i ' ?*'«?**" -• - ; m Q z £ < w 5 L. Z 2 U h ui > m s u. w < q * 2 ,i a. j > > o m < a 5 5 j a q S o u id u m ^ I h £ j 2 N < u E 2 h u j *■ c s " 8 h. (Am C 2 8 3 = J a. > U K S W E E TC^ I N_G ER < of x«B*y?i*w, HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, USUALLY SUNG AT CAMP, PRAYER, AND SOCIAL MEETINGS, AND IN REVIVALS OF RELIGION. SELECTED AND COMPILED, AT THE REQUEST OP THE PUBLISHERS, BY THE REV. ALFRED BRUNSON, AND THE REV. CHARLES PITMAN. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, sing- ing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. — Eph. v. 19. NEW EDITION, MUCH ENLARGED. PITTSBURGH : PUBLISHED BY £. H. KAY & CO. Philadelphia: James Kay, Jun. & Brother, 122 Chestnut Street, Also, by James Harmstead, at the Methodist Bookstore, No. 33} North Fourth Street. 1840. •' Entered according to the act of congress, in the year 1837, by James Kay, Jdn. &. Brother, in the clerk's office of the district court of the United States, in and for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. Stereotyped by J. Fa^an Philadelphia. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. In presenting the religious public with a New Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, I shall offer no apology; because the continual appear- ance of new Hymns, renders it not only admissi- ble, but necessary, to furnish the inquiring with the improvements and advancements of the day. Excellent as. the Hymn books in common use are, the best I have yet seen are deficient, not only in the 'kind of Hymns in this selection, but in those suitable for the festivals observed in the present benevolent movements of the day :' — such is Missionary, Sabbath School, Bible Society, remperance, and other Anniversaries; and of which some are found in this selection. The i^tymns commonly used in churches, are idaptec Hb congregational purposes, and, as far as practicable, of such a character as to suit all in the congregation. But the kind of Hymns in this se- lection, though they are often very useful in con- gregations, are, however, more particularly de- signed for individuals, or those social prayer ineet- ngs usual in revivals of religion. And as this dnd of Hymns is earnestly sought by a large por- 5 VI PREFACE, tion of the religious public, it appears to me a duty to furnish them, not only with such as pro- mote the spirit of devotion, but such also as will raise the standard of poetic taste above the dog- grel lines too often associated in books with Hymns worthy of a better place. But how far I have succeeded will be for others, and not me, to determine. I have never yet seen an edition of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, but what contained more or less of the Hymns found in books used for congrega- tional purposes, so that the people, to possess themselves of this kind, were under the necessity of purchasing some Hymns twice or thrice. This objection, however, cannot be urged against this selection. In this book will be found a number of Hymns never before in print, and some also w^lph have been recovered from the verge of oblh ,1. And from the experience of near a quarter of a centu- ry, mostly in performing the duties of an Itinerant Minister of the Gospel among the people who use this kind of Hymns, I trust I have been enabled to select such as are generally in use, and will meet the public taste. A. BRUNSOJN. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE NEW EDITION. In issuing a new edition of the Sweet Singer of Israel, which has been much called for by the Public, the Publishers avail themselves of this favourable means of expressing their thanks to the Rev. A. Brunson and the Rev. C. Pitman, for the careful discrimination they have exercised in the revision of it, at the earnest request of the Publishers. Those Hymns in the first edition, which appear to have become obsolete, or are objectionable in other respects, have been removed, and their places supplied with others, mostly of a Mission- ary character. The number of Hymns has also been greatly increased by the addition of eighty new ones, which has been accomplished by using a smaller type, and occupying a larger number of pages than was contained in the first edition. Taking it altogether, the Publishers can confident- ly recommend this Hymn Book to the Public, as embracing a better and larger assortment of Hymns, suitable for meetings on the popular movements of the day, than any other work of the kind now extant. Philadelphia, March 1837. SWEET SINGER OF ISRAEL. HYMN 1. P. M. "¥^7"HY stand you here idle, my friends, all the Your moments so fleeting, will soon pass away ; All things are provided for sinners undone, And you are invited, and welcome to come. CHORUS. The market is open, the stores you may see ; Then come, take and welcome, all things here are free. 2 Here's mercy and pardon, here's love and free grace ; Here's strong consolation, here's great joy and peace; Here's hope for the hopeless, — the weary find rest; Here's all things in plenty for poor souls distress'd. The market, &c. 3 Here's clothes for the naked — here all may be clad; Here's bread for the hungry — here souls may be fed; Here's manna from heaven, the food is divine ; Here's food full of marrow, and wine well refin'd. The market, &c. 4 Here's oil, milk, and honey, and plenty in store, Sufficient for thousands, yea, millions, and more ; Here's balm for the mounded — here's strength for the weak ; Here cordials divine are prepared for the sick. The market, &c. 9 10 SWEET SINGER 5 Here medicines for healing, are given out free ; Here's eye salve for eyes, that will make them to see, Here cripples are healed, the lame made to walk; The deaf made to hear, and the dumb made to talk. The market, &c. 6 Here lepers are cleansed and purged from their sins ; Here sinners are pardon'd.and souls are made clean; Here all that are willing, are eased of their pains ; Here thousands are ransomed and freed from their chains. The market, &c. 7 Here's armour and weapons for soldiers to wield, A breastplate, a helmet, a sword and a shield ; The poor receive riches, a crown for their head- Eternal salvation, and life from the dead. The market, &c. 8 O come all ye needy, ye poor and distressed ; Come and receive plenty, and be ever bless'd. O come, without money, to Jesus, and buy ; Then love him, and praise him, for ever on high. The market, &c. HYMN 2. P. M. HAIL ye hosts of seraphs bright, I come to join your symphony, For ever here to feel delight, In your melodious company: My cares have ceased, my pains are o'er, I now have reach 'd the blessed shore, And floods of light begin to roll, And burst upon my ravish'd soul : O sound his praise, ye heav'nly choirs, Who pluck'd me from the burning fires. OF ISRAEL. 11 2 Farewell, ye fading things of time, No more your false attraction Can move this peaceful heart of mine, My joys are everlasting. Long I withstood the pow'rs of hell And Jesus was my glorious shield, Now I've got through the wilderness, And glory to my great high priest. O sound his praise, ye heavenly choirs, Who pluck'd me from the burning fires. 3 Jesus looks in smiles of love, And angels bid me welcome, The patriarchs and prophets old Reach forth the hand of friendship. My Christian neighbours here I find, My kindred and my dearest friends ; The song of Moses now I join, And heaven and glory all are mine. sound his praise ye heav'nly choirs, Who pluck'd me from the burning fires. 4 Now I see my God and King, With grateful admiration ; His ways, his works, his name I sing, In loudest acclamation. His everlasting beauties shine, Diffusing light and joys sublime, To millions in that happy clime, And heav'n and glory all are mine. sound his praise, ye heav'nly choirs, Who pluck'd me from the burning fires. 5 Throughout the boundless fields of fight, My mind is lost in ponder; \ 1 sail through seas of glorv bright, O glorious scene of wonder ! Angelic notes in highest strains, And holy saints his love proclaim, 12 SWEET SINGER Loud acclamations to his name Are echo'd o'er the heavenly plains. O sound his praise, ye heav'nly choirs, Who pluck'd me from the flaming fires. HYMN 3. P. M. THE son of man they did betray, He was condemned and led away, Think, O my soul, on that dread day : Look on mount Calvary. Behold him lamb-like led along, Surrounded by a wicked throng, Accused by each lying tongue, And then the lamb of God they hung Upon the shameful tree. 2 'T was thus the glorious sufferer stood, With hands and feet nailed to the wood ; From every wound a stream of blood Came flowing down amain. His bitter groans all nature shook, And at his voice the rocks were broke, And sleeping saints their graves forsook, While spiteful Jews around him mock'd And laughed at his pain. 3 Now hung between the earth and skies, Behold, in agonies he dies ; O sinners ! hear his mournful cries, Come see his tort'ring pain. The mourning sun withdrew his light, Blush'd, and refus'd to view the sight : The azure cloth'd in robes of night, All nature mourn'd and stood affright, When Christ the Lord was slain. 4 Hark ! men and angels, hear the Son ; He cries for help, but O ! there's none : OF ISRAEL. J.<3 He treads the wine-press all alone, ' His garments stain'd with blood. In lamentations hear him cry, I Eloi. lama sabacthini !" Though death may close his languid eyes, He soon will mount the upper skies, The conquering Son of God. 5 The Jews and Romans in a band, With hearts like steel around him stand, And mocking say, " Come save the land, Come try yourself to free." A soldier pierced him when he died, — Then healing streams came from his side, And thus my Lord was crucified, Stern justice now is satisfied, Sinners, for you and me. 6 Behold ! he mounts the throne of state, He fills the mediatorial seat, While millions bowing at his feet, With loud hosannas tell, Though he endured exquisite pains, He led the monster death in chains ; Ye seraphs raise your highest strains, With music fill bright. Eden's plains ; He conquer'd death and hell. 7 5 T is done ! the dreadful debt is paid, The great atonement now is made : Sinners, on him your guilt was laid, For you he spilt his blood ; For you, his tender soul did move, For you, he left the courts above, That you the length and breadth might prove, And height and depth of perfect love, In Christ your smiling God. 8 All glory be to God on high, Who reigns enthron'd above the sky, 14 SWEET SINGER Who sent his Son to bleed and die, Glory to him be given : While heaven above his praise resounds, Zion sing— his grace abounds ; 1 hope to shout eternal rounds, In flaming love that knows no bounds, When swallow'd up in heaven. HYMN 4. P. M. THIS world is all a fleeting show, For man's probation giv'n ; The smiles of joy, the tears of woe, Deceitful shine, deceitful flow, There 's nothing true, but Heav'n. 2 And false the light of glory's plume, As fading hues of ev'n ; And love, and hope, and beauty's bloom, Are blossoms gather 'd for the tomb, There's nothing bright but Heav'n. 3 Poor wanderers of a stormy day ! From wave to wave we 're driven, And fancy's flash, and reason's ray, Serve but to light our troubled way ; There 's nothing calm but Heav'n. 4 And where 's the light, held out to cheer This heart with anguish riv'n ? Affliction's sigh, and sorrow's tear, Have never found a refuge here, There 's nothing kind but Heav'n. 5 In vain do mortals sigh for bliss, Without their sins torgiv'n : Tr.ue pleasure, everlasting peace, Are only found in God's free grace ; There 's nothing good as Heaven. OF ISRAEL. 15 6 From those who walk in wisdom's ways, Corroding fears are driven ; They 're wash'd in Christ's atoning blood, Enjoy communion with their God, And find their way to Heaven. HYMN 5. P. M. THIS world's not " all a fleeting show, For man's illusion given :" He that hath sooth'd a widow's woe, Or wiped an orphan's tear, doth know There's something here of Heav'n. 2 And he that walks life's thorny way, With feelings calm and ev'n ; Whose path is lit from day to day By virtue's bright and steady ray, Hath something felt of Heav'n. 3 He, that the Christian's course has run, And all his foes forgiv'n; Who measures out life's little span In love to God, and love to man On earth, has tasted Heav'n. HYMN 6. P. M. WHAT happy children who wait on Jesus, Unto the house of prayer and praise, And join in union, while love increases, Resolved this way to spend our days. Altho' we're hated by the world and Satan, And flesh and such as know not God, Yet happy moments and joyful seasons, We oft-times have on Canaan's road. 2 While we've been waiting on lovely Jesus, We 've felt some help come from above ; Our hearts have burn'd with holy rapture, And long'd to be dissolved in love. 16 SWEET SINGER Then let us hold fast what is giv'n, And trust in him for things to come, Sure we shall find our way to heav'n, So farewell, brethren, we are going home. 3 And as we go, let us praise our Jesus, And pray for those who spurn his grace, Lest they should lose love's richest treasure, And ne'er enjoy God's lovely face. Now here 's my hand and my best wishes, In token of my Christian love, In hopes with you to praise my Jesus, So farewell, brethren, till we meet above. HYMN 7. P. M. TIIO leave my dear friends, and with neighbours JL to part, And go from my home, it affects not my heart, Like thoughts of absenting myself for a day, From that blessed retreat where I've chosen to pray, Where I 've chosen to pray. 2 Sweet bower, where the pine and the poplar are spread, And wove with their branches a roof o'er my head: How oft have I knelt on the evergreen there, And pour'd out my soul to my Saviour in prayer — To my Saviour in prayer. 3 How sweet were the zephyrs perfumed with the pine, The ivy, the olive, the wild eglantine ; Yet sweeter, O sweeter superlative were The joys that I tasted in answer to prayer — In answer to prayer. 4 'T was under the covert of that blessed grove That Jesus was pleased my guilt to remove ; OF ISRAEL. 17 Presenting himself as the only true way Of life and salvation, and taught me to pray — And taught me to pray. 5 The early shrill notes of the loved nightingale, That dwelt in my bower, I observed as my bell, To call me to duty ; and birds of the air Sang anthems of praises, as I went to prayer — As I went to prayer. 6 And Jesus my Saviour oft deign'd there to meet And bless with his presence my lonely retreat; Oft fdl'd me with rapture and peacef uiness there Inditing in heaven's own language my prayer — Own language my prayer. 7 Dear bower, I must leave you, and bid you adieu, And pay my devotion in parts that are new; Well knowing my Saviour is found everywhere, And can in all places give answer to prayer — Give answer to prayer. 8 Altho' I may never revisit thy shade, Yet oft shall I think on the vows I there made, And when at a distance, my thoughts shall repair To the place where my Saviour first answered my prayer — First answered my prayer. 9 My blessed Redeemer, my hope and my all, - Will guide and direct me when on him I call; And when I am dying, he '11 be with me there, And take me to heaven in answer to prayer — In answer to prayer. HYMN 8. P.M. ?Fffl IS my happiness below, Jl Not to live without the cross ; But the Saviour's power to know, Sanctifying every loss. 2 8 SV\ r EET SIXGElt 2 Trials must and will befall ; But — with humble faith, to see Love inscrih/d upon them all — This is happiness to me. 3 God, in Israel, sows the seeds Of addiction, pain and toil : These spring up and choke the weeds Which would else o'erspread the soil. 4 Trials make the promise sweet; Trials give new life to prayer ; Trials bring me to his feet — Lay me low, and keep me there. 5 Did I meet no trials here — No chastisement by the way; Might I not, with reason, fear I should be a cast-away ? HTMPf 9. L.M. THERE is a school on earth begun, Instructed by the Holy One ; He calls his pupils there, to prove The sweetness of redeeming love. 2 The school-book is the Scripture true ; The lessons are forever new ; In this the pupils are agreed, It is a blessed school indeed. 3 'T is here the blind may learn to see ; Then come, ye blind, the school is free ; And here the lame may learn to walk ; The dumb may also learn to talk. 4 'T is here the deaf may learn to hear; Then come, ye deaf, and lend an ear : Listen to Jesu's pleasant voice, He '11 make your mourning souls rejoice. OF ISRAEL. 5 Come, brethren, you who are at school, Attention pay to ev'ry rule ; Here may we learn the happy art Of loving God with all our heart. HYMN 10. C. M. SINCE man by sin has lost his God, He seeks creation through, And vainly strives for solid bliss, In trying something new T . 2 Could I but call all Europe mine, The Indies and Peru, My soul would feel an aching void, And still want something new\ 3 But w r hen we know the Saviour's love, All good in him we view; The soul forsakes its vain delights — In Christ finds all things new. 4 The joy the dear Redeemer gives, Will bear us safely through, Nor need we ever change again, For Christ is always new. HYMN 11. P. M. MY brethren all, on you I call, Arise, and look around you, How many foes, bound to oppose, Are waiting to confound you ; The trumpet calls on Zion's walls — Shake off your sleep and slumber ; Arise and pray, we '11 win the day, Though we are few in number. 2 To God we '11 cry, and hell defy, Though Satan roars like thunder ; 19 20 SWEET SINGEK The voice of pray'r makes sinners stare, While fifl'd with awe and wander ; While music sweet, makes some retreat, Our Jesus still draws nigher ; His precious name lights up the flame, That sets our souls on fire. 3 While grace divine in others shines, With such we are delighted ; With them we crowd, and sing so loud, Poor sinners are affrighted. The sweetest joys our pow'rs employ, To see the cause advancing, Though some go off, and boldly scoff, And say that we are dancing. 4 Some mournfully for mercy cry, And stubborn hearts are bended ! If w r e but smile, some say we 're wild, And so go off offended ; If souls are born, we 11 bear the scorn, Let sinners tell this story ; For Jesu's name, we '11 bear the blame, And give him all the glory. 5 But as we fly, we '11 always cry To God for their salvation — O God of love, send from above, And save the wicked nation. Thy Spirit send, their hearts to bend, Arrest them by thy thunder! Let sweetest songs employ our tongues, While fill'd with joy and wonder. 6 The outward blaze sometimes decays, Some Christians seem contented ; The world is sure their work is o'er They '11 be no more tormented. Some are afraid the Spirit's fled, While others are offended ; OF ISRAEL. 21 But never fear, let 's persevere, The warfare is not ended. 7 To men unknown, the seed is grown, We 've overcome temptation ; The cross we '11 bear, and not despair, We'll joy in tribulation. The noisy scene comes on again ! The shouting trump is sounded! We find at length we 're gaining strength, Our foes will be confounded. HYMN 12. P. M. HAIL the blest morn, see the great Mediator, Down from the regions of glory descend ; Shepherds, go worship the babe in the manger, Lo, for his guard, the bright angels attend. CHORUS. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid ; Star in the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer was laid. 2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining ; Low lies his bed with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore him, in slumbers reclining, Wise men and shepherds before him do fall. Brightest and best, fyc. 3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odours of Eden, and offerings divine, Gems from the mountains, and pearls from the ocean ; Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? Brightest and best, tyc. 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold we his favour secure ; Richer by far is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the pray'rs of the poor. Brightest and. best, tyc. 22 SWEET SINGER HYMN 13. P. M. OF all Religions that are found. Whose lbrnis do lead their subjects round, In all this earthly region ; There is one better than the rest, Which properly is call'd the Best ; And that is pure Religion. 2 To visit widows with relief, And save the fatherless from grief, In time of their affliction ; And then, against temptations hurl'd, To keep unspotted from the world, Is real pure Religion. 3 There 's many people who profess To have religion, more or less, And talk of sins forgiv'n ; Who say they walk the heav'nly road, And say they feel the love of God, And think they 're heirs of heav'n. 4 But if they gratify their pride, And will be covetous beside, And pattern after sinners ; To set their hearts on things below, And talk as other worldlings do, 'T is only vain Religion. 5 But thanks to God, there are a few, Who good sincerity do show, To follow afler Jesus: They joyfully forsake their pride, And lay their vanities aside, For th' sake of pure Religion. 6 They bring their thoughts to judgment now, And thus they make their actions bow CF ISRAEL. To Jesus, their Redeemer ; They know if they 're defiled with sin, And if they hive not Christ within, T will not be pure religion. 7 All these who count all tilings as loss, And willingly take up the cross. To gain a heav'nly mansion : Although by sinners they 're de3pis'd, They 're precious in the Saviour's eyes, For they have pure Religion. 8 Professors say we are too strict, And some good things they contradict, Which strike against the worldling; And now because we live to God, There 's many call us very odd, Despising pure Religion. 9 But while we walk this heavenly road, This way of truth which leads to God, In which we find such freedom ; We '11 bear reproach for Jesu's name, Endure the cross, despise the shame, For th' sake of pure Religion. 10 Although for Christ we suffer loss, We find such virtue in the cross, The beauty of his kingdom : O let us count all things but los^, And like the dung, or as the dross, For th' sake of pure Religion. HYMN 14. P. M. ]Vf"ATIVE land !— In summer smiling, — i. $ Hill and valley, grove and stream ; — Home ! whose nameless charms beguiling, Peaceful nursed our infant dream ; — Haunts ! — to which cur childhood hasted, Where the earliest wild-flowers grew; — Church ! — where Christ's free grace we last Graved on memory's page — Adieu. 24 SWEET SINGER Mother ! — who hast watch'd our pillow, In thy tender, sleepless love, Lo ! we dare the crested billow, — Mother! — put thy trust above. Father ! — from thy guidance turning, O'er the deep our way we take, — Keep the prayerful incense burning, ■ On thine altar, for our sake. Brothers ! — Sisters ! — more than ever Are our fond affections twined, As that hallowed bond we sever, Which the hand of Nature join'd. But the cry of Burmah's anguish Through our inmost hearts doth sound ,- Countless souls in misery languish, — We would fly to heal their wounds. I Burmah ! — we would soothe thy weeping ; Take us to thy sultry breast, ] Where thy sainted dust is sleeping, Let us share a kindred rest. Friends, this span of life is fleeting, Hark ! — the harps of angels swell, ! Think of that eternal meeting, Where no voice shall say — Farewell. HYMN 15. P. M. CAST thy burdens on the Lord, Leave them with thy Saviour ; He, whose hands for thee were bored, Can and will deliver. 2 Why should sorrow bow thee down, Trials or temptation? Is not Christ, upon the throne, Still thy strong salvation ? 3 Roll thy burdens on the Lord, Leave them with thy Saviour ; He, whose hands for thee were bored. Can and will deliver. OF ISRAEL. 25 HYMN 16. P. M. FROM whence does this union arise, That hatred is conquer'd by love? It fastens our souls with such ties, That distance and time can't remove. It cannot in Eden be found, Nor yet in a paradise lost ; It grows in Emanuel's ground, And Jesu's dear blood did it cost. 2 My friends are so dear unto me ! Our souls so united in love ! Where Jesus is gone we shall be, In yonder bless'd mansions above. Oh ! why then so loth for to part ] Since there we shall soon meet again ; Engraved on Emanuel's heart, At a distance we cannot remain. 3 And when we shall see that bright day, And join with the angels above, Set free from our prison of clay, United in Jesus's love ; With Jesus we ever shall reign, And all his bright glory shall see, And sing hallelujahs, amen ; Amen ! even so let it be. HYMN 17. P. M. GO forth to distant lands, Ye messengers of heaven! Scatter, with holy hands, The seed so freely given. Across the mighty deep, Around the arctic pole, Where pillar'd whirlwinds sweep, And crested billows roll ; In every clime, 'midst every clan, Proclaim the Saviour's love to man. SWEET SIXGER 2 Tho' clouds obscure the sky, And tempests howl around, Tho' tears bedew the eye, And disappointments wound, Amidst a hopeless race, Unfold hope's beauteous brow, And bid the "Sun of Grace" In polar regions glow ; The savage shall forego his chains, And carol forth celestial strains. 3 Firm as the throne of God, Bright as the vaulted sky ; Seal'd with atoning blood, And fraught with ecstacy — The promises invite Your constant toil and care : Make ready for the fight, The cross with courage bear, Millennial scenes of radiant hue Shall soon entrance your raptured view. 4 Nerved with the spirit's might, 'Midst darkness, death, and woe, Plumed with angelic light, Onward, still onward go: All mortal joys despise, Immortal spirits win ; 'T is no ignoble prize, " A soul released from sin :" For these the Saviour lived and died, And nought is worth a thought beside. HYMN 18. P. M. LOOK not upon the wine, when it Is red within the cup ! Stay not for pleasure, when she fills Her tempting beaker op ! OF ISRAEL. 27 Tho' clear its depth, and rich its glow, A spell of madness lurks below. 2 They say 'tis pleasant on the lip, And merry on the brain ; They say it stirs the sluggish blood, And dulls the tooth of pain : Ay — but within its glowing deeps, A stinging serpent, unseen, sleeps. 3 Its rosy lights will turn to tire! Its coolness change to thirst! And, by its mirth, within the brain, A sleepless worm is nursed. There 's not a bubble at the brim, That does not cany food for him. 4 Then dash the brimming cup aside, And spill its purple wine : Take not its madness to thy lip — Let not its curse be thine. 'T is red and rich — but grief and woe Are hid those rosy depths below. HYMN 19. P. M. BASH the drunkard cup in pieces; Mortals, spurn the liquid fire ! Drink, and lordly reason ceases — Taste, and human hopes expire. Pan?e. while human feelings last thee ! Soon the awful thirst increases : Hold ! the ruddy draught will blast thee, Dash the drunkard cup in pieces. 2 Dash the drunkard cup in pieces, Deadly poison sparkles there, — Poison, that a moment pleases, Then produces chill despair, — 28 SWEET SIJVGER 3 ?if Sh th f ? runka ^ cup in pieces T)tf aU i death are ^ntred there'- Dnnk, and soon distraction seizes ' Dash the drunkard 0% pieces. HYMN 20. p. M . H°H, book . *T sacred pages •"--«- Go den ireasure do ronHin 2 E inions ^e and fly thou swiftlv Regions scan, unscanned befor^ Wl the pnnce of darkness falls. . OF ISRAEL. 29 Saving grace for all is purchased, Ransom paid by Christ the Lord, But to them we must convey it, Lest they perish from the world. HYMN 21. P. M. TRUST thou not in worldly pleasures, Trust thou not in earthly fame, Trust thou not in glittering treasures — Trust in God's eternal name ! In the hour of keenest sorrow, In the hour of keenest woe, Thou canst never hope to borrow Comfort from those joys below. 2 Fear thou not a world of folly, Fear thou not the scoffer's sneer ; Fear Jehovah, wise and holy, (For 't is wisdom thus to fear :) Then thy faith shall be augmented, . And thy heart increase in love ; And thy soul shall rest contented, Confident in strength above. 3 And should dangerous snares beset thee, Trouble meet thee everywhere, Fear the Lord : he '11 ne'er forget thee ; He will break the cruel snare. For his fear is perfect pleasure, And his confidence is joy ; 'T will secure thy soul a treasure, Which the world can ne'er destroy. HYMN 22. P. M. SAVIOUR, slain and slain for me, While thy mercy I implore : Then I humbly bend the knee, While my prayer is gushing o'er, 30 SWEET SIXGER Speak refreshment to my soul, Great physician make me whole. 2 Tho' abased and full of shame, Shrinking with well-founded fear ; All my trust is in thy name, Bid thy love to me appear ; Bursting like a ray of light, Thro' the stormy cloud of night 3 Not like the lightning's deadly blaze Bursting wheresoe'er it flies; But the summer morning's rays As the healing beam doth rise. Bidding night and terror cease, Bringing glory, bringing peace. 4 Oh ! to tread life's weary way, Cheered by my Redeemer's smile, Sun of Righteousness, thy ray Will its weariness beguile : Making life a happy road To a happier abode. HYMN 23. P. M. THE Song of Salvation it is so divine, There 's music and melody in ev'ry line ; It w r as sung by the Hebrews when deliv'rance they found, When old'Simeon found Jesus, sweet praises did sound. 2 There is a day coming when louder we '11 sing Sweet anthems of praises to Jesus our King ; Then we shall mount up from all sorrow and pain, The Kingdom of Heaven eternally gain. 3 O sinners, we're trav'lling to yonder bright world, From which, by transgression, the angels were hurl'd, Or ISRAEL. 31 We bid you a final, eternal farewell : — Unless you 're converted, you '11 sink down to hell. 4 Awake, O poor sinners, awake from your sin, To call on your Saviour this moment begin ; Bat if you neglect it again and again, When God speaks your sentence we must say— Amen. HYMN 24. P. M. HARK T hark, what sounds are these so pleasing ? Sinners, wipe the falling tear ; 'Tis love divine and never ceasing, Flows from Jesus to the ear. 2 " Come unto me, all ye that labour ; Sinners, heavy laden, come ;" None are more welcome to the Saviour Than the wretched and undone. 3 Let not the weight of sin distress you, Cease to heave (he plaintive sigh ; A hearty welcome now awaits you, Come, and you shall never die. 4 Come, ye sinners, come and wonder How such mercy you withstood ; Parch'd with thirst, and starv'd by hunger, Satiate your souls with God. 5 Howe'er by sin and sore temptation, Heavy laden and opprest ; Behold the gracious invitation, "Come, and I will give you rest." 6 [No longer let the tempter keep you Fast in chains of unbelief: Though late in life, the word assures you, Christ could save the dying thief. 32 SWEET SINGER 7 Mary Magd'len too can witness, 1 o the mercy she receiv'd ; Then doubt no longer of your fitness, feaul, of sinners chief, behev'd. ?i H ? ! ^ a , 11 .y e sinn ers, heavy laden, tly to Christ, the Saviour's breast : Keceive the pressing invitation, tome » and J will give you rest"] HYMN 25. CM. N all my Lord's appointed ways My journey I '11 pursue ; — me not, ye much-L must go with you. I Hinder me not, ye much-lov'd saints, i or I must go with you. 2 "Stay," says the world, "and taste awhile My ev'ry pleasant sweet ;" Hinder me not, my soul replies, Because the way is great. 3 "Stay," Satan my old master, cries, Or force shall thee detain;" Hinder me not, I will be gone, My God hath broke thy chain. 4 7^°??} 1 fl00( J and flames if J esus lead, 1 11 follow where he goes; Hinder me not, shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oppose. 5 Through duty, and through trials too, I 11 go at his command ; Hinder me not, for I am bound To my Emanuel's land. 6 £"1 T^ n m y Sa vionr calls me home, Still this my cry shall be, Hinder me not, come, welcome death, I 11 gladly go with thee. OF ISRAEL. 33 HYMN 26. L. M. LET others, wrapt in self-conceit, Boast in their wisdom and their wit ; Let them extol their gold and dross, 1 '11 glory in my Saviour's cross. 2 While the self-righteous, blind and rude, Cry up their native rectitude, I '11 seek revenge on all my pride, And boast in Jesus crucified. 3 While they, with curses on their heads, Talk of their justice and their deeds, I choose to sit at Jesu's feet, And self-abasement is my seat. 4 Hither I 'm brought by sov'reign grace, I bless the means, and love the place, I bid all earthly joys be gone, And glory in my Lord alone. 5 Here I could tarry night and day, Here could my soul forever stay ; O may I never, never rove, Nor glory, but in Christ my love. HYMN 27. P. M. WE are but young — yet we may sing The praises of our heavenly King ; He made the earth, the sea, the sky, And all the starry worlds on high. 2 We are but young — yet ruin'd all By Adam, our first parent's fall ; And we have sinn'd — O Lord, forgive — Jesus hath died that we might live. 3 We are but young — yet we have heard The gospel news, the heavenly word ; 34 SWEET SINGER If we despise the only way. Dreadful will be the judgment day. 4 We are but young — yet we must die, Perhaps our latter end is nigh; Lord, may we early seek thy grace, And find in Christ a hiding-place. 5 We are but young — we need a guide, Jesus, in thee we would confide; Oh lead us in the path of truth, Protect and bless our helpless youth. 6 We are but young — yet God has shed Unnumber'd blessings on our head ; Then let our youth and riper days Be all devoted to his praise. HYMN 28. P. M. V fflHERE is a book, I 've heard them say, JL Which says, " thou shalt not work or play On God Almighty's holy day." On Sundays, then, O let me look In God Almighty's holy book. 2 This book to which you all appeal, Does thus the word of God reveal, "Thou shalt not murder, lie, nor steal. Then let your little Negro look In God Almighty's holy book. 3 Yet stealing, sure, no sin can be, Because, dear Massa, you stole me, Of course to steal no harm you see. But I should know, if I could look In God Almighty's holy book. 4 Dear Massa, you have been to me As kind and good as man can be, And many such I hope to see : Then let your little slave boy look In God Almighty's holy book. OF ISRAEL. 35 5 But Oh ! before I 'm grown a man, I pray, in one thing mend your plan, And give us comfort, if you can ; I 'm sure you will, if you '11 but look In God Almighty's holy book. 6 If wife and babe should e'er be mine, Round each, when fond affections twine, Oh ! part us not, we '11 all be thine. We will not mind the burning weather, If we may live and work together. 7 The stripes 'tis said one Jesus bore, Could I but read His sufferings sore, Would make mine lighter than before Yes, every sorrow I could brook, Bv studying God Almighty's book. 8lm tend t&iia book, so wise and good, Has made it fully understood, God made all nations ot one blood; If this be true, we yet may meet, Good Massa, at our Saviour's feet HYMN 29. P. M. THOU changing, terrestrial state, Thy motion — how rapid it is, 1 'm bound to submit to thy fate, Till raised to celestial bliss. Till then I the desert must trace, With creatures both savage and tame, Exposed to their various race, While I the strange message proclaim. 2 O'er winter's bleak forest I roam, Or by the impassable road — The greatest of dangers o'ercome, Then meet with a smoking abode. 36 SWEET SINGER A moment T here make my stay — Then meeting the tempest again, I travel the cold winter's day, Exposed to the frost, snow, or rain. 4 Sometimes in the summer's fierce blaze, I traverse the desert of sand — The songsters now cease from their lays, And seek for a more cooling stand. While I 'm received with a frown, Or greeted with lovelier smiles ; At night's sweet approach I lay down, And sleep all my trouble beguiles. 5 Sometimes when the harbour is sweet, And kindness and love bid me stay, My nature would gladly submit — But duty loud calls me away : My staff and portmanteau take up, And parting with those that I love, I greet them — exulting in hope Of meeting below or above. 6 When summon'd at last to depart, And give an account to my God, May nothing be found in my heart But Jesus who bought it with blood : And now my short race being run, My talents improved as they ought — My toiling and pain being done, I enter'Uie bliss which I sought HYMN 30. P. M. FAREWELL to thee, brother! we meet but to part, And sorrow is struggling with joy in each heart ; There is grief— but there 's hope, all its anguish to quell, The Master goes with thee. — Farewell, Oh, fare- well! OF ISRAEL. 37 2 Farewell! thou art leaving the home of thy youth — The friends of thy God, and the temples of truth, For the land where is heard no sweet Sabbath bell: Yet the Master goes with thee. — Farewell, Oh, farewell ! 3 Farewell ! for thou treadest the p ath that He trod; His God is thy Father— his Father thy God— And if ever with doublings thy bosom shall swell, Remember, He 'a with thee. — Farewell, Oh, fare- well! 4 Farewell! and God speed thee glad tidings to bear To the desolate isles, in their night of despair; On the sea — on the shore, the promises tell. His wings shall enfold thee. — Farewell, Oh, fare- well ! 5 Farewell ! but in spirit we often shall meet, (Though the ocean divide us) at one mercy-seat; And above, ne'er to part, but for ever to dwell With the Master in glory .-Till then, Oh, farewell. HYMN 31. P.M. GO, my brother, God doth call thee, He hath need of thee below ; Go, no evil shall befall thee ; To the wandering sinner go, Do not linger, To the wandering sinner go. 2 Say to him, the blessed Saviour From your wanderings calfe you home; Once he died lor your behaviour, Now he bids you freely come : Don't reject him, When he bids you freely come. 38 SWEET SINGER 3 Brother, hasten ! time is flying, Do not for a moment wait ; Sinners are around thee dying, Soon all calls will be too late : Sad reflection! Soon, alas ! 't will be too late ! ' 4 Trembling mourners want supporting Brother, to their rescue run ; Christians, too, oft need exhorting, After all the Lord hath done ! Yes, they need it, After all the Lord hath done ! 5 All thy trials are recorded, The Redeemer is thy friend ; He will see thee well rewarded, If thou art faithful to the end : Canst thou doubt it ? Then prove faithful to the end. F HYMN 32. C. M. ROM all that 's mortal, all that 's vain, And from this earthly clod, Arise, my soul, and strive to gain Some fellowship with God. 2 Say, what is there below the sky, O'er all the paths thou 'st trod, Can suit thy wishes or thy joys, Like fellowship with God. 3 Not life, nor all the toys of art, Nor pleasure's flow'ry road. Can to my soul such bliss impart, As fellowship with God. 4 Not health or friendship here below, Nor wealth, that golden load, Can such delights and comforts show, As fellowship with God. OF ISRAEL. 39 5 When I m love am made to bear, Affliction's needful rod, Light, sweet, and kind, the strokes appear, Through fellowship with God. 6 In fierce temptation's fiery blast, And dark distraction's road, I 'm happy, if I can but taste Some fellowship with God. 7 And when the icy arms of death Shall chill my flowing blood, With joy 1 11 yield my latest breath, In fellowship with God. 8 When I at last to heaven ascend, And join that blest abode — There an eternity I '11 spend, In fellowship with God. HYMN 33. C. M. TC^TTHAT poor despised company If Of travellers are these, That walk in yonder narrow way, Along that rugged maze ? Ah, those are of a royal line, All children of a King ; Heirs of immortal crowns divine, And lo ! for joy they sing. 2 Why do they then appear so mean, And why so much despised ? Because of their rich robes unseen, The world is not apprised. But why keep they that narrow road, That rugged thorny maze l . Why, that's the way" their leader trod, They love to keep his wars. 40 SYtEET SINGER. 3 Why do they shun the pleasing path, That worldlings love so well ? Because that is the road to death, The open road to hell. What, is there then no other road To Salem's happy ground ? Christ is the only way to God, No other can be found. HYMN 34. P.M. HOW painfully pleasing the fond recollection, Of youthful connexions, and innocent joy, When blest with parental advice and affection, Surrounded with mercies — with peace from on high. 1 still view the chairs of my sire and my mother, The seats of their offspring as ranged on each hand : And that richest of books, which excelled every other, The family Bible, which lay on the stand. The old-fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The family Bible, which lay on the stand. 2 That Bible, the volume of God's inspiration, — At morn and at evening, could yield us delight, And the prayer of our sire was a sweet invocation For mercy by day, and for safety through night, Our hymns of thanksgiving with harmony swell- ing, All warm from the hearts of the family band, Half raised us from earth to that rapturous dwell- ing, Described in the Bible that lav on the stand — The old-fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The family Bible, which lay on the stand. 3 Ye scenes of tranquillity, long have we parted; My hopes almost gone, and my parents no more, OP ISRAEL. 41 In sorrow and sadness, I live broken-hearted, And wander unknown on a far distant shore ; Yet how can I doubt a dear Saviour's protection, Forgetful of gifts from his bountiful hand ? O let me with patience receive his correction, And think of the Bible that lay on the stand — The old-fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The family Bible, that lay on the stand. HYMN 35. P. M. LUKEWARM souls, the foe grows stronger, See what hosts your camp surround — Arm to battle, lag no longer, Hark ! the silver trumpets sound, Wake, ye sleepers, wake ! what mean you? Sin besets you round about, Up and search, the world 's within you, Slay, or chase the traitor out. 2 What enchants you, sloth or pleasure ? Pluck right eyes — with right hands part ! Ask your conscience, where 's your treasure? For be certain there 's your heart : Give the fawning foe no credit, See the bloody flag unfurl'd ; That base heart, the truth hath said it, Loves not God, that loves the world. 3 God and mammon ! O, be wiser, Serve them bolh! it cannot be ; Ease and warfare, saint and miser, These can never well agree : Shun the shame of basely falling, Cumber'd captives, clogg'd with clay, Prove your faith, make sure your calling, Wield the sword, and win the day. 4 Onward press toward perfection, Watch and pray, and all things prove ; Seek to know your own election, Set your hearts on things above : SWEET SINGER HYMN 36. L M X °WhiS ? e °?! e a11 ' attent '«n give Until I heard my Saviours vVoe. ^. s P a keatonce ray sins for ; And washed my bad of guilTS • A g nTX me £ l ° ry > P eace ' and heaved sJM f ^of^Pel truth. The coffin, earth, and winding^ Wdl soon your acuveJimbsViol . 4 *e heedless ones that wildly stroll ■SSttpSaSL And with a sigh move slow alon- • ' With which your graves are overgrown OF ISRAEL. 4d 5 Your souls will land in darker realms, Wnere vengeance reigns and billows roar, And roll amid the burning flames, When thousand, thousand years are o'er — Sunk in the shades of endless night, To groan and howl in endless pain, And never more behold the light, Aud never, never rise again. Ye blooming youth, this is the state Of all who do free grace refuse ; And soon with you 'twill be too late, The way of life in Christ to choose. Come, lay your carnal weapons by, No longer fight against your God ; But with the Gospel now comply, And heaven shall be your great reward. HYMN 37. P.M. FAREWELL, my dear brethren, the time is at hand, That we must be parted from this social band ; Our several engagements now call us away, Our parting is needful, and we must obey. 2 Farewell, my dear brethren, farewell for a while, We '11 soon meet again, if kind Providence smile : But when we are parted, and scattered abroad, Let 's pray for each other, and wrestle with God. 3 Farewell, faithful soldiers, you'll soon be dis- charged, The war will be ended, your treasures enlarged : With shouting and singing, though Jordan may roar, We '11 enter fair Canaan, and stand on the shore. 44 SWEET SINGER 4 Farewell, ye young converts, who 're listed for war, Sore trials await you, but Jesus is near ; Altho' you must travel the dark wilderness, Your Captain's before you, he '11 lead you to peace. 5 The world, and the devil, and hell all unite, And bold persecution will try you to fright ; But Jesus is for you, who 's stronger than they, Let this animate you to march on your way. 6 Farewell, seeking mourners, with sad broken heart, O hasten to Jesus, and choose the good part ; He's full of compassion, and mighty to save, His arms are extended, your souls to receive. 7 Farewell, faithful Christians, farewell, all around, Perhaps we 11 not meet till the last trump shall sound ; To meet you in glory, I give you my hand, Our Saviour to praise in the heavenly land. HYMN 38. P. M. SEE the Lord of glory dying, See him gasping, hear him crying ; See his burden'd bosom heave : Look ye sinners, you that hung him, Look how deep your stings have stung him ; Dying sinners, look and live. 2 See the rocks and mountains quaking; Earth unto her centre shaking ; Nature's groans awake the dead, Look on Phoebus struck with wonders, While the peals of legal thunders Smite the dear Redeemer's head. 3 Heaven's bright melodious legions, Chanting through the tuneful regions, Cease to thrill the quiv'ring strings ; OF ISRAEL. 45 Songs seraphic all suspended, Till the mighty war was ended By the all-victorious King. 4 Hell and all the powers infernal, Vanquish'd by the King Eternal, When he pour'd the vital flood ; By his groans which shook creation, Lo ! we found a proclamation ; Peace and pardon by his blood. 5 Shout, ye saints, with adoration — Fill with songs the wide creation, Since he 's risen from the grave : Shout with joyful acclamation, To the rock of your salvation, Who alone has power to save. 6 Bear, with patience, tribulation, Overcoming all temptation, 'Till the glorious jubilee ; Then he '11 come with bursts of thunder, Then shall we adore and wonder, Singing on the highest key. HYMN 39. P. M. WHAT think you of Christ? is the test To try both your state and your scheme , You cannot be right in the rest, Unless you think rightly of him. As Jesus appears in our view, As he is beloved or not; So God is disposed to you, And mercy or wrath is your lot * 2 Some take him a creature to be, A man, or an angel at most : Sure these have not feelings like me, Nor know themselves wretched and lost. 46 SWEET SINGER So guilty, so helpless am I, I durst not confide in his blood, Nor on his protection rely, Unless I was sure he was God. 3 Some call him a Saviour, in word, But mix their own works with his plan; And hope he ms lie.:) will afford, When they have aoce all that they can: If doings prove rather mo light, (A little, they own, they may hit) They purpose to make up full we Jl.t, By casting his name in the scaie. 4 Some style him the pearl of great price, And say he 's the fountain of joys ; Yet feed upon folly and vice. And cleave to the world and its toys ; Like Judas, the Saviour they kiss, And while they salute him, betray , Ah ! what will profession like this Avail in his terrible day ? 5 If ask'd what of Jesus I think ? Though still my best thoughts are but poor, 1 say he 's my meat and my drink, Mv life, and my strength, and my store ; My Shepherd, my Husband, my Friend, My Saviour from sin and from thrall ; My hope from beginning to end, My portion, my Lord, and my All. HYMN 40. L. M. A SOLDIER, Lord, thou bast me made, Thou art my captain, king, and head, And under thee 1 mean to fight, The fight of faith with all my might. The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood, The ensign of our conquering Lord, OF ISRAEL. 47 The Christian soldier's standard is, And I will fight for King Jesus. 2 Grant me the arrows of thy word, Thy spirit's powerful two-edged sword, To slay my foes where'er they be, And own the victory won by thee ; That I a duteous child may be, To stand and fight the enemy ; That when the alarm 's to call, the Lord May pass the word unto the guard. 3 Thou art my guard, keep me, I pray, That I may walk the narrow way, Nor from my duty e'er depart, But live to Christ with all my heart ; Help me to keep my guardian dress, And march to th right in holiness ; O make me pure and spotless too, And fit to stand the grand review. 4 And when our general he has come, With sound of trumpet — not with drum, And when our well-dress'd rank shall stand In full review at God's right hand It 's then the enemy he '11 rout, And make them wheel to the left about ; Then we'll march up the heavenly street, And ground our arms at Jesu's feet. 5 The war is o'er, and we are free To join the blood-wash'd company, Our wages shall be crowns of gold, And joys of heaven that, can't be told. There like our glorious Lord we '11 shine, In heavenly concert we shall join, And praises on the highest key, Shall be our theme eternally. ' 48 SWEET SINGER HYMN 41. P. M. AUTHOR of mercies, God of love! Whose kind compassion still we prove, Our praise accept, and bless us here, Thus brought to see — another year. 2 What shall we render to thy name, Or how thy glorious praise proclaim ! Whose constant, kind, indulgent care Has brought us to — another year. 3 Thy bounty, pity, patience too, With thankful hearts, Lord, we review; And own we 've had a plenteous share, To bring us to — another year. 4 Our souls, our all, we here resign, Make us, and keep us ever thine ; And grant that in thy love and fear, We may begin — another year. 5 Be this our sweet experience still, To know and do thy holy will ; Then shall our souls, with joy sincere, Bless thee for this — another year. 6 Help us to walk, as in thy sight, With growing pleasure and delight; Then, whether life or death appear, We '11 bless thee for — another year. 7 Still, Lord, through life thv love display, And then in death's approaching day, We'll joyful part with all that's here, Nor wish on earth— another year. HYMN 42. P. M. POOR trembling sinner, tell me why Such floods of grief proceed from thee ! • My sins distress me," you reply ; — Then look to Christ on Calvary. OF ISRAEL. 49 2 Behold his sacred hands stretch'd wide, Fast nail'd upon the fatal tree ; The cruel spear thrust in his side — O look by faith to Calvary. 3 See ! streams of blood flow from his veins ; How great must his distresses be ! Think on his agonizing pains, When you remember Calvary. 4 " 'Tis finished," the Redeemer cried, . And paid th' amazing price for thee ; Then bow'd his sacred head and died — O, sinner, look on Calvary ! 5 Come fall with love at Jesu's feet, He suffer'd all the woes for thee ; Salvation's work he made complete, And still remembers Calvary. 6 He reigns a Prince exalted high, An ever-glorious Priest to be ; _ And will not trembling souls deny, The bliss which flows from Calvary. HYMN 43. L. M. HEAR, gracious God, a sinner's cry, For I have no where else to fly ; My hope, my only hope 's in thee, O God, be merciful to me. 2 To thee I come, a sinner poor, And wait for mercy at thy door ; Indeed I 've no where else to flee ; O God, be merciful to me ! 3 To thee I come, a sinner weak, And scarce know how to pray or speak; From fear and weakness set me free ; O God, be merciful to me ! 4 50 SWEET SINGER 4 To thee I come, a sinner vile, Upon me, Lord, vouchsafe thy smile ; Mercy alone I make my plea ; O God, be merciful to me ! 5 To thee I come, a sinner great, And well thou knowest all my state ; Yet full forgiveness is with thee ; O God, be merciful to me ! 6 To thee I come, a sinner lost, Nor have I aught wherein to trust ; But where thou art, Lord, I would be ; O God, be merciful to me ! 7 To glory bring me, Lord, at last, And there, when all my fears are past, With all the saints I '11 then agree, God has been merciful to me .' HYMN 44. P. M. YE sons of war, I pray, draw near, And list as generous volunteers, Become our royal brothers here, I mean as valiant soldiers ; You'll enter into present pay, And feasting live from day to day. Turn right about and march away, And Jesus will support you. 2 Ye careless sons of Adam's race, Who long have trod in folly's ways, O turn about to Zion's face, And meet Apollyon's forces ; Gird on your sword and glitt'ring shield, And with your helmet take the field, And fight your way and never yield, And Jesus will support you. OF ISBAEL. 3 The bounty you shall have in hand, If you will list in Jesu's band, Your captain in the front will stand, And beat your foes before you ; Come, throw your rebel weapons down, And seek for honour and renown, And you shall wear a starry crown, For Jesus will support you. 4 You long have been the slaves of sin, With dire corruption deep within ; The Christian warfare now begin, And face Apollyon's forces ; The breast-plate take of righteousness, Your feet be shod with gospel peace, Be daily at the throne of grace, And Jesus will support you. 5 Desert the cause of Heaven's foe, Before you plunge in endless woe; Now courage take, to Jesus go, And he will now receive you ; From sin and Satan you '11 get free, And happy seasons you shall see, And gain the Christian's'" liberty, For Jesus will support you. 6 No more in Satan's ranks appear, But to our banner pray draw near, We '11 win the day, you^ieed not fear, Though earth and hell oppose us ; Our Captain he is always brave, And able still his men to save, He conquer'd death, hell, and the grave, And he will still support you. 7 Let not sinners you affright, Altho' they rage and vent their spite, Wear but the Christian's armour right, And none can stand before you ; 52 WEET SINGER Altho' your parents should oppose, Your dearest friends become your foes, Yet sweetly with the Gospel close, And Jesus will support you. 8 And when the war is at an end, Our captain still will be our friend, We '11 wing our way and up ascend, To reign with him in glory ; Then shall our tears bo wiped away, Our night be turned to endless day, And on our golden harps we '11 play, The joyful song of heaven. HYMN 45. C. M. JERUSALEM, my happy home, O, how I long for thee ! When will my sorrows have an end ? Thy joys when shall I see ? 2 Thy walls are all of precious stone, Most glorious to behold ; Thy gates are richly set with pearl, Thy streets are paved with gold. 3 Thy garden and thy pleasant walks, My study long have been; Such dazzling views ^by human sight Have never yet been seen. 4 If heaven be thus glorious, Lord, Why should I stay from thence ? What folly 's this that I should dread To die, and go from hence ? 5 Reach down, O Lord, thine arm of grace, And cause me to ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths never end. OF ISRAEL. 53 6 Jesus, my Lord, to glory 's gone, Him will I go and see ; And all my brethren here below Will soon come after me. 7 My friends, I bid you all adieu, I leave you in God's care; And if I never more see you, Go on, I '11 meet you there. 8 When we 've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; We 've no less days to sing God's praise, Than when we first begun. HYMN 46. P. M. THE Lord 's into his garden come, The spices yield a rich perfume, The lilies grow and thrive : Refreshing showers of grace divine, From Jesus flow to every vine, And make the dead revive. 2 0, how this dry and barren ground, In springs of water shall abound, A fruitful soil become, The desert blossom as the rose; When Jesus conquers all his foes And makes his people one. 3 The glorious time is coming on, The gracious work is now begun, My soul a witness is : I taste and see the pardon free, For all mankind, as well as me, Who come to Christ, may live. 4 The worst of sinners here may find A Saviour merciful and kind, Who will them all receive ; 54 SWEET SINGER None are too vile who will repent, Out of one sinner legions went, The Lord did him relieve. 5 Come, brethren dear, who know the Lord, And taste the sweetness of his word, In Jesu's ways go on : Our troubles and our trials here, Will only make us richer there, When we arrive at home. 6 We feel that heaven is now begun, It issues from the sparkling throne, From Jesu's throne on high ! It comes in floods we can't contain, We drink, and drink, and drink again, And yet we still are dry. 7 But when we come to dwell above, And all surround the throne of love, We '11 drink a full supply ; Jesus will lead his armies through, To living fountains where they flow, That never will run dry. 8 'T is there we '11 reign, and shout, and sing. And make the upper regions ring, When all the saints get home : Come on, come on, my brethren dear, Soon we shall meet together there, For Jesus bids us come. 9 Amen, Amen, my soul replies, I 'm bound to meet you in the skies, And claim my mansion there ; Now here 's my heart, and here 's my hand, To meet you in that heavenly land, Where we shall part no more. D HYMN 47. P. M. ARK and thorny is the desert, Through which pilgrims make their way. OF ISRAEL. 55 Yet beyond this vale of sorrow Lie the fields of endless day ; Fiends loud howling through the desert Make them tremble as they go, And the fiery darts of Satan Often bring their courage low. 2 O, young soldiers, are you weary Of the roughness of the way ? Does your strength begin to fail you, And your vigour to decay ? Jesus, Jesus, will go with you : He will lead you to his throne ; He who dyed his garments for you, And the" wine-press trod alone. 3 He whose thunder shakes creation, He who bids the planets roll : He who rides upon the tempest, And whose sceptre sways the whole Round him are ten thousand angels, Ready to obey command, Thev are always hov'ring round you, Till you reach the heavenly land. 4 There, on flow'ry hills of pleasure, Lie the fields of endless rest ; Love, and joy, and peace for ever Reign and triumph in your breast Who can paint the scenes of glory Where the ransom'd dwell on high, There on golden harps for ever Sound redemption through the sky ! 5 There a million flaming seraphs Fly across the heavenly plain, Where they sing immortal praises ; Glory, glory, is their strain. But methinks a sweeter concert, Makes the heavenly arches ring, 56 SWEET SINGER And the song is heard in Zion, Which the angels cannot sing. 6 O their crowns! how bright they sparkle, Such as monarchs never wore : They are gone to richer pastures, Jesus is their shepherd there. Hail ! ye happy, happy spirits, Death no more shall make you fear, Grief nor sorrow, pain nor anguish, Shall no more distress you there. HYMN 48. P. M. HOLY Bible! book divine! Precious treasure, thou art mine I Mine, to tell me whence I came ; Mine, to teach me what I am. . 2 Mine, to chide me when I rove; Mine, to show a Saviour's love ; Mine, art thou, to guide my feet ,- Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit 3 Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless; Mine, to show, by living faith, Man can triumph over death. 4 Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom; O thou precious book divine ! Precious treasure, thou art mine. HYMN 49. L. M. ONCE more, dear brethren, join to smg, Jesus, our God, our heavenly King ; His praise proclaim, with sweet accord, And worship him, for he 's your Lord. OF ISRAEL. 57 2 O make his praise, in all you do, Your blessedness and business too ! This, as your sweet employ, regard, To worship him, for he 's your Lord. 3 Before him walk in humble faith, And in him trust in life and death; Worthy is he to be ador'd ; Then worship him, for he 's your Lord. 4 Tho' from each other here we part, • With him, we trust, we 're joined in heart ; He 's our exceeding great reward, And him we '11 worship as our Lord. 5 Ere long our happy souls shall meet In glory, boundless and complete; And there, according to his word, For ever worship him, our Lord. HYMN 50. L. M. LIKE a ship, see the Church ! through the ocean she rolls, Well ballast with grace, and mann'd out with live souls, Midst whirlwinds and tempests she sails thro' the world, While storms and temptation against her are hurl'd. 2 She is bound from the world, through the tem- pest she flies ; She mounts o'er the billows, is bound to the skies ; While Christ's at the helm, no danger we fear, Her captain and pilot knows which way to steer. 3 She stops not to anchor in harbours below, But o'er life's rough billows her true course doth go ; The highlands of heaven she still keeps in view, Intends there to anchor, and there land her crew. 58 SWEET SINGER 4 While hell and her legions around her do roar, Like the waves of the ocean which break on the shore, She steers her course onward, nor heeds the alarm, With Christ in the vessel she smiles at the storm. 5 The ebb tide of nature which feeds the dead sea, And the gulf of confusion, together agree To hinder her progress, her march to oppose ; She spreads forth more canvas, and outsails her foes. 6 She is hated by the world, despised by fools, Who sail the black sea till they shipwreck their souls ; She kindly invites them their course to bewail, Yet tarries not for them, but spreads the more sail. 7 She is rapidly sailing with strong gales of love, And soon will strike soundings on the fair coast above, Make the high lands of Zion, and enter the road, And anchor for ever in the kingdom of God. HYMN 51. P. M. RETHREN, we have met to worship And adore the Lord our God; Will you pray with all your power, While we try to preach the word ? All is vain unless the Spirit Of the holy one comes down — Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be shower'd all around. 2 Brethren, see poor sinners round you Slumbering on the brink of woe, Death is coming, hell is moving, Can you bear to let them go ? See our fathers, and our mothers, And our children sinking down ; Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be shower'd all around. B 1 OF ISRAEL. 59 3 Brethren, here are poor backsliders, Who were once near heaven's door, But they have be tray 'd their Saviour, And are worse than e'er before ; Yet the Saviour offers pardon, If they will lament their wound, Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be shovver'd all around. 4 Sisters, will you join and help, as Moses' sister helped him, While you see the trembling sinners Who are struggling hard with sin ? Tell them all about the Saviour, Tell them that he will be found ; Pray on, sisters, and the manna Will be shower'd all around. 5 Let us love our God supremely, Let us love each other too, Let us love and pray for sinners, Till our God makes all things new : Then he '11 call us home to heav'n, At his table we '11 sit down, Christ will gird himself and serve us With sweet manna all around. HYMN 52. L. M. AWAKE, my heart ! my soul, arise ! This is the day believers prize ; Improve this sabbath then with care ; Another may not be thy share. 2 O solemn thought — Lord, give me pow'r, Wisely to fill up ev'ry hour : O for blessings of faith and love To bear my heart and soul above. 60 SWEET SINGER 3 Jesus, assist, nor let me fail To worship thee within the veil ; To glorify thy matchless grace, To see the beauties of thy face. 4 Go with me to thy house to-day, And tune my heart to praise and pray ; Like dew, command thy word to fall, Refreshing, quick'ning, saving all. 5 Call forth my thoughts, and let them rove O'er the green pastures of thy love — O let not sin prevent my rest, Nor keep me from my Saviour's breast. 6 Give to thy church a large increase, Send her prosperity and peace — May all the saints in Zion say, O happy, happy, happy day. HYMN 53. P. M. GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim thro' this barren land ; 1 am weak, but thou art mighty — Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar, Lead me all my journey through : Strong delivrer! Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 Feed me with the heav'nly manna, In this barren wilderness ; Be my sword, and shield, and banner, Be my robe of righteousness : Fight and conquer All my foes by sov'reign grace. OF ISRAEL. 61 4 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Foe to death and hell's destruction, Land me sale on Canaan's side : Songs of praises 1 will ever give to thee. HYMN 54. P. M. BEGONE ! unbelief, my Saviour is near, And for my relief will surely appear ; By pray'r let me wrestle, and he will perform — With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. 2 Tho' dark be my way, since he is my guide, 'Tis mine to obey, 'tis his to provide ; Tho' cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail, The word he has spoken shall surely prevail. 3 His love in time past forbids me to think He '11 leave me at last in trouble to sink; Each sweet Ebenezer I have in review, Confirms his good pleasure to bring me quite through. 4 Since all that I meet shall work for my good, The bitter is sweet, the medicine is food : Tho' painful at present, 't will cease before long, And then, O how pleasant the conqueror's song. HYMN 55. L. M. INQUIRING souls who long to find Pardon of sin and peace of mind, Attend the voice of God to-day, Who bids you seek the good old way. 2 The righteousness, th' atoning blood Of Jesus, is the way to God ; O may you then no longer stray, But walk in Christ, the good old way. 62 SWEET SINGER 3 The prophets, and apostles too, Pursu'd this path while here below ; Then let no fear your souls dismay, But come to Christ, the good old way. Hi r MN 56. P. M HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ! What more can he say than to you he hath said, You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled ? 2 In every condition, in sickness and health, In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth, At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea, As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be. 3 Fear not, I am with thee — O, be not dismay'd, I, I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I '11 strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. 4 When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow; For I will be with tkee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 5 When thro' fiery trials thy path-way shall lie, My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply; The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 6 Even down to old age, all my people shall prove My sov'reign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. 7 The soul that on Jesus doth lean for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes ; OF ISRAEL. 63 That soul, tho' all hell should endeavour to shake [ '11 never — no, never — no, never forsake. HYMN 57. P. M. DROOPING saints, no longer grieve, Heaven is propitious, If on Christ you do believe, You will find him precious. Jesus, who is passing by, Calls the mourners to him; He has died for you and me, Now look up and view him. 2 From his hands, his feet, his side, Runs a healing fountain; See the heart-consoling tide, Boundless as the ocean. See the living waters move, For the sick and dying ; Now resolve to gain his love, Or to perish trying. 3 Grace's store is always free, Drooping souls to gladden; Jesus calls, " come unto me, Weary, heavy laden." Though your sins like mountains rise, Rise and reach to heaven; Soon as you on him rely, "All shall be forgiven." 4 Now methinks I hear one say, I will go and prove him ; If he takes my sins away, Surely, I shall love him. Yes, I see the Father smile, Smiling move my burden ; All is grace, for I am vile, Yet he seals my pardon. 64 SWEET SINGER 5 Streaming mercy, how it flows, Now I know, I "feel it ; Half has never yet been told, Yet I want to" tell it. Jesu's blood has heal'd my wounds, Oh the wond'rous story ; I was lost, but now am found, Glory! Glory! Glory! 6 Glory to my Saviour's name, Saints are bound to love him; Mourners you may do the same, Only come and prove him. Hasten to the Saviour's blood, Feel it and declare it; Oh that I could sing so loud, That the world might hear it. 7 If no greater joys are known In the upper regions; I will try to travel on, In this pure religion. Heaven 's here, and' heaven 's there, Glory 's here and yonder ; Brightest seraphs shout Amen, While the angels wonder. HYMN 58. L. M. THOUGH in the outward church below, The wheat and tares together grow ; Jesus ere long will weed the crop, And pluck the tares in anger up. CHORUS. For soon the reaping time will come, And angels shout the harvest home. 2 Will it relieve their horrors there, To recollect their stations here; OF ISRAEL. 65 How much they heard, how much they knew, How much among the wheat they grew ? For soon the reaping, fyc. 3 Oh ! this will aggravate their case, They perish'd under means of grace ; To them the word of life and faith Became an instrument of death. For soon the reaping, fyc. 4 We seem alike when thus we meet, Strangers might think we all were wheat ; But to the Lord's all-searching eyes, Each heart appears without disguise. For soon the reaping, §c. 5 The tares are spar'd for various ends, Some for the sake of praying friends ; Others the Lord, against their will, Employs his counsels to fulfil. For soon the reaping, fyc. 6 But tho' they grow so tall and 'strong, His plan will not require them long ; In harvest when he saves his own, The tares shall into hell be thrown. For soon the reaping, 6[C. 7 Most awful thought, and is it so ? Must all mankind the harvest know ? Is every man a wheat or tare ? Me, for that harvest, Lord, prepare. For soon the reaping, $c. HYMN 59. P. M. YE children of Zion, who 're aiming for glory, Enlisted with Jesus to fight against hell, New Canaan's bright borders are now just before you, Though Jordan's proud billows its banks overswell. 5 66 SWEET SINGES Ten thousands have cross'd it, and are now in glory, A shouting and telling the triumphant story, And Jesus our Saviour will bring us all over, In the land of sweet Canaan, for ever to dwell. 2 This makes my heart joyful, it fills me with pleasure, That surf 'ring and toiling will one day be o'er, At the feet of my Saviour I '11 there count my treasure, Where sin, pain, and sorrow, can reach me no more. Be bold and courageous, and fear not the devil, Though he should speak of you all manner of evil, For tho' Satan rages, yet Jesus engages To bring us all shouting to Canaan's bright shore. 3 Like ships on the ocean, we 're toss'd by com- motion, But Christ is the pilot, and he 's a sure guide ; If sick and afflicted, kind love has a lotion, Which flows in abundance from Jesus's side. Though Satan's wild whirlwinds like deluges roar- ing, And floods of temptation as hail are down pouring, Though devils should haunt you, yet let them not daunt you, For Jesus rules over the wind and the tide. 4 I feel his love blazing, my spirits, are rising, Had I angels' pinions, away I would go, And see that bright city, and hear angels praising And all the enjoyment of glory to know. To our great Father, that shines throughout hea- ven, All glory from saints and from angels be given ; My heart 's all on fire, my Jesus draw ? s nigher, His love, like an ocean, all through me doth flow. 5 His love so constrains me, this earth can't contain me, My soul is so joyful, I 'm fifl'd with new wine, OF ISRAEL. 67 T is grace that supports me, and glory awaits me, While beams from sweet heaven all round me do shine. Bright angels attend me where'er I am going, Sweet Jesus directs me, whatever I 'm doing ; A subject of wonder, on which angels ponder, That beggars are raised to a life so divine. HYxMN 60. P. M. HEAR the royal proclamation, The glad tidings of salvation, Published to every creature, To the ruin'd sons of nature. CHORUS. Jesus reigns, he reigns victorious, Over heaven and earth most glorious, Jesus reigns. 2 See the royal banner flying, Hear the heralds loudly crying, "Rebel sinners, royal favour Now is offer'd by the Saviour." Jesus reigns, fyc. 3 Hear, ye sons of wrath and ruin, Who have wrought your own undoing, Here are life and free salvation, Offer'd to the whole creation. Jesus reigns, fyc, 4 Turn unto the Lord most holy, Shun the paths of vice and folly ; Turn, or you are lost for ever, Oh now turn to God the Saviour. Jesus reigns, tyc. 5 'Twas for you that Jesus died, For you he was crucified, Conquer'd death, and rose to heaven, Life eternal 's through him given. Jesus reigns, fyc. 68 SWEET SINGER. 6 Here are wine, and milk, and honey, Come, and purchase without money; Mercy like a flowing fountain, Streaming from the holy mountain. Jesus reigns, fyc. 7 For this love let rocks and mountains, Purling streams and crystal fountains, Roaring thunders, lightnings' blazes, Sh^ut the great Messiah's praises. Jesus reigns, SfC. 8 Now our hearts have caught new fire, Brethren, raise your voices higher ; Shout with joyful acclamation, To the King of our salvation. Jesus reigns, fyc. 9 Shout, ye tongues of every nation, To the bounds of the creation ; Shout the praise of Judah's Lion, The Almighty Prince of Zion. Jesus reigns, tyc. 10 Shout, ye saints, make joyful mention, Christ hath purchased our redemption; Angels, shout the pleasing story, Through the brighter world of glory. Jesus reigns, rd God Omnipotent shall reign ; Hallelujah! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 Hallelujah! hark! the sound, From the depths unto the skies, Wakes above, beneath, around, All Creation's harmonies : — See Jehovah's banners furl'd, Sheath'd his sword : he speaks — 'tis done, And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 3 He shall reign from pole to pole, With illimitable sway ; He shall reign, when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have pass'd away: — Then the end ; — beneath '.-.is rod, Man's last enemy shall fall ; Hallelujah! Christ in God. God in Christ, is all in all. OF ISRAEL. HYMN 161. P. M. 5f|l IS a point I long to know, A Oft it causes anxious thought : Do I love the Lord or no? Am I his or am 1 not? 2 If I love, why am I thus ? Why this dull and lifeless frame? Hardly, sure, can they be worse, Who have never heard his name. 3 Could my heart so hard remain, Prayer a task and burden prove, Every trifle give me pain ; If I knew a Saviour's love ? 4 When I turn mine eyes within, Oh how dark, and vain, and wild ! Prone to unbelief and sin, Can I deem myself a child ? 5 If I pray, or hear, or read, Faith is weak in all I do; You that love the Lord indeed, Tell me, is it thus with you ? 6 Yet I mourn my stubborn will, Find my sin a grief and thrall ; Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all ? 7 Could I joy with saints to meet, Choose the ways I once abhorr'd, Find, at times, the promise sweet, If I did not love the Lord ? 8 Lord, decide the doubtful case, Thou who art thy people's sun; Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be indeed begun. 182 SWEET SINGER 9 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray; If I have not lov'd before, Help me to begin to-day. HYMN 162. L. M. OH! give me, Lord, my sins to mourn, My sins which have thy body torn ; Give me with broken heart to see, Thy last tremendous agony. 2 O could I gain the mountain's height, And gaze upon that wondrous sight; O that with Salem's daughiers, 1 Could stand and see my Saviour die. 3 I'd hang around his feet and cry, Lord, save a soul condemn'd to die, And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 4 Father of mercy ! drop thy frown, And give me shelter in thy Son, And with my broken heart comply ; O give me Jesus, or I die. 5 O Lord, deny me what thou wilt, If thou wouldst ease me of mv guilt; Good Lord, in mercy hear me cry, And give me Jesus, or [ die. 6 O save my soul from gaping hell, Or else with devils I musl dwell; Oh ! might I enter, now I 'm come ; Lord Jesus save, or I am gone. HYMN 163. C. M. PRAY'R is the soul's sincere desire, Utter'd or unexpress'd, The motion of a hidden fire, That trembles in the breast. OF ISRAEL. 183 2 Prayer is the .burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech, That any lips can try, Prayer the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air: His watch-word at the gate of death ; He enters heaven with prayer. 5 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning from his ways, While angels in their songs rejoice, And say, Behold he prays. 6 The saints in prayer appear as one, In word, in deed, in mind, When with the Father and the Son, Their fellowship they find. 7 Nor prayer is made on earth alone, The holy Spirit pleads, And Jesus on the eternal throne For sinners intercedes. 8 Oh, thou by whom we come to God, The Life, the Truth, the Way; The path of prayer thyself hast trod, Lord, teach us how to pray. HYMN 164. L. M. OGOD, my heart with love inflame, That I may in thy holy name, Aloud in songs of praise rejoice, While I have breath to raise my voice; 184 SWEET SINGER Then will I shout, then will I sing, And make the heavenly arches ring, 1 '11 sing and shout for evermore, On that eternal happy shore. 2 O, hope of glory, Jesus, come, And make my heart thy constant home ; For the small remnant of my days I want to sing and shout thy praise. O, give me, Lord, a heart to pray, And live rejoicing ev'ry day ; To give thee thanks in ev'ry thing, And sing and shout, and shout and sing. 3 When on my dying bed I lie, Lord, give me strength to shout and pray ; And praise thee with my latest breath, Until my voice is lost in death. Then brethren, sisters, shouting come, My body follow to the tomb : And as you march the solemn road, Loud sing and shout the praise of God. 4 Then you below, and I above, We '11 shout, and praise the God we love, Until the great tremendous day, When Gabriel's trump shall wake your clay> Then from our dusty beds we '11 spring, And shout, O death, where is thy sting ? O grave, where is thy victory ? We '11 shout through all eternity. 5 Our race is run, we 've gain'd the prize, Then shall the sov'reign of the skies, With smiles, unto his children say, Come, reign with me in endless day. Then on that happy, happy shore, We '11 shout and sing our suff'rings o'er, We '11 sing and shout, and shout and sing, And make the heavenly arohes ring. OF ISRAEL. 185 HYMN 165. P. M. WHY should I be affrighted at pestilence or war, The fiercer be the tempest, the sooner it is o'er; With Jesus in the vessel, the billows rise in vain, They only will convey me to yon elysian plain, With glory in my soul. 2 This is a land of dangers, and foes they press me hard, But Jesus, he has promised that he will be my guard, Then 1 shall not be tempted above what I can bear, When fighting 's done, escorted his kingdom then to share, With glory in my soul. 3 Although my flesh is mortal, immortal is ray hope ; I '11 try, like holy Moses, to gain the mountain top, There at Jehovah's bidding, with cheerfulness to die- And then ascend to heaven to reign above the sky, With glory in my soul. 4 From him I have my orders, and while I do obey, I find his Holy Spirit illuminates my way, The way is so delightful I wish to travel on, Till I am call'd away to receive a starry crown, With glory in my soul. 5 I feel that Jesus loves me, but why, I do not know, To him I 'm so unfaithful in what I have to do, I grieve to see my failings, but he does all forgive, 186 SWEET SINGER Which makes me love him more, and by faith in him I live, With glory in my soul. 6 Though sinners do despise me, and laugh at what I say, I find a little number walks with me in the way, Come on, come on, my brethren, they laugh at Jesus too, The crown appears before me, and heaven is in my view, With glory in my soul. 7 We soon shall gain fair Canaan, and on that happy shore, Beyond the reach of sorrow, we '11 shout for ever- more ; There walk the gplden pavement, and blood- wash'd garments wear, And to increase our pleasure, our Jesus will be there, With glory in my soul. 8 My song I must conclude, though it is against my will, I want to have the power, to sing while I can feel— I long to see the time, when immortal I shall be, And shout and shout his praises, through vast eternity! With glory in my soul. HYMN 166. P. M. REJOICE, my friends, the Lord is King, Let all prepare to take him in ; Let Jacob rise, and Zion sing, And all the world with praises ring, And give to Jesus glory. OF ISRAEL. 187 2 I long to see the Christians join In union sweet, and peace divine, When every church with grace shall shine, And grow to Christ the living vine, And give to Jesus glory. 3 Come, parents, children, bond and free, Come, will you go to heaven with me, That glorious land of rest to see, And shout with me eternally, And give to Jesus glory ? 4 My soul feels happy while I sing : I ieel that I am on the wing ; I '11 shout salvation to my king, 'Till I to heaven my trophies bring, And there we '11 give him glory. 5 A few more days of pain and woe, A few more surT'ring scenes below. And then to Jesus we shall go, Where everlasting pleasures flow, And there we '11 give him glory. 6 The awful trumpet soon will sound, And shake the vast creation round, And call the nations under ground ; And all the saints shall then be crown'd, And give to Jesus glory. 7 Ten thousand thunders then shall roll, And shake the globe from pole to pole ; How dreadful to the guilty soul ! But nothing shall the saints control, They '11 give to Jesus glory. 8 Then tears shall all be wiped away ; Then Christians ne'er shall go astray ; When we are freed from cumbrous clay, We '11 praise the Lord in endless day, And give to Jesus glory. 188 SWEET SINGER 9 There all the saints shall join in one, And sing with Moses round the throne ; Their troubles are forever gone, They 11 shine with God's eternal Son, And give to Jesus glory. HYMN 157. P. M. THE people call'd Christians how many things they tell, About the land of Canaan, where saints and angels dwell ; But sin, that dreadful ocean, compasses them around, While its tide still divides them from Canaan's happy ground. 2 Thousands have been impatient to find their passage through, And, with united vigour, have tried what they could do ; But vessels built by human skill, have never sail'd alar, Till they 're found, run aground, on some dreadful sandy bar. 3 The Gospel, it is launched into the deep at last ; Behold her sail suspended, around her tow'ring mast ; Around her decks, in order, the joyful sailors stand, Crying, O ! here we go, to Emanuel's happy land ! 4 To those who are spectators, what sorrow must ensue. To have their old companions bid them a long adieu ; The pleasures of a paradise no longer them invite : They may rail while we sail, but we '11 soon bo out of sight. OF ISRAEL. 189 We 're now on the wide ocean, we bid them all farewell, But where we shall east anchor, no mortal tongue can tell : About our future happiness there need be no de- bate, While we ride, on the tide, with our Captain and his Mate. 6 We 're passengers united, with harmony and love ! The wind 's all in our favour, how joyfully we move ! Tho' troubles may surround us, and raging bil- lows roar, We will sweep thro' the deep till we land on Ca- naan's shore. HYMN 168. P. M. THE specious world promiscuous flows, Enrapt in fancy's vision ; Allured by sound, beguiled by shows, And empty dreams, nor scarcely knows, There is a brighter heaven. 2 Fine gold will change, and diamonds fade, Swift wings to wealth be given, All-varying time, our forms invade, The seasons roll, light sink in shade There 's nothing lasts but heaven. 3 Creation's mighty fabric all, Will be to atoms riven ; The sky consumed, the planets fall, Convulsions rock this earthly ball, There 's nothing firm but heaven. 4 This world, with all its wealth, is poor, And like a baseless vision, 190 SWEET SINGER Its lofty domes and brilliant ore, Its gems and crowns, are vain and poor, There 's nothing rich but heaven. 5 A stranger lonely here I roam, From place to place I 'm driven ; My friend? are gone, and I 'm in gloom, This earth is lonely as a tomb, I have no home but heaven. 6 The clouds disperse, the light appears, My sins are all forgiven ; Triumphant grace has quell'd my fears; Roll on, ye suns, fly swift, ye years, I 'm on the wing for heaven. 7 And now I bid the world adieu, Let life's dull chains be riven ; The charms of Christ have caught my view, The world of light I will pursue, To live with Him in heaven. HYMN 169. P. M. WHILE others at ease, on their pillows are sleeping, Unmindful, unconscious, of morning's return, At the grave of her Lord, see Mary stand weeping, Oppressed with grief, at the dawn of the morn. 2 To do the last ofHr-e, perfume the departed, She came like a friend, though her soul was for- lorn; With an over- charged bosom, she wept broken- hearted, Not finding the body of him she did mourn. 3 While others, afraid of the darspof the morning, Which seldom proves baneful, did hie them away; Poor Mary was faithful, thought not of returning, But still iu the garden did linger and stay. OF ISRAEL. 191 4 While weeping she stood, with her heart full of grief, And mourning, that ho was not there ; Then Jesus appear'd, and gave her relief, Why weepest thou, Mary, whom seekest thou here ?" 5 Surprised to hear now the voice that had quell'd The woes of her bosom, when tortured with fear — Whose words from her mind every fear had dis- pell'd, Her heart oft had calmed, and charmed her ear. 6 Then turning, astonished, " Rabboni," she cried, Amazed, overwhelm'd: but Jesus replied, I, justice divine having now satisfied, Am risen, who for you, and others, had died." How bless'd wert thou, Mary, thy tidings how glorious ! Redemption completed beams mercy and peace. Heaven's king from the grave, o'er his foes all victorious, Now offers full pardon to iVdam's lost race. 8 No longer in gloom is the sinner benighted, Nor haunted with terror, in hopeless despair; The sun-beams of mercy his path have enlighten'd, And iiope gilds the tomb, and banishes fear. HYMN 170. P. M. IF 't is sweet to mingle where Christians meet for social prayer; If 't is sweet with them to raise, Songs of holy joy and praise — Passing sweet that state must be, Where they meet eternally. 2 Saviour, may these meetings prove Preparations for above ; 192 SWEET SINGER While we worship in this place, May we go from grace to grace ; Till we, each in his degree, Fit for endless glory be. HYMN 171. P.M. YES, my native land, I love thee, All thy scenes I love them well ; Friends, connexions, happy country! Can I bid you all farewell ? Can I leave you — Far in heathen lands to dwell? 2 Home ! thy joys are passing lovely, Joys no stranger heart can tell ; Happy home ! 't is sure I love thee ! Can I — can I say— farewell ? Can I leave thee — Far in heathen lands to dwell ? 3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure, Holy days, and Sabbath bell, Riches*, brightest, sweetest treasure ! Can I say at last — farewell ? Can I leave you — Far in heathen lands to dwell? 4 Yes, I hasten from you gladly. From the scenes I love so well ! Far away, ye billows, bear me ; Lovely native land, farewell! Pleased 1 leave thee — Far in heathen lands to dwell. 5 In the deserts let me labour, On the mountains let me tell How He died — the blessed Saviour — To redeem a world from hell ! Let me hasten Far in heathen lands to dwell. OF ISRAEL. iyd 6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean : Let the winds my canvas swell — Heaves my breast with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell. Glad I bid thee, Native land ! — Farewell ! — Farewell ! HYMN 172. C. M. AMAZING grace ! (how sweet the sound) That saved a wretch lite me ! I once was lost, but now am found, — That saved a wretch lif^ 3 was lost, but now am Was blind, but now I see. 2 'T was grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved ; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed ! 3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. 5 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease ; I shall possess within the veil A life of joy and peace. 6 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine ; But God, who call'd me here below, Will be for ever mine. 13 194 SWEET SINGER HYMN 173. P. M. LISTED in the cause of sin, Why should a good be evil ? Music, alas ! too long has been Press'd to obey the devil ; Drunken, or lewd, or light, the lay Flows to the soul's undoing, Widens and strews with flowers the way Down to our utter ruin. 2 Who on the part of God will rise ? Innocent sounds recover ; Fly on the prey, and seize the prize, Plunder the carnal lover ? Strip him of every moving strain, Every melting measure. Music in virtue's cause retain, Rescue the holy pleasure. 3 Come, let us try if Jesu's love Will not as well inspire us : This is the theme of those above, This upon earth shall fire us : Try if your hearts are tuned to sing ; Is there a subject greater? Harmony all its strains may bring, Jesu's name is sweeter. 4 Jesus the soul of music is, His is the noblest passion ; Jesu's name is life and peace, Happiness and salvation: Jesu's name the dead can raise, Show us our sins forgiven, Fill us with all the life of grace, Carry us up to heaven. OP ISRAEL. 195 5 Who hath a right like us to sing, Us who his mercy raises ' Merry our hearts, for Christ is King, Joyful are all our faces. Who of his love doth once partake, He in the Lord rejoices ; Melody in our hearts we make, Melody with our voices. 6 Then let us in his praises join ; Triumph in his salvation ; Glory ascribe to love divine, , Worship and adoration ; Heaven already is begun, Open'd in each believer; Only believe, and still sing on, Heaven is ours for ever. HYMN 174. P. M. OH how I have long'd for the coming of God ! And sought him by praying and searching his word ; With watching and fasting my soul was oppress'd, Nor would I give over till Jesus had bless'd. 2 The tokens of mercy at length did appear, According to promise he ans wer'd my prayer ; And glory is open'd in floods on my soul, Salvation from Zion 's beginning to roll. 3 The news of his mercy is spreading abroad, And sinners come crying, and weeping to God, Their mourning and praying is heard very loud And many find favour in Jesus's blood. 4 Here are more, my dear Saviour, who fall at thy feet, Oppress'd by a burden enormously great ; Oh raise them, my Jesus, to tell of thy love, And shout hallelujahs with angels above. 196 SWEET SINGE 11 5 I '11 sing, and I '11 shout, and I '11 shout, and I '11 sing; Oh God, make the nations in praises to ring With loud acclamations of Jesus's love, And carry us all to the city above. 6 We '11 wait for thy chariot, it seems to draw near: Oh come, my dear Saviour, let glory appear ; We long to be singing and shouting above, With angels o'erwhelm'd in Jesus's love. HYMN 175. P. M. OH Jesus, my Saviour, to thee I submit, With love and thanksgiving I fall at thy feet; The sacrifice offer, my soul, flesh, and blood, To thee, my Redeemer, my Lord, and my God, 2 I love thee, I love thee, I love thee, my Lord ! I love thee, my Saviour, I love thee, my God ! I love thee, I love thee, and that thou dost know, But how much I love thee I never can show : 3 All human expressions are empty and vain ; They cannot unriddle the heavenly flame ; I 'm sure if the tongue of an angel I had, I could not the myst'ry completely describe. 4 I'm happy, I 'm happy, oh wondrous account ! My joys are immortal — I stand on the mount; I gaze on my treasure, and long to be there, With Jesus my Saviour, the kingdom to share. 5 Oh Jesus, my Saviour, in thee I am blest! My life and my treasure, my joy and my rest ; Thy grace be my theme, and thy name be my song, Thy love doth inspire my heart and my tongue. OF ISRAEL. 197 6 Oh who is like Jesus ! he 's Salem's bright King ; He smiles and he loves me, and taught me to sing; I '11 praise him, I '11 praise him, and bow to his will, While rivers of pleasure my spirit do fill. HYMN 176. P. M. OH Jesus, my Saviour ! I know thou art mine ; For thee all the pleasure of earth I resign j Of objects most pleasing, I love thee the best ; Without thee I 'm wretched, but with thee I 'm blest. 2 Thou art my rich treasure, my joy and my love, (None richer possess'd by the angels above) ; For thee all the pleasures of sense I forego, And wander a pilgrim despised below. 3 Thy spirit first taught me to know I was blind, And taught me the way of salvation to find ; For when I was sinking in dreadful despair, My Jesus reliev'd me and bid me not fear. 4 In vain I attempt to describe what. I feel : The language of mortals forever must fail; My Jesus is precious, my soul 's in a flame ; I 'm raised into raptures while praising his name. 5 Though weak and despised, by faith I now stand, Preserved and defended by heav'n's kind hand; By Jesus supported, I '11 praise his dear name, Regardless of danger, of praise or of blame. 6 I find him in singing, I find him in prayer ; In sweet meditation he always is near : My constant companion, oh may we not part! All glory to Jesus, who dwells in my heart. 7 If ever I loved, sure I love thee, my Lord, " love thy dear people, thy ways, and thy word ; 198 SWEET SINGER I love all my brethren, I love sinners too, Since Jesus has died to redeem them from woe. 8 When happy in Jesus, I regard not the proud, Tho' sinners despise me for shouting so loud ; For death will soon call me, and then 1 shall fly, To praise my dear Jesus in mansions on high. 9 Through millions of ages sweet notes I '11 employ In praising my Jesus, my hope and my joy : The glorified spirits, and angels around, Shall all be delighted to join the glad sound. HYMN 177. C. M. OTHOU, whose tender mercy hears Contrition's humble sigh ; Whose hand indulgent wipes the tears From sorrow's weeping eye ; 2 See, low before thy throne of grace, A wretched wanderer mourn ; Hast thou not bid me seek thy face ? Hast thou not said — " Return ?" 3 And shall my guilty soul prevail To drive me from thy feet? Oh, let not this dear refuge fail, This only safe retreat! 4 Oh, shine on this benighted heart, With beams of mercy shine ! And let thy healing voice impart A taste of joys divine. HYMN 178. P. M. BEHOLD the wretch, whose lust and wine Had wasted his estate, He begs a share among the swine, To taste the husks they eat ! OF ISRAEL. 199 2 " I die with hunger here," he cries, " I starve in foreign lands ; My father's house has large supplies, And bounteous are his hands. 3 " I '11 go, and with a mournful tongue, Fall down before his face ; Father, I 've done thy justice wrong, Nor can deserve thy grace." 4 He said, and hasten'd to his home, To seek his father's love ; The father saw the rebel come, And all his bowels move. 5 He ran and fell upon his neck, Embraced and kiss'd his son ; The rebel's heart with sorrow breaks For follies he had done. 6 "Take ofFhis clothes of shame and sin," The father gives command : Dress him in garments white and clean, With rings adorn his hand. 7 " A day of feasting I ordain, Let joy and mirth abound ; My son was dead, and lives again; Was lost, and now is found." HYMN 179. P. M. THE Lord is the fountain of goodness and love, Which, flowing in Eden, in streams from above ; Refresh'd every moment the first happy pair, Till sin stoppd the torrent, and brought in despair. 2 Oh WTetched condition ! what anguish and pain! They thirst for the fountain, and seek it in vain ; 200 SWEET SINGER To sin's bitter waters they fly for relief, They drink, but the draught still increases their grief. 3 Glad tidings ! glad tidings ! no more we com- plain ! Our Jesus has open'd the fountain again ; Now mingled with mercy, and rich with free grace. From Zion 't is flowing to all the lost race. 4 How happy the prospect ! how pleasant the road .' When led down the stream by the angel of God : Though shallow at first, yet we find it at last, A river so boundless it cannot be pass'd. 5 Come, sinners, poor sinners ! it 's boundless and free, In Eden once flowing, 'twas open'd for thee ; This water has virtue to heal all complaints — Come, drink, ye diseased, and rejoice with the saints. 6 Say not, " I 'm a sinner, and must not partake,'" For this very reason the Lord bids you take ; Say not, " Too unworthy, the vilest of ail s'J For such, not the righteous, the Lord came to call. 7 Come, all ye dead sinners, here life you may find; Come, all ye poor beggars, ve halt and ye blind ; The Spirit invites you, the JBride bids you too: Come, call all your neighbours, they ; re welcome- # with you. 8 Come, Christians, let 's venture along down the stream ; The shallows are pleasing, but oh let us swim : Let 's bathe in the ocean of infinite love, And wash, and be pure as the angels above. A OF ISRAEL. 201 HYMN 180. L. M. WAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing the great Redeemer's praise : Pie justly claims a song from me, His loving kindness, oh how free ! 2 He saw me ruin'd in the fall, He loved me notwithstanding all ; He saved me from mv lost estate, His loving kindness, oh how great ! 3 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along, His loving kindness, oh how strong! 4 When troubles, like a gloomy cloud, Have gather'd thick, and thunder'd loud, He near mv soul has always stood ; His loving kindness, oh how good ! 5 Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Jesus to depart ; Though oft his mercies I 've forgot, His loving kindness changes not. 6 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail ! Oh ! may my last expiring breath His loving kindness sing in death ! 7 Then let me mount and soar away To that bright world of endless day, And sing with rapture and surprise, His loving kindness in the skies. HYMN 181. L. M. JESUS, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee ? Ashamed of thee ! whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days. 202 SWEET SINGER 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star ; He shed* the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus ! just as soon Let midnight be ashamed of noon : 'T is- midnight with my soul, till he, Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear friend, On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No — when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 5 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I 've no guilt to wash away, No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 6 Till then, nor is my boasting vain — Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And oh ! may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me. 7 His institutions I will prize, Take up my cross — the shame despise ; Dare to defend this noble cause, And yield obedience to his laws. HYMN 182. L. M. HAIL! sov'reign love, that first began The scheme to rescue fallen man : Hail ! matchless, free, eternal grace, That gave my soul a hiding place. 2 Against the God that rules the sky, I fought with hands uplifted high ; Despised the offers of his grace, Too proud to seek a hiding place. OF ISRAEL. 203 3 Enwrapt in dark Egyptian night, And fond of darkness more than light, Madly I ran the sinful race, Secure without a hiding-place. 4 But lo! the eternal counsel ran, " Almighty love arrest the man !" I felt the arrows of distress, And found I had no hiding-place. 5 Vindictive justice stood in view, To Sinai's fiery mount I flew ; Stern justice cried with frowning face, This mountain is no hiding-place. 6 But lo ! a heavenly voice I heard, And mercy for my soul appear'd ; She led me on a pleasant pace, To Jesus Christ, my hiding-place 7 Should sevenfold storms of thunder roll, And shake the globe from pole to pole, No thunderbolt shall daunt my face, For Jesus is my hiding-place. 8 On him almighty vengeance fell, That might have crush'd a world to hell ; He bore it for a sinful race, And thus became their hiding-place. 9 A few more rolling suns at most, Will land me safe on Zion's coast ; There I shall sing a song of grace, Safe in my glorious hiding-place. HYMN 183. P. M. THE voice of free grace Cries, " Escape to the mountain, For Adam's lost race Christ hath open'd the fountain. 204 SWEET SINGER For sin and transgression, And every pollution, His blood flows most freely In streams oi' ablution. chorus. ( Hallelujah to (he Lamb, Who has purchased our pardon, We iv ill praise him a^ain, When tie pass over Jordan. 2 That fountain so clear, In which all may iind pardon, From JesUs's side Flows plenteous redemption; Though your sins were increased As high as a mountain, His blood it flows freely: Oh come to this fountain. Hallelujah, fyc. 3 Blest Jesns, ride on, Thy kingdom is glorious, O'er sin, death, and hell, Thou wilt make us victorious, Thy name shall be praised, In the great congregation, Anil saints shall delight In ascribing salvation. Hallelujah, fyc. 4 When on Zion we stand, Having gain'd the blest shore, With our harps in our hand, We will praise him evermore; We'll range the blest h'elds, On the banks of the river, And sing hallelujahs For ever and ever. Hallelujah, \;* I diadem, rown linn Lord of all. 2 Lei high-born seraphs tune the lyre; And us they tune it, fall Beiorc his face who limes ihcir ( hoir, Ami crown linn Lord of all. two hmi, ye morning sinrs of light, He fix'd thai fioatiag hn 11 j Now hail the strength of Israel's might. And crown him Lord of all. 4 Crown him, ye martyn of your God, Who from Ins nltar" pail ; Extol die stem of Jesaea rod, And rrown hint J /ml of rill. 5 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race 1 , — Ye ransom 'd of me hill, Hail him, who saves you by his ernce, And crown him Lord of all. C I Jail trim, ■ :\ id's hue, Whom David, Lord Aid call, Thf ixnl incarnate, mail di\ me, And CrOWU him l/)rd of nil. 7 Sinners! whose love can ne'er firmer. The w or m woo d and the rail, Go — mead die tronhies al nil feet, And crown him Lord of hII. IIYM\ is;, p. m. FROM Greenland's icy mountains, ir il strand, Where lfri< 's sunny fountains Koll down the golden sand : 206 SWEET SINGER From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What tho' the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ; Tho' every prospect pleases, And only man is vile : In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strewn, The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we, to men benighted, The lamp of life deny ? Salvation, salvation! The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Has learn'd Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story ; And you, ye waters, roil, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole: Till o'er our ransom'd nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. HYMN 186. P. M. THEY have gone to the land where the patri- archs rest, Where the bones of the prophets are laid, Where the chosen of Israel the promise possess'd, And Jehovah his wonders display'd : OF ISRAEL. 207 To the land where the Saviour of sinners once trod, i Where he labour'd, and languish'd and bled, Where he triumph'd o'er death, and ascended to God, As he captive captivity led. 2 They have gone — the glad heralds of mercy have gone, To the land where the martyrs once bled ; Where the "Beast and False Prophet" have since trodden down The fair fabric that Zion had laid ; Where the churches, once planted, and water'd and blest With the dews which the spirit distill'd, Have been smitten, despoii'd, and by heathens possessed ; And the places that knew them defiled. 3 They go to the land where the Indians now dwell, Impell'd by the love of their Lord ; His love to proclaim, and His mercy to tell, As reveal'd in his excellent word. "Thy blessing go with them, O be thou their shield From the shafts of the fowler that fly ; O, Saviour of sinners, thine arm be reveal'd In mercy and might from on high." L HYMN 187. C. M. ET saints on earth their anthems raise, Who taste the Saviour's grace : Let saints in heaven proclaim his praise ; And crown him Prince of Peace. 208 SWEET SIINGER 2 Ye martyrs, who in glory sit, Reclining at your ease, Cast your bright crowns at Jesu's feet, And crown him. Prince of Peace. 3 Kings, princes, potentates, and powers, Rise from your ancient place, And lay your glitt'ring honours by, And crown him Prince of Peace. 4 Ye warriors, lay your weapons down, For wars and striie shall cease; Bow down to God's eternal Son, And crown him Prince of Peace. 5 Ye islands of the sea, rejoice — Behold your near release! Make to the Lord a joyful noise, And crown him Prince of Peace. 6 Ye Indians of America, Your glad hosannahs raise, Unite with injured Africa, And crown him Prince of Peace. HYMN 188. P. M. EVERLASTING praise to Jesus, Men and angels, sound his fame; He has sufler'd to release us From eternal pain and shame ; Hallelujah ! Endless praises to his name. 2 Tell the news through every nation, To the earth's remotest bound': Let the tidings of salvation By Emanuel, freely sound ; Full redemption, In his sacrifice is lbund. OF ISRAEL. 209 3 Waft, ye winds, the wondrous story Spread the joy with every breath ; The immortal Prince of glory Bought our ransom with his death; He delivers All that look to him by faith. i Every land shall soon be bless'd, With the knowledge of the Lord ; Christ by all shall be confess'd. Trusted, follow'd, and adored ; Hallelujah! Saviour, shed thy light abroad. HYMN 189. P. M. WHAT could your redeemer do, More than he hath done for you ? To procure your peace with God, Could he more than shed his blood ? After all his flow of love, All his drawings from above, Why will ye your Lord deny ? Why will ye resolve to die ? 2 Turn, he cries, ye sinners, turn ; By his love, your God makes known, He would have you turn and live, He would all the world receive. If your death were his delight, Would he you to life invite ? Would he ask, beseech, and cry, " Why will ye resolve to die ?" 3 Sinners, turn, while God is near Dare not think him insincere : Now, e'en now, your Saviour stands, All day long he spreads his hands! 14 210 SWEET SINGER Cries, " Ye will not happy be, No, ye will not come to me ; Me, who life to none deny ; Why will ye resolve to die?" 4 Can ye doubt if God is love ? If to all his bowels move ? Will ye not his word receive ? Will ye not his oath believe? See, the sufPring God appears, Jesus weeps, believe his tears, Mingled with his blood, they cry, " Why will ye resolve to die ?" HYMN 190. C. M. MY God was with me all the night, And gave me sweet repose ; His angels watch'd me while I slept,. Or I had never rose. 2 Now for the mercies of the night, My humble thanks I '11 pay, And unto God I '11 dedicate The first fruits of the day. 3 In pressing dangers, fears and death, Thy goodness I '11 adore, And praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 4 My life, if thou preserv'st my life, Thy sacrifice shall be ; And death, when death must be my lot Shall join my soul to thee. HYMN 191. P. M. FROM the regions of lore, Lo ! an angel descended, And told the strange news How the babe was attended ; OF ISRAEL. 211 Go, shepherds, and visit This wonderful stranger, See yonder bright star — There 's your Lord in the manger. CHORUS. Hallelujah to the Lamb, Who has purchased our pardon ; We 'Upraise him again, When we pass over Jordan. 2 Glad tidings I bring To you and each nation ; Glad tidings of joy, Now behold your salvation : When sudden a multitude Raise their glad voices, And shout the Redeemer, While heaven rejoices. Hallelujah, fyc. 3 Now glory to God In the highest is given, Now glory to God Is re-echoed through heaven. Around the whole earth Let us tell the glad story, And sing of his love, . His salvation and glory. Hallelujah, fyc. 4 Enraptured I burn With delight and desire, A love so divine Sets my soul all on fire : Around the bright throne Now hosannahs are ringing, Oh, when shall I join them, And be ever singing! Hallelujah, $c. 212 SWEET SINGER 5 Triumphantly ride In thy chariot victorious, And conquer with love, Oh, Jesus, all glorious : Thy banner unfurl, Bid the nations surrender, And own thee their Saviour, Their king and defender. Hallelujah, fyc. HYMN 192. L. M. WHEN marshall'd on the nightly plain The glittering host bestud the sky; One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wand 'ring eye. 2 Hark ! hark ! to God the chorus breaks From every host, from every gem ; But one alone the Saviour speaks ; It is the Star of Bethlehem. 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud — the night was dark The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my found'ring bark. 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem ; When suddenly a star arose, It was the Star of Bethlehem. 5 It was my guide, my light, my all, It bade my dark forebodings cease ; And through the storms, and danger's thrall, It led me to the port of peace. 6 Now safely moor'd — my peril o'er, I '11 sing, first in night's diadem, For ever, and for ever more, The Star !— the Star of Bethlehem! OF ISRAEL. 213 HYMN 193. P. M. AND are our joys so quickly fled ? We, who were fill'd with living bread, With calm delight and peace ; Constraint, into the ship we go, And now the boist'rous vi'lence know Of these strong winds and seas. 2 To shipwreck our weak faith and hope, Satan has raised a tempest up; Prince of the lower air, The world he actuates and guides, And in that troubled ocean rides, And reigns despotic there. 3 But lo ! in our distress we see The Saviour walking on the sea, Even now he passes by ; He silences our clam'rous fear, And mildly says, " Be of good cheer, Be not afraid, 't is I." 4 " 'T is I, who bought you with my blood ! 'Tis I, who bring you wash'd to God ! 'T is I, the sinner's friend ! 'T is I, in whom you pardon have I Who speak the truth, mighty to save, And love you to the end." 5 Ah! Lord, if it be thou indeed, So near us in the time of need, So good, so strong to save ; Stretch out thy hand and ask me " Why, Why didst thou doubt or fear, when I, Thy Lord, had bid thee live." 214 SWEET SINGER HYMN 194. C. M. AH, what can I, a sinner, do, With all my guilt opprest ? 1 feel the hardness of my heart, And conscience knows no rest. 2 Great God, thy good and perfect law Does all my life condemn, The secret evils of my soul Fill me with fear and shame. 3 How many precious Sabbaths gone, I never can recall; And Oh, what cause have I to mourn, Who misimproved them all ! 4 How long, how often have I heard Of Jesus, and of heaven ; Yet scarcely listen'd to his word, Or pray'd to be forgiven ! 5 Constrain me, Lord, to turn to thee, And grant renewing grace ; For thou this flinty heart canst break, And thine shall be the praise. HYMN 195. P. M. ENCOURAGED by thy word Of promise to the poor, Behold a beggar, Lord, Waits at thy mercy's door : No hand, no heart, O Lord ! but thine, Can help or pity wants like mine. 2 The beggar's usual plea, Relief from men to gain, If offer'd unto thee, I know thou would'st disdain : But those which move thy gracious ear, Are such as men would scorn to hear. OF ISKAEL. 215 3 I have no right to say, * That though I now am poor, Yet once there was a day When I possessed more ; Thou knowest, from my very birth, I 've been the poorest wretch on earth. 4 Nor dare I to profess, As beggars often do, Though great is my distress, My faults have been but few ; If thou shouldst leave my soul to starve, It would be what I should deserve. 5 Nor dare I to pretend I never begg'd before, And if thou now befriend, I '11 trouble thee no more : Thou often hast relieved my pain, And often I must, come again. 6 Though crumbs are much too good For such a wretch as I, No less than children's food, My soul can satisfy : O, do not frown and bid me go, Until a blessing thou bestow. 7 Nor can I willing be, Thy bounties to conceal From others, who, like me, Their wants and hunger feel ; I '11 tell them of thy mercy's store, And try to send ten thousand more. 8 Thy ways, thou only wise, Our ways and thoughts transcend, Far as the arched skies Above the earth extend : Such pleas as mine men would not hear, But God receives the beggar's prayer. 216 SWEET SINGER HYMN 196. P. M. JESUS to every willing mind, Opens a heavenly treasure ; In him the sons of sorrow find Sources of real pleasure ; See what employments men pursue ; Then you will own my words are true, Jesus alone unfolds to view Sources of real pleasure. 2 Poor are the joys that fools esteem, Fading and transitory ; Mirth is as fleeting as a dream, Or a delusive story : Luxury leaves a sting behind, Wounding the body and the mind ; Only in Jesus can we find Pleasure and solid glory. 3 Learning, that boasting, glitt'ring thing Scarcely is worth possessing : Riches, for ever on the wing, Scarce can be calPd a blessing: Fame, like a shadow, flies away, Titles and dignities decay, Nought but religion can display Joys that are free from trouble. 4 Beauty, with all its gaudy shows, Is but a painted bubble ; Short are the triumphs wit bestows* Full of deceit and trouble ; Sensual pleasures swell desire, Just as the fuel feeds the fire; Religion can real bliss inspire, Bliss that is worth possessing. OF ISRAEL. 217 HYMN 197. P M. A S much have I of worldly good, 1 jL As e'er my master had ; 1 diet on as dainty food, And am as richly clad : Tho' plain my garb, tho' scant my board, As Mary's son, and nature's Lord. 2 The manger was his infant bed, His home the mountain cave, He had not where to lay his head, He borrow'd e'en his grave: Earth yielded him no resting spot — Her Maker — but she knew him not. 3 As much the world's goods will I share, Its favour and applause, As he whose blessed name I bear ; Hated without a cause, Despised, rejected, mock'd by pride, Betray'd, forsaken, crucified. 4 Why should I court my Master's foe ? Why should I fear its frown ? Why should I seek for rest below, Or sigh for brief renown ? A pilgrim to a better land, An heir of joys at God's right hand. HYMN 198. P. M. What's this that rises in my soul ? Is it grace ? Is it grace ? That makes my life of sin look foul ? Is it grace ? Is it grace ? This work that's in my soul begun, It makes me strive all sin to shun, It plants my soul b°neath the Throne, Where mercy's free — mercy's free ! 218 SWEET SINGER 2 Great God of Love ! I cank but wonder, Mercy's free — mercy's free ! Though I've no price at all to tender, Mercy's free — mercy's free ! Though mercy's free, our God is just, And if a soul should e'er be lost, This will torment the sinner most, — Mercy's free — mercy's free ! 3 Swell, swell, oh swell the Heavenly chorus ! Mercy's free — mercy's free ! The Devil's Kingdom falls before us : Mercy's free — mercy's free ! Sinner repent, enquire the road That leads to glory and to God, And wash in Christ's atoning blood — Mercy's free — mercy's free ' 4 This truth through all our life shall cheer us, Mercy's free — mercy's free! And through the vale of Death shall bear us, Mercy's free — mercy's free! And when to Jordan's brink we come, And cross the raging billows foam, We'll sing, when safely landed home, Mercy's free — mercy's free ! HYMN 199. P. M. MY soul is full of glory, Inspiring my tongue; Could I meet with angels, I would sing them a song; I would sing of my Jesus, And tell of his charms, And beg them to bear me To his loving arms. OF ISRAEL. 2 Methinks they're descending To hear what I sing ; Well pleased to hear mortals Praising their king : angels, O angels ! My soul's in a flame, 1 faint in sweet raptures At Jesus's name. 3 O Jesus ! O Jesus ! Thou balm of my soul, 'T was thou, my dear Jesus, That made my heart whole : O bring me to view thee, Thou precious sweet King, In oceans of glory Thy praises to sing. 4 O heaven! sweet heaven! I long to be there, To meet all my brethren, And Jesus my dear: Come angels ! come angels ! I 'm ready to fly, Come, quickly convey me To God in "the sky. 5 Sweet Spirit attend me, Till Jesus shall come. Protect and defend me T'll I am call'd home : Though worms my poor body May claim as their prey, 'T will outshine, when rising,. The sun at noon-day. 6 The sun shall be darken'd, The moon turn'd to blood ; The mountains all melt At the presence of God f 220 SWEET SIXGER Red lightnings may flash, Loud thunders may roar, All this cannot daunt me On Canaan's blest shore. 7 A glimpse of bright glory Surprises my soul, I sink in sweet visions To view the bright goal : . My soul, while I 'ra singing, Is leaping to go : This moment for heaven I'd leave all below. 8 Farewell, my dear brethren, My Lord bids me come; Farewell, my dear sisters, I 'm now going home ; Bright angels are whisp'ring So sweet in my ear, Away to my Saviour My spirit they '11 bear. 9 I 'm going, I 'm going, But what do I see? 'Tis Jesus in glory Appears unto me ! I 'm going, I'm going, I 'm going, I 'm gone ! O glory ! O glory ! 'Tis done! it is done! 10 To the regions of glory The spirit is fled, And left this poor body Inactive and dead; With angelic armies In glory to blaze, On Jesus's beauties For ever to gaze. OF ISRAEL. 221 11 When the six seals shall open, The trumpet shall sound ; To awake God's dear children That sleep under ground : Their souls and their bodies Shall then join in one, And each from their Saviour Receive a bright crown. HYMN 200. L. M. I'M glad that I am born to die, From grief and woe my soul shall fly ; Bright angels shall convey me home, Away to new Jerusalem. Hallelujah. 2 I '11 praise him while he lends me breath, I hope to praise him after death, I hope to praise him when I die, And shout salvation as I fly. Hallelujah. 3 Farewell, vain world, I 'm going home, My Saviour smiles, and bids me come ; Sweet angels beckon me away, To sing God's praise in endless day. Hallelujah. 4 I soon shall pass the vale of death, And in his arms I '11 lose my breath ; And then my happy soul shall tell, My Jesus has done all things well. Hallelujah. 5 I soon shall hear the awful sound, Awake, ye nations under ground ; Arise and drop your dying shrouds, And meet king Jesus in the clouds. Hallelujah. 222 SWEET SINGER 6 When to that blessed world I rise, And join the anthems in the skies, This note above the rest shall swell, My Jesus has done all things well. Hallelujah. 7 Then shall I see my blessed God, And praise him in his bright abode ; My theme through all eternity, Shall glory, glory, glory be. Hallelvjalu HYMN 201. P. M. IN the house of king David a fountain did spring, For sin and transgressions, from Jesus our king ; This fountain flows sweetly, whenever applied, It sprang from the bowels of Christ when he died. 2 Come all that have bathed in the fountain of love, And have felt the heavy burthen of guilt to re- move; Let's praise our dear Saviour as long as w T e've breath, And after we 're laid in the dust of the earth. 3 There, there, we shall sleep, but not always re- main, We look for the coming of Jesus again ; When waked by the trumpet, we '11 lay by our shrouds, And rise to meet Jesus, our Lord, in the clouds. 4 How we shall be fashion'd, he does not declare But we shall be like him when he doth appear; And that happy moment we 're longing to see, When we shall be perfectly happy in thee. OF ISRAEL. 223 Lord Jesus, I love thee, thou knowest full well ; ssist me to conquer the cowers of hell ; Though Satan — he rages and frightens me too, Lord Jesus, protect me, and bring me safe through. HYMN 202. P. M. MY gracious Redeemer I love ! His praises aloud I '11 proclaim, And join with the armies above, To shout his adorable name. 2 To gaze on his glories divine, Shall be my eternal employ ; And feel them incessantly shine, My boundless ineffable joy. 3 He freely redeem'd with his blood My soul from the confines of hell, To live on the smiles of my God, And in his sweet presence to dwell.' 4 Ye palaces, sceptres, and crowns, Your pride with disdain I survey ; Your pomps are but shadows and sounds, And pass in a moment away. 5 The crown that my Saviour bestows, Yon permanent sun shall outshine ,- My joy everlastingly flows — My God, my Redeemer, is mine. HYMN 203. S. M. AWAKE, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake, every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of his dying love, Sing of his rising power ; Sing, how he intercedes above, For those whose sins he bore. 224 SWEET SINGER 3 Sing, till we feel our heart Ascending with our tongue ; Sing, till the love of sin depart, And grace inspire our song. 4 Sing on your heavenly way, Ye ransom 'd sinners, sing ; Sing on, rejoicing every day, In Christ, the eternal King. 5 Soon shall we hear him say, " Ye blessed children, come ;" Soon will he call us hence away, And take his wand'rers home. 6 Soon shall our raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. HYMN 204. P. M. YE angels, who stand round the throne, And view my Emanuel's face, In rapturous songs make him known ; Tune, tune your soft harps to his praise ; He form'd you the spirits you are, So happy, so noble, so good ; When others sunk down in despair, Confirm'd by his power, ye stood. 2 Ye saints, who stand nearer than they, And cast your bright crowns at his feet, His grace and his glory display, And all his rich mercy repeat: He snatch'd you from hell and the grave — He ransom'd from death and despair; For you he was mighty to save, Almighty to bring you safe there. OF ISRAEL. 225 3 Oh, when will the period appear When I shall unite in your song? I 'm weary of lingering here, And I to your Saviour belong ! I 'm fetter'd and chain'd up in clay; I struggle and pant to be free ; I long to be soaring away, My God and my Saviour to see! 4 I want to put on my attire, Wash'd white in the blood of the Lamb; I want to be one of your choir, And tune my sweet harp to his name : I want — Oh, J want to be there, Where sorrow and sin bid adieu — Your joy and your friendship to share — To wonder, and worship with you ! HYMN 205. P. M. THE PREACHER'S ADIEU. A DIEU, my dear brethren, adieu, Jr&. Reluctant I give you my hand, No more to assemble with you, Till we on mount Zion shall stand. Mv heart swells with tender regret, To leave your embraces so soon, Though heaven my course must direct, And others succeed in my room. 2 Your acts of benevolence past, Your gentle compassionate love, Henceforth in my mem'ry shall last, Though, far from your sight I remove. While roving the wilds of the west, When through foreign regions I steer, Still friendship inspiring my breast, Shall then drop her own native tear. 15 228 SWEET SINGER 3 Our labours will shortly subside, For vigour and life must decay, But wisdom and truth shall abide, To pilot our souls on the way. As time rolls his seasons around, And Iruth shall new teachers inspire, O may we in love still aboundj And alter new conquests aspire. 4 Our seasons of converse are o'er, Till mortal commotions are past, Till nature and time are no more, Or we are in Paradise blest, Sweet comforting spirit, draw near, And shed forth thy luminous rays, My parting reflections to cheer, And change lamentation to praise. 5 O may we conform to his will, Aspiring for glory and peace, Our covenant vows to fulfil, Till Jesus shall sign our release. Till suddenly wafted above, Where saints in sweet harmony meet, To feel all the pleasures of love, And each happy conqueror greet. HYMN 20G. L. M. YE sons of the main, ye that sail o'er the flood, Whose sins, big as mountains, have reach'd up to God. Recollect your short voyage of life soon will end, Then come, brother sailors, make Jesus your friend. 2 Look astern on your life, see your wake mark'd with sin, Look ahead ! see what torments you '11 soon foun- der in: OF ISRAEL. 227 The hard rocks of death will soon beat out your keel, Then your vessel and cargo will all sink to hell. 3 Lay by your old compass, 't will do you no good, ft ne'er will direct you the right way to God ; Mind your helm, brother sailor, and don't fall asleep, Watch and pray, night and day, lest you sink in the deep. 4 Spring your luff, brother sailor, the breeze now is fair ; Trim your sails to the wind, and those torments you "11 clear, Your leading-star, Jesus, keep full in your view, You'll weather the danger, he '11 guide you safe through. 5 Renounce your old captain, the devil, straight- way, The crew that you sail with, will lead you astray; Desert their black colours, come under the red, Where Jesus is captain to conquest be led. 6 His standard's unfurl'd, see it wave through the air, And volunteers coming from far off and near ; Now 's the time, brother sailor, no longer delay, Embark now with Jesus, good wages he '11 pay. 7 The bounty he '11 give when the voyage doth begin, Is justification and freedom from sin ; Good usage he '11 give, while you sail on the way, And shortly you '11 anchor in heaven's broad bay. 8 In the harbour of glory for ever you 11 ride, Free from quicksands, and dangers, and sin's rapid tide; 228 SWEET SINGER Waves of death cease to roll, and tempests are o'er The hoarse breath of Boreas dismast, thee no 9 Your tarpaulin jacket, no longer you '11 wear, But robes of bright glory all shining and fair; A crown on your head, that would dazzle the sun, And from glory to glory eternally run. HYMN 207. P. M. RISE, my soul, shake off thy fears, Lay aside thy mourning, Wipe away those falling tears, Cease this inward groaning. Though thy sins like mountains rise Though they reach to heaven, Jesus lives above the skies, They may be forgiven. 2 Once a man of sorrows, he Wrestled in the garden, Died upon the shameful tree, To procure thy pardon — Rose triumphant from the grave, Lives thy great Redeemer, Strong and' powerful to save Ev'ry true believer. 3 Wherefore then with fears dismay'd, Why with grief dejected ? All that seek shall find his aid, None shall be rejected. Rise and prove his faithful word, Feel his pardon flowing, Let thy faith embrace its Lord, All his goodness knowing. OF ISRAEL. 229 4 He thy burden shall remove, Speak thy sins forgiven, Crown thee with his peace and love, Turn thy hell to heaven ; Guide thee by his counsel here, Still thy strength renewing, Save from every anxious care, All thy foes subduing. 5 And when earth, with all its strife, Thou in peace art leaving; When the dearest cords of life Death's strong hand is reaving, Thou, my soul, shalt mount on high, Gain thy heavenly treasure, Live with God, no more to die, In those realms of pleasure. HYMN 208. L. M, SPARE, mighty God, in mercy spare The creatures of thy sov'reign will ; Sweep nature's poison from the air, And say in pity, " Peace, be still !" 2 'Mid gloomy fears from day to day Thy creatures live, Eternal King, O, chase *heir gloomy thoughts away, And shield them with thy mighty wing. 3 Let not the scourge of Asia sweep O'er fair Columbia's wide domain, But lull the poisonous blast to sleep, Or waste it on the western main. 4 Hear us, thy guilty creatures, Lord I Let mercy be thy motto still, But if we need thy chastening rod, Fit us ! O fit us for thy will. 230 SWEET SINGER ' 5 Thus shall the sons of earth rejoice, By land and flood, with one accord ; And every heart and every voice Shall sing the goodness of the Lord. HYMN 209. P. M. ALTHOUGH the vine its fruit deny, The budding fig-tree droop and die, No oil the olive yield; Yet will I trust me in ray God, Yea, bend rejoicing to his rod, And by his grace be heal'd. 2 Though fields in verdure once array'd, By whirlwinds desolate be laid, Or parch'd by scorching beam ; Still in the Lord shall be my trust, My joy ; for, though his frown is just, His mercy is supreme. 3 Though from the fdtd the flock decay, Though herds lie famish'd o'er the lea, And round the empty stall ; My soul above the wreck shall rise, Its better joys are in the skies, There, God is all in all. HYMN 210. L. M. I'M not ashamed to own my Lord, Who lives by angels now ador'd ; That Jesus who once died for me, Who bore my sins in agony. 2 I'm not ashamed to own his, laws, Nor to defend his noble cause; The way he 's gone, is mark'd with blood, O may I tread the steps he trod. OF ISRAEL. 231 3 I'm not ashamed his name to bear With those who his disciples are ; Christian, sweet name, its worth I view O may I wear its nature too. 4 I 'm not asham'd to bear my cross, For which I count all things as dross ; Whate'er I 'm bid to do or say. If Christ command I will obey. 5 I 'm not asham'd to be despis'd, By those who ne'er religion priz'd : Nor will I prove to Christ untrue For all that man can say or do. 6 This world's vain honours I will shun, The narrow way to life I '11 run, That this at last mv boast mav be, My Saviour 's not ashamed of me. HYMN 211. P. M. COME, my brethren, let us try, For a little season, Everv burthen to lay by : Come, and let us reason. 2 What is this that casts you down ? What is this that grieves you ? Speak, and let the worst be known, Speaking may relieve you. 3 Christ at times by faith I view, And it doth relieve me, But my doubts return anew, They are those that grieve me. 4 Troubled like the restless sea, Feeble, faint and iearful, Plagu'd with every sore disease, How can I be cheerful ? 232 sweet sixger 5 Think on what your Saviour bore In the gloomy trarden. Sweating blood at every iM)ro. To procure thy pardon. G View him nailed to the tree, Bleeding, groaning, dying, Since he Bufler'd thie for ihee, Therefore be believing. 7 Joseph look bin body down. Shrouded it in linen, Laid it in the silent tomb, And returned mourning. 8 Jesus rises from the tomb, Angels tell the storv; See what glory shines around, Hallelujah, glory. 9 Brethren, don't you feel the flame ? Sisters, don't you love him ? Let us join to praise his name, Let us never grieve him. 10 Soon we '11 meet to part no more, Soon we '11 meet in heaven, There we 'II join the saints above, And forever praise him. HYMN 212. P. M. WHEN I set out for glory, I lefl the world behind, Determin'd for a city, That 's out of sight, to find. CHORUS. And to glory I will go — And to glory I will go— I y U go, I'll go, And to glory I will go. OF ISRAEL. 233 2 I left my worldly honour — I left my worldly fame — I left my young companions, And with them my good name. And to glory, ce. 4 On my low bended knees before God I did fall, And glory to Jesus, for he 's all in all : The heart of his rebel was bursted in twain, To see my dear Jesus on Calvary slain. 5 There was peace now in heaven, and peact upon earth, The angels rejoice at a poor sinner's birth ; Your sins are forgiven, my Saviour did say, Oh, witness kind heaven, on this my birth-day. OF ISRAEL. 239 6 My soul it was humbled, I fell to the ground ; The time of refreshing at length I have found ; O Lord, thou hast ravish'd my soul with thy charms, Let me die like old Simeon, with Christ in my arms. HYMN 219. P. M. COME and taste, along with me, Consolation running free, From our Father's wealthy throne, Sweeter than the honey-comb. 2 Wherefore should I feast alone, Two are better still than one ; The more comes in with a free good-will Makes the banquet sweeter still. 3 Now I go to heaven's door, Asking for a little more : Jesus gives a double share, Calling me his chosen heir. 4 Goodness running like a stream, Through the New Jerusalem, And by a constant breaking forth, % Sweetens earth, and heaven both. 5 Saints in glory sing aloud, For to see an heir of KJod ! Coming in at heaven's door, Making of the number more. 6 Now my body doth its best, For to keep me back from Christ ; But a treasure coming in, Doth oppose my inbred sin. 7 Sinful nature, hatching vice, Cannot stop the force of grace ; Whilst there is a God to give. And a sinner to receive. 240 SWEET SINGER 8 Heaven 's here and heaven 's there, Comfort 's flowing every where ! This I boldly do profess, That my soul hath got a taste. 9 Now I go rejoicing home, From the banquet of perfume! Finding manna on the road, Dropping from the mount of God. HYMN 220. L. M. HOW happy every child of grace, The soul that 's fill'd with joy and peace, That bears the fruits of righteousness, And kept by Jesus' power! Their trespasses are all forgiven, They antedate the joys of heaven : In rapturous lays Shout the praise Of Jesus' grace To a lost race Of sinners, brought to happiness Through th' atoning blood of Jesus. 2 Satan may tempt, and hell may rage, And all the poAvers of earth besiege ; Their united strength at once engage To pluck a soul from Jesus : The faithful soul laughs them to scorn, He 's heaven bound, he "s heaven born, He'll watch and pray, Night and day, Fight his way, Win the day, And all his enemies dismay, Through the mighty name of Jesus. OF ISRAEL. 241 3 Oh monster death, thy sting is drawn ! O boasting grave ! no trophy 's won ! The saint triumphs through grace alone, To praise the name of Jesus. At length he bids the world adieu, With all its vanity and show — The soul it flies Through the skies, To paradise, And joins its voice, In rapturous lays of love, to praise The glorious name of Jesus. 4 When Gabriel's awful trump shall sound, And rend the rocks, convulse the ground, And swear that time is at an end, Ye dead, arise to judgment. See lightnings flash and thunders roll, The earth wrapt like a parchment scroll ; Comets blaze, Sinners raise, Dread amaze And horrors seize The guilty sons of Adam's race, Unsaved from sin by Jesus. 5 The Christian, fill'd with rapturous joy, 'Midst flaming worlds he mounts on high, To meet his Saviour in the sky, And see the face of Jesus. Then soul and body reunite, And fill'd with glory infinite : Blessed day ! Christians, say — Will you pray That we may All join that happy company, To praise the name of Jesus? 16 242 SWEET SINGER HYxMN 221. C. M. GOD counts the sorrows of his saints, Their groans affect his ears ; He has a book for their complaints, ' A bottle for their tears. 2 The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night, Make drops of sacred sorrow rise To rivers of delight. 3 Let those who sow in sadness, wait Till the fair harvest come ; They shall confess their sheaves are great, And shout the blessing home. IHYMN 222. C. M. WHEN languor and disease invade This trembling house of clay, 'T is sweet to look beyond my pains, And long to fly away. 2 Sweet to look inward, and attend The whispers of thy love ; Sweet to look upwards to the place Where Jesus pleads above. 3 Sweet to look back, and see my name In life's fair book set down; Sweet to look forward, and behold Eternal joys my own. 4 Sweet to reflect how grace divine My sins on Jesus laid ; Sweet to remember that his blood My debt of suff 'ring paid. 5 Sweet in his righteousness to stand, Whicn saves from second death; Sweet to experience, day by day, His spirit's quick'ning breath. OF ISRAEL. 243 6 Sweet in his faithfulness to rest, Whose love can never end ; Sweet on his covenant of grace For all things to depend. 7 If such the sweetness of the streams, What must the fountain be, Where saints and angels draw their bliss Immediately from thee ! HYMN 223. C. M. WITH joy let each afflicted saint This cheering truth behold ; That when he 's tried he shall not faint, But shall come forth as gold. 2 This privilege, oh Lord ! I claim, Nor am I here too bold, That from the trying, fiery flame, I may come forth as gold. 3 What though the furnace burns on high, Still to this truth I'll hold, 'Tis but design'd my soul to try, I shall come forth as gold. 4 Herein his wisdom and his love Will God to me unfold ; And from the furnace I shall prove, He'll bring me forth as gold. 5 He '11 kindly thus consume my dross, So in this world I 'm told ; Nor can I suffer real loss, But shall come forth as gold. 6 Thus he '11 conform me to his word, And cast me in that mould ; And through the goodness of my Lord I shall come forth as scold. 244 SWEET SINGER 7 Thus will I sing his praises here, Whose mercies are of old ; And when in glory I appear, I shall come forth as gold. HYMN 224. L. M. IN God let all his saints rejoice. With thankful heart, and cheerful voice, Thus saith his word, so kind, so true, " I, even I, will comfort you." 2 Sweet words ! oh let us hless his name, And joyful all his praise proclaim ; These words shall foes and fears subdue, " I, even I, will comfort you." 3 Are you in darkness and distress ? Does Satan roar and break your peace ? Feer not, but still the truth review, " I, even I, will comfort you." 4 Do sore afflictions on you lay, And pungent sorrow, day by clay ? Look to this word, 't will bear you through, " I, even I, will comfort you." 5 If death in gloomy form appear, And overwhelm your souls with fear, Let this sweet word your faith renew, "I, even I, will comfort you." 6 Thus while you sojourn here below, As pilgrims in this world of woe, Make this your song, your journey through, "I, even I, will comfort you." 7 And when each happy soul attains That'bhssful state where glory reigns, This song shall all his powers employ, " God is my comfort and my joy." OF ISRAEL. 245 HYMN 225. L. M. C1HILDREN of God, renounce your fears ; ^ Lo ! Jesus for your help appears, And loudly speaks, as he draws nigh, " Be not afraid, for it is J." 2 When in the awful tempest tost, You feel your strength and courage lost, And mighty waves roll o'er your head, Your Lord is near, be not afraid. 3 When mournful tidings come from far, Or nations raise tumultuous war, And wide their devastations spread, Yet he is near, be not afraid. 4 The famine, pestilence, and sword, Are all obedient to his word; He, riding on the stormy sky, Says, "Fear ye not, for"i7 is I." 5 When earthlv joys are from you torn, Or when with heart-felt grief you mourn, To see your dear relations dead : Yet Jesus lives, be not afraid. 6 When fierce disease attacks your frame, Your Saviour's love is still the same ; In death's dark shade you need not fear, For Jesus will be with you there. 7 When stars are from their orbits hurl'd, And flames consume the guilty world, E'en then your Judge will smiling cry, " Be not afraid, for it is L" HYMN 226. C. M. H X LOVE the Lord," is still the strain 3- My heart delights to sing ; Though "oft my heart suggests again, " Perhaps 'tis no such thing." 246 SWEET SINGER 2 Before the power of love divine, Creation fades away ; Till only God is seen to shine, In all that we survey. 3 Nor exile I, nor prison fear, Love makes my courage great ; I find a Saviour every where, His grace in every state. 4 Nor castle walls, nor dungeons deep, Exclude his quick'ning beams ; There I can sit, and sing, and weep, And dwell on heavenly themes. 5 A Saviour kindles all my joys, And sweetens all my pains, His strength in my defence employs, Consoles me, and sustains. 6 I fear no ill, resent no wrong, Nor feel a passion move, When malice whets her sland'rous tongue ; Such patience is in love. HYMN 227. P. M. OH ! that I had some humble place, Where I might hide from sorrow; Where I might see my Saviour's face, And there be freed from terror. Oh ! had I wings like Noah's dove, I 'd leave this world and Satan, And fly away to realms above, Where Jesus stands inviting. 2 My heart is often made to mourn, Because I 'm faint and feeble ; And when my Saviour seems to frown, My soul is fill'd with trouble. OF ISRAEL. 247 But when he doth again return, And I repent ray folly ; 'T is then I after glory run, And still my Jesus follow. 3 I have ray bitter and ray sweet, While through this world I travel ; Sometimes I shout, and often weep; Which makes my foes to marvel. But let them think, and think again, I feel I 'm bound for heaven ; I hope I shall with Jesus reign, I therefore still will praise him. 4 I want to live a Christian here ; I want to die while shouting ; I want to feel my Saviour near, When soul and body 's parting, I want to see bright angels stand, And waiting to receive me ; To bear my soul to Canaan's land, Where Christ is gone before me. HYMN 228. P. M. SWEET the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend ; Life, and health, and peace possessing, From the sinner's dying friend. Here I 'llsit, for ever viewing Mercy's streams, in streams of blood : Precious drops my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. 2 Truly blessed is this station, Low before his cross to lie, While I see divine compassion, Floating in his languid eye. 248 SWEET SINGER Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the Lamb T gaze : t Love I much ? I 've much forgiven, I 'm a miracle of grace. 3 Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears his feet 1 11 bathe : Constant still in faith abiding, Life deriving from his death. May I still enjoy this feeling, In all need to Jesus go ; Prove his wounds each day more healing ; And himself more deeply know. HYMN 229. C. M.^ SWEET muse descend, and bless the shade. And bless the evening grove ! Business, and noise, and day are fled, And every care but love. 2 'T is no mean beauty of the grove* That hath enslaved my eyes ; I faint beneath a nobler wound Than love below the skies. 3 Jesus has all rny powers possess 'd, • My hopes, my fears, my joys : He, the dear sov'reign of my breast, Shall still command my voice. 4 Some of the fairest choirs above, Shall flock around my song, With joy to hear the name they love Sound from a mortal's tongue. 5 His charms shall make my numbers flow And hold the falling flood, While silence sits on every bough, And bends the list'ning wood- OF ISRAEL. 249 6 I '11 carve his passion on the bark, And every wounded tree Shall droop, and bear some mystic mark, That Jesus died lor me. 7 The swains shall wonder when they read, Inscrib'd on all the grove, That heaven itself came down and bled, To win a mortal's love. HYMN 230. C. M. OUR souls by love together knit, Cemented, mix'd in one, One hope, one heart, one mind, one voice, 'T is heaven on earth begun ; Our hearts have burn'd while Jesus spoke, And glow'd with sacred fire ; He stopp'd, and talk'd, and fed, and bless'd, And fill'd the enlarged desire. A Saviour! let creation sing! A Saviour ! let all heaven ring ! He 's God with us, we feel him ours, His fulness in our souls he pours, 'Tis almost done — ? t is almost o'er, We 're joining those who 're gone before. We then shall meet to part no more. 2 We 're soldiers fighting for our God, Let trembling cowards fly ; We '11 stand unshaken, firm, and fix'd. With Christ to live and die : Let devils rage, and hell assail, We '11 force our passage through ; Let foes unite, and friends desert, We '11 seize the crown, our due. 250 SWEET SINGER 3 The little cloud increases still, The heavens are big with rain ; We haste to catch the teeming shower, And all its moisture drain : A rill, a stream, a torrent flows ; Oh pour the mighty flood ; And sweep the nations, shake the earth, Till all proclaim thee God. 4 When thou shalt make thy jewels up, And set thy starry crown ; When all thy sparkling gems shall shine, By thee proclaimed thine own ; May we, a little band of love, Be sinners saved by grace : From glory into glory changed, Behold thee face to face. HYMN 231. P. M. BRIGHT scenes of glory strike my sense, And all my passions capture, Eternal beauties round me shine, Infusing warmest rapture. 1 dive in pleasures, deep and full In swelling waves of glory, And feel my Saviour in my soul, And groan to tell my story. 2 I feast on honey, milk and wine, I drink perpetual sweetness; Mount Zion's beauties round me shine, While Christ unfolds his glory ! No mortal tongue can show my joys, Nor can an angel tell them ; Ten thousand times surpassing all Terrestrial worlds or emblems. 3 The bliss that rolls through those above, Through those in glory seated, OF ISRAEL. 251 Which causes them loud songs to sing, Ten thousand times repeated — Dart through my soul in radiant flame, Constraining loudest praises ; O'erwhelming all my powers with joy, While all within me blazes. 4 When earth and sea shall be no more, And all their glory perish ; When sun and moon shall cease to shine, And stars at midnight languish, My joys refin'd shall higher shine With heav'n's radiant glory, And tell through one eternal day, Love's all immortal story. HYMN 232. P. M. THERE shall we reign with Jesus, on that de- lightful shore, And shout with the redeemed our trials being o'er ; The wicked cease from troubling, the weary are at rest. And we shall reign with Jesus, eternal ages blest. 2 We shall be like the angels in that immortal throng, And shouting his salvation will be our lasting song; They sing creating-goodnes3, and we redeeming love, And this shall be our business, in the bright worlds above. 3 This love so freely flowing, it animates our heart, This love is still abounding, in every place and part; This love can ne'er be ended, though faith and hope should cease, This love can ne'er be bounded, but ever will increase. 252 SWEET SINGER 4 This love through endless ages, it ever is the same ; 'Tis this our heart engages, to love and serve the Lamb ; Unites us all together, and makes us of one soul i It is the balm of Gilead, it makes the wounded whole. HYMN 233. P. M. THERE is a holy city, A happy world above, Beyond the starry regions, Built by the God of love ; An everlasting temple, And saints array 'd in white, They serve their great Redeemer, They dwell with him in light. 2 This is no world of trouble ; The God of peace is there, He wipes away their sorrows, He banishes their care ; Their joys are still increasing, Their songs are ever new, They praise the eternal Father, The Son and Spirit too. 3 The meanest child of glory Outshines the radiant sun ; But who can speak the splendour Of that eternal throne, Where Jesus sits exalted, In godlike majesty? The elders fall before him, The angels bend the knee. 4 Is this the man of sorrows, Who stood at Pilate's bar, Condemn'd by haughty Herod, And by his men of war ? OF ISRAEL. 253 He seems a mighty conqueror, Who spoil'd the powers below And ransom'd many captives From everlasting woe. 5 The hosts of saints around him Proclaim his work of grace ; The patriarchs and prophets, And all the godly race, Who speak of fiery" trials And tortures on their way, They came from tribulation, To everlasting day. 6 Now with a holy transport, They tell their suff'rings o'er, Their tears and their temptations, And all the pains they bore : They turn and bow to" Jesus, Who gain'd their liberty: Amid our fiercest dangers, Our lives are hid in thee. 7 Long time I was invited - To gain that he*v'nly rest; \ Grace made no hard condition, 'Twas only to be bless'd ; But earth's bewitching pleasures Inclin'd me long to stay : I sought her dreams and shadows, And joys that pass away. 8 But now it is my purpose The better way to find ; To serve my great Creator, And leave my sins behind: In guilt's seducing mazes I will no longer roam ; I '11 give my soul to Jesus, Who brings the ransom'd home. 254 SWEET SINGER 9 And what shall be my journey, How long I '11 stay below, Or what shall be my trials, Are not for me to know : In every day of trouble, I '11 raise my thoughts on nigh ; I '11 think of the bright temple, And crowns above the sky. HYMN 234. P. M. VITAL spark of heavenly flame, Quit, oh quit, this mortal frame : Trembling, hoping, ling'ring, flying, Oh the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease fond nature, cease thy strife, And let me languish into life. 2 Hark ! they whisper ! angels say, Sister spirit, come away ! What is this absorbs me quite ? Steals my senses ? shuts my sight? Drowns my spirit ? draws my breath ? Tell me, my soul, can this be death ? 3 The world recedes, it disappears ! Heav'n opens on my eyes ! my ears With sounds seraphic ring! Lend, lend your wings ! I mount ! I fly ! O grave ! where is thy victory ? O death ! Where is thy sting ? HYMN 235. L. M. OMAY I worthy prove to see, The saints in full prosperity ; To see the bright, the glittering bride, Close seated by her Saviour's side. OF ISRAEL. 255 2 I 'm glad that I am born to die, From grief and woe my soul shall fly ; Bright angels shall convey me home, Away to New Jerusalem. 3 I '11 praise him while he lends me breath, I hope to praise him after death ; 1 hope to praise him when I die, And shout salvation as I fly. 4 Farewell, vain world, I 'm going home, My Saviour smiles and bids me come ; Kind angels beckon me away : To sing his praise in endless day. 5 And when to that bright world I rise, And join the anthems in the skies, Above the rest this note shall swell, My Jesus has done all things well. 6 There I shall see my blessed God, And praise him in his "bright abode ; My theme through all eternity, Shall glory, glory, glory be. HYMN 236. C. M. IN vain my fancy strives to paint The moment after death, The glories that surround the saints, When yielding up their breath. 2 One gentle sigh their fetters breaks — We scarce can say, " They 're gone !" Before trie w ; lling spirit takes Her mansion near the throne. 3 Faith strives, but all its efforts fail, To ( trace her in her flight ; No eye can pierce without the veil Which hides the world of light. 256 SWEET SINGER 4 Thus much, and this is all we know, They are completely blest ; Have done with sin, and care, and woe, And with their Saviour rest. 5 On harps of gold they praise his name, His face thev always view : Then let us follow'rs be of them, That we may praise him too. 6 Their faith and patience, love and zeal, Should make their mem'ry dear ; And, Lord, do thou their prayers fulfil, They offered for us here. 7 While they have gain'd, we losers are, We miss them day by day ; But thou canst every breach repair, And wipe our tears away. 8 We pray as in Elisha's case, When great Elijah went — May double portions of thy grace To us who stay be sent. HYMN 237. C. M. DEATH cannot make our souls afraid, If God be with us there ; We may walk through its darkest shade, And never yield to fear. 2 I could renounce my all below, If my Creator bid ; And run if I were call'd to go, And die as Moses did. 3 Might I but climb to Pisgah's top, And view the promised land, My flesh itself would long to drop, And pray for the command. OF ISRAEL. 257 4 Clasp'd in my heavenly Father's arms, I would forget my breath, And lose my lite among the charms Of so divine a death. HYMN 238. P. M. THE fields are all white, the harvest is near- The angels all with their sharp sickles ap- pear, To reap down the wheat, and gather it in barns ; While the wild plants of nature are left for to burn. 2 Come then, O my soul, meditate on that day, When all things in nature shall cease and decay ; When the trumpet shall sound, the angels appear, To reap down the earth, both the wheat and the tare. 3 Then hear the sad wailing ascend to the sky, Of those in distress that have no where to fly ; On the rocks and the mountains they anxiously call, Their souls and their sins to o'erwhelm by their ML 4 But 'twill all be in vain, the mountains will flee, The rocks fly like hailstones, and shall no more be ; The earth it shall shake — the seas shall retire, And the works of creation shall all be on fire. 5 But hear the great Judge, in that dread alarm, Saying, gather my saints, bring them all to my arms, That the seven last plagues may be pour'd out on those, Who have blasphemed my name, and my saints who oppose. 17 258 SWEET SINGER 6 Then, O, wretched sinners, look up and espy The glorious Redeemer descend from the sky, In a chariot of fire to the earth he is hound, With a guard of bright angels attending around. 7 Come hither, ye nations, your sentence receive, ' No longer my spirit shall strive and be grieved ; My sentence is right, my judgment is just, Come hither, ye blest, but depart all ye curst. 8 O sinners, take warning, and seek ye the Lord, I have not been jesting, 'tis Jesus' own word, That those who believe, in glory shall stand, While all unbelievers are sure to be damn'd. 9 Now farewell, I leave you to ponder your way, May the Lord seal instruction from what I now say; That our souls to God's throne may be pour'd out in pray'r, And we be prepared to meet Christ in the air- HYMN 239. P. M. HARK ! the heralds of salvation ! Joyful news the angels bring : God himself in earth hath enter'd, Jesus is the new-born King. Hail, all glory, hail, all glory, Let the whole creation sing. 2 Shepherds start from midnight slumber, See the glory shining round, Gazing on the blaze they wonder, Till they 're prostrate on the ground : Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! By the shepherds, doth resound. 3 Fear not, shepherds, saith the angel, Banish sorrow from your eyes ; OF ISRAEL. 259 For in Bethlehem's coarse rnanger, God, a spotless infant, lies : See Jehovah ! see Jehovah ! Voil'd in clay below the skies. 4 Haste away, ye eastern sages, See ! the star proclaims your God ; Fear not Herod, though he rages, Sending peals of death abroad : Rachel mourning, Rachel mourning, For her children he destroy'd. 5 Sinners rage, each saint rejoices, At the great Redeemer's birth, Angels join their cheerful voices, "Good will to men, and peace on earth!' Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Glory in the Saviour's birth. 6 Let all people have salvation, Saith the heralds from above ; Sound his name through every nation, Teach the world redeeming love ; Go, ye heralds ! go, ye heralds ! Spread his name where'er ye rove. 7 Jesus, spread thy gospel glory, Save poor dying souls from hell ; Let all nations' bow before thee, Love thy name, and with thee dwell : Haste, ye heralds! haste, ye heralds! Your Redeemer's name to tell. HYMN 240. P. M. FAITH is the Christian's prop, Whereon his sorrows lean, It is " the substance of his hope, His proof of things unseen." It is the anchor of his soul, When tempests rage and billows roll. 260 SWEET SINGER 2 Faith is the polar star, That guides the Christian's hark ; Directs his wand'ring when afar, To reach the holy ark ; It points the course where'er he roam, And safely leads the pilgrim home. 3 Faith is the rainbow's form, Hung on the brow of heaven ; The glory of the passing storm, The pledge of mercy given. It is the bright triumphal arch Through which the saints to glory march. 4 Faith is the mountain rock, Whose summit towers on high ; Secure above the tempest's shock, An inmate of the sky. Fix'd on a prize of greater worth, It views with scorn the things of earth. 5 The faith that works by love, And purifies the heart, A foretaste of the joys above To mortals can impart. The Christian's faith is simply this: A passport to immortal bliss. HYMN 241. P.M. DEDICATION HYMN. SING to the Lord above, Who deigns on earth to raise Temples, where boundless love Demands our songs of praise. Upon this floor, by every tongue, While saints adore, his name be sung. OF ISRAEL. 261 2 We labour'd not in vain, With God our prayers prevail'd, Mountains were made a plain, And opposition fail'd. The head-stone 's laid, now let the place Resound with shoutings unto grace. 3 This sacred dome, O Lord, To thee we dedicate, Thy name we here record, And at thine altar wait. O, may thv love our hearts inspire, Celestial love impart the fire. 4 May heaven's high arch be bow'd, O glory shine around, As when the sacred cloud The Jewish temple crown'd. With saints of old we '11 bless the Lord, His truth unfold, his love record. 5 Here may the Spirit's sword The sinner's conscience wound, And here the cheering word Of God's rich grace abound : To soothe the pensive mourner's grief, And grant the burden'd mind relief. 6 May saints with joy report, Who in his temple "wait, This is Jehovah's court, 'T is heaven's expanding gate. May bliss divine from Zion roll, And love benign fill every soul. 7 Then when the Judge commands, Our souls shall soar away From temples made with hands To that in endless dav. We '11 join our lays with angels bright, To sing his praise in worlds of light. 262 SWEET SIXGER HYMN 242. P. M. DANIEL'S wisdom may I know, Stephen's faith and spirit show, John's divine communion feel, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal, Run like the unwearied Paul, Win the day, and conquer all. 2 Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness, Peter's ardent spirit feel, James's faith by works reveal ; Like young Timothy may I Everj 7 sinful passion fly. 3 Job's submission may I show, David's true devotion know, Samuel's call, O may I hear, Lazarus' happy portion share ; Let Isaiah's hallow 'd fire All my new-born soul inspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer, Gideon's valiant steadfast care, Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditating heart, Abraham's friendship may I prove, Faithful to the God of love. 5 Most of all, may I pursue, That example Jesus drew ; By my life and conduct show How he lived and walk'd below, Day by day, through grace restored, Imitate my blessed Lord. 6 When the dreams of life are fled, When its wasting lamps are dead, OF ISRAEL. 2G3 When in cold oblivion's shade, Youth and lame and power are laid, Where immortal spirits reign, There may we all meet again. HYMN 243. C. M. OTHAT I had a faithful friend, To tell my secrets to, On whose advice I might depend, In every thing I do. 2 How do I wander up and down, And no one pities me ! I seem a stranger quite unknown, A son of misery ! 3 None lends an ear to my complaint, Nor minds my cries nor tears ; None comes to cheer me though I faint, Nor my vast burden bears. 4 Whilst others live in mirth and ease, And feel no want or woe, Through this waste howling wilderness, I full of sorrows go. 5 O faithless soul, to reason thus, And murmur without end ! Did Christ expire upon the cross ? And is he not thy friend ? 6 Why dost thou envy carnal men, And think their state so blest ? How great salvation hast thou seen, And Jesus is thy rest ! 7 What can this lower world afford, Compared with gospel grace ? Thy happiness is in the Lord, And thou shalt see his face .' 264 SWEET SINGER 8 Can present grief be counted great, Compared with future woes ? Will transient pleasure seem so sweet, Compared with endless joys \ 9 How soon will God withdraw the scene. And burn the world he made ! Then woe to sinful camal men ! My soul, lift up thy head. 10 Thy Saviour is thy real friend, Constant and true and good ; He will be wilh thee to the end, And bring thee safe to God. 11 Then why, my soul, art thou so sad =' When will thy sighs be o'er ? Rejoice in Jesus, and be glad, Rejoice for evermore. I HYMN 244. P. M. N the floods of tribulation, While the billows o'er me roll, Jesus whispers consolation, And supports my fainting soul ; Sweet affliction, That brings Jesus to my soul. 2 Thus the lion yields me honey, From the eater food is given ; Strengthen'd thus I still press forward, Singing as I wade to heaven, Sweet affliction, And my sins are all forgiven. 3 So, in darkest dispensations, Doth my faithful Lord appear With his richest consolations, To re-animate and cheer : Sweet affliction. Thus to bring my Saviour near. OF ISRAEL. 265 4 Floods of tribulation heighten ; Billows still around me roar ; Those who know not Christ they frighten, But my soul defies their power : Sweet affliction, Thus to bring my Saviour near. 5 In the sacred page recorded, Thus his word securely stands ; " Fear not ; I 'm in trouble near thee, Nought shall pluck thee from my hands." Sweet affliction, Every word my love demands. 6 All I meet I find assists me In my path to heavenly joy, Where, though trials now attend me, Trials never more annoy ; Sweet affliction, Every promise gives me joy. 7 Wearing there a weight of glory, Still the path I '11 ne'er forget, But exulting cry, it led me To my blessed Saviour's feet : Sweet affliction, Which has brought me to his feet HYMN 245. P. M. DEAREST Jesus, though unseen, My believing heart will love thee, Poor despised Nazarene ; A kind and constant friend I prove thee: Sinking in thy balmy blood, O how I love my Saviour God ! 2 Day and night I vent my sighs, Languishing ro see my Saviour, With warm heart and streaming eyes, I view my dying Lord forever : 266 SWEET SINGER Here I always would abide : O nothing may I know beside. 3 Like the widow'd turtle-dove, I, most lovely Lamb, adore thee : Pants my soul quite fill'd with love, Sinking, O my God, restore me To thy presence sweet and free — O how I long to be with thee ! 4 Every mountain seems an age, Till thy presence shall relieve me, And thy grace my woes assuage, And thy absence no more grieve me : Quickly, quickly, Jesus come, O make my heart thy constant home. 5 O'er the hills I see him come — Quick as darts the piercing lightning, Scatters all my guilt and gloom ; All my powers are quick and brightening: Welcome, welcome, bleeding Lamb, O how thy presence feeds my flame. HYMN 246. P. M. ?"|^TID scenes of confusion and creature com- ±»-a. plaints, How sweet to my soul is communion with saints! To find at the banquet of mercy there 's room, And feel in the presence of Jesus at home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, Prepare me, dear Saviour, for glory, my home. 2 Sweet bonds that unite all the children of peace, And their precious Jesus, whose love cannot cease, Though oft from thy presence in sadness I roam, I long to behold thee in glory at home. or Israel. 267 3 I sigh from this body of sin to be free ; Which hinders ray joy and communion with thee: Though now my temptations like billows may- foam. All, all will be peace when I 'm with thee at home. 4 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, O give me submission and strength as my day, In all my afflictions to thee would I come, Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home. 5 Whate'er thou densest, O give me thy grace ! The spirit's sure witness, and smiles of thy face : Indulge me with patience to wait at thy throne, And hnd even now, a sweet foretaste of home. 6 I long, dearest Lord, in thy beauties to shine, No more as an exile, in sorrow to pine, And in thy dear image, arise from the tomb, With glorified millions to praise thee, at Home. HYMN 247. P. M. THE chariot ! the chariot ! its wheels roll in fire, As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of his ire ; Self-moving, it drives on its path- way of cloud, And the heavens with the burthen of Godhead are bow'd. 2 The glory ! the glory ! around him are pour'd, he myriads of angels that wait on the Lord ; And the glorified saints, and the martvrs are there, And all who the palm-wreaths of victory wear. 3 The trumpet ! the trumpet ! the dead have all heard ; Lo, the depths of the stone-cover'd monuments stirr'd ! From ocean and earth, from the south pole and north, Lo, the vast generations of ages come forth ! 268 SWEET SINGER 4 The judgment! the judgment! the thrones an all set, Where the Lamb and the white-vested elders arc met: All flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord, And the doom of eternity hangs on his word. 5 Oh mercy! oh mercy! look down from above, Redeemer, on us, thy sad children, with love ; When beneath to their darkness the wicked are driven, May our justified souls find a welcome in heaven HYMN 248. P. M. FOR what shall I praise thee, mv God and my King? For what blessings the tribute of gratitude bring ? Shall I praise thee for pleasure, for health and foi ease, For the spring of delight and the sunshine of peace ? 2 Shall I praise thee for flowers that bloom'd on my breast, For joys in perspective, and pleasures possess'd ? For the spirits that heigh ten'd my days of delight, And the slumbers that sat on my pillow by night ? 3 For this should T praise thee ! but, if only for this, I should leave half untold the donation of bliss: I thank thee for sickness, for sorrow, for care, For the thorns I have gather'd, the anguish I bear: 4 For nights of anxiety, watchings, and tears, A present of pain, a perspective of fears ; I praise thee, I bless thee, my King and my God, For the good and the evil thy hand hath bestow'd. OF ISRAEL. 269 5 The flowers were sweet, but their fragrance is flown, They yielded no fruits, they are wither' d and gone, The thorn it was poignantbut precious to me, T was the message of mercy, — it led me to thee. HYMN 249. P. M. LORD, our ransom'd souls adore tnee, Thou our joy and portion art : Day and night we plead before thee — Answer, Lord — thy grace impart, Send thy Spirit, Pierce, pierce the stubborn heart. 2 Ah ! dear Lord, they 're bound for ruin, Hast'ning down to endless woe : While their danger we are viewing, Streams of briny sorrow flow, Lord, alarm them, Or to ruin they must go ! 3 See, dear Lord, our near connexions, Dear companions all around, Brothers, sisters, children, parents, Down to desperation bound. Jesus, save them. Let the lost again be found. 4 Prayers and tears, alas! we 've vented : Shall we weep and pray in vain ? Yet, alas ! they seem contented ! Nought but scoffs and frowns we gain. Jesus, save them, Save them, Lord, from endless pain. 5 Death, it may be, now is near them, Soon they'll feel his cold embrace: Gracious Heaven, shall we hear them Mourn thy long rejected grace ? Lord, constrain them Now to seek a Saviour's face. 270 SWEET SINGER 6 Lord, we view the separation At thy great tremendous bar; Mourning, weeping, lamentation, Must be their employment there. Must we see them Stand their awful doom to hear ? 7 Must we there be separated, Never-never more to meet ? Mournful scene, long contemplated ! Lord, and is there mercy yet ? Lay them prostrate, Precious Jesus, at thy feet. 8 Lord, display thy matchless power, Pierce their stubborn hearts of stone Make them dread that awful hour- Bow them, Lord, before thy throne. Save them Jesus, Save them, save them for thine own. HYMN 250. P. M. WHEN weeping Mary came to seek Her loving Lord and Saviour, 'T was early as the morning broke, With tears to gain his favour ; The guardian soldiers wait around, The tomb that held the body ; Of him whom she thought under ground, With wicked hands all bloody. 2 But how her mournful heart was torn, To find the grave was empty ! In solemn silence she did mourn, While onward she did venture : Two Angels in bright raiment shone, To anticipate her sorrow ; And say why does this creature moan, And why this gloomy horror ? OF ISRAEL. 271 3 Why weep ye Mary, they did say, Why are you thus in mourning ? Because they 've ta'en my Lord away, Whom I thought to 've seen this morning. 1 '11 sigh and weep, poor Mary said, Till I know where they've'laid him ! Then quickly turning round her head, Began for to upbraid them. 4 As Jesus by her stood unknown, She thought he was the gard'ner : In flowing tears she made her moan, Not knowing 'twas her pard'ner: Come tell me where you 've laid my Lord, Exclaim'd poor weeping Mary; Some comfort to my mind afford, So much oppress'd and wearied. 5 O weeping Mary! said the man; — She then perceived her Saviour ; And to his feet she weeping ran, Not fearing harm or danger. And now like Mary let us go, And kiss the feet of Jesus, He '11 banish all our grief and woe, From sorrow he '11 relieve us. HYMN 251. P. M. WHEN toss'd on error's stormy tide, From doubt to darkness driven, 'Twas thine my wandering thoughts to guide, And bid the world no more divide My erring heart from heaven. 2 As more to fancy's wildering song, That heart's applause was given; To charm it from the joyless throng, Thy warning seem'd to breathe along, The holy lyre of heaven. 272 SWEET SINGER 3 But though the warning voice was sweet, As the last sigh of even, My soul within its dark retreat Reluctant shrunk, and fear'd to meet A messenger from heaven. 4 Yet soon the chain that bound my soul, By mercy's hand was riven ; I saw the clouds asunder roll, And truth, unerring as the pole, Allured me back to heaven. 5 My grateful heart must ever giow, While life and strength are given, With feelings those alone can know. Whom thou hast led to seek below, The blissful hope of heaven. HYMN 252. P. M. WHEN pulse beats low, and cheeks grow pale. And storms of life are fiercely driven ; When fairest prospects quickly fail, How sweet to have a hope in heaven ! 2 When friends that seem'd most near and dear Are from our bosoms swiftly riven, And life's bright joys in gloom appear, How sweet to have a hope in heaven ! 3 When lone and wand 'ring far from home, No kind relief to us is given, O, what would then of us become, If we had not a hope in heaven ? 4 And when the end is drawing nigh, Of life, through which we long have striven, And we at last must droop and die, How sweet to have a hope in heaven ! OF ISRAEL. 273 HYMN 253. P. M. MY heart and my tongue shall unite in the praise Of Jesus my Saviour for mercy and grace ; He purchased my pardon by shedding his blood, And bids me inherit the peace of my God. 2 My lot may be lowly, my parentage mean, Yet born of my God there are glories unseen, Surpassing all joys among sinners on earth, Prepared for souls of a heavenly birth. 3 Redeem'd from a thousand allurements to sin, I find in my cottage my heaven begin ; And soon shall I lay all my poverty by, Then mansions of glory for ever enjoy. 4 By the sweat of my brow now I labour for bread, Yet guarded by him, not an evil I dread ; And while I 'm possess'd of all riches in thee, My poverty comes with a blessing to me. 5 My labouring dress I shall soon lay aside For a robe bright and splendid, a dress for a bride — A bride that is married to Jesus the Lamb, Shall be clad in the robes which are ever the same. 5 If my fare should be scant while I travel below, Yet a feast that 's elernal shall Jesus bestow; No sorrow, no sighing, shall ever annoy The heavenly banquet I there shall enjoy. 7 If my labouring body goes weary to rest, Yet saved by the mercy of Jesus I 'm blest : Fresh strength lor my labour on earth he bestows. And above 1 shall bask in eternal repose. 18 274 SWEET SINGER HYMN 254. P. M. OLORD, how great 's the favour, That we, such sinners poor, . Can, through thy death's sweet savour, Approach thy mercy's door, And find an open passage Unto the throne of grace, There wait the welcome mes Which bids us go in peace 2 Lord, we are helpless creatures, Full of the deepest need, Throughout defiled by nature, Stupid and inly dead ; Our strength is perfect weakness, And all we have is sin ; Our hearts are all uncleanness, A den of thieves within. 3 In this forlorn condition, Who shall afford us aid ? Where shall we find compassion, But in the church's head? Jesus, thou art all pity, Oh! take us to thine arms, And exercise thy mercy, To save us from all harms. 4 We'll never cease repeating Our numberless complaints, But ever be entreating The glorious King of saints ; Till we attain the image Of him we inly love, And pay our grateful homage With all the saints above. OF ISRAEL. 275 5 Then we, with all in glory, Shall thankfully relate Th' amazing, pleasing story, Of Jesu's love so great : In this blest contemplation, We shall for ever dwell, And prove such consolation As none below can tell. HYMN 255. P. M. DAUGHTER of Zion! awake from thy sad- ness, Awake, for thy foes shall oppress thee no more ; Bright o'er thy hills dawns the Day-star of glad- ness ; Arise, for the night of thy sorrows is o'er. 2 Strong were thy foes ; but the arm that subdued them, And seatter'd their legions, was mightier far: They fled like the charF from the scourge that pursued them : How vain were their steeds and their chariots of war. 3 Daughter of Zion ! the power that hath saved thee, Extoll'd with the harp and the timbrel shall be : Shout ! for the foe is destroy'd that enslav'd thee, The oppressor is vanquish'd, and Zion is free. HYMN 256. P. M. IF life's pleasures charm thee, give them not thy heart, Lest the gift ensnare thee from thy God to part ; His favour seek, his praises speak, Fix here thy hope's foundation ; 276 SWEET SINGER Serve him, and he will ever be The Rock of thy salvation. 2 If distress befal thee, painful though it be, Let not grief appal thee ; to thy Saviour flee ; He, ever near, thy prayer will hear, And calm thy perturbation : The waves of woe shall ne'er o'erflow The Rock of thy salvation. 3 When earth's prospects fail thee, let it not dis- tress, Better comforts wait thee ; Christ will freely bless To Jesus flee, thy prop he '11 be, Thy heavenly consolation : For grie£ below cannot o'erthrow The Rock of thy salvation. 4 Dangers may approach thee, let them not alarm, Christ will ever watch thee, and protect from harm, He near thee stands with mighty hands, To ward off each temptation : To Jesus fly, he 's ever nigh, The Rock of thy salvation. 5 Let not death alarm thee, shrink not from his blow, For thy God shall arm thee, and victory bestow, For death shall bring to thee no sting, The grave no desolation : 'T is gain to die with Jesus nigh, The Rock of thy salvation. HYMN 257. C. M. D. TO see a pilgrim as he dies, With glory in his view , To heaven he lifts his longing eyes, And bids the world adieu ; OF ISRAEL. 277 While friends are weeping all around, And loth to let him go; He shouts with his expiring breath, And leaves them all below ! 2 Oh Christians ! are you ready now To cross the swelling flood \ On Canaan's happy shore behold, And see your smiling God : The dazzling charms of that bright world Attract mv soul above ; My tongue shall shout redeeming grace, When perfected in love. 3 Go on, my brethren in the Lord, I'm bound to meet you there ; Although w T e tread enchanted ground Be bold, and never lear : Fight on, fight on, ye valiant souls, (Your Captain is in view :) And when I gain fair Canaan's land, I hope to meet with you. 4 Salvation through our conqu'ring King, Now let the echo fly ; While they repeat the song above, Through armies in the sky. Oh Christians ! help me prake the Lamb, Who died for you and ma! We '11 sing his praises as we go, And shout eternally. 5 Go on, my brethren in the Lord, Until we meet again, Perhaps in time, or as we rise Above the fiery main ; We '11 join the heavenly armies bright, In presence of the Lamb, And tune our harps and sing free grace, In love's eternal flame, 278 SWEET SINGER HYMN 258. P. M. HOW sweet to reflect on those joys that await me, In yon blissful region, the haven of rest, Where glorified spirits with welcome shall greet me, And lead me to mansions prepar'd for the blest ; Encircled in light, and with glory enshrouded, My happiness perfect, my mind's sky unclouded, 1 'll bathe in the ocean of pleasure unbounded, And range with delight thro' the Eden of Love. 2 While angelic legions, with harps tun'd celestial, Harmoniously join in the concert of praise, The saints, as they flock from the regions terres- trial, In loud hallelujahs their voices will raise : The song of redemption shall echo thro' heaven, My soul will respond, to Immanuel be given All glory, all honour, all might and dominion, Who brought us thro' grace t to the Eden of Love. 3 Hail ! blessed estate ! Hail ye songsters of glory ! Ye harpers of bliss, soon I '11 meet you above ! And join your full choir in rehearsing the story, " Salvation from sorrow, through Jesus's love." Though prison'd in earth, yet by anticipation, Already my soul feels a sweet prelibation Of joys that await me when freed from probation : My heart 's now in heaven, the Eden of Love. HYMN 259. P. M. I LOVE my blessed Saviour, I feel I 'm in his favour, And 1 am his forever, If I but faithful prove ; OF ISRAEL. 279 And now I 'm bound for Canaan, 1 feel my sins forgiv'n, And soon shall get to heaven, To sing of his love. 2 Poor sinners may deride me, And unbelievers chide me, But nothing shall divide me From Jesus my friend : Supported by his power, I long to see the hour, That bids my spirit tower, And all my troubles end. 3 The pleasing time is hast'ning, My tott'ring frame is wasting, While I 'm engaged in praising, Impelled by his love. When yonder shining orders, Who sing on Canaan's borders, Shall bear me to their Lord, there To praise him above. 4 My thirsty soul is panting, My body almost fainting, While praise and pray'r are venting, From my feeble tongue. How ardent my desire ! Lord Jesus, raise me higher, To join the holy choir, ' In that immortal song. 5 Farewell, I 'm bound for glory, How pleasing is the story ! Those shining worlds before me, Invite me to be gone. Had I angels' pinions, I 'd range the bright dominions, And join the shining millions, Who 're shouting round the throne. SWEET SINGER 6 The pleasing smile of Jesus, The rapturous sound increases, And tunes the heavenly voices, Throughout the ethereal plains. My flesh and spirit lading, My soul in transports "hading, Bright seraphs in their dwelling, 1 sing immortal strains. HYMN 260. P. M. JESUS, while hs dwelt below, As divine historians say, To a place would often go; Near to Kedron's brook, it lay; In this place he loved to be, And 't was named Gelhsernane. 2 Full of love to man's lost race, On this conflict much he thought: This he knew, the destined place, And he loved the sacred spot. Therefore 't was he liked to be Often in Gethsemane. 3 Came at length the dreadful night; Vengeance with its iron rod Stood, and wilh collected might Bruised the harmless Lamb of God. See, my soul, thy Saviour see, Grovelling in Gelhsernane. 4 There my Saviour bore my guilt ; This through grace can be believed ; But the horrors which he felt, Are too vast to be conceived : None can penetrate through thee, Doleful, dark Gethsemane. 281 5 Sins against a holy God, Sins against his righteous laws — Sins against his love, his blood — Sins against his name and cause — Sins immense as is the sea, Hide me, O Gethsemane. 6 Saviour, all the stone remove From my flinty, frozen heart ; Thaw it with the beams of love — Pierce it with a blood-dipt dart: Wound the heart that wounded thee ; Melt me in Gethsemane. HYMN 261. P. M. SEE how the Scriptures are fulfilling ; Poor sinners are returning home : The time that prophets were foretelling, With signs and wonders now is come: The gospel trumpets now are blowing From sea to sea, from land to land ; God's Holy Spirit is down pouring, And Christians joining heart and hand. 2 Ten thousand fall before Jehovah, For mercy — mercy ! — loud they cry ; They rise, all shouting "hallelujah! And " glory be to God on high :" But many cry, " It 's all disorder," And disbelieve God's holy word; Yet Christians sing and shout the louder, " All glory, glory to the Lord " 3 Oh, sinners ! hear our invitation! You are but feeble, dying worms; Oh, fly to Jesus for salvation, Or you must meet God's awful storms : 282 SWEET SIXGER We warn you in the name of Jesus, The awful Judge of quick and dead ; But if you still refuse to hear us, Your blood shall be upon your head. 4 Now God is calling every nation, The bond and free, the rich and poor; These are the days of visitation ; Sweet gospel grace will soon be o'er : The Lord shall come, all clothed in thunder, And lightning streaming from his eye ; Oh ! then he '11 cut his foes asunder, And cast them where the damned lie. 5 The sun affrighted from his centre, Sinks into everlasting night; The stars to shine now dare not venture, The moon in crimson veils her light : The sea and land together burning, The flames ascend the melting skies ; All nature now to nought 's returning! " Time is no more !" the angel cries. 6 Now Zion, clothed in brilliant glory, Marches towards the dazzling throne ; Oh, hearken to the pleasant story ; — When Christ his charming bride shall own With smiling looks of approbation, He takes her to his loving arms, And she is fill'd with transportation, Dissolved in his heavenly charms. HYMN 262. P. M. AN alien from God, and a stranger to grace, I wander'd through earth, its gay pleasures to trace ; In the pathway of sin I continued to roam, Unmindful, alas ! that it led me from home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, O Saviour ! direct me to heaven my home. OF ISRAEL. 283 2 The pleasures of earth I have seen fade away, They bloom for a season, but soon they decay : But pleasures more lasting in Jesus are given, Salvation on earth, and a mansion in heaven. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, The saints in those mansions are ever at home. 3 Allure me no longer, ye false glowing charms ! The Saviour invites me," I '11 go to his arms ; At the banquet of Mercy, I hear there is room, O, there may I feast with his children at home i Home, home, sweet, sweet home, O Jesus, conduct me to heaven my home ! 4 Farewell, vain amusements, my follies, adieu, While Jesus, and heaven, and glory ] view; I feast on the pleasures that flow from his throne, The foretaste of heaven, sweet heaven, my home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, O when shall I share the fruition of home ! 5 The days of my exile are passing away, The time is approaching, when Jesus will say, "Well done, faithful servant, sit down on my throne, And dwell in my presence for ever at home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, O there I shall rest with the Saviour at home. 6 Affliction, and sorrow, and death shall be o'er, The saints shall unite to be parted no more, There loud hallelujahs fill heaven's high dome, They dwell with the Saviour for ever at home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home. They dwell with the Saviour for ever at home. HYMN 263. P. M. WHEN by sin overwhelm'd, shame covers our face, We look unto Jesus, who saves us by grace ; 284 SWEET SINGER We call on his name from the gulf of despair, And he plucks us from hell in answer to prayer: Prayer, sweet prayer, Be it ever so feeble, there 's nothing like prayer. 2 When trials afflict us, and sorrows o'erflow, When patience is weary, or sunk into woe, If to him we look, on him cast our care, We find certain relief, in answer to prayer : Prayer, sweet prayer, In all our distresses, there's nothing like prayer. 3 When God we approach through the Son of his love, Both his mercy and truth we know we shall prove ; For our comfort and peace his arm is made bare, And his grace we receive in answer to prayer: Prayer, sweet prayer, Be it ever so humble, there 's nothing like prayer. 4 Holy Spirit of truth, — 'tis thine to inspire The faith that, enkindles the spark of desire! Which cleanses the heart, and perfumes all the air, With the odour of incense, ascending from prayer: Prayer, sweet prayer. In all acts of devotion, there 's nothing like prayer ! 5 When sickness assails, and to death we draw near, We '11 face the grim monster divested of fear, In Jesus's love, we shall have a full share, While the flame is kept bright in answer to prayer ; Prayer, sweet prayer, Both in life and in death there 's nothing like prayer! OF ISRAEL. 285 HYMN 264. P. M. HOW sad are the moments when wandering from God, And thorny and dark is the dangerous road! But light is the pathway which leads to the tomb. When cheer'd by the presence of Jesus my home. Home ! home ! sweet, sweet, home, When cheer'd by the presence of Jesus my home. 2 Though fading are joys which earth can bestow, And false is the light which illumes us below, Though sorrows, like clouds, hang around us in gloom, The beams of his love light me on my way home. Home ! home ! sweet, sweet, home, The beams of his love light me on my way home. 3 When the tempest of life has sunk into repose, And death shall the beauties of heaven disclose, With all the redeem'd, I o'er it will roam, And sing hallelujah to Jesus my home. Home ! home ! sweet, sweet, home, And sing hallelujah to Jesus my home. HYMN 265. P. M. FAREWELL HYMN. FARE ye well, ye favourite few, I must bid you all adieu ; But the Lord is with you still, Fear you not, but fare you well. 2 Fare ye well, ye little flock, Whom the world revile and mock; Keep the way to endless bliss, Then you cannot fare amiss. 286 SWEET SINGER 3 Fare ye well, my Lord's elect, Trials you must all expect ; From the world, the flesh, and hell, But the faithful shall fare well. 4 Fare ye well, ye saints of God, Washd and cleansed in Jesus' blood : Strive in goodness to excel. Live to God, and you '11 fare well. 5 Fare ye well, ye pious band, March ye on for Canaan's land, Tread on all the powers of hell, March in faith, and you '11 fare well. 6 Fare ye well, brave soldiers dear, Crowns of life you all may wear : Christ will all your foes repel, Fight in faith, and you '11 fare well. 7 Ye who taste a Saviour's love, Feel his drawings lrom above, Still endeavour to excel, And you '11 finally fare well. 8 Fare ye well, poor sinners, too, Jesus Christ still waits for you ; Now repent, and 'scape from hell, Flee to Christ, and you '11 fare well. 9 Feeble souls, with fears opprest, Jesus bears you on his breast ; He will all your foes dispel, Fear ye not, but fare ye well. 10 When a few more storms are o'er, We shall meet to part no more ; Meet, with Jesus Christ, to dwell In a world where all fare well. OF ISRAEL. 287 HYMN 266. C. M. ?nn IS sweet to rest in lively hope, JL Tha't, when my change shall come, Angels will hover round my bed, And waft my spirit home. 2 There shall my disembodied soul Behold him and adore ; Be with his likeness satisfied, And grieve and sin no more. 3 Soon, too, my slumb'ring dust shall hear The trumpet's quick'ning sound ; And, by my Saviour's power rebuilt, At his right hand be found. 4 If such the views which grace unfolds, Weak as it is below, What raptures must the church above, In Jesus' presence, know ! 5 O may the unction of these truths For ever with me stay, Till, from her sinful cage dismiss'd, My spirit fiies away ! HYMN 267. P.M. O JOYFUL thought ! O rapturous words ! His praises let us sing, Whose true and faithful word declares, That Jesus shall be king. 2 What though the enemies should rise, And hosts of agents bring ! Thy word our fainting thought renews, Our Saviour shall be king. 3 The heathen shall destroy their gods, And Jesus' praise shall ring, « Throughout a world which one despised, But then shall hail him king. 288 SWEET SINGEK 4 And He who once on Calvary groan'd, Of death once felt the sling, Now reigns throughout the hosts of heaven, And o'er his saints a king. 5 Soon will he come, and all shall bow, And all shall tribute bring — Soon the redeem'd on earth shall soar To heaven, where Christ is kins:. HYMN 208. P. M. CHILD of prosperity, Nursling of vanity, Slave of preferment, ot wealth and renown, Does love smooth thy pillow, Is hush'd each rude billow Of care in thy breast? is thy wretchedness flown? 2 Is smiling contentment Thy constant attendant, Does happiness place her green wreaths on thy brow ? And joy raise thy bosom, With heart-felt emotion, And chase from thy vision each prospect of woe ? 3 Ah, no! wealth and grandeur, And titles of honour, Can never impart a sweet calm to the mind; All, all is commotion, Their pleasure a notion, They leave no enjoyment or comfort behind. 4 Then haste to the mountain. Where flow from its fountain. The streams of enjoyment, unmingled with care ; The Eden*>f pleasure, A permanent treasure, The harbour of rest, for no billows are there. OF ISRAEL. 289 5 Your peace, like a river, For ever and ever, Shall glide undisturb'd in its channel along, To Ihat blissful region, Where dove-eyed religion Invites you — O haste ! lor she beckons you on. HYMN 269. P. M. THE Christians of old, united in one, As sheep in a fold were never alone ; As birds of a feather all flock'd to their nest, And shelter'd together in Jesus's breast. 2 However employ'd, their joy was the same; They never were cloy'd in hymning the Lamb ; Their sole recreation to sing of his praise, And publish salvation by Jesus's grace. 3 Small learning they had, and wanted no more, Not many could read, but all could adore ; No help from the college or school they received, Content with his knowledge in whom they believed. 4 No riches had they, but riches of grace ; No fondness for play, or passion for praise ; No moments of leisure for trifling employs, Possess'd of the treasure in God to rejoice. 5 Men in their own eyes were children again, And children were wise and solid as men ; The women were fearful of nothing but sin, Their hearts were all cheerful, their consciences clean. 6 Wrapt up in their Lord, his service and love, They lived and adored, like angels above ; To keep in his favour their lives they laid down, And now with their Saviour inherit the crown. 19 290 SWEET SINGER HYMN 270. C. M. BEHOLD the man, threescore and ten, Upon a dying bed ; He 's run his race, and got no grace, An awful sight indeed. 2 Poor man ! he lies in sore surprise, And thus he do4h complain ; No grace I've got, and I cannot Recall my time again. 3 This is the truth, I 've spent my youth, In sinful sports and mirth ; Put far away the evil day, And scarcely thought on death. 4 My conscience then, could not refrain, But gave me many a check ; But wilfully I put him by, His voice I did reject. 5 God's spirit came, once and again, To me from realms above ; Alas! but I would not comply ; I grieved the heavenly dove. 6 In middle age, T did engage In the affairs of life ; Some wealth to gain, that might sustain My children and my wife. 7 This worldly care, did prove a snare, The devil led me on ; And now, ala?, this is the case, My day of grace is gone. OF ISRAEL. 291 8 My sins are all, both great and small, Before my fixed eye ,• And I must go to endless woe, To burn eternally. 9 O dreadful hell, where I must dwell, God's vengeance reigneth there ; I yield my breath to cruel death, In horror and despair. 10 My glass is run, and I 'm undone, No mercy can I find : And instantly the man doth die, And leave no hope behind. 11 An awful sight, God grant it might, A warning be to all, To seek God's face for saving grace, And hearken to his call. HYMN 271. P. M. GLORIOUS things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ! He whose words cannot be broken, Form'd thee for his own abode : On the rock of ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose ? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. 2 See ! the streams of living waters Springing from eternal Jove, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove. Who can faint while such a river Ever flows their thirst t' assuage ? Grace, which like the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age ? 292 SWEET SIXGER 3 Round each habitation hovering, See the, cloud and fire appear ! For a glory and a cov'ring, Showing that the Lord is near ; Thus deriving from their banner- Light by night, and shade by day ; Safe they feed upon the manna Which he gives them when they pray. 4 Blest inhabitants of Zion, Wash'd in the Redeemer's blood ! Jesus, whom their souls rely on, Makes them kings and priests to God : 'T is his love his people raises Over self to reign as kings ; And as priests, his solemn praises, Each for a thank-offering brings. 5 Saviour, if of Zion's city I, through grace, a member am, Let the world deride or pity, I will glory in thy name : Fading is the worldling's pleasure, ■ All his boasted pomp and show ; Solid joys and lasting treasure None but Zion's children know. HYMN 272. P. M. SOMETIMES a light surprises The Christian while he sings ; It is the Lord who rises, With healing in his wings ; When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again A season of clear shining, To cheer it after rain. OF ISRAEL. 2 In holy contemplation, We sweetly then pursue The theme 6t God's salvation, And find it ever new ; Set free from present sorrow, We cheerfully can say, E'en let th' unknown to-morrow, Bring with it what it may. 3 It can bring with it nothing But he will bear us through : Who gives the lilies clothing, Will clothe his people too ; Beneath the spreading heavens, No creature but is fed ; And he who feeds the ravens, Will give his children bread. 4 Though vine nor fig-tree neither, Their wonted fruit shall bear, Though all the field should wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there : Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice ; For, while in him confiding, I cannot but rejoice. HYMN 273. S. M. THE Lord my shepherd is, I shall be well supplied; Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside ? 2 He leads me to the place Where heavenly pasture grows, Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows. 294 SWEET SINGER 3 While he affords his aid, I 'm free from every fear ; Though I should walk through death's dark shade My Shepherd 's with me there. 4 In spite of all my foes, Thou dost my table spread ; My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head. 5 The bounties of thy love, Shall crown my following days ; Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise. HYMN 274. S. M. SERVANT of God, well done! Rest from thy loved employ ; The battle 's fought, the victory won, Enter thy master's joy. 2 The voice at, midnight came, He started up to hear ; A mortal arrow pierced his frame — He fell— but felt no fear. 3 Tranquil amidst alarms, It found him on the field, A veteran slumb'ring on his arms, Beneath his red-cross shield. 4 His sword was in his hand, Still warm with recent fight, Ready that moment, at command. Through rock and steel to smite. 5 It was a two-edged blade, Of heavenly temper keen; I And double were the wounds it made, Where'er it glanced between. OF ISRAEL. 295 6 'T was death to sin — 't was life To all who mourn'd for sin ; It kindled and it silenced strife, Made war and peace within. 7 Oft with its fiery force His arm hath quell'd the foe, And laid, resistless in his course, The alien armies low. 8 Bent on such glorious toils, The world to him was loss, Yet all his trophies, all his spoils, He hung upon the cross. 9 At midnight came the cry, " To meet thy God prepare i" He woke — and caught his Captain's eye, Then, strong in faith and prayer — 10 His spirit, with a bound, Left its encumbering clay ; His tent, at sun-rise, on the ground, A darken 'd ruin lay. 11 The pains of death are past, Labour and sorrow cease ; And, life's long warfare closed at last, His soul is found in peace. 12 Soldier of Christ, well done ! Praise be thy new employ ; And while eternal ages ran, Rest in thy Saviour's joy. HYMN 275. P. M. WHAT are these in bright array, This innumerable throng, Round the altar night and day, Hymning one triumphant song — 296 SWEET SINGEK " Worthy is the Lamb once slain, Blessing, honour, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain- New dominion every hour ? 2 These through fiery trials trod, These from great afflictions came: JMow, before the throne of God, Seal'd with his almighty name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in every hand, T *^° Ugh Aeir dear Redeemer's might, More than conquerors they stand. 3 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed ; Whom the Lamb, amidst the throne, Shall to living fountains lead: Joy and gladness banish sighs, Perfect love dispels all fears, And for ever from their eyes, God shall wipe away the tears. HYMN 276. C. M. D. COJJE, let us join our friends above, That have obtain'd the prize, And on the eagle wings of love, To joy celestial rise : Let all the saints terrestrial sing, With those to glory gone : & For all the servants of our King In earth and heaven are one. 2 One family, we dwell in him One church above, beneath, ' T mu gh now divide <* by the stream, The narrow stream of death • One army of the living God, To his command we bow;. OF ISRAEL. 297 Part of his host have cross'd the flood, And part is crossing now. 3 Ten thousand to their endless home This solemn moment fly ; And we are to the margin come, And we expect to die : His mihtant, embodied host, With wishful looks we stand, And long to see that happy coast, And reach the heavenly land. 4 Our spirits, too, shall quickly join, Like theirs, with glory crown'd ; And shout to see our Captain's sign, And hear his trumpet sound : O that we now might grasp our Guide ! O that the word were given ! Come, Lord of Hosts, the waves divide. And land us all in heaven ! HYMN 277. C. M. OHOW extensive is thy grace, How rich, how full, how free! The needy thou delight'st to raise ; I '11 tell my wants to thee. 2 I want to fear thy sacred name, I want to love thee more, I want to feel that heavenly flame, Which I have felt before. 3 I want to know myself aright, To hear what Jesus saith ; I want repentance in thy sight, I want a stronger faith. 4 I want to have my soul resign'd, Submissive to thy will ; 298 SWEET SINGER I want a meek, an humble mind, I want my wants to feel. 5 I want a chaste and single eye : Thy gracious ear incline ; From fulness infinite supply This empty soul of mine. 6 Through Jesus let these blessings flow; He bought them with his blood : Now let a worthless sinner know, Thy promises made good. HYMN 278. C. M. LET worldly minds the world pursue, It has no charms for me; Once I admir'd its trifles too, But grace has set me free. 2 Its pleasures now no longer please, No more content afford; Far from my heart be joys like these, Now I have known the Lord. 3 As by the light of opening day, The stars are all eonceal'd ; So earthly pleasures fade away, When Jesus is revealed. 4 Creatures no more divide my choice, I bid them all depart: His name, and love, and gracious voice Have fix'd my roving heart. 5 Now, Lord, I would be thine alone, And wholly live to thee ; But may I hope that thou wilt own A worthless worm like me ! OF ISRAEL. 299 HYMN 279. P. M. SOXGS of praise the angels sang, Heaven with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When he spake, and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of Peace was born, Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away, Songs of praise shall crown that day; God will make new heavens and earth, Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 And will man alone be dumb, Till that glorious kingdom come ? No; — the church delights to raise Psalms and hymns and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 6 Borne upon the latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then amidst eternal joy Songs of praise their powers employ. HYMN 280. C. M. WHEN on the margin of -the grave, Why did I doubt my Saviour's art ? Ah ! why mistrust his will "to save ? What meant that faltering of my heart ? 2 'T was not the searching pain within, That fill'd my coward flesh with fear; Nor consciousness of outward sin, Nor sense of dissolution near. 300 SWEET SINGER 3 Of hope I felt no joyful ground, The fruit of righteousness alone ; Naked of Christ my soul I found, And started froma God unknown. 4 Corrupt my will, nor half suhdued, Could I his purer presence bear ? Unchanged, unhallow'd, unrenew'd, Could I before his face appear ? 5 Father of mercies, hear my call ! Ere yet returns the fatal hour, Repair my loss, retrieve my fall, And raise me by thy quick'ning power. 6 My nature re-exchange for thine ; Be thou my life, my hope, my gain ; Arm me in panoply divine. And death shall shake his dart in vain. 7 When I thy promise Christ have seen, And clasped Him in my soul's embrace, Possessed of my salvation, then — Then let me, Lord, depart in peace. HYMN 281. L. M. CAN we believe thy precious word, And not assemble in thy name ? Sure, if we meet, to meet our Lord, And catch thy whisper *' Here I am !" 2 Where two or three, with faithful heart, Unite to plead the promise given, *As truly in the midst thou art As in the countless hosts of heaven. HYMN 282. C. M. HOW peaceful is the closing scene When virtue yields its breath ! How sweetly beams the smile serene, Upon the "cheek of death ! OF ISRAEL. 301 2 The Christian's heart no fear can blight, No pain his peace destroy : He views, beyond the realms of light, A pure and boundless joy. 3 Oh, who can gaze, with heedless sight, On scenes so fair as this ? Who but exclaims — " thus let me die, And be my end like his ?" HYMN 283. L. M. A FEW more days preserve me here ; And when from earth my spirit flies, O, let a child of mine be near — A child of God to close mine eyes. 2 Before its strong arrest I feel, Give me my death's approach to see ; And having lived to serve thy will, Lord, let me then depart in Thee. HYMN 284. P. M. For Children. ALMIGHTY Sov'reign of the skies, Thou only good, Thou only wise ; Our youthful hymns to thee we bring, And'hail thee universal King ! 2 The heavenly choirs around thy throne Attune their harps to thee alone ; And shall we, children, here below, No praises on thy name bestow ? 3 Send down, O Lord, thy power and grace, And fill our hearts with prayer and praise ,• Then, ceaseless, shall our songs ascend In anthems to the children's Friend. 302 SWEET SINGER 4 And while our youthful voices rise, In hallelujahs to the skies, Our weak endeavours, Lord, approve, And every sinful thought remove. 5 And when our singing here is o'er, When up to heaven our spirits soar, May golden harps to us be given, To sing thy endless praise in heaven. HYMN 285. P. M. OFOR that bright and glorious day, When truth enthron'd on Mercy's brow, Shall bear a universal sway, Where Error reigns in triumph now ; When Jesus' name shall spread abroad, And every nation own their God ! 2 When man, the slave of sin and shame, For freedom shall no longer sigh, But catch the rapture-giving strain, And raise the shout of Liberty ! And songs which earth has never told, Shall vibrate from each harp of gold. 3 That midnight gloom which hovers o'er, Where superstition rears her head, Shall screen the blood-stain'd rites no more, Nor bide where vice her victims led ; But chasing darkness as it flies, The sun of righteousness arise ! 4 Earth, fill'd with radiancy divine, As Eden smiled shall smile again, While peace and happiness shall join, To spread the Saviour's glorious reign. No sigh shall heave the troubled breast, No tears disturb the pilgrim's rest. OF ISRAEL. 303 5 Blest Jesus ! haste the glorious day, When truth, enthron'd on Mercy's brow, Shall bear a universal sway, Where Error reigns and triumphs now ; Till guilt and misery be driven — And earth again resembles heaven. HYMN 285. L. M. SWEET were the sounds that reach'd our ears, When mercy rais ; d her heavenly voice ; 'T was mercy that dispell'd our fears, And bade our souls in hope rejoice. 2 All other sounds discordant seem, Compar'd with mercy's heavenly song ; So sweet and joyful is the theme, It bears our willing souls along. 3 O may we never cease to hear The voice that gives our conscience rest, That dissipates our guilty fear, And tells us we are truly blest ! 4 May mercy still remove our fear, And bind our souls with cords of love ! Mercy that soothes our sorrows here, And gives us hope of joys above. HYMN 287. L. M. WHEN on the cross my Lord I see, Bleeding to death for wretched me, Satan and sin no more can move, For I am all transform'd to love. 2 His thorns and nails pierce through my heart ; In every groan I hear a part; I view his wounds with streaming eyes; But see ! he bows his head and dies ' 304 SWEET SINGER 3 Come, sinners, view the Lamb of God, Wounded, and dead, and bathed in blood ! Behold his side, and venture near ; The well of endless life is here. 4 Here I forget my cares and pains ; I drink, yet still my thirst remains : Only the Fountain Head above Can satisfy the thirst of love. 5 Oh that I thus could always feel ! Lord, more and more thy love reveal ; Then my glad tongue shall loud proclaim The grace and glory of thy name. 6 Thy name dispels my guilt and fear, Revives my heart, and charms my ear; Affords a balm for every wound, And Satan trembles at the sound. HYMN 288. P. M. PEACE be to this habitation ; Peace to all that, dwell therein ; Peace, the earnest of salvation ; Peace, the fruit of pardoned sin ; Peace, that speaks the heavenly Giver Peace to worldly minds unknown ; Peace divine, that lasts for ever, Peace, that comes from God alone. 2 Jesus, Prince of Peace, be near us, Fix in all our hearts thy home ; With thy gracious spirit cheer us, Let thy sacred kingdom come ; Raise to heaven our expectation, Give our favour'd souls to prove Glorious and complete salvation, In the realms of bliss above. OF ISRAEL. 305 HYMN 289. P. M. GIVE me the faith which can remove And sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the child-like praying love, Which longs to build thy house again. Thy love, let it my heart o'erpower, And all my simple soul devour ! 2 I would the precious time redeem, And longer live for this alone, To spend and to be spent, for them Who have not yet my Saviour known; Fully on these my mission prove, And' only breathe, to breathe thy love. 3 My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord, Into thy blessed hands receive, And let me live to preach thy word, And let me to thy glory live ; My every sacred moment spend, In publishing the sinner's friend. 4 Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart, With boundless charity divine : So shall I all my strength exert, And love them with a zeal like thine ; And lead them to thy open side, The sheep for whom the shepherd died. HYMN 290. L.M. COME, Christian brethren, ere we part, Join every voice and every heart; One solemn hymn to God we raise, One final song of grateful praise. 2 Christians, we here may meet no more; But there is yet a happier shore ; And there, releas'd from toil and pain, Dear brethren, we shall meet again. 306 IWEET SIXGER HYMN 291. L. M. GLORY to thee, ray God, this night, For all the blessinsrs of the light: Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath thine own Almighty 1 wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ills that I this day have done ; v That with the world, myself and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace mav be. 3 Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as little as my bed : Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the judgment day. 4 let my soul on thee repose ! And may sweet sleep mine eye-lids close; Sleep that shall me more vig'rous make, To serve my God when I awake. 5 O when shall I, in endless dav, For ever chase dark sleep away, And hymns divine with angels sing, Glory to thee, eternal King ! HYMN 292. P. M. THE Lord shall come ! the earth shall quake ; The mountains to their centre shake ; And, withering from the vault of night, The stars shed pale their feeble light. 2 The Lord shall come ! but not the same As once in lowliness He came ; A silent Lamb before his foes, A weary man, and full of woes. 3 The Lord shall come, a dreadful form! With rainbow-wreath and robes of storm ; On cherub-wings, and wings of wind, Appointed Judge of all mankind. OF ISRAEL. 307 4 Can this be He, who wont lo stray- As pilgrim on the world's highway. Oppress d by power, and niock'd by pride, The Xazarene, — the crucified ? 5 While sinners in despair shall call, " Rocks, hide us ; mountains, on us fall !" The saints, ascending from the tomb, Shall joyful sing, " The Lord is come !" HYMN 293. P. M. THE long expected mora Has dawn'd upon the earth ; The Saviour, Christ, is born, And angels sing his birth : We '11 join the bright seraphic throng, And share their joys, and swell their song. 2 " Good will and peace divine To highly favoured man :" No wisdom, Lord, but thine Could form the gracious plan, To save the guilty and the lost, Thyself remaining true and just 3 Praise then the Lord most high, On earth he deigns to dwell ; Incarnate to destroy The works of death and hell : Hosanna in the highest strain. — " Great peace on earth — Good will to men." HYMN 294. P. M. HOW beautiful the sight , Of brethren who agree, In friendship to unite, And bond of charity ; 'Tis like the preciousoinrment, shed O'er all his robes, from Aaron's head. 308 SWEET SINGER 2 'T is like the dews that fill The cups of" Hermon's flowers; Or Zion s fruitful hill, Bright with the drops of showers, When mingling odours breathe around, And glory rests on all the ground. 3 For there the Lord commands Blessings, a boundless store, From his unsparing hands, Yea, life for evermore : Thrice happy they who meet above To spend eternity in love ! HYMN 295. C. M. "O ETURNING to his throne above, M\> The friend of sinners cried Do this in memory of my love : He spoke the word, and died. 2 He tasted death for every one ; The Saviour of mankind Out of our sight to heaven is gone, But left his pledge behind. 3 His sacramental pledge we take, Nor will we let it go ; Till in the clouds our Lord comes back, We thus his death will show. 4 Come quickly, Lord, for whom we mourn, And comfort all that grieve, Prepare the bride, and then return, And to thyself receive. 5 Now to thy gracious kingdom come, (Thou hast a token given) And when thy arms receive us home, Recall thy pledge in heaven. OF ISRAEL. 309 HYMN 296. CM. On clearing the ground for a camp-meeting. THIS sacred spot, O Lord, to thee, We consecrate by prayer ; Thy power and goodness may we see, Display'd in mercy here. 2 While we prepare and clear the ground, O Lord, our hearts prepare ; And while we pitch our tents around, Lord, spread thy glory there. 3 Erect thy banners, heavenly King, As we the Stand erect ; May preachers thy salvation bring, And souls to thee direct. 4 Didst thou of old thine Israel's camp With clouds of glory crown ? By day a cloud, by night a lamp ! Thus here, O Lord, come down. 5 Now, Lord, before our longing eyes, Thy glory here reveal, And let us from rhe lofty skies, Thy sacred influence feel. 6 May angeb, round this chosen spot, Encamp by night and day ; May eacii in order fill his lot, To preach, and praise, and pray. HYMN 293. L. M. CAMP-MEETINGS with thy presence crown, And shower, O Lord, thy blessings down; Fill every heart with holy zeal, And all thy righteousness reveal. 310 SWEET SINGER 2 O'er all our hosts do thou preside, And all our various movements guide : The praying companies attend, And show thyself the sinner's friend. 3 Pour out thy Spirit on thy sons, And visit thy anointed ones ; May every virgin trim her lamp, And glory rest upon our camp. 4 May prayer and praise united rise Like holy incense to the skies; In all our hosts display thy power ! May souls be born again this hour! HYMN 297. P. M. MAY the grace of Christ our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favour, Rest upon us from above ! Thus may we abide in union With each other, and the Lord ; And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. HYMN 298. P. M. BRETHREN, this is sweet employment, While me meet to pray and sing, This indeed is sweet enjoyment, In the presence of our King. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!' Make the place with praises ring. 2 Who can tell the heavenly pleasure, In this pious sweet employ ! Here's a vast, unfading treasure, Which our social souls enjoy. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Shout, and sing aloud for joy ! OF ISRAEL. HYMN 299. C. M. 311 NOW, brethren, to your homes repair, And as you pass along, Employ your" hearts in humble prayer, And raise the cheerful song. 2 Praise God, whose mercies brought you here, Whose goodness keeps you still ; Whose grace with joy your souls can cheer, Whose power subdues your will. 3 Praise him for what your ears have heard, For what your eyes have seen ; Praise him for what has here occurr'd, For all you feel within. 4 Improve the strength you here have gain'd, To do his holy will : Improve the knowledge here attain'd, To love and serve him still. 5 Let not the world have cause to say, You serv'd your God for nought ; But grow in grace from day to day, As you have here been taught. 6 To friends and neighbours all around, O let your graces shine : In ways of holiness abound. And live a life divine. 7 And now, my Christian friends, adieu, May Jesus with you dwell ; May grace and peace abide with you : "So now, dear friends, farewell." 8 Farewell, and to your homes repair, And as you pass' along ; Employ your hearts in humble prayer, And raise the cheerful song. 312 SWEET SINGER OF ISRAEL. HYMN 300. L. M. TVSMTSS us with thy blessing, Lord: ■"Help us to feed upon thy word: All that has been amiss, forgive, And let thy truth within us live. ?,7 Th L 0U £ h we are g uilt y' th °u art good: Wash all our works in Jesu's blood : Uive every fetter'd soul release, And bid us all— Depart in peace. HYMN 301. P. M. T i°,-P' dismiss us wWi thy blessing ■^ bill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound: May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and "lives abound. May thy presence With us evermore be found. 3 So whene'er'the signal 's given, Us from earth to call avvav, £ n n?, n ? ngels ' win ^ to h<^ven, Uill d the summons to obey, May we ever Reign with thee in endless day. INDEX. Page Adieu, my dear brethren, adieu 225 A few more days on earlh to spend 159 A few more days preserve me here • 301 Afflictions, though they seem severe 94 Ah, what can I, a sinner, do 214 All hail the power of Jesu's name 205 Almighty sov'reign of the skies 301 Although the vine its fruit deny 230 Amazing grace ! (how sweet the sound) 193 An alien from God, and a stranger from grace 282 And are our joys so quickly fled 213 Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat 114 Arise and shine, oh, Zion fair 135 Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep 171 As much have I of worldly goods 217 As near to Calvary I pass 113 A soldier, Lord, thou hast me made , 46 Author of mercies, God of love 48 A voice from the savage, a voice from the slave 169 Awake, and sing the song 223 Awaked by Sinai's awful sound 97 Awake, my heart ! my soul, arise 59 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays 201 Awake thy song, O earth 173 Begone ! unbelief, my Saviour is near 61 Behold that great and awful day 165 Behold the man, threescore and ten 290 Behold the Saviour at the dcor 179 Behold the tears that mourners shed 162 Behold the wretch whose lust and wine 198 Brethren, this is sweet employment 310 Brethren, we have met to worship 58 Bright scenes of glory strike my sense 250 314 INDEX. Brother soldier, still fight on 69 1 Burst, ye everlasting gates, and hring 137 1 Camp-meetings with thy presence crown.. .. 309 Can we believe thy precious word 300 Cast thy burden on the Lord 24 Child of prosperity 288 Children of God, renounce your fears 245 | Come, and taste along with me 239 Come, and taste along with me .^ 91 Come, brethren dear, who know the Lord ... 174 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast 107 Come, let us join our friends above 296 Come, my brethren, let us try ,. 231 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare 115 Come, O my heart, and let us take 163 Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell 127 Come tell me, wandering sinner '68 Come, thou long expected Jesus 71 Come, weary souls, with sin distressed 82 Come, ye poor and thirsty sinners 101 Come, ye that love the Lord indeed 81 Daniel's wisdom may I know 262 Dash the drunkard cup in pieces 27 Daughter of Zion! awake from thy sadness.. 275 Day of Judgment, day of wonders 166 Dearest Jesus, though unseen 265 Death cannot make our souls afraid 256 Death, he is the king of terrors 1 37 Death shall not destroy- my comfort 177 Dismiss us with thv blessing, Lord 312 Drooping saints, no longer grieve 63 Encompassed with clouds of distress 119 Encouraged by thy word 214 Everlasting praise to Jdsus 208 Faith is the Christian's prop 259 Farewell, my dear brethren, beloved of the. . 174 INDEX. 315 Farewell, my dear brethren, I bid you farewell 106 Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand 43 Farewell to thee, brother ! we meet but to part 36 Father of mercies, God of love 134 For what shall I praise thee, my God 268 From all that 's mortal, all that 'a vain 38 From Greenland's icv mountains 205 From the regions of love 210 From Salem's gates ad vancing slow 167 From whence does this union arise 25 Glorious things of thee are spoken 291 Glory to thee, my God, this night 304 God counts the sorrows of his saints 242 God of my life, to thee I call 121 Go forth to distant lands 25 Go, my brother, God doth call thee 37 Great Redeemer, friend of sinners 1 62 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah 60 Hail, God the Father, glorious light 131 Hail the blest morn, see the great Mediator. . 21 Hail, thou everlosting Saviour 77 Hail, sovereign love, that first began 202 Hail, ye hosts of seraphs bright 10 Hail, ve sighing sons of sorrow 144 Hark! hark ! what sounds are these so pleasing 31 Hark ! listen to the trumpeters 155 Hark, my soul, it is the Lord 132 Hark, the heralds of salvation 258 Hark ! the jubilee is sounding 108 Hark ! the song of jubilee '. 180 Hear, gracious God, a sinner's cry 49 Hear the gospel trumpet sounding 75 Hear the royal proclamation 67 Hear what God the Lord hath spoken 135 His vestment of righteousness 90 Hoiy Bible ! book divine 56 Holy book, thy sacred pages , 28 316 INDEX. Hosanna to Jesus! I'm filled with his praises How beautiful the sight ', How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord. How happy every child of grace 040| How lost was rav condition 9S| How painfully pleasing the fond recollection. 4o| How peaceful is the closing scene 3031 How sweet is the cordial of love 105| How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 130 How sweet to reflect on those joys that await 27S If life's pleasures charm thee | If "r is sweet to mingle where 191 I long to see the season come 102 I love rav blessed Saviour 278 I love the Lord, is still the strain 045 | I 'm glad that I am born to die 001 I 'm nol ashamed to own my Lord I 'm on my way to Canaan 173 I 'm tired with visits, modes, and forms 141 In all my Lord's appointed ways 3*2 In de dark wood, no Indian nigh 143 In evil long I took delight 110 In God let all his saints rejoice 244 Inquiring souls, who long to find 61 In the floods of tribulation 2o4 In the house of king David a fountain did. . . 222 In vain my fancy strives to paint 055 I 've listed in the holy war 151 Jerusalem, my happy home 52 Jesus, and shall it ever be 201 Jesus, at thy command 178 Jesus, dear name, how sweet it sounds 100 Jesus, engrave it on my heart 97 Jesus. I mv cross have taken 170 Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend 034 Jesus, to even r willing mind 216 Jesus, while he dwelt" below 2S0 INDEX. 317 Let others, wrapt in self-conceit 33 L*t saints on earth their anthems raise 207 Let thy kingdom, blessed Saviour 116 Let worldly minds the world pursue 298 Lift up your hearts, Emanuel's friends 152 Like a ship, see the Church ! through the ... 57 Listed in the cause of sin 195 Look not upon the wine, when it 26 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing 312 Lord, our ransom'd souls adore thee 269 Lord ! when together here we meet 158 Lukewarm souls, the foe grows stronger 44 May the grace of Christ our Saviour 310 Mercy, oh, thou Son of David 122 'Mid scenes of confusion and creature 266 Morn is the time to wake 78 My brethren all, on you I call 19 My days, my weeks, my months, my years. . . 95 My dearest friends, in bonds of love 161 My God was with me all the night 210 My gracious Redeemer I love 223 My heart and rny tongue shall unite 273 My soul is full of glory 218 My thoughts on awful subjects roll 80 Native land ! — in summer smiling 23 Nay, I cannot let thee go 116 Now, brethren, to your homes repair 311 Of all religions that are found 22 O for that bright and glorious day 302 Oh ! give me, Lord, my sins to mourn 182 O how extensive is thy grace 297 Oh God ! my heart with love inflame 183 Oh how I have longed for the coming of God 195 Oh Jesus, my Saviour, I know thou art mine 197 Oh Jesus, my Saviour, to thee I submit 196 Oh ! that I had some humble place 246 318 INDEX. O, Lord, how great the favour 274 O may I worthy prove to see 254 Once more, dear brethren, join to sing 56 Our souls by love together knit 249 O that I had a faithful friend 263 O Thou, in whose presence 88 O Thou, whose tender mercy hears 198 Poor trembling sinner, tell me why . . . 48 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire 182 Rejoice, my friends, the Lord is king 186 Returning to his throne above 306 Rise, my soul, shake off thy fears 228 Saviour, I do feel thy merit 84 Saviour, slain, and slain for me 29 Saviour, visit thy planlation 118 Saw ye my Saviour ! saw ye my Saviour ... Ill See the eternal Judge descending 145 See the Lord of glory dying 44 See how the Scriptures are fulfilling 281 Servant of God, well done 294 Since man by sin has lost his God 19 Sing to the Lord above 260 Sometimes a light surprises .' 292 Songs of praise the angels sang 299 Spare, mighty God, in mercy spare 229 Sweet muse, des end and bless the shade . . . 248 Sweet rivers of redeeming love 148 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing 247 Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears 303 Tell me no more of earthly toys 172 Tempted, tossed, troubled spirit 146 The chariot! the chariot! its wheels 267 The Christians of old, united in one 289 The fields are all white, the harvest .: 257 The great tremendous day 's approaching .... 125 INDEX. 319 The Lord ray shepherd is 293 The Lord shall come, the earth shall quake. . 305 The Lord *s into his garden come 53 The Lord is the fountain of goodness and love 199 The people called Christians, how many 183 There fell from God's favour two exiles of. . . 123 There is a book, I ' ve heard them say 34 There is a heaven above the skies 153 There is a holy city 252 There is a land of pleasure 139 There is a school on earth begun 18 There shall we reign with Jesus 252 The song of salvation, it is so divine 30 The Son of Man they did betray 12 The specious world promiscuous flows 189 The trump of the gospel resounds through. . 73 The voice of free grace 203 Thev have .gone to the land where the 206 This sacred spot, O Lord, to thee , 307 This world is all a fleeting show 14 This world 's not all a fleeting show 15 Thou changing, terrestrial state 35 Though in the outward church below 64 Thou sweet gliding Kedron, by thy silver . . . 148 Throughout the Saviour's life we trace 83 Through tribulations deep 156 'T is a point I long to know 181 'T is my happiness below 17 To leave my dear friends, and with neighbours 16 To see a pilgrim as he dies 276 Trust thou not in worldly pleasures 29 Vital spark of heavenly flame 254 Wandering pilgrims, mourning Christians 150 We are but young — yet we may sing . . , 33 We soon shall break all nature's ties 129 What are these in bright array 295 What could your Redeemer do 209 320 INDEX. Whatever disasters nf nature 101 1 What happy children wait on Jesus 15 1 What's this that rises in my soul 2171 What poor despised company 39 What think you of Christ I is the test 45 What various hindrances we meet 120 When blooming youth is snatch'd away 103 When by sin overwhelm'd, shame covers 283 When I set out for glory 232 When I survey the wondrous cross 113 When languor and disease invade 244 When marshall'd on the nightly plain 212 When on the cross my Lord I see 303 When on the margin of the grave 299* When pulse beats low, and cheeks grow pale 272 When secret sins before us rise 142 When the fierce north wind, with his airy. . . 168 When toss'd on error's stormy tide 271 When weeping Mary came to seek 270 While others at ease on their pillows are .... 190 While angels strike their tuneful strings 104 Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger 74 Who will go to rear the standard 76 Why should I be affrighted at pestilence 185 Why stand you here idle, my friends 11 With joy let each afflicted saint 243 Ye angels who mortals attend 70 Ye children of Zion, who 're aiming for glory 65 Ye happy souls, whose peaceful minds 87 Ye jewels of my Master 108 Yes, my native land, I love thee 192 Ye sons of the main, ye that sail o'er the flood 226 Ye sons of war, 1 pray, draw near 50 Ye weary, heavy laden souls 85 Yonder — amazing sight ! — I see 133 Young people all, attention give 42 THE END