Mother's Son," The revised edition reads "Passion, and Pride, may tempt each one". From the revised version of Song XVIII, ''Against Scoffing and calling Names", the ref- erence to the children who scoffed Elisha is omitted by dropping out verses 4 and 5, as fol- lows: "When Children in their wanton Play, Serv'd old Elisha so ; And bid the Prophet go his Way, *Go up, thou Bald-head, go'; "God quickly stopt their wicked Breath, And sent two raging Bears, That tore them Limb from Limb to Death, With Blood, and Groans, and Tears." [22] The T>tvine and ^J)(Coral Songs of Isaac Watts In Song XXIII, "Obedience to Parents", verse 3 was originally written **What heavy Guilt upon him lies! How cursed is his Name ! The Ravens shall pick out his Eyes, And Eagles eat the same." has been softened to the following: "What heavy Guilt upon him lies ! How hateful is his Name ! Who thus his Parents shall despise, Will bring Himself to Shame." Listed among the T)rcine Songs in the British Museum are the following collateral items: ''Di- vine Songs attempted in Easy Language. (A sequel to Dr. Watts's divine songs for children and schools.) The Rake reformed in the House of Mourning. The Cottage Library of Christian Knowledge etc. Vol. I.'' 1806 (?) 8°; and "A Supplement to Dr. Watts's Divine Songs for the use of Children, selected from various authors. London." 1820 (.?) 12°. From another source I find, "Essays adapted to Dr. Watts' Divine Songs. For the instruction of young people. By Rev. A. Scott. 13th edi- tion. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg. i 841 . Illustrated." In an edition published in Exeter, in 1 8 1 2, entitled "Dr. Watts's Hymns for Children, Re- [^3] The TDivine and tvine and zPntoral Songs of Isaac Watts connedlion with the writing of the Divine Songs. We also read in the preface to the first edition of 171 5, ''The greater part of this little book was composed several years ago at the request of a friend." The revised edition, first published in 1785, continued to appear over a long period, and as late as 1803, in the (guardian of Education, is found a scathing review of this emasculated work. Mrs. Trimmer, the editor of the (guard- ian, had previously been accused of having been the reviser, but she emphatically denies all re- sponsibility and unequivocally censures the edi- tor for having so radically changed the theology set forth by Dr. Watts in these small hymns. She further remarks, "The Hosannas in Dr. Watts's original work, are perfedtly agreeable to Scripture, and so impressive, that we cannot recon- cile ourselves to the exchange of them for Dr. Clarke's. Neither can we readily part either with the 'Hymn of Praise to God for Redemp- tion'; or with 'The Cradle Hymn'. However, as Christians, we wish not to deprive those who are satisfied with this mutilated edition of the edifi- cation it still affords; but let them on their side allow to the children of the Church the full benefit of the author's pious labours." In this same volume is reviewed a little book published by Darton & Harvey, entitled "Moral [29] The T>ivine and ivine andiv{ne andz^oral Songs of Isaac Watts ivtne Songs, two of the ivine Songs, A num- ber of editions of the New England Primer con- tain selections from the same source. Dr. Watts in his preface states that the Divine and Moral Songs were intended to be sung to well- known psalm tunes, but before the end of the eighteenth century editions with special music began to appear. In 1800 Dr. Jackson published an edition wherein words and music were en- graved throughout on copper plates. Although early in the eighteenth century many children's books were issued with illus- trations, usually crude wood-cuts, I have been unable to find an illustrated edition of the Divine and Moral Songs in England earlier than 1760 and in America earlier than 1773. In the be- ginning of the nineteenth century illustrated edi- tions were more frequent, and one published in London in 1823 ^^^ ^^ ornate folding frontis- piece in colors. With the revival of wood en- [32] The T>ivine and^^oral So?igs of Isaac Watts graving between 1840 and 1850, there appeared a number of elaborately illustrated editions with pidtures by eminent artists. Perhaps the most beautifully illustrated edition of this period was that published by John Van Voorst in London. This appeared in 1848 and contains thirty pic- tures drawn on the wood by C.W. Cope, a.r.a, and cut by John Thompson. They are definitely illustrative of the text and are most daintily con- ceived and executed. These illustrations were ex- tensively copied in later editions by other pub- lishers, particularly in America. The first issue of this edition contained on page 28 the "Death Print" as a tailpiece to the song ''Heaven and Hell". This picture was evidently too realistic and too fully illustrative of the song, so it was promptly suppressed and replaced by one from a now blank page farther on in the book. The size of the T>ivine Songs has varied great- ly, from the little books published by Rusher of Banbury, ^yi by 2% inches, to the huge volume \o% by ^yi inches, issued by Nisbet and Company, London. This Nisbet edition is undated, but appears to have been published be- tween 1870 and 1880, and is illustrated by such eminent artists as W. Holman Hunt, George Du Maurier, H. K. Brown, Marcus Stone and others. The pictures were reproduced by the "New The T)ivine and z^^fCoral So?2gs of Isaac Watts Graphotype Engraving Process", apparently zinc etching. As early as i 8 1 o selections from the Divine Songs with illustrations were engraved on copper and arranged as a broadside school piece, the piftures being carefully hand-colored. These ''school pieces" were large sheets, 1 9 by i 5 inches, with a border of pictures and a blank space in the middle in which the child wrote his ** school piece" or composition. In 1855 an edition in book form was printed on cloth as an aid to durability, while in 1849 an edition was issued with phonetic spelling. Early in the nineteenth century ''The Beggar's Petition" and "The Universal Prayer" were added and carried through numerous editions. For many years following the first edition, this little book of songs was of uniform size, carefully printed, well sewed, and bound in full calf. It was a sturdy little volume and many copies of these early editions have come down to us in excellent condition. A copy of the eighth edition, 1 729, is cherished by its owner for the following inscription on the fly-leaf, by the hand of Dr. Watts: "To My Dear Neece Sarah Brackstone t w " This Sarah was a daughter of Dr. Watts's sister Sarah, who married a Brackstone. Later, James [34] The T>ivine and zj)(toral Songs of Isaac Watts Brackstone, a brother, to Sarah the daughter, was a London printer. The fifteenth edition of the Divine Songs, I739> was published by R. Hett and J. Brackstone, and the sixteenth edi- tion, 1740, bears Brackstone's name alone, as publisher. But alas, James proved a black sheep; in a letter written by Dr. Watts in 1746 to his brother Enoch Watts, is the sad record that James Brackstone was ejected from the church for ''damning and cursing in a shocking manner" his uncle Dr. Watts, and for declaring that he would no longer be a member of his church. This presentation copy evidently soon descended to a younger member of the family, as on the same fly-leaf that bears the inscription by Dr. Watts is written in a childish hand, *'Bety Brack- stone Her Book 1730'', and on the fly-leaf at the back of the book appears **Bety Brackstone, Her Book, God Give Grace therein to Look, but wen the bel be gins to tole. Lord Jesus Christ reseive her Sole. A Men.'' In the ''English Primer" published by Mosley, Derby and London, about 1825, is printed the only rhyme diredled to these songs, which I have discovered. It is as follows: "What sweet-er book to me be-longs Than Dr. Watts's book of Songs? O! I would learn them all the day, I'm sure I love them more than play. [35] The T>ivine and ^y^oral Songs of Isaac Watts •'When I'm grown up, — yes, quite in age, Still I shall love his plea-sing page ; Still I shall love the songs I sung, That taught me good when I was young." These verses, with a wood-cut above, occupy the whole of page 29. The illustration is of a prig of a boy in chimney-pot hat, leaning against a sun-dial in a garden. In the boy's hands is the precious volume which he is studiously perusing. A comparison of the Divine Songs with other portions of Dr. Watts's writings reveals in many instances a correspondence in subject-matter. The thought of Song XVIII, ''Against scoffing and calling names'', is used as part of one of his sermons; and Song XXII, ''Against pride in clothes", appears in a slightly different dress in another sermon. Song XXV, beginning "My God who makes the sun to know", is a simpli- fied rendering of one of the hymns in his larger hymn book. It is interesting to note that the T>ivine and Moral Songs WQVQ not composed during Dr. Watts's youth, but after he had arrived at middle life, a bachelor, a student and an invalid. It would not have been surprising if he had at that time lost interest in children, even if he did not find their company a burden. But his heart kept its youth- fulness, as the sweetness and simplicity of many [36] T^he TDivine andivine and Moral Songs was not by any means the only book for children written by Dr. Watts. He was the author of several little cate- chisms, graded from one for the smallest infants to others for older children. In 1720 he pub- lished "The Art of Reading and Writing English'' and he also in 1725 wrote for the perusal of their elders, **A Discourse on the Education of Children and Youth"; while in 1728 was issued his "Prayers Composed For the Use and Imi- tation of Children, Suited to their different Ages and their various Occasions." Editions of the Divine Songs appeared in Dutch and Welsh and one was printed in India in English. [37] T^he T)ivine and tvtne and zM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts be published by the same people or their succes- sors at least until 1 8 2 1 . From 1785 numerous editions appeared bearing the names of other publishers and ** Printed by- permission of the Proprietors/' The first edition emanating in Great Britain outside of London, which I have found, was printed in Welsh at Caerfyrddin in 1771, and in 1776 an edition was published from Salisbury in English. A few Dutch items have been included in the British list. Substantially all of the editions which have come to my attention have on their title-pages the quotation from Matt, xxi, 16, ''Out of the mouth of babes, etc.'', but in the following list of editions that quotation is indicated in the in- terest of brevity, except in the first edition, by a few dashes after the author's name. Where not so indicated, it is not necessarily to be inferred that it does not so appear, but only that the writer has been unable to verify that appearance. A date followed by a question-mark in pa- rentheses indicates that the date is doubtful or approximate. In the following list of editions various refer- ences are abbreviated as follows: A. A. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. B. Private colle6lion. B.A. Boston Athenaeum. B.M. Library of the British Museum. B.H. Bates Hall Public Library, Boston, Mass. [42] The T>ivtne andq, of Children. London: R. Ford. 1720. 4th edition. Calf 12°. Copy offered by Maggs Bros., London, 1909, £/\-\o. Divine Songs. Edited by I. Cobbin, London, 1720. 12°. Lown. Divine Songs, etc. 5 th edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc. 6th edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc. 7th edition. I726(?). Advertised in An Essay Toward the Encouragement of Charity Schools, by I. Watts, London : John Clark and Richard Hett 1728. Divine | Songs | Attempted in easy language, for the Use of I Children. | By I. Watts. | ^^ \ The Eighth [45] " The T>ivine and ivine and zJ^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Works of Isaac Watts. Edited by D. Jennings and P. Doddridge. London: 1753. 6 vols. 4°. Vol. 4 contains the Divine Songs, for the use of Children. B.A. Divine Songs, etc. 22nd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc. 23nd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc. 24th edition. NR. Divine Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language, | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^^ \ The Twenty-fifth Edition. | London : | Printed for T. Longman, F. Buckland, | and W. Fenner, in Paternoster-row; ] J. Waugh, in Lombarb-street; E. Dilly, in the Poultry; and T. Field, in Cheap- [ side. m,dcc,lxi. | pp. xii4-6o, 5^x3^^, full calf George II license facing title. S. Divine Songs, etc. 26th edition. NR. Divine | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language, | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^^ \ The Twenty-seventh Edition. | London: | Printed for J. Long- man ; and J. Buck- | land, in Pater-noster-row ; J, Waugh, I in Lombard-Street; E. and C. Dilly, in the | Poultry; and T. Field, in Cheapside. | m.dcc.lxv. | pp. x + 60, 5>^x3^, full calf 5. I. Watts' Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children. London (176-), 18°, Dutch boards. Quaint cuts. Offered by Poynder, Reading, 1910, 15/-. Divine Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | for the Use of I Children | By I. Watts, D.D. | -^^ \ London: | Printed for H. Woodfall; J. Buckland; | J. and F. Riving- ton; T. Longman; | W. Fenner; T. Field and | E. and C. Dilly. I M.DCC.LXix. pp. xii-}-58, 5^x3^. 5. Caniadan Dwyfol (Divine Songs) Caerfyrddin, 1771. pp. 45, 12°, in Welsh. B.M. [47] The T>ivine and tJhtoral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children. London: Printed for J. Buckland; J. and F. Rivington, etc. 1772. pp. 60, 5^x31^, George II Hcense facing title. Bry. Divine | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^u^ \ Lon- don : I Printed for J. Buckland ; J. and F. Rivington ; | T. Longman ; W. Fenner; T. Field ; and | E. and C. Dilly. | MDCCLXXiii. I pp. xii-f- 58, 6x314, boards. 5. Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children. London: J. Buckland. 1774. pp. xii+sS, 8°. B.M, Divine | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the Use of Children. | By I. Watts, D. D. | London : J. Buckland ; J. and F. Rivington, etc. mdcclxxv. George II license facing title. B,M., N. V. Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language For the Use of Children. Salisbury, 1776. 12°. B.M. Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language For the Use of Children. By I. Watts, D.D. London: Printed in the year 1776. 12°. No printer's or publisher's name. Offered by Murray's, Leicester, 1914, ;^2-io. Divine | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^^ \ Lon- don: I Printed for J. Buckland; J.F. and C. Riving- | ton; T. Longman ; W. Fenner ; T. Field ; | and E. and C. Dilly. I MDCCLXxvii. I pp. xii + 60, 5f x33^. B.M., S. Divine | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the Use of | Children | with Additions | by I. Watts, D.D. I London : | Printed, and sold by all the Booksellers in I Town and Country. | mdcclxxix. | pp. 58, 5>^ x 3^, Dutch boards, half sheep. 5". [48] The T>ivine and ivine and <:3)(Coral So?igs of Isaac Watts don : J. Buckland ; J. F. | and C. Rivington ; T. Longman ; T. Field; | and C. Dilly. | mdcclxxxvii. | pp. xii + 6o, 5^x314. 5. Dr. Watts' s | Hymns | and | Moral Songs | for the use of I Children, | Revised and Altered. | To which are added, Prayers | for the use of | Children. | By a Lady. | The Second Edition. | Train up a child in the way, etc. | London : | Printed by permission of the Proprietors, | for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's | Church-yard, mdcclxxxvii. I pp. xii + 70, 5^x3^8. ^. Divine Songs for Children, 1788. Comment on Watts' Divine Songs by Mrs. Trimmer. 1789. 12°. Copy in old Eng. Mor. Gold tooled, G. E. With portrait added, sold at Sotheby's, May 1892, £\. Divine | Songs, | Attempted in | Easy Language, | for the use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^^^^ | Tam- worth: | Printed and sold by B. Shelton. | Price Six-Pence. MDCCLXXxix. I pp. 64, 7^x31^, marbled boards, half leather. 6*. Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children. To which is added Poems, instructive and entertaining, etc. Kidderminster: 1790 (?). 12°. B.M. Dr. Watts' Divine and Moral Songs for children. Re- vised and altered so as to render them of general use. To which are added a short Catechism and Prayers. London. J. Johnson. No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard. 1790 (?). ist ed. NR. See 2nd ed. 1792 (?) ; 3rd ed. 1794; 4th ed. 1803. Dr. Watts's Divine Songs, | set to Music in an | Easy and Familiar Stile | for one, two, three, & four voices, | by | Dr. Jackson, | Opr. 1st | uy^un \ London. Printed by Muzio, Clementi & Co. | No 26, Cheapside and Tottenham Court Road | where may be had | ''Ponder my Words," [50] T^he T>ivme andivine and zS^Coral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine Songs attempted in easy language for the use of Children. 19th edition. Belfast: Printed by W. Magee. M,DCC,xci. pp. vi + 41. Small 8°. Bos. Dr. Watts' Hymns and Moral Songs for the use of Chil- dren ; Revised and Altered by a Lady (E.Y.): to which are added Prayers. . . . Third edition. London, 1791. 12°. B.M. Divine | Songs | Attempted in j Easy Language | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | u^ur. \ Der- by: I John Drewry | m,dcc,xcii. | Price Six-pence, bound. I pp. 72, 6^x3^, boards, half leather. Bod., S. Dr. Watts' Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Revised and altered so as to render them of general use. To which are added, etc. London : J. Johnson 1792 (?). 2nd ed. NR. Dr. Watts' Divine and Moral Songs for Children : Re- vised and Altered so as to render them of general use. To which are added a short Catechism and Prayers. Third Edition. 1794. London: Printed by permission of the Proprietors. For J. Johnson. No. 72, St. Paul's Church- yard Sq. 18° calf, with a fine series of wood-cuts. Offered by Burman, Alnwick, Aug. 19 14, ;^2. 10. Poetical works of Isaac Watts, to which is prefixed the Hfe of the author (by R. Anderson) Edinburgh: 1794. 8°; contains the Divine and Moral Songs. P.L. Divine | Songs | Attempted in Easy Language | for the use of I children | by I. Watts, D.D. | m?^=^ | London: | Printed for J. Longman, C. Dilly, and F. and C. Rivington. MDCCXcvi. pp. xii-|-6o. Preliminary leaf bears notice of purchase of copyrights by Buckland, Waugh, etc. Copy offered by Gorfin, London, Sept. 1 9 14, T j^i. Watts' s Hymns for Children, complete with prayers. 1796 (?). Price i>^d, or 6/- per 100. Offered on the last [52] T^he T)ivine and zP^oral Songs of Isaac Watts leaf of The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, Marshall, Lon- don, January 1796. Cheap Repository and S. Hazard, Bath. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children. London, 1799. 12°. B.M. Divine Songs. ... To which are added the Principles of the Christian Religion ... by Philip Doddridge, also a col- lection of instructive and entertaining poems. Kiddermin- ster. i8oo(?). 12°. B.M. Watts' Divine Songs. Alnwick and Glasgow, 1800 (?). Woodcuts. Offered by Tregaskis, London, July 1 91 6. Divine Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the Use of I Children | By I. Watts, D.D. | Adorned with Thirty-seven elegant Cuts | To which is added | The Beg- gar's Petition | and the | Universal Prayer. | London, Gow- er & Pennell, Kidderminster. | 1800 (?). pp. 71, 5^x3^, half leather. 5. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London. 1800. 12°. B.M. Divine | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the I Use of Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | -^-^ \ To which are added, 1 The Beggar's Petition, Prayers, etc. | WeUing- ton: I Printed and sold by J. Bishop. | Sold also by all Booksellers in Town and Country. | Price six pence. | i8oo(?). pp. 48, 6^x3^. Frontispiece of church interior with verse beneath. Paper covers. Title in oval wreath on front cover. S. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language. Coventry, 1800 (?). 12°. B.M. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language. Bath, 1800 (?). 12°. B.M. T^he T>ivme and ^y^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine I Songs | Attempted in Easy Language | For the use of Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | sivine and 'J)(Coral Songs of Isaac Watts Low, St. John's Square. Clerkenwell. | 1805. | pp. 75, 5^ X 3 J^. Item No. 5 of Vol. XII of a set issued by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. B.M., Gen. Divine | Songs | Attempted | in Easy Language | For | The Use | of | Children | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^-^ \ Orna- mented with cuts. I A new edition. | London : | Printed for Houlston and Son, | 65, Paternoster Row, and at Wellington, Salop. I Price six pence. | 1805 (?). pp. 72, 5^x3, boards. Frontispiece of the interior of a church ; cut at the head of each song. Front cover bears title in decorative border. Watts' Divine Songs, 1805 (?), 32°, without cuts, price 2d; advertised on rear cover of above item. Sele6l Songs for Children. ... By Issac Watts, the Rev. Mr. Foxton and other eminent divines. Dublin : J. Gough. 1st ed. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, Dublin, 2nd edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, Dublin, 3rd edition. NR. Sele(5l Songs for Children, Dublin, 4th edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, Dublin, 5th edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, Dublin, 6th edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, DubHn, 7th edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, Dublin, 8th edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children, Dublin, 9th edition. NR. Sele6l Songs for Children ... By Isaac Watts, the Rev. Mr. Foxton and other eminent divines. . . . Tenth edition . . . enlarged. Dublin: J. Gough. 1806. pp. 108. 12°. B.M. See 12th ed. 18 10. The I Poetical Works | of | Isaac Watts, D.D. | Collated by Thos. Park, Esq., F.S.A. London: Whittingham. 1807. Vol. II, pp. 169-21 1, contains "Songs | Divine and Moral I Book IV" I 5x3. Copperplate frontispiece by Stothard, "Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber." A^. Y. [55] The T>ivine and ^ \ Printed for F. and C. Rivington ; J. Scatcherd | and Letterman ; Long- man, Hurst, Rees and | Orme ; and J. Mowman ; | By Law and Gilbert, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell. | 1808. | pp. 72, 5^x 3^. ^. Dr. Watts's Divine Songs, in a small size and type. To which is added. The Principles of the Christian ReHgion, Doddridge. 6d. 1808 (?). Offered on back leaf of previous item. Songs Divine and Moral. A new edition revised by J. Owen. London, 1809. 16°. B.M. Watts' Divine Songs for the Use of Children, etc. Rich- mond : T. Bowman. 1810 (?). pp. 35. B.M. Selefl songs for Children. By I. Watts, D.D., the Rev. Mr. Foxton and other eminent Divines. Dublin : John Gough. nth ed. N.R. Selefl I Songs | for | Children | in three parts | . . . . | By I. Watts, D.D., the Rev. Mr. Fox- | ton, and other eminent Divines. | . . . . | The Twelfth Edition | Corredled and Enlarged. | Dublin : Printed by John Gough, No. 20, Meath-Street. | 18 10 | Price 8d, half bound. | pp. 108, S}i^3}i' Plalf sheep. 5. Watts's Divine Songs. Published May 24, 18 lO, by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap. Broadside 19x15 (School piece), eight copperplate illustrations, carefully hand- colored. S. Divine Songs. London, 18 10. Post 8°. Copy sold in Daly sale, Amer. Art Galleries, March 1900, ^5.50. Mor. g. e., portrait by Bartolozzi inserted. [56] The T>ivine and ^J^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine Songs, attempted irt Easy Language for the Use of Children. Adorned with appropriate wood-cuts by T. Bewick. York: Thomas Wilson and Son, 1810. pp. 64. 5x2^. Bry, Divine and Moral Songs. York: R. Burdikin. 12°, illus- trated. i8io(?). Offered by Tregaskis, London, Aug. 191 2. Watts' Divine Songs for Children. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Tweeddale Court. With neat embellishments. 6^. 1810 (?). pp. 36, 5^ x3^. Offered at back of "A Budget of Juvenile Stories for Children. Edinburgh. Oli- ver and Boyd. Divine | and | Moral Songs | In Easy & Pleasing Lan- guage I For the Instru6lion of Children | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I Illustrated with forty fine cuts | London: Edward Lacey, "j^^, St. Paul's Churchyard. | And all booksellers. | i8io(?). pp. 70, 5^^x31^, boards. 5. Divine and Moral Songs for the use of Children. London : W. Darton, 18 12. pp. 70, 12°. B.M. Divine Songs attempted in easy Language for the use of children. London : Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington ; J. Scatcherd and Letterman; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; and J. Mowman. 18 12. Yale. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language, with ap- propriate wood-cuts by T. Bewick of New Castle. York : T. Wilson. 18 1 2. 12°. Copy sold at Sotheby's, February 1906, ;^2-2. Bod. Dr. Watts' s | Hymns for Children, | Revised and Altered, I so as to render them of general use : | To which are now added | Hymns | And other religious poetry | For Chil- dren, I By Dr. Doddridge, &c. | A new edition. | Exeter : I Printed and Sold by T. Besley, | Sold also by J. Johnson and Co., London; | P. Hedgeland, Exeter; Rees and Cur- [57] The T>ivine and zJWoral Songs of Isaac Watts tis, Plymouth; and J. Belcher, | Birmingham. | 1812. | pp. 52,6^x3^. 5. Works of Isaac Watts. London: 18 12-13. 9 vols. 8°. Vol. 9 contains the Divine Songs for Children. B.H. Dr. Watts's | Divine Songs, | For | Children. | Banbury: I Printed and Sold by J. G. Rusher, | Bridge-Street. | Price One penny. | i8i4(?). pp. 16, numbered 2-18. 3/^x2^. Blue paper wrapers. Frontispiece on inside front cover. Cuts on outside front and back covers. Copy (with another Vol., Moral Songs) sold at Bangs, N. Y., May 1900, ;^4.50. B.M.y Bos,, Bod., S. Dr. Watts's | Moral Songs, | For | Children. | Banbury: I Printed and sold by J. Rusher, | Bridge-Street. | Price One Penny. | i8i4(?). pp. 16, numbered 2-18. 3^x2^. Gray paper wrappers. Frontispiece on inside front cover. Cuts on outside front and back covers. vS. See note on previous item. Divine Songs in easy language, etc. Glasgow : J. Lumsden and Son. 18 14. pp. 30, 32°. B,M., Bod. An analysis of Dr. Watts's Hymns for Children, upon the interrogative or catechetical plan. For the use of schools. Liverpool: Published by H. Greenough. 18 14. Yale. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. With the Beg- gar's Petition. London. Ilminster. i8i4(?). 24° B.M. Divine Songs in Easy Language for the Use of Children. By I. Watts. Edinburgh: G. Ross. 18 14 (?). Offered by Burman, Alnwick, Sept. 191 2. Divine Songs attempted in easy language for Children. WelHngton : Houlston, 18 15 (?), cuts. Offered by Burman, Alnwick, July 191 2, 2/-. [58] T^he TDivine and ^^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Caniadau Duwiol (Divine >Songs) Crefyddol : 1 8 1 5 (?). In Welsh. 12°. B.M. Divine and Moral | Songs | Attempted in | Easy Lan- guage I For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | un-^xn I Beverley : Printed by M. Turner, | For Messrs. Crosby and Co,, London ; | G. Turner, Hull ; and M. Tur- ner, Beverley. | 181 5. | pp. 54, 5^x31^, half sheep, fron- tispiece and cuts in text. 5". Divine | and | Moral Songs, | for | Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I Stereotpye edition. | London: | Printed for E. Cox and Son, | St. Thomas's Street, Borough. | 181 5. | pp. 64, 4x214, full sheep. 5. Divine Songs, etc. London: 18 16. 12°. B.M. Divine and Moral Songs. Derby: R.Miller. 18 16. 8°. Engraving above each song. Offered by Burman, Alnwick, July 1912. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children. London : Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington. 18 1 8. Yale. Divine and Moral | Songs | Attempted | in Easy Lan- guage I For The | Use of Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | London : | Printed and sold by J. Innes, 61, Wells St. | Oxford Street ; | and may be had at all booksellers. | Price Sixpence. | 1820 (?). pp. 36, 5^ ^3^4, frontispiece; stiff paper covers. O.P. Divine Songs for Children, Reading: J. Rusher. 1820 (?). pp. 48, 16°. B.Jf. Divine Songs in easy language, for Children. London : J. Evans. 1820 (?). 12°. B.M. Watts's Divine Songs. Glasgow. 1820 (?). 16°. B.M, Divine and Moral Songs, Attempted in easy language for the use of Children. London: J. Catnach. 1820 (?). pp. 12, 12°. B.M. 5 [59] The T>ivine andivine andzMoral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine and Moral Songs. London: 1830. 18° 2/0. Lown. Divine Songs for the use of Children. London : 1830 (?). Printed from copper plates. Bod. Divine Songs, | In | Easy Language | For | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | co^^^ | London: | Printed and Sold by I J. Evans, | 42, Long Lane, West Smithfield. | Price six- pence. I 1830 (?). pp. 68, 5^x314, picture boards. Frontis- piece and crude cuts in text. Vignette on title by Bewick. S. Songs, Divine and Moral, For the Use of Children, by Isaac Watts. 1832. 12°, boards. Illustrated by Stothard. Lowndes says "London : Tilt, fcp. 8° 1832." Copy offered by Rollings, London, 19 10, 2/-. Dr. Watts' Divine and Moral Songs, improved. With an appendix, etc. Newcastle. 1832. 12°. B.M., Bod. See 2nd ed. 1834; 3rd ed. 1839. Dr. Watts' Divine and Moral Songs improved. . . . with an appendix. By John Scott. The second edition, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1834. 12°. B.M., Bod. Divine and Moral | Songs For Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I London: | Religious Tra6l Society; | Instituted 1799; I Sold at the Depository, 56, Paternoster Row; and I By the booksellers. | 1834. | pp. 72, 5J^ x 3)^, half leather. Vignette on title and numerous excellent wood- cuts in text. 5*. Dr. Watts' s Divine and Moral Songs. Illustrated by Anecdotes and Refle(5lions by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin. London: Dean and Son. ist edition. NR. See 183.5 W- Dr. Watts's | Divine and Moral Songs, | for | Children. | Illustrated by Anecdotes and Refle6lions by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A. | Embellished with beautiful wood-cuts. | T^he Divine andivine and ivine andzy)(toral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine and Moral SongSi Leiden. 1866 (?). 12°. In Dutch. B.M, Divine | and | Moral Songs | For | Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I Illustrated in the | New Graphotype En- graving Process. | by W. Holman Hunt, | W. Cave Thomas, J. D. Watson, G. Du Maurier, T. Morten, C. Green, | H. K. Brown, Marcus Stone, H. Anelay, Florence Claxton, I M. E. Edwards, etc. etc. | Under the superintendence of I H. Fitzcook. I London: | James Nisbet and Co., | Berners Street. | 1867 (?). pp.viii+76, 10^x8 J^, cloth, g. e. Fron- tispiece portrait. B.M.^ Bod., S. The largest size found. Divine Songs, | Attempted in | Easy Language, | For the Use of Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | c^.^ | Published by John and Charles Mozley, Derby; | and Paternoster Row, London. | 1867 | pp. 72, 5^x3^^, picture boards, half leather. Frontispiece, vignette on title and cut at head of each song. .S. Watts's Divine and Moral Songs. (With coloured engrav- ings). London, Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons (Printed 1867). 8°. B.M. Divine & Moral | Songs for Children. | By Dr. Watts. | London : [ S. W. Partridge and Co., 9 Paternoster Row | 1867 (?). pp. 80, 5^ X4i^, cloth. Decorated page borders and profusely illustrated with excellent wood engravings, signed "W. Cheshire". B.M., U.T. Divine and Moral Songs (With illustrations). London : Religious Tracl Society. 1869 (?). 8°. B.M., Bod. Divine and Moral Songs. . . . The music composed by E. Thorne. London : 1870 (?). 8°. B.M. Hymnyn ny Arraneyn Mayllee, son Paitchyn. Liorish I. Watts. Peel: W. K. Palmer, printer. Michael Street. pp. 30, 12°. 1870 (?). In Manx. [69] The Divine and ivine and zy^Coral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine and Moral Songs. . . . With illustrations, etc. London: Religious Tra6l Society, pp. 95, 8°. B.M.^Bod. Divine and Moral Songs. . . . With coloured pi6lures by Mrs. A. Gaskin. London: Elkin Mathews. 1896 (?). pp. 60, 8° B.M. See 1901 (?). Divine Songs for the use of Children. London: 1897. 8°. Bod. Divine : and : Moral | Songs : For Children. | By the : Reverend | Isaac: Watts: D.D. | Elkin Mathews | Vigo St London | 1900 (?). pp. 62, 5^ x 4^/^. Thirteen full-page pi6lures in color by Mrs. Arthur Gaskin : glazed pi6lure boards, half cloth. Divine : and : Moral | Songs : For Children | By the : Reverend | Isaac : Watts: D.D. | Elkin Mathews | Vigo St London | 1901 (?). pp. 92, 7^x51^, cloth, with full-page color plates by Mrs. Arthur Gaskin. [71] FRONTISPIECE. Happy the Chil^ whofe tender years Receive Inftrudtions well : Who hates the Sinner's path, and fears The road that leads to Hell. 'The ivine and ivine and zM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Woodcut portrait, 32°, Wrappers. Copy sold at Libbie's, Boston, Dec. 6-^^ 1906. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, etc. By Isaac Watts. Philadelphia : Printed by Joseph Cruikshank for Robert Aitken. 1773. Eva?ts, 13065. Hild. , 2g^6. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Newport : Printed and sold by Solomon Southwick. 1773. EvanSy 13066. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, etc. Boston, N.E. : printed and sold by T. and J. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 1773. pp. 46, 6^x3^, wood-cut frontispiece of church. A. A. Divine Songs for the use of Children. Norwich : Green & Spooner. 1777. Advertised August i, 1777, in New England Gazette. Trum., 1575. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Worcester, Mass. : Isaiah Thomas. 1778. See Proceedings Amer. Antiq. Soc. New Series. Vol. 13, p. 445. Nick. Divine Songs for Children. By Isaac Watts. Phila- delphia: Printed by Robert Aitken, 1781. EvanSy 17421. Hild.y 4167. Divine Songs for Children. By Isaac Watts, also Prayers and Catechisms. 1783 (?). pp. 64, 5^^x31^. 5. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, etc. To which is added, the Wonderful dream, by the author. Also four delightful and entertaining stories. Norwich : Printed by John Trumbull. 1783. 18°. Evans, 18294. Trum., 157. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, etc. New- buryport, m,dcc,lxxxiv. John Mycall. pp. $4, 41^ x 3. B, Divine Songs, etc., Hartford, ist edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Hartford, 2nd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Hartford, 3rd edition. NR, « [75] 'The T>ivtne and ivtne and ^M^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston etc., Boston 19th edition. NR. 20th edition. NR. 2 1 St edition. NR. 22nd edition. NR. 23 rd edition. NR. 24th edition. NR. 25th edition. NR. 26th edition. NR. 27th edition. NR. 28th edition. NR. 29th edition. NR. 30th edition. NR. 31st edition. NR. 32nd edition. NR. 33 rd edition. NR. 34th edition. NR. 35th edition. NR. 36th edition. NR. 37th edition. NR. 38th edition. NR. 39th edition. NR. 40th edition. NR. 41st edition. NR. 42nd edition. NR. 43rd edition. NR. 44th edition. NR. 45 th edition. NR. 46th edition. NR. 47th edition. NR. 48th edition. NR. 49th edition. NR. 50th edition. NR. 51st edition. NR. 52nd edition. NR. 53rd edition. NR. [77] The Divine and ivtne and zJWoral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine Songs, etc., Boston, 89th edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Boston, 90th edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Boston, 91st edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Boston, 92nd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Boston, 93rd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Boston, 94th edition. NR. Divine | Songs, | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the use of | Children. | By | Isaac Watts, D.D. | u^-ur^ \ The Ninety-fifth edition. | Boston : | Printed and sold by N. Coverly. | Price 1 2 cents | Great allowance made by | the Grose or Dozen. | 1790 (?). pp. 36, 5^x3)^. B.M.^ 5., B., Wat. Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language, etc. By Isaac Watts, D.D., Author of the Lyric Poems. Middle- town : Printed by Moses H. Wood ware. m,dcc,xc. pp. 32, 35^ X 2^. Cut on reverse of title. Conn. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, etc. Bos- ton : Printed and Sold by Samuel Hall. m,dcc,xcii. pp. 71, 32°, one illustration. B.P. Divine Songs | attempted in | easy language | for the use of I Children | By Isaac Watts, D.D. | Hartford: | Printed by Elisha Babcock | 1794. | pp. 31, 4^ x 2j4, frontispiece, marbled paper covers. Divine and Moral Songs, attempted in easy language for the use of Children. Boston: Samuel Hall. 1796. 48°, illustrated, wrappers stitched. Bos. Divine Songs, etc., Haverhill, Coverly, ist edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Haverhill, Coverly, 2nd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Haverhill, Coverly, 3rd edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Haverhill, Coverly, 4th edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Haverhill, Coverly, 5th edition. NR. Divine Songs, etc., Haverhill, Coverly, 6th edition. NR. [79] The T>ivtne and^J^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs Songs etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc, etc. Haverhill, Coverly, 7th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 8th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 9th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, loth edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, nth edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 12th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 13th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 14th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 15th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, i6th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 17th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, i8th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 19th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 20th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 21st edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 22nd edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 23rd edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 24th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 25th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 26th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 27th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 28th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 29th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 30th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 31st edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 32nd edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 33rd edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 34th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 35th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 36th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 37th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 38th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 39th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 40th edition. NR. Haverhill, Coverly, 41st edition. NR. [80] The Divine and ^yttoral Songs of Isaac Watts Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs ne Songs etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.. Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil Haverhil , Coverly, 42nd edition. NR. , Coverly, 43rd edition. NR. , Coverly, 44th edition. NR. , Coverly, 45th edition. NR. , Coverly, 46th edition. NR. , Coverly, 47th edition. NR. , Coverly, 48th edition. NR. , Coverly, 49th edition. NR. , Coverly, 50th edition. NR. , Coverly, 51st edition. NR. , Coverly, 52nd edition. NR. , Coverly, 53rd edition. NR. , Coverly, 54th edition. NR. , Coverly, 55th edition. NR. , Coverly, 56th edition. NR. , Coverly, 57th edition. NR. , Coverly, 58th edition. NR. , Coverly, 59th edition. NR. , Coverly, 60th edition. NR. , Coverly, 6ist edition. NR. , Coverly, 62nd edition. NR. , Coverly, 63rd edition. NR. ne Songs Divine | Songs | attempted | in | Easy Language, | for the use of | Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. | :^ooq | (The sixty-fourth Edition.) Haverhill : | Printed and sold by N. Coverly. | 1797. | Price Nine pence. | pp. 34, 16°. Bos., Esx. Divine and Moral Songs attempted in easy Language, for the use of Children. Revised and corre6led. By Isaac Watts, D.D. Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, No. 53 Corn- hill. Boston: 1799. pp. 70, 4x3^, pictorial paper covers. Wood-cut frontispiece and wood-cuts in the text. Bos. Divine Songs attempted in easy language for the use of Children. Salem. 1800. pp. 48, 24*^. Esx. [81] The Divine and <^oral Songs of Isaac Watts A I Choice Colle6lion | of | Hymns, | and | Moral Songs; I Adapted to the Capacities of Young | People, | on the several Duties and | Incidents of Life. | Adorned with Cuts, to impress more lasting | Ideas of each Subje<5t upon the Mind, than | can be attained by those in common use. | To which is added, | Specimens | of | Divine Poetry. | By several Authors. | Hartford : | Printed by John Babcock. | 1 80 1 I pp. 112, 5J^x2^, paper covered oak boards. Contains about half the Divine Songs and all but one of the Moral Songs. 5. Divine Songs. | Attempted in | Easy Language, | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | 6oos^» | To which are added, | The Principles | of the | Christian Re- ligion, I In plain and easy Verse. | By P. Doddridge, D.D. I New York: Printed for John Tiebout, | No. 246 Water- Street, I By L.Nichols. | 1802. | pp.72, 5^ x 3)/^, boards, half leather, eleven oval wood cuts. Divine and Moral Songs, in easy language for the use of Children. By, Isaac Watts. Charlestown : 1802. 32°, stitched. Copy sold at Libbie's, Boston Oct. 22-24, ^9^7- See 1804. Divine and Moral | Songs, | for | Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I Cambridge | Printed at the University press I By W. Hillard. | mdccciii. | Num. Edit. 4000 | pp. 36, 6x3^, figured paper covers. Arms of Phillips Academy on title. A,A., Bos., Peg., N. K, ^. Divine and Moral | Songs, | for | Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I The second Cambridge edition. | Printed by W. Hillard. | 1804. | pp. 36, 6x4, figured paper covers. Bos., S. Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children. Providence: Heaton and Williams. 1804. A,A. [82] T^he T>ivine and z!htoral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine and Moral Songs; attempted in easy language for the use of Children. Revised and Corre6led. Boston : Hosea Sprague. No. %Z Newberry St. 1804. pp. 63, 41^ X 2^, illustrated. B> Poetical Works ot Isaac Watts. With life of the Author. Philadelphia: B. Johnson. 1804. 2 Vols. 16°. 2nd Vol. contains Divine Songs for children, Moral Songs, A Cradle Hymn. Bos. Divine and Moral Songs attempted in easy language for the use of children (also) Catechisms for Children and Youth, Prayers, etc. By Isaac Watts. Revised and Cor- rected. New Haven, Conn. 1804. Har. Divine | and | Moral Songs, | Attempted in Easy Lan- guage, I for I the Use of Children : | By Isaac Watts, D.D. I ^JCTiun I Charlestown : | Printed by Samuel Etheridge. | Sold by him | at the Washington Head Bookstore. | 1804. I N.Y.S. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Hudson: Stoddard. 1805. Bos. Martin and James ; or, the | Reward of Integrity : I A Moral Tale, New York : Designed for the Improvement of youth. | Printed and sold by John C. Totten, | No. 155 Chatham-Street, | where may be had a variety of Chil- dren's Books. I 1807. I pp. 72, 55^ X 3^, marbled paper covers, wood-cuts. Pages 56-72 contain 16 of the Divine Songs. 5. Divine Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language | for the Use of Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | London printed | Hartford, | Reprinted by Hudson and Goodwin. | 1807. I pp. 120, 4^ X 3, half leather. A. A., B. Divine Songs (The shorter Catechism agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines, etc.) London printed. Hartford reprinted. 1807. 24°. B.M. [83] The "Divine and un I Philadelphia : | Published by Benjamin Johnson I No. 249, Market Street | 1807. | pp. 48, 16°. Cut on title, The Good Samaritan, and 17 small cuts in text by Anderson. Bos., Penn.His. Divine and Moral Songs attempted in easy language for the use of Children. Boston: Lincoln & Edmonds, 1808. pp. 47. Bos. Divine Songs ; | For Children. | Attempted in Easy Lan- guage. I By I. Watts, D.D. | Ornamented with Cuts. | m?^«/?o I From Sidney's Press, | New Haven. | 1809. | pp. 36, 5^x3^, paper covers. Cut on front cover and on back cover. Frontispiece and 10 cuts in text. Front cover bears, Published by I. Cooke & Co. New Haven. N. V. His., A.A., S. Divine Songs attempted in easy Language for the use of Children. Newburyport. 1809 (?). pp. 37, 24°, illustrated. Esx. Divine Songs | Attempted in | Easy Language, | For the Use of | Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | ^u^ | Utica: I Printed and sold by Seward and Williams. | 18 10. | pp. 36, 5x3, oak boards, paper covered, half leather. Vignette on title, wood-cut head and tail pieces in text. Includes Dodridge's Principles of the Christian Religion. N. Y. Bis., A.A. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children. Newburyport: Gilman. 1810. pp. 48, 24 plates. Bos., Esx. See 181 1 (?). [84] o T^he T>tvine andivine and^J^oral Songs of Isaac Watts and Norton | 1818. | pp. 16, 4J^ x 2^, paper covers. Pages 12-16 contain four of the songs. Watts' Divine Songs for the Use of Children. New Haven : Sidney's Press. 18 18. 48°, paper covers. Copy- sold at Libbie's, Boston, March 12, 13, 191 3. Dr. Watts' | Plain and Easy | Catechisms | For | Children: I Together with a Colle6lion of | Hymns and Prayers | Fifth Middletown Edition | Middletown (Conn.): | Printed and Published by Clark & Lyman. | 18 19. | pp. 36, 5J^ x 3^, paper covers. Pages 21-31 contain 12 divine and 2 moral songs. S. Divine Songs for Children. By Isaac Watts, D.D. To which is added Catechisms and Prayers for Sunday Schools. New Haven: A. H. Maltby &Co. 18 19. pp. 36, 51^ x 3 J^, stiff paper covers. A. A. Songs, Divine and Moral, for Children. Albany : G. J. Loomis and Co. 18 19. 24°, paper. Copy sold at Libbie's, Dec. 6, 7, 1906. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children. Boston: S. T. Armstrong. 1 8 19. pp. 36, 24°. Frontispiece and cuts in text. A.A.^ Har. Watts' I Divine Songs | For the use of Children. | Sid- ney's Press I For John Babcock and Son, New Haven, | S. and W. R. Babcock, 163 King St, | Charleston, and M'Carty and Davis, Philadelphia. | 1820. | pp. 31, 5^ x 3/4- Wood-cut frontispiece and cuts in text, by Anderson. B., Peq. See 1824, 1830, 1831, 1838, 1840, 1842. Divine and Moral Songs, etc., Andover, ist ed. A^^. Divine and Moral Songs, etc., Andover, 2nd ed. NR. Divine and Moral Songs, etc., Andover, 3rd ed. NR. Divine and Moral Songs, etc., Andover, 4th ed. NR. l86j The T>ivine andivine and zJM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Watts' Divine Songs for the use of Children. With handsome engravings. New Haven : S. Babcock ; Charles- ton : S. Babcock & Co. 1830. pp. 23, 5J^ x 31^, illus- trated, yellow paper covers. B, Divine Songs. | Attempted in | Easy Language | For the I Use of Children. | By I. Watts, D.D. | New York: Mahlon Day, 374 Pearl St. | 1830 (?). 3^x3, cloth. Frontispiece and numerous cuts in text. N. Y. See 1832. Hymns for Children : By Doctor Watts. New Haven : S. Babcock. 1831. pp. 16, 3J^x2, illustrated, yellow paper covers. B. Watts' I Divine and Moral | Songs. | For the use of Children | ^^^ \ New York : Printed and Sold by Mahlon Day, I At the New Juvenile Book-Store, | No. 376, Pearl- Street. I 1832. I pp. 23, 5 J^ X 3J^, wood-cuts. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. New York : American Tra6l Society. 1833 (?). pp. 16, 4)4 x 2^, illustrated, brown paper covers. B. Dr. Watts' | Divine Songs. | First Part. | Northampton: I John Metcalf ... 1837. | pp. 24, 5^ x 3^. Frontis- piece, vignette on title and cuts in text ; 1 3 of the Divine Songs. 5. Watts' Divine Songs; for the use of Children. New Haven: S. Babcock. 1838. pp. 24, 5^x3^. B. Infant Hymns. Designed for young Children. New Haven : S. Babcock. 1840. pp. 16, 3^x2, illustrated, blue paper covers. B. Infant Hymns; Designed for young Children. New Haven: S. Babcock. 1842 (?). pp. 16, 3^ x 2 1^, illus- trated, paper covers. B. [88] The T)ivine and zM^oral Songs of Isaac Watts Questions and Answers, Taken from Dr. Watts's Hymns for Children, Boston : ist edition. NR. Questions and Answers, Taken from Dr. Watts's Hymns for Children. (By A. Bullard). 2nd edition. Boston : Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. 1843. 32°. Har. Songs, Divine and Moral. . . . To which are added, a few prayers, etc. Boston (Mass.) (Protestant Episcopal Church of Massachusetts No. 8). 1844. pp. 44, 12°. B.M., Har. Songs, Divine and Moral, by I. Watts. Philadelphia, 1844. Copy sold at Merwin-Clayton's, Nov. 22-24, 191 1. Songs, I Divine and Moral, | For the use of Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D, | Complete edition, | with twelve fine engravings on wood. | Worcester : | Published by C. Harris. | 1845. | pp. 72, 4^ x 3 J^, cloth. Frontispiece por- trait. 5. Songs, I Divine and Moral, | For the use of Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. | Complete edition, | with twelve fine engravings on wood. | Boston : | Published by William Henshaw. | No. 9 Cornhill. | 1845 (?)• PP- 64, 5%^ ^41^, paper. Same cuts and printer as item above. 5. Divine and Moral Songs, for Children. Revised by the Committee of Publication. Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. Boston: 1845. PP- 48,4^^x2^, paper. Frontis- piece and cuts in text. Bry. Songs, Divine and Moral, for Children. New York : C. Wells. 1845. Cuts. A. A, Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1845. Cloth, illustrated. First edition. [89] The Divine and ivine and ^x3. Three little song books bound together under one general title : Watts' Divine and Moral Songs, Hymns for Infant Minds, and The Juvenile Songster. Divine and Moral Songs | for | the use of Children. | By Isaac Watts, D.D. | New York: | Robert Carter & Bro. | 1856. I With 24 illustrations drawn on the wood by C. W. Cope. 55^ X 4J^. Some of the prints are colored. N. Y. Divine | and Moral Songs. | Attempted | in Easy Lan- guage I For the | Use of Children | With some | Addition- al Composures. | Philadelphia | American Sunday-School Union, etc. j 1857 (?). pp. 96, 9^ x 5^, grain morocco, stamped in gold. Frontispiece and wood engravings in text, some after Cope. Divine and Moral Songs, etc. New York : American Traa Society. 1858 (?). Gilt 10^, paper 3^. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, i860 (?). pp. 48, 8°, cloth, illustrated. Bos. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1 860. Cloth, illustrated. Horae Lyricae | By | Isaac Watts. | To which are added the Divine Songs | and Moral Songs for Children. 7 [91] The T^ivine and ivine and fJ)(Coral Songs of Isaac Watts Divine and Moral | Songs | for | Children. | By the | Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. | Illustrated by anecdotes and re- flections. I Embellished with beautiful wood-cuts. | Phila- delphia: I Presbyterian Board of Publication. | pp. 144, 5^x 3^, cloth. 1872. U.T. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication. Cloth, illustrated. 1882. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of PubHcation. Paper, illustrated. 1883. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication. Cloth, illustrated. 1886. Poems ; or Divine and Moral Songs for the use of Chil- dren. New York, 1889 (?). Bry. Songs for Children in easy Language. By Isaac Watts. Illustrated by C. W. Cope. Engraved by John Thompson. Boston:]. Earle, 1892. pp. 94. See Brit, list, 1848. L.C. Childhood's Songs of long ago. Being some of the di- vine and moral songs written by Rev. Isaac Watts. With pi6lures by Blanche McManus. New York : Herrick & Co. 1897. pp. Zy, sq. 8°. Bos. Divine : and : Moral | Songs : | For Children | By the : Reverend | Isaac: Watts: D.D. | L. C. Page & Company. I Boston I 1 90 1. I pp. 92, 7^x5J^, cloth. 13 full-page plates in color by Mrs. Arthur Gaskin. See Brit, list, 1896. Bry.y Bos.y S, [93] Of this little book^ there have been 2^0 copies privately printed for The Triptych by The University "Press of Sewanee Tennessee, This copy is THE TRIPTYCH BOOM 1127 15PARKR0W NEWYORK NY A Brief List of Editions of Tatt's Divine Songs located since 1918, Wilbur M. Stone , 15 Park Row, Sew York, II. Y, October, 1929. BRITISH: dot Divine Songs, London: Pord 10th b^. 1729 do do Ford 14tli ed. 17S7 do do Braokstone IGth ed. 1740 do do do 17th ed. 1740 I •fflE DIVINE 6<^ MORAL SONGS Of ISAAC W^T TS WILBUR MACEY STONE