v YALE STUDIES IN ENGLISH ALBERT S. COOK, Ei.mm f J/^|y| of.) 1912 ^/?ICAL V^ XLIIl A STUDY OF TIND ALE'S GENESIS COMPARED WITH THE GENESIS OF COVERDALE AND OF THE AUTHORIZED VERSION BY / ELIZABETH WHITTLESEY CLEAVELAND A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 191 I WEIMAR: PRINTED BY R. WAGNER SOHN. TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER, ELISHA WHITTLESEY CLEAVELAND, M. D. CONTENTS pa.;e I. PREFACE V II. INTRODUCTION containing: .... .\ii First. A discussion of words peculiar to Tindalc or used by Tindale in a peculiar significance, or authorized by his use at an earlier or a later date than is commonly recorded ........ xii Secondly. A study of unusual granini;ilical forms ; of forms now disputed, but here given authority ; and of obsolete or disputed idioms ...... .\.xv Thirdly. A comparison of certain passages rendered differently by Tindalc, Coverdale, and the Authorized Version . .\1 III. ALPHABETICAL INDEX, on the basis of Tindale, containing (except personal and demonstrative pronouns, coordinating conjunctions, the articles a, an, the, numerals, auxiliaries shall, will, etc., and to used as the sign of the infinitive, except as the}' are used in verb phrases) : 1 A. Every word used by Tindale in the Book of Genesis, together with the reference to the place where it is to be found, or with the number of unchanged occurrences. B. The word used by Coverdale in the same passage. C. The word used in the Authorized Version in the corre- sponding passage. D. The various spellings in all the corresponding words in each translator's expression. E. The various verb forms used in each corresponding verb phrase. PREFACE There are years in a nations life marked as epochs, and there are just as truly books that mark a new era in a nation's development, recording a rebirth of intellectual activity or indicating a revival of spiritual life. As the progress of a nation is too often traced by bloodstained milestones, where the wrestling with angels — or with fiends — has been until the dawn of a day of triumph, so it is with the blood of the reformer that a new era of intellectual or of spiritual life must be opened : a martyr's blood shall be the sacrificial oblation. One may precede and make inevitable the other; one may follow remotely as the indirect out- come of the other. Rarely, however, are a great spiritual change and a political revolution so brought together that one is immediately attendant upon the other, so closely connected, indeed, that the two are really one, each being the consummation of a long series of events that through years have been slowly riving the mountains of prejudice and superstition to open this highroad of a new life. Thus closely identified are the English Reformation and the beginning of England's greatness as a world- power. The breaking away from old forms, the rending asunder of established institutions of government, the great intellectual and spiritual awakening that came to Britain with the reception by Henry VIII of the Bible in the language of the people, were followed or a2 VI Preface accompanied by those events of progress which so unified the kingdom as to make it a power to be reckoned with in the world's changes.^ To trace, however, the rise of England's greatness from the foundations laid in ' a tyrant's strenuous efforts to defend his own position,' ^ is not the purpose here. Nor is it the purpose of this work to show how the world-power of the English language lies in its inherent strength ; how it was protected during the years of the Norman usurpation ; conserved in the great literary monuments of the nation's vernacular ; brought again to activity in Chaucer; polished, refined, enlarged by Spenser, Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, and Milton. But it is the purpose to show, in some measure, the debt of the language to the translation of the Bible by one who sought to make the Bible ' a book for the plough- boy,' for simple folk ; that their lives should be made purer by its precepts, more unified by the teachings of the Old Testament, more lovely by the Sermon on the Mount, more holy by the strong admonitions of the Epistles. This scholar, in the early sixteenth century, resolved ' that our Bible should be popular ' — a book for the people — ' and not literary ; that it should speak in a simple dialect; and that by its simplicity it should be endowed with permanence,' ^ and, we may add. with power. This determination was manifest in other English scholars who thwarted the earlier issue of the Bishop's Bible, because Gardiner strove to make it a book for scholars by retaining Latin words in place of the familiar Anglo-Saxon. In Tindale's version, * Cambridge Moderfi History 2. 472. * Cambridge Modem History 2. 472. * B. F. Westcott, History of the £nglis/i Bid/e T^.1Q5, second edition of 1872. Preface vn one can almost detect the choosing of a word or of an expression that shall be familiar to those Gloucester farmers among whom the translators early years were spent, that rude folk for whom he avowedly began and carried on his work. Yet in this endeavor to put the Word of God into the speech of the peasant, there is nowhere any descent to what is common ; the simplicity is ever dignified. This must be so if even Sir Thomas More brings no charge of vulgarity against him. He lifted the rude language of the rude people to his own strong dialect, the grand simplicity appealing to high and low alike. • When the king had allowed the Bible to be read in the churches, immediately several poor men in Essex bought the New Testament, and on Sunday sat reading it in the lower end of the church ; many would flock about to hear the reading.' ^ And it was Cranmer himself who wrote to Cromwell begging him ' to read it [Matthew's BibleJ, and to exhibit it to the king,"^ and to obtain from Henry • a license that the same may be sold and read of every person,' ' until such time that we, the bishops, shall set forth a better trans- lation ' : adding with honest appreciation of its worth, *• which, I think will not be till a day after doomsday.' * Although Tindale's Bible, under the translator's name, was never authorized Ijy king nor by parliament, it was Tindale's Bible, called ' Matthews Bible ', that was first sanctioned by the king (1537), and ordered ' to be sold and read of every person.' * And it was Matthew's Bible, and therefore Tindale's, that fur- • Westcott, History of the English BibU^ p. 83, second editiou of 1872. * Foxe's Acts and Monununts. * Moulton, p. 133. ♦ Dore, p. 33. viii Preface nished the basis for Cranmer's, or the Great Bible, authorized in 1539 to be placed in every church and in every bishop's hall.^ To show that it was Tindale's and not Coverdale's translation that was made the basis of the Authorized Version of 1611, is another purpose of this study. This comparison will show at a glance the changes made by Coverdale, and how many were adopted by the Authorized Version. It will show, too, the limited influence that any other version could have had on the Authorized Version. That Coverdale was familiar with Tindale's version, there can be no doubt. ' Dr. Whittaker maintains that the ' five translations ' used by Coverdale can have been no other than the Latin Vulgate, the Latin of Pagninus, the German of Luther, a Dutch translation of Luther, and a German trans- lation of the Vulgate,' ^ all of which resolve themselves to three. Moulton believes that Tindale's should be considered as one of the five, for he holds as authentic the tradition that Coverdale worked in Hamburgh with Tindale, and in this way became familiar with Tindale's translation as early as 1530.* That Coverdale was an independent worker, and not a servile copyist, is evident from his characteristic style. Though more diffuse in general, he is often much more concise. When Tindale says, ' The name of the city was,' etc., Coverdale says, ' The city was,' etc., or ' The city was called,' etc. Final e in many words, if pronounced, would give a certain rhythmic effect to Coverdale's diction. * Smythe, p. 100. See Dore, pp. 83, 84. » Moulton, pp. 105, 106. * Foxe's Acts and Monwnents 5. 120, edition of 1838. * Moulton, pp. 54, 98, 108. Preface ix Whole phrases, however, similar to or almost iden- tical with Tindale's, will be noted in Coverdale's Genesis. Moreover, there is in Coverdale a following of the unusual chapter-division found in Tindale. and not used in the Bishop's Bible : so, between chapters 26 and 27, the division is made after verse 33 of chapter 26, thus carrying verses 34 and 35 into chapter 27 ; between chapters 31 and 32, verses 1 and 2 of chapter 32 are placed with chapter 31 ; and between chapters 49 and 50, the division places the first verse of chapter 50 with chapter 49. Genesis is chosen for this study, because that book, obviously the first work done on the Pentateuch, and so the first done on the Old Testament, represents ^ the last formal contribution on a very large scale to the English Bible ' ' ; and because it was not the first work done by Tindale in translation. To this work the author came after experience in translating, after the completion of the New Testament. Hence he came with a clearer vision of his work, of its difficulties, and of its importance, even though one commentator remarks, ' Before he began, he had prepared himself for a task of which he could apprehend the full diffi- culty.' - That this book, like the others, was in the later edition ' newly correctyd and amendyd,' does not detract from the value of this first edition for our study of it. Strangely enough, quotations in dictionaries for illustration and for comparison are taken from all books of Tindale's Bible except Genesis — notably from Numbers and from the New Testament. More often than from Tindale, the citations are from the Authorized Version or from Coverdale : not infrequently from 1 Demaus, pp. 245, 246. * Westcott, History of the English Bible, second edition of 1872, p. 164. X Preface Matthew's Bible. All these are, as history clearly shows, dependent upon Tindale. The editions used for this study are : Tindale, the verbatim reprint of 1530, edited in 1884 by the Rev. J. J. Mombert; Coverdale, the edition of 1535, re- printed in 1835 ; the Authorized Version, the version of 1611, reprinted in 1833. The New English Dic- tionary has, in all cases, been relied upon as far as that dictionary is at the present time available. In the Alphabetical Index, words are arranged, generally, in the following order: 1. The first occurrence of the word with like forms through all, if there are such. 2. Variations occurring more than once, in the order of their occurrence, preference being given to those having only one variation. 3. Variations occurring only once, in the order of their occurrence. Special attention is not given to the different spellings of an auxiliary or of an accompanying word in Coverdale or in the Authorized Version : slially shal; a certain man, a certaine man etc. Certain com- pounds are treated as single words : out of, according as, as concerning, etc., and are so arranged in alpha- betical sequence. Forms in u for v are generally used with no consideration of difference ; but pref- erence is usually given to the form that occurs most frequently. The t marks a notable difference in translation, but in a passage too long to be transcribed. From the Alphabetical Index have been omitted the articles a and the, and the personal pronouns. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Professor Albert S. Cook for patient enthusiasm during the long months spent in the preparation of this work ; and to members of the staff of Yale University Library for unfailing courtesy. Preface XI A portion of the expense of printing this book has been borne by the Modern Language Club and by the Enghsh Club of Yale University from funds placed at their disposal by the generosity of Mr. George E. Dimock of EUzabeth, New Jersey, a graduate of Yale in the Class of 1874. E. W. C. New Haven, January 191 i. INTRODUCTION I. A DISCUSSION OF WORDS PECULIAR TO TINDALE OR USED BY TINDALE IN A PECULIAR SIGNIFICANCE Adam, 11. 5: The LORde came downe to see the cyte and the toure which the children of Adam had buylded. C.^ has me (men) and AV, has men. This word used by T. for men is retained from the Hebrew. NED. fails to note the fact that T. uses this word for men and that, therefore, the word was long retained in its Hebraic meaning, quite apart from its use by Shakespeare and later writers as signifying an ' unregenerate condition or character.' Apparell, 2. 1 : Thus was heave & erth fynished wyth all their apparell. C. has, ' with all their hoost ', and AV. translates, ' and all the host ot them.' A gloss in T. notes, ' apparell, the heavenly bodies.'' No meaning is given in NED. that can be construed as signifying number collectively, as host, nor as in any way pertain- ing to heavenly bodies. NED. gives as one meaning, ' appendages of a house,' in the way of glory or beauty, as is the rendering in the Vulgate : i. e., ornamentum. Appoyntment, 9. 13 : I will sette my bowe in the clouds, and it shall be a sygne of the appoyntment made betwene me and the erth. A gloss gives, ' appointment, covenant.' In 9. 15, 16, 17, the word used is testament, with a like gloss, ' testament, covenant.' NED. gives the definition ^ C. = Coverdale ; AV. = Authorized Version ; T. == Tin dale ; NED. = New English Dictionary. Peculiar Words xiii of this word as, ' an agreement, jjact, contract,' obsolete ; cites Paslon Letters as the earliest use (1440); the latest use quoted is Defoe's, from The English Tradesman (1745). No mention is made of T.s use. Vulgate gives, ' erit signum foederis.' Asene, 41. 31 : the plenteousness shal not be once asene in the land by reason of that hunger. This form is probably from the obsolete verb ascc, a variant of isee, ysee, from OE. gescne. A sender, 1.7: And God sayd : let there be a fyrmament betwene the waters, ad let it devyde the waters a sender. NED. does not record just this form in the list of variant spellings, but gives asonder (not as two words) : it does, however, cite its use in quotation from C : Erasm. Par. Gal. 1. 15: But me called he a sender to be his preacher. Again, in illustrating partitive preposition a in combination, it is C. (1535) that is quoted: Acts 1. 18: brast a .sender in the myddes. Bisse, 41. 42: and arayed him in a raymet of bisse. It is interesting to note the apparent difficulty over this word. It is undoubtedly from the Latin hyssus, ' flax.' The Vulgate has in this passage, ' stola byssina.' In the table of words appended to Genesis, the translator comments : ' Bisse : fyne white, whether it be silke or linen.' The word was evidently ' a mere name to which English wTiters attached no certain meaning except that of fineness and value,' (NED). In Luke 16. 19 : T. translates the word/yne raynes ; Wyclif, btys for white silke) ; the Genevan Bible, fy)ie lynen ; the Rheims Bible, silke ; Bishop's, fine ivhite ; C, linen ; Matthew's, fine hysse. Botha, 7. 21 : extended to more than two objects in sequence : bethe birdes, catell and beasts. NED. notes this use as early as Chaucer (1386), Knight's Tale, 1. 1440: 'To whom bothe heuene and erthe, and see is sene,' and down through Shakespeare, Bunyan, Coleridge, De Quincey ; but T.s use is not cited. Shakespeare, in Fenus and Adonis 747, uses four nouns : ' Both favour, savour, hue, & quality.' Lord Bemers (1528), Froissart, uses five : xiv Introduction 'Bothe prelates, bysshoppes, abbottes, barownes, and knyghtes.' Brede, 35. 16 : when he was but a feld brede from Ephrath. This is equal to breadth ; in North of England dialects its use is still common. This combination, feld brede, is not given in NED. AV. has, ' a little way.' Bring. This word is used with the meaning now given to take, i, e., to carry in gomg; bring to-day is confined to the use with the notion of coming. 37. 28 : and sold him [Joseph] vnto the Ismaelites. . . . And they brought him into Egipte, 37. 32 : they sent that gay coote & caused it to be brought vnto their father, 43. 11: take of the best frutes of the lande in youre vesseles, and brynge the man a present. NED. notes the singular dialectic use of this word with the signification, to convoy, escort, accompany ; this meaning might have the notion of going. But in one example cited, Merlin (1450) : ' He brought the on the wey hider- warde a great part,' the word hiderwarde gives the sense of coming. Erode, 30. 42 : so the last brode was Labas, and the first Jacobs. NED. notes : ' of cattle or large animals [brood] is obsolete.' This word is given as being in use about 1250, but is not cited later than 1387. Buryall, 47. 30 : burie me in their buryall. This word for burying-place was used as early as 1250, and as late as 1612. C. (1535) is quoted, from Nehemia 2. 5. The OE. form was byr^els, and was last used in this form in the late 15**1 century. Buttelar, 41. 9: This form of the now common butler was not infrequent in the IQ^^ century; no citation from T. is made, however, in NED. Come on, as an expletive, 11. 3, 4, 7: Come on, let us make brycke; Come on, let us buylde us a cyte; Come on, let us descende and myngell thiere tongue. NED. does not note just this use of the word come; i. e., as an expletive without any sense of challenge. The Century Dictionary records it as a colloquialism, in which use it Peculiar IVor^s xv is often heard to-day. Neither dictionary quotes T. Halli- Nvell makes no record of this use. Curtesie, 43. U : brynge the man a Pres^nt, a curtesie bawlme. and curtesie of honey. NLD. defines the wo d courtesy in this use as a mannerly or moderate quantity Palgrave's use (1530) is the earUest noted; ^.s (153o), Kings 17. 20. The last noted use is m WlL AV. sa>s, 'Take a Uttle balme.' Either, with present sense of both. 2. 2o : they were ether of them naked. C. and AV. both render this passage : 'They were both naked'; 40. 5: And they dreamed, ether of them in one nyghte; both the butlar and the baker. C. translates: 'They dreamed, both the butlar and the baker, every ma his own dream.' AV. has, 'They dreamed a dreame both of them, each man his dreame' 41. 13: And he declared oure dreames to vs acordynge to ether of oure dreames; C. and AV^omit this phrase. The original sense of this word in OE. and ME. is each of two. OE. ceghwceSer = either, each, both, and is so used here, even though it assumes its disjunctive meaning, one or other of two, as early as tlu^ 14ti^ century. This latter meaning belonged to OE. aivder, ME. o^er. This disjunctive use in Modern English is that most frequently used, the first being considered ambiguous. C. is quoted, Ezekiel 40. 48: By the walles also were pilers, on ether side one. Enhabiter, 50. 11: When the enhabiters of the l^nde sawe the mooniynge. Inhabiter (enhabiter) is noted m NLU. as an archaic variant for inhabitant. Wyclif (1388) uses enhabiters, Genesis 24. 13, where T. uses m.. : ' The dougtris of the enhabiters of this citee.' The Great Bible (1039) uses enhabitours, Jeremiah 33. 5. The use oi mhabUer is found from Wyclif through Raleigh to Christina Rossetti, with this meaning of people. The latest use is noted in 1884, in ^ SalmonidcB Westmoreland : ^ Ihis species [salmon] is not an inhabiter of our rivers, and probably marks the revival of the old word with anew signification. xvi Introduction Every with betwyxte, 32. 16 : Betwyxte euery drooue. No such use is recorded in NED. ; every use of betwyxte or of between demands more than the one expressed. With all meanings of every the sense of the singular, of the individual, is maintained, and there is no sense of duality, necessary to the meaning of betwyxte or of between. Nor if every is taken in its distributive sense, does it assume the meaning of one and another involved in the use of this preposition. Faintie, fayntie, ' faint ', 25. 29 : Jacob sod potage & Esau came from the feld & was faltie & sayd to lacob : let me sypp of ^ redde potage, for I am fayntie. NED. does not recognize this spelling. The word was dialectic in counties of northern and western England, meaning all that the adjective faint may mean. Fared, meaning ' to deal with, to treat,' 16. 6 : And because Sarai fared foule with her, she fled from her. The same expression is cited in NED. from Knight de la Tour (1450). T.s 2 Corinthians 5. 11 is quoted for its use with this meaning. The more frequent modern use is with the impersonal it; ' it fared ill with him.' Fawte, 41. 9: I do remember my fawte this day. This was a common form in the 14^*1 and 16^^ centuries, and was retained in dialectic use in the IS^ii and 19^*1 centuries. During the 18**^ century, however, the / was not sounded, though inserted after the French usage j e. g., Pope : born in sin, and forth in folly brought ! Works damn'd or to be damn'd (your father's fault) ! Dunciad 1. 226. and Goldsmith: Yet he was kind; or if severe in aught, The love he bore to learning was in fault. Deserted Village. Feders, 7. 15 : all maner off foules whatsoeuer had feders. This form in d instead of th is curious in so late uni- versal use as T. makes of it, though it was common in the 14t'i and 16th centuries {NED.). Lydgate (1430) Peculiar M^onls XVll uses it : 'of his good fame she gan the feders pull.' (Bochas, I. XII.). C. does not use the form, nor does Shakespeare, and it must have been dropping out of use in T.s time. In 1. 21 : and all maner of federed foules in their kyndes. The plural fedcra was in OE. used for wings ; and C. has in 2 Samuel 22. 11: He appeared vpon the fathers of the wynde. The nearest form recorded as dialectic use is fed bed for feather bed (Halliwell;. Foule, IG. G : because Sarai fared foule with her, she fled from her. This is used as an adverb, and with the final e of the adverb added to the adjective form. NED. says: 'After the 14t'» century, the adverb was not distin- guished in form from the adjective.' The sense here is harshly, severely ; the meaning given in NED. is different. It is unseemly, ugly. ' To fare foule is to behave in an unseemly way.' Chaucer is quoted from Rom. Rose (1366) : ' Frounced foule was hir visage.' The latest use cited is 1450. Good, meaning 'property' 14. 12: they toke Lot also . . . and his good and departed. In OE. Luke 12, 18 (about 1000), is the expression: 'Ic secge minre sawle eala sawel J)u haefst mycele god.' Many instances of this singular form are cited, even down to Browning, in Guardianship {Red Cott. Nt. Cap. Cniy.) : ' Of earthly good for heavenly purpose.' T.s use is not noted in NED. In 14. 22, however : ' Gyue me the soulles, and take the goodes to thy selfe.' This interchange of forms is not infrequent. The letter J. This form occurs for the first and only time in T.s Genesis in 41. 39 : Pharao sayde unto Joseph. Li AV., while it is not the usual form, it occurs several times: as, 5. 32; 6. 10; 7. 13, Japheth ; 10. 16, Jebusite ; 10. 25, 26, Joktan; 36. 40, Jethreth. In 22. 14 the small/ is found : Abraham called the name of the place Jehouah- ijreh. Yet NED. nays: 'It was not till the 17^ century,, that the device of the two forms, i and /, for vowel and consonant, was etablished, and the capital J was intro- duced.' 'The J, j types were not used in the Bible of 1611.' In German typography, almost from the first, xviii Introduction a tailed form was used for the initial consonant ; ' but this was by no means generally established till later.' Louis Elzevir, printer at Leyden (1595—1619), is generall}- credited with making this distinction, as with that of W and V, ' which was followed by the introduction of U and J among capitals, by Lazarus Zetzner of Strasburg in 1619.' In England, an attempt to differentiate these letters ' was made by Richard Day, after 1587, in the lower case, but no capital J or U.' They were not generally established till after 1630. Samuel Johnson in his dictionary did not discriminate. (NED.) Kepe, 37. 13, meaning ' to feed the flocks ' : do not thy brethern kepe in Sichem ? C. uses the same expression, but AV. has ' feed the flock ' ; and T. has in 37. 16 : ' Where they kepe shepe.' NED. gives no such specific use of the word, i. e., without the object named. This is equivalent to the New England dialectical use of pasture, or feed: ' Where do you pasture now ? ' meaning, ' Where do you allow your cattle to feed ? ' Lucke, 30. 12: Then sayde Lea: good lucke, and called his name Gad: C. says: 'This is good lucke,' and AV. : ' And Leah said, A troupe commeth.' Luckely, 39. 23 : the LORde made it come luckely to passe. C. translates : ' made it come prosperously to passe ' ; AV. renders it : ' and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper.' Luckie, 39. 2 : And the LORde was with loseph, and he was a luckie felowe. C. uses the same expression ; but AV. says: 'And the LORD was with loseph, and hee was a prosperous man.' Whether or not this word came into English as a gambling term from the German, it must have been adopted early enough to have gained a very respectable place early in the 16 ^^ century, for in all these uses it has the sense of good only, and that quite removed from the element of chance. In 1502, we find in Arnolde Chron. : ' God Almyghty yeue you parte of his saluacion and make you lukky.' Of the adverb, instances are cited from Erasmus, Par. Matt., under date Pc'culinr Words xix of 1548. T.s use of this word luckie is cited in illustration of that form and use of the derivative. Lustie, 25. 8 : Abraham . . . fell seke ad dyed, in a lustie age. A marginal note gives good. C.s use of the word is cjuoted in NED. to illustrate the exact meaning here, i. e., full of healthy vigor. Proverbs 17. 22 : A merr}' herte maketh a lusty age. See 3. 6 : it was a good tree to eate of and lustie unto the eyes. A marginal note gives the explanation : ' affording pleasure.' Mischefe, 6. 12 : the erth was corrupte in the syghte of god, and was full of mischefe. NED. quotes the same use from C. in 6. 5, where T. has wekednesse. T.s use is not noted. Move, 'breed abundantly' 8. 17: let them moue, growe ad multiplye vppon 'the erth. C. gives : 'Be ye occupied vpon the earth, growe and multiplye vpon the earth ' ; and AV. has : ' may breed abundantly.' The nearest defi- nition found for the word move to cover this use is 'to be stirred or excited,' as relating to the passions. Here undoubtedly the meaning is to breed. Occupie, ' to traffic, to trade, to do business,' 42. 34 : So will I delyuer you youre brother agayne, and ye shall occupie in the lande. This is an obsolete sense of the word; used by T., Luke 19. 13, where the RV. has trade. This citation is not found. The meaning here is quite different from that of 9. 7 or 46. 34, in both of which places it has the passive form, and signifies : ' be engaged in labor.' Foxe uses the word with this signification : ' Without loss of time in his own business and occupying.' ^ In 34. 21, is found : ' Will dwell in the lade and do their occupatio therein,' where the noun clearly has the significance of business. Oke, 12. 6 : vnto the oke of More. The word here trans- lated oke is in AV. rendered plaine. In the Hebrew are five words that have been rendered oak, of which only two are held to have certainly this meaning. As the AV. translates this plaine, and as that seems to interpret ' Anderson 1. 144. b XX Introduction the meaning, this may be an example of the erroneous or disputed renderings. C. is quoted {NED.) as using this term in 35. 4. There he follows T., but in 12. 6 he translates the word oke grove. Moulton^ makes the evi- dence that the books from Joshua to Chronicles are from the same hand as the Pentateuch depend upon the ren- dering of certain Hebrew words ; the word here trans- lated oke is one of these words. Brown, Hebrew and English Lexicon, p. 18, renders by ' Terebinth.' Once, meaning 'now,' 2. 23: Then sayd Ada this is once bone of my boones, and flesh of my fleesh. AV. has now. T. adds a marginal note : ' once, now (a Saxon idiom).^ NED. quotes T. (1526), 1 Corinthians 15. 6, for at once; this seems to be the earliest recorded use of c instead of 5 in this word ; earlier forms are in es, is, us, ez. The meaning of now for once is not recorded at all, nor is it found in Wright's Dialect Dictionary. It is prob- ably translating the German einmal, used in this sense, Perauenture, 11. 4 : ' perauenture we shall be scatered abrode over all the erth.' This archaic form is from the OF. per + auenture, ' by chance ' {NED.). In the i6^ century it began to be conformed to the Latin spelling, which in the 16 ^^^ century superseded the earlier form. The fact that T. uses it almost to the exclusion of the Latin form would indicate the general use in the 16*^ century. Popular, 30. 37 : Jacob toke roddes of grene popular, hasell, & chestnottrees. NED. does not record any such form of the word, nor do Halliwell and Wright, nor does Wright in the Dialect Dictionary {popple = poplar, various species of populus). Wyclif renders the word popil. T. probably follows closely the derivation. The tree is of the genus Populus. AV. poplar; Vulgate, populus. Rennagate, 4. 12 : A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon the erth. This word is defined in NED. as ' an apostate from any form of religious faith,' ' one who deserts a party, person, or principle in favor of another.' The meaning here is, from the gloss, a wanderer, but » P. 128. Peculiiir Words xxi with the added notion of being an outlaw ; and this signi- fication is allowed for rcuegado, a newer word credited for first use to Beaumont and Fletcher (1611); but this is earlier by nearly a century than Beaumont and Fletcher. Wyclif translates the word vagamtt, i. e., a wanderer. Ryd, rydd, 37. 21, 22: 'he wet aboute to ryd him out of their handes.' ' he wolde haue rydd him out of their handes : ' The participial form is not given among regular grammatical forms in NED., even though it is used there in the illustrative quotation. The meaning ' to deliver, to set free', is marked as 'rare, but common in the 16th Century.' C. is quoted, Isaiah 47, 14 : no man may ryd it. Scace, 27, 30 : lacob was scace gone out fro the preseance of Isaac his father. C, scace; AV., scarce. This form, apparently dialectic, is not noted by Wright in his Dialect Dictionary, nor by Palmer in Corrupted Words. Halli- well, however, in the Archaic and Provincial Dictionary mentions its use by Lydgate (1375—1461). C. repeats this form, but AV. has the spelling scarce. It is interesting to note this very early dialectic use of a word now common in New England dialect, together with its variant scurce. Slee, 42. 37 : Slee my two sonnes, yf I bringe him not to the agayne. This is a form retained from the OE. strong verb slean, to slay ; it is the second person singular of the imperative mood (made by dropping the an of the infinitive, according to the rule for strong verbs (§ 367, p. 255, OE. Grammar). Sotyller, 3. 1 : The serpent was sotyller than all the beasts of the felde. This spelling justifies the pronunciation of to-day. It is remarkable that the new spelling, that is, the word-form showing its root-value is preserved. The Century Dictionary quotes the Bible, the AV., and spells the word subtil. The use of the word as a verb, sotiled, is in Piers Plowman (x. 214) ; so too in Holy Rood (E.E.T.S.), p. 162, subtyll. In the older forms, the b was silent, having been inserted in simulation of the original Latin subtilis. In 27. 35 is the noun : ' thy brother came with subtilte.' The Vulgate, however, b2 xxii Introduction uses for 3. 1, callidior cunctis ; and for 27. 35, fran- dulenter. Sowe, 1. 11: grasse that so we seed. This is an unusual sense for the word sow, the accepted notion being to scatter. This signification is to produce or to yield. Web- ster gives the sense to propagate, which may be accepted for this use ; and quotes Chaucer. This meaning, to propagate, is found in Beaumont and Fletcher, Maid's Tragedy 3. 1. Soythsayers, 41. 8 : he sent and called for all the soyth- sayers of Egypt. This old word, coming as it does from the Gothic, presents, as here found, a unique form. Ac- cording to the Century Dictionary, Webster, Worcester, Wright's Dialect Dictionary, and Halliwell's Provincial Dictionary, no such form is known. Sprete, 41. 8 : When the mornynge came, his sprete was troubled. This dialectic form is probably from Lancashire, but there has the meaning of ' a shrew.' The same word is found in Nominate MS., 15 ^^ century, with the sense of a soul, a spirit. Cf the modern sprite. Ah syr, 3. 1 : The serpent sayd vnto the woman. Ah syr. that God hath sayd, ye shall not eate of all maner trees in the garden. A marginal note suggests ' ah surely.' The use here is evidently in the sense of remonstrance or of objection. C. says: 'Yee, hath God sayde indeed,' etc., and AV. has : ' Yea, hath God said,' etc. This use of sir or syr in addressing a woman is not unusual be- fore the 17 til century. The Century Dictionary, however, does not quote T. Totehill, 31. 48: and this totehill which the lorde seeth (sayde he) be wytnesse betwene me and the when we are departed one from a nother. AV. has Mizpah. The Century Dictionary gives the derivation from ME., ' a lookout-hill ; any high place of observation.' The quo- tation is from Mandeville, Travels, p. 312. Wright, how- ever, does not note it in the Dialect Dictionary. Tyllman, 25. 27: Esau became a conynge hunter & a tyll- man. Wright records no such word, neither tilman nor Peculiar Words xxiii tillman, in the Dialect Dictionary. The Century Dictionary has the form tillman, and quotes from Palladius (E.E.T.S., p. 149). Worcester records the word ; Webster does not. Vnrighte, 16. 5: Thou dost me vnrighte. A marginal note gives wrong. The Century Dictionary records this word with the meaning ivrong, injustice. The uses cited are: Chaucer, IV.B.T., 237, and Freeman's Norman Conquest, V, 108. It is interesting to tind it in common use in T.s time. Perhaps from the German unrecht, which is found here : Du thust unrecht an mir. Voyde, 1. 2: The erth was voyde and emptie. AV. says: ' without form and void ' ; while RV. translates : ' was waste and void.' This is from the OF. voide, meaning empty. A quotation is given from Merlin : ' The voyde place at the table that loseph made,' where it has the sense of empty. Waxe, 9. 7, with the meaning of multiply : See that ye en- crease, and waxe. This meaning of multiply is not given in the Century Dictionary, in Web.ster, nor in Worcester. This is either a different use of the word, or it is used figuratively with the idea of growing greater. In 18. 12, the participial form is used in another sense, Ijut in the usual one : ' I am waxed old.' Wife, meaning woman, 38. 20 : And ludas sent the kydd . . . for to fetch out his pledge agayne from the wifes hande. The meaning in OE. and ME. is of woman only. Chaucer and Tennyson are quoted to illustrate this use, with the added sense of one in huml)le station. T. uses the word as meaning not one in humble station, but perhaps as a term of reproach or of contempt. Yer, 45. 28 : ' I will goo and se him, yer that I dye. A marginal note is : ' yer, before.^ This form for ere was found as early as the 16t'» and 17**' centuries. T. uses this form in John 1. 15, in the sense of earlier: 'He that commeth after me, was before me because he was yer than I.' Yet, 40. 8 : Interjiretynge belongeth to God but tel me yet. Perhaps translating Ger. dock : dock erzahlet mir's. xxiv Introduction Ys, 4. 1 : ' wyth ... 3's wife.' This form for the personal pronoun his is found in the 13 th, igth^ and 17*^ centuries; in Chron. Gr. Friars (1556) is : ' He was dyscharged ys byschopryge and all hys bondes ' ; in Robert of Gloucester (1297) is : 'He let a monej) of Jd ger clepye aftur ys owne name ' ; and in Harl. Misc. (1609) is found: 'Man can receive is birth but from one place.' II. GRAMMAR. In considering the peculiarities in Grammar found in Tindales Genesis, it seems best to group them by parts of speech rather than by an alphabetical arrangement. NoKfis and Pronouns in Syntax. Many nouns have been considered in the discussion of ■' peculiar words ' ; there remain only a few to be reviewed. Singular noun with plural adjective. V. chaunge, 45. 22: vnto Ben lamin he gaue .iii. hundred l)eces of syluer and .v. chaunge of rayment. This word retains even now the same form in the plural as in the singular, with the application to raiment, or garments. The earliest use recorded {NED.) is in the Bible of 1611, Judges 14. 12 : thirtie chaunge of garments. All thynge, 9. 3 : so geue I yew all thynge ; 9. 12 : be- twene all lyvynge thing that is with yow for ever; 24. 8: aboue all thinge. This use, unknown to OE., seems to have begun with thing's having a singular and plural alike. All tiling is a northern dialectic form for everything. An hundred yere aide, 11. 10, 11, 12, etc.: an hundred yere olde; Se lyved ... v. hundred yere, etc. This word yere is from the OE. gear, year (singular and plural alike), and the ME.^^r, with its plural yere. This is the form used by Tindale, but he uses the same for the singular, 8. 13: the syxte hundred and one yere and the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth. The form became fixed as a singular, forming its plural in s, with its variant ^^rtr^5 : as, 15. 14: And they shall make bondmen of them and entreate them evell .iiii. hundred yeares. xxvi Introduction The possessive form in 5 without the apostrophe, and with the apostrophe. As in all writers before the IT^ii century no apostrophe is used with the possessive case. This is the original genitive form for the masculine and neuter strong OE. substantives. The apostrophe is used consistently since the 17^*1 century — appearing even in Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth — marking the elision of the inflection- al ending. It was not, however, placed consistently before the 5 in the singular, and after the s in plurals ending in 5 ; as, ' warriovir's arms, or arms of the warriours ' ; ' the stone's end, or the end of stones ' ; for ' the warriours's arms ; stones's end.'^ In T.s Genesis is found one instance of the use of the apostrophe, 31. 33: 'Tha wet Laba in to lacob's tete.' Selfe for selves, 30. 40 : And he made him flock es of his own by the selfe. The only explanation of this is that the plural being signified in the first part of what is really a compound, the need for its repetition in the second is not felt. Hence, the inflection is given to one part only. Many examples of this will be found in compound nouns and in combinations not compounded; as, courts-martial, three-foot rule. No similar form, however, is found. Neither Msetzner nor Halliwell mentions it. Mine with noun expressed. Myne office, 24. 40 : tha shalt thou bere no perell of myne oothe; 41. 13: I was restored to myne office. Her as a possessive of it, 40. 10 : and in the vyne were .iii. braunches, . . . and her blossos shott forth. The original possessive form for this pronoun was his, from the OE. nominative form ^//. About 1600, we find //^5, which gradually assumed the form its. The earlier possessive was expressed by the use of the preposition of; as, T.s Genesis, 7. 22 : all that had the breth of liffe in the nostrels of it. We find this expression also for the masculine pronoun, 8. 21 : from the very youth of him. ^ Greenwood, English Grammar, p. 64 ff. (printed in 1729). 17. 17 24 6. 3: 23. 1 : 8. 3: 5. 28 14. 14 11. 17 5. 30 7. 6: Griini))idr xxvii Xiwierals. No difference is noted in recording values, and numerals are therefore omitted ; but here are noted various unusal forms used by Tindalc for expressing numbers : — 18. 28: .xl. and .v nynetie nynetie . . . and .ix. and hundred and .xx. an hundred and .xxvii an hundred and .L and hundred .Lxxxii. .iii hundred & .xviii. foure hundred and .xxx. .v. hundred, nynetie and v. .vi. hundred. Verbs. Many verbs have been treated under unusual word-forms. Here will be considered unusual verb-forms — participial forms, mood- and tense-forms, including unusual infinitives and subjunctives. Awake, wake. These two verbs, or this one verb under different forms, are extremely interesting from their interchanged forms, and from the dispute arising as to the meaning and correct use of the forms. In T. we find, 41. 7, ' Pharao awaked ' ; 41. 21 : 'I awoke'; 28.16: ' lacob was awaked out of his sleep.' For awake, then, we have past awaked and awoke; for the participle, awaked and awoke. There are three verbs now having really the same meaning in current use : awake, awaken, and wake. The endeavor to confine the first to intransitive use, and the last to transitive use, is quite unfounded in derivation or in usage ; indeed, the participle form awaked instead of awakened is now con- sidered archaic (see NED.). The different forms in awake as w-ell as in the simple ivake came from the blending of xxviii Introduction two early verbs. The form-history from awacan,^ an OE. strong, intransitive verb, is complicated with the sense- history of awceccan (or aweccan, ME. awecche),^ an OE. transitive and weak verb. The first verb awacan = ' to awake into being, to arise, to be bom.' The second awceccan = ' to arouse, to raise up ' (like Latin excitare, suscitare, resuscitare). The verb awacan, even in OE., began to be treated as a weak verb ; and from it comes the later modern English awaken, weak, and transitive as well as intransitive. After a little the original relation of awoke to the intransitive awacan was obscured, and it was treated as a varying form of the weak transitive awceccan. The strong participle was early in the 13*^ century re- duced to awake, and became merely an adjective (mostly predicative). All forms are now used either transitively or intransitively, though the strong form awoke is preferred for the past action, and the weak awakened for the participle. Axe. Axe, 34. 12 ; axed, 37. 15 ; axeth, 32. 17. This form, now only dialectic and that in the remote inland towns or in Ireland where old forms are found petrified, was in general use until nearly 1600; it comes from ascian, by metathesis. Its first changed form was acsian. Begot. Had begot. This is used many times. NED. gives this as an early form for the participle of beget, but does not cite any use of it as a participle. Brente. 38. 24 : brynge her forth ad let her be brente. Our present verb burn, burnt, burnt, with its older variant burned, burned, is the offspring of two old forms : First, the intransitive strong verb brinnan, by metathesis birnan; sec- ^ Principal parts : awacan, awoc, awacen. * ., „ awseccan, aweahte, aweaht. Grammar xxix ond, the OE. bcernan, by metathesis from brcnan. These two verbs, distinct in OE., became confused in the ME. period. Brenne, brent, were the most common forms in late ME. and even to the 16^ century, when they somewhat abruptly gave place to burn, burnt. Spenser, however, as late as 1596 uses the form brent : ' The fire which them to ashes brent.' Faery Queen 1. 9. 10. In the IS"* and 14'*» centuries is found the infinitive brennen. It is recorded in the Shropshire dialect as late as 1796, and Mrs. Gaskell uses it in dialect, in Sylvia's Lovers, 1863 : ' It were a good job it were brenned down.' T. uses the infinitive bren in Luke 1. 9, Had corrupte. 6. 12: God loked vpon the erth, ad loo it was corrupte: for all flesh had corrupte his way vppon the erth. This is from the Latin corrunipcrc ; when the verb was introduced, it came in as corrump, with the past following the Latin lorms. The English forms then would have been corrump, corrupte, corrupte. Very soon corrupte as the in- finitive superseded corrump, but held for some time corrupte, besides corrupted, for its participle, Wyclif (1382, earhest use noted) uses corrupted, but still holds to corrump for the infinitive : ' I shal corrumpe hir vynegeerd and hir fijge tree,' Hosea 2. 12. In 1489, Caxton uses corromped. Compare, for a like change, the vulgar ' drownded,' and ' attackted.' While T. is quoted (NED.) as using corrupte, it is to illustrate the present form ; and no example is given of this form in past or participle. Digged. The verb dig was originally a weak verb, having come into the language, probably, from the French diguer. It took its strong past in the 16^^! century {NED.), but the Bible of 1611 retained this weak form; and Johnson in a review of Blackwell ^ uses this form (1755). As late as 1778 the form is found,2 and in The Trifler (1789, No. 48, 549). For earlier examples of this form, C. is quoted more than once in those 1 Review of Blackwell's Mem. Crt. Augustus {IVks. 10. 185). * Bp. Lo%\i;h, Trans. Isa., Notes, 313. XXX Introduction references where T. uses the form ; T. not at all in OT., but one is taken from Romans 11. 3. Dwelled. This is the form generally used by T. for past and for participle. It is, however, varied by dweld and dwelt. Forgeten. 41. 30: all the plenteousnes shalbe forgeten in the lande of Egipte. In get is found the participle geten used in the 14^^ to 16^11 centuries; in the 13^^ to 14th centuries there was a like infinitive form; in the 15 ^"^ century this is found for a past form. In 1540, Howers of the Blessed Virgin: 'They shall be registered so they shall not be forgetten; in 950, Lindisfarne Gospels, Mark 10. 21 : an 5e is forgeten, and Chaucer uses ' was foryeten.' Interpretate. 40. 16 : When the chefe baker sawe that he had well inter- pretate it. This is the participle interpretatus of the Latin verb inter- pretare. There were at first two forms from this Latin verb, introduced between the 14*^ and 11^^ centuries; they were interpret, with its participle interpreted (Wyclif (1382) uses this interpretid), and the variant participial form inter- pretate, taken more directly from the verb ; the second verb is interpretate, with the participle interpretated. This verb was introduced later than interpret, but at the same time as the participle interpretate. 41. 8: but there was none of them that coude interpretate vnto Pharao ; 40. 22 : eue as loseph had interpretated vnto the. This form was used (1522) in a letter of Bishop Fox; and as late as 1763, we find inter pretating ; and the form in the infinitive again as late as 1866. Kepte. 41. 35: and there let them kepte it. No such form is possible from the OE. verb cepan. Is this a misprint of the form kepe ? Cyfamnuir xxxi Late. 24. 18 : she hasted and late downe her pytcher. This form of the past of let is recorded in the 15^'' cen- tury in Scotland. The use is not noted with this spelling. 47. 19: the form latest — lettcst is found: Wherfore latest thou vs dye before thyne eyes ? This is not recorded amonji^ existing forms. The nearest is lat in the third singular of the 13'>» century. No authority is cited. This form is found in C. Layde, reflexive. 28. 11 : And toke a stone of the place, and put it vnder his heade, and layde him down in the same place to slepe. Layd is found as a participle from the 16*^ to 18**^ centuries and as a past form as early as 1375; but this reflexive use is not common. Lyen. 34. 7 : he had lyen with. This participial form is found fi-om the 14 ^^^ to 18*^ centuries; in Merlin (1450), and in De Foe (1722) The Plague: It had lyen much longer.' C. makes the same translation, but AV. uses ' in lying with.' L3me. 26. 10 : myght lightely haue lyne. This participial form also appears in the 14^ and 15*'> centuries, and even in 1300 in Cursor Mundi, and Hey wood (1624), Gunaik II. 67 : ' Oft in one shade the hare and hound hath lyne.' C. and AV. both follow this translation. Lyfte. 7. 18 : ad it [the ark] was lifte up from of the erth. 13. 10: And Lot lyft vp his eyes and beheld all the contre aboute lordane. This is the old past and participle of the verb leftyn. The form lifted, however, was used as early as 1300 (Cursor Mundi). In T. lyfled is used three times : 22. 13 ; 27. 38 ; 40. 20. xxxii Introduction Make, had make. 2. 19 : And after ^ the LORde God had make of the erth all maner beastes of the felde. OE. macian had the past participle ^emacod about the 12^11 and 13*^ centuries, imaked in the 12th and 13*^ cen- turies, and in the 14^^ century is recorded the form imake. This form had make is probably a survival of imake weakened to make. Under the definition, ' to bring into existence,' the only quotation from the Bible is from Wyclif s Psalm 103: There sparewis shal make nestis. In 3. 1, is: which the LORde God had made ; also in 8. 6, is : which he [Noe] had made. Satt, reflexive. 24. 61 : And Rebecca arose & hir damsels, & satt the vp apo the camels. This use of the pronoun unstrengthened by self is found early in OE. It is noted from Robert of Gloucester to Longfellow ; and Southey uses this very form : ' They sate them down beside the stream.'^ This in modern grammar is considered pleonastic, and often rejected. It is the remains of the old reflexive dative, and is used with many verbs of rest ' admitting a notion of motion.' In this use may be included such phrases as I fear me, I doubt me, and in Genesis 6. 7 : it repenteth me.'^ Sende. 26. 9: 'And Abimelech sende for Isaac & sayde.' This is the old past form of the OE. verb sendan, coming down to the ME. in this form. In 26. 31, is : and Isaac sent the awaye. Perfect infinitive for the present infinitive. 22. 10: toke the knyfe to haue killed. 34. 19 : 'he came in . . . for to haue slept.' The infinitive never indicates time of action, but merely names an activity going on or in a state of completion at » Msetzner, 2. 64. » Msetzner, 2. 64, 65, 66. Grammar xxxiii the time of the predicate verb. Maetzner, however, discusses this above mentioned use under the ' subjective sui)position not realized, and thought of as not realized.' ^ This is not an old use ; the oldest examples cited are from Marlowe and Shakespeare. Subjunctive forms. 1. Present in expressing a wish for the future. 9. 2 : The feare also and drede of yow be vppon all beasts of the erth. 27. 28, 29 : God geue the of f dewe of heave. . . . People be thy servauntes. Be lorde ouer thy brethre, and thy mothers children stoupe vnto the. Cursed be he ^ curseth the. 2. Perfect for action to be completed in the future ex- pressed by tyll and vntylL 19. 22 : I can do nothynge tyll thou be come in thyder. 42. 15 : ye shall not goo hence vntyll youre yongest brother be come hither. 3. Perfect instead of present in future meaning with lest. 26. 7 : he feared to calle her his wife left the me of the place shulde haue kylled him for hir sake. 4. Past perfect for past meaning. 26. 9 : I thought y I mighte peradventure haue dyed for hir sake. 5. Perfect for past in undecided thought, or conjecture, of fear. 31. 30: I was afrayed, & thought that thou woldest haue take awaye thy doughters fro me. 38. 11: for he feared lest he shulde haue dyed also, as his brethren did. The first expresses wish for the future^ and is, therefore, put in the present subjunctive form instead of the future indicative ; as it would be if a statement of fact had been made, or a determination on the part of the speaker for enforced action had been expressed. ' 3. 59. xxxiv Introduction In the second, the entire thought of activity is controlled by completed action of the future, an action in the present uncertain. In the subjunctive there was, in its earliest and strongest days, little determination of time ; but its ' sphere of action ' depended, as in the infinitive, upon the time of action in- dicated by the predicate verb. Under this rule for tense use, the author meant, in the third, fourth, and fifth examples, what would have been expressed by the past subjunctive forms, should kyll, might dye, wouldest take. This is an illustration of the subjunctive feeling towards these acts already passed, in time of speaking, beyond realization ; and, therefore, the thought of non-realization is uppermost, and must be expressed by completeness of activity.^ Adjective or Adverb. Evelfauored and leane fleshed, 41. 3: evill favored and lene- fleshed ; 41. 4 : the evill favored and lenefleshed kyne. The use of the adjective as an adverb modifying a participle is not common before the 16*^*1 century, though it is found as early as 1422, tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. Foxe and Taverner are quoted by NED. as using the form. T.s use is not noted. An early use of the word lenefleshed is attributed to C. (1535), and in this passage. Adjective in double superlative. Most hyghest, 14. 19 : he beynge the prest of the most hyghest God. Maetzner fails to treat of this emphatic super- lative. Shakespeare's ' most unkindest cut of all ' has long stood for an authority in this, and as a use without a parallel. NED. quotes as earliest use, Maunde, (1400), but Langland uses the same construction in Piers Ploughman. Conjunctions. Excepte, 31. 42 : And excepte the God of my father .... had bene with me ; and several other uses (see 32. 26 ; 43. ^ Maetzner 2. 72, 92, 117 ; 3. 59. Cmmmar XXXV 3, 5, 10; 44. 23, 26). This use as a conjunction is now almost superseded l)y unless, and by modern grammarians is wholly forbidden. NED. cites examples of its use from tlic 14*'^ century to 1877, but does not quote T. That with other connectives. Before that, 27. 4 : that my soul! may blesse the before that I dye. The conjunction that, being in the most com- prehensive sense the conjunction of the subordinate sentence, was once attached to almost all subordinating conjunctive words.^ It is reall}' the demonstrative pronoun that, which is combined with the preposition or the adverb, and so gives to it a conjunctional nature.^ The omission of that in this use began as early as the 14*'^ century.^ The AV. takes this form from T. in John 1. 48: Before that Philip called thee, I saw thee. Cf. 33. 18, after that, and 3. 7, how that. But and yf 24. 40 : But and yf . . . they will not geue the one, tha shalt thou bore no perell of myne oothe. This compound conjunction is used for emphasis; but is the true conjunction, and is ' conjunction conditional strengthened by if,' although it is in itself equivalent to //; * as, ' and you please, for ' if you please.' This and is sometimes weakened to an, Tennyson's Enid 1. 1402: 'an if he live, we will have him of our band.' Other examples are found in Chaucer L. G. W. 1. 1385, and in C's Matthew 5. 13, T.s Matthew 4. 48 : But and yf that evill servaunt shall saye ; and T.s Matthew 6. 14: For and yf; while in Genesis 24. 5 is found, ' what ad yf.' And as a preposition. And, 24. 16, 45 : And it came to passe yer he had leeft spakynge, that Rebecca came out, . . . and hir pytcher apon hir shulder. This is possibly the OE. preposition and formerly governing a dative. NED. gives its use only about 1000, quoting Caramon. ' Msetzner 1. 421. » Maetzner 8. 389 ff. ' NED. * Greenwood, English Grammar (1711), p. 168. c XXXVl Introduction Double preposition, or the preposition followed by a pleonastic preposition. 4. 14 : thou castest me out thys day from of the face of the erth. This is very different from ' the preposition followed by a substantive notion.' ^ Out is a part of the verb cast out ; from is the preposition strengthened by the pleonastic of{p^). This double preposition form is of early occurrence in modem English. The earliest quoted use is from Cursor Mundi (1425). T.s Matt. 8. 30 is cited for earliest use of off from. In the AV. Exodus 3. 5 occurs the form : Put oif thy shoes from off thy feet, which T. renders : ' put thi shooes off thi fete.' In 22. 10 is found : and layde him on the aulter aboue apon the wodd; and 31. 17: sett vp . . . vpon. From off: a translation of Heb. me'al, where me, con- tracted from min, denotes separation, and 'al, upon; hence me'al = from upon, from over, from by (Brown, Heb. and Eng. Lex., p. 758), ' when removal, motion, etc., from a surface is involved.' Cf. Fr. de dessus. Agreement of the singular verb with a compound subject. 6. 5 : the ymaginacion and toughtes of his hert was only evell. Constructions similar to this are to be met not only in OE., but in Modern English as well. ' Hys brayn and w^t ys so febl,' ' Envye and aun yvel wil was in the Jewes ' (P. Ploughman, p. 338) ; ' Kingdom and power and glory pertains ' (Milton, P. L. 6. 814) ; ' My hope and heart is with thee ' (Tennyson) ; ' Poetry and eloquence . . . was assiduously studied' (Macaulay). This use of the singular verb arises from the notion of the combination of the several into a single conception.^ Idioms. The study of idioms alone makes an investigation of this kind valuable, for some idioms found in Tindale give authority to expressions holding to-day a disputed place ; as, the prep- osition a, and the use of the preposition of with the ad- jective all. While many idioms of the \Q^^ century have 1 Msetzner 2. 479. 2 Maetzner 2. 150. Criuuwar xxxvii ])ecome wholly obsolete, many are seen to survive with their first strength. And connecting two verbs, the latter of which would logi- cally be an infinitive. 45. 28: 'I will goo and se him.' T's (1526) Acts 11.4, is quoted in NED. as the earliest use of the signification oi and: ' He began and expounde.' It was in the 16^^ century dialectic; it is now idiomatic, and is found in literary as well as in vulgar use. At doores, 19.6: Lot went out at doores. This idiom is used by Shakespeare ; King John V. VII. 29 : It would not out at windows, nor at doors. Be as auxiliary of the perfect tense. 6. 13 : the end of all fiesh is come before me. 13. 14: after that Lot was departed from hym. 31.22: was it told Laba >' lacob was fled, etc. ' If a few grammarians permit to all in- transitives the conjugation with have alone, rejecting that with be, they are in contradiction with the usage of the tongue, although it must be granted that in the course of time the formation with have has gained ground.'^ Shakespeare uses this even with a transitive verb: The enemy is passed the marsh {Richard III, 5. 3) and Mir- acles are ceased {Henry V, 1. 1). For because. Besides the combination of Ihat with other connectives, as noticed under grammatical forms, this double conjunction is found, 38. 14: sat her downe at the entrynge of Enaim ... for because she sawe that Sela was growne. Get used reflexively. 22. 3 : ' and rose vp and gott him to the place'; 26. 16: 'gett the fro me; 35. 1: get the vp to Bethell ; 38. 1 : ludas . . . gatt him to a man called Hira of Odollam; 39. 12: he left his garment, ... and goot him out; 42. 2 : Gete you thither, and bye vs come. Imperative in se. 28. 6: se thou take not; 3. 17: .se thou eate not therof; 4. 7: see thou rule it; 6. 20: male and female se that they be. ' Msetzner 2. 71. c2 XXXVUl Introduction Infinitive with for. 1. 20 : & foules for to flee over the erth ; 3. 6 : a pleasant tre for to make wyse. This is an old idiom, reaching back to the OE., particularly with the idea of purpose ; but it is rarely used out of vulgar speech after the 16ti» century. It is found, however, in Washington's Journal (1748), and in J. Q. Adams's Letters (1774). Infinitive with to instead of the present participle or gerund. 11. 9: left of to bylde the citie. Of. Certain grammarians forbid the use of with all; as, ' all of us are present,' maintaining that the correct form is ' we are all present,' or ' all we are present.' In T., however, this form is quite as frequently fovmd as all without of. 8. 19 : all of one kynde. C. and AV. follow the same use. While our present idiom is ' all manner of,' T., C, and AV. frequently omit this preposition. 1. 25: all maner wormes of the erth in their kyndes ; 1. 29: all maner trees; 2. 20: all maner beastes of the felde. Maetzner ^ classes this as a construction in which the substantive operates like a preposition. ' He has left you all his walks on this side Tiber ' (Shakespeare, Julius Ccesar). In popular speech to-day one hears ' on board a ship ' for ' on board of a ship.' With this may be given the pecuHar construction, 24. 10: .x. camels of the camels of his master, and had of all maner goodes of his master with him. Omission of the article. 3. 18 : In sorow shalt thou eate therof all dayes of thy life ; 26. 8 : it happened after he had bene there longe tyme. Omission of that. 7. 23 : they were destroyed from the erth : save Noe was reserved only. Pleonastic forms: From thence, 27. 45 : Tha will I sende and fett the awaye from thence. To, 19. 10 : shott to the doore ; 20. 18 : The LORde had closed to, all the matryces of the house of Abimelech. » 1. 244. Grammar xxxix Subject. 4. 4 : Abell, he brought also of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe ; 4. 22 : Zilla she also bare Tubalcain. So in measure of degree. 43. 34 : fyue times so much as. Survived datives. 3. 12 : she toke me of the tree ad I ate; 31. 9: thus hath God take awaye youre fathers catell and geue the me. Virtual compounds, or phrases consisting of two nouns in which the former has the function of an adjective. 44. 1 : the bagge mouth ; 29. 2 : the well mouth. III. TRANSLATIONS. Passages showing notable difference in translation in the versions compared, not sufficiently emphasized in the comparison of words : — 4.7: T. Notwithstondyng let it be subdued vnto the, ad see thou rule it. C. Shal he then he subdued vnto the ? and wilt thou rule him? AV. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule ouer him. 4. 13: T. Cain sayd . . . my synne is greater, than that it may be forgeven. C. Cain sayde . . . my sinne is greater, then that it maye be forgeuen me. AV. Cain said . . . My punishment is greater, then I can beare. 11.6: T. Thys haue they begon to do, and wyll not leaue of from all that they haue purposed to do. C. This haue they begonne to do, and wil not leaue of from all f they haue purposed to do. AV. This they begin to doe : and now nothinge will be restrained from them, which they haue imagined to doe. 16. 13: T. I haue of a suretie sene here the backe parties of him that seith me. Translations xli C. Of a suertye I haue sene the hack partes of him that sawe me. AV. Haue I also heere looked after him that seeth me. 18. 14: T. In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the, as soone as the frute can haue lyfe, And Sara shall haue a sonne. C. Aboute this tyme (yf I lyue) I wil come to the agayne, and Sara shal haue a sonne. AV. At the time appointed will I returne vnto thee, according to the time of life, and Sara shall haue a sonne. 20. 16 : T. Beholde he shall be a couerynge to thyne eyes vnto all that ar with the and vnto all men and an excuse. C. Lo, he shalbe vnto the a couerynge of the eyes, for all that are with the, and euery where, and a sure excuse. AV. Behold, he is to thee a couering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee, and with all other : thus she was reproued. 21.6: T. And Sara sayde : God hath made me a laughinge .stocke : for all ^ heare, will laugh at me. C. And Sara sayde : God had prepared a joye for me, for who so euer heareth of it, wyll reioyse with me. AV. And Sara said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that heare, will laugh with me. 27. 39 : T. Beholde thy dwellynge place shall haue of the fatnesse of the erth, & of the dewe of heauen fro aboue. C. Beholde thou shalt haue a fat dwellinge vpon earth, and of ^ dew of heauen from aboue. AV. Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatnesse of the earth, and of the dew of heauen from aboue. 27.41: T. The dayes of my fathers sorowe are at hade, for I will sley my brother lacob. xlii Introduction C. The tyme wyll come shortly, that my father shal moume, for I wil slaye my brother lacob. AV. The dayes of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother lacob. 43. 30: T. His hert dyd melt apon his brother. C. The grounde of his hert was kyndled towarde his brother. AV. His bowels did yeme vpon his brother. 44. 20: T. The brother of the sayde lad is dead. C. His brother is deed. AV. His brother is dead. 47. 12: T. Joseph made prouysion ... as yonge children are feed with bread. C. He made prouysion . . , with bred, euen as yonge children. AV. Joseph nourished . . . with bread, according to their families. 49.5: T. Weked instrumentes are their wepos. C. Their deedly weapons are perlous instrumentes. AV. Instruments of crueltie are in their habitations. 49. 6: T. In their selfewill they houghed an oxe. C. In their self will they houghed an oxe. AV. In their selfe will they digged downe a wall {Marg. ' Or houghed oxen '). 49. 22: T. That florishynge childe loseph, that florishing childe and goodly vn to the eye: the doughters come forth to bere ruele. C. The fruteful sonne loseph, that florishinge sonne to loke vpon, the doughters go vpo the wall. AV. loseph is a fruitfuU bough, euen a fruitfiill bough by a well, whose branches runne ouer the wall. Translations xliii 49. 24 : T. Out of him shall come an herde ma a stone in Israel. C. Of him are come herdmen and stones in Israel. AV. From thence is the Sheapheard, the stone of Israel. 49. 26 : T. After the desyre of the hiest in the worlde. C. After the desyre of the hyest in the worlde. AV. Vnto the vtmost bound of the euerlasting hils. ALPHABETICAL INDEX containing every word used by Tyndale in the book of Genesis: the word used by Coverdale in the same passage: the word used in the Authorized Version in the corresponding passage; the various spellings, and the various verb forms. i-iihle C A a 21.9 omit omit .35. 18 )< in abashed, were 45.3 were so abashed were troubled — , were 8. 11 abated 8.3 decreased were abated Abdeel 25.13 Abell 4.2 Abel Abel mizrain 50. 1 1 lamentacion of the Eg-ipcians abhominacyon 46. 34 t abhoore abomination abhomynacyon 43. 32 abhominacion >> Abida 25.4. abill 13. G able able See able Abimael 10.28 Abimelech 20. 2 (23 times) 20. 15 omitted able, be 15.5 canst — , am 31.29 coude have it is in the power of my hand 2 able-Abraham C A able, be 33. 14 can See abill abode 8.10 stayed aboue 27. 39 (2 times) 6.16 omit — , another, one 6. 16 lower, second, and third :| 22.9 omit . 48.22 without 24.8 omit 11 27. 34 exceadynge 11 41.40 more then greater then about 38.30 aboute vpon aboute 35, 5 (2 times) — , which we have 8.11 (3 times) omit 13.10 rounde aboute of 24.11 euen — , put 24.65 couered 37.34 vpon 38.28 »? 39.11 vpon 41.42 about 41.48 >> 45.1 by 46.34 with about 5.29 vpon because of — , in 13. 17 (2 times) thorow through — to, am 18.17 will omit 22. 13 (3 times) omit J) Abraham, 17. 5 (92 times) 18. 7 (3 times) he 21.4 (4 times) omit 18. 12 (2 times) him 23.18 Abrahams -, of 24.9 !) Abraham-acordyng C A Abraham, of 25. 7 Abrahams 26.1 Abrahams Abrahams, 20. 18 (9 times) 17. 23 his 21. 11 t Al)raham 26. 15 of Abraham Abram, 11. 26 (47 times) 12. 6 (2 times) he 14. 20 hee 15. 6 he 16. 3 12.20 they him him Abrams 11. 29 (7 times) Abrech 41. 43 bow their knees bow the knee abrode 11.9 11. 4 abroad 28. 14 forth )) in 41. 45 out, for to vyset out ouer abyde 24. 55 29. 14 tary abide abode accordinge, as 7. ] — , as 27. 14 16 as such as accordynge as 33. See acord 14 as according as acordinge acordyng acordynge Achad 10. 10 Acad Accad Achbor .36.38 (2 times) acordinge as 27. 19 — , as 30. 34 as so as according as „ to 41.40 acordyng vnto 43. 33 acordinge after A2 ttj „ vnto to 4 acordynge-after C A acordynge to 6. 22 acordinge to according to (3 timesj — , to 7. 5 omit „ vnto — to 18. 25 acordinge to omit — as 21. 1 ■) as as vnto 21. 23 the came according to — as 34. 12 acordinge as I) as — to these 39. 17 euen the . 5ame i; to as 41. 54 wherof 11 as — to 43. 7 as according to — vnto 43. 33 acordinge to ,, to — as 44. 10 as ,, vnto — as 50. 6 acordinge as ,, as — as 50. 12 as >> as See accordinge accordynge actiuyte 47. 6 actiuitie Ada 4. 19 (8 times) Adah Adam 3. 8 (8 times) 2. 15 (2 times) man the man 2. 19 (4 times) ,, 2.22 „ man 2.22 him the man 2.25 the man the man 3. 12 (3 times) !I )) 5.4 omit 5. 5. his 11.5 men men Adamal0.19(3times) Adama Adamah a farr of 22. 4 afarre off (2 times) afrayd 3. 10 afrayed afraid afrayde 18. 15 (5times) afrayed afraid 28. 17 afraied afraid afrayed 31. 31 ,, after 1. 26 (38 times) 1. 27 (3 times) in after C after that 2. 19 whan 5. 3 Hke 5. 4 after (16 times) therafter 6. 30 after this 6. 4 (2 times) omit — the end of 8. 3 after A omit „ „ n 8. 6 • at the end of thysl2.10(2times) omit omit that 13. 14 whan after that 15. 1 it happened after 20. 13 whan it came to i)asse when 22. 1 it came to passe after , went 24. 61 followed 25. 11 it came to pa.sse after 26.8 whan when that 80. 21 afterward es 31.36 vpon this maner 32. 4 thus thus 32. 18 behinde l)chind 32. 20 behynde n • my name 32. 29 what my name that 33. 18 when 35. 9 after that - the deth of 36. 35 whan ... dy ed omit - „ „ ., 35.39 ,, ,, ,, -, it came to passe after it came to passe al)out . . . after that 38. 24 - this maner 39. 10 soch wordes omit - „ „ 39. 10 thus after this maner 41.6 afterwarde after them 41.31 therafter omit - that 45. 15 afterwarde - the same maner t him after this maner after 45. 23 48. 1 48. 7 48. 16 49. 18 49.26 afterward 10. 18 25.26 26. 2.8 29. 15 32.20 38.30 afterwarde 15. 14 ciga5aie 4. 25 (31 times) 8. 7 (26 times) 18. 29 20. 7 (2 times) 22.5 29.35 33. 16 42. 37 46. 4 8. 11 (5 times) See agene ageyne agaynst 39. 9 (2 times) 34.30 43.25 14. 17 19. 1 29. 13 — , prevayle 32. 25 33.4 37. 18 39.9 after-agaynst C whan for from whence anone therafter afterwarde after that after warde afterw^arde further ageyne againe the fourth tyme againe againe omit against ageynst to mete for to mete to mete ouercome to mete omit it came to passe after as for me, when omit for vnto after that omit afterward againe (31 times) omit againe omit againe againe omit againe >) omit against out to meete to meet to meete preuailed against to meete against a^aynst-all C A agayiiijt 41. 36 in against 42. 21 against concerning 46. 29 vp to mete vp to meet See iigenst ageynst iige 15. 15 (8 times) 43. 33 first byrth birthright 44. 20 old age iigene 43. 21 agayne againe See agayne ageyne ' iigonst 15.10 (4 times) agaynst against 13. 13 II before 24. 65 ,, to meet 18. 2 to mete to meete agenste 14. 9 with with See agaynst ageynst iigeync 20. 7 oynit See agayne agene ageynst 32. 6 agaynst to meet See agaynst agenst iigree to come with, wyl folowe will bee willing to wyll 24. 5 follow (2 times) Ahalibama 36. 2 Aholibamah (6 times) Ah syr 3. 1 yee yea Ahusath 26. 26 Ahuzzath Aia 36. 24 Aiah Akan 36. 27 Ackan al 5. 14 whole 7. 21 all euery creeping thing all 1. 26 (181 times) all all maner 1. 25 of every (3 times) — maner of 1. 21 ,, (9 times) 1. 26 (20 times) ,; 1.29 all maner i Frutefull euery 1. 29 (20 times) whole 1. 30 (3 „ ) euery euery 1.31 euery- thing; 2. 4 (10 times) omit omit 2.5 „ euery 2. 6 (6 times) the whole 2. 13 (2 „ ) the whole )! ;; 2. 16 all maner euery — maner 2. 20 all 2.20 euery 3. 1 any 4.21 they 6. 2 (7 times) omti 7.3 whole 7. 8 euery thing 7. 11 al — maner of 7. 14 omit euer}' 7. 14 what so euer — the partes of 7. 19 the whole the whole — that 7. 22 (3 times) what so euer all in whose nosethrils 7.23 euery lining substance 8. 19 (3 times) euery — that 8. 19 whatsoeuer 8.19 euery one omit 8.21 euery thing — thynge 9. 3 euery thing 9.15 all maner of — of 14. 23 any thing — places where 20. 13 where so euer euery place wither all-almyghtie 9 C A all men, vnto 20. 16 euery where 21.6 who so euer — things, but aboue onely onely 24.8 — , with 27. 41 withall wherewith — places whether, in where so euer in all places wither 28. 15 28. 15 that which 30. 31 (3 times) omit 30. 35 euery one 32. 21 same omit — , lust of 33. 7 afterwarde after 34. 15 as many as are euery — that 34. 24 as many as — maner 40. 17 all maner of all maner of — that, is 44. 20 alone alone — my life longe 44. 32 for euer 45. 1 euery man euery man allmightie 28. 3 (3 times) See almightie almyghtie all to gether 46. 22 all 46.25 omtt „ all togither 46. 26 altogether )i allwaye 6. 3 30.41 neuertheles and it came to passe whenso- euer almightie 49, 25 See allmightie almyghtie Almodad 10. 26 almondes 43. 11 almyghtie 17. 1 See allmightie almightie 10 alone-among C A alone 2. 18 (3 times) alowde 45. 2 also 1. 16 (41 times) 2. 8 (18 times) also omit 30. 6 (5 times) omit also 2. 9 (23 times) )) omit 21. 7 morouer ., 21.26 nether neither 24.25 3^nough omit 24.49 yet „ 38. 22 morouer also 45. 19 t them thou 50.9 omit both altar 13. 18 altare Alua 36. 40 Alvan 36. 23 a lyve, to kepe 6. 16 maye lyue to keepe aliue (2 times) 43. 7 (5 times) a lyue aliue 45.28 aliue „ 50. 20 omit J) am 4. 9 (40 times) — , I 17.4 it is I as for me — aboute to 18. 17 wil omit 20.13 he is — at the poynte to must 25.32 — deed 30. 1 I die . — I, happy 30. 13 well is me — contente 30. 34 let would 34. 30 being — content 46. 30 t let let Amalech 36. 12 Amaleck Amalek (2 times) Amalechites 14. 7 Amalekites Ammon 19. 38 among 11. 6 amonge omit amonge-anotJicr 11 C amonge 3. 8 (5 times) 23. 4 (2 times I 23. 6 (5 times) 24. 37 (2 times) 6. 2 17. 12 17.23 36. 31 40. 20 43. 33 Amorites 15. 16 48.22 ail ende 31. 45 — hye 49. 9 Ana 36. 2 (8 times) .36. 2 Aner 14. 13 (2 times) aiigell 16. 7 (7 timesj 16. 9 (4 times) angells 19.1 (4 times) angrie 40. 2 (2 times) ;mgry 4. 6 angry e 18. 30 (2 times) — , be 31. 35 anguysh 42. 21 another, 4.25 (Stimes) 6. 16 11. 3 11. 7 15. 10 25. 1 30. 12 31. 49 42. 28 43. 6 43. 7 omit thorow in omit before amonge for a piler or mark- stone vp hye omit angel angels angrie >> be angrie omit the other the other omit yet a amongst with amongst of among ouer among at Amorite for a pillar vp Anah omit angel angels wroth angr}- let it displease anguish omit t one anothers againe a second yet a 12 answerd-apon C A answerd 30. 31 sayd , said See answered answere 41. 16 — , coude 45. 3 coulde answere could answere — , shall 30. 33 shal testifie answered 18. 27 (15 times) 3. 12 (11 times) sayde said 21. 26 (3 times) saide 21. 30 (21 times) said 3. 10 said saide 14. 22 sayde vnto said to 42.37 spake vnto See answerd anoynteddest 31. 13 dyddest anoynte annoyntedst any 47.6 (3 times) omit 31. 52 eny omit 36. 31 ,, anything, nether nothinge neither any thing 22. 12 apeared 12.17 (Stimes) appeared appeared 35. 1 appared 1! See apered appeared appered apere. made 30. 37 pylled made appeare See appere apered 26. 24 appeared appeared See apeared appeared appered apon 6. 17 (23 times) vpon vpon 6. 1 (4 times) jj on 6. 5 (2 times) 5> in 8. 13 „ from off — , thought 19. 29 thought vpon remembered — , aboue 22. 9 vpon apon-appoynt 13 apon 24. IH 27. i<; 28. 13 28. 13 31. 35 — , loked 40. 6 43. 30 — , maye sett eyes 44. 21 44. 29 47. 20 48. 7 48. 16 49.83 50. 1 See upon uppon apoynte 34. 11 See appoynt apoyntment See appoyntment apparell 2. 2 appeared 35. 9 (2 times) See apeared apered appered appere, may 1. 9 — , shall 9. 14 See apere appered 8. 5 35.7 See apeared apered appeared appoynt 30. 28 See apoynte m aboute vpon t after sawe towarde myne wil se omit vpon by vpon omit appoynte couenaunt hoost apeared maye appeare shal „ appeared vpon I) about' wheron vpon looked vpon vpon omit ouer by in the midst into shall sa}' couenant hoste let appeare shall be seene were seene appeared appoint 14 appoynted-are C A appoynted 18. 14 this appointed — , had 21. 2 t had spoken vnto him afore had spoken to him — , had 22. 3 had sayde vnto had told 29.21 omit omit 47.21 t became remoued — , was 47. 22 was appoynted gaue appoyntment 9. 13 my couenaunt a couenant apurns 3. 7 aprons ar 20. 16 (6 times) are are 32. 18 t which sendeth is See are Aram 10. 22 (2 times) Aran 36. 28 Ararat 8. 4 aray to fyghte, sette in 14. 8 prepared to fight ioyned battell — , sette in 14. 15 t deuyded them diuided himselfe against them a rayed 41. 42 clothed archer 21. 20 arcke 6. 14 (5 times) arke 6. 15 (3 times) omit » 8. 16 (2 times) arke 1) See arke Ard 46. 16 are 2. 4 (49 times) 1. 9 (2 „ ) omit omit 6. 9 (6 „ ) is 36. 26 (3 times; were 1.29 omit is 2. 19 was 6. 3 is but also is 7. 19 omit were 8. 17 is 9.5 is omit 10. 29 were iirc-nrt \ C A are 10. 32 is now 19. 31 is is 27.41 wyll come 30. 32 he omit 31. 12 OtHt't 33.5 omit 34. 22 omit ,, 34.23 shal be shall bee 36. 19 omit 41.25 is — ye negligent 41. 27 gape ye doe ye looke 46. 27 were were — abhominacyon abhore is abomination 46.34 49. 12 shall be See ar Arcli 46. 16 Arioch 14. 9 arke 7. 7 (5 times) 7. 9 (9 times) arcke arke 8. 19 (2 times) ,, arcke See arcke Arki 10. 17 Arkite arme 24. 18 hande hand armes 49. 24 Arodi 46. 16 arose 19. 15 (2 times) 2.6 went vp 19. 28 rose 11 !! arose 19. 35 arose like wyse 24. 61 gat hir vp Arphachsad 10. 24 10. 22 Arphachad Arphaxad 11. 11 omit II art 3. 9 (22 times) 13. 14 dwellest 15. 15 omit omit 15 16 art-as art 16. 13 — a straunger 21. 23 40. 14 arte 17. 8 (2 times) Aruadi 10. 18 aryse 21. 18 (2 times) 28. 2 (3 times) 13.17 35.3 — , shall 41. 30 43. 13 as 3. 5 (34 times) 3. 8 (7 times) 2. 19 14. 17 18.1 19. 15 (3 times) 19.16 21.4 (3 times) 24. 22 (4 times) 26.19 31. 15 (3 times) 32.25 — we be 34. 15 35. 22 37. 25 37.28 38.28 41. 38 (3 times) 43. 6 44. 2 (2 times) — one of 49. 16 — , according 34. 12 7. 16 27. 14 27. 19 get the vp arise let vs get vp shal come get you vp omtt whan whyle like as whan omit t in like vnto us that when in the meane season omtt as well as as omit hast soioumed shall be Aruadite arise shall arise arise omit whatsoeuer after and when while and omit when omit then when according to as such as (is-as soone C A as 30. 34 as according to 33. 14 there after as 41. 54 wherof 50. 12 as — concernynge 5. 29 in concerning 17. 20 as for 19. 21 in concerning 41. 82 where as and for that — , , euen 9. 3 (2 times) 7. 9 (2 times) as as 40. 13 omit omit — , euen 40. 22 (2 times) like as as 49. 26 omit aboue — , euen .so 18. 5 — , it were 3. 22 so as 21. 16 omit omit 25. 25 as like — long as 8. 22 so longe as while — many as 17. 23 euery — moch as 44. 1 moch as, for 3. 17 for so moch as because — , in 19. 19 omit 23. 19 a reasonable — , for 41. 39 for so moch as forasmuch as — moch more 43. 12 other double — , so moch 14. 23 euen to 43. 34 more then pt-rtaynyng to vi)on from assone as 50. 14 whan after as soone as 4. 8 whan when 9. 24 ») omit 18. 10 t aboute according to IK. 33 whan B 17 18 as soone as-Assurim C A as soone as 24. 30 by the reason that when 27.30 whan as soone as 39. 5 from the tyme forth that from the time that 39. 18 whan as 41. 15 n omit as soone as 44. 3 whan 44. 31 yf when as such 27. 4 (3 times) 27. 46 as as though 33. 10 19. 14 omit as 27. 12 (2 times) I! 40. 10 omit Asa 10. 19 Gasa Gaza Asbel 46. 21 Asber Ascenas 10. 3 Ashkenaz asene, shal be 41. 31 shal be perceaued shal be knowen Aser 35. 26 Asher See Asser ashamed 2. 55 ashes 18. 27 aszhes aske, dost 32. 29 askest doest aske asked 24. 47 TS times) axed 43. 7 enquered asketh 32. 17 axeth Asnath 41. 45 (2 times) Asenath a sender 1. 7 a sunder omit asse 22. 3 (5 times) Asser 20. 13 (3 times) Asher See Aser asses 12. 16 (13 times) 32. 15 ashes Assirians 25. 18 Assyria See Assyryans Assur 10. 11 (2 times) Asshur Assurim 25. 3 Asshurim .Issyryaus-at C A Assyryans 2. N Assirians Assyria Sec Assirians Astarath Karnaim .Vstaruth Karnaim Ashteroth 14. 5 Karnaim astoyned, was 27. 33 was amased trembled astoynyed, were were afrayed were afraid 42. 28 at 13. 3 (15 times) 11. 28 (3 „ ) in 19. 1 (4 „ ) in — all 22. 12 (S times) omit omit — all 20. 14 (2 „ ) 3. 24 before — that tyme 13. 7 then — the doores, out 15. 5 forth forth abroad 19. 1 vnder in — hand 19. 15 here 21. G t with with — Berseba 22. 19 there — the poynte to 25. 32 must — hand 27. 41 shortly at hand 27.43 in to 29. 2 t (^f out of 29. 2 vpon 30. 16 in the 31. 23 vpon in — your pleasure .34. 10 open vnto \ou before you — , out 34. 24 out of 35. 4 besyde by 37. 18 neere vnto 38. 5 omit 38. 1 1 in 38. 14 without in 3H. 21 )i openly by 19 B2 20 lU-a-ivaye C A at 41. 1 after — the begyn3aige 41. 21 afore at the beginninj — 44. 12 vnto 45. 3 before 45. 21 acordynge to according to — the ensample of these 48. 20 in the in thee 49.2 See att Atad 50.10 (2 times) ate 3. 6 (15 times) did eate 31.54 had eaten 43. 34 omit omit attayned, have 47. 9 attayneth haue attained att once, make red\- make haist make ready 18. 6 and mengle quickly ^, made redy 18. 7 made ready at once hasted to dresst See at audyence, in the that . . . might heare in the audience 23. 10 (3 times) 44. 18 eares eares aulter 8.20 (11 times) altare altar aultere 12. 7 aulter ,, avayleth 37. 26 helpeth profit is avenged 4. 24 Avith 36. 35 awaked, was 9. 24 awaked awoke (2 times) — , was 28. 16 ,, awaked aware, was 28. 16 knew knew (2 times) away 31. 18 (2 times) awaye away 5. 24 awaye omit — , went 8. 5 wente awaye decreased — , send ... 26. 29 let . . . departe haue sent away awaye 14. 15 (3 times) omit awaye-bdike 21 awaye 15. 11 (13 times) 20. 3 (3 times) — , send ... 24. 56 (2 times) — , put 21. 10 — , sent 26. 31 27. 45 (2 times) — , hath taken 31. 9 31. 20 (2 times) 31.31 — , is 42. 33 — , get 42. 33 44.4 48.12 ;iwne 15. 4 (3 times) 9. 6 (2 times) 47.24 awoke 41. 4 (2 times) axe 34. 12 46.33 axed 37. 15 (2 times) 25. 22 27.24 47. 8 Ay 12. 8 (2 times) ayleth 21. 17 ay re 1. 28 1. 26 (6 times) 7.23 C otnit let ... go ca.st out let . . . go omit hath withdrawen from awaie away go youre waye omit owne jj omit awaked as ye wyll axe saye for to axe sayde vnto Ay heauen heauen away omit .send . . . away cast out sent away away liath taken away away by force is not be gone »)ff out omit owne awoke aske shall say asked to encjuire said said vnt(» Hai aileth aire heauen Baal hanan 36. 38 — Hanan 36. 39 Babell 10. 10 Bal^el 11. 9 backe 16. 13 back Babel t after 22 backe-Bathuell C A backe, his 18. 10 him 38. 29 in l^ackward 9. 23 backwarde (2 times) 9.23 asyde backward bad 24. 50 euell 43.17 bade 43.31 sayde saide badd 2. 17 euell euill 12.2 commaunded had spoken vnto See bade baddest 27. 19 saydest vnto badest bade 3. 11 commaunded commanded 29. 22_ bad gathered together See bad badd bagge 44. 1 sacke sacke bake, dyd 19. 3 baked bakemeats 40. 17 baken meates bake-meats baker 40. 1 (6 times) bare 4. 1 (48 times) bare 24. 36 hatli borne 25. 26 were borne 38.5 t had borne See beare bere Bared 16.14 Bered baren 11.30 (3 times) baren barren — , haue bene 31.38 haue bene vnfrute- haue cast their full yong basket 40. 17 (2 times) baszket basket baskettes 40. 16 baskettes baskets 40. 18 baszkettes n Basmath 26. 34 Basmath Bashemath (6 times) Bathuel 24. 47 Bethuel Bethuel Bathuell 24. 50 )i ,j bawlmc-be 23 C bawlini' M. 25 48. I 1 l)e 17. 1 I 10 times; . to 10. 8 (4 times) , let 1. 3 iG times) , .>^hal 2. 24 (82 times) , .shalt 4. 12 4 times) 8. 17 (3 times) «J. 2 i). 11 9. 15 (4 times) y. 1 5 9.25 (11 times) 9.26 (2 „ ) 13.8 — . sohulde 2. 18 (4 times) , may.^t 12. 2 , wil, 17. 8 (7 times) — . let 1. 14 — , may 1. 15 — , to 1. 29 8. 14 ('2 times) 3. 17 6.19 — . shal 15. 1 15. 3 (2 times) — able to, yf 15. 5 — , will 16. 12 — , will 16. 12 , shal 17. 5 — , wyll 17. 7 --, to 17. 7 — , thoujj^h they 17. 12 balme baulme balme shall come omit shall come are shalt 1)6 ma3'e be omit omit shal be canst shal be omit that it maye be that is omit shall be omit shall become bee shall )e bee shalt be let bee omit shall be art is shall be omit is will be shall bee to bee for or boujjfht with money of an} 24 he C be, may 17. 13 shall be shall be — , shall 17. 19 omit for — , ceased to 18. 11 wente no more — , shaU 18. 18 shal be shall be come (2 times) — , wilt 19. 9 will needs bee — sure, shall 20. 7 know — greavous,let21.12 let displease let be grieuous — , maye 21 . 30 — without, shalt 24. 8 art discharged of shalt bee cleare from — , let 24.51 (2 times) maye be — myghtier, shal 25.23 shall ouer come shal be stronger — seruaunte, shalt shalt seme shalt serue 27.40 — , mayst 28. 3 — his wife, to 28. 9 to wife — keper, wyl 28. 15 . wyll kepe will keepe -, shall 29.15 art art — , to 29. 24 for — , shal 30. 28 that I shal geue omit — , let 30. 33 shal be shalbe 30.34 let be might bee — , angry e 31. 35 let displease — iudge 31. 53 iudge — , able to 33. 14 can — , as we 34. 15 like vnto us 34.16 will Ijecome 36. 12 (2 times) are are — , king, shalt 37. 8 shalt reigue — , may 41. 35 omit let keepe — , may 41. 36 maye be founde shall be — , shall 42. 16 shall 1)6 kept 42.16 go aboute with 42.32 (2 times) are — , must nedes 43. 11 must bee he-beastcs % C A be, let 44. 9 (2 times) wyll be will bi- — , shal 44. 10 let be let be — wroth 44. 18 let anger burne 44.33 to be omit — , that there shuld stode stood 45. 1 — , shal 45.20 is 45.28 is II 46. 15 arc bee — without 47. 16 are without faile — the chefest, shalt shalt excell 49.4 — , to 50. 13 for for heare, to 49. 15 beare him company, meet for him to 2. 18 (2 times) — , shall 3. 18 shall beare shall bring iorth — , maye 30. 3 bare beare See bare bere bearinge 30. 9 bearynge bearing bearynge 29. 35 ,, i; See bcrynge beast 37. 20 (2 times) 6. 7 beest beast See beste beastes 7. 2 (2 times) 1. 24 (13 times) beast 1. 28 (2 times) lining thing 2. 19 soules creature 6.20 beastes cattel 7.8 omit bea.sts 7.23 beast cattel 1 18.7 beastes heard 31.39 ,, beasts 44.28 omit omit 45. 10 (2 times) greate catell heard.s 26 heasts-befor A beasts 9. 2 See beestes became 2 1 . 20 (5 times) 4. 2 (2 times) became was 20. 12 is become became — ryche 30. 43 became ryche increased exceed- ingly because 2. 23 (17 times) 26. 7 (10 times) for because 16. 5 (3 times) because omit because 11. 19 omit •)i 16.6 whan when 22. 16 that for so moch as for because 31.30 and 31.31 omit 34. 7 that 38. 9 >i least 38. 14 for for 39. 23 that — of 12. 17 (7 times) — that 26. 5 because — tliat 32. 32 >i because (2 times) — that 39. 23 and that and Becher 46. 21 become, is 3. 22 (2 times) — , is 38. 24 is gotten is Bedad 36. 35 bedd 48. 2 (3 times) beddes 47. 31 beds bedellion 2. 12 bdelHum beestes 45. 17 beastes beast See beastes beasts befor 43. 26 before to hcfore-be^nt 27 befori.' 2. 5 (27 times) 2. 4 18. 9 (3 times) 23. 12 (4 times) 27. 23 (2 times) 23. 17 (2 times) 49. 30 (2 times) 13. 4 13. 10 23. 7 24. 40 24. 45 24. 63 25. 18 — tyme 28. 19 30. 39 30. 41 31. 35 37. 10 37. 18 43. 33 47. 15 — him 48. 12 48. 20 began 4. 26 (4 times) — to trauell 35. 16 — to hunger 41. 55 beganne to hreake vp 19. 9 begat 5. 25 \?> times) 4. 26 (42 times) 4. 18 4. 26 omit open Ijcfore omit afore ouer ])efore over against for before omit with or euer aboute towarde afore ouer vnto afore ouer agaynst vpon thoir face al)oue beganne traueyled beganne to suffre lionger wlian they ranne to, and wolde haueliroken vp beirat omit at the first to at at the Hrst among to euen before with his face to the earth began traueiled was famished came neere to breake begate was borne to him also there was liorne 28 hegat-beh'tnde C A begat 5. 4 had begotten 5. 10 omit begote 10. 1 vnto them were sonnes borne 10.21 euen to him were children l:)orne 10.25 were borne, vnto 37. 3 had begotten was the sonne of his old age 44.20 begotten a childe of his old age begete, shall 17. 20 shal iDeget begon 11. 6 haue begonne begin begonne, haue 18. 3 haue taken vpon haue taken vpon me mee begot 10. 8 begat begat — , had 5.7 (14 times) )) begate 6. 1 had begot were borne vnto them begoten, had 12. 5 begat had gotten begotten, had 6. 4 had begotten bare children to begyled, went about begyled as a deceiuer to 27. 12 — , hast 29. 25 hast beguiled begynnynge 1. 1 besfinnino- (2 times) 2.8 omit omit 10. 10 origenall beginning 41. 21 afore ,, beheld 13. 10 behelde l)ehelde behelde 31. 2 1.31 behold 31.41 hath loked vpon hath seene 43.29 sawe sawe 48.8 loked vpon behind 18. 10 behynde behinde, taried 32. 24 taried alone was left alone behinde-bene 29 C A behinde 50. 8 umit omit See behynde l)ehold 19. 8 22. 20 (4 times) bcholde «). 17 lo Ijeholdc 24. 48 (5 times) 4. 14 (2S times) behold 8. 11 (2 „ ) loe 16.2 (2 „ 1 behold now 22. 13 (3 „ j saw behold 27. 37 (2 „ 1 omit !I 8. 13 saw that J> 18. 27 O se )) 24. 51 there is II 31. 50 but, lo see 37.7 me thought 37. 19 lo behold 38. 27 omit 41.41 see See boholde l)ehyndL' 19. 17 behind 19. 26 backe from behind 45.6 omit See behind behinde Bela 14. 2 (4 times) 46. 21 Belah l)eleved 15. 6 (2 times) beleeued l)eleved, may be w\ll I beleue t shall be verified 42. 20 belongeth 40. 8 doe belong l)ely 3. 14 belly Ben Ammi 19. 38 the Sonne .'Vnimi Ben Ammi l)ene, had 26. 8 19. 28 (2 times) omit -, hath 31. 5 30 hene-Berv C bene, haue 31. 38 31. 42 had bin — , haue 30. 29 t hast was — baren, haue 31. 38 cast their yong — , haue 32. 4 stayed 38. 15 to be — , haue 47. 9 is benethe 35. 8 beneth beneath Ben Jamm .35. 18 Beniamin (13 times) 42. 4 Ben Jamyn >) Ben Jamins 43. 24 Beniamins 44. 12 of Ben Jamin of Beniamin 45. 14 Ben Jamyns Beniamins Ben Oni 35. 18 Beor 36. 32 Bera 14. 2 bere, shall 17. 17 shall beare shall beare (4 times) bere 1. 11 may beare yeelding — company, to 3. 12 to beare company to be with — , cannot 16. 2 cannot l^eare t from bearing — , Shalt 16. 11 shalt bringe forth shalt beare — , dyd 22. 23 bare did beare — no perell, shalt shalt be discharged shalt be cleare 24.41 — , let 43. 9 I wil beare — , will 44. 32 shall beare bere ruele, doughters t doughters goe t branches runne come forth to vpon the wall ouer the wall 49. 22 See bare beare Berseba 21. 14 Beer-sheba (9 times) 26.33 Bersaba )! >> Bery 26. 34 Beri Beeri berynge-betymes 31 berynge 1. 12 See bearin}i^e bearyngt- best 43. 11 (3 times) — liked 6. 2 20. 15 — saue one 41. 43 bcste 9. 10 iK 10 See beast beste 45. 18 be-soujiht 42. 21 besyde 16. 7 46. 26 BETHEL 12. 8 (4 times) Bethel 35. 16 Bethell28.19(7times) Bethlehem 35. 19 48. 7 Bethuel22.22(5time.s) Bethuell 24. 15 (2 timesj betokeneth 41. 32 better 29. 19 better, fare the 12.13 betwene 3. 15 (18 times) 9. 15 (4 times) 1. 6 - , from 49. 10 betwixte 17. 11 betwy.xte 23. 15 (3 times) 31. 37 (3 times) 31. 50 (2 times) betvmes 29. 8 bearinge omit seconde beastes beast of the goodes Bethel Bethel Bethleem Bethuel sigiiifieth betwixte from lietwene betwixte betwene by tymes yeelding chose omit second beast good by besides Beth-el Bethel Bethuel is because l)e wel betweene in the mid.st ol from l)etweene })etwixt earely 32 be warre-blesse C A be warre of that 24. 6 beware of that beware thou bewepte 50. 3 bewayled mourned for bewtifull 29. 17 beutyfull beautifull l)ewtyftill 2. 9 pleasant pleasant 26. 7 beautifull faire beynge an husband beganne to take began to bee an man, went furth hede vnto the husbandman 9. 20 tyllinge of the grounde 12. 8 t had t hauing 14. 18 was 35.29 was being beyonde 35. 21 beyond (3 times) Bezara 36. 33 Bosra Bozra Bilha 29. 29 (9 times) Bilhah Bilhan 36. 27 birdes 7. 21 foules fowle See byrdes Birsa 14. 2 Birsha bisse 41. 42 whyte sylke fine linnen bitterly 27. 34 loude t with a bitter blacke30.32(3times) browne 80. 35 black ,, blame 43. 9 (2 times) blasted 41. 6 (3 „ ) blesse 27. 34 (6 „ ) — , maye 27. 19 (4 times) — , will 12. 2 (5 times) — „ 17.20 haue blessed haue blessed — „ 22.17 wyll prospere — „ 26.3 blesse — let me 48. 9 that I maye blesse I will blesse — shall 48. 20 — „ 49. 25 See blysse art blessed blessed-blysse 33 blessed 1.2L' (26 times) — , shall be 12. 3 (7 times) — , had 24. 1 (2 times) — , hath 27. 28 (4 times) — , haue 27. 33 9. 2 (4 times) — , hath 24. 35 47. 7 blessing 27. 30 blessinge 12. 2 (3 times) See blessynge blessinges 49. 25 (2 times) 49. 25 (2 times) 49.26 49.26 blessynge 27. 36 (5 times) 27. 35 33. 11 39. 5 Sec blessing blessinge bloud 4.11 (4 times) 9. 4 bloude 9. 5 (5 times) blossoms 40. 10 blow, to 8. 1 blyndnesse 19. 11 blysse, maye 27. 10 See blesse praysed hath prospered thanked blessynge blessynge blessynges omit these blessinge present in good worth nothynge but the verj' blessynge bloude to come maye blesse blessing blessings i> they blessing blood to passe ouer blindnes may blesse 34 bode-borne C A bode 49. 24 abode bodies 47. 18 body bodies bodye 15. 4 bowels boholde 26. 9 lo behold See behold • beholde boke 5. 1 booke boldly 34. 25 bond 21. 17 (3 times) couenant 9. 9 (3 times) counaunt !> — , be 47. 9 be seruants — vnto, was 47. 26 was bonde vnto became See bonde bondage, in 43. 18 for bonde seraunts for bondmen bonde 17. 2 (5 times) couenaunt couenaut 17. 19 omit ,, bondmayde 21. 10 bond mayden bond woman bondman 44. 33 bondeman bondmayde 21. 12 hand mayde )> )) bondmen 44. 9 — of, shall make shall make bonde t shal serue 15.13 men of bondwoman, of 21. 10 bonde maydens of bond woman (2 times) bone 2. 23 (2 times) boones 2. 23 (2 times) bones bones boothes 33. 17 tents borders 23. 17 omit 49. 14 burdens bordreth vpon 14. 6 by borne 14. 14 (2 times) — , was 21. 3 (2 times) — , shall be 17. 17 • — , were 17. 27 (8 times) — , had 21. 9 (2 times) — , hath 22. 20 borne-bounde 3i C A borne, haue 29. 34 (3 times) — , where he was 11. 28 of his natiuity 15.3 of my housholde 17. 13 omit 17.23 that were borne — , shulde haue 21. 7 beare haue borne — , where I was 24. 7 of my kyndred of my kindred — , where thou wast of thy kynred of thy kindred 31. 13 41. 12 omit bosome, into thy 16. 5 by the botell 21. 15 bottle See bottell both 2. 25 (18 times) 3. 5 (6 times) omit 19. 4 (4 times) omit 6. 18 (17 times) 11 omit 24. 54 also )j 34. 12 omit neuer so much bothe 7. 21 bottell 21. 14 (2 times) botell bottle See botell bought 17. 27 (3 times) — , was 17. 23 were bought were bought 17. 13 omit — , haue 30. 16 haue hired 47.20 toke boughte 17. 12 bought bought (3 times) 25.20 >> purchased 47.20 toke bought — , haue 47. 23 haue taken possesion of )> bounde 39. 20 omit C2 bound 36 bounde-bread bounde, be 42. 19 See bownd bownde bowe 9. 13 (6 times) 27. 29 bowed 19. 1 (4 times) — him selfe before 23.7 — him selfe to 23. 12 — , him selfe vnto 24.52 43.28 49.15 bowels 25. 23 bownd, was 40. 3 bownde 22. 9 38. 28 — , were 40.5 See bounde bowshote 21.6 boye 21. 19 boyes 25.27 bracelets 24. 22 bracelettes 24. 30 brande 15. 17 brasse 4. 22 braunche, vyne 49. 1 1 braunches 40. 10 (2 times) bread 28.20 (11 times) 51.54 See bred brede breed C lye bomide fall downe thanked A be bound bow bowed downe body laye presoner bande bounde omit childe boies all connynge poyntes of metall noble braunch bred omit bowed himselfe to bowed downe him- selfe before worshipped . . . bowing bowed downe bowed bound were bound bow shoot lad bracelets burning lampe choice vine branches breake-brode 37 breake vp, be«janne to 19. 9 breaketh 32. 26 breakj'iige 32. 24 bred 45. 23 brede 3. 19 (4 times) 35.16 37.25 48.7 breed 14. 18 (4 times) 31.54 See bread bredth 6. 15 (2 times) Ijrente, let be 38. 24 brestes 49. 25 breth 2. 7 (4 times) brethed 2. 7 brethern 29. 4 (38 times) 42. 7 (2 times) 45.4 brethren 9. 22 (27 times) 37.27 bretren 42. 32 See brolhren bring 1. 24 — to passe 50. 20 bringe 1. 11 24. 6 (6 times) — , to 27. 5 27. 9 — , shalt 27. 9 — , shall 27. 12 - , will 46. 4 See brynge brode, last 30. 42 C wold haue broken vp breaketh on break bred felde brode omit bred omit ma}' be brent brethren them omit they brethren brynge is come to passe brynge fetch brynge )) wil brynge later came neere to breake breaking bread litle way little „ bread breadth let be burnt breasts breath breathed brethren bring fetch shall bring will ., feebler 38 broght-hrought C A broght, haue 43. 21 haue brought haue brought See brought broughte broken vp, were 7. 11 — , hath 17. 11 brother 4. 2 (74 times) — , of 10. 25 brothers brothers 13. 11 (2 times) omit 24.53 brethren brothers 4. 9 (9 times) 24.27 of brethren — seruaunte,shaltbe shalt serue thy shalt serue thy thy 27. 40 brother brother 27.44 of thy brother 27.45 his brethren brethren 16. 12 brethren >» (3 times) 47.6 them j> See brethern brethren bretren brought 1. 12 (27 times) — had 19. 17 — , was 39. 1 (2 times) — , hath 39. 14 — , have 43. 21 (3 times) — him bad him brought him out at the doores go forth forth abroad 15.5 24.32 gaue gaue — be 29. 8 bee gathered 33. 11 is brought 27. 2 tolde — , caused to be brought 37.32 brought-brynge 39 C A brought 39. 1 had brought — , hast 39. 17 broughtest hast brought 43. 2 had brought had brought — together 47, 14 gathered vp — , were 48. 1 was tolde told broughte 14. 16 brought brought (8 times) — , had 24. 48 had brought had led ... in 24.59 let go sent away 1 — , shuldest haue haddest broughte [ 26. 10 — I niyghte haue might haue might haue sent 31.27 brought 43. 34 there were brought tooke and sent See broght Brya 46. 17 (2 times) Bria Beriah brycke 11.3 (2 times) bryck bricke brymstone 19. 24 brimstone brynge9.14(12times) bring — , will 28. 15 (3 times) — , shall 44. 29 (2 times) — , to 18. 16 to bring — , may 18. 19 maye bringe may bring 27. 25 (2 times) bringe bring 8. 17 let go shalt bring — , shuldest 20. 9 hast brought — , shall 24. 5 shal cary must needes bring — , to 29. 3 were gathered — , helpe to 40. 14 that he ma}e bringe bring 42. 19 cary carry — , shuld 42. 38 shulde bringe shall bring — , 43. 11 carie — , to 43. 18 to take take 40 hrynge-hurye brynge 45. 13 47. 16 See bring bringe brynke 41. 3 bucked 31. 10 buckinge 30. 41 buckynge tyme, in the latter 30. 42 — tyme, in the 31.10 budded 40. 10 bulles 32. 15 bundell 42. 35 bundells 42. 35 burie 47. 29 (2 times) — , to 50. 7 See bury buried 23. 19 (5 times) — , was 25. 10 48. 7 See buryed bume 11. 3 bury 23. 6 (2 times) — , to 23. 4 (3 times) — , may 23. 4 — , will 23. 13 — , shuldest 23.6 — , shall 23. 8 — , to 23. 11 See burie burye buryall 47. 30 50. 5 (2 times) burye 49. 29 — , to 49. 30 come downe with water syde leapte vpon buckynge in the latter buck- ynge tyme whan the buck- ynge tyme came bullocks boundell bundels burye to burye buryed omit burye to burye bring giue brynke leaped vpon t did conceive when the cattel were feeble at the time that the cattell con- ceived bundle bundels bury to bury to burye of a burying place mayest bury should bury bury burying place bury burie of a burying place biirye-bnylded 41 C A bury e, se that thou50.5 burye shalt thou bury — in, to be a place for a possession to for a possession of to 50. 13 bury in a burying place -, to 50. 14 to bury buryed, was 35. 5 was buried was buried (2 times) 49. 31 buried 50. 13 (2 times) buried ,, Bus 22. 21 Buz bush 21. 15 one of the shrubs bushels 26. 12 buszshels fold busynes, do 34. 10 occupie trade 39. 11 busynesse busines but 27. 22 (3 times) — and yf 4. 7 (2 times) and if 41. 26 (2 times) omit omit 3. 1 now — and yf 24. 40 and so . . . yf and if 24. 55 neuerthelesse and — even 24. 55 at the leest at the least 26.29 but all 27. 38 omit — euen 28. 17 but but — and yf 34. 17 but if 35. 16 omit but 44. 22 omit butlar 40. 1 (4 times) butler buttelar 40. 20 butlar >i (3 times) buttclarshipe 40. 21 butlershipe butter 18. 8 buylde, let 11. 4 let build — , to 11. 8 to buyldedl0.11(4times) builded 13. 18 (2 times) built See b3'lt 42 huyldinge-hyde buyldinge, was 4. 17 buylded by 6. 21 (39 times) 7. 9 (3 times) 16. 7 (3 times) besyde 19. 6 (2 times) 31. 40 (3 times) 31. 32 (2 „ ) 42. 25 (2 „ ) — and by 4. 7 omit 6.21 8. 14 vpon — reason of the 12. 13 by, faste 16. 12 ouer agaynst 18.3 19.20 24. 30 at — , holdynge 25. 26 held with 26. 10 with — tymes 26. 31 omit —, laye 29. 30 laye with 30. 40 vnto — , lay 38. 18 lay with 38. 18 of — daye, daye 39. 10 daylie — 39. 11 there by — reason of 41. 31 because of 43. 2 bye — this 43. 10 now 45. 10 with 46. 2 — the 47. 13 47. 22 for byd, wolde 43. 7 wolde saye byde, will 19. 2 22. 5 (2 times) tary 26 2 44.33 builded omit vpon in with for omit to on for thy sake in the presence of from neere at tooke holde on with betimes went in vnto came in vnto lay by there within buy now neere vnto of the by omit would say abide dwell abide byde-called 43 C A byde 43. 4 (2 times) bye buy — , bye, to 41. 57 to bye to buy (7 times) — , and 42. 2 buy 47. 19 take ,, by It 33. 17 buylded built See buylded bynd, shall 49. 11 binding byrdes 6. 20 (3 times) foules fowles 40. 17 (2 times) 1) birds 7. 8 fethered foules '> 7. 14 foules euery foule b\rth daye 40. 20 birthday b>Tthrighte 25. 31 byrthright birthright (5 times) bj'te 49. 17 biteth Cades 16. 14 (2 times) Cadesh 14. 7 Kade.sh Cadmonites 15. 19 Kydmonites Kadmonites Cain 4. 1 (15 times) cakes 18. 6 19. 3 vnleavened bread Calah 10.11 cald 25. 1 called and her name was See called calfe 18. 8 18.7 calf call, wold 2. 19 — . to 4. 26 — , Shalt 16. 11 (2 times) — , will 30. 13 — , let vs 24. 57 wee will call — , yf . . . 46. 33 shall call calle, to 26. 7 to saye to say called 1. 5 (60 times) 44 called-came C A called, shall be 2. 23 (2 times) — , was 1 1 . 29 (4 times) — , is 11.9 — , shalt be 17. 5 — , was 4. 22 (3 times) was — , is 14. 24 (2 „ ) is — , is 19. 22 (3 „ ) was called 22.24 (2 „ ) whose name was 2.12 omit omit 4. 19 the name was 12.6 of of 16. 14 was called — , shall be 17. 15 shalt call — , is 22. 31 called 23.2 which is called the same is 23. 19 that is the same is 24.29 and his name was — , was 25. 30 is called 31.4 bad call — , shalt be 32. 28 shall be called 35. 6 which is called that is 35. 10 shall bee called — , shalt be 35. 10 shall bee called — , was 35. 10 was called called 35. 19 is 35. 20 is 35.27 which is 41. 38 caused to call 46.2 omit said — , shalbe 48. 6 shalbe named — , maye be 48. 16 let be named — , is 50. 11 was called See cald came 8. 11 (67 times) 1. 10 (2 times) oimt 7.6 (2 ., ) was came 45 C A came 7. 9 (6 times) 8. 12 (3 „ ) 8. 18 (3 „ ) wente wente out went returned went foorth 13. 12 (3 times) omit omit — to passe 24. 15 (6 times) — to passe 24. 15 (2 times) 26. 23 (7 times) 41. 3 (2 times) — of hym 4. 21 omit sawe come hee was the father 7. 10 were 16.2 omit went 16. 2 10.5 are deuided were diuided 10.9 commeth it is saide 10.32 spred abrode were diuided 11.2 wente iourneyed 12. 10 was was 12. 14 was come 14.3 15. 12 fell were ioyned fell 19.8 are come 24.32 24.45 brought commeth 28. 11 32. 10 wente lighted vpon passed 35.9 was come — to Israel ears 35. 22 Israel heard it 37.25 37.35 commynge rose vp 41.54 43. 18 — home 43. ,26 beganne to come came agayne went into the house beganne to come was returned 44. 14 wente came 44.24 46. 26 • wente vp proceaded 46 camel-carye C camel 24. 64 camell camels 12. 16 (23 times) 24.32 them camest 19. 9 (3 times) Canaan 9. 18 (43 times) See Chanaan Canaanites 15. 21 Cananites Canaanyte 38. 2 man of Canaans Canaanite Canaanytes 10. 18 Cananites Canaanites (4 times) 12. 6 )> Canaanite See Canaanites Cananytes Cananitish 46. 10 Canaanitish Cananytes 13. 7 Cananites Canaanites (3 times) See Canaanites Canaanytes captayne 21. 22 captaine (2 times) See captyne Capththerynes 10. 14 Capthorims Caphtorim captyne 31. 26 captines 34. 29 captine carcases 15. 11 flesh care for, will 50. 21 will nourish carie, to 46. 5 to cary to cary — , can 44. 1 maye carye 45. 27 to fetch to carie 47. 30 shalt carye shalt carye See carye caried 31. 18 (3 times) — , hast 31. 26 caried caried carye 50. 25 cary shal carie See carie case-ceasseth 47 C A case, good 40. 14 thy prosperite it shall be well with the Casluhim 10. 14 cast 37. 20 (4 times) cast slomber on 2. 21 caused an herde caused a deepe slepe to fall sleepe to fall vpon vpon — , out 3. 23 put out sent foorth — , out 3. 24 droue out 21. 15 layed castels 25. 16 courtes easiest 4. 14 hast driuen catche, to 27. 5 to hunte to hunt for catell 1. 24 (27 times) cattell 31. 9 (2 times) goodes 51 3. 14 cattel 13.5 heards 47. 18 heards of cattell 50.8 oxen heards caue 19.30 (11 times) 23. 17 omit caught 39. 12 19.16 laid hold vpon 22. 13 holden fast cause, for this 2. 24 therefore caused, hath 41. 52 caused to spede him hastened 19. 15 20.13 charged 37.32 omit causedest me to take wherfore I toke I might haue taken 12.19 ceased 8. 1 ceassed asswaged — to be 18. 11 wente no more ceased to be ceasse, shall 8. 22 shall cease ceasseth not to deal hath not with- hath not left de- mercyfuUy 24. 27 drawen his mercy stitute 48 certanly-chaunge C A certanly 41. 32 surely omit certayne 37. 15 certaine Cesed 22. 22 Chesed Chalah 10. 12 Calah Calah Chaldea 11. 28 Chaldees (2 times) 15.7 Caldees Chalne 10. 10 Calneh chambre 43. 30 chamber chamber Chanaan 11. 31 Canaan Canaan (3 times) See Canaan changed, hast 31. 41 See chaunged Charan 36. 26 Charan Cheran charett 41. 43 charet (2 times) charettes 45. 9 wagons (4 times) 50.9 charets charge, 28. 6 — , gaue a 12. 20 commanded — , gaue 40. 4 put vnto them charged 43. 18 omit charged 28. 1 26. 11 (2 times) commaunded 50. 16 i> did command Charmi 46. 9 Carmi chased 14. 15 pursued chaumbers 6. 14 chambers roomes chaunced 21. 22 omit came to passe 35.22 chaunsed 11 >) )) 40.1 fortuned )> r? II See chaunsed chaunge 35. 2 change 45. 22 (2 times) changes chaunge-childe 49 chaunge, I haue made a 30. 8 chaungcd 31. 7 (2 times) chaunsed 14. 1 22.20 See chaunced chafe 21. 22 (12 times) 87. 36 (7 times) 49. 3 (2 times) chefest 23.6 — , shalt not be 49.4 chere, be of 43. 23 cherubin 3. 24 chest 50. 26 chestnottrees 30. 37 Chesyb 38. 5 cheyne 41. 42 child, make the oft with 3. 16 — , was with 38. 18 childe 11.30 16. 11 (5 times) C God hath turned it 18.3 (2 „ 21. 17 (2 „ was with 21. 21. 17 with 25, 22 49.22 49.22 fortuned best be content cherubes omit increase thy sorrow whan thou art with childe omit Sonne with great wrast- lings haue I wrastled . . . and I haue pre- uailed changed came to passe chiefe omit excellencie choise shalt not excel peace be to you cherubims coffin chestnut tree Chezib chaine multiply thy con caption conceiued child lad conceiued ladde thus boufifh D 50 childern-chyJdren C childern 18. 19 (42 times) 21. 23 (2 times) 31. 28 (22 „ ) 34. 29 (7 times) 17. 10 — of Heth 23. 10 (4 times) — , mothers 27. 37 34. 15 (2 times) 48. 6 childerne 16. 1 See children chyldren childerns 21. 23 31. 16 45. 10 childlesse 15. 2 children 6. 4 (5 times) 6. 4 (4 times) 6. 4 (2 times) 17. 23 — of Heth 23. 5 (2 times) See childern childerne chyldren chilhode 46. 34 chode 31. 36 chose 13. 11 Chus 10. 6 (3 times) chyde with 49. 23 chyldren 10. 20 See childern childerne children children manchilde Hethites brethren males those children childers children childles Hethites youth strove with children children Sonne sonnes little ones man-child brethren male thy issue children sonnes childrens sonnes omit male youth Cush shot at sonnes circumcised-cloothes 61 C circumcised, was was circumcyded 17. 26 circumcyse, shall shall circumcyde shall circumcise 17. 11 circumcysed, must omit must needs be needes be 17. 13 circumcised 17. 23 circumcyded circumcised — , was 17. 25 was circumcyded was circumcised — , were 17. 27 were „ were „ 21.4 circumcided circumcised — , be 34. 15 be circumcided be circumcised — , to be 34. 17 to be circumcided to be circumcised — , be 34. 22 circumcyse are ., — , were 34. 24 circumcided was ., circumsyse 17. 10 shalbe circum- cyded shall circumcise circumsysed 17. 12 circumcyded shalbe circum- cised cite 19. 14 citie See citie cyte cytie Cithim 10. 4 Kittim citie 24. 13 (3 times) See cite cyte cytie cities 19. 29 (4 times) 41.46 omit storehouses cleane 35. 2 cleanse clene 7. 2 (4 times) cleane cleane cleve 2. 24 cleaue clooke 38. 14 omit vaile cloothes 37. 29 clothes clothes (2 times) 28.20 clothinge raiment See clothes D2 52 closed-come C A closed to, hath 16. 2 hath restrained — , had 20. 18 clothe, sacke 37. 34 sack cloth sackcloth clothes 44, 13 See cloothes cloudes 9. 13 (4 times) cloud clove 22. 3 claue colde 8. 22 cold 31.40 frost frost colt 49. 11 colte coltes 32. 15 foales colts coloured 30. 35 omit coloures, of 30. 32 coloured 5) (2 times) comaunded 2. 16 commaunded commanded (2 times) See commaundec comaundmentes 26. 5 commaundmentes commandements come 19. 32 (16 times) — , is 6. 13 (2 „ ) — , shall 6. 20 (4 „ ) — , are 18. 5 (6 „ ) — , will 32. 11 (3 „ ) — , wy 11 agree to 24. 5 wyl folowe will be willing to (2 times) follow — , be 19. 22 omit omit 39. 7 (2 times) — on 11. 3 goe to — , shalt 6. 18 shalt go — out 8. 16 go out goe forth 10. 19 commest commest 10. 19 omit I) 10.30 come goest — , were 12. 5 came — to passe 12. 12 omit shall come to passe — , tyll thou 13. 10 t it rounde aboute as thou commest — , shall 15. 14 go forth come 53 C A come will 18. 10 will returne — hither 19. 9 stand backe — , to 19. 31 can come — nye, had 20. 4 had touched had come neere — nygh, to 20. 6 to touch to touch 20. 13 shall come 22.5 wyll come 24.11 used to go forth goe — , will 24. 13 come — , was 25. 24 came were fulfilled — , will 27. 40 shall come to shall come to passe passe -, I 28. 21 brynge me — , tyme is 29. 21 days are fulfilled — , when euen was at euen omit 29.23 — , momynge was on the morow in the morning 29.25 — in to 30. 16 shalt lye with must come in vnto — , is 31. 35 it goeth omit — , will 31. 52 yf I passe will passe — , Shalt 31. 52 yf I passe shalt passe 33. 1 commynge came — , was 33. 18 came — , were 34. 5 came — to, wyll 37. 20 are will become of — , was 37. 23 came was come — on 37. 37 come come 38.16 omit goe to — , was 38. 27 came came to passe — , wyll 38. 28 shal come came — luckely to passe to come prosper- to prosper 39.23 ously to passe -, shall 41. 29 come — after, shall 41. 31 commeth therafter following 41.35 shal come — , shall 41. 36 shall bee 54 come-comforte C A come, be 42. 15 come come — , is 42. 21 commeth 43.10 had now bene come had returned — , is 44. 31 be with is with — , shaU 44. 34 shulde happen — , was 45. 16 came was heard — , were 45. 16 are come are come -, be 45. 18 come omit — , 45. 18 come come 49. 1 gather you gather yourselues — , art 49. 9 art gone — forth to bere ruele go vpon the wall runne ouer the wall 49.22 — , shall 49. 24 are come is comen saynge 22. 14 comon say engeyet it is said to — , to 34. 6 to comen to commune comened 34. 8 communed (2 times) 42. 24 (2 times) talked >' See comoned comenynge 18. 33 talkynge communing comest 16. 8 commest camest 24.40 >i commest 29. 6 (3 times) commeth commeth Cometh 24. 43 yf there come :•> 24.65 commeth walketh 27.20 omit is — after 32. 18 commeth behynde is behind — „ 32. 20 is behynde )) 1) Cometh it that, how wherfore what is this 42.28 49.20 commeth shall yeeld See commeth comforte, shall 5. 29 shall comfort — , to 18. 5 and comfort — , to 37. 35 to comfort comforted-compiuiy 56 C comforted, was 24. 67 — , would not be refused to be com- 37.35 forted cominge, ever goinge came to and fro and 8. 7 24.62 comynge came 24.63 >i coming vS^^ comynge commaunde, will will command 18. 19 27.8 command commaunded 3. 17 (4 times) 2. 16 (9 times) commanded 45. 1 cried 47.11 had commanded — , had 49. 33 had ended this had made an end commaund- of commanding ment See comaunded commamidment commaundement commandement 45.21 — , dyd a 50. 16 let they saye sent a messenger commeth 48. 2 9. 10 is gone goe 30.33 to come See Cometh commyted, hath 39. 8 put under committed 39.22 committed , comoned 23. 8 talked communed See comened companies 23. 7 droues bands company 2. 18 omit — , to here me 3. 12 to beare me com- pany to be with me — , will kepe me will he ioyned 29. 34 vnto me 56 company-consent company, in thy 33. 12 — , in her 39. 10 companye 37. 25 (2 times) 2. 20 compasse 6. 16 compassed 19. 4 compasseth 2. 11 compassyth 2. 13 compelled 19. 3 33.11 comynge 42. 9 (2 times) See cominge conceaue, shulde 30.38 — , mighte 30.41 conceaued 4. 1 (16 times) — , hath 16. 5 38.5 See conceyved concemynge 5. 29 17.20 19.21 41.32 conceyved 16. 4 See conceaued concubine 22. 24 (3 times) concubines 25. 6 confederate 14. 13 confounded 11. 9 congregation 49. 6 conscyence 18. 19 consent, will 34. 22 34. 15 in thy company company omit compased runneth aboute are come shulde conceaue proceaded in their poynte where as conceaued concubyne concubynes congregacion conscience wyll consente A before thee with her company omit compasseth pressed vpon vrged are come conceiued had conceiued conceiued concerning for concerning for that conceiued did confound assembly iudgement consente-corne 57 C consente 34. 23 consume, shall 41. 30 consumed 31. 40 content, were 37. 27 — , I am 46. 30 contente, I am 30. 34 continually 6. 5 continue, myghte 45.7 continued 39. 2 See contynued contre 2. 12 (2 times) 12. 1 (3 times) 13. 10 (2 .,, ) 14. 7 (2 „ ) 21. 23 (2 „ ) 13. 10 See countre cuntre contrees 10. 31 contreis 26. 3 contres 10. 5 See countrees contynued 39. 21 40.4 See continued conynge 25. 27 coole 3. 8 cooples 7. 9 7. 15 coorse 23. 3 coote 37. 3 (5 times) 37.23 87.33 come 27. 28 (13 times) 42. 3 (2 times) 41.57 consent herkened let it be so contynually might let . . remayne was countre londe countre londes londe countrees laye were omit pares coarse cote » coate omit consent now let me I would to preserue land countrey plaine country land omit lands countreys lands was continued cunning two and two •> 5) I! dead coat coate coat oiiiil 58 corne-crepeth C A come 43. 2 vytales corrupte 6, 1 1 (2 times) corrupt — , had 6. 12 had corrupted costes 10. 19 coastes border 13.11 n plaine couche 49. 4 couch couched 49. 9 49.14 laye couching couered 38. 14 — , were 7.19(2 times) — , had 38. 15 couerynge 20. 16 couering councell, toke 37. 18 deuysed conspired counted, was 15. 6 countenaunce 31. 5 countenance countenance countre 29. 1 (2 times) countrey 34. 2 (3 times) londe ,, 31.13 J! land 42.30 lande countrey See centre cuntre countrees 41. 57 countreys See contrees contreis contres coupled, be 49. 6 be ioyned be vnited covenaunte 15. 18 couenant couenant cownteth 31. 15 hath counted are counted created 1. 1 (7 times) —, were 2. 4 (2 times) created 2. 4 made made creatures 1. 20 creature (2 times) 1.24 soules )) crepe 1. 26 (3 times) creepeth crepeth 7. 8 (2 „ ) >• 1.30 hath hfe i> crepeth 9. 2 crepte 7. 21 crie 18. 20 See crye cried 39. 14 41.55 See cryed crossinge 48. 14 cruel thing 45. 5 cruell 49.7 cruelly 43. 6 crye 18. 21 19. 13 See crie cryed 27. 34 (3 times) 22.15 41.43 See cried cryeth 4. 10 cubyte 6. 16 cubytes 6. 15 (3 times) 7.20 cuntre 30. 25 32. 9 See centre countre cuppe 40. 1 1 (9 times) 44. 5 currant 23.16 curse, wyll 8.21 12.3 (3 times) 12.3 crcpeth-curse C moued cryed did so wyttingly with eny wrath rigorous euell cried caused it to be proclaimed crieth cubites lande londe it 59 moueth creepeth cry guiding bee angrj' with your selves ill cry crie cried called cried cubite cubits countrey cup it curseth 60 cursed-darcknesse cursed be 9. 25 (3 times) — , hath 5. 29 — be 3. 14 art cursed — 3. 17 cursed is — be 4. 11 shalt be cursed art cursed curseth 27.29 curteously 43. 27 omit cutt of 17. 14 omit circumcised — of 17. 24 was „ cyte 4. 17 (3 times) cite city 10.12 (28 „ ) 5! citie 10.11 Niniue Nineueh 19.1 cite Sodome — , head 23.2 head cite Kiriath-arba See citie cytie cyteis 19.25 cities cities cytes 13. 12 (2 times) I) )i See cities > cyties cytie 19. 21 (5 times) cite citie cyties 19. 29 (2 times) cities cities dale 14. 17 Damasco 15. 2 Damascos Damascus Damascos 14. 15 >> damsell24.14(7times) damsells 24. 61 Dan 14. 14 (6 times) danger 19. 29 omit midst See daunger darcke 15. 17 darke darcknesse 1. 2 darcknes darkenesse (3 times) 1.5 J) darknesse See darknesse dare-deade 61 dare 49. 9 darknesse 15, 12 See darcknesse dates 43. 11 daunger, without 24. 8 See danger day 4. 14 (3 times) daye 1.5 (57 times) 5. 1 7. 10 18. 1 — of mi deth 27. 2 — , this 30. 32 31.40 — , y ester 31. 42 35.3 — by day 39. 10 40. 19 dayes 1. 14 (23 times) — , all the 5. 5 (9 times) 26. 1 (6 times) . 6.4 21. 4 24. 1 25.7 35.28 — , full of 35. 29 49. 1 dead 23. 6 — , was 36. 34 (2 times) 23.4 36.37 44.20 deade 23. 6 C wil darcknes discharged daye tyme dayes daie whan I shal dye to daye daye tyme yesterdaye tyme daylie omit whole age tyme daye age age omit had lyued enough times dyed coarse died deed dead A omit darkenesse nuts cleare da)' dayes day da}' of my death to day day yesternight omit dales asfe died died dead 62 deade-dedes C A deade 23.8 coarse dead 50.15 deed >> See deed deede deades 15, 1 actes things 48.1 this )j See dedes deale, will 19. 9 — , Shalt 21. 23 shalt shewe wilt deale — mercyfulle, ceass- hath not with- hath not left 'dis eth not to 24. 27 drawen his mercy titute — , great 26. 16 farre much 47.26 shewe See deall dealeth 42. 28 hath done hath done deall, shuld 34. 31 — , will 24. 49 shew deall well with the, wyl do the good will 32. 9 See deale dealt, hast 12. 18 hath done See delt Debora 35. 8 Deborah deceaved 3. 13 desceaued beguiled See disceaued deceytefully 34. 13 disceatfully deceitfully declare it, to 40. 8 interpreter of it declared 41. 12 interpreted (2 times) decreased 8. 5 Dedan 10. 7 (3 times) dede, in very 20. 12 indeed 44.15 deed dedes, hast done 20.9 hast dealt hast done deeds 22. 1 actes things See deades decd-denyed 63 C A deed 20. 3 (2 times) dead — , am but 30. 1 die — man, were 44. 22 would die deede23. 11 (2 times) deed dead 34.27 slayne slaine See dead deade deeth 25. 11 death death deferde 34. 19 deferred defyled, had 34. 5 had defiled — , had 34. 13 was defyled )) I) — , be 34. 27 'I >i — , be 37. 27 omit defyledest 49. 4 defiledst deleverd, shall be shalt beare shalt bring forth 3. 16 Sec delyuered delt 43. 6 have done dealt See dealt delyuer 20. 7 (2 times) restore ~, Shalt 40. 13 mayest geue shalt deliuer — , will 42. 34 shal delyuer will 42.37 deliuer delyuerance 45. 7 deliuerance delyuered, hath hath deliuered 14. 20 20. 14 restored — , to be 25. 24 to be deliuered 32. 16 put deliuered — , and 37. 22 to deliuered — , that she shulde be of her trauaile 38.27 40.11 gaue gaue — , hath 48. 16 redeemed See delevered denyed 18. 15 denied 39.8 refused 64 departe-destroy C A departe 13. 9 depart — , let me 24. 54 send me away — , shall 49. 10 shal be remoued shall depart departed 14. 12 (8 times) 13. 1 (4 times) went vp 20. 1 (3 „ ) iourneyed 28. 10 (2 „ ) went out 13. 11 (2 „ ) separated 12.5 went foorth 12.8 remoued from 12.9 wente downe omit 18.22 turned their face turned their faces from 26.22 gatt him from remoued from 26.23 went vp from — , are 31. 49 are absent — , are 37. 17 are gone from 54.24 omit departinge, was a was departynge was in departing 35. 18 depe 1. 2 (3 times) deepe derth 12. 10 (12 times) famine 41.54 dearth — , of 41. 54 deare yeares )? descende 11. 7 go downe go downe despised, was 16. 4 despysed was despised — , am 16. 5 must be despysed II II — , was 29. 31 was nothinge re- garded was hated — , am 29. 33 am despysed am „ destroy, wyll 6. 7 wyll destroye (6 times) — , to 6. 17 (3 times) to destroye — , wylt 18. 23 wilt „ (2 times) — , wyll 8. 21 wil smyte will smite destroy-Dina 6£ C A destroy, must 19. 13 must destroye will destroy destroyed 13. 10 (2 times) — , were 7. 23 — , was 7. 23 — , shall be 34. 20 — , shall be 9. 11 shall be cut off desyre 49. 26 t vtmost bound deth 26. 18 (2 times) death death 20.7 dyed omit — of 36. 35 (2 times) )) died — , daye of mi 27. 2 whan I shal dye day of my death — , his 50. 16 his death he died devided it selfe 2. 10 deuyded it selfe was parted See deuyded deuoure 49. 27 deuoured 37. 20 37.33 rau3'shed deuowred 41. 24 de-uoured deuoured deuowerd 41. 7 ate vp t) deuyde 1. 14 (4 times) diuide 1.7 diuided deuyded 1. 4 (4 times) >r — , was 10. 25 was diuided See devided dewe 27. 28 (2 times) dew dew did 38. 11 omit did 42.20 dyd II See dyd didest 3. 13 hast done hast done See dydest die 50. 24 dye See dye digged 26. 18 dygged See dygged Dikela 10. 27 Diklah Dina 30. 21 (6 times) Dinah E 66 Dina-do C A Dina 34. 3 her Dinah Dinas 34. 25 Dinahs Dinhaba 36. 32 Dinhabah Disan 36. 21 (3 times) Dishan disceaued hath 31. 7 hath deceiued See deceaued disease 31. 35 maner custom e disgyssed 38. 14 dysgysed wrapped dishobedient 26. 35 a griefe of minde Dison 36. 40 (4 times) Dishon displeased 38. 10 (2 times) do 19. 8 (2 times) 16.6 (7 „ ) doe -to 11.6(4 „ ) to doe —, can 19. 22 (3 times) can doe - wylll8.29(3 „ ) will doe — , shall 25. 32 shall doe — , shulde 18. 25 should doe — , aboute to 18. 17 wil do will doe (2 times) — , to 18. 14 omit omit — , shuldest 18. 25 to do — , shulde 18. 25 shall doe — oure lust with, may knowe may know may 19. 5 — , to 20. 10 hast done hast done — , shuldeste 26. 29 shall do wilt doe — , can 27. 37 M )) shall doe — , wilt 30. 31 wilt doe — , to 31. 29 hast done hast now done — , lam able to 31.29 so moch might. I it is in the power haue made, that of my hand to I coude haue doe done — , to 31. 52 for — , woldest 32. 12 wyll do will do do-dost 67 C A do busj'nes 34. 10 occupie trade — occupation 34, 21 occupye )> — , can 39. 9 shulde do can doe — shame, to 39. 14 to mocke — shame, to 39. 17 for to do shame to mocke See doo Dodanim 10. 4 doist 21. 22 doest doest domynyon 1. 28 domynion dominion done, haste 3. 14 (5 times) — , haue8.21(9times) done, had 9. 24 (2 times) — , ought to be 20. 9 t shulde deale — , hast 20. 9 hast dealt — , ought to be 34. 7 was the vse to do — , was 39. 22 were done did — , was 42. 25 II dongeon 40. 15 dungeon doo 31. 16 (3 times) do doe — , shulde 44. 7 — , is abouteto41.28 wyll do is aboute to doe See do doore 43. 19 18. 10 (4 times) dore See dore doores 19. 6 dore doore — , brought out at bad go forth brought him forth 15.5 abroad dore 4. 7 (6 times) doore 7.16 omit See doore dost 4. 7 do doest 4.7 v doe — me vnrighte 16. 5 must suffre wrong E2 my wrong be vpon thee 68 doth-drancke C A doth 31. 12 doeth 18. 13 did Dothan 37. 17 (2 times) double 23. 19 (3 times) dubble omit See dubill duble doue 8. 8 (4 times) 8. 11 she — , turtill 15. 9 turtyll doue turtle doue doughter 20. 12 daughter (40 times) 19.33 omit — of 24. 15 who was borne to 34.3 her daughter — in lawe 11. 31 „ in lawe (3 times) 38.11 sonnes wyfe )i n 1) doughters 5. 4 daughters (46 times) 5. 10 (9 times) daughters 11 49.22 branches doune 12. 10 downe downe (14 times) — , vpp and 21. 14 out of the waye omit 31.34 downe ,, down 19. 35 )) downe downe 11.5 (11 times) 13.18 omit omit — , apon it, went vpp ascending and des- and 28. 12 cending on it 38. 14 omit — to 43.15 in to 46. 3 omit dowry 30.20 34. 12 dowrye dowrie drancke 9. 21 dranke dranke dranke-dronke C A dranke24.46(2times) 24.54 dronke did drinke drawe, to 24. 11 to draw (3 times) — , will 24. IS (2 times) dreame20.3(19times) — which 37. 6 what 37.8 dreames 40.8 omit — , in my 40. 9 I dreamed — , in my 41. 17 1 dreamed 1 :hat dreamed 28. 12 (5 times) — haue 40. 8 (2 times) — , hast 37. 10 37. 9 (2 times) had 37.5 had once — , haue 37. 6 dreamed dreamer 37. 19 dreames 37. 20 (3 times) 41. 12 dreame dreame 41.25 n drede 9. 2 dread dresse, to 2. 15 dressed 22. 9 layed vpon layd in order ~, haue 24. 31 haue prepared drewe 24. 20 (2 times) drew drew 18.23 stepte vnto ., 47.29 came dreyed vpp, were 8. 7 were dryed vp were dried vp See dryed drincke 19. 35 drynke drinke drinke 19.34 (3 times) )) )) See drynke droncke 9. 21 dronken drunken dronke25.34(2times) did drinke m 70 dronke-duke C A dronke, haue 24. 19 haue done drinking 43.34 drunke 43.34 merry merry drooue 32. 16 flock droue 32. 16 flocke )> droue 15. 11 drooues 32. 10 flockes droues 88.8 droue droue droues 32. 10 bands drye 1. 9 (2 times) dry 1. 10 (2 times) drie 8. 14 was dried dryed vpp were 8. 13 See dreyed dryncke 19. 32 drynke drinke (2 times) 24.45 a drynke See drincke drinke drynke drynckynge, had left had dronken had done drinking 24.22 drynke 24. 14 (7 times) 19. 33 (2 times) drinke — , to 30. 38 — , to 24. 43 to drinke drynkeofFringe 35.14 drynkofferynges drinke offering drynketh 44. 5 drinketh dryue, will 33. 14 will leade dubbill 23. 17 dubble omit dubill 23. 9 »> j> duble 25. 9 » » See double dubled, was 41.32 t the seconde tyme was doubled duke 36. 15 (29 times) prynce 86. 18 (5 times) prince dukedoms-dwelled 71 C dukedoms, in their which ruled among their 36.20 dukes 36. 15 (7 times) prynces 36. 19 (3 times) princes Duma 25. 14 D urn ah durst 35. 5 omit did dust 13. 16 (4 times) dweld 21. 20 (3 times) dwelt dwelt See dwelled dwelt dwell 24. 3 (5 times) 20. 15 (3 times) dwel — , shall 16. 12 (2 times) — , myght 13. 6 — , coude 13. 6 — , will 30. 20 — , maye 46. 34 4.20 dwelt 14.7 n dwelt 34. 10 shall dwell — , will 34. 16 dwell — , will 34. 21 let . . . dwel — , for to 34. 22 to dwell — , maye 34. 23 will dwell — , coude 36. 7 might dwell — , shall 45. 10 shalt dwel shalt dwelle, may 9. 27 let . . . dwell shal „ dwelled 11. 2 (8 times) dwelt dwelt 13. 7 (2 times) » 12.6 » was 16.3 had dwelt had dwelt 19.25 omit 19.30 remayned dwelt 25.27 dwelling See dweld dwelt 72 dwellinges-dye C A dwellinges for, pre- placed pared 47. 11 dwellynge 10. 30 dwelling — place 27. 39 dwellinge It dwelt 4. 16 (10 times) 16.3 was a straunger dwelt 38.11 remained See dweld dwelled dyd 6. 22 (11 times) did — their obaysaunce kneled vnto him bowed themselves 33. 7 (2 times) 21. 1 dealt did 21.26 hath done — obaysaunce 33. 6 bowed themselves 39.19 hath done did — , he 39. 22 might be done by him he did — commamidment let . . . saye did command 50.16 See did dydest 20. 6 dyddest didst 40. 13 omit omit See didest dye 3. 3 (8 times) die — , shalt 2. 17 (2 times) — , shall 3. 4 — , am at the poynt must dye neuer- to 25. 32 thelesse — , let . . . 31. 32 let . . . not liue — , wolde 33. 13 will die — , must 35. 18 died 42.20 shall dye shall die — , will 44. 31 j> )) — , am content to let me die 46.30 dye-east 73 dye, wherfore suffrest . . . vs to 47. 15 47. 19 — , must 47. 29 See die dyed 5. 5 (23 times) — , mighte haue 26. 9 35.19 — , shuldehaue38. 11 49.33 dygged26.15(5times) — , haue 21. 30 26. 18 — , had 26. 32 Sec digged dymme 27. 1 48.10 dyne, shaU 43. 16 — , shulde 43. 25 dypped 27. 31 dyuerse 30. 32 — coloures, partie and of 30. 35 to dye shulde dye died might dye died had dygged „ digged heuy partye speckled and par- tye coloured A why should we die shall die must die died die died die yeelded vp the ghost digged haue digged had dimme shall dine shulde eate bread dipped omit ring straked and spotted eare, came to Israels eares 20. 8 (11 times) earende 24. 33 early 19. 27 (4 times) 19. 2 (2 times) earynge 24. 22 24.47 45. 6 earynges 24. 30 35.4 east 4. 16 (8 times) came to Israels eares earande by tymes earinge plowinge Israel heard errand earely I) eare-ring earering earing eare-ring eare-rings 74 easte-eaten C A easte 2. 14 (2 times) east east eastward 13. 14 eastwarde eat, let 27. 4 may eate may eate eate 3. 22 (3 times) — , shall 3.1 (2 times) — , shuldest 3. 11 — ,shalt3.14(3times) — , will 24. 33 — , may 27. 7 — , to 28. 20 (2 times) — , for to 1. 30 to eate for food — , to 2. 9 )7 l> — , se . . . 2. 16 shalt eate mayest eate — , se . . . 2. 17 >j 1) shalt „ — , may 3. 2 eate shal „ — , se . . . 3. 3 J) »> — , shulde 3. 5 >» — of, to 3. 6 for food — , se . . . 3. 17 shalt eate shalt eate — , se . . . 9. 4 eate shall „ — , to 24. 33 omit to eate — , dyd 25. 28 ate did eate — , shal 27. 10 maye eate may eate — , let 27. 25 to eate will eate 27.31 eat — , to 37. 25 to eat — , may 43. 32 darre eate might eate — , shulde 47. 22 did eate — , to 47. 24 omit for food eaten, hast 3. 11 (2 times) — , haue 27. 33 (2 times) — , had 41. 21 (2 times) — , may be 6. 21 is eaten — , haue 14. 24 haue spent eaten-E^^ypte C A eaten vp, hath euen spent vp hath quite 31. 15 deuoured — , had 43. 2 t were spent eatest 2. 17 Ebal 36. 23 Eber 10. 21 (5 times) 11. 15 omit Ebron 13. 18 Hebron 23. 19 Hebron ,, ech 40. 5 euery each eche 40. 5 (2 times) )> each edder 49. 14 adder Eden 2. 8 (6 times) Eder 35. 21 Edar edge 34. 26 Edom 25. 30 (5 times) 36. 16 omit 36. 17 Edomites 36. 21 Idumea 36. 31 Edumea Edomea 36. 32 II Edom Edomytes 36. 9 Edomites Edomites (2 timesj Egipte 12. 10 Egypt (65 times) 40. 5 (4 times) omit Egypt 41.55 the Egipcians the Egyptians — , of 47. 26 Egipcians of Egypt See Egypte Egiptian 16. 1 Egipcian Egyptian (5 times) — , of 39. 2 Egipcians of Egyptian Egiptians 12. 12 Egipcians Egyptians (11 times) See Egyptians Egyptel5.18(7tiraes) Egipte Egypt See Egipte 75 76 Egyptians-embawmed C A Egyptians 43. 32 Egipcians Egyptians See Egiptians EhiMosMupim46.21 Ehi, Ros, Mupim Ehi and Rosh, Muppim Ela 36. 41 Elah Elam 10. 32 (3 times) Elbethel 35. 7 Bethel El-Bethel Elda 25. 4 Eldaa Eldaah elder 19. 31 (4 times) first borne elder 48. 14 firstborne first borne elders 50. 7 (2 times) 49. 26 fore elders progenitors eldest 24. 2 10. 15 (4 times) first borne 10. 21 (2 times) elder elder 27. 19 (3 times) firstborne first borne 25. 3 greater elder 27. 1 greater 27. 15 elder 29. 16 elder 38.7 omit 44. 12 greatest 48. 18 firstborne 49. 3 first first borne Eleasar 15. 2 Eliezer Eliphas 36. 4 (5 times) Eliphaz 36. 12 (2 times) Elyphas >) Elisa 10. 4 Elishah EUasar 14. 1 (2 times) ells 30. 1 See els Elou 26. 34 (3 times) els 42. 16 See ells embawme, to 50. 2 to imbalme embawmed 50. 2 imbalmed (2 times) emhawminge-endure 11 C A embawminge 50. 3 embawming are imbalmed embraced 29. 13 48. 10 imbraced Emori 10. 46 Emorite emptie81.42(2times) emptye emptie 1. 2 without forme 41. 27 thynne emptie emptied 42. 35 opened Emyms 14. 5 Emim Emims Enaim 38. 14 (2 times) omit omit Enanum 10. 13 Enamim Anamim encrease, will 3. 16 will increase will multiply 9. 7 increase be fruitful! — , will 16. 10 will multiply 17. 20 will increase make fruitfuU 47.24 come increase See increase encreased, was 6. 5 was increased was great — , are 26. 22 letten vs growe shall be fruitfull — , may be 30. 3 may be increased may haue children — , is 30. 30 is growne is increased See increased end 6. 13 (3 times) 41. 1 omit ende 8. 3 (2 times) Tl end — , an 28. 18 )I omit (2 times) — of speakynge, had had spoken had done speaking made an 24. 45 — , vp an 28. 22 omit omit ended 2. 2 — , were 41. 53 — , was 47. 18 — , were 50. 4 were past endewed 30. 20 endued endure, be able to can go 33. 14 78 endureth-Ephron endureth 8. 22 enhabiters 50. 11 enheritaunce 31. 14 enheritaunces 48. 6 enimies 14. 20 (2 times) 24. 60 Enos 4. 26 (3 times) 5. 7 (3 times) ensample of these, at the 48. 20 enteringe of, at the 3.24 See entrynge entre, for to 12. 11 entreate evell 15. 13 entreated 12. 16 entred 31. 3 (2 times) 19. 3 19.23 39. 11 entry nge 38. 14 See enteringe Ephraim 41. 52 (7 times) — , of 48. 17 Ephraims 48. 14 48. 17 50.23 Ephrat 48. 7 48. 7 Ephrath 35. 16 (2 times) Ephron 23. 8 (9 times) — , of 23. 17 people inheritaunce >) enemies enemies omit in ye before intreate euell was intreated wente in to turned in came in to wente in to omit Ephraims of Ephraim Ephraims Ephrayms Ephrath Eprath A remaineth inhabitants inheritance I) enemies those which hate them in thee at the East of to enter afflict entreated went in to omtt Ephrath Ephrath Er-euell 79 Er 38. 3 (4 times) 38. 7 Erech 10. 10 Eri 46. 16 erth 1. 1 (93 times) 2. 7 (12 timesj 3. 19 (2 times) 11. 4 (3 times) 4. 14 9. 3 10. 25 26.4 26.22 erthe 2. 4 5.29 Esau 25. 25 (52 times) — , of 27. 15 (3 times) — 25. 34 27.5 27. 38 27.42 36. 19 Esaus 28. 5 (7 times) 27. 23 (3 times) escaped, had 14. 13 Eschol 14. 3 Escholl 14. 24 Eseck 26. 20. Eser 36. 21 ether 2. 25 (2 times) 34. 25 (2 times) 24.50 41.44 44. 8 evelfauored 41. 3 euell 2. 9 (11 times) 41. 20 (3 times) he earth earth earth londes londe omit worlde omit londe earth Esaus him omit he his elder sonne he of Esau Escol Ezer both euery man nether omit either earth ground dust earth J) omit earth land earth ground who Eshcol Esek Ezer both each man omit ill fauored euill ill 80 euell-euery euell 4. 7 8.21 — , entreate 15. 13 — , to do 31. 29 — fauordnesse 41. 19 See evill evyll even 9. 3 (3 times) 1. 30 (27 times) 2. 7 (10 times) 13. 3 (3 times) 19. 1 (2 times) 29. 23 (2 times) euen so 18. 5 (2 times) — as 40. 22 (2 times) 2. 17 10. 19 17.23 18.32 23. 16 42.28 47. 18 49.26 eventyde 8. 11 24.63 e veny nge 1 . 5 (6 times) ever 3. 22 8. 7 everlastinge 17. 13 (3 times) everlastynge 9. 16 17. 7 (3 times) euery 1.20 (15 times) 1. 11 (3 times) 7. 2 (2 times) — thynge, of 6. 19 7. 16 omit omit omit euenynge like as t loke and yet namely lo onely omit for euer omit euerlastinge omit even omit not well euil afflict hurt badnes omit euening omit in in this aboue euening euentide evening for euer omit euerlasting euerlasting omit of every sort all euery-exercyse C A euery pece 15. 10 the one part each peece — drooue, betw3'xte betwixte one betwixte droue 32.16 flocke after the other and droue Eiiila 25. 18 Heuila Hauilah evill 41. 4 euell ill evyll 37. 2 >i euill 41.21 >> ill See euell Euphrates 2. 13 (2 times) exceading 41. 31 very very exceadinge 26. 13 »? 17.13 very »» 50.10 omit »> exceadingly 4. 5 exceadinge M 7. 18 sore greatly 47.27 exceedingly exceadynge 1. 31 exceedinge very 15. 1 exceadinge exceeding 50.9 i> very exceadyngly 13. 13 exceadingly exceedingly excedingly 7. 19 omit )) excedynge 18. 20 exceadinge very 30.43 i> exceedingl)' excedyngly 17. 2 exceadyngly >) 17.6 exceadingly exceeding 17.20 )) exceedingly 19.3 sore greatly excepte 32. 26 except (5 times) 31.42 yf except 43. 10 (2 times) yf not n excuse, and an 20. 16 and a sure excuse thus shee was reproued 44. 16 excuse omit exercyse on 4. 21 occupied F handle 81 82 eye-fame shment eye, to the 26. 7 eye, vn to the 49. 22 eyed 29. 17 eyes 3. 5 (27 times) — , in youre 34. 11 43.9 — apon him, ma5'e sett myne 44. 21 — , cruel things in youre 45. 5 47.19 50.4 eyght hundred 5. 4 Ezbon 46. 27 Ezer 36. 27 (2 times) face 3. 19 (20 times) 2. 6 (3 times) 2.7 3.8 4. 16 24.51 — , sett his 31. 21 faces 9. 23 30.40 facion 6. 15 faintie 25.29 See fayntie fall 45. 24 19. 19 37. 10 — vpon me 42. 36 — , shall 49. 17 49. 26 fallen, were 8. 8 fameshment 47. 4 C to loke vnto to loke vpon with you will se him eny wrath omit sight eight hundreth omit presence omit went straight omit fashion weary might fall to looke vpon omit omit omit eight hundred nostrils presence n thee fashion faint take to bow down our- selves goeth all ouer me are against me maye fall shal light shall bee were abated derth famine fame shy d-fauored 83 fameshyd, were 47. 13 were fameshed fainted fare, maye 12. 13 it may be wel fared J 6. 6 dealt dealt farr, not 18. 2 ouer agaynst by farrc 18. 25 (2 times) See ferre farthermore 9. 8 and faste by 16. 12 ouer agaynst in the presence of fast 49. 24 in strength father 2.24 (132 times) — , of 20. 12 (2 times) fathers — , which is the 19. 37 of whom come the same is the (2 times) father 27. 19 (2 times) omit 44. 22 (2 times) him 4.22 worker instructor — of 22. 21 of whom came 31. 16 fathers - of 36. 9 of whom are come 47. 6 them 48. 16 fathers fathers — in lawe 38. 13 father in law (2 times) fathers 9. 23 (32 times) 9. 22 (2 times) of . . . father 31.53 (2 times) father 27.41 father )) 28. 21 !) — , lande of 31. 3 fatherlande of . . . fathers 31.9 fatnesse 27. 28 fatt 4. 4 (2 times) fat 4. 3 (4 times) fat »i fauoure 18. 3 (3 times) fauour 50.4 grace fauored 29. 17 fauovired fauoured (7 times) F2 84 fauored-fede C A fauored, well 41. 18 goodly fauoured fouordnesse, euell omit badnes 41. 19 fawte 41. 9 faults fayleto,willnot50.25 omit will surely fayled 42. 28 (2 times) failed fayntie 25. 30 faint See faintie fayre 12. 11 (2 times) faire 12. 14 faire ?j 33.14 omit feade shepe, that kepers of catell shepheard 46.34 feaders of shepe 47. 8 kepers of catell shepheards feare 9. 2 (9 times) 15. 12 horrour — of, for 27. 46 because of because of 35.5 terrour — not 46. 3 be not afrayed — not 50. 21 be not ye now afrayed feared 19. 30 (2 times) was afrayed 31.53 by the feare of by the feare of — lest 38. 11 thought said fearest 22. 12 feareth 31. 42 the feare of the feare of fearfUll 38. 17 dreadful fearsnes 27. 44 furiousnes furie fearsness 49. 7 indignacion wrath feast 21. 8 (4 times) 29.22 mariage fed 47. 17 36. 17 kepte fedd 41. 2 (2 times) wente fedinge fed — , are 47. 12 omit omit — , hath 48. 15 fedde fede 29. 7 feed fede-felt 85 C A fede 30. 31 wyll fede feed See feade federed 1. 21 fethered winged feders 7. 14 fethers omit feld 3. 14 (7 times) felde field — brede 35. 16 felde brode litle way 47.30 londe field felde 2. 5 (21 times) M 2. 20 (3 times) fielde 2.5 earth field 32. 3 country' 49. 30 omit field 50. 10 playne threshing floore 50. 11 I) floore feldes 4. 8 (6 times) felde field 34. 28 londe — brede 48. 7 little way fele, shal 27. 12 might fele will feele — let 27. 21 may may „ fell 13. 7 (9 times) 26. 1 (2 „ ) came was 18. 2 (2 „ ) bowed him selfe bowed himselfe — seke25.8(2times) fell sicke gaue vp the ghost — vppon 4. 8 rose agaynst rose vp against 13.7 was 14. 15 omit — on 15. 11 fell vpon came downe vpon 26. 1 was was 42.8 bowed downe themselues 43.28 made obeisance 48. 12 • bowed himselfe with his face to the earth felle seke 35. 29 fell sicke gaue vp the ghost felowe 24. 21 (2 times) man man felt 27.22 86 female-first female 1. 27 (7 times) ferre 44. 4 farre farre See farr farre fetch 27. 13 (2 times) See fett fette fete 18. 4 (3 times) feete 24.32 feet 24.32 omit )> 29. 1 omit fett, let ... be 18. 4 shalbe brought let . . . be fetched 18.5 fet fetch 18. 7 )> fetcht — , to 24. 20 to drawe to draw 27. 14 fetched fetched — , went and 27. 15 toke toke — 27. 45 cause the be fetched fetch — , to 28. 6 that he might take to take fette, lette ... 42. 16 to fetch let . . . fetch See fetch finde 33. 15 (2 times) fynde finde — , may 32. 5 might fynde ma}^ find — , to 33. 8 >i 11 )j J) — , cannot 38. 22 haue not founde cannot finde — , coudest 38. 23 hast „ hast not found — , shall 41. 38 myght fynde can find 47.25 fynde find fingre 41. 42 hande hand See fyngre finysh 6. 16 omit finish firmament 1. 14 See fyrmament first 25. 25 (7 times) 26. 1 other 30.41 strone:er first-folke 87 first 30. 42 See fyrst flat 43. 26 flatt 24. 52 42. 6 fled 14. 10 (6 times) —, was 3 1.22 (2 times) 14. 10 fleddest 35. 1 flee, for to 1. 20 16.8 — , to 19. 20 27.43 flesh 8. 21 (28 times) fleshed 41.2 (4 times) flocke 27. 9 (4 „ ) flockes 29. 2 (2 „ ) 29. 2 (3 times) 30.40 30.40 florishing 49. 22 florishynge 49. 22 floud 6. 17 (8 times) floLide 9. 28 (4 „ flyght, shall tume them to 49. 19 fode 41. 48 44.25 See food foode folde, vii. 4. 15 fole, was a 31, 28 fole 49. 11 foles 32. 15 folie 34. 7 folke 33. 15 47.28 ) C firstlinges omit flat omit fled were put to flight for to flye fle maye flee flye flocke jj florishinge fruteful floude >) shall hurte them in the hele foode seuenfolde hast done foolishly foale foales foly people stronger omit that may flie flocks flocke cattell fi-uitfull >< flood ?i shall ouercome at the last foode food seuen fold hast done foolishly foale foales folly folke people 88 folowe-for C A folowe, will 24. 39 will followe — , durst not 35. 5 folowed not did not pursue 44.4 follow folowed 14. 14 pursued (3 times) foloweddest 31. 36 are so whote vpon ji food 43. 4 (2 times) foode food 43. 2 )> foode foode 42. 33 41 . 35 (4 times) food 41.35 sustenaunce M 41.54 bread 42.19 come foorde 32. 22 foord for 1. 29 (189 times) 1. 20 (6 „ ) omit 1. 30 to to 1. 30 (19 times) omit 2.3 because that because that 3. 6 (14 times) J) omit 6. 17 (7 „ ) and 10. 25 (4 „ ) because 18.28 of — feare of 27. 46 )) )> because of — indede 28. 19 but afore but — , make provysion loke to shall prouide for 30.30 30.30 since 30.33 with 31.10 and it came to passe — to goo 31. 18 that he might come 31.32 but 37.22 omit that 38.23 behold 33. 11 (2 times) because for-forgett 89 for to 38. 16 43. 30 (2 times) 43. 32 (2 „ ) 44.33 that thou mayest vnto in steade of that thou mayest where in stead of — this cause 2. 24 omit therefore 4.24 4.25 " if in stead of 6.4 and also — perauenture 11. 4 19. 19 — the which 19. 21 afore omit wherof lest and 21.6 so that 21.25 because of — as soone as 24. 30 40.13 40.15 by the reason that . and omit yet for indeed 40.19 41.21 and after and yet but — as moch as 41.39 for so moch as forasmuch as 42.4 but 43.32 to 47.18 vnto omit 49. 1 omit vnto 50. 17 that forbidden, was 8. 2 forbyd, shall 23. 6 forbydd, 44. 7 (2 times) forced 34. 2 was forbydden forbyd was restrained shall withhold forbid defiled foreskynne 17. 11 (4 times) 17. 14 foreskinne foreskinne for euer 9. 12 for ever 13. 15 for euermore for perpetual! generations 43. 9 forgeten, shalbe 41 . 30 forgett 27.45 (2times) my life longe shalbe forgotten forget shall be forgotten forget 90 for^eue-founde C A forgeue 50. 17 forgive (2 times) forgeven, may be 4, 14 can beare formed, had 2. 8 had made formest 32. 17 first formost fomace 19. 28 furnace See furnesse forth 8. 7 (7 times) 8. 8 (5 times) foorth 8. 12 (3 „ ) omit omit 3.22 >i foorth — , and proceded 4. 2 againe 19. 10 out forth forth 22. 10 1) foorth — , sent 28. 5 let departe sent away 33.6 neere 40. 10 omit 49.22 t vpon t ouer forties 18. 29 fourtyes fourties fortune, myght 50. 15 might happly will peraduenture fortuned 4. 3 (4 times) came to passe 41. 11 omit ,, ,, ,, foryner 23. 4 indweller soiouner fote 8. 9 fete foote 41. 44 ,, foule 8. 17 (2 times) fowle 6.7 foules 16.6 hardly hardly foules 1. 20 (9 times) foule 8. 19 (3 times) fowle 15. 11 fowles found 6. 8 founde — , is 2. 12 is founde is — , is 44. 10 shall be founde is found founde 11. 2 (10 times) found — , haue 18. 3 (5 „ ) — , hast 31. 27 hast found founde-from 91 C A founde, was 44. 12 was found (2 times) — , is 44. 16 (2 times) is — out, hath 44. 16 hath „ out — , is 2. 20 was founde was „ — , be 18. 29 might be founde shall be found 4. 15 finding 26.12 receiued 37.29 omit — , be 44. 9 shall be founde be found See fownde fourth 15. 16 fownde, hath 19. 19 hath founde hath found — , hast 29. 20 31. 33 (3 times) founde found — , haue 30. 27 can fynde haue found See found founde frely 33. 11 omit graciousl}' 34. 12 hardely neuer so much frende 26. 26 friends 38. 12 shepherde friend from 1. 4 (95 times) 2. 8 (2 times) towarde omit 6. 17 (4 „ ) omit 13. 9 (7 times) fro 22. 11 (3 „ ) out of 7.7 for because of 7. 17 ouer aboue 8. 12 omit omit 8.21 II — whence 10. 14 out of whome — , out 19. 39 out of i> ;) — , kepte 22. 12 spared 33. 18 agayne out of 35. 16 to come to — , put 38. 19 layed of 92 frum-fygge from 45. 25. out of out of 48.7 )> )> from of 4. 14 from out of from 6.7 from )) 7.4 „ of „ off 7.17 ouer aboue 8.3 awaye from from off 8.8 vpon )) » 24.46 from )) 27.40 )7 )) 5> frute 1. 11 (5 times) fruit 3. 2 (2 times) fruite — in them, that haue frutefuU in the which is the 1.29 fruit of a tree — can lyne, as soon yf I lyne according to the as the 18. 10 time of life — can haue lyfe I) ') ); according to the 18. 14 time of life fmtefull 1. 11 y eel ding fruit — , made her 29. 31 opened her wombe (2 times) frutes 43. 11 fruits full 15. 16 (3 times) - 6. 11 (2 „ ) filled ^ of, was 14. 10 had many — of dayes, was had lyued ynough 35.29 43.21 • ful — , shall be 48. 19 shall become a multitude fumesse 15. 17 fornace furnace See fornace further 16. 11 omit fyfte 41. 34 (3 times) fifth fift fyfth 1. 23 ,, )) fyftye 7. 24 fiftie fifty fygge 3. 7 figge fyghte-garmentes 93 fyghte, sette to 14. 8 fyll 1. 22 (2 times) 1. 28 (2 „ ) — , to 42. 25 fylled 21. 19 (3 times) 2.21 fynde, coude 8. 9 fyndest 31. 32 fyndeth 4. 14 fyne 18. 6 fyngre 41. 42 See fingre fynished 2. 1 fyre 19. 24 (3 times) — , with — brande 15. 17 fyrmament 1. 6 See firmament fyrst 1. 5 (4 times) — tyme 13. 3 27.36 See first fyrstlynges 4. 4 fysh 1. 26 1.28 fyshes 9. 2 fyue 43. 34 (3 times) prepared to fight hande firmament first omit firsthners fish ioyned battell fill replenish to fill filled closed found findest findeth fine hand finished fire thorowly burning lampe firmament first beginning omit firstlings fish II fishes fiue Gad 30. 11 (4 times) Gaetham 36.11 36. 16 Gaham 22.24 garden 2. 8 (14 times) garment 39. 12 (5 times) 49. 11 sarmentes 3. 21 Gaethan Sahan Gatam garments coates 94 garmentes-generations C garmentes 35. 2 38. 14 gate 19. 1 (4 times) gates 28. 10 (2 times) 22. 17 (2 times) 34.24 gather 31. 46 (2 times) -, shall 34.30 — . . . together 49. 2 gathered 41. 48 — , shulde be 29. 7 gatheringe 1. 10 gatt 38. 1 38. 19 48.22 gaue 2. 20 (30 times) — names 26. 18 — wyne 19. 33 (2 times) — charge 12. 20 — . . . drynke 24. 46 26. 18 — charge 28. 6 38.6 40.4 45. 21 gavest 8. 12 gay 37. 23 37. 32 gedder, all to 18. 21 See gether generacion 5. 1 7. 1 generation 15. 16 (2 times) generations 2. 4 (3 times) clothes gate gather come together to dryue in gat called had named charged put vnto omit partye coloured partie „ all together tyme generacion generacions A garments gate gathering turned in to arose tooke called made . . . drinke commanded made . . . drinke called tooke omit of many colours altogether generations generation generations generattons-geue C A generations 0. 9 generacion generations (7 times) 11. 27 generations )> 12. 3 generacions families 17. 12 posterities generations ^entylls 10.5 Heithen Gentiles Gera 46. 21 Gerar 20.2 (6 times) Gerara 10.19 Gerar Gerar Gergesites 15.21 Girgashites Gerson 46. 11 Gershon get 19.14 (2 times) 22. 2 (2 times) go get 42.33 )) be gone gete 42. 2 » get See gett getest 48. 6 begettest begettest gether 1. 9 gather be gathered Gether 10. 23 gether, to 22. 19 together together See gedder gett 12. 1 get get 27. 3 (5 times) » goe 27. 9 go I) 42. 2 (2 times) )> get 26. 16 departe goe — the mastrye 27. 40 put of his yock haue dominion See get gete geue 23. 4 (20 times) giue — , wyll 12. 7 will giue (19 times) — , wilt 15. 2 — , to 15. 7 — , shall 28. 31 (4 times) — , shalt 30. 31 95 96 geue-go geue, shall 4. 12 (2 times) 9. 3 (2 times) — . . . wyne 19. 32 (2 times) — , wyll — , „ 15. 18 — to lust, shall 18. 12 — , will 23. 13 — dryncke 24. 45 — , shalt 28. 22 30.24 — , shulde 34. 14 34. 21 — , wold 38. 9 38. 17 — , must 47. 26 See gyue geuen, haue 1. 29 (2 times) — , hast 15. 3 — , hath 24. 35 (5 times) — , hath 4. 25 — , are 9. 2 — , haue 16. 5 — , shulde haue 24. 19 — , shall be 29. 27 — , hath 30. 18 — , „ 33. 11 go 19. 2 (2 times) — , will 18. 21 (3 times) — , to 11. 31 — , shaU 42. 38 — in vnto 30. 3 haue geuen geue geuest to geue wyl geue shulde geue to geue hath apoynted be geuen layde had geuen will geue gfaue lye with A shall yeeld haue giuen make . . . drinke omit haue giuen shall haue pleasure will giue let drinke shall adde to giue wil giue should giue will giue should giue haue giuen hast „ hath „ hath appointed are deliuered haue giuen had done giuing will giue haue giuen hath dealt with to goe ofoe in vnto go-golden 97 go, for to 37. 14 44. 26 See goo God 1. 1 (180 times) 7. 9 (2 times) 12. 17 (3 times) — , LORde the ever- lastynge 21. 33 28. 6 (2 times) — , LORde thy 27. 20 — , LORde 28. 13 — , walked witk 5. 22 — , walked wyth 6. 9 — mosthygh,LORDE 14. 22 — , LORde the 24. 42 — whom Isaac feareth 31.42 — of Israel, myghtie 33. 20 — of Jacob, myghtye 49. 24 goddes31.30(4times) 19.7 godes 30. 12 (2 times) 28.22 godly lyfe, lyved a 5.24 goeth 32. 20 goinge and cominge agayne 8. 7 gold 2. 11 (5 times) golde 24. 53 44.8 golden 24. 22 41.42 to go can "fo LORDE led a godly con- uersacion led a godly life LORDE the most high God LORDE thou the feare of Isaac the miffhtie in Jacob omtt Gods of God came agayne golde of golde G A he came will ofoe LORD onnt LORDE, the most high God LORD God the feare of Isaac El-Elohe-Israel gods omit Gods walked with God went foorth to and fro gold golden 98 Gomorra-goo C A Gomorra 10. 19 Gomorah (2 times) 14. 2 (7 times) Gomorrah Gomyr 10.2 (2 times) Gomer Gomer gone, was 27. 30 (2 times) —, was 24. 63 (2 times) went — in vnto, had 6. 4 had lyen with came in vnto 27.5 wente went goo, shalt 3. 14 shalt go shalt goe — , to 12. 5 (3 times) to go 16. 2 (2 times) go go. — , wylt 16. 8 -, „ 24. 58 (4 times) — , will 22. 5 will goe 24. 51 (19 times) go goe 24.56 maye departe may goe — , may 30. 26 — , shall 37. 30 shal go shall goe — , to 47. 19 (2 times) omit omit 7.1 go come — , shalt 15. 15 shalt departe shalt goe — by 18. 3 go by passe away 18.5 shall go passe on 19.34 mayest go goe — , shalt 24. 4 go shalt go 24.38 )> >, goe 24.55 shall go shall „ — , shulde 25. 22 be — , to 18. 5 might go omit — , 31. 18 „ come to goe 32. 16 go passe 32.17 thou dryuest omit 33.12 go on 33. 14 )) >> passe — , will 34. 17 will be gone goo-goodly 99 C A goo, shall 42. 15 shall get shall goe — , let 44. 3 sent away 44. 17 get you vp — from, coude 44. 22 can come from can leaue — , coude 44. 26 can go can goe -, can 44. 34 11 >> shall „ - - shuld 45. 1 to to 47. 19 become be — , to 48. 7 0})iit to come — , let me 50. 5 wyl go let me goe See go good 1. 4 (28 times) — health, in 29. 6 well (3 times) 14. 12 goods — , seemeth 19. 8 liketh you is good in your eyes 28.15 omit — lucke 30. 11 a troupe commeth — , made 31. 29 was fayne to paie bare the losse — case, in 40. 14 in prosperite well 41.85 plenteous — chere, beof43.23 be content Peace be to you 45.22 goodes goode 31. 29 good good 46.29 omit goodes 14. 11 goods (5 times) 12.5 goodes substance 31. 1 good that which was of 34.23 cattell 36.6 beasts 45.20 good goodly 49. 20 41.5 good good 27. 15 costly — person 39. 6 fay re of bewtye G2 100 goodly-grace goodly 41. 2 49.22 goost 28. 15 (3 times) goote 37. 31 See gotte gootes 30.35 (2 times) 32. 14 (2 times) 30. 33 30. 35 Gosan 45. 10 (9 times) got 19. 27 39. 15 See gott gotte goten, had 12. 5 — , hath 31. 1 — , haue 32. 10 goth 38. 13 33. 14 gott 21. 21 22. 3 — , had 36. 6 39.12 39. 21 gotte, haue 4. 23 See got gotte 15. 9 See goote gotten, had 31. 18 (2 times) 4. 1 — , haue 32. 5 gouerner 42. 6 45. 26 goynge 37. 25 49.4 grace 6. 8 (8 times) omit goest goate goates )) kyddes omit Gosen gat ranne am become goeth can go toke gat had gotten gat caused to fynde haue gotten goate haue opteyned haue gouernoure a lorde goinge well fauoured omit goest goats goates goats goates goats Goshen gate am become goeth J) tooke went had got got gaue omit ffoat gouemour )) going omit grace-greued 101 grace 32. 5 (2 times) — , receaue me to 33. 10 grapes 40. 10 (3 times) grasse 1. 11 (2 „ ) 1.30 graue 35. 20 (6 times) 35.20 grave, all that 4. 22 gray 44. 29 (2 times) 42. 38 great 1. 16 (18 times) --, make 19. 19 21. 16 — whyle to nyghte 29. 7 great 38. 24 41. 31 — nombre 48. 4 greatel.21 (11 times; — deale, a 26.16 50. 11 See grete greater 1 . 16 (3 times) See greatter greatly 27. 33 — and bitterly 27. 34 greatlye 32. 7 greatter 39. 9 See greater greavous 21. 11 — vnto, be 21. 12 See grevous grene 9. 3 (2 times) grete 7. 11 (4 times) greued 34. 7 — , be 45. 5 C A fauoure be at one with me thou wast pleased with me omit grauestone omit graye greate make greate omit yet hye day omit multitude farre exceadingly loude sore so greate sore displease srreate vexe omit artificer hast magnified good yet high day omit grieuous multitude great omit grieuous very exceedingly exceeding bitter greatly grieuous be grieuous in greene great grieued be jrrieued 102 grevous-gyue grevous 18. 20 grewe 19. 25 (5 times) 2.10 25.27 41.5 41.48 ground 44. 14 2.6 33.19 grounde 4. 1 2 (4 times) 37. 10 (4 times) 38. 10 43. 28 See grownde growe 1. 22 (3 times) 23. 17 growe into 24. 60 35.11 — , to 41. 52 48.4 — , maye 48. 16 groweth 33.3 grownde 33.3 See ground grounde growne, be 38. 11 — , was 38. 14 Guni 46.24 gutters 30. 41 39.38 gyftes 34.12 Gylead31.47(2times) gyue, wyll 13. 15 14.21 — , wylt 38.16 See geue C grew omit wer growne grounde earth londe earth omit omit be frutefuU maye growe is found e grounde drynkinge troughes omit gift Gilead wyll geue geue wylt geue A grieuous grew became grew came vp was a field ground earth ground o^nit be fruitftill were be the mother of be fruitfull to be fruitfull fruitfull let . . . pfrow IS ground be growen was gift Gileed will giue giue wilt giue hahitations-hande 103 habitations 36. 43 omit had 11.30 (22 times) 7.22 (4 times) was 24.2 (3 „ ) omit 7. 14 omit 7. 15 was is — rule 24. 2 ruled — with him 24. 10 were in his hand — envy 26. 14 enuied 27. 15 were 31. 21 was his — a dreame, haue had another haue dreamed 37. 9 dreame 39.4 his goodes 40. 16 bare Hadad 36. 35 (2 times) 36.39 Hadar Hadar 25. 15 haddest 30. 30 hadst Hadoram 10. 27 Hagar 16.1 (Utime.s) Agar 21. 14 Agars Haggi 46. 16 halfe 24. 22 half halted 32. 31 Ham 5. 32 (10 times) hamati 10. 18 Hamathite Hamul 46. 12 hand 3. 20 (5 times) hande hande 9. 5 (41 „ ) hand 14.22 (2 „ ) honde >i 39. 22 (2 „ ) handes » 16.6 auctorite )> — , at 19. 15 here 27.20 omit — , at 27. 41 shortly at hand 104 hande-hard C A hande, haue goten the haue preuailed vpper 30. 8 — , vnder myne 33. 18 by me with mee 38.20 omit hand — , apon my 48. 7 by me by me handes 24. 22 20. 5 (13 times) hands 9.2 (7 „ ) hand 19. 16 (3 „ ) hande n 43. 12 (2 „ ) omit )5 5.29 hondes hands 16.9 hande !) 19.10 hondes hand 31. 42 omit hands 43.22 )> handes See hondes handmayde 29. 29 mayden hand mayd (2 times) 16.1 handmaide 25.12 mayde hand mayd hange, shall 40. 19 40.22 hanged, was 41, 13 hanged hangeth 44.30 is bound vp Hanoch25.4(2times) happen, myght 42. 4 might happen befall — , myght 42. 38 shulde „ » 44.29 M — , shall 49. 1 shall befall happened 26. 8 omit came to passe — , had 42. 29 befell happy 30. 13 well Haran 11.26 (11 times) Harans 11. 31 of Haran hard 3. 10 (3 times) herde heard 18. 14 harde See heard harken-hated C A harken 23. 15 heare hearken — , will 34. 17 wyll herken will hearken See herken barkened 33. 16 herkened hearkened (3 times) 26.5 was obedient obeyed harme 31. 52 harmlcsse 44. 10 blamelesse harnessed 14. 14 armed harpe 4. 21 harpes harpcs 31. 27 M harpe harte 17. 17 (2 times) hert heart 27.41 herte jj 34.3 hert soule See hert herte hartes 42. 28 hertes heart harts 18. 5 )) hearts harvest 8. 22 See her vest hasell 30. 37 hasel Haso 22. 22 Hazo hast 19. 12 (4 times) 43. 30 (3 „ ) haist haste — , thou 20. 7 is thine are thine — , ,, 33. 5 are with the are with thee — , „ 45. 11 is thyne thou hast haste 19. 22 haist — , made 24. 46 immediately 41. 14 omit hastily hasted 24. 18 haistely hastely 24. 20 made haist hasted hatches 8. 13 couering hate 26. 27 — , to 50. 15 haue indignacion hate hated 37. 5 (3 times) 105 106 hated-head C A hated 27.41 bare euell vnto wyll 37.4 had euell wyll at 37. 11 had envie at enuied hath 23. 9 (3 times) 17.14 omit omit 39.8 (2 times) is is hath 15. 2 omit hatred 3. 15 enemyte enmitie haue 1. 28 (12 times) 17.14 (2 „ ) omit omit — , shall 18. 10 (2 times) 31. 14 (3 times) is — , shalt 35. 17 1. 20 hath — , may 1. 26 haue 1.29 beare is — , may 1. 30 omit haue giuen — , shall 9. 6 shall be shall be — lyfe, as soon as this tyme at the tyme ap- the frute can 18. 14 pointed 19.12 hast hast — , shalt 27. 39 shall be — to lyue, what lust what shal life profit what good shall shuld I 27. 46 me my life doe me 33. 13 omit 34.10 get 47.18 t is spent t is spent hauen 49. 13 havock, made 34. 29 spoyled spoiled havynge 1. 11 is 1. 12 was — lyfe 9. 3 hath Ufe liueth HazezonThamar 14. 7 Hazezon Thamar Hazezon-tamar head 47. 31 (7 times) heade 40.20 omit head-Hebrues 107 head 42. 38 heade 40.16 (3 times) 28. 11 (2 times) 40. 13 (2 „ ) — cyte 23. 2 healed 20. 17 health 43. 28 — , in good 29. 6 (2 times) heape 31.46 (6 times) 31.52 hearde, haue 42. 2 See herd herde heare 4. 23 (6 times) 21. 1 — , wold 42. 21 (2 times) 27. 8 (2 times) 21.6 21. 12 23.13 27. 13 hearest 41. 15 heate 18. 1 See hete heaven 1. 1 (29 times) 2. 1 (3 times) Heber 46. 17 Hebrewe 39. 14 See Hebrue Hebron 23. 2 (3 times) Hebrue 41. 12 14. 13 See Hebrewe Hebrues 40. 15 39. 17 lia3re omit head cite omit heare here heareth folowe might heare folowe Hebrue Hebrue Aleaunt Hebrue A haires head t pillowes head Kiriath-arba well here obey hearken obey omit heat heauens Hebrew Hebrew Hebrewes Hebrew 108 Hebrues-herde C Hebrues 43. 32 hede, take 31. 24 (2 times) helde 24. 21 (2 times) hele 3. 15 (2 ,, ) heles 49. 17 helpe 2. 20 40.14 — , shall 49. 25 helper 2. 18 helpethit, what 25. 22 Heman 36. 22 Hemdan 36. 26 Hemov 39.2 (9 times) hence 37. 17 (3 „ ) 7.4 — , get 45. 17 henceforth 4. 12 8. 21 (2 times) 9. 11 (3 „ ) Henoch 4. 17 (5 times) 5. 19 (2 times) 5.23 5.24 nephron 23. 10 See Ephron herbe 1. 11 (2 times) herbes 1. 29 (3 „ ) 2. 5 (2 times) herd 3. 8 (2 „ ) herde 14. 14 (i4times) — , haue 17. 20 — , hath 21. 17 (3 times) — , haue 21. 26 (2 times) 20. 17 (2 times) Ebrues bewarre omit art helped helpe why yet after go youre way henszforth omit his he Ephron herbe herde A Hebrewes heele heeles helpe meete omit helpe meet why yet omit againe omit Enoch Ephron herbe heard haue heard haue heard hearkened herde-Heuila 109 C A herde IG. 2 herkened hearkened 34.5 vnderstode heard 35.3 answered See hearde herdman 49. 24 herdmen sheapherd herdmen 13. 7 hirdmen heardmen (2 times) 13. 8 (3 times) hyrdmen >i here 16. 13 (11 times) 22. 1 heere 22. 7 (3 times) omit 31.51 (2 „ ) omit ,, 38. 21 (2 „ ) in this place 30.3 there behold 31.50 ,, omit — by 42. 15 hereby herin 34. 22 omit herein lierken 4. 23 (2 times) hearken — , shall 49. 10 shal fall shall the gathering be hert 6. 5 (7 times) heart 43.30 bowels hervest 45. 6 See harvest hete 8. 22 heate heat 31.40 >i drought See heate Heth 10. 15 (3 times) -, of 28. 3 (10 „ ) Hethites Hethite23.10(7 „ ) Hittite See Hethyte Hethites 15.20 Hittites Hethyte 49. 29 Hethite Hittite See Hethite Heva 3. 20 (2 times) Eve Heuila 10. 7 (2 times) Hauilah 2. 11 Heuyla 1) 110 Heuite-horses C A Heuite 34. 2 Hiuite Heuyte 36. 2 Hethite 5J heyfer 15. 9 cow heifer hinder 24. 56 holde hindermost 38. 2 hynder most Hira 38. 1 (2 times) Hyra Hirah hither 42. 15 (4 times) — , come 19. 9 stand backe 43.20 downe downe Hiui 10. 17 Hiuite Hoba 14. 15 holdynge 25. 26 helde tooke holde on hole 13. 9 (2 times) whole whole 13.13 j> all home 17. 12 (3 times) house 43. 16 in )) — , goo 44. 33 go vp goe vp honde 8. 9 (3 times) hande hand See hand hande hondes 24. 47 handes hands See handes honoure 31. 1 riches glory 45. 13 worshipe >) 49.6 >> honour hony 43. 11 honie hoore 38. 15 whoore harlot hoost 32. 2 hoste Hori 36. 22 36.29 Horites Horites See Hory Horite 36. 20 Horites 36. 21 homes 22. 13 horse 49. 17 horsemen 50. 9 horses horses 47. 17 Hory-housse 111 Hory 36. 30 Horites Hori See Hori Horyms 14. 6 Horites Horites houghed an oxe 49. G t digged down a wall housbond 30. 18 huszbande husband (2 times) housbonde 30. 15 »» II Sec hu.sband husbond husbonde house 12. 1 (61 times) 39. 22 (2 times) omit omit 45.2 (3 „ ) housholde — , in to thy 19.5 vnto the in to the 28.21 home 44.4 omit 50.7 courte 50.8 lande See housse households 42. 19 home houses See housholdes houses 34.29 house houshold 39.11 folkes of the house men of the house housholde 18. 19 householde household (2 times) 45. 1 1 (2 times) house houshold 26.14 householde seruants 31.17 )> houshold See houssold husholde housholdes 42.33 houses housholds 45.18 housholdes ,, 47.24 houses households See households housse 15. 2 (6 times) house house — ,inl7.13(2times) at home II 112 housse-husbonde housse in 15. 3 houssold 7. 1 See houshold housholde how 27. 20 (6 times) — that 3.7 (3 „ ) - „ 20. 13 (2 „ ) 31. 12 (2 „ ) 42.28 Hul 10.23 hundred see Intro- duction p. xxvii hunger 41. 27 (7 times) — , of 41. 36 41.36 — , began to 41. 55 hunted, he that hath 27.33 hunter 10.9 (B times) huntynge 27.30 Hupim 46. 21 hurt, wylt 21. 23 hurte 26. 29 (2 times) — , meane no 42. 19 Hus 22.21 Husam36.34(2times) husband 3. 6 See housbond housbonde husbond husbonde husband man 9. 20 husbond 3. 16 husbonde 16. 3 (3 times) C housholde house that )> omit wherfore derth deare honger beganne to suffre honger also the hunter that brought house huntinge harme be vnfayned husbande omit huszbande that omit » what famine famine was famished he that hath taken hunting Huppim wilt deale falsly hurt be true men Huz Husham husbandman husband housholde-Iacob 1 C A See housbond housbonde husband husholde 41.51 house house See houshold housholde houssold Husim 46.23 Hushim hyd 3.8 (2 times) hid 35.4 buried »» hyde, will 47. 18 — , must 4. 14 shall be hid -, can 18.17 „ hide 25.25 hairy garment hye 7.19 high 7.20 vpward 49.9 vp hye vp Sec hygh hye-vvayes 38. 14 waye way hygh 14.22 hye high See hye hyghest, most 14. 18 most hye most high (2 timesj 14.20 Hyest 1) II hyll 31. 54 mount mount hylles 7. 19 mountaynes hils 7.20 >> mountaines hynde 49. 21 hinde hyther 15.16 hither hither See hither Hyzarmoneth 10. 26 Hazarmaphet Hazarmaueth labal 4.20 labok 32. 22 lacob labbok lachim 46. 10 lachin lacksan 25. 2 (2 times) lakshan lacob 25.26 (128 „ ) 113 114 lacob-Iesui C I lacob 25. 28 (2 times) Jacob 27.14 (2 „ ) he hee 27.30 (4 „ ) omit 29.15 (3 „ ) him. 81. 1 he he 31. 32 (4 times J )) 32.32 lacobs lacobs — , of 34. 7 (3 times) u of lacob 27.17 >> 30.2 lacobs 47.28 Israel lacobs 27. 22 (7 times) 45.26 (3 times) his 46.8 of lacob lacob's 31.33 lacobs lacobs laelam 36. 5 (3 times) laheleel 46. 14 lahleel lahleel lahezeel 46. 24 lahzeel lahzeel Iaketanl0.25(2times) laketan Joktan 10.29 }) loktan lamin 46. 10 laphet 5.32 Japheth lapheth 6. 10 (2 times) laphet )) 9. 18 (6 times) )) laphet larah 10.26 lerah lared 5. 15 (2 times) 5. 16 (2 times) omit 5.20 his lauan 10. 2 (2 times) lealam 36. 14 laalam lebusi 10. 16 Jebusite lebusites 15. 21 ledlaph 22.22 lidlaph lemna 46. 17 limnah lemuel 46. 10 lesua 46. 17 Ishuah lesui 46. 17 Isui letheth-in 115 letheth 36.40 Jetheth lethran 36.26 Ithran letur 25. 15 lethur jetur leus 36. 5 (3 times) leush iewells 24. 53 iewels iewels iewelles 24. 53 omit i> lezer 46. 24 if 23. 8 (3 times) yf 30.27 omit See yf lisca 11. 29 Iscah lies 10. 5 imagynacion 8. 21 ymaginacion imagination See ymagynacion in 1. 11 (349 times) 1.11(15 „ ) after after 1. 29 (40 „ ) omit 2.2 (2 „ ) on 2.5 (17 „ ) vpon 2.15(7 „ ) into 3. 1 (5 „ ) of 4.3 (3 „ ) after in 4.22(7 „ ) omit 4. 22 (14 „ ) omit omit 6. 4 at at 10. 9 before before ' 13. 17 thorow through 16. 6 (2 times) vnder 17.12(2 „ ) thorow out 18. 12 with in within 20.6 (4 „ ) with 20.13(2 „ ) omit at — , possessim to bury burying place 23. 4 (4 times) 25.16(2 „ ) by 30. 35 (2 „ ) vnder into — good health 29. 6 well (3 times) H2 116 m in tymes past 31. 2 (2 times) 36. 40 (2 times) 38.7 (2 „ ) — and out 3. 24 — , open 4. 7 — that tyme 4. 26 6. 16 — stoore,laye vp 6.21 7. 11 9. 14 9.21 15.3 15.7 18. 14 19.9 19.17 — very dede 20. 12 — that 22. 12 25.13 26.31 27.8 27. 18 — what takynge 30. 29 — the tyme 30. 41 31. 34 36.30 — , begat 37. 3 39. 10 39. 11 — good case 40. 14 41. 36 41.36 41.45 42.6 43.18 yesterdaye and yeryesterdaye before omit open in at the same tyme laye it vp in stoare of of >> aboute herin vpon omit omit of on omit in what maner vnder m thereby in thy prosperite omit for omit in for before according to in euery way at then to gather omit a within in of at to indeed seeing that according to in according to vnto how whensoeuer in among sonne of with there within well for to ouer )) in in-tyitcrpretyngc 117 C in mornynge 44. 3 on the morow — , begat 44. 20 45. 7 45.8 49.13 in as moch as 19. 19 increase 9. 1 9.27 28.8 See encrease increased 7. 17 7.18 See encreased Inde 2. 13 indede 28. 19 inhabitoure 36. 20 inhabitoures 34. 40 inne 42. 27 (2 times) innocent 20. 5 in so moch 46. 30 „ „ much 26. 15 in stede 2. 21 instrumentes 49. 5 intercession, made 25.21 interpretate, had well 40.16 — , coude 41. 8 — , can 41. 15 — , dost 41. 15 interpretation 40. 5 (4 times) interpreter 42. 23 interpretynge 40. 8 vpon make the frutefuU Morians omit that dwelt in the lande inhabiters for so moch as in steade besought as soone as morn- ing was light childe of in throughout for omit bee fruitful shall enlarge make thee fruitfull encreased Ethiopia omit who inhabited inhabitants innocencie of since omit in stead instruments intreated interpretacion was interpretation was good coude tell the interpretacion can interprete declarest interpretacion interpretinge good could interprete can interpret canst vnderstand to inteq:)ret interpretations 118 into-Iosephs into 2. 7 (55 times) vnto 11. 31 (2 „ ) 29. 13 (2 „ ) to 31. 3 (3 „ ) to 46.4 (3 „ ) omit 7.9 in vnto him to 12.6 through 16.5 by 19.5 vnto 19.26 omit — , growe 24. 60 bee thou the moth er of 34. 25 vpon 41. 48 in in that 22. 12 and seeing intreated, was 25. 21 invade, shall 49. 19 shal fall violently vpon shall ouercome lob 46. 13 Job lobab 10. 29 (3 times) Iordanel3.10(2times) lordan 32. 10 (2 times) >! Jordan 50.10 )! Joseph 30. 24 (107 times) 39.20 him him 41.46 (6 times) he — , of 46. 27 (3 times) Josephs 47.2 he hee 50. 16 (2 times) him 41.41 omit 50.16 him 50.25 he losephes 45. 16 Josephs Josephs Josephs 37. 31 (12 times) 39. 22 (2 times) his losephs-is 119 losephs 41. 45 him iourney 24.21(5 times) 13. 11 (2 times) ioumeyed 28. 20 (5 „ ) way 12.9 ioumeye ioumeyed — , on his 13. 3 forth on his iourneyes Irad 4. 18 (2 times) Iram 36. 43 is 2. 8 (100 times) — , name 2. 11 is called (3 times) 2. 11 (9 times) omit 10. 9 (3 „ ) omit 14. 9 (4 „ ) omit n 18. 20 (2 „ ) are 19.15 >i are — the father of 19. 37 of whom came (2 times) — , here 22. 7 behold (2 times) 24. 14 (2 times) be let be 41.7 was was — your comynge ye are come you are come 42. 12 (2 times) 1.30 hath — full 6. 13 is filled — , there 12. 19 behold 17.4 haue 17.17 am 18.14 shulde be 19. 13 is waxen — a saynge, it 22. 14 it is said — worth 23.9 t reasonable 23.17 omit was — not the maner, it it must not be so 29.26 done 30.15 hast thou 120 is-Iudas C A is, name 35. 10 art called — to say, that 37. 1 namely omit 38.18 thou hast 38.26 hath bin 45.6 are omit — so sore 47. 4 doth oppresse is sore 49. J4 shal be 49.27 omit shall rauine as 49.3 lyeth Isaac 17. 19 (70 times) 21. 4 (2 times) him 18.26 he Isaacs 26. 19 (3 times) 26.25 his Isachar80.18(4times) Issachar Ismael 16.11 (10 „ ) Ishmael See Ismaell Ismaelites 37. 25 Ishmeelites (4 times) Ismaell 16. 15 (6 times) Ismael Ishmael See Ismael Ismaels 36. 3 Ishmaels Israel 32. 28 (26 times) 45.28 (2 „ ) he 46.2 him See Israeli Israelites 48. 20 Israel Israel Israeli 32. 28 (10 times) )) )! 33.20 El-Elohe-Israel — , of 48. 10 Israels of Israel See Israel Israels 48. 13 (2 times) 35.22 t Israel lubal 4. 21 luball Jubal luda 29.35 (18 times) ludah ludas 38. 12 I) 38. 11 (3 times) ludahs ludas-keper 121 ludas 38. 7 omit ludahs 38. 20 (3 times) luda ludah iudge 15. 14 (4 times) — , let 31. 37 maye iudge may iudge — , be 31. 53 iudge — , shall 49. 16 shal be iudge in ludith 26. 34 iugmente, well of 14. 7 En-mishpat Joseph 33. 7 (2 times) Joseph Joseph Kahath 46. 11 Cahath Kohath Karnaim, Astarath Astaroth Karnaim Ashteroth Kar- 14.5 naim Kariathaim, Sabe 14.5 Kiriathaim Shueh Kariathain Kedar 25. 13 Cedar Kedma 25. 15 Kedemah Kedorlaomer 14. 1 Chedorlaomer (5 times) Kemuell 22. 21 Kemuel Kemuel Kenan 5. 9 (2 times) Cainan 5. 10 (3 times) omit )! Kenas 36.11 (3 times) Kenaz Kenizites 15. 19 Kenytes 15. 19 Kenites kepe 30. 31 (3 times) keepe — to 2. 15 (2 „ ) to keepe — themalyve,to6. 19 that they may l3me (2 times) — , do 37. 13 — , see thou 17. 9 kepe thou shalt keepe — , shall 17. 10 shall keepe — , will 29. 34 t will be ioyned — secrett 37. 26 hyde conceale keper 4. 9 39. 21 (2 times) officer keeper — , wylbe 28. 15 wyll kepe will keepe 122 kepeth-knowe C A kepeth 30. 2 hath withheld kepinge 30. 35 hande hand kepte 26. 5 (2 times) kept — , hath 39. 9 20.6 withheld — , haste 22. 12 spared withhelde 27.36 reserued 30.36 fed 37.2 became a keper was feeding — , let them 41. 35 maye kepe let them keepe Kethura 25. 4 Ketura Keturah Ketura 25. 1 ;) kiddes 27. 9 kyddes kids See kyddes kinde 6. 20 (5 times) kynde See kynde kindes 1. 21 See kyndes kindly 34. 3 louyngly See kyndly kinge 14.18 (3 times) kynge king 14.4 omit See kynge kinreddes 25. 13 kynredes generations See kynreddes kynredds kynreds kissed 27. 27 kyssed See kyssed kneade 18. 6 knede knead knees 50. 23 lappe knewe 37. 33 (6 times) knew 27.23 knew discerned knowe 29. 5 12. 11 (11 times) know — , shall 15. 8 shal know — , cowd 43. 7 knowe-kyne 123 knowe doth 3. 5 — , shulde 3. 5 — , may 18. 21 — , shall 24. 14 — , 42. 33 47.6 knowest 30. 26 (2 times) knoweth 83. 13 kno\vled<^e 2. 9 (2 times) 3.22 knowne, haue 19. 8 knyfe 22. 6 (2 times) Korah 36. 5 (4 „ ) kydd 38. 20 (2 „ ) 38. 17 kyddes 30. 32 See kiddes kyll, shulde 4. 15 4. 14 — , to 27. 42 37.21 kylled, to haue 22. 10 — , shulde haue 26. 7 37. 31 kynde 1. 11 (7 times) 7. 2 (3 times) 8.19 — worde 37. 4 See kinde kyndes 1. 2 (5 times) See kindes kyndnesse 21. 23 20. 13 kyne 32.15 (11 times) 33. 13 shal knowe maye „ >' i< wyl marke knowest knowest knoweth slaye wil slaye sley to haue slayne might slaye slewe omit like frendly worde kynde kyndnes greate catell A doth know knowing will know shall know II I) knowest to know haue knowen knife kidde kid goates slay to kill kill to slay should kill killed kinde omit kinds peaceably kinde kindnesse heards 124 kyngdome-Laban C A kyngdome 10, 10 kingdome kynge 14, 1 (18 times) king 40. 5 (2 times) omit »> 14.22 kinge >j 37.8 kinge omit — , geue pleasures geue delicates vnto yeeld royall for a 49. 20 kynges dainties See kinge kynges 14, 5 (7 times) kings 14, 17 (2 times) kinges >> 41.40 >) omit k)nired 12, 1 (4 times) kinred 10.5 families 31,3 kindred 43,7 kynrede )) See kynrede kynreddes 10. 20 kynreds families (2 times) 10,31 generacions j> 10.32 kynredes )> kynredds 36. 40 kynreds » See kinreddes kynreds kynrede 32, 9 kynred kinred kynreds 10, 18 families See kinreddes kynreddes kynredds kysse 27, 26 (2 times) kisse kyssed 29.11 (7 „ ) kissed See kissed Laban 24,29 (44 times) 24,31 he he — , of 29, 10 omit omit — , of 30. 40 Labans Labans — , of 30, 40 (2 times) Labans of Laban 39. 15 he J) Lahans-land 12;' C A Labans30.36(3times) laboure 31. 42 labour 35. 17 travclynge „ 41.51 toile lacke 18. 28 lesse 18. 28 omit lad 37. 2 (9 times) 21. 18 (3 , . ) childe 21. 14 (3 „ . ) »> child 37. 30 (3 , . ) childe 15. 3 Sonne one 40.20 omit omit ladd 21. 12 childe lad ladder 28. 12 »» laddes 48. 16 44. 30 of this lads lade 45. 17 laded 42. 26 44. 13 lade the burthen vpon laden 45. 23 37.25 which bare bearing 45.23 omit lambes21.28(3 times) 21.30 lambs 30. 33 (2 times) sheepe 30. 32 shepe » 33. 19 pens pieces of money Lamech 4.18 (7 times) 5.26 omit 5.30 he 5. 31 his lamentation 50. 10 lamentacion — , ooke of 35, . 8 Oke of lamentacion Allon-Bachuth land 26. 2 (13 times) lande 24. 5 (2 times) londe 36. 6 lande lande 126 lande-lawe lande 28. 4 (3 times) 4. 16 (74 „ ) land 1. 10 (45 „ ) londe » 10.30 (2 „ ) omit omit 41.53 (2 „ ) omit land 23.15 felde J) — ofthy fathers 31.3 fatherland 36.21 londe See land lond londe landes 41. 54 (2 times) lands 47. 19 (2 times) lande land 10. 20 londes countries See londes language 11. 1 languages 10. 31 tunges tongues lappe 30. 3 (2 times) knees Lasa 10. 19 Lasha last 49. 1 30.40 later feebler — of all 33. 7 afterwarde after — , doth 50. 3 endured omit late 24. 18 let let latest dye 47. 19 suffrest to dye shall die latter 30. 42 omit laugh at 21. 6 reioyse with laugh with laughe, doth 18. 13 doth laugh did laugh laughed 18. 12 (2 times) See laughte laughing stocke, hath prepared a made me to la made me 21. 6 ioye for me laughte 17. 17 laughed laughed See laughed laughtest 18. 15 dyddest laughe diddest laugh lawe 47. 26 law lawes-leane C A lawes 26. 5 lay i9. 34 laye 41.35 — wyth 4. 1 (2 times) 51 knew — by 38. 18 laye with came in vnto See laye layd 48. 17 layed layde 15. 10 layd 22. 6 (3 times) layed )i — , was 25. 17 was gathered was gathered — him down 28. 11 layed him down lay down — , had 28. 18 had put — vp 41. 49 layed vp gathered 47. 14 layed brought — him 49. 9 kneled .stouped See layed laye 19. 33 (8 times) lay 9. 21 (2 times) was — vp in stoore 6. 21 shalt gather 29.2 omit were lying - by 29. 30 laye with went in vnto — vnto, his harte 34. 3 his herte hanged vpon hee loued — with 38. 26 knew 39.20 laie were — some thinge to our fall vpon vs charge, to 43. 18 See lay layed 39. 16 laid See layd layde Lea 29. 16 (26 times) Leah 30. 15 she shea 30.18 omit Leah Leabim 10. 13 Lehabim leade, to 12. 20 to conveye sent leane 41. 3 127 128 leane-let leane 41. 19 lean 41.20 leene See lenefleshed leape 31. 12 Leas 30. 10 (5 times) Leahs leaste 82. 10 omit least leaue 18. 15 (3 times) — of from, wyll 11.6 will be restrained from 44.22 come from See leve led 43. 24 brought leeft, had 24. 15 had left of had done lefe 8. 11 leaf leafe left 13. 9 (13 times) — , had 39. 13 — , is 42. 38 (2 times) — mornynge, had 38.12 was comforted 44.12 omit lefte 13.9 (4 times) left of 11.8 (2 „ ) left of left off legges 49. 10 fete feete lenefleshed 41.4 leene leane See leane length 13.17 lenth 8. 15 length length lest 3. 3 (4 times) 19.17 (2 „ ) that not 38.11 peraduenture peraduenture 19.19 there might 26.7 thinkinge thus 44.34 then peraduenture let 1. 3 (37 times) 20. 7 (4 „ ) shal 24.57(2 „ ) will 23.9 (4 „ ) maye may let-lifted 129 let 44.2 (4 times) maye 33.15(3 „ ) will 47.25(2 „ ) )) will — it devyde 1.17 diuided 4.7 shal omit — departe 24. 54 let departe send away — syppe 25. 30 let proue feed — eate 27.25 to eate will eate — vs consente 34. 23 yf we consent 37.27 that — them 41. 34 se that he 41.35 omit — seme 45.5 think omit 47.30 — me 48.9 that I may Letusim 25. 3 Letushim levc 2. 24 leaue leaue See leaue leves 3. 7 leaues leaues Leui 29. 34 (6 times) Leumim 25. 3 Leummim lieth 49. 25 lyeth lyeth See lyeth . life 3. 18 (3 times) 9.4 bloude — , dayes of 25. 7 age dayes of the yeres of life — long 44. 32 lyfe longe for euer — longe 48. 15 )) )» life long liffe 7. 22 life life See lyfe lifte vp 33. 5 lift vp lift up — up, was 7. 17 »> II was lift vp — vp, shall 41. 44 moue shall lift vp See lyft lyfte lifted 31.10 lift See lyfted 130 Ughte-loked lighte 44.3 daye light See lyghte lightely 26. 10 lightly lightly liked 6. 2 chose Hon 49. 9 lyon lyon lionesse 49. 9 lionesse old lyon lions 49. 9 lyon lyons litle 19. 20 (2 times) 18.4 (4 „ j' little — , not a 34. 7 very very See lytle litter 24. 25 (2 times) straw livynge 2. 19 liuinge liuing See lyvinge lyvynge lo 15. 3 beholde behold 18.2 j> loe 24. 13 behold 29. 7 omit loe See loo lodge 24. 23 (2 times) loftes 6.16 stories loke 12.11 (5 times) looke 48. 3 omit omit — , wyll 9.16 maye loke will looke — upon, to 24. 18 of face to looke vpon 38.25 knowest discerne loked 6. 12 (5 times) looked 8. 13 (4 times) sawe )? — , hath 29. 32 — vnto 4. 4 had respect vnto 18. 16 turned them looked 19. 28 turned his face !) 19. 28 omit omit 24.63 sawe saw — vponnothinge 39. 6 medled with noth- inge left all See looked lokest-LORde 131 C A lokest 16. 13 seist seest lond 7. 22 londe land 47.6 lande >» londe 1. 9 (11 timesi II 23. 2 (15 )) ) lande )i See land lande londes 47. 18 lande lands 47. 19 » land 47.22 lands See landes longe 26.8 (2 time ^^) long — 21. 34 (2 )) ) many 50. 3 (2 1) ) omit — as, as 8.22 so longe as while 50. 3 omit omit longer 45. 1 omit >( longest 31. 30 longedest longedst longeth 34. 8 looked 18. 2 loked 4.5 )> had respect See loked loo 15. 12 lo loe 1. 31 (5 times) )> behold 17.20(2 „ ) beholde )) 30. 34 J) beholde 12. 19 lo therefore behold 18. 10 omit loo 37. 7 )) loe 50. 5 beholde )) LORd 6. 3 LORDE LORD lord 40. 1 (2 times) lorde lord 44.20 omit I) LORde4.1(113 times) LORDE LORD 21.2 (2 >) ) God God 6.5 LORDE )i 11.9 omit 12 LORD 132 LORde-loue LORde will see, the 22. 14 27.37 30. 27 lordel8.12 (27 times) 7.5 (7 „ ) 23. 6 30. 24 34. 2 37. 36 39. 1 39. 16 42. 33 44. 21 44. 24 LORDE 8. 20 (7 times) LORde God 2. 4 (19 times) 24. 7 (3 times) 2.19 15.8 24. 12 24.48 — lehouah 15. 2 lordes 19. 2 (3 times) 12.15 LORdes 16. 11 lordes 44. 18 44.33 lose 27. 45 Lot 11. 27 (2 times) 19.1 Lothan36.20(2times) Lothans 36. 22 lots 19. 26 loue 27. 4 — , will 29. 32 C the LORDE shall prouyde lorde God LORDE God chefe marshall master he thou lordes LORDE LORDE the God God the LORDE LORDE LORDE thin God LORDE prynces of the LORDE lorde be robbed of omit his A lehovah-ijreh lord LORD lord LORD prmce officer lord >) thou lord LORD LORD God lordes princes of the LORD lords to my lord depriued Lotan Lotans his loue-he 133 C loue 29.20 loued loued 25. 28 (6 times) See loved louest 22. 2 loueth 27. 9 (2 times) loured 4. 5 his countenance his countenance chang-ed fell loureste 4. 6 doth thy counte- is thy countenance nance change fallen loved 25. 28 (3 times) loued loued See loued lowde 39. 14 loude loud lowse 27. 40 pluck breake loynes 35. 11 37.34 loines loyns 46. 26 loynes >) luckc 30. 11 a troupe commeth luckely to passe, come come prosperously to prosper 39.23 to passe luckie 39. 2 luckye prosperous Lud 10. 32 Ludim 10. 13 Lus 28.19 (3 times) Luz lust 18. 12 pleasure — do 19. 5 knowe know — to live, what 27. 46 what shall life what good shall profit me my life doe me lustes 3. 16 lust desire lustie 3. 6 lustye pleasant to the eyes 25.8 good good old lycknesse 1. 26 licknesse lekenesse 1. 27 (3 times) )) image 5. 3 ymage likenesse lye 19. 32 (2 times) 47.30 lie — , to 38. 16 come in vnto 134 lye-lyfted C A lye, to 38, 16 lie come in vnto — , to 24. 11 lye to kneele — , maye 29. 21 shulde ; lye may goe in vnto 39.7 slepe he lyen, had 34.7 lyen lying See lyne lyeth 4. 7 lieth 14.15 lieth is 21. 17 (3 times) >> 12.8 laye omit 20.15 stondeth open is lyfe 1. 20 (10 times) life life 7. 11 (2 times) age » 32. 30 (3 „ ) soule )i — , ly ved a godly 5. 24 walked with God 9. 3 liueth — , can have 18. 14 lyue Ufe 19.17 souls » 19.19 soule alyue >) 45.5 lyues sake » See life hffe lyft 13. 10 (2 times) lift lifted — vp my voyce 39. 18 made a noyse lift vp my voice — vp 40. 13 take lift vp 48. 14 left left lyfte 21. 16 lifte lift 13. 14 (7 times) lift » 21.18 take j> 29.1 gat him vp vpon omit 29. 11 (2 times) lift lifted — vp 31. 12 >5 lift 39.15 omit Hfted See lifte lyfted 22. 13 lift lifted 27.38 )) lift 40.20 toke lifted See lifted lyghte-lyves 135 lyo-hte 1.3 (10 times) light light See lighte lyghtes 1. 14 (3 times) lightes lights lyghted 24. 64 hghted lighted lyke 41. 19 omit omit — vnto the 41. 39 as thou as thou art 41.49 as as lykewyse 7. 3 like wyse omit 32. 19 omit ,, 41.27 and and lyne, myght haue might haue lyen might lightly haue 26. 10 lien See lyen lyue 3. 22 (3 times) Hue — , myghte 17. 18 might lyue might hue - , maye 42. 2 may 1.21 lining — , maye 12. 13 shall Hue — , can 18. 20 yf I lyue t time of Hfe — , may 19. 20 shall Hue — , mayst 20. 7 shalt lyue shalt Hue — , Shalt 27. 40 shalt get thy l}u- inge shalt Hue — , what lust to 27. 46 what shall life what good shall profit me life doe me — , maye 43. 8 lyue may Hue -, doth 45. 3 is alyue doeth Hue lyved 5. 7 (20 times) lined 5.6 (8 times) was 1) 5.5 omit )> — a godly lyfe 5. 24 walked with God — , had 11. 20 was lined lyued, so longe 23. 1 were the yeeres of the life of lyves 45. 7 Hues 9.5 soule t) — , saued oure 47. 25 let vs lyue II 136 lyveth-made C A lyveth, that 3. 20 lyuynge lining — , that 6. 19 creatures „ thing -, „ 8.21 ;i )) -, „ 9.15 lyuynge creatures ,, creature -, V 9.16 liuynge J) )> >) lyvynge 1.24 (4 times) ,, — that seith me, well well of the liuinge Beer-lahai-roi of the 16. 14 that sawe me — and seynge, well Lahai-roi of the 24. 62 — and seinge, well >) »; of the 25. 11 See liuynge Maacha 22. 24 Maachah Machir 50. 23 Madai 10. 2 made 1. 7 (30 times) — , had 1.31 (8 times) — , haue6.7(4 „ ) — hath 26. 22 (3 „ ) — , was 1. 5 (6 „ ) were — , was 23. 17 (2 „ ) „ made — her fruteful 29. 31 openedherwombe (2 times) — swere 50. 5 taken on c )0th (2 times) 3.21 did make 5.2 created — , haue 6. 7 haue created 8. 1 caused 8.20 buylded builded 9.13 omit omit — , haue 9. 15 11 is -, „ 9. 17 haue established — redy 18. 7 hasted to dresse — , hath 21. 6 hath prepared made-Mad'tanites 187 C made 22. 9 24. 11 buylded let built — prosperous, had 24.21 had prospered 24.31 24.37 haue 'made hath taken haue jirepared — an ende of speak- ynge, had 24. 45 — haste 24. 46 — intercession 26. 21 had spoken immediately besought had done speaking intreated — , had 27. 17 — , had 27. 31 made had prepared — , haue 27. 37 — good, haue 28. 15 — a chaunge, haue 30.8 hath turned it haue giuen haue done haue wrastled 30. 10 30.27 mayde omit mayde 30.40 — redy 31. 21 — it good 31. 39 gat vp was fayne to paie it buylded set vp spoyled brought is so to put omit bare the losse 33. 17 33.20 — havock 34. 29 34.30 erected spoiled to make — . . . haste 41. 40 passe let brought 41.47 -, hath 41. 51 omit hath caused brought forth 42. 7 helde — tarieng, had 43. 10 46.29 bended had lingred — prouysion for 47.12 — ,\vas an ordinaunce it was ordered nourished had a portion 47. 22 Madianites 37. 28 assigned Midianites 138 Madianytes-make C A Madianytes 36. 35 Madianites Midian 37. 36 J) Madianites Maddiel 36. 43 Magog 10. 2 Mahala 28. 9 Mahaloth Mahalath Mahalaliel 5. 12 Mahalaleel (2 times) 5. 13 (2 times) omit >i Mahalalyell 5. 17 his >i Mahanaim 32. 2 make 1. 26 (14 times) — , will 2. 18 (8 times) — , to 3. 6 — ,shalt6.i6(2times) — , will 6. 18 (4 „ ) will establish 9. 9 establish — ,maye24.3(2 „ ) will make — , had 2. 19 had made formed — the oft with child t art with childe multiply thy con- 3. 16 ception — , Shalt 6. 15 make 9. 12 haue made — , to 9. 15 omit become — , wyll 12. 2 make — , shall 15. 13 shall serue 18. 6 bake 19. 19 hast magnified — , wolde 26. 28 let us make — , will 27. 9 maye make — the redie 27. 43 get the vp arise — provysion, shall shall loke to shall prouide 30.30 — , woldest 32. 12 make make — mencion of 40. 14 mayest certifie 41. 34 ordene appoint — excuse, can 44. 16 shal make excuse shall cleare our selues make-Mcinasses C A make prouision, to might let remayne to preserve 45. 7 — prouision,\vill45.11 will nourish — hast 45. 13 haist you shall haste 46. 15 were 47.6 let — , will 48. 4 wil cause 48. 20 set 50. 11 omit makest prosperous hast prospered prosper 24.42 makynge, were 37. 7 made made Malchiel 46. 17 male 1. 27 (8 times) 34. 25 males males I\Iamrel3.18(9times) man 1. 26 (63 „ ) 5. 1 (2 times) Adam 9.5 (2 „ ) omit 10.5 (2 „ ; one one 41. 21 (2 „ ) omit 4. 15 any 38.1 AduUamite 38.2 Canaanite — to declare 40. 8 interpreter 41. 15 none 41. 24 they „ 41.39 none II 42. 13 omit omit 43. 14 one omit — that was the ruelar steward 43. 19 Manahath 26. 23 Manahat Manasse 41. 51 Manasses Manasseh Manasses 46. 20 II >i i8 times) 48. 14 (2 times) »t Manassehs 139 140 manchilde-marke C A manchilde 17. 12 man child (2 times) mandragoras 30. 14 mandrakes (5 times) maner 18. 11 (3 times) 18.25 omit 24. 10 omit —, all 1.25 (10 times) all maner of euery 6.21 >! )) )) omit 9. 10 omit euery — of, all 1.21 (8 times) all maner of 5! 7. 14 i> )> )) all the — off, all 7. 14 11 11 )> euery See manner man-kynde 6. 7 man kynde man manner, all 8. 7 all maner euery See maner mannes 8.21 (5 times) mans mans 40. 5 (2 times) omit man 44. 26 man mans mans 16. 12 (4 times) 44. 1 mens mantell 9. 23 garment 49. 11 clothes 24. 65 (2 times) cloke vaile many 17. 4 (3 times) 30.43 much marchauntes 23. 16 merchant marchaunt men 37. 28 merchantmen marcke 4. 15 marck marke See marke manages 34. 9 frendshipe manages marie, to 29. 26 to marry to giue 38.8 raarye marrie maried, shulde have married 19. 14 marke 31. 51 marckstone omit marke-mayde 141 C A marke 31. 52 marckstone pillar 31.52 „ heape 35. 14 piler pillar marshall 37. 36 captaine of the (3 times) guard 41. 12 marshals captaine of the guard marshals 40. 3 M of the captaine of the guard 41. 10 » captaine of the guards marveled 43. 33 niaruciled Mas 10. 23 Mash Masa 25. 14 Massa Masreka 36. 36 Masreck Masrekah master 24. 1 (20 times) 39. 4 masters 24.27 (6 times) 39. 4 mastresse 16. 4 (3 times) mastrye, gett the 27.40 Mathusael 4. 18 (2 times) Mathusala 5. 21 (2 times) 5.22 (2 times) Matred 36. 39 matryces 20. 18 matter 24. 9 24.57 29.13 may 29. 8 mayde 29. 24 (2 times) 16. 2 (5 times) 30.7 he hee his mistresse put of his yock haue the dominion Mathusalah omit matrices the same therto can Mathuselah wombes omit these things can maid mayd 142 mayde-Melchisedech C A mayde 12. 16 maydens maid 16.1 handmayde maide 24.16 virgin virgine 30.3 mayden 30.18 )) mayden 35.25 handmaid mayden 34. 4 damsell may dens 20. 17 maid seruants (2 times) 32.22 women „ 33. 1 handmaids 33.2 handmaides 33.6 handmaidens maydeseruantes 24.35 maidens mayd seruants maydeseruauntes maydens )) )> 30.43 meale 18. 6 meele meane 21. 29 — truely 42. 11 are vnfayned are true men (4 times) 42.16 omit omit — no hurte 42. 19 be vnfayned be true men meanes 16. 2 omit omit meaneth 37. 10 maner of . . . is ' is — , tell what it 41. 24 tell nothinge therof declare it to me meanyst 33. 8 meanest meanest measure, out of 24. 35 richely greatly See mesure meate 1. 30 (9 times) meat 6. 21 (2 times) food 45.23 vytayles meat Medan 25.2 meditations 24. 63 meditacions to meditate medowe 41. 2 (2 times) medow Mehetabel 36. 39 Mehet Abeel Melcha 24. 15 Milca Milcah Melchisedech 14. 18 Melchizedek melt-mercyfull e A melt, dyd 43. 30 was kyndled men 4. 26 (37 times) did yeme 17.10 (2 „ ) man man 12. 16 (3 „ ) omit 26. 7 (2 „ ) they 34.15 (2 „ ) males male 12.20 officers — in aray to fyghte, prepared them- ioyned battell sette 14.8 selues to fight 17.23 male 20. 16 omit other — , of 24. 13 mens 25.18 thou 29.22 people 39. 14 folkes 47.6 man 47.26 omit omit — of warre 49. 19 wapened hoost of men troupe mencion of, make certifie of make mention 40. 14 mens 44. 1 menservauntes 20. 14 (4 times) Merari 46. 11 mercie 39. 21 mercy (2 times) 40.14 kyndnesse kindnesse See mercy mercifully 47. 29 mercy kindly See mercyfully mercy 19. 19 24. 12 (2 times) kindnesse See mercie mercyes 32. 10 mercies mercies mercy full 19. 16 mercifull mercifull (2 times) 143 144 mercyfulle-mightie C mercyfuUe, ceasseth hath not with- hath not left desti- not to deale 24.27 drawen his mercy tute of his mercy mercyfuUy 24.49 mercy kindly See mercifully Mesa 10.30 Mesha Mesaab 36.39 Mesahab Mezahab Mesech 10. 2 Meshech Mesopotamia 24. 10 25. 20 (6 times) Padan Aram 28.5 (4 „ ) Padan-Aram 48. 7 Padan messengers 32. 3 messaungers (2 times) mesure 27.33 measure omit — , above 7. 19 so sore ,, mesure, . . . bitterly and was excead- aboue 27. 34 ynge sory )) metall 4. 22 in all connynge poyntes of me- tall brasse and iron mete, to 30. 16 to meet 32.19 find meteth 32. 17 meeteth Methusala 5. 27 his Methuselah mett 32. 1 (2 times) meyny 22.3 yonge men yong men Mibsan 25. 13 Mibsam Mibzar 36. 42 Midian 25. 4 Midian lesback 25. 2 Midian, leszbak Midian, andlshbak middes 2. 9 myddest midst See myddes myddest mightie 46. 3 omit See mightye myghtie myghtye m'lght'iest-moch 14 C A mightiest 6. 4 mightie mightie mightye 26. 13 greate great See mightie myghtie myghtye Milca 11.29 (2 times) Milcah Milcha22.20(2 „ ) Milca '> 24.24 Mylca ti See Melcha Mylca Misa 36. 13 (2 times) Mizzah mi.schefe 6. 11 myschefe violence See myschefe misfortune 19. 19 mysfortune euill See mysfortune Misraim 10. 6 (2 times) Mizraim Misma 25. 14 Mishma mo 8. 10 other See moare moo more Moab 19.37 Moabytes 19. 37 Moabites 36. 35 Moabites Moab moare 44. 23 more more 47. 18 11 ought See mo moo more moch 50.20 much moch a.s, so 14. 23 from . . . euen to moch . .. as it is worth, a reasonable as much ... as i as 28. 9 is worth moch that, in so 26. 15 for — , so 36. 7 so greate more than — as, as 41. 39 .so moch as K as much as 146 moch-moreover moch more, as 43. 12 See much other double mocked, had 19. 14 toke it for sport mocked mockynge 21. 9 a mocker mocking moneth 7. 11 (7 times) 7.. 11 omit — , twelue 17.21 the next yeere monethes 38. 24 moneths money 23.9 (22 times) 17. 13 (3 „ ) omit mony 43. 22 money money moo 19. 31 more not a 45. 6 yet yet See mo moare more moone 37. 9 moornynge 50. 11 mournynge mourning 50. 11 lamentacion j> more 8. 12 (9 times) 29. 27 (2 „ ) other 43.12 (2 „ ) other omit — , no 5. 24 not 18. 32 omit 27. 9 yet another See mo moare moo More 12. 6 Moreh moreover 24. 25 (2 times) 31.51 (2 times) omit 47.6 (2 „ ) and and 27.37 omit » 31.16 therfore for 31.40 omit thus 32.20 also moreover-mountayns 147 mori'over 37. 5 42.38 45. 15 48.22 Sec morover Moria 22. 2 morne 28. 2 morned 50. 10 moniinge 1. 8 mornynge 1. 5 (14 times) 26. 3 1 (4 times) 37.35 — , had left 38. 12 41.8 morover 3. 15 4. 14 20. 10 31. 16 See moreover morowe 19. 34 mortar 11. 3 morsell 18. 5 most 14. 18 (3 times) 14.20 mother 27. 13 (8times) mothers 24. 28 (8 ., ) — children 27. 37 moulde 2. 7 mountayne 12. 8 (2 times) 10. 30 mountaynes 14. 10 mountayns 8. 4 (2 times) also yf and omit nionrne monrned mornynge mo row witli sorowe had left mourn- ynge daye and and thus it shall go with me that therfore morow omit brethren and if Moriah mourne mourned morning mourning was comforted morning and and it shall come to passe that omit for morrow mountaynes K2 brethren dust mountaine mount mountaine mountaines 148 mountayns-multiplye C A mountayns 19. 19 mountayne mountaines (2 times) See mounteyns mounte 14. 6 (8 times) mount 22. 14 mountayne I! mounteyns 8. 5 „ )> See mountaynes moLintayns mouth 4. 11 (7 times) 8. 11 nebb 42.28 omit omit move 8. 17 be ye occu] pied breed abundantly vpon the earth moved 1. 2 (2 times) 8. 19 crepte creepeth 20.10 omit omit moveth 9. 3 mouing movinge 3. 24 omit which turned much more, twise so other double 43.15 See moch mules 36. 24 multiplie 28. 3 multiplye multiply 48.16 >) grow into a multi- tude multiply e 1. 22 multiplie multiply (3 times) 8. 17 (6 times) multiplye )) 17.20 )> multiplie — , wyll 17. 2 — , will 17. 6 will make the ex- ceeding fruitful! — , will 26. 4 will make thy seed to multiply — , will 48. 4 will make a multi- tude of people of thee m ultip hed-m yngell 149 nuiltiplyed 47. 27 — , shall he 16. 2 multitude 16. 10 (3 times) 35. 11 41.49 myddes 8. 3 (2 timesj myddest, in thf 9. 21 See middes mydwife 38. 28 mydwyfe 35. 17 inyghte 31. 49. 3 myghtie 10.9 1 2times) 10. 9 12. 2 26. 14 — God of Israel 33.20 See mightie mightye myghtye myghtier 25. 33 26. 16 myghtye 10. 8 (2 times) See mightie mightye myghtie My lea 11. 29 See Mile a Mileha myleh 32. 15 myleke 18. 8 my Ike 49. 12 myndes 23. 8 myngell 11.7 C A multiplied multiplied shalbe multiplied may obtaine children omit company of nations very much midst within midwife mydwife power mightie power might mighty „ mightie „ great greate mightie God of El-Elohe-Israel Israel greater farre mightier miffhtie stronger much mightier mighty Milca mylek mylke mylek wyll eonfounde Milcah mileh milke mind confound 150 myrre-Naphtuhim A myrre 37. 25 (2 times) myrrh e myrth 31, 27 mirth m)'schefe 6. 13 violence See mischefe mysfortune 42. 4 mischiefe (3 times) See misfortune myste 2. 6 myst mist na 17. 19 yee omit S^^ no Nabaioth 28. 9 Nebaioth Nebaioth See Nebaioth Nachor 22.20 (2 times) Nahor Nahor Naema 4, 22 Naamah Naeman 46. 21 Naaman Naaman Nahath 36.13 (2 times) Nahor 11.22(11 times) Nahors 11. 29 24.47 of Nahor naked 2. 25 (4 times) 3. 24 naked fyrie flaming nakydnes 9. 23 secretes nakednesse nam, his 30. 8 him his name name 2. 13 (34 times) 4. 17 (14 times) omit — of 4. 25 (12 times) called him 29. 32 (2 „ ) whom 2. 11 is called — , his 25. 30 he — is 35. 10 art called names 2. 20 (6 times; 2. 19 (3 times) name — , their 25. 13 are named 36.40 omit Naphis 25. 15 Naphish Naphtuhim 10. 13 Hdt-nere 1 51 C A nat 27. 1 omit not See not nott nation 17. 20 nacion 15. 14 (2 times) people nation 10.5 >j nations 25. 23 nacion people nations 17.5 (4 times) nacions 10.20 (7 times) people 14.1 Heithen — , princes of 25. 16 londeprynces nay 33. 10 42. 10 (2 times) no 19.2 se 19.7 O omit 19. 18 no )> neadeth 33. 15 nede is needeth Nebaioth 36. 3 See Nabaioth necessarie 42. 19 necessary omit nrcessary 42. 33 )) necke 27. 16 (9 times) neck lace 38. 18 bracelet bracelets necklace 38. 25 )) !? nedes, must 43. 11 must needes, must 17. 13 shalbe ,, needs negligent, why are ye why gape ye why do ye looke 42. 1 one vpon other an Nemrodl0.8(2times) Nimrod Nephthali 30. 8 Naphtali Nepthali 35. 25 1! (3 times) nere 27. 21 neare neere 27. 26 (3 times) nye i> 18.23 vnto » 39. 10 by n 152 nether-Nod C A nether 21. 26 neither 8.22 (5 times) not 2.5 and not 19.33 (2 times) ner nor — any thinge 22. 12 nothinge neither 28. 15 not not 29.7 >) neither 31.50 or if 45.5 not nor 45.6 no neither 47. 18 not omit Neuaioth 25. IB Nebaioth Nebaioth neuer 41. 19 27.36 not one not a nevertheles 6. .^ yet and neverthelesse 24. 8 but )! — if 44. 26 excepte omit nexte 47. 18 next second neybure 38. 20 shepherde friend Ninyue 10. 12 Nineueh 10.11 Niniue jj no 8. 9 (21 times) 2.5 (4 „ ) not 8. 12 (2 „ ) not any 42. 31 (2 „ ; neuer 4.15 lest eny 19.31 not a not a — perell 24, 41 discharged cleare 31.14 any — man 41. 15 none - „ 41. 24 they . . . nothinge )) — „ 41.39 none 1) 42.13 omit omit — hurte, meane 42. 19 be unfayned 11 45.1 not not 47.18 nothinge » Nod 4. 16 Noe-ttot \7>6 C Noe 5. 9 (28 times) Noah 5.30 (2 „ ) omit u 7.6 (8 „ ) he J> 7.9 (2 „ ; him „ — , of 9. 19 Noes of Noah Noes 7. 11 Noahs 7. 13 (2 times) his »» nombre 34. 30 number — , can 13. 16 28. 3 (2 times) multitude multitude — , to 15. 5 canst nombre to number 35. 22 omit omit — , was without 41 . 49 coude not be nom- was without num- bred ber — , in 46. 18 omit euen nombred, can be can be numi )red .32. 12 — , shall be 13. 16 shall nombre shall be numbred See numbred nombrynge 41. 49 numbring nomore 32. 28 17.5 neither any more 17. 15 not none 23. 6 (3 times) 43. 16 (2 „ } no one noone 28.7 no thinge nor 21. 23 (4 „ ) ner — , no 31. 14 ti any or 41.39 and and 47. 18 not onely but but and norse 24. 59 (2 times) nurse north 28. 14 northward 13. 14 northwarde nostrels 7. 22 omit nosetrils not 2. 17 (185 times) 3.2 (3 „ ) neither 18. 29 (6 „ } nothinge 19.9 (4 „ ) omit 154 not-nott C A not 20. 11 (2 times) no 31. 52 (2 „ ) yf 4. 15 (4 „ ) omit omit 8. 21 nomore 9. 11 no neither 11. 16 nothing 17. 14 t vncircumcided — far re from 18. 2 ouer agaynst by — fynde, coudel9. 11 wearied them- selues to finde 23.6 but that — so 23.11 no nay — , regarded 25. 34 despised 31.50 yf if — worthy of 32. 10 to litle — a litle 34. 7 very very 36. 7 t then that 37'. 22 no no 38.9 least 39.9 )) none 43.7 yet omit — , wold 48. 19 refused — fayle but, will whan surely 50.25 See not nott noted 37. 11 marcked obserued nothinge 26. 29 nothing (2 times) 30. 31 not any thing 39. 6 not ought 39.9 neither any thing 39.23 omit not any thing nothynge 19. 8 nothinge nothing 19.22 >> not any thing nott 19.21 not not See nat not not-obaysdunce 155 C A not vvithstondynge 4. 7 omit and 85. 10 neuerthcles omit noujrht 29. 15 noughte 47. 19 o)mt »> now 8. 22 (32 times; II 14. 3 (3 „ ) II 14.8 (2 „ ) ,. ?f 24. 49 (5 „ ) >i 16. 15 when 1,8. 12 after 18.13 and yet omit 24. 14 now yf let it come to passe that 26. 29 as for the — though 31.. 30 for as moch then as 42. 22 therefore numbred, shall be shall be nombred shall be numbred 16. 10 See nombred nye 12. 11 neere — , come 20. 4 touched come neere — , drewe 47. 29 came drew nigh nygh, to come 20. 6 to touch to touch nyght 14. 15 (2 times) night night nyghtel.5(24 „ ) )> !) — , great whyle to yet hye daye yet high day 29. 7 — , this 30. 15 to night — , at 49. 27 in the euenynge at night nyghtes 7. 4 (2 times) nightes nights 7. 17 omit omit O 18. 30 Oh Oh 18.30 behold now- See oh Obal 10. 28 obaysaunce 33. 6 obeysaunce bowed themselues 156 obaysaunce-of C A obaysaunce 33. 7 kneled vnto him bowed themselues (2 times) See obeysaunce obey, shall 41. 40 shall obeye shall be ruled obeyed, hast 22. 18 hast herkened vnto — , hast 3. 17 >i J) )? hast hearkened vnto — , had 28. 7 obeyed obeyed obeysaunce 37. 7 obeysaunce obeisance See obaysaunce occupation 46. 33 occupacion (2 times) — , do 34. 21 occupye trade occupy 42. 34 maye occupie shall traftique occupyde, be 9. 7 be occupied bring foorth abun dantly — , haue bene 46. 34 haue dealt with omit Odollam, of 38. 1 AduUamite (2 times) 38.20 Odulla j> of 1. 23 (758 times) 1.5 (36 „ ) omit 1. 14 (3 „ ) of the 1.26 (7 „ ) vnder 2.4 (32 „ ) omit omit 2.5 (4 „ ) vpon 2. 6 (123 „ ) omit 2. 19 (2 „ ) out of 8.14(2 „ ) aboue aboue 4.1 (5 „ ) from 4.4 (3 „ ) therof 6. 4 (10 „ ) in — , in the syghte 6, 11 before (4 times) — , full 6.11 (2 times) filled with — , all maner 7. 14 euery (3 times) — him 8. 21 (2 times) his of 157 of him 11.6 (5 times) off — , because 12. 17 (3 times) — father 20. 12 fathers (2 times) — bondwoman21. 10 bonde maydens (2 times) 24. 3 (3 times) amonge — Abraham 24. 9 Abrahams (2 times) 24. 17 (3 times) out of — Sonne 27. 15 sonnes (2 times) — Laban 30. 40 Labans (2 times) 31. 13 (3 times) at — lacob 34. 7 lacobs (3 times) — , in syghte 38. 7 before (2 times) — Pharo 41. 35 Pharaos (4 times) — loseph 46. 27 Josephs (3 times) 47. 9 (3 times) of the yeeres of — ever>' kynde, vii seuen and seuen by seuens 7. 2 (2 times) — them 10. 30 their their (2 times) 1.25 that creepeth vpon 2.17 therof therof — it 3. 5 ,. — , to eate 3. 6 for food — both of them 3. 7 otnit of them both — which 3. 1 1 wherof whereof 3. 17 )i — , in processe 4. 3 after 158 of of, in processe 4. 4 thereof — Adam 5. 5 his omit — Seth 5. 8 11 — Enos 5. 11 „ — Kenan 5. 14 :, — lared 5. 20 11 — Henoch 5. 23 11 — Methusala 5. 27 „ — Lamech 5. 31 t) — , all maner 7. 14 all the — man 9. 5 mans — , in the myddest in within 9.21 — , in the syghte 10. 9 before before — brother 10. 25 brothers — Chanaan 12. 5 same londe —, because 12. 17 18.4 where he had made 14. 15 of the cite of -^ L., lacke .v. 18.28 fyue lesse then fiftie — mother 20. 12 mothers — Abimelech 20. 18 Abimelechs 21.13 beside 22.6 to off — , in presence 23. 9 amonge — Ephron 23. 17 Ephrons — the men 24. 13 the mens 24.17 out of 25. 16 omit according to 25.30 with — Abraham his father his father Abra- 26. 18 hams 36.32 concerning — , the smooth 27. 16 smooth aboute — it 28. 12 whose 28. 17 vnto of 159 of, on the toji 28. 18 vpon — Laban his mothers his mothers bro- brother, shepe thers shepe 29. 10 29.26 in omit 30.33 before before — Laban 30. 40 Labans Labans thy fathers, lande thy fatherlande 31.3 — the least of, not to litle for all worthy 32. 10 — this maner 32. 19 like as I haue tolde you on this mai — all, last 33. 7 afterwarde after 33.10 at — my sonne Sichem my sonne Sichems 34.8 34.19 aboue — Esaussonnes36.10 of the children of Esau — Esau 36. 10 Esaus 36. 20 in omit — Pharaos, a lord Pharaos 37. 36 — a man called a a man of Canaans Canaanyte, dou<^h- doughter ter 38. 2 — from 38. 12 off from — Pharaos 39. 1 Pharaos of Pharaoh — his master the his master the Eg-iptian 39. 2 Egipcians 39.4 ouer — the kynge of kynge of Egiptes Egipte 40. 1 — , by reason 41. 31 because of — hungers, yeres deare yeares 41. 36 — , in ray ment 41.42 clothed with 160 of-oh C A of, in rayment 41.48 grewe in — plenteousnes 41. 53 plenteous 44.5 out of in — , brother 44. 20 his brother his brother — syluer, peces 45. 22 syluer peces — catell 46. 32 t to feed cattell — Egipte 47. 26 Egipcians — lacob 47. 28 his — Israeli 48. 10 Israels — Ephraim 48. 17 Ephraims — thyne enimies 49. 8 enemies 49.26 promised vnto — him 49. 26 his off 21. 16 (2 times) of 9.5 (2 „ ) II of — , all maner 7. 14 all maner of euery 21. 18 of omit 49. 20 >i out of offended, haue 20. 9 — , what haue 31. 36 what is my sinne — , had 40. 1 offended offerynge 4. 3 offrynge offering See offrynge office 41. 13 40. 13 place officers 41. 34 offred 8. 20 22. 13 (2 times) offered offrynge 4. 4 offering 4.5 offerynge offring See offerynge offrynges 46. 1 offerynges sacrifices oft 3. 16 omit omit oh 19. 18 (2 times) 18.32 O 44. 18 omit See O OJiad-once C Ohad 4G. 10 Oke 12. 6 okegroue plaine See ooke okeijrove 13. 18 (2 times) 18. 1 plaines old 17. 1 (I) times; olde 5.3 (3 „ ) )i omit 40. 13 M former olde 17. 12 (3 limes) 12. 4 (28 „ ) old 21. 4 omit >> oly ve 8. 1 1 oliue Omar 36.11 (2 times) on 12. 8 ri6 times) 1.27.2 „ ) opon vpon 4. 16 (8 „ ) vpon I. 28 (15 „ ) . >) opon 3. 15 (4 „ ) omit — , come 11.3(3 times) goe to 33. 4 (2 times) aboute on 4. 21 (4 times) omit omit 37. 10 (3 „ ) vpon » 42.6 (2 „ J to )i 2. 14 towarde toward 3. 15 downe omit 7. 22 vpon in 19. 2 omit 24. 14 vpon vnto 33. 3 to omit — , only 39. 6 saue only saue 44.34 vnto 45. 14 aboute vpon On 41. 45 (B times) Onan 38. 4 (5 „ ) Onam 36. 23 once 18. 32 161 162 once-opened once 2. 23 — , att 18. 6 — , this 29. 34 41.31 one 10. 25 (38 times) 8. 19 11. 1 (3 times) 22.2 22. 20 (5 times) 24.41 26. 10 34. 14 37.4 — , best saue 41. 43 onix 2. 12 only 41. 40 6. 5 (8 times) 47. 22 (2 times) 9.4 18. 32 27. 13 34.15 34.22 34.23 39.6 39.9 ooke 35. 4 (2 times) — of lamentation 35. 8 See oke ooth 24. 8 (2 times) oothe 26.3 (2 times) 24.41 open 4. 7 (2 times) opened 8. 6 (6 times) — , were 3. 7 (2 times) — , shvilde be 3. 5 4. 11 at once omit omit a omit her some man a seconde onely )) excepte onely omit )> neuertheles but yf onely excepte oke ooth A now quickly this time omit shalbe opened hath „ omit omit second onely >) but omit onely but onely 11 omit jj oke Allon Bachuth othe oath omit shalbee opened hath ,, Ophir-out IbH C Ophir 10. 29 or 13. 9 (5 times) ordered, hast 24. 14 hast prouyded hast appointed ordinaunce was made it was ordered had a portion as- 47. 22 signed ordinaunces 26. 5 charge or els 30. 1 organs 4. 21 pypes other 4. 19 (11 times) 41. 23 (2 „ ) omit omit — , none 28. 17 nothinge els 41.3 omit 42.5 those otherwise called23. 19 that is the same is „ 35.8 which is called that is „ 35.27 ij i> ?) which is ougthe saue 31. 24 nothinge but either (2 times) out 3. 24 (22 times) 2. 21 (2 „ ) omit 8.7 (4 „ ) foorth 15. 14 (10 „ ) forth 24.29 (2 „ ) omit 15.5 (2 „ ) forth forth abroad 24.30 (3 „ ) omit omit — , in and 3. 24 omit euery way out 8. 18 foorth out — , gaue charge gaue charge to to leade 12. 20 conveye out sent away 19.29 out of out of 27.34 loude omit — , passe 29. 27 holde out fulfill 39. 13 forth 41.27 . vp vp fc — of 2. 9 (44 times; B 4. 10 (5 times) from i 25.23(2 „ ) omit L2 164 out-overthrew e C out of 28. 16 (2 times) 21. 16 (2 „ ) 2. 6 3. 23 8. 16 9. 18 10. 11 24.5 — measure 24. 35 24.50 — measure 27. 33 36. .33 41.22 41.49 45.23 49.24 oute of 23. 4 (2 times) ouer 1. 26 (22 „ ) 24. 2 (2 times) 25. 25 (2 „ ) 41. 34 (3 „ ) 1. 20 11.4 12. 20 15. 10 24.67 32.22 — , ruelar 39. 5 43.19 45.8 ouerdryue, shulde 33.13 overspred, was 9. 19 ouersyghte 43. 12 ouertake 44. 4 overthrewe 19. 25 (2 times) from ouer on from richely of aboue measure of vpon abone of by of omit in aboue in vnto ruler of of shulde be dryuen were ouerspred ouersight ouertakest ouer on from foorth from foorth forth of forth out of whence greatly from very exceedingly of in omit of from thence aboue vpon concerning omit after ouerseer of was ouerspread ouersight overthrowe-parties 166 A overthrowe, will 1 9.2 1 will overthrow overthrowenge 10.29 ouerthrew ouerthrow ouer toke 31. 2:^ ouertooke 31.25 drew nyc vnto ,, 46.6 had ouertaken )> owne 14. 14 (2 times) oxe, houghed an 49. 6 t digged downe a wall oxen 12. 16 (5 times) 26. 14 (2 times) greate catell heards 32.7 herdes 47.17 catell of the heards oxsen 24. 35 heards oyle 28. 18 (2 times) oile pace, went a 18. 6 hastened Pagu 36. 39 Fau Pallu 46. 9 Fhallu parcell 33. 19 pace 47.26 parte part part 31. 14 porcion portion parte 41. 84 (2 times) part 32.8 droue company 43.34 measse 47.2 fyue some parted 1. 7 diuided 30.40 did separate partes 47. 24 parts 7. 19 whole whole 14.24 omit portion 14.24 parte )» partie 30. 32 ^3 times) partye speckled 30.33 >i spotted 30.35 ring-straked 31.10 )) grisled 31.12 partie )) parties, sene the backe sene the back looked after 16.13 partes 166 passe-peces C A passe, came to 27. 1 (3 times) — ,cametol.9(2times) was so -, „ ,,8.13(2 „ ) omit — , „ „ 6. 1 so — , to 41. 32 (2 times) 25.22 omit omit — out 29. 27 holde out fulfill — , to 39. 23 to prosper passed 31. 21 29.28 helde out fulfilled 37.28 wente b} See past passinge 26. 1 passynge besides past, tymes 31. 2 yesterdaye and before (2 times) yeryesterdaye See passed pasture 47. 4 path 49. 17 Pathrusim 10. 14 payne 3. 16 sorow paynefiill 34. 25 panefull sore paynes 35. 17 payne labour pay re 6. 19 (3 times) tivo peace 15. 15 (4 „ ) 24. 21 (2 times) tonge 41. 16 prosperous See pece peaces 44. 28 peces pieces See peces peeces peasable 34. 21 peaceable peaceable pease, will 32. 20 reconcyle will appease pece 15. 10 parte peece See peace peces 37. 28 (2 times) pieces 15.17 partes peces-perished 167 C A peces 37. 33 omit pieces See peaces peeces peckes 18. 6 measures peeces 20. 16 pens pieces See peaces peces Peleg 10.25 (4 times) Peniel 32. 30 32.31 Penuel peoplell.6(31 times) 10.32 (3 „ ) nations 12.2 (6 „ ) nation perad venture 27. 12 (3 times) 16.2 it may bee that 20.11 surely 26.9 lest perauenture 11.4 afore „ perceaue, cowde could be knowen 41.21 perceaued 19. 33 perceived (2 times; 8. 11 knew 38.9 knewe » perell, bere no 24, 41 be discharged be cleare — , was in 35. 16 the byrth came harde vpon hir had hard labour performe, will 26. 3 wyll perfourme perish, shall 6. 17 shall die 17. 14 shalbe roted out shall be cut oft" 19.15 perishe be consumed 45. 11 )) come to pouertie perishe 41. 30 be destroyed perish Sec perisshe perished 7. 21 died 168 perisshe-Philistines C A perisshe 19. 17 perish be consumed See perish perishe persone, a goodly 39.6 fayre of bewt5'e a goodly person pertayne, shall 3. 16 shall be — , vnto whom these that oweth these whose these are 38. 25 pertanyng to, as 4. 11 vpon from perteyneth to them theirs theirs 15.13 Pharan 21. 21 Paran — , playne of 14. 6 El-Paran Pharez38.29(3times) Phares Pharao 40. 13 Pharaoh (56 times) 12. 15 (3 times) him )j 12. 20 (2 „ ) he JI — , of 41.35(5 „ ) Pharaos 41. 39 (3 „ ) omit 41.43 omit Pharaos 12. 15 Pharaohs (7 times) 12. 15 (3 times) of Pharaoh 40. 11 (3 „ ) the Pharaohs 40. 11 (2 „ ) his !) Phelistinlande 21. 32 londe of the PhiH- land of the Phili stynes stines Pherezites 15. 20 Perizzites 34.30 Pheresites n Pherysites 13. 7 >) )i Phicol 26. 26 Phichol Phicoll 21.22 (2 times) Phicol j> Philestians 26. 14 Philistynes Philistines (2 times) Philistians 26. 1 !I jj 26.8 Phylistynes >) Philistines 21. 32 ji )» P/ii/ys/yns-p/ace C A I'hilystyns 10. 14 Phylistynes Philistiim Phisicions 50. '2 Phisicians Physicians (2 times) Fhison 2. 11 Pison I'hut 10. G Phuva 46. 13 rhua Phiuiah {ligeon 15. 9 Pildas 22. 22 Pildash pilgremage 47. 9 pilgrimage pilgremages 47. 9 pillar 35. 10 85. 10 stone pillare 19. 26 pillar pillar Set.' pilloure pilled 30. 37 pylled — , had 30. 38 had pylled pilloure 35. 14 piler pillar See pillar pillare Pinon 36. 41 Pynon pitched 26. 17 (3 times) 31. 25 (2 times) pytched 33. 19 (2 „ ) spread 28.18 set set See pytched l)itcher24.20(4times) pither 24. 17 pitcher pitcher See pytcher place 1.9 (^36 times) 26. 7 (2 „ ) omit 27. 39 (2 „ ) II omit 2.21 t flesh — , restinge 8. 9 rest — of the contre, any all this countre all the plaine 19.17 29.26 countre country 169 170 place-plucked C A place 47. 6 omit 50.11 it 50.13 possession places 36. 40 — where, all 20. 13 where so euer euery place — , all 28. 15 ») 11 j> plaged 12. 17 plagued plages 12. 17 plagues planted 2. 8 (3 times) played, hath 38. 24 hath plaied — with, hast 29. 25 hast begyled hast beguiled playne 11. 2 plaine 13.12 same coastes ,, — of Pharan 14. 6 El-Paran playnge 38. 24 hath plaied t by pleasant 2. 9 (3 times) pleasaunt pleased 34. 18 (2 times) 28.8 loked gladly vpon 41.37 was good pleaseth 16. 6 20.15 liketh pleasure, at your open vnto you before you 34.10 pleasures 49. 20 delicates dainties pledge 33. 17 (3 times) plenteous 41. 34 (2 times) — centre of water well watered 13. 10 plenteousnes 41. 29 plentie (3 times) 41.53 plenteous yeares plenteousnesse plentie 27. 28 plenteousnes plenty ploweman 4. 2 huszbande man tiller of the ground plucked, had 8. 11 broken of pluckt 38.29 pluckte drewe plucked-poynte 171 C plucked, liad 49. '-W^ pluckte poore 41. 19 thynne popular 30. 37 wyllies porcyon 48. 22 pece porte 49. 13 possesse, shall 1"). H (2 times) 24.60 — , mayst 28. 4 4. 20 had — , to 15. 7 possession 17. 8 (4 times) 28. 18 26. 14 possessions 34. 10 36.43 47. 11 47.27 possessor 14. 19 (2 times) potage 25. 29 (3 times) Potiphar 39. 1 See Futiphar Potiphara 41. 45 Potiphar (3 times) poured 28. 18 — out 24. 20 Sec powred power 49. 3 4. 12 41.35 powred 35. 14 poured (2 times) See poured poynte to dye, at the must dye 25.32 owne good moch good a possession meace of meate gathered poplar portion hauen haue to inherit possession possessour pottage Poti-phera powred emptied strength hand 172 p rauender-p resented prauender 42. 27 (2 times) prauonder 24. 25 (2 times) praye 13. 9 (6 times) 12. 13 (3 „ ) 13. 8 (3 „ ) prayde 20. 17 prayse, shall 49. 8 — , will 29. .35 praysed 12. 15 preased 19. 9 preasence 27. 30 See presence preasent 32. 13 (2 times) See present preason 42. 16 (2 times) See preson preast 41.45 (3 times) See prest preastes 47. 22 (2 times) See prestes precious 2. 12 prepared, had 18. 8 — , hath 24. 44 — , is 41. 32 43.32 47. 11 presence 25. 18 45.3 See preasence present 32. 18 (7 times) See preasent presented 47. 2 C A prouender prouender pray pray omit „ prayed prayed shall praise wyll geue thankes wil „ commended pressed pressed omit presence present preson prest prestes hath prouyded brought face present prison priest priests good had dressed hath appointed out is established set on placed presented-prophesie 173 presented 43. 15 46.29 prcson89.20(6timesj 41. 14 See preason presoners 39. 22 Sec prisoners I)rest 14. 18 See preast prestes 47. 22 Sec preastes prevayle, coude 32. 25 prevayled 7. 18 (3 times) 7.20 — , hast 32. 28 prevytees 9. 22 l^rice of vs 31. 15 princes of nations 25. 16 See prynces principall waters 2. 1 35. 27 prisoners 39. 20 See presoners preceded 4. 2 — , is 24. 50 processe of tyme 4. 3 .— of tyme 38. 12 profit 25. 32 prolonged tlie tyme 19.16 promysed, hath 18. 19 — , haue 28. 15 prophesie, doth 44. 5 — . can 44. 15 C stode before sawe donofeon preuities cure wages londeprynces heade waters head presoners proceaded is come certaine daies whan many daye.- were past good hath promised prophecieth can prophecy .stood before prison dunireon pnsoners priest priests might ouercome preuailed did preuaih' hast preuailed nakednesse our money princes heads omit agame proceedeth hngred hath spoken of have spoken of divineth can diuine 174 prophete-put prophete 20. 7 prosper 24. 40 39.3 prospered, hath 24. 56 prosperous 24. 21 — , makest 24. 42 proue, dyd 22. 1 proued, shall be 42. 15 — , shall be 42. 16 proverbe 10. 9 prouision, to make 45.7 — , will make 45. 11 provysion, shall make 30. 30 — , made 47. 12 prouyde, wyll 22. 8 41.33 prynces 17. 20 See princes pulled 19. 10 8.9 punyshed, shall be 4.15 pure 20. 5 purenesse 20. 6 purposed, haue 11. 6 put 19. 10 (18 times) — , will 3. 15 — of 38. 14 — on 38. 19 24. 2 (3 times) 24. 9 (5 „ ) — , was 25. 8 (3 times) 30. 38 (2 times) 31.37 (2 „ ) C prophet prospere to prospere had prospered hast „ tempted wyll proue „ try out let remayne wyll make pro- uysion shall loke to shall prouyde toke shalbe auengfed pure laye layed was gathered layed laye A prophet prosper to prosper doe prosper did tempt may be proued t it is saide to preserve wil nourish shall prouide nourished will prouide looke out princes vengeance shall be taken in integritie of integritie haue imagined was gathered set put-qutver 175 C A put 1. 17 set set . 2. 15 ■1 — on 3. 21 cloathed 4. 15 set — awaye 21. 10 cast out cast out — , haue 26. 27 haue sent 27. 17 gaue — from 38. 19 layed of laid by — , shulde haue 40. 15 should put 41.42 gaue 41.42 honge 41.48 layed laid vp — , to 42. 25 to restore — , hath 43. 23 hath geuen hath giuen — , shall 46. 4 shal laye — , shall be 49. 29 shal be gathered am to be gathered Putiphar 37. 36 Potiphar Potiphar See Potijihar pyke a quarell with, that hee may seeke to 43. 18 occasion against pyne tree 6. 14 pyne gopher-wood pytch 6. 14 (2 times) pitch pitch pytched 12. 8 pitched pitched See pitched pytcher 24. 24 pitcher (2 times) 24. 16 (2 times) pitcher »» See pitcher pither pytt 37. 20 (6 times) pit pyttes 14. 10 pits quarell with, to pyke that hee may seeke a 43. 18 occasion against quarters 19. 4 quarter quicly 27. 20 soone quickly quiver 27. 3 quyuer quiuer 176 Raemses-reason C A Raemses 47. 11 Raemses Rameses Rahel 29. 6 (36 times) Rachel Rachel 29. 12 she Rahels 30. 7 (4 times) Rachels Rachels ram 15. 9 (3 „ ) ramme ramme rammesSl, 10(4 „ ) ran 18. 2 (2 „ ) ranne ranne See ranne rancke 41, 5 full ranke 41. 7 greate ranke ranne 24. 17 (6 times) 33.4 ran See ran Raphaims 15. 20 Giauntes Rephaims Raphayms 14. 5 ,, )! raven 8. 7 raueshynge 49. 27 rauyshinge shall rauine as Ray ma 10. 7 (2 times) Reyma Raamah rayment 24. 53 raiment (3 times) 27. 27 (2 times) clothes j> 38. 19 garmentes garments 41.42 omii vestures rayne 7. 12 (2 times) raine 2.5 to raine 7.4 raine raine rayned 19. 24 caused to rayne rained reach, may 11. 4 — , shall 49. 13 shal border vpon shall be reached 28. 12 See reched reade 38. 20 reed skarlet See redde reed reason of, by 12. 13 because of 41.31 because of • 47. 13 by the reason of Rebecca-regarde Vll Kebecca 22. 23 Rebekaii (25 timesj Rebeccas 35. 8 Rebekahs 29. 12 of Rebecca rel)ellecl 14. 4 fell from him rebuke 30. 23 reproch rebuked 31. 42 21. 25 reproued 37.10 reproued receaue 33. lU receiue — , Shalt 4. 7 slialt be accepted — , to 4. 11 receaued to receiue — , 13.6 to beare — , shall 30. 33 omit omit -, will 32. 20 shall receaue will accept of — me to orrace 33. 1 1 be at one with me omit — , coude 36. 7 might holde coude beare receaved, haue 19.21 loked vpon the have accepted receauynge 49. 3 gouemaunce dignitie reched 40. 21 reached gaue See reached redde 25. 25 (2 times) reed red 25.34 omit omit See reade reed redie 43. 16 ready ready 43. 25 readye n — , make 27. 43 get the vp arise — , made 46. 29 bended fast made ready redy att once 18. 6 haist ready quickly — , made 31. 21 gat vp rose vp reed 38. 28 skarlet See reade redde refrayne 45. 1 refraine refrayned 43. 31 refrained regarde 45. 20 regard M 178 regarded-re served regarded not 25. 34 region 19. 25 (2 times) Regu 11.18 (2 times) 11. 19 Reguel 36. 4 (5 times) Rehoboth 26. 22 (2 times) 10.11 reign, shalt 37. 8 reigned 36. 3 36.3 36. 32 (8 times) remayne 39. 11 45.11 remembre, to 9. 16 — , do 41. 9 remembred 8. 1 30. 22 (2 times) removed, to haue 48.17 rennagate 4. 12 rent 37. 29 (2 times) 44.13 37.33 — a rent, hast 38. 29 renowne 6. 4 repented 6. 6 repenteth 6. 7 request, thy 17. 20 19.21 require, wyll 9. 5 requyre, wyll 9. 5 43. 9 — , wyll 9. 5 requyred 42. 22 reserved, was 7. 23 omit omit have domynion ruled was kinge are and remembre thought vpon to remoue rennegate rente omit is a rent made despised plaine Reu Reuel the wyll requyre shalt requyre omit remayned remame are that I may re- member doe remember to remoue fugitive hast broken foorth thee will require shalt „ will „ is required remained reserved-rich 179 C A reserved, is 32. 30 is recouered is preserved Ressen 10. 12 Resen rest 18. 4 (2 times) 19.4 omit 30.86 residue rested 2. 2 (3 times) restinge 8. 9 restynjre rest restore 40. 13 putt restored 40. 21 — , was 41. 13 restored — , is 42. 28 resydue 14. 10 residue they that remained retoumed 14. 17 came returne See returned returne 19. 6 3.19 be turned agayne — , will 18. 14 will come „ 31. 13 go agayne 32.9 departe agayne returned 18. 33 8. 3 ranne sty 11 awaye 8.9 came agayne 50. 14 toke his ioumey See retourned rever 2. 10 ryuer riuer See river ryver reviued 45. 27 reuyued reuiued rewarde 15. 1 reward 30. 28 (2 times) wages 30.32 hire .30. 18 rewarded I) 50. 15 recompense requite rewarded, haue 44. 4 50. 17 dyd vnto dyd vnto rewardes 43. 34 sundrye meates measses rich 13. 2 See ryche M2 180 rkhes-roull riches 13. 6 right 13. 9 (5 times) righte 18.25 (2 „ ) 18. 19 See ryghte righteous 7. 1 6.9 rightewes 20. 4 right was 18. 23 (8 times) rightwesnes 15. 6 (2 times) Riphat 10. 3 river 2. 14 (2 times) See rever ryver Rheuma 22. 24 robbed, haue 42. 36 43.14 roddes 30. 37 rofe 19. 8 rose vp 19. 1 (5 times) 19. 33 (2 times) 22. 3 (2 „ ) 22. 19 (2 „ ) 24. 54 (2 „ ) — vpon 32. 31 — vp 19. 27 20.8 21.32 43.15 46.5 roudier 49. 12 rough 25. 25 27. 23 See rugh roull, to 29. 3 right righteous righteousnes water Rehuma that is robbed staues stode vp gat vp arose rose gat them vp „ him „ omit right iustice lust righteous righteousnesse Riphath Reumah haue bereaued bereaued rods roofe arose to roule gate vp rose red omit hairie rolled ronUed-rule 181 C rouled brode of both the sydes rounde aboute roulled be, jJU. 8 roule See rowled rounde 23. 17 — aboute 35. 5 (3 times) See rovvnde rowled 29. 10 See roulled rowme 24. 23 (4 times) — ynough 34. 21 rownde 19. 4 See rounde Ruben 29. 82 (13 times) ruelar 43. 16 39. 4 (2 times) 43. 19 (2 „ ) — , made 41. 43 49. 10 See rueler ruelars 47. 6 ruele, come forth to bere 49. 22 See rule rueler 44. 1 45.8 See ruelar rugh 27. 11 rough See rough rughly 42. 7 (2 times) roughly rule, to 1.16 f 3 „ ) — , shall 3. 16 1.26 4. 7 wilt rule — , had the 24. 2 See ruele ruler set ouer master rulers t go vpon the wall ruler prynce about rolle round I) rolled roome larjj^e enough roimd ouerseer steward made ruler law-giuer rulers t runne oner the wall steward ruler hairy roughly dominion shalt rule ruled 182 runneth-sackes • C A runneth 2. 14 goeth rybbe 2. 22 rib rybbes 2. 21 ribs ryche 14. 23 rich 30.43 riche omit See rich ryches 36. 7 substaunce riches ^^^ riches ryd, went aboute to wolde haue dely- deliuered 37.21 uered rydd, wolde haue wolde haue delyu- might rid 37.22 ered ryder 49. 17 rider r3ghte48.13(2times) right right See right righte rynge 41. 42 ringe ring rype 40. 10 ripe ryse vp 19. 2 ryse rise vp — , redde 25. 34 lentiles — vp, can 31. 35 can rise vp — vp, wyll 43. 8 maye get vs vp will arise ryver 2. 13 (8 times) water riuer 32.23 »> brooke See rever river ryvers 31.21 (3 times) water riuer Sabe Kiriathaim 14.5 the felde of Kiria- Shueh Kirii thaim Sabta 10. 7 Sabtha Sabtah Sabtema 10. 7 Sabtheca Sabtheca sacke 42. 25 (4 times) 43. 21 (3 „ ) sack — clothe 37. 34 sack cloth sackcloth sackes 42. 25 (7 times) 42.35 sacks sackes-sakes 183 sackes 42, 28 sack 43. 12 sacke 44.2 sacks 42. 27 sacrifice 8. 20 22. 3 (3 times) 22.6 22.2 22.2 sacrifyce 22. l.*^ — , dyd 31. 54 sadd, were 40. 6 sadled 22. 3 sadly 40. 7 saftie 28. 21 saide 50. 11 26. 9 (2 times) — , hath 21. 12 See sayde sayed sainge 27. 6 32.6 (5 times) 32. 29 43. 27 26. 22 See sayenge saying sayinge sayng saynge sake 3. 17 (11 times) 20. 3 (2 times) — of, for the 18. 24 sake — , for goddes 19. 7 o)iiit 26. 9 oviit — , for my 30. 30 sakes 18. 26 C sack brent sacrifices brentofferynge offre bumtofferynge brent sacrifice offred anofferynge loked sadly peaceably sayde hath sayde sayenge and sayde sacke sackes burnt offring „ offering „ oftVing offer burnt offring „ offering offred sacrifice were sad m peace said hath said saymg and saide „ said he omit I pray you omit since my comming 184 Sala-Saul Sala 10. 24 (2 times) 11. 12 (2 times) 11.13 Salem 14. 18 33. 18 Saleph 10. 26 salt 14. 3 salte 19.26 same 5. 29 (10 times) 19.33 (4 „ ) 21.8 (2 „ ) 28.11 (2 „ ) 39.11 (2 „ ) 2.17 21.2 32.22 — , the 41. 48 Samla 36. 36 (2 times) Samma 36.13 (2 „ ) sanctyfyed 2. 3 sande 41. 49 Sara 17. 15 (29 times) 18.12 23.2 Sarai 11.29 (15 times) Sarais 16. 8 Saras 24. 67 (2 times) sat 18. 1 (2 „ ) sate 31. 34 satt 24. 61 19. 1 (7 times) 38.21 43.33 50.23 Saue, vale of 14. 17 Saul 36. 37 (2 times) 46. 10 Sahah omit salt omit omit what so euer appoynted omit therin sanctified sonde she omit sat sat were set omtt playne felde Salah Shalem Sheleph salt omit that this omit set that Samlah Shammah sanctified sand Sarah Sarahs sate rode sate was sate were brought vp valley of Saueh Shaul saue-sayd C A saue 14. 24 (li times) 19.17 (3 „ ) escape — good, oughte .'? 1 . 24 nothinge but good either good (2 timesj 7. 23 omit — , shall 12. 12 will saue — , can 19. 19 can escape — , may 32. 8 shal escape shall „ — one, best 41 . 43 seconde second — lyfe, to 45. .) youre lyues sake to preserue — , to 45. 5 >) ») — , 50.20 for the sauynge of to saue saued, hast 47. 25 omit sauynge 49. 18 saluacion saluation savinge 19. 19 sauest sauing savoure 8. 21 sauour 27.27 smell sawe 28. 6 (6 times) 1. 4 (39 times) saw 49.15 saw )i 44. 28 (2 times; omit 9. 23 shulde se )> 12.14 beheld 19. 1 seeing 26.28 se 33. 1 looked and I 43. 16 behelde sawest 20. 10 say 37. 17 saye — , Shalt 32. 18 shalt saye — , wyll 12. 12 wil „ shall say — , to 14. 9 omit omit 50.17 shal saye shall say See saye sayd 4. 23 sayde 3.4 said 11.3 saide 185 186 sayd-saye C A sayd 1. 3 (56 times) sayde said 7. 1 (4 times) )) saide 11. 6 (2 „ ) saide said — , hath 3. 1 hath sayde hath said 3.3 » )i )i )) sayde 15.5 (225 times) said 17.9 (29 „ ) saide 5) 18. 32 (31 „ ) saide — , had 17.23 (2 „ ) had said — , woulde haue 21.7 wolde haue saide would haue said — , hath 31. 16 hath said — , hast 47. 30 hast „ — , hast 18.5 hast spoken !) !) 18. 9 (19 times) answered said 29.4 >j saide 29.5 )) — , had 23. 16 had named 24. 30 (5 times) spake — , hath 24. 51 hath spoken 24. 65 (2 times) had said 26.28 deuysed said — , hast 30. 34 to thy word — , had 44. 2 had spoken 44.20 omit said 41. 32 (3 timesj saying 41.52 omit — , the 15. 17 omit those — , haue 24. 33 haue tolde haue tolde — , had 44. 24 of lordes words omit See saide sayed saydest26.9(3times) saidst 12. 19 saidest saye 12. 13 (6 times) say 44.4 saie I) — , shuldest 14. 23 shouldest say — , shall 44. 16 shall say saye-sayn^e U C A saye 24. 14 [2 times) .shall say - on 24. 38 tell on speake on — , can 24. 50 can s])eake 26.2 shall saye tell of 34. 12 wyll axe shall say — , that is to 37. 1 omit omit — , let us 37. 20 saye will say — , haue herde 41. 15 haue herd tell haue heard say 43.25 omit omit 46.34 shal saye shall say 48.20 it shal be sayde saying See say sayed 13. 14 saide and said 24.42 sayde said See saide sayd sayde sayenge 15. 4 saide saying 17.1 sayde and said See sainge saying sayinge sayng saynge sayeth, what a nother what another one anothers 11.7 saieth speech 45.9 sendeth the this worde saith See sayth saying 1. 22 sayenge saying sayinge 2. 16 »; ,, sayng 5. 29 and sayde >» saynge 3. 17 (3 times) sayenge „ 8. 15 (37 times) and sayde »» 9.8 (10 „ ) omit >> 18.13 and saye u 187 188 saynge-se C A saynge, it is a comen it is a comon it is said 22. 14 sayenge 24. 37 (5 times) and saide saying 41.37 sayenge thing 14.18 and sayde and saide 22. 11 (9 times) )) )j „ said 29.35 5) n „ she said 80.2 !> >> ,, he 37.2 reporte report 37.9 (3 times) and saide and said 42.7 „ „ vnto them and he said See sainge sayenge saying sayinge sayth 22. 16 (2 times) sayeth saith 44.7 saieth ,, 32.4 sendeth thee this worde >i See sayeth scace 27. 30 scarce scater 49. 7 scatter scatered, shall be 11. 4 be scatred be scattered See skatered sceptre 49. 10 cepter scepter se 31. 5 (3 times) see — , to 42. 9 to see 44. 23 shall se shall see — , do 45. 12 see 18. 31 (2 times) behold now 1. 29 (3 „ ) lo )) — that thou eate not shalt thou not eate thou shalt not 2. 17 (2 times) 6. 20 (2 „ ) omit omit 15. 3 (6 „ ) beholde behold — thou eate 2. 16 shalt eate may est eate se-second 189 C A se that ye eate not 3. 3 eate not ye slial not eate — that ye touch not touch not neither shall ye 3.3 touch — that ye eate not onely eate not shall not eate 9.4 — thou kepe 17. 9 kepe thou shalt keepe 19.21 beholde see — , will 21. 16 can se let see — thou take 28. 1 take thou shalt take 28.6 thou shalt take )• 7? H 28.12 beholde beholde that ye speake 32. 4 saye shall ye speake -, „ „ 32.19 speake ye „ you „ 37. 32 loke know 39.14 lo see 41.7 sawe behold 45.24 omit see — that thou burye bury shalt thou bur)' 50.5 — that ye carye50.25 cary ye shal carie See see seall 38. 25 signet signet searched 31. 35 sought — , hast 31. 37 See serched season 40. 4 37. 34 dayes 21. 2 (3 times) tyme time 42.16 omit omit seasons 1. 14 seate, kyn^es 4. 40 throne Seavan 36. 27 Seauan Zaauan Seba 10. 7 (3 times) Sheba 26.33 Saba Shebah Sebulon 46. 14 Zabulon Zebulon second 41. 5 seconde 41.32 twice 190 seconde-seed C A seconde 1. 8 (6 times) 7.11 second second 45.6 two two secretly 31. 27 secrete secrets 9. 23 secretes nakednesse See secrettes secrett, kepe 37. 26 hyde conceale secrettes 49. 6 secretes secret sede 26. 3 seed 26.24 seede See seed see 18. 24 —, to 2. 19 (3 times) — , will 32. 20 to se — , coude 48. 10 coude se 43. 3 (2 times) 1. 26 (8 „ ) shall se see shall see sea 11.6 (2 „ ) beholde 1. 10 See Seas — thou rule 4. 7 wilt thou rule thou shalt rule 9.7 omit omit 9.9 beholde behold 12.12 se shall see — , the LORde will the LORDE shall lehouah-ijreh 22.14 — , coude 27. 1 prouyde omit — , to 34. 1 to beholde 37.14 loke — , let 37. 20 shal it be sene shall see 42.22 omit behold — , maye 44. 26 darre loke — , shulde 44. 34 shulde se see See se seed 1.11 (40 times) 1. 29 (11 times) 3.15 sede the same seede it 47.24 omit See sede sees-Semnon lit! C A sees 1. 22 seas seeth 44. 31 se — , totehill whicli the omit Mizpah lorde 31. 49 See seith seyth seinge 6. 27 (2 times) seynge seeing — , well of the lyvinge and 25. 11 well Lahai-roi See seynge Seir 14. 6 (7 times) seist 31. 43 seest seiste 13. 15 seist ,, seith 16. 13 ?5 ,, — ,\vell ofthelyuynge well of the liuinge Beer-lahai-roi that 16. 14 that sawe seke 37. 16 seeke -.fell 25. 17 (2 times) fell sicke gaue vp the ghost 31.32 discerne 48. 1 sicke sicke Sela 38.5 (5 times) Shelah selfe same 7. 13 17.23 same 17.26 one selfewill 49. 6 sell 25. 31 (2 times) Sem 5. 32 (3 „ ) 9. 18 (9 times) Shem 11. 11 omit j> -seme, shal 27. 12 shulde seme — cruel 45. 5 t think t bee angry Semeaber 14. 2 Shemeber semed 29. 20 seemed 19. 14 toke >i 21. 11 displeased was semeth 19. 8 liketh is Semnon 46. 13 Semron Shimron 192 sence-sent sence 44. 28 send, wyll 7. 4 24. 12 26.29 — , may 37. 13 43.8 43. 14 45.5 sende 38.17 (2 times) — , shall 24. 7 — , will 27. 45 (2 times) — , wilt 43. 4 (2 times) — , wyll 24. 40 24.56 — for 26. 9 — , wold 42. 4 sene, haue 7. 1 (3 times) — , had 33. 10 — , haue 32. 30 (2 times) ■ — , was 5. 24 — , haue 16. 13 — , will be 22 14 — , had 24. 30 — , to haue 48. 11 senow 32. 22 (2 times) senowe 32. 25 sent 20. 2 (14 times) 41. 8 — forth 8. 7 (3 times) — , hath 19.18 — , haue 32. 5 —, had 45. 27 (2 times) 28. 5 (2 times) — out 8. 10 C omit wil sende mete let departe wil sende let go let haue sent shall sende let go called wolde let go sawe shall prouyde sawe haue sene sente A since will cause it to haue sent will send may send did send send shall send will „ wilt ., will send send called sent haue scene had „ haue „ was haue looked after shalbe scene saw to see sinewe hollow let departe sent sent foorth sent-seruauntes 193 sent 19. 29 26. 31 — , haddest 31. 42 32. 18 32. 23 32. 23 38.23 — for 47. 29 sentence, hath geuen .30.6 separat 49. 26 separate 30. 32 Sephara 10. 30 Sepho 36. 23 sepulchre 23. 6 sepulchres 23. 6 Serah 36. 13 (3 times) 46. 17 serche, to 42. 30 serched 31. 34 (2 times) See .searched Sered 46. 14 serpent 3. 1 (6 times) seruant 18.3 (6 „ ) 44.30 seruaunte 9. 25 (34 times) — borne 17. 13 24. 53 25. 23 27.40 29.24 29.29 32. 17 44. 19 seruauntes 9. 25 (36 times) C conueyed let go haddest latten go scndeth caried came ouer haue sent called separate Sephar sepulcre sepulcres Sera omit searched seruaunt omit seruaiuit eny other omit shall serue shalt „ mayde mayden omit seruauntes N called hath iud<^i'd separate remoouing Sephar Shepho Zerah Serah omit searched seruaut he that is borne seruant shall stTuc shalt „ handmayd mayd omit seruants 1:94 seruauntes-sett C A seruauntes 12. 16 omit seruants (2 times) 17.23 omit — , be thy 27. 29 serue thee 17.12 houszholde folkes he that is borne seme, shall 15. 14 — , will 29. 18 — , shuldest 29. 15 shalt seme — , dyd 29. 25 haue semed — , Shalt 29. 27 shalt do semyce — , to 45. 23 for for serued29.20(2times) — , haue 30. 26 (3 times) 39.4 was his seruaunt 40.4 might serue Serugll.20 (2 times) 11.21 omit seruyce 29. 27 seruice (2 times) — , haue done 80. 29 haue serued haue serued set 35. 14 41.43 made him ryde made him to ride See sett sette Seth 4. 25 (4 times) 5. 4 (2 times) omit sett 18. 8 (9 times) set set — , hast 21. 29 hast set hast set — , haue 41. 41 haue „ haue „ 24.33 set was „ 30.36 made rowme of set — his face 31. 21 wente >> — , haue 31. 51 haue set haue cast — eyes, maye 44. 21 wil se may set eyes — , by, was 34. 19 was holden in honoure honourable seti-shedeth 19.^ C A sett vp, haue 28. 22 haue set vp haue set — vp 35. 20 set vp set sette 19. 16 M )> — , shalt 6. 16 shalt set shalt set — , wyll 9. 13 will „ doe „ 2.8 set put 3.24 placed — in aray to fyghte prepared to tight ioyned battle 14.8 14.15 deuyded diuided See set sett sevenfolde 4. 24 seuen tymes 4.24 omit seventh 2. 2 (3 times) 7.10 seuen seuen seventie 4. 24 seuenty severall, with a 49. 28 with a sundrye according to his sexte 30. 19 sixte sixth seynge 18. 18 seeing — , ly vynge and 24. 62 well Lahai-roi 28.8 seeing See seinge seyth 16. 5 saw See seeth seith shadow 19. 8 shadowe shame 34. 14 reproch — , to do vs 39. 14 to mock vs — , to do me 39. 17 „ „ me shamed, be 38. 23 shaved 41. 14 let be shauen Sheba 10. 7 Seba Seba shed 37. 22 — , shall haue bloud bloude shall be shall blood be shed 9.6 shed shedeth 9. 6 sheddeth N2 sheddeth 196 shefe-shewe shefe 37. 7 (2 times) sheafe shepardes 46. 32 kepers of catell sheapheards shepel2.16(12times) sheepe 4. 4 (3 times) flocke 13.5 (7 „ ) flocks 22. 7 (2 „ ) lambe 30. 32 (2 „ ) cattell 30.32 omit 31. 19 fiocke 31. 38 (2 times) ewes 30. 32 (2 „ ) flockes flocke 30. 36 (3 „ ) fiocke flocks 30.38 they „ 30.41 (4 „ ) flockes cattell 31. 8 (5 „ ) flocke )• 37.2 (2 „ ) catell flocke 37. 14 (2 „ ) )) flocks 37.16 omit ,, — and beastes 45. 19 small and greate flockes (2 timesj catell — and oxen 46. 32 small and catell greate flocks — , that feede 46. 34 t haue dealt with shepheard catell — , feaders of 47. 3 kepers of catell shepheards shere, to 31. 19 to clyppe to sheare sherers 38. 12 omit shearers sheves 37. 7 sheeves sheaues — , they made 41. 47 omit , the earth brought forth by hand- fuls shewe 40. 14 shew 24.12 shew jj — , wyll 12. 1 will shew will shew — , Shalt 20. 13 shew shalt „ — , will 22. 2 shal shew will tell of — , to 32. 5 to tell shewe-shyne 197 C A she we, doth 41. 25 sheweth hath shewed — , doth 41. 28 )) sheweth 46.31 tell shew shewed, hast 24. 14 (2 times) — , hath 41. 39 22.9 had tolde ol' 30.21 had — , hath 48. 11 hath caused me to se — , myght be 46. 28 to .shew to direct his face 44.24 tolde told — , haue 21. 28 haue done vnto haue done vnto she west 19. 19 hast shewed ha.st shewed shilde 15. 1 shylde shield shippes 49. 13 ships shope 2. 7 formed shortly 41. .32 sliote 19. 6 shut shut See shott shytt shoters 49. 23 archers shott to 19. 10 shut to shut 40. 10 bare shot See shote shytt shoulachet 14. 23 shue lachet shoe latchet shrancke 32. 32 omit shranke shranke 32.25 shrancke was out of ioynt shronke 32. 32 omit shranke shrubbes 2. 5 twygg plant shulder 24. 15 shulder shoulder (2 times) shulders 9. 23 shoulders 21.14 shoulder shyne to 1. 15 to giue light — , to 1. 17 might shyne 11 M i; 198 shytt-sister A shytt 7. 16 See shote shott Sichem 33. 18 (12 times) — , of 84. 8 34.18 See Sychem Sichems 38. 19 84.26 side 24. 22 Siddim, vale of 14. 3 (3 times) Sidon 49. 13 See Sydon sighte, oute of my 23. 4 (2 times) — of, in 43. 14 See syght syghte Sillem 46. 24 Silo 49. 10 Silpha 30. 9 (4 times) Simeon 34. 25 (6 times) 29. 33 (4 times) simple 25. 27 Simram 25. 2 Sineab 14. 2 Sini 10. 17 sir 43. 20 See syr Sirian 25. 20 (2 times) Sirians 22. 21 Sirien 25. 20 (2 times) 28.5 sister 12. 13 (16 times) 24. 30 (3 times) shut shut Sichems omit of Sichem sycle brode valle}^ Sydon by me in sight of the Worthye Silpa Symeon symple syr Syrian Syrians Syrian Siria syster Shechem of Shechem Shechems )) shekel Zidon out of my sight before Shillem Shiloh Zilpah plaine Zimran Shinab Sinite Syrian Aram Syrian sister-slomber 199 sister 34. 26 See syster sisters 24. 30 (2 times) Sitena 26. 21 skatered 11. 8 1 1. y See scatered sky lines 3. 21 (2 times) slaughter 14. 17 slayn, haue 4. 23 — , haue 4.23 slee, to 42. 37 See sley slepe 28. 16 31.40 — , to 28. 11 — , to 39. 10 39.12 — , let 30. 15 slepest 28. 13 slepte 2. 21 (2 times) 30.16 — , to haue 39. 14 slew 38. 10 slewe 4. 8 (6 times) 36.35 sley 37. 20 (2 times) 37. 26 — to 18. 25 (2 times) — , wilt 20. 4 — , will 27. 41 34. 30 — , shulde 20. 11 — , shall 12. 12 See slee sleyeth 4. 15 slomber 2. 21 (2 times) Sytena scatred haue slayne „ kylled slaye let lye lyest to slepe slewe slew slewe si eye to slaye wil slaye shal „ shall sleye shal slaye slayeth slepe omit Sitnah scattered did scatter skinnes haue slaine omit slay sleepe sleep to sleepe to lie lie shall lye host slept lay to lie slew smote slay to sla}- wilt slay will „ slay will slay „ kill slayeth sleepe 200 slyme-Sobal A slyme 11. 3 (2 times) slime small 19. 11 smell 27. 27 (2 times) smelled 27. 27 smylled 8. 21 smelled smelled smoke 19. 28 smokynge 15. 17 smoked smoking smooth 27. 11 (2 times) smote 14. 5 (3 times) 19.11 were smytten 32. 25 touched touched 32. 32 was touched !> smyte 32. 8 (2 times) smite so 1. 7 (28 times) 3. 13 (18 „ ) omtt 9.6 (4 „ ) omit 16. 10 exceedingly 20.17 for 22. 8 (2 times) and 25. 34 (2 „ ) thus 29. 28 (2 „ ) then 29. 30 (5 „ ) and 32.19 thus 36.7 more then 43. 34 more 1.5 then omit 4. 15 (5 times) omit )> 3.14 this this 11.3 and and 27.38 )j omit — much more, twice other double 43. 15 44.7 eny soch thinge according to this thinge See so that Sobal 36. 30 (3 times) Shobal soch-some 2(11 C A st)c h 27. 1» (3 times) 27.4 44. 7 .S^^ such sod 25. 29 .Sodoma 10. 19 13. 10 Sodome 18. 12 (11 times) 14. 10 (4 timesj 18. 26 (2 „ ) Sodomeward.to 18.22 soeuer 31. 16 (2 times) 80. 88 31.82 31.39 softly 33. 14 sogeorne, to 19. 9 26.3 — , to 47.4 6"^^ soiourne sogeorned 20. 1 85. 27 sogemed 32. 4 soiourne, to 12. 10 See sogeorne sold 25. 38 (3 times) solde 41. 56 37. 36 (4 times) — , hath 31. 15 — not 47. 22 — , to be 42. 1 (2 times) some 19. 19 (8 times) 87. 20 (2 times) 42.4 omit dight such these Sodome Sodoma Sodom towarde Sodome toward Sodmne omit euery one which as a straunger soiourne bethouastraunger „ to dwell with you „ was a straunger soiourned were „ omit „ to kepe himselfe as a straunger solde sold neded not to sell „ not omtt omit lest peraducnturc 202 some-sonnes C A some 43. 18 omit 42. 38 (2 times) eny >) 43.12 an an somere 8. 22 sommer summer so much as 14. 28 so moch as euen to 43.34 more then sonde 22. 17 sand sondrie 40. 5 his according to the 41. 11 „ owne T> JI >I sone 11. 31 (2 times) Sonne Sonne 19.23 „ sunne See Sonne sones 37. 32 sonnes sonnes 10.7 children )> See sonnes sons Sonne 4. 17 (130 times) 15.12 (5 „ ) sunne 10. 15 (9 „ ) omit 15.2 steward of my house 17. 25 (4 times) omit 4.25 sede seed 38. 2 (5 times) childes childe daughter — in la we 19. 12 Sonne in law See sone sonnes 5. 4 (72 times) 6. 2 (37 times) children 10.4 )! sons 46.7 childers — name, his 21. 3 his Sonne name of his sonni — of Heth 23. 3 Hethites (4 times) 23. 11 (2 times) omit See sones sons sonnes in law 19. 14 sonnes in lawe sonnes-so 20H C A sonnes in la we 19. 14 omit sonnes in law sons 16. 15 (2 times) sonnes sonnes See sones sonnes soon as, as 12. 14 whan when soone as, as 18. 3.3 >) 4. 8 (2 times) )> „ 9.24 so whan omit 18. 10 (2 times) omit according to the time 24.30 and that came ;by when the reason that 27.5 omit omit 30.25 now whan when 34.7 and )) 39.5 and from the time from the time for 39.18 whan asfl 41.15 )) that 44.31 shall it come to when passe that yf sore 19. 9 (4 times) 41.56 (2 „ ) omit 41.57 mightie 50. 10 bytter 47.20 mightie omit sorow 3. 18 .3. 17 sorowe 44. 29 (2 times) ,, sorrow sorowe 42. 38 1) 5.29 toyle 27.41 shal mourne mourning sorowed 6. 6 grieued 37.34 mourned mourned so that 19. 11 (4 times) 9. 15 (9 times) and 204 so-sowed so that 17.7 (3 times) omit 9.14 and it shall come to passe 27. 1 omit 28.21 yf 48.10 and 49. 17 that 6.17 omit and 50.9 and ;i See so sothsayers 41. 24 soithsayers magicians See soythsayers sotyller 3. 1 more subtill soughte 43. 30 sought sought 37.15 sekest seekest soule 2. 7 ('9 times) 34.8 hert See soull soules46.18 (3 times) 36.6 persons See soulles soull 27. 4 (2 times) soule soule See soule soulles 12. 5 (5 times) soules soules 14.21 persons 46. 15 omit See soules south 13. 1 (4 times) southcontre 20. 1 south countre South-Countrey southward 13. 14 southwarde south warde 12. 9 toward the South sowe 47. 23 sow — the feld, to 47. 24 to sowe the londe of the field 1.11 beareth yeelding 1.29 beare J! 1.29 >) bearing sowed 26. 12 sowed-speke 205 sowed 3. 7 sowenge 1. 12 sowynge t}nie K. 22 soythsayers 41. S See sothsayers space 32. 16 29. 14 6.3 spake 8. 15 (12 times) 9. 8 (2 times) 23. 13 (5 „ ) 15.4 18.29 31.29 45.17 spakynge 24. 15 See sj)eakynge spare 18. 24 — , will 18. 26 spared, hast 22. 16 speach 10. 5 speak, to 18. 31 speake 31.24 (4 times) — , to 18. 27 18. .30 (2 times) — , shall 44. 16 32.4 45. 12 See speke speakynge, had made an end of 24. 45 See spakynge speckled 30. 33 spede, to 19. 15 24. 12 speke, coude 37. 4 C that beareth omit respyte sayde talked proceded io speake saide speakynge to speake saye had spoken spotted omit coude speake A sewed yeelding seed-time ma 1) starres 15. 5 (4 times) See sterres statutes 26. 5 staues 30. 37 (5 times) rods steade22.13 (9 „ ) stead steale, shulde 44. 8 shulde hauestollen should .steale stere, dare 49. 9 wil rayse shall rouse See styrre sterres 1. 16 starres starres See starres still 41. 21 omit See styll stocke, hath made me hath prepared a hath made me to a laughinge 21. 6 ioye for me laugh .stode 18.2 (12 times) stood 18.16 rose 19.27 had stoude stood 28.12 set vp 37.7 omit stood 41.3 wente i> 24. 10 gat him vp arose 208 stode-straunger C A stode 28. i8 arose rose vp 40.9 was was stoUen, had 31. 32 31:19 stale — , hast 31. 30 — , was 31. 39 were stollen stollen — , was 40. 15 was preuely caried stonde 24. 13 (2 times) stand — vpp 19. 14 vp — vp 19. 15 arise stondest 24. 31 standest stone 2. 12 (10 times) 28. 11 stones 31. 13 pillar 49.24 stones stoones 3 1 . 46 (2 times) >) stones stoore, lay it vp in shalt lay in stoare shalt gather 6.21 41.36 found prepared store 41.49 stoare omit stoppe, had 26. 18 had stopte had stopped stopped 26. 15 )! 11 stopte, were 8. 2 were stoupe doune 24. 14 bowe downe let downe 27.29 fall bow „ — , shall 49. 9 shall bow downe straked 30. 39 speckelde 31. 8 (4 times) ij ring-straked strakes 30. 37 stranger 28. 4 straunger See straunger straunge 35.2(3 times) strange straunger 15. 13 stranger (4 times) — , art a 21. 23 hast soiourned 32.4 straungers omit See stranger straun^ers-submyte 209 jitrauiigers ;U. 15 strangers (j! times J 35.27 oiiiil 17. 12 (2 times) straunger stranger strawe 31. 34 furniture streates 19. 2 stretes street strech forth 3. 22 .stretch put foorth -strength 49. 3 — vnto him, toke toke a corage vnto strengthened liim- his 48.2 him selfe stretched 22. 10 (2 times) streyght 31. 21 straight umit stronge 49. 1 4 (2 times) strong 49.7 fearce cruell — , were 49. 26 go mightely haue preuailed stroue 26. 20 (3 times) 25. 22 .struggled stryfe 13. 7 (2 times) strife strife stryken 18. 11 stricken 21.4 stricken ,, strypes 4. 23 wounding stryi)te 37. 23 stryped stript str}ve, shall 6. 3 shall striue — , dyd 26. 20 stroue did stuff 45. 20 stuffe stuffe 31. 37 (2 times) styll 27. 33 still omit styiicke 34, 30 stynke to stynke styrre 38. 8 rayse raise See stere Sua 38. 2 (2 times) Shuah Suah 25. 2 ,, subdue 1. 28 subdued, be 4. 7 shall be his de-^ire subiecte, were 14. 4 subiectes serued suhmyte 16. 9 submitte submit 210 substance-surelye C A substance 13. 6 substaunce (4 times) 31.18 goods 34.23 all that they haue subtilte 37. 35 sotyltie subtilty such 27. 4 soch 30.32 the same See soch sucke 21. 7 Sucoth38.17(2times) Succoth suerlie 50. 24 omit surely suerly 3. 16 n greatly 19.9 )J omit See surely surelye suertie 15. 13 (3 times) suertye surety 16. 13 )> omit 18.13 true in dede surety 26.9 omit — , of a 44. 28 ji surely suifred 20. 6 haue sufiFred suffered 31.7 hath )) — , hast 31. 28 hast suifered suifrest vs to dye, why should we die wherfore 47. 15 Suni 46. 16 Shuni suppose 30. 27 perceaue haue learned by experience that Sur 16. 7 (3 times) Shur sure 23. 17 (2 times) — , be 20. 7 . surely surely 28. 16 2. 17 (4 times) omit surelye 42. 14 )) omit See suerlie suerly surely Susims 14, 5 sustcnauncc 47. 15 swaged, be 27. 44 sware 21.31 (7 times) See swere swerde 3. 24 (6 times) swere 21.23 (4 „ ) — , wyll 21. 24 24. 37 (2 times) 60.6 See sware swete 3. 19 8.21 19.3 swore 25. 33 (2 times) swome, haue 22. 16 swyft 49. 21 Sychem 12. 6 See Sichem sycles 23. 15 (3 times) syde 6. 16 2. 14 (7 times) 12.8 — , see 22. 17 24. 11 — , ryvers 41. 17 Sydon 10. 19 See Sidon syght 18. 3 syghtel9. 19(8timesj 2.9 4.14 6.8 (3 times) 6. 11 (2 „ ) 21.11 23.18 38. 7 (2 times) Susims -syghte C A Susim Zusims bred bread tume away sword sweare sweare wyll sweare will sweare hath taken an ooth sweare hath swome II 211 sweate sware haue sworen swift Sichem side shore besyde water syde Sidon sight II to loke vpon sight omit sight before sweate sweete vnleauened sware let loose Sichem shekels side omit )> shore omit banke of the riuer Sidon sight sight face eyes before sight presence sight 02 212 syghte-syxte syghte 16. 4 — , out of 21. 16 (2 times) See sighte syght sygne 9. 13 (2 times) sygiies 1. 14 sygnett 38. 18 syluer 20. 16 (9 times) 13.2 23. 16 23. 13 symilitude 1. 26 symilytude 5. 1 5.3 Synearl0.10(3times) syngynge 31. 27 synne 4. 7 (3 times) 18.20 — , to 39. 9 — , shuld 42. 22 — , shuldest not 20. 6 4.13 19. 15 26.10 synned 13. 13 — , haue 42. 21 syppe 24. 17 syppe, let 25. 30 syr 3. 1 See sir syster 4. 22 (3 times) See sister sytt 27. 19 syxth 1. 31 sy xte hundred and one 8. 13 C A omit eyes on the other syde ouer against him token tokens signet sihier money J) simihtude symihtude omit synginge synnes and synne synne t haue deserued drynke proue yee sister syt sixte „ hundreth and one token tokens signet siluer money image hkenes image Shinar songs sinne and sinne doe „ held from sinning punishment iniquitie guiltinesse were sinners are verily guiltie drinke feed yea sister sit sixth sixe hundredth and one table-taken 215 table 4:^. 3 1 take 3. -I'l (25 times) , will 14. 23 (^3 timesj — , Shalt 21. 30 (3 times) — , to 24. 48 6.21 7.2 (2 times) — , Shalt 24. 3 (2 times) — , Shalt 24.40 — , se 28. 6 — , woldest 30. 15 34.16 -, let 84. 21 — , was 2. 23 — , to 12. 19 — ,wylll3.9(2timesj — , wylt 13. 9 21. 18 23. 13 24.3 — , mayst 24. 7 — hede 31. 24 (2 times) — , to 33.11 -, shaU 40. 19 43. 12 47. 23 taken, was 3. 23 (2 times) — , haue 18. 27 — , hast 20. 3 (2 times) — , had 21. 25 — , hath 27. 35 (2 times) ouul shalt take take mayest take might take wilt wyl take was taken toke wilt go to receaue lirynge maiest brynge bewarre cary beholde, there haue ye shalt take shalt take wouldst take wil take will „ was taken might haue taken will o-oe hold shalt take tooke shall lift carie here is 214 taken-tell C A taken, wast 3. 19 art taken — , hath 27. 36 taketh — , had bene 31. 26 taken — , woldest haue shuldest haue wouldest take 31.31 taken — , was 12. 15 was brought — , hath 31. 1 hath ,, 31. 9 (2 tuTies) „ withdrawen takynge, in what 30.29 in what maner how talked 4. 8 (5 times) 23. 3 (2 times) spake talkinge 17. 22 talkynge talking talkyng 27. 6 talkinge speak tarie 27. 44 tary tary See tary tarye taried 24. 54 (3 times) 8.12 stayed 32. 13 (2. times) lodged 32.24 was left tarieng 43. 10 tarienge lingred tary 19. 2 tarye tarie — , to 19.30 to dwell 19, 17 stonde stay tarye 45. 9 tary See tarie Tebah 22. 24 Theba teeth 49. 12 teth tel 40. 8 tell tell tell 15. 5 (7 times) — , to 43. 6 — , can 43. 22 — , maye 49. 1 — , can 4.9 know — , didest 31. 17 toldest didst tell — , can 41. 24 could declare 45.18 shewe tell-than 215 tell 46.31 say vnto 45.9 say vnto 11 II 50.4 saie saying ten 18. 32 (2 times) tender 29. 17 (2 „ ) tendre 18. 7 tender tender tent 18. 1 (7 times) 9.21 tente tente 12. 8 (2 „ ) tent 13.3 (10 „ ) tent II 31.35 omit 32. 21 company tented 13. 12 pitched his tent pitched his lent tentes 4. 20 (5 times) tents tenth 8. 5 (2 „ ) Terahll.24(8 „ ) testament 9. 15 couenaunt couenant (G times) testamente 17. 9 II II (2 times) testifie, dyd 43. 3 sware did i)rotest tidynges 45. 16 tydinges fame till 38. 17 tyll 26. 13 II vntill tirantes 6. 4 giauntes giants Thahas 22. 24 Thahash Thamar 38. 6 (4 times) Tamar Thamar, Hazezon Hazezon-tamar 14. 7 than 16. 3 (2 times) then 3. 1 (27 „ ) then ,, 1. 3 (47 „ ) 11 and 26. 26 (3 „ ) and then 9. 15 (6 „ ) then omit 13. 16 (6 „ ) omit then 13. 18 (4 „ ) so II 14. 8 (2 „ ) then and then 18.5 (2 „ ) )i after that 216 than-that C A than 5. 11 (9 times) so omit 5.24 for so moch as >) 12.9 afterwarde n 13. 1 (4 times) so and 14. 17 (10 „ ) omit >j 14. 18 (2 „ ) but )) 21. 12 (2 „ ) neuertheles jj 25. 17 (5 „ ) omit omit Tharsis 10. 4 Tharshish that 1. 4 (266 times) 1.10 (10 „ ) and 1.11 (60 „ ) omit 2.15 (3 „ ) the same 4. 15 lest 4.20 (2 „ ) such as — , after 6. 4 whan 6. 19 (3 times) what so euer 7.8 (50 „ ) omit 7. 23 (5 „ ) which 8. 19 whatsoever 9.11 neither 9. 18 (2 times) which 15. 18 (4 „ ) the 17. 13 (2 „ ) thus 18. 21 (6 „ ) the 18.21 and if not — dwelled 19. 25 the inhabitants of 20.9 as 21.6 who so euer 21.8 whan 24. 35 (3 times) so that and 26. 11 who so 26. 14 for 27.41 wherewith — which 27. 45 what 29.28 her 30. 17 (3 times) and that C A that :u.:u peraduenturc 31. 32 what 31.62 yf H2. 18 soch 37.21 it 37. 26 if 41.5 and beholde 43. 6 whether 44.5 this 45. 5 because 50.14 those that 1. 7 (5 times) omit wliich 1.9 (68 „ ) » omit 2. 11 (3 „ ) which which 3.15 the same it — tyme 4, 26 the same tyme then 6. 18 (3 times) and and 7.15 in whom wherin 9.11 and neither 10.9 omit the 10. 12 this the same 11.4 whose whose 12.2 yee and 17. 19 (2 times) omit for 19. 15 (3 „ ) which omit 22.12 and seeing 27.24 yee omit 31.2 and beholde and behold 31. 25 (3 times) the the 31. 50 ye if 35.7 omit there 37.13 »> and 39. 22 ,, it 41.2 beholde omit 41.6 omit beholde 41.28 the thinge which 42. 20 so so 217 218 that-thense C A that 44. 20 omit his 45.29 and omit theft 30. 33 stollen Thema 25. 15 Tema Theman 36. 11 Teman (3 times) Themany 36. 34 Themanites Temani then 2. 21 (8 times) 2.23 (16 „ ) and 8.8 also 12.6 at the same time 14. 7 (7 times) omit 23.19 after this 24.65 therefore 26. 16 in so moch that 28.9 omit 44.31 when 2. 7 (4 times) and and 2.21 (3 „ ) omit omit 5.5 and so 7J 12. 1 and now 21.10 )) wherfore 27.30 omit that 30.3 neuertheles and 35.18 but and it came to passe 41. 19 omit behold 44. 16 (2 times) » and thence 1 J. 8 (6 „ ) 12.8 from thence from thence 20. 1 (2 times; )) 1) 2.10 (2 „ ) there ?> >> 18. 22 (2 „ j omit j> i> 42.2 ,, 8. 12 (2 times) J! omit thense 26. 17 thence thence 26.22 >) from thence there-i 'herfore C A there 1. 3 (71 times) 2.8 (5 „ ) therin 2. 10 (12 „ ) oruit 13.4 (2 „ ) where 19.1 in the euenynge 19.22 thither 21.33 (6 times) omit 28.2 from thence 88. 22 in this place 47.23 here 6. 13 before them through them 7. 14 their their 22. 13 behynd e him behind him 24. 4 (8 times) omit omit 30.42 in ,, 37.29 therin in the pit therby 24. 14 by the same thereby 29.2 therby by it thereby 42. 16 thus omit 42.34 so » therefore 12. 12 (3 times) 3. 10 omit 14.5 and 17.5 neither 19. 30 so omit 42.16 omit 11 See therfor.e therein 9. 7 (2 times) 37.24 in it in it See therin there of 40, 10 41.8 omit See therof therfore 50. 5 18.5 (17 times) therefore 12. 13 (7 „ ) oviit 219 220 therfore 26. 21 (4 times) 29. 33 (2 times) 31.16 44.30 20.4 (8 times) 33.14 38.9 42.37 43.4 44. 10 See therefore therin 18.24 (4 times) 19.20 23. 17 (2 times) 47.27 23.6 44.5 See therein ther of 2. 21 3.17 40.18 theron 35. 14 35.14 therwith 45. 5 Thimna 36. 12 (2 times) 36.40 Thimnath 38. 12 (2 times) 38.14 thinge 18. 14 (4 times) 6.20 22. 16 (3 times) 24.50 34. 14 therfore-thinge C omit omit but so be now that let it so be there in omit in it in his sepulcre with all of it omit vpon it omit Thimna Thymna Thymnath one omit this that and therefore then therefore omit I pray thee and it came to passe omit >> also let it be therein thither therein therein omit whereby thereof of it thereof thereon J! omit Timna Timnah Timnath thing thinge-though 221 thinge 34. 19 9. 10 24.8 — , some 43. 18 — , cruel 45. 5 See th\nire thinges 20. 8 (2 times) 22.20 24.28 42.36 30. 40 (2 times) See thynges thinke 40. 14 — , wyll 9. 15 thinne 41. 23 See th3'nne third 34. 25 thirde 22. 4 (3 timesj See thyrd thyrde thirty 5. 3 Sec thyrtye thither 24. 6 39. 1 See thyder thyther thornes 3. 13 thorow 26. 4 (2 times) 41.36 41.46 — out 7. 22 30. 40 (2 times) though 33. 10 31. 26 31.30 17. 12 (2 times) — , what 18. 28 C same creature omit eny wrath actes this it omit thynke wyll thynke thynne thirde thirtie downe of vpon in for so moch then as omit peraduenture thing creature omit occasion omit things omit will remember thin thirde third thirtie in through thorowout omit in omit peraduenture 222 though-thus though, as 19. 14 29.15 thought 20. 11 (2 times) 19. 29 26.9 — , had 48. 11 — , me 37. 9 31.31 — , me 40. 9 (2 times) 40. 16 41. 1 — , him 41. 3 thoughte 50. 20 thousande 20. 16 24.60 thousandes 40. 60 thre 11. 15 (8 times) threatneth 27. 42 thred 14.23 threde 38. 28 (2 times) through out 41. 29 thryd 42. 18 See third thirde thyrde thus 2. 1 (6 times) 7.23 (2 „ ) 11. 8 12. 18 21.32 37.35 28.5 29.25 (2 times) 35.19 37. 17 (2 times) 38.11 C neuertheles because thought omit dreamed )) omit sawe thought thousande tymes threateneth threde in thirde so omit so this so then so A as one that because remembered said and behold said beholde and behold thought thousand thousands thousands of milli- ons three purposing threed third and so omit and omit n and then thus-to 223 thus 43. 11 48. 20 Thydeall 14. 1 14.9 thynne 41.6 (2 times) 41. 24 (2 times) See thinne Thyras 10.2 thyrde 1.13 (4 times) 38.5 See third thirde thryd thyrtye 32. 15 See thirty thyder 19. 22 See thither thyther thykette 22. 13 thynge 41. 32 6.19 . 9.3 19.21 9. 12 See thinge thynges 7. 4 33.11 See thinges thyther 29. 3 24.8 See thither thyder thystels 3. 18 to 4. 4 (53 times) 18.14 8. 9 (7 times) 8. 11 this and so Thydeal Thideal this and Tidal thin thirde yet further thirtie thither breres thinge creatures omit poynte creatures thinges thither thistles vnto Tiras third yet againe thirtie thither thicket thing creature substance omit thither thistles too vnto in to 224 to to 13. 10 rounde aboute vnto 13. 12 (2 times) towarde toward 14.4 (9 „ ) omit omit 16.6 vnto with 18.2 downe vpon toward 19.1 to )! — rest 19. 4 laye downe 20.18 omit vp 24.57 therto omit — the eye 26. 7 to loke vnto )> 10.19 thorow 14.10 (81 times) vnto 17.7 (2 » ) of 18. 12 (4 „ ) omit 24.37 for 24.53 (13 „ ) omit 28.6 (2 „ ) into 28. 12 vnto the 29.23 in vnto 32.8 vpon 45.9 vp vnto 34.19 in 35.18 (2 times) towarde 38.8 (2 „ ) with 41.57 into 43.21 in — the syghte 2. 9 to loke vpon 3. 24 (2 timesj vnto of 4.11 vpon from 6. 13 (15 „ ) vnto vnto 7.5 (4 „ ) omit » — him, went 27. 27 came nye came neere 28.5 vnto onto — the 31 .32 awaye 39.8 vnder vnto — , accordynge 39. 17 euen 41.45 a vnto to-told 22t to 42. 'XI (3 tiiiU's) — , accordinge 48. 7 — -, acordynji^e 4B. 15 43. 24 48. 28 48.5 48.7 48.9 — daye 40. 7 Togarma 10. 3 togedder 3. 7 to gedder, all 18. 21 together 13. 6 (10 times; 21.27 (3 times j 29.7 (2 „ I 8. 19 togyther 1. 10 toke 2. 15 (70 times) 6.2 2.22 (2 times) — off 8. 13 — his iourne}' 12. 9 (3 times) 24.46 24.53 (2 times) 27. 36 his strength 48. 2 3. 12 down 13. 18 30.35 — councell 37. 18 token 9. 12 (2 times) Tola 46. 13 told 3. 11 (4 time-sj 27. 13 (3 „ ) — , were 27. 42 C into as he axed us before vnto downe to hither vnto towarde hither to together all topfether o)nit toirether hath toke a corage gaue remoued sundered deuysed Thola tolde was toldc P mto before into omit vnto to day Togarmah together altogether o)mt omit together tooke took had taken remooued iourneyed let brought strengthened gaue remoued )> conspired tolde 226 told-traveled C A told, had 37. 10 was tolde told 38.13 >) )j was told 39. 17 (2 times) tolde spake vnto 43.27 )i » tolde 24. 66 (4 times) 9. 22 (9 times) told — , was 31.22 was told 22.20 was tolde was told 38.24 )) )> „ tolde — , haue 41. 24 haue shewed told 39. 14 sayde vnto spake vnto toldest 12. 18 diddest tell 21.26 dyddest tell didst tonge 11. 1 speach 11.6 maner of language language 11.7 )> 11.9 language )! tonges 10. 20 tunges to nyghte 19. 5 to night this night topp 28. 12 toppe top 28.18 omit >> toppe 11. 4 . n 49.26 crowne 7.18 omit face toppes 8. 5 tops tome, was 31. 39 — , is 44. 28 toward 19. 28 omit 28. 10 (2 times) vnto 33. 17 towarde to 29.1 in to into 30.40 vnto omit towarde 18. 16 toward (4 times) 48. 13 towards townes 25. 16 courtes traveled 38. 28 was in trauelynge trauailed trauell-trouble 227 traiiell, to 35. 16 totchill 31. 49 touch 3. 3 touched, haue 26. 29 toucheth 26. 11 toughtes 6. 5 toure 11.4 (2 times) 35.21 toward 19.28 (3 times) 25. 18 travelynge 35. 16 tie 2. 17 (3 times; 8. 11 See tree tread on, shall 3. 15 3. 15 treasure 43. 23 tree 2. 9 (9 timesj 18.4 — , pyne 6. 14 40. 19 See tre trees 3.2 (3 times) 1.11 (6 „ ) trespace 50. 17 50. 17 trespaced, haue 31. 36 treuth 32. 10 See trueth tribes 49. 28 See trybes tribulation 29. 32 (2 times) 16.11 35. 3 trouble 41. 52 See troubyll C traueyled testimony haue hurte thought tower >) towarde towarde trauelynge A traueiled t Mizpah shall touch thoughts tower towre towards omit tree omit shal treade downe shal bruise shalt treade on shalt tre pyne tre galowe offence haue trespased trueth trybes aduersite trouble r2 Gopher-wood tree trespasse >> >i trueth affliction distresse affliction 228 troubled-tush C A troubled, was 41. 8 — , haue 34. 30 haue brought it so to passe troubyll 42. 21 trouble distresse troth 48. 19 omit truely trough 24. 30 troughes 30. 38 truely 47. 29 t faithfulnes 42. 11 (4 times; vnfayned true ti-ueth 42. 16 See treuth truly 24. 49 t faithfulnes truely 24.27 trueth trueth trybes 49. 16 trybe tribes See tribes trybute 49. 15 tribute Tubalcain 4. 22 Tubal-Cain Tubalcains 4. 22 of Tubal-Cain Tuball 10. 2 Tubal Tubal turne 19. 2 — , maye 24. 49 27. 45 be turned 31.3 departe — , to 32. 7 omit — , will 30. 31 omit ,, — , shall 49. 19 shall hurte shall ouercome turned 19. 3 (2 times) 14. 7 (2 times) returned — , was 19. 26 • became 31,32 departed returned — , is 30. 8 hath turned omit 38.16 gat 42. 24 had turned returned 50.20 hath „ meant 30.40 put set turtell doue 15. 9 turtyll doue turtle doue tush 3. 4 omit fwelve-tyiue 229 C A twelve 14. 4 '2 times i twolue moneth 17. 21 next yeere twenties 18. :U twentyes twice so much 43. 15 other double See twyse two 1. 16 (7 times) t Wynnes, .ii. 38. 37 two twyns twinnes twyns, .ii. 25. 24 two twyns twinnes twy.se 43. 10 this second time See twice tydinges 48. 1 omit omit tyll 19. 22 till 38. 11 til 10.19 as 10. 19 (2 times i omit ,. 12.6 omit 13.12 omit » 14. 14 vntill )) tylle, to 2. 5 to till 3.23 to tyll !> n tyllest 4. 12 tillest tyllman 25. 27 huszbande man a man of the tielde tymel7. 21 (10 times) time 38. 1 time 2. 4 day 4.3 daies time 4. 26 (2 times) then 6.9 generations — , sowynge 8. 22 seed-time 10. 25 (4 times) dayes 19. 16 (3 „ ) omit 26.8 season 30. 33 (3 times) omit time 38. 12 dayes II — , fyrst 13. 3 omit beginning — will come 27. 40 it shall come to it shall come to passe passe 230 tyme-vnknowen C A tyme, before 28. 19 afore at the first 32. 4 (2 times) hither to now 38.5 yet further againe See time tymes 27. 36 (5 times) times 4.24 omit 17.7 posterities generations 17.9 omit >! — , by 26. 31 I) betimes — past 31.2 (2 times) yesterdaye and yeryesterdaye before tymrells 31. 27 tabrettes tabret tythes 14. 20 tithes vnbrydeld 24. 32 vnbridled vngirded vncircumcysed 34. 14 vncircumcided vncircumcised vnclene 7. 2 (2 times) vncleane not cleane vncorrupte 17. 1 perfect 6.9 parfecte >> vncouered 9. 21 vnder 1. 7 (17 times) 1.20 in the open 28.11 for 30.29 with 35.4 in 50.19 in the place of 32.25 of of 32. 32 (2 times) ,, omit — myne hand 33. 13 by me with me vndermyned, hath hath vndermined hath supplanted 27.36 vnderstode 42. 23 vnderstood 3.7 perceaued knew vnderstonde 11. 7 vnderstand vnderstondynge41.33 vnderstandinge discreet (2 times) vnknowen 24. 16 vnknowne neither knowen vnknowne-vnto 231 A viiknowne 31. 27 secri't t stealc away from vnknowynge ;{1. 20 omit vna wares (2 times) viirighte 16. 5 wronge wrong unstable 49. 4 thou passest forth swiftly until 38. 11 tyll vntill untill 27. 4;") till 3.9 tyll till 24. 19 (8 times) „ 10.80 „ as vnto 1. 9 (376 times) 1. 14 (2 times) for 2. 20 (34 „ ) to 6.2 (8 „ ) omit 6.4 il „ ) with 8.9 vnto him in to 14. 19 (2 times) of — heaven 15. 5 forth abroad 18. 6 f25 times) to 18.21 before 19.5 omit 20. 13 (A times) vpon — , greavous 21. 12 displease 24. 4 (3 times) into 24. 38 for 24.50 agaynst 28.9 his waye vnto 28. 9 besyde 31. 18 in 31.50 l)eside 32.4 hither to amonge 33. 14 (3 times) in 33. 16 (2 times) towarde 34.20 vnder 46.28 the waye to — me, be 48. 5 be myne 232 vnto-vntyll A vnto 49. 8 downe before 50.4 in the eares of 1. 30 (10 times) to to 4. 5 (6 „ ) omit ij 9.2 (3 „ ) in to into 12.15 before before 12. 20 (9 times) omit omit 13.1 towarde into 14.8 t into the brode in 14.17 in to at — them 15. 13 theirs theirs 17.19 with with 20.16 for 11 24.17 to mete to meete 27. 29 (2 times,) downe at downe at 28. 11 to vpon 29.3 in to in 32.24 vntyll vntill 33.3 to neere to 34.30 before among 39.1 into downe to — the, lyke 41. 39 as thou as thou art — , lyke 41. 49 as as 43.33 after to 44.34 vp vnto vp to — this tyme 46. 34 vp hytherto vntill — , appoynted the the people that to people 47. 21 went out in at and 47.31 towarde vpon 50.20 ouer against 50.23 of the children also of vntyll 8. 5 (2 times) vntill 41.49 t yt )i 42.15 excepte except See until untill vp-vppcr))wst C vj) 2. 21 (^55 times! 6. 21 (11 „ ) 19. 2 (13 ., ; oniif , rose 19.33 (2 times) , stode 24. 10 gat him vp . rose 26. 31 arose and sytt 27. 19 syt vp , stode 28. 18 arose -, gatt 38. 19 gat V]) 41. 19 out 28. 15 (2 times) omit See upp vpon 1. 2 (32 times) 1 . 22 (4 times) 9. 14 13. 4 (3 times) 14.6 14. 15 (2 times) 24. 52 (2 „ ) 27. 16 aboute 33.20 34.27 ouer 39.5 (2 times) in 26.22 j> .S9. 6 with 42. 36 ouer See apon appon vpp 14. 22 (6 times) vp apon 8. 13 vpon ib. 5 vp 40. 20 omit — to 28. 12 vnto vppe 49. 4 vp See vp vpper 30. 8 vppermost 40. 17 283 omit arose arose arise I pray thee rose vp arose omit m over on by omit to omit against vp vp from ofl towards vp omit vp omit 234 vppon-very vppon 3. 14 (24 times) 7.16 8.1 8.7 (2 times) 8. 9 (2 „ ) 9.7 9.15 11.8 11.9 19.23 4.8 9.3 38.29 See apon vpon vp right 37. 7 Vr 15. 7 Vsal 10. 27 vttred 45. 1 Vz 10. 23 (2 times) vpon m in to vp vpon agaynst omit for vp vpon in ouer from off on therein omit vpon vp against omit Vzal made knowen vagabunde 4. 12 (2 times) vale 14. 3 (4 times) 14. 17 valey 26. 17 (2 times) venyson 27. 3 (6 „ ) 25.28 27.33 verely 42. 21 9.5 42. 12 (2 times) verey 21. 11 very 12. 14 (3 times) 8.21 41.19 20.12 valle}' playne felde valley venison omit omit vagabond valley venison verily surely omit very omit omit vesseks-vjiindre 23;") A vesseles 43. 11 vexe, shalt 31. 50 vine 49. 11 See vyne virgyn 24. 43 vision 15. I 46. 2 visyted 21. 1 vitalles 14. 11 vitayle 42. 7 (2 times 42.25 (2 „ vowdest 31. 13 vowe 28. 20 (2 times) vowed 28. 20 voyce 3. 8 (1 1 times; 3.10 (11 „ ) 21. 12 voyde 1. 2 vyne 40. 9 (2 times) 40. 10 See vine vyneyarde 9. 20 vysett, will 50. 24 50. 25 sackcs virgm vysion vysited vy tales vytale expenses maydest made which vyniarde wil vyset shal „ vessels afflict virgme visions visited victuals food prouision vowedest vow voice voyd vine vineyard will visit visite wages 29. 15 (2 times) 31.8 walke 17. 1 (2 times) 13. 17 — , dyd 48. 15 — with meditation, to 24. 63 walked 3. 8 — with god 5. 22 walking, be 12. 19 wandre 20. 13 rewarde haue walked to his meditacions led a godly life in his tyme go thy waye to meditate walking goe thy way wander 236 wandred-was C A wand red 21. 14 wandered wandrynge 37. 15 wandringe wandring — , must be 4. 14 must be a renne- gate shall be a fugitive warde 42. 17 40. 4 (2 times) preson 40.3 ,. ward ware 7. 8 omit are See were warre 14. 2 — , men of 49. 19 a wapened boost a troupe was 1. 2 (118 times) 1.7 (?, „ ) so it came to passe 2.20 was founde was found 3.10 am 3.20 (5 times; is 5.3 (7 ,. J liued 7.22 (7 „ ) omit 8. 11 (5 ., ) had 11.29 (7 .., ) omit 12. 19 is 13.3 had bene — doune 15. 12 beganne to go downe was going downe 15. 17 went downe 15. 17 behold 19. 16 (3 times) being 19.23 was vp was risen — with childe 21. 2 conceiued — olde 24. 36 in hir olde age 26.13 became — wrooth 30. 2 was kindled 34.25 (2 times) were 35.5 (2 „ ) hath bene 40.20 behelde 41.49 coude not be 42. 35 founde li'ds-zviiucrecl •IM was soiT 47. 20 full (i. 11 11.8 20.2 (4 times I 2 1 . 4 22. 18 (7 timesj 2.S. 16 , the maner 29. 8 80.40 (3 times, 35. 16 with him 8i». 6 wash 18. 4 washe 19. 2 — , to 43. 24 See weshe washed 43. 31 wast 40. 13 3. 11 49.4 water 2. 10 (22 times) 1.2 , plenteous of 18. 1() 24. 19 (3 times) 24.44 29. 7 29.8 1.20 — , to 29. 3 49. 25 v.atered 2. 6 29.2 29. 10 waters 1. (J (22 times i 2. 10 9. 15 watrj'iioe 30. 38 wauered 45. 26 C omit take is otm'l I) knew they vsed were came he luul let be waszhen to wash art passest forth omit geue to drynke „ drynke waters to geue drynke dejie dranke gaue to drynke floudi- of water drynkinge A prevailed was filled had is being omit knew omit were had he had wash washed omit waters well watered omit waters watered deepe heads watering fainted 238 waxe-'Lveked C A waxe 9. 7 be frutefull multiply waxed, was 15. 17 was omit — , am 18. 12 am 26.13 became 41.56 preuayled — wrooth 39. 19 was wroth wrath was kindled — ripe 40. 10 were rype brought forth ripe grapes 43.1 oppressed was way 3. 24 (3 times) waye waye 14.11 (18 „ ) way — , great 21. 16 bowe shote of a good way off — , on the 24. 59 omit away — , went their 24.61 followed — , went his 24. 61 departed went his way — , on the 31. 27 away — , wentest 31. 30 woldest nedes de- part omit ^ to turn, wist not was distressed 32. 7 — , went his 33. 16 departed on his way — , went their 34.26 went out 37. 15 omit 38.21 way side — myghte be shewed to shewe him the direct his face 46.28 waye wayes, goo youre 18. 5 passe on 19.2 waye 24.55 omit omit — , goo oure 34. 17 be gone weake 42. 9 open nakednes of weapens 27. 3 geer weapons See wepons weght 24. 22 weight weight weighte 43. 21 )) I! weke 29. 27 (2 times) weeke weked 18. 25 vngodly wicked weked-went 23 C A weked 49. 5 deedly of crueltie See wicked wiked wyked wekedly 19. 7 wickedly wickedly wekednesse 6. 5 wickednes wickednes 44. 16 iniquitie 15.16 wickednes II See wykydnesse welcomed 43. 27 omit welfauored 41. 4 goodly well fauoured well 4. 7 (25 times) 24. 13 (2 „ ) wel — of iugmente 14. 7 En-mishpat 16.7 fountaine — of the lyvynge that well of the liuinge Beer-lahai-roi seith me 16. 14 that sawe me 18. 11 (4 timesj omit 24.29 well syde 27.36 rightly 29.14 wel surely 30. 15 >» therefore 20.6 omit omit 40. 16 good good — fauored 41. 18 goodly Welles 26.15 (3 times) wels wells 29. 3 (2 „ ) welles „ 29.8 >) welles wels 24. 11 well well wemen 14. 16 women (2 times) See women wemanseruaunte 32. 5 maydens women servants wened, was 21. 8 weened weaned (2 times) wenst 49. 4 hast clymmed wentest went 4. 16 (60 times) wente 240 went went 7. 13 entred — away 8. 5 wente awaye omit 8.7 flew — furth 9. 20 beganne to take began to bee hede vnto the an husbandman tyUinge of the ground 11.31 carried them 12.4 wente departed 12.6 n passed through 13. 18 (2 times) „ came — a pace 18. 6 ,, hastened — in 23. 18 go out and in 24.45 goeth — after 24. 61 wente after followed — his waye 24. 61 departed 28.9 wente his waye — vpp and downe wente vp and ascending and de- 28. 12 downe scending — in vnto 29. 23 laye with (2 times) — a waye 31. 20 wente stale away 31. 55 (2 times) ,. returned 32.22 .. passed 33.3 ,, ouer 35.3 haue gone 37.12 were gone forth 37.17 followed — in vnto 38. 2 had lyen 50.9 take their iourney vp vpon 24. 30 (6 times) came came — aboute to begyle begyled shall seeme as a 27.12 deceiuer — and fett 27. 15 made tooke 27.18 brought came — to him 27. 27 came nye came neere went-were C A went 33. 16 departed returned 85.21 „ ioumeyed — aboute to 37. "Jl wolde haue omit 44. 18 stepte came wentest secretly 31.27 kcpest that secrete that thuuwold- est flye and hast stoUen awaye fro me didst flie 31. 30 woldest nedes de- parte needes l^ee u; wepe 23. 2 (2 times) weepe 48.30 wepte wept wepons 49. 5 weapens oviit See weapens wepte21.16(13times) wept wepynge 50. 4 mournynge mourning were 1. 31 (4 times) 1. 7 (6 times) omit 8. 22 (5 „ ) omit 5.4 (15 „ ) was 6.4 became 8. 1 (2 times) was 9. 18 are these 10.32 were diuided — subiecte 14. 4 were subiects served 27. 1 waxed 35.5 laye 36. 13 (8 times) arc 36.24 (3 „ ) are — content 37. 27 herkened vnto him - sadd 40. 6 loked sadly 44.4 were gone — but a deed man would die 44.22 49.24 were made were made 2.5 (2 times) was was 241 jroiie Q 242 were-what C A were 9. 22 (6 times) omit omit 10.2 (7 „ ) are these ,, 10.20 (4 „ ) are are 10.22 these are omit 25.4 are ,, — , as it 25. 25 as like — aware 42. 23 knew knew 46.32 are hath bene — stronge 49. 26 go mightely haue preuailed wery 27. 46 weery weary weshe 24. 32 wash wash — , shall 49. 11 shal wash washed See washe west 12. 8 (2 times) westward 13. 14 westwarde wete, to 8. 8 to see 24.21 tyll he knewe to wit wexed 27. 1 waxed was See waxed weyde 23. 18 weyed weighed weyght 24. 22 weynge weight whalles 1. 21 whales whan 6. 1 when 6.5 omit See when what 2. 19 (36 times) — anothersay eth 11.7 another speech what 2. 9 wherfore this — and yf 24. 5 what and peraduenture — yf 24. 39 n )) n 24.57 omit 31.36 omit 33. 5 (2 times) who — excuse make 44. 16 how shall we clear 49. 1 that which — though 18. 28 peraduenture peraduenture (5 times) "jc/uU-ivhcn - C A what hclpeth it 25. 22 why am I why am I — rewarde 30. 28 the rewarde thy wages 37.8 omit omit — , tell 41. 24 tell nothings declare it — sayde 44. 24 wordes words what soever 31. IG 6. 19 omit 7. 14 (3 times) euery whatsoever 8. 17 of all 19. 12 who so euer 34. 28 (2 times) that which 9.15 (2 „ ) all maner of of all 31.39 loke what that which 34. 11 M II what 34.24 as many as all that wheatharuest 30. 14 wheate haruest wheat haruest whelpe, lions 49. 9 yonge lyon when 18. 33 (12 times) 2. 4 (70 times) whan 5. 1 )) day that — , day 5. 2 ,, 8.9 (3 times) omit 17.12 (19 „ ) whan >» 19.17 and when 19.29 which 21. 15 (8 times) whan and 24.36 in 24.43 now yf 24. 64 (2 times) then 27.5 (2 „ ) omit 27.40 yt 37.21 and 43. 16 then and 43. 18 whan because 44.30 yf 49.33 and whan 50.26 whan omit 243 i wherein — I was borne 24. 7 of my kynred of my kindred — thou wast borne » thy „ thy „ 31. 13 41.38 (3 times) how omit 42. 13 t awaye ?) whereby 15. 8 wherby See wherby wherefore 26. 27 wherfore (2 times) 32.32 therfore therefore See wherfore wherein 17.8 (4 times) wherin 1.30 that hath 9.5 wherin omit ivherein-ivhether 245 C wherein 23. 17 See wherin where of 10. 9 wherfore 47. 19 18. 13 (7 times) 3.13 12.18 16. 14 (3 times) 29. 25 (3 „ ) 31.30 38. 10 38.29 50.11 11.9 (2 times) 16.2 (4 „ ) 19. 13 (2 „ ) 22. 14 29.25 33.10 34.30 38.7 39.4 40.15 45.7 47.15 See wherefore wherin 6. 17 See wherein wher of 33. 17 See where of whether 18. 21 (7 times) 16.8 (2 times) 8.8 17.27 See whither whother therof wherefore wherefore what is this that therfore why wherefore why yet wherefore and wherefore and therfore therfore and and omit )) therfore why omit as what is omit therfore and so yt that but why that and for why wherein thprfore therefore whyther whither if omtt 246 whi-which C A whi 26. 10 why what See why which 1.21 (64 times) 1. 7 (10 times) omit 2.13 the same it is that 2. 14 that it is which 2. 22 (44 times) that 3. 12 (4 „ ) whom 3. 17 (3 „ ) wherof 4.1 (2 „ ) and shee 4.17 „ she 6.2 soch as 9.2 they 9.4 (2 times) wherin 10.8 he 11.29 (3 times) omit 12.1 (5 „ ) that 12.7 (6 „ ) who 14.3 where 14.13 hee 14. 13 these 16. 14 it 17. 21 (6 times) whom 18.7 and he 19. 21 (2 times) wherof 21.2 like as 26.35 both these 27. 8 (2 times) what 27.17 as it 30.40 them 32.9 thou that 32.13 as 34.7 the vse 36.14 and 48.7 the same 3.11 wherof whereof 5. 5 (2 times) omit that '•johich-ivhoch •_> C A which 8.11 n times) omit omit 9.2 ji they 9.6 that who so 10.1 and they them 12.16 otuit he 13.10 that it that 19. 37 (3 times) of whom the same 21.3 (3 „ ) whom whom 24.5 where whence 25.11 and he Isaac 26. 22 that and that 28. IB )i wheron 28.20 (3 times) )i that 32.7 what omit 33. 13 yf they them 35.20 there that 36.8 and omit 36.19 he who 38.30 that and his name 39. 22 so that he omit 48.18 omit who See whoch while 25. 6 whyle 27.44 11 a few dayes 14.1 tyme dayes 24. 55 at the least ten dayes a few dayes See whyle white 30. 37 omit 5^^ wbyte wliither 32. 17 whyther See whether whether whitter then 49. 12 whyter then white with who 3. 11 (7 timt'sj whoch 38. 10 that which See which 247 248 whom-wicked ' C A whom 2. 8 (8 times) 46.18 whome 24.44 which 30. 26 the which 38.5 and his name — , with 44. 17 in whose hand whome 22.2 (3 times) whom whom 4,20 the father of 43.29 that 31.42 omit omit 38.25 that whose 49.10 him him whom soeuer 31. 32 whom whoore34.31 (5 times) harlot 38. 24 whordome whoredom whose 16. 1 (8 times) whosoeuer 4. 15 4.14 who so euery one that 44.9 whom' whom soeuer whether 28. 15 where so euer whither See whether whither why 4. 6 (6 times) 26.9 how 31.26 what omit See whi whyle 29. 9 while — to nyghte, great yet hye daye yet high day 29.7 41.5 whan while 46.29 omit 5J whyte 30. 35 (2 times) white See white wicked 38. 7 37.33 euil See weked wiked wyked widowes-with 249 widowes 38. 19 vS^^ wydows wife 12. 11 (28 times) 17. 19 (12 „ J 24.44 See wiffe wyfe wifes 36. 39 45. 19 (3 times) 38. 20 See wives wyfes wyves wiffe 30, 9 See wife wyfe wiked 37. 20 See weked wicked wyked wilbe 43. 14 wildernes 36. 24 (2 times) wildernesse 21. 20 (2 times) See wyldernes wyldernesse will, thy 41. 44 wise, this 50. 17 wist 32. 7 31.32 44.15 See wyst with 4. 8 (72 times) 2. 21 3.6 — child 3. 16 C wyddowes wyfe woman wyues woman wyfe wicked must be wildemes thus wyst knew knewe therof of her widowhood woman wiues wiues womans wife euill wildernesse thee so omit knew wote instead t conception 250 with with 3. 16 (3 times) in 4.25 (7 „ ) omit 9. 12 amonge 12. 18 (4 times) vnto 16. 6 (2 „ ) to 17. 12 (12 „ ) omit — child 21. 2 (2 times) conceiued 21.14 of 21. 23 (4 times) vnto 24. 10 in his hand — child 25. 22 thus — all 27. 41 wherewith 31. 32 (5 times) by — me 31. 42 on my syde 33.8 by — yonge 33. 13 are 3'et but yonge 38. 12 (2 times) and 38. 16 (2 „ ) in vnto 40. 2 (2 ,, ) against 42. 26 (2 „ ) vpon — you 43. 12 in your hand (2 times) — them 43. 15 in their hand 48.6 after 49.28 according to 3. 24 (3 times) and and 19. 5 (6 „ ) omit omit 24.40 by by 25.13 omit )5 29. 25 (2 times) vnto vnto 30. 2 (2 „ ) at against — , laden 37. 25 which bare omit 38.24 by omit — him, was 39. 6 medled withe he had nothinge 42.28 vnto vnto 44,17 by in withe-zvoordes 251 C withe 6. 3 witli with See wyth within 18. 24 25. 22 (2 times) in 40.13 ouer See wyth in without 19. 16 (4 times) 41. 16 omil — nombre 41. 49 coude not be nombred — money, yf 47. 16 if money fail 24.8 discharged of cleare from See wythout witnesse 31. 48 witnesse See wytnesse witt 24. 57 axe her enquire wives 28.9 (3 times) wyues See wifes wyfes wyves wod 22. 3 wodd wood wodd 22. 6 (4 times) 21.33 trees groue wold not 48. 19 wolde not refused 49. 33 omit omit wolfe 49. 27 woman 2. 22 (16 times) womans 20. 8 w^om;in wombe 25. 23 (4 times) woml)es 49. 25 wombe women 24. 11 wemen See wemen womenseruauntcs maydens womenseruants 20. 14 wondred 24. 21 marue3Kd wondering woordes 39. 19 wordes words 252 woordes-wotest woordes 44. 10 See wordes worde 15. 1 (5 times) — , kynde 37. 4 wordes24.30 (Stimes) 24. 52 (12 „ ) 4.23 43.7 21. 11 See woordes worke 2. 2 5.29 worker 4. 22 workes 2. 2 (2 times) world 6. 4 (3 „ ) 6.4 9. 19 10. 32 (2 times) worlde 18. 25 49.26 worme 6. 7 wormes 1. 24 (5 times) 1.25 7.23 7. 14 worse 19. 9 worshepped 24, 48 See worshipped worshippe 22. 5 worshipped 24. 26 See worshepped worth 23. 15 — , as moch money as it is 23. 9 worthy, not 32. 10 wotest 4. 7 C A as ye haue spoken wordes frendly worde as he axed worde workes worlde omit londes earth crepynge thinges thanked worshipped thanked a reasonable money to litle is it not so ? word peaceably words speech words thing instructer of euery artificer worke earth omit earth euerlasting hils creeping thing >) 5! thing that creepeth creeping things thing worshipped worship omit woteth-ivyker 2.K (' A woteth 39. 8 knoweth wotteth — not where lu- is he is awaye one is not 49. 13 wounded my sellc to my woumliii'^- 4.23 wrastled 32.24 wrestled wrestled 32.25 wrestUnge >, — , hast 32. 28 hast stryuen hast power wrath 27. 45 (3 times) anger ~, his 32.20 him him w retchednes 44. 34 mysery euill \v rouge 40. 11 pressed wrooth31.36(2times) 30.2 wroth anger 39.19 omit wrath 44.18 displeased anger wroth 4.5 wrought, had 24. 7 wydow 38. 11 wyddow widow wydows 38. 14 wyddowes widowes See widowes wyfe 3. 8 (19 times) wife 2.24 (34 „ ) wife „ 3.20 wiues 24.39 woman woman See wife wifife wyfes 20. 11 wiues See wifes wives wyves wyked 13. 13 wicked wicked 18.23 vngodly >) See weked wicked wiked wyker 40. 16 white 254 wykydnes-wyth wykydnes 39. 9 See wekednesse wyld 44. 28 vvylde 16. 12 wyldemes 21. 14 16.7 wyldernesse 14. 6 See wildernes wildemesse wynde 8. 1 41. 6 (2 times) wyndow6. 16(3times) wyndowes 7, 11 (2 times) wyne 9. 21 (11 times) 27.37 wynter 8. 22 wysdome 41. 33 (2 times) wyse 3. 6 (2 times) See wise wyst 9. 24 21.26 See wist wyth 6. 14 (35 times) 2. 1 (2 times) 4. 1 ( „ ) — god, walked 5. 22 — god, walked 6.9 9.11 (2 times) 14.8 (3 „ ) 20.5 39. 14 — fyre 11. 3 euell omit wildernesse wildernes omit wyszdome perceaued knewe with led a godly con- uersacion led a godly life in his time omit by omit A wickedness e omit wilde wildernesse winde eastwind window windowes wine winter wise wise knew wote with and omit by in the integrity of my thorowly wyth-yce 2o5 wyth 12.20 and and 18. 11 of of 21.14 omit and 24.69 >i omit See with withe wythe wythall 18.5 withall omit wythe 14. 2 with tf See with withe wyth wytherd 41. 23 withered wythin 6. 14 within within 6. 16 of in Sec within wythout 6. 14 (2 times) Sec without wytnesse 21.30 wytnes witnesse 31.44 wytnesse ij See witnesse wyves 4. 19 (15 times) wiues 36.6 wiues „ 33.5 women 18.11 wemen » 34.21 omit wiues See wifes wives wyfes ye 17. 16 yee See yee yeare 5. 17 yeares See yere yeares 1. 14 (4 times) yeares yee 17. 6 20.5 yea yeeres • yeeres omit and she euen 256 yee-yet C A yee 24. 58 yee I wyll go with him I will goe 24. 14 (2 times) omit omit 28.13 1) behold See ye yer 27. 7 before 24.15 or euer j> 45.28 before )> yere 7.11 (6 times) yeare yeere 5. 3 (48 times) „ yeeres 5.5 (8 „ ) yeares ., 5. 11 (4 „ ) „ yeres 11. 10 (6 times) yeare yeres See yeare yeres 5. 8 (14 times) yeares yeeres 31.41 (3 „ ) 5? yeres 5.6 (5 „ ) yeare yeeres 47.28 yeares yeres 41.50 omit yeeres 47.9 tyme '? See yeares yeron 4. 22 yron iron yes 18. 15 it is not so nay, but yesterday e 31. 29 yesternight (2 times) yestemyghte 19. 34 yesternight >» yet 6. 3 (22 times) 2.5 ojjiit 18. 22 (5 times) omit 20.12 !) and yet 29. 34 yet agayne again 33.15 now 40.8 ■ I pray you 2.5 omit omit 6.8 neuertheles „ 18.27 howbeit which 19.29 for omit yet-yonge 257 yet 29.35 the fourth tyme omit 42.13 omit this day yf 4. 7 (32 times) if 15.5 omit 17. 14 omit 24. 14 (2 times) and — , but and 24. 40 yf omit — it be so that 24.42 >» if now 46.33 and it shall come to pass when 47.16 seynge if 18. 24 (5 times) peraduenture peraduenture 19.12 omit omit — and yf 24. 5 » peraduenture — , what 24. 39 what and i> 42.33 that that 45.28 that omit See if ymages 31. 19 images (2 times) ymaginacion 6. 5 imaginacion imagination See imagynacion ynough 24. 25 33. 9 (3 times) enough — , haue dronke 24. 19 have done drin- king — , had Iwed 25. 8 was full of yeeres 30.15 a small matter 34.21 brode of both the sydes enough yocke 27. 40 yock yoke yonder 22. 5 37.30 omit yonge 14. 24 (9 times) yong 44.20 omit — children are fedd euen as yonge according to their with bread 47. 12 children families R 258 yonger-Zohm yonger 19. 31 (5 times) 25.23 48. 14 yongest 42. 15 (8 times) 29. 16 (4 times) 9.24 (3 „ ) See youngest yongman 4. 23 youngest 42. 13 (2 times) youth 8.21 (2 times) Zabulon 30. 20 (3 times) Zaphnath Paenea 41,45 Zarah 38. 30 Zebeon 36. 14 Zeboiml0.19(3times) Zegar Sahadutha 31.47 Zemari 10. 18 Zepho 36. 11 (2 times) Zerah 46. 12 Zibeon 36. 2 (4 times) Zibeons 36. 24 Zidon 10. 15 Zilla 4. 19 (3 times) Zilpha 29. 24 35. 26 (2 times) Ziphion 46. 16 Zoar 13. 10 (2 times) Zohar 46. 10 23. 8 (2 times) 14. 8 (6 „ ) lesse yongest yonger man yongest Zaphnath Paena Zibeon legar Sahadutha Serah Zilpa Silpa Zipheon Zoar yonger )) yongest Zebulum Zaphnath- Paaneah Zibeon legar Sahadutha Zemarite of Zibeon Sidon Zillah Zoar ERRATA Page xxvii, under Verbs 1. 12, omit and awoke, xlii, 1. 14, for feed read fedd. 1, 1. A, for — , read abated. 1, 1. ^, for mizrain read mizraim. 3, 1. 34, insert — to before 41. 40. 4, 11. 3 — 14, omit commas after the dashes. 4, 1. 12, for as read vnto. 5, 1. 29, drop about after one space. 8, 1. 1 C, omit of, 9, 1. 3, for things read thinge. 9, 1. 12, for lust read last. 15, 1. 14 C. and A., insert ditto marks. 21, 1. 16 A., drop omit to the line below. 30, 11. 9 and 12 T. and C, for J read I. 30, 1. 12, for 24 read 34. 43, 1. 1, for byde read bye. 52, 1. 26, drop omit one space. 54, 1. 10, after the dash insert be. 76, 1. 3, for Mos read Ros. 79 1. 1 and 11. 4 to 34 C. drop one space. 97 1. 22 for J read I. 133 1. 32 A., for lekenesse read likenesse. 161 1. 18 k.., for opon read vpon. 163 1. 17 for ougthe read oughte. 166, 1. 24 A., for tivo read two. 206, 1. 6, for speut read spent. YALE STUDIES IN ENGLISH. Albert S. Cook, Editor. I. The Foreign Sources of Modem English Versification Charlton M. Lewis, Ph.D. 80.50. n. iElfric : A New Study of his Life and Writings. 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