BX8576 ■1^9 £^brarJ^>oft:he t:heolog(cal ^tmimvy PRINCETON . NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY The Estate of Samuel Henry Gapp ,A5 Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2014 littps://arcliive.org/details/provincialdigestOOmora or KiHcn THE DEC 14 13G4 Provincial Digest: SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL SYNOD OF 1879. REVISED EDITION ORDERED TO BE PUBLISHED BY The Provincial Synod of the Northern District of THE American Province of the Unitas Fratrum (Moravians), held at Bethlehem, Pa., September 19 to October 3, i888. BETHLEHEM, PA.: MORAVIAN PUBLICATION OFFICE. 1889. THE PROVINCIAL DIGEST. Resolved., I. That the collection of rules and regulations, int'ludinfi: those of the present Synod, be printed under the title of "The Provincial Digest." II. That the Committee appointed to control the appli- cation and disbursement of the Special Publication Fund be requested to furnish the necessary money. III. That a copious index be prepared to facilitate reference. IV. That "The Provincial Digest" be distributed gratis and liberally in our congregations. — (Journal, 1881, pp. 104, 105.) Besohml, That as soon as possible after the adjournment of this Provincial Synofl, there shall be published revised editions of " The Provincial Digest" and " Provinzial Ordnung," with such omissions and additions as are rendered necessary by the legislation of the Provincial Synods of 1884 and 1888,— (Journal, 1888, p. 107.) CONTENTS. [Of two figures separated by a comma, the first indicates tlio page, the other the marginal reference.] Chapter I.— The Brethren's Church, . . 1, 1-4 Relation to the Brethren's Unity of the American Province; Declaration oi Principles, . . 1,1-^ Chapter II. — Doctrine and Ministry of the Woro, 2, l-:>, S Confortnitj' to the Doctrinal Standards, . . "2, 1 Qualifications for the Ministiy, . . 2, 2 Licensing of Candidates, .... 2, 3 Family Worship and the Instruction of Youth, . 2, 4-3, 1 The Text Book, ...... 3. 2 Religious Instruction, . . . . . 3, 3 Chapter III. — The Liturgy, (Ritual .\nd Worship), 3, 4-S, 5 Uniformity Desirable, . , . . . 3, 4, Diversity of Modes, ..... 4, 1- Observance of the Lord's Daj-, Use of the Litany, ..... 4, 6-5, Services of the Passion Week, Use of the Surplice, . . . . 5, 6, Infant Baptism, ...... 5, 8, Immersion of Adults, .... 5, 10-6, Status of those Confirmed or Baptized, 6. The Right Hand of Fellowship, . 6, Communion Seasons, ..... (>, Abstaining from the Lord's Supper. 6, Thanksgiving Service, . . . . 6. 6-7, Preparation for the Lord's Supper, Memorial Days and the History of our rhurch, . 7, 4-7. (iii) Unceasing Prayer, ..... 8, 1 Love-feasts, . . . . . . . 8, 2, 3 Sunday-school Hymn-book, .... 8, 4 The Minister and the Church Music, . . . 8, 5 Chapter IV. — The Govebnment of cub Saviour, . 8, 6 September 16th and November 13th, ... 8, 6 Chapter V. — The Use of the Lot, ... 9, l-}>, 5 A Hearty Endorsement, . . . . f , 1, 2 Special Rules for the Province, .... 9, 3-5 Chapter VI.— Conqregations and their Organization, 10, 1-17, 3 Membership, ...... 10, 1 Lay Activity, . . . . . . . 10, 2, 3 Pastoral Visits, ...... 10, 4-6, 11, 2 Earnest Preaching, . . . . . . 11, 2 All should be interested, .... 11, 3 Non-resident Members, . . . . . 11, 4 Faithfulness enjoined, . . . . . 11, 5, 6 Removal of Members, ..... 12, 1-3 Contributions, ...... 12, 4 Parsonages to be furnished, . . . . 12, 5 Pro|)er Financial Support, . . . . 12, 6, 7 Systematic Heneticence, . . . . . 13, 1 Cliii n il l'i o))crty is Trust Property, . . . 13,2-14,1 Annual Reports of Treasurers, . . . . 14,2 Ciiun-h Collections, ..... 14,3 Admission of Congregations, . . . . 14,4 i;eee|>tioM of Members, . . . . . 14, 5 Choir or Class System, . . . . .14, 6-15, 5 Celebration of Choir-Days, .... 15, 6 Paroehial Schools, . . . . . . 16, 1-3 Siniday-srhools anil Hible Classes, . . . 16,4-17,2 Care of the Poor and the Sick, . . . . 17,3 Chapter V^ir.— Discipline, .... 17,4-27,1 Discipline JOssential, . . . . . . 17,4,5 Discipline, . . . . . . . 17, fi, 9 Menilieis lo lie instructed in the Discipline, . . 18, 1-4 Degrees ,,r Dis< i|ilino, ..... 18,5-8 -Mode of K.xereise, 19, 1, 2 Erroneous or Unscriptural Views of Doctrine, . 19, 3 (iv) Complaints concerning Members, . . . 19, 4 Announcement of Exclusion and Re-admission, . 19, 5 Church Rules, 19, 6-20, 3 Preparation of Church Rules, .... 20, 4 Resistance to Church Rules, . . . . 20, 5 Incorporation Does not Free from Rules, . . 21, 1 Consent of the Provincial Elders" Conference necessary for incorporation, . ... 21, 2 Annual Reports, . . . . . . 21, 3, 4 Church Diary, . . . . . . 21, 5, 6 Are the Rules Observed? . . . . . 22,1 Church Books, . . . ' . . . 22, ^-2.3, 5 Church Catalogues, . . . . . .23, 6-24, 4 Books to be Provided, ..... 24, 5 Relations to the Civil Government, . . 24, 6, 7 Secret Societies, . . . . . . 25, 1 * Worldly Amusements, . . . . . 25, 2, 3 Intemperance, ...... 25, 4-27, 1 Chapter VIII.— The Servants of the Church, . 27, 2^0 Ministers are not Independent, and owe Obedience, 27, 2-4 Congregation Conferences, . . . . .27, 5-28, 3 Who are Members of the Church Council, . 28, 4 The Sisters may also be made Members, . . 28, 5 General Business Meeting, .... 28, 6 Joint Meetings of Church Boards, . . .28, 7-29, 1 Who are Eligible, ..... 20, 2 The Ministers and all other Members of Church Boards, bound by the decisions of the respective Boards, . . . . . . . 29, 3 Qualifications for Eldership and Trusteeship, . 29, 4-6 Two Boards Desirable, ..... 30, 1-4 Privilege of Veto in certain Cases, . . . 30, 5-31, 1 Privilege of Nomination and Petition, . . . 31, 2, 3 Retirement from the Ministry, ... 31, 4 The Theological Semmary. Moral Responsibility of Students, . . . 31, 5-.32, 2 Faithfulness to be Inculcated, .... 32, 3 Qualifications of Professors, . . . . 32, 4 Location and Present Arrangements of the Seminary, 32, .5-34, 1 A New Building, . . . . 34, 2-6 Expectations of the Church, .... 34, 7-35, 2 Pledge of Office from Professors, .... 35, .3, 4 Prayer Day for the Seminary. .... 3.5, 5 Annual Collection, ...... 35, 6-36, 1 (V) Connection with Nazareth Hall, . > . 36, 2-5 fsc ,,r Tdl.acro 36,6 Inilci>cn.lonl lMnaiici;il Existence, . . . 36,7-37,8 Acl or Incorporation, ..... 37,8-38,4 Heininaries entitled to Oiricial Publications, . 39, 1 Private Preparation for the Ministry, ... 39, 2-4 Course of Study, ...... 39-40 (!hai>tior TX.— Thk Ministry and Ordination to Tin; .Ministi:y, . • 41, 1-6 The Prcsl.ylcratc, - 41, I Rule for I he Nonnnation of Bishops, . . . 41,2 Assistants lo l)c oinhiined Deacons, . . 41, 3 Suspension IVoni tlic Ministry, . . . . 41, 4 Questions at Ordinations, .... 41, 5 Aooluths, . . . . . . 41, 6 CiiAi'TKR X.— The Constitution of the Brkturen's Unity, . . . . . . .42, 1-94, 3 Introduction, ...... 42, 1 (Jeneral Pniidaniental Characteristics of the (Jonsti- tntion, . . . . . . .42, 2-44, 1 yl.— fJKNERAi. Synods. Tiie Wovk of ( Jenoral Synods, . . . . 44, 2-4 Powers of (ipneral Synods, .... 44,5 M. iiil.crs ,.|- a (Jcncral Synod, .... 45,1-46,4 lOlfc-tioii nC I )('lo{), 4-00, 1 2. Members of Provincial Synods, . . . 01, 1 Additional Article, ..... 01, 2 c. Provincial By-Laws. Organization of the Provincial Synod, . . . 02, 1, 2 The next Provincial Synod, .... 02, 3-7 Rednction of Membership, . . . . 02, 8 Election of Delegates to the General Synod, . 03, 1-4 Biusis of Representation, . . . . . 03, 5 Number of Delegates, ..... 63, 0-7 Election of Delegates, ..... 64, 1-0 Right to Representation, .... 64, 7-65, 3 Ordained Home Missionaries are Full Members of Provincial Synods, ..... 05, 4 Expenses of Provincial and District Synods, . . 05, 5-00, 4 Promulgation of Resolutions, .... 06, 5 The Provincial Digest, . . . . .66, 6-67, 2 Duty of Members to Attend, .... 67, 3 Reports of Officers and Boards, .... 67, 4, 5 Reports of Congregations, .... 67, 6-68, 3 Sermons before the Synod, ..... C!», 1, 2 Advisory Members, ..... 6it, 3 Rules of Order, 69, 4-73 The Provincial Elders' Conference. a. General Rules and Principles. The Supreme Executive Boards of the Individual Provinces, . . . . . . 73, 1, 2 Rights and Duties of the Provincial Elders' Con- ferences, . . . . . . .73, 3-74, 4 b. Provincial Constitution. Duties and Functions of the Provincial Elders' Con- ference, ...... 74, 5 Alterations of the Constitution, . . . . 75, 1 c. Provincial By-Laws. The Provincial Elders' Conference, ... 75, 2-5 Rnles for the Election of the Provincial Elders' Con- ference, . . . . . . .75, 0-76, 1 Filling of Vacancies in the Provincial Elders' Con- ference, . . . . ... 70, 2-77, 1 Organization of the Provincial Elders' Conference, . 77, 2 Minutes of the Provincial Elders' Conference. . 77, 3, 4 Annual Statistics, . . . . . . 77, 5 Annual Succinct Report, .... 77, 0 Official Visitations, . . . . . . 78, 1-3 (vii) Districts and District Synods, Provincial By-Laws, 78, 4-81, 6 79, 2-81. f) Finances of the American Province. Control and Objeots of the Sustentation Fund, . Hi, 7, 8 Act of Incorporation of the Provincial Elders' Con- ference and Supplement thereto, . . .82, 1-8;?, 5 The Presejit Financial Crisis, .... 84, !-&">, 0 The Boarding Schools, ..... 8;"), 7-86, 2 Financial Prohibition, ..... 80, 3, 4 The Annual Abstract, ..... 815, 5 General Principle of Management, ... 86, 6 Investment of Funds, . . . . . 86, 7 Gifts and Bequests, ..... 86, 8 Expenses of the Administrative Government, . . 87, 1-4 The Pension of Ministers, .... S7, r)-88, :5 Right to Sustentational and Educational Privileges, . 88, 4-8 Ainiual Collection for Retired Ministers. . . 89, 1-4 Retirement from Office, ..... 89, 5, 6 Educational Privileges, ..... 89, 7-90. 1 Systemization of Collections, .... 90, 2-6 Provincial Trust Funds, .... 9(t, 8-91, 1 Oliio Conference and Western Sustentation Fund, . 91, 2 On Raising Certain Capital Funds, . . . 91, :'. 9J, 1 Tlu^ Newport and ( 'Inireli Extension Funds, . . 92,2-4 Tlie Spei-ia! Pnl)lication Fund, . . . 92, 5 Tlie Joint Board, 92, 6-93, 6 The Provincial Archives, .... 93, 7-94, 2 Congregational A rcliives, . . . . . 91,3 Chapter XI.— Foreign Missions, .... 94, 4-97, 4 A Missionary Meeting at each Synod, . . 94, 4 The Mission in Alaska, 94, 5-9<), 1 l'l(>dge of Future Faithfulness and the Modes of showing it, ...... 9.3, 2-97, 4 Chapter XII.— Activity for the Kingdom of (ioD in Christendom, ..... 97, 5-122, 2 A. Missions in Bolicinia and Moravia, . . . 97, .")-98, 6 D. Home Missions and Church Extension, Oliiccls .if ll..nie M issions, .... 98,7 Conli-ol of Missionaries, .... 98, 8 Organization of Missions, . . . . . f)9, 1 Admission iis a Regular Church, . . . 99, 2 Unpromising Fields, ..... 99, 3-100, 1 Incitement to Solf-Snpi)ort, .... 100,2 (viii) SprGtid of tho AVork, , , , , 100 3-101, 2 Building ot Churches, .... 101 ^ I Home IVlission Societies, .... Mission Festivals, .... ' ' ' Synodal Home Mission Meeting, , 103, 1 Financial Support and Collections, 103, 2-(i News of the AVork, ..... 103, 7 The Home Mission Debt, 103, 8 New York German Church, 104, 1-3 The Provincial Board of Church Extension, 104, 4-100, 5 Charter of the Board of Church Kxtensiou, 106, &-107, 5 The Relative Functions and Duties of the Prov ncial and District Boards of Church Extension, . 107, 6 Christian Union, ..... 108, 1-8 The American Bible Society, . 108 9-109, 2 Corresponding Delegates, . . , 109, 3 Education of Youth. In our Church Schools, .... 109, 4-110, 3 Teachers are Cherished Servants of the Church, . 110, 4-6 Duty of the Provincial Elders' Conference and the Principals towards the Schools, . . . 110,7-112,2 Act of Incorporation of Young Ladies' Seminary at Bethlehem, Penna., ..... 112, 3-113, 2 Act of Incorporation of Linden Hall Seminary, Lititz, Penna., ...... 113, 3-114, 3 Nazareth Hall, 115, 1, 2 Act of Incorporation of Nazareth Hall, . . 115, 3-116, 2 Church Publications. Moravian Publication Office, .... 116, 3-117, 7 A History of the Brethren's Church, . . 117, 8 Appendix to the Text Book, .... 118, 1 The Moravian Manual, ..... 118, 2, 3 The Sunday School Hymn-Book, .... 118, 4 Communion Liturgies, ..... 118, 5-8 Questions, ....... 119, 1-3 Financial Rules, etc., ..... 119, 4-6 The Editorial Committees, . . . . . 119, 7, 8 The Moravian. Creative Resolution, ..... 120, 1 Course of the Paper Sanctioned and Prescribed, . 120, 2 The.Church Paper is Indispensable, . . . 120, 3 Payment of Correspondents and Writers, . . 120, 4 Increase of Circulation, .... 120, 5 (ix) Briider Botscha/ter. Creative Resolution, .... 120, 6 Also Indispensable, 121, 1 Call for Support, .... 121, 2 To be Tssue.l Weekly, . 121, 3 Enlarcroiiu lit I'ei uiitted, 121,4 The l.ittlr Misxioiutr,/. Cr.!ati\c lU'Solution, 121, 5 l>uty of Ministers and Sunday-scliool Superintendents, 121, (5 Dcr Mission.s Freund. Creative Resolution, ..... 122, 1, 2 Index, ....... THE PROVINCIAL DIGEST". SUPPL[M[NTAHY TO THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL SYNOD O 18 7 0 CHAPTER 1. THE brethren's CHURCH. § 8, 4.* Relation to the Brethren's Unity of the American Pro vince; Declaration of Principles. Whereas, The settlement of principles i"enders easier the decision of special cases which may arise, therefore Resolved, I. That this Synod recognizes the fact that it is i only as an integral part of the Brethren's Tnity that the American Province has anj' right lo picscnt scyduali' exist- ence as a Church among the Churdics ol mn land. II. That this Synod declares that it is tinnly hfhi l)y the 2 bond of doctrine, ritual, discipline, constitution, the work of education, home, foreign and Bohemian missions, which unites the several Provinces of our Church into a Unity of Brethren. III. That this Synod further declares with regard to our ii own Province, that the interests of all jiarts are one and the same and indivisible. IV. That this Synod disapproves of all appeals lo sec- 4 tional feeling, or assumed sectional interests, and further, of all threats, open or implied, as contrary to the spirit of the Brethren's Unity. (Journal, 1881, pp. 37, 38, .39.; * The references are to the sections and snb-divisions as given in the authoritative German Version of I lie Kesults of tlie (Jeneral Synod of 1879. The numbers of the suli-divisions are wanting in tlie English translation ; but the sections are the same. For the use of the marginal figures, see the Index. 2 CHAPTER II. DOCTRINE AND MINISTRY OF THE WORD. § 11, 3. Conformity to the Doctrinal Standards. 1 In the Brethren's Unity, it is not permitted to urge the doctrine of "the fiual salvation of all men," or the doctrine of "the annihilation of the wicked." (In der Brueder- Unitaet darf weder die Lehre von der endlichen Seligkeit AUer, noch die von der Vernichtung der Boesea getrieben werden.) This declaration means that a member of the Brethren's Church is not justified in seeking to win over other souls to a belief in these doctrines, neither of which, to say the least, is clearly taught by the Scriptures, and the last of which is directly opposed by the statements of our doctrinal standards. (Synodal Results, 1869 and 1879, p. 162. ) § 11, 4. Qualifications for the Ministry. 2 That no person shall be employed as a missionary or min- ister in any of our churches unless the Provincial Elders' Conference shall be fully satisfied with his qualifications for such office, including an acquaiatance with the doctrines, principles and discipline of the Brethren's Church, and unless he shall have been a member of the same, either in this country or elsewhere, for at least one year next preced- ing his appointment, always provided that the restriction as to time and membership shall not apply to regularly or- dained ministers and licentiates presenting the proper cre- dentials. (Journal, 1868, pp. 89, 90, 99.) § 11, 4. Licensing of Candidates. 3 That before regular candidates for the ministry, or other brethren who desire to preach, statedly engage in the pub- lic ministration of the Gospel, they be licensed by the Pro- vincial Elders' Conference, after having been duly exam- ined by said Conference. (Journal, 1867, p. 65.) § 12. Family Worship and the Instruction of Youth. 4 I. That we, as a Church, do solemnly recognize the Chris- tian training of the young as one of the greatest instrumen- talities for the conversion of the world ; that parents are hereby urged to co-operate with the Church in the religious education of their children ; that we give to the Sabbath- school our prayers and united labors, and that we, through 3 tliorough iustructiou of the children in the facts and doc- I l ines of the Holy Scriptures, strive to lead them, in their early years, to Jesus, to a living experience of His pardon- ing grace and to a sincere devotion of their lives to His service. II. Tliat the Synod declares it to be the duty of all parents 1 belonging to our congregations to encourage the regular and stated attendance of children upon the services of our Church, and to strive to ensure their early connection in membership therewith ; and that this Synod enjoins upon all our ministers the propriety of frequently i)resenting to parents and members the subject of the duties they owe to their children. (Journal. 18G7, pp. 79, 80. 88. 89.) 12, 3. The Text Book. That the special attention of the pastors and elders of 2 our Church be directed to the importance of introducing the Text Book of the Church into every familv. (Journal, 1878, p. 143. ) § 12, 4. Religious Instnictioii. That this Synod charges our pastors to devote their faith- 3 ful attention to the regular imparting of religious instruc tion to the children and youth of their eongiegat ions, not only in the Suudaj^-school, but also in ehildreirs meetings, and in special hours of religious instruction in the cate- chism of our Church. ( Journal. 1864, pp. 58, 59. ) CHAPTER III. THE LITURGY. (RITUAL AND WORSHIP, i § 13, 1. ZJniformity Desirable. I. That as the Ritual of the Church is the exj^ression of 4 its inner collective life (vide Synodal Results of 1857, § 14) [1879, $ 13], the Synod recommends to the i)astois of our churches to maintain or reintroduce a greater uniformity in the use of our Ritual, in as much as the agreement in the substance of our Ritual constitutes one of the sti'ongest bonds of union. (Journal, 1864, pp. 58, 59. ) II. That this Synod urges anew upon our ministers and 5 congregations more efforts at uniformity of Ritual. (Jour- nal, 1888. p. 114. ) 4 Sjl3, 2, and §14, 2. Diversify of Modes. 1 I. That it is advantageous to pastors and people, if they unite occasioually to hold convocations in their respective congreg-ations, with the view to counsel and encourage each other, and nlso to combine their strength in the carrying on of tlie work of the Lord ; but that Synod inipi-esses upon the attention of niinistei'S so assembling, that in their ex- hortalions and sermons, whilst these are directed to the all important matter of awakening reflection in the hearts of sinners and building up believers in their faith, they shall faithfully hold forth and maintain the established principles and lules of the Moravian Church. (Journal, 18(i4, pp. Ol, G2.) 2 II. That this Synod recommends to the ministers of our congregations to hold prayer and other meetings, wherever there are indications that good luay be effcctiMl thereby, with a view of i-eviving and confirming beli»'\crs, and of awakening and converting sinners. 3 III. Tiiat Synod imiM esses upon the attention of all min- isters holding such meetings, that they shall be conducted in accordance with the established principles and rules of the Moravian Church. (Journal, 1870, pp. 66, 67. § 16, 1-5. Observance of the Lord's Day. 4 I. That ministers and superintendents of Sunday-.schools, parents and teach(!rs, be requested to impress upon the minds oi those in their charge, both old and young, the duty and importance of keeping holy the Sabbath day, and of opposing all the influences which are brought to bear against this holy institution. (Journal, 1870, pp. 66, 67.) 5 II. We solemnly charge all the members of our Church to abstain from uiuieccssary ti avel, as well as fi om frequent- ing public houses OH llie Sabbat ii, such conduct being" not oidy unchristian, but also disreputable in the eyes of re- spectable pei'sons. Fnither, we exhoi t them to avoid the very api)earance of an habitual neglect of Ihe public ser- vices ol' till' s.i.nci nary on (hat day, and to be careful that the rei'irations indiilgcil in on liie sajue be innocent, and interteie neither with their own attendance nor with that of others on divine worship. (Journal, 1855, p. 130, § 15.) § 16, 6. Use of the Litany. 6 I. All our congregations are hereby instructed to use our most excellent and impressive Church-litany, statedly en- gaging therein with due reverence and unction. (Journal, 1855, p. 131, § 18, 3. ) 5 II. That this Synod iustruct the uiiuisters of our various 1 congregations, on no account to suffer any other litany to be prayed in their respective churches, except their own. (Journal, 1855, p. 140.) III. That when the litany is used, it be prayed in con- - nection with the sermon. (Journal, 1855, p. 340. ) IV. That the Synod enjoins upon the congregations of 3 the Province to respond more heartily to the petitions of the Church-litany. (Journal, 1S64, pp. 72, 82. i V. That our Bishops be requested to compile short Eng- 4 lish and German litanies for use at the Sunday evening ser- vice, (Journal, 1888, pp. 78, 115.) ^ 17, 2. Services of the Passion Week. That Synod recommends to all our ministers and congre- o gations to observe the reading of the ''Last Acts of the Son of Man" during the Passion Week. (Journal, 1864, pp. .58, 59. 1 ^ 18. Use of the Surplice. I. In order to avoid the appearance of esteeming Holy 6 Baptism as less fully a sacrament than is the Lord's Sup- per, it was resolved, that wherever it can be done without offense, the minister shall wear the surplice at the adminis- tration of Baptism as well as at the administration of the Lord's Supper. (Synodal Results, 1848, § 24.) II. That this Syjiod recommends a more general nse of 7 the surplice on saci'amental occasions. (Journal, 1807, p. 103.) § 19, 1 and 2. Infant Baptism. I. That we enjoin upon all our ministers to observe the 8 order established by tlae General Synod, that baptisms shall ordinarily be performed in a public meeting of the congre- gation, and when members of the Church refuse to have their children baptized, it be represented to them that such refusal is in violation of an exjjress rule of the Church, and is virtually a withdrawal from the Church. (Journal, 1804, p. 59. I II. That especial attention be called to the rule laid down O in Provincial Digest, in reference to the administration of the rite of Infant Baptism. (Journal, 1888, pp. 78, 115. § 20, 1. Immersion of Adults— the exception. I. In administering the rite of Baptism the mode hereto- 10 fore in use amongst us, that of affusion, shall continue to 6 be the rule. In special cases only, and by way of ex- ception, immersion shall be allowed, provided, that there is not coiiihiiiod with a desire for this mode of baptism a rejection of iiiraiii l>a])tisni. i Synodal Results, 1869, Ap- pendix 2. p. o : l.S7i», }). 1()2. 1 1 II. That each case of immersion falling undei- the rule of the Church, as laid down by the General Synod of 1869 (see Appendix C, Results of General Synod, !^ 2), be first reported to the Provincial Elders' Conference for their sanction, before the rite is administered. (Journal, 1870, p. 86. ) 20. Status of thoac Confirmed or Baptized. 2 That in general the rule shall obtain in all our churches, that all who are confirmed or received by baptism as adults, are thereby received as full communicant members into the Moravian Church. (Journal, 1861, p. 44. i § 21, 1. The Right Hand of Fellowship. .*? That it be recommended by this Synod to all our congre- gations, to observe the significant custom of giving the right hand of jrllowsiiip at the commencement and close of the celebration of the Lord's Suppei-. (Journal, 1867, p. 103.) i?21, 2. Commmiion Seasons. 4 That the Holy Communion be administered more fre- quently, and, if desired, monthly. (Journal. 1861. pp. 52, 67.) ^21, 4. Abstaining from the Lord^s Supper. 5 That Synod lays it down as a rnle of discipline for all our congi cual ion divine service, he be excluded from chuich fellowshi]). (Journal, 1864, p. 82.) !j 21, 7. Thanksgiving Service. i^ I. To recommend to all the ministers and churches of our Province ti> cai TV out the ])i ()\ isions contained in §21, of the K'esuUs of tlie (ieneial Synod of l.S.-)7 i r/Jr p. 21 ) [1879, § 211. Mith special reference lo the introdnction of the thanksgiving service after the celebration of the Holy Com- munion, wh(;re they have not taken place hitherto. (Jour- nal, 1861, pp. 54, 65.) II. That this Synod reiterates the recommendation with 1 regard to tlie thanksgiving: services after the celebration of the Holy Communion, and urges ui)on pastors and congre- gations their faithful observance. (Journal, 1864, pp. 74, 77. ) !^ 21, 7. Preparation for the Lord's Svpper. It is recommended to our ministers whenever they an- 2 nounce the celebration of the Lord's Supper, to invite all such as feel desirous of conversing with them, to call on them at a certain designated time and place. (Journal, 1855, p. 131, § 18, and p. 141. ) § 24, 1. Memorial Bays and the History of our Church. That our ministers be recniestcd to instruct their respec- 3 tive congregations more thorou.uhly in tlie history of the Church, and to train them, if possible, to a regular observ- ance of the special memorial-days of the Church. (Journal, 1876, pp. 87, 88.) § 25, 2-4. Prayer Meetings. I. That for the increase of the body and the edifying of 4 itself in love, and for the effectual working together in the measure of every part, the diversified gifts of individuals should be combined and called into lively exercise. To this end the original '■'hand-meetings,'''' composed of subdivisions of the congregations, be revived, whei-ever practicable, in which each member present be requested to give an account of his or her religious experiences or feelings ; and that on these occasions brethren and sisters meet apart. (Journal. 1861, pp. 52, 66.) II. We recommend that prayer-meetings be held as fre- 5 quently as the necessities and desires of the congregations may demand. (Journal, 1858, pp. 75, 76.) III. That this Synod anew recommends the regular hold- 6 ing of social or cottage prayer-meetings in all our congre- gations, as a means for growth in grace. (Journal, 1878, pp. 142, 143. ) lY. That this Synod re affirms its conviction that social 7 prayer-meetings, properly conducted, are a most impoi tant means of grace, and that it urges our pastors to endeavor to maintain or establish them in all of our congregations, (Journal, 1881, pp. 105, 106.) 8 § 25. 5. Unceming Pi-ayer. 1 That pastors and cong:regations unite in ferveHt petitions for the outpouring of the spirit of prayer upon our whole Ohun h. that in public and in private, in the family, in the social circh\ and in the cliiirch, the name of our God and Saviour may be glorified through the unceasing sup])lic^- tion of His people, i Journal, 1867. pp. 78. 88.) 4. Love-feasts. 2 1. We recommend love-feasts on festive occasions, and deem them vvvy suitable in cuunection with the celebration of the Loi'd's Siipjx'i . Jourual. l.s.58, pp. 75, 76.) ii 11. Oui- love leasts (lUi^liI pnqx'i ly to be I'egarded as pri- vate meetings iiK'icl\. (Ifsigiicd iiiily lor lutMubers of the (Church. It is lu>\vc\ cr Irlt to the Boards ol 1'jldei'S of our respective chuiciifs to determine what lestrictions with re- gard to the aduiissiou of strangers to such meetings shall be made in everv iustauce. (Jomnal. 18.55. pp. VM, 132. §21.) S 26, 7. Sunday -.school Hymn-hook. 4 That the iut i oduction and general use of the collection of Sal)batli school hymns, be lecommended to our congrega- ticms. '.lournal. 1867, p. 103.) 27. 1. The Minister and the Church Music. n Oui' uiiuistcis. being c.r officio directors of our church- music arc 1htc1i\ i iisI i ucI ed to retain, as far as possible, our ow ti pi'cidiar sacred music, and, wherever practicable, to take measures to have our school children taught to sing our own tunes. ( Journal, 1855, p. 132. § 22, d. \ CHAPTER IV. THE GOVERNMENT OF OUR SAVIOUR. § 29. September \iMh and November VSth. 6 That the celebration of the memorial -day of November I3th be recommended, in commemoration not only of the powerful expei-ience made on the 16th of September, 1741, that our Saviour, being the Chief Shepherd and Head of the Church Universal, is as such the Chief Shepherd and Head of the Unity of the Brethr en, but also of the hearty confession of this truth by the congregation on November 13th in the same year, when they tendered their allegiance 9 to Him as their Lord and Master ; at the same time we dis- claim the idea of our Saviour being considered to hold any ecclesiastical office in the Brethren's Church. (Journal. 1856, pp. 81. 82. I CHAPTER V. THE USE OF THE LOT. A Hearty Endorsement. I. That this Synod fully acquiesces in all the views on 1 the Use of the Lot contained in Chapter V.. Synodal Re- sults of 18(>9 [and 1870]. • ' II. Tliat we recommend a carefvil i)erusal of said Chaptei' 2 to all the Eretlircn wIkuii it may ctiicei-n, to the end that. if it so please God, every believing son and servant of the Lord may attain to the same measure of faith once accorded to our fathers. (Journal, 1878. pp. 135, 136. ) !} 34, 5. Special Rules far the Province. I. That when the members of the Provincial Elders' Con- 3 ference, whilst deliberating on an ai)i)<)intment, are/?/??yyand unanimously convinced thar lliey desiie, in sincere failli, for themselves, the direction of the Lard tluougli the Li)t, then they may ask the ([ueslion by the Lot : Imt snch use of the Lot shall be binding on the Provincial Elders" Cimference only, and not on the person to whom the appointment is offered. II. That wlien a brother or sister receives a call from the 4 Provincial Elders' Conference, and \\-i\\\\vrs -.v Hp(-eM Lot for his or her direction, he or she max ask the Provincial Elders' Conference, in writing, to ha\-e a special Lot cast for himself or herself^ and the (lin ctitnis given by the Lot shall be absolutely binding upon that biothei or sister. III. That when a brother or sisiei is (1( si ions of having, 5 in his or her private atfairs, a decision iiy Lot. the use of the Lot shall be allowed. ])i'ovide(l the Piovincial Elders' Conference beconu's satisfied that the applicant for its use is possessed of implicit faith and contideuce. and will yield perfect obedience to and cheerful acquiescence in the Lord's will thus ascertained ; and provided further, that the mat- ter concerning which the Lot is requested be of such a nature as to render its use proper in the estimation of the Provincial Elders' Conference. (Journal. 1856. pp. 80, 82,) 10 CHAPTER VI. CONGEEGATIONS AND THEIR ORGANIZATION. § 35, 1. Membership. 1 That pastors be requested to construe the instructions of General Synod on the subject of church membership in such a manner as to secure, as far as possible, a membership that has met with a change of heart. (Journal, 1876, pp. 7G, 77.) Lay Activity. 2 1. That we consider it a cheering and blessed token for good, that in a ntimber of our congregations lay brethren 'have come forward as efficient helps to the labors of their pastors, l)()tli in private and in inililic social prayer-meet- ings ; and, wliilsl Ave utterly cojidenui an uiu-haritable dis- position to judge our biethren who do not and cannot pub- licly eoiiie lorward and speak of the state of their hearts, we earnestly uige u])on all the Apostle's command, at all pi'o[)(M' times "to be ready to give a reason of the hope that is within tlieiu," and boldly to stand up for Jesus. (Jour- nal, lcS61, pp. r)l2, {)7.) 3 II. That it is highly important to the members of our Church that the young men of our congregations be early interested, as far as practicable, in the lay- work of the con- gregations. (Journal, 1867, pp. 80, 89.) § 36. Pastoral Visits. 4 I. Our ministers will exert themselves to pay pastoral visits to the membeis of their chaige as frequently as pos- sible, and will on such occasions endeavor to deepen the impression that it allords them pleasure to see their mem- bers at the parsoii;ii;c. and Unit they are ready at all times, in private con\ ersatioiis, faithfully to deal with individual souls. ( Ifesolutious oC IS;"),"). ]>. 11.) ^ II. We recommend pi ivate religions conversation by the pastor with individual members, whenever occasion offers, and also at stated times. (Journal, 1858, pji. 75, 76 ; 1873. p. 71.) a III. Synod liaviug learned with pleasure, from the state- ments made, t iiat. wlien a pastor in his visits to the fami- lies of his charge, ha\ ing their spiritual welfare at heart, finds circumstances not unfavorable or forbidding for gath- ering the household together for prayer, the blessing of the Lord will follow, therefore recommends pastoral visits of this nature. (Journal, 1858, pp. 75, 76. ) 11 Earnest Preachhu/ Recommended. That pastors ever striA'e more aud more, through grace 1 to make the ])roafh('(l M'ord a word of urgency, of empha- sis, and of power, that the signs accompanying the procla- mation of the Gospel may gladden their ministry in the conversion of sinners and in the establishment of forgiven souls in their most holy faith. (Journal, 1867, pp. 79, 88.) Pastoral Visits not to be left to the Pastor alone. That the pastors and elders, and other s])iritually-minded 2 members of our congregations, give cai ncsi heed to the duty of pastoral visitation, exhorting the sinner, comforting the sick, and, after the apostolical example, preaching the' Gospel trom house to house. 'Journal. 1867. pp. 80, 88.) All should be interested. That all the communicant members of our congregations 3 be requested to meet at least once annually for the purpose of considering the spiritual inteiests of the congregation and community, and of seeking renewed interest in the Lord's work. (Journal, 1873, p. 71. ) Non-resident Members. Brethren and sistei-s residing at a distance from a congre- 4- gation are expected to keei> up their connection with it by friendly correspondence with their ministers. (Synodal Results, 1848, § .-)1. ) Faithf ulness Enjoined. I. That amid the peculiar temptations to forget God, of 5 the progressive age in which we are living. * * * * this Synod urges its churches to be watchful and prayerful, and to follow closely in the footsteps of Jesus ; and more es- pecially enjoins upon the ministers of the Church to copy, in their preaching and practice, the simplicity, godly sin- cerity and devotion of the fathers of the Moravian Church, remembering that '"the time is short,'* and that they "watch for souls" as they that must soon ••give an account of their stewardship." fjourual. 1876. pp. 87. 88. ) II. That this Synod urgently requests all their pastors to 6 regulate their labors in such a manner that tliey may be en- abled, at all times, to give favoiable replies on the various points bearing upon the spiritual state of their charges. (Journal, 1878. pp. 142, 143,) 12 Removal of Members. 1 1. All brethren and sisters removing from one congrega- tion to another, aic In be |)riivi(l('d with teKstimonials by their i-es])(_'c-ti\f ])ast(irs. S^ iindai iJesnits, 1848, §51.) 2 II. Tliat ill tilt" case of l)i'ctiiicii and sisters removing to plaees wlicrc cnn^rcLjal ions ot our Church are in existence, pastors uolity the jjastors in chai.iie of such congregations, and furnish ilieni with the addresses of such brethren and sisters. (Journal, 1S84, pj). 2.'>, ."iS, oO.) 3 III. That this Synod urges upon all niendiei's of our Morax iau Church I hat when they rcnioxc thci)' residence to cities, towns, \ illages and country neigiiborhoods where theic are Moravian congregations, they take with tliem letteis ot dismissal to said congregations. (Journal, 1884, pp. .">.S, .")!». ) 36, 3. Contributiom. 4 It is the duty of every adult member of the congregation to contribute according to his ability towards the wants of his particular congregation. (Synodal Results, 1818. ) Parson(if/('fi should hr fiiniixhed. 5 That the attention ot Hie eonui-eyat ions is hereby called to the advisability of fuinishing at least a majority of the rooms in their parsoiuige. (Joui nal, 1870, p. 74.) ProiKr FinancUil Support. G I. That it shall be the duty of the Provincial Elders' Con- fcieuc<>, in a coniinunication addressed to the parties, or execiitiA-e l»oard (d' the parties applying for a minister, and to such eoiiL^ie^ations wiiose case re(|uires it, officially to aimonnee lo tlieiii that Hie niinistei' wiio is to servesaid con- gregation sjiall lia\"e a snllicienl and decent snpjiort ; that, being the servant of the Chnrcii, sent by its autlioi'ity, the Executive Boaid who sends him should be assured in ad- vance that he will be thus supported. (Journal, 1873, pp. 80, 81. ). 7 H. Thai Hie iM o\ incial Elders' Conference make earnest re])i-eseiilations on Hie subjeetto the Board of Elders and Trustees of every congi'egation whose pastor has stated that his salary is insnflicient, and ask them to adopt such measures as in their judgment will be calculated to remedy this evil, and that tlie Provincial Elders' Conference report to the next Synod tlie names of such congregations as fail to come up to their ability and responsibility. (^ Journal, 1884, pp. 77, 78.) 13 Systematic Beneficence and Envelope System. That this Syuod recommends to all our congregations to 1 adopt the Scriptural plan of contributing to the support of the minister and to beneficent causes, namely — ''to lay by them in store on the first day of tlie week as the Lord has prospered them;"" and to give effect to this plan they fur- ther recommend to those congregations which have not adopted some other fixed and satisfactory method, the in- troduction of the "envelope system,'" or some similar mode of paving contributions to the support of the Gospel. (Journal, 1878, pp. 80, 81. ) All Church Property is Trust Property. I. In ca.se of secession from the Unity, a congregation 2 loses all right to the property of which it has had the man- agement. ( Journal, 1847. ij 58. ) II. The claim of a congregation upon the estate held in 3 its name shall be null and void, as soon as said congregation expresslv or virtually throws off' its connection with the Brethren's Unity. (Journal, 18-19, p. 2:), II. ; III. The individual members of a congregation are not 4- in any way entitled to a claim upon the property, nor subject to a liabilitj^ for its debts. (Journal, 1849. p. 25. III.) IV. No city or country congregation shall have antliority o to make any change in the title-deeds of its real estate without permission of the Provincial Elders' Conference. (Eesolutions, 1855, p. 21, I., V. That the Provincial Eltlers' Conference be instructed, 6 as far as i)racticable, to requii e that all titles to Church properties hereafter acquired by ( oiigi egations in this Pro- vince, be vested in their corpoiatinn. in trust for each re- spective congregation, to become ahsolnte in case of the cessation of a Moravian organization worshiping in said churcli : and that tliey shall, as far as possible, take mort- gages from those now in operation, for the amnmit of con- tributions raised in the Province to assist in tlu ir erection — provided that no interest shall be charged upon said mortgages, and that the enforcement of the same be left to the discretion of the Provincial Elders" Conference. ( Jour- nal, 1864, p. 64.) VI. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be instructed, 7 in every case in which as a corporation it holds the titles to Church properties, to require new deeds to be drawn, which 14 in strict accordance with the original enactment of the Synod of 1864 (Journal, Appendix E, 15), shall, first, make over such titles in trust : si'cond. contain a provision, that if a congretjal ion worsliipiiiji in such a church ceases to exist, or ceases to l»c a Moravian conoiv.ii'at ion. the title shall bfconie al>solutc : and. tiiird. set foi tii a stipulation to the etrccl that the Provincial Kldcrs" ( 'onnMciu-c is in no wise to he liclil r('s))onsilil(' lor liic i»a\Mnent of any debts restinu on the pi-oi)erty, or foi an^ iiiqirovenients thereafter to be made. ( .Inurnai, 1S,S1, j)!). o4. (>.").) 1 VII. That hereatter no Home Mission church shall re- ceive any aid whatsoever from the Home Mission Fund, unless the title of saiil chuich property be vested in the Provincial Elders' Conference. (Journal, 1876, p. 98.) Annual ReporU of the Treasurers. 2 That, in the opinion of this Synod, the several congrega- tions of this Province should i-equire and insist upon hav- ing from their respective treasurers an annual statement of their finances. (Journal, 1864, p. 64.) Church Collections. 3 That Synod recommends the introduction of collections in morning and evening Sunday services, and after each Holy Communion, in our churches. (Journal, 1867. p. 104.) ij 37, 4. Admission of Congregations. 4 That no congregation before it is self-supporting shall be entitled to lav representation at Provincial Synods. (Jour- nal, 1876. p. 64.) 5; 37, 7. Reception of Members. o That this general rule shall obtain, that the reception of membei's into our Church shall take place in a public ser- vice, after they have undeigone a careful probation and have received a prei)aratory couise of instruction in the history, principles and discipline of our Church, by the minister or home missionai y, all exceptional cases to be decided by the Piovincial Elders' Conference. (Journal, 1861, p. 44.) 38. The Choir or Class Si/stem. 6 That the pastors and elders of our churches be hereby earnestly requested to divide their congregations into classes or districts, as soon as possible, and to appoint a 15 suitable superintendent over each division, whose duty it -hall be to aid the pastor in his work in that part of the congregation. Each of these classes or divisions shall meet at least twice in a year, under the leadership of the pastor, or such other nieiiibcr as the ]iastor or elders may appoint, and (!ondnct their luci l iii^s in such a manner as may seem most advisal)l(s until a uniform plan be adopted bv the Provincial Synod or District Synod. (Journal, 1873, pp. 70, 71.) § 38. Class System — Additional Rules. I. That the pastors and elders of congregations divide 1 their congregations, as soon as may be practicable, into classes, the distinctive idea of which shall be fellowship in the Christian experience and in the work for souls. II. That in forming these classes, pastors and elders be 2 guided by the circumstances and the needs of their several congregations, dividing the nieniliershij) according to their respective localities, di- according to the duties I'equired of them, or according to the •• choir" system still prevailing in some of our older congregations, or in such other ways as they may deem most advisable to secure the ends in view. III. That while pastors and elders thus use liberty, they 3 also strive by consultation, especially at District Synods, to secure as much uniformity as is possible among the several congregations. IV. That, as soon as practicable, a member of the con- 4 gregatiou be selected h\ ])astoi- a nd elders to act in conjunc- tion with them, as su])ei inlentlent of each class, and that great stress be laid on the prayer and personal labors of those who constitute these classes. (Journal, 187G, p. 69.) V. That it be recommendeil that where the class or choir 5 system is no longer observed, or has never been introduced, the members of each class or choir be brought together at least once a year in a meeting for mutual edification and Christian fellowship. (Journal, 1888, pp. 103, 114. i § 38, 2, 3. Celebration of Choir-Days. The decision as to the observance of choir-days in the 6 several congregations belongs solely to the minister in conjunction with the Board of Elders or Standing Com- mittee of the respective congregations. (Journal, 1855, p. 108.) 16 i; 44. 1. Parochial Schooh. 1 I. Tliat this Synod reiterates the declaration of the Gen- eral Synod, wliicli urges tlie establishment of Parochial Schools in our e(ni<;regations, wherever practicable. 2 II. That t lie ministers of our congregations regard the superintendence of the Parochial Schools, wherever such exist, as one of the most important duties of their office. 3 III. That in the appointment of directors and officers of Parochial Schools, it shall ever be borne in mind, that one main object of such institutions, is to instill into the minds of our children and youth, sound Christian principles and patriotic love for the Church. (Journal, 1868. pp. 101, 121.) § 44, 3. Sunday Schools and Bible Gooses. 4 1. Being deeply impressed with the importance of Sun- day-schools and Bible-classes, it is reeonimended that all our ministers faithfully maintain them where they already exist, and introduce them where they do not. (Journal, 185.5, p. 129, § 11, b.) 5 II. That Synod enjoins upon all our congregations to continue the Sunday-school during the Winter season as well as during the Summer ; and it is likewise recommended that the teachers' meetings be l egularly kept by the pastors of our congregations. ( Journal, 18<)4, pp. 72, 82. ) <> HI. That in order that the older scholars be retained in tlic Sunday school, and that, in genei'al, our people may be Ix'ttci taught in the Word of God. the Synod earnestly re- eouiiiiends mir |)astors to estal)lish Bil)le-elasses in connec- linii Willi iini' Sunday schools, wheicvcr these do not already exist, and, it jiossihle. to instruct them personally. (Jour- nal, 1884, pp. :<;. 7N. ' 7 IV. That in \ icw ni the fact that the Sabbath-school is the most imi»orlant auxiliary of the Ciiristian Church, inas- much as lives may be rescued from tlie ser\ ice and slavery of Satan and won for our Saviour in tlie conversion of {■hildrcn, tliis Synod urges it upon parents who are com- municant memheis of oui' Church, as their sacred duty, to manifest a greater interest in the Sunday-school work, by personally identifying themselves as teachers or Bible class scholars of their several Sunday schools in so far as circum- stances permit ; thus using all their influence to encourage children and adults to a more faithful attendance, and at the same time to retain the older scholars among the young men and women as regular attendants, i Journal. 1876, pp. 87, 88.) 17 V. That this Synod recommends that Sunday-school 1 prayer-meetings for teachers and scholars be held. (.Tonr- nal, 1878, i)p. 142. U.S. ) VI. That we deem it of the highest importance for the 2 welfare of oui- Sunday-schools, that our teachers should freqiiehtly and statedly unite togethei- in prayer foi- their charges, so as to be able to claim the blessings of the Lord, promised to those who agree in calling upon Him. (Jour- nal, 1881. pp. 105, 106. ) § 47, 1. Care of the Poor and the Sick. . That in regard to systematic efforts for the relief of the 3 poor, the special attention of ministers and churches be called to ^ 84 of the Synodal Eesults of 1857. 47 of the Synodal Eesults of 1879]. (Journal. 1S(U. pp. 72. 79. . CHAPTER VII. DISCIPLINE. ■5 48. 1. Discipline Essential. I. That as descendants of the Ancient Brethren's Church, 4 we deem a holy discipline essential to the maintenance and spiritual growth of our Church. II. In common with the Ancient Brethren, we under- 5 stand by the word discipline, in its widei' sense, a faithful care of souls by means of public instiuction and personal conversation with communicants and others. The latter is especially desij'able, and should never be declined. (Jour- nal, 1867"^, pp. 81, 93.) Discipline. I. WHEREA^^, The Church of Christ is called at this (i time to take advanced ground in all matters pertaining to Christian character and duty ; and Whereas, Our Moravian Church has always sought to 7 attain this object by dealing with the individual believer, therefore, I. Resolved, That this Synod urge upon our ministers and 8 elders anew the imj)ortance of caring for individual souls, and of training them for Christian work and usefulness. II. Besolved. That those who ha\ e the ovei sight in our y congregations see to it that every member be made to feel that he is needed in the work of the Church and that he be assigned to some place of active service. (Journal. 1888. pp. 103, 113.; 18 ij 48-58. Memhem to he imtructed in (he Discipline. 1 I. That the Synod recommends to the pastors of all our churches the reading of the chapter on Discipline to their congregations once ('\ (TV \ car. (.lournal. 1S(>8. pp. 77, 8.5.) 2 II. thatitsliall lu- tlic' duty of pastors and Boards of Eldei'S to make tliciiiscl\'cs and tlicir r('s])cctiv(' cniig'i'cga tions fully acciuaintcd witli llic ('(iiilciils of the ciia])tci' on Discipline in the Kesults of the General Synod of 1S()!). ( Journal, 1870, pp. .88, 89 ; 1873, p. ()5.) :i III. Tlnxt it shall be the duty of every pastor to preach a sermon annually on the subject of Church Discipline. (Journal. 1S7,{. p. (i,'). ) 4 lY. That our Bishojjs be requested to ])repare a Tract in both the English and German languages, to he one of the series of Moravian Tracts already pul)lislic(l. on the sub- ject of Chui'ch Discipline, embodying therein, as far as this is possible, .'!!», 40. 41 and 42 of the Results of the Gen- eral Synod of 1870. (Journal, 1888. pp. 10.3. 114.) 48 and 49. Degrees in Discipline. 5 In a lestricted sense, discipline consists in reformatory and penal action towards eriving- members, and has three degrees. (i 1. The fli st degree is pi-ivate reproof and correction by the pastoi', oi- other official brethi-en. Sliould this fail of the desired effect, 7 2. Tlie second degiee must be applied by citing delin- (pients inio the presence of the Eldei'S, who are to admon- ish them faithfully and in love. A contumacious refusal to meet the Elders at once forfeits nieniltersliip ; whilst a re- fusal on the part of the J{;iders to aid tlie j>astor in exercis- ing disci]dinc ol)lig(^s tin- church council to supersede them by appoint iiig sucli f]ldcrs as are willing to discharge the duties of llieir ofliee. ^\'hen in the exercise of this degree of discipline, inimediate reformation is not attained, the Elders max exercise the milder discipline of suspension fi'om the coinniunion, unless, in their estimation, offences are so Hagranl- as to l equire the application of 8 3. The third degree of discipline, which is exclusion from chiarch fellowship. The names of those who are thus ex- cluded, should be ])ul)lic]y announced in a meeting of adult members of the Church, and heartfelt ])rayer offered up that thej^ may be reclaimed ; M'hich prayer will ever be accompanied by a readiness to extend liearty forgiveness to such as are penitent, even as Chi-ist forgave us. (Journal, 1807. PI). SI. m. I 1!) >i 48. ."). Mode of E-rt-rcinc. I. That Synod enjoins pastors and Boards of Elders faith- 1 fully to cai i'N out tile dis< i]i]ine of the (liurch. and in all cases in t tie s|)iril ol palienee. meekness and love. (Jour- nal, 1870. pp. ss, S!». 1 II. That onr ministers and elders exercise the greatest 2 possible caie in tlie matter of discipline, tlioronghly exam- ining <'\ (My ease, and always seetKiiiglo adopt sucti reforma- tory nieasu res as will lie most henelicial to the individual concerned, lememheiing t hat whilst we should put away from among ns those wtio peisist in evil courses, we should also endeavor to tiring hact: those who have ei red. They should also see to it that ])eisons who apply f'lr admission from other ^loravian congregations aic actually in good standing in the same, and if ottierwis(\ tliat they hi'st prove the sincerity of tlieir professed penitence t)y rectifying their former difficulties, as far as lies in their power, liefore being I'eceived. (Journal. 187(). pp. 78. 71*.) !^ 48. 5. Erroneous Ol' UmcriptHntl Views of Doctrine. The powers and duties vested in Boards of Elders fully ;i authorize and i-eipui-e them to exercise discipline on those who hold enoueous oi' unscriptural views on doctrinal points, even to the extent of exclusion from Church-fellow- ship, if, in their opinion, the case demands it. Of cour.se. the aggrieved party always has the right of apjjeal to the Provincial Elders' Conference or the Provincial Synod. (Journal. 1870, pp. 88. 89. ) 5; 48, 9. ConipJa 'mtH voneermng Members. Every niinistei- may at once decline to entertain all com- 4 plaints against any inemhei' of a congregation,' unless the plaintiff shall agree, in case it be re<|ui]ed. peisonally to confront the accused, i l{esolutions. 18.">5. p. 2o. i:^. ) 50, 2. AnnoHiicenieiil of E.rcbisioii and Rradvri.ssiou. Hea.dmission is to be determined l)y the elders and an- 5 nounced to the Chureli. as well as exclusion. (Journal. 18f)7, pp. 81. m.) ^ .")1. CImrch Rules. I. Every individual congregation is bound to profess ad o herence to a wi itteu or piinted agreement, contaiTiing the fmidamental articles of its constitution, consonant with such principles and regulations as have been sanctioned and 20 adopted by the Provincial and Geneva! Synods. (Resoln- tions, 1855, p. 20, I, 1. ) 1 II. In order to regnlate discipline, it is indispensable that each ehnrch provides itself with a code of Church rules duly sanctioned l>y the Provincial Eldei's' Conference. (Journal.' IsdT. i)|>. si. si', <»;}. i 2 III. Tliiit I his Synod call attention to the rule adopted by the General Synod of IS.")?, to wit: That evei'y congrega- tion is l)onii(l lo aurcc to a certain code of i(';iulatious, drawn uj) in acc(H(lanc<' witii the general })rinciples of the Chui'ch, and containing nothing contrary to the Synodal Results, and diicct the Provincial Elders' Conference to re({uire its observance bv all our congregations. Journal, 1867, pp. 95, 102. ) a IV. That every Brotherly Agreement hereafter adopted by any congi'egation sliall contain the following clause : •'We iieichy cx])ress our cordial assent to, and agree to be governed by, tiie enactments of the (ieneral Synod of the Moravian Church, and the Synod of the Province to which our congregation belongs, and to make our conduct as in- dividuals, and our course as a congregation, conform to the principles set forth in the published Results of said Synods." (Journal, 18(57, pp. 95, 102.) Preparation of Church Rules. 4 Every congregation is at liberty, either to prepare a draft of sucli an agreement, which, however, previous to its adoption, must be laid before the Provincial Elders' Con- ference, for its sanction, modification or rejection, or to re- quest the Provincial Elders' Conference to furnish such a draft. In the latter case, the congregation is at liberty to ])ro])osc amendments, or to reject tlio whole and substitute a new one. subject, however, to the icv ision of the Provin- cial Elders' Conference. A congregation may, if necessary, empower a delegation to confer with the Provincial Elders' Conference on this subject. Whenever the Provin- cial Elders' Conference shall have expresscnl their sanction in writing, the agi'eement is icady to receive tiie signatures of the members ol the congregation. (Resolutions, 1855, p. 20, I, 2. ) Resistance to Church Rules. 5 Whoever pertinaciously resists our rules, despises all admonition, exerts an injurious influence, gives well- grounded cause of offense, and becomes the seducer of others, 21 iTinst necessarily be excommunicated, in accordance with r lie Apostle's words: "'Put away from among yourselves fli at wicked person." 1 Cor. .5: 13. (Resolutions. 18.5.5, p. ■_':•!.§ 12. 3.) lucorpomfion Does not Free from Rules. The Provincial Elders' Conference is authorized to with- 1 hold its sanction from any proi)()S(>d charter, which a con- ;i;r<',<;ation may hv desirous of sccui ing-. unless such a char- ter contains a clause directly asserting that nothing shall be done oi' taught in the congregation, contrary to the rules and principles of tlie United Brethren's Church in the United States of Xorth America. (Journal, 1847, § 63.) Consent of the Prorincial Elders'' Conference necessary for In- corporation. None of our congregations shall apply for incorporation 2 by law. without tlie express assent of the Provincial Elders' Conference. But the lattei- is authorized to give this assent only when in siu*h act of incorporation due regard has been paid to the princii)les and obligations [of the Brethi en's Church]. ( Journal. 1849, p. 26, VIII.) Annual Reports. . 1. That it shall be a rule for the ministers of our Province 3 to transmit to the Provincial Elders" Conference, during the first month of every year, a lepoi t of the state and historv of their congregations in the vear preceding. (Jour nal, 1867, pp. 95. 102. ) II. That Eesolution 14, Appendix I, Journal of 1867, 4 [given above] be re-aflfirnied, and that the Provincial Elders' Conference be instructed to have said resolution printed upon the sheet transmitted to Pastors for statistical returns. (Journal, 1868, p. 76.) Church Diary. I. Every minister should keep a regular Diary of the 5 most important occurrences in his congregation and of his ow^n official acts. (Journal. 1855, p. 132, § 2.3. 2.) II. The minister of each congregation .shall keep a Diary, a which must contain a record of all the public services held in the church, unless such a record is kept in a separate form, and of every event of importance belonging to the liistory of the congregation. (Journal. 1868. pp. 43. 84.) A the Rules Obsm-ftl 1 That the bhmks for the statistical returns annually sent out by th<' PToviiicial Kldt'vs' ContVircnce, to the ministers ol' tlic (iil'tcTciil coniiit'uat ions, shall contain the followinfj (|iit'st ion. wliicli cacli niinistfi shall be rcciuircd to answer, ill writing. li\ ■•^'t■s,"■ oi- "No" : "Hare i/oii I. I jil i/onr < 'linrch-book. (Jataloyue and Diary ac- coi diiui io thr Ji'lilcs udopied by the Proiy'incial Synod of 1868 ? (Journal. l.S()S, pj). 4;5. 84.) CHITKX'U KKC'OKDS. Hulen Relating to Church Boohs. !i I. Ksu-h Cluiroh-book shall contain tlie follo-wiiiff sepiiraU' and dis- tinct rciristers : A i-cuislcr of I'xi jiti.siii.s ill Infants. A ictiistci- ol' Itiiiilisiiis ,,i Adults. A rcfiistcr of Cmii !■ n,u l ,,, „s. A j-cfiistcr of Ui rri.i iini nf I \j t)i III u ti i ciiji I . whicli shall contain the uitnies of all persons riM oi\. cl into Chuich-fellowship as coinnuini- cants, w lietlicr IVoiii ( oi i- H L;:itioiis of the ^^ol•a\■ian Ch\irch. or fronj other (len.iniiiiatioiis. A reuistei- of .\/,i rri, ,,/,:■<. A reuislci- of Fini, i;i/.s. A re-isl,.|- of I;, iiinnils .(ml ni'< „\ i s.s, 1 1 s . which shall contain the names ol a 1 1 | m rsoiiv. w hct her coniniunicaul^, ih>ii-coiinuunicants, or cliildi cii, whov,' couneclion w ith the coni; rc,L;:il ion is dissolved by chiinuc .>! i .'si.li iicc. or unitiiit;- with other deiioui inat ions, or by any otlier c:insc cxccpi exclusion from Ch u I'di -fel lowship. A i-ciiish r of ()n/,,i,i/i,iii.s. ;{ II. I n m:d< inu an eiit ry in any of the above registers, the (iate of the t ransaci Ion must be placed in a column rilled i'or tilis purpose ex- cbisi\el\ , on the left hand side of the pa,^e. 4 Til. 'i'lie si'^nal II r-e ol' ihe | >asi , >r, or of t he minister olticiatiiig in his stead, must Im' a|>|ieiidcd o, ilw record of each transaction. J\'. K.ir\i rcccnil under llic head of fii/iinl BapfiMiis, must, if possi- ble, contain I he follow j ni; pa i t iciilai-s : The full name of the child : t he dale of the child's birth ; the names of the parents, and tlu mother's maiden name; a statement whether the parents, i >r eilliei- of tiiem. are members of the congregation; and names of the sponsois, if there are nny ; the place and occasion of the transact ion. (» \'. lOacli rei-ord umler the head of Jlii /ttiiiniv o/ A diUt.'s. must, if pos- sible, contain the followinu particailars : 'I'lii' full name of the |icrson bapti/.ed: a statement whether the person issiniile. m.inied or widowed: the date and place of birth of •he person liapli/.ed : ilic naiin ol the parents of the person baptized, and the mother'^ maiden name: t lie place and occasion of the trans- actjf)ii. other rerson is single, married or widowed ; the date and place of birth ; the name of the parents and the mother's maiden name; the place and occasion of the li'ansaction. Other remai ks may be appended. 5 VII. Each record under the head of Reception of Cnm.munieantK, must, if possible, contain the following particulars: 23 The lull name of the person received into Church-lellowship ; a statement whether single, married, or widowed: the name of former Church-connection; the date and place of birth ; the place and occa- sion of the recevition, when the same is public. Other remarks mar be appended. VIII. Each record under the head of Marriufiex, must, if possible, 1 contain the following particular : The full name of the bridegroom ; statement whether the bride- groom is single or widowed ; the tiame of the bridegroom's parents, and the mother s maiden name ; the date and place of the bride- groom s birth : the bridegroom s place of residence. The sameitems respecting ilie bride. lOacli record under this head must be made in the form of a certifi- cate, and must contain the name of some of the witnesses of the cere- mony, if any are present, and must also state whether tiie parties, or either of them, are members of the Church or not. IX. Each record under the head of Fiineralx. must, if possible, con- 2 tain the following particulars : The full name of the deceased : in the case of children, the parents' name, and the mother's maiden name; in the case of adults, state- ment whether single, married, or widoweil ; in tlie case of adults, statement whetlier the deceased was a communicant of tin- Climch or not ; in the case of children, statement whether the iian iits. oi cither of them, are members of the Church or not ; the age of the deceased; I lie date of decease, and nature of last illness, or cause of death ; the place of interment ; the place where the funeral discourse was held. A brief memoir may be appended. X. Each re(rord under the head oi' Removals and Dismis-ialfi, must. 3 if possible, contain the following particulars: The full name of the person whose connection with the congrega- tion is dissolved ; the class^single, married or widowed ; whether communicant; destination or name of future Church-connection. Other remarks may be appended. XI. Each record' under the head of Ordhtafionx. must contain the -t following particulars: The full name of the person ordained; his former occupation or degree; his destination ; the place and occasion of the transaction ; the name of the officiating bishop or bishops. XII. Each Church-book must contain an Index, the pages of which o shall contain eight ruled columns, in which the pages referred to shall be written, there lieing one column for each register contained in the Church-book. Rules Relating to the Catalogues. I. The Catalogue, or list of members of each congregation, shall (i be written in a book which shall be kept by the minister of the same, exclusively for this purpose. II. In this book thenaraesof the members of the congregation shall 7 be written under the following divisions and sub-divisions : 1. COMMUNIC'AXTS. a. Married couples, b. Married men whose wives are not mem- bers, c. Married women whose husbands are not members, d. Widowers, e. Widows. /. Single males, g. Single females. 2. NOX-COMMUNICANTS. a. Males over thirteen years of age. h. Females over thirteen years of age. 3. Children. a. Boys nnder thirteen years of age. h. Girls under thirteen years of age. 24 1 III. To names occurring under the fii-st division, [Communicants], the IVillowiua- items must, if possible, be appended, in columns ruled for til is ]>nrpose : I. Tlu' l)irtliil.i\'. 2. The father's iianie. H. The time and manner ot ailiiiissi(.ii Id ( lim ( h-lVllow slii|i. i w hetlier by confirmation, adult haptisin. cir [■(■i-,.|Uiciin. 1. Iiicasoiif tlie erasure or transfer of the name to another siil)-(li\ision. the eaiise of such chaufi-e. 1> IV. I'd names orcuirinii iimlei- lln' second and third divisions. [Non-communicants and Childrenl, the lollowinfr items must, if pos- sible, he appended, in columns luled for the purpose: 1. The birthday. The father's name. 3. The dale of baptism. 4. In case of the erasure or transferof a name to another sub-division, the cause of such (ihan^e. 3 ^^'hen erasures or ti ansfers of nauH'S from f)ne sub-division to anotlu'r are rendei-ed necessary 1)\- conlii-niation. reinox al (,)r dismissal, exclusion, marriauc, ileath, or advaniM' in a^l^ a cross (X ) shall be made in a narrow column, ruled for this |iiirpose. on the left hand side of each pane in the catalogue-book, which mark will siut not in the eatalogne- liook pr.ipcr, lest eonfiision arise in (he ision of the congregation into the ilirec classes of c. >n I m un ic-ai 1 1 s. iioii-eeuinuinicailts and chil- ilren. i.Ioni iial. ISCS. pp. .!!)- 4:;, 7 1 , T:;. Ml. S4. i BookH to he Provided. Tliat Church l>()()Us and Oatalo<>ii('-b()oks, ruled like the s](( ( iiucn sliccts ;t]>|>cii(l('u(>kslore, tind that the congregations of this Province be re({uested to procure the stune for their records. (Journal, 1868. pp. 43. 84. i >; 52. 1. Relations to the Oivil Qovernment. O Our Boiirds of Klders and Trustees exercise a paternal office only, w iiicli consists in brotherly mediation, and can in no wise intci f'cre with the exercise of the magisterial otilicc in tlic cxcctition of the Itiws and the punishment of transgressors. 7 When di.sputes ai isc, the Church -boards, after an impar- tial examination, should mediate between the parties in a brotherly spirit, and so bring mtitters to an amicable set- th'menl. But as cases occur, especially in reference to pi o])ci t> . wliich c;in only be decided by the regular legal atil horif ICS. liiclliien are not juvvented from bringing (|ucsl ions ol t his description before the appointed tribunals. All unnc(;essary and vexatious litigation is. however, in- <;ompatible with the character of a brother. (1 Cor. 6: 1-7,) (Synodal Kesnlts. 1848, § fil. ) 25 !; 53. I . Secret Societies. Whilst this Synod recognizes that differences of opinion 1 prevail amongst Cliristians upon the subject of secret socie- ties, and whilst it l eniainsfor eacli Province to adopt special rules on this point, our ineml)crslnp is yet earnestly dis- suaded from uniting Avitli associations whose objects and principles are designedly concealed from publicity i (!onsult John 3 : 20, 21). aiui their attention is drawn to the conflict with the principles of Christian faith to which such asso- ciations mav lead them. Svnodal Eesults. 1S69. Appendix C. 4 : 1879. p. 1()2. - .")3. 2. WoddUj Amusements. I. That our ministers be earnestly requested to preach 2 the Word of God more closely and earnestly with reference to the Christian duty of wholly abstaining from all pleas- ures which are (luestiouable. and of consistency in life and (!Onveisation, in oider to exert an influence for good by avoiding even the appearance of evil. (Journal. 1870. pp. 66, 67.) II. That the Synod aftectiouately appeals to the members :i of the Church, and especially to parents and young people. to abstain from all amusements which interfere with a per sonal devotion to Christ. (Journal. 1876. p. 78.) .53, 3. Intemperance. Whereas the following resolution, adopted by the Pro- 4 vlncial Synod of 185.5. is still in force : {vide p. 85. Journal of 1855. Whkreas iuteiiiiierance in the use of strong drink renders men in a special dearoe the servants of sin, and has involved thmisands upon thousands in fearful misery and ruined body and soul ; And Whkre- AS the General Svnod of 1S4S (see i (id. Synodal Results, ls48), adopted the following, to wit: "In consideration of the great responsihility which we should bring upon ourselves, as members of a congregation of Jesus, if we were not prepared, as much as lies in us. to prevent the abuse of spirituous liquors in our congregations, and to remove the oc(!asions for that abuse as far as possible, the Synod resolves, that it should be en- Joined on all congresration-conferences. and especially on all con- gregation-wardens, to pay conscientious attention Ki tliis point, and strictly to see to it, that, in our congregiUion-inns, and also on the part of such |)rivate persons as have had permission to eni:auo in the trade, sale of liquor be limited to what is actually necessary, and that no sordid consideration of gain be permitted to g'ive occasion to sin in any, whether in or out of our connection. .Should the congregation- conferences be unable to prevent the abuse in question, and therefore resolve, sujiported by the spirit of tlio (congregation, and with due 2« regard to local circiiinstances. upon ilie eiiiire discontinuance of the sale of liquors in their settlements, such a measure has the cordial sanction of the Synod "—Therefore. liesoJvvd, 'IMiiit tliis Piovincial Synod hereby le-allirins the princi- ples involved in the luicnoinu prcainlilc and i-esohition of the (Jeneral Synod of 1S4^. and midiallx ■ s\ inpallii/os with all pi-o|ier measures for the suppression of inU inpcrance and of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating- driulvs ■ — 1 And Whekkas inom- oi)iiiioii tin- aho\ u lesolutioii (•(>\ its the whole groiiud wliicli a Synod of our Chiirch can occupy on Mie subject of teniperance, thciefoic. Resolved. I. That while our Synod cann(»t consistently witl) the truly catholic platform of our Church take any further and more definite action in favor oftIiecau.se of tempeiaucc. than has already been done, by the action of our ( iciici al Synods of 1S4S and 1857. (vide ^ 78, p. 117 of Synodal K'csii ils of 18r)7. and of our ProA-incial Synod of IS."), paii'c s,")i: wf do. nevertheless, most cheerfully ac- know ledjit' the great amoinit (d good done through the in- strunu'utalif \ of associations formed for the sui)pression of the sin (d' itit (mii|i( raiice. iind we do lieartily bid them frod- s]»ee(l. as liaiidiiiaids of the religion of Jesus, which con- tains the oidy true panaceti oi' I'adical cure for all sin. (Jour- nal. is(ii. pi'). .").!. (;;5. ) 2 II. That this Synod recommends to the ministers of those congregations cs|)('cially where the vice of intemperance in the use (d' iutoxicat iiig di inks |iic\ ails. to preach the Word of ( Jod with close and special rcdermce to this growing sin. as the only remedy lo (dfccl its radical cui'c. But in eoDuectiou with preaching u])on this .subject, and inasmuch as an (Extraordinary evil requires an extraordi- nary rem<'dy, therefore. ti Remlvah HI. That this Synod advises the pastors of our cougregatious tt> submit the matter of intemperance to a congregation council, in order 1o draw more attention to it; and Synod furthermore suggests, thai it would be de- sirable to raise the standard of )>id)lic npiiiiou in the con- gregation, and eoneoitrale the (dforts of its members by (moemted aetion in tiie s)iirit of the Church and the Gospel iviiU 1 Cor. 8: i ; : Koiii. 1 t : L'l) to I'oot (uit this dreadful vice, and thus, m ilh I lie aid of divine grace, turn the sub- jects of inteiiipeianci' fi nin the power of Satan unto God. Vjournal, 1S(H. p. :>!» : lSt;7, pp. 90, 94.) 4 rv. That this Synod is opposed to all traffic in intoxicat- ing drinks, and the me as a beverage of hard cider, beer, ale, whisky, wine, brandy, gin, rum, ])atent bitters, etc., ;iiid would mspeetfully urge- all the member!? of our (ihuroh lo abstain tlieiefrom. (Journal. 1S73. p. 83.) V. That tliis Synod leartirms all its former recoiumenda- 1 tions and icsolutioiis leferi inii to the use of intoxicating liquors and the position our Chuich has taken on the tem- perance (piest ion. (.Jouinal. ISSS. p. 115. i CHAPTEK Vlli. ■J'Hi; s^KHAWNTS OV THE CHUKCH. § 5H, 1 . Ministcru arc not JndcpendeM. and owe Obedience. I. That Synod re aftinii the rule laid j S2 of the 2 Results of the Genei-al Synod. 1n.")7 [Results of IST!), § 56. 1], in substance ;us follows : No minister of the Brethren's Church occupies an independent ])ositiou. but is accounta- ble for the execution of his tinst t(» the Unity's Elders' Conference, or the Piovincial Elder.s' Conference, to whom he owes obedience. (Journal. 1S. j). 73.) II. That we .solemnly call upon all our brethren in tlu' .'J ministry to .search theii' heai ts and try their ways before Him who still cries to each one of the angels of the churches. •'I know thy works :"' and then to pi-eacli the Word of tin- Cross, and in their own lives to exemplify the holy princi- ples of the Cospel. holding faith and a g(M)d ( (uiscience.'" TIT. That this Synod urges the IMovincial Elders' Omfer- 4 ence to be thoi-ongh. tirm and faithful in exercising the discipline of the Church upon its ministers. (J. 2. (bnifieyalioii Conferences. In each congregation there ai-e three Conferences for the o management of its affairs : the Board of Eldei s. the Board of Trustees and the Churchcouncil. which act in conjunc- tion with the pastor. It is tlir important ol)ject of these Conferences to promote the welfare of the congregations. To this end it is recinisite that the members be not in- fluenced by selfishness and self-inteie.st. but that sincere love to the Lord and to the congiegations. unity of spirit and mutual unreserved confidence bear the sway. Each member has the right, or rather it is his duty, to declare hi.s .sentiments freely, according to the best of his judgment : but this should always be done with modesty, and with the respect due to such a.n as.sembly. 28 1 To secure freedom of discussion, it is necessary that each member of a Conference may be able to rely upon it, that his sentiments will not be divulged. 2 Tn the hu iii r Conferences, as the Church-council and the Board of fi usUcs, whenever a resolution of importance is proposed. I lie o])inion of Mie Tncmbers i)resent mu.st be taken li\ \oliii*;. intlie lionrd of I']ldeis also, this mode may in some eases Ite advisable, in oidei' that no member may be pivx cui .d by timidity from giving his opinion. But in eas( > wiu ieiu all the members of the Conference oaiuiol feel satislied with the conclusion of the majority, the matter ninst he laid before the Provincial Elders' Con- ference, for decision. When a < "onference lias come to a resolution, all the mem- bers ai-e bouml to do their best to carry it out. The rule, sanctioned by expeiience. nmst be maintained, that Con- ferences yield eacli otiier nintnal assistance and respect, and avoid all i iil ei lcicnce w ith one another. "While all work togetlier in t'lirliierainc oi' one and the same object, with harmony and brot Imm Iv loxc. there will arise no jealousy, and the words of Scrijdnre will be verified : "Behold how good and how ph'asant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! F(n- there the Lord commandeth the blessing, even life foi' evei more.'' Psalm ISS : 1. .'1 (Synodal Results, 1848, §67.) Who are Members of the Church Council. 4 In North America all adult brethren are members of the Church -council. (Synodal Results, 1848, § 7.3. ) Tlie Sisters may also be mxide Members. ^ Whenev<'i' a Church-council expressly desires it, congre- gations ai-e |)ei iiiitted to admit sisters as full members of the Chnicli council — such aeourse being the re-introduction of a former usage among us. (Synodal Results, 1848, § 73.) General Bminess Meetings. fi Besides the nie<1ings of the Church -council, all the brethren and sisters who are of age may be called together in cases of imi>ortance, when it is desirable to ascertain the sense of the whole congregation. (Svnodal Results. 1848. § 74. ) rfoi,nt Meetings of Church Boards. 7 in cases where the Boards of Elders and Trustees are not agreed in opinion, it is advisable that the brethren of 29 1)1 irh Boards should meet for murual consultation. This may also be done at other times, when a matter of impor raiice. or one that requires a speedy adjustment, is to be ar- r;ui 1. Tliat as often as the ai)pointnient of a brothei- as min- ister of a cil.\ or country coiigic<;al ion lias hccn ai)proved, the ProA'iiicial l'>l(lci's" Coiifcicncc shall, licl'orc the case is tinally scltlc(l. consult w ith the (.'(nnmittce of the congrega- tion coiicei ned. and icceive its consent to the appointment, in ordei- thai mutual confidence may be maintained and fuithered. al\va\s piov uled. lio\ve\ er. that the Committee act according to its kuow leilge of tliingsand i>erson.s, with- out calling a meeting |>I ll"' <'oiigregat ion and learning tlic o])inion of the same. • l'io\ incial Synod. INIT. i <> [I. It l.einga piinciple ol the I'.re't liren's Chuich, that a teacher cannot lie forced upon a congicgat ion against its will, no lalMMci. ( /. ('.. minister). (;an enter upon an office in our "Place < diigregat ions without the consent of the Elders' Conl'erencc [Board of Elders] to whom the congre- gation has ti-ausferred the right inlieivnt in the same. In ou)- city and country congregations, the Comnuttee, in this re.spect, takes the place of the Elders' Conference in our •'Place Congregati2. 104. ) III. Wheiever. in accordance with oui- Constitution as 1 hitherto existing, congregations have had the right to veto the api)ointjnent made, that right is not extinguished. (Resolutions. ISii."). p. 21, U. ."). ) Priinlege of Nomination and Petition. In case of the occurience of vacancies, bretlii en may be 2 named by a congregation, as being in its opinion calculated to fill them, but the Provincial Elders* Conference is not bound to res])ect such propositions, any further than it ma> deem proper. On the other hand. c\ciy congregation is authorized, in case its confidence in any of its luinisteiing brethren is shaken, candidly to stale tlie lact to the Provin- cial Elders' Conference, and tliis Ixidy will act in the matter according to its conscientious con\ i<'tions. aftei- having in- stituted a thorough investigation. Conferences, committees, and individuals liave petitionary .*5 powers with respect to tlic Pi(>\ inciai Elders' Conference. All petitions dinctcil id this IJoaid must, however, be couched in respect fnl terms, and evidence a brotherly dis- position. In case any complaint against a minister is lodged with the Provincial Elders" Conference he may in sist on. knowing the name of his accuser. ( Resolutions. 1855, p. 21. II. 6.) 5i 57, 5. Retirement frov} the Ministr//. That in all cases, when, aftei- a trial for a reasonable time. 4 a minister be foxind to be not a(la])ted to the sei'vice of the Church, the Provincial Elders' Confci ence shall inform him of the fact — and at the end of one ycai' tVom said notifica- tion, all claim on the part of said minister to aid fnmi the funds of said Church shall cease : provided, that nothing contained in this resolution shall be so construed as to j)revent the brother consideiing himself aggrieved from appealing to the Provincial Synod. ( Journat. 1864. p. 78. i § 58. THK THEOLOfxICAL SEMINARY. Moral Responsibility of Students. I. Should any si udent leave the Seminarxor t he scr\ i(!e of *> the Church without having served as teacher, lor -.w least five years, he shall l)e held under moi'al obligations to refund the expenses of his education from the time of his entering the preparatory class, ijourual. lS-t9. Resolution ) 32 1 II. That the Synod commends the action of the Faculty of the College and Theological Seniinai-y with reference to the pledge recjuired of new students upon enteiing said in stitution. 2 III. That the section of the Report of the President bearing on this point be embodied among the statutorj' reso lutions of the Provincial Synod, [namely: " That they pledge themselves in particular to give to the Church at least two years of service for each and every year of free education which they have received ; and that in case they fail to enter that service, or leave the ministry of the Mo- ravian Church, except they be compelled to retire by reason of sickness, they will l efund the expenses of their educa- tion to the amount of at least $150 for each year of board and tuition that they have received."] (Journal, 1888. pp. 108, 113.) Faithfulness to be Inculcated. 'i Immediately upon entering this class [preparatory to the Tlu'olooiciil Seminary] tlie student is in a solemn manner to lie made attentive to the imjjortance and t he diit ies of the ealliiiL; w liicli he has elioseii lor himself, li' tlie students enter as //ratniti. they are to be ivniinded that they are morally bound lieicatter faitlifully to serve the Lord and His con- greicalion and not to walk in their OAvn ways. This duty is frequent ly to be insisted on. and previous to their admis- sion into the Theological Seminary, the students shall be re- quired soleinnlv to acknowledge that they regard it as their duty. (Journal. 1847. § 98, b ; 1849, Eesolutions 28, 37.) QimlificationH of Professors. •t That the Professors in the Seminary nnist be men of de- cided piety and liteiary acquirements, and the President a man of ministerial experience ; and that the spiritual charge over the students belongs to the President, and must be faithfullv attended to bv him. (Journal. 18.5.5, pp. 95, 109. 110. ) The Location and Present Arranf/ement,s of the Seminary. /> 1. That an institution be established under the name of The Morarian Collcf/c atiil 71ic(>le the same as that of the ins])eetois of oui' Church Schools to the Provincial Eldeis" Conference and the institutions under their care. VIU. That there be two more regulaj' Professois. 5 IX. That the organization of the classes, the conrse of <» studies, the arrangements in the college l)ni](lings. and all the other extermd and intei nal details oj tlie enter])i ise, be left to the Presith'nt and his assistant Pi ofessors, snl)ject to the approval of the Provineial El(h'] s' Confereuee, with the exception of the salaries of the President and Professoix which siiall be tixed by tlie Provincial Elders' Coid'erence only. (Joui ual. b^:")S. i)p. .IG-tiO ; ISCA, pp. G.3. ) X. That th<' College and Theological Seminary be estab- 7 lished on a broader basis, to the end that its si)here of use- fulness be enlaiged, and its course of instruction l)e reu dered still more thorough. XL That this Synod recommends to the special attention of the Provincial Elders' Conference the establishnuMit of a separate claSvsical dejiartment, prepai'atoiy to tiie course of instruction pursuetl at the College — either at Nazareth Hall, or al tin- College at Bethlehem. XII. That cases of admission, rejection and expulsion be ^ decided by the Faculty only, but in the case of students who are beneficiaries of the Church, the Pi'ovincial Elders' Con- ference shall be consulted. XIII. That the ofticial title of the brother at the head of 10 the College be ''President." (Journal, 1864, pp. 60, 61. 63, 65. j 3 34 J XIY. That the term of office of the President of the Moravian College and Theological Seminary is nowhere de- fined ; but that the Provincial Elders' Conference be em- powered to make and fill vacancies in said office, according to § 65 of the Synodal Results of 1857. (Journal, 1864, p. 75.) A JVT'M" Buildbig. Wheeeas. The building of the Theological Seminary is unlit aiul inadeqnate for the purpose for which it is in- tended : and. Wheke vs. The Cliui ch has for a long time felt the neces- sity for ])ri)vi(liiig a more commodious and suitable building for this her most impoitant institution of learning; and, _^ \\'hekea>s. a Menioriai lias been picscntccl to this Sj'nod by cei'tain brethren in IMinnesota. ])raying that the Theo- logical Seminary be i-cmoxcd to (inadcnhuetten. Ohio, and that, in accordance with this nicmorial. the congregation at (riuulcnhnetten has offered a snitable site for a Theological Seminary : therefoi'e, L'csolred, I. Tliat a Building Committee of five, of which the Presi(h'nt and the Resident Professor shall lie members, be ai)iiointed by the Cliairinan at his h-isiuc, which shall in conjunction with the Provincial Elders" Conference inquire into the cxpediencj' of disposing of the present building and site, and erecting a new building in some suitable lo- cality. (} II. That in the matter of sites the Committee shall give due consideration to the proposition from Gnadenhuetten. (Journal. 1888, pp. 53, 68, 69.) Expectations of the Church. 7 1. T'hat the Synod desires to impress upon the attention of the Faculty of the College and Theological Seminary, that the Church looks to this institution for the graduation of thoroughly t rained and pious candidates for the ministry. (Journal. ISdt. j)]). (K). (;."). ) II. That the Colleue authorities be directed to encourage and pr(!pare young men to enter the Foreign MivSsion field. I, Journal, 1870, pp. 82, 83. j tj III. That Synod impresses on the minds of the proper authorities in the Moravian College and Theological Semi- nary, the absolute necessity of making adequate arrangements in the same, to prepare our theological students thoroughly 35 in regard to the German language, for serving as pastors in such of our congregations in which the holding of divine service in said tongue is required. (Journal, 1S7(). p. SS. ) IV. Whkrkas. The Conunittee, after in(|uiriiig into the i facts of the case, has found the statistics foi' t lie last twenty years to be as follows : twenty-four graduates ii;n ing com- mand of English alone, forty-one of both English juid Ger man : for the last ten years, tAvelve al)le to eonduct services in English only, twenty-fonr in English and German, the latter being almost double the former in nnmber: there- fore, Resolved. That Synod acknowledges what has been 2 already accomplished with regard to this question, and urges that every effort continue to be made to tit our gradu- ates to preach in both languages. (Journal, ISSS. pp. 53. 68.) Pledge of Office frmii Pi ofesHorn. I. That a pledge of office he l etpiired from all those who :5 are engaged as teachers and jnofessors in the Moravian College and Theological Seminary. II. That this pledge eonsist in the public answer to a 4 series of (pn-stions »; suiiport of this most important institution of our Province. (Journal. ISGS, pp. <)5. 120, 121.) 1 III. That the memliers of our Church in this Province be earnestly re VI. That we leconimend the Trustees and Faculty to 4 present the caiuse of the Theological Seminary to the con- gregations of our Church in person, whenever ])racticable. (Journal, 1884. ])p. 38, 39.) A^ll. That for the information of prospective students we r, recommend the insertion in the annual circular issued to the churches, an estimate of the yearly personal ex])enses to a student. . Jonrnal. 1884, pp.'38. 39.) VIII. That congregations and individuals be urged to « make themselves resi)onsible for the perscuial expenses of such students as actually re«iuire assistance, without in any wav decreasing their contributions to the general expense of the Seminary. ■ Jouriuil. 1884. pp. 38. ,39.) IX. That, recognizing the liberality of the churches 7 toward the Theological Seminary since last Synod, we urge yet more earnest efforts for the financial and spiritiial sup- port of this institution. (Journal, 1884. pp. 38. 39.) An Act to Incorporate the Moravian College and Theolor lU'thichcm, duly elected by the Synod of tho Xoiihcni l>isii i< t ,.| ilic Anicrican Province of the United IJi-clhrun. a lioard ut I )i i-ci tois nl' ihe eccU'siastical affairs of said Cliui-.-li in said DisI i ic(, and likewise constitntcrd by virtue of their oilier, ilic r.oard oT 'ri iistecs ol' >aid Colleiic, and such other persons asni iN li( ir;i Her a|i|Miiiiti'(l i lici r associal cs or successors, accord- ini; I. Mhr lilies ,ind n-ulni .s..lv:,id l,ran<-li of the Ohurch of the United Kreiliieii. Im and iln \ a ic I le lel >\ eoi isi it uted a body Corporate and iMililic , in taei and in la\\'. I ly I lie i la n le a r.d style of "The Moravian Oolle-c and 'nie(.lo-i.al Siininaiv. and that name shall be capable of perpetual s lu-eessioii , nia\ ~i\<' of an\ lands or tenements that may be ocenpieil said I 'ollcie for its .ireoiniuodal ioiis, or that of its officers or professius. and e\eliisi\ e of ineome from students, shall not exceed the sum (d' Ten Tlionsand Hollars. li Si;r. 11. Tliai tln> Tr i isi ees a li eady ai>pointed, or who shall here- atfer lie appoinieil in aeeordaiwe w ith the fundamental Statutes which UOx iM ii the Cliiirc li of the rniled brethren in said Northern Province of the I'niteil States ol .Vinei ii .a, shall haxc the eare and management of said rolleij,c. and of its est at es and properties, and shall liave power to make all needful 1 1\ - la \\ s .a nd icuii iat ions for the appointment of coiTipetent professors'aiiil lea. hei s, for t lie Ii .\ i ng and payment of all salaries, foi tin- lixiim of priees of hoard and tuition of.students, for the studies and exereises of the stinleiits, and for the general well- being of said <'olle-e. ri:,rHlr,l. 'nial lliesaid statutes, by-laws and regulations sha 1 1 not I le i i leoiisist lait with the Constitution and laws f>f this ( ommonwealt li, or of the C niled Slates, or the enactments of theSynod of sai. 87.^ COURSE OF i^TCDY. [N. B. — Those who wish to pursue this Course of Study, must he well acquainted with the (tomnion English branches.] FIRST yj:ar. A. — JULY TO DECEMBER. 1. Rhetoric, (Day's). 2. Ancient History, Oriental Nations, fRawlinson's Ancient His- tory). 3. History of the People of Israel, up to the time of David, {Mill- man ; read Stanley). 4. Geography of the Bible, (Coleman). Write an essay on some subject taken from the History of Israel. B. — JANUARY TO JULY. 1. Rhetoric, (Day's). 2. Ancient History, Greeks and Romans, (Smith's ^Greece and Rome). 3. History of the People of Israel, to the destruction of Jerusalem. A. D. 70, (Millman ; read Stanley). i. Psycholog}', (Day's; read Haven s Mental Philosophy i. F.s.my on .^orne .V. 1. Doiiiuai ics ; Soieriology and Eschatology. (Van Oosterzee's ; couipai-e .Moi :i\ iaii ( 'alecliism and Spangenberg). i ;\ c-ci ic:d Si iidy ; Jeremiah or some Minor Prophet, (Compre- hensive * 'oinuieiilaiy). 3. ExcLictical Study; 1 Epistle of .John aixl Fyjiistle of .James, (as above). 4. Pastoral Theology, (Hoppin's). An essai/ on a siil))ect taken from Dof/matirfi. 41 CHAPTER TX. THE mXISTRY. AX]) ORDINATION TO THE MINISTRY. § 62. 1 . The Frcsbyterate. With younp; brethren it is advisable to defer tliis ordina- 1 tion [to the Presb;^-terate] for one or two yeai-s. in order that they may j>ive i)roof of theii' ((ualifications for the oflBce ; otherwise it should take as soon as possible after entering thereon, and. if practic abk-. in the eongrega tion to the service of which thev are appointed. (Synodal Results. 1857. § 34. ; § 64. Rule for the Nomination of Bislwps. That in the nomination of Bishops by the Provincial 2 Synod, as provided for in the Constitution, the choice of the Synod shall be exi)r('ss('d l)y ballot, and two-thirds of all the votes of members present shall be i'e(juired for a nomination, ijouiual. 1858, pp. 68. 73.) !; 64. Assistants to be ordained Deacom. That all assistants in preaching the Gospel and adminis- 3 tering the Sacraments be ordained Deacons. (Journal. 1864. pp. 74. 76, 77. i ;j 64. Suspension from the Ministry. That it sliall be the duty of the Provincial Elders' Con- 4 ference, when a minister or missionai-y is convicted of seri- ous moral delinquency, to declare him susiiendcd from the discharge of ministei-ial functions, and ijublish the fact in our Church-i)apers. i Journal. 1881, pp. 99. 100.) 5; 64. ; Note. ) (Questions ai Ordinations. That at his ordination as Deacon or Presbyter, every 5 minister be re(|uired to declare publicly, at (he administra- tion of the rite, his belief in the Holy sVri])t 11 u s as the onlj- rule of faith and conduct, and his adht rcnce lo the rules and regulatio]Js of the Moravian Church. Joui nal. 1861. p. 67: 1864. p. 51. ) ()5, I. Acoiidhs. That it be recommended, accoiding to the provision of 6 the (ieneral Synod, that tliose brethren who have given evi- 42 dence of their ability and willingness to serve the Lord in the Brethren's T'nity, either as instructors of youth, or in other oftiees of the Cluu ch. such as the office of iBlders. who, with the consent of the Provincial Eldei s" roiiference. have been appointed assistants to the niinislers in the spir- itual care of the Cliurch and at the adniinisti ation of the Lord's Sui)per, be received as Acoluths. (Journal. 1864. pp. 74, 76, 77.) CHAPTER X. THE COXSTITUTION OF THE BRETHREN'S I'NITY. • EiKleavoi iiiu to ko'cp tlio unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Tliere is one liodvand out' Spirit, even as ve are called in one hope of your caHiii';-. - -lOph. 4 : 3, 4. "For li\ line Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whethei- we be Jews (II < M ill ilcs, bond or free; and have all been liiiide to drink into one Spirii. -1 Cor. 12: 13. fntroductmn. 1 The Synod anew expressed its conviction that the govern- ment of the Brethren's Unity can rest solely in the hands of our Saviour, as the invisible Head of His Church on earth, and also that we desire to know nothing of any other supreme control. But, although the Lord Himself directs, protects, and rules His Church in general, yet He also makes use of the feeble hands of His servants as instruments for its govej'nment . and places w :i\ chmen upon its walls, in order that Jerusalem may be built. In like manner, our Breth- ren's Church can not dispense with .sitch government and su- perintendence, if all things are to exist in that order and to take that course which He has pointed out to us in His Word. How this is to be effected is determined by the Constitu- tion of the Brethren's Unity as follows : General Fundamental Characteristics of the Constitution. 2 1. The Brethren's Unity, in its entirety, comprises the three Provinces of the Unity — the German, the British, and 43 the American— together with the entire field occupied by as, in all parts of the w orld, in labors tor the kingdom of God". 2. The supieme govenuiient for the whole Brethren's 1 TTnity rests in the hands of the General Synods, which are composed of the servants of the- T'nity, the delegates of the Provinces of the Unity, and the uiissionaT ies who are called to it. (See 5; (>9. ■ 3. From on*- (Tcneral Synod to the next following the 2 government and sui>ervision of the whole Brethren's Unity are committed to a Board, elected for the purpose, named the Unity's Elders" Conference or Directing Board of the Protestant BretUieu's Unity. For the English Province and the American Province, howevei, the Depiutiiieiit of the Unity of the Unity's Eldei-s" Conference alone forms the ruling authority, i See 7(>. i 4. The supreme difection of all afiairs of the several Pro 3 vinces of the T'^nity devolves on the respective Fromncial Synods, which are composed of ministers and delegates of the Province, i See ^ 79. 5. The membei-s of the icspective Provincial Syjiods of 4 the British and Xoi th American Pro\ iuces elect the respec tive Provincial Eldeis' Conferences, whose duty it is to ad- minister the special government of their Provinces, during the period determined by the Provincial Synods. (See ^ 82. > The American Province is, for the present, divided into two districts, each having a separate Provincial Synod and Proviiu-ial Elders" Confo-ence : but the right of these two disti icts to unite, i-emains unimpaired. «. Foi- the C.einian Province the Unity's Elder.s" Confer- o ence is at the same tinu- the Pi ovincial Elder.s' Conference. 7. Tlie govei'iunent of the individual congregations de- <» volves on the Congregation Conferences, which are organized in ditterent ways in the several Provinces of the Unity. (See §.")(>.) Undertakings, the eventual responsibility for which attaches to a congregation, always, on that ac('ount. require the consent of the congregation authorities. Par 44 ticulars regarding Congregation Conferences are to be found in the Synodal Eesnlts of the several Provinces. 1 S. The above is based on the fundamental principle of our Constitution — namely, tliat no other Church-govern- ment exists among us than that which is conferential. (Syn- odal Results. 1879, 5^66.) A. General Synods. The Work of General Synoda. 2 1. The ministers aud delegates of the Brethren's Unity in Synod assembled are its plenipotentiaries, represent the entire Brethren's Unity, and act in its name. Consequently, consultation on and control of its general aiiairs necessaiily i-ests with the Synods. ii 2. The principles wliich sei ve as the basis of the Breth- ren's Unity, and as a rule for its ministers aud members, are, so far as their continued va lidity is concerned, carefully examined, amended, and re-aitirmed, aud such arrange- ments are made as are lequired for the welfare and by the destination of our Unity of Brethren, as a whole. 4 3. Further, one of the most important objects of the Gen- eral Synods is the promotion of mutual acquaintance and interchange of views and experiences. (Synodal Results, 1879. § 67. ) Powers of General Synods. 5 According to this statement of the work of General Synods, thcii- duties and business are the following : a. To (IHcniiiiic tlie doctiinc of the Church — i. e., to de- cide all (jiiesl ions which nuiy possibly arise in reference to doctrine. b. To determine the fundamental features of the liturgy. c. To determine the fundamental featur(;s of Church- order and discipline. d. To determine what is essential to' membership in the Brethren's Chuich. 45 e. To elect Bishops and provide lor their consecration. /. To supervise the Missions to the heathen and other jfeueral enterprises of the Unity, as also to establish prin ciples for the direction of the same. g. To superintend the Unity's finances and their admin- istration. h. To elect the Department of the Unity and the Depart ment of Missions of the Unity's Elders' Conference, accord ing to § 78. and the directions given for the supply of vacancies in those two Departments. /. To settle the principles according to which the General Synods are formed and constituted. a~s also to tix the time and place of their meeting and the basis of representation at them. Ic. To determine everything that has reference to the general Constitution of the Brethren's Unity and its Church-rules. I. To subject the ena(;tments of the Piovincial Synods to examination and revision as often as it shall appear neces- sary, and. in case a Provincial Synod has arrived at some determination which is contrary to the principles or the Constitution of the Unity of the Brethren, to refer it back to the said Synod for alteration. m. As the highest Board of Appeal, to give the last and finally-binding decision on all questions that may be laid before it. II. To require an account of the way in which general principles of doctrine and of practice have been acted up to in the several Provinces. (Synodal Eesults. 1879. § G8. i Members of a General Synod. 1. The following are members of a General Synod : I. By Virtue of their Office. 1 1. The members of the Unity's Elders' Conference. (^See below.; 46 2. The Bishops of the Brethren's Church. 3. One member of eaeh Provincial Eldeis" Conference, to be appointed by such C-onference. 4. The following brethren, holding T'nity's otftces : ((. The Secretarius Tnitatis Fratruni in Anglia. b. The Secretary of Missions in London. c. The Director of the Financial Office of the Tuity't- Department of Missions. d. The Archivist of the Unity. 1 II. The Delegates of the se/rrral Frovincex. Nine from each Province, ( in the Xorth American Pro- vince seven from the Northei'n District and two from the Southern). All of them must be accredited as delegates in the manner legally valid in the respective countries, with due regard to what is needed to render the certificates valid in foreign countries. 2 III- Missionarws to he called by the Unity\s Elden Conference. In extending to missionaries the call to be voting mem bers of a General Synod, the circumstan(^es of the various mission-fields, and the wishes of the missionaries, are to be as fai' as possible taken into consideration, the latter by means of confidential votes from the individual mission- aries. The number to be thus called is not to be less than four or moi e than six ; but Bishops from the mission- provinces who are in attendance may be included in this number. 3 One of the ministers employed in the Bohemian and Moravian work must also be called to the General Synod, as a voting membei', by the Unity's Elders" Conference. 4 2. Besides these voting members of a Synod, the Unity's Elders' Conference may call to a Synod one oi- another brother whose presence appears to them desirable, as aii ad- visory member without vote. The Synod is not at liberty to confer on these advisory members the right of voting. 47 \\ ithout previously altering the provisions of the Oonstitu tion on the subject. .Synodal Results. 1879. ^ 69.) Election of Delegates to a General Synod. 1 . In re<;ard to the eligibility of delegates to a General 1 .Synod the following rules are in force : All brethren are eligible who have for two years been members of the Church, are communicants, and have passed the twenty fourth year of their age on the day of election. 2. The delegates to the General Synod are representa- 2 tives of the Provinces, and not of individual congi egations. and are conse([Uently elected by the Provincial Synods, and not immediately by the congregations. 3. Definite arrangements for this election are made in s each Province of the Unity by tlie Provincial Sjniods. Each Province may elect an alternate for each of its dele- gates. 4. The Provincial Synods must determine in what cases 4 the alternates elected by them shall take the place of the delegates, and furnish the delegates with the necessary authority to call on the alternates. (Synodal Results. 1879. § 70. ) Preparations for a General Synod. Before every General Synod preparatory Provincial 5 Synods must be held in all the three Provinces of the Unity, in order that each Province may arrive at agreemeut as to memorials, and the proposals therein contained, on subjects appertaining to a General Synod, and that such subjects, as adopted by the Provincial Synod, may be brought forward by its delegates. It is therefore also the propei- course that memorials of this kind should first of all be laid before the Provincial Synod. Yet every member of the Church is at libeity to address the General Synod directly in a memorial. It is, however, to be understood that such memorials alone can meet with the desired atten- tion as bear on subjects within the scope of the duties of a 4S General Synod, and are not of a purely provincial char- acter. It is also requisite that they bear the names of the writers. (Synodal Results. 1S79. ?; 71.) Rnlen of Procedure (it a General Si/nod. 1 As regaids t he procedure to be observed in the transac- tions of eai li Synod, while other refiulations are left to the discretion ol' each Synod, tlie following have a permanent validity until they have been e.xpi essly altered by a synodal resolution : 2 a. All the members of a Synod have an equal rij?ht of \ otino-. A majority of votes usually decides, yet the Synod reserx es to itself the ri^ht in any case, when freedom to do so is l)est(>wed on it, to 'commit the final decision to the Lord by I be Lot. :i b. Eesdlutions which involve alterations in the (Constitu- tion, require a majority of at least two thiids of all the \'otes. 4 c. Agreeably to the brotherly character' of our union, it can not be intended tliat one part of the Brethreirs lenity should desire to force on anothei' its own views, and, tlirough the numerical niajoi ity of votes, to effect changes, based on such views, in the existing general regulations of oui' (Constitution, in opposition to the preponderating con- viction of the repi esentatives of such portion (»f the Unity. Theiefore a resolution of such a kind, even when the majority of the Synod has voted in its favor, can not be considered as biii(lin nod. This Synodal Kesults conse(infntly conlains tlic ( ntii r body of rules and enactments wliicli are binding on the whole Brethren's Unity iintil the next (iencral Synod, it is, however, expressly to be borne in mind that (hose resolu- tions of the General Synod of 1857 which icuuhite tlie Constitution of the several Provinces are still in toiee. as forming the legal basis of all the ProA iiieial Constitutions, except in so lai' as said resolutions have undergone formal alterations in such a way as is in accordance with the Con- stitution. (Synodal Kesults, 1S79, 72.) The German Version Decisive. In all cases of doubt as to the interpretation, the German 2 original is decisive. ( Resolnt ions, 1S79, p. 33, 8. ) Expenses of General Synods oik] their Defrayment. The expenses of the traveling and inaintenanee of all the 3 members of the Synod ai'e deliayed iVoni the Synodal Fund, formed for the ])uri)ose. (See S.l. After the closing of the accounts of this fund a summarized statement of its in- come and expenditure is forwaided to the Pro\incial Elders' Conferences for commuiiicat ion to the eongi egat ions. (Synodal Results, 1879, § 73.) B. The Unity's Elders' Confekp:nce. The Supreme Administrative Board of the Unity. 1. From each (JeiuMal Synod to the next following, the 4 oversight and go\ crnnuMit of the Brethren's Unity in all those matters which fall witliin the co]n])etcney of (ieneral Synods, is entrusted to a lioard elected accoiding to the rules laid down in § 77 — namely, the I'liilys J-.lders Confer- 50 ence, or Direding Board of the Protestant Brethren's T^nity. This Board acts in the name of and in eonnnission from the General Synod, and is responsible to it for all its acts. And tt) tliis Hoard all other ministers and conferences appointed by it or by a General Synod are snbordinate and responsible. 1 2. According to X\w directions foi- the election of the Unity's Elders' Coiit( iciice. oiven in § 77, the responsible snperinteudence of the British and American Provinces of the Unity devolves, liow ex ci'. solely on the Department of the Unity of the t'nity"s llldeis" Conference. In order to secure for the acts of the Unity's Elders' Conference legal validity in relation to the State, a legal power of attorney mnst be drawn up l)y the Geneial Synod, by which the Unity's Elders' Coiileicnce is accredited as the Directing Board of the Protestant Brethren's Unity. (Synodal Eesults, 1879, 74.) The Organization of the Unity'' s Elders' Conference. 2 1. In the Unity's Eldei-s' Conference there are four Departments, namely : I. The Departnu'nt of the Unity. II. The Department of Missions. III. The Department of Education and the Pastoral Office. IV. The Department of Finance. 3 I. ) The Dei)ai tment of the Unity consists of six mem- bers, iianiely, the foni' niendjers of the Department of Mis- sions, and one inend)er each fi'om the Department of Education and the Pastoral Office, and the Department of Finance. The scope of its functions comprises the affairs of the British and Aniei icau Provinces, and it is the sole responsible Board of Supei iutendence and Appeal for said Provinces. (See § 76, 2, below.) 4 II,) The Dei)artment of Missions consists of four mem- bers, and has the control of the Mission work of the Unity. 5 III. ) The Department of Education and the Pastoral Office consists of four members, has the oversight of the 51 Schools and Educational concei ns of the German Province, and, at the same time, agreeably to its name and its com- position, takes part in a special manner in those general incumbencies which concern the German Province. IV. ) The Department of Finance consists of four mem- 1 bers, directs the secular concerns of the Geiman Province, and administers the T'nity's finances. 2. The whole T'nity"s l-^ldcrs" Conference is at the same 2 time the Provincial Elders" Conference of the German Province, and is, as such, divided only into three Depart- ments, namely : I. The Department of Education and the Pastoral Office. II. The Department of Finance. III. The Department of Missions. 3. All important subjects, even those which belong more immediately to the individual Departments — as, for ex- ample, appointments to office — are settled by the whole Unity's Elders' Conference, with the exception of the mat- ters referred to in 1. I. [abox e] which Itcluiig exclusively to the functions of the Departniciit of tin- I'liity. 4. The Unity's Elders' ('(.nicicncc elects its President 4 and Vice-Pj-esident from amongst its own members, irre- spectively of the Dei)artment to which they m-.iy belong, and announces the election when completed t<> the I'rovin- cial Elders' Conferences and to the State ant luirities con- cerned. All official documents, which arc to l)c laid before the latter by the Unity's Elders' Contci encc. aie to be signed by the President or Vice-Piesidcnt ol tlie I'nity's Elders' Conference. 5. Each of the four Departments of the Unity's Elders' 5 Conference elects a President to conduct its business. The election of the President of the Depai tinciit of the Unity is to be announced by the latter to the British and American Provinces, and the President of this Department shall sign official documents addressed to the said Provinces. Official documents which are ad- dressed to the whole Brethren's Unity shall be signed 52 either by all the members of the Unity's Elders' Con- ference, or by tlie Presidents of the T^nity's Elders' Con- ference and of the Department of the Unity. (Synodal Eesults, 1879, § 75.) Bights and Duiics of tlic TJnity\H Elders' Conference. 1 1. The I'ights and (hities of the Unity's Elders' Confer- ence, as a body, are : 2 ff. The inaiianciiieiit and snperintendence (in accordance with the ])iineiples and rnles laid down by the General Synod) of tlie followinii' general eoneerns of the Unity, namely — tiie Foreign Missions, the Bohemian work, and the lenity's Funds. J h. The representation of the Brethren's Unity in trans- actions with the Euro])ean Continental State authorities. 4 c. The Unily's Kldeis' Conference is moreover em- powei'ed to call a (Jeneial Synod in extraordinary cases, even without having recei\ ed any distinct commission to this effect from the pi eceding General Synod. o d. This Conference is further empowered, when special and uigenl cirennistances appeal' to recpiire an exception to be made to a rule ado])ted by the Synod, bearing on the gentnal concerns of the Unity above mentioned, to make such an exception, which, however, will only have tem- porary validity till the next General Synod. It is, how- ever. presup])osed that the Unity's Elders' Conference will ojily luiv e ic<'ourse to such a measure when the circum- stances, on conscientious and thorough examination, are found imi»erat ively to require it, and that a separate report regarding such an exception, with a statement of the causes which led thereto, will be laid before the next General Synod. O ^. The rights and duties of the Department of the Unity of the Fnity's Elders' Conference (see § 75, I.) comprise, in relei cnee to the British and the American Provinces, the following : 7 a. The Department of the ITnity has the sole right to 53 conduct the superintendence of these Provinces, according to the principles and rules established by the General Synods. This Department maintains a connection with the Provincial Synods of the British and American Pro- vinces, as they must forward to it their Synodal Results, and whenever there appears to the Department of the Thiity to be anything contrary to the enactments of the General Synod, said Provincial Synods must submit to censure and admonition. b. The Department of the Unity also stands in c<)nstant 1 connection with the Provincial Elders" Conferences, inas- much as it corresponds wit li lliciii. and tlicy must forward to it copies of their minutes, as also any other infor- mation which the Department ol the Tiiity may require on subjects falling within the scope of the Imsiness belonging to it. In this case also, if there a])])ears to tlie Department of the Unity anj'thing which is in any respect contrary to the enactments of the General Synod, said Provincial Elders' Conferences must submit to censure and admo- nition. c. The Department of the Unity is the standing Gen- 2 eral Board of Appeal for the Bi itish and the American Provinces. Consequently an appeal may be made to the Department of the Unity, in regard to the luiitiial relations of Provin- cial Synods and Piovincial Ehlers" C'onrei-eiices to each other, as also in regard to the mutual l elatioiis of the mem- bers of a Provincial Elders" Conleicnce to eacli other — in regard to those geiieial concei iis. wliicli stand immediately under the superintendence ol the 1 )( partment of the Unity, and in regard to all constitutional (piestions touching such powers, rights, and duties of Provincial Synods and Pro- vincial Elders' Conferences as have \ alidity in all the Provinces ; it being, however, understood, that, in all or any of those cases, a further appeal may be made, against the decision of the Dei^aitment of the Unity, to the (Gen- eral Synod. Until, however, the General Synoil has pro- 54 iioimccd its jiKl^iiieut, tlie decision of the Dcpai-tnient of the I'liity is l)iii(liiii;- on liic iiarlics. 1' il. 'flic I)c])artniciit of tlic Uii it y of Mic ITiiity's Elders' ('oiifi'ieiicc is also ('m])o\vci('(i. in cxtiaoi'dinaiy cases witiiin Mic (•oni])ass of its functions, to indnce the Unity's Elders' ( "onlci cnce to call a (loneral Synod. 2 e. Tlic 1 )c|>ai I incnt of the Unity is further empowered, wlien special and iii-j;ent ciicnnistances appear to require an exception to lie made t(.) a rule established hy the Synod, hearing;' on the hefoic iiieni ioned general concerns of the Tnity. to make such an cxcei)tion. which, however, will only have temjiorary \alidil> till the next Genei'al Synod; and to this 1 )e|>art ment the liiitish and the American Pro- vincial Elders" ( 'onrcrciiccs must apply, if they wish this to be done. It is, howe\ <'r. presupposed that the Depart- ment of the Unity will only iiave recouise to such a mea- sure when the circumstances, on conscientious and thorough examination, arc fouiul imperatively to recpiire it, and that a scpaiale rep(n t rcgardin;.;- such an exception, withastate- nient of llie causes whicli led thereto, will be laid before the next ( ienei al Synod. .*} _/■. Finally, among the rights and duties of the Depart nient <>\' the I'nily are included official visitations in the lirifish and the American Provinces. It belongs to the I)e|>artment of the I'nity alone to detei'mine what brother shall be calh'd u])on to p<'i l'onu a visitation, but in making its selection, the Department is not limited to its own members. (Synodal Kesults, 187!), >i 7(). ) Election of the Unity's Elders' Conference. 4 1. At the Commencement of each General Synod the tei'm of oHice of the ])re\ iously exist ing I'nity's Elders' Conference comes to an end. The (icnei al Synod appoints a new rni( y's I'^ideis" Conleience liy electing, in the first place, the lour members who ;ire, foi'lhe period until the next (ieneial Synod, to (constitute the l)e])artinent of Mis- sions, and next, accepting as members of the Unity's 55 Elders' Conference the eight brethren who have been already elected by the previous German Preparatory Pro- vincial Synod as members of the Departments of Educa- tion and the Pastoral Office and of Finance of the German Provincial Elders' Conference, for the period till the next German Preparatoiy Provincial Synod. Lastly, one mem- ber of each of the two last-named Departments is added, by election on the part of the General Synod, to the four members of the Dejiartment of Missions of the Unity's Elders" Conference, and these six form the Department of the Unity of the Unity's Elders' Conference. 2. After every German Preparatory Provincial Synod 1 the four members of the Department of Missions are under obligation to complete the constitutional number of the Unity's Elders' Conference until the next General Sjniod. by co-optation of the eight brethren already elected by said German Preparatory Provincial Synod as members of the Departments of Education and the Pastoral Office and of Finance. 3. Should the two members of the Department of the 2 Unity who were elected from the Departments of Educa- tion and the Pastoral Office and of Finance be again elected into those Departments at the next ensuing German Preparatory Provincial Synod, they would simply remain members of the Department of the Unity. But in case one or other of those two members of the Department of the Unity should not be again elected into the respective departments above-named, the case is to be treated like a vacancy occurring in the Department of the Unity between two Synods. ( See § 78. ) 4. In regard to those elections of members of the Unity's 3 Elders' Conference which are mentioned above, as to be undertaken by the General Synod, the following principles hold good : 1. The members of the previous Unity's Elders' Confer- 4 ence are re-eligible. 2. The election recjuires an absolute majority. ^7 56 1 3. Each General Synod ninst doterraine w hether, and in what way, the Lot shall be used for the confirmation of the election. (Synodal Results, 1879, § 77.) The Filling of Vacancies in the Vnitjfs Elders' Conference in the Period between two Synods. 2 1. The General Synod empowers the Unity's Elders' Conference i('\('('])t when the case n)cnti()ned in S; 77, 2, occurs I to an-aiiiic tor elections to till vacancies in its own body (luring an inl ei' synodal ])erio(l. and with this object, instructs thai < 'onfei-eiice to collect liallols from the respec- tive Prox iiices of Ihe I'nily, in accordaiuM' with the direc- tions gi below, and to act according- to the same. The Unit,\ "s lllders" Conrerence is to carry the election into exe- cution, having regard to the principles laid down for the use of the Lot —is to draw up a minute to be signed by all tlu' nuMuheis ol' the Couterence who are present — is to call to the vacant place the brother whom said minute declares to be elected -and is t() sui)i>ly all the voting electoral col- leges with a icport stating the way in which the votes were distributed, and setting forth the course and issue of the election. i 2. Sucii a vacancy as is iiere referred to is not permitted to be created by tlie Tnity's p]lders' Ciniferencc itself, by appointing one of its own members to some other position, unless indeed one of its own members requests a call to an aiiotiu'r oflice. But any member of the Unity's Elders' (Joiifciciice is. as a mattei' of couise, at liliei'ty to resign his ; 70, 2, /. 0» Visitdtionx. That we deem it impoi'tant that tliosc wiio are charged 3 with the administration of tlic conccins of the Unity, should be. as far as possible, ix-.sonally accjuainted with all its aifairs. and that to this end we ( (insider it a duty of the Unity's Elders" ( 'onffKiicc localise iV('([uent visitations to be made by menibci s nl its nwn body in the various Pro- vinces of the Unity. Jonrnal. l.S5(i, p. S2. ) >j 78, 3, rt. BallotH for the Supply of Vacancies. That the votes to uliicli tlic Aniei ican Pi-ovincc is en- 4 titled in tilling vacancies in the I )ei(aitiiieiit of the Tnity A the Unity's Elders' Conference, he apportioned among the ministers by the Provincial Elders" Confejence, such apportionment to be in force until the next Synod. (Jour- nal, 1881. p. 85.) 58 I'KoviNciAi. Synods. a. GKNEKAI. RUI.f:s AND PRINCIPLES. The Duties (nid Fioiriinm of Provincial Synods. 1. In the Pioviiicial Synods are vested the supreme dii'oction of all i)ro\ incial affairs, and the power to legislate in re.uard to them : hut no resolut ion shall be adopted con- Hictiiii!,' with the urncral lu iiu'iplcs and i-ules of the Breth- ren's Tnity. as cstalilisluMl l)y the (icncral Synods. 2. Moreover. l*ro\ i iieial Synods must recognize it as a special duty to recjuire an account as to how far the prac- tice of the congregations of their respective Provinces actually confoiins to tlie piincii)les laid down by the Gen- eral Synods, and must take care, as far as lies in their l)o\ver. that this conformity of practice to principle take place, so that these itrincii)les and rnles may not become a dead letter among ns. 3. Accordingly, Provincial Synods have the following special functions : a. To determine the time and place of their meeting, and the mode of their organization (but with the limitation recorded in § 81, 5). h. To oversee and direct the finances of the Province. c. To oversee and direct all edncational institntions in the Province. (1. To found new congregations and determine the ar- rangements of the same, and also to alter the constitutions of sucli as already exist. e. To direct the Home Mission and Diaspora work in the Province. /. To direct and supei'intend all publications in the Pro- vince, anthoi i/ed and issned by the Provincial Synod or the Pro\- incial Eldci's' Conference, with proper regard to tlie existing principles laid down in reference to doctrine and ritual. g. To hear and redress complaints and grievances. h. To elect the entire Provincial Elders' Conference, or a part of that body, in accordance Avith the rules contained 59 ill § 75 of the Kesults of the (Jeiicnil Synod [which refers to the constitution of the Provincial Eldei-s' Conference of the German Province], and in accordance with the rules laid down by the respective Provincial Synods. i. To elect their delegates to the General Synod (vide § 70, and the rules of the respective Provinces). 4. The Provincial Synods shall determine what special 1 additional functions each Province will assign to its Pro- vincial Synods, and what rules it will adopt with regard to membership, as well as with regard to defraying the ex- penses of the Synods. 5. Just as the resolutions of a General Synod are bind- 2 ing on the whole Brethren's Unity, and on all Boards, con- gregations, ministers and individual members of the same, so also the i-esolutions of a Provincial Synod are binding on all Boards, congregations, ministers and individual members of the Province concerned. When, however, a Provincial Synod has exceeded its powei"s, or when a dif- ference of opinion arises, as to whether such is the case or not, the decision rests, in the German Province with the Unity's Eldei-s' Conference, and in the British and the Americaa Proviiu-cs with the Department of the Unity ; but in all I'rovinccs with the right of final appeal to the General Synod. 6. It is left to the indix idual Provinces to determine the ;$ details with regard to the organization of their Provincial Synods : and the rules are contained in the Provincial Synodal Results. (Synodal Results, 1879, § 79.) b, PROVIXCIAI. CONSTITUTION, ADOPTED 1856 ; APPROVED 1857. I. Special Incumbencies of the Provincial Synods of the 4 XoHhern District of the American Province. a. To fix the time and place of meeting foi- the next Pro- vincial Synod: l)ut in case of emergency the Provincial Elders' Conferenc<' may convene the Provincial Synod at an earlier day. 60 b. To determine fi oni time to time the uumber of dele- gates wliicli eacli congregation shall be entitled to send to siu'li Synods. c. To clcM'l tile dclcuatcs wliich the Province is entitled to scud f(i (ieiifral Syiuids. d. To elect an Excciiti vc Board, to be called the Provin- cial Elders' < 'oiitcrcncc. consisting of snch nnmber of mem- bers as the I'rovincial Synods nniy. from time to time, determine, to be clioscn IVom among the ordained ministers of the Clmrch. c. To examine and direct all hnancial matters of the Province, and i)rcsci ibe i nies for tiieir management. /. To have the o\ ( isiglit and direction of all the educa- tional instil ntiinis of tlie l'r(»vince. (J. The regulation and oi-ganization of congregations, and tJie general direction of the H(mie Missions of the Province. h. To direct and control all Church publications in the Province, suliject to the established doctrine and liturgy. i. To preseribe the mode of nominating Bishops. k. To hear and redress complaints and grievances, and generally to direct all matters which belong to the govern- ment of the Church in the Province, and to adopt such rules and I'cgulations concerning the same, as do not en- croach upon the incumbencies of General Synods. (Jour- nal, 185(), pp. 62, 63, 64 ; Synodal Results, 1857, § 54, A. pp. 50, 51.) 1 Note. — By way of explanation to i. it is to be observed : The object of this icsobition does not go farther than to secnre to the Pro^•ill(■ial Synod tli<^ right of nomination, on occasion ol' the appointment of Bisliops for this Province. It iin[»li('s that iieitlicr a General Synod nor the Unity's Elders' ( 'on fcrence can appoint a brother iis Bishop for this Province, without his having been previously proposed by the Provincial Synod. (Synodal Results, 1857, § 54, A. Note.) 61 II. Members of Provincial Sipwdfi. The followinf>- are members of the Provincial Synod of the i^orthern District of the American Province : a. The members of the existing I'rovincial Ehlers' Con- ference. b. All Bishops residing- in the District, whether in actnal service or not. c. All ordained ^ luinisters in the District who are ju a^UuU^rvice^ either in the congregations or in the various edxicational institutions. d. The delegates from the se\ cral congregations of the Brethren in the District. e. The membejs of the I'nity's Elders' Conference or their delegates, the delegates of the several Provinces of the Unity, the financial agent of the Unity's Elders' Con- ference in the Province, and sucih other brethren as the Provincial Synod may determine upon, shall be entitled to seats ( as advisory members \ but without a vote. ( Journal, 1856, pp. (52, 64, 74, 75. Synodal Results, 1857, § 55, A. pp. 52. 5.'?.) Additional AHide. That the following article be added to the Constitution of the Chur(;h of the Xortheru American Province : "Any proposed alteration in the Constitution, as the ■■^aine is s(>f forth iu tli e Results of tlu- (n'neral Synod of 185 1 . and in so far as alterations in the Constitution are within the power of the Piovincial Synod, shall be re- ferred to a Committee of nine, to be elected by ballot ; and when this Committee shall have reporti'd upon the proposed alteration, the same shall be read, as rei^orted, shall be discussed in Syudtl. and shall then be voted upon on three several days, and shall be considered as adopted only in case, at each reading and voting, three-fourths of the members present vote in its favor." (Journal, 1861, pp. 57. 68.) 62 C. PROVINCIAL By-I,AWK. § 79, 3, a. Organization of the Promncial Synod. 1 r. The Provincial Synod sliali Itc opened by the Presi- dent oC the l'i o\ incial l<]ldeis" ( '< )n !( rence, bnt shall organ- ize l)y eh'ctin^ its own olliccis. the President to be chosen IVoiH anioni; I lie Pisliops of the Pro\ inee. if any be in at- tendance. i.Ionrnal. IS.")*!, i.p. (;;!. (11. A |»pro\ cd ,Inly 25, 1857; but omitted l)y o\ crsi^.iiit in tlie Hesuits of 1857.) 2 II. That this Synod reco-ni/es tliat Kesolution of the Synod of ISotJ. alterw aids apj)ro\cd liy the General Synod of 1857, that the Provincial Synod of the Xorthern District of the Moravian Church in North America be limited in her choice of President of the Pioviucial Synod, to the Bisho]»s of the Chnrcli, who may be present, as constitu- tional and binding. Mournal, 1864, p. 6.) § 7i>, .3. a. The Provincial Synod. ii I. That the Provincial Synod shall be convened every five yeai'S. (Journal, 1N8S, pp. (i4. 72. ) 4 II. That the next Provincial Synod shall be convened in the year 1893, unless the Provincial folders' Conference decide to call it at an earlier date. 5 III. That the Provincial Kldeis' Conference be directed to fix the day and i»lace of the next meet in.i; of the Pro- vincial Synod. 6 IV. That the invitation of the congregation at Lancaster to hold the next meeting of the Provincial Synod at Lan- caster, Pa., be commended to the favorable consideration of the Provincial Elders' Conference. (Journal, 1888, pji. 90, no.) 7 V. That [the invitation of the Delegates and Pastors of the Church at Bethlehem to hold the m)xt meeting of the Synod at Bethlehem be] referred to the favorable consider- ation of the Provincial Elders' Conference. (Journal, 1888, pp. 112, 113.) Reduction of Membership. 8 That a Committee of three be appointed to devise a plan by which a. icdndion of the membership of the Provincial Synod may be (;ifected, to be i-eported to the next Synod. ( j(niriial, 1888, p. 89.) 63 79, 3. (. The Election of Delegates to the General Synod. I. That the seven delegates be voted lor on one ticket. 1 II. Tliat tlie seven alternates be voted for on one ti(!ket. i> and tliat tliey rank according to the order of ballots and to their majorities. III. Tliat in case two or more have the same majority 8 they draw lots. IV. That a majority of the votes cast be necevSsai-y to a 4 choice. (Jonrnal, 1888, pp. 64, 76.) § 79, 4. Basis of Representation. That in the election of dclcgatt's to the Provincial 5 Synods, the number of the coiuumiiicniit nuMubers in the several congregations on the Xfw Year i)r('('(Mliiig said election shall be taken as tin- l)asis ol re])resentation at the Synod, and a certified copy of said nuniiier. signed by the minister and the Church Conunittee or lioard of Elders, shall be sent in to the Provincial Elders" Conference prior to the holding of the Synod. -Joui nal, I.S.IS. pp. 68. 72.) XiiDihrr of IHfi/ates. I. That each congregati, shall he entitled to four delegates : each congregation Inn ing 70(1 coinninni- cants and less than , (i.'i. ) 4 IV. That "the i'rovincial l':iders" ('onlei-ence is directed to send out i)rintcd blank cei l i licat <'s of election of dele- gates to the Synod. alon congiegations of the Province. (Journal, 1868, pp. 94. 120. ) II. That hereafter every congregation be required to (> make up its contribution for the expenses of Provincial [and District] Synods prior to the convening of the same. III. That the above resolution [II] be inserted in the 7 circular sent to the congregations by the Provincial Elders' Conference, announcing the time and place for the meeting of the Synods. (Journal. 1873, pp. 81, 82.) IV. That for the defrayment of the expenses of Provin- S cial and Di.strict Synods the self-sustaining congregations shall contribute at the rate of 20 cents per annum for each communicant membei- and the Home Mission congrega- 66 tioils at the rate of 15 cents per annum for each comnmni- cant member ; these assessments to be remitted annually to the Provincial Treasurer. (Journal, 1888, pp. 6.5, 74. ) 1 V. That the annual contributions for Synodal Expenses shall be paid on or before April .30. (Journal, 1888, p. 106.) 2 VI. Tliat only t lie necessary raili'oad fare, with subsist- ence, be allow ed the members wlio attend this Synod and . future Synods, (.loni nal, 1S7S, p. 108.) li VII. Tliat t he expenses of advisory members of the Pro- vincial Synods hereafter to be held, be not jjaid by the Provincial Synod. (Journal, 1S.")6, ]). 98.) 4 VIII. Tliat I lie balance i-emaining in the hands of the Committee on Synodal Expenses, after all the expenses of the Proxineial Synod shall have been met. shall be paid over to tiie Pi()\ incial Treasurer for futuie 1 )ist l iet and Provincial Synodal E\])enses. (Journal, l.s.s,s, p. 110.) § 79, 5. Promulgation of Resolutions. ,5 That the jtastors be and aie heicby instructed to call a cluirch ciiiincil as soon as practicable after the adjournment of each Synod, for the purpose of conimunicatiny the enactments of the same. (.Journal, 1878, p. 166.) The Provincial Digest. (i I. That tlie collection of rules and regulations, including those of the present Synod, be printed under the title of "The Provincial Digest." 7 II. That a copious index be prepared to facilitate refer- ence. 8 III. That "The Provincial Digest" be distributed gratis and liberally in our congregations. (Journal, 1881, pp. 104, 105. ■ 0 IV. That the "Provincial Digest" is herewith made the Law book of the Province in so far as it agrees with the Official .Fournals of our General and Provincial Synods. (Jcmrnal, 1.SS4, pp. 26, .58, 59.) 10 V. Tiiat as soon as possible after the adjournment of this ]'ro\ incial Synod, tliere shall be published revised editions of the I'i ovincial Digest and Proviuzial Ordnung, with sucli omissions and additions as are rendered necessary by the legislation of the Provincial Synods of 1884 and 1888. (Journal, 1888, pp. 107, 108.) 11 VI. That the cost of printing the new and revised editi(ms of the Provincial Digest and the Proviuzial fit Ordnung be paid out of the balance of the monej' contrib- uted to pay the expense of the present Synod. ( Journal, 1888, p. 1 10. ) VII. That a Conimittee of three be appointed to sit 1 during the recess of Synod for the purpose of codifying the laws and rules of tlic Province, the ('oniniiftcc to re- port to the next Provincial Svnod. (Journal, 1SS8, pp. 37, 62. ) VIII. That said Committee make such grammatical and 2 rhetorical changes as mav be necessary. (Journal, 1888, pp. 91, 11 o.^ 70, 6. Duty of Members to Attend. That it shall be the duty of all who are members of a :{ Sj'nod to attentl the same ; or, if prevented, to send a proper explanation of their absence. (Journal, 1873, p. 64.) Reports of Officers and, Boards. I. That among the first items of business to be submitted 4 to each Synod sliall be, Peiioi ts of all officers and bodies appointed by Synod to act WRITING, duly signed by the nnnister or delegates of the congregation. (Journal, 1864, p. 79 ; 18(;7, ]i. TiO. II. That in ordei' to secure moie uniforniily in the re- 7 ports from tlie eongicuations. the following series ol' (|ues- tious or topics he adopted l)y Synod, to serve as a guide to pastors in the pi eparation of their reports : a. State the number of coniinunicants and the averaj^e annual l ate of increase or decrease for tlie past three years. h. State the number of Sunihij' services, their character and in \\ hat laufjuage they have been held. r. State as nearly as possible the average number of hearers, what proportion of theiii are non-members, and what is the ratio of attend- ance of males and females. d. What weekly services are lield, and how attended. c. Wliich of the Church festivals, and distinctively Moravian festi- vals, are held. 68 /. How is tlic MoTithly Prayer Meeting attended, and is there a collection for Forciun Missions t;ikon up in connection with it. g. State tlie cdiKiiuun lunl altcndiuicc at the Sunday-school, and how many sessicms arc held each Sunday. h. What or^ani/.ations. lor Missions '(Foreign and Home), and benevolent or other causes, exist in the congregation. /. What, it' any, method of organization or procedure for promoting mutual fellowsfiip, or of assisting the pastor in the care of souls, especially of the young, exists in tlie congregation. /. What fields of Christian labor, such as preaching, Sunday- schools, visitation on the part of the laity, if any, have been estab- lished in the vicinity of the congi'egation, or are supported as a branch of tlie same. k. Is the coni-regation divided into districts or classes, and to what e.Ktent have any systematic attempts been made to call out the ac- tivity of the laity in these fields of labor? /. State the average amount of contributions per member to all causes; state the i-esults of the "systematic beneficence" plan, if it is in operation. m. Is tlie parsonage furnished? n. Is the salary sufhcient, and is it paid regularlj^ ; what portion of it is paid from chui ch funds, and what is the number of contributing members? o. What iM-ospect, if any, is there for the extension of the work in your city, town, or district? p. Have you, your Eiders and Trustees, and your congregations complied with the resolutions and enactments of Provinci d Synod? q. Which of the enacttments of last Synod have not been complied with by your congregation ? r. What is the general spiritual condition of your congregation? s. How many communion services do you hold annually, and what is the average annual attendance at the general communions? t. State the proportionate attendance upon the English and the German or Skandinavian services which you hold, and the number of these services. (Questions it to o. Journal, 1873, pp. 63, 64; questions p and q, Journal, 187S, pp. 1,39, 166; question r, Journal, 1884, pp. 76, 77; questions s and t, Journal, 1888, pp. 98, 111.) 1 III. That these questions or topics be printed and sent by the Provincial Elders' Conference triennially to all the pastors of the congregations of the Province. (Journal, 1873, pp. (53, 64. ) 2 IV. That hereafter in giving reports of their congrega- tions, pastors shall hand in to the Chairman of the Com- mittee on the State of Religion on separate slips brief answers to the questions or topics now laid down as a basis of their reports, and that blanks prepared for this purj)ose be sent to each pastor, previous to the meeting of Synod, by the Provincial Elders' Conference. ;j V. That every congregation shall have the opportunity to make other statements with regard to its spiritual or temporal condition or special experiences to Synod, being limited in time to five minutes. (Journal, 1881, pp. 105, 106. j 69 Scrmms before the Sytiod. I. That at each Synod a brother be appointed by the 1 President to deliver before the next Synod a sermon, or address, on any subject connected witli the history, princi- ples, ritual, or polity of the Moravian Churcli ; the Pro- vincial Elders' Conference to have power to find a substitute, if necessary. (Journal, 1861, p. 68.) II. That in the future a Synodical sermon be preached in 2 each language. (Journal, 1876, p. 63. ) Advisory Members. Tliat wlien niini.sters of sister Churches or delegates 3 from the Synods of other Churches attend the Synod, thev mav, on motion, be constituted advisory members. (Journal, 1864, p. 49.) RULES OF ORDER OF THE PROVINCIAL SYNOD. That the rules of order, as amended, be made the Rules 4, of Order of the Provincial Synod. (Journal, 1888, p. 41.) They are tis follows : DUTIES AND PRIVILKUES OF THE PRESIDENT. Rule 1.— It shall be the duty of the President to preserve order, and to endeavor to conduct all business befoi e Synod to a speed,v and proper result. He shall state every case lu iipcrl v picsi iited to Synod, and before putting it to vote, shall ask. ■• [s lin- >\ n.>(l ready for the question?" He shall announce all voles ami (Iccisiuiis. Rule 2.— In case the Synod shall be eqiuvlly divideil on any ques- tion, it shall be considered lost. Rule 3.— The President maj^ speak to points of order in prefer- ence to otlier members of the Synod; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Synod by any member, which api)eal shall always be in writing. Rule 4.— When an appeal is made from the decision of the Presi- dent, he shall put the question thus : " Shall the decision of the.('hair stand as the judgment of the Synod?" Rule o. — Tiie President shall appoint all Committees, unless the Synod shall otherwise direct. Rule 6. — It siiall be the duty of the presiding officer, and the privi- lege of any member of Synod, to call a member to order, who violates an established Rule of (irder. Rule ".—The name of the brother offering the resolution, proposi- tion, or amendment, shall be entered upon the Journal, by the Secretary. Rule 8.— The Secretary shall enter upon the .Journal every resolu- tion or proposition submitted to the Synod, or report made by a Com- mittee, in the words in which it was submitted by the mover, or pre- sented by the Committee; also all amendments ottered, wliether adopted or rejected ; and before the final vote is taken on the resolu- tion, |)roposition, or report which may have been amended, it shall again be entered in the words on which the final vote is taken, unless the amendments can be readily supplied from the Journal without such re-entry. 70 MOTIONS. Rin.R 9. — A motion must he sccoii(l(>il. .•iiul afterwards repeated from the (.'liaii-, or ie:ul .ilciii.l, lictoic il is ilclcited. A motion shall be reduced to writini;. it':iii\- lir.illici- i.n | iii i-c it . Rri.K 1(1. — All resdliiti.uis shall I..- sulimitted in writin;,'. Kui.K 11.— An\- hrothei- lm\ inii made a motion, may witildravv it witli leave of his soroiid, hdbie it is debated, but not afterwards without leave of the Synod. Rule 12. — A motion to amend an amendment shall he in order, but to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be enter- tained. Rui,E 13.— An amendment destroying, or altering the intention of a motion shall he in order; but an amendment relating to a different subject shall iiol he in t)rder. Rri.io 14. I In an amendment to "strike out and insert," the para- graph lo 1)0 amiaiilcd shall lii'sl be I'ead as it stands, then the words proposed to lie slnick out and those to \>f inserted, and finally the RiTi.K 1.1. — A call Ibi- a division of the (piestion can only be granted when the division ealleil for will leave distinct and entire propo- sitions. DllBATE. Rule 16.— When a nicnihci- speaks, or ofiers a motion, he shall rise in his place, and rcspccHiili v a Idicssing the Chair, confine himself to thequestion under considci a! ion. Rule 17. -When a nc nilu i is called to order, he shall take his seat until the point is dclci auincd. Rule is. -When i wo oi- more members rise to speak at the same time, the presiding ,,iii,-er shall decide who is entitled to the lloor. Ufi.i: lit. While a l.rolher is speakin-, no on.' shall iiilen-ii|)t him excepi for I he piiri lose of eal liic^ hi m I < i o rd e r. o r ask i i e^- . . f I he presid- ing ollicer leave lo explain. \ brother allowed "to e x pl.a i n " shall only have the riij,hl to explain an actual misunderstanding of lan- guage, and is strictly proh+hileil fi-om going into debate on the merits of the case. Rule 20.— For any brother in speaking to impeach the motives of a fellow-member, or treat him with personal disrespect, or pass be- tween him and the Chair while he is speaking, shall be a violation of order. Kur,E 21. — .\ny conversation, li\- w hispering or otherwise, which is calculated to dislurl' a l.roihei- w hile sj. caking, or hinder the trans- action of business, shall \ir a violation of order. Rule 22. — In the discussions, no one shall speak more than three times on any one (itiestion. PRIVILEGED QUESTIONS. Rule 2:!. — When a .pieslion is before the .Svnod, the onlv motions in order shall he : Isi. to .idjonrn ; 2d, the pre\ i postpone to a dertuite day; Gth, to refer; 71h, lo divide; orSth, to amend : to take precedence as herein arranged. Rule 24.— When the |>i-ev ions (pu'siion is moved. ,and sustained by live other members, il shall be piil in this form: •■ .s;|Kai the main finest ion iiic,\ I.e put '.' " I f I his i s ea r riei 1 , a 1 1 flirt her motions, amend- ments, and debates sli.all he exchi,le,l, and the ipfstioil be put with- out delay. 1 1 aliici id mta 1 1 s ai i' pending, Ihe iiucstion shall first be taken on lliein in regular ordcj-. It shall not be in order to recon- sider the agreement to take the i^revious question. 71 Rule 25.— When a question is postponed indefinitely, it shall not Pome up again during the sitting of the same Synod ; and wlien laid on the table it can only l>e taken up again on motion. ADJOfRNMENT. Rrr.E 26.— A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except, Isi, when a member is in possession of the floor; 2d, when the yeas and nays are being called; .3d, v.hen the inembers are voting; 4th, when adjournment was the last preceding motion; or, ,5th, when it has been tiecided that the previous question shall be taken. Rule 27. — A motion to adjourn can not be amended ; but a mo- tion to adjourn to a given time may be, and is open to debate. Rule 28. — An adjournment to a subsequent day lays tlie matter under consideration on the table, whence it may be taken up at any time on motion. QUESTIONS NOT DEBATABLE. Ri:le29.— 1. A motion to adjourn, when to adjourn simply. 2. A motion for the i)revious (luesti'on. 3. A motion "to lay on the table, when claiming privilege over another motion. 4. A motion to read a paper. .5. Questions of order whilst the previous question is pend- ing. 6. Questions of order when not appealed from the decision of the President. READING OF PAPERS. Rule 30. — The reading of anj- paper called for, relating to the subject under debate, shall always be in order. TAKING THE VOTE. Rule 31. — When the presiding officer has commenced taking a vote, no further debate or remark shall l)e admitted, unless a mis- take has been made; in which case the mistake shall be rectified, and the presiding officer shall recommence taking the vote. Rule 32.— The yeas and nays upon any question may be called for by two members, and w hen so called, shall be taken and en- tered" on the Journal. Tliey may be callei iiveniiiieiit of the Church in the Provinee generally, under sucli rules and refjulations as shall be adopted lioni time to time by Provincial Synods. (Journal, lSr)(j. pf). 03. M : Synodal Results, 1857, § 6"), A. p. 62.) Alteratiom of the Constitution. That the following article be added to the Constitution of the Church of the Northei n American Province : ''Any proposed alteration in the Constitution, as the 1 same is'set forth in the Results of the Geiu ial Synod of • 18.57. and in so far as alterations in the Constitution are within the power of the Provincial Synod, shall be referred to a Committee of uine, to be elected by ballot : and w^hen this Committee shall have reported upon the proposed alteration, the same shall be read, as reported, shall l)e dis- cussed in Synod, and shall tlien be voted upon on three several days, and shall be considered as adopted only in case, at each reading and voting, three-fourths of the mem- bers present vote in its favor." (Journal, 1861, pp. 57, 68.) C. PROVINCIAL BY-LAWS. S 70. .S. h. The Provincial Elders' Conference. I. That the Provincial Elders' Conference shall consist 2 of three members chosen from among the ordained minis- ters of the Church, at least one of whom shall hold no other office, either as Pastor of a Congregation or as Prin- cipal of a Church School. II. That the three members of the Provincial Elders' 3 Confei ence should reside within easy reach of one another, so that every meeting can be attended by the entire Board. III. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be urged to 4 take all possible steps to relieve a second member of the Board from the necessity of holding anothei' office. (Jour- nal. 1888, p. 111.) IV. That tlie term of office of the Provincial Elders' 5 Conference shall extend to the convening of the next Pro- vincial Synod. (Journal, 1888, pp. 90, 110.) Rule ft for the Election of the Provincial Elders^ Conference. I. That the election of the Provincial Polders' Conference G be by ballot, and that the three members be voted for on the same ticket. 1 II. That two-thirds of all the votes cast be necessary to a choice. (Journal, 1888, pp. 64, 76. ) FiJlhiff of Vocmieies in the Prorincial Elders' Conference. 2 X'acaiu ics ^yllich may occur in the Provincial Elders' Confciciicc durinji- the recess of the Provincial Synod, shall be tilled in the following manner : 8 1. The remaining member or members shall at once issue a circular to the ex-offirio members of the Provincial Synod, and to the congregations ol' llie Province entitled to lay representation at Piovincial Sx nods. appointing an election to till the vacancy (w x acaiicies. 4 2. As soon as ])()ssihle after tlic ic('ei])t of such circular, . there shall be chosen in eacli congregation entitled to rep- resentation at Provincial Synods, a<-< ()rdinL; to the rules governing such cases, as many electors and as many alter- nates as such congi'egation was entitled to send to the Pro- vincial Synod last held, which elecldi s shall serve until the vacancy in the Provincial I]lders" ('onterence shall have been tilled. The certificates of election of the electors and alternates of each congregation shall be sent in to the Pro\'incial Elders' Conference, duly certified by the Chair- man and Secretary of the Council. 5 3. Within three calendar weeks from the receipt of the circular, the ballots of the ex officio members of the Pro- vincial Synod and the electors chosen by the congregations entitled to representation at the Provincial Synod shall be sent, sealed and endorsed with the name of the sender, to the Provincial Elders' Conference, who shall receive them, but break no seal until the time designated in the following section (4.) iS 4. On the twenty-eighth day after mailing this circular, or sooner if all the votes are received before that time, the remaining member or members shall add their own ballots, and shall open and count the votes, whether all have been received or not, in the presence of not less than five other brethren, and the brother receiving the highest number of votes cast, provided it be at the same time an absolute majoi iry. sliall be elected to fill the vacancy. 7 f). Slnmld thei'c be two vacancies to be filled, the two mend)ers shall be voted I'oi' on one ticket. 8 (). Should a- brother oi- hrethi-en having a;n absolute majority (h'cline to serve, or should no brother receive an absolute majority, or should two of them have the same majority, a new ballot shall be ordered by the Provincial 77 Elders' Conference in a circular giving the result of the previous election, which shall be repeated, if necessary, as herein prescribed until the vacancy or vacancies are filled, provided, however, that on the second and subsequent bal- lots, the seals sliall be broken and the votes counted on the tweiity-liisf day after luailiiiji' tlie circulars calling for said ballots, the votes in the second and subsequent ballots be- ing contined to the nine > !)) brethren having the highest number of votes on the first ballot. 7. All official documents in connection with the election, 1 as issued by the Provincial Elders' Conference, shall like- wise be inserted in The Moravian and Der Brueder Botschafter- as soon as possible after the issuing of each circular. (Journal, 1888, pp. 99, 100, 109. ) OrganizcUion of the Provincial Elders^ Conference. That the ProA'incial Elders' Conference shall have power 2 to organize by electing a President. Secretary and Trea- surer. (Journal, 1861, pp. 43, 14 ; 1878, pp. 114. 115; 1881, p. 63.) The Minutes of the Provincial Elders^ Conference. I. That the minutes of the Provincial Elders' Conference :5 shall be kept in full, and the vote on all calls and appoint- ments shall be entered therein by yeas and nays. II. That the minutes of the Pi oviiicial Elders' Confer- 4 ence shall be open to the insi)ecrion of any member of Synod during its sittings. (Journal, 1S7S. pp. I'yO, 152.) Annual Statistics. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be in.structed to 5 prepare for publication annual statistical tables of the churches in our Pi-ovince, exhibiting the number of com- municants, of children, the whole number of souls, the in- crease or decrease in each church, the number of Sun- day-scholars and Suudav-school teachers. (Journal. 1856, p. 100. ) Annual Succinct BepoH. That the Provincial Elders' Conference draw iip a sue- a cinct report, each year, for publication in the congregations, containing a survey of the condition and activity of the Church, during the past yi'ar, and such other matters as they may think well to bring to the attention of our mem- bershij)." iJouiiial. 1S()S, ])p. 110. 114.) ?8 § S4. Official Visitations. 1 J. Tliat the ( (nifiictiatious should be visited, as frequeutly as practi('al)h\ by a, iiieiiiber of the Provincial Elders' Oon- fenMice. (.loiinial, t8.S4, pp. 2H, 29. ti 11. That tlie Provincial Elders' Conference be permitted to ajjpoiiit another brother to liold a special visitation in their name. (Journal, 1858. pp. 7(i, 77. > 3 III. The commission of a brother who holds an official visit in a congregation must be expressed in the credentials which he brings from the Provincial Elders' Conference, and the church-boards and congregations are expected to receive him with love and confidence, and to facilitate, as much as possible, the execution of his commission. (Synodal Eesults, 1848, § 142.) Districts and District Synods. 4 I, That the American Province of the Moravian Church of the United Brethren may be divided into Districts by the Provincial Synod, the number of which shall be deter- mined, and the boundaries thereof altered and enlarged, from time to time, as the Provincial Synod may deem expedient. 5 II. That the Provincial Synod may organize District Synods in each District, investing them with such power, legislative and otherwise, and constituted of such members as the Provincial Synod may determine ; provided that congregations shall always be entitled to representation in such District Synods, and every congregation to at least one lay delegate, and that no District Synod shall exercise any authority or do any act which has not been authorized by the Piovincial Synod, or which by the Constitution and Rules of the Unitas Fratrum exceeds the power of the Provincial Synod. O III. That any changes in the Constitution of the Ameri- can Pr()\'ince which shall hereafter be i)ro])Osed by Pro- vincial Synods, shall be submitted to the Department of the Unity of the Unity's Elders' Coufei ence for their de- cision, whether or not they conflict with any fundamental principle of doctrine, ritual or government of the Unitas Fratinm. 79 IV. That Kesolntioii III, in respect to changes in the 1 (Constitution of this Province, was, and is meant to refer to those changes only, which may grow out of the general prin('iples hiid down in the two preceding resolutions. (Journal, 1868, pp. 74, 75, 78. 79, 117; Synodal Results, 1S69. Appendix C. (J : 1879. p. 163.) PKOVIXCIAL BV-LAWS. I. That District Sj'nods shall be held twice in each Dis- 2 trict in the interval between Provincial Synods. II. That the District Synods which shall be held twice in 3 each District in the intervals between the regular Provin- cial Synods, according to Paragraph I, shall meet in the second and fourth years of that interval, unless an extra Provincial Synod be called in either of those years. III. That the Province shall be divi(l(Ml into four Dis- 4 tricts : the first and second to be constituted as at present ; the third to consist of all the congregations in Ohio, Indi- ana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri ; the fourth to consist of all the congregations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Dakota. [a. That the churches of Xew York City, Brooklvn, Staten Island and Utica, X. Y., Elizabeth, J., Bethle- hem, South Bethlehem, Coveville, Nazareth, Hopedale, Schoeneck, Emmaus and Easton, Pa., constitute the First District. b. That the rest of the Pennsylvania churches, with Graceham, Mechanicstown, Md., and Palmyra, Riverside and Egg Harbor City of New Jersey, constitute Ihe Second District. c. That the churches in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Missoui i constitute the Third District. d. That the Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Da- kota churches constitute the Fourth District.] Should additional congregations be organized, the Pro- vincial Elders' Conference shall, until otherwise directed by the Provincial Synod, designate the Disti iet to which each shall belong. ( Journal, 1870, pp. 7."). 77 : 1X7(5. pp. o9, 61, 64 ; 1884, pp. 29, 30, 49, 50. 52 ; 1888, pp. 64. 72. ) IV. That the following shall be entitled to seats in the 5 District Synods : 1. All Bishops of the Province. 2. The members of the Provincial Elders' Conference. 80 3. All ordained ministers holding their office by appoint- ment of the Provincial Elders' Conference, in active service in the District. 4. A lay (h^legate from its own number to represent the Board of Church J^xteiision. 5. The hiy (It lcgates of the several congregations in the District. Kacli ol' the Ilonic Mission congregations shall send one (Iclcgalc : v;u-h scH'-siistaiiiing coiigrcgaf ion hav- ing less I hail l.^o coiiiiimuicaiit mcmbei s shall send one delegate : caeli ( (nigregation having loO communicants and less tiiau .'!()(>, I\vi> delrgates; each congregation having 300 and less than .lOi), tliiee delegates ; and for congregations having 500 communicants or more the last-named ratio be- tween communicant members and delegates shall be observed. 1 V. That these District Synods shall, have the same dutie.s. functions and poweis as are now committed to the Distiiet Conferences, namely: That it shall be their duly, ill all proper ways to promote vital religion within their I )ist l icts ; to examine into, develop and strengthen the work nf tin- Cliureh therein, collect information relat- ing to matters of Clmreh aetivity within their several Dis- tricts, hear complaiiits and grievances, examine into the causes thereof', cndcax nr tn adjust and reconcile differences, examine how the enactments of Provincial and District Synods are carried out in the District, stimulate systematic beneticence and contributions to the Chuicli's wants, and encourage collections in aid of special Church activity within the Districts ; and they may dii-ect and control the expenditures of all moneys raised within the District through their instrumentality or committed to them — with the addition, that they shall have the jxiwer to legislate on all matters ])ei tainiiig to their Districts ; provided that such legislation does not in any wise conllict with the powers or enact meiits of the General or Provincial Synods. 2 VI. That the time and place of meeting of the first Dis- trict Synod in each District shall be designated by the Pro- vincial Eldeis' Confereuce, but thereafter each District Synod shall itself fix the time and i)lace of subsequent meetings, and may adopt its own organization and rules of ordei'. (.louinal. ISSS. pp. (14, . s't. , XIII. That the rule enacted by this Synod with regard ii to the traveling expenses of members of Provincial Synods shall also hold good with regard to the members of the District Synods. (Journal, 1878, pp. 144. 14() ; 1888. p. 89.) THE FINANCES OF THE AMERICAN PROVINCE. Control and Objects of the Smtentation Fund. The control of the Sustentation Diacony, including the 7 diacouies of the educational institutions, is under the supervision of the Provincial Elders' Conference. The Sustentation Diacony has for its object the making H of suitable provision for the wants of this section of the Church, in as far as it constitutes a whole. It is its busi- ness, therefore, [a. To pay the salaries of siu-li members of the Fro\ iiicial Eklers' Conference as hold no other oftice, and to discharge the iinadvoidal)l(' expenses of the Conference.] b. To sup])ly the pensions due to superannuated min- isters. 0 c. To defray the expenses iucxirred by the piiblication of our periodicals. [d. To aid the more destitute oongregations to defray the ex|)etiis(!s incident to the maintenance of their ministers.] [e. To aid such ministers as cannot obtain a competent sui)port from their own congrejjations.] To furnish means for tlic nccessjiry i;-eneial education of tile ciiihlren of our ministris, liic salaries of none of tlie niiiiisteis heiii' men cngajrcd in ■A course of liicological study.] Wliatever has reference to the education of sucli as are mentioned under / and is included in what is usually termed, the diaconies of our educational institutiom. (Jouriml. 1847, 51, 52.) [Note. — By tlu' action of the Synods of 1S7(), (Journal, p. SI. III. ) subdivisions /I and r. and l»y tliat of the Synod of ISSl I ,)()iii n;il. 11)1. :>L'. ."i.;. T)!!. 7'-'. 71. 7."). 77. ) subdivi- sions and (/. wcic j ii act icallx stricken from this li.st of the objeels of llu' Siist (Mit at ion t'lind. uiidei' which tlu' con- gregations of Bethlehem. Xazareth and Lititz made over a part of their pro)>erty.] AN ACT To Inc()i-]>(>r(ite the Board of Elders of t/w Xorlhcni Diocese of the Cliii.rc.Ii. of till- r)il/r(/ /!rr//ir<'i< in tlic rxitcd Stdtrs of Aviericii. 1 Section I. — lie it cniiricil ii\ i he Senate and House of Representa- tives of the CoiniiiMiiH eallh oi' I'ei i ns \- 1 \ an ia , in (4ener\ enacle.l l)\ (lie ai'itli(M it\- of the same 2 That the present inianluis of Ihe I'.dard i.f I '. i ( ■! h ren who for the lime liein- :iie a|ip A . Sli n 1 1 z an- 1 1' 1 1 i 1 i p 1 1. Giepi), and their sueeessdi s as I lie \ ina \ lie t'reni time ie I inn' appointed in accordance Willi Ihe ( unsi niiiiKn, lules and reuulaii.ins ..f ihe said Church of the I niied P.relhreii as llie\- now exisi ei may lie liei'eafter modified or allereil. shall lie anil are liereli\- deelareil i.i lie a bodv corporate to lie l\\ II li\ llie name, si vie and lille .,1 " The Hoard of Elders of the Noilliein Diucese (if Ihe Cliiireh (if llie f n i I ei I Itrethrcuin the Unileil Stales 111' A mei iea, ■ anil li\' thai name shall ha\ e per|)Ctual SUC- ccssiun. lie a I lie ami eapal.le in law In sue ami liesiicil, pleatl and he ini- pleadeil in llie ('luiris ul lliis ( 'nnimunw call h and elsewhere, to have and use a . nmnii.n seal, ami to make and establish such by-laws and onlinanees as shall lie neeessarx' and prii|>er for the reiruhition of the temporal concerns of the said Xorlhern Diocese of the said Church of the United Jirethren, for the support of acting and superannuated ministers of the said ('hurch, for the promotion of religion by edn- 83 cation, foreign and donieslic missions, Jind otlierwise; Provided, That notliinir l)e done, in pnrsuaiute of the powers and privilef?es here- inbefore granted, contrary or repn^nant to this Aet and to the Con- stitntion and laws of tiiis Coninionwealtli. And provided fHi-ther, That all the aets of the said Board of Klders of the Xorthern Dioeese of the Chnrch of the United Brethren, in the United States of Amer- ica, he in eonformitv to the rnles, rejiiihitions and principles of the said Church of the United Brethren in the United States of America and not in anv wise in( e ordered l)y the refiiilations or l)\ -laws (it the said Church. Ski. 111. — That the said Board of Elders and their successors l)y 2 the name, tith' and style aforesaid shall he able and capalile in law to purchase, receive, hold and enjoy all such hinds, tenements, be- quests, annuities and gifts as may lie at an\- lime sold, conM yeil, be- queathed, given or granted to it eitliei- aiisolutelN ur in trust, ^and have power to sell or otherwise dis|iose ot the same ; I'roriiled, That the said corporators shall not at any time hold or absolutely possess property or estate real, [lersonal nv mixed, exceeding the annual value oi' Twelve Thousand Dollars. Sec. n'.— That no misnomer of said corpnratinn and l lici r siicces- ;{ sors shall defeat orannulany gift,giani. dcv isc ,,v l)(-.|Ucsi to ur from said corporation; Provided the intent ot the (lartx oi parties shall snfYiciently appear upon the face of the iiift. i^rant, will or other writ- ing, whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or from the said corporation. JOHN CESSNA, Si><'rt> fcm. (if (hr Hoii.se of /i('/>rr.' lit. W.M. K. I'ACKi:!!. The Firscnt Financial Crisis. 1 1. That we acknowlcdiit' (he prcsLMit difficulties of the Cluircli as a 1 )iviii(' cliast isciiicnt iiiliictcd because we have h'ft tlie first love, zeal and t'aitli of our fatiiers. 2 11. Tliat while we assert our full and un(|ualitied convic- tion, tliat it is "not by niiii'lit, nor by ])owe)', but by His Spirit" tliat tiie Lord lie^ins. carries and revives His work, we likewise wonid realize the force of tliis solemn trill li also, that tlie Lord requires of all His servants that the\ should be wise and faithful. (Journal. 188l), pp. 10;"), lOli'. ) ;5 III. That a list of sn])sci ii)tions be opened in excry con- grejiation. for the relief of the present difficulties of the Snstentation Fund, that is. to icstore the cajiital which has been taken up to meet the (lelieieiicies. which list shall be ])laced in the hands of the ministers and ciiurcli boards, and remain o[)en for one year for t hose members or Boards of Trustees who may wish time to make up their contribu- tions — such subscriptions not tfi interfere with the stated Chui'ch Collections. (Journal. ISSI. jip. ;! . di'. 7.").) 4 IV. That the Joint Board, consist in- of the Provincial Elders' Conference and the Adv isory Hoard, be and it is hercliy i list i net cd lourj^call measures which may tend to increaM' tiie capital of the Snstentation Fund, whether by means of the resolution of the Synod of 1881, as found in the Provincial Digest, p. 84, 3 — or otherwise. (Journal, 18SI. lip. 4."). ) 5 V. That, as the future financial basis, in so far as the cuireiit expenses are concerned, contributions from the Boardiiii; selionls shall lie left onl of account, and that the income of t he Siist cut at ion shall lie so increased in other ways, and its outlay so diminished, that the latter will be annuallv covered by the former. (Journal, 1881, pp. 64, 72.) 85 VI. That in lutui e no Boarding Scliool be ox])(>('tpd to 1 contribute to the Snstentation Fnnd until its iiidchtcdiiess is practieally extinguislied. (Journal. 1.SS4. .M. 11. 4.").) VII. That anew account tbi' Linden ilall hf dpcned in 2 the books, and charged with s'jo.ooo. hut that this inslitn tion be placed on precisely the same loot inii as the Publica- tion Concern, in so far thai it sliall be cxix'cted to contribute annually oidy such ainouiil as its condition shall wairant, and that its annual conti ibutions shall be reiiarded as part of the regular income of the Sustentatiou Fund. (Journal, 1884. pp. 42. 43. ) VIII. That 20 per cent, of the annual surplus of the re- eeipts of tlu' Snstentation Fund be set aside as a Eeserve Fund. (Journal, 1884, pp. 43, 45.) IX. That the suri)lus income of the Snstentation Fund, -t after deducting the chaigcs fur Taxes. K'cpairs. Sustenta- tion-stipends and the special appKijn ial imis made l)y this Synod, be divided c(|nally bet ween tlmsc childicn of min- isters who may l:)e from time to t imc cut it lc of the Church, educational or otherwise, which is or be- comes a constant drain on the funds of the Sust cntaf ion Fund, shall be discontiimed. (.louiiial. Issi. |)p. 72. 77.) XI. In view of i)ossil>lc failures on the pait of this <> Synod to i)rovide for uiiloicseeu tinancial cout inucncics. or for expenditures that may ))rove necessary loi' tliepioper administration of the allaits of the Pr(i\ incc. that the Pro- A'incial Eldei's' Confercnrc be authorized in such event, in conjunction with the Financial iJoard, to make the best arrangement they can to meet each case. (Journal, 1881, p. 86.) . ■ The Boarding Schools. I. It scarcely need be particularly mentioiu-d that the 7 pi'o])erty imcsted in our Hoaifling-scliools * * -i- is held by the Sustcnt at ion Diacony. and that in <'onse(pu'iice the laflci- is also li;ible for theij debts. The Provincial Khlcis" ( oiit'erence constitutes the Board of Trustees of these institutions. (Journal, 1847, S 53, p. 30.) II. That this Synod directs the Provincial Eldei s' Con- 8 ference to see to it that all the schools of the Province are 86 carried on as ecoiiomicallj^ as possible, by practicinji the greatest reti-enchment. 1 III. That the salaries of the Principals of Boardinjo;- schools be fixed at five hundred dollars ($500) each. (Journal, 187S, pp. 155, 156.) 12 IV. That the financial year of our Boarding-schools shall close with the last day of June. (Journal, 1884. pp. 48. 4.5.) Financial Prohibition. 3 I. That the Provincial Eldei's' Conference shall have no power or authority, either to donate or advance any money from the general funds of the Church, for the i3urpose of erecting churches or meeting-houses in any of our congre- gations, .f Journal, 1S61, pp. 43, 44.) ■4 ir. That it is inexpedient at this time to authorize any loans for the purpose of purchasing land. ( Journal, 1884, pp. 23, 43, 45. ) The Annual Abstract. o That an abstract of the accounts of the Sustentation Fund be annually communicated to the Board of Elders and Trustees of the congregations entitled to repi-esenta- tion in the Synod of the Province. (Journal, 1867, pp. 72, 73..) General Principle of Management. iy It is laid down as a vital principle in the management of the financial affairs of the Sustentation Diacony, not only to confine expenditures M'ithin the limits of our income and thereby prevent a further increase of our indebtedness, but also gradually to reduce and ultimately to liquidate our debt bv the creation of a sinking-fund. Journal, 1849, p. 27, XVi. ) Investment of Funds. 7 That file funds of the Sustentation Diacony, including those held in Inist, he invested in such a maimer as to l)ear a rate ol' interest not less than six pei- ceiit., but that no other but perfectlv safe investments be made. ( Journal, 18,55, pp. 115, 134.) Gifts and Bequests. » In case gifts or bequests of any large amount be made to the Sustentation Diacony, the same shall be considered and invested, in the best manner possible, as a fund, under the name and title of the benefactor, of which fund only S7 the annual income is to be used tor tlie i)Ui i)oses of the Sus- tentation Hiaeony. unless wliere the donors or devisors ex- pressly direct otherwise : provided always, that as long- as the Sustentation Diacony is burdened with any funded debts, it shall be at the discretion of the Provincial Elders' ('onference. either to invest such sums as funds, or to apply them to the liquidation of funded debts. (Journal. 1^49. p. 26, XIII.) The Expenses of the Administrative Government. I. That the Provincial Synod reiterates its firm convic- 1 tiou that the Church in our Province is able to jjrovide and ought to i)rovide for the expenses of its government. (Journal, 1881, pp. 72, 74, 75: 1884, pp. 32, 33,' 34 : 1888. pp. .")(). .■)8, r)9. II. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be and it is 2 heieby instructed to tix an amount for every church in the Province to be paid annually toM ards the defraying of the genei'al expenses of the ProN iiicial Eldcr>' ('(niterence and of the government of the Pi ovince. inchuliiig the removal of ministers, but exclusive of the expen.ses of Provincial Synods and District Synods ; such money to be raised by. each coiigie.i;ation in such a way as it through its Boards of _El(Jers and Trustees may think best; provided, that each congregation must report and forward its contribution not later than Decendjer 31, in each and every year: and provided, furthei'. that tliis is not to interfere with the regu- lar Church collections now established. (Journal. 1884. pp. 32, 33, .34. ) III. That the Provincial Elders' Conference annually in ;5 their financial i e])ort. as also in their report to the Provincial Synods, shall make a sj)ecial report as to those congregations which have been delincpient. i Journal. 1884. pp. 32. 34. i lY. That the salary of a member of the Provincial 4 Elders' Conference, holding no other office, be fixed at (81,000) one thousand dollars, with the use of a house. (Journal, 1881, pp. 86, 87.) The Pensions of Ministers. I. That the maximum amounts paid as annual pensions o shall be : To a married couple, or a widowei-. 1 s3G0 three hundred and sixty dollars : to a widow, si 7.-) 1 one hundred and seventy-five dollars. (Journal. ISsi. (14. 6.5.) II. That the maximum pension to be paid to a retired un- married minister, if disabled, be (8250) two hundred and fifty dollars, i Joui nal. 1881. pp. 6.5. 72, 82.) 88 1 III. That upon the decease of a married retired minister his widow shall i-eceive the full pension of a married couple for the first six mouths after said decease, and after that time the regular pension as widow. (Journal, 1S8S, pp. ry\, ()1.) - TV. That upon the decease of a married minister in active service, his widow shall receive the full pension of a married couple for the first six months after- said decease, and aftei' that time the regular pension as widow. (Jour- nal. 1S8S, p. 107. ) :i V. That the privilege to receive a pension is dependent not only on faithful service, but also on continued faithful- ness to the Church, and that the privilege ceases, immedi- ately, on exclusion, dismissal or voluntary severance of fel- iowshij) with oi- membershij) in the Brethren's Church. (Journal. 188.S, pp. 51, 61.) Siistentational and Educational Privileges. 4 I. That no home-missionary oi' minister who has been re- ceived from other Chun-hes. or otherwise received into the ministry npon trial for one year, shall be entitled to any sustentational or educational ' ])ri \ ileges. unless after faith- ful scr\ ice ol' six year>' duration, to lie coiuputed from the day of Ins accc|>tance inio the serv ice of the Church, nor shall eit liei' he or his family, in case of death, or resigna- tion, OI' i-em((\ al from oltice. prior to the expiration of said term, ha\ e claims upon the general funds of the ('hu)-ch. *> II. That no childicn of any home-missionary, or minis- tei', born prior to their lather lia\ ing entered into the ser- vice of our Church, shall be entitled to educatioual privi- leges. 6 III. That the Provincial Elders' Conference shall report to every Provincial Synod the names of all those home- missionaries, who are entitled to sustentational or educa- tional i)rivileges. (.louriial. IS(;i, ])]>. 4.'), 14. j 7 1\'. That liie Provincial Elders" Conference be and it is hereby instructed to strictly enforce the rule with regard to sustcntal ional pi i\'ileges enacted by the Synod of 1861 (see .lounial, 1S61, |)p! 4.}, 44; Provincial Digest, p. 88,4). (.b.nrnal. ISSS. p]). f)!. (il.) 5 ^'. 'I'lial (lie suslenlational ))rivilcges of any widow of a deceased minister shall <'easc as soon as she shall marry, but the educational jirix ileges of her children shall con- tinue unaltered. (.Journal, 1861, p. 57. j 89 Annual Collections for Retired Ministers, etc. I. That an amiual (•(tllection be held in the churches of 1 the Nortlicni Disti ict of the Aiiiericaii Province in tlie first quarter of eacli year, for the sustentation of retired minis- ters and ministers* widows. II. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be charged to 2 issue an annual circular. callin,i>- on the conorcgations for aid, and urging them to assist in supporting those who have borne the labor and heat of the day. (.Journal, iSTti. pp. 80, 81.) III. That the ministers, churches, and members be. 3 earnestly requested to increase the collection for the retired ministers and tlie widows of ministers, to at least two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). (Journal, 1878, pp. 157, 1.58. ) IV. That the churches of our Province be urged to 4 greater liberality in sujiporting the collection for retired ministers and widows of ministers. (Journal, 1888, pp. 50, 61. ) Betirement from Office. I. On final retirement from otiice, grants may be made 5 towards the e\i)eiises of removal, if the brother or sister concerned is without means of his or her own. (Synodal Besults, 1S18, SO. ) . II. In most cas(»s it is advisable that the place of retire- (> ment should l)e othej- than the last place of service. (Synodal Results, 1848, S 80.) Educational Privileges. I. That each son oi- daughter of the ministers of our 7 Church shall hereafter be entitled to the privilege of four years' gratuitous su])])ort and educatio)) in our educational Institutions, oi' to a yearly commutation-money of fifty dollars (huing four succeeding years, to l)egin from the eleventh birth(hiy of such children — at the option of the parents. Journal, IStil. p. 57.) II. That those entitled to the educational privileges of 8 the ("iiurch siiall no longei" be, as heretofore, limited to the age of Iroiu ten to fourteen years, but that the foui' years be granted between the age often to sixteen years. (Jour- nal, 1881, ]). 80.) III. That the Provincial Pjlders' Conference be directed t) to continue in the course which they have already adopted !)0 ill retV'reiice to tlu' (Hhicational privileges of tlie cliildreii of ministers. (Journal. 1S70. ])]). (is. (>!•.! 1 IV. That the aiiiiiial si ipciid lor the support and educa- tion of the children of ministers at our Boarding -schoolfs he increased to •t'JOO. beginning from the first day of July, 1S(J4. (Journal. 1804. p. 64.) Systemization of Collections. 2 I. That the resp(>etive Boards, undei- whose ansi»iees the several coMect ions -.we made, be iiist rnctcd lojinblish the estimated amounts ie(|iiiic(l in cacli case intiic ( 'hureli- ]ia])ers. ])i i()r to tin- holding' of the collections. ;i II. That the respective l'>oai(ls issue a circular statement ami a])i)eal to the pastors, elders, trustees, and churches of the Prox ince. before <'acli slatt'd collection in behalf of the vaiions olijects specilied by resolution of Synod, giving the (juota assigned by them t<» each church for such col- lection. III. That the following schedule of collections be adopted in our churches : 1. For K'etired Ministers — last Sunday in January. L'. For iJohemian Mission — fii-st Sunday in March. Foi- Foreign M issions -Fast er-Day or "Whit Suuday. 4. For Xew York ] to the Sustentation Diacoiiy. hut on the expicss condition that the funds so tiaiislerred to the Sustentation Diacony remain unimpaired and undiminished as a trust-fund iiehi l>y the Provincial Flder.s" ( "ouferem-e oi- by the Church of (tur l*rovince, for the pur p(»se of api>ropri,it ing the yeaily income to be de- ri\c(l tlierelroni lor the beuelit of our Sustentation and Educational Diacony and for no other i>uri)ose whatever. The capital is to remain untouched and undiminished. (Jouinal. 18.5"), Report, p. 100.) 91 II. That a Fund similar to the BetlUelieiii and Xazaieth 1 Special Funds l)e croatod. called the Litit/ Si)ecial Fund, and that the sum of twenty thousand dollars he credited to the same, this heiuj;- the estimated value of the Lititz Boarding-school, formerly being considered the property of the Lititz congregation, and not heretofore accounted for in the books of the Sustentation Diacony. ( Journal, 1S(>1 , \)]). 50, 62.) The Ohio Conference and the Western Sustentation Fund. That our congregations in Ohio, Indiana and other 2 Western States, or as many of them as may wish to associ- ate together for such a purpose, have the full pn mission of this Synod to make an effoi-t to create a sustcntalioii-fund for those congregations: and for that pur])()sr they are hereby ])ermittetl and authorized to hold coiifeienccs, com- posed of their ministers aTid lay delegat<'S, as often, and at such time aiul places, as may In- com cnicnt to them ; and if their efforts should iivow siucrssliil. to make such regu- lations in regard to the accumulalion and disposition of said fund, as in the opinion of the congregations mentioned, expressed through such conferences, may be deemed ex- pedient. (Journal, 18o."), pp.' S3, 84.) On Raising Certain Capital Funds. I. That the Provincial Elders' ('onference be authorized :j and recpiested to take such ways and means as they may deem most suitable to raise moneys for the several enter- prises of the riuirch named in this resolution, and after appropriating out of the collection for each and every year not exceeding fifty per cent, for the ])ayment ol'curi ent ex- penses, the balance be funded at the close of cacii year iintil there shall have l>een raised for the endowment of the Col- lege and Theological Seminaiy a capital of !?1(»(».00<), for the encouragement of Home Missions a capital of foCOOO, and for the endowment of the English and (iennan Church- pa])ers with liberty to assist the publication office there- out) a capital of i<2,).00() : all of which funds shall be kept properly invested, and the income appropriated to said en- terprises by the Provincial Elders' Conference, who shall render full statements of their doings and acts to each Synod. II. That it be recommended to the Provincial Elders' 4 Conference, if they deem it expedient, to delegate one oi- more lay brethren to visit the members of the respective 92 churches, and explain the objects of these funds, and to lay before them the several iiictliods whereby it is expected that means may l)e raised lor said i)ur[)ose. and to urge upon them the great necessity of imiiu'diate action in the mattei'. 1 III. That a stauding appeal be made in the columns of the ('hurch-papers for these objects, and that a form of be((uests for said objects be inserted therein. (Journal, IKtiT, p. 100. ) The Newport and Church Extension Funds. 2 I. That the proceeds of the Newport property sale be re- served for a Cluircli Extension Fund, to be loaned to poor congregations, in sums not exceeding six hundred dollars, with interest, on undoubted security, and for a period of time not excee(ling live years. .*i II. That all property of aban3. ) y. That the Pro\ incial Polders' Conference, in connection 4 with the Advisory Financial Board, be recommended, to take all necessary ])recautions in making investments ; to invest no more in the stocks of railroads, banks and manufacturing companies; and to reduce the amount in- vested at present, as soon as it can be done advantagtously, reinvesting the amounts received in first nutrtgages'on real estate and in reliable bonds of corporations. (Journal, 1876, pp. 80, 81. ) VI. That tJie Joint Board, composed of the Provincial 5 Elders' Conference and the Advisory Board. Vie instructed to provide for an annual audit of thf 'aceuunts of the Susten- tation Fund, of the Church Boarding-schools, and of the Publication Concern. (Journal, 1881, pp. (52, 81.) VII. That the Brethren Charles A. Zcebisch, Abraham 6 S. Schropp and J. Samuel Krause, be elected as the Ad- visory Board. (Journal, 1881, pp. 73, 82; 1884, pp. 43, 45; 1888, pp. 82, 98.) § 87. Hie Provincial Archives. I. That the Archi\ es now at Bethlehem, belonging to the 7 Province, be consolidated with those of the. Moravian Church at Bethlehem, and be intrusted to the keeping of that church. II. That Synod recommends to the several churches of s the Province to transfer to the consolidated Archives at Bethlehem, such papers or books now in the Archives of these churches, as the .same may be willing to give up. III. That Synod recommends to the pastors and trustees 9 of the Bethlehem Church, in conjunction with the Provin- cial Eldens' Conference, to appoint an archivist. 94 1 TY. That any person desiring to examine the Archives, or wisliing to borrow books, maps or ]);t])ei s from the same, shall first obtain the consent of the Piovineial Elders' Conference and the pastois of the Bethlehem Chni-ch. (Journal, 1861, pp. 01. 62.) 2 V. That the i^ynod. hearing with pleasnie that it is pro- posed to tciiinve the .loint Ai'chives of the Province and the congi ('uat ion at iJctlilehem, together with the Malin Libraiy. to a lire proof building, hereAvitli appoints the Trcasinc: ol llif i'lovincial Kldeis" ('onferciicc, the Archiv- ist of I he l*i o\ iiicc and thr Scci'ctary of [*ul)lications a ("oiniiiit t(M' to co-opnatc with a < 'oiinnitlcc lo he a])point('d by the 'i'rnstecs of the congregation at Bet lilchcm in secur- ing funds for tlic erection of said lire ]>roof building, (.lonrnal. ISSS, i)p. .")(), 61.) Conf/regafion Archives. J5 Eveiy minister is expected to care for the public docu- ments of the congregation whicli he serves. (Svnodal Results, 1S86. ) ' CHAl'TER XI. KOKKIGN MISSIONS. A Missionary Meeting at Each Synod. 4 That at each Synod a public Missionary Meeting be held, aiul that a memlxT of Synod be re(iuested by the Provincial Eldei s' < On tci cnce to prepare a short opening address, and one to conduct the meeting. (Journal. 1870, pp. 82, 88. ) The Mission in Alaska. 5 I. That tliis Synod strongly recommends that the minis- ters and mers of our churches exert themselves in ob- taining niembei s for the Alaska Auviliary to t he Society for Propagating the (ios])('l : and. furthermore, that all the churches be reiiuested to interest themselves in raising funds for the Alaska enterprise. (Journal. 1884, pp. 63, 64. ) ethel and Carniel in Alaska, and assures them of our fraternal intercessions and unceasing .suppoit. (Journal. ISSS. pp. 70. S9.) Pledge of Future Faith fulness and the Modes of iShou'iu(/ it. I. That we pledge ourselves to be, by the grace of God 2 and His Holy Spiiit, more faithful stewards of the tasti- mony which tiie Saviour has committed unto ns, not merely because it is our sjjecial duty to be thus faithful, as mem- bers of a Missionary Chuich. but also l)ecause it is oui- Master's will. II. Tliat we recpiest the I'nity's Elders' Conference to :i call more laborers from our Province into the Mission service. III. That we would impress upon the heaits of all the -t candidates for the ministry the tact that the Brethren's Church has urgent need of servants in the Foreign Mission field ; and, fui ther. that the AnuM-ican Province has offered and again offers them to the 3Ii.ssion service. IV. That we urge the members and friends of our 5 Church in the American Province to contribute more liberally for the suppoi t of the Foreign Missions of the Brethieirs Church, in oidei- that by increased gifts the danger of further annual deficiencies may be avoided. V. That it shall continue to be the duty of each pastor <> in charge of a congregation to see to it that one oi- two Mission Sermons are preached before his congregation each year, say on the Sundays nearest January 19 and August 21 : provided that a •'Mission Festival" may take the place of either or both these sermons. VI. That this Synod recommends to each congregation to 7 hold a piayer-meeting in behalf of Foreign Missions on the first Monday in each month, or on the Sunday before the first Monday, or on s(mie other convenient day ; and that in such meetings for prayer it shall be the duty of the minister to communicate news from our Missions and to instruct the people in ^lissicm history. (Journal. 1S7S, pp. 12.5-128.) 1 VII. That the Monthly Mission Prayer-meetings shall be ctiiiscieiitionsly and faithfnlly observed by all the eongrega- tions ill tile Pion iiiee. 2 VIII. That at eaeh of said ineetings. collections be taken u]) for onr Foi-eign Mission canse. ( Jonrnal. 1S81, p. 100.) ;$ IX. That this Synod, in the iiaiue of the Nortliern Dis- trict of tlie Aiiierican Piox iiice. l oiterates its adhei'ence to the ]>rinci|)le that '"the P>ictlii('irs I 'nity and the Brethren's Missions arc inseparably coiiiicci cd. and that tlieie never will l»c a I'liity of the P.ictlucn wittioiil a Mission to the Heathen or a JMission of the lirctlncn which is not an affair of the whole dinich."" (Journal. tMSS, pp. It.j. 111.) + X. That this SvikmI recognizes the obligation to raise our fair sliare ot iuone> iicrc in America to make good the deficit in onr general iiiissi(>iiar\ accounts, and urge our members and missionary sdcictics to do all in their power to accomplish this, as well as 1(» contribute more liberally so thai snch deficits may be prevented. ( Journal, 1888, pp. 70. .S!>. ) " r> XI. That it shall continue to be the duty of pastors and superintendents of Sunday-schools to sti'ive to awaken among oui' young people an interest in the Mission-work of onr Church. ' hei'ein eon- iaiiicd shall iircNcnt Ihc Provincial I^ldcrs' ( 'oiiference and the r.oard of ('Inircli Kxlciisioii iVoiii uiaUiiig such an ar- ranucniciit or <'iilirclv al»an(loiiiiix])e(lient. the amounts paid the ministers of the various Home .Mis- sion congregations and to require a correspondino- inciease of conti'ibutions on the part of such congregations. (Jour- nal, 1883, PI). eishii). (Jour- nal, 1878, pp. 161, 162. ) The Building of Churches. I. That no honie-niission church which counts on aid 3 t'l cmi the Province shall build a church oi' a cha])el without the express sanction of tin- rrovincial I> same for approval, and this Hoard shall lia\c aiillioiity to reject any plan if the same should be tbiind to l»e unnecessarily expensive. (Journal, 1881, pp. 89, 90.) II. That the Provincial Elders' Conference allow no new 4 iiome mission church to be consecrated until all the ex- pcnses iiicin i t'd in building the same have been ])aid. ov. at least, until the Provincial Polders' Conference be fully satis- lied that they will be paid. (Journal, 1873, jjp. 82, 83. ) III. That no new church-building, hereafter to be erected, 5 shall be consecrated until all the expenses incuned in the building of the same shall have been paid, or have been provided foi- bv collateral .securitv. (Journal, 1881, pp. H, 72.) IV. That in every case the pastor and officers of a con- I. Tliat our Home Mission congregations which are in pioximity one to another, be lequested to unite at least once in each year, in holding a " Mission, Festival,'' for the purpose not only of raising funds for the Foreign and Home Missions, and creating and sustaining an interest in inissionary work, but also of cementing the congregations in the bonds of brotherly love. (Journal, 1867, pp. 79, 93.) 7 II. That the above resolution, in i-egard to the holding of Mission Festivals, be anew and earnestly emphasized, and that Synod urge that such Mission Festivals for the support of the Home as well as the Foreign Mission work beheld, if possible, in all congregations. (Journal, 1884, pp. 48, 49.) Synodal Home Mission Meetin;/. That at each S.yno(l a pul)lic Home Missionary meeting 1 he held, and that a member ol" the Synod be reciuested by tlie Pioviiicial Elders' Conference to prepare a short open- ing address, and one to conduct the nu-ctini;. and that at this meetiii<>- a collection be taken. (Journal, 1S84, pp. 40, ()7, ()S. ) Financial Support and Collections. I. That the Synod looks with eonhdciicc to tlic mem- i2 bers of our Church, and to our different llunic Mission So- cieties, to co-operate with the Provincial l>oard of Church Extension in aiding and carrying forward our home-mis- sion work. (Journal, 1S81, pp. 95, 9(5, 97.) II. That every Church of our Province be instructed to 3 take uj) at least one collection for Home Missions in every year. III. " That the Provinciiil l-'ldcrs" Conference be instructed + to publish in our Clinrcli papers, toward the close of every year, a tabular statement of the contriliutions of all the churches to the Home .Mission cansc. and that those churches which have given nothing to this cause during the year, be endorsed with the word "nothing." (Journal, 1873, pp. 82, 88. ) IV. That a monthly Home Missionary prayer-meeting 5 and collection be held, wherever this is practicable. (Journal, 1SS4. ])p. fs, 49. j V. That the Provincial Board of Chuix^h Extension be 6 instructed to urge upon all our Home Mission congrega- tions the duty of doing all in their power to provide for the support and comfort of the missionaries who are sent among them to care for their spiritual interests. (Journal, 1881, pp. 96, 97.) Wews of the Worl: That Synod expe(!ts it as a matter of duty on the part of our 7 Home Missionaries, that they furnish f]'c(|uent and detailed reports of the success and needs of their resj)cctive Home Mission-stations to the Church-papers. (Journal, 1884, pp. 48, 49. ) The Home Mission Debt. That our congregations and Home Mission societies be 8 urged to show increased zeal and faithfulness in contribu- ting to this cause, so that this debt may be paid, and that hereafter current expenses may be punctually met, and the work steadily advanced. (Journal, 1881, pp. 96. 97.) 104 The New Tori- Germin Chwch . I. That annual colkH'tions be taken up in all our conjin* gations for the payment of tlie inteiest. and, nltiiuatfly, of the whole debt of oui' (iei inan Mission in X<'\v Yoi k City. i.Iournal l«7(i. pp. SO. Ml. ) 1 11. That we urge the Provincial Elders' Conference and the Provincial Board of ("hurcli Extension to render the l)astor of OUI- German congregalioii in Xew Yoik City all possible encouragcMuent and assistance in devising ways and means to .secure the purchase ol a new church. ( Journal. ISSl. \)^\. ;»4. ) 1> III. \\'iiEKi;\s, It has become imperatively necessary, if the (rcM inaii Mission in New York is to obtain a perma- nent loothoUl and (U'veh)pinent. that a suitable (thurch edi- fice should he secured : therefore ;j h'r.so/rril. That the Synod recommend the Provincial Elders' Contcrcnce and tiie Pro\ incial Board of Ch«rch Exti'usion to sell the Mission property. No. (>.% Sixth Sti'eet, New ^'ork. whenevei' suit able terms can be obtained and made: with the following plan in \ iew : First, that if the adjaceiil (11111(11 can be pui'chased, the ])roceeds of the sale of tlif Sixlli Siicct property be applied toward the I)ayment ol the purchase money: secondly, tliAt in such case the Provincial Eldeis' Conference be satisfied to take a second mortgage in ])lace of the first mortgage uow held on the New Yoi k Geiman Mission i)roperty, for the loan from the Siisl eiitation and Home Mission Funds. (Journal, ISSi. pp. !»:. <»!). 1 Tlie Provincial Board of Church Extension. 4 I. That Synod appoint a Provincial Board of Church Extension to whom shall be committed the work of enter- ing new fields of labor ; of starting and organizing mission enterprises; of erecting chinch edifices for new congrega- tions ; of aiding to liquidate indebtedness resting upon houses of worship, and of promoting in every other way the work of ( hurch Extension in on i- Province. 5 ri. The mendteis of the Prox incial Elders' Conference t(jgethei' with three lay brethien. to be elected by this Synod, shall constitute the Piovincial Board of Church Extension, whose term of oflice shall be the same as that of the Provincial Elders" Conference. They shall be em- powered to select their officers from their own number, provided that the Treasurer shall ahvays be a layman, and 105 also to Hll all vacaiicit's which may occur by death, or otherwise. III. The Board shall lia\i' authority to iuau appointment of District Boards of Chui ch Extension. IX. That the Provincial Board of Church Extension be 7 directed to procure a charter, and that this charter be so 106 framed as to allow a change in the number of the Board by action of Synod. 1 X". That it is ,stii)nlated and agreed that no call shall be made on the Sustcntatioii Fund for any of the money re- quired to cany (uit the loicyoing principles, and further, that the collect ions |ir(i\ idcil lor shall in nowise interfere with those collections, annual or otherwise, which have been from time to time ordered by the Synod. (Journal, 1876,- pp. -57-59, 83-85; 1881, pp. 95, 96.) 2 xr. That the Brethren C. A. Zd biscli. Joseph A. Rice, and Ashtou C. Borhek be the lay menilx i s of 1 he Provincial Board of Church Extension, ('.lournal, i.s.ss, pp 91, 107.) a XII. That in view of the response so far made to the appeal for the establishment of a Church Extension Fund, Synod endorses the present plan of operations, and recom- mends the use of such further means as shall, under the blessing of God, result in the collection of the whole amount desired, i Journal, 18V8, p. 162.) + Xlll. That the Provincial Board of Church Extension be reijuested to devise a plan looking to the present use of the income of the Church Extension Fund, in so far as this can legally be done under the enactments of Synod, or by the consent of the contributors of said fund. (Journal, 1881, pp. 79, 98, 99.) 5 XIV. That the attention of the Board of Church Exteu sion be called to the importance of employing a traveling missionary in the First and Second Districts. (Journal, 1884, p. 68.) Charier of an intended Corporation to be formed undei- the provisions of the Act of Assembly of April 29, and the Supplements thereto. I. <> The name of the (Corporation shall be " The Boanl of Church Ex- tension of the American Moravian Church." . ir. 7 The purpose for which it is formed is tlie work of entering new fields of hihor; of beginning and ortiaiii/.ini: iiiissiiin ciilerprises ; of erecting church edihces or parsonages: ui aiilini: in licjuidate in- debtedness resting upon houses of w urshiii or iiaisnnages ; and of promoting in every other way tlie woi k ui ( lnii c li lOxtension in the American Province of the Church of iho 1 nilcd brethren, or Mora- vians, and for the further purpose of cai rx ing (jii the work of Home Missions according to such rules and regulations as the Synod of said .\merican Province of the Church of the United Brethren, or Mora- vians, may from time to time adopt. 107 III. The place or places where its business is to be transacted shall be 1 at Bethlehem Borough, in the County of Northampton, and State of Pennsylvania, or at such other places in said State, as may, from time to time, he detertnined on by the Synod of the American Moravian Church. IV. The term for which it is to exist is to be perpetually, subject to the 2 power of the General Assembly under the Constitution of this Com- monwealth. ^ V. The names and residences of the subscribers are: 3 Edmund de Schweiiiitz, Bethlclieni. Peiiiisvl vaiiia : Kiiijene Lei- bert, Nazareth, Pennsylvania ; ('li;irli s A. /- sliall lie invested in real securities and in such otliei securities as are named in the Acts of .\ssemlily of Pennsylvatna autlioriziuL; in\est luents by trustees: Provided further that I'lo loans ol lliis lund or any part thereof shall be made upon the security of church proi)erty ; and /'roridfd further that the income of said fund shall not be used until the eajjital of the fund shall have reached the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars. The Relative Functions and Duties of the Provincial and Dvstrici Boards of Church Extension. That the Synod refer this whole subject back to the Pro- ^^ vincial Board of Church Extension, for the elaboration of a plan to be submitted to the next Provincial Svnod. (Journal, 1881, pp. 58. 84.) 108 5? 1 U>. 4. Christian Union. 1 r. That we hail the blessed union-movement among Christian denominations, which has so happily resulted from the gi-eat outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the last few years, as a most auspicious and impoi'tant sign of the times, aiul that we will join it heart and soul. ( Jour- nal, i8(>i, pp. ry-2. i 2 II. Whek'i,as, Our Brethren of the Protestant Episco- pal (jhurcli luivc invited us and all sister Protestant Churches in Anu'i ica to unite with th<>iii in a conference to be held with a view to promote godly union and concord among all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth ; and ;J Whereas, The fathers and founders of the Unitas P"'ratrum, in the century before the Protestant Refoimation of the 16th Century, did, in the interests of what they ac- cepted as the Faith of Christ and His Apostles, secure for themselves the Historic Episcopate : and 4 Whereas, From the beginning our ^loravian Church has, in all the centuries of its existence and activity in all [)ortions of the Christian and heathen world, maintained a position of most cordial recognition of and fellowship with its Brethren of the \arious Chuiches of Christ, in these parts, of varied name and constitution : 5 1. Rewired. T\\;\t we hail with joy any effort put forth, in good faith, to secure closer fellowship and communion between the (Iliurchcs of Christ in oui- country. <> 2. Be.soliml, That to this end a Coinniittcc, consisting of the five Bishops of the N^orthern District of (lie Amci ican Province, and of three ministerial and two lay IJietliren in the District, be appointed to confer with similar Commit- tees of Conference at such time and place as may be agreed upon. 7 3. Resolved, That we invoke upon the Churches in our land, the blessing of Him Who hath said : " One is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are Brethren." 8 4. Resolved, That this Preamble and these Resolutions with the names of the Committee of Conference be com- municated to the Secretary of the Commission by the Secretary of Synod. (Journal, 1888, pp. 88, 111.) The A merican Bible Society. 1» I. That, recognizing the Holy Scriptures as the most precious treasure given by God to man. this Synod hereby expresses its sincere appreciation of the object and work of 1(»1> that greatest of all the benevolent institutions of America, the American Bible Society, and its gratitude to God for the existence of such an association in the land. []. That it belie\'es the past and piesent prosperity of 1 our country to be tlie result chiettv of tlie disscnii nation of the Word 'of God as a('('Oiiii)lis]ied by tlie efforts of the Auiericaii Bible Society, and also tlial tlie futiiie succ<'ssfnl coiitinuanee of this re|)ubliean goxcrnuieiit de|)ends upon the coiuluet of the Nation with reference to that ^^'ol•d. III. That we hereby extend to this Society our warmest 2 sym])athies in the carrying out of the objects of its organi- zation, and pledge to it the hearty co-operation of this oui- branch of the Church of God. (Journal, lS7fi. ]>. 101.) ( Corresponding Delegates. That in the interval between this and the next Provincial ;$ Synod the Provincial Eldeis' Conference be diiected to appoint Corresponding Delegates to rt'prcsciit our Church at the Synods of such sister Churches as lia\ e sent Corre- sponding Delegates to our Provincial S\ nods. (.lournal, 1888, pp. 69. 92.) § 117. EDUCATION OF YOUTH. In our Church Schools. I. That the Synod solemnly i-easserts the principle on 4 which our schools are grounded, viz. : That they are for the winning and educating of youth for the Saviour. (Journal, 1S7(), pp. ,S(;, ST. ) II. That we gratefully acknowledge the preservation of 5 our Ediical ional Institutions, and their continuance through tiicse trying times, as due, above all else, to the in- terposition of a kind Providence, and we desire so to im- prove and employ these important agi iicics for Chiistian work that the name of Christ may theicby be abundantly glorified. III. That we highly commend the pi-aise-worthy efforts, (i put forth to inci ease the efficiency of our Church schools, by elevating the standard of scliolaishii). IV. That the regular conisc ol' study in all oui' ( 'hurch- 7 schools shall include at least one hour per week of religious instiuction, to be given by the Principal himself, or by some other competent person. (Jouinal, bSTS. pp. 140, 141. ) 110 1 V. That this Synod urges upon the Principals and teach- ers of oui ( Imrcli schools, to continue to use their best en- deavors to cai i.\ out tlic system of education which has always obtained amongst us, and which aims rather at im- parting thorongh instruction, and laying a solid foundation upon which the scholar shall ever be enabled to build, than at achieving uioi-e luilliaiit, but more transient and super- ficial results, ulournal, lN(i4.. i)p. 60, 65.) 2 VI. That this Synod fully approves of the i)lan now pursued or proposed to be i^ursued by the I'.onid of Tins- tees and the Pi'incipals of the Churcii-schoois. of grading the compensation paid to teachers according to the ((uality and length of service rendered. .*$ VII. That the religious instruction and training of the pupils in our Church-schools, shall continue to form a first object of concern on the pai t of Prhicipals and teachers. See Results of General Synod, l.s.">7, ii; 91. (Journal, 1867, pp. 97, 101.) Teachers are Cherished Servants of the Church. 4- I. That no persons shall be received into our schools as teachers until the Princii)al shall have satisfied himself as to their moi-al and ("liristian character, and that, as a gen- eral rule, nicuibcis of our ( 'liurch shall have the preference for such situations, when tiu^r (lualifications are the same as those of other a]iplicants. (.lournal. ISfiT.'pp. 97, 101.) 5 II. That the Synod allcctionatel\' reminds the Principals and teachers of these institutions that they are cherished servants of the Church, thiough whom the duty of training the young should so be dischaiged that the Church may stand clear of the guilt of souls on the great day of the Lord. (Journal, 1S76, pp. S6, III. The duty of pensioning those teachers who have de- voted their sti-ength to service in our Chui ch-schools, rests in the first instance on those schools in which they have chiefly or last served. (Synodal Results, 184S, § 97.) Duty of the Provincial Elders' Conference and the Principals towards the Schools. 7 I. That it be enjoined upon the Provincial Elders' Con- fei'cncc as a duty, to make and keep themselves thoroughly acquainted w ith l>oth the cxteinal and internal concerns of the educational institutions placed under their care. II. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be ex- pressly charged with the supervision, direction and conti ol Ill of all the ('ducat ioiiai institutions of the Province during the intei val between the adjournment of one Synod and the convening of the next. III. Tiiat tlie Principals or Directors of the several 1 schools be leciuired, at the close of each financial year, to make out and submit to the Provincial Elders' Conference a correct and full statement of the assets and liabilities of the institutions committed to their special direction, and likewise a full and properly specified account of the re- ceijits and disbursements of the same during the financial year. lY. That the amount to be paid over to the Sustentation 2 Diacony out of the profits of thi' scIhuiI. if there be any, be annually fixed by the Provincial l^lders' Conference after due consultation with the Principal or Inspector, and after having thoroughly examined the statement of accounts submitted by the Principal. V. That at the close of each school year, a report con- 3 cerning the internal condition of the institution and the general results of the oi)erations of the past year, be drawn up by each Pi incipal or Director, and submitted to the Provincial Eldeis' Conference. YI. That the education and training of those pupils in 4 our educational institutions who are the children of (mr ministers or members of our Church, be at all times an object of the special regard of the Inspectors and teachers, and that such children may receive an education and train- ing as will in all respects fit them for usefulness in the various departments of our Church. YII. That no teacher be appointed without the knowl- 5 edge and consent of the Provincial Elders' Conference. VIII. That the salaries of all persons employed in our O educational institutions as teachers or otherwise, domestics excepted, be fixed by the Principal, subject to the approval of the Provincial Eldeis' Conference. IX. That no new building be erected, or extraoi dinary 7 and extensive repairs undertaken, and in general no ex- penses of any extraordinary nature be incurred, without the previous knowledge and consent of the Provincial Elders' Conference. X. That it be enjoined upon the Principals of all our 8 educational institutions as a duty not to be neglected, to keep the Provincial Elders' Conference informed, by con-e- spondeuce or otherwise, of everything of consequence transpiring in said institutions, relating to their external or internal concerns. 112 1 XI. That official visits by at least one member of the Provincial Elders' Conference be made at least once a year in each of our educational institutions. (Journal. 1S58. pp. 93-95.) XII. That it shall be the duty of the Provincial Elders' Conference to hold an annual and thorough visitation of each of the Church-schools, and to inform themselves by personal examination concerning the actual scholastic, moral, and religious condition of these institutions. (Journal, 1870. p. 70.) AK ACT To Incorporiiii// Ladif.s at Bethle- hem, PennstjlvfDiin. li Wherkas, Tlie Church of the United Brethren, iconinionly called Moravians! has maintained a Boarding School for the ednciation of Young- Tja. >i nU 1 llicir associates or sncccssors, accor.lin- lo ifiu rnlcs and ic-n lal i. .ns . .t sa id luancli nf I he < ■hurcli of the I'nite.l I'.relhrcn, lie and lhe\ are hcrelij' constilnted a body eoi porad' ami polilic'. in taci and in law, by the name and style of tile Linden llall Se n n na r \ . a t Lit it/., reniisy Ivania, and by that name shall be capMlilc ol perpelnal snccession, may sno and be sned, may lia\ (■ and use a c.inirnou seal, and alter ami change the same at plea- sure, and s I im 1 1 also be capable to accept and take, by devise, grant, bai-ain. sale or Mlherwisc, ai\>- estate, ov projiei'ty, real or personal, and the s inu- 1" hold ioid vujo\', or to sell or <-on\-ev, le.ase, or mort- gage, as fii II v and abs,.lutcl\-, in all respects, as auV natural ]>ersoM might do. 'I'n.rnlr.l. Ii,,\\ < ver, Tliat the .'Icai' .annual income uf the estates anrolici(aicy in leai iiiiig, llicy uia.\ deem Justly entitled to such honors, and such as ari^ usually granted \>y institutions of a sinnlar kind, and to gi ant dii)Iomas "or certificate's under their com- mon seal, as imiv authenticate and perpetuate the memori' of such graduati(jii. JOHN CESSNA, tSpcAiker of the House of liejn-esetilatives. G. V. LAWRENCE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, The third day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. A. G. CURTIN. Nazareth HaU. I. That the Trustees and Principal of Nazareth Hall in 1 coniiectiou with such other assistance as they may wish to call to their aid, endeavor to pi-ocuie from the friends of the institution contributions towards its endowment. II. That the Principal of Nazareth Hall .<:ive his earnest 52 attention to the subject of the feasiliility of a division of the pupils into two departments, tlic ydiiiiL^cr of which shall remain under the same watchful miardiaiislii]) as now, the older to have some en la it;c- be occupied by said school for its accommodations, or that of its ofiicers or professors, and exclusive of income from students, shall not ex- ceed the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars. 116 1 Sep. it. — Tliat tlio Trnstoos ;iiul Ovorsoers nlready appointed, or who shall liiTi-aricr ho appoiiif cd in nccoi-daiKM' with t'ho fundamental statutes w lii>h uo\rrii i In > i 'liii nli ( .1 1 lie 1' ii i led l{rotliren aforesaid, shall I lir , an- 1 1 1 :i iia- t. i i ic 1 1 1 ui said school, and of its estates and |)ro|M i I ics. and shall lia\ o iiowor to make all needful by-laws and I (\uul ii ions tor tlie aiipointment of competent professors and tea. Ii. i s, lor I he lixiui;- and payment of all salaries, for the fixing of prices of ihe hoard and tuition of Students, for the studies and exer- cises oC ihe students, and for the general well-beiiig of said school. Pmrnlri/. That the said statutes, by-laws and regulations shall not be inconsistent w ith llie Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, . or of the rnitod States. 2 Sec. III.— That no misnomer, or misdirection of the said Corpora- tion, in any will, deed, grant, or other instrument of writing, shall vitjate or defeat the same, but that the same shall take effect in the same manner as if said Corporation were rightly named therein. /'nin'ilnl, 11 is sntliciently described to ascertain tlie intention of the parties. JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the Hoiixeof RepreacntaUves. G. V. LAWRENCE, Speaker of the Senate, Apiirovod, The fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thou- sand eight hundred and sixt3f-three. A. G. CURTIN. § 119. CHURCH PUBLICATIONS. Moraoian Publication Office. I. Tlial Mh" duty and intorosts of the Cliurch demand that a sticinKms efloi t slioiild be made to use the instru- mentality ol' tlie pjess, ;ts a powerful agency in promoting the work wliieh belotigs to every Cliui'ch of Christ. 4 II. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be authorized, whenever they deem such a step practicable, to create a printing and pul)lishiiiq' establishment, in which shall be published the ( "hurch-papcr, and from time to time, as occasion demands and the funds of the concern will allow, works i t'laliiig to the history, polity, ritual and doctrine of the ('liiiicli. jirovided that this can be done without in- fringing upon the interests of other established funds and enterprises of the Church. (Jotii iial, ISbl, pp. r>2, 53.) 5 III. That Synod authorizes the rrovincial Elders' Con- ference to combine the printing office and book-store, to gether with a bindery, in one establishment. (Journal, l.S()7. pp. 74, 75.) (> T V. \Vin;REAS, We believe the following to be the cor- rect i»iin(i[)les for the management of the entire Publica- tion Concern, and to be in accord with the original pur- pose : 1. The regarding of the Church-jjapers, the job 117 priutiiig, and publisliiug department, the l)ut)k-ston', etc., as integral ijarts of one inseparable concern ; 2. The merg- ing of the separate financial interests of each department into one whole ; 3. The responsible management of the en- tire (^oncern by a Secretary of P>iblications under the direction of the Provincial Elders' Conference, Resolved, That Synod instructs the Provincial I^lders' Con- \ ference to carry this plan into effect, as fully as may be feasible, during the next Synodal term, f Journal, 1S84, pp. (JO, 61. ) V. That the Publication Office be deemed one of the per- 2 manent enterprises of the Church, to be carried on in ^he future upon substantially the same basis as at present. (Journal, 188S, pp. 75, 93.) VI. That the Joint Board be authorized to provide the 3 money needed for a fii-e-proof vaiilt, for additional press- room, for additional presses, for an elevator and for an office on the ground floor ; promded, that a reasonal)le in- crease in the rent is made in order to cover the interest on the money needed for the improvements in tlu- Iniilding : and provided, further, that interest be charged and ac- counted for on that needed for better equipment of the Printing Department. (Joiu-nal, 1888, pp. 82, 98. ) YII. That ministers and other agents be requested to be 4 more careful and j^rompt in settling their accounts with the Bethlehem book-store. '(Journal, 1864, pp. 63, 64.) VIII. That the Manager of the Publication Concern be 5 instructed to endeavor to bring about cash dealings with the ministers and other authorized agents of the Publica- tion Concern. (Journal, 1888, pp. 82, 98.) IX. That a settlement with the agent of the book-store 6 at Bethlehem shall be made every three months. (Jour- nal, 1861, pp. 50,' 62.) X. That the Advisory Financial Board be requested and 7 empowered to make an annual examination of the man- agement and condition of the Publication Office, and re- port to the Provincial Elders' Conference the result of such examination. (Journal. 1881, pp. ,53, 81.) A History of the Brethren'' s Church. That the Provincial Elders' Conference take measui es for 8 the early publication of a History of the Moravian Breth- ren's Church. (Journal. 1864. pp. .52, 53.) 118 Appendix to the Text Book. 1 That the Provincial Elders' Conference prepare or cause to be prepared, each year, a short appendix to the annual Text Book, which shall contain a table of daily Scripture lessons, interesting facts in connection with the history of the Church and its Missions, the statistics of the same, and any other matter which may be calculated to inform and edify — this appendix to be confined to such a nximber of pages, as will not materially enhance the price of the book. (Journal, 1864, pp. 52, 53.) The Moravian Manual. 2 I. That a Committee of One be appointed by the Provin- cial Elders' Conference to jjrepare for publication a new and revised edition of "The Moravian Manual," the man- uscript to be submitted to the Provincial Elders' Confer- ence for approval, before it is published. 3 II. That the publication of such Manual be delayed until after the meeting of tlie next General Synod. (Jour- nal, 1888, pp. 37, 62.) T7te Sunday -School Hymn- Book. 4 That the Provincial Elders' Conference be requested to api)oint a Committee of five brethren to thoroughly revise the English Sunday-school Hymn-book, and that said Com- mittee include at least two laymen specially interested in Sunday-school work. (Journal, 1888, pp. 75, 93.) Communion lAturgies. 5 I. Tliat the Secretary of Publications be authorized to insert English and German Liturgies in full, instead of in outline :is at present, in the Hymn-book, and that these litui uics he also pi iuted separately in book form. (> 11. Tliat the number of these liturgies be increased to at least eight. 7 III. That two Committees of three each be appointed by the Provincial Elders' Conference to compile these liturgies. (Journal, ISSS, pp. 75, 93.) 8 IV. That in preparing the Communion Hymn-book care be exercised to use such tunes only as are familiar through- out the Province. ' Journal, 1888, p. 115.) Questiotis. ' That the following questions be addressed to the Secre- 1 taiy of Publications : 1. State the number of Church periodicals taken in the 2 congregations. 2. How many new subscribers to the several riiurch- papers have you or the agent in your congregation secui'ed during the last Synodieal term ? ( Journal, 1873, pp. 63, <>4 ; 1876, pp. 66, 67; 1888, pp. 98, 111.) Financial JRules, etc. I. That our ministers use all their influence to increase -t the circulation of our Church-papers, and that they ap- point a lay member of their congregations to solicit sub- scribers for those papers. (Joui nal, 1861, p. 64.) II. That a brothei' hr apixiiuted in each congregation as 5 agent for the Ohurcli ])ap( is, and that the ministers be urged to co-operate heartily with the agents in extending their circulation. (Journal, 1884, p. 60.) III. That the Secretary of Publications be authorized by « Synod to employ Cain assin.u Agents fdi- oiir < ']un ('li iiai)ers, with the liberty of olfcring siicli rcniuiicrat ion to said agents as will secui-e the object of their appointment. (Journal, 1888, pp. 37, 62.) The Editorial Committees. I. That the Provincial Elders' Conference be empowered 7 to appoint an Editorial Committee for each of the Church - papers, to consist of not less than three brethren, one of whom shall be designated as the Eespousible Managing Editor. II. That no salaries be paid to tlie Editorial Committees, -8 but that these Committees .shall receive such fees for their services from the net profits of the papers as the I'rovin- cial Elders' Conference shall deem proper, and that all necessary expenses of stationery, postage and occasional consultations, if these shall be deemed necessary, shall be paid out of the receipts of the papers. (Journal, 1881, p. 87.) 120 THE MORAVIAN. Creative Resolution. 1 That a weekly paper be issued * * * * under the title of The Moravian. (Journal, 1855, pp. 136, 137.) Course of the Paper Sanctioned and Prescribed. 3 That Synod approves of the course taken by the Editors of The Moravian in the publication of said paper, and that they be recjuested to continue in the course hitherto pur- sued by them, to admit all communications drawn up in a brotherly spirit, and free from personalities, and which have a tendency towards a free discussion of everything belonging to our Church and its government. (Journal, 1856, p. 99.) The Chu7-ch Paper is Indispensable. i That our Church-paper shall hereafter occupy a fully recognized position as an indispensable branch of Church activity and usefulness, and that it deserves the universal support of our membership. (Journal, 1861, pp. 52, 53.) Payment of Coi'respondents and Writo's. 4 That the Editor of The Moravian be authorized to em- ploy correspondents and writers, who shall receive a reasonable compensation, which expense shall be paid out of the income of TIw Moravian. (Journal, 1870, p. 90.) Increase of Circulation. 5 That ministers be especially charged to make it a duty to see that the circulation of The Moravian be increased in their congregations, and at each District Synod and Pro- vincial Synod report the number of copies taken. (Jour- nal, 1873, pp. 73, 74.) DER BRUEDER BOTSCHAFTER. Creative Resolution. That as soon as the Provincial Elders' Conference shall be satisfied of the feasibility of issuing a German weekly or semi moiithly Church paper, such a publication shall be commenced, the form, subscrij^tion price and editorship of such journal to be determined by them. (Journal, 1861, pp. 52, 53.) 121 Alio Indispensable. That Der Brueder BoLschaftcr xhnU liciealYei', ('(Hially with 1 The Moravian, occupy a fully leco^nizcd position as an indis- pensable branch of Church acti\ ity and usefulness, and that Synod recommend the ministers and members of the Church to use their best efibrts to increase its circuhition. (Journal, 18(57, p. 75.) Call for Support. That this Synod recommend to the German brethren in 2 the ministry to furnish such original matter for the Bot- schafter as would interest the members of their charges, so as to make it self-supporting or even profitable, and to use their influence to obtain subscribers. (Journal, 1870, p. 90.) To be Issued Weekly. That the Botschafter be issued weekly, if deemed advisable 3 by the Secretary of Publications and the Provincial Elders' Conference. (Journal, 1873, p. 74.) Enlargement Permitted. That the Synod authorize the enlargement of Der Brueder 4 Botschafter, if the Provincial Elders' Conference and the Secretary of Publications are satisfied that in any way the necessary means can be provided. (Journal, 1888, pp. 75, 93, 95.) THE LITTLE MISSIONARY. Creative Besolution. That the Editor of The Moravian in connection with the 5 Provincial Elders' Conference, be authorized to make ar- rangements for the early publication of a Child's Paper, for the use of our Sunday-schools, if they find it expedient. (Journal, 1870, p. 90.) Duty of Ministers and Sunday School Superintendents. That we regard it to be the duty of all our ministers and 6 Sunday-school superintendents, in selecting illustrated papeis for the Sunday-seliool, to .uive the pri'lerence to our own [)ul)lieation, Tltc Liltle Mi-s.^i'^niari/, which was brought into existence by act of Synod, is well calculated to alford solid instruction, and can only improve in its exterior at- tractiveness if more liberally patronized by our congrega- tions. (Journal, 1878, p. 141.) 122 DJ:R MISSIt)NS KKEUND. Ci-eative BesoMion. I. That a montlily German Sunday-school paper, simihir to The Little Missionary, be published, commencing with January, 1889, in the confident hope that the Directors of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen will aid the enterprise. II. That a Committee be appointed by the Provincial Elders' Conference to edit the same, said Committee to be selected, if possible, from among the brethren who serve German congregations. (Journal, 1888, pp. 76, 96.) INDEX. [Of two flsiires separated by a comma, the first indicates the page, tlie other the iiiarKiiial reference; e. -93, 6; 117, 3, 7. Financial Crisis. The Pi'csent, 84, 1-85, 6. Financial Prohibition, 86, 3, 4. Financial Rules for tlio Moravian Publication Office, llii, 4-6. Foreign Missions, 94, 4-97, 4. (See Missions.) Fraternal Delegates, 109, 3. General Synods (see Synods, Gen- eral). Gifts and Beqnests to the Susten- tation Fund, 86, 8. Government of our Saviour, The, 8, 6. Head of the Church, Christ Jesus is, 8, 6 ; 42, 1. History of the Brethren's Church, A, 117, 8. History of our Church, The, to be taught, 7, 3. Home Missions, 98, 7-107, 6; ad- mission as a regular congrega- tion, 99, 2; building of churches, 101, 3-102, 1 ; control of mission- aries, 98, 8 ; financial support, 103, 2-6; incitement to self-sup- port, 102, 2 ; news of the work, 103, 7 ; object of, 98, 7; organiza- tion of, 99, 1; synodal meeting for, 103, 1 ; unpromising fields, 99, 3-100, 1. (See Provincial Board of Church Extension). Home Mission Debt, 103, 8. Home Mission Societies, 102, 2-5. Home Missionaries Members of Provincial Synods, ()5, 4. Immersion of Adulfs, 5, 10; 6, 1. Inciting Homo Missions to self- support, 10(1, 2. Incorporation of (Congregations, 21, 1, 2. Incorporation, Acts of, (see Char- ters). Indian Mission in Canada, 97, 3. Indian Mission in Kansas, 97, 2, 3. Infant Baptism, 5, 8, 9. Instruction of the Youth, 2, 4; 3, 1, 3. Integral part of the Brethren's Unitv, The American Province an, f, 1, 2. Intemperance, 25, 4-27, 1. Interests of all parts of the Prov- ince the same, 1, 3. Joint-Meetings of Cinirch Boards, 28, 7; 29, 1. Joint Board, The, 85, 6 ; 92, 6-93, 6 ; 117, 3, 7. Juvenile Missionary Societies, 96, 6. Law-suits, 24, 6. 7. Lay Activity, 10, 2, 3, Lav )■<■|ll■('^^■Iltatic>n at Provincial SVuckIs, 14, 1; ir,, li.-., X Letters of Dismissal, 12, 3. Licensing of Candidates for the Ministry, etc., 2, 3. Linden Hall Seminary, 85, 2, (see Church Schools). Litanies for Suiidav F.veiiiues, 5, 4. Litany, The I'se oV, t, i; ; 5,1-3. Little Missionori/. Tlie, 121, 5, 6. Lord's Supper, The, (i, 3-6 ; 7, 1, 2. Lot, The use of tlie, ii, 1-5. Love-feasts, 8, 2, 3. Members living at a distance, 11, 4. Members of Provincial Synods, 61, 1. Members, Reception of, 14, 5. Members to be instructed in the Discipline, 18, 1—4. Memorial Days, 7, 3. Ministerial Obedience, 27, 2-4. Ministers and Church Music, 8, 5. Ministers, are not independent, 27, 2. Ministers and Discipline, 17, 8, 9 ; 18, 2, 3 ; 19, 1-5. Ministers, Appointment of, 30, 5- Min'isters, duties of, 29, 4-6 ; 30, 3. Ministers subject to tlie decisions of Church Boards, 29, 3. 126 Ministry, The, 41, 1-0. Ministry, (Jualifieations for the, 2, 2; sus]iensioii from the, 41, 4. Mission Festivals, 9(i, 8 ; 102, 6, 7. Mission in Alaslia, 94, 5, 6; 95, 1. Mission Praver-meetings, 95, 7 ; 90, 1, 2; 98, '3. Mission Sermons, 95, 0. Missionary Dolicits, 95, 5; 90, 4. iSIissii)nai-v S<>i'i('ti<>s, , :i; discipline of iiiiiiislcrs, 27, 2-4; District Honnis ol Cliurcli Extension, 81, 2; District Synods, 81,4; duties in respect to the clmrch schools, 110, 7-112, 2; educational privi- leges, 89, 0; the eldership, 30, 4; election of, 73, 2 ; 75, (i-7(>, 1 ; 43, 4 ; omi«)\\ cred to convene the Provincial Synod in an emer- gency, o!), 4 ; empowered to retire incompetent ministers, 31, 4 ; ex- penses of administrative govern- ment, 87, 1-4 ; general principle of financial management, 8(), (i; the incorporation of congrega- tions, 21, 1, 2; investment of funds, 8G, 7; to issue blank certi- ficates of election of delegates to tlie Provincial Synod. pension from the ministry, 41, 4; sustentational and educational privileges, 88, 6, 7; term of office of, 75, 5; unpromising fields, 99, 3-100, 1 ; vacancies in the, 76, 2-77, 1. Provincial Digest, The, 00, 6-67, 2. Provincial Revenue, The, 87, 1-3. Provincial Synods (see Synods, Provincial). Provincial Trust Funds, 90, 8-91, 2. Publication Fund, Special, 92, 5. Publication Office, The, 116, 3- 117, 7. Qualifications for Eldership and Trusteeship, 29, 4-.30, 4. Qualifications for the Ministry, 2, 2. (iuestions at Ordinations, 41, 5. Raising certain Capital Funds, 91, 3-92, 1. Reading the Chapter on the Dis- cipline, 18. 1. Readmission, 19, 2. 5. ReCPptidM (if Mciiilx-rs, I I, ;">. Reconis (see Clun-rli U( t, ,r, is i. Relation ..f ihc A iiuTican l'vu\ inco to the Brethren's l iuty. 1, 1-2. Relief of the Sustentation Fund, 84, 3. Removal of Members, 12, 1-3. Removals of Ministers, expenses of, 87, 2. Reports of Treasurers, 14, 2. Reports of Pastors (see Annual Reports). Reserve Fund, 85, 3. Resistance to (niurcli Rules, 20, 5. RetiriMl Ministers. .-mH,.,.! i,,n for (see Annual < ■..llc Unns . Retirement tVuni < Mliri', mi, li. Retirement from the ministry, 31, 4. Revival Services, 4, 1-3. Riiiht Hand of Fellowslii)), 0, 3. Ritual, rnilorniitv of, :!, 4, :.. Rules of Order' tor i'r.ix ineial Synods, K), 4- 7:>. Sabbath observance, 4, 4, 5. Secession of a congregation causes reversion of its |iri>|H i I."., 2, 3. Secret Societies, 1. Sectional feeling and assnnied sec- tional interests disapproved, 1, 4. September 16th, 8, 6. Services of the Passion Week, 5,5. Social Prayer-meetings, 7, 6, 7. Special Inctimbencies of the Pro- vincial Synods of the Northern District of the American Prov- ince, 59, 4-01, 2. Special Publication Fund, The, 92, 5. Spread of the work, 100, 3-6. Statistical Blanks, The, 22, 1. Status of those Confirmed or Baj)- tized, 6, 2. Sunday Collections, 14, 3. Sunday Scliools, 16, 4-7 ; 17, 1, 2. Sunday Schools and Mission-work 96, 5, 6. Sunday Schools and the Bohemian Mission, 98, 3. Sunday-school Hymn-book, The, 8, 4; 118, 4. Sunday School Superintendents and the Mission-work, 96, 5, 6. i28 Suporannunted native inission- arios, :i7, 1. SupiH.i i l>;,sl..l-S, 12, (i, 7. Surpli'T, I sc ..r Ihe, 5, 0, 7. Surplus liicomo of tlie Sustenta- tion Fund, 85, 4. Suspension from Membership, IS, 7. Sns])cnsioii from the Ministry, 41, t. Sustonl:ition Fund, The, 81, 7-86, 8; <)(», S-91, 2; 92, 6-93, 6. Sustentatioiial and Educational Privileges, 88, 4-8. Synods, District, 78, 4-81, 6. Synods, General, 44, 2-49, 3 ; dele- gates to, 47, 1^; expenses of, 49, 3; German version of the Re- sults decisive, 49, 2; may be called by the U. E. C. in extra- ordinary cases, 52, 4; 54, 1 ; members of, 45, 1-47; poweis of, 44, 5; preparations loi-. 17, 5; rules of procedure Is, i-Hi, i; the supreme authority, 43, 1; temporary validity of excep- tions to ' enactments of, 52, 5 ; 54, 2. Synods, Provincial, advisory mem- bers of, 69, 3 ; alterations la the Provincial Constitution, 61, 2; basis of representation at, 63, 5 ; ceasing to be self-supporting, a congregation loses its right of representation at, 65, 3 ; court of apjieal, 31, 4; duties and powers of, 58, 1-59, 3; duty of members to attend, 67, 3 ; election of dele- gates for, 64, 1-6 ; election of dele- gates to the General Synod, 63, 1-4 ; expenses of, 65, 5-66, 4 ; foreign missionary meeting, 94, 4 ; home missionary meeting, 103, 1 ; members of, 61, 1 ; the next, ()2, 3-7 ; number of delegates to, 63, 6-7; opening of, 62, 1; or- dained home missionaries mem- bers of, 65, 4 ; organization of, 62, 1, 2 ; powers of, 43, 3 ; promulga- tion of resolutions of, 66, 5 ; re- duction in membership of, 62, 8 ; reports of congregations to, 67, 6-68, 3 ; reports of officers and b oards to, 67, 4, 5; right to repre- sentation at, 64, 7-65, 3 ; rules of order for, 69, 4-73; questions to the Secretary of Publications, 119, 1-3 ; sermons before, 69, 1-2. Systematic Beneficence, 13, 1. S.ystematization of Collections, 90, "2-6. Teachers' meetings, 16, 5 ; 17, 2. Temperance associations to be en- couraged, 26, 1. Text Book, The, 3, 2; appendix to, 118, 1. Thanksgiving services after the Holv Communion, 6, 6 ; 7, 1. Theological Seminary, The, 31, 5- 39, 1; Act of Incorporation, 37, 8-38, 4; annual collection for, 35, 6-3(i, 1 ; annual prayer day for, 35, 5 ; connection with Nazareth Hall, 36, 2-3 ; independent finan- cial existence, 36, 7 ; new build- ing, 34, 2-<5; pledge of office given by professors, 35, 3, 4; pledge to be given by stmlenls on entrance, 32, 3; sdnlenis to be encouraged to projiare I'or the foreign missions, 34, 8. Titles in trust, 13, fw ; 14, 1. Total Abstinence urged, 26, 4. Transfer of Membership, 19, 2. Traveling Missionaries, 106, 5. Treasurei-s to report annually, 14, 2. Trustees, Boards of, 27, 5-28, 3; 29, 4-30, 4 ; 30, 5-31, 3. Trust Funds, Provincial, 90, 8- 93, 6. Tunes, Our own, to be taught, 8, 5. Two Boards desirable for each con- gregation, 30, 1. Uniformity of Ritual, 3, 4, 5. Unity, The Department of the, 43, 2 ; 50, 1, 3 ; 53, 3 ; election of, 54, 4-56, 1 ; filling vacancies in, 56, 3-57, 2 ; organization of, 51, 5 ; re- signations from, 56, 3; rights and duties of, 52, 1-54, 3 ; 59, 2. Unity's Elders' Conference, The, 49, 4-57, 4; the directing board, 49, 4 ; 50, 1 ; election of, 54, 4-56, 1; organization of, 50, 2-51, 5; relation to the German Province, 43, 5 ; rights and duties of, 52, 1- 54, 3 ; vacancies in, 56, 2-57, 2 ; 57, 4 ; visitations by, 57, 3. Universalism, 2, 1. Unscriptural views on doctrinal points, 19, 3. Use of the Lot, The, 9, 1-5. Use of the Surplice, The, 5, 6, 7. Veto of Appointment of Ministers, 30, 5-31, 1. 129 Visitations, iiiiporfance of fre- quent, on the part of the Depart- ment of the Unity, 57. 3 ; on the part of the P. E. C., 78. 1-3; 112, Western Siistentation Fund, A, 91, 2. Worldly Amusements, 25, 2, 3. World's Foreign Missionary Con- ferenoe, 97, 4. Yearly reading of the Chapter on the Discipline. IS, 1. Young Ladies' SiMiiiiKn>- ai Reth- lehem (see Cluirch Sri., mis). Young men to be i iiu icstcd in lay aetivity, 10, 3. l! I