1 -&. yll^-^^- 1 1 1 • PRINCETON, N. J Wie.sr»/n//y. Y\ . YY\\Avm^A . ' :::"#S$^ Sktif. A^uinii^ >' THE CHRISTIAN DITTY OF OHHISTLAJT IVOiyiEN. DELIT£R£D IN THE CHURCH OF PRINCETON, NEW-JERSEV, AUGUST 2a, 1826, BEFORE TH£ Princeton jFewjile Sbotietfi, FOR THE SUPPORT OF A rEMALE SCHOOL IN INDIA. BY ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. PUBLISHED AT THE BEQUEST OF THE SOCIETY PRATED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY JD. Jl. BORRF^\'STEL\ THE CHRISTIAN DUTY OF MARK XIV. 8. First part. ''SHE HATH DOJVE WHAT SHE COULD.—' These words are found in the narrative of a very inter- esting incident in the life of our blessed Redeemer. Six days bcfoi'e the Jewish Passover at which he entered on his last sufferings, a supper, or festival entertainment, was made for him, at Bethany ; a village in the environs of Jerusalem, frequently mentioned in the evangelical his- tory, and particularly memorable as the residence of La- zarus, whom he raised from the dead. The supper was made at the house of one Simon, a leper : who, it is high- ly probable, had been cleansed by tiie miracidous power of Christ. Lazarus was a guest, at this entertainment, which some suppose was made, either wholly or in part, at his exj)enso ; and his sisters, Martha and JNlary, were both present. With her characteristick activity, Martha served at the supper-table ; and Mary with her wonted reverential luve to her J^ord and Redeemer, and animated, no doubt, with the liveliest gratitude for the interposition of his almighty power, in calling her beUn-ed brother from the tomb, gave him on this occasion a signal expression ol her sense of obligation, and of the high estimation in wliich she wished that others should hohl him. She had made preparation for this expression of her gratitude and love. 4 by procuring an Alabaster box of the most costly and fra- grant ointment, such as was then used about the persons of individuals the most distinguished by birth or office ; that with this she might anoint her benefactor, whom she alsoi knew to be the long expected Messiah, the Prince of peace. His recumbent attitude, then always in use, at the supper table, was peculiarly favourable to her design. Approaching him in this reclining posture, she broke the box of liquid Nard, and poured it first on his head, and afterwards on his body and his feet. And then, while the house was filled with the odour of the ointment, this holy devoted woman kneeled at the feet of Jesus, and wiped them with the flowing tresses of her hair — Christian sisters — Are you not tempted to envy your sister Mary ? To envy the opportunity she had to express in this striking and affecting manner, her humble, ardent attachment, to your common and adored Redeemer ? Envy not but imi- tate her. Opportunities still occur to express love and gratitude to your unseen Saviour, by acts as acceptable to him as that of Mary was ; and which he will ere long, ac- knowledge and reward before the assembled universe. Who would expect that any disciple of Christ could have disapproved of the testimonial of reverence and es- teem, which he received from the sister of Lazarus. Who would not rather expect, that the whole company must have seen it with delight, and have applauded the happy ingenuity by which it had been devised, and the lovely enthusiasm — shall I not call it ? — with which the device was executed. But it was not so. Judas was among the guests. He, it has commonly been believed, had been ap- pointed the purse-bearer of tlie holy family, from his re- puted integrity, care and capacity, in the management of pecuniary concerns. His opinion, therefore, on a point of economy, especially when that which might be saved, was to be given to the poor, wouW naturally have much weight with his fellow apostles ; knowing, too, as they well did, that their Master had never affected worldly honours, nor required any extraordinary expenditure, for his own gratification. They, therefore, joined in the murmuring, which began with Judas — not suspecting that he was hypocrite, thief and traitor all in one ; and that he only wished that the " Three Hundred pence" (about fifty dollars of our money) for which "the ointment might have been sold," should have been added to the common stock, that he might carry off a richer prize, when he should ab- scond with the whole ; which, it appears, he had, about this time determined to do — Not in the least suspecting any thing of all this, the other disciples were influenced by the suggestions of a base and wicked avarice, to join m the murmur, that there had been, on the part of Mary, a profligate waste of property, which might have been ap- plied to a better purpose. The whole of this murmuring, Christian friends, both in its origin and tendency, was in my apprehension ex- ceedingly like the complaints which we have lately heard, from certain quarters, that much money is wasted — is wan- tonly and foolishly thrown away — in professed attempts to honour Christ by sending his gospel to the heathen and the Jews. But the Saviour vindicated Mary, and reproved licr calumniators. Her views of duty, dictated by her liberal spirit, and her warm and generous heart, were far more correct than their calculatinj; and cold blooded reasonins" on the subject. The Saviour reminded them, that every duty must have its proper time and place. The poor the}' would always have with them, and would never be with- out an opportunity to show them kindness, "but me, said he, ye have not always." — His departure from them was now just at hand, and whatever tokens of their regard he- was to receive, must be speedily bcstownd, or the oppor- 6 tunily for bestowing them would be past forever. It is not probable, indeed, that Mary, any more than the apos- tles, supposed that Christ, before the expiration of that very week, was to suffer the death of crucifixion. It was the ardour of her affectionate reverence for her Lord, which prompted her to do what she had done. But she had done what was right in itself; and the overruling providence of God had so ordered it, that this honourable anointing of the sacred person of the Messiah, should take place im- mediately before he was cut off — " She hath done, (said he) what she could ; she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying." As if he had said — "Others are about to insult and despise me, and to put me to an infamous and painful death ; but she hath done what she could for my gratification, and to show me honour and respect ; and let her not be blamed for this — The anointing of the dead is indeed attended with considerable expense. But would you grudge such an expense to my dead body ? My ene- mies would not permit Mary to do what has occasioned this cost, after my decease ; and God hath therefore put it into her heart to anoint me aforehand." Nor did the Sa- viour content himself, with simply justifying this noble and affectionate expression of Mary's attachment and de- votedness. He went farther in his commendation of it than he ever went — so far as we are told — in approving any other act of kindness or respect that was shown to his person. He declared that wherever his Gospel should be preached in the vvhule world, and to the end of time^ this deed of Mary should be told as an honourable memorial of her. Accordingly we find, in fact, that although the ac- tion is apparently not of the greatest importance, in the history of our Lord, and very many of his own acts, as St. John informs us, are not recorded at all, yet this deed of Mary is circumstantially narrated by three of the evangel- ists. And it is a delightful thought that after the lapse of near twenty centuries, and at the distance of half the cir- cumference of the globe from the place where the predic- tion was uttered, I am this moment contributing my mite to its verification. Do we not learn from all this, that when, from real and fervent love to Christ, we do what we can to serve and glorify him, he marks it with the most peculiar approba- tion, and will confer on it the most distinguished reward ? "She hath done what she could" — It seems to be a legitimate inference from these words, a general proposi- tion which they will fairly support, that Christian women ought to do all that they can, to manifest their love to the Saviour and their desire to do him honour. For who will say that others ought not to do as Mary did } Few, it is believed, except avowed infidels, will deny the truth of this doctrine, when proposed in the abstract form in which it is here stated. Yet when we come to examine it in de- tail, and to apply it to practice, we find that opinion is by no means uniform, even among professing Christians. We propose, therefore, in the sequel of this discourse, to endeavour to ascertain and state, what Christian wo- men may do ; and ivhat they may not do ; in manifes- ting their love to Christ, and their desire to do him honour. It may be proper just to remark, in a preliminary way, that genuine love to Christ, and a rational desire to do him honour, vvill always manifest themselves in earnest endea- vours to render the Redeemer precious in the estimation of others. — In using all proper means to propagate the knowledge of his glorious person, of his excellent doctrines, of his great salvation, of the obligations which sinners owe him, and of tiie absolute necessity of their embracing for themselves his offered mercy, as the only sure ground of their hope for eternity. It is by thus doing that we com- ply with our Lord's own directions on this subject. "Herein (said he) is my Father glorified that ye bear 8 much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples — If ye love me, keep my commandments — Feed my sheep, feed my lambs — In as much as ye did it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto me." Let it be remembered then, that our Saviour is identified with his religion ; and that to love, to promote, or to adorn the religion of Christ, is to express love to himself and to honour him before the world. Our representations and language, in the discussion before us, will be in conformity with this remark. In prosecuting our purpose, as already stated, we may find it advantageous to consider — I. The negative part of our subject, namely, what Christian women may not do, in manifesting their love to their Saviour, and their desire to do him honour. It is plainly intimated in the text, that Mary's efforts to honour her Redeemer, were limited. When it is said, ** she hath done what she could," the implication is obvi- ous, that she would have done more if more had been in her power — if propriety would have permitted, or if means and opportunity had not been wanting. By what circum- stances and considerations, then, were her efforts limited ? In the first place, I answer. By the bounds prescribed to her by her sex itself. Happy is that woman who al- ways finds that she cannot do, what it is improper for her to do as a woman ; whose whole mind and feelings are so set against whatever misbecomes her, that she experi- ences a fortunate incapacity to attempt it. The Saviour, to whom Christian women are to manifest their attachment, is their Creator and Lord. He framed them with that shrinking delicacy of temperament and feeling, which is one of their best distinctions, which renders them amiable, and which, while it unfits them for command, and subjects them, in a degree, to the rougher sex, gives them, at the same time, an appropriate and very powerful influence. Jt was, therefore, not to be expected, that he who formed 9 Lhem witli this natural and retirinsj modesty, and under a qualified subjection to man, would ever require, or even permit them, to do any thing in violation of his own order ; and least of all that he would permit this in his own im- mediate service. Hence, I apprehend, it is, that we find in the New Testament such texts as the following. 1 Tim. ii. 11 — 14. " Let tlie woman learn in silence with all sub- jection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceiv- ed, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." — 1 Cor. xiv. 34, 35. *'Let your women keep silence in the churches ; for it is not permitted unto ihem to speak ; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home ; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." The same apostle, who, under the unerring guidance of divine inspiration, delivered these plain and positive injunctions, has also said — 1 Cor. xi. 5. " Every woman that prayeth, or prophesieth, with her head uncovered, dishonoureth her head ; for that is even all one as if she were shaven." Here, unquestionably, is a direction liow women ought to appear and act, when speaking in a pub- lick Christian assembly ; for the connexion of the passage shows clearly that it is of such an assembly that the apos- tle is here treating. This, then, seems to militate with the preceding precepts. But we know that inspired truth never can contradict, or be inconsistent with itself. How then is this apparent inconsistency to be cleared up ? In one way only, as we believe ; and in that way, easily and perfectly. During the period of miraculous endowments under the Gospel dispensation, as well as under tliat of Moses, the gift of supernatui-al inspiration was sometimes conferred on women, as well as upon men. We arc toM 10 expressly, that Philip the Evangelist "had four daughters;, virgins, that did prophesy." Now, in the last quoted passage, the apostle is speaking of wohk n un(h:r superna- tural inspiration ; but in the other passages, of women un- der no such inspiration. It ap]jeors, therefore, that by a miraculoas gift, the gieat head and lawgiver of the church took the case of the women on whom he bestowed that gift out of the general rule, and authoiizcd them to utter, even in publick assemblies, what his own spirit dictated at the time. But on all other and ordinaiy occasions- — to these our first quotations refer — thej- are absolutely requir- ed not to speak, but to keep silence in the churches. It is also worthy of special remark, that even when divinel}' authorized to speak, they were still commanded to be co- vered ; as indicative of a delicate reserve, and as recogniz- ing a state of subjection. The explanation here given, as it seems indispensable to the reconciling of one part of hoiy writ with another, so it will be found to be countenanced and warranted by the context of the passages we have re- cited. But as we assuredl}' believe, that miraculous in- spiration has long since ceased in the Christian church, no such expected cases as those we have mentioned, can any longer occur. The general rule therefore laid down by the Spirit of Christ, speaking b}' the mouth of St. Paul, is now in force, without an exception. Women are, in no case, to be publick preachers and tcacliers, in assemblies promis- cuously composed of the two sexes. This is explicitly and pointedly prohibited. Hero, then, is one thing ihatCiu'ist- ian women may not do, in their endeavours to pronjote and extend the religion of Christ. And I am well assured, that in making the statement you have just lieai'd, all tjiat I have said accords as fully wiih the views, wisiicsand feel- ings, of that Society at v.hose request, and in whose behalf, I now speak, as it docs witli tlic spirit and injunctions of Sacred Scripture. 11 2. The endeavours of Christian women to promote and extend tiie religion of Christ, must be limited by a due regard to the means they may have at command, and the opportunities which may offer, for the purpose. This in- deed is a rule of duty^ which taken at large, is as applica- ble to men, as to women. — The efforts of all to do good, must be bounded by their means and opportunities. But there is a special application of the rule to the female sex, which ought to i)e distinctly noticed and carefully regard- ed. Their means of contributing both to publick and pri- vate charities, must frequently be derived from the other sex. What they give must come from the purses of their husbands, fathers, brothers, or other near kindred, or par- ticular friends ; and they certainly in all such" cases ought to be consulted, and to determine on the amount of charity which, in any given instance, it is proper to bestow — un- less indeed a general discretion has been previously al- lowed. Sometimes, we knowj the case is otherwise. In a num- ber of instances, women have property of their own, en- tirely free from any foreign control ; and then their duty, as to charitable donations, is clearly under no otiier restric- tion, than that which is common to them witli men. Tliis seems to have been tiie case with her to whom our text refers. We are not, indeed, expressly told that such was tlie fact. But the circumstances which are narrated appear to me to indicate, that what she did was unlocked for by the whole company, except by him who knew all things. — That neither Lazarus nor Martha was acquainted with their sister's design, till it was executed, if this were so, the expensive purchase which Mary had made, must have been fiom her separate and independent part of the family estate; or from her own earnings. Be tliis as it might, it is an obvious duty for every Christian woman to submit to her relatives, implicitly, the disposition of their 12 own property ; after laying before tliem, as she lawfully may, the considerations and motives which influence her own mind, in favour of a contemplated charity. I cannot, however, forbear to mention here, that it is a noble expression of Christian benevolence, which is now witnessed in various parts of our country, where pious and publick spirited females cheerfully sacrifice superfluous ex- pense in dress or equipage ; and others as cheerfully la- bour with their own hands, in forming garments, or in making for sale to the rich, certain articles of taste or or- nament ; and both classes put the proceeds of the whole into the treasury of the Lord, to extend in various ways, the inestimable blessings of his precious Gospel. These sacrifices and labours, when kept within any moderate bounds, are by no means to be considered as violations of female duty ; — and those Avho endeavour harshly to res- train tiiem, or to discourage them by ridicule and banter, act a part, to which we give only its proper character^ when we say that it is, at once, unmanly, base and wicked. On the circumstance, that the opportunities which women have to do good, are more circumscribed than those of men, we only remark in general, that as we can easily see, that the propriety of what was done by her to whom the text relates, depended much, not only on the known cha- racter of the Saviour, but on what she did being done at the house of a friend, and in the presence of her own fami- ly and of many other witnesses ; so Christian women now, ought to be sensible, that they can seldom be required to expose their persons to insult, or their characters to un- favourable imputations, by any enterprises or errands of benevolence, or by any exertions to propagate the Gospel. I will not indeed say, that there may not be some extraor- dinary occasions, on which it may be their duty, to put both safety and reputation at considerable risk. But all such cases must be clearly and strongly marked. Duty, 13 in general, will consist, in submitting to the allotments of God's providence, in all tiie circumstances of our charac- ter and state ; and not in disregarding his order, by an in- discreet attempt to render services beyond the limits wiiich he has prescribed. Let us now consider, more directly, II. What Christian women may properly do, as a mani- festation of their love to their Saviour, or for the promotion or extension of his religion. Here we might say at once, and in general, that women may and ought to do, in the service of their Saviour, what- ever is not prohibited in the exceptions and restrictions that have been specified — That, with these exceptions and re- strictions their moral and religious duties, are, in all res- pects, the same as those of men: and this is unquestionably the general truth, in regard to this subject, which ought to be remembered and acted on. But questions sometimes arise, as to what ought, and what ought not, to be considered as exceptions and restrictions : and it may also be of use a little to explain and inculcate, as well as to enumerate, fe- male duties. We therefore proceed to state, First, that. Christian women should be very sensible that the religion of their Saviour is greatly adorned, and sometimes directly promoted, by an exemplary discharge of all the customary duties of life ; and by sustaining all its relations in the most praise-worthy manner. It is cred- itable in a very high degree to evangelical piety, when the world itself is constrained to confess, that its professors are more exact and active in fulfilling all social and relative obligations, and are more amiable and exemplary in their whole deportment, than those who arc destitute of religion. Perhaps it belongs to women to prove the truth of this ob- servation, more frequently and strikingly than can be done by men. The apostle Peter says — "If any obey not the word, they may, without the word, be won by the convcr- 14 sation of the wives, when they behold your chaste conver- sation, coupled with fear." It should, therefore, never be forgotten, that Christian women ought practically to demonstrate, that the influence of their religion has render- ed them better wives, better mothers, better daughters, better sisters, better neighbours, and better friends, than they would otherwise be; and more active, punctual, con- scientious, and persevering, in the discliarge of all the or- dinary duties of life — That although they cannot sacrifice their allegiance to their Saviour to any worldly considera- tion whatsoever, yet only allow them to maintain that alle- giance unimpaired^ and you shall find them ready to make any other sacrifice to which the}^ may be called. 2. It is one of the peculiar and most important duties of Christian women, to instruct and pray with children, and to endeavour to form their tender minds to piety, in- telligence, and virtue. Here is a wide and fertile field for their appropriate labours, in the service and for the honour of their Redeemer. The earliest years of children are usu- ally and necessarily past, almost wliolly under female care; and it is much earlier than is commonly supposed, that their minds and moral feelings take a cast which is often as lasting as life. Of what inconceivable importance is it then, that this iirst moulding of the mind and heart should be favourably made ; and that mothers should know and remember that if so made, it must comnionly be made by them. They have the capacity of mingling, as it were, their own souls with the souls of their children — of breath- ing into them, with a maternal tenderness and sympathy, for which there can be no substitute, those sentiments of filial reverence for their Creator and Redeemer, and of ve- neration for all that is holy and lovely in the religion of the Gospel, which, under the Divine blessing, may become, and do often in fact become, the germs of early and vital sodliness. 15 By pious mothers chiefi)-, must children Ije taught to use, and to use properly, those litile forms of devotion, in which they may lisp tlieir petitions and thanksgivings to God ; and those hymns and spiritual songs, by which "out of the mouths of babes and sucklings," the Saviour's praise is "perfected," and to become familiar with those Scrip- ture narratives, with which nearly the \\ hole of sacred story is connected, and by which the fundamental doc- trines of revealed truth may be taught and inculcated. By the prayers of i)ious mothers, must their dear offspring be commended to the providential care and effectual grace of God, with that frequency and fervour, to which the most favourable answer may reasonably be expected, and to which such an answer has often, in fact, been most remaik- ably returned. But I cannot pretend to detail all that pious and intelli- gent mothers may do — and what pious sisters, who will act a mother's part, may sometimes do — to train the infant mind to heavenly aspirings, and to the love of virtuous action. Point me to an instance of very early and eminent piety wliich might not be clearly traced to tliis source, and you will show me such an instance as my reading and observ- ation hitherto have never furnished. Nor does maternal intluence, in favour of jiiety and vir-- tue, terminate with tiic infant, or carl}- 3 ears of cJiildrcn. A mother's influence is of the utmost consequence — very often it is greater than any oti;er influence — through the whole of youih, and even to a more advanced age. 'i'jie j-oung man, or young woman, on whom the cour.sels, prnvers, and tears of a pious mother have lost tlieir com- manding eflect, has indeed reached the threshold of hojjc- less perdition. I have spoken of early religion, but in reading the liis- tory of the church, both by inspired and uninsjjired pen- men, it is wortny ol remark, how often the matured and 16 emineiit religion of the most distinguished men, and all their extensive usefuhiess has been plainly, and sometimes confessedly the fruit and product of a mother's goodness and care, early begun and long continued. Nor is this wonderful, Roman virtue and ambition, was often trace- able to the same powerfully operative cause ; and its effects in the production of modern sages and heroes, has some- times been equally conspicuous. To the nursery, Christ- ian friends — to the nursery, both the Church and the State must look, for tlieir best support — for those who are des- tined to become their firmest pillars, and their brightest ornaments. Allow the speaker to say, before leaving this part of his subject, that the leading ideas which have just been thrown out, were those which induced him to take the early and 7.ealous part, which he has taken, in recommending the in- stitution of such Societies, as that at whose instance he now addresses you. The influence of the sex is, and ought to be, great, in ways almost innumerable. But their agency in first form- ing the minds and habits of children and youth is, and must be, nearly exclusive. Till the women of India, therefore, are raised from that state of ignorance and de- gradation in which they have been sunk for ages past, the diffusion of Christianity in that country cannot be general and lasting. To produce this effect, we must look for — at least till the time shall arrive when '' a nation shall be born in a day" — a generation to arise, which well instructed Christian mothers shall have helped to form, and on which well informed Christian women shall exert all their natural and incalculable influence. 3. Christian women may show their love to the Saviour, and promote his cause, in a variety of instances, of a pri- vate nature, at which we can do little more than glance. They may devise, and suggest, and recommend schemes of 17 benevolence and piety, the execution of which must chiefly be left to men. — Having as deep an interest as the other sex, in the proper choice, settlement, and support of a min- ister of the Gospel, and in all the concerns of a Christian church and congregation, it is reasonable, that on these subjects their opinions and wishes should be regarded, and that, with modesty and discretion, they sliould be made known to those, on whom the active ordering of such con- cerns must ultimately depend. — There seems to be no rea- sonable doubt, that it was the office of the deaconnesses — for such a description of females there certainly was — in the primitive church, to distribute Christian charities, in a discreet and beneficial manner ; to visit, instruct, and con- sole the poor, the sick, and the afflicted ; to converse in private with all who might seek their counsel on the con- cerns of their souls, and especially with persons of their own sex, in cases in which a community of sex might in- vite to an increased freedom of communication. There is no evidence that these deaconnesses were ever formally or officially apj)ointed. Their services seem to have been perfectly voluntary at first, and afterwards, when found to be useful, to have received the encouragement and appro- bation of the apostles, and other ministers of the cliurch. In all these ways, then, the door of duty is as fully open to the Christian women of this age, as to those in tlie days of the apostles. And as there are some witli us who are willing to enter upon and to perform, to a considei'abie ex- tentjthe services that have been specified, so would to God that their number were increased a hundred-fold. Here too we must mention those kind and gratifying at- tentions, and some most substantial services which Christ- ian women may privately render to jVIissionarics and to the Ministers of Christ in general. Holy women " ministered of their substance" to their Saviour, in the days of his flesh. Our text itself, is but the record of one such illus- 18 trious instance. And the apostle Paul had been deeply indebted for personal kindnesses and services to another Mary. "Greet Mary (said he) who bestowed much la- bour on us.'^ The Missionaries of the present day, owe a large part of their comforts, to their Christian sisters. And the settled pastors in nearly all our churches, would, I am confident, be ready to testify, that the kind services and attentions which they and their families receive from the pious women of their several charges, are among the greatest and most grateful alleviations, of the anxious cares, and laborious exertions, of their arduous office — endearing their people to them exceedingly, and rendering them dou- bly willing to spend and be spent in their service. These things are good and acceptable to God ; and in these, let women, who love their Saviour, be careful to abound. 4. Christian women who are engaged in the teaching of children and youth, may express their love to their Sa- viour, and a commendable zeal in his service, by the in- struction of those committed to their care, in the element- ary principles of revealed truth ; by endeavouring to im- press that truth on the hearts and consciences of their tender charge ; and by constantly imploring for them in earnest prayer, the special blessing of God their Heavenly Father. That these are duties proper for female teachers, is as clear as that it is right for them to be teachers at all. For no instruction is so important as that which relates to our eternal well being, and which therefore ought never to be omitted, by those to whom the education of youth is committed. The schools of female teachers, moreover, are wholly composed either of youth of their own sex, or of those of the other, who are but little advanced beyond the age of infancy. Blessed be God, the duty here incul- cated, has, we have reason to believe, been more frequently and carefully performed of late, than at some former peri- ods. Schools under female instruction, have been opened 19 and closed with prayer, and in them reh'gious knowledge has been acquired, together with the knowledge of letters^ and of other useful and ornamental attainments. But what shall we say of Sabbath Schools. We say, without reserve, that they a[)pear to be among the happiest devices of Christian ingenuity, in an age of Ciiristian en- terprise, for carrying instruction and piety into the fami- lies of the poor, the ignorant and the vicious; and of thus extending the blessings of the Gospel to a very large por- tion of every community, which had before, even in Christ- ian lands, been almost entirely neglected. In the instruct- ion of these schools, pious and benevolent females, without any other earthly reward, than that which they find in do- ing good, have taken a most active and efficient part. In some regular Ciiristian congregations, as well as in other places, they are the only instructers of these schools ; and in every place, so far as my knowledge extends, their ex- ertions have kept full pace with those of their fellow la- bourers of the other sex, and in certain places, have far outgone them. God has remarkably smiled on those con- cerned in this blessed work. Numbers of them have been visited with his special grace, and been added to his church on earth — with numbers of those in whose conversion their labours have been instrumental ; and doubtless it will be with peculiar delight, that the teachers and the taught will meet and rejoice together, in the church triumphant above. Let every Christian woman be, as far as she can, the pa- troness and promoter of Sabbath Schools. 5. Christian women may manifest their love to their Sa- viour, to his cause, and to communion with himself, by associations for prayer among themselves, and by keeping up the worship of God in their households, in the absence of a male head of the family. We have no time for ex- tended argument on the propriety of what is here stated as female duty. We only remark, that it interferes, in no 20 respect, with what has been shown to be divinely prohi- bited. The supposition is, that in female prayer meetings, women only meet with women. In the devotional exer- cises carried on in such circumstances, there is surely no ground for the charge of arrogant assumption, or of any trespass on female decorum. Why then should any object to this sacred communion of sister-hood, in which devout women mingle their prayers and their praises — their prayers for each other, for their husbands, for their children, and for the church of God. Verily we believe that these fe- male offerings come up as sweet incense before the throne of a prayer-hearing God ; and that often in the most sig- nal manner, he returns to the offerers answers of peace. In the absence of a husband, the wife becomes the head of the family, and ought to maintain family prayer. Let her do it without a form, if she can do it thus, with free- dom ; but let her not scruple to use a form, rather than to omit the duty. — Spirit of my sainted mother! If I shall be so happy as to join thee in thy celestial abode, shall I not thank thee there, for the family prayers which, in my early years, and in the absence of a praying father, I heard from thy hallowed lips! Well may I recommend what I know to be practicable — what I know to be profitable. — The obligation to pray with their households is statedly incumbent on widows, unless a pious son or other inmate will assume the service. Christian women, too, especially if they have prayerless husbands, ought frequently to pray with their children, by themselves apart. That husband must be without feeling, as well as without religion, who would not rather rejoice at this, than regard it with displeasure. 6. Christian women may testify their love to their Sa- viour, and their desire to extend the benefits of his re- demption, by taking part, in a variety of ways, in mission- ary concerns. <'Have we not power (says St. Paul) to 21 lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas." Here, we believe, is a complete scriptural warrant, for missionaries to be at- tended by their wives. Some of the apostles — the original and inspired missionaries — were plainly so attended. Nor, when missionaries go forth by families, or companies, is there any transgression of female delicacy or decorum, if unmarried women accompany them. Often they are still under the guardianship of fathers, or brothers, and always under the protection of men of the fairest and purest ciia- racter. The services of unmarried women may be, as tiiey have often been, of the very highest importance, in mis- sionary operations. At home. Christian women may, with entire propriety, not only contribute to missionary funds, when founded by others, but form associations of their own, for raising funds, to be appropriated by themselves, to such objects as they may find themselves most disposed to favour. To deny them this privilege, would be to manifest such injus- tice, as requires no words to expose. Even Female Missionary Societies have been formed in our country, and conducted with unimpeachable propriety and undeniable utility. While so conducted, wlio will censure them ? Who will not rather countenance them, and bid them God speed .'' By the intervention and aid of ministers of the Gospel, and of pious and discreet laymen, their missionaries may be selected, and missionary services be assigned and inspected, without any trespass on the rights of men, or the delicacy of women. 7. Bible Societies, Tract Societies, P^ducation Societies, Jews Societies, Charity Schools, Orphan Asylums, Wid- ows' Asylums, and all institutions of a similar character to these, present to Christian women objects and opportu- nities for manifesting tiieir love to their Saviour and his cause, which they may seize and improve, with the great- 22 est freedom and advantage. And truly they have, in our day, seized and improved them with an activity, and to an extent, which are worthy of the highest praise. In seve- ral instances within the knowledge of the speaker, the energy, perseverance, and success, of Christian women, in cultivating these fields of pious usefulness, have reproved the more sluggish efforts of men. It was reserved for the age in which we live, and it is among the indications, as ■we hope, of a better age approaching, that female agency should be called on, to take part in almost every plan and effort, for extending the Gospel, or for abating the suffer- ings, or meliorating the condition of mankind. The effect has been wonderful ; and it seems scarcely less wonderful, that such efficient aid was never brought into action be^ fore. But among all the benevolent associations that have been mentioned, and to which it seems as if every one who loves either God or man, must cordially wish success, there is not one, that is, in my view, more worthy of the special attention of Chi'istian women — not one that more appro- priately belongs to them — than such societies as that whose anniversary we this day celebrate. Consider its object. It is to deliver one half of the human species, in tne most populous region cf the earth, from a state of the deepest and most complete abjection. — P'rom a state which exhibits them as mere animals ; not worthy to be considered as rea- sonable and immortal beings ; not the fit subjects of intel- kciual improvement, and of religious happiness and hope; not the companions of men, on the footing of intelligence, or of any approximation to equality ; but only as his slaves, and the instruments. — But 1 cannot proceed in the description of their state. It is not of a nature to be des- cribed before this audience ; nor even to be thought on by one's sell, but at the expense of every species of painful and sickening emotions. X solemnly ask then, if there 23 can be a louder call for humane, for benevolent, for Christ- ian exertion, from every ont^ in whose bosom the feelings of humanity, benevolence, and Christian compassion, are not " twice dead, plucked ui> by the roots" — than liiat which is here made, to lenrl a helping hand, to iiti up tht;se millions on millions of the hnnian family, from tl.is state of absolute bestial ignorance, degrndation and servility, to a state of rationality, intelligence, happiness, dignity, and the hope of heaven? And if this may be asked of every man, who has the soul of a man, what shall be said to wo- men, to Christian women, in behalf of their own sex, whose feelings they must best know, and in whose Vv'retchedness and sorrows they can best sympathize? Do they occupy themselves in other works of kindness and charity ? And can they neglect this? Ought not this to be their peculiar, their favourite object ? Ought not the women of the whole civilized world, to make common cause, in rescuing more than one half of their common na- ture, from the condition of brutes? Ought not all Christ- ian women to do this ? Yes, they ought — and bear with me, if you cannot think and feel as I do, when I say that I have wondered, and do wonder, that the known condi- tion of women in India, and in other regions where Hea- thenism and Mahomedanism prevail, has not operated with an electrick force, on the whole enlightened part — and es- pecially on the Christian part — of the sex, to rouse them to the most vigorous action, and to unite them in a con- centration of effort, to bring out female nature from this horrible abyss of reproach and infamy ; and to raise it to the standing for which it was formed and intended by the Great Author of our being. Heathens and Mahomedans all together, male as well as female, are we know in u state of awful ignorance and wretchedness ; but there is a specialty in the case of women among them, and it is of this I am now speaking. — Women are debased far below 24 tlieir lords and masters, who are themselves debased. They are of wretched and degraded tyrants, the more wretched and degraded slaves and drudges, or the mere instruments oi" their base sensuality. In the deep of Hea- then and Maliomedan abominations, there is "a lower deep," and there it is, that the whole female sex with them is found. Thanks to God, that those who are trying to bring them relief, have some encouraging indications of success. A considerable number ot the poor natives of India, have surrendered their female children for educa- tion, to the thrice blessed missionaries ; to the heavenly minded men and women who began and are still engaged, in this Godlike work of restoring them to the rights of human nature, and the prospect of eternal felicity. To have made this good beginning, is to have done much. Let but the happy effects of female education be once visi- ble, although it be on a small scale — let but a few well edu- cated females, from among the lower casts in India, go forth into life, and make their superiority to degraded men, as well as to degraded women, to be seen and felt ; the certain consequence will be, that the desire of female edu- cation will become geneial and ardent ; and the great ob- ject in view, will be in a train to be reached, as speedily as the nature of the case will permii. To furnish these specimens of well educated women — and we hope they will be Christian women too — in the various parts of India, will indeed require funds and exertions, a thousand times greater than any of which at present we have the know- ledge. But still, the work has been commenced, and is in progress ; and we believe it to be God's work, and that, under his smiles and benediction, it will go on and prosper. Thus, my respected female friends, I have endeavoured to perform, in the best n>anner I could, the service to which you have called me on this occasion. It is a time 25 at which, as has been said, women are taking part in al- most all that is done in the holy cause of religion and hu- manity. For this, you sufler unsparing censure, from some of my sex and from some of your own. By this cen- sure, some among you have been intimidated, and others, I question not, have been made honestly to doubt, in what manner they ought to act. Instead, therefore, of confin- ing myself, in this service, to a single point, or of indul- ging, in general declamation, I have rather chosen to show, as far as my limits and my ability would permit, what Christian women may do, and what they may not do, in expressing their love to the Saviour, and manifesting their desire to promote his religion. The sneer of the infidel we look for, and are prepared to disregard ; but what in Christian duty, it is, for us, a most serious inquiry. In pursuing this inquiry, I have taken the word of God for my guide — in its letter, where I found its letter explicit, and in its spirit, as far as I could ascertain that spirit, in all that I have said. As to the special purpose for which your association has been formed, I shall add but little to what you have alrea- dy heard. It is your high praise, that while too many have been, and still are, negligent of their duty, and as it seems to me, sealed up in apathy and stupoi', in regard to the great object of your society, you, like Mary, have done what you could. Go on. Christian sisters, "lie not weary in well doing, for in due time you shall reap, if you faint not." Often think of the number of immor- tal souls, that are every day and every hour passing into eternity, from the multitudinous population of India — vi- llous, polluted throughout, and totally ignorant of that Sa- viour, whose blood alone " cleanseth from all sin." Often think on your special obligations to *'Gud who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory." Often think on the distinguishing and merciful allotment of his providence. 26 in giving you birth and education, in a Christian, in- stead of a heathen, or Maliomedan land. And while you perceive, as you cannot fail to peiceive, that women have a peculiar interest in the propagation of revealed truth, since the influence of that alone has ever raised them to their proper rank in society, and sustained them in it, feci that you are under peculiar obligations to extend the knowledge of that truth, by all the means in your power — to extend it for the benefit of all, but especi- ally for the benefit, both temporal and eternal, of your own sex. Never was there greater encouragement to pro- ceed vs'ith animation and energy in a good work, than that which you have already received. The cheering intelli- gence has reached you witliin the year past, that on the schools of Ceylon, the very schools to which you afford your aid, God has most remarkably poured out his Holy Spirit. Under his sacred influence, those schools have be- come Bochims and Bethels — places of weeping and houses of prayer ; houses in v.-hich daughters, as well as sons, have, we trust, been born to God and glory. In tliis most joyous event, remember that your prayers, and your alms have had a happy instrumentality. Go on, then, to pray earnestly, and to give cheerfully, for God is with you : and before the throne of God and of the Lamb, many of the female children of India, shall yet meet you, and bless }-ou, and rejoice with you through eternal ages. Men and brethren, who hear me on this occasion. Be reminded that there is a divine injunction laid on us, in relation to the subject which has now been discussed. The apostle Paul, speaking as he was moved by the Ploly Ghost, has said- — "Help those women that laboured with me in the Gospel." Yes, it is the sacred duty of us all, to help these female gospel labourers ; to help them with our countenance and encouragement, with our prayers and our purses, with every aid and every facility which wo 27 can afford them, in their benevolent exertions. For whom do they labour ? Not more for themselves than for us. Nay, in many of these pious labours, they are directly helping us ; they are taking a part of that burden on them- selves, that used to be borne by us alone. — They are doing for us, generously and nobly, a part of our special business. And shall there be a creature in the form of a man, so much without the spirit of a man, as to hinder, and not help them, while thus employed — to mock them with laughter or rid- icule, or even to treat them with a cold and discouraging neglect? Such a being, I trust there is not in this assem- bly. Ah! my brethren, the hour is not far distant, when to have helped the cause of God and Christ, in this dark and perishing world, — to have helped this sacred cause but in a feeble, if it has been an upright manner — will avail us infinitely more, than to have received the proudest distinc- tions which the world can confer. And now, hearers of all descriptions, I call on you to help these women, on the present occasion, by a liberal contribution to their funds. But think not that I am going to address you, for this purpose, in the language and tone of a mendicant. I read no such address, no such language, in my Bible. Paul indeed sometimes appealed earnestly to the liberality of the primitive churches, and sometimes warmly commended them for it. But he never presented himself before them in the character and style of a beggar. No. But he directed Timothy to "charge them that are rich in this world — to be rich in good works, ready to dis- tribute, willing to communicate." And a greater than Paul commended the two mites of a poor widow cast into the treasury of the Lord, beyond all the offerings of the rich. — Therefore, men and brethren, it is in the name of the Lord, unworthy as I am, that I come to you ; and I de- liver to you his charge, and not my own, that, for his sake, and for your ownsakcs, you help these women who laboui 28 in the gospel. I tell you in his name, that the day is com- ing that will call you to account before Him, as the judge of quick and dead, for the manner in which you shall have disposed of all your property — the day when what you shall now give, if you give it from right motives, will af- ford you more pleasure, than all that you ever spent in lux- ury, and show, and superfiuous formal gratification. Give then from a pure, a noble, a truly benevolent desire to do good. Give thus, I repeat it, for your own sakes, and for the sake of your Saviour's precious cause, and as you will wish to have done, when he shall say to those on his right hand — ! may you and I be there — " Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world : For 1 was an hungered, and ye gave me meat : I was thirsty and ye gave me drink : I was a stranger and ye took me in : Naked and ye clothed me : I was sick and ye visited me : I was in prison and ye came unto me— Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me — Enter ye into the joy of your Lord." — Amenv I f ik