I to SONGS FROM i THE MOUNT Z ION. F-46.\03^ HS38 1 Q Q - >• Z a < z z I UJ h u ffl 2 h. (0 Q 5 < J >■ >■ EC < u < m 5 UJ Q hi I < a o j UI I u. D a H Z u H U) n LJ ■" U D z 5 J a. > UJ K CHtWm| Section 6 5?7 PREDICTED NE«M!HSfiFT*3 . FROM THE MOUNT ZI01\, BY THE REDEEMED FROM THE EARTH; WHO FOLLOW THE L.VYI3 WHITHERSOEVER HE GOETH. DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY THE P&EACHIN* OF THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. See Rev. 5; 9,-14; 1,3,6,7,-1.5; 3,4,5- EY BENJAMIN HAZELTOX. NORTHFIKLD, PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1843. Entered according to Act of Congres in the year 1843, By Benjamin Hazelton, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of N. H. SONGS OF ZION HYMN 1. Seven in one or one in seven. Zach. 6; 5, Rev. G; 2,15— 1; 6. 1 Open your gates ye sons of men, Your waiting minds prepare, Of seven fold wonders lo we sing, And all their truth declare. 2 What in perfection glory shine?, Is in itself complete; Behold in Revelation then, So many sevens meet. 3 By seven Churches and their stars, In vision long foreseen; Are all beneath one worshipped name, And Christian surely mean. 4 The seven horns, the seven eyes, The seven lamps of fire ; A seven sealed book they all unseal, But still one perfect power. o Then let the seven angels sound, The seven vials pour; In endless Revelation down. And set the world on fire 6 Go forth ye horses through the earth, Ye spirits of the heavens; Sound on ye deathless angels, sound, And perfect earth in sevens. HYMN 2. Paradise Tree. Job 14; 7, Psa. 1 ; S.Ezek. 4; 7,12, Rev OO. Q 1 In the land of the east, There once stood a tree; It flourished a while, Called the Paradise tree; For the nations unborn, It was planted we see; A Saviour in the garden, Was this Paradise tree. 2 Fair stood in God's imao-e. Like you and like me; While a Trinity grew, In this Paradise tree; Soul, body, and spirit, In yourself you may see; Why grow not then pure. As this Paradise tree. 3 Dp you ask if then pure, What's become of that tree; It now grows in the west, The same Paradise tree; It now grows all afresh, From the stump of that tree; That was left in the earth, It's the Paradise tree. 4 The second child lives, Where the first now should be, Yet the first now he lives, In this Paradise tree; A new fair creation, Has begun you shall see, The nations shall be healed, By this Paradise tree. 5 Pray tell me the days, Or the years of this tree; When the sun shall not shine, Dies this Paradise tree; Then it lives and it grows, Through bright eternity; For thus will shine the sun, And this Paradise tree. A flaming sword guards, And flames round the tree; It's the word of the Lord, Both to you and to me; For Jordon's now spoiled, From sin we are free; Hallelujah we'll sing, And we'll shout victory. HYMN 3. Divine order of the seals, trumpets & vials. Rev. 6; 1,-8;2,6»15; 1-16; 17~10;2,7 1 The Lamb has loosed the seven seals. In songs the trumpets sound, Fo lo! the seven angels pour The seven vials down. 2 The first and darkest seal is broke. We now proclaim abroad; That visioned book of seven seals. Is God's own holy word. 3 Long has mankind that book beheld, Its wonders to unroll; But none's been able, or prevailed, It's mysteries to unfold. 4 Not one of all the trumpets sound, Nor vials e'er was poured; Until the seals themselves are loosed, Through all the holy word. 5 Knowledge in heavenly wisdoms ways The seals and trumpets seen; By Revelations to the world, The foretold vials mean. 6 People and nations, tongues and kings, The earth that's called to hear; The broad deep waters of the word, vShall now the sea appear. 7 The seventh angel, lo he stands, Upon this earth and sea ; 8 By all therein proclaims aloud, That time no more shall be. 2 The covenant bow his head adorns, Let all the earth give ear; Lo in the Scripture cloud is set, And brings the Jubilee year. 9 What systems, forms, or spurious faith, As rivers turn to blood; Beneath the vials of his wrath, The vials of their Lord. 10 The Son of man is now revealed, Who on the world shall rise; Thus are the vials poured abroad, Of wonder and surprise.* 1 1 To dust all sons of men return, Like Moses in his day; Christ's body the true Church is found, He never went away. 12 By clouds of scripture did arise, Through faith ascended high; In Gospel Heavens behold he's reigned, To this the perfect day. 13 So shall the pit be opened wide, From Heaven the Dragon fall ; That veil of flesh let all pass through, And God be all in all . 14 Thus vial sixth Euphrates dries, The seventh's in the air; Tis done, the seventh angel cries, And lo an earthquake's here. *Rev. 17: 8—13; 11. HYMN 4. What I've seen. Explanation.— All things of a divine na- ture are only seen by the eyes ol the understanding. No spiritual or invisible things ever were or ever will be seen in anv other way. What the man-child ot Rev. 12; 5, has comprehended and ex perimentally seen in the above sense, there being no other invisible world but the moral world itself. 1 I have seen the highest heaven, I've seen the deepest hell, I know the world of spirits too. Where God and angels dwell; 10 I've seen the whole creation, All travelling in pain, I've seen its stars of heaven, And know them all by name. I I've seen the ancient Teman, Mount Paron I have seen, I've seen those scripture mountains, And well know what they mean, I've seen the sun in darkness, The moon I've seen in blood, I've seen the new Jerusalem, Whose light thereof is God. 3 I've seen that sea of glass, The mount Zion I have seen, I've seen the throne of heaven, And well know what they mean; I've seen the great Behemoth, Leviathan I've seen, I've seen those beastly Kingdoms, And know just what they mean. 4 I've seen the very waters, On which the earth was hung, I've seen its secret springs indeed, Which never vet were sunn: 11 I've seen the hosts of Michael, And the dragon too I've seen, I've seen them war in heaven, And well know what both mean. I've seen the fiery billows, The day of dooms I've seen, I've seen the book of life indeed, And know what it doth mean; I've seen that outer darkness. That awful lake of fire, The devil and his angels, I've seen ihem burning there. I've seen the new creation, The judgment day I've seen, And even the stone kingdom, And well know what all mean; I've seen the end of time, And eternity I've, seen, For lo, I've seen the moral world, And what the scriptures mean. 12 HYMN, 5. Covering Cherub. Ezk. 28; 14, 16. 1 Ye stars, ye Ministers give ear, Our message from the God of light, Myjteries of old shall now appear, Which turn your gospel day to night. 2 Know all ye ministerial kings, This is the righteous judgment hour; From zion's hill proceed our songs, Revealed hy inspiration power. 3 Know then ye reigning stars on high, Your dispensation now is done, For lo! the scripture clouds arise, And cover now your moral sun. 4 I'ts God's own house ye have denied, With your own doctrine merchandise; The day has come your fruitful field, Both saints and prophets shall dispise. 5 The nation's veil the truth shall rend, And bring your covering cherub down; From God's own mount where he hasreignd Through gospel mystery all profound. 13 6 But lo! that mystery now is done, The covering cherub we'll reveal; For he's been worship'd preach'd and sung By all throughout the christian world. 7 That he might be a covering made, All names divine to him's been given; With precious stones thus covered, High seated in the mount of God. «S In Eden, yea the moral heaven, He walked amid the stones of fire; Perfect in beauty he's been made, And preached men's covering every where! 9 This covering cherubim the mount, Is but the gentile image high; While thus revealed, he is cast out, And lo the pride of all shall die. 10 In God that mountain in the mind, Dwelt sure the covering cherubim; For Christ, who is that covering, In saints doth intercede, we find. 14 Part 2dof 1^0. S. 1 1 In man's own mind the moral world, God's kingdom only can be found; For God and Christ and kingdom too, All dwell within the bible sound. 12 The holy witnesses ascend, High up to heaven, the heaven of God ; Then heaven is in the human mind, For sure they are God's holy word. 13 In God's own kingdom now in men, Does sin and guilt and shame abound! They blaspheme God, who say the same, Why then have men a covering found? 14 All who put on Christ as a mind, Have all the covering God has made; Nor Hesh nor blood was e'er designed But wisdom and the power of God. 15 Say not within your heart, it's said, Who shall ascend indeed on high; Nor shall you say who shall descend, Forlo! God and his word are nigh. 16 The sum of all come hear it then, Is God in Christ and Christ in men; 15 In this true light all things are seen, Which God's own word to men doth mean, HYMN 6. Vial on the sea. Rev. 16; 3. 1 How deep and broad the sea, Of God's own word appears; While dispensations are its days, Eternal are its years. 2 The moral earth and heaven, Upon this sea were hung; But lo! they all shall pass away, And the stone kingdom come. 3 The scriptures are the sea, Enclosed with bars and doors; Those are its seals, dark sentences, Which hath the book long closed. 4 The scriptures are the sea, Whence antichrist arose; His heads and horns, and mysteries too, The witnesses proud foes. 16 5 The scriptures are the sea, On which the angel swears; That time as joined with mystery, Are ended to those powers. 6 Now since we know the sea, We may divine the hand: The hand of David set therein, Means Christ the son of man. 7 The dragon in the sea, Shall surely now be slain; By Michael's two edged sword indeed. While truth divine, his chain. 8 The waters of the sea, Which on the earth should pour; Are the deep doctrines of the word, Whose waves thereof should roar. 9 This sea gives up its dead, Its mysteries dark disclose; In parts divided, lo! it stands, As blood to all its foes. 10 This vial on the seas, Is judgment on the word; 17 While mysteries, doctrines in the land. As rivers turn to blood. 1 1 But to the sea of glass. Appears within our view; This doctrine shall forever stand, To all it shall prove true. HYMN 7. The Vial on the Rivers. Rev. 16; 4,5. 1 Let all the learned, great and wise, Who do the law as scripture prize; Present their systems, creeds and forms, The Gentile world have heard and learned, 2 Let none called christians now decline, But did our vast survey of mind; Bring all the knowledge in your world, Written, or preached, or sung, or told, 3 Let every power now, great or small, The Greek, the protestant and all; Survey their doctrines to the heart, And point them out in every part, 18 4 Let every subdivision band, Who have compassed our gospel land; As sects respectively make known, All they believe, have heard or shown. 5 Let no restriction now be made, Of doctrines taught from heart or head, What ere's been gathered from the word Present the whole amount to God. 6 How vast the numbers of those forms, And customs of all creature worms; But who can all their doctrines scan. So numerous, complex, winding run? 7 From Heavens own record and profound, The names of all shall wisdom sound; Those are rivers, fountains, pools, Which turn to blood, Oh ! world of souls. 7 The names of all we now have given, Throughout the earth and under heaven ; While heaven's own vials on them pour, Those doctrines, men shall drink no more. Id HYMN 8. Correspo nueucy. Is a. 65; 17. Rev. 21; 1. 1 The sun in brightness pours his rays, The silver moon her light displays; While stars in all their circling spheres, Shine in their own eternal years. *2 While earth on her own axis turns, And all those planets round her burn; Brings seasons, years and centuries brings, All in eternal glory sings. .3 While generations do behold, The heavens, and earth and planets roll; Wisdom transforms the world of mind, And calls them heaven and earth divine, 4 High in her firmament of power, She made her lights and placed them there ; God is her sun, the church her moon, Her stars as teachers long have shone, 5 Her clouds of heaven the earth has seen, All scripture doctrines surely mean; For judgment and for mercy given, Wisdom by these rules earth and heaven. B 20 HYMN 9. Heaven and Hell. Isa. 28; 17,18. Pray tell me, Oh my genius. Of heaven and of hell; Or be they fabled regions, Where Paginations dwell; The Bible and the Koran, Have taught the same to all; While Pagan faith proclaims them, To mortals on this ball. By priests both jew and christian, Has heaven and hell been sung; And through those dispensations, Preached in a world to come; And while through faith of heaven, In hope were millions there; Through faith has hell in vision, Sunk myriads in dispair. Beneath the veil of darkness, Those laboring worlds of mind; Hath travelled o'er the universe, Their good or ill to find; While faith in substance power, 21 Has made both heaven and hell; In man unto this hour, As good and evil dwell. t Break off those chains of darkness, All things divine are here; Those mysteries borne as former yokes, Shall henceforth disappear; Old moral death and hell shall yield, And feel the lake of fire; On zion's hill are all the sealed, And lo they both are here. > That glorious kingdom promised, Called earth and heaven new; Unto the people of the saints, For you 'tis brought to view; The moral world invisible, All heights and depths contain; Eternal life and death are here, And here they shall remain. A 2 22 HYMN. 10 Divine: Wisdom, Prov. 8; 23, 31. 1 Wisdom descends our song to raise, And brings true heaven in her lays; No guilt, no pride, no sorrow brings, But peace and glory now she sings, For this is Eden sure to find, The heaven of rest within the mind, 2 Wisdom delighted once to dwell, In ancient seers their souls to fill; In me stte reigns as she did then, Her delights are with the sons of men ; For lo! the day has now come in, Sin, death, and hell have lost their sting, S Wisdom the moral world doth view, She gave the law and gospel too; When she but her blest powers unfolds, All times and seasons she controls; Behold her beams, where e'er they shine, Destroys all darkness from the mind, 4 Wisdom is like the flames of fires Consumes all chaff, all truth inspires; Who e'er her brightest powers attend, *3 All scripture truth, can comprehend; Earth's glory, this for men to prize, And know her costly merchandize. 5 Wisdom crcateth all things new, All things divine she brings to view; The heigths of heaven, the depths of hell, Within her understanding dwell; For those she past in dread career, To crown her day, the jubilee year. 6 Wisdom of old as now designed, Shall reign o'er all the world of mind} Mystery and time alike are vain, While wisdom thus descends to reign^ For lo! to all she'll thus appear; And loud proclaim sabatic year. 7 Wisdom hath one eternal day, By inspiration hath her way; Her six days of creation were, Time, dispensation she'll declare; And lo! the seventh day's begun, For God's own rest, and heaven are one. 8 Wisdom dwells in eternal years, Makes free the world from slavish fears "Break? the dark chains', of ages laid, B3 24 And bids her ransomed sons be glad; For wisdom's light, and God's the same, All generations shall proclaim. HYMN 1 1 The Stars and Candlesticks. Rev. 1; 12, 16. 1 From Patmos isle we now proclaim, The vision that was sealed; To all the stars and candlesticks, The promises revealed. 2 Come listening Greek, come hear the news, And Alysynian too; The church that's called Vestarian, These songs they are for you. 3 While the ancient church of Armenia hears, And Assyrians learn our song; The Catholic and Protestant, Shall join the numerous throng. 4 Be not surprised ye listening hosts, While trumpet voice proclaims; Those candlesticksjbreseen, Are those with all their names. S> Those seven women, mountains ^streams Foreseen in ancient days; Take hold on one whose name they bear, But walk in their own ways. 6 Long have those candlesticks retained, Their shining stars around; While all those churches, and those stars,. Are all on earth now found. 7 Would ministers and churches claim, The promises there made; And yet deny they are the stars, Or candlesticks indeed? 8 Are not the stars in his right hand. Of whom the vision told; The son of man like one appears, Mid candlesticks of gold. 9 Now to those numbers who compose, Those candlesticks foretold; And all their stars and people too, O'er whom they have control. 10 What e'er in vision once was seen, To you is now applied ; B4 26 No other nation, tongue, or name, But christian is designed. 11 Within the volume of God'3 book, No promises are made; But to the living on the earth, And no where to the dead. 12 Now is the day the vision speaks, Those promises make known; To him that overcomes, they're made, And unto him alone. HYMN 12. The day of Zion. Psa. 10; 2, 13. Arise and favor zion, The day it now has come; Forlo! the six are ended, The seventh has begun; It is the day of rest, From sorrow, fear and sin; When zion shall arise, And her glory dwell within, 27 It is the day in vision, By prophets long foretold; When won should be builded, As in the days of old; When lo! "ii the mount zion, A company should stand; In a new earth and heaven, Appear within our land. The day to favor zion, Is when the power shall fall; It's when the books are opened, And God is all in all, When all things are created, Both new and all divine; It's now you know that zion, Forever more shall shine. Her stones are laid with sapphires, Her gates they shall be praise ; Her walls, they are salvation, The days of heaven, her days; All those who do but favor her, By her own powers shall reign; Wliile all who do dejpiseher, In darkness shall remain 28 5 This favored day of zion, The scripture clouds appear; A covenant all neiv, Shall bring in the jubilee year; While righteousness descends, As the rain that waters all; You now may know the kingdom, Has come to every soul. 5 Then let the seventh trumpet, Aloud proclaim the call; For zion shall be favored, Her sun shall rise on all; And as mount zion rises, Great Babylon shall fall; Come out of her my people, Both saints and prophets all. HYMN 13. The Everlasting Gospel. Rev. 14; 6. The everlasting gospel, Was never yet proclaimed; The gospel of repentance, Was not that gospel named; 39 As a witness to all nations, It ha9 now gone before; But the end of it bus come, And it shall be heard no more. 2 The reconciling gospel, Says judgment yet shall come; The everlasting gospel, Proclaims the hour's begun: Believe and be converted, The first required of all; The last s t \ys give God glory, Who worship on this ball. 3 The gospel of that kingdom, Cried mystery long begun; The everlasting gospel, Aloud proclaims 'tis done; And saith the books are opened. No mystery now restrains; The truth of God has come, And eternally remains. 4 'Twas when the law was ended The christian gospel came; The everlasting gospel, Shall follow this the same; so By the first, the Jewish doctrines, That earth was overthrown; The last shakes earth and heaven, By Revelation shown, 5 The last makes the stone kingdom, The first was ne'er the same; But the fourth kingdom of Daniel, Let all aloud proclaim; Through a long sealed mystery, That kingdom now has reigned; The everlasting gospel, Shall sure destroy the same. 6 The gospel everlasting, Reveals great Babylon; The earth and heaven new, And the New Jerusalem; It enlightens all the nations, Who have the scriptures seen; Divines their brightest glory, And makes their meaning plain. 7 The blessed tree of life, Which shall all nations heal; The gates of the new city, Most truly shall reveal; 31 Everlasting, now our gospel The wise may now proclaim; For truth which is divine, Is eternally the same. The message that we bring, Is the sea of glass with fire; And never can be shaken, But to glory rises higher; As fuel, chaff, and stubble, All works of men destroy; But those of inspiration, Which are without alloy. These doctrines are our angels, With Michael they do stand; In heaven, with the dragon, We war with sword in hand; So mighty is our army, That we the. war begin; And surely we shall conquer, All foes of God and man. 33 HYMN, 14. The seventh Seal opened* Rev. 8; 1—20; 11—21; 1— Gen. 2; 4. 1 Behold, ye sons of men behold, A great white throne appears; On doctrines burning wheels of fire, The judgment day is here. 2 Now let the rushing moral heaven, A thoughtful silence keep; For lo! the seventh seal is broke, And thus its contents speak 3 Within the volume of GocVs look f No mention there appears; Of planets being made on days, Or ending in their years. 4 There's dispensation days we find, And generations made; Called heavens and earth to be dissolved, And new ones are portrayed. 5 Within the book of seven seals, No place, no place is found; For planetary heavens there, O.- earth do they surround. S3 6 By all the cacred powers of heaven, We solemnly declare; What e'er the word of God contains. We find no planets there. 7 The six days of creation arc, Time dispensations found ; To all the christian earth and heaven, This revelation sound 8 Behold this weighty vial now, Which all things doth unfold; For sure the vials, trumps and seals. Shall heaven and earth controll. 9 So heaven and earth shall pass away, Which on those days were made; For generations, lo, they are, And not of planets said. 10 Sound on, sound on the seventh trump, Behold God's days appear; For lo they are as but it were, Each one a thousand years. 1 1 The heavens and earth upon them made, As old worlds pa#i away; 34 Was not of nature's planets said, But doctrines in their day. 12 The antichristian earth and heaven, Shall pass now they are done ; As did the Jewish world indeed, When christian was begun. 13 It's thus the seventh angel pours, His vial in the air; And lo, the scripture city now. In three parts does appear. 14 While nature's course is still the same, All things are new become; God's word thus opened in its light, Brings new Jerusalem. 15 The long predicted world to come, This earth and heaven new; Is the stone kingdom now revealed. It's done, and lo. 'tis true. 35 HYMN 15. The woman in Ileareu. Rev. 12; 10. 1 The virgin bride of heaven appears, She is the faith of ancient seers; How great this wonder to behold, She reigns in heaven, as long foretold, 2 The church triumphant is her name, The new Jerusalem's the same; And while the scripture, books unfold, Lo she appears as saints of old. 3 She's clothed with the sun divine, Thus in glory she shall shine; The moon, that's called ihe church appears, Beneath her feet, and shines not here. 4 Twelve stars her glittering head adorns, Her scripture doctrines are her crowns; Now in her golden, heavenly years, A mother's bride, and queen appears. 5 But who her history shall explain, In heaven she's travailed in her pain; The dragon saw her in her hour, Her fruit, her child, fain would devour. 36 6 But up to God, and his own throne, Her child was caught through faith alone j This woman, yea this doctrine fled, Into the wilderness prepared. 7 With strength Almighty there was fed, In her own place prepared of God; Her son as Michael next appears, The dragon with his angel's fears. 8 The war is short, lo! Michael stands, The dragon falls, and all his bands; Strength and salvation loud proclaim, In God's own kingdom now he'll reign. 9 Proud marshal hosts may disappear, Their weapons turn beneath the sod; While Michael's war in heaven is here, And not one's garments rolled in blood. 10 No more the beastly dragon reigns, His day, his pride, his power are o'er; In vain he'll toss like troubled waves, Or the caged lion vainly roar. 1 1 The everlasting gospel here, The scripture books of life unfold; 57 For so conies in the jubilee year, And the new heavens and earth foretold. HYMN 16. The Sew Jerusalem City measured by the Angel. 1 From Paron's brazen mountain, Jerusalem we'll sing; Descending as a city, Her glory dwells within; The throne of God is in her, While she a bride appears; She is the faith of ancient saints, And reigns eternal years. 2 Her pearly gates are righteousness, Her wall salvation stands; As the predicted light to shine, Through every christian land; All names of living powers divine, The precious stones of tire; And garnishes her wall within, There are no glories higher. C S3 Its from the throne her river pours, Her christian doctrines fair; These are the leaves of life indeed, To heal the nations here; Twelve thousand furlongs she's found, On every side the same; The hundred lorty-four thousand, Or witnesses by name. Faith is the golden heavenly reed, Now in the angel's hand; The measured wall is truly squared, The measure of a man; Pure gold the street and window, love, No night or darkness here; Nor sun, nor moon of former times, For God's own lights' in her. Within are those the Lamb redeemed. And in life's book appear; The kings, their glory shall bring in, And saved nations hear; No moral death called sin is here, Its gates are guarded sure; All the unholy dwell without, For all within are pure. 39 Lo, times and seasons now are changed, All things are new become; The books are opened and their light, Makes new Jerusalem; The holy shall be holy still, And the new heaven remain* Come all ye people join our song, And God's own truth maintain. HYMN 17. Th8 foolishness of natural wisdom» Cor. I ; 20. 1 Man's wisdom like the shaken reed, Or like the waves may toss; Although he claims God's ways to scan, He's still in wonder lost. 2 Thus wisdom cried in Grecian times, Five thousand God's there be; But as the priests the world reformed, They made them one in three. 3 While thousands of a later date, In doctrines quite as vain; C2 40 Talk of decrees and books of fate, -As though from God they came. 4 In Pandemonium's dreadful hells, They'll chain their devils there; Then place their Gods in heavens high, And still declare they're here. 6 Mahomefs, Jews and Christians too, Make images unseen; They'll fill the universe of space, Say them the scriptures mean. 6 While Pagan nation's Gods are made, Of nature and of art; And so engrossed, bewitched are all, With them they're loth to part. 7 Tis faith alone receives the prize, And speaks the promise true; The wisdom of the world it dies, W T hen truth is brought to view. 8 In bible lands the scriptures are. In doctrine all complete; Inspired of God the prophet's views,. In hieroglyphics meet. 41 9 Isaiah, that holy man declares, The heavens depart away; Like as a scroll, cries John, it rolls, It's Daniel's judgment day. 10 The earth shall melt and be dissolved, Speaks Peter in his turn ; The stars shall fall, the sea be void, While fire the pastures burn. 1 1 The heaven and earth shall flee away, Before a great white throne; And a new heaven and earth appear, As in the vision shone. 12 Expressions high throughout the book, As in those lines here given; Consistency and truth still mind, Though language high as heaven! 13 Apply ch man, a meaning right, To such poetic strains; A sea of glass will rise in view, Which are the gospel plains. 14 Old fables like the book of night, Shall pass away with noise ; 42 All Israel hail the heavenly light, And sing eternal joys. HYMN 13. The Sitting of Judgment. Dan. 7; 10. 1 While numbers as the sand appears, Who have come up through latter years; God's camp of saints they all surround, But with them no true faith is found. 2 It's then from heaven true light appears, God's own elect, through endless years; Calls up his host of heaven to stand, In judgment o'er a guilty land. 3 When all, to their own ways are fled, And to God's ways, and truth are dead; When al! to Babylon are gone, And no o*e left God's truth to mourn. 4 It's then by inspiration power, The seals are loosed for judgment hour; The saints all rise in their own way, And loud proclaim the judgment day, 43 5 When all have drank that golden cup, Destroyed the earth, and burned it up; While doctrine vain, all love and praise, And talk of going beyond the skies: 6 It's then in righteous judgment ire, Appears the burning wheels of fire; It's heaven's own doctrine, lo, there found, And bears the throne, the world around. 7 When all mankind go wondering on, About one ancient son of man; And preach, and sing, and pray, and sigh, As though he'd gone 'mid planets high: 8 It's then the seventh trumpet sounds, And brings their pride and folly down; Give them to know the jubilee year, And that the son of man is here. 8 When atian on nature's works do stare, Say God and Christ and heaven are there, While all's beyond the skies they say; So great's their false divinitij. 10 It's then with iron rod appears, The child who reigns eternal years i C4 44 From their high heaven behold they'rhurl'd And plunged into the moral world. 1 1 Lo! Michael and his angels claim, But in the moral heavens to reign; Thus God and Christ, and heaven are near, And lo! eternity is here. HYMN 19. Eden or invisible moral happiness. Gen. 2; 8; 15; 3; 2,4. 1 In Eden, Paradise, or Heaven, The tree oflife forever grows; This tree and all its fruits are given, To heal the moral world from woes, 2 In the same garden with life's tree, There's one of knowledge, lo we find; It's man himself, behold we see, For where there's knowledge, lothere'sroiwdL 3 Evil as well as good, you'll find, Grows in like trees, but that of life; Christ and his church were sure designed, By Adam's marriage with hii wife. 45 4 No more was ever yet designed, By Eden, Paradise or Heaven; But peace and happiness divine, Which through man's faith, to him is given- 5 Adam's the earth, or man's the same, Placed in the garden when e'er made; In God's own image for to shine. And clear the earth from darkest shade, 6 In this God's field or garden fair, The tree of life and knowledge stood; God's word the flaming sword is here, Lo! all dwells in Emanuel's land. 7 Fain would man put forth all his power, And eat the fruit of life's own tree; So live like gods forevermore, But still go on in his own way. 8 Man feels the loss of moral powers, When from God's garden he is driven; So shall he know the foretold hour, And God's own messenger of heaven. 9 Let no man think to hide, or fear Behind the scripture trees this day; 46 Behold the cherubim is here, The flaming sword turns every way. HYMN The F Jesus. ; 10. oughorut the holy volume, A day is there foretold; Upon the v . . wns, Ordained from of old; For it is the day of n ". From all sorrow, guilt and sin; V, hen all things are made holy, And their glory shall remain. A new people shall arise, At the trumpet they shall hear; Receiving a new kingdom, And on Zion shall appear; ir harps and their own girdles, They shall rule in mighty power; Their gospel shall be evermore This is the judgment hour. 47 Their doctrine shall then sound aloud, All old worlds now are done ; For the new earth and heaven too, Have with them now begun; For old time dispensations, Like the chaff, behold they are gone; Because the books are opened, And their glory now hath shone. By the sword of God's own spirit, All their enemies shall fall; For the everlasting gospel, Is the trump they sound to all; Alike both days and years indeed, All ceremonies vain; For heaven and its kingdom sure, Shall in themselves remain. Henceforth their works shall follow them All power but one's put down; Their reward it shall be with them, And their Lord shall be their crown; They shall consume and shall destroy, All doctrines vain of men; Shall hasten on the kingdom too, That forevermore shall stand. 48 Who will be this strong people now. For the day has now begun; Despise ye not this prophecy, It's from your moral sun; With these coals now from the altar, Be your heart and tongue on fire; Then your righteousness remains, For the kingdom now is sure. HYMN 21. A pure language. Zeph. 3; 9. 1 What e'er the universe contain,, That are not temporal things; Unseen they dwell within the mind, Which doctrines are its springs. 2 In light shall heaven's own doctrine shine. That in the books were wrote ; The world from darkness shall awr-ke, Their chains shall thus be broke. S The sun that should to darkness turn, Was called the son of man; 49 His ministers themselves the stars, The church herself the moon. 4 While nature's course is still the same, The christian world is burned; The fire of truth, the spirit's flame, Pure language shall return. 5 No where is death and hell e'er found, But in the minds of men; Made up of doctrines false and vain; And give them up they shall. 6 For lo, the ungodly world is gone, The Jewish world is past; No other world but christian now, And this is shaken last. 7 The long predicted world to come, The earth and heaven new; Is the stone kingdom now set up, Thus all things are made true. 8 Happy the man who overcomes, And will those sayings hear; The names of wisdom he shall know, And hail the jubilee year 50 HYMN. 22. Parting assunder of the times. 2Esd. 6; 7— Heb. 12; 26. 1 This is the day so long foretold, By saints and prophets from of old; The day which shakes the earth and heaven; By a new revelation given. 2 The parting times assunder break, In God's own image now awake; Time, dispensation days are done, The seventh day has now begun. 3 The scripture clouds of heaven appear, Let all the world bzhold them here, For judgment and for mercy given, In these the covenant bow of heaven, 4 Dissolve your fears in iove divine, The placid heaven shall around you shine ; With God, Heaven and Christ within, We fear no hell, nor death, ncr sin. 5 Jiiz' ice and judgment are God's throne, The spirit's power is truth alone; In these perfections now v/e'll sh And bear God's image all divine. 61 In a new kingdom, lo, we'll join, Leave mystery, time and sin behind; The powers of Anti-Christ are vain, By us the saint3 and prophets reign. Salvation, now our walls shall stand, Our gates be praise for every land; Come in, come in, go spread the call, Tis God's own truth descends for all. HYMN 23. War in Heaven. Rev. 12; 7. 1 In ancient and in modern days, Has the fell war its thousands slain; While slaughter'd blood of millions cries, Aloud toman's eternal shame. 2 False doctrines have the world deceived, As from a constellation given; That starry hosts of men believed, Has been the dragon's reign in heaven. 3 To save and not destroy once cams, The Son of Man and all his host: 52 But lo, a world who bear his name, Have rose in wars and carnal lust. 4 Oh, what a blessed judgment hour, To comprehend the dragon's reign; His head and horns called christian powers, Shall be controlled and surely slain. 5 Think deep ye sons of men who hear, The latter days have now rolled on; The thrones of judgment shall appear, And anti-christian thrones cast down. 6 It's done, the seventh angel cries, It's done re-echo's from the throne, For lo, the witnesses arise, And loud proclaim, behold it's done. HYMN 24. Invitation to the promises. Rev. 22; 17. Come eat ye now the tree of life, The^second death now flee; The hidden manna*now receive* And anew name's for thee. 53 SWith raiment white and clean your clothed While you our doctrine love, It is the new Jerusalem, Descending from above. 3 A pillar in this house you'll be, When you shall overcome; In righteousness divine you'll sit, Our kingdom shall be one. 4 Power o'er the nations you shall have, For broken they shall be; Our doctrine like an iron rod, Remains Eternally. 5 In a new light all things appear, It all things shall refine; Loud hallelujah now we'll sing This blessed light is mine. HYMN 25. The veil and Covering rent, Isaiah 25; 7, 8. What is that veil of darkness, That shall be rent away? 54 It's long been spread o'er christians. As on the Jews it lay. 2 In the letter of the scripture, The word it has been vain; In this the whole creation, Has travailed in pain. 3 Mid raging tempests driven, And roaring waves around; Those bars, the sand of God's own sea, And none could break them down. 4 This mystic darkened veil, Shall sure be rent in twain; He who the sands and bars removes, Shall put them up again. 5 In God's own image, yet once more, Man surely shall be made ; From day to day, from sea to sea, Wisdom, mankind have led. 6 The heavens wax old, the earth decays As garments worn to shame ; Or like the moon in her last wane, Earth's righteousness the same; 7 ftchold man's great creation now, On dispensation time ; Six thousand years of labor wrought, And what doth wisdom find. 8 Because man i aanot comprehend, All nature and her laws; A mental image lo! he's made, Then cms behold the can 9 All names sublime he reads and hears, And then creates them forms; JIis hopes and fears all work on these, W tiile thus he stands and warms. 10 In all bis heavens and all his hells, W.th all his faiths put there; No where crisis but in himself, And echo answers ?■.•'■ 1 1 The heavens dissolve and earth ism ( H disp nsations done ; For lo! the BOD of man appears, In his own kingdom come. l k 2 Prepare new thrones of judgment now. And old unes cast ve down U 16 R As princes, rule ye on the earth, The endless gospel sound. 13 Let the strong truth of God appear, And reason with it join; It's then o'er sin, and death, and hell, You'll triumph, and shall shine. 14 Sound all who henceforth overcome, May triumph, and shall sing; O grave! where is thy victory \ O death! where is thy sting\ HYMN 26. How to overcome. Rev. 21; 7. 1 What shall be done to overcome, And have each promise sealed; To all who have now ears to hear, This truth shall be revealed. 2 To overcome great Babylon, And learn the truth divine; Is but to die to all you've learned, And a new kingdom find 57 3 From those alone who were inspired, The truth of heaven is seen; For all the works of men beside, The chaff and stubble mean. 4 All that has come upon the earth, Since the blest days of John; Must be renounced and overcome, As doctrines not divine. 5 The book's been sealed, and mortals vain, And ne'er beheld the day; When their own works, like jews of old , Should all be swept away. 6 Throughout the universe of space, One book alone is found; That e'er was sealed with seven seals, The word of God profound. 7 Behold ye then thro' earth and heaven, No more than one appears; To loose the seals of God's own word, Throughout eternal years. 8 Behold God's great foundation laid, By saints and prophets given ; 53 Six thousand \ears. as it were sealed, While men build earth and heaven. 9 Theirdoctrines. systems, works andforms, Shall henceforth pass away ; Wisdom appears the seals to loose, And brings her perfect day. 10 Come in. come in, to all she cries, The darkened veil pass thrc: In a new heaven and earth we'll sing, Of God's salvation true. HYMN, 87. The Invisible World. Luke, 17; -21— Rom. lOj 3. i Was heavenly wisdom mine to scan, The ways of God. and ways of man; No heaven or hell should I e ? er find, But those which dwell within the mind. 2 Were all the planets in their spheres, Explored in their eternal years; No God. nor heaven, nor angels there, Would e'er be found, that are not here 59 3 Should eyes of flesh, all space behold, Where thought e 'er reached or planets roll ; No heaven or hell would see in all, But as now seen upon this ball. 4 Above, beneath, before, behind, There are no heaven or hell to find, No good, nor evil can be shown, But in the moral world alone. 6 Come then and part with all your pride, And lay your mortal thoughts aside; Open your gates and you shall hear, For lo, eternal truth comes near. 6 To understand, is to behold, The things divine which were of old f The mystery of all mysteries sealed, Time's darkest curtain's now revealed. 7 All chains of former ages break, Bid the whole world from death awake; The world invisible behold, Is mans own mind, the moral ivorld! 8 Wisdom with all things she can scan. Dwells truly in her God-like man; Z)2 60 In all successive ages round, With living men alone she's found. 9 What e'er by wisdom men may find, Dwells in themselves, in their own mind, Thus God and Christ, and Heaven are near And lo, eternity is here. HYMN 23. The Spirit's Hymn. Heb. 12; 22; 23. \ Hail ye spirits clothed with organs, Through which music sounds its way; Free, like songsters of the forest, Sing like saints of ancient day Break the silence all around you, Of redemption now we'll sing; Children, children, heaven calls you, Make the vocal regions ring. 2 We were spirits once in darkness, Like the prisoner in his ceil; Sin the walls and chains around us, Condemnation was our hell; 61 Sorrow, shame, and tear hung o'er us, Now in penitence we'll tell; Dark despair went fleeting by us, Round us hope stood hovering still. 3 We were spirits all enchanted, When we saw full mercies blaze ; And began to sing hosamias, 'Twas the morning. oi our days; All our prison doors were opened, Free salvation then come in; Grace appeared to us an ocean, Enough to wash the world from sin. 4 Hail ye spirits of the martyrs, We now lend our organ powers; Hail ye spirit of the prophets, Now descending, lo, 'tis ours; From the pit behold we're taken, And our tongues were loosed to tell; Of free grace and blood washed garments, That have saved our souls from hell, 5 We are spirits born of spirit, Temples of the living God; D 62 Zion's hill our habitation, With saints and prophets, our abode Garments of salvation clothe us, As on eagles wings we rise ; Lo, 'tis eden all around us, God and Christ our want supplies. 6 We are spirits, swift in motion, .All anointed from on high; In heavenly places our devotion. Sainted spirits never die; Eden's garden now is opened, Trees of life to all are free; Golden fruit the nation's healing, Streams of life behold we see. 7 We are spirits joined with spirit8 1 Who from tribulation came; In us burns the spirit's power, Feeding now devotion's flame, We are spirits, happy spirits, All our wants are well supplied; Like a sea of glass our pleasures, Not like billows of the tide. 8 Hail ye spirits all triumphant. Lend your light winged cars of fire; 63 Faith's our chariot l lo, we meet you, hi tlie spirit world now here. HYMN The city of Cod with men. Gal. !-. 1 The city of our God, Descends to rest with men; She is the bride all dressed in white, And reigns o'er Babylon. 2 Her wall salvation high, Her gates they shall be praise; Faith is her golden, heavenly street, And shines with purest rays. 3 Inscribed with living names, Foundations ne'er shall fail; The spirit's stream shall run like Thames In which the sainis resale. 2 Her light, her window, love, All round the nations saved; The tree of life bears fruti above To save from sin's dark grave 04 The seals, the books unfold, And thus her light appears; O'er all the world her light shall shine, And shine eternal rears. EXPLANATION OF BABYLON. The seven hmrtu, die wvea ■outsuM, of Him the world we.-s':. - - Greek, Afiiaiaa, Aiiyyiwi, Ne »::::;-, ^ -.:.ic and Protestant ch arches. These are the m .' waten upon which mystery Babyic HYMN 30. A new son? for Babylon. Jer. 51; 43. Rev. 17; 9,15— 18; 1,2. 1 Ye cloudy thousands rise, And now sing for Babylon; Throughout her wide domain, All worship now the sun; She's known of all the nations, None "• ith her can compare; For her pride has reached to heaven, And her name we will declare. 2 There's written on her front, Mystery, Babylon the great; On seven mighty mountains, She's builded high in state; GO Aii 9 It's like thi heaven, Her kin Th' doctrines, bride; She I To tho nations of tin' earth; tdade drunken, Which she With heralds and trumpets. To the great jubilee. HYMN 41. The perfect day. Isa. 1; 27. Pro. 4; 18. 1 All hail the light the heavenly ray, We've come unto the perfect day, And darkness left behind; Now on the sea of glass we stand, In a celestial covenant band, And Grace rewards we find. 2 No more shall mystery now control, Leadcaptive on, earth's wayward souls. In self-deception's chain; Speak truth in love, be just to all, With humble heart walk on this ball, Then with our God we reign. 3 Sectarian forms and customs vain, Like ghostly shadows long in train, Will ne'er redeem the land; It's by good deeds and works alone ; The people of the saints are known, Without profession's waud. 93 i Now on this great redemption year, The covenant bow of heaven is here, All written in our heart; One faith, one hope, one love shall stand, As the true light for every land, And never shall depart. 5 Now let the works of men be try'd, By fire of truth which shall abide, From God's own word so dear; This revelation day's for all, Great Babylon herself shall fall, And light divine appear. 6 In everlasting gospel sound, We hear the trump of God profound, For all, the tidings roll; It shakes the heaven, earth and sea, Rends the dark veil of mystery, And all things shall controll. 7 Come, lay all mortal thoughts aside, Vain doctrine, sect, and lust of pride, And thus prepare the way; From zion's hill hear wisdom call, To all the world both great and small, And come to zion's dav. 94 HYMN, 42, Light for the Gentiles. Isa. 60; 1,22. 1 Arise ye people of the saints, Behold your light is come ; Lift up your heads and now behold,. The new Jerusalem. The everlasting covenant bow, Six thousand years has run; The elect are all encircled here, From Enoch down to John. 2 Arise ye people of the saints, Behold the mystery done; The books unsealed and opened stand, For the stone kingdom come; With robes and crowns on zion's hill, The witnesses appear; Come all the world, come follow them* This great redemption year. S Arise ye people of the saints, Behold God's heavenly train; From the four winds are gathered in, And evermore shall reign: 95 While all in life's own book now stands, Like Daniel on our day; Shall shine as stars in gospel heaven, While nations pass away. 4 Arise ye people of the saints, Behold what faith has done; Kingdoms and worlds subdued and formed, Still shine now as the sun; By old Elijah's wonderous faith, And Moses' faith still higher; In glory speak of God's own word, Those charriots of his fire. 5 Arise ye people of the saints, Behold that host of flame; In everlasting gospel sound, And judgment here proclaim, As prophets spake and gave the law, Called angels of the Lord; Through faith are all translated now, By his own holy word. 6 Arise ye people of the saints, Behold the clouds of heaven; All scripture doctrine's raised on high, By saints and prophets given; F2 96 Like shadows from the earth they fled. Who did redemption seek; To all the world who ne'er saw them, Forever live and speak. Arise ye people of the saiuls. Behold to you are given, All things the word of God contains, For anew earth and heaven; Take now the kingdom over all, Be faithful just, and true; Claim every promise of your Lord, And a new name's for you. HYMN 43. Fall of Mystery Babylon. Rev. 18; 2,8. The angel from heaven, Proclaims now the call, Great Babylon's fallen; Come out one and all, Forsiike all her sins, And now fly heaven's ire, For the truth of God's come. And shall burn her with fire. 97 Full of mystery and darkness, Great Babylon rose; She is Sodom and Egypt, The witness' foes; As the Tyras of nations, Behold she has stood; In trade with men's souls, As with innocent blood. In her mystical cities, Her idols of fame, Her angels and spirits, And mysteries she'll name; Full of slavery and war, Of oppression and pride, God's truth and his christ; By her works has denied. Her wine from her cup, Lo, her merchants have given She calls it God's truth, And the gospel from heaven; She is drunken, deceived, And all covered with blood; The world she's deceived, And made vain the good word. F3 98 She has reigned o'er the world, With a mighty eontroll; The dark page of time, Has long sought to unroll. God's truth falsified, Has now reach'd up to heaven; Like babel of old, To destruction is given. Come out, oh! my people, Put away your false fears; Hear the voice now from heaven, It's the end of her years; Raise your voice she is fallen, Lift your banners on hi