a little under and over two inch
diameter, painted red on one side; also many hundrc
round terra-cottas of the like size and shape, with a hole in
the centre, and which have evidently been made out
fragments of pottery, and may have been used on spindles.
Flat stone mortars are also met with.
1 also find in my excavations a b ill of the stone
period, consisting of stones joined by clay, like the buildings
which were discovered on the islands of Therasia and Thera
The stone implements here described are so similar in form to the
better-made objects of the same sort, exhibited in subsequent illustrations,
that it seems superfluous to engrave them here. — [Er>.]
[Ch. III. 1871.
(Santorin) under three layers of volcanic ashes, forming
together a height of 68 feet.
My expectations are extremely modest ; I have no hope
of finding plastic works of art. The single object of my
excavations from the beginning was only to find Troy,
whose site has been discussed by a hundred scholars in a
hundred books, but which as yet no one has ever sought to
bring to light by excavations. If I should not succeed in
this, still I shall be perfectly contented, if by my labours
I succeed only in penetrating to the deepest darkness of
pre-historic times, and enriching archaeology by the dis-
covery of a few interesting features from the most ancient
history of the great Hellenic race. The discovery of the
stone period, instead of discouraging me, has therefore only
made me the more desirous to penetrate to the place which
was occupied by the first people that came here, and I still
intend to reach it even if I should have to dig another
50 feet further down.
Note. — The " Stone Period " described in this chapter seems to be
that of the third stratum upwards from the rock (4 to 7 meters, or 13 to
23 feet deep) ; but the description does not make this perfectly clear. —
(9 M.) (7 M.)
Nos. 42-44. Terra-cotta Whorls.
No. 44 is remarkable fur the dcf>th at which it was found
(14 M.)
( 8i )
Another passage from the Stone Age to copper implements mixed with
stone — The signs of a higher civilization increase with the depth
reached — All the implements are of better workmanship — Dis-
covery of supposed inscriptions — Further discussion of the use of
the whorls — Troy still to be reached — Fine terra-cotta vessels of
remarkable forms — Great numbers of stone weights and hand mill-
stones — Numerous house-walls — Construction of the great cutting
— Fever and quinine — Wounds and arnica.
On the Hill of Hissarlik, November 18th, 1871.
Since my report of the 3rd of this month I have continued my
excavations with the greatest zeal, and although interrupted
sometimes by the rain, and sometimes by Greek festivals,
and also in spite of the continually increasing difficulty in
removing the rubbish, I have now reached an average depth
of 10 meters or about 33 English feet.* Much that was in-
explicable to me has now become clear, and I must first of
all correct an error made in my last report, that I had come
upon the stone period. I was deceived by the enormous
mass of stone implements of all kinds which were daily dug
up, and by the absence of any trace of metal, except two
copper nails, which I believed to have come in some way
from one of the upper strata into the deeper stratum of the
stone period. But since the 6th of this month there have
* This depth of 10 meters, or 33 feet, is that which Dr. Schliemann
came to regard as the lower limit of the ruins of the true heroic Troy.
The depth of 7 meters, or 23 feet, presently mentioned is the upper limit
of the same stratum. (See the Introduction and the later Memoirs.) —
[Chap. IV.
appeared not only many nails, but also knives, lances, and
battle-axes of copper of such elegant workmanship that
they can have been made only by a civilized people.
/ g
No. 45. Copper Implements and Weapons from the Trojan stratum (8 M.).
a Axe of an unusual form ; b, c, Battle-Axes of the common form ; d, e, g, Knives ; f, a Na
Hence I must not only recal my conjecture that I had
reached the stone period, but I cannot even admit that I
have reached the bronze period, for the implements and
weapons which I find are too well
finished. I must, moreover, draw at-
tention to the fact, that the deeper I
dig, from 7 meters (23 feet) down-
wards, the greater are the indications
of a higher civilization. At a depth
of from 4 to 7 meters (13 to 23 feet)
the stone implements and weapons
were of a coarse description ; the knives
were of flint, generally in the form of
small saws, and rarely in that of a
blade ; but there were a very great number of sharp pieces
of silex, which must likewise have served as knives. Since
No. 46. A Mould of Mica-
schist for casting Copper
Implements (8 M.).
* These, like all the objects of copper found at Troy, are coated with
verdigris and malachite. (Letter-press to the Atlas.)
then, however, the stone implements, such as hammers and
axes, are of much better workmanship ; there still occur a
quantity of silex knives in the form of saws, but they are
much better made than those of the upper strata, and at a
depth below 23 feet double-edged knife-blades of obsidian,
which are so sharp that they might serve as razors. In
No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50.
Stone Instruments from the Trojan stratum (8 M.).
Nos. 47, 48, 49, of Green Stone, probably Lance-Heads ; No. 50, of Diorite, use unknown.
these depths, moreover, as I have already said, we again
meet with weapons and quantities of nails, knives, and im-
plements of copper.
But what above all other circumstances seems to prove
that I never reached the stone period, and that, after
digging further down into the strata of rude races between
13 and 23 feet, I have again come upon the remains of a
more civilized nation, are two inscriptions, one of which,
found at a depth of jh meters (about 25 feet), seems to be
Phoenician, but consists of only about five letters, which
have been scratched by a pointed instrument, into that side
of a small terra-cotta disc which had been painted white,
the disc being only about 2-|- inches in diameter. The
letters, in any case, must have stood out very distinctly
in the white colour, but the greater portion of it has dis-
appeared, and thus two of the five written characters cannot
g 2
easily be distinguished. I hope, however, that the inscrip-
tion may nevertheless be deciphered.*
The other inscription was found at a depth of 8^ meters
(ijj feet) upon one of those small round articles of terra-
cotta with a hole in the centre, which, from a depth of
6h feet downwards, occur in immense numbers in the
form of the humming-top, the carrousel, and the volcano.
I have already expressed my opinion that they may have
been used as Ex votos, and I may now suggest whether
they might not even have been idols, and especially
whether those in the form of a volcano do not represent
Hephaestus ? This thought struck me principally from
the great resemblance between these objects and the
colossal sepulchral mounds on the Plain of Troy, which
cover the ashes of the corpses of the heroes, which were
burnt by the fire of Hephaestus. At all events, the deco-
rations introduced upon all of these objects — which seem
to have been executed with very great care, especially
on those made of immensely hard burnt terra-cotta — and
also the white substance with which these decorations are
filled so as to be more striking to the eye, leave no doubt
that they have served important purposes. It was upon
one of these small articles of terra-cotta, in the form of a
top, that I found the second inscription.! It is so admi-
rably engraved, that one is astonished to find such work
possible in terra-cotta. As the writing runs right round
the small whorl, and is formed on both sides alike, it seems
to me, in my complete ignorance of the language, impos-
sible to perceive with which letter it commences, or which
is the upper or lower portion of ir.
* See Plate LI., No. 496. Comp. Chapter IX., p. 138. This is
one of the most important of the inscriptions determined to be such by
Professor Gomperz. It has six characters. (See the Appendix.)
t This is given on Plate XXII., No. 326, from the Photograph, and
more accurately from M. Burnoufs drawing on Plate XLVIIL, No. 482.
Dr. Schliemann supposed that it bore an inscription ; but he afterwards
recalled the opinion. (See Chapter IX., p. 137.) — [Ed.]
Upon an ordinary stone I at the same time found the
character \>. I should be immensely delighted if any
one were able to read these inscriptions, and thus be in
a position to give an explanation about the use of these
remarkable objects, about the people who made them, and
about the epoch in which I found myself at the depth of
from 25 to 28 feet.
When, at the time of writing my last report, I saw
stone implements and weapons brought to light, and none
but stone, and was forced to believe that I had penetrated
into the stratum of the people belonging to the stone
period, I really began to fear that the actual object of my
excavations, to find here the Pergamus of Priam, had failed ;
that I had already reached a period long anterior to the
Trojan war, and that the colossal sepulchral mounds in
the Plain of Troy were perhaps thousands of years older
than the deeds of Achilles. But as I find ever more and
more traces of civilization the deeper I dig, I am now per-
fectly convinced that I have not yet penetrated to the
period of the Trojan war, and hence I am more hopeful
than ever of finding the site of Troy by further excava-
tions ; for if there ever was a Troy — and my belief in
this is firm — it can only have been here, on the site of
Ilium. I think that my excavations of 1868 on the
heights of Bunarbashi have proved the impossibility of
a city or even a village ever having stood there, except
at the extreme end of Balidagh, where Consul Hahn has
made excavations, but where, owing to the small space,
which is limited by precipices, there can only have been a
small town of 2000 inhabitants at most. Upon the site of
the 'iXieW km/it), which place was regarded as the site
of ancient Troy by Strabo — who had never visited the
Plain of Troy — in accordance with the theory of Deme-
trius of Scepsis, which I discussed in my report of the 26th
of last month- — I have, since Tuesday the 21st, employed
ten workmen to lay bare a portion of the surrounding wall
[Chap. IV.
which seems to be indicated by a low but long rise of the
ground. I do this, however, simply in the interest of science,
and I am far from fancying that I shall find Troy there.
I must also add, in regard to the round articles of terra-
cotta, that, after a depth of 7 meters (23 feet), those in the
form of the volcano occur less frequently, and almost all are
the shape of the top {carrousel). At this depth also, the
idols of Vishnu, in the form of the Priapus, are no longer
No. 51. No. 52.
Trojan Terra-cottas (8 M.).
No. 51. A Vase-cover. No. 52. A Two-handled Cup.
met with. But I still very frequently find at a depth
below 23 feet the owl's head on the earthen vessels, which,
although only of one colour and without any decorations,
are elegant in their simplicity, and become the more ele-
gant and finer the deeper I dig. I have to draw especial
attention to the bright red cups, which are sometimes
found in the form of a bell with a kind of coronet below *
* These cups, as already observed, are really covers of vases, the
" coronet " being the upper, instead of the under part. — [Ed.]
sometimes in the shape of immense champagne-glasses
with two large handles. In neither form can they stand
upon the lower end like the cups of the present day, but
only upon the upper part, just as we should be obliged
to set down a bell, if we used it as a drinking-cup. I must
next mention the small pots with
three little feet, and the large ones
with a neck bent back, then the large
vessels with two handles and two
others in the form of upraised arms ;
and, lastly, the very large funereal no. 53- smaii Trojan vaSe (9m.).
urns, frequently more than a meter
(3^ feet) in height and breadth, which are met with in such
numbers that they hinder us in our work, but which have
hitherto been so much broken that I have been unable to
save even one of them. It is impossible to cement together
Nos. 54, 55. Trojan Terra-cotta Vases (8 M
the pieces of these broken urns, as the clay is from an inch
and a half to nearly 2 inches thick.
At a depth below 6 meters (nearly 20 feet) down to
the depth of 10 meters (33 feet), we find a great many
pieces of clay an inch and a half thick, from about 4
to 5 inches in height, and from about 3 to 4 inches
in breadth, with a perforated hole, either on the broad
upper side or on the narrow side, and which appear to
have been used as weights ; we also frequently meet with
cylinders of the same clay, which are from 3^ inches in
length to 2;j inches in breadth. The enormous quantities
of stone weights and hand-mills of lava, continually brought
to light, give an idea of the number of the houses, through
the ruins of which I daily penetrate. I have placed great
numbers of these mills and other stone implements in the
niches of the walls in my excavations for the inspection of
the admirers of Homer who may visit the Plain of Troy.
At a depth of from 8 to 10 meters (26 to 33 feet), I have
found numerous fragments of a substance, about 2% inches
broad and if thick, which is on the inside as hard as
stone and of a resinous colour, and on the outside it has a
brilliant gloss, which has evidently been produced artificially.
It has clearly been poured into a mould when in a liquid
state, for it is channelled on all four sides. Doubtless in
the continuation of my excavations I shall obtain an
explanation of how these pieces (the length of which I do
not yet know, as I have hitherto only met with fragments)
were made, and what they were used for.*
The numerous house-walls, the ruins of which I have
daily to remove, are, at the depth of from 4 to 7 meters
(13 to 23 feet), all built of ordinary unhewn stones joined
with clay; and from 7 to 10 meters (23 to 33 feet)
they are made of unburnt bricks, dried only in the sun.
The foundations and the door-cills of these brick houses,
however, consist of large stones, such as we have not met
with since 2 meters (6h feet) below the surface.
Lastly, as regards the inclination of the walls of my
great cutting, the nature of the debris allowed me only in
three places, each of about 49 feet in length, to make it
* In these the Author afterwards recognized moulds for casting
instruments and ornaments of copper. (See Chapter IX.) — [Ed.]
at an angle of 85 degrees ; in all other places it is at an
angle of 67^ degrees. In order to make this more clear, I
may add that my walls of 33 feet high at an angle ot
85 degrees deviate only about 25 i inches, but those of
6yh degrees deviate about 8i feet from the perpendicular.
It would give me much pleasure if, in my next com-
munication, I could report some very interesting discovery.
November 11st. — The heavy rainfall of yesterday and
the clay before, which continued till this morning, rendered
it impossible to dispatch this report before the evening ;
for I am here living in a wilderness at eight hours' distance
from the nearest post-office, that is, from the Dardanelles.
I hope that the ground will have become sufficiently dry
by to-morrow morning for me to proceed with my work.
I intend, at all events, to continue the excavations till the
appearance of winter, and then to begin again in April.
The constant warm damp weather produces a very
malignant fever, and my services as a doctor are daily
sought. Fortunately, I have a large stock of quinine by
me, and can thus help everyone. But as I do not under-
stand anything about medicine I should, no doubt, make
great mistakes. Fortunately, however, I remember that
once when I was at the point of death with a fever con-
tracted in the marshes of Nicaragua, the excellent German
physician, Tellkampf of New York, saved my life by a dose
of 64 grains of quinine. Hence I give a similar quantity
here, but only in o?ie dose when the case is a very bad one ;
the quantity I generally give is four doses of 16 grains.
I am also daily called upon not only to cure wounded men,
but camels, donkeys, and horses. I have hitherto been
successful in all cases by using tincture of arnica. I have
also, thus far, cured all the fever patients who have applied
for my help. Not one of them, however, has ever come to
thank me ; indeed, gratitude does not appear to be one of
the virtues of the present Trojans.
( 90 )
Interruptions from Rain — Last works of the season, 187 1 — The sup-
posed ruins of Troy reached — Great blocks of stone — Engineering
contrivances — Excavations at the " Village of the Ilians : " no traces
of habitation, and none of hot springs — Results of the excavations
thus far — Review of the objects found at various depths — Structure
of the lowest houses yet reached — Difficulties of the excavations —
The object aimed at — Growth of the Hill of Hissarlik.
On the Hill of Hissarlik, November 24th, 1871.
Since my last report, of the 18th and 21st instant, I have
had three days' work in spite of the continual wet weather ;
but unfortunately I rind myself now compelled to cease the
excavations for the winter, intending to begin again on the
1 st of April, 1872. It is not likely that winter will set in
before the middle of December, and I should gladly have
continued my work till then, in spite of the rain, especially
as I now most firmly believe that I -am already among the
ruins of Troy. Since the day before yesterday, I find on
the whole extent of my excavations scarcely anything but
large stones — sometimes hewn, sometimes unhewn — and
some of them are enormous blocks. This morning, for
instance, I worked for three hours with 6$ workmen in
removing a single threshold by means of ropes and rollers.
I have been obliged to abandon the two large side-
passages, when already at a depth of 23 feet, and I have
since caused all the rubbish and small stones to be brought
in baskets and wheel-barrows through the large exit-channel,
and thrown down at its end upon the sides of the steep
declivity. This channel — the walls of which have a slope
of 6yh degrees — is now, at the present depth of 33 feet,
no longer wide enough for carrying away such enormous
blocks of stone, and it must first of all be made at least
13 feet wider. This is, however, a gigantic piece of work,
which, owing to the daily rain, I dare not venture to begin
with winter close upon me.
On account of the many huge stones, no terra-cottas
were found either yesterday or on the preceding day.
To day, however, during the last hour's work, I found a
small pot, only about 2 inches high, with three feet ; the
whole of the upper portion is in the form of a globe, and
is divided into five large and five small fields, changing
alternately in regular succession. All of the large fields
are filled with imprinted little stars. The mouth or open-
ing is only about -^ of an inch in diameter. I presume
that this small and wonderful Trojan vessel was used by
ladies for holding scented oil, which we know was applied
after the bath. It cannot have been used as a lamp, for
Homer, who lived 200 years after the destruction of Troy,
does not as yet know of lamps. I also found this morning
two copper arrow-heads, and one of those small terra-cotta
" volcanoes/' which for some days have been less frequently
met with. Further, a small leaden plate, nearly an inch and
a half in length as well as in breadth, with the character p
in the centre and a hole in one corner, which leaves no
doubt that the small piece used to be hung up.
Although the word ypafyeiv only occurs twice in
Homer, and both times only signifies "to scratch into,"
yet I am firmly convinced that an alphabetical language
was known in ancient Troy, and I cherish the hope of
being able next spring to discover inscriptions and other
monuments, which will leave no doubt, that, since yesterday,
at the depth of 33 feet,* I have begun to uncover the ruins
of the city of Troy, so long looked for theoretically and
* This refers to the lowest of the strata, which Dr. Schliemann long-
took for the ruins of the Homeric Troy. — [En.]
now at last practically. All the objects that I find, I
shall, of course, describe in the most faithful and careful
My excavations at the village of the Ilians ('I\ieW
K(ojjL7)), as was to be expected, have decidedly turned out
unfavourable for Strabo and Demetrius of Scepsis ; for
the steep continuous elevation contains no trace of walls,
and consists of coarse sand without the slightest admixture
of ddbris. Neither do I believe, contrary to the assertion
of the proprietor of Thymbria, my worthy friend Mr.
Frederick Calvert, in the existence of a hot spring at the
foot of the hill of the 'I\ieW km/xt], for I have now searched
the whole marsh, with a thermometer in my hand, and I
nowhere find, either in the stagnant or the running water, the
faintest difference in temperature. Of cold springs there
are certainly more than one, but it will be impossible to
state how many till the marsh has been thoroughly drained ;
it consists at present of floating islands.
Now when I collect the result of my excavations : —
I found close to the surface only, and in rare cases as far as
a depth of i meter (32 feet), copper medals of Sigeum,
Alexandria Troas, and Ilium — the latter belonging to the
first centuries before and after Christ ; then small solid
round articles of terra- cotta, like lamps, with two holes,
which occur in great numbers, as far as a depth of 2 meters
(65 feet). These, however, have no ornaments except the
potter's stamp, in which there is sometimes an altar with a
bee or fly above it, sometimes a child with its hands
stretched forth, sometimes two horses, sometimes a bull or
a swan. Below this depth they cease all at once.* In place
of them I found, at depths of from 2 to 10 meters (6i to
33 feet), the often described terra-cottas in the form of
small volcanoes, humming-tops or whorls, which, at a depth
* A few, however, were afterwards found in lower strata, at 6 and
even 8 meters. (See p. 295.) — [Ed.]
of 3 meters only (nearly 10 feet), were frequently met with
in blue stone, but were in all other cases of terra-cotta,
and almost all of them with decorations. At 6\ feet below
the surface I found a Roman well, which I dug out to a
depth of more than 36 feet, but which seems to be sunk
down as far as the Plain. At all depths we met with many
mussel-shells, boars' tusks, and fish-bones ; but the bones
of sharks only at the depth of from n to 13 feet below the
surface. The ruins of houses built of hewn stone, joined
with cement or lime, seldom extend lower than 3^ feet,
and the ruins of buildings built of large hewn stones not
joined by any kind of cement, never below 6h feet : visitors
to the Plain of Troy can convince themselves of this with
their own eyes, by looking at the walls of my cuttings.
From a depth of 3 to 4 meters (6h to 13 feet) downwards, we
met with few or no stones ; and the calcined ruins of innume-
rable layers of debris seem to prove that all of the buildings
which existed there during the course of centuries were
built of wood, and were destroyed by fire. Consequently in
these depths I have hitherto only found fragments of good
earthenware ; the only things brought out in an uninjured
condition were small pots of the coarsest description.
At a depth of 4 meters (13 feet), I found a fragment
of pottery with a drawing of a bust, of Phoenician work-
manship. Directly upon it were an immense quantity
of stone implements and weapons of hard black stone,
which continued to a depth of 7 meters (23 feet).
Simultaneously with these, but extending to a depth
of 10 meters (33 feet), I found elegant pottery of one
colour and without any kind of ornament beyond the
owl's face ; small pots and vases of a larger size with three
little feet ; then, but only as far as a depth of 23 feet, the
Priapus of terra-cotta in its natural form, and also in the
form of a pillar rounded off at the top. From 4 to 7
meters (13 to 23 feet) deep, there were a great many rlint
knives, the majority of which have the shape of saws, or
[Chap. V.
consist only of sharp pieces, rarely in the form of blades;
needles and little spoons made of bone, as well as an enor-
mous number of terra-cotta discs with a hole through the
centre ; and two copper nails. As is proved by the numerous
No. 56.
No. 57.
No. 58.
No. 61.
No. 59. No. 60.
Stone Implements of the earliest Settlers (n and 14 M.).
Nos. 56 and 57. An Axe and Hammer of Diorite. Nos. 58, 59, 60. Knives of White Silex.
No. 61. Probably an Arrow-head.
house-walls which I have cut through in these depths,
many of which are in the earth-wall of my excavations, the
houses were built of small stones joined with earth. From
7 to 10 meters (23 to 33 feet), I found a great many copper
nails, frequently 5 inches in length, and a few lances and
battle-axes of elegant workmanship. At every foot of earth
that we dig down, after a depth of 23 feet, we find the traces
of a much higher civilization; stone weapons are still occa-
sionally met with, but they are of splendid workmanship.
I found many copper knives, but also immense numbers
of flint knives, which, however, are incomparably better
made than those of the preceding strata. We also found,
although not often, very sharp double-edged knite-blades of
obsidian, 2f inches in length. The pots and vases continue
No. 62. Small Trojan Vase of Terra-cotla, with
Decorations 8 M.).
No. 63. A Trojan Vase-cover of red Terra-
cotta (7 M.).
to be more elegant ; there were also bright red vase-covers in
the form of a bell with a coronet above, or like gigantic
champagne glasses with two large handles ; very many
elegant vessels with or without three little feet, but with
little rings on the sides and holes in the mouth in the same
direction, so that they could not only stand, but also be
carried on a cord ; likewise a number of very small vases
with three little feet. All the terra-cottas are of a brilliant
red, yellow, green, or black colour ; only the very large
urns are colourless. From 2 to 10 meters deep (6^-33
feet) we note the complete absence of painting. At a depth
of yh meters (24I feet) was a small terra-cotta disc with
rive letters, which I consider to be Phoenician ; at 28 feet
one of those frequently mentioned terra-cottas in the
form of a top with six written characters. At the same
depth, upon a stone, one letter, which to all appearance
belongs to a different language ; and lastly, at a depth
of 10 meters, or 33 English feet, a leaden plate with one
Now as regards the construction of the houses belong-
ing to the strata at a depth of from 7 to 10 meters (23 to
1,1, feet), only the foundations and thresholds were com-
posed of large stones — as anyone may convince himself
by a glance at the earthen walls of my excavations. The
house-walls, on the other hand, were composed of unburnt
sun-dried bricks. At a depth of 10 meters {^^ feet), I
again found the buildings to be of stone, but of colossal
proportions. Most of the stones are very large, many of
them hewn, and we meet with a great many massive blocks.
It appears to me that I have already brought to light
several walls at this depth ; but I have unfortunately
not yet succeeded in arriving at an opinion as to how
they were actually built and what their thickness was.
The stones of the walls seem to me to have been separated
from one another by a violent earthquake. I have hitherto
seen no trace of any kind of cement between them, either
of clay or lime.
Of the terrible difficulties of the excavations, where such
large pieces of stone are met with, only those can have any
idea who have been present at the work and have seen how
much time and trouble it takes, especially during the present
rainy weather — first to get out the small stones round one of
the many immense blocks, then to dig out the block itself, to
get the lever under it, to heave it up and roll it through
the mud of the channel to the steep declivity.
But these difficulties only increase my desire, after so
many disappointments, to reach the great goal which is at
last lying before me, to prove that the Iliad is founded on
facts, and that the great Greek nation must not be deprived
of this crown of her glory. I shall spare no trouble and
shun no expense to attain this result.
I must still draw attention to the remarkable growth
of this hill. The huge square stones of the foundations of
the house on the summit of the hill (where I found the in-
scription which appears to belong to the third century B.C.),
which in its clay must have been on the surface, are now in
some places only 13 inches, in others only 3^ feet below
the earth. But as the colossal ruins, which I positively
maintain to be those of ancient Troy, lie at a depth of
33 feet, the accumulation of debris on this part must have
amounted to more than 30 feet during the first 1000 years,
and only from 1 to 3 feet during the last 2000 years.
But, strange to say, on the north side of the hill, with
its steep declivity, at the place where I am digging, the
thickness of the hill has not increased in the slightest degree.
For not only do the ruins of the innumerable habitations
in all cases extend to the extreme edge of the declivity, but
I also find up to this point the same objects that I find
on the same horizontal line as far as the opposite end of
my excavations. Hence it is interesting to know that the
declivity of the hill on the north side was exactly as steep
at the time of the Trojan war as it is now, namely, that
even at that time it rose at an angle of 40 degrees.
No. 64. A stone Implement of unknown No. 65. A strange Vessel of Terra-cotta
use. Weight 472 grammes. [2M.) (15 m.).
( 9» )
WOF(K~ at HISSAI^IK IN 1872.
New assistants for 1872 — Cost of the excavations — Digging of the great
platform on the North — Venomous snakes — A supporting buttress
on the North side of the hill — Objects discovered : little idols of
fpHL —1 I
fine marble — Whorls engraved with the suastika (QKB and r-M —
Significance of these emblems in the old Aryan religion — Their
occurrence among other Aryan nations — Mentioned in old Indian
literature — Illustrative quotation from Emile Burnouf.
On the Hill of Hissarlik, April 5th, 1872.
My last report was dated November 24th, 1871. On
the first of this month, at 6 o'clock on the morning of
a glorious day, accompanied by my wife, I resumed the
excavations with 100 Greek workmen from the neigh-
bouring villages of Renkoi*, Kalifatli, and Yenishehr. Mr.
John Latham, of Folkestone, the director of the railway
from the Piraeus to Athens, who by his excellent manage-
ment brings the shareholders an annual dividend of 30 per
cent., had the kindness to give me two of his best workmen,
Theodorus Makrys of Mitylene, and Spiridion Demetrios
of Athens, as foremen. To each of them I pay 150 fr.
(6/.) per month, while the daily wages of the other men
are but 1 fr. 80 cent. Nikolaos Zaphyros, of Renko'i, gets
6 fr., as formerly ; he is of great use to me on account
of his local knowledge, and serves me at once as cashier,
attendant, and cook. Mr. Fiat, who has undertaken the
construction of the railroad from the Piraeus to Lanira,
has also had the kindness to let me have his engineer,
Adolphe Laurent, for a month, whom I shall have to pay
500 fr. (20/.), and his travelling expenses. But in addition
there are other considerable expenses to be defrayed, so
that the total cost of my excavations amounts to no less
than 300 fr. (12/.) daily.
Now in order to be sure, in every case, of thoroughly
solving the Trojan question this year, I am having an
immense horizontal platform made on the steep northern
slope, which rises at an angle of 40 degrees, a height
of 105 feet perpendicular, and 131 feet above the level
of the sea. The platform extends through the entire hill,
at an exact perpendicular depth of 14 meters or 4615
English feet, it has a breadth of 79 meters or 233 Eng-
lish feet, and embraces my last year's cutting.* M. Laurent
calculates the mass of matter to be removed at 78,545
cubic meters (above 100,000 cubic yards) : it will be less
if I should find the native soil at less than 46 feet, and
greater if I should have to make the platform still lower.
It is above all things necessary for me to reach the primary
soil, in order to make accurate investigations. To make
the work easier, after having had the earth on the
northern declivity picked down in such a manner
that it rises perpendicularly to the height of about
Si feet from the bottom, and after that at an angle of
5c degrees, I continue to have the dibris of the mighty
earth wall loosened in such a manner that this angle always
remains exactly the same. In this way I certainly work
three times more rapidly than before, when, on account of
the small breadth of the channel, I was forced to open it
on the summit of the hill in a direct horizontal direction
along its entire length. In spite of every precaution, how-
ever, I am unable to guard my men or myself against the
stones which continually come rolling down, when the
steep wall is being picked away. Not one of us is without
several wounds in his feet.
During the first three days of the excavations, in
* See the Frontispiece and Plan II.
H 2
digging down the slope of the hill, we came upon an
immense number of poisonous snakes, and among them a
remarkable quantity of the small brown vipers called an id ion
(^XvTrfkiov), which are scarcely thicker than rain worms,
and which have their name from the circumstance that the
person bitten by them only survives till sunset. It seems
to me that, were it not for the many thousands of storks
which destroy the snakes in spring and summer, the Plain
of Troy would be uninhabitable, owing to the excessive
numbers of these vermin.
Through the kindness of my friends, Messrs. J. Henry
Schroder and Co., in London, I have obtained the best
English pickaxes and spades for loosening and pulling
down the rubbish, also 60 excellent wheel-barrows with
iron wheels for carrying it away.
For the purpose of consolidating the buildings on the
top of the hill, the whole of the steep northern slope has
evidently been supported by a buttress, for I find the
remains of one in several places. This buttress is however
not very ancient, for it is composed of large blocks of
shelly limestone, mostly hewn, and joined with lime or
cement. The remains of this wall have only a slight
covering of earth ; but on all other places there is more
or less soil, which, at the eastern end of the platform,
extends to a depth of between 6^ and 10 feet. Behind
the platform, as well as behind the remains of the but-
tress, the debris is as hard as stone, and consists of the
ruins of houses, among which I find axes of diorite, sling-
bullets of loadstone, a number of flint knives, innu-
merable handmills of lava, a great number of small idols of
very fine marble, with or without the owl's-head and woman's
girdle, weights of clay in the form of pyramids and with
a hole at the point, or made of stone and in the form
of balls; lastly, a great many of those small terra-cotta
whorls, which have already been so frequently spoken of
in my previous reports. Two pieces of this kind, with
crosses on the under side, were found in the terramares of
Castione and Campeggine,* and are now in the Museum
of Parma. Many of these Trojan articles, and especially
those in the form of volcanoes, have crosses of the most
various descriptions, as may be seen in the lithographed
Nos. 66, 67, 68. Trojan Sling-bullets of Loadstone (9 and 10 M-).
drawings.")" The form dip occurs especially often ; upon
a great many we find the sign p|^J, of which there are
often whole rows in a circle round the central point. In my
earlier reports I never spoke of these crosses, because their
meaning was utterly unknown to me.
This winter, I have read in Athens many excellent
works of celebrated scholars on Indian antiquities, especially
Adalbert Kuhn, Die Herabkunft des Feuers ; Max
Midler's Essays ; Emile Burnouf, La Science des Reli-
gions and Essai sur le Veda, as well as several works
by Eugene Burnouf; and I now perceive that these crosses
upon the Trojan terra-cottas are of the highest importance
to archaeology. I therefore consider it necessary to enter
more fully into the subject, all the more so as I am now able
to prove that both the bSe and the pj-j , which I find in
Emile Burnouf s Sanscrit lexicon, under the name of "sua-
stika, " and with the meaning ev eVn, or as the sign of good
wishes, were already regarded, thousands of years before
* Gabriel de Mortillet, Lc Signc de la Croix avant le Christianisme.
t Plates XXI. to LIT. at the end of the volume.
Christ, as religious symbols of the very greatest importance
among the early progenitors of the Aryan races in Bactria
and in the villages of the Oxus, at a time when Germans,
Indians, Pelasgians, Celts, Persians, Slavonians and Iranians
still formed one nation and spoke one language. For
I recognise at the first glance the "suastika" upon one
of those three pot bottoms,* which were discovered on
Bishop's Island near Konigswalde on the right bank of
the Oder, and have given rise to very many learned
discussions, while no one recognised the mark as that
exceedingly significant religious symbol of our remote
ancestors. I find a whole row of these " suastikas " all
round the famous pulpit of Saint Ambrose in Milan ;
I find it occurring a thousand times in the catacombs of
Rome/j" I find it in three rows, and thus repeated sixty
times, upon an ancient Celtic funereal urn discovered in
Shropham in the county of Norfolk, and now in the
British Museum. J I find it also upon several Corinthian
vases in my own collection, as well as upon two very
ancient Attic vases in the possession of Professor Kuso-
pulos at Athens, which are assigned to a date as early,
at least, as iooo years before Christ. I likewise find it
upon several ancient coins of Leucas, and in the large
mosaic in the royal palace garden in Athens. An English
clergyman, the Rev. W. Brown Keer, who visited me here,
assures me that he has seen the Pj-J innumerable times in
the most ancient Hindu temples, and especially in those of
Ga"i'na.§ I find in the Ramayana that the ships of king
* Copied in the Zcitschrift fur Ethnologic, Organ der Berliner
Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic und Urgcschichte, 187 1, Heft III,
■j- Emile Burnouf, La Science des Religions.
% A. W. Franks, Horceferales, pi. 30, fig. 19.
§ The cut, for which we are indebted to Mr. Fergusson, represents
the foot-print of Buddha, as carved on the Amraverti Tope, near the
river Kistna. Besides the suastika, repeated again and again on the
heels, the cushions, and the toes, it bears the emblem of the mystic rose,
Rama — in which he carried his troops across the Ganges
on his expedition of conquest to India and Ceylon — bore
the P|-| on their prows. Sanscrit scholars believe that this
heroic epic (the Rama-
yana) was composed at
the latest 800 years before
Christ, and they assign
the campaign of Rama at
the latest to the thirteenth
or fourteenth century
b.c, for, as Kiepert
points out in his very
interesting article in the
National - Zeitung^ the
names of the products
mentioned in the 2nd
Book of Kings, in the
reign of King Solomon, as brought by Phoenician ships
from Ophir, as for example, ivory, peacocks, apes and
spices, are Sanscrit words with scarcely any alteration.
Hence we may surely regard it as certain, that it took at
least three or four centuries before the language of the con-
querors was generally introduced into the immensely large
and densely peopled country of India, especially as the
number of the conquerors cannot have been very large.
In the myths of the Rigveda, which were written before
the expedition into Northern India {Heptopotamia), the
Aryan population is always represented as inconsiderable
in numbers.
Emile Burnouf, in his excellent work La Science des
Religions, just published, says, " The pj-j represents the
two pieces of wood which were laid cross-wise upon one
No. 69. The Foot-print of Buddha.
likewise frequently repeated (comp. the lithographed whorls, Nos. 330,
339, &c), and the central circles show a close resemblance to some of
the Trojan whorls. — [Ed.]
another before the sacrificial altars in order to produce the
holy fire {Agni), and whose ends were bent round at right
angles and fastened by means of four nails, ^, so that
this wooden scaffolding might not be moved. At the point
where the two pieces of wood were joined, there was a small
hole, in which a third piece of wood, in the form of a lance
(called Pramanthd) was rotated by means of a cord made
of cow's hair and hemp, till the fire was generated by
friction. The father of the holy fire (Agni) is Twastri, i. e.
the divine carpenter, who made the ^P and the Pramantha,
by the friction of which the divine child was produced.
The Pramantha was afterwards transformed by the Greeks
into Prometheus, who, they imagined, stole fire from heaven,
so as to instil into earth-born man the bright spark of the
soul. The mother of the holy fire is the divine Maja, who
represents the productive force in the form of a woman ;
every divine being has his Maja. Scarcely has the weak
spark escaped from its mother's lap, that is from the pi-[,
which is likewise called mother, and is the place where the
divine Maja principally dwells — when it (Agni) receives the
name of child. In the Rigveda we find hymns of heavenly
beauty in praise of this new-born weak divine creature.
The little child is laid upon straw ; beside it is the mystic
cow, that is, the milk and butter destined as the offer-
ing ; before it is the holy priest of the divine Vaju, who
waves the small oriental fan in the form of a fla°- so
as to kindle life in the little child, which is close upon
expiring. Then the little child is placed upon the altar,
where, through the holy "soma" (the juice of the tree of
life) poured over it, and through the purified butter, it
receives a mysterious power, surpassing all comprehen-
sion of the worshippers. The child's glory shines upon
all around it ; angels [dcvds) and men shout for joy,
sing hymns in its praise, and throw themselves on their
faces before it. On its left is the rising sun, on its right
the full moon on the horizon, and both appear to grow
pale in the glory of the new-born god (Agni) and to worship
him. But how did this transfiguration of Agni take place ?
At the moment when one priest laid the young god upon
the altar, another poured the holy draught, the spiritual
" soma " upon its head, and then immediately anointed it
by spreading over it the butter of the holy sacrifice. By
being thus anointed Agni receives the name of the Anointed
{akta)\ he has, however, grown enormously through the
combustible substances ; rich in glory he sends forth his
blazing flames ; he shines in a cloud of smoke which rises
to heaven like a pillar, and his light unites with the light
of the heavenly orbs. The god Agni, in his splendour
and glory, reveals to man the secret things ; he teaches the
Doctors ; he is the Master of the masters, and receives the
name of Jatavedas, that is, he in whom wisdom is in-born.
Upon my writing to M. E. Burnouf to enquire about
the other symbol, the cross in the form (gpjl, which oc-
curs hundreds of times upon the Trojan terra-cottas,
he replied, that he knows with certainty from the
ancient scholiasts on the Rigveda, from comparative phi-
lology, and from the Monuments figures, that Suastikas, in
this form also, were employed in the very remotest times for
producing the holy fire. He adds that the Greeks for a
long time generated fire by friction, and that the two lower
pieces of wood that lay at right angles across one another
were called " crravpos" which word is either derived from
the root " stri," which signifies lying upon the earth, and is
then identical with the Latin " sternere," or it is derived
from the Sanscrit word " stavara," which means firm, solid,
immovable. Since the Greeks had other means of pro-
ducing fire, the word crravpos passed into simply in the
sense of " cross."
Other passages might be quoted from Indian scholars to
prove that from the very remotest times the pj-j and the
^Ql were the most sacred symbols of our Aryan fore-
I 06
[CH. VI. 1872.
In my present excavations I shall probably rind a
definite explanation as to the purpose for which the
articles ornamented with such significant symbols were
used ; till then I shall maintain my former opinion, that
they either served as Ex votes or as actual idols of
No. 70. Large Terra-cotta Vase, with the Symbols of the Man Goddess 4 m.J.
{ io7 )
Smoking at work forbidden, and a mutiny suppressed — Progress of the
great platform — Traces of sacrifices — Colossal blocks of stone
belonging to great buildings — Funereal and other huge urns —
Supposed traces of Assyrian art — Ancient undisturbed remains —
Further discoveries of stone implements and owl-faced idols — ■
Meaning of the epithet " yAai'KW7ris " — Parallel of "Hpa /3ow7ri<;, and
expected discovery of ox-headed idols at Mycenas — Vases of re-
markable forms — Dangers and engineering expedients — Georgios
Photidas — Extent of the Pergamus of Troy — Poisonous snakes,
and the snake-weed — The whorls with the central sun, stars, the
suastika, the Soma, or Tree of Life, and sacrificial altars — The name
of Mount Ida, probably brought from Bactria.
On the Hill of Hissarlik, April 25th, 1872.
Since my report of the 5th of this month I have continued
the excavations most industriously with an average of 120
workmen. Unfortunately, however, seven of these twenty
days were lost through rainy weather and festivals, one day
also by a mutiny among my men. I had observed that the
smoking of cigarettes interrupted the work, and I therefore
forbad smoking during working hours, but I did not gain
my point immediately, for I found that the men smoked in
secret. I was, however, determined to carry my point, and
caused it to be proclaimed that transgressors would be
forthwith dismissed and never taken on again. Enraged at
this, the workmen from the village of Renko'i — about 70
in number — declared that they would not work, if every-
one were not allowed to smoke as much as he pleased ;
they left the platform, and deterred the men from the
other villages from working by throwing stones. The
good people had imagined that I would give in to them
at once, as I could not do without them, and that
now I could not obtain workmen enough ; that more-
over during the beautiful weather it was not likely that
I would sit still a whole day. But they found them-
selves mistaken, for I immediately sent my foreman to the
other neighbouring villages and succeeded (to the horror
of the 70 Renko'its, who had waited the whole night at my
door) in collecting 120 workmen for the next morning
without requiring their services. My energetic measures
have at last completely humbled the Renko'its, from whose
impudence I had very much to put up with during my last
year's excavations, and have also had a beneficial effect upon
all of my present men. Since the mutiny I have not only
been able to prohibit smoking, but even to lengthen the
day's work by one hour ; for, instead of working as formerly
from half-past five in the morning to half-past five in the
evening, I now always commence at five and continue till
six in the evening. But, as before, I allow half an hour at
nine and an hour and a half in the afternoon for eating
and smoking.
According to an exact calculation of the engineer,
M. A. Laurent, in the seventeen days since the 1st of the
month I have removed about 8500 cubic meters (11,000
cubic yards) of debris ; this is about 666 cubic yards each
day, and somewhat above 5^- cubic yards each workman.
We have already advanced the platform 49 feet into
the hill, but to my extreme surprise I have not yet reached
the primary soil. The opinion I expressed in my report
of the 24th of November of last year, that the thick-
ness of the hill on the north side had not increased
since the remotest times, I find confirmed as regards the
whole western end of my platform, to a breadth of 45
meters (1472 feet) ; for it is only upon the eastern portion
of it, to a breadth of 82 feet, that I found 6\ and even
10 feet of soil; below and behind it, as far as 16^ feet
above the platform, there is debris as hard as stone, which
appears to consist only of ashes of wood and animals,
the remains of the offerings presented to the Ilian Athena.
I therefore feel perfectly convinced that by penetrating
further into this part I shall come upon the site of the very
ancient temple of the goddess. The ashes of this stratum
have such a clayey appearance, that I should believe it to
be the pure earth, were it not that I find it frequently to
contain bones, charcoal, and small shells, occasionally also
small pieces of brick. The shells are uninjured, which
sufficiently proves that they cannot have been exposed to
heat. In this very hard stratum of ash, at 1 1 feet above
the platform, and 46 feet from its edge, I found a channel
made of green sandstone nearly 8 inches broad and above
7 inches high, which probably once served for carrying
away the blood of the animals sacrificed, and must neces-
sarily at one time have discharged its contents down the
declivity of the hill. It therefore proves that the thickness
of the hill at this point has increased fully 46 feet since
the destruction of the temple to which it belonged.
Upon the other 1472 feet of the platform I find every-
where, as far as to about i6i feet high, colossal masses
of large blocks of shelly limestone, often more or less
hewn, but generally unhewn, which frequently lie so close
one upon another that they have the appearance of actual
walls. But I soon found that all of these masses of
stone must of necessity belong to grand buildings which
once have stood there and were destroyed by a fearful
catastrophe. The buildings cannot possibly have been
built of these stones without some uniting substance, and
I presume that this was done with mere earth, for I
find no trace of lime or cement. Between the immense
masses of stone there are intermediate spaces, more or
less large, consisting of very firm debris, often as hard
as stone, in which we meet with very many bones, shells,
and quantities of other remains of habitation. No traces
of any kind of interesting articles were found in the
whole length of the wall of debris, 229^ feet in length
[Chap. VII.
and 1 6\ feet in height, except a small splendidly worked
hair- or dress-pin of silver, but destroyed by rust. To-
day, however, at a perpendi-
cular depth of 14 meters
(46 feet) I found a beautiful
polished piece of mica-schist,
with moulds for casting two
breast-pins, and two other
ornaments which are quite
unknown to me — all of the
most fanciful description. I
also found a funereal or water
urn, unfortunately completely
broken, with decorations in
the form of two flat wreaths
No. 71. A Mould of Mica-schist for casting
ornaments [i4 ■.}. which run right round it. The
urn must have been 5 feet high, and at least 27^ inches in
breadth. In both of the wreaths there is an uninterrupted
No. 72. Fragment of
: I rn •)! L'erra-cotta with Assyrian (?) Decorations,
from die Lowest Stratum (14 M.).
row of cuneiform impressions, which at first sight seem to be
Assyrian inscriptions ; but on closer examination it is found
that they are mere ornaments. The fragments of this vase
show a thickness of about | of an inch. Two other enor-
mous urns, but completely broken, either for water, wine,
or funereal ashes, with decorations in the form of several
wreaths, forming perfect circles, were found on the 22nd
and 23rd of this month, at from 19^ to 23 feet above the
platform, and therefore, at a perpendicular depth of from
26 to ^ feet. Both must have been more than 6h feet
high, and more than 3^ feet in diameter, for the fragments
show a thickness of nearly 2 inches. The wreaths are
likewise in bas-relief, and show either double triangles fitting
into one another with circles, or flowers, or three rows or
sometimes one row of circles. The last decoration was also
found upon the frieze of green stone which Lord Elgin
discovered in the year 18 10 in the treasury of Agamemnon
in Mycenae, and which is now in the British Museum.
Both this frieze, and the above-mentioned urns discovered
by me in the depths of Ilium, distinctly point to Assyrian
art, and I cannot look at them without a feeling of sadness
when I think with what tears of joy and with what delight
the ever-memorable German scholar, Julius Braun, who
unfortunately succumbed three years ago to his excessive
exertions, would have welcomed their discovery ; for he
was not only the great advocate of the theory that the
Homeric Troy must be only looked for below the ruins of
Ilium, but he was also the able defender of the doctrine,
that the plastic arts and a portion of the Egyptian and
Assyrian mythology had migrated to Asia Minor and
Greece, and he has shown this by thousands of irrefutable
proofs in his profound and excellent work, Gcschichte der
Kunstin ihrem Entwickclungsgange, which I most urgently
recommend to all who are interested in art and archaeology.
Both the urns found at a depth of 46 feet and those
at from 26 to ^ feet, as well as all the funereal urns and
large wine or water vessels which I formerly discovered, were
standing upright, which sufficiently proves that the colossal
masses of debris and ruins were graduallv formed on the
spot, and could not have been brought there from another
place in order to increase the height of the hill. This is,
moreover, a pure impossibility in regard to the immense
numbers of gigantic blocks of stone, hewn and unhewn,
which frequently weigh from i to 2 tons.
In the strata at a depth of from 7 to 10 meters (23 to
33 feet), I found two lumps of lead of a round and con-
cave form, each weighing about two pounds ; a great
number of rusted copper nails, also some knives and a
copper lance ; further very many smaller and larger knives
of white and brown silex in the form of single and double-
edged saws ; a number of whet-stones of green and black
slate with a hole at one end, as well as various small objects
of ivory.* In all the strata from 4 to 10 meters (13 to 33
feet) deep I found a number of hammers, axes and wedges
of diorite, which, however, are decidedly of much better
workmanship in the strata below the depth of 7 meters
(23 feet) than in the upper ones. Likewise at all depths
from 3 meters ( 1 o feet) below the surface we find a number
of flat idols of very fine marble : upon many of them is
the owl's face and a female girdle with dots ; upon one
there are in addition two female breasts.f The striking-
resemblance of these owls' faces to those upon many of
the vases and covers, with a kind of helmet on the owl's
head, makes me firmly convinced that all of the idols, and
all of the helmeted owls' heads represent a goddess, and
indeed must represent one and the same goddess, all the
more so as, in fact, all the owl-faced vases with female
breasts and a navel have also generally two upraised arms :
in one case the navel is represented by a cross with four
nails.J. The cups (covers) with owls' heads, on the other
* See an illustration to Chapter X. for similar ivories, still more
interesting, from their greater depth, than those mentioned in the text,
which are very imperfectly shown on the original photograph.
t See the Plate of Idols, p. 36. | See Cut, No. 13, p. 35.
hand, never have breasts or a navel, yet upon some ot
them I find long female hair represented at the back.*
The important question now presents itself: — What
goddess is it who is here found so repeatedly, and is,
moreover, the only one to be found, upon the idols,
drinking-cups and vases ? The answer is : — She must
necessarily be the tutelary goddess of Troy, she must be
the Ilian Athena, and this -indeed perfectly agrees with
the statement of Homer, who continually calls her 64a
yXavKco-ms iA.6-qvqi "the goddess Athena with the owl's
face." For the epithet " yXavKaj-ms " has been wrongly
translated by the scholars of all ages, because they could
not imagine that Athena should have been represented
with an owl's face. The epithet, however, consists of
the two words y\av£ and com], and, as I can show by
an immense number of proofs, the only possible literal
translation is " with an owl's face " ; and the usual trans-
lation " with blue, fiery or sparkling eyes " is utterly
wrong. The natural conclusion is that owing to pro-
gressive civilization Athena received a human face, and
her former owl's head was transformed into her favourite
bird, the owl, which as such is unknown to Homer. The
next conclusion is that the worship of Athena as the
tutelary goddess of Troy was well known to Homer ;
hence that a Troy existed, and that it was situated on the
sacred spot, the depths of which I am investigating.
In like manner, when excavations shall be made in the
HercEiim between Argos and Mycenae, and on the site of
the very ancient temple of Hera on the island of Samos,
the image of this goddess with a cow's head will doubtless
be found upon idols, cups and vases ; for " /3ow7ri," the
usual epithet of Hera in Homer, can originally have
* Dr. Schliemann is here speaking of the " cups " which he after-
wards decided to be covers, which of course represent only the head, the
body being on the vase. — [Ed.]
[Chap. VII.
signified nothing else than "with the face of an ox." But
as Homer also sometimes applies the epithet /3ow7u to
mortal women, it is probable that even at his time it was
considered to be bad taste to represent Hera, the wife of
the mightiest of all the gods, with the face of an ox, and
that therefore men even at that time began to represent
her with a woman's face, but with the eyes of an ox, that is,
with very large eyes ; consequently the common epithet of
(3ocottl<;, which had formerly been only applied to Hera
with the meaning of " with the face of an ox," now merely
signified with large eyes.
Of pottery we have found a great deal during the last
weeks, but unfortunately more than half of it in a broken
condition. Of painting upon terra-cotta there is still no
trace ; most of the vessels are of a simple brilliant black,
yellow, or brown colour : the very large vases on the other
hand are generally colourless.
Plates of ordinary manufac-
ture I have as yet found only
at a depth of from 8 to 10
meters (16 to 33 feet), and,
as can be distinctly seen, they
have been turned upon a pot-
ter's wheel. All the other
vessels hitherto found seem,
however, to have been formed
by the hand alone ; yet they
possess a certain elegance,
and excite the admiration of
beholders by their strange and
\ ery curious forms. The
vases with a long neck bent
back, a beak-shaped mouth turned upwards, and a round
protruding body * —two of which are in the British
No. 73. Trojan Plates found on the Tower
(8 M.).
< 'in. No. 5 |. p. 86.
Museum, several of those found in Cyprus in the
Museum in Constantinople, and several of those dis-
covered beneath three layers of volcanic ashes in Thera and
Therassia in the French school in Athens — are almost
certainly intended to represent women, for I find the
same here at a depth of from 26 to ^ feet, with two or
even with three breasts, and hence I believe that those found
here represent the tutelary goddess of Ilium. We also
find some vases and covers with men's faces, which, how-
ever, are never without some indications of the owl ;
moreover, the vases with such faces always have two
female breasts and a navel. I must draw especial atten-
tion to the fact that almost all of the
vases with owls' faces, or with human
faces and the indications of the owl,
have two uplifted arms, which serve
as handles, and this leads me to con-
jecture that they are imitations of the
large idol which was placed in the very
ancient temple of the Ilian divinity, N°- m- yase Cover with ataman
r J ' face. r-rom the Trojan Stratum
which therefore must have had an (8m)'
owl's face, but a female figure, and two arms beside the
head. It is very remarkable that most of the vessels
which I find have been suspended by cords, as is proved
by the two holes in the mouth, and the two little tubes, or
holes in the handles, at the side of the vessels.
Unfortunately, many of the terra-cottas get broken
when the debris is being loosened and falls down, for there
is only one way in which I can save my men and myself
from being crushed and maimed by the falling stones : this
is, bv keeping the lowest part of the mighty earthen wall on
the perpendicular up to 16 feet (not 7 feet, as on the first
five days), and the whole of the upper part at an angle of
50 degrees, by always loosening the perpendicular portion,
by making shafts, and working with large iron levers in
pieces of from 15 to 30 cubic metres (20 to 40 cubic
1 2
yards). Bv thus causing the debris and the stones of the
upper portion to be loosened with the pickaxe, the stones
fall in almost a direct line over the lower perpendicular wall
of 1 6 feet ; therefore they roll at most a few paces, and
there is less danger that anyone will be hurt. By this
means I also have the advantage that the greatest portion
of the debris falls down of its own accord, and what re-
mains can be shovelled down with little trouble, whereas
at first I spent half of my time in getting it down. As,
however, in making shafts and in bringing down the
colossal lumps of earth a certain amount of skill and caution
is necessary, I have engaged a third foreman at 7 francs a
day, Georgios Photidos, of Paxos, who has for seven years
worked as a miner in Australia, and was there occupied
principally in making tunnels. Home-sickness led him back
to his native country, where, without having sufficient
means of earning his daily bread, he, in vouthful thought-
lessness and out of patriotism, married a poor girl of his
own people who was but fifteen vears old. It was only
after his marriage, and in consequence of domestic cares,
that he recovered his senses. He heard that I was making-
excavations here, and came on speculation to offer me his
services. As he had assured me, when I first saw him, that
my accepting his services was a question of life and death
to him and his wife, I engaged him at once, the more so
because I was very much in want of a miner, tunnel -maker,
and pitman, such as he is. Besides acting in these capa-
cities, he is of great use to me on Sundays and on other
festivals, for he can write Greek, and he is thus able to copy
my Greek reports for the newspapers and learned societies
in the East ; for I had hitherto found nothing more in-
tolerable than to have to write out in Greek three times
over my long reports about one and the same subject,
especially as I had to take the time from my sleep. To
mv great regret, the excellent engineer Adolphe Laurent
leaves me to-morrow, tor his month is up. and he has now
to commence the construction of the railroad from the
Piraeus to Lamia. He has, however, made me a good
plan of this hill. I must add that the Pergamus of
Priam cannot have been limited to this hill, which is,
for the most part, artificial ; but that, as I endeavoured
to explain four years ago,* it must necessarily have ex-
tended a good way further south, beyond the high plateau.
But even if the Pergamus should have been confined
to this hill, it was, nevertheless, larger than the Acropolis
of Athens; for the latter covers only 50,126 square
meters (about 60,000 square yards), whereas the plateau
of this hill amounts to 64,500 square meters (about 77,400
square yards). I must further mention that, according to
Laurent's calculation, the plateau rises 46 feet above my
platform, and that his measurements of its height (about
38 feet on the north and 39 feet on the south) applies to
those points where the steep precipice commences. I have
just built a house with three rooms, as well as a magazine
and kitchen, which altogether cost only 1000 francs (40/.),
including the covering of waterproof felt ; for wood is
cheap here, and a plank of about 10 feet in length, 10
inches in breadth, and 1 inch thick, may be got for 2 piasters,
or 40 centimes. {These houses are seen in Plates X. and
We still find poisonous snakes among the stones as far
down as from ^ to 36 feet, and I had hitherto been
astonished to see my workmen take hold of the reptiles
with their hands and play with them ; nay, yesterday I saw
one of the men bitten twice by a viper, without seeming
to trouble himself about it. When I expressed my horror,
he laughed, and said that he and all his comrades knew
that there were a great many snakes in this hill, and they
had therefore all drunk a decoction of the snake-weed which
* Ithague, Ic Peloponriese et Troie. Dr. Schliemann's subsequent
change of opinion on this point is explained in subsequent chapters,
and in the Introduction.
grows in the district, and which renders the bite harmless.
Of course I ordered a decoction to be brought to me, so
that I also may be safe from their bites. I should, how-
ever, like to know whether this decoction would be a safe-
guard against the fatal effects of the bite of the hooded
cobra, of which in India I have seen a man die within half
an hour ; if it were so, it would be a good speculation to
cultivate snake-weed in India.
The frequently-discussed terra-cottas in the form of the
volcano and top {carrousel) are continually found in immense
numbers, as far as a depth of from ^ to 36 feet, and most
of them have decorations, of which I always make an
accurate drawing.* On comparing these drawings, I now
rind that all, without exception, represent the sun in the
centre, and that almost the half of the other carvings show
either only simple rays or rays with stars between, or round
the edge ; or again, three, four, six, or eight simple, double,
treble, and quadruple rising suns in a circle round the
edge.f Sometimes the sun is in the centre of the cross with
four nails, which, according to the explanations in my sixth
memoir, can evidently, and in all cases, represent only the
instrument which our Aryan forefathers used for producing
the holy fire (Agni), and which some Sanscrit scholars
call " Arani" and others " Suastika." The rising sun must
have been the most sacred object to our Aryan ancestors ;
for, according to Max Miiller ('Essays'), out of it — that
is, out of its struggle with the clouds — arose a very large
portion of the gods who afterwards peopled Olympus.
Upon some pieces the sun is surrounded by 40 or 50
little stars. I also found one upon which it is represented
* The various types of whorls spoken of here and throughout the
work are delineated in the lithographic Plates at the end of the volume,
and are described in the List of Illustrations.
t These " rising suns " are the arcs with their ends resting on the
circumference of the whorl, as in Nos. 321-28, and many others on
the Plates. M. Burnouf describes them as " stations of the sun."
in the centre, surrounded by 32 little stars and three
Pj-J ; another where one entire half of the circle is filled
by the rays of the sun, which, as in all cases, occupies the
central point; on the other half are two Pj-J and 18 little
stars, of which twice three (like the sword of Orion) stand in
a row ; and another where even four are seen in a row. As
M. Emile Burnouf tells me, three dots in a row, in the
Persian cuneiform inscriptions, denote " royal majesty." I
do not venture to decide whether the three dots here admit
of a similar interpretation. Perhaps they point to the
majesty of the sun-god and of Agni, who was produced out
of the pj-J. Upon some of these terra-cottas the sun is
even surrounded by four pj-J, which again form a cross
by their position round it. Upon others, again, I find
the sun in the centre of a cross formed by four trees,
and each one of these trees has three or four large leaves.*
Indian scholars will, perhaps, find these tree-crosses to
represent the framework upon which our ancestors used
to produce the holy fire, and the repeatedly-recurring fifth
tree to be the " Pramantha." I find representations of this
same tree several times, either surrounded by circles or
standing alone, upon small terra-cotta cones of from i^ to
2^ inches in diameter, which, in addition, have the most
various kinds of symbols and a number of suns and stars.
Upon a ball, found at the depth of 8 meters (16 feet),
there is a tree of this kind, surrounded by stars, opposite a
pj-j, beside which there is a group of nine little stars.f I
therefore venture to express the conjecture that this tree is
the tree of life, which is so frequently met with in the Assyrian
sculptures, and that it is identical with the holy Soma-tree,
which, according to the Vedas (see Emile Burnouf, Max
M tiller, Adalbert Kuhn, and Fr. Windischmann), grows in
* For the type of whorls with " soma-trees " or " trees of life " (four,
or more, or fewer), see Nos. 398, 400, 401, 404, &c. In No. 410 the
four trees form a cross.
| Plate LI I., No. 498.
heaven, and is there guarded by the Gandharvas, who belong
to the primeval Aryan period, and subsequently became the
Centaurs of the Greeks. Indra, the sun-god, in the form of a
falcon,* stole from heaven this Soma-tree, from which trickled
the Amrita (ambrosia) which conferred immortality. Fr.
Windischmann y has pointed out the existence of the Soma-
tree worship as common to the tribes of Aryans before their
separation, and he therefore justly designates it an inheritance
from their most ancient traditions. J Julius Braun§ says,
in regard to this Soma-tree : " Hermes, the rare visitor,
is regaled with nectar and ambrosia. This is the food
which the gods require in order to preserve their immor-
tality. It has come to the West from Central Asia, with
the whole company of the Olympian gods ; for the root of
this conception is the tree of life in the ancient system
of Zoroaster. The fruit and sap of this tree of life bestows
immortality, and the future Messiah (Sosiosk, in the Zend
writings) will give some of it to all the faithful and make
them all immortal. This hope we have seen fully expressed
in the Assyrian sculptures, where the winged genii stand
before the holy tree with a vessel containing the juice and
Just now two of those curious little terra-cottas, in the
form of a volcano, were brought to me, upon one of which
three animals with antlers are engraved in a circle round the
sun ; || upon another there are four signs (which I have
hitherto not met with) in the shape of large combs with
* This falcon seems to be represented by rude two-legged figures on
some of the whorls : — e.g. on Plate XLV., No. 468 (comp. p. 135).
j- Abhandlungen der K. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1846,
s. 127.
% A. Kuhn, ' Herabkunft des Feuers.'
§ Geschichte der Kunst.
|| See the cut No. 75 and also on Plate XXX., No. 382. M. Burnouf
describes the animal to the right as a hare, the symbol of the Moon,
and the other two as the antelopes, which denote the prevailing of the two
halves of the month [quinzaines).
1872.] NAME OF MOUNT IDA 121
long teeth, forming a cross round the sun.* I conjecture
that these extremely remarkable hieroglyphics, which at
first sight might be imagined to be
actual letters, can by no means repre-
sent anything else than the sacrificial
altar with the flames blazing upon it.
I do not doubt moreover, that in the
continuation of the excavations I shall
find this comb-shaped sign together
with other symbols, which will confirm No- 75. a whori, with three
» ' animals (3 M.).
my conjectures.
I must also add that the good old Trojans may perhaps
have brought with them from Bactria the name of Ida,
which they gave to the mountain which I see before me to
the south-east, covered with snow, upon which Jove and
Hera held dalliance,^ and from which Jove looked down
upon Ilium and upon the battles in the Plain of Troy, for,
according to Max M tiller, J Ida was the wife of Dyaus
(Zeus), and their son was Eros. The parents whom Sappho
ascribes to Eros — Heaven and Earth — are identical with his
Vedic parents. Heracles is called 'iScuo?, from his being
identical with the Sun, and he has this name in common
with Apollo and Jove.
To-morrow the Greek Easter festival commences, during
which unfortunately there are six days on which no work is
done. Thus I shall not be able to continue the excava-
tions until the ist of May.
* See Plate XXXV., No. 414. The same symbol is seen on several
other examples.
t Iliad, XIV. 346-351. An English writer ought surely to use our
old-fashioned form Jove, which is also even philologically preferable as
the stem common to Zers and _///-piter (/^Lo~ZeF=J'ov), rather than the
somewhat pedantically sounding Zeus. — [Ed.]
X Essays, II. 93.
( 122 )
Hindrances through Greek festivals — Thickness of the layers of dtbris
above the native rock — Date of the foundation of Troy — Impos-
sibility of the Bunarbashi theory — Homeric epithets suitable to
Hissarlik — Etymology of "IAios, signifying probably the " fortress of
the Sun " — The Aruna of the Egyptian records — Progress of the
platform, and corresponding excavation on the south - — The bulwark
of Lysimachus — Ruins of great buildings — Marks of civilization
increasing with the depth — Vases, and fragments of great urns —
A remarkable terra-cotta — A whorl with the appearance of an
On the Hill of Hissarlik, May nth, 1872.
Since my report of the 25th of last month I have only
been able to have ten days' digging, owing to the various
Greek festivals, for even the poorest Greek of this district
would not work on a church festival even if he could earn
1000 francs in an hour. Turkish workmen were not to be
had, for they are at present occupied with field work. The
weather has been and still is very favourable for making
excavations, as the heat during the day does not yet rise
above 200 Reaumur (770 Fahrenheit) in the shade, and
then it never rains here from the beginning of May till
October, except during thunderstorms, and they rarely last
more than half an hour at a time. Moreover, the Plain
of Troy is at present still healthy ; the notorious Trojan
fevers do not actually begin till July, when the many stag-
nant waters have evaporated, and the pestilential miasma
arises from the decomposition of the millions of dead frogs,
and from the dried-up marshes, the ground of which cracks
with the heat of the sun. My wife and I have therefore
still six weeks before us, with the precaution of taking-
quinine to guard against fever.
I have cleared out the Roman well, which has been
repeatedly mentioned, to a depth of 20 meters (6^ feet),
and I find that it is walled only as far as $i\ feet
below the surface of the hill, and then runs into the lime-
stone rock which forms the native soil. I have caused
Georgios Photidas to make a small tunnel in this rock
from the well, and have now become quite convinced
that the ground — upon which, according to Homer, the
Trojan king Dardanus, who had up to that time lived at
the foot of many-fountained Ida, built the town of Dar-
dania (Troy) in the Plain*- — is covered with a layer of dSbris
about 16 meters, or 52^ English feet, thick. I must here
remind the reader that the ruins of the Greek colony, which
settled on the spot, scarcely extend to a depth of 6\ feet ; that
consequently if, with Strabo (XIII. 1, 43) we suppose the
establishment of this colony to have taken place under the
Lydian dominion, that is about 700 b.c, and calculate the
duration of the reigns of the six kings (Dardanus, Erich-
thonios, Tros, Ilus, Laomedon, and Priam) who, according
to the Iliad (XX. 215-240), preceded the destruction of
Troy, at 200 years, and thus presume the town to have
been founded about 1400 years before Christ, the accu-
mulation of debris must in this place have amounted to
14 meters, or 46 feet, during the first 700 years.
I am firmly convinced that, on a glance at my excava-
tions, every one of the remaining advocates of the anti-
Tliad, XX. 216-218:-
Kr/ffixe 5e AapSaviriv' eirel ov-nui "\\ws Ipr)
'Ec 7reSi&) ■Keir&XicTTO, tt6\ls jxip6irci:v avdptoirooi',
'AAA' e6' {nrwpe'ias wKtov TroAviriSaKOS "iSris.
" By Dardanus, of cloud-compelling Jove
Begotten, was Dardania peopled first,
Ere sacred Hi on, populous city of men,
Was founded on the plain ; as yet they dwelt
On spring-abounding Ida's lowest spurs."
quated theory that Troy is to be looked for at the back
of the Plain, upon the heights of Bunarbashi, will at once
condemn that theory, for the Acropolis and town which
once stood upon those heights, and the small area of which
is accurately defined by the ruins of the surrounding walls
and by the precipices, is scarcely large enough to have
contained a population of 2000 souls ; the accumulation of
dibris moreover is extremely small. In many places, even
in the middle of the Acropolis, the naked rock protrudes,
and between the area of this small town and Bunarbashi
the ground — in some places pointed, in others abrupt, but
in all parts irregular — shows that no village, much less a
town, can ever have stood upon it. Immediately above
Bunarbashi, and in fact wherever there was any earth at all,
I and my guide, with five workmen, made (in August
1868) a long series of borings at distances of 100 meters
(328 feet) apart, as far as the Scamander, but we found
the primary soil in all cases directly, and the rock at quite
an insignificant depth ; and nowhere wras there a trace of
fragments of pottery or other indications that the place
could ever have been inhabited by human beings. Even
in Bunarbashi itself I found the primary soil at a depth of
less than 2 feet. Besides this, if Troy had been built at the
back of the Plain, upon the heights of Bunarbashi, Homer
{Iliad, XX. 216-218) would not have expressly said that
previous to its foundation by Dardanus it had not yet been
built in the Plain.
The primary soil of Hissarlik is indeed less than 20
meters (6$\ feet) above the Plain, immediately at the foot
of the hill ; but at all events the Plain itself, and especially
that part bordering upon the hill, has increased in height
considerably in the course of 31 centuries. But even
if this had not been the case, still the Troy built upon
this hill running out into the Plain would, on account
of its high and imposing position, deserve the Homeric
epithets of oc/>puoecrcra, alneLVT], and iqpe/xoecrcra, especially
the latter ; for one of my greatest troubles here is the con-
tinual high wind, and it cannot possibly have been other-
wise in Homer's time. It is assuredly time that the
Bunarbashi theory, which stands in direct contradiction
with all the statements of the Iliad, should now at last come
to an end. The theory, in fact, would never have arisen
had its advocates, instead of spending one hour, remained a
whole day on the heights, and made investigations even
with the aid of a single workman.
As I observed in my last report, I here find the sun
represented in the centre of all the innumerable round
ornamented terra-cottas in the form of the volcano and top
(carrousel), and yesterday I even found one upon which the
central sun was surrounded by five other suns, each of
them with twelve rays.#
I know very well that some would derive the name of
the town of Ilium (TXios or TXiov) from the Sanscrit word
villi, " fortress," and "HXto? from a lost masculine form
of ^ekrjvr], probably Setpiog, and the thought involun-
tarily forces itself upon me, when looking at the above-
mentioned terra-cottas with the five suns in a circle round
the central sun, that the image of the Sun which occurs
thousands and thousands of times must be connected with
the name of Troy, namely TA.105, for "IXlov only occurs once
in Homer (Iliad, XV. 7 1 ); he always elsewhere speaks ofTXio?,
and always uses this word as a feminine. Homer, it is true,
always says 'He'Aios instead of "HXios, but in my opinion the
root of both is eXrj or eiXr), from the verb alpeco, the aorist
of which is elXov. In Germany, according to the Eras-
mian pronunciation elXrj is certainly pronounced heila, and
elXov, hcilon ; but in the modern Greek pronunciation elXrj
is Hi ; elXov, Hon ; and c/H\io, ilios. There are a number
of proofs that the Erasmian pronunciation is radically wrong,
and that the modern Greek is the correct one. Among these
:' See Plate XX 1 1., No. 327.
I will only mention that all the Greek words which passed
over into the Russian language, when Russia embraced
Christianity 900 years ago, are pronounced in Russian
exactly as they still are in Greece ; and moreover that
those who decipher the Assyrian cuneiform inscriptions
(especially, I believe, J. Oppert, in Paris), have pointed out
that the Greek names, which occur in these inscriptions
from the time of the SeleucidcC, are represented in the cunei-
form writing exactly according to the modern Greek pro-
nunciation. Now, if out of the word elXr), eXr), or elXov,
there has arisen 'HeXios and c/H\io, then surely by the
sameness of the pronunciation there may have arisen out of
one of the first three words in pre-Homeric times "iXios in
the feminine for ttoXls 'RXlov or 'IXlov, signifying " Sun-
castle," for the earlier meaning of ttoXls was certainly castle,
fortress, or acropolis, as for instance in the Iliad, VI. 88,
257, 317, XXII. 383. Although I am well aware that
Egyptian scholars have hitherto found no relationship
between the hieroglyphic and Sanscrit languages, yet I
cannot help mentioning that three years ago, in the Institute
of France, I heard a lecture by the Vicomte de Rouge, who
had found in a papyrus the names of the powers leagued
against Rameses III., and among these the state of Arouna
or Aruna, which he without hesitation identified with Ilium,
as he thought that this was the only way in which the
latter word could be rendered in the hieroglyphic language.
Now, curiously enough, according to Max Muller* and
Adalbert Kuhn,| the Sanscrit word Aruna signifies
" charioteer of the sun." I leave it to Egyptian and Sanscrit
scholars to judge whether and how far this may serve to
confirm what I have said above.
Although since Easter I have been obliged to pay my
men 1 piaster more per diem, which makes their wages
10 piasters or 2 francs a day, still I am now working with
"' Essays, U. 324. t Herabkujift des Fetters, \>. 59.
130 men, and I firmly hope by the 1st of October to have
carried my great platform through the entire hill, preserving
exactly the same, breadth ; for while my wife and I, with
85 workmen, are busy on the platform on the north
side, Georgios Photidas and 45 men have for 10 days been
working towards us from a second platform on the south
side. Unfortunately, however, the slope of the hill on the
south side is so slight, that we were forced to begin this
work 163 feet below the surface, in order to have room and
freedom for removing the (Ubris ; we have, however, given
it a dip of 1 40, so that it must reach the primary soil at
a length of about 75 meters (246 feet). This southern
platform is under the sole direction of Georgios Photidas,
for he has proved himself to be a very skilful engineer, and
he works forward very quickly through his cleverly devised
side terraces. He has hitherto, however, had only light
debris to remove, and has not yet come upon that very hard,
tough, damp debris which I have on my platform at the
depth of 10 to 16 meters (33 to 52^ feet). To-day he has
brought to light a splendid bastion, composed of large
finely-hewn blocks of limestone, not joined by either cement
or lime, which, however, does not seem to me to be older
than the time of Lysimachus. It is certainly very much in
our way, but it is too beautiful and venerable for me to
venture to lay hands upon it, so it shall be preserved.
On the south side the accumulation of debris from the
Greek period is much more considerable than on the north
side and upon the plateau ; and thus far Georgios Photidas
constantly finds Greek pottery and those terra-cottas with
two holes at one end, which, in my excavations hitherto,
ceased entirely at a depth of 2 meters (6h feet). The greater
portion of these round articles have the potter's stamp
already mentioned, representing a bee or fly with outspread
wings above an altar. (See Cuts, Nos. 37-40, p. 6$.)
I have also given the platform on the north side an inclina-
tion of 10 in a length of 66 feet, so as to be able to work
forward on the primary soil, without the indescribable
trouble of lowering it another 6-r feet, and of thus having
to remove 4000 cubic yards of debris. This primary soil
sufficiently proves that all those enormous masses of im-
mense stones, generally more or less hewn, with which, as
already said, I had continually to battle at a depth of from
10 to 14 meters (33 to 46 feet), are the remains of large
buildings, which in the course of centuries have been
erected successively upon the ruins of others. For it does
not appear conceivable to me that even a large palace,
were it six storeys high, could leave such colossal ruins,
which, as they reach down to the rock, are nearly 20 feet
in height.
For some days these masses of stone have diminished
in number, but we continually find many single large
blocks. Instead of the stone strata, however, we now have
before us, upon the whole breadth of the platform (230
feet), and to the height of 20 feet (hence at a depth of
from 10 to 16 meters, 33 to 52^ feet), a damp wall as hard
as stone, composed of ashes mixed with small shells, bones,
boars' tusks, &c, exactly like that which we before found
at the east end. This mass is so tough, that it is only by
making shafts, and breaking down the wralls by means of
huge iron levers, that we manage to get on at all.
The signs of a higher civilization increasing with the
greater depth — which I mentioned in my last report when
speaking of the large urn with Assyrian inscriptions — con-
tinue down to the native soil. Close above it I find a great
quantity of fragments of brilliant black and sometimes red
or brown pottery, with engraved decorations, of a quality
more excellent than I have hitherto met with even in the
highest strata, among the ruins of the Greek period. I
also found several fragments of cups, the lower part of
which likewise forms a cup, but not a large one, and hence
I do not doubt that these are fragments of double cups
(SeVas ajjLffuKVTreWop). In Homer it indeed seems as if all
® # ® m^
No. 76. Fragment of a Vase of polished black
Earthenware, with Pattern inlaid in White, from
the Lowest Stratum (14 m.).
double cups were made of gold or silver with a gilt rim,*
but I do not doubt that there were at the same time also
double cups made of clay.f
The other vessels, of which I found fragments, were
made so as to be carried
by strings, as is proved by
the two rings projecting
beside one another on
either side. I also found
upon the primary soil the
head of a brilliant black
pitcher, with a beak-shaped
mouth bent back ; also the
fragment of a vessel painted
white, but divided into
two compartments by black lines drawn horizontally ;
the upper compartment contains undulating black lines,
which are perhaps meant
to represent water, the
lower one is filled with
a row of arrow-shaped
decorations, with square
pointed heads, in the
centre of which there is
always a dot.
At the same depth I
found fragments of large
water or funereal urns
with engraved ornaments
of various descriptions ; also a square piece of terra-cotta
painted black and ornamented all round with lines and four
rows of dots filled with a white substance. As appears
No. 77. Fragment of Terra-cotta, perhaps part of a
box, found on the primitive Rock ivi6 M.).
* See, for example, Iliad, XI. 633-635, Odyssey, XV. 116, 446.
t Dr. Schliemann found afterwards that these fragments did not
belong to double cups. (See Chap. XXII., p. 313, and 'Introduction,'
P- >5-)
[Ch. VIII. 1872.
from the upper and the lower side, and from the two per-
forations, it must have been the setting and decoration of
a wooden jewel-casket. It is made with so much symmetry
and looks so elegant, that I at first thought it was ebony
inlaid with ivory.
At the depth of 8 meters (26 feet) I found a terra-
cotta seal an inch and a half in length, with a hole for
suspending it ; there are a number of signs
upon it resembling the ancient Koppa — like
that stamped upon Corinthian coins. *
At a depth of 5 meters (16^ feet), I found
to-day a very pretty jar with three feet, which is
evidently intended to represent a woman, pro-
bably the Ilian Athena, for it has two breasts
and a navel.
The snakes seem to have been enticed out
of their winter quarters by the warm weather which has set
in ; for it is ten days since I have seen any.
Amid all the fatigues and troubles of the excavations
there is this among other pleasures, that time never hangs
heavy on one's hands.
No. 78. A Tro-
jan Terra-cotta
Seal ,8 M.).
"::" As the device on a seal may be presumed to be significant, and as
patterns strikingly similar to this occur on some of the whorls (e.g.
on Plate XLIV., No. 461), we have a strong argument for the significance
of the latter class of devices. — [Ed.]
3 M.
No. 78*. Terracottas with Aryan Emble
5 M.
( W )
Superstition of the Greeks about saints' days — Further engineering works
— Narrow escape of six men — Ancient building on the western
terrace — The ruins under this house — Old Trojan mode of build-
ing— Continued marks of higher civilization — Terra-cottas engraved
with Aryan symbols : antelopes, a man in the attitude of prayer,
flaming altars, hares — The symbol of the moon — Solar emblems and
rotating wheels — Remarks on former supposed inscriptions — Stone
moulds for casting weapons and implements — Absence of cellars,
and use of colossal jars in their stead — The quarry used for the
Trojan buildings — " Un Me'decin malgre lui." — Blood-letting
priest-doctors — Efficacy of sea-baths — Ingratitude of the peasants
cured — Increasing heat.
On the Hill of Hissarlik, May 23rd, 1872.
Since my report of the 1 ith instant there have again been,
including to-day, three great and two lesser Greek church
festivals, so that out of these twelve days I have in reality
only had seven days of work. Poor as the people are, and
gladly as they would like to work, it is impossible to
persuade them to do so on feast days, even if it be the day
of some most unimportant saint. Mas Sepvec 6 ayios (" the
saint will strike us ") is ever their reply, when I try to
persuade the poor creatures to set their superstition aside
for higher wages.
In order to hasten the works, I have now had terraces
made at from 16 to 19 feet above the great platform on
its east and west ends ; and I have also had two walls made
of large blocks of stone — the intermediate spaces being-
rilled with earth — for the purpose of removing the debris.
The smaller wall did not seem to me to be strong enough,
and I kept the workmen from it ; in fact, it did not
k 2
bear the pressure, and it tell down when it was scarcely
finished. Great trouble was taken with the larger and
higher wall : it was built entirely of large stones, for the
most part hewn, and all of us, even Georgios Photidas,
thought it might last for centuries. But nevertheless on
the following morning I thought it best to have a buttress
of large stones erected, so as to render it impossible for the
wall to fall ; and six men were busy with this work when
the wall suddenly fell in with a thundering crash. My
fright was terrible and indescribable, for I quite believed
that the six men must have been crushed by the mass of
stones ; to my extreme joy, however, I heard that they had
all escaped directly, as if by a miracle.
In spite of every precaution, excavations in which men
have to work under earthen walls of above $o feet in per-
pendicular depth are always very dangerous. The call of
" guarda, guarda" is not always of avail, for these words
are continually heard in different places. Many stones
roll down the steep walls without the workmen noticing
them, and when I see the fearful danger to which we are all
day exposed, I cannot but fervently thank God, on re-
turning home in the evening, for the great blessing that
another day has passed without an accident. I still think
with horror of what would have become of the discovery
of Ilium and of myself, had the six men been crushed by
the wall which gave way; no money and no promises
could have saved me; the poor widows would have torn
me to pieces in their despair — for the Trojan women have
this in common with all Greeks of their sex, that the
husband, be he old or young, rich or poor, is everything to
them ; heaven and earth have but a secondary interest.
Upon the newly made western terrace, directly beside
my last year's excavation, we have laid bare a portion of a
large building — the walls of which are 6) feet thick, and
consist for the most part of hewn blocks of limestone
joined with clay. (JVo. i\on Plan ff.) None of the stones
seem to be more than 1 foot 9 inches long, and they are so
skilfully put together, that the wall forms a smooth surface.
This house is built upon a layer of yellow and brown ashes
and ruins, at a depth of 6 meters (20 feet), and the portion of
the walls preserved reaches up to within 10 feet below the
surface of the hill. In the house, as far as we have as yet
excavated, we found only one vase, with two breasts in front
and one breast at the side ; also a number of those frequently
mentioned round terra-cottas in the form of the volcano
and top, all of which have five or six quadruple rising
suns in a circle round the central sun.* These objects, as
well as the depth of 6 meters (20 feet), and the architecture
of the walls described above, leave no doubt that the house
was built centuries before the foundation of the Greek
colony, the ruins of which extend only to a depth of 6\
feet. It is with a feeling of great interest that, from this
great platform, that is, at a perpendicular height of from
2,y to 42 feet, I see this very ancient building (which
may have been erected 1000 years before Christ) standing
as it were in mid air. To my regret, however, it must in
any case be pulled down, to allow us to dig still deeper.
As I said before, directly below this house there is a layer of
ruins consisting of yellow and brown ashes, and next, as
far as the terrace, there are four layers more of ashes and
other cUbriS) each of which represents the remains of one
house at least. Immediately above the terrace, that is 13
feet below the foundation of that very ancient house, I find
a wall about 6 feet thick, built of large blocks of lime-
stone, the description of which I must reserve for my next
report, for a large portion of the building I have mentioned,
and immense masses of the upper strata of dfbris, as well
as the high earthen wall of the terrace (26 feet thick and 20
feet high) must be pulled down, before I can lay bare any
portion of this wall and investigate how far down it extends.
* See Plate XXII., No. 321.
1^4 TROY AND ll'S REMAINS. [Chap. IX.
If it reaches to or even approaches the primary soil, then
I shall reverently preserve it. (See No. 25 on Plan II.)
It is a very remarkable fact, that this is the first wall built
of large stones that I have hitherto found at the depth
of from 10 to 16 meters (33 to 52^ feet).* I cannot
explain this, considering the colossal masses of loose stones
which lie irregularly beside one another (especially at a
depth of from 36 to 52^ feet), in any other way than by
supposing that the houses of the Trojans were built ot
blocks of limestone joined with clay, and consequently easily
destroyed. If my excavations are not interrupted by any
accident, I hope, in this at all events, to make some interest-
ing discoveries very soon, with respect to this question.
Unfortunately during the last twelve days I have not
been able to pull down much of the lower firm earth-wall,
for, in order to avoid fatal accidents, I have had to occupy
myself especially in making and enlarging the side terraces.
I have now, however, procured enormous iron levers of
nearly 10 feet in length and 6 inches in circumference,
and I thus hope henceforth to be able at once to break
down, by means of windlasses, the hardest of the earth-
walls, which are 10 feet thick, 66 broad, and from 16 to
16 feet high. In the small portion of the earth-wall pulled
down during these last days, I repeatedly found the most
irrefutable proofs of a higher civilization ; but I will only
mention one of these, a fragment of a brilliant dark grey
vessel which I have at present lying before me, found at a
depth of 15 meters (49 feet). It may probably have been
nearly 2 feet in diameter, and it has decorations both outside
and inside, which consist of engraved horizontal and undu-
lating lines. The former are arranged in three sets in
stripes of five lines, and the lowest space is adorned with
eight and the following with five undulating lines, which
are probably meant to represent the waves of the sea ; of the
That is, belonging to the lowest stratum.
next set no part has been preserved ; the thickness of the
clay is just | of an inch.
No. 79. Fragment of a brilliant dark -grey Vessel, from the Lowest Stratum (15 m.).
a Inside ; b Outside.
In my report of the 25th of last month,* I mentioned
the discovery of one of those terra-cottas upon which were
engraved three animals with antlers in the circle round the
central sun. Since then four others of these remarkable
objects with similar engravings have been discovered.
Upon one of them, found at a depth of 6 meters (20 feet),
there are only two animals with antlers in the circle round
the sun, and at the end of each antler, and connected with
it, is an exceedingly curious sign resembling a large candle-
stick or censer, which is certainly an especially important
symbol, for it is repeatedly found here standing alone.j
Upon a second, there is below a rough representation of a
man who seems to be praying, for he has both arms raised
towards heaven ; this position reminds us forcibly of the two
uplifted arms of the owl-faced vases ; to the left is an animal
with but two feet and two trees on its back. J Indian scholars
will perhaps find that this is intended to represent the falcon,
in which shape the sun-god stole the sacred soma-tree from
* Chapter \ IT., p. 121.
t See No. 380, on Plate XXIX. % See No. 383, on Plate XXX.
heaven. Then follow two animals with two horns, probably
antelopes, which are so frequently met with upon ancient
Greek vases, and which in the Rigveda are always made to
draw the chariot of the winds. Upon a third terra-cotta there
are three of these antelopes with one or two rows of stars
above the back, which perhaps are intended to represent
heaven ; then five fire-machines, such as our Aryan ancestors
used ; lastly, a sign in zigzag, which, as already said, cannot
represent anything but the flaming altar. * Upon the fourth
whorl are four hares, the symbols of the moon, forming a
cross round the sun. They probably represent the four
seasons of the year.f
At a depth of 14 meters (46 feet) we found to-day two
of those round articles of a splendidly brilliant black terra-
cotta, which are only f of an inch in height, but 2^ inches
in diameter, and have five triple rising suns and five
stars in the circle round the central sun. All of these
decorations, which are engraved, as in every other case, are
filled in with a very fine white substance. When looking at
these curious articles, one of which is exactly the shape of
a carriage-wheel,! the thought involuntarily strikes me that
they are symbols of the sun's chariot, which, as is well
known, is symbolized in the Rigveda by a wheel, and that
all and each of these articles met with in the upper strata
(although their form deviates from that of a wheel on
account of their greater thickness) cannot be anything but
degenerated representations of the sun's wheel. I conjecture
this all the more, because not only is the sun the central
* Plate XXIX., No. 379. The front bears 4 ^1-1 ; on the back
are the emblems described, which are shown separately in detail, and
of which M. Burnouf gives an elaborate description. (See List of
+ Plate XXVIII., No. 377 ; compare Plate XXVIL, No. 367.
J See Plate XXII., No. 328 ; the depth (14 m.) deserves special
notice. The wheel-shape, which is characteristic of the whorls in the
lowest stratum, is seen at No. 314, Plate XXI.
point of all the round terra-cottas, but it is almost always
surrounded by one, two, three, four or live circles, which
may represent the nave of the wheel. At a depth of
16 meters (52^ feet) we found a round terra-cotta, which is
barely an inch in diameter, and a fifth of an
inch thick; there are five concentric circles
round the central point, and between the fourth
and fifth circle oblique little lines, which are
perhaps meant to denote the rotation of the ^'^0^ moving
. . Wheel (16 M.i.
I must here again refer to the round terra-cotta men-
tioned in my report of the 18th of November, 1871,* and
to my regret I must now express my firm conviction that
there are no letters upon it, but only symbolical signs ; that
for instance the upper sign (which is almost exactly the same
as that upon the terra-cotta lately cited) | must positively
represent a man in an attitude of prayer, and that the three
signs to the left can in no case be anything but the fire-
machine of our Aryan ancestors, the ^j-j little or not at all
changed. The sign which then follows, and which is con-
nected with the fourth and sixth signs, I also find, at least
very similar ones, on the other, cited in the same report,
but I will not venture to express an opinion as to what
it may mean.J The sixth sign (the fifth from the figure
in prayer) is very like the Phoenician letter " Nun," but
in my opinion cannot be a letter, for how would it be
possible to find a single Semitic letter, between Aryan
religious symbols ? Its great resemblance to the zigzag
sign of other examples,^ which I recognise to be lightning,
* Chapter IV. p. 84. See Plate XXII., No. 326, from the Atlas of
Photographs, and Plate XLVIIL, No. 482, from M. Burnouf s drawings.
+ Plate XXX., No. 383.
J Page 83, and Plate LI., No. 496. This is one of the inscriptions
examined by Professor Gomperz. (See Appendix.)
§ See Cut, No. 8t, and Plate XXVII., No. 369. The latter is an in-
scription, which Professor Gomperz has discussed. (See Appendix.)
leads me to suppose that it likewise can only represent
Ml the primitive symbols of the Aryan race, which I
find upon the Trojan terra-cottas, must he
symbols of good men, for surely only such
would have been engraved upon the thou-
sands of terra-cottas met with here. Yet
these symbols remind one forcibly of the
No. 81. Whorl with Sym- " cnjfxaTa Xvypd " and " 6vjAO(f)06pa" which
Ih.U of Lightning 7. M.). T,-. -,-, r rr\- t> 11 1
King Proetus or 1 lryns gave to bellerophon
to take to his father-in-law in Lycia.* Had he scratched a
symbol of good fortune, for instance a pj-J, upon the
folded tablet, it would assuredly have sufficed to secure
him a good reception, and protection. But he gave him
the symbol of death, that he might be killed.
The five [six] characters found on a small terra-cotta disc
at a depth of 24 feet, and which in my report of November
1 8th, 1871,1 I considered to be Phoenician, have unfortu-
nately been proved not to be Phoenician, for M. Ernest
Kenan of Paris, to whom I sent the small disc, finds nothing
Phoenician in the symbols, and maintains that I could not
find anything of the kind in Troy, as it was not the custom
of the Phoenicians to write upon terra-cotta, and moreover
that, with the exception of the recently discovered Moabite
inscription of King Mesha, no Phoenician inscription has
* Iliad, VI. 168-170:—
Tlt/Aire 8e fx.iv AvKi-qvSe. irnptv 8' o ye ar\uara Avypd,
rpdipas iv irivaKi irrvKTai QvfxocpQopa -koWo.,
AeT£cu 8 rifwytiv w ■Kevdepai u(pp' dWAuiTo.
" But to the father of his wife, the Kino
Of Lycia, sent him forth, with tokens charged
Of dire import, on folded tablets traced,
Which, to the monarch shown, might work his death."
t Chapter IV., pp. 83-84. Though not Phoenician, these are Cyprian
letters, and they have heen discussed by Professor Comperz, who
found in this very whorl his experimentitm cruris. (See Appendix.)
ever been found belonging to a date anterior to 500
years b.c.
I may also remark, with regard to my last year's excava-
tions, that I have now found quadrangular pieces of mica-
schist and chlorite slate, from nearly 6 inches to nearly
11 inches long, and from about i\ to 3^ inches thick,
No. 82. Two fragments nf a great Mould of Mica-schist for casting Copper Weapons and
Ornaments (14 M.).
which have on all four sides, and several of them on
six sides, forms or moulds for casting weapons and in-
struments; and further, that the channelled pieces, spoken
of in the report of November 18th, 1871,* are nothing but
fragments of similar stone-moulds ; the brilliant, glossy
appearance of the slate seems to have been produced by
simple polishing.
' Chapter IV., p. 87,
Of cellars, such as we have in civilized countries, I have
as yet found not the slightest trace, either in the strata of
the Hellenic or in those of the pre-Hellenic period ; earthen
vessels seem everywhere to have been used in their stead.
On my southern platform, in the strata of Hellenic times,
I have already had ten such vessels dug out in an uninjured
condition ; they are from 5^ to 6h feet high, and from 2 to
4^ feet in diameter, but without decorations.* I sent seven
of these jars (ttlOol) to the Museum in Constantinople.
In the strata of the pre-Hellenic period I find an
immense number of these ttlOol, but I have as yet only
succeeded in getting two of them out uninjured, from a
depth of 26 feet; these are about 3^ feet high and 26^
inches in diameter ; they have only unimportant deco-
In my last communication, I was able to speak of a
lesser number of the blocks of stone obstructing the works
upon the great platform ; to-day, however, I have again
unfortunately to report a considerable increase of them.
At a distance of scarcely 328 yards from my house, on
the south side, and at the part of the plateau of Ilium in a
direct perpendicular line below the ruined city wall, which
seems to have been built by Lysimachus, I have now dis-
covered the stone quarry, whence all those colossal masses
of shelly limestone {Muschelkalk) were obtained, which
the Trojans and their successors, down to a time after the
Christian era, employed in building their houses and walls,
and which have given my workmen and me such inex-
pressible anxiety, trouble, and labour. The entrance to
the quarry, which is called by the native Greeks and
Turks "lagum" ("mine" or "tunnel," from the Arabic
word ^ii, which has passed over into Turkish), is filled
with rubbish, but, as I am assured by all the people about
* Some examples of these jars, still more interesting on account of
the great depth at which they were found, are seen in Plate XL, p. 290.
here, it was still open only 20 years ago, and, as my exca-
vations have proved, it was very large. The town, as seems
to be indicated by a continuous elevation extending below
the quarry, had a double surrounding wall at this point,
and this was in fact necessary, for otherwise the enemy
would have been able, with no further difficulty, to force
his way into the quarry below the town-wall, as the entrance
to the quarry was outside of the wall.
Unfortunately, without possessing the slightest know-
ledge of medicine, I have become celebrated here as a
physician, owing to the great quantity of quinine and tinc-
ture of arnica which I brought with me and distributed
liberally, and by means of which, in October and November
of last year, I cured all fever patients and wounds. In
consequence of this, my valuable time is now claimed in a
troublesome manner by sick people, who frequently come
from a distance of many miles, in order to be healed of
their complaints by my medicine and advice. In all the
villages of this district, the priest is the parish doctor,
and as he himself possesses no medicines, and is ignorant
of their properties, and has besides an innate dislike to
cold water and all species of washing, he never uses any
other means than bleeding, which, of course, often kills
the poor creatures. Wrinkles on either side of the lips
of children from 10 to 12, years of age show that the priest
has repeatedly bled them. Now I hate the custom of
bleeding, and am enthusiastically in favour of the cold-
water cure ; hence I never bleed anyone, and I prescribe
sea-bathing for almost all diseases ; this can be had here by
everyone, except myself, who have no time for it. My
ordering these baths has given rise to such confidence, nay
enthusiasm, that even women, who fancied that it would
be their death to touch their bodies with cold water, now
go joyfully into the water and take their dip. Among
others, a fortnight ago, a girl of seventeen from Neo-
Chori was brought to me ; her body was covered with
( '43 )
A third platform dug — Traces of former excavations by the Turks —
Block of triglyphs, with bas-relief of Apollo — Fall of an earth-wall —
Plan of a trench through the whole hill — Admirable remains in the
lowest stratum but one — The plain and engraved whorls — Objects of
gold, silver, copper, and ivory — Remarkable terra-cottas— The pottery
of the lowest stratum quite distinct from that of the next above —
Its resemblance to the Etruscan, in quality only — Curious funereal
urns — Skeleton of a six months' embryo — Other remains in the
lowest stratum — Idols of fine marble, the sole exception to the
superior workmanship of this stratum — The houses and palaces of
the lowest stratum, of large stones joined with earth — Disappearance
of the first people with the destruction of their town.
The second settlers, of a different civilization — Their buildings of unburn t
brick on stone foundations — These bricks burnt by the great confla-
gration — Destruction of the walls of the former settlers — Live toads
coeval with Troy ! — Long duration of the second settlers — Their
Aryan descent proved by Aryan symbols — Various forms of their
pottery — Vases in the form of animals — The whorls of this stratum
-Their interesting devices — Copper weapons and implements, and
moulds for casting — Terra-cotta seals — Bracelets and ear-rings, of
silver, gold, and electrum — Pins, &c, of ivory and bone — Fragments
of a lyre — Various objects.
The third stratum : the remains of an Aryan race — Hardly a trace of
metal — Structure of their houses — Their stone implements and
terra-cottas coarser — Various forms of pottery — Remarkable terra-
cotta balls with astronomical and religious symbols — Whorls — Stone
weapons — Whetstones — Hammers and instruments of diorite —
A well belonging to this people — This third town destroyed with its
The fourth settlers : compararively savage, but still of Aryan race —
Whorls with like emblems, but of a degenerate form — Their pottery
inferior, but with some curious forms — Idols of Athena — Articles
of copper — Few stones — Charred remains indicating wooden
buildings — Stone weights, hand-mills, and knives and saws of flint —
With this people the pre-Hellenic ages end- -The stone buildings and
painted and plain terracottas of Greek Ilium — Date of the Greek
colony — Signs that the old inhabitants were not extirpated — The
whorls of very coarse clay and patterns — Well, and jars for water
and wine — Proofs of the regular succession of nations on the hill —
Reply to the arguments of M. Nikolaides for the site at Bunarbashi
-The Simoi's, Thymbrius, and Scamander — The tomb of Ajax at
In-Tepe — Remains in it — Temple of Ajax and town of Aianteum
- Tomb of Achilles and town of Achilleum — Tombs of Patroclus
and Antilochus — The Greek camp — The tomb of Batiea or
Myrina — Further discussion of the site.
On the Hill of Hissarlik, June 18th, 1872.
Since my report of the 23rd of last month I have been
excavating, with the consent of my honoured friend, Mr.
Frank. Calvert, on that half of the hill which belongs to him,
on condition that I share with him the objects I may rind.
Here, directly beside my large platform, and at a perpen-
dicular depth of 40 feet below the plateau, I have laid out a
third platform about 109 feet broad, with an upper terrace
1 1 2 feet broad, and I have seventy men digging there.
Immediately beside the edge of the steep northern declivity
I found a square depression in the ground about 112 feet
long and 76 feet broad, which can only have been caused by
excavations made by the Turks hundreds of years ago,
when searching for pillars or other kinds of marble blocks
suitable for tombstones : for all of the old Turkish ceme-
teries in the Plain of Troy and its vicinity, nay even as far
as beyond Alexandria Troas, possess thousands of such
marble blocks, taken from ancient buildings. The in-
numerable pieces of marble, which cover the whole of Mr.
Frank Calvert's part of the plateau, leave no doubt that
the field, at least that part of it with the square depression,
has been ransacked by marble-seeking Turks.
I had scarcely begun to extend this third platform
horizontally into the hill, when I found a block of triglyphs
of Parian marble, about 6h feet long, nearly 2 feet 10 inches
high, and nearly 22 inches thick at one end, and a little over
14 inches on the other. In the middle there is a piece of
sculpture in high relief, a little above 2 feet 10 inches long
and nearly the same height, which represents Phoebus
Apollo, who, in a long woman's robe with a girdle, is
riding on the four immortal horses which pursue their
career through the universe. Nothing is to be seen of
a chariot. Above the splendid, flowing, imparted, but not
long hair on the head of the god, there is seen about
two-thirds of the sun's disc with ten rays 2]- inches long,
and ten others 3^ inches long. The face of the god is
very expressive, and the folds of his long robe are so
exquisitely sculptured that they vividly remind one of
the masterpieces in the temple of Nlkt} airrepo^ in the
Acropolis of Athens. But my admiration is especially
excited by the four horses, which, snorting and looking
wildly forward, career through the universe with infinite
power. Their anatomy is so accurately rendered that I
frankly confess that I have never seen such a masterly
work. On the right and left of this metope are Doric
triglyphs ; there is a third triglyph on the left side of the
marble block, which is nearly 22 inches thick, whereas the
right side (14 inches thick) contains no sculpture. Above
and below the block, iron clamps are fastened by means
of lead ; and from the triglyphs on the left side I presume
that this metope, together with another sculpture which ■
has a Doric triglyph on the right side as well, adorned the
propylaea of the temple. {See Plate IV., p. 32.)
It is especially remarkable to find the sun-god here,
for Homer knows nothing of a temple to the Sun in Troy,
and later history does not say a word about the existence
of such a temple. However, the image of Phoebus Apollo
does not prove that the sculpture must have belonged to
a temple of the Sun ; in my opinion it may just as well
have served as an ornament to any other temple.
As early as my report of the nth of May,* I ventured
* Chapter VIII.
to express the conjecture that the image of the Sun, which
I find represented here thousands and thousands of times
upon the whorls of terra-cotta, must be regarded as the
name or the emblem of the town, that is vI\io. I now
venture to express the opinion, that in like manner this
Sun-god shone in the form of a woman upon the Pro-
pylaea of the temple of the Ilian Athena as a symbol ot
the Sun-city (7-779 'IXiov). I have heard a learned friend
express the opinion that this masterpiece belonged to
the period between Pericles and Alexander the Great,
because the Sun-god's outstretched hand is very similar
to that of Phoebus Apollo on the coins of Rhodes of the
same period. But, according to Strabo (XIII. 1), Alexander
the Great, on his visit to Ilium, found there a little temple
(evTeXrj vaov) of the Ilian Athena ; and a little temple,
of course, cannot have possessed such excellent works of
plastic art. Besides this, the head of the Sun-god appears
to me to have so much of the Alexandrian style, that I
must adhere to history and believe that this work of art
belongs to the time of Lysimachus, who, according to
Strabo (XIII. 1), after the death of Alexander the Great,
built here the new temple of the Ilian Athena, which
Alexander had promised to the town of Ilium after the
subjugation of the Persian Empire. #
The discovery of this work of art upon the steep
declivity of the hill — whereas it must necessarily have
stood on the opposite side above the entrance to the
* For a further description and discussion of this splendid relief, see
the Introduction, pp. 32-34. An acute critic has suggested to us that the
metope is a sculpture of the best age of Greek art, before or about the time
of Alexander, inserted in a Doric frieze of late debased work, as is proved
by the difference of styles, and by the evident fact that the metope was
originally too large for the space between the triglyphs. The temple to
which it belonged, in Dr. Schliemann's final opinion, was a temple of
Apollo, which he discovered later (comp. Chap. XIV., p. 223, and
Chap. XVII.. ]». 257), [En.]
temple — can only be explained by the fact that the Turks
who came here in search of monumental pillars despised
this sculpture because it represented living creatures, the
imitation of which is strictly forbidden in the Koran.
Beneath the ruins of this temple I hope to discover
the remains of that little temple which Alexander the
Great found here. I do not, however, think it likely that
I shall discover in its depths the old Trojan temple in
which Hecuba caused the priestess Theano to lay her
costly robes on the knees of Athena.* To judge from the
debris of the ashes of animal sacrifices, which is as
hard as stone, and which gives me such exceedingly
great trouble along an extent of 82 feet at the eastern
end of my large platform, the area of the very ancient
temple cannot possibly be identical with the one built
by Lysimachus ; it must certainly be somewhat more to
the west, and must commence somewhere near its western
After my report of the 23rd of last month, I began to
loosen the lower earthen wall, which is as hard as stone, by
means of those immense iron levers which I have already
described. However, I was unfortunate ; for, after having
worked for three hours with 40 men and with the huge
levers and windlasses in loosening an earthen wall 16 feet
high, 16 broad and 10 thick, which had been already pre-
pared by shafts and mines, only just succeeded after the
strongest chains had given way several times, when the
adjoining earth-wall fell of its own accord, and buried
Georgios Photidas and a workman who were engaged in the
* Iliad, VI. 302-304 :-
'H 8' apa tt4tt\oi' eXovaa ®eavo> KaXKi.Tva.pyos
@i}Kev 'A6r)va'n)s enl yovvaffiv rjVKOfxoto,
EuxOjUePTj 8' i)pa.TO Aws Kovpij /jLtyaXoto.
" But fair Theano took the robe and placed
( )n Pallas' knees, and to the heavenly maid,
Daughter of Jove, she thus addressed her prayer."
L 2
lower excavations, believing that they were perfectly safe
under thick logs of wood 23 inches high and 10 thick,
which were covered with planks 3 inches thick. All of us
naturally thought that the two men must have been
crushed beneath the enormous mass of 100 cubic yards
of stone and earth, which had dashed the thick planks
to pieces. Our fright was terrible, but without losing a
moment we set to work to rescue the unfortunate men.
We had scarcely begun when we heard them moaning
beneath the weight of earth, for the logs had only been
upset, and, lying lengthwise, they still partly supported the
vault, so that the men had breathing space left. But their re-
lease could not be effected without the greatest danger, owing
to several large gaps in the cracked earthen wall, and the men
had to be cut out. I myself cut out Georgios Photidas
with my knife ; the other man was cut out by my men.
In consequence of this accident, I have decided in the
first place to cut a trench 98 feet broad at the top and
6$ below, commencing at the platform, which is to be
carried along the primary soil through the entire hill, and
not to cut through the other portion of the great platform
until this is finished ; for I shall then be in a position to
judge how we can best accomplish the former work. I am
having the whole length of this trench commenced at the
same time on a breadth of 98 feet, and I hope thus to have
it ready in two months. In digging this trench I found
that, at about 69 feet from the steep side of the hill, the
primary soil gradually rises about 2 meters (63 feet), and as
the cutting must necessarily follow the primary soil, I have
from this point again had the debris thrown upon the great
platform, and have thus formed an embankment 6$\ feet
broad and 6-? feet high, as far as the steep slope.
Were it not for the splendid terra-cottas which I find
exclusively upon the primary soil and as far as 6\ feet
above it, I could swear that, at a depth of from 8 meters
flown to exactly 10 meters (26 to 2,3 feet), I am among
the ruins of the Homeric Troy.* For at this depth I have
again found, as I found last year, a thousand wonderful
objects ; whereas I find comparatively little in the lowest
stratum, the removal of which gives me such unspeakable
trouble. We daily find some of the whorls of very fine
terra-cotta, and it is curious that those which have no
decorations at all, are always of the ordinary shape and
size of small tops or like the craters of volcanoes, while
almost all those possessing decorations are flat and in the
form of a wheel.f Metals, at least gold, silver and copper,
were known to the Trojans, for I found a copper knife
highly gilded, a silver hair-pin, and a number of copper
nails at a depth of 14 meters (46 feet) ; and at a depth of
16 meters (52^ feet) several copper nails from 4 to 6\ inches
in length. There must have been also copper weapons and
tools for work, though I have as yet not found any ; but I
found many small instruments for use as pins ; also a
number of ivory needles, likewise a small ivory plate,
almost the shape of a playing-card, with six little stars or
small suns, also a curious piece of ivory covered with the
same decorations, in the form of a paper-knife, and a still
more curious one in the form of an exceedingly neat
dagger.^ The ornaments on both sides of this dagger
seem certainly to represent the Ilian Athena with the owl's
head. We also discovered some ivory and copper rings,
likewise a pair of bracelets of copper. One-edged or
double-edged knives of white silex in the form of saws,
from above if inch to nearly 2 inches in length, were
found in quantities ; also many hand millstones of lava
about 13 inches long, and 6§ inches broad, in the form
of an egg cut in half longitudinally. All of the terra-
■ The reader should bear in mind that Dr. Schliemann finally came
back to this opinion. It is not " second thoughts " (say the authors of
'Guesses at Truth'), but Jirst and third thoughts, that are "best." — [Ed.]
t Compare the sections shown on Plate XXI.
% See No. 14, on page 36.
[Chap. X.
83. A real
86. Kgilt
No. 91.
Objects of Metal from the Lowest Stratum (11-15 "■)•
r„mf.r israil Nos 84, 8s. Copper Dress-Pins (too long and thin for nails).
Sp^Knl. No°.>4,A5Si>verPDress-Pin. No.^.^Copper Bracelet
91. Copper Knives.
No. 90. A Silver Crescent.
Nos. 92-toi. Ivory Pins, Needles, &c, from the Lowest Stratum (ir-15 m.).
Nos. 102, 103. Hand Mill-stones of Lava from Lowest Stratum [I4-i6 «.)•
No. 104. A splendid Vase with Suspension-rings, from the Lowest Stratum (15 M-).
[Chap. X.
cottas were brought out in a broken condition ; however, I
have got all or almost all the pieces of a number of vases
and of several jars, so that I can restore them. I must
specially mention a large yellowish bowl 13^ inches high
and nearly 17 inches broad, which in addition to a handle
has three large curled ram's horns ; then a black vase with a
round bottom, with two rings on either side for hanging it up;
a beautiful red vase with four handles ; also a very fine red
cup : further, an exceedingly
curious red vessel in the form
of two jugs with long per--
No. 106. Black Vase of Terra-cotta from the
lowest Stratum (14 or 15 M.).
No. 105. Singular Double Vase from the
lowest Stratum (13-14 M.).
fectly upright beak-shaped
mouths, the two jugs being
connected with each other
at the bulge, as well as by a
handle ; further, a brilliant
black vase, 95 inches high, with rings on the sides for
hanging it up, and a very wide neck in the form of a
chimney ; the lower portion of the vase is ornamented with
signs in the form of lightning, the upper part with dots.
Of a pair of brilliant black Trojan deep plates I have so
nearly all the pieces, as to be able to put them together ;
these plates are very remarkable, for on two sides at the
edge they have long horizontal rings for suspension by
strings ; the large dishes have such rings very large. I have
the fragments of several black double cups, but not enough
of any one to restore it.
Unfortunately, the tremendous weights of stone in the
lowest stratum have broken or crushed to pieces all the
terra-cottas ; but all the splendid earthen vessels that I
have been able to save bear witness of wealth and art, and
it is easily seen at a first glance that they were made by a
people quite distinct from the one to which the next stratum
belongs (at the depth of from 7 to 10 meters, 23 to 33 feet).
I must draw especial attention to the great similarity in
the quality of the terra-cotta of the black Trojan vessels to
that of the vessels found in the Etruscan tombs ; but their
forms and decorations are wholly different. In those
found here the patterns have always been engraved upon
the clay when it was still in a soft state. Most of the
Trojan terra-cottas are indestructible by moisture ; some of
them, however, have become limp by damp, and I found,
for instance, upon the
primary soil at a depth
of 15^ meters (51 feet),
in a small private burial-
ground, formed and pro-
tected by three stones
2515 inches long and
18 inches broad, two
vessels of a very remark-
able form with three
long feet and filled with
human ashes. The ves-
sels had suffered so from
moisture that in spite of
every care and precau-
tion I COuld nOt 2[et them No- io7- Funereal Urn of Stone, found on the Primary
& Rock, with Human Ashes in it (15^ M.).
out without breaking
them completely. I have, however, collected all the pieces
of both vessels, and shall be able to restore them. In one
of them I found among the human ashes the bones of an
embryo of six months, a fact which I can only explain by
the mother's having died in pregnancy and having been
burnt, while the bones of the embryo, being surrounded
by the membrane which enclosed it, were protected and
remained uninjured. Yet it seems wonderful that these
small bones should have been preserved, for the bones of
the mother are burnt to ashes and I found only small frag-
ments of them. I have most carefully collected the bones
of the Trojan embryo, and shall have the little skeleton re-
stored by a skilful surgeon. The celebrated Doctor Aretaios,
of Athens, has just written to me that the preservation of
the bones of the embryo is only possible on the supposition
that the mother had brought forth the child and then died,
that her body was burnt and the unburnt embryo was put
into the funereal urn with her ashes, where I found it.
In the deepest strata we also meet with simple black
cups, resembling our drinking-glasses ; likewise black cups
(vase-covers) with a handle below, so that they can only stand
upon their mouth. I also find on the primary soil weights
made of granite, the exact specific weights of which I shall
state in a separate table;* hammers and axes, as well as a
number of large and small wedges of diorite, of splendid
workmanship ; sometimes also small beautifully-cut in-
struments in the form of wedges, made of very beautiful
transparent green stone.f Besides these, we come upon
quantities of round black and red terra-cotta discs, gene-
rally nearly i inches in diameter, with a hole in the centre ;
and stone quoits (Sutkoi), about 6 inches in diameter, with a
hole in the centre for throwing them. Further, a number
of idols of very fine marble, which form the only exception
to the rule that at an increasing depth the objects are of
* At the end of the volume, pp. 359, 360.
t Dr. Schliemann afterwards pronounced these " wedges " to be
battle-axes. See Introduction, p. 21.
much better workmanship than those above. In fact, the
idols met with in the Trojan [pre-Trojan] strata of debris
No. 108. a, Hand Millstone of Lava (15 M.). b, Brilliant black Dish with side Rings
for hanging it up (14 M.).
c,c,c,c, Small decorated Rings of Terra-cotta (10-14 M.).
from 2 to 4 meters (6h to 13 feet) above the primary soil,
that is, at a depth of from 12 to 14 meters (39^ to 46 feet),
are so coarsely wrought, as may be seen from the drawings
(on page 36), that one might be inclined
to believe that they were the very first at-
tempts of an uncivilized people at making
plastic representations of a deity. There
was only one mutilated idol of terra-cotta
found among these ruins, a drawing of
which I give; all the others are of very
fine marble. I must also mention another
Priapus, of fine marble, which was dis-
covered at a depth of 13 meters (42^ feet).
In these depths we likewise find many bones of animals,
boars' tusks, small shells, horns of the buffalo, ram, and
stag, as well as the vertebrae of the shark.
The houses and palaces, in which the splendid terra-
cottas were used, were large and spacious, for to them
belong all those mighty heaps of large stones hewn and un-
hewn, which cover them to the height of from 13 to 20 feet.
No. 109.
Rude Terra-cotta Idol
(14 M.).
These houses and palaces were easily destroyed, for the
stones were only joined with earth, and when the walls
fell everything in the houses was crushed to pieces by the
immense blocks of stone. The primitive Trojan people
disappeared simultaneously with the destruction of their
town, for in none of the succeeding layers of debris do
we find the style of architecture to consist of large blocks
of stone joined with earth ; in none do we find the terra-
cottas—with the exception of the round articles in the form
of tops and volcanoes — to possess any resemblance with the
excellent and artistic earthenware of the people of Priam.*
Upon the site of the destroyed city new settlers, of
a different civilization, manners and customs, built a new
town ; but only the foundation of their houses consisted
of stones joined with clay ; all of the house-walls were
built of unburnt bricks. Many such walls may be seen
at a depth of from 7 to 10 meters (23 to 33 feet) in the
earthen sides of my excavations ; they have been preserved
through the very fact that the houses were burnt out, and
the walls of unburnt bricks, through the great heat, received
a sort of brick-crust, or became actually burnt bricks.
In my memoir of the 23rd of last month, I spoke of
a stone wall, found at a depth of ^ feet, which I hoped
would extend down to the primary soil. Unfortunately,
however, it proved to be merely the foundation of a house be-
longing to the immediate successors of the ancient Trojans,
and these foundations only extended to a depth of if foot.
The remains of the ruined walls belonging to ancient
Troy had, of course, to be levelled by the new settlers,
whose mode of life and style of architecture were entirely
different. This explains how it is that, with the exception
of a small wall in the northern entrance of my large trench,
I have hitherto not been able to point out a single wall
':;' Here, as well as in what goes before, Dr. Schliemann writes on the
supposition, which he 'afterwards abandoned, that the remains in the
lowest stratum are those of the Trojans of the Iliad. — [Ed.]
belonging to ancient Troy ; and that, until now, I have
only been able to present archaeology with a few splendid
urns, vases, pots, plates, and dishes, and with but one
bowl {crater). (See Cut, No. 41, p. 74.) Yet I have
found thousands of fragments of other excellent vessels,
the sad memorials of a people whose fame is immortal.
I cannot conclude the description of the lowest
stratum without mentioning that among the huge blocks
of stone, at a depth of from 12 to 16 meters (392 to
$i\ feet), I found two toads; and at a depth of 39^ feet
a small but very poisonous snake, with a scutiform head.
The snake may have found its way down from above ;
but this is an impossibility in the case of the large toads
— they must have spent 3000 years in these depths. It
is very interesting to find in the ruins of Troy living
creatures from the time of Hector and Andromache, even
though these creatures are but toads.*
I must also draw attention to the fact that I have
found the Pj-J twice on fragments of pottery,
one of which was discovered at a depth
of 16 meters {$ih feet), the other at 14
meters (46 feet). The primitive Trojans,
therefore, belonged to the Aryan race, which
is further sufficiently proved by the symbols
on the round terra-cottas.
The existence of the nation which suc-
ceeded the Trojans was likewise of a long
duration, for all the layers of debris at the Fragment of Pottery,
•' with the Suastika,
depth of from 10 to 7 meters {^ to 23 &iheM1(jwest Stra"
feet) belong to it. They also were of
Aryan descent, for they possessed innumerable Aryan re-
ligious symbols. I think I have proved that several of the
* "We believe that naturalists are now agreed that such appearances of
toads imprisoned for long periods are deceptive. Into what depths cannot
a tadpole (whether literal or metaphorical) wriggle himself down ? — [Ed.]
[Chap. X.
symbols were common to our ancestors at a time when
Germans, Pelasgians, Hindoos, Persians, Celts, and Greeks
still formed one nation. I found no trace of a double
cup among this people, but instead of it, those curious
cups (vase - covers) which have a coronet below in
place of a handle; then those brilliant red fanciful
goblets, in the form of immense champagne-glasses,
with two mighty handles on the sides : they are round
Nos. in, 112. Double-handed Vases of Terra-cotta, from the Trojan Stratum (9 M.).
below, so that they also can only stand on their
mouths. Further, those small covers, from about 4 to 4!
inches high, with owls' faces, with a kind of helmet
on the lower end, furnished with a high button or tuft,
which is, no doubt, intended to represent the. crest of a
helmet and served as a handle. This cup likewise can
only stand on its mouth.* Further, all those splendid
vessels of burnt earthenware — as, for instance, funereal,
water, or wine urns, 5 feet high and from if to 3^ feet in
* This description itself suggests an inversion of the so-called "cup,"
which is, in fact, a vase-cover. For its form see No. 74, on p. 115. — [Ed.]
^72.] TROJAN POTTERY. 1 59
diameter ; also smaller funereal urns, plates, dishes, and
vases, of exceedingly fanciful forms, and from about 8 to io
inches in height, with the owl's face of the tutelary goddess
of Troy, two female breasts, and a navel, besides the two
upraised arms on each side of the head, which served as
handles; further, all of those vessels with a beak-shaped
mouth, bent back, and either
short or long. Most of these
vessels are round below, so that
they cannot stand; others have
three feet ; others, again, are
flat-bottomed. The neck of
many is so much bent Dack-
wards that it resembles a swan or
a goose. To this class also be-
long all of those globular and
egg-shaped vessels, small and
large, with or without a neck
like a chimney, which have a
short ring on either side, and
a hole in the same direction
in the lip, through which
was passed the string for sus-
pending them ; many have in
addition three little feet. All
are of uniform colour, either brown, yellow, red, or
black ; some have rows of leaves or twigs as decora-
tions. I also meet with very curious vases, in the shape
of animals, with three feet. The mouth of the vessel
is in the tail, which is upright and very thick, and which
is connected with the back by a handle. Upon one of
these last-mentioned vases there are decorations, consist-
ing of three engraved stripes of three lines each. I formerly
found the Priapus only at a depth of 7 meters (23 feet) ;
but a short time ago I found one at a depth of 13 meters
(4 2 A- feet). I now find it again at 8 meters (26 feet)
No. 113. A Trojan Vase in Terra-cotta
of a very remarkable form (8 M.).
[Chap. X.
No. 114. Engraved Terra-cotta Vessel in the form
of a Pig (or Hedgehog?). 7 M.
that is, among the ruins of the nation of which I am at
present speaking. In these strata we also meet with an
immense quantity of those
round terra-cottas (the
whorls), which, it is true,
deviate from the wheel-
shape of the articles found
on the primary soil owing
to their greater thickness,
and are also not of such
excellently-burnt clay as
those ; but, as anyone
may convince himself by
examining the drawings,
they are embellished with uncommonly beautiful and in-
genious symbolical signs. Among these the Sun-god always
occupies the most prominent position ; but the fire-machine
of our primeval ancestors, the holy sacrificial altar with
blazing flames, the holy soma-tree or tree of life, and the
rosa mystic a, are also very frequently met with here.
This mystic rose, which occurs very often in the Byzantine
sculptures, and the name of which, as is well known, is
employed to designate the Holy Virgin in the Roman
Catholic Litanies, is a very ancient Aryan religious symbol,
as yet, unfortunately, unexplained. * It is very ancient,
because I find it at a depth of from 7 to 10 meters
(23 to 33 feet) in the strata of the successors to the
Trojans, which must belong to a period about 1200
years before Christ.f
The sign which resembles the Phoenician letter " Nun "
I found represented sixteen times % upon one of those round
* See Plate XXIII., No. 339 ; Plate XLVIL, No. 478.
t According to Dr. Schliemann's later view these " successors to the
Trojans " were, as we have seen, the Trojans themselves. — [Ed.]
% The drawing, Plate XLVIL, No. 480, shows the sign 20 times in 5
groups of 4 each. This seems to be a similar type to the one described,
but from a lesser depth. — [Ed.]
1872.] TROJAN WHORLS. 1 61
terra-cottas from a depth of 8 meters (26 feet) ; for these signs
stand in groups of four, and by their position form a cross
round the sun, or, if my present supposition is right, round
the nave of the wheel representing the chariot of the sun.
I also find the symbol of lightning in all the higher strata
up to 10 feet below the surface. In all the strata, from a
depth of 33 feet up to if feet below the surface, I find
engravings of the sun with its rays innumerable times upon
the round terra-cottas, exactly as it is represented on the
head of the Sun-god on the metope which I discovered
when excavating the temple ; but more frequently still in
circles of three, four, five, six or eight double, treble or
quadruple rising suns, and in by far the greater number of
cases it stands in the centre of four treble rising suns, which
form a cross round it. Hundreds of times I find the sun
surrounded by stars in the centre of a double or treble
cross, which has a large dot on every one of the four ends.
These dots probably denote the four nails which fixed the
wopden frame by which the holy fire was prepared. At the
depth of from 10 to 7 meters {33 to 23 feet) I also found
although more rarely, five mystic roses in a circle round
the sun. One with signs, which may
probably prove to be not merely symbols,
but actual letters, I found at a depth of 7
meters (23 feet).* I have still to mention
those round articles from the same depth,
which have three mystic roses and two
No. 115.
sheaves of sun-rays in the circle round the Inscribed Whorl (7 m.).
sun. Further, from a depth of 9 meters (29^ feet) I have
several round pieces, upon which there are 14 crooked
sheaves of three sun-rays each, resembling the sails of a
windmill, which radiate in all directions from the sun, while
the compartments between the sheaves of rays are filled
with stars. This representation must indicate the rotation
' The inscription, which Professor Gomperz has pointed out, is identi-
cal with that on PI. LI., No. 496. (See pp. 83-84 and Appendix.)— [Ed. ]
1 62
[Chap. X.
of the wheel in the course of the sun's chariot in the
heavens, that is, if the supposition I before ventured to
make, that the round objects represent the wheel, is correct.
Another, found at the same depth, has on one side three
holy sacrificial altars covered with flames, and a group of
stars; on the other side three similar altars, and a suastika
forming a cross round the sun.* There also occur some
with only four curved sheaves of rays, or two Pj-J and two
flaming altars in a cross round the sun ; there is again
another upon which two crosses stand opposite each
other, and all the rest of the space round the sun (or
round the nave of the wheel) is filled with stars. All
the whorls met with at a depth of from 10 to 7 meters
(33 to 23 feet) are made of clay, for the most part of black
or red clay, and as hard as stone, which, in comparison
with that of the whorls in the higher strata, is distinguished
by its fineness. We also find in these strata some whorls
made of lead or fine marble, but they have no decorations.
In the strata of the same nation I found also copper battle-
axes, lances, arrows, knives, and implements of different
kinds, as well as a number of moulds of schist and chlorite
slate for casting these and many other objects,
some being of forms quite unknown to me.
Seals of terra-cotta, with crosses and other or-
naments, are not peculiar to these strata, but
occur also at a depth of from ^^ feet as far
up as it feet below the surface. We have
also brought to light hand mill-stones of lava,
which are oval on one side and flat on the
other, and some also of granite ; large and
small hammers, axes, and balls with a hole
through the centre ; further, mortars and
pestles of diorite, and weights of granite ;
quoits made of granite and other kinds of stone, with
No. 116.
Terra-cotta Seal
(1 M.).
* The types here described will be found on the Lithographs.
a hole through the centre for throwing them. Sling-bullets
made of loadstone, and great quantities of knives made
of white or yellow silex in the form of saws, sometimes
also knives of volcanic glass and lances of diorite are met
No. 117. A Trojan Hand Mill-stone of Lava (10 M.
No. 118. No. 119. No. 120.
A Piece of Granite, perhaps used, by means A massive Hammer of Diorite Piece of Granite, probably
of a wooden Handle, as an upper Mill- (10 M.). used as a Pestle. From
stone (10 M.). the lowest Stratum (n-
l6 M.).
with among the ruins of this people, but all these instru-
ments are much better finished than in the strata above a
depth of 7 meters (23 feet).
I likewise find in these strata numerous idols of very
fine marble, and upon a number of them are engraved the
m 2
1 64
[Chap. X.
owl's face of the Ilian Athena and her girdle. At a depth of
8 meters (26 feet) we discovered a terra-cotta idol of the
same tutelary goddess ; four horizontal strokes on the neck
No. 121. Idol of Athena <8 M.). a. Front; b. Back.
seem to denote her armour ; only one of the arms has been
preserved, which is in an upright position ; two lines
proceeding from the arms and crossing each other over
the body give her a warlike appearance ; her breasts are
indicated by two points ; her long hair is distinctly marked
at the back of the head.
At a depth of gh meters (30^ feet) among the yellow
ashes of a house which was destroyed by fire, I found a
large lump of thick wire, which I believed to be copper
wire, and therefore laid carelessly upon my table ; but when
the lump was knocked down accidentally, a silver wire,
which held the packet together, broke, and out fell three
bracelets, one of which is simple, the second double, and the
third treble : within the last is a very artistic ornament and
an ear-ring formed of six wires, and these things must have
been welded to the bracelet by the heat of the conflagration,
for it cannot possibly have been worn on the arm as it is
now.* The packet further contained a very pretty gold
ear-ring, which has three rows of little stars on both sides ;
then two bunches of ear-rings of various forms, most of
which are of silver and terminate in five leaves. But the
packet also contained several ear-rings of the same form
* Similar jewels are depicted among the articles of the Treasure
(Chapter XXIII., Plate XX.).
made of electrum (rj\eKTpov) : three of the ear-rings I
know positively to be of electrum ; there are, however,
probably several others of electrum among the two bunches
which I dare not attempt to loosen for fear of breaking the
silver ear-rings which have suffered very much from rust.
According to Pliny (//. JV. XXXIII. 23), and Pausanias
(V. 12, § 6) electrum was an artificial compound of metals,
four parts of gold and one of silver. The most ancient
Lydian coins are likewise made of electrum.
At the same depth I not unfrequently find balls of
serpentine or porphyry of nearly 2 inches in diameter, and
with a hole through the centre. Besides these we find spoons
made of bone or terra-cotta, and great quantities of instru-
ments of ivory and bone for use as pins. I also found a
Nos. 122, 123, 124. Balls of fine red Agate ; from the Trojan Stratum (9 M.).
very artistically carved piece of ebony, which is certainly
part of a musical stringed instrument. I must also mention
having found, not only in these depths, but also up to
6 meters (20 feet) below the surface, round pieces of terra-
cotta with a hole running longitudinally through them,
2 1 inches long and 2?. inches broad ; and also pieces of
terra-cotta from 2! to nearly 4 inches broad, flat below
and rounded off at the top, with two holes at the edge of
the broad surface, or with only one hole above running
through from the side. All of these articles have probably
served as weights. In all of the strata we discovered a
number of the vertebrae of sharks, boars' tusks, antlers,
and great quantities of the shells of small sea-mussels, of
which the Trojans and their successors at all times must
have been very fond.
[Chap. X.
I now come to the strata of debris at a depth of from
7 to 4 meters (23 to 13 feet), which are evidently also the
remains of a people of the Aryan race, who took possession
of the town built upon the ruins of Troy, and who destroyed
it and extirpated the inhabitants ; for in these strata of
10 feet thick I find no trace of metal beyond two nails and
a small piece of silver wire, and the structure of the houses
is entirely different. All the house-walls consist of small
stones joined with clay ; in the larger buildings the stones
are more or less hewn, but in the smaller they are alto-
gether rough. Visitors to the Plain of Troy can see in
the earthen walls of my excavations, at these depths, a
number of larger or smaller house-walls of this descrip-
tion. Among others are the
remains of those huge walls 6\
feet thick, of which I spoke in
my report of the 23rd of last
month. The foundations lie at
a depth of 20 feet, and they
No. 125.
A curious Terra-cotta Cup (4 M.).
No. 126.
Terra-cotta Pitcher of a frequent form
(6 M.).
extend to within 10 feet below the present surface;* for
as, with the exception of excavating the temple, I only
* Chapter IX., pp. 132-3.
intend to make the trench through the hill 98 feet broad
above, it has not been necessary to pull down the building
In these strata (at a depth of from 23 to 13 feet) not
only are all the stone implements much rougher, but all
No. 127. No. 128.
A small Terra-cotta Vase, with two Handles Terra-cotta Vase of a frequent form
and three feet (6 M.) (6 M.).
the terra-cottas also are of a coarser quality. Still it cannot
be denied that with all their simplicity they possess a certain
elegance, and I must especially mention the very pretty
black or red vases in the form of hour-glasses with two
large handles, the red ones being nearly 4 inches high, the
black ones 5^ inches high; the small jars in the form of
cups with large handles, the larger jars with one or two
handles ; but above all the frequently occurring covers
with the owl's face of the tutelary goddess of Troy, which
are, it is true, almost like those from a depth of from
30 to 23 feet in size, but considerably inferior in quality.
The terra-cotta balls found in these strata are especially
remarkable, owing to their most varied symbols. I will
describe two of these, found at a depth of 5 meters (i6i
feet). The surface of the one is divided by lines into
eight equal parts ; * in one of these is a sun with ten rays,
of which only four are straight, all of the others seem
to represent religious symbols. One ray has the form of
the Phcenician letter " Nun," and must denote lightning ;
* See Plate LI., No. 493. M. Burnoufs drawings, from which our
engraving is taken, seem to differ from Dr. Schliemann's description
in a few of the minuter details. — [Ed.]
another ray has the form of a serpent ; another again the
form of the numeral III. ; a fourth is the shape of a sign-
post; and the remaining two in the form of fishing-hooks ;
beside the sun is a star. In the next division is a tree with
eight branches, a quadrangle with two stars, and a triangle
with four stars. The third field contains a tree with twelve
branches ; a circle with a star ; and, beside and above
a stroke, twelve stars, one of which has a dot in the
centre. The twelve little stars may possibly denote the
twelve signs of the zodiac, which, being the twelve stations
of the sun, are personified in the Rigveda by the twelve
Adityas, sons of Aditi, the indivisible and infinite space.
The fourth field contains a tree with only six branches,
a triangle with three compartments, in one of which is a
stroke, and also two squares. The fifth field has again a
sun with six crooked rays and one straight ray. The sixth
field has five divisions : in the first there are five, in the
second four, and in the third seven little stars ; the fourth
division contains a sign resembling the numeral II., together
with three stars ; in the fifth division there is a simple cross.
In the seventh field is a tree with ten branches. In the
eighth field there is a figure like a serpent, and a star.
Upon the second terra-cotta ball there is a sun with
thirteen straight rays ; further there are, between two pj-J,
three groups of three stars each, and four straight lines ;
lastly, below the sun three similar lines and three
stars.* We also frequently find in these strata terra-
cotta balls completely covered with stars ; likewise an
immense number of the round terra-cottas in the form of
tops and volcanoes, more than half of which are adorned
with the most various symbolical signs. We have also
discovered here many weapons of diorite and hard green
stone, as well as a number of whetstones of black and
* On Plate L., No. 491, this ball is represented from M. Burnouf's
drawings, showing six different faces.
green slate with a hole at one end.* The use of these whet-
stones is not very clear to me, for, as I have already said,
in the depths of from 7 to 4 meters (13 to 1 3 feet) I have
found no trace of any metal beyond the two nails and the
piece of silver wire. However, we came upon a few frag-
ments of moulds for casting instruments, and hence it is
probable that copper was known. In any case, however,
it was rare and costly, for otherwise I should not have
found such colossal masses of stone instruments.
I found in these depths a large number of curious
large vases, and among them several beautiful urns with
the owl's head of the Ilian Athena, her two female breasts,
navel, and the two upraised arms beside the head. Upon
one of the navels is a cross and four holes, which are
doubtless intended to represent the four nails employed by
our Aryan ancestors to fasten the two pieces of wood
which were laid crosswise for producing the holy fire.f
In these strata I also discovered a number of those
cups in the form of champagne-glasses with two handles,
which however, as may be seen from the drawings,
become clumsier, smaller, and inferior in quality at
every yard the higher we ascend. Cups with coronets
below (vase-covers) also occur, like-
wise many small red jars with three
feet and two handles, and several
hundreds of uncoloured jars, with
a handle from nearly 4 to 4t inches
high. There are also enormous „ N°- 129-
O 1 erra-cotta V ase of a form fre-
masses of large clumsy hammers iuentatthedepthof3-sM.
and other instruments of diorite ; I also found a Priapus of
diorite, which is above 12^ inches high and 7-4 inches thick.
There is a well belonging to this nation, built of good
hewn stones cemented with clay ; its opening is at a depth
* See No. 5, p. 24. — [Ed.] Perhaps they were used to polish the
terra-cotta vases.
t See No. 13. p. 35.
1 70
[Chap. X.
of 13 feet. I have had it cleared out almost as far as the
primary soil ; one wall of this well is still to be seen on
the left side of the northern entrance of my great cutting.
Hand mill-stones of lava are also found in immense numbers
in these strata.
A new epoch in the history of Ilium commenced when
the accumulation of debris on this hill had reached a height
of 4 meters (13 feet) below its present surface; for the town
was again destroyed, and the inhabitants killed or driven
out by a wretched tribe, which certainly must likewise have
belonged to the Aryan race, for upon the round terra-cottas
I still very frequently find the tree of life and the simple
and double cross with the four nails. In these depths,
however, the form of the whorls degenerates ; they become
more elongated and pointed ; I also find many in the
form of cones about i>- inch to ii inch in heisht, which
No. 130. Terra-cotta Vessel (4 M.).
No. 131. A small Terra-cotta Vase with
two Rings for suspension (2 M.).
never occur in the lower strata ; most of them are without
decorations. Of pottery much less is found, and all of it
is much more inartistic than that in the preceding strata.
However, an exceedingly fanciful goblet, found at a depth
of 13 feet, deserves to be specially mentioned; its body,
which rests upon three little feet, is a tube, out of which
three small cups stand up. We still frequently meet with
cups (vase-covers) bearing the owl's face of the Ilian Athena,
and a kind of helmet, but they continue to become more
and more rude.* In like manner the cups in the form of
,; Compare these with Cut No. 74 on p. 115.
champagne-glasses continue to be inferior in quality, they are
always smaller and coarser, and are now only about 5 inches
high, whereas at a depth of
33 feet they were 12^ inches
high. Several vases with female
breasts, navel, and upraised
arms, occur at a depth of 4
Nos. 132, 133. Owl-faced Vase-covers (3 m.). The second is of an unusual form.
Nos. 134, J35- Two-handled Cups from the upper Stratum (2 M.).
No. 136. Terra-cotta Vase (2 M.).
No. 137. Perforated Terra-cotta [2 M.).
meters (13 feet), one at a depth of i\ meters (about 8 feet).
Small red vases in the form of hour-glasses with a handle
are still frequently met with ; two were found at as small
a depth as 2 meters {6\ feet). A very great number of
[Chap. X.
of 4 and
small ordinary jars were found at a depth
3 meters (13 to 9! feet), but they almost entirely cease
to be found at 2 meters (6& feet) below the surface. At
Nos. 138, 139. Deep Plates [patera) with Rings for suspension, placed [a) vertically or [6) hori-
zontally (i and 2 M.).
the depths of 4, 3, and even 2^ meters (13, 91, and 8 feet)
I also found very many idols of the Ilian Athena, made ot
fine marble; upon several there are engravings of her owl's
head and girdle.
At a depth of 3 meters (10 feet) I also found a terra-
cotta idol, which represents this same goddess with the owl's
face and two enormous eyes ; she has two female breasts,
No. 140. a. Front.
No. 140. b. Back.
Idols of the Ilian Athena (3 M.).
No. 141.
and long hair hanging down behind. Three horizontal
lines on the neck seem to denote armour. At the same
depth I also found a small and splendid sacrificial basin of
terra-cotta, with three feet; in the basin there are engraved
a suastika, a tree with twenty-four branches, and a cater-
Copper was known to this people, for I discovered here
knives, lances, and nails made of this metal. The form of
the nails is often curious, for occasionally I find them with
two heads, one beside the other, sometimes with no head at
all, but merely two pointed ends, so that a kind of head had
to be made by bending over about J- of an inch at one of
the ends. Another proof of their knowledge of metals is
furnished by the moulds in mica-schist.
We find scarcely any stones in these strata, and the
masses of charred ruins and wood-ashes leave no doubt
that all the buildings of this tribe
were made of wood. I find in these
strata of 6h feet thick some few stone
weights, also a couple of hand-mills
of lava, but otherwise no imple-
ments of stone except knives of
silex in the form of saws, which
seem often to have been made with
great care. Thus, for instance, at a
depth of 6i feet I found a saw made
of silex 4! inches in length and 1 ■ 3
in breadth, which was so exquisitely
made that I at first thought it must be a comb. The
upper portion of the saw bore the clearest marks of
having been encased in wood.
No. 142. Mould in Mica-schist
for casting some unknown ob-
ject (2i M.).
With the people to whom these strata belonged — from
4 to 1 meters (13 to 6^ feet) below the surface — the pre-
Hellenic ages end, for henceforward we see many ruined
walls of Greek buildings, of beautifully hewn stones laid
together without cement, and in the uppermost layer of all
even the ruins of house-walls, in which the stones are joined
See Plate XLVIIL, No. 484.
with lime or cement. Moreover, the painted and unpainted
terra-cottas, occasionally found at a depth of 2 meters
(6h feet), leave no doubt that a Greek colony took posses-
sion of Ilium when the surface of this hill was still that
much lower than it is now. It is impossible to determine
exactly when this new colonization took place, but it must
certainly have been much earlier than the visit of Xerxes
reported by Herodotus (VII. 43), which took place 480
years before Christ. According to Strabo (XIII. 1. 42) the
town was built under Lydian dominion, and hence this
event may have taken place about 700 b.c, for the com-
mencement of the Lydian dominion is assigned to the year
797 b.c Fluted jars, which archaeologists believe to belong
to a period 200 years anterior to Christ, are found imme-
diately below the surface, at a depth of from if to 3! feet.
The Greek colony does not appear by any means to have at
all extirpated the inhabitants of Ilium, for I still find a great
deal of pre-Hellenic pottery at a depth of 6h and even of
5 feet. At all events those round lamp-shaped terra-cottas
with a potter's stamp and two holes at the edge, found as far
down as 6h feet, seem to me to be of Greek manufacture.
The round articles with one hole through the centre, without
or with decorations representing the sun and its rays, or the
sun with stars, or four double or treble rising suns forming
a cross, or even the sun in the centre of a simple or double
cross, occur in numbers as far up as a depth of 3^ feet; but
in these uppermost strata the quality of the clay of which
these articles are made is very bad, and the symbolical signs
are very coarsely and inartistically engraved. My wife, who
is enthusiastic about the discovery of Ilium, and who helps
me assiduously in the excavations, found, in a cutting which
she and her maid had opened close to our house, the same
round terra-cottas, with or without decorations, even quite
close to the surface. Plow these exceedingly remarkable
objects, which are adorned with the most ancient religious
symbols of the Aryan race, can have continued to be used
1872.] THE GREEK COLONY. 175
for more than 1000 years by the four tribes which succes-
sively held possession of Ilium, and even by the civilized
Greek colony, is to me a problem as inexplicable as the
purpose for which they were used. If, as I now conjecture,
they represent the wheel, which in the Rigveda is the symbol
of the sun's chariot, they were probably used as Ex votos, or
they were worshipped as idols of the sun-god, Phoebus Apollo.
But why are there such enormous numbers of them ?
The well, which I last year discovered at a depth of
6\ feet, built of hewn stones with cement, belongs of course
to the Greek colony ; so also do all those enormous water
and wine urns (ttlOol), which I met with in the upper-
most strata. I find all of these colossal urns, as well as all
those met with in the deeper strata, standing upright, which
is the best proof, if indeed any were needed, that the
mighty masses of debris cannot have been brought here
from another place, but that they were formed gradually in
the course of thousands of years, and that the conquerors
and destroyers of Ilium, or at least the new settlers after its
conquest and destruction, never had the same manners and
customs as their predecessors. Consequently, for many
centuries, houses with walls built of unburnt bricks stood
upon the mighty heaps of stone, from 13 to 20 feet thick,
belonging to the enormous buildings of the primitive
Trojans ; again, for centuries, houses built of stones joined
with clay were erected upon the ruins of houses of brick ;
for another long period, upon the ruins of these stone
houses wooden houses were erected ; and lastly, upon the
charred ruins of the latter were established the buildings
of the Greek colony, which at first consisted of large hewn
stones joined with clay or cement. It can thus no longer
seem astonishing that these masses of ruins, covering the
primary soil, have a thickness of from 14 to 16 meters
(46 to ^i\ feet) at the least.
I take this opportunity of giving a translation of the
answer I made to an article published bv M. G. Nikolaides
in No. 181 of the Greek newspaper ' 'Ecfyrjixepls ^vt^rrjcreoiv^
in which the author endeavours to prove that I am giving
myself unnecessary trouble, and that the site of Troy is not
to be found here, but on the heights of Bunarbashi.*
"M. Nikolaides maintains that the site of Troy cannot
be discovered by means of excavations or other proofs,
but solely from the Iliad. He is right, if he supposes that
Ilium is only a picture of Homer's imagination, as the City
of the Birds was but a fancy of Aristophanes. If^ however,
he believes that a Troy actually existed, then his assertion
appears most strange. He thereupon says that Troy was
situated on the heights of Bunarbashi, for that at the foot
of them are the two springs beside which Hector was killed.
This is, however, a great mistake, for the number of springs
there is forty, and not two, which is sufficiently clear from
the Turkish name of the district of the springs, 'Kirkgios'
(40 eyes or springs). My excavations in 1868, on the
heights of Bunarbashi, which I everywhere opened down
to the primary soil, also suffice to prove that no village,
much less a town, has ever stood there. This is further
shown by the shape of the rocks, sometimes pointed,
sometimes steep, and in all cases very irregular. At the
end of the heights, at a distance of ui miles from the
Hellespont, there are, it is true, the ruins of a small town,
but its area is so very insignificant, that it cannot possibly
have possessed more than 2000 inhabitants, whereas, ac-
cording to the indications of the Iliad, the Homeric Ilium
must have had over 50,000. In addition to this, the small
town is four hours distant, and the 40 springs are 3^ hours
distant, from the Hellespont ; and such distances entirely
contradict the statements of the Iliad, according to
which the Greeks forced their way fighting, four times in
* We do not feel it right to spoil the unity of the following disquisition
by striking out the few repetitions of arguments urged in other parts of
the work. — [Ed.]
one day, across the land which lay between the naval camp
and the walls of Troy.
" M. Nikolaides's map of the Plain of Troy may
give rise to errors ; for he applies the name of Simois to
the river which flows through the south-eastern portion
of the Plain, whereas this river is the Thymbrius, as
Mr. Frank Calvert has proved. In his excavations on
the banks of that river, Mr. Calvert found the ruins ol
the temple of the Thymbrian Apollo, about which there
cannot be the slightest doubt, owing to the long inscrip-
tion which contains the inventory of the temple. Then
on the map of M. Nikolaides I find no indication what-
ever of the much larger river Doumbrek-Su, which flows
through the north-eastern portion of the Plain of Troy, and
passed close by the ancient town of Ophrynium, near
which was Hector's tomb and a grove dedicated to him.*
Throughout all antiquity, this "river was called the Simo'is,
as is also proved by Virgil {Ain. III. 302,305). The map
of M. Nikolaides equally ignores the river which flows
from south to north through the Plain, the Kalifatli-
Asmak, with its enormously broad bed, which must cer-
tainly at one time have been occupied by the Scamander,
and into which the Simois still flows to the north of Ilium.
The Scamander has altered its course several times, as is
proved by the three large river-beds between it and the
bed of the Kalifatli-Asmak. But even these three ancient
river-beds are not given in the map of M. Nikolaides.
" In complete opposition to all the traditions of an-
tiquity, the map recognises the tomb of Achilles in the
conical sepulchral mound of In-Tepe, which stands on a hill
at the foot of the promontory of Rhoeteum, and which,
from time immemorial, has been regarded as the tomb of
Ajax. During an excavation of this hill, in 1788, an
* Strabo, XIII. i. p. 103; Lycophron, Cassandra, 1208. See
further, on the Simois, Note A, p. 358.
arched passage was found, about 37 feet high, and built of
bricks ; as well as the ruins of a small temple. According
to Strabo (XIII. i.p. 103), the temple contained the statue
of Ajax, which Mark Antony took away and presented to
Cleopatra. Augustus gave it back to the inhabitants of
the town of Rhoeteum, which was situated near the tomb.
According to Philostratus {Heroica, I.), the temple, which
stood over the grave, was repaired by the Emperor Hadrian,
and according to Pliny {H. TV., V. ^^), the town of Aian-
teum was at one time situated close to the tomb. On the
other hand, throughout antiquity, the tomb of Achilles was
believed to be the sepulchral mound on an elevation at the
foot of the promontory of Sigeum, close to the Hellespont,
and its position corresponds perfectly with Homer's de-
"The field situated directly south of this tomb, and
which is covered with fragments of pottery, is doubtless the
site of the ancient town of Achilleum, which, according to
Strabo (XIII. 1. p. 1 10), was built by the Mitylena\ans, who
were for many years at war with the Athenians, while the
latter held Sigeum, and which was destroyed simultaneously
with Sigeum by the people of Ilium. Pliny {H. IV., V. ^^)
confirms the disappearance of Achilleum. The Ilians here
brought offerings to the dead, not only on the tomb of
Achilles, but also upon the neighbouring tombs of Patro-
clus and Antilochus.f Alexander the Great offered sacri-
* Odyssey, XXIV. 80--81 :
'Afj.T07r6&ia (literally " with forty feet " —
a kind of centipede), which frequently fall down from the
ceiling of the rooms upon or beside us, and whose bite is
said to be fatal.
I cannot conclude without mentioning an exceedingly
remarkable person, Konstantinos Kolobos, the owner of a
shop in the village of Neo-Chorion in the Plain of Troy,
who, although born without feet, has nevertheless made a
considerable fortune in a retail business. But his talents
are not confined to business ; they include a knowledge
of languages ; and although Kolobos has grown up
among the rough and ignorant village lads and has never
had a master, yet by self-tuition he has succeeded in ac-
quiring the Italian and French languages, and writes and
speaks both of them perfectly. He is also wonderfully
expert in ancient Greek, from having several times copied
and learnt by heart a large etymological dictionary, as well
as from having read all the classic authors, and he can repeat
whole rhapsodies from the Iliad by heart. What a pity it
is that such a genius has to spend his days in a wretched
village in the Troad, useless to the world, and in the con-
stant company of the most uneducated and ignorant people,
all of whom gaze at him in admiration, but none of whom
understand him !
No. 149. A Trojan decorated Vase of Terra-cotta (7 M.
( 200 )
Discovery of an ancient wall on the northern slope — Discovery of a
Tower on the south side — Its position and construction — It is
Homer's Great Tower of Ilium — Manner of building with stones
and earth — A Greek inscription- — Remarkable medal of the age of
Commodus — Whorls found just below the surface — Terra-cottas
found at small depths — Various objects found at the various depths
A skeleton, with ornaments of gold, which have been exposed to
a great heat — Paucity of human remains, as the Trojans burnt their
dead — No trace of pillars — Naming of the site as " Ilium " and the
" Pergamus of Troy."
Pergamus of Troy, August 4th, 1872.
Referring to my report of the 13th of last month, I am
glad now to be able to mention that, in excavating the
depths of the temple, I found a wall 10 feet high and 6i
feet thick, which, however, has at one time been much
higher, as the quantity of stones lying beside it seem to
prove. It is at a distance of 131 feet from the declivity of
the hill, and at a perpendicular depth of 34 feet.* This
wall is composed of large stones joined with earth, and, as '
is attested by the layers of dibris which extend in an
oblique direction below it, it was built originally upon the
steep slope of the hill. Hence, since the erection of the
wall, the hill at this point has increased 131 feet in breadth
and 441 feet in height by the accumulation of debris. I
have not yet been able to ascertain whether this wall was
the foundation of an ancient Trojan temple, or whether it
belongs to the enclosing wall which, says Homer,f was
built by Poseidon and Apollo. In the latter case, it would
See Plan 11. t Iliad, VII. 452-453.
Plate \ III.
'' i
Seen from the S.E.
The top is 8m. (26 ft.) helow the surface.of the Hill: the foundation is on the n
14 m. 146 ft. j deep: the height of the Tower is 20 feet.
appear strange that it is only 6h feet thick, and was never
higher than i6i feet, for it must be remembered that the
hill has a steep incline on the north side, and that it is very
precipitous at this part especially.
Below the wall I found five of those splendid, brilliant
black fiat Trojan terra-cottas, which are so like a wheel,
that they can be distinguished at a glance from all the others.
One has six suns in the circle round the central sun ;
another has four stars forming a cross round the sun ; a
third has three double rising suns in the circle round the
central sun ; a fourth has four rising suns with five lines,
forming a cross round the sun; a fifth has three triple rising
suns round the sun. I also found below the wall a number
of fragments of black Trojan vessels which are directly re-
cognised by their fineness, and by the long single or double
rings on the sides.
The wall proceeds from west to east, and consequently
obstructs my path, and I cannot remove the debris from
behind it without considerably widening my trench, which
would be a gigantic piece of work between the enor-
mous earthen walls. In continuing my trench in a hori-
zontal direction I have arrived at exactly 6^ feet below
this wall. It is very interesting from a perpendicular depth
of i$h meters, or 51^ feet, to see this mass of primeval
Trojan masonry in a depth of 13^ to ioi meters (44^ to
34 feet), and the wall beside it which was built by Lysi-
machus, and is almost immediately below the surface,
standing as it were in mid air.
On the south side of the hill where, on account of the
slight natural slope, I had to make my great trench with
an inclination of 14 degrees, I discovered, at a distance of
197 feet from the declivity, a Tower, 12 meters or 40 feet
thick, which likewise obstructs my path, and appears to
extend to a great length.* I am busily engaged in making
• The Tower is marked No. 4, and is also named, on Plan II.
large excavations to the right and left of it, in order to lay-
bare the whole ; for, independently of the mighty interest
attached to this Tower, I must necessarily dig a channel to
allow the waters of the winter rains to run off, as they would
otherwise rush violently down from my platform (197 feet
in length, and with a considerable slope) against the Tower
and injure it. I have uncovered the Tower on the north
and south sides along the whole breadth of my trench, and
have convinced myself that it is built on the rock at a
depth of 14 meters or 46^ feet.
An elevated mass of calcareous earth, 65^ feet broad
and 162 feet high, rests upon the north side of the Tower,
and is evidently composed of the rubbish which had to be
removed in order to level the rock for building the Tower
upon it. I have of course pierced this hillock, and have
convinced myself that the north side of the Tower, 16^ feet
above the rock, does not consist of masonry, but of large
blocks of stone lying loosely one upon another, and that only
the upper part, about a yard high, consists of actual masonry.
This hillock, having the form of a rampart, thus serves to
consolidate the north side of the Tower, and renders it pos-
sible to ascend to the top without steps. The south side
of the Tower, looking out upon the Plain, consists of very
solid masonry, composed of blocks of limestone joined with
earth, some of the stones being hewn, others not. This
south side of the Tower rises from the rock at an angle
of 75 degrees.
None but those who have been present at these works
can have any idea of the enormous difficulties connected
with making excavations 465 feet deep on the right and
left of the Tower, where the ddbris has to be carried off to
a distance of more than 262 feet. At this great distance
it is very fatiguing to work with wheel-barrows and man-
carts ; so I now keep seven carts drawn by horses, which I
rind a very great relief.
The Tower is at present only 6 meters (20 feet high),
1872.] HOMER'S "TOWER OF ILIUM." 203
but the nature of its surface, and the masses of stones lying
on both sides, seem to prove that it was at one time much
higher.* For the preservation of what remains we have
only to thank the ruins of Troy, which entirely covered
the Tower as it now stands. It is probable that after the
destruction of Troy much more of it remained standing,
and that the part which rose above the ruins of the town was
destroyed by the successors of the Trojans, who possessed
neither walls nor fortifications. The western part of the
Tower, so far as it is yet uncovered, is only from 121 to 1 24
feet distant from the steep western slope of the hill ; and, con-
sidering the enormous accumulation of debris, I believe that
the Tower once stood on the western edge of the Acropolis,
where its situation would be most interesting and imposing ;
for its top would have commanded, not only a view of
the whole Plain of Troy, but of the sea with the islands of
Tenedos, Imbros, and Samothrace. There is not a more
sublime situation in the area of Troy than this, and I there-
fore presume that it is the " Great Tower of Ilium" which
Andromache ascended because " she had heard that the
Trojans were hard pressed and that the power of the
AciKcans was great."f After having been buried for thirty-
one centuries, and after successive nations have built their
houses and palaces high above its summit during thousands
of years, this Tower has now again been brought to light,
and commands a view, if not of the whole Plain, at least
of the northern part and of the Hellespont. May this
sacred and sublime monument of Greek heroism for ever
* This opinion was changed afterwards. See Chapter XXIL, p. 318.
t Iliad, VI. 386, 387 :—
'AAA.' iv\ irvpyov tfSr] /xeyav 'IAi'ou, ouvtK aKovcrev
Teipecrdai Tpwas, fxtya 8e KpaTos elvai 'Axcuoiv.
" But to the height uf Ilion's topmost tower
Andromache is gone ; since tidings came
The Trojan force was overmatched, and great
The Grecian strength."
attract the eves of those who sail through the Hellespont !
May it become a place to which the enquiring youth of all
future generations shall make pilgrimage and fan their en-
thusiasm for knowledge, and above all for the noble language
and literature of Greece ! May it be an inducement speedily
and completely to lay bare the walls of Troy, which must
necessarily be connected with this Tower and most probably
also with the wall laid open by me on the north side, to
uncover which is now a very easy matter.
The expenses of excavating Ilium are, however, too great
for private means, and I hope that a company will be
formed, or that some government will decide to continue
my excavations, so that I may proceed to the excavation of
the acropolis of Mycenag. Meanwhile I shall continue the
excavations at my own expense, but I shall in future confine
myself to gradually uncovering the large surrounding walls,
which are sure to be in a more or less good state of pre-
servation at a great depth below the city wall built by
Before I had seen even the smallest ruins of walls be-
longing to Ilium, I repeatedly maintained in my reports
that the whole city was built, as it is now proved by the
Wall and the Tower to have been, of stones joined with
earth. That this style of building, if not more ancient, is
at least just as ancient as the so-called cyclopean, is proved
by the walls and houses of Thera (Santorin) and Therassia,
which are built in the same way, and which, as is well
known, were discovered beneath three layers of volcanic
ashes 68 feet thick. These ashes were, however, thrown
up by a central volcano, which must have been at least
3800 feet high, and which, as is generally supposed, sank
into the sea at latest 1500 years before Christ.
Upon the site of the temple I found, at a depth of
65 feet, a block of marble 5! feet high, and 2! feet both
in breadth and thickness ; it weighs about 50 tons, and
contains the following inscription : —
5TA Aori ITHNYnoTo
The first name occurring in this inscription, of which
the syllable AY is preserved, is probably AYAOZ. KAIKINAI,
must certainly be the family-name, and must indicate the
Latin ablative. Whether the other name, of which AION
remains, is intended for TAION, I do not venture positively
to maintain, but I consider it to be probable. For the
inscription, which I read as follows, is written in bad Greek,
especially towards the end : 'H fiovXr) /cat 6 Srj/xos 'DueW
iTLjxrjcrav AvXov KXavhiov Kat/ctm Tdiov Kv£,u dp^ovTa
AlXlov 'ASpLavov 'Avtqjvlov ^e/3ao"rou Euo"e/3ou9 /cat iroXXd
/cat /xeydXa Trj TroXet KaTopOaxravra /cat napda^oPTd re rrj
Xoytcrreta /cat Y AND ITS REMAINS.
[Chap. XII.
I to unci several such pieces with extremely interesting
symbolical signs ; one ot them had a very fine engraving
of the flaming altar and the tree of life. In the same
stratum I found a neat little vase with three feet, two
handles, and prettily engraved decorations ; lastly, a
number of small knives made of silex, in the form of saws.
At a depth of 6 meters (20 feet) we found a vessel, a little
more than 9 inches long, which is exactly in the shape of
an animal ; it has three feet, a tail, and an upright neck,
which is connected with the back by a large handle. At a
depth of 7 meters (23 feet) I found a very pretty vase, with
the owl's head of the tutelary goddess of Troy, her two
female breasts and navel ; the two arms
are raised by the side of the head, and
served as handles. From the same depth
we brought out a curious saw made
of bone ; from a depth of 8 meters
(26 feet), idols with the image of the
, Ilian Athena, with her girdle, made of
No. 150. Terra-cotta Vase (7 M.). O
very fine marble ; at the same depth
some of those earthen funnels which I have already fre-
quently mentioned, also several terra-cotta balls covered with
engravings of little stars. I
also discovered during the
last few days, at depths of
from 8 to 1 1 meters (26 to
36 feet) a number of large
vases and vessels of various
forms, with two, three, and
four handles, and, besides
these, at 10 meters (33 feet)
deep, a vessel in the form
of an animal, with three feet
and a tail ; a horn, which projects from the upright neck
and serves as a handle, connects the head with the end
of the back. This vessel is not unlike a locomotive engine.
No. 151. Terra-cotta Vase in the form of an
Animal, from the Trojan Stratum lioM.).
The day before yesterday, at the depth of 14 meters
(46 feet), we met with a great number of interesting things;
for instance, the neck of a brilliant red vase with the owl's
head, which has two enormously large eyes ; then a brilliant
brown vessel, 8f inches long, 7 inches high, and nearly
No. 152. Terra-cotta Vessel in the shape of a Pig, from the Lowest Stratum (14 M.).
6 inches thick, in the form of a sow, with a projecting but
closed head of excellent workmanship, and with three feet ;
the orifice of the vessel is in the tail, which is connected
with the back by a handle. Further, a lance and several
instruments, as well as a number of copper nails, and needles
of ivory for embroidering. In the ashes of the same house,
which has evidently been burnt, I also found, at a depth of
13 meters (42^ feet), a tolerably well preserved skeleton of a
woman, of which I think I
have collected nearly all the
bones ; the skull especially
is in a good state of pre-
servation, but has unfortu-
nately been broken in our
excavations ; however, I can
easily put it together again ;
the mouth is somewhat pro-
truding, and shows good
but astonishingly small
teeth. By the side of the skeleton I found a finger-ring,
No. 153.
Skull of a Woman, found near some gold orna-
ments in the Lowest Stratum (13 M.).
three ear-rings, and a dress-pin of pure gold. The latter
is perfectly simple, and has a round head ; two of the ear-
rings are of quite a primitive kind, and consist of simple
gold wire 0*058 of an inch thick; as does also the third
ear-ring, which, however, is much more finely wrought
and ends in a leaf, which is formed of six gold wires of
equal thickness, riveted together.* The finger-ring is made
of three gold wires 0*115 of an inch thick. All of these
objects bear evidence of having been exposed to great heat.
The Trojan woman must, however, have also worn other
ornaments, for by the side of the skeleton I collected several
gold beads only o " 039 of an inch large, and also a very
thin oval ring only a quarter of an inch in length. Even
the colour of the bones leaves no doubt that the lady was
overtaken by lire and burnt alive. With the exception of
the skeleton of the embryo of six months which was found
in a vase upon the primary soil, this is the only human
skeleton I have ever met with in any of the pre-Hellenic
strata on this hill.f As we know from Homer, all corpses
were burnt, and the ashes were placed in urns, of which I
have found great numbers in the ruins of all the nations
which inhabited this hill before the time of the Greek colony.
The bones, however, were always burnt to ashes ; at most I
have occasionally discovered a whole tooth, in no case have
I ever met with another entire bone in the urns.
Among the remains of the same Trojan house, and not
far from the skeleton, I found the fragment of a yellow
cup (vase-cover), with a very expressive man's face; the
nose is long and somewhat aquiline. In addition to this I
found there seven of the round terra-cottas in the shape
of a flat top. Among these was one 2^ inches in diameter,
which has the exact form of a wheel : in the circle round
* Similar rings are shown among the articles of the Treasure
(Chapter XXIII., Plate XX).
t Others, even more interesting, were found later (Chapter XX., pp.
21 1
the nave it has five rising suns. As usual, these decorations
are engraved and filled with a white substance.
Of pillars I have as yet found no trace in Troy ; hence
if there existed real pillars, they must in all cases have been
of wood. Moreover, the word " klcop" is never met with in
the Iliad, and only in the Odyssey. In a house at a depth
of 39T feet, I found a prettily carved and very hard piece
of limestone in the form of a crescent, with a round hole
ih inch deep, and
I conjecture that it
may have been used
as the support for
a door.
In conclusion,
I flatter myself with
the hope that, as
a reward for my
enormous expenses
and all my priva-
tions, annoyances,
and sufferings' in
this wilderness, but
above all for my
important disco-
veries, the civilized
Tir/-vt-lrl mill orl/nnn; No. i<;4. Block of Limestone, with a socket, in which the pivot
worm win acxnow- of a door may have turned {l2M)
ledge my right to
re-christen this sacred locality ; and in the name of the
divine Homer I baptize it with that name of immortal
renown, which fills the heart of everyone with joy and
enthusiasm: I give it the name of "Troy" and "Ilium,"
and I call the Acropolis, where I am writing these lines, by
the name of the " Pcrgamus of Troy." *
* This last name was afterwards recalled by Dr. Schliemann, and that
of " Ilium" or " Troy" confined to the Hill of Hissarlik. See Chapter
XX I II., p. 343 ; and Introduction, p. iS.
p a
( 212 )
Intended cessation of the work — Further excavation of the Tower-
Layers of red ashes and calcined stones — Objects found on the
Tower — Weapons, implements, and ornaments of stone, copper,
and silver — Bones — Pottery and vases of remarkable forms —
Objects found on each side of the Tower — First rain for four
months — Thanks for escape from the constant dangers — Results
of the excavations — The site of Homer's Troy identified with that
of Greek Ilium — Error of the Bunarbashi theory — Area of the
Greek city — Depth of the accumulated debris unexampled in the
world — Multitude of interesting objects brought to light — Care in
making drawings of them all.
Pergamus of Troy, August 14th, 1872.
Since my report of the 4th of this month I have continued
the excavations with the utmost energy, but I am now
compelled to stop the works this evening, for my three
foremen and my servant, who is also my cashier, have
been seized by the malignant marsh-fever, and my wife and
I are so unwell that we are quite unable to undertake the
sole direction throughout the day in the terrible heat ot
the sun. We shall therefore leave our two wooden houses
and all our machines and implements in charge of a watch-
man, and to-morrow we shall return to Athens.
The admirers of Homer, on visiting the Pergamus of
Troy, will find that I have not only laid bare the Tower on
the south side, along the whole breadth of my trench, down
to the rock upon which it stands, at a depth of 14 meters
or 46s feet, but that by my excavations on the east and
west I have uncovered it considerably further, without
having found its end. On the contrary, upon the east
side, where it is 40 feet broad, and seems even to be
broader still, I found the ruins of a second storey, of which,
however, as far as I can at present judge, four broad steps
have been preserved.* On the western side it is only
9 meters or 30 feet in breadth, and on this side there
extends to the north an enormous wall, the thickness of
which I have not been able to ascertain. The fact of my
not having been able to carry these new excavations down
to the primary soil, but only to a depth of 1 1 meters
{?,6h feet) is owing to the brittle nature of the walls of
rubbish and ruins round about the Tower, which, as any-
one may convince himself, consist of red ashes and of
stones calcined by the heat, and which threatened at any
moment to fall in and bury my workmen.
Upon the Tower, and more especially in the long oval
depression on the top of it, and upon the steps I found
two copper Trojan lances, several arrow-heads in the
primitive form of thick pegs, from above 1 inch to
nearly 2 inches long, which were fastened at the end of the
shaft ; further, an arrow-head i\ inches in length, made
of silex, and in the form of a pointed double-edged saw ;
then several copper and silver nails with round heads, which
may have served as clothes-pins ; further, great quantities
of bones, masses of fragments of Trojan pottery of a
brilliant red and black, and a number of vases and pots
more or less well preserved. Among them is a pretty
brilliant red vase nearly 10 inches high, filled with the
bones of a sea-fish. This vase (found in an urn, which
was unfortunately broken to pieces) has two small handles,
and on two sides an ornament in the form of the Greek
letter Lambda, but with circular ends.f Three other vases
* Respecting these steps, which are marked No. 6, on Plan II., and
c on Plan III., p. 306, see further in Chapter XXII., p. 318, where the
idea of an upper storey is rejected. — [Ed.]
t The cut represents a vase of this type, with the upper part joined
on by Dr. Schliemann, who remarks that it is doubtful whether the owl's
face belongs to this vase, as the Ilian goddess is in no other case repre-
sented on vases without the breasts and abdomen. (Description in the
Atlas of Photographs.)
| Cm \p. XIII.
of a similar form, and with exactly the same decorations,
were found upon the Tower. Two other vases of the
same form, and with very similar decorations, were found
at depths of 26 and 20 feet. I also found upon the Tower
an exceedingly curious
vessel nearly 6 inches in
length, exactly the shape
of a mole, and with three
feet ; it can also be placed
No. 155. A Trojan Terra-cotta Vase, with an Oma- No. 156. Curious Terra-cotta Vessel in the
ment like the Greek Lambda (8 M.). shape of .1 Mule ( rower : 7 or 8 M.).
so that the snout of the animal is lowest and serves as
a foot; the orifice is in the tail, which a large handle
connects with the back. I also found there a splendid
Trojan vase, of a brilliant black colour, 15^ inches high,
which was unfortunately completely broken, but I have
all the pieces of it, and consequently shall be able to
restore it. Besides these, a Trojan pot, and a globular
vessel with the above-mentioned decoration of a rounded
lambda. I likewise saved, in an almost perfect condition,
an exceedingly interesting red jug, above 9 inches high,
quite round below and with a neck more bent backwards
than I have ever found it in such vessels. I further found
there a Priapus and a very pretty bird's egg made of fine
marble, many small terra-cotta whorls with the usual
symbols of double and treble crosses, six suns, four or five
double or treble rising suns, or stars, in the circle round
the central sun ; also one article where four pj-J form a
cross round the sun, and the rest of the space is filled
with stars. Fur- n-
ther, a few small
vessels with suspen-
sion rings were
found also on the
Tower, as well as
25 very ordinary
earthen plates,
which have been
turned by the pot-
ter, whereas all the
other articles ap-
pear to have been
made by the hand
without a potter's
wheel ; about half
of the plates were
got out unin-
digging to
No. 157. A Trojan Dish with side Rings, and Plates turned
by the Potter (Tower : 7 m.\
the left and right
of the Tower, a number of other interesting objects have
been found since my last report ; for instance, at a depth
of 2 meters (6^ feet), a number of very neat although ordi-
nary vessels with small rings on the sides and holes in the
mouth for hanging them up, which have hitherto only been
met with much further down; at a depth of 3 meters (10
feet) a small cover, with the owl's face and helmet of the
Ilian Athena, of very good manufacture ; then, at a depth
of 1 1 i feet, a small terra-cotta whorl with three stags in
the circle round the sun. At a depth of from 5 to 6 meters
(i6h to 20 feet), I found a great number of small knives
of silex in the form of saws. At a depth of 10 meters
(33 feet) I discovered a very curious instrument of brilliant
yellow terra-cotta, a drawing of which I give. It is quite
inexplicable to me for what purpose it can have been used ;
it is almost in the shape of a shield, and by the side of the
handle which is ornamented with a tree, it has a cavity
for putting the hand in. As it is made of terra-cotta it
cannot, of course, have been used as a shield.*
After having had no rain here for four months, to-
day, curiously enough, just after stopping the works, we
have had a thunderstorm accompanied by a tremendous
downpour of rain, and I regret extremely not to have been
able to make a channel for leading off the rain-water from
the Tower as far as the western declivity of the hill. But
such a channel would need to be 50 feet deep and as many
broad, otherwise its walls, consisting of calcined ruins and
loose red ashes, would fall in. I should therefore have to
remove 5000 cubic meters (6000 cubic yards) of debris,
and such a gigantic piece of work I cannot now under-
In stopping the excavations for this year, and in looking
back upon the fearful dangers to which we have continually
been exposed since the 1st of April, between the gigantic
layers of ruins, I cannot but fervently thank God for His
great mercy, that not only has no life been lost, but that
none of us has even been seriously hurt.
Now, as regards the result of my excavations, every-
one must admit that I have solved a great historical
problem, and that I have solved it by the discovery of a
high civilization and immense buildings upon the primary
soil, in the depths of an ancient town, which throughout
antiquity was called Ilium and declared itself to be the
successor of Troy, the site of which was regarded as iden-
tical with the site of the Homeric Ilium by the whole
civilized world of that time. The situation of this town
not only corresponds perfectly with all the statements of
the Iliad, but also with all the traditions handed down to
• Sec Plate XXL, No. 309.
us by later authors ; and, moreover, neither in the Plain of
Troy, nor in its vicinity, is there any other place which
could in the slightest degree be made to correspond with
them. To regard the heights of Bunarbashi as the site
of Troy, contradicts, in every respect, all the statements of
Homer and of tradition. My excavations of Bunarbashi,
as well as the form of the rocks, prove that those heights,
as far as the three sepulchral mounds, can never have been
inhabited by men. As I have already said, behind those
tumuli there are the ruins of a very small town, the area of
which, surrounded on two sides by the ruins of an enclosing
wall, and on the other side by precipices, is so insignificant,
that at most it can have only possessed 2000 inhabitants.
The enclosing wall of its small Acropolis is scarcely a foot
thick, and the gate scarcely 3^ feet wide. The accumulation
of dibris is not worth mentioning, for in many places the
naked flat rocks are seen on the ground of the Acropolis.
Here in Ilium, however, the proportions are very different.
The area of the Greek city, which is indicated by the sur-
rounding wall built by Lysimachus, is large enough for a
population of more than 100,000 souls ; and that the number
of the inhabitants was actually as large is proved by the
stage of the theatre, which is 200 feet in breadth. Here the
surrounding wall of Lysimachus is 6\ feet thick, whereas
the wall which runs out from the Tower at a great depth
below the other seems to be live times as thick, and Homer
assuredly ascribed the erection of the walls of Troy to
Poseidon and Apollo on account of their enormous pro-
portions.* Then, as regards the accumulation of dibris,
here in the Pergamus there is no place where it amounts
to less than 14 meters, or 46^ feet, and in many places it is
even much more considerable. Thus, for instance, on my
great platform, I only reached the primary soil at a depth
* According to Mr. Gladstone's theory, these masses of masonry,
and the tradition ascribing them to Poseidon and Apollo, are signs of
Phoenician influence. |Er>.]
of 16 meters, or 5 ], \ leer, and in the depths of the temple,
on the adjacent field, belonging to Mr. Frank Calvert,
1 have not yet reached it at a depth of 155 meters, or
5 1 ^ feet. Such an accumulation of ruins has never as yet
been discovered in any other part of the world, except
occasionally in the rocky valleys of Jerusalem ; where,
however, it has only begun to accumulate since the
destruction of the city by Titus, and hence is scarcely
more than 1 800 years old.* Here in Troy the remains of
the Greek period cease entirely at a depth of i, 1, or
2 meters, and thence, down to the primary soil, we find in
regular succession the mightv layers of ruins belonging to
four very ancient nations.
In like manner, as regards the more than a hundred
thousand objects which I have brought to light, and which
were used by those very ancient tribes. I venture to say
that I have revealed a new world to archtcologv : for, in
order to give but one instance, I have here found many
thousands of those wheels, volcanoes, or tops {carrousels)
of terra-cotta with the most various Aryan religious
If, as it seems, neither the Trojans nor any of the
three succeeding peoples possessed a written language, we
must, as far as possible, replace it by the "monuments
figures" which I have discovered.! As alreadv said, I
* This statement is hardly accurate. The greatest depth of debris
discovered by the officers of the Palestine Exploration Fund at Jerusalem
was not in the valleys, but on the Eastern slope of Mount Moriah. The
accumulation reached from the foot of the wall down the slope to the
bed of the Kedron, and beyond it some distance up the slope of the
Mount of Olives. The usual depth at the wall was 60 or 70 feet, but
at the north end it reached as much as 120, owing to the descent of the
original ground at that spot. The masons' marks on the lowest courses
of the stones, reached by sinking shafts through these great depths,
seemed to show a date nearer that of Solomon than of Titus. — [Ed.]
t We leave this, like other such passages, as landmarks of the rapid
progress made in the discoveries opened up 1a Dr. Schliemann.- [Ed.]
make a drawing in my diary each evening of every one of
the objects which have been found during the day, and
more especially of the pictorial symbols, with the greatest
exactness. By comparing the innumerable symbols I have
succeeded in deciphering some of them, and I hope that
my learned colleagues will succeed in explaining the rest.
Archaeology shall on no account lose any one of my dis-
coveries ; every article which can have any interest for
the learned world shall be photographed, or copied by a
skilful draughtsman, and published in the Appendix to this
work ; and by the side of every article I shall state the
depth in which I discovered it.
No. 158. A curious Trojan Jug of Terra-cotta (8 M.
Return to Troy to take plans and photographs — Damage to retaining
walls — The unfaithfulness of the watchman — Stones carried off for
a neighbouring church and houses — Injury by rain — Works for
security during the winter — Opening up of a retaining wall on the
side of the hill, probably built to support the temple of Athena —
Supposed debris of that temple — Drain belonging to it — Doric
style of the temple proved by the block of Triglyphs — Temple of
Apollo also on the Pergamus.
Athens, September 28th, 1872.
I wrote my last memoir on the 14th of last month, and
on the 10th of this month, accompanied by my wife and
Sisilas the land-surveyor, I returned to Troy in order to
make a new plan of the Pergamus, which contains the most
exact picture of my excavations, as well as of the depth
in which the remains of immortal fame were discovered
by me. I also took the photographer Siebrecht from the
Dardanelles with me, in order to have photographs taken
of my excavations, of two of the four springs situated on
the north side of Ilium, of Ilium's Great Tower and the
Plain of Troy, as well as of the Hellespont as seen from
this monument.
To my horror, upon arriving there, I found that the
watchman whom I had left in charge had been faithless,
and that an immense number of large hewn stones dug
out of my excavations, with which I had erected walls in
several places in order to prevent the winter rains from
washing away the debris which we had pulled down, had
been carried off. The man excused himself by saying that
the stones had been used for a good purpose, namely for
Ch. XIV. 1872.] DAMAGE TO THE WORKS. 22 1
the construction of a belfry in the Christian village of
Yenishehr, and for building houses in the Turkish village
of Chiplak. I, of course, packed him off directly, and
engaged in his place a watchman whom I armed with a
musket. He had the reputation of being honest, and his
physical strength will inspire the pilferers of the stones with
respect. What vexed me most was, that these thieves had
even laid their hands upon the splendid bastion of the time
of Lysimachus, which I had uncovered on the south side of
the hill ; they had made off with two large stones from it,
and the bastion would assuredly have vanished entirely had
I been away a week longer.
I also regret to see that the downpour of rain on the
14th of August has filled the great cutting, which I made
on the south side of the Tower, in order to bring the Tower
to light down as far as the rock upon which it is built, with
debris to a height of 2 meters (6^ feet). So, immediately
upon my arrival, I engaged 20 workmen, 10 of whom are
busy in clearing the south side of the Tower as far as the
primary soil, in wheeling away the debris, and in building
in front of the cutting a wall of large blocks of stone,
through which the rain-water can escape, but not the
debris that may be washed down.
I have now had an opportunity of convincing myself
that the rain does not harm the Tower, for it disappears
directly to the right and left of it in the loose debris. Of
the other ten workmen, six are occupied in repairing the
walls which have been destroyed or injured by wanton
hands, while the other four are working in order to lay
bare as far as possible an exceedingly remarkable wall,
which rises at an angle of 40 degrees at the depth of 15^
meters (504 feet) and at 43^ yards from the edge of the
hill, on the site of the temple, exactly 6h feet below the
Trojan wall which I there brought to light. (See p. 200.)
As I have before remarked, the strata of debris, which run
obliquely to the north below that Trojan wall, prove that
it was built upon the steep slope of the hill, and this is
an additional and infallible proof that the buttress, which is
erected 6h feet below it, can have served no other purpose
than for consolidating and strengthening the ground of
the declivity so effectually that buildings of an enormous
weight might be erected upon the summit without danger.
Now as I have never hitherto found buttresses of this kind
for consolidating the declivity of the hill among the strata
of the pre-Hellenic period, although there was no lack of
grand buildings in the Pergamus of Troy (as is proved
by the colossal masses of hewn and unhewn stones from
i6h to 20 feet high, mixed with charred debris, with which
I had to struggle upon my great platform), I positively
believe that the above-mentioned buttress was erected to
support the site of a temple of great sanctity. I believe
this all the more, as the buttress here forms a curve and
appears to protect the whole of the north-eastern corner of
the hill, which was the extreme end of the Pergamus and
perfectly corresponds with Homer's statement about the
position of the temple of Athena, " on the summit of the
city" (eV noXei aKpy : Iliad, VI. 297). I have no doubt
that in ascending from this buttress I shall find the ruins
of that ancient temple at a distance of less than 10 meters
(33 feet). But in order to penetrate further, I must first of
all pull down the Trojan wall, 10 feet high and 6h feet thick,
which I have already frequently mentioned, and remove the
enormous masses of debris ; this work must be deferred till
the 1 st of February, for I am now too ill and tired to
attempt it. The discovery of the very ancient temple of
Athena at the north-eastern corner would, moreover solve
the great problem— whence arises the colossal accumulation
of debris, which here covers the declivity with a crust as
hard as stone, 131 feet in thickness, and which caused me
so much trouble, not only in this excavation, but also at
the eastern end of my platform, along an extent of more
than 80 feet. It will be found that this enormous crust has
arisen solely from the remains of the sacrifices offered to the
Ilian Athena.
I had not noticed this buttress at the time of my departure
on the 15th of August, and I have now only discovered it
because the rain has laid bare two of its stones. It is built
of blocks of shelly limestone (Muschelkalk), from about a
foot to 2 feet 2 inches long and broad, joined with earth,
and it probably covered the whole north-eastern corner of
the hill from the bottom to the top. I presume that the
drain of green sandstone, nearly 8 inches broad and about
7 inches high, which I spoke of in my report of the 25th
of April, belongs to the very ancient temple of Athena ; it
will be remembered that I found it at about nh feet above
my great platform, and at a distance of 46 feet from the
edge of the declivity.
The block of triglyphs with the Sun-god and the four
horses, which I found here, proves that the temple which it
adorned was built in the Doric style ; and, as the Doric
is confessedly the oldest style of architecture, the ancient
temple of the Ilian Athena was doubtless in that style.
We know, however, from the Iliad* that there was also a
temple of Apollo in the Pergamus. It probably stood at
the south-eastern corner of the hill, for at the foot of it may
be seen, in a small excavation, a wall composed of splendid
Corinthian pillars joined by means of cement. It is pro-
bable that these pillars belong to a temple of Apollo of
the time of Lysimachus. In excavating the Tower further
to the east, I hope to find the site of this temple, and in its
depths the ruins of the very ancient temple of Apollo.
If the Trojans possessed an alphabetical language, I
shall probably find inscriptions in the ruins of the two
temples. I am, however, no longer sanguine in regard to
this, as I have hitherto found no trace of writing in the
colossal strata of the four tribes which preceded the Greek
* Iliad, VII. 83 and IV. 508. ; see pp. 145-6. 257.
f See note (t). p. 218.
( 224 )
Return to Hissarlik in 1873 — Interruptions by holydays and weather
— Strong cold north winds — Importance of good overseers — An
artist taken to draw the objects found — Want of workmen — Exca-
vations on the site of the Temple — Blocks of Greek sculptured
marble — Great increase of the hill to the east — Further portions
of the great Trojan wall — Traces of fire — A terra-cotta hippo-
potamus, a sign of intercourse with Egypt — Idols and owl-faced
vases — Vases of very curious forms — Whorls — Sling-bullets of
copper and stone — Piece of ornamented ivory belonging to a
musical instrument — New cutting from S.E. to N.W. — Walls
close below the surface — Wall of Lysimachus — Monograms on
the stones — An inscription in honour of Caius Cresar — Patronage
of Ilium by the Julii as the descendants of yEneas — Good wine of
the Troad.
Pergamus of Troy, February 22nd, 1873.
I returned here on the 31st of January with my wife, in
order to continue the excavations, but we have been
repeatedly interrupted by Greek church festivals, thunder-
storms, and also by the excessive cold, so that I can scarcely
reckon that I have had as yet more than eight good days'
work. Last autumn, by the side of my two wooden houses,
I had a house built for myself of stones from the old Trojan
buildings, the walls of which were 2 feet thick, but I was
compelled to let my foremen occupy it, for they were not
sufficiently provided with clothes and wrappers, and would
have perished through the great cold. My poor wife and
I have therefore suffered very much, for the strong icy
i873-] NEW ASSISTANTS. 225
north wind* blew with such violence through the chinks of
our house-walls which were made of planks, that we were
not even able to light our lamps of an evening ; and
although we had fire on the hearth, yet the thermometer
showed 4 degrees of cold (Reaumur = 23° Fahrenheit), and
the water standing near the hearth froze in solid masses.
During the day we could to some degree bear the cold by
working in the excavations, but of an evening we had
nothing to keep us warm except our enthusiasm for the
great work of discovering Troy. Fortunately this extreme
cold lasted only four days, from the 16th to the 19th of
this month, and since then we have had glorious weather.
Besides Georgios Photidas, who was with me during
the excavations of last year, I have as foremen Georgios
Barba Tsirogiannis (a sea-captain from Chalcis in Eubcea),
and an Albanese from Salamis, whom, however, I shall
shortly send back on account of his uselessness, and get
two other foremen from the Piraeus in his stead. A good
foreman is more useful to me than ten common workmen,
but I find that the gift of command is rarely met with
except among seamen.
I have also brought with me an artist, that I may
have the objects found copied immediately in Indian
ink, and the drawings multiplied in Athens by means of
photography. This will, however, render it impossible for
me to state the depths at which the objects were found
upon distinct plates, as I have hitherto done. The articles
discovered in the different depths are now mixed together,
but in each case the depth, as well as the relative size, is
stated in meters, in addition to the number in the catalogue.
Workmen are at present not so easily to be had as
before ; for a merchant from Smyrna residing here has
engaged 150 men to gather a medicinal root, which is
here called yXvKopi^a, out of which liquorice-juice is pre-
* This recals to mind Homer's frequent mention of the blasts
of Boreas. — [Ed.]
pared. The German word lakritze, the French lacorice,
and the English liquorice, are evidently corruptions of
yXvKopu^a. Now, as the men employed by the Smyrna
merchant work the ground at a certain price by square
measure, they earn from 12 to 23 piasters (2 frcs. 40 cent,
to 4 frcs. 60 cent.) daily ; whereas I can give them only
9 piasters (1 frc. 80 cent.) during the present short days.
At Easter I can offer them 10 piasters, and after the 1st
of June 12 piasters. As the roots are dug up in the
neighbourhood of Renko'i, it is principally the people of
this village that are engaged in the work ; and for carry-
ing on my excavations I have to apply to the villages
of Kafatli-Asmak, Yenishehr, and Neo-Chori, which are
situated in and round about the Plain of Troy. If the
weather is dry, I can count upon obtaining after to-morrow
1 20 workmen every day.
On the north side of the hill, at a distance of 131 feet
from the declivity and at a depth of 5 1 feet, the wall of
white stones, which rises at an angle of 40 degrees, 6\ feet
below the Trojan wall, seems, as I have said, to mark the
site of the Greek temple of Athena. Here I am having
five terraces made on two sides simultaneously, and the
debris carried away in man-carts and wheel-barrows. In
the north-eastern excavations this de'bris, from the surface
to a depth of 10 feet, consists of black earth, mixed with
splinters of marble ; and among them I find very many
large and beautifully-sculptured blocks of marble, which
evidently belong to the temple of the time of Lysimachus,
which stood here, but are of no further value to archaeology.
The removal of these blocks, the weight of which is often
nearly two tons, gives me the greatest . trouble. The site
of the temple is indeed indicated distinctly enough by the
existence of these large marble blocks in the Doric style,
but of the sanctuary itself there is not one stone in its
place. A depression in the earth, 1 1 2 feet long and 76 feet
broad, seems to prove that the place has been ransacked
hundreds of years ago by Turks seeking stones suitable for
sepulchral monuments ; they have also, curiously enough,
carried off all the foundations. Below the layer of debris,
10 feet thick, which descends at an angle of from 50 to 60
degrees, there is an accumulation of ashes, covering with
a crust of 131 feet thick the buttress previously mentioned,
which distinctly marks the former declivity of the hill.
The declivity at this point is rounded off towards the
east ; and- — as is proved by the fact that the buttress
itself (as well as the layers of debris that lie above it) turns
in the same direction, and that the strata of debris which lie
above it also extend out to the east — the eastern declivity
at one time likewise commenced at this point, whereas its
present position is 262^ feet distant from it. The hill
of the Pergamus has therefore increased i6i\ feet in an
eastern direction since the buttress was built. I do not
believe that there is a second hill in the world whose
increase in size, during thousands of years, can in the
remotest degree be compared with this enormous growth.
Except those small round terra-cottas in the form of
volcanoes and tops, with the usual decorations, and some
more or less broken pottery, nothing has as yet been
discovered in this excavation. The other cutting: —
which I opened to reach the supposed site of the very
ancient temple of Athena — is at the east end of my large
platform, upon which I am again throwing the greater
part of the debris which is being dug down there, because
to remove it beyond the platform would be too difficult.
In the mean time I have only had this cutting made
42^ feet broad, but I intend to widen it as soon as I find
any prospect of advantage to archaeology from doing so.
In the lower terrace of this cutting I find the continuation
of that Trojan wall which also shows itself in the more
eastern cutting. This wall is here only 3^ feet high, but
the stones lying below it leave no doubt that it was at one
time much higher. Every visitor to the Troad confirms
Q 2
my observation of the remarkable fact, that this wall con-
tinues on the two sides of my large cutting through the
entire hill, to the right and left of the entrance, at a depth
of 39^ feet. If this wall belongs to a time preceding the
Trojan wall (as to which I can entertain no doubt, owing
to its great depth), yet the mighty ruins beneath it, as well
as the pavement of white pebbles lying below it, at a depth
of if foot in my large cutting, prove that it must have been
built a long time after the first destruction of the city.
But the real object of the wall here and further to the
west is utterly inexplicable to me, for it is built above and
through the ruins of mighty buildings.
The strata of debris in this cutting all lie horizontally,
which leaves no doubt that they have been gradually
formed in the course of time. Their composition proves
that most of the houses which stood here were destroyed
by fire. But there are also several thick strata here, in
which we find thousands of shells in a state of good pre-
servation, which proves that they at least cannot have
belonged to buildings destroyed by fire.
Among the interesting objects discovered in this
excavation, I must espe-
cially mention a brilliant
red terra-cotta hippo-
potamus, found at a
depth of 23 feet. It is
hollow, and has a ring on
the left side, and there-
Bright Red Terra-cotta Image of a Hippopotamus fore may have Served aS
a vessel. The existence of
the figure of a hippopotamus here at a depth of 23 feet
is extremely remarkable, nay, astonishing; for this animal,
as is well known, is not met with even in Upper Egypt, and
occurs only in the rivers of the interior of Africa. It is,
however, probable that hippopotami existed in Upper Egypt
in ancient times; for, according to Herodotus (II. 71),
they were worshipped as sacred animals at the Egyptian
town of Papremis. At all events, Troy must have been
commercially connected with Egypt ; but even so, it is still
an enigma, how the animal was so well known here as to
have been made of clay in a form quite faithful to nature.
Of idols of marble, it is only during these few days
that we have found eight, only two of which had the
engraved owl's head of the Ilian Athena. Of vases with
owl's faces, two female breasts, and two upraised arms, I
have found only one, at a depth of 15 meters (49^ feet),
and at a depth of 7 meters (23 feet) the upper portion of
another, upon which the stump of one of the arms may
still be recognised. At a depth of 10 feet we found two
vases, with two female breasts and an immense navel,
which are doubtless also intended to represent the
tutelary goddess of Troy. Lastly, of vase-covers with an
owl's face and helmet, the first found was at a depth of
1 meter (31 feet), having a double handle in the form of
a coronet ; another, found at a depth of 3 meters (26 feet),
has a simple handle. Among the other terra-cotta vessels
I must specially mention an exceedingly remarkable cup
in the form of a bugle-horn with three feet, which was
found at a depth of 3 meters (10 feet) ; also a vessel with
No. 160. No. 161.
Remarkable Terra-cotta Vessel, in the shape of a Terra-cotta Vessel with three feet, a
Bugle, with three feet (3 M.). handle, and two ears (5 M.).
but two feet, which, however, as is proved by the broken
places on the right side, has been attached to some other
vessel of a similar form and description ; this double vessel
had a ring on either side for suspension by strings. Of the
other earthenware I can only mention a small curious vase
which has three long feet, one handle, and two others in
the form of ears.
The round articles of terra-cotta in the form of vol-
canoes and humming-tops, with symbolical decorations, were
met within great quantities, as they always are. Four sling-
bullets were discovered, one of which, made of copper, was
brought out from a depth of 49 feet, one of alabaster from
23 feet, and two of diorite from a depth of from 20 to 23
feet. At a depth of 4 meters (13 feet) I found a splendidly
ornamented flat piece of ivory, which must evidently have
been part of a musical instrument.* Lastly, at the depth
of 1 meter (3! feet) there was a fragment of a female
statue of fine marble, executed in a masterly style. It not
improbably represents the tutelary goddess of Ilium, whose
temple, as we know, stood in the Pergamus.
Simultaneously with these excavations I had 22 men
working in a north-westerly direction, from the south-
eastern corner of the Acropolis, in order to lay bare the
Great Tower still further on that side, an operation that
has become impossible to effect from my great trench.
But as the hill at this point has only a very gradual slope
I was compelled to make the new cutting with a con-
siderable slope, which renders the carting-ofF of the debris
much more troublesome, but is absolutely necessary, to
enable us to reach- the requisite depth of 26 feet for
arriving at the Tower*. At the very commencement of this
cutting, at a foot below the surface, I came upon two
enormous walls, each of which is 10 feet thick. The
first seems to belong to the Middle Ages,f and consists
* See Cut, No. 9, p. 27.
t Dr. Schliemann afterwards assigned these Corinthian pillars to the
time of Constantine. (See Chapter XXII., p. 320, and Introduction,
p. 30.— [Ed.]
1 873-] ILIUM AND THE JUL1I. 231
of large blocks of Corinthian pillars joined by cement
and of other marble blocks taken from ancient build-
ings. The second wall, which follows immediately, must
certainly belong to the town-wall built by Lysimachus,
which was 40 stadia long.* It is composed of large and
beautifully hewn blocks of limestone, which are laid one
upon another without any kind of cement, and which gene-
rally bear a monogram. As the letter is not always the
same, and as for instance upon one stone there is a X, and
upon another an Y or a A, I presume that they are the
initials of the different builders. In the first wall I found
a marble slab nearly a foot thick, 32^ inches broad, and
3^ feet long, with the following inscription : —
eH fiov\r) /cat 6 877^09
Yaiiov Kaicrapa tov vlbv tov Se/3acr-
tov tov crvvyevrj /cat Trarpoyva /cat ev-
epyiriqv rfjs woXecos.
The person praised in this inscription can by no means
have been the Emperor Caligula, for in that case the title
avroKparcop would have been added. But as this word is
wanting, the person meant is certainly Caius Caesar, the
son of Vipsanius Agrippa and of Julia, the daughter of
Octavianus. He had a brother called Lucius. Both were
adopted by Augustus, and owing to this adoption they
received the title of " vto? tov Se^ao-rov," and both were
selected by Augustus as his successors. Caius Caesar, born
in the year 20 b.c, was adopted at the age of three years.
He took part in the Trojan games, which Augustus
Strabo, XIII., pp. 100, 101, Tauchnitz edition.
2j2 TROY AND ITS REMAINS. [Ch. XV. 1873.
instituted at the dedication of* the temple of Marcellus.
At the age of fifteen he was appointed Consul, and when
nineteen he was made Governor of Asia. During his
administration there he became involved in a war with
Phraates the king of Armenia, was wounded, and died
in the year 4 after Christ, on the 21st of February, at
the age of 24.* As in the inscription he is called the
kinsman, the benefactor, and the patron of Ilium, it is
probable that he often came here during his administra-
tion ; at all events, he took great interest in the city, and
lavished favours upon it. The family of the Julii always
attached great importance to their descent from Iiilus
(or Ascanius) the son of iEneas ; and the sole political
object of Virgil's iEneid was to prove and glorify their
genealogy. This explains the favours which the Julii
lavished upon Ilium, and their hatred against the Greeks
because they destroyed Troy, and also because they had
espoused the cause of Mark Antony.
An oka of wine, which contains about two ordinary
wine-bottles, last year cost \\ piaster (25 centimes); now
it costs 2 piasters (40 centimes) the oka ; but it is of
a most excellent quality, and I prefer it to any French
No. 162. Terra-cotta Image of a Pig, curiously marked with Stars ^ m.
* Velleius Paterculus, II. 102.
{ ^33 )
Increased number of workmen — Further uncovering of the great but-
tress — Traces of a supposed small temple — Objects found on its
site — Terra-cotta serpents' heads : great importance attached to
the serpent — Stone implements : hammers of a peculiar form —
Copper implements : a sickle — Progress of the works at the south-
east corner — Remains of an aqueduct from the Thymbrius — Large
jars, used for cellars — Ruins of the Greek temple of Athena —
Two important inscriptions discussed — Relations of the Greek
Syrian Kings Antiochus I. and III. to Ilium.
Pergamus of Troy, March ist, 1873.
Since Monday morning, the 24th of last month, I have
succeeded in increasing the number of my workmen to 158,
and as throughout this week we have had splendid weather,
I have been able to accomplish a good stroke of work in
the six days, in spite of the many hindrances and difficulties
which I had at first to struggle against. Since the ist of
February I have succeeded in removing more than 11,000
cubic yards of debris from the site of the temple. To-day,
at last, I have had the pleasure of uncovering a large por-
tion of that buttress, composed of large unhewn white
stones, which at one time covered the entire north-eastern
corner of the declivity, whereas, in consequence of its
increase in size during the course of many centuries by the
ashes of the sacrificed animals, the present declivity of the
hill is 131 feet distant from it to the north, and 262^ feet
distant to the east. To my surprise I found that this
buttress reaches to within 26 feet of the surface, and thus, as
the primary soil is elsewhere always at from 46 to 52^ feet
below the surface, it must have covered an isolated hill
from 20 to 26 feet high, at the north-east end of the
[Chap. XVI.
Pergamus, where at one time there doubtless stood a small
temple. Of this sanctuary, however, I find nothing but
red wood-ashes, mixed with the fragments of brilliant black
Trojan earthenware, and an enormous number of unhewn
stones, which seem to have been exposed to a fearful heat,
but no trace of sculpture : the building must therefore have
been very small. I have broken through the buttress of
this temple-hill at a breadth of 13 feet, in order to examine
the ground at its foundation. I dug it away to a depth of
5 feet, and found that it consists of the virgin soil, which is
of a greenish colour. Upon the site of the small and very
ancient temple, which is indicated by the buttress, I find in
two places pure granular sand, which appears to extend very
tar down, for after excavating it to a depth of 6h feet I did
not reach the end of the stratum. Whether this hill con-
sists entirely, or but partially, of earth and sand, I cannot
say, and must leave it undecided, for I should have to re-
move thousands more of cubic yards of rubbish. Among
the debris of the temple we found a
few, but exceedingly interesting ob-
jects, for instance, the largest marble
idol that has hitherto been found,
which is i>\ inches long and 3
inches broad. Further, the lid of a
pot, which is divided into twelve
fields by roughly engraved lines.
Ten of the fields are ornamented
with little stars, one with two signs
of lightning, and another with six
lines. There was also a small idol
of terra-cotta with the owl's head of
No. 163. One of the largest marble .1 rr .1 i 1 • 1
idols, found in the Trojan stratum the llian tutelary goddess, with two
arms and long hair hanging down
at the back of the head ; but it is so roughly made that, for
instance, the eyes of the goddess are above the eyebrows. I
also found among the debris of the temple a vase with the
1 873-1
owl's face, two female breasts and a large navel ; of the face
only one eye and an ear is preserved. I must draw especial
No. 164. Terra-cotta Pot-lid, engraved
with symbolical marks (6 m.).
No. 165. A curious Terra-cotta Idol of the Ilian
Athena ^7 M.).
attention to the fact that both upon the vases with owls'
heads two female breasts and a navel, and upon all of the
others without the owl's face and adorned only with two
female breasts and a navel, the latter is always ten times
larger than the breasts. I therefore presume that the navel
had some important significance, all the more so as it is
frequently decorated with a cross, and in one case even with
a cross and the marks of a nail at each of the four ends
of the cross.* We also discovered among the ruins of
the small and very ancient building some pretty wedges
(battle-axes), and a number of very rude hammers made
of diorite ; besides a quantity of those small red and black
terra-cotta whorls, with the usual engravings of four or
five pj-J, or of three, four, or five triple rising suns in the
circle round the central sun, or with other extremely strange
At a depth of 7 to 8 meters (23 to 16 feet), we also
came upon a number of vases having engraved decorations,
and with three feet or without feet, but generally with rings
at the sides and holes in the mouth for suspension by
strings ; also goblets in the form of a circular tube, with a
long spout at the side for drinking out of, which is always
; Sec Cut, No. is, p. 35.
connected with the other side of the tube by a handle;
further, smaller or larger jars with a mouth completely bent
backwards ; small terra-cotta funnels ;
very curious little sling-bullets made
of diorite, from only f of an inch
to above 1 inch long. The most
remarkable of all the objects found
this year is, however, an idol of very
hard black stone above ih inches
long and broad, discovered at a depth
of 9 meters (29^ feet). The head,
No. 166. Pret"" Terra-cotta jug, hands, and feet have the form of
with the neck bent back (7 M.). 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1
hemispheres, and the head is only
recognised by several horizontal lines engraved below it,
which seem to indicate necklaces. In the centre of the
No. 167. Remarkable Trojan Idol of Black Stone (7 m.).
belly is a navel, which is as large as the head, but, instead
of protruding as in the case of the vases, it is indicated bv
a circular depression. The back of the middle of the
body is arched, and has the appearance of a shield, so
that in looking at the idol one is involuntarily led to
believe that it represents Mars, the god of war.
At a depth of from 4 to 7 meters (13 to 23 feet) we
also met with fragments of terra-cotta serpents, whose heads
are sometimes represented with horns. The latter must
certainly be a very ancient and significant symbol of the
greatest importance, for even now there is a superstition
that the horns of serpents, by merely coming in contact
with the human body, cure a number of diseases, and
especially epilepsy ; also that by dipping them in milk the
Nos. 168, 169. Heads of Horned Serpents (4 M.).
latter is instantly turned into cheese, and other notions of
the same sort. On account of the many wholesome and
useful effects attributed to the horns of ser-
pents, they are regarded as immensely valu-
able, and on my return here at the end of
January one of my last year's workmen was
accused by a jealous comrade of having
found two serpents' horns in an urn at a
depth of $i\ feet, and of having made off
with them. All my assurances that there No. i7o. a serpent's
... , Head, with horns on
are no such things as serpents horns could }°th ^des and very
0 l large eyes (6 M.).
not convince the men, and they still believe
that their comrade has robbed me of a great treasure.
The serpents' heads not ornamented with horns generally
represent the poisonous asp \ above the mouth they have
a number of dots, and the head and back are divided
by cross lines into sections which are filled with dots.*
These flat serpents' heads have on the opposite side lines
running longitudinally like female
hair. We also found terra-cotta
cones an inch and a half high, with
three holes not pierced right through.
At a depth of from 3I to 65 feet
No. 171. Head of an Asp in Terra- we have discovered several more
cotta (both sides) (4 M.)- • 1 i ,,
terra-cotta vases without the owl s
face, but with two female breasts and a large navel, and
with two small upright handles in the form of arms. In
all the strata below 13 feet we meet with quantities of im-
plements of diorite, and quoits of granite, sometimes also
of hard limestone. Hammers and wedges (battle-axes) of
diorite and of green stone were also found, in most cases
very prettily wrought. The hammers do not all possess a
perforated hole ; upon many there is only a cavity on both
sides, about A to § of an inch deep.
Of metals, copper only was met with. To-day we found
a copper sickle 5i inches long; of copper weapons we have
to-day for the first time found two lances at a depth of
23 feet, and an arrow-head at 4 meters (13 feet) deep.
We find numbers of long, thin copper nails with a round
head, or with the point only bent round. I now also find
them repeatedly at a depth of from 5 to 6 meters (i6h to
20 feet), whereas since the commencement of my exca-
vations in the year 1871, I only found two nails as far
down as this.f .
* The serpents' heads, found so frequently among the ruins of Troy,
cannot but recal to mind the superstitious regard of Homer's Trojans
for the reptile as a symbol, and their terror when a half-killed serpent
was dropped by the bird of Jove amidst their ranks {Iliad, XII. 208,
209) : —
Tpcoes 5' tpp'iyr)(rai>, okws ISov oaoKov ixpiv
Kflfntvov iv fifaaoicn, Ai6s repas oi-yio'^oio.
"The Trujans, shuddering, in their midst beheld
7'lic spotted serpent, dire portent of Jove.''
t That is, in the strata of the third dwellers on the hill.
I am now also vigorously carrying forward the cutting
which I made on the south-eastern corner of the Pergamus,
for uncovering the eastern portion of the Great Tower
as far as my last year's cutting, to a length of 315 feet
and a breadth of from 6$h to 78I feet. The work
advances rapidly, as this excavation is near the southern
declivity of the hill, and the rubbish has therefore not
far to be carted off. I have made eight side passages
for removing it. Experience has taught me that it is
far more profitable not to have any special men for
loading the wheel-barrows, but to let every workman fill
his own barrow. Experience has also shown me that much
precious time is lost in breaking down the earthen walls
with the long iron levers driven in by a ram, and that
it is much more profitable and less dangerous to the
workmen always to keep the earthen walls at an angle
of 55 degrees, to dig as occasion requires, and to cut
away the rubbish from below with broad pickaxes. In
this new excavation I find four earthen pipes, from i8f
to 22j inches long, and from 6h to nf inches thick,
laid together for conducting water, which was brought
from a distance of i^ German mile (about 7 English
miles) from the upper Thymbrius. This river is now
called the Kemar, from the Greek word Kafxapa (vault),
because an aqueduct of the Roman period crosses its lower
course by a large arch. This aqueduct formerly supplied
Ilium with drinking water from the upper portion of the
river. But the Pergamus required special aqueducts, for
it lies higher than' the city.
In this excavation I find an immense number of large
earthen wine-jars (irCdoi) from 1 to 2 meters (31 to 6h feet)
high, and 29^ inches across, as well as a number of frag-
ments of Corinthian pillars and other splendidly sculptured
blocks of marble. All of these marble blocks must
certainly have belonged to those grand buildings whose
southern wall I have already laid bare to a length of
i%$\ feet. It is composed of small stones joined with a
great quantity of cement as hard as stone, and rests upon
large well hewn blocks of limestone. The direction of this
wall, and hence of the whole building, is E.S.E. by E.
Three inscriptions, which I found among its ruins, and
in one of which it is said that they were set up in the
" iepov" that is, in the temple, leave no doubt that this was
the temple of the Ilian Athena, the u ttoXlov-^o^ 6ed" for it
is only this sanctuary that could have been called simply
" to iepov" on account of its size and importance, which
surpassed that of all the other temples of Ilium. Moreover
the position of the building, which is turned towards the
rising sun, corresponds exactly with the position of the
Parthenon and all the other temples of Athena. From
the very commencement of my excavations I have searched
for this important sanctuary, and have pulled down more
than 130,000 cubic yards of debris from the most beauti-
ful parts of the Pergamus in order to find it ; and I now
discover it exactly where I should have least expected to
come upon it. 1 have sought for this new temple, which
was probably built by Lysimachus, because I believed, and
still believe, that in its depths I shall find the ruins of the
primeval temple of Athena, and I am more likely here
than anywhere to find something to throw light upon
Troy. Of the inscriptions found here, as mentioned above,
one is written upon a marble slab in the form of a tomb-
stone, 5^ feet long, 17^ inches broad, and 5! inches thick,
and runs as follows : —
AlAONTEIAYTniOYAET|KAINfYNTlAPE,IAHdjJLevos, ttoWojv avTwc /cat crepcjv, StaXe-
yo/xevojv /cat are^avov SihovTcov, coairep /cat rj-
/xet? TrapaKoXovOovjAev Sta to /cat Trpeo-fievcrai d-
7TO TCOV TTo\eC0V TLVOLS 777JO T7/XO-9, fiovkeo-dcu TY]V
yu>pav T7)v SeSojxevrjv avrat vtto tov fiacnXecos 'Av-
id tio^ov /cat Sta to lepbv /cat Sta tt)v irpbs vfxd<; evvot-
av TrpoaeveyKaaOai rrpos tyjv v/xeTepav tto\lv. A
fxev ovv agtot yevicrOai clvtcol napd Trjs -TroXew?, av-
tos vjxiv S^Xojcret' /caXw? S' av TrorjcraiTe i/zr^to-a/xe-
voi re ndpTa ra (^ikdvOpcoira clvtcoi /cat /ca^ on ai>
o~vy^(opy]crr)L ttjv dvaypacprjv TTorjaafjievoL /cat crr^-
XcocravTes /cat 0eVres et? to lepbv, tVa jxevrjt v/jup
/3e^8at0J9 et? irdvTa Toy -y(jp6vov ra avy-^copi-jOivTa.
eppocrOe. BacnXevs A^Tto^o? MeXea-
yp&Jt yolpeiv. AeSw/ca/xez; 'AptcrToSt/ctSrit twi 'Actctlcol
20 y^§ ipyaaifxov irXeOpa Sto-^tXta it po aeveyKaa 6 'at
irpbs ttjv 'iXiecov ttoXiv rj %Kr)\pL(ov. Si) ovv o~vvra£ov
TTapaoei^aL 'AptcrToStKtSrit dirb rfjs ofxopovarjq ttjl
TepyiBiai r) rrji Sktii/zuxi, ov av SoKt/xa^ts to, Stcr)(tXta
irXeOpa rrj<; yrjs kcu irpoo-opio~ai et? rrjv 'iXietov 77 tt)i>
2s 'S.Krjxpuov. eppcoao. BacrtXevs 'A^rto^o? MeXe-
dypcoL ^aipeiv. 'Kverv^ev r)plv 'AptcrToStKtSTi? 6
vAcnxto<> afttoz> oowat avrtoi rjfia^ iv rrji i 'EXXtict-
irovrov crarpaiTeiai rr)v Herpav, 17/x, irporepov
el^ev ^IcXeaypos /cat T779 -^copa^ T77? IleTptSos
30 epya.o~lp.ov ireOpa.*1 ^tXta 7re^ra/cocrta /cat aXXa
yr)<~ irXeOpa Stcr^tXta epyaaipov dirb rf}<$ bpo-
povar/s rrji irporepov So#eto"77t avro)i fxepihicoi (;)
Kat T^/xet? rryf re Ilerpav SeSw/ca/xe/^ clvtcol, et
/xt) SeSorat dXXcot irporepov /cat T7)y ycopav rrjv
ss 7rp69 TTyt lleYpat /cat aXXa y^5 irXedpa Stcr^tXta
epyacripov, Stct to cf>iXov ovra rjperepov irapea-
)(f}cr6aL rjfxiv rd<~ /ca^' avrbv ^peta? /xeTa. iracnq (5)
evvolas /cat irpoOvpias. %v ovv eTno-Kexfjdpevos
et /xt) SeSorat a'XXcut irporepov avrr) rj pepi<$ (;), 7ra-
40 pdSeu^ov avrrjv Kat tt)^ 7rpo? avrrjc yoipav 'Aptcr-
roSt/ct/ctSm*2 /cat a7ro 7779 ^8acrtXt/cr^9 yoipaq rfjq bpo-
povcrr)^ rrji irporepov SeSopevqc ^copou 'AptcrroSt-
klStjl avvratjov /cara/xeryorycrat /cat irapaoel^ai
olvtcol irXeOpa Stcr^t'Xta /cat eao~at avrtoc irpoaevey-
45 KacrOai irpb<; rjv ap /3ovXr)Tac ttoXlv rcov iv rrji ^copai
re /cat crvxt/xa^tat" ot Se /3ao~tXtKot Xaot ot e/c rot) ro-
770U, eV wt ecrrlv r) Uerpa, eap fiovXcovrau oiiceiv ev rrj (1)
II expat acrc^aXetas eVe/ce, avvrerd^ajxev 'Aptcrro-
roSt/ctS^t*3 ecti^ aurou? oLKelv. eppcoao.
50 BacrtXevs 'A^rto^o? MeXeaypwt ^aipeLv. 'JLverv^ev rj-
fxlv 'Apto-roSt/ctS-^?, c/>a/xevo5 IleTpav ro ycopiov /cat tt) (y)
^copav rrjv crvyKvpovcrav, irepi 775 irporepov iypdxfjapev
StSoVres avrcot, ovo' eVt Kat ^v^ irapeiXyjcfyevaL, Sta to \\0r]-
vaitoi rCoi eVt tov vavaraOfxov eirLKe^coprjcrOaL, Kat ^t
R 2
.. (ocrev avri pkv rf}<; rieT^trtSo? ^o'jpa<; Trapa^^i^Orjva^i)
avTcoi tcl icra nXeOpa, avyy(coprjOy]vai Se /cat d\\a TrXe-
Opa Stcry/Ata TrpocreveyKao-Oat Trpo<; r)i> ap fiovXrjTcu
Tcop rroXeoiv tcov Iv Trji rjpeTepat (rvppayiai, KaOd-
rrep koI rrpoTepou iypdxjjapep. 'OpaWeg ovv avrov
evvovv ovra. /cat irpodvpov et ret -qperepa upaypa-
tol, fiov\6peda iroXvcopelv TavOpdmov, /cat irepi
tovtcov crvyK€)(ojpr)Kapep. 7]criv Se eivai ryj<;
llerptVtSog ^d)pa<; rd o~vyyoipy]QivTa avTcoi
TrXedpa ^tAta irevTaKocna. Svvra^ov ovv Kara-
perpr\o~ai 'AptcrToSt/ctS^t /cat irapahei^ai yrjs
ipyaaCpov rd re Sicr^tXta /cat irevTaKocrLa tt\4-
0pa /cat dvrl tcjv nepl ttjv Uerpav a'AAa ipya-
cripov ^tXta 7re^ra/cocrta otto t^5 fiacrikiKrp; yai-
pas rry crvvopL^ovo-yjs ttjl iv dp^rjc SoOeiarju
avTwi Trap rjpcov' eacrat oe /cat Trpoo~evcyKao~9ai
ttjv ^copav 'AptcrToSt/ctSr^ 77^05 ^i> ctz^ fiovkrjTaL
iro\iv toju iv rrji rjperepai cru/x/xa^tat, xaBd-
irep /cat eV Trjt irporepov imaToXyji iypdxfja-
pev. eppcocro.
This inscription, the great historical value of which
cannot be denied, seems certainly to belong to the third
century b.c, judging from the subject as well as from the
form of the letters, for the king Antiochus repeatedly
mentioned must either be Antiochus L, surnamed Soter
(281 to 260 b.c), or Antiochus III., the Great (222 to
■ 186). Polybius, who was born in 210 or 200 b.c, and
died in 122 b.c, in his History (XXVIII. 1, and XXXI. 21)
speaks indeed of a Meleager who lived in his time, and
was an ambassador of Antiochus Epiphanes, who reigned
from 174 to 164, and it is quite possible that this Meleager
afterwards became satrap of the satrapy of the Hellespont,
and that, in this office, he wrote to the Ilians the first
letter of this inscription. But in the first letter of An-
tiochus to his satrap Meleager, he gives him the option
of assigning to Aristodicides the 2000 plethra of land,
either from the district bordering upon the territory of
Gergis or upon that of Scepsis. The town of Gergis,
however, according to Strabo, was destroyed by king
Attalus I. of Pergamus, who reigned from 241 to 197 B.C.,
and who transplanted the inhabitants to the neighbourhood
of the sources of the CaYcus in Mysia. These sources,
however, as Strabo himself says, are situated very far from
Mount Ida, and hence also from Ilium. Two thousand
plethra of land at such a distance could not have been
of any use to the Ilians ; consequently, it is impossible to
believe that the inscription can be speaking of the new
town of Gergitha, which was rising to importance at the
sources of the Caicus. I now perfectly agree with Mr.
Frank Calvert,* and with Consul von Hahn,| that the site
of Gergis is indicated by the ruins of the small town and
acropolis at the extreme end of the heights behind Bunar-
bashi, which was only a short time ago regarded by most
archaeologists as the site of the Homeric Troy. This
site of Gergis, in a direct line between Ilium and Scepsis,
the ruins of which are to be seen further away on the
heights of Mount Ida, agrees perfectly with the inscrip-
tion. Livy (XXXV. 43) gives an account of the visit
of Antiochus III , the Great. I also find in the 'Corpus
Inscriptionum Graecarum,' No. 3596, that the latter
had a general called Meleager, who may subsequently
have become satrap of the Hellespont. On the other
hand, Chishull, in his ' Antiquitates Asiaticac,' says that
Antiochus I., Soter, on an expedition with his fleet against
the King of Bithynia, stopped at the town of Sigeum,
which lay near Ilium, and that the king went up to Ilium
with the queen, who was his wife and sister, and with the
great dignitaries and his suite. There is, indeed, nothing
said of the brilliant reception which was there prepared
* Archaeological Journal^ vol. xxi. 1864.
t Die Ausgrabungen aiif der homerischen Pergamos, s. 24.
for him, but there is an account of the reception which
was arranged for him in Sigeum. The Sigeans lavished
servile flattery upon him, and not only did they send
ambassadors to congratulate him, but the Senate also
passed a decree, in which they praised the king's actions
to the skies, and proclaimed that public prayers should be
offered up to the Ilian Athena, to Apollo (who was regarded
as his ancestor), to the goddess of Victory and to other
deities, for his and his consort's welfare ; that the priestesses
and priests, the senators and all the magistrates of the
town should carry wreaths, and that all the citizens and all
the strangers settled or temporarily residing in Sigeum
should publicly extol the virtues and the bravery of the great
king ; further, that a gold equestrian statue of the king,
standing on a pedestal of white marble, should be erected in
the temple of Athena in Sigeum, and that it should bear the
inscription : " The Sigeans have erected this statue to King
Antiochus, the son of Seleucus,for the devotion he has shown
to the temple, and because he is the benefactor and the saviour
of the people ; this mark of honour is to be proclaimed in
the popular assemblies and at the public games." However,
in this wilderness it is impossible for me to find out from
which ancient classic writer this episode has been taken.
It is very probable that a similar reception awaited
Antiochus I. in Ilium, so that he kept the city in good
remembrance. That he cherished kindly feelings towards
the Ilians is proved also by the inscription No. 3595 in
the 'Corpus Inscriptionum Grascarum.' But whether it
is he or Antiochus the Great that is referred to in the
inscription I do not venture to decide.
Aristodicides, of Assos, who is frequently mentioned in
the inscription, is utterly unknown, and this name occurs
here for the first time ; the name of the place Petra also,
which is mentioned several times in the inscription, is quite
unknown ; it must have been situated in this neighbour-
hood, but all my endeavours to discover it in the modern
Turkish names of the localities, or by other means, have
been made in vain.
The other inscription runs as follows : —
ocr/xei^ ou/ca/xem^os yXavKO . .
iireypaxpafjiev et? aTtjkrjv /caret tov vo/jlov ^pyocpikov Ylarpocrov (;)
Xpi^/xart?*1 £17* 2 i^f^uofxevov vtto tcov TrpoTavecov** tcov irepl Ato-
> dvr}v cHyr))ikovTa tovs /car(ct) tov vo/xov crTaTrjpas Svo
/cat Mrjvoyevqv Mvr)cr{dp^;)ov /cat 3 'ApTefiiScopov <&avia /cat AiOfnjSrjv
'AttoWcovlov, i^rjixLOjjjievovs vtto tcov TrpvTavecov tcov irepi Aiocpaivrjv)
'Yiyiqaiorjixov vtto rjfiepas Tpels o^tXoz/ra? eKaorrov avTcov o-TaTrjpas bvo.
MrjvoSoTov M.7jvoS6tov /cat 'HpaKXeiSrjv /cat M-cpoSorof tovs 'Hpa/cXet-
iu Sou et^jxuopiivov^ vtto tcov rrepl QaivtovaKTa JLvStJjaov TrpvTci
vecov, ofyeikovTOL cXkcxcttov avTcov crraTrfpa^ Suo.
'Apre/JLtScopov MrjvocfidvTOv i^fxicofxevov vtto tcov vo-
[xocfivXaKcov tcov irepl 'YTnrapypv 'Hy^crtSf^uou, ocpiXov-
ra CTTaTrjpas Svo.
In the inscription quoted in the ' Corpus Inscriptionum
Graecarum' under No. 3604, which is admitted to belong
to the time of Augustus Octavianus, Hipparchus is men-
tioned as a member of the Ilian Council, and as on line 13
the same name occurs with the same attribute, I do not
hesitate to maintain that the above inscription belongs to
the same period.
( *4» )
Spring weather in the Plain of Troy — The Greek Temple of Athena —
Numerous fragments of sculpture — Reservoir of the temple —
Excavation of the Tower — Difficulties of the work — Further
discoveries of walls — Stone implements at small depths — Im-
portant distinction between the plain and decorated whorls — Greek
and Roman coins — Absence of iron — Copper nails : their
peculiar forms : probably dress and hair pins : some with heads
and beads of gold and electrum — Original height of the Tower —
Discovery of a Greek house — Various types of whorls — Further
remarks on the Greek bas-relief — It belonged to the temple of
Apollo — Stones from the excavations used for building in the
villages around — Fever.
Pergamus of Troy, March 15th, 1873.
Since my report of the 1st of this month I have continued
the excavations with great zeal, favoured by glorious
weather and an abundance of workmen. The nights are
cold, and the thermometer still frequently falls to freezing
point towards morning, whereas during the day the heat
of the sun is already beginning to be troublesome, the
thermometer often showing 180 Reaumur (72^° Fahren-
heit) in the shade at midday. The leaves of the trees are
only now beginning to sprout, while the Plain is already
covered with spring flowers.* For the last fortnight we
have heard the croaking of millions of frogs in the sur-
rounding marshes, and during the last eight days the storks
have returned. One of the discomforts of our life in this
* Compare Homer's picture of the marshalling of the Greek forces :
Iliad, II. 467-8 :—
'EaTav S' iv \eifxwvi ^Ka/xavSpiw avQijidevri
Mvpioi, tiff a a t€ (piiAAa Kcd &v6ea -yiyi'erai &>pr>.
" Upon Scamander 's flowery mead they stood
I'n numbered as tlie vernal leaves andflowersS'—llLB.]
wilderness is the hideous shrieking of the innumerable owls
which build their nests in the holes of the walls of my
excavations ; their shrieks sound mysterious and horrible,
and are especially unendurable at night.
I have proceeded with the excavation of the site of
the Temple of Athena with the greatest energy. The
foundations of this sanctuary nowhere extend deeper
than 2 meters (6h feet), and generally only to 1 meter
(3^ feet). The floor, which consists of large slabs of
sandstone, and which rests upon double layers of large
hewn blocks of the same stone, is frequently covered only
with a foot, and never with more than 35 feet, of
vegetable soil ; this explains the total absence of entire
sculptures. For whatever sculptures there were in or upon
the temple could not sink into the ground on the summit of
the hill, and they therefore remained lying on the surface
for many centuries, till they were destroyed by religious zeal
or wantonness. This, and this alone, explains the enormous
mass of fragments of statues which cover the entire hill.
I find, however, a great number of large sculptured
blocks of marble in the Corinthian style which are difficult
to destroy, and the removal of which causes me great trouble
and loss of time. As the Tower, which I partly uncovered
last year, extends directly below the temple at a great
depth,- and as I wish at all events to lay bare its entire
breadth, I shall leave only the ruins of the north and
south walls of the temple standing, and break away all the
rest, except a reservoir, 27 feet long and 26 feet broad,
which is in the sanctuary, and is built of blocks of limestone
laid together without cement or lime, and the walls of which
have a thickness of 8 feet. The four aqueducts mentioned
in my last report empty themselves into the reservoir. I
shall leave it Standing in order to give visitors to the Troad
a faint idea of the trouble which I have to take in removing
all the stones of a temple which is about 288 feet long and
yih feet broad. But what is even much more difficult
than the removal of the stones, is the carrying off of the
debris, for as the excavation is made on the flat earth, this
can only be effected by side paths, which become steeper
the deeper we dig. However, I only wish to uncover the
top of the ruined Tower, for to bring it to light down to
the primary soil is a piece of work to which my patience
is unequal. This new large cutting, therefore, only re-
quires a depth of 26 feet, and on the western end I have
given it a breadth of 78^ feet. By this means I hope to
reach the ancient and highly important monument on the
north side in two or three days. As soon as this is done, I
shall have an upper and a lower terrace made for facilitating
the removal of the rubbish, and shall thus in a month from
to-day be able to finish the entire excavation of the Tower
as far as its eastern end, which I came upon yesterday in
my steep cutting at the south-eastern corner of the Per-
gamus, and of which I have laid open a breadth of 13 feet.
This eastern side of the Tower, thus brought to light, runs
down at an angle of 60 degrees, and has the same appear-
ance as the ancient buttress which I uncovered at the north
side of the Pergamus. As I did not at first think that it
was the Tower, I had the first layer of stones broken off,
but I soon found a piece of masonry composed of large
stones joined with earth. In consequence of this I have
entirely stopped the works in this cutting, which already
extended to a length of 1 1 1 \ feet, and in spite of its small
breadth was one of the most difficult works in Troy. For,
as already said, I had first to break through a wall 10 feet
thick, consisting of large blocks of marble, but principally
of Corinthian pillars joined with lime (see p. 239) ; then the
wall of Lysimachus, which was also 10 feet thick, and built of
large hewn stones. The large drums of pillars had to be
rolled up the steep path and then carried off; the large hewn
stones had to be broken with hammers and then removed in
wheel-barrows. In addition to this, as the visitors to the
Pergamus may see in the walls of this cutting, we had to cut
through two Trojan walls, the first of which is 5^ feet thick,
and the second 10 feet ; both consist of stones joined with
earth. The first of these walls is directly below a portion
of the western wall of the comparatively modern Temple
of Athena, and as — according to my pocket compass —
it runs due E.S.E.^E., I at first thought that it might
belong to the ancient diminutive temple of the Ilian
tutelary goddess, which Alexander the Great * found here.
But nothing further has appeared which could help to prove
this. The second wall, 10 feet thick, is extremely inter-
esting, for it is built of large unhewn blocks of shelly lime-
stone (Muschelkalk), and on the top of it is a wall of small
stones joined with earth. It evidently belongs to a much
later age, but was in any case built long before the arrival
of the Greek colony in Ilium. But even the lower wall of
large stones was not built till the Tower of Ilium had formed
a heap of debris 20 feet high ; it must therefore have been
built centuries after the erection of the Tower. This debris
consists of ashes mixed with bones and small shells, and on
account of its dampness and toughness is just as difficult
to break down as damp limestone rock. In it I found many
fragments of those Trojan vessels, which are of a brilliant
red or black colour, both outside and inside, but nothing
else of any interest. Above the Tower, at the east side of
the Pergamus, there is nothing but yellow wood-ashes and
a great number of stones. In fact, down to the present
depth of \\ meters (14^ feet) below the surface, that is,
from 7 to 10 feet below the foundations of the temple of
Athena, I find nothing but yellow wood-ashes, and among
these an immense number of enormous earthen jars (-ttlOol)
from 31 to 6h feet long, and pointed below, which must
have served not only as wine and water jars, but as cellars
for keeping provisions, for there are no walled cellars.
Stone implements, such as I found in my former exca-
vations only below a depth of 13 feet (with the exception
* Plutarch, Life of Alexander, viii. Comp. p. 146.
of the few knives of silex), are met with here in great
numbers at as small a • depth as 6h feet, that is, directly
below the Temple of Athena ; those most frequently found
are clumsy hammers of diorite, but occasionally also ham-
mers of the same or of green stone very prettily worked ;
some of them have a wide hole at both sides and a narrow
one in the middle, and I cannot understand how a handle
could have been fixed into them. The best finished
instrument is always the wedge,* which is of diorite or
of hard green stone, sometimes also of white silex, and
occurs in all sizes from about f of an inch to above
5 inches in length. This instrument is always of such
exquisite workmanship and so well polished, that it is really
astonishing how it was possible, with the miserable means
at the disposal of those times, to make anything of such an
excellent quality, for a modern artist with the best instru-
ments could not possibly make better ones. The knives of
silex, which I found last year in such great quantities, are
as yet but rarely met with in this excavation. As stone
implements do not occur elsewhere before reaching a depth
of 4 meters (13 feet), it is probable that the numbers of
stone implements met with here, as early as at a depth of
2 meters (6i feet) on the site of the temple, belong to the
debris which was dug up when the large reservoir was con-
structed, for it appears to extend pretty far down, and its
foundations may perhaps reach down to the Tower.
As, even in the temple itself, I find exclusively the
round terra-cottas in the form of cones and without deco-
rations, while, on the other hand, below the foundations of
the temple I meet with great quantities of them in the form
of volcanoes and tops, with the most various Aryan religious
symbols, I am now of the opinion that all those bearing
such Aryan symbols must belong to the tribes which pre-
ceded the Greek colony on this site.
* As elsewhere, the wedges here spoken of are what the Author
afterwards decided to be axes, and especially battle-axes. — [Kd.]
Of moulds of mica-schist I have only found two, one
of which was used on all the six sides for casting weapons
and instruments, the other for casting headless nails, and
has two round holes, not perforated, for what purpose I do
not know.*
While speaking of implements, I must mention a very
remarkable hammer of bone, found at a depth of 3 meters
(10 feet), which is covered with little engraved stars.
We again met with several marble idols, with the
engraved owl's face of the Ilian Athena and her girdle
with dots ; also a very pretty marble idol without the owl's
head, but with two small arms extended horizontally. The
only terra-cottas with owls' heads that have been met with,
since my last report, are two cups (vase-covers).
I find very many copper coins of Ilium and Alexandria
Troas, and Roman ones from the time of Augustus to
Constantine the Great, especially the latter, directly below
the surface, and at most down to a meter (3! feet) deep.
Iron I do not find at all, not even in the temple, but a number
of copper nails, which, however, I begin to think could not
have been used for driving into wood ; for this purpose
they seem to be far too long and thin. The usual length
of the nails occurring below 6h feet is from about 4 to
above 6 inches, with a thickness of ^ of an inch, and I
do not think that it would be possible to drive such a nail
even into very soft wood. Besides this, most of the nails
have no head at all, others two heads, and many have two
pointed ends, one of which is bent round so as to form a
head. Thick copper nails suitable for driving into wood
are very rarely met with; I have only found two in two
years. I am therefore induced to believe that all the nails
which I find in the strata of the nations preceding the
Greeks have been used only as dress or hair pins. This
* An engraving of a similar mould, found on the Tower, is given in
Chapter XVI 1 1., No. 175. p. 261.
belief is confirmed by a copper nail, about 5 inches long,
with a head of the usual form, and the fragment of a similar
nail, which were found only 3 inches below the surface, in
a small groove, which my men had made round their reed-
hut to allow the rain-water to run off. On the head of the
nail there is a small gold ball, and then there follows down-
wards on the nail a row of eighteen similar little gold balls.
At the end of this row there is a second row of nine gold
balls of like size. The rows of the little balls are in the
form of necklaces, and cover a third part of the nail. The
fragment of the other nail is still more remarkable, for it
shows a string of little balls which form a perfect bow;
they are made of the alloy which in antiquity was called
electrum (yjXeKrpov), consisting of three parts of gold and
one part of silver ; below the bow, in a horizontal direction,
there is a row of little balls, which are probably intended
to represent the string. The little balls are firmly soldered
to both of the nails. In addition to this I must also men-
tion that the silver nails so frequently met with are gene-
rally of the same form and size as the copper ones, and can
certainly never have been used for driving into wood.
On the west side of the Great Tower, which I laid bare
last year, I am likewise making an excavation 47 feet long
and 48 feet broad, so as to bring to light more of this side,
and to see how the walls of Ilium are connected with it. It
is worth a journey round the world to see this Tower, whose
site was at all events so high, that it not only commanded
a view of the Plain, but also of the plateau lying to the
south of it, whereas its summit now lies a great many feet
below the level of the plateau. -According to this it seems
that the accumulation o^ debris on the site of the city is as
large as it is in the Pergamus.*
* It is perhaps unnecessary to remind the reader again how the
Author afterwards gave up the idea of this distinction between the city
and its Pergamus. — [Ed.]
In the western excavation, already mentioned, I found
the ruins of a very large house of the Greek period. It
extended to the depth of 6i feet, and must have belonged
to a rich man, for the floors of the rooms are made of large
red slabs splendidly polished. In it I found two small
and very pretty female heads of terra-cotta, as well as two
extremely remarkable pieces of hard brittle black stone,
like glass, in the form of mushrooms, but with a tube
running through the centre. The heads of the two pieces
have decorations similar to those on the round terra-cottas
in the form of humming-tops and volcanoes, and I there-
fore believe that both pieces belong to the pre-Hellenic
Below the foundations of the Greek house I found, at
the depth of 3 and 4 meters (9! to 13 feet), many of the
whorls with the usual decorations of four, five, or six double
or treble rising suns ; or four flaming altars ; or four Rosa:
mysticcc ; or four or five p}-J in the circle around the central
sun. I likewise found, at a depth of 10 feet, one of these
articles, upon which there is a very rude and inartistic
engraving of the Ilian Athena, with the owl's head and
outstretched arms. By the side
of this representation there are
two crosses, and at the four
ends of each are the marks of
the nails with which our fore-
fathers fastened the two pieces
of wood which were laid
crosswise for igniting the holy
fire. In the same circle with
the image of the goddess there N°- w-
A Whorl with rude Symbols of the Owl's
are tWO Symbols OI light- Face» Suastika, and lightning {3 m.).
ning. A faithful drawing of this terra-cotta is given in
the cut.
Of the earthenware found in this excavation there is one
piece especially deserving of attention. This is a vessel in the
form of a helmet, with a round hole at the bottom ; it may
have served as a kind of funnel.
As has been already said, the splendid block of tri-
glyphs representing Phoebus Apollo with the four horses
of the Sun, which I discovered last July, must, as the
rriglyph on the left side proves, have stood over the
entrance of the temple, probably on its propylaca, and must
have had another block of triglyphs of the same size on
its right side. It would be of the greatest interest to
archaeology if I should find the second block of triglyphs,
which, as happened with the other block, has probably
been thrown from the summit of the hill down the steep
declivity. I have also previously expressed the opinion,
that the block of triglyphs which I saved had been thrown
down by fanatical Turks because it represented living
creatures, which is strictly prohibited in the Koran. How-
ever, the locality has not been inhabited at all since the
ninth century, and the labourers of the distant Turkish
villages cannot possibly have given themselves the trouble
of rolling down from the hill such tremendous weights from
mere religious zeal. Besides this, the good state in which
the sculpture has been preserved proves that it cannot
possibly have stood upon the top of the hill up to the
time of the Turkish invasion, and this leads me to suppose
that it was thrown down by the early Christians more
than a thousand years before, very likely even in the fourth
century a.d. ; for it is well known, that all sculptures of
heathen gods which were difficult to destroy they simply
hurled from the top of the hills upon which they stood.
That this is the only true explanation is also confirmed by
the covering of earth, 3} feet thick, which enveloped the
sculpture on the declivity of the hill. According to the
average accumulation of the soil in this locality, the forma-
tion of such a covering would be impossible in the course
of three or four centuries : it would have required more
than a thousand years.
It is now quite certain that the Doric temple, which
at one time stood on the north side, and in the depths
of which I have so long been working, was the sanctuary
of Apollo ; and that the block of Doric triglyphs so
frequently mentioned belonged to this temple of Apollo,
and to none other ; since Ilium's great temple, which I
am now investigating, could only have been dedicated to
the tutelary goddess of Ilium, Athena, for in the great
inscription quoted in my last report it is simply called
to tepov.
In order to try to find the second block of triglyphs, I
have since yesterday set 25 men to work upwards from
the foot of the hill at the point where the Phoebus Apollo
was found, over a breadth of 59 feet, to remove the debris
which unfortunately I had thrown down the declivity last
year, and which forms a covering of 23 feet in thickness ;
and then to dig away the whole steep side of the hill to
a depth of 4^ feet from the bottom upwards.
As soon as I have workmen to spare, I shall also em-
ploy thirty to make a deep cutting into the theatre, the
stage of which, as already said, is 197 feet broad; this
cutting I intend to make $$ feet broad and 148 feet long;
for, in a small opening which I made there last year, I
found a number of fragments of broken statues, and it is
quite possible that some, which might be of the greatest
interest to archeology, escaped the zeal of the early
The many thousands of stones which I bring out of
the depths of Ilium have induced the inhabitants of the
surrounding villages to erect buildings which might be
called grand for the inhabitants of this wilderness. Among
others, they are at present building with my Ilian stones
a mosque and a minaret in the wretched Turkish village
of Chiplak, and a church-tower in the Christian village of
Yenishehr. A number of two-wheeled carts, drawn by
oxen, are always standing by the side of my excavations,
[Ch. XVII. 1873.
ready to receive the stones which can be of any use as
soon as they have been brought to the surface ; but the
religious zeal of these good people is not great enough for
them to offer to help me in the terrible work of breaking
the large, splendidly hewn blocks so as to make them
more convenient to remove.
Although spring is only just commencing, there is
already a great deal of malignant fever in consequence of
the mild winter, and the poor people of the neighbourhood
are already daily beginning to make large claims upon my
stock of quinine.
I found myself obliged to raise the men's wages to 10
piasters or 2 francs, eight days ago.
No. 173. Splendid Trojan Vase of Tcrra-cotta, representing the tutelary Goddess of Ilium,
6ea y\a.vKo)wis 'AOijfr;. The cover forms the helmet. (8 M.)
( *59 )
Weather and progress of the work — The lion-headed handle of a sceptre
— Lions formerly in the Troad — Various objects found — Pottery
— Implements of stone and copper — Whorls — Balls curiously
decorated — Fragments of musical instruments — Remains of house-
walls — The storks of the Troad.
Pergamus of Troy, March 22nd, 1873.
During this last week we have again had constant splendid
weather, and, with 150 men on an average, I have got
through a good piece of work. On the north side of the
excavation on the site of the Temple of Athena, I have
already reached a depth of 16 feet, and have laid bare the
Tower in several places. The space to be dug down
is now divided into four terraces, and I am having the
lowest terrace, which forms the surface of the Tower,
worked with especially great energy. As the paths are
getting both steeper and longer, the men with the wheel-
barrows have now to stop and rest half-way, so the work
proceeds more slowly every day. Still I hope that I shall
bring to light the whole breadth of the Tower in the eastern
direction in three weeks, but the western side in a week and
a half. The only part of the interior of the Temple of
Athena which I have left standing is the reservoir built
of large white stones without cement, which, owing to my
excavations, will in a few days be 16 feet above the Tower,
and will have a very pretty appearance. It is only by
excavating the west side of that part of the Great Tower
which I uncovered last year, that I shall be able to judge
in what direction the walls run out from it, and what my
next work will be. The most remarkable of the objects
s 2
found this week is certainly a large knob belonging to
a stick, of the purest and finest crystal, and in the form
of a very beautifully wrought lion's
head; it was discovered upon the
Tower at a depth of 26 feet. It
must have been the ornament of a
Trojan's staff or sceptre (aKrJTTTpov),
a Lion-Headed Scepire-handie of for I found it among those brilliant
the finest crystal : found on the 1 1 1 i <- r
Tower (8 m.). red and black fragments of pot-
tery, which only occur at a depth of from 36 to 46
feet, except upon the Tower. Not only this lion's head,
but the illustrations drawn from the lion, which occur
repeatedly in the Iliad, make it seem extremely probable
that in remote antiquity lions existed in this neighbour-
hood. Homer could not possibly have described so ex-
cellently the characteristics of this animal, had he not
had frequent opportunity of watching them, and his geo-
graphical knowledge of southern countries is too slight for
us to suppose that he had visited them, and had there
become intimately acquainted with the characteristics of
the lion. Not far from the lion's head I found a splendidly
cut hexagon of the purest crystal, as well as a small
pyramid, ii inch long and broad, and if inch high, made
of black, white and blue streaked marble, such as is not
found in this district ; the hole which runs through the
centre of the pyramid is filled with lead.
I also found upon the Tower a very primitive marble
idol, yh inches in length, 3-^ inches broad, and i-i- inch
thick ; also a very fine copper lance ; further, a large
mould of mica-schist for casting twelve different weapons
and instruments, as well as a beautiful sling-bullet made of
loadstone. In the higher strata, and in fact at a depth of
4 meters (13 feet), the most curious article certainly is an idol
of the Trojan tutelary goddess made of slate, such as has
never hitherto been found. It shows the owl's face, two
breasts and a navel, and long hair at the back of the head ;
two horizontal lines on the neck, which are joined by small
cross lines, seem to denote armour. Marble idols without
the owl's face, but otherwise of exactly the same form as
those with the owl's face, are met with in numbers in all
the strata between 3 and 8 meters deep (io to 26 feet). I
likewise found long, thin copper nails with round heads at
the thick end, or without heads, but with the end bent round,
which I now perceive can only be breast or hair pins, and
No. 175. A Mould of Mica-schist, for casting various metal Instruments (Tower, 8 M.).
not actual nails for driving into wood. I find them also
in quantities in the strata of this excavation between 4
and 7 meters deep (13 to 23 feet), and I must therefore
decidedly pronounce that the people to whom these strata
of ruins belong were acquainted with copper.
A strange instrument of copper, almost in the shape of a
No. 176. A curious Instrument of Copper ,3 m. . No. 177- A perforated and grooved piece
of Mica-schi.-.t. probablj '< '' supporting .1
Spit. Found on the l'owei (S :.i .
horse's bit, but with two pointed hooks, was found at a depth
[Chap. XVIII.
of 10 feet. Besides this, we met with two somewhat
crooked copper knives, at from 13 to j6;j feet down, as
well as a small but very line knife, in the form of a saw,
made of a shell. Stone instruments are continually met
with here in great numbers in all of the strata between
2 and 8 meters deep (6^ to 26 feet), whereas in my exca-
vations of 1 87 1 and 1872 I only found them below a
depth of 13 feet. Two beautiful stone lances, one of
diorite, the other of hard green stone, were found, the one
at 20 feet down, the other at 1 1 ^ feet. During this week, I
also found very many knives of silex in the form of saws
or of sharp blades, with one or two edges ; further, a very
prettily cut piece of mica-schist with a perforated hole and
a groove on the upper side, which may have been fastened
to a fireplace and have served for turning a spit.
No 178. A large Terra-cotta Vase, with two large Handles and two small Handles or Rings
(s m.).
I have observed that the terra-cottas here generally
occur in great numbers only in and below those strata of
debris which are mixed with enormous quantities of small
shells, and which usually commence at a depth of 13 feet,
but sometimes not till 20 feet. However, every now and
then we come upon beautiful terra-cottas above these
shell strata ; and thus, for instance, in the great cutting,
directly in front of my door, we found, at a depth of
10 feet, several large and splendid vessels, among which
was an extremely elegant black vase, in the shape of a soup-
tureen, and at a depth of \\\ feet two mixing-bowls, the
smaller one of which has two, the larger one four, handles ;
the larger mixing-bowl is two feet high, and its orifice is
as much in diameter. (See Cut, No. 41, p. 74.) At a
depth of i6i feet I found an extremely curious large vase,
which has two large handles at the top and two small ones
at the sides. Various other vases of extremely curious forms
were discovered at a depth of from 13 to 26 feet; of them
I will only mention one large brilliant black vase with two
female breasts and two handles, by the side of which are
the stumps of the upraised arms which ornamented this
vessel. The upper part of it, which, as is proved by the
arms and breasts, was ornamented with the owl's head of
the Ilian Athena, is unfortunately wanting. It is strange
that this vase has no navel.
Of the large and brilliant red goblets in the form
of huge champagne-glasses, with two immense handles,
we met with many in a more or less broken condition
at a depth of from 6 to 8 meters (20 to 16 feet) ; among
them is an enormous goblet 15! inches long, of which
I have been able to collect all the fragments and shall
therefore be able to restore it. (See No. 112, p. 158.)
I found, at a depth of from 23 to 26 feet, quantities of
earthen plates, some of which are of a brilliant red colour,
but most of them are uncoloured. At a depth of 20 feet
I found a fragment of pottery with a cross, at the four
ends of which are dots, which can only indicate the
[Chap. XVIII.
nails by means of which it was fastened. Small terra-cotta
whorls, with Aryan religious symbols, were again found in
great numbers ; several of them have decorations not
hitherto met with. Of terra-cotta balls we have found
three during these last days, two of them are very remark-
able. One hemisphere of the first has nineteen figures
like the Greek letter Rho (P) in a circle round it, and ten
of the same figures in a line through the middle point,
No. 179. A remarkable Terra-cotta Ball (6 m.).
also a number of little stars ; the other hemisphere is
entirely filled with little stars. The second ball has a
half moon on the one hemisphere and large stars on
the other.
Among the remarkable objects found during the week,
I must also mention a splendidly
ornamented piece of ivory, from a
depth of 8 meters (26 feet), which
is almost the shape of a flute,
and may have been used as
such ; further, a fiat bone, which
has one hole at the one end and three at the other,
and seems certainly to have belonged to a musical in-
I sometimes find here house-walls built of stones joined
with mere earth, which must certainly have been erected
long before the Greek settlement, but which rise to
within a meter (3 ] feet) of the surface; in fact in the
No. 180. A finely engraved Ivory Tube,
probably part of a Flute. Found on
the Tower (8 M.).
1 373-]
great cutting in front of my house, I have pierced through
two such walls 6^ feet thick, which here formed the
corner of a house, and which reach up to within a foot of
the surface ; they appear to extend pretty far down, and
in my next letter I shall be able to give more details
about them.
Although the Pergamus, whose depths I have been
ransacking, borders directly upon the marshes formed by
the Simois, in which there are always hundreds of storks,
yet none of them ever settle down here. Upon one of my
wooden houses and upon the stone one I had two com-
fortable nests made for them, but although there are
sometimes twelve storks' nests upon one roof in some of
the surrounding Turkish villages, yet none will settle on
mine ; it is probably too cold and stormy for the little
storks on ""l\io T^e^o'ecro-a."
No. 181. Knob for a Stick,
of fine marble (3 M.).
No. 182. Bone handle of a Trojan's Staff or Sceptre,
atcrjTTTpov (7 M.).*
* A handle such as this, or as that shown at p. 260 (No. 174), seems
well suited for the long leaning-staff (o-KrJTrrpov, from a-K^TTTo/xai, " to lean
upon ") which, in Homer, is the symbol of royal authority, and with
which Ulysses beat Thersites. (Iliad, II. 46, 265, ct passim.) — [Ed.]
( 266 )
Splendid vases found on the Tower — Other articles — Human skull,
bones, and ashes, found in an urn — New types of whorls — Greek
votive discs of diorite — Moulds of mica-schist — The smaller quan-
tity of copper than of stone implements explained — Discussion of the
objection, that stone implements are not mentioned by Homer -
Reply to Mr. Calvert's article — Flint knives found in the Acropolis
of Athens — A narrow escape from fire.
Pergamus of Troy, March 29th, 1873.
Since my report of the 22nd of this month I have unfor-
tunately made little or no progress, for most of the villagers
are trimming their vineyards during this week ; and besides
this, we have been tormented by a horrible icy-cold high
north wind, which yesterday and to-day rendered it impos-
sible to carry on the works.
But in spite of this, during the week we have found at a
depth of 8 meters (26 feet), and upon the Tower, a great
number of splendid vases of the most remarkable form ;
they are indeed all in a more or less broken condition,
but they can easily be mended, as I have all the pieces.
Those especially deserving of being mentioned are a brilliant
black vase with two large female breasts, a large navel, and
with two mighty upraised arms (No. 183); further, a vase
$3$ inches high, in a good state of preservation; a large
mixing bowl [Kpariqp) with two handles, and a smaller vase,
round below, with four handles of two different forms.
Among the smaller vessels there are, especially deserving
of attention, a brilliant black cup cover, with a handle in
the form of a coronet, and a brilliant red cover, with a very
curious human face, in which the features of the owl cannot
be mistaken. (Nos. 184,185^.268.) Of the other articles.
I can only mention a little plate of gold in the form of an
arrow-head, with a small hole at the lower end (No. 186) ;
an ivory tube with very curious decorations (No. 187);
and a well-preserved skull with neat little teeth, which I
discovered, together with a few bones and a quantity of
human ashes, in a vase (unfortunately broken) 27^ inches
high and broad, at a depth of 26 feet, upon the Tower.
This is the first time that I have found such well-preserved
No. 185. A brilliant Black Vase, with the Symbols of the Ilian Athena, from the Tower (8 M.).
human bones and even a skull in an urn. Funereal urns,
indeed, we dig out daily, but the bodies are always com-
pletely burnt to ashes ; and, with the exception of the
skeleton (already described) of an embryo found in a vase
at a depth of 5 1 feet upon the primary rock, I have hitherto
never found an entire bone in a funereal urn. The vase in
which I found the skull is made of that excellent Trojan
could of course easily be melted down and re-cast, and it
must not even be supposed that I shall find any except
those which were lost in the tumult of battle, or were pre-
served amidst the destruction of the city. Therefore the
fact that I find immensely larger numbers of silex knives
than of copper knives, and by far more axes and hammers
of stone than of copper, by no means proves that at the time
of the Trojan war there were more stone than copper instru-
ments. Stone lances are, moreover, very rarely met with ;
this year I found only two of which I know positively that
they are lances ; the one was discovered at a depth ot
ni feet, the other at 20 feet deep.
Mr. Frank Calvert of the Dardanelles, who wishes to
convince me by the hippopotamus which I found at a
depth of 23 feet, that the debris at this depth belongs to
a period wdien hippopotami inhabited the rivers of the
Troad, has expressed the opinion, in his article in the Levant
Herald of the 25th of January, 1873, tnat H°mer would
necessarily have mentioned stone knives and instruments
if they had existed in Troy, and that, as he speaks of none,
there could have been none; consequently, that none of the
ruined strata which I have cut through, containing stone
implements, can belong to the Homeric Troy, and that the
stratum directly following the Greek ruins, which extend as
far down as 6\ feet, must be more than 1000 years older
than the Trojan war.
If Mr. Calvert had taken the trouble to look into
Homer, he would have found that the word ' hammer '
(pa.L(TTt]p) occurs only once {Iliad, XVIII. 477), and that is
in the hand of Hephaestus. It is, indeed, not said of what
material the hammer was made ; the fire-god, however,
would probably have had none other than a copper hammer.
Mr. Calvert also does not appear to have ever seen a silex
knife, for otherwise he would know that thev are almost
always only from i^ to i\, and rarely 3, inches long; and
moreover, with but few exceptions, they are made in the
form of saws. I have here only once met with a saw of
this kind 5 inches in length.
In Homer there is not one opportunity where such
small saw-knives could have been mentioned, nor is it as
yet altogether clear to me what they can have been used
for.* Homer's heroes carry their copper knives beside
their swords, and generally use them for killing the sacri-
ficial animal, for which purpose, of course, flint knives
from 12 to 3 inches long would not have been appro-
priate ; but those long copper knives, the size of which is
accurately indicated by the stone moulds in which they
were cast, would have been very suitable. In the Iliad
(XVIII. 597), we see Hephaestus making youths with
golden cutlasses upon the shield of Achilles.
Mr. Calvert believes that the fact of Homer's not
mentioning either the small flint saws or stone knives is
a proof against the identity of Hissarlik with the site of Troy.
I, however, should find it surprising, and so assuredly would
all scholars and admirers of Homer, if the Homeric heroes
had appeared armed with silex saws from \\ to 3 inches
in length ; for a hero, especially in an epic poem, can
only carry and achieve something heroic. If the Homeric
hero requires a stone weapon, he does not feel in his
pocket for a silex saw from ii to 3 inches long, but he
takes the first huge stone he meets with, such as two of
the strongest men from among the people could not have
raised from the earth on to a cart by means of levers ; but
the hero carries it in his hand with the same ease with
which a shepherd would carry the fleece of a ram, and
flings the rock with infinite force against the gate of the
enemy, splinters the panels to shivers, and shatters the
double hinges and the bars ; the gate flies open, and the
stone falls with a mighty crash into the hostile camp."f"
* May they have been for flaying the sacrificed animals, a sharp flint
being better for this purpose than a copper knife, and perhaps also
being preferred to metal as less contaminated by human labour? — [Ed.]
t Iliad, XII. 445-462.
Upon another occasion, another hero uses a stone weapon.
He, too, does not look for a small silex saw, but takes an
immense block of stone, which two men from among
the people would have been unable to lift, and hurls it
against his opponent.* Mr. Calvert's excavations in the
Pergamus were confined to two small cuttings which still
exist, and he is wrong in saying that I have continued
his excavations. As my plans of the Pergamus prove, my
excavations of 1870, 1871, and up to the middle of June,
1872, were made exclusively on the Turkish portion of
the Pergamus ; and it was only in June that I began to
excavate the site of the temple of Apollo upon Mr. Calvert's
land, because a depression in the ground, 1 1 1 i feet long
and 75 \ feet broad, had betrayed the site to me. My
friend's two small cuttings by no means gave any idea
of the existence of such a temple.
I have never, as Mr. Calvert says, found the native
rock at a depth of 67 feet. I found it at a depth of 16
meters (or 52! feet) upon my large platform, and at a depth
of 14 meters (or 46^ feet) in my great cutting, in the
Roman well, and upon the south side of the Tower. In
Mr. Calvert's field, however, I found the primary soil only
in the hill covered by the very ancient buttress, which has
been repeatedly described.
Examining Mr. Calvert's article further, I assure my
readers that, with the exception of the wall which I have
already described as consisting of Corinthian pillars taken
from the temple of Athena, I have never come upon any
Byzantine ruins here ; f that all the Byzantine coins I found
were but a few inches below the surface ; and that the
ruins and the debris of the Greek colony, as anyone may
convince himself from the earthen walls of my excavations,
rarely extend below 2 meters (6h feet). Mr. Calvert's
statement, that I also find stone implements, perforated
::' Iliad, V. 302-310.
t Nor are even these now considered to be Byzantine ; see Chapter
XXII., j). 320, and Introduction, p. 30. — [Ed.]
cylinders, grinding-mills, and masses of shells, immediately
below these ruins, is incorrect ; for in not one of my
excavations have I hitherto found these things at less than
4 meters (13 feet) deep, and if I now find them immediately
below the foundations of the Temple of Athena, I explain
this by assuming that the dtbris which was dug out of
the great excavation for the reservoir of the temple
was used for increasing the elevation of the site of the
sanctuary. Mr. Calvert is also wrong in his statement that
the larger bones were all broken to get at the marrow ; on
the contrary, we very rarely meet with broken bones.
He is again incorrect in stating that I find small articles
of bronze, as well as ornaments in gold and silver filigree
work. I have never as yet found bronze here, but
in all cases copper; and never have I found ornaments
of gold or silver filigree work. The ornaments repre-
sented in the drawings are of pure gold, or electrum, or
silver, or copper. His statement is also erroneous, that I
occasionally find engraved representations of fish-bones
upon vessels. It is true that I often find vessels round
which rows of cuneiform decorations are engraved ; but
these are never connected with one another, and there-
fore have no resemblance at all to fish-bones. Further,
Mr. Calvert is mistaken in his assertion that in the
depths of this hill there are house-walls composed of
unhewn stones laid roughly one on the top of the other.
The architect is not yet born, who could construct house-
walls of such stones without some kind of cement. The
walls of clay do not, as Mr. Calvert's statement would
lead one to believe, consist of one mass of clay, but of
sun-dried bricks ; and I assure my readers that I have
never yet, as Mr. Calvert erroneously maintains, found
the impressions of long rushes, which indicate the use of
thatch-work. My learned friend is also completely wrong
in his statement that the floors of some of the houses
have been glazed, and that the regularity of the levellings
and the flatness of these floors prove that the glaze is not the
result of accident; further, that one of these glazed floors
has a length of 20 feet. I would give a great deal if this were
true, for such a Trojan marvel would attract thousands
desirous of information. Unfortunately, however, such
glazed floors exist only in Mr. Calvert's own imagination.
My friend is as completely mistaken in his reports about
the Great Tower, which he describes as consisting of two
walls, which meet at a sharp angle and diverge to a
distance of 40 feet, the space between them being as yet
unexplored. It is only the southern wall of this build-
ing that rises at an angle of 75 degrees : on the north
side, as it was sufficiently supported by the mound 6$h feet
broad which rested against it, it had above it only a
small perpendicular wall, 3^ feet high and broad ; whereas
the southern wall, which inclines at an angle of 15 degrees,
is 6h feet thick. The whole of the inner space between
the two walls consists of stones laid loosely upon one
another. The perpendicular height of the Tower above
the primary rock is not 15 feet, as Mr. Calvert says,
but exactly 20 feet. The terra-cotta discs with two
small holes, which, according to Mr. Calvert, I find here
at all depths, I have in reality always found only close
to the surface, as far down as 3^ feet, and rarely as far
down as 6h feet. I further assure my readers that I
know nothing about the large perforated cylinders, which
Mr. Calvert says I find in great quantities, and frequently
with half their diameter entirely in the clay of the walls.
The largest of the terra-cotta cylinders which I have dis-
covered here are only 4 inches long, and never have I
seen one of these cylinders in a house-wall.
In conclusion, I must positively deny Mr. Calvert's
assertion that stone implements, although met with in
the same stratum with articles made of different metals
and with splendid earthenware, argue a primeval and pre-
historic age. Small knives and saws of silex are, for
1 873-] DANGER FROM FIRE. 2/5
instance, found in numbers in the Acropolis of Athens,
and they appear to have been used up to a very late
period. A rude pre-historic people could by no means
have made the beautiful terra-cottas which are found here
immediately below the ruins of the Greek colony, and still
less could they have manufactured the splendid pottery
which shows such a high degree of artistic taste, and which
I meet with here at a great depth.
The life in this wilderness is not without danger, and
last night, for instance, my wife and I and the foreman
Photidas had the narrowest escape of being burnt alive.
In the bedroom on the north side of the wooden house
which we are inhabiting, we had had a small fireplace
made, and, owing to the terrible cold which has again set in
during the last six days, we have lighted a fire in it daily.
But the stones of the fireplace rest merely upon the boards
of the floor, and, whether it was owing to a crevice in the
cement joining the stones, or by some other means, the
floor took fire, and when I accidentally awoke this morning
at 3 o'clock, it was burning over a space of two yards long
by a yard broad. The room was filled with dense smoke,
and the north wall was just beginning to catch fire ; a few
seconds would have sufficed to burn a hole into it, and
the whole house would then have been in flames in less
than a minute, for a fearful north wind was blowing from
that side. In my fright I did not lose my presence of
mind. I poured the contents of a bath upon the burning
north wall, and thus in a moment stopped the fire in that
direction. Our cries awoke Photidas, who was asleep in the
adjoining room, and he called the other foremen from the
stone house to our assistance. In the greatest haste they
fetched hammers, iron levers and pickaxes ; the floor was
broken up, torn to pieces, and quantities of damp earth
thrown upon it, for we had no water. But, as the lower beams
were burning in many places, a quarter of an hour elapsed
before we got the fire under and all danger was at an end.
T 2
Discovery of a large house upon the Tower — Marks of a great con-
flagration — Primitive Altar : its very remarkable position — Ruins of
the Temple of Athena — A small cellar — Skeletons of warriors with
copper helmets and a lance — Structure of the helmet-crests —
Terra-cottas — A crucible with copper still in it — Other objects —
Extreme fineness of the engravings on the whorls — Pottery — Stone
implements — Copper pins and other objects.
Pergamus of Troy, April 5th, 1873.
Amidst cold but glorious spring weather most favourable
for the workmen, who now number 150 on the average, I
have this week continued the excavations with the greatest
energy and with good results.
The most interesting object that I have discovered
here in these three years is certainly a house which I brought
to light this week, and of which eight rooms have already
been laid open ; it stands upon the Great Tower, at a depth
of 7 and 8 meters (23 to 26 feet), directly below the Greek
Temple of Athena. Its walls consist of small stones cemented
with earth, and they appear to belong to different epochs ;
for, while some of them rest directly upon the stones of the
Tower, others were not built till the Tower was covered
with 8 inches, and in several cases even with 3^ feet, of
debris. These walls also show differences in thickness ;
one of them is \\ feet, others are only 25 \ inches, and
others again not more than 19! inches thick. Several of
these walls are 10 feet high, and on some of them may
be seen large remnants of the coatings of clay, painted
yellow or white. Only in one large room, the dimensions
of which, however, cannot be exactly ascertained, have I
Ch. XX. 1873.] PALACE ON THE TOWER. 277
as yet found an actual floor of unhewn slabs of limestone,
the smooth sides of which are turned outside. Black
marks, the result of fire, upon the lower portion of the
walls of the other rooms which have as yet been excavated,
leave no doubt that their floors were of wood, and were
destroyed by fire. In one room there is a wall in the
form of a semicircle, which has been burnt as black as
coal. All the rooms as yet laid open, and not resting
directly upon the Tower, have been excavated down to the
same level ; and I find, without exception, that the debris
below them consists of red or yellow ashes and burnt
ruins. Above these, even in the rooms themselves, I
found nothing but either red or yellow wood-ashes, mixed
with bricks that had been dried in the sun and sub-
sequently burnt by the conflagration, or black debris, the
remains of furniture, mixed with masses of small shells :
in proof of this there are the many remains which are
still hanging on the walls. In several rooms I found red
jars {ttWoi) from 7 to 8 feet high, some of which I leave
in situ. Above the house, and as far as the foundations
of the temple, I found nothing but red and yellow wood-
ashes. (See Plate X., opposite p. 287.)
To the east side of the house is a sacrificial Altar
of a very primitive description, which is turned to the
north-west by west, and consists of a slab of slate granite
about 5^ feet long, and ^\ feet broad. The upper part
of the stone is cut into the form of a crescent, probably
for killing upon it the animal which was intended for
sacrifice. About 4 feet below the sacrificial altar I found
a channel made of slabs of green slate, which probably
served to carry off the blood. Strangely enough this
Altar does not stand on the Tower itself, but 32 feet
above it, upon bricks or lumps of earth which had been
dried in the sun, and which have been actually burnt
by the conflagration, but nevertheless have no stability.
The altar was surrounded by an enormous quantity of
[Chap. XX.
the remains of bricks of this description, as well as by
red and yellow wood-ashes, to a height of 10 feet. Of
course I leave the altar in situ, so that visitors to the Troad
may convince themselves by the nature of its pedestal and
of the dtbris of the earthen wall, beside which it stands,
of the correctness of all these statements, which might
otherwise appear too incredible. The remarkable sub-
No. 188. Great Altar fur Sacrifices, found in the depths of the Temple of Athena (53 of the real size).
structure of this sacrificial altar, the curious debris in
which it was buried, the preservation of the great house,
which has evidently been burnt, and the walls of which
were built at different epochs, and lastly, the fact that
its spaces were filled with heterogeneous dibris and with
colossal jars — all this is a puzzle to me. I confine myself,
therefore, to stating the facts merely, and refrain from
expressing any kind of conjecture.
Above the house, in the south-western wall of this exca-
vation, are the ruins of the southern wall of the Temple of
Athena. They are 5] feet high, and consist of large white
blocks of limestone. Their great breadth gives them an
imposing appearance, and this is further increased by the
great reservoir of the temple, the walls of which are directly
to the east of the altar, and 41 feet high. Above the very
ancient house, and below the southern wall of the temple,
may be seen the ruins of a small round cellar, 3^ feet in
diameter and about i\ feet high, which stands below the
foundations, and must, therefore, be older than the temple.
It is built of chalk and stones, but the inner side has been
painted over with a kind of varnish or glaze, and has a
glossy appearance. This small cellar was filled with frag-
ments of Greek terra-cottas, among which, however, I found
six small vases, almost uninjured.
This very ancient house, with its small rooms, as it
stands, is very like a Pompeian house ; it cannot, indeed,
be at all compared with the houses of Pompeii in regard
to architecture or decoration, but it surpasses them in
No. 189. Copper Lance of a Trojan Warrior, found beside his Skeleton (7 M.).
By the side of the house, as well as in its larger apart-
ments, I have found great quantities of human bones, but
as yet only two entire skeletons, which must be those of
warriors, for they were found at a depth of 7 meters
(23 feet), with eopper helmets upon their heads. Beside one
of the skeletons I found a large lance, a drawing of which
I give. The one skull is uninjured, and I add a faithful
drawing of it ; the other is somewhat broken, but I hope
soon to have the pieces joined with cement. Both of the
skulls are large, but remarkably narrow. Unfortunately
both helmets were broken ; however, I hope to be able
to put one of the two together when I return to Athens.
[Chap. XX.
The upper portions of both helmets have, however,
been well preserved ; and these parts form the " ^ctXos," or
No. 190. Skull of a Trojan Warrior, belonging to one of the two Skeletons found in the House on
the Tower (7 M.). It is long, but narrow.
No. 191. {a) The upper and (l>) lower pieces of a Trojan Helmet-crest (>dAos) placed together.
{c.) A small piece of the Helmet remains adhering to the lower part of the Crest (7 M.).
A pin, fastened to the front of the part (£), goes into the hollow base of {a), and supports it. (See
the figures on p. 334.)
ridge, in which the " \6(f)os tWovpis," or horse-hair plume,
so frequently mentioned in the Iliad, was fixed."* In both
Homer's Iliad, III. 362 ; IV. 459 ; VI. 9 ; XIII. 132 ; XVI. 216.
cases the d\o<; consists of two pieces. The large copper ring-
found beside the helmet had been attached to it, in what
manner I do not know. Two
days later, when I found the
second helmet, I perceived
from the manner in which
the lower portion was fixed
to the helmet that the
pieces must be put together
as shown in the drawing.
Through the lower portion
of each helmet runs a copper
nail, which has a round head
and its other end simply
bent round. As to the place into which the Xocfros lirirovpis
was inserted and fixed there can be no doubt, for the
opening at the top of the ridge can have served no other
purpose. By the side of the second helmet also, I found
the fragment of a copper ring similar to that found beside
the first helmet.*
In some of the rooms I found no terra-cottas at all,
but in others enormous quantities of splendid black, red,
and brown vases, pots, and jars of all sizes, and of most
No. 192. Great Copper Ring, found near the
Helmet-crest (7 M.j.
* Few coincidences have struck us more than the comparison of
these helmet-crests with the frequent allusions in Homer, especially
where " Hector of the dancing helmet-crest" (KopvdaioXos "Ektwp), takes
off the helmet that frightened his child {Iliad, VI. 469, foil.) : —
Tapfirjaas xa^K^v T« *8e Xocpov (7r7rioxaiT7)i'
Aeiiw air' a/cpoTar-ns KopvQos vivovra voT)ffas.
" Scared by the brazen helm and horse-hair plume,
That nodded, fearful, on the warrior's crest.''
No such plumed helmets are found among the remains of " prehistoric "
barbarous races. The skeletons, with the helmets and lances beside
them, bear striking witness to a city taken by storm. In Homer, the
Trojans under the command of " the crested Hector " are " valiant with
lances" (/xe/iuores eyxcvgariv, I/iad, II. 816-818). — [Ed.]
[Chap. XX.
fanciful shapes ; but unfortunately in hewing down the hard
dibris most of them were broken, and I shall not be able
No. iyi- An elegant bright-red Vase of Tcrra-cotta, decorated with branches and signs of lightning
with holes in the handles and lips, for cords to hang it up by. Found on the Tower (S M.).
No. 194 Terra-cotta Vase. Found on -the Towel
to have them repaired till 1 return to Athens. I wish to
draw attention to the elegance of the red jars with necks
bent back, two ears, and three breasts ; as well as to the
black or red vases ornamented with engraved branches of
trees, with three feet and two small and two large upraised
handles as arms ; also to the terra-cotta goblets, which
are occasionally the form of champagne-glasses, sometimes
also in the shape of a soup-tureen with two handles.
The most interesting of the terra-cottas found this
week, and the most im-
portant to archaeology,
are these : — the beau-
tiful red vase-cover
with the owl's face and
helmet of the Ilian
Athena, which was
found in a large red urn
at a depth of 8 meters
(27 feet) : — then two
vases, likewise adorned
with the owl's head
of the tutelary god-
dess of Troy, but
also with two breasts,
a large navel, and two
upraised arms. One
of these vases was
found upon the Tower,
the other above it, at
a depth of 4 meters
(13 feet).
Amons; the other
very remarkable terra-
mi-t-i - l',,nn.l Jn „np „r No. 196. An Earthenware Crucible on four feet, still
COlldb IOUIK1 111 OI1C OI containing some copper. Found on the Tower (7 m.).
the rooms of the sub-
terranean house, at a depth of 7 meters (23 feet), there
is a crucible with four feet, in which some copper is still
to be seen ; also a small brilliant black funnel. I also
No. 195. Profile of a Vase-cover, with the Owl's Face and
Helmet of Athena, in brilliant red Terra-cotta. Found
in an urn on the Tower (8 M.).
[Chap. XX.
found in the house, at the depth of 7 and 8 meters (23
to 16 feet), several idols of ordinary stone or of marble ;
one also of bone, upon which are seen the two arms of the
goddess ; it is only upon one of the marble idols, and
upon one of those of stone, that I find the two eyes. This
week we met with only one idol of ordinary stone with
a rude engraving of the owl's face ; it was discovered at
a depth of 4 meters (13 feet). I must remark that the
idols of common stone are always very roughly made.
Of the small terra-cotta whorls, both with and with-
out symbolical engravings, we this week again met with
251 pieces; of these, however, only 31 had symbolical
figures which I have not yet found. Several of the
engraved decorations on these articles have been executed
with a fineness which is truly astonishing, and more espe-
cially those which are engraved upon brilliantly black
wheel-shaped pieces : they are so fine that I could only
distinguish them through a magnifying glass.
At a depth of 6 and 8 meters (20 to 26 feet) we again
met with very many ordinary plates, which had been turned
on a potter's wheel. At the same
depth, and in the above-mentioned
house, we found a curious vessel,
exactly in the shape of a saucer to
a flower-pot, ornamented with four
triangles and two large crosses, one
of which is formed by large dots,
the other by lines. Several curious
moulds were also found this week,
one of which is of coarse terra-
cotta for casting eight copper bars ;
the other moulds are made of mica-
schist, and one was for casting an object in the form of a
leaf with three long thorns on either side ; the other
mould shows three uniform furrows for casting oblong-
rings. This week we found only fragments of stone
No. 197. Flower Saucer ; the flat
bottom ornamented. Found on
the Tower (8 m.).
1 873-]
moulds for casting weapons and instruments. At a depth
of from 10 to 26 feet we also discovered 27 small silex
knives like saws, and six very pretty knife-blades made of
black obsidian, which are sharp enough to serve as razors.
We have found no copper knives this week, but, on the
other hand, four copper dress or hair pins, from 2^ to
above 5 inches long ; also thirteen needles for knitting or
embroidering ; likewise sixteen large bodkins made of stag-
horn, and a number of pointed boars' tusks. Among the
stone implements found during the week, there are two
very pretty hammers of diorite and a very neat perforated
prop of mica-schist with a small furrow at the top, for
turning a spit, and other such things. (See No. 177, p. 261.)
In returning to the terra-cottas I must mention a square
article, the upper part of which gradually becomes narrower
and thinner : on the front side there are two small depres-
sions in the form of eyes, and on one side it is perforated,
I add a drawing of this curious article, the use of which is
No. 198. A piece of Tcrra-cotta, with two
holes slightly sunk in front like eyes, and
a hole perforated from side to side (8 m.).
No. 199. A remarkable Terra-cotta Vessel
on three long feet, with a handle and two
small ears (7 ju.).
quite unknown to me. I may mention further a curious
pot found in the house, at a depth of 7 meters (23 feet),
[Ch. XX. 1873.
with three feet, two small cars, and one handle; also those
neat cups with one handle and three feet, which are
repeatedly met with in the same
house. At a depth of 3 meters
(10 feet) we discovered a
bright red polished little box,
from the under side of which
two small perforated rings pro-
ject. The pattern on the
bottom represents the sun with
its rays ; in the centre of
the sun's disc is a cross, which
ends in four small circles, and
these are probably intended to
xr . , ,„,.,, ,T ., represent the heads of the nails
No. 200. A beautilul bright-red lerra-cotta I
Box (or Vase-cover?) decorated with a + w}1ich fastened the tWO CtOSSed
four TJ, and a halo ol solar rays (3 M.).
staves employed to produce the
holy tire. In every one of the four spaces formed by the
cross there is a pj-J, one of which is represented by dots.
We also again met with one of those small perforated
terra-cottas, consisting of two connected balls, and which
somewhat resemble our shirt-studs ; the upper part of the
article in question shows three simple rising suns and
six stars ; the lower part represents three triple rising suns,
and three stars in the circle round the central point.
During the week we have met with only one terra-cotta
ball ; it shows an encircling jagged streak and five small
streaks, which may denote suns or moons.
Nos. 201, 202. Little Decorated Whorls, of a remarkable shape (6 M.).
Discovery of a street in the Pergamus — Three curious stone walls of
different periods — Successive fortifications of the hill — Remains
of ancient houses under the Temple of Athena, that have suffered a
great conflagration — Older house-walls below these, and a wall of
fortification — Store, with the nine colossal jars — The great Altar
— Objects found east of the Tower — ■ Pottery with Egyptian hiero-
glyphics — Greek and other terra-cottas, &c. — Remarkable owl
vase — Handle, with an ox-head — Various very curious objects —
A statue of one Metrodorus by Pytheas of Argos, with an inscription
— Another Greek inscription, in honour of C. Claudius Nero.
Pergamus of Troy, April 16th, 1873.
Since my report of the 5th of this month I have had, on
an average, 160 workmen, and have brought many won-
derful things to light, among which I may especially men-
tion a street of the Pergamus, which was discovered close
to my house, at a depth of 30 feet, in the Great Tower. It is
iji feet broad, and is paved with stone flags, from 4^ to
5 feet long, and from 3$ inches to 4^ feet broad. It
runs down very abruptly in a due south-western direction
towards the Plain. I have as yet only been able to lay
bare a length of 10 meters {33^ feet). It leads, without
doubt, to the Scaean Gate, the position of which appears
to be accurately indicated, on the west side at the foot of
the hill, by the direction of the wall and by the formation
of the ground; it cannot be more than 492 feet distant
from the Tower. To the right and left of the street there is
an enclosure 28^ inches broad and 1 1 feet long. The slope
of the street is so great that, while on the north-east side,
as far as it is there uncovered, it is only 30 feet below the
surface of the hill, yet at a distance of 33 feet it already
lies as low as 37 feet.*
This beautifully paved street leads me to conjecture
that a grand building must at one time have stood at the
top of it, at a short distance on the north-east side ; and
therefore, seven days ago, when the street was discovered,
I immediately set 100 men to dig down the north-eastern
ground lying in front of it ; this cutting I have made
78^ feet long, 78^ feet broad, and 33 feet deep. The
removal of these 7600 cubic yards of huge masses of hard
debris and stones is rendered much easier by the fact that
it joins my last year's great cutting, which runs quite hori-
zontally from the northern declivity as far as the Tower, and
is therefore very well adapted for the use of man-carts.
In order to extract from this excavation all the objects of
the greatest use to archaeology, I am having the walls made
perpendicular, as in fact I have had them made in almost
all of the other cuttings. As the work of removing this
gigantic block of earth is carried on both from above
and from below, I confidently hope to have finished it
in twenty days' work.
In this great bank of earth there are three curious
walls, built one above another, of small stones joined with
earth. They have been built at very different periods,
and even the uppermost and latest of the three, as is clear
from the material, must be considerably older than the foun-
dation of the Greek colony about the year 700 r.c This
uppermost wall is about 5 feet thick, built up from a depth
of \\\ feet to within if foot of the surface, a circumstance
which I do not at all understand ; for, as the ruins of the
Greek colony reach, down to the depth of 6h feet, the wall
must, for many centuries, have stood high above the earth.
Still the Greeks may have used it as a foundation for a
building, and it may thus have been preserved. Below
Compare Plan II. with the whole of the following description.
this wall there is a stratum of earth ni inches thick; and
then comes the second wall, projecting about iii inches,
and 6i feet high ; and this again rests upon another and
much older wall. The last runs in an oblique line in a
south-western direction parallel with the Tower-road, and
furnishes a second proof that the surface of the hill, which
is now quite horizontal here, did not slope down very
abruptly towards the Plain at this part.
Thus the opinion which I have previously expressed,
that only the first inhabitants of this hill had walls and
fortifications, is now proved to be erroneous. For these
three walls, which at one time stood at the edge of the
declivity, and the three which I cut through at the south-
east side of the hill, can only have been walls of fortifica-
tion, and they evidently belong to the various tribes who.
inhabited this locality after the destruction of the first
nation up to the foundation of the Greek colony.
As my further excavations have shown, at a depth of
8 meters (16 feet), immediately below the Temple of Athena,
and at a distance of 131 feet from the above-mentioned
street, a large wall runs out from the Tower in a southern
direction. I have had 65 feet of this wall laid bare to the
south. But how far it extends in this direction cannot be
ascertained without making new and enormous excavations.
It is also impossible for me to ascertain its breadth without
breaking down the curious pre-Hellenic house. It also
appears to me that the Tower ends here, for in my investi-
gations at the foot of that ancient house I no longer found
any trace of it. Instead of it I came upon very ancient
houses, the walls of which, still partially covered with a
coating of clay and white colour, all bearing traces of a
terrible conflagration, which has so completely destroyed
everything that was in the rooms, that we only occasion-
ally find charred fragments of pottery among the red
wood-ashes with which the spaces are filled. Curiously
enough we again find, below these very ancient houses, other
house-walls which must certainly be older ; and these too
show indications of having been exposed to a terrible heat.
In fact, the labyrinth of very ancient house-walls, built one
above another, and found in the depths of the Temple of
Athena erected by Lysimachus, is unique, and presents the
archaeologist with the richest materials for his investigations.
But what is most inexplicable to me about this labyrinth of
walls is a wall of fortification, 1 1 £ feet high, running through
it from W.N.W. to E.S.E. This is likewise built of stone
joined with earth, and is 6 feet broad at the top and 12 feet
broad at the foot : it does not stand directly upon the
primary rock, and was not built till the rock had gradually
become covered with a layer of earth if foot in thickness.
It appears therefore to be somewhat less ancient than the
Great Tower, which stands directly upon the primary rock.
Running parallel with this wall of fortification, only i\ feet
from it and at the same depth, there is a wall 2 feet high,
which is likewise built of stones joined with earth.
The room at the greatest depth which I have excavated
is 10 feet high and n\ feet broad; but it may have been
higher ; its length I have not yet ascertained. One of the
compartments of the uppermost houses, below the Temple
of Athena and belonging to the pre-Hellenic period, appears
to have been used as a wine-merchant's cellar or as a maga-
zine, for in it there are nine enormous earthen jars {ttWoi)
of various forms, about 5! feet high and 4! feet across,
their mouths being from 29^ to 3$$ inches broad.* Each of
these earthen jars has four handles, 3^ inches broad, and
the clay of which they are made has the enormous thick-
ness of ai inches. Upon the south side of these jars
I found a wall 26 feet in extent and 10 feet high, built
of sun-dried bricks, which, however, had become really
* See Plate XJ. b. Six of the jars are shown, and a seventh (broken)
lies outside of the cut to the right. The two largest of all are out of
view, on the other side of the wall of the magazine, but one of them is
seen in the view on Plate XI. a, in the left-hand bottom corner.
Plate XI.
Kesenuii\ Altar.
From the East.
In the depths of the Temple of Athena.
Page 290.
burnt bricks through the conflagration. This wall, which
likewise appears to me to be a fortification and very
thick, I have had broken down to the perpendicular line
of the foundations of the Temple of Athena.
I am in great fear lest the Turks should make off' with
the large stone altar, the upper part of which forms a
crescent, to use it for building a minaret in the village of
Chiplak ; therefore, without moving it from its place, I shall
have it carefully split in two, so that it will be useless for
building purposes. This stone and its pedestal are daubed
over with a white crust of clay, which upon the pedestal is
nearly an inch thick.
I have continued the excavation on the south-east side
of the Pergamus, and I have found that the great wall,
which I regarded as a continuation of the Tower, is part
of a very ancient and large wall of enclosure.
Since my last report we have not found any kind of in-
teresting antiquities worth mentioning on the whole of the
east side of the Tower; but in the large new excavation to
the north-east of the Tower-road we have discovered a
great quantity of exceedingly curious articles. The ruins
of -the Greek colony here extend exactly to a depth of 6h
feet, and there I found a fragment of pottery with painted
Egyptian hieroglyphics, of which I give a drawing. Three
other pieces of pottery were
found at a depth of 10 feet.
One of these represents an owl's
face, a P|-J and the impressions
of the four nails for fixing it ;
the second fragment has a pj-J
in which each of the four ends
1 No. 203. Fragment of a Terra- cotta Vase,
again terminates in a square ; tne with Egyptian hieroglyphics, from the
" bottom of the Greek Stratum 12 m.1.
third fragment represents a wheel
in a state of rotation. At a depth of 6h feet we also came upon
a terra-cotta idol with the owl's face and the upraised arms,
which are broken off, but appear to have been longer. This
IT 2
[Chap. XXI.
idol, like all the others, has a human figure : the owl's beak
and eyes project from the head and have been carefully
wrought ; there are indications of hair on the forehead,
and two lines on the neck seem to denote armour. At the
same depth I found the bottom of a dish, upon which there
is a representation in high relief of two youths embracing
and kissing each other ; this is a most masterly piece of
work. At a depth of 5 feet we found the upper portion
of a vase with a pretty owl's head ; the rim of the mouth
forms a kind of helmet. A little deeper than a foot we met
with a good-looking head of a man in terra-cotta; at 2
meters (6i feet) down, a Greek lamp with a foot i\ inches
long, and at the same depth some very pretty vases and
jugs, and a terra-cotta flattened on one side, with two
perforated holes and a stamp, in which there is a very
pretty picture of the head and shoulders of a woman. At
a depth of 3 and 4 meters (10 and 13 feet) were twelve
marble idols without owls' faces ; upon one of these idols
there are four horizontal lines on the neck ; further, at a
depth of 10 feet, a fragment of a serpent with two horns;
No. 204 A Greek Lamp on a tall foot (2 u.).
No. 205. Fragment of a two-horned Serpent
((cepacmjs), in Terra-cotta (3 M.).
at a depth of \6h feet, a piece of diorite in the form of
a bell, beautifully polished, and twice perforated ; at the
i873-] THE Bocu7rt5 "Up?)- 2,93
same depth, a quantity of beautiful terra-cotta vases and
jugs, prettily ornamented, ivory needles for knitting
or embroidering, and a very neat perforated terra-cotta
cylinder ii inch long, covered with engraved symbolical
No. 206. Terra-cotta Cylinder, ii in. long, with Symbolical Signs (5 m.).
signs. But the most curious article, found at a depth of
5 meters (i6i feet), is an idol of the Ilian Athena with an
owl's head, which is rounded off in front and at the back;
the eyes are very large and beautiful, but the beak is
small and roughly made ; on the neck there is a cross line,
and above it ten upright lines, which are probably intended
to denote armour ; the whole of the rest of the body is
covered with lines, in which, more especially on the back,
the bird's feathers are unmistakable ; and there is a pecu-
liar ornament on the abdomen. This idol, like all the
others, has a human figure.*
At a depth of 6 meters (20 feet) I found two splendid
brilliant red vases with representations of the Ilian Athena
with the owl's head, a kind of helmet, two upraised arms,
two breasts, and the large circular prominent elevation on
the abdomen.f At the same depth I found an idol of the
usual form, made of bone ; and upon a handle of black
terra-cotta, which has probably belonged to a large cup, the
head of an ox, executed in high relief with great skill ; X this
involuntarily reminds one of Homer's B0W77-19 ttotviol "Hpr)
(" Our Lady Hera, with the head [or eyes] of a cow ").
Among many other remarkable terra-cotta vessels, at this
depth, I also found a small but really splendidly ornamented
vase, the surface of which is divided into fourteen alter-
* See No. 29, p. 36. t No. 207, p. 294.
X No. 208, pp. 294. Respecting such an impersonation of the
goddess Hera, see pp. 113, 114, 353.
[Chap. XXI.
nate compartments, larger and smaller.* In each of the
larger compartments there are three circles of little stars
and a star in the centre ; in
each of the smaller com-
partments there are triple
zigzag lines ; this vase has
little holes in the small
handles for hanging it up
by a string. Among the
other curious articles from
this depth there is a silex
saw, 4 inches long and if
inch broad, also one of
those round, twice per-
forated terra-cottas flattened
on one side and with a large
stamp which represents a
swan and an antelope. A
No. 207.
Terra-cotta Vase with helmeted image
of the Ilian Athena (6 M.).
No. 208. Fragment of a large Cup-handle in black
Terra-cotta; head that of an Ox (6 M,).
No. 209. A finely decorated little Vase of
Terra-cotta (6 M.).
similar terra-cotta, the stamp upon which represents the
head of a warrior with a helmet, was found at a depth of
8 meters (2,6 feet). These two are the first terra-cottas of
No. 209, on this page.
this kind which I have hitherto discovered below a depth
of 2 meters (6£ feet).
— M
No. 210. Terra-cotta Disc stamped with a No. 211. Terra-cotta Disc pierced with two holes,
Swan and an Antelope (6 m.). and stamped with the Head of a War-
Remarkable for the depth. rior. Remarkable for the depth (8 m.).
At a depth of 7 meters (23 feet) I found a
small tripod with a projecting owl's face, also a
pretty red terra-cotta cup (cover) with the owl's
face of the Ilian Athena and her helmet ; a knife
and a long copper instrument ; a piece of bone
3^ inches long, ornamented. with very artistically
engraved symbolical signs, and among other
exceedingly curious terra-cottas, the handle of a
cup with a cross and the marks of the four
nails for fixing it ; further, a fragment the upper
portion of a large urn, which is ornamented with
three encircling stripes : the upper and lower
stripes consist of peculiarly interwoven crooked
lines; the middle one contains small circles, in A cTrio\itiyBoen-
, r 1 • 1 • graved (7 M.).
each or which is a cross.
At a depth of 8 meters (26 feet) we discovered a
marble idol with the owl's head of the tutelary goddess
of Ilium, and a brilliant red terra-cotta idol of the same
goddess, which, curiously enough, has on its head a small,
but very pretty vase with two handles ; the owl's face of
this last-mentioned idol has enormous eyes, and is very
expressive. Of terra-cotta vases and dishes we found an
especially large number in these depths. I can, however,
only give drawings of a few of them, for most were brought
out in a broken condition, and I cannot have them re-
[Chap. XXI.
paired till I return to Athens. Of those terra-cottas which
were got out unharmed, a small vase with two holes in
the mouth, for being hung up by a
cord, is especially deserving of atten-
tion ; it is surrounded by figures in
the shape of hearts with crosses ; then
saucer-shaped pots with large handles ;
other little pots in the form of salt-
cellars, and several vases round at the
bottom with three feet or without feet ;
terra-cotta scoops in the form of cups
with large handles ; then a large terra-
No-2VdorofbHgnhtld'Tetan- cotta lid with a handle ; it is of a
very curious shape, and weighs 730
grammes. We also found several implements of copper.
At a depth of 9 meters (29^ feet) we found a copper
lance and a dozen very large vases, brown and black.
Nos. 214, 215. Terra-cotta Cups or Scoops (7 m.).
No. 216. Vase Cover in Terra-cotta (8 M
At the same depth I found a pretty brilliant brown cup
in the form of a flower-pot, with two large handles. At a
depth of 26 and 29^ feet I have found, since the 5th of
the month, eleven beautiful sling-bullets of loadstone and
I873-] A TROJAN BRUSH. 297
two of porphyry. We met with very few stone imple-
ments, only two beautiful axes of diorite, at the depths of
2gh and 33 feet. At the latter depth I again found one of
the brush-handles of terra-cotta, which
are often found, and some vases with
three feet and rings at the sides for
hanging them up.
During the last eleven days I
have collected 991 of the terra-cotta
whorls, 5 8 1 of which have symbolical
signs, but only 79 have engravings
which are new to me. Long thin" N°- ^^K^ gSol%£
• 1 • . 1 1 J 1_ J which the bristles have been
copper nails with rounded heads, fixed (10 M.).
which must have been used as dress or
hair pins, were met with at all depths. During these eleven
days I have found 20 exquisitely polished axes of diorite.
At a depth of 1 meter (3^ feet), we yesterday found
in the Temple of Athena, beside an inscribed pedestal of
black slate, 3 feet 8 inches high and 20! inches broad,
the statue of a man, of fine white marble, nearly 4 feet
high. As is proved by the inscription, it was made by
Pytheas of Argos, and was erected by the Ilians in honour
of Metrodorus, the son of Themistagoras, of whom it is a
representation. The figure was in the position of an orator,
as is proved by the footmarks on the pedestal. The head
and the feet are unfortunately wanting.
The inscriptions run as follows : —
And lower down, on the same side of the pedestal —
'O Srj/xos 6 'iXtetwi^
Mr)Tpo$(opov Qe/xLaTayopov
UvOeas 'Apyetos eTroirjcre.
There were in antiquity many men named Metrodorus,
but only two of them were especially celebrated, and both
were natives of Asia Minor. The one, born in Lampsacus,
was a pupil of Epicurus ;* the other, a native of Scepsis, was
a philosopher, orator, and statesman, and was held in high
esteem by Mithridates VII., Eupator,f who afterwards had
him put to death in a horrible manner. J The name of the
father of this Metrodorus of Scepsis is unknown, and
whether he was called Themistagoras, or otherwise, is uncer-
tain ; but it is extremely probable that the inscription and
the statue were raised in honour of the Scepsian orator,
philosopher, and statesman. I rind no mention whatever of
the sculptor Pytheas of Argos. Only one Pytheas, a silver-
chaser, is named by Pliny,§ as being a contemporary of
Pompey the Great : Pliny, however, does not state his birth-
place. Another Pytheas was a wall painter and a native of
Achaia. Neither of these can therefore be the Argive
sculptor who made the statue and put his name on the
pedestal. But as my learned and much esteemed friend,
Professor Stephanos Kummanudes of Athens, has remarked,
it is not astonishing that the name of an insignificant
sculptor should be forgotten, seeing that the names of so
many great kings are lost.
In the same part of the Temple of Athena we found the
fragment of a marble slab, which has evidently been very
long, with the inscription given on the opposite page.
The Proconsul Caius Claudius Nero, the son of Publius,
who is praised in the above inscription, ruled over the
province of Asia from 674 to 675 after the foundation
of Rome, Hence he lived at the time of Cicero, who
mentions him in his orations against Verres.||
The Pcemanenians (Hoi^aviqvol) are the inhabitants of
the fortress of Poemanenon, to the south of Cyzicus.^f
* Strabo, XIII. p. 5% + Strabo, XIII. p. 609.
% Plutarch, Life of Lucullus. § Hist. Nat., XXXV. 12, s. 55.
|| Waddington, Pastes des Provinces Asiatiques de l' Empire Romain.
Paris. 1872. pp. 43-44- ^ Pape-Benseler, Lexikon der Eigennamen.
To judge from the form and thickness of the stone, this
inscription must have been very long and have contained
more than 70 lines. But even the fragment is of historical
value, and all the more as we know for certain that it
comes down to us from the year 80 b.c
e7rei tov avOvncLTOv Tatov KXavhiov UottXlov vlov Ne)o&jvo5 e7Tira^a^T05
rot? Yloi\A
Trjs 7roA.ew? crrpaTiojrag /cat 677"' amoiv rjye/jLovas Tioiixavqiov (ot ;)
oVre? r\\x.(iiv (f)ikoi /cat ewoco? Sta/cet/xe^ot Trpbs top hrj/xov r]jxa>v
i^aTreo~T6tXav tovs re o~TpaTLa>Ta<; /cat eV' clvtcop rjyefxopa Nt/c(a^-)
hpov MrjVO ;)
eavraj veavicrKcov ipSrjjjLLap ei>T(aKT)op ir(apiy€Tai /cat iav-)
tov Kaddirep eVt/3a\\et cu>Sp(t /cat ttjp itjovcriav ttjv ey/ce-)
^eipLcrjxevrjv earw 77t(o"TW5 /cat
ttjv virkp Trjs cf)v\ai<(r)<;
etcr^eperat anovoijjP
e/c Kaivtov ouoet
(MOV Kat
( 3°° )
Interruptions through festivals — Opening of the tumulus of Batiea
— Pottery like that of the Trojan stratum at Hissarlik, and nothing
else — No trace of burial — Its age — Further discoveries of burnt
Trojan houses — Proof of their successive ages — Their construction
— Discovery of a double gateway, with the copper bolts of the
gates — The " Sctean Gate" of Homer — Tests of the extent of
ancient Troy — The place where Priam sat to view the Greek
forces — Homer's knowledge of the heroic Troy only traditional —
Description of the gates, the walls, and the " Palace of Priam." —
Vases, &c, found in Priam's house — Copper, ivory, and other
implements — The SeVa h/x3 feet) ; also many fragments of
jars (ttWoi). Beyond these I discovered nothing at all,
and at a depth of \\ meters (13! feet) I came upon the
white limestone rock. What is most surprising to me is
that I did not even find any charcoal, much less the bones
of the burnt corpse. That I should have missed the traces
of the funeral pile, if such really existed, is inconceivable
to me, when I consider the size of my cutting and of its
perpendicular walls.
Now, although I have failed in the actual object of this
excavation, still it has this important result for archaeology,
that, by means of all the fragments of pottery discovered
there, it enables us to determine with some degree of cer-
tainty the date of the erection of this mound ; for it evi-
dently belongs to a time when the surface of the Pergamus
was from 26 to 33 feet lower than it is now. It is therefore
of the same date as the Tower-road already described, which
is paved with large flags of stone, and above which I have
carried on the excavations with the greatest industry. I
finished these excavations to-day. They have brought to
light two large buildings of different ages, the more recent
of which is erected upon the ruins of the more ancient one.
Both have been destroyed by terrible fires, of which the
walls bear distinct traces ; moreover all the rooms of both
houses are filled with black, red, and yellow wood-ashes and
with charred remains. The more recent house was erected
when the ruins of the more ancient house were perfectly
covered with ashes and with burnt debris, as is obvious
from the fact that the more recent walls run in all
directions above the more ancient ones, never standing
directly upon them, and are frequently separated from
them by a layer of calcined ctibris, from 6^ to 10 feet high.
The lower, as well as the upper house, is built of stones
joined with earth, but the walls of the lower house are much
thicker and much more solidly built than those of the
upper one. The Tower-road can only have been used
when the more ancient house was still inhabited, for it
leads directly into it, and the more recent house was not
built till the street was covered to a height of 10 feet by
the ruins of the more ancient house.
I was firmly convinced that this splendid street,
paved with large flags of stone, must proceed from
the principal building of the Pergamus, and I therefore
confidently carried on the excavation in order to bring
that edifice to light. To accomplish this, I was most
unfortunately compelled to break down three of the
large walls of the more recent house. The result has,
however, far surpassed my expectations, for I not only
found two large gates, standing 20 feet apart, but also
the two large copper bolts belonging to them, of which
No. 2*8. Copper Bolts, found exactly in the middle [a] of the first {b) of the second Scsean Gates
I give drawings. The first gate is 12^ feet broad, and is
formed by two projections of the wall, one of which stands
out i\ feet, -the other i\ feet ; both are 3! feet high, and 3!
feet broad. The street paved with the large flags of stone
ends at the first gate, and the road from this to the
second gate, which is situated a little more than 20 feet
further to the north-east, is very roughly paved with large
unhewn stones. The pavement has probably become un-
even through the walls of the more ancient house having
fallen upon it. {See Plan II., and Plates XII. and XIII.)
The second gate is likewise formed by two projections
in the wall, which are 2 feet high, above 3 feet broad, and
project about 2\ feet.
I have cleared the street as far as 5 feet to the north-
east of the second gate, but I have not ventured to proceed
further, as this could not be done without breaking down
more of the walls of the second house, the preservation of
which is of the greatest interest to archaeology. For, although
it must be of a much more recent date than the lower one
upon the ruins of which it stands, yet, as is proved by the
terra-cottas and the idols with owls' heads, as well as by its
position at a depth of from 6 to 7 meters (20 to 23 feet)
below the surface, it was built centuries before the time of
the Greek settlement, the ruins of which extend only to a
depth of 6i feet. This upper and later house is therefore
certainly older than the Homeric poems.
In my last report I expressed the firm conviction that
the Tower-road, which inclines abruptly towards the Plain
to the south-west, must lead to the Scaean Gate, which I
thought could at most be 492 feet distant. I now venture
positively to assert that the great double gate which I
have brought to light must necessarily be the Scaean Gate.
For in the mound, which runs out far to the south-west
from the foot of the Pergamus and in a straight line with
the Tower-road— which mound I had supposed to con-
tain the great city wall of Ilium and the Scaean Gate, —
in this mound, close to the main hill, I have sunk a
shaft, nearly 6 feet broad and 1 1 feet long. Here I
found exclusively Greek fragments of pottery, and I
came upon the rock at the small depth of y\ feet ;
thus I convinced myself that ancient Troy can never
have extended so far towards the Plain. A second exca-
vation, 1 ii feet long and 6h feet broad, which I made
exactly 443 feet further to the east up the plateau, had
a similar result, for I came upon the rock at a depth of
i6h feet, and here also I found exclusively fragments of
Hellenic pottery (which in the Pergamus I meet with only
at a depth of 6h feet), and no trace of Trojan pottery.
This sufficiently proves that the ancient city cannot
even have extended as far as this point, and its area must
have been connected with the Pergamus still further east-
wards.* I am at present occupied in making fifteen other
shafts in this direction, and I hope, in spite of the great
depth I have to sink them, that I shall succeed, at least
to some extent, in determining the topography of Troy.
I shall leave all -the shafts open, so that every visitor may
convince himself about the truth of my statements.
Meanwhile the two shafts described above have gained
this much for archaeology, that the street which runs
down abruptly at an angle of 6$ degrees towards the Plain,
in a south-western direction from the double gate and the
Great Tower, cannot possibly have led to a second gate, so
that the double gate which I have laid bare must necessarily
have been the Scaean Gate ; it is in an excellent state of
preservation, not a stone of it is wanting.
Here, therefore, by the side of the double gate, upon
Ilium's Great Tower, at the edge of the very abrupt western
declivity of the Pergamus, sat Priam, the seven elders of
the city, and Helen ; and this is the scene of the most
* It will be seen presently that Dr. Schliemann ultimately limited
the ancient city of Troy to the " Pergamus" itself. — [Ed.]
splendid passage in the Iliad.* From this spot the com-
pany surveyed the whole Plain, and saw at the foot of the
Pergamus the Trojan and the Achaean armies face to face
about to settle their agreement to let the war be decided by
a single combat between Paris and Menelaus.
When Homer I makes Hector descend from the Per-
gamus and rush through the city in order to arrive at the
Scaean Gate, this can only have arisen from the fact that,
after the destruction of Troy, the gate, as well as the street
which led down from it to the Plain, were covered with a
layer of debris 1 o feet thick, so that the names only were
known from tradition, and their actual site was unknown.
In order not to weary the reader with a detailed descrip-
tion of the Scaean Gate, I give an exact plan of it, where all
the details may be seen. (Plan III., p. 306.) This gate, as
well as the large ancient building, stands upon the wall or
buttress already mentioned as leaning on the north side of
the Tower. At this place the buttress appears to be about
79 feet thick, and to be made of the debris which was broken
off the primary soil when the Tower was erected. The site
of this building, upon an artificial elevation directly above
the gate, together with its solid structure, leave no doubt that
* Iliad, III. 146-244:-
" Attending there on aged Priam, sat
The Elders of the city ;
All these were gathered at the Scsean Gates.
so on I lion's Tower
Sat the sage chiefs and councillors of Troy.
Helen they saw, as to the Tower she came."
f Iliad, VI. 39o-393 :-
TI pa yvi/r] rafxii} ' b 8' airtaavTo Sw/xaTos' E/CTwp
Tqv avTTjv 68bi> ai/Tis iiiKTifitvas k means double cup, then
a/jLr in the hand of his
mother, Hera, and she takes it from his hand (Homer's Iliad. I. 5S4-5.
596).- [En. I
jugs which I shall not describe, as they have already been
frequently met with. Of idols with owls' faces T have found
only one. There
also I discovered
many fragments of
those large red
goblets with two
handles, which T
now recognise to be
the Homeric SeVac
As the excavation
above the Scaean
Gate is finished, I
am now again vigo-
rously at work on
tUe great platlOrm No. 228. Terra-cotta Vase, with a curious Decoration. From
, 1*1 the upper and later House above the Sca;an Gate (6 M.).
on the north side,
which I have lately had worked whenever I had workmen
No. 229. Terra-cotta Vase, with four
Handles and a Lid. From the upper
House above the Sc;can Gate 6 M.).
No. 230. A great Jug, with Handle and two Ears.
From the upper House above the Scaean Gate
(6 M.).
to spare. We now come upon several houses there at a
depth of from 33 to 20 feet ; also, as it seems, upon a
great wall of fortification in the lower strata.
As it is extremely important to know what were the
fortifications on the west and north-west of the Pergamus
at the time of the Trojan war, and as I see another wall,
nh feet thick, running in a north-western direction from
the Scasan Gate, which however it is impossible to follow
from this side, — during the last eight days I have been
making a cutting, 33 feet broad and 141 long, on the north-
west side of the hill, at the point where, in April 1870,
I made the first cutting, which therefore my men call
17 pannr] Taiv avacrKa ("the grandmother of the exca-
vations"). I am having the debris removed simultaneously
by a small platform, made at a depth of 34^ feet on the
declivity of the hill, and by three galleries. The distance
is not great, and the wheel-barrows proceed across level
ground, and moreover the dSbris here is very light, and
only requires to be thrown down the declivity ; so the
work advances very rapidly. Upon the lower platform I
came upon the surrounding wall built by Lysimachus,
which is 13 feet high and 10 feet thick, and is composed
of large hewn blocks of limestone laid upon one another
without any kind of cement. I have just finished break-
ing through this wall. Directly behind it I came upon
an older wall, 8f feet high and 6 feet thick, which is
composed of large hewn stones joined with earth, and
which of course I am also having broken through. This
second wall is immediately followed by that wall of large
hewn stones which I laid bare three years ago, and which
I have hitherto regarded as a bastion ; it is, however,
probable that it will prove to be something else, and I shall
describe it in detail in my next report.
This part of the Pergamus was evidently much lower
in ancient times; as seems to be proved not only by
the surrounding wall, which must at one time have risen
1 873-]
to a considerable height above the surface of the hill,
whereas it is now covered with i6i feet of debris, but
also by the remains of the Hellenic period, which here
extend down to a great depth. It appears, in fact, as
if the rubbish and refuse of habitations had been thrown
down here for centuries, in order to increase the height
of the place. This also explains how it is that I find here
a quantity of small but interesting objects from the Greek
period. Among others are 24 heads of terra-cotta figures, 1 7
of which are of great beauty ; also a great number of other
fragments of statuettes of the same description, which dis-
play skilful workmanship; a terra-cotta slab ^\ inches in
length, upon which is a representation of a woman ; also
eight small terra-cotta slabs, nearly 2 inches in length, upon
which I find very curious and to me utterly unknown
objects in high relief.* I also found here the fragments
of some vessels of exquisite workmanship ; two beautifully
decorated lamps ; and a leaden plate, i\ inches long and
broad, with a pig's head in bas-relief, which, as I con-
jecture, may have been a coin. We also discovered here
a vessel 28! inches long, of an extremely fanciful shape,
with a long and very thin foot, a long thin neck, and two
enormous handles.
Upon the great platform,
at a depth of 4 meters (13 feet),
we found a very remarkable cup,
which has a handle, and in its
hollow foot four oval holes,
pierced opposite to one another.
Last year I repeatedly found the
feet of cups of this sort at a
depth of from 46 to 52^ feet, but
hitherto I have never met with
an entire goblet Of this form. N°231- A re^ble Terra-cotta Cup
* See the Cuts placed as headings to the " Table of Contents,-' and
" List of Illustrations."
As I no longer require the surface of the Tower for
removing the debris, I have had it quite cleared, and I
find in the centre of it a depression, 45 \ feet long, from
8-r to 14! feet broad, and barely 3 feet deep, which may
have been used for the archers.* It has now become
evident to me that what I last year considered to be the
ruins of a second storey of the Great Tower are only
benches made of stones joined with earth, three of which
may be seen rising behind one another like steps. f From
this, as well as from the walls of the Tower and those of
the Scasan Gate, I perceive that the Tower never can
have been higher than it now is.
The excavations of the north side of the field belonging
to Mr. Calvert, which I opened to discover other sculptures,
have been stopped for some time, as I can no longer come
to terms with him. At present, I have only two foremen,
for I was obliged to dismiss Georgios Photidas, three weeks
ago, for urgent reasons.
In conclusion, I have to mention that, during the
Greek Easter festival, accompanied by my esteemed friend,
Judge Schells of Ratisbon, and my wife, I visited Bunar-
bashi and the neighbouring heights. In their presence, I
made some small excavations, and I have proved that even
in the village the accumulation of debris amounts only to
ia foot in the court-yards of the buildings, and that upon
and beside the street there is nothing but the virgin earth ;
further, that upon the small site of Gergis, at the end of
the heights, which was formerly regarded as identical with
Troy, the naked rock projects everywhere ; and besides,
in the accumulation of debris, which nowhere amounts
to if foot in the town itself, and to only a little more in
the Acropolis, I found nothing but fragments of pottery
from the Hellenic period, that is, from the third and fifth
centuries b.c
* See Plan II., and Thin III. on p. 306, at the mark b.
t See Plan II., and c on Plan III., p. 306. Compare p. 213.
i873-] THE END 0F GREEK ILIUM. 319
I must also add that I now positively retract my
former opinion, that Ilium was inhabited up to the ninth
century after Christ, and I must distinctly maintain that
its site has been desolate and uninhabited since the end
•of the fourth century. I had allowed myself to be de-
ceived by the statements of my esteemed friend, Mr.
Frank Calvert, of the Dardanelles, who maintained that
there were documents to prove that the place had been
inhabited up to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
after Christ. Such documents, if they really do exist, must
necessarily refer to Alexandria Troas, which is always,
as for instance in the New Testament, simply called
Troas ; for on its site quantities of Byzantine antiquities
are found even on the surface, which seem to prove
that the city was inhabited up to the fourteenth century,
or still longer. Here in Ilium, on the other hand, there
is no trace of Byzantine architecture, of Byzantine
sculpture, of Byzantine pottery, or of Byzantine coins.
Altogether I found only two copper medals of Byzantine
monasteries, which may have been lost by shepherds. I
found hundreds of coins belonging to the time of Con-
stantine the Great, Constans II., but no medals whatever
of the later emperors.
As hitherto it was in the Pergamus alone that I
found no trace of the Byzantine period, I thought that
it was only the fortress that was uninhabited during that
period, but that the region of the city had been occupied.
But my fifteen shafts, which I am having made on the
most various points of the site of Ilium, as well as the
two shafts made upon the primary soil, prove, as any-
one may convince himself, that below the surface there
is no trace of the Byzantine period, nay that, beyond a
very thin layer of earth, which however only exists in
some parts, the ruins of the Greek period extend up to
the very surface, and that in several of the shafts I came
upon the walls of Greek houses even on the surface.
It is impossible that a Byzantine town or a Byzantine
village, nay, that even a single Byzantine house, can have
stood upon this hilly and stone-hard ground, which covers
the ruins of a primeval city, without leaving the most
distinct traces of its existence, for here, where for nine or
ten months of the year it never rains, except during rare
thunderstorms, the productions of human industry do not
become weather-beaten and destroyed, as in other countries
where there is frequent rain. The very fragments of sculp-
tures and inscriptions, which I find here in the Pergamus
and in the other districts of the city, upon the surface, and
which have lain exposed to the open air for at least 1500
years, are still almost as fresh as if they had been made
Trusting to the statements of Mr. Frank Calvert, and
under the impression that Ilium had been inhabited for
a long time under the Byzantine dominion, I described the
wall, composed of Corinthian pillars and cement, 10 feet
thick, and which gave me so much trouble to break
through at the .south-east corner of the Pergamus, as of
Byzantine architecture. (Pp. 230, 250.) I am now, how-
ever, forced to believe that the Temple of Athena, to which
these pillars belong, was destroyed by the religious zeal of
the first Christians as early as the reign of Constantine
the Great, or at latest during that of Constantine II., and
that this wall was built of its ruins about the same time.
No. 232 (8 M.)- No. 233 (7 M.).
Curious Terra-cottas from the Trojan Stratum. Dr. Schliemann takes No. 232 for a pair of pegs for
hanging up clothes. No. 233 is a strange animal figure, solid, except for a tube passing through
the body and open at both ends, so that it cannot have been a vessel. Dr. Schliemann thinks it
may represent the chinuira {Iliad, VI. 179, foil., " In front a lion, behind a serpent, and in the
middle a chimxra "). In one sense, certainly, the name seems appropriate.
: ** 9 £
-=3 = O B£
P83 £ g£g
( 3« )
Further discoveries of fortifications — The great discovery of the
Treasure on the city tvall — Expedient for its preservation — The
articles of the Treasure described — The Shield — The Caldron —
Bottle and Vases of Gold — The golden Sewas a^LKvire.Xkov — Modes
of working the gold — A cup of electrum — Silver plates, probably
the talents of Homer — Vessels of Silver — Copper lance-heads :
their peculiar form — Copper battle-axes — Copper daggers —
Metal articles fused together by the conflagration — A knife and
a piece of a sword — Signs of the Treasure having been packed
in a wooden chest — The Key found — The Treasure probably
left behind in an effort to escape — Other articles found near the
Treasure — The thousands of gold jewels found in a silver vase — ■ The
two golden Diadems — The ear-rings, bracelets, and finger-rings —
The smaller jewels of gold — Analysis of the copper articles by M.
Landerer — Discovery of another room in the Palace containing an
inscribed stone, and curious terra-cottas — Silver dishes — Greek
terra-cotta figures — Great abundance of the owl-faced vases.
Limited extent of Troy — Its walls traced — Poetic exaggerations
of Homer — The one great point of Troy's reality established — It
was as large as the primitive Athens and Mycenae — The wealth
and power of Troy — Great height of its houses — Probable popu-
lation — Troy known to Homer only by tradition — Question of a
Temple in Homer's time — Characteristics of the Trojan stratum
of remains, and their difference from those of the lowest stratum —
The former opinion on this point recalled — Layer of metallic scoria
through the whole hill — Error of Strabo about the utter destruction
of Troy — Part of the real Troy unfortunately destroyed in the
earlier excavations ; but many Trojan houses brought to light since
— The stones of Troy not used in building other cities — The
Trojan houses of sun-dried bricks, except the most important
buildings, which are of stones and earth — Extent and results of
the excavations — Advice to future explorers.
Further excavations on the North side — Very curious terra-cotta
vessels — Perforated vases — -A terra-cotta with hieroglyphics —
Heads of oxen and horses ; their probable significance — Idols of
the Ilian Athena — Greek and Roman medals — Greek inscriptions
— Final close of the excavations: thanksgiving for freedom from
serious accidents — Commendations of Nicolaus Saphyros Jannakis,
and other assistants, and of the artist Polychronios Tempesis and
the engineer Adolphe Laurent.
Troy, June 17th, 1873.
Since my report of the 10th of last month I have been
especially anxious to hasten the great excavation on the
north-west side of the hill, and for this purpose I have made
a deep cutting on the west side also, in which, unfortunately,
I came obliquely upon the enclosing wall of Lysimachus,
which is 13 feet high and 10 feet thick. I was therefore
compelled to break out from this wall a double quantity of
stones in order to gain an entrance ; but I again came upon
the ruins of colossal buildings of the Hellenic and pre-
Hellenic periods, so that this excavation can only proceed
slowly. Here, at a distance of 69 feet from the declivity
of the hill, at a depth of 20 feet, I met with an ancient
enclosure 5 feet high, and with a projecting battlement. It
is not connected with the wall which runs out from the
Scaean Gate in a north-westerly direction, and, on account of
its very different structure and small height, it must belong
to a post-Trojan period. In any case, however, it is much
older than the Greek colony, because it is built of stones
and earth, and because I found by the side of it several
marble idols of the tutelar goddess of Ilium. I am, un-
fortunately, obliged to break down a portion of this wall to
a length of 1 yh feet, in order to proceed further, but I have
left standing nearly 8 feet of the part I have excavated,
so that the wall may be examined. Behind it I found a
level place paved partly with large flags of stone, partly
with stones more or less hewn, and after this a wall of
fortification 20 feet high and 5 feet thick, built of large
stones and earth ; it runs below my wooden house, but
6h feet above the Trojan city wall which proceeds from
the Scaean Gate.
In the new large excavation on the north-west side,
which is connected with the one I have just been describing,
I have convinced myself that the splendid wall of large
hewn stones, which I uncovered in April 1870, belongs to
a tower, the lower projecting part of which must have been
built during the first period of the Greek colony, whereas its
upper portion seems to belong to the time of Lysimachus.
(See Plate XIII.) To this tower also belongs the wall that I
mentioned in my last report as 9 feet high and 6 feet broad,
and as continuous with the surrounding wall of Lysimachus ;
and so does the wall of the same dimensions, situated 49 feet
from it, which I have likewise broken through. Behind the
latter, at a depth of from 26 to 30 feet, I uncovered the
Trojan city wall which runs out from the Scaean Gate.
In excavating this wall further and directly by the side
of the palace of King Priam,* I came upon a large copper
article of the most remarkable form, which attracted my
attention all the more as I thought I saw gold behind it.
On the top of this copper article lay a stratum of red and
calcined ruins, from 4! to 5! feet thick, as hard as stone,
and above this again lay the above-mentioned wall of forti-
fication (6 feet broad and 20 feet high) which was built of
large stones and earth, and must have belonged to an early
date after the destruction of Troy. In order to withdraw
the Treasure from the greed of my workmen, and to save it
for archaeology, I had to be most expeditious, and although
it was not yet time for breakfast, I immediately had
"pai'dos " called. This is a word of uncertain derivation,
which has passed over into Turkish, and is here employed
in place of avdirava-i^, or time for rest. While the men
were eating and resting, I cut out the Treasure with a large
knife, which it was impossible to do without the very
greatest exertion and the most fearful risk of my life, for
the great fortification-wall, beneath which I had to dig,
threatened every moment to fall down upon me. But the
sight of so many objects, every one of which is of inesti-
mable value to archaeology, made me foolhardy, and I never
thought of any danger. It would, however, have been im-
See the spot marked on Plan II. No. 42, and Plate XIII. a
Y 2
possible for me to have removed the Treasure without the
help of my dear wife, who stood by me ready to pack the
things which I cut out in her shawl and to carry them away.*
The first thing I found was a large copper shield (the
acmls o/xcfyakoecro-a of Homer) in the form of an oval salver,
in the middle of which is a knob or boss encircled by a
small furrow (avXaf). This shield is a little less than 20
inches in length ; it is quite flat, and surrounded by a rim
(avTvi;) 1 i inch high ; the boss (ofxfjxAos) is 2^ inches high
and 4^- inches in diameter ; the furrow encircling it is 7
inches in diameter and § of an inch deep.y
* The articles belonging to the Treasure are partly engraved on seven
separate Plates (XIV. — XX.), and partly marked with Tr. in the cuts.
They were found at a depth of 8^ meters, nearly 28 feet. The General
View of the Treasure (Plate III., opposite p. 22) shows a few objects
which are either so like others, or so insignificant, as not to need a
separate delineation.
+ See Plate XIV., No. 234. This round shield of copper (or bronze ?),
with its central boss, and the furrow and rim so suitable for holding
together a covering of ox-hides, reminds us irresistibly of the seven-fold
shield of Ajax -.—Iliad, VII. 219-223 (cf. 245-247) : —
Atas 5' eyyidev ^A0e (pepaiv aaKOs i]vTe irvpyov,
Xd\K€ov kinafS6eiov, '6 oi Tv)((os Ktifie revx^f,
~2.KVTor6fj.wv t>x &pi(TTOS, "TA?) tvi alula, vaiav,
Os 01 iirolrjo-ev (tolkos a\6Xov eTTTafi6ciov,
Tavpcov £aTp«ptwv, iv\ 5' uySoov tf\ao~e xosAkoV.
" Ajax approached ; before him, as a tower,
His mighty shield he bore, seven-fold, brass-bound.
The work of Tychius, best artificer
That wrought in leather ; he in Hyla dwell.
Of seven-fold hides the ponderous shield was wrought
Of lusty bulls : the eighth was glittering brass."
It is equally striking to compare the shield of the Treasure with the
description of Sarpedon's shield, with its round plate of hammered
copper (or bronze), and its covering of ox-hides, fastened to the inner
edge of the rim by gold wires or rivets (Iliad, XII. 294-297) : —
Av-riKa 5' affiriSa fxiv TrpuaO' eaxero Travroa' t'iar]P
KaArjv xa^Ke'irtv ^V^aroy, fy &pa x^xevs
"HXaaev, ivroaQiv 8e 0odas pai|/e 6a.fxttas
Xpvrrtlys pa/35oi(Ti Snji/eKeaiv irepl kvk\oi>. [" His
Plate XIV.
No- 235-— Great Copper Caldron {\ep-q).
No. 234.— A Copper Shield with a boss (aLKVTTeXka, and that this form probably existed in
gold also. I must further make an observation which is
very important for the history of art, that the above-
mentioned gold Senas a/jL(j)LKV7TeWov is of cast gold, and
* Plate XVI., Nos. 239, 240.
t Or, as suggested in the 'Quarterly Review' for April 1874, a
person, holding the cup before him by the two handles, may have
poured a libation from the further spout and then have drunk out of the
nearer. Thus Achilles used a choice goblet (SeVas) for drinking wine
and pouring libations to the gods. (Iliad, XVI., 225-228.)
We are indebted to Mr. J. W. Lockhart for the following account
of a double-spouted boat-shaped bronze vessel, used in a similar manner
in the Chinese temples : — " In China there is a vessel of very nearly
the same shape, but with ears prolonged till they rise an inch above the
cup : the cup stands on three legs and is, in fact, a tripod. Such cups
are used in the temples, especially in the ancestral temples of the real
religion of China, when offerings are made to the manes of ancestors.
The cups are rilled with wine, when placed on the altar before the idol
shrine, or before the ancestral tablet ; and the wine is afterwards partly
drunk and partly poured out as a libation." Such vessels are used in
pairs, and our drawing is made from one of a pair in Mr. Lockhart's
possession. It is of bronze, 6 inches long, and 6£ inches high, including
the legs. The width is 2 inches between the upright ears, and 2? inches
at the broadest part. There is only one handle. Mr. Lockhart calls
Plate XVI.
No. 239 — Outside View of the Two-handled Gold Cup.
No. 240 — Inside View of the Two-handled Gold Cup.
Remarkable Two-handled Cup of pure Gold (SeVa? ifj.E PRIAM.
Page 326.
1873] THE GOLDEN SeVa? afxi.6€Tov ai\r)v aTTvpuiTov eOrjKer). The metal is not specified, but its
coming next to the two gold talents suggests silver, and Dr. Schliemann
found silver (piaXai with side-rings in the Treasure and the Palace. The
passage seems to confirm Schliemann's interpretation of ScVas ap.cf>i-
Kv-rreXXov, for what sort of a vessel can we conceive of as a double dish
joined bottom to bottom? We know side-dishes with their covers
can be used as two dishes, but what would be the use of joining them ?
Aristarchus, indeed, explained u/x<£i'0eTos as double, i.e. standing on both
ends, after the supposed analogy of afu/nKvireXXov, but Eustathius inter-
preted it as with handles on both sides, after the sounder analogy of
ujAtpupopivs. These cumulative analogies between Hissarlik and Homer,
gathered incidentally to a climax at the end of each work, are very
striking. — [Ed.]
Plate XVII.
No. 242. — Six Blades of Silver (Homeric Talents?).
No. 243.
No. 244.
No. 245.
No. 246.
Nos 243 & 244. — Two Silver Vases, with caps, and rings for suspending cords.
No. 245.— A Silver Dish (>j>td\r)), with a boss in the centre.
No. 246. — A Silver Cup, 3I in high and nearly 4 in. wide.
Page 328
Plate XVIII.
No. 247. — A small Silver Cover.
No. 248. — A small Cup of Electrum,
[i.e. 4 parts of Gold to 1 of Silver).
No. 249.— Large Silver Jug, with handle, in which the
small Ornaments were found.
No. 251.
No. 250.
No. 250. — Has part of another Silver Vase welded to it by the fire.
No. 251. — Silver Vase with a quantity of copper fixed to its bottom by the fire.
Vessels ok Silver and Electki m.
Page 329.
I also found in the Treasure three great silver vases, the
largest of which is above 81 inches high and nearly 8 inches
in diameter, and has a handle 5^ inches in length and 35
in breadth.* The second vase is 6-9 inches high and
nearly 6 inches in diameter ; another silver vase is welded
to the upper part of it, of which, however, only por-
tions have been preserved, "j* The third vase is above
7 inches high and above 6 inches in diameter ; the foot of
the vase has a great deal of copper fused onto it, which
must have dripped from the copper objects contained
in the Treasure during the conflagration.^ All of the three
vases are perfectly round below, and therefore cannot stand
upright without resting against something.
I found, further, a silver goblet above 3^ inches high,
the mouth of which is nearly 4 inches in diameter ; also a
silver flat cup or dish ((f)id\r)) 5^ inches in diameter, and two
beautiful small silver vases of most exquisite workmanship.
The larger one, which has two rings on either side for
hanging it up by strings, is nearly 8 inches high with its
hat-shaped lid, and 3^ inches in diameter across the bulge.
The smaller silver vase, with a ring on either side for
suspension by a string, is about 6f inches high, with its lid,
and above 3 inches broad. §
Upon and beside the gold and silver articles, I found
thirteen copper lances, from nearly 7 to above 12^ inches
in length, and from above i| to 2^ inches broad at the
broadest point ; at the lower end of each is a hole, in
which, in most cases, the nail or peg which fastened the
lance to the wooden handle is still sticking. The pin-hole
is clearly visible in a lance-head which the conflagration
* See Plate XVIII., No. 249.
t Ibid., No. 250.
X Ibid., No. 251.
§ For these four vessels see Plate XVIL, Nos. 243-246. The silver
bottles, with the caps and the side-rings to both, remind us of modern
travelling flasks. — [Ed.]
No. 256.
No. 252. No. 253. No. 2M No>-s<_
Trojan Lance-Heads of Copper.— Tr.
No. 256. Copper Lance and Battle-Axe welded together by the Conflagration. The Pin-hole
of the Lance is visible. — Tr.
No. 257. j\j0 ,-0 ...
- ' No. 259. No. 26c.
Trojan Battle-Axes of Copper Tr.
Nos. 258 and 260 have pieces of other weapons welded onto them by the fire.
has welded to a battle-axe. The Trojan lances were
therefore quite different from those of the Greeks and
Romans, for the latter stuck the shaft into the lance-head,
the former fastened the head into the shaft.
I also found fourteen of those copper weapons, which are
frequently met with here, but which have never been dis-
covered elsewhere ; at one end they are pointed but blunt, and
at the other they end in a broad edge. I formerly considered
them to be a species of lance, but now after mature considera-
tion I am convinced that they could have been
used only as battle-axes. They are from above
6 to above 12 inches in length, from nearly h to
above f of an inch thick, and from above 1 to
nearly 3 inches broad ; the largest of them
weighs 1365 grammes (about 3 lbs. avoirdu-
pois). The following cut shows an axe more
like those of later ages.
There were also seven large double-edged
D o No. 261.
copper daggers, with a handle from about 2 to TrojanjBattie-axe.
2! inches long, the end of which is bent round
at a right angle. These handles must at one time have been
encased in wood, for if the cases had been made of bone they
would still have been wholly or partially preserved. The
pointed handle was inserted into a piece of wood, so that
the end projected about half an inch beyond it, and this end
was simply bent round. (See page 332.) The largest of
these daggers is iof inches in length and above 2 inches
broad at the broadest part ; a second dagger, which is above
1 1 inch broad, has the point broken off, and is now less
than 9 inches long, but appears to have been 1 1 inches ;
a third dagger is 8-f inches long, and measures above
1 i inch at the broadest point ; a fourth has become com-
pletely curled up in the conflagration, but appears to have
been above 1 1 inches long. Of the fifth, sixth, and
seventh daggers I only discovered the fragments ; these are
from nearly 4 to 5^ inches in length. But in a packet of four
[Chap. XXIII.
lances and battle-axes, which have been welded together in
the heat of the fire, I believe I can recognise another dagger.
Of common one-edged knives I only found one in the
Treasure ; it is above 6 inches in length. I also found a
piece of a sword which is 8 f inches long and nearly 2 inches
No. 264
No. 265.
No. 266.
No. 267.
Nos. 262, 263, 264, 266, Trojan Two edged Copper Daggers, with hooked Stems that have been
fastened into Wooden Handles ; No. 264 is doubled up by the Conflagration. No. 265, Weapons
molten together. No. 267, a Copper Sword-Blade, with a sharp edge at the end. No. 268, a
Four-sided Copper Bar, ending in a sharp edge. — Tk.
broad : also a four-cornered copper bar ending in an edge ;
it is nearly 15 inches long, and also appears to have served
as a weapon.
As I found all these articles together, forming a rect-
angular mass, or packed into one another, it seems to
be certain that they were placed on the city wall in a
wooden chest ((ficopLafAos), such as those mentioned by
Homer as being in the palace of King Priam.* This
appears to be the more certain, as close by the side ot
these articles I found a copper key
above 4 inches long, the head of which
(about 2 inches long and broad) greatly
resembles a large safe-key of a bank.
Curiously enough this key has had
J O J No. 269. Copper Key, supposed
a wooden handle; there can be no £ SSiSS to the Trea"
doubt of this from the fact that the
end of the stalk of the key is bent round at a right angle,
as in the case of the daggers.
It is probable that some member of the family of King
Priam hurriedly packed the Treasure into the chest and
carried it off without having time to pull out the key ; that
when he reached the wall, however, the hand of an enemy
or the fire overtook him, and he was obliged to abandon
the chest, which was immediately covered to a height of
from 5 to 6 feet with the red ashes and the stones of the
adjoining royal palace.
Perhaps the articles found a few days previously in a
room of the royal palace, close to the place where the
Treasure was discovered, belonged to this unfortunate
person. These articles were a helmet, and a silver vase
* Iliad, XXIV. 228: — 'H, koL cjnopia/jiCyv iTnd^fJLara kolX' aveoiyev,
where the "beautiful lids" remind us of the terra-cotta pattern which
Dr. Schliemann takes for the inlaying of a chest. (No. 77, p. 129).
In the Iliad, XVI., 221, Achilles opens the lid of the beautiful deco-
rated chest (yr\\ov 8 airo ttCo/jl aveayev KaXrjs SaiSaAer/s), to take out the
goblet for pouring his libation. The contents of Priam's chests may also
be well compared with the articles of the Treasure : —
" He chose twelve gorgeous shawls, twelve single cloaks,
As many rugs, as many splendid robes,
As many tunics ; then of gold he took
Ten talents full ; two tripods, burnished bright,
Four caldrons ; then a citp of beauty rare,
A rich possession, which the men of Thrace
Had given, when there he went ambassador ;
E'en this he spared not, such his keen desire
1 1 is son to ransom."— [Ed.]
[Chap. XXIII.
7 inches high and 5.^ inches broad, containing an elegant
cup of electrum 4.I inches high and 3^ inches broad. The
helmet was broken in being taken out, but I can have it
mended, as I have all the pieces of it. The two upper
No. 270. No. 271.
Cups of Electrum and Silver. Found in the Palace, near the Treasure, 270 inside 271.
Nos. 272-275. Pieces of Helmet-crests found in a Room of the Palace.
portions, composing the crest (<£a\os), are uninjured.
Beside the helmet, as before, I found a curved copper pin,
nearly 6 inches in length, which must have been in some
way attached to it, and have served some purpose. (Com-
pare No. 192, p. 281.)
At 5 or 6 feet above the Treasure, the successors of the
Trojans erected a fortification wall 20 feet high and 6 feet
broad, composed of large hewn and unhewn stones and
earth; this wall extends to within 3^ feet of the surface of
the hill.
That the Treasure was packed together at terrible risk
of life, and in the greatest anxiety, is proved among
other things also by the contents of the largest silver vase,
Plate XIX
Nos. 276 and 277.-T11K two Golden Diadems [nXtKraC ivaSe^ai)
Page 335-
at the bottom of which I found two splendid gold diadems
(KprjSeixva)* ; a fillet, and four beautiful gold ear-rings of
most exquisite workmanship : upon these lay $6 gold ear-
rings of exceedingly curious form and 8750 small gold
rings, perforated prisms and dice, gold buttons, and similar
jewels, which obviously belonged to other ornaments ; then
followed six gold bracelets, and on the top of all the two
small gold goblets. f
The one diadem consists of a gold fillet, 2 if- inches
long and nearly i an inch broad, from which there hang-
on either side seven little chains to cover the temples, each
of which has eleven square leaves with a groove ; these chains
are joined to one another by four little cross chains, at the
end of which hangs a glittering golden idol of the tutelar
goddess of Troy, nearly an inch long. The entire length of
each of these chains, with the idols, amounts to ioi inches.
Almost all these idols have something of the human form, but
the owl's head with the two large eyes cannot be mistaken ;
their breadth at the lower end is about -^ of an inch.
Between these ornaments for the temples there are 47 little
* The diadem discovered by Dr. Schliemann can scarcely have been
the KpySe/jLvov of Homer, which was a large veil or mantilla, such, for
instance, as the sea-goddess Ino gives to Ulysses, to buoy him up on
the water (Od. v. 346). This diadem would rather seem to be, as
Mr. Gladstone has suggested, the tt/Wtt) dvaSia-fi-r], which Andromache
casts from her head in her mourning for Hector, where the order of the
words implies that it was worn over the KpySefjbvov. II. XXII. 469-471 : —
Tf)A.€ 8' airb Kparbs /3aAe SeVjuara criya\6evTa,
"A ju 7r v Ka KiKpuK€ xPx"t^V 'A.($«!•>
No. 278. — Selection from the small Golden Jewels found in the Silver Jug.
No. 279. — Golden Fillet (a/A7rv£\ above 18 inches long.
No. 280. — Four Golden Ear-rings, or Tassels (Oticrai'oi.) , each 3! inches long.
Jewels of Gold.
Page 336.
Of the six gold bracelets, two are quite simple and
closed, and are about ^ of an inch thick ; a third is like-
wise closed, but consists of an ornamented band -^ of an
inch thick, and i of an inch broad.
The other three are double, and the
ends are turned round and furnished
with a head. The princesses who
wore these bracelets must have had
unusually small hands, for they are so
small that a girl of ten would have
v re 1, • l.a.' i_\ Six golden Bracelets welded to-
difficulty in putting them On. gether by the conflagration.
The $6 other gold ear-rings are
of various sizes, and three of them appear to have also
been used by the princesses of the royal family as finger-
rings.* Not one of the ear-rings has any resemblance in
form to the Hellenic, Roman, Egyptian, or Assyrian ear-
rings ; 20 of them end in four leaves, ten in three leaves,
lying beside one another and soldered together, and they
are thus extremely like those ear-rings of gold and electrum
which I found last year at a depth of 9 and 13 meters (29^
and 42^ feet). Eighteen other ear-rings end in six leaves ;
at the commencement of these there are two small studs,
Tf/s tKaTbv dvcravoi irayxp^creo 1 rjepeOovrai,
TldvTes EUTtAeicf'fS, tKaTofxfSoios 5e zKaffTos.
' ' all around
A hundred tassels hung, rare works of art,
All gold, each one a hundred oxen's price.'"
Again, when Hera adorns herself to captivate Jove, her zone is
fringed with a hundred tassels, and her ear-rings are described in terms
corresponding exactly to the triple leaves seen on some of Schliemann's
{Iliad, XIV. 1 81-3) :—
Zuxraro Se £u>vr]v tKarov Ovadvois dpapvlav,
'Ev 8' apa 'ipfiara fjKej/ tvTpjjToiat Ao/3o?aiv
T piyKrfva /nopoevT a' X"P'$ $' a7reAu;u7reTo iroAArj.
"Her zone, from which a hundred tassels hung,
She girt about her ; and, in three bright drops,
Her glittering gems suspended from her ears ;
And all around her grace and beauty shone." — [Ed.]
* Some of these are shown on Plate XX., No. 278.
in the centre two rows of five small studs each, and at the
end three small studs. Two of the largest rings, which,
owing to the thickness of the ofle end, certainly cannot
have been used as ear-rings, and appear to have been
finger-rings only, terminate in four leaves, and at the com-
mencement of these there are two, in the middle three,
and at the end again two small studs. Of the remain-
ing ear-rings two have the form of three, and four the
form of two, beautifully ornamented serpents lying beside
one another.
Besides the ear-rings, a great number of other orna-
ments strung on threads, or fastened on leather, had been
put into the same large silver vase ; for above and below
them, as already said, I found 8750 small objects ; * such
as gold rings, only -|- of an inch in diameter ; perforated
dice, either smooth or in the form of little indented stars,
about -jl of an inch in diameter ; gold perforated prisms
y^y of an inch high and -^ of an inch broad, decorated
longitudinally with eight or sixteen incisions ; small leaves
about \ of an inch long, and ^ of an inch broad, and
pierced longitudinally with a hole for threading them ;
small gold pegs -t of an inch long, with a button on one
side, and a perforated hole on the other ; perforated
prisms about \ of an inch long and -^ of an inch broad ;
double or triple gold rings soldered together and only
\ of an inch in diameter, with holes on both sides for
threading them ; gold buttons or studs ^ of an inch high,
in the cavity of which is a ring above- -^ of an inch
broad for sewing them on ; gold double buttons, exactly
like our shirt studs, -^ of an inch long, which, however,
are not soldered, but simply stuck together, for from
the cavity of the one button there projects a tube
* Dr. Schliemann has strung these in two sets, one of which, con-
sisting of 4610 pieces, is represented as Cut No. 282. The other set,
of 4090 pieces, is precisely similar. The small jewels described are
shown in detail on Plate XX., No. 278.
a d
Z 2
(auXicncos) nearly J of an inch long, and from the other
a pin (efjijSoXov) of the same length, and the pin is merely
stuck into the tube to form the double stud. These double
buttons or studs can only have been used, probably, as orna-
ment upon leather articles, for instance upon the handle-
straps (reXa/xw^es) of swords, shields, or knives. I found
in the vase also two gold cylinders above -^ of an inch
thick and f of an inch long ; also a small gold peg
above |- of an inch in length, and from y|~q to -j-f^ of
an inch thick ; it has at one end a perforated hole for
hanging it up, and on the other side six encircling in-
cisions, which give the article the appearance of a screw ;
it is only by means of a magnifying glass that it is found
not to be really a screw. I also found in the same vase
two pieces of gold, one of which is ^ of an inch, the other
above 2 inches, long; each of them has 21 perforations.*
The person who endeavoured to save the Treasure had
fortunately the presence of mind to stand the silver vase,
containing the valuable articles described above, upright
in the chest, so that not so much as a bead could fall out,
and everything has been preserved uninjured.
My esteemed friend M. Landerer, of Athens, a chemist
well known through his discoveries and writings, who has
most carefully examined all the copper articles of the
Treasure, and analysed the fragments, finds that all of
them consist of pure copper without any admixture of tin
or zinc,f and that, in order to make them more durable,
they have been wrought with the hammer (o-^vprjXaTov).
As I hoped to find other treasures here, and also
wished to bring to light the wall that surrounded Troy,
the erection of which Homer J ascribes to Poseidon and
* See Plate XX., at top.
t The subsequent analysis by M. Damour, of Lyon, has, however,
shown the presence of tin in some of the articles of the Treasure,
see Note C, p. 361.— [Ed.] % Iliad, VII. 452-453.
Apollo, as far as the Scaean Gate, I have entirely cut
away the upper wall, which rested partly upon the gate,
to an extent of 56 feet. Visitors to the Troad can, how-
ever, still see part of it in the north-western earth-wall
opposite the Seaman Gate. I have also broken down the
enormous block of earth which separated my western and
north-western cutting from the Great Tower ; but in order
to do this, I had to pull down the larger one of my
wooden houses, and I had also to bridge over the Scaean
Gate, so as to facilitate the removal of the debris. The
result of this new excavation is very important to archae-
ology ; for I have been able to uncover several walls, and
also a room of the Royal Palace, 20 feet in length and
breadth, upon which no buildings of a later period rest.
No. 283. Terra-cotta Vessel in the shape of a Cask. From the Palace (8 M.).
Of the objects discovered there I have only to mention
an excellently engraved inscription found upon a square
piece of red slate, which has two holes not bored through
it and an encircling incision, but neither can my learned
friend Emile Burnouf nor can I tell in what language the
inscription is written.* Further, there were some interesting
terra-cottas, among which is a vessel, quite the form of
a modern cask, and with a tube in the centre for pouring
* No. 5, on p. 24. (See Appendix.)
[Chap. XXIII.
in and drawing off the liquid. There were also found
upon the wall of Troy, i \ feet below the place where
the Treasure was discovered, three silver dishes ((^taXat),
two of which were broken to pieces in digging down the
No. 284. Large Silver Vase found in the House of Priam (8 M.).
debris ; they can, however, be repaired, as I have all the
pieces.* These dishes seem to have belonged to the
Treasure, and the fact of the latter having otherwise escaped
our pickaxes is due to the above-mentioned large copper
vessels which projected, so that I could cut everything out
of the hard debris by means of a knife.
:' These silver <£iuAai, as shown in the photographs, are too much
battered to be worth engraving ; but we give a very fine large silver
vase, which was found in a room of the Palace. — [Ed.]
I873-] EXTENT OF TROY. 343
I now perceive that the cutting which I made in April
1870 was exactly at the proper point, and that if I had
only continued it, I should in a few weeks have uncovered
the most remarkable buildings in Troy, namely, the Palace
of King Priam, the Scaean Gate, the Great Surrounding
Wall, and the Great Tower of Ilium ; whereas, in conse-
quence of abandoning this cutting, I had to make colossal
excavations from east to west and from north to south
through the entire hill in order to find those most interest-
ing buildings.
In the upper strata of the north-western and western
excavations we came upon another great quantity of heads
of beautiful terra-cotta figures of the best Hellenic period,
and at a depth of 23 feet upon some idols, as well as
the upper portion of a vase with the owl's face and a lid
in the form of a helmet. Lids of this kind, upon the
edge of which female hair is indicated by incisions, are
frequently found in all the strata between 4 and 10 meters
(13 and ^^ feet) deep, and as they belong to vases with
owls' faces, the number of lids gives us an idea of the
number of the vases with the figure of the owl-headed
Athena, which existed here in Troy.
But Troy was not large. I have altogether made
twenty borings down to the rock, on the west, south-west,
south, south-east and east of the Pergamus, directly at
its foot or at some distance from it, on the plateau
of the Ilium of the Greek colony. As I find in these
borings no trace either of fragments of Trojan pottery
or of Trojan house-walls, and nothing but fragments of
Hellenic pottery arid Hellenic house-walls, and as, more-
over, the hill of the Pergamus has a very steep slope
towards the north, the north-east, and the north-west, facing
the Hellespont, and is also very steep towards the Plain,
the city could not possibly have extended in any one of
these directions. I now most emphatically declare that
the city of Priam cannot have extended on any one side
beyond the primeval plateau of this fortress, the circum-
ference of which is indicated to the south and south-west
by the Great Tower and the Scrcan Gate, and to the
north-west, north-east and east by the surrounding wall
of Troy. The city was so strongly fortified by nature
on the north side, that the wall there consisted only of
those large blocks of stone, loosely piled one upon another
in the form of a wall, which last year gave me such
immense trouble to remove. This wall can be recog-
nized at once, immediately to the right in the northern
entrance of my large cutting, which runs through the
entire hill.
I am extremely disappointed at being obliged to give
so small a plan of Troy ; nay, I had wished to be able to
make it a thousand times larger, but I value truth above
everything, and I rejoice that my three years' excavations
have laid open the Homeric Troy, even though on a
diminished scale, and that I have proved the Iliad to be
based upon real facts.
Homer is an epic poet, and not an historian : so it is
quite natural that he should have exaggerated everything
with poetic licence. Moreover, the events which he describes
are so marvellous, that many scholars have long doubted the
very existence of Troy, and have considered the city to be a
mere invention of the poet's fancy. I venture to hope that
the civilized world will not only not be disappointed that
the city of Priam has shown itself to be scarcely a twen-
tieth part as large as was to be expected from the statements
of the Iliad, but that, on the contrary, it will accept with
delight and enthusiasm the certainty that Ilium did really
exist, that a large portion of it has now been brought to
light, and that Homer, even although he exaggerates, never-
theless sings of events that actually happened. Besides, it
ought to be remembered that the area of Troy, now reduced
to this small hill, is still as large as, or even larger than, the
royal city of Athens, which was confined to the Acropolis,
1873.] THE HOUSES OF TROY. 345
and did not extend beyond it, till the time when Theseus
added the twelve villages, and the city was consequently
named in the plural 'AOfjpou. It is very likely that the
same happened to the town of Mycenae (Mvqrai), which
Homer describes as being rich in gold, and which is also
spoken of in the singular, evpvdyvia Mv/ojwj*
But this little Troy was immensely rich for the circum-
stances of those times, since I find here a treasure of gold
and silver articles, such as is now scarcely to be found in an
emperor's palace ; and as the town was wealthy, so was it
also powerful, and ruled over a large territory.
The houses of Troy were all very high and had several
storeys, as is obvious from the thickness of the walls and
the colossal heaps of dibris. But even if we assume the
houses to have been of three storeys, and standing close by
the side of one another, the town can nevertheless not have
contained more than 5000 inhabitants, and cannot have
mustered more than 500 soldiers; but it could always raise
a considerable army from among its subjects, and as it
was rich and powerful, it could obtain mercenaries from all
As I do not rind in my shafts (that is, beyond the
hill itself) a trace of earthenware belonging to the suc-
cessors of the Trojans up to the time of the Greek colony,
it may with certainty be assumed that Troy had increased
in size at Homer's time only to the small amount of
what was added through the heaps of rubbish caused
by the destruction of the city. Homer can never have
seen Ilium's Great Tower, the surrounding wall of Poseidon
and Apollo, the Scaean Gate or the Palace of King Priam,
for all these monuments lay buried deep in heaps of
rubbish, and he made no excavations to bring them to
light. He knew of these monuments of immortal fame
only from hearsay, for the tragic fate of ancient Troy was
* Iliad, IV. 52.
then still in fresh remembrance, and had already been for
centuries in the mouth of all minstrels.*
Homer rarely mentions temples, and, although he speaks
of the temple of Athena, yet, considering the smallness of
the city, it is very doubtful whether it actually existed. It
is probable that the tutelar goddess at that time pos-
sessed only the sacrificial altar which I discovered, and the
crescent form of which greatly resembles the upper portion
of the ivory idol found in the lowest strata,f as well as the
one end of the six talents contained among the Treasure.
The position, size, and depth of all my shafts will be
found most accurately specified on my plan of the Ilium
of the Greek colony ; J I therefore refrain from repeating
these statements here, so as not to weary the reader. I
also add an accurate plan of my excavations.§ a plan of
the Scaean Gate and of the Great Tower of Ilium, || and
lastly, a plan of the city of Troy at the time of the great
destruction (Plan IV.).
The Scaean Gate gives us the age of the royal edifice
in front of which it stands, and of the vessels of pottery
which are found in that house. This earthenware is indeed
better than what is generally found here at a depth of from
7 to 10 meters (23 to o,^ feet), but it is exactly similar; and
consequently all the strata of debris from these depths
* Nothing can be clearer than Homer's own testimony on this point,
when he invokes the Muses to inspire him with the knowledge of what
lie had only heard by report (Iliad, II. 484-487) : —
''EinreTe vvv fxoi, Movoai 'OXi'ifxiria Sw/xar* e^ovcrai, —
'T/xus yap deal tare, rrdpecrre re, tcrre re iravra,
'H/xeiS 5e KXeos olov aKuvofiev, ov5e ri ifS/uep —
O'l rives i)yefioves Aavauv taxi tcoipavoi rfcrav.
"Say now, ye Nine, who on Olympus dwell,
Muses — for ye are Goddesses, and ye
Were present, and know all things : we ourselves
/>';// hear from Rumour s voice, and nothing know —
Who were the chiefs and mighty lords of Greece." — [Ed.]
t See No. 14 on the Plate of Idols, p. 36.
% Plan I. § Plan U. || Plan III. (see p. 306).
belong to the Trojan people. These strata are composed
of red, yellow, and occasionally black wood-ashes, and
every stone found there bears the marks of the fearful heat
to which it has been exposed. In these strata we never
meet with those brilliant black plates and dishes, with a
long horizontal ring on either side, found at the depth of
from 13 to 16 meters (42^ to 52^ feet), nor do we meet
with the vases with two long tubes on either side. Besides
Plan IV. — Plan of Troy at the Epoch of Priam, according to Dr. Schliemann's Excavations.
the vessels in the lowest strata are entirely different in
quality and in form from those found at a depth of from
23 to 33 feet, so that they certainly cannot have belonged to
the same people. But they belong, at all events, to a kindred
Aryan nation, as these too possessed in common with the
Trojans the whorls ornamented with Aryan religious
symbols, and also idols of the Ilian Athena. I formerly
believed that the most ancient people who inhabited this
site were the Trojans, because I fancied that among their
ruins I had found the SeVag a^LKvireWov, but I now
perceive that Priam's people were the succeeding nation,
because in their ruins I have discovered the actual SeWs
ajjL(f)LKV7re\\ov, made of gold and also of terra-cotta, and
likewise the Scaoan Gate.
Several geologists, who have visited me here, maintain
that the stratum of scoriae, which runs through the greater
part of the hill, at an average depth of 9 meters (29^ feet),
has been formed by melted lead and copper ore, quantities
of which must have existed here at the time of the destruc-
tion of Troy ; and this opinion is also shared by the
engineer, Adolphe Laurent, who has returned to help me
with my last works, and to make some new plans.
Strabo says,* " No trace of the ancient city (Troy) has
been preserved. This is very natural ; for, as ail the towns
round about were desolated, yet not completely destroyed,
while Troy was razed to the ground, so all the stones were
carried off to renovate the others. Thus, at least, Archrca-
nax of Mitylene is said to have built a wall round Sigeum
with the stones." These statements of Strabo are, however,
completely erroneous, and the tradition of antiquity, that
Troy was razed to the ground, can only be explained by its
having been buried deep beneath colossal masses of wood-
ashes and stone, which were built over by a new town ; the
latter being again destroyed, and again surmounted by
buildings which had a similar fate ; till at last the mass of
debris lying upon Troy reached a height of from 6 to
8 meters (20 to 16 feet), and upon this was established the
Acropolis of the Ilium of the Greek colony.
In consequence of my former mistaken idea, that Troy
was to be found on the primary soil or close above it, I
unfortunately, in 1871 and 1872, destroyed a large portion
of the city, for I at that time broke down all the house-
walls in the higher strata which obstructed my way. This
year, however, as soon as I had come by clear proofs to the
XIII. p. 599, ed. Forbiger.
firm conviction that Troy was not to be found upon the
primary soil, but at a depth of from 23 to 2>?> feet? I
ceased to break down any house-wall in these strata, so
that in my excavations of this year a number of Trojan
houses have been brought to light. They will still stand
for centuries, and visitors to the Troad may convince
themselves that the stones of the Trojan buildings can
never have been used for building other towns, for the
greater part of them are still in situ. Moreover, they are
small, and millions of such stones are to be found upon all
the fields of this district.
Valuable stones, such as those large flags which cover
the road leading from the Scaean Gate to the Plain, as well
as the stones of the enclosing wall and of the Great Tower,
have been left untouched, and not a single stone of the
Scaean Gate is wanting. Nay, with the exception of the
houses which I mvself destroyed, it would be quite possible
to uncover the " carcasses " of all the houses, as in the case
of Pompeii. The houses, as I have already said, must have
been very high, and a great deal of wood must have been
used in their construction, for otherwise the conflagration
could not have produced such an enormous quantity of
ashes and rubbish.
In my excavations of 1871 and 1872, at a depth of
from 7 to 10 meters (23 to ^>3 feet), I found only house-
walls composed of sun-dried bricks ; and, as anyone may
convince himself by examining the houses which I have un-
covered, this style of building was almost exclusively met
with during that year. It is only the buildings by the side
of the Scaean Gate, and a few houses in the depths of the
Temple of Athena, that are made of stones and earth.
As may be seen from my plan of the site of Troy, I
have excavated two-thirds of the entire city ; and, as
I have brought to light the Great Tower, the Scaean Gate,
the city wall of Troy, the royal palace, the sacrificial altar
of the Ilian Athena, and so forth, I have uncovered
[Chap. XXIII.
the grandest buildings, and, in fact, the best part of the
city. I have also made an exceedingly copious collection of
all the articles of the domestic life and the religion of the
Trojans ; and therefore it is not to be expected that science
would gain anything more by further excavations. If,
however, my excavations should at any time be continued,
I urgently entreat those who do so to throw the debris
No. 285. Splendid Terra-cotta Vase from the Palace of Priam.
This is the largest vase of the type frequent in the ruins, with two small handles and two great
upright wings. The cover was found near it.
of their diggings from the declivity of the hill, and not to
fill up the colossal cuttings which I have made with such
infinite trouble and at such great expense, for they are of
great value to archaeology, inasmuch as in these cuttings
all the strata of debris, from the primary soil up to the
surface of the hill, can be examined with little trouble.
On the north side of the hill, I have now also uncovered
several house-walls at a depth of 13 meters (42 i feet), and
also the beginning of that remarkable wall of fortification
already mentioned, the continuation of which may be seen
in the labyrinth of house-walls in the depths of the Temple
of Athena. On the north side, above the primary soil, I
have also brought to light a portion of the pavement
already mentioned, composed of small, round white sea-
pebbles, below which
are the calcined ruins
of a building which
formerly stood there.
Among some very
remarkable terra-cottas
discovered since my last
report, I must mention
two jugs found on the
No. 286. Curious double-necked Jug (8 M.).
No. 287. Terra-cotta Vessel consisting
of three Goblets rising out of a tube
on three feet (4 ai.). — [6 M. in Atlas.]
north side, at a depth of from 23 to 16 feet, each of
which has two upright necks standing side by side, but
their handles are united. One of them has also beside the
mouths two small elevations, which may probably indicate
eyes. Of a third jug of this kind, I only found the upper
portion. I must also mention an exceedingly curious cup,
discovered at a depth of 4 meters (13 feet), which consists of
a tube resting upon three feet and ending in one large and
two small goblets ; the larger goblet is connected with the
opposite side of the tube by a handle. At the same depth
I met with a large vase, from which projects a separate
small vase ; it is ornamented with incisions, and has three
feet and two very pretty handles and rings for hanging it
up. I found likewise, at the depth of 13 feet, a vase
with two female breasts, two large handles and engrav-
ings resembling letters. Among other extremely curious
terra-cottas, I must also mention three pots with three
rows of perforations ; they have the usual handle on one
side and three feet on the other ; also three large vases with
No. 288. Terra-cotta Vessel in the form of a Pig, with No. 289. A round Terra-cotta, stamped
legs too short to stand it on (7 M.). with Hieroglyphics (i£ M.).
perforations right round, on all sides from the bottom to
the top ; their use is a riddle to me ; can they have served
as bee-hives ? # Also a vessel in the form of a pig with
four feet, which are, however, shorter than the belly, so
that the vessel cannot stand upon them ; the neck of the
vessel, which is attached to the back of the pig, is
connected with the hinder part by a handle. I further
found a pot in the form of a basket with a handle crossing
the mouth, and with a tube in the bulge for drawing off
the liquid. Also two terra-cotta funnels, at a depth of
10 feet, with a letter, which I have repeatedly met with on
some of the terra-cottas of which I have given drawings,
* Certainly not ; but they may have served for burning charcoal or
incense.- — [Ed.]
and which therefore will probably be deciphered. At a
depth of 5 feet I found one of those round twice-perforated
terra-cottas with a stamp, in which there are Egyptian
hieroglyphics ; also a dozen of the same articles in the
stamps of which are a crowned head, a bird, a dog's head,
a flying man or an eagle and a stag. At a depth of
i6i feet, I found the handle of a cup with the beautifully
modelled head of a bull, which probably represents the
/3ow77i5 ttotvhx 'Hpy :* however, this cannot be proved,
for up to that time I had never found an idol with the head
of an ox. Neither can I prove that the terra-cottas here
frequently met with, in the form of horses' heads, represent
the mother of Hera, Cybele or Rhea ; but it is very likely,
No. 290. Fragment of a Terra-cotta Vessel, in the shape of a Horse's Head (4 M.).
for, as is well known, in Phrygia she was represented with
a horse's head. Terra-cotta idols of the Ilian Athena are
rarely met with ; but we daily find marble idols of this
goddess, most of which have almost a human form. We
also frequently come upon oblong flat pieces of rough
marble, upon which the owl's face of the goddess is more
or less deeply engraved. It is often so finely scratched that
the aid of a magnifying glass is required to convince one
that it actually exists ; we found several such pieces of
marble where the owl's head was painted in a black colour.
Since I have come to the conclusion that they are idols of
the tutelary divinity of Troy, I have carefully collected
* See the similar example, No. 208, p. 294.
2 A
them ; but in 1871 and 1872 seven-eighths of all the marble
idols must have escaped my notice, for at that time I had
no idea of their significance.
In excavating the ground upon which my wooden
house had stood, we found, at a depth of from 9 to
19 inches, eighteen copper and two silver medals; one of
the latter is of Marcus Aurelius. The other is a tetra-
drachm of the island of Tenedos ; on the obverse, to the
right, is the head of Jupiter, to the left that of Juno, both
having one neck in common, like the heads of Janus. The
head of Jupiter is crowned with laurels, that of Juno has a
wreath or crown. Upon the reverse of the coin there is
a laurel wreath round the edge, and in the centre a large
double axe, above which stands the word TENEAIfiN :
below and to the right of the handle of the double axe
there is a winged Eros, who is holding up an object which
it is difficult to distinguish ; to the left is a bunch of grapes
and a monogram, which looks like the letter A.
Of the copper coins, five are of Alexandria Troas, two
of Ophrynium, one of Tenedos, two of Abydos, and one of
Dardania. Two have on one side the bust of Julia Domna,
with the inscription IOTAIA 2EBA2TH ; one of these has
on the reverse the full-length figure of this empress with
the inscription IAIEHN, and the other has the figure of
Hector with the inscription IAIEHN 9KTI2P. The other
medals belong to an earlier period of Ilium, and have on
the one side the bust of Athena, and on the other the
inscription IAIEHN.
In April of this year, when I uncovered the road paved
with large flags of stone, which leads from the Scaean Gate
to the Plain, the stones looked as new as if they had just
been hewn. But since then, under the influence of the
burning sun, the flags of the upper portion of the road,
which have specially suffered from the conflagration that
destroyed the city, are rapidly crumbling away, and will
probably have quite disappeared in a few years. However,
the flags of stone on the north-western half of the road
which have been less exposed to the heat, may still last
many centuries.
The following inscriptions were found at a depth of
from 19 inches to 3^ feet below my wooden house.
, . .EX A I ,. ...... NOY
10....I E N TflTilN ZAMO0PAK
15 OH E I ©O Y"M I A HT IO X . . .
.... ecrat vov(s . . .
5 9 y^Xia?
. . . e)o)
. s
rt Q
a ^
rd O
OM lOO NiOM O "1 u-ivo CO •*}- t)- O ""> O CO O O m .2
_ O O ►" M ci co co u-> u->vo ^O ^O t-~CO "itommO NN o
_ _ _, H o n p) co co en CO co co co CO co co co co CO CO co •<*■ <*■ tJ- t)- u-> u-> in p^
M ultO-t CO
O-^-O'-Onc^co— r-. coco N 00
NNON^O i-i fl tJ- N O "1 1^ 't
„„HHM ^*T|-N
vocO in tJ-
CJ\ O w CO
- M CO
i^ w C\ o O M coco io^O CO CO ^J"»oO io io lo
r^o ioO O ^t '^-tj-ioioio u->^o « NNtsul
t^ O O el
CO ON N.O 00>O w->Cn
CT\ *tvO 0\ M N O W O
[Note H.
c-l co n to n to O OO
cONO Tf t-» k-iOO 00 "tf"
to tl T ■+ W tONO i
co — toco o m in
« ^" Tf- rj- to CS 00
O oo to
OnnO t-»
to O
00 w
tONO P) O *mO O ■* « N O uiian'ti
r}- tJ- .o On « oioo 11 co ■* N to -3- O M to
oo coco to tooo 00 O 00 r-. noo CO NO O
O m ^-m COnO no On « CO tonO f- On On CO COCO M "1 On NO
►i m >i cni rM cni M p) ro to f) ro ^- ^ ^ tONO no t>. *>. n cni
On « O no toco O co cooo ^i- to P) OO co
NO t^ O to OnOO O ii OO O PI co no 00 On
H W H TO "* tO tONO NO NO NO NO 00
On On to rj-00 ThNO
NO co >i rl-CO P<
— H >t •+LOf>
CO to N CNl
CO r>4r>
« cn) .3- rj-
00 NO N
Note C.
Monsieur Ernest Chantre, Assistant Director of the Museum in
Lyon, has just sent me the result of the analysis of the Trojan weapons
made by the celebrated chemist, M. Damour, of Lyon. I had drilled
three weapons, and sent him the drillings.
No. 1. — Drillings from one of the battle-axes of the treasure.
o' 3020
Deducting the sand contained in it 0*0160
Analysed metal .... 0*2860
In 10 ' 000 parts.
This consists of copper . . ©'2740 = 0*9580
,, ,, tin . . o*ono = 0*0384
o* 2850 = o* 9964
No. 2. — Drillings of another battle-axe of the treasure.
o* 2970
Deducting the sand contained in it 0*0020
Analysed metal .... 0*2950
In 10 * 000 parts.
This consists of copper . . 0*2675 = °'9°67
„ „ tin . . 0*0255 = 0*0864
0*2930 = 0*9931
No. 3. — Drillings from a common two-edged axe, found at a
depth of 3j feet, and therefore in the remains of the Greek
Deducting the sand contained in it 0*0070
Analysed metal . . . . 0*5210
In 10 • 000 parts.
This consists of copper . . 0-4810 = 0*9232
tin . . . 0-0385 = 0-0739
o'S^S = °'997i
No. 4. — Drillings of one of the Trojan sling-bullets, externally
covered with verdigris, and internally the colour of iron.
Quantity of analysed metal
Consisting of sulphur
„ „ copper .
„ „ iron
„ ,, quartzose
In 10 • 000 parts.
0-0470 = o" 1950
o' 1920 = o" 7966
0*0002 = 0*0008
0-0005 = 0-0020
0-2397 = 0-9944
Dr. H. Schliemann.
Athens, January 1, 1874.
( 3^3 )
No. 291. An Inscribed Trojan Whorl (8 M.).
By The Editor.
As soon as Dr. Schliemann's wonderful discoveries at
Hissarlik were made known, one of the most important
questions that arose in the mind of all scholars was : —
Has he found any Inscriptions, to throw the certain light
of written testimony on the language and ethnic affinities,
the history and social condition, the religion, science, and
literature, of the old inhabitants of the hill, whose records
form as yet no part of ancient history ?
Dr. Schliemann's private communications during the
progress of his work had called forth the efforts of eminent
Orientalists — such as Martin Haug, Emile Burnouf, and
Max Miiller — to attempt the discovery of true writing
among the vast variety of strange and novel patterns
impressed upon the terra-cotta whorls, balls, seals, vases,
and other objects in his collection ; for some of these
bore a likeness to written characters which could hardly
be deceptive.* It mattered not for this enquiry, by
what name the habitations, whose successive strata were
* Dr. Schliemann's work records several interesting examples of his
first impressions on this point, and he appears more often to have mis-
taken written characters for mere symbols or ornaments than the other
364 TROY AND ITS REMAINS. [Appendix.
revealed, had been called of old. No one whose opinion
was worth regarding disputed their very high antiquity,
which implied the great age of the objects found. Apart
even from its traditional claim to be the Ilium of Homer,
the site lay in the track of the primitive migrations of
the Indo-European race from their cradle in the East to
their settlements in the West ; and not of one migration
only, but of their passage to and fro between the shores of
Asia and of Europe ; as well as upon the path of their com-
merce and military expeditions, after they were settled in their
homes. For, lest we be misled by the arbitrary distinction
between the continents, which is stereotyped in the names
of Asia and Europe — that is, East and West — it must be
borne in mind that the Hellespont and Bosporus (as the
latter name expresses) were ferries rather than sundering
seas, and the islands of the ^Egean were stepping-stones.
The close affinities of the early settlers on both shores had
long since been proved ; and, in particular, the presence of
the great Pelasgo-Hellenic or Graeco-Italic family had been
traced on both. The very ancient habitation of the north-
western parts of Asia Minor by the Ionians — the oriental
name of the whole Hellenic race — long before their tradi-
tional colonization from the peninsula of Hellas — had been
maintained by Ernst Curtius twenty years ago,* and more
fully established by recent Egyptologers f — thus confirming
the most ancient ethnic record, that the Isles of the Gentiles
were divided among the families of the Sons of Javan.%
* Curtius, Die Ionier vor der Wandernng, Berlin, 1855.
t Chabas, Etudes sur V Antiquitk historique, Paris, 1872, p. 190.
\ Genesis x. 4, 5. The essential letters of the Hebrew name \v
are identical with the Greek IftN (Ion), and both are equivalent to the
Yavanas, the " younger race" of the old Aryan traditions, who migrated
to the West, while the elder branch remained in the East. On the
whole subject the Editor may be permitted to refer to the Students
Ancient History of the East, especially to Chapter XX., on the Nations
of Asia Minor, which contains a discussion of the Hellenic affinities of
the Phrygians and Trojans in particular.
Thus, before the first trench was dug at Hissarlik, a clue
was already supplied to the race of the primitive inhabi-
tants, if any such had dwelt there, and to the nature of
their language, if they had left any written records.
Among the patterns engraved upon the whorls and
other terra-cottas, many were soon found, as Dr. Schliemann
has fully shown, to be the most ancient sacred emblems of
the Aryan race ; and the discovery of these at all depths,
below the ruins of Greek Ilium, attested the common
Aryan descent of all the nations that had dwelt successively
on the hill before the historic Grecian colony. The ab-
sence of any trace of Egyptian influence, and almost
equally of Assyrian, seemed to attest an independent and
very ancient Aryan civilization ; while the general character
of the works in terra-cotta, resembling those found in Cyprus
and some of the islands of the ^Egean, appeared to belong
to the style which Professor Conze, of Vienna, had defined
as the earliest Greek or European Indo -Germanic. The
characters, which looked so exactly like writing, were cer-
tainly not hieroglyphs in any of their varieties ; nor — though
there were some cuneiform marks — was there any true
cuneiform writing ; while the few semblances of Phoenician
characters were soon found to be deceptive. This last fact,
again, helped to carry back the time of the settlement
of Hissarlik beyond the age when Greeks and Phoenicians
had entered into close relations of civilization on the shores of
the iEgean, that is, before the date of the Homeric poems,
which are full of allusions to Phoenician influence.
It has often been observed how remarkably new dis-
coveries coincide in point of time, just when they are
needed to throw light upon one another. At the very
moment when Dr. Schliemann was bringing to light the
remains buried in the Hill of Hissarlik, Orientalists were
engaged in deciphering the inscriptions found among the
antiquities of Cyprus, and upon the rock tablets in the
island, by the aid of the still recent results of cuneiform
366 TROY AND ITS REMAINS. [Appendix.
interpretation. The Cyprian characters were proved to
belong to a syllabic alphabet, which is a varied form of the
cuneiform writing of Babylonia and Assyria, and of an
origin older than the Phoenician. The leaders in this work
were Mr. George Smith and Dr. Samuel Birch, who
assigned a phonetic value to ^ characters of the Cypriote
syllabary ; and it was followed up with especial zeal by
the lamented young scholar, Dr. Johannes Brandis, who
determined (as was thought) the remainder of the 60
signs. His unfinished posthumous Essay 011 the Decipher-
ment of the Cyprian Inscriptions forms the landmark of
the state of enquiry in the year in which Dr. Schliemann
finished his excavations.*
To Dr. Martin Haug belongs the honour of first
applying this key to the decipherment of the Hissarlik
inscriptions. He traced such striking resemblances in some
of the characters to those of the Cyprian alphabet, as to
make out a good prima I facie case for their identity, and he
seemed to have succeeded in deciphering three words. Two
of these were formed by the six characters on a whorl from
the Trojan stratum, which were afterwards seen to be iden-
tical with those on another from the same depth (7 meters),
a repetition which seems to show the importance of the
inscription. Both had been specially noticed and discussed
by Dr. Schliemann on their discovery ; | and they will
be always memorable in the history of this investiga-
tion. Haug read these characters ta. i. 0. si. i. go., which
he interpreted as a dedication, Beta) Styw, " to the divine
Sigo," a deity whose name was found in Sigeum, the
Scamander, and even Sicyon ; and he thought he traced
the same name on two of Schliemann's small funnels
(Nos. 145, 146, p. 191)4 But the deity was otherwise as
* Brandis, Versuch zur Entzifferung der Kypriotcn Schrij't, Berlin,
1873. See also the Life of Brandis by Curtius : Johannes Brandis, tin
Lcbenslrild, von Ernst Curtius, 1873. f See pp. 83, 137, 161.
% 'The Augsburg Gazette' (Augsburger Allge7>ieine Zcifung), 1 874, p. 32.
unknown as the transmutation of ta. i. 0. into 6eio> was
forced ; and, while Haug was doubtless right in his method,
his results must be pronounced at best: —
" Fragments of broken words and thoughts,
Yet glimpses of the true."
Nos. 292, 293. Two Trojan Whorls from the same depth (7 M.) with an identical inscription.*
It was with such a conviction that the enquiry was
taken up by Professor Theodore Gomperz, of Vienna,f
whose words are well worth quoting as a lesson in the
method of investigation : " One circumstance alone ap-
peared to me consoling, namely, that I did not find myself
obliged to add a new hypothesis to the numerous ones
already existing, and that I felt it still possible to abide by
Haug's discovery, were it only as a starting-point for
further efforts. For the beginning of 'continuity in enquiry
is always the surest harbinger of approaching success."
After making one correction in Haug's reading of the above
inscription, he still found it quite unintelligible, till the
thought struck him of reading it from right to left round
* The whorl on the left hand (the one discussed by Haug and Gom-
perz) is engraved from M. Burnouf's more accurate drawing in our
lithographed Plate LI., No. 496; the other is given at page 161 ; but
they are repeated here (from Schliemann's Atlas, PI. 13, No. 432, PI. 6,
No. 208) in order to exhibit their identity. It is remarkable that these
whorls, belonging to an age when writing was already known, are very
coarse, both in material and work.
t Professor Gomperz gave an interesting and eloquent account
of his labours and their results in two papers in the ' Vienna Evening
Post' (Wiener Abendpost) for May 6th, and June 26th, 18.74.
the whorl, instead of from left to right, and the confused
syllables flashed, as by a sudden crystallization, into the
pure Greek ta. go. i. di. 0. i., that is Tayw Stw. " To the
6 t1^ ft '^
No. 294. ta. go. i. di. o. i.
No. 294. The above Inscription developed (7 M.).
divine General or Prince," an interpretation which Professor
Max Muller pronounced to be " almost beyond reasonable
doubt."* We deem this solution worthy of special record,
both as a landmark in the history of the investigation, and
still more as a striking example of the power of mere
coincidence to produce combinations that seem to bear
the stamp of truth.
The other inscriptions, of which Professor Gomperz
proposed solutions, were the following : First, three letters
on the terra-cotta seal, also from the Trojan stratum,
mentioned in the ' Introduction' (No. 4, p. 24; PI. 19, No.
555 in Schliemann's Atlas), which Professor Max Muller
No. 295. Inscription on a Trojan Seal (7 M.)
was at one time tempted to read as the very name of Ilion
(See the 'Academy' for May 16, 1874, p. 546). The
No. 296. Inscription on a Trojan Whetstone (7 M.).
second was the "splendidly engraved inscription" round
the base of the whetstone of red slate (No. 5, p. 24, PL 190,
* The ' Academy' for June 6th, 1874.
No. 3474, Atlas). The third is round the shoulder of a
vase from the Palace of Priam (No. 3, p. 23; PI. 168,
Nos. 3273 and 3278, Atlas), where, however, about one-
^NTA Tg^yy ^P7J>> <**»
No. 297. Inscription on a Trojan Vase from the Palace (8 M.).
third of the inscription is wanting. The fourth is on a
whorl from the lozver limit of the Trojan stratum.
* a /\ rx
No. 298. Trojan Whorl, with No. 299. The Inscription developed (10 M.).
an Inscription {10 M.).
Comp. PI. XXVII., No. 369. This also is of very coarse work.
The above record of the process of the investigation
will still possess great historical interest, long after the
results shall have emerged (as we trust) from the cloud
which, for the moment, has come over our hopes ; and
we believe that its interest will be increased by stating
the present position of the case in the words of Professor
Gomperz himself*: —
" Theie is not, and there cannot be, the slightest doubt that Pro-
fessor Haug at Munich was perfectly right, when he first identified the
symbols found on several of the Hissarlik vases, &c, with Cypriote
characters. I was right too in following up the track, and I think still
that I have scarcely once been wrong in identifying those symbols with
these characters. Furthermore, my general inferences drawn from the
fact, that the Cypriote syllabic writing occurs out of Cyprus, and asso-
ciated with what I rightly have called pre-Homeric objects of art, I still
think unassailable. But — I cannot go further than this ! My attempt
at deciphering those inscriptions I now look upon as abortive ! I hasten
to add, that I do not think I deserve any reproach in the matter. I
utilized to the best of my abilities the progress which till then had been
made in the decipherment of the Cypriote inscriptions found in Cyprus.
* From a letter to the Editor, dated Vienna, Dec. gth, 1874, written
in English, as here quoted.
2 K
370 TROY AND ITS REMAINS. [Appendix.
I used as a key for my decipherment of the Hissarlik inscriptions the
phonetic values which Mr. George Smith and Dr. Johannes Brandis had
ascertained for those characters. But both these investigators had been
only partially right ! Wonderful indeed it is, that, applying as I did a
key partially right and partially wrong, good and intelligible Greek
words emerged. It was a most marvellous coincidence — but nothing
else, a mere fortuitous coincidence.
" The labour of ascertaining the phonetic value of the Cypriote
characters has since been taken up by several German scholars, Dr.
Moritz Schmidt, Professor at Jena, and Messrs. Deecke and Siegismund
at Strasburg, and to a candid critic there cannot remain a doubt that
they are right, and that I (together with Smith and Brandis) was
wrong." *
Such a frank, truth-loving spirit in the enquirer is as
sure a guarantee of ultimate success as that " continuity in
the enquiry," which Gomperz still holds to be established.
In a word, the right track is known, but the sign-posts
have to be rectified ; the key is found, but its wards need
some fresh adjustment ; and we may soon hope for results
far more fruitful than those of which, for a moment only,
we have been disappointed.
Meanwhile it is well to put on record Professor Gom-
perz's reply to the objections that may be brought forward
against the probable conclusion that, even before the
* Professor Gomperz adds that his change of opinion was at once
communicated to Moritz Schmidt, and published by him in a postscript
to his work, 'Die Inschrift von Idalion und das Kyprische Syllabar.'
It has also been published by Gomperz's colleague, Professor Conze, in
an article on Schliemann's discoveries in the ' Preussische Jahrbiicher.'
The Academy of November 28th, 1874 (p. 591), quotes from the
Nation the following summary of the proceedings at the meeting of
the Oriental Society, held in New York at the end of October : —
" One of the most elaborate and interesting of the papers presented
was a review and criticism of the Progress of Decipherment of the
Cypriote Inscriptions, with original additions, by Mr. J. H. Hall. The
latest and best German investigator in this field, Moritz Schmidt,
laments that he has not, in trustworthy form, the material from the
Di Cesnola collections ; this Mr. Hall has undertaken to furnish him."
We have now a fresh reason to lament the misfortune by which the
Di Cesnola collection was lost to our Museum.
Homeric times, there existed Greeks acquainted with a
written language.
" For this supposition is not only opposed by ancient, though possibly
unhistoric traditions, such as the denial of the settlement of Asia Minor
by European Greeks, but by really historical facts — for instance, the
total absence of any mention of the art of writing in these very Homeric
" However this objection — let it count for as much or as little as it
may — affects not only our decipherings, but also a firmly established and
quite undeniable fact, the existence of a Cyprian syllabic writing. For
that a nation which knew of a written language, simple and handy as
the Phoenician with its facility of supplying the vowels, should prefer
one like the Cyprian, full of the most troublesome characters and yet
subject to the worst ambiguity, is surely as unlikely as that a nation in
possession of the needle-gun should return to the use of the battle-axe.
However, in the ninth and at latest in the eighth century (and very
probably much earlier) the Greeks must already have been acquainted
with the so-called Phoenician writing, which at that time was employed
with equal readiness both in Moab and in Nineveh. Hence the Cyprian
writing must have found its way among the Greeks before this epoch
(and we may almost safely say a considerable time before this epoch, for
otherwise how could it have taken firm root in Cyprus only ?) My
opinion is that we shall soon find the definite outlines of an epoch of
Greek culture, or semi-culture, which I should be inclined to name the
pre-Cadmcan, the decline of which may probably be dated from the
mighty impulse which the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites (about
1300) gave to the migration and the colonization of the Phoenicians." *
We are enabled, by a communication from Dr. Schlie-
mann, to present a list of all the objects in his collection,
which Professor Gomperz has recognised as bearing In-
scriptions, all of which are figured in our work. We also
append the depth at which each object was found, inasmuch
as this determines to which of the nations, that dwelt suc-
cessively on the site of Ilium, each inscription is to be
referred ; and this is by no means the least interesting point
in the investigation.
It will be understood, of course, that this is, in the
strongest sense, a " first provisional list " of the results of
* See B. Schroder, Die plionicischc Sprache ; Halle, 1869, p. 2, fol.
2 B 2
an enquiry only just begun. We believe that we could
make no inconsiderable additions to it ; but we await the
verdict of the more competent enquirers who are now
engaged in the research. Their labours may show that the
lowest stratum of remains is not destitute of traces of a
written language, as would appear at first sight from the
List. Meanwhile the great preponderance of known in-
scriptions from the "Trojan stratum" (7-10 m.) of Dr.
Schliemann is very striking: n out of the 18 belong to
it. But the ethnic affinity between the Trojans and their
successors, already attested by many proofs, is now con-
firmed by five inscriptions in the Cyprian character from
the depths of 4, 5, and 6 meters (Nos. 5, 6, 7, 12 and 16
in the List). The two funnels (Nos. 17, 18) are furnished
by the uppermost stratum : each bears only a single letter,
which appears also to be Cyprian ; but there would seem to
be still some doubt whether it may not be Phoenician.
No. 300. Terra-cotta Ball (4 In.).
a. Side View. b. Upper Hemisphere, c. Lower Hemisphere, with the Inscription.
( 373 )
I. — Inscriptions on Whorls.
In Translation.
PI. XXIV. No. 353.
PL XXVII. No. 369.
PI. LI. No. 496.
No. 115, p. 161.
PI. XXXIX. No. 435.
PI. XLVI. No. 472.
PI. XXV. No. 360.
PI. LI. No. 494.
No. 227, p. 312.
10. No. 291, p. 363.
In Atlas.
PL 5, No. 166.
PL 11, No. 356.
PL 13, No. 432.
PL 6. No. 208.
PL 122, No. 2442.
PL 162, No. 3134.
PL 173, No. 3364.
PL 187, No. 3415.
PL 164, No. 3193.
PL 166, No. 3233.
Pp- *37, 369-
j Identical inscrip-
tion: pp. 83, 137,
I161, 365-368.
Page 312.
II. — Inscriptions on Terra-cotta Balls.
11. PL LII. No. 497.
12. No. 300, p. 372.
PL 166, No. 3229.
PL 135, No. 2699.
8 M.
4 M.
III. — On other Objects.
13. Seal, No. 4, p. 24. j PL 19, No. 555.
14. Whetstone, No. 5, p. 24. 1 PL 190, No. 3474.
i? xt l|pl- l68, No. 3273,
15. Vase, No. 3, p. 23. ,-j g>' J 'a'
, I Vase, Nos. 31, 32, p. ) Ti, , XT
16. < ' ° ' ° ' l > PL 161, No. 3092.
17. 1 Pair of Funnels, Nos. )
18. ( 145, 146, p. 191. J
I PL 171, No. 3292. I
{PL 171, No. 3295. f
7 m. Pp. 24, 368.
7 m. ; Pp. 24, 368.
8 M. 1 Pp. 307, 369.
5* m. : Pp. 50, 309.
3. M.
Pp. 191, 366.
* Besides the numbers of our own engravings, those of Schliemann's
Atlas are given, as they have been hitherto used for reference in the
discussion by Haug, Gomperz, Max Miiller, and other scholars.
: ■„.- -•
of researrihe
General Plan of Researches mai>e bt M. Schliemaji5
in 1870, 1871, 1872 and 1873.
— -•-— Outer Wall of Lysimachus.
— ©— Outer Wall of Troy.
1. Greek Wall.
2. Great Hellenic Construction.
8. Interior Bastion of Lysimachus.
4. Great Tower of Ilium.
5. Trenches for the protection of Archers.
6. Courses of stone in form of seats.
7. Ruins of Palace of Priam and later superincumbent con-
8. Trojan constructions erected upon old Trojan houses in the
depths of the Temple of Minerva.
9. Large jars of earthenware enclosed in the wall.
10. Wall of the Temple of Minerva under Lysimachus.
11. Remains of the same Temple of Minerva.
12. House of two storeys in the basement of the Temple anterior
to the taking of Troy.
13. Trojan houses.
14. Sacrificial Altar of the Trojan Minerva, with drain for
carrying away the blood.
15. Inner Cistern of the Temple of Minerva of Lysimachus.
16. Remains of the Wall of the Temple of Minerva under
17. Remains of Trojan houses.
18. Remains of the Temple of Minerva.
19. Wall constructed of fragments of the columns of the Temple
of Minerva.
20. Outer Wall later than Troy.
21. Wall later than Troy.
22. Artificial Mound.
23. WaJl of Troy.
24. Trojan houses and later walls built upon them.
25. Wall anterior to Troy.
26. Mosaic anterior to the Epoch of Priam.
27. Wall of Fortification anterior to the time of Troy.
28. Sustaining Wall anterior to Troy.
29. Mound of natural or virgin soil.
30. Hellenic Wall.
31. Excavations of Mr. Frank Calvert.
32. Outer Wall of Troy.
33. Encircling Wall later than Troy.
34. Tower later than Troy.
35. Encircling Wall later than Troy.
36. Hellenic Tower.
37. Sca?an Gate, and pave4 rail.
38. Dwelling-house.
39. Lodging for Workpeople.
40. Magazine.
41. Workpeople's Canteen.
42. Place where the treasure o( Priam «M
( 375 )
Accidents in the work, 132, 147, 275 ;
no one killed or seriously injured,
Achilles, tumulus of, 177, 178.
Achilleum, town of, 178.
Apneas, his supposed dynasty at Troy,
19, 182.
AZsyetes, tumulus of, 182.
Agate, fine, balls of, 165.
Aiauteu/u, town of, 178.
Ajax, tumulus of, 177, 178, 197.
Akshi-koi, as proposed site for Troy,
refuted, 45.
Alexander the Great, at Ilium, 61, 146,
178, 251.
Altar, the great primitive, 277, 278,
Altars, flaming, an Aryan emblem on
the terra-cottas, 120, 121, 160.
Amphora, a large Trojan, 63.
Antelopes, an Aryan emblem on the
terra-cottas, signifying the winds, 1 20,
135, 136.
Antlers of deer, 165
Apollo, temple of the Thymbrian, 177;
Greek temple at Ilium, and bas-
relief of, 32, 145, 223, 257. (Temple :
Aqueduct from the Thymbrius, re-
mains of, 239.
Archers, supposed trench for, on the
Tower, 318.
Aristotle's explanation of the Senas
kx •;< WtiiO
cor. n.
Cuttings, on the north side, 61, 62 ;
great, ((instruction of, 88 ; new, 186 ;
new, from S. E. to N. \Y., 230.
Cylinder of felspar, like the Assyrian
signet cylinders, 312.
Cyprian Inscriptions (Appendix), 365,
366 ; the key to the Trojan, 366 ;
progress of their decipherment, 369,
Daggers, copper, found in the Treasure,
331, 332. (See Weapons.)
Damour, M., his analysis of Trojan
metal, 361.
Depths at which the objects were found
carefully noted, 27, 219.
Drawings of the objects found, 357.
Dt'bris, Diagram of the strata of, 10.
, thickness of, above native rock,
123 ; depth of, unexampled in the
world, 217, 218 ; supposed, of the
temple of Athena, 221, 222.
Demetrius, of Scepsis, his site for Troy
at the " Village of the Ilians" adopted
by Strabo, 41 ; refuted, 42.
" AtVciy afKpiKVTreWov," the, 15, 50, 128,
313-316 ; the great golden one of
the Treasure, 326-7.
Destruction of walls of former settlers,
156, 157; of third town, 170; of
Trojan buildings, in excavating below
them, 348.
Diadems, the two golden, found in the
Treasure, 335, 336.
Diagram of the successive strata of
ruins at Hissarlik, 10.
Dishes, terra-cotta, with side-rings, 155,
172, 215 ; (4>ui\iu,patcr<:e), of silver,
in the Treasure, 329.
Drawings, care in making, 219 ; an
artist taken to make good, 225.
Dumbrck Su, the ancient Simo'i's, 358.
Ear-rings, of silver, gold, and electrum,
164, 165 ; of gold, found in the Trea-
sure, their unique form, 118, 119,
336, 337.
Ebony, piece of a musical instrument,
Electrum. a mixture of gold and silver,
165, 254, 327; objects of, found, ibid.,
Emblems, Aryan, on the whorls, balls,
&c. ; their significance, 101, 102 ;
occurrence of, among other Aryan
nations, 102 ; mentioned in old
Indian literature, 102, 103 ; solar,
and rotating wheels, 136, 137.
Epithets, Homeric, of Ilium, suitable
to Hissarlik, 124, 125.
Etymology of "iXio?, 125, 126.
Excavations, the " grandmother of
the," 316; final close of the, 356;
intended resumption of, Preface,
p. xxiii. (Av Works.)
Explorers, advice to future, 346.
Falcon, the, an Aryan emblem on the
terra-cottas, 120, 135.
Fever, dangers from, 62, 258.
Fire, marks of great in the ruins, 109,
133, 228, 277, 347 ; narrow escape
from, 275.
Firman, for making the excavations,
Fortifications, of the hill, 289, 290 ;
further discoveries of, 322. (See
Funereal Urns. {See URNS.)
Funnels, small, of terra-cotta, with in-
scriptions, 191.
Gate, discovery of a double, with cop-
per bolts, 302, 303 ; the Scaean, of
Homer, 303"3°5-
Genealogy of the kings of Troy, 1 23.
Georgios Phot idas, 116.
Gergisj identified with the ruins at
Bunarbashi, 44, 245.
Goblets; curious terra-cotta, 317 ; of
gold, silver, and electrum, found in
the Treasure, 325, 327, 329.
, the double-handled. (See Attras
Gold, modes of working, 327.
, ornaments of. (See ORNA-
I I.I \xs.
Gold. {See Treasure.)
Gomperz, Professor, on the Trojan
and Cyprian inscriptions (Appendix)
367, 37o.
Greek camp, 179.
inscriptions. {See INSCRIPTIONS.)
, city of Ilium, area of, 217.
sculptured marbles, 226.
house, discovery of, 254, 255.
bas-relief, remarks on, 255, 257.
votive discs of diorite, 269.
statuettes and vessels, 317, 343.
{See Terra-cottas.)
Greek Race, affinity of the Trojans to
the (Appendix), p. 364.
Grote, George, places Homer's Troy
at Hissarlik, 46.
Hammer {paia-Tijp) only once mentioned
in Homer, 270. {See Implements
and Stone.)
Handles of sticks or sceptres, 260, 265.
Hang, Dr. Martin, finds the key to
the Trojan Inscriptions (Appendix),
Hares, an Aryan emblem on the terra-
cotta, signifying the Moon and four
seasons, 120.
Heat at Hissarlik, 142, 198.
Hector, his so-called tomb and grove,
at Ophrynium, 74, 177 ; place of his
death, 176, 195.
Helmet-crests, Trojan, their structure,
Helmets, found on the skulls of Trojan
warriors, 279 ; found in the Palace,
Hera, personification of, as ox-headed
C'Hpa (loams), 113, 114, 293, 353.
Herodotus, quoted, 12.
Hieroglyphics on terra-cottas from the
Greek stratum, 291, 352.
Hippotatnus of terra-cotta, a sign of
intercourse with Egypt, 228, 270.
Hissarlik, the hill of, ruins upon, 14 ;
limit of Troy's extent, 18; modern
authorities in favour of, 46 ; the
name means " fortress," 60 ; de-
scription of, 58 ; the Acropolis of the
Greek Ilium, 60, 61 ; search for its
limits, 61 ; panoramic view from,
68,69 ! growth of the Hill, 97 ; great
increase of Hill to east, 227.
Homer, knew the Troad, but his
knowledge of Troy only traditional,
18, 20, 305 ; poetic exaggerations
of its extent, 344-346 ; his hot and
cold fountains of Scamander, 195 ;
his Great Tower of Ilium, 201, 204 ;
stone implements not mentioned by,
270, 271.
, the Iliad, quoted, 19, 26, 69, 71,
121, 123, 130, 138, 147, 179, 195, 197,
203, 222, 223, 238, 248, 265, 270, 271,
280, 281, 305, 306, 314, 324, 326, 328,
333, 335, 336, 337, 345, 346.
, the Odyssey, quoted, 129, 305.
Houses, Trojan, discovered, 133 ;
spacious, 155, 156; mode of build-
ing, ibid.; easily crushed, ibid.;
several storeys high, 345 ; built of
sun-dried bricks, only the important
buildings being of small stones
joined with earth, 273, 349.
, succession of, beneath the temple,
in strata of different ages, with marks
of destruction by fire, 289, 290.
, two large, of different dates,
above the Scaean Gate, 301 ; the
upper and later one, above Priam's
palace, 302, 304 ; objects found there,
314, 315. {See Palace.)
, on the N. side of the hill, and
objects found there, 351.
Humming-top, a Trojan, 192.
Hurricane, continual, on Homer's
"windy Ilium," 185.
Ida, Mount, name of, 121 ; the Trojans
dwelt first on its spurs, 123; snow-
clad summits of, but snow not
perpetual, 70, 121.
Idols, of the Ilian Athena, 35, 36, 100,
112, 154, 155, 163, 164, 170, 172, 229,
234, 235, 236, 260, 292, 296, 353.
, of terra-cotta, marble, &c, found
in all the pre-Hellcnic strata, 34-38,
&c; one of slate, 260.
Ilians, village of the ; no traces of
habitation at, 42, jo, 85, 92, 180.
{See Demetrius of Scepsis.)
Ilium (Homer's "Wios), first founded
by Dardanus in the Plain, 123;
etymology of the name, 125. (See
, Greek, built under the Lydian
dominion, about 700 B.C., 12, 13,
174; its duration, 13, 30; extent
and population, 32, 198 ; site de-
scribed, 57, 58 ; Greek buildings,
173, 174; springs in front of, 194,
196 ; name of, given to the ruins
at Hissarlik, 211 ; patronage of, by
the Julii, 232 ; relation of kings
Antiochus I. and III. to, 244, 246;
site uninhabited since the end of the
fourth century, 318; confused with
Alexandria Troas, 319.
Images, of the owl faced Athena. (See
Idols and Athena.)
Implements of stone and copper,
found together, 28, 30, 81, 83 ; stone,
of the earliest settlers, 94 ; stone,
further discoveries of, 112, 163, &c. ;
stone, coarser in third stratum,
167 ; of copper, of the fourth set-
tlers, 173 ; of stone, copper, and
silver, found on the Tower, 213 ; of
stone and copper, 238, 261, 262 ;
stone, at small depths, 251, 252 ;
smaller quantity of copper than
stone explained, 269, 270 ; stone,
285; found in Priam's house, 311,
Inscriptions, proving the use of a
written language, 23, 25, 51.
, supposed, 83, 84, 96, 130; re-
marks on, 137, 138, 161.
, Trojan, in the Cyprian character,
progress of the attempts to decipher
them, and conclusions drawn from
them. (Appendix, pp. 363, foil.) ;
List of, 373.
} Cyprian (Appendix), 366,369^011.
, Greek, 67, 68, 205 ; in honour of
Caius Caesar, 231.
, discussion of two important, 240,
247; on base of a statue, 297 ; in
honour of C. Claudius Nero, 298,
299 ; on vases found in the Palace,
339; Greek, 355, 356.
Instruments. (See Implements.)
Interruptions of the work, through
weather and Greek festivals, 90, 122,
224, 300 ; from the continual hurri-
cane on the hill, 185.
Iron, absence of, 31, 253; does not
imply that it was not used, 31.
Ivory, ornaments of, 149, 165 ; orna-
mented pieces of flutes and lyres, 25,
27, 230, 264 ; prettily decorated
tube of, 268.
yars, Greek, for water and wine, 175 ;
Trojan, large, used for cellars, 140,
239, 251, 277; the nine colossal,
Jerusalem, depth of debris at, 218.
Jugs, terra-cotta, with long necks bent
back, 87, 114, 159, 166, 214, 236;
curious double, 152; with two necks,
, large silver, of the Treasure, in
which the small gold jewels were
found, 329.
Key of the Treasure-chest, 333.
Knives, flint, 94, 271, 274, 275.
(See Implements.)
Konstantinos Kolobos, 198, 199.
Lamps, little bowls perhaps used for",
, Greek, 292, 317.
Lance-heads, copper, one found beside
a warrior's skeleton in the Palace,
279 ; found in the Treasure, 329,
330 ; mode of fastening to the
shaft, 331. ( See Weapons.)
Landerer, Professor, on the material
and colouring of the terra-cottas, 49;
his analysis of the copper objects of
the Treasure, 342.
Language of the Trojan Inscriptions,
probably Greek (Appendix), 369,
Latircnt, Adolphe, the engineer, 98,
99, 108, 116 ; his ground plans, 357.
Lead, a pig of, i. e. a plate stamped
with a pig's head (Greek), 317.
Libations, probable use of the SeVas
apfyiKvneKkov, for, 326 ; a Chinese
cup for, 327.
Lightning, symbol of, on the whorls,
137, 138.
Lions, formerly in the Troad, 260 ;
lion-headed handle of a sceptre, 260.
Liquorice, cultivation of, 225, 226.
Lysimachus, wall of Greek Ilium, built
by, 31, 58, 127, 185, 230, 231.
, theatre of, 198.
Medals. {See COINS.)
Medicine ; fever and quinine, 88 ;
wounds and arnica, 89 ; blood-letting
priest-doctors, 141 ; efficacy of sea-
baths, 141, 142 ; ingratitude of
peasants cured, 142.
Metals, found in various strata, 31.
, copper and bronze, silver, gold,
lead, 22, 31, &c. ; no iron or tin, 31.
, hardly a trace in third stratum,
Meters, Table of, in English measures,
Metope of the Sun-God, 32, 145, 223,
256, 257.
Metrodorus, statue of, 297.
Mill-stones, 79, 87, 151, 155, 163.
Monograms, on the stones of the wall
of Lysimachus, 231.
Moulds of mica-schist, for casting im-
plements and ornaments of copper,
82, 88, no, 139, 162, 173, 253, 260,
Mouse, the, as an emblem, 186.
Musical Instruments, fragments of, 25,
27, 164, 165, 169, 230, 264.
Myrina, Tumulus of. {See Batiea.)
Nails, of copper, 150, 253, 254, 261.
Nikolaides, Mr. G., reply to his article,
175, foil.
Novelty of the Discoveries, and conse-
quent changes of opinion, 12.
Object, the great, aimed at in the ex-
cavations, 80, 96, 97.
Objects discovered, 64 ; review of, 92,
96 ; of gold, silver, copper, and ivory,
149 ; bracelets and ear-rings of
silver, gold, and electrum, 164, 165 ;
pins, &c, of ivory and bone, 165 ;
various, 165 ; little bowls, probably
for lamps, 190; funnels, 191; more
than 100,000 found, to the end of
1872,218; sling-bullets, 230; various,
260, 264 ; a crucible with copper still
in it, 283 ; found to the east of the
Tower, 291.
Ophrynium, ruins of, 74, 177.
Ornaments, of gold, silver, copper, and
ivory, 149, 150, 164, 165.
Owl-faced covers, 47, 48.
idols. (See IDOLS.)
vases, 78, 229, &c. ; found in the
Palace, 340.
Owl-headed goddess, 20, 23 ; Pro-
fessor Max Midler on the, 54. (See
Ox-headed idols, old representation of
the goddess Hera, 113; expected
discovery of, 113, 114; handles in
terra-cotta, 293, 294, 353.
Painted Vases, only two fragments of,
15, 55, 193.
Palace of Priam, discovery of, 276 ;
description of, 305, 306 ; objects
found in it, 3°7~3H, 333, 334;
another room discovered, 340 ; ob-
jects found there, 341, foil.
Pavements ; of flags on road through
the Scasan Gate, 16, 287, 302 ; the
part calcined by the conflagration,
perishing by exposure to the air,
354, 355 ; of white sea-pebbles, 351.
Pegs of terra-cotta, for hanging up
clothes, 320.
Pergamus of Troy, 117, 211 ; as dis-
tinct from the city, an invention of
Homer, 18. (But see Preface, p. xvi.)
Pillars, no trace of, below the Greek
stratum, 211 ; not mentioned in the
Iliad, 211.
r, Corinthian, of the age of Con-
stantine, 30, 230, 239, 250, 320.
Pins of copper, ivory, and bone, 1 50, 165,
253, 254 ; copper, molten together
in the burning of the Palace, 312.
Plague of insects and scorpions, 198.
Plates, Trojan, turned by the potter,
114, 215, 263.
Platform, great, on the north, 99 ;
progress of, 108, 127, 185.
, on the south, 127.
, a third dug, 144.
Polychrouios Lempessis, the draughts-
man, commended, 357.
Pottery, splendid remains of Trojan,
25 ; coarser, in the third stratum,
27 ; fragments of Hellenic, 44 ; an-
cient types of, still made in the
Troad, 47 ; colouring, materials of
the, 49, 50 ; of fine workmanship,
75 ; resembles the Cyprian and that
found at Thera and Therasia, 115 ;
of lowest stratum, distinct from
the next above, 153 ; resembles the
Etruscan in quality only, 153 ; of
second settlers, various forms, 158,
159 ; in third stratum, various forms,
167 ; of fourth settlers, inferior, 170 ;
articles of, 190, 191 ; found on the
Tower, 213, 215 ; various, 262, 263,
285 ; with Egyptian hieroglyphics,
291 ; Greek, 127.
Prayer, man in attitude of, on a whorl,
Priam, where he sat to view the Greek
forces, 304, 305 ; his Palace, 276,
306, foil. ; his Treasure, 22, 323, foil.
{See Palace ; Treasure.)
■ , why the author uses the name,
20, and Preface, xxiii.-xxiv.
Priapi of stone and terra-cotta, 78.
Pytheas, sculptor, of Argos, 298.
Quarry used for the buildings at Troy,
Quoits, 94, 154, &c.
Rain, injury done by, 221.
Remains, ancient undisturbed, HI,
112; admirable, in lowest stratum
but one, 148, 149; in the lowest
stratum, 154 ; of an Aryan race, 166 ;
of house walls, 264.
, human, paucity of, 210.
Reservoir of the Temple, 249.
Restoration of broken terra-cottas, 41.
Results of the excavations, 92, 216, 346 ;
and Introduction passim.
Road, paved with flags, through the
Seaman Gate, 16, 287, 302, 305.
Rosa Mystica, an Aryan emblem on
the whorls, 160, 207.
Sacrifices, traces of, 108, 109.
Scamander, the river and its ancient
course, 72-74, 177, *79, 1S3.
Sccean Gate, the double, 16, 26, 287,
303 ; plan of, 306. (See ROAD.)
, copper bolts found in both gate-
ways, 302.
Sceptre, the Homeric, 265.
Schliemann, Dr. Henry, born at Kalk-
horst, in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 3 ;
enthusiasm as a boy for the Greek
heroic legends, id. ; early disadvan-
tages, 3 ; shipwreck, 4 ; self-tuition,
5 ; goes to Russia, 7 ; learns Greek,
7 ; his travels, 7 ; gains an independ-
ent fortune, 8 ; visits Ithaca, the Pelo-
ponnesus, and Troy, 8 ; devotes his
life and fortune to archaeology, 8 ;
summary of his work at Hissarlik,
the site of Troy, Introduction, 12,
foil. ; excavations in 1871, Chaps.
I.- V., pp. 59-97 ; in 1872, Chaps. VI.
-XIV., pp. 98-223 ; in 1873, Chaps.
XV.-XXIII., pp. 224-353.
Schliemann, Madame, a Greek lady,
enthusiastic for Greek archaeology,
62; arrival of, in 187 1, 59; finds
terra-cottas, 174.
Schmidt, Moritz, on the Cyprian In-
scriptions (Appendix), p. 370.
Scoops of terra-cotta, 296.
Scorice, layer of metallic, throughout
the hill, 344.
Sculpture, numerous fragments of
Greek, 32, 249 ; their wonderful fresh-
ness, 320. {See Metop/:.)
Seals of terra-cotta, 24, 130.
Serpents, heads of horned, and with-
out horns, in terra-cotta, 236, 238,
292 ; superstitious reverence for the
horned serpents, ibid.
Settlers, earliest, on the Hill of the
Aryan race, 15, 16, 148, 157.
, second, the Trojans of Homer, 16 ;
long duration of, 157 ; their Aryan
descent proved, 157 ; their remains,
157, foil.
■ , third, also of the Aryan race, 27 ;
their remains, 166, foil.
, fourth, of Aryan race, 29 ; but
comparatively savage, 170.
, probable traces of another settle-
ment between the fourth pre-
Hellenic people and the Greek colo-
nists, 54, 55.
Sharks, bones of, 66, 165.
Shells, found in abundance, 66, 165,
Shield represented on an image of the
Ilian goddess, 37, 311.
■ , copper, in the Treasure, 324.
Silver plates and vessels in the Trea-
sure, 328, 329 ; vases found in the
Palace, 333, 334, 342.
Simois, valley of, 74, 177 ; sources and
course of, 196, 197 ; the present
Dumbrek, 358.
Site, purchase of the, 58, 59.
Skeletons j of a six-months' embryo,
153, 154; of a woman, with orna-
ments of gold, 209, 210 ; two, of
warriors, with amis, 17, 279.
Sling-bullets, of load-stone, 101 ; of
copper, alabaster, and diorite, 230 ;
metal, analysis of, 362.
Snakes, venomous, 99, 100, 130 ; snake-
weed, 117, 118.
Socket, stone, of a door, 211.
Spits, supports for, in mica-schist, 261.
(Note. — These call to mind t lie fre-
quent allusions in Homer to roast-
ing pieces of meat on spits.)
Springs close to Hissarlik, 183 ; the
springs of Homer, 195.
Sto/ie, weapons of, 2 1 ; large blocks of,
90, 109, no; implements of better
workmanship in the lower strata,
112; scarce with fourth settlers,
173 ; weights, handmills, and knives
and saws of flint, 173. {See IMPLE-
MENTS ; Weapons.)
•• Stone Age" not denoted by the stone
implements, 21, 22 : coincides with
the " age of copper," 21 ; reappears
in full force, 75, 76.
Stones of Troy, carried off for neigh-
bouring buildings, 221.
Storks, in the Troad, but none on the
hill of Hissarlik, 265.
Strabo, adopts the wrong theory of the
site of Troy, 41 ; never visited the
Troad, 41 ; quoted, 41, 74, 123, 146,
177, 178 ; error of, about the utter
destruction of Troy, 348.
Strata, four of remains on the hill of
Hissarlik, 13, 14 ; table of, 10.
Stratum, distinction between the Tro-
jan and the lowest, 343, 344 ; the
author's former opinion recalled, 344.
Street, a, in the Pergamus, 287, 288.
Snastika, the sign of the, 16, 39 ; its
different forms, pj-j and ^\, 101 ;
its origin and significance, 10 r, foil. ;
wide prevalence among the Aryan
nations, 102, foil. ; in the Vedic
hymns, 104, 105 ; on the whorls,
107, 118, 119; on a piece of pot-
tery, 157.
Succession of nations on the hill, re-
gular, proved, 175.
Sun, the, constantly on the whorls,
161, 187, &c.
Superstition of Greeks about Saints'
days, 131.
Sword, copper, in the Treasure, 332.
Symbols on terra-cottas, 16 ; prove the
Trojans to be an Aryan race, 25 ;
of the moon, 136 ; astronomical and
religious, 167, 168. {See Emblems ;
Terra-cottas ; Whorls.)
, of the Ilian Athena, on vases,
35, 37. {See Athena.)
Table of French and English measures,
56 ; of Trojan weights, 359, 360 ; of
Inscriptions found at Hissarlik, 373.
Talents, of Homer, their small value,
328 ; probably such as the blades of
silver found in the Treasure, 328.
Tassels, golden, in the Treasure, 336 ;
on the aegis of Athena and the zone
of Hera, 336, 337.
Temple of Ajax, 177, 178.
, Greek, of Apollo, 146, 257.
Temple, Trojan, of Athena, on the Per-
gamus, mentioned by Homer, 147,
222, 223 ; doubt as to its real exis-
tence, 346.
, Greek, of Athena, excavation of,
186; supposed debris of, 221, 222;
drain of, 223 ; Doric style of, 223 ;
excavations on site of. 226 ; ruins
of, 240, 249, 278, 279 ; reservoir of,
249 ; ancient houses under, 289,
, a small, at Ilium, in the time of
Alexander, 146, 147, 251 ; traces of
a small, and objects found on its
site, 234, 236.
Terra-cottas found at Hissarlik, 15,
foil. ; their materials and colours,
49 ; with two holes and a stamp in
the Greek stratum, 65, 174, 269 ; at
lower depths, 295 ; models of canoes,
79 ; small round perforated pieces,
perhaps for spindles, 79 ; fine vessels
of remarkable form, 85, 87 ; a re-
markable one, 130; with Aryan
symbols, 135, 136 [see Whorls) ;
remarkable vessels of, 149, 152;
seals, 162 ; coarser in third stratum,
167 ; balls, with astronomical and
religious symbols, 167, 168, 188;
with inscriptions, 372, 373 ; plain and
painted, of Greek Ilium, 174; Greek
statuettes in, 186 ; balls, with suns
stars, Sec, 188, 364; a bell, 192;
various and beautiful, 192, 194 ; ma-
terial, colour, and mode of engraving,
193-4 ; found at small depths, 207 ;
hippopotamus, bright red, 228 ; vases
of curious shape, 229 ; serpents'
heads, 236, 238 ; a decorated tube
of, 293; found on the Tower, 281,
foil., 286, 340 ; found in the Palace,
307-314 ; found in the later house
above it, 314, 315 ; Greek, 279, 291,
317, 343 ; curious vessels found on
the north side, 351 ; with hiero-
glyphics, 291, 351 ; heads of oxen
and horses, 353. (See Vases.)
Thera (Santorin) and Therasia, the
house- walls and pottery at Hissarlik
like those in these islands, 79, 80, 115,
Tliymbria. 70, 71.
Tliymbruts, the, 177 ; aqueduct from,
Tomb of Batiea or Myrina, 179, 180 ;
identified with the Pacha Tdpe, 198.
Tombs, the three so called, of heroes
near Bunarbashi, are Greek, 44.
, of Patroclus and Antilochus, 178.
Tower, Great, of Ilium, 16, 21, 26;
discovery of, 201 ; splendid view
from, 202 ; further excavation of,
212, 213; objects found on, 213;
and on each side of, 215, 216 ; ex-
cavation of, 249, 250, 251 ; original
height of, 254 ; great house on, 276,
277 ; plan of, 305 ; top discovered, 318;
trench for archers, ibid.; steps, ibid.
, of the Greek age, 323.
Treasure, of Priam, 17 ; the great
discovery of, 323 ; expedient for its
preservation, 323, 324 ; articles de-
scribed, 324 ; copper shield, 324 ;
copper caldron, 325 ; curious copper
plate and silver vase, 325 ; copper
vase, ibid. ; bottle and vases of gold,
325, 326 ; the golden SeVas afj.(ptKv-
TreiXov, 326, 327 ; electrum cup, 327 ;
six blades or plates {talents), 328 ;
silver vases, 329 ; silver goblet and
dish, 329 ; copper lance-heads, 329,
330; copper battle-axes, 330, 331;
copper daggers, sword, &c, 331 ; t).e
articles fused together by the confla-
gration, 332 ; signs of having been
packed in a wooden chest, 332, 333 ;
key to chest found, 333 ; probably left
behind in an effort to escape, 333, 334;
great wall built over it, 334 ; gold
jewels in a silver vase, 334, 335 ; two
gold diadems, 335, 336 ; gold fillet
and ear-rings, 336 ; bracelets and
finger-rings, 337; ear-rings, 337;
8750 small jewels of gold, 338-340.
, copper articles analvsed, 340, 361,
Tree of Life (the Soma-lree), an Aryan
emblem on the terra-cottas, 119, 120,
135, 160.
Triglypks, block of (See Metope-.)
Troad, good wine of the, 232.
Trojans of Homer, 16, &c. ; their
affinity to the Greek race (Appendix),
Troy, chronology of, 12, 123 ; first city
destroyed by Hercules, 26 ; small
extent of the Homeric, 18, 343, 344 ;
discussion of site, 41 ; opinions of
modern authorities, 43-46 : plain of,
and heroic tumuli, 70 ; the plain not
alluvial, 71 ; supposed ruins reached,
90; extent of the Pergamus, 117;
naming of site as, 211 ; Homer's,
identified with the site of Greek
Ilium, 216 ; return to, to take plans
and photographs, 220 ; plain of,
spring weather in, 248 ; tests of ex-
tent of, 304 ; its walls traced, 344 ; its
reality established, 344 ; small, but
as large as Athens and Mycenae,
1 1 7, 344, 345 ; its wealth and power,
345 ; great height of its houses, 345 ;
probable population, 17, 71, 176, 345 ;
known to Homer only by tradition,
345, 346 ; its strata of burnt wood-
ashes, 347 ; plan of, in Priam's time,
347 ; part of real, destroyed in exca-
vations, 348 ; the buildings brought
to light by Schliemann, 349, 350 ;
stones of, not used in building other
cities, 348.
Tub of terra-cotta, 341.
Turkish Government, the author's re-
lations with the, 52, 53, and Preface,
p. xxiii.
Turks, traces of former excavations by,
Urns, fragments of great, no, ill,
129 ; one containing human re-
mains, 153, 267 ; their upright posi-
tion, in, 112, 175.
Vases,\\\\h symbols of the I lian Athena,
35, 37, 106,. 159, 208, 214, 258, 293,
294, 2>l7 5 witn uplifted wings, 48,
87 ; small two-handled, on feet, 87,
169 ; with rings for hanging up, 159,
167; of remarkable forms, 114, 115,
151, 152; fragments of decorated,
128, 135 ; in forms of animals, 159,
208, 209, 214, 352 ; finely decorated,
193 ; owl-faced, 229, 292 ; splendid,
found on the Tower, 226 ; splendid,
found in the Palace, 307, foil. ; with
cuneiform decorations, 193 ; per-
forated, 352. {See Terra-cottas.)
Vases, silver, found in the Treasure, 325,
328, 329 ; in the Palace of Priam,
334, 342.
Virgil quoted, 74, 177, 358.
Wall, ancient, on northern slope, 200,
201, 217 ; retaining, on the south side
of the hill, 221 ; of Troy, 227, 228,
316, 340; of Lysimachus, 230, 231.
Walls, damage done to remaining, 220 ;
enormous, close below the surface,
230 ; further discoveries of, 250, 251 ;
curious stone, three sets one above
the other, near the Seaman Gate, of
different periods, 288, 290.
Weapons, of stone, 21, 22, 79, 83, 168 ;
of copper, and moulds for casting,
139, 162 ; and ornaments of stone,
copper, and silver, 213.
Weights, supposed Trojan, 154 ; table
of, 359, 360.
Well, Roman, 64, 93, 123.
-, in third stratum, 169.
, Greek, 175, 162.
Wheels in motion, whorls represent-
ing, 136, 137, 162.
Whetstones, 79, 169.
, inscription on a, 24, 368.
Whorls, perforated, mostly of terra-
cotta, with Aryan symbols, 38, 39 ;
found in Italy, 39, 101 ; plain, 40
41 ; in all the strata below the
Greek, 65, &c. ; sizes and materials,
66 ; a great number of, 77, 297 ; their
use discussed, 77, 78, 84, 189, 190;
engraved with the suastika, 101 ;
with central suns, stars, suastika,
the Soma, and altars, 118, 121 ; with
inscriptions (see Inscriptions) ;
with Aryan symbols, 133, 135, 136 ;
with antelopes, praying man, altars,
hares, 136 ; plain and engraved, 149 ;
of lowest stratum, 160; their inte-
resting devices, 160, 162 ; some of
lead and fine marble, 162 ; in third
stratum, 168; of fourth settlers, of a
degenerate form, 170, 174; many
with suastikas and suns, 186, 187 ;
wheel-shaped, with simple patterns,
187 ; just below the surface, 207 ; on
site of the Temple, 230 ; important
distinction between plain and de-
corated, 232 ; various types, 255,
264 ; new types, 268, 269, 286 ; ex-
treme fineness of engravings on, 284.
Winds, cold north, Homer's " blasts of
Boreas," 224, 225.
"Windy" (^e/xoecro-a), fit epithet of
Ilium, 185.
Wooden Ilium, built by the fourth
settlers ; its burnt debris, 29.
Works, the, difficulties of, 61, 96 ; cost
of, 98, 204 ; dangers, and engineering
expedients, 115, 116, 131, 132; nar-
row escape of six men, 132 ; fall of
an earth-wall, 147, 148 ; plan of a
trench through the whole hill, 148 ;
cost of, 184, 185 ; for security during
the winter, 221 ; progress of, at S. E.
corner, 239 ; difficulties of excava-
tion of the Tower, 249 ; progress of,
259 ; further excavations on north
side, 346, 347.
Workmen, number of, 64 ; new, 98 ;
increase of, 184, 233 ; attempt forgery,
194 ; mode of naming them, 194 ;
want of, 225, 226.
Writing, used at Troy long before
Homer (Appendix), 369, foil. ; an-
swer to objections, 371.
Xerxes, sacrifices at Ilium, 12, 61, 174.
Page 345. — After the third paragraph, ending " from all quarters," in-
sert the following : —
" Troy had therefore no separate Acropolis ; but as one was neces-
sary for the great deeds of the Iliad, it was added by the poetical
invention of Homer, and called by him Perganuis, a word of quite
unknown derivation."
2 C
( 3»6 )
PI. No.
No. PI.
PI. No.
No. PI.
I, I
317, XXII.
4, 133
330, XXII.
318, XXII.
5, 134
475, XLVI.
398, XXXIII.
319,. XXII.
460, XLIII.
320, XXII.
489, XLIX.
2, 34
381, XXX.
354, XXIV.
380, XXIX.
476, XLVI.
382, XXX.
408, XXXIV.
321, XXII.
419, XXXVI.
410, XXXV.
332, XXII.
322, XXII.
334, XXIV.
329, XXII.
423, XXXVII.
42, p. 80.
6, 174
44, P- 80.
324, XXII.
478, XLVI I.
325, XXII.
389, XXXI.
482, XLVIII.
335, XXIII.
323, XXII.
1 15, pp. 161,367
413, XXXV.
7, 224
337, XXIII.
327, XXII.
336, XXIII.
3, 7o
328, XXII.
8, 237
352, XXIV.
471, XLV.
490, XLIX.
4, 105
437, XXXIX.
384, XXX.
480, XLVIII.
403, XXXIV.
81, p. 138.
400, XXXIII.
333, XXIII.
483, XLVIII.
Note. — In the columns headed "Translation" the Roman numerals
refer to the Plates.
A (?) against Schliemann's Numbers signifies that we have not been
able to identify the objects certainly with those engraved by us from M.
Burnouf's drawings.
PI. No.
No. PL
PL No.
No. PL
8, 260
402, XXIII.
13, 422
342, XXIII.
331, XXII.
346, XXIII.
43, p. 80.
444, XL.
396, XXXII.
343, XXIII.
80, p. 137.
347, XXIII.
361, XXVI.
466, XLV.
9, 272
416, XXXVI.
465, XLIV.
414, XXXV.
496, LI. & p. 367.
365, XXVII.
345, XXIII.
424, XXXVII.
348, XXIII.
333, XXIII.
301, XXI.
356, XXV.
302, XXI.
359, XXV.
303, XXI.
377, XXVIII.
304, XXI.
372,* XXVIII.
305, XXI.
411,* XXXV.
306, XXL
370, XXVII.
307, XXI.
362, XXVI.
308, XXL
380, XXIX.
14, 45o
493, LI.
447, XLI.
491, L.
381, XXX.
15, 46o
498, LI I.
379, xxix.
486, XLIX.
10, 307
339, XXIII.
16, 472
484, XLVIII.
340, XXIII.
149, p. 199.
341, XXIII.
62, p. 95.
458, XLIII.
309, XXI.
11, 344
387, XXXI.
310, XXL
392, XXXII.
311, XXL
369, XXVII.
312, XXI.
298-9, p. 369-
313, XXI.
12, 384
314, XXI.
391, XXXII.
315, XXI.
13, 4i8
344, XXIII.
316, XXI.
* Identical design, but different material.
PI. No.
No. Page.
PI. No.
No. Page.
17, 503-4
2, 21
24, 646
50, 83
142, 173
67, lOI
37, 65
68, 101
38, 65
122, 165
39, 65
123, 165
18, 529
40, 65
124, 165
162, 232
25, 665
H, 36
290, 353
92, 150
19, 54i
143, 188
93, 150
116, 162
94, 150
147, 192
95, 150
148, 192
96, 150
4, 24, 368
97, 150
78, 130
98, 150
20, 562
109, 155
99, 150
24, 36
100, 150
18, 36
101, 150
i5> 36
53, 94
12, 164
61, 94
16, 36
59, 94
20, 36
60, 94
141, 172
26, 700
83, 150
23, 36
84, 150
77, 129
85, 150
76, 129
86, 150
21, 533
26, 36
87, 150
28, 36
90, 150
144, 190
88, 150
22, 592
71, no
89, 15°
56, 94
91, 150
57, 94
79, 135
24, 639
66, 101
27, 722
1, 15
47, 83
no, 157
48, 83
19, 36
49, 83
Plate 30
Plate III.
No. Page.
PI. No.
No. Page.
131, 170
69, 1 541
45^, 82
10, 34
46, 82
11, 34
72, 1582
6, 25
64, 97
75, 1623
74, 115
136, 171
155, 214
137, 171
113, 159
134, 171
5i, 86
135, i7i
84, 1762
53, 87
138, 172
in, 158
139, 172
112, 158
129, 169
90, 1 864
117, 163
132, 171
118, 163
133, i7i
119, 163
125, 166
91, 1893
151, 208
130, 170
97, 2022
153, 209
70, 106
104, 151
127, 167
98, 2044
8, 25
128, 167
101, 22-]2a-d
108, 155
126, 166
120, 163
13, 35
i54, 211
4i, 74
I02, 229O-I
73, 114
233, 320
102, 151
157, 215
103, 151
1 50, 208
I03, 2294
107, 153
55, 87
106, 152
12, 34
I04, 2298
105, 152
232, 320
152, 209
184, 268
Plate no
Plate VIII.
158, 219
114, 2317
156, 214
45«, 82
72, 1 10
45^, 82
Plate 118
45*r, 82
119, 2330
159, 228
45^, 82
65, 97
45*?, 82
120, 2352
160, 229
45/, 82
161, 229
No. Page.
No. Page.
1 20,
170, 237
63, 95
454, XLII.
178, 262
477, XLVII.
52, 86
45', XLII.
196, 283
367, XXVII.
36, 63
384 XXX.
197, 284
171. 238
194, 282
9, 27
199, 285
165, 235
191, 280
435, XXXIX.
198, 285
167, 236
200, 286
166, 236
422, XXVII.
489, XL IX.
201, p. 286
455, XLIII.
395, XXXII.
164, 235
2838 bis
215, 296
163, 234
2839 b*5
204, 292
Plate 127
Plate IV.
190, 280
176, 261
209, 294
177, 261
210, 295
172, 255
29, 36
473, XLVII.
371, XXVII.
179, 264
439, XL.
180, 264
29, P- 36.
174, 260
206, 293
202, 2S6
216, 296
193, 282
217, 297
195, 283
213, 296
192, 281
209, 296
404, XXXIV.
378, XXVIII.
300, 372
211, 295
187, 268
203, 291
186, 268
205, 292
181, 265
487, XLIX.
189, 279
212, p. 295
82, 139
214, 296
PI. No.
No. Page.
PI. No.
No. Page.
Plate 153
Plate V.
166, 3252
388, XXXI.
iS4, 305°
168, 237
7, 25
169, 237
168, 3273
3*. 23
Plate 156
Plate XL B.
2>b, 23, 369
Plate 157
Plate IX.
Plate 169
Plate X.
158, 3063
231, 3i7
Plate 170
Plate XL A.
220, 308
171, 3290
349, xxiv.
Plate 159
188, 278
145, 191
160, 3084
229, 315
146, 191
161, 3087
228, 315
289, 352
23O) 315
172, 3323
386, XXXI.
54, 87
405, XXXIV.
221, 309
•73, 3364
360, XXV.
33-4, 50
174, 338o
288, 352
224, 3 1 1
175, 3384
287, 35i
222, 310
286, 351
223, 310
176, 3401
284, 342
162, 3111
363, XXVI.
Plate 177
Plate VII. A.
464, XLIV.
Plate 178
Plate VII. B.
448, XLI.
Plate 180
Plate I.
226, 312
Plate 186
Plate VI.
472, XLvr.
187, 3407
182, 265
163, 3i43
385, XXXI.
494, LI.
421, XXXVI.
188, 3439
207, 294
225, 312
114, 160
164, 3171-3
Heading to Contents.
189, 3455
173, 258
List of Illustrations.
283, 34i
366, XXVII.
190, 3464
374, XXVIII.
5, 24, 368
227, 312
191, 3483
219, 307
165, 3224
453, XLII.
192, 3484
262, 332
166, 3229
497, LII.
264, 332
291, 363
247, XVIII.
21, 36
256, 33o
3L 37
269, 333
PL No.
No. Page.
No. Page.
192, 349°^
243, XVII.
235, XIV
244, XVII.
242, XVII
245, XVII.
250, XVIII
246, XVII.
251, XVIII
193, 3492
257, 330
265, 332
258, 330
266, 332
259, 330
268, 332
260, 330
249, XVIII
218, 302
281, 337
218, 302
238, XV.
267, 332
248, XVIII.
194, 3496
273, 334
237, XV.
3497 a
274, 334
240, XVI.
275, 334
239, XVI.
263, 332
Plate II.
252, 33o
276, XIX.
253, 33o
277, XIX.
261, 331
282, 339
254, 33o
279-80, XX.
255, 33o
Plate XII.
272, 334
Plate XIII.
195, 35"
285, 350
Plan I.
196, Selection.
278, XX
Plan II.
197, 3585
270, 334
Plan IV. 347
27L 334
Plan III. 306
236, XV
and last.
32. 48.
198, 3587
234. XIV
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