YMNS RAW SO FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY NS6Q HYMNS, VERSES, AND CHANTS BY •• GEOEGE KAWSON, HODDER AND STOUGHTON, 27, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXXVI. Hazell Wataon, and Viney, Printer* London and Aylesbury. CONTENTS. Psalms (i. — xviii.) .... God and His Worship (xix.— xxv.) The Lord Jesus Christ (xxvi. — xlii.) The Holy Ghost (xliil— xlviii.) . Evening Hymns (xlix.— liii.) Blessed Departures (liv.— lx.) . Miscellaneous (lxi. — lxxi.) . Prose Chants (lxxii.— lxxxvi.) . Solitary Musing (lxxxvii.— xcv.) PAGB 1 35 51 83 97 , 107 , 123 . 147 . 175 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/seschantOOraws PSALMS B ft I. PSALM I. Blessed is the faithful heart Who all wicked counsel flees, Nor with sinners takes a part, Nor with scorners sits at ease, God's great law is his delight ; Mighty words that came from heaven Comfort him in silent night, Are his daily portion given. Thus his soul is like a tree By unfailing rivers seen ; Fruit it bears abundantly, Every leaf is living green. But the godless are not so ; Where can be their trust or stay ? Like the chaff the wild winds blow, In the storm they're swept away. Therefore in the judgment time The ungodly shall not stand, Never join, in bliss sublime, The redeemed at God's right hand, Lord ! Thou watchest every day O'er the good man's path of light, But the sinner's darkening way Perisheth in silent night. II. PSALM XXIII. The God of love my Shepherd is. To watch me and to feed ; I shall not want, for I am His, He careth for my need. His gentle goodness leadeth me. And makes me down to lie In greenest pastures fearlessly The quiet waters by. And so restoreth He my soul : And when I go astray He brings me back with sweet control T nto the rightful way. When darkness comes and death is near I feel my Shepherd's rod, And so I quite forget my fear And lean upon my God. Thy bounties, amid all my foes, My life, my spirit bless, My cup of comfort overflows With tender faithfulness. Goodness and mercy, peace and love, Shall fill my earthly days, Till the eternal house above Shall witness to my praise. III. PSALM XXIII. My Shepherd is the living Lord, So I can never need ; In pastures green Still streams between I lay me down to feed. And thus doth He restore my soul, And leads me evermore. All for His praise, In righteous ways, Going Himself before. Yea ! through the vale of darkling death I pass, and fear no ill ; Thy staff and rod. Thyself, my God, My sure protection still. 7 In presence of my foes restrained, My table is outspread ; Thy hand fills up With joy my cup, Thine oil anoints my head. Goodness and mercy all my life, My Lord will show to me ; Then through His love, His house above My dwelling-place shall be. IV. PSALM XXIII. The God of love my Shepherd is, My gracious constant Guide ; I shall not want, for I am His : In all supplied. In His green pastures do I feed, And there lie down at will ; He leads me in my thirsty need By waters still. His tenderness restores my soul, When sick and faint I roam; Shews the right path and makes me whole, Bearing me home. 9 Yea ! the dark valley when I tread No evil will I fear ; Thy rod and staff dispel the dread : I feel Thee near. Thy grace astounds my demon foes ; True oil of joy is mine ; My cup of mercy overflows With care divine. Goodness and mercy all my days, My daily song shall be, Till heavenly anthems fill with praise Eternity. 10 Y. TSALM XXIX. Give to the Lord, ye mighty ones, The majesty of might ! Ascribe to Him almightiness ; Ye know it is His right. Give holy worship to His name, Then, radiant from His shrine, The beauty of His holiness Resting on you shall shine. Hark to His voice ! The crashing peal Rolls o'er the waters wide ; The God of glory thundereth, Startling the ocean tide. Voice of the Lord ! In majesty ; Voice of the Lord ! in power ; Cedars of sky-girt Lebanon Shivered and hurtling cower. 11 Voice of the Lord ! The mountains flee ; Like their wild herds they leap ! The quivering flames of lightning rush Divided from the steep. Voice of the Lord ! The oaks, all scathed, Tremble with frighted scare ; The wilderness, it howls in dread ! The forests are laid bare. There is an answer, sweet and calm ! The song that upward swells, When in His temple every soul The Lord's great glory tells. O'er the wide deluge He of old Sat like a King to reign ; So sits for ever ! whilst the storms And mad floods rage in vain. Safe then His people : shielded well By love that cannot cease : Their strength is His omnipotence, Their blessing is His peace. 12 VI. PSALM XLVI. God is our refuge ; God our strength, Our ever present aid ! The great deeps roar With trouble sore ; Our souls are not afraid. Tho' it is night, grim fearful night, And desolations fall, His Israel boasts, The Lord of hosts Remaineth King o'er all. Distress and darkness scare the world ; Wild tempests are abroad ; Let mountains flee To distant sea ; Zion is safe in God. 13 A hidden river maketh glad The city where we dwell, Our holy place Of shielding grace, And trust unspeakable. God in our midst, gives us the peace No storm can take away ; Soon morning light Will chase the night, And all His love display. VII. PSALM LXXII. (THE DOXOLOGY. ) Blest be our God ! The King of kings ! Blessed be God our Lord ! Who only, doeth wondrous things ; Who us in Christ restored. Amen. Let earth resound His praise ; His glory heaven adore ; Amen : all blessed be His name In all worlds evermore. 15 VIII. PSALM LXXIII. (v. 23 — 26.) Lord, I am ever near to Thee In clinging, humble trust ; Long Thy right hand hath holden me, Thy feeble child of dust. Still help me in the mortal strife, And strength divine afford; Guide by Thy counsel all my life, Then take to glory, Lord ! Whom can I have in heaven but Thee ? Or whom desire beside ? Where else on earth, Lord, can I flee ? Or in whose love confide ? This heart must fail, this flesh lie down, But God in Christ, shall be My soul's blest portion, life, and crown, Throughout eternity. 16 IX. PSALM LXXXIV. (PART OF.) Beautiful, desired, and dear, Lord of Hosts, Thy dwellings here ! How we long for Thine abode, How our spirits faint for God ! Birds are happy in their nest, So Thy people find their rest In their Father's house of prayer ; Blessed are the dwellers there. Blessed are the ways of them Seeking loved Jerusalem ; On, with eager joy they press, Cheerful make the wilderness, Easy, the divided length ; So they go from strength to strength, Till they stand before Thy shrine, In the presence all divine. c 17 Lord of Hosts, we too draw near ; Through our Great Anointed, hear ; Shew through Him Thy love untold, For His sake no good withhold. God in Christ ! be shield and sun, Grace and glory here begun ; And these courts the witness be Blessed all that trust in Thee ! 18 X. PSALM LXXXVII. Upon the holy mountains high Are His foundations still ! Though silent, sad, and desolate Is Zion's ruined hill : God hath a lofty city, where His standard is unfurled, — His one Church reared on faithful hearts That rise above the world ! Beyond earth's mists, its turrets stand In the clear light of heaven ; And there Jehovah dwells in power, There is His Spirit given. Jehovah loves His children's homes. But more His own abode : All glorious is thy destiny city of our God ! 19 The Highest shall establish thee To glorify His name, All nations soon shall flocking press In thee a place to claim. Within thy safe and beauteous walls The song shall never cease, In thee are all our springs of joy, The fountains of our peace. 20 XI. PSALM XCIX. God the Lord is King ! — before Him, Earth with all thy nations wait ! Where the cherubim adore Him, Sitteth He in royal state. He is holy. Blessed only Potentate ! God the Lord is King of glory ! Zion, tell the world His fame, Ancient Israel, the story Of His faithfulness proclaim : He is holy. Holy is His awful name. In old times when dangers darkened, When, invoked by priest and seer, To His people's cry He hearkened — Answered them in all their fear : He is holy. As they called they found Him near. 21 Laws divine to them were spoken From the pillar of the cloud ; Sacred precepts, quickly broken ! Fiercely then His vengeance flowed : He is holy. To the dust their hearts were bowed. But their Father God, forgave them When they sought His face once more ; Ever ready was to save them, Tenderly did He restore : He is holy. We, too, will His grace implore. Grod in Christ is all forgiving, Waits His mercy to fulfil, Come, exalt Him all the living ; Come ascend His Zion, still ! He is holy. Worship at His holy hill. 22 XII. PSALM CX, All heaven was hushed. Our risen Lord Passed by, where angels stand ; And then Jehovah spake the word — " Sit Thou at My right hand. " Be Thou The Mediator King, And wear Thy glory-crown, Till to Thy name, each haughty thing In earth and heaven bows down, "Redeeming love Thy strength shall be, Thy gospel quell Thy foes, The whole world's fierce malignity Shall all in vain oppose." 23 Lord, let Thy day of power be known, Thy people be confessed ; Eager and valiant — priests each one, In holy garments dressed. Countless they shine, as dews from heaven When eastern skies grow bright — More glorious than those dews are given, Sparkling in morning light. And Thou art High-Priest over all ! 'Twas thus Jehovah swore, King, Priest, and Warrior mystical, And Thou shalt go before. On to the victory ! Who shall stay Omnipotence in wrath ? Bow earthly kingdoms to His sway ! Why will ye cross His path ? Jesus, my Priest, my soul is Thine, My spirit owns Thy power ; Jesus, my King ! Thy right divine I worship from this hour. 24 XIII. PSALM CXXI. Ouk eyes we lift unto the hills From whence comes all our aid, And say, Jehovah be thy help Who heaven and earth hath made. Oh, shielded well ! for faithful watch He ever o'er thee keeps, And He that keepeth Israel Nor slumbereth nor sleeps. God is thy Keeper ; God thy shade, Throughout thy pilgrim way ; Fear neither blighting moon by night Nor scorching sun by day. Thy going out and coming in, As days and years shall roll, The Lord preserve from evil safe ; The Lord preserve thy soul. XIV. PSALM CXXX. Out of the depths ! the gulfs ! the night ! Dark with despair, or strangely bright With lightning gleams abroad ; Wild the storm- voices rise on high ; Above them all, I send my cry — My soul's cry to my God. Out of the depths ! Lord, hear my voice ! And bid the very deeps rejoice In Thy delivering love ! let Thine ear consider well The cry of Thy poor Israel, And help him from above ! 26 Yea, in the depths ! with doom so near ! To teach a deeper, wondering fear Forgiveness is with Thee ! When sin Thou rnarkest, who can stand ? But One Divine lifts pierced hand: — " The guilt was borne by me." He is my ransom, He can free ! Infinite mercy is for me, Plenteous redemption stored ! With strong right hand He lifts me up, I hear His voice of cheering hope, — " Trust thy redeeming Lord." I trust, I watch, I humbly wait — Night wanes : around the Eastern gate Faint gleams of dawn I see ; Bright streaks are creeping o'er the dark; My soul is rising, like the lark — Lord, it mounts up to Thee ! 27 XY. PSALM CXXXI. My heart, Lord, is not haughty now, But leaving things too high to know Rests on eternal love : It clings no more to old self-will, The carnal and the visible ; But, hushed and quieted and still, Waits on the will above. My soul is like a weaned child, Weaned from its mother ; reconciled To a divine accord : Deep, humble trust — the angels' lore- I'm learning now, as ne'er before ; From henceforth and for ever more My hope is in The Lokd ! 28 XVI. PSALM CXLVIII. Praise ye the Lord ! immortal quire, In heavenly heights above, With harp and voice and souls of fire, Burning with perfect love. Shine to His glory, worlds of light ! Ye million suns of space, Fair moons and glittering stars of night, Running your mystic race ! Ye gorgeous clouds, that deck the sky With crystal, crimson, gold, And rainbow arches raised on high, The Light of Light unfold ! Lift to Jehovah, wintry main, Your grand white hands in prayer ; Still summer seas, in dulcet strain Murmur hosannas there ! 29 Do homage, breezy ocean floor, With many-twinkling sign ; Majestic calms, be hushed before The Holiness Divine. Storm, lightning, thunder, hail and snow, Wild winds that keep His word, With the old mountains far below, Unite to bless the Lord. His name, ye forests, wave along ! Whisper it, every flower ; Birds, beasts, and insects, swell the song That tells His love and power. And round the wide world let it roll ! Whilst man shall lead it on ; Join every ransomed human soul In glorious unison ! Come, aged man ! Come, little child ! Youth, maiden, peasant, king, To God in Jesus reconciled, Your hallelujahs bring. 30 The all creating Deity ! Maker of earth and heaven ! The great redeeming Majesty, To Him ! the praise be given. XVII. PSALM CL. Alleluia ! God we bless : Praise Him in His holiness : Alleluia ! Praise shall fill this lower place Of His sanctity and grace ; Praise shall scale His heavenly tower ; Yea ! His firmament of power ! Alleluia ! For magnificence of love, Noble acts all thought above, Praise be mighty ! like His might ; Lofty ! like His grandeur's height. Alleluia ! Soar, all rescued souls, on high, With your notes of jubilee ! Alleluia ! 32 Horn trumpets, rp and lute an 1 or mn sic at Hi Alleluia ! All that breathe ! to Him Breathe forth all, adoring — Alleluia 33 XVIII. * PSALM CL. Praise ye our Jehovah, in His temple singing, Yea, round the firmament let His praise be ringing, And His deeds of might Blazoned in glory-light, Towering and exulting thro' the heavens be winging. With the horns and trumpets thrilling and far sounding, With great organ harmonies leaping and rebounding ; Sweet now as the lute, More tender than the flute, Measured and magnificent be the song resounding. In triumphant chorus, earth her lauds be telling, — Chorus, that can triumph even to His dwelling k All that breathe ! always Breathe forth His holy praise ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah! all worlds through, be swelling. 34 GOD AND HIS WOESHIP. XIX THE FATHER. SON, AND SPIRIT : ONE GOD. God the Father- all we are And have, by Thee is given, And Thine own Son Thou didst not spars To raise us up to heaven. Brother of man ! Lord Christ most high ; Our Saviour ! God the Son ; By Thee, for us. the victory O'er sin and death was won. God, the Holy Ghost ! man's soul Grows holy by Thy light ; Man's sorrows know Thy sweet control And comfort infinite. 37 So we return, obey, confide, And find our deep wound healed ; Eternal wisdom justified, Eternal love revealed ; Love thrice revealed ! and therefore we The mystery adore, Which is, which was, which is to be, One God for evermore. 38 XX. GOD REVEALED. Transcendent mystery unknown ! God unsearchable ! still receding, towering Light, Incomprehensible ! What can we know ? Things that are seen Are faint reports of Thee, — Meagre upliftings of the veil Of Thine Immensity. In Thy creation, filled with awe, Thy wondrous hand we trace ; Nay, but the hiding of Thy power, Divine Almightiness ! 30 How grand Thy glowing rainbows are. Thy skies and stars how bright ! Eternal loveliness ! they gleam But shadows of Thy light. Thou art revealed ! for in the Son, Father, we see Thee, Holy Compassion, Love Divine, In our humanity ! Eedeeming Goodness ! for Thy grace To rescued souls how dear ! The Infinite Long- suffering Has cast out all our fear. So we look up, Thy little ones, To Thy majestic state; Our comfort is, Thou art so good And that Thou art so great.* * Some of these lines of mine were introduced into my variations of Faber's Hymn, No. 4, published in Dr. Henry Allon's "Supplemental Hymns" (1868), p. 3. 40 XXL FAITH WITH PATIENCE. My Father, it is good for me To trust and not to trace, And wait with deep humility For Thy revealing grace. Lord, when Thy way is in the sea, And strange to mortal sense, I love Thee in the mystery, I trust Thy providence. I cannot see the secret things In this my dark abode ; I may not reach with earthly wings The heights and depths of God. 41 So faith and patience ! wait awhile ! Not doubting, not in fear ; For soon in heaven my Father's smile Shall render all things clear. Then Thou shalt end Time's short eclipse, Its dim uncertain night ; Bring in the grand apocalypse, Reveal the perfect light. 42 XXII. INTO THE HOLIEST. (HEB. X.) Each soul a priest, Gocl ! we dare to bring Before Thine eyes, The atoning blood of Christ, our offering, Our sacrifice, Into the holiest by faith : and claim The full remission through this mighty Name. Accept us ; and let conscience be at rest ; The accuser dumb ; Trie Holy Spirit speak within each breast ; The Witness come, To train us as the children of Thy love, For service in our Father's house above. XXIII. ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD, AND HE WAS NOT, FOR GOD TOOK HIM. V Walking with Thee, my God, Saviour benign, Daily confer on me Converse divine ; Jesus ! in Thee restored, Brother and Holy Lord, " Let it be mine ! Walking. with Thee, my God, Like as a child Leans on his Father's strength, Crossing the wild, And by the way is taught Lessons of holy thought, Faith undefiled. U Darkness and earthly mists How do they flee Far underneath my feet Walking with Thee ! Pure is that upper air, Cloudless the prospect there, Walking with Thee ! Walking in reverence < Humbly ' with Thee, Yet from all abject fear Lovingly free ; E'en as a friend with friend, Cheered to the journey's end. Walking with Thee ! Then Thy companions here Walking with Thee Kise to a higher life — Soul liberty; They are not, here to love, But to the home above Taken by Thee. 45 Gently translated, they Pass out of sight ; Gone ! as the morning, stars Flee with the night ; Taken, to endless day ! — So may I fade away Into Thy light. 46 XXIY. REJOICE AND SING PRAISE. With gladness we worship, Rejoice as we sing, Free hearts and free voices How blessed to bring. The old thankful story Shall scale Thine abode, Thou King of all glory, Most bountiful God. Thy right would we give Thee — Tnie homage Thy due, And honour eternal The universe through : "With all Thy creation, Earth, heaven, and sea, In one acclamation We celebrate Thee. 47 Eenewed by Thy Spirit, Redeemed by Thy Son, Thy children revere Thee For all Thou hast done. Father, returning To love and to light, Thy children ar v e yearning To praise Thee ariglit. Our souls mount aspiring To reach the Divine ; Partaking Thy nature In Christ — even Thine ! Ascending and soaring With Him in accord, We triumph adoring, We joy in the Lord. We join with the angels, And so there is given From earth Hallelujah In answer to heaven. Amen ! Be Thou glorious Below and above, Eedeeming, victorious And Infinite Love. 48 XXV. " INVISIBLE THINGS OF HIM UNDERSTOOD BY THE THINGS THAT ARE MADE." (ROM. I.) world of wonders ! loud proclaim The all-creating Will ; The might of the Almighty name, — Magnificence of skill ! To the All-Pure, your standards white Lift, ye snow mountains high ! Stars ! tell of His far holier light, — Radiance of sanctity. Bright sunsets ! speak His gentle grace ; And calm still nights above, Whisper His holy tenderness, — Infinitude of love ! 49 THE LOED JESUS CHEIST XXVI. 'THAT HE MIGHT BE GLORIFIED." He was God ! with God was He, Ever Blessed Deity ! Yet the Christ came down to earth To submit to mortal birth, — As a wailing infant cried, That He might be glorified. Being man, how humble He In His homeless poverty ! All this blinded world calls great, Hated Him, with perfect hate : Ah ! they scorned Him in their pride That He might be glorified. Few His followers, yet they fled, By a faithless terror led ; 53 And He felt the bitter smart Of the false betrayer's dart ; By His own, He was denied, That He might be glorified. He was made a cursed thing, In the darkness suffering ; Eaised His God-forsaken cry, In heart-broken agony ; On a cross, an outcast died ! That He might be glorified. And they took the dead form down In its mocking thorny crown, And they laid Him in the tomb, Silent, shrouded, — in the gloom, From all sight of men to hide, That He might be glorified. Now, that form for evermore All the highest heavens adore ! Pattern, pledge, triumphant sign Of the human, made divine ! God's own Lamb ! so sorely tried, As the Lamb is glorified. 54 XXVII. THE TRANSFIGURATION. In the old clays on Sinai, Were tempests and dark cloud, And God was there, in lightning, Thunder, and trumpet loud : — Upon a fairer mountain, Where pure snows lay congealed Stood Jesus in His glory, The very Christ revealed. His raiment white and glistering, White as the glistering snow ; His form a blaze of splendour, The like, no sun can show ; His wondrous eyes resplendent In ecstasy of prayer ; His radiant face transfigured To heaven's own beauty there. Deep shadows are the edging Of that short transient peace, For spirit-forms come warning Of the fore-doomed decease. Words from the cloud give witness " This, my Beloved Son ; " — When the dread voice is ended Jesus is found alone. All passed, to lonely silence:—- Not so, our hope is cast, Our blest transfiguration Eternally shall last ; The manifested glory Of our great Lord to see Shall change us to His likeness ! As He is, we shall be. vision all surpassing, , Filling the heavenly height ! The Lamb once slain ! transfigured In the throne-rainbow's light. There for the endless ages All glorified is He, And His eternal glory Shall ours for ever be. XXVIII. NEARIXG THE CROSS. ;; Rise, let us be going." (Matt, xxvi.) Vain now to sleep : each sense command Hark ! to the trampling armed band ; Lo ! the betrayer is at hand ; Rise, let us be going. Priests mutter in the midnight air ; The flickering torches wildly glare On shield and spear ; prepare, prepare ! Rise, let us be going. No time is this, for shrinking fears ; The lurid cross its shadow rears : The death, for man's redemption nears. Rise, let us be going. As His life only, could suffice He wills to pay the mighty price — Welcomes the great self-sacrifice ! Rise, let us be going. His great prayer heard, He urges on, Straightened, until His work be done The joy before Him shall be won ! Rise, let us be going. Have we not too a death to die ? Through the lone river silently Struggling for immortality ? Rise, let us be going. Fear not, the misty darkness now, The waves have learnt a calmer flow, A heavenly message sweet and low, — " Rise, let us be going. The Christ is there, to say to thee, " I died, to win thy victory ; Come, trusting soul, to be with me, Rise, let us be going." 58 XXIX. ; ' HE SHALL DRINK OF THE BROOK BY THE WAY." (PSALM How did He conquer ? The hard common way, Steadfast He kept. Xo labour and no suffering shunned, each day ; No duty left : : 'I thirst," He often said ; but there was near The wayside brooklet running, limpid, clear. It was His holy Father's gracious smile, Approving look ; When human weariness He must beguile, He drank this brook ; And He was strengthened ! lifted up His head, And conquering and to conquer, on, He sped. Faint ye, brothers, in the scorching ray, The burning sun ? Can ye not drink this same brook by the way '? And so press on, Until the crystal river gleams before, And each can, resting, say, " I thirst no more." XXX. HEB. V. 8. perfected through suffering. That mystery teach me, To learn by things of chastening Obedience like Thee. "Even so, Father," saying, " It seems good in T sight,' Therefore in mine : still '^g For holier, clearer light. 60 XXXI. FOR EASTER EVEN. pallid, gentle, grief- worn face, sacred Body ! — faith can trace Thy darksome, solitary place. Alleluia ! The homeless with a home is blest ; No pangs disturb the sufferer's breast ; The man of sorrows is at rest. Alleluia ! The wounded side, hands, feet, and brow, Lie undisturbed and painless now ; The grave doth no tormentor know ! Alleluia ! 61 His work of agony is done ; Safely behind the sealed stone, As is appointed, He sleeps on. Alleluia ! My Lord lies in His tomb for me, That from His death, my life may be- My life, my immortality ! Alleluia ! 62 XXXII. EASTER MORNING. (MATT. XXVIII.) Night nears dawn. The great stone sealed Rolling back is heard In the darkness ; yet no watcher Dares a word. Moved by a bright form celestial Is that mighty stone : Taking station, lo! he sitteth Calm thereon. the lightning of that visage ! Robes like dazzling snow ! Well, may earth with mighty quaking Tremble now. 63 Well may the stern Roman soldiers Like to dead men be ; Guard Imperial ! be awaiting, Christ set free. Hark the password ! Jesus goes forth ! The salute of heaven, — Only challenge, in the darkness — Low is given. , Comes with dawn, a voice angelic, " Women, have no fear ! Jesus, whom ye seek, is risen ! Is not here. " Empty is the tomb He laid in ; Ye may search the place ; Christ is risen ! joyful shall ye See His face." 64 XXXIII. EASTER MORNING. " When it was yet dark? Whilst it is dark yet, and misty, and drear. Full of uncertainty — restless with fear, Lovingly anxious — eager to know, Whilst it is dark yet, she hastens to go. Sleeping within the tomb, still does He stay ? Or is the holy form taken away ? Can those strange words of His, prove to be vain " In three days this temple raise I again' 1 ? Was He not wondrous, transcendent, divine ? Is death to hold Him, — the Master confine ? Hope, love, and mystery over Him yearn. Whilst it is dark yet, she hastens to learn. f 65 spirit world ! in like darkness are we ; In a dark mirror, thy wonders we see ! Weird forms, darkly passing, shrinking from view If seen, only riddles, shrouding the true ; Reflected enigmas, vanishing fleet From darkness to darkness ! silent their feet ; Upon their lips silence ; silent their, eyes \ — " Shadows, what mean ye ? " There come no replies, Lord, it is dark yet, and mystery here ! Our fallen blind nature is groping in fear ! Hast Thou not risen, to end all our night ? Soon let the dawn cry, " Behold it is light I n 66 XXXIV. THE ASCEXSION. The King of glory ! lo, He soars ; Open, ye everlasting doors ! Before His wondrous majesty Sing sweetly, all ye spheres on high, Alleluia ! Once, man of sorrows here below, He soars, the King of glory now ! Bearing aloft beyond the stars His human love, His human scars. Alleluia ! The martyred Baptist to those skies Gone on before, with rapture cries, " Make straight His way from earth's low sod ; Angels ! Behold the Lamb of God." Alleluia ! 67 Prostrate, triumphant love they own, At the right hand, upon the throne ; The principalities and powers Bow down, before their Lord and ours. Alleluia ! Then, trumpet, harp, and seraph-voice, From myriads make the song rejoice, " He that descended," so it rings, " Ascendeth now to fill all things." Alleluia ! As the notes reach, their upward flight, The glorious wings, dilate their height, Waving in homage ; and the lay Is choral thunder, when they say, Alleluia I Great Sufferer of the death renowned ; Jesus the Crucified, the Crowned ! Jesus our Brother ! Saviour ! King ! With grateful souls we join to sing, Alleluia ! Alleluia ! 68 XXXV. SACRAMENTAL. By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, We keep the memory adored, And show the death of our dear Lord Until He come. His body broken in our stead Is here, in this memorial bread, And so our feeble love is fed Until He come. The streams of His dread agony, His life-blood shed for us, we see ; The wine shall tell the mystery Until He come. And thus that dark betrayal night, With the last advent we unite, By one blest chain of loving rite, Until He come. Until the trump of God be heard, Until the ancient graves be stirred, And with the great commanding word The Lord shall come. blessed hope ! with this elate Let not our hearts be desolate, But strong in faith, in patience wait Until He come. 70 XXXVI. SACRAMENTAL. In remembrance of the Master, Founder of this tender rite, Of the furnished upper chamber, Of the sad betrayal night ; Of the twelve in their presumption, And their hard unseemly strife, And the wondrous prayer high-priestly. As He set apart His life. In remembrance of the Kedron, And His strange desertion there, Sweat of blood and soul-crushed anguish, Needing the strong angels' care ; — Falling on His face, and praying For deliverance divine, And the perfect self-surrender, — . " Father, not my will, but Thine." 71 In remembrance of the darkness Over all the noontide sky, On the cross, the Christ uplifted, And His taunted dying cry ; Hands and feet by nails distended, Side deep pierced, though of the dead ; For our sakes His body broken ; See it broken in this bread ! In remembrance, great Sin-bearer, Of Thine agonies unknown, And the bitter lone forsaking Whilst our guilt was made Thine own : Quailed in death the human spirit, And the broken heart the sign : Lord, Thy life-blood is before us, Lord, with thanks we drink the wine ! 72 XXXVII. SACRAMENTAL. Is He not here ? Lifting His pierced hands : " Remember Me ! " Here ! and the deep scar on His side, commands "Remember Me ! " " I, like this bread, was broken in your stead, And, like this wine outpoured, for you I bled." Hark to the voice beneath that crown of thorn, " Remember Me ! I bore for you the mockery and scorn, Remember Me ! I died for you, upon the cross abhorred ; Believe, each soul, and cry, ' My God ! my Lord ! ' " 73 Lord, we believe ! Our unbelief help Thou ! Remembering Thee ; Our Jesus ! we, with true hearts yearning, now Remember Thee ; Pray to be faithful to our latest breath : Are we not Thine, the purchase of Thy death ? Until Thou come, Thy Church's stay shall be, Remembering Thee ; Now, but reflections in a glass we see, — How darkly see ! Then, face to face ! Thy majesty revealed, And all the radiant infinite unsealed. 74 XXXV II. SACK AM i T&L. " He sjyared not t r i$ own Son" Now let these simple ele aents bring near, With sweet control, The blessing of the suffei ng Saviour, clear To every soul ; Believing rest ; the dread dispersed away ; The loving trust ; the hope of endless day. Behold ! God's own Lamb offered in our stead ! His Lamb from heaven ; See here, the body broken, the blood shed, The pardon given : Who shall condemn ? God spared not His Son ! He loves to own the great redemption won. 75 Jesus ! the Father's tender love reveal To each changed heart ; The old hard thoughts and dark rebellions heal ; Thy mind impart, Like Thee obedient, and through Thee restored, Our elder Brother ! and redeeming Lord ! 76 XXXIX. SACRAMENTAL. Saviour, to Thee, because by Thee released, Ourselves we owe. This is our jubilee ; we keep Thy feast, Thy ransom show ; To Christ, our blessed Hope, we raise the voice ; In Christ, our Peace, exulting we rejoice. Peace passing understanding, Lord, art Thou ! The soul's deep rest ; The hope of glory in us, Lord, be now ; The foretaste blest, Of the inheritance, divinely bright, Which Thou hast purchased for Thy saints in light, 77 XL. SACRAMENTAL (CONCLUDING). Lamb upon Mount Sion, For this earthly board We give thanks adoring. Great ascended Lord ! Lamb of our redemption ! Pledge of our release ! Crown this blest remembrance With Thy perfect peace. Thou that art our Brother, By a human birth ! Only Thou wert holy On this evil earth ; Tried by human suffering, Perfected thereby, Son of man for ever ! Hear our human cry. 78 From the heavens descending- Son of God ! Thy name, — Brightness of His Glory, God's unspotted Lamb ! Only expiation That these souls could win ! Only thou wert holy, Bearer of our sin. Holy, Holy, Holy, Crucified to save ; Holy, Holy, Holy, Buried in our grave ; Rising and ascending, On the throne sat down, Holy, Holy, Holy, Worthy of Thy crown. Lamb upon Mount Sion, Blessed, wondrous sign Of accepted offering ! Sacrifice divine ! Manifested Glory Of triumphant love, Oh to swell Thy triumph In that mount above L XLI. SACRAMENTAL (CONCLUDING). Holy Spirit, give Christ in us to live ! Christ, whose death we now are showing ; Let His Life in us be growing ; Hope of glory, He Will our nieetness be. Help us to press on ! Let the mark be won ! Eagerly the prize securing And the hardness well enduring, Till the crown is given By the Lord from heaven. 80 XLII. john xx. 28, 29. Blessed are they who have not seen, And yet the Christ receive, In spirit cry " My Lord ! my God," And with free heart believe. Blessed, who " feel their quiet way," In faith and not in sight ; Who lean upon His unseen grace, And trust His unseen might. 81 THE HOLY GHOST XLIII. YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD." (1 COR. III. 16. How shall the mighty God Whom heaven cannot contain A temple and a fit abode Within me ever gain ? Come, Spirit of the Lord ! Teacher and Heavenly Guide ! Be it according to Thy word : In my poor heart reside. Enter, Holy Ghost ! Pervade this soul of mine ; In me renew Thy Pentecost ; Reveal Thy power divine ! 85 Make it my highest bliss Thy blessed fruit to bear, Thy joy, love, peace, and gentleness, Goodness and faith to share. Let me in deepest fear Thy Holiness to grieve, Walk in the Spirit, even here, And in the Spirit live. Now, let me live in Thee My inner life of love ; So best shall I preparing be For spirit-life above. 86 XLIY. "groanings which cannot be uttered.'' My heart is earthly, cold, and dead, The heavens seem brass, and hope is fled. Yet will I struggle with my doom A little longer in the gloom. My Saviour Lord ! Thy love untold To my bewildered faith unfold 1 Say to the soul that prostrate lies, " Be of good comfort, and arise." Once more I pray; not now, alone : There is in every feeble moan Pleading, imploring Deity ; For God the Spirit prays in me ! Unutterable groanings tell The holy mind God knows so well : Wrestling Omnipotence is there. Spirit of God ! God grants Thy prayer. XLV. "the spirit helpeth our infirmities." Lord, let me pray. I know not how, Nor what to pray for ; Thou must show ! The darkest, feeblest, need the most The praying in the Holy Ghost. What can man do, if left alone, Beyond a faithless, useless moan ? Helper of man's infirmity, God the Spirit, help Thou me. Descend, Purity Divine, And stoop to sins and wants like mine ; Humble Thyself to all my need, And in me, for me, with me, plead. 88 Spirit of holiness, control, Dilate, inspire, pervade, my soul ; Make it a harp from whose poor strings Thy hand the suppliant music brings ; Make it a voice for heavenly thought, Spirit of power, by Thee inwrought : Love of the Spirit, to my heart Thy might of tenderness impart. Then God will hear : He loves right well Thy yearnings deep no words may tell ; All interceding grace is there : Spirit of God, pray Thou the prayer. 80 XLYI. Come to our poor nature's night With Thy blessed inward light, Holy Ghost the Infinite, Comforter Divine. We are sinful — cleanse us, Lord, Sick and faint — Thy strength afford, Lost — until by Thee restored, Comforter Divine. Orphans are our souls and poor, Give us from Thy heavenly store Faith, love, joy for evermore, Comforter Divine. 90 Like the dew Thy peace distil ; Guide, subdue our wayward will, Things of Christ unfolding still, Comforter Divine. Gentle, awful, holy Guest, Make Thy temple in each breast ; There Thy presence be confessed, Comforter Divine. With us, for us, intercede, And with voiceless groanings plead Our unutterable need, Comforter Divine. In us " Abba, Father" cry ; Earnest of the bliss on high, Seal of immortality, Comforter Divine. Search for us the depths of God ! Upwards, by the starry road, Bear us to Thy high abode, Comforter Divine. 91 XLVII. In the dungeon of our sinning, When in fetters strong we pine, Glorify the entering Angel, — Christ, with His delivering sign ; Shed Thy glory On His rescue all divine. In the glooms of earthly sorrow Glorify the Lord to sight, Through shut doors — with " Peace unto you," With His sympathy and light ; Let the glory Turn our tears to rainbows bright. 92 Glorify the pallid Sufferer On the cross uplifted high, Shrouded still in deepest shadow, To the listless human eye ; Flood Thy glory On the Love that came to die. Glorify a world of darkness With the gems it hides away, Let the Christ wake up their lustre And souls sparkle in His ray : — So give glory To the Sun of heavenly day. XLVIII. Gkieved, neglected, gone, Patient Holy One ! Weary hearts for Thee are yearning • Let them know Thy dear returning ; Grant the long lost peace, Let the silence cease. Speak the word of power ! Free us, in this hour, From the world and all its feigning, From the flesh and all its chaining : Slave-like we bow down, So, we lose our crown. 94 Ah ! Satanic might Oft usurps Thy right ; Help us, Lord ! do Thou defend us, And almighty succour send us ; Come, Divinest Breath ! Breathe away, our death. If Thy life Thou give, Then these souls shall live ! Strengthened with Thy great restoring, Broken wings shall soon be soaring To pure heights above, forgiving Love. EVENING HYMNS, XLIX. We bless Thy name, holy Jesus, For evening hours and silent night, For day's decline, that gently frees us From all the burdens of the light. Thou hast on earth been often weary, Pity our weakness from above ; The darkness then, no longer dreary, Is but the shadow of Thy love. To Thy beloved, in their sleeping, Thou givest rest, sweet rest of heart Lord ! take us to Thy holy keeping, And all Thy peace, untold, impart. 08 L. God the Father, be Thou near. Save from every harm to-night, Make us all Thy children dear, In the darkness be our light. God the Saviour ! be our peace, Take away our sins to-night, Speak the word of full release, Turn our darkness into light. Holy Spirit, deign to come, Sanctify us all to-night ; In our hearts prepare Thy home, Then our darkness shall be light. Holy Trinity, be nigh, Mystery of love, adored ! Help to live and help to die, Lighten all our darkness, Lord ! LI. Father of love and power, Guard Thou our evening hour, Shield with Thy might. For all Thy care this day, Our grateful thanks we pay, And to our Father pray, Bless us to-night ! Jesus Immanuel ! Come in Thy love to dwell In hearts contrite. For many sins we grieve, But we Thy grace receive, And on Thy word believe : Bless us to-night ! 101 Spirit of truth and love, , Life-giving, holy Dove ! Shed forth Thy light ; Heal every inward smart, Still every throbbing heart, And Thine own peace impart, — Bless us to-night ! 102 LIL Father, in high heaven dwelling, May our evening song be telling Of Thy mercy large and free ; Through the day Thy love has fed us, Through the day Thy care has led us. With divinest charity. This day's sins, pardon, Saviour ! Evil thoughts, perverse behaviour. Envy, pride, and vanity ; From the world, the flesh, deliver, Save us now and save us ever, Thou Lamb of Calvary. 103 From enticements of the devil, From the might of spirits evil Be our shield and panoply ; Let Thy power this night defend us, And a heavenly peace attend us, And angelic company. While the night- dews are distilling, Holy Ghost, each heart be filling From Thine own Infinity ! Softly let the eyes be closing, Loving souls on Thee reposing, Ever blessed Trinity. 104 LIII. Thou who hast known the careworn breast, The weary need of sleep's deep balm, Come, Saviour, ere we go to rest, And breathe around Thy perfect calm. Thy presence gives us childlike trust, Gladness, and hope without alloy, The faith that triumphs o'er the dust, And gleamings of eternal joy. Stand in our midst, dear Lord, and say, " Peace be to you, this evening hour," Then all the struggles of the day Vanish before Thy loving power. Blest is the pilgrimage to heaven, A little nearer every night ; Christ, to our earthly darkness given, Till in His glory, there is light. 105 BLESSED DEPAETUEES. LIY. FALLEN ASLEEP. He " fell asleep " in Christ his Lord, He gave to Him to keep The soul His great love had redeemed, Then calmly went to sleep : And as a tired bird folds its wing, Sure of the morning light, He laid him down in trusting faith And did not dread the night. He fell asleep in Jesu's love ; So, on its mother's breast, The little child is comforted When there it goes to rest. His was a childlike confidence, And as he closed his eyes The whisper was within his soul, " To-day in Paradise." 109 Now, is the spirit with the Lord, And soon the mouldering frame Shall put on immortality, And rise in Jesu's name ! A house from heaven, of radiant light A shrine for the blest soul To worship in, rejoice, and serve, While the great ages roll. 110 LV. REV. XIV. 13. Lo ! a voice from heaven hath said, Henceforth blessed are the dead Dying in their risen Lord, Trusting His redeeming word ! Blessed ! for their work is done : Home they went at set of sun ; They were weary, it was best To lie down and take their rest. Blessed ones ! they calmly sleep, Leaving us to wake and weep ; Still to bear our fleshly pains, Sins, and doubts, and spirit-chains. Ill Blessed ! they have done with tears, Sickness, darkness, death, and fears : And the soul's long conflict past, Victory is theirs at last. Theirs is the eternal peace, Growing with divine increase ; Theirs eternal rest above, — Eest in the Eternal Love. Dwelling in the Light of Light, They possess the Infinite ! Every mystery unsealed And the glory all revealed. 112 LVL Captain and Saviour of the host Of Christian chivalry, We bless Thee for our comrade true, Now summoned up to Thee. We bless Thee for his every step In faithful following Thee* And for his good fight fought so well, And crowned with victory. We thank Thee that the wayworn sleeps The sleep in Jesus blessed ; The purified and ransomed soul Hath entered into rest. We bless Thee that his humble love Hath met with such regard ; We bless Thee for his blessedness, And for his rich reward. 113 LVIL Ye principalities and powers That never tasted death, Witness from off your heavenly towers Our act of Christian faith. Though tears will fall and hearts are stirred We know in whom we trust, And confident in His sure word, We bear the Z, Reptiles, | fishes, and | ^w^ s^a | creatures, All that | Z/r£ a??d | ?//oit, ^4ZZ maw | /ci-nd | 01;^ | where, Bless | ye the | Lord, Praise and exalt | Him above | all for | ever. 150 8. Ye sons of | God on | /w/7/, Angels, archangels, \cheru \ him and \ seraphim, Peers and | powers ce | lestial And spirits of j jVs£ | men made | perfect, Bless | ye the | Lord, God over | a-11, | blessed for | ever. 9. Ye children of | (?orZ be | fo?r, Msu | Christ, [c] Lord | Go-d, | Lamb of | God, 5. That takest away the | si/is o/ f/t^ | ivorld, [b] Have | mercy | o-n | us. 6. Thou that takest away the | sins of the | world, [d] Re | cei-ve | ou-r | prayer. 7. TAom 7/m£ si£tes£ «£ £/*£ ?-*V//i£ | hand of the | Father, [b] Have | mercy | c-n | us : 159 8. For Thou \ only art \ holy. [c] | La-mb | o-f | God 9. That takest away the | sins of the | world, Grant | \xs | Th-y | peace. B, basses. C, altos. D, tenors of choir. 160 LXXVIII. SONG OF PRAISE FOR REDEMPTION. 1. God so | loved the [ world That He gave His \ only he \ gotten | Son, 2. That whosoever believeth in Him \ should not | perish, But | have ever | lasting | life, 3. Therefore with angels | and arch | angels, With spirits of | ju-st | men made | perfect, 4. And with all the | company of | heaven, We laud and magni | fy Thy | glorious | name, 5. Ever more | praising | Thee And saying, Holy, holy, holy | Lo-rd [ God of | hosts, 6. Heaven and earth are | full of Thy | glory, Glory be to | Thee | Lord most | High. M 161 LXXIX. THE ONLY SAVIOUR. 1. The Almighty Lord, who is a most | stro-ng | tower To all them that | put their | trust in | Him, 2. Be now and | ever | more Ou- | r de | fence and | refuge, 3. And make us to | know and \feel That there is none other name by | whom ] and through | ivhom 4. We may receive health and sal | ration But only the name of | Jesus ] Christ our | Saviour. 5. In whom we have redemption | through His | blood, Even | the for | giveness of | sins. G. Unto you therefore | which be | lieve He is | precious. | Alle \ luia ! 162 LXXX. SONG OP PRAISE FOR REDEMPTION. 1. Christ hath once | suffered for ] sins, The just for the unjust, that | He might [ bring us to [ God, 2. He is able to save to the | utter | most Them that \ come to | God by | Him, 3. Seeing He | ever | liveth [c|| To ?n«A:0 | inter | cession | /or ^wi. [c] 4. ity Him therefore, our only Savi | o?/r, [b] And in Him and | with Him and \ to Him, [b] 5. Be to | Thee, | Father Al | mighty, And to Thee, | Holy | Ghost, 6. One God, the only God, | God a | lone, All honour | and glory for j ever. Amen. B, basses of choir. C, altos of choir. 163 LXXXL THE ASCENSION, 1. No man hath ascended | up to | heaven But He that [ ca-me | down from | heaven, 2. Even the | Son of | man Which | i-s | i-n | heaven. 8. Lift up your heads \ ye ] gates, [c] And be ye lift up ye \ ever \ lasting \ doors, [d] 4. And the | King of \ glory, [b] The King of | glory | shall come | in, 5. Who is this | King of | glory ? [c] The Lord strong and mighty, the | Lo-rd | mighty in | battle. 6. Who is this | King of | glory? [c] The Christ ascending, | He is the | King of | glory. 164 7. Thou hast as | cended on | high, Thou hast | led cap | tivity | captive ; 8. Thou hast received | gifts for | men, That the Lord | God might | dwell among | them. C, altos, or single voice. B, basses of choir. D, tenors of choir. 165 LXXXIL ALLELUIA. 1. He that spared not | His own | Son, [b] But delivered | Him up J /or us \ all, [bj Ho*r shall He not | wi77i £Km | a?so [d] Freely j //u^ ms | a-ZZ | things ? [d] Alleluia ! 2. If Ao is He \ that con \ demneth ? [c] It is Christ that died, yea rather | that is \ risen a | gain, [d] Who is even at the right j hand of | God, Who also maketh | inter | cession for | us. Alleluia ! 3. Who shall separate us from the j love of | Christ /[c] Neither | dea-th | no-r J life, Nor angels, nor principalities, | no-r | powers, Nor things present, | no-r | things to | come. Alleluia ! 166 4. Nor height, nor depth, nor any | other | creature Shall be | able to | separate | us From the | love of | God Which is in | Jesus | Christ our | Lord. Alleluia ! B basses. C, altos. D, tenors of choir. 167 LXXXIII. THE SECOND COMING. John Milton. 1. Thy kingdom is | now at | hand, And Thou art | standing | at the | c/oor : Come | for-th | therefore, Thou that hast the seven | stars in | Thy right | hand. 2. Come forth out of Thy | royal | chambers, Prince of | all the | kings of the | earth ; Put on the | visible | robes ' Of Thy im | perial [ majes | ty. 3. Take up that un | limited | sceptre Which Thy Almighty Father | hath as | sured to | Thee ; For now the voice of Thy | bri-de | calls Thee, And all creatures | sigh to | be re | newed. 168 4. And at \ mi-d \ night There | was a | cr-y | made: " Behold, the | bridegroom \ cometh ; Go ye \ out to \ mee-t | Him"* * Matt. xxv. 169 LXXXIV. THE SECOND ADVENT. 1. The grace of | God hath ap | peared, Teaching us that, denying ungodli | ness and [ worldly | lusts, 2. We should live soberly, | righteous | ly, And godly | in this | present | world ; 3. Looking for the | blessed | hope, [c] Even the glorious appearing of | the great | God[p] 4. And our Saviour, | Jesus \ Christ, [b] Who is the blessed and | only \ Poten | fate, [d] 5. The King of kings and | Lord of | lords, Who only hath | immor | tali | ty, 6. Who is and ivho was and who \ is to | come, The | Al | mighty, 7. Behold He | cometh with | clouds, And every | eye shall | s-ee | Him. B, basses of choir. C, altos of choir. D, tenors of choir. 170 LXXXV. FOR A DEPARTURE. 1. We all do | fade as a | leaf, Our days on | earth are | as a | shadow ; Man clieth and | wasteth a | way, [d] Yea, man cjiveth up the | [/host and \ where is \ he ? [b] 2. As a flower of the field | so he | flourisheth ; For the wind passeth over | it and | it is J gone, And the place thereof shall | know it no | more. If a man die | shall he | live a | (jain? [c] 3. The silver cord is loosed, the golden | bowl is | broken, The pitcher | broken | at the \ fountain, The wheel broken | at the | cistern : If a man die | shall he | live a | gain / [c] 171 4. The | trumpet shall | sound, And the dead shall be raised incorruptible, | and we | shall be ] changed. For this corruptible must put on | incor | ruption, And this mortal must | put on | immor | tality. 5. Then shall be brought to pass the saying \ that is | written, [b] Death is swallowed | up in | victory. 0_ death, | where is thy |- sting? grave, | where is thy | victo | ry ? 6. Thanks be | unto | God, Which giveth us the victory through our | Lor-d | Jesus | Christ, Who hath a | bolished | death And brought light and immor J tali | ty to | light. B, basses of choir. D, tenors of choir. C, altos, or single voice. 172 LXXXVI. A SONG OF DEPARTURE. 1. Blessed | are the [ dead Which | die in the | Lord from | henceforth : 2. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may | rest from their | labours ; And their | works do | follow | them. 3. What are these which are ar | rayed in | white robes, [c] And | whe-nce | ca-me | they ? [c] 4. These are they which have | washed their | robes And made them white in the | blood of the | Lamb. 5. Therefore are they before the | throne of | God, [b] And serve Him \ day and | night in His | temple :\b] G. And He that sitteth | on the | throne Shall | dwell a | mo-ng | them. 7. They shall \ hunger no | more, [d] Neither j thirst | any \ more; [d] 173 8. Neither shall the sun light on them, nor | any j heat : [d] For the Lamb which is in the | midst of the | throne shall ] feed them, 9. And shall lead them unto living | fountains of | waters ; And God shall wipe a | way all | tears from their | eyes. B, basses. D, tenors of choir. C, altos, or single voice. 174 SOLITARY MUSING. LXXXVIL Sweet gloaming time, Thy hush sublime Of holy calmness bring, While the soft breeze O'er moonlit seas Just lifts its balmy wing. Stars watch to crown, As dews falls down, Each sparkle in its bower, Night odours come From hawthorn bloom, And from each sleeping flower. n 177 Quietudes deep Stealthily creep Beneath, around, above : Kest, soul of mine, With peace divine In the Eternal Love, 0, still small voice, My heart rejoice With hope ecstatic given >, Then shall I raise Unspoken praise — The silences of heaven. At Lynmoutho 178 LXXXVIII. SATURDAY NIGHT. This the old world's day of rest At the great creation blest ! With what deep divine repose Would the first sweet Sabbath close, Ere the working days of man With their toils and cares began ! Ancient patriarchs, to-night, Rested from each solemn rite ; And when dews on Zion's hill Told the Temple-songs were still, Sweet and calm this evening fell Upon the hosts of Israel ! 179 This the night, when deepest gloom Compassed once a wondrous tomb : Though the place be guarded well By stone, and seal, and sentinel, Love may enter ! There He lies, The Mystery of mysteries ! Pierced side and wounded brow Feel no more the torture now, And beside the winding sheet At the Sleeper's head and feet White-robed angels have their place, Gazing on the silent face. I would gaze — till faith shall be Life and immortality ! 'Tis for me, my Lord lies dead On this lonely darksome bed, Soon to rise ! that I may rise, And with Him ascend the skies, 180 LXXXIX. 2 THESS. II. 17. In the dark and cloudy day, When earth's riches flee away, And the last hope will not stay, My Saviour, comfort me. When the hoard of many years Like a fleet cloud disappears, And the future's full of fears, My Saviour, comfort me. When the secret idol's gone That my poor heart yearned upon, — Desolate, bereft, alone, My Saviour, comfort me. 181 Thou who wast so sorely tried, In the darkness crucified, Bid me in Thy love confide ; My Saviour, comfort me. Comfort me, I am cast down, 'Tis my Heavenly Father's frown ; I deserve it all I own : My Saviour, comfort me. In these hours of sad distress, Let me know He loves no less, Bid me trust His faithfulness : My Saviour, comfort me. Not unduly let. me grieve, Meekly the kind stripes receive, Let me humbly still believe : My Saviour, comfort me. So, it shall be good for me Much afflicted now to be, If Thou wilt but tenderly, My Saviour, comfort me. 182 xc. A CLOUDED MIND I A SACRAMENT. My soul was a ruined cottage On a rocky dangerous shore, Around it the lightning went flashing, And the thunderings loved to roar, One night of murkiest darkness, When storms careered in my sky, And the great winds rose in their fury, And raised their wild voices on high ; - ? Twas then ! there stood in the doorway A form I had seen before, So suppliant, wayworn, and patient, Bent down by the sorrows He bore. 183 He knocked ; and He stood imploring — A strange love He had for me : In my gloom I could hear Him saying, " May I enter and sup with Thee ? " I lifted the latch in silence. Before us was bread and wine r He blessed them : His countenance beaming With tenderness all Divine. He brake ; and my eyes were opened — The eyes of my faith so dim : I knew Him — My Saviour and Master t At once I remembered Him t He vanished ! The clouds returning* Soon shrouded my soul anew ; But there comes a grand restoration,. When all things will He subdue.. And so my mind's night grows calmer : I wait for a heavenly day, Surely soon, will the dawn be stirring ; These shadows have passed away. 184 XCI. MR. DESPONDENCY'S DAUGHTER WENT THROUGH THE RIVER SINGING." ( ' PILGRIM'S PROGRESS.') Mysterious dark river, With unknown further shore, Thy stream of deathly silence In darkness I pass o'er : Misty, wild, and infinite ! The threatening billows roll ; I sink in the deep waters, And they engulf my soul. Behold ! they gleam with glory ! There bears me through the tide, One with the death-marks on Him, For He Himself hath died. " Be of good cheer," He whispers ; " 'Tis I, be not dismayed; Let not your heart be troubled, Nor let it be afraid." 185 My Lord ! My God ! I trust Thee My weakness is made strong; Now shall my trembling spirit Pass onward with a song : Almighty Love supports me, While all things mortal fade. My heart shall not be troubled, Nor shall it be afraid. Hark 5 how the heavenly trumpets Sound on the further side : The angels greet with music The newly glorified. There is a joyful answer By the redeemed one made, " No more my heart is troubled ; No more is it afraid,'' 186 XCII. IN MEMORIAM. THOMAS BINNEY. " He has outsoared the shadow of our night : " There is no fleshly chain His spirit to restrain In the Eternal Light — the pure Eternal Light. He has outsoared, where earthly voices cease, Where our disputes have flown, Our j anglings are unknown, In the Eternal Peace — the sweet Eternal Peace. He joins the Service of the Song above ; And there with seraphim, He sings the rapture-hymn, To the Eternal Love — the blest Eternal Love. See his "Service of Song," and his hymn, " Eternal Light.*' 187 ;XCIIL COMFORTINGS DIVINE. Suggested by Faber's Hymn, No. 55. Like the voiceless star-rays falling On the darkness of the night, Like the dewdrops formed at gloaming, Gleaming forth the tenderest light ; So there come to hearts in sorrow Comfortings divine and bright. Thus the Holy Spirit answers Our poor weeping on our knees, Grants us healings, sweetly hidden Like the fragrance on the breeze — Soul restoring, soul entrancing, Fresh from the eternal seas ! 188 They are not like earthly comforts, Bear no taint of this low earth, They are peacefuller than slumber, They are cheerfnller than mirth ; They're the dawn, — the morning glimpses Of the day of the new birth. They are sudden rainbow flashes Of unknown celestial things, From the golden throne proceeding, . Wafted down to us on wings ; Silences let down from heaven, With angelic whisperings. They dispel the forms of terror Stalking round this weird abode ; They suffuse with holiest sunbeams Life's uncertain, weary road ; They entrance with spirit-music, They are presences of God. 189 XCIV. THE LORD'S DAT MORNING. Suggested by Geo. Herbert. Eise, heart ! thy Lord arose With the first morning ray ; Leave far below thy cares and woes, It is the rising day. Rise ! with a spirit's love Follow the Master's way, And seek the things that are above ; Try to ascend to-day. Mount ! in the holy light, — Up ! to the calm serene, To heavenly places take thy flight Where Christ the Lord is seen. Soar thou where angels soar, Pray with them side by side, And with the white robed church adore Thy Saviour glorified ! 190 xcv. E. C. H., Born July 14, Died August 4, 1863. FOR HIS MOTHER. Into my room so lonely, That sadly silent place, Come, from the land of glory, Come, for a little space, Unto thy weeping mother, With pale and shaded brow, Come, spirit of my baby, And be my comfort now. Do not I need thee, darling, To still my throbbing heart ? To teach my faithless tenderness It was thy gain to part ? — Something divinely soothing, Seems dimly tending near, Oh ! spirit of my baby, I feel that thou art here. I feel a resting quiet, A gentle self-control ; A cheering, strengthening presence ; A holy hush of soul ; A breathing of the heavenly, Calm of the upper sky, Oh ! spirit of my baby, Thou liftest me on high. 191 192 What of the first transition Seemed it a little while ? And were the angels tender ? And did the Saviour smile ? "What of the wondrous river ? And of the sea of glass ? Oh ! spirit of my baby, Didst thou not by them pass ? Canst thou not tell me, darling ? Art thou too young to say ? But thine' s a life expanding Through an eternal day ; No limit to the nature Which now to thee is given : Oh ! spirit of my baby, How wilt thou grow in heaven !— Grow, in thy Saviour's favour, And in His likeness shine, A bright and fair Immortal Increasingly divine. In might of adoration, In ever radiant love : Oh ! spirit of my baby, Thou shalt be great above. When I depart, my darling Me in that bliss shall own, Shall teach me all the service, Before the jasper throne, And be my reverend elder On the celestial hill ; But, spirit of my baby, I'll be thy mother still. Meanwhile, as is my duty, I thank God for thy birth ; Sunbeam of hope ! most beautiful- Too beautiful for earth : So I resign thee humbly Into His perfect joy, Oh spirit of my baby, My glorious, heavenly boy. I