** "amid th encircling gloom lead thou me on" B Y : d i J^H URZENKNABE 7m i^rze/ knab e \^ (OMPAfW. dlARRISBU.RG. f*A JUL os\u r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/kindlylOOkurz $0 JUL 14 KINDLY LIGHT.* 4 *^ A Hew Collection of Hyrr\r\s ar\d /"Vusic fcr Praise i:\ tt\e Sunday School. /■"•■ J. H. KURZENKNABE. HARRISBURG, PA.: J. 11. KURZENKNABE 5 50HS. . not f-'tf-.tirf, $J.t>Of>rr doztn ; Sjo.co/er hundred. Cop»;i-m-. 1330, VI J. H. KjR:rNKN*B£. COPYRIGHT, IBM. B» 1 M. KURJENKhABE PREFACE ( i \/ INDLY LIGHT " is a New Collection of Hymns and Music, especially |>V designed for -Praise" in the Sunday School. We extend our heartiest thanks to the friends who so very cheerfully contributed their most valuable copyrights to enrich its pages. Much praise is due to Ilarn- J. Kurzenknabe. who so ably assisted in the supervision, and for his valuable services in the proof-reading and general arrangement of the Book. •KINDLY LIGHT!" May its beautiful songs cheer us amidst the encircling gloom, and keep our feet, step by step, o'er crag and torrent, till the night is gone. With the morn, may its rays, reflected from cross to crown, light us to enter with praises into that glory, where you. dear Reader, and we together, shall have part in His Salvation. The Author, J. H KURZENKNABE. CAUTION -" Kindly Light," words and music, il copyright property. It must be •"*"*«* £r Separate Son C s of our own copyright, desired for s ecial occasions, mil be furmshed b> the Publishers, postpaid, at 2 cents per single copy, $1.50 per hundred. KINDLY LIGHT. Jons- II. Newman. -> Lead, Kindly Light. 33= * J.'iis- Bacchus Dykes. —I 1. Lead, kindly Light, a -mid th'en-cir- cling gloom, Lead Thou me on! 2. I \\.i^ nol ev - er thus, nor pray'dthat Thou Should'stlead mo on; long Thy pow'r hath bless'd me, sure it still Will lead me on 1 - lEEEE ^ Tlic night is I loved to O'er moor and ' ? BE 3=5=3: dark, and I am far from home; choose and see my path; but now fen, o'er crag and tor-rent, till I. Lead Tin HI mc (ill! Lead Thou me onl The night ' — zp — ^~ Keep Thou my 1 loved the Ami with tlic fret; I gar - ish muni 1 1 >« ■-• ■ do not ask to day, and. spite of an - gel fa - ces see fears smile The dis - tant scene; one step e - Dough Pride ruled my will: re-mem-ber not Which I have lov'd long since, and lost r me. st year-! - while! Allelujal J II. KVRZENKNABE. ^— ^ J H. KVRZENKNABE. N N S . V ' I ^=5 **•"*" ,, , - r ,\ ■ , ,, r <„., itus with His blood Let j% a gsjswfe'S3s , ssaiSk , sa s v v » » # • ■»• »" :» » M. -m- TL . . . M • ! 1 Chorus. R F t= - of rap-ture rise. know Bissov'reign . 30 wond'rous - Lamb forsin-ners slain. Al-le-la - I ' S 15 ^ V «■ » ; 5 +=+=i^ V < ia! Al-lj-lu-ju! . 1 U . . j ;i ; -lu -ja to the Lamb for Al-le -lu- sin-ni • in; M-lc ■ lu - i ! Al-b-Li-ja! -*: it * c • — •- . - ia! The Lord om-nip - o - tent .-hall i Al-L;-lu-jal Copyright, 1896, by J. U. Kurzmknabc. The Beautiful Sometime. Rev. YV. I.. Ferris. Rrv II A. noMTirrx.FR. S =ft= ft -fr-J^ =3=£ -j-J ft i K K \ ft— ft ft y- j x-^ rJ^- 1. The world will !"■ bet -ter some-time I know, Tho' the char-iol of trath may to us seem slow; 2. Sometimes 1 have asked 'mid the fleet -ing years. Cun it be that God knows of the pain and tears, ;!. And of- ten I've thouzht of the hearts thai ache, Of the bear -era of bur -den who toil and wake; 4. Then lift up your heads, oh, ye brave oJ men, Come and lifl up your hearts for the Btrug-gle then; But the er-rors and wrong yet shall be laid low, And thj world will bs bet - ter some-time 1 know, of the he-roes and mar - tyrs of dai-ly life, Who en-dui Isol-dierstluheatandsi When their hopes bad been blasted, their plans laid low, And I asked will the sunshine come yet a -glow? There is light in the east and the clouds are gone, Be ye brave ev-ermore; rightshatl conquer wrong. I3E3EEE s t T : ± Though the char- iot of truth may to us seem slow; Still the world will be bet -ter sometime I know. Chorus. D. S. lad re-frain: And the beau-ti - ful some-time I hear it a -gain, And it cheer -eth the heart — that glad re-frain: • • • > • • Copyright, 1896, by J. II. Kurzenknabe. 6 He'll Carry the Lambs in His Arm, I. II. Ki r TVKS'Arr. J H. Krr<7i \kNabe. =f=F*=**=F ^ff ;b.U^V l.Whenth mes- senger 'avis -it came, Down from the 8 tree to of gold, Toten-der-ly oar -17 tin- i\;i-;:i ten-der loved one so young and fair, Pride of a sun -ny home; The Mas-ter had need of this 8, When the Lord shall come to make up His own, Praise to His ho-ly name; Then we shall a - gain see our * M # AJ. _ =t J§_iL =*n f=v rrrrr lit -tie Iamb Thro 'the gates to the op -per fold: blos-som there, And He ten - der- ly bade it, "Come." lit - tie one, Clad in robes to a - dornthe Lamb. -#--#--#- f- Why should we Bor-rowand weep a - binp'Tln* Why should we weep? Let this grief be gone? The There with the countless iin-numberedhost, The m ^ -0 -0 W V V: __!V N — V i=£=2=*f=»>J=J ?=*=! dar-ling is safe from harm; ForJe-susso lows the lit - tie one, He'll car -17 the lambs in His arm. dar-ling i< safe from harm; For Je-s.us sought out the lit- tie one. He'll car- ry the lambs in His arm. dar-ling is safe from harm; We'll meet them again we've once thought lost! He'll carry the lambs in His arm. . ' < " ' ■ — < — - by J I! Kurzentnabt . He'll Carry the Lambs in His Arm. (Concluded.) Choris. rit. ^aS^^';l {i «S;l:::ll He'll carry the lambs, The dear little lambs; Ah: then before Hi- Father's throni , He'll carry the lambs in Hi p' : . * . . . J- — i 1— ■J - jf__ji_ja: J*— ^-V- » r-p-b Sarah F Adams. Nearer my Cod to Thee. Wm. G. Fischer. i y z t --* ^^^B^ j 1. Near- er my God to Thee, 2. Tho' like a wander-er, 8. Then let my way appear Near - er to Thee! The >;m gone down, Steps nn-to Heaven; E'en tho' it be a cross That rais-etb me; Darkness be ov-erme, My rest a si All that Thou sendest me In mer-cy given; OrJ=. Still nil my song shall be, Yet in my dreams I'd be An -gels to beck-on me i r> SJ Near - < r my Thee! Near - it my God to Thee, Near - er to Thee! Near - er to Thee! - it to Tin l ! Near - er to Tin i ! - IP \ -. \ ppf 1 i t i-'upyri'jht. liW, by Win. 0. Fischer. 8 \V. \\ . KlIOADS. One Look at the Cross. Rev. W. \V. Rhoads. # ; r hecrossonCal* reChrist, the Redeemer, suffer'd and died, Will satisfy all who the cross snf- fi-cienl will be To savi a sin and set thy soul free; The promise is: Look, and the cross, burdeu'd oi soul I Where floweth the blood th thee whole; That one look of iaith to L JL JL JL JL , ^.AX JLXX 1 — #-t-# * — r • 9 >r€— i — ,. ■ ii II ! 0—0 •— i l. One look a1 the cross on I ik at 3. Then look to LEI El *rf • — • — • — i — yv*~*~* . Chorus. >— JV- ±=1=5=?- 5 -4— ?=$=£ - ■:-. look and on - ly Cal-va-ry be-lieve On Je-sus, the< Onelookat the cross on Cal-va-ry's e, Lndmer-cj thou shall r< 1 1 's brow, Will bring thee sal- va-tiou now. Onelookat the cross #- -*- -r*- •*■ m m * ' i S -• — - X rr -y — • — 1> — •" brow Willsat-ia - fy all. who look and believe; One look at the on Cal-va-ry's brow, Willsat-is-fy all wb JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL • — • — / — S ±L1±*E Copyright, 1896, by J. It. Kurzenknabe. • • p One Look at the Cross. (Concluded.) 9 :£s :: 5 iJI j i is* tgG to-- will sat-is-fy all Who only will look will look and live. One luok at the i willsat-is-fy all, Who only will look, 1/1/ [f I b I IT 1 [DA I Km p. Sing Through All. J. H. KfK/FNKNABE. 1. If the days are dreary. And the clonds hang low, Sing, tho* sad and wea-ry, And for-get thy woe. i'. If life's woes oppress thee, Sing, and they willhide; Naught can long distress thee While thj vni; abide. S. Sing, tho 1 In >pes are blighted, Fondest, loved and best; d i 'twill all be righted, Sing thy fears to rest. WtA*E*E^ -5- — 5— r- H :=% a ' I I Chorus. - -t-f-» — \ * * • • -r-Th *T « — • — # *MM^=m. *~r » 5 II ,tho' shadows cov-< r Thy way: lift up thy song; The storms will soon be over, The path - ilong m +-i « * * # » ■*— t #— 'M jt—m^g^M. -»-•- &>** II i 1 — I- jTZm—mZZml Copyright, 1896, by J. 11. Kimenknabe. 10 The Home of Cloudless Day. Ark BY J. II. Kik/i m.'. N 6 V V [fMUii fiM Geo. W. Cover. 4- *^r «=«3 ^ 1. 0, they tell me of a home far be-yond the skies, 0, they tell im: of a home far they tell me of a home where my friends h ... - en- they tell iiK-th.it the 8av-iour will welcome them, And His indinspotl 0.- £:" ~*~ l£. ~£- — — ' — £ -*— t- a - way, ly w ay, ar- ray, f2 • Wfy I'm, . n w . — i k v s s ; v s J J l 1 * fc K h h h 1 i 1 ■\ £ r r ' \ * * m • s /VL ma m s a a ' • # 3 ■ f a • m. » m 9. O • : i 0^-0 * * i • • * • • ^-8 * «— ''' w — ^- 0, they tell me "t a home where no storm clouds rise. An ■ 1 ad ■ -- Wheretl life, a -glow with e- ter - nal noon - thro' thai endli And bow down, and bring the crown and the di - And shall crown Him Lord of Heav'n for -+-' -#--*--#--#--#-■-#--#- -0 • -0- -0-' -0- -0- -0- 1 day. « ■ ! I 1 / + . . — 1 r» • ^fe^d i* 1 «* — LV • »» • : «* «* — ' 1 — • — U D S.-Takemehome wherel may spend with my Bav-iour dc-ar, Au <.■ - ter • oi - ty uf cloud-less day. Chorus. '.-■ -±±$-* IK S. *E£ ^}J J ' 0, the land of cloudless day Heav'nly land of cloudless 'lay; 0, the land ol the land of cloudless day; Blessed heav'nly lai. . jnie not far a-way: -0---0- -0- -0- -0- -#-•-#- -•- -0- -*•--* ,T~ T~ T~ T~ ~i~ * ~l~ T~.T~ — t « <• * jt »_^- 0—0—0 0' 0—0- 0- I ! ' | «- * ' • * * I 0-^ — — • — •— • ' # "—— — . : I __, — s .^.-i-v — >» — »» — >> — l — • cv 9-^- • ■■ I 11 A" • E. W. Blavdv. Andantui. , /•• c'frrssione. The Way of the Cross. AkR. BY J S N'oKKiv II ^4___ F | ft i— M l—N 1 ' 1 TK- fc -f-=r -* S 1-*-^ — = m " .. - i. 1 can •>. I'll go ;t. I'll go •i. Bewil P9-7 * # • # • # hear my 8av-iaor with 1 Inn thro' the ivith Him thro' ill". give me grace and J. J 1- J call - ing, lean hear my Sav-iour call -ing, gar-den, I'll go with Him thro' the gnr- den, adgment, I'll go with Him thro 1 tin- judgment, Kin- ry, He will give me grace and glo - ry, I can hear my Bo I'll go w nli llim thro ■ n ith Him thro' the He will give me M J- / J- /, » — ^•,4 - ' -4- •- a ft - * — *~ - f s \ =5 — 1 — >- — 1~ Chorus. r-1 > .' >- =*=r- -T- ^ 1 P E=g — *r * -*-• •' m ■>y-. -* 1 -' -0- ■: ■ 9: S i i call - iiiLT. " Take thy cross and fol-low, ful -low me." Where He leads me I will fol-low, \\ here II^ par - den, I II go with Him with llm all the way. 1 e chorru for td and 3d 1 judgment. I'll k<» with Him, with Him all the way. glo - ry. An«* (jr> with ir<» with me all the way. Yes, He gives me grace and prlo- ry. He Fuml chorus. — As IK- leads me do ful - low, a- He ~.:-X j j. #- j - J,/ 1 & * _ ' — •H — •— 1 -1 — . — 1 . — 1 — . -£ p- 1 — 1 — i *. * 3 ^> <^»-s^ — r ; rt -1 — -I — 5- -■■■ / — 7— • -> -b-i— 5- . r.^^ ^— S — ~sv- leads me I will fol-low, Where He leads me I will fol-low, I'll go with Him, with Him all th gives me grace and glo-ry, Yes, He gives me grace and glo-ry, And goes with me, with me all th leadame I do fol-low, As He leads me I do fol-low, lie pii'i with me, with me all the way JL JZL * •* 1* : ■•—'>- A Copyright. 1SS9, by J. 8. Worrit. By per. 12 The Perfect Rest J. H. Tenney 1. Jo-sus, I am nev -er wea-ry, In this world of care and pnin. If Thy presence on - ly cheer me. All my i'. All niyxinswi elaid up- on Thee, All my griefs were on Thee laid; For tfiebl I "fl liine a-tonemenl All my 3. Dearest bav-iour! go notfrom me; Let Thy presence still a-bide; Look in tend' rest love up - on me, i am :( ** - 3 — h — *, - I r- Chor; -I 1- £ b -*-* j ^ ^ loss Icoiintbnt gain. Both Thinearms are clasp'd around mo. And my head is on Thy ut-mostdebt has paid. Both Thine an a re clasped around mc, And my Lead shelt'ringat Thy Bide. rt^nr-r ■z- -P— =P _s* • ? H~ 1— -• : # » -*— ^ /- - -~y -.*—*- m :•> breast, For my wea - - ry soul has found Thoe S cha per- feet, per- feet rest. is on Thy breast, For my weary soul, my wear} soul has fuuiid Tin. c ■*- -?-•-*- -f- -t-Tr-rr i — i- i , i . i -j* » » • > / • • Copyright, 1896. by J. IT. Tenney. fcEH Ida I.. Rei d. Beyond the Swelling Flood. Bruno Spangenbi rg 13 * m .K . * ' l i%: '• f*irt t^Xi^j I I g I J T^ff 1. Be-yondthe Bwell-ing il" »1 a-gainWe,by and by, shall meet. And there for - get all 2. Life's jour-ney o - ver, we no more Each day's long march shall dread, Nor stand with tear-wet 8. There we shall rest our way-worn feet, By life's clear streams a - bove, And from our gol-den b2tiit: R-p-^-p-rl-pH-p— P— t=^^3 5==to=S=3 Chorus. I N P^ •i :1 ;« m i *** : , ; 1 : # # # > 5=t earth's drearpain.Tn Eden's glad fields sweet. Be-yond the swell - ing flood, Beyond the swell-ing cheeks ha- fore Our pa i and shrouded dead. swelling flood, harps we'll wake Sweet melo- dies of love. ' mm^\- x= -f- f- f- f- -m- -0- ft -H— V i — ■*— =P^ N— S^EE i • I b i w - >> • flood Be-yond the swell-ing, swell-ing flood We all shall meet a-gain Bwelling tlood, a - t:ain. I •V ± zr- : •- Copyright, li'jC. by J. H. Kurzenhtabe. • >*■ <& mm 14 Jesus will Carry Me Over the River. 1 Myers ■S 1^3- a. r. Uvui v s h .. h 3BL # d ~5 ? 1. 1 know, at the riv - er of death, My 8av-iour will be at my .- • near Will ar not to en-ter the il I, Tho'wild-ly ii> bil -lows may roll. With Je -sua mygui 3. [know when the riv - er I cross ThatJe-sus will car- ry in.- ...:; [Tp-held by His arm, I'll 1. Oh, when to ci r ih>- tide, Tometb mmons shall come, With Christ as my light, The • * m Churls. * i r ban-ish all fear, And He will the wa-ters di-vide. Yes, Je-sus will car-ry me o-vertherivH ill can be -tide, For He will the tem-pest con - trol. >uf- fer no harm, lint -ale- ly I'll reach the blest shore. way will ix- bright, Au'lau -gels will wel-comenie home. Je-sus w ill car-ry me o'er He'll car-ry me o'er to the glorified shore, Yes, Jesus will ear-ry dm o'er. (yes, o'er;) -# - c rrg-rl m * • • , * —* — — - • , *\ * — g * * * Copyright, .' I yer dt Brother, Ch •:■ I . Wonderful Peace. 15 G. Cooper 1. Far a -way in thedepthsofmy spir-it to-night, Boll? amel- o-dysweet-terthanpsalm; In ce- 2. What a treas-ura I have in this wonderful peace, Buried deep in the heart of my bouI; 80 3. I am rest - ina to- night in this wonderful peace, Besting sweetly in Je-sus'c I irl'm ■1. And toe-thinks when 1 rise tothatcit-y of peace Where the Author of peace I shall Bee; That one Chorus. A_V Nfe -\- V N — * iv- — <** — ^ x > ■■ o — y- 1 1 — r — ^ r+i — 1- f f i • — ■- -• jf r — I — mr-0 -i — *rn — • — • — • - -r— r »■ =«=i= m lcstial likestrainsitunceasingly falls O'er my soul like an infinite calm. Peace! Peace! Wonderful peace, Coming cure thai no power can mine it a way. While the years of etenii - ty roll. kept from all danger by night and by day. And His glory isfloodingmysoul. strain of the song which the ransom'd will sing In that heavenly kingdom will be. >s ■■ » n J. V i v ^ v. l^H— Q.-»-r*—* — '-^Y^-x * p r^- 6 — N fr-- 5 -"- 5 -- - ;-. i n down from the Father a -bove; Sweep o-ver my spir-it for-ev-er I pray, In fathomless billows of love. • 1/ 1/ 1/ V ¥ ¥ U»ed by permission of II*. <;. hooper. 16 Send the Call I I, II. Kt'R7n\KNABB. 2 £e£ J. H. RumzmsNAn i^3^j^3 -fr i Have the na - tions been called to the ban-quet, That is spread near the King's roy-al throne, To (ho 2, Lei them know that the feast now it wait-ing, Ev-*ry guest is made welcome to-day; And the chtheword thai is Bent down from Heav-en, Tell of meat and of drink that is blest; And llio i. ii, the boun - ty and price of the purchase, And how sumptuous the ban-quet is spread; There the 1 i _• ^ » Choi 6 i fe 2=* feast by His boun - ty Lord wlio so gra-cious won - der - ful love that kins? will be - stow of pro-vid - ed, And to which He In - vites ev - 'ry • ly bids them, 8ends His ser-vants to show them the way. is giv - en, Ami the wel-come for ev - er - y His fa - vor, And Himself will pre - side at the head. frv>£ —*— ^- -f- —A— .. f3 « «- ~~ * * • £= =Sr~ IS — # — -•- — •— ,-42-i-. 1 ■ call. to ev-'ry na - - don, Bid them to the ban-quet hall: Copyright, 1896, by J. II K ■ ■'. utbe. Send the Call! Concluded.) 17 4 — I — i ^HEH =S=T 3=S=t=Z- ^P*^f * o They shall ac-oept they shall ac - cept, And be welcome, one and all. V \ s J J J ; • — • - tion. And be welcome, one and all. Wm. H. Gardner. ln the Arms of Jesus. Chas. K. Langley. j j nj j ij . j j- ;ij u -j j m i l. In the arms of Je-sus, I would be at rest. Breathing out my sor-row On Hia gen-flebreast. l'. In thearmsof Je-sus, Looking in Mis face, Beaming there up-on me, Full of ten-dergrace. S. In thearmsof Je-sus, I would hear His Voice, And the sound would thrill me, Making me rejoice. 1. In thearmsof Je-sus, Trusting as a cbilu, Knowing lie would lead me Bafe a -cross the wild. 2th — h=r — r .&- -0- -a-- m Chorus. In the attna of Je-sus, Oh, what joy to me! In thearms«if Je - sua I would happy be! f I i Mr r l r r r M' y sr f '■'}>;/ riii ht. 1896, b'i J. II. Kurxenkrutb* . O E M- +. fL. ft t K i k ^A 18 Heaven. S/ ^B Chorus. L ad : me, Lead me, , -*-■ ^ stray From the true and per - feet way. friend, For on Tine I may de - pend. rest, I shall dwell and love Thee best. rvr j • ' • r Lead, oh, lead me. Lead. <>h, lead me, Fa-ther, by rhv 5fc - J- ±z:rt -i--> ■> is ' • ;zr4r Lead me, Lead W= EE3= - ? * fT=rT ' 1 lov-ing hand, Lead, oh, lead me, Lead, oh, lead me, To the bles-sed 1 heav'nly ; o land. J r- II Copyright, IS'JC, by J. II. Kurzatknabc. 20 M KlRK. Jesus is Coming- Again. James M, Kirk. i Our Lord,w Oh, bless- :;. This I. Be 5 We shall homwe'vc ret whom we dear - ly ed, glo-rious hope, that J.- - sustahaU ap - pel <>!' the K.i ui4 to all i!i>- n 1 in the twink-ling of au e on the earth Willi Fiji * same Ji - sot rhia same Je - spa is . E er thia same Je - sue a this same Je - sua Christ a th When this same Je - sua shall coming a - gain; coming a come a - gain; come a - gain; come a - gain; l< it i 1 '.: Bri Le • fChrist He said the time -I Yes, soul -in - spir- In the mil-lcn - us word just as Hew nt a - bove, This same J> a -wake! the i tre-ly mar When this same Jc-sus shall mil come when cv'-ry tongue shall know This same Je-.-us is inghope, t'< see Him By and by: This same Je-sua la ial day there shall be no more tears; When this same Je-sus shall V* £ f- *-• B \t g ft u , CllORLS. , i A V ^3 % *=*: ^ 5- &\v • ing a- come a- com-ing a com gain, gain, gain, gain. - - ins * £: M colli - - 1U£ *=£=£« This same Je-eua is com -ing a-gain; J t -0 — » n t ^: E^: U coming, 3=»: Jesus is Coming Again. Concluded.; ( 'om lhi> same Je-sna is in_- a-Cftirl. : r *_*_£ t=t £ Sfea £5; rc=r Je - sus is com-ingj Je - sua is eom-ing, H. F. ECKERT By pt rut; The Lord is My Shepherd. I. H. KURZENKXABI". 1. wo want shall I know for the Lord 13 my Shep-herd, In ev-er- green pas-tares He resteth my soul 2. For the sake of His name in the paths of the righteous Heleads me, and kind-ly re-storethmetheri S. Thy rod and Thy staff, they shall comfort and keep me, Thy boun-te - oaa ta - bfe be-fore me is spread (. Snre-ly goodness and mer-cy shall fol- low me ev - er, The days of my life in my pilgrimage hen & Ami ten-der-Iy leads me and lov-ing - ly guides me, Where wa-tera of crystal e - fer - nal-ly roTI. Tho' I walk thro' the val-ley of death, yet no e- vil, Nor poi-aonof sin shall! breathe on the air. famine 111 - < - miespres-ence my cup runneth o-vcr. With oil, Lord of Hosts, Thou anotn test my bead. And when I de- part from this val- ley for - ev - er, In the house of my Lord I shall dwell hv-it' there. ! I I * i / • / / Copyright, 1896, by J. If. Knrsenk 22 Not the Half Was Ever Told. Minnie B. Johnson. SOLO AND CHORUS. L H Parthemore. * f* -r> rv l. When we've reach'd the heav'nly por-tals and have pass'd in -side the gate, And are greet -ed by the '_'. When we're wel - com'd l >> the Fa-ther, who will wipe a - way our tears, And will give u> great-er 3. Whenwe'vereign'dthro' countless a - jres, with the Fath-er ami the Son, We'll have endless days In £ : ,Vs k , ? 4 - $& an -pels, who the sto - ry will re - late; There ax - rayed in heav'n-ly splen-dor, ant tho half wasev - er told, therewith perns and gold; Of the Saviour's love and beau -ty, wo will sin-:, not half was told, sto - ry ne'er grow old, Fwill be sweet-er than the form -er, while the oth -erhalf in told. J^E^e^ £ Chorus. tttr Not the half. was ei -er told Not the half was ev-er told: Not the half wasev -or Not the half was ev-er told; Sip -0—0—0- * I I I * IT V=* X U v V * iSm i=£^: h 4^-x rft. w -- . : J=* * *=*- ^ ild ■v-er, ev -er - ^^ x c * r ~t t Of the 8av - - viour'slove and beauty Notthehalf. was ev-er told Of theSaviour'sloveandbeauty.Loveaudbeauty, Not the half was ev-er, ev-er told ggSEEgEf i -, -0 — 0—0 — * — » .■#_'•_*- F : »-#— s T * *» * it c~Ft ;: l>PM -V— > 1- Copyright, 1S96, h'J J. II. Kurzenknabe. 24 Lead Me On. 1 H. K.CRZENXNAJM — fc- ^=* L. H. PAkTHEMORE. -jwJ — J — 4- » - r - four! T!niii art my hope and »tay. Thy pro- lecting hand leads me all the way; 2. Oh, the wondrous ind the lov - ing hand of this trus-ty guide, and 1 -feat friend, 3'. Thro' the storms of life, when the I - play, Then He calma the winds, and the * K2 "4 * J me iv - er near, with the cross in view, Lead me, step by Btep. all my journey through. Who will not for - sake what I"- - tide; Those who trust His word, in His love a - l>id« And at last, when all k is do ill crown His saints with the vie -try Lead Thou i r ^^ 4j_J=»=i=£EtS^S£r II . - bj) J. II. Kunenknobc, Lead Me On. (Concluded. jw-J 1 fc- ±± 25 rit. Uaame on. Lena me od Lead me, Sav - lour, lead me day by day Lead rue on, Lead me on, day by day. I -d^- t~rr £e£ M 0-0 00 ,-» 0-0 - -#— P — v P£ ~^ V-J^ i Forever Here IVly Rest Shall Be. - Chas. Wesley i i>ii. English Melody. | J ; wo 1 c" / *' 1 ' ■ J a c 1 •> ^ • a &< « * * ^ * 2 s ) Z ^ d # • ' 1. For - ev 2. Mv dy :?. Wash me. i. Th'a-tone - er - ins and - ment here Sav - make of 9- my iour me Thy -5> re-t shall be, and my God, thus Thine own, up - ply 2 ^ ^ Close Foun - Wash Till to Thy tain f"r me, and faith to bleed - rag guilt and mine Thou sight im - side; -in. art; prove; - r Pi*!** /■> 1 1 /* l"tfti ~=£ _ ^- 1 ' 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 I 1 Chorus.— I do he - lieve, I be • lieve That Je - SUS died I". >r through His blood, pxc-cioua Mo..d hall from sin 26 Jambs M. Kirk. Wonderful Story of Love. James M. Kirk. ^ '# +=* % i +=*- -» — * — i — #-"-* — #— 9 L * l. oh! won-der-ful sto - ry ofmer-cy i in-nerscondcmn'd by the fall, < I iw sing it in ac - cents so ten- der and pi is, bo loved us,whileyet in our sin, lie id's measure of Love for thesin-ner is shown, To be just the same that He bad for His6on, His 4. <»li! come now, dear sin -ner, and give God yonr heart Ilia, and at His throne boy , won-der-ful sto - ry. oh! sing it d loved u I II< .* lui^t ■ -=r ; Ff^F 1 i pi - ti d our s ir - Buffered II love then,
  • st pent, and from all 1 as when on row, and ly dear - one, how ran yi lur Bad life from to now to • ccived Bin a - 1' '• - His Son, oi iour, he - I • i r --l.t-t in,' still re - - < i • Bed I de - part, God loves you, and longs to for-give you ju~t i ful men, Come, prod- i - gal wand'rer, He will die fur us all; He might win; re -ceivc th< e; ■\Vuu-der-ful sto ■ mmm^ ry of love-. Won - - der-ralsto - ry, - - ner, be- Wonderful, wonderful sto-ry of love, Bin-n it sin -ner, » i a ^ F Copyritjht. 189S, hu MyUmi <£• A'l'rA-. Wonderful Story of Love. ^Continued.) 27 =*=* t m >. -. *=*=*. ?=$ .r. II it. r - or, re-ceive it, Won-der-ful Bto- py of love. lieve it ju-t now, Brother, dear broth-er, re-ceive it j n - 1 now, Won-der-ful Bto- ry of love. i I r -» r* rrm • ' - i=Z=?r- rt c r "' O, How He Loves. r^r II I. N MrHosF. 1. One there is a- bove all oth - era, Oh, how He love^! His is love be-yond, a brother's. Oh, how Heloyesl 2 T - e-ter-nal life to know Sim, Oh, how Be loves! Think, oh, think how much we owe Him, Oh, how He lovesl 8. We ha vi' found a friend in JV- >u>. Oh, how He loves! Tis His great de- light to bless as, <>h, how He lovesl -:-v f m-f-.l 9 '4 j p r I f' B r p If P ff I t rti ! i i L T * 5 i* P U . ^_K _N h N s s J\ ^ J s N w . ftr-^— i 1 * , — ^ — J—"- -m-.-g m m ' — ^ — * — 1t\~ — N — ^-J+p-^ 3* d- * * mli —m c= t —»+ 9 - MZ ^^ \ d —9—m— i : \\p-T^-g-*+»-. u i u Eirthlv friends mav fail orlcnvc as, Oned ly soothethe next day trrieve us. But this friend will ne'er deceive us. O. how He I With II"; precious blood Me bought us. In the wilderness He slight us. To His fold He S ife-ly brought us. O. how Helo How our hearts delight to hear Him, Bid us dwell in safety near Him; Why should we distrust or fear Him? O. how He li - »^f— 1— ±n ^IF 33 ^ g.H Copyright. 1896. '•■ J // A"''rriA-»i&f. 28 Only to Wait at Thy Feet. Ida L. Reed. 1 II. KVRZFVKVABr. .' i£*=£^ i ¥m& L. On-ly to wait at Thy feet, d< r Lord, Content in Thy presence to be, 'Twouldbe a loY-ing and .'. On-ly to wait at Thy feet, to know, Dear Saviour, Thou jniardesl my m Over me watching %\hir 3. On-ly to wait at Thy feet, dear Lord, To cheer when my spirit is !■'"; Then for to comfort me _*_# _• ft F ' P-f-f #— *— . * # g -U g -JLJ Chor'-=. =i*=*=ffii Bweet re-ward For toil-ing ami weep-ing to me, e'er I go, Wher-ev -or my footsteps may stray, by Thy word, Thy choicest or blessings be ■ stow. On - ly to wait at Thy fost, dflU Lunl. T.i C\ fcfct •~- **^ fj- -/ ' wait at Thy lov-ing foet — On - ly to rest in Thy ten-der tore, Such happiness woul«l l>- oect *-^-» — - ~0^0 ] > n-*^-* 1 — • m * »-r ' ' 1 — i ' — ' — ' — * i * ' * n Copyright, /•>>;. fry ./. //. JTursmibia&e. \ II. KtntzmncNABR. WandVers on the Mountains. I \\ It. KURZSNKN \u 29 mm i ^Ttn Jiiwf^fpiiwp s / / • 1. There are wand'rers on the mountains bare, 'Midsl the storm and piercing cold; 8ee, the Shepherd I"til's to •_'. iio where shad-ows of de spair lie deep, Search in deserl places wild; Help theShepherd \\\\>\ Ili- .".. Leave them n<>t w here storms of fu- ry t>< at, Leave them not tolossun-told; Help them i>> the Shepherd's \. Christ, our Sav-iour, seeks your soul to win, Frora«the mount of dark despair; If you now will turn * i e • • , *> ■ n-r n. 1 1 1 ; f i t ,i e±±: v=%- -•— A 1 '-'. '. ■■ V. :'■ Chorus. • • • -^ I 3 I frP? • i give His care, Uriiii.' them to II i> shelter'd fold. From the mountains dark and cold, Pn im deceiv - ing paths ol straying sheep, Bringeach wavward, wand'ring child. F«om the mountains dark and cold. Fronrde-ceiv - Ing safe retreat, Help them to His peaceful fold. way from sin You shall have Kislo\ ing care. Ctpyrlghl 1896, by J IT. Kurzciikna.be. Behold : He Cometh. =^=»^ j fr 4 - * 3 - 4- -9- • i j .s. Mom. -^ r*^ * '' . Arc >■• .11 wati hing B H 1 I- your lamp all trimrn \ I with oil - that you I be* . If yon thus are wait-in;, watching burning bright. You shall shai :.l . Bui if you re - j :t His fa - ror, And will nol I V a shall mourn in bit h; ;ri! i r'i!['i;irii;:[ i c:[f:f i * . Chorus. ; i *=*=^ »=* _L love Him, I am His, and He i- m fore Him When H i claim II ! splen-dor, Mansions in e - ter - rial light, an-guisb When, ti —J e -#-■ -#- -m-- I am watch>mg for the Bride-. I have * — * — *-r\jrS i w J , 1 heard Hisvi •• di-vine, 1 can say, 0, yes, ] He is mine." £3B£ I > — t- ; t '"rTT r-?-^ ■— #— • • -v — «*- fc=H r : Copyright, 1SX, by J. 8. M'juI. Ibmnib Wilson. SLnvly. fel Be Thou With Us. (Parting. John K. Ki;rzf.nkva»f. 31 ^sfefefe , S : :j =* 3=: . . -. —I * r- -K- -• 1. Be Thoa with u~, lov • ins; Sav-iour, Bless each one a* now we part; 2. I>e Thou with us when the morn-ing To the t i « - 1 - 1 of du - ty calls; B, Be Thon with ns when the temp - ter, Fain would lure our souls t.. Bin; 4. Af - ter part - inga here arc o - ver, Far be -yond earth's toil aud strife, Grace and gnid-ance Be Thou with u* Give as strength to May \\t- inert to 5 !=t mm m : Chorus. 4- • : 1^ 3^: >• ■4- t^3E&$EEm ev - er give us.WriteThy pre-ceptson each heart. when the twi - liirht In the hush of e - von falls. bat - tie brave- ly, Tri-umpho - verwrong t.> win. dwell for-ev - er, In Thy realms of light and life. Be Thou with us, be Thou with us, J T.J m JT - ' t: » J mmmmm^mm 3=& U i=m i Bless-ed 8aviour now we pray; Coun-sel, guard, and keep us faithful, In Thy service dav by dav. ' 5=t * ' . i l f — tr-1 y- 1 -^ " f-^— " r Copyright, Hyo, by J. II. Kurzcnknahc. 32 Oh, I Love to Think of Jesus. J. II. K.l'RZFNkSAI I I.. II. Iartiiemorf.. m j a * 3-v. Pc 3 ^ ' rFF I (ill, I love to think of Je - -u- ( forist, the Lord's a Help ii- here t.i lovi r V V u .U- - bus, Name most i tongue can tell; He who came from realms of - noint-ed, Cho-een from >■ - nr-ni- ty, Laid a - side His beav'nly Thee, And to prove our love, we pray; Make us faith-Ad in our Ml t id >4 • ' / i =£=£ i — r I i=P ^^^P N "« ^Pf 15 * s c • 5- ; s • o • -i- -i- V .'in - ry. With us mortals here to dwell: And He 8a w ua in our miser -y, bionrsina He'heardns »lo - ry, For to ransom you and me; 'Twasfor us He suf-ferod an-gui arsor-rowsandour hi - ties, Kind and trustful day by day; And, as Thine own chil-dren lean us, Inthe patb ■ •! truth fcEE r* groan; Hecame from the heav'n-ly Fa - - ther For as -in - aera shame, Diedtbaf we might live, lit- rose a-gain, Lord >•!' life and If we walk in Thy blest foot - • steps, We shall reach the ritrlit; F • v — t" !•! a - tone. light. r £: Oh, I Love to Think of Jesus Concluded.) 33 Choru -ft -, N ^ \ \ V V I «* :> i — -v , n , v v 6 i — U- fc. ^ , 6 * L —-4—4—^-0— F^ ^ 4 0-0- ♦ 1 J»" - su< died nrvon thp n it c r * tree le-sus died Inr von and me Je- sua died , • • up-on the tree, Je-susdied ouandrar; i m — 0'— — , »•-• — » — — ■ — — „ &?=* a r-.-4- J- i x ~i a » » • »— ^ ^ c c a~i — * » n c - 1 * -=rr-Trf-r-H • # 0—0 — H 1 — 5 — k - £ k * • i ^ * * "— f— " / / / / / • • /-» # #■ -*-x- A-\- 3= J * * ", » 00 0^ 1 I / I • / / • • » >thf ri , I ^ I |, J . rnrrr iFt-J-*- That whoso - ev - - - - or be-lieveth in Him Shall hare e - ter-nal life; That whoso-ev - er be-liev-eth in Him e-ter-nallife; h .0 0^-0—0—0—0 # 0j-m—0—0—0—.0—0 — J-0--0 ti—0- r ^0--0 * That whoso - ev - - - er be-lieveth in Him Shall havi 1 life Tliat whoso-ever bi -lieveth in Him e - ter-nal life. : :-: b 1 c r ' / I Copyright, 1S9C, by J. 11. KuTzenknabc. 34 ARR. HY J. II k Jesus, my Song. Geo. \V. Cover. 1. Oh, how happy are they Who the Saviour o -bey, A.nd have laid up their treasui I .. Tifl a Heaven be-low. My Be-deemer to know; Why the arigels can have nothing more Than to 3. Jc-sns,all the day lone, Is my ioy and my song; 01 Hisaal - vation lull - 4. Oh! the rapturous height Of the ho- ly de- light Which I feel in the lii I 01 th'- :&. i ; : , never express The sweet eomfort and pea . r - 1 i - c-~ t : Call at His feet And the sto-ry repeat, And the Saviour ofsinners a-dore I »„,, nuv . Lovetheyraighthide.ForHesuffer'dandd : ■»e™s,mysong,AutI] Saviour I'll siiiL'. My Redeemer and King, Till I'm fill'd with the fullness of God J fefcrtis *4- rr ^*^i -* i--i ■%■-. # # • -I — yH long; And I will tell it around: I'll tell it around, I will Tell it to-day /Tell it alway, What a dear Saviour I've (< tund. dear Saviour I've found. 'S^-rST i« t - X X -0--+--+ ~o~" -#- .-#- # • # # » • » - 1 — t- Copyright, U90, by J. II. Kurz en ha bc 5 a Cordelia Stowart -4 Teach All Nations. 35 GEc;kl.t J. K( R/l NKN'ARh. I. Chris- tian, rouse thee from thj Blum - ber, Far too long thy sleep hath been; Wake and join the -. I."' i" thee a maa - sage glo - rious, His i mand re-cord ed lies; Ere thy Mas-ter, >te the prom - ise, then, that's t-'iv - en, Pre - cious words from faithful Friend: "All thy way, from l. Go, then, where the Mas - ter calls thee, Home, or hea -then land a -way; <'•<>, and tell the s r~ ' T r -i 1 1 ' ^ ' PT i ? * -aP" 1 g 1 m ' pU= n -1 r- H- Chorus. ...1 - ■-***■— I -4- i — # — —L- —*- ' 1 -1 P" T El II 111 - all earth bliss - m lv mini vie - in - fill BtO - * • ~ - ber Striv - tng pre rlona, Re ■ - in, 1 ii, I'm will ■ lv, Je - sua saves 0000 ' : : =s -cioussouls to - ed in the thee to the , and >a\ es to - — -^ m % win. >kic>. end." daj . _a _ 3- ■ # rj i and telL p*<1 I to -•- ev - -#- : #- 'ry — 0— Dfl ■ J tioii fm\' ■ r r • * £ # a " g£ m L L- L L__L — h-L-i — ' — — L- • — ■ — # L_ 1* -p — f — i * 0»*~ E 1 1 i r 1 t r 1 1 r 6 • r- -! 1- 43 J=^J= £ HE^^^3S .' * # ^*#- * ^ II : * All I have com-mand-ed thee; <"> ami tell them of sal- va-tian That they may be -lie ve on me. m~ = &*--*= Tt~ 1 =rir-r=j= ^ htt ii i r T » »- ? h^ ^a Copyright, 1896, by J. If. A~ 36 Golden Music \v \. DbsBrisav. ' ••'. b :^^p 1 J. s. Horn- — I m i How of -ton in a far- off land, O'er tim< ■ : II - the ransomed souls. In rai-ment pare and wl I that roll th can mi • l.\' here explore Those i dim: Where thro - o-pcnd i. That gold -un uiu-sii I love And mercy's heart di -1 A I v * p-,-. ^^ '' 1 ±i gol - deu notes for mi - L-choir the strain up -lifts, l"n- 1 U Golden Music. Concluded. 1 37 o • • :• heav'n-ly 1». n m* ;i - bove; sin^ of ran-soraed souls and Sing re -dei mine love to me. *=* Salvation's Free. t ion's free 38 On the Cross. Smk rr». C. Calder. 1. Be -hold! be -hold! the Iamb of God! <>n the ; Poi yon He shed His pre-cious 2. Come, sin - ner, see Him lift-ed up, <>n the cross, on the cross; For you He drinks the bit - ter :*. Anduow the might- y deed i< done, <>n the cross, <>n the cross; The bat- tie's fought, the vic-t'rys i Wher-e'er I go, there I -hall tell, Of the cross, "i the cross; In noth-ing else may J ex- j§^feH#^f *=t ES^3 rf a=f: n m ■" 3^? . 3EE3 blood, cap, won, eel, Save the cross, save the cross: (in the cross, "ii the • in the cross, on the cross: On the cross, on the i ross: The sun with-holda its The rocks arc rent, the To Hea\ o He Lifts His Yes, this my con - -taut £=2=£ rP—?- *=J= rays of 1 iirlit. The heaVns are moun-tain shakes. The tem - pie Ian - {.'uiil eves, r - tin - ished theme shall be In —0 *+ fc± -V 9- ti ii - ished time and h t £ ^ ; ^ II £=£ - v irrapped in veil a ■ now, the for e *=r <* ' * '* + r . §^ gloom of night; Whilst He doth pow*rs of dark-ness fight, r you and me, On the i ross, cross, f— r JB^ the the the the cross, cross, cross. I ii 1/ I Copyright, 1$96, by J. II. Knrzcn/;uaU. BlRDIF. RF.LL. Oh, Bring Them to Jesus! - J 3 W'M. J KlKKfATRICK 39 w I. Oh, bring them to Je-sus! the wayworn, the weary. The Sav-iour hath said, come to me and find n-i, i Oh, bring them to Je-sus! the Bad and af-flicted. The souls who are mourning the lov'd they have lost; I, Oh, bring them to Je-sus! the wretched, the erring; Lost prod-i - gals, far from their Fa-ther's a-bode; I. Oh, bring them to Je-susl the dwellers indarkness, Yes, lead them from gloom un-to Him the True Light; ^L + Jt. .0 A * f **f A Jt A » ^ ♦^ -■ > v- i»_i r * i -g — g f r i in* i g— t ' - j # - • -» 0— 0- -t • ? •- -v— t- • £ - s ^EE|^S^3i«=E5^*33 -\— V ^N: J-'ine. A par-don for sinners, and love for the lonely, And com -fort and strength for the faint and oppress'd. Ho ten -der-ly binds np the hearts that are broken, And of - fers a ref-nge to those tern - pest-toss'd For why should they pensh 'neath sin's heavy burden When He is so will-ing to car- r>- tlnir Por He is tin" Sun whose al-might-y effulgence Will scat- ter the Bhad'-owa of sin's dis • mal night. m ^S- £ 1 •— SH — /—/ - • # ; * -r— ?- fcz ■v-r D. S. — bring them to Je-sus; He 'li'- wel-come the >in - la - den one. Chorus. D.S. P • • • v - h h ^gg •«—» - N N 5 * m •: .' • *-* t ? : i g Oh, bring them d> Je-aus; Oh, bring them to Jesus! Bright crowns for the fiuthful when labor is done, > £ ft £ ft £ js _ A . al • ^. ^ £ ^ ^ - •♦' -A— #- £ n •— »- m s Copyright, 1896, hy Win. J. Kirkpatrick. 40 L. M. P\RTHKMORn. Who Are These in Bright Array? ± - ' I t 3^j! L. H. Parthemore. _X I L g 3L- - - 1/ U U w , , , , l. Who, wh in bright ar- ray nts pore and white? Who. who in bright ar-i J. Oh! there a- round the heav'nly throne Cn- numbered mil-lions stand, aid av'nlyt!. ... Bark! now they sing the tri-umphsong \ c-t'rj liar!. the- tri-umph - -0- -0- -0- -0- * -0- -0 - -0- -#-. -0- £■ : -v How came they there be- fore the throne To praise Him day and night? 1 1 iw came they there With vic-tors* crowns up- on their brow Lad palms within their hand; Witli vi ■ ns up-onthi iceni -deemed tbro'Ji -sus blood - .nd King. We'veb led thi -0- -0- -0 # -0-0-0- -0- -0- r ■ e ±- t . _Z *=*=f *-t— f U->. h "- • Lo! these came up through conflict! Game o light, . . - these have come i uonq'ring band Through trib-u - la- tioa Th. - MlHeav-en joins the peal -ing strain .. .. And bo- tide Lamb; All Hcav-cn ; ? * - 0- -0- -0- - m -*C+ a - -5 0- ~7 I F ' * ' : 5 1 Who Are These in Bright Array? (Concluded.) 41 They wash'd their robes in Ie-sua' blood That makes them shine bo bright. They wash' d their robes in Jo-mis' blood, A r.iiiml the throne they now shall stand Vu - er-morc the The God who was, is now, shall be, f-f-f f £ : , x — t mm* -V—J—/—V- Sblectkd. ^ 1/ ^ I Copyright, 1806, by J. II. Kurzmkndbi Our Tribute of Song. Ki v. C. II. Hi 01 GH. I » *=r , i =& i j ; J-hH-J— 3- l. 0, come, let as raise Oar trib-nte of song, Thanksgiv-ing and praise To Je-sus be-long. l'. The old and theyonngjHispeo-ple by choice, With heart and with tongue InIIimslia.il re-ioice. 3. God's temple shall ring; While un-der His eye, Ho -san-nah! we'll sing T<> Je-sus on high. i. Bo- san-nahl our breath Thro' life shall pro claim, Ho-san-nahl in death, In glo-ry, the same. Fm l Chorus. V : m ^ 3— i ~5^B? -• — • — « — L^—n Ho-sannahl thai word To chil-dren so dear; To Je- bus, our Lord, We'll ech - o I here. 9 i i : r — t- tr ~ Copyright, Id'jo, Ij J. II. Kurzcnknmbe. 42 David Lawton. To-Day. DRIMiri LLTR. 1. To 2 I'm 3. To i. Do 'lay, day day, day a - is a - then ; lone, ( ""I pla-ces in thy hands, To big with is -sues for thy life, They rise! thy l« I - ti r self ap - ply, With thuu .-halt feel within thine heart, Up- use for hinge up /• al to rise a : t> v ' £pfufc U good or ill, just as thou wilt; - -* *>=u wai-ting hands. Be -stored if once they're spilt. truth sur-vive Truth, like a ho - ly vow. weeping eye, That's passed a sleep-less night. rich re-ward, En-gaged in love's em - ploy. • lay thy hum-ble toil pur -sue, Tasks must be won. Copyright, 1896, by J. It. Kura iknaJbe. To-day. (.Concluded., 43 ife~f— f< — h — i — r~ . ti — h" > h i M= J 'J Y il I >t i - ties be done; What ■ev # • # d - i r \ 1 .11 lie - -p — f — -V 4 # -IL'll I.) '1", -h*- 5 — i ' • ' U'.nt nut mi - til Pf.fr i — i — i — !- 1 — ' to- -f Qor-row 'a Bun. if r t- II II w i' ) y v ? — V— T— — y y- r b» -1 if r r ' =fJ • • h h — ' — H Albxcbnad Thomas. Little Jewels. i i\-.. ...:n i:. .1., :..... ..i. l... we will shed for Thee, Pur-esl rays of love; Then thro' aD e-ter- oi-ty Shine in Heav'n a - 1" >\ ( i: We are precious in Sis sight, Purchas d with His blood For the
  • — r- -\-r-J /- — V- y r r' 1 -H V — J I-T-+- — +— — v- r — »- r 1 — 0- / v ^5- — #- iff — i — -tHr- — * — v- J ii « ' -* S * nJ— m ' * — 1 — -*— J — *-^ — * « - * ; -t- -y- -0— — i— ~0 — =H= ^— u Can it be true, this same Je-sus in glo-ry, Now in- - with tin- Pa - thcr for md! There shone a light that revealed my con - di - tion, And a still voice whisper'd "Soul, lei me in." ll i me in love; Ah] 'tis joy just to hear it: His pre-cious blood for a ran - sora H< Yes, bless-ed truth, Je - sua saves and He frees us; Bless-ed Hisnamc, now in faith 1 be-heve. - - - N f\ - ----- ^ s f— f ^TT -/ Chokts. kA^_ H * -M I-?- 1, 2 a 3. Tell me 'tis true, this won- der-ful sto - ry 4.-Yes, it is true, Je - sus, the cru-ci-fied, . The moments glide swiftly.I'm nearing the shore, 'Tis only a few more days; Where! shall dwell ev-er and l. I'll pa - tient -ly wait till He calls me up there, 'Tis only a few more days; And then I'll go home, His bri m ' ;■ " +- +■¥- r rr f—t- *^*=tt Chorus. =£ i i * ^^ -N — S — N- v -j P IV -H P 7=T « » I / I ;■ <> - ver the way.'Tis on-ly a few more days. On-ly a fewmoredays 'Tison-ly a few more lov'd ones now arc. "Pis on-ly a fewmoredays, A few more da A grieve nev-er more, 'Tis on-ly a fewmoredays. glo-ries to share, 'Tis on-ly a fewmoredays. £ -*- & »-f r * f r ■ j a -/—/—/- lii LM±JJj=A^LLlM.± gBg n ^ ^g^=g3^=H - ^ Jl days; We soon shall reach home and nev - er- more roam, "Tis on- ly a few more day-. few more days. ■£. *. £: ' a -t- Copyright, li >i, \v Z>. "". 46 W. .v. Ooijev. Work for the Master. E n. Keck . i 3 — E— ft-i =3 0*0 ^=^ a s e ' ■.'Ii.iii in tin- Mas • ter'a vineyard, I H 9 with can h in the ing a ctfp 6t wa- ter To wea-ry ami tlur-t-y souls, <>•> car • ry the How, tor thenigni is com-ing. The darkness will a i be here; For shouldst thou a bid-den mo-menl 3 i ^ 13^ ^W 8 ! ^ V 4 4'4 # « • -^- r- ^t-1- places, Forman-y arc fal-len there; Go build up the bro - ken-heart-ed With tid-ings of roy - al cheer, man-na To faintine ones on life's shoals; Go tell or a lov - ing Saviour, (in point to the ris - en King, lin-ger,Thy way will not be so clear; The path which thy Lord hath trodden Thou It know, for His £ -*- ■*- ■+- r. .*: r,' * J=J=J Chorus. N N I 5 » :- # « ' '0 c « s f r s" x"» P Go car-ry the words of com-forf To wand'rers far and near. And say to the wea-ry pil-grint, Sal - va-tion now I bring. Have stained all the wea-ry jour-ney, Thro* dark and lonely Btreet. arch Go search With arch, mil fctfcltJ I a -*—*- ^& -*-*- f'Ff f ■V-t- p ■ Copyright. 1896, bg J 11 K Work for the Master. (Concluded.) 47 ear • nest and watch-fa] eye; Go bear- tag a glad-someme — age To those who'd paaa you by. v ■0 -+--- -t- II ■r J —r—+ From All Who Dwell Below the Skies. Isaac Watts. L. M. J. H. KURZENKNABE P^ *^ : 3=5 :* o 5 1. From all who dwell be L'. K - ter - nal are Thy ;s. Your (oft - y themes, ye low the skies, Let the Ore - a - tor's praise a - rise; mer - eirs. Lord; K - ter - nal truth at - tends Thy word; mor - taN, hrinu; In songs of praise di - vine - ly sing; 1 1 J SI i - • j — =^ — i- -■< ±r=t ^ •: im ^i= FFg ^ n> T-j = zz^zzr r Let the Be - deem - er's name Thy praise * shall sound from shore The great sal - va - tion loud be sung, Thro' ev - - 'ry land, by to shore, Till suns shall ri»e and pro-claim, And shout for joy the -vis ri :' ».t - ry I no more iodr's n ime. ?** -5- Copyright, 1S0C. ly J. IT. Kunenknabe. Nobody Knows but Jesus. i. No-bod -y knows the bur-dens I bear, No-bod-y knows ■ -h.nl- y knows the trou-ble I ■ bod-y knows ro-bod-y knows how tempted I am, No-bod-y knows t No-bod-y knows the sor-row I feel No-bod- y knows 5. Help me to sing His mer-cy and grace, Help me to -in? but Jo- 1 .: Je- but Je- bnt Jo- of Je- JOB; N'o - hr,«l . y helps ! sus; Won-der-fnl com -fort i- He- can l< -t lrief< an- not be that He - "ii -hall we meet be-fore -j ■— » r » 1 *-W U ^ ■■ •l •■ *■ . •^± - • f § r Chorus. -v — 7 — 7- -^a ^EtEE* trr-r-r^-r^p-f car - ry my care-. Christ to mi'. be His name, tan - not heal, Hi-; dear t No -bod - y help-i likf J<> - sns. No - bod - y helps like Je • Might - y to save is Je .\'<, -i„,il . y Bootheslike Je - bus. Soon shall we meet with Je - <>h! I t. -11 Him all my pric f. '- m #^^=*3*^ *— «-U— t ■~ ^iPSr r*r II * r Tell it all to Ji -•:-; Be dothgive mesweet re -lief, Je sus, ble-s-ed .!• &bx=r + M -W ^ £m 1 — Y Ml H=t± Copyright, ISO!, by P. P. Bilhom. By prrmission. Let the Sunshine in Ada Blenkhorn. Chas. H. Gabriel J- 49 l |),> yon fear the foe will in the con-fiid win' Is it darkwithoal you, — darker still within? 2. Doea your faith prow fainter in the cause you li »ve? Are your pray 'rsun I by your God a-1 :;. Would you go re-joi-cing on the upward way, Knowing naught of darkness — dwelling in the day? ^ rr^ht ^ ££ TITT s=A±^z i i ^k rrrr^ : g , ^-U t * b Chorus. >- =&r=t?=Z=£^^-\^s?^^ li ft* ( Hear the darken'd windows, open wide the door, Let alittlesunshinein. Clear the darken'd windows, open wide the door, Let a little sunshine in. Clear the darken'd windows, open widethedoor, Let alittlesunshinein. Let thebles nein,, the sunshine in, -0-^-0 ' 1 — E ^^ :*=j»z — j-0 •#_••-# , # k=* ■" /; t'ttt* ' -• — y — ■v->- S • S u ? /■ i , P * .■• ^ &=t i-L* — 5 — £= — I * • M m • — i— J — I — \-i U j , 5 4-±-4- n& -0—e- ^-€~* it- 9 ^ - / • • l I / Let the blessed sunshine in- Clear the darken'd windows, open widethedoor, Let a little sunshine in. the sunshine in; Copyriaht, 1S05. by Chas. H. Gabriel. 50 The Cross. t -VAT".. J. R. D I . *3 -t- it Btand-etb 2. It is the old 3. 'T the debt waa fast, II. .1 - lo - lu-jah! Hal-lo - lu-jahl still, Hal - le - lu-jah! Hal-lo - lu-jah! paid, Hal - lo - lu-jah: Hal-1 - lu-jah: 5 ' - • 'ry I- - tri- ompht J. • m + £ A r f . r e <. » rr *^$±r- m iTni'j: r --S blast, Hal - lo - lu-jah for the cross! toll, Hal - le - lu-jah for the i laid, Hal - le - lu-jah for the cross! The winds of hell have blown. The world its hate hath shown, The pr . ' hri-t. tin I ig Of Christ, our of- Gsr - Lag— g ,_£ * |f f-H^ :rf= j # # ir- ,»■ # l^=^=AzJa ^- - " t rr i 'H ■ — 1 — it — i* — * — * -jfl-* — * 1 — 1 — J 1 |_p^ 1 r _L p_| 1 U ~6 Choris. m ^5= t t t %■:%■% : : i l --- -' Ye< 'tis not o- verthrown. Hal-le - lu-jah for t li« ■ cross! Hal -le-ln-jahl Hal-le -lu-jah: It Bin a - tone, Hal-le- lu-jah for il. OfChrist, our liv - ing King, Hal-le - lu-jah for the m d M- A- JL m ^Jt- * f * • i 3=3= " ISz ±=2: 9»p\rr\ i :. ii r i.tF.i i a Clark Nearer to Thee. Rev. R. L. Selle. By Per. m$* TTm 5 5 T I 1. My hand in 2. Day af - tor 3. Hence-for-ward ■i. shadow 9 can --%-'. «: X Thine, dear Lord, So lei me rot; Wher-e'er Thou lead - est day tn knew No way hut Thine, To love Thy sweel will all my way, Tlnui shalt pre •pare; Mine but on Thee to bring me not One bod-ing fear; My all - Bnf - li - cingt me, W I, lay nought, » • mA fe *-=?=*=¥■ p f * — »- I I I I - t s 5i ¥± Cuout S. & gig J I ;L,H - g-HS Z 11 *^ <^-i ^- g L : *=*= It must be best. It Bhall be mine. My ev-'rycare. Thou, Lord, art near. Near-er. near-er. Blessed Lord to Thcc; Near-er, near -er, Blessed Lord to Thee. 52 The Best Friend is Jesus. P. P. BlLHORN. Duet. 5 / [or Ten ) & J' 1 BtLl ^' -r ■*-' ^5^1* o -. l ( >h, the best friend to b 2. What a friend 1 havefoundin 3. Tho' 1 pass thro' the night of I Wliru.it la-t u< out home we sua, When the cares ol life up-on you roll; Je -'I-. Pi to eandc< imfi >rt to my si i il He l ^..r - row, And the chill -y waves of Jor- dan roll. gath - er, With the loved ones who -fore, Hi w ill \\. will £ :: ! g^ , I =? 1 P^«^^^ i 3 ^ -JOU ^ heal the wounded heart, He will strength srid grace impart; Oh, thebesl friend to have is • ■n His mighty arm, 1 will fear i'.'> ill nor harm; Oh, the best friend to have is need I shrink nor fear, For my 6a > -iour is so near; Oh, the best friend to have is miiS up - on the shore, Praising Him for-ev - ermore; Oh, the best friend to have is % Je Je Je Je The Best Friend is Jesus. Concluded .) Chori's. Spirited. h I ^ • N L 53 ^m * -■ i -• > — i- • ■> • ' The best friend to have ; a=i s ' ' / Je Je - sua ev - 'ry day, s N v v * ' • * - The besl friend t" have is *- # » * - ¥=t s • Je Je all the way; He will help you when you fall, II. will q=S i ! m ; £ m^t ii ■• hear you when you -t — , m -_ call; Oh, the jtp: best «_ friend / to have Je - sus. - -o- II Qtpyright, 1891, by J'. 1'. Bilhorn. By permission. 54 This World is More Than a Battle-field. 1 1 ran Wilson. John F. Kurzen'kkaff. ~<) k n J ' n i r r* p i i s i k -> . i ii m i — n s >^i i. This world ja more than a bat - tie-field Of long, wea-ry strife and pain; M is afield when 'J. Bright, golden Bheaves, let us seek to win, At Je-sus' dear feel to lay; As precious to-kens of .".. Yes, more, far more than a bat -tie-field This world is with all it- strife; fhe waiting har- vest a- £->' r t n rr tr t F TTIr - ^ *±=* „ * • V • • Chorus. ? s =5= I liar- res-ters, For Christ's richest tro-phies rain. This world is more than a bat-tie-field Where lov - ing toil For Him in <>ur life's brief round as holds Richstoresfor e- ter - nal life. I- I L L ^L I L-U — U- • • — i ~r-r 1&H&!&i^im±ii \ ftm ; I' on. -ly hard paths are trod; There's joy and glo-ry in ser- vice here, 'Tis a bar -vest-field for God. ' //. k'nr-.' nknabe. 1 1 I ON] - Jesus Will Bear Me O'er. 55 S ■i^r-N-T * mW^i- \«3=i=i=& W. S. Nkkle l. When [ have reached earth's border-land, Je- sua willbearmea - way; •_'. C11 - y of glory bo bright and fair, • it - y of peace a - bove; :!. Dwelling with Jesus in glo-ry-land, What could 3 ;^k be - side7 Take me t<> sing with I Bhallsingpi Sing- ing the Bong of (In- to tb. *^£- iifeS^! - -B £ ->-***> 1 Is V- 'S 1 ETT v— *— Vz r^r -- f—r Chorus. -A-4- U -N-4- n : : It - . -■: ~* — *~~»r 5 J S **y i - 3L3 # # # * ransomed band. Hap- py in end-less day. Jo - sua there, Tell -ing His wondrous • love, ■n -gel-band. Near to the Sav-iour's Bide. Car -ried a -way to the realms of light, Safe on the gulden m U-vi 1 a 3^ % ,^=* *=P " + ■* f L :ry-r qfc. shore; g^^^EE In - to the sum-mer-land e\ - er bright, -•-• • #--•-- ■#- -*- -*- Je - BUS will bear me ^t 1 1'iijti/ right II'. > 56 There is Glory in My Soul. Mrs. Grace Weiser Davis $k -+K— \- Chas H. Gabriel 4- fefe 5^5 ? # — a— , -+j =j=5^3 si 3=f5 3=F? l Since I l"-t my Bins, and i since losi my Bins, aim I found my Bav - iour, There 2. Since He cleansed my bearl and {jave love's bfesl full 3. Since 1 walk with God hav-ingsweel coni-mun- ion, There i I have en-tered Canaan on my way to Hea\ en glo glo glo glo r.v ry ry ry iii in in in my my my my Mini; BOUl; tool; .M/ill; a-f— fl- g — f— f-f~ * I I s — i 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 • • P : il ^FFF ^PffPF^ : r=r . . •i v^^i -*-"* - .Me4=££ -*— *— N- -A— N- -N— fV -a. — Pi — K — \ ^ t 3=5 SSd &3*^m^^ azt * ., # » 3r — * — •— ~» . - there's glo-ry, glo-ry, there is glo-ry in my soul; Ev'ry daj brigntei grows And I conquer all myfoes ^ r^ j£=2: • # e£££ I- M- :| I I ■# — # — # — » . . . fc M-M- » . , . 1 1 Z— E * frrrr:* • / Copyright, 189$, by Chat. II. Gabriel. v—r- There is Glory in My Soul. (Concluded.) is IS Js. 57 '°y #^tfHf m A \- II : s ^S *=*■ o *=? ^ glo- ry There is glo - rv. glo-ry, yes, there's glo-ry In my soul; There is IS l> m N > in my BOnl. Hr-J S^E * • s s II 5=3>z v ■ / - ■■" I. II KrR7rVKNABK. Modena. C. M. 7 d=s! I. II. KfR/r.NKNABB. ? .'. r saints, to praise your King, Your sweet Lord, ami works tin - known Are Hi- on! trust the liv - ing God; Serve Him t- 42. t- # - est vol - i - ous pleas-ares, while you sim:. In - creas Anil all His saints SUT - round the throne, Ilis treas He makes thy courts His blest a - bode, And claims \t Ml H * i iilt with the praise. ure, and His Joy. His hoil - ors there. i 42- • \: li o L ./. //. A.' 58 1 II. Ni viv. Not (oo/af beau - ty 2 I lii . i. ...I of a flow • in,' riv - er :;. I baveread of the >aints in glo - ry l. oh. I long for lint land su-per - nal, Win re thei no gloom- y night, That bursts from I.- - neath tin- throne, Thai i ». i - - ■ 'l from this earth t.. H< 1 i ii- halm - y air; And « here And tin- Ami their Tin i. e£e i I ' ••• ' t—t CHOht s. love is the spring of du - ty, beau - ii - fill trees thai • Bong « ii- the same *-\\ eel Bt 1 ry man-sions of bliss e - ter - nal, C. ■ And God is the so light. A re found on its hanks a - Of love, and their sins for -given. Aii'l Je-sus willgreet me there. Oh, 1 Ion- ic be . . . '^ ^ P^^ 3=r rit. there, I long i" b fe=S: V +^£_ £' r f 1 — i- tzz± In that vast world of beau - ty, Oh, I long t.> be there. r~r b *=*= r: £=* $ ■ilit. ISM. by ./ //. A Bostiiuick. DUET SlffW, with fitting. "God Calling Yet." Ii \ BOMBENGBR. 59 ^E^ 33 s ! :* l. Ood oull-ing yet! Bhall I nol • uresshall I Btill hold dear? Bhall life's swiftp •_'. <;.> lov - nig voiee de-spise? A.ndbase-ly Hi- kind ing yet'— and shall He knock, And I my heart the clos-er lock? He still is wa I. God call-ing yet! — I can -not stay; My heart i yield with-oul de-lay: Vain world, farewell! from m * 4-.— 1 " t ^ c Cres. dim. rit. Chorus. -] j || ^— ft— J \n 1— * years all fly. And still my soul in slum-bers lie? God call -ing yet! He call«eth me: care re-pay? He calls me Still; can I de-lay? t.) re-eeive, And shall I dare His Spir - it griei thee I part; The voice of God hath reached my heart, ** #. A. X X - J. J. J. > *=T * * My £ • . mm j^^3 S=S- s s # * soul give heed ami bethoufreo: Prom earth toHeav'n, with all the blest, Hecallctb to the promised rot. * *- t - 1 - * * * f # . * * #3 # rrrrrr*^ * : + * II Copi/right. 1S9C. by J. If. Kurs&nknabe. 60 I»a L. Reed. Give Me Thy Love, Dear Saviour. J. H '■ 'St=^ ^^^t ^ Lo me Thy ! - i<>ur. I ask naught else <>f Thee; No gifl at earth nor 2. < i i \ i- me Thy love, dear Sav- iour, Toglad II my Wher-e'er mj foot-steps :h. Give mi- Thy love, dear > v av - iuur, A -tar of hope 'twill . .-> >ti»r.- -A - , - 4 t=f=r tl Chorus. -4- mm -+: — a~ Hi-av - en Could l • to me. wan - der. Twill smooth the thorns a - way. tri - al, \ safe, sure guide for me. , : e* =*=£ \ Give nie Thy love. Thy :-av - ing love, That : P ■* — ' i II I may love s— — •- s Oh, tin Thou guide me day by day. In all I think and do. JJ t ^T Gopyright, l^yj, by J. 11. Kunscnknabe. Was it For Me? Ki \ I S. 1 Rev. E. S, Ul PORD. 61 : r^pi 1. Was 2. Was .:. Was : f I ^ « < 3 it for un- it for me [i for me that that that >h- the might - y Yield -ed to death on Cal - vn sua, the Right - eous, Hung on thocr — and cried in | sua, the Sav - iour,Vanquish'd thepow'rs of death and sin? EE^=£=& ' MM=& r. i * /'. s. *=* Fine. ^* i t ' . Was Was Was m <^~ for for for me nil' me Hi- ll.- II. • feE bore all the said to His came forth in I -0- an - guish I n cho - sen, "I tri - umph, Was the ac-curs - ed tn will re - turn a - gain"? it my soul to win? * *=* & />. S.— Yea, >ly - in,' ClIOKt s. -I N !*- hit. this the sto - ry, Jo - sua hath died for thee. -o- : I). 8. + ^ 3e i J z % - Was it for met Was it for me? Was it for sin - ners lost like me? n '. ^ ^ ^ I ^ ^ =M =t -*- -5- t=Pt £=h £z F _rS-_ p • • 1 Copyright, J894, by Jama U Earle. 62 The Work We Love. 1'nii.ii' Phillips. ' ' Ckai 1! : I.irchzb.i&Q. J\=^=2 — . ' Philip Phillips. : i " m m come i" - getb - i hei bow de - liu'lit - t'ul t.i meet, is a \\..rk we love BO w « • 1 1 . will our la - bors have A > be : - nil, liap - py •■) win — our we 11 bo called to pray; throng, call. lEEEt i ^t ■J -A$ — t — * — i — i r f- -i N-, 1 1 ' 1 1 I i — • — Chorus. / N Q 1 2 m — . * =3C — • ~m — s-=— * «. S * % J ±H W M — • * — # # » • # -t — m — * J- J. # __ tJ 4 9 w m m m - 1 i ' None should be i - ■*- -0-0- 5= > , !, . - *=* ± £=£ feSEii ' _ The Work We Love. Concluded.) 63 :' x=* *=* :^% =5= ^=^ 5^3 =£ II We -luill dwell for - ev - it / 1m the / l:illd i)f :i - dise, nt God'a right hand. C. Wi -i i v Mildred. S. M. f'n \-. Edw. Pi h B H ^ ■ glo cut age, My rail - ing to OUS A< in Thy sight and pray, And on Thy - self ri fnl to re BO , -— ^ -i — r ^ fv, A till; Oh, live; And, lv; A3 -> -> ": !fc=! J : s ; £ c nev may oh' Mired ■ or it Thv if dy - ing soul to save, ail my DOW'rs en - gage bct - vant, Lord, pre - pare, I my trn-t he - tray, _j i i m 1 And fit it I'.i do my A strict ac fir the Mas - tcr's roil lit to I shall for ev or S T r * r skv. will. s:i vc. die. I] Copyright, 1896 by J If Kurzenknabe. 64 Come to the Living Waters. H. Alli man. \ t too fast. J. II \i 1 , ' ^ P i Come in the li\ ing waters! Why will ye thirst- y be? ■_'. Come in tin' liv-ing waters! The Spir - it's call o - bey, B. Come in tin- liv-ing waters! Come now! no long-ei wait' i. Come i" tin' liv-ing waters! Come, whoso -e\ -er will! ■ Come to the liv-ing waters! He'Jl bid the tu-mull mp ^mmm^'* Tin- fountain of life i- flow ing [a H<- who nil the Lord be-lieveth shall Hi- Spir-it with thine is striving. Come, Be-lieve Him, and tbou shall hear it Hi- ll' l fill thee with joy and gladness, And > 1 f f f t P -'— r *$ Churls. -J 1- e *=F ^ ^~ c ■ ; TTV -& flow ing now for i lose lii- . i. it be ii"i ed" Peace, b< give thee last-inu <, • thee, way. late, still! |it-ai i -J- Jtj f=t^ ± ^T' He, who • so - ever will maycomi A.ud take of the wa-ter ol life 1'rve-h E^M ? *$=^ ^%. \ =t= ^ II 5= m ^^. so i\ er will, may come, And take of the wa-ter, the \\ ■f life -rrf-Yf—t =f. * • # # # £=£: 3 u I !,— ifl— ! I, • 1/ I? u Copyright, m. Quick to the Rescue! 65 • HI N. P B Blllien J'-mam 1 O. Christian, triumphantly sing- ing "Halle - luiah! 1 in anchored al last! Look yonder, lo! millions are 2 The path way of sane -ti ft - ca i i< >n I-. "Sailor, come, follow thou me-*' Sleapnot in the port of eal :t. Say not 'tis the call of stern du ty, Say "Je-sus my pattern shall be," Who leflHiabright kingdom of I, Thejoy and the peace of the Sav-iour Shall comfort youi heart in the storm; Love'sho-ly ae -light is in Chorus. cung ing, \;i lion, beau - iv, I.,,,. la O'erwhelm'd by the fear-ful blast. The per i-h ■ ing call for thee With in - ti • nite lo\ e for me. Aii'l ii"i in the i - illi' calm, Hear the lost call-ingl Tempest appalling - * P l ,r ~ i = F t=£ X \%? l ' 'w l = • — • — ; — I 1 * — F-= — =t- -*-; — i — I 1 1 3— 9 ' V V k nt. '- S ' S > > — fn * • 'frl V * Ra-ges on liie'* midnight sea: Quick to the rescue! 0, Christian be true! Chrisl brav'd the dark billow for you. ^ v v v v v ^ A r ? ^ ^ ^ >'-«. a. *. * m. m m m + .a. ^^ «- K 1-4 ^ 1 y 1 1— I I . ' ■ 1 — [, *T 5 ; > * - ' F ^f Copyright, lyjj. by F, B. Bdden. 66 I: \ L. Reed. Jesus, Our Wonderful Saviour. ^F3r J H. KVK/I.NKNABE \ i ;\ I 3 a for the sins of theworldwas II -.. -iour; Slain that \ ghtfor- 2. Dj -ing forus, oh, the fear-1 - rhatwithi : love that for us He bore, Je-sus, our woi - -iour; Stronger than death, ton h h tto rfr r f r -y-4-j i *—*-»- b • ± l-M-f-g ^^ Tjfl • «£=£ £3 S * -» — *- • 9e=e£ -0- -0- -- giv-en be, Je - sus, our won-der - ful Bav- iour: Qve a - gain, Je - sua, our won-der-ful Bav- iour: ev - *ry shore, Jo - bus, our won-der - ful Bav - iour: Kil all, He was cru - ri - fed, thon the I we it is £ £: s> ttlzzfczi^^^E fe : ^ ^-y rT-r " Un-derour burden of sins He died, Died, that weal 1 • isti-fied, Ji --•> our wonderful Saviour. Might from our i fulSai iour. he pilgrims of ev'ry land, Jesus, that wonderful heav'nly Friend - • iour. sajC ^H-E-— i— r-^F^ B. D_i_l._ » i « I i/ : - ££^fq&E 1H4 »_M_it_H_ fT •il Copyright, 1S94, by J. H. Kxirzenknabe. We'll Never Say Good-by. 67 Geo. C. Hvgg. Geo. C. Hugo. 1. In the morn of morns when uv.ill meet there. In the home fai ■ -kw We'll recall the scenes we have 2. \'-\ - it Badness there, neither grief nor tear, In thai beautiful home on high! But they swell thesong, happy 3. Willi our kindred dear, in that nome of love, WTiilethe fly, We will meet, and sing at the X=X- 1 , » \ , ! CHORUS. r m r T Kf *=& # • left be-hind, But we never will say "good-by." In thedawn - ins of the morn - in::. In that ransom'd throng. And they never will say "good-by." In the dawning clear of the niorn-ing fair Sa v-iour's feet, But we never will say "good-by." ^m T^tt=i • * home far a-bovo the sky; Hap-py meet - ing, hap-p; ing,Whenwenev-er meeting there, happy greeting there. . ■> 5-r 2±=4 I i - - r»— * — f— *- J -*~ : 5 . '■ ' Hugg. I — I — r say "good-by." «3 r J Beulah Land. k I i n Beu-lab land! in thee I live, And from thy treasures I re-ceive 2 Thou Beu - lah laud! so rich thy store, Enough for ;il! for-ev - er-more; e Beu -luh land that lies be-fore, From Pisgah's top I now ex-plore; i An. I in thai home I soon shall rest, It- ear-nesl here I now i>"- ,,. i=$^i ' ?3 f—f- All need- lul E-nougb for My hope i- This Beu-lab r : 1 lili — ings, < :n li liiihc ;iln I land, this '■ I 1- 3H Chorus JSEEj ?-3 z : i i cr full and free; Thou art the cho-sen land need de - spair, Thj love so free theworld in thai clime, And faith nowclaims thatland ■ nest given, Is peace "" earth, and rest ■0- -0- -0- m * • -# m me. may share. ;i- mine, in Hea> n. - lah land! Beu • lah land! My s — I — I- * B ' 9— 5 - anchored in that climel Beu -lah land! Beu -lah land! And faith now claims that land as mine. #• A *■ #- -f 2 - » . - ~> . f- f- -p- - A -*■ #■ -*- 31 — r -r -r 5 S s- ±=t £ ±—r—r- 1 — r £± I] Copyright, U B fi ' nofo, I am Saved! J. T. Town U ith ; igor. i inn r. 69 3 ; • \t =F ^ ^ ^=M==^ ^^ ^^=I-^- } I l. Hal - le • lu |ah to •J. Hal - I,- ■ lu jah! joj • :\. Hal - le - lu -jah' tell Lanibl I sing! I am sa\ edl am sa\ id' am -a\ ed! m 1 4 tt *± p am saved am saved am -avi'l .- Bj His l'l I re-d( emed I in my soul has freed. And with Oh, the bliss of lighl di - vine! This is f &E*±H* M / ■ " * • « * .. t j. » ' ^ ~*^ * i "f^ I had me all en-slaved; Bui by grace he came love my heart en -graved; Hap- py thus; 1 am what I long have craved; I am Christ's, and He IS S _1 -4— t more, — I -deed; I mine, I am saved! am saved! am saved! am savedl am saved! am savedl m i -f— r ' '■ :z~- Copyright, ism, by J. II. Kurzenknabe. F 70 William. H. Gardner. ? ti Child, Come Home. ^ Edwin Mwrj — 1 — l Man - y are the sad hearts roam-ing 2. Ah! see bow t h< i r .'{. At the gold - of He 'Long the road of \- tli v hear iliat I night, cry of love, I . - ■ standi Ami their wea - ry 11"". ihi ■: And the an - ^ r — r T^r 3 -a — ray oflight. I star a - bove; In lov - ing bands: And a won-drous their heart- the to < !• the hearts are long - ing For onebless ■ ed \t the -hin - ing meet the wai G tid- ing them with liin - i»e ■ i h - i'e~. Pa - ther say - eth. «: * T -- :*=£: 5= : - Child, Come Home. (Concluded. ) - o Prom the heights of Heaven's dome; And a sweet voice now is call-ing Tenderly, "Come home, come horn el" And though onward *iill thej roam, Now do more the way seems drear-y, Knowing they are al-mosl home. "Child, no more you'll have to roam; All your wca - ry days arc o - ver, You are safe at last, — atham -. it- jg^^ r & 1 — r ^=¥*n^ - - a F Chorus. ^ ~* r 3=a 5=5^ f ?: =;- Come home, child come homel Come home, i child, come home! 3 2 _■£ £l zfe :£: 1 1- r ^ .". -; -. -J v^ I ^3 3=^ ^ "5^ ;« r o ^T -o--- Hark! a ten - der voice i> call - ing, 'Come home. child, come si- ' home!" d^ J. J s ■ i — i — i r Copyright, 1896, by J. H. Kurzenknnbe. OCDEN. Scattering Precious Seed. Geo C Htr.r, 4 : ^F^tt ^^t^ : :^*^^t * i - Ler- ing pn the waj - ~i»K-, 3cat-ter-ing pn ed for thegrow-ing, - at-ter-ing pre-eious seed, doubting ng precious seed by the bill-side; ■ tiT-iim precious seed, frit- - ly now - ing; * ig precious seed, trust-ing e\ - V v u y^^ fTTf Sow ing In the ev - 'ning, Sowing the precious seed by the way. Sowing the pracionaaeed, Bowing the precioasseea, by the way. s a 1 1 1 1 : i : V— /—/—/— S l> S John Keble. Sun of My Soul. Haydn, arr. by W. H. Monk. 1. Son 2. When :;. \ nf my soul, Tin m Sav - iottr dear, It is not night if Thou be the son dews of kiml - ly sleep Mywear-ied eye - lids gent - ly bide with me fri>m morn till eve, Porwith-out Thee 1 can - not =s=r J^^M near; Bteep, live; £=£ ■ ^ Sr. f T -#• ■&- - *> 1 * — a — -»— ' > ■ >— F m- *' $L ±3^ s ^m • \ R' ^3* fq* * r- oh, may no earth - horn cloml a - rise To hide Thee from Thy serv - ant's eyes Be ray last thought, how sweet to rest For - ev - ( Bunshine I La -t>or on, with Christ .; ¥es, the la-b'rer's worth his la - bor, Christ hath said it in His word, Bo, work on, till* i Speal a lit - tie word of com- fort, S loom with sunshine bright, And the reap-ing of the ::\ " » ' * =f=£: i. © ' f =P=3 ::-r~f- *—*-*! 1 h y I r\ jnJ I I ■ -h- 1— CHORL'S. \- : : Plant them now, and trust and pray, A.nd with pur- pose firm and true. Lei your heart with zeal be stirred. Willyour heart till with de - li'.-lit. Oh. tho sow - in? and the rt;ip- in^r. r Oh, the j : v J5 •i— — U 1 i : -*- -<2- I ; II s^ ^* r^ -> weeds thai gath-er there; On - ly keep them from life's gar-den, And you'll have a har-i £=. *U=£= J §#^* U m s ; ^— Pr i — r a ' . 'jht. 1S9G. by J 11. A r E. E. Hewitt Sunshine in the Soul Jno. R. Sweney. 75 S3 . . V ' j:J 5:#ES: 1. There's Bunahiue In my soul to-day, More glo - ri - ous and bright Than grows ina-ny earthly sky, lor 2. There's mu - sic in my soul to-day, A «-.i r - , >l to my King, And Je-sns, listeninggcan hear The 8, There's spring-time in my soul to -day, For when the Lord is near Thedo> e of peace sings in my heart. The •i. Tin- re s gladness in my soul today, Ami hope, and praise, and love, For blessings which He gives mi now, For — 1- t 9 • i :• Choki s. rrr ; iH3EE33 • # -. U r * s 1 Jc - sua is my 1 iu lit. Oh.thei • - - shine, Blessed sun - - - Bhine, While the 1 can-not Bing. Oh, there's sun-shine in the soul, Blessed sun-shine in the bouI, flow rs of grace ap - | joj a laid up a - 1" ive. ^^ T -> • • • • * t" — P ' l=*=t±=fc iiis=g rPFl r iiiISi peaceful, happy moments roll; When Jesus shows His smiling face There is sunshine in t lie soul. happy moments roll N Copyright, 1SS7 ', ij/ JijO. /.'. twenty. Ft^t-tiC rT.rip liU 76 Ida I Ri r.D. We are Weak, but Christ is Strong. Fred \. Fillmorf. mm + -? a 3 j^j^i a it s s 5==^: -*=£=<, : . I # #3 I r 1. What tho' can- ami t ri - als meet as, All life's change-ful path a - long, There's* hope thai 2. What th<<' wea - r\ bur - -I-*- r i i ^N^.ii . : We are weak, but Christ is strong; There's a hope that ne'er will ftiil us. We are weak, but Christ is strong. mm 1 — i- i r=&=r- c ■*=*=?=? f- f -• — #~ * * 1 — I- # — 0- - i * * i — r * • r II Copyright, 1896, by J. II. Kunenkaabe. A Little Talk with Jesus. 77 \\ \ .-.S'; ARR. BY J. II. K.URZENKM • # i. While Hght-ing for my Saviour here. The dev-il tries me hard; He u sea all his might-y pow'r, My 2. Tho* dark the night, ana clouds look mack And stormy over head, Andtri - al- of most ev-'ry k i i >< I A :;. Win a those wl ice were dearest friends, Be-gin toper-sedate, And more wl nee professed to love. Have l. And thus by frequenl lit -tie talk- I gain the vie-to- ry, And march a-long with cheerful song, En ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ n i L T l j==t -*— * * f- t s i { ~ /'. 8.— lit - tl«' talk with Je - sua makes 1 4 — ; $% < -J^— j ress to ro-tanl He's ni> to ev - 'ry i my path are 9pread; Bow soon I con-quei int grown and mute; I tell Him all my ing lii> - er-ty; With Je - bus as my : ? — ^- move, Ami yet through all I prove, all. As to the Lord I call; grief. He quick -ly sends re - lief; Friend, I'll prove un - til the end, I tr-t t- ± ± Si Si ±. Si Si # r=r right, nil ripht: Id trials of ev - ry Chorus. -r V > J P — Pi — \ • J '• '• 5 : E*3$ U y kind. Praise God, I -V— S\ n, al - ways find, A D. S. -0—0 i I ' rv *PJ Nl -*—• * lit - tie talk with Jesus make- it right, all right. lit - tie talk with .Testis makes it right, all right, lit -tie talk with Jesus make- it right, all right. lit - tie talk with Jesus makes it right, all right. A lit-tle talk with Jesus makes it right, all right, A Si Si Si Si Si Si Si E I I ! S"l 000 L _ L _j =j H-f— f— S ' ' I I ■ it — i —m m m * — 'm 1 * * «< + »< — L-P- 1 I H — • lit- tie talk with Jesus makes it right, all risrlit . Copyright, la'.Hi, l»j ./. //. KurwnAnafa 78 Where the Living- Waters Flow. Edward F.. Nickerson. > -4- A". Edward 1 N -&* ^t— r^— : ^— I s — fr — 1 — ta s v v — |- v v h i » k -f SH 1. Rest to the wi I A.nd ach-ingbreast isgiv'n, Dofrnwh -ing wa-tera flow; 2. For thee, my soul, for thee 1 night, Down where the liv- ing flow; me with the ransom Down where the liv -ing wa-tera flow; i \-.\ n, hi -fore li fa We'll praise in light a-bove, Down where the liv -ing flow; *4 E^3± .• =j=^ '■ *=* ? makes the wounded wholi I ills our heart with Heav'n, Down where the liv-ing k Thine is the mer - cy free, That Christ to earth has brought, Down where the liv-ing wa the Lamb was slain, \ loi ! He reigns a Kin:. Dowu vh rethe Tri-um-phant thro 1 Hisgra ■ Mad< per-fecl by His love, Downwherethe liv-ing n am. - — flow, flow. msm ft? ^= a t -it • 0z r^rr v—+- , • Chorus. tt_J |s N $=££ f-Zzz* r -4— jr 5 D» Downwherethe liv-ing wa-ters flow, liv-ing wa-i where the trio of life doth J £ : -: *=! R ff=f^ ?■: rrfTT u b " 11/ /' C ! By per. * Where the Living Waters Flow. (Concluded.) illll iH ; i ^ *=*f^ ^e* n • # s 79 II ' rrrf I'm liv-ing iu the light, for Je - sua and the right, Down where the liv-ing wa-tersflow liv-ing waters tl<>u .0. A. ' 0000* FTt * i ^ • / — /- e= ; g g. \ V V *> v i* — 0^— 0— + — s — + — p / i ■: Hi Rev. Edward Hopper. P. P Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me. s < ?—w^-+ ■* — V ^3£E5 £:i*^k:« -S * N J. E. Gould. '0 9 t?± w 1. Je - sus, Saviour, pi-lot me, - ver life's tempestuous sea, Unknown waves around me roll. Hid- ing 2. \^ a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boist'rous waves obey Thy will, Whi 3. When at last I neartheshore, And the fear-ful breakers roar 'Twixt me and my peaceful rest: Then while 41 zmmm u rock Bay lean and treach - esl - Ins on rous Thy shoal; Chart and com -pass come from Thee, Te-sus, Bav-iour, pi jtill;" Woi iv-'reign of the sea, Je-sus, Bav-iour, pi breast, May 1 hear Thee Bay to me, "Fearnot, I will pi lot me. lot me. lot thee. By permiuion. 80 Work Till the Sun Goes Down. i Wis. F C A vi' gpngj V m h *- ; — I l-r-l - | ■ I , M |TJ- . £ — H l. Go work in thehar-vest 'it' the Lord, And lei thy sheaves a- bound; Nor stop 'mid the burning _'. The work i> great, the laborers few, Go spread the news a- round; No Ion gersay tl 3. When souls are dy-ing all a-round, Whysll ye L- die, dun ell them of :i I. Go work, while the daylight lin-gers, work; Toil on till the crown is won; And in the vine-yard -*- • r^r • • -fr. if - f , 0^0 — •— -» -f^ • r0 0- '-+- -^n J£4 * i 1 Tr~r~r i ¥ • 2 1 Chorus. =H H — # U-pJ L | ^ ==^ H^ j&? ; - —\- -»— *, J -* h ft i — l_, — 1 — i F*Tr 4 \" i * ¥-- • a -. — J- 4- 4 9 4— -7^- U-»-hi. — 0- 9 heal i" rest, But work till the sun goes down. naught tn do, But work till tin- sun goes down. Sa\ - inur'- love. Ami work till the sun goes down. of the Lord Best m>t till the sun goes down. Go work, go work, Go ami watch, and ]>ray. m- z?=+: -0 — 0- 1 1- -' -*— f— P^»- -^ T=r -i — t — i- > * ^ a:^^ i — t 6 ■» [::H £=?=? ■# — •- q . : j • - • # # \\ i irk till the sun goes down; Go forth and work, and watch, and pray. Go work till the sun l''«-» down. JZ-. M- . -I 1 1 I — ^tJ Ff^ J] f— f- j= _L__L_l '- 2=$: « 000 f Hi I 1 — l — I — h 1 — r 1/ * I A Shelter in the Time of Storm. Ml - II \KKI1 I E J.'M F. Koslmi 81 b . — i 1 ±-. — - s t— • -r-* fr— £■ fr-d •— i — I — n 1 — -J 4-r v , ' { -^i i * * ' • L ^ i N • ■ • • ■ • • * p 4 • * \ i We have .i Rock, ;i safc re-treat, A shel-ter o. Rock "i ^.-ges, al-wayssure, A shel tei 8 Witli in the clefl we safe Ij hide, \ shel-ter i 0, Rock of A. - ges, hideThoame, A shel-ter in the time of storm; A sure fotin-da i in the time of storm; Whercwea rj pilgrims in the time of storm; And there we'd ev • in the time of storm; And ei ei keep me 1 4 - -• — • — •-• - 4- 1 : * I I I g : N \ N /. ±=t Chorus. =fc S ^ *=* A shel-ter in the time of storm. Our je - sua is the Rock where we safe -ly rest We A shel-ter in the time "l storm. A shel • ter in the time of storm. A shel - ter in tin- time ol storm. *=*=£E* s ; i safe-ly rest, we safe-ly rest; Our Je-sus is the Rock where we \ icl-ter in the time of storm ,'■'. 1894, by Geo. F. 82 Emma I. Fisher. Step by Step. Emma L. Fisher. iii^^^^n i i m ffli ^m Stepbj II fol-low our Redeem-er, In the path His bath trod, Step by step in ra BetbThem's lowly manger To tl -ry, Christ, oar Step by step id trust Him — Whether at our work or :it our play; Dai-ly strivi p, from childhoi Into youth with hearts both brave and true; Step by step w« 11 Chorus. &m *=? -I L a *^t r, -0- 9 • earn-est, fond en-deav -or. We will fol-low on to < I the path for you and me. in the way of du - ty, His bless'd precepts to grow in grace and wis - dom, All the way our jour - ney through. Fol - low, we'll fol - low; In i B " ^ fl . : • 5 :,: ~S • i g • 9 '- • trueendeav-or, Follow our Redeem-er; Fol-low, we'll fol-low, In: .: and narrow way. 1 -EH — • • / / — "5 — a ! I t=t g^* »~ «-«-<- — Copyright. 1S0C. hy J. IT. Kurzi F.. R Latta. Hymn of Praise. (From the I i 83 ARR. BY J. H. KURZENKNAI.I ^=^P? B P Hi 1. Lord, in Thee in faith we come. And Thj bless-ings we im-plore; o - pen, o - pen un - to 2. On • ly Thou the debt haal paid, J >« - 1 > -i ,,'r sin that si doom; On-lj Chou II iv'n a- 3. In the 8a v-iour'3 blessed name. All our hopes and faith u- nite; Ch-to us / f=Fl Jt- *± n-^ ^ — i-^ : $=^ 3^? : s -^ S3 ^5 r^ r us. While bo\ >'. Hasl veal, In I we wail at mer- cy's door: for sinners saved made room: our weakness, !»• our might: If Thou should'st not hear our plea, If Thou should'sl no! i In the full-ness of Thylove.In the richness <>i Thy Hum-bly draw we near toTl , As Thy peo-ple to Thy -a II =1= 3^f !S show. Vain would be i>ur ev - 'ry hope; Brace, Lei Thy bless- ings now de-scend, shrine; We arc trust - ing in Thy 2^ We have no -where else to eo. Then have fears and doubt no place. Make u^. keep us, whol - ly Thine. Copyright, 1S96, by J. 11. Kurzenhnabe. "5 1* tt 84 I> 1 1 : i : Labor To-day. V. • J. KlRKPATRICK. 1. Work in ray vineyard! the morning is bright. Labor to-day, la-bor to-day; Now while the sun bathi 2. Work in my vineyard! in noontide s fierce heat. Li ly, la-bor to-day; Tho' on thy brow the son's 3. Work ini ow long. Labor to-day, la-bor to-day; Cheerful - ly l-o to thy i Work hi mt rinevardifi i until eve, Labor tn-'b\. la-bor to-day; Boun-ti - ful pay thou will world in its light, Hast-en myvoice t<> o - bey. scorching rays beat, Faintnot.thy t"il I'll re - pay. task with a song, 1'" not stand i -die, I- pray. sure-ly re -ceive, How canst tboa tar-ry a - way? 1). .r !. day, to-day, la • l">r to-day. H§ ' *^^ £ ■Far- r. g r. r. ££e£ FTTT / / / z -i i - -K— h * v "—- • - — I a m a • — ^ 1 1 ■ 1 d P — hm m y y «/ / [ • * * * * * * * *• + l.:i - - - bor to-day, to-day, Come and work in my vineyard, Come and work while you may. La-bor to-day, la-bor to-day, m *• • * a -V— *■- 0—0 y » •~rr l ' »- < -* T-— i — . -I U 1 — ?=*=*- ^=^t :£« -0-*- # ' -• A Copyright, 1S95, by Wm. •/. Kirkpatrick. I am Resting- in the Saviour's Love. 85 !. Oh! my hear! 2, \ t the foun - tain .".. All my doubts are i ' >, the Mi^s and •">. So I live re \- thrilled with wondrousjoy ■ 1 for the -"iil vanished, all rap-ture! ' ', joic-ing in in • day, mi ■ clean, in v fears are gi me, the won-dn >us p His love each am am am am r. ~i nig res) ■ ing rest - in^ the Sav-ioui - lov< the Sav-ioui - lovi ili.' Sa\ - i the Sav - iour'a love; - lur'a love: Christ, the Lord, has ta - kin all my -ins a- Trnst-ing in His grace I ventured free - ly When I trust -ed Je - sua, 1..' the work was havenev - er known so pure a joy a- I am walk -ing with Him in the nar - row way, done, tt.i-. n ay, am rest - ing am rest - ing am rest - iiiL' am rest- ing am rest - in'.' tin' Sav -iour'slov< . the Sav- iniir'> love, the Sav- iour's love. the Sav-iour's love, the >a\ - iour's love. r8^J-8 * ±=*=%-. *£ - :£ 1 » u -l m i i * * . : t s=t I am rest-ing, sweet - ly rest-ing, rc-t-injr, sweet-ly rest-ing, t 1 1 f y, v ....... I am resting m the Saviour s love; » * ioui - love r~\-r *=* • V V > y ' By permission rHEftp 86 Though I Walk Through Death's Dark Valley. Ida L KxRZEMCNABE. ^2 ^J. # - ' 4 m 4 — J_ - ' • * ' 4 • 4 J U-# « J • 4 • I walk thro' death's dark valley, I no e - vil thing will fear; F - -ioor'neath the 2. Though the way is thro' the dark-ness, He shall there mj H ■■ thro' thi- ll ■ :.;.-■• igth will e'er up-hold; And will gent- ly, gent- ly 7^-. T>-0 P i P ' P » P—r» a P- # ' * P i <* — P ' ?h r i " > ? — * - h r* — " _ 1 % — * — — ZJLJLjt — *_ -(*-=-!■ — f — *- -1 1 U — v -1 * — * — * -c— -11 1 > — Vi i J * is N K \ Chorus. | ! s K ! 1 - v ?mM — i — *— r- -4- * — J— — S, i- - O - 12 — J 0—1- « ■ -5- ^ a -+ — * • • — . . • -•:. . Walk-eth with shad - ow, Till the beav guide me. Sale in - to r f" f" "*" me ■'nly the ev - light up - I per : -0- + ' Tor no e - vil .-hall be - fall 1 me, Witb Hia ^•- -. # # * * k » - s CW-r — p — ;—p- « • * * P - * » , P -J P— P- ' ^ — i i V— V- 1 -1 — — »< — — *• — — * — ' ■ Lv ^ — I L| — — i — > " ' ^ ^ J I I II h-^f ^ strength will lie up-hold; He will lead me, gent-ly lead me, Safe in - to the Dp -pel c ■ ? p f • m f " - 1 - -* 1 — r- Copyright, 1896, ly J. H. Kurzmknabe, f II Bringing In the Sheaves. 87 Irom FnxMOiu 'a "Song! ol Geo. A M ing in the morning, so w-ing seeds of kind-ness. 8ow-ing in the noon-tide and the dew - y eve; in.' in the snnshine, sow-ing in the shad-ows, Fear-ing nei-ther clouds nor winter's chill-in; I :\. Gk>, then, e-ven weeping, sow-ing for the Mas-ter, Tno'the loss sostain'd, onrspir - it ofl V , V V 9 FTTTTT m^ F ^ m fi ^^ri -£— -I \- ; -^-4 : i » =,I 5 — 5 — * — • 3^33 Wait-ins for the har- vest, and the time of reap-ing, We shall come re -joic -ing, bringing in the sheaves. By and by the har -vest, and the la- borena-ed, Weshallcome re-joic -ing. bringing in the sh< When onr weeping's o- ver, Be will bid us welcome, We shall come re -joic -ing, bringing in the sh -42- -■- - 1 - ■?— f- 53 • • -v— y— jg — Chorts. v v j-^H ^: ! .-. 1. 0, < ii v <>f the Jas- per Wall, And of tbepear-ly gate! For thee, a - mid the Morn 2 0, Cit - y, where they need no light Of sun, nor moon, nor star; Could we, with eye of faith, but •"'. 0, Oil y, where the shin- ing gates Shut out all gri< i and sin; Well may we yearn a-mid earth's rfrrTi c . • 1 2 rl r^r-f^^r IP ^>=g '^Ppll^i . ' •>} ^ *=#^ life, see How st ri fe Our brigl Thy wea- ry spir-ita wait: Welong to walk the streets of gold No mor-tal feet have trod; We it thy mansions are. How soon our doubts would flee away, How strong our trust would grow, Un- bo-ly peace to win! Yet must we meekly bear I S irseek to lay it down, Cn- £^*5£ r^r -<- ±tr£=£=£i z=0-:=Z3£ r > . Chorus, 9 , long to wor-ship at theshrine, The temple of our God. til our hearts should lean no more On tri-fleshere be- low. til • nir Fa-ther brings as home, And gives the promised crown. # . . • " m #-=— # 1 _] P . rr-l-i— '-. -d — ■— -r-H ! ^— ' >-i 0, home ofbliss! 0, land of light! wl 2 fe£ 5*E£ £ -«L _#. » • Copyright, 189G, >"i J. If Ktirzenknabc. O, City of the Jasper Wall. Concluded.) 89 falleth neither shade nor blight; Ofev-'ry land the brightest, best,— When shall we there find peace and rest? Ending for last perse. — Soon Bhall vre there find peace and rest. T -f*- #- ■&■• . • • • ^U J-7-iLe U 1*11 t ^ - : ^ • £=£ ± Isaac Watt-. 3 Worthy Is the Lamb. BRI'NO SPANr.ENBERr.. -8^ S3: -5- J- 1. Come, let 2. Wor - thy :;. Je - bos I. Let all join Lamb us the is \\or that dwell our that thy cheer - ful died, they to re - hove the songs With cry, To reive Hon -ky. Ami tvS EjEE£ -*- 5 an - gels round he ex - al or and pow'r air, and earth. 2t -f Utz the throne: Ton ted thus: Wor di - vine; And and seas, < Ion - 4 1 -> f=f c *£= ' B ^ ^ ^ _ r- g o thou - sand thy the bless- ings spire to thou -sand are their tongues. But all their joys are one. Lamb, our hearts re - ply. For He was slain for Us. more than we can give, Be, Lord, for - ev - or Thine, lift their glo - ries high, And speak Thine end - less praise. ©, ' tSS- ^ ■> '■ » -2: - ur dear, our lives v •• ^ I / y- m - m~r m n- ^ ¥ s ss bring, Keep as our lives webring, 3 3 '— r-f-*— s= _ X 3 f 'V* *~ C rrrn * •e... v .. ; as the lil-ies ofsprL Oh, k a 8 i=t » » i=t v ./. y/ A" * V U l> V J ' Pure as the Lilies. 3 Sfc 'Concluded. I -9 a 1- . - - — ++ — « — t- » — B*- ** * -» — :t — •- N 91 * • r * ■ ; in - to Thee our lives we bring Keep us as pure as the lil-ies oJ oh. >.i\ iourdear, our lives we bring, 3 3 :i :t u .£. ip Jt_ s. » * p p q » ^a^to : r=JT E^^ r Jesus Saves Me. Chas II Gabriel. Choki s. * — u I have no mer-it of my own, My on-ly plea is Je-susl I'm. saved by Him and Him a - lone, My on-ly plea is - - - ., ' He is the Truth, the Life, the Way, My on-ly plea is J " \ It fills my soul with joy to say, My on-ly plea is - - - 1 When in the judgment I shall stand, My on-lj plea is . 1 shall be safe at < t hand, My on-ly plea is J( -BUS I Je-sus! Je-sus! v Je - siis saves me, Je-su-s;i\' - mi • ' -' ry day. I am hap-py on my homeward way! Yes, Je Mis Je - sua saves mc ev --'ry day t: .It t ' • — — * — *-Tf — m — «- Glo - ry tn Hi> namel Copyright. 1894, >»' Chas. U. Gabriel. 92 E. R. I.ATTA. J J J' J Jordan's River. J II. Kii./i si 4 I i ! ^ ¥=*=i=? I. When .Mm come t" J. Winn you come i" When j nine to Jur - dan's riv .lor - dan's riv .lor - dan's riv er, Not rhal rr. Can tin- you riv - er crossed of old Br the man - y saints have crossed, And of the aw - fu] frown? Can you. £ ft j J J J J J 1 J' Jll $ J: J J Id" J I hap • pj lie- - brew child - ren, But death's Jor - dan, deep and cold; When yon all the good and faith - ml, Nev - er, nei - er one was lost; Winn yon like the v — \ s —\t— • — »— v —v- *E Z i &E3 . . p^ d 3BE hear the plunge .i - will uol roar of mid the ask for =3F V ♦ ^" wa-ters, That in an- gecleapand roll; Careless, pray'rless, hardened sin bil- lows, Can you then your fears control?! areless, pray'rless, h a r d en ed sin mer-cy, If you will not be made whole, Careless, pray'rless, hardened sin h in r. W'h ner.Wh in r, W'h ll .: It D - il B ^£ :b£=^£ v : s f f- ■f— r— r— g=£ Jordan's River. Concluded. Chorus. 93 & v -* N ^ ^ r* £ N N . # ^ r~f"T^ ; v- vrvt VI t rrr bout your bout your l»iu! your lit-m - Mint ircin - Mini: nviu - Mini Boul? Nllll ' soul? What a - bout your trembling soul, What a - bout your trembling soul When the * * .*- « . * - .,. + +.. t=tr- • 0- * ■v — H ■9 — I- • ■ # -f^f-tv _, ,_,. />//// • v ^ :*=* i * *- f~ . • "* ^ • 1 "> * * : ^ # #^=S= ' * i ■ * * 3 — *= s ■ When the aw fui tui l>il - low- roll i an you then your fears con-trol? Bin-ner, bil - lows roll? t ;.r r r p =s t=t 1 * »~ J=g= u u v — y f -y — y j * J -^ 1 1- m ii ?==? j * rn nil - lu-r. be made whole; Be oiadc whole, be made whole, Ere the Jor - dan 'round thee roll. g^= £e?e *=*- / / / • Copyright, 1896, bj/ J. II. Kurzettknabe. 94 Minnie B. ! One Day Nearer Home. J . II. KURZENKNABB W %=% ^=* r-^t e$ i- x=%=* +r-^ .1 1. Earthly i>il - grims now I r the dark' ningsh 2. \\ • - grims, hail with rapture, Tentin For we know when twi ;;. in the last Bad < ironing, Wh ^A' ' £ T f- .f- f f- f- " ■ *EE£ t t g • - n i Chorus. V J '^ \ i "> 1 ! j | - i ITS 1 # J • m j j r E. 1 \v J J i # o • m 4 5 * 5 * EJ s 1 • gath-< on en, re, is, w * SVe r e .•11 • are one are one day day near - day near - -#- -#- # o ■ - ( r home. < r home. me. -* «-• • 5 - • er home, ^ ^ r one • day . - er To the £-'■ -1 1 1 1 — P-*— 1 1 1 — » P- — • — » - ^b m • • m m # # * # 1* ' f ■•* r r 1 i * ^ 1 1/ u I 1 1 1 b !/ i 1 1 1 fc=F '. I t I - ; * r ? land <>f light and love; There, with joy, we'll hail the Ei In the E homea - bore. f^-f-f -r- r , r t i * p s ' . . Copyright, 1896, by J. II. Kuruakaalc. Mrs. Harriet K. Jones. All for Precious Jesus. 95 J. R. Bkvant w^s 1. Would you hear the welcome plau-dit," Well done, servant, en - ter in"? Go to work for Him who 2. Wouldyoubear the palm of vie- try O'er the shin-ing streets of gold? Fiirht the foe-man of His :>. Would youhear the "Come, ye bless - ed, Dwell with me for - ev - er-more"? Lift the bur-den from tin- i. Would you be an heir with Je - bus, In the home of pure de-light? Keep with -in the puth of ml '■> i §EfE £ i i m $ EEi Choiu's. IN ± £ &-1 JEJ « . cleansed von, Man - y pre-cious souls to win. Work for Je - sus, fight for Je - sus, Win for king - aom, With a cour-age ev - er bold. won - ry, Clothe the nak - ed, feed tli" i r. du - ty, Ev - er striv-ing for the right. „,. I J , , ■ i mz ^ m ^ V - ' -f " ' ' ' -0- -25T Je - sua all the way; That you shine like stars for - ev - er, In that land of end-less day. ' J ^ i 1 ■, ^-J-e?— " Copyright, 1H96. by J. H. Kur-.cn!;nabe. 96 There's a Beautiful Home. I II . ]' U< 1 HF.MORi: S=5= L, H P .1 IH3 MORI' \ » mm itu f/J / j ij 5 ■ 2^£l:j=^ fEj I. There's a beau-ti - ful borne in the king-dom a-boye Winn ow and Bin ae\ - < — «<—•-( — v — ^ — ' — *< — " J — * — «<- * ' And our Sav - iour in-vitesqs to taste ol His lore, And ru] andfaith-ful andtruBtTheeal-way, That this bean -li -ful homewi i Pow'r andblt — ingand hon - or, thanksgh -ing and praise, To Je -mi-, our 8ai -iour ana Kiir . &£=*-- , , f i c i r r r r r =s 1 1 iSE Li ^ J/. t— r f r -g- / / Chorus. ^ *— *- t r i ::l ^ ;- M - M -^-v 3 3 3 Beau-ti- ful home, heiv-en-ly home, Beau-ti -ful home of the pur* and the beau-ti-ful liome, heav-en-lyhome, ^ * IH4 -y— • - I/ — f - ' .#_»_ £=£=£ 3 -V *< *- f • T r Ti g Oopyrig/U, jaoo, ly J. II Kurxnknabe. There's a Beautiful Home. ^ Concluded.) 97 i blest: There to dwelled -er-more with the saved gone be-fore, la the mansions of heav-en-ly real - + J-r^ + ^ 1 *■ *■ ' *- t —t-JT- M. M. Wi LL3. Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide. M. M. Wi 11 B rr F * ■z?— #- •r * ifwt ?S=ar r "S>- • V :| l. Ho - ly Spir - it faith - fnl guide, Ev-eri i ru - est Friend. Ev-i . Thine 3. When our days of toil Bhall cease, Waiting still for bw ristian's side; Gent- ly lead as by the hand, aid i" lend, L ai e us ni >1 t'> doubt and P eel re -lease; Noth-ingleft butHeavenandpi r Fine /'. >. — Whis-per soft-ly, "Wander-er, come! Z?. S. II ^ s ^fi^EE 3 Pilgrims in a des - ert land; Wea-ry Grop-ing on in dark-ness drear, When the storm; Wond'ringif our names are there; Wad -ing deep for are the e'er re -joice, While they bear that sweetest ■ rag ■ ing so re, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er, dis- mal flood, Plead-ing naught but Je-sus'bl I, -fs- -*- :£=! I i rJL mimm *• fcj: % Hill _<22- r Fol - low me, fll guide thee hi 98 j£ i g^ nr-f M Sitting at the Feet of Jesus. M/...C (^UARTETT- J. L. Moore. v 1 — k* / — |- *- wm^\ m l. Sit- ting at the 6 i I of - 1 - • the feet of J Where can moi - tal be i 3. Bless me, 0, mySaviour.bli i nic, \- I Bit low at I O, what words I hear Him Baj ; Ilap - py place-! n near, so i lay i: oh, look down in love UP' h . ■■ftS-f d^r-t^ =£ K _ — ff- — P— 1 • 11= 4 * - =r-f — • ■v — - - -t— pre-cic sor-roi on n US, ] re, te, fa s> — • it :■ it find Lnd, whe n v. i a Lei me see V i me > - ry, find lace n 1 ! -■ eai h rest: so sweet: - ting - ting Give me — »• — at at hut h — «p -1 — 1— the the feet the mind \ J — • « — — )■— "T- of of of 1 J 4=±= Je - sus, Je - >u-. Je - sus, 1 ! -• — <& — ^ — U— — rn 9 -p-: m m^ 4j — $— \r- -g— f- 1 — 1 — r- L jr. #■ . — 1 1 — *' * -- r \ * ■-:' t --•' ^±^=£±=£ffri=p=i I would look up-on the pa t; For His love ha irecious, It has won my heart at re 1 love to weep and pray; Wl a His fullness, gathei by day. Make me ho - ly as li<- is; May Iprovel'vebet i with Jesus, Who is all my righteousj £^3 I —i—. 1 r w m ^^j « K- » g s If f Oajpt/righl, 1S0C, by J. II. Kurzenknuhc. Pfrf^pf J There's Cleansing in the Precious Blood, 99 Rev. Isaac Naylok. mi •3=3 . \ - -> * m0^HmM: : :\ 1, Oh! hasten now toCalv'ry's mountain, There's cleansing in the precious bl I; And plunge into the flowing 2. Oome now, to-geth -er, let us rea-son, There'scleansingin the precious blood; Al-tho' your sins be red liku ri. Ybnr heart is rail ofsin and sad-ness. There's cleansing in the precious blood; In Je - susthi reisj i s d i It morning, noon and night 1 cleansing in the precious blood; Oh, let us I tnthem I I r=t ? ' 1 T • • ft 1= I L I * »•» u i * i F Chokis. £3 «^?* 2E3: ^ * foun-tain, There's cleansing in the pre-ciousbli eans-ing in crim-son, There'scleansingin the pre-ciousb glad-ness, There's cleansing in the pre - cions blood, ring- in',-, There's cleansing in the pre - cii.us blood. the pre-cious blood: Plunge i r=r now beneath the crims gall your sins to Jesus; There's cleansing in the precious blood- -r-p* " -r\- m -r*- T •*— -*- 1 — P • *-\ r • II , I , — ■+• p Cop-i J. 31. 1 100 Trust for Body and Soul Jam] s M. Kirk. James M. Kirk * N ; ;.-..; ; .: J::* '• • -. 4 % i I read the sweet mo - ry a -gain and a- gain, 01 Ji • bus. the 2 I wished 1 could know it «.i- al \\.i\-ll I ■ heal «>iir ur sick borne :i!l your 1»— 1»: £E£ +=£ |S ' • • *=£ § 3 »" ■fL-r^-K h > f f i i \ *iM =$=i i ^=s "> N . • men; But since He has suf-fered, and no ...■>. I wondered il He was theaame yet to-day. ill; "I will, be thou clean", to the lej I He, But, "!j. i- lli> will just theaame unto i way; But when 1 first saw tl He's the same, I ceas'd from my works, and His own healing came. Come, plead His sweet promise, His me.rcy im-plori Hehealeth my sick-ness, and you ll< il n I;g^±fcrrf T-~\ 1 » -£t=t Chori s *=• ■f-f- -•— /~ v- M-- 0- ■ — 0-^0— — 0-^*— t^F p I! £e4s£ i -J P S N , | », », c — * , |< -y N — ^ _\_ D s -, ^=J=^ ►==3£ •. s ; * # - s t Now 1 di v v K -4—0—0- know our Lord died on the t: sin and from sick -ness to thus make me free; £ J*. Lit it it— if ~g33I i ^ ■. — j-h — b . :g— f— * £^=T » - 1 1- I A'/-/.. Trust for Body and Soul. Concluded.) 101 On Him all my cane and my burdens 1 roll, Itni-t for my bod -y as well as mj bou! - • -*— ?—* - -v — *— * — ;r- n d. r— I > •— 0- ' gEEEfc • rf=e & , • / Blessed Saviour, Thee I Love -t-J — 1 Popular Melody. ^ 1 1^-^ 1 1- 1. Bless-edSav-iour, Thee F love, All mj oth-er joys a-bove;All my hopes in Thee a-bide, 2. Once a-gain be-side the cross, All my gain I count but loss; Earth-ly pleasures fade a- way. 3. Bless -edSav-iour, Thine am 1, Thine t" live and Thine to die; Height or depth or crea-rure-pow 'r, £> j I i 1 sp ± £=# S I 1=1 I P ; : . : Thou my hope and naught be-side; Et - er shall my glo-ry l>r. Clouds they are that hide my day; E\ - er shall my glo-rj bi Ne'er shall hide my Sav-iourmore; \. i shall] be, ; •< i On - ly. on • ly on - ly Thee. On - ly, on - l\ . on - ly i hi e On - ly, on - ly, "ii - ly 1 b< e. *■ - If=t : - , L2: fcg # 102 Just for To-day. H\>«X J II I \Bt. 1 . .Iu-t for to-day, bo let mc- live, To-mor-ro* I know; A. cleanly heart to roe n.iw 2. Just for to-day, I aide Thy child in ;.:! its s; Thy will be mine, Thy li 3. Just toi to-day, Thy sav-inggraa And keep-ingpow'r ap - ply; On- to my heart, Thydwi & jp£=£ • 8 Fine. 1 ; jU:J J j l i.jJte i tef give.Whileat Thyfeel I bow; A heart that feels no stain of Bin, A rd within, bid i prompt, Thee too -b y, ; ire just for to-day, place, That Thou may'st there draw uigh; And make it Thine e- ter-nal stay, Thai liius I live, just for I ■z c -> ■• :•-£- • ' tBE^EEE' ■ 1 — r~ * * ta -r. ii Chorus. D - Jusl for to-d • nu live Just for to-day. Just for to-day, Tomorrow's m I not pray; . fhy strength but give, mm& r ■ m^ - r ' i/ J. IT. Km-, nhnal" I Love Thee. J. H. KURZINKNAFE. 1— * N 1 °> »VT 1- 1 (X fv 103 J. H. Kip./ h K .J v 5 I I love Thee, my Sav -lour, Thy name I a-dore, Thykindlov-ing fa-vor I ev - er in .'. I love Thee, my 8a v-iour, ana Thy pre -ious love Assures me of par-don and peace from a -i • ■ I loveThee, my Sav-iour, Thy love is di-vine; [n love Thou wiltkeep me, for- ev - er-more thine; -f— f- -f—r- JL ju 1 ._ k_ll M- rr ■ trrt &$=* 3=5 V" 1 ^^^ My weak hands wit In in t Thee no good work can >, I pray Theethen,ev-er their strength to re- new. My sins Thou for- giv- est, Thy mer-cy is all t 1 1 it be-lieve and will come un-to Thee. No <■ - \il shall harm me, for Thou art my guide, Thy hand now shall turnev-'ry per-il a -side. &*— y — 1 - ^=f t- £ ± + L l ±= *=t ^=f=f: -f-, * ^ £ fj * t—t i ; * fcS=# ' * ' I g- - 3 ^ ■V i rhee! I love Thee! Thy name is so sweet; And Thy love no mor-tal nor tongue can re-peat. -» : — ^ — ~£ — J # » i 0-^—0- r s * • » •— r^ 1 r— — I & ■ :\ -$—, ■-=-$ tft'pur'ijht, US6, /•'/ J. II. Kurzenknmbe. I 104 Min.MI B JoHK Will You Come Just Now? I II KlkZLNKNABE. P ^ l. Hear the bless-ed in- vi-ta-tion Will you come just uow?l o the foun-tain of salvation, Will you Qpme just nowt .' 11. irthevoiceof Jesuscalline, Willyoucomejustnow?Onyoure ng,Willy< 3. Kb the Holy Spirit wooing Will you comi i the fountain flowing, Will you come just now? {•■: 4 • # • • V y -#- -p- -0 - -#■ f-p~i i f* . rt=t £ *■— £- f f ■»• « r • ■ i_-t Ml • • • • ^ : . , , ,f. , gggjgj s II ling streams are flowing still. That will cleanse from ev- 'ry ill beart with rapture thrill; Will yon Has ten sin-ner to thefold.Lel your sto - rythi the night grows dark and cold; Will you If you let the Spir-it in, He will free th Will you < "in »R1 S. t^sSi ¥ ^-5: acr# # * S S J - t : s * s comejust now?"Will3 Will you comejust now? Will; Willyou comejust no Will youi Will \ comejust now? £ £ fz t: 1 • • ±l I Efc -fc SS i +■ ' ' i — r - * • # • * ±= t ! A Will You Come Just Now? iConcludod. 105 Life is of - fered un-to thee, "Tisa pardon full and free, If to Him you'll on-ly flee; Will you come just now? f r rf^ !* .* r r f grj-g r . z^f 11* g-C* * n^T^=E i Ixr^l ; a *— *- -v-Uz± Ida. L. Ki ed. Pass It On. I II KURZENKKABI r^^^^p^ ^ "^^^^^^^ t. l>oes the light of love shine o'er you? Pass it on, pass it on; All a -long life's way be -fore you, Pass it on, 2. God hath bless'd you; thru my brother, I'a--^ it on, pass il on; You've been aid-ed; help a-noth-er; Pass it on, :f. I, iiv for you fa bright and cheer-y, Pass iton, pass it on; Oth -er lives are dark and drear-y, Pass it on, t* : t * * 1 — r *— «— &- rtrfc g#ii • : !»=*: wi }<\ §P *=+ i i m—m ^t 3E£ : -• - \ €r Pass Pass it on: it on: it on: There are pathways it will brighten, There are burdens it will lighten; Pass it on. na^s it on. This will take a - way your sadness, Fill your heart a-new withgladness; Pass it on, pass it on. Joy and gladness shall be given, Heav'n on earth, and earth a Heaven: Pass it on, pa*s it on. c.! t f- f- i : ± £=£ E -f^-J-J 1—1- ^mm ' -/ J. 77. A 106 If Christ is Our Pilot. Geo. I ). H. Kl K/l NKNAEE. y I ~ ' II >■ Bhipa that arc sail - injr 2. Two Pi - lots are wait - illg, the b< lis - ter < we must on the o-o an of tilt' tv time; take; 3. The Bea may be calm and the sky may b blow; 4. The wind may be blow-hag a bur - ri -cane strong, Like m< a - ri-e, m -» * fc|= 5 . =Z -*- *-■ ~? — v~ r "-#-= • • # # # : -r ■V ,\\ So let us in-quire. — the great ques-tion should be, Are we bound for the hap -pi- er clime? The ear - go is pre-cious, andtn | • rist will n Phe tide may be friend-ly, no rocks may . I idrightmer - li - ly un we may fljid cloud a i' - ter cloud may come roll - ing a-long, Hang-ihgdark lit 11 o'er the m :ii j / Pwo ports are bi - fore as. and one we must n bright or the dark it mo Whili 3a- d. is false and a pi-rate at Bea, — En-1 tl to bis let us be cau - tious, a storm may bi ind clouds i a the sky; With Christ as our cap - tain, O, be not di mayed; He once made the • a - . J-*— s- s^u T-^t i — r If Christ is Our Pilot. (Concluded, > 107 r 3^=* •: ££ _* * *. * _ 3=3^ .-^ . mi • in.' the chart, — 'tis Im-por-tant t.> each, We areboandfoi e - ter - He'll try to al - lare you, and cnn-ning is li ■. Hewouldland yon In deep When least we ex - peel it. a rock may ap - pear. And there help-less and wrecked Heknows where the rocks and the quicksands are laid, He -hall ev - er land safe -ly de - u e Hi tv spaii He. JUL i Tfr-t-ih * ' "P— 1? — r ^•- r^r Chokis ; i^=f- If Christ., If Christ is 1/ t< b onr Pi - lol we — Pi - - The bil - IInw - e\ ■ i c tin- - lows may roar; bil-lows, the bil- lows maj roar; • -#--•-#-.-•*--«--*-*- ■>- ua v £ £=<=£ ^ =F :fl 3 l The ship will <.•'> ritrlit if the 8av- iour is near. And soon we shall reach the bright shore. •*- f-- .!*- f- -5- ■*■ -*- £' £ — •*- *- - ■*- - # ' H A" ■ !,,,l>ake 111' . — ^ c; n- — " * h- i • -r"?' K ' - . : ' f f~ # f f- m ;# ■ ->0 >3 And just the help I To Him I'll I Faith- l'ul and true to f -0- -o • -#- -•-• -4- ~+T may need: Watching in love be in pray'r: Whensin and doubts as the end. Then in the Btar— bright r * r r >i — ± j. - : ■:-- hide me, vail me, giv - en; What - ev - er niay be Nev - ei II is mer - There I shall rest at R^ EI^^ tide me, Nbth-ing can harm nie there, fail me, When by the cross 1 e - ven; In my Re-deem - i -& 3^- - >*>. 1 i ii Copyright. ■ . 1 A Raise Your Hand. 109 K S . N'lCKF.RSON. R. S. Nil k I. Raise your hand, my broth-er, While for thee we pray; Raise your hand to Je- sus. Heed His call to- daj je your hand, my bro-ther; There air calls of love That were made by dear ones Ere they passed a -boye: .".. Raise your hand, my broth-er, Je ■ sus calls you still; Hear His in - vi - ta - tion; Who-so - ev - er will- =5 — >^^n " -£"- :£=£ tt^ ^ ; i II 5 s : ; He will raise the fall-en. Give them strength and pow'r; A.nd will lead them gently Thro' each try-ing hour. And yon promised, brother, When they went to rest, That you'd tneel them yonder With the saved and blest Lift yonrhand to Je - sus, While in prayer we bow; Broth-er, do not tar - ry, Be willsaveyon now. M.. * JL M . M- -#-. JL M- .«- JZL .*-. .*- M- -#- -i- — z? ~' ^%ri # # -9— v- Chorus. Raise your band, my bro-ther, Jeaoscalla to-day; For He is thebleaa-ed. trDe,andOii-iy liv-iagWay. :C=E : iii II • *:£ -y— y Copyright, 1896, by J. II A ^r-\ \ ■f-f- v— y- 5 10 Jesus All the Way. S. Ufford. r * < l. Il.iu I love 2 1 1 iw I love i we'll join I to sing all the gli Which tl to praj in the still, still hour, And i the praise, of th( bright, bright throng. Who are sin B - love lv k' i -4^3 £ *— £ : '' t=& flows Way. *=* \' 1 the heart is pure, and t" Je - e - Christ be -longs, While thi What a i joy, 'tis the Chris-dans ho - lydower.How it fills all mj Where the bod ne'er sets, all that hap -py day a - long, Where onrteai ed a- Si ^m • 8 C FP^ r-r : • r=T '-" t ; / > Chokis. x=^=5=£ Hap • py day, hap-py day; Hap -py day, bappyd all the '-: * ^ £ =*" ^?=g=X- -V * i * -y— V— »- =i-*=p^ L i r~i 1 — t . 5. 1 Jesus All the Way. Concluded.) 5 ! ft • - 'i fpp^^f 111 II * C C Hap py day, bap - py day, I have Je - mi* all the wnv Hap- py day, hap - py day, N 5 I . _ a — • ' r~i — zi-. — * -• — • +x-. — w ^=jC H • 9 • •- . * Anon. My Jesus, I Love Thee. A. J. Gordon. 1 My Je - bus, I 2. I li i> e 'I I - 3. rillovel 4. la manaiona of love Tlicc, I know Thou art mine, For Thee all the fol - Ins of Bin 1 re-a\gn; cause Thou hast first l<>\ -ed me, Andpurchased my par-don on Cal-va-rj stree; life, I'll 1 in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath; glo • rv and end-less de-light, 1-11 ev-ei a - due Tine in Heav-en so bright; My gracio is Re - deem - er, my Bav - iourart I love Thee for wear -ing the thorns on Thy And say, when the death-dew lies a Id on my I'll sing with the plit - ter-ingcrown on my Thou; brow, brow, brow, ± U i J . J-J -*-£- ~ ^ — r ' t If ov-or I loved Thee, my Sav-ionr, 'tis now. If ev-er I loved Thee, mv 8av-iour, 'tis now. If ev-er I loved Thee, my Sav-ionr, 'tis now. If ev-er I loved Thee, my Sav-ionr, 'tis now. P ;.if- : ii *^ By pc ' I. J Gordon owner if copyright. 112 When the Beautiful Gates Unfold. i u ra L Neweu.. Olo. F. RosCHa. 5=£ 1. We're jour - ney-ing 2. Thi- clouds that are '.i. No tears and do 4. The bur - den of 00 bid life £;, :t_ £l % I if -v > -4- to the heav-en - ly land Where the beau-ti - ful gates un His face from our sight, — When the beau-ti - fnl gatesun p-ture and song, When the beau-ti - ful gatesun ire with joy shall lay down, When the beau-ti -ful gatesun H " ' — fe ^ ^ > >T 1 N 1 a m m N N -JS-, And all may u - nite For-eV - er sh;:ll van Our dear ones we'll err© I Oh! may we in - ber ■M& with the l-Io - ri - li«-< 1 band When tl i-h, for < hri-t is the Light; When tl in the pure ransom'd throng, When tb< it a bright fade-less crown, When the beau & *_L* LA— L ful g:. ' ful gai ful gat £j-t_t : i -f—f- ChoIU.V p *^ m \\ hen the bean - ti - ful eati fold, m m r When the beau - ti • ful pates un fold, ! J 1 / / -—>- Oopyririhi 1894, by Geo. F. Rotche. ■t* When the Beautiful Gates Unfold. Concluded. pa fTt^ '- -.''\'' '- '- \ • \'* •• t\ :: .\\ We'll wor-ahip our King «i'li our Bins wash 'd a- way, When the beau- ti- ful gates un - fold » # # . t- m- • . • , • # :> . John Fawcett. Blest be the Tie. Hans Gr.o. Naeceli. 114 The Precious Words of Jesus. II RUHZENKNABZ. K. S Vfpord. mEi^EEzsmEj^Ej^m ^if^j 1. 0, the precious words of Je- sob, "Let the children cometo me;" Do nut bin-der nor fbr-bid them, 2. O, the precious words of Je-sus, "Lo! I am the liv-ing way;" All who walk therein are bless- ed; 3. 0, the precious words of Je-sus, "< ome, ye wea-ry and op- press d; Take my yoke up- on you;" Hear lliml 4. O, the precious words of Je-sus, "All the world I o - ver- came;" What a coiu-furt to Hiachil-dren, iJ^"g-,f- f-f- They the Father's face shall see: Tiny Bhall live to end-less da] ; "Come, and I w ill give you re~t:" ".They shall conquer in my name:' And He took them to His bos-om,Lov'd and blest them, bt-'tj O'er the sheep of Hjs own pas-tare He will watch and vis - il He is still the same dear Je-sus, Speaking from the heav'nly In that last and li- nalcon-Bict, When the cares of life are one; ki i d, height; o'er, £ £=£ -£2_ 1=+ -v — v- r—f—r Chorus, c ±**&t m ^TSr r 0; how Sweet the wondrous sto - ry, what the Bav-iour Baida ddone. Thegood Shepherd, true and faith - ful, Paid the ran-eoni for II i> Bheep. you will find His yoke is eas - y, And His bur-den, it isli^'ht. He willcrownus with re -joic-ing, Kings and vie -tors ev - er-more. O, the pre-cious words of Je-sus, m £ -f5>- +■*■+■ ~£ : » ■ M * « -II. '-' W I U \> - TT Copyright, iA'S*', by ./. H. kurzenkiuibc. The Precious Words of Jesus. (Concluded.) 115 £^m§mg m=*j^£d±iM -< ii r Sweetest ae- cents ev-er heard; Sin- ner, bas-ten to the Sav-iour, Learn of Him tin- sav-ingword • * f-jT^ ^j^^t: *■■ r f- -e i i I " i T F Grorgk DuFFIZLD, Jr. — V Stand Up for Jesus. 1 h - — H — *-d — i-H — i — i-i — —* — — i ^ : I George Jamts \\ i bm. ■^~d i i • i Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, Ye sol-diers of the cross; ' (Lift high Hisroy-al ban-ner, It mast Stand up, stand tip foi Je- sns, The trumpet bey; I Forth to the mighty con-flict, In this o f Stand up, statu! up for Je-sns, Stand in His strength a -lone; ( The arm of flesh will fail yon; Ye dare - :f- fer loss -: [ous daj ■ 1 - ni it tru-t your own: , 0~ • From vic-t'ry un -t<. Ye that are nun. n< p\\ Put on the go> -pi 1 I *-: fe* -* — " I i — s - j] vic-t'ry His ar- my shall He load. Till ev-'ryfoe isvanquish'd.AndChristisLord in-deed. Berve Hun." A-gainst nn-nnmbered foes; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. ar-mor, Each piece put on with prayer; Where du-ty calls or dan-ger, Be ney - er want-ing there. J J £ 116 Waiting to be Led to the Saviour. K. 1 i . ; L ; • l ; N V N i r: : : 5 lt ; : ■ L'liere are precious souls a- boul uswhere wemin-gle ev - 'ry day. Waiting i led to tl rhey are wishing th saved, they are near the nar-rowway, ., i We for-get we have a bless-ing as these wand' n a-long. Waiting i Have we been to E - lira's fountain, can wefi dying throi - lonthey'llvanishfrom our presence ere we point them to tin- Bky, Waiting t< An- we mindful of our du-ty as the< - .: ^=|=7t=tr3=*=r*-i=?cr^E^' g g g .g f IP i^V I U -|> F— P— > * ' ' —5 — — *-•- /— y ■ '/ i • x L 2 =£ — .* ■*- f*- =E # # J 5 it* ^ • Chorus. J * V » ^ « ^ a *~^^0 rig to be led to the Sav-iour, Show them the way, Show them to-day, Wait-is to thi Wait-ing to be led to the Sav-iour? Wait-ing to be led i<> theSav-i 0* Sav - iour; Don'1 lei them stray Far from the wav, Wait-ing to be li*< 1 !•■ the Sav-iour ..:'■' ■■ ' Throw out the Life-line 117 S I'rrnRD MAY BE SUNQ AS A SOLO AND CHORUS- Rev. ] S. 1 fford. Arr. by Geo. C. Stebbins 1 l Tli row out . Throw mi! Throw out Soon will * w w m ' w m $0- - 0- r ' line a •cross the dark wave, There is a brother whom some one should save; the life - line with hand q lo you tar - ry. why ling - er ><> long? the life- n-gcr-fraught men, Sinking in an-guish where you've nev-er been: the sea- bod of ces-cue I Boon will they drift to e- ter - nj - ty's shore, I - v #- — q -# — 0-^ — — — — * • • % b P P ; a m m w v — > '*■ V * 1 # 0—9 — v — qf- Borne - t""l . y'-i broth - er; Bee! he is sins Winds of temp- ta - tion Haste then, my broth -< r, ^z ^=zt=n— #- *=0~ ^ m oh, who tlii'li, W ill n hurl them out where the dark wa-ters How . But throw out the life -line and Bave them to - day. (.Hours. Throw out tholil'i -liin'l Throw out the life-line! Sonic on,- i- drilt-ii!_ r a - way; Throw out the life-line! Throw out the life-line! is sinking to - re - bod - ing, the si, iii . i 1 1 ^r dny - star, th'e- ter - nil prais - 1 s, Koll And And like gone the clouds a - i- all their the sto - ry way. nii-'ht. tin re. p I r^?^ =£ :" '.■/ J. II. Kunenlaiabe. Thou Knowest. 119 J. II. KlK/l SK-. A 4 J r =Ai -. J. II. Kt.K/I NKNAIIE. — P 1 1 1. Thou, Lord, knowest them thai arc Thine, Their thoughts are revealed to Thine i!. I stand where the pathways di - vide, And know no1 the rare I mnst 3. Thy conn -sel, sn precious, so sweet, shall point me the way I must car; Our hearts, bow they ran; I trem-hle « hi— » t H : ^tr::^=: --7=r l I £ 5=4=j«=-F~E~ $ v V N i i i ^^ ;j h n ?— t~t t= a^^^^i^i ; ; trusting my Saviour and Guide, I shall reach the portals of day, And with Thee, dear Saviour, a - bide. * J fr = f- f- *rn •^.■f- .^ - ££=^i + ?: * == IS I -!»—■— * 5=tr » » : £4-5=5=4?=*=*=* " • • • Copyright, 189C, >■;/ ./. /A A" rsenJfcnak. • • 120 Go Gather the Golden Grain? I ) k 1 i Go In bor with might in tlie hai - vesl 1 Go forthwith a will now your mis - sion 3. Go work in the field, there an wick - les I <■.< i_Mtl> er ilu'iii in from the hedg es so n hiti Go -miIi -er to till <■■> gath-er in wield, < in gath • er of -in. < "> gath - er -.1 much For the poor must ["here is cleai fhere are sin - nera do, and thework-ers arc few Go i. 'I. and the wayward !»■ led, Go roots, and the ga th 'ring of fruits, Go and the fall I'll In rai-i gath-er the gold - en grain, gath • t-r the gold • en grain gatll - er the gold ell gath- er the gold • en D. S. — work for us all. lor the great and the smsJ Go l HORUS. gath ii rlit gold in L'rain. n. s. fplitlt : s 3^* : J; J *=* Go gath-er the gold en grain Go gath-er the Go gath-er the gold-en, the gold- en grain, Go gath- ei the £ t- £ -f: £ t- -£- t- ± t- -. ^ -0- t £ gold - en s-'rain. Then- [a golden, the gold-en grain. Z-±—±—!3 - , ■> * * r Oopyriijlii. 1893, by J. II A | : M '. Us ! II Wandering Child, Come Home. 121 J. I . Moorp. MAY BE USED AS A SOLO. J. l.. Hooks, By per. II. irk! hear the sweet wordsyourFatherisBaying, Oh, wandering child, come home; ["here a room inmyhoosefor You've gone far a-way to darkness and danger, Oh, wanderingchild, come home; Oh, come back today, you'll The (east is prepared, the robe is now ready, Ob, wandering child, come home; Why luxlon the hu.^k^.' your tu F— a-r* •:>-•-. * i* " # ii # i # ' ^* • s P-i b£$ O" *7=. N :; N V >:=r^ N- Chorus. ^-1- i| : % ; #r* ; : ;ill ofthe straying, Oh, wanderingcbild.come heme. soon die ofhunger, Oh, wandering child, come home. Father has plenty, And bids you today, come home. e§ f:% g hT r If: g f l C I * P Come home come home Oh, Come borne, my child, come home, ( onie home, 3 • * J r • • "ff waad'ring child, come i.oiiu Your Father is waiting, >es. anxious-1 ■ i;tiug. Oh, wandering child, come home. come home. V 1 - L |— ■> ■ .■ * *~, IL^ I, , , , * * * , , , » I -P— LJ 1 — U ^ ^ ' ' • 8 Copyrighted by r on, Bow-ing by all waters whicl i ;j. Faithful be our Ber-vice, sow-ing, reap-ing in the field; And the fruit-age of the har-\t-t wind eye |r| ' ing streamlets lead; In the bar-ren pla-ces we will in>i withhold our band, For the Lord can can rest up - on: When the com-ing shad-owe gath-er si -lent o'er the hill, He will pay the ii- glad- ly yi< id; Then the gra-cious summons w< Bhallhearwhen la-bor'spast, Welcome iaith-ful m — ^—n — ^rtrf '■±2- r 0^T- and tears with- in; «), heav-y lad - en, Bin-oppressed, Come nn - to me, 111 give yon rest. r i=k : Copyright, !S9f>, by J. If. Kurzenknabe. 124 Jesus is my Rock and Refuge. Lvdia A. Forney. 4- - *» i 1 1- - -ii- i- my Rock and Ref - uge, In His love I ana ><■ - care; Naught can e'er mo- lest or 2. In the hour of sor-esl tri-al I can to Ami in lov-ing tones Ha :i. In this Bock and Ref - uge ■ I ball all my life a - bide; And when from thesi scenes! ra , ' & -■t=-t- * : • iH ^ v v £ s s -J 1 *- I *=£ : o u • harm me, For His i>r..m - i- - es whis-pers, "( lasl thy bur - d< n all -i \ - it. In His pres -< di ■ I Ev. ire: He's my shield in li: n-ger, Saves im- on mi 5fes, He bore my yri-N andsor- rows When ll< will hide; He shall bear me through the ) in - to £ m » - £±± ^j *-Hi — -, - II SE3 ! J from wan-d yon the tempter's darts; And inbound-less love cnil lure be- l"«; Ami He gave His life der ('it - y fair; Where, in man-sions built ±=£: and mer t" save . \ . Strength and comfort He me, All be-cause J I » • 1"\ i-d nal, I Bhall ri si I im - Ji;irl-. . r tin re. ^— • II : by ./. //. Sum nibnab . w. Lyon, Go and Bear a Message. 125 J. L. Moore P q—^. — ft *, — r -. jt N- £ *^ -. — | I 1 i .'.'::«• h? ':;„:. fcsss B ?4 a ir & ss? ™- m * •"' a *" - iour ' s w — ■«* »■ ! S88S*s? J/;; ££g v:; "TJSSs "f&> a1 ' ta -»- migh1 be ■ ! * ** • I &£. tS5£ pZSte; r gr H ■» — - " •■■ „ Chorus. n- I ~s~ -> ^ ffr J: Ji / J J J 1 B B rii.it «,■ all might live with Him a-bove II they on- ly seek and trust in Him frost in Je - -us, Ho will do the real and bear a Bweet mes-sage, How-eA -er small it may : : ffiN ['If iiff f'f ri' r ' f f " r r ' : I i r ) -I — \f : J J , I. ft | , S K j» S , Twill -he yon peace while here on earth, And glad -ness ill tor - r.i - ty. <-''■!>!< : .'/J. II. Kurzenknabe. J 1 1 r=q:g±=a - — 2 — i r- 1 - M 126 \ V 'V We Are in the Army. — I D. E. Dortch. 4 i- z $=ft=t- 1. We are In tt<<- ar 2. In the name of Je :;. 'I !,..' our B k a be migh 4. Cour-age, then, my com my ti^'lii-intr f'>r the King, And we know our i- 1 1 * — arc all f<" . .-us on- ward we will go, And of i!>'- - >l - va-tion ire will Enng; i -y and the fight si -ven Trusting in the K ng we'll march a- long; lt friend, He (ml lead us, guide us in th< ^g fR = R =b=l & : 'ii# £ - 4 « • * * |t I t fc^fr: • / 1/ ^ :>: Fine. I e : With our hap-py ( Had in g< is - pel Je - sus is our He will sure- ly u 1/ b .1 com-radeswe can shout and sing; We are on tin- roy - al road ar-mor, we will face the foe, And the world to Je- bus we lead - er, we will nev -er fear, He can make tl ■ I sol - keep i.- !■« the journey's end, And we'll reach the ha - ven fair i^ h i^ r* i.i Hi will liriiif;. dier strong. anil bright. - f—r- ii .- 6 D. S.— Crusting in the Chorus. _b L Bav - iour, we are bound i>> win; Thro' His blood we're sure to con-quer .-in. I>. S. ffgj *E£3E i*^^ *EEE£ -S^X- , i '. ** "# Sing, soldiers, sing, and let the peo-plehear, Shout, soldiers, shout, and nev- er, oev - KX £ £• ^ l^g £: £ £ s I ff! V i M :» II *' ' ■// ./. 11. K"i ! nLitabe. If Jesus Came To-day. 127 J. H. KfRZINKNABE. te: T ~ ir* t + t-* -* John E. Kurzi.nknai.i i -'• : : 1. If Je - sua came to - 'lay. Would He find me watching, Lamps all trimmed and burning bright? 2. If Je-sus came to - day. Would I run t<> meet Him: A~k Him home, my 'waiting Lord, .'i. If Je- bus came to - day, Would my soul re-ceive Him? How I'd lay my burdens down, ^^-^-m ^m ■ j-- Z—t—t. m fc£ ■\ FP-1 ^ f^E CllOKIS. How I'd greet Him with delight, Love and serve my Lord aright, If Je-sus. came to - day! si low my love in look and word, Press Him to my waiting heart, If Je-sus came to - Pride and self would all begone, He should till my heart alone, If Je-sus came to- dayl Blessi d Saviour, I ; p=i*3§ # Eg :* : i i ^ rr coiiio (0 me, That I may sal - vation set; Pay my vows and honors meet, Lay rich trophies at Thy feet. £ .0- M M. M-. M- M- J- PP ^2=£ -9 — • — 0-^~ &tt -h 1 — v—t Oopyright, 1S06. by J. II. Kvrzenknabe. 28 I. I . Hi WITT Joyjullj. O, Tis '"iood to Praise tne Lord. l. Praise the Lord in joy -fill numbers. Praise His kind pro* tect-ing care; Praise the love that nev - ■^ # . « • # ii^£^ J-r4- 1 — r II . - 1 o voice in lull ac - cord; Hap-py lull - le - lu -jabs raise Him. 0, 'ti-» good to praise the Lord. :,=* -f-f-f- L I I . , t-±- f—f—tz I 1 L in full ac-cord; -i — r by J II. Kiti :< nknabe. s ft o II Ye are My Witnesses. 129 M. I.. L. Charlie Tillman. By per. 4Fr^=Fi=* -=5=^ -•: — *- 3=2 *> ■ . ->-- II : ^E^$ 1. Have yon a -ny words for Je-sus? Oh, apeak them day by day: Nev- er leave a word an - 2. Haveyorj a- ny songs for Je- sua? Sing them out in glad re-fram: They may help an err-ing ■i. Does the Mas-ter reign tri-um-pbantln yoursoulfromday to day? Tell it out on -to your 4. Wit-ness- es of His sal - va-tion, Speak for Je- suswhue ye may; Soon will come the long, long W A t C C C C ^=2zi C-C-fTT Chorl's. V ^tt-F *=T 1~Z *-*- M » <" • 5=-*J Book • en That He would have you say. Stand up, stand up for broth -er Turnun - to the Lord a - gain, neigh-bora, Tell it, tell it by the way. si - lence, Till the res - or - rec - tion day. 4- Je sus, Oh, £=*■ ± t g ji.fr> H 3t=&z -9 — # — r # : .«■-• >• J -"-• # •— • f J-<5>— -4 #- 1 speak for Him to-day; Be a wit-ness for sal - va-tion. Speak for Je - sua while ye may. ■*- -0- ■*- -' ■ L ff f 333E zt=tr *CT32 V V W W II Copyright. 1891, by Charlie D. Tillman. t= S * rf- sal 130 I Dare Not Idle Stand. 1 ! a & * ft J # # —A ^— A K— A i~ =fc-* D \Y. Crist. ^ • r i * * 1 I dare not i-dle stand, While here on ev-'ry band The whit'ning fields declare the harvest near: harveel near; 2 [ dare not i-dlestand, While o-ver all the land Poor wand' ring souls need lnnubU- help like mine; help like mine; 3. I dare not i-dle stand, Dm atmyLoi I mmand. For Him I'll labor on thro' life's short day; life's >h"rt 4*71 A glean-er Iwonld be, Andgatb-er. Lord, for Tint-. Lost I withcmp-ty hands at last appear. Par oright-er than the gem In monarch's di-a-dem. Each soul a star in J e-sus' crown may shine. The eve will come at last. Day's La • bor soon is past, E - ter-nal rest will then my toil nspay. as #-* -A— 0- ±± t 'II D.S. — A glean-er Chorus. I would be, And gath-er, Lord, for The Yes gather for Thy gar- ner in the sky. =br= r- =-J*- v S i 3fc D. S. =8* I Work - - - ing for the Mas - - - ter. For the home on high; Working for the Mas • ter, working for the Lord, Working for a home, ■ home that i- on high; t=£ -£=t=s:l=t=X # 0- 0-0 •' / > • • I • v • • iffht, 1SU1. by D. W, Vrht. m*^\ k ! Nl-WEI!. The Shepherd's Voice. MAY BE SUNO AS A SOLO OR CHORUS. 131 D. \V. Cri-t. U*: ;!F'i-:\: tr^iia^'* fe? ; =S«l >ng from the tV > 1 > I bad I w andered, So wayward and erring I strayedjTho' gently the Shepherd wafl 1 > ci 1 1 ii I Hefol-low II i-» 1' >-t one, O'er mountains so rueged and wild; And still would His loving voice wea-ry and heartsick and burdened, [journeyed a- far from mj home, No friend with sweet counsel to Inev-er forsake thee, nor leave thee, I'll he with thee always," He said; Then, then] in pen - i-tence Chorus. ^ M=^ ±^^B -•-■ r=f=f i#=^£l : Ff calling, Tlio Oho t had sad-ly be - tray'd. Come home come home No call me, "Comehome, cometo me, on! my child." Come home, come home, 0, seek ye that home, cheer me, When 1<>. His sweet voice whisper d "Come." sought Him, Con-tent by 11 i.-- hand io he led. .* JL. -*- !\ ^ |^ TV ■£ M- M- JL JL JL JL — — ' J— rf more from the Saviour to Stray; <>, seek ye that laud, that beautiful land, The land that i.- fairer than day. G>P!/,igl,t. 1891, h,j D. 11'. Grist. 132 W G. Cooper. Wash Me in the Blood of the Lamb. »b=j y =J - I) E. DORTCH. 6 J 53^ T~l~~2 . . ^:J i «^^i^^ -: 1. VVhil •: than the snow, dear Ji* - sua, miuK' tn< Waahme in thebl i • ■! 2 Je - bus died for me on Cal-v'ry's moun-tain, Waahme in the blood of ;: I'. .mi with- in me, Lord, a new Wasnme in thel the Lamb; the 1.- the Lamb; £VJ ' £ x=x 000 £=E ^m = 4 Z=F = f = FT=rf ^ I „ - z. — % i\--A\ -4—i—h * •— * — I— In a cloa - it un - ion, >a\ • ioui There He o- penedwide a cleans -ing foun !■ me know Thy great and full lo - ry to His nam* II. saves com-plete-ly, Waahme in the blood • ■!' the Lamb. Chorus. ^ — fV N— . K P' 3^ -0 — m- 9 Oh, the pre • cious blood of Je- sus cleans-es. Whit- er than the snow, yes, whit -er than the snow; . and cuiUroUul by I). E. Uurtch. Ripe for the Harvest. 133 E. R. Latta. J. H. Klrzenknabl. 1. EUpe is, the grain for the reap - • leemer's sick - 1«' w ield. toil the whole day through, eav'nly har-vest-home. f T-r^'- • — 0— Ripe is the -f- — * grain 1 !< l.>r the reap - reap -era - ers, to gatb -# — r m- 1/ And the ■ er, -i » » — i ai«i -& — • — — m . r=^=¥- «_ -f=^' -w — w— i 1 — * i r r , f \ » 1 1 7 V ~ 7 V — »"— — + — 1 1 V I ! 1 ! v ' V / 1/ I I / • / • bar -vest will nut wait; What you will do, do it quick - - ly. Or be ev-ermoretoo late. r— -• — *~ P$ : t= #_•! now do itquick-ly, * - r-;- • — ^ 3^1 Copyright, HOG, by J. II. Kurzenknabr. wmmmm u u U 1/ ' i 1 ' 134 I: A V HlGHIE. £ i=^H3 Endeavor Benediction Song. r Rev. D. F.. Doktch. 2 j — i- ^^5 1? S S ^5 . , fO'erus, friends, His watch-care keep- ing, Ten-der - ly the Pa -ther bends; ' { Near us still a- wake or sleep- Lng, Noth-ing ., f 0, the bless-ed, bless-ed watch-care, Which in love Be gives ' ( Keeps ns sale un-til the morn - ing Of the ------ ., (Then, o joy, the bless-ed meet - ing, On that gold -en, gladsome i 3< I *. 8aviour, friends and loi d ones greet- ing, Ne'er to t>ut Hi* love He senda glad e - ter ui - ly. for - i v - < r - ii - , • • ? , * * # — f-r-* — (2 f * — |*-r * ^g-J-J-J : s 1— f- **: f^f^F l^f^^ -? r 1 1- " Chorus. Guard- • • J — — N ing close- ly, guiding safely, All the way our feet shall tread, A* we travel on our path-way to the sky * » » + — *_ l l71= * ■f=t. r r r r r ^— x &^£=££ -II - ZtZZMZ *=F ThusHekeeps us all the wav, As we press to end-less day, Where we nev-er-more shall say good -by. ■? h h r^ h h r^ i b b l< ^ I ■f-r ■V — t/- : # :*=£ » -> r By permitsion D. E. Dvrtch. Walking With Jesus. 135 G. Tabur Thompson. G. Tabor THOMrsos n-J T^=i t : H & | ss -| l. Walk-ing with Je • sufl ••lone, •J. Learning each day in the Btrife ;!. Btriv-ing fi>r rich-es nn-told, 4. At - tar the toil 1 shall rest, This is my joy ami my pride; HOW I may live with-OUt sin; Seek-ing for sonls gone a -stray, Best with thelov'dgonebe -fore, s as =*=£ t^t & fE^. f-.f-.f- Till I shall stand by His throne, [Using in iu \\ ness pi life, Leading them back to the fold; Safe in the homeyf the blest; G- £=£ &M n ig 3 -• ->- • • Chorus. With Him in Heav'n to a - bide. Je - sus a - bid - ing with - in. This is my work day by day. ltest with the Lord e\ - ex - more. Walk - - • ing with Je Walk-ing with Je - sua, Talking with J>- y y l f f Mh3r-* H- ^— ?— *— k=3t= - 1 . - . My SUS, 1 heart all a - glow; Walk - - - - ing with Je - - - sus, He's with me wherever 1 My heart all a - glow; Walking with Je-sus Talking with Jesus, He's with me wherever J f f»f r • =- ^_«_#_« — •- po. go. 1 — I- i -£—i U I L_ J > • / • • t'vpi/rigttt li'Jl by G. Tabor Thimpsun. rFTTT'y Tabor Thompson Love Found a Way. G Tabor Thompson. -- s C % ■ I \ \ - : *• * r '- * ' ■; v ' : 1. Out in i lie w oil. 1 while ilcad Lnsin \\ itli black despair reigning vi i tli out in the wi I while dead in with black despair, 2. A friendly voire it seemed to be I raised thi lateh that 1 i 3. Love found a way in-to mj heart And bade its sin andgriel l. So now I work the live-long day suswash'd my sins a- • » : ' " ■ ' »• — £ : ! -r^-f-*- m fc*: tt : g y y H - I 5 =£ , ± V V V V m J \ v - •>> Zi-fr 1 1' i cb n'g-g- tt g :i ■ # ^ "T r*"" 5 r 1/ U t 9 9 9 V in I heard at my I oor Flight reign-ing with-in, 1 heard a voice at my heart's door. Bee; Hi- face was mild the door swm Th< - part; Je-sus is Love and it is He Who now a- way To res-cue lives ensnared by sin Thatthej S£-^ 0— Zit.^-m—^^Snz —I * 0-^-0 0- — jr.- * * w ijzz*: *=E : i- M-V \ r p r— g=£=g: il m-f M CfiOKtS. , . r;- isN: i . : -- ■ rr y v 9 v , V life for - ev - er-more, I'll give thee life, en - - - - tered at my side. | O! Saviour mine. Thy love divin. Has reach'd this sin-ful heart of bides each day i have this Friend Love Found a Way. (Concluded.) mine: Henoe-forth I'll live £ a - lone for Thee, So oth - era may Thy beau - ty see Thy beau - ly see. Sr- I *_«. K^U-l-1 p Sflected. Copyright, 1891, by G. Tabor Ttiompson. Onward Speed. ^ ii Harry J. Kvrzkxknabb. I I ■ ■ ■ H- -K 1. Onward speed thyconq'ring flight, Angel! onward speed; Cast abroad thy radiant light, Bid the shades recede: :.'. Onward speed thy conq'ring flight. Angel I onward speed; Long has been the reign of night, Let the light succeed: :;. Onward speed thy conq ring flight, Ansel! onward speed; Morning bursts np-on our sight, Lol the time de cree d: y.-±-^—m — — * 'IT r i — ^l'\ ■0- -0- -0- — •— £ — i— Mi f^E-P-E tt'ffcj +*■ -9- J. J J J. J — I 1 — • %--0 -0—0 $=&--> -»-•»♦ Tread the i - dols in the dust. Heathen fanes destroy; Spread the gospel's love and tm-t. Spread the gospel's Joy. Dn-to thee earth's snff'rers lift Their im-plor-ing wail, Bear them Heaven's bo-ly gift Ere their courage fail Now the I,ord His kingdom takes, Thrones and empires fall, Now the joy-oua Bong awakes, "God is all in all." ftp- m LJ^J I I u - #- -0- -0- -*-• » >7 -*— 0- I g^Bz fr& m 1 — E Copyright, 1898. 6j) /. //. Kiir-.cnhuihe. \3S O Lord, Abide With Me. MKs. HAKRI1 r I !\n. R. Bryant. 1. A - K i < 1 < ■ w i'li ide with tnc, .'i. A-bide with me, £v! ! /a Lord, a-bide with me; I faint and fell when far a - way from ; rath ->r n . L - bide with me, my wea - ry heart ^^< ■ a nev - er rail - ing friend, On Thee a- lone, Lord, do 1 de- 1 000-0- 0- -0- - rrf— E^y- -i — i — i — ^»- t=*z J^£ ' ' .• -S : : J • But if A-bide A - bide Thon lead with me, with me -^ -0- 0- -0- » '0 Tf=? \i U b " " •" •" • ine I Bhallwalk a- right, Fur <>. a lamp Thon art of jiiir - est lit:lii to <"in - fort and ni>- hold, "Till all my won i> done, and; told, on -til death's vale is passed, And, oh! let im- a- bide with Thee at last • * M m Chorus. I I ^ T=f -m r- \ -bide -with me, <> Lord, a - bide with me; I fuel each day and hourmyneed of Thet-; .\ -bide # -#- -*- -#- - ^t p=t =£ , • • • • I ■ . ■ ' E lata *=* * • *=£ —4 O Lord, Abide With Me. (Concluded.) J — I- 139 '* f ft I p^n^R * J| ' a *' 15 i i ' j. i" v V v v ' * Oh! keep me, keep me Dear Thy bleeding Bide; 0, ev-'ry moment, Lord, with me a -bide. 1 1, keep me, keep me »#*--#-,. -0- -*- trtr Rf.v. Hf.nry F. Lytb. Abide With me. \\ M. (.. I [51 hi ft. Pi s :g£— # i e=fc -■-- L ESt^ra £=t :L r 1. A - bide with me! fas! falls thee- \ < n - tide; The darknesa deepens, — Lord, with meabidi •_'. Swift to itscloseebbsoutlife'slittle day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glo-ries pass away ;< li .'{. 1 need Thy presenceev'ry passing hour;What but Thy grace can toil the tempter's pow'r? Wl 4. Re\ eal Thyself before my closing eyes, Shine thro' the gloom and point me to the skies; Heav' m& Winn other illl^'l-illicl l|(- io, likeThy- n's morning rr m -fl -1-0 • — • * — help-era cay in self, my breaks, and fail, :m Jlim Bhall it o a • ly; bow: Ion-: • 1/ W A ml join the might -y triumph. That soon the earth shall sway, i/. i for- ward to the conquest, Nor let yourzeal de - cline, Withvoic - ea all tri-umphant, And ban - ner raised on high, SE £=?=£ : i ! When Till n 1 N i K i K '~ 1 Chorus. V ■ i) M J j r i • » 1 r\ 7C i • # j m • m -. • ■ m • — 4- # : -o- -*- $- -* j — *~ -» *— * — •— 1 * ■ -*- #, *£ Je - mis< Ihrist baa all His foes are hail in ad - or £=£z conquered, And daw ns Ete-demp-tion's day vanquished By power and grace
  • kv. Jt-Jt. *=*: *=t - "All thi-, world for F( - sus!" This * * Copyright, 1896, by J II. Kurzenknabe, 3^3 : All the World For Jesus. 'Concluded.) h I > I r> 141 v" ^_=j=jd Jp+i fa: B=«b=g= j :^rg=i^ Bhall our watch- word be: We'll take this world for Je - sua; He'll reign tri-umphant - ly. £ :p=P= ietta E. Blair He Came to Save Me. Wm. J. KlRKPATKlCK. -J—J— t: i : 3=t ~t -Z—t- 1. When Je- sub laid His crown a - side, He came 2. In my poor heart He deigns to dwell, He came :;. Withgen-tle hand He leads me still, He came 1. To Him my faith with rapture clings, He came =£=*=£=£=£ # is- -r -(=- S i^ to Fare me; When on the cross He bled and died, He to save me; 0, praise His name, 1 know it well, He to save me; Andtrust-ing Him I fear no ill. He to save me; To Him my heart looks up and sings, He #. ■».. m +. *. f. *. m m +. m -£=£ m± -W=W- I m Chorus, 4- 2 '* 4 ranu- tosave me. I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm so glad that Je-suscame, And grace is free, came tosave me. I'm so glad, I'm bo glad, I'm so glad that Je-sus came. He came to save me. came tosave me. -22- caine to -arc me. £* — I — ^-*^—$— 1 — (sJ 1 Copyright. 18S5. hy Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, r 142 Come to the Fold. J II. Kt'RZENKNABE. M \ I VOGT. s=* ?=5=r » ^Et 1. TheHeav-en - 1y Bhep-herd is call-ins to- day. Dear rin-ner, 'tia you He would 2. Tbo' ski i er-cloud - ed, andthun- rmsfindthi . the :i. The Mas - ter is call - ing, is call - ing to - da; i, and thy soul, it shall w& &±z was : live; * * * r^OXZ^ To heed Him and fol - low Him is to o - bey The Shepherd, bo watchful and brave: And •.Meat arc the dan the soul, [fcaught without ehel- ter to - day: Can you yet re - ject Him and drive Him a - way? Dear • '■' 1 y f—f- -0 f- n His pas -tares are bloom-ing, and wa - tera we're told, In riv -era of pleas-ore o'er - i! Km sweet words of com-fort, — what need of a-larm, — The Mas -ter the tem-pest • iour is wait - ing and nlcad-ing; hast thou Now but a spare moment thini A -^. ^ ^ ^ - ! ow; ; &:-\t-_ -. -. t- Come to the Fold. (Concluded.; 143 JEEJ i\ H -> * ^ V * S - 1! The dear, lov-ing 8av-iour, our Shepherd, be- holdl To none else the sin- ner can pi. .\n\ - ing 11 - be-oience con-fess Him just now; And par-don and life shall be won. 3A * -s»— *r ^m t iV ?-= Chorus. S i= H- i: '. m — 9 W~- — "—*-*- to the fold, come -* 1 9— to the fold, *=£ -9— o, \ — 9 9 9 9~- 9 come to the pas - tores so S^=£ fair; ?£- =£=* $ 3EEf S=E H^J The 8hep-herd is £ f- bid - ding the bars to un - fold, To shel* ter and cave for yon there. o See£ i ~# — e- m ' >j J. II. Kvrzenknabe. 144 K. P. Orr. Lord I We Seek Thy Blessing. C 1 Dancy , Jij ju j [ j m-^u± ■at -:. l Lord, we come to seek Thy bless-ing In Thy courts to - day; Thj 2. May we feel Thy gra-cious presH all our fears all our !• 3. Morelike J* - -ed Mas-ter, Dai - ly would we be; Meek-ly bear-iug would we be; While we a une, r Sins con- fess - ing, Take our guilt a • way. doubt and sad - tu--s, lUy-ing sor- row's tears. ev - 'ry tri - al, Berv - ins fa' 11 ' - lid ■ •>'• Oh! re-vive u-, oh! re-viva us; Hit-- Thj tPt^ H^hJ I-l 1 rH- Ft^FI F=f= — p- — 1 — r~ zd — "1 at 'Word of Truth" we pray; While we b~ 1 . - 1 - ;# •- X ■ ^?* ■«- -r -a — «u i ^_ our - & j sins con - • ingt our 'A i. guilt a • way. &Sr&- *£ -t r— :£=•- rr H F^=P=I =£=£= -^— §5 >"> L -1 1 — ±=£J -j bbrrfed HH -<& »— T ■ r- —IS (■ — h > — t— i — ^41 Copyright, 1896, bj /, // A''" :• 'ilnabc. When I Bade the Saviour In ft 1. Oli, how i>;i - tienl -lv 2. How ci :>. Well con hi He have done wii i. Still with- in my heart u He walt-ed, Peace and glad-ness to Lm- part; "While I ^till re-fused !•> 10 en-treat Him, When my state was bo for-forn, And I knew what He had • out me; It w.i^ f<>r my Bake a-1 e, 1 iat, so long, He sought ad bid-ing, Is the blest Im-man-u -el; And I feel, that whde He's _ # • — m — * _ , J • — .--- — c- » ■ • ■ * — # 4 --•±*=* _ f • 4r— — < — Hv — ^ i — i— fe te=p: pJ- » f— H • > / s ••/• Chori s. f i j fm.J'j ^i : fiiifJ JH j f ; £•: o - pen. And ail - mit Him to my heart. Wondrons bliss that none could ut - ter,When 1\> suf - fered, And the sor-rowsHe had borne? mis - Bion, Call - ing in Buchgent - le tone. prea - ent, With my spir - it all is weU. m - . ■fO- ■7—»- I I \ N . \ _■ broke the bonds of ^in; Oh, the peace that took pos - ses-sion,When] bade the8aT-ionr in. S~L2z — -* — ?» m m : — r Copyright, 1896, by J. IT. k 146 Every Hour I Need 1 hy Blessing. ELiZAM.ru J. Thompson b i • Will. L. Thompson. I M \ : U±4± 4tiUJJj m Mi-4-?r4i : ir I need Thy bless-ing, Ev-'ry mo- men t need Thy care; Lord, to Thee I i mr 1 n. d Thy bless-ing, Dui - lj need Thy wondrous love, Love so len-der, .-<> pro- i I . mo- pient no il I a - tJJ Thoumj P ^ : } #■ Lfc^k-: > ? £ f I f^-f t -A- j F*3=f= g * -• j9- &■ 9 : • — 5P \11 the sins that me en-snare: Bless the thoughts tl ent, Make them tect-ing, Com-ing from Thy throne a- bove: For Thy lov - mg care ; Make me ug, Shall re - fleet Thine im - i e: Then to Christ, the King u\ Ulo - ry, He who :* • :• ^ - true, andpureand fair; Like to Thine our great thank -ful day by day, By my walk and dui - bought me with great price, I ^-Liall iing the old, n ^-f — •- •« a - tenement, Beauti - ful be-yond compare. ly liv-ing, Pi list, the l.iv-ir..- old Bto-ry,( hrist, my Lord, my sac - ri - ike. ,; ^ ffB I b2^ r ■M zi v * 3 By permission of Will L. Thompson d- to., East Liverpool, Ohio. Chorus Every Hour I Need Thy Blessing. (Concluded.) 147 Come, O come, Thoulov- ingSav - lour. Take me in Come. O come, 'Jnuu lov- ing fciuv-iour, come, Take me ■f- -ft- -0- ur Thy ten- ia Tiiy r care; Watch and I'l 1. Rock of A-ges, cleft .for me, Let me hide my- self InThee; I Let thewa-ter and thebl 1 '7 ,, doublecure.SavefrOmwrathandmakemcpure: i From Thy wounded aide .which a v.! 2. Could my tears for- ev - er mnv.CmiMmyzeal no languor kno' #.£.— In my bands no price I bring, Sim-ply to Thy cross 1 3. While Idrawthfefleeting breath, Whenmyeye nvi:, u. a.— Kock of A - ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my- -elf inThee. ( An f Thi se fur sin could not ( Thou must save, and Thou a - lone: a - torn : en I ri-e to worlds unknown, ■I be- bold! bi e on Thy throne; 148 Ki U M. APPE!.. Mighty to Rescue and Save. c. d. r.Mi J J J J J 1 3JJ3 j^ CT rf-hry s n k--p : n • i Je - ma ismight-y to rescae and save From pitfalls of Bin and of shame; He can re-deem Je-sua is a - Me to Bave and to keep, Tho' Satan attempt to en - e; Bafi iH swatchi 1 2, .'5. Look, then, to Je-eus, wholiv-eth a-bove,8al-va-tionHe£ree-lywill give;' Trust in His i ev- ry are, a- ( j and §gs i i is I : *=*=£ v , u v u u r r ^ e e u 1 1 t ^=?r *=r :5 # down- trodden slave, — Je -ho-vab of 1 1 • - - 1 - i- Jli- name. wake or a-sleep.We rest in Hi- ten-der-esl rest in Hi- love, And dai - ly His bless-ing re -• .1' -- .- II'- mighty |i - i V , " I : iiii'Mv\\ Mighty tot tty to save; Je-sus ismighty to rescue and save, Yea, mighty to i >aw. v v v * ? t=t -II ' '*** .;.'<■'. 2805, 6y /. i/. AlUni'i,,. I Belong to Him. V E BririFN 149 PP * * ^=*= ^ :l 1. These two 2. These two 3. rheaa two •1. rhese iw i) 5. rhese two 0. This (mo h a -j. -l *— * -#- > -♦- • lit - i ' bands*weregiv-en, Wheth-er at work or play, lit -tie feel >weregiv-en, Will-ing-ly to o - t>ey, lit - tie lips ■ ui-rifriv - en, On - ly kind words to say, lit - tie ears w ereiriv - en, Xev- er to try and hear lit -tie eyes*weregjv- en, Nev-er to look at wrong, lit- tie mind was giv - en, Wheth-er at home or school, M ; ,;;;; > • 4 - 1- !=£ * To do lit - tie things for And hast - en on l"\- - Ins A ml nev - er to talk of Bad words that are sometimi - But stud - y the words of To gov-ern my lit - lie Ghorus. V * K< V ~ \ *-- ^ =*— ~r =32 m t^ Je • mi^ er rands, C - Nil. spo ken Je - mi>; hod - y Thro' rhro' Thro' To This By th«> all this all this all this pla\ -malr? makes me i (old - en day. day. day. dear. strong Rule. ■* +■ For ^T »>- 3=-*" be - long to Him, Ye 1 -long to $ '-\ '-_ s .tm J=J= £=?^l ; ; mi*i s I^r .* Him; Thes* Stoiua.— This two one — lit lit » tie tie mind are is \ for for Je - sits, Je - bus, *— £ For be — w long 1 to Him. — t re zz psm * Children may be taught to present hands, look at feet, touch lips, ears. eves, and head, as each is referred to in the song. for chorus, use in succession the words marked* CppfTigut, /&q/, by /•'. E. Belden. 150 I've Been Down to the Cross. Minnie B. John Jno. R. Bryant. 1. T'vo been down to the cross, Where my Saviour bled anddled; To a - tone f..r :ny rina,He 2. I've lieen down to the cross, 1 ve em-braced t he pre -i I; A 1 my par-don complete, I am 8. I've been down to the cross, I've ob-taiued His pre- cioua love; And I cner-iah the hope, Of a 7^r. . * P i * » * • s • *=*= ; 1/ I r ■ * * ~~«~ n - ci - 6( >1: There, with thorns ITis head wascrown'd, All the world on Him had frown'd, t-ing in His word: Hal - le - lu - jah to His name, 1 em free from euiltand si glo - rious crown a-hove: Oh, the joy 1 can't for-get, Which in Je- bos' love is met, * - h S - - iP^^SE -->-> i : 'J " \v Choius. V -v *^^ ^ » * * J. But for me the balm was found, With His pre-cious blood ap-plied. And I II tell a- broad His fame. Be 1 i is pre-ciousnamea-aoredL I am Kan - in r on Him yet, And in Him 1 live and move. *» ; •*- % * \> t=i^ Glo - ry! glo- ry! 1 Copyright, MX, by J. 11. Kurzenkiiabe. I've Been Down to the Cross. (Concluded.) ^ ^ ^ s 151 | » J J J; J, 3 li 5 ^bL-J — ^ — ^-^-^ — szzr^ ^^^^pjj Ung-ing all the day; He is mine, and I 1 ? ~fr: ' » * 3T=» c Cb" 5 r jj y f : am His, And I'll trust Him all the way. * H-H-dl r J. II. KURZENKNABE. In His Name. Norman B. Kcrzenknaee. r 1. II you'd my dis-ci-ple be, "Take my cross and fol - low me; Fol -low where the Id 2 i' the world the mes- sage sent, Tell-ingof this Heav'nly Friend: Seek tbewi 8. In Hisname the bun-gry feed-, "Min - is-ter to those in need: Go with o-pr'n hand t< I A. 1 ho' the world may treat you ill, In His name presson- ward still, Those who beor the cross shall be, I). S. — Come andti teHis love divine. • ! \ * -z— t 1 — r - J P fe /V«f. Choris. HEeII r Z>.S. ft- 1 , ^ , I i J— ; Where the line of du-ty falls. Point them t>> tin- Liv-ing way. All who are in deep di Crowned with palms of vic-tor - y. Peace and blessings shall be thine. ;* "Yo have done it un- to me," Shall the Saviour's wel-come be; ~n± Copyright, 1896, by J. II. Ku.rzcn.kna.bc The Armor of Light. ( ; t . I i^PiU7i / . f^i We're sol-diere on da-ty, the foe Is ai hand.Wewaitfromi I p-tain the word of command; Ohl ne'er lei us fal-ter, or faint in the strife, The term oi ■ > ir ser-vice shall end but The march may be wea-ry.and rug-ged the way, Thatleada to the glo-ri-ous por- We'll r«->t on the banks of the riv-er, and wait The an -gel of welcome, who o - pena thci 1 = F=f ± ^= i :T: ■; ; : =*=f We-'U wage a Then onward Bat faith-ful Then ash • < 9 st. r.t war-fare for truth and the right, But first roust v . the and upward, we'hVwin thro' H -: ightWholov'das, andgave as II - is He who hath promised to write, Tl ir on His to ash- a — fa-tiguedreaaofwhiti — Then, soul, risetri - uro-ph&nt in ar-mor of tight • . • r • i light. ur- in. ir • f= . . ' 5 bright ar-m ar-mor of light! The sword of the Bpir -it shall gleam thro' tin -t^-t —r I By per. Tin John Church C "ight. The Armor of Light. (Concluded.) 153 ■in and o'er Sol - va-tion'sown hel-met, theshieldof our faith, Oh! shout for the tri-umph o'er sin and o'er death. Ki v J. V. . Howi h Going to Live with Jesus. J. H. Hall. 1. [want to be with Je-sus, To live with Hima-bove, WithJesua, my dear Saviour. To share Hisheav'nly 2. I want to go to Je-sus, This world is full of woe; BlestJesus, then will lead me, Where liv-ing waters ;$. [ want to live with Je-sus, A-bovethe star-ry sky. Where I shall see His glory. In His bright hot 4. 1 want to Bee im Sav-iour, Ami friends who've gone before, To live with them forever, Qd that bright, golden ClIOIUS. 2 i ■ . * . =*j¥j , V • mm Ml 5 9 love. To livi- to live To live, to live with Je ■ bus, Bow. high. Bhore. l.ivow it h Jesus, -#- ■#- -•- live with Jesus, To live with Him in Heav'n. air r r rr * fg c c ^^ R>i p> r. .! II Hal) ■ ''■ copyright. 154 W. II. (.AKDNER. Drifting Away From His Love. BO -O. J no. R Bryant. h J&u! '> Isaregath'ring, Dark-n< d tbeH< 3 HarK :V ' J, ' !! " ' larklm thedis-tancethe wa- ten mad rush- ken-winged TI ;.V. com-ing! TYLy are yon drifting a-wayfromB Furl e\ - ry*ail ere the storm 1 - I quick, and sound wi Quick! for youxliveslthere'sasin-glechanceleft you: Change- yourcourse now to ills ha -n £=*=! ^^^^M i Chorus. 3_] ± ,- Rocks and reefs -7C :* ^^i are 'round bout you, Thun - ders roll -h T + T*- fas in skies a - ! .« »_ Jf=£Z Copyright, J. I :, by J. II. K\ rzt uknabe. i -- Drifting Away From His Love. (Concluded.) 155 i t : mm -* — : • II Look ye and heed your dan - ger, ^- # ~a in ' t =P 5,-1-- Drifl £=£ fur - tlitT from » Ili- love. Robert I.. Fletcher. u 5 5 Endless Praise. \FF^ fc=£ II J. H. KURZENKNABE. : . i s L o- ' s ts of cv" - our hopi 9 to Thy w on - we praise in -<5- .;. ,1 works of morn - ing, < (od con - fid - ing, God ad - mir - ing, God, i ss tneas - ure, To of of our Sav Thy throne ev - er in. r - cy, God iour, Lo '1 lift up ing days; or i of all; our v MEE—^. -* r^ * & B * * i-T irl n= J ; =p= God, whi - ry, In Thy pn m - i • A.u - Ihor of the Thou v. ho art our earth soul bish J -9 a - dorn a - - I r t reas £ : r ^==i: £= i Copyright, 1396, by J. II. Kurzcnknabt. i "alls for end - less I • of I -. Now we lift oar i\ es a - I Hear us when on Thee we call. ure, l"n - to Whom our praise be-l ~ll 156 11 J. MS Precious Friend and Saviour. 1 • i J 11 K; RZEXKNAM Q^S 1. rve 2. All 3. A I m ' ' 4 a Friend -■.■ dear to mi Pr id and Ssv-ioar; I my life I give to Thee. Precious Friend and Bav-iour; Lamb ol God, uhodied l"r i'i- t.iil in Tb.ee 1 rest,Prei 3ar-iour; Let my pil-low he Thylna-i. p=JF$=*=zst ^^ ^^^-F ^ pP 1^ sZ — 51 =J=i I ) # - 1 -- O - 5=3= . : j 5= Pre Pi e Pre cious Friend and Bav-iour: He's a Friend that's al-waya near, By His side Fre naught to fear, ■ cious Friend and Bav-iour: Take me, lead me, day by day, All a -lone the * way; cious Friend and Bav-iour: There all pain and sigh-ing cease, Hush'd the cries in qui - et , $=t m m ■:\\ m Oil. Fri im Bless • zEfc ^-r & ~B to rue He i- bo dear, Pre - cious .Friend and Bav-iour; mj heart I tra -ly say, Pre- cious Friend and Bav-iour; id there, my soul's re -lease, Pre-cionsFriend and Bav-iour; * -• - * - * * -^ - P- Pre- cious Friend and ous Friend and Pre -cious Friend and lour. iour. iour. *=* S=t. t — T ±=& I Copyright x fS$6, by J. II. Kurzenkaabe. Uton. Mother Knows. SOLO OR DUET. 4- 157 Flora Hamilton Cassel : . '• * 1. No-bod-y knows of tin' work it makes lo keep the home to-geth-er, _\ (fo-bod-y knows of the sleep-less care Bestowed on ba-by broth -er, 8 No-bod-y knows of the anx-iousfears, Lest darlings may not weath-er 4. No-bod-y clings to the wayward child, Tho'scorn'd by ev-'ry - oth - er, i $m No - bod No- bod Storms of l.. ada it -I :• w • y know B of - y knows of this life in so gent-ly I :: .. the the the from £=rq^ mm ^m tz-KT- *^i ? * 9rr JtJ=«=5 step-; it takes, No-bod-y knowsbutmoth-er; ten-der prayer, No-bod-y knowsbutmoth-er, earn -Log years. No-bod-y knows butmoth - er; pathways wild; No-bod-y can hut moth - er: No-bod ■ y W-- tills No- bod ■ y know 9 oi No - li.nl • v know - of No -1- i.I y know- of to child-ish woes. Which the les - sons taught, Of tin' tear- that start. The the hour - ly prayer. For w- m tt^^H ^~ -«t .. ; w -J- ■>— ^m K *-r— JV — • 1 n is — I^t— • * ' — i — h ki^ - is on- ly smotli- er, toy - imr on an -oth - er; grief she'd gladly smother, him, our er- ring broth-er, Nobody' pained by themight-y blow, Nobod - Nobod-y knows of the patience sought, Nobod - No-boa-y knows of thebreak-ing heart, Nobod - Pride of her heart, once so pure and fair. Nobod - V ~ ^0l 1 ■ t+ bit + -jj. y, — on-ly rnotli - er. y. — on- ly moth - er. y. — on - ly moth - er. y,— on- ly moth - er. Cupy right, 1600, by Flora II. Cassel. 158 Rankin, D. D .LL. D. I Stood by the Gate. i ^ ± eei^: flZZSI^ *=T Jno. R. Bryant. J — I — id by the i d Beau-ti-ful, And J 2. 1 tooil by tin ' u-ti-ful, And I 3. I stood by a donr and looked within, Where they m< 1 1« >r <-< • ind by the door do] • i i . I b joined m; ijtLat air; And « I I ki ■ ! • ir j • • : O'e r-l rdei igj With i *r- • p jO- j* 1 * # t : •) < ^— "- r-h — •— •-* r 1-^1 -U- Chorus % i l if Heav'nwerefull, If a ain-ner» d en - i< r cup of 1 - full. Put to en - ter, — how could I I with guilt and sin, Whilelhey fang of tl se mi rfrns giv'n, in peace I trow, To the ransom'd in Heav'n to be ■ And 1 hi ..-.1 a tlj.it A • '1 i \v '1 :. that fair. A nd I lii '1 a £ I 1 : r a voi efram tli..t t* 4- f : ♦ r *■ ^ ± — r-*^. e « -en - ly in tl " V.'liLi-ip - cv - er ftt r 3 -?-•- ' 'jht, 1S0C, I j J. II. Ki iz:itknabc. I Stood by the Gate. (Concluded.) 159 P=r- ■v Ps IS Slgif§3l^T]% ^m will, let bim come; & ■ •.ta 2=a fTf Who-so-ev-er will, let him come; S » * ' • (2^2- J J J i Jrr « » who-so-ev-er will, let him come. '0 --«£- v — y- H H :: l I I e p i m* r i» £4£ Mrs. H. E. Brown Keep Thyself Pure. H. KURZENKNABE. J- 1. Ears of mine, 2. Eyes of mine, ;{. Hands of mine, 4. Lips of mine. 5. Heart of mine, b ur uol ■ not touch not k not ik not What should be for - got; What jliou - got; W hat ~* 5~ Copyright, 1896, by J. H. Kurzenknabe. ,' =>fl 160 God is Love Ml R. E. SUTTi IN. J. H. Klk/CLNKN.W.l 509 £5 1 ' , -1- m s » — ^ -*■ • ra 1. God is love! the soft winds whia - per; Morn-ing sons an do, Tbo'hum-ble it may I"-; There is a crown thai 2, Not nil can >ail a -cross the sea, And to the heath-en preach; Yet each may try, with & Not all who work for Je - sua' sake I the heights of fame; Yet, work-ing with a •1. Al-though unknown to mor - tals here, "With God 'tis writ-ten down; Ye la - bored for He ' rt-^-rr-t-f =#w^ Chorus. f- each may win With - in theheav'n-ly lee. l'\ - ing heart, Some wan-der-er to reach, low - ly heart, They love Himju-t the while on earth, And Heaven shall gain your crown. Then work! work tor Jc Bnsl I I:- Ut ft P • • • — i — » • # m — i — *-*- — • — n — * r* :D £' ^ — i £ |t i 5 s E3 4^ fc * - 3 • -•- -0- * -0- r + m til life's sun goes down; A few more wea-iy days of toil, And then the star-bright crown. = ="=£ --ZrzH 3EH rr - Copyright, 7895, by J", /A. k'"r-.i nhwbe. 162 Hast Thou No Gift? Rev. J. E. RANKIN, D TV — \ — r* •-T7T nt-K r=^ :: *=*=* ?=y- » n Jno. R. Bryant. ■A- ^m 1. She Btole be -hind, no word she spoke, With tears and 2. The Lord < 1 i < 1 not dis-dain her touch, Nor draw B 9 :;. He marked her well in gra-ciouslove. He spoke ber 4. To them Ha said; yon see the deed Wheret er the ?li f=FF=f d *= t =f Beet a - Bide; soul for - gi\ n; truth •-hall go, :.l - a - l>..- - t. r Jl«- knew, ah, w by sin? Per-haps He pri» >1 her On wings of light it @ *li 6 ¥ Chorus. N- P^F ' box she broke, A - noint-ing <1 bo much; What her hot a - 1".\ e The an - pi-Is' ball speed, Till all the Je - iiu f. et - plied, praise in Hi world shall know. Hast thou, my soul, no gift to bring. Like *=£ *=£=£ - ^=v= ^^-^ f^-K M =Fs Srzfc t=t iP — u =£ — M r-4^ > r-l su -1 — d- I •— — r- - t * v ~ =3*1 -j. i fl \> =k -r~ • -•— 9 - * * • r ; -9 • • -#— — • — 000 # H* i -f- V -H hers who kissed Him there? No hom-age for thy Bav-iour, Bang; No word of praise or pray'r? 1 — r a i ? I / Vopijright, lS'JC, by J. 11. Karzeitknu'bt, We Come to Thee. 163 R i \ J . 1 ' K Ciias. F.mv. 1'oi.lock. 1. Je- sub, we come to Thee, Thou source of ev'-ryjoy; Grant us Thy smil ins? face to sec, Anmo, We come, we conic, We conic. We come to Wu come, we come, Precious Saviour, we come, we &i- ' i v r Thee; We come, We come, We come to Thee. come to Thee; We come, we come, We come, we come, Dear Lord, we come to Thee. M. * M. *. JL M. M- *. II @E£ ^ ll - 1 1 U Qopyrightf 1896 1 by J. ]{, A""/--< nknabet 164 Minnie 15. Jon J -,(1 ^ N Committed to Jesus. Jv.. K. 1>i i. Com-mit-ted toJe-t fandmy all, To do at Hi- bid-ding, and 'all: 2. Com-mil ted toJe-f ry day lit"; Well knowing it means for :;. Com-mit-ted to Jo -bus, my in-nermost will, My in - ner-most purpose, His wish to fill -fill; B! S2& 2 s v v U I 1/ ~ • • • • \ :l { : s ll ?i v 1 ^ flflH.jmfei J jJ i j.ii I JiUJ A. worker in ear-nest, both faith-fu] and true. Within g no Berv-ice my weak band can do. To faith ful-ly do all the will of the Lord, Andfol-lowHimful • ly, o - bey- ing Hia word. Withardor, His serv- ice, I'll ev - er pur - sue, And do wL -so-ev-er B Lame t.> do. gi n I i ^3t :?=?: » i * £=£: iHi : s £eSe. . m ^— p-b * - * - • • * P ■ U U F 1 ^ f^f Chokis. Com-mit-ted t.> Jesus, my bod-y and soul; My gifts and poa- I give Him thewh ^^^^=*3g*Emm *~V y Copyright, 1896, by J. Jf. Kurzenknabt / Committed to Jesus. Concluded.) 165 — ' u ~- Oh, praise thedearSav-iour, whospoke me for-gn n, An heir of sal-va-tion, a pil-grim for Heav n. Sir Robi r r Grant. 0, Worship the King. ?=3 * d=± ' * FRAN< IS [OSEPH H A Ii is. 3 -4- ^ 3=*=* 3 1 0, wor-sbip the King, all - glo-rious a - bove, Ai -ful-ly Bing His won-der-ful love; :.'. 0, till - ing, wak - i r i^r. Bun-beanu o'er the — « — -•- Milne fierce , and deep • • are the the and — P- I BOW - bil - smiles yet • 1 tag, low B that the * Milne tem light Pi - -P- 4 are pesl - en lot's * i reap - ing -shak - en, Mir - row, Bleep - in^'; I ■ Gold - en the A- the He will AV i - . ■ 1. t. U K Pv ~^— t r -f — r -F- .1 — F— — P P- — ' — ph i^^t>4— u— —v— —V— • — *— /■ — V — v — • f— • —f • • ■— v— * v~\ ! |, ■^ ^^ms3 *'- -4- -4- -4^9- 5^> sheaves, at whose fair seed-time oth-ers toiled in sun or shade; In the low vales of for-ev - er, man-y bulwarks sweep the wa\ es; and oh, what hand will Btay their might: Thro' thedarknessof the tern-peat, m • Bweel re-fresn-ing Bunshine glancing thro' the fall -ing rain. Bends the cir-clingbow of prom-ise, with fair wak -en when you call, and bid the rag- ing tem-pest cease: And the day-star of Hi* p» a -v v U s 1/ — y v—*-\-f — p | * " — r-H -y ■ > \-v— 1 / i/ — * \ * * — v — H i ?=S= 3=3F* S : s . ^ — ^" s * *=3= # #~y" wea sil tint- bea -iv bow - era sleep-ing, While the shadows of life's au-tumn on their plac- id brows are laid, ver radiance breaking, And the Helmsman steers the storm-toes'd hark to-ward the bea -con light from tears to borrow. Gleaming deep-er Lines of beau-ty from the years of care and pain. ■eon light, i- keep-ing Your true course a-right o'er storm -y seas to-ward a port of peace. -*=£-- m : « -Jf=fz Copyright, 1896, '>u ./. II. Kurzenknabe. What Shall God's Harvest Be? (Concluded... 167 i : : m Some smile, Borne weep, some sow, gome reap; The days shall In hope, in fear, some row, some steer, The bil - lows Now »i;i rk as night, now day - lighl bright, If sow - in;: Thro' storm - j blast, Life's Toy - age past, Your soul shall be mi rged w ith the >w ep 1 1 II fe*3- Qlory be to the Father, anhall -I: m 4=t s & II: \Hll\ - g - - r- * Bet , And in day, And guide come AYhen Je - its my Ml* a • : i t :j halls a - bide: Yes, my Lord, Tie tar - ries still BOUl a-;, .lit: And 1 know 'twill not calls for me: Earth-ly cares and long - ings o'er, A-mong its gar-dens It t: ENG1 i ii Mil r-iA -2- /-/>/>-. | _-_ * si — gs^ ■^ i Love ili • vine, all lore ex-cell-ing, Joy ofHeav n, to earth comedown! i Fix in us Thyhura-ble dwelling. All Thy faithful mercies crown: Breathe, oh, breathe Thy loving Spirit, In -to e\ - 'ry trou-bled breast! Let u* all in Thee in- her-it, Let us find that sec- Come, al-might-y to de-liv - ex, Lei us .ill Thy life re-ceive; I Bud-den- ly re-turn v and never, Never more Thy tem-ples leave: 0^0 0-r-0— , — 0-^0 — *—? pi _= it_£t_:g_* '- 9-4 — m • r: ±_t_fc : _I » * ± « — F - II I). >'.— En-ter ev-'ry trembling heart. /' S -Set our hearts at lib -er- ty. D. S. — Ulo-ry in Thy per-fect love. Je-sus, Thou art all compas-sion. Pure, unbouud-ed love Thouart; Vis -it ns with Thy sal-va-tion, Take a- way our bent to sin-ning, Al-pha and O-me - ga be; End of faith, as ji< be-ginning, Thee we would be al - ways blessing. Serve Theeaa Thy hosts a-bove; Pray, and praise Th( ewithni i ceasing, * • 0- — T -0 — • — « — •_._ — — * — __ — #_ — ^ _,_-_«_ jEB rtt?_c__=p • • =» * \ _=j j -_p.Lj.__.. U_p_ p_, r _LT_E__:_J 170 The Lord is My Guide. 'Duet and Quartette.; 1 i [one; duet - s m . t i • i r \ \ [Omit small « ' s in Alt I Tt >i r can be i. - I r — 1 II KTK7FNKNABE. * • -tzt X -in 1. Thro' shad-ow or darkness, thro' sickness or wo< When tempted lo wander a~ on-ward I go; I 2 Whensor-rows like bil -lows shall cov-er me o'er. When tempests are raging, and distant the short I ! .'.. Blest Saviour and Friend, Thou art e\-ir A.nd sheltered by Thee 1 nave nothing to fear; And 4- ft#4j##gji r-*-* 3*3=* *=* M& ^ * > X=± X have the as-surance.wbat-ev-er lie-tide. In sun-shine or Bhad-ow, the Lord is my guide. cue that is Lord of the winds and the tide; He'll pi - lot me safe-ly, my Sav-iour, my guide, walk-ing in Bafe-ty so near to Thy side, I trust in Thee fed -ly, my Sav-iour, my guide. --:■ - 4—4. + r* ■ -m- -»■ -m- " ? ^m m ■ =r^ • fe3=Ji': =6 % U-U& ! i:n ■_ilit. 1896, ' ■ ■ ■ '. i.naOi.. The Lord is My Guide. Concluded. 171 QUARTETTE. J i j J__ j rp g d rr-— « d = 4 == J-{-J — 1 = h= II i i • J J — #- # <, • # # J » * * J ^ — 4~*-& ■' The Lord is my guide, The Lord is my guide; Oh, bless-ed as - sur-ance, Thi Lord is my guide. f^-\^^^ m4^ 4 J j i p mi ( II V-- II (iABRIEI. All Glory to His Name. Akr. nv G. F. K' — mi l. [ sing be-cause I love Him bo, Allglo-ry to His name! And well He loves me, — tins I know, All •_'. I pray be-cause He hears my plea, All glo-ry toHisnamel Be-cause He hears and an-swersnie, All .'>. I live for Him with will-ing heart. All glo-ry to His name! For dai - ly grace He doth im-part, A.1I 4. I'll praise Him here for all His love,— All glo-ry to His name! Then, face to race, I'll sing a-bove, All glo-ry glo-ry glo-ry glo-ry to UN name! to II i- name! tn His name! in lli~ Darnel Sin;;, sing, sing! Let cheer-ful hal -le- lu-jahs ring; Sing, sing, sim:! A. I Pray, pray, pray! Be-liev-ing, come, 0, come to-day; Pray, pray, pnq ! — .\ll Live, five, live! E - ter-nal joysHe'lldai-ly tri \ «■; Live, live, live!— All Praise, praise, praise! His glory shines thro' endless days; Praia ' —All -glo-ry t.i Hi> name! 172 J 1 1 KUKZENKNABI So Sweetly Saved. J II. kii /i\k\ai,i • y • / - • • • • 1. So sweetly saved,— with joy I'll sine; Ajid all my bi shall tril ir eetly saved, — with joy I'll sing; tall my heart - i sweetly saved withl lied, With-in my lid- His ovi w eetly sa ved, by grace di-vine, What wondrous joj 9 1> 4-j; I * i* 0.—0Z 0*0 «t • / , , • • • / ~: i i i * J J t • • • • • • • • , , , , bring, ro laud my Lord, mySav-iour, 1J And waft H;.« praise shall tribute bring. To laud my Lord, my (Sa\ i'.ur. King, Ami waft Hi- ; stilled, My heart is fixed, mysoul is tbrillecl, AnuHcav'n, my home, mine! His lov-ing arms und me twine, cause all harm H?^-n-r"T \~X- • • » " : m & • * O - • • r r r r • / / — =i- g — m rr rrn - g - » : rr i » • " " ' " 1/ y v w u]> tci thesky: rbe Lord has cleansed my guilt -ysonl, up to thesky: The Lord has cleansed myguiltj seemsver-y nigh: My hours of dread He turned to j to pass me by: lli.-> , bathmadi And washed my So Sweetly Saved. (Concluded.) 73 _ # # • » ^ * < O 0- l „0 N "> V :0 . , • ,. • / / 1)1 1 hath made me whole; And now, by love, He keeps control; So sweetly Vnd with His blood hath made me whole; And now, by love, Hi keep control; love without al - loy, And naught of doubt can me an-noy, veetly boo] Erom guilt and sin; The Spirit reigns Bupreme with - in; So sweetly / / / • /•//. Chorus. ; , • s # .V* s :• *^ IP~ ^J^ r v , , ' ' , -•--,••• ' 1/ ' • ,,,-».••• ived, by grace, am 1. So sweetly saved, — and all is well; My Saviour in So sweetly saved, by grace, ami. 3o sweetlysaved, — and all is well: My Saviourin -;n ed, by grace, am I. saved, by grace, am I. tit. m ■- r ''--1 • — y I J ■ ' — v j- ■ — I— \ -0 . L,J 0'}%rZ * * s s my heart doth dwell: His precious love [gladly tell, So sweetly saved, by grace, am 1 my heart doth dwell: His preciouslove I gladly tell, So sweetly saved, by grace, am I, ami. ''''■ ** I ,« g2 j r=t3; « — *— *-n f — *=e — f— - *=•=#: '-** • k • / y y Z 3 # # §i:ll Cnpyriqht. 189$, by J. H. Kurzenknabi 174 I I i l N M. RURZENKN SB1 . • Safe in Thy Love. J II Kirzenknabe. M ftt : '.'} - 53: r it ' " • • • • L Safe in Thylbve, my precious Friend, race, mysoul'sconti Safe in Thy love, my Friend, - in Thy grace, my booTs content; •_'. My heart enslaved, by 8a -tan bound, B3 Thy rich grace bath pardon found; 8. No pow'r of sin can me en-snare, I'm un-derThy pro-tect-inKcare; 4. Fast trav'ling through these tem-pests wild, Oft tossed and wrecked, Thy faint-ing child V^ ■ V N * ■ — i- E" * ss a ^=rt • • i £ -PS, -II p ; ^=P^ PS- 5 ' i 1/ 1/ / 1 • My <\ ' - rj want My 1 ry want And now Thy love, N'ur tempting bait, Calls, "Saviour: take shall be supplied, And my Bhall be supplied, And supreme with-in, nor prom-ise vain. Can draw me my trembling hand, Ami lead me i b . my be sat - IS - Hi Ires lie Bat - is ■ k 1 p me pure and clean, to the paths of sin. to the better land." Bed £E«EEfEEEE*EEi Chorus. is ; (S v v ' • : :t Safe n SEE V l * ~ < ~ , , , ~ , ~ , , , ~ , ~ < ■ ■ ylove, my precious Friend, - • in Thy grace that will de-fend; in Thy love, my precious Friend, B in Thy grace that will de-fend; t t =^p - i • • • • • Cop'."- U, t Safe in Thy Love, concluded.) 175 Mj Lord, my I. Thy loveto me, l last-ing a~ M\ Lord, my God, Thy Love to me, I- last 0-0- -0- £=5=0- ._ = _X- J -^- == =TP ' * - ter - ni - iy. e - ter-ni-ty. l— m mmm 1 1 wir. Ak.Noi I' It Always Holds. -1- Rf.v. I - 2 &=*dLiL^PStg=i 14-J-Jlj-d J • When tha storms of life are beating. And their billows o'er Then, oh, then I need an an-chor, That will keep my fainting bouI, When the fog ofdoubt is drifting, Spreading darkness o'er myway; i Then, this an-chor al- ways holds me Till the dawn offaith's clear day. i Soon the ills of time will van-ish, Soon we'll furl the storm-rent sail; rhen we'll cast faith's trust- y an-chor Tn the calm and peaceful vale. .. a o. the an-chor, bless-ed anchor, How it holds and keeps control; (>. the an-chor, bless-ed anchor. -> -> : i . t =* f^f-frre • t Sure and steadfast to my soul, '' ' ' -fcSB ' I- I I I ■i'srA«, ii»3. by Ben. E. it. Ufford. 176 The Crown of Thorns. I.Al K.\ 1 Neweli I H i -1-1— — ,— jj N | . . 9 ! a i l crown of thorns the Sav-iour wears, A crown the mocking throe On Him th< 2 rhey little knew , — that mocking throi d brings blessing out of wrong Or that in love He \ low-ly birth, an bum-ble name, A crown ofthonu mwholivN < HOKL'S. o ■ s s ^E £V ath the cross He meek - ly 1" - ly gave His on - ly Son, the world t<> save, died, wno lives, And hope of life <• - ter - nal gives. * • 1 _ No m ill • t-d cruwn of the ■f- m pi . . •* B <*Y thorns The Sav - iour'< pa - tient brow a -don plan - ed crown of thorns The Sav - - tour's tient brow ■ - dorns *~ I . I J —4 rf_ > # « *-„—*- i --i — r I I a y ./. 11. Kvtm ■ ■ : : : : . |g| The Crown of Thorns. (Concluded. V N N mmm^. pi I»ear«f«heirtrib-utebrin fi " »»d h«,l H.m Prince. nail Ilin, I ; Kin". HORATIUS I Go Work. Henry A. Rombekker. . y--, U j- "^KV .\. IJOMBEKGEI A : - ^ v -T == ^ * =:£F=rr_nc— zr 'i K l — i— . W m ■ :hz\: Si : \^J. .; ;J:- Ss |..;.. ' r "'■— ' """ Ul " S ":'.!,v'::;';,; H :,',i "^ ;,!;:, its:,:-,:, ststs - K te ,.."■■ -,—'■ v .-'— - ' ' " O • • # » # ' • //.v. //. K^:,„i ; , l „hc. H — 'I''' l ;::; 178 1..URA F-. Neweu Trusting in Jesus. J H Hall ■■;• f I Walk- ing, Saviour, do l'. Light the way our feet should go I ill shall close life's lat -est daj . :: mi,. * •-II in'i lie< l • usl ing .11 Thj l< With thesunsl : I ■ . (lat-esi day), 1 - ' Saviour, Fr 1. Walk-ing, Sav - iour, 2. Light the way, the 3. Till shall close, shall ^ i. . Sav-iour, i .1 rusting, ti . way our feet should '-'". \\ till 111 bli - . '1 closeJife'e lat-est day, Keep us pun- and v v ^ iii Thy love and ^" sun-shine of Thy io good, oh Saviour, Fi ' ■t=z • ; ' . - i ' -I. < iuide, oh, guidi u - ten-der-ly, (■iUl life s pathway here below, v . - er, ncv - er let usstray I ten - der - Ij |, Till wesei I . • ■ be- low ). Lead us to! hy courts a-bove, ( ni-v - er stray |,Own and bless us i" iheeud, ■ i (courts .i - ■ lour, k. ■ p us Thine H-lone, - iv-iour, Thineal - *•*-#- * m m m r* - » V m • * Trusting - in Jesus. I Concluded.) ^ i-. . ' . . :\; . . . . . ot 179 -II Till theshadowsall have flown, (all have flown i. And we meet, besideThj tlin it white throne). Till theshadowsall ha ve flown, ( all baveflown), And we meet besideThj throne, < great white thr s s I m , U=h ' " Kh\ I. S. Hitler. Copyright, 1896, by ./. //. Hall. Saviour, to Thee I Pray. N. M< Hosi ^L:S.X\ Sav-iour, toThee I pray, Cause Thou my tears to stay; Turn darkness in -to day, To Thee I Hear Tin hi my earnest plea, There is no help but Thee; Speak, Lord, and lift Thou me Out of despaii . What if my sins are great, I must nothes - i- tate, Now to make known my state, Sav-iour, toThee: Here while Thy cross appears,! ban-ish all my fears, For 'neath these burning tears, !'• ■ ■ lesto mi My heart's greatgrief 1 pourAI Thy feet, o'er and o'er; Hear me my Thoubless-ed Son of God, With Thy most precious bl I, Thou hast Tni -ly the Lordbath said. Sins. tl X,,u joy - lul songs I'll raise In " • 'i'.' : && : :,* • • % : likescar-lel red, Whit ;rateful notes of praise; Sa> i •! ~ y -w- ^ 's - -m - m I • 3 - sin de-pli I die. ran-som Dougbl For me toshare. i r than WOOl arc made. < >ii I al-i a by Thy pard'ning grace, I liveforTh© Copyright. 1S06, by J. H. Kur:cnkr>r,>, r . I t * » r ■II 180 One More Blessing. Mkv K. N Tl Hkino Span<;enbeko — I 1- V ^1 * '•' _ I o ■ • • I Tim' Tli.\ iii« it iea on me I \ mgh for mi- \<\ have Life and hope and bless-ingsmine, , ''ni' more blessing, grant Thy child Still, my Fath -er, I implore, ' >\ a-bove; But in-crease mj Spii il e di-vine; fr— 5-s-.; Iii Thj I a a liiim-lih- Wlii). I i:-:- :-:•) 4 ' £7 \ 9 o ' ^ * • T^r- and Thy love G ant to me one bli — ingmore. mi' in share In His greal a-bonnd-ing run - trite heart; 1 1 ear] i 8 - iour. while I i all things share, Make me wor - ihy t" beThine. <.iw mc, Lord, ...art. I 9 — 19 # — »I 0- k . m „ 'I •:# -• « -s^ 1 ' 5i - S J BE Copyright. 1896, by ./. /A. A :i::-j One More Blessing, i Concluded. 181 Look-ing ev-er nn-to Thee: All Thy g Inessto dis-arm, AllThj love di-vin« to see *= ! z * f r f-f-f 3 t I »— *_ *_ ElEEsEd £ • E =fc= 1 1 =£B ' ' ' ' , s s , "~ "^ Cham bs Wi si r\ . Q Jesus, Lover of My Soul. S B ! I — i — i ■ 1 1 ui I = i j-H m R-^tt := Q^ : Je--aus,-Lov-er of my soul, Lei me to Th) bos-om fly, Oth - er ref- ugehave [none; Hangs my help-less soul on Thee; Plenteous grace with Thee is found,— < lra< e to par-don all my tin; While thebil-lofl a near me roll, Lea> e. ah! Ii a\ e me nol a - lone, l.i i iln- healing streams al i i J I t » 5 T~r g o • 1 — I- 3 3 r- « : «> 1 — I- -II r O 0- O O 0—9>- 1 — I — h m g--| ■• — r Safe in-ii> the ha- ven guide. Oh, re-ceive mysoul :it last. S. — Cov-er my defence-less head With the shad- ow of Thy wing. BpringThou up within my heart, Rise to ;ill e-ter-ni - ty. D. < While the tempest still i-< high: Still support and comfort Die: Make and keep me pure within; Hide me, my Saviour! hide, All my trust on Thee is stayed, Thou of life the fountain art. Till the storm of life is past; All my help from Th< e I bring; Free-ly let me take of o 9 • , I : | \ | =£=£= 5± i — ' — i I "" ' 3 ■ g 1 1 ' g ' I 182 Minnie B. Johnson. Tis Sweet to Talk with Jesus. Jno. R. Bryant « . ♦ » • • m m m ^_. ^ w w m ' , J "lis sweet tp talk with Je-sus, A -long life's rugged road; ■ ( It helps the Christian onward. When fainting 'neath His load: When fie-ry tri-als ,, ( 'Tis sweet to talk with Je-sus, When evil thoughts in vail'-. "• (Assured that He will lis-ten, And ren-der timely aid: Who else would share our „ J 'Tis sweet t< > t:i Ik with Je-sus, And know 'twill not be long, 1 Till we shall in His kingdom, Join in 'the sweet new song:" There with the 6hining r- \^ »-r-0-i-0 •— 0-t- &—0 — • — r-s — a = g fg— — Til * i — — ' 0- II I I I I I ' ^H X ■tzzt . - I A 1 3=?- =J= F=-J — J- ^ ■ ■0- -4- -4- m -0- 9 9 m press him, And trou-hles here be - low, Oh, then, for help and bless -ing, To Je-sus be may go. sorrows, Who else our bur-dens bear? Whoelse but this Re- deem -er, Will al- ways heed our prayerf an - gels, And saints of u - ges past, We'll talk with Him in glo - ry, While endless a - gea last =3=. B&=*= -m — 0-A :t=f o • t=E Choki s. i I I I I -& — 0- t t=t=*=r ■m *&-+* I x , | 1 I N IS J . J I J , I rr^-"- 1 1 , | , — | " Yes Jesus waits to hear you; At His throne of blessing kneel; Sweetly He will comfort. And His love re- veal lit IpiR'T S i: ^U -r-i- Copyright, 1896, by J. H. Kurzcnknnbt. Who's on the Lord's Side? 183 J. H. KURZENXSABE. Robert C. Titer. I. WIm>'s on the Lord 'aside? where stand yon' Who'll be His help - er brave and true? There comes ihccoll; — A - 2 For or a-gainst Him, you must say Whicli-ev - er side you choose to-day; While He i> wait - ing .">. Chos-en to be His val-ientband, We shall ob-serve the blest command! Wit-ness -es, for the 4. Gird - ed with gos - pel ar-mor bright, Firm-ly de-fend -ing truth and right; Faith-ful t:n - til life's Wfr *=£ -\ i £ — L -■ 1 — tlZ± *=:&_ Chorus. ' *=r- * — I- im -N \- ^t *=i z : II -i — i- ri>e; ana go, 8av - ing from sin and end-le*s woe. Who's on the Lord's sid< Soul of mine, All tliy- yet, o - bey; En - ter the straight and nar- row way. Lord to stand, In na-tivehome or a - lit n land. clos-ing night, Je - sns will crown us heirs of light. s .■: * ' i=^ -0. .0. .#. 0. 0. JL 1 1 1 v — r fe± X , 5^ ^m — m J — — —s- self to Him re-sign; * * Saved by His grace and love divine! — Thine.blessed Sav-iour, I am Thine! .0 *- 0L , g * - g— s < rrf-r r ii g f ~f~t hi g r? i - g # g=fr-f-i g._ j_* ^rn ^ 5 • • -f— - P - H FT*-, — 0—0—0- -f — F^ • 1 r t r Copyright, 1896, by J. II. Kurzenknab*. 184 Safe at Home. J .11 kl k. I M ~J 1- Otu W. Cover. •* ' ' ^ m W . * i Ten - der - ly, peace-ful - ly, lay thee to rest, Tbyspir -11 baa gone to the realms of the blest; j Calm and se-rene thou bast gone to thy rest, Now place the cold turf gent-ly o'er the still breast; 3. Give i ire me thewings of a dove, To has - ten my flight to those man-sions a-b -«. — m- r & » — • * — • iffl * i ig • — p . - I i o — fc — f- /•/;/- . Pmn^im ^ £=iFfri=fe l + — * Thro' the dark vale of death now thy feet havetri - er to walk in the brightness < To tbe dear one be-lo> >\ now a last fare-w< - •• thy long journey, Be-lov - ed, fan Then my soul on swift pinions would quick - ly !-<>;ir. And join in the ranks of the loved gone be-fore. * # &v * -T^rTT^rr P^^g^fg^Bn - V " D.&— beau - tiful home, With Jesus thySav-iourfor-ei - er at home. Choki S. I). S. @ m*mitik :'l:.::l f s J 33 . =£3 •_> - # s • Safe, safe at home, thou art safe at home, - r* 0- ir- more in Badness to roam; Safe, >dW at home, in thai ■ -■' -fS>-^-\ b * I ; I iJaAe. US J H KURZENKXAKF. Love's Sweet Tribute. I. Ohl'l'llllim W •» crr-....t tl... ..I i ... . . ^ 185 J. H. KtRZENKXABB. N=± imS Chorus. o ■ n ~M=^E SSre^andS '!'' ""!■' ''r in j " y ' f l'.' '**■ Wnilegatb pur. ana sweet, An of - f 'ring most di - Tine peo-ple, He Came down, their souls to bless. • ■ "' i £=£ Jt *. •I'll- in Hi- t,-m . ],!,. here, Let -0- *. M-. r^m m T ^ § I r.| ?: ||: lov( - sweet trib - me ring; * * * = » • — — 0- i • Ourheartsa- glow with prais-es to . - -iour.King. : p II 186 I. N. McHose. Rest, Blessed Rest. Harry J. Kurzenknabe. *v=* ': ^13 ; u When thewea- ry at heart, and laden with Bin, Have opened to Jesus the things that have been; When they When in strugglingfor right, and battling with wrong, The rough doubtful path lonesome and long A- When the home of our childhood is shrouded and dim, And lo\ doneswe'veclangto, are gathered to Him < 'li! 4. B i the shadows will pass, and the tears will bedried, And the light, and the love will forever abide; Without HHi— a P±&£ — *— * — •— £r7=* Bff-f — * HP i * ' m — •—• — ■— •"!-*- '—•—»- rrVV»-i Chorus. *S take upthecross at His lov-ing behest, Then they enter thi | edrest.AIl, all head glows the vis -ion of scenes ol the blest, And dawning with rest, blessed rest, then like a babe, by its moth-er caressed, In thebos-om i rlrest. cloud, w ithoutend, in - express - i-bly blest; For the people of God there is rest, blessed for- . 0-0 » ■ * ti g e - i - . * * — r^-i s-l-i — r> — * 0*00' •■ ■ g^± g-p-f-gg q . ' • *=Q giv-en, for all is confessed; At the foot oftbe cross there is rest, bless Wbilewenestli ^TMT i T ^f , 1< b Copyright. 1£D€. ly J li. Kurzenknabe. Rest, Blessed Rest, t concluded.) 187 -vA-\j V-K-N- rall. : . 5 : ; is . ; ; L; s 00 h j- J j j U ^-^g^ ^yJ^^ g /I. j # , E . II weep on His Bhel-tering breast, In the bos-omof Je-sus is rest, blessed n st;Thereisrest, bl< ssed rest. m . m m m m~7 m » • - - - - ' > - . , ' / • F. R. II.WERGAL. Precious Blood of Jesus, i- -1- I I Henrv A. Bomberger. :J=J ry; Pro -fiims, pre- cious blood of Je - sus, Shed on Cal-va [Shed for reb - els, shed for sin-ners, ., [Pre -cious, pre -cious blood of Je-sus,Le1 it make thee whole , Let it now in might-y clean o I Pre -cious, pre -cious blood of Je-sus, Ev-cr flow-ing free! I 0, be - he> e ii. 0, re-cei v e it, b 1 — r :* — I p: rr Precious blood that Shed for me: Tho" thy -in- are O'er thy bouI: Precious blood w bose 'Tis for thee; , I 0- M- M. -&- yd •^ ' - & : * o -<9 ^ .0 0-. §3— ■*•, ar- c -J — I- •" B^^ 4-=£ " II hath re- deemed nsl All the price is paid;Per-fect par-don now is of-fered, Peace is made, red like crim-son.Deep in ."-car-let glow, Je-sus' precious blood can make them White as snow. full a - tone-men t Makes us nigh to Godl Precious hi 1; our song and glo-ry; Praise and laud! •, #. 0. j>. z<> *, I * 0- # * -* '0 ">0 m i i — i- zs- C'.pynght, 1S9C, by J. IT. Kurzenknabe. Let the Blessed Saviour in. ] 1! Partrem s 3EEjEEjEEgE o ^ ' -g-^-g- o • -f-f- 1. Hear the Bav-iour at the door, Let Him in. Let Him in, Let Him in; I I Him in, U I Him in, !.• I Him in; 2 He's your best and tru-est friend, Let Him in, Let Him in, Let Him in; 3. Do noi let Him knock in vain, Let Him in, Let Him in, Let Him in; i Hear His gen • tie, lov-ing voice, Let Him in, Let Him in Let Him in; &=* * r r* : £ ! # e=£: » • i : 1? J r* n JL^. 7 "v (i. _> — &, -a — \ — i — — i — —^ K ^r * . -A— r v -ri zr-j=s— t— t • • =f= ^ ht I • o 'i He has of- ten knocked be-fore, Lei Him in, Lei 11 im in, l.< i Him in. I.< 1 Him in. I., i Him in. One who al- ways will de-fend, Le( llim in. Lei Him in, I.' i llim in. He may nev - er come a - gain, Lei 11 im in, Lei Him in, Lei 11 im in. Bid Him welcome, and re -joice, Let Him in. Lei Him in, Let Him in. m m m m m m £ t- 4h m t * P "» 5 \ L u u i 1_ I -4- w w — w w v - E E "h — ft — JL £- -v- -P=P- II Chorus ■h — n — ^ £ s . N ^ v v :£=*: *=*=»*=*=* Pfff FN the Bav-iour stand-ing at the door, Hi sbeen watching, wait-ing there be-lbre; at the door, # • • • It— t— r« » t: *=£ • • ££ — U-4/ I U £ f P — * -p -M-r* 0—0 t=£ ^=T- :£=£ ' v /. li- k Let the Blessed Saviour in. Concluded 189 m . * lj : s j s • . Is * * * • - 1*...: -U II i) pen wide the heart of sin, Let the bless -ed 6a\ iour in Lei linn in, Let Him in. I.' i Him in. m Jesus, I Live to Thee. Ill \K\ UGH, l> i> ' .'«/)'.) / / Henry .\. Bombekger. . 11 :U " # U IUU., ■2?" 3 : ^ -..l I , ,\ I I I, I 1 I ^ I " ~ I . . I \J 11,1 but tobe Thine; (but tobe Thine); My life in in : A '' I 3 ' * I '' ' * I 3 \2 I. H i LL u c • L_, M % o •I ♦ I I II- 1"- •! .1- B S -I- .1 1 • •';-;. . s l; : ll"U. .I ?: , : l„ { l : . .1. = : l ; - In Thy blest love I rest, In I'liy blest love I rest. (I In my e - ter - nal home, In my e- ter- nal home, (sweet ho is bliss (is bliss) tome, T<> die is end - less rest, To die is end - lessrest.(sw< Thy life i Tin- life) in me, Makes Hea> n for-i v-ermine, Makes Heav'nforev - ermine, (all mine). Thy life (Thy life) in me life ( i> life i to dm mil*\'-Ff\V:\V-l\;;*:\z ■■'.{.■'■ ^IfMlj Jj ■ y ./. //. A iNnKX. , first lints in small litters. AniDK WITH MK 1 to Abide with me, o Lord 138 A charge to keep I have 83 A i row n of tboi us the Saviour wears 17<; \ i i w MORI C \\>; ^ j \ Mini. TALK WITH JESI B " .... 77 ALLEL1 .i.V 4 ALL COB PRE< loi s JESI - ..........'. 95 ILL GLORY TO II is NAME .... 171 ALL THIS WORLD FOB JE81 - 1 in V.reyou watching for the Bridegroom 30 A sill Mil; IN THB TIME OF STORM >1 Awake, ye saints ,7 Behold, behold the Lamb of God Behold He < oheth 30 I K I HOI w I I II I •■ I r.i.i lah Land ['....'. gg Beyond the bwelling flood 13 Blessed savioi b,TheeJ lovi 101 Blessed Saviour, Thou art mv hope and staj -4 I I I '1 lr 1 III '] II ][ . BBINGINQ IN THE6HEAVE8 87 « nil. ii. COME HOME - i » hristian, rouse thee from thy slumber ;>5 Come let us join our cheerful songs gg : "iK to the foi d j i ■ Come to the living waters 64 C'OMI IN l:i M> j ; Come ye that love the Lord : 7 ' OMMITTED TO jESlrj 1,4 Does tin- light of love shine o'er you 105 l>o you fear the foe will in the conflict win r. Drifting away from His love 154 "I" n lino, hear not ],-, KINDLY LIGHT Li in mi . i iTHER .".".'. I I \l> Ml OS I KT TB3 ■- kVIOl i is LET 1IIK SUNSHINE IN ,"'."] tali iii> ajoyral Bong of praise Like ships thai arc sailing 1 • l. to Thee in Guth, we mine. L ong. long, from the fold had I u. Little jewels ' Drl »'( BOm: i t ■•: k I hj 1:1 -ii lord, we seek thy blessing Love divine L0\ B FOUND v w \\ sweet ti irt tf Lowly workers ii' i. Mi i. . 166 . B7 . 1i»i . 171 .. 158 . 175 . 156 .. 150 .. 153 . 110 1-' .189 . .'ii . lis . 124 . 1-1 . 34 . 66 . ill . 79 . 163 55 II 92 lirj 159 -i :i l-i 24 188 10 I 106 131 c; Ill in list Many are the sad hearts roamins MIOHTY TO RESCUE AND SAVE MILDRED. S M tfODBN \ i \[ MOTHF.I; KNOWS My hand in Thine, dear Lord.....' 185 161 7n 148 63 57 1*7 51 my Jesus I i.ovkthf.f. N'EAREB MY liuu lo 1HKK.. . m lrbh 10 thee Nobody knows bui Jesus .'.'.".'.' Nobody knows of the workil makes Nobody knows the burden 1 bear V>t THE II VI K Vi AS BVEB T()l C \> want shall I know 0, christian triumphantly singing <». < i iy 01 mi-. .1 ISPBB Wai.i come, lei as raise our tribute ol song O'er ii- friends His watch-care keeping Oh, bring them to Jesus Oh, hasten now toCah 'rys mountain..." < »li. how happy are thej <». how He loves .' .....''.'."." 0, how patiently He waited OH, I LOVE To THINE OF JESI S.... Oh, my Inaii is thrilled Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus OH, THJ S(;'\ ini \nd I o iPING Oh, they tell i fa home .".".' Oh, wonderful story of mercy and love LORD, ABIDE w mi UE 'INK DAY HEARER HOME '.. «'NK LOOE AT THE CROSS. . "INK MORE BLESSING ( |ne there is above all other' Only to wait at Thy h-m Ok ihf, cross OJSTS UlDMHl: ; > tin preci »US v.: r I ; : I I i' . O, riSOOODTO PRAISE THE LORD .'.'. Our Lord whom we've nol seen 1 " I IT r Ii I tk OF BONE Oul in the world whiledeadin sin <»'u on the ocean the storm-clouds O, WORSHIP THB KlN( Pass iton. 191 J.'' :1 ; tht I nl m , ,t,i numb; re i recious bloodof Jesus [Precious Friend uro s iviouR.'."' PURE AS THE LILIES QUH K TO THE RE» UE. 1! USE YOUR h \nd I FST BLFOSBD RES! Rest to the weary soul... Ripe for the harvest ............ Uipe is the gTain for the reaners Hock of ages .in 51 18 i 57 . IS 22 . 21 . 65 38 11 I -.1 •' . 90 I . 27 1 15 • 85 71 10 I 8 AI B A. HOME [8J 8 U B IN I IIV l.n\ I-... i: 4 SALVATION'S nil 8 A\ I'll R III ] HSR 111 \Y 1 ■'• ; Bl LTTERING PRECIOUS SEED -> Send i hi i w.i i~ tola behind, no word she spoki 162 Hi nee 1 lost my Bins, and I found my Sa> iour "IV: I HBOl : II \\\ -; Si i i iv. a r 'i hi-, n i roFjESi - !"!"..." 88 Slain forthesina of the world 66 SO SWEETIE SAVED 1 - Sn\\ INl \\|) J i- UMV. j ,7 ng in the morning Stand i p forJi si - li.-, Step by m bp >_> OF MY BOl I SUNSHINE IN "HE 801 i 7.~> ii-u ii ai.i ? mora 11- I 1 ME lis 'll ll I j I ill- u:\mic in- iu.ui ] "/ 1 ill- BE W nil I BOMX i VHt 1 111- HI. --r I- RIEND [SjECl B Thbcroso Till-: ( ROWN OF THORNS L76 The heavenly Shepherd is calling 14-» The home of < loi dless day in i he Lord i^ my qi mi- i-n i ni. Lord i^ my Shepherd ... ->i i ::l I ' r rest. ]'■ The precioi b words of Jesi - .....'. 114 Then ouls about us Hi; There are wan'drers on the mountains 29 There i- ;i work for each to do lm There is glory in my soi 1 .„; tE'SABf \i I 11 1 1. IK All [".'['. ; H ; [HERE'S A HOME THAT WAITS Fee M- IQS There b< leansing mi he pre< tous blood 99 There's sunshine in my soul today ::, I liese two little hands were given 1 ' , The Shepherd's vo 11 1 i.-n The \\ ay of the cross n The work we love '...".'."" 1. ! The world of beauty ......... ...^ ..- vorld w ill ho better 5 'l Ins I ii'i: with it-; Borrows will soon pass awaj 45 THIS WORLD IS MORE THAN A BATTLl mm,. ,1 Those words "no tears" will look so bless'd i> the prospects of the harvest 7i Thon Bculah Land, in thee Ilivc Hi" I WALK THRO'DEATH'S DARK vali THOUKNOWE81 '" jjj, IhauJ rrd knowest thzm that sir H-m u Thro' shawdows or darknt — .. " i-,, I lliaiw :u r nil. LIFE-LINE 'TIS SWEET TO TALK WITH .Ii- ' ]■/, In li \1 1J "RUST FOB BODY AND SOU! " ' ]'•" li:i STING is .li. -1 - 17s WAITING TO Hi. l.l. 11 Hi THE 8A\ I'm .... Ull Walking, Saviour, close to inn-. ]-, Walking with Jesi s •\ A.NI».l:l ,:, < Hil.i: ( 0M~ HOME wand'rersod the moi stains Wash me in the blood oftheLamu Was IT FORME WE ARE IN THE ARMY WE ARE WEAK, Bt M Hi. 1-1 IS 6TROX(i ""'...'".. . V\ I- : 3MI TO 1 JIM- W I: ! t rock, a gj We'll ni^ vkrsay good-by e journeying on 10 the heavenly land lij \\ <- re soldiers on duty V'. I- v ill LITTLE JEW M - Bl -l~ WHAT SHALL GOD'S HARVES1 n l«J ^ uat : and trials mei t u- w iii-.n 1 bade the Saviour in When I have n land •1 ;,- -I.- HI W lien tin- angel mess* -ii came .. WHEN THE BEAUTIFl l.l. . OLD 112 When the storms of life an ' we've reached the 1 . portals W lien you come to Jordan 92 Where the living «\u ,;- flow While fighting for my S tr hen Whiter than the snow, dear Jesus, 1 W lit) ARE Till SE IV BRIGHT ARRAY \\ II. I. YOU COMBJ1 BTNOW ]i.| \\ QNDF1 M L l'h VI ] Wonderful story of ixn 1 W :: k 1- 'I, ITU \[ LSTEI W I k FOR 1 'Ml- IS 1- LY -\: j \\'"!:K IN MY \ ini YARD '.*.*.' Work r i 11.1. the - * goes down yVCI I 11^, is THE 1 VMI 1 you hear the welcome plaudii YE ARE MY WITNESSES l.-j I ' < ^ ^1 /