Hymns FOR USE IN SHERBORNE SCHOOL FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ■ ■ v y.y H I ■ H mm ''"rfT^^ : I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/sherbourOOsher V \V MAY 1 9 1333 .-• «S, > *l SEfv HYMNS FOR THE USE OF r SHERBORNE SCHOOL, 1888. SHERBORNE I J. C. SAWTELL, PRINTER, CONTENTS. Matthew v. 3-12 Morning Evening Sunday Advent Christmas Epiphany Septuagesima Sexagesima (jUINQUAGESIMA Ash AVednesday Lent. . Palm Sunday The Passion Easter Eve Easter Easter Monday Easter Tuesday Ascension Whitsuntide Trinity Sunday Holy Days Holy Baptism Confirmation Holy Communion Ember Days Rogation Days Matrimony CONTENTS.— Continued. Burial of the Dead . • 233 Consecration . . 236 Missions ..237 Almsgiving . . 245 Hospitals . . 248 Harvest 249 For those at Sea ..253 Times of Trouble ..254 Old and New Year ..256 Commemoration . . 262 First Sunday of Term .. ..266 Last Sunday of Term . . 267 General Hymns 268—318 HYMNS. Matthew v. 3-12. T/J77/0, living, leave the world behind, And the rough paths of duty choose, These shall a nobler guerdon find Than life may win or death may lose ; The incarnate Truth, from heaven confessed, Hath blessed them, and they shall be blessed. While with sick heart unsatisfied Through pleasure s idle gates we press, Or, propped on ladders of our pride, Assail the walls of happiness, To suffering meek and patient poor, The Lord of heaven unlocks the door. happy, who have spumed the quest, Where only those, that seek not, find ! dowered with all, of naught possessed ! rapturous vision of the blind, When, every veil of earth withdrawn, Upon them breaks the eternal dawn I The hungry soul, the pure in heart, The childlike spirit — these are they, Who 'mid the loud world's Babel-mart May walk with Jesus by the way, And, kindred of the blest on high, Live half in heaven before they die. Mori AWAKE my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. Redeem thy mis-spent moments past, And live this day as if thy last ; Improve thy talent with due care ; For the great day thyself prepare. Let all thy converse be sincere ; Thy conscience as the noontide clear; Think how all-seeing God thy ways And all thy secret thoughts surveys. Lord, I my vows to Thee renew ; Disperse my sins as morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit fill. Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say ; That all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Morning. NEW every morning is the love Our wakening and uprising prove; Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Restored to life, and power, and thought. New mercies, each returning day, Hover around us while we pray; New perils past, new sins forgiven, New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. If on our daily course our mind Be set to hallow all we find, New treasures still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. The trivial round, the common task, Will furnish all we ought to ask, Room to deny ourselves, a road To bring us daily nearer God. Seek we no more ; content with these Let present rapture, comfort, ease, As heaven shall bid them, come and go ; The secret this of rest below. Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love Fit us for perfect rest above ; And help us, this and every day, To live more nearly as we pray. Morning. DAYSPRING of eternity, Light from depths of light unending, Shine, as breaks the morning sky, Bright gleams on our faees sending ; Chase, O ehase, through Thy great might, All our night. Let Thy grace, like early dew, On our hearts' waste-places falling. Life's dry, withered sod renew, Pure, sweet love and trust recalling ; Health to us, Thy flock, restore Evermore. Let Thy love's consuming fire Purge our works of sinful leaven ; Heart and soul with zeal inspire, Still while glows the eastern heaven ; Bid us, ere we sink in night, Stand upright. O Thou Day- star from on high, Grant that, when the trump shall eall us, We may quit the dust, and fly. Where no plague shall ere befall us, Clothed upon with heaven's own light, In Thy sight. Sun of blessing, lift Thy face, Light us, in Thy glorious keeping, To yon sweet, eelestial place, Through this vale of tears and weeping, Where the bliss that thrills on high Ne'er shall die. Morning. 4 FORTH in Thy name, Lord, we go Our daily labour to pursue ; Thee, only Thee, resolved to know In all we think, or speak, or do. The task Thy wisdom hath assigned O let us cheerfully fulfil ; In all our works Thy presence find, And prove Thy good and perfect will. Give us to bear Thy easy yoke, And every moment watch and pray; And still to things eternal look, And hasten to Thy glorious day. Fain would we still for Thee employ Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath given, And run our course with even joy, And closely walk with Thee to heaven. LORD God of morning and of night, We thank Thee for Thy gift of light ; As in the dawn the shadows fly, We seem to find Thee now more nigh. Fresh hopes have wakened in our hearts Fresh energy to do our parts ; Thy thousand sleeps our strength restore A thousand-fold to serve Thee more. Yet w r hen Thy will we would pursue, Oft what we would we cannot do ; The sun may stand in noonday skies, But on the soul thick midnight lies. Morning. O Lord of lights ! 'tis Thou alone Canst make our darkened hearts Thine own ; Though this new day with joy we see, O dawn of God ! we cry for Thee. Praise God, our [Maker and our Friend ; Praise Him through time, till time shall end ; Till psalm and song His name adore Through heaven's Lrreat day of evermore. CHRIST, Whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night: Day-spring from on high, be near, Day-star, in my heart appear. Dark and cheerless is the morn Unaccompanied by Thee ; Joyless is the day's return, Till Thy mercy's beams I sec, Till they inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. Visit then this soul of mine ; Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; Fill me, Radiancy divine, Scatter all my unbelief; More and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. Morning. ANOTHER day begun! Lord, grant us grace that we, May. ere the setting of the sun. Redeem the time for Thee. Another day of toil ! To Thee we yield our powers ; Keep Thou our souls from guilty soil Through all the passing hours. Another day of fear ! For watchful is the (oc ; And sin is strong, and death is near, And short our time below. Another day of hope ! For Thou art with us still ; And Thine almighty strength can cope With all the powers of ill. Another day of grace To help us on our way ! One step towards the resting-place, The eternal Sabbath-day. 8 N> >W that the daylight fills the sky, We lift our hearts to God on high. That He, in all we do or say, Would keep us free from harm to-day. May He restrain our tongues from strife, And shield from anger's din our life, And guard with watchful care our eves From earth's absorbing vanities. Morning. So we, when this day's work is o'er, And shades of night return once more, Our path of trial safely trod, Shall give the glory to our ( j All praise to God the Father be, All praise, eternal Son, to Tl Whom with the Spirit we adore For ever and for evermore. L( >RD of all being ! throned afar, Thy glory flames from sun and star ; Centre and soul of every spl Yet to each loving heart how near ! Sun of our life, Thy quickening ray Sheds on our path the glow of day ; Star of our hope. Thy softened light Cheers the long watches of the night. Our midnight is Thy smile withdrawn ; Our noontide is Thy gracious dawn ; Our rainbow arch Thy mercy's sign ; All, save the clouds of sin. are Thine. Lord of all life, below, above, Whose light is truth, whose warmth is love, Before Thy ever-blazing throne We ask no lustre of our own. Grant us Thy truth to make us free, And kindling hearts that burn for Thee, Till all Thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame. Mon ing. 10 COME, my soul, thou must be waking : Now is breaking O'er the earth another day : Come, to Him who made this splendour wSee thou render All thy feeble strength can pay. Gladly hail the light returning : Ready burning Be the incense of thy powers ; For the night is safely ended ; God hath tended Through the dark thy helpless hours. Pray that He may prosper ever Each endeavour, When thine aim is good and true, But with inward voice upbraid thee, And dissuade thee From the ill thou would'st pursue. Think that He thy ways beholdeth : He unfoldeth Every fault that lurks within ; Every stain of shame glossed over Can discover, And discern each deed of sin. Fettered to the fleeting hours All thy powers, Vain and brief, are borne away : Soon the grave shall claim this mortal, And its portal Close, my soul, upon thy clay. Morning. May'st thou then on life's lust morrow, Free from sorrow, Pass away in slumber sweet ; And released from death's dark sadness, Rise in gladness, Heaven's unfading sun to erect. 11 OJESU, full of truth and grace, Thou brightness of the Father's faee, Thou fountain of eternal light, Whose beams disperse the shades of night ! Come, very Sun of heavenly love. Come in Thy radiance from above, And shed the Holy Spirit's ray On every thought and sense to-day. So we the Father's grace will claim, And sing the Father's glorious name, For Thy dear sake Mis help implore, That we may stand, to fall no more. O hallowed be this new-born day! Let meekness be our morning ray, And faithful love our noonday light, And hope our sunset, calm and bright. O Saviour Christ, as, morn by morn, Thine image to our hearts is borne, Grant us increasing faith to see The Father's face revealed in Thee. io Morning. 12 A T Thy feet, O Christ, we lay -*^ Thine own gift of this new day ; Doubt of what it holds in store Makes us crave Thine aid the more ; Lest it prove a time of loss, Mark it, Saviour, with Thy cross. We in part our weakness know, And in part discern our foe ; Well for us, before Thine eyes All our danger open lies ; Turn not from us, while we plead Thy compassions and our need. Fain would we Thy word embrace, Live each moment in Thy grace, All our selves to Thee consign, Fold up all our wills in Thine, Think, and speak, and do, and be Simply that which pleases Thee. Hear us, Ford, and that right soon ; Hear, and grant the choicest boon That Thy love can e'er impart, Loyal singleness of heart : So shall this and all our days, Christ our God, show forth Thy praise Morning. n 13 UP to the throne of God is borne The voice of praise at early morn ; And He accepts the thankful hymn, Sung as the light of clay grows dim. Nor will He turn His face aside From holy offerings at noontide, While here to Him our souls we raise, In song> of gratitude and praise. Blest are the moments, doubly blest, That, drawn from this one hour of rest, Are with a ready heart bestowed Upon the service of our God. Look up to heaven ! the untiring sun Already half his race hath run ; He cannot halt or go astray, But our immortal spirits maw Lord, since his rising in the east, If we have faltered or transgressed, Guide, from Thy love's abundant source, What yet remains of this day's course. Help with Thy grace, through life's short day, Our upward and our downward way, And glorify for us the west, When we shall sink to final rest. 12 Evening. 14 GLORY to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light, Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thine own almighty wings. Forgive me, Ford, for Thy clear Son, The ill that I, this day, have done, That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peaee may be. Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. may my soul on Thee repose, And with sweet sleep mine eyelids close, Sleep that shall me more vigorous make To serve my God when I awake. When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply ; Fet no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. b.ven i 15 SUN of my soul, Thou Saviour dear. It is not night if Thou be near : may no earth-bom cloud arise, To hick- Thee from Thy servant's eyes. When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought, how sweet to r< si For ever on my Saviour's breast. Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine, Now, Lord, the gracious work begin ; Let him no more lie down in sin. Watch by the siek, enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store ; Be every mourner's sleep to-night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take, Till in the ocean of Thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. 14 Evening. 16 ABIDE with me ! fast falls the eventide ; The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, abide with me ! Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all around I see ; Thou, Who chahgest not, abide with me ! 1 need Thy presence every passing hour ; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, () abide with me! f fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless : Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death's sting? where, grave, thy victory ? J triumph still, if Thou abide with me. Hold then Thy cross before my closing eyes ; Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies : Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ; In life, in death, Lord, abide with me ! 17 AT even, ere the sun was set, The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay ; Oh, in what divers pains they met ! I >h. with what joy they went away ! *5 Once more 'tis eventide, and we Oppressed with various ills draw near: What if Thy form we cannot see ? We know and feel that Thou art here. O Saviour Christ, our woes dispel ; For some are sick, and some are sad, And some have never loved Thee well, And some have lost the love they had ; And some have found the world is vain, Yet from the world they break not free ; And some have friends who give them pain, Yet have not sought a friend in Thee ; And none, O Lord, have perfect rest, For none are wholly free from sin ; And they who fain would serve Thee best Are conscious most of wrong within. O Saviour Christ, Thou too art Man ; Thou hast been troubled, tempted, tried ; Thy kind but searching glance can scan The very wounds that shame would hide ; Thy touch has still its ancient power ; No word from Thee can fruitless fall ; Hear, in this solemn evening hour, And in Thy mercy heal us all. 1 6 Evening. 18 rHE sun is sinking fast, * The daylight dies ; Let love awake, and pay Her evening sacrifice. As Christ upon the cross His head inclined, And to His Father's hands His parting soul resigned ; So now herself my soul Would wholly give Into His sacred charge, In Whom all spirits live : So now beneath His eye Would calmly rest, Without a wish or thought Abiding in the breast ; Save that His will be done, Whate'er betide ; Dead to herself, and dead In Him to all beside. Thus would I live, vet now Not I, but He In all His power and love Henceforth alive in me. One sacred Trinity ! One Lord Divine ! May I be ever His, And He for ever mine ! s Evening. 17 19 AVIOUR, breathe an evening blessing, Ere repose our spirits seal ; Sin and want we come confessing ; Thou canst save, and Thou canst heal. Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from Thee ; Thou art He, who, never weary, Watchest where Thy people be. Though destruction walk around us. Though the arrow past us fly, Angel-guards from Thee surround us ; We are safe, if Thou art nigh. Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb, May the morn in heaven awake us, Clad in light and deathless bloom ! 20 GOD, that madest earth and heaven, I Darkness and light ; Who Jdie day for toil hast given, For rest the night ; May Thine angel-guards defend us, Slumber sweet Thy mercy send us, Holy dreams and hopes attend us, This livelong night ! Guard us waking, guard us sleeping ; And, when we die, May we in Thy mighty keeping All peaceful lie. When the last dread call shall wake us, Do not Thou, our God, forsake us, But to reign in glory take us, With Thee on high ! B Evening. 21 T^ATHER ! by Thy love and power ^ Comes again the evening hour ; Light has vanished, labours cease, Weary creatures rest in peace ; We to Thee ourselves resign, Let our latest thought be Thine. Saviour ! in Thy sight to-day We, like sheep, have gone astray ; Selfish wishes, thoughts of pride, Secret sins Thou hast descried ; Saviour dear, Thy cross we plead ; Only Thou canst intercede. Holy Spirit ! breath of balm ! Fall on us in evening's calm ; Yet awhile, before we sleep, We with Thee would vigil keep : Melt our spirits, mould our will, Soften, strengthen, comfort still. Blessed Trinity ! be near Through the hours of darkness drear ; Cover each defenceless head, Keep all evil from our bed, Till the flood of morning rays Wake us to a song of praise. 22 HOLY Father, cheer our way With Thy love's perpetual ray : Grant us, every closing day, Light at evening-time. Holy Saviour, calm our fears, When earth's brightness disappears : Grant us, in our latter years, Lierht at evening- time. Evening. 19 Holy Spirit, be Thou nigh, When in mortal pains we lie : Grant us, as we come to die, Light at evening-time. Holy, blessed Trinity ! Darkness is not dark with Thee : Those Thou keepest always see Light at evening-time. 23 THE day is past and over : All thanks, O Lord, to Thee ! We pray Thee now that sinless '1 he hours of dark may be. O Jesu, keep us in Thy sight, And guard us through the coming night ! The joys of day are over : We lift our hearts to Thee, And ask Thee that offenceless The hours of gloom may be. O Jesu, make their darkness light, And guard us through the coming night ! The toils of day are over : We raise the hymn to Thee, And ask that free from peril The hours of fear may be. O Jesu, keep us in Thy sight, And guard us through the coming night ! Be Thou our soul's preserver, O God, for Thou dost know How many are the perils Through which we have to go. O loving Jesu, hear our call, And guard and save us from them all ! 20 Evening. 24 OW all the woods are sleeping, N' And night and stillness creeping O'er earth with toil opprest : But, O my soul, awake thee, To prayer awhile betake thee, And seek thy Maker ere thy rest. When sleep my frame releases, And thought and labour ceases, Where shall the soul then dwell ? Do Thou, O God, receive it, Of all misdeeds relieve it, Thou light and ward of Israel ! My Guardian, stay Thou by me : No evil shall come nigh me, Safe sheltered 'neath Thy wing. Yea, should the foe alarm me, No power on earth can harm me, While angel-hosts around me cling. 25 THE radiant morn hath passed away, And spent too soon her golden store ; The shadows of departing day Creep on once more. Our life is but a fading dawn ; Its glorious noon how quickly past ! Lead us, O Christ, when all is gone, Safe home at last. Oh, by Thy soul-inspiring grace Uplift our hearts to realms on high ; Help us to look to that bright place Beyond the sky ; Evening. 21 Where light, and life, and joy, and peace, In undivided empire reign, And thronging angels never cease Their deathless strain ; Where saints are clothed in spotless white, And evening shadows never fall ; Where Thou, eternal Light of Light, Art Lord of all ! 26 OUGHT of life, O Saviour dear, Before we sleep bow down Thine ear ; Through dark and day, o'er land and sea, We have no other hope but Thee. Oft from Thy royal road we part, Lost in the mazes of the heart ; Our lamps put out, our course forgot, We seek for God, and find Him not. What sudden sunbeams cheer our sight ! What dawning risen upon the night ! Thou giv'st Thyself to us, and we Find guide and path and all in Thee. Through day and darkness, Saviour dear, Abide with us more nearly near ; Till on Thy face we lift our eyes, The Sun of God's own Paradise. Praise God, our Maker and our Friend ; Praise Him through time, till time shall end ; Till psalm and song His name adore Through heaven's great day of evermore. 22 Evening. 27 O LIGHT, whose beams illumine all, From twilight dawn to perfect day* Shine Thou before the shadows fall That lead our wandering feet astray : At morn and eve Thy radiance pour, That youth may love, and age adore. O Way, through Whom our souls draw near To yon eternal home of peace, Where perfect love shall cast out fear, And earth's vain toil and wandering cease ; In strength or weakness may we see Our heavenward path, O Lord, through Thee. O Truth, before Whose shrine we bow, Thou priceless pearl for all who seek, To Thee our earliest strength we vow, Thy love will bless the pure and meek ; Should dream or mist beguile our sight, Turn Thou our darkness into light. O Life, the well that ever flows To slake the thirst of those that faint, Thy power to bless what seraph knows ? Thy joy supreme what words can paint ? In earth's last hour of fleeting breath Be Thou our conqueror over death. O Light, O Way, O Truth, O Life, Jesu, born mankind to save, (jive r l nou Thy peace in deadliest strife, Shed Thou Thy calm on stormiest wave y Be Thou our hope, our joy, our dread, Lord of the living: and the dead. Evening. 23 28 SWEET Saviour ! bless us ere we go ; Thy word into our minds instil, And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our light. The day is done, its hours have run ; And Thou hast taken count of all, The scanty triumphs grace hath won, The broken vow, the frequent fall. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our light. Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways True absolution and release, And bless us more than in past days With purity and inward peace ; Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our light. Do more than pardon ; give us joy, Sweet fear, and sober liberty, And simple hearts without alloy, That only long to be like Thee. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our light. For all we love, the poor, the sad, The sinful, unto Thee we call ; O let Thy mercy make us glad ; Thou art our Saviour, and our all, Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesus, be our light. L ( 24 Evening. 29 ORD of our life, whose tender care Hath led us on till now, Here lowly at the hour of prayer Before Thy throne we bow ; We bless Thy gracious hand, and pray Forgiveness for another day. O may we daily, hourly strive In heavenly grace to grow ; To Thee, and to Thy glory live Dead else to all below ; Tread in the path our Saviour trod, Though thorny, yet the path to God. With prayer our humble praise we bring, For mercies day by day ; Lord, teach our hearts Thy love to sing, Lord, teach us how to pray : All that we have, and are, to Thee We offer through eternity. 30 AS now the sun's declining rays At eventide descend, So life's brief day is sinking down To its appointed end. Lord, on the cross Thine arms were stretched To draw Thy people nigh, O grant us then that cross to love, And in those arms to die. All glory to the Father be, All glory to the Son, All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee, While endless as^es run. Evening. 25 31 O FATHER Who didst all things make, That heaven and earth might do Thy will, Bless us, this night, for Jesus' sake, And for Thy work preserve us still. O Son, Who didst redeem mankind, And set the captive sinner free, Keep us, this night, with peaceful mind, That we may safe abide in Thee. O Holy Ghost, Who by Thy power The Church elect dost sanctify, Seal us, this night, and, hour by hour, These hearts and members purify. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God Whom earth and heaven adore, From men and from the angel-host Be praise and glory evermore. 32 THE day, O Lord, is spent ; Abide with us, and rest ; Our heart's desires are fully bent On making Thee our guest. We have not reached that land, That happy land, as yet, Where holy angels round Thee stand, Whose sun can never set. Our sun is sinking now ; Our day is almost o'er : O Sun of righteousness do Thou Shine on us evermore ! 26 Evening. 33 MY God, how endless is Thy love ; Thy gifts are every evening new, And morning mercies from above Gently distil like early dew. Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, Great Guardian of my sleeping hours ; Thy sovereign word restores the light, And quickens all my slumbering powers. I yield myself to Thy command ; To Thee I consecrate my days : Perpetual blessings from Thy hand Demand perpetual songs of praise. 34 NOW at the night's return we raise To Thee, our King, the voice of praise ; And may our prayer, set forth aright, Ascend like incense in Thy sight. Full well we know in Whom we trust, Whose hand exalts us from the dust, Whose will assigns each day and hour, Whose grace in weakness perfects power. O'er all that stains our lifetime past The veil of Thy forgiveness cast ; Yea, cleanse our spirits through and through, And set us right, and keep us true. Evening. 27 Bless Thou the distant and the dear ; Let each to each in Thee draw near, Still travelling towards our home above, And leaning still on one strong love. To Thee, O Christ, we lift our eyes, On Thee alone our hope relies ; Thou wilt not, canst not, bring to shame a The hope that pleads Thy glorious name. 3d THE day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, The darkness falls at Thy behest ; To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall hallow now our rest. We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping, While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keeping, And rests not now by day or night. As o'er each continent and island The dawn leads on another day, The voice of prayer is never silent, Nor dies the strain of praise away. The sun, that bids us rest, is waking Our brethren 'neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high. So be it, Lord ; Thy throne shall never, Like earth's proud empires, pass away, But stand, and rule, and grow for ever, Till all Thv creatures own Thy swav. 28 Evening. 36 THROUGH the day Thy love has spared us ; Now we lay us down to rest : Through the silent watches guard us ; Let no foe our peace molest : Jesu, Thou our guardian be ; Sweet it is to trust in Thee. Pilgrims here on earth, and strangers, Dwelling in the midst of foes, Us and ours preserve from dangers ; In Thine arms may we repose, And, when life's brief day is past, Rest with Thee in heaven at last. 37 AND now the wants are told that brought Thy children to Thy knee ; Here lingering still we ask for nought, But simply worship Thee. The hope of heaven's eternal days Absorbs not all the heart That gives Thee glory, love, and praise, For being what Thou art. For Thou art God, the one, the same, O'er all things high and bright, And round us, when we speak Thy name, There spreads a heaven of light. O wondrous peace in thought to dwell, On excellence divine, To know that nought in man can tell How fair Thy beauties shine. Evening. 29 O Thou, above all blessing blest, O'er thanks exalted far, Thy very greatness is a rest To weaklings as we are. For when we feel the praise of Thee A task beyond our powers, We say, " A perfect God is He, And He is fully ours." 38 THE roseate hues of early dawn, The brightness of the day, The crimson of the sunset sky, How fast they fade away ! O for the pearly gates of heaven ! O for the golden floor ! O for the Sun of righteousness That setteth nevermore ! The highest hopes we cherish here, How fast they tire and faint ! How many a spot defiles the robe That wraps an earthly saint ! O for a voice that never sins ! O for a soul washed white ! O for a voice to praise our King, Nor weary day or night ! Here faith is ours, and heavenly hope, And grace to lead us higher ; But there are perfectness and peace Beyond our best desire. O by Thy love and anguish, Lord, O by Thy life laid down, Grant that we fall not from Thy grace, Nor cast away our crown ! 30 Sunday. 39 ODAY of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright ; On thee the high and lowly, Through ages joined in tune, Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, To the great God Triune. On thee, at the Creation, The light first had its birth ; On thee, for our salvation, Christ rose from depths of earth ; On thee, our Lord victorious The Spirit sent from heaven ; And thus on thee most glorious A triple light was given. To-day on weary nations The heavenly manna falls ; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls ; Where gospel-light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams. New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We wait the rest remaining For spirits of the blest. Sunday. 31 O cure for earthly sadness, O first, O best of days, Wake every heart to gladness, Tune every lip to praise ! 40 HAIL thou bright and sacred morn, Risen with gladness in thy beams ! Light, which not of earth is born, From thy dawn in glory streams : Airs of heaven are breathed around, And each place is holy ground. Great Creator, Who this day From Thy perfect work didst rest ; By the souls that own Thy sway, Hallowed be its hours and blest ; Cares of earth aside be thrown, This day given to heaven alone ! Saviour, Who this day didst break The dark prison of the tomb ; Bid my slumbering soul awake, Shine through all its sin and gloom : Let me, from my bonds set free, Rise from sin, and live to Thee ! Blessed Spirit, Comforter, Sent this day from Christ on high. Lord, on me Thy gifts confer, Cleanse, illumine, sanctify ! All Thine influence shed abroad Lead me to the truth of God ! 32 Sunday. 41 Psalm xcii. SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise Thy name, give thanks and sing> To show Thy love by morning light, And talk of all Thy truth at night. Sweet is the day of sacred rest : No mortal care shall seize my breast ; O may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound ! My heart shall triumph in the Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word ; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine ! How deep Thy counsels, how divine ! Soon may I see, and hear, and know All I desired or wished below, And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. 42 THIS is the day the Lord hath made, He call the hours His own ; Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. To-day He rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints His triumphs spread, And all His wonders tell. Sunday. 33 Hosanna to the anointed King, To David's holy Son ! Help us, O Lord, descend and bring Salvation from Thy throne. Hosanna in the highest strains The Church on earth can raise ; The highest heavens in which He reigns Shall give Him nobler praise. 43 LORD of the Sabbath, hear us pray, In this Thy house, on this Thy day ;. And own, as grateful sacrifice, The songs which from the desert rise. Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love, But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our labouring souls aspire With ardent hope and strong desire. In Thy blest kingdom we shall be From every mortal trouble free ; No sighs to mingle with the songs That warble from immortal tongues. No rude alarms of raging foes ; No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade, no waning moon, But sacred, high, eternal noon. O long-expected day, begin, Dawn on these realms of woe and sin ! Break, morn of God, upon our eyes, And let the world's true Sun arise ! 34 Sunday. 44 YVTE love the place, O God, W i Wherein Thine honour dwells ; The joy of Thine abode All earthly joy excels. It is the house of prayer, Wherein Thy servants meet ; And Thou, O Lord, art there Thy chosen flock to greet. We love Thy table, Lord ; Oh, what on earth so dear ? For there, in faith adored, We find Thy presence near. We love the word of life, The word that tells of peace, Of comfort in the strife, And joys that never cease. We love to sing below For mercies freely given ; But oh ! we long to know The triumph-song of heaven. Lord Jesus, give us grace On earth to love Thee more, In heaven to see Thy face, And with Thy saints adore. 45 THIS is the day of light : Let there be light to-day ; O Dayspring, rise upon our night, And chase its gloom away. Sunday. 35 This is the day of rest : Our failing strength renew ; On weary brain and troubled breast Shed Thou Thy freshening dew. This is the day of peace : Thy peace our spirits fill ; Bid Thou the blasts of discord cease, The waves of strife be still. This is the day of prayer : Let earth to heaven draw near ; Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there, Come down to meet us here. This is the first of days : Send forth Thy quickening breath, And wake dead souls to love and praise, O Vanquisher of death ! 46 GREAT Shepherd of Thy people, hear ! Thy presence now display ; As Thou hast given a place for prayer, So give us hearts to pray. Within these walls let holy peace, And love and concord dwell ; Here give the troubled conscience ease, The wounded spirit heal. May we in faith receive Thy word, In faith present our prayers, And in the presence of our Lord Unbosom all our cares. The hearing ear, the seeing eye, The contrite heart bestow, And shine upon us from on high, That we in grace may grow. P 1 36 Sunday. 47 Psalm lxxxiv. > LEAS ANT are Thy courts above In the land of light and love ; Pleasant are Thy courts below In this land of sin and woe. Oh, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy saints, For the brightness of Thy face, For Thy fulness, God of grace ! Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy altars, O Most High ! Happier souls that find a rest In a heavenly Father's breast ! Like the wandering dove that found No repose on earth around, They can to their ark repair, And enjoy it ever there. Happy souls ! their praises flow Even in this vale of woe ; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies ; On they go from strength to strength, Till they reach Thy throne at length, At Thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. Lord, be mine this prize to win, Guide me through a world of sin, Keep me by Thy saving grace, (jive me at Thy side a place ; Sun and shield alike Thou art, Guide and guard my erring heart ; Grace and glory flow from Thee ; Shower, O shower them, Lord, on me ! Sunday. 37 48 Psalm lxxxiv. LORD of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of Thy love, Thy earthly temples, are ! To Thine abode My heart aspires, With warm desires To see my God. happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear ! happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise Thee still ; And happy they That love the way To Sion's hill. They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears : O glorious seat, When God, our King, Shall thither bring Our willing feet ! God is our sun and shield, Our light and our defence ; With gifts His hands are filled, We draw our blessings thence : Thrice happy he, O God of hosts, Whose spirit trusts Alone in Thee ! 38 Sunday. 49 JESUS, where'er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy mercy-seat ; Where'er they seek Thee, Thou art found. And even* place is hallowed ground. For Thou, within no walls confined, Inhabitest the humble mind ; Such ever bring Thee where they come, And, going, take Thee to their home. Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen few, Thy former mercies here renew ; Here to our waiting souls proclaim The sweetness of Thy saving name. Here may we prove the power of prayer To strengthen faith and sweeten care, To teach our faint desires to rise, And bring all heaven before our eyes. Lord we are few, but Thou art near ; Nor short Thine arm, nor deaf Thine ear ; O rend the heavens, come quickly down, And make a thousand hearts Thine own ! p $0 ( >UR down, Thy spirit, gracious Lord,. On all assembled here Let us receive the engrafted word With meekness and with fear. By faith in Thee the soul receives New life, though dead before ; And he, who in Thy name believes, Shall live, to die no more. Sunday. 39 Preserve the power of faith alive In those that love Thy name ; For sin and Satan daily strive To quench the sacred flame. Thy grace and mercy first prevailed From death to set us free ; And, often since, our life had failed, Unless renewed by Thee. To Thee we look, to Thee we bow, To Thee for help we call ; Our life and resurrection Thou, Our hope, our joy, our all. 51 Psalm c. ALL people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice ; Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make ; We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. O enter then His gates with praise ; Approach with joy His courts unto ; Praise, laud, and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why ? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from ao-e to ag-e endure. 4 ( Sunday. 52 Psalm c. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and He destroy. His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought us to His fold again. We'll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise. Wide as the world is Thy command, Vast as eternity Thy love ; Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. 53 AGAIN, as evening's shadow falls, We gather in these sacred walls ; And vesper hymn and vesper prayer Rise mingling on the holy air. May struggling hearts that seek release Here find the rest of God's own peace, And strengthened here by hymn and prayer, Lay down the burden and the care. Sunday. 41 O God, our light, to Thee we bow ; Within all shadows standest Thou ; Give deeper calm than night can bring ; Give sweeter songs than lips can sing. Life's tumult we must meet again, We cannot in Thy courts remain ; But in the spirit's secret cell May hymn and prayer for ever dwell. 54 SAVIOUR, again to Thy dear name we raise With one accord our parting hymn of praise ; We stand to bless Thee ere our worship cease, Then, lowly kneeling, wait the word of peace. Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way ; With Thee begun, with Thee shall end the day : Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, That in this house have called upon Thy name. Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through the coming night, Turn Thou for us its darkness into light ; From harm and danger keep Thy children free, For dark and light are both alike to Thee. Grant us Thy peace, throughout our earthly life, Peace to Thy Church from error and from strife, Peace to our land, the fruit of truth and love, Peace in each heart, Thy Spirit from above. Thy peace in sorrow, balm of every pain, Thy peace in death, the hope to rise again ; In that dread hour speak Thou the soul's release ; And call it, Lord, to Thine eternal peace. O' 42 Sunday. 55 |UR day of praise is done ; The evening shadows fall ; But pass not from us with the sun, True Light that lightenest all ! Around the throne on high, Where night can never be, The white-robed harpers of the sky Bring ceaseless hymns to Thee. Too faint our anthems here ; Too soon of praise we tire ; But oh, the strains how full and clear Of that eternal choir ! Yet, Lord, to Thy dear will If Thou attune the heart, We in Thine angels' music still May bear our lower part. 'Tis Thine each soul to calm, Each wayward thought reclaim, And make our life a daily psalm Of glory to Thy name. A little while, and then Shall come the glorious end ; And songs of angels and of men In perfect praise shall blend. 56 ERE another Sabbath close, Ere again we seek repose, Lord, our song ascends to Thee, At Thy feet we bow the knee. For the mercies of the day, For this rest upon our way, Thanks to Thee alone be given, Lord of earth, and King of heaven ! Sunday. 43 Cold our services have been, Mingled every prayer with sin, But Thou canst and wilt forgive, By Thy grace alone we live. While this thorny path we tread, May Thy love our footsteps lead ; When our journey here is past, May we rest with Thee at last. So may earthly Sabbaths prove Foretastes of the joys above, While their steps Thy pilgrims bend To the rest which knows no end. 57 LORD, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace ; Let us each, Thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace : O refresh us, Travelling through this wilderness ! Thanks we give and adoration For the gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of Thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ! May Thy presence With us evermore be found ! So whene'er the signal's given Us from earth to call away, Borne on angel's wings to heaven. Glad the summons to obey, May we ever Reio-n with Christ in endless dav ! 44 Advent. 58 LO ! He comes with clouds descending, Once for favoured sinners slain, Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train : Hallelujah! God appears, on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold Him, Robed in dreadful majesty ; They who set at nought and sold Him, Pierced, and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. Now redemption, long expected, See in solemn pomp draw near ; All His saints, by man rejected, Rise and meet Him in the air : Hallelujah ! See the day of God appear ! Yea, Amen ! let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne ; Saviour, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdoms for Thine own : O come quickly ! Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone. 59 THAT clay of wrath, that dreadful day, When heaven and earth shall pass away, What power shall be the sinner's stay ? How shall he meet that dreadful day? Advent. When, shrivelling like a parched scroll, The flaming heavens together roll ; When louder vet, and yet more dread, Swells the high trump that wakes the dead ; Oh ! on that day, that wrathful day, When man to judgment wakes from clay, Be Thou, O Christ, the sinner's stay, Though heaven and earth shall pass away. 60 GREAT God, what do I see and hear? The end of things created : The Judge of mankind doth appear, On clouds of glory seated : The trumpet sounds, the graves restore The dead which they contained before ; Prepare, my soul, to meet Him. The dead in Christ shall first arise, At the last trumpet's sounding, Caught up to meet Him in the skies, With joy their Lord surrounding : No gloomy fears their souls dismay, His presence sheds eternal day On those prepared to meet Him. Ah, who may dare, dread King of kings, To stand at Thine appearing ? One saving thought assurance brings, The Judge my nature wearing : Beneath His cross I view the day When heaven and earth shall pass away, And thus prepare to meet Him. 45 46 Advent. 61 HARK the glad sound ! The Saviour comes, The Saviour promised long ; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. He comes, the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. He comes, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray, And on the eye-balls of the blind To pour celestial day. He comes, the broken heart to bind, The contrite soul to cure, And with the treasures of His grace To enrich the humble poor. Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim, And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved name. 62 O SAVIOUR, is Thy promise fled ? Nor longer might Thy grace endure To heal the sick, and raise the dead, And preach Thy gospel to the poor ? Come, Jesus, come ! return again ; With brighter beam Thy servants bless, Who long to feel Thy perfect reign, And share Thy kingdom's happiness. Advent, 47 Come Jesus come ! and as of yore The prophet went to clear Thy way, A harbinger Thy feet before, A dawning to Thy brighter day ; So now may grace with heavenly shower Our stony hearts for truth prepare ; Sow in our souls the seed of power, Then come and reap Thy harvest there. 63 WHEX Christ came down on earth of old, He took our nature poor and low ; He wore no form of angel-mould, But shared our weakness and our woe. But when He cometh back once more, Then shall be set the great white throne ; And earth and heaven shall flee before The face of Him Who sits thereon. O Son of God ! in glory crowned. The Judge ordained of quick and dead ; O Son of Man ! so pitying found For all the tears Thy people shed ; Be with us in that awful hour, And by Thy crown, and by Thy grave, By all Thy love, and all Thy power, In that great day of judgment save ! 48 Advent. 64 THE Lord of might from Sinai's brow Gave forth His voice of thunder ; And Israel lay on earth below, Outstretched in fear and wonder : Beneath His feet was pitchy night, And at His left hand and His right The rocks were rent asunder. The Lord of love, on Calvary, 'Mid torture, scorn, and railing, Upraised to heaven His bitter cry, In nature's hour of quailing : For us He bore the weight of woe, For us He gave His blood to flow, A ransom all-availing. The Lord of love, the Lord of might, The King of all created, Shall back return to claim His right, On clouds of glory seated ; With trumpet-sound and angel- song, And hallelujahs loud and long, O'er death and hell defeated. 65 SEE the ransomed millions stand, Palms of conquest in their hand ; This before the throne their strain, " Hell is vanquished ; death is slain ; Blessing, honour, glory, might, Are the Conqueror's native right ; Thrones and powers before Him fall, Lamb of God, and Lord of all ! " Advent. 49 Hasten, Lord, the promised hour ; Come in glory and in power ; Still Thy foes are unsubdued ; Nature sighs to be renewed ; Time has nearly reached its sum ; All things with Thy Bride say ' Come ! ' Jesus, whom all worlds adore, Come, and reign for evermore ! 66 HARK ! a thrilling voice is sounding ; " Christ is nigh," it seems to say : " Cast away the works of darkness, O ye children of the day ! " Startled by the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise ; All the powers of darkness vanish ; Christ our Day-star mounts the skies. Lo ! the Lamb, so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heaven : Let us haste with tears of sorrow, One and all, to be forgiven. So when next He comes with glory, And the world is wrapped in fear, Not for chastening, but salvation, Unto us shall He appear. Hark ! a thrilling voice is sounding ; " Christ is nigh," it seems to say ; " Cast away the works of darkness, O ve children of the dav ! " $o Advent. 67 BLESSED Lord, who, till the morning Of Thine advent shall appear, Words of hope hast left, and warning, Souls to strengthen, guide and cheer ; Left them written for our learning, Pointing out the narrow way, Lest our hearts, with all their yearning After home, should go astray: ( xrant us, in these sacred pages, Grace to find the gifts untold, Which for ages upon ages Did Thy people's hearts uphold ; Grant us, in the sacred story Of the deeds which Thou hast done, Grace to catch those gleams of glory Which on saint and martyr shone. Grant us faithful hearts to linger O'er the steps which Thou hast trod, While Thy cross with silent finger Points the upward way to God ; With our lamps well trimmed and burning, Patient through Thy holy word, Watching for Thy bright returning Waiting for our absent Lord. Advent. 51 68 O QUICKLY come, dread Judge of al For, awful though Thine advent be, All shadows from the truth will fall, And falsehood die, in sight of Thee ; O quickly come ; for doubt and fear Like clouds dissolve when Thou art near. < ) quickly come, great King of all, Reign all around us, and within ; Let sin no more our souls enthrall, Let pain and sorrow die with sin ; O quickly come, for Thou alone Canst make Thy scattered people one. O quickly come, true Life of all, For death is mighty all around ; On every home his shadows fall, On every heart his mark is fourid ; () quickly come ; for grief and pain Can never cloud Thv srlorious rei^n. O quickly come, sure Light of all, For gloomy night broods o'er our way And weakly souls begin to fall, With weary watching for the day ; O quickly come ; for round Thy throne No eye is blind, no night is known. 52 Advent. 69 "THOU Judge of quick and dead,. * Before Whose bar severe, With holy joy, or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear ; Do Thou our souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray; To pray, and wait the hour, The awful hour unknown, When robed in majesty and power, Thou shalt from heaven come down„ The immortal Son of Man, To judge the human race, With all Thy Father's dazzling train, With all Thy glorious grace. To chasten earthly joys, To quicken holy fears, For ever let the archangel's voice Be sounding in our ears ; The solemn midnight cry "Ye dead, the Judge is come ! " Arise and meet Him in the sky "And hear your righteous doom."' may we all be found Obedient to Thy word, Attentive to the trumpet's sound, And looking for our Lord : O may we thus ensure Our lot among the blest, And watch a moment, to secure An everlasting rest. Advent. 53 70 THE world is very evil, The times are waxing late ; Be sober, and keep vigil, The Judge is at the gate ; The Judge Who comes in mercy, The Judge Who comes with might, Who comes to end the evil, Who comes to crown the right. Arise, arise, good Christian, Let wrong to right succeed, Let penitential sorrow To heavenly gladness lead, To light that has no evening, That knows nor moon nor sun, The light so new and golden, The light that is but one. O happy, holy portion, Refection for the blest ! True vision of true beauty, True cure of the distrest ! Strive, man, to win that glory ; Toil, man, to gain that light ; Send hope before to grasp it, Till hope be lost in sight. O sweet and blessed country, The home of God's elect ! O sweet and blessed country, That eager hearts expect ! Jesu, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. 54 Advent. 71 LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death, Come, and all Thy love revealing, Dissipate the clouds beneath : Thou, of life and light Creator, In our deepest darkness rise ; Scatter all the night of nature ; Pour the day upon our eyes. Still we wait for Thine appearing ; Life and joy Thy beams impart, Chasing all our fears, and cheering Every meek and contrite heart. By Thine all-sufficient merit Every burdened soul release ; By the shining of Thy Spirit Guide us to Thy perfect peace. 72 WAKE, awake, for night is flying ; The watchmen on the heights are crying: Awake, Jerusalem, at last ! Midnight hears the welcome voices, And at the thrilling cry rejoices : Come forth, ye virgins, night is past ; The bridegroom comes, awake, Your lamps with gladness take, Hallelujah! And for His marriage feast prepare, For ye must 2:0 to meet Him there. Advent. 55 Zion hears the watchmen singing, And all her heart with joy is springing; She wakes, she rises from her gloom, For her Lord comes down all-glorious, The strong in grace, by truth victorious, Her star is risen, her light is come : Come, Jesu, blessed Lord, God's own incarnate Word, Hallelujah ! We follow, till the halls we see, Where Thou hast bid us sup with Thee. 73 COME, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free, From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art, Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. Born Thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a king, Born to reign in us for ever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By Thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to Thv o-lorious throne. 56 Advent. 74 LOVE divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down, Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown. Jesu ! Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art ; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every waiting heart. Come, almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy grace receive ; Suddenly return, and never, Never more Thy temples leave. Thee would w r e be ever blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. Finish then Thy new creation ; Pure and spotless may we be ; Let us see Thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in Thee : Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Advent. 57 75 HOSAXXA to the living Lord ! Hosanna to the incarnate Word ! To Christ, Creator, Saviour, King, Let earth, let heaven, hosanna sing ; Hosanna Lord ! hosanna in the highest ! Hosanna, Lord ! Thine angels cry ; Hosanna, Lord ! Thy saints reply; Above, beneath us, and around, The dead and living swell the sound, Hosanna Lord ! hosanna in the highest ! Saviour, with protecting care, Return to this Thy house of prayer, Assembled in Thy sacred name, Where we Thy parting promise claim. Hosanna Lord ! hosanna in the highest ! But, chiefest, in our cleansed breast, Eternal ! bid Thy Spirit rest, And make our secret soul to be A temple pure, and worthy Thee. Hosanna Lord ! hosanna in the highest ! So, in the last and dreadful day, When heaven and earth shall melt away, Thy flock, redeemed from sinful stain, Shall swell the sound of praise again, Hosanna Lord ! hosanna in the highest ! 58 Advent. 76 THE Church has waited long Her absent Lord to see, And still in loneliness she waits, A friendless stranger she. Age after age has gone, Sun after sun has set, And still in weeds of widowhood, She weeps a mourner yet. Saint after saint on earth Has lived, and loved, and died ; And as they left us one by one, We laid them side by side : We laid them down to sleep, But not in hope forlorn ; We laid them but to ripen there, Till the last glorious morn. The whole creation groans, And waits to hear the voice That shall restore her comeliness, And make her wastes rejoice. Come, Lord, and wipe away The curse, the sin, the stain, And make this blighted world of ours Thine own fair world agaii*. Advent. 59 77 THOU art coming, O my Saviour, Thou art coming, O my King, In Thy beauty all-resplendent, In Thy glory all-transcendent ; Well may we rejoice and sing. Coming ! in the opening east Herald brightness slowly swells ; Coming ! Thou, our glorious Priest, Hear we not Thy golden bells ? Thou art coming ; at Thy table We are witnesses for this ; While remembering hearts Thou meetest In communion closest, sweetest, Earnest of our coming bliss, Showing not Thy death alone, And Thy love exceeding great, But Thy coming, and Thy throne, All for which we long and wait. O the joy to see Thee reigning, Thee alone beloved Lord ! Every tongue Thy name confessing, Worship, honour, glory, blessing- Brought to Thee with one accord, Thee, our Master, and our Friend, Vindicated and enthroned, Unto earth's remotest end Glorified, adored, and owned ! 6o Christmas. 78 HARK ! the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born King ! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem ! Hark ! the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born King ! Christ, by highest heaven adored ; Christ, the everlasting Lord ; Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of a Virgin's womb. Veiled in flesh the Godhead sec ; Hail the incarnate Deity, Pleased as Man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Hark ! the herald-angels sing- Glory to the new-born King ! Hail the heaven-born Prince of peace Hail the Sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Hark ! the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born King ! o Christmas. 61 79 COME, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem ! Come and behold Him, Born the King of angels ; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! God of God, Light of Light, Lo ! He abhors not the Virgin's womb ! Very God, Begotten, not created ; O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! Sing choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all ye citizens of heayen above ! Glory to God, All glory in the highest ; O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord 1 Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning ; Glory to Thee, O Jesu, Lord, be given ! Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing ! O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! 62 Christmas. 80 WH I LE Shepherds watched their flocks by All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And dory shone around. " Fear not," said he, — for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind, — " Glad tidings of great joy I bring- To you and all mankind. " To you, in David's town this day, Is born, of David's line, A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign : kt The heavenly Babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapt in swathing bands, And in a manner laid." Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song : — " All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peice, Good-will henceforth from Heaven to men Begin, and never cease! " Christmas. 63 81 IT came upon the midnight clear — That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold : " Peace on the earth, good-will to men. From heaven's all-gracious King ! The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. Still through the cloven skies they come, With peaceful wings unfurled, And still their heavenly music floats O'er all the weary world ; But men, at war with men, hear not The love-song which they bring : O hush the noise, ye men of strife, And hear the angels sing ! And ye, beneath life's crushing load. Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way, With painful steps and slow ; Look now ! for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing : <) rest beside the weary road, And hear the angels sing ! For lo ! the days are hastening on, By prophet bards foretold, When, with the ever-circling years, Comes round the age of gold ; When Peace shall over all the earth Her ancient splendours fling, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sin ar. 64 Christmas. 82 ANGELS, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth Ye who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King ! Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night ; God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the infant-light ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King ! Sages, leave your contemplations ; Brighter visions beam afar ; Seek the great Desire of nations ; Ye have seen His natal star : Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King ! Saints, before the altar bending, W r atching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending, In His temple shall appear : Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King ! Epiphany. 65 83 Isaiah ix, 2-7. THE race that long in darkness pined Have seen a glorious light ; The people dwell in day, who dwelt In death's surrounding night. To hail Thy rise, Thou better Sun, The gathering nations come ; They joy as when the reapers bear The harvest-treasures home. For Thou our burden hast removed, And quelled the oppressor's sway, Quick as the slaughtered squadrons fell In Midian's evil day. To us a Child of hope is born, To us a Son is given ; Him shall the tribes of earth obey, Him all the hosts of heaven. His name shall be the Prince of peace, For evermore adored, The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The great and mighty Lord. His power increasing still shall spread ; His reign no end shall know ; Justice shall guard His throne above, And peace abound below. 66 Epiphany. 84 BRIGHT was the guiding star that led With mild, benignant ray, The Gentiles to the lowly shed Where the Redeemer lay. But lo ! a brighter, clearer light Now points to His abode ; It shines through sin and sorrow's night, To guide us to our God. O haste to follow where it leads ; The gracious call obey ; Be rugged wilds, or flowery meads, The Christian's destined way. O gladly tread the narrow path, While light and grace be given : Who meekly follow Christ on earth, Shall reign with Him in heaven. 85 OTHOU Who by a star didst guide The wise men on their way, Until it came and stood beside The place where Jesus lay ; Although by stars Thou dost not lead Thy servants now below, Thy Holy Spirit, when they need, Will show them how to go. As yet we know Thee but in part, But still we trust Thy word, That "blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see the Lord." Epiphany. 67 And daily would we seek Thy grace. To make us pure in heart, That we may see Thee face to face Hereafter, as Thou art. 86 BRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the morning. Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid ! Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining, Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all. Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion, "Odours of Edom, and offerings divine, Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gifts would His favour secure : Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning. Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid ! Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! 68 Epiphany. 87 EARTH has many a noble city ; Bethlehem, thou dost all excel ; Out of thee the Lord from heaven Came to rule His Israel. Fairer than the sun at morning Was the star that told His birth, To the world its God announcing, Seen in fleshly form on earth. Eastern sages at His cradle Make oblations rich and rare ; See them give, in deep devotion, Gold, and frankincense, and myrrh ;- Sacred gifts of mystic meaning ! Incense doth their God disclose ; Gold the King of kings proclaimeth, Myrrh His sepulchre foreshows. Jesu, Whom the Gentiles worshipped At Thy glad Epiphany, Unto Thee, with God the Father, And the Spirit, glory be. 88 SONS of men, behold from far, Hail the long-expected star ; Jacob's star that gilds the night Guides bewildered nature right. Mild it shines on all beneath, Piercing through the shades of death, Scattering error's wide-spread night, Kindling darkness into light. Epiphany. 69 Nations all, far off and near, Haste to see your God appear ; Haste, for Him your hearts prepare ; Meet Him manifested there. There behold the Day-spring rise, Pouring light upon your eyes ; See Him chase the shades away, Shining to the perfect day. Sing, ye morning stars, again ; God descends on earth to reign, Deigns for man His life to employ : Shout, ye sons of God, for joy. 89 WHEN, marshalled on the nightly plain, The glittering hosts bestud the sky, One star alone of all the train Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. Hark ! hark ! to God the chorus breaks From every host, from every gem ; But one alone the Saviour speaks ; It is the star of Bethlehem. It is my compass and my light ; It bids my dark forebodings cease, And through the storm and danger's night, It leads me to the port of peace. Safe moored beside the eternal shore, No wind to fear, no wave to stem, I'll sing the star that sped me o'er, The guiding-star of Bethlehem. 70 Epiphany. 90 AS with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious God, may we Evermore be led by Thee. As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him Whom heaven and earth adore ; So may we with willing feet Ever seek Thy mercy-seat. As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare ; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King. Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light ; Thou its light, its joy, its crown, Thou its sun, which goes not down ; There for ever may we sing Alleluias to our King. Epiphany, 7 r 91 BY cool Siloam's shady rill How sweet the lily grows ; How sweet the breath beneath the hill Of Sharon's dewy rose. And such is he whose early feet The paths of peace have trod ; Whose secret heart with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay ; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away. And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow's power, And stormy passion's rage. O Thou, Whose infant feet were found Within Thy Father's shrine ; Whose years, with changeless virtue crowned, Were all alike divine ; Dependent on Thy bounteous breath, We seek Thy grace alone, In childhood, manhood, age, and death, To keep us still Thine own. 72 Epiphany. 92 O SAVIOUR, Whom the winter morn Gave to our world below ; To mortal want and labour born, And more than mortal woe ! Incarnate Word, by every grief, By each temptation tried, Who lived to yield our ills relief, And to redeem us died ! If, gaily clothed and proudly fed, In dangerous wealth we dwell, Remind us of Thy manger bed, And lowly cottage cell. If, pressed by poverty severe, In envious want we pine, Oh, may the Spirit whisper near, How poor a lot was Thine. Through fickle fortune's various scene, From sin preserve us free : Like us Thou hast a mourner been, May we rejoice with Thee. 93 THE heavenly Child in stature grows, And, growing, learns to die ; And still His early training shows His coming agony. The Son of God His glory hides With parents mean and poor ; The Framer of the heavens abides In dwelling-place obscure. Epiphany. 73 Those mighty hands that stay the sky No earthly toil refuse ; And He Who set the stars on high A humble trade pursues. O meek example, Child divine, Still deign on earth to dwell, And make each youthful heart Thy shrine, Our own Emmanuel ! 94 Isaiah ii, 2-5. BEHOLD ! the temple of the Lord In latter days shall rise On mountain-tops above the heights, And draw the wondering eyes. The beam that shines from Sion's hill Shall lighten every land ; The King who reigns in Salem's towers Shall all the world command. No strife shall vex Messiah's reign, Or mar the peaceful years ; To ploughshares men shall beat their swords, To pruning-hooks their spears. No longer hosts encountering hosts Their millions slain deplore ; They hang the useless helm on high, And study war no more. Come then, O come from every land, To worship at His shrine ; And walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine ! 74 Epiphany. 95 Psalm lxxii. HAIL to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son ! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free ; To take away transgression, And rule in equity. He shall come down like showers Upon the fruitful earth, And love, joy, hope, like flowers, Spring in His path to birth ; Before Him, on the mountains, Shall Peace, the herald, go, And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. Kings shall fall down before Him, And gold and incense bring ; All nations shall adore Him, His praise all people sing ; For He shall have dominion O'er river, sea, and shore, Far as the eagle's pinion, Or dove's light wing, can soar. To Him shall prayer unceasing, And daily vows ascend, His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end : The mountain dews shall nourish A seed, in weakness sown, Whose fruit shall spread and flourish, And shake like Lebanon. Epiphany. 75 O'er every foe victorious, He on His throne shall rest ; From age to age more glorious, All-blessing and all-blessed : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever, His matchless name of Love. 96 Psalm lxxii. JESUS shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. To Him shall endless prayer be made, And princes throng to crown His head ; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. People and realms of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song ; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name. Blessings abound where'er He reigns ; The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honours to our King ; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. 76 Epiphany. 97 Psalm lxvii. GOD of mercy, God of grace, Show the brightness of Thy face ; Shine upon us, Saviour, shine, Fill Thy Church with light divine ; And Thy saving health extend Unto earth's remotest end. Let the people praise Thee, Lord ; Be by all that live adored ; Let the nations shout and sing Glory to their Saviour King ; At Thy feet their tribute pay, And Thy holy will obey. Let the people praise Thee, Lord ; Earth shall then her fruits afford ; God to man His blessing give, Man to God devoted live ; All below, and all above, One in joy, and light, and love. 98 HARK ! the song of jubilee, Loud as mighty thunder's roar, Or the fulness of the sea When it breaks upon the shore : Hallelujah ! for the Lord God omnipotent doth reign ; Hallelujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and main. Epiphany. yy Hallelujah ! hark the sound, From earth's centre to the skies, Wakes, above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies ! See Jehovah's banners furled, Sheathed His sword — He speaks, 'tis done, And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdom of His Son. He shall reign from pole to pole, With illimitable sway ; He shall reign, when, like a scroll, Heaven and earth have passed away. Then the end : beneath His rod, Man's last enemy shall fall : Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all ! 99 Psalm cxvii. FROM all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise ; Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal truth attends Thy word ; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 78 Septuagesima. 100 THE spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim : The unwearied sun from day to day Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land The work of an almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth ; While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice or sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found ; In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, For ever singing, as they shine, " The hand that made us is divine." 101 WE thank Thee, Lord, for this fair earth, The glittering sky, the silver sea ; For all their beauty, all their worth, Their light and glory, come from Thee. Septuagesima. 79 Thine are the flowers that clothe the ground, The trees that wave their arms above, The hills that gird our dwellings round, As Thou dost gird Thine own with love. Yet teach us still how far more fair, More glorious, Father, in Thy sight, Is one pure deed, one holy prayer, One heart that owns Thy Spirit's might. So while we gaze, with thoughtful eye, On all the gifts Thy love has given, Help us in Thee to live and die, Bv Thee to rise from earth to heaven. 102 I PRAISED the earth, in beauty seen With garlands gay of various green ; I praised the sea, whose ample field Shone glorious as a silver shield, And earth and ocean seemed to say, " Our beauties are but for a day." I praised the sun, whose chariot rolled On wheels of amber and of gold ; I praised the moon, whose softer eye Gleamed sweetly through the summer sky ; And moon and sun in answer said, " Our days of light are numbered." O God ! O good beyond compare ! If thus Thy meaner works are fair, If thus Thy bounties gild the span Of ruined earth and sinful man, How glorious must the mansion be Where Thy redeemed shall dwell with Thee ! 8o Septnagesitna. 103 FOR the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies, Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our grateful psalm of praise. For the wonder of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and tree and flower, Sun and moon, and stars of light, Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our grateful psalm of praise. For the joy of human love, Brother, parent, sister, child, Friends on earth, and friends above, Pleasures pure and undefiled, Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our grateful psalm of praise. For Thy Church that evermore Lifteth holy hands above, Offering up on every shore Her pure sacrifice of love, Lord of all to Thee we raise This our grateful psalm of praise. 104 JERUSALEM the golden, *J With milk and honey blest, Beneath thy contemplation Sink heart and voice oppressed. Septuagesima. 81 I know not, oh ! I know not, What joys await us there, What radiancy of glory, What bliss beyond compare. They stand, those halls of Sion, All jubilant with song, And bright with many an angel, And all the martyr throng : The Prince is ever in them, The daylight is serene ; The pastures of the blessed Are decked in glorious sheen. There is the throne of David, And there, from care released, The shout of them that triumph, The song of them that feast ; And they, who with their Leader Have conquered in the fight, For ever and for ever Are clad in robes of white. O home of fadeless splendour, Of flowers that bear no thorn, Where they shall dwell as children, Who here as exiles mourn : Jesu, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest, Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit ever blest. 82 Septnagesima. 105 JERUSALEM the holy, J Jerusalem the blest, From highest heaven descending In bridal beauty drest ; Bride of the Lamb, thy glory, The light of God alone, Shines through thee clear as crystal, And like a jasper stone. Within thee is no temple, No holy house of prayer ; For the Lord God almighty, And the Lamb thy temple are : No need of sun to lighten, No need of moon to shine ; Thy sunshine is God's glory, The Lamb thy light divine. Jerusalem the holy, My spirit longs to be Within thy walls of jasper, Thy gates of pearl to see ; And through the sunless city To walk thy streets of gold, And in thy moonless beauty God's glory to behold. Give me, O Lord, the patience To labour and endure ; Grant that these eyes may see Thee, Give me a heart that's pure ; Write Thine own name upon it, That, after earth's long strife, My name may be found written In the Lamb's book of life. Septuagesima. 83 106 JERUSALEM, my happy home, Name ever dear to me ! When shall my labours have an end In joy, and peace, and thee ? When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls And pearly gates behold ? Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, And streets of shining s;old ? There happier bowers than Eden's bloom With flowers of deathless hue ; Blest seats ! through rude and stormy sc I onward press to you. Why should I shrink from pain or woe, Or feel at death dismay ? I've Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless dav. Apostles, martyrs, prophets there Around my Saviour stand ; And all I love in Christ below Shall join the glorious band. Jerusalem, my happy home, My soul still longs for thee ; Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joys shall see. 84 Septuagesima. 107 OTHOU, not made with hands, Not throned above the skies, Nor walled with shining walls, Nor framed with stones of price, More bright than gold or gem, God's own Jerusalem ! Where'er the gentle heart Finds courage from above ; Where'er the heart forsook Warms with the breath of love ; Where faith bids fear depart, City of God, Thou art ! Thou art where'er the proud In humbleness melts down ; Where self itself yields up ; Where martyrs win their crown ; Where faithful souls possess Themselves in perfect peace. Where in life's common ways With cheerful feet we go ; Where in His steps we tread Who trod the way of woe ; Where He is in the heart, City of God, Thou art ! Not throned above the skies, Nor golden-walled afar, But where Christ's two or three In His name gathered are, Be in the midst of them, God's own Jerusalem ! Sexagesima. ^5 108 PRAISE to the Holiest in the height, And in the depth be praise ; In all His words most wonderful, Most sure in all His ways ! O loving wisdom of our God ! When all was sin and shame, A seeond Adam to the fight, And to the rescue came. wisest love ! that flesh and blood, Which did in Adam fail, Should strive afresh against the foe, Should strive and should prevail ; And that a higher gift than grace Should flesh and blood refine, God's presence, and His very self, And essence all-divine. O generous love ! that He, Who smote In man for man the foe, The double agony in man For man should undergo. And in the garden secretly, And on the cross on high, Should teach His brethren, and inspire To suffer and to die. Praise to the Holiest in the height, And in the depth be praise ; In all His words most wonderful, Most sure in all His ways ! 86 Sexagesima. 109 LORD Jesus, are we one with Thee ? O height, O depth of love ! Thou one with us on Calvary, We one with Thee above. Such was Thy pity, for our sake Thou didst from heaven come down, Our mortal flesh and blood partake, That we might share Thy crown. Our chastisement in love divine Was all endured by Thee ; The sting, the curse, the wounds were Thine, To set Thy members free. Ascended now in glory bright Still one with us Thou art ; Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height, Thy saints and Thee can part. Ere long shall come that glorious day When, seated on Thy throne, Thou shalt to wondering worlds display That we in Thee are one. no THE royal banner is unfurled, And lo ! the cross is reared on high, Whereon the Saviour of the world For sinful man consents to die. Quinquagesima. 87 See, from the spear-wound issue forth Water and blood, a mingled tide, That so a fount of priceless worth May flow for sinners from His side. O Jesu, in Thy cross we see Once more a tree of life for men ; Lo ! from the curse the earth is free, And Eden may be ours again. No more doth flaming sword appear, Or Cherubim to keep the way ; The fallen race may now draw near, And feed on Thee, and live for aye. 111 LORD of life, Whose words have taught us How to serve Thee and obey ; Lord of love, Whose deeds have brought us Wondering at Thy feet to pray ; Fill our hearts with ample measure Of the christian graces three ; •Most of all with Thy dear treasure, Never-failing charity. Charity that ever bindeth Mortal men with cords of love ; Charity that still remindeth Earthly souls of heaven above ; Charity, the Spirit's token Sinners have received of Thee : He whom Jesus loved hath spoken, God Himself is charitv. 88 Quinquagesima. 112 GRACIOUS Spirit, Holy Ghost, Taught by Thee we covet most Of Thy gifts at Pentecost Holy, heavenly Love. Faith that mountains could remove, Tongues of earth or heaven above, Knowledge — all things — empty prove, Without heavenly Love. Love is kind, and suffers long, Love is meek, and thinks no wrong, Love than death itself more strong ; Therefore give us Love. Prophecy will fade away, Melting in the light of day ; Love will ever with us stay ; Therefore give us Love. Faith will vanish into sight, Hope be emptied in delight, Love in heaven will shine more bright ; Therefore give us Love. Faith and Hope and Love, we see, Joining hand in hand agree ; But the greatest of the three, And the best, is Love. Ash Wednesday. 113 OLORD, turn not Thy face away From them that lowly lie, Lamenting sore their sinful life With tears and bitter cry. Thy mercy-gates are open wide To them that mourn their sin ; O shut them not against us, Lord, But let us enter in. We need not to confess our fault, For surely Thou canst tell ; What we have done, and what we are, Thou knowest very well. Wherefore, to beg and to entreat, With tears we come to Thee, As children, that have done amiss, Fall at their father's knee. And need we, then, O Lord, repeat The blessing which we crave, When Thou dost know, before we speak, The thing that we would have ? Mercy, O Lord, mercy we ask ; This is the total sum ; For mercy, Lord, is all our prayer, O let Thv mercy come ! 90 Ash Wednesday. 114 LORD, in this Thy mercy's day, Ere it pass for aye away, On our knees we fall and pray. Holy Jesu, grant us tears, Fill us with heart-searching fears, Ere that awful doom appears. Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour, Kneeling lowly at the door, Ere it close for evermore. By Thy night of agony, By Thy supplicating cry, By Thy willingness to die, By Thy tears ol bitter woe For Jerusalem below, Let us not Thy love forego. Grant us 'neath Thy wings a place, Lest we lose this day of grace, Ere we shall behold Thy face. 115 Psalm li. HAVE mercy, Lord, on me, As Thou wert ever kind ; Let me, o'erburdened with my guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. Wash off these sinful stains, And make me pure within, For I confess myself, and see How great my fault hath been. Lent. 91 Withdraw not Thou Thy help, Nor cast me from Thy sight, Nor let Thy Holy Spirit take Its everlasting flight. Make me to hear with joy Thy kind forgiving voice, That so the bones which Thou hast broke May with fresh strength rejoice. The joy Thy favour gives Let me again obtain ; And Thy free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul sustain. 116 OLORD, in all our trials here, Whate'er those trials be, Help us, without one doubt or fear, To cast our care on Thee. To look from earth to yon bright sky, And there by faith behold The glories hid from mortal eye, To mortal ear untold. And if contempt, reproach or loss We suffer for Thy name, Teach us to triumph in the cross, To glory in the shame. 92 Lent. 117 FORTY days and forty nights Thou wast fasting in the wild, Forty days and forty nights Tempted still, yet undefiled. Sunbeams scorching all the day, Chilly dew-drops nightly shed, Prowling beasts about Thy way, Stones Thy pillow, earth Thy bed. Shall not we Thy sorrow share ? Learn Thy discipline of pain ? Strive, like Thee, through fast and prayer Strength for after time to gain ? Then if Satan, vexing sore, Flesh or spirit shall assail, Thou, his vanquisher before, Wilt not suffer us to fail. So shall we have peace divine ; Holier gladness ours shall be ; Round us, too, shall angels shine, Such as ministered to Thee. Keep, O keep us, Saviour dear, Ever constant by Thy side ; That with Thee we may appear At the eternal Eastertide. 118 OHELP us, Lord ! each hour of need Thy heavenly succour give ; Help us in thought, and word, and deed, Each hour on earth we live. Lent. 93 O help us when our spirits bleed With contrite anguish sore, And when our hearts are cold and dead, O help us, Lord, the more. O help us through the prayer of faith More firmly to believe ; For still the more the servant hath, The more shall he receive. O help us, Saviour, from on high, We know no help but Thee ; O help us so to live and die, As Thine in heaven to be. 119 LORD when we bend before Thy throne, And our confessions pour, Teach us to feel the sins we own, And hate what we deplore. Our broken spirits pitying see ; True penitence impart ; Then let a kindling glance from Thee Beam hope upon the heart. When we disclose our wants in prayer, May we our wills resign, And not a thought our bosom share That is not wholly Thine ; May faith each meek petition fill, And waft it to the skies, And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still That grants it, or denies. 94 Lent. 120 CHRISTIAN ! seek not yet repose Cast thy dreams of ease away ; Thou art in the midst of foes ; Watch and pray. Principalities and powers, Mustering their unseen array, Wait for thy unguarded hours ; Watch and pray. Gird thy heavenly armour on, Wear it ever night and day ; Ambushed lies the evil one ; Watch and pray. Hear the victors who o'ercame ; Still they mark each warrior's way, All with one sweet voice exclaim, " Watch and pray." First and chiefest, hear thy Lord, Him thou lovest to obey ; Hide within thy heart His word " Watch and pray/ Watch, as if upon thy guard Hung the issue of the day ; Christian, pray, the strife is hard ; Watch and pray. Lent. 95 121 BLOT out our sins of old, When erst we went astray, When, Father, from Thy fold We wandered far away ; O King of heaven, To Thee we cry, Ere yet we die, To be forgiven. In this our hour of need, In hope to Thee we fly ; Sow in our hearts the seed Of bright eternity : O Lord, we pray, As morning dew, Our strength renew From day to day. O God, by day, by night, We lowly bend the knee, Again at dawn of light, In deep humility, Our voices raise, For sins forgiven, And hopes of heaven, In prayer and praise. Blot out our sins gone by, Blot out our sins to-day, And others ere we die, And give us, while we pray, Undying faith In Christ, to see The victory O'er sin and death. 96 Lent. 122 JUST as I am, without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, Whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, though tossed about, With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down, — Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come. Lent. 97 123 CHRISTIAN ! dost thou see them On the holy ground, How the troops of Midian Prowl and prowl around ? Christian ! up and smite them, Counting gain but loss ; Smite them by the merit Of the holy cross ! Christian ! dost thou feel them, How they work within, Tempting, luring, urging, Goading into sin ? Christian ! never fear them, Never be downcast ; Win thee strength to smite them Through the sacred fast ! Christian ! dost thou hear them, How they speak thee fair ? — " Always fast and vigil ? Always watch and prayer?" Christian, answer boldly : — " While I breathe I pray : " Peace shall follow battle, Night shall end in day. " Well I know thy trouble My servant true : Thou art very weary ; 1 was weary too : But that toil shall make thee Some day all Mine own ; And the end of sorrow Shall be near My throne." g 9^ Lent. 124 ART thou weary, art thou languid, Art thou sore distrest ? ' ; Come to Me " — saith One — " and coming, Be at rest ! " Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my guide ? " In His feet and hands are wound-prints, And His side." Is there crown of royal splendour, That His brow adorns ? " Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns.' If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here ? " Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear." If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last ? " Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past." If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay? " Not till earth, and not till heaven Pass away." Finding, following, keeping, struggling, — Is He sure to bless ? Angels, Martyrs, Prophets, Virgins, Answer, " Yes ! " Lent. gg 125 MY God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home on life's rough way, O teach me from my heart to say, Thy will be done ! Though dark my path and sad my lot, Let me be still and murmur not, Or breathe the prayer divinely taught, Thv will be done ! If Thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize, it ne'er was mine ; I only yield Thee what was Thine ; Thv will be done ! Let but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest : Thv will be done ! Renew my will from day to day ; Blend it with Thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to say, Thv will be done ! Then, when on earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with tears before, I'll sing upon a happier shore, Thv will be done ! loo Lent. 126 THY way, not mine, Lord, However dark it be ! Lead me by Thine own hand, Choose out the path for me. Smooth let it be or rough, It will be still the best ; Winding or straight, it leads Right onward to Thy rest. The kingdom that I seek, Is Thine ; so let the way That leads to it be Thine, Else I must surely stray. I dare not choose my lot ; I would not if I might ; Choose Thou for me, my God ; So shall I walk aright. Choose Thou for me my friends, My sickness or my health ; Choose Thou my cares for me, My poverty or wealth. Not mine, not mine the choice, In things or great or small ; Be Thou my guide, my strength. My wisdom, and my all. 127 TAKE up thy cross," the Saviour said > " If thou wouldst My disciple be ; Deny thyself, the world forsake, And humbly follow after Me." Lent. 101 Take up thy cross ; let not its weight Fill thy weak spirit with alarm ; His strength shall bear thy spirit up, And brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm. Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame : Nor let thy foolish pride rebel ; Thy Lord for thee the cross endured ; To save thy soul from death and hell. Take up thy cross, then, in His strength, And calmly every danger brave ; 'Twill guide thee to a better home, And lead to victory o'er the grave. Take up thy cross, and follow Christ, Nor think till death to lay it down ; For only he who bears the cross May hope to wear the glorious crown. 128 FORTH from the dark and stormy sky, Lord, to Thine altar's shade we fly ; Forth from the world, its hope and fear, Saviour, we seek Thy shelter here ; Weary and weak, Thy grace we pray ; Turn not Thy suppliants, Lord, away. Long have we roamed in want and pain, Long have we sought Thy rest in vain ; Wildered in doubt, in darkness lost, Long have our souls been tempest-tost ; Low at Thy feet our sins we lay ; Turn not Thy suppliants, Lord, away. 102 Lent. 129 Psalm cxxx. OUT of the deep I call To Thee, O Lord, to Thee ; Before Thy throne of grace I fall ; Be merciful to me. Out of the deep I cry, The woful deep of sin, Of evil done in days gone by, Of evil now within. Out of the deep of fear, And dread of coming shame, From morning watch till night is neat, I plead Thy precious name. Lord, there is mercy now, As ever was, with Thee ; Before Thy throne of grace I bow, Be merciful to me. 130 HEAL me, O my Saviour, heal, Heal me as I suppliant kneel, Heal me, and my pardon seal. Fresh the wounds that sin hath made. Hear the prayers I oft have prayed. And in mercy send me aid. Thou the true physician art ; Thou, O Christ, canst health impart, Binding up the bleeding heart. Lent. 103 Other comforters are gone ; Thou canst heal, and Thou alone, Thou for all my sins atone. Heal me then, my Saviour, heal, Heal me as I suppliant kneel ; To Thy mere) 1 appeal. 131 NOT in anger, mighty God, Not in anger smite us ; We must perish if Thy rod Justly should requite us : We are nought, Sin has brought, Lord, Thy wrath upon us, Yet have mercy on us. Comfort us again with love, Show Thy tender patience ; Heal our wounded souls, remove These too sore temptations: We are weak, Father, speak, And our night of sadness ; Turn Thou into gladness. (rod is love ; He hears our prayer From His holy heaven ; At His feet again we dare Fall, as sons forgiven, Evermore To adore Him Whose grace hath stiirred us, And Whose pity heard us. 104 Lent. 132 OLORD, Thou knowest all the snares That round our pathway be, Thou know' st that both our joys and cares Come between us and Thee ; Thou know'st that our infirmity In Thee alone is strong ; To Thee for help and strength we fly ; O let us not go wrong ! Oh, bear us up, protect us now In dark temptation's hour ; For Thou wast born of woman, Thou Hast felt the tempter's power : All sinless, Thou canst feel for those Who strive and suffer long ; But, oh, midst all our cares and woes Still let us not go wrong ! 133 LORD, as to Thy dear cross we flee, And plead to be forgiven, So let Thy life our pattern be, And form our souls for heaven. Help us, through good report and ill, Our daily cross to bear, Like Thee to do our Father's will, Our brethren's griefs to share. Let grace our selfishness expel, Our earthliness refine, And kindness in our bosoms dwell, As free and true as Thine. Lent. 105 If joy shall at Thy bidding fly, And griefs dark day come on, We, in our turn, would meekly cry, " Father, Thy will be done !" Kept peaceful in the midst of strife, Forgiving and forgiven, Oh, may we lead the pilgrim's life, And follow Thee to heaven. 134 OH, for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame ! A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! How sweet the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ! Alas, that aught should cloud the view Of Jesus and His word ! Return, O holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest ! I hate the sins which made Thee mourn, And drove Thee from my breast. The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be, Help me to tear it from Thy throne, And worship only Thee. So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. io6 Lent. 135 OTHOU, to Whose all-searching sight The darkness shineth as the light, Search, prove my heart ; it pants for Thee ; O burst these bands, and set it free. Wash out its stains, refine its dross, Nail my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought ; let all within Be clean as Thou, my Lord, art clean. If in this darksome world I stray, Be Thou my light, be Thou my way ; No foe, no violence I fear, No fraud, while Thou, my God, art near. Teach me, where'er Thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, to follow Thee ; Oh, let Thy hand support me still, And lead me to Thy holv hill. If rough and thorny be my way, My strength proportion to my day, Till toil and grief and pain shall cease Where all is calm and joy and peace. Lent. 107 136 OTHOU, the contrite sinners' friend, Who, loving, lov'st them to the end, On this alone my hopes depend, That Thou wilt plead for me. When I have erred and gone astray, Afar from Thine and wisdom's way, And see no glimmering, guiding ray, Still, Saviour, plead for me ! When Satan, by my sins made bold, Strives from Thy cross to loose my hold, Then with Thy pitying arms enfold, And plead, O plead for me ! And when my dying hour draws near, Darkened with conflict, pain, and fear, Then to my fainting sight appear, Pleading in heaven for me. When the full night of heavenly day Reveals my sins in dread array, Say Thou hast washed them all away, O say, Thou plead' st for me. io8 Lent. 137 JESU, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high. Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past : Safe into the haven guide, (3 receive my soul at last ! Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me : All my hope on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thv wine:. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cleanse from every sin ; Let the healing streams abound, .Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart ; Rise to all eternity ! Lent. 109 138 YVTHEN gathering clouds around I view, W ^\ n d days are dark, and friends are few, On Him I lean, who, not in vain, Experienced every human pain ; He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures up my tears. If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly wisdom's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do, Still He, Who felt temptation's power, Shall guard me in that dangerous hour. If vexing thoughts within me rise, And sore dismayed my spirit dies, Still He, Who once vouchsafed to bear The sickening anguish of despair, Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry, The throbbing heart, the streaming eye. And oh ! when I have safely past Through every conflict but the last, Still, still unchanging, watch beside My bed of death — for Thou hast died : Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear away. no Lent. 139 |H, for a heart to praise my God, O 1 A heart from sin set free, A heart that's sprinkled with the blood So freely shed for me ! A heart resigned, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne ; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone : A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean, Which neither life nor death can part. From Him that dwells within : A heart in every thought renewed, And full of love divine, Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine. Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ; Come quickly from above ; Write Thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of Love. 140 Psalm cxxxvii. FAR from my heavenly home, Far from my Father's breast, Fainting I cry, " Blest Spirit, come, And speed me to my rest." My spirit homeward turns, And fain would thither flee ; My heart, O Zion, droops and yearns, When I remember thee. Lent. in To thee, to thee I press, A dark and toilsome road ; When shall I pass the wilderness, And reach the saint's abode ? God of my life, be near ; On Thee my hopes I cast ; O guide me through the desert here, And bring me home at last. 141 VVTITH joy we meditate the grace W Qf our High Priest above, Who wears for us a pitying face, Whose very name is Love. Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean, For He has felt the same. But spotless, innocent, and pure, The great Redeemer stood, While Satan's fiery darts He bore, Resisting unto blood. Who in His days of feeble flesh Poured out His cries and tears, And still vouchsafes to feel afresh What every toiler bears. Then let our humble faith embrace His mercy and His power : He will bestow delivering grace, In every trying hour. ii2 Lent. 142 OGOD, that madest earth and sky, The darkness and the day, Give ear to this Thy family, And help us when we pray. The cross our Master bore for us For Him we fain would bear ; But mortal strength to weakness turns, And courage to despair : Then mercy on our failings, Lord ! Our sinking faith renew, And when Thy sorrows visit us send Thy patience too. 143 APPROACH, my soul, the mercy seat, Where Jesus answers prayer ; There humbly fall before His feet, For none can perish there. Thy promise is my only plea ; With this I venture nigh ; Thou callest burdened souls to Thee, And such, O Lord, am T. Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely pressed, By wars without, and fears within, 1 come to Thee for rest. Lent. 113 Be Thou my shield and hiding-place, That, sheltered near Thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him Thou hast died. O wondrous love, to bleed and die, To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead Thy glorious name ! 144 TRY us, O God, and search the ground Of every evil heart ; Whate'er of sin in us is found, O bid it all depart. When to the right or left we stray, Pity Thy helpless sheep ; Bring back our feet into the way, And there Thy wanderers keep. Help us to help each other, Lord, Each other's burdens bear ; Let each his friendly aid afford To soothe his brother's care. Help us to build each other up, Help us ourselves to prove; Increase our faith, confirm our hope, And perfect us in love. Complete at length Thy work of grace, And take us to Thy rest, Among the saints, who see Thy face, To be for ever blest. ii4 Lent. 145 IN the hour of trial, Jesu, pray for me, Lest by base denial I depart from Thee. When Thou seest me waver, With a look recall, Nor for fear or favour Suffer me to fall. With its witching pleasures Would this vain world charm, Or its sordid treasures Spread to work me harm ; Bring to my remembrance Sad Gethsemane, Or, in darker semblance, Cross-crowned Calvary. If, with sore affliction, Thou in love chastise, Pour Thy benediction On the sacrifice : Freely on Thine altar I would lay my will, And though flesh may falter, Trust Thy goodness still. When my strength declining Sinks in death's last pain, Earth to earth consigning, Dust to dust again ; On Thy truth relying, Through that mortal strife, Lord, receive me dying, To eternal life ! Lent. 115 146 OTHOU, from Whom all goodness flows, I lift my heart to Thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, Good Lord, remember me ! When on my aching, burdened heart My sins lie heavily, Thy pardon grant, Thy peace impart, In love remember me ! When trials sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee, Then, let my strength be as my day, For 2:ood remember me ! If worn with pain, disease, and grief, This feeble frame should be ; Give patience, rest, and kind relief, Hear, and remember me ! If on my face, for Thy dear name, Shame and reproach shall be, All hail reproach, and welcome shame, If Thou remember me ! When in the solemn hour of death I wait Thy just decree, Be this the prayer of my last breath, Good Lord, remember me ! n6 Lent. 147 BRIEF life is here our portion, Brief sorrow, short-lived care ; The life that knows no ending, The tearless life, is there. O happy retribution ! Short toil, eternal rest ; For mortals and for sinners A mansion with the blest ! There grief is turned to pleasure, Such pleasure, as below No human voice can utter, No human heart can know. And now we fight the battle, But then shall wear the crown Of full, and everlasting, And passionless renown. And He whom now we trust in Shall then be seen and known ; And they that know and see Him Shall have Him for their own. The morning shall awaken, The shadows pass away ; And each true-hearted servant Shall shine as doth the day, Exult, O dust and ashes ! The Lord shall be thy part, His only, His for ever, Thou shalt be, and thou art. Lent. n\ 148 O HAPPY band of pilgrims, If onward ye will tread, With Jesus as your Fellow, To Jesus as your Head. O happy if ye labour As Jesus did for men ! O happy if ye hunger As Jesus hungered then ! The cross that Jesus carried, He carried as your due ; The crown that Jesus weareth, He weareth it for you. The faith by which ye see Him, The hope in which ye yearn, The love that through all troubles. To Him alone will turn, The trials that beset you, The sorrows ye endure, The manifold temptations, That death alone can cure, What are they but His jewels Of right celestial worth ? What are they but the ladder Set up to heaven on earth ? O happy band of pilgrims, Look upward to the skies, Where such a light affliction Shall win you such a prize. n8 Lent. 149 CATHER of love, our Guide and Friend, * O lead us gently on, Until life's trial-time shall end, And heavenly peace be won : We know not what the path may be As yet by us untrod ; But we can trust our all to Thee, Our Father and our God. What though, like Abraham's child, we climb The hill of sacrifice ? Some angel may be there in time — Deliverance shall arise ; Or if the darker lot be good, O teach us to endure, The sorrow, pain, or solitude That makes the spirit pure. Christ by no flowery pathway came, And we, His followers here, Must count it joy to tread the same, In love, and hope, and fear ; And till in heaven we sinless bow, And faultless anthems raise, Father, it is enough if Thou Accept our feeble praise. Palm Sunday. 119 150 ALL glory, laud, and honour To Thee, Redeemer, King ! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. Thou art the King of Israel, Thou David's royal Son, Who in the Lord's name comest, The King, and blessed One. All glory, etc. The company of angels Are praising Thee on high, And mortal men, and all things Created, make reply. All glory, etc. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went ; Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory, etc. To Thee before Thy Passion They sang their hymns of praise ; To Thee now high exalted Our melody we raise. All glory, etc. Thou didst accept their praises : Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King ! All glory, etc. 120 Palm Sunday. 151 RIDE on ! ride on in majesty ! Hark ! all the tribes hosanna cry ; O Saviour meek, pursue Thy road With palms and scattered garments strowed. Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die! () Christ, Thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin. Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! The winged squadrons of the sky Look down with sad and wondering eyes To see the approaching sacrifice. Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh ; The Father on His sapphire throne, Expects His own anointed Son. Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die ! Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain, Then take, O God, Thy power, and reign ! 152 SAVIOUR, when in dust to Thee Low we bow the adoring knee. When, repentant, to the skies, Scarce we lift our weeping eyes, Oh, by all Thy pains and woe Suffered once for man below ; Bending from Thy throne on high, Hear our solemn litany ! The Passion. By Thy helpless infant years, By Thy life of want and tears, By Thy days of sore distress In the savage wilderness, By the dread mysterious hour Of the insulting tempter's power, Turn, O turn a favouring eye, Hear our solemn litany ! By the sacred griefs that wept O'er the grave where Lazarus slept, By the boding tears that flowed Over Salem's loved abode, By the anguished sigh that told Treachery lurked within Thy fold, From Thy seat above the sky, Hear our solemn litany ! By Thine hour of dire despair, By Thine agony of prayer, By the cross, the nail, the thorn, Piercing spear, and torturing scorn, By the gloom that veiled the skies O'er the dreadful sacrifice, Listen to our humble cry, Hear our solemn litany ! By Thy deep expiring groan, By the sad sepulchral stone, By the vault, whose dark abode Held in vain the rising God, O from earth to heaven restored, Mighty, re-ascended Lord, Listen, listen to the cry, Of our solemn litany ! 122 The Passion. 153 SON of Man, to Thee we cry : By the wondrous mystery, Of Thy dwelling here on earth, By Thy pure and holy birth, Lord, reveal Thy nature thus, Manifest Thyself to us. Lamb of God, to Thee we cry ; By Thy bitter agony, By Thy pangs, to us unknown, By Thy Spirit's parting groan, Lord, reveal Thy nature thus, Manifest Thyself to us. Prince of life, to Thee we cry, By Thy glorious majesty, By Thy triumph o'er the grave, Meek to suffer, strong to save, Lord, reveal Thy nature thus, Manifest Thyself to us. Lord of glory, God most high, Man exalted to the sky, With Thy love our bosom fill, Prompt us to perform Thy will ; So Thy presence we shall see, Thou wilt brinsr us home to Thee. The Passion. 123 154 THY life was given for me, Thy blood, Lord, was shed, That I might ransomed be, And quickened from the dead ; Thy life was given for me ; What have I given for Thee ? Long years were spent for me In weariness and woe, That through eternity Thy glory I might know ; Long years were spent for me ; Have I spent one for Thee ? Lord, Thou hast borne for me More than my tongue can tell Of bitterest agony, To rescue me from hell ; Thou suffered' st all for me ; What have I borne for Thee ? And Thou hast brought to me, Down from Thy throne above, Salvation full and free, Thy pardon and Thy love ; Thou gav'st Thyself for me ; I give myself to Thee. 124 The Passion. 155 ROCK of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath, and make me pure. Not the labours of my hands, Can fulfil Thy law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and Thou alone. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling, Naked, come to Thee for dress, Helpless, plead Thy righteousness, Soiled, to the fount I fly, Wash me, Saviour, or I die. While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyelids close in death, W T hen I soar through tracts unknown. See Thee on Thy judgment throne, Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide mvself in Thee. 156 WHEN I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. The Passion. ^5 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God : All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. See ! from His head, His hands, His feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all 157 OBJECT of my first desire, Jesus, crucified for me ; All to happiness aspire, Only to be found in Thee : Thee to praise, and Thee to know, Makes the joy of saints below ; Thee to see, and Thee to love, Makes the bliss of saints above. Lord, it is not life to live, If Thy presence Thou deny ; Lord, if Thou Thy presence give, 'Tis no longer death to die : Source and Giver of repose, Only from Thy love it flows ; Peace and happiness are Thine ; Mine they are, if Thou art mine. 126 The Passion. 158 CLEFT are the rocks, the earth doth quake, The slumberers of the grave awake ; The temple's veil is rent in twain ; For Christ, our sacrifice, is slain, And bears of sin and death the pain. The Mighty One, the Son of God, Hath humbly kissed affliction's rod, That by His stripes we might be healed, Our pardon by His blood be sealed, And boundless mercy stand revealed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, And turned aside from wisdom's way ; But He hath died, our life to win, Our God the ransom-Lamb hath been ; Our God hath saved us from our sin. Oh, let us cast each vice away, Which thus the Son of God could slay, With contrite heart and weeping eye Behold the Saviour's cross on high, And every sin and folly fly. So may we join the song of love, Which saints and angels sing above ; All honour, glory, praise to Thee, W T hich wast and art, and art to be, The Lamb slain from eternity ! The Passion. 127 159 GO to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power ; Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with Him one bitter hour : Turn not from His griefs away ; Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. Follow to the judgment-hall, View the Lord of life arraigned ; Oh, the wormwood and the gall ! Oh, the pangs His soul sustained ! Shun not suffering, shame or loss ; Learn of Him to bear the cross. Calvary's mournful mountain climb ; There, adoring at His feet, Mark that miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete ; " It is finished," hear Him cry ; Learn of Jesus Christ to die. Early hasten to the tomb Where they laid the breathless clay All is solitude and gloom ; Who hath taken Him away ? Christ is risen, He meets our eyes, Saviour, teach us so to rise. 128 The Passion. 160 JESU, meek and lowly, Saviour, pure and holy, On Thy love relying Hear me humbly crying. Prince of life and power, My salvation's tower, On the cross I view Thee Calling sinners to Thee. There behold me gazing At the sight amazing ; Bending low before Thee, Helpless, I adore Thee. By that fount of blessing Thy dear love expressing. All my aching sadness Turn Thou into gladness. Lord, in mercy guide me, Go not from beside me ; In Thy ways direct me, 'Neath Thy wings protect me. 161 LORD of mercy and of might, Of mankind the life and light, Maker, Teacher infinite, Jesus, hear and save ! Who, when sin's primeval doom Gave creation to the tomb, Didst not scorn the Virgin's womb, Jesus, hear and save ! The Passion. 129 Strong Creator, Saviour mild, Humbled to a mortal child, Captive, beaten, bound, reviled, Jesus, hear and save ! Throned above celestial things, Borne aloft on angels' wings, Lord of lords, and King of kings, Jesus, hear and save ! Soon to come to earth again, judge of angels and of men, Hear us now, and hear us then, Jesus, hear and save ! 162 OCOME and mourn beneath the cross ; O come ye to the Saviour's side ; O come, together let us mourn ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. Have we no hearts to grieve for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride ? Ah, look how patiently He hangs ! Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. Seven times He spake, seven words of love, And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. O love of God, O sin of man, In this dread act your strength is tried, And victory remains with love, For Love Himself is crucified. 130 The Passion. 163 WHEN our heads are bowed with woe, When our bitter tears o'erflow, When we mourn the lost, the dear, Jesu, Son of Mary, hear ! Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn, Thou our mortal griefs hast borne, Thou hast shed the human tear ; Jesu, Son of Mary, hear ! When the heart is sad within With the thought of all its sin, When the spirit shrinks with fear, Jesu, Son of Mary, hear ! Thou the shame, the grief hast known, Though the sins were not Thine own, Thou hast deigned their load to bear ; Jesu, Son of Mary, hear ! When the solemn death-bell tolls For our own departing souls, When our final doom is near, Jesu, Son of Mary, hear ! Thou hast bowed the dying head, Thou the blood of life hast shed, Thou hast filled a mortal bier ; Jesu, Son of Mary, hear ! The Passion. 131 164 THRONED upon the awful tree, Kino- of grief, we watch with Thee ; Darkness veils Thine anguished face ; None its lines of woe can trace, None can tell what pangs unknown Hold Thee silent and alone. Silent through those three dread hours- Wrestling with the evil powers, Left alone with human sin, Gloom around Thee and within, Till the appointed time draw nigh, Till the Lamb of God mav die. Hark that cry that peals aloud Upward through the whelming cloud ! Thou, the Father's only Son Thou, His own anointed One, Thou dost ask Him — can it be ? — " Why hast Thou forsaken me ? " Lord, should doubt or terror roll Darkly o'er the sinful soul, Thou, Who once was thus bereft That Thine own might ne'er be left, Teach us by that bitter cry In the gloom to know Thee nigh. 132 The Passion. 165 O SACRED Head, surrounded With crown of piercing thorn ! O Lamb of God, so wounded, Reviled, and put to scorn ! Erst reigning in the highest, In might and majesty, Dishonoured here Thou diest, Yet here I worship Thee. Ah ! Lord, this cruel burden Of right belongs to me ; Of my misdeeds the guerdon Hath all been laid on Thee ; I cast me down before Thee ; Wrath were my rightful lot ; Yet hear me, I implore Thee, Redeemer, spurn me not. In this Thy bitter passion, Good Shepherd, think of me, With Thy most sweet compassion, Unworthy though I be : Beneath Thy cross abiding For ever would I rest, In Thy dear love confiding, And with Thy presence blest. The Passion. 133 166 WE sing the praise of Him Who died. Of Him Who died upon the cross : Than this we own no hope beside, For this we count the world but loss. Inscribed upon the cross we see, In shining letters, God is love ; He bears our sins upon the tree, He brings us mercy from above. The cross ! it takes our guilt away : It holds the fainting spirit up ; It cheers with hope the gloomy day, And sweetens every bitter cup. It makes the coward spirit brave, And nerves the feeble arm for fight ; It takes its terror from the grave, And gilds the bed of death with light. The balm of life, the cure of woe, The measure and the pledge of love, The sinner's refuge here below, The angels' theme in heaven above. To Christ, Who won for sinners grace By bitter grief and anguish sore, Be praise from all the ransomed race For ever and for evermore. [34 The Passion. 167 O PERFECT life of love ! All, all is finished now ; All that He left His throne above To do for us below. No work is left undone Of all the Father willed ; His toil, His sorrows, one by one, The Scriptures have fulfilled. No pain that we can share But He has felt its smart ; All forms of human grief and care Have pierced that tender heart. And on His thorn-crowned head, And on His sinless soul, Our sins in all their guilt were laid, That He might make us whole. In perfect love He dies, For me He dies, for me : ( ) all-atoning sacrifice, I cling by faith to Thee. In every time of need, Before the judgment-throne, Thy work, O Lamb of God, I plead, Thy merits, not mine own. Yet work, O Lord, in me, As Thou for me hast wrought, And let my love the answer be To grace Thy love has brought. Easter Eve. 135 168 SABBATH of the saints of old, Day of mysteries manifold, By the great Creator blest, Type of His eternal rest, Sanctified with thought of thee Be the closing week to me. Resting from His work to-day, In the tomb the Saviour lay, Once again from head to feet Swathed, but in the winding sheet, Lying in the rock alone Hid behind the sealed stone. Late at even there was seen, Watching long, the Magdalene, Rising early, resting late, By the sepulchre to wait In the holy garden glade, Where her buried Lord was laid. So with Thee, till life shall end, I would solemn vigil spend ; Let me hew Thee, Lord, a shrine In this rocky heart of mine, Where in pure embalmed cell None but Thou may ever dwell. Myrrh and spices I will bring, True affection's offering, Close the door from sight and sound Of the busy world around, And in patient watch remain, Till my Lord appear again. 136 Easter Eve. 169 WHEN to dark Moriah's side, Early vigil keeping, Hasted Mary, unespied, By the grave stood weeping, Sudden on her trembling sight, Love's task uncompleted, Gleamed an angel-form in white, On the rude stone seated. Spake the seraph words of cheer — " Cease thy heart's misgiving, " He is risen, He is not here, " Seek Him with the living." — Turned she, all her heart aflame, As the word was spoken, Heard the Master name her name, Knew Him by that token. Lord, our spirits grope and faint, To this dull earth cleaving, Yet Thou didst not spurn Thy saint Only half believing ; And with Magdalene astir, Ere the day be breaking, Watch we by the sepulchre Eor Thine Easter waking. Easter Eve. 137 Slavish fear, and selfish gloom, Hearts that sin hath cumbered, Lo, we leave them in the tomb Where Thyself hast slumbered : Thou Who broughtest life to light Out of death's dark prison, Lift the shadows from our sight, To behold Thee risen. 170 BY Jesus' grave on either hand, While night is brooding o'er the land, The sad and silent mourners stand. At last the weary life is o'er, The agony and conflict sore Of Him who all our sufferings bore. Deep in the rock's sepulchral shade The Lord, by Whom the worlds were made, The Saviour of mankind, is laid. hearts bereaved and sore distressed, Here is for you a place of rest ; Here leave your griefs on Jesus' breast. So when the Da\ spring from on high Shall chase the night and fill the sky, Then shall the Lord again draw nigh. 13^ Easter Eve. 171 ALL is o'er, the pain the sorrow, Human taunts and fiendish spite ; Death shall be despoiled to-morrow, Of the prey he grasps to-night ; Yet once more, His own to save, Christ must sleep within the grave. Fierce and deadly was the anguish On the bitter cross He bore ; How did soul and body languish, Till the toil of death was o'er ! But that toil so fierce and dread Bruised and crushed the serpent's head. Close and still the cell that holds Him, While in brief repose He lies ; Deep the slumber that enfolds Him Veiled awhile from mortal eyes — Slumber such as needs must be After hard-won victory. All night long with plaintive voicing Chant His requiem soft and low ; Loftier strains of loud rejoicing From to-morrow's harps shall flow : " Death and hell at length are slain ; Christ hath triumphed, Christ doth reign." Easter. J 39 Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! I lallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ' Hallelujah ! Hallelujah i Hallelujah ! 1 lallelujah ! Hallelujah ! 172 JESUS Christ is risen to-day, Our triumphant holy day, Who did once, upon the cross, Suffer to redeem our loss. Hymns of praise then let us sing, Unto Christ our heavenly King ; Who endured the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. But the pains which He endured, Our salvation have procured ; Now above the sky He's King, Where the angels ever sing 173 THE strife is o'er, the battle done, The victory of our life is won : The song of triumph has begun, Hallelujah ! The powers of death have done their worst, And Jesus hath His foes dispersed ; Let shouts of joy and praise outburst, Hallelujah ! The three sad days have quickly sped ; He rises glorious from the dead ; All glory to our risen Head ! Hallelujah ! He brake the age-bound chains of hell ; The bars from heaven's high portals fell ; Let hymns of praise His triumph tell ! Hallelujah ! Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread sting Thy servants free, That we may live, and sing to Thee, Hallelujah ! 40 Easter. 174 "/^HRIST the Lord is risen to-day, v«^ Sons of men, and angels say ; Raise your song of triumph high ; Sing, ye heavens, and, earth, reply. Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won ; Lo ! our Sun's eclipse is o'er ; Lo ! He sets in blood no more. Vain the stone, the watch, the seal ; Christ hath burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids His rise ; Christ hath opened Paradise. Lives again our glorious King ; Where, O death, is now thy sting ? Once He died our souls to save ; Where thy victory, O grave ? Soar we now where Christ has led, Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven ! Praise to Thee by both be given, Thee we greet triumphant now : Hail ! the Resurrection Thou ! Easter. 141 175 THE happy morn is come ! Triumphant o'er the grave, The Saviour leaves the tomb, Omnipotent to save ; Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth, that was dead. Who now accuseth them For whom their Surety died ? Who now shall those condemn Whom God hath justified ? Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth, that was dead. Christ hath the ransom paid ; The glorious work is done ; On Him our help is laid, By Him our victory won ; Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth, that was dead. Hail the triumphant Lord ! The Resurrection Thou ! Hail the incarnate Word, Before WTiose throne we bow! Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth, that was dead. 142 Easter. 176 JESUS lives ! no longer now C an thy terrors, death, appal us ; Jesus lives ! by this we know Thou, O grave, canst not enthral us. Alleluia ! Jesus lives ! henceforth is death But the gate of life immortal ; This shall calm our trembling breath, When we pass its gloomy portal. Alleluia Jesus lives ! for us He died : Then, alone to Jesus living, Pure in heart may we abide, Glory to our Saviour giving. Alleluia ! Jesus lives ! our hearts know well Nought from us His love shall sever ; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell Tear us from His keeping ever. Alleluia ! ] esus lives ! to Him the throne Over all the world is given ; May we go where He is gone, Rest and reign with Him in heaven. Alleluia ! Easter, 143 177 AGAIN the Lord of life and light Awakes the kindling ray, Unseals the eyelids of the morn, And pours increasing day. Oh, what a night was that which wrapt The heathen world in gloom ! Oh, what a sun which broke this day Triumphant from the tomb ! The powers of darkness leagued in vain To bind His soul in death ; He shook their kingdom when He fell, With His expiring breath. And now His conquering chariot-wheels Ascend the lofty skies, While broke beneath His powerful cross Death's iron sceptre lies. And still for erring, guilty man, A Brother's pity flows ; And still His bleeding heart is touched With memory of our woes. To Thee, our Saviour, and our King, Glad homage let us give, And stand prepared like Thee to die, That we, like Thee may live. 144 Easter. 178 MORN of morns, and day of days, Silent, as thine early rays, From the sepulchre's dark prison Christ, the Light of lights, hath risen. He commanded, and His word Death and the dread chaos heard ; And shall we more deaf than they In the chains of darkness stay ? Nature yet in shadow lies ; Let the sons of light arise, And prevent the morning rays With sweet canticles of praise. Unto hearts in slumber bound, Let the heavenly trumpet sound, And, like streaks of early morn, New ways mark the newly-born. Grant us this, and with us be, O Thou Fount of charity, Thou Who dost the Spirit give, Bidding the dead letter live. Praise the Father, praise the Son, Praise to Thee, Thou Holy One, By Whose quickening breath divine, Our dull spirits burn and shine. Easter, 179 CHRIST is risen, the Lord is come, Bursting from the sealed tomb ; Death and hell, in mute dismay, Render up their mightier prey. Christ is risen, but not alone ; Death, thy kingdom is o'erthrown ; We shall rise as He hath risen From the grave's despoiled prison. Heirs of death, and sons of clay, Long in captive thrall we lay, And went down in trembling gloom To the unawakening tomb. Heirs of life, and sons of God, In the path our Captain trod, Now we hope to soar on high To the mansions of the sky. Mortal once, immortal now, Off our earthly chains we throw, Glorious bodies to put on, Round our great Redeemer's throne. Lofty hopes, and their's indeed Who the Christian's life shall lead, Christ's below in faith and love, Christ's in endless bliss above. H5 146 Easter. 180 COME, ye faithful, raise the anthem, Cleave the skies with shouts of praise ; Sing to Him who found the ransom, Ancient of eternal days, God of God, the Word incarnate, Whom the heaven of heavens obevs. Ere He raised the lofty mountains, Formed the seas, or built the sky, Love eternal, free, and boundless, Moved the Lord of life to die, Fore-ordained the Prince of princes For the throne of Calvary. There, for us and our redemption, See Him all His life-blood pour ! There He wins our full salvation, Dies that we may die no more ; Then, arising, lives for ever Reigning where He was before. Tune your harps and lift your voices, Sweep the string and sound the lay ; Earth, repeat the angel-tidings, " Jesus Christ is risen to-day ! " He is worthy of our homage, Who was dead, and lives for aye. Easter. 147 181 CROWN Him with crowns of gold, All nations great and small, Crown Him, ye martyred saints of old, The Lamb once slain for all, The Lamb once slain for them, Who bring their praises now, As jewels in the diadem That girds His sacred brow. Crown Him the Son of God, Before the worlds began, And ye who tread where He hath trod, Crown Him the Son of Man, Who every grief hath known That wrings the human breast, And takes and bears them for His own, That all in Him may rest, Crown Him the Lord of love, Behold His hands and side ; Those wounds, yet visible above, In beauty glorified : No angel in the sky Can fully bear the sight, But downward bends His wondering eye, At mysteries so bright. Crown Him the Lord of Life, Who triumphed o'er the grave, And rose victorious in the strife, For those He came to save ; His glories now we sing, Who died, and rose on high, Who died eternal life to bring, And lives that death mav die. 148 Easter. 182 ALLELUIA! Alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise Sing to God a hymn of gladness, Father, Son, and Spirit praise : He Who on the cross a victim For the world's salvation bled, Jesus Christ, the King of glory, Now is risen from the dead. Christ is risen, Christ the first-fruits Of the holy harvest field, That shall all its rich abundance At His second coming yield ; Then the golden ears ungarnered Shall their heads before Him wave, Ripened by His glorious sunshine From the furrows of the grave. Christ is risen, we are risen ; Shed upon us heavenly grace, Rain, and dew, and gleams of glory From the brightness of Thy face ; Grant us, Lord, with hearts in heaven, Fruitful here on earth to be, Till Thine angels, at the reaping, Bind us evermore to Thee. Easter. 149 183 COME, ye faithful, raise the strain Of triumphant gladness ; God hath brought His Israel Into joy from sadness ; Loosed from Pharaoh's bitter yoke Israel's sons and daughters ; Led them, with unmoistened foot, Through the Red Sea waters. "Tis the spring of souls to-day ; Christ hath burst His prison, And from three days' sleep in death As a sun hath risen ; All the winter of our sins, Long and dark, is flying From His light, to Whom we give Laud and praise undying. Now the queen of seasons, bright With the day of splendour, Calls us to the feast of feasts, Joyful thanks to render, Alleluia to the Son, With the Father, raising, Alleluia ! Lord of life ! Thee, the Spirit, praising. [50 Easter Monday. 184 WHEN two friends on Easter-Day To Emmaus bent their way, On that Paschal eventide Christ was walking at their side : How their hearts within them glowed, When Himself to them He showed In the Scriptures, as a King Glorified by suffering! Thou art ever with us, Lord, Walking in Thy holy word ; And Thy voice, O Saviour dear, In that word we seem to hear ; What the holy prophets meant In the ancient testament, Thou art opening to our view, Lord, for ever in the new. And Thy presence, Lord, we feel At Thy table, when we kneel ; When we feed upon Thee there. We too at Emmaus are ; Then our eyes are opened, In the breaking of the bread ; Faith her risen Lord descries In those holy mysteries. Though unseen by carnal eye, Lord, we know Thee ever nigh ; Though much further Thou art gone, Even to Thy heavenly throne, Yet may we behold Thy face Ever in Thy means of grace ; There Thou walkest by our side. There with us Thou dost abide. Easter Tuesday. 151 185 CALMED each soul, and closed each door 'Gainst the world's unholy din, Tenant of the tomb no more, See the Saviour enter in ; Spirit-like behold Him glide 'Mid the throng, a wondrous guest, Show His pierced hands and side, Breathe His peace through every breast. What though years have rolled away Since, triumphant from the tomb, Jesus, at the close of day, Sought that quiet upper room ? Oft from Sion's heavenly hill Seeks He yet His faithful few, Bides with them in spirit still, Shows His glorious wounds anew. Loving Lord, descend, we pray, Where Thy true disciples meet ; Many a Magdalene to-day Fain would her deliverer greet ; Many a Thomas scarce can dare Own Thee for his God and Lord ; O descend, and chase each care With Thine own almighty word. 152 Ascension. 186 HE is gone — a cloud of light Has received Him from our sight High in heaven, where eye of men Follows not, nor angel's ken ; Through the veils of time and space, Passed into the holiest place ; All the toil, the sorrow done, All the battle fought and won. He is gone — we heard him say, " Good that I should go away," Gone is that dear form and face, But not gone His present grace, Though Himself no more we see, Comfortless we cannot be ; No ! His Spirit still is ours, Quickening, freshening all our powers. He is gone — towards their goal World and Church must onward roll : Far behind we leave the past ; Forward are our glances cast ; Still His words before us range Through the ages, as they change : Wheresoe'er the truth shall lead, He will give whatever we need. He is i^one — but we once more Shall behold Him as before, In the heaven of heavens the same, As on earth He went and came : Ascension. *53 In the many mansions there, Place for us He will prepare : In that world unseen, unknown, He and we may vet be one. He is gone — but not in vain ; Wait until He comes again : He is risen, He is not here, Far above this earthly sphere ; Evermore in heart and mind There our peace in Him we find : To our own eternal Friend, Thitherward let us ascend. 187 HAIL the day that sees Him rise, Hallelujah ! Glorious to His native skies ! Hallelujah ! Christ awhile to mortals given, Hallelujah ! Enters now the gates of heaven. Hallelujah ! There the glorious triumph waits ; Hallelujah ! Lift your heads, eternal gates ; Hallelujah ! Christ has vanquished death and sin ; Hallelujah ! Take the King of glory in! Hallelujah ! See, the heaven its Lord receives ! Yet He loves the earth He leaves ; Though returning to His throne, Still He calls mankind His own. Lord, though parted from our sight, Far above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rise, Following Thee beyond the skies. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! 154 Ascension. 188 THE eternal gates lift up their heads, The doors are opened wide ; The King of glory is gone up, Unto His Father's side. Thou art gone in before us, Lord, To make for us a place, That we may be where now Thou art, And see Thee face to face. And ever on our earthly path A gleam of glory lies ; A light still breaks behind the cloud That veils Thee from our eyes. Lift up our hearts, lift up our minds. Let Thy dear grace be given, That, while we linger yet below, Our treasure be in heaven. That, where Thou art at God's right hand, Our hope, our love may be : Dwell in us now, that we may dwell For evermore in Thee. 189 GOD is gone up with a merry noise Of saints that sing on high ; With His own right hand and His holy arm He hath won the victory ! Now empty are the courts of death, And crushed Thy sting, despair ; And roses bloom in the desert tomb, For Jesus hath been there. Ascension. 155 And He hath tamed the strength of hell, And dragged him through the sky, And captive behind His chariot wheel He hath bound captivity. He is gone to pour, from the fount of love, Rich gifts on a sinful race ; To prepare a place for His saints above, And to shed the Spirit's grace. God is gone up with a merry noise Of saints that sing on high ; With His own right hand and His holy arm He hath won the victory ! 190 LET me be with Thee where Thou art, My Saviour, my eternal rest ; Then only will this longing heart Be fully and for ever blest. Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Thy unveiled glory to behold ; Then only will this wandering heart Cease to be treacherous, faithless, cold. Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Where spotless saints Thy name adore, Then only will this evil heart Be sinful and defiled no more. Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Where none can die, where none remove ; There neither life nor death shall part Me from Thy presence and Thy love. 156 Ascension. 191 THOU art gone up on high To mansions in the skies ; And round Thy throne unceasingly The songs of praise arise. But we are lingering here, With sin and care oppressed ; Lord, send Thy promised Comforter, And lead us to Thy rest. Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou didst first come down, Through earth's most bitter misery To pass unto Thy crown. And girt with griefs and fears Our onward course must be ; But only let that path of tears Lead us at last to Thee. Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou shalt come again, With all the bright ones of the sky Attendant in Thy train. Oh, by Thy saving power, So make us live and die, That we may stand in that dread hour At Thy right hand on high. Ascension. 157 192 WE saw Thee not when Thou didst tread, O Saviour, this our sinful earth, Nor heard Thy voice restore the dead, And wake them to a second birth ; But we believe that Thou didst come And leave for us Thy glorious home. We were not with the faithful few Who stood Thy bitter cross around, Nor heard Thy prayer for those that slew, Nor felt the earthquake rock the ground We saw no spear-wound pierce Thy side, Yet we believe that Thou hast died. No angel's message met our ear On that first glorious Easter-day, " The Lord is risen, He is not here, Come, see the place where Jesus lay ! " But we believe that Thou didst quell The banded powers of death and hell. We saw Thee not return on high : And now, our longing sight to bless, No ray of glory from the sky Shines down upon our wilderness ; But we believe that Thou art there, And seek Thee, Lord, in praise and prayer. 158 Ascension, 193 WHO shall ascend to the holy place, And stand on the holy hill ? Who shall the boundless realms of space With shouts of rapture thrill ? Hallelujah ! For the Lord God omnipotent reign eth ! The servants of the Lord are they, The pure in heart and hand, For whom the eternal bars give way, The eternal gates expand : Hallelujah ! &c. Not to the noble, not to the strong, To the wealthy, or the wise, Is given a part in that angel-song, That music of the skies ; Hallelujah ! &c. But those who in humble and holy fear, With childlike faith and love, Have served the Lord as their master here, Shall praise the Lord above ; Hallelujah ! &c. And chiefly those who in faith to Him Their morn of life have given, With Cherubim and Seraphim, And all the host of heaven — Hallelujah ! &c. Ascension. 159 Shall stand in robes of purest white, And to the Lamb shall raise The song that rests not day or night, The eternity of praise. Hallelujah ! &c. 194 THERE is a land of pure delight Where saints immortal reign ; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. vSweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. Oh, could we make our doubts remove, Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love With unbeclouded eyes ; Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, or death's cold flood. Should fright us from the shore. 160 Ascension. 195 THERE is a blessed home Beyond this land of woe, Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow ; Where faith is lost in sight, And patient hope is crowned, And everlasting light Its glory throws around. There is a land of peace ; Good angels know it well ; Glad songs that never cease Within its portals swell : Around its glorious throne Ten thousand saints adore Christ, with the Father One, And Spirit, evermore. O joy all joys beyond To see the Lamb who died, And trace each sacred wound In hands, and feet, and side ! To give to Him the praise Of every triumph won, And sing through endless days The great things He hath done 1 Look up, ye saints of God, Nor fear to tread below The path your Saviour trod Of daily toil and woe. Ascension. 161 Wait but a little while In uncomplaining love, His own most gracious smile Shall welcome you above. 196 REJOICE, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice ! Jesus, the Saviour, reigns, The God of truth and love ; When he had purged our stains, He took His seat above : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice ! His kingdom cannot fail ; He rules o'er earth and heaven ; The keys of death and hell To Christ, the Lord, are given : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice ! He sits at God's right hand, Till all His foes submit, And bow to His command, And fall beneath His feet : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice ! 1 62 Whitsuntide. 197 Veni Creator Spiritus. COME, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire : Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart. Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love ; Enable with perpetual light The dulness of our blinded sight. Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of Thy grace; Keep far our foes, give peace at home ; Where Thou art guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee, of both, to be but One ; That, through the ages all along, This may be our endless song, Praise to Thy eternal merit, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 198 THOU, Who earnest from above, Bringing light, and breathing love, Teaching us Thy perfect way, Giving gifts to men to-day ; Thou, Who once didst change our state, Making us regenerate, Help us evermore to be Loving children unto Thee. Whitsuntide. 163 Where Thou art not, none can do What is holy, just, and true ; Those, whose hearts Thy wisdom leads, Think good thoughts, and do good deeds. Thou the feeble canst protect, Thou the wandering direct ; We have often grieved Thee sore ; May we never grieve Thee more. We are dark ; be Thou our light ; We are blind ; be Thou our sight ; Be our comfort in distress ; Guide us through life's wilderness. 199 SPIRIT of God, that moved of old Upon the water's darkened face, Come, when our faithless hearts are cold, And stir them with an inward grace. Thou that art power and peace combined, All highest strength, all purest love, The rushing of the mighty wind, The brooding of the gentle dove, Come, give us still Thy powerful aid, And urge us on, and keep us Thine, Nor leave the hearts that once were made Fit temples for Thy grace divine. Nor let us quench Thy sevenfold light, But still with softest breathings stir Our wayward souls, and lead us right, O Holy Ghost, the Comforter! 164 Whitsuntide. 200 GRACIOUS Spirit, Love divine, Let Thy light around us shine ; All our guilty fears remove ; Fill us with Thy peace and love. Pardon to the contrite give ; Bid the wounded sinner live ; Lead us to the Lamb of God ; Wash us in His precious blood. Earnest Thou of heavenly rest, Comfort every troubled breast ; Life and liberty impart, Sanctifying every heart. Guardian Spirit, lest we stray, Keep us in the heavenly way ; Bring us to Thy courts above, To the fount of light and love. 201 SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love, O shed Thine influence from above, And still from age to age convey The wonders of this sacred day. In every clime, by every tongue, Be God's surpassing glory sung ; Hi rough all the listening earth be taught The deeds our great Redeemer wrought. Unfailing Comfort, heavenly Guide, Still o'er Thy holy Church preside ; • Still let mankind Thy blessings prove, Spirit of mercy, truth, and love. Whitsuntide. 165 202 WHEN God of old came down from heaven, In power and wrath He came : Before His feet the clouds were riven. Half darkness and half flame : But when He came the second time, He came in power and love ; Softer than gale at morning prime. Hovered His holy Dove. The fires, that rushed on Sinai down, In sudden torrents dread, Now gently light, a glorious crown. On every sainted head. And as on Israel's awe-struck ear The voice exceeding loud, The trump, that angels quake to hear, Thrilled from the deep, dark cloud: So, when the Spirit of our God Came down His flock to find, A voice from heaven was heard abroad, A rushing mighty wind. It fills the Church of God ; it fills The sinful world around ; Only in stubborn hearts and wills No place for it is found. Come, Lord, come, Wisdom, Love, and Power, Open our ears to hear ; Let us not miss the accepted hour : Save, Lord, by love or fear. 166 Whitsuntide. 203 COME to our dark nature's night With Thy blessed inward light, Holy Ghost, the infinite, Comforter divine ! We are sinful ; cleanse us, Lord ; Sick and faint ; Thy strength afford ; Lost, until by Thee restored, Comforter divine ! Orphan are our souls and poor ; Give us, from Thy heavenly store, Faith, love, joy, for evermore, Comforter divine ! Like the dew, Thy peace distil ; Guide, subdue our wayward will, Things of Christ unfolding still, Comforter divine ! Gentle, awful, holy Guest, Make Thy temple in each breast, There supreme to reign and rest, Comforter divine ! 204 SPIRIT of truth, on this Thy day To Thee for help we cry, To guide us through the dreary way Of dark mortality. We ask not, Lord, Thy cloven flame, Or tongues of various tone, Hut long Thy praises to proclaim With fervour in our own. Whitsuntide. 167 We mourn not that prophetic skill Is found on earth no more ; Enough for us to trace Thy will In Scripture's sacred lore. No heavenly harpings soothe our ear, No mystic dreams we share, Yet hope to feel Thy comfort near, And bless Thee in our prayer. When tongues shall cease, and power decay, And knowledge empty prove, Do Thou Thy trembling servants stay With faith and hope and love. 205 CREATOR Spirit, by Whose aid The world's foundations first were laid, Come, visit every humble mind ; Come, pour Thy joys on human kind ; From sin and sorrow set us free, And make Thy temples worthy Thee. Plenteous of grace, descend from high, Rich in Thy sevenfold energy ; Make us eternal truths receive, And practise all that we believe ; Give us Thyself, that we may see The Father and the Son by Thee. . Immortal honour, endless fame Attend the almighty Father's name ; The Saviour Son be glorified,, Who for lost man's redemption died ; And equal adoration be, Eternal Comforter, to Thee. 1 68 Whitsuntide. 206 HEAR us, Thou that broodedst O'er the watery deep, Waking all creation From its primal sleep ; Holy Spirit, breathing Breath of love divine, Breathe into our spirits, Blending them with Thine. Lord of light, Who searchest, E'en the thickest gloom, Haste to set Thy candle In each darkened room ; Should the lamp that's burning Give but flickering light, Feed the flame that trembleth On the verge of night. Fount of living water, From the crystal sea Evermore replenished, Fount of purity ! Slake our thirst, and speed us O'er life's parched plain, Howsoever weary, Ne'er to thirst again. Morning, noon, and evening, Whensoe'er it be, Grant us, gracious Spirit, Quickening life in Thee, Whitsuntide. 169 Life, that gives us living Life of heavenly love, Life, that brings us dying Life from heaven above. 207 T ORD God the Holy Ghost, L' In this accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend in all Thy power : We meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our Lord, The Spirit of all grace. Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath, Move with one impulse every mind, One soul, one feeling breathe : The young, the old inspire With wisdom from above, And give us hearts and tongues of fire To pray, and praise, and love. Spirit of light, explore And chase our gloom away, With lustre shining more and more Unto the perfect day ; Spirit of truth, be Thou In life and death our guide ; O Spirit of adoption, now May all be sanctified. 170 Whitsuntide. 208 OUR blest Redeemer, ere He breathed His tender last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter bequeathed With us to dwell. He came in semblance of a dove, With sheltering wings outspread, The holy balm of peace and love On earth to shed. He came, sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing Guest, While He can find one humble heart Wherein to rest. And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, That checks each thought, that calms each fear, And speaks of heaven. And every virtue we possess, And every conquest won, And every thought of holiness, Are His alone. Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness, pitying, see ; O make our hearts Thy dwelling-place, And worthier Thee. Trinity Sunday. 171 209 BRIGHT the vision that delighted Once the sight of Judah's seer ; Sweet the countless tongues united To entrance the prophet's ear. Round the Lord in glory seated, Cherubim and Seraphim Filled His temple, and repeated Each to each the alternate hymn ; " Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven ; Earth is with its fulness stored ; Unto Thee be glory given, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord ! " Heaven is still with glory ringing ; Earth takes up the angel's crv, " Holy, Holy, Holy ! " singing,' tk Lord of hosts, the Lord most high ! With His seraph train before Him, With His holy Church below, Thus conspire we to adore Him, Bid we thus our anthem flow ; " Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven ; Earth is with its fulness stored ; Unto Thee be glory given, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord ! " 172 Trinity Sunday. 210 HOLY, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty ! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee ; Holy, Holy, Holy ! Merciful and Mighty ! God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity ! Holy, Holy, Holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea ; Cherubim and Seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be ! Holy, Holy, Holy ! though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see, Only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love, and purity ! Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty ! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea ; Holy, Holy, Holy ! Merciful and Mighty ! God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity ! 211 FATHER of heaven, Whose love profound A ransom for our souls hath found, Before Thy throne we sinners bend ; To us Thy pardoning love extend. Trinity Sunday. 173 Almighty Son, incarnate Word, Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord, Before Thy throne we sinners bend ; To us Thy saving grace extend. Eternal Spirit, by Whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, Before Thy throne we sinners bend ; To us Thy quickening power extend. Thrice holy ! Father, Spirit, Son, Mysterious Godhead ! Three in One ! Before Thy throne we sinners bend ; Grace, pardon, life to us extend. 212 THREE in One, and One in Three, Ruler of the earth and sea, Hear us, while we lift to Thee Holy chant and psalm. Light of lights ! with morning shine ; Lift on us Thy light divine ; And let charity benign Breathe on us her balm. Light of lights ! when falls the even, Let it close on sin forgiven ; Fold us in the peace of heaven ; Shed a holy calm. Three in One, and One in Three, Dimly here we worship Thee ; With the saints hereafter we Hope to bear the palm. 174 Trinity Sunday. 213 OGOD of life, Whose power benign Doth o'er the world in mercy shine, Accept our praise, for we are Thine. O Father, uncreated Lord, Be Thou in every land adored, Be Thou by all with faith implored. O Son of God, for sinners slain, We bless Thee, Lord, Whose dying pain For us did endless life regain. O Holy Ghost, Whose guardian care Doth us for heavenly joys prepare, May we in Thy communion share. O holy, blessed Trinity, With faith we sinners bow to Thee ; In us, O God, exalted be. 214 WHERE art Thou, Lord ? With anxious eye We pierce the vaulted night ; World after world we see, but Thou Art veiled from mortal sight. Where art Thou, Lord ? The riven rock Its fossil store displays ; Age after age we track, but Thou Dost shun our lingering gaze. Trinity Sunday. 175 Where art Thou, Lord ? The mind of man Each secret law unfolds, On eagle wing Thy worlds surveys, Yet Thine, not Thee, beholds. Where art Thou, Lord ? We wait Thy word Speak, and Thy presence prove ; Yea, now we feel that Thou art near ; We know Thee when we love. 215 OTHOU, Whom neither time nor space Can circle in, unseen, unknown, Nor faith in boldest flight can trace, Save through Thy Spirit and Thy Son : And Thou, Who, from Thy bright abode To us in mortal weakness shown, Didst graft the manhood into God, Eternal, co-eternal Son ! And Thou, Whose unction from on high By comfort, light, and love is known, Who, with the parent Deity, Dread Spirit, art for ever One : Great First and Last, Thy blessing give, And grant us faith, Thy gift alone, To love and praise Thee while we live, And do whate'er Thou wouldst have done. 176 Trinity Sunday. 216 THOU, Whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard, And took their flight, Hear us, we humbly pray, And where the gospel day Sheds not its glorious ray, Let there be light ! Thou, Who didst come to bring, On Thy redeeming wing, Healing and sio-fit, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the inly blind, Oh, now to all mankind, Let there be light ! Spirit of truth and love, Life-giving, holv Dove, Speed forth Thy flight ! Move on the waters' face. Bearing the lamp of grace, And in earth's darkest place Let there be light ! Holy and blessed Three, Glorious Trinity, Wisdom, Love, Might ! Boundless as ocean's tide Rolling in fullest pride Through the earth, far and wide, Let there be light ! Trinity Sunday. 177 217 LEAD us, heavenly Father, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea ; Guide us, guard us, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee, Yet possessing Every blessing, H our God our Father be. Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us, All our weakness Thou dost know ; Thou didst tread this earth before us, Thou didst feel its keenest woe ; Lone and dreary, Faint and weary, Through the desert Thou didst go. Spirit of our God, descending, Fill our hearts with heavenly joy, Love with every feeling blending, Pleasure that can never cloy : Thus provided, Pardoned, guided, Nothing can our peace destroy. 218 MAY the grace of Christ our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favour, Rest upon us from above : Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth can not afford. M 178 Holy Days. 219 JESUS calls us — o'er the tumult Of our life's wild, restless sea, Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Saying, " Christian, follow Me." As, of old, St. Andrew heard it By the Galilean lake, Turn'd from home, and toil, and kindred, Leaving all for His dear sake. Jesus calls us from the worship Of the vain world's golden store, From each idol that would keep us, Saying, " Christian, love Me more." In our joys and in our sorrows, Days of toil and hours of ease, Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, " Christian, love Me more than these." Jesus calls us — by Thy mercies, Saviour, may we hear Thy call, Give our hearts to Thy obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all. 220 OTHOU, Who didst with love untold Thy doubting servant chide, Bidding the eye of sense behold Thy wounded hands and side ; Grant us, like him, with heartfelt awe, To own Thee God and Lord, And from his hour of darkness draw Faith in the incarnate Word. Holy Days. 179 And while that wondrous record now Of unbelief we hear, Teach us the lowlier, Lord, to bow In self-distrusting fear ; And grant that we may never dare Thy loving heart to grieve, But, at the last, their blessings share, Who see not, vet believe. 221 HOW oft, O Lord, Thy face hath shone On doubting souls whose wills were true ! Thou Christ of Cephas and of John, Thou art the Christ of Thomas too. His brethren's word he would not take, But craved to touch those hands of Thine ; The bruised reed Thou didst not break ; He saw, and hailed his Lord divine. He saw Thee risen ; at once he rose To full beliefs unclouded height, And still through his confession flows To christian souls Thy life and light. O Saviour, make Thy presence known To all, who doubt Thy word and Thee, And teach them in that word alone To find the truth that sets them free. And we, who know how true Thou art, And Thee as God and Lord adore — (jive us, we pray, a loyal heart, To trust and love Thee more and more. 180 Holy Days. 222 <£>f, §tep&ex\. THE Son of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain ; His blood-red banner streams afar : Who follows in His train ? Who best can drink his cup of woe, Triumphant over pain, Who patient bears his cross below, He follows in His train. The martyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave, Who saw his Master in the sky, And called on Him to save : Like Him, with pardon on his tongue, In midst of mortal pain, He prayed for them that did the wrong : Who follows in his train ? A glorious band, the chosen few, On whom the Spirit came, Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The lion's gory mane ; They bowed their necks the death to feel : Who follows in their train ? Holy Days. 181 A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, Around the Saviour's throne rejoice. In robes of light arrayed. They climbed the steep ascent of heaven, Through peril, toil, and pain : O God, to us may grace be given To follow in their train. 223 £f. goBn ifye gvatiqetx&t. LORD, and what shall this man do ? " Ask' st thou, Christian, for thy friend ? If his love for Christ be true, Christ hath told thee of his end : This is he whom God approves. This is he whom Jesus loves. Ask not of Him more than this : Leave it in his Saviour's breast, Whether, early called to bliss, He in youth shall find his rest, Or in armed station wait, Till his Lord be at the gate. Sick or healthful, slave or free, Wealthy, or despised and poor — What is that to him or thee, So his love to Christ endure ? When the shore is won at last, Who will count the billows past ? G' 182 Holy Days. 224 ^oft? grotocmte. ^LORY to Thee, O Lord, For Rachel's children slain, Who recked not by the tyrant's sword The martyr's wreath to gain. Baptized in their own blood, Earth's untried perils o'er, They passed unconsciously the flood, And safely gained the shore. Glory to Thee for all The ransomed infant band, Who since that hour have heard Thy call, And reached the quiet land. Oh, that our hearts within, Like theirs, were pure and bright ! Oh, that as free from deeds of sin We shrank not from Thy sight ! Lord, help us every hour Thy cleansing grace to claim, In life to glorify Thy power, In death to praise Thy name. 225 %§e Qivcuxnci&xoti. O SAVIOUR, Who in love didst take A human body, for our sake, To share with us the pains of life, Its watchings, weariness, and strife, All that belongs to man, but sin, Thou didst this day Thyself begin. Saviour, as low as Thou didst bend From heaven to be the sinners' friend, So high our nature lift with Thine, Holy Days. 183 Till human things become divine, And Thy eternal love once more God's image to the soul restore. And when we cling too close to earth, Forgetful of our heavenly birth, And, for the love of its poor dross, Despise Thy crown, or shun Thy cross, Oh, may Thy life of woe reprove Such wrong to Thine incarnate love. 226 Qoxxvex&ioxx of gtf . ^favtC. YVTHERE shall we find our mightiest saint, " The chosen vessel of the Lord, The soul to dare and never faint, The arm to wield the conqueror's sword ? Where shall we find the shepherd meek, With heart aflame at tyrant wrong, Ever the weakest with the weak, And still the strongest with the strong ? We find him, where we sought him not, Chief in the front of Jesus' foes, There, where the battle rages hot, Loudest of all his trumpet blows. O Saviour, when with heedless jest, Or blinding zeal, or anger fierce, We wound the souls that Thou hast blest, Dear Lord ! unknowing whom we pierce ; Look down upon us from above ; Speak, Lord, — " Why persecute ye Me ? " — Then make us heralds of Thy love, And chosen vessels unto Thee. 184 Holy Days. 227 purification of §t. gtfari? t§e Virgin . BLEST are the pure in heart, For they shall see our God ; The secret of the Lord is theirs ; Their soul is Christ's abode. The Lord, Who left the heavens, Our life and peace to bring, To dwell in lowliness with men, Their pattern and their king ; He to the humble soul Doth still Himself impart, And, for His cradle and His throne, Chooseth the pure in heart. Lord, we Thy presence seek ; May ours this blessing be ; Give us a pure and lowly heart, A temple meet for Thee. 228 T ORD, to Thy holy temple *~* Return, return again ; Come back, and fill with glory The hearts and ways of men, Not as a lowly infant, Unnoticed and unknown, But in the royal splendour Of Thine eternal throne. Holy Days. O Thou, Whom we delight in, The Messenger of love, Come to Thy temple quickly Back from Thy throne above : But who may bide Thy coming, Who hear Thy footsteps tread, Who stand when Thou appearest, Thou Judge of quick and dead Thy Spirit send before Thee, Till every heart, restored By His new life, adore Thee, Their only God and Lord ; And make our offerings pleasant As in the days of old, And as in former ages, Of which our fathers told. Come back, and fill Thy temple, Built up of human hearts, With that abiding presence, Which nevermore departs ; Come, and the waiting nations Before Thy feet shall fall ; Come with Thy holy angels, Come back, the Lord of all ! 1 86 Holy Days. 229 GUARDIAN of the Church divine, The sevenfold gifts of grace are Thine, And kindled by Thy hidden fires The soul to highest aims aspires. o Thy priests with wisdom, Lord, endue, Their hearts with love and zeal renew, Turn all their weakness into might, O Thou, the source of life, and light. Spirit of truth, on us bestow The faith in all its power to know, That, with the saints of ages gone, And those to come, we may be one. Protect Thy Church from every foe, And peace, the fruit of love, bestow ; Convert the world, make all confess The glories of Thy righteousness. 230 Jlnnxmctafion of t§e ^S. "gjf. ^Tar^. OTHOU, to Whose all-seeing eye Earth's mysteries are clear, Who, bright as noon-day, canst descry What we deem darkest here ; Make us in lowly faith rejoice With her, who, on this day First heard the angel's wondrous voice, And heard but to obey. For though on duty's narrow path Dark clouds awhile may rest, One light the weary spirit hath, To know Thy way is best, Holy Days, 187 And say, " Whate'er betide, vet still Behold Thy servant, Lord, Be it to me through good and ill According to Thy word." 231 WE praise Thy grace, O Saviour, That strives and suffers long, And ever out of weakness Hath made Thy servants strong. The saint, who left his comrades, And turned him back from fight, To-day we hail triumphant Through Thy prevailing might. From Thee, Lord, came the courage Once more to do and dare ; Thy strength, most mighty Saviour, Can foil the fiend despair : And now his name is numbered Among the blessed four, Whose word hath brought salvation To many a savage shore. O Saviour, when our spirits Grow faint, and fail within, And hopeless seems the struggle Against the world and sin ; Strong Son of God, Thou Lion Of Judah's ancient hold, Uplift the waning courage, And make the coward bold ! 1 88 Holy Days. 232 5M. 3f£iCip crnb 55f. gomes. THOU art the Way ; by Thee alone From sin and death we flee ; And he, who would the Father seek. Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. Thou art the Truth ; Thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou only canst inform the mind. And purify the heart. Thou art the Life ; the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conquering arm ; And those, who put their trust in Thee, Nor death nor hell shall harm. Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life ; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. 233 OSON of God, our Captain of salvation. Thyself by suffering schooled to human grief, We bless Thee for Thy sons of consolation, Who follow in the steps of Thee their Chief : For those, whose faith makes feeble hearts grow stronger, And sends fresh warriors to the great campaign, Bids the lone convert feel estranged no longer, And wins the sundered to be one asrain : Holy Days. 189 For all true helpers, patient, kind, and skilful, Who shed Thy light across our darkened earth, Counsel the doubting, and restrain the wilful, Soothe the sickbed, and share the children's mini Thus, Lord, Thy servant in remembrance keeping. Still be Thy Church's watchword, "Comfort ye:" Till in our Father's house shall end our weeping, And all our wants be satisfied in Thee. 234 ITiativitx) of §tf. %obxi ^apftst. YVTHEN Christ the Lord would come on earth W His messenger before Him went, The greatest born of mortal birth, And charged with words of deep intent. The least of all that here attend Hath honour greater far than He ; He was the Bridegroom's joyful friend, His body and His spouse are we ; A higher race, the sons of light, Of water and the Spirit born ; He the last star of parting night, And we the children of the morn. And, as he boldly spake Thy word, And joyed to hear the Bridegroom's voice, Thus may Thy pastors teach, O Lord, And thus Thy hearing Church rejoice. 190 Holy Days, 235 ~glatxvxit? of $fc gofyxx baptist. LO ! from the desert homes, Where he hath stayed so long, The new Elias comes, In sternest wisdom strong, The voice, that cries Of Christ from high, And judgment nigh From opening skies ; " Your God e'en now doth stand At heaven's opening door ; His fan is in His hand, And He will purge His floor ; The wheat He claims, And with Him stows, The chaff He throws To quenchless flames." " Ye haughty mountains, bow Your sky-aspiring heads ; Ye valleys, hiding low, Lift up your gentle meads ; Make His way plain Your King before, For evermore He comes to reign." May thy dread voice around, Thou harbinger of light, On our dull ears still sound, Lest here we sleep in night, Till judgment come, And on our path Shall burst the wrath, And deathless doom. Holy Days. 191 O God, with love's sweet might Who dost anoint, and arm Thy soldiers for the fight With grace that shields from harm, Thrice blessed Three, Heaven's endless days Shall sound Thy praise Eternally. 236 FORSAKEN once, and thrice denied, The risen Lord gave pardon free, Stood once again at Peter's side, And asked him, " Lov'st thou Me ? " How many times with faithless word Have we denied His holy name, How oft forsaken our dear Lord, And shrunk when trial came ! O oft forsaken, oft denied, Forgive our shame, wash out our sin, Look on us from Thy Father's side, And let that sweet look win. Hear, when we call Thee from the deep, Still walk beside us on the shore, Give hands to work, and eyes to weep, And hearts to love Thee more. 192 Holy Days. 237 V 'HOU art the Christ, O Lord, The Son of God most high ! " For ever be adored That name in earth and sky, Wherein, though mortal strength may fail The saints of God at last prevail. Oh, surely he was blest With blessedness unpriced, Who, taught of God, confessed The Godhead in the Christ ; For of the Church Thou, Lord, didst own Thy saint a true foundation-stone. Thrice was he put to shame, Thrice did the dauntless fall ; But, oh, the look that came From out the judgment-hall, — It pierced and broke the spell-bound heart, And foiled the tempter's sifting art. Thrice fallen, thrice restored ! The bitter lesson learnt, That heart for Thee, O Lord, With triple ardour burnt ; The cross he took he laid not down, Until he grasped the martyr's crown. O bright triumphant faith ! O courage void of fears I O love most strong in death ! O penitential tears ! By these, uphold us lest we fall, And make us go where Thou shalt call. Holy Days. 193 238 §>f. §ctmesp. FOR all Thy saints, a noble throng, Who fell by fire and sword, Who soon were called, or waited long, We praise Thy name, O Lord : For him who left his father's side, Nor lingered by the shore, When, softer than the rippling tide, Thy summons glided o'er : Who stood beside the maiden dead, Who climbed the mount with Thee, And saw the glory round Thy head, One of Thy chosen three : Who knelt beneath the olive shade, Who drank Thy cup of pain, And passed from Herod's flashing blade To see Thy face again : Lord, give us grace, and give us love, Like him, to leave behind Earth's cares and joys, and look above With true and earnest mind. So shall we learn to drink Thy cup, So meek and firm be found, When Thou shalt come to take us up, Where Thine elect are crowned. 194 Holy Days. 239 ^§e ^rcmjpftgurattort. UPON the holy mount they stood That wondrous, awful night ; They saw, and knew that it was good To see that vision bright. No more a man of sorrows this ; — Around them flashing came A radiance, as of heavenly bliss, From that transfigured frame. Beneath the mount, another scene Arose, when morning smiled ; A father, pierced with anguish keen, Sought mercy for his child. And now, no blaze of glistering light Enwraps the form divine, But tender love and healing might Around the Saviour shine. He came from heaven's foretasted rest To care for earthly woe, From rapture on the mountain crest To succour men below. ( ) perfect Son of God ! be ours Thine ecstasy to share, That prayer give life to all our powers, And love crown all our prayer. Holy Days. 195 240 O MASTER, it is good to be Here on the mountain-top with Thee, With Thee, and with the saints of old, Who dimly of Thy coming told, Discerned, by faith, on Horeb's height, Thy changeless law of truth and right, Or caught the still, small whisper, higher Than storm, than earthquake, or than fire. O Master, it is good to be With Thee, and with Thy chosen three ; With them, to watch Thy raiment glow Whiter than Hermon's whitest snow, To gaze on that transfigured face, And inly grow from grace to grace, On wings of faith, like them, to rise And share Thy cup of sacrifice. O Master, it is good to be Here on the mount alone with Thee, When, darkling in the depths of night, When, dazzled with excess of light, We bow before the heavenly voice That bids bewildered souls rejoice, Though love wax cold, and faith be dim, " This is My Son — O hear ye Him." 196 Holy Days. 241 §t. ~g$axt§otomexv. D ENEATH the fig tree's silent shade U The saint was wrapt in prayer, Nor deemed, as fervently he prayed, That Israel's Hope was there. That upward gaze, that voiceless awe, Bespake the guileless breast ; The Son of Man in secret saw, And straight His own confessed : " And hast thou faith, because I said, " I saw thee, though unseen, " To own for Israel's King and Head " The lowly Nazarene ? " "The things, that Scripture hath foretold, " According as it saith, " And greater things shalt thou behold, " Because of this thy faith." " Hereafter heaven shall open wide, " For human eye to scan, " And to and fro the angels glide, kk With love from God to man." () simple faith ! O glorious meed ! Lord grant us, free from guile, To win, as Israelites indeed, Thy love's approving smile. Holy Days. 197 242 $f. Wiatt&exv. FROM fisher's net, from fig-tree's shade, God gathers whom He will ; Touched by His grace, all men are made His purpose to fulfil : But not alone from shady nooks Fresh with life's morning dew, From humble walks, or quiet books. Calls He His chosen few. Out of the busiest haunts of life, Its most engrossing cares, Its nightly travail, daily strife, Self-woven golden snares, He for His vineyard doth provide ; His gentle voice doth move The world's keen votaries to His side, With its persuasive love. So Matthew left his golden gains At the great Master's call ; His soul the love of Christ constrains Freely to give up all : The tide of life was at its flow, Rose higher day by day, But he a higher life would know Than that which round him lay. O Saviour, when prosperity Makes this world hard to leave, And all its pomp and vanity Their meshes round us weave ; O grant us grace, that to Thy call We may obedient be, And, cheerfully forsaking all, May follow only Thee. 198 Holy Days. 243 $i. -glicfyael anb JUC JUtgete. HARK! hark! my soul, angelic songs are swelling O'er earth's green fields, and ocean's wave-beat shore ; How sweet the truths those blessed strains are telling Of that new life, where sin shall be no more ! Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night! Onward we go, for still we hear them singing, " Come weary souls, for Jesus bids you come ; " And, through the dark its echoes sweetly ringing, The music of the gospel leads us home. Angels of Jesus, &c. Far, far away, like bells at evening pealing, The voice of Jesus sounds o'er land and sea, And laden souls by thousands homeward stealing, Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to Thee. Angels of Jesus, &e. Rest comes at length ; though life be long and dreary, The day must dawn, and darksome night be past ; Faith's journey ends in welcome to the weary, And heaven, the heart's true home, will come at last. Angels of Jesus, &c. Angels, sing on, your faithful watches keeping, Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above, Till morning's joy shall end the night of weeping, And life's long shadows break in cloudless love. Angels of Jesns, &c. Holy Days. 199 244 THEY come, God's messengers of love, They come from realms of peace above, From homes of never-fading light, From blissful mansions ever bright. They come to watch around us here, To soothe our sorrow, calm our fear ; They come to speed us on our way ; God willeth them with us to stav. But chiefly at its journey's end 'Tis theirs the spirit to befriend, And whisper to the willing heart, " O Christian soul, in peace depart." Blest Jesus, Thou, whose sighs and tears Have sanctified frail nature's fears, To earth in bitter sorrow weighed, Thou didst not scorn Thine angels' aid. To us the zeal of angels give, With love to serve Thee, while we live ; To us an angel guard supply, When on the bed of death we lie. So, when the toils of earth are past, We may attain to bliss at last, And with the choirs of angels sing All praise to the eternal King. 2oo Holy Days. 245 HOW beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Sion's hill, Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace instil ! How happy we, who hear The loved physician's voice, By wholesome medicines skilled to make A sin-sick world rejoice ! How blessed are our eyes, That see the heavenly light, Which kings and prophets waited for, But died without the sight ! Lord, send Thy living truth Through all the earth abroad, Till every nation shall confess Its Saviour and its God. 246 §tf. gxxncn atxb &i. gube: THE Church's one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord ; She is His new creation By water and the word ; Holy Days. 201 From heaven He came, and sought her To be His holy bride, With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth ; One holy name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses, With every grace endued. Though, with a scornful wonder, Men see her sore opprest, By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distrest ; Yet saints their watch are keeping, Their cry goes up, " How long ? " And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of song. 'Mid toil and tribulation, And tumult of her war, She waits her consummation, The dawn of peace afar ; Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, And the great Church victorious Shall be the Church at rest. 202 Holy Days. 247 COME, let us join our friends above, That have obtained the prize, And on the eagle wings of love To joys celestial rise. Let saints on earth in concert sing With those to glory gone ; For all the servants of our King, In heaven and earth, are one. One family, we dwell in Him, One Church, above, beneath, Though .now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. One army of the living God, To His command we bow ; Part of the host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. Lo ! thousands to their endless home Are swiftly borne away ; And we are to the margin come, And soon must launch as they. Lord Jesus, be our constant guide, Then, when the word is given, Bid death's cold flood its waves divide. And land us safe in heaven. Holy Days. 203 248 Rev. vii. 13 — 17. WHO are these in bright array, This innumerable throng, Round the altar, night and day, Hymning one triumphant song ? " Worthy is the Lamb once slain Blessing, honour, glory, power, Wisdom, riches to obtain, New dominion every hour." These through fiery trials trod, These from great affliction came ; Now before the throne of God, Sealed with His almighty name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in every hand, Through their great Redeemer's might, More than conquerors they stand. Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed ; Them the Lamb, amidst the throne, Shall to living fountains lead : Joy and gladness banish sighs, Perfect love dispels their fear, And for ever from their eyes God shall wipe away the tear. 204 Holy Days. 249 Rev. vii. 13-17. VVTHO are these like stars appearing, W These, before God's throne who stand , Each a golden crown is wearing ; Who are all this glorious band ? Alleluia ! hark, they sing, Praising loud their heavenly King. Who are these in dazzling brightness, Clothed in God's own righteousness ; These, whose robes of purest whiteness Shall their lustre still possess, Still untouched by time's rude hand — Whence came all this glorious band ? These are they, who have contended For their Saviour's honour long, Wrestling on till life was ended, Following not the sinful throng ; These, who well the fight sustained, Triumph by the Lamb have gained. These are they, whose hearts were riven, Oft with woe and anguish tried, Who in prayer full oft have striven With the God they glorified ; Now, their painful conflict o'er, God has bid them weep no more. Holy Days. 205 250 TEN thousand times ten thousand, In sparkling raiment bright, The armies of the ransomed saints Throng up the steeps of light : Tis finished, all is finished, Their fight with death and sin ; Fling open wide the golden gates, And let the victors in. What rush of hallelujahs Fills all the earth and sky ! What ringing of a thousand harps Bespeaks the triumph nigh ! O day, for which creation And all its tribes were made ! O joy, for all its former woes A thousand-fold repaid ! Oh, then what raptured greetings On Canaan's happy shore, What knitting severed friendships up, Where partings are no more ! Appear, Desire of nations, Thine exiles long for home ; Shew in the heavens Thy promised sign, Lord Jesus, quickly come ! 206 Holy Days. 251 COR all Thy saints, O Lord, A Who strove in Thee to live, Who followed Thee, obeyed, adored, Our grateful hymn receive. For all Thy saints. O Lord, Accept our thankful cry, Who counted Thee their great reward, And strove in Thee to die. They all, in life and death, With Thee, their Lord, in view, Learnt from Thy Holy Spirit's breath To suffer and to do. For this Thy name we bless, And humbly pray that we May follow them in holiness, And live and die in Thee. 252 OH what, if we are Christ's, Is earthly shame or loss ? Bright shall our crown of glory be, When we have borne the cross. Keen was the trial once, Bitter the cup of woe, When martyred saints baptised in blood Christ's sufferings shared below. Bright is their glory now, Boundless their joy above, Where, on the bosom of their God, They rest in perfect love. Holy Days. 207 Lord, may that grace be ours, Like them, in faith to bear All that of sorrow, grief, or pain .May be our portion here. Enough if Thou at last The word of blessing give, And let us rest beneath Thy feet, Where saints and angels live. 253 LO ! round the throne, at God's right hand, The saints in countless myriads stand, Of every tongue redeemed to God, Arrayed in garments washed in blood. Through tribulation great they came, And bore the cross, and scorned the shame ; From all their labours now they rest, In God's eternal glory blest. Hunger and thirst they feel no more, Nor sin, nor pain, nor death deplore ; The tear is wiped from every eye, And sorrow yields to ecstasy. They see their Saviour face to face, And sing the triumphs of His grace, Him day and night they ceaseless praise, And thus their loud hosannas raise. ' 4 Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain, Through endless years to live and reign ! Thou hast redeemed us by Thy blood, And made us kings and priests to God ! " 208 Holy Days. 254 THE saints of God, their conflict past, And life's long battle won at last, No more they need the shield or sword, They cast them down before their Lord : O happy saints, for ever blest, At Jesus' feet how sweet your rest ! The saints of God, their wanderings done, No more their weary course they run, No more they faint, no more they fall, No foes oppress, no fears appal: O happy saints, for ever blest, In that dear home how sweet your rest ! The saints of God, life's voyage o'er, Safe landed on that blissful shore, No stormy tempest now they dread, No roaring billow lifts its head : O happy saints, for ever blest In that calm haven of your rest ! The saints of God their vigil keep, While yet their mortal bodies sleep, Till from the dust they too shall rise And soar triumphant to the skies : O happy saints, rejoice and sing ; He quickly comes, your Lord and King. Holy Baptism. 209 O God of saints, to Thee we cry ; O Saviour, plead for us on high ; O Holy Ghost, our Guide and Friend, Grant us Thy grace till life shall end ; That with all saints our rest may be In that bright Paradise with Thee. 3§ol£ Baptism. 255 IN token that thou shalt not fear Christ crucified to own, We print the cross upon thee here, And stamp thee His alone. In token that thou shalt not blush To glory in His name, We blazon here upon thy front His glory and His shame. In token that thou shalt not flinch Christ's quarrel to maintain, But 'neath His banner manfully Firm at thy post remain ; In token that thou, too, shalt tread The path He travelled by, Endure the cross, despise the shame, And sit thee down on high ; Thus outwardly and visibly We seal thee for His own ; And may the brow, that wears His cross, Hereafter share His crown. 2io Confirmation. 256 Eph. vi. 1 1- 1 8. C OLDIERS of Christ ! arise, ^ And put your armour on, Strong in the strength, which God supplies Through His eternal Son : Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in His mighty power : Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. Stand, then, in His great might, With all His strength endued, And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God. From strength to strength go on, Wrestle, and fight, and pray, Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day : That, having all things done, And all your conflicts past, Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone, And stand complete at last. 257 THINE for ever ! God of love, Hear us from Thy throne above : Thine for ever may we be Here and in eternity. Thine for ever ! Lord of life, Shield us through our earthly strife, Thou, the Life, the Truth, the Way, Guide us to the realms of dav. Confirmation. 211 Thine for ever ! Oh, how blest They who find in Thee their rest ! Saviour, Guardian, heavenly Friend, O defend us to the end ! Thine for ever ! Saviour, keep These Thy frail and trembling sheep ; Safe alone beneath Thy care, Let us all Thy goodness share. Thine for ever ! Thou our guide, All our wants by Thee supplied, All our sins by Thee forgiven, Lead us, Lord, from earth to heaven. 258 SPIRIT of might and sweetness too ! Now leading on the wars of God, Now to green isles of shade and dew Turning the waste Thy people trod ; Draw, Holy Ghost, Thy seven-fold veil Between us and the fires of youth ; Breathe, Holy Ghost, Thy freshening gale, Our fevered brow in age to soothe. And oft, as sin and sorrow tire, The hallowed hour do Thou renew, That told our hearts' sincere desire, And sealed us to Thy service true. For ever on our souls be traced The blessing of our Father's hand, A sheltering rock in memory's waste, O'ershadowing all the weary land. 212 Confirmation. 259 BEFORE Thine awful presence, Lord, Thy sinful servants bow, Trembling to speak the solemn word, To frame the sacred vow. The sins in hours of weakness wrought, The vain things loved before, The wanton deed, and word, and thought, Lord, we renounce once more. Once more we vow the holy faith To keep unstained and true ; Once more we promise unto death Thy holy will to do. Again we gird us to the fight, Again we face the foe, Resolved, beneath Thy banner bright, Where Thou shalt lead, to 20. O Father, pardon all the past, Give back Thy wasted grace, And strengthen us, while life shall last, To run the heavenward race. Still let Thy blessed Spirit's aid Our strength and comfort be ; Then, though we sometime be afraid We still will trust in Thee. Confirmation. 2i# 260 STRIVE, when thou art called of God. When He draws thee by His grace Strive to cast away the load, That would clos: thee in the race. Fight, though it may cost thy life ; Storm the kingdom, but prevail : Tet not Satan's fiercest strife Make thee, warrior, faint or quail. Wrestle with strong prayers and cries ; Think no time too much to spend, Though the night be passed in sighs. Though all dav thv voice ascend. Art thou faithful ? then oppose Sin and wrong with all thy might : Care not how the tempest blows. Only care to win the fiffht. Art thou faithful ? wake and watch, Love with all thy heart Christ's ways Seek not transient ease to snatch, Look not for reward or praise. Soldier of the cross, be strong ; Watch and war mid fear and pain, Daily conquering woe and wrong, Till our Kino; o'er earth shall reisrn. 214 Confirmation. 261 LORD, Thy children guide and keep. As with feeble steps thev press On the pathway rough and sleep, Through this weary wilderness. Holy Jesu, day by day Lead us in the narrow way. There are stony ways to tread ; Give the strength we sorely lack, There are tangled paths to thread, Light us, lest we miss the track. Holy Jesu, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. There are desert wastes that lie Cold and sunless, vast and drear, Where the feeble faint and die ; Grant us grace to persevere. Holy Jesu, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. There are soft and flowery glades Decked with golden-fruited trees, Sunny slopes, and scented shades ; Keep us, Lord, from slothful ease. Holy Jesu, day by day Lead us in the narrow way, Upward still to purer heights, Onward yet to scenes more blest, Calmer regions, clearer lights, Till we reach the promised rest. Holy Jesu, day by day Lead us in the narrow way. Confirmation. 215 262 O JESUS, I have promised To serve Thee to the end ; Be Thou for ever near me, My Master and my Friend : I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my guide. let me feel Thee near me ; The world is ever near ; 1 see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear ; My foes are ever near me, Around me and within ; But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer, And shield my soul from sin. O let me hear Thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will ; O speak to re-assure me, To hasten or control, O speak, and make me listen, Thou Guardian of my soul. O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee, That, where Thou art in glory, There shall Thy servant be ; O guide me, call me, draw me, Uphold me to the end, And then in heaven receive me, My Saviour and my Friend. 216 Holy Communion. 263 LORD, shall Thy children come to Thee ? A boon of love divine we seek ; Brought to Thine arms in infancy, Ere heart could feel, or tongue could speak, Thy children pray for grace, that they May come themselves to Thee to-day. Lord, shall we come, and come again, Oft as we see yon table spread, And, tokens of Thy dying pain, The wine poured out, the broken bread ? Bless, bless, O Lord, Thy children's prayer, That they may come and find Thee there. Lord, may we come, not thus alone, At holy time, at solemn rite, But every hour till life be flown, Through weal or woe, in gloom or light- Come to Thy throne of grace, that we In faith, hope, love, confirmed may be. Lord, shall we come — come yet again ? Thy children ask one blessing more, To come, not now alone, but then, When life, and death, and time are o'er, Then, then to come, O Lord, and be Confirmed in heaven, confirmed by Thee. Holy Communion. 21* 264 Psalm xxiii. THE King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never ; I nothing lack if I am His And He is mine for ever. Where streams of living water flow, My ransomed soul He leadeth, And, where the verdant pastures grow, With food celestial feedeth. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But vet in love He sought me, And on His shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. In death's dark vale I fear no ill With Thee, dear Lord, beside me, Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me. Thou spread' st a table in my sight, Thy unction grace bestoweth, And oh, what transport of delight From Thy pure chalice floweth ! And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never ; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise Within Thv house for ever. 218 Holy Communion. 265 jVyT Y God, and is Thy table spread, m And doth Thy cup with love overflow ? Thither be all Thy children led, And let them all Thy sweetness know. Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes Rich banquet of His flesh and blood ; Thrice happy he who here partakes That holy stream, that heavenly food. O let Thy table honoured be, And furnished well with joyful guests ; And may each soul salvation see, That here its sacred pledges tastes. Revive Thy dying churches, Lord, And bid our drooping graces live, And more, that energy afford, A Saviour's blood alone can give. 266 JESUS, Thou joy of loving hearts ! Thou fount of life, Thou light of men ! From the best bliss, that earth imparts, We turn unfilled to Thee again. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood ; Thou savest those that on Thee call ; To them that seek Thee Thou art good, To them that find Thee, all in all. We taste Thee, O Thou living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still ; We drink of Thee, the fountain-head, And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. D Holy Communion. 219 Our restless spirits yearn for Thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast, Glad, when Thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold Thee fast, O Jesus, ever with us stay; Make all our moments calm and bright ; Chase the dark night of sin away ; Shed o'er the world Thy holy light. 267 RAW nigh and take the body of the Lord, And drink the precious blood for you outpoured. Saved by that body, quickened by that blood, With souls refreshed, we render thanks to God. Salvation's giver, Christ, the only Son, By His dear cross for us the victory won. Offered was He for greatest and for least, Himself the victim, and Himself the priest. He, ransomer from death, and light from shade, Now gives His holy grace His saints to aid. Approach ye then with faithful hearts sincere, And take the pledges of salvation here. He, that His saints in this world rules and shields, To all believers life eternal yields, With heavenly bread makes them, that hunger, whole, Gives living waters to the thirsty soul. Alpha and Omega, to Whom shall bow All nations at the doom, be with us now ! 22o Holv Communion. 268 BREAD of heaven ! on Thee we feed, For Thy flesh is meat indeed ; Ever let our souls be fed With this true and living bread, Day by day with strength supplied Through the life of Him who died. Vine of heaven ! Thy cup we need ; Yea, Thy blood is drink indeed : Lord, Thy wounds our healing give ; To Thy cross, we look and live : Jesu, may we ever be Rooted, grafted, built on Thee. 269 BY Christ redeemed, to God restored, We keep the memory adored, And show the death of our dear Lord, Until He come. His body slain upon the tree, His life-blood, shed for us, we see ; Thus faith shall read the mystery, Until He come. And thus His dark betrayal night With His last advent we unite Bv one bright chain of loving rite, Until He come — Holy Communion. 221 Until the trump of God be heard, Until the ancient graves be stirred, And, with the great commanding word. The Lord shall come. O blessed hope ! by this upborne Let not our spirit droop forlorn ; Beyond the darkness breaks the morn, And He shall come. 270 HERE, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face ; Here faith can touch and handle things unseen : Here would I grasp with firmer hand Thy grace, And all my weariness upon Thee lean. Here would I feed upon the bread of God, Here drink with Thee the royal wine of heaven, Here would I lay aside each earthly load, Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven. I have no help but Thine, nor do I need Another arm save Thine to lean upon ; It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed ; My strength is in Thy might, Thy might alone. Mine is the sin, but Thine the righteousness ; Mine is the guilt, but Thine the cleansing blood : Here is my robe, my refuge, and my peace — Thy blood, Thy righteousness, O Lord, mv God. 222 Holy Communion. 271 OGOD, unseen yet ever near, Thy presence may we feel, And, thus inspired with holy fear, Before Thine altar kneel. Here may Thy faithful people know The blessings of Thy love, The streams that through the desert flow. The manna from above. We come, obedient to Thy word, To feast on heavenly food ; Our meat, the body of the Lord, Our drink, His precious blood. Thus may we all Thy words obey, For we, O God, are Thine, And go rejoicing on our way, Renewed with strength divine. 272 BREAD of the world, in mercy broken, Wine of the soul, in mercy shed, By Whom the words of life were spoken, And in Whose death our sins are dead ; Look on the hearts by sorrow broken, Look on the tears by sinners shed ; And be Thy feast to us the token That bv Thv srrace our souls are fed. Holy Communion. 223 273 AND now, O Father, mindful of the love That bought us, once for all, on Calvary's tree, And having with us Him that pleads above, We here present, we here spread forth to Thee That only offering perfect in Thine eyes, The one true, pure, immortal sacrifice. Look, Father, look on His anointed face, And only look on us as found in Him ; Look not on our misusing of Thy grace, Our prayer so languid, and our faith so dim, For lo, between our sins and their reward We set the passion of Thy Son our Lord. And then for those, our dearest and our best, By this prevailing presence we appeal ; O fold them closer to Thy mercy's breast, O do Thine utmost for their soul's true weal ; From tainting mischief keep them white and clear, And crown Thy gifts with strength to persevere. And so we come ; O draw us to Thy feet, Most patient Saviour, Who canst love us still ; And by this food, so awful and so sweet, Deliver us from every touch of ill ; In Thine own service make us glad and free, And grant us never more to part with Thee. Holy Communion. 274 IF human kindness meets return, And owns the grateful tie ; If tender thoughts within us burn, To feel a friend is nigh ; Oh, shall not warmer accents tell The gratitude we owe To Him, Who gave His life to quell Our more than orphan's woe ? While yet His anguished soul surveyed Those pangs He would not flee, What love His latest words displayed, " Meet, and remember Me." Remember Thee ! Thy death, Thy shame, Our sinful hearts to share ! O memory, leave no other name, But His, recorded there ! 275 LORD, when before Thy throne we meet, Thy goodness to adore, From heaven, the eternal mercy-seat, ( )n us Thy blessing pour, And make our inmost souls to be A habitation meet for Thee. Holy Communion. 225 The body for our ransom given, The blood in mercy shed — With this immortal food from heaven, Lord, let our souls be fed ; And, as we round Thy table kneel, Help us Thy quickening grace to feel. Be Thou, O holy Spirit, nigh ; Accept the humble prayer, The contrite soul's repentant sigh, The sinner's heartfelt tear ; And let our adoration rise, Like fragrant incense, to the skies. 276 THEE we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee, Who in Thy feast vouchsaf st with us to be ; Both flesh and spirit at Thy presence fail, Yet here Thy presence we devoutly hail. Fountain of goodness, Jesu, Lord and God, Cleanse us, unclean, with Thy most cleansing blood ; Increase our faith and love, that we may know The hope and peace which from Thy presence flow. O Christ, Whom now beneath a veil we see, May, what we thirst for, soon our portion be, To gaze on Thee unveiled, and see Thy face — The vision of Thy glory and Thy grace. 226 Holy Communion. 277 T HUNGER and I thirst, A Jesu, my manna be : Ye living waters, burst Out of the rock for me. Thou bruised and broken Bread, My life-long wants supply ; As living souls are fed, O feed me, or I die. Thou true, life-giving Vine, Let me Thy sweetness prove ; Renew my life with Thine, Refresh my soul with love. Rough paths my feet have trod, Since first their course began ; Feed me, Thou Bread of God, Help me, Thou Son of Man : For still the desert lies My thirsting soul before ; O living waters, rise Within me evermore. 278 1AM not worthy, holy Lord, That Thou should'st come to me ; Speak but the word ; one gracious word Can set the sinner free. I am not worthy ; cold and bare The lodging of my soul ; How canst Thou deign to enter there ? Lord, speak, and make me whole. Holy Communion. 227 I am not worthy ; yet, my God, How can I say Thee nay — Thee, Who didst give Thy flesh and blood My ransom-price to pay ? O come, in this sweet morning hour Feed me with food divine, And fill with all Thy love and power This worthless heart of mine. 279 ACCORDING to Thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee. Thy body broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I'll take, And thus remember Thee. When to Thy cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice, I must remember Thee : Remember Thee, and all Thy pains And all Thy love to me ! Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember Thee : And when these failing lips grow duml . And mind and memory flee, When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come. Good Lord, remember me. 228 Holy Communion. 280 WHEN Israel left the Egyptian's land, Through the Red Sea they trod, The cloud above was brooding o'er, The token of their God. Then man was fed on angel's food, For meat enough He sent ; Their drink was of the living stream, The rock that Moses rent. They journeyed to a promised land, Along a toilsome way ; They passed through Jordan's parted stream, The ark of God their stay. A house of bondage we have left, Redeemed from sin and shame, By water and the Holy Ghost Baptized into Christ's name. Our manna is the living bread. Which hath come down from heaven, The rock that follows, Christ the Lord, From Whom our drink is given. Our promised land shall ever last ; O may our faith be strong, That we may never murmur, sure He cannot lead us wroner. Holy Communion. 229 That so, when we have passed the flood This earth and heaven between, We find the eternal joy, the bliss That eve hath never seen. 281 O FIRST in sorrow, first in pain, Thou Lamb of God for sinners slam, Messiah, Jesus, Lord of life, Thou mighty Victor in the strife, Our everlasting priest art Thou, Pleading Thy death for sinners now. Eternal Victim, from Thy side Thy love did pour a crimson tide ; And still Thy vesture, dyed in blood, Gives token of the cleansing flood : The Lamb for ever slain art Thou, Pleading Thy death for sinners now. O Lord of lords, and King of kings, Thou Sun with healing in Thy wings. Pour down upon our darkened sight The brightness of Thy living light ; So may we know Thee, victim, priest, And find Thee in Thy heavenly feast. 230 Ember Days. 282 CAPTAIN of our Salvation, take The souls that here are trained for Thee, And fire Thy servant's zeal to make Full proof of this their ministry. Unspotted from the world and pure, Undaunted by Thy cross of pain, Teach them to labour and endure, Till all Thy perfect mind they gain. Enlist them in Thy service, Lord, Freely, as they receive, to give, To live the lessons of Thy word, And preach the death whereby we live. 283 LORD, pour Thy Spirit from on high, And Thine ordained servants bless ; Graces and gifts to each supply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. Within Thy temple, when they stand To teach the truth as taught by Thee, Saviour, like stars at 'I hy right hand, Let all Thy Church's pastors bo. Wisdom, and zeal, and love impart, Firmness, and meekness from above, To bear Thy people in their heart, And love the souls whom Thou dost love ; Rogation Days. 231 To watch, and pray, and never faint, By day and night their guard to keep, To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, To feed Thy lambs, and tend Thy sheep. So, when their work is finished here, They may in hope their charge resign ; So, when their Master shall appear, They may with crowns of glory shine. 284 LORD, in Thy name Thy servants plead, And Thou art sworn to hear ; Thine is the harvest, Thine the seed, The fresh, and fading year. Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild, We trusted, Lord, with Thee, Nor cease we, now that spring has smiled, To wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The summer sun and air, The green ear, and the golden grain, All Thine, are ours by prayer. So grant us. Lord, Thy gifts of grace, The wondrous growth unseen. The hopes that soothe, the fears that brace, The love that shines serene ; That, through the precious things brought forth By sun and moon below, We seek the things of costlier worth, That from Thy bounty flow. 232 Matrimony. 285 THE voice that breathed o'er Eden That earliest wedding-day, The primal marriage blessing, It hath not passed away : Still, in the pure espousal Of Christian man and maid, The Holy Three are with us, The threefold grace is said. Be present, awful Father, To give away this bride, As Eve Thou gav'st to Adam Out of his own pierced side. Be present, gracious Saviour, To join their loving hands, As Thou didst bind two natures In Thine eternal bands. Be present, Holy Spirit, To bless them as they kneel, As Thou, for Christ the Bridegroom, The heavenly spouse dost seal. O spread Thy pure wing o'er them, Let no ill power find place, When onward to Thine altar The hallowed path they trace, To cast their crowns before Thee In perfect sacrifice, Till to the home of gladness With Christ's own bride thev rise. Buried of the Dead. 233 286 NOW the labourer's task is o'er ; Now the battle day is past ; Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last : Father, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. There the tears of earth are dried ; There its hidden things are clear; There the work of life is tried By a j uster Judge than here : Father, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. There the sinful souls, that turn To the cross their dying eyes, All the love of Christ shall learn At His feet in Paradise : Father, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. There no more the powers of hell Can prevail to mar their peace ; Christ the Lord shall guard them well, He Who died for their release : Father, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. "Earth to earth, and dust to dust ! " Calmly now the words we say : Left behind we wait in trust, For the resurrection day. Father, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. 234 Burial of the Dead. 287 RENDER Shepherd, Thou hast stilled * Now Thy little lamb's brief weeping ; Oh, how peaceful, pale, and mild, In its narrow bed 'tis sleeping ! And no sigh of anguish sore Heaves that gentle bosom more. In a world of pain and care, Lord, Thou would'st no longer leave it ; To Thy meadows bright and fair Lovingly Thou dost receive it ; Clothed in robes of spotless white, Now it dwells with Thee in light. Ah, Lord Jesu, grant that we, Where it lives, may soon be living, And the blissful pastures see That its heavenly food are giving ; There the gain of death may prove, Though Thou take what most we love. 288 JESUS died for us, and rose again, Therefore are our hopes no longer dim ; Therefore know we that to die is gain, For we sleep in Him ; Therefore father, mother, sister, brother, All are ours, for all are still the Lord's ; Therefore let us comfort one another With these blessed words. Burial of the Dead. 235 289 THOU art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb ; Thy Saviour has passed through its portal before thee, And the lamp of His love is thy guide through the gloom. Thou art arone to the crave ; we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough paths of the world by thy side; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners mav die, for the Sinless has died. Thou art gone to the grave ; and, its mansion forsaking, Perchance thy weak spirit in fear lingered long; But the mild rays of Paradise beamed on thy waking, And the sound which thou heard' st was the sera- phim's song. Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee, Whose God was thy ransom, thy guardian, and guide ; He gave thee, He took thee, and He will restore thee; And death has no sting, for the Saviocr has died. 236 Consecration, 290 LORD, Whose temple once did glisten With a monarch's rich supplies, To our humbler praises listen, Bless our willing sacrifice : Be our free-will offering, given To the Father and the Son, Sweeter, in the sight of Heaven, Than the scents of Lebanon. Clouds and darkness veiled Thy dwelling, In Thy chosen house of old, Though the hymn of praise was swelling 'Mid the pomp of Ophir's gold : Here Thy love our hearts shall brighten, Chasing earth-born clouds away ; Here Thy Spirit shall enlighten, Shining to the perfect day. Holy Ghost, on us descending, Here Thy gifts and graces shed ; Here, in sweet communion blending, Feed us, O Thou living Bread ! Father, when we here adore Thee, Quicken us for Thee to live ; When we spread our hands before Thee, Here behold us and forgive. Missions. 237 291 LORD, her watch Thy Church is keeping : When shall earth Thy rule obey ? When shall end the night of weeping ? When shall break the promised day ? See the whitening harvest languish, Waiting still the labourers' toil : Was it vain — Thy Son's deep anguish ? Shall the strong retain the spoil ? Tidings, sent to every creature, Millions yet have never heard : Can they hear without a preacher? Lord Almighty, give the word ; Give the word ; in every nation Let the gospel-trumpet sound, Witnessing a world's salvation To the earth's remotest bound. Then the end — Thy Church completed, All Thy chosen gathered in, With their King in glory seated, Satan bound, and banished sin ; Gone for ever, parting, weeping, Hunger, sorrow, death, and pain: Lo ! her watch Thy Church is keeping ; Come, Lord Jesus, come to reign! 238 Missions. 292 FROM Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand. From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Java's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile, In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone. Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! O salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. Waft, waft, ye winds, His story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reiirn. Missions. 239 293 THROUGH midnight gloom from Macedon The cry of myriads as of one, The voiceful silence of despair, Is eloquent in awful prayer, The soul's exceeding bitter cry, " Come o'er and help us, or we die ! " How mournfully it echoes on ! For half the earth is Macedon ; And brethren to their brethren call, And by the Love which loved us all, And by the whole world's Life they cry, " O ye that live, behold, we die ! " By other sounds the world is won Than that which wails from Macedon ; The roar of gain is round it rolled, Or men unto themselves are sold, And cannot list the alien cry, " O hear and help us, lest we die ! " Yet with that cry from Macedon The very car of Christ rolls on ; " I come ; who would abide My day In yonder wilds prepare My way ! My voice is crying in their cry ; Help ye the dying, lest ye die ! " Jesu, for men of Man the Son, Yea, Thine the cry from Macedon ; Oh, by the kingdom and the power And glory of Thine advent hour, Wake heart and will to hear their cry : Help us to help them, lest we die ! 240 Missions. 294 Psalm lxvii. TO bless Thy chosen race In mercy, Lord, incline, And cause the brightness of Thy face On all Thy saints to shine: That so Thy wondrous way May through the world be known, While distant lands their tribute pay, And Thy salvation own. O let them shout and sing With joy and pious mirth ; For Thou, the righteous God and King, Shalt govern all the earth. 295 O SPIRIT of the living God, In all the fulness of Thy grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race. Give tongues of fire, and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word ; Give power and unction from above, Whene'er the joyful sound is heard. Be darkness, at Thy coming, light, Confusion, order in Thy path ; Souls without strength inspire with might, Bid mercy triumph over wrath. Missions. 241 Baptize the nations far and nigh, The triumphs of the cross record, The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call Him Lord. 296 LIFT up your heads, ye gates of brass, Ye bars of iron yield, And let the King of glory pass ; The cross is in the field ! That banner, brighter than the star That leads the train of night, Shines on the march, and guides from far His servants to the fisrht. Brothers ! a holy war we wage : In that mysterious strife The powers of heaven and hell engage For more than death or life. Then fear not, faint not, halt not now, In Jesus' name be strong; To Him shall every creature bow, And sing the triumph-song. Uplifted are the gates of brass, The bars of iron yield ; Behold the King of glory pass ! The cross hath won the field ! 242 Missions. 297 C PREAD, O spread, Thou mighty Word ! ^ Spread the kingdom of the Lord, Wheresoe'er His breath has given Life to beings meant for heaven. Tell them how the Father's will Made the world and keeps it still, How He sent His Son to save All who help and comfort crave. Tell of our Redeemer's love, Who for ever doth remove By His holy sacrifice All the guilt that on us lies. Tell them of the Spirit given Now, to guide us up to heaven, Strong and holy, just and true, Working both to will and do. Up ! the ripening fields ye see ; Mighty shall the harvest be ; But the reapers still are few; Great the work they have to do. Lord of harvest, let there be Joy and strength to work for Thee, Till the nations far and near See Thy light, and learn Thy fear. Missions. 243 298 GO, labour on ; spend, and be spent, Thy joy to do the Master's will, It is the way the Master went ; Should not the servant tread it still ? Go, labour on ; thy hands are weak, Thy knees are faint, thy soul cast down ; Yet falter not ; the prize we seek Is near, a kingdom and a crown. Go, labour on while it is day ; The world's dark night is hastening on ; Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away ; It is not thus that souls are won. Men die in darkness at thy side, Without a hope to cheer the tomb ; Take up the torch, and wave it wide, The torch that lights time's thickest gloom. Toil on, and faint not ; watch and pray ; Be wise the erring soul to win ; Go forth into the world's highway, Compel the wanderer to come in. Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice ; For work comes rest, for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight cry, " Behold, I come ! " 244 Missions. 299 SOLDIERS of the cross, arise ! Gird you with your armour bright Mighty are your enemies, Hard the battle ye must fight. 'Mid the homes of want and woe, Strangers to the living word, Let the Saviour's herald go, Let the voice of hope be heard. Where the shadows deepest lie, Carry truth's unsullied ray ; Where are crimes of blackest dye, There the saving sign display. To the weary and the worn Tell of realms where sorrows cease ; To the outcast and forlorn Speak of mercy and of peace. Guard the helpless, seek the strayed, Comfort troubles, banish grief ; With the shield of faith arrayed Quench the darts of unbelief. Be the banner still unfurled. Bravely wield the Spirit's sword,. Till the kingdoms of the world Are the kingdoms of the Lord. Almsgiving. 245 300 FOUNTAIN of good, to own Thy love Our thankful hearts incline ; What can we render, Lord, to Thee, When all the worlds are Thine ? But Thou hast needy brethren here, Partakers of Thy grace, Whose humble names Thou wilt confess Before Thv Father's face. In their sad accents of distress Thy pleading voice is heard ; In them Thou mayst be clothed, and fed, And visited, and cheered. Then help us, Lord, Thy yoke to wear, With joy to do Thy will, Each other's burdens gladly bear, And love's sweet law fulfil. To Thee our all devoted be, In Whom we move and live ; Freely we have received of Thee, As freely may we give. Teach us, O Lord, with reverent love Thee in Thy poor to see, And while, we minister to them, To do it as to Thee. 246 Almsgiving. 301 WE give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er the gift may be ; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first-fruits give. Oh ! hearts are bruised and dead ; And homes are bare and cold ; And lambs, for whom the Shepherd bled, Are straying from the fold. To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless. Is angels' work below. The captive to release, To God the lost to bring, To teach the way of life and peace — Tt is a Christ-like thing : And we believe Thy word, Though dim our faith may be ; Whate'er for Thine we do, O Lord, We do it unto Thee. Almsgiving. 247 302 OLORD of heaven and earth and sea, To Thee all praise and glory be ; How shall we show our love to Thee, Giver of all ? The golden sunshine, vernal air, Sweet flowers and fruits Thy love declare : Where harvests ripen, Thou art there, Giver of all ! For peaceful homes and healthful days, For all the blessings earth displays, We owe Thee thankfulness and praise, Giver of all ! For souls redeemed, for sins forgiven, For means of grace, and hopes of heaven, Father, what can to Thee be given, Who givest all ? We lose what on ourselves we spend ; We have, as treasure without end, Whatever, Lord, to Thee we lend, Who divest all. O Thou, from Whom we all derive Our life, our gifts, our power to give, Be this our life, for Thee to live, Giver of all ! 248 Hospitals. 303 THINE arm, O Lord, in days of old, Was strong to heal and save ; It triumphed o'er disease and death, O'er darkness and the grave : To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb, The palsied and the lame, The leper with his tainted life, The sick with fevered frame : And lo ! Thy touch brought life and health, Gave speech and strength and sight ; And youth renewed and frenzy calmed Owned Thee, the Lord of light. And now, O Lord, be near to bless, Almighty as of yore, In crowded street, by restless couch, As bv Gennesaret's shore. Be Thou our great deliverer still, Thou Lord of life and death ; Restore and quicken, soothe and bless, With Thine almighty breath. To hands that work, and eyes that see, Give wisdom's heavenly lore, That whole and sick, and weak and strong, May praise Thee evermore. Harvest. 249 304 FAIR waved the golden corn In Canaan's pleasant land, When full of joy, some shining morn, Went forth the reaper band. To God, so good and great, Their cheerful thanks they pour, Then carry to His temple-gate The choicest of their store. For thus the holy word, Spoken by Moses, ran : " The first ripe ears are for the Lord, The rest He gives to man." Like Israel, Lord, we give Our earliest fruits to Thee, And pray that, long as we shall live, We may Thy children be. Thine is our youthful prime, And life and all its powers ; Be with us in our morning time, And bless our evening hours. In wisdom we would grow, As years and strength are given, That we may serve Thy Church below, And join Thy saints in heaven. 250 Harvest. 305 YVTE plough the fields, and scatter W The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand ; He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes, and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord For all His love. He only is the maker Of all things near and far ; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star ; The winds and waves obey Him, By Him the birds are fed ; Much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread, All good gifts around us, &c. We thank Thee, bounteous Father, For all things bright and good, The seed-time and the harvest, Our life, our health, our food : Accept the gifts we offer For all Thy love imparts, And, what Thou most desirest, Our humble, thankful hearts. All good gifts around us, &c. Harvest. 251 306 COME, ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of harvest-home ! All is safely gathered in, Ere the winter storms begin : God, our Maker, doth provide For our wants to be supplied : Come to God's own temple, come, Raise the song of harvest-home ! All the world is God's own field, Fruit unto His praise to yield ; Wheat and tares together sown, Unto joy or sorrow grown ; First the blade, and then the ear, Then the full corn shall appear : Lord of harvest, grant that we Wholesome grain and pure may be. For the Lord our God shall come, And shall take His harvest home, From His field shall in that day All offences purge away, Give His angels charge at last In the fire the tares to cast, But the fruitful ears to store In His garner evermore. Even so, Lord, quickly come To Thy final harvest-home ! Gather Thou Thy people in, Free from sorrow, free from sin ; There, for ever purified, In Thy presence to abide : Come with all Thine angels, come, Raise the glorious harvest-home ! 252 Harvest \ 307 LORD of the harvest, once again We thank Thee for the ripened grain, For crops safe carried, sent to cheer Thy servants through another year, For all sweet holy thoughts supplied By seed-time and by harvest-tide. The bare dead grain in autumn sown Its robe of vernal green puts on ; Glad from its wintry grave it springs, Fresh garnished by the King of kings ; So, Lord, to those, who sleep in Thee, Shall new and glorious bodies be. Nor vainly of Thy word we ask A lesson from the reaper's task ; So shall Thine angels issue forth, The tares be burnt ; the grain of worth, To wind and storm exposed no more, He gathered to their Father's store. Daily, () Lord, our prayers be said, As Thou hast taught, for daily bread ; But not alone our bodies feed, Supply our fainting spirits' need ; ( ) Bread of life, from day to day Br Thou their comfort, food, and stay. Fcr those at Sea. 308 253 ETERNAL Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep, O hear us, when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea ! O Christ, Whose voice the waters heard, And hushed their raging at Thy word, Who walkedst on the foaming deep, And calm amidst its rage didst sleep, O hear us, when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea ! O Holy Spirit, Who didst brood Upon the chaos dark and rude, And bid its angry tumult cease, And give, for wild confusion, peace, O hear us, when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea ! O Trinity of love and power, Our brethren shield in danger's hour, From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect them wheresoe'er they go ; Thus evermore shall rise to Thee Glad hymns of praise from land and 254 Times of Trouble. 309 FIERCE raged the tempest o'er the deep ; Watch did Thine anxious servants keep ; But Thou wast wrapped in guileless sleep, Calm and still. " Save, Lord, we perish !" was their cry, " O save us in our agony ! " Thy word above the storm rose higl , " Peace, be still ! " The wild winds hushed ; the angry deep Sank, like a little child, to sleep ; The sullen billows ceased to leap, At Thy will. So, when our life is clouded o'er, And storm-winds drift us from the shore, Say, lest we sink to rise no more, " Peace, be still ! " 310 LORD of our life, and God of our salvation, Star of our night, and hope of every nation, Hear and receive Thy Church's supplication, Lord God almighty. Lord, Thou canst help, when earthly armour faileth, Lord, Thou canst save, when deadly sin assaileth, Lord, o'er Thy rock nor death nor hell prevaileth ; Grant us Thy peace, Lord. Peace in our hearts, our evil thoughts assuaging, Peace in Thy Church, where brothers are engaging, Peace, when the world its busy war is waging, Calm Thy foes raging. Times of T rouble . 255 Grant us Thy help, till foes are backward driven, Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven, Grant peace on earth, and, after we have striven, Peace in Thv heaven. 311 GREAT King of nations, hear our prayer, while at Thy feet we fall, And humbly, with united cry, to Thee for mercy call : The guilt is ours, but grace is Thine ; O turn us not away, But hear us from Thy lofty throne, and help us when we pray. Our fathers' sins were manifold, and ours no less we own, Yet wondrously from age to age Thy goodness hath been shown ; When dangers, like a stormy sea, beset our country round, To Thee we looked, to Thee we cried, and help in Thee was found. With one consent we meekly bow beneath Thy chastening hand, And, pouring forth confession meet, mourn with our mourning land ; With pitying eye behold our need, as thus we lift our prayer, " Correct us with Thy judgments, Lord, then let Thy mercy spa re." 256 Old and New Year. 312 GUIDE us, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrims through this barren land ; We are weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold us with Thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven, Feed us till we want no more. Open Thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead us all our journey through ; Strong Deliverer, Be Thou still our strength and shield. When we tread the verge of Jordan, Bid our anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction ! Land us safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises We will ever give to Thee. 313 ANOTHER year, another year Hath sped its flight on silent wing And all that marked its brief career Hath passed from mortal reckoning. Lord, for Thy grace and patient love, Exhaustless still, and still the same, For all our hopes of joy above, We praise and bless Thy holy name. Old and New Year. 257 We bless Thee for each happy soul, Throughout another fleeting year, Or by Thy quickening grace made whole, Or parted in Thy faith and fear. Still bear with us, and bless us still, And, while in this dark world we stay, Teach us to love Thy holy will, Help us to keep Thy narrow way. So, when the rolling stream of time Hath opened to a boundless sea, Loud will we raise the song sublime, " All honour, glory, power to Thee V 314 LEAD, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on ; The night is dark, and I am far from home ; Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet ; I do not ask to see The distant scene ; one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; I loved to choose and see my path ; but now Lead Thou me on : I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will; remember not past years. So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone, And with the morn those angel faces smile, Which I have loved lonsr since and lost awhile. 258 Old and New Year, 315 A FEW more years shall roll, A few more seasons wane, And we shall be with those that rest, Till Christ shall come again : Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. A few more suns shall set O'er these dark hills of time, And we shall be where God Himself Lights all the glorious clime : Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that bright day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. A few more struggles here, A few more partings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears, And we shall weep no more : Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that blest day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 'Tis but a little while, And He shall come again, Who died that we might live, Who lives That we with Him may reign ; Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that glad day ; O wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. Old and New Year. 259 316 OGOD of Bethel, by Whose hand Thy people still are fed, Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led, Our vows, our prayers we now present Before Thy throne of grace ; God of our fathers, be the God Of their succeeding race. Through each perplexing path of life Our wandering footsteps guide ; Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. O spread Thy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cease, And at our Father's loved abode Our souls arrive in peace. 317 CAPTAIN of Israel's host, and Guide Of all who seek their home above, Beneath Thy shadow we abide, The cloud of Thy protecting love ; Our strength Thy grace, our rule Thy word, Our end the glory of the Lord. By Thine unerring Spirit led, We shall not in the desert stray ; By Thy paternal bounty fed, We shall not lack in all our way ; As far from danger as from fear, While love, almighty love, is near. 260 Old and New Year. 318 FOR Thy mercy and Thy grace Constant through another year, Hear our song of thankfulness, Jesu, our Redeemer, hear. Lo, our sins on Thee we cast, Thee, our perfect sacrifice, And, forgetting all the past, Press towards our glorious prize. Dark the future ; let Thy light Guide us, bright and morning Star ! Fierce our foes, and hard the fight ; Arm us, Saviour, for the war. In our weakness and distress, Rock of strength, be Thou our stay ; In the pathless wilderness Be our true and living way. Who of us death's awful road In the coming year shall tread, With Thy rod and staff, O God, Comfort Thou his dying head. Make us faithful, make us pure ; Keep us evermore Thine own ; Help, O help us to endure ; Fit us for the promised crown. New and Old Year. 261 319 Psalm xc. OGOD, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home ! Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure ; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away ; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be Thou our guard while life shall last, And our eternal home ! 262 Commemoration. 320 O MERCIFUL and holy, Who deign' st the seed to own, By lofty or by lowly, In faith and patience sown, Vain, but for Thee, the story Of this our Founder's care ; To Thee belongs the glory In this Thy house of prayer. For all the faith and daring That haunt our ancient pile, For help that knows no sparing, And trust that fears no guile, Sweet praise of this our Mother, And, sweeter far than fame, The love of each for other, We magnify Thy name. For memory's golden treasure, For boyhood's cloudless brow, Each bright and harmless pleasure, Each brave and holy vow, And friends still clinging nearer, As chance and change befall, And some by death made dearer, We thank Thee, Lord, for all. Commemoration. 263 Safe in Thy royal keeping The field shall still be blest, The sowing, and the reaping, The labour, and the rest. Grant, Lord, that, still increasing, The seed of other days May render, without ceasing, A harvest to Thy praise. 321 REJOICE to-day with one accord, Sing out with exultation ! Rejoice and praise the mighty Lord, Our shield and our salvation. Our fathers' God was He, Our God He still shall be ; His works of love proclaim The greatness of His name ; Let every voice adore Him. Our house was reared in lowly wise, But God looked down upon her ; He gave her favour in His eyes, And brought us to great honour, In life, in death, our guide ; We own no strength beside ; His hosts around us stand ; He holds us in His hand ; No evil shall befall us. 264 Commemoration. 322 FxVTHER, hear Thy children's praises For the boon we own to-day ; Grateful love our heart upraises This our sacrifice to pay : Thanks for all Thy mercies given — Stores of knowledge here unrolled, Means of grace, and hopes of heaven — Unto us, Thy chosen fold ! Lord, Thy servants' spirit turning, Mould us by Thy gracious sway : Godliness and all good learning May we follow, day by day. May we, this Thy bounty sharing, Every talent use aright, Still on earth for heaven preparing, Till our faith be lost in sight ; Till, undimmed by earth's reflection, Face to face shall Christ be shown ; Knowledge rise to full perfection — Knowing e'en as we are known. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One in Three, and Three in One, Praise to Thine eternal merit, While unending ao-es run. Commemoration. 265 323 Nun danket alle Gott. NOW thank we all our God, With heart, and hands, and voices, Who wondrous things hath done, In Whom His world rejoices ; Who, from our mother's arms, Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours to-dav. Oh, may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever-joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us, And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next. All praise and thanks to God, The Father, now be given, The Son, and Him Who reigns With Them in highest heaven, The One eternal God, Whom earth and heaven adore ; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore ! 266 First Sunday of Term. 324 LORD, behold us with Thy blessing Once again assembled here ; Onward be our footsteps pressing In Thy love and faith and fear ; Still protect us By Thy presence ever near. For Thy mercy we adore Thee, For this rest upon our way ; Lord, again we bow before Thee, Speed our labours day by day ; Mind and spirit With Thv choicest sifts arrav. Keep the spell of home affection Still alive in every heart ; May its power, with mild direction, Draw our love from self apart, Till Thy children Feel that Thou their Father art. Break temptation's fatal power, Shielding all with guardian care, Safe in every careless hour, Safe from sloth and sensual snare ; Thou, our Saviour, Still our failing strength repair. Last Sunday of Term. 267 325 LORD, dismiss us with Thy blessing; Thanks for mercies past receive ; Pardon all, their faults confessing ; Time that's lost may all retrieve ; May Thy children Ne'er again Thy Spirit grieve. Bless Thou all our days of leisure ; Help us selfish lures to flee ; Sanctify our every pleasure ; Pure and blameless may it be ; May our gladness Draw us evermore to Thee. By Thy kindly influence cherish All the good we here have gained ; May all taint of evil perish By Thy mightier power restrained ; Seek we ever Knowledge pure and love unfeigned. Let Thy Father-hand be shielding All who here shall meet no more ; May their seed-time past be yielding Year by year a richer store ; Those returning Make more faithful than before. o 268 Thine is the Kingdom, 326* Psalm civ. WORSHIP the King All glorious above ; O gratefully sing His power and His love, Our shield and defender, The Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendour, And girded with praise ! O tell of His might, O sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, Whose canopy space ; His chariots of wrath Deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is His path On the wings of the storm. Thy bountiful care What tongue can recite ? It breathes in the air, It shines in the light, It streams from the hills, Descends to the plain, And sweetly distils In the dew and the rain. Frail children of dust, And feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, Nor find Thee to fail ; Thy mercies how tender ! How firm to the end ! Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend ! the Power > and the Glory. 269 O measureless Might ! Ineffable Love ! While angels delight To hymn Thee above, The humbler creation, Though feeble their lays, With true adoration Shall lisp to Thy praise. 327 Psalm ciii. PRAISE, my soul, the King of heaven, To His feet thy tribute bring ; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who like me His praise should sing ? Praise Him ! Praise Him ! Praise the everlasting King ! Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress ; Praise Him, still the same for ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless ; Praise Him ! Praise Him, Glorious in His faithfulness ! Father-like He tends and spares us ; Well our feeble frame He knows ; In His hands He gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes ; Praise Him ! Praise Him Widely as His mercy flows! Angels, help us to adore Him ; Ye behold Him face to face ; Sun and moon, bow down before Him ; Dwellers all in time and space, Praise Him ! Praise Him ! Praise with us the God of grace ! 270 Thine is the Kingdom, 328 YE holy angels bright, Who wait at God's right hand, Or, through the realms of light, Fly at your Lord's command, Assist our song, Or else the theme Too high doth seem For mortal tongue. Ye blessed souls at rest, Who ran this earthly race, And now, from sin released, Behold your Father's face, His praises sound, As in His light With sweet delight Ye do abound. Ye saints, who toil below, Adore your heavenly King, And onward as ye go Some joyful anthem sing ; Take what He gives, And praise Him still Through good and ill, Who ever lives. My soul, bear thou thy part, Triumph in God above, And with a well-tuned heart Sing thou the songs of love : Let all thy days, Till life shall end, Whate'er He send, Be filled with praise. the Power, and the Glory. 271 329 Psalm cxlviii. PRAISE the Lord ! ye heavens, adore Him, Praise Him, angels, in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him, Praise Him, all ye stars and light ; Praise the Lord ! for He hath spoken ; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Laws, which never shall be broken, For their guidance He hath made. Praise the Lord ! for He is glorious ; Never shall His promise fail ; God hath made His saints victorious ; Sin and death shall not prevail ; Praise the God of our salvation ; Hosts on high, His power proclaim ; Heaven and earth and all creation, Laud and magnify His name ! 330 Psalm xciii. YVYITH glory clad, with strength arrayed, *V The Lord, that o'er all nature reigns, The world's foundations strongly laid, And the vast fabric still sustains. The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, And toss the troubled waves on high ; But God above can still their noise, And make the angry sea comply. How surely 'stablished is Thy throne, Which shall no change or period see ! For Thou, O Lord, and Thou alone Art God from all eternitv. 272 Thine is the Kingdom, 331 Psalm cl. PRAISE the Lord, His glories show, Saints within His courts below, Angels round His throne above, All that see and share His love : Earth. to heaven, and heaven to earth, Tell His wonders, sing His worth ; Age to age, and shore to shore, Praise Him, praise Him evermore ! Praise the Lord, His mercies trace ; Praise His providence and grace, All that He for man hath done, All He sends us through His Son : Strings and voices, hands and hearts, In the concert bear your parts ; All that breathe, your Lord adore ; Praise Him, praise Him evermore ! 332 SONGS of praise the angels sang, Heaven with alleluias rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When He spake, and it was done. Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of peace was born ; Songs of praise arose, when He Captive led captivity. Heaven and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise shall crown that day ; God will make new heavens and earth ; Songs of praise shall hail their birth. the Power, and the Glory. 273 And shall man alone be dumb, Till that glorious kingdom come ? No, the Church delights to raise Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise. Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice, Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. Borne upon their latest breath Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ. 333 COME let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. " Worthy the Lamb that died," thev cry, "To be exalted thus ! " " Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, "For He was slain for us ! " Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever Thine. Let all creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of Him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. 274 This God is our God 334 LET all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! The heavens are not too high ; His praise may thither fly ; The earth is not too low ; His praises there may grow ; Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! The Church with psalms must shout No door can keep them out ; But, above all, my heart Must bear the longest part ; Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! The Father, with the Son, And Spirit, Three in One, One everlasting Lord Be evermore adored ! Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! 335 Psalm lxiii. OGOD, Thou art my God alone ; Early to Thee my soul shall cry, A pilgrim in a land unknown, A thirsty land, whose springs are dry. for ever and ever. 275 Thee in the watches of the night Will I remember on my bed ; Thy presence makes the darkness light, Thy guardian wings are round my head. Better than life itself Thy love, Dearer than all beside to me ; For whom have I in heaven above, Or what on earth compared to Thee ? Praise with my heart, my mind, my voice, For all Thy mercy I will give ; My soul shall still in God rejoice, My tongue shall bless Thee while I live. 336 Psalm cxxxix. THOU, Lord, by strictest search hast known My rising up and lying down ; My secret thoughts are known to Thee, Known long before conceived by me. Thine eye my bed and path surveys, My public haunts and private ways ; Thou know' st what 'tis my lips would vent, My yet unuttered word's intent. Surrounded by Thy power I stand, On every side I find Thy hand ; O skill, for human reach too high, Too dazzling bright for mortal eye ! Search, try, O God, my thoughts and heart, If mischief lurk in any part ; Correct me where I go astray, And guide me in Thy perfect way. 276 He will be our guide 337 JESU, meek and gentle, Son of God most high, Pitying, loving Saviour, Hear Thy children's cry. Pardon our offences, Loose our captive chains, Break down every idol, Which our soul detains. Give us holy freedom, Fill our hearts with love ; Draw us, holy Jesu, To the realms above. Lead us on our journey, Be Thyself the way Through terrestrial darkness To celestial day. Jesu, meek and gentle, Son of God most high, Pitying, loving Saviour, Hear Thy children's cry. 338 T^HOU, that breakest every chain, Thou, that still art ever near, Thou, with Whom disgrace and pain Turn to joy and heaven e'en here, Look upon our bonds, and see How doth all creation groan 'Neath the yoke of vanity ; Make Thy full redemption known ?. even unto death. 277 Lord, we do not ask for rest For the flesh, we only pray Thou would'st do as seems Thee best, Ere yet comes our parting day. Draw us to Thy cross, O Love, Crucify with Thee whate'er Cannot dwell with Thee above ; Lead us to those regions fair. Courage ! long the time may seem, Yet His day is coming fast ; We shall be like them that dream , When our freedom dawns at last. 339 OGOD Thy grace and blessing give To us who on Thy Name attend, That we this mortal life may live Regardful of our journey's end. Teach us to know that Jesus died, And rose again, our souls to save ; Teach us to take Him as our guide, Our help from childhood to the grave. Then shall not death with terror come, But welcome as a bidden guest, The herald of a better home, The messenger of peace and rest. And when the awful signs appear Of judgment and the throne above, Our hearts still fixed, we will not fear; God is our trust, and God is love. 278 He will be cur guide 340 STAR of morn and even, Sun of Heaven's heaven, Saviour high and dear, Toward us turn Thine ear ; Through whatever may come, Thou canst lead us home. Though the gloom be grievous, Those we leant on leave us; Though the coward heart Quit its proper part, Though the tempter come, Thou wilt lead us home. Saviour, pure and holy, Lover of the lowly, Sign us with Thy sign, Take our hands in Thine, Take our hands and come, Lead Thy children home. Star of morn and even, Shine on us from heaven ; From Thy glory-throne, Hear Thy very own ; Lord and Saviour, come, Lead us to our home. 341 WHY those fears ? behold the pillow, Where the Master lies asleep ! Spread the sails, and breast the billow ; He will guide us through the deep To the regions, Where the mourners cease to weep. even unto death. 279 Though the shore, we hope to land on, Only by report is known, Yet we freely all abandon, Led by that report alone, And with Jesus Through the trackless deep move on. Rendered safe by His protection, We shall stem the watery vast ; Trusting to His wise direction We shall gain the port at last, And with wonder Think on toils and and dangers past. Oh, what pleasures there await us ! There the tempests cease to roar ; There it is that those who hate us Can molest our peace no more ; Trouble ceases On that tranquil, happy shore. 342 SAVIOUR, we lift our trembling eyes To that bright seat, where, placed on high, The great, the atoning Sacrifice, For us, for all, is ever nigh. Be Thou our guard on peril's brink, Be Thou our guide through weal or w oe, And teach us of Thy cup to drink, And make us in Thy path to go : For what is earthly change or loss ? Thy promises are still our own ; The feeblest frame may bear Thy cross, The lowliest spirit share Thy throne. 28o Jlwu that heavest Pvayev, 343 LORD, teach us how to pray aright With reverence and with fear ; Tho' dust and ashes in Thy sight, We may, we must draw near. We perish if we cease from prayer ; O grant us power to pray, And, when to meet Thee we prepare, Lord, meet us by the way. Burdened with guilt, convinced of sin, In weakness, want, and woe, Fightings without, and fears within, Lord, whither shall we go ? God of all grace, we come to Thee, With broken contrite hearts ; Give, what Thine eye delights to see, Truth in the inward parts, And faith in that one sacrifice That can for sin atone, To rest our hopes, to fix our eyes, On Christ, and Christ alone. 344 WHERE high the heavenly temple stands, The house of God not made with hands, A great High-Priest our nature wears, Jesus, the Son of Man, appears. He, Who for men their surety stood, And poured on earth His precious blood, Pursues in heaven His mighty plan, The saviour and the friend of man. unto Thee shall all flesh come. 281 Though now ascended up on high, He bends on earth a brother's eye; Partaker of the human name He knows the weakness of our frame. In every pang that rends the heart The Man of sorrows had a part ; Touched with the feeling of our grief He to the sufferer sends relief. Saviour, with boldness, at Thy throne We come to make our sorrows known, And ask the aid of heavenly power, To help us in the evil hour. 345 THERE is no sorrow, Lord, too light To bring in prayer to Thee ; There is no anxious care too slight To wake Thy sympathy. Thou, Who hast trod the thorny road, Wilt share each small distress ; The love, which bore the greater load, Will not refuse the less. There is no secret sigh we breathe But meets Thy ear divine, And every cross grows light beneath The shadow, Lord, of Thine. Life's ills without, sin's strife within, The heart would overflow, But for that love, which died for sin, That love, which wept for woe. 282 O Thou that heavest Prayer, 346 COME to a desert place apart, And rest a little while ; " So spake the Lord, when limbs and heart Waxed faint and sick through toil. High communings with God He sought, But, where He sought them, found The restless crowd together brought, And labour's weary round. Then not a thought to self was given, Nor breathed He word of blame ; He fed their souls with bread from heaven, And stayed their sinking frame : Nor turned He, when His task was done, To sleep fatigue away ; When on the desert sank the sun, The Saviour waked to pray. O perfect pattern from above ! So strengthen us, that ne'er Prayer keep us back from works of love, Nor works of love from prayer. 347 COME, my soul, thy suit prepare ; Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. Thou art coming to a king, Large petitions with thee bring ; For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. unto Thee shall all flesh come. 283 With my burden I begin ; Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. Lord, I come to Thee for rest ; Take possession of my breast ; There Thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. While I am a pilgrim here, Let Thy love my spirit cheer ; As my guide, my guard, my friend, Lead me to my journey's end. 348 OLORD, Thy heavenly grace impart, And fix my frail, inconstant heart; Henceforth my chief desire shall be To dedicate myself to Thee, To Thee, my God, to Thee. Whate'er pursuits my time employ, One thought shall fill my soul with joy ; That silent, secret thought shall be That all my hopes are fixed on Thee, On Thee, my God, on Thee. Thy glorious eye pervadeth space ; Thou'rt present, Lord, in every place ; And, wheresoe'er my lot may be, Still shall my spirit cleave to Thee, To Thee, my God, to Thee. Renouncing every worldly thing, Safe 'neath the covert of Thy wing, My sweetest thought henceforth shall be, That all I want I find in Thee, In Thee, mv God, in Thee. 284 Draw nigh to God, 349 WHEN the world is brightest, *V x \nd our hearts are lightest, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Let Thy hand be near us ! When life's scene is shaded, All its bright hopes faded, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Light of heaven, be near us ! When with blessings sated, Or by praise elated, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Let Thy cross be near us ! W 7 hen the night of sorrow Makes us dread to-morrow, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Light of heaven, be near us ! When our foes surround us, When our sins have bound us, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Let Thine arm be near us ! When our hearts are grieving, O'er the grave bereaving, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Light of heaven, be near us ! When in sickness lying, Dark with fear of dying, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Let Thy help be near us ! and He will draw nigh to you, 285 When life, slowly waning, Shows but Heaven remaining, Blessed Jesu, hear us ! Light of all, be near us ! 350 NEARER, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee, E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! There let the way appear Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Beth-el I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 286 Not my will, 351 D LEST be Thv love, dear Lord, *^ That taught us this sweet way. Only to love Thee for Thyself, And, for that love, obey. O Thou, our soul's chief hope, We to Thy mercy fly ; Where'er we are, Thou canst protect, Whate'er we need, supply. Whether we sleep or wake, To Thee we both resign; By night we see, as well as day, If Thy light on us shine. Whether we live or die, Both we submit to Thee ; In death we live, as well as life, If Thine in death we be. 352 LORD, it belongs not to our care Whether we die or live ; To love and serve Thee is our share, And this Thy grace must give. If life be long, O make us glad The longer to obey ; If short, no labourer is sad To end his toilsome day. but Thine be done. 287 Come. Lord, when grace hath made us meet Thy blessed face to see ; F r. if Thy work on earth be sweet. What will Thy glory be ? Then -hall we end our sad complaints. Our weary sinful days, And join with those triumphant saints Who sing Thy endless praise. Our knowledge of that life is small, The eye of faith is dim : Enough for us that Christ knows all. And we shall be with Him. 353 ETERNAL God, we look to Thee, To Thee for help we fly ; Thine eye alone our wants can see, Thy hand alone supply. From path to path we roam for rest. But all our search is vain ; For life, among the dead, our quest. For joy. where sorrows reign. Lord, let Thy fear within us dwell, Thy love our footsteps guide ; That love will all vain love expel, That fear all fear beside. Not what we wish, but what we want, let Thy grace supply : The good, unasked, in mercy grant. The ill, though asked, deny. 288 Not my will, 354 pATHER, whate'er of earthly bliss A Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted at Thy throne, let this My supplication rise — Give me a calm, and thankful heart, From every murmur free ; The blessings of Thy grace impart, And make me live to Thee. Let the sweet hope that Thou art mine My life and death attend, Thy presence through my journey shine > And crown my journey's end. 355 WE ask for life, and mean thereby A few uncertain years, The sunshine of a changeless sky Over a vale of tears : But Thou art better than our prayers, And givest, in Thy love, A shorter path through earthly cares, A longer rest above. We ask for life, Thy work to do, For Thee to toil and win, To warn the many, save the few, From sorrow and from sin : but Thine be done. 289 In rolling years and fleeting breath We think the boon must lie ; Thou teachest that a faithful death Is highest ministry. 356 HOW blessed, from the bonds of sin And earthly fetters free, In singleness of heart and aim, Thy servants, Lord, to be ; The hardest toil to undertake With joy at Thy command, The meanest office to receive With meekness at Thy hand ; With willing heart and longing eyes To watch before Thy gate, Ready to run the weary race, To bear the heavy weight ; No voice of thunder to expect, But follow calm and still, For love can easily divine The one Beloved's will. How happily the working days In this dear service fly ! How rapidly the closing hour, The time of rest, draws nigh, When all the faithful gather home, A joyful company, And ever, where the Master is, There shall His servants be! 290 God is oiw Refuge and Strength, 357 Psalm xxxvii. PUT thou thy trust in God, In duty's path go on, Walk in His strength with faith and hope, So shall thy work be done. Commit thou all thy griefs And ways into His hands, To His sure truth and tender care, Who earth and heaven commands, Who points the clouds their course, Whom winds and seas obey ; He shall direct thy wandering feet, He shall prepare thy way. Thou on the Lord rely, So safe shalt thou go on ; Fix on His work thy steadfast eye, So shall thy work be done. Give to the winds thy fears, Hope, and be undismayed ; God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. Through waves, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears thy way ; Wait thou His time ; the darkest night Shall end in brightest dav. a very present Help in trouble. 291 358 GOD moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform ; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs, And works His sovereign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; The clouds, ye so much dread, Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace ; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flower. Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan His work in vain God is His own interpreter, And He will make it plain. 292 God is our Refuge and Strength > 359 Psalm xxxiv. THROUGH all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. O magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt His name ; When in distress to Him I called, He to my rescue came. The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Deliverance He affords to all, Who in His succour trust. make but trial of His love, Experience will decide How blessed are they, and only they, Who in His truth confide. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear ; Make you His service your delight, Your wants shall be His care. 360 Yt/THY should I fear the darkest hour, *V Or tremble at the tempter's power ? Jesus vouchsafes to be my tower. When earthly comforts fade and die, Though others weep, yet why should I ? Jesus still lives, and still is nigh. 1 know not what may soon betide, Or how my wants shall be supplied, But Jesus knows, and will provide. a very present Help in trouble. 293 Though sin would fill me with distress, The throne of grace I dare address, For Jesus is my righteousness. Though faint my prayers, and cold my love, My stedfast hope shall not remove, While Jesus intercedes above. Against me earth and hell combine, But on my side is power divine ; Jesus is all, and He is mine. 361 Jehovah Jireh. " T N the mount it shall be seen ; " A God will all provide ; None have e'er forsaken been, Who on Him relied. Fear not, Jesus' aid implore ; Soon will He the light restore. Out of darkness He will raise Soon the dawning day ; Now prepare thy joyful praise, He is on His way. While we seek Him, lo ! He brings Plenteous healing in His wings. Praise, O Jesu, praise to Thee, W r ho our ills hast borne ; Let Thy word our comfort be, " Blest are they that mourn." Blest are they whom Thou dost bless, Present help in all distress ! 294 &°d is our Refuge and strength, 362 Psalm lxxxvii. GLORIOUS things of Thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He, Whose word cannot be broken, Formed thee for His own abode : On the Rock of ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose ? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou may' st smile at all thy foes. Though the world esteem thee lowly, Though they pass thy ramparts by, Yet the Lord, Whose name is Holy, He, Who fills eternity, He, Whom not the heaven containeth, Not the high and holy place, Still within thy walls remaineth, Still upholds thee with His grace. See, the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove ! Heed not thou reproach or scorning, Fear not threats or danger near ; Soon shall rise a brighter morning, When thy Lord shall re-appear. a very present Help in trouble. 295 363 Psalm xci. CALL Jehovah thy salvation, Rest beneath the Almighty's shade ; In His secret habitation Dwell, nor ever be dismayed ; There no tumult can alarm thee ; Thou shalt dread no hidden snare ; Guile nor violence shall harm thee, In eternal safeguard there. From the sword at noon-day wasting, From the noisome pestilence, In the depth of midnight blasting God shall be thy sure defence : Fear not thou the deadly quiver, When a thousand feel the blow ; Mercy shall thy soul deliver, Though ten thousand be laid low. Since with pure and firm affection Thou on God hast set thy love, With the wings of His protection He will shield thee from above ; Thou shalt call on Him in trouble, He will hearken, He will save, Here for grief reward thee double, Crown with life bevond the grave. 296 Thou art my Rock and my Fortress. 364 Em' feste Burg ist unser Gott. A SAFE stronghold our God is still, A trusty shield and weapon ; He'll help us clear from all the ill, That in our days shall happen : The ancient prince of hell Hath risen with purpose fell ; Strong mail of craft and power He weareth in this hour ; On earth is not his fellow. With force of arms we nothing can, Full soon we were down-ridden ; But for us fights the proper Man, Whom God Himself hath bidden. Ask ye, Who is this same ? Christ Jesus is His name, The Lord Sabaoth's Son ; He, and no other one, Shall conquer in the battle. God's word, for Satan's craft and force, One moment shall not linger, But, spite of hell, shall have its course ; 'Tis written by His finger : Yea, let the prince of ill Take whatsoe'er he will, Yet is his profit small, He cannot take our all ; The city of God remaineth ! The Lord is my Shepherd, 297 365 Psalm xxiii. THE Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noonday walks He shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, wandering steps He leads ; Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray, His bounty shall my pains beguile, The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden green and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around. Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My stedfast heart shall fear no ill, For Thou, O Lord, art with me still ; Thy rod and staff shall give me aid, And o-uide me through the dreadful shade. 298 The Battle is the Lord's. 366 "THOSE eternal bowers, * Man hath never trod, Those unfading flowers Round the throne of God — Who may hope to gain them After weary fight ? Who at length attain them, Clad in robes of white ? He who gladly barters All on earthly ground, He who, like the martyrs, Says, " I will be crowned ; " He whose one oblation Is a life of love, Clinging to the nation Of the blest above. Shame upon you, legions Of the heavenly King, Denizens of regions Past imagining ! What ! with pipe and tabor Fool away the light, When He bids vou labour, When He tells you " Fight ? ' While we do our duty, Struggling through the tide, Whisper Thou of beauty On the other side : Quit you like men. 299 Tell who will the story Of this life's distress : Oh, the future glory ! Oh, the loveliness ! 367 OFT in danger, oft in woe, Onward, Christians, onward go, Fight the fight, maintain the strife, Strengthened with the bread of life. Onward, Christians, onward go, Join the war, and face the foe ; Will ye flee in danger's hour ? Know ye not your Captain's power ? Let your drooping hearts be glad ; March, in heavenly armour clad ; Fight, nor think the battle long ; Soon shall victory wake your song. Let not sorrow dim your eye ; Soon shall every tear be dry : Let not fears your course impede ; Great your strength, if great your need. Onward then to battle move ; More than conquerors ye shall prove ; Though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldiers, onward go ! 300 The Battle is the Lord's, 368 TOYTQ NIKA ONWARD, christian soldiers, Marching as to war ; See your Captain's banner Gleaming from afar ! Christ, the royal Master Leads against the foe ; Through the night of battle See His standard go ! Onward, christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus For your guiding-star ! At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee ; On then, christian soldiers, On to victory ! Hell's foundations quiver At the shout of praise ; Brothers, lift your voices, Loud your anthem raise. Onward, &c. Like a mighty army, Moves the Church of God ; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod ; We are not divided, All one body we, One in faith and patience, One in charity. Onward, &c. Quit you like men. 30 t Crowns and thrones may perish Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus Constant shall remain ; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst His Church prevail ; We have Christ's own promise, And that cannot fail. Onward, christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus For your guiding-star ! 369 FIGHT the good fight with all thy might, Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy light; Lay hold on life, and it shall be Thy joy and crown eternally. Run the straight race through God's good grace, Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face ; Life with its goal before thee lies, Christ is the path, and Christ the prize. Cast self aside, lean on thy guide ; His boundless mercy will provide ; Lean, and thy trusting soul shall prove, Christ is thy life, and Christ is love. Faint not, nor fear, His arms are near, He changeth not, and thou art dear ; Only believe, and thou shalt see That Christ is all in all to thee. 302 We are saved by Hope. 370 CHILDREN of the heavenly King, As ye journey, sweetly sing, Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways ! We are travelling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. Fear not, brethren, joyful stand On the borders of your land ; Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on. Lord, obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only Thou our leader be, And we still will follow Thee. Hymns of glory and of praise Father, unto Thee we raise ; Praise to Thee, O Christ, our King, And the Holy Ghost, we sing. 371 Psalm xlii. AS pants the hart for cooling streams, When heated in the chase, So longs my soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace : For Thee, my God. the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine ; Oh, when shall I behold Thy face. Thou Majesty divine ? Hope maketh not ashamed. 303 Why restless, why cast down, my soul ? Hope still, and thou shalt sing The praise of Him, Who is Thy God, Thy health's eternal spring. 372 HOPE, christian soul, in every stage Of this thine earthly pilgrimage ; Let heavenly joy thy thoughts engage ; Abound in hope ! Hope, though thy lot be want and woe, Though hate's rude storms against thee blow ; Thy Saviour's lot was such below ; Abound in hope ! Hope, for to all who meekly bear His cross, He gives His crown to wear ; Abasement here is glory there ; Abound in hope ! Hope, though thy dear ones round thee die ; Behold with faith's illumined eye Their deathless home beyond the sky ; Abound in hope ! Hope, for upon that happy shore Sorrow and sighing will be o'er, And saints shall meet to part no more ; Abound in hope ! Hope through the watches of the night, Hope till the morrow bring thee light, Hope till thy faith be lost in sight ; Abound in hope ! 304 One Hope of your calling. 373 THROUGH the night of doubt and sorrow- Onward goes the pilgrim band, Singing songs of expectation, Marching to the promised land. Clear before us through the darkness Gleams and burns the guiding light ; Brother clasps the hand of brother, Stepping fearless through the night. One the light of God's own presence, O'er His ransomed people shed, Chasing far the gloom and terror, Brightening all the path we tread : One the object of our journey, One the faith which never tires, One the earnest looking forward, One the hope our God inspires : One the gladness of rejoicing On the far eternal shore, Where the one almighty Father Reigns in love for evermore. Onward therefore, pilgrim brothers, Onward, with the cross our aid ; Bear its shame, and fight its battle, Till we rest beneath its shade. Soon shall come the great awaking, Soon the rending of the tomb ; Then, the scattering of all shadows, And the end of toil and gloom. My flesh shall rest in Hope. 305 374 FOR ever with the Lord ! " Amen, so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality : Here, in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near At times to faith's foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear ! Ah, then my spirit faints To reach the land I love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above. " For ever with the Lord ! " Father, if 'tis Thy will, The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfil ; Be Thou at my right hand, Then can I never fail, Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand, Fight, and I must prevail. So when my latest breath Shall rend the veil in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain : Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word, And oft repeat before the throne, " For ever with the Lord ! " 306 The entrance of Thy Word giveth light. 375 OWORD of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky : We praise Thee for the radiance That, from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps, Shines on from a^e to age. The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine, And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. It is the golden casket Where gems of truth are stored ; It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ the living Word. O make Thy Church dear Saviour, A lamp of purest gold, To bear before the nations Thy true light, as of old. O teach Thy wandering pilgrims By this their path to trace, Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see Thee face to face. Thy Word, Lord, enduveth for ever. 307 376 T ORD, Thy word abideth, ^ And our footsteps guideth Who its truth believeth, Light and joy receiveth. When our foes are near us, Then Thy word doth cheer us- Word of consolation, Message of salvation. When the storms are o'er us, And dark clouds before us, Then its light directeth, And our way protecteth. Who can tell the pleasure, Who recount the treasure, By Thy word imparted To the simple-hearted ? Word of mercy, giving Succour to the living, Word of life, supplying Comfort to the dvins: ! Oh, that we discerning- Its most holy learning, Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee ! 308 Thy Word is a lantern unto my feet. 377 Psalm xix. LORD, supreme in glory dwelling, Of Thy wondrous power and might Earth and heaven rejoice in telling, Day to day, and night to night. Through each clime, to every nation, Trumpet-tongued, by sea and land, Nature speaks her adoration Of the great creative hand. See, the sun in bridal splendour Tells from whence his glories rise ; Sec the moon her homage render As she climbs the spangled skies : Glorious thus Thy word ; it beameth O'er the soul, divinely bright, Speaking Him, Whose love redeemeth- Joy of nations, Light of Light. Me to good Thy warning stirreth, Fearing Thee reward I win ; Who can tell how oft he erreth ? Cleanse Thou me from secret sin : Let my bosom's meditation, Let my words inspired by Thee, Lord, my light and my salvation, In Thy sight accepted be. How manifold are Thy Wcrks. 309 378 THERE is a book, who runs may read, Which heavenly truth imparts, And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and christian hearts. The works of God, above, below, Within us, and around, Are pages in that book, to show How God Himself is found. The glorious sky, embracing all, Is like the Maker's love, Wherewith encompassed, great and small In peace and order move. The moon above, the Church below, A wondrous race they run ; But all their radiance, all their glow, Each borrows of its Sun. The raging fire, the roaring wind His boundless power display ; But in the gentler breeze we find The Spirit's viewless way. Two worlds are ours : 'tis only sin Forbids us to descry The mystic heaven and earth within, Plain as the sea and sky. Thou, Who hast given me eyes to see And love this sight so fair, Give me a heart to find out Thee, And read Thee everywhere. 310 Lovest thou Me? 379 HARK, my soul, it is the Lord ; 'Tis thy Saviour, hear His word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee, " Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou Me ? " I delivered thee when bound, And, when bleeding, healed thy wound, Sought thee wandering, set thee right, Turned thy darkness into light. " Can a woman's tender care Cease towards the child she bare ? Yea, she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee. " Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. " Thou shalt see My glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of My throne shalt be Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou Me ? " Lord, it is my chief complaint That my love is weak and faint ; Yet I love Thee and adore ; Oh, for grace to love Thee more ! Thou hiowest that I love Thee. 311 380 OLOVE, Who formedst us to wear The image of Thy Godhead here, Who soughtest us with tender care Through all our wanderings wild and drear, O Love, we give ourselves to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. O Love, Who ere life's earliest dawn On us Thy choice hast gently laid, O Love. Who here as Man wast born, And wholly like to us wast made, O Love, we give ourselves to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. O Love, Who once in time wast slain, Pierced through and through with bitter woe, O Love, Who wrestling thus didst gain That we eternal joy might know, O Love, we give ourselves to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. O Love, Who lovest us for aye, Who for our souls dost ever plead, O Love, Who didst that ransom pay, Whose power sufficeth in our stead, O Love, we give ourselves to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. 312 Lovest thou Me? 381 WHEN any turn from Zion's way — Alas, what numbers do ! — Methinks I hear my Saviour say, " Wilt thou forsake Me too ? " Ah, Lord, with such a heart as mine. Unless Thou hold me fast, I feel I must, I shall decline, And prove like them at last. Yet Thou canst keep me safe, I know, How frail soe'er I be ; To whom, or whither, could I go, If I should turn from Thee ? No voice but Thine can give me rest, And bid my fears depart ; No love but Thine can make me blest, And satisfy my heart. What searching has the question stirred, If I will also go ; Yet, Lord, relying on Thy word, I humbly answer, " No." 382 MY God, how wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty how bright, How beautiful Thy mercy-seat In depths of burning light ! How dread are Thine eternal years, O everlasting Lord, By prostrate spirits, day and night, Incessantly adored ! Thou hwwest that I love Thee. 313 How wonderful, how beautiful The sight of Thee must be — Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, And awful purity ! Oh, how I fear Thee, living God, With deepest, tenderest fears, And worship Thee with trembling hope, And penitential tears ! Yet may I love Thee too, O Lord, Almighty as Thou art, For Thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 383 OLOVE divine, that stooped to share Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear, On Thee we cast each earth-born care, We smile at pain while Thou art near. Though long the weary way we tread, And sorrow crown each lingering year, No path we shun, no darkness dread, Our hearts still whispering, Thou art near. When drooping pleasure turns to grief, And trembling faith is changed for fear, The murmuring wind, the quivering leaf Shall softly tell us, Thou art near. On Thee we fling our burdening woe, O Love divine, for ever dear, Content to suffer, while we know, Living or dying, Thou art near. 314 Wt> love Him, 384 I HEARD the voice of Jesus say, " Come unto Me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast." I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad ; I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Behold, I freely give The living water ; thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live." I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream ; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,. And now I live in Him. I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am this dark world's light ; Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright." I looked to Jesus, and I found In Him, my star, my sun ; And in that light of life I'll walk Till travelling days are done. because He first loved us. 315 385 HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrow, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. Dear name ! the rock on which I build, My shield and hiding-place, My never-failing treasury, filled With boundless stores of grace ; Jesus ! my Shepherd, Brother, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see Thee as Thou art, I'll praise Thee as I ought. Till then I would Thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of Thy name Refresh my soul in death. 316 God is Love. 386 MY God, the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights ! In darkest shades, if He appear, My dawning is begun ; He is my soul's sweet morning-star, And He my rising sun. The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus shows His heart is mine And whispers, I am His. Thou that on my life hast shone, Sweet source of light divine ; And, all harmonious names in one, My Saviour, Thou art mine ! 387 GOD is love ; His mercy brightens All the path in which we move ; Bliss He forms, and woe He lightens ; God is light, and God is love. Chance and change are busy ever, Worlds decay, and ages move ; But His mercy waneth never ; God is light, and God is love. E'en the hour that darkest seemeth Will His changeless goodness prove ; From the mist His brightness streameth God is light, and God is love. Jesus Wept. 317 He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above ; Everywhere His glory shineth ; God is light, and God is love. 388 YVTTIY doth the Saviour weep W \i sight of Sion's bowers ? Shows it not fair from yonder steep, Her gorgeous crown of towers ? Mark well His holy pains ; 'Tis not in pride or scorn That Israel's King with sorrow stains His own triumphal morn. " If thou hadst known e'en thou, At least in this thy day, The message of thy peace ! but now 'Tis past for aye away : Now foes shall trench thee round, And lay thee even with earth, And dash thy children to the ground, Thy glory and thy mirth." And doth the Saviour weep Over His people's sin, Because we will not let Him keep The souls He died to win ? Ye hearts that love the Lord, If at this sight ye burn, See that in thought, in deed, in word, Ye hate what made Him mourn. 318 Continue ye in My Love, 389 ABIDE in Me and I in you "— Dear Saviour, take our hearts in Thine, That we may know Thy promise true, Engrafted in the deathless vine. Apart from Thee our graces die, Like branches severed from the root ; Without Thee all our strength is dry, And savourless our best of fruit. O purge away the low desire, The selfish aim, the feeble will ; Each thought and sense baptize with fire, Thy warmth infuse, Thy grace instil. So shall our ways and works be clean, O Saviour, through Thy living word, And, knit with Thine, our lives be seen Transfigured by that sweet accord. 390 Hebrews xiii, 20-21, NOW may He, Who from the dead Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our king and head, All our souls in safety keep ! May He teach us to fulfil What is pleasing in His sight, Perfect us in all His will, And preserve us day and night ! INDICES. INDEX OK AUTHORS AND TRANSLATORS. The date after the name gives the obiit of the writer, after the number of a hymn, the date of publication. No date is given in the case of living authors. An obeliscus f implies that the hymn is only partially attributable to the particular author. tr. means that the hymn is a translation. Adams, Sarah, nee Flower, (1848) 350 Addison, Joseph (17 19), 100, 365 Alexander, Cecil Frances, nee Humphreys 38, 63, 188, 199, 219, 236, 238 Alford, Henry, D.D., Dean of Canterbury (1871), 234, 250, 2 55> 3°6 Anstice, Rev. Joseph (1836), 21, 307, 346 Auber, Harriet, (1862), 208 Austin, John (1669), 351 Baker, Rev. Sir Henry Williams, Bt. (1877), 44-t, 129, i65t, 167, 195, 252, 264, 270, 32if, 376 Barbauld, Anna Lsetitia (1825), 177 Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine, 368, tr. 373 Baxter, Rev. Richard (1691), 328, 352 Bode, Rev. John Ernest (T874), 2 ^ 2 Bonar, Horatius, D.D. 76, 126, 270, 298, 315, 384 Borthwick, Jane (H.L.L.) tr. 356 Bowring, Sir John (1872), 387 Brady, Nicholas, D.D. (1726), see Nahum Tate (17 15) Bridges, Matthew 18 if Bright, Rev. William, D.D., 12, 34, 37, 221, 273 Bruce, Michael {1767), 94, 344 Buckoll, Rev. Henry James (1871), tr 10, I92f, 322, 324, 325. Bullock, William D.D., Dean of Nova Scotia, (1874), 44 1 Bushell, Rev. William Done, 214 Butler, Very Rev. Henry Montagu, D.D. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 226, 288, 32of, 32 if Index of Authors and Translators. 321 Campbell, Jane Montgomery (1878), tr. 305 Campbell, Robert (1868), 244 Carlyle, Rev. Joseph Dacre (1804), 119 Carl'vle, Thomas (1881) tr. 364 Caswall, Rev. Edward (1877), trs. 18, 66, 87 Cennick, Rev. John (1755), 58f, 37of Chamberlain, Rev. Thomas, 100 Chandler, Rev. John (1876) trs. 11, 30, 93t Collins, Rev. Henrv, 160, (1852) Collyer, William Bengo, D.D., (1854), 6of Conder, Josiah (1855), 65, 268+ Cooper, Rev. Edward (1833), 211 Cosin, John, D.D., Bishop of Durham, (1672), tr. 197 Cotterill, Thomas ^1823}, i87f , 253!. Cotton, George Edward Lvnch, D.D., Bishop of Calcutta (1866). 101 Cowper, William (1800), 49, 134, 358, 279 Cox, Frances Elizabeth, trs. 176, 249, (1841) Crewdson, Jane nee Fox (1863), 345 Dawson, C. 158, (1826) Deck, James George 109, (1838; Dickinson, William 185, (1840) Dix, William Chatterton 90, (i860) Doane, George Washington, D.D., Bishop of Xew Jersey (1859) 232 Doddridge, Philip, D.D. ( 1 7 5 1 ) , 43, 61, 265, 30of 3i6f Downton, Rev. Henry (188^), 188, 291, 313, 317 Dryden, John (1700), 205. Edmeston, James (1867), 19, 217. Ellerton, Rev. John, 7, 35, 54, 55, 164, 233, 286 Elliott, Charlotte ^1871), 120, 122, 125, 136, [90 Elliott, Julia Anne, nee Marshall (1841), 40 Everest, Charles William (1877), 127 Faber, Rev. Frederick William, D.D., 1863, 28, 162, 243, 382 Fawcett, Joseph, D.D., (181 7), 57 Grant, Sir Robert (1838), 138, 152, 326 Gurney, Rev. John Hampden (1862), 133, 192! 304, 31 1 Hankinson. Rev. Thomas Edward (1843), 193 Havergal, Frances Ridley (1872), 77, 154 322 Index of Authors and Translators. Haweis, Rev. Thomas, L.L.D., M.D., (1820), 146, 175 Heathcote, Rev. William Beadon, 31 (1846) Heber, Reginald, D.D., Bishop of Calcutta, (1826), 2of, 62, 64, 75, 86, 91, 92, 102, H3f 128, 142, 161, i89f 204, 210, 215, 222, 272, 289, 292, 317 Herbert, Rev. George (1632), 334 Hill, Rev. Rowland (1833), 2531*. Hinds, Samuel, D.D., Bishop of Norwich (1872), 263 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M.D., 9, 383 How, William Walsham, D.D., Bishop of Wakefield, not, 231I", 237, 239f, 259, 261, 299, 301, 375 Hupton, Job (1849), i8of Irons, Rev. William Josiah, D.D., (1883), 149 Keble, Rev. John (1866), 2, 15, 202, 223, 22;f, 258+, 284I*, 285, 378, 388. Kelly, Thomas (1855), 3 6 > l66 t, 34 x t Ken, Thomas, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells (1711), 1, 14 Kennedy, Rev. Benjamin Hall, D.D., 372 Kethe, William 51 (1560), Logan, John (1788), 31 6f Longfellow, Rev. Samuel, 53 Lyte, Rev. Hemy Francis (1847), 16, 47, 97, 140, 327, 331 Maclagan, William Dalrymple, D.D., Bp. of Lichfield 254 Madan, Rev. Martin (1790), 58f, ;8t, i8;f Maitland, Frances Sara Fuller- (1827), 367! Mant, Richard, D.D., Bishop of Down, Connor and Dro- more (1848), 1531% 209, 251 Marckant, John (1560), U3t Marriott, Rev. John (1825), 216 Maude, Mary Fawler nee Hooper, 257 (1848) Merrick, Rev. James (1769), 353 Milman, Hemy Hart, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's (1868), 118, 151, 163, 179 Monsell, Rev. John Samuel Bewley, L.L.D., (1875), 67, 105, 225, 228, 242, 277, 355, 369. Montgomery, James (1854), 82, 95, 98, I45t, 159, 207, 279, 283, 295, 296, 248, 332, 335, 343, 363, 374 Moultrie, Rev. John (1875), I 7 I i 2Sl Neale, Rev. John Mason, D.D., (1866), 32, 148, trs. 8, 23, 70, 85, 104, 123, 124, 147, 150, i8ot, i83t, 198, 267, 366 Index of Authors and Translators. 323 Newman, John Henry, D.D., Cardinal. 108. 314 Newton, Rev. John (1807), 46, 50, 143. 218. 347. 360, 362 f, 381, 385, 390 Nicholas. Rev. Tressilian George 275 Xoel, Hon. and Rev. Gerard Thomas. (1838', 274 Oakeley, Rev. Frederick, (1880) tr. 79. Osier, Edward, (18631. 271, 30OT Palgrave. Francis Turner. 5. 26. 107, 340 Palmer, Ray. D.D. (1887), tr. 266 Pierpoint, Ffolliott Sandford 103, (1866) Plumptre, Edward Haves, D.D.. Dean of Well-. 27. 303 Pott, Rev. Francis, 11 7 + . tr. 173 Piynne, Rev. George Rundle. 337 Pnsey, Philip, ( 1 8 5 5 310 Rawson, George, 203, 269 Rhoades, James, Frontisp Robinson. Rev. Richard Haves. 29 Rorison. Rev. Gilbert. L.L.D.. [1850), 212 Russell. Rev. Arthur Tozer (1874 .213. 361 Scott. Sir Walter. Bt.. '1832'. 59 Sears, Edmund Hamilton. D.D. (1876), 81 Sedgwick. Rev. John, D.D.. 132 Simpkinson, Rev. John Xassau, 362+ Smith. Rev. Isaac Gregory, 170 Smyttan, Rev. George Hunt 118591. If 7t Stanlev. Arthur Penrhvn. D.D.. Dean of Westminster. (1881), 186. 240 Steele, Anne (1778) 354 Stocker, John (1776), 200 Stone, Rev. Samuel John. 246, 293 Tate. Xahum (1715), 80, with Nicholas Bradv. D.D.. .1726). 115. 294. 330. 336. 359. 371 Taylor. Mary Grace 118781. 342 Th'ring. Rev. Edward (1887), tr*. 3+, 24+ Thring. Rev. Godfrey. 25. 121. 130. i8it, 2o6f, 309 Toke, Emma, nee Leslie. (185 11. 132. 191. 220. 22^^ Toplady. Rev. Augustus Montague, (1778), 155. 157 Trower, Walter John. D.D., Bp. of Gibraltar (1873), 3 "7+ 324 Index of Authors and Translators. Tuttiett, Rev. Laurence, 68, 349 Twells, Rev Henry, 1 7 Yaughan, Charles John, D.D., Dean of Llanclaff and Master of the Temple, 290 Watts Isaac, D.D., (1748), 33, 41, 42,48, 52f 96, 99, 141 -f, 156, 194, 245, 319, 333, 386f Wesley, Rev. Charles, (1788), 4, 6, 58I*, 69, 71, 73, 74, ;8t, 88, 137, 139, 144, 174, i87f, 196, 247, 25O. Wesley, Rev. John (1791), 52-f, trs. 135, 357 Whately, Richard, D.D., Abp. of Dublin (1863), 20f White, Henry Kirke, (1806), 89-f, 367! Whiting, William (1878), 308 Whytehead, Rev. Thomas, (1843), 168 Williams, Rev. Isaac (1865), 114, trs. 1 78+, 235 Williams, William (1791), tr. 312 Wilson, Mrs. Daniel (1830), tr. 348 Wink worth, Catherine, (1878), trs. 72, 260, 287, 297, 323, 338,380 Woodford, James Russell, D.D., Bishop of Ely, (1887), tr. 27O Wordsworth, Christopher, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln (1885), 39, 1 12, 182, 184, 302 Wordsworth, William (1850), 13 Young Rev. Edward Mallet, 169, 231!, 241, 282 f, 320^, 389 Unknown, 29, 56, 106, 172, 201, 280, 329, 339,377 3 2 5 INDEX OF FIRST LINES.- , pr. mean that the Hymn is a translation or paraphrase from the Greek, Latin, German, French, Danish or Welsh. J means that alterations have been made in the original hymn by the second writer named, or else for the purpose of this edition ; in the case of living authors, with their consent. First Lines. A few more years shall roll . . A safe stronghold our God is still Abide in Me, and I in you Abide with me, fast falls the eventide According to Thy gracious word Again as evening's shadow falls Again the Lord of life and light Alleluia, Alleluia, hearts to heaven All glory, laud, and honour . . All is o'er, the pain, the sorrow All people that on earth do dwell And now, O Father, mindful of the love And now the wants are told . . Angels from the realms of glory Another day begun Another year, another year Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat Art thou weary, art thou languid As now the sun's declining rays As pants the hart for cooling stream As with gladness men of old . . At even ere the sun was set . . At Thy feet, O Christ, we lav Awake, my soul, and with the sun Before Jehovah's awful throne Before Thine awful presence, Lord Behold the temple of the Lord Beneath the rig- tree's silent shade Blessed Lord, Who till the morning. Blest are the pure in heart Blest be Thy love, dear Lord . . Blot out our sins of old Xo. 315 364 339 16 279 53 177 182 171 1 5i 273 37 82 7 3i3 143 124 30 37i 90 11 1 j 52 I 259 94 241 67 i 22 7 35i 121 Author. H. Bonar T. Carlyle, tr. Ger. E. M. Young H. F. Lyte J. Montgomery S. Longfellow AnnaL. Barbauld Bp.Chr. Wordsworth J.M.Neale,*rLat. J. Moultrie W. Kethe \V. Bright W. Bright J. Montgomery J. Ellerton H. Downton J. Newton J. M. Xeale, *>• Gk. J. Chandler, ^-Lat. X. Tate 6c X. Bradv W. C. Dix H. T wells W. Bright Bishop Ken I. Watts; J Wesley Bp. W. How M. Bruce; E. M. Young J. S. B. Monsell J. Keblet J. Austin G. Thring 326 Index of First Lines. First Lines. Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed . . Bread of the world, in mercy broken Brief life is here our portion Brightest and best of the sons Bright the vision that delighted Bright was the guiding star which led By cool Siloam's shady rill By Christ redeemed, to God restored By Jesus' grave on either hand Calmed each soul, and closed each door Call Jehovah Thy salvation Captain of Israel's host and Guide . . Captain of our salvation, take Children of the heavenly King Christ is risen, the Lord is come Christ the Lord is risen to-day Christ, Whose glory fills the skies . . Christian, dost thou see them Christian, seek not yet repose Cleft are therocks, the earth doth quake Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Come let us join our cheerful songs . . Come let us join our friends above . . Come, my soul, thou must be waking Come, my soul, thy suit prepare Come, Thou long expected Jesus Come to a desert place apart Come to our dark nature's night Come ye faithful, raise the anthem . . Come ye faithful, raise the strain Come, ye thankful people, come Creator, Spirit, by Whose aid Crown Him with crowns of gold Dayspring of eternity Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord Earth has many a noble city Ere another Sabbath's close Eternal Father, strong to save Eternal God, we look to Thee No. 268 272 147 86 2og 84 9i 269 170 185 363 317 282 374 179 174 6 123 120 158 197 333 247 10 347 73 346 203 180 183 306 205 181 3 267 87 56 308 Author. J. Conder Bp. Heber J.M.Neale,^.Lat. Bp. Heber Bp. Mant Harriet Auber Bp. Heber G. Rawson I. G. Smith W. Dickinson J. Montgomery C. Wesley C. Wesley + J. Cennick Dean Milman C. Weslev C. Wesley J.M.Neale,*r. Gk. Charlotte Elliott; C. Dawson Bp. Cosin, tr. Lat. I. Watts C. Wesley H.J.BuckohVr.GerJ J. Newton C. Wesley J. Anstice G. Rawson T. Hup ton J Neale J MNeale^r.Gk. Dean Alford J. Drvden G.Thring,?^ Bridges E Thring, tr Ger.J J.M. Neale, /V.Lat. E.Caswall,£>\Lat. Missionary Minstrel W. Whiting [1826 353 1 J. MerrickJ Index of First Lines. 327 First Lines. Fair waved the golden corn Far from my heavenly home Father, by Thy love and power Father, hear Thy children's praises . . Father of heaven, Whose love profound Father of love, our guide and friend . . Father, whate'er of earthly bliss Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deep Fight the good fight with all thy might For all thy saints, a noble throng . . For all thy saints, O Lord For ever with the Lord Forsaken once, and thrice denied For the beauty of the earth For Thy mercy and Thy grace Forth from the dark and stormy sky . . Forth in Thy name, O Lord, we go . . Forty days and forty nights Fountain of good, to own Thy love . . From all that dwell below the skies . . From fisher's net, from figtree's shade From Greenland's icy mountains Glorious things of thee are spoken . . Glory to Thee, my God, this night . . Glory to Thee, O Lord Go labour on, spend and be spent . . Go to dark Gethsemane God is gone up u ith a merry noise . . God is love. His mercy brightens God moves in a mysterious way God of mercy, God of grace . . Ood, that madest earth and heaven . . Gracious Spirit. Holy Ghost. . Gracious Spirit, Love divine. . Great God, what do I see and hear . . Great King of nations, hear our prayer Great Shepherd of Thy people, hear Guide us, O Thou great Jehovah Hail the day that sees Him rise Hail, thou bright and sacred morn . . Hail to the Lord's Anointed. . No. 304 140 21 322 211 149 354 309 369 238 251 374 236 103 3i3 128 4 117 300 99 242 292 362 14 224 298 159 189 387 358 97 i 20 I 112 I 200 60 3ii 46 312 187 40 95 Author. J. H. Gurnev H. F. Lyte J. AnsticeJ H. J. Buckoll E. Cooper W. J. Irons* Anne Steele^ G. Thring J. S. B. Monsell C. F. Alexander Bp. Mant J. Montgomery C. F. Alexander F. S. Pierpoint H. Downton Bp. Heber C. Weslev G.H.Smvttan+F.Pott P.Doddridge+E.Osler I. Watts J. S. B. Monsell Bp. Heber J.Xewton, JJ.N. Simp- Bp. Ken [kinson Emma Toke^ H. Bonar J. Montgomery Bp. Heber, v.\ Neale SirJ.Bowring W. Covvper H. F. Lyte Heber and Whately Bp . C hr . Wordsworth J. Stocker \V.B.Collyer,^r. Gen J. H. Gurney J. Xewton W. & P. Williams/;;-. [Welsh C. WesleviMadan & J.AnneElliott[Cotterill J. Montgomery 328 Index of First Lines. First Lines. Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding . Hark, hark, my soul, angelic songs . Hark, my soul, it is the Lord Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes Hark, the herald angels sing. . Hark the song of jubilee Have mercy, Lord, on me He is gone, a cloud of light . . Heal me, O my Saviour, heal Hear us, Thou that broodedst Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face Holy Father, cheer our way Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty Hope, christian soul, in every stage Hosanna to the living Lord How beauteous are their feet How blessed from the bonds of care How oft, O Lord, Thy face hath shone How sweet the name of Jesus sounds I am not worthy, holy Lord . . I heard the voice of Jesus say I hunger and I thirst I praised the earth in beauty seen If human kindness meets return In the hour of trial In the mount it shall be seen In token that thou shalt not fear It came upon the midnight clear Jerusalem, my happy home . . Jerusalem the golden Jerusalem the holy Jesu, Lover of my soul Jesu, meek and gentle Jesu, meek and lowly Jesus calls us o'er the tumult Jesus Christ is risen to day . . Jesus died for us, and rose again J esus lives, no longer now Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts Jesus, where'er thy people meet No. 66 243 379 61 78 98 115 186 130 206 270 22 210 372 75 245 356 221 385 278 384 277 102 274 145 361 255 81 106 104 105 !37 337 160 219 172 288 176 96 266 49 Author. E. Caswall, tr. Lat. F. W. Faber W. Cowper P. Doddridge C.Wesley+M.Madan J. Montgomerv N. Tate & N.Brady Dean Stanley G. Thring G. Thring H. Bonar R. H. Robinson Bp. Heber B. H. Kennedy Bp. Heber I. Watts* Jane Borthwick,£r. W. Bright [Ger J. Newton Sir H. W. Baker H. Bonar J. S. B. Monsell Bp. Heber Hon. G. T. Noel J. Montgomery]; A. T. Russell ' Dean Alford E. H. Sears Eckington Coll'n. J. M. Neale, tr. Lat J. S. B. Monsell C. Wesley G. R. Prynne H. Collins C. F. Alexander Lyra Davidica, 1708 H^ M.Butler Frances E.Cox,?rGer. I. Watts Ray Palmer, tr. Lat. W. Cowper Index of First Lines. 329 First Lines. Just as I am, without one plea Lead, kindly light Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us . . Let all the world in every corner sing Let me be with Thee where Thou art Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass Light of those whose drear}- dwelling Lo ! from the desert homes Lo ! He comes with clouds descending Lo ! round the throne at God's right Lord, and what shall this man do ? . . Lord, as to Thy dear cross we flee . . Lord, behold us with Thy blessing . . Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing . . Lord God of morning and of night . . Lord God, the Holy Ghost Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping ! Xo. Author 122 Charlotte Elliott 314 217 334 I 190 296 I 7i 235 58 253 223 133 324 57 325 5 207 291 Lord, in this Thy mercy's day . . | 114 Lord, in Thy name Thy servants plead! 284 Lord, it belongs not to our care 352 Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee . . 109 Lord of all being, throned afar . . 9 Lord of life, Whose words have taught us 111 Lord of mercy and of might . . . . 161 Lord of ourlife, and God of our salvation 310 Lord of our life, Whose tender care. . 29 Lord of the harvest, once again . . 307 Lord of the sabbath, hear us pray . . 43 Lord of the worlds above . . . . 48 Lord, pour Thy spirit from on high . . 283 Lord, shall Thv children come to Thee ! 263 Lord, supreme in glory dwelling . . I 377 j Lord, teach us how to pray aright . I 343 | Lord, Thy children guide and keep . . '261 Lord, Thy word abideth . . . . : 376 ; Lord, to Thy holy temple . . . . I 228 Lord, when before Thy throne we meet 275 Lord, when we bend before Thy throne 119 Lord, Whose temple once did glisten 290 j Love divine, all love excelling . . 74 Cardinal Newman J. Kdmeston G. Herbert Charlotte Elliott J. Montgomery C. Wesley I. Williams, rr.Lat. Wesley, Cennick \ Ma- R.Hill'jCotterill [dan J. Keble J. H. Gurnev H. J. Buckoll J. Fawcett H. J. Buckoll F. T. Palgrave J. Montgomery H. D own ton I. AVilliams J. Keblej R. Baxter J. G. Deck 0. W. Holmes J. Sedgwick Bp. Heber P. Pusev, tr. Lat. Q Chelsea, 1838 J. Anstice P. Doddridge 1. Watts J. Montgomery Bp. Hinds Unknown, r.3Bp. Tro- J. Montgomery [wer Bp. W. How' Sir H. W. Baker J. S. B. Monsell T. G. Nicholas J. D. Carlyle Dean VanghanJ C. Wesley 330 Index of First Lines. Fir .st Lines. May the grace of Christ our Saviour Morn of morns, and day of days My God, and is Thy table spread . My God, how endless is Thy love . My God, how wonderful Thou art . My God, my Father, while I stray . My God, the spring of all my joys . Nearer, my God, to Thee New every morning is the love Not in anger, mighty Lord . . Now all the woods are sleeping Now at the night's return we raise . Now may He Who from the dead . Now thank we all our God . . Now that the daylight fills the sky . Now the labourer's task is o'er O come, all ye faithful O come and mourn beneath the cross O day of rest and gladness . . O Father, Who didst all things make O first in sorrow, first in pain O for a closer walk with God O for a heart to praise my God O God of Bethel, by Whose hand . O God of life, Whose power benign . O God, our help in ages past O God, that madest earth and sky . O God, Thou art my God alone O God, Thy grace and blessing give O God, unseen, yet ever near O Guardian of the Church divine O happy band of pilgrims O help us, Lord, each hour of need . O Jesu, full of truth and grace O Jesus, I have promised O Light of life, O Saviour dear O Light, Whose beams illumine all O Lord, in all our trials here O Lord of heaven and earth and sea O Lord, Thou knowest all the snares O Lord, Thy heavenly grace impart No. 218 178 265 33 382 125 386 350 2 131 24 34 390 323 8 286 79 162 39 3i 281 134 139 316 213 319 142 j 335 I 339| 271 229 148 118 11 262 26 27 116 302 132 348 Author. J. Newton I. Williams, tr Lat P. Doddridge I. Watts F. W. Faber " Charlotte Elliott I. Watts, v. 4 cento Sarah Adams J. Keble E. Thring,^;- Ger. J E. Thring, pr Ger. J W. Bright J. Newton Cath. Winkworth,£r J. M .Neale, £rLat[Ger J. Ellerton F. Oakelev, tr Lat F. W. Faber; Bp.Chr Words worth t W. B. Heathcote J. Moultrie W. CovvperJ C. Wesley Doddridge! Logan A. T. Russell I. Watts Bp. Heber J. Montgomery Unknown E. Osler T. Chamberlain J. M. Neale Dean Milman y.Chandler^-Lat.J J. E. Bode F. T. Pal grave Dean Plumptre Emma Toke Bp. Chr. Wordsworth Emma Toke Lucv Wilson tr. Fr. Index of First Lints. 33i First Lines. j No. O Lord, turn not Thy face away . . j 1 13 O Love, Who formedst us to wear | 380 O Love divine that stooped to share j 383 O Master, it is good to be . . . . ! 240 O Merciful and Holy . . . . . . 320 O perfect life of love . . . . . . 167 O quickly come, dread Judge of all. . 68 O sacred Head surrounded . . . . 165 O Saviour, is Thy promise fled . . 62 O Saviour, Who in love didst take . . 225 O Saviour, "Whom the winter morn 92 O Son of God, our Captain of salvation 233 O Spirit of the living God . . . . 295 O Thou, from Whom all goodness flows 146 O Thou, not made with hands . . 107 O Thou, the contrite sinner's friend 136 O Thou, to Whose all-searching sight 135 O Thou, to Whose all-seeing eve 230 O Thou, Who by a star didst guide 85 O Thou, Who didst with love untold 220 O Thou, Whom neither time nor space 215 O what if we are Christ's . . . . 252 O Word of God incarnate . . . . 375 O worship the King . . . . . . 326 Object of my first desire . . . . 157 Oft in danger, oft in woe . . . . 367 Onward, christian soldiers . . . . 368 Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed 208 Our day of praise is done . . . . 55 Out of the deep I call . . ! 129 Pleasant are Thy courts above . . 47 Pour down Thy spirit, gracious Lord 50 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven 327 Praise the Lord, His glories show . . 331 Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him 329 Praise to the Holiest in the height . . 108 Put thou thy trust in God . . . . 357 Rejoice, the Lord is King . . Rejoice to day with one accord Ride on, ride on in majesty . . Rock of ages, cleft for me' 196 321 *55 Author. J. Marckantj Heber Cath. Winkworth, tr O. W. Holmes [Ger. Dean StanlevJ H. M. Butler + Sir H. W. Baker L. Tuttiett Sir H.W.Baker % tr Bp. Heber r~ : fGer. J. S. B. Monsell Bp. Heber J. Ellerton J. Montgomery T. Haweis F. T. Pal grave Charlotte Elliott J. Wesley, pr Ger. Emma Toke J. M. Neale Emma Toke Bp. Heber Sir H. W. Baker Bp. W. How Sir R. Grant A. M. Toplady K. White J Maitland S. Baring-Gould X Harriet Auber J. Ellerton Sir H. W. Baker H.F Lyte J. Newton H. F. Lvte H. F. Lyte Found!. Coll'n Leaflet Cardl.Xewman [1806 J. Wesley, pr Ger. C. Weslev Sir H.Baker, v 2 But- Dean Milman [lerj A. M. TopladyJ 332 Index of First Lines, First Lines. Sabbath of the saints of old . . Saviour, again to Thy dearnamewe raise Saviour, breathe an evening blessing Saviour, we lift our trembling eyes . Saviour, when in dust to Thee See the ransomed millions stand Soldiers of Christ, arise Soldiers of the cross, arise . . . j .Songs of praise the angels sang Son of Man, to Thee we cry Sons of men, behold from far Spirit of God, that moved of old Spirit of mercy, truth and love Spirit of might and sweetness too . . Spirit of truth, on this Thy day Spread, O spread, Thou mighty word Star of morn aud even Strive, when thou art called of God Sun of my sortl, Thou Saviour dear Sweet is the work, my God, my King Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go . . Take up thy cross, the Saviour said Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled Ten thousand times ten thousand . . That day of wrath, that dreadful day The Church has waited long. . The Church's one foundation The day is past and over The day, O Lord, is spent The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended The eternal gates lift up their heads Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee The happy morn is come The heavenly Child in stature grows The King of love my .Shepherd is . . The Lord my pasture shall prepare . . The Lord of might from Sinai's brow The race that long in darkness pined The radiant morn hath passed away . . There is a blessed home There is a book, who runs may read There is a land of pure delight No. 168 54 19 342 152 65 256 299 332 153 88 199 201 258 204 297 340 260 15 4i 28 127 287 250 59 76 246 23 32 35 188 276 175 93 264 365 64 83 25 195 378 194 Author. T. Whvtehead J. Ellerton J. Edmeston Alary G. Taylor Sir R. Grant J. Conder C. Weslev Bp. W. How J. Montgomery Bp. Mant+ C. Wesley C. F. Alexander Found.Hosp. Coll'n J.Keble+ [1774 Bp. Heber Cath. Wink worth, tr F. T. Palgrave [Ger. Cath.Winkworth, tr J. Keble [Ger. I. Watts F. W. Faber C. W. Everest Cath.Winkworth, tr Dean Alford [Ger. Sir W. Scott, pr Lat H. Bonar S. J. Stone J. M. Xeale, *>• Gk. J. M. Neale J. Ellerton C. F. Alexander Bp. Woodford,^- Lat T. Haweis J. Chandler, *>• Lat % Sir H. W. Baker J. Addison Bp. Heber+ J. Morrison G. Thring Sir H. W. Baker J. Keble I, Watts Index of First Lines. 333 First Lines. There is no sorrow, Lord, loo light The roseate hues of early dawn The royal banner is unfurled . . The saints of God, their conflict past The Son of God goes forth to war The spacious firmament on high The strife is o'er, the battle done The sun is sinking fast The voice that breathed o'er Eden The world is very evil They come, God's messengers of lov Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old Thine for ever, God of love . . This is the day of light This is the day the Lord hath mad Those eternal bowers Thou art coming, O my Saviour Thou art gone to the grave . . Thou art gone up on high Thou art the Christ, O Lord Thou art the way, by Thee alone Thou Judge of quick and dead Thou, Lord, by strictest search Thou that breakest every chain Thou, Who earnest from above Thou, Whose almighty word Three in One, and One in Three Throned upon the awful tree Through all the changing scenes ofKfel Through midnight gloom from Macedoiv Through the day Thy love has spared us Through the night of doubt and sorrow Thy life was given for me Thy way, not mine, O Lord To bless Thy chosen race Try us, O God, and search the ground Up to the throne of God is borne . . Upon the holy mount they stood Wake, awake, for night is flying We ask for life, and mean thereby . . No. 345 38 254 222 100 J 73 18 285 70 244 303 257 45 42 366 77 289 191 237 232 69 336 338 198 216 212 164 3 r 9 293 36 373 154 126 294 144 Author. Jane Crewdson C. F. Alexander Bp.W.How,*rLat{ Bp. Maclagan Bp. Heber J. Addison F. Pott, tr Lat. E. Caswall, ft* Lat. J. Keble J. M. Neale,*rLat R. Campbell Dean Plumptre Mary F. Maude J. Ellerton I. Watts J. M.Neale,*rGk. F. R. Havergal Bp. Heber Emma Toke Bp. W.How Bp. Doane C. Wesley N. Tate & N.Brady Cath. Winkworth, *r J. M. Neale [Ger. J. Marriott G. R orison J. Poller ton N.Tate &N. Brady S. J. Stone T. Kelly S. Baring- Gould, tr F.R. Havergal [Dan. PL Bonar N. Tate & N.Brady C. Wesley 13 W. Wordsworth 239 Bp. W. How+ 72 I Cath. Winkworth. tr 355 J.S.B.Monsell [Ger 334 Index of First Lines. First Lines. We give Thee but Thine own We love the place, O Lord We plough the fields and scatter We praise Thy grace, O Saviour We saw Thee not, when Thou didst tread We sing the praise of Him Who died We thank Thee, Lord, for this fair earth When any turn from Zion's way When Christ came down on earth of old When Christ, the Lord, would come. . When gathering clouds around I view When God of old came down from heaven When Israel left the Egyptian's land When I survey the wondrous cross . . When marshalled on the nightly plain When our heads are bowed with woe When the world is brightest When to dark Moriah's side. . When two friends on Easter- day . . Where art Thou, Lord ? with anxious eye Where high the heavenly temple stands No. 301 44 305 231 192 133 101 381 63 234 138 202 280 156 89 163 349 169 184 214 344 Where shall we find our mightiest saint' 226 While shepherds watched their flocks 80 Who are these in bright array . . 248 Who are these like stars appearing . . 249 Who, living, leave the world behind front Who shall ascend to the holy place . . 193 Why doth the Saviour weep. . . . 388 Why should I fear the darkest hour 360 Why those fears ? behold the pillow 341 With glory clad, with strength arrayed 330 With joy we meditate the grace . . 141 Ye holy angels bright . . . . . . 328 Author. Bp. W. How Dn.Bullock+Baker Jane M. Campbell tr Bp. W. Howl [Ger Buckoll^Gurney T. Kelly Bp. Cotton J. Newton C. F. Alexander Dean Alford Sir R. Grant J. Keble Unknown I. Watts H. K. White* Dean Milman L. Tuttiett E. M. Young Bp. Chr. Wordsworth W. D. Bushell M. Bruce H. M. Butler N. Tate J. Montgomery FrancesE.Cox,£>*Ger. J. Rhoades T. E. Hankinson J. Keble J. Newton T. KellvJ N. Tate & N.Brady I. Watts % R. Baxter 335 INDEX OF HYMNS Translated or Paraphrased. From the Greek. No. Author. . 183 John of Damascus (780) /. M. N'eale. 124 Stephen the Sabaite( 794) J. M. Neale. • 366 John of Damascus (780) /. M. Neale. 23 Anatolius (450) /. M, Neale. s 123 Andrew of Crete (700) J. M. Neale. Latin. 79 Anon (1 8th cent.) F. Oakeley. 276 Thomas Aquinas (1274) Bp. Woodford. 178 Charles Coffin (1749) /. Williams. 59 Thomas of Celano Sir W. Scott. [(1208) 93 SantoliusVictorinus /. Chandler. [(1689) 66 Ambrose, Bp. of Milan E. Casivall. [(397) 173 Unknown (12th cent.) F. Pott. 150 Theodulph of Orleans /. M Neale. [(821) Hie breve vivitur, hie breve plangitur 147 Bernard of Morlaix /. M. JS'eale.[(ii<\$) Hora novissima, tempora pessima . . 70 Bernard of Morlaix /. 31. Neale.[(ll$$) Jam lucis orto sidere . . 8 Ambrosian (4th cent.) J. M. Neale. Jesu, dulcedo cordium .. .. 266 Bernard of Clairvaux Ray. £almer.[(ii$o) Labente jam solis rota .. ..30 Charles Coffin (1749) /. Chandler. * AiawfLev ttc'ivtcs; \aoi Ko7top ~e fcal fcaiiarop Tas ecpas; t«9 ativvias Tiji> tjfiepap cicXOicv Ov ~/«f) /3\e7TCl< TOi'9 TdpClTTOVl From the Adeste fideles Adoro Te devote, latens Deitas Die dierum principe Dies irae, dies ilia Divine crescebas Puer . . En clara vox redarguit . . Finita jam sunt praelia . . Gloria, laus, et honor 336 Index of Hymns translated or paraphrased. No. Author. Nunc suis tandem novus e latebris . . 235 Charles Coffin (1749; /. Williams. O sola magnarum urbium . . 87 A.Clem.Prudentius E. Caswall. [(413) Salve caput cruentatum . . 165 Bernard of Clairvaux SirH. W.Baker. [{1150) Sancti venite, corpus Christi sumite 267 Unknown (7th cent.) /. M. Neale. Splendor paternae gloriae . . 11 Ambrosian (4th cent.: /. Chandler\. Sol praeceps rapitur, proxima nox adest 18 Charles Coffin (1749) E. Caswall. Urbs Syon aurea . . . . 104 Bernard ot Morlaix /. 31. Neale. [(1 145) Veni, Creator Spiritus .. .. 197 Gregory the Gt. ? (604) Bp. Co sin. Vexilla Regis prodeunt . . .. no Venant.Fortunatus(6o9) Bp. W.Bow. From the German. Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott . . 364 M. Luther (1546) T. Carlyle. Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit . . 60 B. Ringwaldt (1598) W. B. Collyer. Guter Hirt, Du hast gestillet . . 287 J. M. Meinhold (1851; C. Winkwofth. Liebe, Die Du mich so milde . . 380 J. Scheffler (Angelus) C. Winkworth. [(1877) Jesu, Gottes Sohn, Du mein Schild 135 Count Zinzendorf( 1760) /. Wesley. Jesus lebt, mit Ihm auch ich . . 176 Ch. F. Geller (1769) W. E. ('ox. Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit . . 3 C. Knorr v Rosenroth E. ThringX[(i6&9) Nun danket alle Gott . . . . 323 M. Rinkart (1649) C. Winkworth. Nun ruhen alle Walder .. ..24 P. Gerhardt (1676) E. ThringX O Durchbrecher aller Bande . . 338 G. Arnold (17 14) C. Winkworth. O Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden . . 165 P. Gerhardt (1676) Sir. IT. W. Baker \. Index of Hymns translated or paraphrased. 33; O hochbegliickte Seek . . Ringe recht, wenn Gottes Gnade Strafe nicht. O Heiligster Seele, du musst munter werden Wachet auf ! ruft uns die Stimme Walte, walte, nah und fern Wer sind die voi Gottes Throne Wir pflugen und wir streuen No. Author. 356 C.J. P. Spitta.(i8S9) J. Borthwick. 260 J. J. Winkler, (1722) C. Winkworth. 131 J. G. Albinus (1652) E. Thring%. 10 Baron vonCanitz (1699; E. J. Buokoll.% 72 R. Xicholai (16081 0. Winkworth. 297 J. F. Bahnmaier (1841 C. Winkworth. 249 H. T. Schenk(i68i) F. E. Cox. 305 Matt. Claudius (18 15) .7. M. Campbell Igjennem Xat og Troengsel Gaaer Sjoelens Valfartsgang From the Danish. 373 B. S.Ingemann (b. 1789^ S. Baring -Gould. From the Welsh. Arglwydd! arwain dnvy'r anialwch 312 W. Williams (1 791) P. and W. Williams. The Compiler of this edition desires to express bis obligations to the proprietors of Hymns Ancient and Modern for kindly allowing him to use several of their copyright hymns ; to Messrs. Nisbet for permission to print those of Dr. Bonar, and to the many authors, or owners of copyrights, by whose leave a number of new hymns have been added to those contained in the Sherborne School Hymn book of 1874. Permission has been purchased of Messrs. Longmans to make use of four additional hymns from the Lyra Germanica. If any copyright hymn has been inadvertently inserted without permis- sion, the Compiler craves forgiveness. School House, Sherborne, April, 1SSS. ■I ■ MS ■ wSBSmm mm Wm I ... JBgm SBBm -■'• :■';■.■•..'•': . mm ,-:■•■ ■■■ SHBnP' ■•■■-' :';■'■:;..■':" SiHil ■I