1^-3- -jr-er-weei). scs ^ , ^ ' a -A Ct A, e — ^5 J^A-^Ct^ ^ Jt* jCeOS* C*^*> ^^^ J^c^Jii ^e^^L Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/activoOOrefo THE Afl-*l-$$fi Active Testimony Of THE True Presbyterians of Scotland, being a brief Abftraft of Acknow- ledgment of Sins, and Engagement to Duties, t$c. AS ALSO, A Firft and Second Declaration of -Var againft all the Enemies of Christ at Home and Abroad, A Fourth, Containing a Declaration and Tejii- many againft the Late unjuft Invafion of Scot- land by CHARLES pretended Prince of Wales* and WILLIAM pretended Duke of Cumberland and their Malignant Emijfarics. i And Five valuale Papers befides, all being the Second blaft of the Trumpet. Lam. Ill - 40. Let us fearch and try our Ways, and turn again to the Lord. Prov. xviii. 10. The Name cf the Lord is a firwg Tower. . Jer. I. 14. Put your f eh es in Array againft Babylon round about. Rev. .xviii. 6. Reward her as fie hath rewarded you. Prov. xxviii. 15-'. As a roaring Lion and araghg Uear % fi is a wicked Ruler ever the People. Printed in the YEAR M. DCC. XLIX* ( 9 ) The PREFACE. THESE late Times have produced many great and fenfible Changes in many, both Matters and P erf ens, and greater are to be -txpecled, thefe extraordinary Commotions, where- by not our Kingdom alone, but moji of the Neigh* touring Nations, are, at this very Hour, fo term ribly Jhaken, we trujl they Jhall prove Preparati- ons for a glorious Work. Doubtlefs e'er long, the Scene of the World mujl be changed, the Man of Sin, and Shame (with all his Limbs) mujl be beaten from the Stage, which he hath long pojfej- fed ; lfrael and Judah with the Fulnefs of the Gen- tiles mujl be brought in, that both may mourn af- ter Christ the common Saviour. The Jhakingt of the Heavens and the Earth are the Lord's Prologues, that the defire of all Nations Jhall come 9 and recover his own Rights, and plead his awn Caufe, and take the Prey from the Mighty, and deliver his Captives from the Hands of their Qp- prefors : His antecedent A els which mujl be fulfil- led with fuch joyful Conclujfions, where we an moji likely to be fplit upon the Rocks of defperate Dangers : Then Jhould wetajl up within the Vail the holy Anchor of Hope, the Jlrong Cabel of our confident Expeclation. In the fubfequent Papers, are Variety of Mat* Urs, in different Times and Exigences and Eventi that hath pajfed over the Church* s Head, ftnee that fad and woful Catujlrophe cf overturning end ruining the I fork of God in thefe Lands, and burying and bearing down the fame to this cur Day, are to all the true Lovers of Zion that take Plea* A fun ( \ ) fare in her Stones, and favour the Dujl thereof \ Matter of 'Grief ", Lamentatim, Mourning andlp'oe; andaltho' Hope deferred maketh the Heart Sick, yet juhen it comes, is as the Tree of Life, then in Faith and Patience let us poffefs our Souls, and watch and wait for the coming of the Bridegroom* who will build up his Zion and make Jerufalem the Praife of the . ivhole Earth, and bring utter Ruin upon Babylon. No doubt, at thefe ftmple hut found Papers, the Criticks will carp, the Rabfhakehs will rail, the Merathaims or the two Rebels will rage and rave, the bloody Hounds tvill gape and threaten to devour and fvjallow up as the Grave, The Laodicians and the yob- trot Profeffor will mutter murmur and inform, and buying about asfo many IVafps with their Stings ready Jharpned, and all the Midia- jiites and Amalakites will be aloft, to execute their Conjuncl defigned Fury againjl thefe Epijlles and their Authors, But we can tell them, that we neither love their Caufe, nor fear their Perfons, but through the Jlrength of the mighty Jehovah we hold them at cpen Defiance, if they have Number, we have Pf^eight, we have each but one Life to lofe, and neither have they any Power over that, till they get aPermiffion from above, and then Welcome the divine Difpenfation, he it when it will. The De- fig 72 of publijhing thofe Papers at tbis Times are, firjl, the Glo'/y of God. idly, the Vindication cf Truth, yily, As a Teflimony againjl all the, regnant Evils and Defeclions cf our Day. And Afthly, The b formation and Edification cf others, and to be a Mean to facilitate an Union among /I all that wijh well to our Zion, and long for the down coming ^/Babylon. THE ( 6 ) THE Active Testimony O F T H E True Covenanted Presbyterians of Scotland, containing an Ab- ftraft of Acknowledgmenf of Sins, and Engagement to Duties, Sy. IT is the wonderful and unfpcakable Mercy of God in Christ Jesus, that paffeth all Undemanding, that there is a Remedy provided, and a Saviour fent into the World to lave loll and Self-deftioy- ing Sinners, and that his Obedience to the Law, and his fatisfying divine Julticc is accepted in the Stead, Room and Behalf of Elect. Sinners ; te that they arc not only delivered from Hell and Wrath by the Death and Sufferings of Christ, 'out have a Right to the Inheritance among the Saints in Light by his aclive and paflive Obedience to the Lav. • lb that he is made unto Sinners, Wifdom, Righteoufnefs, SancTification and compleat Redemption ; moreover, the Care, Concern, Love of the Head and Lav; -giver is further manifefted in his giving them good Laws, pure Ordinances, juil Cenfurcs and Government of hi* own Moulding, and preferred a Parity amongll Officers of the fame Kind, With this peremptory Charge, to bold /aft till he come ; but alas, they have done Violcno . chang- ed the Ordinances, and broken the cVcrlalling Covenant ; t,u\ as Scotland was - a greater D Reformation in all its iParts, and the Purity of the Gofpci, ( 6 ) Gofpel, with the fuperadded Ties of our National and Solemn League and Covenant above moft Nations m the World : So our Defections, Perjuries and Apoftafics from God, his Truths, Caufe and Covenants is unpa- rallelled, Heaven-daring, wicked and notorious, and our Judgments for the fame feem to be inevitable, and haftneth apace ; and therefore it is our incumbent Duty to ly low in the Duft before him, and to confefs and forfake Sin, that we may find Mercy and Grace to help in Time of Need : Which in the Divine Aflif- tance, and in all Humility, we do as follows. ift. We acknowledge and bewail the Sin of Church and , State refpectively, in inferting and ratifying that Claufe in the 4//; Sect, of the i^d Chap, of the Wejlminfter Confeffion of Faith, ** (viz.) Infidelity or Difference in " Religion doth not make void the Magijlrates juft and *' legal Authority, nor free the People from their due " Obedience to them." Whereas the Scope of the Scripture, 1 Pet. ii. Chap. 13, 14, 15-. adduced to prove it, clearly imports, that Magiflratcs juft and le- gal Authority, to whom Obedience for Conlcicnce Sake is due, muft be One who is qualified, and doth govern according to the preceptive Will of God, to the Pu- nifhment of Evii-doers> and to ths Praife of them that do well, which Infidels and Perfonsof a falfe Religion are incapable of, being Slaves to the Devil and their own Lull, that rules in the Children of Difobedience, The forefaid Claufe is alfo contrary to many other Texts of holy Scripture, fuch as Exoi. xviii. 26. Deut. i. 9. Dcut. xvi. 18. 20. Eccl. ii. Sam. xxiii. 3, and 4. Pfalms xciv. 20, 21. Rom. xiii. r, and 7. and 1 Cor. i. 7. and to the whole preceeding Part of the faid 23^ Chap, of the faid Corfeffioiu where the Office of the civil Magistrate's juft and legal Au- thority is defcribed after fuch a Manner as is abiblutcly inconfiftent and incompatible with Infidelity, or the Profefllon of a falfe or heretical Religion, as is the Cafe betwixt us and the prefent Dominalcrs . idly, The Sin of State and Church refpectivcly in inserting and ratifying that Claufe, Sect. 4. Chap. xix. of ( 7 ) of the faid Confejfian, (viz.) That the Civil and Judi. cial - Law given by God, by the Hand of Mofes to " Ifracl, expired together with the State of that Pco- " pie, not obliging any now, further than the Moral " Equity doth require." Which Claufe we reject as Grcundlefs and Unrcafonable, but affirm, that the whole Civil and judicial Law of God, as given to JJrael by Mofcs y (abftracling from what is Ceremonial and Ty- pical, or what has a fpecial Relation to the pecu- liar Circumftances of that People, and what was per- mitted them anent Poiigamy, Divorce, Slaves, . xviii.- 14, 15-. 6ff. 3^, We ackowlcdge the Sin of thefc Lands in Church and State reject ively, in- not proceeding to juft Cenfures and Pimifhment againft that notorious Ty- rant Charles the I. for his wicked Oppolition to the Work of GOD and Reformation of ihefe Lands, and for the horrid and cruel MalTacre of Ireland, and for his other repeated Acts of OpprcfTIon, Sacrilege, Blood "and Tyranny, and labouring to introduce Popery , Ma- very, Atheifm and Profanity into thefc Lands, by per- fecting thefe, that refufed to read the Book of Sports on the Sabbath-day, &c. qthfy, The Sin of State and Church, in entring into publick Refolutions, bringing in, and admitting thcMa- lignant Party into Places of Power and Truft, contrary to the Word of GOD, and exprefs Tenor of our Co- venants, which produced molt woful Effects, a Sin yet lying heavy upon us and theLand even at this very Day, the fame fmful Courfes, Practice and footing, be- ing continued to the Detriment and Hindrance of all true Religion and Reformation in the Land. $thly, We defire to mourn for thcSins of thefc Lands, for the proclaiming 2nd receiving Charles II. as King over Britain and Ireland, who was embarked in, and combined with his Father in the fame malignant Caufe and IntereiT both in Principle and Practice, as was evi- dent thro' the whole Series of his Couife and Conduct, and in all the Sham Treaties he had with the Commif- iionersfent to him, hedifcovcred himfclf to be a jug- ling and profane Atheilt and Deceiver. 6thly, We acknowlege the Sin of Chu hand State, in not erecting a true Magiftracy, conform to the W T ord of GOD and Scope of our Covenants, but bafely fub- mifting to the Ufurpation of liver O-om-jcel, whole Ad- miniftration and Proceedings were one continued Act - of Tyranny and Perjury, while h** tolerated- and main- tained the perfidious and wicked Sectarians of all Sorts, and ( 9 ) and thereby did moft openly and avowedly violate tUe chief End of our Holy and facred Covenants. Jthfy, VVc bewail the Sin of State and Church, in per* Yecuting and excommunicating that eminently pious, good and brave Man Colonel Strachan, for his Duty, in rejecting wicked Charles the II. and his curfed malig- nant Intercft ; which Sin lies yet heavy upon the Land. Sthly, The Sin of Church and State refpeclively, in. the fecond Reception of perfidious Charles the II. in. the Year 1660, when he was fo knowingly an inve- terate Enemy to the Work of Reformation, yea, to Chriftianity itfelf ; and thereafter in the Year 166.2, and downwards, ftill adhering to him, when breaking down, ruining and overturning the whole Work of Reformation, by the Acl RefciiTory, made by Virtue of the blafphemoufly ufurped Supremacy (by him af- fumed)' accompanied with treacherous infnaring Indul- gences, defigned for breaking and dividing the Lords People, and inforccd by his continued, avowed, horrid Acls of Blood, Sacrilege and Tyranny. $thly\ The Sin of the Land, in owning, maintain- ing and complying with the ufurped Supremacy, conti- nued and enlarged, the wicked deceitful, and Hell -hatch- ed Tolerations fought and granted, and all the other many wicked Laws, perjurious Oaths, and bloody Afls made, impofed, and executed contrary to the Word of God, and all Laws divine and humane, during the Ufurpation and Tyranny of that Bloody, Idolatrous, Jefuitcd Papift James Duke of York, \\\\o deferved Cenfurc rather than a Crown, or the Rule of a Chriftian People, fee. lot My, We acknowledge the Sin of the Land in foliating, receiving, owning and maintaining William Prince of Orange, Anna Princcfs of Denmark, tnd the Ceorge'% Dukes of Hannover to be chief Magittrates in thefc Lands without Regard to, or requiring Scipture and Covenant-Qualifications in them, or any others in Power and Truft under them, while they -ACo exercife an ufurped Eraftian Power over the Church, and Opprcllion andTyranny in the State ; as is evident and B man* ( TO ) IttamTeft from their eftablilhing and fettling l mock Presbyterian Government upon the People's wavering Inclinations, and confequently denying it to be of Di- vine Right, tho' it be in reality for their own Conveni- ency and worldly Eafc ; and fo has the bloody ufurped Supremacy for its Foundation, and their contriving and letting on the inhumane Maflfacre of Glenco, &c, and the Deftruction of Darian, which fatal and grievous Blow Scotland feels the Smart thereof to this very Day; and their Tyranny and Qppreflion with heavy and ex- orbitant Taxes to maintain vile Strumpets, Pcnfioners and Panders for Hell, befictys. mod arrogantly afTurning a Power to pardon Murderers?' Swearing, profaning the holy Sabbath, being a Terror to the Good, and En- courager of Evil-doers, and all Manner of Wicked- nefs, and Immoralities of all Sorts and Sizes, needs no Demonftration ; being obvious to every Man's View and Experience : Therefore on thefe and the like Grounds and Reafons, Wc hold, efteem and declare it a grievous Sin to own, maintain, fupport or defend the prefent Duke of Hannover, or his Pofterity, or any Men of their Practice, either Popijh, Prelatkk, Eraf- tian, Sectarian or Lutheran in Principle, or any other Ufurpcrs in State or Church, which at this Day are entirely compoled of Malignants and abominable Sec- taries of all Sorts, and of monftrous Shapes and fright- ful Vifagcs. 1 1 thly, The Sin of the diftenting Party, in relinquifh- ing the Active Teftimony expreily contained in the Covenants both National and Solemn League, and fur- ther profecuted and owned by thefe eminent Martyrs* Meflieurs Cameron, Car gill, Haxton, Hall, Skeen, Bal- four, &c. according to the Tenor of Rutherglen, San- quhar and Lanerk Declarations, and Qneem-Ferry Paper in the Year 1680 and 1682, while they endeavoured to fet up a godly Magistracy and form a civil State. And as the firft Step towards that laudable Defign did inveft themfelvcs (in a Convention) with authoritative Pow- er, by Virtue whereof they depofed thcTyrants then in Being, and declared War againft them and all their ( ft ) Afiociate in Principle and Practice, fyc. but the dif* fenting Party has renounced the Active Teftimony both materially and formally. See Informatory Vin- dication, Head 2d. And has overturned the very Prin- ciples of a covenanted Reformation by their negative, palfive Teftimony, in fuch a Meafure, that according to their Way, all Profpccts of national Reformation or bringing down the Kingdom of Antichrifl y in Time com- ing, is entirely cut off and frustrated, except by the Primores regni, (as they fpeak) or a whole complex Body Politick, or the greatefl Part of the Nation. Now granting the Duties of the Covenants, natio- nal and folcmn League, were, That all the Members of the Common-wealth mould conjunctly and fevcrally endeavour Reformation, moving every one in their proper Places and Callings, and that (continuing faith- ful fo to do) none could have, without unjuft Invafion, entered upon the Place, Calling or Office, of another ; Yet it is plain and evident to a Demonftration, that the Primoret as they call thcmfclves,and others, have forfeited their Right (if ever they had any) by neglect of Duty, Defection, Perjury, and other high Crimes and Mifdemeanors, toe declare them and all others in general, Intruders, that have done, do, or (hall ufurp the faid Office of the Miniftry, until the Concurrence can be had of an Elderfhip, conftitutcd of a furficicnt Number of able judicious Chriftians, faithfully adhering to our Covenan- ted Engagements, and profecuting the Ends of our holy Covenants under a lawful Magiftraey, which Eldcrlhip (according to their Meafure) may fully try the Ability of fuch as offer themfclvcs Candidates to the holy Mi- niftry, and proceed in the molt logal Way, practicable in fuch a Cafe of Ncceffity, to Election or Ordination ; unlefs any Man or Men can folidly inftrucl and prove, upon good and valid Grounds, his or their Call, Com- miiTion or Million to be extraordinary or immediate : In that Cafe we fliall reft fatisfled and well content with the Divine Difpenfation; but wanting this, we mull have Recourfe to the ordinary Means prefcribed in his Word, which is the unerring Rule in all Duties, and at all Times, tec* A Solemn Engagement to Duties. \fl. \T 7 E en g a g e to own and avouch the only true yV ar) d living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to be our God, and to clofe with his Way of Redemption by his Son Jesus Christ, and to rely upon his Righteoufnefs, a? that alone, whereby a Sinner can be juftified in the Sight of God, fanetined and faved, and made meet and fit to be Partakers of the Inheri- tance amongft the Saints in Light. %dfy, We engage to hold and efteem the holy Scrip- tuies of the Old and New Teftaments ; for a full and complcat Rule of Faith and Practice, and endeavour to *ralk by that Rule in our Lives and Converfation, as becometh Profeffors of the Gofpcl, gjtf. ^dly, To adhere to the Wejlminjler Confefton of Faith \ {excepting the Dcfefts above-mentioned in the At- ' know- - ( *3 > knowkdgment of Sins, lft. and 2d. Articles) and Cj- techifm:, Larger and Shorter, Sum of ' Javhig Kwrwledge t D\rc(hry for Wor/hip, Acknowledgment of Sins, and Engagement to Duties, and Prcsbyterial Church-Go- vernment, and to our Solemn anJ facrcd Covenants, „ National and Solemn League, and the antient Corona* tion Oath of Scotland, as agreeable to, and founded Upon GOD's molt holy Word. ^th/y, We engage to adhere to the Civil Law of COD, delivered to his People by Mofcs (excepting as in the 2d Article of Acknowledgment of Sins) as the Balis of all other Laws to be made ; declaring that no Regulations (hall be in Force that interferes with, or con- trary to, or Invalidatesthe fame, or any Part of them. $thly, To own, adhere to, and fupport Civil Go- vernment and Rulers according to GOD's preceptive Will, viz. Judges, Counfellors and Officers ; Regard being had to the Civil and Judicial Law af jrefaid, for iheir Qualifications and Admiflion, viz. Men fearing GOD, and haling Covetoufncfs, Men of Truth, and known among the Tribes, jult, ruling in the fear of GOD, &c. as Exod. xviii. 21, 22. Deut. xvi. iS. \y. and 1 Sum. xxiii. 4. 6thl)\ To appoint a great Council, confiding of a compleat Number of Elders, or chief Judges, to receive and hear all Appeals in Matters Civil or Criminal, and to put in Execution all Laws and Regulations agreed upon, and publickly eftablifhed through the Land, c- fpecially ampngfl the Community that embraces the a- bove Truths, 6r. -]tbly, To erect and eftabliih all other neceflary Courts of Jullice, as the fame (hall be found molt conducible to the Glory of GOD and the good of the Nation and Common-wealth, in a general Convention of the States of the Land and Kingdom of Scoilund. Zthly y Wc do folemnly engage to re/lore and con- ftt ute, with all poffible Diligence and Dilpatch, a formal National Presbyterian Church, cnpjmg her at rinlicil Pewer and Privileges, mw| EcckluiUcal Go- vern- ( T4 ) vernment. diftinct from the Civil Government of the State, and with all her juft Rights and Privileges (as the fame do, or (hall appear from GODS Word) her Meetings in Kirk-SefTions, Presbyteries, Synods, and General-AfTemblics, and our States are hereby exprek ]y obliged to ratify and confirm, by their Civil Sanction, all her juft Laws, Acts and Cenfures, and to defend tnd fecure her Hedge, by punifhing Capitally obfti- nate Invaders, and grofs Offenders, in a juft, legal and fuitable Way, in Proportion to their Demerit. 9tk(y, We engage to aflfert, reftore and maintain the abfolute and free Independency and Sovereignty of our State, againft all unjuft Invaders and ©ppreffors at Home and Abroad, and to bring tt> Trial and conding Puniftt- ment all fuch as have eminently tranfgrefled in this Kind, or Manner already, or fhall be convicted thereof, in any Time coming, without Refpect of Perfons lothly. We engage to refcind, abolifh and cancel al former Civil Acts and Laws of State whatfoever, that are not founded upon common Equity, or the Law and Word of GOD, and particularly, the prefent impi- ous and curfed Union, fo deftructive to Religion and Liberty ; and all other Acts and Laws that are any Way prejudicial to, or a Hindetance of the true Religion, the Liberty and Independence of the Land, and the real and juft Sovereignty thereof; but to renew, ratify and confirm all fuch Acts and.Laws as (hall be found agree- able to the Word of GOD, and confident with our Covenanted Engagement's, and founded upon Equity, and apparently conducive to thepublick Good. . i \thly y We engage for the Relief of the Poor, and more comfortable Subfiftance of the Commons, and the general Increafe of the Subftance of the whole Land : We mail prohibite the Importation of all foreign Goods, Manufactures and Commodities not truly conducive, nor neceflary to the publick Good and National lntcreft I in general, and that we never fhall impofe nor fuffcr to I be impofed, under any Pretence whatfoever, any Tax, j Burden or Impofl upon the Produce, or Manufacture!, : of I *s ) -of our own Land, neither upon their Conlumptlon it Home, or Exportation Abroad to foreign Places. \2thly, We folemnly engage, in the Divine Strength and Affiftance, to cleanfe the Land of all Hereticks, Seducers, falfe Prophets, Deceivers, and peftilcnt Mo- vers of Sedition, fuch as Popery, Prelacy, Eraftianifm, Seclarianifm, and other Evils contrary to found Doc- trine and the Power of Godlinefs, and fhall endeavour: to fupprefs and bear down all Vice, Superftition, Im- moralities, Stage-Plays, Sabbath-breakers, Swearers, A- dulterers, and all Profanity whatfoever, and in whom- foever they be found. Moreover, we engage by the AfTiftance aforefaid, not only to profecutethe Ends of our Covenants, National and folemn League, by endeavouring the Reftoration and Eftablifhment of a Covenanted Work of Reforma- tion, throughout Scotland, England and Ireland ; but as the LORD will give Power and Succcfs, we fhall en- deavour the Advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, in Oppofition to Antichrift, and all his Aflbciates and Abetters whatever, to the utter Ruvi of Babylon^ or the Kingdom of Antichrift and Satan, by profecuting the Ends of a Covenanted-Reformation throughout other Lands, by the Word, and alio by the Sword, that the LORD may be one, and bis Name one throughout all the Earth ; and particularly, that our Elder Brethren, the long rejedted Jc%js y may embrace the glorious Light of the Gofpel, and befaved accord- ing to the faithful Promifes of GOD in his Word, and all Humbling Blocks being removed out of the Way ; we fhall of all Nations of the Earth give them the Right-Hand of Felloufliip, and aflift them to the ut- termoft of our Power, in recovering and fetting them in their own Land, even the Land of Canaan, given to their Fathers ; their Reftoration and Salvation, both Spiritual and Temporal, being fully held out and ma* nifefted in the Divine Oracles, that they and we may live in Faith and Love and Comforts of the HOLY" GHOST, and that the Glory of GOD may be sC and he Kingdom of CHRIST enlarged ;o the ^\^,^ ( T<5 ) Bounds of the habitable World, and the Knowledge of GOD may cover the Earth, as the Waters cover the Sea, &c. At Edinburgh) Sic Suhfcribttur. JOHN HALDEiV. JAMES LESLIE. A DECLARATION ofVVAR againft all the Enemies of Christ at Home and Abroad. WE the mod Serene and mod Potent in the LORD, the covenanted States of the Com- mon-Wealth of Scotland, and adhering to the annexed Teftimony ; and according to the Tenor thereof, being | chofen Reprelcntatives, with full Power to this Effect, do, by Vertue of our Authority, in a Legal Way and II Manner, conform to the faid Teflimony, as the only Standard of Truth, the Adherence whereof in Principle and Practice, as they feverally relate ; fliall be held and reputed the Claim of Right, that any Pcrfon may plead Intereft in our Favour and Protection, or Title, with other needful Qualifications to Places of Power and Truft in State and Church, declaring the Articles of Engagement to Duties, to have the full Force of Foundamental Laws, to take Place immediately after due Publication hereof; fo we, in the Name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the fole and only King of the whole Earth, and fuprcme Head of our State, and in oilr own Name and Authority, as his Vicegerents ; do fo- lemnly declare a War, againft Turk, Pope and Prelate^ and all their Aflbciates and Abetters whatever, with out League or Truce, for ever ; and againft ail Power whatfoever, that refufe to fubmit their "Necks to tl "Yoke of King JESUS, or denies true and full Obediccn< to his revealed Laws, in State and Church, until hi King- ( 17 ) - Kingdom be fettled, according to the Gift of \hc Fa- ther, from Sun rifing to the fetting thereof. Finally, againft all U fur per* or Deniers of our juft Authority, Contemners of our juft Laws, now, or here- after to be emitted, and a/1 pretended Neutrals withrn. our Dominions, or elfe where, being our Subjects. AND "WHEREAS, by thejuft: Judgment of GOD upon us for all our Abominations and Perjuries inDefpite and Contempt of all former Mercies, and our former folemn Engagments, the Land is now brought under cruel Slavery and Bondage, and opprefTed by two principal Factions, one adhering to the Duke of Hanover', a Foreigner by Birth, of a falfe Religion, long fmce ab- jured by us, haying no Manner of Claim, but by Vir- tue of the accurfed Union, which we hereby cxprcfly difclaim, renounce, and abrogate, as impious in its felf, utterly incon&ftcnt with our covenanted Engag- ments, the Sovereignty and Independence of our Eftate. Declaring all the Authors, and active Abet- tors thereof, Enemies to Gad, and Traitors to their Country, The other Faction, adhering to a Popijh Pretender, who, by his open and avowed Profeflion, is a grols I- dola^er, a fworn Slave to Antichrijl, and by the Law pf God, fhould die the Death, as he further deferves, for his frequent invading of our Lands with Fire and Swoid, and his being the Caufe of fo much Blood-fhed ; which we hope, by God's Strength doubly to repay him and his Adherents. We declare, wefhall free the Lands from thefc, and all other Enemies of what- ever Denomination, and execute true Juftice and Judg- ment according to God's Laws, without Partiality or Refpect of Perfbns, as we tender the Favour ef Al- mighty God, and enact fach Laws as are agreeable to, and founded on the Civil and judicial Laws, agroeabte to our Chriftian Liberty, and Moral Equity, and fee the fame duly execute. We voluntarily offer our AfTiitance to the utmeft of our Power, to all Nations, or Parties of Pecjple, that a;e willing to advance CHRI§T^and their own Rights, G Civi} ( 18 ) Civil and Eccltfiaftick, on their firm Adherence to tlis ^above Truths, and true Endeavours to bring them to Practice, as really, as if they were entered into ex- prefs League with us-, and in particular, we offer to the Jews, on their embracing and receiving. CHRIST JESUS our common LORD and SAVIOUR, and walk- ing worthy of him, not only to Treat with them as a free independent Nation, but will give them only of all Nations of the Earth our Right-hand of Fellowfhip, as our elder Brethren, and receive them kindly into our Country, and ufe our faithful Endeavours to reftorc them their hereditary Country, the Land of Canaan, in Oppofition to all Power whatever that may with- ftand it, and to do them all poflible Favour and Ho- nour they can expect or defne We charge all our Country-men, and the Inhabi- tants of thefe covenanted Lands, to feek earneftly of GOD, the Grace of true and finccre Repentance, for what Hand they and we have had, in provoking him to Anger, by our grofs Defections from him, either actively or paflively ; of which few, if any are clear, that he may take Pleafure to unite us again in Truth and Holinefs, and turn from his fierce Wrath. AND FINALLY, we require and command all our loving Subjects, of what Station foever, they now do, or fhall hereafter lawfully enjoy, to give us open and un- doubted Proof of their Loyalty to us, and our lawful Officers, in the jult Execution of their refpective Of- fices by Sea or Land, by giving them true Aid, Afliit- ance and Obedience, as the Law of GOD wills, and hereby charge in our own Name and Authority our Herr.ulds at Arms, and other proper Officers, to fee, and caufe this our Declaration to* be publifhed in due Form, at the proper and ufual Places, as they fhali Anfwer the contrary, at their utmoft Peril. Given at Laudinum % 29. Day of Ottober, 1 7397, being the firft Year of our Covenanted States. Signed and Counter-figned. J N. H N. ASe*j ( 19 ). A Second DECLARATION of War againft all the avowed and declared Enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ, and his Righteous Caufe. WE true Preshyterans, the Succeflbrs of the fa-' mous Convention at Lanark afllmbled An- no 1682, owning and adhering to the fame Caufe, and efpoufing the fame Truths and Teftimony •with them, do, in the Name of the true and living GOD, and by Virtue of their Authority, (yet remaining un- (haken, for all the Efforts made againft it by pretended Friends and open Enemias) and our own radical and inherent Rights, purfuing the fame Quarrel, and pro- fecuting the fame War againft the fame Enemies of CHRIST our King, under whofe Banner, and by uhofc Strength and Conduct we declare a War againft the Turk t Pope and Prelates, and all their Aftbciates, Adherents, Partakers and Supporters whatfoever, without any Par- ley, Treaty of Peace, Capitulation, Compofition,Truce, or any Tranfac c tion with them or any of them for ever, that may in the leaft be derrogatory to Truth, or make us furceafe from our Duty ; and we, in the lame Name, and by Viriue of the Authority aforefaid, declare a War againft all Murderers and Perfecuters of the Innocent, and in a Particular Manner, againft: the thrice curfed ravenous and rapacious bloody Houfe of Auflria, and the violent and virulent Tyger of Sa- voy, who have flaed Seas of the Saints Blood, and laid wafte and ruined the once famous and tlourifhing Churches in Hungary, Bohemia, and the two Sicilies the Palatine, Piedmont, and many other Places in Germany and Belgium, aud hath ftied more Chriftian Blood than cither Turk or Tartar, or all the "Nations in Europe ever did upon a religious Account, for which they they ought and may get Blood to annk, for they re" worthy, and the Cup that they have filled to others, mould 6e ill led to them double ; and to all their Con- federates, Aflbciates, till they be exterminated from off the face of the Earth, as the greatefl Scourge and Plagues that ever the World faw. M reover we, in the Name and by the Authority a- forefaid, declare a War againft the Sacrilegious Throne of Britain, and the PoiTefTors thereof, with all their Supporters, Abtettors, Aiders and Confederates what- fbmever, by Sea or Land, at Home or Abroad, for all their Violence and Villanies in laying wafte ourLORD's Heritage, razing, overturning, bearing down the Caufe of CHRIST, and Work of Reformation in thefc Land's, burning and burying our Holy Covenants, and building their Babels;, and tearing up their Prela- tical and Eraftian Fabricks upon the Rums thereof, and alio mofl blafphemoufly ufurping the Royal Preroga- tive of the eternal Son of GOD, who is the alone and undoubted King and Head of his Church, which is his Body \ yet they daringly prefumc to rob him of the fame, by claiming a Beadfhip Over the Church and by Virtue of that Ufurpation, they call and difloive fpiritual Courts and Alfemblies, and pre- ferring Caufes and appointing Diets and Days of Fad- ing and Thankfgiving throughout the Land, and pre- fentirig and forcing Incumbents upon rncft Panihes -without the Peoples Confent, and many other Invafi- ons and Incroachments made upon CHRIST'S Free- hold by the Occupant upon the Throne of -Britain, and his black Cabal, for which they muft be accoun- table one Day ; and for all their other Abominations and Wickcdnefs in protecting and pardoning Murderers* and encouraging all Sorts of evil Doers, as Juggler* Plays and their Haunters, Curfers, 'Swearers, Propha- ; ners of the Sabbuth-Day, Whoredoms of all Kinds, j Pimps and Panders for Hdl, and alio for their "horrid ] finful Conjunction and Aflbciation and Confederation, ; with thefc Idolatrous, bloody, hutching Burners, the 1 Aujlrian Jezebel and Sardinian Ahab> (and now with J Francs ] ( 31 ) France, Spain and Italy, and all the Limbs of Anti- chrilt) and their Abettors, and for all their Tyranny, OpprefTions, heavy Taxes, impofing unlawful Oaths, Bribery and Corruption, and many other tremenduous Wi'ckednefles too long here to relate. Alfo we, in the Name and by the Authority afore- faid, declare a War againft the PciliJential Seel of Se* cedcrs, for their mad and ftupid Loyalty to the Idola- trous Throne of Britain, and their fupporting the fame with all their Might, and for their wicked and perni- cious Principles, affirming that Mgiftracy is founded u* pon mere Nature, and fo confequently is not the Ordi» nance of God; as if God who made the World had caften off all Care of the fame, and left it only to be governed by Mans Inventions, and their deltroying and overturning our Reformation Principles, by mangling, curtailing and clipping our Solemn-Covenants, or ei(c laying them wholly afide, and burying them in Obli- vion, and fubftituting a fpurious Brat of their own be- getting in their Room, Place and Stead j and for their malicious Lies and Reproaches call upon the Lord's People in thefe Lands, and their gadding about and traverfing through the Land like light Mountebank* feducing and deceiving the unliable, giddy Multitude with their fair Speeches and plaulible Pretences, and for their wicked and audacious AS. in daring to fummoa before their unhal lowed Conclave, and for Noncom- pcarance to excommunicate many true Presbyterians, both Minifters and People in this Land, merely for their Duty in oppofing in fome fmall Meafure their incontin- ent, new and ftrange Way : And yet in the mean Time leaving all the prophane Debauchees, Blafphemers, Jugglers, Atheifts, Idolaters, and the wicked Th'one untouched with their Wooden-Sword, and altho' their Fulmination be of no more avail, and are as little to be regarded, as the curfed Pope\ Bulls againit the Protef- tants, yet their implacable Malice is never a Whit the Jefs againft the Truth and its Owners j and as they have no Authority but what they arrogantly ufurp to themfelves over thefe Innocent People, fo they con- temn, ternn, defpife and defy them and their Hunt Wooden - 5\pord. The Rebound thereof will come back upon themfelves with a Vengeance, to their Shame and Cenfufion of Face ; and many other Crimes of which they are culpable, and for which, they mufl be accoun- ' table and pay the Cod e'er long. Finally, againft all other Sectaries of the old and new Stamp, with Eraftians and Arminians, and againft all ' Reproachers of the Saints dead or living, and all Image- ' makers and their AfTociates and Maintainers of that pernicious Principle, that common Providence is the Rule of our Duty; and all Apoftates, and Deferters •of Truth and Duty, and againft all Halters, Loiterers and Neutrals, that refufe or delay to embrace the Truth as it is in Jesus, and to maintain and defend : the- fame to the utmoft of their Power. Now we earneftly intreat and invite all, or any of the Parties or Perfons aforefaid, to leave of their Babel- building, and come out from AntichrijFs Camp, and join themfelves to the Lord and his Caufe and Intereft, and help him againft the Mighty, or elfe they may ex- pect the heavy Doom and Curfe ot.Meroz, &c. We charge and command you, our Suhftitutes to fee and caufe this our Declaration be publifhed in due Form, at the Publick and ufual Places, as they will anfwer at their Peril. Given at Hemlock-ridge, on the third Day of April Years by Command, Signed. Signed Counter Signed t J.H. J.L. A D E C L A- ( *3 ) ADECLARATlONand TESTIMONY againft the Late Invafion of Scotland^ by the two young Pretenders, viz. Char- les and William. SUch hath ever been' the inveterate Malice of Satan (that old fiery Serpent) againft the Church of God, that he hath partly, by bloody Butcheries and open Hoftilities, and partly by Seduction and contagious He- refies, fought utterly to quench and extinguiih the glo- rious Light of the Word of God and tire Gofpel of Jesus Christ, that (all Men fitting in Darknefs) he might the fooner blow up the whole Frame of the Houfe of God. How far the Powers and pretended Potentates of the Earth have been conducive thereun- to, and advanced themfcives in his Service, the Ex- perience of all Ages and our own Hiftories do fuflici- ently declare, the greateft without Comparifon and moft admirable Work which the Hand of God hath brought about upon Earth in thefe latter Days, is, the Reformation of Religion from Antichriftian Pollution and Tyranny, no other could been expected from the furious Prince o{ the bottomlefs Pit, but extream Op- pofition to this fo great a Detriment and fo high a Pre- judice to his tottering Kingdom. How many fo called Princes, States and wicked Rulers, hath he ftirred up, to pcrfccutc and profecute \\i*h Fire and Sword to the cruclleft Deaths, the innocent WitnelTes of the Truths of Christ. Alfo how many learned Divines, and Perfons of notaMe Parts hath he bewitched with his Inchantments, to fpend their Spirits and precious Time in maintaining by Might and Main, \* ord and Writing, the mod palpable Abfurdities and Abominations oi tbat ( H ) Limbs and Members : The wicked Sectaries, who in the Darknefs of our Deformation are creeping out of their Dens and Holes, as fo many Locufts out of the Bottomlefs Pit of Hell, feducing and deceiving, if it were poflible, the very Elecl. But the chief Artifice, whereby this wicked and crafty Serpent hath molt impeded and hindred the Pro- grefs of the Gofpel and the Advancement of glqrious Christ'j Kingdom in the World, is his powerful working in the Children of Difobcdieacc, in begetting and maintaining that moll pernicious, itrational and ilavifh Principle amongft Mankind, viz. The owning, maintaining and fubmitting their Necks, to the heavy Yokes of ciuel Tyrants and Ufurpers, as their lawful and rightiul Rubers ; a Principle i'o brutifh in itfelf, fo contrary to right Reafon, to Liberty, Property ; to their Freedom as Men, and to Confcience as Chriftians : And above all, fo flatly oppolite to the Precepts in the "Word of God, and wickedly palliating all fuch brutifh Compliance, with this pitiful Quirk, that Magiftracy is founded on Nature. And wonder it is, how Men endued with rational Souls, having the Excrcife of Reafon and in their right "Wits, mould be fo far deluded and blinded with the Cod of the World, as to entertain fuch a deftru&ive Principle, fo vifibly ruinous to both Civil and Religious Interefts, amongft Men and Chriftians. And that corrupted Nature, fince the Fall of A Jam mould be the Ground and Foundation of civil Magis- tracy is a Paradox, and a Tenet as falfe, as it is Blafphemous for to introduce corrupt Nature (and let afide the Law and Word of GOD) as the Rule to e- rect and own Civil Magiftrates, is no other, but to lean to the Covenant of Works, and neglect and lay aftde that of Grace. And it is manifeft and obvious to all Mankind, what woful EfTeels corrupt Nature (for there js no other fmce the Fall^) hath brought forth in the "World where Grace hath been wanting. But we mall have Occafion to touch a little on this Foiru after- wards* Now C 2? ) Now ahho' we have, in our former Declarations at eyery emergent and diftinguifhing Event, teftified a- gainft all the Tyranny, Bloodfhed, Ufurpations and ■ Defections both of old and of late, done in thefe Lands, and by all Ranks and Degrees in it, and, alfo fufficiently and plainly declared our Principles and Judg- ment, what Minifters and Magiftrates we would and ihould have, and all the Land Ihould embrace, and what Qualifications they ought to be endued with, that mould govern and rule over thefe covenanted Lands : Yet we think it our Duty at this Time, further to de- clare again ft the late Tranfaclions and cruel Tragedies that hath been acled in thefe Lands, and efpccjally in Scotland, by the two young Pretenders Charles and William, for ahho* like SampJon\ Foxes, their Heads are afunder anent their different worldly Interefts, yet their Tails are unite about the Dragon's Nee* ; they belong to one Family, viz. Antichrift/s, they drive one Defign, viz. bearing down and ruining the Work of God in thefe Lands, and ahho' they be two Factions, yet they fcrve but one gtand Maftcr, under whofe Banner they afted all thefe Barbarities and Cruelties in this Land of late. Againft all which, we, as true Presbyterians ; own- ing tlie whole Word of God to be our Rule, and all the Parts and Pieces of our Reformation agreeable there- unto, our Covenants and all ^he Tcftimonies given tor the fame, Declares, and by thefe Prefents. do teftify and de- clare againft Charles pretended Prince of Wales, &c. his invading our Land with feven Men and a few ^rms, and their erecting his Standard, and gathering a Rout of People about it, a promifcuous Multitude of igno- rant, covetous, pilfering Crew ! without ever declaring what Religion or Principle he held, nor would give fuf- ficient Security for the true Religion, but only his bare Word to fettle Prelacy in England, and a Toleration of all Religions in Scotland; both which are linful, and con- trary to the Word of God and our holy Covenants, &c. and his going through the Land witfi his Mali£- 1 ( 1 and a Limb of Anlichrifl, abjured by us in our Cove- nants, and being contrary to the Word of God, and the righteous Laws of the Land, to admit, or fet up an Idolater over us, which all Papifls are. %d/y, We declare againft his gathering and uplifting Taxes and Cedes through the Land, and applying the fame to fupport his Invafion ! When the faid Taxes belongs neither to him nor the Occupant upon the Throne, but only to a true Gofpel Magiftracy, having Scripture and Covenant-Qualifications, being a Terror to Evil-doers, and a Praife to them that do well. qlhly, We declare againft his feizing upon, and tak» ing all the Arms he could find in Towns and Country, and the Ammunition and other Implements of War ; and therewith arming his Malignants, to put them in a Capacity to diftrefs the Land, and bear down the Work of God in the fame. Sthly, We bear Teftimony againft his forcibly Sei- zing upon, and arbitrarily commanding the Inhabitants of the Land, to bring in their Horfes and Carriages for his Service, to the great Lofs and Hinderance of poer Labourers of the Ground, in their lawful Bufinefs ; on the Diligence of which, depends theirs and their Fami- lies Livelihood -, and any Interruption of that Kind, muft be a very fignal Detriment to them. 6thly, Moreover, we declare againft all the unfound Principles and fmful Practices of that malignant Party* and the Enmity they have at the Tower of Godlinefs, and their abufing and vilipending all the prime Inftru- ments of the Reformation, both at Home and Abroad, which is a fhrewd Sign, that they are very bad Protef- tants ■, and that both their Principles and Defign hath a Tendency to introduce Popery and arbritrary Power again to thefe Lands : Alfo, we reckon it a great Vice n Charles, his foolilh Pity and Lenity, in fparing thefe ' V, ) thefe profane, blafphembus Red-coats, that Prdvidence delivered into his Hand, when by putting them to Death, this poor Land might have been eafed of the heavy Burden of thefe Vermin of Hell ; and he would have had fewer to have foughten againft him, and guard* ing his People to the Gallows, the fatal Confequences of which is found in the Epilogue, We refent the unjuft Invafion of our Land, by a People of a Grange Language, and of as ftrange Alpe&s, from Germany, whodefiled the Land with their Whoredoms (being mad unclean Beads) and to com- pleat the Mifery of the Land, they did grievoufly in- fuit, beat, and male-treat many of the Inhabitants of the Country where they palled ; -and as the Caterpillars that did devour what the Locufts left, they carried a vaft deal of Spo'l and Plunder with them into Ger- many, to the impovenihing and ruining of the poor Country, &c, ■fthly, We teftify and declare againft the Progrefs and Behaviour of the Red-coat Army under William their furious Leader : For no fooner they paffed the River of Forth, than they began to make Havock of all; raging like fierce Tygers, plundering Houfes, and burn- ing others, with the Barns and Barn-yards full of Vic- tual, and -cleaning the Fields of Cattle, and rouping them, with other Goods, on the Sabbath Day in the Inch cf .Perth, as they -had their Plays and Div^rfions on the other Inch, on the fame Day ; and rhe fame Courfe of Deitruiflion and Devaluation they followed, till they came to Aberdeen, -and there they fettled a while, glutting themfeJvcs with the Spoil of the Coun- try, cuvfing and blafpheming the Name ofGOD, mock- ing and infulting their Reprovers, and horribly profa- ning the Sabbath by Idlenefs and Gaming and other Debaucheries, in contempt of GOD and Man, as if they ( *9 ) they would defy Heaven, and mock at Hell as a Scarcrow ; and all this Wickcdnefs was allowed and committed by the Example of their Duke, who dis- dained to be prcfent at any Sort of Worfhip, all the Time he was in Scotland, but wrought all Manner of Wickednefs with Grcedmefs, and with a high Hand. 6thly t We utterly abhore and declare againft all the horrid Cruelty, Barbarity, and Inhumanity, com- mitted after the Battle of Culhden y upon the wounded and innocent by thefe Mongers of Men, the bioody Red-coats, and their more than brutal Leaders, who, in cokl Blood, moft barharouily murdered the wound- ed, by running their Swords and Baynots in the Hearts and Bellies of fome, and knocking the Brains out of others with their Mufkets, and mitigating the Red-coat's Strumpets and Servants to do the like ; and mafTacred the unarmed By-ftanders, who came to look on, and behold how the Matter went ; and befides, they killed a ioo amongft the Planting, in the Parks of CulloJen, the Day after the Action was over, in cold Blood (like arrant Cowards) and then like incarnate Devils, they raged through the Country, murdering Women and Children, and old infirm Men in many Piaces; and burning others in Barns, and in their Houfcs, without DittincYion of Age or Sex : And like- wife thefe bloody Burner* hanged up Numbers where- ever they came, upon Trees and other Places, and fome they hung by the Chin, to torment them with a JiDgring Death, and tlrcn fporting themfelves at the Agony and Mifery of the poor unfortunate Creatures, and others they hung up by the Thumbs, and then whipped them to Death in a moil cruel Manner, and even fome little Children, who died foon after their whipping. A Barbarity fcarcdy to be found amongfr. Turks and Tartar s, brut only in the Spanijh Inquili'ti- tion, from whom they feem to have copied after, and imitated in all their Cruelties : Moreover, afar they had fatiatc themfelves in their Baibarities upon their Fellow-creatures, they fell upon their Goods and Iloufes, burning and dcitrcying, and laying wafte whyk ( 3° ) whole Country-fides, leaving no Suftenance, either for Man or Beaft, but the Grafs of the Fields, whereby Multitudes have perifhed with Famine and Want, and many found dead in Caves and Huts, and in the Fields, with Grafs in their Mouths ; and all thefe horrid Tra- gedies were acted in this Land, by the fpecial Command of their inhumane Duke, whom the flattering Time ferving Minifters, blafphemoufly call a Saviour and De- liverer •, but far rather, and more truly mould be termed Abaddon, a Deftroyer, or a fecond Nero, fince his Ac- tions are more agreeable to the latter than the former. ytbfy, We refent the unnatural Babarity of thefe wicked Scots , that amfted the cruel Duke and his fwear- ing malicious Englijh to Butcher their Country-men, and wafte and deftroy their Lands and Goods, when they ought far rather to have helped to cleanfe the Land of fuch Vermin, who have robbed and polluted the fame with their blafphemous Errors and other Vi- ces, and then to have entered England, and thereto made Reprifals fumciently to indemnifie our felves for all the Wrongs, Injuries, Injuftice, Robberies and Spoils they have done, and made from Time to Time upon poor Scotland, for fome Hundreds of Years toge- ther, which would have brought Praife and Fame with it, whereas the other Courfe and Practice brings Shame Dilgrace and Ignominy, which cannot be ealily wiped Sthfy, We alTert the free Independency of Scotland, and refent the horrid Injury done to her by our here- ditary Enemies the Englijh, in leading Scotfmen Prifon- ers to England, (be their Crimes what they will) and there, judging, condemning and Executing them as they have done ever fincc the wicked and accurled U- nion, when we have jufter and better Laws (if duely put in Execution,) to try and punifli Criminals in our own Land, than they have or can pretend to ; and it is no- tourly known that thefe Englijh Judges acted rather as raging Enemies in judging and giving Sentence, than upright Men upon a Bench, and their admitting and fuilaining viilanous wicked Perfons to be Witnef- fes ( 31 ) m in their Trials, Men void of Truth or Honefty. be» ing the very Scum and Garbage of Scotland, as their Jury were picked out of Jail-birds and other Ver- mine, the very Scum of England ; fo the poor Crea- tures were cheated out of their Lives, and rather kil- led as Scots, than as Criminals ; and altho' many of them deferved Death for their other Crimes and Wick- ednefs, and therefore juft in the fight of GOD ; yet it being for none of thefe Crimes that they are put to Death by them : Therefore it follows, that the fallc "Witneflcs, the wicked Jury, and unjuft Judges, and «- Jpecially the idolatrous Occupant upon the Throne, are guilty of Murther and Bloodfhed, when he Heaven- daringly prcfumes to pardon all Sorts of horrid and capi- tal Crimes, and Treafon againft the Majefty of Heaven and Earth, which no Mortal has Right to do, under the Pain of Damnation, and yet puts Men to Death for Tteafon againft himfelf, which he only and alone hath Power to Pardon. ythly, We teftify againft that fearful mocking of GOD, in pretending to the making of Laws againft Swearing and Curling, and yet puts none of them in Execution, againft no Sort of Perfons whatfoever, who are guilty in a mod grievous Manner; and in Particular, their Armies, who furpafses all the Armies and People of the Eartli in this Vice > and all by the Encourage- ment and Example of their profane Duke, who is reck- oned the molt bloody and biafphemous Swearer in Bri- tain, a? he is the Chief and Pattern of all other horrible Vices and Crimes and fo defcrves the higheft Pur.ifh- ment, yet he and his moft wicked and profane Army, not only efcapes Punifhment (which they richly de- ferve) but arc carcfTed and rewarded, and encou- raged by the profane State, and flattered by the AnttchriJHan and Laodicean Churches, which can- not fail, but to bring tiie tremenduous Wrath of a ho- ly and a jealous GOD upon a Land ot iuch Abomina- tions and "Wickednefs as this. \cthly y Finally, we teftify and declare againft all the Errors of Popery, Prtiacy and EraJHanifm, and the ( V ) SeBartes ; . and againfr. all their Male-practices, the Wrong and Injuries that they have done to the Work,,' ' Caufe, and People of GOD, both of old and of late, 1 in thefe Lands, and againft that wicked and Sectarian. Error, fpread and propagated with violent Paflion, that Dominion is founded upon mere Nature, exclufive of Grace, and the Word and Law of GOD given by Grace to the Church, and to Mankind, to be the Square Rule and Rectitude, to erect and fet up his Ordinances in Church and State. When the Inftitution as well as the Qualifications of Magiftrates are {o clearly revealed ,and fully exprefied therein. And it is certain, That when the Fall of Adam commenced, if no Mediator had been provided nor interveened, the Woi:ld and all Na- ture now wholly corrupted, had been deftroyed, by Vir- tue of the Threatning f )r rhe Breach of the firft Co- venant, but the fecond Covenant taking Place, which is of Grace in the Hand of CHRIST the Mediatot be- tween GOD and Man : And therefore it follows, that the World fubfiits and is fuftained by Grace, and is governed by the Grace of his Providence ; and the Angels that flood, are confirmed by Grace, and all that we receive, or enjoy, or are promifed to be polfeiTed of is of Grace; and therefore the holy Ordinance of Ma- giflracy is founded on Grace (and not on corrupt Na- ture) external Grace we mean (viz.) Scripture-quali- fications plainly exprefTed in the Word of GOD, as well as the Iniritution, as faidis : And it is llrange, that the Mediator GOD Man, fhouid be appointed to judge the World, and yet have no concern to rule and go- vern the fame, as thefe Se Claries dream : But we aver, with Prov. viii. Chap, and many other Scrip- tures that our exalted Prince and Saviour is Head b- ver all Principalities and Powers, as well as of the Church : And is King of Nations, as well as King of Saints, and is KING of Kings, and LQRD of Lords, as well as King in Zion, and hath the Government u- .fon his Shoulders, and all Pavers in Heaven 2nd in Earth if committed to him, even becaufe he is, the Son of Man, and- ( « ) end is COD equal with the FATHER in Power and Glory. Now, to clofe up all, we would counfel and advife you, both Parties of Malignants, to lay afide your prejudice and Malice againft the Caufe and Peo- ple of God ; and you old Malignants, lay afide your Idol of Hereditary Right, which is the Ground and Ba- fts of all Tyrrany. And you Revolution Malignants, Jay aijde your Parliament Right, which is built upon, Usurpation and Oppreflion ; and take on both of you with Scripture-right, which only is permanent, and will abide Teft and Trial in the Day of Accounts ; and upon your Repentance and Reformation, we invite you both to join lfiue a::d Intereft, Heart and Hand with us, to erect and fet up, maintain and defend, a pure, holy, Chriitian, Proteftant, Presbyterian Magi- ftracy, who will be a Terror and Punifher of Evil-doers, and a Supporter and Encourager of thofe that do well: But if any, or both of you, fhould difdain or reject this good Counfel (as we fear ye will) then be it known unto you, that it will be Bitternefs in the lat- ter End to you all, and your Enterprifes fhnjl not pro- fper, fo as to bring Peace to thefe Lands, or to your own Confcienccs in a Dying-hour ; and the Caufe and Courfe that you both maintain and carry on, with fo high a Hand at prefent, will be found to be fighting a- gainft God, kicking againft: the Pricks, and running upon the thick Bofles of his Buckler, which will certain* ly procure the heavy Wrath of the evcrlafting GOD upon your Perfons, Families, and Eftates, and that fpeedily, except ye repent. We (hall make one brief Obfervation more, which is obvious to all that will fee, that fince the pretended Deliverance from the Highland Army and the expected Reformation, that was to follow thereupon, the quits contrary appears : For all manner of Sin, Iniquity and Abomination, are ten Times ericreafed and -on the growing Hand ; the hcllifh, Pagan, Juggler Plays, are fet up and frequented with more Impudence and Au- dacity than ever, altho* near twelve Months before ; they durlt not. one of them, be feen. here, and more E contempt ( 34 ) . contempt of GOD, and blafpheming his holy Name, more boafting and leaning to the Arm of Flefh, and more numerous, open and bare-faced are Baudy-houfes kept and haunted without controul or Punifhment than ever before, and idle, Hellifh, drunken Clubs are fet up and frequented even by fome Minifters, to theDif- grace and Shame of their Office and Calling and juil Contempt of their Perfons ; and more Security, Pride, and Cruelty, Inhumanity, and Lying, and Flattering than before ; and add to all thefe WickednetTes, befides the robbing, Healing, plundering, butchering and blaf> pheming of the Red-coat Army already mentioned, their polluting and defiling the whole Land wherever they come, with their abominableWhoredoms and other Un- cleanneiTes, by not only enticing Maids and Matrons to their curfed Luft, but committing by Force, horrible Rapes upon many Women through the Land, and fome dying among!! their Hands, and others expiring foon after the Abufe they receive, and others lofe their Wits and Senles for Grief and Horrour of the Injury done to them -, and all this, and many more unparalel- led Abominations are committed by thefe Monfters of Men the Red-coats, and that without any Check, Con- troul or Puniihment. Thefe are the Fruits of our boafted of Deliverance, which cannot but fill up the Meafure of our Cup, and provock an angry GOD to haften his righteous Judgments, that whomever hear- eth it, both his Ears (hall tingle. /. I. Let King JESUS reign, and let all his Enemies be ftatterei. A DECLA/ ( 35 ) A DECLARATION and TESTI- MONY againft that fiirul Praftice of the obfervation of birth Days, for any Rulers, and efpeciaLy that of the Uritijb Occupant, on GEto- her 30th, l$c. AMONGST the many great and grievous Sins and Snares of the Day, and Defection of the Land, that wicked and Antichriftian Practice, the Obfervation of the "Nativity or Birth-Day of pro- phane Ufurpers, the fo called Kings and Rulers of thcfe Lands, are not the leaft ; a Practice fo void and deftitute of all Scripture- Warrant, or imitable Exan pie a- mongft well governed Kingdoms, or Common- wealths, of pure and right conftitute Churches, that 'tis ilrange that any profeiTing true Chiiftianity fhould be found guilty of keeping up fo childifh, foolifh and finful a Cu- flom, which is purely Pagan y both in the Invention and Practice thereof, it being amongft their Idola- trous Revels, and Service done to Bacchus, and blind Obedience and fuperftitious Devotion paid to their He- roes and Princes, whom they often Deified and uorfhip- f all Religion and Mora- lity itfelf, and ufurping the Supremacy of the Son of Cod, that "is the alone King, Head and Lawgiver to his Church, &c. And keeping the Iron Yoke of Pa- tronages on the Church's Neck, and making other wicked Laws, Oaths, and Snares to the Conlciences, and executing them with Rigour ; as alfo his authori- sing and patronUing the keeping and obferving his own unhappy Birth day, who was born a Plague and a Scourge to thefe Lands for our Sins : And all the Lovers of Truth and Liberty, have Caufe to mourn and lament on the 30M of Ott'Jjer, rather than to rejoice, ar our Mifery, Calamity and the prefent and impendent Judgments, &c. Finally, Upon all which Grounds and Reafbns, and many more that might be adduced, we as Men and Chriftians, do teltify and declare agamtt. the keeping and obferving the Nativity and Birth-Days of any Rulers vrhatfoever, and efpecially that of the Occupant upon the Throne of Britain, as being a prophage, fupcrfti- tioas, wicked P >m, and the Caule and Occallon of much Lojfncfs, Sin and Wickednefs, as ( 3» ) as faid is. We likewife bear Teftimony againft all the other Defections, Heaven daring Wickednefs, Pro- phanity, Perjury and Blood, that thefe Lands are guil- ty of, and lying under ; for which we may expetf fuch tremenduous Judgments to be poured out for the fame, that whofoever heareth it, both his Ears mall tingle. J.H. Let King JESUS Reign, and let all his Enemies be Jeottered, Amen. Edinburgh, ORober, 26"th, 1741. An Account of Burning the ABJURATION-OATH, and fome ACTS authorifing and im* pofing the Same, i§c. FORASMUCH as this Oath, called the Oath of Abjuration, doth virtually abjure the Solemn League and Covenant, in their fwearing to main- tain and admit of fuch only, as do oppofe the laid Co- venant, and Work of Reformation, that thefe Lands are obliged unto, in the fwearing to oppofe all, but fuch as mail be fworn to extirpate without Refpecl of Perfons : Alfo this wicked Oath, being inconfiltent with the holy Scriptures, with our national Covenant, with our pure Prespjterian Principles, and the laudable Laws of this Land, betwixt 1638 and 1650, and yet, is this Day taken by many perjured Men, that call themfelves Presbyterian Miniiters. We ( 39 ) We do therefore, in Tcftimony of our Abhorrence •f the faid Oath, and in Contempt of the like Indig- nity, done of Old to the Covenant in this bloody Ci- ty, burn the faid Oath of Abjuration, with ihe Acts enjoining the fame, and this we do in theTsamc of all, who will own and approve the Fac~t, with the Rcaf>ns expreiTed or implied herein, which all the Landlhouid do m a more judicial and publick. Manner. At the Crofs of Edinburgh this 28 Day of Oflibcr 17 12. WHILE the faid Oath and Acts were burning on the Point of a Dagger at the Crof9, and going up the high Street, thefe Words fol- owing were proclaimed with a loud Voice, viz. Let King JESUS reign, and all his Enemies be fcattered y no Abjur at ion-Oath, no Oath but the Cove- nant's ; down with Popery, Prelacy and Eraftianifm, end up with true Presbytery and the Covenants. 7. H. A PREDICTION of the Emi- nent and Famous Mr. ROBERT MctfrjRVMimfiet of theG os- PEL. THUS he begin?, O Britain! O Scotland /bold unto and bent to Backfliding, the Wrath of God, and thy Woe feem to be upon the Wing! And alas, I am afraid that this crowning and crimfon Wickednefs : The LORD GOD Almighty ismakinga Way to his Anger, and preparing the Nation for a Sa- crifice, to expiate, in the Sight of the World, our PeT- jury f 40 /> jury, Defection and Heaven-daring Abominations and j Provocations. Alas ? I am afraid that the Sword of> 3 the LORD, which is near to be drawn, will avenge the ! Quarrel of his Covenant, that the Contributors, as Weil as the ftated Party of Contrivers, Decreers and ' cruel Executors of theie Decreers, may fall under the Blow of the furbifhed Sword of the LORD GOD, and. that Land of fuch Abominations may be iwept of its Inhabitants, with the Befom of Deftnuftion, and-] focked with the Blood of thofe, who inftead of con-. tending for CHRIST, have by this Payment of Ceft af- fociate with his Hated, his declared and implacable Enemies, whofe rage is come up before him, 'and will bring him down to take Revenge. Alas, my Fears, my Fears are multiplied upon me, that this War (hall not onjy at laft land in Britain, but that he hath been all this while training up a Militia abroad, breeding, them in Blood, and teaching them how to be fkilful to deiiroy againif. the Time ; he gave orders to march and put the flaming Sword in their Hand to be bathed in the Blood of bacltfiiding Britain ; O i if our Turn- ing unto him, that he might turn away from his Ficrce- nef. of his Anger, might prevent that woful Day ; but fince, initead of any turning unto him, we furpafs the Deeds of the Heathen, and out do in Wickedntfs all'that went before us, and proceed with a Petulancy reaching unto Heaven from Evil to worfe -, I am afiaid that all the Blocd-fhed fince the Sword was drawn in the Nations about, all the facked Cities, all the burnt Drops and Villages, ::! the wafied Countries, all the Slain of the LORD by Sea and Land, ail the Piilagings, Rapes Murders, Out-rages (which Rage it- feif could hardly out-do) all the horrid and inhumane Cruelties that have been committed during this bloody j "War (wherein the Sea hath been dyed, and the Land J as it were drowned with the Blood of the Slain) all the ■ truculent and treacherous Murders of that Monller De- I Aba in the Low Countries, a!l the incredible Cruelties ^f the GuifeSi and the Blood ihed in the Maflacres of France ; J ( 41 ) France ; all the Tortures that the People of the LORD have been put to in the VaiHes of Ptedffiont by that little fierce Tyger the Duke of Savoy •, all the Savages and barbarous Butcheries of the Irifb MafTacres fhall be forgotten, or feera Things not to be mentioned in one Day, when ft hat (hall be done in Britain corncs to be remembred. O Britain ! O Britain ! of all Nations under the Cope of Heaven, mod ripe for the Sickle of Vengeance, fhall this Throne of Iniquity which hath framed fo many Milchlefs into Laws, and all that are Complices, in this wicked Confpiracy who now arc gathering themfelves together againft the Souk of the Righteous, and condemning the innocent Blood ; be able to fave its Subjects, when he comes to make Inquifition for that Blood ? Or (hall the Sovereign's Cal • Jing in all from 60 to 16, be able to fupport the Throne. Alas ! in vain fhall they offer to draw up, and draw the Sword to defend, when the LORD GOI> of Hofts draws his Sword, to accomplilh upon them, the Vengeance written and wrapped up in thefe Words, He jball bring upm ihtth their own Iniquity, and /hail cut them off in their own IVickednefs ; yea, the h O R D our GOD Jball cut them off. And it fhall come to pafs, in thct Day, efcape, who wiJl, profane and profefTing Gentlemen and others, who in this have complyed with the Rulers, fhall not efcape ; Then fhall they pay for this Payment of the wicked Cefs ; when the Storm of his Difpleafure fhall be obferved to fall particularly upon their Houfe , Interclts and Eflates, , Who can think upon the Wickedoefs with juft Aggravations, and imagine the righteous LORD will proportion his Judgment to the Hainoufnefs of our Guilt, and his Revenges to the Rage whereby he and his CHRIST hath been and are oppofed and tak« other Meafures. Thus far t he Great M'WARD. F ADECLA* C 4* ) A DECLARATION and TE- STIMONY againft, and IN- HIBITION of the Fall for Hell, proclaimed and appointed bv the facrilegious and malignant Powers, to be c bferved on the 9 f h ot January 1740. by all the PrelaticaJ and b raftian Synagogues in 'Britain, &c. IF ever there was a Time wherein the LORD cal- led for fading and mourning, and girding with Sackcioath, and lying low in the Dull before him, and renting the Heart and not the Garment, and taking Shame and Confufion of Face to ourfelves, for all our Heaven-daring Abominations and Perjuries, this is the Day and Time, a Day of Trial and treading down of the Work of GOD, A Day of Perplexity from the LORD of Ho/Is, in the Valley ofVifion, a Day of Famine of the "Word of Life ; a Day when the Flood-gates are ope- ned to all Errors and unparallelled Wickednefs, over- flowing the whole Land, from one End to the other ; fo that there is no Place clean. In fuch a lamentable Cafe as this, 'tis high Time to awake from Sleep and Security, and to humble our- felves under his mighty Hand, and to take with us Words, and return again to him from whom we have departed, and againft whom we have finned, and to fanclify a Faft, and call a folemn AiTembly, and ga- ther the Elders, and all the Inhabitants of the Land to weeping and wailing, and to tremble before him, if Co be there may be Hope ; for the Day of the fierce Anger of the Lord of Hofts approacheth, 'tis nigh at Hand, <&c. But ( 43 ) But it mult, be fuch a Fall as he hath chofen, and will approve of and not to finite with the Fifl: of Wickednefs, nor to pray for Succefs to one Limb of Antichrift, over another Limb of the fame Body, the Fruit and Effect: of which, would be a further Deftruo tion of, and bearing down the Work and Caufe of GOD in thefe Lands, and a fettling themfelvcs upon their Lees, and fwelling in their Pride and Perjury, &c. Since ever the glorious and exalted Mediator's Crown, Rights and Royal Dignities, his Supremacy in, and over his Church, which is his Body, were invaded and incroached upon by his malignant Enemies, their wanted not WitnefTes to, and Contenders for that great and precious Truth of CHRIST', Kingly Office, and the Church of Scotland (above all others) in a fpccial Manner, had that fupereminent Truth bequeathed to her, as her Legacy, and refilled unto Blood, ftriving againft Sin, and loved not their Lives unto the Death, that CHRIST'S Crown might flourifh upon h s Head, according to the Gift of the Father; and ftrcnuoufly withftood and oppofed all the facraligious Robbers, and Ufurpers of his juft Power and Prerogative as King in Zion, and undoubted and uncontrollable Law-giver in his Church, and fpared neither Blood nor Trcafure, that they might tranfmit and hand down to Portcrity, that Truth and Teftimony to be embraced, maintain- ed, and contended for till CHRIST'S fecond Commg in Glory to judge the Quick and the Dead, &c . But fince the unhappy Revolution, this unhappy Church hath not only yielded to, and tamely fubmit- ted to all the Invafions and Incroachmcnts made upon the Royal Supremacy of JESUS CHRIST by the for- mer and prefent malignant Ufurpers thereof, and the holy Ordinance of Magistracy, but often-times hath thruft it upon thefe Mifrulers, when they were neither feekingnot deliring it of them, as appears in the pre- fent Juncture anent this unhallowed Faft, as well as in former Times on the like Occalions. If thefe demented Men called Mioiftcrs, had the . ( 44 ) leaf} .Senfe of Sin rnd Duty, or knew the right Quali- ties of a Faft with the Jult and proper Caufes there- of, and as the Exigencies of the Times, and the Height and Hainoufnefs ofour Sins require, thefe and the like Caufes of Wrath would be the Matter of their Hu- miliation. ifti The National Sins, or thefe of publick Judg- ment and Profeflion. ' id, Thefe of Life and Practice, either conniving at Sin, or liking or allowing thereof. Firft, Briefly, Thefe Sins are Caufes of deep Hu- miliation ; the owning and maintaining of a falfe and corrupt Magi fir acy, as the Fountain from whence all our Woes and Miferies do proceed, and was the Caufe and Occafion of the publick Resolutions of State and Church, for bringing in the malignant Party to Places of Power and Truft, the bitter Fruits of which Sin remains to this Day. idly, The overturning the Work of Reformation in, flic Year 1660, and m oft wickedly afTuming the Su- premacy of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, from whence flowed all the Tyranny, Murders and Perfecutions of the LORD'S People ; Breach of Covenants, Indulgence, Toleration, and perjurious Oaths, everfivc of thefe Covenants during the late tyrannical Reigns. $dhy The Supremacy continued and exercifed at the Revolution, in fettling the s hurch upon an Erajlian Foundation, according to the Inclinations of a corrupt People, and the wicked Formula, together with the Oaths of allegiance, and A flu rai.ee, the black Oath of ALjuiatic n, the curfed Union with idolatrous EnglanJ % with its Train of Evils and Miferies, with all the mock Fafts fince the Revolution, with other horrid Crimes, and Prov. cations too long here to relate ; are Matters of GrieC Lamentation, Mourning and Wo. Secondly, The Sins of 1 ife and Praelice are, 1//, .jiihe'ijm, either denying of all, or fome one of the Perfons of the bleffed Trinity, or living as if there were no GOD to judge and punilh them. idly t . ( . 45. ) lily. Idolatry, in fetting up, and conniving at Mafs- Houfes, and Stage-plays, and other falfe Worihip, con- trary to the Word of GOD, and to the Letter of their own Law. gi/}\ Unheard of curfing and fwearing amongft all Ranks, for which the Land mourneth, and the plea- fant Places thereof will be defolate. <\thl)\ Notorious Sabbath-breaking, by Idlenefs, Dmnkennefs, and Gaming, and other finful Ways, whereby a jealous GOD is provoked to fierce Wrath, and will in due Time pour it out upon the Land of fuch Abominations as thefe. ftlly 4 Rebellion againft GOD and the holy Ordi- nance of Magidracy and Mir.iftry, taking the Shadow for the Subftance, and yielding an implicitc Faith, and blind Obedience to the prefent Occupants in State and Church. 6thly i Not only the innocent Blood of the Lord's People of old, not yet purged away, by the Blood of them that fhed it - x but alio many Murders committed in all Corners of the Land, by the bloody Military and others, and efpecially the MalTacre in Edinburgh, in C736, by wicked PorJeow, the Cry of which inno- cent Blood reacheth into Heaven, calling for Venge- ance upon the Authors and Abettors thereof. "jthly % The almofl univerfal Sin of Adultery and other UncleannclTes, from the Throne to the Dung- hill, even many Min'ulcrs and Elders not accepted. Sth/y, Theft and Robbery, Opprcflion and grinding the Faces of the Poor, together with heavy Taxes to maintain a Crew of Villains and Panders for HelL oM/y, Monft roils lying, defrauding, falfe fwearing i;i Witnefs-bearing, keeping back the Wages of the Hireling, and many other Sins of the like Nature are Caufes of heavy Lamentation. \otbl)\ The Sin of Covetoufnefs which is Idolatry, and Hipocrify, Formality, Sclffceking, Pride and deep Security under the Wrath- like Difpcnfation of the Day : To which may be added, the horrid Jug- glirrg, and abfurd Principles, and pernicious Practices of the Seceding falfe Brethren, and their mad and blind Loyalty to the blacked and bloodied Throne upon the Earth. Thefeand many other hainous Sin?, and Tranfgrefllons are weighty Caufes of Farting and Hu- miliation ; yet all, or mod of thefe Grounds and Cau- ses ate delignedly omited in their unhallowed and mock Fad, and the main and only Caufe in their Eradian Fall is, for Succefs to the mod wicked and flagitious Army and Navy that's within the whole Univerfe, and this War is not againd Spain as it is Idolatrous, (which would be a juft Caufe of War,) no, for Spain was their good Alley before, 'tis only againd Spain for didurbing their Trade, (which is their God) and for chaftizing the Robbers of their Plantations, THERE- FORE the War on fuch Grounds is unlawful and unne- ceilary, and To confequently their Fad on that Ac- count with its Caufes are (6 too, and therefore will procure a Curfe indead of a BleiTing upon their Coun- cils and Armies by Sea and Land, for GOD will not t>e mocked, but will be avenged on all them that take his Name in vain. To conclude feeing, this wicked and finful Fad is des- titute of all the good Qualities of a true, lawful and ne- ceflary Fad, and comes direclly from the corrupt Foun- tain of the malignant Court, and the Antichridian Knights of the Black-Order, the Bidiops of England, by virtue of the ufurped Supremacy, and their gaudy Manner of proclaiming the fame by found of Trum- pet, and it having none of the weighty Caufes of Fad- ing for which the LORD contends this Day with tbefe Lands, as the Matter thereof, but duffed \\ith the falfe frivolous and foolifh Caufes, being neither weighty nor worthy, and which will rather provoke than appeafe an angry GOD, the ©bfervation whereof is a Caufe of Fading and Humiliation. Upon all which Gronnds and Reafbns, and many more that might be added, we utterly renounce and dilclaim this Fad on January c?th, as above, and Tef- tiiies ( 47 ) (lilies and declares againft: the fame, as a finful and Wrath- procuring Faft : Yea, we inhibite and difcharge all the Inhabitants of thcfc three Lands from the Ob- fervation thereof, as they would avoid the Difpleafure of Almighty GOD, and anfwer the Contrair at their utmoft Peril. Given at the Capital, on January 9th 1740, by the Lovers and Friends of Truth and Liberty. On the Second of January, this Declaration was publifhed on the Crofs of Edinburgh, and on the 5-th thereof on the High-Church there, and the Pier of Leitb. J. H. P. S, As we have at diverfe Times, and at feve- fal Occafions, teftificd and declared againft all the Heaven-daring Wickedneffes, Defections and Abomi- nations that thefe Lands are guilty of, and continuing in : And efpecially againft their horrible Conjuncti- on, finful Confederacy, and helliih AiTociation : With the avowed, declared, and implacable Enemies of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and his righteous Caufe, (viz) The abominable, bloody, ravenous, tearing and devouring German Eagle, or the Houfe of Aujlria ; and the violent, virulent, rampant and deftroying Tyger of Savoy. And now, to nil up their Meafure, and to compleat their Wickedncfc, they have made a finful, lhameful, and fcandalous Peace with France and Spain, other two raging bloody Vultures, and Limbs of Antichrifl j and as Pledges oi'thcir Faith to keep and maintain that dcteftablc and deftructive Peace, they have fent Hoftages in a fhameful Manner to a faithlcfs Nation, who never keeped Faith to GOD nor Man \ and ( 4*. ) and they, a* the Head, difdains to fend any to Bri- tain, who is now become the Tail, and a Laughing-ilock to all the Nations round about for Perfidy,