M-Vj 2>fy ffr4» ^r^3/ <**" & ^ tip ®¥ologi m *** % PRINCETON, N.J. fyj ^ Purchased by the Mary Cheves Dulles Fund. COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE ? LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY MIS^ (Tliartemonf, (E&gBaefon. /7 pft~~CrtM AjToG ■ (&6~c 6^-^ ex rv^^J* ^£^ e - ^ > ■ y ^ t *> J/ .sec th^J: S4 ^ 1 Ie\* r> going out in the Afoonjliitxe to kncwr tti eir Fortune. — '+\ A N Hiftorical, Phyfiological and The* TREATISE SPIRITS, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Pradfcic CONT AINI NG An Account of the Genii or Familiar Spirits, both Good and Bad, that are faid to attend Men in this Life : and what fenfible Per- ceptions fome Perfons have had of them : (particularly the Author's own Experience for many Years.) Alfo of Appearances of Spirits after Death ; Di- vine Dreams, Divinations , Second Sighted Perfons, &c. Likewife the Power of Witches, and the reality of other Magical Operations, clearly aflerted. With a Refutation of Dr. Btkkr I be- witch'J; and other Authors that have opp the Belief of them. ~B y jon h Beaumont, Gent. Frdftat aliqua probability nojfe de rebus fuper'mibus & Cxlefti- bus, quam de rebus inferioribus mult a Jemohjtrare. Arid. Moral. 9. Lendin : Printed for D. Browne, at the Black Swan wirhouc Templ$-Bar • J.Taylor, at the Ship in St.Paurs Church-Tar J; R.Smith y zt the Angel without Temple-Bar ; F.Coggati, in the Inner-Temple Lane j and T.Browne without Temple-Bar, • To the Right Honourable JOHN- Earl of GAR BURT, Baron Vaughan of Emblin in England , and Baron Vaughan of Molinger in the Kingdom of Ire- land, &c. My Lord, YOUR Lord/hips great Genius to a Contem - plative Life, which raifes Humane Nature to an excellency above it felf, and highly Influe?iccs the Oecono- A 2 my The Epiftle. my of this World, has natu- rally induced me to make an Humble Dedication to you of this Booh The SubjeB is abfirufe , and treated of by few, and that fparingly. If I have more eruargd my felf upon it, it is, thatfome ex- traordinary Vifitations ha- ving happened to me, in which I have had a Coiwerfe with thofe Genii / treat of, have made jo ftrong an Impreffion on my Mind, that I could not well with-hold my felf, from peru fing the Beft Au- thors I could meet with, re- lating to it , in Order to draw an AbflraB of what I found mofi Material in them, and to publijb it together with Dedicatory. with my own Experience and Thoughts in that kind, as I have here done. I treat of this SubjeS Hiftoricallv, Phyfiologically , andTljeofo- gically , thd not in diftinft Books, hit promifcuoufly,as I found Occafion prejented it felf As for my Perfor- mance herein, I could hear- tily wifb it might prove to your Lordjbips good liking, and humbly Jubmit it to your Lordjbips .Great Judgment andCenfure, being, My Lord, Your Lordfhip's, Moft Humble and Moft Obedient Servant. John Beaumont* TO THE READER. HAving long promis'd the World this Book, perhaps, . the Jocofe part of Mankind may now be apt to fay, fluid ferat *bic tanto dignum promijfor hiatu ? Parturiunt mantes > &c. Be it as it may , I have here made good my Promife - y and though I may noc perfwade my felf, that all Men will acquiefce in what I here deliver, I noc pretending, in this Subject, to Mathematical Demonftra- tion ; To the Redder, tion 3 yet I (hall be free to fay, That 1 fear no Man, who fhall pretend to bring more Reafon for an Opinion, contrary to that I aflert 5 and I be- lieve whoever fhall perufe this Book, will find, chat I am not Ignorant of what Oppofers of all kinds may take upon them to offer againft it. In- deed, while we relie meerly on Rea* fon in Subjects of this Nature, I doubt we may have all too much caufe to lament our felves with the Ingenious Fracaftor'ws, in Ep. ad Flaminium. Quid dk am miferum me agere,