G A M U T, ■CONTAINING THE EUDIMENTS OU $LV3L i> 3 C. ^ Staunton : Printed by If ARTHUR & COURTNEY. Oppoiice Mr. James EJmondfon's &)& ^ Tavern. •' ^ M^^^-,. £®^ Treble and Tenor; n r- >: D- c B- A G- * C J' E- J) C" B A- G F- A- G V J - E a G ±>- A L»- Counter. Bafs fol — faw hiw -fol faw — mi law -Col faw _ la^,v -fol law — law fol " faw ti.i - aw fol -iuw — law fol — faw law — fo! faw — roi law Rules to find the mw i When there is neither flat nor (harp at the beginning of a tune, B E A £> G F C .-G D mi is in 2 If B be .flat, mi -is in 3 If B and E, mi is in '• 4 If B, E and A. mi is in '5 If B, B, A and D, mi is in 6 If F be tharp, mi Js in 7 If F arid C, mi is in '8 If F, C and G, mi is in 9 If F, C, G and D, mi is in The order of the Note*. Dcfcendint Afcending ) V * 4 W. ^ % t Example fi*fl: Characters. Explanations. Flat, £> Sinks a note half a tone Sharp, ft- Raifes a note half a tone Natural fer Reftores it io its primitive found - Brace, Q Shews how many parts are fang together 0v ^=.,Five lin^swith their foace>on which mn- Stave, — - ' .... < ' CTZ iic is written . Ledger line — Is added when notes afccnd or defcend beyond the {lave Slur, < ** Shows what notes are fung to one fyllable Chafing notes r _SL- Either may be fur.g but notboth by '.he fame voice Clofc. 1 Shews the e/ui of the tunc. \ 3 -i Notes or marks of Refts or marks cf found. fiience. Semibreve (/ Minim £ ff Crotchet Quaver 1 J . 1 J> Semibreve reft Minim reft Crotchet reft Quaver reft -J- Semiquaver « / Semiquaver reft -3~ Demifemio^iaver* f Demifemiqr. reft -^t- i Ear reft. / 2 Bars. 4 Bars. Proportion of the Notes. One Q Semibreve is equal to 1 Two fj O Minims, four f t' T 7 , Crotchets, VI hi I « t**i n S 1 1 1 f Quavers, Thirty twp^^gjggg^^S^^Demifemiq'rs. The refts are in the fame proportion, except the femibreve, which fills a bar in all moods of time. Dot, or . At the light hand of a note, adds to it Point, . half its length. Figure, 3 Shows that each of the three notes is one third of a beat. Repeat :S: Shows the tunc is fung again, from that note to a double bar or clofe. F.gures, j, a Shows that the note under 1, h funj the firft time, and that under a the fecond; if flurred, both are fung the fecond time. Double bar || Shows when to repeat. Single b.ar J Divides the tims according to the meafure note, Common time Moods. Firft, (__ Contains one femibreve or its quantity, between each (Ingle bar, and four beats, two down and two up. Second, ^£_ Contains one femibreve and four beats. bfew and tw o beats, one down and one up. Third, j Contains on* fe*ni Fourth, 2 Contains* one to minim,«iid two beats. Tripplt time Mood; Firft, 3 Contains three minims in each bar, and three beats, two down 2 and one up. Second, 3 Contains three chrotchets, and three beats. 4 Third, g Contains three quavers, znd three beats. Compound Moods. Firft, 6 Contains fix crotchets in each bar, and two beats, one down 4 and one up. Second, „ Contains fix quavers and two beats. N. B- The hand falls at the beginning of e^ery bar in all moods of time. Driving notes, are rhofe driven through the bar, or cut of their proper order Lt. ths bar. % A SCAts *to fiiow. the pitch of the parts. Keys. The lafl note in the b;ifs is the key note, which is the firft note above oi below the mi. if abo-.v, it is a lliarp key, if below a fiat key. Sharp key. Flat key. J- £ iOckrU* ^ H .^ X r T r , l r . | , PT 1 l^^ yT i U y.J, — £~z TZ .. J ~ j c ! 1 . ... J JL- 't i. it . — i — J^JL t M — - i , .wt,.-14 — *~ i r * i^i^ i, --^- . ..t . » ■ *. -,.- ... i — *j_* — . ... .i i ii - — '-'■■■ ■ 1 1 i j , i .-■ ■' ' i . i ,. ■ i i. i ■ i i i iii ii i m ■- * ^ y 181111 mi4bp|rfppaife ■ " ■ ■ ■ ^ ** » - .!.■! i «i i [. » i . .i .. « ». i n i« » i i 1 1 ■ ) ~V fyVrfat'V*-' m ■ ■ ■! r . .1. - - i i \ pd \ >ih\A 'W \m^T\ - W^W^Wn\Wl ^ / » •• fgns. mmnhu^ ivai^m n «\ ? sgi i , • ■£*<£<■/&&. if^fL ^^^b^fe^^p^^^^i^PMSgfi .49 i rfk^T?**' •***5g§= iMW o • i ■ - ■ - oil ^ ^ I • ••• J ^ _ T7 T ^«?< * ^itffi*/". Vjfs i