g0$ W tMl ASHORTE TREATISE OF Jit crofTe in Bapti/me Con traded into this fyllogifme . No religious but vtterly e vnla\vfdl. But tbevfe ofthecro([e inBaptifine isa- religious vfe of afopifh idoll wGods fub- like feruice. Ergo. The vfe of the croffe in Bafiifrne is not in- different but vUaiyunldxifdL Printed/^. OF THE SIGNE OF THE Crofle in Baptifmc . The vfe of the Crofle in Baptifme is not a thing indifferent, butvtterly vnlawfull. For thisreafon. T T is againft the Apojlles precept i.Iohn A .W/. Babes keepe yourfelues frooiPKOFE Idolls. For the explanation whereof two S a'ior . thinges art to be fcanned y frfl: what is ment by an idoll . Secondly: how farr we are to keepe our feluesfiom the Iodll.An I- dolliswhatfoeuerbefids God is worshipped with divine bonor. And though fome re- Jlraine an Idoll to a vifible forme: becaufe it is deriued apotou eidous yet as a learned writer obferueth (a)They which will treat zjnch.de re. of all fortes ofldolatrie , mufl needes take ca^rhe* the name of an lodll in a la rger Jignifica- 5 ■ tion. By the name therefore of an idoll is vnderjlood whatfoeuer befides the true God a man doth fropofe or frame to him- fe/fe to be worjlnpped, either fimplie, or in A fome 2 fome refyeci. Neither is thisfpoken without good rea- son, for nothing is properly an idoll, as it is a vifible forme, but as it is religiouflye rvorfnpped. if t her fore it be rvorf hipped it may be an idoll , though it be no vifible fhape,otherwife the rvorfhipping of Angels and the faults of iuft men were no ido- latrie, feeing theft are invifible fpirites, and ther fore the figne of the Croffejfit be religiously worf hipped, may prone an Idoll though it be tnmfiens quidd&m a thinge vanifhing in the Ay re and no permanent forme. For as that learned Zanche ftpea- keih there is A two fould Idoll, the on reall the other imaginare,conceaued only in the mindc. Fcranftver to the Second qaeflion. Men may keepe themfelues fro idolls two wayes: ©urfeiues le,apA rro;n thevfc oftheldolL rom * o ^ fhejtrft, (b) S. Pau!e isfo (Iricl that I^oi"' $* alloweth not the chriflians fo much as to io be prefent in the temple at the idolu from 'feajles, though they did it without a- ny int email opinion, or extemall aclion of worf hipping the Idoll. But Iohn in this place doth not (peak: Co much of the worf hip as the vfe of the idoll for (as Aug.inpfa.n^.v^ellobferueth) J :he Apofle commaundeth that they a voyd not only the worf hip of the Images, but al- fo the-images or idolls themfelues . Now the vfe of an Image, or idoll, may he ciuyllor religious } and both ofthempub like orpriuate. That an Image, evenfuch an Image as is idolatroufly worf hipped, may be made & retaynedfor ciuyll reflects of ornament, slory or fuch like : we make no queflion, though the tollarating of them in open & pub !i eke places, even extra cultum he of fen fine and turne into a fnare, a* Gideons Ephod was to his poferitie , vhen it was akufed to idolatrie.Andvppon tkisgrclid we yeald, that though the Croffe be appa- rently 4 apparamly an Idoll, yet in Princes Ban* ners,Cronnations, Coyne, Crowne, or any other cyvill reject it?nay bane a law full vje. But that my t hinge of mans devifmg being worflnppedas an ldoll,fhouldbe vf- edrz\\£JLoms:ergo: and in the worfbipp of God, feme th directly again f S. Johns pre- cept, for, how doelkeepe myfelfefrdm the ldoll,or how doe Ijheew ?ny zealous detef- tation of that filthy idolatrie: when Ire- tayne it, andvfeit fo honorably, as in the temple ,in the Sanctuary, in the fer nice of God. Which interpretation of this place of S. lohn, the Church of England (c) doth j/om!t, .1 - on the warrant of'Tertullian approue and gjinft periJ! cOM'-n^l. of Idolatrie /'"/• • r J n 7 l p .-,: 1 2 , And this poynt is further Jtrengthened .. . „ by the (icon i commanndement: which for fcxod. J ? : & J J J i 4,i ? ,z>c«t- bidietu not only to worlnpp : but even to 4. make an-/ Image,pr any fimmtme whatjo- calmt infti. eirr y t0 wfy> a d cultures , or for religions } r t Rn' ? \ * v fe : * $ {iCCOl '- tn Z t0 ^ e fcripturethe bejl inexro : n fe mt&pr&tors, ( d) partly azainft Im.t?es in 5*»~ ' ""J™ chicks s Churches partly on the wordes of the pre- f e c tr ^f^ r ceptydoemofi naturally expound it. For ft* **9&$&te trljyif Idolatry itfilfe:a,s a mojl execrable Kwpcvm » thing be forbidden , then all occafens arc) z^.Xjt re meanes leading thereunto are likcirife fro jj«»pnHUi. hibited. And what flronger provocation BaVinguw to that Jpiritua/l who? 'dome: then creeling Xia^e Images in the place of Cods mrjhtfp? For ^? t:rr]Cn as Aucuftinc wellobferuethy in pfal.ui . «yrc 3 p. a ,.- , ,, ° J l J ■*■ Alien on the Idolls or Images , haue greater power to i.ccm, corrupt a filly foule , in that thy ham a %££ lhe mouth, eyes y eares y nofic.handes \,feete,thcn to correal it ? in that they neither heare y fimelly &c. And therefore without doubt, the men- vinge of the commaundement is to bynde the Church from allfuchfnares and alln- trments tofinne, and therefore doth Aug. in quejlfuj) Leuit.qJS. well conclude fro this c ommaun dement y that finch makinge of an Idollcan ncuer be iufi or lawfidi Now if no fimilitude at all be tollarablc in Gods fier nice , then much le fleam that hath 6 hdth bene and is worjlrippcd idolatrcufly. Tertullian again f the Gnoftickes accomp. ted them Idolaters , not onlj which wor- /hipped, but thofe alfo which made and re- tained Images (nemppe ad cultum or for holy vfe) and in his booke de idolatria, he 'vehemently reproued the very makers of Images , though they did not themf elites ivorjhip them, which peeweth in what ex- ecration the primitiue Churches held any religious vfe of an Idoll. The like we may fnde in Bpiphanius ad Iohannem Bpum Bier of al, where he repor teth, that fndinge an image of Chrifl, or feme Saint, hanging at a Church dor e, he rent it inpeeces, a vouching that to hange apiciure in the Church of Chrifl, ivas con- trary to the authority of the fcriptures & the chriftian religion. jr rem hence I con elude, that if the godly fa\ the?- werefo vehement, againjl ereclinge Images cf Chrif;,and of Saints, even at thai tyme: before any worfiip wasgiuen vnto i . 7 Unto them . Much more would they with- stand it now y after men haue made Idolls if them. And if they would not fujfer an I~ doll fo much as in the place of Gods wor- Jhip : would they endure themfelues to njfc fuch an Idollas the Croffe ; in the feruice & facraments ofGod.Their zeale againjl that (jtirituall fornication , would neuer permiti themfo highly to honor , fuch an execrable thing : neither was their zcale heerein without ground of knowledge :for thejpirit of God in pjal. n$.$. peaking of Idolls, they (faith he) that make them: are like vnto them 3 &fo are all they that trull in them Where aplayne difference is made hetweene makers : and worshippers of Idolls And both condemned^ cur fed trarfgref fors of the law 7 jh all any the make the I doll of the croffe y andthat for religious vfe/ md yet be innocent ? pfJ ^ ^jieftionlejje by Dauids example we mttfl make no mention jhat is keepe no ho. rable memory of an Jdoll^ thcr fore with B out Iiai' 50: 2 s cut doubts ??otglue it fo much honor . Idolatry ? For a rich l - T ^.6 J9 . -wan doth not outwardly worship his goods yet, becattfe hegiueth vnto it intern confi- dence which is due vnto God,it is truly cal led 12 Vb^p-v^y called his Mollis vnto the Sardanapali(q their belly is termed thier god. Right fo the. papijls ascribing to thefigne of the Crojp, that honor & confidence which belongeth to God y doe mike it an execrable ldo!l y and fo mifl vnfit tofiad in the fanB nary y or to be annexed to the holy t hinges of God. For firjl they afcribe vnto thefigne of the crojje ti^dfeafes,andfan£li- fiyng both man and other creatures, to the vfe of man. ex J Seconly I fay indeed they doegiue outward, afwellas inward worship to the crojje. For it is apparant that they im'ocate it in the fame manner , that they imocate Saints . when they Jay , by this f gne of holy cicflc Jetftna.cruce cuiJJs ail flie farre frcm vs. %Agayne 3 by thcP r, jj"j* in figne of the holy crofle, frcm cur en:myes de™^ anco Jiuer vs o Lord our Go6.*dlfo in another pldce viclorious erode and admirable fgne, make v$ trihumph and ioy c*. in heauenly courts di- vine . Tea in prayers they ioynett with lefus Cbri(l e as in officio milTse is to he fcene 3 where they fppplrcate: By the mercy of lefus Chrift, by the ayde and f gne of the creffe, by the sn^ tercetfion of the blefled virgine 5c c. They ecu-' fie it alfo with the hloudcf Chriji in thefc words Defend me Jefu,ficm all cuill vices paft, pre- Hor, rrefntt fentrand to ccme,by the figne of holy crcfTe: ;ui vi £ m * a " and by the in eflimable price of thy iuft and mpd&m pretious bloud. M?$» A 'II which doth mojl wanifcftly prone jh at among thepapifls: it is religioujly honored both with inward confidence > and outward reuerencc.And therfore if their I dolls may in no forte be annexed to the fer nice of our Cody the crojje in Baptifme ought neceffari b *4 Ij to be crofjedejr curfedout of cur liturgy. Neither U it afufficient anfwer to fay, that the crojft amongfi vs is neither in number nor in vfe, the fame that theirs is , and though their crojfe be an Idoll , yet ours U not J or when God commaunded his people to breake downe theJmages of the heathen and to extinguifl) the 'very name of them: bad they performed t^iat charge: if they had burnt all the idolls of Canaan, and a f terward made nerve of the fame forme, and to another vfe: though not Idolatrous, yet religous ? Or how haue we difchar ged our dueities andjhewedour deteflation of that filthy idolatrie, if hatting defaced all the popijl) crucifixes and idolls, we creel them netvc in our Church though not to worfup the yet to any other holy vfe whatfieuer.lt is true that our Croffc, ejr theirs is thefae, both in name , and forme, but notinvfe, for then were it Idolatrous , now I doe not fay that the Chusch ofEnglaud,doth com- mit ldohtrie:but that it ought to abfeine not mt only from the idolatry or worfrifp } but even from all religeous vfe offuch bum ale ordinances and inventions, which others haue & doe idolatroujly adore. For if to e- reel crucifixes, and other popifr images for holy vfe be ( contrary to the commaunde- ment) a keeping of an honorable memen £vod 2 ■ 3 if the IdoUfhow can the religious vfe of the £ en ^ e * ^ crojje in Baptimfe being as well an I do 11 as any of their Images be retained without breach of the law , Babes keepe your felues from Idolls. obieciion. The flgneof thecrofle in the firft inftituticn was free from fuperftition and Idojatry^and iff the abufe which grewe after be remooued, why fhould it not Tecouerhis auncient v fe & indifirency, like as the bread in the Lords (up per which thepapiftes doe rehgioufly adore ^ of tWj Ra . AnfWSr. t.ureare There is great difference betweene that v ^f^c. which God hath created c:T commaunded !(i ;? 2Sof r nc and that which man hath ordeyned , for andWr*- the one is nccefpiry, andn-o abnfe can alter hUfrii^btf C tk is |J* T * e J£ the nature of it, the other indifferent and Bi azen ser - ^y abufe may he come inlaw juii, and ther- vherc a com°- jW Hezckia did nor the/y breake the bra- bMunded. y^ ^^^ not feeking to ndreffe the abuji tutenim % of it. Now howjbeuer Bcllarmyne would in- VJbeT C vLfi mate f ^ at f " c cro ffi. i* founded cn fcrif- ipiri tunicm ture,yet the wcaknes oj his arguments dot ex inifceuto bewray the twfoundms of the matter, and d£a/«ra de therfore Tertullians iudgment is to be pre etijb 2 de t £ T /W n^/V^ plainly faith, that thereis no mag capipJ . r I. A* / , . conacur ve n warrant m j capture jor tt. Bis words be, cn!cis°?cn ^ It then feeke any law for this in fcripture, tuicoutonta thou fhalt find none. Tradition is a vouched te ftabiiirem ro fc e t b e 2U thor, cuftome the confirmer, and m j i&nh the obieruer. Now it is further to be noted that a double %fe oft he crofje is mentioned in antiquity, one cyuill, the other religious, agairfv the former we doe not dilute yetting all reue- rence to thofe chrijiiaus , which by that note fieewed their reicy ring and glory, in that which the heathen coiited their jlae, hut now , that abufe hath turned both the Image and thefgne of the crofje into an I doll *7 doll j itfeemeth thereby to be made execra- bk. For Gideons Ephodbeingfirfta ciuill monument of victory, when the people wet a whoring after it > was it law full for the Magiflrate to erect in the tabernacle orfi- nagogue though not the fame y yet the like, both in nam 3 , and forme to any religious vfe? would it haue fufficed to fay this is not the fame Ephodthat ifradlmakethanl- doll of neither is itfett here to be worjhip- ped (for your brethren doe grevoujly fnne therin)butonly to keepe in minde the great victory that Cod by Gideon gaue to ifrae/l. Right (b the crojje v fed by the auncients to Jhew that they were not ajhamedofchrifi crucified being meerly ciuill \md yet expref fngamofl chriflian refolution, hauinge. ben abufed, yea, continuing to be worjhip- ped,both in Image and in figne, itfeemeth that this filth hath made it vnfit , on any pretence of reforing it to his aiwcient vfe to be annexed to the holy t hinges of the fmct;t.irie:efpecially while there arefo ma- ny ny pacifies that fopsrftitioufly abufe it 4-* mon$ vs. Now for the religious vfe of the croffe by the auncients ,. it was never, fret from finne ejr- ftperftition as afterwards is fhewjd,cr if it were, yet being an hum aim ordinance, and now not only abufed to ido- iitrie, but becoming it felfe a mofl abomi- nable Idoll, no water can clenfe it, nor any pretext purife it for the holy fervice ofle- houxh . But in very deed to Jpeake as the truth is, the croffe is reteained among vs with opinion very fuperflitious anderroni om, for in the late Canons it is faid, that canon. 3 3 the child (c) is therby dedicated vnto the feruice of him that died on the cr off What is this but to equall mans ordinance with Gods, and to afcribethat vnto the croffe, which is due vnto Baptifm:?a conceite fit- ter for ignorant papijls, then learned chri- stians to confent vnto . Neither doe we vfe it as the auncients did ,for Cyprian, Ait- rertuitan ds gufunc,Chrifoflome cjr others, (m)itisap toeWM^! $*i $°fi ttnr:S did conf crate the *r< theeliments theirwith,anddid notcroffe ^jjf ?JJ5 the childs for head atall,but referred that « ? j c Rab', iwta f A* Bijhops confirmation, fo that our ciericfe"?. 1 ] eroding the Infants forhead and not the e- ^Sfyfc. limznt ofBaptifme,is a mere noueltie with iu>.i,cap. 2 © out any warrant of that antiquitie, neither will that place of TertulliandereCawc&i the croife one czmisyproue the contrary. The fleft is ^f^°^ wafhed that thefoule may be purged, the g*^ ftaa " flefh is annoynted that the foule mvf be confecrated, the flefh is finned that the fou may be guarded , the flefh is fhadowed by the impofition of hands, that thefoule may he by the fpirit inlightened, thefifh doth feed on the body and bloud of Ghrifl , that thefoule may be filled and fatted of God. In whkh words he ioyning togeather diuers Ceremonies of the chriflians,doth i/ideede mention the figning of the faith full, but it may as well be referred to confirmation ex pre (fed by impofition of hands as to Baptifl me, vnder flood by the waflmg oft he body and that one better reafon, fir it is more than 20 than probable that the fignt of the crofft was not yet v fed in Baptifme feeing Iuftiri ^sfor Mar- ^ ar ty r ^ defenf^d Antoninum ct Ten t,jl h' s «rpift, tull. de Baptifmo ec de corona militxs, speaa y a doe defer ibe the forme of Baptifme t fed in thofe times mdyet mah.no mention oft he croffe their in , which in all Ukly hood they would not haue omitted if it had ben vfed therein efpecially Tertullian, who in that 'very place \}eaketh of the croffe y as vfed eut of Baptifme in the ordinary bleffmg nfthemfelues. obiefiion. But the figne of the Croffe is mt vfed in Baptifme y but when Baptifme is ended. Aaf If you take Baptifme only for that dipping (jrjp rinding of the party it is true andfo none ofthi po^ifly additions, wherby they defile that holffacrament are in bap- tifme y for thofe which Be liar mine ace op a- ny Baptifme are not impious Jbut if you tak baptifme. 4s indeed we doe y for the admini- /? ration of the facrament , thin both the 'prayers before and the prayers after > the ac tions 21 tions after the dipping: doe all ' indifercrtly belong to one andthefelfe fame t hinge y yea it is all on continuall attion of the adminu flration of the facrament. Sure it is that it mufl he f aid to be, either in Bap i fine or out of Baptifme : or no where, if it be out of baptifme, Low is it by common tonfent of all, f aid to be the figneof the crojje . obiecl. Thefigne of the crojfe is t 'ery aun- cient. ylnf. So are many ctlerpopijh traditions. And if on that ground we ere to rctaine it, why doe we not giue the Baft fed mi Ike andhony accordingly . Why doe we not bring ojjringsfor the dead. For Turlvllian thefrfl of the Fathers that ettcr meniicned the Crojje: doth efabhjl) theje,andthefgne of the crojje by one and the Jelfe fame war- ran tie. Be fides, ifvpon the fathers traditi- on we vje the crojje , then mujc we rcccauc and vje it as they haue deli uer edit "into vs that is, with opinion ofvertue and cjficacie^ 22 not only in the aft of bleffwg ottrfdues^ in the expelling ofdiuills, but even in the . confecration of the blejjed Sacramentes . ni For the firjl, Tertullian is witnesfayinge y At every paffage, at euery fetting forward, at at euery coming in and gocing out,at putting on of our clothes, fboes, &c. We ftarape our forhead with the figne of the crofle. For chafwre of deuillsJerom councelkth Epjftola ad _ J . & J rr r - a J Dcmetriam, Demetrius to vjethe croJJe.Jaying. And with ofteft croflmg guard thy forhead^that the deftroyer of Egipt find no pkceinthee. lib 4- cap.17 La&antids f4ttb,Chri&s followers doe by the figne of the crofTe* (hut out the vndeane fpi- rits. Cfoifollom:in$fa. loQ.ThecroflTeguar- deth the minde, it taketh revenge on the de- mil, it cureth the defeafes of the foule &c. But thefc fuferflitions arefmallin re garde cfthat efficacie which in the facra?nets > an tiquitie afcribedvyto the crojfefor Cyfri- an (being the auncientefi that maketh men tion of the crojje in Baftifme)(feaking of it Cyprian de Whofe venue, perfefteth all facramentes, patione ♦ without which figne nothing is holy, nor any confecration taketh eflfeft , and whofoeuer are the Minifters of the fecrarucms > what- fo 2$ foeuer hands doe dypp or annoym the com- mers to Baptifme, out of whatfoeucr mouth the facred word doe proceed > the authoritie of operation doth by the fignc of the erode* makeefle&uall Sacraments. It were fuperflums to reherfe the reft. Bui hereby it isevidet that the religious vfe of the crojp, was even at the frft fmnfull '& fuperftitious ^neither can it befhewed, that euerit was v fed by the Fathers ;religionis > ergo fine admixtafuperftitione,and this in ventiodid me fooner creepe into the facra ment but it drew vnto it felfe fuch fuperfti thus conceite ofejficaeie andnecefsitijhat without it, the meanes which God appoin- ted for the confecration of the elements ft- medover makeyeayvnamilableaccordi* as fome (e) among ft vs account not them L *% $/£ children lawfully baptifed, yea, will haue hi P^ dh ^ them rebaptffedjf the croffi haw ben omit «f*R ted,out of which may be obferuedfrft haw "* dangerous a thing it is to bring in any hu. ® mane xvi* o micrcit. 24 mane imtntion into the ferula ofGod,fith in the very pure age of the Churchy it was punijhedwithfuchaftirituallcurfe of hor- rible fuperfiition. Secondly, though at this time popery was not hutched, yet the mifteric of iniquity was then a working,and the begining as it were of the whorijh fornications was found even in the Fathers times, fo that, as worjhipping r t ofAnrells in Paules time, prayers & oblate ******* onsforthedead inTertullmtime,be right ly counted popifi and Antichrifkian, though as yet that monfter was not borne :So this & ether Ceremonies ratified by, the, popifh Ca- nons dr conftitutions, may well be taken for popijl) & Antichriftian,euen in the Fathers times, feeinge they then made away for the beafl,*ndfime haue receaued further impi- etie and autoritie from him:wherfore to co- ;Esai ' $a ' ,,# elude as ifai exhorteth Gods people, to keepc themfelues from the rites and pollutions of the heathen faying,depart depart ye, goe out from them & touch noe vncleane*thinge:So thejpirit in the fame manner chargeth the Church not to medle with the corruptions A QCi ,, cfAntichrijlian Babilon, butgoe out of her ? ° C my people faith hejhatye may not be parta- ker of her fwnes, and that ye receiue not of herplagues. Thzfeare of which curfe doth keepe us from all the fuperftitious and Idolatrous cerim9- nies of that rvhorijl) fmagogue.