\ ^ ^^jirm j^ ^ M-% /^yiL^^i^^^^^^dm^.^kjn^y*j-\ ^^^j^44_ j A". fi(tn/,\ ^ ^^ ,i*^-^ ^:^.^^' ^•-M^, ,t>*-^ V \v* *><.^. >•• X / REPORT ON EDUCATION IN EUROPE, TRUSTEES GIRARD COLLEGE FOR ORPHANS. ALEX. DALLAS BACHE, LL.D. PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY LYDIA R. BAILEY, 26 NORTH FIFTH STREET. 1839. i *CI^ ^^ « Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in tlie year 1839, by A. D. BACHE, (in behalf of the Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans,) m the Clerk's OlTicc of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. The origin and nature of the following Report, which has been ordered to be printed by the Trustees of the Girard Col- lege for Orphans, will be best explained by prefixing to it the instructions directing the tour, during which the information embodied in it was collected. These instructions were drawn up by the Committee on Scholastic Education,* who were charged with this duty by the Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans, September 19, 1836. A. D. Bache, Esq., President of the Girard College for Orphans, Philadelphia. Dear Sir: — I enclose a copy of a resolution, passed by this Board on the 19th July last, authorizing you to visit Europe, under the instructions of the Committee on Scholastic Educa- tion. I also enclose, in quadruplicate, a commission from the Board, certified by the Mayor of Philadelphia, stating the objects of your mission, and asking the aid of all friends of science to facilitate your inquiries. The financial arrange- ments for your salary and expenses arc, as you know, com- * Consisting of Nicliolas Biddic, Chairman, W. M. Mercditli, J. 'SI. Keagy, J.C. Biddle, S. V. Merrick, and W. W. Haly, Esq'rs. The Board of Trustees has since had to regret the decease of Dr. J. M. Kcngy and J. C. Biddic, Esq., two of its most attentive and efiicient members. IV PRF.FACE. pleted. It remains only for the Committee to mid their instruc- tions for your government. Your familiarity with the subject of education, anrl your per- sonal acquaintance with the views of the Board, of which you were a member, supersede the necessity of any detailed ex- planations in regard to the purposes of your voyage, or the best means of accomplishing thcin ; and the Committee will, there- fore, confine themselves to such general instructions as may regulate the course of your movements and inquiries. The Board of Trustees are charged by the City of Philadel- ])hia to prepare a system of instruction for the Girard College for Orphans. For this puri)Ose they are anxious to have the most accurate information of the best means used for the same purpose elsewhere, and you have been selected to obtain it. Your object, then, is to visit all establishments in Europe simi- lar to the Girard College; and as these are found principally, if not exclusively, in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Bel- gium, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Prussia, and the rest of the states of Germany, these countries will form the natural limits of your tour. Accordingly, all institutions in each of those countries resembling the Girard College, or any others which promise to allbrd useful information in organizing it, you will see and examine. Your own reflection will readily suggest the points of information desired; and I will, therefore, merely enumerate a few, which may serve as a basis for your own extensive investigation. Of every establishment visited by you, we should wish to know — 1. Its history, general administration, and the nature and ex- lent of its funds. 2. Its interior organization and government; the names, titles, and duti(;s of all the persons emj)loyed in it. 3. Who are admitted to it, and the forms and terms of ad- mission, and where it is professedly for the education of r»r]»li:ins wlin aro cnnsidM-cd ns orphans. PREFACE. 4. The number and classification of the scholars, and their term of residence. 5. Their course of studies, in the minutest detail, from the commencement to the end of their residence in the institution, with the text-books and other works used. 6. As a part of that course, specially important to the Girard College, we should desire to know the regulations or the prac- tice by which, among a large body of scholars, a portion, after continuing for some time in the institution, are permitted to begin their active career in life — while others, with greater aptitude or greater willingness to learn, are carried up to the higher branches of education. The nature and the mode of that dis- crimination would be highly interesting — as would also be — 7. The precise extent to which moral and religious instruc- tion is proposed to be given, and is actually given, and also by whom and in what form that instruction is conveyed. 8. The mechanical arts taught — the mode of teaching them — the models, tools, and implements of all kinds emplo3^ed — and the manner in which the practice of these arts is mingled with the routine of studies. 9. The system of rewards and punishments in regard to stu- dies or personal conduct. 10. The general police and discipline of the school. 11. The amusements — gymnastic exercises — games of all kinds, uniting instruction with agreeable relaxation — together with the number and extent of the vacations, pecuniary allow- ance, or personal indulgences to the scholars. 12. The diet and clothing of the scholars. 13. The regulations in regard to health, hours of study and of rest, arrangement as to sleeping and eating, and the whole routine of each day's employment. 14. The expenses of the school, including salaries and all incidents, with the average annual expense of each scholar. VI PREFACE. 15. The structure of the buildings, the arrangement of dor- mitories, refectories, play-grounds, and work-shops, illustrated by drawings, where they can be procured. 10. As a proper foundation for similar statistical inquiries in this country, you will collect all the information you can in respect to the proportion of orphans to the rest of the com- munity. These general heads of inquiry, which you can easily mul- tiply, will indicate the wish of the Board that your examination should be thorough and practical. They already possess, or may easily obtain, all that books can teach on the subject. It is your especial duty to study the actual working of the ma- chinery of education; to domesticate yourself, if practicable, in these institutions, and, by your own personal observation, to distinguish what is really useful from what is merely plausible in theory. It is this anxiety that your investigation should be complete, which induces them not to fix at present any period for your return. How much time it may require cannot now be safely determined. They rely confidently on your diligence, and arc sure that you will not prolong your absence without ample reason. While, therefore, they are very anxious to open the College with the least possible delay, they deem it so much more important to begin well than to begin soon, that they post- pone naming any limit to your stay in Europe, until you are able to apprize them of your progress. In respect to the purchase of books and apparatus, mentioned in the resolution of the Board, it is not their wish that you should, at this time, purchase a library, or an extensive philo- sophical appiiratus. You will oiil\' iiiquii'o where they can be best procured hereafter, and, in the mean time, limit yom* actual purchases to text-books and other works used in schools, or which may assist your inquiries: to models, drawings, and such philosophical iiistrtiiiu.*nts as mav be necessary or usefiil in PREFACE. Vll opening the College, or which you may deem it expedient to procure in anticipation of the larger collection. The materials and information thus acquired you will, on your return, present to the Board of Trustees, and at the same time, or as soon thereafter as practicable, you will prepare a final Report, with a plan for the government and instruction of the College — the result of all your examination and reflection. In the mean time, you will keep the Board constantly advised of your movements. With my best wishes that your mission may be as pleasant as I am sure it will be useful, I remain, Your's, truly, (Signed.) N. BIDDLE, Chairman. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introductory Remarks, 1 PART FIRST. INSTITUTIONS FOR THE EDUCATION OF ORPHANS AND OTHER DESTITUTE CHILDREN. CHAPTER I. Eleemosynary Institutions of Great Britain, 11 Education Hospitals for Boys, at Edinburgh, 12 Notice of the Orphan Hospital, 13 Description of Heriot's Hospital, 13 Description of George Watson's Hospital, .... 32 Description of John Watson's Institution, .... 38 Notice of Cauvin's Hospital, 47 Eleemosynary Schools of England, 48 Description of the Liverpool Bluccoat School, ... 48 Notice of Henshaw's Hospital, or the Oldham Blue-coat School, 56 Description of the London Orphan Asylum, Clapton, - - 58 Description of Christ's Hospital, or the London Blue-coat School, 65 CHAPTER II. Orphan-houses of Germany, 83 Introductory Observations, 83 Description of the Orphan-house of Hamburgh, . . - 83 Notice of the Orphan-house of Altona, 93 Description of the Franke Foundations at Halle, - . . 94 Description of the Military Orphan-house at Potsdam, - - 115 Courses of Instruction in the Military Orphan-house at Annaburg, 125 Notices of the Civil Orphan-houses at Potsdam and at Little Gliencke, 129 Description of the Orphan-house of Frankfort on Maine, - 131 Description of the School for Soldiers' Children at Struppen, near Dresden, 137 Description of the Orphan. house of St. John at Prague, - - 140 B X CONTENTS. CIIAPTKR III. fAGK. Or])han-liousth unci I'oujidations of Holland, 146 Introductory Remarks, 14G ilotice of the Burgher Orphan-house at Amsterdam, - - 147 General Remarks on the Orphan-houses. Notice of the Rcnswoudc Foundations, 151 PART SECOND. INSTITUTIONS FOR KDUCATION IN GENERAL. Outline of the Plan of this part of the Report, 153 CHAPTER I. Infant Schools, .--.---.- - 1.07 Introductory Observations. Model Infant School of the Glasgow Education Society, - - 159 Model School of the Edinburgh Infant School Society, - - 166 Gray's Inn-Road School, of the Home and Colonial Infant School Society, of London, 167 CHAPTER II. Primary or Elementary Schools, 170 Introductory Remarks. Elementary Instruction in Great Britain, 174 General Account of the Provisions for Elementary Instruction in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Juvenile Training School of the Glasgow Education Society, - 178 Sessional School of Edinburgh, 189 Elementary Departments of the Madras College at St. Andrew's, 194 Notice of the Circus-Place School of Edinburgh, - - - 196 CHAPTER III. Primary Instruction in France, 199 General Organization of Primary Instruction. CHAPTER IV. Primary or Elementafy Instruction in Holland, 202 General Organization, (Sec. A Primary School at the Hague, 309 Comparison of the Burgher Schools and French Schools with the Schools for the Poor, 218 CHAPTER V. Primary or Elementary Instruction in Prussia, 220 GcneraJ Account of the Organization, A:c. Primary Schools for tlic Poor, at Berlin, 231 Observations on the Burgher or Middle Schools, - - 235 CONTENTS. XI PAQE. Seminary School of Weissenfels, 237 Dorothean Higher City-school of Berlin, 240 Seminary School of Berlin, 247 Higher Burgher School of Potsdam, 261 Remarks on the Primary Instruction of Prussia, 268 CHAPTER VI. Elementary Instruction in Saxony, &,c., - - - - ^ - 271 General Organization, &c. Schools of Dresden and Leipsic. Burgher School of Leipsic, 278 Notice of the Model Burgher School of Frankfort on the Maine, - - 287 CHAPTER VII. Primary Schools of Baireuth in Bavaria, with Special Reference to Doctor Graser's System of Education, 291 SCHOOLS OF THE ELEMENTARY CLASS INTENDED TO PREPARE FOR SOME PARTICULAR OCCUPATION IN LIFE. CHAPTER VIII. Schools of Agriculture and Industry, 303 Rural Schools of Switzerland, &c., 305 Agricultural School of HofVvyl, 306 Rural School of Carra, 310 Agricultural School of Templemoyle, near Londonderry, - - 311 Manual Labour School of Ealing, near London, - - - 315 Lamartini6re Industrial School of Lyons, - 318 CHAPTER IX. Seminaries for the Preparation of Teachers of Primary Schools, - - 323 Introductcy Observations. Seminaries for Primary Teachers in Prussia, 327 Seminary of Weissenfels, 330 Seminary of Berlin, 342 Education of Teachers in Holland. Notice of the School for the Education of Teachers at Haarlem, 346 Normal Schools of France. Primary Normal Schools of Versailles and Dijon, - - - 349 Schools for Teachers in Switzerland. Normal School of Zurich, 355 SECONDARY SCHOOLS. CHAPTER X. General Divisions of Secondary Instruction, 362 Observations on the Secondary Instruction preparatory to tho University Courses. Xll OONTEPfTS. rAGE. Secondary Schools of Great Britain. General Remarks, - - . 365 T}jc Academy of Edinburjrh, 3GS Notice of the Glasorow Hiprli-Schooi, 371 Notice of the Belfast Academy, 379 Notice of the Belfast Academical Institution, .... 381 The Hill Street Institution of Edinburirh, and comparison with the Academy, 382 The Grammar School at Rugby, 390 Courses of Instruction at Harrow Grammar School, - 398 Comparison of Rujrby and Harrow, &c., .... 3!t9 St. Domingo-House School at Evcrton, near Liverpool, - - 40*2 Bruce-Castle School ut Tottenham, near London, - - - 409 CHAPTER XI. Secondary Instruction in France, - . - . - . . 417 General Organization of tlic University of France and of Secondary In- struction. The Royal Colleges of France, 424 Normal School for the Education of Teachers for the Secondary Schools, 440 CHAPTER XII. Secondary Instruction in Prussia, ....... 450 General Division of the Schools. Organization of Classical Secondary Schools or Gymnasia, - • - 451 Frederick William Gymnasium of Berlin, .... 470 Cologne Real Gymnasium of Berlin, 471 Gymnasium at Schulpforta, ....... 472 Comparison of the Studies of the Frederick William Gymnasium at Berlin, of the Cologne Real-Ciymnasium at Berlin, and of the Schulj)forta Gymnasium, ....... 477 General Remarks and Comparisons of the Secondary Instruction of differ- ent Countries, 503 Secondary Schools belonging to the Second Division, or preparatory to the Mechanic Arts and Higher Trades, 517 Royal Real.School of Berlin, 517 City Trade-School of Berlin, 523 Notice of the Fitzthum Gyninasium and Blochinan Boarding School at Dresden, 533 HLTERIOR SCnoOLS. CHAPTER XIII. General Remarks on the Clasaification of Superior Schools', - - - 53G Universities and Special Schools of Arts, Manufnrturcs, and Commerce. CONTENTS. XIU PAGE. Polytechnic School of France, 542 Notice of the Schools, of Roads and Bridges, and of Mines, of France, 561 School of Arts and Manufactures of Paris, .... 563 Notice of the Boarding Institute of Arts at Charonne, - - 572 Schools of Arts of Prussia, 573 Institute of Arts at Berlin, 574 Polytechnic Institute of Vienna, 583 School of Mines of Saxony, at Frey berg, .... 589 Institute of Agriculture and Forestry at Hohenheim, - - 595 Naval School of Austria, at Venice, - . . , . 600 Concluding Remarks, 602 APPENDIX. No. I. List of Documents collected in Great Britain, France, Switzer- land, Belgium, Holland, Germany, and Italy, - - - 609 No. II. Distinctions to be drawn between Institutions for the Main- tenance and Education of Orphans, and those for other classes of children, -.-..... 643 No. III. Rules of Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, relating to those who have passed through the institution, and are serving an ap- prenticeship, 644 No. IV. Queries to be answered by Apprentices from Heriot's Hospital to their masters, and keepers of the houses where they board, 645 No. V. List of Studies and Distribution of Time, prepared for John Watson's Institution, Edinburgh. Distribution of Time at Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh. List of Text-books used at Heriot's and George Watson's Hospital, Edinburgh, at the Madras College, St. Andrew's, and the High School of Edinburgh, 646 No. VI. Documents relating to the Admission of Pupils into Cauvin's Hospital, 651 Tables of Diet in various Eleemosynary Institutions, - - 653 Table of the Order of the Day in Eleemosynary and other Schools, both primary and secondary, showing the amount of time occupied in study, exercise, «fcc., - - - . 655 Example of a Bible lesson in the Glasgow Model Infant School, 656 Method of teaching to read, called "Reading Disentangled," 657 Remarks on Education by Mr. Emanuel de Fellenberg, - 658 Remarks by the Rev. Dr. Arnold on the Study of the Classics, 661 Brief Notes of Orphan Statistics, 665 No. VII. No. VIIL No. IX. No. X. No. XI. No. XII. No. XIIL ERRATA. The following errata should be corrected as affecting, in general, the meaning of the text. On page 5, line 17 from top of page, /or " western" read southern, bottom, erase one of the " its." " before " impossible" insert sometimes, top, for the semicolon after "exercises"p/acea comma, bottom, /oj- "require" read requires, top, for " insures" read insure. " insert " Intellectual Education" at beginning of line, bottom, for " infraction" read infractions. " for " amout" read amount. " for " gospel" read gospels, and/or " works" read books, top, for " introduction" read introductory. " for " ten" read two. " insert after " credit of," first, bottom, /or "composing" read comparing, " for " body" read board, top, for " recite" read have recreation. " for " branches" read bachelor. bottom,/or "Olto" read Otto. Note, for « 380,381" read 398,399. top, erase " at a quarter to seven." bottom, /or "Frey burgh" read Freyberg, " erase the colon between "described" and "at Potsdam." top, for "Freyburg" read Freyberg. 6, 13 8, 18 15, 17 18, 7&8, 28, 13 50, 12 76, 13 112, 17 125, 12 129, 15 151, 10 305, 8 386, 10 391, 12 409, 3 435, 11 477, 10 504, 534, 15&1( 540, 17 573, 14 589, 14 593, 15 REPORT ON EDUCATION. TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE FOR ORPHANS. Gentlemen: Having completed the tour of examination into the state of Education in Europe, undertaken by your direction, with espe- cial reference to the organization of the Girard College for Orphans, I beg leave to present to you a Report upon the infor- mation collected. The more immediate direction of my mission, as President of the Girard College for Orphans, was devolved by the Trus- tees upon their Committee on Scholastic Education, from whom 1 received detailed instructions. In these I was directed to visit the institutions in the principal countries of Europe, which might be supposed to afford useful information towards organi- zing the College, to procure text-books, and other works used in the more remarkable schools, and the more important works on Education: and to collect such philosophical instruments, models, and drawings, as might be useful or necessary in open- ing the College, or as might seem to me desirable to be pur- chased in anticipation of the larger collections. My arrangements for leaving home were completed at the close of September, 1836; and after having visited the chief countries of Europe, which were the most interesting for my undertaking, I completed my tour in October, 1838. It is almost needless to say, that I am now not only ready, but 1 2 INTRODUCTION. anxious to render available, as soon as possible, in the organi- zation of the Girard College, the knowledge which has thus been accjuired. It will be the design of the present Report to state in what way I have executed the instructions of the Committee of the Board of Trustees, and to present the result of the inquiries which they directed. Their instructions contained, besides the general indications of the objects of my journey, suggestions as to the mode of securing these objects, which I found highly useful, and for which I feel very grateful. The most important pur- pose of my mission was the examination of institutions for Edu- cation, and my Report will principally consist of descriptions of these, and remarks upon them. The other objects were se- condary, and even incidental. Whoever has even glanced at the part of the Will of Mr. Girard, which relates to the endowment of a "College for Or- j)hans," must have perceived that he intended no ordinary Orjihan Asylum to be created with the immense fund which his liberality intrusted to the authorities of the city of his adoption. Mr. Girard has put himself in the |)lace of a father to the orphan, and has determined that talent shall have all the oppor- tunities for development, by education, within the reach of chil- dren the most favoured by the circumstances of their parents. This view has been prominent in all the measures taken by the City Councils of Philadelphia, in the execution of their trust; and the Board of Trustees, to whom they have delegated the direct control of the Institution, have, by their President, oflicial- ly asserted this same understanding of the founder's wishes. A due execution, therefore, of the instructions of the Scholastic Committee, re(]uired not merely an examination of orphan- houses and elementary schools, but of the various modes of education and grades of instruction. This task I undertook with real distrust of my power to do it justice, notwithstanding the encouragement extended by the choice made of me, by gentlemen for whom I entertain a iiigh respect. 1 must be allow- ed to say that, in the course of attempting its execution, I have spared lu) personal exertion, and that, though 1 may regret it INTRODUCTION. O was not in abler hands, my conscience acquits me of having wasted any part of the time or means so Hberally placed at my disposal by my fellow citizens. Before entering upon the descriptive portion of my Report, I propose to give a brief sketch of the views and circumstances which guided me in the distribution of time in the different coun- tries visited, and to present some of the general features of pub- lic education peculiar to each of them. While there can be no doubt that the general principles of education must be founded upon those of human action, and hence be common to all nations, it must be admitted that sys- tems framed from such general laws would require considera- ble modification to render them applicable to different countries. Differences in pohtical and social organization, in habits and manners, require corresponding changes to adapt a system of education to the nation; and, without such modifications, success in the institutions of one country is no guarantee for the same re- sult in those of another. The difficulties, however, of working out a plan of education, from observation, appeared to me much greater at the outset of my undertaking than they do now, that I have seen how very many of the essentials are common to all well organized institutions having the same scope. A consideration of these difficulties induced me to make Great Britain the first point of my tour, since it was reasonable to infer that the success- ful methods of education there might be more easily transplant- ed, being more directly applicable at home than those of other countries. The examination of some of the more interesting insti- tutions there occupied rather more than eight months; and, lest this portion of time should appear too great in comparison with that devoted to the Continent, it may be well to state the cir- cumstances which absolutely required so considerable an allot- ment. Owing to the absence of any regular or central system of education, and of any general responsibility in the manage- ment of its institutions for public instruction, and to the entire freedom of individual effort, more time is required to obtain access to, and examine the establishments of Great Britain, than of any other country which I visited. A proper idea of the INTUODUiJTiUX. general arrangements can be obtained only by a study oi' parti- cular cases, and each institution requires to be approached individually, and often in a diflerent way, to secure a prr)fitablc entrance. As entirely dificrent ideas frequently prevail in the organization of institutions of the same class, it is not sufficient, as it usually is elsewhere, to sec merely a specimen to judge of the whole. For the special objects of my tour, the eleemosy- nary institutions were to be carefully inspected; and in the number of its Educational Charities, its Orphan Asylums, Blue- coat Schools, and Education Hospitals, Great Britain exceeds every other country in Europe. The city of Edinburgh and its vicinity alone contain five such institutions for boys, and no two of these are exactly alike in their regulations and adminis- tration, so that it was necessary to visit all to form precise ideas of their arrangements. If this be true of establishments having similar objects, in the same city, it may be inferred of those in diticrent parts of the kingdom, and Ihcts fully sustain the inference. It is true, to such an extent, that in preparing descriptions of these schools to present to the Board, I have found it dillicult to classify them, so that by presenting, in detail, one institution as the type of a class, I might avoid the too great extension of this Report. The management of these institutions, the observation of which formed an imjiortant part of my duty, may serve in many points, especially in all that re- lates to the material comforts of life, as a model to those of other countries, in many of which 1 freely admit that more just ideas in regard to instruction prevail. Upon a review of the results of my visit to the institutions of Great Britain, it appears to me that the time was well bestowed, though more profitable cxpori- cnre in regard to instruction was acquired in less time in some of the countries of the Continent. After completing a tour through some of the institutions of Ireland, Scollainl, and England, I crossed to the Continent, and visited, in turn, the principal schools of France, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, and the chief States of Germany, making also a rapid visit to Italy. The same subjects of inquiry did not, of cgurse. interest me equally in these different countries, and 1 INTRODUCTIOIV. 5 proceed to pass briefly in review their respective points of interest. In Great Britain, the charitable institutions for education oc- cupied most of my attention. There, as in otlicr countries where similar establishments exist, and where no great or re- cent change has been made in public instruction, the instruction within them resembles more nearly that of the schools of the same grade in general, than in countries w^here such a change has been wrought. While engaged in visiting them, I did not neglect, how^ever, institutions which afforded a less direct pros- pect of advantage. To illustrate by an example; although Heriot's, the Watsons', and other hospitals for education at Edinburgh and Glasgow occupied a large share of my atten- tion while in Scotland, I visited, more or less in detail, at Edinburgh, the Model Infant School, the Circus-Place Prepara- tory School, the Sessional School, the High School, the Aca- demy, the Western Academy, the Hill Street Institution, and the Univ^ersity; at Glasgow, the Infant and Juvenile Schools of the Education Society, the different departments of the High School, and the University. I also made an excursion to St. Andrew's, to visit the Madras College founded by Dr. Bell. In France, the general system of education, especially as modified in its lower departments, and the schools for science and the arts, formed the special objects of examination. The orphans are, in general, associated with the foundlings, and dis- tributed through the country at the expense of the state; the system presenting nothing, as far as my inquiries led, either for approval or imitation. The plan, of which I venture to speak thus freely, must not be confounded with the excellent system in the Grand Duchy of Weimar, which, though similar in ap- pearance, diflfers essentially from it. In Weimar, orphan chil- dren, deprived of both parents, are distributed among families, as nearly as possible in the same station of hfe as the deceased parents, and a real superintendence, both moral and intellectual, is exercised over them by ofiicers specially appointed for the purpose, and by the parochial clergy and schoolmasters. In Switzerland, recent and great efforts, consequent upon the 6 I\TRODlCTIO\. advance of true lihcrly, have been made among the republics, in behalf of general education. The school of Pcstalozzi, at Yverdun, occupies a prominent ])lace in the liistory of educa- tion; and the institutions of Feljcnberg, at Ilofwyl, have been frequently described. Others of great inerit, but more recently established, are less generally known, and some of them ^vill, as far as my limits allow, be noticed in this Report. I cannot, however, enter into the particulars requisite to present the striking results which the last seven years have produced in many of the cantons. The common school system, as well as the eleemosynary institutions of Holland, deservedly attract much attention, and afforded interesting subjects for examination. There are pecu- liarities about both, and experiments have been made there which bear upon some of the most interesting questions in edu- cation. I need only refer, here, to those of the method of mu- tual instruction, and of the manner of supplying teachers; the latter of which experiments has led to a conclusion in favour of schools for teachers, which appears to me irresistible. Among the institutions of the diilerent states and free towns of Germany, I visited more or less in detail those of Prussia, Sax- ony, Austria, Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Nassau, Weimar, Frank- fort, Bremen, and Hamburgh. The condition of public instruc- tion, in general, in the diflerent states, as well as of the different departments of it it in the same state, is very unequal. Prussia is at present decidedly in advance of the other larger German States in the education of the people, especially in the manner and matter of the instruction. The ease with which every point connected with the schools is ascertained, is remarkable; and I look back to the time spent in them, and in intercourse with their teachers, as one of the most ])rofitable portions of that occupied by my tour. As the various accounts which have been given of ))ul)lic instruction in Prussia ha\c, in general, re- ferred to the systtMii more particularly than to the schools, I shall, in this Uej ort, touch more brielly upon the former, and go more into detail in regard to the latter. By reference to Llicir sjtirit and minute arrjuigomeuts, it is ea^y to see where INTRODUCTION', they would apply as perfectly in a republic as in a monarchy. The instruction in niany of the charitable institutions of that country has not kept pace with that in the schools in general, though there are others which have even led the way in im- provement. Weimar has followed closely the Prussian model in its system of education, and the schools of Nassau may be said to be derived from the same source. The schools of Saxony w-ere once famous throughout Eiu'ope, but the pri- mary schools appear to have lost that rank; they are now, however, rapidly improving, by the same means which pro- duced the present advanced state of instruction in Prussia — the education of teachers. In Bavaria, changes of system have been too recent to render general remarks of any value. I shall, however, give an account of the method of Graser, in- troduced into the schools of a section of the kingdom. In Austria, public instruction remains nearly on the footing upon which it was placed by the reforming emperor, Joseph the Second. There can be no doubt that it was once much in advance of the times, though the elementary department is at present behind that of most of the other German States. They still adhere to the incomplete plan of educating teachers in ordi- nary schools, and to antiquated methods of instruction. The Schools of Arts in Austria rank, however, with the best in Eu- rope, and receive liberal encouragement from the government. Of the many institutions which have claimed my attention, it would be entirely impossible to give even a meagre sketch within the limits appropriate to a Report,* and if it were prac- ticable to go into details respecting all, many would be found not to repay the pains taken in reducing to paper a descri|> tion of them. In making the selection, which is thus neces- sary, I shall endeavour to bring to the notice of the Board the countries in which the diflcrent departments of education are best carried on, and to give a sketch of the system of edu- cation, illustrated by the minutiae of as many individual institu- * The whole number of scliools visited was upwards of two hundred and seventy-eight; to some of these, however, I merely made a single siiort visit, others occupied me for several days. 8 I.N TIIODICTIUN. tiuns as appear necessary to exemplily the .system, and lu render its results available for practice; endeavouring to render each account as complete in itself as the nature of the main object of my Report will permit. The manner of collecting the information wliich 1 sought re- (juires a passing notice. The introductions which usually flow in abundantly upon any one known to have a special object in visiting a country, opened to me the earliest and sometimes the best sources of information as to the existence, nature, and ex- tent of institutions, and of the books necessary to give ^particulars in regard to them, and which are rarely known at a distance. By consulting these and other works and documents, and by comparison of various opinions, I was usually enabled to decide correctly as to the course which I ought to take, to see what was most deserving of attention. However, sometimes erro- neous opinions deceived me, and I found that my course had missed some interesting point, or had brought me to one of little interest. Occasionally the error was irremediable, but not often. Again, as it was necessary to employ all periods of the year, I found it impossible to arrange my visit so as to pass through a country at the period of greatest activity in the schools. Where the system of public instruclic^n was central, like that of France, or Prussia, recourse to authority pointed out the proper institutions to visit, and gained admission to them. The personal ac(iuaintance w liicli the teachers of Germany have with each other, greatly facilitated my progress in its several states. Almost everywhere, indeed, I have reason to remem- ber with gratitude the kind assistance rendered to me. Having ascertained the places which it would be, probably, profitable to visit and the institutions to be examined, I regulated the time and the attention devoted to them, by the interest which they appeared to present, returning to the same institution frequently or not at all, according to circumstances. As auxiliaries to my investigations during these visit.s I procured the jirinted docu- ments which existed relative to the institutions. I also prepared beforehand a series of (jucstions, to which, when modified to suit the j)articular establishment in regard U> INTRODUCTION. which detailed information was desired, I obtained answers from the head, or from one or more intelligent persons connect- ed with the establishment. The written and printed sources of information which are thus at the disposal of the Board, are 1st. A journal of my visits to ditferent institutions, and of verbal information received in regard to them, with my remarks. 2d. Replies to a series of questions in regard to particular institutions, or systems of in- struction. 3d. Statutes, by-laws, and regulations of different in- stitutions. Laws and documents relating to public instruction, &c. 4th. Histories, descriptions, and text-books of different schools. 5th. Particular works on education. These form a mass of documentary matter which, duly ar- ranged and digested,* will always throw the light of experiment upon doubtful points in the working of our system of organization. In many cases the documents, descriptive of the schools, give the actual results of suggestions contained in the works on edu- cation. From this mass I propose to draw out some of the more prominent parts, and to call the attention of the Trustees spe- cially to them. The personal experience gained by my tour will, however, as far as the Girard College is concerned, be its most important result. I could not expect the Trustees to fol- low me through descriptions or even notices of all the institu- tions which I have visited during my two years' absence, or lis- ten to a record of the many failures and mistakes which I have seen, and which, though they have formed one considerable item in the experience gained, it would be truly an ungrateful task to record. As best calculated to present the impressions, derived from this examination, of the actual results of education, I have adopt- ed the descriptive form for my Report, and have purposely avoided summing up the conclusions, or presenting a review * The translations from foreign languages have been made by :\Ir. Theodore Trcwendt, to whose indefatigable zeal and industry in this matter, I am much indebted. The documents and books have also been systematically arranged by him. A li&t of ]>ortinf]; the ])re.seiit ))nnili(M- of oiKi hundred and eighty pupils in the hospital itself.* This surplus is derived from the increased value of the estates held by the governors; and the application of it to schools in- stead of to the increase of the hospital, was decided to be ad- visable, after much consideration and discussion. They were induced, no doubt, by the fact that ample provision is made for destitute children of various classes in the city of Edinburgh, and perhaps also by the doubt, to which I have already refer- red, of the utility of institutions extending education and main- tenance to those whose parents are alive. My information in regard to this institution is derived from the printed documents, kindly furnished to me by the house-governorf and the trea- surer of the hospital ;J from an examination of the books kept at the hospital and at the treasurer's ofFicc, which, on stating the object of my mission, were most liberally opened to me; from replies to my queries by the house-governor; from repeat- «j(l visits to the institution at various hours, and from conversa- tions with the governors and masters.§ The government of the institution is regulated by the original statutes of Dr. Balcan- quall, of which certain parts only arc deemed fundamental, and by regulations and by-laws enacted from time to time by the trustees. Tlie building is in the Gothic style, with tiie irregularities and excess of ornament which it j^ermits, and is beautifully situated, overlooking part of the old town of Edinburgli, and having a fine view of its picturesque castle and of tlie new town. The house is divided into many small rooms, approached by turret stairs, in the style prevailincr two centuries ago, but now deem- • The present income of tlio institution is not less tiian from siAt3'-fivo to ■cvcnty thousand dollars. t The Rev. Hector Holme. { ^Ir. Dayley. () Ab tlic sources of information in rc«Tard to dillercnt institutions arc very fiimilar, and have already been stated in a general way, and ore now rcjxatt d here, I do not Uiink it necessary to restate them at ovory new description. The list of inintfd (loruments r< latini; to public instruclion is in the Appendix No. I. HERIOT S HOSPITAL. 15 cd inconvenient. It contains rooms for the meeting of the gov- ernors, for the lodging of the masters, a dining-hall for the pupils and for the masters, dormitories and wash-rooms, a kitchen, various offices, and bath-rooms. The room recently fit- ted up for the drawling-classes, is lighted from above, while blinds at the side windows prevent cross lights. Many of the rooms have the necessary arrangements for lighting them by gas, and the means of heating have been lately improved by the introduction of warm air. The ventilation of the school rooms is, however, quite imperfect. Indeed, of the many build- ings I have seen, very few are even tolerably ventilated, and it should be a matter of congratulation that our architect has de- voted much attention to this point.* The court about which the building is erected, serves as a place of play for the boys at certain times, and to give them full liberty in their games of hand-ball, which seem to find more fa- vour among them than regular gymnastic exercises; gratings of wire are placed on the outside of the lower windows, which protect them from fracture. At first the effect of these gratings of wire, suggesting the idea of the want of discipline, which rendered them necessary as a protection to the vrindows, struck me unpleasantly, but when I saw the great freedom which it gave to the younger pupils in their games, my first impressions were entirely removed. General Government and Domestic Economy of the Institu- Hon. The Board of Governors vest the internal management and immediate superintendence of the hospital in a visiting committee, who further divide themselves into sub-committees, meeting at the hospital at least once a fortnight. The house- governor meets with these committees. It is usual also for mem- bers of the board to attend the Sunday evening exercises at (ho institution. The board is also divided into the following comniit- * The consequence of defective ventilation, on those confined in scliool-roojiib, has been often much insisted upon, and yet proper ventilation is very imperfectly understood. It is not enough to trust merely to the opening- of the upper parts of windows for such a purpose. Draughts and abrupt changes of temperature aie thus produced which are injurious to healtli. 16 KLEEMOSV\AKY INSTITUTIONS. tecs: 1. or auditors, who audit, yearly, tiie treasurer's accounts. 2. or finance, who advise with the treasurer on occasion, and ex- amine such accounts as tlie regulations do not refer to the treasurer and house-committee. 3. Of superintendence of the hospital property. 4. Of grounds leased. 5. Of laws. G. Of the house, who attend to making contracts, passing bills for house expenses, ordering small repairs, ifcc. 7. Of education. 8. Of the superintendence of the boys after leaving the hospital. 9. Of the erection of new schools. 10. General visiting commit- tee of all the governors. The officers* of the institution arc — 1st, a treasurer, who re- ceives the moneys for the register, pays the bills of the hospital, the salaries of the teachers, the expenses of every week as cer- tified by the house-governor and an accountant, and has charge of the repairs of the building. 2d. A register, or clerk, of the hospital, who is also secre- tary to the governors, and has in general charge of tiie books and papers of the hospital. He attends also to all law business, receives the rents of the estates, the leases of which are exe- cuted by him. Tiie checks for the payment of the oillcers witiiia the hospital arc sent there, w itli one also for the amount of ser- vant wages, which are paid by the matron. 3d. The house-governor, who is the head of the institution, and also one of the teachers, and has a seat in the Board of Gov- ernors. He is responsible directly to the visiting committee or its sub-committees, and all the inmates of the hospital di- rectly to him. Besides acting as the head of the family, he is required to teach daily, three hours, the boys of the elder classes, "such branches as shall be interesting to all these boys, what- ever may be their tlestiiiation in alter life; for example, the gene- ral outlines of iiistury, particularly J-^nglish history; geography; the first princi[)les of natural history and of mechanical i)hilo- sophy; the ek^ments of IjUglish composition: and the higher * The salaries arc judiciously Icfl in blank in the original statutes. 1 do not insert those which are now paid, l)ecau.so the salaries of ofliccrs, Uakcn out of connexion with niinnto statistical in(()rniation in rcgfard to the counlrv in which ihcy rchidc, arc data which can lead to no just conclusions. heriot's hospital. 17 branches of religious instruction." He must also examine the classes of the other masters, once a week, and preserve a re- cord of the places of the boys, &.c. He keeps a book contain- ing the account of provisions received and issued, a record of things ordered for the house, which is settled weekly, a day- book for issues, the accounts of which are transferred to the ledger and to the monthly bills, a list of admissions, &c. 4th. The masters, of whom four are resident, and whose duties will be particularly described hereafter. I remark here what seems to me a decided defect in the organization of the institution, that these masters have no meetings as a board, and hence their views of discipline and instruction are never directly consulted. 5th. A physician and surgeon, who, besides making regular visits, are required to attend as often as called for. 6th. The mistress or matron, who has charge of all the move- ables of the house, and in general acts as mistress of the family; superintending the duties of the female servants, the issues of clothes, of tea and sugar, the police of the house, and of the pu- pils, the sick-rooms, the washing, the ordinary fare, and the diet of the sick. 7th. The steward, who receives the supplies of meat, bread, milk, flour, &c., contracts for coal, and candles, and verifies the weight and quality, under the direction of the matron; has charge of the deliveries of the same, and of the order and po- lice of the dining-hall and of the eating utensils. His accounts are examined once a month, by the house-governor and trea- surer, and paid by the latter. The servants are as follows: Nine female servants for the police of the house, serving the tables, washing the feet of all the boys once a week, and the care of the junior boys in their wards. One of them may act as nurse. One cook. Three laun- dresses. Two wardmen, one of whom sleeps in and has charge of each senior ward. One of them must be in the play-ground when the boys are at play. Two porters, one of whom may be a married man, and has charge of the gates, and who are jointly responsible for the police of the grounds about the house, 3 18 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. and for the preservation of the building. Tiicy receive the visi- tors, who arc admitted by an order from the treasurer, or the house-governor, and show them the various y)arls of the hos])ilnl. Reception and Dismission of Pupils. The rules require that application for admission shall be made at least three weeks be- fore the periods of election in April and October. The appli- cants must be above seven years of age and below eleven. The cases arc canvassed by a committee of the governors, and se- lections arc made depending upon the degree of destitution, the character of the parents, the degree of instruction which the ap})licant has received, and his general intelligence manifested at an examination by the house-governor. Children who have lost both parents arc in general considered as presenting the liighest claims; next those who liave lost their father, and then those who have lost their mother, and lastly those whose pa- rents are alive.* It is understood that certificates of the mar- riage of the parents, of the baptism of the children, and of the fathers right as a freeman, must have been presented. The new comers are separated for twelve months from the rest of tiie boys at all times, occupying separate places in church and in chapel, and separate dormitories; taking their meals and exercise, and visiting their relations at dilTerent times from the otiiers. By this regulation it seems to me that tiie force of good example is made ineflcctive, and that each new set of boys rc- cjuire a new training. I am not aware when it was first enacted. It does not appear in the original statutes, and was perhaps one of the measures used to break up a most shocking abuse of the fagging system wiiich prevailed many years ago in the school, and by which the elder boys were the complete tyrants of the younger ones. So deej)ly rooted had the }>ractice of this sys- tem, known as "Garin law,"t become, that it cost the cx}hi1- • Of two Imndrctl and tlirce boys admitted, between October, 1830, and Octo- ber, lb3G, cifjbt bad lost botb parents, tbirty bad lost tbcir falbcr, fourteen tlicir niotber, and one bundred and forty-eijirbt liad botb parents abve. Tiiiec were ad- uiilltd on presentations, not requiring a ataternent as to wbetlxcr tlicir parents were alive or not. t Gar significH force. 19 sion of some twenty pupils to eradicate it. I have every reason to believe that the true relation of the pupils to each other and to the masters, is now much better understood. It is easy to see that there may have been other reasons for the separation of the new comers from the other pupils, but none of those which occur to me seem to make it desirable. These boys are under female superintendence. The pupils in general leave the institution at fourteen years of age; if a boy is not fourteen on or before the day for regular dismission, he remains another year in the institution, and cer- tain pupils are retained until sixteen. Tlie statutes provide that "hopeful scholars" may receive, for four years, a sum of money to enable them to attend the classes of the high-school as a means of preparation for, and to continue their education at, the University of Edinburgh. The institution pays the apprentice fee of such as are bound out, and gives gratuities to those who produce satisfactory certificates of conduct and progress. The regulations in regard to the arrangements for leaving the insti: tution are highly judicious, and will be found in detail in the Appendix to this Report (No. III.) The governors require, six months before the time when a boy should leave the school, a report of his conduct, acquirement, and talents, from the house- governor. One month before the same time a statement from his parent, or guardian, of the calling which it is wished the boy should adopt, the master who may be chosen, and the ar- rangements desired to be made for boarding. These matters are discussed, and the disposition made oj the boy depends upon the result. The boy having been bound apprentice, the master can- not receive the annual instalments of the apprentice fee, without answering certain queries as to the conduct and proficiency of his apprentice. It is also provided that answers to two other similar series* of questions, one addressed to the apprentice, the other to the person with whom he lodges, shall be furnished an- nually, and the treasurer is enjoined to keep a register of them. See Appendix No. IV. 20 KI.EEMOSVNARV IN-iTITl'TIONN. On leaving the institution, each pupil receives an outfit of clothing, &c.* The boys intended for tlie university are main- tained and clothed, and receive a certain sum per annum. Education. This term appears to have been considered by the authors of tlie regulations as synonymous with instruction, and accordingly, they provide that "the education which the boys receive shall be, as much as possible, accommodated to the capacity and prospects of each/'f The subjects of instruc- tion, according to the order in which they rank in importance in the institution, are English (/. e. spelling and reading,) gram- mar, geography, and Iiistory, writing, Latin, mathematics, draw- ing, French, music, Greek, mechanical and natural philosophy, and chemistry. These are taught in seven classes, and the first two are exclusively occupied with the English studies, writing, and arithmetic. The third and fourth classes have one hour of Latin. The sixth has but one hour of the miscellaneous English studies, and the seventh has none. Natural philosophy is in fact not taught, and the chemical course has been cut oO'. Greek is taught only in its very elements. In the attempts to improve the courses of this school, to bring them up to the present state of instruction, the additional branches have been loosely attach- ed, and the course is not now one consistent whole. The only remedy for this, consistent with keeping up with the progress of instruction, is to revise the entire course, from time to time, maintaining due subordination of the separate branches to the general plan of studies. Tiie corps of masters is divided into resident masters and non-resident, a good arrangement when the teachers are nu- merous. There arc resident in the house, besides the Iiouse-gov- ernor, who has charge of the geographical and religious in- struction, and of part of the historical course, two masters of • One dozen shirt?, half a dozen pairs of slockinjfs, a Bible, and other books. t The kind of inHtruction which appeared necessary in the day of Dr. Balcan- quall, we learn from the statutes: "and bccaua that the scholleris salbc brocht ujK! in letteris, their salbe a sehoil maister whose otViee salbe to teaehe the scho- leris to read and wreatt Scottis distinctHe, to cypher and cast all nianer of ac- comptis ns hNd in fim lie vanir tlir I.nliiv rndimcntis, hot no further." HERIOT*S HOSPITAL. 21 the English branches, a mathenaatical, and a classical teacher. The non-resident teachers are those of niusic, writing, drawing, and French. The music taught is church nnusic; and the draw- ing, that denominated mechanical drawing. The principal labour of teaching the various courses is divided among five masters. Of these, the house-governor teaches three hours every day; the other masters from six to seven hours, besides superintending the studies for an hour, and, in rotation, taking charge of the boys at rising and going to bed, at meals, and by the regulations being even responsible for them during play time. They are thus decidedly overbur- thened with labour, and the compensation which they receive for this devotion is not such as to attach them permanently to the institution. The methods of teaching the different general branches do not vary much. Lessons are given to be learned from books, either in or out of the school-room. Oral explanations are joined. The mathematical instruction is chiefly oral. In the English department the method of the sessional-school hereafter to be described, is intended to be practised.* The efficiency of this department seemed to me impaired by the distribution of the classes, each of the two masters having one division of each of the two English classes, so that there were always two divi- sions in the same master's room at the same time, in different states of advancement. As but one of these divisions could be taught at a time, the other was occupied in preparing lessons under monitors. The regulation which requires these masters to teach the elements of Latin, acts injuriously upon this depart- ment, and reacts upon the classical department, by giving a different elementary preparation to the two divisions, which are afterwards united in the proper Latin class. The classical in- struction is intended to prepare boys for the upper classes of * One of the English masters, the Rev. John Oswald, has prepared a scries of etymological works, carrying out the practice of the sessional-school. His Ety- mological Dictionary of the English language was republished here, with notes, by the late Dr. J. M. Keagy, one of the Trustees of the Girard College. J'J KLEEMOSY.VARV JXSTITUTIONS. the high-school, and iiliimatcly fur the university. The Latin course extends to the partial reading of Virgil and Horace — and the Greek includes merely the elements. TIjc principle is recognised that all the pu|)ils are not re(juired to pursue the classical courses, the propriety of which will at once be ad- mitted, when it is stated that of sixty-two boys, furty-seven be- come aj)prentices to trades, and a larger number leave the insti- tution at or before sixteen years of age. The plan of carrying out this i)rinciple, however, strikes me as liable to many objections. The study of Latin begins in the fourth class, or after the boys have been three years in the school. Tiie regulations provide that "each boy shall have a fair trial of the study of Latin. If, upon the average of the first year, he be found in the lowest tiro-tliinJs of the class to which he belongs, lie shall remain in that class for a second year; and if, at the end of the second year, he occupy no higher place in it, he shall be withdrawn from the study, and shall be engaged in other employments." The execution of this rule inevitably detains a boy w ho has not a talent for language two years in a class for which he is ut- terly unfit, injuring his habits of attention, wasting time which he might otherwise employ to some purpose, and reacting inju- riously upon the class. In fact, a considerable number of the boys never, wdiile they remain in the school, get beyond the fourth class, in which the elements of Latin are taxight; and of those w iio pursue the Latin studies, very few succeed in securing the university places. Thus, for the sake of the few who can really benefit by the classical courses, the many are emj>loyed upon subjects which, to say the least, niight better be replaced by others. I am far from being one of those who undervalue classical culture, but I am convinced that to be at all ellectivc it must be thorough, that it cannot be thorough when the instruction is terminated at an early age, and that there are certain minds very little or not at all improvable by language, as there arc others similaily related to mathematical studies. If the object of a school were to make professional men, I would have the classical course the rule, and then, consider as ex- ceptional cases those who, from character of min«l, want of heriot's hospital. 23 industry, inability from circumstances to remain sufficiently, long in the school, or other causes, were unable to benefit largely by such a course; but if the school has a majority of its pupils intended for trades, I would make the culture of mind depending upon classics the exception. It is easy to see how such a system could be contrived, and there are many institu- tions on the continent of Europe, which furnish examples of the plan. In regard to the instruction in French, the same seems to me to be true, whether we consider it as a means of cultivat- ing the faculties, or as useful for future application. In point of fact, it is begun too late to acquire much knowledge of it before leavinG; the institution. With a view to inform themselves as to the results of their system of instruction, the governors have lately required from those boys who receive pecuniary rewards during their appren- ticeship, the presentation of three documents, before referred to, containing answers to certain queries. One of the sets of ques- tions is answered by the master, and relates to the conduct of the boy, as an apprentice; a second, by the person with whom the boy lodges, and contains an account of his conduct while in the house, of his hours, &c. ; a third, by the boy himself — and inquires, among other points, into his hours of work, his occupations, and relaxation, and the utility of his studies, while in the hospital, to the business in which he is engaged. This excellent regulation has been in force only some three years, and hence the inferences, from the replies of the boys, are not as important as they will one day be. Even with a longer continued average, they will not be absolutely conclu- sive in regard to the value of the several branches of studv% for it requires very good judgment to get rid of tiie idea that only the immediately useful is at all useful, and to appreciate the effect of general mental culture. As a result, however, of the expression of opinion of forty-seven out of sixty-tour boys, nearly all had found use for their arithmetical studies, and some for their English studies, including grammar, geography, and history. Of those from whom I saw no replies, seventeen in number, four were at the university, who, from the prizes which 24 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. the "Ilcriol's boys" carry away in classics, no doubt found their Latin and Greek (especially the former) studies "useful;" three were not minors, and two deceased; leaving but eight out of sixty-four unaccounted for. Should the results of these queries continue to be as just stated, they will one day allbrd the strongest argument in favour of my position, tliat the arrangement is a defective one, by which, in an institution for the purposes answered by Ileriot's, the classics are made the basis of instruction. At present, other grounds arc stronger. The mathematical instruction includes arithmetic, through fractions, and elementary algebra and geometry, and is upon the ])lan generally followed in the higher schools, and in part of the universities of Scotland. Oral ex[)lanations are given by the teacher, and examples are worked by the pupils, in con- cert or individually, by the teacher performing the work, or drawing the figures, on a black board, at the dictation of the boy. This mode is accompanied by the working of examples, by the pupil, on the slate, but so far as the mechanical opera- tions are executed by the teacher the pupil is deprived of the means of acquiring dexterity in writing or drawing figures, and of ideas of proportion, and thus loses the opportunity of the education of both the hand and eye. This method, further, ren- ders the knowledge of the pu})ils somewhat uncertain, since the operation of the master may precede the direction of the pupil; and while it may be convenient in some cases, its general use apj)ears to me injurious. Of this, 1 believe the intelligent mathe- matical master at Heriot's is fully satisfied. There are two special prizes for excellence in this department, which are awarded on competition. The mode of instruction in drawing is the same as that used in the Prussian schools, and to which attention has been called in Scotland by the able Secretary of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, Sir John Robison. The boys, after learning the first elements of linear drawing, draw from models; a sinqile per- sjvective machine being used to give them an idea of the princi- ples which they are to put in practice. At first, simple solids, heriot's hospital. 25 bounded by straight and curved lines, are set before them, and drawn upon the slate. Then mouldings, and, gradually, more complex combinations of surfaces are given, and are drawn upon paper with the crayon or pencil. This method forms the eye admirably, but does little, I may say nothing, to improve the taste. Hence, it is rejected by some. Nevertheless it appears to me admirably adapted for the ordinary purposes of life, and especially for the use of those engaged in mechanical pursuits, and much superior to tlie system of linear drawing from engrav- ings, taught in the primary schools of France. The method has the further advantage, that almost every pupil is able to acquire some proficiency in mechanical drawing and sketching by it. Every boy must attend this class for at least twelve months before leaving the institution. When I visited the hos- pital, the hours interfered much with those of other departments. There is a writing lesson, of at least one hour a day, for each class, and two prizes for excellence have been established by a late governor. Religious and Moral Instruction. The positive religious in- struction is given by the study of the Bible, the Evidences of Christianity, and the Catechism of the Church of Scotland. Family worship also is held morning and evening. On Sunday, in addition, the pupils are occupied one hour in the morning in the study of the Church Catechism, or of a Bible lesson or hymn, which they recite in the evening, and they attend church twice during the day. Besides this, the disciphne of the school, repressing what is amiss, and encouraging virtue, acts of course powerfully; the example of the elder boys, and the good order which prevails, tend to produce regular habits. The results of this combined moral education are to be found in the records of the character of the pupils, when they are no longer under the fostering care of the institution ; and the an- swers to the queries before referred to, in regard to the conduct of the young men, given by the masters to whom they are ap- prenticed, and by those with whom they lodge, exhibit these results in a highly satisfactory point of view. Of forty-seven sets of answers, forty were entirely to the credit of the young 4 26 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. men, on the part of the masters, and forty-six on the part of the persons with whom they lodged. Of the seven falHng under censure, three had not made satisfactory progress in tlicir busi- ness; two were, in addition, absent sometimes; one was com- plained of as not doing his errands punctually, and only one was of the class considered decidedly vicious. I have found no subject of discipline, in regard to which more diversity of opinion exists, than as to the appropriate amount of intercourse with rclativ^es to be allowed during the stay of a boy in these establishments. On the one hand, the importance of not breaking such natural ties as the boy may have, is obvi- ous; and, on the other, the injury resulting from bad counsel, undue indulgence, and even, in some cases, bad example, be- comes not less so from experience. According as one or other of these disadvantages predominates in the teacher's mind, he is favourable or not to frequent intercourse with relatives. In lleriot's Hospital, the pupils cannot leave the house for the purpose of visiting their friends oftener than once in three weeks, unless under special circumstances, of which the house- governor is the judge. Those who live in town are received at the door of the house by a relation, who is charged with their return at the appointed time. Those whose relatives hve in the country have, if the visiting committee, or house-governor, see no objection thereto, a vacation of three weeks during the month of August. The relatives who reside in Edinburgh, are not allowed to visit the pupils unless when called to the house by the governor, or when their boys arc sick. Those who re- side in the country, must obtain permission from the house- governor to make visits. So much depends upon the charac- ter of the relatives and connexions of the youth, that it appears to me no other rule, than to give to some ofiicer a discretionary power to ])ermit the absence of pupils, can be adopted, until the particular circumstances of the institution are carefully studied. To keep in remembrance the good deed of the founder of the school, the first Monday of June is celebrated as his birth- day. Closely connected with the intellectual and moral education heriot's hospital. 27 stand the rewards and punishments adopted in the institution. These consist of places in the class, and in the superintendence over their fellows in the house, in indulgences of visiting or re- ceiving friends, in prizes for proficiency or good conduct, in the greater or less extent of their instruction while in the house, in pecuniary allowances during their apprenticeship, or to enable them to pursue a university education, and in assistance even af- ter their apprenticeship. Those boys who are at the high-school, preparatory to entering the university, lodge in the house ; an arrangement which I saw extended with great effect at Am- sterdam, and elsewhere in Holland, to all the pupils who are apprenticed in the city. The regulations require that, "the more degrading kinds of corporal punishment shall be as sel- dom as possible resorted to," and yet counteract the good effect of this provision by directing that " they shall not be inflicted in the private classes, but only in what is called 'the pubhc school,' in presence of the house-governor," thus rendering the degradation most certain by the publicity of the punishment. It is true, these chastisements are rarely inflicted, and the regula- tions provide that "they shall not be resorted to for mere lite- rary negligence, if unaccompanied by moral blame." The house-governor has great latitude in regard to the character of the punishments, and I am sure exercises a sound discretion in reference to them. There can be no doubt that it is more dangerous to blunt the sensibilities of a youth to moral reproof, than to harden him by corporal chastisement. Hence such chastisements may be preferable in certain cases, where reproof has failed, to a con- tinuance of the attempt to correct by admonition. This sup- poses it to be administered in private, without temper, and as a last resort. Some dispositions are better acted upon by the depri- vation of indulgences by confinement, and similar penaUies of this class, where remonstrances have failed; while others require something more immediate in its action. In many schools in England, where the rod was once freely used, it has been almost, and in others entirely, laid aside. In schools Hke these, where the youth is entirely dependent upon the institution, I am fully 28 F.LF.EMOSV.VARV I.VSTITl'TIONS. persiiaded that, with proper treatment, it need be resorted to very seldom, if at all. F^'ew dispositions are not open to kind- ness, especially under these circumstances, and no master has the qualities apprf>priate to such an institution who prefers the repulsive system to the encouraging;. 1 refer to the example of the English schools because they have held out longest against the modern improvements in discipline, and their rclin- fjuishment of such means is a stronger argument than could be derived from the more gentle discipline of the continent. The spirit of kindness between master and pupil which exists in many of the continental schools, the confidence that renders him, as it were, the head of a family circle, are delightful to wit- ness, and insures, better than stripes, the obedience of his pupils. I believe that this species of discipline, which leads the pupil instead o( driving him, may be considered as particularly con- genial to the American character. The governors of Heriot*s sav that "it is earnestly recommended, that as far as possible, preventions of fault be employed; and that gentle treatment be practised with the children." Thus, as far as their recommenda- tion goes, they are on the side where I should prefer to range myself. There is one point in which the teachers at Heriot's have not the means of acquiring that moral control over the boys which would smooth many of their dilTiculties; the education during the play hours is not attended to by them. It is true that each of the teachers, in rotation, is responsible for the order of the house: but he has not the immediate superintendence of the bovs. In such an institution especially, this is of importance, and the many hours of occupation in teaching, which prevents the intimary of the masters with the boys during periods of relaxation, is a serious disadvantage. That such an intimacy is extremely important to mf)ral training, no sound educator now doubts; and it is certain that much teaching in school is not equi- valent to moderate training out of school, to form the moral man. Servants cannot supply the place of the teacher. The general principle which I would here inculcate, is distinctly recognised in some of the best traininL'-schools which I have seen, and heriot's hospital. 29 renders the infant-school system of moral training in Scotland so perfect. Physical Education. A due attention to this branch, though fully insisted upon in all modern works on education, and com- manding from the common sense of every one a ready assent as an abstract proposition, is yet strangely neglected in many establishments which I have visited. The clothing and diet, at Heriot's Hospital, are good in quality, and ample in quantity, and cleanliness is sufficiently attended to. The linen is changed thrice a week, the stockings as often in summer, two suits of over-clothes* are allowed a year, and are an adequate supply, in a climate where very slight changes are required for comfort in the different seasons. The bed linen is frequently changed. The arrangements of the lavatory for the pupils are good, each lad having the means of washing and wiping separately from the rest, and the opportunities of bathing are furnished in warm weather.f The boys are brushed and combed daily. The cleanliness in the dormitories, school-rooms, &c., appeared to me satisfactory, and the ventilation of the former is unex- ceptionable, and is made the subject of a distinct regulation, re- quiring the bed clothes to be "drawn" from the hour of rising, (six in summer and seven in winter) until ten A. M., and the windows to be kept open until three P. M. in winter, and seven P. M. in summer. I have already remarked upon tlie imper- fect ventilation of the school-rooms. The pupils walk out fre- quently in summer, five or six miles, and make excursions dur- * The allowance of other clothing per annum, is three day-shirts, one night- shirt of check, four pairs of stockings, two pairs of suspenders, four pairs of shoes and mending, two pocket-handkerchiefs. The latter are looped to a button in the pocket to preserve them, and must be shown at the daily morning inspec- tion. The making and mending of the shoes, and making of upper clothes, is contracted for. The uniform, when I visited the school, consisted of a brown coatee, which they intended to change for a roundabout, corduroy pantaloons, and a cloth vest. t The change in these respects, within the memory of some most respectable citizens of Edinburgh, is truly surprising. In former days, all washed from one vessel, and wiped on one long towel ! The influence upon moral training of a state of physical education which permitted siich tilings, must have been great. Tlie practices, of course, tended lo the propagation of cutaneous diseases. 30 KLEEMOSVNARV IXSTITl'TIO.VS. ing the three weeks' holiday of August, when about two-thirds of the school are still together, to Tloslin and Stirling. A system of gymnastics was adopted some years since, for affording regular and graduated muscular exercises, but it has fallen entirely into disuse. After the novelty had worn olf, the boys grew weary of the exercises, and greatly preferred the ordinary sports of the schools. I have liad occasion to remark, as applying to the English schools in general, that the gymnastic exercises, so popular in some ])arts of Germany and Switzerland, had not taken root in any of them, though in many they had been introduced, and well and carefully taught. At the same lime, nothing is more characteristic of the English school-boy, than his fondness for exercise in the difierent games of the schools. The greatest number of play hours is three per day, according to a schedule furnished me, and this seems to me, from comparison with the other schools, quite too small, es- pecially for the younger boys ; and the unbroken succession of several hours in school, is also objectionable. The amount of time which these boys are employed in the class-room, fre- quently reaching for the elder ones to eight hours a day, and the variety of subjects brought before them in their short course, at the longest but seven years, appears from observation to be highly detrimental to intellectual development. It is, indeed, said to diminish the amount of repressive discipline necessary in the institution, by taming the spirit by over intellectual work, but a saving of this sort is a real loss. It is probable that the diet, and limited amount of exercise at Ilcriot's, may also have something to do with the absence of youthful buoyancy and activity which I noticed among I he jnipils. The practice of giving a luncheon of bread in the interval between each of the three regular meals will not explain, as I first supposed it would, this observation, since it does not involve necessarily any excess of food. And besides, I found the same j)ractice in schools in Germany, where a like eflect is not observable. It prepares the pupils badly, Imwcvcr, for their diet in after life. The kind and quantity of food will be found stated in the Ap- pendix (No. VII.) The boys do none of the meninl work oflhe heriot's hospital. 31 house, and even tliat relating to them personally is attended to by serv^ints. The dormitories are cleaned, the beds made, the arrangements fur meals provided and removed, the clothes are brushed, shoes cleaned, &c., by the servants of the institu- tion. Th.ese boys, brought up thus to be waited upon instead of waiting on themselves, must, wlicn they leave the school, find their position of attending to the wants of others particularly irk- some. Indeed, many of those persons who receive them as ap- prentices, judging by the awivwardncss with which these and other common affairs of life are attended to by them, underrate exceedingly the results of their education. This effect is in- creased by their ignorance of ordinary life. The masters hav- ing no families, those boys who never leave the school have no opportunity of witnessing any other than the peculiar modifica- tion of society which the hospital affords, and even those who do visit their friends, form only such an acquaintance with life as a few weeks in each year can give. In the only government school of our country, the Military Academy at West Point, where youths are received, whose pa- rents are in all the various circumstances of life, an opposite plan is pursued in regard to the duties of the house and personal poKce ; and I have reason to know, from personal experience and an extensive acquaintance with its graduates, that the inde- pendent habits thus produced are retained by many as among the most convenient results of their early training. From the documents so liberally put at my disposal in Heriot's Hospital, I had an opportunity to examine an interesting question on its tendency to remove the pupils from the class, as to occupation, of their parents, and to place them in others requiring a higher grade of mental cultivation. The registers for the last three years contain the pursuits of the father of each pupil admitted, and the occupation of the pupils who have left the institution. The fathers of sixty-seven out of seventy-three boys were tradesmen or shopkeepers. Of the sons, fifty-six became tradesmen or shopkeepers, six followed other occupations, ten were not stated on the book, and two had died. Distributin;:r this number of 32 KLEEMOSV.VAIIV I.VSTITLTIONS. twelve, in the raUo of fiflv-six to six, \vc have sixty-six to seven, nearly, as the ratio of those who followed the trades to those who went into other occupations, or nearly the same as above stated in the case of the parents of the pu])ils. Of these boys, the number who liavc embraced the same occupation as the father, he bcini; alive, is eleven, and he being dead, two, in all thirteen. This tendency in the old country, for the son to follow in his father's footsteps, is of course much greater than in oiM-s, but it amounts only to thirteen in sixty-two in the case un- der discussion. While, then, the education at Ileriot's has been freely spoken of as reflection prompted me, I do not find any evidence that, under the circumstances which exist in Edin- burgh, it can be charged with a tendency unduly to increase the professional classes. Exactly an opi)osite objection has been urged against the in- stitution, viz. that from its foundation to the present day it has not produced a single great man, in any department. That it has furnished many useful citizens, and some, who in their places have been distinguished, is certain. To use the language of a most excellent divine of Edinbin'gh, ''if it has not produced distinguished men, it has infused into the industrious classes a considerable number of sober, steady citizens." Many of these have risen to civic honours, and become governors of the insti- tution which, in their youth, had f(xstercd them. A desire to subject it to the test of i)roducing results to which education is entirely incompetent, is rather preposterous. School systems may aid in developing mind, but it is not their province to pro- duce it. They address themselves to averages of intellect, all of which are below greatness. CEORGE WATSON'S HOSPITAL. This institution, which was modelled on Ileriot's hospital, re- sembles it in its general outline; there are, however, some dif- ferences which will be worth remarking, especially as I am inclined to think that the proj^cr relations between the pu))ils and their teachers are here better understood. It is true that Ileriot's contains between two and three times as manv Ixns as GEORGE Watson's hospital. 33 the Watsons', and the difficulty of treating them as individuals, increases greatly with the numbers. History, Building, <^c. This institution was founded by George Watson, who, by strict economy and prudence, first in the situa- tion of a clerk, and then trading on his own account, died an independent and even, for the times, a wealthy man. After lega- cies to his few surviving relatives, he left the bulk of his estates, £ 12,000, to found a house of education* for the children of de- cayed merchants of Edinburgh. The present plain structure was erected about 1724, by the company of merchants and other trustees of the bequest, on a lot belonging to Heriot's Hospital, and opposite to that edifice. The organization of the Board of Governors who direct this establishment, is quite similar to that already described for He- riot's, being however more simple, because they have less pro- perty, and a smaller institution to manage. The office of trea- surer is now only an honorary appointment. General Economy. The head master performs the duties of the house-governor at Heriot's, and the matron that of both ma- tron and stewardess. They each receive, in advance, a sum for incidental expenses, of which the master renders an account to the visiting committee, and the matron to the master. The contractors for supplies render their accounts quarterly to the head master, who examines them, and if approved, hands them over to the treasurer. There are two porters, one of whom must be a tailor. He is a married man, and his wife receives an allowance for keeping the gate. The porters in turn have charge of the boys at play hours, of their rising and going to bed, and one superintends their bathing while the other sends them bv sections to the bath. Admission, ^c. These boys are. in general, sons of persons who have had more cultivation than the parents of those who are the objects of Hei'iot's bounty; more is required of them ^ The income is now between fhiily-threo and (hir(y-four thousand dollars. 5 34 E'LEEMOSYNAKV I\ST1TUTI05S. for admission, and lliey arc older when they enter.* Those teachers who knew both institutions, generally thought that the greater docility of character observable in the pupils of Watson's Ilosjjital, resulted from their better parentage; but I confess that this idea made little impression on me, as the different management of the boys in the two schools would be likely to produce the very results which have given rise to the supposition. The rcfjuirements for admission are reading, and a certificate that the child has been one year at school if admiUod at seven, two years if admitted at eight, and so on up to eleven, the greatest age at which he can be received. The pupils may thus remain in the school eight years or only four, being required to leave it at fifteen. The less age at entering is in favour of lleriol's; but it must be considered that the boys at Watson's are, in general, those who have a parent, or parents, and may have been well though humbly brought up before entering. I am, therefore, disposed to think that we may reason upon the results produced in the two houses as though the circumstances, in reference to the pupils, were ori- ginally the same. The objects to bo attained arc, however, very dilTercnt. These boys are intended to be educated as merchants, or for professions. The records which I was enabled, by the kind- ness of the head master,f to consult, showed that out of ninety- four boys who were apprenticed on leaving the school, fifteen were indentured to merchanls, twenty us clerks, nine to profes- sional men, six to occupations of other kinds, and forty-four, only, to tradesmen or shopkeepers. In Ileriot's, the number appren- ticed to tradesmen or shopkeepers was in the proportion of * 'I'lic liillowiiiy certificates arc required to bo presented with the application for admission. 1. 'J'hat the father or "grandfather of the applicant was a mor- chant, or brotlur of tJie fjuild, from the dc;m of guild. 2. Of indifrcncc, from two rc8j)cctablc individuals, besides liic minister of the parish, and the kirk-session. 3. An extract from tlie register of birth and baptism, certifying the nge. Thi.s provision excludes ille;,'iiiinatc children. I. Of the time which tlie boy has been in school. + The Rev. ."Mr. Munio GEORGE Watson's hospital. 35 eighty-five out of ninety-four. This leads us to consider the kind of education which is given for the principal object of this institution. Intellectual Education. It seems to me that the regu- lations recognise the principle that certain branches may be less useful for particular pursuits than others; and yet, the instruction varies from Heriot's only in being rather higher, in carrying the pupil further in classics, both in Latin and Greek, and in geography and history. The modern lan- guages are not more particularly insisted on, and the courses, in general, in the English branches, arithmetic, &c., are not very different from those in the other school, though they seem rather better digested. There is the same over-working of the pupils with a similar effect, a factw^hich I found admitted by all the masters, though, as they had a certain course to teach, and on the average but six years for its accomplishment, they saw no remedy. The same over-tasking of the masters, and low salaries, lower, indeed, except in one case, than in Heriot's, on account of which changes were frequent. There is, further, the same in- junction to celibacy. The teachers are here promoted in rota- tion; and, although the head master had been but three years in the institution, he had passed through the two subordinate stations. This regular promotion has several very good fea- tures, as applied to the two subordinate masters; but, in refe- rence to the head master, it produces unfavourable results, as he is required frequently to give instruction in branches to which he may not previously have attended. With one hundred and eighty boys, as at Heriot's, the discipline and superintendence are sufficient to occupy one person exclusively: but such is not the case with the limited number of pupils in this institution. There are, here, three resident masters for seventy-six boys, and in Heriot's, five for one hundred and eighty, the advantage being on the side of this school. The resident teachers instruct in classics, English, and mathematics, the latter courses being under the charge of the head master, who also teaches the elements of chemistry. The pupils are divided into three cor- 36 K.LEEMOSVWRY Ilf STITUTIONS. responding classes. There are no formal meetings ol the mas- ters as a board, but the three have similar duties, and take turns each in superintending the pui)ils at meals, in the dormi- tories, and, in general, at play. Further, the head master is neither raised above the others by being a governor, nor by various minute regulations, as at Heriot's, and hence all work more harmoniously together. There is a peculiarity well deservinff of notice in ref^ard to the courses here, and I iiave seen the same in several flourishing institutions of the con- tinent. The courses and text-books are not permanently laid down, but every year are passed upon by the education commit- tee of the governors, on the presentation of a list by the head master. The programme is, in fact, made out after consultation with the other masters; but there is no regulation requiring the head master to advise with them, which, as a matter of duty, and not of his own pleasure, he ought to do. That this revision is necessary every year may be doubted, but in an old estab- lished institution, where routine is prone to take the place of reasoning, and where it is so difficult to keep the courses up to the actual level of education in general, it may be iairly as- sumed that the crnn*, if any, is on the proper side. The prizes for intellectual ctlort and conduct are quite high in this estab- lishment, and their eflect is considered to be very great. They consist in the distribution of about £20 (^100) in books, after the annual examination; the inscription of the name of the boy, who is distinguished in most of the classes for correctness of conduct, on a tablet in the governor's room; and in allow- ing those who are fit to pursue the course of the university, one hundred dollars for four years, to attend there, and eighty-five dollars for two years subseciuently, their examinations and con- duct being satisfactory to the committee on education. Un- married pupils of the age of twenty-five years, who are not provided with cajVital to commence business, may receive from the governors, on presenting satisfactory testimonials, two hun- dred and fifty dollars, 'i'hus encouragement is held out to merit long aftm* the pnjiils have loft the ]M-otection of the alf/iu mater. 'J'li(»se who are aj)prciitiecd to lawyers, surgeons. GEORGE Watson's hospital. 37 &c., are enabled, by a like liberal policy, to pay the large fees required in such cases. Moral Education. I have already hinted that I consider the relation existing between the teachers and boys at George Watson's to be an agreeable one. The general system by which this result is produced depends, in part, upon the regu- lations, but essentially upon the personal character of the mas- ters. Frequent walks are taken under the direction of the mas- ters, depending upon the previous good conduct of the whole school. Ten or a dozen boys are invited to take tea in the teacher's room during his term of duty as house-master, the ex- penses being defrayed by the institution. Encouragement is given to their sports, to gardening, &c. A prize for good con- duct is bestowed by the boys themseh^es, and, in fine, there is a general endeavour to substitute the influence of the good opinion of the instructors for artificial stimulus to intellectual exertion and good conduct. Though the punishments ap- proved are mainly the cutting off of indulgences, yet flogging is allowed; the article in reference to the corporal punishment in a "public school" at Heriot's, in regard to which I felt con- strained to remark, is here so far modified, that the head mas- ter's presence in a private class is the necessary formality. Those pupils whose conduct has been satisfactory during the week, are allowed, under certain regulations, to visit their pa- rents or relatives every Saturday. The teachers believe, from observation, that these frequent visits are of service ; their con- clusions, however, depend much, no doubt, upon the average character of the relatives of the boys. Physical Education. Regular gymnastic exercises have never been introduced here, but the boys are supplied with balls, bat- tledores, &c., and receive lessons in dancing. Their excur- sions in summer for several days, frequent walks, bathing once a week, cultivation of gardens, and habitual cleanliness, keep them in general good health. The arrangements for clothing* * The boys wear green jackets, or roundabouts, the ekler ones with a vest of the same, the young-er with the jacket and pantaloons Inittoned too-cther. Cor- 38 FLKEMOSYNARV INSTITUTIONS. and diet niv, in the niniii. (he same as at Ilcriot's. They are, however, more troubled liere with eruptions on the head. Some institutions are nnuch annoyed by this scourge, which rcfjuircs ahiiost absolutely the separation of the infected from his class-mates. The cultivation of gardens is encouraged by an annual ])rize; the gardens are divided into four parts, and each one L'ivcn to an individual of the same class: the four thus in ])artnership compete with the similar divisions into which the school is distributed. There is a vacation of six weeks after the yearly examina- tion in August, during whicli one of the masters remains in the house, with such pupils as have no friends to receive them, or who, from other causes, do not leave the establishment. The dormitories, in general, are not well arranged. Two boys arc placed in each bed, and the rooms locked up at night, the head master having the keys. If a boy is sick, there is a bell to summon assistance. These arrangements appear to me to be very defective. The bedsteads are of iron, and answer extremely well. JOHN WATSOX'S IXSTITUTIOX. This is the most recent school of its kind in Edinburgh, having been organized in 18'2.S, and thus the experience which it furnishes on certain points must be most valuable \o the board. One of these is, the expediency, and, indeed, the neces- sity, of the gradual organization of an institution; and the f>ther, the propriety of leaving the regulations relating to details to be tried in the actual circumstances of the establishment be- fore enacting them into laws. By following out these two ideas, this instiluti(»ii has been organized, brought under its })rosent (hiroy pantaloons. Lratlicr raj)? for the house, and cloth for the street. Tiiese leather enps, which fit closely to the head, arc very injurious, tcndinfj, apparently, to protlucc diseases of the head. The clothes are marked, not only with n nunihor, which the boy receives nt entrnnce, but with his name: the effect of the latter provision, in .sccurincr ^'^ thp boy his individuality, is not Ui be neijlerted. JOHN WATSON S INSTITUTION. rfU good regulation, and its numbers increased to one hundred and sixteen pupils,* with very few unpleasant circunristances. It cannot, however, be said to have yet taken its ultimate form, and I feel persuaded that many modifications will still be made in its arrangements. History, Building, S^c. This establishment, for the education of destitute children from any part of Scotland, was founded from fundsf left by John Watson, of Edinburgh, a writer to the signet,J in the year 1763. The present capital is chiefly in bank stocks, and exceeds three hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars; the yearly income is about fifteen thousand dollars. The building is situated a little out of the city of Edinburgh, towards the northwest, occupies a high and healthy position, and is surrounded by grounds neatly laid out, having a garden in front, and in rear play grounds for the children, and a bleaching ground. It is a neat structure, \\n\h a centre and wings, the centre having in front a Grecian Doric portico. One of the wings is appropriated to the accommodation of the girls, and the other to that of the bo3's, with some few excep- tions. I shall speak only of the boys' accommodations. The interior is commodiously arranged: the basement contains a play-room for wet weather, a bathing-room, laundry, refec- tory, kitchen, pantry, masters' offices, and parlour. This play- room is almost an essential, as the school-rooms should not be used for that purpose, and, in bad weather, the children must have cover either in or out of the building. The bath is well arranged. Between the kitchen and dining-room is a conve- nient turning-box for supplying the food, transferring the plates, * Of tliesc, nineteen have lost both i)arents, seventy-two t'ather, one mother, and eight have both parents alive. t The original object of the testator was a foundling hos[)ital. Convinced of the evil of such institutions, a change in the objects of the bequest was petitioned for, and made by Parliament. t Attorneys entitled to practice in the highest civil and criminal courts of Scotland, and forming the society of "Clerks or Writers to the Signet." Tiic title is derived from the fact that it is one of the privileges of these attorneys to fubscribe the writs which pass the royal signet in Scotland. 40 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. tfec. On the first lloor are the rooms of the master and assist- ants, of the governors, the chapel, and three school-rooms. An attempt has been made to heat the house by warm air thrown into the entries, but tliis has not been cHef-tual; the school-rooms are cold, and the temperature cannot be kept up except at the expense of the ventilation. The second floor contains working- rooms for the boys, dormitories, rooms for the sick, and offices, matrons' apartments, &c. The v^^hole house is lighted by gas, and is su|)plied with water from the city works, two most im- portant conveniences, which I found liighly appreciated by those who had previously been without them. General Government and Domestic Economy. The general government is vested in fifteen trustees, of whom three go out every year in rotation ; they are elected by the commissioners of the writers to the signet, and meet regularly but three times a year. Tiiey have a treasurer, a clerk, and assistant, as per- manent salaried otlicers, and are divided into visiting com- mittees of two, wh(^ are expected to visit the hospital every fortnight. The oflicers recognised by the regulations are: a master and one assistant, a matron, a surgeon, and a steward. The mas- ter* is responsible for all the in-door concerns, superintending the boys more particularly, and having the religious instruction specially under his charge. The matron has the care of the girls, and attends to the housekeeping concerns. The master keeps a [>etty expense book, a waste-book, and ledger, and the matron a book of disbursements for housekeeping. The 5Hir- gcon visits the institution regularly twice a week, and corrtcs also whenever sent for. The servants of the house consist of a porter, two nurses, three house-maids, f<»ur ('hamber-maids, one cook, and an assist- ant. The j)ortcr has charge of the gate and grounds, calls the boys in the morning, suj)erintonds them while washing, morning and evening, at play, ami when (hey bath(\ and assists at meals. • The prcttcnt licad imtstcr i.^ Uic \W\. Mi. Murhliall, m wliObC kimli)rsf^ I indebted for iiiformaliou relating to Uie institutinn. .1111 JOHN watson's institution. 41 One of the nurses attends specially to the cleanliness of the younger boys, and in general to the police of the elder ones. The annual avcrafre cost of the maintenance and education of each child is about one hundred and nineteen dollars. The unitino- of the two sexes in one establishment for education, however favourable it may be at a very early age, is after- wards attended with so many difficulties, some of which are insurmountable, that the governors of this hospital have gra- dually diminished the number of female pupils, and the head master would gladly see the establishment divided into two, neither the instruction nor discipline which is suitable to one sex answering for the other. Receipt of Pupils and their Discharge. The pupils must be between five and eight years of age at entrance ; and it is very perceptible that the early age at which they are received is a decided advantage to this institution. Their pliability and ex- emption from bad habits are conditions which should not be lost sight of. At the opening, twenty-five boys and twenty- six girls were admitted, and when they were trained during a year, a further admission took place. Notwithstanding the great care thus exercised to begin properly, and the abilities of the master, who excels in the kindly character most likely to win upon a child, the training of these twenty-five boys was not eflected without much difficulty, and, in fact, three of them were expelled during this year. The first set being well trained, the others have fallen gradually in with the example ol" their elders, and no further expulsions have been necessary, though seventy-nine boys and sixty-six girls have been since admitted, up to 1836. In fact, the institution was begun on too large a scale, limited as its organization may have seemed. The admissions are made on petition to the governors, setting forth the destitution of the child, to establish which it is neces- sary to show that its parents or friends have not the means ol furnishing a good education. The |Xititioncrs must include \\\ their number a commissioner or writer to the signet. There are no requirements ol" previous instru<'lion. Illegitimate or r> 42 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. diseased children, arc not received. The pupil is first admitted on a week's probation, and if his moral and physical condition appear suited to the institution, he is then fully admitted; if not, his friends are bound to withdraw him. The pupils leave it at fourteen years of age, and there is no provision what- ever for their subsequent superintendence or advancement; if the children have friends who can take care of them, this is no great hardship, but such children do not seem to be the proper objects of charity. That the orphan should be thrown upon the world at this age, with ten pounds, and a Bible, does not seem to me judicious, and this part of the out-door establishment I should regret to see imitated. The re- sult has been, I was informed, to induce the selection of chil- dren of persons who have occupied higher stations and arc reduced, in })refcrence to others more destitute. Thus, out of ninety-eight children, the parents of twenty-two belonged to professions, forty-three followed other avocations, and thirty- three were tradesmen or shopkeepers. I am fully persuaded of the very great importance of keeping up a connexion until a later period of life, between the child and the institution, though it may be necessary to apprentice him to a trade at fourteen or fifteen years of age; and in a future part of this Report the prac- tice in reference to this, of some of the orphan-houses of Hol- land, is fully explained. Intellectual Education. The course of instruction proposed by the head master is very comprehensive; indeed, much more so than I believe the time will allow to be carried througli, without distracting the mind of the pupil by the diversity of sub- jects presented to his notice. This plan of instruction is an extension of th;it at Ilcriot's, and ofTers a very systematic ar- rangement of the branches, and a detailed distribution of the time. (See Appenilix, No. V.) Only a j^ortion of the plan, however, is executed, and I am satisfied that such must continue to be the case, unless an arr.uiizcment is made by which diilerent trains of instruction shall be pursued by dilTer- cnt sets of pupils, according to their mental development and JOHN Watson's institution. 43 probable pursuits in after life. The course includes spelling, reading, grammar, composition, writing, plain and ornamental, arithmetic, algebra, book-keeping, geography, general and particular, modern and ancient, history, modern and ancient, drawing in pencil, chalk, and colours, of maps, &c., the elements of natural philosophy and chemistry, and of natural history, geometry and mensuration, surveying, and the ele- ments of the Latin and Greek languages. The statutes of the school provide for the appointment of two teachers only, the head master and an assistant. It has been found necessary, however, to have, besides, two sub-assistants, one for each of the three classes into which the boys are divided, the head master exercising a general superintendence of the whole, and teaching only occasionally. To render comparison of the proficiency of diiTerent classes more easy, they all recite upon the same branches at the same time, as far as practicable; thus, for example, all the classes are engaged in arithmetic or reading, &.C., at one time, and the head master passes from one to another to obtain an idea of their compara- tive progress. The present sub-assistants are young men, who have been brought up in the institution, and both, I believe, are attending the lessons of the high-school, preparatory to entering the university; the assistant was educated at Heriot's. Each teacher has, in general, charge of one class in several different branches, according to the method now practised in the best schools of Germany. In the other schools which I have spoken of, each master has a subject, or a few subjects, which he teaches, and different classes come before him at different times. This, it is objected, prevents any strong attachment from growing up betw^een the children and the master, of whom they see but little, and who from hour to hour is changed for an- other. On the other hand, it is contended that a man cannot be equally competent to teach different subjects, and thus his instruction in all the branches is not given to the greatest ad- vantage. It appears to me that both the opinions are true, to a certain extent. That the first principle is entirely applicable to elementary education, and the second to a later period, when 44 ELKKMOSYNAKY INS'I lir IlcjX.S. the subjects ol iristructiuii become more dilliciilt, ami the posi- tive knowledi^e of tlie master of more im]H)rlance; and this baj)- pcns just at the time wlien the influence of the instructor would, from the development of the child, necessarily become weaker, and when, if the youth lias been properly trained, he is pre- pared, in a degree, for self-government. Thus each principle is good in its place. The three classes arc subdivided each into three sections, corresponding to the diflbrent degrees of progress, and which contain boys, when intelligent and studious, of about the fol- lowing ages: the first class of six, seven, and eight years of age; the second of nine, ten, and eleven; and the tliird of twelve, thirteen, and fourteen. The whole number of pupils in 1837 was one hundred and sixteen, of whom sixty-six were boys. Thirty-nine, therefore, composed an average class, which is about the same number as that of a class at Ileriot's Hospital. The head master is here very far removed in duties, privi- leges, age, and compensation, from the under teachers, present- ing the opposite system from that adopted at Heriot's and George Watson's, of bringing together several experienced teachers of a standing similar to that of the head master. The plan in use here has some advantages in regard to moral education and discipline, where the number of the pupils is not large; but the other, 1 am satisfied, produces much better results as to intel- lectual develoi)ment. Moral and Physical Education. It is exceedingly diflicult to ascertain what is the essence of moral discipline, for, although the regulations in regard to it may l)e the same in two institu- tions, yet tlie practice under these may diller very widely. Kindness or severity of manner and (lisj)osition, in enforcing a rule, may render it practically either gentle or severe. The regulations here do not diller much from those of Heriot's or George Watson's, but the air of family life ])ervading the establishment cannot lail to strike every observer, while, in the others, especially in Heriot's, there appears to be more formality of discipline.': and vet. in all tlirc(\ tli(^ rules- (»!' the iD^tiliitinns 45 are adhered to. This is one of the cases in whicfi the teacher may make or mar a system. The means of promoting good conduct are here as in the other schools ; for rewards, the approbation of the teachers, increased opportunities of amusement, social parties at the master's, and prizes; for pun- ishments, admonition, flogging, and expulsion. There are offices of superintendents in and out of school, in the dormito- ries, &c., which are considered also as rewards, and which work well under close inspection, and by frequent change of the boys in authority. Small sums of pocket money are given by the head master, at his discretion, to the boys, and the supplies from parents or friends must be deposited with him for distribution. Two principles are adopted by the master in ad- ministering the regulations, which, probably, more than the laws themselves, lead to the state of things I have endeavoured to describe. First, small indulgences now and then prevent the necessity for grave punishments often repeated; and second, punishments must be so applied as never to produce in the sub- ject of them the feeling that the measure of the fault has been fully paid ; but, on the contrary, so as to satisfy him that some- thing has been forgiven. The religious instruction does not differ materially in amount and kind from that already described. There are no regular gymnastic exercises, but in the in- tervals of recreation the children engage in a great variety of games, the implements for which are furnished by the master, and in which the teachers frequently take part wath good effect. The deprivation of these sports is made a means of punishment. The loan of materials for play, such as marbles, &c., obviates an objection sometimes urged to certain games of skill, viz. that they produce a sordid habit and love of gaming. The pu- pils w^alk out frequently, accompanied by a teacher, make "pic nic" excursions, and celebrate particular days. Cleanliness is carefully attended to; the face and hands are washed morning and evening, the feet once a week in w^inter, and oftener in summer, besides whicii the boys bathe; on these occasions the pupils arc attended by a teacher and the porter. 46 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. The arrangements fur vvaslii.iir arc not irood ; basins of tinned copper have heen tried, whifh do not answer well, and a trough is required for the feet. Inspection is made every morning in regard to cleanliness, and the due order of their dress. Scald heads are frequent as at George Watson's, and the same means of eradicating and preventing the disease from spreading, are employed. The leather caps in use fitting closely to the head, contribute, I doubt not, to the complaint. The diet is the same as at Ileriot's, except that here nothing is taken in the intervals of the regular meals. The two sub-assistants eat with the boys. The pupils do no menial ofTices in the house, except that of cleaning shoes, wliicli is done for the whole family by a cer- tain number of the elder boys in rotation, who rise earlier than the others for this purpose. Each boy has a separate bed, except in the dormitories for the young(.'st, where tlicre are two in a bed, and of wliich a nurse iias charge. In the other dormitories, one of the sub- assistants sleeps, or one of the elder boys has charge of the dormitory, and the assistant sleeps near. The clothing is similar to that at George Watson's. The leather caps are, however, to be laid aside, and cloth ones sub- stituted. Order of the Day. The order by which the distribution of duties is regulated, presents peculiarities, in the succession of study and play, well worthy of attention. The following is for the winter season. The pupils rise at seven ; from seven to half past, washing and dressing. Half past seven to eight, have prayers. Eight to nine, school. Nine to cjuarter past nine, breakfast. Quarter jiast nine to ten, play. Ten to half past eleven, school. Half past eleven to twelve, play. Twelve to one, school. One to half j)ast one, dinner. Half ]iast one to three, play. Three to five, school. Five to six, play. Six to seven, school. Seven to a cjuarter past seven, supper. (Quar- ter past seven to eight, play. Eight to half j)ast eight, juaycrs. f lalf past eight to nine, wasli and go to bed. The hnppy o^vr\ of ih<' jndic'ions variety in study and ex«-'i-- cauvin's hospital. 47 cise, and of the moral discipline of this institution, are proved by the cheerful character of its pupils, and their general health and spirits. The hours of study in this plan are six and a half, and of play four and a half, during the day of fourteen hours, while at George Watson's they study nine hours, and even sometimes more. Tliere is a vacation for about four weeks in the month of July, and the children may be visited once in three weeks by their parents, for two hours at a time. The master here is confident as to the bad efiects of allowing the children to leave the insti- tution, for the purpose of visiting parents or friends; in regard to which, however, I have nothing new to remark. CAUVIN'S HOSPITAL. This institution was founded in 1832, pursuant to the Will of Lewis Cauvin, a teacher of French, in Edinburgh; and is intend- ed for the education and maintenance of the sons of teachers and farmers. As the founder was himself a teacher, and the want of seminaries for teachers was most deeply felt in Scot- land, the trustees of Cauvin's determined that the new institution should contribute, as far as practicable, to the supply of this want. The children enter between the ages of six and eight years, and nearly all those now in the institution have been there about four years; the tw^enty pupils required to complete the founda- tion* having been admitted at once. It is not possible at this early date to draw a positive inference as to the success of the school, and especially of its primary object. The character of the trustees may, however, be considered as a guarantee for the first, and, in reference to the second, there arc already indi- cations that three or four out of the twenty boys now in the establishment will probably have a disposition for the pro- fession towards which it would incline them. It may be important to remark, that as these boys can only be at the charge of the school until fourteen years of age, and as this is * The income is about Rve thousand dollars per annum. 48 ELEEMOSy.NARV IVSTITUTIOJIS. too short a time to cotnj>lcte their education, those who are most promising will perforin tlieir novitiate as teachers in the hospital, thus continuing their education, while they serve as instructors to those younger than themselves. I shall recur to this topic, of the use of orphan-schools as seminaries for teachers, in speaking of the Orphan-house of Hamburgh. Our country is one that especially calls for every effort to interest well educated young men to adopt a profes- sion, the proper exercise of which is of such high importance to our future prospects and the permanency of our institutions. The implements of instruction in this establishment are better than in any other of the same kind which I saw in Scotland : they have obtained the most a]>proved maps, etc.,* from abroad as well as at home, and have already the rudiments of a col- lection of natural history. I liave appended certain dl application \hv admission to this school, (Appendix, No. VI..) which may be useful for relerencc. LIVERPOOL BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. This institution, in point of order and regularity, is one of the best which I have seen; and, as a study of how far an estab- lishment may be carried on by the force of routine, interested me very much. At the time of my visit the head niaster was absent, and the boys' department was entirely under the charge of a young teacher, formerly a pupil of the school. This cir- cumstance was very favourable for judging of the point to which I have just referred. The arrangements have a military precision about them which is very striking; and if the object of a school were to perform, as much as possible, with very limited mcans,t the organization of this one would serve as an * These collections were made under the direction of Professor Pillans, of tlie University of Edinhurph, one of the trustees, and to whose influence is mainly due the direction fr'ivvn to the Btudies of tiie youth in Cauvin's institution. t Each child cosla for maintenanci and instruction less than fifty dollars jKr annum. At the Orphan Hospital at Edinburgh, each costs l>etween sixty-five and seventy dollars. At John WatsnnV oik hundred and nineteen, and at Tauvin's two hundrnl and fiOv df>lhir8. LIVERPOOL BLUE-GOAT SCHOOL. 49 excellent model. Though successful in producing a considera- ble effect upon the pupils in general, the means of individual education are to be found in the subsidiary arrangements of the school, and not in its general system. In regard to instruction, it affords a good example of that division of the system of mu- tual instruction which originated with Dr. Bell, whose precepts and practice, as contained in his Manual, are mainly followed. While the Scotch schools which I have described have obvi- ously borrowed something from each other in their arrange- ments, this institution is in a totally different sphere, both intel- lectual and religious. In the regulations, every case which has occurred, or which has been foreseen, of violation of discipline, or interference by parents, and the like, has been provided for by formal rules — a plan, the expediency of which I much doubt. The punishment of offences against morality may be provided for by general regula- tions, and cases of interference on the part of parents, by vesting discretionary power in some of the authorities of the institution. The regulations required by a contrary course, if read to the school, must suggest many offences otherwise not thought of. In the progress of the institution, the decisions of cases actually occurring will establish precedents which supply the place of a more formal code of rules. Power must be lodged somev^^here, and by investing chosen agents with it, the trustees of an insti- tution may be almost certain that it will be exercised with knowledge, and the power of revision, on appeal, must of right be theirs. History, Buildings, <^c. This institution was founded by voluntary subscription, in 1708, and assumed something of its present form in 1717. It is intended to give education and maintenance to destitute children, who have lost their parents, or whose parents have been reduced in life — these children to be taken from those "above the lowest class in society." It is managed by a board of trustees,* wdiose executive officer is the treasurer, who, though an honorary officer, is * TJu'ce of these c^cntlcincn were ronncrly pupils in Llic iiis;titution. 7 50 ELEEMOSYxVARY INSTITUTIONS. nevertheless expected to attend both to the out and in-door managennent. The head master is the chief witliin doors, and is assisted by a matron and female teachers for the girls, and by three assistant masters for the boys. A surgeon and physician* are the only other oflicers. The assistants take turns in superintending the boys \vhen not in school, and seeing that they go through the routine of the day. All attend in the refectory for the preservation of order, and to as- certain that the wants of each pupil are duly supplied. They also, in turn, attend the boys in their walks, and sleep in rooms adjoining to and having a view of the dormitories. All the boys' classes are united for instruction in one long room, the whole being under the charge of the head master and senior assistant, and each class being taught by its assist- ant master, or by the pupils appointed to act as teachers. Frequently the hearing of lessons is delegated to these pupil- teachers, the master having previously prepared the class by explanations intended to remove difficulties from the way of private study. At other times, the master hears the lesson him- self, or is present when the pupil-teacher hears it, or goes over the ground willi the class, after the teacher has done his part. A class is sometimes divided, the master taking one part and intrusting the other to the pupil-teacher, and then changing the divisions. As the higher classes have respectively seventy, ninety, and forty members, it would be impossible for the mas- ter, alone, to instruct to any advantage. The youngest class, on the contrary, is quite small, and always in the hands of a junifjr master. Although the system of mutual instruction, which was first applied by Doctor Bell is, in general, followed, it is, as may be inferred from the details above presented, in a modified form, with a considerable share of the personal atten- tion of the masters in teaching. The j)lace of a pupil in the class depends upon tiie answers which he gives in the recitations, and upon his conduct, a fixcil • On an average, in this institution, there arc four sick per week, in the whole numlxjr of two hundred and fiHy boys and one Imndrcd girls, and one dies in the cour»c of three year?. LIVERPOOL BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 51 system of rules being adopted in regard to every circumstance which can cause a change of place during a lesson. In the lower class, the places are registered every day, and the ave- rage at the end of the quarter gives the standing. There is a general new classification of the school every quarter, and those who are fit for a higher class are then promoted. When, how- ever, a pupil- is remarkably superior to the rest of his class, he is promoted without waiting for this term. The system of emula- tion thus adopted, is supposed to excite considerable diligence. It appeared to me to do so really on the part of a very few near the head of the class, who had the competition for honours be- fore them ; but below the middle it did not produce any efFect until towards the lower end, where its results were evidently bad. I found all the intelligent persons connected with this institu- tion so thoroughly convinced of the efficacy of the monitorial system, that I paused in drawing conclusions in regard to it until I had compared this school with others upon the same or a similar system; it is, however, one of the best examples which I saw of the Bell or Madras system, or, rather, of a modified form of it. The gentlemen above referred to are convinced that the pupil-teachers are not only competent to give instruc- tion, but that they frequently communicate it in a more intelli- gible form than teachers who are further removed by age and knowledge from the boys ; that the emulation among the pupil- teachers of different classes induces their pupils to exert them- selves more than if under the charge of the master, and that the pupil-teachers are sufficiently exact and impartial in admin- istering the rules of discipline and instruction. I state these opinions broadly, not wishing to conceal that the views of others, who have experience in the matter, are adverse to my own. I observed as closely as my opportunities would permit, here and elsewhere, and came to the conclusion that, in com- municating knowledge not merely mechanical, the pupil-teach- ers are generally at fault, that they fail to keep up the attention of the pupils, and to preserve order among them, except in pre- sence of the master, and that they do not always deal impar- tially in administering the rules. It is true, that if a class 52 ELKE.MO^V.VAIIV IN^TITLTIOXS. ol" uinety is t»; bo coiilided to one niaslcr, moiiilurs may be usefully employed to prepare the pupils for liiin. A similar plan is pursued at the best school on the Bell system which I have seen, the Madras College at St. Andrew's, Scotland. Further than this, 1 do not believe that monitors can be use- fully employed, and where the means of j)rocuring a sufhcient number of good teachers is not wanting, 1 would not at all recommend the use of the monitorial system in imparting in- struction. The branches taught in this Blue-coat School are in accord- ance with the destination of the boys in after life. They con- sist of spelling, reading, writing, mental and written arithmetic, English grammar, geography, the history of England, elements of astronomy, the catechism and religious doctrines of the Church of England, and the singing of church music. A few pupils receive instruction in geometry and music, and those who show a disposition to become teachers have the means of addi- tional study and of i)reparation, by being apprenticed as mas- ters in tlie school. The opportunity of drawing from engrav- ings is also furnished. Much time is devoted to the mechanical branches of general instruction, such as writing, making printed letters, and drawing maps, 6z,c. More than nine hours per week are given up by the eldest class to such objects, besides those devoted to print- ing in the evening. The pupils are so fully imbued with the desire to succeed in these pursuits, that as an expedient to in- duce a prej)aration of the reading lessons, those only who have \-(r,\d well are allowed to attend the writing exercises. It has been found advisable to vary the subjects of their read- ing lessons very considerably. Formerly the Bible was the only book used for reading, and beside that the associati(^ns with it as a text-book a|)peared not to be favourable to reli- gious impressions, the pupils became so used to its })hraseology as not to be able to read understandingly other works, although they could read this with tolerable lluency.* • This fiirt comes froin a source ahovc all mispicion. LIVERPOOL BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 53 The very useful exercise in the Madras system, in which the pupils question each other, is well carried out in this school; every boy thus must ask as well as answer questions. It, how- ever, offers considerable practical difficulty. Some hold back from diffidence, others from fear of showing ignorance by their questions, and others are incompetent to it from ignorance of the subjects. Moral and Religious Instruction. One of the things which struck me most on my first visit to this school, was the exten- sive acquaintance with doctrinal religion which the boys of the eldest class manifested. My surprise was removed, however, on learning the method by which this result was obtained, and which consisted in devoting the morning hours of winter, and at other seasons when the weather did not invite to a walk, be- tween rising and breakfast, to learning commentaries on the doctrines of the Church of England, commencing in the fourth class with the Catechism of the Church of England,* the col- lects, prayers, &c.; continuing in the third class with the explanation of the catechism; in the second, with commit- ting to memory the chief doctrines of the church; in the first, with committing the references by which the doctrines are supported. I felt bound to examine faithfully the question whether this was a mere intellectual eftbrt, or whether the Christian truths thus inculcated made an impression upon the hearts of these children; and I regret to state that I was forced to the conclusion that, in the greater number of cases, the heart was little affected by what the tongue repeated, and the intellect assented to, and this conclusion was in accordance with the result of my inquiries. It is true that the seed thus planted may lie hid to germinate in after life, and this, no doubt, sometimes occurs; but, as a general rule, the measure is found to be unproductive, as far as its immediate effects have been observed. * There is no qualification as to the religious sect to which the parent or pupil belongs, in regard to admission; but he is required to conform, wlien admittei', to the fornus of the Church of England. i>4 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTION'S. The religious services in this school, on Sunday afternoon, are very remarkable for their order and decorunn. The pupils are marched into the room, and receive from the leaders of their divisions their books as they file off to their places. The prayers are prepared for the school, and are read by one of the ]Hi|)ils, appointed as a mark of a[)prohation. The singing, \vhich is resj)ectablc, is acconn»anicd by an organ ]»laycd by one of the teachers. The psalms and hymns are given out alsu by one of the boys. A monitor puts part of a class through the catechism. The services are thus from beginning to end carried on by the pupils, with the exception of the assist- ance in music by the master. The treasurer, and frequently others of the trustees, attend these services, and the parents or friends of the pupils arc admitted on presenting a ticket from the treasurer. The rewards for good conduct are, the approbation of the teachers, permission to read the books in the school library, of which there is a very judicious selection, offices of trust in the school, and recommendations to situations after leaving the institution. In regard to the use of the library, which I found a very strong incentive in this school, I would ofler a remark. When a judicious selection of childrens' books has been made, and it is found that there is no desire to read them, the instruction is radically defective. Few children care to read what they do not understand, and, if taught merely mechani- cally, the books selected for their use will be unintelligible, and hence uninteresting to them. The amount of use, therefore, of the lending library, is a test of the thoroughness of the instruc- tion, and of its being of the explanatory sort. There may, of course, be exceptions to this rule, arising from the over-employ- ment of children at other work, by which they are prevented from using the books, and from other causes; but I speak now of the general rule, which I found most fully })roved l)y nume- rous observations. There arc vacations of two weeks at mid-summer, ami t»f a week at Christmas. No punislnnent other than the position in the class is applied LIVERPOOL BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 55 for not being on a par in recitation with others. For a some- what serious offence, a boy is " put into Coventry," and his classmates, when seeing tliis badge of punishment, are not allowed to speak to him.* Corporal punishment is used, but the rod is not habitually in sight as a motive to exertion. Immorality is punished by flogging, and, if not amended, by expulsion. Physical Education. There are no regular gymnastic exer- cises or amusements, but all the pupils are taken frequently to walk for exercise, and, during the course of the morning school, which lasts from nine to twelve, each class has, separately, a few minutes of recreation, being marched into the court-yard, under the charge of the monitors. The play-ground is not very large, and is paved with round stones, and there is a covered way on one side for wet weather, an indispensable ap- pendage to such an establishment: under this each bey has a box in which he may keep his ball and other play-things. The menial duties of the house, and some of them in rotation, are performed by the pupils; they serve the table, wait upon it, clean their shoes and clothes, make their beds, &c., and are nearly independent of the use of servants: in my opinion, an admirable regulation. One of the boys even acts as por- ter, which, as it is a responsible and profitable situation, is made a reward for character, and is attended with certain perquisites, matters of custom in those countries, but incon- sistent with the ideas entertained in ours. The allowance of clothes, linen, &c., is the same as in the Scottish institutions. Three shoemakers are constantly em- ployed in making and mending shoes for the pupils. The girls knit the boys' stockings, and make up their linen, and the mend- ing of clothes, &c., is done by persons residing in the house. The diet is very plain, but wholesome.f The entire cost of the food for each child is about forty cents per w^eek, or less * The use of any badge or mark of this sort is liable to the same objection as all other public punishments, upon which I have already remarked. t The cooking operations, commonly performed by boiling-, are all done by pteam. 56 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTION^. than six cents a day. A tabic of diet is subjoined in the Ap- pendix. The supper, consisting of clieese and bread, is distri- bnted in the refectory, and taken to the school-room to be eaten, the water being previously drunk at the table ; a custom which produces several inconveniences. The arrangements for washing are by no means convenient, the boys using the wash-room for this purpose morning and evening, and the hydrant in the yard after dinner and supper. They occupy two dormitories, overlooked by windows from the tutor's rooms. The bedsteads are of wrought iron, the mat- tresses of straw. Two boys occupy the same bed, a plan u})on which I have already commented. The pupils sometimes marcii to and from the refectory to the sound of music, and a very tolerable band of fifers has been formed from among the boys. IIENSIIAW'S HOSPITAL, OR OLDHAM BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. As this institution is modelled upon that of Liverpool,* of which I have spoken somewhat in detail, I shall offer merely a few remarks upon certain topics connected with it, which seem to me of interest. The foundation results from the will of Mr. Thomas ITenshaw,f a hatter, of Oldham, a manufacturing town near Manchester, who left, in 1810, the sum of two hun- dred thousand dollars to endow a "Blue-coat School." This endowment now amounts to nearly four hundred thousand dollars, and the school has a revenue of near eleven thousand five hundred dollars, for its support. By the will of the founder, no part of this money was to go to erect a building for his school, and if the town of Oldham did not raise the funds for that purpose, Manchester was to have the option to do so. The sum required for the building was, however, nearly all raised in the town of Oldham, and much of it among the work- men of the different manufactories, who clubbed together when • The hr.ul mii.sti r was hroiiglit up at that school. t This same cliaritahlc imliviciual has also ]v(\ n fund lor thi (ducation r)riii bUnd. HENSHAW*S HOSPITAL. 57 their separate donations did not seem of sufficient amount to be presented singly. The building, in the Elizabethan Gothic style, is now the pride of the citizens of Oldham, who have erected it. The interior arrangements, of which I have procured the plans, are of unequal merit. Those connected with the diet, clothing, and cleanliness, are good.* The attempt to heat the house by the circulation of hot water has not proved successful. The school-room is covered with an arch, and the reverbera- tion has been so annoying as to render it necessary to hang it with cloth. This is done in the compartments of the Gothic vaults, two pieces of cloth being stretched across at right angles to the axis of the arch, and others intersecting each other, so as to form a St. Andrew's cross: the appearance is not bad, and the remedy is effectual. This institution was opened in 1834, when fifty boys were ad- mitted between the ages of nine and ten. There are now (1836) two hundred boys, and the funds will probably support more than this number. The difficulties of organization were very great, owing to the late age of the pupils, and especially to the number introduced at the opening of the school. Nearly the whole time of the head master has been, heretofore, so occupied in arranging the details of maintenance and discipline, that he has been able to give but little attention to the instruction, which, though the insti- tution had been in operation upwards of two years when I visited it, was by no means in the condition which he desired. These difficulties must have been much lessened by the fact, that the model of the Blue-coat School of Liverpool was followed as closely as possible in all the arrangements; that the master was educated there, and had to apply his knowledge under very similar circumstances. Notwithstanding this, the task has been very great, and the lesson it teaches ought not to be lost upon us. It was one of the examples which induced me to express myself strongly in regard to this point, when describing the organization of John Watson's Hospital; the tenor of the * All those connected with the kitchen and laundry arc very good, such as steatning-kettles, washingf-machinc, drying:-closets, mangle, &.c. R 58 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. results being the same in these two cases. It is so difTicult to unmake, that a preparatory system for the trial of a plan, by which the development may be gradual, and mistakes avoided at the final organization, must be very desirable. The wish to begin an institution on a scale commensurate with its future entire organization, is a natural one, but it should yield to the lessons of experience, \vhich have every where shown that a small beginning is preferable. It is easy to train a few pupils, and those who follow are influenced by their example. In a novel undertaking, the teacher, though of well tried skill in a different school, requires also training in this. Finally, the regulations which work well elsewhere, may require modifica- tions which experience only can point out. If legislation and counter legislation would be avoided, the rules should be tried upon a scale which permits close observation of their results. The application of laws deduced from practice elsewhere, under new circumstances, can only be guided by theory, and should be considered as theoretical, and, therefore, the laws themselves cautiously introduced. LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM AT CLAPTON. The Orphan Asylum at Clapton, near London, presents a set of rules so admirably arranged for the application of an inge- nious system of rewards and punishments, that it deserves a detailed examination, wliich I must, however, preface by a few remarks on the general arrangements of the institution. This Orphan Asylum is supported by voluntary contributions, and hence derives an income of about forty thousand dol- lars, upon which are maintained and educated between three and four hundred children.* The immediate control of the institution is vested in a board of managers, elected at the gene- ral annual meeting of the contributors. From this board is chosen a visiting or house-committee of twelve, who meet every week at the asylum. They superintend the education • Actually three hundred and forty-six in 1836, of whom about two hundred were boys. The cost of each pupil for Uic year, including ins maintenance and education, was nearly one hundred and seven dollars. LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM AT CLAPTON. 59 and household affairs, examine the bills, &c. The charge of such matters as belong to the female department, it does not form part of my purpose to notice. There are two secretaries, a treasurer, who is a salaried officer, and a collector. The building erected for this institution, the plans of which are submit- ted with this Report, is highly convenient and quite ornamental. It consists of two wings and a retired centre, and the interior arrangements are particularly good. The w^hole building is supplied with water by a steam-engine in the cellar, and which is used, also, for some of the laundry work. The kitchen and laundry arrangements are, in general, similar to those at Old- ham, with the advantage of the use of the steam-engine. To be admitted to this Orphan Asylum a child must be father- less, and between the ages of seven and eleven. The applica- tion for admission must be signed by a subscriber, and accom- panied by certificates of birth, &c., and by a certified statement of claims to admission. The child must be sound in body and mind; and, if any imposition is discovered in regard to any of the statements upon which it was admitted, is required to be withdrawn. Two respectable housekeepers must become secu- rities that the child will be withdraw^n, at any time, on the re- quisition of the board of managers. Children who have been in the workhouse are not taken, ex- cept under very peculiar circumstances. On the payment of one hundred guineas into the funds, the board may receive, if they see fit, a child not belonging to the class for which the establishment is particularly designed. The regular admissions are decided by ballot, a printed form containing the names of the children, their claims, and other particulars, and a conve- nient mode of voting, being furnished to the stockholders, on application to the secretary. All the pupils leave the school when between thirteen and four- teen years of age; and, in case of satisfactory deportment, the board of managers very generally procure situations for them, with the consent of their friends, though they do not enter into any obligation to do so. They give, at leaving, a certificate of conduct, and, on examination, one of proficiency, and the child 60 ELEEMOSYNARY IXSTITL'TIOffS. is furnished with a suit of clothes, and other articles of wearing apparel, a Bible and prayer book, and printed advice on his con- duct; receives a charge from one of tfic members of the board, and, in addition, may have presented to him the sum of fifty dollars. To keep up the connexion of the pupils with the insti- tution, an annual meeting is held, for attendance at which each one receives an honorarium, increasing in amount with the time elapsed since he left the school. From these sums contributions to the asylum are frequently made, for special objects, by the former pupils thus assembled. The boys are not allowed to visit their friends, except in case of the illness of the latter. They may receive visits between two and half past four, P. M., on Wednesdays, and their friends who wish to pay such visits must apply at the secreta- ry's office for a ticket, which is given, in general, but once a quarter. The house is opened to strangers on Monday, be- tween eleven, A. M., and five, P. M., on presenting a ticket from a manager. The officers for education and police are, a master and chaplain, the offices being, at the present time, united in the same person;* assistant masters, a matron, and a mistress for the girls. Besides the house-servants, who arc females, there is a gardener, who acts as porter. Tiie master is principal of the establishment, of which he has the entire superintendence, under the house-committee. lie gives all the religious instruction, and also teaches, in part, the higher classes in other subjects, lie is responsible for the due execution of the })lans matured by the board. The assistants are directly under his control, and he has a vote on their appoint- ment, to enable him to exercise which with due care, they are not permanently attached until after a three months' probation. He reports monthly on the state ol' the school. The matron is a housekeeper to both departments, hires the servants deemed necessary by the committee, superintends the whole domestic economy, receives the stores, and is responsible • ThcRtv. .'Mr. Iloalh. LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM AT CLAPTON. 61 for them. A table is spread in her room, at dinner and supper, for the mistress of the girls' department and the assistants. She is the keeper of all the keys, when not required by the masters. The assistants not only give instruction, but attend the boys at rising and washing in the morning, at prayers, meals, recrea- tion, washing in the evening, and going to bed, performing these duties in rotation. There is, notwithstanding, no appearance of that family feeling which might be expected to grow out of such an intercourse; probably from the tendency of the regu- lations presently to be detailed to introduce different feelings. The order of the day in the institution is as follows: The pu- pils rise at six in summer, and seven in winter. Bedside prayers, washing, muster and inspection, occupy until seven in summer, (eight in winter.) At seven there is school, in sum- mer. At eight, breakfast. Play until nine. At nine, public prayers. From twenty minutes past nine to half past twelve, school. At one, dinner, and play until two. At two, school until half past four. Prayers and play until half past six. Supper and play until half past seven. Muster, washing, bed- side prayers, and retiring at eight. In summer they may be kept up until half past eight. They have thus, during one part of the year, six hours and a-half of school daily, and about four hours of play. There are a few regular holidays in the year, and July and August may be vacations for a part of the masters. There are two excursions annually, made under the charge of some of the trustees or masters, by those boys w'ho have merited indulgences. The subjects of instruction are those belonging to what is understood by a plain EngHsh education, entirely adapted to the age at which the boys must leave the school, and the sys- tem of teaching is a modified form of Dr. Bell's metliod. The diet is plain and wholesome. An abstract of the diet- tables of this and other institutions will be found in the Appendix, No. VII. The clothing is good in quality, and sulHcient in quan- tity, and is admirably preserved under the charge of the excellent matron of the establishment. Rooms are appropriated for the 62 ELEEMOSYNARY I\STITl'TIO\S. clothes in use, and tlicy arc served out by tlie boys who have charge of divisions. The cleanhness is superintended by a nurse, wiio is under the charge of the matron. The conti- nuance of female superintendence over the elder boys seems to me objectionable. Besides the ordinary sports of youth, which an ample play- ground attached to the buildings admits, the pupils have a spe- cies of gymnastic exercise, from half an hour to an hour daily, out of duors when the weather permits, and in doors at other times. The in-door exercises are calculated to give moderate play to the ditlerent parts of the body, and in this respect are better adapted than more violent ones, to the true purpose of gymnastics for ordinary life. For youth, I much prefer an ex- tension of their ordinary sports, when out-door exercise is possi- ble, especially if regulated according to principle, to the violent exercises which are commonly adopted in the systems of gym- nastics. I am satisfied that a skilful physician would, by observation, ])roduce something much more adapted to the in- clinations of our boys, than the very artificial system of gym- nastic exercises ; which has, I believe, never permanently suc- ceeded in any institution either in this country or in England. This account is sufficient to give a general idea of the insti- tution, and I now proceed to a description of its peculiar plan of education, before alluded to, in reference to rewards and punishments. There are two tables of rewards, the one for petty, the other for great merits. These classes of merits are compensated, the first by rewards in money according to a system, and in a school currency, the second by gifts made at the public exami- nation. AuKjng great merits are considered all cases of vo- luntary, patient, and persevering labour by a child, whether in the business of the school, or in occupation of his own selection. Corresponding to these are two tables of jninishmonts, for petty and great oflences, which are visited, the first by fines, and the second by flogging or solitary conlinement. The ordinary rewards are bestowed, aiul lines levied in a school currency of tokens, bearing the designation of one, ton, LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM AT CLAPTON. 63 and twenty mark pieces respectively, and of which ten marks are reckoned at the value of a penny sterling, (two cents.) An account of the issues and receipts of them is kept to prevent barter, and as an index of the general conduct of the school. All cases of exemplary punishment are entered into the master's book. When any pupil has obtained a certain number of marks, he is entitled to present himself before the house-committee, at a monthly meeting, to receive their value in money. As means of using this money are provided — first, a Hbrary, to which those who subscribe a penny a month have access, a right to recom- mend a book for purchase to the master and secretaries of the institution, and a voice in the choice of a boy as treasurer and librarian. The school currency is not received in payment of this subscription. Second, a small shop kept by one of the boys, selected by his fellows for that purpose, at which are sold, at prime cost, articles of stationary, books, useful toys, and mate- rials for drawing and mechanical pursuits. Third, a shop kept by the wife of the porter, where fruit, cakes, &c., are sold. Those children, on the contrary, w^ho are fined beyond the marks which they have received as rewards, are considered as defaulters, and must by extra w^ork recover their solvency. While defaulters, they can neither hold oflice among their fel- lows nor vote for officers. The boys w^ho have been one entire school year without in- solvency, or sufl^ering any of the higher punishments, are con- sidered as "free boys;" they alone are eligible to trusts, and may be candidates for honorary medals. They are, further, en- titled to make two excursions a year, with one of the house- committee or one of their teachers. If a boy have lost his " freedom," he may regain it by six months of solvency and ex- emption from high punishment. Those who for a year have been remarkable for diligence and good conduct, receive a "student's medal," and those who have held important offices, and discharged their duty to the satisfaction of the masters, receive a high honorary medal, which they wear, unless degraded. The whole school is classified in the order of conduct each 64 ELEEMOSVNARY INSTITUTIONS. month, autl ihc list presented to the house-committee. This list is suspended in the school-room, two days before its presenta- tion, that any boy may have an opportunity to appeal to the master, if he thinks iiimself improperly rated. For their govern- ment, when not in school, the boys elect half yearly a prefect and sub-prefects. These latter have charge each of nine boys, whom they select in turn, forming thus a squad of ten, or decad. The master has in this, as in all other cases of selection of offi- cers, a veto upon the choice made by the pupils. These and other oilicers of the school are rewarded for the performance of their duties, and punished for non-performance, the fines for neglect and rewards for the discharge of duty being in proportion to the importance of their oilice. A part of the morning of every Saturday is devoted to the making u}) of accounts, reports, and similar matters. No pupil is allowed to leave the establishment without an ex- amination by the house-committee into his conduct and progress, which, if satisfactory, entitles him to a certificate. A month before leaving the school, the claims of a pupil to have his name inscribed on the "table of iionour," are decided by his fellows, who may petition the master on the subject; and if he counter- sign their petition, it is presented to the house-committee. The annual meeting of the children, both in and out of the house, has been already alluded to. Many of these rules may appear trivial to some persons who are in the habit of treating as "boys' j^lay" the occupations of children, but to those who see future citizens in their pupils, I am sure the details will not appear irrelevant. It should never be forgotten, that the basis of our institution is an elementary school, and that if this basis is unsound, we shall in vain work at the College, which is its superstructure; we shall in vain try to produce good citizens, intelligent tradesmen, mechanics, teach- ers, engineers, navigators, merchants, or scholars, unless we have rightly trained the children^ who by a wise provision in the Will of our founder, are to be early placed under the pro- tection of his institution. Of those who view ihe matter seriously, many object to the LONDON" BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 65 introduction of pecuniary rewards at all in a school. I tried, as far as my opportunities would permit, and with the advantage of a free communication with the amiable master, with his first assistant, and others, to ascertain whether any permanent bad effects had shown themselves, but I could not learn that such had been the case, or that these boys appeared more sor- did or avaricious than children generally. In regard to the general effect of the regulations it is certainly good, for the boys are cheerful and healthy, gay and well disposed in the play-ground, with great docility and a reasonable degree of quickness in the class-room. Of course much of this depends upon the judicious manner in which the rules are executed, but if they were radically defective, the results must have in- dicated the fact. I believe that the system of family discipline, duly carried out, would produce even better results, but such a plan is incompatible with a limited expenditure, from the num- ber and character of the agents which it requires. Upon this point, however, I have elsewhere already insisted, and if a comparison is to be drawn between the system pursued at Liverpool and the one just described, I should give this the preference. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, OR BLUE-COAT SCHOOL, LONDON. This is the oldest and most wealthy of all the institutions in Great Britain having a similar object, and it is the one which gives the most distinguished of its scholars, after leaving its walls, the best opportunities of rising to the stations which their talents warrant. We have seen that a few of the Heriot's boys were sent to the university, but, in Christ's Hospital there is a systematic selection of a number of pujjils for the English uni- versities, where success is sure to lay the foundation of future prosperity. Though this school is not characterized by the practical turn which must distinguish the Girard College, yet, from the age to which a part of its pupils are retained, and the degree to which its studies are carried, it will afford instructive matter of examination. The great scale of the institution, so much beyond any other in Great Britain, and, indeed, in the 9 GG ELEKMOSYiVARV INSTITUTIONS. world, rendered my visits to it very interesting, and the ac- quaintance formed with its intelligent masters and olliccrs,* was a source of great personal gratification. History and Bidhlui^. Christ's Hospital was founded in 1552, by King Edward the Sixth, and was opened in the old monastery of Gre\friars, which had been given by Henry the Eighth to the City of London, for the use of the poor. It seems that from near the period of its foundation one object of the institution was its use as a classical or grammar school, though to what extent it served this purpose does not clearly appear. In 1577 the Writing School^ so called, was formed to supi)ly great defects in the English education of the pupils, and in 1G73 the Mathematical School was established by Charles the Second, for the education of officers for the naval and mer- chant services, by special instruction in mathematics, naviga- tion, and the kindred branches. In 1G7G originated the Pre- paratory Estahlisluncnt for young children now at Hertford; and thus were completed, within about a century from the founda- tion of the school, the four establishments of which it may be considered as at present composed. The number of governors of Christ's Hospital now amounts to four hundred and twenty, including, as ex-ofhcio members, the lord mayor, aldermen, and council of the city of London. Of these governors a standing committee of forty has the general charge of the alfairs, being responsible to the general board, which meets six times yearly.f The capital is invested chiefly in landed or funded property, the latter being the most productive. The income for the year 1830, deducting moneys paid for stocks and passed to the build- incT fund, amounted to the enormous sum of three hundred and thirty three thousand dollars, by no means all of which, how- ever, was absorbed by the current expenses, and these are so • I was indc-btuil to William Vaufjhan, Esq., of London, for an introduction to tills institution, which opened every avenue to information in respect to it. t In lb32 there were in the Hospital at London and the Preparatory Estab- lishment at Hertford, thirteen hundred and thirty-seven cliildrcn; in 1^33, tliir- tccn hundred \^A thirty-five. LOJTDOy BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 67 various in kind, that they cannot all properly be charged against the education and maintenance of" the pupils. There are between thirteen and fourteen hundred children on the charity, the average maintenance of each of whom costs a little over one hundred and ten dollars, and including all expenses except the management of estates, (tc, about one hundred and ninety dollars. The buildings of the institution at London have, in later years, undergone thorough repairs ; new ones, in a Gothic style, resembling the older ones, have been erected, and the assemblage is now one of the most imposing to be found connected with any similar establishment in the world. They are still constantly undergoing alterations upon a regular plan, and thus a steady improvement in this respect is secured. The large dining-hall, with the offices below, the writing-school, and the mathematical school, are beautiful specimens of archi- tecture, and admirably suited to their uses. The cloisters, which form the sides of a part of the building, and which connect others, are excellent places of play for wet weather. The kitchen, large lavatory,* and other offices deserve exami- nation. General Government. The chief executive officer is the trea- surer,f who not only manages the estates, but has the control of the institution, and is, in fact, its presiding officer. He is a member of the board of governors, is chairman of all commit- tees, and when the committee of forty are not in session, has discretionary power of action. He is allowed a deputy, called a receiver, and a clerk. The standing committee of forty regulate all contracts, and the bills on articles thus purchased are paid by the treasurer or receiver. Other bills require the signature of three of a com- mittee of auditors consisting of twelve members, of whom six are from the larger committee, and six from the general board. * All these parts of this, and the Orplian Asylum at Clapton, were carefully visited in my company by our architect, T. U. Walter, Esq., which renders further details from me unnecessary. t Now J. H. Pigeon, Esq., who gave me every facility for visitinor the insti- tution. 08 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. The ofliccrs render accounts once a month to the committee of forty, and the cash book is submitted to their examination. The salaries, including tliose of the masters, steward, beadles, &c., arc paid quarterly, at the counting-house within the Hospital enclosure, by the treasurer. The house-servants (females,) are paid by the matron. The out-door servants and labourers, by the receiver, monthly. The steward re- ceives monthly £100 in advance for petty expenses, for which he accounts. To transact the business of the counting-house, the following officers are required: — 1st. A chief clerk, who conducts all correspondence, attends meetings of committees and of the board, (called courts,) 6lc. 2d. A receiver, who is the treasurer's deputy, and assists the clerk as secretary at the meetings of committees. 3d. A wardrobe-keeper and cliief as- sistant clerk, who, under contracts made by the committee, in- spects, receives, and delivers all apparel, and assists in the counting-house. 4th. Two other assistant clerks, who are se- lected from among the pupils of the school. 5th. Two mes- sengers. All articles required for the establishment, except provisions, are received at this counting-house, and drawn out on orders from those who superintend their use. Besides the oflicers connected with the estates, are a solicitor, and a surveyor, who is also the architect, and who has his office within the buildings. All the officers hold their appointments at the will of the governors, and the treasurer has the power of sus))ending any one of them, reporting the case to the com- mittee. Besides the servants already mentioned, are a porter for the front gate, a gale-keeper for the private entrance, who also at- tends to the lauijjs in the courts, two watchmen, a cook, who is required to keep two servants to assist her, labourers to light fn-es, bring water, &lc. The porter is expected to attend to the fire-engine and plugs, and to be responsible for their good order. Tt> be sure that the watchmen are on the alert at every liour of the night, the following ingenious plan is adopted. A dial-plate moved by a clock, presents a number of holes corres- ponding to the hours, each of which passes in turn before an LONDON BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 69 opening in the dock-case; a pin is required to be inserted into one of these holes, which can only be done at or near the pro- per time; and if omitted, the want of vigilance is detected. Admission^ ^^c. The presentations of candidates for admission are made in the meetings of the governors, each member of the board having a right of nomination in turn. The cases are then discussed and voted upon. There is no precise limit set by law to the income of a parent which would exclude his child, but each case is separately considered.* There is also no qualification as to previous instruction. The age of admis- sion is between six and ten, the same fixed upon by Mr. Gi- rard for the admission of orphans into his college. There is no obligation on the governors either to bind out the children who are to enter their apprenticeship when they leave the institution, or to maintain them in any way; there are, however, various benefactions, which have been placed at the disposal of the board for such purpose by difTerent benevolent individuals. The boys of the mathematical school are appointed in the navy, or apprenticed in the merchant service, and the most dis- tinguished pupils of the grammar school have various scholar- ships open to them at the universities. Intellectual Education. Various changes have been made in the instruction at diflerent times since the foundation of the institution, to bring it more nearly in unison with the general condition of education of the day. It is not necessary to detail these alterations, but merely to give some account of the pre- sent state of the schools.f The objects of the education here may be considered as threefold. First, to fit boys for trades or mercantile pursuits; these pupils leaving the institution at about fourteen years of age. Second, to fit boys for the naval or merchant service; these pupils having a special course in the * I was informed that an income of fifteen hundred dollars (X300) per annum had been ruled to exclude from tlie school the child of a futlier possessing it, un- less he had a large family. t At one period in the history of the school, the pupils studied but one branch at a time, and this depending upon their age I showing the strange ideas of intel- lectual culture then prevailing. 70 ELEEMOSWARY I V^^TIXrTIO.VS. inathcmatical scliool, anrl leaving tlie institnilon at the age of sixteen. Third, to fit a chosen few for the universities; these devote themselves to classics, mainly complete their instruction in the upper grammar school, and leave the institution at about eighteen or nineteen. The ])rcliininary school at Hertford is tlie nursery of the estahlishment, and rrr)m it, as vacancies oc- cur, the pujiils arc transferred to the London house. It is ex- pected that previous to this transfer, the boys have acquired some knowhulge of English, of arithmetic, and of the rudiments of I^atin. On arriving at the London school, they join one of two great divisions which are equal in standing, and one of which attends the c:rammar school in the morning' and the wri- ting school in the afternoon, the other alternating w^ith the first, and the time of attendance being changed every alternate week. The grammar school is divided into two departments, called the upper and lower schools, each containing three classes, those of the lower school designated as the junior, middle, and upper classes, and of the upper school as great Erasmus, deputy Grecians, and Grecians. The head master* has the special cliarge of the upper school, giving instruction person- ally to its two higher classes, and superintends the lower school, which he examines every six months. All these classes alter- nate in their attendance at the grammar and writing schools, except the deputy Grecians and Grecians, who attend the ma- thematical school for three hours on two afternoons of the week. The lower school is directly under the cliarge of two masters, who use the same books and pursue the same general course, and who are in part assisted by monitors from the upjier school. The instruction consists of spelling, English reading, grammar, geography, Latin and Greek rudiments, and an in- troduction to the church catechism. The classical lessons are Latin or Greek grammar, construing and parsing, and exer- cises. In the writing school these same boys are taught wri- ting, arithmetic, book-keeping, the drawing of invoices, and all matters intended to fit them specially for the counting-house, and ■ At present the Rev. Mr. Rirr, to whose politeness* T wn.-* iiiueli iiuKl)ted. LONDON BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 71 writing from dictation is added to improve their orthography. There are two masters and two ushers for this school. Twenty of these boys may, also, attend a lesson in drawing once a week, but as the hour fixed for the purpose is at present during the time of "half holiday," but little use is made of the privilege. The pupils of the lower grammar school are carried thus as far as the Heriot's and George Watson's boys of Edinburgh, and the greater number of them have arrived at the age when they leave the institution to be apprenticed to trades and similar occupations. The courses of instruction here are more con- centrated, and in those just named of Edinburgh, include more useful branches. Both are liable to the objection that much time is spent upon matters which are not pursued far enough to secure the mental culture w^hich w^ould otherwise result from them, and yet which have no bearing upon the future occupations of the pupils. In reply to this objection, it may be said, that it is impossible to discriminate between boys at this early age, and to discern who have the aptitude for a thorough training by languages, or who will make the future Grecians of the school. That it is difficult may be freely ad- mitted, but that it is impossible I do not believe. With the re- sources of an institution like Christ's Hospital, the number of teachers may be so far multiplied as to permit an accurate study and appreciation of the actual talents of a youth, and to watch the progress of their development; on the average, the appreciation would be just, and remedies for cases of error or of late development are easily provided. But, if we suppose the discrimination impossible, and that all must receive, up to thirteen or fourteen years of age, an education to prepare them for the business of life, in a lower occupation, or one introductory to his/her studies — with which individual will the case be the harder? With him who, having received the lower kind of in- struction, has the talent to push himself into the higher studies, and who, besides, remains at the institution for several years for this purpose, or with him who is at once to enter an appren- ticeship to a trade without having acquired the necessary in- 72 ELEEMOSVXARY IXSTITUTIOXS. formation introductory to his career? Obviously the latter inrli- vidual will find his position the more difficult one. But we are not left to such a comparison in this particular instance, for there are less than seventy cases in Vvliich the studies may be claimed to prepare for the pursuits of the youth, to more than three liundrcd of the opposite character. Whore the numbers stand thus, I do not conceive that there should be any hesita- tion as to the course to be pursued. INIy first position, that it is practicable so to arrancrc an insti- tution that superior talent shall receive full opportunities for its cultivation, without sacrificing inferior talent by inappropriate instruction, is fully borne out by the experience of some of the orphan schools of Germany and Holland, which I shall hereafter describe. My excuse for so often recurring to this sul)ject, must be found in the fact, that this question must be decided for the Girard College by its Trustees, and I am, therefore, most anxious in regard to it. I return to the course of the descrip- tion of Christ's Hospital, thus interrupted, and resume the con- sideration of the arrangements of the gramniar school, with the lower class of the upper school. The boys of the great Erasmus class are pushed forward in the classical studies, being those from among whom the dcjmty Grecians are selected. In Latin they read parts of Sallust, Ovid's Epistles, and Virgil, and in Greek of the Diatessaron and of Xcnophnn's Anabasis. During the last half year of the course, the pupils who have no expectation of promotion drop ofl*, and are apjirenticed by their parents or friends to surgeons, solici- tors, etc. 7'hcre are from twenty to thirty-five pupils usually in this class, and their average age is about fifteen years. The deputy Grecians are, during nearly half the time spent in the grammar school, under the charge of the head master, and study the following authors and books: — In Latin, Virgil's iEncid, Ovid's Epistles, Horace, selected orations of Cicero, Terence, Valpy's Exercises, Elegantia Lat., part second. Ken- rick's Abridgment of Zumpt's Latin Grammar, Edward's Latin Lyrics and JOIogiacs, Latin and I'higlish versification. Portions of Horace and Uvid arc Icarnctl hv heart, anil themes are writ- LONDON BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 73 ten. In Greek, Scriptores Grncci, Homer, Demosthenes, Ed- wards' Abridgment of Matthioc's Greek Grammar, IlLintingford's Exercises. Portions of Homer arc committed to memory. In Hebrew, the grammar. In English, Butler's Geography, Histo- rical Catechism, English Poetry. An English theme, and prac- tice in versification, alternate with the corresponding exercises in Latin. There are ordinarily from eighteen to twenty in this class, some of whom are promoted to the next higher, and others are withdrawn by their friends to begin the study of a profes- sion, or, having completed their preparatory studies by the same assistance, enter the universities by successful competition for some open scholarship, or at the expense of their friends. The Grecians pursue the studies necessary for admission to the universities, and as one of the scholarships belonging to the hospital, or to which the Christ's Hospital boys have the prefe- rence, at either university, becomes vacant, the eldest member of the class is promoted, his place being filled from the most promising of the deputy Grecians. Two vacancies at Cambridge every year, and one at Oxford every fourth year, are thus sup- plied. There are usually seven or eight members in the class of Grecians, which, by the arrangements just stated, must con- tain pupils in various states of progress, and usually of different ages, some of them having reached eighteen and even twenty years of age. The class is principally under the immediate charge of the head master, and their course of classical studies is very extensive. As already stated, they receive instruction in mathematics for three hours, on two afternoons of every week. Their studies in the grammar school are, in Latin, Livy, Horace, and Juvenal, alternately, Cicero, Tusc. Disput., and de Nat. Deo- rum. Pitman's Excerp. ex Var. Rom. Poet., Kenrick's Exercises on Zumpt's Latin Grammar, Edward's Exercises on Latin Lyrics, and translations into Latin Elegiacs and Lyrics, frequent exercise in Latin and English versification and declamation, learning by heart portions of Horace, Juvenal, and Virgil's Geor- gics. In Greek, Dalzcl's Analccta Majora, vols. 1 and 2, Hero- dotus, Thucydides, Barker's Selected Orations of Demosthenes, Homer's Iliad, Aristophanes, Kenrick's Greek Exercises, part se= 10 74 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. cond, Buttmann*s Grammar, Greek prosody and versification, Beatson's Exercises in Greek Iambics, the translation of Greek into Latin and vice versa, the Greek Testament. In Hebrew, the grammar and part of the Psalter. The sons of ofTicers of the navy, and others who have been elected to tlie foundation, are ])laced in tiie mathematical school after they have attained the necessary knowledge of English and arithmetic, and have been until about fifteen years of age in the f^rammar and writinc: schools. Here the studies are en- tirely mathematical, embracing such applications as are essen- tial to navigation. Formerly, instruments were in possession of the institution for exercise in practical astronomy, and even an observatory was attached to the buildings; but I believe nothing of this kind now exists. These boys attend a drawing master two afternoons in the week, and their places are occupied by the Grecians and deputy Grecians. Twice a year the difTerent scholastic departments are ex- amined, viz. in May and November. The examination is not conducted by the masters, but by gentlemen unconnected with the institution, appointed for that purpose, and who report to the governors. Prizes are given in the writing school, to the boys most proficient in writing, arithmetic, and drawing, and specimens of the writing of all the boys are post- ed for inspection. This plan of examining by persons not con- nected with a school, prevails in many public establishments, both in England and on the continent of Europe. It is sup- posed to insure at once impartial dealing towards the pupils, with whom the examiner in general has no acquaintance, and a fair report of the character of the instruction, and was the means, at one period, of rectifying very great abuses in tiie mathematical school of Christ's Hospital. Examinations are too apt to de- generate into a show, if public, without some such precaution, especially if viva voce, and yet the metiiod above referred to is lialjlc t(j seriuus objections. Besides these examinations, every boy who has attained the age of thirteen is examined in spell- ing and reading English. The masters of this establishment have in general a right to LONDON ELUE'COAT SCHOOL. "75 i-^ceive each six private pupils, to be educated with the boys of the house; this is a privilege conferred with a view to increase their stipends, which are not considered adequate. The vacations are eighteen days at Easter, four weeks in August, and fifteen days at Christmas, Sundays inclusive. Be- side this, the afternoons of Saturdays are holidays, and Wednes- day is alternately a whole and half-holiday. Those boys whose friends wish them to spend the August holidays out of London with them, may be permitted to do so; an indulgence formerly granted but once in three years, but now annually. On such occasions they are required not to appear in the city. Those who remain in the hospital during August, have permission to visit their friends in London three days in every week, unless stopped for punishment's sake. On certain other holidays, all the pupils are allowed to leave the enclosure, and on the half-holidays those boys who have deserved reward are per- mitted to leave the institution, returning by an appointed hour in the evening. On these occasions they must wear the uni- form of the school, a precaution adopted, partly as insuring the good conduct of the pupil, and partly his safety, from the favour- able regard of the public towards the institution. During my stay in London I frequently met these boys in the streets, and never saw one misbehaving, and certainly believe that their pecuHar costume insures them protection, attracting much at- tention from its antique appearance even in that crowded me- tropolis. To prevent absence without leave, the gates are ob- served by certain elder boys, who receive tickets of leave to go beyond the bounds as a reward for the discharge of their weekly office. A bell is also rung by the steward at irregular times, to call all together, and detect absentees. The boys receive lessons in singing, but only to prepare them to take part in church music. There are two libraries which may be consulted under pro- per regulations; one, of English and classical works, in the upper grammar school, is intended for the boys of that school, and is placed in the Grecians' parlour. The second is of "70 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. entertaining books, and is under the same control. The books are furnished by the governors on the requisition of the head master. jMural and Religious Instniclion and Discipline. We have seen that the instruction in church catechism by the masters is one part of tiie school duties; the reading of the Bible, sing- ing of psalins, graces, lVlc, and attendance at Sunday worship are other means of religious instruction, and are very regularly attended to. On Sunday a Bible lesson is learned, and the boys are questioned upon it by the monitors, and the head master reads a lecture after supper. Every night prayers are read in the hall by one of the Grecians, and a psalm is sung, after which a monitor reads a short prayer in the wards before the boys retire to bed. The discipline in the school-room varies, of course, with the instructor, but is in all reasonably good. Corporal punishment is sparingly resorted to, and the opinion of the head master, who has had much experience in the concerns of the institution, was very unfavourable to its frequent use, as tending to harden the character of the boys, and to render them less tractable and well disposed towards their masters and others. Out of doors the pupils are superintended by the steward, who has under his charge four servants, called beadles, who attend in the difler- ent courts, and report infraction of regulations. The older re- cords show tiiat the boys were in former times in the habit of very rough conduct in their intercourse with each other. This is much modified at present, but struck me as still ad- mitting of improvement. On this point I may be fastidious, but I believe that the Christian law of love is not to be lost sight of in school, if we would have it practised in society, and that independence of character is by no means inconsistent with kindness in intercourse. The system of tagging which prevails at one of the principal English grammar schools which I visited, and exists in many others, is not allowed here, and the younger boys arc not subjected thus to the tyranny of the elder ones. Tiiose boys who are selected for trusts in the dor- LONDON BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 77 mitories and in school, are chosen for good character, their selec- tion being entirely at the master's option, and when they offend they may be displaced by the same authority. In the school the eye of the teacher is upon the monitors, and in the dormi- tories the authority of the nurse is at hand to control them, so that abuse of their delegated power is difficult. At meals, the boys are superintended by the steward and matron, and certain Grecians. The monitors are selected by the steward, with the advice of the teachers, from among the boys who are highest in the classes of the grammar and writing schools. Besides this class, whose duties in and out of school hours have been stated, there is another class of boys, called " markers," selected by the head master of the grammar school, and solely in reference to their rank in that school, to hear the lessons of catechism and Sunday reading. These wear a badge, which they are allowed to preserve on leaving the school. The two situations are not incompatible. The nurse and w^ard monitors are responsible for proper con- duct during washing in the morning and evening. Each has a ward in charge, containing from fifty to sixty boys, and has control over the servants of the ward. There are two special nurses for the infirmary. The apartments of the nurse* are at the end of the ward, and look into it. She is responsible for the general order of the ward, has charge of the mending, of dis- tributing clean clothes, &c., which she does through the ward monitor. When any of the pupils are unwell, she takes them to the infirmary, or reports them to the physician. She reports the number who are well each day to the steward for meals. This superintendence by females struck me as strange, since some of the boys are quite well grown, and the Grecians, who occupy a part of the ward, are young men, frequently nearly nineteen years of age. The singularity of the arrangement, however, disappears, in great part, when it is considered that the same * The rules prescribe that the nurses shall be widows, and above forty years of age. 78 ELEEMOSYNARY IVSTITUTIOVS. nurse always has charge of a boy, from his early entrance into the institution until he leaves it, and hence becomes as a mo- ther to him; and, in fact, some have actually their own children among the pupils of the ward. Admitting that care is required in the selection of the nurses, I must say that neither from ob- servation nor inquiry could I learn that in this institution the arrangement was productive of dilhculties. This was not, how- ever, the case in another school which I visited, where the se- lection had been less judicious, and where the discipline was rather relaxed. The nurses are assisted in their wards by the ward monitors, and superintended by the matron and steward. They are present at the prayers said on rising and going to bed. The servants of the wards arc named, paid, and may be discharged by them. Corporal punishment is discouraged out of school as well as in it. A few boys may be indulged by sitting up after the others, as a reward for good conduct, but none can be up later than a quarter before ten o'clock. The Grecians have the pri- vilege of sitting up until ten o'clock. It might naturally be supposed that, in so large an institution as this, having within its enclosure between seven and eight hun- dred youths, one would find an exact code of rules and regula- tions lor discipline. But such is not the case, nor do they seem to feel the want of it. The discretionary power vested in the dif- ferent officers works without rules. General verbal instruc- tions are given to the inferior officers by their superiors, but the usages of the school have passed into a common law, well understood by both the pupils and officers. A well regulated gradation of privileges, constituting a gra- dual assumption of the entire resj)onsibility of his conduct l)y the pu])il is, in my opinion, essential to the success of an insti- tution which aims at preparing youth for the business of life. The want of it is the cause, no doubt, why so many fall away from rectitude on issuing from these recluse establishments, and finding themselves in entirely novel circumstances. Partial at- tempts have been made, in some schools, to remedy this dillicul- ty; for example, at the Orphan-house of Halle, the pupil has an LONDON BLUE-COAT SCHOOL. 79 allowance in money for the purchase of his breakfast, that he may learn to dispose of money on his own account. At Ham- burgh, the pupils are sent of errands into the city, to become familiar with its localities and the manners of the people. In one of the grammar schools of Holland, a similar idea is ap- plied to a gradation of instruction between the hourly respon- sibility of the pupil of an ordinary school, and the entire free- dom of the member of a university; and a plan in part resem- bling this has been adopted at Geneva, in their more recent arrangements for higher education. In this institution the monitors and markers have privileges, but the Grecians are those who are pre-eminently favoured. They receive each fifty dollars a year to dispose of, and each one has a study, and a bed separated by a curtain from others in the dormitories. They have a parlour in common, a superior table, and a dress differing somewhat from that of the other pupils; retire at dif- ferent hours from the others, are allowed to leave the premises during the day, except in school hours ; assist in keeping order within doors, being superior to the monitors, and aid the mas- ters in school. These arrangements, as far as they extend, are highly judicious, and productive of good results. Physical Education. The health of these boys appears, in general, remarkably good, and their physical development even above the average. They are not overburthened with in- door work, and are kept as much as possible in the open air. Their play-ground, however, is rather limited in extent, and their sports are, in consequence, not of the most athletic kind. The frequent opportunities of leaving the enclosure remedy this de- fect in part, and their cloisters give them great advantages over boys who have no covered play-ground, especially in so humid a climate as that of England. While at play, they are superintended by beadles, of whom there arc four, one having charge of each court. The beadles also superintend the boys at rising and washing, and one of them has charge of the small gate, which is commonly open, and prevents any pupil from egress without a pass. This only applies to the younger pupils, the Grecians, as already stated, having free egress except dur- 80 ELEEMOSYNARY IXSTITUTIOXS. ing school hours and after night. The steward, besides his duties ah'cady generally mentioned, is responsihlc for the conduct of the boys while at play and at meals; no boy can be absent from meals without liis authority, and he may punish by con- finement to bounds or to the room any infringements of good order. He regulates not only the receipts, but the delivery of provisions, in which ollices he is assisted by boys detailed for the purpose. The pupils, under his dircrtiun, receive the pro- visions, and serve and clear the tables. Some of these ollices are rewards, and carry with them small gratifications in the way of leaves to be absent from bounds, y u turn iiig-box, eimiiai to that btiil used at tlic Fouudlijig Iloi>pilal of Purie. ORPHAN-HOUSE OF HAMBURGH. 85 a the ideas had been ever so good. Tlie moriaiity in this house during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was fre- quently as high as from sixteen to eighteen per cent. It has been in this century reduced as low as three. The present buildings are in general commodious, wanting, however, the requisite accommodations for the families of the masters, who, when married, must live off the premises, an evil, the effects of which will be noticed hereafter. There are two divisions of the house, one for boys, the other for girls, and a chapel common to both sexes. On the boys' side there are three class-rooms, a large room for singing and writing lessons, a room for tailor's work, in which the boys make and mend their own clothes, an extensive lavatory, and a bath-house; a dining-hall below stairs, and dormitories above. The sick wards are in the upper stories, in a building joining the two wings. The trustees have a meeting-room in the house, and the economist (steward), rooms for his family.* The institution is governed by thirteen trustees, consisting of the first burgomaster of the city as president, of two senators, two aldermen, and eight other members, usually merchants, who are elected by the city councils, and one of whom goes out every year. Admission, Sfc Fatherless children below eight years of age may be admitted at any time. If healthy, the children are boarded out until they reach eight years, if not healthy, they are placed in the sick wards. Every three months, chil- dren of eight years old or over, who are living out, become members of the family within the house. At fourteen the child is apprenticed and leaves the institution. Formerly, as already stated, those who were fit for the occupation, were instructed as teachers in the school itself Not less than five per cent, of the pupils were found thus qualified, and willing to devote themselves to the laborious occupation of school- masters. The teacher's class contained usually from eight to * The small size of the kitchen required among these people to suppJy foui hundred children with food, would appear incredible to tho£-e used to the arrange- ments of England and the United States, 86 KLEEMOSVNARY INSTITUTIONS. twelve individuals. Tlie plan of education \vhich follows ex- isted at that time. Intellectual and Moral Education. This was declared to be of a kind adapted to fit a child for some ''useful callings" and excluding the higher branches of education. The pupils were divided into five classes. First, the elemen- tary class, subdivided according to its numbers into four or five sections, and instructed by pupils of the house who were preparing as teachers. On entering this class the children were usually between eight and nine years of age, and they remain- ed in it two years, passing, every six months, into a higher di- vision. The studies in this class were — first, exercises of speech and thought, orally, the teachers following Von Turk's Percep- tions by the Senses, or Pohlman's Book of Nature.* Second, reading by the phonic method, which will be described in a subsequent part of this Report. Third, arithmetic, especially mental arithmetic, accordin^j to Pestalozzi's method. The four ground rules were taught in the higher division. Fourth, elementary geometry, notions of form, measure, and construction. Fifth, writing, according to the method used by Pestalozzi. Neither of the books used for the exercises of induction have, I believe, been translated into English, nor have equivalent ones been published in our language. The admirable Lessons on Ob- jects, by Miss Mayo, are designed for children more advanced in attainments and culture than these, though not in age. The infant-school lessons on objects practised in many of the English schools, would come nearer to the requirements of this class, but are still of a dificrent kind from those adopted by Von Tiirk and Pdhlman. Indeed, as the locality of a school, the school-room itself, and the implements for teaching aflbrd the most instruc- tive objects for beginning with these lessons, they must vary in a great degree with the school itself, and none other than a general guide can be given to a teacher, which, however, wuukl • I insert the nuincs f)rilic text-books, Kcausc tlicy give nn idea in their titles of the nature of the cxereises. The names of the others arc suppressed. They arc to be found in Uic college librory. ORPHAN-HOUSE OF HAMBURGH. 87 be amply sufficient for one fully imbued with the spirit of the method. It contains within itself the elements of all instruction, preparing a basis for elementary arithmetic, natural philosophy, natural history, grammar, geography, geometry, and morals. Its importance can only be fully realized by seeing it well practised. Mental arithmetic having been long used in our schools and in those of England, we have many excellent works on the subject. It serves admirably to strengthen the memory for ab- stractions, to give the concentration of mind required to draw conclusions rapidly, when surrounded by persons and things tending to interfere with close thought. As it comes to its results rather by ingenious processes than by rule, it gives great readi- ness in inventing methods in cases having reference to quantity. For the elementary notions of form, our books are again much behind the German school-books, though lately Mr. Rei- ner has supplied in part this deficiency.* As a basis for geo- metry, for the useful exercises of geometrical analysis, and as giving to the young mind clear ideas of the connexion between arithmetic and geometry, I have seen no exercises equal to them. Pestalozzi's writing method is too well known to need re mark; in general it applies better to the formation of the Ger- man written letters than to ours. In 1826-7, from one hundred and seventy-four to one hun- dred and thirty-eight pupils were instructed in this class by the pupils who were serving their novitiate as teachers. After passing through the elementary class, the pupils enter- ed one of the three jyarallel classes, so called because they pur- sued the same studies and consisted of individuals of nearly the same age. They remained in one of these classes generally two years, or until nearly thirteen years of age. Each parallel class was composed of two divisions, and had one teacher. The subjects of instruction were as follows: — First, Religious in- struction, Bible history, and the Lutheran Catechism, Trefurt's Bible stories. Second, German grammar. Third, arithmetic, • Lessons on Number; The Master's Manual, by C. Reiner, London, 1835: Lessons on Form, by C'harlcs Reiner, London, 1837. 88 ELEEMOSYXARV hVSTITUTIONS. and geometry, according to Von Turk's method. Fourth, useful knowledge, tlic teaclicr using IIofTman's Instructor in Natural Objects, and Zccliariah's Geography. Fifth, riietorical reading. The subjects of study and works used, probably require some comment. The religious instruction was given in the lower classes orally, by the relation of some of the princii)al Bible stories, with an exposition of their moral ; in the higher classes by the selection of the historical portion from the Old and New Testament, to be read by the pui)ils, and then by drawing their attention, in a familiar lecture, to the moral of the history, and by unfolding also its appHcation. Frequent explanations of the peculiar manners and customs of the nations treated of in the sacred volume, and of the natural history of the East, throw a great charm about this kind of instruction. The feelings and dispositions of the children are ascertained by their answers to the questions put by the teachers, and thus the lesson is made a powerful means of moral training. The Manual of Magnitude and Form by Von Tiirk, is another one of his useful productions, which has not, I believe, been translated; it is the result of his practice in teaching, and con- tains much that is good in regard to the connexion of the two sciences of number and extension. The term "useful knowledge," by its limitation to certain subjects, being calculated to throw other important ones into the shade, is certainly objectionable. By it, however, is under- stood a combination of the study of the natural productions of the earth with its natural and artificial divisions, and the history of its inhabitants, or a combination of ge()graphy, history, and natural history, admirably calculated to interest the pupil deeply in the elements of these branches. The parallel classes were united for instruction in arithmetic and writing, the lower divisions of the former having their les- sons in the morning, the higher in the afternoon. All the pu- pils having a taste for drawing attended the drawing class, and the elder boys received lessons in vocal music. There were half yearly examinations in presence of the trustees on these subjects. ORPHAN-HOUSE OF HAMBURGH. 89 This instruction completed the intellectual course of the pu- pils in general, who were bound to trades on leaving the insti- tution. Those who displayed the necessary intelligence and other qualities which promised that they would make instruc- tors, after passing through the studies of this class, entered the Select Class, which was under the direction of the head teacher, the catechist of the house, and pursued the following course : First. Religious instruction, Bible explanations, and the larger Lutheran Catechism. Second. Mathematics. Third. Ger- man. Exercises of style. Fourth. Physics, by familiar lec- tures. Fifth. Technology and natural liistory, by familiar lec- tures and the examination of specimens. Sixth. Geography. Seventh. History, particularly of Germany. To render the instruction in " useful knowledge," physics, and technology efficient, a small collection of models, apparatus, and products of nature, art, and manufactures; a solar micro- scope, planetarium, &c., were provided ; this collection still remains, but is by no means extended enough to meet the teacher's wishes. Nothing can contribute so much to the due efiect of such studies as collections, the specimens of which the pupil can handle himself. From them he can learn by his own observation, and may be led to further observation by his own reflection and awakened curiosity. Such a collection as this must be expensive, and hence it is seldom seen. In the La Martiniere school of Lyons, such collections and methods form the characteristic features of the establishment, of which I shall speak more particularly hereafter. We are most favourably situated for carrying out this principle, and, if it be once prac- tically demonstrated, even partially, the board will, I am sure, encounter the expense of its complete development, in view of the importance of the results. The subjects of instruction heretofore mentioned are still re- quired to be taught, but the plan of classification is entirely changed. The boys are now divided into three classes, one of which contains children of the ages of fourteen, eleven, and eight years; another of thirteen, ten. and seven; a third ot 90 ELEEMOSYNARY I INSTITUTIONS. twelve, nine, and six; the same individuals remaining with the same teacher throughout their course. The least reflection will render it obvious that the instruction of three divisions of a class in such very diflcrent stages of progress, by one teacher, is impossible. If the instruction is addressed to the highest divi- sion, it is too high for the lowest, and if to the lowest, it docs not employ the highest. The active mind of the catechist, whose recitations I attended, had adopted various devices to obviate this difllculty, but in vain. Even in the religious in- struction, which may be considered as more appropriately ad- dressed tiian any other branch, to various intelligences, it was obvious that a part of the class answered too readily, and the instruction was lost to another part, who did not even under- stand the answers of their comrades. In the lectures on phy- sics and on technology, the case was, of course, much worse. Indeed, I do not believe the difficulties inherent in such a plan remediable. It thus happens that an arrangement which, to persons not conversant practically with instruction, may seem to realize some leading ideas of equality or emulation among teach- ers, or the like, may bring destruction upon an entire system. In the school for teachers attached to the Orphan-house, as has been stated, there wxre always from eight to twelve pupils, who remained four years preparing for their duties. The first two years were devoted to theoretical studies; the second cm- braced, also, the practice of teaching. In the former years they extended their knowledge of the Bible, of the German and French languages, of mathematics and physics, of drawing and gymnastics, and were taught the theory of music, practis- ing on the piano. The last years they studied anthropology, the art of leaching, the history of the science of teaching, and of its methods. During the latter period they were engaged in teaching under the eye of the catechist, or of the other masters. They w ere recjuired to pass a satisfactory examination at en- tering the class, in the middle of their course, and also at its close. Tliis experiment is, in all respects, an encouraging one. The number of pu])ils having caj)acity and willingness to devote themselves to the occuj)ation of teaching was nearly live i>cr cent. ORPHAN-HOUSE OF HAMBURGH. 91 of the whole school. While receiving their special education, they were conferring a benefit on the institution by acting as teachers, and, subsequently, diffused the excellent methods in which they had been trained through their own and neighbour- ing communities. I pass now to the moral education, which, except in the withdrawins; of the influence of the select class and other de- tails, remains nearly as heretofore. The moral education is promoted, first, by the attendance in the chapel, by prayers, morning and evening, and by religious instruction in the school. Second, by the superintendence of the teachers, in turns, during the hours of play. At present, the married teachers not being in the house, this superintendence is confided to the porters, which thus changes its character. I have had many opportu- nities of observation in reference to this point, and feel that a proper method of providing for superintendence out of school hours, is difficult to devise. If the teacher is thus employed, he is worn out by the additional labour; and if the pupils are confided to an inferior person, he has neither the influence nor the qualities of observation of a teacher, and thus a very im- portant part of education is lost, namely, that of the play- ground. The ample endowment of the Girard College requires that the interests of our pupils should always prevail over pe- cuniary considerations, and in this view we should prefer in- creasing the corps of teachers beyond what is absolutely neces- sary for the duties of instruction, that one or more of them in the several departments may be on duty as superintendents, especially in the lower schools. Well trained pupils of the elder classes will make their best assistants. The superintendence in the dormitories and in the lavatory of this institution rests always with the porter, who is assisted by the chiefs of divisions, selected for this purpose from among the boys. Third. Moral training is effected by varied occupation of the hours not devoted to school, particularly by handicrafts and exercise. At present, the only mechanical employment is one which is ill suited to the pupils, because entirely sedentary, tfiat 9'^ ELEEMOSYNARY I\STTTUTIO\^. of tailoring. It is true that general manual dexterity is ac- quired by this trade, and that it may, in some circumstances be of utility in after life; but to keep the pupils at work merely on account of the saving to be eflected in making their clothes, is carrying it to an extent which interferes with their proper physical education. Fourth. Moral education is promoted by rewards and punishments, the former consisting in presents of books and money, in permission to walk at hours not allowed to others, in doing the errands of the house in town : the latter in private admonitions, exclusion from the play-ground and from the walking-parties, confinement, reports to the trustees, and, if necessary, flogging. In order to prevent the improper use of money given to the children, the larger sums arc depo- sited with the steward, and they receive parts of these deposits in coin of the house. This money the porter is allowed to ex- pend for them for its full value, and at the discretion of the pu- pils. As a reward for diligence and good conduct, the chil- dren arc allowed to visit their relations four times a year, and their relations may visit them once a month. During the gene- ral holidays, the principal ones being before Easter, leaves of absence may be granted to pupils whose relations wish to re- ceive them. Physical Education. The diet is plain and would be con- sidered with us scanty; the breakfast is of bread and milk, the dinner of soup and vegetables, with boiled meat, and rarely roasted meat, fruit being occasionally given in addition in the summer; in the afternoon, rye bread and water; in the evening, wheat bread and milk. The pupils wash their faces and hands three times a day in cold water. The lavatory is at present a separate building, in the ^ard of the orphan-house. Each boy has his basin of por- celain ]>laced in a trough, and a whole series of basins may be filled and ein})tied at once, so that the monitor in charge of the division is enabled to regulate the time of washing. \n sum- mer they bathe at least once a week. The clothing is simple but suflicient, consisting C)f a round- about, vest, and |»antaloons of blue cloth for the in-door winter ORPHAN-HOUSE AT ALTONA. 93 dress. Besides walking occasionally, the pupils formerly had regular lessons in gymnastics; the exercises are still kept up, but are voluntary. Military exercises are sometimes practised. In winter, the yard, which may be in part covered with w^ater for the purpose, affords a place for skating. Formerly the pu- pils were taught turner's work, and the making of pasteboard boxes, &c., but these employments have been discontinued. The tailor's w^ork can hardly be considered as promoting the physical education. The provision for the sick has already been alluded to. A physician and surgeon visit the house daily, and the sick are under the charge of a nurse and assistant. The order of the day is as follows: The pupils rise at half past five in summer, and six in winter, wash and dress, at seven o'clock breakfast, from eight to half past eleven are in school, at twelve dine, play from one to two, are in school from two to four, receive a luncheon of bread, and are permitted to exercise from four to half past four, are in school from half past four to six, are occupied with mihtary exercises and walking, or walking and play, from six to eight, at eight sup and have prayers, and retire at nine o'clock. Thus seven hours are occupied in school and study, five are allotted to both exercise and recreation, three hours to three hours and a-half to domestic matters, and eight and a-half to nine hours to sleep. Domestic Economy. The five hundred and thirty-seven pu- pils of this institution cost, in 1836, one hundred and five thou- sand and eighty marcs banco, or about thirty thousand dollars ; the cost of each was therefore about fifty-six dollars. Of these five hundred and thirty-seven pupils, the four hundred which are in the house require for attendance, &c., three nurses, two cooks, three female servants, and three male ser- vants, of whom one is the porter; the female pupils, however, do much of the w^ork of the entire house. ORPHAN-HOUSE AT ALTONA. While at Hamburgh, I visited the Orphan-house and schools attached to it, in Altona in Denmark. The number of orphans 94 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. licrc educated is sixty-two. The system of instruction is tfiat adopted generally in the public schools of Denmark, and is a modified Lancastrian method, the lower classes being taught by monitors under the direction of a teacher, and the upper classes being taught by the teacher himself. It does not appear to mc necessary to enter into the details of this method, but ratiier briefly to state my conclusions. The instruction of the elementary classes, it is assumed, may be left in a degree to monitors, the lessons being revised by the teachers. The monitors, however, did not succeed as far as I could discern in communicating true instruction, and in their hands the me- thod of Pestalozzi degenerated into a mechanical and lifeless routine. Upon such a basis I believe that no teacher can possibly succeed in raising a proper intellectual superstructure. I did not pass suflicient time here to enable me to give a proper prac- tical judgment of all the results of this system, yet I may be al- lowed to support the opinion just advanced by the negative evidence, that, as far as I saw the upper classes, there was nothing which contradicted it. While visiting the lower classes of one of the public schools near the orphan-house, with an intelligent teacher, the ineflicicnt instruction in arithmetic by the monitors particularly struck me, and the fact that the spiritless repetition of a string of sentences from the Pcstalozzian course of addition, and a merely me- ciianical use of the illustrations by blocks by the monitors, fail- ed entirely to convey a proper idea of the subject to the class, who in general appeared listless and inattentive. The teacher took up the instruction, and immediately the whole scene ap- peared changed, and it was soon evident that he had interested and attentive hearers, who, under similar instruction, would have proved learners. FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. The Orphan-house of Halle has clustered around it the vari- ous foundations known by the name of its founder, Professor FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 95 Franke,* of the University of Halle. This institution has pro- bably bec^n more influential than any other in promoting the cause of the fatJierless, iiaving led to similar establishments, not only in Germany, but also in Great Britain. It is an example of what may be done with very small means, tracing its origin to the education of four fatherless children in the house of Franke, then settled as a clergyman at Halle. This orphan- house w^as established in 1695, and successively the various foundations now connected with it have been added, all of which are made to minister to the maintenance or education of the orphans. They may be thus divided.f First. Those exclusively devoted to purposes of revenue, and which include establishments for the sale of books, drugs, and medicines. Second. The schools, six in number, viz. an ele- mentary free school for boys and girls, a "higher" school for boys and girls, a superior school for girls, a "real school" for boys, a Latin school, and a "p3edagogium."{ Third. The educational institutions.^ These comprise the orphan-house, the boarding institution, and the psedagogium. These establishments not only provide the public instruction of different grades, required by the citizens of Halle, but col- lect pupils from other parts of Prussia. As we are especially concerned with the orphan-house, I shall only briefly give an account of the intention of the other educational institutions, make some general remarks on the schools, and, omitting the first division, which sufficiently explains itself, pass on at once to an account of the orphan-house. The educational institutions serve as the homes of the chil- dren who are collected here, and who use the schools in com- * Franke was Professor of Greek and Oriental Literature, and pastor of a church at Glauca, a suburb of Halle, where he resided. t This division is by Dr. II. A. Niemcyer, the director of tlicsc foundations, to whose kindness I owe the particulars which I give in respect to them, and an opportunity of visiting those parts of the establishment more immediately bear- ing upon the objects of my mission. t These names will be found explained subsequently. § This term is used here in contradistinction to instruction, by education be- ing intended training when the pupil is not in school. 96 ELEEMOSYNARY KNbTll UTJONS. nion with llic day scholars from tlic town. All the buildings containing these various establishments are arran^red about courts, which communicate with each other, so that the whole scries is closely connected. They are very plain, having been erected with a view to furnish the necessary accommodations with the smallest f)Ossible ex[)enditure. The lioardhi^ lasliliUion is a large establishment, intended to provide for the education of pupils when not occupied in school. The boys residing in it are under the direction ot tutors, each of whom has a division to sui)erintend, and in re- lation to which he is to supply the place of the parent. As many as eight pupils occupy a room, thus making the expenses of lodging but trilling, and rendering the institution entirely acces- sible to the middle ranks of society.* The schools which the bovs attend are selected in reference to their destination in life. They dine in common, having two tables at dillerent rates, a plan which, however, is not approved of by the director. The Pa'clarrogium. This is a boarding-school, but is en- tirely distinct frum all the other establishments, providing edu- cation and maintenance within itself It is intended to prepare young men for the universities, and, in its educational arrange- ments, to aObrd an ellcctual substitute for judicious parental control. There is a small parlour and sitting-room for every two young men, and four such suites of rooms are upon one floor, three of them occupied by the pupils, and a fourth by a tutor, who is expected to be their friend and director as well as instructor. The execution of this plan depending upon the personal character of these tutors, has various degrees of suc- cess, but in general it works well. The instruction is of the same grade as that of the gymnasia, or grammar schools of Prussia. The series o{ schools embraces the whole range of public in- struction. It begins with the common or elementary schools, * Tlicy pay Imt iVyni »in;hiy to one hiiiKirtil n.\ tlutlers, lilly-MX lo seventy dollars, |»cr amnun, for niaintuKUicc uiul education, every lliiiigr exeept clothes and books bcin^' provided. FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 97 in which the instruction terminates at the age of twelve or four- teen years; contains a "higher" or middle school, called, also, a "burgher school," the courses of which end at fourteen or sixteen years, and where the pupil is prepared to enter life as a tradesman. Also, a "real school," its courses ending at sixteen or eighteen, and intended to prepare for the higher mechanical occupations; and a classical school, or "gymnasium," retaining its pupils until eighteen or nineteen years of age, and fitting them for admission to the university. As the elementary school does not prepare for the middle school, the latter has its own elementary classes, and after passing through them, the student enters the real school, or the gymnasium, according to his destination in after life. Each school has its inspector or head master, appointed by the di- rector, and responsible to him. And the head of the whole is the provincial school-board of the Province of Magdeburgh, who cannot, however, change the system without the consent of the director. This collection of schools furnishes an epitome of the grades of public instruction in Prussia, exclusive of the schools for teachers and industrial schools; and had I not be- come acquainted with them by careful study in the capital, a prolonged visit to Halle would have afforded a compendious way of acquiring a knowledge of them. In the schools of the capital there are, however, advantages in regard to the means of procuring teachers which cannot be expected here. As the schools of Prussia will be described particularly in the second part of my Report, I shall confine my remarks at present prin- cipally to the middle and classical schools, which are attended by the pupils of the orphan-house.* * The number of pupils in the different schools, in 1837, was as follows : Free School for boys 350, in four classes. " " " girls 350, (( it Burgher School for boys 600, twelve " " " " girls 400, eight » Superior " " " 100, six " Real " " boys 150, five " Carried forward, 1950, 13 9« ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTION^. General Administration. The director of the Frankc P^oun- dations is appointed by his predecessor, and the otlice has re- mained, generally, up to this time, in the family of the founder, lie has the chief control of the administration, being respon- sible, however, in regard to the schools, as already stated, to the provincial school-board, and making a report of his expen- ditures to the Minister of Public Instruction. lie is assisted by a council composed of a co-director, as an " economy in- spector," of a syndic, who is the law-oOlccr of the institution, and of a treasurer. These, as well as all other ofiicers, are appointed by him. lie has, also, a secretary, and there is an accountant, who assists the treasurer. All benefices, sti- pends, places of orphans, etc., are granted by the director; all regulations also are made by him, and he is thus supreme within the institution. The immediate administration of the orphan- house, however, is under an inspector. Admission J Discharge, <^c. To be qualified for admission to the orphan-house, a child must be poor, fatherless, legitimate, healthy, of good morals, and between ten and fourteen years of age. It is preferred that his parents should have belonged to the middle classes of society; and if he have property, or receive property during his stay in the house, the income of it must go to the foundation during his residence there. Applications for admission are addressed to the Director of Frankc's Foundations, and must be accompanied by certifi- cates of the birth of the child in wedlock, the death of the father, of vaccination and general good health, of previous attendance at school ; and, from the child's guardian, anrl the Brouirht forward, in.')!"), Gymnasium or grammar school 300, in six classes. PiL-dagogium 80, five " Total, 2:^30, In tlic cslaltK-Iuncnts for education there were at the same time, in tlie or- phan. house 114 boys and IG girls, in the boarding-school 230 boys, and in tlic ptedagogium 80, total 436. These pupils attended the schools, and are counted in the numbers above slated. FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 99 chief magistrate of his dwelling-place, of the pecuniary and family circumstances of the applicant, and of his surviving parent. These are sent to the inspector of the orphan-house, who reports thereon, and if the report is satisfactory to the director, the child's name is inscribed on the list of candidates. Admissions take place according to the order of application, and when there is a vacancy, due notice is giv^en of it to the friends of the child whose name heads the list of candidates. If the child is not presented, and his friends are not heard from at the appointed time, his application is considered to be with- drawn. Cases of withdrawal of the application, or of the death of the child are, however, expected to be reported to the director. On the arrival of the child at the institution, he is reported to the inspector of the orphan-house, by whom he is assigned a place. All control over him is understood to have been relin- quished by his relations, who are enjoined not to interfere with him in any way, always excepting the right of complaint to the director. Any pocket-money intended for the child must be handed to the inspector, under penalty of his dismission. Those pupils who are found worthy, are sent to the univer- sity, but, in general, they all leave the institution at about four- teen years of age to go to a trade. In cases of misconduct, the friends are bound to receive them back. The institution does not undertake to find situations for them on leaving it, but en- deavours so to do, advising with their friends on the subject. Those who leave the institution with credit, are entitled to cer- tain small gratuities. As the parts of the establishment intended for the residence, instruction, performance of religious exercises, and taking of meals, of the orphan pupils, are distinct in their administration, I shall consider the occupations of the pupils under the divisions of the house, the schools, the refectory, and the chapel> to the discipline of which the orphans are subjected in turn, during the day or week. The House. The orphan-house is superintended by an in- spector, who is responsible to the director of the Franke Foun- dations. This latter directs the disbursement of moneys for the 100 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. school, and all its ofTiccrs are paid directly from the treasury. The inspector nnust be consulted before any change is made in any of the rules regarding either economy or instruction. He has a certain sum of money put at his disposal for contingent expenses. Under this ins])ector are four tutors, who live in the house, slecj)ing in the same dormitories with the boys. Two of these at a time, and in rotation, have the superintendence of the boys out of school, in their w alks and play, one having charge of the boys who are attending the gymnasium, tlie other of those who are sent to the burgher school. They are also present during the study hours, when they are expected to assist the pupils in their lessons. To aid in maintaining order, and to help the pupils forward in their studies, there are two monitors placed at each study-table, who are selected from among the elder boys, and have charge of the younger ones. They re- port weekly to the tutors, and then, in a meeting at which the inspector presides, make report to him, and act as a council in advising in regard to measures of discipline. This arrange- ment, by which each study-table has its chief under the super- vision of a tutor, is common in the boarding gymnasia of Ger- many, and is productive of excellent results. It is said that, in old times, it liad degenerated into a system of fagging, and, indeed, one of the rules of this orphan-house was obviously adopted in reference to such a case; but the superintendence by the tutors, the careful selection of the monitors, and the im- proved state of general feeling in these schools, have entirely done away with the abuse. The rewards for conduct and scholarship consist of books, of permissions of absence, walks, ttc; the lumishments are, the suppression of indulgences, excluding from table, admonition, confinement, corporal punishment, and dismission. Otfences against morality are severely punished, and, unless a reform is produced, the oifender is dismissed. Scruj)ulous modesty of deportment is every where enjoined and exacted, as a neces- sary safeguard from the approaches of vice. Though it is expected that the religious instruction provided FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 101 in the house and school, will produce and foster moral and re- ligious dispositions, great reliance is placed upon the moral training, by the good example of the tutors and of the elder boys. Experience proves that the orphan-house gives more satisfaction in regard to discipline, than either of the other es- tablishments, and that of the orphans who leave it, those who enter into trades, and similar occupations, less frequently fall away from rectitude than those who go to a higher career. The inmates of the orphan-house have the usual Christmas, Easter, and summer vacations, and those who have friends are allowed to go home at these times: for those who remain in the institution, a temporary order of the day is adopted. The health of the pupils is reasonably good, but their physi- cal development not remarkable. The number of sick is usually about two out of the one hundred and fourteen inmates of the boys' orphan-house. The boys have a play-ground and garden in which to exercise. Wednesdays and Saturdays are half- holidays. The physician in chief visits this as well as the other houses of the foundations daily, and may be called on when required. Voluntary manual labour in the field or garden, is the prin- cipal means of the physical education of the elder boys, and certainly contributes very materially to their health. The boys have no mechanical occupations, which, considering the future destination of most of them, may be regarded a defect, in as much as general manual dexterity is easily acquired at an early age, and almost as a play. The pupils clean their shoes, sweep their rooms, &c., for themselves, and make and attend to the fires in weekly turns. They thus early acquire habits of waiting upon themselves, which will be advantageous whatever may be their success in after life. The outer clothing is renewed yearly, and they have on hand always two suits for winter wear, and three changes of hnen. A frock-coat for the street, of dark cloth (iron-grey), and a jacket for study and play. The clothes are marked with a num- ber. The linen is changed but once a week. The washing in the morning is done in basins, and each boy carries his own 102 ELEEMObVNARY KNbTlTUTlOXS. to the lavatory. Two boys use the same towel, which is changed but once a week. All these arrani^ements are far inl'e- rior in character to those of the schools of England which I have described, and, with a few other details of police which I need not mention, struck me as particularly defective. For both departments, male and female, of the school, there are two superintendents of clothing and quarters, and five ser- vants, three male and two female. When a bill is |)rc.scntcd, it is handed fur examinali thry please. FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 103 A want of due regularity brings its own punishment, in the loss of the meal. Combinations of several might enable them, per- haps, to evade tliis regulation, but such are happily contrary to the spirit of the school. In a modified form, such a regulation would fall-in very well with the ideas which I have heretofore expressed as to the importance of gradually increasing the res- ponsibilities of a boy, to fit him for his entrance into life. There are two dormitories, in- each of which two tutors sleep, the youngest boys . go to bed under the charge of the older ones, and of a tutor, and the others follow. Each boy has a separate bed. Tlie Refectory. This is under the charge of a steward, who provides the boys of the boarding-school and of the orphan-house. There are three diflerent qualities of diet, that of the orphans occupying the middle place, which are furnished by contract, at a certain rate for each pupil. The quality of the provision is insured by the attendance in the hall, in rotation, of the teach- ers, and the daily attendance of the economy-inspector of the foundations, and further, by sending at each meal a specimen of the dishes from the middle table, in a vessel witli a locked cover, to the director, or his deputy. The pupils repair to meals under the charge of their tutors, a grace is said, and after dinner thanks returned. No loud talking is allowed. The knife, fork, and spoon of each is brought by him to the refectory and taken away again. The School The school which the boys of the orphan-house in general attend, is that called the "burgher" or citizens' school, sometimes also called middle school. Its objects are thus de- fined— first, "so to train the sons of citizens by instruction in useful science, that, at the age of fourteen years, they may be in a condition to begin a handicraft, or other trade;" second, "to prepare the pupils for the lower classes of a gymnasium, or for the classes of a real school, to accomplish which latter purposes Latin and French are taught." The lower classes are in fact those of an elementary school, and the boys who leave the orphan-house at fourteen, are in- structed exclusivelv in this eslalilishment. The few who are 104 ELEEMOSVXARY 1\>TITUTI0X.S. selected to remain after fourteen go to the Latin school; Latin and French both are, however, studied in the upper classes of the burgher school, and the aptitude of the orphan pupils for language, is thus put to the test. The school is divided into four classes in reference to the progress of the pupils, and each is subdivided for convenience, with a teacher to every subdi- vision. Thus the same teacher gives instruction in all the subjects of study, to a class of boys numbering on the average about fifty. The branches taught arc: Exercises of speech and thought. Bible history. Religious instruction. Mental and written arithmetic. Elements of geography. (Knowledge of home.) Reading and writing taught together. Reading. Calligraphy. Stories from history. German grammar. Composition. Geography of Germany. German history. French grammar. General history. Higher arithmetic. Elements of geometry. Bible lessons. Christian morals. Christian doctrines. Ele- ments of Latin. Tliere arc teachers of singing and drawing, besides the regu- lar class teachers. The pupils are examined privately once every six months, and publicly at Easter, when the change of classes takes place. The exercises of speech and thought, the first subject on the above list, constitute the brcaking-in, as it were, of the child, and being at the very threshold of instruction, try the teacher's skill more than many a learned branch. He must teach the pupil to think, taking care that his thoughts are ex- pressed in appropriate words. Pestalozzi, who first practised upon this idea, drew the child's attention to the human frame, as the subject of contemplation; others have preferred to bring him in contact with nature, in general, by making simple natural phenomena the basis of the inductive lessons; others, not sur- rounded by nature, make man and his dwelling their theme: others introdiic^o simple lessons on objects of nature and art. which rail rt'adily be piTsruti'd l.> ihc child lur liis cxniniiintion. FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 105 and on which as a basis to rear the superstructure of natural history, physics, and technology, in his advanced course. All these are good in their way, but such as I saw tried seemed to depend for their efficacy upon the circumstances of the school, and to be better or worse as tlic child found means to apply his newly acquired powers of perception, to observ^e for himself. Of all the plans, w^hen the school is rightly situated for it, a refe- rence to nature produces the best training of the heart, as well as the mind of the child. It would be impossible to present, here, even extracts from the numerous works which contain the methods employed in these exercises. I trust, however, that the board will have an opportunity of witnessing similar ones in our own institution, and that they will consider the power to carry them out an important qualification for a teacher in the elementary department of the Girard College. The Bible history and religious instruction next referred to, are principally given orally, the morals of the Bible and the events which it describes, being put into such a form that when the sacred book itself, at a later day, comes into the child's hands, he is prepared to read it with proper interest. This plan is dia- metrically opposed to that which employs it as the beginner's horn-book, and from which, I feel bound to say, I have never seen any good result. I cannot enter into details in regard to all the branches, but must be satisfied with noticing two which are here taught par- ticularly well, namely, reading and writing, and geography. The reading and writing are taught at the same time, accord- ing to the method of Harnisch, developed by Scholtz. The child makes a letter on his slate, after a copy upon the black- board, and is taught to name it. The German language hav- ing a fixed sound for each letter, when the sound of the letter has been learned, not its common arbitrary name, but the sound which it has in composition, the pupil has made some progress towards knowing how to form combinations, which is the next step, the vowels being placed alternately before and after tlie consonant. These combinations are first written on the slate., and then pronounced. The next exercise consists in 11 lOG ELEEMOSiNAKY INSTITUTIONS. placing a vowel between two consonants, which is followed by other simple combinations. These being classified by care- ful study, the child is soon able to compose simple sentences, in which his ideas are developed, so that the mechanical opera- tion of writin^]^ and of reading is interspersed with intellectual exercise. In tliis the talent of the teacher is strikingly exhibited, and a prescribed routine of instruction would fail in its object. The written letters being once learned, the next step is with the printed, and a reading book is not introduced until the child has felt the necessity of it in his further progress. It is then a relief, and not a task. I saw, here, a class which had been under instruction for only nine months, the pupils of which wrote short sentences very legibly in a hand of medium size, spelled them correctly, and read them distinctly. This method of learning to read is, in a great degree, inap- plicable to our language, in which the vowel sounds are so numerous; but the union of reading and writing may have its advantages. The characters of the ordinary German writing are composed of very dillerent forms from those of our round iiand, and which arc more simple, and, in general, angular; hence no considerable dexterity of hand is required to trace the letters, and only a brief practice in elementary forms is re- quired. I saw classes of children of ten and eleven years old, at Zurich, who, by being constantly practised in this method from their earliest instruction, had acquired a very striking facility of expressing their ideas clearly and correctly in writing. The method produces a facihty of composition, in writing, as that of Jacotot does a fluency in speaking. The or})hans entering at ten years of age, do not, in general, pass through this class. The geographical instruction, founded upon the method of Pestalozzi, ])roceeds on strictly inductive principles, and is an exaniple of how much may be done by making the pupil pro- ceed from tiic known to the unknown. The following was the course of a recitation wiiicli I attentied on the subject. The teacher drew, first, from the knowledge of the })upils of diflerent objects or bodies, a definition of the term body, then led them FRANKE rOUXDATIOXS AT HALLE. 107 to define extension, dimensions, &c., and thus furnished them ideas of space. Sunrise and sunset were used for establishing the position of the cardinal points, and that of the class-room was determined in reference to these. Then commencing with home, with a map of the city of Halle, they gave an account of its localities, and the history connected with them. Widen- ing hence in circles, the natural and political features of the sur- rounding district were described, always indicating the real directions of places, &c. The pupil thus grasps every step of geographical knowledge ; begins with his own house, rambles through his own town, makes excursions in its neighbourhood, sets out on his travels through his fatherland, visits foreign parts, sees what is worth seeing in the natural and artificial state of the country, finally learns the relation of its parts and of the whole to other worlds, and thus the interest is kept up from the first to the last. The reverse method I compared with this over and over again; some teachers have found this tedious, others have mixed the two systems, but, judging by the comparative results, I give this method greatly the prefer- ence over others, as not only teaching geography, and connect- ing history with it, but enlarging the general intelligence, while it improves the memory. In the upper classes, the pupils use maps without names, and draw maps on the board, marking localities, &c. At other times, the places are indicated by one pupil, and named by another, with other variations of exercise. In the lower classes, the responses were frequently repeated by the whole class, and in the upper classes the instruction was more addressed to individuals. With all the inherent merits of this method, I have seen it wholly marred by a dull teacher. The inductive method applied to any branch of knowledge requires time, patience, and some skill on the part of the teacher. The routine method, or positive teaching, is much easier to the instructor. The former at every step unfolds the mind, the latter frequently ovcrburthens it. If the positive knowledge acquired by the first is entirely lost, the habit of thinking remains, while, if ac- quired by the second there is nothing left unless some improvement of memory, and general development of the reasoning powers. lOS ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. A pupil who has })ropcrly improved ihc advantages ol' this school, Avill have acquired a reasonable knowledge of the Ger- man language, of reading, writing, and arithmetic, of geogra- phy and general history, will be familiar with the history, morals, and doctrines of the Bible, and his general mental and moral development will be such as befits his age. If espe- cially industrious or apt, he will have had an opportunity of beginning Latin and French, and if he prove to have a facility in language, will be transferred to the Latin school. It would seem that, if he have a peculiar disposition for mathematical studies, he should be sent to the real school* to prepare him for one of the higher mechanical callincrs; but no arran^i^ement of tliis kind yet exists. There are, indeed, some obstacles to it, as for cxami)Ie the difliculty he will find of a support before he receives employment in one of these higher callings, the neces- sity for patronage, capital, &lc. None, however, I believe are insurmountable. If he should have had this advantage, on reach- ing seventeen years of age he would have added to his stock of knowledge — Further acquaintance with German and French. Latin and Finglish if required, though not regularly taught. History and geography. Natural history. Mathematics. Practical arithmetic. Physics and chemistry. Religion.f Improved writing, and drawing. The Latin school, into which the more intelligent pupil now actually enters, conforms to the general jtlan of the Prussian gymnasia or grammar schools, which will be more fullv i\c?- * This school is dcnigncd to complete the education of those intended for "shojtkcepors, higher trades, economists, military men, arcliitects, or foresters, and especially for those callinnfs for which a learned course is not necessary." This real school has only heen added to the other institutions since 18.35. It has five classes. t The ri^rht hranchrs jiisl nanu-d, l»c;;inning with history and ending; wifli nligion, arc classed in the procrrnmmo as "sciences." Th»^ school-nionry for the year is twelve thalcrs. equal to al>out nine dollars! FRANKE FOTTNDATIONS AT HALLE. 109 criljed hereafter. This gymnasium has six classes, divided each into two parts, and forming a connected series of instruc- tion, one part being six months behind the other, except that the pupils of the two parts are sometimes assembled to listen to the same lecture. The branches studied are: Religious instruction, Latin, Greek, French, mathematics, elements of physics, histor}^, psy- cology, and logic. Poetry and rhetoric, and Hebrew or Eng- lish, as the student may desire. The degrees to which they are carried, the preparation being for the university, may be known from tlie studies of the first division of the highest or first class. 1. Religion, Christian morals from Niemeyer's Manual, for the upper classes of the higher schools. Explanation (by lec- ture) of the references to the New Testament in Greek, &c. 2. Latin. (By lecture.) Introduction to the development of rhe- toric among the Greeks. Cic. de. Orat. Extempore exercises from translations of prose and poetry, &c. Lecture on Horace's Epistles, two books. Satires, one book. History of poetry among the Romans. Life of Horace. Review of odes. 3. Greek. (Lectures.) Life of Demosthenes, and selected orations, Philip- pics, for peace, &c. Written exercises from Euripides. Sopho- cles. (Antigone, QEdip. Colon.) Introduction (by lecture) to the rise of the Greek tragedy, the arrangements of the stage, &c. Extempore reading of selections from the IHad. (All these lec- tures in Latin.) 4. Hehreio. Joshua. Psalms, G9 to 72. Jonas. Joel, 1st and 2d, with analysis. Written exercises. Lectures on Psalms 1 to 18, analytically. Hebrew syntax. Selections from transla- tions of the New Testament into Hebrew. 5. German. Poetry and rhetoric, by examples. Prose and poetical exercises. Directions for private reading. 6. French. Voltaire's Brutus and Zaire. Exercises in style. 7. English, (a choice of this language or Hebrew) Vicar of Wakefield. 8. Mathematics. Progressions. Combinations. Logarithms. Binomial theorem. Plane trigo- nometry. Elements of physics. 9. History of the middle ages, from Schmidt's Iconography of the history of the middle ages, and later times. 10. Psycology and logic. 110 ELEEMOSYNARY IXSTITUTIOXS. The lectures alluded to, throughout, are rather informal ex- planations, generally extempore, by the professors, and of which the students usually take notes. They are, in the case of the classics, mostly analytical, critical, and historical. The elements of physics are such a general view of the subject as can be had by the aid of a few simple mathematical principles. The psy- cology is that of observation (empirical so called) now so po- pular in the German and French schools. It must be evident that if the pupil arrive at a proficiency in such courses, he can- not be said to have commenced the study of the learned lan- guages too late in life, and yet his first lesson of Latin grammar has been begun at nearly thirteen years of age. The following is the order of the day, by which these various arrangements arc carried out, divided into two columns, one showing the occupations of the older, the other those of the younger boys. The Elder Boys. Rise at half past four in summer, half past five in win- ter, wash and go to study un- til seven o'clock. Breakfast at seven, and have recreation until eight. Are in school from eight to eleven. Have an hour of drawing, or mutual instruction, on two days in the week. Dine at twelve. Arc at liberty to occupy themselves on the farm or in the garden until two, P. M., or are free until one, and have a drawing lesson of an hour, according to the season. On Saturday change their linen. The Younger Boys. Rise at five in summer, and quarter past five in winter. Brush their shoes and wash. Breakfast at seven, and study until eight. Are in school from eight to eleven. Study until twelve, except those intended for the classi- cal school, who take a Latin lesson. Dine at twelve. Brush their clothes, and, on Saturday, change their linen. In general, are free four days, and take a drawing lesson two days, from one to two. A few learn French two days in the week. FRANKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. Ill Are in school four days and at study two days in the week, until four, P. M. Receive, at four, a piece of bread, and may engage in work in the garden or farm un- til five, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays, in winter, study. Study from five to seven two days, from five to six two other days, and occupy the remaining time with a singing lesson. Walk on two other days in summer. In winter study, except twice a week a singing lesson of an hour. Supper at seven. Are allowed to work in the field from seven to nine in summer, and play in the house from seven to eight, and are occupied in mutual instruction from eight to nine in winter. Study from nine to ten. Arc in school four days in the week, or walking with the tutors two days until four, P. M. Receive a luncheon of bread at four, and play in the yard ; on Saturday walk until five. Study two days, and receive singing lessons four days in the week from five to seven. Supper at seven. Play in summer out of doors, in winter, in-doors, until eight. Voluntary occupation and prayers. The fourth class goes to bed at nine. The third class studies until ten. As all the particulars of this distribution of time have been carefully studied by the directors of this institution, and in the true spirit, it merits especial attention. In passing it briefly in review^ I would call attention, first, to tiie portions of the day devoted to occupation, recreation, and domestic duties. These are, in summer, about seventeen and a-half hours, and in winter sixteen and a-half for the upper classes, leaving but six and a-half in the former, and seven and a-half in the lat- ter to sleep. I confess that both allotments seem to me entirely too small for boys about twelve years of age; and, in- deed, such as would scarcely be adapted to the average of full 112 ELEEMOSYNARY IN.STH U TIONS. grown mcMi. The allowance is so small, compared wiiii that of every other institution, that, had I nut derived tlie information from the director himself, 1 should conclude there was some mistake in the matter. The younger boys have an additional time for sleep, the youngest having an hour and a-half, nearly, more than the eldest, and the other three classes about half an hour more. The general arrangement is highly judicious, but it seems to me doubtful whellier so great a difference is neces- sary between boys often and fourteen. For the j)urpose of com- parison of this and the other heads of my remarks with other schools, I have placed in the Appendix, No. VIII. , a table con- taining an abstract of the orders of the day of some of the i)rin- cipal schools which are described in this Report. Next, in regard to the distribution of the day into time for study, for regular scliool duties, for the extra school duties, for play, and for domestic concerns, the amount of time devoted to each for the elder boys stands thus, on the general average. For study and school in winter nearly eleven hours, in summer nearly ten and a-half; for play and domestic occupations, in winter, about five and a-half hours, and in summer, about seven hours, the amout of hours employed in study and school exercises being nearly equal in winter, and about in the ]iro- portion of four to five in summer. With the German plan, in which so much of the instruction is communicated orally, and at this age of the pupils, these proportions are, probably, quite just and consistent with a high intellectual development. That the development should be of the higher order, will a[)pear by comparing the number of hours oc('upied in intellectual exer- cises in this school, with the allotment in the others, as shown in the table already referred to. In relation to the succession of work and i>lay, there are the following arrangements. In summer, in the evening, there are three hours of study, and in winter four; in the former case, two hours of recreation out of doors, and in the latter, one within doors. There is, further, time for preparation for the day's lessons, in the morning, (»f which an liour is set apart for this purpose. Two hours are passed, also, before school, in domes- FRA.JVKE FOUNDATIONS AT HALLE. 113 tic duties, some of which give bodily exercise. The school then continues for three hours, in summer, with an extra hour devoted to drawing or mutual instruction, and four iiours in winter. There are two hours of recreation, then two hours of school, and again an hour of recreation, before the evening study. This succession is, it must be admitted, very judicious. An improvement, however, suggests itself, that there should be brief intervals of out of door relaxation between the school hours. It is true that this would be difficult, though not impos- sible, at Halle, where several schools open upon the same court. On Wednesday and Saturday there is no school in the after- noon, and the pupils w^alk out under the charge of their tutors. In regard to the younger boys, the arrangement, except in the time of rising, is not materially difierent, until after the morning school at eleven, when, only a selected number of them, have one hour of instruction until twelve. From twelve until two, on two days of the week, some of the boys learn French, and all of them drawing, and on two other days they are free. This may be considered as an additional school hour to those of the elder boys, but it is to be remarked that the in- struction is communicated, in great part, orally to the younger boys, and hence they require fewer hours of preparation and more of recitation. On Wednesda3^s and Saturdays, they walk from two to four, instead of studying as the elder boys do in the half-holiday, and study from five to sev^en, while the others are out. They have four hours more of lessons in vocal music than the elder boys. For all but the lowest class there is an hour of study, from nine to ten. The attention which has been paid to the minutiae of these arrangements, shows itself every where. The director has the power to carry into execution as soon as he is satisfied of the propriety of a measure, and changes and modilications may be made immediately, whenever circum- stances indicate their necessity. The Sunday order of the day is the following: From rising until seven o'clock household duties, from seven to eight study, from eight to nine voluntary occupation, from nine to ten prayers in the common hall, from ten to twehe voluntary oc- 15 114 ELEEMOSVNARY INSTITUTIONS. cupalion, from twelve to two liberty to go into tiic garden, from two to four study, from four to seven voluntary occupa- tions, and visits in the town, from seven to nine in the garden. It would seem that there is a very scanty supply of religious instruction, but the school [thin shows that this forms a part of the every day duty of the school, and that thus it is mingled with all the other exercises. The Sunday occupations, however inappropriate they would be deemed in an institution of Great Britain or the United States, conform to the tone of religious sentiment of the country, and hence I do not consider them a proper subject for comment or objection, in connexion with a single institution. The whole subject must excite much re- flection. MILITARY ORPHAN-HOUSES AT POTSDAM AND ANNABURG. These are both establishments for soldiers' children, and in- tended to train them for the service as non-commissioned offi- cers. I present the first to the notice of the board on account of its well arranged system of physical education, discipline, and police, from which, though its object is diflerent from ours, some useful hints may be drawn, especially in regard to the strict conformity of means to ends. I am induced to lay be- fore the board the plan of instruction pursued in the second, because, the school has recently been re-organized under the direction of one of the most able and experienced teachers of Prussia; from a visit to whose school for teachers, and the es- tablishments connected with it, I derived much instruction, and from whose experience and judgment tiiis sketch of the organi- zation of an elementary and middle school results.* I did not visit the school, wliich was out of my general route, because, having been but recently re-organized on that plan, there was no new experience to be gathered in rci^^ard to its working. • I am indebted, for a manuscript copy of (lie ( xrtlknt rofrulutions of tliij school, to the kindness of its author, Dr. Harniscii, dir.jclor of Uic seminary f)r Icuchcra at Wcisscnfcls, iii Prussia. MILITARY OrvPIIA?f-IIOUSE AT POTSDAM. 115 MILITARY ORPHAN-HOUSE AT POTSDAM. History, Buildivgs, and General Government. This institution was founded in 1724, by Frederick William the First of Prussia. The reputation of Franke's Foundations induced this monarch to rival the benevolence of the clergyman, and to establish on a scale proportioned to his greater means, a house for the edu- cation of the orphans of his soldiers. While, however, the re- cipients of Franke's bounty are free to choose their career in after life, and only so far bound to the institution, as a sense of gratitude may prompt, the youth who passes through the Mili- tary Orphan-house of Potsdam, must enter the military service for twelve years. Three of these, indeed, are the term of service of every citizen, and I believe the three years in the non-com- missioned officers' school are now counted as part of the twelve, and thus the actual number of extra years of service is reduced to six. The institution began with one hundred and seventy-nine children, both girls and boys being received; this arrangement continued until a few years since, when the girls' school was removed from Potsdam, and the establishment at pre- sent is for male pupils only. There are between three and four hundred in the elementary or boys' department. In the early history of the orphan-house two attempts are recorded to in- troduce manual labour, as a profitable speculation; neither of which appears, however, to have succeeded. The first of these, the manufacture of Brabant lace, was introduced in 1743, and after various modifications of the mode of applying the labour of the children, it was finally abandoned in 1795. In 1744, the culture of silk was introduced extensively throughout the king- dom, and especially enjoined at the orphan-houses ; but this at- tempt was not more successful in the end than the other, and the culture is not kept up in this institution. The present spacious buildings were chiefly constructed un- der the reign of the founder and of Frederick the Great. Ad- ditions have, however, been made from time to time since, and the whole plan is hardly yet completed. The institution may be considered as divided into three departments or schools: an IIG ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTION;?. elementary schuol,* ii trade school, and a music school. The buildings for the elementary school are erected alji^nt a spacious court, which serves as an exercising and play-ground. On the ground floor arc the refectory, in which all the youth from the dillercnt schools composing the institution, meet three times a day, and the study and play-rooms, lavatory, &c. The study- rooms form a long range, and when the doors of communica- tion are opened, one teacher can superintend the whole of the classes. The arrangement of the lavatory is defective, the boys washing together in a large stone trough. The school-rooms are on the first and second floors, and are calculated for divi- sions of forty boys each. There are six dormitories, furnished with wooden or iron bedsteads, the latter having been more recently introduced, and found to answer well. The bedding consists of a straw bed beneath and a mattress of hair above. Each dormitory is superintended by a teacher, who sleeps at one end of it. There are also dwelling rooms for the teachers, officers, &c., and in the court a very large wash-house, with a drying-room above it. The buildings occupied by the trade and music schools are separated by a street from the others, and with the dwellings of the officers, a room for gymnastic exercises, and musical prac- tice, and the workshops, form a second immense series of struc- tures. The infirmary is near to them, and is under a separate direction; subordinate, however, to the general executive body. It is divided into rooms assigned to patients sufiering from dif- ferent complaints. A schoolmaster gives instruction to the con- valescent. The arrangements in the dormitories of the trades' school, are similar to tliose used in the army, and the sui>erin- tendencc and discipline are strictly military. The part of the building occupied by the music-school, con- tains separate rooms fur practising by individuals, class-rooms, and dormitories. There are rooms in the main pile for the meetings of teachers, for a small library, &c. • Tlio literal translation f>rt}i<- lilK) of this school is tlu' l>ovs' liousc, (dus Kiia- benhaus.) MILITARY ORPHAN-HOUSE AT POTSDAM. 117 The executive board of this scliool depends partly on the ministry of war, and partly on that of public instruction; the former, however, is the controlling authority. Under this board is the military superintendent, or director, to whom the chaplain, the secretaries, the economist, the military superin- tendent of the day, the teachers, commandants of companies, the inspectors of the trades' and music school, and other officers, are directly responsible. The clergyman is the super- intendent of the elementary school, and has a general charge of all the intellectual and religious instruction. Admission. The orphan children of soldiers are received for maintenance, at any age, by the authorities of the establishment, but if under six years, are boarded with their friends or others until six, and then admitted into the house at Potsdam; they remain there until fourteen or fifteen years of age, and, if of sound constitution, are transferred to the trade, or to the music school, W'here they remain four years, and whence they pass, if their conduct has been good, to the school for non-commis- sioned officers. I have never seen a body of young men all so well physically developed as the pupils of the trade school, a result produced by constant attention to their education on this point. Children who are not healthy, or who have failed in the elementary school, are apprenticed at fourteen, and the institu- tion ceases to have the charge of them. Education. In the Elementary School, the usual branches taught in the common schools of Prussia arc pursued, including reading, writing, arithmetic, the German language, geography, drawing, religious instruction, and a little natural history. The boys are divided into four classes, according to their profi- ciency, and all the classes below the first are subdivided into two sections, each being under the charge of a teacher, and having a separate recitation room. These sections contain about forty pupils each. A monitor of order from among the pupils, has charge of a section on entering and leaving the school-room, and renders such service as the master requires during the lesson; he is assisted by one of the class in the dis- tribution of the books, slates, and other implements of instruc- 118 ELREMOSYrfARY IXSTITT'TIONS. tion. Tlic teachers keep each a roll, upon which the charac- ter of the recitation and conduct of the pupils is entered, and which is examined weekly by the chaplain, and submitted to the board of teachers at their meetings. No youth, who is be- low a certain grade upon this roll, is permitted to enter the trades' school. There are about five hours of instruction on four days of the week, and about twenty-three in the whole week. The holidays are, a week at Easter, four days at Michaelmas, a fortnight in the latter half of July, and from the twenty-third of December to the second of January. For those who have no friends to go to, the Christmas festivities are kept u}) in the school, as in the private families of the country. The board of teachers meet once every fortnight, and the director, or his substitute, or the chaplain, presides. At their meetings, all matters relating to instruction and discipline are discussed. The form of the discii)line of the school is mihtary, but a spirit of mildness tempers it, suiting it to the age of the pupils. The boys, in general, are divided into four companies, each of which has a commandant,* who has charge of the instruction in military exercises, and ranks with the teachers of the school. These companies form a battalion, and are drilled without arms, and in>pccted by the director, or an ofllcer appointed by him. In turn the commandants of companies, acting as officers of the day, have general charge of the military and police duties. Two of the teachers, also, in turn, act as inspectors of the (lay, and have the general su]»crinlcndcnre of the jiupils in study and recreation hours, in the duties of personal ])olice, at meals, and in the dormitories, relieving each other at difierent parts of the day. They are co-ordinate in authority with the officer of the day, and he is expected to relieve and aid them in the maintenance of order. These officers report immediately to the director. The four companies arc subdivided into sections of eleven, • A nun-cumnuKHioncd ofticer of the higliest gradr. MILITARY ORrHAN-HOUSE AT POTSDAM. 119 over each of which one of the boys is placed, witli the title of overseer, or corporal, and he is responsible for the good order of his section, and may be assisted in his duties by one chosen from it. From among these corporals one is selected for the general control and superintendence of the others, and inarches the company to the lavatory, to meals, to the dormitory, &c., being responsible for them whenever they are collected as a com- pany. The boys composing a section are placed at meals upon the same side of the table with the corporal who has charge of them. The younger pupils do not join these companies at once, but are kept together in a division which is under female superintendence, has a separate overseer, and is under differ- ent regulations as to rising, going to bed, and other particulars of discipHne and police from the elder pupils. All the duties of domestic and personal police, and some of those of domestic economy, are performed by the boys enrolled in the four companies. They clean their own shoes, brush their own clothes, attend to the police of the different parts of the building, serve the meals, and make their beds. That the vari- ous duties may be attended to in an orderly way, there are, be- sides those already spoken of, special overseers appointed among the pupils, W'ho have general charge of them while engaged in certain duties, and of particular localities. Thus there is an overseer of the room where the clothes and shoes are kept, who has charge of the exchange of the Sunday for week-day dress, and vice versa ; an overseer of the room where the shoes are brushed and blacked; an overseer of the lavatory; four superintendents of cleanliness, who direct ihe pupils while wash- ing and combing their hair; one of hair cutting; two of serving the table, who have charge of a detail of thirty pupils, who serve and clear the tables and clean the knives and forks; one, of the manual labour classes; one, of the sick in the hospital; one, of those who are unwell, and must report to the physician ; one, of the lights; one, to prevent the passing of bounds; one of the pupils who sing the liturgy in the church: one to conduct the pupils, whose shoes require repairs, to the shoemaker; be- sides, those for the classes and the younger boys, already men- IVIO ELEEMOSYNAIIY INbTlTU 1 lO.N"?. tioncd, and a lew olhci's. 1 make this enuinoratioii in order lo show the minuteness of llie arrangements for police and disci- pline, and tlie extent to which they are conducted by the , 'ij)ils tiiemselves. The selections for appointments are made by the teachers and oflicers, and submitted to the chaj)Uiin and direc- tor for their approbation. A i)art of the \)U\nh employed as superintendents receive small pecuniary allowances, and all enjoy many privileges. Some of the pupils, who are found to have a taste for music, receive special lessons, and are emj)loyed, when sufliciently pro- ficient, to give the signals for the dillerent duties of the day. Eight pu[»ils are thus selected to be taught the bugle and fife, and twelve the drum. In regard to conduct, the pupils are divided into four grades, according to the reports of the teachers and officers, a revision of the classification taking place every quarter, and the director having, in the mean time, the power to displace a pupil in a case of emergency. The first class grade is composed of })u- pils distinguished for unvarying good conduct, and on holidays its members are allowed to leave the orph.an-house alone to make small purchases at discretion, and are neither subject to corporal punishment nor to the stoppage of their meals. The second class is composed also of meritorious puj)ils, but of a lower grade of conduct than the first; they are permitted to leave the school sometimes, but not so often as the others, and are generally under supervision. From these two grades only, the su{)crintcndcnts or overseers are taken. Puj)ils of the third grade stand between lh(»e w ho are decidedly good or bad, and are treated accordingly. They are the last who are peruiitled to pass from the elementary to the trades' school, on completing their course in the former. Those of the fourth, or lowest grade, are kept constantly under supervision, have no allowances, no leaves of absence, arc separated, when j)ossible, from the rest of the pu|)ils, and arc even punished by an inferior diet. There were very few pupils in this grade when I visited the institu tion, in 1837-8, which was iusil\ ronsidered n'> an i)idi<;"i..'. of its good condilit'ii .MILITARY ORPHAN-HUUSE AT POTSDAM. 121 The health of the pupils is promoted by frequent bodily ex- ercise, and, when the weather permits, in the open air. Thus they have regular gymnastic exercises four times a week, are drilled by companies four times, and by battalion twice a week, take frequent walks, and, in summer, bathe every day. The regular manual labour in this department of the school is con- fined to knitting and tailoring. The gymnastic exercises are conducted by two teachers, each taking charge of one of the companies, of which two attend the lesson at the same time, and assisted by pupils selected from among the most proficient in the exercises. There are two swimming lessons given to each company, in summer, every week. In the ordinary divi- sion of the day, in summer, between two and three hours are allowed for manual labour, the same for recreation, two hours for exercise, and nearly eight for sleep. Their clothing is a neat uniform jacket of blue cloth, of a military fashion, gray or white pantaloons for the winter, and a brown linen jacket and white linen pantaloons for the sum- mer, and their officers are distinguished by badges similar to those worn in service. The diet is rather generous, (see tlie table. Appendix, No. VII.,) and, besides the three regular meals, bread is served to them as a luncheon in the morninfz: and after- noon intervals. The mortality was, in 1831, but one in two hundred and twenty-three in the whole institution. An opportunity is given to those who are to pass into the trades' school, to ascertain the trade which they may wish to follow, by a trial during the last year of the elementary course. The order of the day, with merely slight variations during four days of the week, in summer, is as follows : The pupils rise at a quarter before five o'clock, and proceed by companies to the lavatory, two companies occupying it at once and alter- nating, the other two being, meanwhile, engaged in cleaning their shoes. Wash and comb their hair. At half past five the boys detailed to serve the meals proceed to the refectory under their two superintendents. At a quarter before six the bugle sounds, and the companies assemble, by sections, in the court yard. Morning prayers and breakfast. Those who are slightly 10 li-'"-3 KLKKMOSV^ARV l-\6TH U llOXS. sick report to tfie physiciiin. At a quarter before seven, the boys assemble according to classes, and at seven are marched to the school-rooms. At a quarter before nine a luncheon of bread is served out to them. School closes at eleven, and the pupils are free for three (juartcrs of an hour. Dinner at about a quarter before twelve. The [lupils brush their clothes, and are inspected by the otlicer of the day. From a quarter past one to half past two, review the morning lessons in school. From a quarter to three until five, are occupied with manual labour in the work-rooms. Part of the pupils receive instruction in music, and the first and second classes in drawing; a stated number take a swimming lesson; the drummers, fifers, and buglers also have a lesson. A luncheon of bread is distributed. One of the companies is at drill, one at gymnastics, and the other pupils bathing or walking until seven. Evening prayers in the refectory, and supper. Wash, and have recreation until nine, when they retire. The younger pupils retire at half past eight. In winter, the diflerent occupations of the day are each one hour later than in summer, until half past two, when the hour of review of the lessons is omitted, and the exercises, as far as appropriate to the season, follow in the same order as in summer, until half past live, at which hour the pupils go to the school-room, and remain until a quarter before seven. On Wednesday and Saturday, an hour in the morning is de- voted to religious instruction, the other lessons being omitted, except the physical exercises on Wednesday. Stated days and periods of the day are assigned for the exchange of the week-day clothes for those of Sunday, for taking clothes or shoes requir- ing repairs to the tailor or shoemaker of the establishment, for hair-cutting and combing, for washing the neck and shoulders, the feet, and for other minute matters not necessary to be here presented, since a sulTiciently correct idea of the order and exactness of the arrangements may be formed from the speci- men of the order of the day already given. Trade School. Tlie object of this school is, in j>art, to econo- mise the funds of the institution, by making within its walls MILITARY ORPHAN-HOUSE AT POTSDAM. 123 articles of clothing required for the pupils, but more to secure the acquisition, not only of general mechanical dexterity, but of a trade, which may serve to increase their emoluments when they enter the military service. There are, at present, one hun- dred and four pupils in the class. In order to pass into the trades' school from the elementary division, the pupil must have reached at least the second class, have been above the fourth grade in conduct, be between four- teen and fifteen years of age, and of a bodily constitution fitting him for the military service. The course lasts three years. The school has a special inspector, or superintendent, who is responsible to the director of the whole institution, or, in fact, to his substitute, who has special charge of this and of the mu- sic school. The different trades now taught here are those of blacksmiths, saddlers, tailors,* shoemakers, and lithographers. The last named has but seven pupils admissible to its school, and the next to the last forty-four. These numbers depend upon the demand for the occupation subsequent to leaving the establishment, the space required for the operations of the trade, the difficulty of teaching, &c. As each pupil is in general permitted, on ad- vising with the inspector, to choose his employment, it some- times happens that boys are sent into the town to learn a trade not taught in the school. Changes of occupation are very rare, but are sometimes permitted. The blacksmiths are principally engaged in the repairs of arms, the saddlers make the caps and accoutrements, &c. used in the house, the tailors all the uniforms, the shoemakers supply not only this orphan-house, but that of the girls wath shoes, and the lithographers are occupied in copy- ing forms for the school or war department, manuals, &c. They work about seven hours a day, under the superintendence of master workmen from the town. An hour of each day is spent in gymnastic or military exer- cises in the open air in summer, and i/i winter in the large room * At this trade the pupils xvera scoted upon a form, or bench, around a circu- lar table, and not, as with ub, in a constrained position upon a table. 124 KLKEMOSYNAKY IXSTITL'TIONS. before spoken ol. The nulilary exercises, besides the ordinary ones, comprise some wliich are peculiar to the Prussian servicow The usual exercises of gymnastics arc introduced, omitting any which seem to have a tendency towards the tri(;ks of the mountebank. A manual, compiled from Jahn and Eiselin,* is the guide of the teachers. For instruction in these exercises, the wliole school is divided into two parts, and each again into squads, so that the teacher need liavc but twelve to fourteen under his charge. Non-commissioned ollicers are the under teachers, and in turn arc superintended by higher teachers, and by an inspector. There can be no doubt that to these well regulated and per- severingly continued exercises it is, in great part, due that the physical development of these youths is, on the average, so per- fect. Judicious recreation, a proper diet and clotliing, great cleanliness, a proper number of hours of work, of instruction and sleep, no doubt, arc necessary, each and all in their degree, but great influence must be besides allowed to the gymnastic exercises. The pupils have two hours of instruction during the day, in- tended to keep up their knowledge of tlie branches taught in the elementary school, rather tlian to teach new ones. MiHtary drawing is, however, added to their former acquisitions. When not in the shops, nor in school, nor at exercise, they are superintended by non-commissioned ollicers. The disci- pline in this school is military in spirit, as well as in details, and altogether adapted as a preparation to the life which they are to lead after leaving it. Music School Those pupils who have manifested a decided musical talent in the lower school, are here instructed thoroughly in the theory and practice of music. Tlie object is to supply musicians to the icgimcntal bands. These pupils have a scjiarate superintendence from those of the other schools, and dillerent • Mr. Kiel, the Bupcrintcndcnt of this de|mrtincnt, has not only adopted the new excrciscH of Liselin, of l^rlin. Imt li.is iii.u!.- sonif v. i v iiidicioii-i iim)rnv.>- iiionta npitn tli» m. MILITARY ORPHAN-HOUSE AT ANXABCRG. 125 hours of exercise and duty. They keep up the knowledge ac- quired in the elementary school, as is done in the trades' scliool. There are about forty pupils in the classes. MILITARY ORPHAN-HOUSE AT ANNABURG. The course of instruction is divided into two parts, one an elementary course, consisting of religious instruction, arithmetic, the mother tongue, singing, writing, and exercises of induction, taught in four classes, between tlie ages of ten and fourteen. The other, a higher course, taught in three classes, and between the fifteenth and eighteenth years of age of the pupils. In or- der to rise to the place of a non-commissioned officer, the pupil must have gone through at least the lowest of the classes of the higher school The subjects of instruction in this school are : religious instruction, arithmetic, singing, the German language, calligraphy, geography and history, algebra, geometry, trigo- nometry, and drawing. The courses in the different branches are arranged as fol- lows : First. Religious Instruction. LOWER SCHOOL. VII Class. Bible stories, psalms and hymns, appropriate to the season. Four hours per week. VI Class. Histories from the Old and New Testament, portions of the histor)' of the Christian church, catechism. Four hours per week. V Class. Reading and explanation of the Bible, and of its arrangement. Tlic gospel and historical works are selected, and the history is connected with the geography of the Holy Land. Catechism. Five hours. IV Class. Doctrines of the Lutheran church, taught by Luther's Catechism. Five hours. UPPER SCHOOL. Ill Class. Moral instruction, duties to God and man. Three hours. II Class. Reading the Bible with comments, the pupils making abstracts. Three hours. I Class. (Two years.) The first year a repetition of Luther's Catechism. The second, a history of the Christian dispensation. Three hours. Every class commits verses from tlie Bible to memory. Second. Arithmetic. Mental and written arithmetic are tauclit too-ether, that 120 ELEEMOSYN'ARY I.VSTITL'TIO.VS. the readiness afforded by the one, and the accuracy of the other, may both be cultivated. LOWER SCHOOL. VII Class. The four ground-rules, with three places of finiircs mentally. Ap- plication to questions in weights and measures. Three hours. VI Class. The same rules extended. Three hours. V Class. Fractions, with applications to weights and measures. Three hours. IV Class. Proportions. TJiice hours. UPPER SCHOOL. III Class. The applications of proportions to questions of weight, strength, value, time, and general quantity. Two hours. II Class. Exercises in practical algebra. Two hours. I Class. Review of the course. P'irst year, practical operations. Second, theory of arithmetical processes. Two hours. Third. Voral Music. LOWER SCHOOL. VII & VI Classes. Practice of songs, adapted to youth of a cheerful, serious, military, or religious cast, with one part. Two hours. V & IV Classes. Choral and other songs, with the different parts. Elements of music. Two hours. UPPER SCHOOL. Ill, II, & I Classes. More difficult choral pieces. Theoretical instruction continued. One hour. There is, besides, instruction given to a select choir, in- tended to conduct the vocal exercises of the church. Fourth. Rra'linrr. In tlie lower classes, a readiness in reading, and in the higher, the style of reading, is attended to especially. Pieces learned previously, by heart, are recited. lower school. VII Class. A good pronunciation, and some facility in reading. Six hours. VI Class. Readiness in reading, and repeating the substance of what has been read. Familiar illustrations. Five hours. V Class. Reading some work in reference to knowledge useful in conmion life. Four hours, IV Class. Reading, with attention to emphasis. Four hours. UPPER SCHOOL. III Class. Reading the Bible and Sacred Melodies, with tlie view to correct reading in this kind of composition. Two hours. II Class. Reading various st'. 'cted works, in and out of the class. I Class. Reading continued, and recitations from works previously read. Fifth. Orthography and Wriliivr. These may l>e tauirht together in th." sanin way as mt;ntul and written nritliruetir ; the teacher is, however, a{ liberty to lol- low hiB own methf»d. MILITARY OllPIIAN-HOUSE AT ANNABURG. 127 LOWER SCHOOL. VII Class. Copying on slates from the black-board. Four hours. VI Class. Copying on paper, from the board, and from books. Four hours. V Class. Writing from copy-slips, from books, or from dictation. (Practice in spelling and writing). Four hours. IV Class. Similar exercises continued. Four hours. UPPER SCHOOL. III Class. Copying useful papers, such as registers, accounts, contracts, &,c. Two hours. II Class. Calligraphy, with Roman as well as German letters, practice in or- thography, reading of letters and documents in various handwritings. Two hours. I Class. Copying papers relating to the management of the institution, as a practical introduction to business. One hour. Slxth. Useful Knoivledge taugJit hy induction. LOWER SCHOOL. VII Class. The pupils give their ideas, verbally, of surrounding objects of the most simple kind, of the commonest productions of nature and art. Conversa- tions relating to them. Drawing the most simple mathematical figures on the slate. Three hours. VI Class. Descriptions of animals and j)lants, the former in the winter, the latter in the summer term. Written remarks on these, serving to afford exer- cise in the formation of phrases and in orthography. Four hours. V Class. The most essential parts of physics and natural history, the pupils taking notes of the lessons. Four hours. IV Class. Compositions on various subjects. Letters relating to civil and military affairs. Four hours. UPPER SCHOOL. III Class. History of Prussia and drawing of maps. Four hours. II Class. General geography, particularly that of Europe. Passing from physical to political gcograpliy. Civil geography in connexion with the former. Five hours. I Class. Universal history. One year is devoted to ancient and one to mo- dern history. Selections are made of the more important parts of history. Five hours. The remaining studies only belong to the higher school. Seventh. German Grammar and Style. UPPER SCHOOL. III Class. Logical and grammatical construction of the German language taught. II Class. Idiom of the language. Compositions on military subjects, with especial reference to correctness of grammar. 12S B'.LEEMOSYNAKV INSTi 1 U'l lO.N s. I C'lass. Acquiiintance witli tlie best writers. Exercises of cojiiiKJsitiun on subjects taken from liistory. Eighth. Geometry. UPPER SCHOOL. Ill Class. Teaching the names and properties of mathematical figures by in- duction, in connexion with drawing. II Class. Efjuations, with application to problems of common life. I Class. Elements of trigonometry. Ninth. Draicing. UPPER SCHOOL. III Class. Drawings from common objects, varying the positions, &^c. II Class. Copying flowers, or drawings of implements. I Class. Architectural drawing with instrument.^, drawings of furniture, 6lc. I have allowed mj'sclf to present this extended programme, because it conveys, in as brief a compass as possible, excellent ideas of the succession of courses in an elementary school, and in a technical or trade school, for such the higher school must be considered. It should be remembered that the main purpose is the preparation of youth for the military service, and hence that the wants of the service are especially consulted. Another fact must be remembered, namely, that this is a Lutheran school, and therefore the religious instruction is adapted to the parti- cular views of that church. The course of morals of the third class, I must say, iiowever, seems to me out of its place, for although our duties to God and our neighbour are of course best learned from his Word, yet their inculcation by precept and example cannot commence too early. In the arithmetical course, the union of mental and written arithmetic is absolutely essential. The gradation appears to me good, and the application to questions of common life gives a zest to such studies, attainable in no other way. The theory of arithmetical processes, however, should accompany or follow mure nearly their practical acquisition. Indeed, if they are taught as they ought to be, by induction, the theory goes with the practice. If the ynuih at Annal)iirg take the same pleasure m the exercises of song, from tlie elements to the completion of the ORPHAN-HOUSES OF POTSDAM AND LITTLE GLIENCKE. 129 musical course, as those of the school actually superintended by the author of this project, the success will be complete. The connexion of orthography and writing, especially if combined with early reading, is natural. The exercises of induction, which in the lower classes are well drawn out, deviate from the appropriate track in the fourth class, and in the geographical and historical courses do not return to it. The system in both these branches is rather synthetical than inductive. There is a great temptation to break away from this method, into that of giving positive instruction, from the appa- rently greater rapidity of progress of the pupil; some teachers have abandoned it altogether, as too slow, though ultimately to their cost, as appeared to me in cases where I had an oppor- tunity of comparing the results. The writing is preceded by an introduction course of draw- ing, which might with excellent effect be so extended as to branch out into complete courses of drawing and writing. As this plan results from an extended experience, the number of hours of instruction, per week, necessary to secure the results, is an important datum, and as such I have retained it, whenever it was inserted in the original programme. CIVIL ORPHAN-HOUSE AT POTSDAM, AND ORPHAN-HOUSE AT LITTLE GLIENCKE. Besides the Military Orphan-house at Potsdam, there are two other orphan-houses at and near the city, the general arrange- ments of which I propose here to describe. From their limited number of pupils, and other peculiarities, they will not require a full discussion. The founder of both these interesting establishments is coun- sellor Von Tiirk, whose enlightened benevolence, aided by the means of his friends, has furnished homes and education, in one of these establishments, for the sons of deceased physicians, clergymen, &c., and in the other, for the orphans of country schoolmasters, and of the inferior officers of government. The first, called the Civil Orphan-house of Potsdam, has twenty-four 17 130 ELKEMOSVNAKY IXSTITUTIO.VS. pupils under its charge, of whom sixteen reside in the house, tfie otiiers being assisted at the dvvelhngs of their mothers. The pupils first enter the excellent burgher scliool of Potsdam, and uhcn they have I'eachcd its first class, (or at between thirteen and fourteen years of age,) choose, according to their disposi- tion and talent, their future course. According to this, they pass to the trade school, the sciiool for teachers, or the gymnasium. Those of ordinary parts are apprenticed at fourteen. A teacher lives with them and superintends their studies. Those who have passed through the gymnasium, are sup- ported at the universities by foundations. The road is thus opened to merit in any direction in w hich it may exhibit itself. The institution is merely the home, and the public schools af- ford to it, at a very cheap rate, precisely the kind of instruction which is required. The advantages here given to particular orphans are, doubtless, those which our founder intended to be extended to all, and that within the institution itself; an idea requiring means no less ample than those which he has devoted to it, to secure its successful execution. In the Orphan-house of Little Gliencke, the pupils receive such an education as may fit them for mechanical pursuits, or as introductory to the profession of a teacher in the elementary schools of Prussia. Provision to receive a higher education is made for those who distinguish themselves. The pupils are engaged a portion of each day in manual labour: in summer, in agriculture, the rearing of mulberry trees, and in gardening, having also an opportunity to learn the management of bees and silk-worms. In the winter, with manufactures of straw and making nets, and some of the elder boys in joinery work, mo- delling, and smithing. The number of boys is only thirteen, so that but one teacher is needed, who lives with them con- stantly, giving, himself, nearly all the instruction. Counsellor Von Tiirk takes a share in some departments, to which lie has especially devoted himself, as for example the connexion of arithmetic and geometry. The discij^line is of the family kind. Tiie boys are divided into classes of two, three, or four, according to ihcir progress. The teacher now in this school, ORPHAX-HOUSE OF FRANKFORT ON MAINE. 131 is one of those instances of ardent attachment and devotion to his profession, such as are more frequently seen in Prussia than in any other country to which my researches extended. ORPHAN-HOUSE OF FRANKFORT ON MAINE. This establishment makes no pretensions to giving an edu- cation above that intended to fit its pupils for trades, but in the means taken to give them a general mechanical dexterity, ap- plicable to their future pursuits, as well as in the paternal character of its discipline,* it is not surpassed by any of the in- stitutions which I have visited. I am satisfied that this idea of the object of manual labour may be carried out to great ad- vantage in our college, and indulge a confident expectation that, by a judicious selection of masters, the discipline of the in- stitution, notwithstanding its enlarged scale, may be as mild as that of the school now under discussion. The present buildings of the orphan-house are well situated, and commodiously arranged, with a neat garden in front, a pretty chapel at one end of the garden, and the other buildings on a long line at right angles to the front of the chapel. About a century ago the rights of orphans to education from the pub- lic were so little acknowledged, that they were ranked with offenders, or when better off than this, with adult paupers. There are many examples of both those connexions in the his- tory of European orphan-houses, and the former existed in the case of the Frankfort establishment, until towards the close of the last century, the orphan-house being, up to that time, a branch of the correction-house. The present establishment shows what a great change in public sentiment has taken place since that period. The buildings date from 1829-32. The income is derived in part from landed and in part from funded property. It is managed by twelve trustees, usually se- lected from among the elder senators of the city. Under these is the head master, who controls all the in-door affairs of the * This and the present improved general condition of the institution, are du« to the enlightened efforts of the head ninster, the Rev. Mr. Schaeffer. \'3*i EI.EEMOSVXARY 1\STITUTI0\>. institution, and is responsible lor its efficiency. He is re-eli- gible every four years, a tenure quite unusual in similar schools, but attended with advantages in some points of view. The economist or steward, w^ho is the only officer allowed to be a married man, has charge, under the head master, of providing for the household. There are two assistant teachers, re-eligible every year. The pupils arc fatherless children, or, in certain cases, other destitute children and foundlings, the latter being paid for by the city. There are in all one hundred and ninety-five children at the charge of the institution, of whom ninety-five are boys, and thirteen very young children, who are boarded out of the house. The age of admission is six, and that of leaving the school between fourteen and fifteen, or after the celebration of their first communion. Places as apprentices are secured for those who are to leave the house, and they remain under its superintendence until the term of apprenticeship has ex- pired. They are then presented with a suit of clothes and a sum of money, and their connexion with the ori)han-house ceases. The intellectual education is of the same grade, and em- braces nearly the same subjects, as at Hamburgh; the division is here, however, into three classes, each of which has its master, the head master passing from class to class, and hav- ing special charge of the religious instruction, and of the exer- cises of induction, arithmetic, and the elements of geometry. I had occasion to hear a recitation of the youngest class with him in the inductive exercises, and to remark how much more difficult his task was than that of a teacher in the neighbouring school, who had a class of the same age in the same subject; in fact it required considerable exertion on his part to induce them to exercise their reflective powers at all. As a general rule in Germany, where the temperament is less lively than in England, youths in this situation, many of them, before entering these in- stitutions, friendless, neglected, or ill used, require very peculiar management to elicit their mental powers, and in all the coun- tries which 1 visited, I observed that bovs thus situated are, in ORPHAN-HOUSE OF FRANKFORT ON MAINE. 133 general, below the average in animal spirits, and frequently in mental activity. The assistant teachers superintend the boys by turns during the hours when they are not in school, an arrangement, of the advantages of which I have often spoken. These teachers are re-appointed every year, the trustees judging this method more advisable than any stipulations as to removal. In point of fact, they have generally, after a number of years' service, I believe, the offer of more important situations, and their places are sup- plied from the qualified pupils of the institution. The discipline, in general, is addressed to the moral senti- ments and affections. No prizes are given to stimulate to study. Keeping the boys from play or work, requiring them to work alone, admonition, solitary confinement, and, as a last resort, corporeal chastisement, are the punishments. The character of each pupil is studied, as far as possible, and the means of repression or encouragement are applied accordingly. A diary is kept by each assistant-teacher, in which he enters not only the progress of every pupil, and of all the classes, but such remarks on the conduct as he may find necessary; the head master examines this diary, and confers with the un- der masters from time to time. There are, besides, regular meetings of the teachers held every week, as is usual in the German schools, and which serve not only to inform the seve- ral masters of the character and standing of each pupil, but as opportunities for giving and receiving advice in relation to me- thods of instruction or discipline. There is one vacation in the year, new year's day, on which the pupils are allowed to visit their friends. During two hours on every Sunday afternoon they receive their friends, who are provided with tickets for that purpose. There are oc- casions, however, of breaking through this strict seclusion, by the occupation of the boys in services connected with the town, which take them out of the walls of the institution.* * It is an evidence of the difterences wliich prevail in regard to views of mo- rals, that, while with us lotteries are abolished, these youths actually receive a pecuniary reward for drawing- the lotteries of the city of Frankfort. l:ii F.LEEMOSVXARY LVSTITUTIO.VS. Besides llic religious instruction in the school-room, the children attend chapel once on Sunday, and, as the services are Lutheran, the Roman Catholic children are sent to a chapel in the city. The diet is niore generous than that at Hamburgh, as ihey have meat for dinner three times a week. In regard to the kind of food necessary for nourishment, the practice of the con- tinent, while it is no examj)le for England, seems much more applicable to our country, as far as the similarity of climate is concerned. Though our winters are generally longer, they are not more severe than those of the middle of Germany,* while our summers exceed theirs in heat. The supply of clothing is nearly the same as at Hamburgh. The discipline of the dormitories, wash-house, during the walks, &c., is rendered easier by the division of the pupils into squads of twelve, each having a monitor at its head. I am not aware that in any of these institutions the plan adopted at the London Orphan-house has been tried, of allowing the moni- tors to choose their own divisions; believing it to be attended with good results, I was anxious to see it further put to the test of use under different circumstances. It is under the charge of these monitors that the clothes are served out, and the usual duties of police executed. The dormitories are pro- vided with iron bedsteads, each pupil sleeping separately. The assistant masters occupy beds in the two end dormitories, hav- ing thus a general superintendence of the pupils at night, as well as at rising and retiring. The principal house- work being performed by the pupils, one male and one female servant only are required. Besides the emjiloyment in handicraft work, two hours every day, the pupils have an hour of regular gymnastic exercises, and on Wednesday they walk, or bathe in the Maine, according to the season. They also do much of the household work which is not appropriate to girls, split and pile the wood, &ic. The ])upils, though in general healthy in appearance, wxre pcr- ■ During; my journry in the winti-r f»f 1837-8, tlie thormomftrr was rrpnrfod once as low ns — fip Falir., nt riofhn, urnr t)ir, rontrc of (Jcrnianv. ORl'HAiX-HOUSE OF FIlANKrORT ON MAIXE. 135 ceptibly less robust than those of some neighbouring schools. I do not, however, lay much stress on the comparison, as it leaves out of view many elements, as, for example, the import- ant ones of the health of the parents, and the physical develop- ment of the children before entering, and I was satisfied that neglect of physical education could not justly be imputed to the institution. In sickness, a physician is called in, and the boys are transferred to the infirmary. The handicraft employments are well arranged, so as to avoid two difficulties — on the one hand, that of forcing the in- clination of a pupil to work which does not suit him; and on the other, allowing him to acquire habits of unsteadiness by go- ing from one occupation to another. Each pupil is at liberty to choose which of the handicrafts he will ensiao-e in at the be- ginning of any quarter, but when his choice is made, he must remain in this division for three months at least, unless special reasons determine the master to permit a change. The manual occupations are making baskets, mats, cord, turning, book- binding, working in iron and brass wire, shoemaking, and tai- loring. In summer, gardening is added to the list. Some boys who have a taste for music, are afforded means of improving it. The little boys are occupied in knitting, a very general oc- cupation in the German schools for young children of both sexes. Each trade has its own room, and its superintendent. There are regular instructors in those branches in which the teachers cannot give instruction. The articles made are none of them sold, but generally used in the institution. The order of the day is as follows: The elder boys rise at five in summer, wash and dress, and go to morning prayers. The younger boys rise at six. All breakfast between six and seven. The elder boys are occupied in tailoring, or cleaning the hall, or carrying wood to the kitchen, and other household duties, until seven. All have instruction from seven until ten. Arc occupied at handcrafts from ten until twelve. Dine at twelve. Arc occupied in personal police and play from one to two. In school from two until four, ex- cept on Wednesdays and Saturdays. At four, have a luncheon 136 ELEEMOSYNARY IXSTITUTIOXS. of bread. From five to six, all arc preparing for ihc lessons uf the following day, except twelve, who are occupied by turns, from four to six, in the tailor's room. From six to seven, gym- nastic exercises. At seven, take supper, which is followed by evening prayers. The younger boys retire at eight, and the elder ones are, in summer, in the garden until nine, and in win- ter en^aired in handicrafts. In winter they rise one hour later, but in general the order of the day is nearly the same as in summer. By comparing the number of hours employed in this school and at Hamburgh, it will be found that, generally, they agree very well. In the intellectual education tlius measured, this school is very little behind Hamburgh. It has considerable ad- vantage on the score of the occupation in trades, while the other excels it in the opportunities for play and the exercises of gymnastics. If we judged only by the programme of studies at Halle, Hamburgh, and Frankfort, we should place the intel- lectual education on a par, except that in Halle some few in the highest class study Latin and others French; but, on examining the number of hours of occupation, we find four hours of study in Halle to one in Frankfort, and one hour more of school ex- ercise: this is suilicient to show that the studies are pursued further, though the same in kind, a fact confirmed by my ex- amination. The select class, when it existed at Hamburgh, was {)robably on a par with the oldest class at Halle. This uniformity I believe to be attributable to the common sense view taken l)y the German schoolmasters, who have given the impress to the present system, of adapting means to ends. They begin by laying down the purpose of a school, and then or- ganize it accordingly, and I believe the boys at Frankfort to be quite as well fitted as those at Halle for the particular posi- tion which they are to occupy. When boys arc to be pushed in their studies, so as to select the best to carry forward, then the time of study must be increased, as at Halle, or a select class must be established, as formerly at Hamburgh. It will be observed that in all these schools, the interest of the majority of the boys is made the regulating principle of the instruction. SCHOOL FOR soldiers' CHILDREN AT STRUPPEN. 137 SCHOOL FOR SOLDIERS' CHILDREN AT STRUPPEN, NEAR DRESDEN. This institution is under the enlightened superintendence of the Minister of War of Saxony, and under the immediate di- rection of a teacher * who carries out the plan in a thorough Way, both as regards manual labour and instruction. The pupils are the orphan boys of soldiers, and are received at an early age, and prepared for apprenticeship in civil life, or for the army. The system is a judicious mixture of instruction and work; in winter, at various trades and family occupations, and in sum- mer, out of doors, in the garden and fields, as well as in-doors. The institution is beautifully situated on the borders of the Saxon Switzerland, and its accommodations are well adapted to the purposes of the school. The grade of instruction is that of an elementary school, the subjects being religious instruction, the German language, read- ing, arithmetic, the elements of geometry and natural philoso- phy, natural history, geography and history, writing, drawing, and singing. A portion of the classes w^ere examined upon th°e principal subjects of study during my visit,t ^"d specimens of their writing and drawing were submitted for inspection. The proficiency of the pupils was highly satisfactory. The distribution of the time which is allotted to intellectual instruction, during the winter session, is given below. There are three classes, of which the highest is called "select," many pupils, however, are apprenticed to a trade, or enter the army as drummers or musicians, before reaching that o-rade. The basis of their education is moral and religious, and the principal subjects in addition, are the mother tongue, and ma- thematics. The study of French by the select class is easily explained, from the peculiar political position of Saxony in re- ference to the rest of the Germnn states. * Mr. Braun. f For the advantageous opportunity of visiting this school in his company T am indebted to the Minister of War of Saxony, Lieuf. Ceneral Von Zezschw.u 18 138 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. Table of the distribution of study at the School for Soldiers' Chjldren at Slrui)i)cn, near Dresden. WI.NTFR TERM. SUMMER TERM. i 1 o 1 u O o i 1 o Religious Instruction, - - - 5 G 6 G G G German Language, ... - 7 5 5 6 4 3 Reading, o 5 2 2 2 Arithmetic, o 4 4 2 5 4 Geometry, 3 3 1 2 1 Natural Philosophy, - - - 1 1 1 1 Natural History, .... 1 1 1 1 Geography and History, - - 2 2 2 2 2 French, o Writing, o o 3 2 2 1 Drawing, o 2 2 2 2 Singing, o 2 2 2 2 2 28 30 2G 28 28 2G The distribution of instruction and labour is sucii, that during the week, in summer, each class has from twenty-six to twenty- eight hours of instruction, and from twenty to twenty-two of manual labour, and during the winter, from twenty-six to thirty hours of instruction, and from eighteen to twent}'-onc of work. The various trades and occupations ^\ ithin doors are tailoring, (making and mending their own rlothes), shoeniaking and mending, sawing and clK)pping wood for the house, working in pasteboard, in straw, and in wood, making nets, tilling mat- SCHOOL FOR soldiers' CHILDREN AT STRUPPEN. 139 tresses, spinning, writing for the war office and school, and miscellaneous house work. These occupations are all carried on regularhr, and with a view to defray a portion of the ex- penses of the institution; the farm is worked for the same pur- pose, and there is a large dairy attached to it. The pupils are detailed for the different duties every month, and the regular hours of work are fixed by the school programme. The order of the day in winter is as follows: the pupils rise at six o'clock, wash, dress, and make their beds. At seven, they attend prayers, and take their breakfast. From eight to twelve, there is instruction every week-day, with an intermis- sion of a quarter of an hour at ten o'clock for recreation and luncheon. From twelve until two, they dine, have recreation and gymnastic exercises. From two until five, except in the cases of a few pupils, there is manual labour. From five to six, recreation and supper. From six to eight, study, singing les- sons, and manual labour. At half past eight, prayers° and at nine the classes retire. In summer they rise at five, at half past six have prayers, and religious instruction until seven. Breakfast, and have recreation until eight. Are enn-ao-ed in school or manual labour until twelve, with an intermission of a quarter of an hour, for relaxation, at ten. Have recreation, gymnastic exercises, and dine between twelve and two. Are engaged in school or manual labour until six, with an interval at five for recreation, during which, as in the morning, they receive a luncheon of bread. On Wednesday afternoon, they bathe in the Elbe, which is at an easy walk from the institution. About seven o'clock they sup, and then are free until the hour for prayers, towards nine o'clock. At nine they retire. The arrangements of the school are military, the students wear a neat uniform, and those who are appointed to the command of the others at meals, in the dormitories, &c., arc distinguished by particular badges. The discipline is m.ild. The fare exceedingly simple. In the morning, flour gruel, or milk and bread is given for brcakfiist; at noon, vegetables for dinner, except on one day of the week a milk gruel. They also receive a piece of bread in the intervals of recreation, in the 140 ELEEMOSYiVARY IXSTITUTIONS. morning in winter, and botli morning and afternoon in summef. The appearance of the children is healthy. The number of pupils in the several classes, in 1837-8, was, in the select class twenty-six, in the first class forty-seven, and in the second class fifty-one. Total, one hundred and twenty- four. There is a principal and two assistant teachers, besides those for the handicrafts. The steward has charge of the farm, and gives the pupils instruction in agriculture. ST. JOHN'S ORPHAN-HOUSE AT PRAGUE. This was the best orphan-house which I visited in the Aus- trian dominions, and I give it as containing some of the peculiar arrangements found in southern Germany. History, BiiUding, and General Government. The institution was founded in 1773, after the close of the seven years' war, by Count Runigh and others, for the maintenance and educa- tion of twenty-five orphans. The funds* have been increased by imperial grants, especially by those of Maria Theresa, and in consequence of a fever of violent type having broken out in the house, which was attributed to its contracted dimensions, that empress gave money for erecting a more spacious one. The present building contains not only all necessary accommo- dations, but is better adapted to its object than most of the or- phan-houses which I have seen on the continent. It contains large halls for school-rooms and studies, for dormitories, and for a refectory, for examinations, and dancing lessons; also, a chapel with a gallery for the choir, a meeting-room for the trustees, and for the teachers, apartments for the teachers, &c. Tiie establishment is administered by seven trustees, appoint- ed by the city of Prague, eacii of whom takes a separate de- partment of it under his superintendence, the president having a general responsibility. They meet once a month at tiie liouse, for the transaction of business, inspect the institution every quarter, and receive a yearly report from the superintendent who has charge of all the departments. At present, one of the • The income is now about twcnty-onc lliousand dollars. ST. John's orphan-house at i'rague. 141 teachers has been chosen to this ofRce, but continues also to give instruction. There are, besides, three teachers, and one assistant, all of whom, as well as the superintendent, must be unmarried. The teachers hold monthly conferences, to discuss the progress and conduct of the pupils, a system which cannot be too warmly recommended, as producing concert of action in teachers of the same age, and improvement in younger ones. The eco- nomy of the house is in charge of a stewardess, who receives a fixed sum for the board of each pupil and teacher, and has, besides, a small salary from the institution, with certain per- quisites. Admission, S^c. To be admitted, a child must be fatherless, the son of a citizen of Prague, or of one of the inferior town officers, in necessitous circumstances, and of six years of age. On appli- cation for admission, a certificate of the marriage of parents, of baptism, vaccination, and of having attended school, must be pre- sented. There is no fixed age beyond which children are not re- ceived, but in general they are not admitted w^hen over twelve years. Special exceptions to these rules, particularly as regards being the sons of burghers, have been made in certain cases, as, for example, in the orphans rendered so by the cholera. When the claims of several children are considered equal, and the number of applications exceed the vacancies, they are obliged to draw for their places. If it is discovered, after the admission of a child, that any deception has been used, his friends are obliged to pay the expenses which have been in- curred for his maintenance, &c. The admission takes place once a year, on St. John's day. The pupils are retained until between thirteen and fourteen years of age, and are then apprenticed by the institution. At the close of the apprenticeship, they receive certain gratuities. As the custom of paying a|)prentice fees still exists in Austria, and the institution does not pay them, these children are obliged to serve for a longer term than others, as an equivalent. The master to whom they are bound is obliged, if he have fault to 142 ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. find with his apprentice, to report it to the trustees, and in gene- ral cannot break the indenture without consulting them. iS'o regular provision is made for the advancement of the more inlelhgcnt. According to the rules of the house, children who are not orphans may be taken on the payment of a certain sum an- nually. Tliis practice prevailed also formerly in some of the orphan-houses of Switzerland. It was intended partly to bene- fit the funds of the house, and })artly to prevent that isolation ol the orphans from society, which their own friendless condition would teixl to produce. It has been found, however, not to work well. The objections which appeared here were twofold; the want of ecjuality in the pupils who were on the charity, and of those who paid, was a source of discomfort to the former, when the pay pupils were numerous, and the guardians of bad children frequently took advantage of this way of educating them, and thus the mass of the school was corrupted by tiie introduction of a few immoral individuals. The number of these pupils is, in conse(iuence, in the course of gradual re- duction. The whole number of boys in the house, in 1837, was fifty. Education. The courses of study here are those of the Aus- trian model high-school, and consist of reading, writing, arith- metic, geograi)hy, and German and Bohemian grammar. There are three classes, the lowest of which, the first, can be passed through in one year, and the other two in from two to three years. As i)art of these children speak the Bohemian language only, and part the German, one of the main objects of instruction is to produce an interchange of the two. Accuracy is not at- tained by their intermixture in conversation, for they tend to corrupt each other's language by introducing a ditferent idiom. Tiie case is a very dillerent one from that of a single indi- vidual f)laced in a community whose language iie wishes to acquire, antl the result shows conclusively tliat this dilfer- encc is not to bo overlooked in determining how a foreii^n language is to be taught. The necessity for this devoli(»n to ST. John's orphan-house at Prague. 143 language for its own sake, limits very much the intellectual dc- velopnfient of the pupils. Drawing is one of the courses in which very great pains are taken, and boys who have chosen their intended occupations, are directed to the kind of drawing judged most suitable for them. This selection is usually made about a year before leav- ing the house, so that some time is afforded for special drawing. Music is not taught in any form, except to the few who con- stitute the choir of the chapel ; neither is singing used in the school, which, to my apprehension, is an important omission. The religious instruction of the school is given, at present, by a Roman Catholic clergyman, one of the trustees,* who also holds a service on Sundays and holidays, in the chapel The instruction consists of catechetical exercises, Bible history, &c. The teachers have not separate subjects precisely, nor yet are they confined to one class, to which they give instruction in several branches, but a kind of mixed system is in use, which is not very advantageous. The reason assigned for this is, that as each teacher must in turn superintend the study hours of all the classes, he must teach every class, in order to be able to keep them in due order. I was not satisfied with the result, and believe that either system, would be preferable, but that for an elementary school, hke this, the class system, as far as it can be pursued, is the better. When a teacher is tho- roughly trained, for example, as those who are sent out by the seminaries for teachers in northern Germany, he has more than the acquirement requisite for such a purpose. Each teacher, in turn, is expected to superintend the pupils from rising until they are in bed, which is an excellent ar- rangement. In this he is assisted by certain boys, appointed to the charge of divisions of six, and who are selected for this purpose at the monthly conference of the teachers. The rewards for conduct and progress are permissions to * Pater Schneider has devoted the small amount now available as a salary for an ecclesiastic acting- as instructor, to create, by its accumulation, a fund for a chaplain. His benefits to the institution cannot, however, be estimated by pecu- niary measure. 144 KLEEMOSVNARV INSTITUTIONS. visit friends on Sundays and holidays, the inscription of the pu- pil's nanic in a book of iionour, presenting him favourably to the trustees, appointing him to the charge of others, and ren- dering him eligible to prizes at the examinations. These are only bestowed in cases where the conduct of a superintendent has been irreproachable for six montiis. The punishments are varied in reference to the dispositions of individuals, but consist principally in abridging their plea- sures. Corporal punishment is permitted, but is rarely re- sorted to. There are no mechanic arts taught in the institution, nor do the pui)ils even assist the workmen, (tailor and shoemaker,) who are employed in the house.* They take but little part in the police of the establishment, merely waiting on each other at meals. Thus they lose much good moral and physical dis- cipline. The gardens attached to the house are rented, and nothing but their play-ground reserved for the use of the boys. Their exercises consist of gymnastics and of walks in sum- mer almost every day, and in winter, in walks on Thursday and Sunday, and dancing. Their health is in general good, no indisposition having occurred during the year before my visit, requiring the use of the sick-room. The clothing is ample, in the ordinary fashion of the boys of the town, and is changed froni winter to summer. They have an out and in-door suit, wliich are supplied as the occasion requires. The diet is quite generous, resembling that of the English schools, more than those of northern Germany. They have meat every day but Friday, and in the evening beer, with bread and butter. This fare shows how local such matters are, when we find in the snulh a northern diet and beverage. Their food is inspected by the superintendent, and by one of the trustees, who attends from time to time for that purpose. The teachers dine in the same hall with the boys, and, with the stew- ardess, superintend them at meals. The boys who wait at table receive a small gratuity for their services. • Tlirrc nrc fivr fniinlo <«rrvnnt«, brsidos ;i porter for the hnusr srrvicr. ST. John's orphan-house at Prague. 145 The provision for cleanliness is, in general, good. There is a special wash-house for summer use, but in winter they are obliged to use the school-rooms for this and other duties of cleanliness, which, it is needless to say, is a very bad arrange- ment. The police of the dormitories is good, and the linen fre- quently changed ; each boy has his own bed, but the bedsteads are of wood, except in the dormitories of the infirmary, where iron has been introduced, and its advantage recognised. A teacher sleeps in each dormitory, and a lamp is kept burning through the night. The order of the day gives four hours of study, four of reci- tation, three devoted to household duties, meals, &c., four and a-half to play, exercise, and gymnastics, and eight and a-half to sleep, in the summer time. In the winter they rise half an hour later than in summer. 19 14G ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. CHAPTER III. NOTICES OF THE ORPIIAN-HOUSES OF HOLLAND. There arc two classes of Orphan-houses in Holland, the first are conducted with a view to strict economy as the prinnary consideration, the second are foundation cstabHshments, which before the French occupation were rich, and are, even now, usu- ally sufficiently well oH'to look to higher considerations than those of mere economy, and to give those pupils who show great in- telligence a better education than ordinary. Both classes of these schools have an interesting provision in the late age to which the pupils are superintended by the establishment, which replaces the home of the more fortunate child; and as the mode of carrying out the provision will appear equally by selecting an institution of either class, I shall take for description the Burgher Orphan-house of Amsterdam, which belongs to the second. In charge of the trustees of the orphan-houses at Utrecht and the Hague, are certain foundations for educating young men of talent, which I shall describe in connexion with a few re- marks on those establishments. It is a remarkable fact that one country borrow's very little from another, in regard to the organization of such institu- tions, while similar ideas prevail in nearly all where parti- cular signs of nationality arc exhibited. They all have a tendency, too, to retain the organization, in every respect, of a past age, and when the world around them is changing rapidly, are left behind in regard both to matters of little importance, such as dress and diet, and also to the essen- tials of education. In countries where education is in a state of transition, they arc in general the last to benefit by the changes, an observation which will serve to explain my silence in regard to many of the schools which I visited with- out the invidiousnes.s of s])ccial remark. My mission was BURGHER ORI'llAN-llOUSE OF AMSTERDAM. H7 rather to discover, if possible, the good, and to place some account of their })eculiarities before the Board, than to notice all indiscriminately. I have considered myself bound to notice defects in those described, where they seemed to bear upon our institution, and have treasured up mistakes of various kinds, as warnings to which we may profitably turn, but I have felt the task of presenting either in this Report an ungrateful one, and have avoided it where I could do so without a violation of duty. BURGHER ORPHAN-HOUSE OF AMSTERDAM. This establishment was founded in 1520, by a charitable lady (Haasje Plaas), who, during her lifetime, had educated several orphan children, and at her decease left a house and funds to continue this benevolent practice. Subsequent legacies, by citizens of Amsterdam, have increased the funds of the in- stitution, which at present supports itself, without drawing upon the resources either of the city or the state. There are six trustees, or governors, who are named by the magistrates of the city, and have absolute control over the institution and its funds. The Board meets once a week, at the house, and the president is charged, in the interim, w^ith all their duties and powers. They report yearly to the burgomaster of the city. The officers of the establishment are, a director, who attends to the out-door affairs, and to whom, when the trustees are not in session, the other officers of the house are responsible. A superintendent, and matron for the boys, and another for the girls, called in the language of the orphan-houses of Holland, the father and mother of the boys and of the girls. The super- intendent of the boys has charge of them at all times, but es- pecially when not in school; has the power to correct them at discretion, reporting the circumstances to the president on his daily visit. He makes a verbal report to the trustees at their weekly meetings. The other superintendent, the steward of the house, andlhe two matrons, have charge of the kitchen, of the clothing, and the domestic work. The arrangement by which the boys are intrusted out of school hours to an officer as hi'TJi as a superintendent, is much better than that of turning thcn\ 148- ELEEMOSVNARV INSTITUTION'S. over to servants, but the danger is, that the inspection comes at last to be really executed by the latter, since the superinten- dent has many other duties to attend to, and some of which call him away from the house. The servants are, two nurses for the sick, one to take care of the children below eleven years of age, who are united in one building, and five woinen. A baker is attached to the es- tablishment, receiving a salary, and a shoemaker does the work of the house on his own account. The buildings are very commodious, and so arranged as to admit of an entire separation of the two sexes in the older de- partment. The neatness of Holland is too proverbial to require remark on that score. There is a commodious chapel, and the boys' department has memorials of deceased pupils who have distincruished themselves in after-life, to serve as a stimulus to o the present generation. This institution was founded for the children of those who had the rights of citizenship in Amsterdam, and now that these rights are obsolete, descendants of those who formerly enjoyed them may claim the places, and children of parents by whom a certain amount has been paid may be admitted. Children who have lost a parent have a preference over others, and those who have lost both parents are considered to have the strongest claim. There are three hundred and thirty-nine pupils in the charge of the institution; of these, one hundred and fourteen are boys below fourteen years of age. The instruction is on the footing of the elementary schools of Holland, and will be hereafter des- cribed in detail. It does not require special notice here. Tlie teachers are selected as in the other schools of Holland, by com- ])etition, unless there is some one whose abilities are sufliciently known to the trustees not to make examination necessary. At fourteen, the boys are apprenticed, or begin the studies prepa- ratory to sea service; they are frequently, in the latter case, drafted in(«» the army at the age of eighteen, but always remain *' children of the house" until they reach twenty years of age. Those who are ap|)renticed return to the house to lodge, and BURGHER ORPHAN-HOUSE OF AMSTERDAM. 149 to receive instruction in the evening, and those who go to sea, conae back to the institution as to a home, at the end of every voyage. The superintendent of the boys is charged with fre- quent visits of inspection at the houses where they are appren- ticed, during which he informs himself of their conduct and progress. This regulation I regard as much better contrived than that of the English schools, where the boys are to receive money at certain stated periods during their apprenticeship; so loose a connexion helmj' attended with little advanta<]je. In the former case, the superintendent really supplies the place of a father, and the house of a home for the orphan child, who, in- stead of being thrown upon the world at once, from his state of seclusion, is by degrees prepared to begin his solitary career. A theoretical objection, made sometimes to this course, is, that these boys, acquiring bad habits out of doors, return, and may communicate the infection to those within, but there are many reasons why this result should not take place. The boys are supposed to be well brought up, and to return daily to the fami- ly, still under superintendence, the object of which is to prevent the acquisition of those bad habits which they are assumed at once to have acquired. Besides, they do not mingle freely with the pupils of the house ; on the contrary, their return is at stated intervals, for fixed purposes, needing no communication with the others. I took particular pains to inform myself in the dif- ferent institutions where this practice prevails in the form in which I have described it, and was told, that it was not pro- ductive of any bad results. 1 remember especially the remark of the superintendent of the Orphan-house of the Reformed Church at Amsterdam, that if the arrangement gave much more trouble than it really did, he was so well satisfied of its good fruits, that he should regret to see it abandoned. The idea is a beautiful one, and I should be most happy to see it fairly tried in our institution, and under our circumstances. The location of the Girard College is an obstacle, but not one that I should consider insurmountable. The practice of over-work with apprentices of an early age, cannot be too strongly depre- cated, and therefore 1 do not rcojard its existence as a bar to l.'iO ELEE3I0SYNARy IXSTITUTIONS. the plan. If fairly tried and diligently watched, 1 .should ncrt apprehend much risk of a failure, provided the school depart- ments are organized in a ])roper way. If it were found impos- sible, on account of the location of the College, a similar but less efficacious arrangement of superintendence, retaining the family connexion with the College, might be substituted for it. The first mentioned arrangement would, perhaps, limit the number of places for our apprentices to particular quarters of the city, though this could hardly occur, connected as the dif- ferent parts of the city are by ready and cheap conveyances. The religious instruction given in the Burgher Orphan-house is according to the doctrines of the reformed church of Holland, and dissenters go to their own ministers for instruction. There are two clergymen attached to the house, who hold catechetical and other exercises on Wednesday evening and on Sunday. There are, besides, morning and evening prayers, and the usual grace and thanks before and after meals. During meals, one of the pupils reads aloud from the Bible, a practice which, as con- ducted, is not only unserviceable, but savours, in my opinion, of irreverence. The punishments are, preventing from a visit to friends on Sunday, admonition, particular places at table, con- finement with or without the usual food, and dismission. Cor- poral chastisement is not used. The location at table is a public punishment, and liable, on that account, to objection. There arc no regular vacations, but in the holiday time of other schools the pupils are allowed to go to their friends, if request is made, and there is no objection on the part of the oilicers of the institution. Small pecuniary allowances are made to the pupils, at the discretion of the superintendent. The physical education of the children in the orjihan houses of Holland, on the average, is by no means attended to as in those (jf Germany. Gymnastics have never found favour in Holland, and amusements out of doors are less in accordance with the spirit of the children than in England, from causes connected, no doubt, originally with the peculiarities of the surface of their country. At the orj)han colonies of William- soord, the bo}'s arc occupied in agriculture, and are certainly THE REIVSWOUDE FOUNDATIONS. 151 more robust in consequence. The play-grounds of the city orphan-houses are in general very contracted, and do not admit of active sports taking place in them. The following is the order of the day in winter. The elder boys rise at half past five, the younger at seven. Their break- fast of bread and butter is taken as soon as they are washed and dressed, those who live out of the house receiving theirs, which they may take aw^ay with them. From nine until half past eleven there is school for the boys of the house, and again from ten until four. They dine at one, sup at half past eight, and retire at ten. They are free to amuse themselves from after supper until bed time. The time devoted to instruction gives an idea of the limited course intended. There is no pro- vision for the development of higher intellect in regular con- nexion with the institution. THE RENSWOUDE FOUNDATIONS. These foundations are for the benefit of the orphan-houses of Utrecht and the Hague, and the funds are administered by their governors. They were left by a lady,* (Mrs. Van Renswoude,) for the purpose of training those pupils who distinguished them- selves, to higher callings not requiring a complete university edu- cation. There are seven young men now on this foundation at Utrecht, and six at the Hague. Most of those selected have be- come highly respected in their professions, and several have risen to distinction. This is the more encouraging, that both the insti- tutions from which the young men have been chosen have but few inmates; neither have now more than twenty, and though formerly the number was larger, they have always been small establishments. As these youths are, upon the average, about seven years upon the foundation, there is only about one choice every year. The pupils are selected for these places when between eleven and thirteen years of age, and then receive, in or out of the orphan-house, a higher grade of instruction than the other children. After spending about two years in general studies, the youth and his teacher fix upon the profession which seems to promise fairest, and the pupil begins the particulnr * The "■ Viy Vrouw Van Renswoude." l;'/^ KLEF.MOSVXAKY INSTITUTION'S. studies most appropriate as a preparation. ITc resides in the house until it is necessary to seek in some public school, away from the city, the special branches necessary to his prolcssion. When I visited the Hague school, three of the pupils on thu Rensvvoudc foundation were at Utrecht, attending to clinical medicine in the medical department of the university, one in the veterinary school of the same place, one studying mathematics at Leyden, and one, a pupil of the architectural school, had gained the approbation of government, and been sent to travel, at the public expense, for improvement in his art. Of ten pupils at Utrecht, who have been educated on this foundation, between 1834 and 1836, one is a surgeon, one a veterinary surgeon, two are painters, one is a surveyor, two are oflicers in the colonies, two pilots, and one is an organ-builder. The actual director of the hydraulic works of Holland was a Renswoude pupil, and before the existence of special schools for professions requir- ing considerable scientific attainments, these foundations were of great importance. Before leaving the subject of the orphan-houses of Holland, I may state, that both at Utrecht and the Hague, and indeed also in part at Rotterdam, the pupils reside in the house after having been apprenticed. At the Hague they are apprenticed at between twelve and thirteen years of age, a stipulation being made with the master in regard to the hours of meals and of the cessation of work. Both here and at Utrecht the insti- tution saves the gains of the apprentices, and pays them over to them on leaving the establishment, deducting only an allow- ance for pocket-money. At Rotterdam the institution retains five-sixths of the earnings, as an equivalent for the pupil's board- ing and education. In this latter institution the children are apprenticed at the early age of ten, in the city, and those who go to sea, at twelve. With so many examples there can be no doubt that, under the circumstances of society in Holland, and of the institutions in that country, this plan is not only perfectly practicable, but is entirely approved after full experience. The habits of life there arc much more like those in lOngland and the United Slates than those in any other nation of the continent of Europe. PART II. EDUCATION IN GENERAL. The first part of this Report is devoted to institutions for orphans and destitute children, as these might be supposed to bear more especially upon the organization of the Girard Col- lege. By examples selected from among the best establish- ments of the kind which I visited, the scope of these institutions has been shown to vary very considerably. In some we have seen provision made for preparing the more able students for the university; while others confined their training to the hum- bler walks of life. In others, again, we have found systematic arrangements for educating the pupils to grades depending upon their abilities, and for occupations in life selected according to their particular talents. The foundations which have the means to accomplish the last named result are, however, few in number. There are but two among those in Great Britain which have funds adequate to the purpose, and I am not ac- quainted with a single institution on the continent of Europe which is thus endowed. The tw^o in Great Britain originated at a period when distinction was only to be attained through the learned professions, and a character was thus impressed upon them which has not since been changed. As a general rule, changes are less readily made in institutions of this class, than in the schools at large; so that when education is progres- sive, they are apt to be left behind. Nothing is clearer, how- ever, than that Mr. Girard intended his institution to have the entire range of usefulness to which I have referred. Hence my investigations would have been incomplete, had they not in- cluded public schools in general, and my Report deficient, did it not present to the trustees some account of the institutions for general education in those countries of Europe where it is on the best footing. From these descriptions various hints may 20 154 PUBLIC INiTRUCTIOX IS GEXERAL. be galliercd, and measures suggested whicli cannot fail to be serviceable in tlie general organization or minute arrangement of the Girard College. If this account should further contribute to awaken attention in our schools to improvements which have been introduced abroad, I am sure that tlie trustees of the Girard College will feel gratified at this useful result of their measures. The periods of education for which separate schools and dif- ferent materials of instruction liavebeen appropriately provided, are, the Infant, the Elementary or Primary, the Secondary, and the Superior. Schools for the one class sometimes include de- partments for the other; but, in general, the classification holds good. Tliese four classes include the period up to the age at which education is completed, and the career of active life is commenced. The first period extends, generally, to six years of age; the second to ten or twelve years; the third to sixteen or eighteen; and the fourth to about twenty-one. These limits vary in dillerent countries, under dillcrent social organizations, and with diflcrent individuals. Circumstances do not permit every one to pass through these several periods, nor are they all reiiuired for the dilTorent callings of life. Hence the educa- tion frequently terminates with the elementary period, which is then extended to the age of fourteen. The limits of secondary instruction are frequently changed in ihe same way. As in all artificial classifications, the limits of the classes are not pre- cisely defined, though the division is, nevertheless, convenient for the arrangement and discussion of facts. The lowest period of education is entirely anterior to that at which the pupil must enter the Girard College, according to the will of the founder; but, for reasons which will be stated in the introduction to it, I have concluded to embrace a notice of it in this report. It is of comparatively recent origin ; is well developed in but one country in Europe ; and hence occupies but a small space, which is altogether insignificant when com- pared with the principles embraced. The elementary and se- condary periods are those which the limits of age fixed by the will oi Mr. Girard would indicate as especially embraced in our course of education. A portion of that of superior instruction is, however, included within them, especially, according to the INTRODUCTION. 155 educational arrangements common in the United States. This grade of education, as given in Europe, has two distinct objects. The first is, an introduction to the learned professions ; the se- cond, to the higher occupations in the arts, manufactures, and commerce. The first kind of instruction is given in the univer- sities, and, in general, the universities of Great Britain forming the exception, the studies are of a professional character or ten- dency. For this, and other reasons, more fully developed in the remarks introductory to the chapter on superior education, I have chiefly confined myself to the schools of the second divi- sion of this grade. In submitting, then, the view of the diflxjrent periods of edu- cation, to which the remainder of this Report is principally de- voted, I shall take them up in the succession already mentioned, preceding each by a statem.ent of the order in which the dif- ferent countries are treated, and w^ith such remarks as may seem necessary, by way of introduction. As it would have been manifestly impossible to give an account of general edu- cation in all the countries I visited, within the limits appro- priate to a report, I have selected in each period, those which appeared to me most important as examples, making such re- marks as a view of the whole ground has suggested, and oc- casionally instHuting direct comparisons. Following out the same principle, I have not undertaken to give an account of all the schools I visited ; but have confined my Report to such as seemed best calculated to serve as types of diflerent classes of institutions. After brief notices of certain infant schools, elementary in- struction is considered under two heads: the first, embracing the schools for general purposes, the second, those intended for special training, as for the education of a rural or industrial popu- lation, and of teachers for the elementary schools. Under the former head will be given a notice of the provisions for elemen- tary instruction in Great Britain; a notice of the primary public instruction in France; a more particular description of the pri- mary system of Holland, and of some schools which illustrate its application ; a history and general sketch of the Prussian system, with detailed descriptions! nnd notires of sovf^rnl prominonf 156 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN GENERAL. schools; a notice of the system of primary instruction in Sax- ony, and of some of the sciiools, and an account of the method appHed in the schools of Bayreuth, in Bavaria. The second division of primary instruction will comprehend descriptions of certain rural schools of Switzerland and Great Britain, an indus- trial primary school of France, and of some of the schools for primary teachers in Prussia, France, Holland, and Switzerland. Passing to the head of secondary instruction, the Report will include descriptions and notices of schools in Great Britain, France, Prussia, and Saxony; each chapter being devoted to a separate country, and preceded by general introductory remarks. I have ventured to propose a subdivision of this head, which appears to me borne out by reason, and by the present state of facts in regard to education; the argument in reference to it will be found among the matter introductory to that division of the Report. In some countries it would appear, from the nature of their institutions, to be assumed that there is but one w-ay of forming character, and of training the faculties of the mind, and that by this way all, if they are to be educated, must pass, whatever their occupation in after life. In others, a diversity in the me- thods of training appears to be admitted. In the first, if it be not the lot of the individual to remain sufficicntlv lonor under education to master the entire scholastic course, he is expected at least to possess a fragment of it. In the second, fragmentary education is not admitted; but according to the time the indi- vidual may have to dispose of before entering active life, his course of education is directed; and as this cannot be accurately known in early life, the diflerent paths diverge at first slowly, to render a passage from one to the other easy. Examples will be furnished of both these systems; and, if I mistake not, it will be seen that the second, while its theory commends itself to reason, is, at the same time, entirely practicable. Under the division of Superior Instruction will be given tle- scriptions of some special schools for the arts, manufactures, and commerce of France, Prussia, and Austria, and tfic higher agricultural school uf VVirtemburgh, besides brief notices of a few otfier similar institutions. INFANT SCHOOLS. 157 CHAPTER I. INFANT SCHOOLS. As the pupils of the Girard College cannot be admitted before the age of six, they are past the infmt period, and thus it may be supposed that I am departing from the rule which I have been obliged to lay down, in order to confine my Report within reasonable bounds. I am so fully impressed, however, with the importance of infant education, that I would not feel justified in passing over the period without a brief notice. The infant school system embraces so much of the philosophy of educa- tion, has been made so entirely an inductive branch, has been pondered over by so many minds of a superior order, that we cannot fail to derive advantage from a consideration of some of its principles and practical results. I am persuaded, that from the quarter of infant school instruction will one day come the reform of the English juvenile schools, and indeed this reform has already commenced, in the instance of the Juvenile Model School of Glasgow, and must extend widely, by the influence of its school for teachers. The inlant school system seems to have originated about the same time in Great Britain and Switzerland. In the former country, the first idea has been steadily improved upon, and there also it is now best carried out. Oberlin, the pastor of Steinthal (Ban de la Roche), collected the younger children of the poor of his parish into schools, where a female superin- tendent taught them spinning or knitting, and at intervals a little geography, from a Map of Steinthal and its Environs, or, by the help of pictures, a portion of Bible or natural history. About the same time, the children of the workmen in Mr. Owen's ex- tensive manuiacturing establishments, at New Lanark, were collected in schools, for the purpose of healthful recreation, and of due care and of a certain degree of intellectual instruction; and, subsequently, a similar establishment was commenced by Lord Brougham, in Westminster. Mr. Wilderspin must, how- 158 GENERAL EDUCATIO.V. I\FA\T PERIOD. ever, be considered as the author of the infant school as it now exists, having, in his connexion with a proposed asylum in another part of London, first proposed the name, defined the age, and established the true principles of infant education. It is mninly by his instrumentality that the present system is now diffused so extensively over Orcal Britain. Of this system the infant schools of Liverpool, which he was engaged to re- form, otlbred me an examf)le for inspection, though not of the most favourable kind. Tlie model infant schools of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, are improvements on the system, pre- senting marked varieties: that in London being derived, how- ever, from the Glasgow model. The necessity for the existence of such schools must vary much in dillerent countries, and hence their not being adopted in all is no argument against the general principle of infant edu- cation. The want of such schools is most felt in a dense and manufacturing population, least in a scattered and agricultural one. Independently of essentially dificrent degrees of usefulness, under difierent circumstances, various prejudices have concurred to prevent the introduction of these schools into some countries. Certain govcrnmcn-ts, as those of Germany in general, have not lent their influence to them, and the clergy have, in some parts of Europe, been as warmly opposed to them as in others they have been their friends. The deformed models which have been transplanted from England to other countries, have tended in many cases to foster these prejudices. In some of these the in- tellectual development of the pupils has been attempted to be carried on to their manifest injury, physically and mentally. In others, a mere mechanical and lifeless routine has been fol- lowed. The infant schools which I saw at Paris, called " ecoles d'asile," seem to me to educate upon wrong princi|)lcs, having adopted the mechanical arrangements of the English infant schools, without having seized their spirit. I believe, that de- priving them of the female superintendence which they formerly enjoyed, to make them a jvirt of the government system, will react fiirlhcr very injuriously u)ion thorn. In some of the cities of Holland, as llotterdam, Amsterdam. and Zwollc, I saw good infant srhools. In tho mpitnl of GLASGOW MODEL INFANT SCHOOL. 159 Prussia they are beginning to take permanent root. In Aus- tria Proper, their condition is rather languishing, but in the Italian provinces they are deemed most important means of ultimately effecting a great change in the character of the peo- ple. At Venice the establishment is fostered by the governnnent and liked by the people. At Milan is an admirable institution, growing out of that founded at Cremona, by the Abbe d'Apos- ti, who first introduced these schools into Italy. In Lombardy and Venice the schools are under the control of a society. The best infant schools which I visited w^ere decidedly those of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London. The system of the infant schools of Lombardy, as I saw it at Milan, comes next to the English model, but is comparatively too verbal and precise, dealing too little with realities.*' I propose to give an account of the school at Glasgow, and merely a notice of those at Edinburgh and Gray's Inn Road, London, that I may not be supposed to dwell unnecessarily upon the subject. Model Infant School of the Glasgow Education Society. This is the first of the schools of the Glasgow Education Society, and was founded in 1826. At my visit in 183G, it contained two hundred pupils, and the success of the society had been such as to induce the erection of new buildings to contain their infant, juvenile, normal, and other schools.f The principles of the sy-stem of education in this school are, first, that the corporal, intellectual, and moral nature of its pupils, is to be improved. Second, that this is to be done by in- culcating good principles, and training to the practice of them. Third, that to render such training effectual, the nature of the individual to be educated must be studied. In a day-school like * I am indebted to the Marquis of Beccaria, one of the most strenuous friends of infant schools in Lombardy, for an account of the foundation and actual con- dition of the asylums of charity at Milan, in 1837, and tlie "Manual of Educa- tion and Administration of Infant Schools," by the Rev. Abbe d'Aposti, and a " Guide for the Founders and Directors of Infant Charity Schools, derived from the Practice in the Infant Scliools of Cremona." Milan, 183G. t I am particularly indebted, for the opportunities of freely visitinj^ the schools of this society to the intelligent secretary, David Slow, Esq., author of Stow's System of Moral Training and of the Training System Adopted in the Model Schools of the Glasgow Education Society, &c. 160 GENERAL EDUCATION. INFANT PERIOD. this one, for example, corporal training would include the acqui- sition of proper habits of walking, sitting, standing, holding a book or slate, which, with manners, cleanliness, and a variety of others, will naturally suggest themselves. Intellectual train- ing exercises the observing, perceiving, knowing, and reasoning faculties in a due degree, and here the art of the teacher is exer- cised mainly to judge how far he shall ofler food to these. And so also of the moral and religious. It is frequently forgotten that the amelioration of the heart should precede that of the head, and moral and physical development are sacrificed to intellectual.* Not so in this school. Its peculiar characteristic may be con- sidered, the great stress which it lays upon the daily use of the Bible, as a means of both moral and intellectual training, and the constant preference given to such exercises as may be connected with it over all others. I subjoin, in the Appendix, (No. IX.,) an example of a Bible lesson, to illustrate my mean- ing in asserting the connexion of various intellectual exercises with its lessons. In Wilderspin's system there were twenty- four Bible lessons, selected with a view to avoid any of the points on which sects of Christians difler; in this there is a les- son for each day in the year, giving the variety which the other system wants, but at the expense, in part, of simpHcity. The mechanical arrangements of the school are, first, the school-room, with its platforms as usual raised in steps, called the gallery, occupying a considerable part of the breadth of the room. Second, the lesson-posts and forms, where the little classes as- semble under their monitors. Third, the detached room, where the master may retire with a class. Fourth, the play-ground, with its implements for exercise and amusement, its llowers and fruits. The school-room is but tolerably well ventilated, though, no doubt, this will be remedied in a house built ex- pressly for the purposes of the school. It is hung round with • The iil)UPc of intellectual development is nowhere more admirably set fortli tlian in the treatise by our countryman, A. Brigham, INI. D., which has been re- published in lOnj^'lund, and is considered a standard work on the subject. An- otlicr of our countrymen, Mr. Abbott, stands high as autliority in relation to in f&nt cultuxe. ©LASGOW MODEL INFANT SCHOOL. . 161 boards, on which, in large letters, are inscribed words or reli- gious sentiments, or on which are piciui'es of animals, 6z:c. The raised platform, in steps of due height, and where both boys and girls* are seated, combines many advantages; it ena- bles the teacher distinctly to see every pupil, and in turn the pupils to see the master and each other. Thus the power of imitation and sympath}^ which play so great a pai't in edu- cation, are brought to bear under the most advantageous cir- cumstances. It is in this gallery that the most important exercises are given. The school opens with a short prayer, adapted to the comprehension of the children, order being first secured, if there are untrained pupils among them, by the aid of short physical exercises, raising and lowering the hands, rising and sitting down, and so on — such exercises never failing to produce this result. The children assembled here listen to the Bible lesson, the master occupying the front and centre of the little assem- blage, with the Bible-stand to support his book, and by its side the whistle and bell, which are to convey signals, intended to secure prompt obedience. The lesson having been read, it is broken up into detached parts. The simple ones afford matter for direct questions, or the children are led to understand them by other preliminary questions, proceeding always from the known to the unknown. Replies from many are secured by the elliptical form of answer, in which the master leaves a simple but emphatic word, or part of a word, to be supplied. These are impressed upon all by a repetition of the ellipsis, the filling up of which all have now caugfit from those who first supplied it, and finally the whole answer is repeated. The Bible lesson is frequently one of civil or natural history and geography. Simplicity in question is the desideratum in this and other exercises. The master must descend to the level of the child, or he effects nothing. Singing a hymn, or physical exercises, or the inspection which ensures cleanliness, * It is considered most importaijt to infant training tli.it both hi^y; and ^^iria should be united in n ola««s niid<»r a master and mistross. 21 165i GENERAL EDUCATION'. INFANT PERIOD. will vary this course, and above all, care must be taken that the attention of the children is kept up. If this fails, it is the master himself who fails. A principle which, if at all admitted, in more advanced education, does not occupy the place wiiich it deserves. The gallery serves also for the lessons on o])jects, or pictures of objects, w here simple specimens from the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdom, or of artificial productions, are made the subjects of actual examination or of description. Their proper- ties, as far as may be, are observed by the children, led by the master, who directs their feeble perceptions. Words to express their ideas are furnished, when the want of these words is felt. With those somewhat advanced, the printed or written word is shown and imitated on the slate. At an earlier period the letter which begins the word is se- lected from a series of large brass letters, cut out for this pur- pose, and is held before the pupil, and its name or its most common sound in combination given. A word beginning with the same letter is suggested by a pupil, another and another may be written on the board and copied, and all or any of them may be made the subject of instructive exercise. At a later day the exercise of practical grammar, which will be explained when speaking of the juvenile school, is added. When places are spoken of, objects or pictures are shown in connexion with them. The children are in the gallery also during their arithmetic lessons, when the ball frame, so well known in all infant schools, is substituted for the Bible-stand, and the teacher gives his lessons by question and answer ellip- tically, by teaching a song in which the ellipsis of a word occurs in each line, or by the pupils singing simple songs already learned. These impress the easy operations of infant arithmetic powerfully upon the memory. The eye and car are thus im- proving wiih the intellect, or the eye is exercised by the deter- mination of angles by the jointed instrument, called a goni- graph, or by geometrical figures. The children are also in the gallery when hearing from the master a story, embodying cir- cumstances of a moral tendency, or calculated to instruct or amuse, or to arouse curiosity. This is one of the exercises GLASGOW MODEL INFANT SCHOOL. 163 they are most fond of, and which, if the master be apt, may be made as useful as any. The characters of the great and the good may be brought before them, their feehngs interested, and thus early elevated, their patriotism excited, and evil ten- dencies repressed. It is the peculiar feature of this school to draw such stories often from the sacred volume, and in general, as an illustration of how attractive these may be rendered, it may be stated, that when left to choose the kind of story they will have, the children prefer a Bible history to any other. These various exercises of course are not continuous, nor do they even occur, sometimes, on the same day, and each of them is interrupted frequently for exercise, especially with untrained children. The elliptical method* spoken of is to omit the last or some important word of a sentence, taking care that it is one easily sup- plied by the children, and which leaves the sentence plainly im- perfect until it is given. Thus the children are engaged in a kind of conversation with the teacher, interesting to them because they are parties in it, and watching keenly the sentence, that they may seize the wanting w^ord. In the ellipsis used in this school, the first sounds of a word are frequently supplied, requiring the little assembly to suggest the rest. I observed a great differ- ence iiT the facility with which the children supplied the ellipsis of their master, by whom they were in the habit of being ques- tioned, and that of others by whom they were addressed, but found that it arose, generally, from the too great rapidity of the uninitiated teachers, by which they did not allow the children time to think and to answer. This explanation supposes the ellipsis well contrived. The method of responses is frequently varied, by inducing some one or more of the children to ask questions of the class, two or more of each other, or one or more to volunteer to be questioned by the class. From the whole of this method, emulation as a principle is excluded, it is not needed, and indeed it is truly held that it would be pernicious. * Tliis method is stated to have been firpt announced by Dr. Bortluvick Gil- christ, in his lectures on Oriental literature. It was adoi»lcd early by Mr. Wil- derspin. 104 GEXERAL EDUCATION. LNFAXT PERIOD. I was s!irprised, in witnessing some of these exercises, at the accuracy with which the childi-en stated their questions, result- ing entirely from the imitation of the perspicuous style of the master.^ On the subject of imitative powers at this early age, many facts might be brought together; one struck me so much that I mention it here. 1 never visited an infant school in which the voice of the master or mistress was agreeable in singing, without finding melody among the children, and vice versa. It is recorded in this school that nearly all the children learn to sing agreeably. The passage from the gallery to the lesson posts is performed while singing, and always in i-egular order. Sometimes an interval of out or in-door exercise separates the lessons. The monitors are chosen by the master, or offer themselves by the holding up of hands, when he calls for it, before the childrei> leave the gallery. Each monitor has a class of half a dozen or more, to whom he explains the picture suspended upon their particular reading-post, and the letters or words beneath it. The classes change posts, after a reasonable interval, and the monitor has a new set to drill. Such teaching is not to be expected to be efficient, but it nevertheless answers a good purpose at this age. The lesson-posts are arranged so that the board on which the lesson is pasted may be readily changed, and so that its height may be varied to suit the size of the pupils receiving tlie lesson. The boards are covered with co- loured prints of animals, representations of trades, of costumes, &c. No formal attempt is made to teach reading, but it is found without it that the children insensibly learn to read. A useful exercise for the more advanced children, requiring study at home, and which also iVe(]uently excites the attention of pa- rents, is to give them cards, with (juestions relating to natural history &.C., to be answei'ed on a subsequent day. The answers arc sometimes required from particular parts of the Bible. Behind the gallery are the places for hanging the caps and cloaks of the children, which they are trained to put ofT and * Mr. Diivid C'aviji^liy, whose wife is hi5 nssislant in the school. GLASGOW MODEL INFANT SCHOOL. 165 to take again in an orderly manner. The detached room en- ables a master to hear any class which he may wish, apart from the others, the mistress meanwhile superintending the school, or to teach the monitors, or furnislies a place for the noon luncheon, which many of the children bring with them. The play-ground in the system of this school is considered the "uncovered school-room," the true place for moral training, where the principles inculcated within are to be carried into practice, and where the tempers and dispositions show them- selves more fully, in unrestrained intercourse, than in the school. There is in it a circular swing* for exercise, wooden prisms in the proportions of bricks, for amusement, and flowers and fruits, to train them to respect the goods of others and of the public. The master is constantly with, or overlooking them, some- times mixing in their sports, or showing them new or amusing games, and always attentive to their development of character, but unless in extraordinary cases, his interference is not neces- sary. The benevolence of some children prevents or remedies the accidents incident to their plays, and justice insures a tole- rably equal share of the sports. When a fault is committed, it is noticed after the assembling of the children in the gallery, where the public opinion of his equals in age is brought to bear upon the offender by a judicious series of questions from the master, without, however, making the punishment a public one, by directly designating the individual w^ho is under censure. Punishments in or out of school are adapted to the tender age of the child, and addressed to his peculiar temperament. Cor- poral punishment, even of the mildest kind, is seldom found ne- cessary. * Tliis consists of a mast or post, about cir^htecn fccthigii, on liie top of which is a plate of iron, movable upon a j)in of the same material, fastened into the post. Four ropes hang from this plate, and each has knots or sticks across it, at heights suitable to the size of the children, who arc to grasp them. These ropes being seized, the children run round, keeping them fully stretched. The motion soon produces a sufficient centrifugal force to take them off their feet. If a child lets go of the rope, he is carried beyond the circle where the others would touch h'mx in their courso round. 166 GENERAL EDUCATION. INFANT PERIOD. When the ])lay-gronnd cannot be used, the want is supplied, as far as possible, by games within doors, which are, however, very imperfect substitutes for those in the open air. SCHOOL OF THE EDINBURGH INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY. This establishment was founded by the Edinburgh Infant School Society, in 1829, subsequently to that of Glasg<:)W, and upon principles of education very similar to those of the Glasgow Model School. The necessity of combining moral with intel- lectual training is especially insisted upon here as in the other, and the same importance is attached to physical training. The same use is made of the play-ground as in the Glasgow school, and with similar cflicacy as to the bodily and moral improve- ment of the children. The system of Wilderspin was at the outset the guide of both. The general principles which regulate the establishment of a school, however closely it may be the intention of the teacher to follow them, will always receive a modifying impress from his own peculiar views and qualities. Thus, while intellectual edu- cation is declared to be a secondary object here, the amount of actual attainment by the pupil is much greater than at Glasgow, from the circumstance that the turn of the master's mind is con- stantly towards inventing ways of simplifying the mode of in- struction. Some part of the time occupied in the other school in religious training is spent in this in intellectual, and the chil- dren leave it, having advanced so far as to read, spell, and parse, and having a knowledge of the elements of gcogra[)hy, history, and arithmetic, with the properties of various objects, &c. The season at which I visited the school, the winter, was unfavour- able to a judgment of the physical education, but the appear- ance of the children indicated that it was good. The moral re- sults api^car from published documents highly satisfactory, and the intellectual struck me as perhaps even too high; a correct decision, however, on this important question would require more time for observation than 1 had to bestow, especially from the fact which I have before remarked, that the talent of the INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 167 master* particularly showed itself in intellectual training. His multiplied means of addressing instruction through the eye, the products in great part of his own ingenuity in devising and skill in executing, were very remarkable; added to which he had thrown many subjects into the form of games, rendering them attrac- tive to the children. Among the former were the progressive maps of travel for infant geography, the historical maps, with picture illustrations, the illustrated grammar exercises, the ex- ercises in measures and weights, and in Arabic and Roman nu- merals, all illustrated by ingenious and perspicuous diagrams. I was also particularly pleased with a series of moral training lessons, which, beginning with a statement of what the school should be, provides rules for attaining this condition, and rea- sons for the rules; precepts in regard to the virtues, and re- marks upon faults to be avoided. This school has had as many as one hundred and sixty pu- pils, and the general attendance averages about one hundred and twenty. The mixed system of lessons in the gallery, and of monitors for the classes, is used in it as at Glasgow, and the other general arrangements are also much the same in the two schools. SCHOOL OF THE HOME AND COLONIAL INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY OF LONDON. "The Home and Colonial Infant School Society" was insti- tuted in 1836, to promote the cause of infant education, by point- ing out to the public the indispensable qualifications of teachers, by providing an establishment where teachers might be received and their acquirements put to the test and improved, and by pub- lishing lectures, lessons, manuals, and other appropriate works.f To carry out the second part of this undertaking, the society found a model infant school absolutely necessary. The teachers * Mr. Milne, who has his wife for his assistant in the scliool. t The society has been fortunate in securing the assistance of some of the most distinguished friends of education in their enterprise, as Doctor and Miss Mayo, of London, Dr. Bryce, of Belfast, &.c. Dr. Mayo is well known as the principal of a Pestalozzian school at Chcam, in Surrey. 168 GENERAL EDUCATION. INFANT PERIOD. were instructed in the principles of their art, but as the schools which they visited did not exemplify these principles, they were not trained in the practice of them, and hence, in many cases, their career did not justify the expectations of the society. The model infant school establi^^hed by this society is upon the enlightened ))lan which I have already described, the teacher luiving been trained in the Normal school at Glasgow; but it partakes, in a considerable degree, of the peculiarities of the Edinburgh school. Thus, in religious instruction, its aim is to avoid such matter as shall be objectionable to any denomination of Christians, and it carries intellectual education further than its Glasgow model. It is true, indeed, that in the re- cent official work* on infant education issued by the society, a part of the instruction actually given, namely, teaching to read, is not spoken of with special approbation, but rather as a yield- ing to the supposed prejudices of parents. The method itself draws strong encomiums from the managers of the society, and will be found described in the Appendix to this Report, (No. X.)t I was particularly pleased with the lessons given in sensible objects, and the incidental exercises of orthography to which they led. The pictures used are a decided improve- ment on those commonly employed, but a difficulty in their use has been discovered, from the very precise ideas which the child attaches to them, by which truth appears to be violated, when the same subject is illustrated diflerently in two pictures. It has been found possible to overcome this diffiiculty, in a degree, by impressing upon the child that these pictures are merely general illustrations, and not precise representations of events which the artist has witnessed. The small play-ground here is better furnished with the means of infant gymnastic exercises than that of Glasgow, but is by no means commodious. ■ Practical Rcmiirks on Infant Education, by the Rev. Dr. Mayo nnd -Miss Mayo. It is interesting to sec, in this work, how admirably the natural method of instruction by IVstalozzi adapts itself to the infant school. + It is entitled " Rpndinjf Disentangled," nnd is divided into twenty-»en'en lessons. INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1(59 The teachers who are in training receive theoretical lessons, attend the practice of the school, are employed to teach small classes in separate rooms, under superintendence, and, finally, practice with the entire class. The course for teachers is, as yet, however, of too limited a duration, being only three months; but it is proposed to extend it when further means of reducing the cost of the maintenance of the pupil-teachers shall be afforded. 22 170 GENERAL EDUCATION. TRIMARY PERIOD. CHAPTER II. ELEMENTARY OR PRIMARY EDUCATION. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Elementary education may be considered in two points of view, both of great importance: as the sole education of the mass of the community, or as leading to higher instruction. In the former view, it requires to be complete, as a whole; in the latter, it is essentially preparatory. In reference to each, its character is materially dillbrent. In our country at large, we have been necessarily more occupied with creating com- mon schools, than with elevating the standard of the instruction given in them. In the meantime, education has been advanc- ing; and, unless we would be untrue to ourselves and to our political institutions, we must gather experience wherever it is to be found, and apply those practical results which are best adapted to our circumstances. In like manner, on the more limited field of the Girard College, we must raise our system upon the basis of the successful experiments of others, unless we would encounter the vexations incident to the acquisition of experience by our own failures. The importance of primary instruction in both these refer- ences, has induced me to extend this notice of its present con- dition to a considerable nun)l)cr of countries, and to multiply the examples illustrative of the systems, where the schools are in a nourishing condition. It happens, and I believe unfortunately for us, that the ele- mentary schools of Great Britain are, in general, behind those of other countries of Europe with which we are less con- nected. Desultory, and sometimes conflicting, eflbrts at im- provement have not made an impression proportioned to the wants of the people of that country, and have left them behind others, who have much less need of cultivated intelligence to INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 171 enable them to fufil the duties of citizens. Through the me- dium of schools for teachers, the importance of which is now recognised, the same rapid reforms may, however, be worked there, as have been effected in some countries on the continent. It w^ill be found that, at present, I have been obliged to draw my examples of the schools for popular instruction in Great Britain from Scotland exclusively, but descriptions of depart- ments for primary instruction will be found in some of the notices of secondary schools of other parts of the country. Although the primary schools of France are not yet, in gene- ral, upon a level with those of Holland and Prussia, I have appended a brief notice of the system and progress of public instruction there. The view affords great encouragement, by showing how much may be realized by judicious laws, and in a well-arranged system of inspection. A rapid improvement in the schools in general will, no doubt, result from the operation of the normal schools. The system of primary instruction in Holland is particularly interesting to an American, from its organization in an ascend- ing series ; beginning with the local school authorities, and ter- minating, after progressive degrees of representation, as it were, in the highest authority; instead of emanating, as in the centralized systems, from that authority. A fair trial has been given to a system of inspection which is almost entirely ap- plicable to our country, and which has succeeded with them. They have tried an important experiment, in communicating religious without sectarian instruction; another, which has resulted in demonstrating the necessity of special schools for teachers; and another, entirely unfavourable to the system of mutual instruction. I have enlarged, therefore, upon the gene- ral account of their system of public instruction, and have given rather a general notice of the schools, than of any one in particular. I have, however, made one of the schools for the poor, which seemed to me superior even to those of the same class in Prussia, the subject of special description and remark. The account in reference to Holland is followed by that of the Prussian system and schools. This is the most perfect of 172 GENERAL EDUCATIO.V. PRIMARY PERIOD. the centralized systems, allowing considerable latitude in the arrangement of the individual schools, while all are subject to the influence of the central authority. It has not, as is commonly supposed, recently sprung into existence, but has been the work of time, has been altered and amended, and is still in progress. Its j)resent condition is the result of exj)ericnce, and thus it com- mends itself to enliglitencd imitation, by which I mean that which, laying aside what is inapplicable to the political or social institutions of the country adopting it, would employ the large amount of useful material which it contains. The schools contain much more that is applicable to our country than the system in general, and hence I have enlarged upon them, particularly upon the higher class of primary schools, which seem to me in better condition than those of any other of the larger European states. It is in what may be called the incidental parts of instruction, and which do not appear upon paper; in the spirit of the teacher, and sometimes in that of the books; that the peculiarities of na- tional organization in these schools arc chiefly to be found. The chapter on Prussia is followed by a notice of the schools of Saxony, and by an account of the excellent higher primary school, or Burgher School of Leipsic. The Model Primary School of Frankfort on Maine is described in the same chapter. The necessity of confining myself within limits has alone pre- vented me from giving an account of some of the schools of Weimar, of Nassau, and of Switzerland. The Bavarian schools, according to Graser's method, follow in the chapter succeeding Saxony. I have omitted mention of the others, as throwing no new light upon the subject. This is true also of the Austrian primary schools. These latter are chiefly characterized by a spirit of system, which exactly regu- lates the method and amount of what is to be taught, and when it shall be taught, throughout this vast empire. The mode of educating teachers tends to give them rather the routine than the spirit of their profession. My remarks ai)ply to Austria Proper, and have no reference to the number, but to the general character of the schools. I was most favourably impressed with the earnest eflbrts making in the Italian provinces of Austria to INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 173 spread primary instruction, an innportant measure where the schools have been so much neglected. In the notices introductory to the description of schools in the different countries, I have endeavoured to give an outline of the organization of public instruction, of the regulations upon which it is founded, and of the mode of supplying teachers. The va- rieties in the schools are represented by some of the best which I visited, and of these I have given a more or less minute ac- count, as the subject seemed to require, endeavouring, as in the former part of the Report, rather to notice pecuharities and dif- ferences than to repeat the same details in every case. In ge- neral, however, as before, the history and purpose of the school is first given, then its organization and government, then the admission and dismission of pupils, then the moral, intellectual, and physical education which it provides are discussed, and comparisons drawn between it and other similar institutions. These are interspersed with such remarks as reflection upon the subject may have suggested. Besides the class of general primary schools, others which may be considered as of a special character have been planned, by which, w^hile pursuing the studies of the elementary period, the individual is, at the same time, trained for his calling in after life. Such are the rural schools of Switzerland, which have also been transplanted to England and Ireland, and the manufac- turing and industrial schools of France. I have placed this class in a separate chapter, and described, in turn, two of the rural schools of Switzerland, one of Ireland, one of a mixed rural and industrial character in England, and one industrial school of France. I have preferred, for the sake of a better comparison of the seminaries for teachers, sometimes called normal schools, to place tnose of different countries together, and they will accord- ingly be found in a separate chapter, after those containing an account of the primary schools. The seminaries of Prussia are placed first, then those of France, and lastly, a notice is given of one of the normal schools of Holland and of Switzerland. 174 SEVERAL EDUCATIOM. I'RIMARY PERIOD. These notices will terniinalu the division of my Report relating to primary schools. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Until lately, the only part of Great Britain which had the advantages of a system of public elementary instruction, was Scotland. In England the establishment of schools has been left to private enterprise or charity, or religious zeal and libe- rality, assisted, but not efficiently, by appropriations from Par- liament. The schools for the instruction of the people during week days are still miserably deficient, both in number and kind, and as yet there appears no prospect of concert of effort to bring about a better state of general education. The exer- tions which have produced here and there endowed schools, factory schools, schools of industry, schools for paupers or for adults, though of course highly commendable, can lead to no general system of national education; and the same may be remarked of Sunday schools, however good and useful in their particular way. In no country in Europe, I believe, is so much benevolent efibrt to be met with as in Great Britain, and could it be directed in concert, it is capable of the highest results. The two associations which have done most for general elementary instruction are the " British and Foreign School Society," es- tablished in 1805, to aid in extending the svstem proposed by Joseph Lancaster, and the "National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor on the Princi|)les of the Established Church, throughout England and Wales," founded in 1811, to disseminate the system of Dr. Bell. With the ditVerent prin- ciples of action of these societies I have nothing to do in this place. I visited schools in connexion with both, or following their methods, and as might have been expected, found their model sclujols established in Loudon, in general, the best speci- mens of their views. The model school of the first named society in the Borough- road, is under the charge of an enlightened teacher,* who has • Mr. S.C; ossK'V. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 175 done much to improve the Lancastrian method, by rendering it less mechanical, infusinG: a more intellectual character into its exercises, and addinfr new branches of instruction.* The sue- cess is limited, however, by the capacity of the method itself, and I cannot hold up even this improved form of it as a model for imitation. The results produced at a public examination pleased me very much, but these were, in fact, in great part, consequences of the master's instruction, and of the very superior intelligence of a few pupils. To judge of the effect upon the whole school, it should be visited in w^orking-hours, and especially when the classes are under their monitors, who carry on the principal business of teaching. The humble cha- racter of the intellectual and moral teaching belonging to the system of mutual instruction is then fully visible. While I esti- mate highly the good which this society has done by establish- ing schools when there were none, I do not find it necessary to describe the particulars of their method of instruction. The model school of the National Society did not come up to the example of the modified Bell system, already presented in the Liverpool Blue-coat School. The system of mutual instruction belongs to a very unadvanced grade of public education, and in which the means of procuring or compensating masters are limited. When large numbers of children must be collected in one school, or be destitute of instruction on account of limited means, then the method is the only one feasible, and ought to be encouraged. The society for the promotion of the education of the poor in L'eland, established in 1811, has been of essential service in that country. At first, they acted as a private body, but subsequently received a grant of money from the British Parliament. They have a model school in Dublin, and during the continuance of the government grant, educated a considerable number of teachers, published many cheap school-books, and works for lending-libra- ries. With them also originated, in its application to Ireland, the admirable system of regular school inspectors. This grant * Linear dniwinjr and music arc both cultivated. 176 GKNEIIAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY TERIOD. was withdrawn in 1831, which has reduced very essentially the scale of their operations. The Board of National Education for Ireland was appointed in 1831, and is intended as the head of a government system of elementary instruction for the population of the whole island. This Board has not only greatly increased the number of ele- mentary schools, and supplied new text-books, but has estab- lished, on a considerable scale, a seminary where the future teacher is first instructed in the elementary branches in which he may be deficient, and then is furnished with the principles of education, and an opportunity to reduce them to practice, under superintendence, in model schools. At the time of my visit to Dublin, these schools were in the course of organization in a new building, erected specially for them. The appoint- ment of school-inspectors, a practice followed up by this Board, is no doubt one of its most important measures, aflbrding, as it does, in connexion with the control of pecuniary supplies, the means of continual improvement in the individual schools. The system of parochial schools in Scotland was established a century and a-half ago, by an act of the Scottish Parliament. This act provided for the existence of a school in each parish, for the manner of election of the schoolmaster, and for his compensation, no mention being made of the branches required to be taught. The masters have been, in general, selected either from among candidates for the ecclesiastical profession, or such persons as could not pursue the requisite studies far enough to reach the ministry, and from persons of the humble classes who were physically incompetent for trades, and endea- voured to secure the patronage and instruction necessary to obtain places as teachers. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has the right of inspecting these schools, but not that of displacing their teachers, and hence the system is wanting in the means of improvement. It has, in fact, not kept jmce with the general progress of the country, the schools being deficient both in number and (jualily. To remedy this, efilbrts have been made by the General Assembly and by benevolent individuals, by ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 177 the erection of new schools, and of model schools, by en- deavouring to improve the condition of the teachers, and by furnishing those who aspire to this profession the means of pro- per training in their art. The sessional school* of Edinburgh has opened its doors to persons wishing to procure practical knowledge in teaching, and more lately the Normal Seminary of Glasgow for training Teachers has been established and taken under the patronage of the Education Committee of the General Assembly.f The instruction in the parochial schools is generally confined to reading, writing, and cyphering. Occasionally, in the higher schools, a little Latin is taught. The Bible and Catechism fre- quently constitute the text-books for reading. In some schools there are spelling-books, with selections of stories for children. The former collection of reading-lessons was absurd in the ex- treme as a book for ciiildren, consisting of extracts for the most part above their comprehension; it has been, however, more recently replaced by a judicious selection. Most of the chil- dren who go to these schools are between the ages of six and twelve. Besides the parochial schools, there are, especially in the large towns, endowed schools, the state of instruction in which, at any given time, depends much upon the trustees into whose hands the endowment has fallen. The subscription and pri- vate schools have, in general, not been in advance of the others, and in many of the Highland schools, neither writing nor arith- metic are taught. It seems to be generally conceded that a great change is necessary in the character of popular instruction, but the nature * Schools under the charge of the ministers and ciders, or church-session of a parish, arc so called. t The petition of the Education C >mmittee of the General Apscmbl}'- of the Scottish Church to Parliament for aid, states, that in the Highlands alone there were, in 1833, eighty-three thousand three hundred and ninety-seven persons above six years of age who could neither read nor writi\ and twenty-eight thou- sand between six and twenty years of age in this predicament. One-sixth of the population was thus without instruction, and means were wanting to provide them with schools. 23 178 GENERAL EDUCATlOIf. PRIMARY PERIOD. of the chanp^e is the suhjcct of much keen controversy, in regard to \vhich I should be going out of my way to speak. The i)ublic school which has produced the most important results in improving the state of elementary instruction in Scot- land, is the Sessional School of Edinburgh. The Juvenile Model School at Glasgow* has been founded later, but its eflccts are already felt. The elementary departments of the Madras Col- lege, at St. Andrews, have also contributed to the same ol)ject. After giving a description of these establishments, I shall con- clude this section with a notice of the Circus Place School at Edinburgh, intended to prepare pupils for the public or private classical schools, by the improved methods which the sessional school has made so well known in Scotland. The elementary teachin^X i" the lower classes of the Hi^ih School of Glasgow and of the Hill-street Institution of Edinburgh, ranks with the best which I saw, but I shall refer to it in speaking of the respective schools which belong to the secondary grade of in- struction. JUVENILE TRAINING-SCHOOL OF THE GLASGOW EDUCATION SOCIETY. This is the only attempt w^hich I witnessed to carry the "training system" of the infant-school into the juvenile day- schools of Great Britain. The endeavour is made, under this system, not only to inculcate good principles, but also to form good habits — not only to teach, but to train. A child entering from the infant school is prepared for the instruction and disci- ])Iine of this; his education goes on in the same way and with the same sj)irit here as in the former school. Other children, entering at six, may have positively bad habits to eradicate. Ex- perience has proved, however, that they may be trained with the others, only at a greater cost of time and labour. In this sys- tem, as in the corresponding infant school system, the }>lay- • III describinjj tlicsc scliools, I have ijivcn lliat of Glas^'-ow the first place, because it its quifo disfiiu-t from the ollirrs in its chnraclcr, while they have general rcsciiiblaiiccs to each otlicr. JUVENILE TRAINING -SCHOOL AT GLASGOW. 179 ground is the " uncovered school," and the moral training goes on in it; hence the pupils must necessarily be under the super- intendence of the master, who notices their aberrations with- out interfering, unless when absolutely necessary, and makes a school-room lesson of their conduct. The eflective character of this training is proved by the fact that one hundred and eighty children of the lower classes of Glasgow were in the daily habit, for five months, of frequenting the play-ground of the school, without any injury to the borders planted with flowers, shrubs, and fruits. The designs of the Glasgow Educational Society include not only this school, but the infant school which has been described, and a normal seminary for the education of teachers. To aid in carrying out especially the latter part of the design, the rec- tor of the normal seminary made a tour on the continent, visiting the best seminaries of Prussia, and even attending a part of their courses. His return occurred just before my se- cond visit to Glasgow, and I had not, therefore, the benefit of seeing the fruits of his experience in the practice of the schools.* At present, the courses of the normal school are so restricted in point of time, from the limited means of the teachers who resort to it for instruction, that little more than a general idea of the system can be obtained by the pupils, and vigorous efforts w^ere making to induce the gov^ernment of Great Britain, and the wealthy of Glasgow, to contribute to the support of young men while in the school, and thus to enable them to re- main sufl[iciently long to become imbued with the spirit and practice of the methods of teaching. The course of instruction in the juvenile training-school is to be considered still in a great degree experimental, but the re- sults already obtained are of the most encouraging character. Intellectual and Moral Education. It is understood from my preface, that this school is intended to give an elementary educa- * The Rev. John M'Crie, a young teacher of the highest promise, wliose un- timely death has prevented the career of usefulness for which he had prepared himself 180 C.E\ERAL EDUCATIOV. I'RIMARV PERIOD. tion to children between six and twelve or fourteen years of age. Contriv^ed as an improvement on the Scottish parochial system, it supposes the means of procuring teachers to be small. Hence it places a large number, even as many as a hundred, under one teacher, adapts its arrangements to render his services as efficient as possible, and employs the more advanced pupils as monitors. Emanating from the Scottish Church, it inculcates its observances anrl doctrines, adopting a mode of imparting Christian truths which renders them eminently attractive. It seeks (and here I consider the system overstrained) to attach to the knowleds^e of the Bible all other branches, and thus to make it the medium by which a child shall not only learn mo- rals, but, in connexion with which he shall receive lessons in history, natural history and philosophy, geography, manners and customs, and grammar. The system discards, in a great degree, all use of books, and substitutes the lively oral method employed in the German schools. It requires the master to be thoroughly acquainted with the subjects he teaches, in order to be able to communicate them in the manner exactly suited to the diilcrcnt capacities of the pupils, which he is expected to study. The children are assembled here, as in the infant school, in the gallery, and, in general, the methods of communicating knowledge, or of drawing from them their ideas, do not differ in the two schools. There is a little more form here, perhaps, but the methods are substantially the same. The exercises of the gallery terminated, the classes take their places upon the floor under the charge of monitors, or range themselves at the desks for writing. The master examines, in a room apart, one class at a time, and, after this lesson, gives an interval for the play-ground. From the play-ground the classes return to the charge of the monitors. When all have passed thus before the master, an exercise in the gallery closes the instruction for the lime. The nltornation is shown by the following order of the day: At halt' past nine o'clock the school-room and j)lay-ground are open to the pupils, and the school commences at ten. JUVENILE TRAINING-SCHOOL AT GLASGOW. 181 Ten to eleven, Bible training and religious teaching in the gallery. Ten minutes play. Until a quarter past twelve, reading under monitors, the master examining each class in turn. Until one, may leave the premises or play. One to two, intellectual training in the gallery. Ten minutes interval for play. Until half-past three, classes under the monitors. Play until four, when the ground is closed. The efiicacy of such a school depends almost entirely upon the character of the master, and during my visit, this truth was fully impressed, by seeing it under the charge of the head master, and again under that of an assistant, and by com- paring it with the infant school. There is no teaching so dif- cult to many instructors as that by the natural method. For, brought up in stifl' and artificial habits, they cannot break themselves into those required, and descend to the level of their pupils. I saw, however, quite enough to convince me that this was a great improvement upon the old system of the Scottish schools. The questioning, conversation between the teacher and pupils, singing, and other exercises of the gallery, go on with more spirit when considerable numbers are present than when few are there, and hence are particularly valuable in schools which require instruction to be given by one teacher to many pupils. The arrangement of the gallery admits of every child being distinctly seen, and of his seeing the master, and hence is much better than the usual one of benches. When the school contains pupils of very diflerent states of progress, it loses its efficacy in a great degree, and I consider it still doubt- ful whether it will answer thus to unite all classes composing a large school. As this school had been only four years in exist- ence when I saw it, the dilliculty did not show itself very pro- minently. A provision is made for this case, in the excellent manual drawn up by Mr. Stow, in which it is recommended to divide the pupils into one or more classes, so that while a part are in the gallery, another may be on the floor with monitors, 182 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. and another in the play-ground. The monitorial system worked no better here than elsewhere. Indeed, if the master had no as- sistant, and should retire to an adjoining room with a class, the mechanism would go on very irregularly, as I had an opportu- nity of seeing actually proved. Advantage is taken in the arrangement of the school-room to keep such printed moral ))recepts and attractive repre- sentations before the eyes of the children as it may be de- sired to impress on their memory, care being taken to change the objects from time to time, that too great familiarity may not blunt the sense of curiosity or interest. Order and neat- ness are inculcated by the proper arrangement of every ar- ticle of school-furniture, and by that of their own hats and cloaks. I propose now to state the subjects of instruction, to take lip each and to notice it in a general way, referring to the implements of teaching as the several branches are under ex- amination. Encjlish reading?. Roots. Construction and meaning of Enor- lish words. Practical grammar. Mental arithmetic. Practical geography. Sacred geography. Objects. Natural history, assisted by pictures. Outlines of general science. Outlines of geometry. Outlines of civil history. Writing. Arithmetic on slates, by rule. Grammar by rule. Geography, with the use of globes. Daily Bible training. Vocal music, chiefly sacred. If the pupils have come from the Infant School, they are in part prepared to read w ithout the necessity of referring to first elements. In the alphabet class there are pictorial representa- tions to impress the words upon the memory. An orthographi- cal desk is described, in Mr. Stow's book, as an auxiliary to this exercise, but I did not see it in the schook It contains com- partments or small boxes, each of which has within it several sets of a letter of the alphabet, printed on paper and pasted on small square plates of wood. Other boxes contain pictures. The child selects a picture, and spells the name of the object, f(;riiiiMg the word with the letters taken from his set of boxes. Another method of learning the alphabet and spelling, recom- JUVENILE TRAINING-SCHOOL AT GLASGOW. 183 mended by Mr. Stow, is to select a letter on a printed page, calling it by name, and requiring the child, as an exercise, to point out every recurrence of the same letter on the page. Among the various methods of teaching to read which have been tried, I regret not to have seen in use, so as to form an opinion of its success, Jacotot's method of teaching, by begin- ning with words instead of letters, especially as it has been sup- posed particularly applicable to our language, owing to the va- rious sounds belonging to the same letter. It is the fact, that the children in the Infant School at Glasgow actually recognise the words, and can name them at sight before they can spell them. For the introduction of the admirable exercise on the roots, construction and meaning of English words, the Scottish schools are indebted to Mr. Wood, of Edinburgh, and I shall speak of it particularly in describing the Sessional School. By practical grammar is meant such as the pupil can obtain by his own induction or by teaching, aided by his own compa- risons. It is the true elementary grammar, and the name prac- tical does not seem to me well chosen. I can give a clearer idea of it by an example. Several things are named over to a class — hat, desk, chair, &c. These are the names of things. They are called nouns. Or, to employ the elliptical method of the school, these are the names of , leaving to the pupil to reply things. If it is perceived that all have not caught the answer, the class are made to repeat it. They are called nouns, is stated by the master. A noun is the name of a ■ thing, the ellipsis being supplied by the class. Further. You "wish me to give you a stick of what kind? A short, a long, a smooth, &c., will be answered. Short, long, &,c., are qualities of the stick. They arc called adjectives. Short is an adjective. Stick is a noun. An adjective is the quality of a noun. Combining such exercises with pictorial representations of the parts of speech, and varying them until they suit the mind of every pupil, an indelible impression is made. A foundation is laid for grammar by rules taught in the higher classes, which should, however, be so accompanied by exercises as to be quite as practical as this. 184 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. The practical geography consists also of elements, but taught in a much less natural way tfian in the German schools already spoken of. Fictitious travelling should follow a knowledge of home; ])Utting a map into a boy's hand, without explanation, is not likely to lead to much inquiry. The methods of this school, however, it should be considered, are in a great degree experimental. In speaking of the courses in the German eleemosynary insti- tutions, I have already said so much of mental arithmetic, that it is not necessary to dwell here again upon it. It has been permanently adopted in many of the English schools, where other improvements have been slowly introduced. The lessons in arithmetic are begun with the ball frame used for infant in- struction. Sacred geography is used not only for the purpose of making the pupils accurately acquainted with the localities mentioned in the Scriptures, and with the curious physical state of the country, with its manners and customs and profane history, but as an incentive to them to search out from specified parts of the Bible the verses where particular places are mentioned, and to connect with the localities the incidents of the narrative. The lessons in objects are modified from those arranged by Miss Mayo, and are adapted to the ditlerent ages of an ele- mentary school They are intended as guides to teachers in communicating oral instruction in regard to the objects met with in common life. The box of objects connected with them contains, in the small comjiass of less than three-sixteenths of a cubic foot, one hundred and twelve specimens of various productions of nature and art in dificrent countries, each of which may form some part of an instructive conversation.* These lessons are supplementary to those of the infant school, in which more common specimens are used. They serve not only to give the direct mental exercise and the information, which are their principal purposes, but incidentally are made • I havr thr plmsiiro to show to tho Board one oftlirse cases. A piniilar one ought to be furnished ty every elementary school in the country. JUVENILE TRAINIIVG-SCHOOL AT GLASGOW. 185 the means of instruction in orthography^ writing, and grammar. In their direct bearing they may be considered as introductory to the courses of technology, which belong to higher instruction. The courses of natural history are among those which excite the greatest interest in the mind of a child, and which may be made most useful in developing the intelligence, strengthening the observation and memory, and conveying religious impres- sions appropriate to the age. Illustrated by pictures they are very attractive; but w^hen the means of acquiring specimens are within the power of the school, the courses are rendered much more interesting. In the examination of plants and stones, they may be made subservient, also, to the purposes of air and exercise. It is, of course, understood that there is no attempt to teach the subjects as sciences, and specially for their own sake. They are mere introductory exercises to such studies, to which the tastes of pupils may perhaps lead them at a later period of instruction. The importance of forming museums of these objects is beginning now to be fully appreciated in the best schools. Vocal music is not used solely for cultivating the ear or taste, but for producing its appropriate moral effects from the cha- racter of the songs, and as an important auxiliary to order and discipline, substituting harmony for noise during changes of position, and promoting regularity. The Bible-training has already been described, and in regard to the higher subjects of instruction, which follow it immedi- ately upon the programme, the classes had not yet reached them when I visited the school. Linear drawing upon the slate, and copying lines, or tracing the outlines of simple ob- jects, are intended to be introduced. In general, the mechanical parts of instruction have not yet received their intended develop- ment. There is a lesson of an hour in Bible-reading* every day, in which the outline given in the infant school is°filled up * The Bible-stand is placed in front of the gallery, and is so arranged that it may be used to support a black-board or pictures. The hand-bell and whistle for signals used in the infant school, arc still employed in this. The posts for the monitorial lessons are, in a great degree, superseded by books. 24 ISO GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. by more copious selections of historical or other matter. The pupils are exercised on the meaning of the words, on the lead- ing points of the story, and on the moral lessons to be deduced, and it is found that if the premises are well laid down, the chil- dren will themselves draw the proper conclusions. The teacher is not permitted to inform them directly of any thing which by analysis, comparison, or illustration, they can be made to find out for themselves. Those pupils who can read are expected to go over the lesson. The mode of obtaining answers is, in part, by direct interrogation, and in part by the elliptical me- thod. From the character of this school, and the connexion of its directors with the church, it must be considered a most im- portant conclusion, in reference to the improvement of the paro- chial schools, that the method of conveying religious instruc- tion by the learning of catechisms by rote, is inferior to that already described as in use here. The system of changing places in the class is not approved as a principle, yet a modification of it is nevertheless in use. It would require very careful experiment under the actual circumstances of the pupils and teachers of any school, to prove that this mode can be dispensed with. I agree entirely as to the necessity for greatly modifying it, and as to the principle that the motive of emulation is an inferior one. In the present condition of society, however, I do not believe that emulation in schools can be en- tirely dispensed with, if we would have the youth in them pre- pared for active life. Men are esteemed by their fellows in proportion to their intellectual and moral qualities, and though society is not formally graded by placing individuals in the pre- cise order of these qualities, yet every one is aware that some men have greater iniluence than others, because of higher in- tellectual and moral attainments, and the desire to stand high in the estimation of others is, at present, one of the strongest, though certainly not of the purest, motives to exertion. Self- emulation is a much more noble and safe guide to action, and no doubt may, under judicious management, be rendered a very powerful stimulus. The principle of discipline laid down in this school, not to use JUVENILE TRAINING-SCHOOL AT GLASGOW. 187 things which you desire a child should love, as a punishment, is an excellent one, and I regretted to see the practice, in some cases, going counter to it. Corporal chastisement has not been resorted to for two and a-half years. MoiYiI and Physical Training. As already stated, the play- ground, or " uncovered school-room," is considered the place in which moral training is to be accomplished, where the prin- ciples taught in the school may be carried into practice so as to become habits. Accordingly, the play-ground is not merely fitted up with the means of exercise, but is planted, in part, with flowers and fruit, accessible to all, but which are to be enjoyed under the injunction, "smell, see, but touch not." It has been, and is, in part, to this day, the reproach of Eng- land and the United States, that public property is always in- jured; that flowers cannot bloom, nor fruit ripen, unless w^hen enclosed ; and in France, which is considered as oflering an ex- ception to this barbarous practice, I fear that the result is pro- duced rather by the certainty of detection and punishment, than from the influence of a higher motive. Education is the true source of relief from this reproach ; if the child be trained to respect what belongs to the public, the man will never injure it. Such views have been decried as visionary, and the idea that a child could be so trained has been scouted. But facts prove that the visionary persons were only a little in advance of the times, and their training system has succeeded, and its princi- ples will finally be so generally adopted, that to doubt them will be as remarkable as the idea itself originally appeared. In this particular school upwards of one hundred and eighty scholars, from the manufacturing classes of Glasgow, have been in the habit of using the play-ground for more than an hour and a-quarter every day for two years and a-half, without damage to the flowers or fruits which it contains. Great attention is paid to neatness in the play-ground, that the habits inculcated in the school may be carried out here. It affords, also, opportunities of exemplifying lessons on cruelty to animals, on truth, justice, kindness, and other virtues. The means of healthy exercise is given by the more simple kinds of gymnastics, one of the most 188 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. popular and excellent of which is the circular swing. Wooden prisms are furnished for building, and the more ordinary games of ball, &c., are also practised. There is an opportunity in the play-ground for a full display of character, which, when observed, and rightly managed, leads to the same system em- l^loyed by a judicious parent at home, with the advantage of better opportunities of judging of the points of character which require developing or repressing, from the inlluence of numbers in making these points more prominent. It is plain that such a system of moral training, carried into an institution Uke ours, must be invaluable, and that its results will be felt not only by our pupils, but by the society through w^hich they will be dis- persed. There is, however, one consideration which should not be lost sight of. The recluse system which we are to fol- low in the main, not being that according to which society is organized, our pupils might not be trained for after life. Ha- bits acquired in the institution might thus easily be broken through under the influence of new circumstances out of doors. The necessity for gradually approximating our arrangements to those of society at large is thus suggested, of developing the pupil as far as possible in the way in which he would be treated in a family. Of gradually, not suddenly, taking from around and beneath him the fostering arms of the institution, and of not abandoning him to his own direction until all reasonable means have been taken to give self-government, under the cir- cumstances in which he is to be placed. As a vent for the animal spirits of a child, the play-ground is an important auxiliary to the schook A quarter of an hour spent there between the lessons leads not only to health, but to greater quiet on the return of the pupil to the room. Supple- mentary to it are simultaneous movements, executed by the class by express direction of the master. The subdued quiet produced by a rigid discipline may be a necessary evil in large schools, but should still be considered as an evil, and means taken t(j counteract its ellects by exercise from time to time in and out of llie class-room. Hence the mechanical motions con- sidered by some as so ludicrous in ilio I Lancastrian system are SESSIONAL SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH. 189 founded on a proper regard to the principles of physical edu- cation. It need scarcely be remarked that this system of training can no more be carried on without the master's presence in the play-ground, tlian without it in the school-room, and in this particular it coincides with the best examples of practice in the German schools. THE SESSIONAL SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH. The formation of a system of Sunday schools by the dif- ferent church sessions of Edinburgh in 1813, showed that the week-day education of those who came for religious instruction on Sundays, was in many cases most grossly neglected, from a deficiency in the number of and attendance on the parochial schools, and that a reform in this particular must take place before any real progress could be made in the Sunday instruc- tion. This led to the establishment of a day-school, in which a certain number of pupils, sent by the different sessions, were instructed gratuitously, and a still larger number from the quar- ter of the town where the school was placed, at merely a nomi- nal fee. This school has been up to the time of taking its present form, entirely an experimental one. It was not begun by laying down a set of rules and regulations, but by authorizing the Se- cretary and Committee of the Board of Delegates to try such plans as might seem good to them. At first the arrangements and methods of the Lancastrian system were introduced; these made way for those of Dr. Bell, and the school ow^es its present reputation and influence to the admirable methods engrafted by Sheriff Wood, upon a skeleton form of the latter system. These were also experimental. Mr. Wood was not a teacher himself, but became so from the interest which he felt in this particular school. Beginning with his ideas as to the manner of improving the teaching of arithmetic, he made trial of his method, and its success led in turn to the explanator}' system in reading, to its extension through all the classes, to the etymo- logical method among the higher classes, to inductive instruc- tion in grammar, and to an improved method in geograpliy. 190 GEXERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. This system is eminently intellectual, its leading characteristic, however, being the exercise of the faculties through language. It neglects the advantages to be derived from objects, takes little or no cognizance of the physical education, and inculcates morals, without specially training in their practice. It is in fact the old method of the English school made intellectual. I should say that its inlluence has been more extensively felt in the higher schools than in the lower, and that its verbal character belongs rather to them than to the others. With Mr. Wood as the master, this system is intellectual in spite of the monitorial arrangements which it uses, but it is in the upper classes espe- cially, whence the monitors are derived, that it shows its full character. With the monitors in general, though they may be directed to avoid routine, it is difficult to secure such a result; accordingly, I perceived distinctly, that under the diminished attention of SherifT Wood at the school, and the administration of it by another teacher, its tone had essentially lowered from that usually supposed to prevail in it. This remark will be better understood, however, when speaking of the method of leaching. The school-room is arranged as in the Madras system, with writing-desks around the wall. The classes occupy the floor, one-half of the pupils being there at a time. They form in arcs of circles, one behind the other, the middle scholar exactly facing the desk of the master, which is at one end of the room, and the monitors standing near the front and middle of the classes, which they face. The arrangements of books and slates arc made by the mo- nitors a little before ten o'clock, and at ten the school begins. A prayer is said. Half the pupils occupy the desks, engaged in writing or cyphering. The other half are in classes on the floor, occui)ie{l witli spelling, reading, grammar, &C. In half an hour they change occupations with each other. From eleven o'clock until twelve the first division is engaged with arithmetic, in classes on the floor, and the second writes. The monitors receive instruction from twelve until one, with a brief interval, the other pupils having an hour of recreation. At one the school SESSIONAL SCHOOL AT EDINBURGH. 191 recommences, the first division writing while the second is on the floor. These change at two o'clock; at three the places of the pupils in their classes are recorded. They repeat the Lord's Prayer and are dismissed, except those who volunteer to attend a lesson in geography. Saturday is a half-holiday. On Mondays and Saturdays the school is open to the inspection of visitors. In the explanatory method of this school the reading-lessons are the great means of imparting incidental instruction; its ap- pHcation begins with the very elements, so that the child never reads a word without being made to understand it, nor a sen- tence without comprehending the words and their connexion. This renders the reading-lessons pleasing as well as easy, and thus they are made the vehicles of much useful information. The habit of minute analysis is cultivated, and, in the end, a great command and thorough knowledge of the English lan- guage is obtained by it. The alphabet is learned as usual, the child being taught to name each letter and to recognise it. Then follow words (not mere unmeaning syllables) of two letters,* printed both in Ro- man and Italic characters, and simple sentences framed from them, all of which should in turn be explained by or to the pupil. Next are words of threef letters, arranged according to a sys- tem, with sentences combining the words, and adapted to the comprehension of the child. The reading-book, with words of four letters, which follows this, admits of a considerable variety * For example, the first lesson contains the words Be, He, Me, We, Ye, &,c., which the cliild should give his own notion of. Thus, spelling- Be, he illustrates it by saying " to be good," &cc., Me, the pupil may point to himself. Sec. Any an- swers sliould be satisfactory which show some apprehension of the use of the word or its meaning. + The first lesson in these letters contains words with two consonants followed by a vowel, as Fly, Cry, Ply, Sly, &.c., sentences combining these and the fore- going, as " why do you cry." Next a vowel between two consonants. Here the pupil is called upon to supply examples which rhyme, and to read sentences made up of words not in the lesson, the sentences beginning now to assume a higher character as to moral sentiment or intellect. The succeeding lessons contain words ending vvitli a dipthong or a silent e. 192 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. PRIMARY PERIOD. of matter, as Bible histories, ideas of natural phenomena, or of the more common trades and ])rocesses. All of these should be made instructive exercises, and will he so under intelligent teachers. Routine in all should be strictly avoided, as it de- stroys the spirit' of the method. The higher reading brings in geography and history incidentally, and subjects connected with mechanics, which are exceedingly popular among the pupils. There is a lending-library, to encourage a taste for reading out of school, which is much used. Instruction in grammar, upon the inductive plan and without the use of a text-book, is begun early in the school. The method is that already described under the title of practical grammar in the Juvenile School at Glasgow. It is eminently successful as an introduction to grammar by rule, and is an exercise in which the pupil takes an interest, from the investi- gation which it requires of him.f The etymological instruction introduced by Mr. Wood is one of the most striking features of his method. The teaching is also inductive, and even incidental to the reading, though, of course, the teacher must have a plan or systematic arrange- ment in his own mind, that important omissions may not occur.J As an example of their etymological lessons, suppose the pupil, in reading, meets the w^ord " introduce," he is made to divide it, "intro" and "duce." He is told that "intro" is a prefix from the • At my first visit to this scliool, I was liig^hly pleased witli the answers of a class of little urcluns who were in words of three syllables. " You " was well illustrated by pointing to the master. " Tico" by another pointing to him- self and neighbour. " Yew;' a yew tree. " Eire;' a female sheep. " Deir;' water on the grass. Returning on the following public day, my pleasure was marred by hearing identically the same boys give precisely tlie same answers, showing that they had as much learned thera by rote, as if tlicy were definitions from an Expositor. t Mr. Wood's |)lan will be found fully detailed in his "Account of the Edin- burgh Sessional School." \ Wood's Etymological fJuide, Oswald's Etymological Manual, and Oswald's Etymologienl Dictionary, have all been publisiied to supply the demand for this kind of instruction, which has spread through the schools of Edinburgh with the best results. Mr. Gibson, of Cuuvin's Hospital, was also engaged on a work on this subject when I visited Edinburgh, in 1837. SESSIONAL SCHOOL AT EDINBURGH. 193 Latin, and means within. He is asked for some other word beginning with " intro," and soon exhausts " introduction," " in- troductory," &c. The other part is next taken up, and its mean- ing (to lead) is explained. Examples of it are given by different members of the class, as "adduce," "conduce," "deduce," "edu- cate," "induce," "induction," "produce," &c. The teacher takes care that no important word is omitted in furnishing these examples. The true knowledge of the meaning of words thus acquired has led to the use of the method even in the classical schools, where it is found to furnish a new motive to study, by placing one application of his knowledge immediately before the pupil. The great command of words which it must give, when derivations from diflerent ancient and modern languages are thus called for, is quite obvious. The instruction in geography is entirely by the use of maps and oral explanations ; places are pointed out on a map, and information given in respect to them. When their relative po- sitions are wxll fixed in the pupil's mind, the points marking them are transferred to a black-board, with or without an out- line of the limits of the country where they are situated, and the pupil is exercised in naming them; similar plans are pursued in regard to other parts of the subject. This, as well as other branches of Mr. Wood's method, approaches closely to that used in the best German schools, and requires considerable attainments in- the teachers. If left to monitors, it cannot fail to lose its spirit. The exercises in arithmetic arc among the most striking in the school Mental arithmetic is particularly cultivated, and the higher classes acquire an extraordinary facility in its accu- rate use. It is begun simultaneously with the second book of reading, and the lessons generally consist in part of mental and in part of written arithmetic,* one portion of the time be- ing devoted exclusively to exercises, another to teaching a new * In one of my visits to the school, a row of twelve figures was multiplied bv the number five, in four seconds from the time when the instructor had given out the question, but he began by the multiplier, and some of the pupils were at work as he gave out tlic multiplicand. 194 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. PRIMARY PERIOD. rule with examples. The dull method of working through the questions of a book is not countenanced, the instruction as well as examples being given by the teacher or monitor. In writing, which is begun upon the slate, as well as in cyphering, the pencil is put into a tin tube, that the child may not acquire a bad habit of iiolding it. Steel pens are used here and in several other schools which I visited, and answer well. In regard to discipline and other school and class arrange- ments, this establishment is not peculiar. Mr. Wood regards cor- poral punishment as necessary, but requires that it should be used as seldom as possible. lie is also an advocate for the system of places in a class, and of prizes for scholarship, but would especially encourage self-emulation, the principle upon which some other teachers rely entirely, to the exclusion of the first. He disapproves of tasks or confinement in the school-room, as associating study and school with ideas of punishment. This institution is a remarkable instance of an intellectual reform, beginning with a charity-school, and extending upwards. It is but too often the case that schools for the poor are consi- dered as appropriately of a lower grade than others ; at least it is so in Europe. ELEMENTARY DEPARTMENTS OF THE MADRAS COLLEGE. This institution resulted from an arransremcnt made by the late Dr. Bell, author of the Madras system* of education, with the authorities of St. Andrews, his native place. The Madras Col- lege replaces the Borough School, and besides is intended to exemplify the application of the system of mutual instruction to the various departments of elementary and higher education. It is under the direction of four trustees, of whom the provost of the burgh is one. They legislate in regard to the institution in general, but the details of instruction are left entirely to the masters. The college building is a beautiful structure, in the Elizabethan » So called from its liavinp been first applied by Dr. Bell, in a large school under his care, attached to an asylum for soldiers' children at Madras. MADRAS SCHOOLS OF ST. ANDREWS. 195 Gothic style, standing at a convenient distance from one of the main streets, and having in front upon the street the picturesque ruin of the monastery of the Greyfriars. The different schools are erected about a quadrangle, the cloistered sides of which form a sheltered play-ground, and all but the classical depart- ment being a single story in height. The great height of these rooms secures a good ventilation, but the arched ceilings and smooth walls are the worst possible for school-rooms, from the excessive reverberation. On the lower floor of the building of the classical department are a series of small school-rooms, in- tended for the teachers of modern languages, &c. Two of the masters have houses at the entrance of the grounds, and are allowed to take boarders. The college is divided into five departments, entirely distinct from each other, the classical, French, mathematical, writing and drawing, and English departments. As the instruction in the last three belongs either in whole or part to the elementary pe- riod, I propose to make a few remarks upon it here, not intend- ing, however, again to discuss the Bell system, but merely to present some of the peculiar points which were brought to my notice by a visit to this school, and intercourse with its intelli- gent teachers. Each school has a teacher and an assistant, and every teacher is independent of the other, the arrangements in the subsidiary schools being, however, such as to admit attendance there without interference with the others, and the parents being free to choose which departments their children shall attend. The English department is divided into two sections, the school fees being higher in the one than in the other, which produces a corresponding difference in the character of the pupils. The lower school, as it may be called, contains four hundred chil- dren, varying in age from four to sixteen. Each class is sepa- rated into two parts, if required by its numbers, and is under the charge of monitors. The thorough Bell system is used in this section, and its intellectual character is much below that of the higher section, which is less numerous, and where the classes have the benefit of more immedinte instruction from the assist- 190 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. PRIMARY PERIOD. ant master. It is a general rule that every class in both sec- tions shall come before the master or his assistant every day, and this rule prevades the otiier departments of the college. In the lower section of the English school, however, from its num- bers, this exercise must be a mere revision by the master, while in the higlicr it is a true lesson. In this section I heard an ex- cellent rer.itntion from the pupils in reading, with explanatory and etymological f^xnrrisns, according to jNIr. Wood's plan, in English grammar with the correction of false syntax, and in history. Girls and boys were mingled in the classes. In the mathematical sciiool arithmetic is taught by monitors, the lessons being revised by the master. Modern geography is also taught here, and the school is well furnished with out- line maps without names. In the higher classes of arithmetic, the revisions by the master are more in the form of lessons, and in geometry the mutual instruction nearly disappears. The pupils of the English schools all attend the writing school for an hour a-day. The monitorial system here produces very good results, and I have no doubt that when a merely mechanical brancii is to be taught, it is entirely applicable. The monitors are divided into four classes, each of which serves dur- ing a quarter of the hour spent in school. Drawing is pursued at other hours by those who have the disposition for it. The schools composing this college, the higher departments inclusive,* are among the best in Scotland, but they owe their merits to the character of the masters, and not of the method. In fact, the instruction apj^ears to produce the best results where the monitorial system is least used, and the master's talent is directly exercised in teaching. CIRCUS PLACE SCHOOL, EDINBLTRGH. It is seldom that the advantages of a decided improvement in instruction in one institution are lost to the public from not being • The classicnl (leimrtiiuail is undtr tho cliarjrc of the Rev. INFr. ('annirha.l, to wJiosc linspitahtv and kiinl atliutioii 1 led iiuich indehfcd. CIRCUS PLACE SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH. 197 transferred to others. I have already stated that the system of the Sessional School has led to considerable improvement in the various schools of Edinburgh. That in Circus Place was founded by subscription, to apply the intellectual method of Mr. Wood to the instruction of boys who are preparing for the Edinburgh High School or Academy, or other classical schools. It receives pupils from the age of four to six years, and re- tains them until nine or ten, when they are fitted to begin a classical course. The intelligent rector* informed me, that he preferred decidedly such pupils as came from the infant schools to others, finding them more teachable and more tractable. The school is purely an English one, and the branches taught are generally similar to those of the Sessional School. It has, however, a great advantage over the latter, in the fact that each class has an intelligent teacher, and hence no monitors are used, unless for the relief of the master in promoting order, by no- ticing offences. The classes are in different rooms, some of which have the benches placed upon forms rising in steps. A great improvement has been made in the intellectual sys- tem here, by the introduction of objects of nature and art as the ground-work of many lessons. The advantages of this im- provement are hardly yet fully realized. The directors are earnestly engaged, however, in extending the museum auxiliary to these lessons. There is a lending-library for the use of the school. In the higher classes half an hour of each week day, except Saturday, is occupied with religious instruction. Two hours with reading and incidental instruction in grammar and his- tory, &c. Half an hour with geography. Half an hour with grammar. Half an hour with arithmetic, and one hour with writing. The highest class, composed only of boys, during tiieir read- ing-lessons are fully drilled on " prefixes and post-fixes," and the analysis of our language, according to the method of Mr. * Tlic Rev. Alcx.mdrr Rcid. 198 GENERAL EDUCATIOIV. PRIMARY PERIOD. Wood. Both in this and the next class the instruction which I witnessed was excellent. The classes have an hour of interval in the middle of the day, which they are allowed to spend in the play-ground attached to the school, hut no attempt at regular physical education has yet been made. PRIMARY INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. 199 CHAPTER III. PUBLIC ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. The present law regulating primary instruction in France, dates from the year 1833. Previous to framing it, M. Cousin was deputed by the Minister of Public Instruction to visit some of the states of Germany, the systems of which have the highest reputation, and especially Prussia. The information collected by him, and chiefly embodied in his Report,* is supposed to have contributed in an important degree to the framing of the new law. By one of the provisions of this law, primary in- struction is divided into two grades, elementary, and superior primary, and the least amount of instruction admissible in each grade is defined. In the first is enumerated moral and religious instruction, reading, writing, the elements of the French lan- guage, and arithmetic, and the system of weights and measures prescribed by law. Linear drawing, is very generally added to these branches, and in many of the schools, vocal music is also taught. To the subjects just enumerated, the law adds, as a minimum for superior primary instruction, the elements of geometry, with its common applications, particularly to geometrical drawing and surveying, the elementary principles of physical science, and natural history and geography, and particularly the history and geography of France. This superior primary instruction has spread but little, even in the metropolis of France, and the whole kingdom contained in 1838 but three hundred and thirty- two schools of the sort.f In Lyons I found but one public * Report on the state of public instruction in several of the countries of Europe, and especially in the kingdom of Prussia, by Victor Cousin, Peer of France, «Scc. t Two hundred and thirty-five of these scliools are public, and ninety-seven private. Report of the Minister of Public Instruction to the King, on primary instruction, June 1, 1^38. 200 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY I'ERIOD. school of this grade in 1838, and that but imperfectly devel- oped. While the law thus lays down the brandies of instruc- tion constituting the least admissible, it very properly says nothing about the methods of teaching. In the public schools there arc, however, two leading methods, those of mutual and simultaneous instruction. The first is a modified Lan- castrian system, originally introduced from England. The second is used chiefly in the schools of the "Christian Bro- thers," and its practices are derived from the founder of this religious body, the Abbe John La Salle. Specimens of both are to be found in the model schools attached to the Normal seminaries for educating primary teachers, of which there is one for every department of France, with one exception. Teachers educated in these establishments are expected to be able to use either method. In many of the schools fragments of the two are joined, constituting what has been termed a mixed system. It cannot, with propriety, however, be consi- dered a special method, but is rather a modification, in various degrees, of one of the systems by the introduction of parts of the other. Of the schools upon the system of mutual instruc- tion, I visited at Paris, with greater or less care, four, besides giving a glance at two others, in reference to musical instruc- tion. Of those taught by the Ciiristian Brothers I visited two. At Versailles, the two in connexion with the primary Normal schools, and the similar ones at Dijon. At Lyons, two of the first named kind and one of the second. The selection was made, of course, with reference to the merits of the schools in regard to which I had tiie best advice.* Those on the plan of mutual instruction were inferior to the English model, and those upon the other system, to the similar schools in Holland, or in Germany, generally. Hence, I do not feel warranted in enter- ing into details in regard to them in this Report. Primary • At Paris I was much indebted to the oblijDfinir ofiices of M. Lamottc, In- spcctor of Primary Scliools, to whom 1 was introduced by the kindness of M. Cousin. I was also much obHcfcd by the kind introductions of the Minister of Public Instruction, M. Snlvandy, of M. Arn^ro, and of M. Cliarlcs Coqucrel. PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF FRANCE. 201 instruction in France i. in a state of transition, wliich, although .t holds out a fair promise for the future, presents, at present, but httle lor mutation in tlic individual schools. I ought to notice that the mode of teaching music adopted ni the mutual instruction schools of Paris, has proved hi-' hlv successful, and that, in general, the results of the attempt to mtroduce vocal music into these schools have surpassed the expectation even of its advocates. The introduction of linear drawmg has also been attended with success, but the mode of teaching from engravings is, 1 think, for the purposes in view interior to that used in the schools of Berlin. It must not be supposed, from the foregoing remarks, that I undervalue the efforts lately made and now making in France in behalf of primary instruction. The law itself was a rrreat step. The system of inspection, which was begun in 1833, was carried out by the permanent appointment of one inspector to each department in 1835, and greatly extended by creathi.. sub-inspectors in 1838, and is a most valuable auxiliary to the law. The regulation of the schools for girls in 1830; the in- crease of primary normal schools from forty-seven in 1833 to seventy.four in 1838; the increase of more than a million in the attendance on the boys' schools alone, between 1829 and 1838;* the systematic encouragement to infant schools; all these are positive results, which have been already obtained, an.l on which France has great reason to congratulate herself It was not to be expected that, with the previous deficiency in the number of schools for primary instruction in France, tliere would be great fastidiousness as to their character, which must however, rapidly improve, if the introduction of well prepared teachers from the normal schools is allowed to have its full effect. »TI,eso numbers arc fron, a Ucport on P,i,„ary Instruclion, by tl.c Minister 2f> 202 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. CHAPTER IV. PRIMARY INSTRUCTION IN HOLLAND. Amoxg the primary schools of Holland arc some of the best which I visited, and the whole condition of popular instruction is worthy of a nation which has ever been distinguished for its virtue and intelligence. The primary instruction of Holland began to receive its pre- sent form at the close of the last century, and chiefly by the in- strumentality of the " Society for Public Utility," the branches of which extended throughout the country. This society estab- lished model schools where they were required, published cheap text-books, excited discussions on methods of teaching, and sti- mulated the local authorities and others to the establishment of new schools. Always withdrawing its efforts when no longer needed in the cause, it avoided the effects of jealousy, by show- ing that it had no desire for control. With a view to produce system throughout the then Bata- vian Republic, a law containing the genei'al principles which should govern primary instruction was passed in ISOG, and was accompanied by a series of regulations, to carry out its details. The most important provisions of the law- are those for the inspection and management of the schools, and for the due qualification of schoolmasters, the establishment of individual schools being left to the local authorities. The system of in- spection is eminently adapted to a country where centralization has never existed, and has j)roved highly successful in its opera- tion. It begins with the appointment in each school district of an inspector, and, when the schools are numerous, gives him the assistance of a committee. The inspectors of the different school districts of a province form tlu2 Provincial Board of Primary Instruction, who meet thrice every year, receive the reports of the inspectors, delibe- PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF HOLLAND. 203 rate upon the concerns of primary instruction in the province, and make report annually to the minister of the interior. To carry out this system, the minister of the interior has authority to convene at the capital an assembly of delegates from the provincial Boards, to advise upon general matters. Only one such meeting has, how^ever, taken place. In the general con- trol of primary instruction, the minister of the interior is re- placed by an officer called a referendary, and there is also an inspector general,* who resides at the Hague. To be admitted to the rank of a teacher, certain preliminary examinations must be* passed before the school-inspector, or local or provincial Board, according to the grade sought. There are four grades, requiring each a different examination. The lowest of these may be obtained at the age of sixteen, the third at eighteen, and the second at twenty-two. The second qualifies for the mastership of any primary school, and the first is, in fact, honorary. To pass the examination for the second grade, the candidate must be able to read and spell correctly, to write a good hand, must have a knowledge of the theory of the Dutch language, geography, history, arithmetic in all its branches, and a facility in imparting instruction. His moral and religious qualifications are also ascertained. This general examination entitles an instructor to become a candidate for vacant schools, either public or private, but does not supersede the special examination or competition which may be required by their directors. The law, besides, enjoins upon the local authorities, on the one hand, to furnish a sufficient number of schools for the po- pulation, and on the other, not to allow such a number as to render the income of the several masters inadequate to their support. The definition of a primary school, as given in one of the regulations issued to complete the law, covers a wide field. According to it, a primary school is one in which youth is in- • To this gentleman, M. Wynbeek, I am indolitrd for nitirh attention, fiir which I beg leave here to return my thanks. 204 GENERAL EDUCATIO\. PRIMARY PERIOD. structcd in the first principles of knowledge, such as reading, writing, arithmetic, and the Dutch language, or the more ad- vanced branches, such as the French, or other modern lan- guages, or the ancient languages, geography, iiistory, and other subjects of that description. There arc several different kinds of schools, corresponding to different grades of instruction in these branches. Infant school instruction is included in the primary department, but it is not yet fully developed, being limited chiefly to Rotterdam and Zwollc. The lowest schools are those for the poor (armen-scholen), and which are entirely gratuitous. The children enter at from six to seven, and remain until twelve or fourteen. As supple- mentary to them are evening schools, principally intended for revising former courses, and which should be attended until sixteen or eiGjhteen vears of i^g^c. As the attendance in these CD »i O latter schools is not obligatory, the proportion of those who receive instruction in them varies much in diflerent localities. The next are called intermediate schools (tusschen-scholen), in which the pupils pay a trifling fee.* Both these are, in general, public. Some have been established by the school- committees, and after a few years have become self-support- ing. The grade of instruction is rather higher than in the schools for the })oor, but as the law does not prescribe any particular programme, it varies much in the diflerent parts of Holland — a school which would \)c ralied intermediate in a small town ranking below one of the gratuitous establishments for the ])0or in one of the chief cities. The amount taught depends, other circumstances being the same, upon the average age to which the children remain at school, and, therefore, varies also in the dilferejit parts of the kingdom. The next grade, or burgher school (burger school), is, in general, a ju'ivate establishment. It is distinguished from both the classes just enumerated by a larger fee,t and, in general, by • For example, in an inlenuediafr school at Rottordain which I visiUtl, eight cents a week. t The sehool tie at the Imr^rlar st fioul at llaailtiii is hrlucm six ami s.veii dollars a year. PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF HOLLAND. 205 a higher grade of mstruction; but while in a single town or district it is easy to perceive this gradation, yet it is scarcely possible to observe it on a comparison of the country at large. In some places, the last mentioned school is called the Dutch school, to distinguish it from the following class. The school denominated the "French School"* is the highest of the primary division, and is, in general, a private establish- ment, though frequently of the kind classed by the law^ with private schools, but superintended, in reality, by the local school-committee itself. Besides the branches taught in the other schools, the courses of this embrace the French language, of w^hich the pupils acquire a grammatical knowledge, and which they are enabled to speak with considerable facility. These schools prepare their pupils for entrance into active life, and serve, also, in some degree, as feeders to the grammar or Latin schools. The instruction in French is not, however, an exclusive mark of this grade of institution, as the descendants of the French emigrants, constituting the Walloon congrega- tions, continue the teaching of this language in the gratuitous schools for the poor connected with their churches. While, in point of fact, there is not the regular fourfold divi- sion of primary instruction which thus appears, it is difficult to draw a separating line.-j- The intermediate school connects the school for the poor and the burgher school, while in the burgher schools, the same branches are studied as in the French schools, except the French language. The less number of children under the charge of one master, the greater age to which the children in general remain at school, the generally greater capacity of the master, from the higher salary which his talents command, tlie greater family culture of tiic children before coming into and while in the school, render the average progress in the burgher school of a given place superior to that * All these classes, viz., Infant, Poor, Intermediate, Dutcli, and French Schools, were noted in the returns of the school-committee at Rotterdam, which tlieir se- cretary, M. Mces, liad the kindness to show mc. t M. Cousin, in his work, " Dc I'lnstruction Fuhliquc en Holland," 1837, places the division hclwcen the hiuijhor and the French schools. 200 (;KXKnAI. KDUCATION. i'HJMAFiY I'ERIOD. in the iiilonncdiatc school, and in this latter higher than in the school tor the jioor. 1 must say, however, that in nxjre than one case, in the same ])lace, I could detect no diOerence in the school itself, between the intermediate ar.d the burgher school, exce{>t in the greater comfort of the accommodations of the latter; and I have already remarked that, in comparing the establishments of difierent places, the name is not an accurate guide to the grade of the school. A sketch of the arrangement of the primary schools them- selves would, I have thought, be rendered more compendious, \vithout injury to its fidelity, by selecting for particular descrip- tion one of the schools for the poor, which, as a class, rank higher in Holland than in any other of the European states, and engrafting upon the account of this, remarks on the methods of other schools; concluding by a brief statement of the particulars in which the intermediate, burgher, or French schools difTer, in geneial, from the assumed type, or from each other. Before doing so, however, there are some points fixed by the school regulations which require notice. The first is, that the system of instruction must be that called simultaneous, or in which all the pupils of a class take part at once. In practice, this requires to be varied by questions adapted to individuals, and the classes, therefore, must not be too large. In the intermediate schools I found, more commonly, classes of from thirty to fifty, the lesser number being well adapted to the method. With a well trained master, and a class of moderate numbers, this kind of instruction is the most lively that can be imagined, and when judiciously varied by (juestions put to all, but which only one is permitted to answer, it is also thorough. It is, in a great de- gree, the system already described of Mr. Wood's own class in the Edinburgh Sessional School. The method of mutual instruction is not at all favoured in Holland. A very decided and general opinion against it ap- pears early to have been brought about by the comparison of the English schools with their own. A prize was oflered for the best dissertation on the subject by the society for public utility, and taken l)y M. Visser, inspector of primary schools PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF HOLLAND. 1^07 in Freesland. This excellent dissertation* which was published and widely distributed by the society, no doubt contributed to form or to strengthen the opinion which prevails at this day. The only approach to the monitorial system in the schools of Holland is, that pupils who have an inclination to teach, and who will probably become teachers, are put in charge of the lower classes of a school. Thus, also, some of the best moni- tors of the Borough-road School in London are boys who are likely one day to follow the career of teaching. There is, however, a very wide difference between the use of a few ap- prentices to the profession, and that of a large number of moni- tors to give instruction. I had occasion to observe, however, that in many cases there was a want of life in the j'ounger classes entrusted to these inexperienced teachers. If they are to be used, it would be better to employ them in classes which have some training, even though nearer the teacher's age and attainments. The next point is in regard to religious instruction in the schools. There is unbounded toleration of religious creed in Holland, and while the necessity of religious instruction in the schools has been strongly felt, it has been made to stop short of the point at which, becoming doctrinal, the subjects taught could interfere with the views of any sect. Bible stories are made the means of moral and relifrious tcachinir in the school, and the doctrinal instruction is given by the pastors of the different churches on days appointed for the purpose, and usually not in the school-room. The last point is in regard to the choice of school-books. The publication of them is not left to open competition. Every book, before it can be used in a public school, must be submit- ted to the examination of the minister of the interior, acting of course by deputy, and if approved, is admitted to the list of books which may be used in the schools. From this list the provincial board of primary schools select those which they * "Essays on the subjects of instruction necessary in the schools for the poor, and on tlie best methods of instruction, witli a comparison of tliese methods and that of the Bell-Lancastrian method." 1820. 208 GENERAL EDUCATION. rRlMARY PERIOD. consider best, to be used in their province, and from their list the teachers choose such as they approve. In private schools the teacher selects his own books, but he must report a list of them to the inspector. There are two normal schools for the education of teachers for the primary schools, one at Groningen, established by the society for public utility, the other at Haarlem,* by the govern- ment. Formerly all instructors were prepared in the dillerent primary schools. They began to teach as early as twelve years of age, attending the evening school to make ujj their loss of time during the day. At sixteen they had served their apprenticeship, and were admissible to the fourth grade of teachers. This method prevails still to a considerable extent, but as it has been found to produce rather routine than intelli- gent teaching, the two normal schools have been established to supply the defect. The jnalerial of clcmcniary intellectual instruction consists in most countries of reading, writing, arithmetic, and a knowledge of the mother tongue, to which the geography of the country, and sometimes general geography, natural history, linear draw- ing and vocal music arc added. Special exercises of the per- ceptive and reflective faculties are also included in the more im- proved intellectual systems. While the material is thus nearly the same, nothing can be more dillerent than the results produced by the schools, according to the use which is made of it. In some the means are mistaken for the end, and if the i)Upil is en- abled to read, write, and cyjiher mechanically, the school is supposed to have done its duty. In others these branches are employed as the means of developing the intellect as well as for the communication of useful knowledge; according as one or the other view is taken, the instruction is arranged in con- formity with it. In Holland the intellectual methods of Pesta- loxzi have taken deep root, and the enlightened state of public opinion, in regard to elementary education, prevents in a great degree a mechanical system of teaching. • l^slublisUcd in lbl6. PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF HOLLAND. 209 The plan of the school for the poor at the Hague, to which I now proceed, will justify this remark. To render it clear, I shall, even at the risk of dwelling rather long upon it, present first the essential features of the instruction; next show the chief steps in the entire course, from which a just idea of the character of the whole of it can be formed, appending to this some remarks upon the methods of leaching and the text- books: then, by separating the exercises of tiie classes, and attaching to each the number of hours devoted to it per week, I shall show that this is no theoretical programme,* but one formed for practice ; and this will further appear by stating, in conclusion, some of the results which I witnessed at an exami- nation of the pupils. This school, I should remark, though ranking with the best of those w^hich I saw in Holland, is not distinguished above several others of its class, and in its intellectual character seemed to me decidedly below many of the intermediate schools where the pupils are less numerous. It is therefore no exaggerated statement of what is obtained between the ages of six and twelve or fourteen. The subjects of instruction, including intel- lectual and moral, are: Exercise of the perceptive and reflective faculties. Learning to read accord- ing to Prinscn's method, including the spelling of words and the analysis of words and simple sentences. The composition of simple sentences with printed letters. A knowledge of the different kinds of printed and written letters. Writing from dictation, for orthography. Correct reading of prose and poetry. Grammar of the Dutch language. Geography of Holland. History of Holland, including its chronology. Writing, beginning and ending with writing on the black-board- Linear drawing. Arithmetic by induction. Mental and written arithmetic, with a knowledge of the Roman numerals. Practical arithmetic, to decimal fractions inclusive. The theory of numbers. Moral and religious instruction. Vocal music. As natural history does not appear either in this programme or in others of primary! schools, I was at the pains to ascertain if * Kindly furnished me by the request of tlic Inspector-general, M. Wynbcek. t It occurs by name as well as pliysics, upon a list of subjects and books fur- nished to me by Mr. Prinsen, at Haarlem, as those used in the normal schooL but I did no! see it on the list of exercises of the primary ^choolit. 27 210 f.EXERAL KDUCATIOX. PRIMARY PERIOD. any thing was tauglit in relation to a branch so eminently cal- culated to promote early religious impressions, and found that incidentally information was given on the habits of animals, and some of the phenomena of the physical world. It will be ob- served that in this school, as in general, physical training forms no part of the system. In Holland the gymnastics, so popular in Northern Germany, have never been permanently introduced, even in the boanlinc^ schools. TJic nature and extent of the instruction in the branches enu- merated above will be best understood by the following list of progressive exercises : 1. Exercises of thought, reason, and intelligence. 2. Reading. Prinscn's Reading Tables. Vowels and consonants from the letter- box. Composition of words on the reading-board. Explanation of words and simple sentences. Spelling from memory. Exercises in reading different printed and written characters. Simultaneous reading from a scries of books graduated to the capacity of the class. Explanation of words met in reading. Composition of sentences on the reading-board. Writing from dictation for ortliograpliy. Correct reading. Composition of simple sentences. 3. Grammar practically. Conjugation of verbs, &-e. Parsing. 4. History of Holland and chronology. 5. Geography of Holland. G. Writing. Elements of writing on the black-board. Writing on slates. Writing of numbers. Linear drawing. Writing on paper. Writing capital letters and large hand. Exercises of writing on the black-board. 7. Arithmetic by induction. Mental arithmetic. Reading Roman numbers. Practical arithmetic. Tables of moneys. Exercises in reading numbers. De- cimal fractions. Tables of weights and measures. Theory of arithmetic. Ele- ments of form. 8. Moral and religious instruction. lUble stories, »Soc. 9. Singing. In giving a short explanation of the exercises just enumerated, I shall not confine myself to the methods followed in this par- ticular school, with all of which indeed I am not acquainted, but give them as in most general use, especially as I saw them practised in the schools of Haarlem, which have the advantage of immediate contact with the seminary (nv teachers there, and the use of its pupils as sub-teachers. The excrci.ses of perception and reflection in frc(iucnt use, A CHARITY SCHOOL AT Tllfi: HAGUE. 211 are those recommended by Ewald,* and consist of a selection from various authors, as well as of many subjects on which the teacher is expected to be informed. The instruction is given orally, according to the following outline: The child is taught to observe and to speak correctly, by referring to objects which are about him.f Knowledge of colours. Of some va- rieties of form, as round, square, &c. Naming of words of similar and contrary significations.J Meaning of verbs in com- mon use. Numerating by v-^ubes. Knowledge of coins of the country and their relative values. Division of time. To tell the time by a watch. To distinguish the true from the false. Questions on nature and art.§ Qualities of resemblance and distinction. Compound expressions, as "good day," "besides," 6lc. Witty sayings. Points of the compass. Lessons on weights and measures. On difTerent metals. Articles of fur- niture in common use. Different daily occupations. The four ages of man. Different ranks of society. Proverbs and phrases. Riddles and charades. Fables. Honourable and dubious ac- tions. Explanations of words. Systems, in my opinion better than those of Lohr, are in use in Germany, but this enumeration shows what in general these exercises are in the Dutch schools. The arrangements for teaching reading, according to Prin- * Kortc handleiding voor hot Ondervvijs der Jeugd, &lc., door Johann Ludwig Ewald, gchcel omgewerkt en met aantcekcningen vcrracerderd. (Amsterdam, 182G,) From the German, with revision and additions. t Pestalozzi's Book for Mothers is referred to. I liad an interesting example of the entire want of previous instruction of a class of children of six years of age, who had just entered an intermediate school at Haarlem. They had received their first lesson in the morning, that of keeping quiet, and in the afternoon, the teacher, to show me the materials upon which he had to work, gave a lesson of induction. The children did not know the meaning of tiie words right and left. The front of the head from the back. And when taught to know the right hand from the left, could not tell the right eye from the left. Reading is taught in from nine to twelve months, to .'^uch pupils, by the phonic method applicable to the Dutch language. I Lohr's "Food for the Understanding," translated from the German, is Ihc jiitmual referred to by the teachers. ^ Lohr's work is used as a guidu to many of the exercises which lulluw. 2iy (iEN'ERAL EDUCATION'. PRIMARY PERIOD. sen, arc a spelling and reading-board to be presently described, reading-tables or progressive lessons printed and pasted upon boards, and a series of reading-books, beginning with the simple vowel sounds and rising to stories for children who have a fa- cility in reading. There is a manual also for the teacher to guide his lessons. The reading-board* consists of a centre piece with horizontal grooves, or raised ledges forming grooves between them, into which small wooden prisms, having letters marked, or printed letters pasted upon them, may be placed. The vowels are arranged in compartments r»n one side of the centre-piece, and the consonants on the other. The letter- prisms have the same letter in different characters, capitals and small letters, on four faces of the prism. This reading machine admits of a great variety of exercises in the mechani- cal arrangements concerned, in which the pupil takes part, such as composing simple words and sentences, and forming words from the letters composing them, which have been purposely disarranged. The reading-tables of progressive lessons are for the purposes of varying the exercises, of employing a number of children actively at the same time, and for habituating them to letters of the ordinary size. They are nine in number, be- ginning with single vowels, and terminating with words con- taining several compound sounds. All the combinations of let- ters used form words, as in Mr. Wood's plan, and the teacher is careful to rc(|uirc an cxjilanation of every word as it occurs. Prinsen's Primer enables the tcaclicr to exercise the intelligence of the pupil, and to give a pleasing variety to his instruction. There are pictures attached to each loiter, representing some object or action, the word refeiring to which contains the vowel sound to be taught. The teacher draws from the pupil a de- scription of the object or action, and when he has obtained the right word, makes the child remark the sound of the letters. Of course, these sounds are not the arbitrary names of the let- • Fi inson, in his book on the methods of teaching to read, " Tc liercn Iczcn allributci the invention of the rcadinupils mny learn by imitation. PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF HOLLAND. 219 to the French school. Here they make further attainments m the Dutch language, study general geograj.hy and history m detail, carry their arithmetic further, and begin algebra, continue the course of geometry, make greater ^progress in the theory and practice of music, and, above all, sttidy the French language grammatically, and, by using it as the lan- guage of recitation, and learning much of the other branches through its medium, acquire a great facihty in speaking it. In some of these schools physics and natural history are° taught, and Latin is begun by those who intend to enter the Grammar School.* * As, for example, in an admirable private school by Mr. Tip, at Utrecht The school of the committee just referred to is also called private, not beinJ supported by the public funds, but its plan is prescribed by the committee. *22() t.KVERAL KDUCATIO.V. PRIMARY PERIOD. CHAPTER V. SYSTEM OF PRIMARY INSTRUCTION AND SCHOOLS OF PRUSSIA. Of the primary scliools in tlic difTercnt states of Germany which I visited, those of Prussia, and of the smaller states in its immediate neighbourhood, struck me most favourably. After giving a sketch of the system of public instruction in Prussia, I shall proceed to an account of certain of its primary schools; then notice some of the primary schools of Saxony, pre- facing the account by a few words on its system of public instruction; next describe the model primary school of the town of Frankfort on Maine; and, finally, conclude the sub- ject of the primary period by an account of the school method of Graser of Bayrenth, in Bavaria. The organization of pri- mary instruction in general, in Bavaria, is not such as to de- mand a special notice. It is a very general impression, that the present primary school system of Prussia is of comparatively recent date, or that it has been, within twenty years, recast and moulded into its present furin.* The fact however is, that it is a system » This impression is derived, as well as I can trace it, from the Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia, &.C., by M. Victor Cousin. M. Cousin quotes larjrely from, and comments upon, "the legislative project of 1819, which Jias the force of law, and regulates the present order of things throughout llic country." (American edition of Rei>ort, «&c., p. 25.) IIo speaks so often of "the law of 1819," that it never occurred to me to doubt that there was such a law, until I came to consult authorities, namely, the authorized collection of laws on primary instruction, by Dr. Neigebaur, (Sammlung der auf den Oflcntlichcn Untcrricht in den Konigl. Prcuss Staaten sich bcziehcnden Verordnungen, &c., 182G.) (Das Volks-Schulwe-en in den Preussischen Staaten, 1831), and the An- nual of Common School Instruction, by Dr. PeckedorlT. (Jahrbiicher des Preus- sischen V^olks-SchuKvosens.) In neither of them is a general law on public in- struction of the dato of 1819, or notice of such a law, to Ix^ found, and some of the prf)vision8 enumerated by M. Cousin arc not contained in any of the decrees SYSTEM OF PRIMARY irfSTRUCTION IN PRUSSIA. 221 composed of fragments of very dilforcnt dates, beginning in the Mark of Brandenburg, before the kingdom of Prussia ex- isted, and variously modified from that time to the present. It is one of the peculiar merits of the system, that its provisions have, for the most part, been tried on a small scale before they have been applied to the whole country, and that when a pro- vision has, on trial, proved ill devised, it has been promptly mo- dified or annulled. Prussia seems, for a series of years, to have possessed patriotic and enlightened citizens, who have devoted themselves to the cause of public instruction, and monarchs who have duly estimated and encouraged their exertions in this cause. I propose to sketch some of the earlier measures, in regard to primary instruction, in chronological order, to establish the point as to the early date of many important regulations now in operation; then to give a short account of the most im- portant provisions of existing laws, attaching to each the date at which it appears in the statute-book, so that the chronologi- cal order may still be ascertained. As early as the reign of the Elector Joachim the Second (1540), visiters were appointed to inspect the town schools of the actually given, while many are in decrees antecedent, and others in decrees subsequent to 1819. These and other German authorities are, besides, directly opposed to the existence of such a law. Ncigebaur, in the preface of his work published in 1834, expressly says that no general law exists. "The progress of the important department of public instruction has hitherto rendered it im- possible to make a general law in relation to public instruction in Prussia. All the important measures, up to this time, are contained in separate ordinances, which, as the older collections have become obsolete by this progress, must be compiled anew for the use of teachers and ofRcers." Mr. Thiersch, of Munich, in his work on the present condition of public instruction in certain states of Germany, (Uber den gcgcnwartigen Zustand des 6tfentliclien Untcrrichts in den wcstlichen Staaten von Deutschland, &c., von Fricdrich Thierscli, 1833,) says, in speaking of Prussia, " In a decree in relation to public instruction in 1817, a general school system had been promised," * * • * " but this royal pro- mise has remained unfulfilled for eighteen years." Tlic numerous writers out of Germany, who speak on this subject, have evi- dently drawn their conclusions tliat the law of 1819 is in existence, from M. Cou- sin's authority, and hence cannot be consitlercd as giving independent testimony on the matter. 222 GENERAL EDUCATIOy. PRIMARY PERIOD. Electorate, with express directions to report in relation to the measures deemed necessary for their improvement.* In 1545 the same elector appointed a permanent council, or board, on church and school matters. In a decree of some length by the elector John George (1573), special sections are devoted to the schools, to teachers and their assistants, and to pupils. It is remarkable as containinoj a provision for committees of super- intendence, consisting of the parish clergyman, the magistrates, and two notables, exactly similar in constitution to the present school-committees. It provides also for Sunday catechetical instruction of children. In 1717 a decree of Frederick William the First, King of Prussia, enjoins upon parents to send their children to school, provides for the payment of teachers, for the education of poor children, and for catechetical instruction by the parochial clergy- men.f In 1735 the first regular seminary for teachers in Prussia was established at Stettin, in Pomerania.J To induce a better attendance at school, a decree of 173G requires that the parent of every child between five and twelve years of age shall pay a certain fee, whether his child goes to school or not ; this rule being, as it were, preliminary to the present one of forced attendance.^ The same decree refers to school- houses erected by associated parishes, showing that such asso- ciations existed previously to the decree for providing public schools; similar associations may even now exist, but they are not numerous, forming exceptions to the general rule, requiring each j)nrish to have its public school. The decree provides further for the amount of fees to be paid to the teacher by the ))nj)ils, the chunh, or i\\c state, and for aid to peasants who * Bcckcdorir JulirbUclicr ties Prcussisclieu Volks-Scliulwcscns. Zwcitcr Uuml. Erst. IIcll. liLckcdorlT'H Annual of Coniinon Schools in Prussia, vol. ii.. No. 1, pp. 18, 19, &c. t ll)i(l., p. 30. I Ibid., p. 3'2. Dr. KrOgcr, of lluniburgli, says, in rcj)ly to my inquiries on this Hubjcct, that ini[)crrc'cl cslablislnnents existed as early as IGSO in Gotha, We:^el, and Brunswick, and as early us 1701 at IvOnij^sberector of a circle, who has charge of several parishes.^ These inspectors are gene- rally clergymen, while the school-councillors are laymen. Next below the special superintendents is the immediate authority, namely, the school-committee, (Schul-Vorstand.) Each parish (Gemeinde) must, by law, have its school, except in special cases,|| and each school its committee of superintendence, (Schul- Vorstand,) consisting of the curate, the local magistrate, and from two to four notables; the constitution of the committee varying somewhat with the character of the school, whether endow^ed, entirely supported by the parish, in part by the pro- vince or state, or by subscription. The committee appoints a school-inspector, who is usually the clergyman of the parish.! In cities, the magistrates form the school-committee or school- deputation, as it is there called, the curates still acting as local inspectors. * Neigebaur of 1834, Instructions of 31st December, 1825, p. 189. t Ibid., Instruction for the Regencies, October, 1817, p. 183, (fee. t Ibid., Ordinance of 1815, p, 179. ^ School Regulations, Neigebaur of 1834, p. 5, Sec, No, G. II Neigebaur of 1826. Order, «Jcc., June, 1820, p. 181, a5id ]>ievioas decrrrs, ;ill pointing to the same result. H Nrigrbaur of 1831. Cabiiirt Order of 1.^12, p. 19.^. 228 GENERAL EDUt ATION. I'RIMARV TKRlOU. Thus there is a regular series of authorities, from the master of the school up to the minister, and every jiart of primary in- struction is entirely within the control of an impulse froin the central government, and takes its direction according to the will of the highest authorities. With such a system, under a despotic goverimient, it is obvious that the provisions of any law may be successfully enforced. The cardinal provisions of the school system of Prussia are: First. That all children between the ages of seven and four- teen years shall go regularly to school.* This is enforced by the school-committees, who are furnished with lists of the chil- dren w^ho should attend, and of those actually in the schools under their charge, and who are required to enforce the penal- lies of the law. Second. That each parish shall, in general, have an elemen- tary school. When the inhabitants are of ditlerent religious persuasions,! each denomination has its school, and if not, pro- vision is made for tlic religious instruction of the children by • Royal Prussian General Regulations for the Scliools of the Country. (Neige- baur of 1826, p. 12G.) Five years is named as the period for beginning school, but seven is that when tlie police regulations render the attendance obligatory. See also Neigebaur of 1834. Cabinet Order of 1825, p. 64. M. Cousin calculates the number of children between the ages of seven and fourteen in Prussia, in 1831, at 2,043,030, and shows, from the returns of the number of pupils in tlie different primary schools, that 2,021,421 were in actual attendance, leaving but 21,609 to be accounted for by the children educated in private scliools, at home, and in the lower classes of the gymnasia. The latter, in 1832, amounted to 17,935. (Cousin's Report, Amer. Edit. p. 311). Nearly onc-sixtli of the entire population of the kingdom would thus apjjcar to be in the schools. Tlic ratio, however, varies exceedingly in dilferent parts of the kingdom; in the provinces of Saxony, Silesia, and Brandenburg, the proportion was, in 1831, higher than one- sixth, while, in the Rhenish provinces, it was one-seventh, and in Posen, as low as one-elcventh. (KrOgcr's Appendix to his Transl. of Cousin, p. 213.) The number is swelled to that stated above, the sixth of tiie entire population, by the introduction into the account of children under seven years of age: the pupils of the infant-schools, the work-schools, orphan asylums, &.c., being included under the head of those who are in the elementary schools. t Tiii.s is easy of accoiiiplishnunt, as since the union of the LutheraiiB and Calvinists to form the Eviiiifjelirjil churcli. thcrr arc hut two divisions Protcst- antP nnd RnniHii Catliolirs SYSTEM OF I'RIMARV 1\ ST RUCTION IN PRUSSIA. 229 tlieir own pastors. The erection of the school-house, its furni- ture, the income of the master, and aid to poor scholars, are all provided for. The re(|uisite sum comes, in part, from parochial funds, and in part from a tax upon house-holders. When the parish is poor, it is assisted by the circle, by the province, and even by the state. Besides these elementary schools, most of the towns in Prussia have one or more upper primary or burgher schools.* Third. The education of teachers in seminaries,f adapted to the grade of instruction to which they intend devoting them- selves. Their exemption during their term of study from active military service required of other citizens. A provision for their support during their term of study. A preference given to them over school-masters not similarly educated. Their ex- amination previous to receiving a certificate of capacity, which entitles them to become candidates for any vacant post in the province where they have been examined. Their subsequent exemption from active military service, and even from the an- nual drill of the militia, if they cannot, in the opinion of the school-inspector, be spared from their duties. Provision for the removal of the incompetent or immoral. A provision for the support of decayed teachers. Fourth. The authorities which regulate the schools and ren- der them a branch of the general government, and the teachers in fact its officers. In a country like Prussia, this connexion secures to the teacher the respect due to his station, and thus facihtates the discharge of his important duties. It gives the government, however, almost unlimited control over the schools, securing that no principles shall be disseminated in them which are not in accordance with the wishes of the central authority, and even providing for the propagation among the people of those in which it may desire them to be educated. * In 1833 there wore t'irty-i«cvcn dollars n year. ELEMKNTARY SCHOOLS) OF BERLIN. 233 primary instruction in Holland. In many schools the reading- board and letter-blocks are used; in one of" those which I visited, writing was taught with reading. Exercises of thought and speech are interwoven w^ith the elements of reading. The reading-books* are various, and combine progressive instruc- tion in this branch with incidental information in morals, the history of the country, history of the church and of sects, bio- graphy, geography, natural history and elementary physics, grammar, &c. This incidental method is, however, far from giving sufficient instruction, unless combined with the direct, though, by keeping it in view, the exercises in reading are pre- vented from deireneratino^ into mere lessons of sounds. From the books w Inch are allowed by the highest school authorities to be used, the committee of any particular school, after con- sulting the master, adopt such as they please, and when the teacher wishes a change, he applies to the same authority. The list of approved books is always sufficiently large to admit of the exercise of the individual judgments of the master and committee. The analysis of words and sentences is attended to in these schools, and exercises of induction are practised, especially where younger masters from the teachers' semina- ries are employed. As the method of teaching depends princi- pally upon the master, it sometimes varies even in the same school. If the precise routine were laid down, the spirit would be different, and thus, at last, it is the kind of education given to the teacher which determines the character of the school. It may be stated, however, that the instruction is either simulta- neous or individual. 3. The German requires no special re- mark; it includes instruction in grammar. 4. The geogra- phy is taught by beginning with an outline of general geo- graphy, referring to maps, and learning from books. There is * Hcmpel's "Common School Friend," which I found in use in the schools, appears to me, in general, to be a good compilation, though the ideas of history which it gives are very limited. The statements in regard to Nortlx America are, besides, of a kind to lead the child to suppose that the country is still peo- pled by red men, who are without the institutions of the old world, which ai'. enumerated, to show the superior Hdvuntagcs of civilized over savage life. 30 234 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. a great deficiency in the implements for teaching this branch. 5. Both mental and written arithmetic are taught. In one of the schools, the ground-work is laid according to Pestalozzi's method, and the extent of the course is to the single rule of three, inclusive. Some of the pupils acquire great facility in mental arithmetic, but I have seen better results in this branch in the English schools. G. The geometry consists of the ele- ments of form, accordiniT to Pcstalozzi. 7. The weights and measures are taught as in our schools, by committing tables to memory, and not, as in Holland, by actual reference to the stan- dards themselves. 9. The writing is taught by copying from ordinary copy-boards, first on the slate, then on paper. The black-board is used in some cases. Writing: from dictation is resorted to for orthography. The proficiency in this branch is, however, only tolerable. 10. Vocal music is taught by note, and particular attention is paid to church music. The school is begun and ended with a psalm or hymn, as well as with prayer. The ordinary discipline is conducted without corporal punish- ment, though it is allowed in extreme cases. Tiie individuals of the classes retain the same places, unless in cases of gross neglect, or as a kind of punishment. These places are in some schools regulated in the upper classes by a writing-lesson at the end of the month, in which correctness in spelling as well as neatness of handwriting arc taken into the account. The arrangements of the school-houses in Berlin, both in- terior and exterior, have undercjonc considerable channrc of late years. The eighth town-school is in a very neat building, and the rooms are commodious, and provided with raised platforms for the benches and desks; all those, however, occupied by the larger classes are defective in ventilation.* * The number of children in Berlin rerjuiring nearly or quite pratuitous in- Btruclion was reckoned, in 1827, at four thousand five hundred. These arc sup- posed to he gathered principally in the nine school-houscs now erected. One of those which I visited contained six hundred children. It is intended to increase the numl)cr of houses, so as to prevent such an accumulation in any one, three hundred being the number calculated for each school. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS OF BERLIN'. 235 These schools are reasonably good, and if they were in a country less celebrated for the character of its public instruction than Prussia, would not call for special remark, but they can by no means be held up as having attained all that is possible, or even that is required, in establishments of the kind. In addition to these charity schools, each of which is common to both sexes, there are nine schools of industry (Erwerb- schulen) for girls; in these the pupils work, receiving a small compensation, besides instruction in the rudiments. There are also evening schools, at which the attendance is voluntary, and where those who have gone through the elementary courses may revise or extend their knowledge.* BURGHER OR MIDDLE SCHOOLS. These are the higher primary schools already referred to. They owe their superiority over the others not only to the greater variety of subjects of instruction, and to the greater ex- tent to which they are carried, but to various minor advan- tages. Among the first of these may be stated the greater number of classes, admitting of a nearer equality in the know- ledge of the pupils, and hence of more efficient instruction. The number of regular classes in these schools is usually from four to six, and in the others only two. Next, the number of pupils under the charge of one teacher is less than in the ele- mentary schools, which is attended with the same cfTect as just stated, especially where individual teaching is attempted, in con- nexion with the simultaneous method. In the whole kingdom * The number of elementary schools, public and private, in Berlin, is given in the census of 1831 at 117, and the pupils in attendance at 13,131. Of burgher- schools 80, attended by 7,210 pupils, making 197 primary schools, attended by 20,341 pupils. Adding 750, the probable number in the lower classes of the gymnasia and real schools, we have 21,091 children between the ages of seven and fourteen in the schools. The number of children in Berlin between the ages of one day and fourteen years is reported in the same census to be G7,709. Ad- mitting that three-sevenths of them are between seven and fourteen years, we have 29,019 children, who, according to law, should be in the schools. There is, therefore, an unexplained deficiency in tlie capital of nearly 8000. TJiesc numbers are taken from the table given in the Supplement to M. Cousin's Reporl, American cdilion. 236 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOU. of Prussia, in 1831, the average number of i)upils to one in- structor in the elementary schools, was seventy-seven, and in the burgher schools, thirty-seven, or less than half the former number. Again, the higher salaries paid in these schools secures to them, in general, advantages in the choice of teachers not possessed by the others, which frequently must be entrusted to inferior abilities or experience. There is, further, no doubt, as far as observation may be trusted, that the grade of intelligence of the children in the burgher schools is higher than in the others, their opportunities of domestic culture and the incen- tives to exertion are greater, and the intercourse of home is usually more improving. All these, and perliaps other causes, tend to widen the interval between these classes of schools. The connecting link between the iiigher burgher and the elementary schools of the cities, is aflbrded by the burgher schools of the smaller towns, sometimes called lower burgher schools. Both divisions educate the same classes of individuals, but the w^ants, both material and intel- lectual, of the tradesman of the small town and of the city are very diflerent, and the instruction to which they aspire difiers essentially. The village tradesman of Prussia is satisfied to be able to read and write German, and to cast accounts, while the city tradesman of the same class must be better informed in these, and add a knowledge of French and some mathematics to his elementary acquirements. Besides, the higher burgher schools are made to serve as preparatory establishments for the gymnasia, and the plan of instruction is modified accord- ingly, being in the higher classes so fiir changed as almost to remove them from the sphere of legitimate primary instruction. It is the lower class of these schools which appears to me to afllbrd a suitable standard for the primary grade, in regard to the nature, extent, and methods of instruction, and the classifica- tion in general of the school. Divesting the higher schools of certain features which do not appear essential, they aflbrd ex- cellent models, upon which it would not be too much to ask that the primary schools should bo arranged, or to the standard of whirl) llio\ should ciidcavonr to :itt;iin. l*M'.,000 Ihalcrs, ^? 18,750.. DOROTHEAN HIGHER CITY SCHOOL AT BERLIN. 241 ployments in the government bureaux, which, however, do not require, in general, a knowledge of Latin. The school* now consists of five classes, of which the sixth and fifth, the lowest tw^o, have courses of one year each, and the others of two years. There is a head master and four regular teachers,' besides four assistants or special masters, who are employed during part of the school hours, or in teaching particular subjects. In the lower classes each master teaches, in general, the whole round of subjects in which his class is occupied. In the upper classes, the teachers are confined to a few subjects. The arrangement of this matter is, however, at the discretion of the director, or head master, who varies it as appears best for the interests of the school.f In some of the classes there is a special master for religious instruction, w'hich, however, is not usual in Prussia. The methods of instruction in this school are, in general, most excellent, and I w^as particularly struck with the small number of text-books employed.J This is not peculiar, how- ever, to this establishment, but is a feature in every good school in Germany. The master is expected to be so fully imbued with his subject, and expert in his art, as to be able to impart knowledge principally orally to his pupils, and in such a way as to adapt it to each individual; hence books are chiefly re- quired for study at home, and individual training is possible to an extent which no routine system with books would permit. * At the date of my visit in December, 1837, the school numbered one hundred and ninety-seven pupils. The fees were nearly five dollars per quarter, but it was intended to reduce them to less than four dollars. Should these at any time not prove adequate to the support of the school, the city must supply the defi- ciency. t The masters are appointed by the school-committee, on the nomination of the head master. X I annex the list, as presenting this fact in a striking point of view. There are but ten text-books, exclusive of those for teaching Latin, used in the six classes. Baedcckcr's Primer, Diestcrweg's Reading Book fur Schools, Erk's School Songs, the Bible, Luther's Catechism, Church Songs, Schulze's Latin Grammar, Drogan "Materials," Roquctte's French Grammar, Gcdicke's Latin Reading Book, Schulze's Latin Exercises, Cornelius Nepos, Florian's Numa Pompilius, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Diesterweg's Practical Arithuictic, Zinnow''- Geometry, Dielitz's Historical Tables, 31 242 GENERAL EDUCATlOiV. PRIMARY PERIOD. The t"ollo\vin<]: statements j^ive the course of instruction in detail. Leaving out some of the subjects as unnecessary for elementary instruction, I can see no reason why a very similar programme should not be adopted in the lower scliools, the period of instruction being nearly the same in the two cases.* The difference between the instrucii^n in a Berlin charity school and in a burgher school like this, is at present very great indeed. Religious Instruction. Class VI. Stories from tlie Old Testament. Class V. Stories from the New Testament. Class IV. Bible History. Class III. Reading and explanation of selections from the Scriptures. Class II. Tlie Evidences of Christianity. The Stories alluded to in the course of the sixth and fifth classes are the most remarkable biographies of the Old and New Testaments. The stories are chiefly narrated by the teacher, frequently in the words used in the sacred volume; and in the fourth class these same histories are read in the Bible itself The narrations in the lower classes admit of various explanatory remarks and illustrations of the history, the na- tural history, and geography referred to. The subject of the narrative being thus familiar to the pupil, he is interested by the beautiful simplicity of the language of the Bible, which otherwise he might fail to perceive, since his attention would be en£TafTcd with the incidents about which he was readinjz, ratlier than with the style. The study of the Evidences of Christianity would, it seems to me, be more suitable to the age of the first than of the second class. German Language. Class VI. Exercises of speech and thought (inductive exercises). Prepara- tory exercises in reading by the phonic (lautir) method. Fluent reading of words and sentences. Class V. The most important parts of etymology explained by reading les- sons. Exercises of orthography. • The expense I do not consider a rca.sonablc objection, for if the people iiave a right to instruction, they should be well taught. DOROTHEAS HIGHER CITY SCHOOL AT BERLI^^ 243 Class IV. Exercises of etymology. Reading from a text-book. Stories nar- rated for written exercises. Orthographical exercises. Class III. Grammatical analysis of sentences. Class II. The same continued. Original written exercises and descriptions. The exercises of speech and thought are admirably con- ducted. In teaching to read, the letter-box and composition- board, similar to that which I have already described in the chapter on the schools of Holland, are used. The lowest class is divided into two sections in receiving this instruction, so that each teacher has not more than twenty-five pupils under his charge. The reading exercises throughout the course will be found included under the title of "German." Diesterweg's Reading Book for Schools is used in the lower classes. Latin Language. Class IV. Regular verbs and other parts of speech. Translation of Gedicke's Reading Book. Class III. Constructions varying from the German. More difficult parts of Gedicke's Reading Book. Cornelius Ncpos. Class II. Irregular parts of etymology. Syntax. Special reference to the differences from the German. Ovid. Although the Latin is begun with the fourth class, it will be seen hereafter that it occupies but a small portion of the time of each week, and as far as mental culture is concerned to those who leave off this study at fourteen, I cannot say that observation indicated its utility. On the contrary, an imperfect knowledge is acquired, which can produce no good effect. French Language. Class V. Exercises in reading and translating small sentences. Class IV. Auxiliary and regular verbs. Exercises on simple sentences. Class III. Irregular verbs and rules on the use of pronouns. Numa Pom- pilius begun. Class II. More difficult parts of th^ French Grammar. Numa Pompilius completed. Arithmetic. Class VI. The four ground rules, with numbers up to one thousand. Class V. Denominate numbers and preparatory exercises in fractions. Class IV, Fractions, 244 UEXERAL FDUCATION. I'RIMARY FERIOU. Class III. Proportions, with their applications. Class II. Elements of Algebra, Involution, and Evolution. The course of arithmetic, as taught in the seminary school, of which I shall next give an account, is, I think, better arranged than this. Geometry. Class V. Regular figures, &c. from the Elements of Geometry. Class IV. Lines, angles, and triangles. Class III. Cireles and polygons. Mensuration of plane figures. Class II. Similarity of figures, &c. The geometry is here introduced earlier than in the semi- nary school, and, in general, the studies of the fifth class a})pear to me rather too much diversified for their age. Natural History. Class IV. Domestic animals. Class III. Viviparous animals. Class II. Birds and fishes, illustrated by a small collection. Physics is also taught in the second class, so far as to give a knowledge of the general properties of bodies. Geography. Class V. Knowledge of home. The district. The province. The kingdom. Class IV. General geography. Class III. Principal countries of Europe. Class II. Europe more in particular. The knowledjre of home includes an account of its historv, its monuments, distinguished men, &c. The course follows, in general, the plan already so often spoken of, and more par- ticularly described in the schools of Halle and Haarlem. History. (■lass IV. A general view of the more important historical events, with the study of particular ones in detail. Class III. Ancient history. (Hass II. Modern history, to the time of the Reformation, The general liistory is rather a scries of biographical sketches than a regular narration of events, and serves well as an intro- duction to svstomatir hi?!toricnl studies. DOROTHEAN HIGHER CITY SCHOOL AT BERLIN. 245 Writing. Class VI. Preparatory exercises in tlie lower division. Letters and words in the upper. Class V. Single letters and small sentences. Class IV. Writing- from copy-slips. Class III. Writing, with special reference to orthography. The elements of writino; are tau£,^ht accordinjT to Pestalozzi's method, the upper and lower limits of the letters being given by horizontal, and the slope by inclined lines. In regard to this branch it may be remarked, that very few schools which I visited did not present a satisfactory proficiency. Drawing. Class VI. Preparatory exercises. Regular figures. Class V. Drawing of bodies in elevation. Class IV. Solids bounded by plane figures and straight lines. Class III. Solids bounded by plane figures and straight lines, with shadows. Class II. Solids bounded by curved surfaces. The method of instruction is that devised by ]Mr. P. Schmidt, which I shall describe more particularly when speaking of one of the so called "real schools" of Berlin, where he is teacher. Singing is taught by ear in the two lower classes, and by note in the upper. The execution by the second class, which I heard, was excellent. They sing in parts, and by note. The following table shows the time devoted, in school, during the week by each class to the several subjects of instruction: — 24(5 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. Arrangement of the branehcs of instruction at tlic Dorothean Higher City School. SUBJECTS OF STUDY. Religious instruction, - - German Language, - - - Latin, French, Arithmetic, Geometry, Natural History, - , - - Geography, History, Writing, Drawing, Singing Total, HOURS PER WEEK. 32 32 10' 3-2 20 Tlie three higher classes have, as shown by the table just given, six liours of recitation every day except Wednesday • Six hours of the instruction, called "German," are devoted in the sixth class to learning to read, and four to "Exercises of speech and thought." t Two hours of this instruction is given to physics. t In the fifth class, geography and history arc combined under the title of "Knowledge of homo." ^ This column is obtained by doubling the niunbcrs in those classes of which the rotirnc is for two years, and adding the nnmbrrii for the othrr rlass«s. SEMINARY SCHOOL OF BERLIN. 247 and Saturday, which are half-holidays, and on which they have but four hours. The lowest class has but five hours for four days in the week, and three the other two. The increase of school hours in the upper classes is manifestly a proper arrange- ment. This distribution of time assigns to language, including Ger- man, Latin, and French, ninety-eight hours; to sciences and the kindred branches, namely, arithmetic, geometry, natural his- tory, geography, and history, eighty-two; to the branches which specially educate a part of the senses, while they have import- ant applications in after life, as writing, drawing, and singing, forty-eight hours, and to morals and religion, eighteen hours. Similar tabular statements will be furnished for the other schools of this class, by which numerical comparisons may be insti- tuted. SEMINARY SCHOOL OF BERLIN. This is a burgher or middle school, founded in 1332, and attached to the Teacher's Seminary of Berlin,* taking its name from this connexion. The school is for boys only, and, like other higher burgher schools, it serves to prepare for the the third class of a gymnasium, as well as for entrance into active life. The same teachers give instruction in this school and in the seminary, being assisted here by the pupils of the seminary, to whom this serves as a school of practice. There are four regular teachers, besides the director, and also masters for drawing and singing. The pupils are admitted as early as five and six years of age. The time of year for general admission is Easter. There are six classes in the school, the lower four of which each retain the pupil, if industrious and intelligent, a year, and the two upper, each two years. The whole course thus lasts eight years. Fifteen is, however, the usual age at which those who do not pass to the gymnasium leave the school. The average number of pupils in each class is thir1\-.f * or vvliicli Dr. Uicstcrvvc'^' is director. t The scliool fees for the four lower classes arc three dollars and seventy-live 248 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY I'ERIOD. ]:^vcry month there is a private examination, in presence of ail the tcacliers, at wiiicli liic parents may attend. Every three months the pu[)i] receives a note of progress and conduct, to be handed to his parents. Formerly a printed circular was sent, containinix information in the form of an abstract from the account kept of recitations and conduct. It has been found, however, much more eOcctual to give a written statement of the character of the pupil, derived from tiie school journal, in- asmuch as it insures more certainly the attention of parents. At Easter a public examination is held, and those who have made a proper proficiency in their studies are passed to a higher class. Arrangements exist by which those pupils whose parents de- sire it, may study under the superintendence of a teacher,' during the time considered necessary for the preparation of the lessons of their class. The following division of the studies of the school is made by the director. 1. Religious Instruction. Bible Iiistory. History of the Church aiid of the Reformation. Protestant Catechism. 2. Languages, (a) German. Fluency in reading, and readiness in answering questions. Capability of writing- an exercise upon an ordinary subject. Gram- mar of the language, {b) Latin. Orthography, etymology, and the elements of syntax. Translation of an easy Latin author (Cornelius Ncpos) into German, or of an easy German author into Latin, (c) French. Knowledge of the grammar. Facility in the translation of easy authors, and in writing compositions. 3. Sciences, (a) Arithmetic. Mental and written. Positive and negative quantities. Involution and evolution, (h) Geometry. Plane geometry, witli practical applications, (c) Natural history. Knowledge of the most important minerals and plants of the neighbourhood. General outline of zoology and anthropology. (f reading of the highest class, includes selections from the German classics, introductory exercises in drawing SEMINARY SCHOOL OF BERLIN^ 257 precede the instruction in writing; these might, I have no doubt, be much further extended with advantage.* A good handwri- ting is produced by the succession of exercises described in the programme. The course of drawing, which is commenced as a distinct branch in the fourth class, is intended to enable the pupil to sketch correctly, and with facility, such objects of furniture, machinery, &c., as he may have occasion to repre- sent in his occupations in after life. The addition of two hours of drawing in the fifth class, as in the Dorothcan school, w^ould seem to me not to overburthen the class with work, w^hile it would add materially to their proficiency in this useful branch. Singing is successfully taught, and by note. It is considered an indispensable branch of instruction, and all my convictions are in its favour, whether as a means of developing moral sentiment, or of physical education. Singing by ear might, however, very well begin in the lower classes, and for this purpose the number of hours of instruction per w^eek might be increased from twenty-four to twenty-six in the lowest, and twenty-eight in the fifth class. This would make the number of hours for these classes the same as in the Dorothean school. The time allotted to the difl^erent studies will appear better by the annexed table. In regard to the ages of the pupils, in- serted in the heading of the columns, it is to be understood that they are those of intelligent and industrious boys, entering at six years, and going regularly through the classes. As in the former tables, the subjects of instruction are placed in the first column, the number of hours per week occupied by the several classes in the following ones, and the total number of hours devoted to each subject, while in the school, in the last column. In forming this total, the number of hours occupied by the four lower classes, the course in each of which is of one year, is reckoned once; and the number of hours of the two upper classes, each course occupying two years, is doubled. * As has been clone for the elements of an Eng-lisli hand, hy our countryman, Mr. Rembrandt Pcalc, in his admirable System of Graphics. The forms of the German letters would require a different system. :J8 258 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. Table of distribution of time in the Royal Seminary School of Berlin. SUBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION. NUMBER OP HOURS PER WEEK. ■in ijj- •l2pjr o ■A ^^ ■^ ° Religious Instruction, German Language, Reading, .... Latin Language, - French Language, - Arithmetic, - - - Geometry, - - - Natural History, Geography, - - - History, .... Drawing, Singing, 32 32 32 26 24 24 From this table it appears that language occupies one hundred and five hours, estimating the time devoted to reading with that for German, Latin, and French, science sixty-four hours, and the mechanical branches, including writing, drawing, and sing- ing, forty-three. It would be erroneous, however, to suppose that the results are in these proportions. The least consideration will show that the progress in dilVerent branches in the same school • This includes preparatory gcomclncal exercise* SEMINARY SCHOOL OF BERLIN. i>59 cannot be estimated by the time devoted to tliem; the intrinsic difficulties of acquisition, the difierent periods of the course at whicfi they arc introduced, and various other causes, prevent comparisons of this sort. Not only so, but the time occupied in the same subjects in different schools, which might be thought to afford an accurate test of comparative progress in them, can- not, in reality, be employed for this purpose, without at the same time carefully studying the programmes, to ascertain how the time is applied in each class, and the manner in which it is distributed among the several classes. The two higher city schools just described, afford conclusive evidence of this fact. There can be no doubt, I think, that the Dorothean school is the stronger in language, and the seminary school in science. Such is the general reputation of the two, and such is the tone which the director of each would be likely to give to the school under his charge. The impression which I derived from visit- ing the two establishments was to the same effect. The nun> her of hours per week devoted to language in all the classes of the two schools is, however, ninety-eight for the first, and one hundred and five for the second, and to science, eighty-two for the former and sixty-four for the latter; leading, in both cases, to the reverse of the conclusion just stated. If differences in the arrangement of studies, in the power of the teachers, in the methods and implements of instruction, and even in the pupils themselves, may lead to such resuUs, small differences in the proportion of time allotted to different branches should not, without carefully checking their results by other comparisons, be assumed to indicate corresponding differences in the value of the courses. In following the course of studies of these two schools, it will be seen that those of the lowest class, in each, are almost identical. In the next, the seminary school has greatly the advantage in the compactness of arrangement, by which the attention of the pupil is confined to fewer subjects. No less than ten branches are introduced into the programme of this class in the Dorothean school, while there are but five in the seminary school The scientific branches, pxcept those ^^•llich 200 CiENERAL EDUCATION. lUIMAin IKHUH). run through all the yours, arc introduced later in the latter school, which is in accordance with the principle of concen- trating the attention on a few subjects, where it is possible. It appears to me that, in general, it is not proper to introduce these branches early, exccjU as matters of incidental instruction. The separation of the programmes of the two schools, produced as just stated, renders it dilTicult briefly to compare the courses of the same class in each. A general comparison of the sub- jects shows that the German language is taught accordfng to the same plan in each, and that the highest class attains the same level in each, as far as the grammar is concerned; much more attention, howev^er, is paid in the seminary school to the reading courses, as well for the acquisition of reading as an art, and to cultivate a taste for it, as for the incidental know- ledge to be communicated. Nearly onc-fourtli of the pupil's time, in the school just named, is devoted to the vernacular. The Latin is bcc^nn in the same class in both schools, but the course in the Dorothean school at once takes the lead of the other, and keeps it throughout. The French begins in the fifth class in one school, and in the third in the other; and, though the programmes terminate at about the same point, there is a greater proficiency made in the Dorothean schook One object, if not the principal one, of learning this language being to speak it, the early commencement is an advantage. In a general comparison of progress in language, the Dorothean school, as already stated, ranks higher than the other. The courses of arithmetic arc different, but terminate at the same level; I have already mentioned my preference for the course of the seminary. Geometry is begun in the fifth class in the Dorothean, and in the fourth in the seminary school; the courses go on together for three classes, and extend further in the latter institution. The dificrences in the courses of na- tural history have already been the subject of remark. The course of geography is essentially the same, dillering only in the age of the pupil at beginning. History is begun in the fourth class *A' the Dorothean, and in the second in the seminary school: it is more sv*^tomnlic in the former, nnd assuni(*s more HIGHER BURfillER SCHOuL OF POTSUAM. 201 the form of biography in the latter: the range of the two courses does not differ essentially. Taking these branches, classed as scientific, together, the superiority is with the seminary school, and thus, in both this and the former case, the judgment which would have been pronounced by referring to the numbers merely, is reversed. HIGHER BURGHER SCHOOL OF POTSDAM. This school* differs from those already described in several particulars, exemplifying, in its arrangements, the division into lower and higher burgher schools, and carrying the courses of the latter decidedly into the domain of secondary instruction. Its principal objects are to prepare children of both sexes for occupations connected with, or corresponding to, the lower trades, and boys for the higher mechanical occupations, as builders, architects, &c., or for admission into the trade school connected with the Government, Mechanics', or Trade Institute at Berlin,! and for the gymnasium. This school thus supplies instruction of different grades; first, elementary instruction of a higher kind; second, that usually given in the "real schools" of Prussia, and third, that necessary for entrance into the higher classes of a gymnasium, or grammar school. Hence its studies embrace many subjects and stages of progress which properly belong to secondary instruction, and even to a greater degree than other higher burgher schools. The pupils pursue a course common to all in the three lower classes, or from about six to eleven or twelve years of age, when a separation takes place. Those who are to leave school at thirteen or fourteen, pass into the " middle burgher school class," in which the study of Latin and French is dropped, and the time is devoted to religious instruction, German, mathema- tics, geography and history, the elements of natural history, technology and physics, writing, drawing, and vocal music. Those pupils who are })reparing for a higher class of a gym- * Under the cliarge of director Lofiler. + This excellent institution will be hereafter particularly described. 2iV2 UlCNKRAL ElJlJCATlO.N. PRIMARY PERlOlJ. nasium, or who intend lo pursue tlic entire course here, pass iVoni the third class to the " second burgher school class." These arrangements appear to meet the wants of the citizens of Potsdam, for, in 1837, forty-two puj)ils passed from the third class to the middle burgher school class, and forty-one to the second class of the higher school. Pupils preparing for the sixth class of a gymnasium leave this school in the " second elementary class," or at about nine or ten years of age, and those who aim at the third class of a gymnasium, usually pass from this at the close of the course of the second class in the higher school. The first, or upper class, thus contains only those pupils who intend to enter into ac- tive business life on leaving the school, or to enter a special school of arts and trades. On this account, the branches of science which are immediately applicable to such objects, are introduced into the course. This class consisted, in 1837, of ten pu})ils. The complete course is usually gone through at or before sixteen years of age, and entitles the pupil to claim one year of voluntary military service, instead of the three regular years, and qualifies him for appointment in the government bureaux. The six boys' and three girls' classes have twelve ordinary teacliei-s, besides one assistant, and two female teachers. Each of the lower classes has but one teacher, who attends to all the subjects as in the other schools already described. The total number of pupils was, in 1837, four hundred and fifty-six, of whom three hundred and twenty-three were boys. The usual system of change of place in the classes is cm- ployed to excite emulation, and discipline is mainly conducted by means of a black-book, in which a pupil's name is entered at the end of the week or month, when he has had a certain number of faults per week or per month marked against him by the teacher. Marks of merit arc allowed to cancel those of demerit. The entry is communicated to the pupil's comrades, and also to his parents. As far as I have been able to judge of these and similar systems of discipline in day schools, I have not found anv marked i^ood oflert*: from them. If a t(>ncher is HIGHER BURGHER SCHOOL OF POTSDAM. 263 competent, he keeps up good discipline without them, and if he is not, they are of Httle or no service to him. In this remark I do not mean to include communications to parents, which aro. frequently of the greatest utility. The following plan, which apparently hears some analogy to this, but which owes its effi- cacy to a different principle, is in successful operation in Dr. Mayo's excellent boarding-school at Cheam, in Surrey, Eng- land. When a pupil proves insensible to the admonitions of the teacher, and is frequently reported for offences or negligence, he is required to show to the principal a written statement of character from each master after every hour. He is thus sub- jected to admonition or other punishment from the principal immediately after committing an offence. For this very strict su- pervision, one extending over a day or week is substituted when improvement manifests itself, or w^hen the case does not require so great severity. I propose now to give a statement of the courses of the burgher school at Potsdam, and of the time required for their completion, w^ith remarks and comparisons with the schools already described. The annexed plan of the distribution of time gives also a list of the subjects of instruction; it is arranged exactly like the similar ones already presented. The first two columns of figures on the left hand refer to the number of hours of study per week in the two classes of the higher school. The third contains those of the middle burgher school class, the pupils in which terminate their course here. The next three contain the hours of study of the elementary classes, which are common to the whole school. 201 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARV PERIOD. Tabic of tlic distribution of time of tlic Higher Burgher School of Potsdam. SUBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION. w^ - "3 1 i m 11 m J 1 « rs ^ 1 1 1 = «• i: - s r c« oc 1 . r 1 ! " = 5 S y ;j i-- u< " EDUCATION. PRIMARY PEKIOb. geographical course, which attaches every other part of the information to physical geography, appeared to ine next in its success to the inductive plan already described. It is much facilitated by the use of raised maps, on which the natural features of the country strike the eye more forcibly than on a common map, where, if the physical details are given, the names and positions of the places, the boundaries, &c. are ob- scured by them. The course of historij, in the lower classes, is like that in the other schools. In the middle class the subject is reviewed, and the history of Germany, and especially that of Prussia, and of the Mark of Brandenburgh is studied. The second higher burgher school class is taught an outline of ancient history, of that of the middle ages, and of later times, and then proceeds to the history of Germany and of Brandenburgh. In the first class, the history of Germany, and of modern Europe in gene- ral, is continued. In the mechanical branches, the distribution of time agrees with that in the other schools, except in the number of hours allotted to writing, which is here twenty-eight, and in theDoro- thean school but sixteen. Vocal music is taught by ear in the lower classes, and by note in the u]>per. Physical education. There is an interval of a quarter of an hour in the middle of tlie morning, during which the pupils are free to take exercise, but there is no regular gymnastic or other <^xercise under the superintendence of the teachers. GENERAL REMARKS. It is clear, from the foregoing examples of scho(.)ls usually considercd as belonging to the same class, that any general law requiring exact uniformity in all, would not meet the wants ol the people, the varieties having been framed to meet these wants. Accordingly, the project of 1811),* which contains a parti- cular course for the burgher school, has not been adopted, and * Report of .Al. Cousin, Amor. E. ")•>, 67. BURGHER SCHOOLS OF PRUSSIA. 269 though the Royal Cabinet Order of September, 1829,* refers to improvements in the burgher schools generally, as recommended to the attention of the minister of public instruction, I am not aware that any steps have been taken to produce a more sys- tematic arrangement of the class-f It is obvious, also, from what has been presented, that the elementary instruction requires raising to a higher level than at present, namely, to that of which an example has been given in the higher elementary school of Weissenfels. That then all pupils whose circumstances permit them to devote a longer time to education should pass to other schools, of a kind de- pending upon their destination in after life, as determined by the circumstances of their parents and their own talents. The tone of these higher schools would, it appears, require to be varied according to the wants of the population among which they are placed, whether that of the country, of small towns, or of cities. In the cities, it has been seen that one class of burgher schools required is provided, and others will be described be- longing more properly to a higher grade of instruction, upon the province of which, however, these latter decidedly trench. An example of a systematic arrangement appropriate to a city is afforded by the burgher school of Leipsic, presently to be described. Such a plan would, however, be inappropriate to a small town, where, of necessity, several schools must be united in one. In this case, it would require care to avoid the union of incompatible classes of pupils, causing mutual losses of time, and giving rise to defective habits of study. The same teachers should give instruction in the different departments of the school, in the same or kindred subjects, rather than to unite different classes. The pupil preparing for the gymnasium should not be called upon to study the natural sciences or ma- thematics which he will pursue there, and of which he does not feel the want for admission, nor the student who is to enter * Allgcmcinc Sclnil Zcitunf^, Al)th. 1, Num. 9, quoted by Dr. irarnit-ch, "Din Deutsche Biirgerschulo," p. 91). t See also Harnisch " Dio DiMitsrhe Biirg-f^rsrlinlo," pngr 101. 270 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. an architectural, commercial, or trade school, the classics which tlic gymnasial student re(juires for his admission. Wlien there are ecjually good means for the cultivation of the faculties, it is clear that the destination of the individual should regulate those which are to be applied to his case. As this destination usually only appears as the pupil advances in age and intellectual development, many different classes must ne- cessarily be kept together during the elementary period. Sub- sequently, when a separation in the character of the studies be- comes expedient, it should, at first, be gradual, to give oppor- tunity for the transfer of a pupil from one line to another, and, finally, be entirely determined by the nature of the future occu- pation. Mental discipline is, doubtless, the chief object of the first periods of education, but if it be attainable by the acquisi- tion of knowledge directly applicable to the pursuits in life, such an advantage is by no means to be neglected. If there were but one method for a thorough culture of mind, still, when time is allowed for only a partial application of that method, it might be expedient to adopt inferior means, which would pro- duce a result complete in itself, with the advantage that the knowledge used to train the mental powers is also directly ap- plicable to the pursuits in life. Where primary education is merely to serve as an introduction to secondary, the problem is much more simple. PRIMARY INSTRUCTION IN SAXONY. 271 CHAPTER VI. PRIMARY INSTRUCTION IN SAXONY. The existing law on primary instruction dates only from 1835,* and is as yet but imperfectly carried into practice, except in the provisions which formed the law of the land, and which had grown into usage previously to the promulgation of the present system. I shall give a very brief sketch of the main features of this law, which, in essentials, differs but little from the exist- ing decrees in Prussia. At one period of its history. Saxony was in advance of Prussia in the character of its public instruc- tion, a distinction which it has now lost, but which it is making vigorous efforts to regain. A number of common schools, corresponding to the wants of the people, 's ensured by a division of the kingdom into school- circuits (schul-bezirke), and all the children residing in each circuit must attend the school there established for eight years, beginning at least at the age of six.f No boy can be appren- ticed until after the age at which he may lawfully leave school. Congregations of different religious persuasions are allowed to establish schools in their circuit, and if no other school exists than one so estabhshed, all the children of the circuit are bound * Law No. 60, concerning popular elementary instruction, June 6, 1835. (Gesetz das Elcmcntar Volkschuhvesen betrcfTend von 6ten Juni, 1835.) Also No. 61 : (Dispositions relating to the law on popular elementary instruction, 9th June, 1835.) (Vcrordnung zum Gestetzc, &c., von 9ten Juni, 1835.) These laws, with the regulations for the examination of teachers, a list of a teacher's library, and directions for the erection of school-houses, are collected in one volume, by Dr. G. L. Schulzc, under tlic title " Das Elemcntar-volksschulgcsetz fur die KOniglich Siichsischen Land, &.c., mit Inhaltsiibersichten, verschiedenen anmerkungen and erlauterungen und cinen volstilndigsten register, 6lc. t There is attaciied to eacii school a person whose duty it is to ascertain the causes of the absence of pupils, and who is entitled to a small fee from the parents for each call he maken upon them. 272 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIJVIARY PERIOD. to attend it; they are not, however, required to take part in the religious instruction. Every school circuit nnust furnish a school-house, and a dwelling for the teacher. Populous villages are frequently di- vided into several circuits. The schools are supported from funds of the church, from the interest on donations to the school- fund, from fines levied on parents who neglect to send their children to school, from a payment made to the school-fund in purchases of property, from collections, from the fees paid l)y the pupils, and from direct taxation. These funds are charge- able with the master's salary,* with the furniture of the school, books and slates for poor children, prizes, insurance, and inci- dental expenses. According to a census in July, 1832, Saxony contained 273,535 children between the ages of six and fourteen years. Adding to this 1126,t the probable increase up to the close of 1832, we have at that period 274,661 children required to be in the schools. The census for the same period gives 274,305 in the elementary and burgher schools, leaving but 356 to be accounted for by those under private instruction, and in the lower classes of the gymnasia. At the same time there were 4397 pupils in the private schools of Dresden and Lcipsic alone, besides up- wards of 2400 in the lower classes of the gymnasia.J This excess is explained, as in the case of the Prussian schools, by the fact that children above fourteen and below six years of age are included in the number of those reported. It seems, then, that as far as the number of pupils in the schools are con- cerned, education in Saxony is in a highly satisfactory state.§ Each primary school contained, in 1832, at a mean, one hun- dred and thirty-four children, those in the country averaging * The minimum salary is ninety dollars per annum. t Deduced from the returns of the Statistieal Society of the Kingdom of Saxony. X Dr. Krrtgcr's translation of Cousin's Report has furnished me with these num- bers, or witli the data for ealeulating them. Appendix, pp. 218, 219. () The numlnr of cliildrcn at school is more than one-sixth of the population of Saxony, rated at ],ll.'),0(M). The pr()ix)rlion cxcctds that in the kinndom af Prussia. SYSTEJM OF PRIMARY INSTRUCTION IN SAXONY. 273 one hundred and twelve, and each teacher had one hundred and two pupils under his charge; these facts show that the number of schools and the number of teachers both require to be mul- tiplied, especially the latter, for in the cities, some of the school- houses can properly accommodate a large number of pupils. Primary schools in Saxony, as in Prussia, are of two grades. In the low^er, or elementary school, pupils must receive instruc- tion, by law, in: — 1st. Religion. 2d. Exercises of speech and reading. 3d. Calligraphy and orthography, with written exer- cises on subjects relating to the affairs of common life. 4th. Mental and written arithmetic. 5th. Singing. 6th. The most important portions of natural history, geography, and history, especially those of the country. The details of the school plan are left to the teacher and local school-inspector. In the higher grade, or low^er burgher school,* the amount taught in these branches is increased, and exercises of style, geometry, and drawing, are added. These subjects will be recognised as the same with those of the Prussian schools. Physical education is alike left out of the general plan in both countries. The books used in the Protestant schools are, the Bible, Lu- ther's Catechism, the hymn book, and three reading-books, the selection of which is made by the local school-inspector. In the Roman Catholic schools, the selection of books is left to the ecclesiastical authorities. The regular time for attendance is six hours on three ds.ys in the week, and four on two other days, making twenty-six hours per week. The vacations are regulated by the church festivals, and last about a week at a time. Children above ten years of age, in the country, are exempted, during harvest time, from attendance at school. The punishments are chiefly addressed to the moral senti- ments, but corporal chastisement, in extreme cases, is allowed. * A systematic nomenclature for schools is yet mucli needed in Germany. In Dresden tlicy aj)[)Iy the title of " real school" to wiiat would be called a lower burgher school in Prussia. A normal school in Prussia is a seminary fur teach- ers, in Austria it is a model hijrlicr clementarv ohool. 3e5 274 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. Tiie code of discipline is required to be placed in a conspicuous situation in the school-room. Besides the regular day schools, there are Sunday schools, for extending or repeating the lessons learned in the former. In order to provide the schools with qualified teachers, can- didates are subjected to examination by a committee. No person can be licensed who has not attained twenty-one years of age, passed one examination as a candidate, served two years as an assistant, and passed a second examination of a higher grade. The seminaries are expected to furnish the greater number of teachers, but as yet have not been able to do so. There are six seminaries for teachers, which had, in 1832, two hundred and twenty-three pupils; or, including the preparatory seminary at Freyburg, two hundred and fifty-three. These institutions could not furnish more than between seventy and eighty teachers annually, while the primary schools require, probably, upwards of one hundred.* It is a remarkable fact, that there is no seminary for teachers in Lcipsic, and that its common schools arc still usually supplied with teachers from among the candidates of theology. The authorities who have the superintendence of public instruction, beginning with the lowest, are, first, the local school committees and inspectors. These committees are composed of at least four members each, one of whom must be a clergy- man. If the school has a patron, or founder, he is ex-officio a member of the committee. They make regulations for the school, holding meetings on fixed days of their own appoint- ment. TIjcy receive from the master reports of the progress of his pupils, of their attendance at school, &c. Public semi-annual examinations take place in their presence and in that of the in- spector. This latter officer is a clergyman. It is his duty to visit the school frequently, and to sec that the regulations are enforced. After tlic semi-annual examination, he reports to the * ('ulrulatinjT on the received pro])ortion, that about four \ht cent, (if (he whole mMiil>cr f)rih»- teaeherp is ref|uire(l. aimnallv, to pupplv vaeniirics SYSTEM OF PRIMARY INSTRUCTIOIV IN SAXONY. 275 district inspector the state of the classes. If there are schools of different religious denominations in a circuit, each denomina- tion is entitled to its committee and inspector. The next body is the board of inspectors, who have several schools under their charge, and to whom the local committees are subordinate. Co-ordinate with this board is the district school-inspector. The board of inspectors consists of the superintendent, an ecclesiastical functionary, of the patrons of the different schools, and of the magistracy. The superinten- dent is, besides, the district school-inspector. It is his duty to visit all the primary schools of his district, private as well as public, and in case they are numerous, he is allowed to name a clergyman to assist him. He has power to grant leaves of absence to teachers, and to supply temporary vacancies. He is expected to see that the teachers perform their duties faith- fully, and reports upon all these matters to the higher authorities once a year. The next higher authority is the board of directors of the circle (Kreis direction.) Saxony is divided into five circles, in each of which a board regulates the school circuits, districts, and associations. It has charge of all primary schools, and of the seminaries for primary teachers, with the general management of the property and funds of the schools, and regulates pecu- niary allowances, and appoints or dismisses teachers. The minister of public instruction and religious worship is the highest authority in school matters. The two most important points which I visited in Saxony were Dresden* and Leipsic. In the former I examined, more or less particularly, six elementary! and three higher * For great facilities in examining the institutions of Dresden, I am indebted to the American consul, E. F. Rivinus, Esq. I owe my thanks in connexion with these schools to town councillor Gehe and director Otto, of the normal seminary. t There is a class of establishments corresponding to the infant schools in other places, called Bewahr-Anstalten, literally guardian institutions, which are rather nurseries than schools. The children of mothers who go out to work are well taken care of in these establishnipnts, but thrre is little instruction given 270 CJENEKAL EDl'CATION. J'lllMARV I'ERlnD. primary; and in the latter, three large elementary schools, and their admirable higher burgher school, which occupied mucii of my attention. The course of instruction in the charity school which I examined in Dresden, conforms in general to the directions of the law: in the afternoon, however, the pupils are occupied in manual labour, the boys in weaving straw and spinning, the girls in sewing, knitting, or spinning. It is pro- posed to introduce, also, into some of these schools, the art of working in wood, which consists of making of this material many beautiful articles now usually manufactured of straw.* A sedentary employment of this kind, however, should be relieved by active physical exercise, which, I regret to say, is as little attended to in these schools as in those of other countries in fTcneral. In the schools attached to the seminary for teachers, in the Frederick quarter, the number of pupils in each class is not allowed to exceed fifty in general. Much of the instruc- tion, however, is given by the young, and comparatively unprac- tised, pupils of the seminary, and thus the eflect of the former good arrangement, is in part neutralized. These pupils are, it must be admitted, according to my observation, usually better instructors than older teachers who have not had their advan- tages, though they are deficient when compared with finished theoretical and practical teachers from the same schools. The city of Dresden owes to the society for promoting edu- cation, (Das PUdagogische Verein,) the establishment of the class of schools called district schools, (burgher schools,) in which general history, geography, geometry, French, and drawing, are added to the branches already enumerated as composing elementary instruction. The conferences of their teachers, held once a month, are of the greatest importance to their improvement, and from the activity displayed in them, * The wood used is aspen, w liicli, when cut in pieces, and soaked in water, be- comes toujrh. It is cut into strips, and then these are separated into fil)res of greater or less degree of fineness, accordinj^ to tlic articles to be made. These consist of mab<, bags, baskets, bonnets, blinds Ibr windows, «&c. The blinds arc woven in a loom. SYSTEM OF PRIMARY INSTRUCTION IN SAXONY. 277 I doubt not they will rapidly advance in standing. In the Catholic higher primary school, instruction in Latin is furnished, in addition to the branches taught in the district schools.* It is confined, however, to the two upper classes of the five of which the school is composed, which are designated as gym- nasium or grammar school classes. The principal part of the pupils leave this school in the third class.f In Leipsic the public primary schools are of three sorts, the first for the use of tbe children of the poor who receive supplies from the public; the second for those who, not belonging to this class, would still be burthened by the payment of a school fee; the third, the burgher class. Many of the schools for the poor are endowed. One of them had, at the period of my visit in 1838, nine hundred pupils and fourteen teachers, some of whom received very good salaries. A second had twelve hundred pupils and twelve teachers. In this latter the pupils received instruction only during half the day, or eighteen hours per week, being divided into two sections, one attending in the morning, and the other in the afternoon. During the other half the day they were engaged, under superintendence, in the manufacture of pasteboard boxes, which are sold for the benefit of the school. In 1832 there were fifty-one primary schools in Leipsic, in- structing 16,603 children. I shall describe the burgher school in detail, as one of the most complete in its plan of organization which I have seen. This plan is not yet fully reduced to prac- tice, and in some of the classes the want of experienced teachers renders its execution imperfect, but these imperfections are in- cidental to the present circumstances of the school and city, and will, under the active spirit now prevailing, be speedily changed for the better. * The fees in all these schools are exceedingly low ; in the " real school," attached to the seminary, the liighest fee is three dollars and ninety cents per annum; in the Catholic high school, nine dollars per annum. t 1 am indehted to the inspector of this school, the clergyman of the Court Church, (Ilof-prcdigcr,) Pater Dicltrich, for very valuahle introductions. 278 OKNKRAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. HURGHER SCHOOL OF LEIPSIC. This school^ is designed to educate children of the middle ranks of society, and those of the upper ranks whose parents wish them to receive a public education. It is composed : First, Of an elementary school for both boys and girls, which pupils should enter at six years of age. There are three classes, in the lowest of which the two sexes are taught in the same room. The pupils are retained, in general, a year and a-half to two years, leaving this department at eight years of age and proceeding to the next higher. Second. The burgher school proper. Here the boys and girls receive instruction separately. There are six classes for boys, each of which occupies a year. After passing through the three lower classes, the sixth, fifth, and fourth, the pupils begin separate courses, according to their inclination or sup- posed destination in life. This is at about eleven years of age. Those who are intended for trades, and whose school education must finish at fourteen, to enable them to begin their appren- ticeship, pass through the remaining classes, the third, second, and first of the burgher school. Otlicr boys who are intended to pursue higher departments of mechanical occupations, or for manufacturers, clerks, miners, foresters, stewards of estates, merchants, artists, civil officers, &c., pass into the department called the " j'cal school,^^ termi- nating their course there at about sixteen years of age. Others who are intended for the learned professions go at eleven to a gymnasium, pass through its classes at eighteen, and enter the university, being prepared for a profession at twenty-one. Third. The " real schooV or higher burgher school. In this there are four classes, intended to occupy together about five years, and to prepare the pupils to enter a commercial, poly- technic, architectural, or mining academy, according to his vo- cation. Omitting the girls' school, the scheme thus marked out will appear better by the following skeleton. • Now under the char(j •^ 33. Lower School. 28 cc O 28 26 The increase in the number of branches as the pupils rise to the upper classes, seems to me judiciously made in this plan. At the same time, the number of hours per week is gradually • This includes the exercises of reading. t In this is included an hour of preparatory exercises for geonietrV' t Anthropology. § Elementary natural history and natural philosophy. BURGHER SCHOOL OF LEIPSIC. 283 increased, and perhaps beyond the due limit, though it would require longer attention than I could give to this institution to affirm positively that this is the case. Comparing the pro- gramme with that of the classes of corresponding age in the seminary school of Berlin, a general similarity appears through- out, although each has distinctive features. In the sixth class, of which the pupils are of the same age with those of the fourth in the seminary school, a few lessons of natural history and geography ("knowledge of home") are given, and with ad- vantage. The number of hours per week devoted to the dif- ferent studies is nearly the same in both schools. In the fifth class, natural history and history are introduced in the burgher school, and in its corresponding classes in the seminary school, Latin, French, and geometry. The number of hours of arithmetical instruction is greater in this school than in the other. A similar difference continues in the fourth class, as it is not the object to begin French until after those who leave the school at fourteen have terminated their course. The elemen- tary exercises of geometry are begun in this class of the burgher school. The third class is the first or lowest of the higher burgher school, and the programme of this and of the second agree in the main with those of the seminary school. Greater attention is devoted to religious instruction, to arithmetic, and drawing, and less to French, in the burgher than in the seminary school. The number of hours given to the first named branch in the burgher school is double that in the other, and the number to the last only one-half, which is probably too small an allotment for the object. Technology and physics are taken up in the first class of the Leipsic school, and Latin is continued through all those of the Berlin institution. In regard to the plan of treating the subjects of instruction, the following is a comparison of the two schools : 1. In religious instruction, the general train is the same, be- ing more detailed in the burgher school, and having a special course of morals in the higher classes. In general, the Ger- 284 OEN-ERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. man institutions arc very free from an objection urged to a course of religious instruction, in a former part of my lie- port, namely, that it was addressed rather to the understanding than to the heart. There is no express instruction in morals, but it is because the morals of the Scriptures mingle with their daily lessons, and no special course is needed, until a more ad- vanced age, than that embraced by these schools in general. 2. The course of German language (including composition) and reading is parallel with that of the Berlin seminary school, except in the two higher classes. In these a turn is given to the compositions to adapt them to the peculiar destination of the pupils, who are also exercised in speaking, by reading dia- logues and brief dramatic pieces. In a country enjoying a constitutional government, the art of public speaking may not be neglected by its citizens. 3. The course of French, in the burgher school, struck me as rather defective, probably from the small amount of time which is devoted to it, as already stated. 4. JMathematics. The courses of arithmetic and geometry are also parallel with those in the seminary school. The mathe- matical studies here are extended further in algebra, and in- clude logarithms, mensuration, and surveying. 5. Kalural history, physics, and technology. The early be- ginnings of this course are exercises in induction, directed particularly to awakening habits of observation and rellection. T^atcr, some of the more interesting parts of natural history are taken u]), and, finally, the subject is treated somewhat systema- tically, and a technological direction given to it. The physics consists of such popular notions of natural j)henomcna as should be possessed by all. The technology explains the processes of some of the common arts and trades. (). The course of geography begins like that already de- scribed at Halle, but subsequently pursues the inverse order, giv- ing an idea of the earth as a part of the world, its form, motions, &c. Director Vogel has conceived the plan of presenting the parts of the earth always in their just proportions, as upon the sphere, and has contrived for this purpose a globe, which may BURGHER SCHOOL OF LEIPSIC. 285 be divided tlirough the equator or through a meridian. The hemisphere being suspended with its plane surface against the wall, presents the convex surface, with its delineations, in true proportion. This idea he proposes to extend, by substituting for maps, in the early recitations, portions of spherical surfaces, with the delineations of the countries upon them. After taking a general survey of the different countries, espe- cially those of Europe, the pupils pass to the geography of Germany. They then enter more into the details of the coun- tries of Europe, draw maps, and, finally, study mathematical and physical geography in a scientific form. To carry out his views of the connexion of history, natural history, and ethno- graphy with geography, director Vogel has prepared a school atlas upon a new plan. The vignettes surrounding the maps contain illustrations of these difl^erent kindred branches, and ad- dress the eye of the learner, thus impressing the memory with their connexion with the countries defineated. For example, around the maps representing the different quarters of the globe are the characteristic plants, animals, and men of the different regions near to the portions of the country where they are found. The more detailed maps of the countries give a view of their natural productions, represent the more prominent or characteristic qualities of the nation, the arts which flourish more particularly among them, and give medallions pourtray- ing their great historical characters, or including the names of their distinguished men, or the dates of important historical events. The execution of this work is highly satisfactory, and I am convinced of the advantages of the plan itself. 7. The historical course, as far as it is distinct from that last mentioned, agrees, in its general features, with that of the Berlin seminary school, being, however, more minute. 8. Writing and drawing. In learning to write, the classes begin with small hand, and succeed better than is usual upon that plan, probably from the attention, at the same time, to drawing. The last named branch is taught by Schmidt's method. The teacher has made an admirable collection of models in wood and plaster, of geometrical solids, oi' machines, 286 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. of buildings, bridges, and the like, of ornaments, &lc., and brings his class forward in this kind of drawing very rapidly. Only the more elementary parts of these collections, however, are used for the classes of the burgher school. 9. Vocal music is taught as in the other schools. The particular method which the teacher pursues in his in- struction is left much to the individual, the director remarking justly, that if he is competent to his place, his method must be good. lie has for his guide, however, a programme indicating the degree of proficiency which his class must show at the end of the year. In the lower classes of a school like this, if the pupils ha\e been previously well trained, a larger number can be instructed by the simultaneous method than in the elementary classes, in a subject of the same kind. This advantage is lost as the course becomes higher, and the scale turns again in proportion as individual teaching becomes more desirable, with increased individual development and difterences in mental quality. The simultaneous method re(]uires watchfulness on the part of the teacher, not to deceive himself as to the progress of his class. It is, of course, rarely that a question cannot be answered by some of them, while the mass may be entirely ignorant in rela- tion to the subject. I have seen both skill and attention fall into the mistake to which I refer. Between each of the hours of recitation there are a few mi- nutes of interval, during which the classes leave the school- rooms. This is an arrangement favourable to health, and worthy of imitation. The lower classes have each a teacher for all the subjects, a system which is gradually changed in the higher classes for that of a teacher for a single subject. Drawing and singing are taught by special instructors in the higher classes. The classes for girls are similar to those described, the in- struction being modified so as to render it more applicable to the sex. The plan of instruction in the " Real School,'' the highest of whif^h this establishment is composed, cm hardly hr snid to BURGHER SCHOOL OF LEIPSIC. 287 have received, as yet, its ultimate form. The school belongs to the class of secondary instruction, running parallel with the gymnasium, and preparing for the university of the arts, or polytechnic school, as the other prepares for the university of the learned professions. The branches taught, and which I may enumerate, to complete the description of the institution, are, 1. Religious instruction. 2. German. 3. French. 4. Eng- lish. 5. Mathematics, including algebra; geometry, trigono- metry, plane and spherical; practical surveying; a review of arithmetic and technical arithmetic. 6. Physics and chemistry. 7. Natural history. 8. History. 9. Geography. 10 Calli- graphy. 11. Drawing. 12. Vocal music. The separate branches in this school are in general taught by special instructors. The methods of Pestalozzi are considered by the director as less applicable to the higher than to the lower courses. But I doubt this, for though much less frequently ap- plied, I have seen them used with good effect in advanced courses. The opposite method takes up less time if the object be to communicate positive knowledge, and the importance of this object certainly increases, and even becomes paramount, in the later parts of the student's career. The objection urged to this plan does not apply in the case of those subjects which are continuous through a series of years, but to such as are broken up into a number of kindred branches, the elements of which are to be taught at different, and even at advanced stages of the course. The plan of special study hours for those whose parents wish them to be prepared for their lessons under the direction of a teacher, has been adopted in this school. MODEL, OR BURGHER SCHOOL AT FRANKFORT ON THE MAINE. I conclude the account of the German burgher schools, which the interesting nature of the subject has induced me to present somewhat at length, by a brief notice of the model school, (muster-schule,) or burgher school* of Frankfort on * Under the direction of Mr. Baggc, an able and experienced teacher. 288 GEXERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. the Maine. This is one of the best conducted of the many which I have seen, and is of great ijnportance to the city which supports it, and whose authorities have the superintendence of it. It dill'ers frona those already described in two points; in the first, that the rehgious instruction is general, and not sec- tarian; and second, that the French language has much time devoted to it, as being indispensable at Frankfort to the class for whom the school is intended. The school plan, with the hours of instruction, will occupy but little more space than a bare enumeration of the subjects taught. It is the result of much experience, and of changes from time to time, to keep the school up to the level of the instruction of the day. It pre- sents a well digested course for pupils from six to fourteen or fifteen years of age. As usual, the figures refer to the number of hours occupied per week by the several subjects of study. MODEL BURGHER SCHOOL OF FRANKFORT ON THE MAINE. 289 Table of the plan of exercises at the Frankfort Model School, 1836-7. SUBJECTS OF STUDY. o o -a c 8 — 2 i o 2 2 O 2 i I 2 14 Religious Instruction, - - - 211 211 Exercises of Thought and Speech,* 2 2 4 German Language, .... 6 4 4 4 4 6 10 38 French, 6 6 6 6 6 30 Geography,! 2 4 4 4 14 Natural Philosophy, .... 2 2 4 Mathematical Geography,! - - 2 2 Technology and Chemistry, - - 2 2 History, 4 2 6 Arithmetic and Algebra,§ - - 6 6 12 Arithmetic, 4 6 6 6 6 28 Algebra, 2 2 Geometry, - 4 2 2 2 2 12 Lessons of form, 2 2 Writing, 2 4 4 4 6 6 26 Drawing, 2 2 2 2 2 10 Singing, 2 2 2 2 8 Total, - - - 36 34 32 32 28 26 26 * Exercises of induction. t Combined with elementary physics, or a popular view of natural phenomena. t And popular astronomy. § Higher arithmetic. II The two classes united. 37 290 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. The elementary classes are confined to few subjects, and which are introductory to those of the higher classes, and cal- culated to developc the moral principles, the intellect, and readi- ness in the mechanical branches of instruction. The sphere is then widened, by introducing a foreign language, the study of natural phenomena, and of form. In the advanced classes, as constituting a preparation for the pupil's future career, a more systematic account of the earth and its productions, of man and his actions, as recorded in history, and of the processes of art, are furnished him. The programmes of the last two schools which have been under discussion, are both liable to the objec- tion of attempting too much in the last year. The physical education is so far attended to in this school, as to provide a very neat and tolerably spacious play-ground, and to give an interval for play during the morning hours* GRASER*S SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. 291 CHAPTER VII. COMMON SCHOOLS OF BAYREUTH IN BAVARIA, AND DR. GRA* SER'S SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. The reputation of Dr. Graser's system, among certain of the teachers of Germany, induced me to visit Bayreuth, where he resides, to examine, under his direction, the schools which pursue his method of education. Dr. Graser rejects equally the communication of positive knowledge and the giving of intel- lectual culture as the true ground-work of a system of educa- tion; he considers these as incidental objects, and that the principles of a system are to be sought a priori, by a considera- tion of the purpose of education, of man as its recipient, and of the subjects or branches of instruction. His system, therefore, professes to reject every thing like an arbitrary assemblage of branches, and to present a rational plan for selecting the subjects of instruction, and for determin- ing their succession. It must require a mind brought up in a similar school, to enter into the philosophy, so called, of this system, and I do not propose to attempt a full view of it.* I shall, however, briefly state what appears to me its chief prin- ciples, of which, though they may be true in the abstract, I * It may be objected to even this brief notice, that it is going- out of my way, and that, if followed, it would require an examination of the system of Jacotot as well as of this. This objection has not escaped mc, but Graser's system is little known among us, while Jacotot's has been often discussed. I visited the school of one of Jacotot's most prominent pupils, at Paris, and must say, that the results seemed to me more showy than sound. Dr. Graser's principal works are Divini- tat, oder das Prinzip der einzig wahrcn Menschcnerzichung, &,c. ; Divincncss, or the Principle of the only true Education for Men, &cc.; Die Elementar Schule fiirs Leben, «fcc.; Elementary School for Life, and das Verhultnisse des Elcmen- tarunterrichts zur Politik der Zcit, Dcpcndance of Elementary Instruction on the Political Circumstances of the Time, «Scc. There is a good and quite full sketch of Dr. Graser's system in Krrtgor'f? .Tonrncy through Germany, Reiscn durcli Deutschland, «&:c. 292 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. confess that I do not perceive tlie peculiar applicability. I shall then pass to the practice, which may be of interest, even if the theory should not be deemed satisfactory. After considering the constitution of man, Dr. Graser lays down the principle, that he is destined to live in accordance with it, and in the pursuit of holiness (godliness, divinitiit). The child must be educated in reference to this destination. Man requires strength of body, hence physical education, and of soul (virtue), hence moral education. His bodily strength must be rendered available by dexterity, his virtue, by pru- dence. Both must be directed by intelligence, lience intellectual education. Besides, he must have a just sense of the harmony in the relations of life, or a feeling of fitness, or beauty, hence aesthetical education. As a condition of his being, man stands in certain relations to external nature, to his fellow men, and to God. Instruction in nature, man, and God, must, therefore, form the materials of his education. Nature must be viewed in its productions, the objects of natural histor}^ or its pheno- mena, the objects of natural philosophy, or physics. To com- plete the study of nature, geography, arithmetic, geometry and its applications, and drawing, must be called in, and the prac- tical application of the study includes technology and domestic economy. The study of man requires that of the theory of gymnastics, dietetics, history, and geography. To approach to God, man must know him. The hrst form of godliness is truth. God's truth, then, as revealed, should be man's study. The second form is justice; jurisprudence in higher education, or the laws of the land in lower, should, therefore, also form a part of man's studies, and as accessory subjects, history and grammar. The third is love, taught through morals or practi- cal religion. The fourth is beauty, requiring the study of paint- ing, music, poetry, and decorum. Graser next endeavours to modify the several subjects of education, according to the special wants of those who are to receive it, which he con- siders to depend upon their political situation. Thus, for his country, he divides men into three classes, the people, or go- verned: the nobles; and the roiuninii fnmilv, or fiovernors. graser's system of education. 293 The first he considers as more concerned with material ob- jects, the others with the ideal, or spiritual, and hence adopts two divisions of the subjects of study, as calculated for their schools. In the arrangement of instruction, his principle, that the school must prepare for actual life, is brought into play. He admits no separation into branches of study, no natural order of succession in the branches, but insists that all instruction shall be grouped according to the wants of some particular mode of life. Taking society as the state of man's existence, he begins instruction with the paternal mansion of the child and his family relations, and attaches to these all the elementary knowledge of morals, manners, speech, number, form, objects, drawing, and writing, which would be found necessary in this sphere. He next widens the sphere to include the place of re- sidence, with its community; extends it to the circle or judicial district, to the province, to the country, to the assemblage of the German states, the division of the earth, the entire earth, the universe. The application of Graser's principles to a common school will be best understood by following up the course of instruc- tion as far as it has been developed in one of the schools of Bayreuth.* The sixth, or lowest class, is instructed in what relates to family life. The exterior of the house. Its interior. Its in- habitants. Their wants. The classification followed in Wiirst's reading-book will show, generally, the way in which these subjects are taught. * Dr. Grascr is not himself a teaclier, nor has he, at present, the means of en- forcing, by authority, the adoption of his methods; hence they have not the ad- vantage of execution by the designer, nor do tliey appear in all the classes of this school. To the kind attention of Dr. Grascr I was indebted for an opportunity of visiting three of the common schools of Bayreuth, in which his method was more or less used. In speaking of the principles of this method, I have endea- voured to keep in view the respect which is due to the personal character and zeal of Dr. Grascr, and also the fact that, having been educated in a totall}^ dif- ferent atmosphere, as it were, I should be likely to err in forming an estimate of the value of similar speculations. I have aimed, therefore, at giving an account of the system, as far as I understand if, leaving to others to pass judgment on it. 294 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. 1. Tlic paternal mansion, considered as the dwell in fr.place of tlic family. Houses and huts. Stones and lime. (Story of an accident from playing with lime.) The walls and the roof. Doors and windows. (History of the discovery of glass.) Earth, fire, water, and light. Comparison of building materials. Gloom, darkness, light, shadow. Property. Owner. Rectitude. Goodness. Decorum. Politeness. (Story of the polite and the rude boy.) Pilfering. Theft. Robbery. Robbers. 2. The inmates of the house. Enumeration of them. Exterior distinctions between the men and animals. Distinctive qualities of the different domestic animals. The poultry. Further distinctions between men and animals. Voice. Speech as a characteristic of man. Power of induction, flo- ral order of the family. (The intractable child.) Uses of the domestic animals, obligations towards them, (Tormentors of animals.) Noxious domestic animals. Conduct towards them. Flies. Spiders. Review of conduct towards animals in general. 3. Wants of the inmates of the house. The dwelling itself Fur- niture and clothing. Arrangements for their jjreservation. Inviolability of the property of cliildren and servants. Activity and offices of parents. Duties of children towards their parents. This course is commenced between six and seven years of age, and occupies about six months. I shall go into some particulars in regard to parts of the instruction. 1. The dwell- ing-house.— The teacher shows a model of a simple dwell- ing-house, of which the gable end may be removed, and is a rectangular block, surmounted by a triangle. The teacher takes oir the triangle, and counts the number of its sides audi- bly; this part of the house has how many sides? is his question. Three. He shows that it has also three corners, or asks how many corners, leaving to the more intelligent pupils to lead the class in the answer, and when the answer is obtained, causing it to be rei)eated by all. Watching the class, if he finds inat- tention, he addresses the question where it prevails, giving the pupils as much as possible to find out, in order to keep up their* attention as long as their ])hysical constitution will permit. A change of subject, physical exercise, or rest, should be allowed when the attention is exhausted, the habit of which may be gradually established by training. Tliis inductive course, com- bined with repetition, is always employed, and in what follows I shall merely indicate the order of the instruction. The figure in question is three-cornered. Interior corners arc called angles.* • In Grrninn \hr upacc formed hv llir mrrfing of l\v<> linos virw^d frnm the GRASEr's system of EDUCATIOiV. 295 It is a three-angled figure, and called a triangle. Next, the four-sided figure is similarly treated. Then the triangular cap is set upon the rectangle, forming a five-sided figure. This part of the model is now placed before the children to draw upon the slate, with the following preliminary instruction. Each group of three or four children, or, if convenient, each child, is furnished with a rectangle of pasteboard, or thin wood, in which five holes are pierced, corresponding to the five an- gular points of the pentagon to be drawn. These are marked on the slate by inserting the points of the pencil through the holes, and the child is practised in joining the points by hand. Practice in this constitutes his first drawing-lesson. Returning to the rectangular part of the model, the positions of the verti- cal and horizontal boundary lines are pointed out, and a plum- met and common mason's level are shown, to give a notion how these Hnes are established in practice, and a correct idea of their actual positions. Attention is next called to the hori- zontal side of the triangular cap, then to the sloping sides. A comparison of the angles which they form with the horizon, and that formed by the horizontal and vertical Hnes, leads to the distinction between acute and right angles. The objects of a triangular roof, and of the rectangular lower part of the house, are next stated. An obtuse-angled polygonal roof is substituted for the one already mentioned. The form gives an illustration of the obtuse-angle, placing it upon the model leads to counting as far as seven. Dividing the house into stories by lines, to counting to nine. The children are next led to enumerate the parts of the house as shown in the model, and with the names of which they are of course familiar — as the doors, windows, &c. The distinction between squares and rectangles is made obvious. The parallelogram and rhomb are also here intro- duced. The distinction between curved and straight lines, &c. Different simple drawings of cottages are made. Counting is continued to ten. Addition is commenced by referring to the interior, or from the exterior, has different names, and the compounds of these, with the numerals three, four, five, &r., constitute the names of the figures, as drcy-cck, vicr-eck, &c. i>s, tbnvrr.s'. The fields, hills, valleys, woods, A PRIMARY SCHOOL OF BAYREUTH. 801 and forests. Morning ramble in the woods. Morning- song. Insects. Stories of cruelty to insects. Natural philosophij. Heat. Tlic sun. Sunrise. Song. Division of time. The calendar. Vapour. Storms. Thunder and lightning. Rules for protection. 5. Relation op man to society. Age and youth. Infirm persons. The able bodied and tlie sick. Duties towards and protection of the sick. Employ, ments. Labourers and tradesmen. Peacefulncss. Willingness in service. Up- rightness. Respectfulness. Disposition to work. Poverty and riches. Contentment. The same elements of instruction are, in the next class, grouped about the next pohtical division, the circle, the course occupying, as before, six months. Beginning here, the division restricts some portions of instruction unnecessarily. In gene- ral, however, I was satisfied with the progress of this class. I had no opportunity of judging of the results of the following division, namely, "life in the province," no class being in that stage of progress. In the next following, or " life in the kingdom," the political circumstances became too abstruse for the intellectual develop- ment of the children, and the attempts at induction in regard to the government failed almost entirely. All the circumstances, except those relating to the army, were out of the pale of their ordinary experience, and the complex mechanism of govern- ment was beyond the power of their reason to grasp. The German language is taught grammatically in this class, and, besides the geography and natural history of Bavaria, its his- tory, the biography of its most distinguished men, arithmetic, mental and written, geometry, drawing, singing, and morals from the Bible. At this stage of progress, it is quite apparent that the branches require a different mode of instruction, that they must be separated, and the progress of each regulated ac- cording to the adaptation of the mind of the pupil to its recep- tion, and not according to any extraneous theoretical circum- stances. The two highest classes being joined under a teacher who pursued altogether the old method of instruction, I had no op- portunity to put to the test the judgment formed in the lower class, which I have just expressed. Social or political circum- 302 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRLMARY PERIOD. Stances do not afTord, I am satisfied, a just method of arranging the details of instruction, though a knowledge of them should doubtless form a part of education. The reasons why the ar- rangement of Grascr produces satisfactory results in the lower classes are, first, that elementary instruction does not require a systematic division of its subjects, in order to apply them to cul- tivating the intellect or morals, or for communicating know- ledge: and second, that the subjects are within the pale of the child's experience, and refer to his every-day wants and perceptions. Just the reverse, however, is the case in the higher divisions, and hence a diflferent method becomes abso- lutely necessary.* Still the leading idea of the system, that to develope the intellectual, moral, and physical faculties of man is not sufficient, but that he must be educated in reference to the life in which he is to take a part, strikes with the force of truth, independently of the details which may be devised to carry it into effect. The institutions which Dr. Graser considers necessary to give the entire public instruction of a nation are : Popular Schools. Schools for Higher Instruction. 1. The elementary school. 1. The elementary school. 2. The real school, (" Real Gymna- 2. The gymnasium. slum.") 3. The real institute, (" Real Uni- 3. The university. versity.") The character of the instruction appropriate to these estab- lishments may, according to his views, be thus expressed. In the elementary school, it should be popular and inductive; in the real school, practical and scientific; and in the university, scientific and practical, or applying science to practice. • This view is also taken by Dr. KrOger, whose experience and skill as a teacher I have already so often referred to. See his Journey through Germany. (Reise durch Deutschland, &c., pp. 132, 133.) SCHOOLS OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY. 303 CHAPTER VIII. SCHOOLS OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY. Besides the schools for general instruction, which have been noticed in the foregoing chapters, others have been devised, intended to give special education for a future calling while pursuing the branches of common school instruction. The devotion of a part of the time to manual labour, as in the schools of Dresden and Leipsic, &c., already spoken of, is inci- dental, and not a chief feature in the plan, and the occupations learned in the boys' schools are not such as are likely to be followed in after life. In the schools now under consideration, on the contrary, the manual labour, or practical exercises, are lead- ing features in the system, and are intended to train the pupil for his future vocation. These establishments require very pecu- liar circumstances to render them useful; the future occupation of the pupil must be distinctly pointed out at an early age, or it must be desirable to give him a particular bias by educa- tion. Thus, in the rural cantons of Switzerland, there can be no doubt that boys without fortune are to be agricultural labourers, of a grade depending upon their success in life, and it is highly important to the country that as many as possible should be trained in the theory and practice of their calling. Hence the establishment of " rural schools" in these cantons, and the encouragement held out to their multiplication by pa- triotic citizens. Again, it is important in a community like that of Lyons, where the manufacture of silk employs so large a num- ber of the population, that the workman should be acquainted with the theory of his art, and should, if he have talent, also have the acquirement necessary to improve it. Hence the appropriation of the Lamartiniere funds to give a suitable training to those whom it is supposed may become workmen in the extensive manufactories of the city. The creation of 304* OEXEIIAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. such schools, where the conditions necessary to render them successful cannot be fulfilled, must be followed by failure. They belong essentially to particular localities and social circum- stances, and their extension, without reference to a due conside- ration of these, has tended, in some cases, to destroy the favour- able opinion formed from the operation of similar establishments in their legitimate sphere. The present condition of the rural schools of Switzerland, as exemplified by those which I visited, a comparison of the organization now existing with that at the outset, an inquiry into how far the results expected from them have been realised, and among these results, how far the schools may be considered as self-supporting, afford general matter of interest, and will appear in the descriptions of the schools at Hofwyl and Carra. An example of a school adaptetl to the rural population of England will follow the notice of the Swiss schools, afibrding an instance of the adoption of a principle, and its ingenious modification, to suit the new circumstances under which it is applied. On account of the late ago at which the pupils enter, and the grade of agricultural life for which they are prepared, I have hesitated as to a notice of the agricultural school at Temple- moyle, near Londonderry, in this chapter; but considering that the intellectual instruction is quite elementary, I have concluded to insert it. It will be remarked, in relation to all the agricultural schools, that the age to which pupils are retained passes far the limits of the primary period of education. An admirable plan for adapting the ordinary day school of the National Board of Education for Ireland to the wants of an agricultural community, has been put in practice by Captain Kennedy, at the estate of Lough Ash, in the county of Londonderry. The children are taught the theory and practice of gardening, of farming in a small way, and of the care of cattle, Aic, by the master, working a certain number of hours every day, when the season permits, in the small garden and farm attached to the school. When these arrangements have been matured, and have been in steady operation for a considerable time, ihe results will. 1 have no doubt, prove of SCHOOLS OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY. 305 great value to the portion of the country where they will be displayed, extending beyond this one estate by the imitation of the system in others. Besides, the general interest which may attach to these schools, the variety of arrangement, and the methods of in- struction in special branches, cannot fail to be of service for the more direct objects of my Report. The Lamartini^re school IS entitled, I believe, to the credit of carrying into full execution the method of teaching the elements of chemistry and mechanics, by combining manipulation with the study of the theory. RURAL SCHOOLS OF SWITZERLAND. These are, in general, schools in which manual labour occu- pies the chief part of the pupil's time, moral and intellectual training being mingled with it, and occupying the intervals of rest. The master of the school is the farmer, and the pupils are his family. Labour and instruction are carried on together, and the discipline is paternal. The arrangement implies that the pu- pils reside in the schools, which are in fact charitable establish- ments, since the pupils do not remain long enough, after their labour becomes profitable, to repay the expenses of their edu- cation and maintenance. The present organization of these schools is due to Mr.de Fellenberg, who first established a model school of the kind at Hofwyl, in 1806, and no less than twelve for boys and girls have been since established in the different cantons. At the meeting of the society for public utility at Geneva, in August of 1837, a report was made, highly com- mendatory of these establishments, and proposing, as a means of promoting their extension, a central seminary for the education of teachers for them; the importance of this suggestion will appear when it is seen how entirely the character of these estab- lishments depends upon the qualities of the teachers, and how difficult it is to find suitable ones. The two for boys which I visited were Carra, near Geneva, and Hofwyl, near Berne. 39 306 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. AGRICULTITRAL SCHOOL AT HOFWYL. The establishments for education at Hofvvyl have attracted more attention probably than any other educational institutions in the world, and have become well known from the various reports made in relation to them.* At the time of my visit, in 1837, they consisted of a school chiefly for poor children, and called the Agricultural or Rural School, of a middle or real school for the education of youth not intended for the learned professions^ of a boarding-school for the preparatory education for professional life, and of an agricultural institute, to the lectures of which pupils in the other departments only were admitted. All these establishments, requiring such different mental resources for their organization and management, were under the superintendence of Mr. de Fellenberg, their founder, and by whom the whole institution has been reared, without public aid.f At the time of my visit to Hofvvyl, the middle school had assumed an important position, and was the most flourishing, probably, of the different establishments. As, how- ever, the regulations did not permit as close an examination of this and of the boarding institute, within the time which I was able to devote to them, as of some other similar schools which I visited, I propose to confine the present notice to the agricul- tural school.J Not to lose, however, the advantage of the prin- ciples developed in these establishments, I shall place in the * Tlic most particular account, and that in which tlie spirit of the institutions is considered by their founder to have been best exhibited, is given by our country- man, Mr. W. C. Woodbridgc, in the Annals of Education, published at Boston. Mr. Woodbridgc resided at Ilofwyl, and made himself thoroughly master of the minutifc of the cstubli.sliments. t Mr. du Fellenberg is one of tliosc rare instances in which, from motives of patriotism and benevolence, men occupying high stations by wcaltli and social position, devote tiieir means, their time, and talents, to the promotion of cduca- tion. I am not aware of any case in which equal sacrifices liave been made as in that of Mr. de Fellenberg. t In regard to this, Mr. de Fellenberg was good cnougli to put mo in commu- nication with an intelligent pui)il (John Cuviu), wlio had been ten months in the Bchool, and who was then in the middle school, preparing as on instructor, under the patronage of an Irish nobleman. Lord Wallscourt. RURAL SCHOOLS OF SWITZERLAND. 307 Appendix, No. XL, some deductions of Mr. de Fellenberg from the experience of Hofwyl. The pupils of the agricultural school are admitted at an early age, there being, however, no fixed limits, and are expected to remain until twenty-one, if supported gratuitously. By so doing, they would be enabled, by their manual labour, to repay the expense of their maintenance and education, so as to leave the institution without pecuniary obligation. They would, besides, be detained beyond what may be considered the most critical age. In practice, however, it is found difficult to induce this lengthened stay, the actual expediency of which must depend so much upon individual circumstances. In addition to the gra- tuitous pupils, others are taken, who pay, in part or entirely, for their education. Twenty is the usual number of gratuitous pupils, and at the time of my visit there were ten pay pupils besides ; this number is essentially restricted by the plan of the school. Formerly, the pupils were under the charge of a single teacher, for manual labour, instruction, and discipline. The teacher lived with them, and was expected to be their constant companion, adviser, and friend, as well as instructor. The first teacher of the agricultural school, Wehrli, was specially trained for the purpose by Mr. de Fellenberg, and executed the plan of the school in a way to produce commendation from all quarters.* It is easily seen that such a place would be most difficult to supply, and yet, that to preserve the original princi- ple of organization requires absolutely that it should be sup- plied. At present the arrangement is essentially different. The pupils work and live with the teacher, but receive instruction in the middle school. In summer, the time occupied in labour is from eight to twelve hours per day, and in instruction from two to four hours. In winter, the amount of labour is less, and of study more. At particular seasons in the summer, as during the time * Mr. Wclirli is now at the head of the normal school at Kreuzlingcn, in his native canton of Thurgovia. 308 GEXERAL EIJUCATIO:^. PRIMARY PERIOD. of harvest and hay-making, the instruction is omitted altogether. In the winter, gymnastic exercises, in a degree, replace agri- cultural labour. Thus the character of the instruction is entirely changed from what the former records of the school represent it to have been. It was intermingled with work, and much of it incidental, the peculiar talent of Wchrli appearing to have displayed itself in improving every opjjortunity for communi- cating instruction of this sort. At present the intellectual and moral instruction, and the field-work, both assume a more formal character. The former plan appears to have been pe- culiarly well adapted to the Swiss character, and certainly produced happy results upon the youth educated under it, and, if I understood Mr. de Fellenberg aright, he is anxious to re- turn to it when a suitable teacher shall have been obtained. In addition to ordinary farming, and labour, and gardening, the pupils are employed in an extensive dairy and a shop for making agricultural machines. They have, besides, in the agricultural institute, means of acquiring the theory as well as the practice of farming. The farming operations in which they assist are car- ried on to great advantage upon the extensive domain of Hofvvyl. They rise at five in summer, attend to the police of their dwelling-house, and unite in the prayers and lessons of the middle school; breakfast at half past six; are engaged in labour or instruction, with an intermission of an hour at noon for din- ner, until six o'clock; sup, and arc engaged in their lessons until eight; iiave prayers and retire to bed at nine. Their meals are served from the same kitchen, and are of the same quality with those of the hands u])on the farm. On Sunday they rise at six in summer, breakfast at seven, attend prayers, study, and join the classes of vocal music with the pupils of the middle school until eleven, meet the other classes at chapel, where they have a sermon from a Protestant and Catholic clergyman, alter- nately; dine at twelve; have study and recreation until five, when they sup; are free until seven; have prayers and retire at eight. The instruction received is in reading the (i'^'inan language and exercises oi' induction, four hours per week; arithmetic. AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL OF HOFWYL. 309 three hours; elementary geometry, or knowledge of forms, two hours; geography and the history of Switzerland, three hours; natural history and philosophy, two hours; religion and morals, two hours; writing, drawing, and vocal music, three liours. Three hours per week are devoted to military drill, in which the pupils of the several schools are united. An admirable ar- rangement is made for bathing, by enclosing a copious spring, so as to form a reservoir with an overflow, by which the water is constantly changed. The depth is regulated so as to be adapted to the use both of those who can and others who can- not swim. A bathing-house, steps to enter the water, and ap- paratus of various kinds, for instruction in swimming, complete the arrangements.* The discipHne of this school is of a mild character; the elder pupils have much influence over the younger; and where the teacher is constantly with them, as in the former organiza- tion, his control is a substitute for regulations. In the begin- ning, the number of pupils admitted w^as so small that no one could escape the teacher's observation and kindly admonition; and when the numbers were increased, this spirit was propagated from the older pupils to the new comers. In connexion with this rural school should be mentioned the establishment know^n as the Colony of Meykirk, placed several miles from Hofwyl, upon an uncultivated spot. The objects of this establishment were to demonstrate the possibility of render- ing rural schools self-supporting, and that they might even be used as the means of improving the agricultural condition of the country. A spot of fifteen acres was selected, and a log house built upon it. The colony was opened with six pupils in 1827, and placed under the charge of a pupil of Wehrli's. The number was gradually increased. The instruction was made entirely incidental, agricultural labour being the first necessity for the • The mode of teaching to swim is by a belt, which passes round the body, and is attaclicd to a rope passing through a ring at the end of a bar of wood from wliicli it hangs, and which acts as an clastic support. Tlie length of the rope can be increased or diminislied at pleasure, so as to afford a greater or less support. The more usual instruction, however, is given by the elder pupils sup- porting the younger on their hands. 310 GE?fERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. colonists. Their mode of life was of the most fruc^al character, to an extent unpractised in our country; in the earlier periods they were supplied from Hofwyl, but w^ere made to depend upon that source as little as possible. The school was discon- tinued a few years since, and all the accounts relating to it closed, when it appeared that during its brief existence the esti- mated improvements of the soil had been nearly adequate to de- fray the expenses of the scliool, over and above its receipts. This result, however, depended upon the peculiar location of the colony, since it is by no means commt-n to such schools, even in Switzerland. RURAL SCHOOL AT CARRA, NEAR GENEVA. This rural school was founded in 1820, by Mr. Pictet, and is still carried on upon part of the estate of his nephew, the syn- dic Vernet-Pictet. There is a similar establishment for girls in the vicinity, and under the charge of charitable ladies. The school at Carra belongs to subscribers, and is managed by a committee, of which Mr. Vernet-Pictet is president. The farm attached to it is forty acres in extent, and is worked, as far as practicable, by the pupils themselves. Of course, in the heavier parts of farming they require assistance. The master of the school is the head farmer, as well as schoolmaster and father of the family. Agricultural labour is the business of the pupil, and instruction fills up the intervals. The pupils enter at about eight years of age, and remain until from eighteen to twenty. During the latter years of their stay, their work begins to be profitable to the establishment, and they are even sent to work in the neighbourhood, or, as is found more advisable, the school docs the work of a neighbouring farm on shares. On the average, however, the manual labour produces but about one- third of the expense of the pui)il. The style of living is so plain, that the wliole cost of the pupil amounts to but little more than ten cents per day. The society supports twenty-five boys of different ages, who live with the master and his family. During the winter, basket-making and other handicraft labour is added to their employments, and the AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL OF TEMPLEMOYLE. 811 older pupils go to market with the produce of the farm. They receive an elementary education, consisting of religious instruc- tion, reading, writing, accounts, mental arithmetic, geography, and Swiss history. The master was educated under the cele- brated Wehrli. It is plain that, as the master is at once the head of the family and instructor, the character of the moral, intellectual, and physical culture of the pupils depends entirely upon him; when it is further considered that a great part of the instruction is incidental, so that no precise rule can be laid down, even as to the time when it is to be given, it is quite as obvious that the whole results of education depend upon his tact, temper, judgment, and other personal qualities, and upon his preparation for this difficult task. Since the foundation of the school, about sixty-seven pupils have been attached to it ; of these, twenty-four have passed through with approbation, twenty-seven were in the school in 1837, and sixteen have been withdrawn. Of twenty pupils for whom places were found by the directors, after six years residence in the institution, twelve were apprenticed as farm-servants or gardeners, three as school- masters, two as house-servants, and three, who had not ade- quate strength for country work, to tradesmen. The commit- tee complain of the difficulty of keeping young men, even thus brought up, in the country, contrary to the general tendency towards the towns. AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL OF TEMPLEMOYLE, NEAR LONDON- DERRY. The Agricultural School of Templemoyle w^as established by the Northwest of Ireland Agricultural Society, in 1827.* It is * I am indebted for a most favourable introduction to this school to Sir R. Ferguson, of Dcrry, one of its most active managers, and had the good fortune to meet there Captain Kennedy, of Lough Ash, the manager of a large estate, in a wild district, where he is pursuing plans for the elevation of the peasantry, which must produce the happiest results. The improvement of his tenants is in an increasing ratio witii the time of their residence on his estate. His school, saving-fund, and bazaar, where articles of use arc sold at cost; his arrangements for leases, loans, agricultural instruction, and moral and religious culture, are all admirably conceived, and executed with a zeal beyond my praise. I do not 312 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. PRIMARV PERIOD. situated in a healthful and picturesque part of the county of Londonderry, about six miles from the city. At the same time with this school, the subscribers established one for the education of mercantile and professional men, not far from Templemoyle, expecting that the latter would prove profitable in a pecuniary point of view, and thus yield assistance for the support of the former.* The idea was, however, not realized, and after a considerable expense in its establishment, the higher school was abandoned, and all the efforts of the subscribers concentrated upon the agricultural school. The plan of Mr. do Fellenberg's establishment was thus taken as a model, but, under the diflcrent circumstances of the case, proved a decided failure. The agricultural school is designed for the education of the sons of farmers, or of young men intended for farming occupa- tions, either on their own account, or in the employ of others. It aims at giving them a plain English education, and a know- ledge of the principles and practice of agriculture. Pupils are admitted at or after fifteen, and should remain in the school during a period dependent upon the age of admis- sion, but as they are pay scholars, they may be removed at any time by their parents. The sum paid for education and maintenancef is not adequate for their support, and yet is so high as to limit essentially the number of pupils which the in- stitution actually receives. In the spring of 1836 there were thirty-three in the school, but in the autumn, this number was increased to sixty-six, by the pupils sent by the commissioners of woods and forests and by societies. The buildings can, how- ever, furnish accommodation for upwards of one hundred. The school has educated, since its establishment, one hundred and know that I have been ever more impressed with a sense of philanlliropic exer- tion, than by a visit to Lough Ash. * To cstublisli the schools, one hundred and sixteen shares of one hundred and twenty. five dollars eaeh weie subscribed by diflVrent comi)anies and indi- viduals, and six thousand dollars were subsecjuently subscribed for the erection of the buildinj^rs at Templemoyle. Various other donations and aiuiual subscrip- tions have been made. t About fifty dollars per annum, $48.66.1 AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL OF TEMPLEMOYLE. 313 seventy-eight youths, from diflerent parts of Ireland and from Scotland. The direction is vested in a committee of the subscribers. The immediate control is divided between the agricultural master, or farmer, who regulates the agricultural labours, the school-master, who divides the time of the pupils with the farmer, and the matron, who has charge of the domestic eco- nomy of the establishment, under the direction of the farmer and instructor. A working-gardener has lately been added, and a piece of ground laid off to be cultivated by the pupils under his du'ection. At half past five the pupils rise, arrange their rooms, say their prayers, and, in two divisions, which alternate on different days, are engaged until eight in study, or in work; half the pu- pils are with the farmer, and half under the school-master, except on extraordinary occasions, when the services of all are required for the farm, or the season releases them from their agricultural duties. At eight they breakfast, and are free until nine; work and attend school, in alternate divisions, from nine until one. Dine at one, and have recreation until two. From two to six, are at work and in school alternately. From six to seven, sup and have recreation. From seven to nine, prepare the lessons for the next day, have prayers, and retire at nine. On Sundays they attend their respective places of worship, and occupy a part of the remainder of the day in religious reading. The intellectual instruction consists in spelling, reading, gram- mar, geography, arithmetic, writing, and book-keeping, with some elementary and practical geometry, and trigonometry. The farmer gives lectures also in the evening, upon the theory of agriculture. It is intended to introduce lectures on botany and agricultural chemistry. The practice includes all the operations of farming, under the different approved systems, the rearing of cattle, the manage- ment of a dairy, and, in general, the incidental as well as the direct occupations of the farmer or agricultural labourer. The head farmer, or agricultural master, is expected to explain the principles of the work in which the pupils arc engaged, and to 40 314 GENERAL EDUCATIOxV. PRIMARY PERIOD. take opportunities for incidental instruction. The operations which he is specially called upon, in the regulations of the com- mittee, to teach, are, ploughing and the setting of the plough, the use of farming instruments in general, the qualities of stock and modes of recognising them, the treatment and manage- ment of dairy and farming stock, the making and repairing of fences, the rotation of crops and those best adapted to different varieties of soils, the modes of draining, reclaiming, and im- proving lands, and the most recent inventions and improve- ments in agricultural implements. The farmer takes those who are sufficiently advanced in knowledge and age to be benefited thereby, to the fairs, to assist in the sale of the products of the farm and stock. The pupils are divided, for work, into sections, each of which has its monitor, or chief, and consists of eight or ten boys. The head monitor, or superintendent, has the control of them, in the absence of the master, and arranges with him the distri- bution of their time, takes an account of the stock, and of the pro- ducts of the labour, and advises with the master in regard to the farm, in such a way as to prepare himself for actual super- intendence. This place is occupied by the elder pupils in rota- tion. The farm consists of one hundred and thirty-three acres,* of which one hundred and twenty-five are arable land. It is worked so as to present examples of the most approved rotation of crops, the fields embraced in the same series of shifts lying ad- jacent to one another. The whole is drained by under-ground drains, according to the Scottish system, and is well enclosed with dilicrent fences as specimens, and trials of the various kinds. The house is substantially built, and contains a school- room, refectory, dormitories, sitting-room, and apartments for the masters, all arranged in the plainest manner, with the out- houses proper for a farm. The garden is laid out for vegeta- • A plot of the ground, as surveyed by the pupils, and drawn by one of tlio number, was prcsjcnlcd to nic, showing the details of tlio arrangement, and the elassification of its parts. The construction of this drawing was one of the prao tical exerciecB of tU^ ^ine^ MANUAL LABOUR SCHOOL AT EALING. 315 tables, fruits, and flowers, and portions have been sown with the various grasses, to exemplify their growth and uses. The discipline of the school is believed to be good, and to be administered with little difficulty. It depends mainly upon the administration of a code of rules by the two masters and ma- tron, and is, therefore, essentially different in spirit from that of the Swiss rural schools. The scale of the institution is also, in all respects, larger, and the character of the education ap- proaches much nearer to that appropriate for a school for spe- cial instruction, as does also the age of the pupils at admission. These circumstances should, of course, modify materially the system, even if the character of the pupils was the same. The domestic economy is simple, and the fare substantial, but very plain. It is remarkable that, with the simplicity of the life, and the age of many of the pupils, some of them being quite men, this school has not yet managed to support itself, even including in the account the payment made by the pupils. It still requires the aid of subscriptions, which, however, are secured to it by a conviction of the general benefits resulting from it. The highest testimony to the usefulness of the pupils who have been educated here, is borne by those who have em- ployed them in their service. MANUAL LABOUR SCHOOL AT EALING. There have been, of late years, many independent efforts in different parts of England to establish schools upon principles better adapted to the wants of the labouring agricultural classes than the ordinary day schools. An attempt was made, in 1833, to form a society,* the object of which was the establishment of a model school for industrial schools for the peasantry, and the union with it of a school for the education of teachers for simi- lar establishments. The attempt was unsuccessful in reference to the society, but a benevolent lady undertook to carry out the plan, in regard to the model school, at her own expense. The * Sec an excellent memoir on Industrial Schools for the Peasantry, in the first publication of the Central Society of Education in London, by Mr. Duppa, secretary of the society. 31G (JENERAL EDUCATION. rRIMARY PERIOD. new school was established at Ealing, a village about five miles from London. It was intended to combine manual labour, chiefly gardening, with instruction in the usual elementary branches, but to introduce the later improvements in the modes of elementary teaching. Tiie task of hnding a master capa- ble of filling such a place was obviously no easy one, and the necessity for employing a teacher imbued with the routine spirit of the common village schools, has, no doubt, retarded the de- velopment of the plan. I saw enough during my visit to this school to be persuaded that, when in full operation, according to the original idea, its results must be of considerable importance, and that even in its present imperfect state, the school is highly beneficial to the rural district in which it is situated. It is an attempt to adapt the spirit of the Swiss rural schools to the cir- cumstances of the English peasantry. " Its leading principles are, that the children should early acquire habits of patient in- dustry ; that they should be acquainted with the value of labour, and know the connexion between it and property ; that they should have intelligence, skill, and an acquaintance with the objects by which they are surrounded; that the higher senti- ments, the social and moral part of their being, should receive a full development."* Habits of industry are promoted by labouring in the garden attached to the school-house. This is divided, one portion being reserved for the use of the school, another being sub- divided into small gardens for the boys. The pupils work in the first under monitors, and receive a compensation in propor- tion to the useful results of their labour. The second they hire at fixed rates, and dispose of the produce as they please, al- ways receiving, however, the market price for it from the school, if they choose to dispose of it there. The younger children are not allowed to undertake gardens on their own account, but work for others or tor the establishment. Part- nerships are sometimes formed among them for the more ad- vantageous cultivation of larger pieces of ground. At thn pe- * See \hv nrticle iK^forc referred t<>. mid w liicli is ollHirtl MANUAL LABOUR SCHOOL AT EALIIVG. 317 riod of my visit, the gardens were planted with vegetables and flovi^ers, and many of them tastefully arranged. All exhibited an appearance of neatness, and during the hours of w^ork the renters appeared busily occupied. The best order reigned among all the children. An occasional simple song was sung in the group who were working for the school, under the di- rection of a monitor. The master directs the whole, and to his suggestions they are indebted for many improvements; it is their privilege to resort to his counsel in cases of difficulty. The school furnishes the w^orking-tools, which for the youngest children are merely a hoe and rake. They have also in-door work for bad weather, consisting of carpentry, the making of w^ooden shoes, &c. 1 was told that the room for containing their gardening-tools, where there is also a trough for washing, had been fitted up by the pupils, and they have shown considerable ingenuity in the repairs of the out-houses attached to the school, and have even entirely constructed one of them. In the beginning a gardener was employed to teach the boys, but this is now done by the master and monitors. An account current with each pupil is kept, in which he is charged with the rent of his ground, and the seeds and plants which he has purchased from the stock, and credited with the produce which he has sold to the schooL Some of the pupils have a considerable surplus on the credit side at the end of the year; one lad is stated to have gained nearly ten dollars from a sixteenth of an acre;* another, of thirteen, to have gained nearly five dollars and a-half, from the gardening between March and November; another, of fourteen, five dollars; and a third, of eleven, the same sum. It is the duty of the master so to arrange that the pu- pils may not lose, unless by providential circumstances; not to intrust, for example, a youth with the charge of a garden before his capability to manage it is sufficiently proved; and not to allow extravagances or glaringly injudicious measures on the part of the little gardeners. The tendency of these * They pay six cents per month to the school as rent for tliis quantity of ground. 318 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. measures is, incidentally to train to habits of respect for pro- perty, of honesty, fair dealing, and mutual assistance, quite as valuable as those of industry. The time employed in manual labour by the elder pupils is three hours, and to this is added three hours and a-half of intellectual instruction. The younger boys are four hours and a-half in school. It would be unfair to compare a school, where the pupils have been so recently brought under instruction, with others of longer standing; hence I would only remark, that the theory of the intellectual instruc- tion was much better than its practice, and express the opinion that the same enlightened superintendence which has accom- plished so much, will probably work out satisfactorily all the details of the plan. The mechanical parts of a new project are always more easily realized than the intellectual. When the young men now training up as teachers in this school shall, in their turn, come to improve the practice which they witness, there can be little doubt of the success of the intellectual department- The greatest novelty is that which has already proved successful. LA MARTINIERE SCHOOL OF LYONS. This school was founded in pursuance of the will of a citizen of Lyons, M. Martin, who left the French army while in Syria, went to India, and entered the service of one of the native princes. He acquired a very large fortune, and at his death left a considerable portion of it to found three charitable insti- tutions, two in India and one at Lyons. The war with Eng- land prevented, for a time, the acquisition, by the city of Lyons, of their portion of this legacy, which, when it came into the treasury, amounted to more than four hundred thousand dol- lars. With this the municipal council determined to found a school for the working classes, and that its benefits might be extended as widely as possible, made a day school of it. The chief object of the institution is to train up an educated class of workmen for the manufactories. The arrangement of the courses has been governed by two principles, the first, to fulfil the object just stated: the second, to avoid the danger of dc- LA MARTINIERB SCHOOL OF LYON^. 819 feating it by over education. Pupils enter at the age of ten, and the elementary attainments in language which they may have made before admission, are rather kept up than extended. Thorough scientific courses, form the basis of further educa- tion, giving them entirely a practical turn, and studiously avoid- ing the speculative. The experience of the school, v^hich has been in full activity only five years, is not yet sufficient to show how far the plan will attain the ends proposed ; but it affords at present some of the best illustrations of exact teaching of science which I have ever seen. In regard to these I shall enter into some particulars, prefacing them by a general notice of the establishment. The school is governed by trustees, chosen by the munici- pality of the city of Lyons, and constituting a board, which' regulates all tlie concerns of the institution, and appoints its officers. The trustees choose committees from among the citizens to attend the examinations -and to distribute the prizes for excellence in the different departments. The selection is made from those who are supposed best acquainted with the branch under examination. Pupils are admitted between ten and fourteen years of age, and remain two, or in special cases, three years. They are expected to be familiar with the studies of the primary schools before entering. The course of instruction is divided into two parts, the first general, the second special. The general course consists of mathematics, drawing, writing, and French, the last two named being intended merely to keep up the attainments made in the primary schools. The special courses are of chemistry and weaving. These latter arc not obligatory; the choice as to whether the pupil will pursue one or other of them, or not, be- ing left with his parents. The object of restricting the courses of writing and French, is to prevent the tendency to leave the more laborious occupations, towards which the institution would direct its pupils, for situations as clerks, &:c. The course of mathematics extends through the two years, 320 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. and embraces arithmetic, algebra to quadratic equations, prac- tical geometry, descriptive geometry, and mechanical prob- lems. There are two classes, each under a professor, \vho is assisted by a "repeater" (rcpetiteur), to go over the lessons, and to exercise the pupils in examples. I have not seen the simultaneous method of instruction so well practised elsewhere as in the course of mathematics of the higher class. Each pupil had a small black-board, on which he wrote with pre- pared chalk, and at a word from the professor the question was written down, and its results shown, after solution. The rapidity and accuracy of the solutions,* and the large proportion of the class who were able to solve the questions, showed that they had been thoroughly taught, and the best possible order resulted from the manner of executing the class movements together, at the word of command. To construct in space the problems of descriptive geometry, relating to the right line and plane, each pupil had a small tablet of wax, and rods of wire of diflerent lengths. All the introductory definitions, as well as the pro- blems, were required to be illustrated by these contrivances, and the problems themselves to be constructed in space before recourse was had to projections. As an introduction to this exercise, the propositions in the fifth book of Legendre's geometry arc constructed in a similar manner. The pupils are engaged in their mathematical studies two hours a-day with a professor, and tw'o hours with a " repeater," or under monitors from the class. The course of drawing also occupies two years. The pupils draw altogether from models, beginning, as in the Prussian • Among the questions were tliese : — Tlie eubc root of 3.333 to three places of decimals, was found in three and a-half minutes. The radius of a sphere of 532 cubic centimetres in capacity, was found in three-quarters of a minute. The capacity of a 5i)here was piven at 513 cubic centimetres, and its specific n^ravity at I'J, the weight was found in three and a-half minutes. In the equations "2x — iy =20, and 3x-\-5ij=50, the values of x and y were found in tlirec minutes. Tiic condenser of a steam engine being supposed to contain 3.25 kilogrammes of steam, required the quantity of water at 'P C, to reduce tlie steam to 25"^ C, this question was solved in two minutes. LA MARTINIERE SCHOOL OF LYONS. 321 method, with the most simple forms, going into the delineation of complex machinery, and making projections as well as per- spective drawings. They begin upon slates, but soon learn to draw upon paper. In general, instruments are not used, even when they come to machine drawing. When I visited the school, a part of the upper class was engaged in completing the perspective of a model of a steam engine, for an approach- ing competition for places. The results of this course also ap- peared to me very satisfactory. These lessons occupy two hours every day. Chemistry is taught practically in the laboratory, and at an hour (from seven to a quarter past eight, A. M.) which does not interfere with the other courses. The class is divided into two sections, each of which has its set of apparatus, and goes through the preparation and execution of the principal experiments and illustrations of a course of chemistry as ap- plied to the arts. They are particularly exercised in the che- mistry of dyeing and bleaching. The facility in the detection of mineral salts, which the pupils m general displayed, showed the efficiency of this method. Habits of observation and ex- actness, as well as skill in manipulation, are gained by the instruction. Weaving is taught theoretically as well as practically, with special reference to the silk manufacture. Whoever has be- come acquainted with the use of the Jacquard loom, will see that there is abundance of room for calculation in regard to its combinations. There are several looms, to afford opportunity for practical exercise. This branch, also, is taught at an hour (half past five to seven, P. M.) which does not interfere with the other instruction. There is also a course of exercise in the manipulations of physics, the institution possessing, besides an extensive collection of apparatus and of models of machines, a number of small sets of the commoner apparatus for the use of the pupils. Writing and French occupy one hour every day. The manner in which all these courses are taught, makes 41 322 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. them more really valuable, as a means of general mental culti- vation, than might at first be supposed, from the limited range of the subjects. The resources of intellect, knowledge, and general manual dexterity, furnished by them, must be of incal- culable value in the particular callings for which the pupils are educated. SEMINARIES FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS. 323 CHAPTER IX. SEMINARIES FOR THE EDUCATION OF TEACHERS FOR THE PRIMARY SCHOOLS. The influence of these establishments upon the primary schools is so great that, though the pupils are, even on entering them, past the primary period in age, this seems to be an ap- propriate place for the introduction of descriptions or notices of them. Originating in Germany, they have been gradually im- proved there, and brought into their present condition, and have spread into Holland, France, Switzerland, and, more recently, into England, being modified only so far as to adapt them to the circumstances of society and education in these several countries. The most imperfect arrangement for providing teachers is that which requires an examination into merely the knov^ledge of the candidates in the branches required to be taught. This is specially imperfect in the case of elementary instruction, where the knowledge required is small in amount, and where the art of teaching finds its most difficult exercise. The erroneous no- tion, that an individual can teach whatever he knows, is now generally abandoned, and in those countries which still adhere to the old method, of depending solely upon examinations for securing competent teachers, examination is made not only of the acquirements of a candidate, but of his ability to give instruction. I have called this the most imperfect method, because the mere employment of a teacher, without examination or personal knowledge of his powers, which still occurs in countries where education is neglected, does not deserve to be mentioned in a discussion of the more enlightened national systems. The most obvious method of acquiring practice in the art of 324 GENERAL EDUCATlOrf. PRIMARY PERIOD. teaching is by serving in the lower departments of a school, under the eye and direction of an experienced teacher. Ac- companied by private study, founded on previous knowledge, and by private lessons, this method may form excellent teachers of those who have particular aptitude for the profession. Con- sidered in the general, however, it must be admitted to have a tendency to produce a routine system in teaching. The pupil- teacher imitates the methods of those with whom he is asso- ciated, and which arc placed before him as models, without examining their principles, or discriminating between their me- rits and defects. He places great stress upon peculiar modes of instruction in particular branches, and when they do not suc- ceed, attributes the fault neither to the methods nor to himself, but to the pupil. The habits of observation and reflection, which enable him to profit by experience, are not developed by this method, and thus, though he may consider experience as a merit, it may produce none of its appropriate results in his case. Accordingly, wherever this mode of preparing teachers has been adopted as a system, as in Holland, or has been incidental to the method of examinations, as in Saxony, it has not stood the test of application in the schools where the modern improvements in teaching have been introduced, much less of a comparison with the method of instruction in special seminaries. The most efficacious means of securing qualified teachers are to be found in the seminaries where a number of young men intending to become teachers are collected, receive a common instruction in the subjects required for the grade of schools in which they propose to teach, or revise and extend this knowledge previously acquired, have lessons in the science and art of teaching, and practice the art under intelligent super- vision. At first, these seminaries produced good scholars, who were, however, deficient as teachers. Then, to remedy this de- fect, lectures and lessons on the science ami art of teaching were multiplied, forming good theoretical teachers, but who were still wanting in practice, wiiich had to be acquired after entering their profession, and, therefore, at the expense of the first pupils placed under their charge. This ditficulty is entirely SEMI Pf ARIES rOR PRIMARY TEACHERS. 325 obviated by schools attached to the seminaries, in which the theoretical lessons may be put in practice, and where the future teachers may observe the methods of others, try their own skill in the art under inspection, and, finally, take part in the regular instruction. The profession of the teacher is raised into respectability by the considerable acquirements exacted of him, and his salary is placed upon a footing appropriate to the outlay of time and means which has been made in reaching the profession. It is a mistake to suppose that the low salaries given in some countries, as in Prussia, for example, indicate that a low estimate is placed upon the station of the teacher; the very reverse is the fact in the particular country mentioned, and the salary will be found adapted to the scale of expenditure of the country, and to the general style and cost of living. When education is to be rapidly advanced, seminaries for teachers afford the means of securing this result. An eminent teacher is selected as director of the seminary, and by the aid of competent assistants, and while benefiting the community by the instruction given in the schools attached to the semi- nary, trains, yearly, from thirty to forty youths in the enlightened practice of his methods; these in their turn become teachers of schools, which they are fit at once to conduct without the failures and mistakes usual with novices; for, though beginners in name, they have acquired, in the course of the two or three years spent at the seminary, an experience equivalent to many years of unguided effort. This result has been fully realized in the success of the attempts to spread the methods of Pesta- lozzi and others through Prussia. The plan has been adopted, and is yielding its appropriate fruits in Holland, Switzerland, France, and Saxony, while in Austria, where the method of preparing teachers by their attendance on the primary schools is still adhered to, the schools are stationary, and behind those of Northern and Middle Germany. These seminaries produce a strong esprit de corps among teachers, which tends powerfully to interest them in their pro- fession, to attach them to it, to elevate it in their eyes, and to 326 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMAKY PERIOD. stimulate them to improve constantly upon the attainments with which they may have commenced its exercise. By their aid a standard of examination in the theory and practice of instruction is furnished, which may be fairly exacted of can- didates who have chosen a different way to obtain access to the profession. Objections have been urged against seminaries for teachers, which apply rather to a defective organization than to the system itself. First, that the youths issuing from them being over-taught, are, in consequence, dissatisfied with their duties, and leave the profession to push themselves forward in a ditlerent career of life; and, second, that theoretical, not practical teachers, are formed by them. The first objection points out the necessity for restricting the instruction to that which is essential to a complete fulfilment of the duties of the teachers educated in these schools. The seminary should not go further, and hence the connexion of such establishments with secondary or other higher schools is inadmissible. If the tendency of a seminary course is to render the teacher dissatisfied with his occupation, experience shows that it is a fault in the particular course, tlie defect not being general to this class of institutions. That a pupil of talent may seek other and more congenial roads to station in life, is no reproach to the seminary where he was educated. The institution secures the services of this pupil to primary in- struction by his pledge at entrance, for a number of years, in return for the education which he has received, and has so far benefited the community. If by any means it prevents the individual from rising to the position where his talents would place him, an act of positive injustice is committed. Not only the instruction, however, but the whole plan of living in the seminary should be adapted to the future destination of the pupil, and indulgences should not be allowed which would pro- duce wants not subsequently to be gratified; such is, in fact, the very system of all properly regulated institutions of this class. That mere theoretical teachers arc formed in well conducted seminaries, is by no means the fact. Every care, on the con- trary, is taken to avoid this: it is true, that general principles SEMINARIES FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS IN PRUSSIA. 827 are inculcated, in order that routine in teaching may be avoided, but these principles are constantly applied, and under circum- stances where error is sure to be pointed out by the observation of class-mates and teachers, and where it can hardly escape correction. The question, whether the pupils of these schools should reside, in common, in the buildings, or board apart from each other, and merely come together to receive instruction, appears to me not to admit of a general solution applicable to every case. The manners and habits of a country, and even the locality of the school, will render one or other method prefer- able in a particular case. Thus, I have no doubt that the ar- rangements of the seminaries at Weissenfcls and at Berlin, in Prussia, at Haarlem in Holland, at Versailles in France, and at Zurich in Switzerland, though they differ from each other, are all adapted to the countries and particular localities where the institutions are established. It will be my object to make such a selection from among the best schools of this class which I visited, as will show some of their principal varieties. The general statistics in regard to them have been given in the introductory remarks upon the systems of primary instruction in thQ different countries, and need not, therefore, be presented here. PRIMARY NORMAL SCHOOLS OF PRUSSIA. Of the very interesting schools for the education of primary teachers in Prussia, I visited several, namely, those at Mocrs, in the Rhenish provinces, of Weissenfels and Erfurt in the pro- vince of Saxony, and of Potsdam and Berlin in the province of Brandenburgh. These are all of the class called "principal normal schools." The " small normal schools" arc exclusively for the education of country teachers, and present, on a diminish- ed scale, and with incomplete means, tiie same general prin- ciples with the others. There is no general code of regulations for the normal schools, the practice being to select some teacher of known merit and tried skill for the head master or director of the in- stitution, and to leave the organization to him, under the con- 328 GENERAL EDUCATION. I'RIMARY PERIOD. trol of the provincial authorities. I liavc selected, as repre- senting this class, an institution in which the pupils live in common, and another in wliich tliey board out of the school. It would be more agreeable to me to give the particulars col- lected in each of those which I visited, but this would be im- possible within the limits of my Report. I can truly say of this class of institutions, that I never visited one without being inte- rested and instructed, and never made the acquaintance of the director of one of them without feeling that his place was wor- thily filled, and that it was wise to have such a man as much untrammelled by rules, regulations, and systems, as possible. While these institutions hold out advantages to young men intending to become teachers, other avenues to the profession are not closed by them ; on the contrary, all who can stand the required examinations may enter this career. Every year an examination is held at every "principal seminary" for those who intend to leave it, and of other candidates for admission to the teachers' profession. This examination takes place in presence of the teachers, of one or more commissaries named by the provincial school-board, and of a school-councillor of the re- gency in which the seminary is situated. The authorities of the province and regency also hold, about the same time, an examination for those who have studied at the universities, frequently candidates in theology, who intend to become teach- ers in the primary schools. The director of the seminary forms one of this board.* The law requires that those who have appeared feeble at this trial, shall be examined tlu'cc years subsequent thereto. The examinations are of three kinds: in writing, viva voce, and by practical exercises of teaching. The written examina- tion of candidates from the seminary, and of otiiers who have not passed through a gymnasium, consists in answering some ten or twenty questions in history, geography, natural philo- • Ministerial orders of June, 1826, and March, 1827, quoted by Dr. Hamiscli in liis account of tlic Fcminary at Wcisscnfels (Das Weisscnfclscr Sclmllclircr seminar und seine liulfsanstaltcn, 1838,) to wliich I am indebted for the accoimt of the cxaminationp. SEMINARIES FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS OF PRUSSIA. 329 sophy, natural history, arithmetic, and from the Bible. Besides which they set a bass to an air given for the purpose, and exe- cute a drawing. The character of the handwriting appears from the exercises. The viva voce examination embraces the German language, reading, mental arithmetic, geometry, the art of teaching, and the reading of music. The exercise in teaching consists in giving a catechetical lesson upon some subject assigned by the examiner. The student-candidates (Literaten, oder Studirten), and those examined for a second time, are questioned especially in regard to practical teaching. The candidates are divided, according to the results of the ex- amination, into three classes, entirely satisfactory, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory. The subjects of examination arc enume- rated as follows: 1. Christian doctrine and explanation of the Bible. 2. Knowledge of the Bible and Bible history. 3. Ger- man language. 4. Style. 5. Reading. 6. Writing. 7. Mental and written arithmetic. 8. Geometry. 9. Natural philosophy and natural history. 10. Hygiene and gardening. 11. His- tory of the earth and its inhabitants. 12. Drawing. 13. Vocal music. 14. Science of teaching. 15. Readiness in teaching. Besides which are, in addition, 1. Skill in playing on the organ. 2. Propriety in leading church music. Of the above named subjects, number 15 is considered the principal; the first seven constitute the more important, and the last seven the less important. When a candidate has been marked "entirely satisfactory" in all the branches, he receives a general mark of the same kind; when only in 15, and the first seven branches, the general mark satisfactory. A failure in one of the more important branches, would require a general remark of unsatis- factory.* The results of these examinations afibrd a direct means of comparison between the young teachers educated in the seminaries and others, and serve to stimulate both classes, and especially to point out defects where they exist in the schools for teachers. * Order of the Provincial School Board, November, 1834, quoted by Dr. liar- nisch in his account of the seminary at Weissenfels. 42 830 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS AT WEISSENFEL9. This seminary, for the education of teachers for the elemen- tary schools, is one of four belonging to the province of Saxony,* and was last organized in 1822. It combines within its pre- mises, or in the neighbourhood, so as to be subject to the con- trol of the same director, the following establishments: 1. The normal school, or seminary for teachers, a government insti- tution. 2. A preparatory school subsidiary to the former, and established by the enterprise of its teachers. 3. A semi- nary school, or burgher school, of four hundred pupils, already described. 4. An elementary school for poor children, of two hundred pupils. 5. A school for the deaf and dumb, of twenty- five pupils, established in 1828, and supported by the govern- ment. The last three mentioned schools afford practice to the students of the seminary. The government of these establishments is confided to a director,! who is responsible immediately to the provincial school-board in Magdeburg. He has the personal charge of the seminary in which he gives instruction, and of which he superintends the domestic economy, discipline, and police. He is assisted, in the seminary, by three teachers, who meet him once a week in conference, to discuss the progress and conduct of the pupils, the plans of instruction, and other matters relating to the school. There are also seven assistant teachers, five for the seminary school, and two for the deaf and dumb institution, who also assist in the seminary itself Once a month there is a general meeting of the teachers of all the schools just enume- rated, for similar purposes. Api)licants for admission are required to produce certificates of baptism, of moral conduct, and of health,J besides an en- gagement on the part of their parents or guardians to pay an • At Magdcburp^, Ilalbcrstadt, Erfurt, and Wcisscnfels. t The Rev. Dr. Ilaniiscli, to whom I am iiidchted for a kind welcome to Ins institution, and a MS. account of its diflercnt schools. t The directions issued by tiic provincial authorities arc, that they shall liavc a strong chest and sound lungs, not be too near-sightcd, nor deaf, nor infirm. The physician's certificate must slate whether tliey Jiavc I)ad the measles, &:c SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS AT WEISSENFELS. 3^1 annual sum of fifty thalcrs (thirty-seven dollars) for mainte- nance. These papers must be forwarded to the director a fort- night before the day of examination. The candidates are exam- ined at a stated time of the year (after Easter), in presence of all the teachers of the school, and their attainments must prove satisfactory in Bible and church histor}^, the Lutheran Cate- chism, reading, writing, German grammar, especially the or- thography of the language, the ground-rules of arithmetic (mental and written), geography and history, and natural his- tory and philosophy, of the grade of the highest class of a burgher school. They must also be able to play, at sight, easy pieces of music upon the violin. The usual age of admission is eighteen, and the lowest at which they are admissible, seven- teen. On entrance they are entitled to free lodging and in- struction, and if their conduct and progress are satisfactory, in general, receive a yearly allowance of twenty-five dollars, which is equivalent, nearly, to the cost of their maintenance. Their clothing and school-books are provided by the pupils. The modes of preparation judged most appropriate by the authorities of the seminary are, the attendance on a burgher school, with private lessons from a competent teacher, or en- trance into the preparatory establishment at Weissenfels. A gymnasium is considered by no means a proper place for the preparation of pupils, its courses, discipline, and mode of life having a different tendency from that required by the future teacher of a common school. The admission of new pupils takes place with some cere- mony, in presence of the teachers and pupils. The director gives a charge, in which he makes them acquainted with the rules of the school, chiefly those relating to moral con- duct, to obedience to the authorities, punctuality, regular at- tendance at study, school, church, and, in general, on the ap- pointed exercises, due exertion, neatness in their habits, and exactness in the payment of dues to the tradesmen with whom they may deal. They bind themselves to serve for three years after leaving the school, in whatever situation may be assigned them by the regency of Merscburg, or to pay the cost of their 332 GENERAL EDUCATION. TRLMARY PERIOD. education and maintenance. During their stay at the seminary, they are exempted from military service, except for six weeks; in fact, this service usually takes place at leaving the school, and before entering upon their new career. The number of pupils, on the average, is sixty. The courses of instruction are, morals and religion, German, arithmetic and geometry, cosmology, pedagogy, terraculture, Iiygiene, theory and practice of music, drawing, and writing. Cosmology is a comprehensive term for geography, an outline of history and biography, the elements of natural history and natural philosophy, all that relates to the world (earth) and its inhabitants. Pedagogy includes both the science and art of teaching. The courses just enumerated are divided among the masters, according to the supposed ability of each in the par- ticular branches, the whole instruction being given by the four teachers. The director, as is customary in these schools, takes the religious instruction, and the science and art of teaching, as his especial province, and adds lectures on the theory of farming and gardening (terraculture), and of health. The duration of the course of studies has been reduced from three years to two, on account, as is alleged, of the ne- cessity for a more abundant supply of teachers. There are, probably, other reasons, such as the expense, and the fear of over-educating the pupils for their station, which have been influential in bringing about this reduction. There are two classes corresponding to the two years of study. The first year is devoted entirely to receiving instruction, and in the se- cond, practice in teaching is combined with it. In the prepa- ratory school there is likewise a course of two years, and the pu})ils are divided into two classes. This establishment is in a building near the seminary, which can accommodate forty pupils, and is under the special charge of one of the teachers.* The outline of the studies in the two schools is as follows: * Tlic payments made by tlie pupils arc, per annum, for instruction, nine dol- lars; for dinner, bread not included, tliirteen dollars and fifty cent^; lodfjinn^, three dollars, waiting and nursing in time of sickness, one dollar and seventy-five cents; use of librarv, fifiv cents. SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS AT WEISSENFELS. 333 Religious Instruction. PREPARATOrvT SCHOOL. II Class. Bible stories, which tlie pupils must be able to narrate with pro- priety. Christian doctrine. Portions of Scripture committed to memory. Four hours weekly. I Class. Reading the Bible, especially the historical parts. Krummaeher's Bible Catechism. Christian doctrine. Parables of the New Testament. Seven hours. In the lectures on Christian doctrine, which the two classes of the normal school attend together, the director gives a por- tion of Scripture to be committed to memory, explains and illustrates it, and interrogates the pupils, who take notes of the lecture, which they subsequently write out. NORMAL SCHOOL. II Class. Reading the Bible, particularly the historical parts ; writing cate- chetical exercises, adapted to children. Two hours. I Class. Continuation of the second class course. Two hours. I and II Class. Christian doctrine, from Luther's Catechism. Three hours. History of the different dispensations. Two hours. A course of two years. The course of church history is taught, also, by the mixed method of lecture and interrogation, to both classes united. German Language. PREPARATORY SCHOOL II Class. Exercises of speech in reading and delivery. Descriptions and essays on subjects drawn from common life. Grammar. Writing as an exer- cise in calligraphy and orthography. Nine hours. I Class. Reading, with explanations. Composition. Grammar revised. Writing, as in the second class. Nine hours. NORMAL SCHOOL. II Class. Reading, with explanations. Writing, as an exercise of calligra- phy and orthography. Exercises of style. A composition once every month. Essays from history, geography, or natural history. Grammar revised. Eight liours. I Class. Poetry, with readings. Calligraphy. Exercises of style. Grammar revised. National literature. Seven hours. The first and second classes are united for a portion of instruction in this de- partment, intended to rid tlicm of provincialisms of speech, and to improve their handwriting. Three hours. 334 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. Ma(?ietnatic8. PREPARATORV SCHOOL. II Class. Arillimclia, including the Rule of Three. Three liours. I Class. Arrtlimctic, revised and extended. Use of compass and ruler. Four hoars. NORMAL SCnOOI^ II Class. Geometry, commenced. Four hours. I Class. Revision of previous studies. Geometry, continued. Two hours. The method of teaching mathematics is that of Pestalozzi; and director Harnisch lias himself prepared a work on geome- try for his pupils. The applications arc made to follow the principles closely. As in the other courses, the greater part of the learning is done in the school-room, the books being used rather for reference than for preparation. In the lessons which I attended in this department, much skill was displayed by the instructors, and a very considerable degree of intelli- gence by the pupils. Considering it as the means of develop- ing the reasoning powers, this method is very far superior to that in which the propositions are learned from books. To exemplify the method of Ur. Harnisch, I may state the follow- ing case of a recitation in geometry by the second class. The equality of two triangles, w^hen the two sides and the angle con- tained between them in one are equal respectively to the tw^o sides and the contained angle in the other, had been shown by the teacher, and the demonstration repeated by the pupils, who were interrogated closely upon it. An application of the theorem was at once required, to determining the distance between two points, one of which is inaccessible. Two of the class found the solution immediately, and all were able to take part in the subsequent discussion of the problem. Cosmology, (Weltkunde.) rREPARATORY SCIIOOU II Class. Elements of botany and zoology. Excursions for practical instruc- lion in the former. Four lionrs. I Class. Geography and the drawing of maps. Elements of physics and tccli- nology. Biography. Tiiree liours. NORMAL SCHOOL. II Class. Revision of the above studies. TJirce hours. I and II CMasses united. General views of the eurtii and its productions and SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS AT WEISSENFELS. 33^5 inhabitants. One hour weekly for one year. Gardening and hygiene (Gesund- heitskunde). Two hours weekly for two years. The lectures in the normal school on these subjects are by the director. The means of illustration in physics are small, and the whole course is chiefly intended to show the future teachers how wide a range of knowledge may be opened to them by study. The natural history is illustrated for the most part by drawings. To render the seminarists more useful in their situation of country school-masters, which a large proportion of the pupils become, they have lectures on the principles of agri- culture and gardening, and also practical lessons from the gardener, who has charge of the grounds. The pupils work during the appropriate season every day in turn, under the di- rection of the gardener. Good manuals, conveying correct but elementary instruction on these matters, are much wanted. They should, perhaps, be prepared by a teacher, but by no means allowed to go into use without revision by persons specially acquainted with the different branches of science thus grouped together. This revision would insure the accuracy which, though diificult to attain, is so necessary; the more so in conveying such elements, as there is no collateral knowledge to correct or modify error as to fact or theory. Science and Art of Teaching. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. The first class receive simple directions for keeping school, and lessons on teaching. They attend in turn the classes of the seminary scliools two hours weekly, but take no part in teaching. NORMAL SCHOOL. II Class. Lessons on teaching, three hours. Visits to the schools, three hours. I Class. Lessons on the art of teaching, tliree hours. Visits to the scliools, five hours. Lessons on the instruction of the deaf and dumb, by tiie director of that department, one hour. I and II Classes united. Science of teaching, two hours. The director delivers the course on the science of teachins:, which in these schools is considered of the highest importance, and also gives a portion of the lessons in the art of teaching to the first class. 33G GENERAL EDUCATION. TIILMARY PERIOD. Tlie theoretical instruction in the science and art of teach- ing embraces two courses, eacii of a year, the first being de- voted cliiefly to education in general, the second, to instruction and the arransccments of the school.* The director remarks of this course, that the pupils learn by it to say a good deal upon these subjects, and sometimes believe that they can easily execute what they can so readily describe, an opinion of which practice can alone show the error, and which it is es- sential should be removed. The general theory of education is founded upon the constitution of man, and under the head of instruction, the methods of teaching the various branches arc described. The practice w^hich must render this theory of real use is had in part in the schools. The pupils attend the free school, the burgher school, and the deaf and dumb school, at stated times. They go at first as listeners, next take part in the instruction, under direction of the assistant teachers, and lastly instruct the classes. In order that they may have models of teaching, not only in the assistants, but in the teachers of the seminary themselves, the latter give lessons occasionally in the diflcrent schools; thus the director teaches one hour per week in the seminary school, the second teacher two hours, and the third and fourth teachers four hours. The lower class attend the several classes of the burgher school, except the highest girls' class, remaining, in general, one fifth of the time in each class except the lowest, where they remain double this time, and visiting each class twice at intervals. The upper class attend also the girls' class, the deaf and dumb scliool and the free school, remaining one-eighth of their time in each of the classes. Each member of the lower class keeps a journal of his visits to the schools, which is inspected by the second • Harnisch's Manual of Common School Matters (Handbuch des Volks-schul- wcscns) is used as a text-book. A more common division of the course is into pedagogics, or the principles of education and instruction. Methodics, or the art of teachinjj the system or methods of cduculion, to which a tliird division is sometimes added, called di- dactics, which relates to the subjects of education, (Sehwarz Erziehunjr und I'n- Icrrichta Ichrc.) SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS AT WEISSENFELS. 337 teacher. Each of the first class draws up a report of his oc- cupation and observations in the schools, which is reviewed by the assistant teacher of the class to which it refers, and is then examined by the second teacher and by the director. The several assistant teachers make reports upon the qualifica- tions of the seminarists who have given instruction in their classes. By these arrangements, a pupil who has the mental qualities essential to a teacher, cannot fail to become well versed in the practice of his profession. Habits of observation are inculcated, w^hich must be of great service to him in his practice, enabling him to adapt himself to the circumstances in which he is placed, and to profit by the experience of every day. To exemplify the principles and methods, a small number of the children from the seminary school are brought into the class- room of the seminary, and are examined upon a given subject by some of the pupils. The class present and the director make their notes on these examinations, and the exercise terminates by an examination of the children by the director himself, as an exemplification of his views, and that they may not receive injury from being left in a half or ill-informed state on the sub- jects of the lesson. The children having retired, the difl^erent members of the class make their criticisms, which are accepted or shown to be erroneous by the director, a conference or dis- cussion being kept up until the subject is exhausted. The cha- racter of each exercise is marked by the director, who is thus enabled to judge of the progress made by every member of the class, and to encourage or admonish privately, according to circumstances. The lectures given by the head master of the school for the deaf and dumb are also accompanied by practice, a certain number of pupils being detained every day for that purpose. The basis of the method is the idea that it is possible to restore the deaf mute to society, by enabHng him to understand spoken language from the motion of the lips, and to speak intelligibly by mechanical rules. It is hoi)ed ultimately, by training every school-master in this method, that the mute may be instructed in 43 338 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. schools with other children, and thus not be required to sunder ties of kindred during a long absence fronn home. The pupils of the deaf and dumb institution do not live in the establishment, but are boarded with tradesmen of the town of Weisscnfcls; the object is to induce the practice of the lessons out of school, the pupils being enjoined to avoid tlie use of signs. The first lesson is one in articulation. The principle of this instruc- tion is now dominant in Germany, but up to this time the sys- tem has not been fairly tried by its results. The indomitable perseverance of the masters of the principal schools which I visited struck me with admiration, but I was not convinced that what they aimed at was practicable, at least to the extent which their principle asserts. The attempt deserves, however, the best encouragement. Drawing. TREPARATORY SCHOOL. The two classes united for geometrical and perspective drawing. NORMAL SCHOOL. The same course continued. Music. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Tlie two classes united for instruction in the elements of music. Clioral sing- ing. Instruction is given on the piano and organ to the pupils, divided into four sections. Tliey are also taught the violin. NORMAL SCHOOL. The instruction, as just stated, is continued. Theory of music. Composition. The violin is taught as the means of leading the exercises in singing in the elementary schools. The piano serves as an in- troduction to the organ, a knowledge of which is important to the Prussian school-master, as enabling him to act as organist in the church of the parish where his school may be situated. So high a value is placed upon an elementary knowledge in vocal music, that an ability to give instruction in it is indispen- sable to admission into the class of teachers. It is not, therefore, surprising that the pupil.s of the seminaries in general are pro- ficients in music I confess, however, that I was not pit'iiared SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS AT WEiSSENFELS. 339 for the advance in the theory and practice to which many of the first class in this school had attained. In regard to the former, I was present at one of the exercises in composition, in which the teacher* read, and the pupils transcribed three stanzas of poetry. This done, they were required to compose an air adapted to the words. In less than ten minutes a fifth of the class were ready. The teacher took his station at a black-board, on which the ledger lines were drawn, and one of the pupils whom he designated began to sing the words to the air which he had composed, the teacher writing the music meanwhile. This air was pronounced not to be original. A second was tried, which the teacher thought an imitation. A third and fourth he accepted, and wrote upon the board. They w^ere criticised by both the class and teacher, set to parts by the former, and sung. The two classes were in the next hour united for choral singing, in which many are proficient, the teacher leading at the organ. The course of drawing is hmited in extent, the object being chiefly to give opportunities to those pupils who have a taste for drawing to cultivate it. In fact, as it tends to divert atten- tion from more important matters, which the short time spent at the seminary requires entire devotion to, it is not much en- couraged. The four teachers attached to the normal school have charge of specific departments of labour, as well as of particular im- plements of instruction. The director has the general super- intendence of the instruction, discipline, household arrange- ments, and finance, and is librarian of their small collection. The second teacher has charge of one of the schools, of the mu- sical exercises, books, and instruments; a third, of the students when assembled, especiall}^ in the school-house, and of the draw- ings, copy-slips for writing, and maps. The fourth superintends the pupils while in the dwelling-house, and also at meals. These teachers are aided in their duties by younger ones attached to the seminary, under the title of assistant teachers. The dining-hall, or the recitation-rooms, serve as places of study. 340 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY rERIOlJ. according as the pupils arc in the school-house or in the dwell- ing, the two buildings being separated by a portion of the grounds. The chapel, which is a neat room connected with the school-house, serves for the music-room, as well as for the religious exercises. The order of the day in the normal school will serve to show how constantly these young men are employed in pre- paring for the duties of their arduous profession, and yet they appeared to me always cheerful in the performance of their self-imposed task. In winter, the pupils rise at five, and, after washing and dressing, have a brief religious exercise, and study until breakfast, which is at seven o'clock. Until eight there is recreation. From eight until twelve they are in school, en- gaged in recitation, listening to lectures, or teaching. From twelve until one they have dinner and recreation. From one until five they arc again in school. From five until seven or half past seven, in summer, there is recreation, or excursions are made with a teacher, and then study until nine. In win- ter there is recreation until six, from six to eight study, and from eight to nine musical exercises, one-third playing on the violin, another on the organ or piano, and another singing. At half past nine in winter, and ten in summer, the pupils retire. There are prayers morning and evening. On Wednesday and Saturday tliey have half of the day for recreation, and in sum- mer make excursions to collect plants or minerals. A place for gymnastic exercises is provided, and used during the hours of recreation. The moral education of these young men is closely attended to. They not only receive direct religious instruction, but the best examples are constantly before them. The chief reward for proficiency or good conduct is the approbation of the teach- ers, the principal punishment, short of dismission, their dis- approbation. The director has, also, the inlluence resulting from his jiowcr to give pecuniary assistance to the meritorious, whilt; ill the school, and tu secure them good places at leav- ing it. The ^iv.'Ucst harmony reigns throiiglH)Ut the cstablisli- inL'iit. Oil \\u) <'MMiii)'j;s of Satur(l;i\-, there are fre(juenlly par- ties ill turn ;iiiiuii.r the Irnrhrrs, In w hi<-h lli<' piipiN iwo iiivitecJ, SEMINARY rOR TEACHERS AT WEISSENFELS. 341 and where there is usually music. Those who have acquaint- ances in the town, are encouraged to visit their families, but the places of visiting must be known to the director. Physical education is most essential where young men, at the time of life of these seminarists, are sedulously engaged in intel- lectual pursuits, and necessarily so much confined to the house. They, therefore, have gymnastic exercises or work in the fields or garden, or walk during those periods of the day and parts of the w^eek allowed for recreation. Care is taken that, unless indisposed, they do not remain in the house at those times, when the weather permits them to be in the open air. There is an infirmary for the sick, in which one of the pupils in turn acts as nurse, and a physician is called in when necessary. The school year is divided into three terms, the first from the beginning of June until August, the second from September to Christmas, and the third from January to May. The holidays are four weeks in August, two at Christmas, and one at Easter. During the first two named, the pupils go home to their friends. Christmas is celebrated in the school, and at the close of the first and second terms there are private examinations, the re- sults of which are communicated to the students. At the close of the third term, the examination for passing from the second to the first class is held, and none arc promoted from one class to another unless fully proficient in the courses of the past year. At the end of the second year, they are examined upon the whole range of study, and in composition and orthography. Those who pass satisfactorily receive a diploma, and find no difliculty in obtaining employment as teachers. Some of the most promising are frequently retained in the schools of the in- stitution as assistant teachers, under the appointment of the di- rector. The additional experience thus gained is of in][)ortance in a professional, and ultimately in a pecuniary point of view. Every pupil, on leaving the school with a diploma, makes a drawing, or copies a piece of music or of writing, which he leaves as a memento. The pupils of all the normal schools are bound by law to serve in such situations as may be assigned to them for three years, or to pay certain sums in lieu of this service. 31'2 VEN'KRAL F.DUrATIOX. PRIMARY PERIOD. The domestic economy is siipcrintcnded by llic director, who has a house-keeper under his orders. Dinner is provided at a common table, but each person furnishes himself with break- fast and sujiper. The diet is of the plainest kind, but there is meat for dinner every day in the week except two.* The po- lice of the establishment is attended to by the pupils themselves. The members of the second class, in turn, have charge of the police of the school-rooms, dormitories, of the lamps, of ringing the bell, &c., or these duties arc executed by those who have fallen under censure. The first class superintend the fires and out of door work, have charge of the cellar, store-room, lavatory, &c. There are three dormitories, under the general superin- tendence of one of the teachers, aided by pupils selected for the purpose. The bed and bedding are furnished by the pupils at entrance. The lodging of these youths is, like their fare and clothing, of the plainest sort ; a plainness which puts in strong relief the richness of the moral and intellectual culture aflbrd- ed by the institution.f SEMINARY FOR TEACHERS OF THE CITY SCHOOLS AT BERLIN. This is one of the more recently erected seminaries, and its objects are declared to be — first, to educate teachers for the city schools ; second, to enable teachers to advance in tiieir voca- tion, by providing them with lectures, and with a library ; and third, to enable candidates for the ministry to become some- what acquainted with the art of teaching, as they are required, subsequently, to act as inspectors of the schools. The first of these is the main object of the institution. The teachers to be furnished are, in general, of the grade required for the burgher schools. This, with its location in the city, renders the general • The dinner costs seven dollars and fifty cents per annum, or about two cents und a-half per day. If a pupil receives no stipend from the institution, he is charged but half this sum. t The yearly cost of this institution is but about twcnty-ciglit hundred and forty dollars. The director receives a salary of six liundred dollars, which en- ables him to live very comfortably, and to maintain his proj)cr station, on a par with the burgher nuthorities, the elerjfyman, distiict judj^^e, &c. SEMINARY FOR CITY TEACHERS AT BERLIN". 34^ plan of this school different from that already described. The care taken in the selection of the directors of the normal schools prevents the necessity for minute regulations, and does what no regulation can, namely, infuses the proper spirit; hence, there will always be found differences in the minute details of these institutions, which may not, however, be essential. The director of this seminary* is also the head of the school of practice attached to it, and already described. There are, besides him, eight teachers for both the school and seminary. The pupils of the latter arc about fifty in number. The pupils generally live out of the seminary, there being accommodations but for sixteen or eighteen within the buildings. It is an important question, whether the method of boarding the pupils in or out of the house shall be adopted in these institu- tions, and I believe that it has been rightly solved, both at Weis- senfels and here, adopting in the former school the method of collecting the pupils, and in the latter, of allowing them to dwell apart. The conditions for admission are nearly those, as to certi- ficates, age, and qualification, of the Weissenfels school, taking as the standard of qualification the attainments of pupils from the preparatory department. Thus, eighteen years is the gene- ral age of admission, and the applicants must present to the school-board of the province certificates of baptism, of having attended the first communion, of having attended school, of mo- ral conduct, of good health, and that their parents or guardians will support them while at the seminary. The candidates are ex- pected to be prepared for examination on the principal parts of the Bible and the chief truths of Christianity, and to be acquainted with some of the principal church songs; to express themselves correctly in words and in writing, and to have a good know- ledge of the etymology of the German language; to understand the ground rules of arithmetic, proportions, and fractions, and the elements of form in geometry, to possess a competent know- ledge of geography and history, to know the use of mathe- matical instruments, and to have an elementary knowledge of * Dr. Dicbtcrwcg. 311 CE.VERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. music. The school docs not professedly maintain any pupil wliile receiving instruction, but assists some of those of the second year who are meritorious, and makes a further advance to those of the tiiird year who have shown themselves worthy of their calling.* The courses are of three years' duration, of which the first is entirely occupied with revising and extending the attainments of the pupil; the second is, in part, devoted to teaching, but under the inspection of the director, and the third is mainly filled up with teaching in the school attached to the seminary or others of the city. This arrangement is intended, first, to secure a due amount of scholarship on the part of the pupils, and next, to make practical teachers of them. The first essays in their art are made under close supervision, and subsequently, the independent teaching aflx)rds them opportunities for compar- ing the theoretical principles which are inculcated in the lec- tures at the seminary with their daily observation, and the communication of their remarks in meetings with the director gives them the advantage of his experience in guiding their observation. The scope of the instruction here does not ditler essentially from that at Weissenfels, the subjects being reproduced in a dilTcrent form. The following table gives the names of the branches, with the time occupied in each of the classes, the third class being the lowest. The course of each class is a year in duration. The liours of duty are from seven in the morning until noon, and from two in the afternoon until four for the second and third classes, with few exce})tions. The first class receive their instruction from half past five until half past seven in the evening, except on Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday is a half-holiday for the lower classes, as well as Saturday. The religious instruction is given by a clergyman. Tiie physical education is left much to the discretion of the young » Tlii.H may lunouiit lo sixty dollars yearly. The boarders at the school pay but three dollars uiui thirty -seven eeiiU per (juarter for their lodging. An entrance fee of twelve dollars m paid, which excnipUs the pupil from furtlicr cliargca for instruelion. SEMINARY FOR CITY TEACHERS AT BERLIN. 845 men, at least in case of those who Hve out of the seminary. The school is deficient, as the one already described, in the means of illustrating the courses of natural philosophy and natural his- tory, but the pupils may have access to the natural history col- lections of the university. Tabic of Ihc distribution of time among the different employments at tlic Berlin Seminary. SUBJECTS OF STUDY, &c. Pedagogy, - - - Practice, - . - - Religious Instruction, Theory of Music, - Vocal Music, - - German Language, Reading, - - - . Arithmetic, - - - Geometry, - - . Geography, - - - History, - - . . Zoology, - - . - Mineralogy, - - - Physics, .... Drawing, - . - . Writing, - . . , Playing the Violin, - 44 HOURS PER WEEK. rn w rt O O o T3 § 12 Im ^ g o 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 5 o 6 2 2 3 4 2 o 1 2 1 2 o o o o 2 o 2 2 o 1 2 3 3 34G GENERAL EDUCATIOif. PRIMARY PERIOD. The method of instruction, as in the other school, is mainly by lecture, with interrogations. The inductive system is fol- lowed in the mathematical branches. The works of the di- rector on these subjects enjoy a high reputation, and are in use in many of the schools. The exercise called " practice," in the duty of the first class, is that which I have already described, where the pupil gives instruction under the eye of his class-mates and of the director, and this instruction is made the matter of subsequent criticism. Here the semi- narists themselves act as pupils, receiving supposed lessons from one of their class, while at Wcissenfels, pupils from the seminary class are called in. This latter plan appears to me to have great advantages over the one adopted here, which, however, is used, I believe, only in the case of the first class, who receive lessons at times when the schools are not in session. PRIMARY NORMAL SCHOOL AT HAARLEM. This school, which has been already referred to in the chap- ter on primary instruction in Holland, is peculiar in regard to instruction, practice in teaching, and disciphne. It is intended to prepare for at least the second grade among primary teachers, which, it will be remembered, qualifies for the mastership of any primary school, the first class being an honorary grade. The age of admission, the time of continuance, and the courses of instruction, are regulated accordingly. The director* is the head of the institution, and controls absolutely all its arrangements. His principle, that a teacher in such a place should be left to study the character and dis- positions of his pupils, and to adapt his instruction and disci- pline to them, dispenses with rules and regulations, or con- stitutes the director the rule.f To carry out this principle * Mr. Prinscn, to whom I have already referred as one of a class of teachers who adorn tliis profession in Holland. t When M. Cousin, in his visit to Haarlem, invited Mr. Prinscn to conunuiii- catc to hiiu the rtgululions of his school, and tlicn to sliow him how tliey were carried out, furst tlic rule, then the results, tlie director replied, " I am tJic rule." NORMAL SCHOOL AT HAARLEM. 347 requires that the scliool should not be numerous, and it is ac- cordingly limited to forty pupils. There is an assistant to the director, who shares in the general instruction with him, and upon whom the religious teaching of the pupils specially de- volves. The school is visited periodically by the inspector- general, who examines the pupils personally, and notes their ge- neral and individual proficiency. To be admitted, a youth must be over fifteen years of age, and have passed an examination upon the studies of the elemen- tary school, satisfactory to a district-inspector, who recom- mends him for admission. He is received on probation, and at the end of three months, if his conduct and proficiency are satisfactory to the director, is recommended to the minister of public instruction, who confirms his appointment. The course of theory and practice lasts four years in ge- neral, though, if a pupil have the third low^er grade of public instruction in view, which is attainable at eighteen years of age, he is not required to remain connected with the institution be- yond that age, and indeed may leave it, on his own responsi- bility, before the close of the regular course. The second grade is only attainable at the age of twenty-two, and hence it is not usual for pupils to enter this school as early as the law permits. The theoretical instruction is composed of a review and extension of the elementary branches, as the Dutch lan- guage, geography, arithmetic, elementary geometry, the history of the country, natural history, religion, writing, and vocal music, and also of general geography and history, natural philosophy, and the science and art of teaching. This is communicated in the evenings, the pupils meeting at the school for the purpose. During the day they are occupied in receiving practical in- struction, by teaching under the inspection of the director in the elementary school already spoken of, attached to the nor- mal school and occupying its rooms, or in teaching in some other of the elementary schools of the town of Haarlem. They pass through different establishments in turn, so as to see a variety in the character of instruction. The director, as in- spector of primary schools in this distrcl, visits frequently those 348 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. Avherc his pupils arc employed, and observes their teaching, and also receives a report from the masters. The observations and reports are turned to account in subsequent meetings with liis class. The pupils do not board together in the normal school, but are distributed through the town, in certain families selected by the director. They form a part of these families during their residence with them, being responsible to the head for the time of their absence from the house, their hours, and conduct. They take their meals with the families, and are furnished with a study and sleei)ing-room, fire, lights, &c. The director pays the moderate sum required for this accommodation from the annual stipend nllowcd by government.* The efficiency of such a system depends, of course, upon the habits of family life of the country, and upon the locality where the school is established. In Holland and Haarlem the plan succeeds well, and has the advantage that the pupils are constantly, in a de- gree, their own masters, and must control themselves, and that they are never placed in an artificial state of society or kind of life, which is the case when they arc collected in one establish- ment. The director makes frequent visits to these families, and is informed of the home character of his pupils.f The discipline of a normal school is of course one of the easiest tasks connected with it, for improprieties or levities of conduct arc inconsistent with the future calling of the youth. Admoni- tion by the assistant and by the director are the only coercive means resorted to, previous to dismission. The director has authority to dismiss a student without consulting the minister, merely rci^orting the fact and case to him. Though this power * This annual stipend is ninety dollars. Supposing that a student has an entire hursary, he will require some additional funds to support him while at tlie Bcliool; for his board, lodjrinfr, &,c. cost two dollars per week, whieh, for the forty- two weeks of term-time, amounts to eighty-four dollars, leaving him but six dol- lars for incidental expenses. t Director Prinsen entirely disclaims the use of the police as aiding in the dis- cipline of tlie school, and alleges that, in attributing this to him, AI. Cousin has niisunderstcH>d his remarks on the subject. See Cousin on ruMie Instruction in Holland, Cliaj»tcr on Ilanrlcm. PRIMARY NORMAL 6CH00LS OF VERSAILLES AND DIJON. 849 may be important in increasing his influence, yet it has been necessary to exercise it but three times in twenty years. There are two vacations of from four to six weeks each, during wliich the pupils, in genera], return to tJicir friends. Tiic school has a lending-library of books relating to teaching, and of miscel- laneous works. Tiiis useful institution supplies for the primary schools every year from eight to twelve well prepared masters, who propagate throughout the country the excellent methods and principles of teaching here inculcated. PRIMARY NORMAL SCHOOLS OF VERSAILLES AND CIJON. Of the primary normal schools of France, first organized by the law^ of 1833, I visited two, which were specially recom- mended by high authority, those at Versailles and Dijon. With certain distinctive differences depending upon the personal character of the directors, and upon the localities, the general system of these schools is the same. I propose, first, to give a sketch of the arrangement of that at Versailles, and to follow this by a notice of that at Dijon. When the normal schools of France have had the same amount of experience which those of Germany now enjoy, a comparison can be more fairly made between them than at present. In France, the primary normal schools are yet in a condition of experiment, and it must be some time before the sj^stem best suited to the different parts of the country has been selected. The first of the above named schools furnished, in 18375 twenty, and the second seventeen primary teachers. The primary normal school of Versailles is for the depart- ment of Seine^ and Oise. It comprises within its ample pre- mises* several establishments for the instruction and practice of teachers. The school itself contains eighty pupils under regular instruction throughout the year, and furnishes a two months' course to adult school-masters. The establishments for practice begin with the infant school, and rise through the pri- mary to the grade of primary superior. Of the elementary * Used under a former dynast}^ to uccommodatA- the hounds of Cn ^'les X. 350 GENERAL EDUCATION. PRIMARY PERIOD. schools, one affords the young teachers an example of the method of mutual, and another of simultaneous instruction. The primary superior school had been recently established, at the date of my visit, in 1837. There is, besides, an evening department for the elementary instruction of adults, taught by the pupils of the normal school, and also a school of design, which is established here rather for convenience than as pro- perly belonging to the range of the institution. The whole establishment is under the immediate control of a director,* subject to the authority of a committee, and of the university, the inspectors of which make regular visits. The committee inspect the school by sub-committees once a month, visiting the recitation-rooms of the professors without giving special notice, a plan much to be preferred to that of stated visits. If a member of a committee desires questions to be put upon any particular points, he calls upon the professor to ex- tend his examination, or asks questions himself. The director examines the classes frequently, or is present at the lessons. There are eight professors for the various courses, and two ** repeaters" (repetiteurs), these latter superintending the pupils when not with the professors, and giving them assistance if required. The repeaters are responsible for the execution of the order of the day in the institution, and for the police, and one of them sleeps in each of the two dormitories. Some of the teachers in the normal school also give instruction in the model sch.ools, and have charge of the pupils while engaged in the practical exercises. The domestic economy is under the charge of the director, but he is allowed an assistant, who actually discharges the duty of superintendence, and who lias brought this department into most excellent order.f There are a certain number of gratuitous places, to which pupils are admitted l)y competition, those found best prepared at the examination for admission having the preference. Pay • IMr. I.c Brun, to whose politeness I am inucli indebted. t Durinfj the first year of tlic institution, tlic fare of cacli student cost fifty- nine centimes (twelve cents) \Kr day. They had meat twice a-day, except on llic fasts ofthechnrrh. NORMAL SCnOOL OF VERSAILLES. 851 pupils are also received at a very moderate rate,* but are ex- actly on the same footing, in reference to the duties of the insti- tution, with the former. Young men who wish to compete for a place, and are not sufficiently prepared, may enter as pay pupils, and thus receive instruction directly applicable to their object. The age of admission is, by rule, between sixteen and twenty-one, but the former limit is considered too early for pro- fitable entrance. The qualifications for admission consist in a thorough knowledge of the subjects taught in the elementary schools. The period of instruction is two years. The first year is devoted to the revision of elementary studies, and the second to an extension of them, and to tlieoretical and practical in- struction in the science and art of teaching. The subjects of revision or instruction are, reading, writing, linear drawing, geography, history, the drawing of maps, morals and religion, vocal music, arithmetic, elementary physics, terraculture and pedagogy. The religious instruction is given by an ecclesiastic, who is almoner to the school; it includes lessons on the doctrines and history of the church, given twice per week. Protestants are not required to attend these lessons, but receive instruction out of the institution from a minister of their own confession. Physical education is conducted by means of exercises in gymnastics, by walks, and the practice of gardening. In sum- mer the pupils bathe once a week. The gymnastic exercises are taught by the more expert pupils to the scholars of the model schools, and appear to have taken well among them. The pupils study in a room common to all, and the degree of attention which they pay, and their conduct, are marked, ac- cordiiig to a uniform scale, by the superintending "repeater," and reported daily to the director. Once every month the pro- fessor examines these classes on the studies of the past month, and reports the standing. Marks are also given for great pro- ficiency and attention, which are reported with the standing. ♦ Five liundred francs, or about one hundred dollars, per annum. 852 gei^ehil education. pnii'^ARY period. These marks, ond those of the cxaminrttion, are summed up, and when they amount to a certain number for the month, the pupil is entitled to a premium. The premiums consist of books uniformly bound, and accompanied by a certificate. Re- port is made of these pupils to the minister of public instruction, and the rec>.'rd may serve them when desirous to secure a particular place. The director assembles the school to hear an account of these monthly reports, and makes such remarks as they may suggest. Besides the more usual school implements, this institution has a library, a small collection of physical and chemical apparatus, of technological specimens, already of considerable interest, and of models of agricultural implements. There are, also, two gardens, one of which is laid out to serve the purposes of sys- tematic instruction in horticulture, the other of which contains specimens of agricultural products, and a ground for gymnastic exercises. The pupils work by details of three at a time, un- der the direction of the gardener, in cultivating flowers, fruits, vegetal)lcs, &c. They have the use of a set of carpenter's and joiner's tools, with which they have tiued up their own library in a very creditable way.* In the second year they receive lectures on the science and art of teaching, and in turn givu in- struction in the schools, under the direction of the teachers. Their performances arc subsequently criticised for their im- provement. The order of the day in summer is as follows: The pupils rise at live, wash, make up their beds, and dean their dormitories, in two divisions, which alternate; meet in the study-Iiall at half past five for prayers, breaktast, engage in studies or recitation until one; dine and have recreation until two; study or recite until four; have exercises or recreation, sup, study and engage in religious reading and prayers; and retire • A carpenter who came to attend the evening classes was found by the di- rector so inttlHgcnt, that Jic advised him to prepare for tiie school. The young man succeeded in entering, at the annual comiKJtition, and subsequently, on leav- ing the sclic.ji, received one of Uic best appointments of his year us u teaclici. NORMAL SCHOOL OF VERSAILLES. 353 at teUf except in special cases. Before meals there is a grace said, and during meals one of the pupils reads aloud. In distributing the time devoted to study and recitation, an hour of study is made to precede a lesson, when the latter re- quires specific preparation; when, on the contrary, the lesson requires after-reflection to fix its principles, or consists of a lecture, of which the notes are to be written out, the study hour follows the lesson. The branches of a mechanical nature are interspersed with the intellectual. The students of the second year are employed, in turn, in teaching, and are relieved from other duties during the hours devoted to the schools of practice. On Sunday, after the morning service, the pupils are free to leave the walls of the institution. The same is the case on Thursday afternoon. The director has found, however, bad results from these indiscriminate leaves of absence. The discipline of the school is mild, the age and objects of the pupils being such that the use of coercive means is seldom re- quired. The first step is admonition by a "repeater" or profes- sor, the next a private admonition by the director. If these means prove ineffectual, dismission follows. The director has great in- fluence, from his personal character, and from the fact that his recommendation can secure a good place* to the pupil imme- diately on leaving the school. The mode of life in the institu- tion is very simple. The pupils are neatly but roughly dressed, and perform most of the services of police for themselves. The dormitories are very neat. The bedsteads are of wrought iron, corded at the bottom. During the night the clothes are deposited in small boxes near the beds. The extra articles of clothing are in a common room. Cleanliness of dress and per- son are carefully enjoined. The fare is plain, but good, and the arrangements connected with the table unexceptionable. There is an infirmary attached to the school, which is, however, but rarely used. * Tiic best places, m point ut" enioluuieiil, uic worth liom lillceii to eighteen Imndrcd liancs (about $300 to $3tiU). 1.5 351 GENERAL EDUCATIOiV. PRIMARY PERIOD. The schools for practice do not require special description, as their organization will be sufficiently understood from what has already been said of primary schools, and they have not been long enough in operation to acquire the improved form which, I cannot doubt, they will receive under the present able director of the normal school. The primary normal school at Dijon for the department of Cote d'Or, in its general organization, is the same as that at Versailles. It differs, however, in one most important par- ticular, which involves other differences of detail. All the in- struction, except of religion and music, as well as the superin- tendence, is under the charge of the director and a single assistant, who, by the aid of the pupils, carry on the schools of practice, as well as the courses of the normal school. This arrangement limits the amount of instruction, and interferes very materially with the arrangement of the studies. The school is conducted, however, with an excellent spirit. An idea of the plan will be obtained from the order of the day, which also contains an outline of the course of instruction. From five to six, A. M., the pupils say their prayers, wash, &c. From six to seven the higher division has a lesson in French grammar. The lower receives a lesson in geography or history alternately. From seven to eight, the higher divi- sion has a lesson in geography or history alternately; the lower division in arithmetic. From eight to half past eight, breakfast and recreation. From half past eight until eleven, a portion of the higher division is employed in the primary schools of practice, and the others arc engaged in study. From eleven until one, writing and linear drawing for both divisions. From one until two, dinner and recreation. From two until half past four, as from halt' past eight to eleven. Recreation until five. From five to six, instruction in instrumental or vocal music for each division alternately. From six to seven, tlic higher division has a lesson in geometry or its applications, the lower division in French grammar. From seven until a quarter before eight, supper and recreation. From this lime until nine, the higher division has a Lsson in physical science or natural NORMAL SCHOOL OF ZURICH. 355 history, meclmnics, agriculture, and rural economy, or book- keeping; the lower division in reading. The last quarter of an hour is occupied by both divisions in prayers, after which they retire. This order applies to all the days of the week but Thursday, when, from eight to ten, the pupils receive moral and religious instruction. From ten to eleven, instruction in the forms of simple, legal, and commercial \vritings, and from two to four, engaged in the review of part of the week's studies. On the afternoon of Thursday the schools of practice are not in session. On Sunday, after the duties following their rising, the pupils are occupied in studying and revising some of the lessons of the week. From nine to ten o'clock, in religious reading, aloud. At ten they go to service in the parish chapel, attended by the director and his assistant. Receive moral and religious in- struction on their return until dinner time. After dinner, attend the evening service, and then take a walk. In the evening, assemble for conversation on pedagogical subjects and for prayers. NORMAL SCHOOL OF THE CANTON OF ZURICH AT KUSSNACHT, NEAR ZURICH. The eflbrts of the cantons of Switzerland, since 1831, to ex- tend the benefits of popular education, have been great, and already, to a certain degree, successful, and the adoption of the system of instructing teachers will insure rapid progress for the future. This system has been commended and enforced by the society for public utility, the branches of which, dispersed over the cantons, with their standing committees, and the gene- ral meetings of the society in diflferent parts of the confedera- tion, give it great influence over public opinion. At its last meeting, an able, and I believe impartial, report upon the nor- mal schools was read, and an interesting discussion, productive of sound views on the subject, was elicited. Of the primary normal schools alrcadv established, I visited those (»f T.ausannc 35G UKiVERAL EDrCATION'. -SECONDARY PEIIIOD. tlie school for t[ie canton of \^aud, Lucerne for the canton of Lucerne, Munchenbuchsee for Berne, Kiissnacht for Zurich, and Kreutzlingen for Thurgovia. Each of these has character- istics adapting it to its location, and depending upon the views of the councils of education of the cantons, and upon those of the directors. Obliged to limit myself in this Report to a spe- cimen of these schools, I have taken the seminary of Zurich, and the establishments connected with it, for description. The normal school at Kiissnacht is about a league from the town of Zurich, and the buildings are prettily situated on the borders of the lake of the same name. This institution was re-organized in 183G, though the modifications made have been rather in the details than in general principles. It now consists of a school for teachers, a preparatory school for this seminary, and three primary model schools. It is intended to suppl}^ teachers for the diilcrcnt grades of primary schools of the can- ton, and during a portion of the year lectures are also delivered in the seminary to the older teachers, who arc assembled for that purpose in their vacations. The superintendence and control of the normal school is vested by the legislative council in the council of education, who appoint a committee of superintendence from their own body. This committee visits the school at least once a month, attends its examinations, and, in general, inspects its manage- ment. The executive power is delegated to a director,* who has the immediate charge of the school, and arranges the plan of instruction, in subordination to the council of education. JTo examines the candidates for admission, inspects the classes of the seminary, and of tlie schools attached to it, and lec- tures in the school of repetition for the older teachers. He is also responsible for the disci])line, and reports halt' yearly the * Mr. Sclicrr, a very remarkable teacher. Until recently, ]\Ir. Schcrr was an instructor of the deaf and dumb. The observation rcciuired in this department of instruction, antl the newness of it, by which it has not dejrenernted into rou- tine, rc(|uire a constant exercise of the intellect of the teacher, and render it ini excellent preparation for one who wishes to improve his art. NORMAL SCHOOL OF ZURICH. 357 State of the institution to tlic council of education. lie is more- over present at the meeting of the committee of superinten- dence. There are three other teaciiers, besides a variable num- ber of assistants. These teachers in turn have charge of the pupils of the normal school in and out of school-hours. There are conferences of all the teachers, at which the director pre- sides. The manners of the people and the purpose of the semi- nary render the discipline of very trifling amount. The pupils of the normal school reside in the village of Kiissnacht, but spend the greater part of their time at the school, under the direction of its masters. All the time devoted to study, recitation or lec- ture, and regular exercise, is passed there. To be admitted as a candidate for the normal school, a youth must be sixteen years of age, and of suitable moral, intellectual, and physical qualities for the profession of a teacher. He must have spent two years in the higher division of primary instruc- tion (called here secondary) in the model school, or some equivalent one, or have passed through the preparatory depart- ment of the normal school, which gives a preference to the candidate, other qualifications being equal. The examination of candidates takes place once a year, and in presence of the committee of superintendence, or of a deputation from their body. The formal right of admitting to the school is, however, vested alone in the council of education. The subjects of ex- amination are Bible history, speaking and reading, grammar, the elements of history, geography and natural philosophy, arithmetic and the elements of geometry, writing, drawing, and vocal music. The council of education fixes the number of pu- pils who may be admitted, and the most proficient of the can- didates are selected. There are forty stipendiary places, ten of the value of one hundred and sixty Swiss francs (forty-eight dollars), and thirty of half that sum. Natives who are admitted all receive their instruction gratis. If there is room in the school, foreigners may be received, paying twelve dollars per annum for their instruction. The number of pupils at the date of my visit, in the autumn of 1837, was one hundred and ten. 3r>8 C.F.VEUAL F.DUCATIO.V. IT.I.MARY PERIOD. The Stipendiaries arc bound lo serve as teachers in the canton two years; a very moderate return for the education received. There are two grades of courses in the normal school, one of two years for pupils intending to become teachers in the lower primary schools, the other of three years for the higher primary schools. The courses begin in April, and continue, with seven weeks of vacation, throughout the year. The sub- jects of instruction are: Religious instruction, German, French, mathematics, history, geography, natural history and philo- sophy, pedagogy, writing, drawling, and vocal and instrumental music. French is only obligatory upon the students of the three years' course. Gymnastic exercises and swimming are regu- larly taught and practised. There are three classes, corresponding to the three years of study. The courses w^ere distributed, in 1837, according to the following table: NORMAL SCHOOL OF ZURICH. 359 Tabic of the distribution of the lessons in the Primary Normal School of Zurich. SUBJECTS OF STUDY, &c. Religious Instruction, Mode of communicating Religious Instruction, German Language, Elocution, French Language, Geography, History, ...-. Arithmetic, Geometry, Natural History, Natural Philosophy, Pedagogy, Writing or Drawing, Geometrical Drawing, Vocal Music, Gymnastics, UOURS PER WEEK. s| J "2 § 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 10 11 5* 5* 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o 2 3 3 2 3 3 5 5 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 44 44 44 There is, besides, a lecture of an hour and a-half on the art of building, once a week, attended by all the students. Those who learn instrumental music have lessons two hours and * Or individual iiislrucliou in umsic. 3G0 GENERAL EDUCATIO.V. PRIMARY PERIOD. a-Iiair every week, and two hours of Sunday are occupied willi singing in concert. One of the teachers devotes two extra hours every week to the assistance of sonic of tlie pupils in their studies, or to repetitions. At the close of each year there is a public examination, and the pu})ils are classed according to its results. On leaving the institution, they are arranged in three grades, tfic first, of those who have gone very satisfactorily through the school, the se- cond, of those who have passed satisfactorily, and the third, of those who have not come up to the standard. Certificates of the first two grades entitle their holders to compete for any va- cant primary school. The courses of practice begin in the second year, when the pupils take regular part in the exercises of the schools attached to the seminary. Tiiese are, first, two model schools for chil- dren from the ages of six to nine, and from nine to twelve, at which latter acjc the leiral oblij:^ation to attend the schools O CD CD ceases. The third, called a secondary school, contains pupils from twelve to sixteen years of age. The system of instruction used in the lower schools is attended with very striking results. The lessons are not divided into distinct branches, studiously kept separate, as in most elementary schools, but are connected, as far as possible, so as to keep the diflerent subjects constantly before the mind. Thus, a lesson of geography is, at the same time, one of history, and incidentally of grammar, natural his- tory, of reading and writing, and so on through the circle of elementary instruction. Tlie Pestalozzian lessons on form are made the basis of writing, and with good success. The lowest class is taught to speak correctly, and to spell by the phonic method, to divide words into syllables, and thus to count. To number the lessons. T(j make forms and combine them, and thus to write, and through writing to read. The second passes to i)ractical grammar, continues its reading and writing, the lessons in which arc made exercises of natural history and grammar. Ivoading and speaking arc combined to produce accuracy in the latter, which is a difliculty where the language has been corrupted inlt.) a dialect, as the CJerman has in northern NORMAL SCHOOL OF ZURICH* 361 Switzerland. Movable letters are used to give exercise in spelling and reading. Tiie plan of the Pestalozzian exercises in grammar is followed, and when the pupils have learned to write, a whole class, or even two classes, may bo kept employed intellectually, as well as mechanically, by one teacher. In reading, the understanding of every thing read is insisted upon, and the class-books are graduated accordingly. I never saw more intelligence and readiness displayed by children than in all these exercises; it affords a strong contrast to the dulness of schools in which they are taught mechanically. The same principles are carried into the upper classes, and are transplanted into the schools by the young teachers, wdio act here as assist- ants. The examination of the second school in Bible history, with its connected geography and grammar lessons, in compo- sition, with special reference to orthography and to the hand- writing, and the music lesson, at all of which the director was so kind as to enable me to be present, were highly creditable. There are three classes in each of these schools, and the pu- pils of the normal seminary practice as assistant teachers in them at certain periods ; the director also gives lessons, w^hich the pupils of the seminary repeat in bis presence. In the highest, or secondary school, the elementary courses are extended, and mathematics and French are added. The pupils of the preparatory department of the seminary spend two years in teaching in the two model schools, and in receiving instruction in the " secondary school," under the special charge of the director of the seminary. This establish- ment has furnished, during three years of full activity, two hundred teachers to the cantonal primary schools. These young teachers replace the older ones, who are found by the courses of repetition not able to come up to the present state of instruction, and who receive a retiring pension. The schools must thus be rapidly regenerated throughout the canton, and the education of the people raised to the standard of their wanty as republicans. 46 3G2 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. CHAPTER X. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION. Secondary instruction occupies the j)lace between elementary and superior instruction. It follows the attainments which arc indispensable to the pursuit of knowledge, and precedes the special studies which bear more or less upon the occupation of the individual in future life. It embraces the period from eight or ten years of age to seventeen or nineteen, as the ordinary average limits. Viev^^ed in its most enlarged sense, this instruc- tion prepares for any kind of special studies for which matured intelligence is necessary, for the higher occupations of the use- ful arts, as well as for the learned professions. It is no objec- tion to this view that in some countries there are no public schools for the arts, as there are for the professions, since there are also some of the learned professions in certain countries which have no public schools set apart for them, but which are, nevertheless, avowedly in the front rank, and which require, as an introduction to their studies, a thorough secondary training. This view gives rise to a two-fold division of the subject — first, secondary instruction, as preparatory to the professions usually designated as learned ; second, as preparing for the higher prac- tical occupations, which are rising rapidly into, or have taken their place in the same rank with the professions. I leave these views to be judged of by the facts to be presented. The first kind of secondary instruction is to be met with, as a national system, in most countries of Europe, while in others it is supplied by in- dividual enterprise, and by independent foundations or corpo- rations. The institutions which supply this instruction in a more or less perfect form, arc designated by various names. The class is composed of the academies and grammar schools, some of the colleges, the proprietary and certain other schools of England: SECONDARY INSTRUCTIOPT. 363 the colleges, royal and communal " institutions," and boarding- schools (pensions) of France; the Latin schools and others of Holland; the colleges, auditories, and gymnasia of Switzerland; the colleges of Italy, and the gymnasia of the German states. It is true, that in some of these schools, especially in England and France, elementary instruction is given as well as se- condary, but this is generally done in separate departments or divisions. It is also true, that university instruction in some branches is merely a development of that of the schools, and in England, especially, as viewed in one light, is but an extension of secondary instruction. Nevertheless, the rule is, I believe, as laid down; and these cases must be considered as excep- tions, which, with others, tend to prevent any exact classifi- cation. The second kind of this grade of instruction ' exists in its most advanced state in Germany, where the "real schools," and some of the "trade schools," prepare pupils for the polytechnic institutions, or for "trade institutes," or com- mercial and other schools, which are the equivalents of the uni- versities. In France, it is by no means supplied by the primary superior schools, which are not real substitutes for the trade schools of Germany, while the higher grade of special instruc- tion is in a flourishing condition, and the pupil must seek the required preparation in estabhshments intended for other pur- poses, or by private study, or in the higher institutions them- selves. In England, the recent introduction of courses for civil engineers into the University of Durham, and into London Uni- versity and King's Colleges, is an earnest that the preparatory grade of schools will, in due time, also be provided. There can be no doubt that the scope and nature of the Gi- rard College require us to embrace both these grades of second- ary instruction, while our strength should be applied to the lat- ter, and will require to be so much more vigorously exerted, as the materials which we can derive from experience are much less complete than in the former division. In making a selection from these materials, I shall, as in treating the other divisions of my subject, ofler such comments upon them, in con- nexion with the descriptions, as may seem necessary, and from 364 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECOXDARy PERIOD. these comments, and the comparison of diflcrent institutions in the same country, and of secondary instruction in dillercnt countries, show not only the grounds of my own opinions, but enable the trustees to judge how far they are founded in reason and in fact. The great number of institutions for preparation for the pro- fessions which, in a tour like that directed by the trustees of the Girard College, would necessarily be visited, renders an account of this branch difficult, from the abundance of matter collected. With real regret at the necessity for omitting ac- counts of interesting establishments, I have concluded to limit this notice to those of Scotland and England, from which those of our own country are principally derived, and to those of France and of Prussia. In so doing, though I am obliged to pass over the institutions of countries such as Switzerland, Halland, and the German states, which I visited with great interest, and, I trust, not without profit, yet I fear that, even with these omis- sions, my Report will be extended beyond its due limits. Of the objects of sound education, namely, intellectual, moral, and physical development, the first two occupy, in general, near- ly exclusive attention, the last being left to regulate itself, and in some cases being even interfered with by the means taken to encourage the former; a growing attention, however, to this branch, at least so far as to prevent injury to the physical man, gives promise of a reform in this particular. The materials for the secondary instruction abroad, which forms the basis of the in- tellectual and moral education leading to the learned professions, are selected from among the following: the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew lann-uaixcs, the vernacular and other modern lanfruaires, mathematics, ])hysics, chemistry, the natural sciences, geogra- phy, history, moral and mental science, religious instruction, and the arts. The selection from these varies from the ultra schemes, on one side, which would confine youth to the study of the ancient languages, witii a small proportion of the verna- cular, and of geograpiiy, history, and religion, to the opjiosite extreme, which, witiiout, perhaps, actually excluding the ancient languages, would so far restrict the study of them, as to reduce SECONDARY IJTSTRUCTION IN GREAT I3RITAIN. 365 them to comparative inefficiency as a means of mental train- ing. Between these extremes there exists, as will be shown, a variety of plans of instruction, each one recommending itself to some particular constitution of mind, and in the results of some of which close observation has failed to detect differences which would induce a very decided preference for one or the other. The question of the uses and abuses of classical and scientific instruction has been held up in almost all possible lights, in the keen strife which has arisen for the possession of the secondary schools, and it will be my object in this Report to add to this body of argument for the trustees, that of facts and results, pro- duced by the gradual development of public opinion in the countries w^hich wdll be under consideration. The secondary and higher departments of instruction were the first organized in the progress of civilization, while popular primary instruction has come into being under the impulse of modern improvement. Hence, while modifications in the latter have been easy, the former departments have presented fixed systems, in which even improvement must make its way against the odium usually attaching to innovation, SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. There being no general system of secondary instruction in Great Britain, this account resolves itself, as in the case of the primary schools, to a description of particular institutions, which may be considered as types of the class to which they belong. On account of the absence of system, more time is consumed, both in actual examination and in description, than is required in countries where the schools are organized accord- ing to a general plan. There, a few schools give a complete idea of all the variations which the system allows, while liere, the number of special cases must be multiplied according to the variety in the ideas of individuals, or associations, who have the charge of secondary institutions. In England there is a large amount of endowment for schools, in which secondary instruction, leading to the universities and 3GG GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. professions, is given, or, rather, \vhicli has hitherto been ap- pHed, ahnost exclusively, to that purpose. The second divi- sion of this grade is left mainly to private establishments and associations. In Manchester and Birmingham, however, the trustees of the endowed grammar schools have recently deter- mined to embrace both objects in their courses, and thus to satisfy the wants of a very large proportion of the population of those cities for wdiose benefit the schools were endow^ed, when the necessities of the community, in regard to education, were very different from what they are now. In England, secondary instruction for boys is given in the public grammar schools, which are endowed, and educate,* gratuitously, certain classes of students, in the preparatory schools erected by associations, and modelled according to the views of the committees or proprietors, and in private schools, which are numerous in all parts of the country. Some of the grammar schools, such as Eton, Winchester, and Westminster, are styled colleges. In many of these institutions, the elemen- tary period, as well as the proper secondary, is embraced. In Scotland, the title of academy, high-school, or college, is applied to similar establishments ; and in Ireland, that of aca- demy, academical institution, &c. There are very striking differences between the university systems of England and Scotland, which tend to impress corresponding differences of organization on the schools which serve as feeders to them. While the subjects composing the courses of the secondary schools of Great Britain are not, in general, very dilTcrcnt, the proportions in which they enter vary exceedingly. The English language, Latin and Greek, one of the modern foreign languages, history, geography, mathematics, and writing, are to be found in most of the programmes, and to these are added, in some, natural philosophy and chemistry, natural history, drawing, and music. In some systems, the ancient languages are relied on almost exclusively for mental culture, and English, with a little mathe- • Carlisle describes four hundred and scvcnly-fivo institutions in iiis work entitled "A Concise Description of the Endowed Crammar Schools of England and Wales," ^c. London, isjR. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. 3G7 matics, history and geography, are admitted into the course; in others, the French is introduced, and tiie branches subordinate to the classics are raised somewhat in importance; in others, the modern languages, mathematics, and a knowledge of nature, are made prominent, the classics and English being, however, the basis of instruction; in others, the leading principle of or- ganization appears to be to restrict the instruction in the dead languages, as far as may be done consistently with giving a sufficient knowledge of them for future use, with a view to dwell especially upon the modern languages and the sciences. There are instructive examples of all these classes of secondary schools in Great Britain, and of many varieties between them, specimens of some of which I shall endeavour to select. In weighing the advantages of the several plans of education, it would be exceedingly satisfactory could the data be obtained for following, in life, so many of the pupils from establishments of the different kinds, as to form an average estimate of the results which each can produce. In the absence of these conclusive documents, the difficulty of obtaining which is too obvious to need pointing out, I have endeavoured to procure such general information as was possible of the results of the systems, to state fairly where this information is defective^ and to supply the deficiency, as far as practicable, by general reasoning. Information in regard to the results of plans for moral and physical education is chiefly to be sought in schools in which the pupils live, as well as receive instruction. These afford, especially in their government and discipline, varieties not less marked than those in the plans of instruction themselves. I shall, therefore, introduce notices of some of these schools, with a special view to these characteristic differences. It is impossible to look with an unprejudiced eye upon the present state of secondary instruction preparatory to the uni- versities in Great Britain, and to compare it with what is record- ed of its former condition, without perceiving that it has slowly changed for the better.* It is in fact even now changing. * Improvements will probably become more rapid under the cnlig-Jitcned re- gulations of the London University, recently established by act of parliament. 3G8 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. The other great branch of secondary education for the liigher occupations, for commerce, the arts and trades, will, I have no doubt, be efTiciently introduced before many years. In fact, the steps taken by the University of Durham, by King's College, and by the London University College, for introducing courses of civil engineering, constitute an important era in this grade of i)ublic instruction. In giving an account of the secondary schools, I shall begin with those of Scotland and of the north of Ireland, which are closely connected w^ith them, then proceed to the i)ublic schools of England, and finish by the private schools of the same country. For reasons before stated, when speaking of the materials of instruction, and for others which will appear in the notices of the schools, I have selected the following for description: in Scotland, the Edinburgh Academy and the Glasgow High School, both public institutions, and the Hill- street Institute of Edinburgh, a private school ; in Ireland, the Belfast Academy and academical department of the Belfast Institution; in England, the grammar schools of Rugby and Harrow, and the private schools of St. Domingo House, near Liverpool, and of Bruce Castle, near London. EDINBURGH ACADEMY. Edinburgh has two public classical schools, which are quite celebrated, the High School and the Academy. The latter, which I visited under circumstances more favourable to the understanding of its arrangements, may serve as the type of both. With this I shall compare the Glasgow High School, and the Belfast Academy and Academical Institution. The Edinburgh Academy was founded in IS^Jl, to supply the demand produced by the increase of the population and extent of the city of Edinburgh. It seems also to have been an object with the founders to require more thorough teaching in the branches of an English education, than was then the case in classical schools generally. Their choice of a rector* shows, * Tlic venerable AicliUeacoii William, mi OaIuicI bcliokr. EDINBURGH ACADEMY. 369 however, that there was no design to diminish the amount of attention paid to the ancient languages. The government of the academy is vested in a board of directors, who manage the concerns of the institution generally. They are elected by the proprietors, who meet annually for this purpose, three of them retiring each year. The special superintendence of the school is delegated to the rector, who is also head master, and gives instruction in the two higher classes. He is expected to visit the rooms of the different masters, devoting at least two hours per week to this duty. Indeed, the directors have found it to the advantage of the in- stitution to free him as much as possible from teaching, that he may give more of his time to the superintendence of the other teachers. There are four masters beside the rector, and, in addition, a special teacher of English, one of mathematics, one of writing, and one of French. Each regular master has charge, on the average, of about forty-nine pupils, giving them instruction principally in Latin, Greek, geography, history, and English. The writing-master has also charge of the younger classes in arithmetic, and teaches book-keeping. The whole school, however, is divided into seven classes, the three higher of which are taught the classics by the rector, with one of the regular masters as an assistant for each class. It is required of pupils admitted to this academy that they have completed their elementary studies, and are prepared to begin the ancient languages. They are from seven to nine years of age, and must have attainments equal to those of the highest boys' class of the Circus Place school, already described. The number of pupils in 1835 was three hundred and forty-four. The following were the courses taught in 1835 and 1836, with the distribution of them among the seven classes. FIRST CLASS. Latin. Rudiments willi the rules of syntax, and vocabulary of conjugated verbn. Delectus conuncnccd. Grammatical exercises commenced. Geography. Outlines of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, with the par- ticular geography of England and Scotland 47 870 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. HisTonr. Simpson's History of Scotland. ScniPTuiiE BioGiiAPHY, Commenced. Recitation of poetry. AniTiiMETic. Four ground rules. Reduction, compound addition, Sec. SECOND CLASS. Latin. Rudiments revised. Irrcjrular verbs and rules for genders of nouns. Delectus and grammatical exercises continued. GEOGBAPnY. Portugal, Spain, PVance, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the smaller German states, Prussia, and Denmark. History. Simpson''s History of England, commenced. Scripture Biography and Recitation, continued. Arithmetic, continued through compound addition, &:c. Reduction of weights and measures, vulgar fractions, the ground rules. THIRD CLASS. Latin. Crt'sar, Books 1st and 2d, Gallic war. Electa ex Ovidio. Grammatical exercises. Rudiments, with the Latin rules for the genders of nouns and prosody. Third book of the Gallic war read by the highest thirty pupils. Greek. Rudiments through the verb. Extracts. Geography. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Turkey in Europe and Asia, Arabia, Persia, Ilindostan, Eastern Peninsula, China, Thibet, Tar- tary, Russia in Asia, and Asiatic Islands. History. Simpson's Roman History. Scripture Biography and Recitations, continued. Arithmetic. Revision, througli simple proportions. FOURTH CLASS. Latin. Virgil, 1st eclogue. iEneid, 1st and 2d books. Sallust. Mair's Introduction, commenced. Rudiments, with rules for gender and prosody. Written exercises, in prose and verse. Greek. Extracts. Rudiments, revised. (Two divisions of Ihc class in une- qual progress.) Geography. Modern Geography, completed. History. Simpson's History of Greece. ScRiPTuiiE BiofjRAPiiv, AND RECITATIONS, continucd. Arithmetic Practice. Simple and compound proportions. Interest. Dis- count. Partnership. Profit and loss. Fractions. FIFTH CLASS. Latin. Virgil. iEncid, 2d book and Gth eclogue. Horace's Odes, 1st and 2d books. Livy, part of 21st book. Introduction and rudiments, continucd. Greek. Xenophon's Anabasis, 1st book and part of 2d. Homer's Ihad, 1st book. Dunhar's Introduction. Creek Testament. St. Joiin. Creek rudiments, revised. Exercises, in prose and verse. EDINBURGH ACADEMY. 871 Geography. Modern Europe, revised. Roman Empire. English. Milton's Paradise Lost, read. Elementary Science. Arithmetic. Revision. Vulgar and decimal fractions; duodecimals, square and cube root. Geometry. Euclid, book 1st. SIXTH CLASS. Latin. Horace's Odes, books 3d and 4th. Virgil, 2d antf 4th Qeorgics. Livy, 21st book, completed. Part of 22d book. Exercises. Greek. SandforcVs Homeric Exercises, Part 2d, Homer's Iliad, 2d book. Xenophoii's Anabasis, 4th and 5th books. Sophocles' (Edipus Tyran- nus. Greek Testament, St. Mark. Exercises, in prose and verse. Geography. Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, Grecian Islands. English. Campbell's Pleasures of Hope. Tragedies of Henry VIII. and Co- riolanus. Irving's Elements of English Composition. Arithmetic. Revised. Geometry. Euclid, 1st four books. Algebra, to Quadratic Equations. French. Levizac's Grammar. Cours de Litterature. SEVENTH CLASS. Latin. Horace's Epistles and Ars Poetica. Cicero, Selected Orations, &c. Terence, the Adelphi. Tacitus, Germany and Agricola. Adams' Antiquities. Greek. Homer, 9th book of Iliad. Sophocles, Antigone. Part of Herodotus.- Exercises. Geometry. Euclid, six books. Trigonometry. Surveying. Navigation. Mensuration. Algebra. French. Levizac's Grammar. Cowper's Letters, translated into French. Cours de Litterature. Fables. Tragedies of Cinna, Iphigenia, and Zaire. The Bible is read for an hour every Monday morning, and the school is opened with prayer. The following table, com- piled from the report of the rector to the directors of the academy in 1836, gives — though not so definitely as might be desired — an idea of the proportion of time allotted to differ- ent objects of study. 372 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. Distribution of lime in the prinripal departments of study in llic Edinburgh Academy. SUBJECTS OP INSTRUCTION. NU.MBKR OF HOURS PKR WEKK. 1 1 to O 'in o o ■5 1 a O § u m CO 1 H Latin and Greek, - - 18* 15t 18At 17 20 14i§ 117 English,|| .... •1 4 3 o Gi^^ 25 Freneli, G 3 9 Arithmetic & Geometry, G 5 5 5 3 3** 30 Natural Philosophy, - n .T Scripture Biography, .T li Geography, .... o 1.' li «.} Writing, Total, - o 3 5 3tt IG 30 ^>9 30^ 29^ 303 28i The general system of teaching is that usual in the English and Scottish schools. Text-books are multiplied, and the pupils come to the institution mainly to be examined on the lessons learn- ed out of it. The lower portion of a class, however, probably obtain the greater part of their knowledge by the drilling which lakes place in the recitation. The extent of this drilling, and * Includes geography and composition. t Includes composition. t Besides geograpliy. § Latin alone. II Liclndc's history. ^ Includes Scripture Biography and spelling. *• Arilhiiictic and writing are tf)gether set down at six. +t Writinjr and arithmetic, hI.x liours. tt In forming the total, the nunibers of tiie sixth column have been doubled. EDINBURGH ACADEMV. 373 amount of extra information communicated, depend upon the master, and upon the character of the course. For example, in the rector's class I heard an excellent extemporaneous lec- ture, or conversation, on ancient geography, introduced during a recitation upon a lesson in Livy, and these occasions are always rendered available by collections of maps and models which belong to the academy. The system is, however, essen- tially one of recitations of fixed portions of a text-book, the book, and not the teacher, being looked to as the principal source of information. In arithmetic the black-board is much used, and the English department has the advantage of the superintendence of Sheriff Wood, one of the directors, and will, I doubt not, come, in the end, to be more appreciated than at present. The stimulants to exertion are, besides the approbation of the teacher, changes of place in the classes during the daily recitation, places at the end of the session, and public examina- tions, with the award of prizes. A register is made at inter- vals of the places of the pupils, and the result of its summa- tion determines the standing of the individual at the close of the session. Recently, the practice of examining in writing has been introduced in the seventh or highest class, in addition to the usual viva voce method. Questions previously prepared by examiners not connected with the academy, on the different subjects of study, were placed before the class to be answered, and the result is stated to have been satisfactory. This excel- lent method is adopted from the English universities. In order to show the results of the system of education in a particular school, it is usual to have recourse to the arbitrary standard of the success of certain pupils in higher institutions. Average success in after life would afford some test of the va- lue of the education, but that of a few distinguished individuals proves chielly that men of superior intolHgence have at some time or other been connected with the school, and that tlicy have not lost their powers by the course, without showing that their education has been the best possible. When, instead of considering general success in life, the more limited standard 374 GENERAL EDUCATIOfT. SECONDARY PERIOD. of success in a higher institution is assunficd, then it shows rather the adaptation of the lower education to the higher, than that the lower is good in itself. Tiie test is, therefore, essen- tially defective, but, by extending the comparison to the ca- reer of many pupils, in a number of institutions, each of a dif- ferent scope, it becomes of some value. The cases presented by the directors of the Edinburgh Academy, in their reports for 1835 and 1836, as tests of the condition of the institution, apjicar to me too few to give a cor- rect notion of the average success of pupils for cither of these years, the greatest number of pupils spoken of, from any one class, being eight, or but about one-sixth of the class. The number of higher institutions in which they have gained honors is, however, more satisfactory than the number of cases, em- bracing the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cambridge, Oxford and Dublin, the London University and Haylebury Colleges, and the Military School at Sandhurst. The number of diflerent departments in which they have gained distinction is also quite satisfactory, and the inference, on the whole, is certainly favourable to the intellectual development which may be obtained at this institution. The discipline of the school is generally mild, and there is an eflbrt made to bring the influence of the parents to bear upon the progress and general deportment of the child. HIGH SCHOOL OF GLASGOW. Having described the Edinburgh Academy somewhat mi- nutely, I shall confine myself, in the notice of the High School of Glasgow, chieily to the peculiarities of arrangement in the latter, which result from certain differences in the objects of the two schools. Though the High School of Glasgow stands in the same relation to the university of that city as the academy does to that of Edinburgh, and, indeed, is more intimately con- nected with it, the former institution has also other objects, namely, to aflbrd elementary instruction, and to educate youth for the pursuits of commerce, manufactures, and the arts. The iiigh scho(»i has separate courses of English, classics, matlie- EDINBURGH ACADEMY. 875 matics, writing, and drawing, any one of which may be fol- lowed alone, or several at a time. The hours of recitation are so arranged as to admit, as far as possible, that a pupil may pursue those courses which it is thought should be simultaneous. In the academy, as has been seen, the course is indivisible, and all its branches must be pursued by the student. The principle of equality among the teachers is carried out so impartially at the high school, that as two classical masters are required for the number of pupils who pursue that course, those who enter each alternate year constitute the class of its two masters re- spectively. The plan of organization is attended with the defect of want of uniformity in methods, and of adaptation to each other in the several departments, but it has the advantage of enabling pupils who are intended for different pursuits in life to follow the studies most appropriate to them, and thus supplies, in part, the place of the two establishments of Germany, the gymnasium and the real school. The future merchant, manu- facturer, and mechanic, may pursue together the courses of English, French, mathematics, drawing, and chemistry; the first may continue French and enter the commercial school, the second, mathematics and drawing, and enter the same school, while the third continues mathematics, drawing, and chemistry. This arrangement of the school adapts it to the wants of a manufacturing and commercial city, though I am satisfied that two schools, each with a fixed course of instruc- tion, would answer the end proposed much better. The classical depaiiment prepares for the University of Glas- gow, and as pupils may enter there at an early age, and require no very advanced attainments for admission, the studies of this school are comparatively elementary. The course lasts four years, and a private class may be followed for a fifth, by those who do not intend to pursue an academical career, or who wish to begin it better prepared than is usual. Greek is begun in the third year. The English department answers two purposes; it prepares very young pupils for the other classes, and it carries forward 370 CKXERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. the more aon the plans wliich lie liad adopted. EDmBURGH INSTITUTION. 383 whether a much greater amount of instruction in science, and in the branches commonly called those of an English education, together with the modern languages, might not be communi- cated, without injury to a thorough classical culture. In de- scribing it, I propose first to state the general arrangement of the institution, and then to enter into a comparison of its courses, as to character, extent, and results, with those of the Edinburgh Academy. There are two distinct courses of study, one intended for those who wish to become professional men, the other for those of more hmited views. The following is an outline of both courses, which extend over a period of about eight years, the pupil being supposed to enter between seven and ten years of age. PUPILS ATTENDING THE LATIN AND GHEEK CLASSES. Age. 7 to 10 yrs. English, Latin, arithmetic, and writing-. 9 to 11 yrs. Latin, English, reading and grammar, geography, na- tural history, and writing. 11 to 14 yrs. Latin, French, English, reading and grammar, geography, history, and writing. 13 to IG yrs. Latin, Greek, French, Ger- man, English composi- tion, history, mathema- tics, elementary science. PUPILS NOT ATTENDING THE LATIN AND gheee classes. English, including lessons on ob- jects, arithmetic, and writing. English, French, geography, arith- metic, natural history and writ- ing. English, French, German, English reading and grammar, geogra- phy, history, arithmetic, and writing. English, French, German, Italian, English reading, composition and grammar, geography, his- tory, matliematics, elementary science, architectural and engi- neering drawing. The first of these courses is designed, like that of the Edin- burgh Academy, to prepare pupils for the universities, the age on terminating it being, on tlie average, about seventeen. The second is intended to prepare for practical life, and is similar to that of a German "real school." I confine my attention at present to the first of these. The courses may be divided into classical, including Latin and Greek; English, including read- ing, grammar, composition, geography, and history; foreign 381 GE\ERAL EDUCATION. SECOXDAHY PERIOJ*. modern languages, including French and German; science, including arithmetic, geometry, the lower mathematics and elementary natural history, natural [)hilosophy, and chemistry. The attention of the pupil is called to more objects than in the academy. Is he able to pay sufficient attention to each? This may be determined, in part, by examining the progress made in the several branches, and as the Enghsh instruction is the basis of the whole, it will be proper to begin the examina- tion with it. First, as to the time occupied: The academy devotes twen- ty-nine and three-quarters hours per W'eek, in seven classes, to English, including geography and history; the Edinburgh insti- tution thirty-nine, in five classes, which cover nearly the same ground as lo age. Next, as to the progress made in the two schools: Between the 1st of October, 1835, and the 26th of July, 183G, the folio w^ing studies were completed in the Edin- burgh Institution: First Exglisii Class. Read and analyzed the sessional school collection. M'Culloch's English Grammar. Etymology. Geography of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Lessons on Objects, pail first. Poetry, committed to memory. Second English Class. Read and analyzed two hundred and forty pages of Wood's Extracts. M'Culloch's Grammar. Etymology. Latin and Greek prefixes. Geography of Africa, North and South America, and of England and Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Spain and Portugal, Switzerland and Italy. Natural history. Third English Class. Ilirrlicr division. Wood's Instructive Extracts read and analyzed. Lennic's Grammar. Geography of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France; studied maps of Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, British America, and the United States. Outlines of natural history. Written exercises on the weekly lectures of natural history, and outlines of geology and mineralogy. HisTonr and Geo(;iiaimiy Class, Minute geography of Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, and Holland, Switzerland, Italy, and the Austrian empire, (he smaller German states, and Prussia. Academy Geoffraphij. Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Norway, Western Rus- sia, Turkey in Europe and Asia, Hindostan. Decline and subdivision of the Western Roman empire. Rise of the kingdoms established on its ruins. Eastern empire. Kingdom of the Franks. England and Scotland. History of the progress and extension of the Mahometan jiower. France, lo tlie death of Louis IX. German empire and Italian slates, from Charlenuigne to Uio death of Frederick II. Norman dynasty in Italy. Spain, to the expul EDINBURGH INSTITUTION. 385 sion of the Moors. England, to Edward I. Scotland, to Alexander 111. Turks, crusades, and kingdom of Jerusalem. Occasional essays and regular exercises twice a week. Mathematical and Phtsical Geography. English Litehature and Composition. Read and analyzed Thompson's Seasons, Milton's Paradise Lost, Books 4th, 5th, and 6th. Chambers's English Literature. Paley's Natural Theology and Written Exercises. Original Essays. The greater extent of this programme is in proportion to the greater amount of time devoted to the English studies in this school than in the academy, especially in the lower classes, which are also those where the excess in time is the greatest. To be more minute — the courses of geography, history, higher English reading, and composition, do not differ materially in extent in the two schools, but the elementary course of gram- mar and reading of the institution, the frequent verbal analyses and etymological exercises, render its studies in this department much more complete than those of the academy; indeed, they form the basis of a superstructure which must be imperfectly raised in the fifth class of the academy without them. From my own observation, I am sure that the ordinary Latin and Greek exercises are not a substitute for the etymological exer- cises introduced by Mr. Wood. The former exercises render the latter very easy, and give great advantages in a complete understanding of them, but the latter cannot be dispensed with, or left to the unaided ingenuity of the pupil to follow out. Experience proves that he requires to be directed in this valu- able application of ancient language; and in the extension given to this subject, the course at the institution had a supe- riority, in 1836, which it is possible it may not retain, since the English department of the academy has now been for several years under the charge of Mr. Wood. The mode of teaching history by conversational lectures, combined with the study of a text-book, and illustrated by maps, drawings, &c., used in the institution, is much to be preferred to the dryer method of the study of a text-book and recitation, em})loycd at the academy. The frequent recurrence of the names of the same countries in the list of geographical exercises of the institution, is to be ex- plained by the mode of studying geography adopted, in which 49 38G GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. the particular countries arc dwelt upon with various degrees of minuteness, in successive courses, according to the interest which may be supposed to attach to them; the first lessons con- taining^ a cjcneral outline of the whole. It remains to be seen whether this superior development in the English studies is consistent with a due attention to other branches. Of these, the study of the ancient languages ranks next upon the programme. In the academy, these studies oc- cupy from fifteen to twenty hours per week, in the diflerent classes, and in the institution, from ten to fifteen. The greatest disproportion is in the lower classes. Notwithstanding this, the programmes of the Latin studies in the five classes of the insti- tution are almost exactly the same with those of the first five of the academy: the books read and the amount of study in the several years being also nearly the same. But, then, in the academy there are two classes which have not their parallels in the institution, namely, the sixth and seventh; so that, what- ever advantac^es are to be derived from the hiiiher classical studies, must be reckoned against those of the institution in other courses. In this will be found the true difficulty of the estimate, for though I believe that with teachers of equal abilities the same progress will be made in fewer hours if the studies are not exclusively classical, yet this cannot be carried beyond a certain point, and we cannot have the advantages of ancient and modern languages, and of mathematical and phy- sical science, without extending the time for the course of edu- cation. Such is the experience of many classical teachers. In composing the courses in the modern languages, those of the institution a])pcar to have decided advantages. There arc two classes for the French in both the academy and institu- tion. In the former school four hours and a-half per week arc allotted on the average, and in the latter five hours, to each of the courses. In the latter school there is also a class for the German language, to which three hours per week arc devoted. There appears no where to be any variance of oj)inion as to the fact, that the modern languages are inferior, as means of intellectual training, to the ancient. They arc, in fact, not intra- EDINBURGH INSTITUTION. 387 ckiced into the coiirscs; mainly for this purpose. The object is, usually, to acquire a facility in reading them; the power of using them for conversation, and in writing, is further some- times aimed at, though the time allotted to them seldom allows the attainment of such a result. The methods of teaching them are, generally, and should always be, adapted to these ends, and hence essentially different from those appropriate to the dead languages. All experience shows that the earlier they are attended to, the greater facility there is in their acquisi- tion, and they should, therefore, by no means be postponed longer than the period of secondary instruction; and, indeed, when it is practicable, there would, I believe, be great gain in beginning them in the elementary course. It should be remem- bered, that the reflecting faculties are naturally little developed in early youth, while the memory for words, as well as for things, is strong, and instruction at this period should be directed accord- ingly. It is true, that a knowledge of the ancient lends great aid to the study of the modern languages, but I am persuaded that the gain is not equivalent to the loss from postponement. If the object be to learn to speak a language as well as to read it, the flexibility of the organs of speech in early youth renders a beginning at that period almost essential to success. The courses of science are raised into high comparative im- portance in the institution. The attention paid to arithmetic is much greater than in the academy. In the first three classes of the former five hours per week, and of the latter but three, are devoted to this branch, so that in the higher classes the course of the academy falls decidedly behind that of the institution. If it were in the amount of progress only in which the academy was behind, I should make but little objection to it, for it seems to me that the higher branches of mathematics are better re- served for superior instruction, unless in special schools ; but, then, the amount of intellectual culture to be gained by the ex- ercises of arithmetic and algebra, appears to me to be under- valued. Arithmetical analysis, if not as important an intellec- tual habit as that of language, is by no means to be neglected, and, in addition to the rcadv use of figrures, or the art of the 388 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. accountant, forms a most important part of education. Mental arithmetic I have already often remarked upon as a most useful branch, and I do not think tlie time devoted to this, and to the practice of written arithmetic in the institution, at all too great Tiie course of geometry in the two schools is the same. The time spent in the study of trigonometry, and the applications to mensuration, &c., in the academy, is too small to secure any considerable progress. The course of mathematics in the institution is as follows : First Class of Arithmetic. The ground-rules and reduction. Compound addition, &lc. Second Class. Simple and compound division. Proportions and fractions. Practical arithmetical exercises. (Ingram's Arithmetic,) practice. Decimal frac- tions. Compound proportions. Third Class. Compound rules. Reduction. Practice. Simple and compound proportions. Vulgar and decimal fractions. Interest. Equation of payments. Stocks. Loss and gain. Fourth Class. Cunningham's Arithmetic. Vulgar and decimal fractions. Practicp. Proportions. Commission. Interest. Chain rule. Stocks. Loss and gain. Barter. Distributive proportion. Insurance and exchange. Fifth Class. Algebra. Primary rules. Simple equations. Problems. Alge- braic fractions. First Class of Geometry. In three divisions. The highest, studies six books of Euclid's Elements, and tlie Appendix of Playfair. Mensuration and plane tri- gonometry from Davidson's Practical Mathematics. Ileiglits and distances. Ex- amples and problems. Second Claps of Geometry. Revise 5th and 6th books of Euclid. Trigonometry, from Playfair's Appendix. Mensuration from Davidson. Simple and quadratic equations from the same. Wallace's Conic Sections. Mensuration of solids and specific gravities, from Davidson's Practical Mathematics. Spherical trigono- metry. Geographical and astronomical problems. The higher mathematics, and even in a much greater amount tiian the one just stated, is indispensably necessary to a course intended for such occupations of practical life as those of the civil engineer, architect, or mechanician, but I doubt the importance of it in a general course, preparatory to a college or university. The advantages which a special professor, devoting all iiis energies, will have in the powers of communicating such instruction over a teacher who is occupied with many other things in addition, is too obvious to need discussion. As an EDINBURGH IIVSTITUTION^. 389 instrument of general training, under these circumstances, the higher mathematics are, in my opinion, of inferior value to other branches. The courses of the elements of natural philosophy and of natural history in the institution are very appropriate. That of chemistry, as taught by Dr. D. B. Reid, of Edinburgh, is one of the most usef^jl and interesting exercises of the student. The professor assembles a class from the institution in his laboratory, places them at tables, with the materials for experiment before them, orders different experiments by the several groups into which the class is divided, receives their explanation of the operations in the hearing, and inspects the results of each within the view of the whole class, and thus exercises the per- ceptive and reflective faculties and mechanical skill of the stu- dent, and accustoms him to describe as well as to execute and observe.* When treated in this way, chemistry becomes highly worthy of a place in a general system of education. The plan is very similar to that in use at the La Martiniere school at Lyons, already described, though, very properly, the tendency here is more general than practical. Dr. Reid has many classes, besides this one of the institution, under a similar course of instruction. The morning of every Saturday is devoted in this school to religious instruction. The pupils are divided into four classes, the youngest of which read the Scriptures, and are examined upon them, and on Wood's Biography of the Old and New Tes- taments. The oldest class have lectures upon the Evidences of Christianity, and read the Scriptures, with explanations by the principal. In a general review of this comparison, it appears that the courses of the institution are more numerous, and all, except the classical course, cultivated to a greater extent than in the aca- demy. The deficiency in the latter appears chiefly due to the * All the experiments are made upon a small scale, and, in general, with such common apparatus as slips and rods of glass, paper, &c. The chemical tests are used in very small quantities. Hence the expense of these lectures is quite triflmg-. ' 300 GENERAL EDUCATIOxV. SECONDARY PERIOD. considerable cfTort made to extend the instruction in mathe- matics into the higher branches, and to the introduction of two modern languages. The general arrangement of the courses in the institution resembles that of the gymnasia or grammar schools of nortliern and central Germany, but in the very points just stated, in reference to classics, mathematics, and the modern languages, differs from them. An appeal, therefore, to the results of those admirable schools induces me to prefer the restriction of these courses, for youth preparing for the professions, within the limits necessary to the full devel- opment of the classical course. At the same time, I consider that the importance given to the English exercises in the insti- tution, the general extension of the studies in the lower mathe- matics and in elementary science, all of which I believe to be compatible with the attention to the languages, are real advan- tages which may be claimed by the institution. GRAMMAR SCHOOL AT RUGBY. The grammar schools in England which have attained the highest distinction, are of the class which receive boarders. Of these the school at Rugby now stands among the first, from the character of its head master* and his associates. I have compiled, from my notes of information derived at Rugby, and from the account given in print by the principalf himself, a * The Rev. Dr. Arnold. I visited Rugby with letters, which produced much courtesy and frankness of intercourse, but found that custom — the law of the school — did not admit of the presence of a stranger at the recitations of tlie classes, or his visits to the rooms of the pupils while at study. This seemed to mc so strange, after being admitted freely even to private schools, that I stated my wishes to the Rev. Head Master, and understood distinctly from him that he had never heard of such a thing as the presence of a visitor during the recita- tion of an English grammar school. Mr. Bowning Price, one of tlie masters to whom I was addressed, received me with much hospitality, and very kindly gave me the information which I asked, but even in his house etiquette did not per- mit him to introduce me into the study-rooms of his pupils. I had occasion to verify Dr. Arnold's remark, in the case of two other gram- mar scliools into which I endeavoured, without success, to obtain admission; at Clirist's Hospital, however, which ranks with the public grammar schools, I was freely admitted to all parts of the institution, as has already been stated. t Rugby School. Quarterly .Journal of Education, vol. vii. London, 1831. RUGBY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 891 sketch of the education received at this school, considering that the authentic nature of the materials authorized me so to do, though I can say little from personal observation as to the results of the system. Purpose of the school, general government, <^c. The school is intended for preparing students for the universities. It receives pupils of two different classes; the one called "foundationers" must be children of parents who have resided for two years in Rugby, or in certain parts of the adjacent country. These are educated gratuitously, and their number is not limited. They may enter at the age of seven, though eleven is considered a more suitable period. The others pay for their education, and are limited to two hundred and sixty in number.* In case the parent of a foundationer does not live in the town of Rugby, the pupil must board with one of the masters, and is thus on the same footing as the other students. The buildings containing the dwelling of the head master, the chapel, library, recitation rooms, &c., are in the Eliza- bethan Gothic style, very prettily arranged, and have an exten- sive common or play-ground at the back of them. The other masters provide their own dwellings, which are in different quarters of the town. The school is governed by a body of trustees, who hold annual meetings at Rugby, but who may be summoned to spe- cial meetings, when required, at other places. In general their authority is delegated to the head master, W'ho is elected by them, and the few laws enacted for the government of the institution are contained in the act of incorporation. The assistant masters serve as a council to the head master, by whom they are appointed, and besides holding regular meet- ings once a week, for the discussion of the affairs of their classes, may be convened at the pleasure of the head master. Moral education. This is supposed to centre in the head mas- ter, upon whose character its success essentially depends, and * The masters have, besides, established a scholarship, by subscription among themselves, of j£25 per annum, which may be held for six years. 392 GENERAL EDUCATlOiV. SECONDARV PERIOD. who is the pastor as well as teacher and governor. He has charge of the instruction of the highest class, called the sixth form, and from the important part which they play in the dis- cipline of the school, has in this a high responsibility. The other masters are charged with maintaining order in their seve- ral rooms, but the head master alone has the authority to sanction corporal chastisement. He can suspend or dismiss a bad student, and corresponds frequently with the parents, that their influence may be brought in aid of his. When necessary, he advises the withdrawal of a pupil, but usually, when dismis- sion is required, or in cases of ditlicult investigation^ calls in the board of masters as council. It was stated to me tliat the system of " rights and privileges" of the pupils prevailed to a very injurious extent at this school, before the present adminis- tration, but by a calm, temperate, and free use of authority, the features considered most objectionable have been done away. The fact exemplifies the theory of the influence of the head master as the moral centre of the school. The several masters take boarders, the number being only restricted by the accommodations of the houses. Some of the pupils have separate sleeping and study rooms, others room together. The most striking peculiarity of the discipline of the institu- tion is to be found out of school hours, when the main body of the pupils are freed from the direct control of the masters. The whole of the pupils residing in one house are then under the charge of the boys of the sixth form, or highest class, living with them, and are subject to their control during both play and study hours. These members of the sixth form, called at Rugby prepustci's (propositi viri), are required to regulate the rising, attendance on prayers, meals, and recitations of those under them ; to preserve order, and to prevent absence or visiting during study hours ; to aid the younger members in their studies, and to afford them good counsel and example. To enable the preposters to preserve their authority, they are invested with the right to punish, by setting tasks, by confining to the study room, RUGBY GRAxMMAR SCHOOL. 393 and otherwise cutting off privileges. Besides this, they assume the right to chastise corporally, and have, by usage, many pnyileges not conferred by the regulations of the school, and which give them great power over the comfort and welfare of the junior pupils.* This is the system known as " fagging" at Eton and West- mmster, and though I was informed that it does not bear this name at Rugby, even among the pupils themselves, yet it is essentially the same in its rules, if not in its practices. Though the preposters have privileges by rule, they are yet subject to punishments from the masters, which arc how ever, usually of a different grade from those of the junior pu- pils, to mark their station even in the results of deviation from duty. These pupils are not selected for their office, but acquire It by right of seniority, every member of the sixth form, or highest class, being a preposter. When it happens that too few of this form live with a particular master, or that those who reside with him are young, then transfers may be made from among those living with others, to secure the better action of the system. The fifth form are exempt from the control of the sixth, but have themselves no charge of discipline. The spirit awakened by the head master in tlie pupils com- posing the sixth form, must, as before remarked, determine the character of this system of education, the master in whose house the pupils reside giving them up almost entirely to this artificial arrangement. There is a porter, who has, amoncr other duties, that of preventing disorder, but he appeals for support to the preposters, and only in flagrant cases to the master, who thus steps in merely as a last resort, and is not the constant guardian of the youth nominally under his charo-e. The teachers who approve of this system lay it down as a prTn- ciple, that the pupil must be superintended either by preposters, * Amon^ these usurped riglits, the consequence of tlic law of the stron«-est are the sending of their juniors upon errands, and imposing certain disao-reethlJ duties upon them in tlieir games. One of these latter, of which there arc many was found so injurious, tliat it was stopped by authority : it was oWigini *"" 402 GENERAL EDUCATIUX. SECONDARY PERIOD. The distribution of time for recreation seems to me better than that at Harrow, where the whole of Tuesday is a holiday, and Tliursday and Saturday half-holidays. Physical education. This branch, though not specially regu- lated in the English schools, is usually in an excellent condition. There is always a spacious play-ground or common attached to every public school of this grade, and the relish which pupils display for games requiring skill and strength, and giving exer- cise to the various parts of the body, is very great. I have already alluded to the common or play-ground at Rugby. The amusements are, in general, never interfered with, the pupils being without superintendence, an attempt at which would be resented as an infringement of privilege. In many private schools it has been thought better that the teachers should be present, and in some they even mingle with the pupils at play; but the relative position of the master and pupil in most of the public schools does not permit this mode of combining moral with physical education. The whole tone of mind of a pupil of an English public school is, in this respect, peculiar, and the effect, in reference to conduct, has its good and evil features. A spirit of independence is fostered, but frequently at the cost of neglect of moral principle. ST. DOMINGO-HOUSE SCHOOL, EVERTON, NEAR LIVERPOOL. In visiting private establishments for education, my inquiries were necessarily limited by the disposition shown to fur- nish me with information. It frequently happened, however, that every thing was thrown open without reserve, and every endeavour shown to enable me to judge for myself of the results of the system. Such opportunities I enjoyed through the kind- ness of the heads of the private schools of which I am about to give a sketch. Mr. Voelcker's institution is established in a large mansion, called the St. Domingo- house, in the village of Everton, near the city of Liverpool. The situation is elevated, the house con- venient, and the grounds am})le for the purposes of the estab- lishment. It consists, in fact, of two schools in ditVerent ST. DOMINGO-HOUSE SCHOOL. 403 buildings, one a day-school, the other, of which I speak, a boarding-school. The institution is intended for the threefold purpose of preparing young men for the universities, for the army, navy, and engineering, and for trade. At a certain pe- riod the courses divide according to the future destination of the pupils. The views of Mr. Voelcker in education are understood to coincide with those of many of the most intelligent of the dis- ciples of Pestalozzi. His plans are very different from those of the grammar schools which have just been noticed, and, therefore, afford experience in reference to points not reached by them. These points are principally the following, the inter- course and relation between the teachers and pupils, and be- tween the pupils themselves, both affecting the ground-work of moral education : the result of postponing the study of the ancient languages, and of preceding them by the study of mo- dern languages ; of introducing a knowledge of nature and art throughout the course; and of dispensing with emulation as a means of exciting to intellectual exertion. Moral education. Besides the means of religious instruction commonly used for developing the moral sentiments, there is here a constant endeavour to promote the influence of the teacher, by cultivating friendly feelings and intercourse between him and his pupils. The younger classes have female superinten- dence. The elder ones are accompanied in their play, and superintended in their studies, by the younger assistant teachers. The principal and some of the teachers take their meals with the pupils, partaking at the same table of the same fare. Some of the assistant teachers, also, sleep in the rooms with the pupils, and thus, as in the German schools, exercise a powerful influence in reference to their moral education. Experience, here and elsewhere, has shown that this intercourse is compati- ble with a due maintenance of discipline, and that it tends materially to lessen the necessity for punishments. The princi- pal makes, from time to time, a communication to parents, in which he states the progress and conduct of their children. The school is assembled at the close of the morning and after- 404 GENERAL EDUCATIOV, SEfOVDARY PERIOD. noon recitations, and a report made to llie principal by each teaciier. Private admonition is given, if required by the nature of the report, and frequent offences are followed by an appeal to the parents, and if this fails to produce the desired effect, or in the case of flagrant offences, by removal from the school. Corporal punishment is rarely resorted to. IntelkctaaJ education. The pupils are divided into six classes, in general according to age. Each class contains from eight to thirteen or even fifteen pupils, under the charge of a teacher, who devotes himself to some particular branch or branches. The teaching is, therefore, individual, except in certain subjects, as drawing, natural philosophy, and chemistry, when two or three classes are united. The lessons are pre- pared under the direction, and, if necessary, with the assistance of the masters. The following is a general statement of the studies of the different classes on which I shall remark in passing : First Class. Age of the pupils from six to eight years. Religion. Duties to God, to parents and teachers, to fellow pupils. Views of man and nature, and of their author. Suitable verses from the Bible and hymns committed to memory. Exercises of the perceptive faculties. Properties of different natural and artificial bodies derived from induction, by the pupils. Language. Correct speech and pronunciation, connected with the foregoing exercises. Practical grammar. Reading, Mental arithmetic. Nunicration and the ground rules taught with sensible objects. Examples in denominate, or concrete, numbers only. Vit'riting. Letters formed. Significant words, from the foregoing exercises, written. Form and drawing. Tracing of straight and curved lines, variously directed and combined. Simple objects delineated. The number of hours of instruction is about five per day. The pupils of this class being quite young, their power of continued attention is small, and hence the subjects of recita- tion are frequently varied, and the hours are divided by intervals of exercise. 1 had an opportunity of verifying the good effects of this judicious arrangement. The variety of subject which pleases the child of this age, induces due mental effort, and con- tributes to lead to a habit of attention, which is to be cultivated by gradual steps in the after classes. I saw no experience, anv whore, which indirntod that tu render insli-nclinu disagree- ST. DOMmCO-HOUSE SCHOOL. 405 able, to overfatigue the mind of the child, and his body, were successful methods of developing either, or to support the idea that the education of young children may be marred by ren- derinf]^ their instruction too a2jrceable. Second Class. Eiglit to ten years of age. Religion. Bible history. Lan- guage. English grammar. Historical compositions. Geography. General ideas of physical geography. History. Stories from general history, and from the History of England. Arithmetic. Mental arithmetic, the ground rules, with con- crete, abstract, and compound numbers. Fractions. Use of figures, and appli- cation to foregoing rules. Forms. Ideas of geometrical figures. Natural History. Animals. Writing. Sentences relating to the subjects of study. Drawing. Chiefly from real objects. Third Class. Ten to twelve years of age. Religion. Historical parts of the Bible, chiefly from the New Testament. Language. 1. English composition, historical and descriptive; correct reading. 2. French. 3. German. Etymology, and forms of the simple sentences, acquisition of words and phrases. Geography. Europe and Great Britain more in detail. History. Connected English history. Arithmetic. Decimals, square root, proportions, fellowship, interest, &.c. Geome- try. Plane figures. Natural Philosophy. Inductive exercises. General proper- ties of bodies. Mechanics. Writing and Drawing, as in the second class. The peculiarity before mentioned, of beginning with the foreign modern languages, instead of the ancient, is here intro- duced. The English is supposed to be the language of com- parison, and the French and German are taught early, for the sake of accurate pronunciation, and of acquiring a facility in their use in conversation. I have before offered some remarks on this subject in speaking of the Hill-street Institution, in Edinburgh. As many of the teachers in this school are foreigners, who speak English with difficulty, the pupils are induced the more readily to converse with them in their own language. Fourth Class. Twelve to fourteen years of age. Religion. Reading the Scriptures. General views of the Christian religion. Language. 1, English composition. 2. French and German, continued. Committing to memory pas- sages of prose and verse. 3. Latin begun. Etymology and simple parts of syntax. Versions from English into Latin. Cornelius Nepos. Geography. Ge- neral political and statistical geography. History. Ancient history ; history of the middle ages. Arithmetic and algebra. Cube root. Proportions and loga- rithms. Algebra, to f(Madratic equations, inclusive. Geometry. SoVids. Trigono- 406 GENERAL EDrCATIOy. SErOXDARY PERIOD. metry. Natural Philosophy. Elements of Astronomy. Mathematical and phy- sical gcograj)liy. Drawing. From models. Copying drawings of landscapes and the human figure. In tlie French, the black-board is used by the pupils in writ- ing from dictation, or in turning English into French. Another useful method is the preparation of written exercises from a book, in which but few of the French words are given below the English. These exercises are afterwards ti'anslated, viva voce, into English, and then the French is read correctly from the book. In German, pieces committed to memory are writ- ten out to acquire the spelling. The natural philosophy lessons are given in conversational lectures, interspersed with questions, to ascertain the state of the pupil's knowledge. The class take notes, which are written out subsequently in full, and presented at the next recitation for correction. In the drawing class a very useful exercise is introduced, consisting in copying drawings upon a different scale from the original. Latin is begun in this class. Fifth Class. Fourteen to sixteen years of age. Religion. Reading the Scrip- tures. Morals of Christianity compared with those of paganism. Language. 1. English composition and literature. 2. French and German exercises and composition. Committing selected pieces to memory. 3. Latin. Cornelius Ncpos, finished. Ovid. History. Modern history. Natural Philosophy. Ele- ments of hydrostatics, &,c. Heat, &-c. Optics. Electricity. Galvanism and magnetism. Chemistry. The branches just enumerated are common to all divisions of the class, but here a separation takes place, according to the destination of the pupils in after life. For the first division, or those preparing for llie university, the following studies are added: Latin. Translations from English into Latin. Cicero and Livy read. Greek. Etymological parts of the grammar. Greek delectus. Xenophon. For the second division, intended for the military or naval schools, the following courses are added: Spherical trigonometry. Land surveying. Navigation. Mechanics. Tcrji- nology and gcomrtriral drawing. ST. DOMINGO- HOUSE SCHOOL. 407 For the third division, or those preparing for commerce: Practical arithmetic. Book-keeping. History and geography of commerce, and a knowledge of the chief articles of trade and commerce. The chemistry is taught according to the method already described as used by Dr. D. B. Reid, of Edinburgh. It is diffi- cult to introduce a similar system in regard to mechanics, but it has been done, partially, as already stated, at the La Mar- tiniere school of Lyons. The instruction in regard to the articles of trade and com- merce is accompanied by a kind of practical exercise in the system of banking, in the difierent operations of trade, in the mode of keeping books, &c., the members of the class being converted into an imaginary community, carrying on supposed operations of this kind under the direction of the teacher. To conduct these exercises properly, requires considerable skill, as well as knowledge, but I was much pleased to see that sound instruction was actually communicated, and the details of business, with their general theory, were thus impressed in a way not easily to be forgotten. Sixth Class. Sixteen to eighteen years of age. This class is only intended for those preparing for the university. Language. English, French and German composition. Extracts from classical authors. Latin prosody and versification. Translations into Greek, continued. Xenophon, Plato, Herodotus, Thucydides, Homer, Euripides and ^schylus. Geo- graphy. Ancient Geography. Mental Fhilosophy. Mathematics. First six books of Euclid, in Latin. The propriety of postponing Latin until the age of thirteen^ the average of the fourth class, is a question which experience alone can determine positively. In the case of those who are to go to the universities, where their success depends in a great measure upon their being thoroughly trained classical scholars, I must express my conviction that the period between the fourth class and the end of the sixth is not sufficient, with the many other subjects to be attended to, to enable youths of ordinary abilities to compete successfully with those who begin earlier, and devote more of their time to the classics. In the present state of secondary instruction in England, the classics must be 408 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. SECOXDARY PERIOD. tlic prominent feature of every school which prepares pupils for the universities. That tliere is, also, ample time to devote to other studies, I think experience has shown, and I believe, fur- ther, that the mental training derived from the combined sys- tem is superior to that from the exclusively classical, but not that modern languages and science can be made the basis, and the ancient languages supplementary, consistently with such an acquisition of the latter as to enable the student to compete for stations depending upon them with those who have been drilled in them from early youth. On the otiier hand, I must express, "with equal freedom, my opinion that, as a preparation for en- gineering, the army, navy, commerce, or trade, or for the general purposes of life, there cannot be a reasonable doubt ■whether a student should devote his youth to the ancient lan- guages, as at Harrow, or to the more general course of study, as in the school under consideration. The sources of usefulness and enjoyment opened by the latter course would, in my opi- nion, far surpass those presented by the former. The principle of emulation is not admitted, by Mr. Voelcker, as one upon which the training of youth should depend, and, accordingly, there is neither taking of places in the recitations, nor giving of rank at examinations. It would require a more minute inspection of the system than I was able to give it, to come to a definitive conclusion as to the results of excluding emulation, but I could not avoid the impression that the classes would, in many cases, have been more lively, had emulation been employed. While it may be freely admitted, in a moral point of view, that a desire of distinction is not among the highest motives to exertion, I question whether we are yet prepared to dispense with it in our schools. P/njsical education. There is a gymnasium, in which regu- lar exercises from the German system are practiced. At the time of my visit this was deserted for the play-ground in front of the house, and the exercises were abandoned for those games to which the English youth are so much attached. The order of Ike day in the school is as follows : BRUCE CASTLE SCHOOL. 409 The pupils rise at half past six in autumn, the hour varying with the season, assemble to prayers at seven, study in classes until eight, breakfast and recite until nine, are in school until twelve, and play until three in summer and half past three in winter, with an interval at two, or half past one, for dinner; in school for three hours until six or half past six; take tea in winter at half past six, in summer at seven, and study until eight; at prayers and to bed at nine. BRUCE CASTLE SCHOOL, TOTTENHAM, NEAR LONDON. This is a private school near the village of Tottenham, ten miles from London, conducted by Messrs. Edwin and Arthur Hill, and established by their father. The principles and prac- tice in their establishment are the result of the study and experience of the able teachers through whose hands it has successively passed. The object of education is thus stated, in the account of the institution.* " The object which we have kept in view, in forming our system of government and instruction, is to render our pupils, in the highest degree, virtuous and intelligent men ; and at the same time so to modify the education of each, as to enable him to pass with honour, success, and happiness, through that path of Hfe into which he will probably be thrown." To effect this it is deemed essential to study the individual pupil, and when his peculiar talent and disposition are discovered, to direct him in the path which they point out as that which he may pursue most successfully, and the parent is advised accordingly. As there are, however, faculties to be cultivated essential to every man in a laudable career, so the ground-work is general, while, after a certain period, the education is varied according to the destination in life. The maxims laid down in relation to the exercise of the facul- ties of the mind arc as follows : — The reflecting and inventive * Sketch of tlie System of Education, mental and mtellectual, in practice at the F-choolf? of Bruce Castle, Tottenham, and Hazlewond, near Birniinghara. London, 1 833. 410 GENERAL EDUCATION'. SECONDARY PERIOD. powers should be as much as possible exercised, by throwing the pupil upon his own resources in the course of the acquisition of knowledge. A distinction, however, should be made in the amount and character of the assistance rendered to him be- tween those branches which may be acquired by patient study and in progressive steps, and those which arc in a great degree arbitrary, as, for example, between mathematics and language. The assistance which is afforded must be valued in order to be beneficial, and must be proportioned, therefore, to the pupil's own powers, as well as to the nature of his studies. The un- derstanding should be accustomed to examine for itself every idea presented to it, and to be certain that it is fully grasped. Concentration of the mind mainly upon one subject is essen- tial to success in its attainment, and the studies, therefore, should be only so far diversified as to give the repose necessary to renewed vigour. This concentration cannot, of course, be carried so far in youth as in manhood. Order is essential to the efficiency of both mental and bodily labour. Desultory cfiTorts are of little value, when compared with systematic exertion ; a principle which, when a number of individuals are concerned, can only be carried out by punctuality on the part of each. In regard to the kind of knowledge to be communicated, the following maxims are observed: — The degree of attention paid to each study should be proportioned to its importance to the welfare and happiness of society at large, and of the individual pupil. While, therefore, all the studies which form the basis of a general mental development are pursued, each pupil should bestow special attention upon those best calculated to culti- vate his peculiar powers. The formation of good habits of mind, and the development of the mental, as well as of the bodily strength, is more to be regarded than the early acquire- ment of positive knowledge. As far as possible, however, that knowledge should be preferred, as the means of mental culture, which will fit the pupils for their duties in after life. In rcl,^ard to the mode of communicating knowledge, the ar- rangement of the subjects should be such as to admit <>f the most BRUCE CASTLE SCHOOL. 411 ready application of their principles by the pupils; and hence the value of some branches, as introductory to others, should not be lost sight of. No new step should be taken without the certainty that the ground already passed over has been secured, and constant repetition must be employed to make sure that what has been acquired has not been lost. A succession of definite objects should be presented to the pupil, and the time necessary, with moderate exertion, to their acquisition duly assessed. The principles of moral education or discipline, as laid down by the instructors, are as follows: — "In arranging the motives which we hold out to the pupils, for the acquirement of know- ledge, of good habits, and of virtuous feelings, we place highest in the scale that which arises from the expectation of the bene- fits which such acquirements will confer on the holder himself, and the power they will give him of benefiting others. Next to this motive we place love of employment, then hope of arti- ficial reward, and, lastly, fear of punishment." Artificial re- w^ards and punishments are considered as necessary evils, and hence their use is limited to the smallest possible amount. Mild punishments, inflicted with certainty, are more efficacious than severe ones, from which there is a chance of escape. All un- necessary restraints are to be avoided. If possible, oflfences should be prevented rather than punished. These principles, as far as they cover the ground of educa- tion, seem to me to be entitled to a full assent, and it will be interesting to trace some of the modes of their application; and, first, to the moral education and government of the pupils. Regularity is insured by aiming at exact punctuality. Each exercise of the school has its appointed time, and rigid con- formity to this is required, without which time is lost both to the tardy pupil himself, and, through his negligence, to others. It is not uncommon in schools to allow deviation from exactness in the ringing of the bell, or other signals for exercise, but the eftect is fiital to habits of punctuality. It appears to me, from observation, that tlie happiest results are produced by this rule, which requires the pupil to be in a particular place at a pre- 41*-^ GENERAL EDUCATION. i^ECONDAkV I'KKIOU. else second, and that it is greatly preferable to that which allows a latitude of several minutes. An economy of time is produced by this regulation, and also by making the acquisition of lessons "piece-work," instead of "day-work." A certain portion of time is allotted, within which the pupil may, by proper exertion, master his lesson; if he is specially active, and has done his work within this time, the remainder of it is at his own disposal. It is left to his judg- ment to decide when the lesson is acquired, and he may leave his desk; but he is responsible, subsequently, for his decision. This regulation is of course only applied after the judgment necessary to its execution has been formed. Good conduct is encouraged by various artificial methods, besides the natural ones of approbation and censure, and the fostering of kindly feelings of the pupils toward the teachers and towards each other. One of these is the award of school marks, according to a graduated scale, for the performance of duty, or extra work, and their forfeiture for the infraction of rules. The boys are divided into circles often, over which an elder pupil, selected by the school, presides, under the title of guardian. It is the duty of this guardian to assist the mem- bers of his circle in all cases of difficulty, as a friend and adviser. He also collects the fines due from the members of his circle. There are rewards and privileges depending upon the aggregate conduct of the members of a circle, so that each one may be considered as interested in the good conduct of all, and, therefore, in preventing infractions of laws. A plan some- what similar to this has also been tried at Mr. Fcllenberg's insti- tution in Switzerland. In the case of certain boys, the rules relating to rewards and punishments have, at different times, been suspended with success, such boys being bound in honour to enter their conduct in a journal provided for the purpose. For the promotion of good conduct, an analytical table is kept, which displays, under appropriate and well subdivided heads, the opinion of each teacher in regard to cvcvy pu])il. On a change of conduct, there is a corresj^ondiiig rhnnge of the re- gister. If the standing upon this loll is Lrood. (•(^rtaiii fa\t>urs BRUCE CASTLE SCHOOL. 413 are extended to the pupil, such as the use of a small garden, an excursion of a day or more, every half year, and the use of a separate small room for a study. A high place in the conduct- roll requires not merely the absence of infractions of rules, but the manifestation of active good qualities; absolute merit, not comparative, is rewarded by testimonials, and the name of a pupil who is highly distinguished is inscribed on a tablet of honour. In extreme cases, temporary or entire separation of a pupil from his fellows is resorted to as a punishment, but in no case is public shame or corporal punishment allowed. In ge- neral, the intention of this method is to dispense, as far as possi- ble, with punishments. Although the result of the regulations of this school appeared to me, in the main, satisfactory, yet parts of them did not strike me favourably, as, for example, the admission of the pupil to a share in the enactment of school- laws and the fixing of penalties, to which there are objections, founded on the loss of time, and the distraction to which it must give rise. Well trained pupils will be easily satisfied of the justice of mild laws emanating from the master, though they have had no voice in the enactment. In regard to intellectual education, it is given by instruction in the English branches, French, Latin, Greek, the elements of natural science and technology, arithmetic, and other branches of mathematics, and is upon a liberal scale. Religious instruc- tion and the physical education of the pupils are carefully attended to. I propose to notice some of the peculiarities of the instruction in these branches, and of arrangements connected with the general subject of intellectual labour. French is taught as nearly as possible in the way in which a child might be sup- posed to learn its mother tongue. Phrases of common use in the school-room are first taught, and the pronunciation of them made distinct and accurate. After this, the language of the class-room is French, and if a pupil is unable to express him- self, he is permitted to ask of the teachers the required phrase, or as much of it as he cannot make out without aid. About twenty lessons, of an hour each, of familiar phrases are given, 414 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECO.VDARY PERIOD. and these are repeated simultaneously by the class. After this and other preliminary exercises, the pupil proceeds to his first reading-book, a translation of Miss Edgevvorth's " Frank," which has previously been read, explained, transcribed, and committed to memory in the English course. A paragraph or more is read, great care being taken with the pronuncia- tion; it is translated, transcribed, and written from dictation, rendered from French into English, and vice versa, in writ- ing. When this process has been perfectly performed, it is next committed to memory. Easy sentences are then given to render from English into French. The class thus proceeds through this book and the accompanying manuscript exercises. The rules of grammar are introduced from time to time, and are drawn fron^i the pupil's own experience. He is now pre- pared to feel the convenience of learning the conjugations sys- tematicallv. A second readins^-book follows, and with it svs- tematic grammar is introduced. While the instruction in French is thus adapted to the pur- pose for which it is taught, the ancient languages are pursued as in more exclusively classical schools, except that, perhaps, the study of grammar is more gradually introduced. Great care is taken that the exact meaning, as well as the language, of tlie authors studied is understood. The written exercises in language are also considered as exercises in penmanship, being subjected to the scrutiny of the writing as well as of the classi- cal master. Before entering the Latin class,thei'cforc,a boy must have made a certain progress in his English educati<^n. The J^atin is begun at between eight and nine years ol'age bN' those who enter young, and the experience of this school has been, that boys beginning with the preparation, and at the age just mentioned, arc better Latin scholars at eleven or twelve than those who begin earlier, and with a less complete preparation. Greek is commenced when the pupil can read Ca:^sar. The number of boys in the several sections is, in this department, not suflercd to exceed seven. Geography is taught n(\arly upon the plan described in speak- ing of the burgher school of Hallo, in Prussia. When some BRUCLi CASTLE SCHOOL. 415 progress has been made in the study, imaginary voyages and journies are made, and information is given in relation to the places visited. An idea of the dimensions of the earth is de- rived from comparing upon a globe its circumference with the longest actual journey which has been performed by the pupil. The earth is next considered as a part of the solar system. A course of private reading is marked out for the pupils, which they are encouraged to follow. The time required for an attentive perusal of each work is estimated, and a number of rnarJis proportionate to this time may be obtained, provided the pupil passes a satisfactory examination upon its contents. These books are duly arranged in the school library, to which the pupils ha\'8 access under certain regulations. The course con- sists of works calculated "gradually to impart a strong taste for private reading — to lead a boy, by easy steps, from the familiar story-books of children to the standard works of science and lite- rature,— to store the mind of the pupil with the historical facts before exposing him to the risk of false impressions from the mixture of history and fiction — to connect the study of biography with that of the corresponding portions of history — and where authorities disagree in their views of important events, to place the works of the different authors as nearly as convenient in juxtaposition."* This arrangement has been at- tended with the best effects. To carry out the principle, that clear and definite objects of attainment should always be presented to a pupil during his whole course, schedules of the studies are hung up, and he is made aware that he cannot proceed to a higher division with- out having passed a satisfactory examination upon the subjects of that in which he is. In courses depending upon principles, as arithmetic, &c., he must be able to correct his own errrors, and in such as give mechanical facility, as drawling and writ- ing, where exact comparison is practicable, he must come up to a certain average standard. It must be remembered by those who arc disposed to consi- * Sketch of the System, «Soc., j). 15. 416 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. SECONDARY I'ERIOD. dcr what arc called innovations in education as mere sciieming without practical results, that the plans which are spoken of as in operation in this school have stood the test of a long expe- rience, and are in no wise liable to the objections of naerc theoretical conclusions. The school where they have been tried continues to flourish, and these results to speak for them- selves, to every one who will take pains to examine into them. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN TRANCE. 417 CHAPTER XL SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. It will facilitate the understanding of the notice which I am about to give of secondary instruction in France, to make a few preliminary remarks upon the general system, of which it is a part, and of the highest instruction to which it leads. The exclusive charge of the entire system of education is vested in a body styled "the University of France,"* presided over by a grand master, who is the minister of public instruc- tion, and president of a council of six, to which the regulation and administration of the whole are committed. Each coun- cillor has special charge over one or more divisions of public instruction, and in the offices connected with the council the details of business are transacted. Second to this council are the inspectors-general of the university, who are required to examine the institutions of every grade, and to report upon them to the council. The kingdom is arranged, according to its political divisions, into academies, each academy embracing one or more Depart- ments. The presiding officer of each academy is the rector, who is appointed by the grand master of the university, to serve for five years; the minister of public instruction being, ex officio, rector of the Academy of Paris, the active duties of that post are performed by a substitute. The rector is assisted by two inspectors and a council, who hav-e the same duties within the bounds of the academy as the inspectors-general and council of the university have in the kingdom. The academy * Laws of 1806. Code Universitaire, 1835. A very excellent account of the University of France is given by our countryman, the Rev. Robert Baird, clergy- man at Paris, in the American Quarterly Register for August, 1836. 53 418 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. includes, besides this executive and superintending body, the teaching corps, or facuhies, viz. — the facuUy of letters, of science, of medicine, of law, and of theology, all of which, however, do not actually exist in every academy; in some, indeed, there is no faculty organization. These faculties con- sist of a variable number of professors, one of whom is dean, and a committee of whom examine candidates for degrees. The two degrees which may be taken at the close of the career of secondary instruction, without study in the faculties themselves, and which are introductory to the others, are those of bachelor of letters (bachelier-es-lettres) and of bachelor of sciences (bachelier-es-sciences). The preparation necessary for these degrees may be made at home, as well as in one of the public or private establishments for secondary instruction; the examination is, in a great measure, the test according to which they are bestowed, though, in cases where the testimo- nials of conduct and proficiency are strong, the examination has, of course, less weight than in others. As the course of secondary instruction hinges, in a measure, upon the qualifica- tions for those degrees, it is proper to introduce them here. To be admitted to an examination for the degree of bachelor of letters, the candidate must be at least sixteen years of age. He must prove, by a certificate, that he has studied for one year, at least, a course of mental and moral philosophy, and for the preceding year, a course of rhetoric, in an establishment connected with the university; or that he has been similarly instructed in the house of his father, brother, or uncle; or that he has attended the course of philosophy for at least a year, in a faculty of letters, and has, besides, followed the lectures of other departments. In the last mentioned case he must produce a certificate of regular attendance from the dean of the fa cult}'. The subjects of examination arc divided into three classes, Latin, Greek, and rhetoric; history and geography; philosophy and the elements of mathematics and physics. Tiie questions on these several subjects are arranged beforehand, in divisions SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. 419 of three each, and the candidate draws, by lot, one of these divisions. He is required, also, to give a written exercise, consisting of a translation of Latin phrases. The Greek examination may take place upon selections from Lucian, Xeno- phon, Excerptae e Scriptoribus Grajcis, Greek Clirestomathy, the Thouglits of Plato, the Apology of Socrates, Plutarch, Eschines, Demosthenes, Sophocles, Eu- ripides, and Homer. The Latin, upon selections from Sallust, Livy, Tacitus, Quintus Curtius, Cice- ro, Virgil, and Horace. Rhetoric is considered under the heads of invention, arrangement, and elocution. The other subjects are as follows : History, divided into ancient history and Roman history, history of the middle ages, and modern history, to include the seven years' war. Geography, including a general description of the earth, modern geography, and especially that of France. Philosophy, divided into psychology, logic, morals, natural theology, and the history of philosophy. Elements of mathematics, namely, arithmetic, including proportions and vul- gar and decimal fractions, partnership, and interest ; algebra, including equa- tions of the first degree, square and cube root, and proportions ; the most essential propositions of plane and solid geometry. The elements of physics include ideas of the laws of gravitation, of heat, electricity, magnetism, &c. The first principles of chemistry. A competent knowledge of these subjects, it will hereafter be seen, may be obtained by a collegian without passing through all the classes. A rigorous examination upon such a course might be considered quite sufficient for this degree, but it is possible that, by the aid of manuals ingeniously contrived to give the minimum of information, the student may prepare him- self superficially. After all, however, this evil is not so great to any as to the individual himself, and among the crowds who press forward for these degrees, the university can lose but little in reputation by such cases. To become a candidate for the degree of bachelor of sciences, the applicant must produce his diploma of bachelor of letters. If he intends to devote himself to giving instruc- tion in philosophy merely, he is not required to be examined on chemistry and natural history, but the diploma has this fact 420 GEXERAL EDUCATIOX. SECONDARY PERIOD. recorded upon it. If he applies for the baccalaureate in ma- thematical science, he is examined on the following subjects: " 1st. Arithmetic, geometry, plane trig-onomctry, spherical trigonometry, algebra, including the binomial theorem and the resolution of numerical equa- tions, the application of algebra to geometry, and the elements of statics. "2d. The elements of pliysical science required of the candidate for the baccalaureate of physical science."* This examination is required to last at least one hour. The candidate for the degree of bachelor of physical science is examined — "1st. On arithmetic, elementary geometry, algebra, including problems de- pending upon shnple equations with one or several unknown quantities; on simple machines and the part of the elements of statics referring to them. " 2d. Tlie elements of physics, chemistry, and natural history, according to the following programme."* The programme referred to includes, in physics, the general properties of bodies, gravity, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, heat, electricity and gal- vanism, magnetism, electro-magnelism, molecular action, acoustics, optics, and meteorology. In chemistry, the general principles, nomenclature, some of the simple non-metallic substances and their compounds, metals, alloys, oxides, and salts. General questions on zoology, botan}', mineralogy, and geology. This examination must last not less than three-quarters of an jiour. The mathematical course for the last named degree, except- ing the part relating to machines and statics, is taught in the first year of philosophy in the royal colleges, as will be seen hereafter. As no one can matriculate in any faculty of an academy without having taken the diploma of bachelor of letters, and the career of medicine requires also that of sciences, the prepa- ration for these degrees forms a definite object for attainment by the course of secondary instruction. The establishments for pubHc secondary instruction in France, are the royal and communal colleges (colleges royaux et communaux), and the normal school (^cole normale), and for private instruction the institutions (institutions) and boarding- schools (pensions). There are, beside, a few private colleges. • Dfccrec of the Royal Council of Public Instruction, Feb. 3, 1837. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. 421 the remains of ancient foundations. The law defines the royal colleges to be establishments in which the following branches are taught : — the languages, history, rhetoric, logic, elements of mathematics, and physical science ; the communal colleges to be those where instruction is given in the elements of the an- cient languages, and the first principles of history and science.* The first mentioned private establishment is defined by the law to be one resembling the colleges, and the second was origi- nally designed for a lower grade of attainment. The pupils of the private establishments are now required by law to attend the recitations of the colleges, but as they may enter a higher class of a college by examination on the studies of the previous classes, and even procure a certificate of profi- ciency in all the courses by the same means, the law may be considered as not rigidly enforced, although, as a general rule, the attendance is customary. The royal colleges are established by, and in part supported from, funds of the state and of the university. In turn, they contribute to the treasury of the university, of which they form component parts. The communal colleges are established, in like manner, in part at the expense of the communes. There are upwards of forty royal colleges in France, of which five are in Paris ; besides these, there are two private colleges in the same city. The number of communal colleges in the kingdom is about two hundred and thirty.f " Institutions" and boarding-schools are licensed by the university, and pay for this a yearly sum into its treasur3^ As this is less in the case of the latter than of the former establishment, and as the plan of education for them is not specifically laid down, it acts as a bounty toward the increase of the boarding-schools. The head of the former must have,. according to law, at least the degree of bachelor in the faculties of letters and sciences, while the * Decree of 17th March, 1808, Art. 4, quoted in the Code Universitaire, p. 5, 1835. t Expos6 des motifs et projet de loi sup I'iiistruction secondaire presentes par M. Guizot, rninistre de I'instruclion puhliqnr, dans la seance de hmdi, ler Fevrier, 1836. 422 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECO.VDARY PERIOD. master of the boarding school is required to have only that of bachelor of letters. These schools are wholly subsidiary to the public ones, and cannot be considered as stimulating them in any degree by a wholesome competition. M. Guizot has pointed out the defects of the system as depending upon the following causes — first, that a special and discretionary authority, available only for one place, is necessary to open such an establishment ; second, that the pupils must be sent to the colleges ; and tliird, that the grand master of the university has the right, after an academical inquest, to close them.* There are more than ninety " institu- tions," and six hundred and sixty boarding-schools in France. Since the organization of the imperial university, and con- nexion of the lyceums (now royal colleges) with it, in 1806, the general outhne of public secondary instruction in France has not varied materially. Isolated instances of modification, such as the establishment of courses for students of arts and trades, connected with the royal college of Nanci, cannot be considered as contravening this remark. A growing necessity appears, however, to have been felt for a secondary education, bearing the same relation to non-professional occupations as the present secondary bears to the professions. Accordingly, such a system was proposed by M. Guizot in 1836. He lays down the principle, that it is an abuse of classical studies to extend them so far as to create an undue tendency towards the learned professions, or to prevent the timely acqui- sition of the habits of mind and special knowledge required for non-professional occupations. He considers, therefore, that at a certain period, instruction should assume a special character, being directed according to the future vocation of the recipient of it. This division of courses he is of opinion should take place, either between the elementary or grammar classes of the royal colleges and the higher classes, or between the two lower of the literary classes. The very important modification thus pro- posed was accompanied by another, throwing open secondary • Alnianiic fir ITnivrrsitP Rovale rlo Franco, }^^i\. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. 423 instruction to private competition under suitable regulations, as to the qualifications of the teachers, and repealing the law re- quiring the pupils of private establishments to attend the royal colleges. The project embodying these changes was reported, with some alterations, to the Chamber of Deputies, in June, 1836, but has not, I believe, been yet acted on. Certainly no changes of the kind contemplated had been made previous to my visit to the colleges of Paris in 1837.* While the general outline has thus remained the same, great changes have been made in the filling up, the details of instruc- tion having been much varied in reference both to matter and method. Instruction in the physical and mathematical sciences, to prepare for the courses and first degrees of the faculty of science, having been necessarily admitted, the manner in which these should be combined with the classical studies, appears to have been subject to much variety of legislation by the council of the university. At one time, science and letters were studied conjointly, then they were separated, and science, except in its very elements, was postponed to the close of the course ; they are at this time again united, but with arrangements considered to be very imperfect. If I may judge by the examinations for the baccalaureate of sciences, which I attended, this opinion, which came to me from more than one source, is quite correct. The changes of position which the course of natural history has undergone, are very remarkable. In 1802 it was directed that the elements of natural history should be taught in the lowest class of mathematics, corresponding to the next to the lowest in the classics. In 1814 this subject formed a part of the courses of the third and second classes. In 1830 it still continued part of the course of the third class, and in 1832 was transferred to the sixth or lower grammar class, where it is even now considered a surplus study. The modern lan- guages have been introduced as voluntary branches with the usual result, where the honours of the institution are reserved * I am indebted for letters of admission to the colleges of Paris to the Minis- ter of Public Instruction, M. Salvandy. 424 GEXERAL EDUCATION. SKCOXDARY PERIOD. for the regular courses. While the studies in science have not aflbrded the results which similar ones in other schools of France are daily producing, the lessons of philosophy have succeeded in rivalling, in the attention of the students, those of the languages, and now constitute a striking portion of the col- lege course. In describing the details of this system, I shall confine my remarks to the royal colleges, as the institutions by which the secondary instruction of France must be judged. It will be convenient to consider these institutions under the heads of, 1st, their government and the admission of pupils; 2d, their discipline; 3d, their courses of instruction; 4th, the arrange- ments for domestic economy. Government. The royal colleges are superintended by an officer, called a provisor (proviseur), assisted by a censor (cen- seur). These officers must be at least licentiates in the facul- ties of letters or of sciences. The provisor has the general direction of the college. All the other officers are subordinate to him, and he has the appointment of some of them. It is his duty to visit frequently the infirmary, refectory, study-halls, dormitories, and other parts of the establishment. Accom- panied by the censor, he is present, from time to time, at the lessons of the professors. If he observe negligence on the part of any officer, he communicates with him through the censor. Every evening he receives from the latter the class lists, con- taining the remarks of the professors during the day, and every morning has such students as require admonition sum- moned before him. On Sunday he attends, with the censor, a meeting of the classes, at which the remarks of the week are recapitulated. Once a month he meets the censor, chaplain, and professors, to discuss the aflairs of the college. Every quarter, at least, he communicates with parents in regard to the health, ])rogress, and conduct of their sons. Twice a year he reports to the council of his academy a detailed list of the pupils, and gives an account of the state of the college. The censor is the immediate superintendent of instruction and discipline, and has charge of the library. He superintends KOYAL COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 425 in person the rising and going to bed of the pupils, their going to and coming from the classes and meals, their walks, and their reception-room. He furnishes the class-lists for the day, and their recapitulation for the week, to the provisor. He re- places the provisor, in case of the absence or sickness of the latter. In point of fact, when the provisor is a man of energy, the office of censor is not of very great importance, but when not so, and the censor has the requisite character, he is likely to be the real provisor. The chaplain (aumonier) holds the same rank as the censor. He is nominated by the provisor, and appointed by the rector of the academy, with the advice of the bishop of the diocese. He has charge of the religious instruction of the Roman Catho- lic pupils, and of the religious services on Sunday. In the col- lege of Louis-le-Grand, at Paris, and in some establishments out of the capital, there is, besides, a chaplain for the Protestant students. The professors, whose branches will be stated hereafter, are chosen from among the adjuncts (agreges). Each one has charge of a division of a class, which should not, by law, ex- ceed twenty-five in number. In case of an excess, the pupils should be so distributed between the professor and his adjunct, that the two divisions may, as nearly as possible, contain pupils of equal capacity, so as to enter into direct competition. The professors make both daily and weekly reports, in relation to the pupils, to the censor. Besides the professors, there are teachers of the modern languages, of writing, arithmetic, draw- ing, dancing, and fencing. The first four named branches are taught at the expense of the college. The adjuncts (agreges) are appointed after a competition, which may take place in one or more of the following five divisions, namely, philosophy, the sciences, the higher classes of letters, history and geography, and the grammar classes. The competitors must have passed through the normal school, or have been for two years directors of studies in a royal col- lege, or teachers in a communal college, or have done the duties of adjunct in a royal college, for the same time, or 54 426 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. have served three years continuously as repeaters of lessons (rt'petiteurs) in the institutions or boarding-schools of the same academy. This term of service is reduced to one year for those ^vho have the degree of doctor of sciences or letters, and for llie pupils of the polytechnic school admitted to the public service. Tlie competitors must also have certain degrees, viz: for the first named competition, those of licentiate of letters and bachelor of sciences; for the second, those of licentiate of the mathcnintical and ])hysical sciences; for the third and fourth, that of licentiate of letters; and for the fifth, that of baciielor of letters. The judges arc named by the grand master of the university, on the nomination of the rector of the academy. There are tliree kinds of competition (concours), by written exercises, by an argumentation or thesis, and by a lesson. The second trial lasts, at most, three hours. The third, an hour, dur- ing the first part of which the competitor lectures, and during the second, questions one of the others on the subject of the lecture. The competitors in })hilosophy compose two disputa- tions in French, one on a philosophical question, the other on a part of the history of philosophy. A thesis is sustained upon similar subjects as the second part of the competition. The competition in mathematics and physics consists, for the first trial, of an essay on two subjects, one in each of these branches, or in chemistry, as a substitute fur physics; for the second, in questioning and answering (luestions on the subjects of exami- nation for the grades of licentiate of matiiematical science, and of licentiate of physical science. That in the higher classes of letters consists, for the first trial, in composing a Latin disserta- tion on some sul)ject of ancient or modern literature, a disserta- tion, in French, on some subject of philosophy, a piece of Latin poetry, and a translation of Greek into French; for the second, in translating, at sight, passages selected from a Greek or Latin author, and in answering any question of other competi- tors on the subject, or growing out of it, and asking them ques- tions in return. The competition in history and geograjihy requires no special description. For the grammar class the competitor must, on his first trial, translate selected pieces from ROYAI, COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 427 Latin into French, and vice versa, and from Greek into French, and vice versa, and compose Latin verses; for his second trial he must translate, at sight, a passage from a Greek, and another from a Latin author, into French, and stand an ex- amination upon it by the other competitors, or by the judges. There are several adjuncts attached to every college, who supply the places of absent professors, and who take divisions of the classes for regular instruction. When not thus attached, so that their stipend is furnished by a college, they are entitled to a small payment from the university. In the college of Louis-le-Grand there are no less than twenty adjuncts, besides the officers, professors, and directors of study. There are, in the same institution, upwards of one thousand pupils of differ- ent classes, more than five hundred being boarders. This arrangement, by which a number of young men are connected with public instruction at their entrance into life, and secured the means of devoting themselves to teaching, is one of the most, if not the most, important provision of all those which regulate the university of France. The competition prevents, in general, the connexion of those who are deficient in capacity to learn and to teach, and the supply of vacancies among the teachers by young men thus trained has inestima- ble advantages. The officers who superintend the pupils when not in the class- rooms are called directors of study (maitres d'etudes). They must be at least of the grade of bachelor of letters. There is one of them to about twenty-five students. This officer eats with the students, sleeps in a room adjacent to their dormito- ries, superintends them in their walks, at going to and from the recitation-rooms, and when in their dormitories, assists them in the preparation of their lessons, and attends them in the writing, dancing, music, and fencing exercises. After hearing the lessons of the students, he reports to the professor his opinion of the preparation of each, and to the censor their conduct and progress. The reports to the censor are made daily, and an abstract is given to him at the close of the week. To assist in the discipline, the pupils are divided into small sec- 428 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECO.VDARV PERIOD. tions, over which the director appoints one as the head, who is responsible for the good order of his fellows. These directors are thus not mere superintendents of the play hours, as in some of the institutions already noticed in other countries, but a lower grade of teachers, who are required to be competent to hear the recitations, to ascertain that due preparation has been made, and to assist the pupils, if necessary. They are appointed by the grand master of the university, on the nomination of the provisor, and receive, at first, merely a provisional appoint- ment, during which time their nomination may be recalled. The steward has charge of the domestic economy, under direction of the provisor. All purchases of considerable amount are made by contract, and according to the estimates sanctioned by the council of the university; smaller purchases may be authorized by the council of the academy. The war- rant of the provisor is a sufficient authority to the steward for expenditures which have received the regular sanction, or for small extra ones. The steward is also treasurer of the college, keeps a regular account of receipts and disbursements, and of purchases. He makes up, weekly, an account of provisions received and issued. Every eight days the provisor verifies the balance sheet, and inspects the books once a month. The steward furnishes to the minister of public instruction a monthly statement of his accounts, with the vouchers, which arc examined in the appropriate bureau. Besides this, he trans- mits, yearly, an abstract of his account to the same officer. His books, and the state of the treasury, are subject to a quar- terly inspection by an officer deputed by the rector of the aca- demy. He prepares for transmission to the rector, by the pro- visor, a quarterly account of the stock on hand. This officer gives bonds for the faithful performance of his duties. The servants of the college are under the special charge of the steward. Some of them sleep in rooms connected with the dormitories. Every night one keeps watch, that there may be assistance at hand in case of sickness, two servants dividing the night watch between them. During the day, one of them is required to go the rounds of the halls, court, and stairs, to see ROYAL COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 429 that all is in order, and, during play hours, another is always in attendance at the door of the receiving-room, to call those stu- dents whose friends desire to see them. The officers of the colleges, from the provisor to the professors inclusive, are appointed by the grand master of the university. The different officers are paid according to the grade of in- stitution to which they belong, a classification having been made for that purpose. When the salaries are small, as in the case of inferior officers, they are secured an increase accord- ing to the term of service. All who enter into obligations to serve in the career of public instruction for ten years, are ex- empted from regular military service, though not from jury- duty, and service in the national guard. All receive pensions for long continued and faithful discharge of duty, and these in- crease with the time during which they are enjoyed. Their emoluments are, in general, not confined to the salaries which they receive, but also depend, in part, upon the number of stu- dents under their charge, each one having a certain proportion- ate interest in the fees paid to the college, according to his re- sponsibility. When the college has a surplus income over and above its expenditures, it is divided among the officers, under the direction of the university council. The provisor, censor, chaplain, and directors of studies, are required to live in the col- lege. Rooms are in some cases provided for the professors, but no allowance is made for quarters to those who reside out of the institution. The directors of studies and chaplain are boarded by the college. A physician and surgeon visit the college once a-day. The nursing is done by sisters of charity. Admission. The pupils are of two classes, boarders (inter- nes), and day-scholars (externes), from the " institutions" and boarding-schools. To be admitted, a youth must have attained eight years of age, and produce a certificate of vaccination. In addition, to be received as a boarder, he must know how to read and write, and, as a day-scholar, to read, write, and cypher. The provisor alone has the authority to grant admission. The boarders are divided into three divisions. The first con- sists of the eighth and seventh classes, and forms the petty-col- 430 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. lege (petit-coll6ge). The second of the sixth, fifth, fourth, and third. The third of the second and rlietoric class, and of the philosophy classes. Each class has its dormitories, with sepa- rate beds for every pupil. There is a special superintendence for each of these divisions. Among the boarders, part receive both maintenance and in- struction gratuitously, having the benefit of the royal or com- munal bursaries (bourses) founded for that purpose. Others have aid from parts of bursaries. The expenses for books and for the studies of those who are full bursars are defrayed, as well as for their clothing, maintenance, and instruction. The royal bursars are appointed by the minister of public instruc- tion, the communal by the municipal councils of the towns who hold the bursaries. These pupils are admitted between the ages of nine and twelve, and may, according to law, be sent away from the college if they do not pass a satisfactory exami- nation at the close of any year. Order of the daij. From five A. M. to six the pupils rise, dress, wash, and attend prayers. Six to seven, the directors of studies examine their written exercises, in succession, the pupils being meanwhile at study. Seven to half past seven, the pupils recite. Half past seven to eight, breakfast. Eight to ten, les- sons of the professors. Ten to eleven, writing, arithmetic, and drawing. Eleven to twelve, preparation of lessons. Twelve to half past one, P. M., dinner and recreation. Half past one to half past four, lessons of the professors. From half past four to five, luncheon and recreation. Five to half past seven, pre- paration of lessons. Half past seven to eight, supper. Eight to nine, recreation, reHgious reading, prayers, and to bed. During meals a ])upil reads a lesson pointed out by the provisor. Discipline. The form of the discipline is military; the pupils march in regular order, and are taught the more simple parts of the drill. All the signals are given by the beat of drum. The students are allowed to receive visits from their parents or guardians, or friends, with express permission of the pro- visor. These visits are restricted to the period from dinner- time to half j)ast one, on ordinnrv davs, and on Sundnvs and ROYAL COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 431 holidays from dinner-time to three o'clock. As a reward for good conduct, they may be permitted to leave the college on Thursdays at ten o'clock, and on Sundays and festivals after service, to remain until seven in the evening in winter, and eight in the summer. One of their parents, or some person of credit, must leave the college and return with them. They are required to wear the uniform while out. The porter, who receives their permits to go out, marks upon them the time of their return, and overstaying the time is at- tended with the forfeiture of one or more turns of leave. These permissions to leave the grounds can only be granted twice a month. Great doubt was expressed to me, by a high authority, of their efficacy, and of the expediency of permitting visits to be received. In a country, however, where the ties of domestic life are very feeble, the practice of placing boys in the colleges tends to weaken them still further, and they might be quite sun- dered if no communication took place between parent and child during the whole ten years of the collegiate course. Pupils are allowed to correspond with their parents only, or with persons approved by them, and the letters pass through the hands of the provisor. Their pocket-money is regulated by the provisor; there is an understanding on the subject with the parents, who are not allowed to furnish money directly to their children. The day-scholars are marched to and from the college by the heads of the houses where they reside, or by a responsible substitute. They enter the class-rooms and leave them at a different time from the boarders, so as to cut off unnecessary communication. In case of absence, the censor reports the pupil to the master of his school or to his parents. A pro- fessor may suspend a day-scholar, but the provisor alone can dismiss him. The day-scholars are not allowed to wear the uniform of the boarders. The punishments recognised by law for the boarders are^ deprivation of recreation and extraordinary task, dc])rivation of the opportunity of walking out, retrenchment in diet, refusals of leave to go out, or to receive their friends, imprisonment. 432 GENERAL EDUCATIO^. SECONDARY I'ERIOD. with a task, deprivation of the uniform, and occupation of a particular place in the class-room, study-halls, &c., deprivation of vacations, and dismission. None of the punishments but tiie last is permitted to interfere with the attendance on the lessons of the professors. Nothing can, however, be worse conceived than the public shame put on a pupil by changing his dress, and its concomitant circumstances. Whether extra tasks are ad- missible in an enliglitened system of instruction, seems to me more than doubtful; they serve fully to secure the disgust of the pupil to what he should rather be induced, if possible, to Hke. The last four named punishments can only be inflicted by the provisor, the others may be inflicted by order of the censor, professors, or directors of studies. In the case of a royal bursar, the provisor has the right of suspension, and must report the circumstances to the minister; they are examined by an in- spector, who reports, and by the result the case is decided: the explanation of this delicacy towards the royal bursars is, that their parents have usually earned these places for their children by some service, and hence that they sliould not be deprived of their reward but upon the strongest grounds. Instruction. The courses of the colleges are intended to fit their pupils for the first degree in letters and science, and for pursuing the course of the diflerent faculties in the academies, to enable them to enter a literary or scientific career, or the profession of theology, law, or medicine. It has been a subject much agitated, whether the instruction in letters and science should be combined or successive, and the law at difl^ercr.t times has, as already stated, varied on this point; that both letters and science were to be embraced in the courses does not seem, for many years, to ha\e been at all doubted. The law of 180G, which may be considered as the basis of the present system, connected them; that of 18*21 severed them, and confined instruction in the mathematical and physical sciences to the last year of the course. In 1826 they were again united. Great difliculty has been found, appa- rently, in determining the extent and in giving a place to certain branches, and natural liistory has thus, as we have seen, been ROYAL COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 433 transferred Irequently from one part of the course to another, and has probably never been efficiently taught. The branches are divided into two sets, those which are obli- gatory upon all, and those which may be pursued or not, at the option of the parent of the student. Some of these latter, as, for example, the modern languages, are furnished by the college without charge, and the others must be paid for extra. The obligatory courses are those of French, Latin, Greek, geo- graphy, history, rhetoric, philosophy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and natural history. There are nine classes, which are subdivided into sections, according to the number of pupils. Not more than twenty-five should, according to law, be in a division and under one in- structor, though this number is frequently exceeded, rising as high, including the day scholars, as sixty, and even seventy. Some colleges have a preparatory class, or classes below the eighth, for very young pupils. The following is, according to the latest laws on the subject, an outline of the instruction in the different classes: Elemkntart Classes. These are two in number, and are taught sacred history, French and Latin grammar, geography, arithmetic, and writing. A lesson every morning, and one in the afternoon, three times a week, are devoted to the French and Latin grammar. Two lessons a week to sacred history, geo- graphy, and arithmetic. Sixth Class. The Sunday Gospels in Latin. SelectsE 6 Profanis, Cornelius Nepos. iEsop's Fables compared with those of La Fontaine. Geography com- menced. Jewish and Christian morals. Sacred history. History commenced. Writing and arithmetic continued. Natural history once a week. The classics and French occupy five lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon, per week. One afternoon lesson is devoted to geography and mythology. Fifth Class. New Testament, the Acts of the Apostles. Selectae 6 Profanis. Phaedrus' Fables. Greek roots. Extracts from Lucian's Dialogues, ^lian. Isocrates. Themes. Ancient history one afternoon per Aveek. Geography. Telemachus. Writing and arithmetic continupd. Natural history. French and the classics occupy, per week, five morning and three afternoon lessons. History and geography one lesson. Natural history one afternoon class and an extra morning class. Fourth Class. New Testament in Greek. Quintus Curtius. Ceesar. Cicero de Amicitia et de Senectute. Greek roots. Xenophon's Cyropaedia. Plutarch's Lives. Selections from Ovid and from Virgil's Bucolics and Georgics. Latin prosody. Latin versification commenced. Selections from Fenelon. Charles XIL History, by a special professor, once a week. Roman history. 55 434 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. Arithmetic. Linear drawing-, and drawing of the human figure commenced, and continued in the other classes. The morning liours, and three of the aflernoon lessons, are devoted to the classics and to French, one afternoon, besides an extra morning lesson, to geo- graphy and history, and one to arithmetic. TniKD Class. New Testament, Saint Luke (Greek text). Cicero's Orations. Virgil. Latin versification. Plutarch (morals). Homer. Selections from Masil- lon, Buflibn, and Boilcau. History, by a special professor, twice a week. His- tory of the Middle Ages. Age of Louis XIV., by Voltaire. All the morning and two of the afternoon lessons are occupied with French, Latin, and Greek. One afternoon, and one extra morning lesson, arc devoted to history. Two to geometry. Second Class. New Testament (Greek text). Livy. Cicero de OfFiciis ct dc Oratore. Tacitus. Virgil. Horace's Odes. Philippics of Demosthenes. Plato. Homer. A tragedy of Sophocles or Euripides. Oration of Chrysostom. The Rise and Fall of Rome. The Universal History of Bossuet. Modern history. Rousseau. Introductory exercises to the course of rhetoric. Narratives in French and Latin. Arithmetic, in its various branches, two lessons per week. The morning lessons and two of tlie afternoon lessons are occupied in classics and French. Two of the afternoon lessons are devoted to history and one to chemistry. Rhetoric Cl.\ss. New Testament, Acts of the Apostles (Greek text). Con- clones 6 Latinis Scriptoribus Excerptae. Cicero's Orations. Tacitus. Horace. Virgil. Lucan. Demosthenes, oration for the crown. Conciones Graecae. Homer. Pindar. A tragedy of Sophocles or Euripides. Rhetoric. Funeral Orations, by Bossuet and Fleclii6re. La Bruy6rc. French dramatic classics. Boileau. The Henriade. Latin and Greek versification and composition. History of France. Elements of Geometry. Plane Trigonometry. Five morning lessons and four of the afternoon are devoted, per week, to French and classics, and one afternoon to history. One extra morning class to cosmo- grai)hy, preceded by a review of arithmetic and geometry. Philosophy Class. First year. Mental and moral philosophy. Written compositions in Latin and French, on subjects of metaphysics, logic, or morals. Geometry reviewed. Algebra to quadratic equations, with a review of the rules of arithmetic. Trigonometry. Elementary ideas of the system of the world. Physical science commenced. Four lessons arc devoted to elementary mathematics, and one to elementary physics. Five to philosophy. Once a week there is an extra lesson on physics and chemistry. Tiic lectures on philosophy are given in F'rench. Philosophy Class. Second Year. The elements of algebra completed. Ap- plication of algebra to geometry. Principles of descriptive geometry, five hours per week. In the first halfj'car the elements of physical science, and the gene- ral principles of chemistry, are completed, and in the second the elements of chemistry and mineralogy. These occupy four hours per week. Six classes of niatlieinalics, those of physics, and the study hours of the day are devoted to these sciences. Alternate compositions on physical and mathematical subjoets. lii'li'^ious Instrvction. Besides the study of tiic New 'J estament in a Latin translation and in the original Greek version, there are special lessons by the ROYAL COLLEGES OF FRA^CE. 435 Catholic and Protestant chaplains to the students of their respective creeds. There are prayers at rising and going to bed. Graces at meals; and a short extract is read from a religious work before retiring, at night. The modern languages are taught in the fifth, fourth, third, and second classes. In the fifth two hours and a-half, in the other classes two hours per week are occupied with them. A study-hall is provided for learning the lessons given by the teachers of modern languages, and the pupils are superintended during the study hours by a director of studies. The English and German are the modern languages taught. In comparing these courses with the acquisitions necessary for the degree of bachelor of letters and of branches of sciences, it will be seen that, in general, the student must have passed through one year of the philosophy class to be able to stand an examination upon the subjects enumerated as essential to receiving the former, and two years of the same class for the latter. A student who has entered at nine years of age, and gone regularly through the nine years' courses, including the first year of philosophy, may commence at eighteen the study of law or theology, and by the addition of another year in col- lege, or by extra study, that of medicine. It appears, then, that besides the direction towards a general mental training, the studies pursued in the colleges of France have a direct bearing upon the career which the student is to follow in after life. I proceed next to consider the means taken to stimulate to exertion. These consist mainly in places in the class, in ex- aminations, and prizes. Examinations, These ought to take place, according to law, at the end of the fifth and tenth months of the courses. The law further provides that all those of Paris shall be held at the same time, or nearly so, in the difierent colleges, by committees of examiners appointed by the rector of the academy, one committee being for each class, examining separately, and holding their sessions for five hours on two successive days. The examinations to be viva voce, the written compositions which have gained the highest place from the beginning of the course being submitted to these examiners. The committees are directed to report to the inspector-general, and the result of the examinations should be made known through the pro- 43G GENERAL EDUCATIOX. SECONDAKY PERIOD. visor 1o the students. The examination at the close of the tenth month should determine whether ih,c pupil may pass to a higher class or not; and if then found deficient, he lias the privilege of re-examination at the close of the vacation, and if he have made up the deficiency, may be permitted to rejoin his class. In fact, the law in regard to examinations is not executed, and the pupils are regularly advanced, every year, until they reach the fourth class, where they arc obliged to pass a satisfactory examination before they can enter the third. This is considered a defect, since there is no method of stopping the idle or incom- petent at the threshold. The neglect of the prescribed examina- tions, at the end of each year, produces evils which have been severely censured by those most competent to judge, from their connexion with public instruction in France.* Prizes. The college year is closed by the distribution of prizes which have been gained in the various classes. These are awarded after the examination of all the compositions of the half year, which are valued according to a system of marks. They are given in a public meeting of the college, and with much ceremony. The highest prizes in philosophy and rheto- ric are called prizes of honour (prix d'honneur), and have attached to them the substantial privilege of exemption from regular military service. In each class there is a first and second prize, which cannot be divided, and the number of "accessits" must not exceed eight. The books to be given as prizes are determined by the rector. There is, at Paris, a second distribution of prizes, resulting from a competition (concours) among the colleges of Paris and Versailles; this distribution is made with much ceremony by the grand master of the university, in presence of the officers of that body, the assembled students of the colleges, and the public. The pupils of the classes above the sixth compete for these prizes, which embrace the circle of their diflerent col- legiate studies. At the same meeting, a list of those who have gained the prizes in the colleges is read. • See M. Cousin, hfur I'Inslruction Sccondaire dw PrusiC. Paris, 1S37. ROYAL COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 437 The system of emulation is probably carried further in these institutions than in any others which I visited. Indeed, it is the basis of all exertion; the great motive which is placed before the student, and which he obeys. He is constantly under this artificial stimulus during his college residence, and the result affects his character in after life. The present social condition of the literary and scientific ranks in France, as a class, is pro- duced by the results of a competition, which extends from the beginning to the end of their career. The great stress which is laid upon composition, especially that in the French language, by making the prizes hinge upon it, cultivates this art to a high degree, and creates the ready writers who are constantly issuing from these colleges, and engaging in literary pursuits for a subsistence. Holidays. The vacations are for about six weeks, from the close of the month of August until the middle of October. During these periods the students may go home, or may visit such families as their parents indicate. Those who remain in the college are occupied, during part of the time, in regular studies, under the charge of an adjunct or of a director of studies. They take frequent walks during these vacations. There are, beside, during term-time, days on which there are no lessons, when, however, the students, in general, do not re- turn home. On New Years' day all have permission to leave the college. On the Monday and Thursday before Lent, and the Wednesday after Easter Monday, on Whit-Monday, &c., those who have received special permission may leave the premises. On Sundays, and some of the other holidays, the pupils take walks, at the discretion of the provisor, weather permitting. Domestic economy. As the economical arrangements of these institutions have been the subject of much consideration and trial, I have thought that a brief sketch of them, as laid down in the laws, might be profitable. The expenditures of the colleges are divided into the follow- ing six heads: first, diet; second, rej)airs and w^ashing; third, 438 GEXERAL EDUCATIO.V. SECOXDARV PERIOD. clotfiing; fourth, emoluments; fiflh, petty expenses; sixth, mis- cellaneous and extra expenses. The first includes provisions for the supply of the students, chaplain, directors of studies, and servants, fuel, &c., for the kitchen. The second, the wash- ing and repairs of the clothing of the pupils. The third, the purchase of new clothes. The fourth, the emoluments of the officers, the salaries of inferior officers, and the wages of the servants and workmen. The fifth includes the expenses of lighting and warming the college, of books for studies, of re- pairs of furniture, and of tiie infirmary, &c. The sixth needs no explanation. The amounts estimated as necessary for each of these expenditures are submitted by the provisor to the rec- tor of the academy, and the councils decide in relation to authorizing them. They also determine if proposals shall be received for supplying the articles required, or if they sliall be purchased by agreement, or at the market prices. In the first two cases, the approbation of the council is necessary to con- clude the bargain, and in the last, the authority of the provisor is sufficient to enable the steward to make the purchase. The steward has charge of all the goods and chattels of the college, and is intrusted with the receipts and disbursements, giving bonds for the faithful discharge of his duties. He pays no bill without an order from the provisor, whose authority entitles him, also, to use the sums which may be necessary for the daily expenses of the house, and to whom he must ac- count at least once a fortnight ; the reccij)ts constitute his vouchers. lie keeps the following books: — 1st, A register of all moneys received, stating the purpose for which they were pnid in. 2d, A journal of receipts and disbursements. 3d, A ledger, in which the accounts are posted under the heads of debtor and creditor. 4th, A record of the receipts and issues of provisions, divided into as many accounts as there are dif- ferent kinds of supplies, stating, also, the use to which each article has been applied. On the last day of every quarter the steward balances this account and makes an inventory of the stock on hand. The provisor and commissaries, appointed ROYAL COLLEGES OF FRANCE. 439 by the rector from the academic council, verify this inventory by the accounts in the book. The provisor examines the steward's statement of the balance on hand every eight days. At the close of the month, he inspects all his books, and ascertains that they agree, or reports any deficiency to the minister. He also verifies, monthly, the account of stock. The state of the steward's accounts is further examined, quarterly, by the rector of the academy to which the college belongs, or by a deputy, who reports to the minister. At the same time, this officer ascer- tains if the provisor has discharged his duties in regard to the accounts. Every month the steward transmits to the minister a literal copy of his register of moneys received, and a state- ment of his receipts and expenditures, with his vouchers. He also forwards, quarterly, his account of stock. Before the close of the month of March, the provisor furnishes to the rector of his academy, a statement of the accounts of the year, with a report upon this department of the college service. These are referred to a committee of the academic council, who report in May, and their report, with the original docu- ments, and the remarks of the rector upon them, are forwarded to the minister of public instruction. Every year, about the first of January, the steward prepares a statement of the receipts and disbursements, exhibiting the balance on hand at the close of the last year; the sums received and expended during the year, w^ith a statement of their pur- poses, and the balance on hand. Also, an account of the stock on hand at the date of the last report, the receipts and issues during the year, and the amount on hand. The steward certi- fies these accounts, which are examined and approved by the provisor, and forwarded to the minister. When the monthly accounts of the steward are received in the office of the minister, they are examined, and if mistakes in the figures, or omissions, are detected, or modifications are necessary, the accounting officer is at once informed of it. The vouchers remain on file in the office until the close of the year, w^hen they are appended to the general account. 440 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. The annual statements having been duly verified, are trans- mitted to the court of accounts. Thus there are two sets of checks, one from the academic council and rector, the other from the ministerial bureau, and both are revised by the court. NORMAL SCHOOL OF FRANCE. The " normal school," intended to furnish professors for colleges, was established in 1704, by the same convention which created the polytechnic school. The organization pro- posed by the law was upon a scale entirely beyond the wants to be supplied, and notwithstanding the exertions of its eminent professors, the school had but a temporary existence, and ill success, mainly from the unprepared state of the pupils who had entered it, and to whom the kind of instruction was entirely unadapted. There were thirteen courses of lectures, and among the professors were Lagrange, Laplace, Ilauy, Monge, Ber- thollet, Volney, Bernardin St. Pierre, Sicard, and Laharpe. The school was suppressed by a decree of April, 1795, and its pupils dispersed. After the re-organization of the university, in 1800, the expediency of reviving the normal school appears to have been felt, and it was reorganized in 1808. The number of pupils provided for in the new plan, was three hundred; but from 1810 to 1826 there were never more than fifty-eight actually in attendance. According to the plan of instruction, lectures were to be attended out of doors, and interrogations and study to take place within the school, under the charge of the elder pupils. The recitations of the pupils to each other were called conferences, a name which is still preserved, being applied to the lessons given by the teachers, who arc called masters of conferences. The duratic^n of the course of instruc- tion was limited at Hrst to two years, but subsequently extended to three. The school was a second time suppressed, in 1822, and in 182G an institution, termed a "preparatory school," was substituted for it, which in its turn was abolished, and the old normal school revived by a decree of the lieutenant-general of the kingdom, on the 6th of August, 1830. A report was made NORMAL SCHOOL AT PARIS. 441 by M. Cousin, Secretary of the Council of Public Instruction, in October, 1830, the recommendations of which were adopted substantially. New regulations for the course of study, the general arrangements and discipline, have been gradually pre- pared, and the school has commenced a career of usefulness which it bids fair to prosecute with increasing success. The chief purpose of the normal school is to give its pupils ample opportunities of preparation for the competition for places of adjuncts in the colleges (cours d'agregation), and its arrange- ments are all subordinate to this object. In this competition, however, the pupils of the school meet on an equal footing, merely, with all other candidates. The officers, in 1837, were, the director,* who did not reside at the school, nor take part in the instruction; the director of studies, the resident head of the establishment ;t eight masters of conferences for the section of letters; six masters of confer- ences, and one for the drawing department, for the section of sciences; two preparers (preparateurs) ; a sub-director, charged with a general superintendence of the pupils; and two assistants, called superintending masters. The masters of conferences have, in general, equivalent duties to the professors in the colleges. In 1837 there were eighty pupils in the school, of whom forty- nine were supported entirely by the funds allowed by the go- vernment, and eighteen had half their expenses defrayed. The normal school at present occupies a part of the build- ings belonging to the Royal College of Louis-le-Grand, and the college furnishes the food and clothing of the pupils by agreement with the school. This connexion has advantages, and among them that of enabling the pupils to have some prac- tice in teaching, but they are more than counterbalanced by disadvantages, and the friends of the school are earnest in their endeavours to procure a separate domicile for it. The accom- modations for lodging, study, instruction, and exercise, as far as the building and its scite are concerned, are certainly of a most limited kind. * M. Cousin, peer of France, secretary of the council of the university, &c. t M. Viguicr. 56 442 GENERAt EDUCATION. SECOiNDARY PERIOD. Admission. Tlie number of pupils who may be admitted is de- termined every year by the probable number required to fill the vacancies in secondary instruction. The admissions are made by competition, and for the most successful competitors a limited number of bursaries (bourses), are established, divisible into half bursaries, which are distributed to those who require assistance. The candidates enter tlicir names at the academy nearest to their residence, between the fifteenth of June and of July, every year. Each candidate deposites the following certificates, viz. of the date of birth, showing tliat he is over seventeen and under twenty-three years of age; of having been vaccinated; of moral conduct; of having completed, or being about to complete, his stu- dies, including philosophy, and if he intends to become a teacher of science, a course of special mathematics and of physics; a de- claration from his parent or guardian, if the candidate is a minor, that he will devote himself for ten years, from the period of admission, to public instruction. These lists are forwarded by the rectors of the several academies, with their remarks, to the council of pubHc instruction, which returns, before the first of August, a list of those persons who may be examined for admis- sion. This examination is made in the several academies, with a view to select the most prominent candidates, whose cases are to be ultimately decided by competition at the school in Paris. It consists of compositions upon subjects which arc the same for all the academies, and of interrogations and oral explanations. For the candidates, as future instructors in letters, the written exercises are a dissertation, in Frcncli, on some points of phi- losophy, an essay in Latin, an essay in Frencli, a Latin and Greek version, and Latin verses. The oral examinations turn upon the classical authors read in college, and upon the elements of philosophy, rhetoric, and history. The candidates in science have the same written exercises in philosophy and in Latin versions, and in addition, must solve one or more questions in mathematics and physics. The oral examinations arc upon subjects of mathematics, physics, and philosophy, taught in the philosophy class of the colleges.* All the written cxer- • See tliia Report, p. 431. NORMAL SCHOOL AT PARIS. 443 cises and notes of the oral examinations are forwarded to the minister of public instruction, and submitted severally to a committee of letters and a committee of science, taken from among the masters of the normal school, the director being chairman of each committee. These committees decide whether the candidates are fit to be allowed to present them- selves for examination at the school, and those who are deemed worthy, receive a notice to report themselves on or before the fifteenth of October. Previous to this competition the candi- dates are required to present their diploma of bachelor of let- ters or of sciences. The masters of the normal school are divided into two committees, one of letters and the other of science, for conducting these examinations, which are oral, and the result of which determines the admission or rejection of the candidate. On admission, the pupil makes an engagement to devote himself to public instruction for ten years. Instruction. The present arrangement of the courses of in- struction can only be regarded as provisional, improvements being gradually introduced, as observation shows their neces- sity. The principle declared by the director, M. Cousin, to be that of the school in this respect, is worthy of all commendation. "When," says M. Cousin, in his Report of 1835-6,* "experi- ence shows the necessity or utility of a measure which the fun- damental regulations of the school have not provided for, it is by no means proposed at once to the royal council for adoption as an article of the regulations; authority is asked to put it to the test of practice, and it is only when found repeatedly suc- cessful that it is deemed prudent to convert it into a regulation." A close observation of the merits and defects of the system is thus made to pave the way for judicious changes. The full course of the school, at present, occupies three years. The pupils are divided into two sections, that of let- ters and of science, which pursue separate courses. In the section of letters, the first year is devoted to a revision, and the second to an extension, of the higher courses of the col- * Ecole Normalc. R^glements, programmes, ct rapports. Paris, 1837. 444 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. leges, and the third is especially employed in fitting the pupils to become professors. In fulfilling this object, however, no instruction in the science or art of teaching is given in the establishment, nor is it obligatory upon the pupils to teach, so that, as far as systematic practice goes, they derive no direct benefit from the school; it is a privilege, however, which many enjoy, to be called to give lessons in some of the royal colleges, particularly in that with which the school is now connected by its locality. When the pupil intends to devote himself to teaching in the grammar classes of the colleges, or is found not to have the requisite ability for taking a high rank in the body of in- structors, he passes at once from the first year's course to the third, and competes, accordingly, in the examination of ad- juncts (agreges). The consequences of the low esteem in which the grammar studies are held, have been much deplored by the present director of the school,* and a reform in regard to them has been attempted, with partial success. The courses are conducted by teachers called masters of conferences, who seldom lecture, but question the pupils upon the lessons which have been appointed for them to learn, give explanations, and are present while they interrogate each other, as a kind of practice in the art of teaching. In some cases, the students themselves act as masters of conferences. The course of letters of ihofn^st year comprised, in 1836-7,t 1. Greek language and literature, three lessons per week. 2. Latin and French literature, three lessons. 3. Ancient history and antiquities, three les- sons. 4. A course of philosophy higher than that of the colleges, three lessons. 5. General physics, one lesson. Chemistry, one lesson, the courses being in- troduced chiefly to keep up the knowledge of tiiese subjects. 6. German and English language, each one lesson. The conferences, or lessons, on general physics, chemistry, and the modern languages, are by pupils who gi\'e instruction and explanations to their comrades. * Rapport sur les travaux de Tccolc normale pendant I'annee, 1S35-G. Par I\I. Cousin. t The distribution of subjects is taken from a manuscript kindly furnished to me by the director of studies, M. Viguier ; it does not agree precisely witli tlie plan marked out in tho regulations. NORMAL SCHOOL AT PARIS. 445 At the end of the first year there are examinations, according to the result of which the student passes to the courses of the second year, or, in the case before stated, to those of the third year, or leaves the school. These examinations are conducted by inspectors-general of the university, named for the purpose by the minister. Pupils who have passed, may present them- selves at the university as candidates for the degree of licentiate of letters. The second yearns course of letters does not necessarily in- clude any scientific studies. The courses of language and philosophy go into the history of these subjects. They consist of — 1. Lectures on the history of Greek literature, three lessons per week. 2. On the history of Roman literature, two lessons. 3. On the •history of French literature, one lesson. 4. English language, one lesson. 5. On the history of philosophy, two lessons. 6. Continuation of the histori- cal course, two lessons. The recitations are accompanied by suitable written ex- ercises. At the end of the year the pupils are examined. Those who have not already obtained the degree of licentiate of letters are now required to do so, or to leave the school. The examinations for this degree consist of compositions in French and Latin prose, on different days. Latin verses and Greek themes. Explanations of se- lected passages from the second book of Herodotus, the speech of Pericles in Thucydides, the Gorgias of Plato, the speech of Demosthenes against Leptines, the chorusses of ffidipus at Colonos, the Hecuba of Euripides, the combat of Hercules and Amycus in Theocritus, the hymns of Synesius, Cicero de Oratore and de legibus, the Germany of Tacitus, the Treatise of Seneca de beneficiis, the last two books of Quintilian's Rhetoric, the fifth book of Lucretius de natura re- rurn, the first book of Horace's Epistles, the second book of Horace's Odes, the Troas of Seneca. These books are liable to be changed, from time to time, on notice being given. The candidate is expected to answer the questions on philosophy, literature, history, and philology, to which the reading of the author may give rise. In the third year of letters, the courses are special, the divi- sions corresponding with the courses of the royal colleges, and consisting of grammar, humanities and rhetoric, history and philosophy. Each pupil takes his place in one or other of these 446 GENERAL EDUCATIOy. SECONDARY PERIOD. divisions, and is not required to follow the courses of the others. Tho lectures and recitations constituting the entire course of letters of liie third year were, during the second half year of 1836-7: — 1. Latin lan- guage and grammar, three lessons. 2. Greek language, two lectures and one lesson. 3. Latin literature, two lectures and one lesson. 4. Greek literature, two lectures and one lesson. 5. Latin eloquence, two lectures. 6. Latin poetry, two lectures. 7. French literature, one lesson. 8. History of the philosophy of the ancients, two lectures. 9. Ancient geography, two lectures. 10. Philosophy, one lesson. 11. Natural history, one lesson. The lectures al- ludcd to are tiiose attended hy the pupils at the Sorbonne. The following were the courses of the different years in the section of science during the same term, the lectures being those of the faculty of sciences of the university. First year. 1. Astronomy, two lessons per week. 2, Descriptive Geometr)% two lessons. 3. Chemistry, two lectures, one lesson, and four hours of manipula- tion. 4. Botany, one lesson. 5. Philosophy, two lessons. 6. German language, one lesson. 7. Drawing, one lesson during the week, and one on Sunday. Second year. 1. Physics, two lectures, two lessons, and one hour of manipu- lation. 2. Chemistry, two lectures. 3. Botany, one lesson. 4. Vegetable phy- siology, two lectures. 5. Calculus of probabilities, two lectures. 6. DitTcrcntial and integral calculus, two lectures and two lessons. 7. Drawing, one lesson dur- ing the week, and one on Sunday. Third year. 1. Mechanics, four lectures and two lessons. 2. Chemical ana- lysis, two lectures and one hour of manipulation. 3. Chemistry, one lecture. 4. Natural history, two lessons. 5. Geology, one lesson. 6. Botany, one lesson. 7. Drawing, one lesson. On Sunday, the pupils make botanical and geological excursions into the environs. The pupils undergo similar examinations to those of the section of letters, and before presenting themselves as candi- dates for the place of adjunct, they must have taken at least the degree of licentiate of sciences. They are, however, spe- cially relieved from the necessity of matriculating in those courses at the university which they attend in the school, and which otherwise would be necessary in order to obtain the de- gree of licentiate. These are, fur the mat.hematical sciences, the diflcrential and integral calculus and mechanics; for the physical sciences, physics and chemistry; and for the natural sciences, geology, botany, &c. The examination for the degree NORMAL SCHOOL AT PARIS. 447 of licentiate of mathematical science may be made at the end of the second year, by pupils of this section of the normal school, and that for licentiate of physical science, at the close of the third year. The programmes of the several lessons* in both sections are prepared by the masters, and submitted to the council of public instruction every year before the beginning of the course. Besides these lectures and recitations, the pupils are required to attend such other lectures at the faculty of letters or of sciences of the university, or any other public institution, as may be designated to them. At the termination of the third year's course, in the month of July, they are examined in the school, and present themselves as competitors for the places of adjuncts, according to the special studies which they have pur- sued. The courses of the school are arranged in reference to the competition for these places, an account of the examinations for which has already been given in the general description of secondary instruction in France.f In this competition they are brought in contact with the best talent which has chosen a different road to preferment from that offered by the normal school. Success in this trial is, of course, not always a fair cri- terion of the state of the school, but certainly offers, on the ave- rage, an idea of the merits of its different departments, and is so used in directing their improvement. It may be of interest, therefore, to give the results of one of these competitions, namely, that for 1836. The judges of the competition for the places of adjuncts in philosophy report ten candidates for the six places; of these, five of the successful ones were from the normal school, but the first was from another institution. For six vacancies in the higher classes of letters there were thirty candidates ex- amined, and of these, two of the successful ones, including the first upon the list, were pupils of the school. For adjuncts in he sciences there w^ere eight places and nineteen candidates, • A series of programmes is given in full in M. Cousin's work, before referred to. t See this Report, pp. 426-7. 448 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. the school furnishing six of the successful competitors, and among them the first on the list. In history and geography there were eight candidates for five places; the institutions from which they came arc, however, not stated. In grammar, there were forty-one candidates for eight places ; of the successful competitors the school sent five, and among them the first on the list. The keen nature of this competition, while it excites the pu- pils of tlie school to great exertion, produces a most deleterious effect upon the health of the more feeble. Indeed, their general appearance, w^hen compared with those of other young men of the same age, is far from favourable. It is part of a system which is considered adapted to the national character, but which is certainly by no means a necessity for men in general, since the teachers of the German gymnasia are prepared with- out its severe pressure. The collections subsidiary to the instruction are: — 1st. A library of works relating to education and to the courses of study, which is open for two hours every day, and from which the students may receive books. This library is under the charge of the sub-director of studies. The students are, be- sides, furnished with the books which they use in their classes at the expense of the school, and which, unless injured, are returned by them after use. 2d. A small collection of physi- cal apparatus. 3d. A collection of chemical apparatus con- nected with a laboratory, for practice in manipulation. The courses of manipulation are not, however, carried out to their due extent, and the study-rooms are common to many indivi- duals. The pupils are divided into two sections for study, each of which is in charge of one of the superintending masters. Discipline. Though there are minute regulations for disci- pline, the age of the |)upils and the character of their pursuits and expectations render the exercise of severity but little neces- sary. At tiic time of my visit to the school, in 1837, the youngest pupil was seventeen years of age, and there were but four of between eighteen and nineteen connected with it. Much dilference of opinion exists as to whether the fre(juent NORMAL SCHOOL AT PARIS. 449 permissions to individuals to leave the premises should not be replaced by excursions made by the whole of the pupils, under the supervision of an officer. At present, Sunday is a day of general leave of absence, and on Thursday afternoon indivi- dual permissions are freely granted by the director of studies. This institution occupies the same rank with those attached to some of the Prussian universities, and intended to prepare masters for the gymnasia. It has an advantage over them in the spirit produced by the greater numbers of its pupils, and by the closer connexion with the school, which results from their studying and residing within its walls. It is, in turn, in- ferior to the seminaries for secondary teachers at Berlin, in the absence of arrangements for practical teaching, and in even a more important respect, namely, the want of that religious mo- tive of action, which forms the characteristic of the Prussian system. The deficiencies of this great school, in regard to both religious and practical education, struck me, I must confess, very forcibly.* * In the general tenour of tlie foregoing remarks, I have the sanction of M. Cousin, in the preface to his account of the normal school, already referred to. 57 450 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY TERIOD. CHAPTER XII. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN PRUSSIA. It is usual to confine tlic title of secondary schools to those which prepare for the learned professions, and in this view the only secondary instruction in Prussia is given in the gymnasia. But there is another class of institutions, which, according to the opinion already expressed, are as much entitled to be considered establishments for secondary instruction as the learned schools. These are the " real schools" (realschulen), of which the classes arc parallel with those of the gymnasia in regard to age and attainment, and which prepare their pupils to engage in the business of life, in commerce or trade, or to pass to the special schools of architecture, engineering, manu- factures, &c.* The institution at Berlin, known as the trade school (gewcrbschule), will, I think, be admitted to belong to the same class, and to present, in its own peculiar line, a de- velopment quite as much above that afforded by the primary schools, as is furnished by the gymnasia. These institutions can by no means be classed with the higher burgher schools, which have been already described, differing from them essen- tially in the extent of their courses and the age of their pupils. It is important not to confound the trade school just mentioned with other establishments, bearing the same name, in the pro- vinces of Prussia, and connected with llie special school of mechanic arts and manufactures, called the trade institute (gewcrbinstitut), at Berlin. * M. Guizot, in his reasons for the ministerial project of a law on secondary instruction in France, supports the view wliich is taken ahovc, tliat secondary instruction is not confined to prej)aration for the learned professions, while M. Cousin, in his IVIenioir on Secondary Instruction iii Prussia, docs not admit the ** real schools" into the secondary class. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN PRUSSIA. 451 DIVISION FIRST. SECONDARY INSTRUCTION IN PRUSSIA. The public educational establishments of Prussia, though in general regulated by law, are not reduced to uniformity by it, the spirit of system not being allowed to check the growth of what is good. Thus it appears to me out of the question to consider secondary instruction as uniform, either as regulated by law or as existing in fact ; and a very imperfect view would be given of even one branch of it, that which prepares for the learned professions, by attempting thus to present it. The very fact that the gymnasia are made provincial institutions, and not immediately dependant on the cental authority, implies varieties in the interior organization, as contemplated by the law itself After a sketch of the general system of secondary instruction, I shall, therefore, give examples of different gymna- sia, which represent fairly the range of variety in these schools, and then establish a comparison between them and others of the same grade, which have been under discussion. Proceeding to the second division of this period of instruction, I shall furnish an example of the real school, and of the secondary trade school. The immediate authority superintending secondary instruc- tion is the school-board (schul-collegium) of the province in which the gymnasium is situated. It will be recollected, that this school-board is a branch of the provincial consistory, of which the chief magistrate of the province, the higher presi- dent (ober-president), is the head. One of the councillors of the ministry of pubUc instruction, at Berlin, is specially charged with the concerns of all the gymnasia,* and is the channel through which the provincial authorities communicate w^ith the ministry. The school-board consists of the president and vice president of the provincial government, and of two school- councillors, and holds its meetings in the chief town of the pro- vince. They regulate the details of instruction and discipline * To tliis gentleman, Counsellor John Scliulzc, I am indebted for introductions •to the schools of Berlin. 452 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. SECONDARY PERIOD. in the gymnasia, correspond with the directors, appoint the teachers, except the director, who is appointed by the minis- ter, make visits of inspection, and attend the examinati(jns, especially those for passing to the university, and authorize the books to be used in the school and placed in the library. Tiie inspection of religious instruction belongs to the ecclesias- tical functionaries of the Protestant and Catholic churches severally.* The royal gymnasia are supported from the funds of the state and the payments of their pupils, and their receipts and expenditures, are under the charge of a special olTicer, or of the director. The funds of those which are otherwise en- dowed, are usually under the direction of a committee, or of one of the officers. In 183i there were one hundred and twenty-four gymnasia in Prussia, attended, during the summer term, by twenty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-one stu- dents; seven hundred and thirty-eiglit students passed from their classes to the universities, twenty-three hundred and twenty-six to other occupations. There were thirteen hundred and thirty- four teachers in these establishments, or one teacher for about eighteen pupils. Although private institutions of this kind are allowed, they do not exist. The wants of the community are well supplied by the public establishments, some of which, as in the cities, are day, and others boarding-schools. Private secondary instruction is also permitted, the admission to the university depending upon qualifications shown on examination, and not on certificates of attendance at particular schools. Certain strictures upon the system pursued in the Prussian gymnasia induced a close inquiry by the ministry of public instruction into its eflxjcts upon mental, moral, and physical de- velopment, the result of wiiich was a series of regulations, transmitted in 1837f to the provincial authorities, accompanied by remarks on the existing system. By following the current of the regulations and remarks, a good idea may be obtained • Slalislisches llandhuch der dcutsclicn Gymnasicn hcrausgegehcn, von Prof. Dr. Brauns und Dr. Tliiobald. t I am indebted for this recent document, obtained in MS. while at Berlin, to the kindness of the Honourable Ilenr}' Wheaton, Minister of the United States to Prussia. GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 453 of the spirit in which the former are framed, of the arrange- ments which they are designed to eflect, and of the objec- tions really existing, or urged unnecessarily, against the sys- tem of the gymnasia. This document embodies the expe- rience of this class of schools, and when accompanied by an account of the regulations for the final examinations at the gymnasia, and of the means for providing teachers, it furnishes a good idea of the general organization of secondary instruc- tion. The regulations embrace the following heads: — 1. Ad- mission of pupils. 2. Subjects of instruction. 3. Distribution of the teachers and of the subjects of the lessons. 4. The number of hours of teaching. 5. Studies out of school hours. 6. Duration of the courses. 7. Remarks on the regulations for the examinations. 8. Remarks on the supposed defects of teachers, methods of instruction, &c. 9. Physical education. 10. Religious instruction. The following is an abstract of the remarks upon these subjects: 1. Admission. Experience has fully proved that the admission of pupils at a very early age into the gymnasia is prejudicial to the individuals themselves, as w^ell as to the institutions. Neither the mental nor physical development, nor the attainment, at an early age, are adequate to the pursuit of the courses appro- priate to a gymnasium, and hence the admission of very young pupils induces an improper lowering of the standard of instruc- tion in these establishments. The ministry, therefore, recom- mends that pupils be not admitted at an earlier age than ten years, and that the following qualifications be required: 1. Fa- cility in logical and rhythmical reading, both in German and Roman text, and the rudiments of grammar and orthographic writing. 2. Writing from dictation. 3. Practice in the four ground rules of arithmetic, with abstract numbers, and first principles of fractions. 4. Elements of geography, particu- larly that of Europe. 5. Stories of the Old Testament, and life of Christ. 6. Elementary notions of drawing and of form. Two errors on the part of parents are pointed out by the ministry, the influence of whose advice is directed against them: — The first is, that children of feeble bodily constitutions should be devoted to literary pursuits: the second, that young 454 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. men wiio have passed the appropriate age for instruction may be advantageously puslied into one of the learned professions, even if they are required to teach in order to obtain the needful education. 2. Subjects of msiruciion. As the ground-work of higher in- struction, the following subjects are recommended to be pur- sued in the gymnasia: — 1. Religious instruction. 2. German. 3. Latin. 4. Greek. 5. Mathematics. 6. Physics. 7. Natural his- tory. 8. Geography. 9. History. 10. Writing. 11. Drawing. 12. Vocal music. Experience has shown that these subjects are particularly calculated to develope the intellectual powers, and to give a systematic and practical preparation for the higher studies. The same cannot be said of the Hebrew, the study of which is specially appropriate only to theologians. A knowledge of the French is not considered essential to the true purpose of a gymnasium. This language has been made a subject of public instruction on account of its usefulness in after life, and not of its correctness or purity. With the ex- ception of these two languages, the subjects enumerated above have always been taught in the gymnasia, though in variable proportions. No one of them could, with propriety, be omit- ted, and propositions to that eflect will receive no countenance. The ministry does not fear that injury will result to the mental or physical development of the pupils, by pursuing all the branches in their appropriate degree, but teachers are cau- tioned against attempts to push one subject at the expense of another; being reminded that the course should be viewed as a whole, which must sutler by the unequal forcing of its parts. The directors of gymnasia are especially required to attend to this point, and the scho(.)l-boards arc requested to relieve them from teaching, as far as may be necessary to the inspection thus rcfjuircd. If the sul)jects of instruction, as here laid down, be compared with those of the secondary schools of England, it will be f(jund that what is there regarded as innovation, has been suc- cessfully used as the course of grammar school instruction in Germany. That the efficiency of the course is confirmed by long experience, and that the subjects arc rocommendcil, auc'.v;^ GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 455 as the future course of those institutions. While ancient letters are successfully cultivated, other subjects are not neglected, but their equal importance with the former is clearly asserted, and as clearly proved by results. While the Germans have lost nothing in general hterary culture by this system, they have gained much in other departments of knowledge. The scholastic year is divided into two terms, or half years, at the close of each of which there is an examination. At the end of the second half-year, the examinations for passing from one class to another are held. The usual vacations are two weeks at Easter, one at Whitsuntide, three in August, one at Michaelmas, and two at Christmas. 3. Distribution of the teachers and of the subjects of instruc- tion. There are, in general, six classes in a gymnasium, of which the lowest is called sixth, and the highest first. To pro- duce a harmony in the methods and degree of instruction, notwithstanding the variety of subjects taught, it has, for some time, been the custom in the Prussian gymnasia to assign several subjects of instruction to the same teacher, in the same class. This arrangement is confirmed in the document under discussion. It is recommended that similar subjects of instruc- tion be classed together, to constitute a department, as, for example, German and Latin; history, geography and natural history; and mathematics and physics. That then the instruc- tion of one or more classes, in one department, be consigned to one teacher: as the instruction of the lower classes in German and Latin; of the two middle classes in Latin, Greek, and French ; of the two higher in German, Greek, and French ; of the lower and middle classes in history and geography ; of the higher classes in mathematics, physics, and mental philosophy. The number of teachers would thus be, in general, in a gym- nasium of six classes, two for the two lower classes, three for the two middle, and four for the two higher classes. The ministry further recommended that kindred subjects be taught in different parts of the same term, rather than on dif- ferent days of the same week, as geography at the beginning of a term, and history at the close ; a Latin and Greek prose 456 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. author at the beginning of a ternn, and a poetical author at the close of the term, (fee. With a view to induce teachers to take upon themselves the arduous duties of a department, or class teacher, as just explained, the school-board are recommended to promote teachers according to merit, not confining their promotion to the institution in which they may be, but taking the entire range of the ])rovince. A promise is made by the ministry to pay strict attention to this rule, in promoting to vacant situa- tions of directors of jrymnasia. The class teachers are to have the title of " upper teachers" (ober-lehrer), the others being designated simply as " teachers." It is obvious that very varied attainments are thus required of the regular, or class teachers, and that the difficulty of finding per- sons competent to discharge these duties increases very much as the grade of instruction becomes more elevated. Hence the practice in the gymnasia varies very materially from this recommendation. It is so desirable, in the higher classes, that the teacher should devote much time to his own improvement in the knowledge of his branch of instruction, and that he should have a strong taste for its cultivation, that in general it is found advisable to confine his attention to a single subject, or to subjects much nearer akin than those which arc classed together in the enumeration just made. This is particularly the case in the mathematics, beyond the mere elements, the physics and physical geograpiiy, the natural history, the less elementary parts of drawing, and vocal music. In the case of the French language, a special teacher, from the very begin- ning, is absolutely necessary, if the instruction in it is to be any thing more than a matter of form. 4. Number of hours of recitation. This is fixed at thirty- two per week ; a number which experience has shown may with propriety be exacted of students, and which is requisite to complete the course of studies. In the French colleges there arc but twenty hours of regular obligatory instruction per week. Tills dillcrence alone would go fiir to explain the rea- son for the fact, thai in the gvmnasin. the written course of GYMNASIA Of PRUSSIA. 457 studies is closely followed in all its departments, while in the royal colleges it is but partially carried out. That in the for- mer, all branches are deemed worthy of attention, while in the latter, in practice, some are treated as if they were not appro- priate parts of a regular course of studies. The Prussian ministry asserts, very justly, that four hours every morning, and two hours in the afternoon, four times a week, may be passed in a well ventilated school-room, without injury to health. The condition in regard to ventilation is, however, essential to the truth of the proposition ; it is easily realized in the gymnasia, on account of the small number constituting each class. I found, in fact, generally, but little objection to the arrangements, in this respect, in these institutions. I had reason to remark, in the city gymnasia of Prussia, in general, that the appearance of the upper classes betokened a higher state of health than that of the lower, which would not have been the case had they been overworked. The men- tal labour, on the part of the student, indicated by thirty-two hours per w^eek spent in school, is less than it would be from the same time in an English grammar school, or in one of our own establishments of the same grade, from the mode of teach- ing. Much of the instruction is communicated by conversa- tion and by lecture, during the school hours, which are thus devoted to acquiring knowledge as well as to reciting what has been learned by study at other times. The school-boards are requested not to allow this time of thirty-two hours per week to be exceeded, and a general plan for the distribution of time, which will be given below, is appended to the instructions. This plan, however, may be modified according to the circum- stances of the institution to which it is to be adapted, preserv- ing, however, the number of hours devoted to religious instruc- tion, to the languages and mathematics, as cardinal points in the system. It is deemed unnecessary to begin the French earlier than in the third class, which would postpone it as late as thirteen years of age. Natural history may be substituted for physics in the second class, and a general review of that branch, as studied in the previous years, is recommended. Drawing 58 458 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. and vocal music arc intended to be carried so far as that the upil may follow them to advantage if his tastes incline that way. The ministry recommends that where several hours per week are devoted to a subject, more than one each day should be given to it, so as to concentrate the attention upon a few branches every day. Plan of studies arranged for the Gymnasia of Prussia by the Ministry of Pub- lic Instruction, October 24th, 1837. SUBJECTS OF STUDY, &c. NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEF.K. O ^ Latin, -..-.-..- Greek, German, - - French, Religious Instruction, . - - - Mathematics, Arithmetic and Elements of Form, Physics, Philosophy, History and Geography, - - • Natural History, Drawing, Writing, Vocal Music, 30 30 3:2 [Itbrcw for the future Theologians, 10 32 32 10 GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 459 After tracing the particulars of the courses of some of the Ger- man gymnasia, we shall be better able than now to make a com- parison between them and the institutions already described, as the extent and distribution of the several courses, in addition to the time devoted to each, will then be known. I may remark, in the mean time, however, that the subjects taught are not very different from those constituting the course of the French col- leges, and that in reference to British schools, the amount of time devoted to different subjects, as well as the choice of sub- jects, more nearly resembles the Edinburgh Institution, already described, than one of the endowed English grammar schools. 5. Study out of school hours. On this subject the ministry re- marks, that while it is highly important that the pupil should have preparation to make, requiring the exercise of his own resources, it is not less so that the amount of private study should not be carried to an injurious extent. The regulations, therefore, provide that at the beginning of each term there shall be a conference of the teachers, to determine the due amount of such work in the different classes, in detail. Every teacher should keep a book, in which the exercises actually given are accurately noted, so that the director may see at any time how far the decisions of the conference have been conformed to. The written exercises of the pupils must be regularly corrected by the teachers, and at least once a month they must review the exercise-books, to ascertain the progress and the propriety of the exercises. German and Latin compo- sitions are to be especially attended to. Themes on subjects with which the pupils are not acquainted, so that they must labour both for the matter and language, are forbidden. The teacher should not only select subjects known to the pupils for these exercises, but should also explain the manner in which he expects them to be treated. C. Duration of the courses. The six classes should, accord- ing to rule, be passed through in nine years; the three lower, each, in one year, and the three higher, each, in two years; thus a pupil entering at ten would leave the gymnasium at nineteen. The provincial school-board may determine the period of the 460 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. year for the examinations for passing from class to class. In tiie gymnasia, where the classes are subdivided on account of numbers, and the pupils pass from one section to another at the end of six months, the arrangement is permitted to be con- tinued. Superior excellence in a few departments is not to warrant the promotion of the pupil to a higher class; he must be reason- ably proficient in all. 7. Examination for the univei^sily. The regulations of 1834, on this subject, are confirmed by the present; certain erroneous constructions, which have been put upon the former, being point- ed out. The first of these is, the supposition that the amount which the pupils are able to go over, during the time fixed for examination, determines the character of their certificate of ca- pacity, while, on the contrary, this is given for the general know- ledge of the subjects which they show. The fact that this ex- amination requires a previous attendance of two years in the first class, is considered as indicating positively that the course of that class cannot be intended to drill for the examination. The next refers to the specific direction in regard to the extent of exami- nation on the different subjects, which being intended as a general guide to the examiners, has been misconstrued so far as to be supposed to furnish teachers who are preparing pupils the means of imparting the least amount of knowledge consistent with their passing. The ministry considers that the qualifica- tions for the final examination liave stood the test of experi- ence, having been found not too high and calculated to promote sound instruction and not hasty preparation. As, however, the excitement of these examinations appears to act injuriously on certain temperaments, the ministry authorizes the examining commissions to reduce the viva voce parts of the examination, in cases where they see cause to do so. The ministry declines omittinix the examination on the course of reliu^ious instruction. 8. Supposed (h'fccts of teachers, cj-c. The ministry states, as the remark of many intelligent persons, that while so mucli progress has been miule within the last twenty years in the elementary schools, many of the teachers of the gymnasia, ne- GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 461 glecting the progress of the science of teaching, still follow the old routine methods; that the teachers overrate the importance of their special branches, and thus destroy the harmony of the system: that they imitate the style of lecturing of the university professors, which renders their explanations ill adapted to the age and state of progress of their pupils, and when, in conse- quence, their pupils get on slowly, instead of seeing in this fact the necessity for a change of method, they charge the fault upon the classes. The ministry remarks that it has not the means of judging personally whether such criticisms are well founded or not, but that the provincial school-boards, to whom they have been submitted, are of opinion that, in general, they are too severe. They are made public, however, that the teachers of the gymnasia may reflect upon them. No specific method of instruction, it is remarked, applicable to all varieties of age, preparation, and subjects of study, can be pointed out. Every teacher should observe, closely, the results of his instruction, and adopt freely the advice or exam- ple of teachers of known ability in their art. The directors of gymnasia are especially enjoined to visit the classes of their teachers frequently, and to make such suggestions as may seem to be required ; they are further expected to set an example themselves of thorough teaching. The ministry considers that the system of class teachers, already described, facilitates the course of observation recommended, by giving the teacher a thorough acquaintance with all the members of his class. The importance of making the science of teaching one of observa- tion is thus directly inculcated. The probation of a year, required by the decree of Septem- ber 26th, 1836, before the admission of a teacher to full standing, being intended to prevent the admission of incompetent teach- ers, the provincial school-boards arc enjoined to give cflcct to the provision, by promoting to the situations of ordinary or class teachers (ordinarii), those only who have shown decided capability in their art. The ministry promises to give such an extension to the normal schools for teachers of gymnasia, as shall insure an adequate supply from them. 462 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. SECONDARY PERIOU- Tlie provincial boards arc enjoined to sec that suitable books are provided for the gymnasia, and to attend to regulating the details of the programmes of the different classes. Tliis authority obviously leaves the most essential points of instruc- tion within their power. 9. Physical education. On this subject, the document from the ministry states that representations have been made from many of the directors and teachers of gymnasia, that physical education should be introduced as an essential part of their systems. Tlie necessity for due physical development is ad- mitted ; but it is argued, that in the gymnasia which receive day scholars alone, an attention to it fornjs no part of the duty of the teacher, who is merely bound to furnish the requisite time for recreation, and to take care that the health of the pupils is not injured during the hours of recitation by causes depending upon the school. In the boarding gymnasia the case is admitted to be diflerent. A continuance of gymnastic exer- cises in these establishments, when they have been tried and found beneficial, is allowed, but the compulsory attendance of day scholars upon them is not permitted. When regular gymnastic exercises are introduced, it is made the duty of the school-board to see that a proper teacher is provided, and tiie exercises must be conducted under charge of the director of the institution. I confess, that the idea of leaving the physical education of children entircl}^ to their parents, especially in the cities and towns where the day gymnasia are usually established, seems to me very unwise; particularly so in Prussia, where all else is regulated, and where the youth are always glad to engage in gymnastic exercises, wiien the means are furnished to them. 10. Religious t'ducaiion. It is enjoined that this contain the whole doctrine of Christian faith, and that the instruction bo given according to a regular plan. The j)rovincial autliorities are charged with the communica- tion of the foregoing regulations to the directors and teachers of th(^ gymnasia, aiitl with the su)>criiitcnde?)C(' of their execu- tion. tJYMiVASIA OF PRUSSIA. 463 The circular, of which I have just given an abstract, is silent in regard to the subject of the discipline of the gymnasia, proba- bly because it was considered by all as in a satisfactory state. In general it is very mild. Each instructor manages his class in his own way, subject to the advice of the director, and hence, of course, there is considerable variety. Harsh punish- ments, and personal violence, are discountenanced in all the classes. Appeals to the moral sentiments and feelings, and admonitions, are the favourite methods of discipline. I no where saw the discipline in better condition than in these schools, the youth of the upper class, especially, going through their duties without the necessity for more than occasional admonition, and exhibiting the decorum of gentlemen in whatever situation I met them. The director is the supreme resort when a teacher fails in being able to produce proper conduct on the part of a pupil, and he may dismiss from the institution. This, however, I was informed, is rarely necessary. From the remarks on the part which the director of a gym- nasium takes in the discipline, and the references made to his relation to the teachers in their several departments, the organ- ization of the institution may be inferred. The director, in fact, represents the central authority, from which his appoint- ment emanates, and the teachers are directly responsible to him, holding meetings only for specific purposes in regard to the regulation of the course of studies. The system of organ- ization of the school resembles that of the government. The means of securing attention to study do not differ from those in other countries, and already often alluded to. The system of excitement is carried to a far less extent, in gene- ral, than in the French colleges. Emulation is encouraged, but not stimulated into ambition. In the lower classes, the pupils change places during the daily recitations; afterwards, they are arranged by monthly trials of composition, and at the examinations; and in the higher classes, from the same com- positions, and from the results of their marks for daily recita- tion, and at the half vearlv cxauiinalions. Prizes are not 464 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. given as a general rule, though there are some special ones in certain gymnasia. This outline of the system of the gymnasia, as regulated by the central authority, requires, as already stated, to complete it, some account of the regulations for tiie linal examination prior to passing to the university (abiturienten-priifung), and of the means of providing teachers. The regulations for the final examination occupy fifty sections, and enter into very minute details; it will be sufficient for the present purpose to present an abstract of the more important of them under the following heads: — 1. The persons to be examined, the object, place, and time of the examination. 2. The authorities by whom, and under whose direction, the examination is to be conducted. 3. The character and subjects of the examination. 4. The kind of certificate obtained on passing the examination satis- factorily, and the privileges attached to it. First. The persons to be examined, &c. Those who in- tend to embrace one of the professions requiring a course of three or four years at a university, must, before matriculating at the university, pass the ordeal of this examination; the object beincr to ascertain whether the candidate has made himself o duly master of the subjects required for successful entrance upon his university career. The examination must be made in a regular gymnasium, and in some part of the last two months of the scholastic year. To be admitted to the examination, a pupil of a gymnasium must have been in its first class at least three terms of half a year each, except in cases where pupils have especially distin- guished themselves during a year in this class. Three months' notice of their intention to stand this examination is to be given by the pupils to the director of tlie gymnasium, who advises w ith them on their intention, but has no right to prevent any pupil of three terms' standing in the first class from coming forward. Persons w ho are educated in private undergo tliis same ex- amination in any gymnasium which llieir ])arents may select. They are required to present beforehand the certificate of their GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 465 masters as to moral conduct and proficiency, and arc examined at a different time from the regular students. Second, By whom the examination is conducted. There is a committee for each gymnasium, consisting of the director, the masters who have charge of the higher classes, a member of the ecclesiastical authority of the place, and a member of the provincial consistory. This latter member presides, and his appointment must be approved by the ministry of public in- struction. The ecclesiastical member must be approved by the provincial consistory. Besides these, there is a royal commis- sion appointed by the ministry, and consisting of professors of the university and others, who are present as inspectors at the examination. The teachers of the gymnasium and the local authorities of the school are also present at the oral exami- nations. Third. Character and subjects of examination. The exami- tions are of two kinds, written and oral. The subjects are, the German, Latin, Greek, and French languages,* for students in general, and in addition, the Hebrew for those who intend to study theology. Religion, history and geography, mathematics, physics, natural history, and the elements of mental philosophy. The subjects of the written examination are chosen by the royal commissary present, from a list furnished by the director of the gymnasium. These subjects must be such as have never been treated specially in the class-room, but not beyond the sphere of instruction of the pupils. All the candidates re- ceive the same subjects for composition, which are given out at the beginning of the examination. The candidates are assem- bled in one of the halls of the gymnasium, and remain there during the period allotted for their exercises under the charge of one or other of the examining teachers, who relieve each other. The only books allowed them are dictionaries and ma- thematical tables. The written exercises consist, first, in a German prose composition, the object of which is to discern the degree of intellectual development, and the style of com- * In the grand duchy of Poscn, tlic Polisli language is also one of tiic subjects, 59 466 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECX)NDART PERIOD. position of the candidate. Second: of a Latin extempore* and a Latin composition on some subject which has been treated in the course, tlie special reference in this exercise being to the cor- rectness of the style. Third : a translation from a Greek author, which has not been read in tlie course, and from Latin into Greek. Fourth: a translation from the German into the French. Fifth: the solution of two questions in geometry, and of two in analysis, taken from the courses in those subjects. Candidates who desire it, may be examined further than is required for passing. Those wdio intend to study theology or philology, translate a portion of one of the historical books of the Old Testament, or a psalm, into Latin, adding a grammatical analysis. The time allowed for the several written exercises is as follows: — For the German, five hours; Latin composition, five hours; Latin extempore, one hour; Greek translation, three hours; translation from Latin into Greek, two hours; French composi- tion, four hours; mathematical exercises, five hours; Hebrew exercises, when required, two hours. Four days are allowed for the examination in these subjects, and they must not imme- diately follow each other. The viva voce examination is con- ducted by the masters who have given instruction in the first class on the subjects of examination, unless the royal commis- sary directs otherwise. The subjects are, first, the general grammar and prosody of the German language, the chief epochs of national history and literature, and the national clas- sics. Second: the translation and analysis of extracts from Cicero, Sallust, Livy, Virgil, and Horace; the ability of the candidates to render the author with judgment and taste being put to the test, as well as their grammatical and archeological acquirements; parts of the examination are conducted in the Latin language. Third: the translation and analysis of Greek prose and of portions of Homer, with questions upon Greek grammar, Grecian history, arts, and mythology. Fourth: • An exercise in which the master speaks in German to the pupil, who muat render Uic German into Latin, in writing. GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 467 translations from the French classics, during which an oppor- tunity is given to the pupil to show how far he can speak the language. Fifth: questions upon the Christian doctrines, dog- mas and morals, the principal epochs in the history of the Chris- tian church, and the Bible. Sixth: arithmetic, the elements of algebra and geometry, the binomial theorem, simple and quad- ratic equations, logarithms and plane trigonometry. Seventh: in history and geography, on ancient history, especially that of Greece and Rome, and modern history, especially that of the country, on physical, mathematical, and political geography. Eighth: in natural history, on the general classification of its subjects. Ninth: in such portions of physics as can be treated by elementary mathematics, and on the laws of heat, light, magnetism, and electricity. Tenth ; on the elements of moral philosophy, psychology, and logic. The future theological stu- dent must, besides, translate and analyse a portion of one of the historical books of the Old Testament. Fourth. The kind of certificate obtained, and the privileges at- tached to it. When the examination is closed, the board already alluded to as conducting and superintending it, deliberates upon the notes which have been taken during its course, each mem- ber having a vote. Those students who are deemed to have passed a satisfactory examination, receive a certificate called a "certificate of maturity" (maturitats-zeugniss), the others are remanded to their class, and may present themselves, after an interval of six months, for another examination, unless they are deemed entirely incompetent to continue a literary career. Proficiency in all the subjects of examination is, in general, re- quired to entitle a candidate to a certificate, but exception is sometimes made in favour of those who show great attainments in the languages or mathematics; and in the case of students of a somewhat advanced age, the direct bearing of the different subjects upon the profession which they intend to embrace is considered. The daily records of the class-rooms are presented by the director of the gymnasium to the examiners, as showing the character of the candidates in regard to progress and con- duct, these points being specially noted in the certificate. Tlic 468 GEI^ERAL EDUCATIOV. SECONDARY PERIOD. certificate of maturity contains, besides, the name and address of the pupil, and of his parent or guardian; the time during which he has been at the gymnasium, and in its first class; the con- duct of the pupil towards his fellows and masters, and his moral deportment in general; liis character for industry, and his acquirements, as shown at the examination, specifying the result in each branch, and adding a statement from the mas- ters of drawing and music of his proficiency in their respective departments; the studies which he proposes to prosecute at the university, and to commence which he leaves the gymnasium. These certificates are delivered in an assemblage of the stu- dents of the gymnasium with suitable remarks. The certificate of maturity is necessary to enable a youth to be matriculated in either of the faculties of theology, law, medicine, and phi- lology, in one of the national universities, to be admitted to examination for an academic degree, to be appointed to oflice in state or church, or to obtain one of the royal bursaries at the universities. Special exception in regard to matriculation may be made by authority of the minister of public instruction. Students who have not passed a satisfactory examination, and whose parents demand it, are entitled to a certificate, stating the branches in which they are deficient; they may enter the university with this, and are registered accordingly. This registry enables them, if they subsequently obtain a certificate of maturity, and the special permission of the minister of public instruction, to have their matriculation dated from the time of inscription. Pupils who have passed through the third class of a gymnasium are entitled to claim one year of voluntary mili- tary service, provided they report themselves at a specified time during their twentieth year. There are two kinds of schools devoted to the preparation of teachers for the gymnasia, called respectively philological and pedagogical seminaries (philologische seminare, piidagogische scminare). One of the first kind is attached to the universities of Berlin, Bonn, Breslaw, Ilalle, Konigsberg, and Greifswalde, and one of the second is placed at Berlin, Stettin, Breslaw, Halle, Koni^sbcM-rr, and Miinster. Besides these, there is a GYMNASIA OF PRUSSIA. 469 seminary for teachers of natural philosophy and the natural sciences, at Bonn.* The number of students in these semina- ries is limited, not exceeding eight in general, and as their organization will doubtless be much changed when the pro- mise contained in the circular to the provincial authorities, with an abstract of which this article begins, is performed, I have concluded to omit any special description of them. Candi- dates, as instructors in the gymnasia, are examined by a royal scientific commission, in behalf of the provincial school-board. This commission is composed of professors of the universities. The examinations are of different grades, but of these only the first is obligatory; the teacher being thus enabled to enter the career of instruction, in which he shows his powers quite as wxll as by examination. First, for license to teach (pro facul- tate docendi), the teacher being attached or unattached. This, when complete, includes an examination in the German lan- guage, Greek, Latin, French, Hebrew, mathematics, physics and natural history, history and geography, philosophy, peda- gogy and theology, with specimens of reading. The grade of examination differs according to whether the candidate wishes authority to teach in the lower, middle, or higher classes. After passing this examination, a year's trial is necessary be- fore the teacher can be confirmed in any place. This year of probation may dispense with the following or second exami- nation, which, however, cannot take place before its expiration. The second examination is for a place (pro loco), in which the fitness of the candidate for a particular situation is tried. The third is for promotion (pro ascensione), and consists usually in a conference with the members of the commission. The fourth is for the directorship (colloquium pro rectoratu). These three examinations may be necessary, in certain cases, to protect the schools on the one hand, and individual teachers on the other, but it is easy to see that in general they may be dispensed with, and this, in fact, is usually done. * Statistisches Handbuch dcr deutschen Gymnasien, vcn Prof. Dr. Braunsund Dr. Theobald, 1837, p. 4G. 470 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. The latitude allowed by the Prussian regulations to the inte- rior organization of the gymnasia, produces varieties which will be illustrated by describing the courses of three gymnasia, of which one (the gymnasium at Pforta), leans very far towards the strict classical system ; a second (the Frederick William gymnasium at Berlin), represents the average system of the Prussian institutions of this grade, and a third (the real gym- nasium of Berlin), is the opposite of the first. The Frederick William gymnasium of Berlin is the representative of a class containing no less than five individuals in the capital itself, while the real gymnasium stands, thus far, alone in its arrange- ments. Both these gymnasia are day-schools, while that of Schulpforta, one of the old Saxon " prince schools," is a board- ing-school, and will ailbrd some useful hints in regard to internal organization. Some of the philologists of Germany, especially of southern Germany, consider that injurious changes have been made in. the pure classical system of the gymnasia by the Prussian schools, while some of the reformers consider them as not going far enough in their changes. Reason will be found, as usual, between the extremes of party opinions, and sustains the plan of the Prussian schools. Frederick William Gymnasium of Berlin. — This institution dates from 1797, and was at first an appendage to the "real school" of Mr. Ilccker. It is now a royal institution, and is independent of the real school, except so far that it has the same director,* and that the preparatory classes are in the real school, in which, or in other equivalent schools, the pupils are taught until ten years of age. The qualifications for admission are those contained in the general account of the gymnasia. This gymnasium had, in 1837, four hundred and thirty-seven pupils, divided into six classes, and instructed by fourteen teachers and six assistants. The second and third classes are subdivided into two parts, called upper and » Director Bpilloko, to whom I nm indebted for opportunities of visiting )[x)th institutions, and for printed and MS. documents relating to thcni. FREDERICK WILLIAM GYMNASIUM OF BERLIN^ 471 lower, pursuing different courses, and both divisions of the third class are again subdivided into two others, for the con- venience of instruction. The course in each class occupies a year, except in the first, which is of two years. Pupils who enter in the lowest class, and go regularly through the studies, will thus remain nine years in the gymnasium. The numbers of the several classes in 1837 were, in the first, fifty-four; in the upper second, thirty-two ; lower second, forty-seven ; upper third division, first, or A, thirty-six; second division, or B, thirty-six ; lower third, division first, or A, thirty-eight; division second, or B, thirty-two; fourth class, fifty-five; fifth, fifty- seven ; and sixth, fifty. Each division averages, therefore, nearly forty- four pupils, who are at one time under the charge of one teacher. One hundred and eight were admitted during the year, and the same number left the gymnasium; of these, twenty-one received the certificate of maturity to pass to the university, viz., ten who intended to study law, three medicine, five theology, one theology and philology, one philosophy, and one political economy, finance, &c., (cameralistic). Of these all but five were two years in the first class; out of this number two were tw^o years and a-half in the first class, and three more had been in the gymnasium less than two years, having entered it in the first class. The average age at leaving the gymnasium was nearly nineteen years, and the greatest and least, respect- ively, twenty-two and between sixteen and seventeen years. It appears, thus, that on the average, the pupils actually enter at ten, and remain nine years, as required by rule. The Cologne Real Gymnasium. — This name is explained, the former part by the quarter of the city of Berlin in which the institution is placed, and the term "real" from the introduction of a greater amount of the scientific branches, called " real," than is contained in the courses of the gymnasia in general. This institution was placed upon its present footing in 1824, and received its full development in 1829.* * It was founded by Professor Fischer, well known by his work on physics, and is now directed by his son-in-law, Dr. August, who has followed in the steps of Fischer in matters both of science and education. 472 GENEHAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. The admission of pupils takes place twice a-year, namely, at Easter and in October. The limits of age beyond wliich a youth cannot enter are eight and thirteen years. The qualifi- cations are nearly those already referred to. There were, in 183G-7, three hundred and ninety-nine pupils in this institution, divided into six classes, and instructed by eleven teachers and ten assistants. The second, third, and fourth classes are divided into two parts, forming, in fact, like the divisions in the other gymnasium, distinct classes. The number of the several classes are: first class, twenty-one; upper second class, twenty-three; lower second class, fourteen; upper third class, forty; lower third, sixty-six; fourth class, division A, sixty-nine; fourth class, division B, sixty-four; fifth class, fifty- nine ; sixth class, forty-three. There is the mark of a rising in- stitution in the large numbers of the lower classes. In 1835, eight pupils passed to the university, and in 183G four, and at the same time, the same number went to other avocations with certificates. The Gym\asium of Pforta originated in the sequestration of the funds of a monastery, by the electoral Prince Maurice of Saxony, to the purposes of education. The first pupils were admitted in 1543. In 1815 the school passed under the autho- rity of the Prussian government, and the courses were assimi- lated to those of the other gymnasia of Prussia.* The founda- tion yields a revenue of about thirty thousand dollars per an- num. The number of pupils, in 1838, was one hundred and eighty, to which it is restricted. Of these one hundred and sixty-nine are in part or entirely beneficiaries. These are called "alumni," or " intrancrs," while the others, termed "ex- traners," receive their education free, but lodge in the houses of the professors.f Pupils are admitted by the provincial school-board at Mag- » To the present rector, Dr. Kirchner, I am indebted for a very kind recep- tion at tills Bcliool, the more acceptable that, duringf the winter, at which time my visit was made, the villapfe near is quite out of tl»c way of ordinary travel, and but scantily provided with accommodation adapted to tlie season. t Payinjj one hundred and seventy-five dollars per aimum for lodging, &,c. GYMNASIUM AT SCHULPFORTA. 473 deburgh, in part on direct application, and in part on the pre- sentation of certain communes of the province of Saxony, who have a right to the places. The rules of application having been fulfilled, and the claim of the applicant found valid, he is sent by the school-board to Pforta for examination. This re- quires the qualifications for the third class of an ordinary gym- nasium, only the three upper classes existing in this school, and is very rigid. The two lower classes of the school are subdivided in the same manner as the second and third in the gymnasia gene- rally. The instructors are a rector, an inspector, six professors, and four adjuncts, besides four masters for vocal music, writing, drawing, and dancing. The course in each entire class is two years, so that in six years an intelligent and industrious pupil may pass through the gymnasium. The numbers of these classes and divisions w^ere, in 1837, after the Easter examina- tion— first class, thirty-five; second class. A, twenty-one; second class, B, thirty-one; third class. A, forty-two; third class, B, forty-four; total, one hundred and seventy-three. In the same year there were tw^enty-two graduates; of these, seven passed to the university to study medicine, four to study law, four law and political economy, three theology, one law and philosophy, one philology, one philology and natural philosophy, and one philology and mathematics. To give the pupils of the highest class an opportunity to review the minutiae of their grammar studies in the classics, as well as to relieve the professors, six hours of special recitation are made by each of the two divisions of the third class, four in Latin and two in Greek to members of the first class. For nine days before the half-yearly examinations there are no recitations, the pupils being employed in preparation in their study-rooms. The collection of models for the course of drawing and of physical apparatus is small, but is increased annually by means of a special appropriation. The pupils are divided for study into twelve groups, each 60 474 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. one of which occupies a room. The study-rooms contain, in proportion to their size, a number of tables, conveniently ar- ranged for the books and papers of the pupils, each table having seats at it for four. One of the first class sits at each study- table, and has charge of the others at his table, his duty being to assist them in their lessons, as well as to keep order; in these oiTices he is aided by a member of the second class. The other two seats are occupied by members of the lower-second and of the two divisions of the third class. A pupil of the first class is selected to superintend each room, under the direction of a professor, who, in weekly turn, from which the director and ecclesiastical inspector arc excepted, has special charge of the discipline and studies, and who occupies, during this week of duty, a room in the building with the pupils. The selected pupils, called inspectors, have a right to punish so far as to confine a pupil to the study-room during play-hours, but are required, in grave cases, to report to the professor on duty (hcbdomedarius), or to the director. No violence is allowed from them to the other pupils. They are chosen every six months by the professors. The professor on duty conducts the prayers in the morning, and visits the dormitories and study- rooms after the pupils have risen and after they retire, presides at the table, and superintends the special recitations made by the younger to the elder pupils. In the dormitories, the pupils are divided into six sections, each one composed of two study-divisions, and occupying a dormitory. The two inspectors of studies have charge of these rooms, one of them alternately superintending the rising and retiring of the pupils. Both sleep in tlie room with their divi- sions, and one retires with them. The same arrangement is followed in washing. The pui)ils bring water for their rooms, but other menial oflices are done by servants. The pupils who board in the institution (intraners, or alumni) are so ar- ranged at meals as to intermingle the dilTerent classes; thus, one from the first class, then one from the second, then one from the third, are next to each other, and so on, throughout the GYMNASIUM AT SCHULPFORTA. 475 school, as far as the unequal numbers of the classes permit. The first class pupils carve, and distribute the Sunday's allow- ance of wine. Simple cases of discipline are disposed of by the inspectors, or the professor on duty (hebdomedarius), or the rector, or, if occurring in the recitation-room, by the professor in whose room it occurs. More difficult ones are reported to the board of professors, which meets for this purpose, and to discuss the general concerns of the institution, once a week. The highest punishment, consistent with retaining the pupil, is solitary con- finement, with a regimen of bread and water; for offences re- quiring great severity, dismission is applied. The inspectors of studies are allowed to be present at the weekly meetings of the professors. The rector presides at them, and reports are re- ceived from the hebdomedarius and inspectors, and instructions are issued to them. The following provision of discipline has been found highly beneficial. Every pupil, on his admission, is assigned to the guardianship of a professor, who is ex- pected to look to his well-being in every respect, to keep his accounts, and correspond with his parents. The extraners dwell entirely with the professors, having study-rooms in their houses. The physical education of the pupils receives much attention. A fine garden is attached to the school, in which gymnastics are practised. Frequent walks are taken, when the weather permits, under the charge of a teacher, and the pupils bathe in a neighbouring stream. Twice in the course of the summer long excursions are made to the mountains in the neighbour- hood, with the professors and their families. The domestic economy of the establishment is controlled by a steward, who is directly responsible to, and whose accounts are inspected by, an agent from the ministry of finance of tlie king- dom. The farm is rented to an individual, who takes charge of the supply of the common table. The order of the day in winter is as follows. Rise at 6i A. M., have prayers at 6^, and breakfast. Instruction begins at 7. Study from 8 to 9. Recitation from 9 to 10. Study 476 GENERAL EDUCATIOIV. SECONDARY PERIOD. from 10 to 11. Recitation from 11 to 12. At 12 dine, and have recreation until 2 P. M. Recitation from 2 to 4. Study and teaching of the third class by the first, from 4 to 5. Study from 5 to 7. Supper at 7, and prayers. Study until 0. The under classes retire, and the first class study until 10. In sum- mer the pupils rise an hour earlier, and have gymnastic exer- cises, and go to bathe between 5 and 7, instead of studying. In this arrangement the study and recitation hours succeed each other in tnrn, and such is the general rule, which is, how- ever, broken in upon by the voluntary courses, and also by those of the higher mathematics and Hebrew, which are not attended by all the pupils. Courses of instruction in the three foregoing gymnasia. The subjects of instruction are nearly the same in all three of these gymnasia, viz., Latin, Greek, German, French, religious in- struction, mathematics (including arithmetic, algebra, and geometry), natural philosophy and natural history, history, geography, writing, drawing, vocal music, and Hebrew for theologians. In the Frederick William gymnasium there is a course of the elements of philosophy. In the real gymnasium there are courses of English, of technology, and of chemistry. At Pforta, dancing is taught as tlie means of giving an easy carriage, and with gymnastics and swimming, in their appro- priate seasons, as a means of health. So diflerent are the ideas which prevail in Germany from those which have the ascend- ancy among us, that in this institution, directed by a clergy- man, and under clerical authority in its minuter regulations, occasional balls are given, in which the first class are allowed to take a part. For the sake of crivinix a full view of the diflerenccs in the courses of instruction in these institutions, I have placed their details* in parallel columns upon the same page, reserving re- marks upon them until the close of this exposition. This ab- stract of the courses will be folluwcd by a comparison of the • Taken from tlic projiframmcs for the summer term of 183G, and llio winter of 183G-7, kindly furnislicd mo on my visits fn the several schools, hy IIk directors Sj)illf!k(>, Auijusl, and Kirchner. COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 477 time occupied in each branch during the entire course of in- struction. The numbers attached to the names of the different classes show the number of hours of study per week in the regular branches in which the division of classes takes place. In like manner, the numbers attached to the several subjects of study show how many hours are occupied per week in each of the subjects by the several classes. The course of the Pforta school begins only with the third class, and hence the right hand column is vacant in the lower classes. The four lower classes of the real gymnasium may be taken as equivalents to the three of the Frederick William gymnasium; the classes do not precisely correspond, but the leading features of the courses of all above the lower third are similar. The extemporaUa spoken of in the courses of language, con- sist of written translations made on the spot by the pupils into a foreign language, of sentences spoken in the vernacular by the teacher. These sentences are, of course, adapted to the progress of the pupil, and are prepared beforehand by the teacher who renders them, especially in the early parts of the course, the application of the rules of grammar on which the pupil is engaged, or of peculiarities of idiom to which his atten- tion is called. FrederickWilliam Real Gymnasium. Gymnasium of Gymnasium. Sciiulpforta. Sixth Class, thirty hours. Sixth Class, thh-ty hours. Latin, ten hours. Latin, four hours. Inflections of nouns, Inflections of tlie parts &c. Comparisons. Con- of speech preceding the jugation of the indicative regular verbs in Olto moods of regular and of Schulz's school grammar, some irregular verbs. A written exercise once a Translation from Blume's week, elementary book. Exer- cises from Blume. Ex- temporalia. German, four hours. German, four hours. Etymology and syn- Grammar. Syntax, tax. Exercises in writing Reading exercises in Au- 478 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. Frederick William Gymnasium. upon subjects previously narrated. Exercises in orthography, reading, and declaiming'. French, three hours. Etymology, to include the auxiliary verbs, in Herrmann's grammar. Oral and written exer- cises. Reading and trans- lation. Exercises on the rules from the grammar. Religion, two hours. Bible history of the Old Testament. Com- mitting to memory se- lected verses. Geography, two hours. Delineation of the out- lines of Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, from determinate points given. Divisions of the coun- tries, with their principal cities, rivers, and moun- tains. Arithmetic, four hours. 7^he four ground rules, with denominate whole numbers. Their applica- tions. Writing, three hours. Elements of round and running hand. Dictation. Writing from copy-slips. Drairing, two hours. Exercises in drawing lines. Real Gymnasium. gust's reader. Narration of stories told by the teacher. Declamation. French, four hours. Elements of grammar to the regular verbs. Read- ing and translation in Hecker's Reader. Religion, two hours. Bible history. Explana- tion of Luther's Catechism. Committing to memory Bible stories and verses. Geography, four hours. General geography, ac- cording to A. HOrschel- mann's outline. History, two hours. Biographies from gene- ral history. Arithmetic, five hours. Tlic elementary rules with whole numbers. Writing, three hours. Elements of forms of writing. Writing from copy-slips. Drav'inu, two hours. Drawing of lines and other exercises of tho hand. Drawing from en- gravings. Gymnasium of sciiulpforta. COMPARISON OP PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 479 Frederick William Real Gymnasium. Gymnasium op Gymnasium. Schulpforta. Fifth Class, twenty-nine hours. Latin, ten hours. Etymolog-y. Use of the prepositions. The ac- cusative before an infini- tive, practised orally and in writing, and extem- pore, and in exercises. Translations from Blume's Reader. German, four hours. Parsing, reading, and declamation. Exercises on narrations. French, three hours. Etymology, by oral and written exercises. Easier stories from Herr- mann's Reader. Religion, two hours. Explanation of the gos- pels, according to St. Matthew and St. Luke. Committing to memory the principal facts. Geography, two hours. Review of the last year's course. Rivers and mountains of Europe, and chief towns, in con- nexion. Arithmetic, four hours. Review of the preced- ing. Fractions. Fifth Class, thirty hours. Latin, six hours. Inflections of words, in- cluding tlie verbs, from Schulz's grammar. Trans- lations in August's and Gedike's Reader. German, four hours. Syntax. Weekly writ- ten exercises. Orthogra- phy. Declamation. French, three hours. Irregular verbs. Trans- lations from German into French, and vice-versa. Religion, two hours. Explanation of Luther's Catechism. Excerpts from the New Testament. Com- mitting to memory facts and verses. Geography, one hour. Review of the last year's History, three hours. Extracts from Bottiger's General History, relating to ancient history and the middle ages. Arithmetic, three hours. Review of fractions. Loss and gain. Easy ex- amples of interest and 480 (JENEIIAL EDUCATION. SECOXDARY PERIOD. FrederickWilliam Gymnasium. WrUincr, two hours. Runninir-hand from copy-slips. Drawing, two Lours. Drawing from bodies, terminated by planes and straight lines. Fourth Class, twcnty- eiglit hours. Latin, ten hours. Review of etymology. The principal rules en- forced by oral and writ- ten exercises and extem- poralia. Translation from Jacob's Reader and Corn. Ncpos. German, three hours. C/ompositions on sub- jects previously read. De- clamation. Reading from Kaliscirs Reader. Pars- ing. French, two hours. Review of etymology. Irregular verbs. Reci- procal verbs. Anecdotes nnd narrations from Herrmann's Grammar, and committing the prin- cipal to memory. Real Gymnasium. practice. Mental arithme- tic, the four ground rules in whole numbers and fractiouii. Solution of easy questions. Geometry, two hours. Introductory exercises. Writinrr, two hours. As in the sixth class. Drawing, two hours. As in the sixtli class. Singing, two hours. Knowledge of notes. Lower Foprtii, thirty -two hours. Latin, six hours. Exercises, from Au- gust's Practical Exercises, in inflections. Syntax from August's Guide to Trans- lation. Written exercises, cxtemporalia. Translation of the more difficult parts of Blume's Reader. Irregu- lar inflections. German, three hours. Grammar, with oral and written exercises. Frcneh, three hours. Irregular declensions. Translation from Ilcckcr'a Reader. Traivslat ions from Duvinagc. Rules from Kncbcl's Grammar. Gymnasium of schulpforta. COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 481 FrederickWilliam Gy3INASIUM. Religion, two hours. Gospel, according to St. Matthew, explained. Verses and psalms com- mitted to memory. Geography, three hours. Political geography of Germany, and of the rest of Europe. Review of the geography of the other parts of the world. Arithmetic, three hours. Review of fractions. Simple and compound proportion. Partnership. Simple interest. Geometry, one hour. Knowledge of forms, treated inductively. Writing, two hours. Running-hand, from copy-slips. Drawing, two hours. From bodies bounded by curved hnes. 61 Real Gymnasium. Religion, one hour. Bible history of the Old Testament. Exercises. Verses learned by heart. Geography, one hour. Germany in particular. Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. History, two hours. General history. Mo- dern history, with special reference to German his- tory. Arithmetic, two hours. Loss and gain. Interest. August's Complete Manual of Mathematics, parts 1 to 7. Geometry, four hours. Parts 1 to 7 of August's Manual of Mathematics. Natural History, four hours. General view of the three kingdoms of nature. Natural history of the mammalia, with demon- strations at the royal mu- seum. Writing, one hour. As in the sixth class. Drawing, two hours. From drawings by the teacher. Singing, two hours. Two and three parts. Gymnasium op ScHULPrORTA. 482 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. FkedertckWilliam Real "Gymnasium. Gymxasittm or GrMNASIUM. SCHULPFORTA. Upper Fourth Class, thirty hours. Latin, six hours. Declensions. Transla- tion from Gcdike's Chrcs- tomalliy. Exercises from August's Guide. Extcm- poralia. German, tlu"ee hours. Particles. Synonima. Exercises of style. Oral expositions. French, three hours. Translation from tlic French of Duvinage's Guide. From the Ger- man of Beauvais. First part of Knebcl's Gram- mar. Exercises and cx- temporalia. Religion, one hour. Chief truths of Chris- tianity and morals. Exer- cises. History of the New Testament. Exercises. Geography, two hours. The Germanic Confcd. The Austrian states. History, two hours. History of Germany, and sketch of the French revolution. Arithmetic, two hours. Partnership. Interest. Exchange. Geometry, four hours. Parts 5 to 9 of August's Manual. Natural History, four hours. Terminology of l>otany COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 283 FrederickWilliam Gymnasium. Lower Third, thirty hours. Latin., eight hours. Syntax. Rules of cases from Zumpt. Exercises and extemporalia. In- flections formerly learn- ed reviewed. Cornelius Nepos. Greek., six hours. Etymology, from Batt- mann's Grammar to re- gular verbs, inch Trans- lation from Greek into German from .Jacob's, from German into Greek from Hess's Exercises. German., two hours. Compositions in narra- tion and description. De- clamation. French, two hours. Repetition of inflec- tions, and exercises by extemporalia and in writ- ing. Translation of the fables from Herrmann's Reading Book, 2d course. Real Gymnasium. Natural history of birds, witli demonstrations at the royal museum. Wriling-j one hour. As in the sixth class. Drawing, two hours. As in the sixth class. Singing, two hours. This class is voluntary. Lower Third, thirty-one hours. Latin, seven hours. Gedike's Chrestomathy. Grammar, from August's Guide. Exercises and ex- temporalia. O. Schulz's Latin Anthology. Greek, four hours. Inflections to the verbs in fAt. Translation from Buttmann's Compendium. German, three hours. Principles of versifica- tion, from Wakkernagel's collection of the German poets. Selections from the grammar. Essays. French, three hours. Ancient and modern Greece of Duvinagc. Grammar. Exercises and extemporalia. Gymnasium of schulpfoeta. Lower Third, thirty hours. Latin, fourteen hours. Ceesar B. Gall, book 5 and book L Corn. Nep. Atticus. Treface. Milt. Themistoc. Ovid's Me- tarn or piloses, books 8 and 2, expurg. Prosody. Zumpt's Grammar. Ex- ercises and extemporalia. Greek, five hours. Translation from Ja- cob's Elements. Geogra- phical division of Europe and Africa. Inflections to irregular verbs, from Buttmann's Exercises. German, two hours. Written and oral exer- cises. Declamation. French. See remarks at the close, the class divisions in this course not corres- ponding witli those of tlie others. 484 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. FrederickWilliam Gymnasium. Religion^ two hours. Morals and Christian faitli. Ceoo^raphrj, two hours. Physical geography. Europe and the other parts of tlie world. History, two hours. General view of an- cient and modern history. Mathematics, four hours. Lcgcndre's Geometry, book 1. Decimals. Al- gebra. Square and cube root Drawing, two hours. Introduction to land- scape drawing. Real Gymnasium. Religion, one hour. Catechization on the gospel according to St. Luke. Geography, one hour. General geography of Europe. History, three hours. Roman history. An- cient geography from Schmidt. Ancient history from Schmidt. Mathematics, five hours. August's Geometry, parts 10 and 11. Algebra. Powers. Square root. Simple equations. Solution of examples. Natural Philosophy, two hours. Elements of physics and of chemistry. Natural History, two hours. Amphibii and fishes. Linnfean system. Excur- sions. Gymnasium of schulpforta. Religion, two hours. History of David, part- ly from the Old Testa- ment, partly related. Gos- pel according to St. Luke read and explained. Com- mitting to memory verses from the Bible. Exami- nation on the sermon. Geography, three hours. General Exposition. America and northern and middle Asia. South- ern Asia and Africa. Mathematics, four hours. Vulgar and decimal fractions. Similarity of triangles, and proposi- tions depending upon these properties. Iksidcs these rofrular studies in the real {ryinnasium, occupying thirty-one hours per week, there arc those wliich may be substituted for CJrcek, or assumed voluntarily, viz. — Knglish, two hours. Inflections of diifercnt parts of speech. Irregular verb?. Reading from Ilort's Reader and from Heussi's New English COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 485 Reader. Writing and drawi.ig, two hours each, for those pupils who do not take a part in the singing lessons of two hours, wliicli will be more fully spoken of at the close. The same exercises are continued in the following class. FrederickWilliam Real Gymnasium. Gymnasium. Upper Third Class, thirty hours. Latin, ten hours. Division I. Syntax, from Zumpt. Review of the preceding- course. Oral exercises in con- struction of sentences. Written exercises and ex- temporalia. Caesar Bell. Gall., books 1, 2, and 7, in part. Ovid's Meta- morphoses, extracts from books 7 and 8. Prosody, rules from Zumpt. Greek, six hours. Division!, Etymology, from Buttman's Gram- mar. Oral and written exercises and extempora- lia. Jacob's Reader. German, two hours. Examination of exer- cises on historical sub- jects. Poetical selections for declamation. French, two hours. Exercises in transla- tion. Written exercises. Extemporalia. Religion, two hours. Principal passages from Upper Third Class, tliirty-onc hours. Latin, seven hours. August's Libamenta. Courses, three and four. Syntax. Exercises and ex- temporalia. Ovid's Meta- morphoses, books 1, 2, 3, and 4, excerpts. Writ- ten translations. Commit- ting to memory remark- able passages. Prosody. Theory of hexameters. Greek, four hours. Review and extension of the preceding course. MatthisR's Greek Reader. German, three hours. Reading and comment- ing on the German classics. Exercises, with rules for style. Free delivery. French, three hours. Selections from Mignet, Thiers, &c., and from Herrmann and Biichner's Manual. Exercises in speaking and writing. Extemporalia. Religion, one hour. Gospel, according to St. Gymnasium of sciiulpforta. Upper Third Class, thirty hours. Latin, fourteen hours. Cicero, Laelius, Cato major. Csesar, Bell. Civ., books 2 and 3, in part. Ovid's Metamorphoses, books 4, 5, and 6, excerpt. Zumpt's Grammar. In- flections. Syntax. Exer- cises and extemporalia. Exercises in prosody. Greek, five hours. Xenophon, Cyrop., ex- tracts from books 2 and 3. Buttmann's Gram- mar. Irregular verbs, &c. Ditfurt's Vocab. Greek Exercises. German, two hours. Correction of exercises. Declamation. Prosody, from Heise. Rules for formation of sentences. French. See close of this list Religion, two hours. History of the Old and 48G GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. FhederickWilliam Real Gymnasium. Gymnasium. the jTospcls gone over. General view of the Old Testament writings. History and Geography^ four hours. Roman history, from the Punic Wars to the destruction of the west- ern empire. History of the middle ages, three hours. Review of the five general divisions of tlie world, one hour. Mathematics, four hours. Geometry. Lcgendre, books 1 and 2, and part of 3. Algebra, with exer- cises from Meyer Hirseh. Mark, with catecliizalion upon it. History and Gcograjyhy, three hours. History of the middle ages. Review of geogra- phy- Lower Second Class, thirty-one hours. Latin, eight hours. Extracts from Livy and CcBsar dc Bell. Giv. Re- view of Bell, Gall., books 2 and 3. Syntax. Exer- cises and extemporalia. Committing to memory cxercibes from Livy and Caesar. Ovid's Metamor- phoses, Ixjoks 11 to 14. Greek, six hours. Homer's Odys., 11, 1-, 13, and 11. Exercises on the dialects. Xcno- phon'H Aiuib. 1, 2, nnil Mathematics, six hours. Simple and quadratic equations. Theorems from general theory of equa- tions. Mensuration of re- gular polygons and circles. Natural History, four hours. Botany, according to the natural system. Natural history of worms. Lower Second Class, thirty hours. Latin, seven hours. Half the year with up- per third. The other half: Salhisf, Bell. Jug., book 1. Virgil's yEncid, books 1 and 2. Exercises and ex- temporalia. GreeJ;, four liours. As in the upper third class. Gymnasium of Sl JlULPrORTA. New CoxcnantP, with re- ferences to the Bible. Geography and History, three hours. Geography and history of European states, par- ticularly of the German Confederation, from Dit- tcubciircr's Instructor. Mathematics, four hours. Algebra. Simple equa- tions. Equality of plane rectilinear figures, from Swindcn. Exercises. Lower Second Class, thirty hours. Latin, twelve hours. Cicero Orationes in r it., pro lege Manil., pro Archia. Cic. Selected epistles from Mattliia?. Exercises from Ovid, fas- tis, and Terence Adcl- phi. Zumpt's Grammar. Particles. Syntax Orn. Exercises. Extemporalia. liatiii verses. Greek, five hours. Xcnoplion's Anab., 1, 2, and part of 3. Ilomcr'a Odys., 21 to 21. Exer- cises. COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 487 FrederickWilliam Real Gymnasiu^i. Gymnasium. "part of 3. Excerpts from the grammar reviewed. Exercises and extempo- ralia. Syntax. IlehretLi, two hours. Grammar, ending- with irregular verbs. Easier parts of historical books of Scripture translated. Vocabulary learned by rote. Exercises on rcgu- iar and irregular verbs out of the recitation room. German^ two hours. Correction of written exercises and essays. Exercises of delivery. Gymnasium op Schulpforta. French^ two hours. Voltaire's Charles XII. Exercises and extempora- lia. Religion^ t\yo hours. Explanation of the principal parts of tlie Epistles of St. Paul, with historical sketches, and a view of the life of early Christian communities. History^ three hours. Roman history, from the Punic Wars. History of the middle ages con- eluded. General view of history. German, three hours. In summer combined with upper third class. In winter, reading German classics. Delivery. Es- says. French, three hours. In summer, with upper third. Selections from Briichner's Reader. Gram- matical exercises, and translation from Knebcl's Grammar. Extemporalia. Reli lion, one hour. In summer, with upper third. In winter. Chris- tian system of morals. Geography and History, three hours. In summer, with upper third. In winter, with upper second. Modern history, from 1G60 to 1S15, General geography of Eu- rope. Hebrew^ two hours. Elements of grammar from Gesenius. Exer- cises in reading and writ- ing. Paradimes. Vocabu- lary learned. German, two hours. View of the principal epochs in the history of the German language. Principles of inflection. Essays. French. See close of this list. Religion, two hours. Gospel according to St, Mark, with suitable illus- trations. Acts of the Apostles, in part. History, three hours. History of the East and of the Greeks, with ancient geography from Lorcntz's work. 488 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. FrederickWilliam Gymnasium. MathematicSy four liours. Gcom. to proportions and simple figures. Ele- ments of algebra. Loga- rithms. Natural History, two hours. Mineralogy. Botany, especially of native plants. Real Gymnasium. Mathematics, five hours. Simple and quadratic equations. Powers. Roots. Logarithms. Review of planimetry. Stereometry. Algebraic exercises. Natural History, two hours. Cryptogamic plants. Propagation of the princi- pal cultivated plants. Mi- neralogy. Physics, two hours. General properties of bodies. Solids, from Fisch- er's Natural Philosophy. Gymnasium of SciiuLrroRTA. Mathematics, four hours. Proportions. Powers and roots. Similarity of figures. Circles, from Swinden. Exercises. The courses of English, of writing, and drawing, arc as in the upper third class. Besides these, two hours are set apart for conversation in the French lan- guage, and exercises in extempore writing. Upper Second Class, thirty-two hours. Latin, nine hours. Cicero's Orations, pro Rose. Amer., de Amic, de Senectute. Livy, books 22 to 25, inclusive. Vir- gil's iEncid, books 1 and 2. Some eclogues and excerpts from Georgics. Exercises and extempo- ralia. Greek, six hours. Homer's Iliad, books 4 to 11, inclusive. Arrian Alex, expedition, books 1 and 2. Buttmann's Gram- mar, with exercises and cxtcmiKjraliu. Upper Second Class, thirty-two hours. Latin, seven hours. Livy, books 29,30,31, and 32. Terence, Andria. Virgil's iEncid, books 7, 8, 9, and 10. Cicero de Amic. Grammatical ex- ercises and extemporalia. Greek, four hours. Homer's Odys., books 9 to 11. Arrian expcd. Alex., books 2 and 3. Grammatical exercises and extemporalia. Upper Second Class, twenty-nine hours. Latin, eleven hours. Cicero, in Verrem, Act ii. book 4. Excerpts. Livy, parts of books 22 and 23. Tacitus. Ger- mania excerpts. Virgil's ^neid, books 9, 11, and 12. Exercises and ex- temporalia. Greek, six hours. Herodotus, parts of books 6 and 7. Plutaich. Excerpts from Alexander. Homer's Iliad, books 4 and .'). Exercises and ex- temporalia. COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 489 FrederickWilliam Gymnasium. Hebrew, two hours. Books of Judges and of Ruth, with exercises of syntax. Easy exer- cises, and committing vocabulary to memory out of the class-room. German, two hours. Essays. Delivery. French, two hours. Excerpts from Herr- mann and Briichner's Manual of the more re- cent French literature. Religion, two hours. Christian faith and mo- rals. History, three hours. Review of ancient his- tory and geography, using the Latin language. Mathematics, four hours. Arithmetical geometry and plane trigonometry. Algebraic exercises. Po- lygons. Stereometry. Simple and quadratic equations. Physics, two hours. General physics. Elec- tricity and magnetism. Real Gymnasiu3i. Hebrew, two hours.* Historical pieces from Gcscnius's Reader. Book of Genesis. Exercises in vowels from Hantschke's Reader. Syntax. German, three hours. Varieties of prose and poetry, with examples. History of National Lite- rature. Essays. Delivery. French, three hours. Parts of the Manual of Ideler and Nolte, viz. — ex- tracts from Rollin, Lc Sage, Moliere, Delavigne, &lc. Exercises and extempora- lia. Religion, one hour. Christian system of re- ligion and morals. History, three hours. Modern history, from 1500 to 1815. General geography of Europe. Mathematics, six hours. Plane trigonometry from Legendre. Theory of the circle. Logarithms. Ste- reometry from Legendre. Binomial. Powers. Physics, tliree hours. Electricity and magnet- ism. Ilcatjlight, and sound, from Fischer's Physics. Gymnasium of schulpforta. Hebrew, two hours. Gesenius's Reader, parts 1 and 2. Vocabu- lary. Gesenius's Gram- mar. Verbs and adverbs. Writing of Hebrew cha- racters. German, two hours. Elements of versifica- tion, with essays and poetical exercises. French. See at the close of this list. Religion, two hours. Acquaintance with the sacred writings, and books of the evangelical church. Essays. History, two hours. History of Rome to the monarchy, with a geo- graphical introduction from Lorentz. Mathematics, four hours. Progressions and loga- rithms, with applications. Stereometry and plane trigonometry. Exercises. 62 Vuluntarv- 490 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. Frederick William Gymnasium. Real Gymnasium. Gymnasium of ScHULrFOKTA. Chemistry, two hours. Metalloids, acids, alka- lis, earths, from Wohlcr's Principles. Two liours of voluntary practice in the lahoratory. Tlie course of Eng-lish in the real gymnasium, in this class, is continued by reading the Vicar of Wakefield, and by exercises from the grammar of Burckhardt and Jost. There is a voluntary course of technology, in the same institution, in this class, two hours per week, including a discussion of the uses of animal and vegetable products in the arts, oils, resins, starch, sugar, «^c. Methods of making acids, salts, glass, cartlienware, «fcc. Tliis class is attended by those who do not study Greek. The courses of writing, drawing, &.c. are continued as in the lower third class. First Class, thirty-one hours. Latin, eight hours. Horace's Odes, books 3 and 4. Cicero against Verres. Tacitus, Annals, books 11 and 12, and ex- tracts from 3 to 6. Cice- ro, Tusc. quest. Extem- pore translations from German into Latin. Ex- ercises. Declamation. Greek, six hours. Homer's Iliad, book 16, Odyssey, books 9 to 16, inclusive. Ilippias Major, Charm ides, and Gorgias of Plato (ex- cerpts). Soplioclcs' Edip. tyr.and Antigone. Gram- matical exercises. Butt- niann's Grammar. Hebrew, two hours. Second Book of Kings. Genesis. Psalms, GI to 100. Grammatical criti- cisms of historical cx- ccrptfl, or of psalius, as an exercise at home. First Class, thirty-two hours. Latin, six hours. Horace's Odes, from books 2 and 3. Cicero de Officiis. Tacitus, Annals, books 1, 2, and 3. Extern- poralia. Written transla- tions from German into Latin. Disputations. Greek, four hours. Homer's Iliad, books 5 to 9 and 10 to 14. Thu- cydides, book 2. Sopho- clcs's iEdip. tyr. Plato, apolog. Grammatical tx- Hehrew, two hours. Exodus, and selections from the other historical books read. The Psalms. Exercises froni Ilantschke. Silections from tiic New Testament in Greek iiito First Class, twenty-nine liours. Latin, ten hours. Horace's Odes, book 4. Carm. Stec. Epist., book 1. Cicero Tusc. disput., books 1 and 4. Tacitus, Annals, book 1., Plautus captiv. Extern poralia. Written translations from German into Latin. La- tin disputations. Greek, six hours. Homer's Iliad, books 7 and 8. Sophocles' Phi- loctetes and Ajax. De- mosthenes'Orations,Phil. 1, Olynth. 1, 2, 3, for peace. Greek exercises and cxtemporalia. Hebrew, two hours. Psalms, 46 to .'il. Book second of Samuel, (gram- mar (Gescnius) and ex- ercises. COMPARISON OF PRUSSIAN GYMNASIA. 491 FrederickWilliam Real Gymnasium. Gymnasium. German^ one hour. Criticism of comiK)si- tions. General grammar, and history of the Ger- man Grammar and lite- rature. French, two hours. Selections from Scribe and Dclavigne. Exer- cises and extemporalia. Religion, two liours. History of the Chris- tian Church, to the times of Gregory VII. History, three hours. Modern history, and review. Mathematics, four hours. Plane trigonometry and application of alge- bra to geometry. Alge- bra. Mensuration and conic sections. Binomial theorem. Exponential and trigon. functions. Physics, two hours. Pliysical geography. Mechanics. Philosophy, one hour. Propaedeutics. Logic. Hebrew. Written transla- tions of Psalms. German, three hours. Composition and criti- cism of German authors. French, three hours. Selections from Moli6re, Scribe, Delavigne, and Pascal. Written and oral translations from German into French, from Rabe^ ner's Letters, Wieland, and Schiller. Extempo- ralia. Religion, one hour. The religions of anti- quity. The Bible. History, three hours. Ancient and modern history, from Schmidt. Mathematics, five hours. Review of plane trigo- nometry. Spherical trigo- nometry. Geometry, con- structions, equations of the third and fourth degrees. Numerical equations of higher degrees. Physics, three hours. Properties of the gases. Electricity. Liglit. Co- lours. Chemistry, two hours. The metals. Gymnasium of schulpforta. German, two hours. General history of Ger- man literature, from the middle of the fourteenth to the second quarter of the eighteenth century. Ballads fromGothe. Com- positions. French. See the close of this list. Religion, two hours. Vogel's Instructor in Christian Knowledge. History, two hours. Of the middle ages, from Gregory VII. to the Reformation. Mathematics, four hours. Conic sections. Per- mutations and combina- tions. Diophantine ana- lysis. Exercises in trigo- nometry and geometry. Physics, one hour. General phj^sics. Gene- ral properties of bodies. Magnetism. 492 GEXERAL EDUCATION. SECOXDARY PERIOD. The course of Englisli in the real gymnasium inclufles the rcadingf of Shaks- poarc's Cirsar and Hamlet, exercises, extcmporalia, and conversation. That of teclinolog-y is the same as described for tiic upper second class. Those of draw- ing, » Latin, 4 4 4 5 6 5 6 1.4 2.9 3 French, .... 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 22 45 1.1 0.7 0.9 English, .... 2 2 2 6 0.3 German, .... 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 20 8 8 1C 10 1.0 0.8 1.0 Religion, .... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 2 3 S > 2 O.G 0.6 0.8 Mathematics,* - - 6 6 5 6 7 6 4 35 43 ( ) 6 1.7 1.1 1.6 Natural History, 3 2 2 2 9 0.4 0.1 1 0.1 Physics, .... 2 2 2 2 8 0.4 0.2t 0.2 Chemistry, - - - 2 2 2 2 8 0.4 Geography, . . - 3 3 3 3 9 2 2 i 2 0.4 0.5 0.5 History, . - - . 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 15 2 2 i 2 0.7 0.3 0.7 Drawing, .... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 0.6 0.4 0.4 Writing, .... 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 8 0.2 0.3 0.3 Singing, .... 1 Total, - 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 15 26 26 2 0.7 6 26 0.6 0.6 36 36 35 35 32 32 32 * Including arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, t These numbers include the entire course. 520 GENERAL EDUCATlOxV. SECONDARY I'ERIOD. Pupils who enter this school between five and seven years of age, and go regularly through the elementary classes, are pre- pared at ten to pass to its liigher classes, or to enter the lowest of the gymnasium. It is thus after the fifth class that a com- parison of tlie two institutions must begin. The studies of the real school proper, and of the gymnasium, have exactly the same elementary basis, and they remain so far parallel to each other that a pupil, by taking extra instruction in Greek, may pass from the lower third class of the former to the lower third of the latter. This fact alone is sufficient to show that the real schools must be institutions for secondary instruction, since their pupils have yet three classes to pass through after reaching the point just referred to. It serves also to separate the real schools from the higher burgher schools, since the extreme limit of the courses of the latter, with the same assistance in regard to Greek, only enables the pupil to reach the lower third class of the gymnasium. In general, a pupil would terminate his studies in the real school at between sixteen and eighteen years of age. The difference between the subjects of instruction in the real school and the Frederick Williani gymnasium, consists in the omission in the former of Greek, Hebrew, and philosophy, and the introduction of English and chemistry. The relative proportions of time occupied in the same subjects in the two schools, will be seen by comparing the two columns next on the right of the numbers for the seventh class, in the table just given. The first of these columns contains the proportion of the number of hours per week devoted to the ditlcrent subjects in the six classes of the real school above the elementary, the number of hours devoted to the German being taken as unity; and the second, the same proportion for six classes of the gym- nasium, beginning with the lowest, the same number of hours being taken as the unit, as in the preceding column. To bring the natural history and i)hysics into comi)arison, I have taken the numbers for the upper classes of the gymnasium in which these branches are taught. Of the courses common to the two schools, those to which nearly equal attention is j>aid in both A REAL SCHOOL OF BERLIN. 521 institutions are — the religious instruction, the German, geogra- phy and history, writing, and vocal music. The French, ma- thematics, physics, and natural history, predominate in the real school, the Latin in the gymnasium. The effect of reckoning the first, second, and upper third classes of the gymnasium does not materially change the proportionate numbers for the courses which are common to the two schools, except as to Latin and mathematics. To show this, the column on the extreme right of the table is introduced, containing the proportions for all the nine classes of the Frederick William gymnasium. There were, in 1838, five hundred and ten pupils in this real school, under the charge of fourteen regular or class masters, teaching several subjects in the lower classes, and of six other teachers. Each of the eleven class divisions thus averages about forty-six, who are under the charge of one teacher at a time. The elementary course in the real school is similar to that described in the burgher schools, beginning with the phonic method of reading, the explanations of all the words and sen- tences being required at the same time that the mechanical part of reading is learned. Written and mental arithmetic are taught together in the lowest class. The religious instruction consists of Bible stories adapted to their age; and verses are committed to improve the memory of words. The exercises of induction are practised, but in a way not equal to that with objects, intro- duced by Dr. Mayo in England. Some of the pupils are able to enter the gymnasium after going through the two lowest classes. In regard to the real classes proper, as I propose to enter into the particulars of the course of study of the trade school, I shall here merely make a few remarks upon tw-o of the branches studied in them, namely, French and drawing. The remarks in regard to the French will serve to show how great a latitude a teacher is allowed in the arrangement of his methods, the result of which is, that those w ho have talent are interested in improving their art by observation and experiment. The French teacher to 522 GEI^ERAL EDUCATIO.V. SECONDARY PERIOD. whom I allude* had been able to secure the speaking, as well as the reading, of French from his pupils. From the very beginning of the course this had been a point attended to, and translation from French into German had been accompanied by that from German into French: the conversation on the business of the class-room was in French. The pupils were exercised especially in the idioms of the language in short extempore sen- tences, and the ditTerences of structure of the French and their own language were often brought before them, and the dif- ficulties resulting from them anticipated. DilTicult words and sentences were noted by the pupils. Declamation was prac- tised to encourage a habit of distinct and deliberate speaking, and to secure a correct pronunciation. The chief burthen of the instruction was oral. Without the stimulus of change of places, the classes under this gentleman's instruction were en- tirely alive to the instruction, and apparently earnestly engaged in the performance of a duty which interested them. If such methods should fail in communicating a greater amount of knowledge than less lively ones, which I believe cannot be the case, they will serve, at least, to break down habits of intel- lectual sloth and to promote mental activity, the great aim of intellectual education. The drawing department of this school is superintended by a teacher who has introduced a new method of instruction, par- ticularly adapted to the purpose for which drawing is to be applied in common life and in the arts; a method which is found to enable a much larger proportion of the pupils to make adequate progress than the ordinary one of copying from draw- ings.-j- In this method the pupil begins by drawing from sim- ple geometrical forms, those selected being obtained from mo- dels in wood or plaster, of a square pillar,J a niche, and a low cylinder (the form of a mill-stone). The square pillar separates * Mr. Herrmann. t Mr. Peter Schmidt, who now, in his old apfc, has received from tlie frovcin- mcnt a pension in return for the introduction of his nictliod, and the instruction in it of a certain number of teachers. t Seven and a-half inches high, and one inch and a-half in its square section. CITY TRADE SCHOOL OF BERLIPT. 523 in joints, affording a cube and parallelepipeds of different heights. The hemisphere which caps the niche may be removed, leav- ing the concave surface of its cylindrical part. Tiie exercises of the pupil run thus: — First, to place upon a board, or upon his paper or slate, a point vertically above another, or so that the lines joining the tv^o shall be parallel to the right or left hand edge of the board, paper, or slate. Second, to join them. Third, to place a point horizontally from the second, and at a distance equal to that between the first and second points. Fourth, to place one vertically over the third, and at a distance equal to that below the first, and to join the third and fourth. The first and fourth being then joined, a square is formed. After prac- tice in this, the simple elevation of the cube is drawn. Next, a perspective, by the use of a small frame and silk threads, such as is common in teaching the elements of this subject, and by means of which the pupil acquires readily a knowledge of the practice. The drawing of lines in various positions, and w^ith various proportions, terminates this division of the subject. The niche and cylinder afford a similarly graduated series of lessons on the drawing of curved lines, and the drawing of lines of dif- ferent degrees of strength and of shadows is introduced. This is accompanied with some of the more simple rules of shadow and shade. More difficult exercises of perspective follow from natural objects and from works of art or mechanism, accord- ing to the direction to be given to the pupil's attainments and the amount of taste which he displays. This method of teach- ing has been introduced quite generally in Prussia, and with the best results as to the formation of accuracy of eye and of hand. CITY TRADE SCHOOL OF BERLIN. This school was founded to give a more appropriate educa- tion for the mechanic arts and higher trades than can be had through the courses of classical schools. It is a great point gained w^hen the principle is admitted, that different kinds of education are suited to different objects in life; and such an 524 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. admission belongs to an advanced stage of education. As a consequence of a general sentiment of this kind, numerous schools for the appropriate instruction of those not intended for the learned professions grow up by the side of the others. The youth is thus secured a suitable education, no matter what may be his intended calling, and is not forced to accept a training necessarily imperfect, from the time which he can devote to it, and furnishing him with but little of the knowledge which he requires in his pursuits. This sentiment prevails extensively in Prussia, and, indeed, throughout Germany, and as a conse- quence of it, there are better opportunities for the instruction of young men, not intended for the learned professions, than in any other part of Europe. The city of Berlin is the patron of the trade school which I am about to notice, as the king is of the real school, already spoken of. Its stability is thus secured, and the means of fur- nishing it with the necessary materials for instruction are liberally provided.* The trade school is a day-school, and consists of five classes, of which the lowest is on the same grade as to age and qualification at admission as the fourth class of a gymnasium. It is assumed that at twelve years of age it will have been decided whether a youth is to enter one of the learned professions, or to follow a mechanical employ- ment, or to engage in trade, but the higher classes are not closed against pupils. Of the five classes, four are considered necessary or desirable for certain pursuits, and the whole five for others; the courses of all but the first class last one year, that of the first, two years — a youth leaving the school at from sixteen to seventeen or eighteen years of age, accord- ing to circumstances. During the year 1836-7, the number of pupils in the several classes were — in the first class, eleven; in the second, twenty-nine; in the upper third, forty- three; in the lower third, fifty-two; in the fourth, fifty; total one • Thu prisent director of this pcliool, Mr. KMi'ii, was formerly director of the higher bvirgher school at Potsdam, and is one of tlie most distiiitruished teachers in his line in Prussiu. CITY TRADE SCHOOL OF BERLIIf. 625 hundred and eighty-five; from which numbers it appears that a considerable proportion of the pupils leave the school without entering the first class. The number of teachers is nineteen, five being regular or class teachers, and fourteen assistants. The director gives instruction. The following list of the callings to which pupils from this school have gone on leaving it, will show that it is really what it professes to be, a school for the instruction of those who intend to follow occupations connected with "commerce, the useful arts, higher trades, building, mining, forestry, agriculture, and military life;" and further, that its advantages are appre- ciated by the class for whom it is intended. The list includes the pupils who have left the school from the first and second classes in the years 1830, 1832, 1833, and 1837. From the first class, two teachers, five architects, one chemist, twenty-six merchants, one machinist, two calico-printers, two glass-work- ers, one cloth-manufacturer, one silk-manufacturer, one miner, thirteen agriculturalists, eight apothecaries, two gardeners, one painter, one mason, one carpenter, one tanner, one miller, one baker, one potter, one saddler, one soap-boiler, one cabinet- maker, two soldiers, one musician, five to public oflices, one to the trade institution, six to a gymnasium. From the second class, forty-one merchants, one teacher, one chemist, one ma- chinist, one ship-carpenter, nine agriculturalists, one sugar- refiner, three dyers, one tanner, one brewer, two distillers, one miner, two lithographers, one die-sinker, three apothecaries, one dentist, two painters, two gardeners, three masons, five carpenters, one miller, four bakers, one butcher, one to the trade institution, three to public offices, two to a gymnasium, one musician, one veterinary surgeon, one soldier — being ninety from the first class, and ninety-seven from the second, in the period of four years. In the course of instruction the sciences and kindred branches are made the basis, and the modern languages are employed as auxiliaries, the ancient languages being entirely omitted. The subjects embraced in it are — religious instruction, German, 526 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY PERIOD. French, English, geography, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, technology, natural history, writing, drawing, and vocal music. The time apportioned to each of these subjects in the five classes will be seen in the following table, which contains be- sides, a comparison of the time devoted to the different branches in this school, with five classes nearly corresponding to them, of the real school, and the same number of the Frederick Wil- liam gymnasium. In this comparison the number of hours of religious instruction, which is nearly the same in the three, is assumed as the unit of the proportion. In other respects the table is arranged as the foregoing, and the headings of the several columns indicate the nature of the numbers contained in them. CITY TRADE SCHOOL OF BERLlST^ 527 Table of the distribution with a comparison with Gymnasium. of studies in the City Trade School of Berlin, the Royal Real School and the Frederick William NO. OF HOURS PER WEEK Proportion of the courses to the re- ligious instruc- tion in the Trade School, as unity. SUBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION. si o o o 1 1 H 1 1 2 ■el 1-^ In five classes of the Frederick William Gymnasium. Religion, - - - . 1 2 2 2 2 9 1.0 1.1 1.1 German, 3 3 4 4 4 18 2.0 1.8 1.2 French, - - - - . 4 4 4 4 4 20 2.2 2.0 1.1 English, 2 2 4 0.4 0.7 Arithmetic, .... 3 3 4 4 4 18 2.0 ^3.3 ^2.1 Geometry, . - - - 3 3 3 3 2 14 1.6 J J Geography, - - - - 2 2 2 2 8 0.9 0.7 0.7 History, 3 1 4 0.4 1.4 1.1 Natural History, - - 2 3 3 3 2 13 1.4 1.0 0.2* Physics, 3 2 2 2 9 1.0 0.9 0.4* Chemistry, - . - - 3 2 2 r 0.8 0.9 Technology, - - - 4 4 0.4 Writing, 2 2 2 6 0.7 0.2 0.2 Drawing, . . - - 4 4 2 2 2 14 1.6 1.1 0.4 Vocal Music, ... Total, - 2 2 2 2 2 10 1.1 1.4 1.1 34 32 32 32 28 ♦ The entire course. 628 GENERAL EDUCATION. SECONDARY FEKlOD. The courses of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and philosophy, of the gymnasium, are replaced in this school by English, chemistry, and technology, with an increased attention to the kindred branches. Thus the French occupies double the time devoted in the parallel classes of the gymnasia; and if the whole of the eight gymnasial classes be reckoned, the proportion will still be as twenty to eighteen in favour of the trade school. Mathe- matics, in like manner, occupies more time in the trade school, in the parallel classes, in the proportion of 3.6 to :2.1 ; natural history, in that of 1.4 to 0.2; physics, of 1.0 to 0.4; drawing, of 1.6 to 0.4. The courses are fully laid down in the following list,* be- ginning with the studies of the lowest, or fourth class. Fourth Class. Religious Instrvction.i The Gospel according to St. Luke and the Acts of the Apostles explained, with a catechetical development of the trutiis of religion and ethical applications. Two hours per week. German. Grammatical exercises in writing. Recital of poetical pieces. French. Grammatical exercises. Regular and irregular verbs. Reading from Laurens' Reader. One hour of conversation. Four hours.t Arithmetic. Mental and written, including proportions and fractions, with the tlieory of the operations. Four hours. Geometry. Introductory course of forms. Two hours. Geography. Elementary, mathematical, and physical geography. Two hours. Natural History. In the summer term, elements of botany, with excursions. In the winter, the external characters of animals. Two hours. Physics. Introductory instruction. General properties of bodies. Forms of crystals, specific gravity, 6cc. Two hours. Writing. Two hours. Drawing. Outline drawing and shadows, from models and copy-boards. Two hours. Vocal Music. Two hours. IjOwer Third Class. Religious Instruction. The Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles read and explained. Two liours. * Taken from the programme for 183()-7, for which, with other documents mentioned in the Appendix, and a full opportunity to visit lliis interesting school, I am indrbtc-d to director Klect, on the score of moral and intellectual progress, as well as of discipline and economy. The arrangement of the time allotted to study, like the simi- lar points in regard to instruction, is a matter of very minute regulation. The pupils study in large rooms, conveniently fitted up for the purpose, and where they receive by lot, at entrance, places which they retain, in general, during the course. The interrogations or recitations take place in rooms adapted to that purpose, separate from the larger lecture halls. These recitation- rooms are also open to the pupils in winter, during recreation hours, and after supper; and in summer, whenever the weather is bad, so as to prevent them from spending the time in the open air, besides at certain stated periods belore the examinations. The superintendence of studies, so far as entrusted to the pupils, will be described under the head of discipline. The repeaters are present during the periods devoted to the studies of their seve- ral departments, and, excei)t in the cases of the graphic exer- cises, where it is not allowed, are expected to give assistance to the pupils who ask for it. The order of the day in the institution is arranged with a POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF FRANCE. 555 view to bring the lectures, recitations, and studies of particular branches, together. Besides this, there are study-Iiours, called free, in which the student may employ himself as he pleases otherwise than in drawing of any kind (graphic exercises)! The following table, which contains the order of the day for the lower class during the first half of the year, with the subse- quent remarks giving the variation from it in the second pe- riod, will show sufficiently the principle of arrangement. The dotted lines in the vertical columns signify that the duties are not necessarily according to the order of time as laid down in the table, but that one may take the place of the other. 556 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. to a ;^ s = >< ? 1 ^ 5" 1 §■ v; 1 ^ a" 1 >5 G to 6i Rise at SIX. Roll call in the study-rooms at half past six. o'clock. 6.i to 8 Frti- study in the study-rooms. Rreakfast. 8io8i r- Police. IV" 5 if Pf' >r ^5 ^ ^cP 5* •2 c — c § 3- "• Sgcr, - £ C CD 5- g SS - r - £ 5 t-^ "5 s 2. E •;< 5 a i^ s -1 - p w -• "c "" ^. '~ it' ~- "3 — ?? c ? 1 1 t* % 7 rt 7 ?=- pr ^ ?= - - r» ^ ?;i 5?s. ^ - - ^irs. n ;:•■< ^ s -^ »!'••-< " - '^ c -0 = ^5H O 0 •C 3 fes^ o i=- * <:=5 ^ "^ o E:2 pj P ? c-J ?. =■=-. to p 0^^ ?^- c^:=- ?':?^ — c C r. cP;3=, ? ? ST i IS ? 7 7 5" 3 :ri -s'2'i. r'c' |l| "^-i o = c^ 2 c — t» s ^•?- • c f^ i= r.j; 1 . .- =5 " « " •iii' c ;;: 3? 3 *" :;• si n o lO DiniRT. 2i> to 3. Recnatio rt. Exercise. Fencir ip. Music I )aiicing. Library. 3 to 5. ^2.^■ i-!? ?r 3-^S i- *5 3^ ' ii p * c a: 11; £ S 3 o" ;? c S *-< 3-s: — ?H ;-! 3 c _ '='=• — - - -- C S -■ n'3-- 7 =' c- s D 1 I 1 • 1 1 _.»_-T ^s? £"- T -.--►^ o_ l=i -. 3 ^- *■ • S-g^ E 5 p r i C 1ft "5- i 1 •< m o" Supper at ir 1 I? B «: O nine. Uoll-rall ii 1 thr dor iiitoim Ht half jxnt mnc. lo b«tl OtolO and lights uut at (< •11, or on Suiidny at half past l< n. o'clock. POLYTECHNie SCHOOL OF FRANCE. 557 The alterations in this programme, between the first of May and the end of the scholastic year, are very trifling. The courses of analysis have been completed, as well as that of analytical geometry, and hence are no longer to be found in the list of duties. The study-hours, from five to seven on Tuesday and Friday, are transferred to from seven to nine, and the two hours, from five to seven, are occupied in water-colour draw- ings. There is probably no school richer than this in the means of illustrating the various courses which are taught in it. It has extensive collections of physical and chemical apparatus, of models of machines, of mathematical instruments, of drawings and models in descriptive geometry and its applications, and in topography, and of drawings, engravings, and casts for the courses of drawing. The cabinets of apparatus and models are under the charge of three curators (conservateurs), who are expected not only to keep in order the existing collections, but to add to them, under the direction of the professors. While such ample provisions are made for the intellectual education of the pupils, and their physical education is attended to in at least a reasonable degree, I am not aware that any pro- vision is made for moral or religious instruction within the walls of the institution, or for regular attendance upon such du- ties without the walls. Discipline, The discipline of the school is thoroughly military, and the means of carrying it out in all its strictness are provided. The regulations are very minute, and fix, in detail, the pun- ishment considered equivalent to each ofl^ence, as well for those against morals as transgressions of the regulations them- selves. The punishments are — 1. Private admonition by the commandant or vice-commandant. 2. Public reprimand before the corps of pupils. 3. Confinement to the walls of the institu- tion, or stoppage of leave. 4. Confinement to the house. 5. Imprisonment within the walls. 6. Military imprisonment. 7. Dismission. The usual punishment for trivial oflences is the stoppage ("sortie"), one of which is equivalent to a deprivation of the general leave of absence for half a-day. This may be 558 GEJfERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. awarded by an officer as low as an adjutant. It follows cer- tain specified offences, as overstaying a leave, when the num- ber of stoppages is in proportion to the time of overstaying the leave, and is even assigned for a failure in recitation. Im- prisonment within the walls can only be awarded by the com- mandant, vice-commandant, or director of studies, and excludes the student from the recitation-room. Confinement in the mi- litary prison requires the order of the commandant, who reports the case at once to the minister of war. Dismission cannot take place without the sanction of the minister. Cases of dis- cipline, supposed to involve dismission or the loss of a bursary, are referred to a board called the council of discipline, and composed of the two commandants, the director of studies, two professors, two captain inspectors, the captain instructor, and one administrate '. For military exercises, and the general furtherance of dis- cipline, the pupils form a battalion, divided into four companies, each division of the school forming two companies. From each company eight petty officers, called sergeants, are taken, according to the order of the merit-roll of the division, making thirtv-two in the whole battalion. These serojeants are distin- guished by appropriate military badges. The sergeants have charge of the other pupils in the study-rooms, halls, recitation- rooms, refector}^ laboratories, and lecture-rooms, and two of them in turn are joined with a higher officer, an adjutant, in the inspection of the food. They have charge in general of the de- tails of police. The second sergeants are entrusted with the col- lection of the money due by their comrades for letters and other authorized expenses. These officers are appointed once a-year. On Wednesday, from half past two in the afternoon to half past eight, in the summer, and to nine in the winter, and on Sunday, from after inspection to ten at night, the jnipils are allowed to be absent from the institution. They arc required to wear their uniform when abrc^ad. On their return they sign their name to a list kept by the porter, who marks and reports the lime of their return. A certain number of stoppages is as- signed for a breach of punctuality, according to its extent. POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF FRANCE. 569 On certain afternoons the parents and relations of pupils are permitted to see them in the parlour, from three to a quarter to four. The pupils do not perform any duties of police; their arms are cleaned and kept by an armourer, and barrack-keep- ers are appointed for the police of the quarters — provisions which I look upon as defects. Graduation. As already stated, the board of examination decide formally upon the claims of the pupils of the second year to be graduated, and arrange the rolls in the order of merit. The pupils then, in turn, choose the department of the public service which they wish to enter, and in case there is no va- cancy in this department, are still entitled to priority of choice in other branches over those below them. The school has supplied, between the years 1795 and 183G, four thousand and thirty-six members to the public service, or an average of more than ninety-six annually. Of these, the following numbers have entered the different branches of the military service, namely: the artillery, sixteen hundred and ninety-six; engineers, nine hundred and seventeen; staff, twenty-five; geographical engi- neers, one hundred and eight; the manufacture of saltpetre and powder, nineteen: the infantry, or line of the army, one hundred and nineteen; total, two thousand seven hundred and seventy- six. Besides these, there have entered the naval service: in the artillery, fifty-five; engineers, one hundred and eighteen; hydro- graphical engineers, thirteen; navy proper, one hundred and five; total, two hundred and ninety-one. Also the civil service: in the corps of mines, one hundred and thirty-six; roads and bridges, seven hundred and eighteen; tobacco, seven; total, eight hundred and sixty-one. There are at least one hundred of the graduates of the school in the higher branches of public instruction, but as they have left the services just enumerated for these stations, they are included in the list just given. In 1836, of one hundred and twenty-one graduates, nine only did not enter the public service. As an additional means of making the school useful to the country, it has been proposed that a corps of architects should be formed, to be supplied from the school, and further to exempt 560 ' GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. those graduates who wish to enter the career of scientific in- struction fronn the exannination for the baccalaureate of sciences. On entering these several services, the graduates pass to the schools of application, or special schools, intended to give the technical preparation necessary; a notice of those which prepare for civil pursuits will be found at the close of this article. Madame Laplace has recently founded a prize, to be given to the first on the list of graduates fronn the school every year, and designed to testify the great interest which her deceased husband took in its welfare. Laplace was one of the first ex- aminers of the candidates for graduation, in 1796. Domestic Economy. The administration of the fiscal affairs of the school is committed to a board consisting of the com- mandant and vice-commandant, the director of studies, two professors, designated by the council of instruction, two inspec- tors of studies in turn, according to rank, the administrator or steward as reporter (rapporteur), the treasurer as secretary. The last two named agents are consulting members only. This board meets twice every month. It prepares the estimates for the expenses of the school, which are submitted to the minister of war. The form of these and, indeed, of all the accounts, is laid down minutely in regulations. The payment made by parents for the maintenance of the pupils does not go into the treasury of the institution, but into the general central treasury of the country. The school fur- nishes the pupil, for a stipulated sum, with his board, lodging, clothing, and petty expenses. For repairs of clothing and petty expenses, a special sum is set aside, of which the student re- ceives an account. Parts of the supply of clothing, (S:c., at en- trance, may be furnished by the parents, but the rest is supplied by the schoul at the parents* expense. The steward (administrateur) is the executive officer of the domestic economy of the school — prepares all matters of busi- ness for the consideration of the council of administration, and the estimates of every kind, regular and contingent; presents the plans and estimates of the architect of the school for repairs or new buildings, and superintends their execution when SCHOOL OF ROADS AND BRIDGES OF FRANCE. 561 authorized; makes contracts and receives the articles contract- ed for; has charge of the issue of all articles, of the storehouses, and of the servants ; superintends the infirmary : he nominates the subordinate persons employed in his department, and is re- sponsible directly to the council, in virtue of the authority of whicn he is supposed to act. Under this officer are the treasurer of the school, who also acts as secretary to the council of administration, and the store- keeper. The librarian and curators are responsible also for the several collections under their charge. A physician, at- tached to the school, makes a regular daily visit, and is called in whenever required. He has two health officers under him, for the service of the infirmary, and the sisters of charity act as nurses. Schools of Practice into which the Graduates of the Polytechnic School pass. It will be recollected that the services into which the gradu- ates are received are the military, naval, and civil. There are special schools of practice for the land artillery and engineers, and for the staff or topographical engineers. The officers who have charge of the manufacture of powder are sent to the dif- ferent government establishments for practice. The graduates intended for the naval artillery go to the school of practice for the land artillery at Metz; those for the naval engineers, to a special school at L'Orient. The hydrographical engineers enter at once upon the actual discharge of their duties in subordinate situations. The courses in these schools, or the apprenticeship to the duties of the service, vary from two to three years, ac- cording to the branch. The civil services have the schools of practice for the corps of roads and bridges, and of mines, and for the manufacture of tobacco. SCHOOL OF ROADS AND BRIDGES. The corps of civil engineers, entitled Corps of Roads and Bridges (corps de ponts et chauss^es), have in charge all the 71 662 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. works of this class, for the construction and repair of which the government is responsible. Their special school at Paris was founded as early as 1747, and embraced some of the ac- quisitions now made at the polytechnic school. Its organiza- tion, however, appears to have been exceedingly imperfect, the pupils being admitted without examination, and receiving part of their instruction out of the school. At present, the regular pupils are admitted from the polytechnic school, and go through a course of three years. The branches taught consist of ap- plied mechanics, civil architecture, constructions, mineralogy, geology, administrative jurisprudence, drawing, and the English, German, and Italian languages. There are examinations at the close of each year. The lectures occupy the period from the 20th of November to the 1st of May. During the intervening time, from May to November, the students of the second and third years are sent into the field for practice, under the de- partmental engineers. The pupils receive pay, as aspirants (aspirans), from the government while at the school, and may rise to the rank of engineer of the second class in three years from the period of leaving it SCHOOL OF MINES. The corps of mines is charged with the execution of all laws relating to mines, miners, quarries, and furnaces, and with the promotion, by advice or personal exertion, of the branches of the arts connected with mining. They superintend the work- ing of mines, and are responsible for the safety of the workmen, the due preservation of the soil, and the economy of the work. They also have the special superintendence of the execution of the laws relating to the safety of the steam-engine. They have two schools of practice, one at Paris, called the school of mines, the other at St. Eticnne, called the school of miners. The duties of instruction in both these schools are confided to mem- bers of the corps. That at Paris is considered to rank among the first of the special schools of France. The regular pupils of the school of mines are divided into SCHOOL OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF PARIS. 563 two classes, according to the pay received from the govern- ment. The pupils from the polytechnic school enter the se- cond of these classes. They remain at the school not less than two nor more than four years. During the winter there are courses of mineralogy, geology, the working, refining, and assaying of metals, the working of mines, drawing, and the English and German languages. At the close of these courses the pupils are examined. The students of the first year are employed during the sum- mer in chemical manipulation in the laboratories of the school, which are admirably provided for this purpose, in making geo- logical excursions in the neighbourhood of Paris, and in the use of surveying instruments. During the similar periods of the fol- lowing years, the students are sent into the departments, and sometimes abroad, to make particular examinations in relation to their profession, and on their return are expected to present a memoir descriptive of their investigations. The students of the first, or highest class, are present at the sit- tings of the general council of mines, to familiarise them with the business of the corps. After their final examination they are class- ed in the order of merit, and receive their first promotion accord- ingly. The scientific collections of this school are of the highest interest. Those made by the members of the corps of mines, and specially applicable to their service, could not be replaced. CENTRAL SCHOOL OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF PARIS.* This school was founded in 1829, for the purpose of provid- ing suitable instruction for young men intending to become civil engineers, superintendents of manufactories and work-shops, architects, machinists, &c. It is intended to aflxtrd instruction of a character similar to that of the polytechnic school, but applicable to the arts in general. The school has, since its * M. Lavallee, director, to whose kindness I am indebted for an opportunity to examine the scliool. MM, Dumas, Peclet, Paycn, and Milne Edwards, are among the professors of this institution. 564 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. establishment, been recognised by the government, who have supplied funds for the admission of pupils from different parts of France; in 183G-7, twenty-eight pupils were thus admitted, whose expenses were defrayed entirely, or in part, from a spe- cific appropriation by the chamber. The society for the en- couragement of national industry, in France, has also given their sanction to the school, by establishing six half bursaries, to be filled every three years. Government of the school This is vested in a general director and council of studies, who delegate a portion of their authority to a director of studies. The director has the general administra- tion of the establishment, residing in it; conducts the correspon- dence, and appoints the officers, the higher ones being nominated by the council. The council of studies is composed of the di- rector of studies and of a certain number of professors. They regulate every thing relating to the courses of instruction, to admissions, to examinations, and certificates on leaving the institution. They elect their president and secretary, and hold monthly meetings. During the recess of this council they are replaced by a council of order, consisting of the director of studies and at least one professor, w^ho meet weekly. The officers of the school, besides the general director and the director of studies, are the professors and masters, repeat- ers (rept'titeurs), and preparers (preparateurs). The repeaters hear the recitation upon the subjects on which the professors have lectured; the preparers get ready the experimental part of the lectures on chemistry and physics. There are thirteen professors, two masters, and six repeaters, besides the two di- rectors and other officers. General arrangements. The school is for day-scholars only, but when requested, the director recommends a place of resi- dence for the pupil, and there is, in fact, a boarding-house in the neighbourhood especially established for the reception of pupils of the school and of candidates for admission. The in- stitution is open every day, except Sunday and Thursday, from eight until four o'clock; on Thursday, from eisjjht until one. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND xMANUFACTURES OF PARIS. 565 Parents who reside out of Paris are required to designate a friend residing there as guardian to their son at his entrance into the school. Implicit obedience to the regulations and to the orders which they may receive is required of the pupils, who, if they consider themselves aggrieved, have recourse to the council of studies. Admission. Pupils may be admitted at sixteen years of age, if they have the necessary attainments, but as a general rule, it is found that youths at this early period have not sufficient maturity of intellect to follow the courses of the school to the best advantage. The examinations for admission are both viva voce and in wi'iting. Those at Paris are made by a special ex- aminer, designated by the council of studies: in other parts of France they may be made by a professor of mathematics in a royal or communal college, and in other countries by a profes- sor of mathematics in a university. In these latter cases the examiners must forward certain statements ; among these must be a certificate that at least twelve questions from the pro- gramme of the school have been answered by the candidate in the oral examinations, the questions being specified, and a number appended to each to designate the character of the an- swer; another, that three questions from the same source have been answered in the written examination, without the aid of books, except only logarithmic tables, if required. There must further be a certificate of the moral character of the can- didate. These examinations should be made in time to trans- mit the result to Paris before the twenty-fifth of October. The applicants are informed of the result at their residence, and if admitted, must join the school before the tenth of November. The qualifications for admission are given in detail, to meet the requisition above stated; they may be stated, generally, as follows : Arithmetic. The four ground rules. The general theory of numbers. Vulgar and decimal fractions. Theory of fractions. Decimals. Svstem of weisjhts and measures. Algebra. The ground rules. Simple and quadratic equations. Resolution of problems. Proportions. The extraction of roots 566 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUrERIOR PERIOD. and raising of powers. The binomial theorem. Powers and root of polynomials. Logarithms. Progressions. Geo7?2etry. The principal propositions of plane, superficial, and solid geometry. The application of algebra to geometry. Mensuration. Besides these necessary qualifications, the council of the school recommend to candklates the further study of the ele- ments of descriptive geometry, of plane trigonometry, and of analytical geometry, and to acquire some general ideas of phy- sics and chemistry. They are particularly advised, also, to prosecute drawing, and especially ornamental drawing. Instruction. The full course at the central school lasts three years, as at the polytechnic school. " The instruction is com- posed of lectures, of daily interrogations, of graphic exercises or drawing (travaux graphiques), of manipulations in che- mistry, stone-cutting, carpentry, physics and mechanics, of constructions, problems, plans, partial competitions, or trials of skill by the pupils, and of general examinations." The studies and exercises of the first year, as well as the lec- tures of the succeeding years, are obligatory upon all the pupils. They are intended to lay the foundation upon which the special courses are to rest, conveying principles applicable to all arts. The drawings and manipulations, and the projects or plans for worlv, are divided into two sections, one general, the other spe- cial. The four sections of the special division are, first, the construction of machines and the mechanic arts: second, en- gineering, building, the physical arts, as warming, lighting, &c.; third, chemistry applied to the arts; fourth, mining and metal- lurgy, or the working of metals. The pupil decides at the end of the first half year of the second course to which of these sec- tions he means to attach himself There are three divisions, or classes, corresponding to the three years of study, to proceed from one to the other of which the pupil must pass a satisfactory examination on the subject of the preceding year. The following is an outline of the courses of the three years. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF PARIS. 56T First Ykar. Descriptive Geometry. Tlicory, and applications to perspective, sliades and shadows, stone-cuttinlrins and estimates for buildings, work-shops, INiaTlTUTE OF ARTS AT BERLIN. 577 manufactories, machines, &c. These courses are common to all pupils, whatever may be their future destination; but beside them, the machinists study, during the latter part of their stay at the institution, a continuation of the course of mechanics and mathematical analysis. The examples accompanying the in- struction in regard to plans and estimates are adapted to the intended pursuits of the pupils. The courses of practice are begun by the pupils already enu- merated as taking part in them, at different periods of their stay in the institution. The future chemists and mechanics must have completed the whole range of studies above mentioned, as common to all the pupils, while the others begin their practice after having completed the first year's course. There are work- shops for each class of pupils, where they are taught the practice of their proposed calling, under competent workmen. There are two foundries for bronze castings, one for small, the other for large castings, and the work turned out of both bears a high character. A specimen of this work is retained by the institu- tion in a beautiful fountain, which ornaments one of the courts of the building. The models for castings are made in the estab- lishment. In the first division of pupils, in reference to their callings, there are usually some whose art is connected with the fine arts in some of its branches, and these have an opportunity during part of the week to attend the courses of the Berlin Aca- demy. The future chemists work for half the year in the labo- ratory. They are chiefly employed in chemical analysis, being furnished with the requisite materials for practice by the institu- tion. In the shops for the instruction of mechanics are machines for working in wood and the metals, a steam-engine of four horses' power, a forge, tools in great variety, lathes, &c. The pupils have the use of all necessary implements, according to their progress, and are gradually taught, as if serving a regular ap- prenticeship. When capable, they are enabled to construct ma- chines which may be useful to them subsequently, as a lathe, or machine for cutting screws, or the teeth of wheels, &c., and are furnished with all the materials for the purpose, the machine becoming their own property. In these work-shops, also, the 73 578 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. models for the cabinet of the school arc made. Thl^ is by (ar the most complete establishment for practice which I met with in any institution, and I believe the practice is both real and eflcctual. It involves, however, an expenditure which in other cases it has not been practicable to command. The scale of the whole institution is, in the particular of expenditure, most gene- rous. This is one specimen of the various plans which have been devised to give practical knowledge of an art in connexion with theory in a school. It is first most judiciously laid down that certain trades cannot be taught to advantage in a similar connexion, but that the practical knowledge must be acquired by an apprenticeship antecedent to the theoretical studies. There are besides, however, a large number of trades, the practice of w^hich is to be taught in the institution, and requiring a very considerable expenditure to carry out the design properly. This could not be attempted in a school less munificently en- dowed, and requires very strict regulations to carry it through even here. The habits of a school work-shop are, in general, not lliose of a real manufactory, where the same articles are made to be sold as a source of profit; hence, though the practical knowledge may be acquired, the habits of work are not, and the mechanic may be well taught but not well trained. At the private school of Charonne, work-shops were established, giving a variety of occupation to the pupils; but the disposition to play rather than to work, rendered these establishments too costly to be supported by a private institution, and the plan adopted instead of this, was to make the pupils enter a regular work- shop for a stated number of hours, to work for the proprietor or lessee. This plan remedies one evil, but introduces another, that as the machinist takes orders, with a view to profit, the work may have so little variety as only to benefit a small class of the pui)ils. The pupils at Charonne are, however, under difierent circumstances from those at Berlin; they are general- ly younger, and, being independent of the school, where they pay for their education, are not under the same restraint as in tiie other institution; hence the experience of the one school INSTITUTE OF ARTS AT BERLIW. 579 does not apply in full force to the other. At Dresden, in a school somewhat similar to that of Berlin, a different mode from either of those just mentioned has been adopted. An arrange- ment is made with a number of mechanics, of different occupa- tions, to receive pupils from the schools as apprentices, allowing them the privilege of attending, during certain specified hours of the day, upon the theoretical exercises of the institution. Where such an arrangement can be made, the results are unexception- able, and the advantages likely to accrue to the mechanic arts, from the union of theory with practice, will offer a strong in- ducement to liberally disposed mechanics to take apprentices upon these terms. Small work-shops, connected with an insti- tution, must necessarily offer inferior advantages, even if closely regulated, so as to procure the greatest possible amount of work from the pupils ; this should not be done for the sake of the profit, but to give him genuinely good habits. The difficulties in giving practical instruction in the chemical arts are not to be compared with those under discussion, and -will be found to have been satisfactorily obviated in severail schools. This subject will receive its more appropriate discus- sion in connexion with the polytechnic institution of Vienna, where the chemical department, at least as far as manufacturing chemistry is concerned, is generally recognised as having pro- duced the best results of any yet established. Returning to the subject of the theoretical instruction in the Berlin institute of arts, the following statement will serve to show the succession of the courses, with the time devoted to each:— WINTER COURSE. Monday. First Class. First division — drawing and sketching machines, eight A. M. to twelve o'clock. Discussion of machines, estimates of power, &c., two P. M. to five P. M. Second division— machine drawing, eight to ten. Modelling in clay, ten to twelve. Phy- sics, two to five. Second Class. Machine-drawing, eight to ten. Modelling, ten to twelve. Elements of geometry, two to four. Repetition of the lecture, four to five. Tuesday. First Class. First division — architectural plan?? and estimates, eight to twelve. Prnctiral instruction in machinery, two to five. Second 580 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. division— ornamental and architectural drawing, eight to twelve. Trigonometry, two to five. Secoiid Class. Ornamental and architectural drawing, eight to twelve. PJiysics, two to four. Repetition of the lecture, four to five. Wednesday. First Class. First division — original designs, ciglit to twelve. Dis- cussion of machinery. Second division — mineralogy, eight to nine. Maciiine-drawing, nine to twelve. Trigonometry, two to five. Second Class. Machine-drawing, eight to twelve. Practical arith- metic, two to five. Thursday. First Class. First division — Drawing and sketching machines, eight to twelve. Architectural instruction, estimates, two to five. Second division — decorative and architectural drawing, eight to ten. Modelling iu clay, ten to twelve. Trigonometry, two to five. Second Class. Decorative and architectural drawing, eight to ten. Modelling in clay, ten to twelve. Physics, two to four. Repetition of the lecture, four to five. Friday. First Class. First division — architectural plans, eight to twelve. Practical instruction in machinery, two to five. Second divi- sion— machine-drawing, eight to twelve. Physics, two to five. Second Class. Machine-drawing, eight to twelve. Elementary ma- thematics, two to four. Repetition of the lesson, four to five. Saturday. First Class. First division — perspective and stone-cutting, eight to twelve. Original designs, two to five. Second division — mi- neralogy, eight to nine. Decorative and architectural drawing, nine to twelve. Trigonometry, two to five. Second Class. Decorative and architectural drawing, eight to twelve. Practical arithmetic, two to five. The Slimmer term, which follows this, embraces the practi- cal instruction. SUMMER TERM. Monday. First Class. First division — in the work-shops frojn seven A. M. to twelve, and frotn one until sevenP. !!M. Second division — machine- drawing, eight to twelve. Applied mathematics, two to five. Second Class. Machine-drawing, eight to ten. Modelling, ten to twelve. Chemistry, two to four. Repetition, four to five. Tuesday. First Class. First division — analytical dynamics, eight to nine. Drawing of machines from original designs, nine to twelve. Machinery, two to five. Second division — decorative and archi- tectural drawing, eight to twelve. Chemistry two to five. Second Class. Decorative and architectural drawing, eight to twelve. Elementary matluinatics, two to four. Repetition, four to t\\c. Wednesday. First Class. First division — in the workshops from seven to twelve, and from one to seven. Second division — maeliine-drawing, INSTITUTE OF ARTS AT BERLIN. 681 eig-ht to ten. Modelling', ten to twelve. Applied mathematics, two to five. Second Class. Machine-drawing-, eight to twelve. Practical arith- metic, two to four. Materials used in the arts, four to five. Thursday. First Class. First division — in the work-shops from seven to twelve, and from one to seven. Second division — machine-draw- ing-, eight to ten. Modelling, ten to twelve. Applied mathe- matics, two to five. Second Class. Decorative and architectual drawing, eight to ten. Modelling, ten to twelve. Cliemistry, two to four. Repetition of the lesson, four to five. Friday. First Class. First division — analytical dynamics, eight to nine. Drawing of a machine for an original design, nine to twelve. Machinery, two to five. Second division — chemistry, eight to nine. Applied mathematics, nine to twelve. Chemistry, two to five. Second Class. Machine-drawing, eight to twelve. Elementary mathematics, two to four. Repetition of the lesson, four to five. Saturday. First Class. First division — in the work-shops from seven to twelve, and from one to seven. Second division — decorative and archi- tectural drawing, eight to twelve. Applied mathematics, two to five. Second Class. Decorative and architectural drawing, eight to twelve. Practical arithmetic, two to four. Materials used i*n the arts, four to five. The chemical division of the practical classes is engaged every day in the laboratory. On Tuesday and Wednesday the library is open for reading from five to eight, P. M. The collections for carrying out the various branches of in- struction are upon the same liberal scale with the other parts of the institution. There is a library of works on architecture, mechanics, technology, the various arts, archeology, &c., in German, French and English. This library is open twice a week, from five to eight in the evening, to the pupils of the first class of the school, and to such mechanics as apply for the use of it. There is a rich collection of drawings of new and useful ma- chines, and of illustrations of the dilFcrent courses, belonging to the institution. Among them is a splendid work, published under the direction of Mr. Bcuth, entitled Models for Manu- facturers and Artisans (Vorlcgcbliitter fur Fabricanten und Handworker), containing engravings by the best artists of Ger- many, and some even from France and England, applicable to 582 GENERAL EDUCATIOX. SUPERIOR PERIOD. the dinerent arts and to architecture and engineering. Among the drawings are many from original designs by Shenckel, of BcrHn.* There is a second useful but more ordinary series of engravings, on similar subjects, also executed for the use of the school. These works are distributed to the provincial trade schools, and presented to such of the mechanics of Prussia as have especially distinguished themselves in their vocations. The collection of models of machinery belonging to the school probably ranks next in extent and value to that at the Conser- vatory of Arts of Paris. It contains models of such machines as are not readily comprehended by drawings. Most of them are working models, and many were made in the work-shops of the school. They are constructed, as far as possible, to a uniform scale, and the parts of the models are of the same ma- terials as in the actual machine. There is an extensive collection of casts, consisting of copies of statues, basso-relievos, utensils, bronzes, and vases of the museums of Naples, Rome, and Flo- rence, and of the British Museum, and of the models of archi- tectural monuments of Greece, Rome, Pompeii, &c., and copies of models, cameos, and similar objects ; those specimens only have been selected which are not in the collection of the Aca- demy of Fine Arts of Berlin, to which the pupils of the Institute of Arts have access. There are good collections of physical and chemical apparatus, of minerals, of geological and techno- logical specimens. The instruction is afforded in part by the lectures of the pro- fessors, aided by text-books specially intended for the school, and in ))art by the interrogations of the professors and of the assistants and repeaters. At the close of the first year there is an examination to determine whicii of the pupils shall be per- mitted to go forward, and at the close of the second year to determine which shall receive the certificate of the institute. Although the pu])ils who come from the provinces are admitted • A copy of this work has been most liberally presented to the Girard College by the Tccliiiical Commission, of which Mr. Bcuth is president. The work having l)ecn published by the government, is not sold. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF VIENNA. 583 to the first class of the institute, upon their presenting a testi- monial that they have gone through the courses of the provincial schools satisfactorily, it frequently happens that they are obliged to retire to the second, especially from defective knowledge of chemistry. The cost of this school to the government is about twelve thousand dollars annually, exclusive of the amount expended upon the practical courses and upon the collections — a very trifling sum, if the good which it is calculated to do throughout the country is considered. The comparatively recent existence of the institution does not admit of appealing to decided results which have flowed to the mechanic arts in Prussia from its estabhshment, but there can be no doubt of its tendency, and its pupils are already known to be making their way success- fully, in consequence of the advantages which they have here enjoyed. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF VIENNA. This is one of the most flourishing polytechnic institutions of Germany, and its characteristics are so different from those of the institute at Berlin, that there is little danger of repetition in describing this school also. The whole institution is intended to fulfil a threefold purpose — as a school for the mechanic arts, manufactures, and commerce, as a conservatory of arts and manufactures, and as an institute for the promotion of national industry. The last named object is effected by public exhibitions, from time to time, of the products of manufactures, under the direction of the institute. For the better execution of this object, a spacious building is now erect- ing on the premises, adapted to the occasional display and per- manent deposite of specimens of the mechanic arts. The col- lections which form the conservatory of arts are also used for instruction in the school^ and will be described in connexion with it. The whole institution is under the control of a director,* who * M. J. J. Prcchlcl, formerly professor of chemistry. 681 GEXERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOU. is responsible to the higher authorities of public instruction, and of trade and manufactures. The director is the general super- intendent of the business of the institute and of the instruction, but does not teach. He regulates the admission of pupils and the discipline. The money concerns are under the charge of a treasurer, who is responsible to the director. The infe- rior olTiccrs arc responsible to the same authority. The dis- cipline of the scholastic department is simple but rigid, no pupil being allowed to remain connected with it whose deport- ment is not proper. The courses are gratuitous, except a small entrance fee, and this is considered as warranting prompt re- moval when the pupil docs not perform the duties prescribed by the institution. The department of instruction is composed of three schools, a technical, a commercial, and a " real school." The last named is a preparatory school for the two others, and may be entered as early as thirteen years of age. Its courses are of religious instruction, of German language, elementary mathematics, geo- graphy, history, natural history, elocution, calligraphy, and drawing, and arc obligatory upon the pupils. Italian and French may be studied if the pupil desires it. As these courses lead in three years to the other departments of the institution, the candi- dates for admission are required to possess the elementary at- tainments necessary to their successful prosecution. There are five professors and four teachers connected with this school, which is superintended by the vice-director of the institute. The instructors rank by regulation with those in the gymna- sia or classical schools of the empire. The course of in- struction is not as comprehensive as that in the Prussian real schools, but is an adequate preparation for the next higher divi- sions, which supply in part these deficiencies. The technical and commercial schools furnish special instruc- tion according to the intenrled pursuits of the pupil, though he may, in fact, select the courses which he wishes to attend, not being limited as to the munlu'r or cliai'aclcr of the branches. The (iircctnr advises with the |»upil, on adiiiission, as to tlie studies most aj)propriate to be followed, if his intended calling POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AT VIENNA. 585 is fixed, and he is not allowed to join the classes, the courses of which require preparation, without presenting a certificate from the school at which he has been instructed, or being ex- annined, to ascertain his proficiency. In regard to other courses, there is no such restriction. The age for admission is sixteen years. The instruction is given in the technical school by eight pro- fessors and two assistants; the professors lecturing, and in some of the courses, interrogating the pupils. Certain lectures are also gone over by the assistants with the classes. The courses which combine practice witli teaching will be pointed out in enumerating the subjects of study. The division of these sub- jects, and the time devoted to them during the week, are as follows : /. General Chemistry, applied to the arts, five hours. //. Special Technical Chemistry, ten hours. This course gives a particular account of all the processes of the arts of which the principles were developed in the general lectures. There is a special laboratory devoted to the course, where, under the superintendence of the professor or of his assistants, the pupils go through the processes on a small scale. Those who have a particular object in view, as dyeing, bleaching, printing upon stuffs, or the manufacture of chemical preparations or metallurgy, are directed in their investigations especial- ly to the parts of chemistry which they will have to apply. Practice and theory are thus combined. ///. Physics, with special reference to its applications, five hours, JV, Elementary Mathematics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and mensuration, ten hours. This course is intended for those who have not passed through the real school. V. Higher Mathematics, five hours. There is a repetition by an assistant, also of five hours. VI. Mechanics, including the description and calculation of machines, five hours. This subject is founded upon a course of machines, considered as an application of descriptive geometry and drawing, superintended by an assistant. VII. Practical Geometry, including land and topographical surveying, levelling, &e., five hours. The lectures are ac- companied by practice in the use of instruments in the field. VIII. Civil and Hydraulic Architecture, ten hours. This includes a complete course of engi- neering, in its various branches. It is accompanied by exercises' in drawing. IX. Technology, or a general discussion of arts and trades, five hours. The subjects wliicli come under the head of special chemistry are omitted in the lectures of this division. A'. The assistant professor of chemistry delivers an extra lecture, daily, on the methods of measuring Specific Gravities, during part of the course. XI. Elementary Drawing for those who have not jjusscd through the real school, five hours. There are extra courses in the Latin, lioliemian, and English languages, for tiiose who wish to follow them. The time devoted to drawing depends upon the student, but 71 586 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. it is obvious that iiis knowledge must be very incomplete, and that he will carry away from the school but an imperfect re- cord of descriptive geometry and its applications, unless he devotes a great deal of time to this branch. In this respect the arrangement of the school is entirely different from that at Berlin, where the drawings accompanying the courses are made as much a matter of regular duty as the attendance upon the lectures themselves. This is certainly the proper plan, and while it appeared to me that the time spent in the graphic exercises at Berlin was even beyond the measure of their im- portance, I am decidedly of opinion that a strict attention to this department is essential. The collections, by the aid of which these courses are car- ried out, are — 1. An extensive collection of chemical prepara- tions for both special and general chemistry. The pupils in special chemistry, as already stated, make preparations in the departments of the art which they intend to follow, and some of these are left behind them as specimens of their skill In the department of the dyer there is quite a large series of specimens collected in this way. The laboratories for both special and general chemistry are admirably adapted to their purpose.* 2. A cabinet of instruments for the course of practical geometry. 3. A considerable collection of physical apparatus. 4. A collection of models of machines, and in engineering. 5. A technological cabinet of a most complete character, and admirably arranged; it contains many of the best specimens of Austrian arts and manufactures. All these collections are under the care of the professor in whose de- partment they find a place ; there being, besides, curators for the immediate charge of them, and for keeping them in repair. The cabinet of physical apparatus, and of models and ma- chinery, were in the main supplied from tiie work-shops of the institution. These shops have long been celebrated for the • The l.ihoratory of the jirofrssor of general chemistry, Professor Mcissncr, is one of llic Ijcst arran;;ed wliieli I saw abroad. 'J'lie funiare operations, and others lik«ty to iiieoninKxle the chiss, arc |)crfornied behind a screen, with large glass windows, which allow a perfect view: tJic space behind is provided with Uio mcaud of carrying oil* the fuiucs. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF VIENNA. 581 astronomical and geodesic instruments furnished from them. They are still kept up, though on a reduced scale, their chief object liaving been accomplished. They were never intended, like those of Berlin, to afibrd practical instruction to the pupils. The institution, indeed, does not recognise the principle that this can be done to advantage in the mechanical department It is certain, as already stated, that great care is required to render such establishments of any avail beyond the point of giving to the pupil a general readiness w^ith his hands, and that even when well conducted they are expensive. Success in practical chemistry requires essentially a very considerable knowledge of theory; the processes on a small scale repre- sent, in general, fairly those upon the large, and experiments thus made frequently save the outlay which is required to make them in the large way. The practice in the laboratory of a school is, besides, very nearly of the kind required for the manufactory. These, among other circumstances, render the problem in regard to successful preparation for the arts de- pending upon chemistry, different from that relating to the art of the machinist. It is in this department that the polytechnic school of Vi*enna is particularly strong. There can be no doubt that Austrian manufactures in general have received a great impulse through the medium of this institution, and particularly of its scholastic department, but while praise is yielded to the different courses, the arrangements for teaching chemistry must be considered as having a preference over the others. The lessons in the commercial school embrace the following subjects: — I. Commercial correspondence, three hours per week. II. The science of trade (Handelswissenschaft), three hours. III. Austrian laws relating to trade and exchange, three hours. IV. Commercial arithmetic, six hours. V. Book- keeping, by single and double entry, four hours. VI. Account of the materials of trade (VVaarenkunde), their sources, uses, properties, kinds, adulterations to wliich they are subject, &c., four hours. VII. Commercial geography, three hours. VIII. History of commerce, three hours. There are five professors in this school. 588 CEI^ERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. Once a week tlie professors of the institute meet, under the presidency of the director, to confer on the business of the in- stitution. Saturday is appropriated in part to this purpose, and there are no exercises for the students on that day. One of the professors is secretary of the Board. The professors rank ])y regulation witli those of the universities. The lectures last from October to August of every year. At the close of them, a pupil who wishes a certificate in any branch, presents himself, and is examined by a professor, in presence of the director and of two members of the imperial commission of studies. A student who has attended the lec- tures, and does not wish to be examined, may receive a certi- ficate of attendance. To supply the place of a regular division of studies for dif- ferent callings, one of the earlier programmes contained a re- commendation of certain courses of study as preparatory to particular occupations. The recommendations were the follow- ing:— For tradesmen, the two years of the real school, and one year of the commercial school; or for a more complete educa- tion, an additional year, embracing the courses of chemistry, physics, and technology of the technical school. For dyers, printers in stuffs, bleachers, manufacturers of chemical products, of salt, of saltpetre, for miners, metallurgists, brewers, etc. — special chemistry, physics, and technology, with some of the courses of the commercial school. For machinists, hydraulic engineers, mill-wrights, foremen in manufactories, and mining engineers — a course of two years was recommended, the first to embrace mathematics, physics, and drawing, and the second, mechanics, machine-drawing, and technology. As a prepara- tion for agriculturalists and Ibrcslers — courses of mathematics, physics, practical geometry, chemistry, and book-keeping. For miners — mathematics, physics, practical geometry, mechanics, drawing, and book-kecj)ing. For surveyors — mathematics, physics, practical geometry, drawing, and book-keeping. There is still a regular course laid clown for architects and civil engineers, the satisfactory completion of which entitles to a diploma. The first year includes elementary mathematics, SCHOOL OF MINES OF SAXONY. 589 technology, and drawing; the second, higher mathenaatics, physics, and drawing; the third, the applied mathematics, me- chanics, practical geometry, and drawing; the fourth, archi- tecture, engineering, drawing, technology, chemistry, and book- keeping. The library of the institute is appropriated to the several departments, and is used by the students, as well as by the pro- fessors. Yearly appropriations, besides the entrance and diplo- ma fees, are devoted to its increase. The professors have the right of recommending such works to be purchased as they may deem of use in their departments. An annual is published by the institute, consisting of original and selected scientific articles, by the professors, and notices of the institution. SAXON SCHOOL OF MINES AT FREYBURG. This celebrated school is in one of the richest mining districts of Saxony, and the proximity of the mines permits an easy com- bination of practice with theory. Its first object is to furnish educated young men for the corps of mines of the kingdom, but it also admits strangers to its courses at a trifling expense for their instruction, the pupils boarding in the town. General government. The school of mines is under the imme- diate government of the directory of mines (oberbergamt), and is thus a branch of the ministry of finance. The professors form a Board for the execution of the general regulations, and one of them is specially charged by the directory with the superintendence of the instruction and discipline. Admission. Applications for free admission to the institution are made to the directory of mines, and must be accompanied by certificates that the applicant is between sixteen and twenty- three years of age, is of good moral character, in sound health, writes German correctly, and understands the grammar of the language ; has made some proficiency in geography and history, can read easy Latin authors, is acquainted with arithmetic, the elements of geometry, and has made a beginning in drawing. If he understands the French or English language, it is a re- commendation. The testimonials must be handed between the 690 GENERAL EDUCATIOJT. SUPERIOR PERIOD. months of Januaiy and June, and the directory decide \vhich of the applicants may present themselves for examination be- fore the professors of the school. Those found qualified in all the courses enter, and others may, in particular cases, be allowed to join the classes, undergoing subsequently an examination in the studies on which they were defective. According to an edict of the German diet, in regard to the attendance of foreigners upon the scholastic institutions of any of the German states, strangers must apply to the minister of finance for permission to attend the school and present a testimonial of character and proficiency, and the written expression of their parents' wish that they should attend the school. Admission is, however, freely granted. Those pupils who are in part, or entirely, sup- ported by the government, are divided into two classes. The first division includes the regular students, called beneficiaries (beneficianten), who pass through a course of four years at the school, and become candidates for the corps of mines; the other is composed of those who enter for places not requiring more than one or two years of study, or who have passed a superior examination for admission, but cannot enter as regular students, in consequence of the want of a vacancy in the corps. Besides these there are two other divisions, namely, Saxons, who pay their own expenses at the school, and foreigners. These diflerent divisions are distinguished by characteristic dilTerences in the uniform which they wear. The gratuitously educated students come under an obligation at entering, in event of leaving tlie service of the government, to refund the pay which they may have received, and to pay the cost of their tuition. The regular pupils receive a pay proportioned in general to the length of time which they have been in the school. The first class re- ceives from twenty-two to thirty dollars per annum; the second, from fifteen to twenty-two; the third, from seven to fifteen. The fourth class receive only the compensation to which they may be entitled for their work in the mines. In 1837-8 there were in the school ninelccn regular pupils, eighteen extra pupils, and others admitted gratis, two Saxon pay pupils, and eighteen foreigners, making a total of fifty-seven. Of the foreigners, five SCHOOL OF MINES OF SAXONY. 591 were Russians, two South Americans, and two Englishmen. This school is essentially difTerent in its organization from the school of mines of France. The latter institution is supplemen- tary to the polytechnic school, furnishing the special instruc- tion required by the candidates for the corps of mines who have passed through the general courses of the polytechnic school. The Saxon school begins at a lower level in attainment than the polytechnic school, and instructs future miners only, the special object being never lost sight of throughout the student's career. In the opportunities for practice, it resembles more nearly the miners' school of St. Etienne than the school of mines at Paris; while, then, the courses of instruction here have neces- sarily many points of resemblance to those of the polytechnic school and the school of mines of France, an acquaintance with these institutions would not serve at all as a guide to the arrangements of the Saxon school. Instruction. The courses of instruction are divided into those which are to be pursued by all the pupils, or general, and those which depend upon the branch to which they intend devoting themselves, or special. The first consist of elementary, higher, and applied or mixed mathematics, mechanics and the ma- chinery of mines, general , analytical, and special or technical chemistry, physics, drawing, general and topographical, of shades, shadows, and perspective, and of mining implements, of mining and metallurgic machines and constructions, oryctog- nosy (mineralogy), geognosy (geology), crystallography the art of mining, metallurgy, civil engineering, mining jurispru- dence and correspondence, the French language. The second or special courses consist of the surveying of mines and land surveying, the keeping of books, registers, &c., of fossil geology, for those who are intended as miners, and of the examination of minerals, and analytical cliemistry, with special reference to the ores of Saxony, for those who are to serve at the furnaces. These courses are pursued by the regular students according to the following plan: — The first year is devoted to elementary mathematics, to physics, to geognosy, to general and topogra- phical drawing, to French, and to general practical operations 592 GENERAL EDUCATIOiV. SUPERIOR rEKIOD. of mining and metallurgy. All these pupils arc allowed at cer- tain times to be present in the mines and at the furnaces, under the charge of miners and smelters, who act as instructors, and who report at the end of the year upon the character of their pupils. During the second year, the courses pursued are — higher mathematics, general chemistry, mineralogy, with practical ex- ercises, crystallography, the art of mining, civil engineering, drawing, French, practical mining, and geological exercises. After this year the student determines whether he will devote himself to mining or metallurgy, and receives special instruction accordingly. The general courses of the third year arc — applied mathe- tics, the art of mining, analytical chemistry, metallurgy, tech- nical chemistry, drawing, practical exercises in mining and me- tallurgy, geology, with practical exercises, and fossil geology. The courses of the fourth year are — machinery of mines, theory and practice, mining jurisprudence, examination of mi- nerals, analytical chemistry, and practical exercises of mining and metallurgy. During this year, the pupils who intend devoting themselves specially to mining attend solely to practice in that branch, and thus also with the metallurgists. The particular operation in which they engage is regulated by the lectures, that the practice of each operation may be acquired at the same time with its theory. In relation to the amount of study to be pursued, the gov^ern- ment pupils are divided into three classes, those who aim at entire qualification for the corps, and who, on graduating at tiie school, go to the university for one year, and those who intend to connect themselves with the dcinirtnient of metallurgy. Among the apparatus for carrying out these courses is an admirable collection of models of machines and of mines. The collection of minerals and geological specimens is large, and besides that of the school, the students have the use of the ca- binet of the celebnited Werner, which is kcjH detached from the other as a memorial of that great man. The library and reading- room, the collection of physical and chemical apparatus, and SCHOOL OF MINKS OF SAXONY. 503 the arrangements for the study of analytical chemistry, and the assay of minerals and ores, are all suitable to their several ob- jects. The course of assaying with the blow-pipe has become quite celebrated. The lectures are continued from October to July, with holi- days of from one to two weeks at Christmas, Easter, and Whit- suntide. During the summer vacations, the regular pupils make excursions into the other mining districts of Saxony, and even into foreign countries, for their improvement in mining, geology, &c., and are expected to keep a journal of their tours. The short vacations are employed at the school in practical exer- cises and in literary composition, unless leave of absence is ob- tained. There is also one day of each week on which there are no lessons (Monday), to allow the pupils to take part both in the mining and smelting operations of the district of Freyburg. There are eight professors and five teachers attached to the school, among whom the ditferent departments are divided according to the following plan, in which the number of lectures per week is also noted: — One professor has charge of the three departments of general and technical chemistry and of metallurgy, lecturing on the first, five hours, on the second, three hours, and on the third, three hours. The professor of theoretical and practical mineralogy lectures on the theory for students of the first and second courses, each three times a week ; gives a repetition of one hour, and practical exercises two hours per week. The professor of geology and crystal- lography lectures on the first, five hours, and on the second, two hours per week. The professor of physics and fossil geo- logy* lectures on the first, four hours, and on the second, two hours per week. The professor of the elementary and higher mathematics gives instruction in the first, four hours, and in the second, two hours per week. The professor of mining jurisprudence and correspondence gives two lessons per week to each of his two classes. Mixed mathematics, mining ma- * Professor Reich, to wliom I am indebted for a copy in MS. of the regulations of the school. 75 594 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. chinery, and general surveying, arc under one professor, \vho teaches the first and second, four hours, and the third, two hours per week. Mining surveying is taught by a surveyor of the corps two hours per week. Drawing and civil architec- ture by an instructor, the former, six hours, and the latter, three hours per week. Registry is taught by a superintendent of mines. The assay of minerals by an overviewer, five hours per week. Tiic tcaclier of French gives four hours of instruction per week. The subjects arc in general taught by lectures, combined with interrogation after eacfi lecture, and, when tlie courses admit, with practical exercises. The pupils are expected to write out a fair copy of their notes, and to keep a journal of their practical exercises; these are from time to time, with the essays which they are directed to write, submitted to the professors, and are pre- sented at the examinations. The subject of each recitation, the character of the pupils' answers, and of the exercises, drawings, and journals, are reported to the directory of mines by the pro- fessors. At the close of each of the four years there is an exa- mination of the students in the several branches, and they are classified according to its results, and the estimate of their work during the year. Students who do not pass satisfactorily, remain an additional year in the same class, after which, if they are not found proficient, they are dismissed. These remarks apply of course only to the regular students. There are three prizes for proficiency in the upper classes, and two in the fourth, vary- ing in amount from two up to twenty florins (eighty cents to eight dollars). Graduation. Graduates of the school are candidates for the corps of mines, and receive the pay of this grade until appointed in the corps. Permission may be obtained to go to a university for one year, after graduating, in which case the candidate, on his return to duty, must show satisfactory certificates of study and conduct. This study of one year at a university is essential to certain situations in the corps, and hence is expected from those who intend to have the whole career open before them. Discipline. The discipline of the school is regulated by law.s AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE OF WURTEMBERG. 595 emanating from the directory of mines, and which are very mi- nute. All the pupils, without distinction, are subject to these regulations. The means of repressive discipline consist of ad- monitions of various grades, report to the directory, mention in the report to the king, obligatory work in the mines, depriva- tion of pay, and dismission. This school, from the character of its officers, government, instruction, and location, offers great inducements to students who wish to become adepts in the principles of mining and me- tallurgy, and the sciences introductory to them. INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY AT HOHENHEIM, NEAR STUTTGARD. This is the most complete agricultural school in Europe, and extends its usefulness not only throughout, but beyond, Wurtem- berg. It was established in 1817, by the Agricultural Society of Wurtemberg, under the patronage of the king, who devoted a royal seat, with extensive buildings, to the purposes of the in- stitution. The farm includes nearly one thousand acres, exclu- sively appropriated to the support of the school, or the practical instruction of the pupils. In 1820 the school of forestry was united with this, and the pupils now follow, in part, the same courses. The entire institution is divided into two departments, one of which is intended to give a higher general and practical educa- tion than the other. In the higher, the object is less the acquisi- tion of manual dexterity in the operations of agriculture, than the knowledge required to superintend them ; while in the lower, the practice is the principal end. The latter department ranks with the rural schools of Switzerland and the agricultural school of Templemoyle, in Ireland, already described. In the higher school, all the pupils are expected to pay for their education. In the lower, natives of Wurtemberg are admitted gratis, if their circumstances require it. Foreigners may be admitted to either; their payments being, however, on a much higher scale than those of natives.* • For the yearly courses ai the liiglicr school natives pay forty dollars, and fo- 596 GENERAL EDUCATION. SUPERIOR PERIOD. The direction of the establishment is delegated by the Agri- cultLiral Society to a director and treasurer, the former of whom has the general superintendence of all the concerns of the insti- tution, while the latter is responsible for its financial state to the society and to the royal exchequer. The director is also an instructor. There are, besides, four regular or ordinary pro- fessors, and four extraordinary professors, besides an overseer and steward, for the management of the farm and domestic eco- nomy. The treasurer has a book-keeper and an assistant in his department. Pupils are admitted at seventeen years of age, and are ex- pected to possess elementary attainments necessary to the pro- secution of the courses of the schook Between 1820 and 1836, one hundred and eighty natives and one hundred and eighty- two foreigners have been educated in agriculture, and one hun- dred and forty-seven natives and one hundred and seventy- seven foreigners in forestry, making a total of five hundred and thirty-nine in the institution. The number of pupils in the higher school in 183G was seventy-two. That in the lower school is limited to twenty-seven. The pupils of the lower school, in general, come under obliga- tions to remain three years at the institution, in consideration of which their payments for instruction are diminished, in part, in the second year, and cease in the third. They are engaged in the operations of the farm, the garden, and other parts of the establishment, which will be hereafter enumerated, under the direction of the workmen, and under the superintendence of the steward, their time being so distributed that they may acquire practice in the various operations of farming. They are also required to attend certain of the lectures given to the higher classes, and receive instruction at times when they are not en- gaged in agricultural labour. They receive regular wages for work done, from which they are expected to pay for their main- tenance and clothing. Premiums are given to those who dis- rei^ncrs one hundred and twenty dollars. For instruction in forestry only, a na- tive pays twenty.four dollars, and a stranjirer seventy-two dollars. For the three years instruction in the lower sciiool, natives pay forty dollars. AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE OF WURTEMBERG. 597 play great sldll and industry. While in the house, the younger pupils are under the charge of the elder ones, and all are under the general superintendence of the overseer. The same super- intendence exists in the refectory and dormitories. It subserves the double purpose of economy, and of training the elder pupils in the management of men, which is one object of their educa- tion. The institution undertakes to find places for those pupils who have given satisfaction while in the school, on their com- pleting its courses. The agricultural course of the higher school may be accom- plished in one year, if the preliminary studies of the pupil have been directed with a view to his entering, but in general it re- quires two years. The same period of two years is required for that of forestry. Each scholastic j^ear has two sessions, the one from the fir&t of November to Palm-Sunday, and the other from two weeks after Palm-Sunday to the first of October. The intermediate periods are vacations. The branches of special theoretical instruction are as fol- lows: First: Agriculture. General principles of farming- and horticulture, in- cluding' the culture of the vine. The breeding of cattle. Growing of wool. Raising of horses. Rearing of silk-worms. Arrangement and direction of farms. Estimation of the value of farms. Book-keeping. Second : Forestry. Encyclopedia of Forestry. Botany of forests. Culture and superintendence of forests. Guard of forests. Hunting. Taxation. Uses of forests. Technology. Laws and regulations, accounts, and technical corres- pondence relating to forests. Third : Accessary branches. Veterinary art. Agricultural technology, espe- cially the manufacture of beet sugar, brewing, vinegar making, and distilling. The construction of roads and hydraulic works. Besides these special branches, the following general courses are pursued: First : The Natural Sciences. Geology. Physiology of plants. Botany, as applied to agriculture and forestry. Natural history of animals beneficial or noxious to plants and trees. General chemistry, and its applications to agricul- ture. Physics and meteorology. Second : Mathematics. Theoretical and practical. Geometry. Elements of trigonometry. Arithmetic. Elements of algebra. 598 GENERAL EDUCATION'. SUPERIOR PERIOD. The institution possesses the most ample means for the illus- tration of these courses in its farm and collections. The farm is divided into arable land, about five hundred and one acres; meadow land, two hundred aiuJ forty-two acres; fields set apart for experiments, thirty-three acres; woodland, thirteen acres; nursery, sixty-seven acres; plantation of hops, two acres; bo- tanical garden, fourteen acres; ground for exercising the pupils in ploughing, two acres; garden, one acre; the remainder, eighty-five acres. Total, nine hundred and sixty acres. The arable land is cultivated according to five different rotations of crops, that the pupils may have specimens of the varieties of system. The botanical garden, nursery, and experimental farm, are prominent parts of the establishment. There is a large stock of cattle of difierent kinds, foreign and domestic, and of sheep, that the pupils may acquire practical knowledge of the relative advantages of difierent breeds, the mode of taking care of the stock generally, and of rearing them for different pur- poses. Horses are kept for a riding-school, as well as for the purposes of the farm. The institution has a large collection of agricultural implements in use in Wurtemberg, and of models of the varieties of foreign and new implements. These are made in a work-shop attached to the school, and aflbrd practice in the manufacture to the pupils, as well as instruction by their use or inspection, with the explanations of the professors. The sale of these implements and models also contributes to the sup- port of the establishment. There are two collections of seeds and grain — one as specimens for illustrating the lectures, the other in quantities for sale. The pupils learn the mode of preserving them, and useful seeds are distributed through the country. There is a collection of soils of all kinds for the lec- tures on terra-culture and the analysis of soils, with specimens of the means of amelioration used in dilTercnt cases. The col- lections of natural history, thonijjh small, are interesting, from the precise adaptation of the sjiecimcns to the objects of the school, Thcv consist of birds, beasts, and insects, and of plants, woods, and rocks. The woods are arranged in the form of a library, AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE OF WURTEMBERG. 599 the separate specimens having the forms of books given to them, and being covered in part with the bark. The name is inscribed upon the back. Cross and longitudinal sections are usually found in the same book, forming the covers. Between the covers is a box containing the seeds and flowers of the tree, the parasites, &LC., and a description. There is a small collection of physical apparatus, a library, and a laboratory. The following farming and technological establishments are connected with the school, and worked by the pupils, under the charge of the teachers: namely, a cider-press and appurtenances; a beet-sugar manu- factory, a brewery, a distillery, and a vinegar manufactory. Though I saw better individual collections than these, the whole suite stands unrivalled, as far as my examination extended. Examinations take place every year, which are obligatory upon those forestry pupils who intend to enter the service of the government; strangers are not required to be examined. Persons wishing to learn the details of the institution, may be received as visitors for a period not exceeding a month, living with the pupils. Each pupil in the higher school has his own sleeping-room; or, at most, two room together. They bring their supplies of clothing, &c. at entrance. The rooms are kept in order by the servants, who receive a small compensation from the pupil. They take their dinner and supper in a common hall, and order what they please for breakfast from the steward's assistant.* This institution has supported itself for several years, which is readily to be understood from the scale of its farming operations. The success of the farm does not depend exclusively upon the productive manual labour of the pupils. It is analogous to the support of a family on a large estate, the members of the family aiding in the work, and contributing also in money to their own support, but the working of the farm not depending entirely upon their manual exertions. * The dinner and supper cost four dollars a month, which is paid in advance to the steward. 600 GENERAL EDUCATlOiV. SUPERIOR PERIOD. NAVAL SCHOOL OF AUSTRIA, AT VENICE. This institution is for youths intending to enter tlic naval ser- vice of the empire. They are received at about fourteen years of age, and may pass through the five classes composing the school in as many years. They are then appointed in the navy, as vacancies occur. The school is superintended by a naval officer, whose rank is that of captain of a frigate. The pro- fessors and other officers arc in general from the same service, though some of the former are citizens. The general course of instruction is as follows : — Religious instruction, mathematics, Italian, German, French and Eng- lish languages, geography, history, writing, and drawing. The special courses are — of maritime law, the law of quarantine, epistolary correspondence, the science of artillery, and naval tactics and construction. There are regular exercises in naval manoeuvres, rigging, &c., and in infantry tactics, in land and hydrographical surveying, and in fencing. The course of mathematics includes both pure and mixed mathematics; name- ly, aritlimetic and algebra, geometry, plane and spherical tri- gonometry, the application of algebra to geometry, conic sections, the differential and integral calculus, hydrographic surveying, projections, nautical astronomy, ship-building, me- chanics, and physics. The following table shows the distribu- tion of time among the different subjects of study in the five classes, of which the fifth class is the highest: NAVAL SCHOOL AT VENICE. r.oi Distribution of time at the Naval School of Austria, at Venice. SUBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION. Mathematics, Italian, German, French, English, Religious Instruction, - - - Geography, History, - - - Maritime and Quarantine Law, Epistolary Style, Artillery, Naval Tactics, &c., .... Drawing, Writing, Infantry Drill, Practical Exercises, .... Hydrographical Surveying, &.C., Totals. . 16i 33^ HOURS PER WEEK. 15i 34J 161 2 1 1 1 1 1 33 i m 2 2 2 1 1 30A 121 3 1 32 A 73i 5 8 4 3 5 5 4 3 1 3 1 23 10 9 5 2 The following is the order of the day during the summer for secular days, exclusive of Thursday: — The pupils rise at six, A. M. An hour is allowed for police and mass; half an hour for breakfast. From half past seven to half past eleven they are in 76 602 CONCLUDING REMARKS. school. There is then an intermission of half an hour. Dinner at twelve, and recreation until one, P. M. Study fronn one to two, P. M. School from two to five. Recreation from five to six. Prayers from six to half past six. Study from half past six to nine, and recreation from nine to half past nine, and retire. On Thursday they rise at half past six, are engaged in police, mass, and breakfast, until eight. The regulations are read. Study and religious instruction occupy them from nine until half past eleven. Recreation until twelve. Dine, and have recrea- tion until two. Are occupied with religious instruction and study until five. The other arrangements of the day are as above stated. On Sundays and holidays the inspector visits the rooms at eight, A. M. Mass and biblical explanations occupy until nine. There is then a visit of inspection from the director. Study from ten to eleven. Recreation until twelve. Dinner and recreation. CONCLUDING REMARKS. I HAVE now completed the design of giving such an account of the state of public institutions for education as may enable the Trustees of the Girard College to examine, by the light of experience, the plan which it has been made my duty, at a fu- ture time, to present to them for that institution. In so doing, I have endeavoured to confine my remarks and suggestions within the limits which a strict induction from facts would war- rant. Having, however, been obliged to make a selection from the materials accumulated during the tour made by the direction of the trustees, I am conscious that all the facts collected are by no means presented. Indeed, a very close selection has been requisite to confine this document within any reasonable limits. Again, I am aware that the character of a report does not permit that entire freedoni of expression which, in many cases, is desirable; and hence my impressions of many schools here described have a vividness which the report on them by OONOLUDl.VG REMARKS. 003 no menns faithfully represents. To supply these defects, as M'ell as errors of judgment in my selections, I have made an arrangement of all the documents collected in relation to the schools visited, by which any one can be immediately found, or the whole examined. The translations of documents from foreign languages into English have been similarly arranged, the more important ones having been transcribed, to render them easily legible. My private journal relating to these same institutions has, generally, in like manner, been transcribed and classed with the other sources of information. The papers so arranged will be placed in the College library, and will afford the trustees not only the means of appealing to experiment upon doubtful points, but of comparing hereafter our own institution, or others of our country, with kindred establishments abroad. In order to enable the Board to know exactly what are the documents collected w^hich bear particularly upon our objects, I intend to present a list of them* in the Appendix to this Re- port. Tfiis will enable me at the same time to designate the names of those gentlemen to whom I am indebted for the docu- ments, and to thank them for this and other kind offices, by which I was constantly cheered on my way. In the Appendix will be found, also, some useful references, which could not appropriately be embodied in the Report — such as general tables of occupation and diet in different institutions; remarks of some eminent teachers upon the science which they have contributed to advance; lists of books used in certain schools; and other miscellaneous matter connected with the Report. I proceed to accomplish, as briefly as possible, the remaining part of my duty, namely, to give an account of the manner of executing my instructions in regard to the purchase of books and apparatus. As directed, I confined my purchases of books, with few exceptions, to works on education, or on kindred subjects, to text-books, to such as w^ere in use with advantage as books for the libraries of primary schools, to school-engravings, ordinary * This list is exclusive of docnnienls relating to tiie education of the deaf and dumb, of the blind, of juvenile delinquents, and to miscellaneous matters. 004 CONCLUDING REMARKS. maps, and maps in relief. In these departments I purchased works in different languages, that translations might be made of those which it might be deemed expedient to introduce into the school, selecting according to such an examination as I could give at the time, or by the judgment of those in whom I had confidence. I also procured the stock-catalogues of works published in different countries, within a few years, or of older works, and made arrangements to have those of the new works transmitted to the institution. The Board are aware that valu- able presents of engravings, maps, and books, were made to the Girard College; among them the splendid work of model en- gravings for mechanics, presented by the Royal Technical Commission of Prussia, through the president, M. Beuth ; the maps of the survey of India, presented by the surveyor-general of India, Major Jervis; the maps and school manuals, presented by the Board of Commissioners of National Education for Ireland; the collection of school books in use in the elementary schools of Holland, presented by Director Prinsen, of Haarlem; and the books relating to the arts, by M. De Mok'on, of Paris. I have also placed in the library the various works relating to education and kindred subjects, which I received from their authors, considering that they were presented to me rather as the repre- sentative of the Girard College than as an individual; and that they may thus be rendered more useful than if I had retained them with my own books. The works thus brought together form a nucleus for the educaiional department of our library, and to the accomplishment of such an object my views were very pro- perly limited l)y the scholastic committee. They are contribu- tions towards a collection which will be necessary to aid the studies of our pupils and teachers, and which is referred to in his Will by our founder. In regard to apparatus and models, my purchases have con- sisted, first, of such as must be recjuired in the lower departments of the College, and which were new, or could not be so readily procured at home. Second, of some articles of the best appa- ratus, for illustrations in mechanics and physics, from different makers, to serve as specimens of the quality of their work, and CONCLUDING RExMARK!). 605 of the grade of apparatus which seemed to me suitable for the collections of the College. In connexion with these, I have an extensive series of printed and written catalogues of apparatus, with their prices, from different parts of Europe. The speci- mens themselves will, I trust, incidentally, by being open to the inspection of our instrument-makers, promote the advancement of this branch of art. Third, specimens of a collection of mo- dels of machines, and of a technological collection, complete cabinets of which will be essential in the higher departments of the institution.* In the case of those procured at Paris, the Board are already aware that I had the advantage of the kind offices of M. Arago, as inspector, and their acknowledgments have been made to him for the service rendered. Fourth, such instruments, of the more delicate kind, as are difficult to procure without personal relations with their inventors, and those who make them. All these classes of articles but the first are expen- sive, and hence my purchases have been necessarily limited in extent by the funds placed at my disposal. They are, however, merely intended as specimens, and as such, will, I trust, be found to answer their purpose. The difficulty of getting toge- ther a complete collection of books and apparatus cannot be too plainly insisted upon. The delays incident to it are great, and, though they may be lessened, cannot be avoided. The Board of Trustees will readily see, from the tenor of this Report, that my examination has not enabled me to select any single institution which fulfils at once the requisites of the Will of our founder, and of the present state of education, and which might, therefore, serve as a model for the Girard College for Or- phans. The plan to be presented to them, as far as it is derived from these materials, must be made up of fragments, to be so mo- dified as to adapt them to the peculiarities of the College, and to our political and social character and institutions. According * A quotation from the Will of Mr. Girard will serve to show that these ideas conform to its express directions. Amonjo^ the subjects of instruction for carry- ing out which, he directs " books, philosophical and experimental instruments and apparatus" to be provided are, — " geography, navigation, surveying, practical mathematics, astronomy, natural, cliemical, and cxjjcrimcntal philosophy." GOG CONCLUDING REMARKS. to the W^ill of ]\Ir. Girani, orphan boys arc to be educated in his College from the a'^e ot" six years to tourtcen, sixteen, and even eighteen years olage. The materials of their instruction nnust be "things rather than words," and the degree is to be such " as the capacities of the several scholars may merit or war- rant." I'he first provision, from the early age of admission win'ch it enjoins, enables us to train as well as to instruct; the second indicates that the tendency of our training should be towards practical life. The age of our pupils embraces the period from elementary to superior instruction, and we are expressly called upon to develope talent. Our College must, therefore, combine the primary, secondary, and special schools The means furnislied by our munificent benefactor to execute his intentions are vast, and if the benefits thence accruing are not in proportion, the responsibility must rest with those to whoni they have been entrusted. The trustees of the College liave appealed to the experience of Europe to furnish data necessarily w^anting in a new country, and it remains for them to apply the experimental deductions thus ob- tained from the old world with tiie vigour characteristic of the new. If their spirit be proportionate to the work to be accom- plished, there can be little doubt of the result. Our founder has furnished them the means of establishing a series of model schools for moral, intellectual, and physical education, embra- cing the period of life from early youth almost to manhood, the importance of which to our city, and even to the country at large, can hardly be estimated. Respectfully submitted, by A. D. BACIIE, President of the Girani College fur Orphans. I'liiladdplii.-i, May 1, 183H. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. The following Appendix contains the titles of the documents relating to edu- cation in general, collected during a tour of two years through some of tJie principal countries of Europe, besides miscellaneous matter, which could not be appropriately embodied in the foregoing Report, but which, nevertheless, is of interest, as illustrating particular parts of it. The articles of the Appendix have been referred to by their numbers in tlie course of the Report, and they will now be preceded by a statement of the pages of the Report, where the references are to be found. No. I. Referred to on pages 9, 14, and 603. The titles of the different documents relating to general education will be found in the following pages, classed in the order of the countries wliere they were procured. Not to make this list too long, I have been obliged to confine it to documents relating to instruction in general, omitting those from the schools of the deaf and dumb, and the blind, and from houses of refuge for juvenile delin- quents. Works on education, or on particular departments of it, or methods, are, also, in general, not included in it. The documents are arranged in the follow- ing order: — first, those of Great Britain, subdivided into England, Ireland, and Scotland; next, those of France, then of Switzerland, of Belgium, Holland, Ger- many, and Italy. The German and Italian states and Swiss cantons are classed alphabetically, and the same is the case with the different places in the various countries, the documents relating to which are sufficiently numerous to require any formal classification, [n. the several divisions the articles are arranged ac- cording to the plan adopted in the Report, namely, the eleemosynary institutions first, then the infant, primary, secondary, and superior schools; institutions for adult instruction are placed last. When the documents refer to education in ia, country at large, they arc usually placed first on the list. The chief part of these papers were presented to me by the gentlemen whose names are attached to them, and I bog leave here to return to them, as well as to others who were so kind as to further the objects of my journey, my most sincere thanks. 77 6fO APPEIfDIX. ENGLAND. 1 . Abstracts of the answers and returns made pursuant to an address of the House of Conimons, May 24th, lii'.i3. Vol. I., Bedford, Lancaster; Vol. II., Leicester, Suffolk; Vol. III., Surrey, Radnor, 1835. 2. Report from the Select Committee on the State of Education, with the Minutes of Evidence and Index. Aug^ust 7th, 18.34. 3. Report from the Select Conmiittee on Education in England and Wales, together with the Minutes of Evidence, Api)endix, and Index. August 3d, 1835. 4. Report from the Select (^ommittce on Education of the Poorer Classes in England and Wales, together witli the Minutes of Evidence and Index. 13 July, 1833. 5. A bill intituled, "An Act for Promoting Education and Regulating Chari- ties, presented by Lord Brougham and Vaux, 2d February, 1837." (From W. Holl, Esq.) 6. Prospectus of the Central Society of Education in London. BIRMINGHAM. 1. A short account of the Blue-coat Charity School in Birmingham, from its institution in 1724, to 1830, and list of subscribers, &c. (From the head Master.) 2. Memorandum of the diet of the children of the Blue-coat School in Bir- mingham, MS. (From the same.) 3. List of Text-books used in the Grammar School of King Edward VI. (From the Rev. Dr. Jeune.) 4. Proposed changes in the system of the school of King Edward VI., 1837. 5. Prospectus of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary Day School, 1837. (From Mr. J. C. Barlow.) 6. Rules and Regulations of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary Day School, established in 1837. (From the same.) 7. Report and Resolutions passed at the first annual general meeting of the Proprietors of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary School, in 1838. (From the same.) 8. List of tlic Secretaries of Proprietary Schools in England, MS. (From tiie same.) BRISTOL. 1. Duties of the boys of Colston's Hospital, in Bristol, 1838. (From the Master.) 2. ProsjKictus of Bristol College, 1838. CAMBRIDGE. 1. Collections of Examination Papers, &c. (From Professor Peacock, Pro- fessor Miller, Mr. Tiiurtell, Mr. Stokes, and Mr. Mayer.) 2. List of tlie principal Text-books used in the colleges at Cambridge, MS. CHESTER. 1. Rules to be observed by parents whose sons are admitted day-scholars or green-caps, in the Blue-coat Hospital, in Chester. (From the Master.) 2. The Annual Rci>ort of the Blue-coat Hospital, in Chester, for 1836. (^From llic same.) DOCUMENTS FROM GREAT BRITAIN. 611 DURHAM. Education of Students in Civil Engineering and Mining in the University of Durham, 1838. (From Professor J. F. W. Johnson.) LEEDS. Prospectus of Leeds Infant School Society, 1836. LIVERPOOL. 1. The Annual Report of the Blue-coat Hospital, in Liverpool, for 1835, MS. Replies to Queries, MS. Rules of Entrance. Form of Indenture. Plan of In- struction. Forms for Teachers' Reports. Weekly Consumption of Provisions, &c. (From Mr. Samuel Dickens, assistant master, and James Aspinall, Esq., honora.y treasurer.) 2. A full report of the Speeches and Proceedings at a meeting for the Promotion of Scriptural Education in Liverpool, held July 13, 1836. 3. Plan of Instruction at Mr. Charles Voelcker's school at St. Domingo-House, Everton, near Liverpool, 1837, MS. LO]VDO^^ 1. A Description of the London Orphan Asylum for the reception and educa- tion of Destitute Orphans, particularly those descended from respectable parents, instituted July 27, 1813, 1836. (From the Rev. Mr. Reed.) 2. By-laws of the London Orphan Asylum. (From the same.) 3. Plan of Education of the London Orphan Asylum in Clapton. (From the same.) 4. Report of the London Orphan Asylum, read at the general annual meeting, January 23, 1837. (From the same.) 5. Gross expense and average number of Children of the London Orphan Asylum, from 1831 to 1836. (From the same.) 6. Election List for 23d January, 1837, of the London Orphan Asylum. (From the same.) 7. Description of sundry works, intended to be done for the Managers of the London Orphan Asylum, in biilding, and completely finishing the London Or- phan Asylum at Clapton. (From the same.) 8. History of Christ's Hospital. By the Rev. W. Trollope. 9. The Second Annual Report of the Home and Colonial Infant School So- ciety, instituted 1836, with an account of the proceedings at the opening of the Society's house. Sec. (From J. S. Reynolds, Esq., Secretary.) 10. Institution for the Effective Education of Youth, and also a plan of Infant Education for Children of the Higher and Middle Classes in the neiglibourhood of Fulham, Middlesex, 1836. 11. A Compendious Report of Proceedings and Operations in the Central School of tlie British and Foreign School Society in London, 1836 and 1837. (From the Secretary, Mr. Dunn.) 12. Report of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor on the Principles of the Established Church, &c. 1837. (Westminster Model School.) (From the Secretary.) 012 ArPEXDix. 13. A Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools of England and Wales. London, 1818. By Nicholas Carlisle. 14. History of the Merchant Tailors' School. By the Rev. H. B. Wilson. 15. Exercises at the Puhlic Exhihition of St. Paul's School, May, 1837. (From Petty Vaiighan, Es(|.) 16. Charter-house Examination of the Upper School, 1837. Approved books to be used in the Boys' Schf»ol. (From the Rev. Win, Chapman.) 17. Prospectus of the T'niversity of London, (London University College,) and the University College School, 1837. 18. Address to the Proprietors of the University of London, by J. M. Morgan, Esq., 1833. (From the author.) 19. Sketch of the System of Education in practice at the Schools of Bruce- Castle,Tottenham,andIIa-/lewood,near Birmingham, 1833. (FromMr, Arthur Hill,) 20. Blank Forms relating to Instruction and Disci])linc at Dr. Biber's School, Coombe Wood, near liondon. (From Dr. Biber.) 21. Regulations of the New University of London on the Subject of Examina- lions for Degrees in Arts. (From Dr. Jcrrold.) 22. Prospectus of the Gresham Lectures. London, 1837. (From Petty Vaughan, Esq.) 3IAXCirESTER. 1. Some account of the Blue-coat Hospital and Public Library in Manchester, founded by Humphrey Chcetham, Esq., in the year 16.>1. (From Mr. Crossley, Governor.) 2. Rules of the Blue-coat Hospital in Oldham, near Manchester. Petition for admission, Sec. (From Mr. Barrett, Master.) 3. Report of a Committee of the Manchester Statistical Society, on the State of Education in the borough of Manchester, in 1834. (From W. Langton, Esq.) 4. Report of a Committee of the Manchester Statistical Society, on the State of Education in the Borough of Bury, Lancashire, in 1835. (From the same.) 5. Report of a Committee of the Manchester Statistical Society, on the State of Education in the Borough of Salford, in 1835. (From the same.) 6. Report of a Committee of the Manchester Statistical Society, on the State of Education in the Borough of Liverpool, 1835-3G. 7. Forms of Queries and Replies, by the Manchester Statistical Society, in their Inquiries into the State of Education. (From W. Langton, Esq.) 8. Tenth Report of the Cliorlton upon Medlock Central Infants' School So- ciety, 1830. (From Mr. Bailly, Teacher.) 9. Report of the Committee of the Royal liancastrian Free School, from 1831 to 18,35. Specimen of writing by a pupil. (From Mr. Perkins, Teacher.) 10. Report of the Committee of the Manchester and Salford New Jerusalem Church Free Day Schools, established in 1827, for the years 1835 and 183G. (From Mr. Mos.s, Teacher.) 11. Fourteenth Annual Report of the London New Jerusalem Cliureh Free School Sneiety, togcth. Sketch of Tcmplcmoylc Farm. DOCUMENTS FROM SCOTLAND. 615 SCOTLAND. 1. Education Inquiry. Abstract of the Answers and Returns made pursuant to an Address of the House of Commons, in 1834. Scotland, 1837. 2. Report from the Select Committee on the state of Education in Scotland, together with the proceedings of the Committee, and Appendix. 1838. 3. Report of the Commissioners appointed for inquiring into the state of the Universities and Colleges of Scotland. 1832. ABERDEEN. 1. Report of the Public Schools of the City of Aberdeen, 1834. (From A. Dingwall, Esq.) 2. Examination of a Pamphlet entitled, "Plan of Education in the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen, with the reasons of it, drawn up by order of the faculty, 1765. 1826. (From the same.) EDINBURGH. 1. A Historical Account of the Orphan Hospital of Edinburgh, 1833. (From J. G. Wood, Esq.) 2. Regulations for the Orphan Hospital, 1834. (From the same.) 3. Letter from J. G. Wood, Esq., in relation to the signification of the word Orphan, &-c. 4. Form of Recommendation for Admission to the Orphan Hospital. 5. Last Will and Testament, and Codicil thereto, of George Heriot, and the Original Statutes of his Hospital, by Dr. Balcanqual, 1833. (From the Rev. Hec- tor Holme, House-governor). 6. An Act to explain and extend the Powers of the Governors of George Heri- ot's Hospital, 1836. (From Mr. Bayly, Secretary.) 7. Regulations for the internal management of George Heriot's Hospital, 1833. (From the same.) 8. Regulations enacted by the Governors of George Heriot's Hospital, upon the 13th October, 1834, as to the superintendence to be exercised over the boys at their leaving the institution and afterwards. (From the same.) 9. Number of boys admitted into George Heriot's Hospital, from October, 1830, to October, 1836, both inclusive. (From the same.) 10. Tabular View of the Hours of Employment and Exercise in George Heri- ot's Hospital. (From the Rev. Mr. Holme.) 11. Committees of Trustees of Heriot's Hospital, January, 1837, (From the same.) 12. Tenders for the furnishing of provisions to George Heriot's Hospital. Form of Advertisement for Supplies. (From the same.) 13. The Statutes and Rules of George Watson's Hospital, 1740. (From the Rev. Mr. Munro, House-governor.) 14. Regulations for George Watson's Hospital, 1831. (From the same.) 15. Copy of a Petition for Admission into George Watson's Hospital. (From the same.) 616 APPENDIX. 16. List of Applicants for Admission into George Watson's Hospital, March, 183G. (From the same.) 17. Course of Study and Tcxt-books used at George Watson's Hospital, Janu- ary, 1837, (MS.) (From the same.) Notes and Replies to Queries in reference to George Watson's Hospital, (MS.) (From tlie same.) 18. Papers relating to John Watson's Institution for Destitute Children. 1. Deed of Settlement. 2. Deed of Destination of the Funds. 3. Act of Par- liament. 4. Regulations for Management. 5. Regulations for Master and Matron, 1830. (From the Rev. Mr. Marshall.) 19. Distribution of time in John Watson's Hospital, February, 1837. (MS.) (From the same.) 20. A Course of Education for the Children of John Watson's Institution, pro- posed to the Directors by Mr. Charles Marshall. (MS.) (From the same.) 21. Expenses of John Watson's Hospital, 1836. 22. Abstract of the Treasurer's Accounts with John Watson's Institution, Au- gust 1st, 183G. 23. List of occupations of the parents, the pupils, and a statement whether the parents arc dead or alive. (From the Rev. Mr. Marshall.) 24. Regulations for tiie Management of Cauvin's Hospital, 1835. (From the Provost of Edinburgh.) 25. Statutes of the Maiden Hospital, founded by the Company of Merchants of Edinburgh and Mary Erskine, and Rules for the Government and Order of the Hospital, 1819. (From Mr. Jamison.) 26. Regulations for the Merchant Maiden Hospital, 1731 . (From the same.) 27. Remarks upon a System of Education for the Girard College, by James Simpson, Esq. (MS.) 28. Third Report of the Edinburgh Infant School Society, 1838. (From Mr. Milne.) 29. Hints for Lessons on Moral Training, Grammatical Exercises, &c., for In- fant Schools, (MS.) (From the same.) 30. Report of the General Assembly's Education Committee, for the years 1833-34-35. (From John Gordon, Esq.) 31. Eleventh Report of the Directors of the Circus-Place School, 1837. (From the Rev. Dr. Reid.) 32. Annual Report by the Directors of the Edinburgh Academy, for the years 1835-36. (From Rector Williams.) 33. List of Text-books used in the High School of Edinburgh, (MS.) 34. Course of Studies of the Hill Street Association for Languages, Mathema- tics, &,c. (From Mr. Cunningham.) 35. Report on Mr. Cunningham's Institution for Languages, Mathematics, &,c. 1835. (From the same.) 36. Pros|)cctus of the Edinburgh Southern Academy. (From Mr. (iunn.) 37. Prospectus of the Scottish Institution for the I'ducation of Young Ladies. (From Dr. D. R. Reid.j 38. Course of Studies, Distribution of Tiiiie, and I,ist of Text-lx>oks, used in the Scottish Institution for the Education of Younjr Ladies. (F>om llie same) DOCUMENTS FROM SCOTLAND. 617 39. Report of the Scottish Institution for the Education of Young Ladies, 1838, (From the same.) 40. General Observations on the Principles of Education, for the use of Me- chanics' Institutions, by Sir G. S. Mackenzie, 1836. 41. Reports of the Directors of the School of Arts, from 1824 to 1836. (From Dr. D. B. Reid.) GLASGOW. 1. Abstract of the Rules and Regulations by which Hutcheson's Hospital is governed, 18J0. (From Mr. Hill.) 2. State of the Cases of Applicants for admission into Hutcheson's, Baxter's, and Blair's Schools, 1830. (From Mr. M'Arly.) 3. State of the Cases of Applicants for admission into Miller's Charity School, 1836. (From the same.) 4. Form of Indenture of pupils bound out by the Trustees of Hutcheson's Hos- pital. (From the same.) 5. Plan of Parochial Training Schools, Infant and Juvenile, November, 1836. (From Mr. D. Stow.) 6. Letters from Parents of Infant Schools. (From the same.) 7. Sketch of the Building of the Highlanders' Schools, Greenock. 8. An outline of the Studies pursued in the High School of Glasgow, with a few Introductory Remarks, 1835. (From Mr. D'Orsey.) 9. Proceedings at the Annual Distribution of Prizes to the pupils attending the High School, 1836. (From the same.) 10. Glasgow University Calendar. 1834. 11. Regulations respecting the Examination for Degrees in Arts, in Medicine, and Surgery. (From the Provost of the Universit3\) 12. Subjects prescribed for Prize Essays at the University, 1836. (From the same.) 13. List of Text-books used in the University of Glasgow. (MS.) 14. Outline of the Plan of Instruction in ihe Class of Practical Astronomy, in the University of Glasgow. (From Professor Nichol.) 15. Reform of the University of Glasgow, considered with reference to the published Report of the Royal Commissioners of Visitation, appointed by Sir Robert Peel, 1833. 16. Observations by the Principal and Professors of Glasgow College, on the Schemes of Reform proposed for the University of Glasgow. 1837. 17. Letter of Dr. John Lee, in reply to the foregoing. 18. Outlines of the Lectures on Chemistry for the Mechanical Class of the Andersonian University. 1836-37. (From Professor Graham.) 19. Syllabuses of Lectures at the Glasgow Mechanics' Institution, on Me- chanics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History and Physiology, His- tory, Geography, &c. L'^37. (From Mr. Hugo Rcid.) 20. Annual Reports of the Glasgow Meciianics' Institution, for the years 1826, 1833-34-35-36. (From Mr. Leadbettcr.) 21. Prizes olTcred in the Glasgow Mechanics' Institution, session 1836-37. 78 G18 Al'l'K.VDlX. 22. Prospectus of Andcrston Popular Institution for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. ST. ANDREWS. List of Text-books used in tlic English Department of the ^Madras College. FRANCE. GENERAL. 1. Code Universitaire ou Lois, statuls et rdglemens de I'universite royale de France, 1835. Code of the University, or Laws, Statutes, and Regulations of the Royal University of France, 1835. 2. Almanaeh de I'Universite Royale de France, 1836. Almanack of the Royal University of France, 1836. 3. Bulletin Universitaire. Official Bulletin of the Council of Public Instruction. 4. Syst^me de I'Universite de France, ou plan d'une education nationale, par M. Rendu, 1816. System of the University of France, or plan of a National Education, by M. Rendu, 1816. PRIMARr INSTRUCTION. 5. Rapport au roi par le niinistre de I'instruction publique sur Texecution de la loi du 28 Juin, 1833, relative i I'instruction primairc. 183 1. Report made to the King by the Minister of Public Instruction on the execution of the Law of the 28th of June, 1833, in reference to primary instruction. 1834. 6. Rapport au roi sur la situation de I'instruction primairc par le ministre de I'instruction publique en 1837. Report to the King on the state of Primary In- struction, made by the Minister of Public Instruction, in 1837. 7. Annuairc de I'instruction primairc, pour 1832-33-34. Annual of Primary Instruction for 1832-3.3-34. 8. Annuairc de I'lnstituteur Primairc, pour 1838. Annual for Primary Teach- ers, in 1 83P. 9. Bulletin de la Socicte pour I'instruction Elementaire, 1837. Bulletin of the Society of Elementary Instruction. 10. Compte rendu des Travaux de la Socicte d'Encouragement pour Tin- struction Elementaire, 1837. Report of the Society for the Promotion of Ele- mentary Instruction, 1837. 11. Journal Genbral de 1' Instruct ion Pulilifjne, 1838. General Journal of Public Instruction. 12. Manuel (General d«; I'instruction Primairc; Journal Othcicl. General Manual of Primary Instruction, un ( )niciul Journal, 183?^. 13. Manuel de rEnscignement Siuiultane. .Alanual of Sinmltancous Instruc- tion, 1H37. 14. Manuel de rEnscignement Mulucl, l)?37. Manual of Mutual Instruction, 1837. DOCUMENTS FROM FRANCE. 619 15. Programme de la Society pour la Propagation de la Methode Mnemoniquc Polonaise, 1837. Programme of the Society for the Propagation of the Polish Mnemonic Method, 1837. 16. Guide de la Methode Wilhem, 1838. Guide for the Method of Wilhem, 1838. ] 7. Specimen of Writing from a Primary School at Paris, 18. Sur rinstruction Priniaire en France. On Primary Instruction in France. 19. Manuel des Aspirants aux brevets do caj)acite pour I'enscignement ele- mentaire. Manual of Candidates for tlie diploma of Elementary Teacher, 1837. 20. Programme des Questions pour I'examen des aspirants pour I'enscigne- ment primaire, 1837. Programme of Questions for the Examination of Teachers for Primary Instruction, 1837. 21. De la Congregation des Fr^res de la Doctrine Chretienne. Account of the Rules, &.c., of the Christian Brotherhood (for giving gratuitous instruction.) 22. Programme des etudes et divers exercises aux quels doivent se livrer les eleves de I'ecole normale k Dijon, 1837. Course of Study and Distribution of Time for the pupils of the Normal School at Dijon, 1837. (From the Director.) 23. De la Construction des maisons d'ecole primaire, par Bouillon, 1834. On the Construction of School-houses for Primary Instruction, by Bouillon, 1834 24. Le Visiteur des ecoles par un Inspecteur d' Academic, 1830. The Visitor of Schools, by an Inspector of the Academy, 1830. 25. Expose des Motifs et Projet de loi sur 1' Instruction secondaire presentes, par M. Guizot, k la Chambre des Deputes, 1836. Motives for the Proposed Law on Secondary Instruction. Presented by Mr, Guizot to the Chamber of Depu- ties. 1836. 26. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission chargee d'examiner le Projet de loi sur rinstruction Secondaire, par M. St. Marc Girardin. Report from the Select Committee on the Project of Law on Secondary Instruction, made by Mr. St. Marc Girardin, in the name of the Committee. 27. Memoire Presente par la Societe des Methodes d'Enseignement. Memo, rial presented by the Society for Methods of Teaching. 28. Arrete du Conseil Royal de rinstruction Publique, 1837 ; reglant les matiercs sur lesquelles seront interroges les aspirants aux grades de bachelier 6s- Sciences, &c. Decree of the Council of Public Instruction, in 1837 ; fixing the subjects for examination for the degrees of bachelor of mathematical and physical sciences. 29. Cours et conferences suivis dans I'Ecole Normale k Paris, en 1836. (MS.) Course of Study at the Normal School of Paris, 1836. (From M. Viguier.) 30. Reglements, rapports et programme de I'Ecolc Normale k Paris. Rcgula- lions. Reports, and Programme of the Normal School at Paris. 31. Manuel des Aspirants au Baccalaureat 6s-Lettres, 1836. Manual of Can- didates for the degree of Bachelor of Lett<^rs. 32. Manuel des Aspirants au Baccalaureat 6s-Sciences, 1837. Manual of Can. didates for the degree of Bachelor of Sciences. 620 APPENDIX. 33. Programmes de renscijo^ncment de I'Ecole Royale Polytechnique pour Tan- nic, lc?3G-37. Course of Study of the Royal Polyteclinic School, for the year 1836-37. (From Mr. Dulong.) 34. Annuairc dc rEcolc Royale Polytechnique, pour 183G et 1637. Annual of tlie Royal Polytechnic School, for the years 183G-37. 35. Ecolc ccntralc des Arts et Manufacture?, Paris, 1837. Description of the Central School for Arts and Manufactures. (From Mr. Lavallee, director.) 36. Profrramme de I'Ecole de Commerce et des Arts industriels h Charonne, banlieue de Paris. Prospectus of the school for Commerce and Industry at Cha- ronne, near Paris. (From Mr. Pinel Grandchamp, director.) SWITZERLAND. BERNE. 1. Erkenntniss der Waiscnhaus-direction ansehcnd cine andcrwartiije Einrich- tung des burgcrlichen Knabcn und Madchen Waiscnhauses der Stadt Bern, 1799. Resolution of the Managers of the Orphan-liouse in reference to a new Organiza- tion of it, 1799. (From the Director.) 2. Gcsctz Qber den Privat Unterricht, 1835. Law on Private Instruction, 1835. (From Mr. Schneider, Vice President of the Council of Public In- struction.) 3. Instruction filr die Schul commissaricn, 1833. Instruction for School Com- mittees, 1833. (From the same.) 4. Loi sur les dcoles primaires publiques. 13 Mars, 1835. Law on Primary Public Schools, March 13, 1835. (From the same.) 5. Beschluss des grossen Rathes in Beziehung auf das Einkommen des Lehrers, 1837. Resolutions of the Great Council in reference to the Salary of Teachers. (From the same.) 6. Bericht ilber die Vcrsammhing des Vcreins fiir Christlichor Volksbildung, 1833, «S:,e. Report of the Meeting of the Society for Christian Education, 1833. (From the same.) 7. Berichten ilbcr die Erziehungs-Anstalt fiir armc Kinder auf Battwyl bei Burgdorf, 1836-37. Report on the Establishment for the Education of Poor Chil- dren at Bilttwyl, near Burgdorf, 1836-37. Instituted by the Society for Chris- tian Education. (From the same.) 8. Reglemcnt filr die Normalanstalt zu Milnchenbuehsce bei Bern, 1833. Re- gulations for the Normal School at Milnchenbuehsce, near Berne, 1833. (From the same.) 9. Summarischer Bericht iiber die Normalanstalt in Mflnchenbuchsee, 1837. (From the same.) 10. Stundenplan der Normalanstalt und der damit verbimdenen Model Schulc in Milnchcnburhsee, 1837. Plan of Instruction of the Normal School, and the Model School connected with it, at Miinelunbuchsee, 1837. (From the ■ame.) 11. Ncunzebntcr Bericht der Ifauptvcrsnminlung dor allq-emeinen Schulmeis- DOCUMENTS FROM SWITZERLAND. G21 tercasse des Cantons Bern, 1837. Nineteenth Report of the State of the Teach- ers' Fund of the Canton of Berne, 1837. (From the same.) 12. Bericht iibcr die Leistungen und den Untcrricht im Progymnasiura und der damit verbundenen Industrie und Elementarsclmle, 1836. Report on the Pro- gress and Instruction in the Progymnasium, and in the Elementary and Indus- trial Schools connected therewith, 1836, (From Director Ruetschi.) 13. Etat provisoire des lemons de Tecole d'industrie, 1837. Provisional Ar- rangement of Studies at the Industrial School, 1837. (From Professor Gerber.) 14. Bericht iiber die Leistungen der Real Schule wahrend den Jahren 1833-35. Report on the Progress of the Real School during the years 1833-35. (From Counsellor Schneider.) 15. Bericht iiber die Verflnderungen in der Litterarschule, 1833. Report on the Changes of the Grammar School, 1833. (From Mr. Ruetsclii.) 16. Bericht iiber die Leistungen und den Unterricht in der Litterarschule, in 1833-34, und 1831-35, Report on the Progress and the Instruction in the Gram- mar School, in 1833-34, and 1834-35. (From the same.) 17. Annalen des Hoheren Gymnasiums, 1836 and 1837. Annals of the Higher Gymnasium, 1836 and 1837, (From the same.) 18. Ausfiihrliche Darstellung des Untcrrichts Planes fur das Hohere Gymna- sium, 1835. Full description of the Plan of Instruction in tlie Higher Gymna- sium, 1835. (From Counsellor Schneider.) 19. Loi sur I'etablissement d'un Gymnase et d'une Universite k Berne, 1837. Law for the Establishment of a Gymnasium and a University at Berne, 1837. (From the same.) 20. Reglemente fiir die Hochschule, 1835. Regulations for tlie University, 1835. (From the same.) 21. Verzeichniss der Vorlesungen welche an der Hochschule gehalten worden sind wahrend den jahren 1834 bis 1837. List of Lectures which have been de- livered in the University during the years 1834 to 1837. (From the same.) 22. Verzeichness der BehOrden, Professoren und Schullehrcr, Studierenden und Schiilcr der Bernischen Akademie und Scliulen, von 1834 bis 1837. List of the Authorities, Professors, Teachers, Students, and Pupils in the University and Schools of Berne, from 1834 to 1 837. (From the same.) 23. Dekret iiber den Besuch FranzOsischer Universitaten, 1834. Decree in relation to Attendance at French Universities, 1834. (From the same.) iiorwYL. 1. Lettre sur la Fete celebree a Hofvvyl, Ic 23 Mai, 1807, par M, Gauteron. Letter on the Festival which was held at Ilofwyl, the 23d of May, 1807. By Mr. Gauteron. 2. Coup d'oeil sur I'influence a espercr des etablissemens d'llofwyl quant au perfcctionnemcnt de I'industrie et des mocurs, par M. Gauteron. On the In- fluence which may be expected from the Establislnrjcnts at Hofwyl, in reference to the promotion of Industry and Morals, by Mr. Gauteron. (From Mr. Fellen- berg.) 3. Lettre sur les etablissemens de Mr. Fellcnbcrg, et specialement sur I'ecole 622 APPENDIX. des pauvres h Hofwyl, 1812, par M. Charles Pictct. Letter on the eslablishmenta of Mr. Fellcnbcrg, and csijccially on the Poor School at Ilofwjl, 1812. By Charles Pictct. 4. Rapport sur Tinstitut dVducation des panvrcs &, Ilofwyl, redigd par M. A. Rcngi^cr. Report on the Institution for tiic Educatioa of the Poor at Hofwyl, by Mr. A. Ren^rrcr, 1815. 5. Notice sur les ctablisscmcns do Hofwyl, par M. Y. E. B. Crnd, 181G. Notes on the Establishments at Hofwyl, by Mr. V. E. B. Crud, 181 G. 6. Darstellung des religiOsen Biidungsganges der wissenschafllichen Erzieh- ungsanstalten in Hofwyl, von Emanuel von Fcllenbcrg, 1822. Exposition of the Religious Instruction given in the Boarding-schools at Hofwyl, by Emanuel von Fellenbcrg, 1822. (From Mr. Fcllcnbcrg.) 7. Lcttre sur la colonic d'cnfants indigents, etablie k Meykirch pres dc Hofwyl, 1830, par M. dc Fclleiiberg. Letter on the Colony for Poor Children, established in Maykirch, near Hofwyl, by Mr. Von Fcllcnbcrg, 1839. (From the same.) 8. Extracts of a Letter from Em. Fcllcnbcrg to Lady N el Fiyron, stating the objects of his Institutions at Hofwyl, near Berne. (Translated from the German.) (From the same.) 9. Trois Icttrcs sur Hofwyl h propos de la brochure de M. St. Mare Girardin sur I'instruction intcrmcdiarc. Three Letters on Hofwyl, wiitlcn in consequence of Mr. St. Marc Girardin's pamphlet on Intermediate Instruction, 1835. 10. Mitthcilungsblatt fiir die frcunde dcr Schulverbcsscrung im Kanton Berne, 1832. Journal of the Friends of Improvement in the Schools. (From the same.) FRIBURG. Uber die Bcthatigung des Flcisses in Schulen von Girard, 1836. On the Ex- citement of Industry in Schools, by Girard, 1836. (From Father Girard.) GENEVA. 1. Rapport au Conscil Representatif sur un projet de loi relatif a. la Direction et i I'Administration des etablisscmcns d'Instruetion Publiquc, par M. le Syndic Girod, 1833. Report to the Representative Council upon a proposed Law, in reference to the administration of establishments for Public Instruction, by Syndic Girod, 1833. (From Professor Decan olio.) 2. Rapport au Conscil Representatif sur le projet de loi rclatifi la direction et h I'Administration des etablisscmcns d'Instruetion Publiquc, fait au nom de la commission nomme6 pour I'examincr, par M. le Prof. A. de la Rive, 1833. Rcjwrt to the Representative Council on the Projected Law in reference to tJie Administration of Establishments for Public Instruction, made by Professor de la Rive, in the name of the committee appointed for tliat jjurposc, 1833. (From the same.) 3. lioi sur la Direction et TAdministratirin des etablisscmcns d'Instruetion Publiquc, 1834. I^aw Regulating the Administration of Establishments for Pub- lie Instruction, 1834. (From the same.) 4. Rapport au Conscil Repriisenlatif sr.r le projet de loi rclatif aux ecoles, 1835, par M. le Syndic LuUin, Report to the Representative Council upon the Projected Law in relation to Schools, 1 P3.'), by Syndic Lullin. (From the samr.^ DUCUMENTS I'ROM SUITZERLAND. 623 5. R^glement sur I'lnspection et la Surveillance des ecoles primaires, 1834, Regulations for the Inspection and Superintendence of Primary Schools, 1834, (From the same.) 6. Rapport au Conscil Representatif sur un Projct de Loi sur les ecoles pri- maires, 1835, par M. Macaire Prinsep. Report to the Representative Council on a Projected Law on Primary Schools, 1835, by Mr. Macaire Prinsep. (From the same.) 7. Loi sur les ecoles primaires, 1835. Law on Primary Schools, 1835. (From the same.) 8. Arrete sur I'Enseignement Religieux dans les ecoles primaires, 1835. De- cree in reference to Religious Instruction in Primary Schools, 1835. (From the same.) 9. Rapports du Comite dc I'ecole rarale de Carra, pour 1835 et 1836. Re- ports of the Committee on the Rural ScJiool of Carra, for 1835 and 1836. (From the Syndic Vernet-Pictet.) 10. Rapport au Conseil Representatif sur I'Organisation des Colleges de Ge- neve et deCarouge, 1835, par M. le Syndic Girod. Report to the Representative Council on the Organization of the Colleges at Geneva and Carouge, 1835, by Syndic Girod. (From Professor Decandolle.) 11. Loi sur les Colleges de Geneve et de Carouge, 1835. Law Regulating the Colleges of Geneva and Carouge, 1835. (From the same.) 12. Rapport au Conseil Representatif sur un Projet de Loi relatif aux Colleges de Geneve et de Carouge, 1836, par M. le Professeur Macaire Prinsep. Report to the Representative Council on a Projected Law in reference to the Colleges at Geneva and Carouge, 1836, by Professor Macaire Prinsep. (From the same.) 13. Arrete sur I'Enseignement Religieux dans les Colleges de Geneve et de Carouge, 1836. Decree in reference to Religious Instruction in the Colleges of Geneva and Carouge, 1836. (From the same.) 14. Reglement sur les Colleges de Geneve et de Carouge, 1836. Regulations for the Colleges of Geneva and Carouge, 1836. (From the same.) 15. Rapport au Conscil Representatif sur le Projct de Loi relatif^ I'Organisa- tion de I'Academie, 1835, par M. I'Ancien Syndic Fatio. Report to the Repre- sentative Council on the Projected Law in reference to the Organization of the Academy, 1836, by ex-Syndic Fatio. (From tJie same.) 16. Rapport an Conseil Representatif sur le Projet de Loi sur I'Academie, 1835, par M. le Docteur Vaucher. Report to the Representative Council on the Projected Law on the Academy, 1835, by Dr. Vaucher. (From the same.) 17. Loi et R6glement sur I'Academie de Geneve, 1835. Law and Regulations of the Academy of Geneva, 1835. (From the same.) 18. Cours dc I'Ecole Industrielle, 1837. Course of Study at tiie School of Arts. (From Mr. Prcvost Martin.) LAUSANNE. 1. Lois sur rinstruction Publicjue, 1833-34. Laws on Public Instruction, 1833-34. (From Professor Chavanne-^.) 2, Circulairc adresseo aux Commissions chargees de I'lnspection des ecoles sur 624 Al'l't-NDIX. les Objets dont Ics 6coles doivcnt 6lre pourvues. Circular addressed to the Com- mittces of Inspection in reference to the articles which ought to be found in the Schools. (From the same.) 3. Circulaire sur rAdniinistration dcs<^coles adresste aux Commission-s C.'om- munalcs d'Inspcctioii, lb31. Circular addressed to the Conimitlees of laspec- lion in reference to the Administration of the Schools, 1834. (From the same.) 4. Instructions pour les Commissions charg'ees de I'lnspcction des ^coles, 1835-36-37. Instruction to the Committees charged with the Inspection of Schools, 1835-3G-37. (From the same and the Secretary of the Council of Pub- lic Instruction.) 5. Loi du 24 Janvier, 1837, sur les ecoles publiques primaires. Law of the 24th of June, 1837, on Public Primary Schools. (From Professor Chavannes.) 6. Instruction sur les objets necessaires pour Texposition des notions elemen- taires des sciences naturelles dans les ecoles primaires, 1634. Direction in refe- rence to the objects required for giving elementary notions of Natural Sciences in the Primary Schools, 1837, (From tlie same.) 7. Rapport sur les ecoles primaires du Canton de Vaud pour I'annec, 1836. Report on the Primary Schools of the Canton of Vaud, for 1836. (From the same.) 8. Questions addresses aux commissions charg^cs de I'inspcction des (5coles. Questions (blank forms) addressed to the Committees of Inspection of the Schools. (From the same.) 9. R6gles de I't^cole (pour les ecoles primaires.) Rules for the Primary Schools. (From the same.) 10. De I'instruction publiquc dans le canton de Vaud par Gindroz, 1837. On Public Instruction in the Canton of Vaud, by Gindroz, 1837. 11. Memoire presente d Monseigneur I'ev^que de Lausanne et Gendve pjir le venerable clcrg6 du Canton de Fribourg, au sujet de la derni^re loi sur les Ecoles primaires 1830. Memorial prcserjtcd to the Bishop of Lausanne and Geneva, by the C'lcrgy of the Canton of Friburg, in reference to the last law on Primary Schools, in 1834. 12. Rapi)orl fait par le Comite de TEcole Normale Provisoire. Report made by the Committee of the Provisional Normal School, lb35. (From Prof. Cha- vannes.) 13. Rdglcmcnt pour I'Ecole Normale, du 23d Septembrc, 1835. Regulations for the Normal School, September 23d, 1835. (From Rev. Director Gauthey.) 14. Notice sur TEcole Normale du Canton de Vaud, par son Directeur L. F. F. Gauthey, Pasteur, extrait du Journal de la Soeiete d'Utilitc Publique, 1835. No- tice of the Normal School of the Canton of Vaud, by the Rev. Director L. F. F. Gauthey, extracted from the Journal of the Society of Public Utility, 1835. (From the author.) 15. R(>glement de I'Ecole Normale pour les Institutrices. Regulations of the Normal School for Female Teachers. (From the same.) 16. R6glement du 7 Aofit, 1835, pour les 6coles Moycnnes. Regulations for the Middle or ladu.strial Schools, Augu.^t 7th, 1835. (From Professor Chavannew.) DOCUMENTS FROM SWITZERLAND. G25 LUCERNE. 1. Gesetz iibcr das ErzichunjTs und OfFcntliche Schuhvcsen, 1830. Law on Education and Public Instruction, 1830. (From Mr. Rietschi, director of the normal school.) 2. Gesetz uber die Wicderholungs und Fortbildungsschulcn, 1833. Law on the Scliools for Repetition, 1833. (From the same.) 3. Vollzieimngs Bcschluss iibcr das allgemeine Erziclmngs Gesetz in Bctreflf des Primar und Sckundar Schulwcsens, 1830. Law on General Education in reference to Primary and Secondary Instruction, 1830. (From the same.) 4. Bescliluss die Entschadi(Tunerintcnding females of the infant schools. 4. Rede und Bericht des Schul-und Erzichungs-Wesens in Hamburgh, 1835. Report upon the schools of Hamburgh, 1835. (From Dr. KrOger.) 5. Darstellung und Beurtheilung der Erzichungs systeme von Dr. J. C. Kr<3- ger. Account and criticism of systems of Education, by Dr. Krrjgcr. (From the same.) 6. Prospectus der Ilandelschule. Prospectus of the Commercial High School. HANOVER. Verzcichniss dcr Vorlcsungcn an dcr Univcrsitilt Gottingen in 1838. Courses of Lectures at the University of Gottingen in 1838. NASSAU. WISRADEX. 1. Nacliricht ilber die de Laspce'sehc Erziehungsanstalt, 1833. Rojwrt on the boarding-school of dc Laspee, 1833. (From Mr. Leyendecker.) 2. Lehrplan und Bedingungcn der aufnahmc filr Schuler des dc Laspcc'schcn Instituts, 1S31. Plan of instruction and conditions ^of admission into the board- ing-school of de liaspec. (From tin.' same.) 3. Programm der rtlfcnl lichen Prtifimg in der de Laspcc'schcn Erzieliungs- anstalt, HH."). Programme of the public examination at de Laspee's boarding- ■chool, 1835. (From tho 8ame.) DOCUMENTS FROM PRUSSIA. 633 1. Vorsclilag^ eines allgcmeinen Erzichungsliauses fiir talcntvolle anne Kiui- ben. Project of a boarding-school for intelligent poor boj's. (From Councillor Albrcclit.) 5. Die Versuchsanlagcn dcs landwirthsehafllichcn Vcroins an die IJerzogl, Nassauischc Ackcrbausclmlc in Wisbadcn. Description of the agricultural school at Wisbadcn and the trial plantations of the agricultural society. (From the same.) PRUSSIA. 1. Sammlung der auf den Offentliehen Unterricht in Preusscn sich beziehcn- den Gesetze und Verordnungcn, 182G. Collection of laws and regulations re- lating to public instruction in Prussia, 1826. 2. Das Volks Schulwcsen in Preusscn, 1834. On public instruction in Prus- sia; a collection of laws in reference to elementary instruction, 1831. 3. Regulations from the ministry on public instruction in regard to tlie Gym- nasiums in Prussia, 1837, (MS.) (Through the Hon. H. Whcaton.) ANNABURG. 1. Der Untcrrichtsplan fur das Annaburger Militair Knaben Institut wic es vom Octbr., 1834, an zu befolgen ist. Plan of Instruction for the Soldier's School at Annaburg, as it will be carried into execution in October, 1834. (From Dr. Harnisch.) 2. Tagcsordnung der ZOglingc, Dienstinstruction fiir den Prediger und Schul- inspector, liir die sieben Classenlchrer und fiir den Werkmeister. Distribution of Time for the Pupils, Regulations relating to the duties of the Clcrgj'nian and School Inspector, to the seven teachers of the different classes, and to tlie work- master. (From the same.) 3. Entvviirf zu den vierteljahrlichen und Jahresberichten. Sketch of Quar- terly and Yearly Reports. (From the same.) BERLIN. 1. Die Wadzeck Anstalt in Berlin. Jahresbcrichte im Jahre, 1834-35. Statuten der Wadzeck Anstalt,. 1834, Description of the Wadzeck Institution for Infants. Yearly Reports for 1834 and 1835. Statutes of the Institution, 1834. (From the Inspector of the House.) 2. Sacular Feier des Schindlcrschen Waisenhauses, 1830. Secular Festival of Schindlcr's Orphan-house, 1830. (From Rev. Mr. Klodcn.) 3. Relation do I'Ecole de Charite ^ Berlin, en 1836. Accomit of llic Charily School in Berlin, in 1836. (From the Steward of the French Orphan-liou.-e.) 4. Grundsatze nach wclchen die hiesigcn Erwerbsehulcn cingerichtet sind, 1833. Principles according to which the Schools of Industry liave been estab- lished, 1833. (From Mr. Neufmd.) 5. Studenplan der Elementarscliulen, Nrn. 5, 7, und 8, in 1837. Plan of in- struction in the Elementary Schools, Nos. 5, 7, and 8, in 1837, (MS.) With specimens of writing. (From ]\Icssrs. Pleiller, Schantz, Vogelcr, and Ililbcrt, teachers.) SO 634 APPENDIX. 6. Studcnplan und LchrbQcher in dcr Dorolheenschule. Course of study and text-books used in the Dorothcan School, in 1837, (MS.) Specimens of writing-. (From Director Zinnow.) 7. Nacliricht liber die Einrichtung des Seminars fiir Stadtseliulen zu Berlin, 1836. Description of the Normal School in Berlin for training tcaciiers for the City Schools, 183G. (From Dr. Dicstcrweg.) 8. Zweck und Einrichtung dcr K^niglichen Seminarscliule in Berlin, 1836. Purpose and general plan of the Royal Seminary Sciiool in Berlin, 1"^3G. (From the same.) 9. Stundenplan und Lehrgcgenstande am Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium, 1S37. Course of study and subjects of instruction at the Frederick William Gymnasium, in 1837, (MS.) (From Director Spilleke.) 10. Lectionsplan filr das Sehullehrcr Seminar in Berlin, 1837. Course of study at the Normal School in Berlin, 1837. (From the same.) 11. Zwcck, Einrichtung, und Lchrplan dcs Colnisehen Real Gymnasium. ViTzcichiiiss dcr Lehrbilchcr. Nachrichten iiber das Gymnasium, 1 829-30-3i}-33 -37. Purpose, plan, and course of study at the Cologne Real Gymnasium, 16i29- 30-32-3.3-37. (From Director August.) 12. Uber Zweck und Lehrgcgenstande des Gewerbcschule, 1825. On the pur- pose and the subjects of Instruction in the Trades' School, 1825. (From Direc- tor Klodcn.) 13. Nachriclit an das Publikum Uber den Zwcck und die Einrichtungcn der Gewerbcschule. Address to the Public on tlic Purpose and Plan of tlie Trades' School, lb30. (From the same.) 14. An die Eltern derjenigen Schiller wclclie die stadtische Gewerbcschule be- suchen, 1830. Address to the Parents of Pupils who frequent the Trades' School, 1830. (From the same.) 15. Programm zur Priifung dcr Z<'»glinge der Gewerbcschule, 1830-32-33-37. Prospectuses of the Examination of Pupils of the Trade School, 1830-32-33-37. (From the same.) 16. Uber die Fortbildung der Gcwerbtricbendon ausscr der Schule. On tho Continuation of Instruction of Adult Artisans, 1827. (From the same.) 17. Vcrzeichniss dcs Personals imd dcs Studircndcn auf dcr K^iniglichcn Fried- rich Wilhelm Universiiat in 1837. List of OlTicers and Students at the Royal University in 1837. 18. Verzeichniss dcr Vorlesungcn wclche auf dcr Univcrsit.'U in 1837, gchal- ten werden. List of Lectures which are to be delivered at the University in 1837. 19. Zwcck und Gcgcnst.'lnde des Untcrrirhts in dem K<^nigliehenGewcrbe In- stitut. Purpose and Subjects of Instruction in the Royal Institute for Arta and Manufactures. (From Councillor Bcuth.) 20. Ixctionsplan und Tcxtbilchcr in dcm Krmiglichcn Gewcrbc Institut. Course of Study and Text-books used in the Royal Institute for Arts and Ma- nufactures. (From the same.) 21. Nuchricht Uber die Eiselenschen Anstalten fiir allgcmcinc Lcibcs und Fechtabungen, 1^31. Description of Eisolon'e Institution for Gymnastic* and Fencing, 1831. (From Mr. Eisclen.) DOCUMENTS FROM PRUSSIA. 635 BUNZLAU. 1. Das Waisenhaus zu Bunzlau in Sclilcsien in seiner Geschichte von der Stiflung bis zum Jahrc, 1814, dargcstcllt. History of tiie Orphan-house at Bunzlau since its origin up to 1814. (From Inspector Kruger.) 2. Nachricht iiber das Seminar und die Konighche Waisen und Schulanstalt zu Bunzlau. Notes on the Normal School, and the Royal Orphan-iiouse and School at Bunzlau, from the year 1830 to 1834. (From the same.) 3. Geschichte der KOnigl. Waisen und Sclmlanstalt und des Seminars zu Bunzlau nebst kurzer Darstellung der jetzigen Einrichtung der ganzcn Anstalt, 1837. History of tlic Royal Orphan-house, and the Normal and Burgher School connected with it, besides a short description of the present organization of the whole institution, 1837. (From the same.) ERFURT. Hausordnung und Stundenplan des Konigl. Schullehrer Seminars in Erfurt, 1832. Order of the House, Distribution of Time, and Course of Study in the Normal School at Erfurt, 1832. HALLE. 1. Beschreibung des Hallischen Waisenliauses und der iibrigen damit verbun- denen Frankischen Stiflungen, 1799. Description of the Orphan-liouse at Halle, and of all the otlier Foundations, by Franke, connected with it, 1799. 2. Verzeiclmiss aller Anstalten unter dem Namen Frankesche Stiftungen und Anzahl von Lehrern und Schiilern, 1837. List of all the Institutions under the name of Franke's Foundations, and number of Teacliers and Pupils, 1837. (MS.) (From Dr. Niemeyer, Director.) 3. Stundenplan, Tagesordnung, Textbiicher und jahrliche Ausgaben des Waisenhauses, 1837. Course of Study, Distribution of Time, list of Text-books, and Yearly Expenses of the Orphan-house, 1837. (From the same.) 4. Belehrung fiir diejenigen welche die Aufnahme von Vaterlosen in die Waisenanstalt der Frankeschen Stiftungen nachsuchen, 1836. Instruction for those who request the admission of Fatlierless Cliildren into the Orphan-house of Franke's Foundations, 1836. (From the same.) 5. Ordnungen und Gesetze fiir die Zoglinge der Waisenanstalt. Laws and Regulations for the Pupils of the Orphan-house. (From Dr. Leibmann.) 6. Programm der Offentlichen Prtifung der Biirgerschule in den Franke- schen Stiflungen, 1836. Programme of the Public Examination of the Burgher School belonging to Franke's Foundations, 1836. (From In^;pcctor Trotlic.) 7. Nachricht iiber die hohere Realschule welche den 4ton Mtii, 1835, im Waisenhause zu Halle crOffnet wcrden soil. Notice relating to the opening of a higher Real School in tlie Orphan-house at Halle, the 4th of May, 1835. (From Dr. Niemeyer.) 8. Kurzer Bcricht von dem Einrichtung und den Kostcn in der mit der Latein- schen Schule, und der hohern Realschule verbundenen Erzichungsanstalt im Waisenhause zu Halle. Short Description of the Organization and the Expenses of the Boarding-house connected with the Latin School and the higher Real School in the Orphan house at Ilalle, 1837. (From the same.) 0.30 APPEXDIX. f). Prnn^ramm 7iir Otrentlichcn Pnifunr!^ im dcr Latcinischcn llauptsclmie zu JIulle, lb37. Profrramin of the Public Examination of the Latin School f Gym- nasium) belonjriiijr to Frankc's Foundations, IKH. (From Dr. Sclimidt.) 10. OrdnunLTfi uud Gisctzc fiir die Scholarcn des K6ni^lichcn P.'ldafrnjriums. Laws and Ilcffuhitions for tlie Pupils of the Royal Pcdagogium, (bclon{,'ing to Franke's Foundations.) (From Dr. Niemcycr.) 11. Ubersicht der Winterlectionon im Rrtnii^Michcn Pildafro^ium, 1837-38. Ta- bic of the Course of Lectures during the Winter Term in tlic Royal Pedagogium, 1837-38. (From the same.) 1:2. Schulgcsc'tze filr das Konigliche Piidagogium. Laws for the Royal Pada- gogium. (From tlie same.) 13. Iloricht iibir das K^niglichc Piidagogium zu Halle, 1837. Report on the Royal Pedagogium ad IJalle, 1837. (From Dr. Niemeycr.) 11. Lide.v Scholarum in Univcrsitate Ilalensi per hicmem, 1837-38, halK-nda- nun. Courses of liceturcs to be delivered during the Winter Term of 1837-38. 15. Gcdanken iiber die jetsige Gymnasial Tcrfassung im Ktoigreich Preu.s- pen, von Dr. H. A. Niemeycr, 1838. Thoughts in Relation to the Present Orga- nization of the Prussian Gymnasia, 1836, by Dr. IL A. Niemcycr. (From the author.) IG. Cber die Nothwcndigkcit cincr Reform im Gymnasial Unterricht, von Dr. M. Schmidt, On the Necessity of a Reform in the Studies of tlie Gymnasia, by Dr. M. Schmidt. (IVoni tlie author.) Stundcnplan und Tcxtbiicher dcs Seminars zu MOrs, 1837. Course of Study and List of Text-books used in the Normal School at Mocrs, 1832. (From ^Ir. Zahn, Director.) rroRTA. 1. Die Landcsschule Pforta ihrcr gegcnwflrtigen und chcmaligcn Verfassnng nach dargestellt von Schmidt, L-^l 1. Description of the School Pforta in its for- mcr and present organization, by Schmidt, 181 1. 2. Bckanntmachung fiir Elterji und Vormiuuler die ihrc Kinder dor Landes- schulc Pforta Qbcrgebcn woUen, 1832. Notice given to Parents and Guardians who wish to send their Children to School at Pforta, 1832. (From Director Kirchner.) 3. Jahreshericht ul>er die K^nigl. Landcsschule Pforta, 1837. Yearly Report on the Royal School at Pforta, 1837. (From the same.) rOTSDAM. 1. Geschichtc dcs K37-38. Ahnanac of the Royal UniverHily, 1837-38. (From the same.) 9. Slato Numtrico dcgli Studenti inscritti sul registro della rasscgna nclla DOCUMENTS FROM ITALY. 643 R. University, 1837-38. Number of Students at the Royal University in 1837- 38. (From the same.) 10. TarifFa degli Emolumcati per li Gradi Academici e di varii altri dritti. Tariff of Expenses for the Academical Degrees, and other Expenses. (From the same.) 11. Matriculation and other Certificates of the University. (From the same.) VENICE. 1. Oraria della Casa dcgli Orfani, 1838. Distribution of Time at the Orphan- house, 1838. (From Baron Pascatori.) 2. Regolamento Disciplinale-Economico per I'lnstituto degli Esposti di Ve- nezia, 1836. Regulations of the Foundling Hospital of Venice, 1836. (From the same.) 3. Regolamento per le Scuole Infantili di Carita in Venezia. Regulations for the Infant Schools in Venice. (From the same.) 4. Numero delle Scuole Maggiore et Minori nclla Villa di Venezia, 1838. Number of Higher and Lower Elementary Schools in Venice, 1838. (From the same.) 5. Tabella Generalc indicante le Occupazioni degli Allievi della Scuola Na- vale, 1835-36. General List of the Occupations of the Pupils of the Naval School, 1835-36. (From Director Bordini.) No. 11. EXTRACT FROM THE HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN HOSPITAL OF EDINBURGH. Referred to on page 12 of the Report. "In regard to the original principle and inherent tendency of such an institu- tion. * * * "It is neither to be denied nor disguised, that, among the multitude of charita- ble establishments which exist in this country, there may be some, which, origi- nating in a very sincere but short-sighted philanthropy, do actually not conduce to the real and permanent interests of society; by which, especially in certain in- stances, some of the very evils may be multiplied which they were instituted to remedy, and of which the strong description that has been given may be but too true — 'that they are little better tlian a tax upon industry for the support of idleness.* "With such institutions, however, an establishment like the Orplian Hospital is neither to be confounded nor compared; provided always, that the original object be steadily kept in view, and that it be fenced and protected by the most rigid attention to the nature of every claim which is made upon its funds. Tlie cir- cumstances of misfortune and distress, which it professes to meet, are such as are involuntary, inevitable, and irremediable by other means. This statement no doubt assumes that the persons admitted to the benefits of the institution are those who, by any of the sudden and overwhelming visitations of Providence to which mankind are liable, have in early life been deprived of their parents, and G44 APPENDIX. precipitated into a state of entire lielplcssness and destitution, without a relation that possesses the means, or an individual on whom the obligation lies of becom- injT their jrnardians and protectors, and of supplyinfj them the place of parcnb^, and for whose support and education no other provision of any kind whatever ex- ists, or can he cal' d intoopcrntioii. And this is the real and only class for ichom the Orphan Hospital is designed. Wliilst no man in possession of his senses will voluntarily make his children orphans — while every sane man, on the contrary, will strive to ward oft' that event by which they would become so, it is cvioent that there exists in nature itself a certain safepuo-d ag-ainst the extension of the evils for which such an institution is intended to provide a remedy, and against the spontaneous establishment of a chiim to a participation in its benefits. As in the case of life insurance, where a posthumous advantage is secured by an an- nual payment, a man, from the mere love of life, and the principle of self-preser- vation, would wish to make the worst pecuniary bargain that is possible ; so, in general, will every human being struggle to keep his children, by the interval of as great a distance as he can, i:om cominj"?- within the range of the benefit'; f^frm orphan hospital." Nc III. REGULATIONS OF IIERIOT'S HOSPITAL. Referred to on Page 19 of the Report. Regulations enacted by the governors of George Ileriot's Hospital, upon the 13th day of October, 1631, as to the superintendence to be exercised over the boys at their leaving the institution and afterwards. 1. That a list be made up and submitted to the governors in the months of April and October, annually, (the periods of the election of new boys,) of tliose boys that are to leave the house in the June and December following, witJi a re- port from tiic house-governor applicable to each boy, of the progress in education he may have made, of his dispositions, and stating whether any and what parti- cular talent the boy may have shown. 2. That tlic parents or other relations of the boys that arc to leave the house in Jime and December, fchall be required to slate to the treasurer, for the infor- mation and approval of the governors, at least one month before these respective periods, what profession or trade each proposes tJiat tlie boy they are connected with shall follow — who is the master they propose to bind him to — the terms with the master — and, in particular, whether the master is willing to maintain the boy in his family ; and no boy shall be bound apprentice, or receive any appren- tice fee, unless the governors shall previously approve of the trade or profession, the terms, and master priposcd. 3. Should the master not undertake the charge and maintenance of the boy in his family, then the parents or other relations of each boy shall farther state with whom and by whom he is to remain and be maintained duririg his appren- ticeship; also for the information and approval of the governors. 4. That anntially, and before receiving payment of the apprentice fee, the mas- ters of the boys shall be required to give answers to the queries of which a copy ITERIOT S HOSPITAL. 645 is hereto annexed. First, for the information of the g-overnors, as to the dili- gence and conduct of the boy under his charge for tlie previous year; and if not in family with him, then tiie person with whom each boy stays shall, in like manner, be called upon to give answers to queries. Second, as to the boy's con- duct; and tiie boys themselves shall also annually be seen and examined upon the points or queries. Third, also hereto annexed; and it shall be made a con- dition in every indenture, that the master on the one hand, in the event of the boy's desertion, or being guilty of any flagrant act, and the boy on the other, in the event of his being turned away by his master, shall, within eight days, inti- mate the same to the treasurer of the hospital, otherwise each respectively shall forfeit all further allowance from the hospital. 5. That a record shall be kept, by the treasurer, of the boys so bound appren- tices, and with whom, and under, whose care each boy is to be during his ap- prenticeship, in which the preceding reports, or answers to queries, and any other facts, or circumstances which, during the course of the apprenticeship, may occur, relating either to the master or the boy, shall be engrossed; and which record shall, once a year at least, be laid before the governors, and at all times be open for their inspection. 6. That the allowance of £5 for clothes, made by the governors to the hoys at the end of their apprenticeship, or any other allowance which the governors may think proper to grant, shall be given or withheld, as the governors shall think proper, upon an examination of the record as above, and shall not be paid, as at present, upon the discharge of the indenture at its termination, by the master. 7. That the indenture to be entered into under the approval of the governors, shall contain the precise terms wliicli may have been agreed upon; and in place of taking the master bound, as at present, to maintain the boy, where he shall not agree to do so, then the person who is to have charge of him sliall, either in the indenture, or by a separate letter of obligation, undertake to the governors the proper discharge of that duty. No. IV. QUERIES BY THE GOVERNORS OF HERIOT'S HOSPITAL. Referred to on page 19 of the Reports, and in the foregoing articles of the Appendix. FIRST. Queries to be answered yearly by the masters of boys educated in George Heriot's Hospital, during their apprenticeships: 1. Is A. B., who went from George Heriot's Hospital to be your apprentice, still in your service; and, during the past year, has he ever deserted or been absent from your employment; and, if he has, when, for how long, and for what cause ? 2. How many hours is he engaged in your employment, and how are his re- maining hours, to the best of your knowledge, generally spent? 3. Docs he apply himself diligently to his business, and is he civil, faithful, G40 APPEXDIX. and oludirnt; and has he made such progress in liis business as was fairly to be expected of him? 4. Does he uniformly speak the truth, and are his associates proper com- panions? 5. When you have occasion to send liim out in the way of business, does he return without unnecessary loss of time? 6. If he resides in your family, does he submit to the order of your family, keep good hours, and regularly attend public worship, and in what church, and in other respects conduct himself properly? 7. Is he cleanly in his person, orderly in his habits, and is his behaviour in general quiet and discreet, and such as you approve? SECOND. Queries to be annually answered by the persons with wliom the boys reside, during the period of their apprenticeships: 1. Has A. B., who was educated in George Heriot's Hospital, been a boarder with you, and for how long? 2. Does he submit to the order of your family, and keep good hours; and how docs he spend the hours he is not engaged in his business? 3. Is he cleanly in his person, and orderly in his habits? 4. Does he uniformly speak the truth, and are his associates proper com- panions? 5. Does he regularly attend public worship, and in what church, and in other respects conduct himself properly, and in such a manner as you approve? THIRD. Queries to be annually put to the boys during their apprenticeships: 1. How many hours arc you engaged in your business daily, and how do you generally spend the remaining hours? 2. What books have you read during the past year, and in particular, are you in the habit of reading a portion of the Scriptures daily? 3. What church do you attend, and have you been regular in your attendance? 4. Have you prosecuted the studies you attended to in the hospital, and have you found any of these particularly useful to you in the business of life? 5. With whom have you resided since leaving the hospital, and have you found yourself comfortable with him? C. What has been the state of your heultli ^ No. V. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION AND TEXT-BOOKS. Referred to on parre 42 of the Report. A Course of Education for the Children of John Watson's Institution, Edin- burgh, proposed to the Directors by MrT Charles Marshall, head-master. Sixth Year of Ac;e. Alphabet, I.cnnie's liadder. Seventh Year of Age. Reading, Lennie's Ladder, Ses.sional Reading Book. Writing, on slates. Arith- HERIOT S HOSPITAL. G-17 Tiietic, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Tables. Eighth Year. Reading, Sessional School Book, New Testament. Writino-, on slates. Arith- 77ietic, Ground Rules. Geography, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Ninth Year. Reading, New Testament, First Collection, Thomson's Catechism. Writing, in copy-books. Arithmetic, Four Compound Rules and Reduction. Geography, Great Britain and Ireland. History, Modern. Tenth Year. Read- ing, First Collection, Bible, Shorter Catechism. Writing, in copy-books. Arith- metic, Simple and Compound Proportion. Geography, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. History, Scotland. Drawing, on slates. Eleventh Year. Reading, Bible, Second Collection, Proof Catechism, Grammar. Writing, in copy-books. Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions. Geography, Prussia, Denmark, and Germany. History, England. Drawing, Sketcliing with black lead. General Knowledge, Science of Sounds. Latin, Latin Rudiments and Delectus. Twelfth Year. Reading, Bible, M'Culloch's Collection, Proof Catechism, Grammar, English Composition. Writing, in Account-books. Arithmetic, Practice and Interest. Geography, France, Austria, Turkey in Europe, and Palestine. History, Ireland. Drawing, in water colours. General Knowledge, Mechanics, Optics, Zoology. Mathematics, Mensuration of Surfaces. Latin, Rudiments, Delectus, Cornelius Nepos, Turner's Exercises. Thirteenth Year. Reading, Bible, M'Culloch's Collection, Proof Catechism, Scripture, Biography, Grammar, Eng- lish Composition. Writing, in Account-book and Ornamental Writing. Arith- metic, Involution, Evolution, Exchange, Algebra. Geography, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal. History, France. Draioing, chalk and water colours. Gene- ral Knowledge, Chemistry, Pneumatics, Hydrostatics. Mathematics, Geometry, Mensuration of Solids, Heights, and Distances. Latin, Rudiments, Turner's Ex- ercises, Caesar, Ovid. Greek, Rudiments. Fourteenth Year. Reading, Bible, M'Culloch's Collection, Proof Catechism, Scripture Biography, Grammar, Eng- lish Composition. Writing, Ornamental Writing and Book-keeping, Algebra. Geography, Ancient. History, Ancient. Drawing, Maps, Landscapes, Figures. General Knowledge, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology, Mathematics, Practical Land Surveying, Latin, Rudiments, Mair's Introduction, Ovid, Virgil, Livy. Greeks Rudiments, New Testament. 018 APPENDIX. rt n P- :; o c; «^ Q o o '^ — J rt o E ~ri o o Vi '^ X' ■~ Q O §-J ^ I "^ ^^^ H ^ ^^^ :^ --^ P-i^.-, - 'l«J"J, C-. -r>T--r s n-rr-.TtZTT 1 •pio.L •^ T -T fa CJ C» (TJ ■^ CJ -TJ CJ -♦- •Pioj. '•- --. - .r - - -7 :? c:- r:-r^--T » •I^l'^J. ^''^' ^'i^'Z^' w H;'^' .^1 -CI -CI •I^J"X -0 lO »o O »0 «/: CO fa ^,-H „„^ ^ — -, H "" „^„ r-, ^ ^ >■ ^^ ^^_ '^^^ H rH •— t r-i r-i 1— t ,-i,-^ S I— 1 i-H .— ( 1— 1 I— 1 ,-H^r^ X.' •pioj. ^ri-« -^i-«<-tri ^'^'^' fa -^n-^* '^i-rri-c) -TI-CI-CI ii --I-C1 ^'^'^' ^ti —CI -«n ?. -:i-ct -«i-c«— ri .^ri- uo o . •-" Ui "m " T— 1 OJ 1-H r-1 1 — rt.SS '— ' g.1 c o o ;^ o ■-J o 1 CI c c ttw ""• ""^ "" '^ ^M m § K Ci o I— 1 t— f T-H 1 "r^ o o o .»^ 1-J W ^o I-H en o O *"• -t- ^_ . ^ -T< Ol o 0(N c I— 1 o O o o O O +-1 -.J -U +J ■«-> -t-J o CO i-t "* 03 i-l I— 1 "w r^ i^a c3 o o ^ — o c5" CO CS! O o "I& c^t:^ r— 1 ' — 1 "o o o o _o O O jr o o s *J -tS ^ CO -w +J G^f I— 1 '^ o ^ CO ^2 CJ 1— 1 ■rj <5 o ^ .^ 1 , J: M 02 >^ >^ b fcX) o O o o O r-^ ^ lO -4 -^ -MO -c LO i-2 r-i ^r^ f- -u ^ r3 1 2 o o i^ 22S o o o o o O O^ •*2£ 3-^2 -* ,^^,-^ .^v^ <-*-^-VJ /— N "^ .s ^ 1 2 i s5 «+-. o -1-^ o ' — ' a: fcJD r/3 bi ^ ^ c o » * .2 21- l^-^l (M "* "^ Ol CM O p^ o r o o ?- O o 3 O o .^ o .^ 3 -^ -^ 9 ■*^ "*^ y; 4-> c:^o a CJ CO fi^ -"£ 1-4 T-t •-^T— 1 ^_^ *"* --H t- o o c ■^ -f CJ o c:^ ^H 2 ^^^^ o HH 1— < S> K* i_l )_4 ^"^ K' r-* m 1 ^K ?:; S^ Scj'i-S :e^^-:.^ i:; :i -o o ^ CO T" 2 ^ = .1 Q "^.s: .1 o o s-5 |«--^2 . « OD = «^ g 'B •IS^J^ M =i i-, o o c !-< O M O i^5.Sg .^l?s- ^ i ejp^? 0-^T3 cJ s TS ^"i '^ S i. > ^• rrl ^ •g^ 2 ^- ^ § o - o ^3 s.; 2 3 o ,13 ^^ 1 P. j: o ri ool La -3 "3 Sch tions in th i g bjD w li § 1 11 •S^^c^i 5 c i^-3 ^ -^ 3 St5 %^ o o o ^o^^ S o X .^ .»^ -:5 ^ " 3 ^li ^^^^^^ > -^r"« '^'^ x/-' -i^ '^^i^ ^ pa M = 7> £ .1,1 p--^ 2- iq o I- -O •— 1 cr "^ "f CO ■§ S^Sq ^ r"> Kg ?x 82 050 APPENDIX. LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS USED AT IIERIOT'S HOSPITAL, EDIN- BURGU. English Department. Sessional School Books, Nos. 1 and 2, National School Collection, Stewart's History ol'^cotland, Ruddinian'.s Rudiments. The Cirammatical Text-books arc omitted as defective in the opinion of the teacher. Classiral Department. Eutropius, Selectee Latini, Mair's Introduction, Adams' Latin (Jrammar, Ovid or Virj,al, Horace, Anthologia, Dunbar's Urcek and English Grammar, Minora. House-Governor'' 8 Department. Guy's Geography, Portcous' Evidences, Watt-s' Catechism. Mathematics. The instruction is principally oral. Euclid's Elements. LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS USED AT GEORGE WATSON'S HOSPITAL, EDINBURGH. Enfrlish Department. First Class. Modern Geography of the Edinburgh Aca- demy, Stewart's English History, Simpson's Scotland, Lennie's English Gram- mar, Sessional School Collection, Stewart's Stories from the History of Scotland- Classical Department. Ruddiman's Rudiments, Eutropius, or Phaedrus' Fables,. CfBsar, Sallust, Virgil, Mair's Introduction, Dunbar's Greek Grammar, New Tes- tament, Xenophon. Mathematical Department. Davidson's Arithmetic. Rcid's Chemistry. TEXT-BOOKS USED IN THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF THE MADRAS COLLEGE, ST. ANDREWS. Lennie's A. B. C, Parts First and Second, Lennie's Ladder, Lennie's Sequel to the Ladder, Connel's Young Scholar's Companion, M'CuUoch's Introduction to his Course of Reading, Sessional School Collection, M'CuUoch's Course of Read- ing in Sciences, Scott's Beauties of Eminent Writers, History of England, (out- lines by a Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,) Campbell's (of Dundee) Collection, Thomson's (Dr. Andrew) Collection, Len- nie's English Grammar, Connel's Grammar, Parker's Elements of English Composition. Illustrations. Darton's Plates of Animals, (coloured,) Small Cabinet of Speci- mens of Metals, Ores, no t- 00 2 o 00 o 00 DO 2 DO o o o :r5 — o CJ 3 2 ?7 m 13 O O 1 £ 3 •0SI0I9X0 1 00 r-' ^ c^ l;^ •isoy o r-H 30 c^ t- crs 3 Xi oo' as 00 3^ 30 1 tt - t^ t- 00 pUTJ OSIOJO -xo ifnpoa CX5 t-^ CD 1-- 1—1 c^ •o o5 r^' (^5 -r.\ c: o cc' •^ -t- i-O t- 03 •^ o t^ t- -* rt< ^ to i^^ ^ C5 00 j-T •i^pms I-l -1- f:lt -{- G^ ^ ^ -\- ^ CJ o l.' io CO co' 0 00 •doois o lo 55 ci' - Ci s 00 ICO o 00 C5 .l. ^ •SOpTJJX o o o o -^ CJ o =h CO Tt O' 1 ^ o c 0 sjaX-G.ij-aoT l0dc!yS[T!3Jvi (7^ CO <71 -1-1 CO r-lM H" ?r (7J •-W1 rtt C^ CJ — r^ri =: 0 •S0SI0I0X9 -q-jo JO 'sDi; 1—1 o * - - - - OJ '-^ ^ - o o o •UOT^ -■B9J09y; -^ ■* ;.^' CO c^i CO ^^ CI -^ C\? = oT 1-H CO (T} 2 < 1 < o s 1 :: s 1 '3 3 :J ^ - 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 'i 5 0 3 c .2 1 C 3 K .2 c .2 o r 'o o 1 9 o I a" 1 c "H. 9 o o >> .1 o Ml c o .2 5 c c % o i c 3 « "o •-J p o c2 1 6 1 1 5 o 1 o Jit c 1 > >■ 73 ■J "o "3 1 V. il % 1 X — ■3 3 3" i fc/ 1 5 1 3 c - o -a c o K "be 3 cr II ■ £ 1 "u. i I X In making tliis tabic, I liavc not aimed at liqid exactness in the fractional parts of the hour employed in Cirtain occr.patiunt-, but believe that they are sufficiently minute for the comparison intended. or>(; APPENDIX. No. IX. BIBLE LESSONS AT THE MODEL INFANT SCHOOL OF THE GLASGOW EDUCATION SOCIETY. Referred to on po^re 1 GO. The plan of llic Bible lesson is thus sketched by INIr. Stow : "After a short parag^rapli is read, the cliildrcn ought to be exercised, first on the meaning of every word or term in tlie particular passage; next on the lead- ing points, and afterwards on the moral lesson which is naturally dedueiblc from it. If the premises arc well laid and understood, the children themselves will generally give the lesson. " The general plan pursued is not to tell or inform the pupils of any thing, which by analysis, comparison, or illustration they can he made to find out for themselves ; in other words, they arc trained, rather than taught, to think." * * * * * * * " Pictures ought to be used whenever practicable, and the whole resources of natural science brought to assist the elucidation of Scripture ; each point ought to be made a§ i)lain and vivid to the mind of the child as in a picture. Impor- tant associations and moral and religious lessons also to the young may be given from them. We have for the naturalist, the lion, Daniel in the lion's den. Lion of the tribe of Judah. The lamb, and the promises regarding the lion and the lamb, lying down in peace togctber. The serpent, deceitfulness. The kopard and tiger, cruelty, yet pretty skin. A dog to his vomit, and a sow that is washed to her wallowing in the m\rc, had Jiahits. The bee, in'hisiry ; witli lessons from a thousand other animate and inanimate objects. Sonutimcs they are conjoined in one illustration — 'As the hart panteth after the water- brooks, so panteth,' Sec. We have here the nature and situation of the hart — the water-brooks — the climate — tlic heat — the dust — the distant brooks — Uie panting. What is panting ? Why pant, &c. Pant is . . . Tlic botanist, the astronomer, the mineralogist, the moralist, may each exercise their powers of il- lustration respectively, on 'the lily of the valley,' 'rose of Siiaron,' 'sun stand- ing still at the bidding of Joshua,' 'Orion,' 'Pleiades,' and the 'morning star,' 'precious stones of the temple,' 'the pearl of great price,' 'Jonathan's love for I3avid his rival,' ' Absaloju's vanity, beautiful hair, and the cause of his death.' " As an example of the illustration of these principles, the f )llowing extract may sufllce. The lesson is upon the one hundredth and fiftieth Psalm. *^Ver8e 1. 'The Lord is my shepherd, I sh:dl not want.' Verse 2. 'He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside tlie still waters.' We shall take some of the principal words, and see if you can tell me their meaning. ' Lord,' is the first word ; but, as our limits permit us to give an exanjplo of only one or two words, or, at most, of the two first verses of this I'salm, wo shall take the tjccond word, which is more inuucdiatcly BIBLE EXERCISES. 657 connected with ^ pastures.^ Now, children, what is the meaning of the word shepherd? Takes care of sheep. The shepherd takes care of.. .sheep. Can you tell me what a herd means ? A hoy. No doubt, herds arc very frequently, per- haps most frequently, boys, but could not a girl be a herd as well as a boy? Yes. What is meant by a herd? The children arc silent. Suppose a boy or girl or a man took care of cows or cittle,' what would he be called ? Would he be called a shepherd? No. A man that herded cattle would be called a cattle... /terd. A shepherd, therefore, is one who takes care of... sheep. Now, children, can you tell me what pasture means? No, You don't know. Well, suppose you took a walk into the country, and saw a field with sheep or cows feeding in it, what would they be eating? Grass. What, then, do you think pasture means? Grass. What colour is grass ? It is green. What kind of pasture does the Psalmist say the shepherd leads his sheep to lie down in ? lie maketh them to lie down in green. . .pastures. Is grass always green, think you, children ? Yes. Did you ever see grass any other colour than green ? No. You never saw grass any other colour than green ? No. But, suppose, during a hot summer, when the sun is shining very bright for a long time, perhaps for six or eight weeks at a time, and no rain, what colour do you think the grass would be ? Brown. Then grass is not always green ? No, sir. It sometimes is... /vroi/jn. Whether do you think that sheep would like to eat green. . .^rass, which is full of... sap, or brown ...grass, that is \ery.,. dry? Green grass. Then you think that a good shep- herd will make his sheep to lie down in the green pastures or green... o^rass, in preference to where there is brown, dry,,. grass? Yes, Do you think, children, that the shepherd here spoken of will take them to a field where there will be plenty or scarcity to eat ? Let me make it a little plainer. The shepherd is said to make his sheep to lie down in green,.. pastures. If they had little to eat do you think that the sheep would lie down there ? No, they would run about seek- ing grass. Then, you think, they will have plenty when they are made to lie down in it? Yes. They 'shall not... too n«."' *#**#» No. X. Referred to on page 168. "READING DISENTANGLED," OR METHOD OF TEACHING TO READ USED IN THE LONDON INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY'S MODEL SCHOOL. The method of teaching to read, wliich is strongly recommended, after trial in this school, is an attempt to apply the phonic method of the Gorman schools to our language, so irregular in the sounds of the letters, and in their combinations into syllables and words. The consonants are taught first to be named by the sound most like that in combination, and, besides, arc classified into families. Pictures of objects, the names of which begin with the different consonants, arc used to impress Uicrn upon the child's memory. Next, the shapes of tlie conso- nants are given, and so described as to recal them by association, the large and small printed letters being taught separately. The children are next taught to 83 058 APPENDIX. form worda, by putting the cuiisonants before the vowels, beginning with the ehort sound of a. Next, before syllables beginning with the sliort sounds of e, t, 0, u, and y, when replacing i, with exercises upon the sound of vowels indiscriminately. The short sound in syllables followed by r. The placing of « at the end of words. More than one consonant before a vowel. Silent letters. The syllables ih and qu. Words ending with two consonants. The final sylla- bles, 6/p, «fcc. Words ending with 71^. The sound of c/«. Long vowels followed by a consonant. Long vowels followed by r. The diphthongs ou and au. Soft sound off. Diphthongs of oio and oy, and soft sound of ^. Diphthong ci. Sound of a after w, and some irregular v;ords. Diphthong et/, and some irregular words. No. XI. Referred to on page 307. REMARKS OF M. EMANUEL DE FELLENBERG, ON EDUCATION, VERIFIED BY HIS OBSERVATIONS AT IIOFWYL. " On the reception of a new pupil, our first object is to obtain an accurate knowledge of his individual character, with all its resources and defects, in order to aid in its farther development, according to the apparent intention of the Crea- tor. To this end, the individual independent activity of the pupil is o^ much greater importance tlian the ordinary, busy ofiiciousncss of many who assume the office of educators and teachers. They too often render the child a mere magazine of knowledge, collected by means purely mechanical, which furnishes him neither direction nor aid in the business of life. The more ill-digested knowledge a man thus collects, the more oppressive will be the burden to its possessor, and the more painful his helplessness. Instead of pursuing this course, we endeavour, by bestowing the utmost care upon the cultivation of tlie conscience, the understanding, and the judgment, to light up a torch in the mind of every pupil, which sliall enable him to observe his own character, and shall set in the clearest light all the exterior objects which claim his attention. "A great variety of exercises of the body and the senses are employed to pre. pare our pupils for tlie fulfilment of their destination. It i« by means of such exercises that every man should acquire a knowledge of his physical strength, and attain confidence with regard to those eftbrts of which he is capable, instead of that fool-hardiness which endangers the existence of many who have not learn- ed to estimate their own powers correctly. "All the various relations of space should be presented to the eye, to be ob- served and combined in the manner best adapted to form the coup d'oeil. In- struction in design renders us important service in this res|>cct — every one should thus attain the power of reproducing the forms he has observed, and of delinea- ting tliem with facility, and should learn to discover the beauty of forms, and to distinguish then» from their contrasts. It is only where the talent is remarkable that the attempt should be made to render the pupil an artist. REMARKS OF M. FELLEPTBERG ON EDUCATION'. 659 " Tlie cultivation of the car by means of vocal and instrumental music is not less important to complete the development of the human being. The organs of speech, the memory, the understanding, and the taste, should be formed in the same manner by instruction, and a great variety of exercises in language, vocal music, and declamation. The same means should also be employed to cultivate and confirm devotional feelings. " In the study of natural history the power of observation is developed in re- ference to natural objects. In the history of mankind the same faculty is em- ployed upon the phenomena of human nature and human relations, and the moral taste is cultivated, at the same time the faculty of conceiving with correctness, and of employing and combining with readiness, the materials collected by the mind, and especially the reasoning faculty, should be brought into exercise, by means of forms and numbers, exliibitcd in their multiplied and varied relations. " The social life of our pupils contributes materially to the formation of their moral character. The principles developed in their experience of practical life among themselves, which gradually extends with their age and the progress of their minds, serves as the basis of this branch of education. It presents the ex- amples and occasions necessary for exhibiting and illustrating tlte great princi- ples of morals. According to the example of Divine Providence, we watch over this little world in which our pupils live and act, with an ever vigilant, but often invisible care, and constantly endeavour to render it more pure and noble. " At the same time that the various improvements of science and art are applied to the benefit of our pupils, their sound religious education should be continually kept in view in every branch of study; this is also the object of a distinct series of lessons, which generally continue through the whole course of instruction, and whose influence is aided by the requisite exercises of devotion. " By the combination of means I have described, we succeed in directing our pupils to the best methods of pursuing their studies independently ; we occupy their attention, according to their individual necessities and capacities, with philo- logy, the ancient and modern languages, the mathematics, and their various modes of application, and a course of historical studies, comprising geography, statistics, and political economy."* Moral Education. -^ The example of the instructor is all important in moral education. The books which are put into the pupils hands are of great influence. The pupil must be constantly surrounded with stimulants to good actions in order to form his habits. A new institution should be begun with so small a number of pupils, that no one of them can escape the observation of the educator and his moral influence. The general opinion of the pupils is of high importance, and hence should be carefully directed. Intimate intercourse between pupils and their educators begets confidence, and is the strongest means of moral education. TJie * Extract from a published letter oflM. de Fellenberg to Lady Byron. t The remarks in this and the succeeding sections are abstracts from the ac- count of Hofwyl, by our countryman W. C. Woodbridge, or from Conversations with M, de Fellenberg. 000 AITENDIX. educator must be able to command himself — his conduct must be firm and just; frequent reproofs from such are more painful to the pupil than punishment of a momentary sort. Wliile influences tending directly to lead the pupil astray should be removed from the school, he nmst be lct\ to the action of the ordinary circumstances of life, that his character may be developed accordingly. The pupil should be led as far as possible to correct his faults by perceiving the consequences of them; the good or bad opinion of his preceptor and comrades arc important means of stimulation. Exclusion from amusements, public notice of faults,* and corporal punishment, are all admissible. Solitary confinement is efficacious as a punish- ment. Rewards and enmlation are unnecessary as motives. Religion and morality are too intimately connected to admit of separation in the courses inculcating them. The elementary part of such a course is equally applicable to all sects. No good is to be derived from employing the pupils as judges or juries, or giving them a direct share in awarding punishment for offences. It is apt to elevate the youth too much in liis own conceit. Family life is better adapted, than any artificial state of society within an insti- tution, to develope the moral sentiments and feelings of youth. Intellectual Education. A system of prizes, or emulation, and the fear of pun- ishment, do not afford the strongest motives to intellectual exertion. Experience shows that places in a class may be dispensed with. It is possible to develope a taste for knowledge, a respect and attachment for teachers, and a sense of duty which will take the place of any lower motive in inducing the requisite amount of study. In the higher departments of instruction it is better to confine the task of the teacher to giving instruction merely, placing the pupil under the charge of a spe- cial educator, ^i times when he is not engaged in the class-room. With the other, and more usual branches of instruction, correct ideas of natu- ral history and phenomena should be communicated to children, and require, first, that they shall be duly trained to observation by calling the observing fa- culties into frequent exercise. Second, that they shall be made acquainted with the elements of natural history, especially in reference to familiar objects. Third, that the most familiar phenomena of nature, such as thunder and lightning, the rainbow, &.c.; and further, the most simple principles of mechanic arts, trades, &c., should be explained to them. Fourth, they should be taught to draw, in connexion with the other instruction. Accuracy of conception is favoured by drawing, and it is a powerful aid to the memory. The most important principles of physiology, and their application to the preservation of health, siiould form a part of the instruction. Physical Education. Pure air, a suitable diet, regular exercise and repose, and a proper distribution of time, are tlie principal means of physical education. It * This, however, violates another i)rincijilo, which is to allow no punishment of a humiliatinjT sort. REMARKS OF THE REV. DR. ARNOLD. 6G1 is as essential that a pupil leave his studies during the time appropriated to relaxa- tion as that he study during the hours devoted to that purpose. Voluntary ex- ercise is to be encouraged by providing suitable games, by affording opportuni- ties for gardening, and by excursions, and by bathing. Regular gymnastic exer- cises should be insisted on as the means of developing the body; a liealthy action of the bodily frame has an important influence on both mind and morals. Music is to be considered as a brancli of physical education, having powerful mo- ral influences. The succession of study, labour, musical instruction, or play, should be carefully attended to. The hours of sleep should be regulated by the age of the pupil. No. XII. Referred to on page 400 of this Report. REMARKS OF THE REV. DR. ARNOLD, ON THE STUDY OF CLASSICS AND OF HISTORY.* " It may freely be confessed that the first origin of classical education affords in itself no reasons for its being continued now. When Latin and Greek were aJmost the only written languages of civilized man, it is manifest that they must have furnished the subjects of all liberal education. The question therefore is wholly changed, since the growth of a complete literature in other languages; since France, and Italy, and Germany, and England, have each produced their philosophers, their poets, and their historians, worthy to be placed on the same level with those of Greece and Rome. " But although there is not the saine reason now which existed three or four centuries ago for the study of Greek and Roman literature, yet there is another no less substantial. Expel Greek and Latin from your schools,t and you confine the views of the existing generation to themselves and their immediate predeces- sors: you will cut off" so many centuries of the world's experience, and place us in the same state as if the human race had first come into existence in tlie year 1500. For it is nothing to say that a few learned individuals might still study classical literature; the effect produced on the public mind would be no greater than that which has resulted from the labours of our oriental scholars; it would not spread beyond themselves, and men in general, after a few generations, would know as little of Greece and Rome as they do actually of China and Hindostan. But such an ignorance would be incalculably more to be regretted. With the Asiatic mind we have no nearer connexion or sympathy than that which is de- rived from our common humanity. But the mind of the Greek and of the Roman is in all the essential points of its constitution our own ; and not only so, but it is our own mind developed to an extraordinary degree of perfection. Wide as is the difference between us with respect to those physical instruments which mi- nister to our uses or our pleasures; although the Greeks and Romans had no * From the London Journal of Education, Vol. VII. t Of course the secondary schools are here alluded to. (A. D. B.) G02 APPENDIX. stcam-cnrrlnoR, no printinof-prcsscs, no mariner's compass, no telescopes, no mi- croscopes, no punpowdcr, yet in our moral and political views, in those matters which most determine human character, there is a perfect resemblance in these respects. Aristotle, and Plato, and Thucydides, and Cicero, and Tacitus, arc most untruly called ancient writers; they arc virtually our own countrymen and contemporaries, but have the advantage which is enjoyed by intelligent travel- lers, that their observation has been exercised in a field out of the reach of com- mon men; and that having thus seen in a manner with our eyes what we cannot sec for ourselves, their conclusions arc such as bear upon our own circumstances, while their information has all the charm of novelty, and all the value of a mass of new and pertinent facts, illustrative of the great science of the nature of civi- lized man. " Now when it is said, that men in manhood so often throw their Greek and Latin aside, and that this very fact shows the usclcssncss of their early studies, it is much more true to say that it shows how completely the literature of Greece and Home would be forgotten if our system of education did not keep up the knowledge of it. But it by no means shows that system to be useless, unless it followed, that when a man laid asir'e his Greek and Latin books he forgot also all that he had ever gained from them. This, however, is so far from being the case, that even where the results of a classical education arc least tangible, and least appreciated, even by the individual himself, still the mind often retains much of the effect of its early studies in the general liberality of its tastes and compa- rative comprehensiveness of its views and notions. "All this supposes, indeed, that classical instruction should be sensibly conduct- ed ; it requires that a classical teacher should be fully acquainted with modem history and modern literature, no less than with those of Greece and Rome. What is, or perhaps what used to be, called a mere scholar, cannot possibly com- municate to his pupils the main advantages of a classical education. The know- lodge of the past is valuable, because without it our knowledge of the present and of the future must be scanty;' but if the knowledge of the past be confined wholly to itself, if, instead of being made to bear upon things around us, it be totally iso- lated from them, and so disguised by vagueness and misapprehension as to ap- pear incapable of illustrating them, then indeed it becomes little better Ihau laborious trifling, and they who declaim against it may be fully forgiven. "To select one instance of this perversion, what can be more absurd than the practice of what is called construing Greek and Latin, continued as it often is even with pupils of an advanced age? The study of Greek and Latin, consi- dercd as mere languages, is of importance, mainly as it enables us to understand and employ well that language in which we commonly think, and speak, and write. It does this because Greek and Latin are speciiucns of language at once highly perfect and incapable of being understood without long and minute atten- tion: the study of them, therefore, naturally involves that of the general princi- plcH of grammar: while their peculiar excdienres illustrate the points which ren- der language clear, and forcible, and beautiful. But our application of this general knowledge must naturally be to our own language ; to show us wliat arc REMARKS OF THt: REV. DR. ARNOLD. 6G3 its peculiarities, what its beauties, what its defects ; to teach us by the patterns or the analogies offered by other lantruagcs, how the effect which we admire in them may be produced with a somewhat different instrument. Every lesson in Greek or Latin may and ought to be made a lesson in English; the translation of every sentence in Demosthenes or Tacitus is properly an exercise in extemporaneous English composition; a problem, how to express with equal brevity, clearness, and force, in our own language, the thought which the original author has so admirably expressed in his. But the system of construing, far from assisting, is positively injurious to our knowledge and use of English; it accustoms us to a tame and involved arrangement of our words, an^ to the substitution of foreign idioms in the place of such as arc national; it obliges us to caricature every sentence that we render, by turning what is, in its original dress, beautiful and na- tural, into something which is neither Greek nor English, stiff, obscure, and flat, exemplifying all the faults incident to language, and excluding every excellence. " The exercise of translation, on the other hand, meaning, by translation, the expressing of are entire sentence of a foreign language by an entire sentence of our own, as opposed to the rendering separately into English either every sepa- rate word, or at most only parts of the sentence^ whether larger or smaller, the exercise of translation is capable of furnishing improvement to students of every age, according to the measure of their abilities and knowledge." ******* " This favourite notion of filling boys with useful information is likely, we think, to be productive of some mischief. It is a caricature of the principles of inductive philosophy, which, while it taught the importance of a knowledge of facts, never imagined that this knowledge was of itself equivalent to wisdom. Now it is not so much our object to give boys ' useful information,' as to facili- tate their gaining it hereafter for themselves, and to enable them to turn it to account when gained. The first is to be effected by supplying them on any sub- ject with a skeleton which they may fill up hereafter. For instance, a real know- ledge of history in after life is highly desirable; let us see how education can best facihtate the gaining of it. It should begin by impressing on a boy's mind the names of the greatest men of different periods, and by giving him a notion of their order in point of time, and the part of the earth on which they lived. This is best done by a set of pictures bound up together in a volume, such, for instance, as those which illustrated Mrs. Trimmer's little histories, and to which the writer of this article is glad to acknowledge his own early obligations. Nor could bet- ter service be rendered to the cause of historical instruction than by publishing a volume of prints of universal history, accompanied with a very short descrip- tion of each. Correctness of costume in such prints, or good taste in the draw- ing, however desirable, if they can be easily obtained, are of very subordinate importance: the great matter is that the print should be striking, and full enough to excite and to gratify curiosity. By these means a lasting association is ob- tained with the f^reatest names in history, and the most remarkable actions of their lives: while their chronological arrangement is learnt at the same time from the order of the pictures; a boy's memory being very apt to recollect the GGl APPENDIX. place which a favourite print holds in a volume, whether it comes towards the be^fi lining-, middle, or end, what picture comr's before it, and what follows it. Such pictures should contain as much as possible the poetry of history: tiie most strikinjr cliaracters, and most heroic actions, whether of doinj^ or of sutfering ; but they should not embarrass themselves with its philosophy, with the causes of revolutions, the progress of society, or ihc merits of great political questions. Their use is of another kind, to make some great namL, and great action of every period, familiar to the mind; that so in taking up any more detailed history or biography, (and education should never forget the importance of preparing a boy to derive benefit from his accinental reading,) he may have some association with the subject of it, and may not feel himself to be on ground wholly unknown to him. He may thus be led to open volumes into which he would otherwise have never thought of looking: he need not read them through — indeed, it is sad folly to re- quire either man or boy to read through every book tliey look at, but he will see what is said about such and such persons or actions; and then he will learn by the way something about other persons and other actions, and will have his stock of associations increased, so as to render more and more information acceptable to him. " After this foundation, the object still being rather to create an appetite for knowledge than to satisfy it, it would be desirable to furnish a boy with histories of one or two particular countries, Greece, Rome, and England for instance, writ- ten at no great length, and these also written poetically much more than philo- sophically, with much liveliness of style, and force of painting, so as to excite an interest about the persons and things spoken of. The absence of all instruction in politics or political economy, nay, even an absolute erroneousness of judgment on such matters, provided always that it involves no wrong principle in morality, are comparatively of slight importance. Let the boy gain, if possible, a strong appetite for knowledge to begin with; it is a later part of education which should enable him to pursue it sensibly, and to make it, when obtained, wisdom." % # * * * * * " Sujiposing a boy to possess that outline of general history which his prints and his abridgments will have given him, with his associations, so far as they go, strong and lively, and his desire of increased knowledge keen, the next thing to be done is to set him to read some first-rate historian, whose mind was formed in, and bears the stamp of some period of advanced civilization, analogous to that in which wc now live. In other words, he should read Thucydides, or Tacitus, or any writer equal to them, if such can be found, belonging to the third period of full civilization, that of modern Europe since the middle aoes. The particular subject of the history is of little moment, so long as it be taken neither from the barbarian, nor from the romantic, but from the philosophical or civilized stage of human society; and so long as the writer be a man of commanding mind, who has fully imbibed the influences of his age, yet without bearing its exclusive im- press. And the study of such a work, under an intelligent teacher, becomes in- deed the key of knowledge and of wisdom : first, it affords an example of good historical evidence, and hence the pupil may be taught to notice, from time to REMARKS OF THE REV. DR. ARNOLD. 665 time, the various criteria of a credible narrative, and, by tlio rule of* contraries, to observe what are the indications of a testimony questionable, suspicious, or worthless. Undue scepticism may be repressed by showing how generally truth has been attained when it has been lioncstly and judiciously sought; while cre- dulity may be checked by pointing out, on the other hand, how manifold are the errors into which those are betrayed whose intellect or whose principles have been found wanting. Now, too, the time is come when the pupil may be intro- duced to that high philosophy which unfolds ' the causes of things.' The history with which he is engaged presents a view of society in its most advanced state, when the human mind is highly developed, and the various crises which affect the growth of the political fabric are all overpast. Let him be taught to analyze the subject thus presented to him ; to trace back institutions, civil and religious, to their origin ; to explore the elements of the national character, as now exhibit- ed in maturity, in the vicissitudes of the nation's fortune, and the moral and physical qualities of its race; to observe how the morals and the mind of the peo- ple have been subject to a succession of influences, some accidental, others regu- lar; to see and remember what critical seasons of improvement have been ne- glected, what besetting evils have been wantonly aggravated by wickedness or folly. In short, the pupil may be furnished, as it were, with certain formula?, which shall enable him to read all history beneficially; which shall teach him what to look for in it, how to judge of it, and how to ap])ly it. " Education will thus fulfil its great business, as far as regards the intellect, to inspire it with a desire of knowledge, and to furnish it with power to obtain and to profit by what it seeks for."* No. XIII. ORPHAN STATISTICS. By the instructions of the Scholastic Committee,! I was directed to collect all the information possible in regard to the proportion, in number, of orphans to the rest of tiie community. On this subject I found it impossible to obtain satisfac- tory data, except in a few cases. Even where statistical inquiries have been pur- sued with considerable minuteness, this subject does not appear to have formed a part of them. The information which I have to present is too meagre to per- rait any general inferences, other than that the proportion of destitute orphan children to the rest of the community, is exceedingly variable in different coun- tries, and even in diflerent districts of the same country. The orphan establishment of the duchy of Saxe- Weimar is administered as a branch of the government, and the details in regard to it arc known with great minuteness. The report of this department! for 1837, shows that tiierc were 423 * It would be most desirable tiiat a series of text-books should be prepared according to this plan, which is as successful in jjractice as consonant with sound theory. (A. D. B.) t Sec p. vi. of the Preface to this Report. t For which I am indebted to tiic director, Dr. Kohler, 84 «G0 APPENDIX. orphan children between Ihc ajjcs of about «ix and fourteen years, receiving aid. Under this title arc included children who have lost botJi parents, or who have lost their father, the mother remaining a widow, and children deserted by their fathers. Of the total number, 211 were orphan boys, 206 girls, and 6 were children deserted by their fathers. Of the 211 boys, IGG were fatherless, and 45 had lost both parents; and of the 200 girls, 161 were fatherless, and 12 had lost both parents. The population of the duchy of Saxc.Weimar was, in 1837, about 2.'j0,000, so that the destitute orphans of both sexes formed about .17 per cent, of the population, and the destitute orphan boys about .086 per cent At the same time, the number of orphans receiving aid in the town of Weimar was 33, which, in a population of 12,000, was .275 per cent., or more than once and a-half the proportion for the duchy at large. The statistics coming next to tliesc in point of minuteness, which I was able to procure, arc from the canton of Zurich, in Switzerland.* These give, in 1836, for 231,574 inhabitants, 3,731 orphans of both sexes, the term orphan be- ing understood as in Weimar, and tiie census including children from infancy to about sixteen years of age. The city of Zurich, with a population of 14,243, had, at the same time, 229 orphans. Thus the country communes, with a po- pulation of 217,331, gave assistance to 2,636 orphan children, or 1.21 per cent., and the city of Zurich to 141, or .99 per cent. I have not the means of com- puting exactly the number of orphans below five years and over fourteen, in- cluded in this estimate, so as to compare it with the statement for the duchy of Saxc-Weimar, but adopting an approximate estimate, the number of destitute or- phans in the canton of Zurich to every one hundred inhabitants, appears to be between four and five times as great as the number, between the same years, in the duchy of Weimar. The director of the Orphan-house at Stuttgard gave me 1600, as the number of orphan children to be provided for in Wurtemberg, from six years up to fourteen or fifteen. Tiiis number gives, in the whole population of 1,400,000, almost .115 per cent. This proportion is somewhat lower than that for Weimar. In the absence of more correct data, I endeavoured to obtain the probable num- ber of destitute orphan boys in Edinburgh, by summing up the numbers in the difTerent hospitals and the Charity Work-house. Edinburgh is so well provided with educational charities, nearly all of which give a preference, in their admis- sions, to orphans, that it is not at all probable that many destitute orphan children are without this pale. The summation of the numbers obtained, as above stated, gives 272 for the number of male ori)hans supported by the public, using the word ori)han in the same sense as hitherto, and the age being between six and fifteen years. The population of Edinburgh is about 176,000, which would give nearly .155 per cent, as the number of orphan boys supported in the charitable estab- lishments of the city. The corresponding projiortion for the town of Weimar is .137 jKir cent., and for the town of /urieli, .495 per cent. • Kindly fijrnished to me by FJurgomaster Hess. 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