mm «%fc\ t t 5k> ' "•\" W 77 7//^' ///77///^/// JO'% 1 ^?) •^b*> ,! • r^ntdfi '■XT'. W?&* =v j^--; , FROM THE LIBRARY OF •\ r '. REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY m 7 "- : •.. ^ ,V Bound bff /APELFHI. *$L ■ , V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 il muff t# off tHtiouMtti faQonwatfyantt forbtn (Bmnaity 2lrttto iDommiiK+> 2lboxcu tlpeSooPe off off common prayer anb b$ fo fbaU xotll wayt anb cofy ber/ wbae egtreame caUxmiiice anb mifaite tbts brotfc batbe broucjbt witb it to manie goMy pet fon* wbtcfce vnfatmbly fearecjob : tbe fame mo* jle off fo:ce / at J tbint Off be baue but owe brop off bnmanitit tcitbin btm ) brawe for tbe beepe rtitb forowfuli ftgbe* from tbe barte/anbteates from tbe cyes.^o pajfe otter funbne 3 "**M notc bat this one.wbere atlntymce pajfe (boibeat panles croffe anb otber places ) tbe founbe* xv* bkbc were wont to befo fweetc ad migbtmfiel? bane moneb tbe qobly bearers to crye ovcte with tbe propbet if jay 4> bowe bcutifull are tbe fcete off tbern ttbtn(a* wery/tbatm (feebe off fweetnea/id founbe title ot hot^mgebtttwoimcwoob anb bitter gall, #nb 3t «) yet a yet jf (ptal not off fucfre/ifebofe cruell (coffins ge / <*rio *>nbr*b!eb natures / 4re to f»cU two * «>cn fo f4rr to egcscbe / 40 fct&c/C btfcrsete anb xoift in o«bc)am be muefce moueb with ante tfyin gc 4lm#f?e tbey eytbtr fpe^ or write : hut men off t&°f* 3 tneam / wbofe wtfebomee grouttte/ «*nb (erntnge / 40 tb< fame claimetb by goob r& gbt / ^«w reuerence to tbe per fon$ / byroufe off tbofegoob gtftee xotydttlBob bath beffoweb v* pott tbem fo fbulb k alfo pnt tbem fit mtnbe Cef* pecfoily in fucb ptoces^to *>fe One femee) fome o* tbtr »cme.3tab for fo mu4>c as fome impute tb* caufe off *H ebefe troubles to tbe ambttiousb^ abes off certeine f}»ccf»U pcrfom / n>bo fboulbe ByD.Yo»i (46 b« tb« bene at ppp tbi0 ftW* to. Anno, fe in tbec^orcfoe fortb4t tbey conlb not attaint *57i> t0 35ff bopptttes wbttt ae otber tntoncb tbem: €5omtal(o imputing* it to tbe ffronge c^urc^es afwll bctoubt eb* fe«e 48 bcre amongt vs renw* yninge/ tberby to ptouoit tbe btfpieafutes of tb* #3ag£ fcattB 4g4tttff tbem: iwcfc 4r d* *^ n ^ f om€ fuppofmgc /yea ro4rtnge owtO wlbo w* tb4ttbisb4tb b4ppenebbyfucbfantaffccaUb«* p* b es4ec£ abybe no pUtfotme but off tbrfr oxen* beuifwge : jf baue rot? tbets 4nb fu4?c lt£c confo bcroefons t|?ougbt goob by a f berte anbbrieff bifcoute to let your fe tbe »erye original* 4nb be gtnnmge off ail tbss mtferoblc contmtion/Uamn ge ne» IK gt ntumljckt to y oar U fere* t i ubgmcntt*/ tob* Cm tbcfa mat tcra ) are to be ti;o ugbt innocctitc/ attb n>bo wo|l to blame. 3tob 45 one botbc off crebtt/ katmb/anb off an tborftfe/ tbongbt ta not onely meere anb egpebf s in ^ u J^ cm optniy at pauUectoflkcjnptc fence offtbebo' An. l57 }! notable anb xvorf bipfuU tbere ) to figmfte tmto t!xm tbat fucb a bottc contention (abowte tbcta mattera bflb bm/bntalfb/tioteb tbe place wbcre anb tbe time wbcrfeorbcr/maner/anbproccabin •?" *>**• ge o jf tbe fame : following bercin tb* fteppea off fad>/n>bom gob off bia goobuca batb raifeb »p J,, [^, at Ml tymca anbamongeall nations/ to com* s ^cto,Fox mit tbmgca to mtmotyc / volyidbt batb paffeb ^tib mm in commont»calea/n?bo baoe wttb great frcbom otfe«v anbltbertte bynfujfreb tomafe manifest to tbe tobolewortbetbe tUbcalmaea cnen offpopea/ Carbmalla ^mperonra/2\mgea anb fiiinct*/ w»bcrcwatbet\)efott)c/anl> }&S\ \V-a mc-tounbne gofcly men afcofil tfran* forttjeltbercie off tl>nr confciencee/ ouertbefeae/fome mro jfrance/fome into ,£Ianbcr6/anb feme in to tt?ebi0b countries office i£alaren pullan fcTJmiffcr / xmto tl?eir lobgtngc/ 3b bedareb Ijoire \)t fyab obtatneb a d}wd?t t^ere/tn the name ofalIfu4?cadfbu!bcomeot»reo^£nglanbcfortl>e(5orpell/ but Specially from (Blaffcnbury vcbidfyt wttc all frencfc men* 3nfcccre xoae> mabt tym/tl)at a* gob traa to be praifcb/tclj$ pab moucbtbeiTlagifhrata partes to ifyevot tbe fren4>efu* dpefauour: dEuenfo/ for fomuefce a&fetrc off tbcm rnber* ftoobc tf?e fren^e tonge/ittsouibe be fmall commobttie to tbem/ortofucfceaaffculbe come afterwarbeto toynettyem* feIut6tot^atc$ur4>e* asbetermJne^/l^at * 0upphcarton (fynlbt be bratr I oxc r/anb offrcb to rbc Vfta£* gitfrars/roBnoxre/ftrftetrbitber tbey vcoufte be conrenreb/ that notonefy the part?ee> before nameb/but alfo all otfcer £n* 0ltf^e men r^attroulberepairc t^itbcr fortlKfc£ccaufe/m^ fStyfytovfytfycit fanour be fuffub frffcly torcmame xvu^fti VI, ytt> €>utton / tri^ttingtm / «n& tfyc refteoff rbe€ngWfbe mm / ae alfo by fcTlorellio/ CaffoUfo/ an& one Zbtian a Ctw teje tl?m/ts>ul)tJ0l?0m tbey lobjjeb*2lnb tottbin tbree&aksaf* rett^e otfringe Ppoflft^eir@upplic«:ipn/^cy obrb!$ tbe fre^e men bab/ the fr^e one bate anb tbe JEnghf be an otber bat^ anb rpo tbeSunbaie/to djufealfo the b$ureeae tbey coui&e agree arnongetbem feiuee/butytwts \xjubtbie commanbemenr/tbattbe ^nglifV fbul&e norbt* (cent from tbe frenchmen tn boctrtne/ or ceremonyee / leafi tbey f:l;u!5e thereby minifict occafson off offence /anb willeb farjber, -that beforctbey entreb tbeir $ur$e/tbcy fbul&e ap* proueanb jubfcribetbefameconfefrco^o|ffaitb/tb att befreii fyzmcnlnb tbenprefemeb/ anbabovsteto put in printe/ to tbe xpbi$e all tbe afore nameb ( anb otbere votyfyc thereby tt}i& time come tbttber)bib fubferibe* • Winn tbecbu rdj* voae in tt}ie> forte gtaunteb/tfyty con* (uiteb amonge tbemfcluee/t*>ba*<*ber offferuicerbey fbulbe pfe(for tljey tsere not fo finely boumbe / as trae rolbe tt?em/ to tbe ceremopiee off tfyt fren^e/by tbe Wla$ifttat6/butt\)at iff tbeoneallotoeb off tbe otber it spas faffixknt.)%t lengljt/ tl)t en0lifbe orber vpa& perufeb/anb tbie by general! confente was concfubeb tbat tbe anfweringealotpbe after ttyWMni* fler fbulbe not be pfeb/ t£e tetany* / f arplice / anD many otfcer tyingeealfo omfttcb/fw t fc 4t m t^ofc ref ormeb $ar4**-/ fa# VII, %e ttyngc* wovlte feettie more rf?cn ff range.3* *rae f**t$* «greeb sppon/ r^at tfce iTlinttfer (in place #{f tl;c £ngiif t>e < onf efi'on ( t ulfre t>fc an ott?er / botl;e ojf more effect /an& tlfoframeb accorbingc tot!;e flatc anb time* 2fnbrt?cfame cnbcb/rl?e people to fmgeapfalme in mectretn a plamctunc a* toad / ano 10 accuftomtb in t'qc f renege / but#e / 3talwm/ @pam{ be/anb ©Fortif be bicbe praier / tpae tomcb ttjelorba prater anb * tc^crfall ojf rl^arncirs o(f cure belieff/ trtytcfce enbeb tlje peo# piero ftngeanb orberpfaime as afore. Cbentbemtntflerpr* nounemge i fcia btcffinge. !ngrtbe mmijlrat?onofft!?e Sacramentd funbrie tbwge trerrafo by common confenteom ttcbf a& foperfteioue anb (uperflnoue. 2(ftertbattf?e congregation fcabtbuecondubebanbagreeb/anbJjab d^ofen rtjeirminijler 4nb0eacone to ferucfor £ ttme:tl?ey cntrebtfoeirc^urdjc ttyc *?-°fF t!;e fame monetae. £l?en wae it tbougbt goob among< tt^mfelure/rtatfort^tottl} tbcyfbulbeabnertife t^ctr courts trie men anb bctberea bifperfeb off rt>ieftnguler bencf it/ri?c \i* 1c x»bcro|f coulbe notsbere elfe ae yet be obtaineb/ anb to pec fttabe rfcem ( all teorlbly refpectee put aparte ) to re pater iljt> tber/ tlpat tfcey mtgbt altogether voit\) one mout^e anb one foarre bot^e lam2tc tfceir foremcr rcicfebnee anb alfo be Want f ul!r# tbeir mercifull father ttyat bab $cum tljtm fuefce a cfcur* <£ctn arrange lanbe therein ttjgp mtgbt $>care gobetrorbe truly preaifceb/t^eQacramenrs rightly mimftrcb/anb^ifct* p!inetffeb/trtye$ int^eirttrnc countrte coulbe neuerbcob* rameb .Znb ro tbis tffecte t»ere letters birectcb ro Qtraufr burg^/5uncF/ 0cnf brugl?/ anb iEmben in r^e i, off Sugufk. 2Jnb for rbat it u>as tfcougbt tbe ^urefce coulbe not longe contynetrc in Qoob orber t»it^o\rte bifapline / tljere xcae aU foabrfeff forme bcuifeb/beclaringc r^c ncceflltie/ t^e caufee/ £> and via An*fyt6ifott1fytt4ff/x»\>emnto&\l tbofetfjot »e*e prefenl fubfcrtbeb/f betotnge tberby rt^at- tbey were reaby anb tmUm ge to fubmitt tl?emfc!o<6 ro tbe fame / according* to tbe rule prefcribeb in gobs |?alic toorb/ at wtyfyctimt tt t»ae b*ter* inineb by tl;e congregation tyat alifetye ae fbu be come aftcr/f^ul&e boo ti;e life/before tfcey wereabmitteo ae mem here off tJ;at gob anbbeaueniyfatberbatbe fije web pnto oure htle congregation in tj?ie cttieoff^rancfforD/ format £e batlje not onely mai>c tbe tttagtftrate anb com* tnon^peryfauorable towarbepaanblownge/ but aifo/tyo* *b^g^u«fttbemb^tee/ rcitb muc^e compaffum totenber ve/in fo muc&etbateuerte man belpctbe pe/no man id ago* injle v&/mud>e lone /no grubge £gU& to plcafc/lotbeto aw woiep6/yea/anbtobedarc$bi6 0oob voill not to be offtbc Itteane forte/ nor fo fmaitaa ourr bretbr rn \)&w fette otbe** were/tjjey ^aaegraunteb tl;at tbinge /trbtcbeamongeo^ {rer&anbtn otfccr citice/ tpc couibe not obtainc nor burfte allmofle ^opefor^ort»bat greater trcafurr or fleeter com f orte can a e fyrifti&n man befter/tben to ijant a <&ur$e xx>X)e* tinfye mate feme gob in pur ; tie off fatty* / anb tntegr? tie off lyfe/tty *4>* tying* yff wewifbefor/Ietrd notrefufctt/fe* ingetvb^rexoe tooulbe/t»econ!be not tbereob tame ih 21n& fcereyet itiegraunteb in (o ample wife/ tyat beingefubketc *onoblemtt$n(fr3 ftbe trbic^efeirei^ur^ceare frcc)tr>e mateprea<$e/imntftcr/ 4$& p|e Sdsfcipline/tp tye true fetttngefortye of gobe glo»e L_ IX, inb goobenfampfete tfytre. 2fnbfor etir parha/rre fcdtf* not bene ncgiigen tea* touc£tngctl;e execution off t!?cfaye& b«nef*t 0tauntc^^ortl}e it. of 3«!y/trc^a^(0ob be rbanfeb) t* fcrnione to tutc fmgnlcrcontforte / anb great ioyeoffaU gobly men fcme.OPberf orr brc tl)ern/ fringe your baue inbti* rcb ttjepaincof? perfecutron witty ve/voc tI;ougl?t it litem je cure betsriee to mate yoar partafcre off cure confolation/ ty&t *Itogr tl?er tre ma;c geuc t^anBe to cute loutngc father/ trfco 16 morctenberouerce/ tb&n tbemotber ouer l^ircbtU Cor.**- be/nctt;er fuffretb re to be tetnpeb abouc t!;a* t»e mate be** PW. ** c* / but turn :o tbc ijfue off tfee tentarion/geuetfce profperoud facceffc/truflingc by gobe grace/ t^at be \Et!<$*tatbc genet* yovoel?At gtftc/notonely to bcleucinorbe more cjrpreffe anb lyuely can we £auc off beir tic anb vocation fyctwetyen gob fpca£ctJ}c in oure partes byfait^e/ ginbr tl;c pe e\rte off prrtUe t!?rougbc \>it grace / anb noxre iafic of all offrt tfyc ve a reftmge place of bie ejrecabing mercy. ^oxr remebei rtat before/ toe l;aue t€^ot\€i> together in \)0* pc to a dbur^e/ anb fball t»e nowe braroe bacf c aa rnmmifuH off gobeproujbence/ trbid?e batbeprocareb os #ne f rce from ail bregge ofFfoperflittoue ccremonicei tPl>at/tl;inFtyotr;yf tbepropbet ©autb l)cfi> bab t\)ie> offre P/& 4«* tr*b<> befireb to be potter in tl^e boufe of (Bob/anb more efke* tneb oncbaicfofpcntaue> off my lyf c.&ab ©atrb no cjrpcricnccc'or f cite % e not toI;at grieff ytvoae to toantctbe congrcgat/on? 2fnb furely toemufle graunt tl; at l;e ura* farre more perfect tl?cn ice be: ^or \fc being* conusant in tyie tcorlbe / \\tt \}ie> bebgbt B if xD^oiit X. wl?ofi**n beatienly t\)in$6j2lrib mtny off v*f (tee fpealch t# our tyamOaetf t»e^a& already for$ott£ tbe enbe of our crea tion/arepiungcb m eactblye affeaids/anb roo:lb!y refpe-ae*/ fo t^at t!}rou0be cure uifirmtrtee/tyie ejcceilente benef u ie it* te to be frufirate, ^or/fomebotDfce wt?o f ba'b* prefcrreb J o* timers feet e mcre^fc off lerm'ngei^TJany follotrc tbe commobi* tic off lyuirt0e:certein/ loo? ef or a netx>e rocatton/ fo t^4t it t6 a toonber to fe ttyebeformUu off mane affeaione, (Bob gran VUtthxi* te/a>c wayelerne at tbeir enfamplea xctytyc bemge calteb to tl?e manage came not) u>l?at it ie> to cfleemcin tin etbewor* tl)tnce> off gob* benef tta/leafie/by rl;e loffe off tbe fame tre a# fterfall rnto pnprofirable repentance /feeftngc again* ourc loffenmbeteareeaetl?e reprobate iEfauanb yet neuertbener Wich.}* cre,£Pe <£argeno one man (brethren) noryetmeane all/ an& Hebtit* on xelyat conftberatione tljete ejecafea u?ere pretenbeb/tre fu# fpenbe oare 3«bgmentee/ref erringe tbe (amt to our imper* faction anb tnfirmitie / teberby tbe abuerfary ceajerbe not t$ batter baiKe t\)t waller off (5obe temple* %e> touting* tbepotn.tcoff prefecmente/weareperftr* beb ttprotigbly tfyatittyattye tt>ie> meantngc/tbat cucty ma tyo* tig!?f of bimfeif mobefttie / bitmblte fubmitttnge btmf elf to all ml rnablinge no man/for fo rouefceae yourFnotretbat^e xc\} i$efe& tl> ambition/glory /abuanrage or (u$c ItFe/te not mo* tieb trube gobe fptrite as tritneffe ttye thfiructione* cl;at € l;rt* fie our VlWfler #Mt to bid b?fc? plee/ttbo laboring +f life bt# feafe tsoere abmonifbcb tbat be tsbu^e bib rg cell amonate fylj f jjouibe abafe^im; elf to bie inferior, tr>teemofte crneflly require/ tbat copumge itye congregation* neceffstieratb your ownepriua te coroob?rre/your a>ot*bc ratb^r f or Cbrt(?e (dre cfcofe tbe bee ter yea/anb rrcaffure your one goob abuertifetnente/ t^at tb^ r>tr:/gobegrace/^envref^lbeafjeblebtogetl?er/fuc^eow btt wiibeiahn/ t^at/beftbee r^efc t^tngee tp^i^e ourc nariS . ■ ^ XT. f^albeabte to fnmffbe/ we tyaue tbe titk moffe ftrvMtbcti procure otbera. y ff anye woul&e pretcnbc e mater wi)id?eie gofcfcee/ anM^efelteejrcufcwbicbetke flcfbe minora be. fonf.fcer wbdt go£> woulfcefaje/3bauc prepareba p.entifull anb npebatuc|lcwl?i4>e (fanDetbetna rtDinee ano waitetl^efor tbe mower 4M& 3 b*ue app#uucb tbee tby MJ*?3 banc geuen tnfttutnentee/anb allt btnge fit for tbe labor / yjf tbow forfl* we it/ rbe cropped in baungeryjf ll;o w loEe tor of t warning tpo w becla-r e|t great negligence* <£!?.$ fpeacbe( ©eany belotpeb) or pery lite / gob *>feb to tloab.3brabam/3^tmia^/:c # anbtbey tbougbttbeH' vo * cation ftronge.But yow r^rougb ©obbee benefit / bo not o* nely beare gob tbue perfwabmge in your bartee / but alfo b&* ue bene by ejeterne calltngeconfirroeb/anbaccor&tngettyeruri to tyaut waifeb to tbe great glorie off (Bob anb profit off tbe cogregation. KVc truffe tfcerf ore (bretbtrn) anb in Jefue f b r < fte require it/tbat your woulbeby&e your talent no longer but tjatrngenewe occafion to imployeit/your woul&e put it for* tbe for y*ur tfl&fhr bteabuantagc ano^our owne t>ifd?a&* g*. J?^c iff y tfur feele in your barer* comfarreae wee boo w'r>i* dje are bere affemblcb to beare tbe worfceof $ob p:eae)my foulefeeferbe after tbee* iTlyfoulcburne* 'J 4 ***** tfytf or ttyirfle in feetingc tbe Horfce anbfa *be: 2Iiae wben f ball 3 be able to appecre bef ore tbe face off tbe ly umge gofc? wbat tbingetbenougb^treiob«2uein greater recommen&a* Hon/ tfyen tfce or&er aaD poltcie wfci^e gob b^bc cftabliftcl* £ it) mJ^e **$& eorbe } that we mate I;aae tyt true vfc #ff fcie ©acraments •tobelpe ratotfecfamc^^cir rbeidbetbemean6T»berbyx»e mujte beconfitmb intyt faitfye / in tfcefeare off (Bob /in lyolp\ee> off conuerfatson/tn tfcc contempteof the wotlbc/anb in tlK louc offlifc euc rlafiinge* 3 nb for tbt# confiberatiost g£&ef* 4* <5* paule j4^e not ti;at tfcte orber to^ic^e tfce lorbe l?atl?e fct m \jie> eburefce f l;ulbe oncly be for tyt rube anb fytnplc/but matt t!?e it common to all/ cjreep tinge no mam ^or he \yat\)t cvbemcb ((ait\)€tyc)fome tobc2fpofUce/fome/propbcted/fb* roe&uangelifiee/ otJ?era/ to betea$cre> anbtnftructore/ t# confirm* tb* gobly anb to labor to fintf^e tfye bnilbin^e off if bnjke boby till toe be all brougbtto one con jerrte in fmtbe totbclnotrlebge off tfcefonne off gob/to apetfectman/anb finally/to tl?e iufte mcafureojf a ripe *>dl matte / tfy&t l;e (aitbe not/tl)at $ob fyatfye left tfcc fcriptureo *ne!y/tljatcuery one f bulbe rcabe it/but alfo/ tip at \)e batl;c crcctcb a policieanb orbcr / tl;at tbeir f fcalbc be fome to tea* $t/anb not for one baye/ but all tfcc time off our lyffe euent^ tbe beat^efor tljat ie tbc tymeojfour perfection. Wfyetfott brctbren /let ve> fubmtt our feluee / anb leauc off farther to tempte (Sob / feinge/ tbatyffwe trilbeojf t\)e boby off tfbr* iffytpemufiobde totbia general! rule . itctnorefpectcoff tPOtl&ly poltcte ftaie ve>. £et no perftrafton blinbe ve. But let ve fulfill tnoure (ciuca tt}atvetyidfc*iE(aia&{otwatn leatne to preuentourabuerfariee / trljo fefrnge euer to obfeare gobbee g!orie/ mayeeafelie c^uellat tbte biflt paHon* 3nb woulbetogob t^e jlaunber t5?ere not alireatyt^ pur great grieff in funbrjr placee fcatterebin fo mue be cof! firmcb/perccauinge tfyat tfcie our f catrcnngc/ augmented tl^c gnef c of pcrfecunon/anb fo tbrougbe oor nejjltgfce tt>e lee fc tl;c mfor u>t;om ifbnftebitfb.tfonftber brerbren / it iegobe cau|5r/brrcqtntcrbr yotr/ir ieyour betBtie/ncceffitterrgctfye/ timetri kt^e/yo»rf3rbcrfpcafctl;e/(^il&ren muflcobcic/ou# reencroteearc biltgenrte anb tbc abuerfary to at btnbe. 3:mig{;tie gob grauntf or bid fonneefafetl;at tscmafe rigbtly ponber tbe mai ter/f olio vec ourc calling/ feruc i I7C tur nc/^eate tbc fpeafrr/ waif e in obefcrenccanfc rcfijtourc ene* imee.tPcbefici yoa> all raft 1 bis in goob parte/ J eingeweb* uetcrtrten not^ngc but Yx^at<$arincbib incite anbtty&t vo> tyd)c xvc truftc/anb xo?f be yoto rroulfce X)aut bon to re in ctrauibtouQ^cn(vo^ rebto tbiegcncrall letter before mentioned in xtye> forte Cbattbeybabconftbcrcbtfa content** tbcroff anb perceiuefc *b at tbe rffltcte trae no otb* r but to bauc one or tiro talc tb* <£icff charge anb gouernauncc ojf tbe congregation, 2lnb t^at in cafctt?*y migbtget^. poincr^tTJaiffer @cory.0. Bale or id. (foj:/ or two off tbcm/f£cyf bulbe be well furmfbeb/y ff not/tbey woulbeappointc one at ©ttaafbiougbanb an otbe« f bulb come from Suricl ro feme t£c turne ar vc\fi$e tym* tnafter ©rinball trroteto matfer @cory at JEmbcnperfwa* binge tym to be ©uperintenbenr off tbiec$ur$t ofl\£rantfv wb o(in i.jeueraU letter* to bid pnuate frmbe/ offrcb t?ie fer tnfe totbecongregation/but before t£e reccipre tf>eroff>bc congregation tyab xvritti tfyeix Utttte to matter Bnojr at <5c# neuato matfer <&abbonat©traujt>. anb maffer truer at 3a* ricf/w bom tbey b^b electebf or t^cir minifiereanbabsicrtife* iwajtcr ©cory by a gcucraU Icfecr efft^f faroc* flew* XIIII: fftvwe/lxfym t$c anfaere t\)&t came from S>rraufbroi* $$ wa$ reab I anb compareb wittx t!;e letter written vnio t fycm/it bib not in anic pofmeanfwere ttjor rl>e congregate on wrote nor p<|rtfculer!y for amecerteine nomber/ bur gene* raUyw?fl?m0c4Umeneprefence/net^tri)id tbcy require ta tyiucanyefuperintenbent t$ tate tfye <§»ieff cfcarge anb gouer* nement/fortfeed?o»fe anb election ^croff(yff{ucfcea onefyab bene neceffary ) oug^tto tyaut byu rcferaebto tfcejeongrega* tion/ TX>bJ#efuUybctertmncbar rljat tytm t$l?*ucrbed?ur* %t gewtneb by * or ?♦ graae/g$My anb lerneb Snifters off lfa*ut\j0mitjMi*tccu\t9m& in ttjtbtftettfovmcbfym* ^b< *♦ ofpOciobct? fbc (5tu$mt$ off ootid? mouatfo ananfattttoibc gen trail let* uv$ afore faith in ttye xvifu The grace and peace off God the Father and off our Lorde Iefus Chrifte be with your all Amen. Of S (Bob by bie ftngulcr prouibencc fpatfye tronbr rfully <*bleffeb ve afteeiltn motangetbclxirteeQffttK ©enatore 4Rb mtmficre ^ere/to lament oureftarc / fauoranbatb ve> in ourercquefte : aedfo in geuinge bappie fucceffe for all finbe off prouifton to oure t>fc anb b^oufe: &o \)t well ? nowetbc/ tfcat we no otI?er wife efiecme ttye fame tfyen mate fianbe xoi* i^e^ieglory/oureprofeffio/anb tbc comfort* off l>te afflicted c£urd>c/bui: b&iUe labor in tbe fnowlebge *ff l)ieworbeto l^inteflt ttyat wfcen gob oure mcrctfuU fatber f ball f# tt?m8 goob / we mate be bottjc fatrfcf iiU anb f lilfbtt btfpenfer* xtyt 2nb aemnn/nge in tfyc fwecterace off oure vocMion/ft fcaueewefffy written vnto re for to repatertfcytber/ burtbe* mngc r>e fo fore wttt> your neceffme/tbatye ttytnE our fljrm* frng bad? in tljte befraiff f £ulbe argue want off cfearitte/ fceepe mante in j£nglanbe (ItU wlj*#e elfe wou'b willingly come fo* errtyanb ftewe cure feluee carets off «fcat congregation w* fcof« XV, wbopf ebefyfnge anb voinnin$e to Cbriftt we anrty pretenb ft feet e. £t)c\c ate 0reat caufee/ bur rou^mge ve nerbcr (o trulf obiecteb/fbfirmeiygrounbeb/ noryetfo aptMe applies/ but tbat *6 (banbe reafone on our partfemigb* fully an j were i^c fame, jjet not voitt)iianZ>in$/ in ae mud?e ae -vote appeale r* ♦ur confetencee u>ty<$e in tbe bare off tbe Hotbe fbailaccuje or eccufe vein ttye tbinge anb all ottjer /tre tx>il! not rttcruc benyyourrequejle/ butfbetoe oure feluee aereabytofeefe 0o&0 0loric anb r'9C tncreafeoff btccre/ae cuerto^bib prerenbetobo/reqtnnnge yotsaUmit;* name anb feare off 0ob/tbaraett^/aUrcfpccte (ct aporte anbrnfa:neblytraue< lingein tfce neceffary Enowlebge off (f^nfic ro tbeprofctoff fye djurcbeljere after/ refofe not for yournebte comforter* accomplift^yourbefyrte.^y* toill notinterrupteoure tfu* bice/ vrgeoure remouinftc / anb bring* re tfrit^er/fceltnge bere allreadte tbeejeceabm^je goobneffe off gob totearbee re/ rnleffe ye ttynte / anb ttyat before gob I x\)ax oure abfence on ttyonc parre fbulbe greatly b ? nbr r/ anb oure pre fence one tfye otberji&e t>erie mui?e funber your $obty aitempe afreabyc begonne fortbefurn tf binge off i^ard^ur^e fo^appefy obrai neb ro ail oure co'r.forrre/ for tfyexobidfein ourebatlie pro* yere toegeuegobmofte l?artteanbl?umble tb^nfee. ytfby / tt)ie> bomgeye geue oceafion to bre at* oure gobliefeloft?ip* pe/ro^urteour ftubtee/to biffolue oure ejrerafee/ anb utterly to cuerreour goC>!y purpofee / ye^aueroanfn>ereeuent?nt# ^tmtrb!^eieafattbfuilanba>ujl<3 u& ^/ an ^ tx>,I l0 euc ^^ tieneman accorbinge to l?ie bebte. tttyerfore/bearebretbe* rn / in conf 'deration tbat \»e be all not onely off one nation/ but a l fo membere off one miff icall bobyin3cfue (T^njleour be*b/ anb ougI?t cberfore efpectallytn itye time off epleanb tnofle u>orrj?e!y bejerueb crotfe by all meane poffible/ onetoa&eanbcomforrc an ott?er / beftcbinge gob for b*£ mere'ee (ah to affcrugebtd xvratbe/ to geue ve> repenting partes anb patient continuance to our bretbern at borne xrir b pity to betyslbe tye mnetarbc t^ere mtferablie jpoileb anb trob € ben i 3pm S2n twfcer foote/anb t# c*H t>e ^omeafref ftte fatfcriy <&a#fc femente eft jonce frurcf nlly to vooth in tbe fame; we briefly male thte anfveate, 3$fppponti>c receipieljerco(f/ycft>aif trit^o wre cloPe or forget) pretence / But onely to (tie (ftytifie abuerttfc ve> by your lettete/ that our bctn0c tberc is (o necb? fail ae ye ^atte aireadte fignif ieb/<*nb tfcar tee mate alrogettyei feme anb praifc gob ae freely anb aappr!0^tiy/(tx>berot?pry* tiatelettere receiueb lately from ^raiicBfr, mate ve muc^ccc bowrc)aetbe orberlafleta?cnm*i)eci>urd>eof &n$\anb per* mittetbe anb perfcnbet!?e(forTa0e are fit ly &etermineb to ab* mitt anb vfe no otlK*)ti?en/abowteafier nc^te ( for afore coc cannot) gob profpennge vefanb notuffe caufe or occafcon to tt)t contrary 0rowfo0e tit ifye meane time w^erby our mtenf te mate be befeateb voitb one confente tre agree to ionic ourefeluee \mto yots anb mofie wrihngSteto boo fuefce fer* tttfe tbere/ae oure poore coftbttton anb calling* botbc permit* 3ntbe meane (pace/ we f ball mofie intirely befe^eaimtg!^ tie (Bob (o to affile yow witfye \)ie> \)o\y (pint/ tljatyourbo* $& tie/ anb (fyewe fuefce Isgbtin r!>e face off tb^wotlbe/tbat b o* tbe tt)e w\deb mate Ik afbameb l baatngt no tufie caufe off repro4>c/anba!fo oure voeate bret^ernconftrmebanb woene to r&c ttmfytrStom ijuricf ttjie *3,off ©rtober. 1 5 1* 9 Yourlouingfrinds. &ohdrt Vkmu* tim MulUngu Ichn Parihuflt fJubtri Chmbefti Thorna Spencer. Roger Keifre. Thomas hem* ThomM Bcnthtn Rc&irt Belmont. Wk holm Kftmfa Willim Cote. tmmt Humphry* Henry Cockraft. lchn Prttio+ %hox»tethi6tymt Ctttw* wcrt txctymb fom matffcr ^abbon tOfyetin \)e befireb for btuere cenfibetati* #ne to beejfcufeb/for c<>mmin$e totate tyt charge vppon XVH. $ix i4, off SeteUt catm mtifltt TCbitbtdb t* JPrancfforb/anbattbe requeflcoff t\)c congregation / be tootc tbe d>ar jte for a ttmr/anb prea$eb rppon t^ j£pcgie to t^c Romamo. Jiboxott t!?e -+• off Houcmbcf came dOaffkr Cbembree to ,f ranclff orb xr>itt> letters from dunct vcb d>t reeve partite an anftrerc to another Utter written t?nt# l^emfrom^ranctfor&c t^ **, off September/ vo\}i to put you once agatne tn remembraunc, 2ln& ** u* m our former ; fo notretn tbeie alfo in gobe bebaiff tttofie erneffcy require yotobeep!ic rotratc t^«e matter off go&6cailmge/an£>tt?encceffitte office congregation VDcfya «e tfcrougbly lerneo your e|lateanb alfo mabe yotr prtuie t# ♦urea, ane eftfonnce/ wifbetre migbt bt together to be* wale our fynnee parte / to prate together for ok re poore b r t* tbern tfyat arexmoer 2Jitecbrtftee» captiutne/to comforte/mffs* ractc/ anb profit one an otljer.2lnb finally to betfottetbe time off oureperfecutton together anb rebcemeibete batee xctfi* d^earefoeucll 2Jnbiff*nyebefi*roff fnoxr>lcb$efiaye yow/ certenty/it ti>oulb* not be fo Ittle tncrcafeb bere tt?*t y oxc f^?ttl bciuftly repent, Jor ae touching* tlje compante off lerneb men(a6 yoa> cannot berebetritbotr >e)fo/t^ai tbinge ttbidjc tbufly your can require oflernebmene3ubgmete anbjrnoa? iebge otote off tbeir worFcd / your mate fuct mo fte plentifully tc^erof tDitb t>e yoto can UFc no ffote Wc nebe not/breib^rn/ to mate logcbifcoufe m reafomngc. for t»e parr!* f notcc tbat jjobd fp.nt/tr^icbe trorFet^e in your bartee ("ball preuaile trie be yore more/ tb^btfpatinjje/ not botw t#e/ but tbe fame bolte fptrtrFnecEcibat rbe bore off your cofcicce* not only tomoue yon? of ourebeba!ffi>/butto abmontfbe yotr/to auoibctbc in« eoiununcee of t*\lct;anbil)e offences of eurc poo*ebret£ern £ 9 *£ xv in. ts #f j£ng T anbe/*p£ofc maruetltngecamttUtfcerwtfe befatifft* *b. Kemember tberfore (bearly beloueb ) tbat we voxytt a* f>mberen/toourebcarebmb**n/ wfco altogether feeFc eurg farbere bondr/oureoume bifdjarge an& tbecomforteoffou* re aff&cteb counrrie men. €be fame fweete father gt&unt for We 4$ t&emaie affembletogerber/to tfce builbmgeoff tfctelTteiEettJ* ple/to ler tt)C falfe trorfemen/anb rnbertmnere/anb biligen* fiymourrocattontobelpetotbefurnifljingeoff ibe fame rill it rife to perfection* ^ate yeteell in €1?tt jfo^rom jfrancFfort> *&to . t*,off @epKmb» i^ ^ Your Iouingc frfnds: as in the letter afore fo vnder this • fubfcribecL fTbcaitfwctrteo dbero off 5r«ttcffot#wae / « folowett?, Cff^ v f bemge p!aceb bere in qmetne$/tx>tt^many anb great "^^commobuiee for oure #ub*ce tenbingeail to ebificatton off ^Ijrijiee <^urc^e/t^me/xmtotI)eearnefiereqaefi6 off your letter* rnto ve> / anftocreb m our letter* vnto yow/ tt)&t to btfefcarge all beum'e in conscience / anb to increafe anb inftruaeyour congregation at ^rancFforb trit^eoure prefence anb biltgence will notbeny to remoue from fytnee vt% to yoro/frtbatyotc cfcargeb off confcicnctbo coKOantlyaf* fame/ tbar ycfrme fo great neebe off ve ae by letter* t*>a# f*gmf rcb/anb c*rremJy aflure t>* that xdc withy ox» tnait anb fball rf« t^e fame orber off fermce concermnge relfg'ontrH <$eu>46in i£nglanbelaftr fetfortbe6y Fingd£btx>arb,3nbnfr we aifo for rbe better vnberflabing off fuefce requeue anb <$a f3tableperfctrmanceofbet^tJe/x?ponbor^epartc^befirebanb proenreb #Ha5#er Krcbarb (Tbambere our befle frinbe/a mail *nofted>$rtMble ant> careful! f^rt^e (brifhan congregation/ totaFe pain* to ttaucllvnto yow anb ttit^e yoroforre :fo fcfcat tbte matter a*tt i* begon anb moueb in wtitin&t mate befall he f ttlfy bebatcb anb eonclubeb by tyt> faitijf ull mr^ne 4rt5 fctltgence, ^or tec be all agrceb anb 60 purpofe to alio wc an$ pcrforme trl^at fc euer frc f ftall fate anb promce in cure na# ntte> vntoyow. Wbc rfore/ ire befeefce yotr m (Bobbee name confaonablv to confiber tbe cjiatc anb conbition bot^e off yotr anb ve/anb iff there rppon y ow conclubc wxtl)c tbe f*ic& maffer Chamber* off oure commmgc mto yoav tben let b**tt not lad your charitable tydpdn ncetffary prouifion for our continuance watytfow. Znbti)ue tefe$!nge gob tUt your Souths maic tenberobfctf'ortc/ Mb tbe (peby comfortc off t)ie> atflicteb d)ut<^cxve t»ifbcyotr> all be t^e anb increafe off true tnooo cb$e in t ^ 5 4* Your Iovinge frinds as in the lecccrs before ^ * TOhm OOa\$ cr CbamSer* bab cortferreb wftfr tbe congregation anb fatoerbattbey coulbe not afluretym tbefnt(p(eofftbe iEngltfbe booretxntftotcte tbebajarbm gc off tl; etr ct nrcbe/ be preparrb to> bepartc f rom rr>*;ene b* came/anb by tb e time n>ae iTlaitfcr i&noj: come from (5c neua/(anb d?ofen mincer ) rppon rl e recrpte off a Utter fentbimlrom t^econgregatron/tr^e letter teas aefo* !o\»»t^e. Oft? v Ebauereceiaeb letters from oure bttt\ttr\ off Strauf* *^-*brougb/but not in fu<$* forte anb ample t»tfe ae voclo* ♦f eb f or/rtberuppon wc affembleb together in tbe &©oaf?c xce bope/anb bauc xritb one rotce anb confent c£ofen yots (o parnculerly to be one off ttycVtlmiflcTe off our congregation fccrr/ro preacbe rnto ve tl;e tt;offc Iiuely worbe off (Bob / act torbinge to t^eg^ft tbatCBob b*r£e 0^ucn yotrfor aemu* $c ae \re \)ai\c \)cxt rbrougbe tbemercjf allgoobnee off (5o& «<$ur* P oorc f V*P C offtf brif? b? fprrfeb abro4b/ wfco to* tbc your *n& life prefencee/tpattibe comt tytfytranb be of one foU be tPbcre 4* now? tb?y t»an&er tbroob 46 lofle f l>eepe trtt^ e booFe/ teebefiretpc execution t^eroffaemtKbe aeyot»/(fo farrae(5ooe trorbc botbt commence it ) but at for tbe pnproffrableceremomee/aftoell by fcieconfent ae by #ure/ arc not to be pfe&,2fnbaltl)0ugbe i^cy were rollerablc (as joroc are nor ) yet beingc in a grange commo tcca!tbe/tx>c couldc not bejuffreDro pur tbem m pre / anb better it wet* tbey f t?u fce neucr be pracu|eb / t\)tn tl;ey | fyulbe be t\;t fab* u t\ioncffoutc fyuicye /wt)ie faltm 0reat^a|jarb byrjingtrbrm, 3"£jr matter is not ouree more t\)tn youre / (except* ante c?ceUoi1;eremgoMy3eele)butbot^et»tfl>egobebonor. 3ffalargergarcbeopcncfctbere/rorbefamctbcntot>e/ rppon your perflations/ ye f^allnot f mbe re to bratre bac& for t^id 16 t^ar neceff»r te / brctbern/ ti?at mare nor be neglect teb/ yfftreirifVtbc comfort* anfc ^Hjeringe *ogctbftng* off t^e booFe in all pointee f boulbe increafe our gobly fatbere/ *nb brctbernebanbe/ or el* anye twinge befacet^evoortbie orbinaneee anb latreeof 7 our @ourraigne£orbeoffmof?c famous memory, B.JEbtoarb tbe*. t?e femerfcecrberlitJet* rvaie tbe mater/ or e!te lettefc tbrougb ignorance fnowetbt nattbttcuen t^ey tbemfelueeb^ne rppon confibtrattoneoff circun fiance* / aStercD bcrctof ore many tbingee a* toud>m*> gc tbe fame. 3nb iff gob bab n#t in tbcte tcuFefc baie* oifytt* wife bctcrmtneb/woulbe bere after h^ue djaun$eb more/ yea 4Mb in oure ca{e toe bo tote not but tbattbey tvouibe b^uc boa tbe lif e. fetrehnee concerning borb* our ctmunicati* *ne tre fcaae accorbingely written vnto yot* /refcrringe tb* reffetotbebifcretton off oure (Boob frlnbe VHaifler € l;arn* bcre/tobo fnowetb tbattD* b<*ue fbettcbourcfclucamofi conformant mail tbingeet^ar ftanbtttytin our powr* anb mojlebefiroaa off your companies 4ccor5m$e to our format xxfr. let t ***♦ C$c fptrft off (Sob monc your parted to bo ebat tf* fyidp f £atbe mofttobtd glory anb rbecomfortc off your br*# f^em> 2k $ranc£ forb. i^ie u* cffiftouember. Your luuingc frindf, &c, imagameto jrrancfforb from ©roujbrougl?/ anb tmrfc l?im illaifler (Brtnballwtb Utttte> from tfce lerncbmeft jr^erc/fubfcribebunr^ *6, cfft^eir tyanbee/ t&^e Uti*e wa&&ofoloxD€t\)c. Jdtnxve bo confibcn»&aHrtt*>arbc comforteit therefor V^e fattfcfull people off i£nglan&e noxx> btfperfeo for tfe gofpell/anb noanbnngcabroab m (trance countries ae fbepe wttb oxote pa(lor/to be gatljercb together in to one congrega* lion / tbat xottb one moutb / ont mtnbe /anb one fpirit tlycf tnigbtglorificCBob: u>e ijaue at all tymeeanb bo prefentiy ttynlitomt be w tree/not only in fcarte to wf be U? at tbingc/ bur a!fo to labor by all meane> fo mu$e ae m pe fyabe to brttt ge tlje fame to paffe. 2Jnb bauinge notoe perf it intelligence off Hj*(5oob minbee/ix>l)!$etbcmagifin;ts off Jfrancfforbbc* are rotparbee yoxx> anb otbere oure fcattereo countne mtnf anbalfo tmbertfanbtnge off i\)t free graum offadpurcbevm* to x>& wljerin roe maic togctber ferue gob / anb nor bocoringe ^fftbeir farther frinbf ^ppln permictingcrafrancfty tovfe our religion accorbmge to tfyat gobSy orber fettferrbe an& receaueb in 5£ng!anb:U?e botbe geuegob tbanfee for fo great abenefit/anb alfo tbinte tt not fit to rcfufe (o fnnbly anoffre/ or to let f lippe fo goob an occafion^^erf ore/neither bottfin* ge off tbeir goob fattt)ttanccl)trctinto/ noryetbifirufitngc your goob conforming anb reaby bcfiere in tc^ncinQc tln&n* gi$fl)e$ur$enot0beguntbere / to it former perfection off tbe lalie/tjabtniEnglanbe/fofarrcas poff blie can be att€ineb) Icafl by mtidyc aiteringeoff tbe (amt we (hulbe fecmeto com benmet^ebcrmbeforctbey weteperftrabeb /anb to binber tt)cit coming ljitl)ctxv\)id?e before t^ey b<*b purpofeb: jfor tbe auotbinge o{f i^cfe / anb tbe obttlm'n^eoff tbeotI?er/moueb bereunto in conscience anb prouofebby your ientle letters/ TX>eb*u«tbou0btit ejepebient to{enbeouerx>ntoyott>/oure beioueb btcti)ctn t\)c bringete ^ereoff rotraacHxritbetbemagtfiratsanb yots concernm^e tfce premise/ u>bofe twfebomee lernw jje anb #ob!y jcele / ae tbeybefnotoenxmto yotx> / (o rboiboingstnttyiie fba'lfulltc Utt place tcitbe ve>.Znb yff ttyey obtawe sbst tt>!?i4>e toe :ru* fie Brill not be benieb at no ban&s : (Tbentseintenb ((Dob wtllin0e)to bewitij yow tbef irtfeoff &brts*ty ncpt/ thereto belpetofetin orberanb fiaulifb* Wat at tbey mente/(aebe fateb)to b* «eit fo (Jrictly obferueb bu; tljat fu$e ceremonies / anb ttyn* Q 0C6 XXI 117, &*6'&fy$eti?e cotmttie conlbe not btate /might vQclibto* roirteb/fo tfyat ti;cy mt$\)t fyaue tlje fubftance anb cfftcie tfyea rojf, tfi&tftez Bnojtr ani> xp^tnng^arn aff eb rbcm xtytt ibef tnenteby tfyt jubftanceofft^c booU/3* vo.** anfccerebby i\)t ct\)tt tb*z rbry t?ab no comtfflon ro bsfpu;e tbofe mature/ but l^ey rcquej?c&r^ar i be congregation woalb anfaoere to cer* teine imerogatotiee/vctydpe were tbtce Jftr(l/tbat tbey migi;t t novoe w^a: parted off tfce boofe tbey woatoc a&m.r. e te* conbe trad f o: a feuerail <$urc£e/anb tl?e tbiroe to pa* atjuracc ^ e ymi0I)r^4uefortl?ckquietcb4b?U(ion,Co(^ettr|(tVan|^ tseretoaamaberljat wbattbey coulDeproueotftbat&o^e to{ianbeu>jtbe0ob& t*or&e/anb*be country permit/ tba* f Mb begraunre* tbcm.£o tbe *• tr^cbe teas for 4 cburcb/ it »ae tolbe tbem/tb*t tbey enberftoo&e by tbe tfHugift rate/ ttyt tymeferueb notrotnoue ante fuefce matrer nil tucvanfadt btate vpat2(ufbur0c 9 erbaa faieb t^atagene* raif gratint xva&mabeattbeirffrficommmgetbubft/ torb* 't»b^ nd ^ rt /^bib^frebomc off i\}Cdtie off veto to ell (u* d?eae voctc be fy roue off it in a* large and ample manner a# fr^ey coutberequirc/ a^ic^waero r^em affarance fu|f;cicni» ^f? c f • p qmfii otta tbua aufbereb maffftt ie ptcfent tee f eele mofl <^\enf«btie/iI?art»berrfoctKr gob iayetb tbefounbattonro &uzidr bt* glory /rtxre be continue* fc till be brtngetfjefamero 4prefcnt t*orf e* 2111 tbante anbpraifebe vitro l^tttt tl>crf ore/ tbtt ijaitfe moueb your bartceto ae> m no point ye feeme to f otflowe your Diligence to thef urtberaunce o|f the fame* 2nd £6 tbe worte je off moffc excellence @o* be abucr fame cca* fenot mo(?craftdytot>nbermi*eit/or attfceleajte/ tbroug^ faffe reported and Defacing off t|>e wtrfe begon/to (late tyt laborers I w;t$c f fyildc traueil in tfcc fmif ^nge tfceroff. XXV. But frtttt) e (net tie arefy it felff/ anb as tf?e 0onne ednfbme* tbe t^c cIott>be/ fo mifrr porree by trial! are confounbeb. <£>u# re bretfcern fent from yoxr can certific ?cxx> at Iengbt froucfcin 0c tbe parttcuirre off your letter/to tr^om tx?e bauc in all tfym geagreebtrtyidpefemeb cjrprbtent f or rl?e ftate off ctya cow 0ati#n.2J6forc*rrcinc£eremomce trl;icfec tbe orberoffrbc tounrrie trill not beare: trc nc ceffartly omittx>itb ae title al< deration ae ie> poffible ( txb»d? m your lettrre ye require ) fo that no abaerfrry ie fo impubent tbat bare eitbtr blame ourr t>octr:neoftmperfeet!on/o:reofmurabtltue/c^ceprebebcaU together mtlfull I0norante/rarberfcc£fn0et;otreto f»nb< fa* ulree/tb^ntoamenbr^em.triit()*rboo treb:fcfnrcf»cmtbefti verity he at t^e raunfome off it;eir bloi^e for tyc boctrin* W^eroff i^ey tyauc mabc a mofle tconbyt cot Mporn 2Inb yet tec tlptnFe not tbat anye goMre man tcillflanb* irotbebearb^'nr^ebcfenceofceremoniee/ttttiib^C^^t^eboo fce jpcctfkrtjc) pp5 icifie caufee ma:e be altercb ant> cfcaungeb, 3nb yff tbe not full rfingcoff t^eboofe caufetbegobly to totctetn r^attrutbetobenn before tljcytrerr per j\cabeb/anb to ftayetbeyreomminge ^ttbcr/accorbmgeae tbey purpofeb: Cttberit(i0n:f!etbt^att!}eytrere rerye f lenbedy taught \»fy* d>c for brea<$> off atTeremometiniHrefuff fuefcea fmgulcr be* nefn/ordJe tbat yore baue Ijarbe tl?em mtjreportcb byfome faife bretbern/ wbo/ ro lumber tbie worttyte enterpnfe/ fpare not tofoTcemeuerieplace/ftoreo(ffucbepoorcreafon6»il** fleoffa!litrema!netb^^atyetrrtte/t^attbeffr|leoff^ebru# arynejrteyow toill come to tyclpeto fct inorber anb cfiablt* f be tljie cfcurcfcc accorbingly/ vobidpe tt?tn#c/ae tre mofte vci* fbe for your companies faFeanbfortbatyemrgbtfcourego* bly orbere a j rcabte bere obfcrueb:@o tre put yotr otpte of bo* vote ttyaz for to appotntc a tourney for tbe efiabitf t?tn# off ere bcrermtneb torematne witty r* Ion* ger then i monctl; ce'a* ye rente to our e juntricmen at£Vn* fbtorotc anb£moen/ wfyubc letters nottcittyftanbwgeare no are ftaii> anb ae apeau* :tl?etee neucr 1 1; e nccre, id $ vet XXV* XOcttftxtt fyt reffe to cure bufytrn ma fat € fcambet* #«& rtatflerffir}nl)aH/ts?l)obytl)etr biligent tnqt)ffthon$«* tie Jearncb fo farre off out ftttc aa tee xctou vnto ypvo in out f o#her latere tljat te/t^'at toe liaue 4e Qactamtme \m* ae> rouicfcmgeoa* booPetoe t*>itlpract*fe t (o farreaegobfrtporbeborfce a\]ute it ant> tbe (late off tfct* coyntrtepermir^arcye tpeU,2lt jfran rottc$ mdaafolotoetb. Graceimcrcy and peace,&c. Ctf> 52 ^ue receaueb your letter* / anb 4lfo your 4ttftrere in *-*^a>rytmge concerning certetne 2frtided / 4nb bo pcrcey* tie afbelt by tbe (ante a* by maimer (Timbers 4nb $fll4t#er (Brinball your fiat e. 35nt for fo muc^e ae your opinion te tfc4t *be tyroe bo be not prefent'y ferue to moue tl;em4£jtfft4te in tboferequeftetbeobrewmge trt)erofftP46 t^eprmctpallcau fcof outfenbmg ontoyoxtytce catmct attfcteprefentconbe* fcenb pppon ante general* mcetinge / at 4nie cert cine tyme/e# tberroremame wttbyotp ot ctbertufe,2lnb t^erforc/tfFyow fb^H certetnty prrceatt? a nmcconuenient/ tbatr^e tfTlagw (trace may be tram* e£>\» t\ call 4|ti>cllforfbe#oo&4nbquie *c$abtrat l onofftbeco to fnotce Kotyil)ctnt)e ejcercife off fyt booh i kali be pfeb/fuebe we meaner up. rcafcnabUmS XXVIL fytfliufltyttprtoc/ anb tbattfye cetteintie off ifyeie matter* mate be f novoen at r^e magtflrate Ipanbe: rbcn/(yffyoce can let t>e b<*u* intelligence) we will f4* rtfccrconfultv cDl;«tieto be bone on our* par yc/trujlmgc/ 0O*fl}4 1 btrcctc oe to bo fo a* maye be mofl* to \ isgloric intbe cnbe/botoefoeucrtl;* prefente ryme ft,*Uiubgeoff it^rom ©trauf brougl? t^ie t5.o(f December* Your louing frindsj&C. as in the lettecrt beforc e CfVl&cn tbte Utter waerebb to tty congregation /ttyf re* ^-^quefleb tl^t for fo muc^e ae t^e terneb men / coulbe net cobefcenb ppponany generah anb certeme tyme off meeting* asnotoeappearebbytlKirUttere/ tt?ey migbteonclubepp* pon fome ccrteineorber by common confent (till to contme* roe anb tfyat toibotrtef artier bclaye/anbalfo ro t?aiie t\)e t?o# lie commtmionmimflrcb/vo\)id)et\)etno{le part crneftlie be* faeb.Zt len$ty(it voae>a$eeeb tljat tfce orbcr of (Scneuavol)* tefce tt;en teas alreabte prints jn iSngiff be anb fome copied tl;ere amongctbem) f bu!bctaEeplaceaean orbermoftego* b f y anb farbefie off from fuperfhtion. Butlfllaifter fnoxbe* tajjefpoPcnpnto/aftselltoputtbat orberm practife/aero mmtjkrtbc communion /refufeb tobo ctbcrtbeoneortbe ctber/affirminge/fbatfor manie confiberatione he coulbe not confente tbattbe fame orbcr fbulbc be practifeb/tilltke lerneb mm off Straujbrougb/ 3tfn£/£mben/ :c. were mabe priuf. tfteitfrcr yetiooulbe fcc mtnifler t\)t communion by tyt booPeoffiHng'anbe/fortbartbercttJcretbtngeein it placeb (a* t)e faieb)onely by txxarrantof man& cuifyoritic an» no gr* ttwbe in jjobbe voorbe for tb e fame/ anb t)4b a\\o a longe ty* me verve fuperfbtroufly in t\)emaffe byn voichbiy <*bufeb. 23uty|f£emtgI>tnotbefuffrcb to minister the ©acramentd accoroingctob'econfcicncc / t?e tl;en reqnetfib t^at fome ctber migbrminificr tt)e@acramerrd/anb ^etooulbe onely pttttyc, 3ffnetbet wulbebe abmittcb be b*(ou0l;tfbem id 4 tfcofc n tlmt V ***&***. bi(fy&t$cb . But to that tfee ekt#tt$6tim wo ulfce in no wife ccnfente. tt)l)ifc6 r^efe i|>in^ were efms m ^anbh'nge came m4^ ||cr£cucrCbcfo:eekrtcb)tv^o/4jfembhn0e tbc congregation, requefteb ttyat ^e tni0l?t wst^c tbeirconfentee appotnte jucfce 4n orber / as f btilbe be bottle ©obly wuljotrt refpccte off i\)€ Boofe off (Beneua or anye otber/requefhnge farmery tbatfo* jomu^e ae tfyat office ircae off fo great importaunce/ab tiat fjefyab not bynin tfreltfe before/ t&at be migbt bcttpcenct^at *nb Rafter l?aue a ttiall off t^em / anb ttyf off btm /anb f<> a* tlje enbe off tt?at termeeitbertaPeorrefufe/tv^tdbe time off triall/ae itxeae willingly grauntebbtm: fo isben t£ey rnber* floobe tl?at t^e orber xotyfytiye woulbc place anb x>fe tcae not altogether (udjeae xoae> fit for a rigljt rcformeb $urd?e/tl?cy woulbe in no wife yclbe to t t?e fame* ■ Bnop/tt^tm'ngbam/anb ot&ci* / perceyuinge tfcat rbete ibegmmnge wouJbe growe to fome tx>bat/yffu were nor Jia*& ln*ime/brct&efortbc a pfattoff tfcetrbole boofe off QJnglanb thto tbe lattin tonge/ fenbinge tfce fame to matter e f olowct^e tfce befcription* 2tt>efcrtptton off i§<2um$W otto •fce off fenuce tfcat te *>(Vfr its >. cMrff«offAll/morntnge prater offrettyey<«U«fuw piffle) beginning x*h$e fome fentence off bolk (ctiptme'/te free* f ample: y jf we f 1)4 II fa» r(?a t toe £>auc no ftnnc tre bectyuc otu re feltice/:c, or fome foc^c of life forte. (T^en fceraferbem t>an fcetl;eej:bortJt on/vctydfeftktrttt} vp to a confefponoff fyn* Hee/i»!;!C^erberTi!nifier£ronounceti}Xcu^ a loube voice/ tfce people fringe after f? m, 2To r bte io abbeb an absolution / anfr trljcnebeferb ngce are bone/ be rebcrfetbcibdorbee prater/ anbafrertrarfc iorbeopen tbowmy Iypp?e / anb ttiyrooutbc fbaUfbetrcfortbr^ypraife.iDgobberebietobemyb^'p^c, JTben/come at\s ler re finge rnto rb £orbe/ ic. By anb ty at* forberefoIotre5. Pfalmee togetb^rat tfyeribe oflFeuery one. tycn folotrerb tfce firjl leflon/ vol)id)t contcineibe a tr>boI« 4><*M eroffrbecibc£cf?amenr. 3ftertl?ialcf]ontbeyfaieor fmgeujepraife be/ lorbe/or Bleflebbctbc &orbe / :c. (Ebc* an ot^erle|]onoirreoff tb^tlet»ere(lamenre/rnie(fe pcrab* tientore t\)t folemntjation off (ome l;igbe f eafl batie or^er fet anb apointebleffone.tlotremcaibebraU d?ord?cet!;cy prret t^ei: leffone in plaine fonge anb t^e af eertrarbe t&£enebictufr *bbcb, by t^e^Tttntftrr/CaU ttyepcople in t^emeane ryme ftaOmg rp) 2ff reruMrb* falUngebotrne rppon tbtir tnce* / xfyt tflimfict fatrbc/Cb*&orbebeu>uI?yow/ (Jtycanfwere/ Hr&witt)t\}f (pirttt. (Tfccn/Jlorbe baue mercy t>ppon re/ (f briffe haue mercy tpponvtj £orbel;aue mercy rpponre/ :c.our fatbcr/ie. pronouncebotrteatotrbeoffall tx>n^ atlbolbneffe.€bcnt!?e illinifler/ttben be flanOetb rpp fair^e/o lorbej $ct»et>6tb? mercy ftorbc faut i by people. 3nb blej* fe tbyne inbemaunce. (Sent peace inout rymeo Jlorbe/ :c. ar'engbt*. (Tollecta arcbabm place oft a condufion / rbc ftrfte/forrbebate/i^efeconbeforpeace/rbelaOei^fortbcob^ tcmnQt o^v&race, tloppe/i fjc cuenmge proton are (aibc tn 4 ■im— mAMKt 4* tfce o tt> cr are/ fautngc/ttytf after H?e f i rff e Irflcrt f# Ictwtb myfoule boty ma#niftctbe!orbe, 2(fter tbei.kffen tfloco lorbe/*canb m jtceb ojf tbat collect/ (Bob tsbkbe arte *be2Jutbor ojf peace/te pfeb o (Bob from xpboro all boltebc* fcr6/:c» beftbee/tberete caution abbcb t b^t all fcllrni jtera f t?aU{ej:ercifc tt^em feluce continually aftccll m morning* praters a* cueninge prater* / except pcrbapp by (iubsc in by* uinitieot fome otber bnfynee/ tbey be greatly anb ncceffa* reiy let ortynbreb*Beftbce/ppponeuery ©abotbe bate/ xx>tn* fbaieanb frtbatetbtre teyfttn pfe cerUlne fuffragee beui'feb off pope (Bregory u>btd?e begtnnetfce after tbte manner* ie> boly natmttte anb rircumctfton by fyie b*P**f' me/fafitnge anb temptation/by bteagonie anb bloubiejtpe* cte/tc. yea/ 'ft tfomprebcnbetbe tn platne tporbce a prater te be beltuereb from fubbatn beatfye / tbe people anftpcringc to tlje enbe off euery claufe/eitber fpare ps goob lorbe/or ell*/ (Boob iiorbe beltuer ve>/ or tee befedbe tbee to ijearc re (Boob £orbc.iff>f?anbin£/!bateueryoneofftbepe<** pie mayeanfu>cre:lorbel?aue mercy rpon x>6 anb inclyrwow repartee to Eeepetl^ie larcc. 2Jfter t!?e reberfall off t£e com* tttaMbememe/ Recollect off tfyebaie (aettte calleb ; anb an •tfcer for r|>e hn$c \e> X>ab. By 4n& by rt?c J£pif?te anb (£>*' fpellfoJot»ettye/totx>itt/ fu4>e ae tbe callenber apotntettjc for l^atbatf. 2fnb therein tl?te place fycteie a note /^ateuerie fcoly baye ^atl>e bte collect iEptflle anb (5ofpell( trt^tc^ef ill rt+ 0reatleaue6off t^cbooBe/tr^entljere|lefiU fcarfcfifcie, $o* #11 l?oly bateo are nowe in liBc t> fe ae xr a e amonge t t;e pap i* fke/onely e perye f exoe ejrcepteb, Cben&egoet^eforwarbee to tyecrebe anb after tf?at<<> t3jc fcrmonOff tfcere be anie) 2ffteru>arbea tfce parif be priefi feybberi? tt?e fcolie bayes anb faff ee on tljeir euee / iff tbere be *nye tbat vocet e. Znb bcre tbe boofe trarnctbe ttjat none be* fraubetbepariffce priejt off t?tebueor njftt fpecially on t^o^ fefeafibaiea/ t^atatebebicattb tooffringe* ^enfoIotDetd a prater for tfceffate off tl;c 4> ur$ e roilitaante/ anb tba t not wul?o\»tealon#ebeapeanbmijrtureoff matter* rntill t&cy come(aftfracertemeconfef|ionofffinne6)toltftrpyour^ar^ Utltye people anfweringc/ xce geue tbanFce to tbelorbe* Jtct re^euetl7anfetooor£orbe(5ob/t^eanfn?er/ 3**$ mtttc angelte anb fo enbetye tritfc boly boly tyoly/lorb gob/tilt be come to b* fianna tnri?el?i£#etf.tflou>ctbt priefi boteetbe l^te tneeacU Howlebjjinge oure vmooortbynee in tbe name off all t^ertt ttyatf ballreceiu^2Inb fcttinge otcte#*b6mercye/be 6efecfre ti>e (Bob tbatoorebobieomaye be mabecleane by biebobie *nb tbatour foalee maie be xs aftebtljroucjbbia bloube* Znb t^entjeagameftanbetljrpanbtaPetbe in b<*nbe a frefte an otber praier appotnteb for tfcte pnrpofc/tn trbfcfc are contci* web t^K xuorbee off t^e tnfiimrfon / alltt^i^e beinge bonne/ XXXII, §efirflctmmmimet1)/fyen/bf6rit)b { fl)t faitbeto another/ tnelinge/CaEe/anb cate tb& in remembrance rt>ar €htifl fcteb for ibee anb feebe on b*ift tn t|?y ^arrcby fatt^e wity tbanfe geuftige* tflotP abon> tc tbenbe tbe Jtorbea praier it x>feb againc / tbe Snifter faym^estalowbe anb ati ibe people folowinge/ to condube/tbey b^ea^eumge off ttyantein tbenbe / xvitfyz ©lory to gob tn r b* b ( 0befi/ ae u toae Pjed amonge tbe pa* pifie6/#ffirbappcn tbsttbere be no fermon/ onciy afexse tbin^ee areomitteb/buraUotber tlpngcs are bonne in orber aforefaib. 3n bapttfme tbe (Bobfatbers are bcmaunbeb in tbe no* tne off tbe cbtlbe / toitbertbey renounce tbtbeiKU anbaU fjie toorf ee/tbe Iu(?ee off tbe t#orlbe / :e. anb tbe^ anfxx^re 3 renounce tbem.Cben/wttbfr* bey bclieue tbe2!rn£lceojftbc faitbe/Tt>bi<£e bein0econfcffeb/t»iitett)ow(fa?tl}be turningc bimftif ro botbe tl;e witneffee/ be b>ipn$eb inttftyie faubc? anb tbey faie yea/ 3 will. 2If ter af cxoc thing* reber,Vb/ £>e ra* Eetbetbe off tbe fat** tbe/tbe lorbee prater/anb tbe ten Comaanbem£te,21nbfeingc itycn be mauy caufee/ae tbe boo?efa*tbe/tcb^e fbulbcmo lie tbem to tbe ^onf irmar ion o jf i*b^bren/tb«e/f orfootbe/ ofl? 4Uotberetetbewa*0btiefl/tbaitytmpoOuonoffb4nbetbey mate rcceiucfircngbranb befenceagatnft all temptations off |inneyanb tbe ^ffaulte off tf-e tsortbanb tbe beueii/ bicaofi ibat t»ben(fbt(bren come ro tt/atage/pantie / by tbefratltie #ff tbeir owne flefb*/ partly/ by tbe afjault* off tbe tt>orIb* anb tbe beuell t|?ey begmnro brm batmger : 3nb!eafieame fbulbe tbint any error to be in ttye Confirmation/ tberforc tleytate.acertrmt pamfittt offa €*t€$i[mt/ wtyfyt confix xxxiir, liftoff tbe.Zrtkk* off t\)t fait\)e/tl)e £orbea praier / tot een commanbement* / anb ciltljio ie> bifpatc^ci) m leffc t^e* two Icauee. ffo tbefc to ioynefc kbcir manner o(f iTfartage off wtyQt tb*t we mate pafj/onermany petty ceremonies tfcefe follies m>tyo can (uffcr? £b* tyuf banbe (attbc bow ne a nnge rpon t^e boote/vc\}\$e tfce mtntfler ta?inc$e/be gcucti^e it in bt« banbe 4*b b&fcctlje X)\m to put tt tf I?c t^i* ringe(faitbc b<)3 *bec t&ebb/tt>itbc my boby 3 tl;ee trorf b»p wtbcallmy u>ori&ly0oo&* 3*^*cnbue, 3n Rename off E^efat^er/tbc fonne/anb tt;et?oly gl;o(le # 3lit!eaftcrtbe4TlimjicrraJti)erotl?enetremartebp^ fons fnclinge before tfcdorbeetabie; £orbe baue mercy vp4 pon v& (Thrift baue mercy rpon t>e/fcorbe baue mercy pppoif *6* rbybanbma!be/:c, anbfoafetr tbmgebcin^ercberfeb tt)ey ttiufie bebrouc^t to t\)e&or$e&fappcr. w f e ' Cbcanf^ were/4n&toa'ltba*btt>eliin tl?^fame,iiorbel;aue mercy ft* ponrd/tc. ourfat^er/:c.£orbe fauetbyferuanrre.anftrcre/ tx>b*d>« tritftetbe in tbee , ©enbefortbefb? belpe from t^y boiy bit /anb u>iU;c fpebe fane biro / 1<* a* hi tfce otl?er prefa* aoto.tbeq jjftiona an&anfx*>ere.(Dfftbe Buriall £beprieflmeetetbe tbe (forfeat tl?e entraunccoff tlje cfctircbeysrbeeftoerftnginrt or foftly pronouncings / 3 am tbe Kefurre ct on ant> rfce Iiffe/ :c, 3 Inowt ttyat my re* bemer lyuctte 3<>k. ^ bemge comme to tt?egraueittsfa* yeb. Ulan borne effa woman 3ob. ?. £Pt?en ti;e tartlet* ttrotceniu/ trecommttt (faittyebe) cartbetoeartbe/&u(?c tobuftr/ :c. Cl;e£orbehatb^fl^tien/tl;c£orbebat^etaEen/ 3barDe a vo ce from fyeamn / fayenge / Bleffcb are tbe beab tc^ic^e btem tbe&orbe, ilorbe I;aue mercy rppon ttftc. C^p«riftcaHonoft»omenmi^i!bbeb/trb^et!}ey call £ 4 geuift? XX XI 1 15. geamgeoff ttytifctot tenet onlrmaUtbin$6X6ifytv>6fi\m** #t common toi tl?e tfye papifiea but alfo wnb tt)c3tvoc*fbp canfe tfyty axtcemmatmbebin jicbeoff alarobeorboue to of* fre monte^ Ktfox dm* aie6intl?eir tninbe continually aemu^c ae tl;<# coulb* firm* to more perfect Note, tfotf tfc« defcription is wryt ftuoBr&ly put downe>yf y* conferred with thcBookc off order in *U points, and the vjfegeofjf tfc froofte w ww«)i churches of this retime yow c-,£jte tbj'nge truh'egreaetbemerety ma4>e/4nb!tte *$*$J "^at f barne t^at contention f bulbe artfe amongc b«tl?em t>anif £eb anb brwen owtc of tfptr countr je foe on? f an&e/anb for L XXXV. for fyat c40fe vfyifyt onely ou£#t to \>aw b*lben yotv bouiu be together aa ir were umf?e #n l?oIy banbe in tbtayoor bt* fpcrfron.^or wt?at micfttyoYV bo better in t!?i6 b^loroue an& miferable plage/ttjen (beinge pullcb violently from your coua *rie)to procure your fthiee adpurd?/ verity {bulbe tecemt &t> nourif ^e yon? (beinge ioync* together in witibee anb langua b$c)in \)ct motherly lappe. But novoc for fome men to ftriuc <*e touting* tbe forme off prater anb for (Teremoniee ae tfyo* ugbyc were at reffe anb profperitie / anb to fuffert^at to be an tmpebimente tbat ye cannot tt?ereioyneintooneboby off tye c^urc^c(ae3 tfyintjit is to mudpe otrtcoff feafon. yetnot\»u^ftanbin^/3aHotce tfyeit conftancie trl?i<£e flriue for a iuftt caufc beingefoiceb a#ainfle xX)tit willed vmo contention, 3 bo rrort^ely conbemne f roxvarbnee / xo\)id)c bor^cf;inb*ranb flaie rlje^olye carefullneeof reforming t^e Znb ae 3 bebauemyfelff gentle anb tractable in meant ttyn$&(a& external! cercmoniee)@o boo 3 not ahvaiea tubge it profitable/to geue place to t^eir folif ije ff ovotenee>/ vctyfye tvillforjafenotbinge offtbeiroulbe xvontebcuf?ome.3n t\)C Utuvgic off fcnglanbe / Jfethtt t^ereweremanyetoilerablc foolif(;e ttynged/by t\)tie> ivorbca 3meane/t\)att\)erexcaa not t^atpuritie xotyidje wae to bebefireb, (Eljete viced/ tbou* Mifly toKc gl?e tljey coutbe not at tfjc ftrffe &4ie be amenbeb/ yet / feinjje rifc/efooli* tbcre tvae no manife(?e tmpetie/tbey were for a feafon to be n, c ^gs tolleratfb* Jbcrfore/ittvaelatvfullto begin off fu$crubt# ^fa ^fr tnented or abfebartea/but fo/t^at it beboueb tbe lerneb / gra* j v cduit* iie/anb gobly miniftcrd off (T^riffe to enterprise farther /anb ^j gcmcn ^ to fetfoort^e fome t\)in$e more fileb from rufte/anbpurer,$f ^S^^ * gobly Religion bab flortf ^ebttll ttytbaiein JEnglanbe/ ttyere ougbt to l?aue bin a twinge better corrccteb anb manie ttyn* geddeanetafen atvaie|tlotve/tv^en tfceid principled beouer tbrotvne/acfcurcfccmuftebefct vpin another place / vcfyte ye maie freely mate an oxbeta$aine/xol)id}e f ball be apparent to be mofle commobitioue to t(?e vfe anb ebification off t\)t <^«r(j|ft3caB»o«cil»^4«bcy meant wtydje fo greatly be* £ iq bit s X 1C jK VT* *» UitinfyeU&uln$c6 ofFpoptfbcbreggee.irtjey lotte tfje tfyiti gee xptyttwno r^ey ate accujiomeb. ^trfle off all / ttye fe & Y$e k*>?fc tfrsnge bottle trtflin£eanb fc b^uey^ fetrfe ouer tbett* fc? G*tew$ tp^ofemftrmatit will nor fuflper to afcenb an bi0ber ffeppe fo ttofeattent . t* 011 ^ 3 abuerttfe otb*r/$ftt tfyty pleafe not tfycm felue* to • * # roud^e tn t\)€it f oohflpnee. 2f:.fb/ tbat by tlyeit f rotturbnes/ tbey boo not let tbe courfc off tbe bolte builbinge. £ajfc off aU/kafl rl^atf oolifbe x>aine0lorte ffealetbem arcate,^ oj rel;afc caufe t?aue tbey tocontenbe/cjcceptciit be for tb*ttbeyare$* fbameb to 0eae place tobettertt)i0e0.Bur3 fpealcmvatne-' to tb**t* xctyfyt pcrd>aunce eftccme me not (o well / ae r^ey will rou$fa|fe to abtnltt tbe confaile tyai commetb*f torn fa fytan amljour. 3f *V e ? fearet^e ei>eHrumonni!:n0!anbe/a* %>ti0l? tb^y ^4b fallen from that Religion t»b^ was tl>4 1 caufeofftbeirbanifbment/ tbey are farre becetusb for tfcfc trueanb ftneere Religion/ wiliratbcrcompcll t^em tb^t t\,ti trerematne/faitbfullytoconftbermto tcl;atbcepe gulfft!?ey fyiue f4ilen jror t^erebownefallfbaltmoregreuouj tyt&oim bet^em/tx^cn i^eyperceyue your gomgeforetparfce besonbe mib courfe/ from tye xvtydpe t^ey are turneb^are ye toei! bc$ re!y beloneb bretbern / anb f attbf u!l fernante of£ Cbrifie* tbe £orbe btfenbe anb 0oucrne yox» from (5cneu4ti?te *•• oflf 3an,2inno» inf» YourlohnCaluin QF>ioentb8^ letter of Calufne wad rrbb to tbem of t(K coo ^^0rc0arion/!t (o wrou0^r in t\)t barred off many / t\}at tf?cy rare not before fo fiovotcto maintain all t£e parteeoff t^c bote off &nQlanb ae afterwarb tbey wttc bent againff it* But notce to returne, $0\pik& tytfcttynQ* veetc in boym0e/ tbe con0re0atton(aeyowb/ it voae> condubeb/that matffer Knopf matter WtyittinQham/ tna^crCgilby/Wlaiper Sop anb fllai(ier& Cole fl,uibc bra xcefosg xxxvir* wefortfce feme dtbet mette for t!;cir (Tatcanb tlmaxotyfa tl?in0c voa* by t\cm accomplif beb anb offrcb to tbe con0rc* Ration bcwQctbc \amz orbcroff(Scncua vcbifyc ienowtin pnnt) orbcr traa vcvic toeil liFcb off many/ but fud?e 06 xcac bent to the bo of e off £ nglanbe coulbe not abib* it / yea/ cc tenticn gretoe at lengt * fo l;ot/anb tl;eonc partye trt)i$ fo vg\ r fiwcritie/fo fore d;ar0cb/ tritlp nctrf anglebnce anb fitt gulari:ic[anb to bcrbefhrrere ofcotcntionanbtwquietnce/ tl;attTlai|kr/ folemelic proteffrn0e/tl?at(m , *J ^ rJ}iemattcr)tbey fou0t}tnottbemfclue6/butonely tl;e0lone Jj^ c# 0oD/ael;e tras rcrelyperftrabeb/ tx?ifl?injjefartbertl;at S ^ ^^ t£at bsnbc tt>bi$e be t'oen t?e toe v>p tcere ffricFen of if by tbat a 0obiy peace anb mine mi0l;t enfue anb foliotre.3 n tbcnbfc cncttyctvc&ie wae>tahn by tbe congregation /vcfydpevcaef tl;at marker Bnojc anb mai fter tr^iumgl; am / iTlaifler parry rnibiTiaifterleauer ftulbebemfefomc orber y ff it mi0l; tbe/ tcenbe ait ffnff anb centenfiom T ** ***** (Tbies 4, aflcmbleb for fyat porpoe. 3nbfirff/iTfatffer /&cfK«« Snojt fpaFe to tl?e refJc in tyre tnfc, jW fo mn4?e/(faitbe £e) 4*3 perceiue/rl ct no cnbe of cc tenticn te to be bopeb for/xm leffc tbe one parte fomerbinge relent/ tl;ie will 3 boo form? yaxtc/ti&t qmctnea matt infue.3 trill f betoc my tub0emene f?owe(ae 3H'*nF)itmaiebebeftcfortl?ecbfffcation off tljia poore tloeFe/xr^i^cifyewtllnotacccpte/norfollotyeC of rec t\ at3bauebifd?ar0eb my confacnce)3 trill ccafe anb comit tbe t*>b ole matter to be ordereb by yott> ae yoto will anfbere before a$iceZ> vpo:fome pa:te taFe f crtl>c of tbe£n0lifl?c booF* 4ni> c thci tbmge put to/ae tbe ftate of that r required* 2lnb tbteorbci by tbe confcr.t of tl?cc50rc0ation l^uibc 7^^^ contineroe to t!>ela(ie of 2fpnllf olon?in0. yff ante contention .* fbulbe anfein ttcmeane time/ the matter tfytn tobebftrrmi . ,*> wbbj?^eie^npr^UUrnci>me/ww^e/^4l«m;^nofculoe "**■ C I tt)am$/ F * XXX VUL ttW tyr/Bullfog*r/ anb Xtyret, Zty* agremenfre re&i put in wt y tm0e. Co ttyat all $&ut t^etr confcmc e.^bia bate was iof fulLCtjancfcce were geul to (Dob/brotherly reconciliation fo* lo web/great familiarttie ufeb / tbcformer grubgee feemeb to be forgotten»$ea tbt frolie communion wae vppon tbfc bap^ pieagrem*nte/*lfominiffrcb.21nb tbiefrtnbftypp continued ^ c ttU t£e !)• offiTTar^ f olowinge/at wfci$c tyme,0. Cojtf anb J7 V* otyere wit£ bim cam* to ,f ran* forborne ofl^nglanbe/ wb* ftb otf * rl feeganto breaf tbatorbcr w^icfccwa* agrcebt>ppon/firfteiri come to anfweringe alo wbe after t|>c mtnifier / contrary to tbe <$ur* Fttw/v 4^e6 bcterminarton/ anb beinge abmonifyeb tberoff / by t^e Seniors off fyt congregation/bc/witlj t£e refloat came vow tbe btm mabe anfwcre/tfyit tbey woulbebo ae tfjcy babbon* nein }£nglaftbc/anb t£at tbey woulb fyaut tfceface off an i£n* ghfl? c£ur<$e,2lnb tbefunbaiefatowinge/one off bte compos nytPpp fubbaiftly into t\)t pulpit/rcbb tbe lettany/anb Q. Copwttbefcteeompanie anfwcrebalowbe/wtyerby tbe be* termination off tbe $ur<$e wa6 brofen. €be fame (utibaie at after noone it came to matter Snoj: fye turne to prcacbe/wtyo foauinge paffeb fo f arre in (Sen. t^at be was come to Woal? ad fce late open in tye> tentc/fyc fpafe t^ete worbes f olowinge* %e> biuere tbinges (fait^e l#)ougbt to be fepte fecret/e* Iheffcit* tienfo fuefce tbinges &&trit> to t^ebifbonor off (Bob Mb bifS ofKntxfcr quitting of fjfe$ur$eougbt to be bifclofeb anb openly rcpro Htm, ueb*2fnbtyerupon be f beweb/ Ijowe tbat after longe trouble anb contention amon^fet^mM gobly agrementewaamabe/ anb £owe tbat tbe fame/tbat baie wae xmgobly brofen/wbt* ^e twinge/became not (ae^efateb)t^eprotDbefl off tbcm all to baue ttttpteb / allcabgtnge f ur tbermore tbat ItFe a& by tbe toorbe off (Bob we mufle/ feefe oure warrant for tbe efiabto (biugo^Freltgton/anbwttbowttbattot^ruflenot^tnge into ante Cfctifhan congregation : fo for ae muc^e as in t^eiEnglt* f be boote were ttyingee botbe fuperf?iti#ue/pnpure/anb vn* perfect ( w^ic^ be ojfreb to prone before all men ) \)t woulfr fotconfewt&atofftfytt tywtijeit f^ul&b* wceiueb / anb XXXIX* (b&t to ca(c men troulbe go abowte to burthen tbaf free cone QttQatwutjerwttt) /foofreaebe fl;u!becomein replace Obetcj:reoffnn0coccafion) betcouibenotfafleto fpcara0O* in fie it. (&c farmer afftrmeb tfyat amonge many c tfy'ngee tsbufce prouofeb 0obbe anger a0am|Ici£n0bcn tymeanb place iras 0rauntefc)toaaone. 2fnb t\)c rforc it became tbem to be circufpecte/^orce tbey latb tbeir founbatfon,3nb revere fome men afbamebnot to faie/tbat tberetra* noletorf?oppmj£n0 ! anbe/buttbaiKeli0ton mi* 0b t be/anbtDaeafreafcybroug ttoperfircrton/beprouebtbe contraty/ by ttetcan:e off bifctpltne ♦ 2ttfo by tljc trouble* vo\)ti> maifhr £ooper0u(lameb/ fortl;e Koc^ct arib fu$ We/jn if?c book commanbeb anb ailotreb* 2lnb for Intone man toae permittebtofcauej,*. orsv bencfrce6 tor be great flaunbcr offcbegofpell anb befraubm* 0eo|frbf flocPoffifr/r/fteoffrbeirliuelyfoobeanbfuflcnauw ce.tyefc tcere the cfcte ff note* off b'e fermon/trbt$e wae fo fiomahb off fome / efpectalfy off fud^eae l?ab many Uuin$c6 injEn^anbe/t >at be xcae> vcryc f barplie 4>ar0eb/ anb tepto* tieb fojooneae be came otrteofftbeptilpit/fortbc fame, ft Cbettpejbaiefolowm0e/t»a6appomtebtotatfe offtbte* D * C() */M Ibintfee morect !ar0e. tPben all trere aftrmblcb earneffert ^> rct ^ quefteu>a*mabe tbat ©♦<£ojtct»ubt?iacompaniemi0btbe whim. abmnteb to baoe voices in tbecon0rc0ation. 3nfbere trad wabe by ot!?attl?e matter yet in controuerfie amenge •t;cm/ougbffir(lerobeberermmeb/@ccobly/tbattbeyf!;ulb fubfcpterobtfopltneae orbcre tab bon before tl?em/anb far - rUr yr tt»ae 0rcatly fufpectcb ttyat tbey l;ab byn ( fome off ^ thd * tbem)armaffe!ni£n0!anbe/anboiter6^abfubfcnbcbroir! yp re P< 9 cFebantdea/aeontfoftfcem ftortly afrer cuenintbepufpit /™ »<*"<* <* foroxttfuHy confeffeb.jV fhcie conf\bmabmittebaemember$ forbab Bnojc to mcDDlc anye mote in tbat congregation* (Ztyencttepaiebtinge'coenfiaic/ xotyttingfoam voenteto Knox putt iHat(lcr3o^ri(5Iaubur0e(vi?^o waetfyetyuff meane mob* *wt bytho rammge rbe c^urc^e) zrio btah tbe matter i>nto i)im/ beda* fc w>hichhc tin^t/fyovoct^atcctteinc/nowc come oxvte off i£nglanbel;a& brought Hh f^b&ben ti)citmini\iciapomtct>/to prea$e tl?at&aic/an6 in tenbebto jet ppp an otlKt/ tsbKbe^eborcrebtcouibenot be xcelitahn* 2Jub thcrfortV leajteame incontinence f^uibe £appe/^et^ougbcgoo& to rnaEc Ipim prune tljetto* XVl)Ct? opon tbe faiebi^l40t|lrat fen t tmmebiatiie ant> gatK c5maun# Dement tfyattberfbuibe be no fermon tt?atbate, 2lftera>arb* be fent forTJalcran tbe frenc^e^inifter/commannbinge bint tbat i. lerneb mm f bulbe be appointed off etfberparte / snb tljatbeanbcbcy fbulbeconfuheand agree ppponfomegocfc ozbte/anb to mate report xwto lyim accorbmgiy. 2TJ?en u» re 4po!rtteb0,(fo)canbIcueroffrbeonefi5canbBno^anbtct J W tMQtyxm on tbe ot\)tt\\be (Eo Decide tbe matter.X>aleran rase appotnteb to put botx>ne in trntmgetc bat H>ey f bu'be agree *>pon.But rrben in ttyz conference/tbey came to ttye orber off tTiatttne anb tbat ©. Cope faibe/Ego volo habere,tbcrecoul be be no agrement amonge tfycm/anb fo braPe off/ vcb ?*upori t\)e congregation brets vp a fupplication in latten anb prc|cn* teb ittotbefaieb matfler (Blauburgerequeftinge b^mto bea meane tbattb* famemigbtbeconfibereb off amonge ttyeQt* ©ator$, Setitnotmolefiyotr (mofiegraue anbu>ortbie Senators/ tbatyour affayere arelettsb vcitty a fexce tr>crbes. 2ln& ka(Jetrefl?ttlbctroubieyot*> vottfy ptoliptte/yovoffyailvtt* berfianbe tlje mattct briefly* Wqen your great anb vnfpe* *l ableburnamtie/tbrougb r ^ e proutbence of gob \)ab graun* teb v$4$uvtyej voevnbmoQU fortljwu^ (as became t>&) to ee xx>b^etn trc tea for a f era monetae no fmall dtoebe* Ctouble. 2(tt£clengbt/tr>b2 tbereappeareb noenbe/f or peace anb coneorbee fate xregauc place to tbeir trill / anb fuflrebt^eitt 4t tbeir p!eafure to pife otr>te off tbeir 6oofe rbe^icfcflor beffe tl;tngee rpon ttye conbition ttyat tbe fame f bulbc contf neweveiify orr>tc alteration/ at tbelcafte/rnto tt?*Iaflebafe «ff 2fprill/at tbe w\)id?e baie (iff tfcerc f bulbc ante netse cons tentionanfe(t^attbenalitbe matter fljalb* be referred t* ffccfe*. notable men/ (falpin/tTJufcuIua/tnartir/ BuIKim ger/tmb T)iret. n?b^nebetbe manie worbce. lElyieconbi* toon teas willingly acceptcb/anbt^c couenaunrerateb onb# tbepartee. Z tctitinQevcae aijb t^croff to eefiiftc tbepro* mcffemabeofftbe onctotl?eotber* iTIoreoucr ttyanf ee xcet r^gcuentocjob t»;tbc great ioye/ anb common praicrotrc* re mabc/ for ifyat rocntbougbt rb*tb4ie to be tl?en£>e off&t* fc#rbe. Bcfibee tbte tbey receyueb/ 1^< communion ae tbe fare toPen / or feale offrbcir mutual! agrcmente/tr bicb* xra* omuteb before/ by tbefpace off 5.monctbee.ra!aran a!fo ibe frenc^eiTlmifler traoparrafer off rbis communion aitbafu rtfr-rrer offconcorbe anb a amrnce off ttcie tbinge*. tlotrc of late bates/cere etneof our counrrcy men/came to ve vrbo tyauc tnbeuoreb by all mcance> to obtrufcc ifcat bngc volume effee rem* nice rpon re to breaf tl)e coucnatinte anb to our rtbrou 0b tbe libertie off thetf l?ur<$e grauntcb by your bencuolence, ZnS na boxott; tfye> tt?ey cnterpnfe ani> minberobo ruber t\)t XLH, title 4nb mmt off yourbef cnce / (0%&hf tfyeymaie abufe tht mitfcoritie o(fy surname to j*« Uff4ct zx a\ti. \X> tare bete 10* peilebtootttnu manic r<>;ngcfc &\\ icttcnnttyc&t* Mte bxctt)ctn for concorbee fcfe, yo«?^aut t>ereymol|Je t>onorab!e@cn abrteff fummeof oure cafe/anftcoiucnt 011/ icDperby yoa^nay tuJiUt pnOcrjUiw &e/TX>£at to mJ)0e off rt.u ccl; o^emarrer. i£bat manner off Boo?eh;ia«6 for t*ie tx>1;k£c f!?cy fo T&e Utter ^wcliic C0nren?>e/ ye inate con|ibc r by tbeiSpifiie *t,at»;*$* fee^arye- f*0ntf\eb |?is ™minbe/ufa>el! plainly off rl;e boo^/ae aifooff ibe t^rtgbmcf* *** fe off oure caaff ;QPe coube baue po?meb otr e pmo yoxvtl)t foolifbeanb fonoettt lgeofftbebo^fe/ bu« pajfuigc outran inftntre nomber o|f t^mgee / tbfe one tr>iil we briri* geformamerbe w(?*$e j ta^be neceffaru tseUtobe matted tritbmtbefe tbreeyereearofe 4 great confliae btttrmie il;e ocefhr memone/ &>1 Jittms ©t| bopp By &n0ei£bt»arbe/ rfceeetrae obtruDeb by oi^er king* E*. B- off H)e fame orberCaccorbmge to tfr* boofe)a ro$et/an& wrci fofs e U ierncb anp a ionge ty Mg^c 4S menourtfl)ebanbbroo0btt>pm (Bermany/aefooneaebe re* ?*/*♦ fufeb tl7tee pro»b fringes r^ar foole* man?eit at / \y. xcae c* fie into prifbn anb at lengbt by tl;eir imjSortunme ourrcome/ dnbrelenttnge/bewaecompellebtohtefbame to geueptace tJtbefr tmpubency vcnfyeifyc common jjriejf anb forotseoff ;**! cjobly eminbee. Bat to^erf ore fpealfe yotr> offtbe»etbmged wiHyow f*# fe/tfyar appertene!bnotl;in0e^o r^f yee merely / t»e rbmfnt touc^etbey^co t>encmod>e/foryfF*b'e£menarimb tyycm: 4urbortte f J;al! bo w^at ib*y lifte/ t!/*eeue:I ■{ b**be m tine e/fabltf beb by yotr anb neuer be rebreffeb/m tber f l;aHtbtrc jforeuer bf anieenbe ojf r^iecontrouerik in &ng antic. But outbep!e4fe your honorable aatborttie to becree tl)id Jm*Dc;attonbctwe*n$p0<*]^^ XL IF. ireb to tty inbgemmtdofftbefiuf above narocb not wealon? that arc l?cre prefent/bur oure u>l?#;e pofierme / yea oure td1>o It eng ! if Ik na;ion/anb all gooD men/ :c rl; c p i petuailmemo rteojfy->iirna.tica/|^»bebot»noc rntoyooo K r tbiegrear benefit COem Qlnbtuc vjc&mootrorbee in t^.e narration/ foru?e^artOnor/ rbat a>c ftHilDeiaferrajona / but rarl;tr tb-UijMie j Vulbc fatleyoiv/Jtrrcft trub more Jenoua bu|m«.s« Cftcrfore/TOcbyrtKte ttingce/icaucttyercfie *ot£e confioe* ration off your tc=f Domes. <£yc 11 off fcTLrcbe ma>tf er (5'aubujrge came to the £n* #lif* e tfburdje ani> (tycvoeb tfye congregation/ tljat it tsae coiimaunocS>rbem, byt^emagiftratc* (rcben by t)te> procure tnent »b*r cburcb vvaograunrc^)rbaf fl)ey foulpc agree Witbc tbc{rci*i£<; cburcbe borpe in^octrineano ceremonies /an& tyatt bey ontvr|toot>botce tbe falhnge frotmfcat order \ja9 breo mudp oijjention amortQc them* tljf ifore/ !)* tfra tiy d?arju->anoconmiaunDe&ibaf from t^cne foortl?etbcyftju! be i. of b>|Knr from rbatcrbcr/yfftbey bib/ ae be t?ab opened rbe^uic^c bore pnrot^em/ jo a>oulDe b* f^utteit agamc. 2ln& t£at fucbe ae poouifce not obey tbcrurto fbuibe nor tart* tr.tptn tbatc«rbKbc t?emo|ktent!y and Joumgliepromifeb, 2lt tbe ncjete meefngeoff tbe congregation fl;at *rder xcae put in pracufc/to the comforrcandreioyor>ge off tt?em# ftc parre.tTicueribeiee / fuefce as tvoulbe fo f aine baue bad t^c kwh of Jlnjjland/lefte not ty matter ttyu*.2Inb \ or t^at tb*y i i$ (awe • fawtSitOf to be frfa$e crebitwitf)em&iy off tbt confirm gattifp4t4>^ ^roowreofft^ctoate/ to tfymbe tbey rnigbt voulyc more cafe att aim e^c tt>tti0e tc^ic^e tbey fo grebcly foO0l;t/wt)ic^e wae tbeplacinge of tljeir boo* Je,(T£f y fyab aroonge tbcm 4 boofcc off bto infcttileb 4n abmo* m^fott to €hrifiiane written in tbe$£n$\i$ f) tongc/ wtfetin by occafion ^e (payoff r|>r Jgmperour/ off p^thp^to fonne/an& off ^Harce tfcen (Descent off JEncjlanbe^to boof e cerieme off tb?m prefenteb to tbc^agifirates/tobo (x>pon receipte oflf tl>e famc)ftf nt c for wbt ttingbam anb af f eb biro off Xnojc tfyeiz ittintfter/ \»^at manner off manfyc voae>: tsbitftngbarnanp xocveb tljat fu<$e a one tbeir vcae> &mon$t t^em anb to ty& Knoxdccu* fnoa>!eb^eboebeaIerncb/tDifc/0r4iicanb0oblym4n, (T^ci* fcdofftrcd- oneoff tbe£lla0iftrate$ fateb t>nto biro/ cerraine ojfyour pn> countrtc men baue acen(cb btm tmto ra Lxter Maicftatis Im- peratorwMpat to off tyQfytreafon agafnffe tye i£moerour/ T&c pUcct fy& fone/anb tl; e (Dueene off iEnglaab/bere to tye boob /anb VI <*U W* M?* ptecee vol)idfc fyey baue noteb/tbe true anb perfect fence j; wbcroff toe cororoatmbe yots (Cub pena pacis) to brings vn* tov&imfyclattmton$zat one off cl;e clocE intbe afternoon oc/tt>bi<& M? W{** ^ bib accorbmgly/at \x?b^e time(af *cr ccr# teine communication among* tbemfeloee / ttjcy commanbefc tfyat Sncjr fbulbe pread?enomcre ti!It^eirp!eafure rcerefa* tbtvtficvoen. C^etoorbes concerning tbejEroperour were i^eto/fpofenmtb^pu^pJttnaCowneoffBuc^ingb^tti f£ee<* fcint^ebegtnninge off (DuecncfcTiarieeratgne/aeby x\>t (a* ieb boot e apeare^e tobere it to faicb:$) iEngianbe iEnglanbe/ yfftf>oi» xoyite ob|tmare(y returns into ^gipte/ tbat to / y(f rbowcdtraaemariagc/confebcracy/crfeage wttb fudjcprin cceaeboo mamtameanbabuaunceybolatrie / fudpeaetbt i£ropcrotir (u?bo to no Uffe encmic to €fytifl tfytn teas Sflero) y ff for t\)t pleafure anb f rinbf bip(3 faie)of fa<$ princes tbow returne to tl;ineoulbeabbominatione before ffebrnber pa* bifiery:tben aff«teb!y((D5£n0lanb)t|;orp fbalt beplagebanfc brou0l;tto befolatton by t^c meancs off t^ofetP^ofe fauoor X XLV. tf>0t* fe?c(?r/ ttib by tr^om tbotp arte procureb to fall f r on* (T^rtfle an^ feme ante4>rift e« e t?t re tpcre other s. placee / ba* ttye> xvae> mcfi noreb/in ct7ar it ron^efc tl>e i£mperdur. But ft fee meb rt»e ma0tf?r4e* abborreb rl^e bloubly/cruell/ anD ^tm/c^ry bib not one'y f betee moff eurt* nt fi^ gneeof bif lifmejt' tt^ctr vnnaturall futtc/ tmalfofentfor mat fli-rtt?ilhamDanbSPbi(tin0l;a«>/tJ?ilIin0etl;e)n/rtatma!|lcr ^nojcf^ulbbtparrer^ctfify. ^or otbcraifc/faerbcyfat^c) T&e b C!;. *r offm;:rcbema<|Te: £noj:rt?eni0ljt before bis be* parrurcmabta moftecomforuble fcrmonac^ielobgtn^e to 5 c> # ptr|one or tbe:e abotctCy tben prcfent/tcb 1 ^ fermd trae of t^e bcar^e anb refurrection off £ b^f^/anb of tt?e pnfpcaBablc loyee trl;icbe \pcre prepareb for (Bobbeseieae/ xctydfeitt r^ie Iifjv ftiffrc trouble anb perfc cation for fl;e teftimomeoff \)i& bUffrbname. ffbenc^t bate b^^ae brought 3. or 4. mile intyevcaieby (omc off fome off ttyefc rntoxrbomt^e nigb* before/be babmabetbatertorration/trbo voutyQrcttfyeaui* ties off batte anb plemie off rearer comitreb btro to tbe lorbc. SbepertejamebaEebeinjiterb^ofFroarcke one 2touU M & pb«^ ©Iaubur0e(3 ©octor off larce anb nepbetPtoVHaifieir , y . J . 3obn(5iaubur0eibe@enutor) tpbom©. (fo^anb tbe r*fi * r ' c /owa l>ab tronnr pnto tbem/ feiit for tounng^am / at\t> tolbe bint mcn Vfre Ibat tbere tpereprefenteb to t^eftlagifiratee r!?:c©octere/i$ # n ?™ ccmt batcbelcreoffbcumiriebcfibeeot^ere/anbtb^tt^emagtflra; \^omd^U teeattbeir fuircebab^raontcbtbemt^e full pfeofftbei£n* cc ** gltfbe booFccomaunbmganb charging* tym tber fore not (0 tneble any more to tbe contrary.f or ( ae b e f*i c & ) il wa * f u '^ e f jlv j^y, conclubeb tb<*t (0 it f bulb be/<3nb fbppofing i^atOPl; tcnngljS , tpoulbe lent trbat be mi0bt/ tbe ncftbatca^ame be fentf or f rV ^ l?im borne to bi^bo xpfe xpbere be gauet^e lite 4)4r0e(©.(fo|:e H f cn ™* *nb ttfcer prefcuc by rpl;ofc procurement stye fame woe bon* rym * * §*■ ne) * J*** XL VI- *** °w ne)Wtyitin$bm tnfacub/ rbat yff ft wert fo ccndubeb/ thcsni the £ e jarful for bim anb o(fc ere>to losne r^emfelue* to fame o* orders off tbet cburd>e.23m 0. (fojee bifoagbt *b* Uwrtcr tfyu tt roi0bt tfec fame to not fo be fuffreb/u^ctto trb*:ta0bamanftx>ereb tt,at it xconl \*>e fo tucr be be fo greater uelne to force men contrary to t^etr confet* fee was r«r enceero ob4te all tt>^tr biforbcrly botn#ct>/ offrm0e/ tfcar iff it ncJ. vooube p'cafe tbe iTIagiflratee to 0cueb«m anb otbere tbe bearm0e / tbey wttifb bifpute tbcma>ter 40a*nfl all tbecott* trary parte 4nbprouet^attbforbern?t«dberbiyfou0bt toe# tfablij* i>e / oug^t not ro tatt pUcc in anterefarmcb cburcbe* Stye 0, o(f Iat»c mabcap^ine anftsere rbattofpuratton tyi* re f tyulbe be none/pfto0 £te former tsorbes off djar0in0 an& comm4unbm0e nor ro btak fartber in tfyat matter. Mdrch the VOfan ae rbe con0re0attonl?arbe oft tbe cruell anb mo* . . /r reifcen tirannicall b<4im0ed office ©octor/ tTlaifier(5il* P^ cl p^ £ by4nbor!>ewtp^be(>^m/werefentetomatfler3<>bn(5!4VD^ iu hHk bor e ( b y t *bofecomm4unbmettr4eye^arbe/tbeyb4brecew ' tc u u ** *^ c f ren $* or ^ cr ) putting* b*w to remembrance off rbe tnd off the fame anb fbet»m0e t;tm tbarcerteine lately come amongc tfyi ^reierting tyab fou0bt(ae r^cy were crebtbhe enf ormeb ) toouert^rorre tfeotber. tbeir^urc^e by plarin0 t£e $£n0ltftye booFe amon0e tbeitn Co tbie maifler tbetberefte)eparrr&. e <# !?♦ off marci^e ©• €*r? a jT^mbitb aU fti<^e ae b4J> byn pnepe anb U1^i(!vr^ in &r#\*ifitt9 Ijie ipb0tn0 anb t^ere XLVIT, tbtvc bec T arcb bovce * \>t ifla^firatee l?ab jjraunteb t&em tb* vfe off cb< k £n$\i(t)C booh ant> ibatfyctfyougtyttcquifottYxxt titty fyu'bcconfa tc tOQctl)ct/xtl)omt\)cy tbou<\btm*fteme> At k*?F ere to beSif (?op/9uperinrenbent or paffor tru^e * t?c reft ojf tbtydgevi t(>e officere/aa ©eniorc fcllimfiere anb Sdeacone. tt>J,erunto ^PP * ^ maificr£l>rif?opber(5oobmaan(roerebtt?at bie> opinio xra*/ name p^ tbattb^y ^U0ln firft to agree rpon fome perfect an gob'yor* /far* ber fo: tf^e cfcurcfce 'anb there o f o b<*ue tl;e cdfent of t^e concjre gattonTPb^rbyitm'sbtappeere/ ttyartbey contemned noube refte off rbcir brerba n: 2Jnfc farrier/ r $ proceabc to t\)c elect t§ xctyfy t}etf?ourtltalfoou0btnottjbe attempteb vcitbotv* te tbe confenr ojf t be t»boie cfcurcbe. Jo tbie u>ae anftrere* tf?atf or tbe orSer/ it trae alreaby bctcrrm'neb/anb otb*r orbet tben tbe boote off £nglanbe ij^ry fbulbe not baac/ format tl?eperftrafioneo}f (Goofcman notbmge at ailpreaariefc nt* tt)tt in one tbm$e or or ber / yea / dj* proceat inga off fun&rie perfonnce (tcbicbe 3 couifce name)tr>ere fud?e ae »f tl;erebab bin netljrer orOcre/o{ftccre/orcburiecuwetyanbe)to be fcenct Grace,mcrcy and peace throught Chrift ourlordc. OfS P^t* requfre abrejfanft&ere to your fborfre fetter / (o An dnfwu ^Vier^ertymepcrm'ttetb/nor3'ntenbto trouble yotpfar* re to a let* tber ttjen tbe perie necefllti* off rt?e matter afFctbe, 3nb fir tcnfcntbim (le/f or tt at ye feeme to tanjje in fucbe c^treamc perplejrihe/ oxvtecff partiy/bieaureoffuntrytatPce/anbbtuerelettrreoftrntnoff ^nolmL jpofc credit trbicb cauf tbe yotr> not a Iitle to merueile/ and partly / by reafon off tl < (Boob opinion once conceyuet) ar.t> yitretetnefcoffccttwirpcrf.meboftyego^y anb lerneb/trl U tycmtUfyfoxctobvvctc^ttyui tfbefte/ briefly anb (imp to 03 t« XL VI It id 0pmafewe4Mtffpcfottfc*>pp0n t\>exc%i$etl)e reffcoflf tbe matxt bepenbttbc 2tfeer cettetne mcmt§ze> i fyat vce bad fyttcliMb tft great confolation anb qmetneett d^awvebtfyat ae oure nombcr bib tncrcafe / fo fornc entreb in / tob?<$e bufti lie vnbermintb ourelibertie anb laboreb to ouettl rowtouce bi\apUne/w\)id}t trouble* grewe at lengl; t in ;o great quan* titie I ty&t by H?e greareft parte it voae conclufceb / b*t no man f bu benccbe £ere after to fubferibe re anttdtfc-pjne for aemuefceaet^eyprefuppofebtbatnone wou' ? & came bitter tpl;t$ef bulbe t?aue neDeti;eroff,Q?btd?ebonne/tbcy altered oure o*bere in praters anb otbere tfeingee/ tbintmge to br : n gem place tbe full t>feoffcbe great iEnglif bebooSc/Ti>^icbe nottwtyfi anbinge/by reafon off btuere fmperf cctiSe we con! be nor admit /fo tfcattogrotoe toaccmmonconcdrbir tra* 4greeb anb rlje name off gob inuocateb that tfc-c xofyole matt lerfbolbebereferreb/ro matftcr talum £TiaifteriTIufcu!u* kTlai(ier^nartir/^natftcrBu!linger an&Vfia-fterT>tret tbai frotb* parte* fbulbebrawetbeirorbere anbtbattobe reeey* web tc^ic^e by tbembgemenre off tt?ei& (.excellent men fl?a : fc be tt?ougbt moffe agreable to a ref or roeb cburd?e.3^ the /met ant trmeeucrtcman to flank content trirberbatorber vctyfye wae t\)en agreed rp5 anb t>feb.&itt tottbm fewe bate* after/ tbte berermtnatio tcae broten 3 tfranarrcrafrely brought t£ to preac^e/ttbobab botb* byn at maffeanb alfo fubfertbeb t# blafpbfmoue2lrtic!e&/tt?any tawninQe bitter {ermon* were mabe(ae tbey tbougtO'o oure befactngr/tnfomocb*/ae mat fler &rtoj:beingedejtrc& tberunto off Mtiere/ wa* tnforcebr# purge b*m felf tn funbriepointe &/anb (pate We romb freely m *b* pti!p f t/afwellin rrprouinge ccrteine parte* off r£ej£ngtt* fbeboofe/ ae beclannge tbe pumfbmenteoff (Sob vctyfye partly fy*b ligbt rpon oure countne for f lacfnee m Kcbgion/ fo ae tbey (eemtb to tale tbe matter fo to barrc tbat by t beix f alfe delation in accuftnge btm before rbdTlagiflraKe offtre* afon againfie tbe flf mperour anb c^e (D ueenc tn a catenae bo* le off bte written to oorc count tic men off iEngland £e wa# l+lttmaunbcfc to depart** 2tt» XLIX, 3nb ifcc ttfagifiratee rnberfianbfage ihttr ftt&6f #nb grceby cbi<$ci6 accot* fcin^eto tbe or&cr off (Bcneuai^e purcflcrcf#rmeb d?ur$e t« bo/ bearinge tbe fcTIagiftrate tnbanbe tbat Ifcej rrteyueb b** comaunbemenr toy fully / prtirily pratfifcb/ *nb (o laboureb rnber fyanbe / tbattlxy mabtttye* tflagte ftratc pnfaie / anb fo ot ratneb ttyit boot e / promtftngc not* Wit bftanbin je/botbc ro tfce fllagiftrate / anb cmame off ttyc congregation / ae well to proue by tbe trorbe off (Bob fo mtM 4k eff *b* boot e a* tbey troupe i>fc / *6 alfo to fet f orrfce tb* fame in trntrmge/tbat tbey (btf ore H?e ffrfaieb orber ffculbf be dbaungeb(mi0b r lu&cjcoff tbeequitie tljeroff. Butprc# ferringtibcioyeofftbetrrnbopeb pictone before tbctrpro* tnefle/ t>ii> nether t\}t one bycaufe tbey coulbe not/ neebcr tbc ♦rfcer bicaufe tbey burfle not, 3nb yet b<*»e *b*y not mabe tnenbe offibetrmumpl?e. ^or beginning in m4r$e no* ♦nely toneglcac all orOcr*tntbe elmtcn off tljetrfcTlrnifter* *nb otber officcre/but alfo to f toff anb taunte otfcere in ifycit bailie fermon6/j>o notyetccajfea$not&eafpcarett?c by t^cir f lanberou* anb lyinge letters 23ut totbenbe xrem'gbtbebcltuercbfromtbtdvnfup* portable yofe/ <5ob off fete mercy ^atbeprouibeb better for vt>/anb fortbietneommobiric Ijattjegrauntcb t>e a boublc benefit in fo mucbe tbat contrary t* tbrir fyopc be batbe notonely at Baftllmoueb K>e iTlatftfiratea partes totx>ar* bee P6 m graunnnge ve a truly preaefceb manners befle cef ormcb Mb tneanbe tbe cbiefeft place off true comfort te • £l,u& in fecoc lined 3 baue gon abotste to fanefic your requeue bearing tritb tyme wbicfre bafiett? anb a ! fo folowmge mine ex»ne 3ub0cmcnt / wbtcfcc perfwabetb (5 f) mc - me t&fyetto geue yo to a f4ffe off if? in$t* ( vrbi&3 motttb mtonfciencexptpea&moftettue) 1 1) into fdlyoco votit>t\)€ toljoie bjfccure/trl?ic$>e/rff itye mate not fu }f?ce/yott> mate by continuaunce Vjaue at your commaunbemenu pray for v& brother in tbte cure bantfl;ement / tl;attbe frutee off tbta incorruptible feebe maie fprtnge mo(ic abunbamly/ aetce prate cotmually tb at cure £eauenIyfail;ertfcoulbefofircn£t* ^enyoto xx>>t\y btsfptnreoff bolbenee/ rbatyow mace nor o* nely refif!e/bur alfo tnump^e oaer ail your enyrhtce to t^e g!o ricoff (Bo;>anbtbeconfufi0ojftbeabuer|ance. Snowc be* fore yowtubge/ anbbeleue not ail fltingt take/ feepe oneca? reopenanbrcporcerfcet^ebefie. Your William VVhittingharau $erea$ matffer wbitttngbam in r^fe bfe letter maFct* *t be mention ojf a cburdje graunteh t % em botbe at Bafttf anb ©eneua/ it te tobenotcbrfcat be^imfelff traerbe man ix>btd>e rl^e oppreffeb congregation requtreb ro trauel tberin anbrbrougbgobbea great mercy obtatneb it witty great fa* uour/tobo(tn l)tetourney)paffebby5urtf ro fnotoeoffiTiak (Je: Bullmger tob** fc e *bougbt ojf ttye booh off JEnglanbe for ttyat be(tobo \?at> raporteb ro ma*f?er tPiIliame/SPbtrtin* Qtyam* (JStlbte anb otbere/tl;at (franmer Bif bop off b in ttye tbat maifter BuUmger bib life well off fyinQU\l)e orber/anb labittnbtetfnby. But tolentDfett* tingtyam l;ab bernannbeb flat que fiton/Bullmgcr tolbe^tm/ ti?attnbebc WlafletJo anbtflatffarCafEebb'Stubgemcm* te concermnge cerreine pointer off tbat boofe /as @urp'ee/ pruiate baptifme.tfburc^ngeoff voeuien/ tiering mmatiaa $ejvott\) fucfje h?e/t*btc&e/(ae befaieb)bea!!owtb nor/ an* t|?at Ijenerijercoulbeyfl \e woulbe/ner^erwoulbeyffye wfe 0W LV gfr t/cfe t&e fame in fete $ur $*/' w J ;« fo euer y at> tytt rep wtf ted. tPb^Hrt^bampa(fin^cfroinf!;#nceeo(B€neu4/mdt?i4>e lener/t!?ey partly epcufct) t\)cm fck ucerl?aul?cypu: orbcrm t^tircfeur(^trrritl;o\x'tel;ieco5(ai^ IeafEeD/ar.6p*iteIyreioyci0efortbattbcyt}4& (aettyey fa be) brougl; t ti?emc{lepartcrl;4r bab \xwl;fianbe ttyar boyngce totl)cit opinion/ xctyid) not wuljjlan&inge / xqa$ f arr ct^cw wife, (T^y trrore a!fo/tbat tt>ey bab clecfrb a paftour/x. VHi* ntfters, 4.0cniora. anb i. beacon*/ *c, butbotceparcialUe *bey proceaoeb tn il)eirelectton6(tbofc rfcar tcerem offrcc/ne* t^ert)ff4>ar3eb/noryettbcirconfent6rcquire&)3^^uctot^e off t^cm tx> b'$e fatrc tbofe D>forbcre. Co cbre i» ttct off tber* t >e contentee vol, ctoff ate aboue *otid?eb/maitfer £alutn aojwcrcifcein tl?i6 wife, ^o the worf bfppfbll my loomgc bretbwti to tb* lorbemaifterKicfcarb £oj:e anbtbe reft off tl?e iEnglijfce* menwf>f(£enoxrcrem4ineatj r rantfor&, (Y\'?frabtKnture3 Anfts^re yourletter(toorf ^frtnbeanfc -porctbern) more flowhe then rt^rycl^opcbor loofebfor/ but for fo mu^e ae> ye fnotrr tbe tx?ayee> for a tyme fe to be befetvott)c tbeueeibat nomej]cn#er altmofie cou!be pafle from \)cncc to yo tfrttje e^cofc of my lon£ belay toxpa:be* y ot» f£a!betbe rafter, 3 ejrpretjeb my minbe f ranHy to oore beloueb brotbet Cbomaa @ampfon/off i t>at wberoff 3 trae enformeb by tbe letrere off ccrreme men a^tonc^mgette contention pnfucFc* liejhrrebppamoncjfyott ^orccrtene off my fnnbee founbe tbc feluee grcucb tbat yoa> uaoulbr (o prccifehe prge i£e cere* monies offtfrn^'ante/trl ertyit ir.tgl?t appeere tbat yearemo regencnanbabbictero yourconnmerljen reafon teoulbe. 3 cpnf^ffc t^a.3 tytt&e cer tune reafone allebgob en your bcl; a jf Wfty&B ftoo&f not fujfer yot* to btpmt from tfyerecefueb #cber/ but tfytf mi0bt be foonc anb raft! *? confuted. Vioxotf «d 3 counfatfcb mme otsene f rinfcee xr^t^e fctftcnteb from jp#tc/fomctDbatto yclbe/ ytftbey migtt conuemently / fo it offenbebmcrbattbere wae t\otlnn$t graunrcb orrelentcb on your partes. Brcaufe t^eretra* no man name^pmome/ 3 but(ie not enrrepnfc tomebie tetter matter/ leafterof crcbitffculb tncurretl?rfufpcacoffraf^enee. tftoxsetbatye are more mylebcr anb tractable in ttyt comroucrfie and ibafc ft |;auc(aeycf4-ic) fftlleb tfcc matter tii^c qutetnee/ 3 am wneglab. TJcrcty nomantseH tnffraeteb tfroff a founbe 3«b0w menr/t5DiHbeny(ae3(l)tnf ibar itg^te anb croffngeor foc^e l*?c infUe/fprange or iffurbovefe off fuperfhrton/ ts^mipott 3«m perfrDabcbtfcattbey vofyfye retcine tfcete cercmontcd in a fret d?otfe/or u>bcn tbey maie ot^ertsffe boo / ibcy are o* aer greebyanb befyroustobrmfc off t£e brr00ee nether bo 3 fe to tx^at purpofe it teto barren t^c <$urcfcc voUfy rryfflin* geanb improvable ceremonies/ orae3 tnatt tcrmetbem xoU\) t^eir propre name /burtefull anb ojfenfibie ceremont* re/wbenaMbcreiekbcrrictoljauc a fymple anb pure orber, Bttt3^tpeinanbrefr4memy felff leatfc 3 fbulbefremet* begmnero mouc a nct»e contention off tfyai matter xcfyid)* z&yott report e/te recti enbeb. 311 goob mtn will alio we tfyc paff our0 afib otfcer Wlini* preelection* tr tb common poicee/fo tfyat none complaint that tbc otyer parte off tl>e c^urebe trae opprefleb fraubaie m tly anb roitb craftyc practice, ^or itfianbetbeyour toifebo* mce in ban&e to conjiber/ tbat bowc mu$e commobitter^e jjoobneffe off tbc Qcnatc botljcbeferuc/fomucfceenutc ffcall jrotp be 0tlt« off /or $ar£cb tptt^all/yf yotp fyaue abnfeb rijet* tenttteor gentleneffe/ vttyfycwttfi fo tpell affected to tearbed joutnation,3jet/3 XDoulbc not \aut tb*e fo tafen/ tta*3 0* abotrte to be pretubiciatl to ante man but3 i>ab rather f fy? we pSainely trbac mate be faibe / tfcrn ro norif be an ill opinion by l&ncr/wtn&olbingcmy prace,£ot ccrttnfy/tfcte ontttyn&c 3canoo| 2ctnn6thtpefccrct/thM ittaiffer Zno? x***in myhkfi* men nrtfcer ^obly nor brotherly bcaltwrtljaU/iff be wtuac* cufeb by rt e fubni? fugflcflion of ccrteine/it b*b byn bcrte r f*c rbemro tatiet*rtc?> ftul in rbtfr otrne lanbetben vrtrnflly t# ^uncbrciiLjbt in to farr coumrtre tbe ficrbranbe ojfcrocUie to fee on fur f^ofctbatupotilbcnot behnblcb* ttotunlTanbinge/bfcaufe ir greuctl? mero fpcaB f k*0fc0 tlyoffrbefe cueir*/tl:r remembrance tsberoff 3 xroulbe trfc fl?e to bebutyebinpcrpetuallforgitfullne* t^crf ore/3 onc^ ly counfaileyow (nottDfl?otctacaufe) to be trounbeb/ tbat ye applie your fetueato mate ttym amenbee for t^c faulte comm trc&, tt>l;cn 3totfet rt at tf>e one parte traemtnbebtobepar 7^ ffg^s tefrotbena 3^1™^ abmontfbcbtbem (ae.t became me) p^u r^at iff they cou be not well rcmaine tbere / tbat tbe b>fiancc ? * *ff place f bulbe not biff pare/or rent in funber tt; e»r brotber'y *gremenr/for3fearebmud>e leafl tbat fome prtufcjjrubge efftbe former contention remaineb. 2lnbccrta:ne!y/noil?£ f eare^or iff ante b*pi*e come te ve / it xrou^bi grteuc me tba there j fl?uibcbe(aatt were) but a fufpttton off any fctui bebate bcttscne yow, Cl?erf?re ae touching* f bat ye ^aoe written off yc be injjefofunbreb by biftance off placed mate feepc furc tfrcfco* lie banbe off off amine / for tbe fault alreabte commtttcb re to tttucfce / although ttorotrgb bifcorbett creepe no further. tPberforcitf^alltreilbefeetre your xrifebomee(t^arye mate be frinbe) to purge biligenrlie what foeuer rematnetbe off tbie breaefce, Jf are ye vocl! bretbern / ttyc lorbc fuccour yots toitbbifcaibe/anb goucrne yots tr>ul bisfptrwe / poterc bt# fcleffingearponyotoanbmtrigare t\e forotrc oft your cjcilt Stem (Sencuai^ielaP off nme.Znno i^<. Yew lohn Caluinu i>rnr. m4f e»f mti ivjs/for fomuc^eaaligbtceanb croffuigcebe*, off tS?e mo jte aur cienfkft cercmonice/bauinge centfnueb in t b* cbor$e a* bone ubunDntbyere/arc yet for faefce caufee abolnbcb;l?02 we muc^e more ougb* all ottjer/tbatbauc no* \$ai>tfyt life con tinuancc/anb yc t abufeb/bc vtrcrly remoucb* 2lnb for that master (falutn in ibi&leiUte&mefHf -xpiftyb il;ataH finfc fbulbecc4ffe/4nb^aryjfante weremtnbebto be parte tbeir bep4rrure miglp be fud>e / a$ all occafsona off offence migbt be cut of anb clc4nc raff 4waie;it xtw\\)QixQ\)t goob to fuefce 46 were betermmeb to £0 awaee wul? in £ we* eft 6 4fter/to fofot»e^i6counf4ile.2(nbt^eratl>erfor t\)at\o* mtxot)tuer* tifcyowoftt}*f4me,2(nb totf?eintentt£4t notonetyf lanbe* roue reporter matcceaffe/ btsr 4lfo/ iff ante offence be ettber t4?*n orgetien/t^e f4me m4ie come to trail/ webefter t^4lr yowforyourp4rtewoulbeapotrae *• Srbyrere anb we f bail appoints otber i, KS)\)oX)eCLtin$t our matter* tfjrougbly ope* neb m4ie wttnee wbere t\)c fautte rej?et!?e/atoibtt?td?e mi$\)t prefently be mabe/wl)id)evoae>/t\}attt)eymiG'rjt departefem0e t!;cy t*>ere fo mmded.3t:tx>aa replied tbtft for fo rou<£e ae it xoae mant* feft tbat rl;ey bad byn f laundered not onely by lettere intobi* uere parte* / but alfo / by fome tbftt rben toere prcfent/ xtffcd l?ad ajfirmebt^eir departure to be a fc^ifme/anbfartljer/f^at Ibey couis e fmde no indifferency at tbeir bandee; it trae rtyot* 0bt neceffane to eommrttbe beannge off t\)at controuerfie to lerned and indifferent iudgee/by bottye partes tobedjofen toberby tbefaulte might appear tr^ere it \»ae inbede/and fo t;ey eitbtr r^cujeb or f ounde 0tUie* 0.(TorMt(rngbt/to!betbemtbn f nbate tt e **♦ off 2lu0ufie borbe pattee mettc: Cbe|3a(?or (accompanied tt>itb tbc fcThmftere and eldere) fpafe ttye> rnto tbem. 3t fecmct^ rety fonde rljat atbytrere f buld be ap^mted to taFe rpp (irife tljat maie come hereafter/ ae your letter fi0ftiftetl?.2fri& furthermore/ ye write/ yff ante offence be ttfen or £$euen/xx>bid?e femetbe ae firange/ for tbie tror&e(yff)importett;ca dottte/ (o ttyat yff ye dotcte it ie but folitc to apointe arbitree.fynal!y/tc>ej:cufc your departure/ yew call tyem rnlccned a>l?i$e judge it a fc£i fme but (fair be) LVI!. « £e) termeitae yow Itfie yet can yoto not let men to tfynt. 2Jnd yffarbstre£fbuib pronounce tt to be none/ yet mennce opinions will be diners, tlovo *Ijerfore/your anfwm f frail be/tl?4t iff amemarv be offended cither rant; any pnuate ma/ orpubltquely/letbutt ortl?emcomp!amefo re/ or yff tl?ey refufe ve/rot^eiDa^ flrat. 2te f or2frbitre&/t£€ toil! appoint noneJ£i)en fpafe tcl;it ttng^am and fated tbatittrae totym no fmaU wonder tl;at men of(a3)c lermnge and voi\cbome f buld fo f^rmf mamo* (ieequaUrequcne/anbfo/tPU^oa?teailrea{bntocautIlttbeif re no matter v^aeo(frcb^or/aeconccrnm0c((atrbc i?c;t$g firfiepotnte/it toaenot vntnoxven torbem tl;at atttjxt time/ tborou^b (beir'occaf ion/ t^esr trad no fmalf contention /and tl;at fetnge tbey tyab geuen fu$ offence it couldenorbebut tyat mennee mtndee xoete moucd* 2(nbtt?erfore/to t\)enbetl)at contention fbulbe growe tiofartfyer/Srbytree were reryneceffary /wtyo nebednctto deliberate ( ae> be faied ) off tfesngee to come wbtdje voetevri* certeine, but ae t!?e letter truly purported / off inturiee longe c$oo bejjonne/yetcontmne&/anbbcre after not life to be en* bed ejrceptefbme good meaneroere pfebto fiatetyefr f lanbe* roue letters andfalfe reporter / to tbe vttet perifbmge and vvhti V *°f eo $ ntennes (Boob narnee* 2(nb tebercyefeemetobe of* vvitttfig^ m ^ t ^ ty ax t^c letter f^ulde call t&em vn?erneb/Tc{?u$*etcrme frere inter* mtt departure a fe^ifme(yo^ omitt fatbe ©* Cojtre the x.potn* W^tea. te/wbie a& euery departure from a congregation wae not a febifme/netber were ante t\)at departed f or tu(ie«caufce fd$\fy maafe0a6t»e(fa?t^e)w!llprouepntoyo)aVyffpw xoAlta* te oure LVJT, U oure reafonablcanb moftc cquall offrc.Hafe/jattbe tbc p&t (for/ 2fclMtrc& in tbfepotnt can ftt'earafic for be to tbcymD* $eb it none/ yet mennes t^ou0l;cd arc free/ anb vpctnot&e ri;at all men be not off one mynbe in fycratnem* anb prebe* (hnation^fbulbemcnt!?erforeta?e arbitrcs:' 2fcfo fat'r^e tnaiffer l;ere you? fate tf^^t (faluin anb BuIIinejer arcana* tnfle t>e/yoa? abufe your je!ff anb \\)txc namce/ for xcc ino* voc bot^ew^at t£ey anb otl^r wryte ae toudpinge rt^is matter, Jb^nt^epafTorafBebtDb^tf^tfmatrad but a cutting gfe off from tbeboby /anb il;at it teas (TaUtine bef im'tion. (To rbietPb^tin^^amanfwereb t^atbe tcoulbe rnbertaFe fir* ft e/ro proue tb*t bcfmition to bef alfe/ anb feconbly to be no* none off £<3mabeibata d?m'd}c tcell reformeb tnuffebebuilbebrppon tl;e bocttinc off tl;c Prop^tceaub 2Jpoffics / tbevniticw^eroff ©♦ paule comprcl;enbetb to t\)tie> xoorbc&ionc gob/one taubc/onebaptifwe/notbegcjcris ly ceremomtee anb obfcuratione / alrbougb that funbry caiv fee befibeemoueb t\)tm tobcparre^l t:ntnatjfer'Xrel;cr:en/ afPebcrbitberrlKbonatiffetrerenotfc^ifmatique^. yce/\aitbWlnvv$baw anb alfo bereriqwe*/ tin yot» a* re becetueb fffyovo thmtt tl;at rlpcy Operate* rl;cm (clues L VIII. forceremonfee* ^tiemanifefi faib Crewmen / tfy&ttfyt c£ur<$ee off %{ia xsere ^communicate ae fd^fmatquee for t^at t^cy I epte noti£afler at tfcc fame time tt?at tt?e ftomame c|urd£e bib* 2fnb it is no teffe cmbent fai& Ci>i>trtl?iia^bA!t> t^at 3refaulteeoffti?eIetter. KD\)ttir\$* t)amtolt>e\}im/tl)atae> roucfetnge tl?atpoor*tsorbe Cyff)b* maruetebbotseitcoulbe^nmifterame cauillation / fringe/; f be t*j* toininge tl?erto wae fo plaine/ t^kfce bedam f?e bo# s^etbe offencee by yow $zuen anb by pe tahn.Tlnb al[o your confidence* beare yvvo tritnee/ ttyt ttyinge tobemoffotru* ejecepte a man xvill he totlf ully blinbe/ anb fmbe a foot in a w* f\je/(ot\}M t^arworbc(yf)memenottb^rwebo/borctet»feo voir* oppreffeb wM) tnf init t*>rongee/but iff tl?ey woulbebif* fewble fo farre tl;at ttyy migfyt feeme to bovote ttjeroff / yet/ at t*?e \tafaj ttyy tsoulbe abtbe tfcetryall rijerojf before tbei* 2irbitre$.£arkere tbebifputation bra£ex>ptoit£ tt)ie p!airc mbfinall anfirere that arbitres t!?ey f £ulb l?aue none/ arb tfjatyfftbeyfounbet^emfeluca greueb/tbeyfbulbe feete re* tneby ts^ere tfcey tboug^t (5oob anb ^stije Pa jJorxsit^etl;* rejle off tJ?e congregation tsouSbe anfxvtte ttyem. (Tf?e neptebak tl?e Daficur/S). <£ojt*/matf?er parry anb matfttx %{ beky fent for u>i>ittin$\)am /;Cbomae c bate before tl;ey Ijab bedareb fuffiriently / anb yet woulbe farther ffoewrreafons / yfftbey woulb permit ttye controucrfie to 2trby tremens 2Cnbto tife intent tWyf^ulbc not counterf ait i$notance(amon$e ct!?er)ti>cfe vcezc fome caufe6:firfte/t&eic breadjO|fpromef3/ef?ablift>eb voitfy inuocation off gobbea name:i»^^eirorbre!e0tl?ruf?an0c tljerofcluea in to ibc^nr^ ty}<&$in$e await tfceorbercjf bifciphne e{?ab!if^eb befo^ mfceit LIX. u tfyttt c$mm\n$t anb p ? acin $e no cttyt a &bt icaifaffofi off maiflcr %noj: fyeit gobly iTJmtffer off <£rea(on anbfeefinjjc tye bloube *. byt\)cVBa#\flzate6. (Tbebifplacmge °ffoff fceretDifbocoreantc caufc alicabgcb. t, ere burtbene yoPce anb cloggee/befibes otber tl?in* $ce/vol}id)c/ yff t!?ey troulbc abibe tbe mall t^ey f^ulbc be a* re at large. tttyenbeanbfomeoff tt?erefi l;abrenbreb tl;ctr reafons for tbetr beparfuretotbte effecte/ cerraine warmc worbea paffeb to anb fro from tl?e one tott?eot!?er/anbfo in fome locate beparteb, Wot many bated after t^e oppreffeb $ur$t beparteb from jrancP. to5afillanb(5eneua/ fome tfaymtfeatBaftll 43 maifkr j\>jt witbot^er. <£bcrefi came to (Seneua votyert tl?ey t&ere receiueb witt>t great fauour anb mutefcecurtefie/ bofye off t^e magiftratee fcTJimftere anb people. @o foone ae t^ey entrcb r^eircfcurcfce /tl>cy cfcofe £noj:anb(5oobmanf or their paftor /anb (Btlby reqoefteb to foplie tf>e rome rill %no% returneb otrte off franc* ♦ (Efcelerneb men wt)id>c came from aif places ro Stanh aboxrte t\fH mattcr(ua(?en tbey fyab bonne tt?at xot)id>e ttyey camefor/tljey murncbagaine from tfafatiffl came/ anb fome to ot^er placee/u>£eretbeymt£#t fauedjargee/anbnot to be either burttyeneb or botxmbe to ttyee?cercifce of tfce con* $te$ation)(o t\)atlt\)t tpile vofytyt xcae to many a poore mar* full bittcr/greuoue anb painef ull / xcae (to fome off t^e grca* tefi perfecutoure off t^etr poore brctye*n(46 it voctc j a plea* fant progreffe or recreation* But novoeit fballbenecejfary tobcdaretE>l;atorber xoae> taten in tb«e nen>e (rccteb congregation for tift profpc* rouecont!nuanceofftbefame/trl;tc^et^!ngetobo/3^nnot by a better meant ttyen placinge bere t\)te letter fclotcinge tsbicfce maifkr cole (late beanc off ©arum ) tcrote to a frinbe off t}i*/vc\}ilce> yet be f?aieb (bebinbe fcte company)tn jrancfc among c rbem*bi* letter ie yet to be (eent, 3 «* ^e r lx; ten $ff (Bob in ttutl)t &nb goblince be your comfottt tvo* tougl) ouremerdee feate 3cfoe(^rific/noiap anb for euer 2froen, <3"i3e tempetfe office ftodlt'nge feae to l>i^e e porre off bleffeD trm^e / H>bs$* off ^cr {el$eie$x0n$cfnou$he/wit\)owwanye battot xoall off manner inucntione/ are fomcwfyat (ttje iorbe be prai feb) caaEmeD tomespatbe/ (ctlyatxout)Oxot fartber rt&fonmge tfytf permit mc to my conscience as toufyin$e tyeit cczemo* tne$> 3 tufceje fe not for tl?at tbey bearc (cffeTotte to ttyem ti)en in tpttee pafl / but tt?at tfyey perceme the (hir* by bef enbm^e off tbem / ro tooth tljem tfyat ttyey loote not for/or v&t\)tr/t\)at votydpe tljey are lottye to fe/namely/tl)eb*:$ p an t>muerfttie to repair againc thciV cfifmation by mainteinance of lerninge(wl?i'$e fure!y t& vdcU bone)tt?at vea& f onbfy brought m becate by tetllf till ignotan* ce/in befenbinge off ceremonies/ to H?e vobifye ^Taifter \)Ot* ne fe$ofento be tlpiereaberoff tl>e$ebrue lecture / Sfllatfie* ffltiUmg* off tt}e(5rete / anb iYxaiftet £re!?emn when Iffi 16 ftron^e/f ball tc&ettjebwinitie lecture in l;anbe. iTIaifle* £Pl}ttt^eabtt»a6appointeb tyemnto but bicaufe t>e woulb* cfcspc belabour off t!>c lecture ( formic cau(eea^^efatbe) % t fov'~oole tl)c pajlorail e$kea!fo / ftcvotty ( ae> yoro Enotoe) benyu^c to be in office ante longer, ©reat botbe tt?ere vca& abotvre t^se matter in tt?e congregation / in (o mwfye ae tfyef \/&\lcb to a nevee election / anbvenc fetrc ( aeitfemeb) W&i o{f a xtntwty minbe/no/ not bte ct»ne frinbes faumge tflasfie* lxt, STfatjTet mafetray anbfcTla'ffcr SorSy / tr>l?o befireb f;fm to faFercfpir / ant) tfye congregation to$cuat. But fome loofingcfottl^ojfiCct^cmfc^ui^rrou'Dc not ^fuciK a matt terfuffcrbelay/ butatjcme ©.maunbtbojf iTlaifteir VX>^it^ I;eab tv(?ui;cr fee Ercu;e>efcepil;i6 cjf/cc or to |uppoftnge be xc\)\d}tbao \o tforatelybciueditin xxwc-.-/ aooulod not fbone be fkjriotL to fbt contrary, £;t>t l;c o,ra -rje rbatfbmc trouifce b*uel;ab l;im ou>u one rbe one jide / anfr by(eaum0eotfir/i;!6cthniarion traolifc to Sccaie ontlje o* l^crfibe/ (formanyrougb toorbeetDerecjeitenbwO xrl)fn occafion offintrcncTvae offrcb/nonrefpuitcomlitionem by that meaneo bri«tfincje to butt fclfe wittily / a triple commo# bme/ one/ tl;cprcurnt!n0ectftbcmtD^jf^eloo^ for tt^e off ce/anorbcr/tftcrcjafalloifrfcebfuimtic lecture / Cbirbly/ QftfttrgtO&ttbMgeijMiiclff tnroatoificc / VDtydpclpcitfM inmoutbe/butae it |"emc&/ norm £arte, ebcment fer* men made for tbe purgation fro m mlbcto (T^nfieti purpeft'njje to ba* ueitboneftmpUe/trttborpten;cbetct!f!n0e off HKnnc^tra* fcttione/ camew\ttyl)ieti? flcning/ vnleex. (f>obrootl;<:ret£cre r>ab after tbe orbet off t\)c booie/ae concerntngc tbc GoCfatbcr/ iftlaificrftlaEe* bray(irl;oienott?ecomitieto»i / ^:otpce)|ufpUeb?t, Uluctf mattct id attaint-bat QPcjellin £Pifrpbai<4 / anopencbur* d?eforourejHnghfbe men/ to i&ji$e bicaufeoffntgbneffe) tbeyfeare many will go from fyence / but moo toil come oa>te off £n£!anbe to yt, 3pray yovoeomwenbeme to ill. Cell \)\m tl at tTIaiJIer tDifcbom raileb on tbnu tbar treregonto (5, tTalhncje tl;em mab bcabee t»ub many pretye narnee J 3 toill not faie pntryfely / But 3 maye well (ay pnc^amably / in votydft ©crmon / fce fbcwefr LXIT. pirn fclff 4tt 2f nta$onift for tfce boof c oflp &n$hnbe/te. Your Thomas Cole. e^ortty after tbfca tbfngea to wct*/tberf>off3an* tXtyen ae maifter tPbitbeab gaue rpp off bte otrne goob will/ aabe fatbe/tbe pajtorall office/ tflatffer borne tsae tn tbe ele* aionto fuccebe bint / w\)0 protctf eb tbat be troupe not mcble tljetxoitt)/ till^e were deareb off certeinefufpittone vcbtbKb Brecon* Unt& to fubferibe anb fubmtt tbemfclue* to tbe orbere *ff tfyefame. jrrom tobicbe tymeforwarbtbe troubled arte con* tione were fo fore amonge tl?em/ tbatwbo fo fball rrell teate it umb but conftberation/ 3 tocen / be f ball tbmfc it to be tbe tufieiubgcment off our ri0b f eoU6 (Bob tbat fell ppontbem/ forfupplantinge ad>md>e tfyctc before t!?emm great quiet* neaanboffmucbefmceritie, £§e §if!one of t§at flurrc anb ftrtfe »^t4? w*e in f ri ri)« ^nglif be dbaed) at irflttcf^ f orb from t£e »$, baie te off tbelbere (em for iTtaiffcrSf fbcfcy In tc an £otx> fe offonrofftbedrlbcreanb tl;cy bcijan to bcba:c tbe matter tr;tbbim toticbtngeantnturye ^r:c/nct t\Ml;cp4jtor alone/ but to alt t£* if'bcre (ae tl;ey affirmed ) and to tt;c;r miniff cry tx>b J $ ibinge/fcTJatfier 2Jj I?c!ey dented t^ai b* euer bid a any tyme, (Tbfn^tbate being? tbe t^.off3 an * 2ff cr tbatpubli* que praters were ended / tflaiftt r 3f belt y true by r^c pallor anb all tbei&derecalleb into rbenrob;m/ tbarbctab fpcfcn vpon t^ u. bate off 3*n. «ft fuppcrtt>bi!c/ccrreme worbee ten binge to tbefiandcrofftt; em and rbnrmimff cry. 2t» b^y anftrereb t!?st beperccincb and rnbe rffoeb tbat tbey all upt re ojfenbtbae in tbcirorcnc matter / anfc tl y at ilrr {ore be troupe nctanftccrebeforetbcmaeccmpcrcnriudcjc* clf.fce caue/ butroould re ferret be caufe/tbatlpebadaga* inft tbep^tot and tl; cm (fcingcrbcy f b*rced tl cm (clue* anabucrj"arep:rreto bim ) ro tfycxxfyih e^urebe and l£c* clefiafficaftbifc/ptine. tbentbepaftorepbortcb ^imt^ar b* trouidnotfoproceade/foryff tjefodib/ tb^ttben tbcyxrere minbib to jeefcanbdemaunde tylpc off tbcmagit? rate acja* yntf \)imZ\t:t tbattb***. or73^ 2Jfbe!ey ^im(e[fp banb* leb bte o tone caufc in l)ie o\rnc name before rbe paftoranb eU bcr6 ' and ttyi in t be afr ernoone/ be fent cf tbe cburcbe u>* £o/m b'S name require t be paflo*6 and elder* that tbey xr oulb nor proceed aga n|tbim in tbat canfe/ Trberrnibeyrbemfcl* neexrerca parte/and *berfote not ftt or competent tubgee/ butroejeueouertbctpbo'cmatterios. orn,mcn vprigt; tin confcienccanbinel nmgetonei^erparre/bytrbofeiubgemen ree/iffbetcerefonndc mf au'te /betpou'dc triiling-y fnbmit bimfelff to al? JEcclefiaflicall drfc p ? ine. 3nfa>rre trie made bim by tbe pafform the name off item all/ tl;artbcy bab re* ceiuebtbetramboritiefrom tbctsbolecburcbcand r>rouIdrc« feme and Eeepe tbe fame tillfucb time ae tbey fromprbom Ibeybabreceiuebit proir.^casja'ue dematmbcit. 2fnbtntbi tneaa«:rrt,ile/ tbeypurpofedtoprocabe Hereafter arjainfie 3 «u LXillV ftnfu^cae^ab^ffeabebanbfo mud>c t1?emore fencrely anb jfbarpiieagatnfi wtatjier Z\Ik\c$ I by bo we mucbe ittnt* gfybcmorcpzofitabSefortbcw* ^dwdjc/tomaPcbitttbc wgeaworf ^pfali man /ancnfamputoctkcretotalebteb an& beware by af^eiey (tl;at anfvocrc br'ngc rcceiuebtl;ei*, cff'3*nXOt)id)e wae a ba« off (oU mnc pra?er)fcartn0c tl?ofe il;m00\rl;ic^cScrnebabfaibcbejoiiVt^taretun0e^untx>«f| *^e^ria0i(?rarc/ wtyen common prater wae cnbeb bedarcb tbe wbo!e matter to the c$>ur$e anb beftfeb tbat t^e $urdjc *pouIbcpnber(?anb offtbe wboie mat er b*twene i%£ paftor anb elbere/ae tbe pnepartte ant b e m fdffaa tt}otl;er, tPfcmipon cerremt men b$b m tbe nameeff tbewfyote ^urAtbemaunbeo^ibe pafior anb efberotipbti^ert^eytre^ reaparteagamft^Jfljeiey* ur$e vcl-o were tie accufere, to t»He/rw fcen t\)c pafioranfwereb notbinge/neul^er in \)ie o wne name/ no: in tbe name of;tfcefcmo;e:21f belcy wae comaunbeb by t\)t d)ur4>publtquely anb openlic toreabe tfrofe ii?tnrja vofytd)* ke f?ab comprebenbeb in pprytmge conmninge £te caufe, 2lfterwarb \\)t paftcr anb elbere wereaf rcb pptrljer t tjofe tb* in#$PPbi4>e2(f b^y babrebb prcrctrue* (Tbe paflor anf* werebtn all tb«* names tbat tbey woulbnotanfppereetrber more largely cranie otberppife/to ante queffrone tl;en tfyef t?ab erppfyileanfppereb anb fo tbe congregation ppasbtfmtf feb ppitbo tote anfppere/yet not PPirb opptccottmptae wae tbongbt. defame baieatafternoone/Wflaijier faakefvvlpo vvae abfentwben tl?ci6tbtn0e6pperebone)pnbcrj?anbin0 tbat tl)ie> matter tenbeb to moregreuoue fttiffk anb content tion/bib ppryrebie letters to fomfccerteine pcr|onnc6 tl;at fe* ineb beprousojf tbe peace ofptbe c^un^e/ anb befiteb/ tbat fr!?ey woulbcomc togetber t^e nejtte bak after to t^e $ur<$r/ toconfulte/anbbefrberatewbatweret^e beffe prate to pact* fie tbie trouble anb turmotle before it wajreb more flronge/or fbuibebemorepubltf ^ebabrcabanbmabe better fnowen to fye fenatc or magtflrate» Ctyt LXV. /to$(tUrv** it)jkl)cm ttyatvoetccallcb) aetbemalfo trtyicfce cametot^tf place appoiweb/fcotbeappecre by tfce letters tfcemfeluee/ tfcc copieta^ereofffnfecoctye* ^frc fapctferfptiom To his brethern off the Englif he churche, Mii^er Cuwkj Kdijlcr Novel UtijlcrDtkics Maiftcr Ktilton Maifler CarclL MaijlcrBentbMB St Mdijlcr wdrccpe. miftcr'Kcntc H*iflcrBrikbde+ MaijlcrtduUoncr MaijltrKdkt miflec Sutton. VUijlcr Qbrift. Httct. Iohn Hales fendethe grcctinge in the Iorde. *& Jocarebretbern I ifcat xetyty ie to me greuone to \tCtrtf $tovo\tt I tbarftrtjfee are frtfentnoure efcurefce/tr^ $c un$ctttt;cr to tbebiffoftmon office <$iirra me6arcinrtefubfchpt!onofftl7c!eftcre/tl:a w ffy>a> f^aKfo t\)int Qoob)voe maic mcete to worovot in ttyt rncrmngc in ou* ted?urc^cttfretoconfuIreanbtareat)i!^ctrl;4r iftftie be tbc be|te roate to qmercibtejtyrre/ to tbe£tlorieofT(l3ot> anboliC *wne qutetnce.gob geue p* t; ie peace. /tbdt fo many off yow «e tfctll iwtf « *t t\)t tyme an&pIaceapotnte& to pm bovrneyoor namce/ left fome pari?ap maic come m r ame. riowcalubofe wbofe namce Atcb:fovcvc\)CVt (ct> came except ma'fter trarcopc, 3 4 *ff« frer confutation mb abuife iaten/ it femefc befl t* a\ t&etn ityatxozteca\kbto$et\)xvanbtmtttY;etc / tt^arr^e nejctc &aie after/one off t^em in all tbeir nameefbulbe beale txntbe tfcepafloranbelbere/tbatfitbSfbky complameb tbatttKf were abuerfarie parte xmto biro/tt}ey tr>oulbe fuffcr i!>e <$ur 4?e/or fomefu<$e certeine perfone ae t^e cburcbe f l?tH&e ap* pouit/totafe tnowlebgeojf tbecaufe/anbio ^earcfirflew^ tytl)€v tl)cf werean abnerfane parte to2f| ^tey w^id^e iff .^ty tcere not founbe to be / tVjtn tfye £notx>iebgc otf t;e matter fbuibbeputbacBagaineto il;eanb|rbattxm£e tbe ignonnttie anb f fyame off bsm t^at bab appeaScb from tbem. But y {f t^ey t»ere founbe to beabuerfary parte/ tl;art^cn itfbulbefeeme pmufie/tt?ai tijey f bulb fit in tl;etr oame caujV ae uibgee/but moremef te anb rpng^t it tcoulb be / tfyat i\)en tbe <$urd?e fljulbe frtotee anb xmberfianb off ttyevetyole matta/ ts>b eru * pontbemjrtbaie after/ tfyatt&tofaie/ tfceis off 3^* trben praiere were enbeb/ibe matter wae propofebto ifcepafior anb JElbere/ by one apointeb for tbat purpofe* Wfyen t^to- counfatle wae once f no wS/t^e mimfier by tbe confent office £ibere brew owte off tye> bofome a becree wbtcfce the ma#i* firate off tbat cuy bab mabe / anb rebb it witb a !o wbe uotce before ttyevofyoktyiinfye&tye becree beincje rebb £c abbebin jjraue worbc* / tfyat rbei* oure affembaee anb meetinges woulbe be r>ene baungeroue nottox>& onelie but to alitb* congregations offftrangere* foritwaegreathetobcfeareb leafi ibe magtftrate beinge offvnbeb wa\)e fucb meeting*/ bib not (l)\it vp tbe cjatee off oure cburc|>£ atone/but aifo off tf^tbe firan0e4>urcf>ce Znb tberfotetfyat be (to tb*nbb* W0bt in 300b feafon proutbefor fuc^e baungete> ) woulb (u* tely by iEcc^eftaficaU bifaphne banfcle accorbmg tol;?ebe* ferte/maifter$alee(wl;o rben by occafrcnof frefnee wasab; fente)ibeautboroftbaraffemblie/anbtbarI;ecE>oiiI^eprorto^ unceof p£ #eneraC*y /M;ar if a wercnor ( jo eucr xvt r jtrufeb oureminbee ab purpofe g.ntoreouer be affirmed /that we l;ab Convene yii/m r^at we l;ab epdubeb/anb fb«t owte cerrrine LXVII, t»b*4> c&mt intd tbe <£ur<£ in t^e time off dure cot\fa\tMm *nb meerige 2Jafu?ere trad mat)( in tt>e named of 1 b e c^urcbe/ tbattbar decree o|f ttyemagiftrate xrae by t^em before bor^e reaJ>ouertt)rougbiy/9n&alfopene&ili0cnritcwaic&/an& tbat f bey luo^efc : bat Occrce to be mofl t>pn $tyt anb iu|thc to be fe* flrefc off xvtcf c^ anb !ett)&e men / fucb a6 tcere fectartee an& factious pcrjbne anD tbarrbcybib affurebJy fnoxre tbatrbe tbrcataof ibacfcecree bib norbin^eatall conccrne tbemtcbo wcrettiitt to0ctb«r to nuPe peace an& tmttte /anb tfyat tbey for ibt'6 becbcoio jb iulc feare tbe anjjreanb btfpleafure of tbe tnagifiratetbatrbey truftebibentagifirattDoulbe praifet^e for rb& matter /yff parbappee be Bnewe off r^e t binge tt felff anb tb^t rberf ore ttyeyvoctt aftlmbleb anb comme rogerber tljar tbe rcbole marter nrgb* be qmetlie enbeb among* fbcmfduesanb not broujbtbcforetf?e magttffrat, for trberc toe(fa?e ttjey) were banif tycb men/anb bat) by tbemeanes off arery jjoobmagifirare/rccetucb rbat fmguler anb mofteep cellent bent ft'r off refle anb qmernee/tre f buibebo tbattrbt* efbu!bebemoft pnf it anb pnfecmty for ve> / iff we fbuibc by occafion of our (toffee anb buriey burliee/ftouble tbe ma* g>\hate/anb to rcnOervnro tbat t*rre cjoo&iTla^ftratcrn* quietnes / troubles anb ftirre ix>b l cfce fbulbe be perfecuell tbanfee/for (o great a benef ft off qu?etnee anb reft ae we l;a* ue recemcb.Snfc we affirmed rb^ r W€ f<> finite t!;e more bitt* ligentlte anb xrilin^Iy labored in pacifiynge anb enbinjjc tbie controucrfse btcaufe tf^retcereamoncfefi rsccrtcme/ wtyo raf b?y anb witty owtc afcuife/brougbt vnto tb<#Ha0i(lrat all ligfytanb fmallconrrouerfics/ wtyjfye mi$\)t eafilie baue bin betcrmineb anbenbeb amon$z our felfee / berem beferntnge no fauourar all ettber at tl ecbeb<*nbceofffo (BoobatTlacji* ftrat/rrbomtbcyofnmee xxmbototecaufetroubfeb/orofrbe* it countrie mentDbomrbey by tbice ttpeir prfire complain* teanb accufation* bidamongefirangcrepanber ae t?nqui* tt anb troublesome mtn'anb that tbry baSfcone no leffedij* pleafurc to tbe gofpcll xreprofeffe/ (tsbicbcby occasion off futye accufauon&/i& cowonlie ciuU fpoFen off amonjje t\)e ab* 3 «) ucrfa^ L XXV III. i*£tf<*rt*e)i:%m to fclwtfo goob * magtffattt 4nb to d?eir ow* neeountrtemen^nbt^atwetberforeCtotbenbe tbe £Hagi> fsracemtgbt not be ttoubleb/not our nation f launbcreb ae t>rc qwet ant> troublefcme/nor tfc worbeoff (Bob tbrougb re & ueii\pohncfi)mrt together to kahcounfaiktoib ausfe £owe 41 tije matter mtg^t bepeacc4bJy enbebanb for no ot£er caufe orpurpofe,3nb wljerett w4eobtectebtb4tm ttjat becrceoj fl?e Vnagifirat il^rewaeno mention at all maoe /en I; cr o(_ tfnc tobole <$ur$c/or off t^e awborttte off wl?o!ed>urcbe; Wc snfwere ( fay t$ey ) tbat we bo not (0 interprete t^e tfHagiffo ratebecree/ae tbougb yt were xfyc Wl&ffiftme minbe anb pkafure to tale from tbe efcurebe tfye ngbtanb autboritie bue to tbc£bur$e<*nb male tb* wbole Cburcfcefubtecte tofome certemeperfone. Sot we bot^c well tnougbefnoweby t^e cjcampieofftbefren<£ecbur<£e in a life comrouerfc / anb wc fyam tx *eD tfyat fo pen e goob a V(\a$i tfrate b^t^e pery gre at care off tb* 4>ur4>e, ^ rti) a * concerning* £fia jfer $ales/ yt wa* anfwereb/tbat I?e wae tben abfente/ by reafon off bi6 fkfneff:/anbnot forfeare/ or t^atbcwasgiltie tolpimfelff off any til, 2fnb cocermngeoure wbole purpofe anbhufimz/hycauz fe : t wae faib il?oughe oure mynbe parbape were rprigbt/yet f be bebcu feiff wae/yff not f$;fmaucall/ yet pereiie tenbtnge iof^ifme/anfwerewaemabe in all our name&tfyatwexoouU fccrenD^raccompteafweU off oure mmbeaanbpurpofe befo* re (5ob/ae o$Four bzie before tl?e w!?ole mge tbem fyat were notabmttteb in to tfye $utdptft$ our confutation/ it wae anfwereb tb4t we were vniufllit accufeo/for il;a?uwae not a public? anb common affemblfe ot tberobok cburd^Buta meting* of foroe certetnc perfon* to confult^ of tbat trb<<$e snigbt be prof table/anb ttyat tfcer* fore they l;ab no greater inmrte bone tfcein notbetrgeattbc cmi ultation t<> wtyty t\ ey were not calUb or feut f or/tfeen if LXIX. |? 4b not tyn abmttteb in to fame cert cine prteate flout orb** tt>fr. for ae touting t\)c fyuxfyc / fcmg* it traettenempii* 6nb voibcoff people/it xvae/aeitvoctc/aptiuatt l^ctofr. vie* Iberia cuery affemblre metttbere to be counted ii)c efcurebe* Jror vot)cn lb* paftcv or fonjeotber reabetl; tbere a lectin e / or mobctatcil,. tbebifputatione/itre nottl>enad?urcb burafco^ cIc,21nbtbcrfore/notibcpiaee/ but rbe company off men 0a* thcreb togci b < r bib mah a dpindfeev con$rc$at on. 3ftcr* irarfca/ir trae ffarccly ty many trorbee otr ameb off f be pet* fioranb Meniere/ t^attbc eburcbemi^bt t*>itbotottbe;rfa* uouranb goob will mecte together for tbtftntfbmg antral finge vp o|f tbfe comrouerfie/ at)b pprigbtiy betermme xvhe* tfxTt^cfaibpafforanbclberdtrcreanaOuerfan? parte to a* f^Iry yea or no tcbicbetttngevctatrbciengbtt^epaOor anb cibere $jraumcfc to t^e d}m$c. Znb ityc pafloranb fEfccrd bemgerequircbanbbeftrebtbatifccywoulb to^jcrberbepre* (tvtwitl) rem tbe congregation / tbey anfa>ercbtb^ re xrae no fud?e nebe/ netber ttjat tbey tcoulb 4t ame fcanbe fynberve.iTbenfjct bate after/to voit/t\)ei% off3*n.tbcpa* (lot anb iE-bere Agrcmgc rberto/a* to faibe bef ore / trben , t) t wfc o?e cburdbe trae metre togetbcr/maifkr I; alee / vc\fo tYjtti vcae fomewh at bitter/ anbtcae prefenr votcn it, ry began totaPeabuffeanbeoufaile/rcfcrpanbfpafeto kt>i& purpofr, illy tretbe rn(fa»be bc)fcmge 3 am aecufeb of tfye paftor be* fore fye tr^ole cburfelfftobeparre/2ifterxrar be/be traccallcbbacf by all tye men tbcre affemblcb anb in* treateb to abibe amonge|I tbem. 2Jf tertrarbr t)t brette f oor* tb^tbofelctrcreby t»b'^e tye l?ab callcbcertawmcn rocje^ t^er to maPe peace anb cnbe tbc ftirre/ae ie before faibe / ant> preferreb tbetni to b c ^ ur( b to be openly rebb. tt>bt new contention* amonge tljem* tDberupon it wa$ putbownetn wry tinge to t\)ie effectc. 3ffrwo/foure/eicjbf/ twehieor mooricffe/mceteimbe 4>ure£ewb*n itwae vow be off peoplc/praicr anbot^erejeerctfes/orete in priuatet;ow fee to makepeace befrtpene fome members off tl?e $ur$e/ or to eonfulre off amc otber twinge profitable for tbe <£tird> t\)at tbat tbeir bebc anb acte fl;u!be not in ante cafe be uibjjet) i>re(ieemeOpnorberhe/fcbtuoue/f^tfmauca!l/ortcnbm0eto f$i jme, Vltiti)*rtl)At\)exc\)id)e eitt;er bywrttmgcoriworbeoff moutl) l^ab fo called tfcero together f^uibe be i % ongbt to be tbe author off ame f<£sfmc or a fc&sfmaucall facte or tenbtnge to |4>tfmeanbbtutjfion»2(nb b!caufenow*nop*ace off fpea* tinge mtbe congregation wit^owte offence bib fcemc ante more to be !cf t to ante mart / it wae or&rineb it>e faxbe i?. off it fbulbebe lawfull for any wan bauinge before befireb/ off 1 1; e pajior / elbere / anb wbo!e <$mrdje licence anb Itbertte to fpea?/ to ftyewebte I'ubgemem anb opinfomnt'jt cburcbe w?t owt anyreprodjoffa biforbereb bebe t^erforc/ fo it be, tba; be bib it 0ob!yquiet!tean& foberhe.yffbef!?uIbe fpeafe ante mgobly tying? ttattljeit waelawfulfo: tbe pa ftor anb @ent'ore/or ante efft^em foot tl; wttb to comtnaun* be l>tm rol?o!bcbi$ toting. Oft* lafiebate off3an*bcingct£e ©abatt? baie after mormnge prater xva& cnbtb/ parbon wa* offreb of al prsuate offencee/by rtie paflor in !?i£ owne name anb rename office eSber* to all*l?e pecp!e' l offti>e<$ur$ea& " in Ui efotte tl?e people were befisrcfc to parbon fyero ye forte r!>tow46bonetbdtH;cpa(lor concerneb ttyctr tf limfte* rie/to be purfbeb anb follotpeb offtbent* 3itt><*s*reba* gamcin oure nature off r^e 4hii'4k tljar roc ml:^ forte bj& parbon ail men/ all priuatc grubgee/ yet/ tba: tbe #ur$e bifc aocorbtn^erotbeir example referue pntottfe^ff pubhtre can* fee beion3ingetotl?e$urd?e anbttye liberie tberoffqutctlic btd>c tbepaftorbab before offreb/yet/it bib no tptyte at al pleafe t?im xc\)id>c 1 1; mcj a! jo 3 t»ar:3te yotp l?e bib notbiffemble.2lftertParb6/tl}e pafbr anbcibcrefufferebtljae ttyefamebaieintbeafternoone/tbe^urcfcffculbeagaincmee f e/an^ f buifce trie otPte anb Enonoe t£e matter betppene tt)tm anb 3| Vley/to ppit/ppbitber tbey ppcre an abuerfary parte/ fo2(fIjley yea or no/ ButtbepaftoranbiElbere beingebefy* rebtt?attbeyalfo ppoulbebcprefent/tl^cyppoulbeftotttyerto atfrce. QPberfore tbe d?urd?e beinge gattycreb together in tl?e afternoone/ntoadiubgeb byt^e tcftimomeofffome mcete mearibbyt^tealfo/tbattnt^erp^olcc^ur^et^erecoulben^ ot^er be ^otinbc ttyat tooulbe accufe3f ^Icy but tbe paffo: anb elbere(for it ppae *♦ time* perie fciligently enquireb of anb pu blifljebamogc tl;e people/ tba t if tbetr ppere anie in tl?c pi |?o le $ur<$e xp^icbe eitber proulb or coulbe accu femaiftcr Z\ t)t ley/be ffcu-be tben mcrtr) 3* ppae 3 fae iubgeb anb betcrmt neb thai the pafior anb *£ibere / ppere an abuerfarie parte to iTIaitfer^ftUy anb tl;attberforc tbey ppcrenot fit anb com pctentiubgee in i^at matter* furthermore/ uppaefulltebc crcebtt?attf?epaftor anb elbereinfucfcecaufeeaein ppbufc* ti; cy ppere an abucrfary parte tpere not fit arbitree or iubgc&f but tl?atfu$e caufc* bib appcrteineanb bel30e/ettl}erto ttyc Inoppleb^c offtlje congregation or off fu<$ ad tl?e con#te$a Hon ppoulbe appointe to t l;at purpoe. %nb bycaofe tbe paffor anbelberel;aucbene ofr£timee befyrcbto be prefent ppit^r$ anb yetppoulbenot (notppitbfianbinjjrbat tbey tbemfeluee fuffrcb t!;econgrcgarion tomcctc to0ctber)lea(le parbapp fome bcceite miQty be amongc many of t^e congregation as LXXil, t\)OU$e it were hot off it fctff iawf all/ or to fmai! purpdfe to apomreame twinge voitbovotettye paftor anbelbere (wbid?e tt>in0afccrwarbetrieb) it was becreeb tj?at tfftbe pajtor anb elbere were requtreb to be prefentat an affemblie anb vooul* be not come/ tt)atrbeaj]embly waelaufuil notwttbilanbaie 0etbeir abfence/anb tl;at tl?ofe t\)in$ce> xotyfyc tbey be anb efleemcb ae a iawf ul! becree* c9*t* £cd& "iaffacai! becreee anb orbmauncea/ tsl^e euen no toe toe re* jerfeb were fubfertbebrrtto w(:V? ^enamee off *3, perfone w\>id}eiea$?catbeak fyebyggct paneofftfyc tfyuxtyt / anb t|ei, off ^ebruar^ were offreb rpp to tl?e pajlor anb J&lbcr* in tbenarnt off el?ewboWc^iir^e witl; ct^s protcflutonfoi Miti/lcr No Io#in0e,tPep:efent ontoyow tt?eie ouribecreee anb orbinaa* wel wtftbe cce a0rein0 witberi0l?r anb teafon anb not contrary to t\)t moutbc for ^oltefcripruree/befyrwge to fyaueyovo fnowe tlytmanb fur* thweft* r, ? cr squiring t\) wby ye ref ufe, ^or toearereaby to correae anb amenb oare faulted yff tl?ey be f^eweb P6/att^e monition off any prinateperfon/ butmu* c^emore at yours tbepaflor anb libera, j*or aawebefte er tbeir wifebomea to come to perfecte trutbe: (o we will not tl)orou0b(?ubberne9befenbean!cerrour/bem0e fbeweb on topetobeanerrourinbebe.yetnotwitftanbmg/afarwarb rpon in tY}€ aforcfaie baic off February / rl;e paft or bib in b*& cvonenam^anb in xfyename offtbeiStbera/openiy reabecer* teine written letters to wt?kfcebe anb r^e ©eniore fcab bef o* tein tbe prefence off t\)t d?urd>e fubferibeb tl;eir names, £^e (ummc tberoff was tbis. ©etngc t\)C d?ur<£e \>ab left vn to tfyema vaint ffyabowe oneheoff antboritie wu^owte a* me ottjer mattet/ttyat tX)Ct} ore t£ey bib in oure prefence \ fya* Jeofffromtbemfelues anb vtterly forfate all iEcclefujiicaU minifletieanb fermcero ti?e<$ur4>e, 2froon0e otl?er *£in0es t^ey abbeb*!?;a tlpat roe bab0e* ucntbemacaufcrocomplatneoffos to t\)£ ma&ftraie/ but tfyat for oure fa£es t£ey woribs not bo it*2Ifserw4s:bfomeof LXXIII, tfKtttb*partcb4?lb fateboirne in priuatcmenncspfaccs/ntf* r^cr troupe tt?ey fufferfo mud?caero bccallebbytl;ename off pallor* anb£iberfc, (then ononrbcuameoff tbe whole/ fcauinjjc fulue f beta eb before/ £b<*t rt;tre trasnoiufie cai\\e jjeuen tl?5 by rl;e 4>urd?c/fo tof orfaFc tbeir mtmflcnc/bib aff tcrtcarb in rt?e name of tl?e tr>bc!c 4mrd?e rw'ricrarnefily befir ertbe tt?at tbey troulbc not in fu<$c manner f orfaEe anb leaue t:;eie rrao tcitl? mofte carncjleanb effectual! vrorbee re qutrcb off t^cm / tbre or foure tymce in tbe name off tbe wt ^olecfcurcfrc/buttbey rcmainebtrilifullanb obfhnatetntl;etr purpoe/not fo mnefce ae once fuffrinjje t^emfelaee to be caU leb by tlje name off pajlore anb elbere. £bcn at t\)c Icngbt/ir trae fberseb rnro tbtm m tbe name off rbe tr^olc 4>urd?e/ tbat t^e d?nrd>e tcoulbe not abmtr t^ar r^err forfaFingc of rbc ir mtnifierie/ but troolb fill talc anb efleme i l;em for t(?eir pa fioranbiEiber^Snb tcben oneintf>enaroe off tl^ec^ur^c bibaccofetl;epaf1oranb(Tl7ambereto befuc^eaebababufeb t^e^urc^f/lcauingeitanbforfaFmgeitmfuc^e manner xoi* f borate ante caufe or reafon f l?etr>eb /anb £ib in tt?e nameoff tl;e c£urd?c befier tl;em to mafoan\xx>cre rnto bim concerning getbie tbeir bebe/ ttyey tnterlercfujcb tl;e fame. But £orne rotyotben toaepaflor/baflc'yrafrntfe a penne/ wrote to ttye purpce in a pece of paper in l?te otrne name anb in tt)t name off t^eelbere. tDl^ere ae> trearexuejeb anbpreffebby onein tbe name off tbe ey uvai'becjeuenone/to ante offtt?equefhoeTP^tc£etccj?ab pro pofeb in all oure namce of tbe $ur$e* (ani> tbey affigneb tbie tcrtttnge by putting* to tbeir names ) trbere ae inbebc tbia tc&e notonehetoanfxoerenotbmge at all/ butalforoprcrefc acloaFeb caufe of anfroeringe notbtngcatalI.£TIoreooer/tl7ey tx>crebefirebintl;ename of tbe ($ur$eil?attl?ey troulbc bth* £ q ua lxxiiit. net to it)t «$urd)e t$e!errcre Ogneb wttbctpcir oxont fyabt*/ by wtyityt fyey foab fbeweb tJ)eirrenounja 5 Unb bcnymgc of i^e mini(f eric; or if tbey woulbe not bo t \ at /that tf>c AQaw. fl a certcine bate tbcy woulbe graute anb gtue to tbe $ur$e a cop pic tfcerof . But ncitbcr woulbe t £cy geae t l;em tbe letters wlji 4?t tbem fcluee from ibc miniflerie) aDf or witnefle fubfertbeo thereto voit\) tfyfiie &rib tbercnamee.itbe ncjet bate af rer/tfat ;e/ tbc 3. off ,£ebru* ary t^e paftor anb JElbere beinge calleb off tbe <#ur<$e by tbc beacon/ to intreatcojfmafingepeace/ tbey came together fb mct,Buttbepaf?oranbelberefettbcmbowne tnprsuat* place$,2f fterwarbee/tbe paftor (beeaafe one fpeafinge in ttyc congregation bib not by anb by fo fooneaebe bab tym bolbe $ite peace)fayneb t^at £e woulbe beparte* But wben be pew ceyueb tbat rertefetoe foloweb^im/ anb by fome confailcb/ fcercturneb/anbfubbanly placeb fctmfe!ffintl?epaj?ore p!a# €e/anbca\Ub tbe elbere to bint/wbietbinge/ before be t;ab tefufeb to bo altbongb \)t were by tbe wi?o!e djur^e vctic in* Jlantlyanberncftberequirebt^erto^C^en/beYpaBetotb^ef^ jfecte;wem bebe(faitl) 6e)bibbifplaceourefelue£fromtbemi ntff erte/nottoit^(?anbinge/abfoIureIy anb fullic we bib it not/ but vnbtt tfjte conbitiononely / yffyow f l;ulbe proeeabe to fcealem fuefce forte aeyow^aue bone agatnfl t^eoIbeab;recet ueb bifaphne^oweeben/yffye goo forwarbe aeyow \)aut appowtcb anb purpofeb/tben will we wbolie anb alltogctbct btfpfaceoure fefuca fromoure ^TttnifEeried / but yff yew will obaietl;eOibebifcipItne tben will we contine wpaflor anb ej* bere ae weare,2$nfwere vra& mabe tbattberc was notbmge atallcontesneb in tbeolbebifdpline/wberby tbcy migbtme* We witfyer proceeb a$ain$t t\ft pa (lor anb clbese/i jf parbap po^ejr LXXV, p6 tijty »<>refounbefanurcfeniore. 2fnb in life forte/ byanbbyagamerppon t^e fubbaine/ t?c n?n for rl;e tbirbe tyme/ but tritl>tn 4 lule wbilcaf ter be tt turned anbpiantcb btmfelff hi t\)t paflore accuflomcb places 3ftert»arbe>irnritterra6mabetx)ifbJb^P^^anb elbere in tbe name off t^e cfcurcfc/ tfyat tbey tcculb fuffcr 2tf bleie caufe (in tx>bid>e matter rt?ey t^emfeluee werefounbear^eleng^t to bean abuerfarie parte) anbt\)tt)tarin$t\\)ttof{to comt before t$>e cfcarcfce / 3nb t^at t\)t tyut 4>e tsoulbe ( y fir 2If t)[ ey were founbe faultie}x>erie f tyarply anb feuerely punif l?e b im / anb in ttyebebalff abounbantly fatififie t\)t pafior anb £1* bete anb all goob men* But t\)t paftor anb £lbere wonlb at no l>4nbe fuffcr tl?at. 21nbae concerning tfce amtnbin$t off tbe bifciplinc/t^e pafior faibe tba t t;e anb t\)t elbere witb cer tc inc o tb* re by tbe aut^oritie off tbe beinge ioineb vn to ttycm toou!be(yff t^e cfcurcfce fo ttyouQl) * $oob)amcnbc ttye bifcipline. Butanfcreretraemabe pntobotbe/in tbename eftt^eefcurcbe. j^rfttbatittraemierniufUbat/ tbccfcu** cfce fbulb not befufficb to Ijaue uibgementanb bctetminatit on.jfortberbyrbcautbontieanb r\$\)t off d>utd>exx>ae> xctyo* lie ae it trere/tafen from tbe <£urc£e, Co t^e (cconbt it xo*6 anftuereb xfyat fit\) fuefce orbinauncee anb becreee were to be mabe/aeby \x>bicfcctl;c pafior anb UribereffculOebebere* after beieincb in bntie (fomeoff t^em alfo beinge alreaby ac* cufeb, it ftyulbe be wiiufte bea!tn# to abmittbem to tt?efrl;*d?e were bonealreabte/ tbey vooulbenot agree/but tbe-pafior (ay* ingefyc wae a colbe mabc btmfelf reafe? to beparre / ab going* I?ie wait a fetoe folo tcirige Inm/tje pronotEaceb / rbat b c btf^ fMuebtbeaffemblie,Buttl?ecottipanietl?at rariebm tbedjur* $e-*nb wrote tf?e boinge of tbat bate by tbeir becree/anfc ap» toamcnbtbeMfcspltne/anb 2(fterwarb. to of« f re it tbe<$ur<#e to be f^ene of t^5/ bib alfoaposmc other, s. men(of wl?id?e sabree/aUwaieeffacBt^epafloOarbitree anb inbge* to bectbe tl?e caufe between* t\)t paftor anb elbers/ ab 2ff bley.Cbeie are tbeir names.maifter Kailton/matflertPat cope/m.BeIFe^fau!cofter/^Benih;am^CocMt/^ Carel! anb fcTJ. KDif on,(Ebre£ off tl)ei& were abbicteb tt?e to pa Jlo: but £R Bcmb4tti anb WTSelfeaiwaia f beweb t^emfel nee tnbifferent anb eqnail to borbe ftfcee, ^rom tt^at time for* warbe the paflor anb elbere anb cettaine otbers beinge often time* calkb of the $urd>e/by tbe©eacone anb cesteine ottjer tointreateof mating peace anb agrement/ wouib neuerape* creorbeprefenn VBorouertl^cpaftor anb tt?c Qeacon&/anb certaitie pai* nefullpoore men/ cea(eb bot^efrom prea$in0e anb a?fo tb* iEcclefiaflicall lectures anb otberorbinary functions anb fyat jjee xol)tce>jt\)cmcn m fucfc troblefome \crtc to banc confute:, j greatly/ bo: be to r^ctr oxrne btf bo* lufltraftb ouree, dbc founl;baieof iebrnanc t»bid> vca* &? {n fcti c : .:tid appotmcb for publict praur / tbepaflorir!/* tb4t^^5^ f!;uJb banc pread^eb / anballtl;c£lbcreix>ere ab* fiat. tloxr>etl;epafiorbetn£}cbeforeby t\)c Qcaconbcfireb in tl;e name office c£urcbetbareitbtrl;e t^imfelff tcouto prea* d>c or apoinr (omc ottyr in bie> place/mabe anftx>ere/tl?at net* t\)cx tpou^bebe preaefc^iro fclff nor apotnte ante otber, $ct tlyat matter b*b notbsngc at 0)1 belong vnto bim. 3f ter prat* era tcere enb*b (ome t!;crc tcaeM; at bifputcb anb reafoneb in tl)epa\iore> beba ffanbfaibe/ tl;attbar affcmblicvofytyettfi ma;nebaffa'tl;epatio:ebeparture(ina6mu4>^^t> e ^ a&au ^ tborttic to cailtojjctber tbe 4>urcfcc anb to breaferp t\)taf* fembde anb fyegomgc l;ie traiefaibe/ tbntbebraferptbat affcmblie) xcae no latx>full affembh'e. 2To tttb om it voae> (in tl?e name off 1 1; e <$un$e)anftcereb/tbat fcTtaifter &otne bab pur owtc^imfelfffrom bte pafforall bctrtie/ anbt^crfore/ bot£ for tb^t matter anb manic ot^crreattb before amoncje t\?e Sct.oft^ci.bajeof^cb.bel^abnotanieaur^orttte/oranyniart er of right cither to tfar^rr together o: to bnaB vp tbcafjemb lie. 3nb alrbou0^ it were graunub tbat be trcre tbetr iaxofull paftor/yet/it u?ae afftrmeb t!?ai tfye <£urc£e trae abone tbe pa ff or anb nor tbe pajior aboue tbe cburcfrc ab t^t il; erf ore tt?o xctifrc tbe paftor beparteb/before tbe acree off tl;at baie tcerc conf irmeb/anb pronounccb tl;at { ;c braf c vp ttye a jfemblye yet vcae tbe affcmblie w bidSje temaincbab ranebbebtnb ** latrf ull ifjemblte/ab tab aurbonticto maFeeffectuallbecreee/ by tw l;i4>c rl; cy minor binbe all £b cuery meber of tbe d?ur4>e \x>ir^> ctrte e^ception.2Jnb ttyat tl)\e> qocfiton(rc^ubcr t^e pope tcaa becu LXXVIIf. *ebaffo bf t$eamt>oritteoff tt?e f4K>l< oflFportfefoyneb t&tt* io.tflowe ti>ey xotyfye reafoneb in tljc paftore be t?alff bib fee* mebytlje fpace'offcertcinbaiee after/to approaches *. co* uncelle/fortbeypIacebtfKpalioraboue ti?e <$ur4>e, (Tb*y brougb t foortl? openly all tbe olbe (lore anb fcowfaolbe fluffs of pigbiae anbicctiua oftljeprimactcoft&epope pnberctje name off tbe paftorall aur^oritie anbfor x\)t proffc tfceroff* £t>e actce anb bifpmation* off t^ai bate were in tefiimonief ftgneb anb confirmeb twitbtwo anb ttyrtie names.iEbe * ♦off jebrua* tHaijtcr borne anb rl?e fentore betnge requircboff t\)c congregation byabeacon to come anb create off reconcili ation toouibenotappearc. 2ffter ttjte tt;ere were *. ftleffen* gcre fente from the congregation pnto tfyem/ off whom) one wae to be fpecially reaerenceb off all tbat be off tbe congre* gation botbefor (?ieagc anbgrauitie/rt?e otbm fpecially well lerneb/to tb^mtent tbey f ^ulb be mooeb by tbete fol?onefla company off tfleffcngere fent by the congregation, (Ebeta men/vct)i tbey bab in the 4>ur$ee name inftantly befireblanb prateb themtljat they wouibe come to the congregation anb fljere common brotherly amongetbemfeiuee for aquyetea* grement to be l)ab/foa6tbe matter migbt not come to tye magiflrateeearee/norbebruteb aniefartbrr abroabctotbe great inf amte of oure nation/coulbc ho no goob with them at all for tbey fatbe they woulbc not come v nlcffe tbey were orbt tiarily called. 2Je for ot&er anfwere at that prefent t^cy woulb mate none. COhen:hi^an(xx>etevoae beclarebro cbecongre* gation/itwaebctermineb tbat forafmuefce ae K Joornebab openly put bimfelfo tote off^iepaflorf fc tpp by wrttingc fub* fcribeb wubljifc owne fcanb/anb conftrmeb tbe fame by woe bee anbbeebeein Idgeabfleiningfrom prea^ingeanb otfceic paflorall function^/ anb affrmtnge tbat fticfce matter* were no point off bte 4>arge:3n ae mud>e ae novo beinge calleb of rf?e d>un$e/be will not appere/anb fo abfleinc tbe a\l togetljec from publicfepraiere anb a!liEcclefiaffrcallmcetig6:2lnbfoe afmud^calfo ae tbe@enior6 come not at ttje meetings of t£e $ute (aieb Xobart footnc anb abfcncc off the SeAiora/ icing* voibe anb befhtute off common praicr/pread?ingc/ anb reo* binge tt)c (crtpturce (lyulbe be vttetlf bi|folucb/ tfyat cettein men | l?u!b tatc charge off ti)e cfcurcfce anb for all itynge to be tone mtt)c congregation a&xtjjailjt by (Dobs goobneffe by if yet \)tit)c no bone. oilier becreeealfotofricfce arc (pecificbintbcSfas off tfye t.btieoff€ycflabb(t?c&:aU vofydje ferric one t^at n>ae prefen t confirmed by \)ie> namefubfcribebu>:t9 fyieoxo* ne t)anbe/ae ttycy were voont to bomotlyet actee anb bcercee. Znb to tt)t becreee off rl;at bate (ubfenbeb 53. tyanbe. 23ut in tbie befy a'ff botbe maimer {potnc anb maimer *l?Gbproceabcb tworbinanlic/ \t)&t to (yon? rttufi rn* berfi*;nb)cohtrary to t^eolbebifciplinc,^ortrbererl;eycoub be not m jt y fmbe faulte witty tbof e r^t^e r^at t^e <$urcfce b*b fcone/tf?cy maSe cauiHatton at tfye manner effacing* off tbin ge aa an tworbmary maner.Znb voe anfvoereb ae well manye ct\)tr tl;ingagretr>e now by occafion off tl?at matter/ ae tl^te <$iefty;mcafe kTJaifier Cbambcre or anie otbertnan/eitber wouibe or coulbefbetceame orbmarte vcaie in ttye olbe bifew p!metcb:rbyt^e congregation / or anie ot^ermtgtt com( mence matter/ anbproceabe againft bim oragaintfea@e* nior or ©eniordbcingeaccufcb.or botse tremigfetproceabe orbtnarely accorbinQ to tbe olbe bifaphne in caufee / tx>l?erm l?e cio tl?e feniore roerc t\)e one pat teas tl;cy notse were pro mbtobe:2InbyjffcTIa*f?er$3orne/ oranieotl;erman eubec trou!beorcouIbefl:etDetbetytIe ortDorbeein tt;eou!b©if* ctpltne/rrbcrtn rbto orfctnarie xraie ie jet fozrtje anb conteinebi Styenwe troulbcontef]et^rtx»e^abgon am'ffeototoff t!;c orfcynary tcay anbolbe bifcipline* Butyjf neither be not anteottyer troulbeor coulDe fbetce in fceebe / ttjat r^ey tco* ulb notbebtfeontentatvetbatrebueeb tfye congregation to rfjeirrigtyraiit)oriri*anb amenbebt^atolbe b'fc plineae a* IbingeamtlJe/orfilleaurpaoatbingepnperfcctan&brougbft ftyemarrer totl;el?caringc offt^ec^tirc^eaeitoagtjt to be: Jl 2Jnb ~N 2(nb tfc at tbey wouJbe at ^cng^ t geuc cu e* ta vaunt; f bem fel ti^foatf*beoro^rt»bi4>^^.)ry neuerbab/orco bar*Hoel?e* reafur jor proceaotng pnoromarc : y* Cl x e {b^nKofftbid a?»iuvrr /weoyoyoeb mto cittern 2lmciee» / anb (cut ibcns pryiuteiy to illa*|l«r ^Qorncropriuic/ccc|Utrin0^td4ii^ere r^i^etaucpno alfo to* (hcteb tl>em t>pon tfcep^pit mifyc d?urcbe toljm t^ey rcmaineb a great many bae* # #nD revere it W4fc rr quireb in < bat fame wntinge ct>4C tffiaijicr faottuf or tU(3em'ore or fome overman f buibe ma?e anfaoere vna to 2 t;ee matcere/t^cre i* no mzn yet l;itbntinge / (aumgc ifyat tflaifier iporne falbngetobte olbe general! anfxocre/ fa*be/l?e woulbe mate anfecere wl^en l?e were orbinareiy cali leborquefhoneb testae f or by tbte fbtftb* tbtn&tbebevitoi fcoetSj ail bowtee at once / vo\>ete ae in bebe / to anfwere af rer tbat forte /te to anfteere notbmgat ail/but to pretenb fai|S caufee tol>olbebte tonge voben bete able to fyewc no u& fbn for l?tmfelff.jf or tt^ietcae tjiemeaninget^atbe tenor or* bmareiy calleb norquejhoneb tsttljatl/ noraccufeb ordinate* ly/faumQc onely before bimifeiff/ anb tbe ©eniore ae 3u&* gee/ OPber£aetJ?eybo*betn tbeirgemnge ourrefftbetrmi n*|tery/anb in tbe principal! canfe aga*nfi maifier 2(f bley voc re rtye abuerfary parte fo ttyat by l?ie tubgement tbere »e no or binary tsaie to mebieagainff tbepaftor anb ©wore except* tbey calh^emfelueetobebearereof tbeirocrnecaufeanb tbe* tr 0T»ne3tJb#e6 tbemfeluee.^o* otber o:btnary trate agatnfi t^epaflor anb ©emore in tl?at olbe bjfaplme off tytit*/ mis tlftt be nor ante otber f ball be table to ffcetre* 2ffrerffye/ incl^n tl?ofe8* per (one wbi$ were appoint ttb by t£e (Tburc^ct'o^eare tbe variance betxvene tflatfter J&orne anb ffiatfier if ^Ambere one t^oneftbe/anb Vttaifltz 2Jf ley one tlje otfcer fibe I f bulbe preeeabetn tbe Rearing* off tbat matter/VHaijter J&otntanb ^Baiftcrtftambere xcYji <$e tab abfenteb tbemfeluee novoe *ht>aiee> from tfye cbmd?t toere commaunbeb by tbe tfHagiftratctben. off February (for tl; at baye/%2 anb cerfrync c*f}cr*wtrcfceniR»tt> tbe LXXXf, tThgtff rate)tbat tbey f £u!b in no wife comme at our $m& VDt)cnvcehatbcofjfyt/wet)abmaru€ll / fjrrfir tfcattl emat* $u wae> comme to tl?c Wlagtftratd eatc ( for fcTlaiffcr #orne •nbtbercftctcflifiebtbcr, off February by tleirotme fcanb writtnge /tbat tbey teoulb ncueropen it to tl;e iTlagiflrate) *nb feconbarcly/feinge tfHaifieriftorne anb fcTJaifkrurd)t ft femeb axx>onbertt}atyttrae commaunbebby tbeiTJagi* jJrate tbatrbey fbulbe not come/ ae t^ougb t^cy \?ai> bynt fcefyroueto comc/wtytycin bebenebeb nor* at tommaun* fcement trae obtatneb by tlyeti owne jure/ at tbc fcTtagrft* rated ^anbe / bor b c that \ud> perfone ae> tnevee not tfyc mats tct/ fbulbb* perftcabebtl?at yttraeIon0eo|ftl?etTla0i(l# tate> commauntement t\)at tt?ey bib not tbeir office* tntb* £!?in4>. Wt)(tc ae before ttyd (Tommaunbement vcae> gcucntbey fca& off a purpofebfrotrarbnea abfenteb ffccm* feline notx> allreaby more tfyen ten bayed from tl?e con* gre$ation. 2lnb alfo befibed / tt)at tbc congregation mrgfc t not proceabe agaynfltbern fcinge fl?c iTlagifiratc com* tnaunbeb t^em tbat rl?ey jbulbcnot appecre, ZnS ttye trae ttye eery let in bebetrl;y rt>c congregation proceabcb nor in tjcavinffc anb bererrninwg off rfce raryance bettrccne #Haift 3, l;!cy #11 c^e other. 3nbin t\)ie tl;ey burthen re malrr?otif!y tntb oxx>* ticatife / 3e ifcong^e we xroulbe b»Jue 3fbtyp rtt>bfrom 3«bgme«t off tl;at matter / anb ae thougb tb-u were Ibe ondy tb«ngc xx>b*cbe traefougtt in are couren*> Ucn l trl;ercaeinbrcbcyt trae longcojf tbrmi! arbiecau fc waonor betrrm ncb t VDetbcrfore / b&umg Entn8.r&ge cffr.;i»5 murrer / for fcare kajl vre f bu'fce be fa'|Viy accu feb / adtI;ou^birebab pte;rcbytroM y etTfa3it^rare / anS> ^abfeemeb/ faff r;>;raccufebourbrcihi'rntfnf'c t!;e^I]a 0e m*j$t not abiSswbo/ aft-mblcdtoge L XXX I h tfyttin t\)t d}M tbat folovoify* $otQ\mud}c ae cure contention is alrea&te btuteb abroai> not one!y tbrougb tfyiQ cim but alfo come to tl)c ^Tlagifirateearc (for xoc fyeate fate ttyattnaiftetfootne anb tnaificr Chamber wcrecommaun^eb by tl7€ magi jtratycfierbaietbattetbe*** off jrebr, tt>art[?ey f l^ulOe in no voife come at tbe congregation tin tl;e magtffra* tebabfullerfnotrlebgeofftbe matter J toe profeffe ttyai net* tyzt #1aifieriQornenor tfTUiflerti bomber nor no man de waecomp!atnebt>pon totbemagijlrateby pe or any off pe/ or by ouremcance/ but tl?at toe |ongl;tratbtrbyali Diligent cnbeauo:/tbattl;e matter ft;u!b not come abroabc/buttt;at all matters mtgt?t bane bynfecretly agreefc amongcomefel* tied anb tljat we woulbe all men fljuibe pnberftanb by ttyd cure umttnge. by alltnjtant means off the congregation t\)at tf?ey woul be be content to fyaue all matters paaf teb aroonge ve by bro* tl; er!y communication/bib neuer fuffrr tfyem felue& to be rat* teb tMtb all ojf anit matter/ leafic tfycy ft>ul5 aftcrtrarb allot &b$c to fudje ae inevoe not tfce matter/r l?at tbey bib it off fori ce brcatife off t^e magiflrates commaunbemenr /tr^tdbefor* bab t^em to come to ttye congregation, 2JIirbetyme voJpctin tbey abfentefc them fcluee/ anb contemnebfo manie befiree anbintrette6offtbc4)urd^eto^aue metrpon agrementma* $ ingc/before anie commaunbementxoae geuen tb^toofftlje tnagtflrate(tvbt^e commaunbement nottcitbftanbmge ma* i'efeeme t^at tb^y^ttengfctfor tfye caufee before men tioneb procured tbemfcluee ) rcaerecorbeb amonge tfcc 2fae off t\) at i3*off^ebru anbeonfirmeb by tbereffrmontceoff 3% tu& mee fubfertbefc ae in t£c acte appcaret^e more at large* <£br «4,off ^ebruj^ofe $♦ wlyifye were appotnteb tfce 5. *|f Jcbru; by t^e congregation to amenbe t^ebifcipltne/ pre* fenteb LXXXIII. feftteb tbe boolc off tfjc QifcipUncto t\)t congregation t$ap nranbtbecongregarionallowebir. 2Jnbtbofe mature ttyat were alter? 6 or augmented in rt>e bifcpline were fudj ad fpe# aally perretnefc to rbofe cau(ee>/ wfyenn ttye pafior and fentor# were t\fe one parte /anbtyowcit muftebe proceabefcagainfl tbep*ltor an&feniore/ineafcanie off tb*m were aceufeO.,£or concerning tl;eie ranged rberc wae neuer a worbc in tbe oU be bifciphne. 3nfc revere in tbe olbe bifciphne tbere xcae no ccrteine mention l;o we tfce cburdje f l;uibe fae gouerncD / ant) feingc matfltr Joornc an^ or^cr t?ab now r trcrly f orfafen tbe congregation/ wl;o m leautnge tbere officer bat) bratien awaa ie wuo tbcmibemoflepatte off tt?em tbat wereappoynhfc preacfrero / anb bifpoftnge off cbed^ur^e monte / were more largely anb more trultefet fortlje anb cjrpreffcb* Sor wtyerc maifter (ty*mbti tftb ambonrte to gatberall gobly mennce almefe for tbe poore off rbe congregation eon* (trmeb rnto b*ni(ae be b'tn feiff requireb)m wnr nge/figneb by fbcpafforanb femora ant>cerreittcotl;cr off tbe epieff men off tbe eburcbe w?tl; tbeir owne banbi •/ ans bafc ejtcretjefc tbe fame ja tiering noweayere/an*> ba f/ tba; be aonc/f t utt>c re ccitie ail/be alonebijlribnte/ano be acccmprab*e to no ma anb Ijealone tobepnutetotbemony/tbat marrer) were be neuer fofattbfullaman) femetb verie fufp'riouetobimanb barter full to tbe djurdje/yff be f bnifce Oye fubbanly ae tbe flare off m<*niecafuail:2Jn& rbe example alfofbulbc (Verne permtioua to tbe $ur$e Icaft par^appan orber man off frnall ftbebtie f bulb by cbe |4ftte reafon fcrawc all x\)e d)uturd?e memu fetfierb to appcrterne by tbe worbe of (Sob, anb by tbe example off aH rigl; t:y tnfhtttteb cbutbone|t ncn inbebe / butyetfud? ae forfeit pouerittc femefc not j tmen to wbom rbe common mony f b«ib bccdmutt5;an?> by ib4t coulour fcllaifier t good to baue 4 beaconf fctppappointeb more t>prtgbt(y accoe dm0 to ttje rule befenbeb in tfyt Zctce off the2fpc#fee / and tfbe cample o(f of bir(5odlytnfitturcb<$urciK&/ and to tfyein temtfyc £t)md? mony might be mebIedtmtl)aUbytbe0a* cone witb otrte alt fufpttton it tepromded tnttje amendingc: ojftbedifctplinc tfcat fuc^emen f bulde be $ofen ©eacons/ as be not oneiy off a mo(i aptottcd (good f tbditie/bu? <^!fo fa* <£ead were Able b*mfomiy toliueofft^etr otrne wtbowte amencdeofftl^e (f buries %\me&. 2nd in dede tin* feemed to be not»e fo nmtfye tbe more neceffary/ for ttyat many com pUirseb : fometl;attbc a!mcerat?td;e tfyey xeccyucb before prtuatlu?off prinate frtnds was tafen ppp by tj?e vo&yc/jf eben^ £Ha*flcr (fbamber began to gat^* / a&in bebeWlai flcr J&orne ttyen paftor t breamed openly otote off tbe pu! pum l)i& (Sermon faytngc tbat \ft troulbe floppe all men nee rente (a© fee termeb ir) and receiptee, 2Jgame/fomecom j>!ame tfcat t^cy could* Hue nought at tTtetfler € bambers ^ande/but after defecting anbtwrcafonablelonge bclaie/ fo tfie tpa\ tl;ey combe taue noting tx>itbou>te bytter vpbtaib& au^> fome/ tbat ti;ey coulb obtatne noting off gyfte bnt ondy off loane/anb otb*rfomc tbattbeycouioegcit nougb* at all @o ibdt rtotce it fetned rcqutftte off neceffy tie to Jeete fomertfrncbirfortbeto mifbeuee. 3U\3d^i^^ complatnter^e f hall be conftrameb off ejetreame necejf tie to put in to one fe ttetalpeecc off tsorfe touching the vcbolt matter and com tmmtcatittge ittogoob men.2fndconcernwgtte €* faplme/ fringe tbere n?ae no certetne ejrpreffc tcaye ftitbe oSdedifc p'y lie t?ote tbc congregation f bulb be goueweb / ne-tbercoutfef ante Songe qtrietnee tndure fo longe ae ^Ha;ftct $orne bad tt *> g^acrnemeru' by tbat bsjcipUne. 2fnd fesngrnotse tTJat* {kr &ern* and ^Haifler (fbambcre t>aue wcr;te forfahn tfeeCb«rdbe/notoneIytbcmfeluee/bnr^!fofcauebratx?cn4tra ie tout) tbcm many otl>er/anb of them/tfyz moff parte fud> a* wereappomrebpreacbereanb rcaberaoft rbeQa'pturc* J fo .*& tfyey m s^t platndy appcereto fe& nottynat elbkut u ar LXXXVt tl)c congregation btinge bcftimtc off p reac&inganbreab/njf (aer^ou^eit coulee not ftanb ujitbeotet t;;ofemen) ffcul* be uc itutUcbtoten vpp.tiye congregation xvae off ncccffitic f nforccb ro beutfe anb proutbe for fome ccrtcine awe for tl;t goutrmng off ttyecfcurctK/tDberby i£e congregation m gV* te ja at a | yr,nc anb a conjlant qutetnee, Sifter tl;tei4* cffi$*lruai. prcac^cre office frcnt^f^n^ Jicinif!;evTl;urc^ceant)^|]atfJ»rl?alcranpu: a'tuamcro ibe congregation witbt^efcTlagijlrarsilrbictc. rcb into il;eir former full aiubcnhe anbtbar tflatfit r $$cr' fie f buibe bo t^e officeoff pa|tor/anb tl?ey off ©emora in our $urd)ct\iitks\fi\zQi{tratc*mt($tl;aue tbe bearing an$t>t* tetminmgo|f il;e mattermoreat large. 2Jnb yttraecom* tnaunbeb/ toat all fudje men ae tab ante ti ing to (aic aga«r |i fcTlaijlcr toomeanbt^e refic f^ui&e ejcbtbittbe fame to tbc tTJagi jirate in tenting. VHa*(lcr £$orne/ tl?e becrc bcingc re& confuting ftrfl voitt) fome off bt& complete / 46 in a ne* roe matter tl;at be ncuerfneroe before /faib to ttis effecte: ttyat t?e tx>ae reaby to o bete the honorable tflagtftrate'ae cont ccrnmge otber t unct>ona be^oiigtnge to tfcc paftor/tb at ie t& faieconfmiatione voitt) t^e ©cntoteanb abromifirationoff feifopimc/but betcouibe not mebic wui) preaebmg/ bicaufc l}it m mflenc vcae> infamebby fome men/l>e eou'be not bo jtxritbotpt tbe offence off btmfelff anb off many.Snfwerc xvae maban tbe fer t cbe ©enter* againc to be (f {?urd?e/tbe 4 wr 4>etra6 0iaboff tt. Jfottbey were all fory for tfceir bcpartti* re anb noire were x>erie loyoua off t!;,eir commmgc agatne, Concerning? tflatfler ftorne forfo moc^eae^ refofeb tbc 4^«efef?eparteoffibepafiore office trbenn^e I; atl^cbe^auc^ i}3tnfelff trell (ytfmanye twinge well) t^atte/m tt?e office #{fpread?tngc. 2game / rcberei?ctcoulbetaFc rpponl;ini tbat parte n l;cnn l;e te mflly reprel;enbeb / as wanting* *i|cretion/anb fobernesitycno/ttyatte/ t^cabmttwjUano© LXXXVV off gecleflaflicaH bifdpline xvify tbe@enfow/ ^c^cicrf^d^ ter^i7tmfelffmboti;c tbea pointer iEbcrforc in ad mud?ea& becjcemptctbfyimfcif from t^M ♦fftcewljerinbe migfet prof *ttye congregation: tl?e congre* gagatto in lit ccafe will not4bmst Ijtm to tbat office t^erin ^ borbctUbcbaucb^!mfefffbcfore/4^rbccon0re^ation(yffnc^ bebe)fball beclare x>nto tbe$Tlagtfirate;tt>l?erin lifercife tbe congregation cannot abmtt WlatflerCfbambera totijc office off ©enior for certem €auft&. 2tnb for tbe reft ojf tbe ©eni* or* / U)c(faic tb<7) 3*ue snto t£e ttlagsfirat* rigtyt bumble tl?4nPee, bu&* tl)in$e/ae> it te moji pmsonbty off Cbrtjlen men I fo ie tt vnto x>& fpecially tbat profeffe our feluce bamf beb for t^e gofpell fate*2fnftx>ere tcaemabe in tfyename off tbed?ur<$ca6fo r o* voetty. We t»tf be for a brotherly peacef rom tbe bortome off our bar tee praing^Haifhr^orncanb iTlaifier Cbamberd tnftantlytobenb tfyeitmxnbes vnto quiet nze>/ anb mofietyaw tety befed^nge r^eie 3 men our bret^er e/anb banif beb for tb£ fame gofpell tbat weave /ttyatttyeyxoiU ^efpetoit^tbeirau^ H;ontie to fet a quietnee amonge pe/fo ae tbe matter f bulbe come no more to ttye ^Hagiftrateeare. e 3, anfwereb tbat tl?ey wouibe beare t»bat anfteerfcTJaifter^orne anb iTIaiftei: Chambers woulb male/ hereto $1atfter £$orne anftrcreb/ feing t^e mattet ie allreaby before tbe #1 tbe inagtfirat f ball fyauc t\)e bearing anb betermining off it. 3{fanicbabougbt againfibimlet tl;emput it vpin writing before t%e magtffr rate/for be voae reaby to anfwere all men anb eitber be woaU be trie tyeinnoctnek or(being founbe faulrte) fufferpunijbe* mentfortb^ fame,$lai(ter (Timbers mabe life an j were foe fyim feiff, C|?en/fo*4$ mufyfi&ttyttcoulb be tioofyettnbe t^e \. y congre* LXXXVIT. een$tc$Attenrequc1icb tf?ofc*. gratieant) terncS puttytt*? to mate reporre to tbe magtfirate off tbeir befict 3nb reabt* m*6 r o £anc agrcmenr^nb fo tl;ey (ae fooneid t\rcie> t\)in$6 votrcputii a?ntin0e)beparreb- 2Inb tbcckurcfceaiforoab* flnacteofFibatbatejublcnbtng Witb tyeirl;anb6 totty?farf ttie. ffi)ejami:D4teatafffr noonetl;c tTJ^gj|iratrel;auin0 tnorep'ametnrelligenceojfcbema ^r/commai:ndc£ tf tl;c* trrofcte/fubfcribcO w rl; tbefr banbcs/tbattTJaflcrJoornc ««J> iTtaaftcr dfl; ambers fbulbemeblenomore tljeonca> tt> f be paftorf I «pp ano rt;e oi^cr trirfce tt)c ©cniorf l?ipp till all tbe concroucrjiee* toere tbronjlyy tarbc anD bcci^cb, 2m& *oimnaiinbe»;enr truo ^Jrucn/i^at toe rig^tbaic after (vobi* aa grcuooeto ftjcc^urd^Caa ma.ebct^ou^br ) tl;at tl^.nge Hub 0rowe to (uty epre* mit.c. COoen tljrybabgatbereb certetnematter^tljeyeffybtteb tttot^e Ulagifhatee tr^cnae t^ey came to t\?c £nghfbe c£urdjctut?ercall tbe company trere affembicb before tbcro vo\)itl)c Ia|t off February, tPberetftefclla^ffrates tnabcanenbe (bytl?eiro\xmeautl)ont;c) office controuerfte *e> f t?ai{ be faibe hereafter. £bela(ie o|f ,frb. rlje iTJactiflrate came to cure £ertip r e 4 Ittlc before ten otftbecIocBanbtl;creo}f l)ie> autt>oriciere^ conctUebcerteincojf il;ccontjre0atidrf?atTDereat variauncc *moncje?bem feluee /anb too?eorbertba t ali former o(fm; cceftyulbe bevtccrly tjrtincteanbbtmcb in M;egraueoff for* Qctfninee*. VP^eruppon at ttye commaunbement / anb m t\)t pretence off rtjie iTtatfiftrate/tbepartica tomebtanDeetoge ttjet in tofen rl;ar tl^y roercre conalieb anb vccrecBoob f nnbd andlopers. 2IfcerxrarbLVtbepa(lor/i£ t bereanb Qcacon&f tsere put from rl;eir iEcdcfiafturali functions by an £$ict fi* 0neb anbfabfcnbeb rD*rl> rbrec off tl; e tTla£ja$ tfcanfee Qtutn to tfce ma0tfirate in mciumc off ttyc u>boie con^regari on for tjte |m0uler0oobtorilanb affection to rl?e congrcgati* Ofn 21nbtb e ^^0^ r ^ebeparteb/a>t(]^tn^eictellin life forte to t|je coropamc, B*it by tsbofe meaner toe magtfirae came tbn^ pntoveanb tote fud>orber/ or xsbuber tl?e iTla0tfhra# eeoffb'ntfdff wrou0bttbi0beui(e toe cannot ccrtctnly fate But t^tYveoffc^e^ur^etrcre not tbecaufe/ tbat ante fa* $e tbinge was bone/me rafe (Bob anb outcconfcitncce/anb t\)t ma0t(i rate to trttnce/wbofnoirerl? t£ex»bole matter, J^e rooroweafter/ tx>l?i<#e was ttyz frrfle off mar$etbe tna^i^rategaue ve> €om%faik by a ferae lynes tbat l)tvcr& te vmc veto braroefort^e rl;e ^edefta|Ic fen anb appotnteb/ #ure e5fu!tat on ftulbe be moretrotiblefome/wbdc* the mi* nifttt* on rbe oneftbe Mb the congregation on tfye otber/ tot0btpluc£anb forcemorexmto$em jelucd tljea off tigtyt Ibcy ouQfyt* 9fbi6mo(l wbolfome anb profitable cotmfelloff $l;e tf?a0t(iraee wae tl?enejrtcbaic after/ vobutotwaattycx* •ff mavfyt piopofcfc tn tl;e congregatton/anb it hhb anb p J etf *£b s&cw^ole company, nota>it£jianbi*0 btcaufc WUitfcz L XXXIX. r florae mabe fomc mdtter/fo: tty&t fomc were Abfknt fit m*t* tctwat* biffcrreb unto tl?c m^tc baii\ Cbc tlxrbc off mar<$e / by tbe abtnfc off tt^ar d3oob an* fjob!ie magiflrate/eigbt anb tbirne off tbe congregation 4>o* feby poiccen. ttrnto rr>rire j£cckfiafhcall larrce, tTiajUc ioerne an& iTJaifter Chamber* anb aimofte to tbe nomber off*4*moo/at by anb ttoulbegeseno roicce/nohrntftaiu ftanbinge t^ur tee requcfleb anb in treateb tb?m;&ue ttycy re* quireb they migtK b*uc k«*ue x <> put boxr ne tbe re mmb© tn t* cutnge.So then beingc requcfleb ro write bourne tbeir mitt* bee£T7aifler£ornc rofe rpp anb trrate in tj?e paper in t^ei* worbeefo!ot»ingc, felly mmbciettpattbeolbe bifcipi-ne be tcpu (iill anb not menbeb. VTlaiflcr £bambere anb tTlatfli r 3|44c 4nb otber ro tbe nomber off »4, xrrotc botrnc tbett mynbetotbe fcff\amc purpofe, tlotretc^en tec fatcfarr beyounbe our* expectation anbotb*rtpifeH?fnxre loofebfoc $Yat tbere voae a netsc biffcntionanpnge batceene re/ being fet at one anb reeocttcb one ro tbe & ber/not fcarfe j.btfiee be* fore anbrn u>?tnef]etfcerof bab geu? banbeee^e to otl;er(tt« coulbenotorl;trtcifeboobur begreuebanb forotre greatly/ to fe tl^e groambtDorEe of mo troubles anb biflentione laibe» 2Jnb bicaufe tbofe. 14. gaue to vnberflanbe by tljeir fc anbe put botrnc t>nro it in tontinge tbat tbey tbougbt it net <5oob to alter tbeirolbebifciphne/totbcenbctbant migbfc euibently appcare/ botre many tee xrercrl; at bab confenteb rppon the djojfc off «t. men xt\)i$c f ljulbe fet bourne in trrt* tin$c a forme off bifaplincaccorbinge ae t*?c magttf rate tab commanbeb/trc on 1 1; e orherfibc trufleb / tbcfpe&ic&ifp4t$c Qftttycbifcim fc jwhcws pltneofrl}C^ur^ebcforer^eiea!onof tbemtmfler^.treiJ^ lerroeb 4 newe mabc/o: aco:rectebbtfcipUnt tofcaue bo ccca{i Gt\ of &iffentio/4>4SM0eb/oure copte anb put m in fteabe of rl?c ie vpor&cd/bifctpiine f btti&^ be m&t/ilju&be coructeb,2fn& fo rl?ofe i4-,t&l;t$c mabc4f bewe before aer^ougl; tfccy wol* benot ftfffer ance onreiote of rbeolbe btfcipltne to be alteubjab <£aun0ed/c4Um0e t* mtnbe(3fuppofe/eubenfjejr ftwneffe ojf t!;etr nomberortl^e obbee off t\>e matter bycaufer£at ote be btfc*p!tne toae ptterly taf en atratVby rkeiTiagtflrates ebw cte/tbelafteoff Jfebru4.a£tl?e c^iefeftcaufeoff oureeontro# lierfteaot elte f ore feingc/t % a% tbemagifiratetDotii-b beoffeti beb toitbtb&tifyeitbiffcntionitbty ail loyntty together Wait (iet fftotne anb Sftlatflfer Chambers beguimn^e tbc bauna put tbeirljanbe to ouree/f or tfyc correction off tbebifciphne. . Ctjen bib CTtafier &otne requeff tb4t (attQc notoc tl;ey B*W «n ^ confenteb t>nto re/for tbet&ryttngebdtvne off rl?e bi\'cu . c0 ^P;f" pi ne/be anb tbe refiOetoc for rbat fetm> ne m*0bt freely gcue nitfubicnbs t ^ cit P0 jccef o:tbe c&ofmgeof tboje fouitenettrfncbetfcey !?ab fof&corfeer a'reabte appomttborfomefucbeorberaetbcy wonibe^ But f4rtc# toe btcaufe roe l;ab before rcquefitb t^emto gene t^etr voices Anb tbrec ref ufeb / cd\;bctit\g t % at tbofef cntune brevo all one line anb «&ere fullye bew m a^ potnterobo oneae ttye Oi&er/ bentgeatt hh affeaefc m\>- by r bat meant*/ tntg!?r offpurpod wbolte bcjloroe tb^t ro ce s ppon fome certeine/ Snb fo ouer* tbfo^oourceU'ct.on to^i^eiixyfnrtbeahxaby / brnieb t# jjraunt anbftiff^r tlnm anD yet tre f&be, t^aryffi^ey ti>ou:b'c tbc «?o?b nor refufe toappo?nrean o:ber bate/ to d?u\etl)e |ay^ ^ H»mcnor ot^er.yet£jeujn0c iTtofia ^cnum^e meantf XCT, tiftfe fd wit /that tl)&t matter wtyfytmiQbk batte b. %t tbe Ungbt iTlaiffrr #orne / after c<3nfulta*ion t?ab trrrt^ cerrafn/fpafe alowbe in t^e name off tl;e fourtenem ttyie wife, 2litl?ou£$l7 ( faibebe) tt treremeete tbat we all feudally jjcueourepotcee/yet tbat we mate be no longer antjinberan* ce/3 pronouee in all tbeir namee/t^at voc all Oo by our voiced cfcujecbofe i* # men \Dbom yott> b*ue alreabye appointed IPi^en the refi&e xx> voctc af fefctci?* l;ertl;eyconjente& to tty* cr ftttttlatfitr 3frac/anftt>ereb r$at ail agreeb: o^crtrife / y jf «nietPcrccontrv;riem»nbebbet3D0u!&e fpi-aPe. 2Inbi^ue by a general! confeme offal! nor one man cjrapte fiuetene men wcred?o(en ro tcrtres2cdefiaPicallaweet^etf?irbeojfmaw Cf^cif. i£leet-eb acjrceb betirene tbemfelueMoafiemb'e M. Hornt *nb come togetber tl;c f ourrb of mar<$e at one of tbe clofe at Cdrn * not ai a'tr noone. W\y$ ttycy came together tber vcae> mudpc a boo a t w. gre*t xobile timber tbe o)i>c bifc?p!tne fl?utbebe correcreb o: a netre ma^c, Q?e(of t\)t <$ureol&e&tfcipliebt!ti?nperfe* ere anb nauglt wae one)vc err vtterly taBen awaye by rbe ma> g'rtrarce £c>fctc. fomerrgeb tbie worfce corrects/ or amen* beb tx>t?;d> tc^e in t^e abuife anb connfatle t^at tt>c fcllagiftrat gaue t>& for tbe fpefctc bifpat^K off btfc;p!tne. ^or/ faifcr il?ey/ tb»:tie no^eorrectt^irt:cbetecleanetaFentrate* 3tlcngl t/ rhebochof the boofeofftVeoteeMfcipline anban orberoff tbe netre &i; difdplwc {ciplmc/tr^»(^e tx>ae cortecrcb in tbe abftnee off maitfer £or fought fo+ fie an* orbere were reab/ anj> fo tbey^partefc for tbar&ate rtfo 4/uJ rs appoyntn;} tomeete agayne t^e3. c(f mar^e tbe fame .j fcour<\ aa# 2"b^ *• off market be i^ men affemblcbagafneanbtl;*/ rcagreefcrpon arndes for mafmge off fcifcpline/ rrl;jc^e w * Home werefet borrne ma paper an&Jubfcribrb allritotbem/fa* f *W* it }> Hinge i$iitftiaiffcr fiwnt/ Wl#fct€$ambtre anbffia (lee V. v-si ^fatac inb #!*$ er Btmt^am woulbc not fnibfmfb^rd *$at 3mcle concerning tbe t?4ttingr off two itiintffrra off 1 1 e rtor btfanb yet notwtttytanbinge ti^cy all agt ceb rpon tl ietbat fo wa6amaucrinbiffercntwt)itbcr ttjcrefbulbbeone or ma* riy mtnificre off tl?e worbe, for u ie not befineb in t\?c fcri ptu* tee bur left f rec ♦ 3i terwarfc iTtaiTter £alce gaoe to tTla?(Jer Chambers a boot* off M'faplinr ( w!}i$ wae writen in tbe ab* fence off matfler $ornc anb ottycte/anb wae off t^e fame 2fe itclee as tfyc con0regarton tyab mabeanbajjreeb rpon ) tfcar maificr ipowe/anb ^t/anb matftcr3fc4c migt; t reabc it oner/ anb if tbeyallowcb ougty rbermtl;4t!cmt^br be annejreb t<* tt ebjfc'plinc ll>ar wae m fyanbe. Butafrerwaitc/wbcn mat^ fier #>crne tbrougt? occafton off talfe abowte tl; e correcting? Ojft^ebifcipltne/faibetfcat^ercbab byn no oiberbtfciplwc' intbedburd^c/butrbatolbe btfctplme /anb tbaft^erf ore tl^e magiflrate/fpaFcoffcorreciHjje offtbatnorofftlje ptterabo* lif fringe tl?eroff anb tfyat u was anfwereb, t\ at t^at fameo^ t\)tt boof e off Difcipline bemge written wfcen be wae abferfr migl?raewell be xmberftoobe to be mtnt ae that fame olfce btfcipline;torbefor tl?attbcrewaemorecqu!tiem it anb alf<> wae fufcnbeb t>nto offfo many ae well aerl^at olbe btfciplu lie wfricfce fr e (o e£toHeb:ataUtbcytl?atb<*brf?ue confpireb together for t\)t eflablifbing o jf tt;ofearticlce(accorbinge to tbc f frortnc* eff tbe time w^erin tbey met) tfcat t^ey were in a certeinebc* gree/gtltic off treafonagatnfle tkcroagitlrat/againf} t^e Q& nate/anb(to be f J}ortc)aga«nf?ttK w^olecme* worfceertat notlyingrwae fougbt but newe trouble/ anb beingcput inminbt alfoaff maimer Bent^am) reberfeib a#* ynetbac boofcr off btfcrplinc xctyify a ink before waeoffrebt# tnaiffer p$ cetteine Ztttcke to vot)td}c(tfccptc one irl id^e mai\lct ^ow ncanb fcTLf fyambcre> womb not fubfenbe) tycy a\ fubfenbetk 2JIu!c before our departure it wad t bought profitable t\>at rbofe tbtngc e wl;id> we bab colkaeb anb agrccb r ppon f bulbe be brougb c in to a cetteine f ozmc of a boo£e/4bbin0 H* tlperowte effttye oioebifcplme /or byocca|ion/aa wewcrc gat^cringei^eie t^i0ea ro0etl;er fucfc twinge ae> migbt feem* prof irable.fcTkifter borne/ and master onIb0arbcrt^ofe ttynQe in (adft forte/ er eltebeprefent ro conferre wirl^e otfcer tbat reabe; iTTaifie* 4Sorneanftterer^etl?ar^et»onl6enor/neirberr^artbcrexrae any fuefcenrebc. Zl; c it.taic of maedfe tl;ey met agame in the c^urc^eanbrte^fi^ r ^«^bil!(intr^ic^etreretrrirencerrei^ lie articled renbm0e to bifapline) id ejrbibitebtmro tfcem tbae amon0erl;efifrenitmi0^tbe beliberateb rpon anb&ebareb. ftiaijfer 3(aac (pate many t\}in$6 vetie fbarplte agamftone 9rncleaepertebaun0eroueaubpeu(ouea0a!n(?et^o}e0oo2> tnentbrougl; wfcofe liberalise tyepoore cfftled>urdf we* re fuftcucb/anb mahnge wife 4d t\)ou$l}e I, e woulbefriowe t\)e matrerbetre:/btreque(}ebtbebii/tt^ic^c/bem0ereac^et> pntobrni/^epurtetkit vpm^ie bofome/neirtytr woo bebe jjeue tt a$ainc. Znb fo by t\?ie mcanee/be tooFe away j be mat rerfor t>e to worfe vpon (tt\> tljatwe b*jt> no ot^er copte. 2fyrerwarbe / ttyebooJcin wb'cfcc tboft tfcingeawcre Written ttyat were a0recb rppon amon0e tbc a . anb cert* ine tbmgce owteojf t^eolbe bifctpltne/ anbor^eralfo were go* tbereb in to |ome orber wae brou0b t o wre am50e t^em to be confu f tebrpon/anbbem0erebb/m4ifler^orneanb^n4ij?et Chambers fytftc o(f allcomplaineby tfcat t oof c wad 0arl?ere& tfceynot wittin0etberoff/4nb£a&byn longre beattenvppen 4ttion0e cettcme of t(>err./anb rber)o:c x\ at \t wad reajon it?at a cope fbuib be 0euen 10 tb emjanb 10 mai\iet 3faac 4nb a fat Iber lymc aifo to belyberahVmailler 3faac affirmeb tljatb* nebeb i. monetbee/or one at ttc leafte to confiber off t^at bo* #Fe. 3i woo anfwtub t&a *tt?ougfc> XTUufitT &ovnt anb £t)mbtt» XGlilt g$&mU?& ctmpteintb t^etljey were ntt abmlttcb W tt>e collecting office booEe)in ti^t tbey &tD-v6 tsoronge/ for bem of t>0 tbcriwto rcqutrcb tljey refufeb ft anb left it to oityet&. n tbattljey requires a copie/ ft femeb pniujie/ (feinge tbat t^cc^or^l;a&bccreeb/tl;iiet^2tfeeif.ftui&c&ebaretogc^et: aa concermnge tl;c wrttmgeoffttje bsfciphne) for tbatrbw* ge tenbebagainc to a ncvoc btjjlmion* 2Jga ne/Jfyn they tt* qmreb fo longea tyme to beUberate/anbcfpecraHy ^Haifler 3faac/tt wae mo jie Pitiufit* ^or fetnget^e marre was notrc at banbe/it was profitable or rartyer neceffarie ti; at oure cfcur/ djeftjulbe witb fpebe be cjlablif fcebanb oure m nifiere eic* cfrefc leaf?e/to oure great mf ami e/men comrmnge fyfyev o wte cffall iBarope/tl;ey migbt slfo fc tbebroy!ee off ourcovc tefttil t^mgee anb td fym before tfyat tymt vrifyitbeoff/ or/ at tbe ieafi/rnfnowem «*nb ibat tberfore l;ercquefkbtbst atlfbutoebeaffebmaby tiiZvotytljertlrty tfcougbt not tbiereafonable S& iufleibatl;e reqmreb, Jor if to tbe mofic tt f ^olbe feente reafonable tje wo alb at anie fyanhe lyauie a copie off that boo? e.iEuery man tbec forewaeafteb/begmmngeafc ^Tlaift^r Benibam:be/afwe!t fortl^e catifee before allcab$et> ae alfo tl>atnooccajtcn off wranghnge migb* ar ^ r off rbcbooFe / anb leafterb*boofc fl;u!becometo rl^etyanbeaojf anyeot^er before «t were bro» wgbt to tbe congregation/and for cmcint oil; ercaafee/tl;o* tigb t »t n ot tneete ttyat ante copie f btilbe be geuen to ante / but ttyat fyt boeEe f fculbe be brp u$t footle «mon0e ti?em / ant> all xcv. #tlebey \>catin$itktyu xocteappointebofftfycongrtQaHonf it fbtilbebe after reabanbtl?attymeenoii0be]fbal&cbe(jcrf mn to fianbe vpon tactic becree anb (cntcncc anb more cpac4 tly to ejamin tbemranb tfoat t^te (ectneb to tym very luff e anb. ccafonable.2Inb tbteiubgementieconbefcenbebto off all the ceffr/anbfofcnai(ler#orneIeauetfc off from rcqucfim$e tt)t copie.Zftetcoatbce / tt)e boofeie begonneto be rebb ' front %\p be0:nni0e/an& in ejramminge off euerte offtfce becreee Iort Qt time ie fpcnte/anb off fome articles in t^c begmnmcte mut cfcebifpuranon anb bebatinge to fyab. 'But Wlaifter $orne/ tTlaiftcr (Tbambere anb 3faac being* a\ tcb t\>eit iub$cmit& vooulb notanftsere/no/notin t^emo(teplatneftematere/an& tnovoi of all men/ eftber to alloa>eorbifalot»e/ aeforejraple: Cbcrc vox onearticlertoepiofcffe tbefelffamebocrtine w!;i$ tocantcinebinrfcetfanonicaUbooBeeoffall tbe bolie fcrip* tutc/to witt/in tbe boohe off tljeolbe anb netre Ceffamen* Yffmdflet re/in xrbiefceiftconteineb fuUieallboctrinc neceffaryforoure Honretooi faluation, Jo tbt* anb fuefceotberbeinge motfe platneanb fccfo/, det mamfefte maifler ^orneanftoerebaatoall t\)Ott>ctt^atl)C ufadttobc i»oulbeanfv»erenot^in0e \x>itbott)te great beliberation. By f orc \ )tXQQm trfcicfce bie boingee/ begaueoccajton to all men to tronber. ^ fou^ Znb fo/ fome otj^rbccreee off t^at booFe bcingcctamincb , ' ' 4 meeting* off tfceif.tsae appointeb againtfe t^e nejrtebate/ ct0 twt tnbfa tbeybcparteb.£bencjtteb4iebeingetbei7-offmar$ *«*:*■ *nb agatne tbe bate f olotsinge betnge is. ttcelue off tbe if . met b ** mednc* te. Sot Wlaiflet 3faac / tflaifter £orne anb nto. T?pon t^e i^>. bait off mardje did wemen tbebifcipline roaeoffrebto tfycxoljole congregation/ tbat it mujltbusfA tnigb* of tbem either in tbewfcole or in parte be alotreb or bi bfcribevpa faloweb/anb tbe fame bate wae> it ttrife reabe ouer, the (udden 2Iftertbereab:n0ei!nai(ieri3orneanbi11ai(ler €b*m* 0Ye n st0 ^ bera reqnir* a copie offtbebifcipline/tbatat tbeir leafure ^ *b*y migl?t farther beliberare t>po it.3t wae> anfeoereb t^at it * T»4e to be opJly reabanb reabe agame/botl^to tfyemartb o* xcvr. t!&er«/45dftetit6tb€y wottlbe/wcfc tfnfeynougb $tut to& ticry man more diligently to tf&mine euerie . tyem a copit off t^e dijctplme turned m tMmn / (o foone fte pofftble mi jbt be/ en rfcey tsouidenot oneiytye are ttye bifciphne but al»o ejtamine t fyc fame diligently, and yer woutde not mutt wr.fy rbe otbaeat the appointed time) would requeue a copte not (o mud?e to inowc t\)c difctpUne a&tofiurrepppnewebrotlee.^leuertbrfia wben tbe Ulagfc prate J?ad once feetie it / ieaueto begeuen to anye man ti;a* woulde Id fe it. Wufye ttyte anfweretfreyanb force others bctnge offended/at tb* fecond reading off t\)t btfciplme %\}tj departed a v&afe and abfiatnedagayne voity tf?cirrobolebo* •ffroldee from r^e $urd?e/f rom public? praiere and fermon* wj?t<$e tfcinge blewepp and incrcafed tfce reporte off our ds* fagrcmrnt* and (toffee* %\titl>tt woulde t\)ty from tfcat tte mt forwarde imleffc tbey were commaunbtb by tfyc magtffc grate come to ttyc $ur$e vo \>m M n otvoi tpfianbinQc tbey co u3 feenotfljcwcpa ante lofie caufe robe gtuen t\)tm voby tl;ey fljuldefodeparte from tbe$*arcfce and refrain* tfcepubUcfe prayer* and gobly famous/ a* yff we £ab byn i£tf/nte? es os publicannea, Cte if . bate oure bifcipUne was rea* *?> e ?, time/anb t&c a^daie it wa& read tbe fortbe tymeby tfce eommatindemei>i efftbefflagifiratear tfce reading tr^eroffaH Slnglif be men t $at w*r* off ttyt fyuzfye were commaunded to be prefenr, £tyt *>• off mar$e « wae read tl)e f y f re tyme ant fo at diuere time* ttjerefubferibed4a.w tbe good allowance tijeroff «w ^i(^e toae t\>t greater parte by a greaiedeale of t^a 4> l,rc ^^ #or tfre ubole dbur4>e at t^at prefent J>ad not aboue : ^ 2$nfr fcycaofe nowe t^e marte wae at S^ande'/ t^at t^ere mig^t t># fomt fewer forme o|fa well orbrid^m^ 2 fine were ap^ * % ^v xcvnv potnteb off tt# 4mrcfre tbe*>. off marcfcc H nominate ccrto* ne fr*m amonge trbom / accorbrnge to tbc tTIagiflrare© be* ccccflbalbebc cbofcn/i^e iTlrnifiere off ttyc worbc/ ©eator* 4nb @eacond»£be mardje r^enamceoff tvecuttf men #rrt)crcaboa>rcrpcreproponcb ro tfcofe fiue appoyntcb off tfcceburcfceanb rberwitfcallbeclarebrt>atyffanyc woulbcoc coulbe reproue anye off rbem that were wamcb / cither In bocrrine or manner* / rfcey Pbtilbcf bewe it *bc **. bare of* cer. T?pon tbr * t.baic/none f y nbinge ante faulrc in anic of tb wr#c/ t $>ar y f pa# cabueniure ifcty fipulbe be c^ofen / forcer feme caufeetpey coulbe nor feme t^e$ur$e/ anb tljar t^ey figntficb tbieia *be 4>ur$e in rmseleafie tl?e election were fruffrar. Bur w# Iftn no man coulbe obsecre ante f autre in tljcie or otber t\)Ot were ntmtb: ripe election off the VHinifterd tcae mabe »fce if, #ffmarcfce/anb rbe orbetnmge off ttjrm tl at were <$o(e& t»ae appoinreb of rl;r efcurebe tfce baie foletringe^^ f be ***** 4ne feafon tTlaiftcr &orne anb iTla.fter Chamber* anb ccw taine orfcer lefrc net off to fue ro rbeiTiagiftrarce ffcar borl?c •ore elrcrton m>0bt be ^rnbreb/anbalfoi^at r mig^: be law* full for tbem robe off our d?uri>e / anb yrrnorro fubfenbe Jo oure £*yfcip'yne / tbe tbmge r^ar tl;cy t£em fel* •e* notwii£fianbtfl0 wculb neucr graisnt ro anye 02 t\xto. Z\)tir. off iTIar^e offer bmner ifbrganiob* murtreb off certeync, tbat t\t #1a*>flrate tab fortyfcben l^ar wefbu!br 0oforwarbeintbeeiea«on t\)txx\;\d)t rbm* ge furcly greueb vejor by tfcar mrance wefawei^ar tre fbul foe fcaue no forme of a if I orefcf before tic traru anb it; at rl)# ctfott we ftyulbc become a repr^e toallmrn/w^!$ (etmeb A * J CXVIiT, ftjutbe be fpreb amonjjcail nation*. But tfcte rumor t*4* altogether vaineft or tljc xfcof mar$e tcb tcb x»ae tbe bate be* foretbe electionf bulbe be/ after t\)t fcrmon/tbebecrec of tbf tflagtfirate wt& openly reabe m tbe $ur$e / tsl; erin it woe commannbebtl)atwe f bul&etafe tnbanban& performc tbe election offtt?e ^Hintjlerd in tl?e fame orbcranb epon rl^c fa* me bate fyat we t>nt$e/all vc\?xtvoit\tt\)cm%*bitte6 off t^ofetba* wereabfent anb off fome otbere tcbtefceneuer xoereaccom* pteb off ilje <$nrcbc, 2fnb (0 after tbey tyab troubleb oure el& ctton/anb after tftaiffer Jftorne alfo / tcalfrng voitb an otbe* 4 Ut!e xcfyle ouertcbart in tfye mibbeft office $ur$e /all ma manner beparteb agatne* Sifter warbe tlje election wae fully enbeb/ at one offtb* clocfat afternoone/tljere were<$ofcn ^^Hiniffere off tbe tcorbe»^0ene) off tbe nom# fcer off tbofc tl?at coulbetyue of tbeirorone/fort^at t^ecom* WOWtKafaremig^tfeenie twt|?o^teaIlfufpition to be com* »utc& XCIX. mfttefc f o fu$c rAtfcer tbtn to tfcepoorer forte Wowe/to $*t BtatfJer£>orne neither ante office otbcr tljot were before ui Jfye iTfinff? crte (ejrceptc onely maimer OPilIf orbe) were 4>ofe« 40afn* tor^eiTfrmfterie/waafpectally tbroag^tfcetrownc fau.'tc, ,£or fcttaiftcr £>orne neuer almoffc ceafeb for ccrttlnc bated to profeffc openly t^at l?ewou!be neuer ej:erafe again* ante j£cdcftafhcall mtmflfeWe in tb to fome ^nimftertc/yct tbat be woulbe neuer vfi (civ. 2fnsrbcrforc tbaewe fbulbe norm ante cafe $ufe^tm pnleffe we wonlbc baue oure election to be f ru ftrare, tPb erf ore /itte no maruell / yff tbey were not cfcofen/ t»bo/Ieafl tbey f t?ulbebe cfcofen bib fyem feluea openly beno* twee it. 2fnb t^erfore/ m ttyi* ttyey bo ve great wronge/ tbat woulbfecme to bcare men tn banbe/ tbat tbey were at tfcc fir* fte tbruftc owtc offt^etr minffiertc by pe/or longe off pe tycf were not cfcofen in agatne. VHaiffer 3faac tnlife manner /tflaiffer BmBaSfiatfter JBrfctbet anb VnatftcrVEfcotc openly profeffeb that tbey woul be in nowtfepfeanypub!tquem!niffcnetnourcd?iird?e.3rU> £*ret>ponttcamefpectally to paffct^a: oneiy vVtai|i*r will* forb/(wbof?ab notmabc ante fu$c exception) wae from a* monge tb 2/ wbtcfc were befo:e in tbe mtniff ery dfo\em Anb all »e in t\jc name off r^e c5?mgc to *be ar by tree ivrtuenanb all core namee> fab fat beb two itt tflaifier ^orne/fclkifler <£b*tnbere e arbitree. Wfycn we bab tefufeb t^ie && moftevmufte anb vnte&fomble/ then the? requeficb t^ar (c# wgc we wctilbe not rcflore tbe oibc bt| apltne / anb tf>em to t^eir former aut!?omf e/ib*t ttyen vot trouib fuffer our* bifct* pline anb ^Oynifler* tobenoncotbertrtfe tben t^eirolbetrfe f fyowte ill ami otitic anb no mt ntfier at a!/ nor btfctpltne to be in ourc s/anb fo f balb t£e mater be lef te to arbiter* tPbttitperemembreb ttfcar anb borrc great traucllea that btfciphne/eleetton c# tTlintfiere t?ab cofie **anb fatw tbat by t^id meatiee oare cbarefce f balbe be tnabt beftiruteoff iTtoniff ereanb a large wsnbotreto be openeb for netcecon* renttone/anb bab a\\o benteb tbat tbinge/tTtoifier #>orne re* qnefieb tfyak it mtgbt be la tofuU f ot bun to goo a Utie a ftbe anb to confulte wui) jome off bt* fibe abowtt t\)t whole matter, 3 Ittle after retarmnge agatne anb (am ge / tbat el: e y tr oalbc , leaae no watctmfoagbt after /wbcrby peace mtgfctbegoMij t*n/a(tboagb tbey yelbeb ma^ef rom tbctr r?gt 1 2D *n be ttfi abetb a ccrtetne bill to tbofe 5, ( appomteb off the mt&fira ty Onb to ve trritenin b^ ocene name anb tfye name* o^otb^t^ voh*$3 baae abbeb vnbet bere trrtten t&or&efor trotbe/leafl ame man f b«lbe tt>inte tb^ ante twinge off purpofe were aU treb by ve # Tfcr Bill ofmaijler Horte and Other* ♦ ;£ offreanbpermtf w^mo|iewiUtngemynbe^ (^aate^ 0* CL getfje Mctnct of ef>r moflrfftrote a* H m*ye trcfl be for rffce pat pofcjrfcat adoutc conrroaerfteeanbeonrennone/ vofyat joe* ucr/tr I; tefce t;auc byu fotrnc anb brought in amoge re fttble t^e bc^nntgeof itye brracfcc/anb fynccrbefitfie baicwebe* gan to firiue/tmrilltbieprefent rime anb boure:ro bebebate* beafceb anbbctermmcb by 2Jrbytrce / being* none off t^td Curecon0rc0at:on/anb yet from amonge tbe bretticrn / cure comurtemcn/tqualiyanb inbiffercntly/ by tbe parties bifag* retn0e/to be cfcofen vpon rl^io conbition / rt?ar not onely tl)t election o(f iTlyntftcre anb befibteaU orfcere i^mgce ton b> tbe orbcr off tyc fateb bifcipline/flanbe in fufpence/to be alio* weborbtffalowcbby 1 1; cbr termination anb rt)bgementec(f t£e ar bvtrce to be $ofen a^ teaf orefaibe writen tfc f ♦ off 2b prtil*2mnoi? ? t. 3nb tfcattbe tnbifferemreaber/ roafc/byeomparingc t^err offre anb ouree / fe tri;ic£e le mofie refonable / toe banc abbeb ouree alfo/trriten owe toorbe fortrorbeae toeoffre& irrpp before ti)C forfateb ittatfter Barnse/®,(£oj:e anbfd, &ant>e&anb to t\je biffenttnge bret^ern. The cepk wheroff it AU. C)ff?$2 fabmtt our feluee anb are conteoreb to commit all m* *^neroffcomroaer(ieet£arbatie ^emofore ryjeft amon* gefi re in r^e cfcnrc^e/ to fuefce 2lr bi tree ae tbe magtfiraxe ba* tbcapotnteb anb to ail fuefce ae tfyey call vnt* tfycm ro tbe(?e# dringe ab beterminmgetberof/accorbinge to 0obex»orb anb $obbtea(on> 3nb ttyue fymplie anSpUinefymtbosrtcame manner off" cjxepien or c onbttron. 3 n vncnee toberoff vet £3 •efubfcribeb ourenamee rbe* . off 3prilI/3nno i f 5 r# JTbowmaitftfet^ere/ gentle retber/ t 1; at albeit tccfcdb fure©ifcip!tnctrriren anb allotrcb off an* off t^e ■* mm *>|>om tbe congregation byri;e fcllagiltratee autocrine fcab #potnteb/to trft/t^c©yfcipItne/attbtbcruponconftrweb trfe W) rbe banbe off 4».mcn tcfcicfc trae tfcc great effe parte off onr $urd)e by a great bealc;2libeit we \>ab alfo/aUecckafiicaU mi •tfkre/byi^e ma$i$xa& bwcc/4nb$e«w$on*e of rt?c co* ♦ «* .« . en. $M$**ten lawfully electeb/yet for qtrietne* faf*/tt*put all to ifyeHtbittee* votyolit /either to be allowcb or bifalo xceb witty 0xou anie mannet off exception. But maifter 0orne and mai* f?er€barobcr£>/anbott> ere/ (cfinge more tbeiroxpnetpititbcrc anie qtu ere aQtttncntt / tcoulbe not at tfye fitft abmtt t^ofe tbree 2f rbitree appointed off tfce ma#ifiratce* ^or tfHaifiet &orfte ma&c exception agatnfie feme off tfr tm*2lnb afrertoar bee teoulbe abibe no orber or offre / pnleffe rot voolbe wttfc oure fubferiptione fuffcr anb commit oure dijc!p!me/t!;eele* ction off mint fier*/ anb allots cr mat cere off oure tfcey call it ) format by tl;ar bryfte toe ff?uibebauet?abno btfctplme/nocertemmmificry/ noorbct anb fo confe quently no d?un£e £bcy tpoulb t^at t\)iee> Htbit tete>{ Ijulbe be djofen inbifferenly from amonge (u$eae> we* re oure countrie men/But not of oure congregation/ fo tfcat it fheh three f fynlbe be laxpf ullf or t^em to 4>ufe tobtte tb*y lyfte anb trb* drbytret om r5K ? W** ^ovoe confiOer toirf; me / xpijo fo euer rfyoa> hdd their 4rt^ (mbtflFent r«aber ) yff toe /f trffg ^outage $euen anb fealeb bemeow* ouretpritingeint^c name off tbrxp^ole^urcfcebabgranteb te horn the our & *f CI P* tnc / m i m tf er6 / an& all ot^er orbere off oure 4>ur$e.- 1 vru t to ffanbe in fufpence /pntilltl;cyji)ulbe either beallotpebor a! he Wfrlo tceb of the arbitree $ofen in fu<#e foue/and till maifier cbmW* $orne anb $1aifier c^ 7 dareb CUT. cf areb to be fye/t\)&t \c f onge all fbnlbl rrroatae (h ftif {*«<* (hUtyet f£u!bbe ailoweb or bifalotcebby tbcarbytree : f# itat y(f *bc arbytere f bulbefcaue bin betifoeb equally ( *e macy time* \t comctbetopaffe ) tfxiTton:flereeff tbe d?ut* d>c migbt betermine not^ingc / but tl?c ^jfdpUnr anb aU •tber rbJiigcemufte continually t?an$etn fufpence. 2Jgatne/ efce djuvd?c (ttyougfyc it were in great prrili anb baungc r/yct/ lecfttt f tuJbcleaue aRyctraye pnproueb fortteobtaynmg* eff pc4ce(b«caufc they t^ouijbt r^at feme off tb°f* tbree were nee roecte tobon? rije ma# tffratee^ab eppointeb f or3rbi>ree/ o(frcb rpp an orber bill contending allro0ct!;er c|^c fc'ff fam* trotter /_anb irntettmbc tl?c fameworbee/t^attbey wctilbe (lanbctc>tb^3obgcmenroffanycrl;er2{rb:treen?l;ofoeuec bemgc cfcdfen inbiffcrentfy by tbeotfccr parttcfromamonge ourecoumricmcn/anbleatteaHtbtngce totbemplamelyanli ftmplic tcitbotrrc ame ejxcp^enorconbirionto be betertnu rcw> anb beofceb, But ib;y tronlb a!Iot»e nocenbinon offreb #ff ve rnleffe tee toButoe f-rffe/ by tbcfubfcnbmge offoure »ameaa!loTa?etbat mofievmufte anb rnrcafonableconbttion off tt?er6/anb byourcpreiufcice conbctniteoure fcTtyniffere/ oure 0ifcf phne anb all ott»cr tbtngee tbar tre b$b bonne. 2Int> fo by rfpis meaneefyab opencb agapp to tl;cm to ouertbotc* pure dbur cfce. 2Inb v^cn tl?cy b<*b tbaa bctyaucb ttym feloca before VTJciftcr £artue@. flfojcanb Q. ©anbee/yet ccrreine off ttjcro(tx^cn nctre tbemartetraem t£e d?tcff flotrre ) re* port eb t\)xouQ\)oxzit tf>c xo\)o\c cytie t\\&t we b<*& reic etc b tb* ctr roojttujte anb paeceablercqucff ce anb tfcat we were a!lr<* gerber troublefbsie men / anb plainely bent to fuffcr no pea* cc nor quietnee/botrbcit/trc bib rather that rfcey ffyulb f be* we rbeie ttyngce tfyax aref alfc effve to otbere/iben r^at t\)cy together o*b*re f bulbe openly berime oure follre ( yff webab yelbebto fucb requeue) aetbey :\>zt wn\) cute great toileanb traaellbab(to tfcc quiete office djurefce) eftablyf beb fome $ur$e / anb nowe rpponafubbaine by tbe fubferw binge off one btlltborougb beabimffc anb fooltf^efacilirie f ^ulbc jpaue oumtyovoa) ttyt w\}qU. But i^ey / rctyn tbey dill, rttsltoe ttet obtaine tyfe/teent abotote tfcte vtmbnfdicftfy&t t\)c wtyole (fyiufyc mi#\)ttt)cnbt bsjfoiucb anb bro? en vpp* Jfor fctlatfterCbarobera f or ^>a?ff a monetae (pace anb more xpoa.b #eue fiori?mge to ante man i^at remameb in t\)c ^uw «t>e/anb fo*o web not m&fi*fpMin0e by-bi* otxme appoyntemenre anfc t!>e orber ta?en by tflaifter 0or* nealwafcfrom tbe rime fitbenett^ey came to oure djiirdje/ wfytn notsetbey were for tbetr bourbeinbebie t* t^etrt;o# fteffeafor ^moneibea/neitberbab bon anie orber faairc/tm* leffe it were bicaufc tbey rrmar'neb in t^ir function* off pre* ad^mjje an b reabinge lecture* in xobitye tbey were pHaccbby iTbifter^ome anb tHaifter Cbamber* /!ea{le tt?c d?ur<$c f bulb a:to0ct^er be befittute borbe off fctmoneavbUcturcat (Dnciy btcaufein tljfe biffentton tbey agreeb not wirb tljetrt anb tooh tbcirparte*/anbbab tout? t^em wul^brawen rbero fe!ue*f romtbe <$tirc£e tbat ft rmgbt be tnterlte fcattereb/w# I)5ae notvoitbfiMbtnge ( wbid> ie mofle rnboneft ) t^cy Ijab promtfeb to$eue). tncnttyte, warning* before tbey woulbc f orfafetbcm: wb*4>e/notwitbfianbm0e £IlaiJ*er € bamberd affirmeb tbey woulbe neuer bo rnlcffe it were rlja* tbey were conftainebbyejtrtreame nccefpm,2lbowte tbemibbefioff tfce mart* or a Utlc after tber begafic a rumor to be fpreab off* be bepartureof mmfier ^crneanb ma*fter (fbamberefrom tbte cfne/btrtwl;ttber tbey woulbe go/ or wljitber tbey wouibc ataHbepartc/it vote yet pneertesne* ^or neither wae it Uhlf tfy&t masfkrur<$c / fir fl to famine anb tt)en ve into be «bly | atrfe off ttym at tfjougt * fyf were by re tbrotren in ro t^eremtfeuee / But foraemudjeaealltbcte ttymQceate rameanb vntruc/anbfaimb by tbe fecrer f leigl)tee off tt?ofe prtuictrbifperere/xx^obare fpcafe noifcwge openly ; vocfya* uetbougbttljemratber to be contemner tl)C to beanftrcreb: fcopmgc ttyat at laflc tcbtn tbey are weary off lyinge/ tbtf triil be quiet. But jfftbey gofortrarbeftill to behe rs foim* pubentiyanb outragioupy / furely tre trill not neQlccie oure fame anb l)one ft cflimation;bi 7 fc ire rril Diligently tripe atcaie allt^eirflanbrre trubenefpunge/ anb tt)ere tritballtrulo* pen totl?etrorlbe/t£etr tricfeb cnbeauore againftonrccfcur d?e.3n*!?e meanertmenotl?tngc bifiruflmge i\)t lorbeemee cie ( botr focuertbebecette* off men troulb let it ) l)opmge/ tbatneitber liuinge nor focbef^all euertrant to oure poet* congregation/ trboaljo fecbetbi^craucne/ anb ripatlpe trail •allwaieebeprcfcntby tiefpinttordanb toourctrfcoleefcuw d?c continually trtytcfce tbtnget^ar u matepleafe^ttnto brinjje to paffe/ trebefec^c tfce^oobreabtr (ycfyo fo euer tbotr art ) prate r ntogob tyjffttytt trttb re/anbfare* text e 4 ftttt CX; %mfoloM$t t$t t^ottamn off clfa&£( binge effi^e &ffcipf;nt» TheEnglifhcThus. Cfft&ttynlitl&oob a*sb profitable for tye cflabttffctrtgeojf *~*2pcacc4t\bitavqaiuiii t amenbin* g-e C'ffv«?fcfpWne/fi^w<'7 xtfci'csyealibi J tft prtaafre men anb wti;owt* fcrtie 3t^c:i(ia{i?c4l!msnif!criel^r^t?ii^noneo^ fQ;pbo$e£et ft!c\re/tEi£t*et !?e 0?aUbe a prfuai^pctfofi orelte f i ail $atie amc authentic $£cdefia(?!calf/eaer?c men man will applietyie mtnbe/anb ftabierc tl;a? vct)i$c f l;all fememofle reafonabfe anb profitable afttfell for t^ecogrrga* tion ae for tin tflynifier*, But after t^4t tfce &»y w1Ur* b* onceclecteb / ttteto be fe*reb (taffet^cy will bratrc fome trfyat more t£cn reafon to tt)m{eiue& / anb in Itf ctoife tlje congregation to it fciff. 3nb fo/your conciliation mate 4»««n ceto be fomewbat troablouetr^tc^etrewotslbenct flwtfr happen, tXMjerforetbat all tb*ngc6;wiascprocebc aftreilaa maie bete totbeeftabbft?ingofF (bre peace xt»c ejrbortc yow fr^di: t»irfc ail fptbe ye ta£e w banb tb»e cenjniranonaborete tbe amcnbinge off your ®>fopitnc wtfc minbreanb nteanee mofic ap!yab!c to tranqutiUtic / xcVid: Slitnigbtie (Bob gjraum/ye m#ie ^appety bringe to pa jfe* £$>c f irfi off maw #e,» Hn John GUtuburg* Uowc CXI $tom/ folwtfy tf>c WfrfpRrte Hfy li)t oltK/anb ibac \vl)tit> xcae by rt?c QO*? giflrareappotnrement, corrected ^t\)t otbcr off tbc olbc bifd pllnt in t\>t e. £bc one prreimnge to rl ercboledjurc^e* (IfytQttyt Dfoipiinc, pcrmmnge to r I;c minifa r e anfc iEiOcr e alone, -OflFcbcfrrflc parte. s 3«t&e©iTr ; plt'n*perf fining* to tbewl?o!e(fcur<&/ te ftrffc ro be apomt cD t b t orOcr of f recemmge men in t$ il^e con grcgfational^djeiai^ie. ^(pc tnanntt off rcccfufagc off all fortce off pcrfonneetntotbefaibecongresr garion* 5ytffe/erertVoneaftreIl man ae woman vcbid} befirertj to be receyuebfl all matea declaration or (fonfeffion off cbeit faubebeforctbe pafloran&QeniorefbetDmge bimfeiff fuU ly to confent anb agree txmb docmne of rl?e cfcur^e and fob* tnittmge rbe mfeltiee to tbc bifcrpfrne off ti?e fame. 3ffanieperfcn/fodefyroue to be receiucb into t\)C con* gregation/benotoriouf \y befamed or noKb off any corrupt or euill opinion in boarineorflaunberoudbebrtutorinfffe/ ttje famemayf notbyrbepafiorand^tderebeadmirted r«il l;e t aue either purged bmifelfl ttycroff /or elle baoe declared \ in* fdfftoil;epa|torandl£iderepenuentfortbe i*mc *C\)C goob bcbaui onr artb gobly cortucr fatt on required off fu<$ ae ar e recetued, p ©econbare* 6ecortbarclyaHtbe members off tbc$m$t{* abmitr teb anbtectitxtb f ball -diligently obfetue an& Eecpe all fi?d?c cjoblie bifcipttnc anb orbera apoointeb txutlj tii rfce eburefc* »* bicb* tmb to rbe incrcafe ojf Snotrkbgeanb gobiyneffcoff fiffc/aetbc appointed times off prater/ prcacbmge / ant> b«a*" rftige gobbes xvot*e/t\)t abmim juration off tfyt <5&itl)(iibmitfion to all gobly bt|aplincoff *b* ly/fudMfo ae beinge m Jgnglanb after fnovoUbjJ 1 fade rc popif betttaflfe contra fed w (fee co ry to tl;eir cofciencee by rcafonof fcare/tseaffnes/o: otj?crtx>& pic » ivk fe/may not be rcceyuefc till tbey b*«* conf effeb tfccir fall fc** tbey met by fore t^e paflor anb feniore/anb fcauc fberccb r^> ft. I know mtcMfor^efatnc, "* fro xo tht youth* (b*lbc Catecfrifcfc, Sftfofortbeincrcafcoff gobly Jnotdebg at\b rerroe/a8 tfreyoutbe f ball reforceto t(?e bef #re tbe tebole congregation*3nb alfo to baue an boncfi re* fiimony offtotsarbnes in gobly conuerfarion/ anb ifcat encry member off t be c^urc^c bo not ref ufeto reabea bectaraiton off tbdrfaitb* before tbe paflor anb j£iber$ xctyn \o cut* tytj f ball be tfcerto required ~ *&)OtUv off cometi on / for ptitiMt aofc ^. $ttoitoffmct$* ^otmbly/for a* mucbe at no crime* ■Off cb« •**>«* off correction fotr pablfcf inbopencrimee* Btttyjfantepcrfonfaalbea notorious tnoweneffenbee fytetye teojfenfiuc to tl?err>i:olc<$urcbc/ tbtnfball rfcepa* jloranbelbere immebiat!yeca!l tl;coffenbei before rfc em anb eraucltritb \)im to rebnee l;tm to true repf ranee anb fctiofym ge off r^c congregation tr^r/if te obfhnatcty rcf tife ro boo: «i?€n >t£epaf?or f ball f? gntf te t)ta offence anb contempt to tty« wb< > ^ con te ^ tion: ^ e f , f trl 0tb«n to prate for btm/anfcfur* tber to afpgne bim abaieto be benets nceb ej;communrcarc be fore t^ec^pr^e/e^cepttnt^emeane time t^eoffcnberfiibmi| tymfclf before tljcpafloranb jentore to tfye orberof bifcsphnc finally/ to cafe any pcrfon of tbts congrcgati5 bef notcS fobearifcinbereroia befaccr of ame of r^e gobl? vfa$ee> now$ *j:c*rctfeb in tbe (&mc congregation / eiifytt priuely or apertlj by trorbe/ letter/or bebetrfce fame f fcall acft\ovoltb$l)ie> offer* dber*/anb tfyeir clecttom*. Sirfte for reelection of miniflere anbi£!bere/tbc quali* tbofcbocmne otlffi can lufllie be rcproueb anb cow&enwcb/2fe concerning rbc orber anb forme otfi£icctmgyt^cfamcieto beobferuebtx^e »?atl^alre4by bin practifeb anb te £ere vn*oan*f*b, p « Off cxiin. V -Off t\>& offfccs *nt> functions, ftfyepafiot I according to the cowmaunbement off il;e fcotye gt offe in tbe fenpturee/ougbt tritball pafforall care bi> ligent'.y b atttnb? to fre flocj?/ in preaching gobbed worbe/ in mm?ftrmg rbe @acrameinc0/trie]c4mpTeoff(i5o v o& lyffe/ nvej:bortJnge/ afcmomf binge /rebufinge / an& aetfyc 4>?eff moutbe off tbe d?ur4>e/ to open pub tef b^b: to wbom nonfan m^e in tbe f ace off tbe congregation rtp* lye. But y|f antetbtn^unfeiffto bauecaufe tofpeaflet \}tm &>me before tbe e!ber$ tn t^c place appointeb for rbnrince* tinge anbtb^re to open \i6 mynbe anb tobe^arb wit^ aft *$aritie rnbiffererirly, • ■ ^Tf?c office off pwa^et* «nb fuefce «e arc lerneb in t^econ0re0at?on, €b£ office off preachers anb fucbae arelerneb in tfce cfctircbeteto aff fte tbe pallor tnprea$rnge tbe toorbe/tmni' firing? tbe &acrament&anb in all con{afrarione anb mectftw gee cfl}im anb tbe^l^ereefpectally in caufee off®ocinnc/ anb alfo atotbertymes wb^rl^cy f I;ail bercqmrcb, ^ht office off mUve, Zhe office off fcb for reformation off ottoic^oanbcrymcdinmiiuftcreanb £;bcr*tci;,!d>e isbc fir«bebforotberotfcnber$/anbtobe bonne towarbcet^ein Mtbct Witty mere feucrttie» tftotv folowtf () t §e ©tfripftne refer m& ant* confirmed by cbc aucbomtc off tl?e djmdje and magi|t rare* &#£ \6 mo ffe rtmttte anb goblyAfcat £f>riflian peopfe reforf e | # ^rogefberm place anb ryme/tfcertJMo by common confent fhtntwM apponitcb(y(ft£>e perfect) ion off t\)c rngobly xmll fujfer t^e f ■ ,• fame cms tbey -tyemfeiueefcaue no vr$cntcau(e to t^e contra- ^ ^ ' ry) thereto bearetbepurebocrnne off (5obet*orbc taught/ anb tfccmfcluefc openly trier; itetrprefence anb twee to be* dare tl?e confent off tl;e»r bartce to tfce fame / anb to confeffe Toirl; t\>cit montbe a#rcab!ely tfccir beheff cnb faitb vpon Qob ftnbbre bo!y roorbe according to t\)c fenp tm v e. e congregation tbue afJJrmbleb te a particulet piftble <> d)urd^fu<£ aemayebem bioereplaceeofft^etrorlbe rerye f ttianye.2JnbaUtbeie par:icu!er cfcurcf>ee loyneb together not in place ( for tbattejnot poffible)butbytbecontuncttonotf true boctrine an^> f ai;be tn t\)t fame / bo mate onetrbolc d>urcbeinib ! 6vt)or f be. 2fnb tbefiecreoff (Bob that behi t\)i* crbolec^iirc^e anb eucry parte tbereffwfr^ all rbe elect tbatbatbbynfrom t\r>e begmningeoff rbe trorlbe ahbfball bt to tbe cnbe tberoff boo altogether mafetbar bo'y ca\\:olv ?e anb 21poftoliBe d^urefce/ the fpoufeoff oure famour cfcrtfte wd)\<3)e be bail;e purrf ub to brmfelff inYie b*oob tobcroff mention ie» ma<>c in tbe crcebe. 3 beleut one fyole (f atbohFe anb 2fpo{loli?e d^urcbe. £ut ar rbie prefer t oure conjiberaw oiiwufu beof tbepifible anb paruculercburcbe, P A fy . GXVJ, ?$* flgitte Anb note* off a viable <$ttrcbe 4re t$fe$. #r# f ♦ flfe/ true anb golbly boctrine* ©econbly/ tbe rigb* mimfltati* on anb vfe off rbe ©acramcweaanb common prater; QTt>trt>^ ly:l?onf(l anb gobly li(fc/yff not intbe tr^ok mttitttube/ ye* fes-manieo(f^cm^otirt^ty/bifcfpItnr/ tl^at ie/t^e correction off vicce/but tbei.firftc notes are fiidje aewtbotpt xfy vctfr 4ft nof ormc off ante gobly vifible 4>ur4?e can poffi bly be. tP* f^rrf orc/tbey be tbe principall anb cb Jeff nor ee. ?lnb ttyctfozt vee bef tne a particulcr <$ur$t vifible/to be rt)c congregation c|f Cbriflen mentrb !t b er ^b c y befetoeor many affembltngc togctber in place anb ttmeconucntentto beare (fbnfice true 0ocrrtnt taugb*/ to vfebtoboly Sacramcnte* rigb*ly<*n& fco mafe tl;eir common prater together /in tbe votydbetfym «ppearctb? <* ftubie off boneff ,$cdcftaflicall for ike prefcruafion off comely orber anb fox tty cottection off vkc$> 4> ff t&c hoctttne offtfyt cfcorcfK vo\)icfitftnott. "a ®k* QocMne vofy$c we bolbe anb profeffe in otirt ^ ^«r<^ tetbe fatnetbat te taugb* * n *b e canonicall boolea off *b c b^Ite b fble/contctnsnge tbe o!be ttflamente a nb tbe nt* tot in tt}txot)i$t fe conteineb t!pe true anb liuclie trorbe off gobanbrbe boctrine off beltbe borb* a* concernfngefaitb* anb gobly lift e / at full / fufficient f or tbe faiuatton off all H?e fattbf all tfyat v nfatnebly bcleuetberin;^* famine off rbttw tytyc ae concetntngc faitbc to briefly anb truly compreben* $cb in tbe j.creefce/eb* common crcebc commonly calleb tb* creeb office Spofielle/tbciliccnecreeb anb tbccrebeoff<3* *b<*nafjue:2jf cb< GOinifttte off tb< vcotU/ Sacra/ men re anb common prater* 3t ie t^ougbtc^pebtent for tbecfcurc&cat tbfc prcfent/ to baue *♦ illintjlere or tca$*rd off tbe roorbe elccteb/off bayee anDfonbaice before noone/ anb after noo* neinfTruct anb &cate tbe examination o(f rije youtbe in t\}t Catec^ifme/on fbnbayc in tbe after nocne at tbe botwc ac* cufiomeb/anbfballby tbcm fcluee or otber appointeb per# fona ae id afore faycb ttliniffcr tbe ©acramentce bexrly/ (aye t^e common prayers btftinctly Pifct anb comfort tic (UBfpceially arrbeir laft tymeanb botprc offbeat^ / bu* ry^c^c^ciwely/ anb pb ferae all ctljcr comely vtte> anbv* fagcf A «i / cxvni. $t* in t\)t &ttt <#e birectfng a'! tfeesr be\)&t$i$ur&ctee anb lift &ccotbm# tottjeruieoffofftbeir vocation /fctfoorf pintle pf |>*ttefctiprurre# 3*em i^at frt/eitber fewer o^morc / ( 46 tbcbabtlitie off tbe cburcbe w 1 beare ) fu$ a* be gobly an6 i;aue nebe offtbe ^e'peeff c ed?«rcbe / be appointed by tt)eWlmi* tiere anb gkmore in tfe e name off tbe wbote congregation; ttHj'erojf 4. to be well irrnrb/wbafbaU reabe anb ejrpotvnbe ttyr orbe/£ate* ^ifmgeoffyout^e/iTItntffnngeoffrbeQacramentee/famjje off common prater anb t fee otber tteo ormoo/ f ball aybc alfo lt;e (ayeb m nifkre ©entoreanD ©eaconein Oiftttngc off ti/t fuPanb fringe to firangere a.nb in cailtnge off tbe congregate ontobcnnebefballbe/anbin ail oi'brr neceffarte an& come* he tbmgee anb rytce to be bone m t^e tburcbe. tfiortruti; jl; anb&nge/an eotber gobfy anblerneb men tx>bKbe!yneoff>b* rmfeiuee / anb be not burtbenueto tbecburcbemayebepe tbe iThniffere off ttfe worbe in tbeabouenan>eb iHcdcjtafte calf unctone/tff rtyey tbrmfelue* fo voiH/anb be *b*r who c*k leb by tl)e fateb mtmff er* anb @emore # lo 3tetn/jfortbefttitb** inffrua*onoff you*beanb feruan* * to ittetbougb^S 00 ^/ ^;^befibeetbcejram*natton offcbik bren in tbe eroffrl;efa>eb ^ateefctpnge fermon foilotec tbe goob ore fecrofftbat (Tatecb«ftne in ^«efcrmoneanbconfirmetI etto^ bly boctrine off t\< fame by fyefcnptuteo/ anb after t\c \ca roe < CXIX. mcfrr mon fyc common pra/cr/anb ferofee to be^ercifcb a*b 4 fyn at oifcer tymeo. 3«m/t^atrtK one prca^erbeingeficBttieot^crf ball boo it, or fee bonne by other fir pcrfone/ aeie before fatfb ail tl;c fcetrtie anb betDtire to t£e otber fo ficE belonging*. 3tem / tbat a lecture off biuinitie anb btfputatione for **" i^e cjrereifc off ftubeme/ yff 1 1 maie be / be maim etneb / or ell* Ibar prop^efie be rfeb eitery f orrnfgbt in t\)c i£nglif l;c tong/ for tbeejrereifeofttUfaieb fiubentcs anb cbifinge of tbe co* | k jgregation/orbotbebifporationeanbpr^befiealfo/iffitfa f £ali feeme goob vnto t\)t mimfiere anb Oentore, I 3^m/rlatfu^aef^alU^eruntofeememofle mectc off ijb tfcc congregation jbaUbeappotntebto tranflateintoi£nglt# f be fome fu<$ boofce/ae f bail be prof trable either f or tfce in* flructtS or for rbccomf o:tc off oure countric in rl^te owe cjrite anb af fliction off oure country 3**m ttyat tJ)€ common boofee or Itbrarie off tfye cfcur* lxtbtnott/t\)*t fe CbHfKan IsfftAtfib (Boob tcorFca tfce frutee off gobly boctrtne» 3^tti/tw teaefce tb^^ fa$ goobetoorBce are robe bene „ 66 are commaunbeb by (Sobbeetrorbe in tb*fcrrpturee/ '** fu<$ euell beebee to beauoibebaearcforbiben by tbefame» Tinb xotyeve aeconcerntnge tty f rutee off gobty bocm> l$ % ne none it morecomtnaunbeb in ttyefenptriree tbcrrrl?e reli* cuinge off tbepooretr bitbceitberm bonne prioately by eue^ ry perfoneor elle by tt?e common treafary off tfrc c^mc^e/f or l^egoob anb rigbt t>fe anb orber off tbefame: it apcaretbeaf tcctiby(5obbe6t»orbeaebytbtrrxartip!eeoff cbtifcbcerigt)* !y reformeb/ ttyat bott)t tbe Peeptnge tmb alfo tl;c biffribution off tbetreaffire of tbe cbqr^e apperteinetb to tfyeQccKcnex voifo be foftecfffane^mijler6tht^ec^ur(^eoffbcrf ore voe tfymi it ifpcbtent for r be ^orc^c tbat 4* "• mesuf (peaalir^raairicMuttorim/an&creDir/ intb*4> lJ M> V fuc£ / ifyen for ame tber* otsne neceff-t?eof ■> woribiy retoarbe/ be cboje*uo be ©eacone/ t&b!d?e4* 0ea* conefbaUbaueitecutioDyeoift^erreiifure anb b*|lubi Uoa 0\ffye\ame/ anb otberalroee offr^e 4)iirdK rcammng* ir* , tfx^r b^noee »snb?tpin0e/in iii<$e forre ae it |>aU f me goo* to tbe twttt(ler£/femore.anb deacon* for t&e mo jn (af tie ojf t^e }at& treafure » *8* 3frm/ tl)4r aftboa gbtfce ©eaeone b*»* in ifcrir tufiotfe, tfKtteafiire offib* 4>urc^e/yet i^e mintfters a»e jkmoro ji; 4il feauefnoseiebgcof t^c votyok fnmtncofftfye fayb-creajure, Pr ouibeb all qpaie e fl>4t n* itfee* tbe faseb4. ©eacone mini* •£♦ (iere/Qeniore/'or bnieoftyem f ball baae am* fnoiDlebge ot m&U anicinqutfiiionof rbe cjeiier or geuereof am«r2$lmed t* t^e pocsrebff r^ f^ebeburc^e /.♦ 3^»/^* *b* fai*b0eaeon6 onre m 4 moitttfrc/tbftt if tbc!a(i bate of euery monti^e f ball ma?c tbare accoumpta be fornix mimfiere anb feny ore/ bo we rb* frfe& treafuree be be flotseb/anb rbat ail tb? fatebcompame/fo appotmeb to male *b*acc*umpt (ijallnote t\ft remayneof tbe fated treafure aft 1^ base i\nby ere m ifye wbityeevetyaadumpt ( halt be taFert* 4i 3ttWi/t»**bfrtf * 0<>0'& *nb &° &*<«*/ *b** *b er * bdn#e <* f^olem tbe (aieb (bitr<^e ( jetng tbe fa^bjcoole ie a member fflf r^e |aie^ ^w^/a» of tjj e tp|oie bobK) t^e Jreafwre for tt?c \ CXXL «My ntenanc* anb for the mawten* nee off the otftfr poor c o& fo brail one anb ioyncb together : t^atnettber in tt?c precox ring off tt?e Jaieb trea/fure or in tf?e biflrttxition tl;erotf / unrc occaftort off btutfion/ctnu!ation/or eont*ntonbo happen a* IttOrtjJc tbem/w£o ougtyt to hue togitber Iy£ e bretberen / an* member* ofone bobie inallconcorbe/comunction anb rnu? iittotberttife/tb* febole trbicfcc ie of if felff (o voorttyc a mem bet off tfcc bob*e/mayc by abtife/catsfe/ not oncly t^e fc.ttberait cc/biu alfo tbe be ffruaton offtbc votyok boby* 3tcm/ t^atint^cbiftribation offtfcefafebtrcafurc 2j^$ A fpectali rcgarbc be I; 4b of tbe jatcb fiabentee tbat be poo re, f ir jl/for tfcat tbey be poorc/anb againc/f or t^at tbe y be be (ft* ClAtetobetDortmcnmtbelorbee vinearbe/ anb foteortbfe member* m tbe bobie.3nb tbat a* tbey be flubtou* of; be fcri prure*fpccially/anbycttcttbaUof otber hberalartee a!fo/a« tnynifi ere anb b*nbcmatbe* to \\>t fettingefoortb offgobbe • trorbc/fo t b*y tnay e be liberally b<*nbleb anb recrytic gofcbee felejftnge/tpbu&e ie> tt)t Iibcratotc off t\)t gofclie twt bowt tbe f bamr anb abaf bmem a* tfa 0yft off Qotjvotjo jjcucifc to ail men anD r>pr aifcet b no man* Jt em/it i e bebbe tt?c nebie.f or fo f 1; att bo*£e tbc fbamefaflnee of rbe bonefl/ anb liberal! nature* befaneb anb tbetreafureof tfcecburc^etotUingiy 'pared. £or tyetb at ^por* fu«J>c ob eftatton toili not refrainc torecetue tljat i* offrid/ »ben foe Ijatlje no nebertoill not be afhamcb to begg anD era* Hewbett bebatbhoneOe/anb tyax not onelylytnge 'bwaifo trul; periune yf nebe be. 3 f cnt/yf anie by entbmt profee / fucb 4^ cannot be flat> l-l^ nc (aicb bef^a&e to ^auc taf «i or pfeb tfyt trcato* c\ tfce dbtic cfce/bauittge no rifcbett>erof tbat tl;e/notoftc!y £e beejrcmpteb fro ante more partaftgc of itye faiebtrcafure tu itappeere it>at $e ^aueeuibentnecbebut a!fott?atbeboo mate tberf ore pu* tC biique fariff action/before be be abmtrret) ro i be communion* * ' f 3rctn/ti;at t6e Seniors anb ©eacone fe tbar tbe poore offtlje congregation be not yble bur biltgent in well &oeinge# 3»6» 3*em / t^at yff tfter beanye off tbe poore/fidf/tbat^en foort^wiU} one of tbe beacons reforrc to tl?em anb prefmtly fuccor tljeir neceffitie/anb rbeneeby firaungers off our nan* a on bel)O f pen toward tbeu: traueitlanb iourncy/yff tbc irea fure off tbe d^urc&e will beare in 17* 3tem/r^atincaferl7ctreafurea|fiI)e^urc^ebof4tIeor Toapttymne/ttyatifym (ud> ae bcofftbe toeltbey forte off tb* eongregation/f ball quarterly corartbuteacrorbingcto tbett babtlirie anb gobly beuotton for H;e off rbe tm* nrflerie/poore/anb flubenreeoff t^e congregation. 2Jnb tbe fa me at euerie quarter bay e to be beliuercb into tbe l^anbee off tbe0eacon$* 2 g 3tcm/ toe tl^^tif ©oob t^at beclararton be mabe byjtbc * # prea$ere off ©obbee vootbe butere tymee 40 iu(l occafioH soill feme/ bow comely anb profitable for fbriftce dputtyf * t!?at a\ mennce liberalise tc xcatbee the poore/bocomr to ib* tpanbte off tfyc fateb 4. ©eacone/by tfycm pablicft* in tbc na* me off ttye wbole cburdK to be minsfireb to tbe poore : for by *b*e rule/kt not tby left banbe f nowe vctyat tbey ttg^t banbe bat^e/maye be|le be obfertieb;3nb tbc blowinge off ib* trmtj pet before t^e aimed geuer/a nb all worbly re trarb off vatnf tommeribaticn mate beft be auotbebranb \o our b eauenly fa? *ber/wI?o feetbe in fccret/wtll rewarbe euerie man mere abu» bandy intty baieofftljereuelation off tbe tljougb** off all mem 3£# 3*em we tbtnf goob tb a t cerreine letter* in t&e fame fert* ce be written witb an exhortation anb tjartte praier to all fu$ ad will reltcue t&e poore off oure congregation witb tbel?itb ct tbf y be #nbenf« or of be r according to euerie roano ncccfflttr : votyd}* t\)t jaiedSeacone voril charitably relicue the poore off o\u re congregation wit l> oxvt anye n*min#c off any per fone / tt be fent tr^cre tt>e tfltniff *re ©eniore and beacons / or tbe more off tt?cm f tjaU tf?m£ goo& by a mo J t fait I? full and bifcre* good men/by trfcofe lit* talttictb* 4>urd?e iere!eiped/doeormaie refortc/tbattbc {& fed letter* maye by el e fayeb meffingerbe f f/etrcba&atcjit# tnontcoff credit totbefaibflodly twntn place* and at tymc* tno(ic comienient* %b>te atticlt folottitt g ip. J aifb fynbt tntt?c£cpic. 3tem/*a concerning tfce relieffe to be bab at ff ranger* bdnbe*/xx>bo be no toff oure d?urc$)c ; fod) orbcr to tobe ta£en a* fball feme moff cjrptdiit to t\)e mimfier* of the toorde and &acramcnte>. Jt femetb t^at tbi* article tra* put in/in place off ttye former robicbe tb*y could not agree pppon, 3tcmtoe t\>intc it expedient tbat tbe faird4. 0eacon* 31 be charged neither toitlj tbe helping off the fcHmifter* in t^c preaching off tbe worde neitber in tbe (fatcefcifmgoff tbey* •outl;*/ neither m mini jlnng off Sacramcntee / orfaingoff «ommonprater:orfpcci>Uytbepifiting offtbeficF oifrertbcn tbe poore f or t^ereleyutng of tbeir necefptic/a* iritbtbingc* perteiningctcrbc office offdeaconfbipp nor wtb any otyct officer otber t b e ie eppreffebly declared in god* tcorde apptr icine to t\)t 0*acone: according to \\t rule off tbe w^icpe/ Q tq t^cf 5e aecor&mge a* eqery tnahnrd neceffitf e f tall reqaier 4nb by all mean? * po(V fi ble/a6 well by xcotbe ae by writing/ to procure t£e mat rue* naunct off et?e fateb treafure off tbecbur$e / fo ro t^ctr crebrt commitre^ilotwttbffanb^nge/Jtienotmetu hereby / but ifcat ante office fayefc deacone/ bring lerneb/wben goob oc* cafton f batUbmoferat/ maypreacb ortnftruct tkefoufyew ifye€a.xfrf fe nogoblieractetfcetttofuccoe fa4> a* beboriK fifcanbpoorefortbat tbetr burtbrni* ntofte fceauy/we rbinf 0oo&/yff tbe babiluie off the d>urd}e tedl rjc* ten& rljcrunto t^ar tbt-rebe t.graneanb bonefl wement fttyee t6 *dowcd or *©yuee(fudb afc fyaue ncbe of ibeb*'P*of tbe 4)ur ^c)appo».ntcfr anb dbofen t»*tb tbe ronfrnee off rfjnr bufbai* fcee/to f] rrpc tbe pooie/tt^en ibey be ficte/anb to votive xrity cbfttt by courfe one after an o^benan&tljattb^ baue tberfo* re cut off tbe treafure off tyc <$ur$e a ccrrcme fb'penbe <\M$* tetlf paybe pmo t^em # 4> flf tfa %> tfcipU m off tb< dbt**4>« »W4> to f £c 4»4nb (afie note* *fe ^tr(fe/ft!«ttm«tterdtoii4^totfeconfdeiice/^bet»*rbe/ 7 to tbe perfect rule/ae well for tbofe tbtngee tx>bt$* t cbaieb, - 3^m I c\t\)OUQ\) thie trorbe difcipline generally bct> 3* comeme ah £cctefia|iicall orDere an& orbmauiueet/ yet n ;b<* p'ace it »e properly rafen for tt;e rule off ottfrvrsrD \)om ft or* fetr* an\nui\mct£ anl> off l^f pumt^imem anl> cormetop effwece, 3rcm/for tbe execution off tbe tpbi$c btfcfplme to r^c ^ ^ wammning of all comely order anb venue in rl?c e^urd^e/ an& correction off biforder anv> pice / it ia agreed / tfyai 6. men o{f fgccia'l gratmif/t Mboritic/6n& wifbom / fucbe ae t£e rule off i^eboly |Vnpfure6&or^efetfoori^caemuc^eaerna:ebef{}v^I • becbolentobefemora/trbid?*** fentore ambrbettpo JTIi* wfiereoff tfcc trorOefbsH bsueibe execution off rbe2>ifcu phne anb gowrnement off tfcecbutcbe/and fbalt be reuerers* ce&/ ant) in all tbingeegc&Iy anb reafonable obeteb anbreue* renccb of ait pcrfone in r^e congregation pnberpame off m# fie fbarpcbifapline, Proutbeb altraiee tb^r tbe fawb iThwffere anb femora * ordinacee ant oe * crevo ae f \)a\ be mate by t\}e congregauo and to ti;e dcuueuft •Off rbe election off alt 0Oint]lo & ant m mjUrfi- ?$£ cfft^etrordeonelyejcarpteb/fballoneeayer* tfrat e rbe fir ft baie off marebe tah an ende off i fceir mm tf cr.c/ vr\, at fo euer febe;21nd rljcy from tl: at dau\/ nil a netre election be made/ votyd} (\>a\be tritbtn one forr^ntntr afrer tbe faieb fyrflc fcay off marcbe(pniee fome great caufe* incident bo tetter fa me) f ball be ail priuate perfone/ae ct^cr meber* off t\; e con* jjrcganonandfbconte/ M ntwt mintffcra be cfectcb/ being rfcebettttte anb bcxotit* to your office belonging. 3 em that public? praicr anb fafi be mabe before/anb at 4° # ttye election off all mimflere / in time anb continuaunce / a& to t\}€ congregation f^ali feme goob* 41 3tem/t^at before il?e election off t^eminiff cr6/©cnior$ • anb ©eacone tl?c place* off tbe fcnpiuree for tljat parpos moft fit be openlye rebb / anb a fermon to be mabe rppon t^e fame/ 2lefortlje prefent purpofe ft; all be mofl conue* nicnt. • - 3tem/tt?at election be mabe by bilte / euerfe man brut t * * gtocj alttle bill rolleb rp / t\)t n off fu4> perfbneappoin teb/ae t^cy f^allt^tnt mofte meetef or tfce office tPberunto Reelection ietl;cn mabe* Jicm/t^at impof tion off banbce witfc prater be vfcb at 4V t\>einftiiution off tbe fateb minifter6/fcniore/anb ©eacon*/ aecorbingto tljeboctrineanb examples of t^efcripturee, &fftbtc*lUnQtanbafltmhlinQ off tlje congregation. mjl ^mt^tt^emtoiffrreanbfentordt^ttdelccte / baue * • * Hdwe autboritie a* tfyc principall members of tbe con$rc$a* tion / to gouerne tt?e fa?eb congregation accorbing* to gob beex»orbe;anbtt?ebifcipline of tbe djurefce aeie aforfaieb: Stnbalfo/ to caU together anb aftembletljefateb congregation fprtauf^banbattymee/ae J ballto tbemfemeejrpcbienr* ProutPcbaft^ateetbatyffaniebiflention fbaUbappcrt between* tfye mintficreanb fyz fentore/or tbe more parte off tbetu anb t$et>oSy e off i^e congregation or t^e more parte off taaa&tfcat tbcfateMnmiflereanbSeniorein fii<$ controuce fie/betrtg?befirebtfyerto/tri;l nor affemblet^e congregation/ tbat tben tbe congregation mayt of it felff cum togctfcer/an& confute anb bctermine aa concerning* tbe (aieb controuew fie or controucrftefe anb tbe faieb affembly to be a late full cott grcgation/ anb ityamtjic^ t$ey tl?c more parte oft^tnfoaf^ (embling CXXVIT, femblfng f ^at! fubge or becrec/tbe fame to bi a latnf utt bear** Anborbmauncc of fuffiaent force to bynbettyewlpofe cppon a latef all caufc/pnMc paweoff&ifctpltnc:2fnOtl^tnonef^aUbeparte otx>t office faib congrcgat on (o affcmbleb till it be brof en vpf xcitty ovot licence off r&c trboleorrbe morepartt rcmawng/rpponpai ne of bifcipiinc before rfcc wtyok congregation tberfore. 3tem in ca{c fome fco beparte/*l?at yet notwht; f?anbin£ a ^ tfcofc p?^e|l!llremainf(y|f il?ey be tfce greater parte) to be T *!atcfu'l congregation: unD tl;attrbid?etbeyortbemore parte off tbcm;n?alibcerce/to be a Iaxcfu!l becrce/ o(f force to bynbetbeirlpolcboby/miniftere/feniore/Qeacona anbeuc* rieot^er member or members ityeroffumbowt exception, 3tem/tbat no cbecfmge or taunt\n# be r|eb in tbe fatcb -, congregation/ by ante perfone / vnber paweoff ©ifctpline/ ^^ anb tbat mfp^frnge/allot^erf ball l?o!beibe«rpcaceanb Fee* pe ftlence: abfteinmg a f fo from priuate ralfe t^at ail tbingee mate be bonne comely anb in orbcr* 3^m/tl?at it f IjaU be laxsfull tbar euerie member offtye 4 ?« congregation/ mating proteflation offlicence before/ to the tmniftere/feniord/anbtfce tt^ole congregation /maiefpeaf fcie n»ynb in t^e congregation / |o \>t fpeafc qtiic tly at\^ not a* gainfle gobbe 6 ttutbe/f or in cafe^efpeaPerngobly/i^attheri it f ba I belatcf uii for tbe mtmftcre/ feniore / or anie off tytm to commAunbt i; im fiicnce by anb by, %\)t manttct or rcccaafog all fottce off perfoneinto tl;efaieb congregation. ,£irfle/ for tbeauo'binge off all bereftee anb (cctee> in oik a$ { tedjurd?ceeuery one afvoellmen ae> tocmen tcbicfc befierto bereceiuebf ^allmafeabeclaration / orconfe(f totbe©ifaphneoffibe \amt/an& ttjefamc to tefttfic by fbbfcribing tfyerts yf rbey can \x>r?te. ff 3tem/y ffanye perf on f o bcfyroue to be reayueb into tin * # coti0re0arton be notortouf iy bef aroeb / or noteb off any cor > rupr bcl>aaiour/orcucll opmton m doctrine/ or fuun&crone b^atiionrtn lifft/tfrefame mate not by tl?e£Hmiffore> ant> £i* &ere be abmitttb/till be t*iu^ cicber purged i) tm je Iff ( in rof r or cite ban? bee arc5 l^inifciff to ti)t mmijtera ano cicre p trtte #nt for t^e fame, 4>fJF abmiffion to tfyt §clie com* munion* 3 te w/tb^t none off tbeyoutbe beabm&tcb to t^e co*tt4 f* mtsnton till tfcey be able to male profeffson off tf^cir fa t^e before tl?e tx»^o!e congregation! anb *!fo to baue art fconeft te* fti'mony off rowarbnee in gobiyconucr fatten. Ci ^tmt/tbat none openly noteb a& an beret$c£e/ fmarye * 3bolater or otber notoriotte offenber / fbail be admtrreb t<> tfcecommumon/before^e either purge orreconcde fctrojeijf pubkque^y before tt?e whole congregation / 2$nb ttyateuery member off rbe congregation bo not refufe torenber ahecla* ration offtbeir faitt)*/ before tbefcTJm: fiere anb £sbete/»* \en (o sue* fyey foall by t^em be t^erunto requyreb* ^©rfcer off pvoceabittQt to t\>t cTotctstion © jf s^e ^fciplinc anb correction off offencea* $$* $or&6 mu$ca& no cbnrcbc re (o perfect /but ojfencefr tnayrife /for gob!y anb charitable rebrejjmganb reforming $ff fucbe/t^e orbcr ie to be obfe rueb : S lt fie / y ff anye off ci>* congregation be o(|enfmem manners or boctrme / loanie #ff*fc« br^lfcrny fo fgattfjc o(fatecbe pru)&n aa&mtfpti* CX XIX. frffcMy tnorccn f tt;cre can be no bttttr drber bebiftb $ai ebatxcbicfcctfbrifiebmifelffbatbeappoiKteb: t*?l;:d?eiefic* fte brotherly to abmomftjc I;mi alone, 3ff*fc* t &<> net pre/ wailc/tocaile one or txso xoitncffce : fffilat$\(obo not pro* fit : £t)tn to declare it to tlpe ^Vn\hte> anb£[bete>- 3> tDboro tb* congregation fyatbe gtucn autljorikte to tafc *rber in fuefce cafea accorbm^ to ttjc ghfapline off tl;c N c. 3rcm/t£at it mayr be tfcc better fnoxrrW tenement ^j;^ by tb^vrorbeOifcplfne/orcorrfctJonoffoice/tretbinfet^at t^ere be J. begreee off i£ccefiaflicallbifcplinc: 2Tbef irft/ ti;at ii}eoffenber/acfnou>u£>0biefau:te / rfnb fbetce bimfelff pe* txitcnt before tl;e fcTCiniftcr* anb ityc @emore : ie contempt off i{ e tTIimjlere anb lElDtree tcbo t^e r^c *utborit eofffbed?urd?e / be epen'y bedarebby one office tTt:m(}t rs/befort the xx>\)ole congregation/ anb tl?<5t \> t tber* fore maFcfatiffaction/botbe for tye original! crime anb a!fb forbie contempr of ft^VTlmijlrre before tbe vobole congta* jjarionanbtbatlpcbenot abmiuebto t^e communion befo* re t>e£auejatif}ieC>.£kctbirbc/ tbaryffbcremamefhllobjto natebeforc :be tvljole congregation afrer a tym t c to bimby iljetrbof*! congregation hmiteb to repent in / l;e tben fi?all be open!y benounceb ejtrcommtmicatc trfyicb ejreommunt* cation/ |einguietl;e rttermofte penalnc off £cclefia|icall f^trcr/ ftyailnottberforebc epecuteb / rnttlUbemartcrbe l?arb by tbe *r fcole e^urdjc ot fud> ze> it f baii fpeciaUy ap* point tberunro, 3tem/yffamepcrfon fball be a notorious Enotren of; «• fenber foae be lacffenfuie to tl;*tt>boie congregate/ ti)en fl;all t\)c fclnnitfere anbclbcreimmebiatly caliche offenboc before rbem *nb tranell witb l)im to rebucc l?im to true rep* cntaunce anbfatij'fymgc#{ftbccongregation, W\)\d?c,fift)e ebfimatiy rcf ufe to bo tben one o^bc dlinitfere fljail f'gni* fie b** offv-nc; anb contempte to t!?e vobole congregation/ fccfynng tfytm to prate for l;iro ; cob fmtbe r to ajfigne bin* CXXXv ebayeto bebenownecb excommunicate before tytcon$re$& ttonejtcept m tbe meant time t\)c ojfendor fubrtiir btmfelft be foretbe whole congregation to tfce order o(f rfce bifopline, « « 3tem/tbat natter rbe Seniors and tTliniflere / nor ttyt 1 - xc\)ok congregation fballmedlein ante audi mattcre/aeiud* f ©• gee or determmcre off ti?e fame / but one'y ae arb tree ^or peace madnge/tbattfce ma^ijira ee be troubled aehtUae ntayebc x»ul) ourecontrouerficejbuttn cafe tfce ©emote and ftrftyanbaftertrarfcee tbe congregation / or fucbae tbecon* gregatron fbal appoint/can mate no peaceable ende/ by way* C|farbitremenr/tbenrheuib0emenrotf tl;e faied maticreio be referteb to ttye iTtegijlrates of t£e c -tie and tbcre to be itnded* 3tem/tce tbmf e good for oure qmetnee faFeanb for tbe confewngeoff tl>egood reporte of oure nanon/t^at aJmat* *^* tere and controuer pee amonge oure feiuce / y jfttK? cannot priuately be pac f ieb(\x>bicbe ftrfle ongbt to be attempted) be brought before tbeSemoreandftltnifkre and t^ere to be foarde;3«d in cafe tl?ey cannot ende tl;em/ t^enaft:rtvarb to be referred to t^e vol) ote congregation or fucb ae tbe congre* gabion ftallapomt to rt;e l;eartngeanddetermmirge rjjeroff yff.beycan.andtlat no matter be brought pntotbemagtji* rate or fe nate/to binder/derogate/ or let tl;cautl orctt'e o|f t! e ^urcbeorttedifc*pLnerberoff/beforetbefetrat fame.3" w * fcscbe caft e euerie man maic and ougb t foittyveitt) to complat* tie totbemagiflratee, 3tem/xt>bercaetl;ebefttoa«coff (Tbriflcan reconc Mati* e$i onie; tt;at r^e parnee pnuareiy brttoenetbem feluee agrees andtbe nejrt/ tbat agrement be made by mediation off fome paeeable and godly menVDe decree U: at »n cafe 1.4.6. moo or leffc do confult amon^ tlxmjeluee/or trauell xctttytfye pat t3* ce, for peace mating quietly and d?arirably/tl en rl;e fact par m&jm (0 dom^e/do uot^uige aga;n|i good order off di foplfa mi / CXXXh ne/btrt accortmig to tycbevctit anb office off f^rtfhan anb pt iccable men* 3ff m tbat r^e mtntfirr* anb ©entore f l^a!! l;aae atitfjo fte tefcarc anb betcrmine/ontljcbctjalff off tl>c tr>t;o!e 4>ur* d?e all offmcee (beferminable by tbecongregation ) commit* tebbyany perfontntl e congregation :rnlctfef|e panic cal* 1*0 before tbeml;aue mft occa|ion rotate ej-ceptionetstte faycb mimftere ano 0emore; or to appede from t^cm ac nor competent iiibgc*.. 3rrm/y(t anye^aue iu(? occafion *o taf c e jrecptton to \o* me ojftY.cVtlimftcre anb@eniorfc/anbnotto tbe wore par* te:tb to wbom noejtceptt* on fl?a!l be mabe / voul; ae maine off ibe congreganon toy* rebtotbem/aeibfybemnombertph'c^e f?allbr ejecepreb/ fbalbe arb tree anb iubgce in tbe fa»cb caufceianb tbatrbe fateb perform fo robe lomeb totbeiTfrmflerd anb ©en ore/ | l;alb? app ?inreb by tbr congregation/* t?e tTJtntftcre anb fc* niord >*cvt • /t.prcb/geuingct^esrvotcceaeot^erd off tl;e con grejtai -on, 3urn/yf jraptjonberafen/ to ^ f more parte of tie mt fitficre anb ©emorc / it?at t^en the d?urd>e iball appomu 6. moo 18 be 3*^3** ti5ir^ tbc reffe off rl e mm Iters / agaynfi trbomejrapnonie not inabe:t{?e fame refie office krtiBiffcre baaing tbeir voice* in tf?e election off i£c6. ae ct^irmem* bersojftbf cburd?e. 3tem yffaUtbemin'fJersanb ©cniore be fufpecfebor f ounbe parties/ or yff am. appea!e be mabe from r^em / t^at tbcnfucb appcalebemabeto il ebobte otfibe congregation, * tfccm be fubicct to Jgcdefiafhcall ©ijctpime anb correction/ a* otber priuate member* off tfce <$ar$e be.Zrib t^at m caf< *n.epcrfonorperfon*accufeante offtbeiTlfntffer*erelber* w r^e more parte off rbem/or tbem ail/of ame crime or enmee tbe fame orber off proceabmge in all point** be v(cb a*it te heretofore particuferl? cjrprcffeb in tbemafmgofttbee^ce* ptten/rofumm/ort^e more part / or all/ tbe fatcb iTJmtflcr* 4Mb ©eniore/a* partu*/or etberimjetncompent arb*tre*, 3***1/ t\)at noaccufarton againfi any off the ftltmffer* 44$ ^tnb ©enter* be abnvtteb pnber 2.tP?tncffe* at tfye teafie,2ln& tbatyff ante bo vmuffuc accufe tl;eiThmffer* anb ©enter* oranyofftbem/tbatbeprt^ey fball eberfore be tnctfef^ar* plybt(c*pttneba*ac5tewmeranb befacerof t{?cmtnifleriean!> «b»florberofft^eteb^db!:iC^e, m 3rem/yf ante comrouerfiebe *>ppontbe bowtfnll meat *rt* tttegeff ante tsorbeortoorbeem $ebffc>pifne tbatfirff tt be . referreb to *be nr.ntfff r* anb ©enter** 2Snb y ff tfcey eanncfc: agree tfeerupon/ *ben tbe rbtng to be brought anb rcf errcb to tb^vebole congreganon* 3r berero f # re mabe te of no effe-cte ^cteaftcr/but poybe anb Canceled / CXKXUU Jtemjkhtt cH\bool(6anb vcritingt* off nootbt comet* g~ fttngactea an$ orber&tmfctd d}iitd)t/ bebeliuereb / anbte* *^ being. 3tem/f \)Ct a R:$iftct bcotc be tept by the minifkrfc &tfo yo* ©emord off a[i\uc^€ name* ae> be in ttye congregation a«b fudj ae {\)&:l be t cuafur acmuttb ro be x»ri: ten/tn tfyt farne^ 3^m/t( at man^^ee (flmjlemnga anb btiriad* uwjj t^ebaye an& yerct ^croy} beregittrcbtn tl>e famebooFe. 7ft 3*ew/for rbeauoyowgall controuerfyee / rbatbereaf* ter mayc 1 appen/u leoibeineb/tbat ail teffamenre* an&rojU ^ . Ie6 roafce / by any off oure nation / byinge in tbte congregate on/ f bail be broagbi f oonbe anbefbibtreb ro Ibc ©eniore off tl)J9 congrega to n for the Vftnt bang/fir 4 perpetuall ttfiim* ttye offtbemjti?emtbatbebaljf. Jum/ttfat btcaufcall mennee boinge* be imcertetne anb 4>angeab!e/ rbe bifeiplme an& orbera offrfce dfutty (balbc reab openly onceeuery quarrer/anbxrarnwge rfceroff before/ f ball be geoen to tbe u? bole congregation borb e / tbat euerie member t^erofmaye?no\retbeirbetpne/anbibarcoerreman tnaye trftb hbrrue/quietly fpeat bte mm&e for ttye cbaungtng anb amenbmg of tr or anye pane *berof/*Cc orbing to gobbe* trorbe/ anb xbefame erbibiteb in writingc mtif fyc argil* tnente anb reafoneoff t(?ari?*9reqtifffo Xfjenamctfoff fm§t a$ fnifmUb to t\)i6 fctfcrpf in c / anb were o(f T Horn dS CuvcUy fdthiti Ah*it> Cbrifopber HUes , V v^/ter Tranch Tkomcs Afklcy Eic bird Lei Ur. tdtnend Oldfxtortb Ktcksrd Mafoil Xdmondt Sutton ¥&h*rk 3ccdqh rh C XXXIII!. ■. Robartbefle. Henry RetgwWes PerciuaU Harrington* Rktwd Porter* Magnm Elyot* Henry perryws Iobn Browne Dauid vvhitthut lohn MwlKrtf ♦ lobrt Pede ii* efftocctmhtt itf?* t^efo ww 4tttb to fyttymty.. SirVrancesKnolls Edward Boycs. lobnBroxcne. trances WilfbrJe. yhomasKnoU Thomas Dewu 8 Arthure Sdulc Richard Sandell Robartloyner Henry Wood Richard Lynbrott$t RalfeSelye. Httty cxxxv, Henry KncUt KightllCcke Thomas V VilfonL Tkontds TodChin6ct VV&U * Da« jgc Ahxcndcr No vcfl Rciffioldc Biker* lohn Aie Rofcarte Hodgflon Thomas Big/f en lobnPtntcny D4wc/i Rogers. Hotr t^at yovo baue !?Arb* botfce the olbe bifcipline/anfr tbatw^etDa6bytbcaurt?ontieo(ftbema3i(?rarebeu!fe6/ crbct requirei t; that 3 place fare t^e reafons tDbid^eWlaifiet JBorrteanDtt;erefvo|fijidfjbebrou^ta04tn|l^c mxec bit (cipljncefiabltfbcb. Znbto il;ecnbttl)i6 volume fbulb not ejreebe twaforc Hrcbce to bcrcb off/p!antcb by fbe3pofhte anb all ot^erein tlrepmnatwc d-utfyt ob|era<:b/ utyofeejramplee off pe are not to be najiectefc. A 3tem/lifeae0ooJ> reafon off «feIj(fforcerib4nb condor >' b*rtj:foatl0oo&aiuor6botbenetpe anb o behoof recly reaefce tbat forconferuartonoff onttteaub coneorbeanb for auotbitM $}e off f$ifmeeanb btfeorbe/st i& rcqotfiteanb weeffartetbat 6 prerogative anb preeminence for core/ d>ar0e/anb $$txt nemenrebecommtttebanb0eiienro fome one/co be (ac it te afore fatbe)<$ar0eb About or^ere. t • 3tcm/ all rbe ref ormeb #ur#ce off (Bcrmany for t$e moftc parte/be off t{?4tiubgcment/aBb t^erforeobfenic t^4l orber. £ 3t**n/ y fffticenc conned! becreeb anb orbewb/for goofe orber faFe/tyatone Bif fcopp / anb not many f b^loe be op* poy n f eb to cueryc one c y tie / fyo wt mete ie it off nect ffeu fat #rbcr faf e that one htie flocte f bnlbe be content xvitfy one. 7 t 3^^/to^o ie ignotant off tb**/ tbat for t^e mofle par& w^er not one but rasbcr two mufle bane tbe cfpear0e) tfcere commonly tb'ngee be moftc ncgli gentfye iboncanb not fo mu$c ve0arbeb Mb careb for m otipcrwifc JjeywottlbcbCt } %fye anfott efftb* <$>nt began to ^ » ^e/anb by manneeorbinaancerat^ertben by betuneaa*l?oti ac/wberforewecfclabetbatadfor fd>ifme6tt>efirfieorbcr ***? , of many woe left 3& one Ptid&t pOH one / tpe rbmFe it goob to rctnrne to tbt ftrffc orber off P*rry rvotr moo rqualtmin'flereaccorbingrtotljetnffimcsonoff vvilfcA. W>e2lpofierte**04int3erometear,tli rbe lyme off @t>o **** Faaromf •fter ^bnfte *o», yeree anb more/tbr Krjjimente tt>ae equat r^^ tycommittebtomanye. 3nb aef or rfcrnttre/rlyre be cjram^ c j pice off tbe bcfted}urd>c to tfye contrary, 2hb Wlaifter tf aU a cli! •tmimbec tf"^ap. off ^19 3nf?.tutronetl;e4i. *nt> iu t>yui> ' * fone Jdedarabeejrprcfiy rbarr^cretrere jrom tbe begin* ^^ wage more Wliniffrre off tf;c trorbeanb tbat it id but off Rd *w*gt ©arnieefrtbmaunce tbat one wa* af terwarbe mabc $tfff« Bcfttnidim aert othtru CbatidaUeabgeboff tfye reformcb <$arereb/ gr ^ c ^ 6nbintbattljry berreebttyeref^ulbe be but one/it confequen* qu*ntiy foiotvit^e tfcat before t^e fa4be bcerre tberc tpcre many. 3nb iff tbcfr goblyfatber* were notre lywingeartb bib fetyoTX>2Jnted>r:fte 16 efiabtif beb rppon one / ti;ey trou'bc t»orejjla&.y reiurnt tothefirfteorberoff manyeqiii »'fortbe tfuoibinjjcojf'bat m\^letorriblem!f$ fubbenlp fc t&at ^leaue^efiocfe ; wfl«o* e f ! * ete nocvpelifeene roan& preacfcuige omit fceb/ae tt^ar^e d?auceb t'n oure $urcbe/yea/ant> a tyoucjb voc 9°™' fcatte many* 2fnb t^erf orereafon relieve ve> ttyttttie ejrpebt* ewtol;au* two rather t^enone* f^omc/tCt X)pont^c$.2CrefG 3rem/«>fcere it to proutbeb t\>at tbefclTtnffferef&allbf 8$emfeliiedortbetrbepunee btf barge tl?e fermeneanb otb# et tbetr buetiee* xo\>cn neceffar it cafe f ^all jo require; voe fay c tt te fuperftooue* for a neceffane taufenebetbenot to be pro* uibeb for by lat^e: beftbee ttyat tt>ea\owin$c off bepunee by lawemabefor tt)&t puvpofe opentt\)t a wmbow* off ntgit gence to t\)t mimjfcre in tfce e may* be in a reby* nee tcb<$e f bail feme tn neceffirie/ 3t te proutbeb in many* cttee/byaJatoetbattnbreabeoffftercuerteman baue abtx* tUt off water at b to bore/ wb< $t to a *b*njje neceffkrfe. 2f n& vntuerfallytbemulttrube off 0oob latere be grotrnbeb vp* pon caufceneceffarye,tPb* r f or */ we *bin^ /tfca* neceffartecaufe* ntbc not to beprouibe& for by a !aw/ott$#t tobetafrnforno lawe: anb voljctc me alieabgebtbaHt epe* netbe a wtnbotoe off negligence to tbefcHmrfiere/tt te nor (of f cr the appotntcmenre oft r bofe &r put tee appcrteinetlje mort tofye ©entore tljem to tbe fcHtmftere by oure bifciplme. 3ttmi cxxxrx. 'Ztm! in \\)e%ttk\t6f€&tt$tfmcf KDCttynf ft (a fupet* flfu ous ant) tebioue to bauev (faredijifmce fn one after noone 2J«ib a\\o ttyni t£>at iTIatfTer ereoff ttyc<$urd? toi^e fame* fr omc «nb t be reff off I?te (tbc to tt;e£nag»tfrate. ATyEcometo t\)tt noxvc ( rig&t bonorablc 0. *& we were djargeb to boo by yonr commaunt ) trbtcfcc commaunbment anb appomtcmentuibatforaemucbae fortl^e apeafmgcanb fi* nail puttwgc atoate off rb* contention bettcecne ve an\> oure brctbcrn/tcc )7>ti!b* f becce t»b? wc frficnte from ttyem / anb cannotproceabe in tbc fame pafjagcanbtoaye that rhcyboo: tPe f bail \o open pnto yotr oure bef ence anb caufe euen ae vec befter to bciufiifieb bottye in core cdfcience* anb before gob* ftot»beit/tt?eare vcryefory tb*t your &. £>at\)e ly m«teb?6 fofbortetyme/foae inacau(e Tt>bidje(fortbcT«>ai0btineea& h'ffcu'tppon truth more leafu* re'anb vttit manye ttjmgea to be tsaycb to anb fro/ voc muff* eff force in a manner bolbe oure peace anb fay nothing. But oure trufleie tbaryour,£>, voilltyareaftcv/ rcmebjr tbre btfp'cafurc/m grauntingc re longer tymc tbat tee maft more am?4€ J;crea{ta confirm* owe caufc / trl;id?c trear* 6 4 foucb ■ CXLT. f arceb t$ fet £o*rt!K tuf zb Mb wttb oxole attie btfttxct at at l»|7fd>< tre will mo#e0tably boo aab befter tfyu we mate f re* ely btptrmtiUbtoboQ. £l?tetettctb?»c$e tbat we ofren fco 00^1 for wfecn we confulteb 4mon0e core bm{?ern fbrtfce correcting^ anb amen&inge off cure bffctpline/tfcar/a'ft long* 4e rfce matter anb eaufe wz&it\ equitation / we tm0t?t f* Icfi0e po!tfbe4nbf nt| t* more at fargetljat wa$ alleabgeb/ «o 4b5e twtoall oure fentencce/ before ifce fenrertcee brougljfi tn/ anb to ff nfce o wre anb rate awate from item yff oug^t fit meb wortfcte to be caf en awate / albvt any cringe were pat in! at firme 4nb eftabltfbcb by owe fubfaiptton : tXty*** tbinge we nowe eftfonnce befter moftc earnefily at yoar0# 0* for4emu$r4enotbui0e** yet corKlubfban& betermfneb by yourS. t!>ere benofacfc premblce obtatefc vnto oure caufe/ bar tfcatwe mayeconf*rme ail cure aUc0a# tiontwu\)\ivmt znbav&labk arguments 2Inb in beebe /fetn0e we ma fte nowe initiate in otbet ${f tfcofe tbmgea xobidjt we rrprefcenbe anb conbemnt in oure bretbe rne mabc © fetpitne : Cbtc we f*r# repre* fytnb vniuc rfally/ tfcat any ou/er alteration or tnnouanon off sfymgesf fculb bem oureajfaiers tfcen jfldje ae ferue onely 10 tbt correettn0e Mb amcnbmgcofftijat ©tfaplmc yotfidfc b& tbebyn heretofore receaneb anb vfeb in oure & bgcte from tbetatnnouationd/ anb byb v& fttd frill to oure olbc* bifaplinc / anb not for tfce p'eafureojf fomemtnf anb contrary a\(o royour commaunbement ( ge* mn fortfce 4twnbin0e anb not for r^e mafrM0eof?any newc 0(fcipI:nf)tocotUemncanbcafie away t^ar xs\id}c\omar$ tyaut a'cvctb* VOl)itb« tr# off t^t |tb« an* tccuin i \j)i&wiit 9 Wz CLXl TOefyfib ptirpafcb(r*gfn honorable ab ri$tytoue> tTTatf* be no artfvrcre at alt vmo ttycia pnbroxfecrly reprove ojf iffiatfict &otrie anbffiufici £fyainocre>tfovtt)cy arc tb*onc* lf rbcroff ) fnae muc^e ;c il;cy tc t>na>ortt>ytob€ *nftp*reb rnto/ |eingerb/beforefcTiai(terfeartue0. (fojran* Id. ©anbee/arbyrreeappomreb byyoar auttyorfnc/tbstb* tcae nor bc|?ro. r J6 tbat trc f^u or ani'tpcre/xrl>erm inbeb nor a!ro Qui, tx a foolc. Jor be Fiu n?c tveil yuowcjfo |otrt f onb gcarc be bab wrnttnjanb wculb Uarc a trait tW* brc$Qt\)tw\)iU/ not aerbougb t»e woulbc not/butcoufet wot anjxscre fo Itgb r accufcrione,\Xl;*<£r petit bragg (tPbt* tin be jo mudfc *cl*tcrb) wt vcou\be bauc byn to ty* ut fpaieb t?im/b«b nor your aarbor*t!c( trbo tbougbt it meetc for oe (name trifeto mafe anfxrere) come bettoeene : 2lnb to cafe vTJait&r #orncanb iThifler (fbambtTdfb*!! rcabc fl* me rbtogceoere in oureanft&ere tb*t tbry xvoutbe not/ kt tl)tm remember rfcar t^ry b*ue brairnveto tt/tntbarttycj fcauc bluiTreb otote m wrytin#e (0 vnvcotifyit matter* \arib tbatfofalfcly) off fu$ca mulnrube off ibctr ba«ij^> c ountm men. forrbry ( Jorgcitinge allbumartitie *n* (Boob manner)/ obicctc before rbe tflagifiratc (anbrb** $ften)pro»rrtie to a great manytoff ouree no tr e in ejrile at * moflfygbe reprove. tEbatt ten? 3rer£ey bamfbeb anb po* *re willingly or parforce?tt?rrc tfycy noranb nrg^t tfcey not {yff tbey fet more by goobce rben goblyneffe/ be riier i 3nb ir bene \)Mt tfycy tty* pouerne trbi^e ye tfnatfler #orne anb tnaiftcr (fbSbrre cafiefo tauntingly in t^eir tcetb?3nb tcb plentye *^erby ye loolefo b»gb again (ley out brct£ern?©urcly yotp ougbt ro^aueabuifcb yosr felff/ (cm* $e ye carry tbe common purfe / before ye bab (0 raf bty Mb fa vnbifcreetlypubljfbebt^ete trorbe rntorbengbt benorabte 1^^raie/wt^^wpro^off'yoarfe!g r an^ofi r yoMrc^ mum , > CXLII, i mttit thin. 3h bebe we woiUbe batie faffrefe~tbete(a$ c ott*£ mon reprocfcee ) tobeburtebw perpetuallfilencefffitfemeb nototbertsife mcetctot\)cti$l)t honorable magt{?rate / (m# Ijofe autboritte voc obeyingeaeytbecomctfce x>e> ) fbaUan* f-wnc particulerly vwoali i£e particular chapters off your ajfertsons* ^otfre preface* > £5flft0crc tfHaijtcr ^orneanbtfnatffer (f^amberebefireli* *-*\ence to faieaub xmfme/to purtooanD tatefro/ tofubferi be/anb rcuo£e/tob#o/anb tmbooall/ aetbey t^tnfgoobtbetn feluee/tbcy fecmc to require tbeir otsne rig(?t:fortbey bcfi'ec no otber ttyen tbdt tt?ey baue byn rfeb fyirfyerro to boo/ ae tt is mofte eutbently Bnotren almofi ro all rbc whole congregate omnotW£tbft5bingtbie(4lbe> pauice rule/ tr>bo bemetb it to be bt* property ro fate yea anb nay / nertjet £auet»e any e more tneruetl / fyatttyfame filacer $or* tie anb Vttaiftet (fbambera tbmfctbc olfce 0*fcfplme teto bereteineb fltilaeatbtngetbatbotbe l;atbe permtttcb tbent free liberie ro boo yet fytti) er to xofyai tbey tooulbe ar r^eir ott>* nepleafure / anb fbetret^e no toayeboroe toamenbe tbofc matter* tbat tbey Ijaue bon a mtffe agreat trbtle. 2Inb yet bit caufe xoe b flue ptotxibeb by tbe anrbormc b$tbe off the magt* (tut anb office congregation tbat'tbeltfc fbaU not happen thereafter/ #ey accufe ve> o(f tnnouatfon forfootbe. 8C>b*re t^ey m4?r cautHation aboute btfopltne to be amenbeb anb not to be ncvoe mabe/anb accufe *>6 ae tbougb toe fyaue bone again ft tf?emagiflratedcommaunbcmcnt: £E>eanfa>ere tbat all occafions off ourcolbeeontroucrfiee were tafenawayeby tbe magiftratee commaunbement tbe Ufle off February; but tbe otyeQxfcipline/ae arming not perfect norinbiffcrentba* tb* kyn t*> e (peciM caufe off our controuerftce tn bebe : (Tfrer* f^rc wcaffirme tbstittraetaFenarsaye by tbat commaun* bcrm-rrte/anb potrer getien to tbe congregation romaFe art 0t\}cv/ae> it t* bedarcb mtl;e plawc tpprbea <> ff tfye fame coma mmwtmnn CXLIIT. •fcaunbemcnt. furthermore/for as mu$e 46 v$e bide leptt (l«ll the grcarcfte parte off rbc ol&e btfctplinc trbtcfee femeb in* different a& ir apearett, eatbendy in tbe boo?e off oure bifciplt* ne/lct tbcm call ;r(feinge it fc pleafeil; tt?cm ) tlje amenbmge off .(jeotoedifapline/ mafmuc^eaero amenfce/ie notbmgc elletbantocorreactbattrl^cb te amiffe/ toputocsre ttydt i# cuell an6 to pur tntba:i6trantinge, £berfore/vDbitbertbey call it oure netoe mabe bifcrpb'ne ortbcotfceammOc&/ we will not ftriuetrir^ tfyem abotBtc tl?at matter, feinge/ttegcuctbemleaue tofpea£attl>eirplea* fure.£>ne!y vot becare tbat xx>e baue bone norfc>inge40ain{I tfcemagiflrarcecommaunbcmentintfcatbelpa'ff. Obtcatori to tfyt title off c^>< ©ifopline, ^vTtb* tytle anb entrance \mtotl?eir ©ifctplinetDcreproac Home. 4ly t^ie ae plaine f a l (e m iba^ toey faye t^e boofe off ttyeir bif • cipline tt>ae collectcb by k. men appomreb bo ^o i be fame by yetoMeMc tl?e congregation anbtl^eaut^oruie off tbe iHag'ftrate/anb , n j fo t /, cr foejrfybftebaftertcarbetmto ourc congregation by tbe fame j^j: or j y Cm W. men. ^orit trae botbe collecteb before ib* matter trae ^i^^, commit t* b t>rto tbem anb conf irmeb before ^anbe by many ,J* " men.^e banoee fubfenbeb, " mM f"* Ioucbingetbe4i. QPf^cfceapproueb ttysbifciplineanb ? & confirmed it by fubfcrtbmge/tbio tscmaiealleabge tbcreare fffi 1 ? * tblvb^^'y^^ff^tbermenneeliberalitieanb almee/ t0 r°[cribc fo aetbey mayefeeme rather to follotre otber mennea tx>il!e/ t0 the boo* anbto be inclined to tbeirplcafure6;fpect4lly/fcmge fo large ktoffprty* Anbamp'epromifedaftrcll rolioe at libertieas to bauetl?cir ** > among f lenber Uumge releueD/tjaue byn mabe to tlpie intent, others, m#« re blynde tTlaifler^orneanblTIaifierirtamberebentetbebooFe then be* *ff&»faplinc to be collectcb by tbe if men /bycaufe rtey be»n v/frufccu4» geappomte& off tl;e n. baue laboreb by all means tbat norl?m 0efl?u!D«: be bonne for rl?e (ettingc off tt;e congregation at a C quiet CXLIIIV quyet ff aye, Znb ttffiti tl^cy pcrceiueb rl; mbrj? canfb not \>itt btt it/tbey came not tout; 1 1; e rr|lc/rl>e lAafkt bateeaccorbm* 0c to appoin{m€t fo ae by il;ar meaner/ fonte of t!;e!U|le n5* beroff if, men f ^uibefaewantincje* xt>aa net;!}* booFerbcr* forebode lawfully collectebanb laxcful'y ej^ibiteb toty* congregation bycaufc^ot^offtljeappointeb men xcit^tuxo tbcmfeluee^amjter!0tr4nbequaie?n>^atfgul&ebe&cter# mme&inanieaffaire0/yflFrt;emattcrfl;ul5ur!e / tiUat'togc* tJ;er( not one except) fbulbe agree tbrougl^y inaUpointee? iityere tbey fate tije boofe tsa$ collected before t!;te matter wa-d committeb to t£r t?. men to it a plaine f iaunber^aifier i(oorneanb$Tiaifier<£bambere migb* be tufty aff;amebt# ca(i pouert/e tn owe bretberne teat) noxoe in efik ( anb t£at before t^efcHagiflratejanb to fyefoopenly/sl;ati4, offoure company t^arfubferibeb lyueoffot^r rnennee almee* Znt> *ff fomanye poor to it not a plaine matter tbattl?ey bane byn cueit intreatebat (fbarobere ^anbebefore tyme? But wt^ere tt?cy gather tl^at ti?e poore men feeme to fyauc foloroeb ot^er menne0mynbe0tn(ubfcribin0etotbe0ifdpline/rat^ert?7eti ibeironwentto f onbly gatbereb : in afmucbe a* on tbe con> erary parte it to mofle true tl^at tl^ey votytyt ( xcertxbtf poore men ) foloa>ib not €t>ambete xofyen be rannc a OPaye vcitfy t\je bagge/ regar&eb t^eir con\cienee mote then tfyeif* uingcforfomucfccaebotlje t^eyanball orber mtg^t be cer* teinly affureb tbat tbey fbulbe mofle greuoufly cjfenb net onely tbe purje bearer Chamber* butalljottro or tljerc otber o(ftl;e richer forte off oure congregation* But l;oweraucfce more iu(t!y migb* wercturnetbto accufat<5 (t»bi$ t^cy falfc ly b*nb4gatnf?coure6)ppon #R $ornc anb #11 (Tbamb. ani> tttanyc otber off that nomber wfyifye i?aue foloweb (fbtf mb* in mnninge awaye from tl;e congregation / bycaufebe cartel &nb (fyeweb tbem a well fiuffeb potxx&e / as it were a (?an# barb to folio tDcforneirbcr itlai(!er (fbambcrenor WTaiffer (Borne burfl euer fyaue bepaxttb from ttje congregation *$ ^9 ty»« bpne b*£ vppon truff e ef f j?c porc$c / xp!?ie tncfyaity* afltrayee borne/ anb tl;e rtfytt fcat£ byn ener &n vnfcpatabk waiter vpponf vofycu fo cucr it trcre carteb : anb anb yet in tbe mcanevotyile / ttyie ffayeftlloxcc $ornc/ front alofte concern netl? f<> greats company off fcie countric mettf entomoo;t£t?atmercic anb pityeietbte off fl?*r£ toti>ar# fces t fceir bretljern to leiuefo many miferablc people bet inbt ebem/contrary totljeirprofflcffemabcto tfce congregation/ Anb to runne atraie not onely from t\)t congregation / but alfo ctDteojf roecytyefhappinge atraie x\)tba$$c ratty tbem tvobityt contemctbe many mennee almee gatl?ercbfortlje poorein tfyc nsmeojfttjecongregation/anbto Uanc x\)tm all fccftetiKc / ajib alfo to leauecerteine preachers appointebby t\)tm(*o\)\$)t \)a\xt fcrueb x\)t djurefce a yere anb moore/ anb to w\)om t^ey promifeb tbat t^eyf £>ulbe lacf nothing) in a great beak off bett toother men for rtjeir necejfaty bour* bet Unb vobtte tljeypfayefud^ pran?ee/tbcyeaf?e ourebre* ibern in tfce tecebfiiUtxmt? pouerrte/ by tYexoaic off reprove/ before tbetTlagijlrateXettbem go toot^eifore/fctngetb^ pleasure iafucfcc anb nomber tbeir oirne ccpanyeanblcaue cttret^eirfcruauntee/t^cirboyce/anbfud^cae bepenbe t>p# pon Chambers purfe (f or be \j at foe mabe it bia oarnc/anb bebi cateb it to t*a ownt p:opcrtic)cnb let t\)tm tell r* tbcn/l)oxcc many t&ere be left on :i>etr parte/yff tl;ey b^r not afbamcb to telllfovoe manie t\)cy be: tPbere vet bib corofortc our poore brccbernto oure power t^om (^ambers running atray< € g aft) CXLV1. t&ity thcba$$t ftabmabeaffonff beb/anb woalbebaue&aV i^em otterly Difcourageio / tl?ey lay it to cure cbargeae eueH boncixotyat te ttyere manif efle fcedaration ele but tl;at rl>e pc* ore of our jcongregatton f bulb be orterly btfl ttute nor onety of relteff butalfo off all bope of relief e tobtcbe^atl^eeuer bin tt?e vttermofie comfottc off fu$e ae bem myferie, jfo tfyt IDtfctpIf if c it fcf ff ait o&cctf oir» M 2tye nejrt twinge no toe trbere in x*e agree not / ie/ tljA* Horftf * wl;td?€it> fpoBen off tfcei. nevot fcTlimftcre. Stye tbey treat t>ppon in t\)t 7. 2f r tide. (Etye roe fcef enbe / tl?at tbe fenprure bott^Ieaneanbindynerarber sntoone/ tfyan onto u votyfyt one/aebemufle not beaboue tbe reficby lorbeftypp/fayet ougbt l)*to beaboueotycrinc^argeanbinburtbe/ mae ma cfce ae> be mufiene&ee^euea greater accoumpte/rben t\)Ct& f?e for tbe floci comtttefr onto \)\m Mb to b*e charge, £bet*' toe are able to proue* jftrfie / by tbe ctrcamftancea *ff tb* places off fcripturee confi&ereb/feconbfy/ by tbe interpret** cione offauncientfatbere/anb tbe befi iernebmen off oure tyme or latter baice oore remembrance; tbe grcatcft lerneb mtn ^6(Taiusn/Brentiue/4nb manyotberbo tbin£, after war t>c for ifre auoibinge of biffennone/tlje cfetcffau tborttie tpaec5m«ttej>pnto one aet^e cfcicff. Butyajaitbc be/ tbat tcae bonne rather by tbe fiatute off men t^en by tl;c 4Pt^ortfieoff (5ob. OPbeee tfcey fpeaf e fo mucbeofftbe mi* fc^^ffe off contention tn tbecfctirc^e/ weeonfeffeittea great euelt/ Bur/ tbat tyranny is a more peftifcroufc fcefiructton to tyed^urfye/anb tbat tyranny en p; ituotbe eburefce byon«/ t^e Btj b opp off Kome/maye teaser d at} erf ore/for aemu^eae botbe xraiea/ either by one or by moo ,'euelid mace bappen/tpetbougljt jjoob to betparr more btlijjcntly of tbe greater euell, &>bere tbey bringc in €a\uin for one / voe maruelitpitbtptyat facetbeycan bo tbat feinjjttcteotrteoff ail botrte/rbatlje vpon one baie anb in one ^onreinflitoteb trco^Tltnijierd off equallautbontie in all tbingeemtbeiEn* glifbe congregation w\?id}t leat ©eneua. 3nt>afo jVmjje tbat tnt^e s chapter anb 4i. anb ftone off I le^nfttao 3n|ittimon'be&eclaretb openly tbat tl; ere trere from tbe be* grnntngtemoomtniftere off t^c tror&e; off cquail 4tie efcurcfeeoff (f brifte. VPberc t\ ey a ieaere the cjramplcd offtbed>urcbceoff(5ermany trea ! fo tram not rrarrp'ee off ti>cbutd)c eburefcr at &mbcn tc^t rm tbeir be 3. Wlimfie re off l^e tporbe off equall autocrine. 3nt> off tbe frenc^e efcurebe . off tH* uj*eoneor moo; let tfcetti C \t\ lea#c cxLxvm. feaue tbtit reranglm ge for a tbingt inbiffercntf m t£ dtt^b * it were for lyffe anb lanbe. Sphere t^ey prof effe tt?at tfyy trili ttfaf e large prdffe off tfcte matter at le yfure / let rt?em prof eflc tfcde gaye glorious promyfea fo longer iljey xrrll/ fo tbej IhtoTse tijt longer t$?ey labor in tbis matter / fo muc|>e !cf|c f £all t^ey bor^ c f fcewe attb bringe to paffe %k* ohkction to tfa S.2ttttclc» mm* 3 11 ***• Sfrtf* iThmflera commttt anb aflignel&e burthen anb cure (to^erwtrijtlKyaredjargeb) vntootber* wt£ouermu<£e facditic&Pcbemauribalfo ttyie/ atycfceap* pearetb not plainly inougb m tl?eir ©ifapltnc / to wbom pew ici'nctbtttoallowetbcfrdlegarione an\> epeufe£/w>fcentfc€£ will leauc tfceir $av$c& vnto ot^ere* ¥TWk»& &>batfnbumantrieie it/ not to be content f that t\>* mi* ftiffer$0fft^et$orbe(t>ponw4tgbrt ec ^^ gent bufmee o|f importance) f l;u!b be eafeboff tbeir bur# tbcnef aetfcougl? tfccyfrbatfynbefaulteat tbte novo*/ peril mitttb nottljefamc to tfccmfelucebeforc/rougl? agamjle o* t^er/anb ouer fauorable to tbcmfeluee» 2fob wbcre tfcey btmautibe vnto wfyom it perteinetbe td dlovot t$etr latof qll caufo/ wt toonber / tl^at t^ey / noi^er t ebbe ioyntly in tbe fameplace tfyt name off @eniore/toxw bomtfye matter tscomrmtteb/ nor remember tljat gencrall point* in tfy hi. article/ tfyat tl;c goucrnement off t^e wlf ole quttyt ie committed to t&e mmtfltere anb @cntore f Hbt obketiott to t\)t %}. Hi tick. Hor*e< £PeallotDetf?etranfia*igeoffboo?e^But^atfoopeii 6 latse f lyulbc be mabe format matter/ fl;att'6tbe tljwQcwe fynbe fault vo*tyc,S $* i* botfce conteinet^ rfcat xotydfcie a pe ftiknt mMtt* to vuu cowgregarton/by mcanee of banger of CXLIX, fucfrae are wont tofrraucile ae (Tranter* vpptyfyttvfite v» cvct of tfnglanbei ae alfo it mate be rt p * t ben Deb in tfrat u fe* trcrbro fmellanb teno openly roifce private commobiticoff fantmen* KDljcrcit it figmfieb roat cerreinebooPee gobly anb WWt&<4& ffet eittycr to in(f ra* sbinjje b^ re but flcpe for wl;er t!?ey abb t otcdjing the priuate commobirte off fomc info common a profit /we cannot geffe «>£>*;t tljat meanet^ern ae mu<$e ae alt men tfcatl?aue in tbets tntferablebatee/yetoir^errocaufebboofeetobefet foortl^ettt pure tonge tjaue rather loft tt; < t& Strict* 3n tlK *<. Article tbe cuffobre off tbe treafure offtf?e cfcur Hem, ^eperteinctb not neceffanly to tbe ©eaconeby r^etrorbe off©ob.21nbatil)iebayemanyreformebc&ur fcrue it anb moreouerttfemetbe more profitable tmt# our« €en$te$ation to baue it otberwife. ^owrtbty t^e mofte paw teojf t\}c auntitmtfl c^urd^e feepea plaint ot^cr cuftomc* *ftbc anfwerc, 3(f t$ey be able to f betre (o plaint a pface in all tf>e w&* ▼?***** le0cnptare for anie orbcrtfcat ougbt to tyxat ttyt cutfobit c(f tbe rreafure off tbe cfcurcfce ae id in tbe 6. off tbe 3ctee off t£e 2Jpofielle/for t^e ©eaconee / toe yelbe t>nto tfcetn. $ea/ *nb (TaUiin f ball yelbe aifo ( tx>£ofe name t^ey oftcmimee tronberoue confibcntly ani> falfely alieabge) tr^o/ in tbe «. (Tbaptet off rbe 3nfrtu*ion offa € bnften man in rfca 5f* frmfw) y totality plainly ae wc $** y afadl a# unber tbeapojielte)fautfuii peopleebayly obiationeanbil?* yereiy reui netree off r^e d>ur d?tf/co tbentem tb ty f ljulb befto* t»e tbem x>ppo»t true rfce, tPe bef*et rfcem notce to f betse v* tnorep amy/ vntovoh&t overmen that <#ar0ebotbe rather belonge ttjento tt?e beacone/:c. But rbeyfayc mame refer* meb cburcbee obferue not rljis/Sb tfcat it xcdl be more prof tx* btc for oure con0re^ari5 to bant it 0ibertx>ife;3nD tbar r V c ma fieparteof tljeauncilteftc&urcfceefeepe fltll an or b ercufiome £i)i6 (46 we faybe bef ore)?e onely i o a|f rme/anb proue nottyn jje. Bur rbue tbey boo a mofte aiitoaiee. Bur a>bere f bey fpe* ate off tb* auwienteft tbat tbey a|f mm tfyat it tDili-bc pro* fitable for oure eburefce to bauett orbertotfeitbat ie / tbat one/ «, &e> it te nowc/ bane tfyc cuftobte alone /tnow aione/anb btftri * buterbecburdje mony alone anb mate accoumpt alone/ anb to bitnfelff aione.Bur we ate reaby toproue eitber to tbe ma* gtffr ate/or to tbe tx>orlbe(in cafe tbe £nagifirate {o permit ?t) botb* by teffrmoniee/reafone/anb matters in bebe / tbat tb»s ie not onely not profitable/but a?fo it batbe anb io utterly pec nitioue/anb to t^e plame vnboomge o(f oure d?ur$e* %bt ohicctwn to tfyt 17. Article. We fy nbe f aulte / tbat tbe election o jf tt>e ©eaeone te Horn^ tiotfrreynou0b*^ r ^ e ^4?^ turn muffebe alltraiee tat en* 2Ufo m tba t tbey ou^t to bepenb rppon tt; e will ani> counccll ojfib^^lbere/toberenoweagreat parte off *bc elberebotbc Itueanb bepenbe vpon tbe Qeacone purce,tn\>i5ti$[)i)(»{tte tbat ibey I?aue byn richer in tymee paftef anbejrcfprctbeypreferrebKelijjion toriefcee) mayeberidjer vot)tn t^y tptll«2lnb notoe ae tbey are become rculmtfy banfc f beb men/ fo are t{?ey tmlling'yc poore men for r^e fame Keli* gjone fate tbat ye trill feeme to pro fe}Je? ECtyerforetbenba& yeratberenuiouffyto reprcljenDpouertte in fud?e acne t^en genthero c$m*nbfogreatat>ertue/buttbatyeare briuen £e* rero by grtefe ofyour fiomaFee tb:ou£#ma!ice,tTb4tf©ort>* paule require tceli!;e in$£lbere(ae ye boo)or rertue* (5o too/ dnfef^etre re ottteoffpauletl^atr^ie your puree treltbe;erenener t^e leffe fbarply I correaeb of ttyem;? 2Jnb yet tfyeie men t^at requter fucfc I ruffling nd)t elbete/troube baue ©eacone off tbe poorer foe I te.But by tx>!?at example/ anb by trtyat reafom'trby cannot ye bein^e fbnftane be conttntin ej:ileaf\rell xcitl poorei£»berd aetrrtb poore Qeaconeivcc remember tl?at one off yotr faiet> openly in our Rearing?/ anb m tl^c tyearM0 of man:* otf?cr r^at V yoxf J CL1L f ots> coiflbttot wHjyoar confciencebe vnba fu# minifies tmb{w$Qmioiea0 oute d)xitd^l)atl}cnoxce(^ofct\,3ifccan f inbe no otfyet f aulce in tlyem tben triiif u\l pouertte/t be congte Ration alfo can not repent tl;em yet off t!;e mfnifkr* anb^e mora t^l^om tb*y baue c^ofen:anb aef or tbie pure coiifctenp ceoffyoure t&epaffc not for ft* 23ut xoctlfmtyyffxDchbibt to refpecteb in anic tbat i& in £ccle{iafticur<^£ monie witty otcte ftntfirt fufpttton/Jn b*b e ab.ewte 4. momttyee pajte / ye bab ©eacone / furely boncfi men tx>£ fate not nay / but yet fucfK *& for ^ctf flenbcr ab? ttte ye tnabe fuc$> imberlsnges/tbat ye broujjbt not onclic t\)c boneji ©oob men but alfo tbe roimfierie off ©eacone( to tbc gjreafc tnturt* off tbeapofieileorbinaunce) into rerymu4>£ content* ptfc 2inb in cafe t»e baue tbongbt ©ocbto be ware ( by all ttteanee)off H?at eudl / ye ou0bt nor to bane byn greuebot it/but rarber tobauereiojfeb in tfye (fymt&iebtfyzlffi But \>z* retntbereieone great finns / tbattbte i& not boneby yots/ but ratber ajjatnjl your minbee (einge ye tbinf nothing* *# be rigbt/nor ame t^nge to flanbe in fprce pnSe j]eit procabe l^^ Cbcmtrtfffer* fpanb^pritsfe^oa^ teuc^emonie $erfo/ * butnotboxceits'6befioti>cb^b^^^0 a ^^ er b e4: »^omeoft^c j tff Gto aunaentcfr anb bc#e infiituteb 4>ar<|>ca/anb contrary to tfyt hep) in your 3ub0emente anb my nbe off t^e greatefi ferneb men tfy&t be \ te'dgcmmtl in tbesebafe£as£a!um anb otbera/ votydfye a^tbey permit irape yew tb^bijlribution twto tbe ©eacona/enenfo/ttttll tbey b<*ue it wiUdowt bo»neattb« arbttrementanbapoosmroentojf tbe jElbcre, ft i ^* tt1toi£a» Cf4te fyey ) f tytff 6e prfafe ^otse mutfce CLIII. ntdnicthttttefantnttfaw rttebeffotreb* lt>fKt*frnbj*T» mourebooFe t^cie trorbc6:(butnotbow it t* bcflowebO 2li$bfctvo\)cnl)el)&tl)*bbcbit/oft bte>ovonc/leibt /^evoefye triumphal? l;crc off tb* caflomc off tlyc mofic aunacnuft ^urd?ee/o(fr^emtnt)ceo(ft^e greatefUerncbmen/ namely Vna*f?cr(falutn/ :c. 3ntb«e matter rl;c man truly (ancibc not to h<:uc vcanreb fpace anb tyroc tityeroff be bab to mu A>e eo tcr.ti 10 fonbe ranitic*/ butt^ac t?ci4cfcbt?ia eycfig^c *nb fomc vp^ at ell* befibea. tTbc objection Acptinfi tfce *?♦ Zvticlt. albeit tb*y troal.*> coucr ttyc mattcr/tct by maftngc of HW8fc t^xcc6/t\^ymahAlcptmy{nowen:Sott\}cybifdo(ttboomu <£*/tbat tec fenbe ott U cure gat^erere to bringe otfccr mew iieelibrralitiexmto re:TPbtte tbar $ctl)(tct6/t\c mote tben it ie/tbat vot be at jrran^ efforb. 21nbrbcn bcabbetb tfcat tbecnnemieemayeeafihe conrccrtire from xvtyom ttye> fo great liberalise commetbr. tOt xvoabtt xxj;at le mcanctb or bowc mutye ir te rbat he talletb fo great. £*o:been tbar Here areftubentee/ lecturee/anb 0tfpura#one/yff tcebab fpofeit notbmjjeofftbefcoolem oure btfctpline.^or it voae not Jno* tren ttyat t^eretoae a collebjje off ftubentee at Suricf before* 3t to a toorlb to fe botre circumfpecte tbei6 men be in trow bee/vctyentbey ateminbebto fpeafany tbinge againfttb** oure fooltfbcfymphcitie. ^or wljat mabneffe i'6rt /to t^tnB ttyat tbofe tb ingee tsbtd?* be euery bate open before mtnnc& syee are t\)t more tnovoen/by one fentence tsrytten tn ftbeof e wol)id}e vctk fevoe f b*ll Iool*e in* ^^ o& ccti on to the i£. i% atib if* Ztttck, f T^ Cbef & muc^con mon/e utterly cafte aroayemen/ yea/ botl?e together *bc monie anfc men, 2Inb yet in tbe meant xctyle/ tlpcxetyat wv.ho cvtc aUftyamc/reafoncf ftjamfaftne* forfootb/ tol;om ratb^t iljentbofetbat baueany (parte off tyonefie f bamefafiuco left / potifoe go x?nro / tl?ey l?ab ratl;cr almofie bie/yca/t!>fi3 gentle anb |bamfafte bifpoferebaue wtb tbetrobioua bef/auiotir briucn many men off notable goobtrrttce anbtovrarbneffe/jometo tlpeprfntinge botofe/ fometobefcrumejemen/ano torimneinto )£ng\an&a$aincf wtty tbe pcnll bctl?e eff bobfe anb foule. Bur off tl;ie cafe off euellfcanblmge/xrc {tall commence matter againftetbie* roen(y(f gob \»tll)anb tbe magiftrate jjeue ve> leaue/ to ttye n* eenttl?atgoobmcn mayebetbe more ware benffoortbe tl?at tbey committ not tfytir liberall afmce fo eafilte to anic one tnnnnce f ibclitie hereafter. 'cTbe objection agafrttf the 16. UtticU. nro t?s all fudje as be tbe mofteibleperfons anb \\>tvtc rteftrntbnftee/ anb alfo papifTc^ votyfyt trill fame tbem* fcluea to beKeljgiooe i^atttyeymay be^olpen aei»el?aue Icrncb by experience, 3^betrauelouroff ourenah'oft^auinge neebeby rbetoa* , . yt to bebolpen on \>ie lourncy (yff tbe treafure off tbe c^urefce W&wMC Toillbearek)pleafenott^etemen.2[bey faie/tbey fyantlcrnc* by experience that iMe perfone anb imt^nf tee anb alfo papte flee are calleb Either by ttye mcanee, By trbat ejrpertence/tre befedjeyontfbcfow tbielawetraemabeorfir^ene^ yff ttyef tx>ere calleb fy:tl;er before rbia lau>e wae mabe/tb ey ttere not calleb by occafioa off tty* lawe, £et tbcm ceaffe e^erf ore to V 1$ impure impute tmtd 6 latw/tbatpronibetb oncfyf or tfyoft tbat be p blyanbrtetbie/t^ofe tbmgee tbat naogtte pacfce ^aue eu« fctt§r* rt ° feottsc ^nb will do (til! hereafter* < ofricctfon to tfre 17, %tti cle* Home* / 3t f s not c \tttcte> f oortb off tbcte latecs tlytit are not patfe it. or 19. tt?^jdpe baue competent yooug* £c to line vpett Mb to fufiatne r bemfeiucs, 2fnb o(f tbem rb** re vooa'be not onc!y f me gcuc heretofore / tc^en collections were mabe/anb tbe fumme off all tfceir biflributions came n« Ber to ik Wallers / t^>ey gaue fo fparingty an& fo f lenbcrly. 3rib parbappes tfcefr ie feme xotyat beretn ro $ eepe bacf ant> *n& fray atuaie all fud> ae be oflr t^e ricber forte from v* tfyai tbey came nor bitter/ xcfytn tbey fballfefo fetse ri$e btrell amongc fomanie poore/wbt<$e ncucrtbefeefbalbe compete I* & to (nftaint trib beare perie great $arge$ at f unbrie con* taburions* WftftfctfJ* 3* fe n*t • compulfton /but an dmt&. Set no m&n is conftratneb otbertvifc tben bis otrne gac fc will anb babiitrfe te/anb ttyat rbat is off goob trill/ is no compu?f*on t 2Jnb tbe* re f ball no man cjf tfyc richer forte ( t^at te 0obUc ) be f ratbc await from v s by t^t& meane/in ae mricfoe ae fucbe as be go * bite fcefe o(f tbercotone accorbc/teb^tn tbey mayeboo Qoob vnio. 2fnb w%tt tbey obiectc vnto v& againt ttyt {mall nomberotfoures/t»b^ ^aue competent ynou^b to lyue rpontbemfeluee/tbeief^ulbebefomemcnoffmigbttebabt^ Ittte tbat iDoulbcbaac tbe ma0:firate perftoabeb/ tbatotber are but be00era in comparifon off tbem,parabucmurc$or* nc/ ^ic^ei&tbebeaifcrbereoff/ ieabmitteb pnberbanbe into tbefclou?fb*ppofftbc puree tritb ^ambers anbtb*** of it coromctye tys fo great ftwllingc 7 fu^loftynrffean^ clvij. contempt* off others: 2Inb trbere be abbf tl^e rf>at t^ere tw* tebuttynei\)utccucatti)c collections before ryme/anb ttje fummcojftbatT;;t70auc/camcfcar|Ctoi^0a!lcro/ it tea mattcrtsortt^r tobc Pnotfrem^or abc-trt: an ba'tfycrepafii anb more wben^orneanofcyarnberebab jjeuert warning* cpenIyforcerrcinctbii»ge&il;Gc tl;ey tcjreoffl'nSKbat/tretpo fcnott^at/ti;atttHywcu!bcgctK cucr tl;cir£cclefuflicall Itiini(icrfc6/t»t;ict>e ;e no nouelrte for t';cm to boo notse/after tearbetbey cccr'abotTJtero garfjer ederic manneealmeeto UK intent f bey migty fecme at rtyeir be parture from t^nr mint fleriee hie geob tyuf banbe a of o ti;cr tn? nee liberalise to bauc left fometbmge rnro tfye cfcutdpc.But fringe tl;cy gatbereb to t^ieenbe/anbit ttae perfectly fnotcen to all men tty&t ttycjx 0arberingewaefort^teeanfe/certen!y/tremeruat!erbart^ re xvae>\omud}caeontt\,at tDoufbegaueantetl)inge/ort£at tbtfatnmtxvt)id}ttl)ey gam i Qtoxccb tofomuefeeaeii. not ©alera but ballcrc or pbemnge6,15ut <£!?4mbctd anb &orn* rare not fo etiell Jnotren at tbat tyme: ncwe yff tbey lyft to of fate/rfcey f ball proceiue / t\)&t H?cre to not one / tl?at will poi l^em tn trufte trirb fo rnucfce ae a myte. 2Inb yet fin* ttyey be* parteb from t\)t congregation/ tbcrcl?athc bin more geuen (by tbe grace off gob)rnto t^e poore/tben J^orne anb €l)am* fcere t^auegeuen offtbeir o^ne/alU^ebaic6o(t^etrlt(fct ^bc obitction a^Ainii tfye i$> Article. tfcfc lat»c!?at!>e tbefc bifcomobfhee^at firfle/ttbifclo ^° mi fetlj tbettynge oner rnucbe/tbat t^ofe xc\)\(bc voert wont to be Itberall vnto ve/azc mo$t beftrons to I eepe clofe / feconbly / ft iepreiobitiall to priaatc mcntvbi^ebaue felte manic mtn* neepriuate beneficence- (Tbfrbly it nippetb anb rl?t»ttctl?cc* trate agreat beale off that liberalise/ tx>bi<$c migbteome to re/in tbat tre fo appointe a grange coilcaour/anb r nf noxrl to tbc geuero.^ourtbclie it botbe tronfceroue fufpiciooely^m portet*;einfaniiccff certeine tbat £aoe *>fcb t^cie labours jiftUe V it ft) all (IriBe a fcarcanb a terror pnto t^c geuer p?fte» CLX, fie tmberff anbe ) m&Unttbe tnfo great amfcoritte wufc *3 men/nor be fud> buggarbfcee to tl;epoore yff tt;ey maye net beare tbe bagge aione, © gr^uooe attfc intolterablc euillca t^atvotU growe off tt)€ie(ufpition^Jnbthct^tf mahen en be off ail ttyte place wt!;e plamc tragtcall termce : tbte gears Cfaisi) be )• f £all caufe tmbootfi0c anb 4 mojfa pcfhlent plage vnto tbe congregation. tPetDonbertbatb^crtebnoc ot»teaffo:obeauen/oear* ftfce/o neptuneefe&e/bufc rvfyetettyeyfeatc tbem felueefo mtu 4^eoff fcifpitioae / t»e beleue/ tt?cy mate be owte off p^ra &<* ocnture in a tc!;tk, jw all men tdiII wiib ih a f borte time ( a* farre ad t»e fee ) geue ouer to fnfpect t»bat tnann^t off men $*orneb*tfat!!:efo euer ttyy f nb* tPitb v& in at! rf^te aboo toucbmge t^e me jfager to be fentef f bey t^emfefuee ^auc rtterlj; forced ve by eprcam :tk anb t>t* olenceto attempte it^or feingctfbambcrsteoii bgcuenorb tnge being prefent/bufc vnto certetne off fyio oxt>ne/anbie>no* voctunne arpatersitbttjcparce/ isearepttcritc conftramefc to talc tfye taafe/ tfyat osire poore pxrifyt net fotf amine* Qfye obketi oit-agAf ftf? tbe$Q . %tti cU. Worne ^ i6 I6 a mi fF f /tb<*t t^e Qeacone are bownben to vifae * tb^pooreone!y/tofnot©etfftbeyneebe:fesnjge to bedarewbat tbmges tiny be tobubc pro# peciy appe rt atne to tb* ©caconf fyipp / atrb rrbst be ttyc com« tnonbe\rt«e*vff a!i tfbrstfian?, 2bibleaffeib<*s nun mtjjbc infill* complame ae toadying* rl;e late off ejrbortrncje ant> comforting :tef*c?c/tlar maacriefujficiemUc prou;Debfor 6y tbctuHujirrecft ;b : ^^ r ^ ex?nro vrI;omtl;ar charge bo* f be d^tefty appcrratnc anb by or^cr lerncb men a\\o , 3n& r* tfcatqtuitioni^afi^cy^arpcvponagtaine/itie t^rouglly art fcrcreb in tbe 4. Article 3 rt{ b**tbcy require p^amc trorfcea ojf fcrtp ureoff^exrecanrtotmeruailcynoujbe/ fcinge tbey flatter proueor ibeTScanictbtngc/citbcr typ'ame t*?or£»c6 or objeure xrorcee* buraettoug^eroetocrefcoilcreanb tlpcy fcoolcmaftera o jf Pitlj&ctorsd rule / t'ocy onely f*rc 4nb aff it* me aUrbingeedtib confirmcnotbingc, 23t:t t£ey promefjc ttjcy trill boo it ct leafeire Anfc gob bcforc,2f nb t\j*t to ynotuj* ^e ire trot»<* ^t\)t obketion aaainft tbc 3? 2trt f cle. Cbe time to ili ir ere a grcar beale better a?* **0ttte* fertile marrc/f or tbe auoibmgccff rumor anb blotwnge off &num# tuUttb bcrrct^ rtKix^rbar CT|**nic btflcn fierier >f^'rt. 3n£ in :a/c f^c flatter CMfioc be £pe- ^ :t';rr rfcf jfTcrfirfc cfcrre la item frw rre ratrt-c Centre eft frr* mittrtU ufc trber iV mb^ wti» in if if on if it ju led c rcc {:; \ zttpfy rppen tfce tffb^cttoabk*. Zrt attfwer*. bedji Tbffiffrmce rhrmtVlot* in o#rr chard* bis c censttQmentYcLzkccff fttnxrr bf ^emw - •. ~ . . - a V Jet *fi pciwu/ tad tfcefcit* tTWflrctf #/ . jbaget^c (bumc _ - by rbc fiibc tTLnfcrr r*>t* t*a6r£trfstrft#aptcb* :rcbrt/4acrt*mttp^cnmK/ $£* beaten Allxc^ct^c faortfc foeqmtmf «ffc mlremr^ft 0rm grHj rbem:yf rfcf y aoili nct/trbo wii force tbttn agamfte tfce# •rtpillc** 3r re impertinence I? at befattt? /tbcybeeafiltereie* cte/t»bicfce trill not come tobentbey bebeftreb /or w^en tfcey beprefenr Oeparrc rppon ttyeitownc trill, tDfcere fc c faitbe/ tbat rbio beenr* to alfo contrarie tocfeeebicteoff^e Scrwref ft t* not ynon0l;/cj:ccpte l?e prone ir» *<£(?* obtccef on 45 amfi tb< laitsc Tporbce, %\>t obicccf on n^tfnfl tbc fr, 3Uticfc. S3torw$iv Cfyfe Jtatee fe dfb conersw to cbfctc off t^ @m suit counfatlc office i£ibtt$. ^*rtnf«?erCo Some &«b Chambers conbemne t$t tf ffembffe off 4. £ ^VhtftMi* t, or i»* men for peace m^m^i KVfare tfcey ban* almofi ev& rebate tl}ci&$.mon€t\)c&Q&x\)€Teb corner creeping* a\}:r^ l&e6iobi{ttirbcty£p*6ccof tfyt^titd}. $me> Cfjc f?. oriel* to imnf ej!5y repaint agAfnfi #e ^ * 3rttck» - ■ CLXV. ^Tbcanftoerti f£t)C19.te not repugnant ago«n#tl>e ff Attfeft for fyttt VYbifatS te fntrca tc& ojf ci mil comrouerfics anb I; etc off ottpens, t£i?c otfect ion agrtftitf tb« <$3« 2£rtf dc« Jtyte lawealfo te atf^'ntf tfjeebicte office Qentet. Horn* 3t te not ag*nff r&c meaning* offt^c cbim/ 46 it iebtt VVfofceiA cl4rcbint2?e4nfn>ere rotl^e k. Article* Jf or it traebeclareb by fbe ri0l;t honorable anbgobly iTIagiflratce openly in cure <£ur<$e/tl;ar tjjcy tl?ougi?tnotl?fn$$clcffc tb«nro impccljetlj* laxrfull autbontie off cfe conurbation. 2Job except ttyecon* gregation tx>bu£e(jeiKtb 6ut^or?t?ctommi(?er6 be fuperioe to tl?c mtniffare / tbey are not notremimftere/ btu lorbed off t^e congregation/ a<$ toabbeno furtive* ^bc obfcetfott to d?c £*• avti etc 3n ttye place trebsfter rbatoareolbc bifapline ntaicbt ****** loofebrpon/tb^t rDemaiefctrb^^itbe/tobcfohgbtlyc^f #c air ale/fringe it proceebcb offfo Icrnebmcn/anbfball toit^ ameane ammSinQc be farrpcrftcter ttyen r^ie n< trc £3i^u flint. 9£l)t anftoatt* tDbcre t£eyb£f:cr i!;4t tbe olbc ©ifcfplinc matt be!oo# W&(tfo& >n/n>e anftr>crc/tbc more r^cy f ball loo? e rpon it / tbe fcb rppon, more ci^ently fb^il lb*.' naugbtyne* an& imperfection off M 4ppearc/ 2Jnfc it f bal! al|o mere p!ainely appearc ^otre muefce t^cco^re0auonbwtbefcinb€hol&-n0etot^etiitbctb4ucrea'rf 1Kb fu<£ an vnpcrftz&jjijp laic fo I5gt in ty c $urd>c/ pnely/by CLXV'L caufeitpermtttetf^H totfce pafor, UX&ct tbey Qtit tfut t ^t 0tfciplme procebeb of (elttntbmen /frt /tljefamttfy&vo* rote */ ( were tfcey neoer fo taoell lerneb ) eonf efle ti?emfelue# botb tfcatit t&ae gattjereb in t)a$e/anb$twn to tt>e congre* gation £$ imperf tf/onely for a tymt. tPfcere tl?ey (peat off tfce amending offrfcat^ffciplwe/we tnargetUg t^atitneaercamt into f fcetr mmbe before* ^c &hkc&en *safnfl ef>€ 71. 2£?tick H*^* Cbat concerm'naeteflamentediiitfctobaiingeroiw t»*l & to a pemtttous iawe* r 2Tb« nnfttcre* fjrjMtfati EDe cannot uU wbatferpeme t^e Iat*e concerning Ce# {fomented baetjc lurfmge tmber t better be. Cbeyfayeim* pernirtoue low e/anb tbey onely faye fo / Bur we fate it to vt* rte tobotfome / 4n& profitable agamft tbc f raube off f alfarie* *n* to t^e ftKcoare of ti?c fatberlce anb wbbo wee, $£« obfectf o« tfce t* Hvtidt. wWfc Quietne* to not fuffitfently prouibeb for by tb to mc*# see/in afmucbe ae it to comnuun^c^ ( a$ a t&cre ) tyat enerte eat (1fult> locleanb ffiiby for an innoaatton* WhiM*** CUuctnee/fe protwbeb for f ttffictf ty/io a* tm&i 46 tfce matter majlc paffc quietlye anb pcoccablt c / anb alfo by writ tt«06 mennee confatnee* I are alfo neceflarcly prouibeb for/ t^at in cafe any fringe be founbe in rbc £cdefia|iicaH orbing unc€6 pngobly orbifajjreingc/ or clle unprofitable for tfce 4?ur$ it matt be <|>*ungeb (iraf gbt toatee/fo 06 mennee plea* furce be not bolbcn for fcoly / facreb/ anb vnroowabte ae rfcc CLXVII, *£bc obi cetottte conelufion. 'JnaWttytaboo/vccfae t\)ie for acondafionJth&ttfyrt Heme be H>re tt>m$ce>/ r*\)id>c ttycf onrly fceEe/t^e innouanon off mimfhre apurfe anbtreafure/3u>otc not vol)at/4nbtt)cput gingeoff tl?cirot»nc offencee before committed Viovoc bauexsealleabgebae mucbeae tre banbfotm* ly coulbe brm0e/confibe rin0e tbe tyme.OPetcoulbealfobatic alleab0eb rerie many otber tbingee/foaettfbolbepfainly appeare/tbat ourc brttbcrnb^ucirtorbdnmger^cir 0ifctpl<# ne refpecteb neitber fo great tratgl; tie reafone / nor jo tfreae comroobihVe off oure congregation Butbaucintljemeanc tt5?!lc0cufntbHt/rb4rfballbeo(fcnfiucanbfl^nbcroueroaII* 0oob men/anb to oure abuerfarie* anb 0obbee enemies i£>t pap flee b r 0t reto/cmvjeanbpfcafure. caufe manic more picnttfullfruitee off more burable qutctnee amonge re, 1 Qbcatfwetctotfycconclttfion. | 3« all t^ e aboo/ittaifrer&orfte anbiTlaitfcr (Tkamb* wJ^fo^J | ere 0o abocete notbtn0ed!e bat to bifqniere tbcc60re0ation/ Ibat $orne rotfll: t rale : he roftc oucr al!:£attbcy boo/yet bitl;ertoo/anb t^efannetbey0oaboxx>renotre:2lnbitfemerbetb^l;4ue t>t/ 1 terly ^ctermmeb eitl;cr to efiablifbe a tyrannic/ or to leaue no common vocatl} at a ? l tn tbecon0rc0arion.ODi7cre Joorne anb (fbamber* male reberfal! bercoff rbe pur0in0e off offences comstteb by t>e/r bey on jbf tufily to baue byn afVamcb to ma ic mention off offence* fe?n0etbeybaue neuerleft for t^ne l. or 4, fcftonetyi* co labe t^emjcluee witfy tricfebfcotngce | CL.xvirv Slnbaefot occasion of offence anb fiaribet given togechanb gobly men anb to out c abuafaviee anb $obbe&. encmito tfye paptftce \)i$t)tcioicin$eanb p!eafare/t!;*y accufcvz rijcroff jfo falfdy/ast^ey t^emfeluc£5?4ucgeucntt;e occa\\on inbtbe* Sortfyeyconlbe ntiutabybe totyaueanyettynQcawcn* beb not ifytmfeiuc^ to be abmonifteb off any t\)in$e / or to be c5mone& wirpallm ante wife. But for i\)t mofte tight/ yea/ no caufes in bebe/t^ey forfeofe tfcctr ttitnifierie firatgl/t wai* cs'tbepajlor forfoofe rbe flocSre/ tl>c (Ereaforer 'ti;c poore anb botfyeforfcofctfytfyiwfyeanb moutbotfyct&by t^re* sample to bo d;e (ame> Vieitljet xca& it ynougfo for tl;em to gene ove% fydx ovont functions buttbeymufi btavoeotijttptea&te anbveabtta voitty ttyem alfo/ro tfycintcnt t\)t congregation f buldc by tbid tneancs be befatute off (Bobbeevootbc/anb vtml; fcatterefr 4eH;ou0l;eit cofbenctpoffibhc ff4nbcxtfitbo*erctl;cm.2Jrtb w^en t\)cy \)$b forfafen t^cir 0tx>nec|>ur<$e/ tijey fyanntcbf partly tire f rene^ <$ur$e snb partly/ tl?e bewttye tym&e& anb (o ratfeb rumors abroabesnb fpreb oure bifikntione/fitt f?e/{t?ou0t> ttye citie anb tf?crnborou{# ofyct cities off (5c u tnany.Snb laf? off all/vcfyen tl;ey voolbe not cotnetotljc c^un <£c in tfye martetime/ but by t!;e fclkgijtrates commaunbe* ment/ neither coulbe tl?ey tfyen be quiet tfyty fpreebtfre lilt , tumours almotfe t\)ton$\)oxot a\\ Europe. Tbtn I bo Znbwben fycyfyaueplaieb tbcts prancfst&cmfcftfce/ pr, it mdy tJjey^^^^ex^tt^t^eirotvnefaulteeanbgoabotcret^latc it nowfpr- tbemfamit vppon vevofyifye tb^ytbemfelues^ucfijrrcb pp« td dpint 3ff yotof ball crieotx)tei^atolbe matters arcteberfeb by tfre without meaner/ yovoou$\)t tol;aueabf?aineb from prouoR'ngere offence, £crcuntoincitf?cr to fyauementioneb offences comrmtteb/olbc dkhinget fubfcr/ptions/ tie yet to l)aue callebrs x>s kaclctfyu&to tyc ofar ml W#*A ^e to'fa'pttn* *^ e fountaine off all contention*. %\>t namte (uhfczibtb to t b« obkctions teur^apofifenpr*. ^jjbdrtUornt Ricbtrd Chambers AntbcnieMdhcwt Mdwtrde iftte CbtiftogherStkhhtth RkhadDauiis CfttfarJ CLXJX, Cu&trt virropt lobn Binhtt RtchcUte&rtlL Rp&irt Hirrkgton lebn Efcot. lobn Mae fret. £\)e reffeoffoure confentin^c bvctfyctn tee coalbenot How. calf together rnro ttye fubfcribtnge / by reafon off \ 'tyortnco of timc/xvt)o(c name* frail be put afterwarb tyMmgcyourQ,. licences tfycno. '<&« <*» frcerc to tbc poff fctfptc, w ^ Wt)ctct\)cy complaint off tycrtnce of time in tfyt *nb* 46 tbeyb?b in t!?e begmninge/^nbtbattbeycoulb norby re&f ftnrbcro{calr^circ5{vnrin0ebrctl7crrito^er^crrcr^c|ubfcri btpge: lT>bat meaner!) r!;at? Sot xvljcrs tt;cy f;auefcttotbe tiamc6 off t^f m tr!;:$e &t»f !I mofi f err a f unber anb I;aue left otrtealmoft none but the namce officer ovene feruanrera £omtbcy fjane alive aice> at abctfe/ yerr^ey coulbnotcailt^e: rejtofftbcirbrerbfrn togaber forfoott;*/ to tbe intent tbey ttii0l;t bytbiefttfrmateafbave to fu<£* asFnotrcnotrtc matter/off fomc mulritube off men off fome efhmatfOn xcfyfi $e arcUftcowte.Zni>t\)i$i>c{i€r a\(oa&in anutut off vote iQtyt tlyat t£ey may* fet too tt?e namee off rbe orders afters trarbee. 3nb aof?ereint^e enbe / tbey vavmca certein* f l;ett>eof(omegrearmu!tuiibe tt^ttoiiifubferbc: JKucn fo/ inrbc beginning* anb in many orfcer placed of tbeir boots tt;ejrmafeagreacbrag0cac(boug^tbcytrou!b eflpibiU \ot mc notable matter to t^cmagifiratc/ jo tbeymaic l;aue tunc ynoug^gaientbemtobetbrnfr^emfeluee.Kurmaifler^or^ eteanDmaifter(Tbambrrefbal[tx>if^tbe:etlxirmrg!;tie anb great prom* j]Ve bot^e off fubfcnjtticnebetfarancn&anb ecu firmattone bring* ropafj* ae gooo ae no.'i?m£*. 2zm yet t^'o tbey arebefirooetobnngctopafjcm tb* mean* time / tl;a* vo\}ihe> tbeis gay e glorious ptomtfee off rl;*re be loFebfor/ Ibeymay alongcttmefrnberrbepeacc anb qutctnee off tb* 4>ur4> vr\)idfc tl)cir onely befter ie> to bane bi j'quiereb . 3n& iff ub*poff!b!*tl;atr^*imat*r*couera mojte intolerable lorbe» f fo?pp oner tb* congregated. or in ca\c ti;cy cannot obtain* rt?e ifciff |itrtt«:mt^ccogreg4no/$^att^eymayleauet^ec^niC^c,n X 4 'b' . CLXX; w&tfleltt in no jlate at al!/bm t^at tbtf maye renb* if anb all to (carter iju€b*i* bet^e bemfes off Aortic anb £bambere, S^etebe tberfetcfces/ rrgljt bonorabie anb rnoft righteous iHa^iflraree.^nb yet we l?aue no bifirujle but aimigi; he gob forbie merciee faEe totxurbee oure mofl affliaeb .tt,ftanfce tb* fame, 2(nbfor aemucfceaswe laueprouebii;atoneofftbe*d Ringed tobicfeetbey I?auercpret;cnbcbtnourebifcipime / be otber againft gobs worbc/or agatnfie goob reafon : anb for ae mu4?ea!fo ae wc are reaby to proue/ tbat all tbingee con* teineb in oureStfcjpltne/ aretafenototeeirber off (Soobta toorbe or offtbecbicwojf tbe6enatcanbiTla0i}]ratc/ittber otote off tbeiro tone olbcbtfc?p!ine a^i$ tl;ey flic* (o faflon to/eirber elle offtbe tabgement offgoob reafon/ tor lyumbli* befedjetberigbt honorable anb rigbteoti* magefiratcetbar tyey xoill vou^bfaffe to confirme it vcitlj tfyeir aiuYjOtitic. JP^ere ae botbe partce gaue confer tbat ccruine ctb* ere/ very trorf typpfM/ fbulb alfo beatc m t!?/econtroucrftt betto*enc tbem/toappeafe (yff it mi$i;t be) tbe fame 3 b** oeberefolox»m0ep!aabtt?eorberT»bi4? c *$>*? tcofef ♦**&«* irquietnea* Xot^mtMfime anbfcofcte off fyt cvtiQtcQAtion off ib^^nglifbcCbfttric offiranefforb. £7*©r ae mu^c ae attb* requeftoff all our* bretb^rn anb tjceuntrie tntn off tbfe fyuxfyt off ^rancFforb/ tee bri# bertaK toenbeaucur ourefelueetomairean enbe of tbieforo trfullcontrotierfte tobkb* fogricaoufly/ folongetymcbatf} vejreb tljiecongregation/flaunbcrebKehgton/ anbtnf-ameb tbe name offa!li£ngiifbemcnt«>e thought trccoulbe native* fatiffte t^e tomtit off tyttftian djaritie/ nor tbe office off looitt ge cQunttic men/iff i»e bib omitt any tyingc/i&£t$c/ by an?* probab!* CLXXL probable coniccturc nti$\>t (c:mt to brin$t to effect* oute goob to offer vntoyovo ourebretbern on botbe partiee fu<& dforme off ajjrcroente toucfcmcje ccrtetnc pointed off your bijcipltneaetjab femcb t>nto x>d rppon conference bertocne ccrreinc efcofen perform on botl?e ftbca before t>6 moft conue* nient/fo to fatiffie all men / ifcat cuery man migbt willingly cerfully (ubimtt b*m fclff t>nto tb* rt?e obefcicncc tber* off 0efiring yoa> all ao ye fcopcto Ipauefauour at $obbe* tyinbeein t^ebloubc off 3efu& (Tariff e/fo to applte your fa* uorabUmmbceccfceiootbcrifcat all flrff anb contention feft *parce/yoto mate ioifte together in a bleffeb (T^nflian anb Ijappicfoderic/peaetanbconcorbc/anbtbe twinge vcbcrcvn* 10 we wf l?e bottle tl^* parties fbuib agree isae folowitlje, ^Tfrc forme off reconciliation. ^irfle/tober^adintbietttole treatfe off reconciliation dnb alteration of bifciplin*/ fome tbingee mig!?t|jappe to fee* me to tebe to r!;c combination of fome par tie or parfon:web^ all frelte pronounce anbtcfiifieccfcc parte off ot^er/tl?at nti* tl?er off v& bo conbetnnctitbet partie/or anic perfon ae r^ofe trl)td?e bauebonanietbinge contrary to gobets orb/ or pro* balitic off reafon in tbi* matter off bifopltne/ butfrinbly an& Ioutngly eucne man bctl?c imbraceall men omirringc all re* fcerfallanb bifputarionoff cbtngeepafte toitb common an& ^articpraier x>mogob/:bat from ^ene fortl>cTx>e maic remain ne/anb liue together in brorljerly louc to tfoe gloric off gob an& comforte off really (Tonccrningc tl;ean»cle for ejrercife off lerntnge / ffcai tl>erc be no mention mabecjftbefamc in t^ebooPc off bifci* plincbuttbatfor fomucbeaeferncDmenremainein tbc con* gregation/ tbattbcmimflcrie | tall for tbc furtl;eraunce off lcrnmge/ labor roputtn t>refije<|>M<$>c 4 Cf?c reeeautngeanb bifttibm fttge t\tit offbottyeappciteimtotlye 0£acon0/y<:tnotfott?attl?eybo$ texDitbovot t£e Inowkbge anb ccz\cnt off r|>c ^nmiffcra 4nb.@tntQrd« concerning* t£* Eepmgeoff tbcfaibc treafure/ ft mate vctie well appentine tc the ©eacone/yetieitnotoff fud? ncccffitie but rfcatt^e refit ojf t|>r mimftttit mate ot^cr*' trffefet order for tfyc cufiobte fl;crvff/46tymeanboccafiort ft;aUfetue. £oncernfnge rf)e Sfrtideoff centrtbntton/tttyen t£e tre* df&re ojf tl;c<£t?rd?ef ailer b/tt perteinetb to tbemintfteraanb itbeacom totraneilbytbe waie off e;:b or ration ts>:tt> tfccrw 4>c to bdpce2ftttdc off fenfctnge off common letter* for tbe rdieff off r!?e congregation: £bat tberc be no mention mabc ojf anye p^i te tb eroff in tfyt boolc off bi{ cipline but tl;at t^cmmi^eric-toit^atlpo-fftblefccrede *>fc fu<$ polSicieeanb ttteane 46 maie bejteferue to tfcerelieffanb maintenance off *|jecongregation, (EencemmQctyeZtticleoffmaftngecffiaxzeeffyattliey S* be mabe by tbe minifietie anb bobte off tbe congregation be* in$e callebtogetljer for tfyat purpofe- 2fnb iff rbe mimftetiif- er ante off r^em ref ufe to be prefent bcinge by tl?e bo'bi e off tbe congregation requireb tberunto/ t9$itb.0&te iuj?ecaufeby r£em or bimaileageb/t I; at tben/aftcr abevocttmt gcaenfor tfye ^eannge off tbe caufe/y ff tfrey bringe not in goot> reafor* 4nb iuftecaufeojf fuc^erefnfali : e f ball beare tsbat fault* beaikabgeb agatnfi rbe fame fcTUnsfter / 2Jnb yff tbe faults " be wrtgtyie anb vootttye off open correction / to figmfie t\)t fame to tip congregation fyat ttyt offenbere or offenbermaie fee ccmctfb orbepriueb accotbingly,yff tyeeffencee be ief* f clxxjit; (ttfycnti}&lihr.ycdi$}ttobe publif^cb /tbenfyc (aitxnrU niftcro or niiiuftx:* c?fcaZin$s / tc be momfbcb office faults accoi£>:ngcro ti;cbtt/tc ten off the Qcrurincre* ^r4?c nombcrt^cfrflatcr ftya! 1 baucl>is$oifc/ oryffb* o*mt tl;etbinge/t?i6 cjrecutour* frail t?auetbe <£o!Jc rotate ».offtbc(arebs, or i?, befifceafuefceaaare ma&e toirtnefjco/ u>bom tbccjrecufcre txmfceina momtbc after tbe beatt; off tfce Zi f? ater f tyal! mate prime to t\)c (Tefiamente/anb tfyat i tyc fame ta?o/beingc required tl?crunro/fi;all faithfully fceclar* rntocueiy partteeomprel)enOeMntbcwtlI/fo mu$e office trill ae fl;allparttculcrly appertained eucry offtfyero/ant> f(?a!lFccpcfccrctiai( tbe refie off r^e will or <£t (lament ae> f bey f ball prorcfte before (5oo aab tbe congregation pppon l^crc conferences/ ar t£e rime off t^eir election. Znbnowe in cafe iff ball feeme goob vn to all your tow febomeeae well off t\)C iThnifferieanb bobie office congre* Ration offtbe one part as off *b* biffentinge bretbernoff tbe ctl;er part forme off reconciliation/ iarj)i$c te \)t re befcribcb:lPc boo barely require yotr / tl?4t pgmfm* ge yourmtnbee tmto ve> xciib ae eonuentenre fpebe ae ye maie/ye will alfo appoint ovctc on eitbcrparte/i. ©ifcreetanb foberperfone/ loners off peace anb concorbe/ trbicfcc by com ferencetvitbotberttpo off re/t*>bomtx>eft?all Appcinte/mty fcraxse tbeie 2Irriclcf. afore votii ten into fucb a forme aettcy tnaiebe conucnientlyanejcbtot^c rejlcoff ycor ©ifciplmc fyt i% September is jr, Vour lovingebtcchcrn and ^- countrie. 7o fyemat CT.XXIIIL Thontdt VVrothe. Henry Knotty*. tdvmStoieu Prdttcci Knollys lohn Browne Thomas Eaton* Roger Prtr&er. VrMUwillfordc Rkirdfymgbm* lohn kbtlU lohn Turner. tT^c anfwtt offtkt u!&e conbemnecure fcluee a* cucllboera/ an* oure boin$e&vn* gob'y artb cnreafonablc/bw xoeareaffureb t*e baue not bone tn oure Mfctpltoc ante tbinge contrary to gobbce toorbc arit goob reafon,€t?c faji off ©eptcmb. Dsuii whithedd* Henry Vxrry. VVittiitn Riwlinget IdbnUiks. Richdrd Beef ley KobdrtBejle Thomtt Sorby Robert Cro w/ry Ricb&t Luddington* lohnPedder ThonuswMcs EdmondHzries. VhoBW Afhley Richard Rogers. £f«copfeoff ti}t UMt& offtcqmfi fciufoortb forrciteff ojf tbepoorc by ^Hatffer &mton n. 3ulq \i^r. %o&\[t\>tmth&t beatt an vnfayncb Kmtrenu anb $eele r>nro tfce erernaU2Tej?ament off Jc\ue>€ br?f?c/io# yne&wtbe tbe charitable an5 fyncere botcelle off mcretc frorcarfceerbepoore. ©race/ iftrraeanO peace fromd3ob tbc Jpatbcr by tbc fame oure £ort>*3efi*e£l;rtj]e tyie, fonnc fyecommw anb onely Guutourojf tfyc xoorlbc, *?*Ct6 not life tbattbe brute of tbec5?rouerfie/w£f$l?atb* ^y.iovoc atr^cen&c off fip mtnetyeQ cwnnutb in i£fci£n# CLXXV* tc life tt)At fo manic beinge prune ttyexto / ir ie> caneb arib fpreab to farrcabroab:anb moflc life by t^efruuee fpringitt' 0e r^eroff- / fyat ittjatl) byn v ntrtily reporteb by tfye willful! autbore anb fhibburne matntcincraoffit/ not onelytotbe fnfarnie/ reprove/ anb bifcrebit off tbe bobie off tt)ie> eburefc t 4nb to t(>e intent to flopp atlrcliefffrom tljcpoorc number* off tbe fame/but al|o/rbat ttjeir twcfcaritableanb leube beb** moure (t ulbc notccmcroligbt* ^oren) tcere / before tbcbci gmntngeofftbtaccmtrourrfieterieltberaUtn fenbtngc t^eit cfcantie ro t^evfe off tbte ro^o'e congregation tmiuerfal* ly / anb fome were bcnefictail to funbne member* off tl?c fame particulate / xx?.;id>e fit)*(l;auimetooure Inovolt* b$e tl)ey bauc left rnbonertterlie. We tbe iTJrniflere offt^e cfcurcfce/ljopinge tl?at tbeid men tbe autbora anb maintenera offrbts eontroucrftetcoulbin tjmebauefnotpen tfjctrfaulte tnbmabe (attraction to tbedjurefceae it becomet^e $nfiert wen to boo/bib not onelie witl} patience fuffcr t\)tit f launbe* roustalfcanb t>nqimtbcmenour/but alfobeare vcitl) ttyetr *>nmfte beahnge/anb ae mud) ae in te laye fiubtcb to couet tbeir fau'tfebomgee. Jfleucrtbele* / fetnge no hfelytjcoboff tljetr amenbmem/bm mojie mantf efie proffre off tbeir mali* ce;t^;epoorecongre0ation/ratber bathe cncre4fmge taenia ante parte abartnge/anb thereby tbepouettietberoffcontm* aally augmenting /xretf?ou0t?t it otire borenben bctrtiettt confetence/no longer to \)\be it?e matter/ but tbue off ncceffi* tieconftratneb / to bifdofe it / (o ae fetnge tbry trill nor be ae tbeyougt?ttobc/tl;cymaie atlcaflebe fnotrenae t^eybc, 3nbtt?ud voc boo not for anie malice tbattre beare to anye mannc6perfon(aegobtbcfcrc£eroffallbartc6£no\xvtb)bufc tbatcbctrutbbetngcfnotcen/fucfc goob people ae ttyvooQt) tmtrucirr-porte / bane byn perfroabeb to tEirbbratse itctt goob minbee anb f auor f rom tbie poore congregation migbt pnber jlanbe tl?at wutjo vrre infte caufe ttycy fyauc (6 longe bo* 3 nc it( CLXXVL.. he it/anbfyeteaftet be tf>e mote willing toteneyoe l&cir #«* titic int\)t rclteutngeoff ttye> pootetyutty off fyvifU. 2(nfc id come to tbe matrer/ye fballxmberfianbtljat after maifier $orne late paftor/anbt^e Senior* t^at were toyneb (n t^e mmijfertewit^tmfrab byawriringe fubferibeb witb tljeir exone banbe^/openly before tbecon0re0attonfur*enbreb anb geuen oner tbeir offtcee/reteininge neuertl?ele6 ttye ti>rife woul&cboo u/vol)cthf rl;e 4mr<£e voae btuers bateebefittute off tbe preac^tnge off #obbest5borbe,tPI?erupponA!?e more part off tbe congrega* fion/mmbin^etobauet^e^urcljefepttngoo&orber anb to rebre|fet^ofetl7m0e0tt?atti>erea0reatoccafton off tbe for* mer contenrton/fo t^ataf ter rbere tni0l;t be a perpetual! qui* etnee anb concotbe amonge ve>j went carneflly aboxotetlft fame.l£>Mitl)apeneb contrarteto oure expectation / tl?e for* mer $jrub#ee continuing/ anb nevoe bu(ine& batly incteafin* $e/xobid>at lengiyt came to tbe tfHajjiflratte tare/ contrary to oure minbee anb bttetmination.$ox voljen we thought tfyat it f bulbe witbovote amef urt^er brute/ amongefl oure feluee I) ant bin pacifiebanb enbebae xce vooulb to gob it bobbin* OPberupponr^e gobly ma#iftrate$ lamenting mufye cute feiffention/abbefiringe oure qutetnee came intoome <$ur6 but \\)at&U\)in$ce> pa fie ffyulb be dene forgottcmSff terw>arbe/for t Ik better c6n tinuance off lone amonge ve anb gooborbcrinib*4Hird?e/ xvitb tbeconfent offi77a!(?erJ6ornetI;epafloranbt^eSent* cte> bif$at$tb tymanb them offrftfir office* anb xoilkb t\)t 4$ur$c to Sffiifi nevce mivAfiete anb to male a nexoe bifciphrie (forbyreafonofftfce vnp*rfeetute> off t\)t olbe ©ifctplmea Qteat pane off ti?e former comroucrfte xrae ) ae sff t^erc f?ab bin neuer ante <£ur$c here before, CPbcruppon t^e $MtybiO€tetimt*a§eanb ie> novot in all well ceformeb <$urc£ee / tt?at tt>€ tirc4furcfl)uI&cbc^i4> gaue ve> occafionoff fattier tafte fufpir ton/t^at t£e creafure ofltye $ utfyc in time §>afte bab notbinCbrifiianly pfeb. 3n& tr Reread alfo t»e ^ab beutfeb an otber orber/ tba* for fo muefceae ttyc maQiftratcbofy permit ve rorfetbecti* flomea anb manners off maftngc *ff vcillce> tl?at be pfeb in SEnglanbe/tfcat for rl?e more foretie off oore frinbee tfyat voce re \)txt or elle trl;ere / yfftrc trere bi fpofeb by oure trillee t0 geu* t>fuo i\)tm anie cftttyat litic ftibftance tfcatgob fy&tl) le* fre ra/(yff tee ftrulbe hie ^ere) otcre wiilee f bulbe be fecne anb epemplyfieb by tlpc Qenicre/ab fo to be otcte of all baun* ger offcountrefattingearanierimc^orne /anbe^ambereo^ nelie rppon fonbe willvcitfyovote any fufte confiberatton/or jgoob reafon cauilleba#atnfitt?e fame orber / onelyaffirmtnge utobepcrnit!oue.Ct)ei0t^tn0ee»T»efinbe mamfcjlly at len* gbt/nottoprocecbe off ante goob rnmbe orpurpofe but off content louef rotrarbnee grovenbeb r>ppon felff louc anb gat* nett^atpnberacolonroft^e^uri^et^eymr^tgat^ergoob tncnneebcuotton^/anbnenerbiflnbureanie penny tl;croff or $t t\)c Uafic/to none ( fyab tt?ey netier fo great ne be) t>nlee tlxf woulb^/eitbcrfaune/anbbangeon ttycm/ orelle fuffaine vn* <^aritabletannteeanbrepro(^eeattl?eir banbee, Sot tDberc nbee anb befibee/itytouglj ^orne procurement/a gencra-lpro^te to ^bambcre/anb bid fceputie/to gather tbe beuotion off goob tmn for tl;e relicff off tbia poore con$rt#atioti /tsbidje by tbeirouweprocecbinga foere before tbe tflagiftratee ( rtyeir orone banfce vrrytinjjc fefhfinge t^e famejanbotfcenpife by oure fnotcuebge vot ar* D 9 «W 4 / cLxxvm cetfeine/tfjey bib pnt in practife/ anbrecettieb mD#e rf>erby/ yet tyambere rpon tl;e accoumpt fcerelcft bebtnbebim/ new ttjK*confefJetlj tfyat tpereceyueb tl>cf4i&ei^potDn^6norj?el anteotfctfr fumme / neither tyatfyetyt btflrtbuteb (burfngeall tbe tyrnel;eu>aetn office yet to tbia bate) intbte congregate on/ to anie one per f on (failing to*, fcollere tfcat came wufc f?tm) onepcnny/tb<** fce bibnotrecetuefceretntl^acongrega* ttonanbcttie, 2(nb yet/at bte beparture !;ence/£ e leftei. off tbefatbc fcoUereContotr^omneucn^eleo^e promifeb fuff ictent pro* uifion anb f intinge/ anb neuer warneb tyem to tbe contrary) tnbettefortbeirboorbeanbfor oityet ncceffartee almoft **>♦ gutlbcrns wtyfye ttjte poore congregation u?ae f orceb to p* te > ^tnallte/t»I?ere0oo6iTi^re6 tDtlfrnfon off blcffebnw morte/put^orne anb (f fjambere in trope with tbcbeuiftnge anbmafrngeof fcirwtll/trbereby f be gaue to tfcte anb otfccr poore congregation* of tl?e poore bantfl?eb jfnglifbe men a (ffcriflian Itberallrelkf ;2f!beit il;ey l?aue caufeb (ome off it)t fat'eb congregations to bepaibe of tbe famebequeffe/ yet \)i* tl^ertootooibet^ey not mate t\)te> poore congregation print* tot^e fumme bequet^eb xwto it/mucbeleffepaiett/ noryef (accorbmgeto tl?eor&erof oure (#urcf>e6 btfciplme aforefat* be)let tbe will be (eene/ fb a* t^e frtnbleeyoungeientle wo* mant)!r bangfc ter ftyulb not be befraubeb off tyt rigbtnor fcrr mothers toil! alrereb to t>k lofle, j'urtbermore/tflatfler ^amberernber(?anbtnget^attcetocremin&eb(accorbtn0c to our* betx>ttc6)to requyre an accoumpte of btm/for fycvfe off bteprojrie/gtttetb l)im (ubbainly pence (accompanied tr* itb ^Tteifi** foome)eare\y tn a morntnge/tottbowte t\>e con* femorleaue tafmge off tbe congregation or rbctfltrntfertc it>eroff/anb comrade to bie one openly mabe promrffe/t^at l^ewoulbnotbeparte/till^eljab anfwereb alitor any mat* toult>*d>arget)im witty. Znb at bte gof nge at»ate/ tye left befctnbe \>i m an aceo* mmpt/wtyfy by cmtmge owte the leauee/anb newe written/ ftmct^e not to be nowe atttytlaftae it wa& at tfce fitfte/aU fecit CLXXTX, beit it wad neuer fo perfect a*crby we cannot but t^inFt^at Ijemranetbnotonely crafte anb fubtiU tte(mud> rnwortbiet^einregritie anb fibclitic tbat bepreten bett?)butalfo/ ro tyubcr/ anb ae rouefceaatn tym Uetb / to vra boo tbio poore congregahon/not oneiy off tt?at l?e b<*tb aire* <*by rccetuebanbcarcbawaie/ (ae ^ebatb heretofore bealt witb tbe companic off poore flubente at Jurtct ) but a!fo/ tbrougb rntrew re porr re off ail goob rnennce beuotione anb Itbcralttie tbat hereafter woulbe die be bef?oweb,£beirrcpor tee(wt?t<£c amonge many ofyer vntrutbee to btnber rt?ie po* ore congregation tbeyflanberoufly brute abroab)arcd?tefly ibeie:fir jic/tba* ttje poore off ttye djurefce be fo well prombcb for /t^attl;eworf?el?att?e after Hjcrateofi. fbtllingce by tb* wee? e.@ecdbly/tt?at fome of ttye poo:e ^ere/be fo ftotcte tt?at tiftf bifbainetbafPe relieff in tteirnebe/jor^atoure poore fecme either not to nebe or not tobewortlpieoffbelpe, 2Jn& tbirbly/ t^at men tyere feefe toEnowe t£cneix great pertllanb t>ttcr vn* &ootnge/rcl?id>creportc6 beall utterly pntrue/but tbetrutfyt ie> rl^atf or lacF/many poore men fcauebyn bnuen bor^eto be* part t)tnce/to feef c tbeir liuinge in otfyet placet anb fome for tebto $o forrelieffintoSnglanb.^eiefpcctai f tiee( befibee mud?e more ttjat we l?auc tboug^t goob anb rery nccefjarir/ t^at goob gobly men f bulbe Fnowc/botl?e rbat t^ey (tu\b not conceaue anic eueil opinion off tfys congregation by falfe re* porte/aab alfo/t^at minbtnge to reb'rff rbepoore anb mtfera* bly.afflictcb members off (fbnJTrtbeirbrctb*™ in t(p'6<$ur* tyjtfjeyfoulbtwtynQQb \ "fcall moue tfccm tobepattc xc\t\> ? 14 *m* clxxx; 4mic$iit£ttt tfytttfe/ fobefwer ft/66 itmik fluffy come/ «nb wftly bebiff ribateb/tD^ere t?Ky too nib Ip^ue tt bef?ot»e!># 3nt>t|Krforetw/(confi&erin0 t^e ffateoffoure feUoroecjcilea lniingel?ere witt) ve in nebeanb ponertte/ an&fc&be by tt?e enetygoobprouibenee off gob) befier all (f^rifiian men foe C^eloueoff ourefautour 3efii6gtytifieto conftber/l;ot»eple* 6fant 4 facrtftce bowe (weete 4 fauor tbe relieutnge off tbe poore forbid faEc 10 before t be face off oure^eauenly father. 28 jgoob manneeliffv/ 1'6 a!mo(ienot^in0e elle ttyn a continual ejretfctfeojf mercte. Zllthtbaielongt tjttyafyc mercy anbpte tte/faft^ tbe propbetQauib* ©cue almee off ttyp goobee ( faftf? tbe {poise man Cobi* ^)4nbturneneuertby face from $e poore s anbfo ftallit come topaffe/tbattj^efaceoff r^c lorbef^allnotbeturnet) ^watefrome^Bemercifiillaftertb^yp^wery^t^otrbajifc ttiucfce/0euep!eneeoufhe:yf t^ou fyafie litle / bot^y biltgcnce glablye to geue of $at Ittlc/ for fo gatfjercfi tbot» tt?y felff a goob ret&arbe in t\)t bate off neceflme.for almee bcltuererb from bcatfye arib fuffretb nor t\>t foule to comcin bavtnc&> 2f grearcomforte te almee before t^e^t^(35ob/ two aUtyent ^atboott Bleffeb 16 be tfyat confibert? tbe poore ( fattf? frbe pro* pl>et poore/ \)ie> rtgbteoufncs remainctb for euen fete borne fbalbe ejraltcb tcttb I;onor/betbat $euet\) to tbe Soore ffcali not lacf/fattfe tfye tPyfeman in tl?e prouerbee* ie trarer/qoencfeetb burning? fire/ fo boifce mercie reconcile fynnee: wtydpt gob f ball retrarbe anb not f orget/anb fyebo* ocr f ipallfynbe affaie to teepe bim rpp vefyen \f€ falUtty fattbc 3^fue tbe fbnneoff ©trad?* Breafc vnto tfyc #ungrte thf breab fat tb tbe propbetiEfaseanb bringe t\)t poore fatberle* (bibe notr^eyfacefrom tbweotrne flefl?e # p tre afuree in rart^e/wl;c re tbe ruft *»b tb* motf? mate beflroy tr/ anb r^tuee m4ic bigge it otrre anb fie* lit ir/faitbe£i;nfie/bnt laierppyourtreafureeinbcauen. (5cucrttmc6offcb«tye^aiKanbbc!7oIb/(fair!;e(ri;rifie> All re ekanevntoyovo* Wfyat ye geue to one off rljeie Utleo* fjce(faitl?e \)t)yc Qcucit rmo me.2Jnb alfo tye fatty, blefleb arc t!;e mercifull for tbey (ball finbe mtvcicxvfyen kt)e ybolatru* Bm0€^abuca&nc3cr fijulbbc conuertebrmogob trbatfa* tfeb t\)t propbet ©aniell pnto btotfrcbeeme tbey fynnea xoitf) almc&j ar>b tbyxxihi>mf[cvoii\) merctc ontbepoore/ fopcr* fcsppee gob trill parbon rt^y finned c fyopctbattfoi* trill open your b^rteeanb mint bre to confiberoureftateanb by tfycie fay ngee electa tritb tl)t price off \>\6 bloob Ibc boly fpiritc off gob beallwayee rriib yotr amen. aue novo barbe from tl;e »3, off January btrl^erto. 3 finbe trritten by t^e banbeeoff fu4? <** arc botbe lerncb anb off crebit / but yet/ 3 mufte ne* fceefay/by t^ofe t bat xrerc parties in tbisbroyle. 2Inbforfo tnuc$> 46 tHaiftcr £b<*robere in ebi6 eontrooerfie 16 rery fore djargebamongetbe rcfte:trboyet/ trae t bought off mante »tfe anb gobiy men/to be reryc gobly /rprigbt / anb boncfl/ 2b fo no botrre be f oofe b*6 kaut of tbis lyf f e:3 tyauc tberf ore fym r »;oug^t goob to placca Ictta votyty ie yet off £i* ore ^ icbci CLXXXIV fy&tfot tobe (tent / wytinge tbe fame m $6 oxsonc defence toucbmge tbeie matters foaetbe reaber tsaytnge bottye tlje $nc an$ r«i;c ot!;er/maicpfe £ie iubgemente witb bifaefccm X0< copfc off f^e Icetcr. %o tbe wotf bsp.itom'ffctrjfobtt baUa/dft. 'STbomas CrawUy. tf3mficr jfob» TOM* fojrb/rtnbco dOafjfcr Utytobeafc/Sbo* mad Borfby / TtWlfam l&aiffci; beltuereb rno me/not ae letter* tefiimontali off author ririe/x»bi4)e ae 3 nebeb not/or 3 requires tfcem not) neither yet tbat3 ftM & b ? f° rce °ft *b*m gather for tbe off ^rancffordonely/ or fpecially / t&b'&e 3 purpofebnot/ bur tb*t3 ftrgbt be tbe ratt>er moued to boo ae before 3 b*b bon ne, 2lndtbey *!jen required (t»b f fcutbe ^creafrrr c*me teroy franbes e^ fuc^f pfee anb purpofcs ae3 tl?ou0l7r goob. JTl?** fore/ae by force *ff tbofc letter* 3 0att?ereb not:@o tfce ga* tberin0eforf rancfforb cfcuccfce fcatbe not byn nor ta in my banbee / nor off any otfcer at my appointmentc aeyebo t»* rite ttfyerfore a6 3mi0bt/fo3bib/aBb tbatby ri^eabntfe •(fmankfconerte/0raae/anb0obly men/ beparte from tbcnfe mlt?owrcm4Fin0t^aracc0umpte/toYc<7ic^e3an$norbon>^ nbe/nor kaumge for rt?e relieff off tl?e poore / off votyom funto t\)t Qtubcnte x»b om 3 neutt placeb tfcere / 3 bwepcrformeb t»bar fo euer 3 promtfeb, tbe accoumpe off receiptee /paxmenteanb rcmainee trbicfc ye require/ 3 intenbe no tto mate xmtoyotru But 3l^4!l be tcaby at alt times anb in all places to maFc a tufte acconmptt ♦ff my triple bealin0ce in M;ts be^alff v n to tbem wbi<$e t?a* ue au tl;oririe ro bemaunbe it off me.3n tfcc meaoe tyme/as 3 f hall by gobs belpe truly bo my inbeauour/to rclicue t^epoo* *ea*3 1 9al baue w^erwir^e anb fmbe tljem tmcte to raetue iu ©of ball 3 feepetbe names anb fummcefccrct as 3 <**** boumbe/till by tt em wt?id>e ^auc uifle aut^crifce to loufe mr 3 be or^crt&ifc appointed lEbae'y ctmmittyoxe to tbt grace offallmigfl)* tie Qob from Straf br^ugl? tWe t*, off 3unc/ 3nno. U5t. K»<$*arbe(fl ambers. OJ^r3^abtrrittfnr^i6anftrere royotir f'rfTe fetters re* ^•teiningtbeiti iumy fc.:nr>e vmillj migln bauc a comic nient (fanor; 3 receaueb your ^econbe letters tljeprinapall matters tfyerm areanftocrcb before. 2To tbc refl r^atbeany tfynfle material!/ rbue3fate. 2f*toud^n£fl?ebe!aye off mine an|tcereyou> call cotuemprc tr ore vnfyaritzbhc ttyen truly asrnto jjobly wife men is vodi Fn^trcn. 3e my bepartrre tws not/fo my uruntc ro jraneffurt riUf*rt&t beat your ap* Za point* I CLXXXIia F p$fafement$our gcneraUaccufarioaa off ttiif U \}Mio**> *&& I tontemp:c&m tbe s$bid>eyot» fate 3 am fauUie, 3 aOmiti as* I 3jf yo w can tufiiy charge mc nmbpatttculere/ 3 0?* ;l Hiate *nfueere to tbe contention of aa gobfy mu^ce, I tPbere *bebifap** nec fF Cbrifte fe pfe& m tujJecau* fee/itis ro beregarbeo but your rnorberiy abaf-ngc oft uf J anb 40ain )te me rt>ar am not off your ct>u dH/ 3M^ ir * Hn °k I 3?jf yo** pfe ciutli proffer again jfc m* / 3 ft?* be 4e r€4 °y ** *nj\$eretl;ecaufea6 yotfctoenfcretfcefute* 2fe foryoiir&t* fptayinge off me to out btfperfebbmtjern tomf pribefttaefr tnfpratf em tbts matter cannot be fu<£ bat tfyat 3 ft^ £4fiUe purge my fe f.2tegoblnotsetbe volio v&itl) ty^df(piti%€tt}& lifte;your parted anb geue yow ttye pnfarncb true Ugbtotf your (titti* amen. jrromQcrasbrougfj iljjc v. off 3n«c i$>rv Kie^arbCbambtra* 0eltuereb tfec i^o ft 3uly to *TL 3ofe n &«!» by 3obn 2 f^of* ^oa?e/£Pf;ile6rt}ei6ft?arpe anfc grenoue content #«*$ gretee more anb more at ,£ran«f. (aeye^au^^arbe) roa#yc fringes fcappencb mother placee tPbtc^emare int^iep^c* &ef fcortiy tou#eb/tot!?eg!0fyo(f gob (3bopr)*nb4lfo/ *# t^e great comforre off tbegobhe/wfc o mate by tbe fame / be* ^^olC>emofleeu!bentfytl)emarue!ou6prou?beBceo^ , (Bob *o* watbefctapoore afflicteb anfrbifpeFfcd d)md?e, Zftet tbdt £?X Bartueanb t£e bm$c* of Qulff.wttc faf fely arnueb at tPejellmtPeflpb^Ua / t£e brute tberoff tpaa tb^cau^t^atmoo iEnglifl^ people in f {?ortc rime ref?m& t£it$er,3?p!c4fcbgob alfo/tbat^H (foyerbafc (after t&atfce $fc. $cm* ^ bm t&fi^ tjjff fongt of ©enmarf )f £utb come ro r^e (turn i&& jew* Cotpne/t^^oprea^eb^erenolongetime/till^ettaefenrfor by the dm %$ wouIgangebnfeoffbyponr/totaFetb^p^oraU^argrcf *f frgwt* Bargjaber/one off Y>ie<£ovone& off(5ermany attcbofecoro tntnge tot^ebuPe/^ mabe u Fnotsjl/botbe to bimfdffanb te ertyer noble mSabowte bim off £118. anb t^e but^^e being* in t^e itxot cemttk&&ije?mibet$abin$c/ tfce bauftger tfyat mi$$tcome tontotbem in tbofe partes/ aeaffc -calling tore* jfSbrance/^^ar^fil aufajie {hangers fcabfennbe ini£ng* toifcc 'CLXXXV. fcmV At f?K bHtc^ea^anbe^mabeoffre tfrtt iff f&e? tt^t fo* ce& to remoue or ot^ru>ife if ir p!ea|ebtl>em/f$>ey fbulbtyaitf Tfo r*/rf£ r^e^aftlcofO?mcl>aimby^cbUbcr0ctritl}mrl;elibcttieecvf /?e off the ci>acc^ptm0cr^ieo(fire/lcftctl)e5di4r.& came ^y td M , ^ rp rct^cfaibcfaftlc/a^tbcreconnoeb/tillcauingeCBermany g 4rtltC ^ ttyeytrauclebtotsarfceerbelanbe off pole. (Tbe congregation ^ £>♦ #T Cty*tu>aear OPcjclltrantinge amonget^em/ partly ti?c com; s ^r *^ forte x»fcidjc many off ttyem t?ab/by £R 23* anfc my £. bemge ^ Sberc/anb partly alfocJterreafonablecofibcrationamoBinge ebem; r^cy kf ttPcjel ant> fototseb after :23m paffmgc by Stan cfyanb perccatiinge t\)t contention to be'arooge tl;em \o bou lingcbort/tbat itran ouer on bot^e ftbee^anb yet no fier quen 4fecb;many (?4b fmall picafureto tarte tbcre/but veent toBafi' *nb otl;cr places/ tcbilee* VH. -leaner mabe futc to tte lorbee <>fBernaforad>urcbctPul?m tl)eirbominfone/\rt)ofe letter* f)c obtained to bat trad befiro be bone touting ttye erection off a nexo 4>or djtJlfycy of (Bencua/gaue £job tbanfe for tl>at it £*& pleafeb tym fo to incline t\)e l;artce o jf i fce lorbee offB erna to* matte* tfycm an* gaueincouragemet tl;attbeyfbulonotlet f lyppe (o 0oob an occafion . £R 3. 23oJ>Uect!? ( tx>bo tra^ no fmali ftaie &e> xcellto tbat 4>ur<$e ae to ott?cre)anb Q^.Be^e traueileb witt) il)em,2inb paffinge tborougl? manic parted of ti>e fc.of V>.bominion in Qauof anb StcttjezlanS/tbey foun* fee ju4)cfauourin a:Ip!acee rcbere tbey came/ ae> verehc tnaie be to t^e great condemnation offal! |ucb S£ngl:f be men ad i>* (e tfce gobly (franker (3 meane tbofc tt>£o come for religion) |o*ncrtuttcou|!y. iTVleauer anb the company at lengbt d?ofe 2frrotx> for tfycirrcfhngep^e/^berctbe congregation Imebtogetlxrin Eflgww gobUcquterneffeamJgetbcmfc'uee t*mb great fauour of tfce mer * p^i people amonge voljom for a time ttpey were d! ant eb* at Arrow* 2U $ Jfo* to CLXXXVV Haw dni $6tJort^4ffcrrt)fe/^ Chamber* ^f c *f^ - pene ^eUcfr : tl;oiccon^rc0ar*<>ne/(i6 tl;c djur$e of ^rant» &** alfot^enbiSae^pfamt;* bytbcrr letter* afore) ir»fomu$c ***** 46 tbe faiKTIatfter 4j ■*.. rrw and £b4*nber*/bib bitfnbntr Iar£ Kt '.to rfje mc ff tif l f rt>ofe c^urcbr e,@o it^t itapprareb t^at tty oU>e0rub0e w^ vt feab bm btttxecnz t\j* $ur$c off ^tcamcto pafo not ma%yk*u&a\tit/ that :\)tlox£cbe* gantof b*u>e mercy rnro i&iglanbem rcmoutnge Cluccne tfBary bebeatl;e/4nbp!acin0e tbequeenem4te(iiety*tho?De te(a>£om {jobiongc p:eferue)in t^c feate/il?e netcee wbcrof/ 46 it toas toyfull to all fuc^c ae werein cjciIe/@o it appeared tbat r|?c $ur#e off (Beneua wae not befcinbe rfce refte/ vohof (after tbat tbey fyab genen to gobbartietbanBee forbt*0re* at $oohnce> ) confulteb amon0e tbemfeluce anb conclabcb/ tbat(for fo mudj>eas tl;ere^ab byniarree bctvome tbcmanb otber c£urd>e6/atotx>t tbe Boofe off common praicr an* ccremoniee ) it xx>ae now rjrpebient anb ncceffary not onely tbat pnf atneb reconciliation f t?u!bc be ber went t\>cm but ate fo tbat tbey tnifyt (dome together in matters off religion anb ttumonitt I tbatno PapifJ or otfyc ten emit fb alb rate bolbe or &uanta$e by a farther b:ffentron in t^eir owne co* Ks&c tent unttitivofyifyt mig^tarife intime to come / yff it were not in tooOtrwu * imc f orefeen anb prcuentcb* Co tbie enbetoae William It* maniHeU **>*/ * M off*!?* congregation 4>ofcn to bo tfcte meffagc/f* tatUL ****** °ff 2frottc/B4fill/0tr4ebroii0b /tPormed/ ,f rancf* f orb k. Znb to tytm off 2frrotr>e anb francfotb tfye letter was wrytten vob&b folowit^ anb fabferibeb byt|?c mim'fto *icinibtnameofft^etrbo!econ0re0ation, %\)t (Topic off tb« Utter written dbe *?» ojfSecembcr* $bc Jatfcer of mcrcke arifrgofc of all cdfolatlen coofirme anb incuafc yots in tbe lone off fcte fonne3efa« *^ift/t^4ibdn0emr|?e co»b«w« offtfcelionof tye tribe CLXXXVIT. off 3uba/ye maie bewctoriooe/agafnftSatyanartb 2(tk tecbnfie tot\)C ouerrbrotomgc oj) papijlne an!) ettoutj 4noeftablifl?in0e of £ l;ri|lce0lonouefcn0bome, at tse bearbc(bcarely bc!oucb)of tbc totf ul tibing* ^ ff iiob* failure anb grace reftorefc t>nre re bj? rbe pre* ferment off rbe mojtc vcrteoue anb grattopeQueeneiEC'ja* bct^c. QPelyfrebrp otrrbartee anbpoiceetoottreipcaucwiy fa tber, tr> lo not ondy byl?t* bctrcprouibencenerif^eb ve in cure bantf bement/preferiieb re/ anb ae it toere/cancb rem ^ie trmgee/t utalfo barbc ourepratere graunreb our r< qucflce/pttieb ourecoun trie anb refioreb (?ie tcorbc,0o tl?at the Qrcatne* off tbi* marueloue benefit ouercomettyeoure 3u:>gememeanb tbengbre bowe ro be able worthy to re* ceautit anb to geue t(?anfee for rbe fame* 2Jnb ret? en toe fca& wmtje great comforte trayeb the matter/to t be mtec tbat xr>e m«0btat t&eleafte fbetpeourfelueeminbefnllofftbie mofi wonberf ull anb pnbeferucb grace/tw tbougbt amonge otbet t^tngee fyowe voe might befkjerue to gobee glory inrbie toorfe anb Vocation off fartberinge rt?e gofpel! off our faun oar 3efue(f trifle, 2n& bicaufc/allimpcbimentee anbeaofl* lactone off abuerfartee migbt be remoueb /it feemeb goob t* bane your gobly counfell anb brotberly conference \)tttinj tr fc i<$e we befier to lerne by tt?ie bearer our lownge brotl; ct let^e/tbattremigbtalUoyneljarreeanbbanbee fogiemwyfc«ut}ebclujmbp*,£b*-w 31 • il| f*r* CLXXXVJI*, 0$fot&t bttfytxnfwt bc{e$tfowU& vet bowte net bni f* cat 0ob!ytub0cmeitt& will ttynt it fobeftt)tl]atxx>\)at(o cuct ^jfeisce t)at\f€ by n $eretof*re titbcttaUnetQtMt\:itm&ie(* ccafeanbbe forgotten ifyat thereafter goblate it not to cure bargee y(f thereby hi& bkffeb tsorbe fbulbeb* any twinge l;inbre5,2f n& ae soe for cure parte e freely remit r ail offertced an& mofitnttrrf? Embrace you? o«re beare brei^ern/ &o wc fcefed?e yo\s> tit tbe lotbe tbat trnfainebfyyotD tsiil botfye lilt on your bebalff tofreroff albeit Jvoe affureourefefuee/ae bo* t\)t by goob experience xoz bam pro ueb/ anb af{o fcaue recea* ueb by your Utuwytt/to cm off all oaafione from papsffe* *nb ctl;er eatJitlors/soet^oogbt itbetfeforenetoe rfye fame smme/areb to confirmed by fycie* oure latere, £Hof?e earner ftiy befiringe yew tbat wc waie altogether readme anb practfe* fetbartruefno\3>!ebge offiBobbee wotbe / xo^ic^c tsebaae lernebtn tl?ieourebamfi?ment anb by 0obbee merctfull pro* wbence/feene in t^ebefkreformeb <$ur4>ee;trl ,je bo noranbglonear.Dto rbetbif>?i£c*ni>niuiwenancc off bis d)uub*in(fi rifte 3 %? f u oim lotDe, rjv£arclybeloucd/ar : ?oiji- letter* were mo JTc welcome vt\t<* ^wpe/borbef or^at ;t moice ac t!>e prcfcrjn?ref f our goblf queene/a •••& a! .orfoa* jr^ |tuc>ic t>t we ro promote tfye glowecjf 0ob;Soaret*r rigor }'ory r» artbfy came nor afore tl^ebepar* fureofffu^eaeyejecfr acfear rau^erecoiN:iiiar;OT»it^all.^oc tr be r«? ae> ye reqmr ttfyat all fu4>^ offr ncce ae l^aue byn gyuen *'>btaftn betwencyowanS ve> ma*e be forgotten thereafter: tberebenotbere pafie fcure left / ttl icb wcretbenprcjent wfcen ye t> welt bcre anb nctone off ttje lerneb forte fauing* til. Beef ley. yet/wc bowtenovbut ae tfcey promrfeb m tl;c* it former letters/ to former all bifpfraforce afore conceauc^f fot^cy will perform* tit fame anb cfiet me yowaetbeitbf* tb?tN,2fnbforourepar:ce/a6 webauc l;4b nocoiention witSj yow at all afore time: fo tr e purpoe nc f^atfbe reccyueb by comon confentoff tl;eparItanKnr)ttfbaibe to fmallporpoo. Butwenuftetbat botfc e true religion f bail be rcftoreb/ anb t bat we f b*U not be burt^eneb wirb t>np:of tablecercmonice. 2Jnb t^erfore/ad t»e purpoe to fabmitenre frince to(ud> orbcrsae f ball bee* fiabltf beb by M*boriti€fbcin$€ not of ifccmfclnce wicfeb / f# trewoulbwif b^yowwilhngly tc bo tb e fame, jotvei) ere afc 4lltbercformeb conuemence if we rfe jome ceremonies biuerc from tbem / f# ibar we agree in tbe pon rl;c fame at oure tntt* tw£c wi*b y o vo in£a£Unbc( «4}id?c we tt nfie by gebe grace M I CXC. '_ it I te :!l be fy$*tly) t»tl brdtberly tottie wifc^ yaw to be fewtettt fos r^e reformattS anb aboltf binge of tbe fame.3n d?e meanefe* I afon/kt ve> xoiti) one barre anb rotnbe cal to frbe almsgb rie go& I tbat off btemfintt mercie/ betpiHfintfbe anO efiabttf betbat I vcoxtc tfyat be b*tb* begon tit oure coumne/ anb tbat toe ma# te all loumgly confent togetber m tbe earnefi fetnnge foortb* off bie trutbe/ tbat $ob mate be fno t&en anb ejcalteb/ anb b** I cburcb perfectlybutlbeb pp tbrowgb ^bnfte our lorbe, $tom JTanefforb t^ie 5* off ^teniiam i ^ ff , Your lovinge frinds in the na* rac otfthe reft off the church*. Uwt% Viikngw Henry Knottt lebntiluUmgs tirtncctWitfori | Uenry Catowc Alexander noweft ^dmondifddc RkhtriBceslcy tohn Browne lobnGrtye Cbriflopbcr Brickbat* %x %n$mt btoaQbt from tht eottQvcgati on eff 3rrotP by OP, Serine. %t>t 5*tb** off trntdes anb (Bob off all confo* Jation confirme tncreafe anb contmeteeyoxD allxsaie intyc I loue oflFb^^ (onne 3cib6 (T^rifie our iorbCt <*\Kaifeb be (Bob tfyrou$> cure lorbe Jt(ue> bt#e f^pulleb bo tont mane rb at btb perfect* re / anb bat^e fet vpp tbe $obly laby i£li$aberb €tueene off &t\$anbe/to rcftore anb maintatne tbere/tbepure preacbtnge of b*> worb, 2tnbfot tbat: ** b^be pleafebgob to mout your #oob barter / for tyc furtherance o(f (be fame/ twtb gobly $*eleanb djarttable be* fter by your iettere/to f betve \?nto re yourabuife anb purpo* Mb <*£fo t? require ourea cp beref uc»eb Mb fen t wuoyotp by OUUC CXCT # vntt brother %tt\)t : tDeboo toftb mofJefyfcrtfc ttjarfo vm> fainebly afore gob cerrificyoto/ tfyat to your counjell arib conference tOitbx>6/tDe bo confent willingly concerning y; our motl^o&lyreque(le/forrl?4ttce acEnowlcb^e/ tbat rbc famefbailbe ror^e abuaunccmentoff bis glow &vb quiets ties otf^iec^ur4>c.2(:fo/ix>*r&cpcryot» cbatae ofteae tec ma te ftnbc bcrcafcer ante occafton to confulte anb conferre by iporbc or tonnn#e/tbat fcben bo:l;e yoto anb voc fotaPcanb (ectc tlic fame ae> maic bemofie to our vtiitiein mmbee/ anb biligcnce to bo goobmtyelorbce* tror£e.2lnbfartbermorefot *b*f orgcttmge anb puttin ge axoate all occaftone off offence* toe bo liretoife confente onto your goob enfample anb reqae* fie/2fnb \o finally efor tfye prcad^injje or profeffmge off fince* reboctrine fo astoe^uefecne anb lerncbtn the befle reform meb d?urd?ee toe bo glably t care your abuifc to be fo agreab' U to ourepurpoe tbat tcebcfccb* you? to prafe xvit\) ve/tyat foxo anb alt toe togetber tbat be faitbfuli mate conttnewe/ jproceabe/anb profper in goblyjede/ charitable concorbe anb carneftbtligenceroljonoranbferuegobanb tocomforte anb cbifie \)ie elect all timceanb in cuery place anb efpcciailynoi voc in £n$\anb. to ttye magiftratee for tbirir cjreat goobnee totcatba tbem prcpaub rbeinfciuce to bepatr \»uin$c ccrteine voljitytemai Eb neb \ CXCH. htbUbinbt tyettfte/to xoitt/totfnifpt fye btbk/fiibtl>epfa1 mee botfye in roeetcr Mb profe / wl)i<$e xcctc alreaby begon/ at the djargca off fb$e ae trere off moflbabilme wi tl?at con* greganon* 2lnb\x>itl)vcfyat\iicaftet\)o\cxoctteexocte \i\\i* j b£b/(efpeaailytbeBible)3 mutt leauettto tfce 3ub0ernen* tes off tbe 0obiy lerneb / t»l;o f Jjulbebcjt 3ub£e off rt?* fa* me. But yff ti?at Bib!ebefu4?eA**no cneroteoff gob coalbe ittj?lyfmbefau*etcitl?:tben maiemen matuell t^at fud?e a Toorfc/(bein0cfo profitable) ft>ulbcfinbe fofnraUfanor/ ae> not to be printed agatne, $ff it be not faithfully tran| lateb/ tl>en let it fliUfmbe as istlcf auour ae it bor^e bicaufe off tije tnconuemencea i^at a falfetranf Ution bringco wit\} iu Cfce $Tlmifkr6o${5erieuamani£pIi(le xdI;&4?c tl?cy tcrote/bef* re tl^c nexrecCeftament I?a«e tfycte> x$otbt&> (Ltyete ie> notljmge morcrcqutfete to 4it4me t|>e n'g^r anb abfofute £notoieb0e off tbebocrrine off |aIuat:on/tct?ei;by ta reJtjlail^erafteaKb falf^ob/ fb m to i;auc rfcs ttptt off r*?e ©cr pturcefaitbfufly anb truly tranflareb/ tbeconjsberafcon troeroffmouebt^emtx'n^oneaffrniC^i^eyfakm t^t^« pflleto requeue z, off tyeir bretbern/ to win/ (falirin anb Bcsa/effonnce to peruje tbe fame nottxmI?f?anb*nge tl}ctc former trauelleBrjaalfo in £?£ ^pifHe to 4e prince off con* fcyanbnobiee of Jta ^e^atbetb^fe tporbce,©em0et5)e» #11 tfKi&controuerfYc^ nmfte bebsfcaffeb by (Bobbes trorbe/3 fuppofe tfyat t\}ie t^in^c oi!0b t chiefly to be pr ouibeb f or/tba* fdn$€ all ca not haue r^e fnow!et>0e t^berto fuffictcruly performeb it* ^or tbe olbe tranfianon (wfyofcfo cuerttis) ahbo«gb ? t ougbtnottob* conbzmntb/ yetts it founbe botbe ebfeuve pnperfect anb fuperflaoue anbaifeyalfe inmanypiacee/tofpcaF* noting* fffw infinite parietoeojftijc copies Z\c wfytyc tt/tte rfc-ay x CXCIIT. fore many lerneb anb #ob!y men fyaut latoreb to amcnbt/bfft nor witb life fucceffe. ^fnbyerboweneceffaryatbinge tbi* te/wbo foeuerfbailrcabctbofc n?of?e[erneb wrytcre off tfcc 0retia t n6/anb f J? all compare tfpeir inr erprt tatione(wl)«$c ate manic times farr from tl?e parpoe) witb t(?e£>ebrue vctiticf £c f ballconf effe it witb (jrcat forowr* 2lnbrbe fame eutil waenotonciy burtcfutlamongc tfa latten writers / but alfb r^c ignorance off tfcegreefe tongc wberwitb mai>y off tbem were troubleb/ wbtles tb*y bib bc# penb off \&)t common tranffation/ tb*yoftimeefee£eafncte •n a ruf b<(accorbinge to rl;e olbe protterbe) ani> fell into mo^ fie fowle errors (Ibis catife tfcerfore f?arf;e moueb tnc to compare moffre btlijjrntly t!;e bitierfitic off copies / anbro waietbefentencesanb 3nb0ementee off tberooflepartcoff ll>elerneb menfbecial'y offtbem tbattbt* age {?atbe brought foortbe/ffilifuil in ti;e languages /wbo are moo in nombcr bowtelesanb better krneb ttyen t\)t d?urd^e barb bab fitfo* ens tbennK of tbe3pofliee/anbfoeafetberofomcwbat *(?<** fcefieramorepure interpretation. 2fnb t^atrt migb* be bone wttb more prof it 3 banc *llfo abbeb annotations / in tf?e wbi time to ioof e wto tt?ie/ conftbermge/tbat rnmofie partem off *(?te Kcalme preac&er* ye ^auc none/nor ante tljat can or will pread?e ( vcm f ewe eje^ ceptcb)fautn#ecertetne tpan&crer6/amongc(i wt)om( anb fpcaaliy tnfome ffceere) arefu^ruffbiiy rafrfcellee/anb c5* mo cofeners permuted anb fuffreb / by wi)o(e preachings/ tfce tsorbe offtrutbefe become obtous/tn tbe etee office people* Qcm$e tben(3f*fe)$A*to moftcp.tecee/t&e tnfnf fiery botbe jian&e anb conftfie of olbe poptf be pretfiee/tollerareb reaberd anb many newe mabe mtniffere>/u>boferea&tn(jee are fuc^e/ tty&t rt?e people cannot be ebtf teb/efpecially/trljerc one te tot* lerareb to ferae x.ot *,d?urd?ee ab t urn mgt tbetr bacf ee to tb* people.3 ' eaue W 1 *fc* conftberatton off fu$e( wbo baue to be# ale in tt>& matter) to^at great ab intolerable m!f$eiue£ mate come more anb morc/(by fuffrtnge fuc^e corruptcb Btblee in anb cite wbere)to tt?e poore ftmp!e flodfoff <£ Ijrtfi e* But nowe to bratve to an fe (brettyern) by tbie brie jf 4nbfborteb^fcoure/tl)attbe0rub0eto^erupon tfc?6 btflen* ttonfcangetlpetepaffetbeajjcoffadjtlbe/ anb t^erf ore more ( wtfcotste offence 3 bopObe caileb an o!be grubgc/ tcbtc^e/ aott feemet^/ waeneuer yettbrouglyhealeb / ae trill more anbmoreappeare/ astfctsbtjcoarfef £a!l befromrimeto IM me comtnucb/ttlht be brought cum torl;t6 prefem tyme/ t»bic£ time x>ercty/tefo fjctrcameae tbeIttebalt or bb'nbe/ kd prtfon \)c muff e / xci rf?o wf e 4!! rcbe mptfoifc 3 wil not fate tfrat (in r^e mcane time ) fu<$ ao are turn* coatee anb can $aun#e tout) al feafone/fubfcnbinge to ret at fo cuer/anb can cap it can cope it an curry for abuantajj?/tb<*t fuc^/3 faie/Jjow tgnorant/ljow vitiouo) anb tmgobly fo eucr they be/hue at tl?etr eafe trial! pleafure anb in fome place are tboi\#\)t to be mo£e mcetc men for tl?e minifier;e.£m $tf*3 mate bebolbe toaffirmc/tbat/(a!t£ougbfo rery bcbe3 neft* £er bo nor bare conbemnecertctne gobly perfofte/ wl?o o ff MM firmitie/ butyetw;tbmoftforowfull anbl;eauybartee (ae £atl?e well appeareb by ttyat mofl lamentable protefiatione wit I; plentieoffrearea to tbeir congregations) baueyelbeb to more tfyen ejcpebient it were r£ey f bnlbe/Cpraytnge tbc lorbc to let tbem fe it in t me)yet/it mate not onely be fatbe/but pro^ web too 3 trufte/ ttat neuter ft fubfenbinge allwatee a fure note off goob fubiect nor yet t£e refufall bew proffe* off* tcbdl /t\)e maieflte came to tbecrowne or before 3!?aucnot batb off fo mo4>e <*e one(min ^n/anbpuntatn in great befpitcanb con tempt.3ttbebe/t^id ^aue3founbeoute anblerncb/ tl?atetjcnfu<$e ae> mujte be cotcnte anb] patiently beare tbcfe obioue name* of puritan* preaftan/trattor/anb rebeU/^aue yet bin tb* men/ votyo moftr s CXGVl $kty fully (in ttytk catlin^e ) baue fcrncb ttye qneetti m&icflit &nb ttyeit country botbe witty im&e regime anb witty owtc t^ereaImetn<5arntfonanbtn fflbc/^ajsrbtnge tfcetr bobtcd tfgainfi bar0abu$c^nbcaftnon/t^feeft as tlpofe tp^onotocfd furtoufiy charge tyem botborareoff pu'piteanb otber places burji not or ar tefic woulbe net in ante fufyfetuice cjf tbe prmceanbcounJriebc feme, ^orproffe bereeff/yffyore rail to reroentorancc/rcko ka$arbfb ty-& liffe wittyt i; at oitc/ (&o* norabte$£rieoffBcbforb votyenaetye traefentto ftzbbue tl>c popsffcerebcifeofFtlje trcjl^/yon? fbaH fmbe tljat itoneojf il>e derate were tya fife tora?c tl;atfcrutVembanbe/butone{y o'bc father £cucrba!e,tDI?en moflefiNobctsae off b^unger betvscenctfreQfoitsanb t>d/t!;c prefer to the foal-biara ^aefjrjie^Haifter @ampfon /'anbaftertsarbtTtesffcr (f$re* fl}opp tsfcen ae>tt)eri$t)z honorable ccne)not a£lfamf?err£ereleft /bet iTfa?fter Berfce alo* nc»3nb trb? ae meant* wetcmabe to tyaue mo Wlimftcte op tier/to atbe ttye {pponf?i£l;onorte(fafie (o mufyc aeone wtyidpe coulbe be brought to fortune romformute/ as to fubferibe to any (utye (twice off ttye €iuctn&%flaf teftie*. Wtyen&.tntnty&ibney h&b to bo witty fbepopt* f ^e rebrito of Srelanb.^naifJer maiefiice Ztmywere %cttye/%eme&/ anb#anbonwtyo effreb tbemfelues in that (emice voluntarily witty owte allconflraynte, Znb ttya* iti& embem / ttyat fyei% witty a nomber moo x&tyoate now f> CXCVII, tilifytutfht off / Miff they vcxzctra:tore>ant>tcbclle ffytoeyrt byn fo farre off (torn bring* fcbicioue/tbartycy laucatM firms acwcnfureb tbat liuceagainf?? febitieue perfond ojib rcbdie/irJpcnaefuc^caenouce fol^arblytbargc rl;cm botl^e by trorbeanb xx>rir.nge/(?aucbyiuigtyt l;artcly well content/ to taFe tbeir cafcanl) re fie at bomc, (fonfibennge tb™/ l?otp many traies tee are pntutfly burtyrncb anb brought mro ^atrcb vou^otrtc iufie cau t cf 3 f«ppo|eb / tbat no gobly man wotbt be offenbeb/yff by fu laopfullmeanee a$ 3 mig^t/3 (ouQtyt botbt to purge my fdff anb tl?e re fi off my bn tbcrn/from fud^ ^einoueanb obioue erf niec ae> foroe tsouib fermc to d?arge t>e. 2fnb tbat c^ulbe 3 not boo jotDcii ante tpaie/asbytbegatberinge togctber ojf tbtsbifcourfe/tEberin ti?e tnb;ffercrureabtrf bahfmbc/tbat tbereligien tstycfcetPf holbeanbprofeffe/is net onely tbe true ab fmcere religiSoj- omi^6controuctf!efir|?e bc0an/u?l;ocotinueb!r/trt?ott?He^ ntbi*fuffrm0 fibeanb xo* |>orcabie|ie to former anbfergeue/ tYat gob'y peaceanbeon* sorbin 3be fbulbe not tyaut caufe to tri* umpbc:Iettb^r^tiff/etbem firffe/t^attI?etcicPcbanbcom^ tnoncnen;ye cannot (forbic t)a\tc) more tryumpbc oucr t^e(5ob!y tfyen be babe a!Irea» v y anb tbat tbrougbe otste tb^^olerea'me* Zjamei il ccruettie off \£au\ to 2Jbell/ #ff 3f™*eilro 3(actc/oft£^u to 3 ; ^b/off tl;c painarFe* to t\)tit brotber 3o(cp\): ftc h Pt conr . nuon beixpcene paule an& J?*iu*b*ttanb p^ulea;;bpavr tc alt t^ei* bemge fnovene/ It CX'C Villi fc'O tfyc wrlbefyufoettttneb notwitfcftanbfng t6 tbegreS* g** rte off (Bob/as my affureb l?ope to tfcat euen tfcto will alfo in t£c enbe* 2Jnbtbcrfore/ ae t^elorbeoff tyt'auen tnowttb tfy&t rf?c fcepingeoff tbetotijtngeealmofleby tfce fpaceofftfce*e tt»* entie yeres in fecret/ trngbf fufftce to voltnce voiti) me tl?at 3 fcab notse no great plea jure to vttct it/fo 3 wore nor fyovoe it commerce to paffe tfcat cucn in t\?e mibbeji off great firming/ &nb jlrugUnge tmtbmy felffwl^attoboo /3^u{benotbebj(r amemeaneerefolucb/orfe iufkcaufc/a>l?y3fbul&any low gerconcealeit* yff aniefbulbe ttynle tf>4t3b*ti*rt0ti»frt) tnbiffcrcn* cte/pmnebt^eftone: 3 referreme (to fattfftefu$e) totbe tubgemente anb conferences off tbofe pcrfons/ vcfyo were ttyc platers off itjsstragebie/ (offbotbe partes many yetliuinge) a ffurmge my felff tfyat neitber part (ball be able iutflie to <$a* ge me/ejtcepte it be for tljat in vetie bebc 3 t?At*e fought rather \)Owc to couer manic tbinges/ ttyen to late tljem twbe open to tt>e \»orlbe/as 3 nottjttige borate to proue iff 3 uitgbt be but |?arbeinbifferently / in fo mwfyc as in tlpis bifcours 3 &••• (afmud?eas3 coulbe)paffeb ouerttjc nasties off all tcberecre ditmtgbt feeme to l;aue bin impatrcb tberbyCfau'ngonely off fudjeastcere off v crie neceffitie tobenottbfortl;e barer vn# berjlanbingofft^eljtfforie. Co conclubc:againftc t^e offences trlju&c fome mate to* feat tfceto my rraueils/3 baue fetr t^e greate profit tbat tbto tnaiebrtnge to gobbes d?urd?eanb to tfcc poffentie/t»bo be* foge taught by otfcer mennes fcarmes (yfftb*ybebappie) will lerne to beware rt>e bepe wberoff bab greater force to puf ^e my pen fortrarbe to t£ef mifbingc off tbisicoorfe/t^en tyc bifpleafures off certaine (ariftnge fo far as 3 fc off no gro wnb) cotilbe be to toit^brawe me from tbe fame, befedjingc almigfytie gob fo firing!?? me wit^ bis l?olie fpirire/tbat vofyat troubles or trialls fo euer ft? all by ttye lorbes goob pr ombent ce happen to me hereby/be toil! vend? faff c to geue me aeon* tenteb minbt quietly anb vcit § patience to beare it/ before vo* CXC1X. %dm3p*ot?ffe/t!}tt in vcrytinQe tfye bffcdtirfe3 t?«»« * a * refpcctc robteglorie / tbebeffnc* offbte fccrcfetrtubc/tbe cleerm0c/|o ftfrr more :tj fnotvlcfccre anbimall 3«6cje in tbcirmif crablc fJa.e gcuet^em forncPm&e off counfatlc trfyc* rcon rljeire confeuncte be fiaicb/ r^e 3ut>0cmentcojf many btingc tbcrin tmiert>:xx>e bt& longe infferre rtyt f arif finjje offr^oirrcqijcficerppontvai0V t/cc ^»K^^nbwea(]uretl;t rea&cr t^ar etif notse alfo we moftc 0!aMy tEoutee honfocout €c xt ca it peace/ wet eit not a mattet of eonfcienee to refect e t$e fau* of tyt bretb ern fo often enforced anb witty mofle^reuoue gro range* rcnf^b,Offwb*<^tf*f r w& filencc off oin&tt)cte>wc* re t;?e C4ufe0/f trfte/ a* on tl>e o«c part we bou>re notoff tfc* crebtt off t?e bretbern/ae t\jcu$\)e tl?ey b*b not ftneerely be* fenbebtbeftateoff rl)ccauj"e vntore/fooiitbe otl?er ftbei* ie mofle barbe for to \a\peae fu$e tbingee / fo dene beftbe* al! o(ficec^Bt(l?appe nmd>e irffeperftvabe ourefetiKatfce fame by fudtje perfortageabone, SJitd farther/ cp{?4£ men are toe that we fbulbe betcrmte lie rpponfu<£ecaufe5, ^ifo/tffittoertlatcfullforpeeif^ec by autborme/or ele by cotxfcm or requcfte of either parties/to geae (entente Ijere vppon/ yet were y t a mater mo fie votongcm f ultcR^er partie not b arte or not pssfent to betermine. £afi c eff alifearemi{?ra|?eb leaflefo jjrtatamtfcf?:eff f^ilb by tbid cute counfell(bOH>e fimpic fo eaer tne) ratber become tavot tfye |l?ineb;tt bemejea for* of fo befperate a nature/ a* tfyat it fe* Mcfy to be/t5?at praters anb patience can sneiy fafuet^efamr# Qein$e tl;en/tbat by tbefunbne requeue off t^ebretbc* m/ypc are fo barbly perfbafceb / tfyat off force we ouffitte geue t|jem fomeltnbeoffabuife.tPe bo openly protefte/ tfyat tee fo0cuetofameberetnaetbofet§attoillnotm ante wife preiub ce ti?e otber part re/ muc^eleffe c^aUn^e to re a tufbej* $r& voume owv anie, 2Jnbdlltt>ofc men (into t»bofe fyznZ>€& $t>etebo come}tsebo in tfoelosbebeficr/tbat tfcey be not foe w wit) off enbeb/but bo perfooabe t^emfeiue* that tbeie ccnten ffe&arebotb* funpiteanb faatbfuiiy written off v$ ae vppon 6 quefhoneb caufcgraunttb/thattfyt confetenceeoff tbe br«* tbetnwtydpe bepent/rotgl;tfom£ wait bt better apta$b/w* §iat o«r 3wb0cmentrt #i$er t\}ti&quefiivM>fa*ti)u*> 3* fe bema wibeb/tpfjitbfr we can approue tfye btforbcr totalling* of men t» *$}* faoctien off i$jc #)♦##* ry / Atyi$c CCT. to/tb&tfyc mtilHmbe^ff r^ofc wl;u$e fuefor ttbttflnlbeem toileb in rbe tmnifterie bottle u>ubotr>rettjc rotceeoff eiber* 4MbaHono ctrtcine core tppointcb them but lightly ejeamt* neb o jf tfcetr huee arrt> bebautour/t o w^om alfo/at r^ luficef ll?cBift?oppc ffcall libmiebc geuen afterwarbe to preaefce ibetoorbe off gob for a time prefcabeb/ ot^ewifetoreberfc #t*ely 5^c cfciu <$e feruice. tPetfnft3oere/t^ar(uc^eeanirt^of^fntfler6/xrt^ H?er we anfrccre t£cm by rt?e rule off (5ob$ ejrpreffc trorbe #relle by force off «fannonetl?atare beftetrieb anb alio tPffc *re bolfcen an& effeme&of PO/aUogetberrnlatpfulI/abetr tee tnoroctbantio better eot^w^^f^^^ffet^en no brcab. But tSDrbefccfce jjobwab ourc trbole bartee t^attt alfot&tUplc* *f e Ijtm to beflotpe rppon rl?e fingbome off &n$\anb a!f o :b* fame (tfcae ie)a lawfull ani) orbinarie callin#e <* jf men to ti;c tntnifterte of the toorbe anb &Acramaue6. Sot it beinije eu* U)crbptotsteorbinbrcb/rl?e benefit of tbebocrrine of trutbe wufle of force by anb by ranif !?c avrate or elle be bolbe rp by f ome meaner rl?4t te flrange/yea/ altogether gi/Ofilic anb f u* pcrnaturatL ^urt^ermore/t»e bom (Bobbed moflefcoffename mof! feambiac fuetot^eprinceefoueraignemaiefh*/ tyat wtbifcc vo\)ole force officer mfnbe/ f b* enbeaourtbc correction off t^iepamt t£l;erintb* tobole grounbeanb jlate of ifyc d?tirdje *ff £n^!anb anb cl;erforeoft£eRea!mcaifo/boti?cflauban* perftjle, 2{nbtb rblyxflebotottb tearee befedjebotte tboft l;»0h perfonageeibarareof birmaicfiicelronorabfccodnfatle/anj) tljofe rol)id? l;aoe fucrcbeb in tbc place oj?tl;e pcp»f^e25i^ (bopp^y v ©nbotDtcbly ttrougt; rbe f peciall mer etc off jN I; >£f? *nb (Boob gob) tl;at they otrreofft^e fcljf fame p^ce trbete ouerttyrotre anb btjlroctton bib yffue/ they f l;u!be rtrerlybe* ^royet^attyr5r.ycrpbtcbebaibctl)uecJllebot»ncbeab!on0e hyc perie <£ buftian v&ur4> anb tee cratie of t I?em to i 1; e brebful! aameof gob before xrbofe rcboutcb throne of iubgemeni toe 4UJ ^all be a*efh;b ti;at voitl) al tonfiberaiKm ani> rnmbf tillnc* of ecu $f tfye yereepafleanb confetenceof thci* btwtit anb %&t#tf fcbey toil! not f lad to vcvoc anb betroth tbeir toboie b\li$ic*/ aftoellin or&ertnge tl?e meaner tbatmaieaccopiif be *t i* ft* Inge 46m perftoaOmgetbe diiccn^ maiefht; ttxtio/anD itjat f& ey ceafe not at all tl?ta t\)\n$t bcmgfe onadHtuD / cfcefLe/ feingegodb*^ bejtotoeb oppon tg-cm/ t\)e princely maietfw offiojmguler a fflfirie- ae from to^ofe banbte .-tfcey can not bue ^opefor all princely anb excellent ranges/ pnUffe t;4?ey Itfle tn tbeir otonecafe ro faile ^atbebytbie toate mafcc entrance to tbe ertlar0tn^offrl;e glorieoffb** im$bome tfyatmtlje feareoff gob tbey &o couragioufly abtbeiberm/yet wtb ti;e contortion tyat it mate be larofall for tbemboWy anb regtliouj ly ro ejret cife alltbeir tobolemimjierte* linb tberfore mate alfcr propo* unbe/anb or#e tbofe ranges in tbeir cures tob*cb boo aHtoa* teeapp^rteme ro tbe abnatinccmem off t\)c better effare tbe* tin Jot otbrrtpife/ff ibry beforctbdf tbidbbertteanb (o xoiU leb to toinfeat mamfffteabufee/tbar tbey fbutoalfo appro* sretbei6fcbM0eetobt$ebototiff]Wu0br^^^ ttyngt e!s can toe perftpa^c tbemtbentbar tbey fbu be retire fxomifyejto r^eirprioarelyfferatbertben toirboote confet* tnct to norifbe t\?at mtfcbtef tob'^be borbe off forabraroc vofytb ittbc tobole wafiinge anb became of all rbecongregrati* $ni yet toe bope t^at tbe (Dueerte tygbnc ffcanb fo many bo* norable anb goofc men tod! i»fucbe forte planrctl;eir bthgen* cetbatratberpnmlebgeojf hberrie mate be graunteb to tfye confetenceeof fa manic goblie anbkrmb brei tyxnfyen i\)at tii ete b or:i ble euerte f bulbe* f olotoe; Co toete /tbar t V e paftor* *tftfceflocfcefbnl?)ebecon{?ra:ne& eubfrarjainOefbefoun* bnee off tbeir eonfciencee to bo tl;at tr! /<&c te tocil(anb (vto be cbame&motbermennceftnnee/oreliefo refine ttctrmi mftewj fortl;at*fyirbBefefjt;se tl;attoUUnfue ttyo xrfcxbe teyi^at ccw. t6jt1)#a#a{t\fie tfceprfnefeanb Bifbopd xcillc* rbeyftoute rjtcerciferl?eiroffce)n>ebof*tmi<£et^e moretrembleat/by* cau(e of tbojc tr afone trbidje off r^trmfciuce are plaine enow 0l?e/albeir tre boo nor rtter tfc ettn 3* ift alfo beftreb oft v e to anftcere plamely anb truly tc* twfycrtreboallotceti ebifltnction orbtinebin tbetrcaringe off copc^ anb garments a|xx>cilfor r<7^ common pfe/ ae>for tt?e mimfterie, DOe tfytrforc bo flattlie an (were rl?e caufe flanbinge a6 voc bo v nberfianbe/ 'i batrbofe men tl?at ate amborebeteoflr bo bejcruemo|fe eudl off t\)c d?urc$K anb (lail an free re at rl*;eOrciibfu;lbarreoff(r^rt(}rbi&3n&0citienf .foraUbcugl? tbat tcertinFetbatfbatpoliriqueor^ervctcrfi f not c*rt$.ne atone/bur alfarbcbegreesoff function* are marfefc anb no* tcb te> net to be bitVommcnbeb vobolic at al! r y r tre ^re off oi pinion tbat not eumemarEe anb note te tfraigfyt vcay to be ^feb.^orptrtrtecalVtbatt^eminifieretrerrtommaunbebrd treare t^e peb caaft off a foo!e or r(?e cjarmenre off a rice in a p ! aie< trereir not mamfefte ftcrninge eff tfye mtmffc-ricforo fco? 2lnb tlofc tfcar t>fe tbeia otber (tarmenre anb aparrell comaunbeb/bo (ccm: perely to re ro trefpaffe fometo! at tr or fetl;enfo/bicauferl?artbe 'erbebarl; notonefy reareb anb \ct pe the prfefttit* apparell as a tote to be f angbe at cu:n off ma ft?offrl;epaptftc&il)emfe!iir&: 23utiri6 4tfc cerreme/ tbat the fameiepo^utebaubfef !eb triil)infmirefup*rft«rton.£ut fome men will please H e ar.t /|u;tie tt crojf. @tire$y \}€f *re o!be/anbyettte 2fpofio!;que tyroplictie ix>b:rrMxn 1*6 2Ufo/ yff itplcafc bey arc f«4> y(f yourt»itt eanfibertbemfmplyanbir* f(reirotxmc natare/anb aparte from all circumpartced; bat tw i># tire tbey *h at t&tH fo t»aic an& confibcr tbem ^or theiB mem t^at areycs pap$#ea/^l?at pttrpo* fo etier tbt6dtitlUau>ebo* lt?e prdenb/are fureiy by tbeiemeanea epabiiflpeb beeper it* ttye fbpcrflitt^n xctytise bat^e fa ouergtowen tbem.2£nb tbefe men t£at began fo earneplie foabfcorre (iiperfhricn/t^at t£ey «owe bib betePe momtn$tc& anb reltquee tberoff ;ipot»e mil* ^earetbeyoffenbeb4nbwoiibebl?erem.2(efort^ofew|)ic|)C are furtber/anb better lerneb/ wbat fane reapet bey tl?eroff» Sfobfdttber iet^iebtfferettceanbmarHeofft^e functions of fac^eimportaunce/t^ar tberforetf?* confaencee o{f fo manf f bu!b betroublebrefpedalty femge tl^ereafon anbpwpoetbe rof netcte (ct a brocbe te bm bracoen cuen from tbofe tbat are tbemfehie* tbe mantf cfie \xoott\e enemted to founbe bocttinei tPb^meanetbtt atfo/tfyat off tbofe &i(otl)M&te termebro be $£cdefia(iica!ly brougbz tfpp anb are in tt?e mfniflerie not tbe fm^tUefte parre/are faibeto batietbeir papi(lrie in tfpetr bre* Pee abotstetrntb tbem?3* fy**> tbc$ooi> bouretcberfn ti?ey fbati better profit by reportage off ntotbyanbctberltfe ejcamplee: Yperig'ttearnefllypraie^tni to confiberioptjat panic woulbe t?aue faibeyjf any man fljuibe fyauemabe t^te lawe/t^ateuery man tbat iem t^tntiniflerie $ff tbegofpel! f l?albe conprameb to t# ear* t^e garmented off tfce pbanflee/ortbat tfcey intfyt appareii offpropbaneprie* Pee fbuibe preach tb e gafpell Mb abmim per ttye Sacrament teD/anb not onefy ctrctsmcif e tbeir <$t!brcn/ novoitt) ftanbin$6 it?at wtber (ome couler of reaf on/c^te cimlt comaunbementttii gbfrfetfoortbe t^efamcyeatot»l>ar enbe are fcbete twinge bra ugbk in. for ^otcefoeucrtbey migbtafrtbeftrpbetolleratefr toil tt)dt by lule ab litie tfee? ffrfgb t be tit i av$ ate/yet beinge on £€ remoticb ^tPte e ff sl^c $ar$t'fy #>e fe not wt^e w£at com* fttpbttlt ccv, ntobitie H|>eyc4ttbcref?orcb tot£crrp*ff*?#ona#aun\ Ztyt* fore vocboc]t\em\cetepe»*ei\}at tee txforefatb/abat u>e ca& notallotcet^iebcuifcner yet bopcf or any goob to inflictive* reff JfJortrirbfianbinge/we trill glabliegcuc ouer rbie op** nionyfftpt f^alllctric better rc4fbnt!?erforctP^atrbcn(vri(l tkebrettycrn fate on trbero rbeiet^mges are fot^ron>en(iub jjeyow \x>f?atrce ougl; t to bo t^eresn? treanfxrere/tbatt^ere ncbctbein tbieanftrercabifiinction.^or tbecafe off ti;cmt* niffere an& the cafe of tt;e people are not all one herein, v fnr* tbcrmore: fcHame tf?in0ca mate/yea/ ant) ougl^tto be borne not to be off (uewai$\)t tbat tX)c\\)t* parbce fbulbc ratber gene otter tbeir functions t\)cn receiue rbe apparell/or ttyu tty floci fyulb refufc rbcpubttcF f oobe of t£efou!era;bnrtl)ento recerue it>cfamefrom ; .l?ef brparbes/ t£atteapparelcbbcrem:onely/tbata6 wtin\ y c jbeapbarbr* ae tt?cir flocfee mate not finnc agamfte t^erc • onfci - cce {fa t^at t^epuntieolfboctrine it (elflpVemainev ^ c> )u>< bo perftcabet^e mimtT ere/after tbeybaue bo;! ; itfotct^c que cnel?f0bneffeanbaifobtforctbe)3t!*;cppe ft\ ttyt ran, cm ceo at libertie by mobefteprotcftaton (a* tvrbccppat.incto fu^e^rsfltaneaefcefcnotfebitonanbtDmu'tiOanb^i't gra ueaccorbtngcro tfyeimportaunecof it??caij(e/it<^«yc? rot* fcebcopenly in ti;eir panfbe/ fhilbeatcrponrl^o.e^ ngc*/ H^at mayc ferue ro tbe *>trcr taFinge atrare oft r*?e (iunib! ngc blocFc.2lnb tiaras (Bob f^allgrucofcafionttey trriltrtoltc gjcue r^em fefuee botbetrifclic anb mccFcly to correct al! rbo* fcabufce but yet to bearetbofe ttmgce vchid}et\cy CMMf fjrcigbt tratc change/ rot! cr tben forfaFinge rfceir conQrcQ&t tion rbcy fl?»lbe0eucoccaf*onto©atl> fo fcnge to grone to (Bob notify earnefl amenbmem off liffe tmtill t^ey obtamcoff tberc tfcat tp^tcfr botfce appertain*** tljefull rebrtffe anb am^nbrnent off t^e djurdjje, Butagaine yfftbattke^rojltrebe^mmaunbeb not ettche to tollerate tbe?e 4,m0ee/bm4 fb tbat tfcey j t>^U tPitb* tbeir fubfcriptiona allots* t^f m as latcfufl /or die by tfyeit (Mneefoftertfcem; wbatcan spcorcba* btetbatf^a!beb4pn3eb/anbofftl?ebem4URbe0mbapttf»ie/ alfooff tberotpnbpnleatieneb tpaffercafeanb Encttngcin fyt lorbcef upper, XPeanftpere /tbat fcnbeoff fln#in$efemetbe to be tbe C0truptionofftl)epure4ndcntd)ar^?fecu!cc anb glortfmge of ©ob tt7cr*n* %nb ae for croffmgc off babes / tsbatf ceuex practtfe tl; ere battle byn tberoffuutmeof olbefyet to it mofle certetne tbat it to truly in tfytie haie> ibrougbe ;b iate grecneffe offt^efuperflifton fb mofte abominable y aet^attse iobge ttyoferoen to bane boneaffurebiyxpei{tI?at bane once bnuen tbte rite otote offt^ecottcjregano to^erof alfo toe fe notxoty&t the profit to.2lnb tp* botsre not buttle bemause mbapttfme l;aue crsapt mro t^e $urd)e ppon tt^te occafion/becaufe tljat t^rou^btl}ene0l!0eceof r^ebff^opet^efame forme of bapti jsngeof c^iIbrS tpae reteineb tpbtcfe attbe ftrji rearing of ttye prtmatiue d?urdje/a>ae to be pfeb at tbe bapr^ngeoff t b o(e tbat bemeje off yereetnb entre tbe prof effion offtfbrifle. Cbto twinge a'fo see mate perceiuebymanietpe lite yet tnpfetn tbe popifbe baptrfme,VX>berfore etienae tl;e creame anb cbarme -vfebmbaptiftne are by 0obe latoe abolif l?eb altbougbtbey wmmawt/fomfytw alfo t^eto i>cmaimbm$te>6 to reflorc tj?e3*t*ifbe f eafte off vn* leueneb breab or elle mufi it be Qraunub tbatte better to vft tye common anbaccuftomeb breab off all tablet accorbingc to tbe example off (Thrift e / nottxutbftanbmge tyat rl?e breab tbat I;erl;en roofe traepn!euencb:jror off r!;epractife offtbe prtmatiue d?urcfcc verity tfyc (BrecE cfcurcfcc bottyc yet in tip id bcfcalff rctcine we ouerpa|fe to writeoff. jrurtbermorefneltngeat tbe perte rcceyptofftbefacra* ttiente^atl;einita fierce off(5ob!y anb£l?rifhanreuercnce 4nb mi0l)ttl?erfore in timee patfe be rfeb wit}} profit/yetfot alltljat bicaufe ore tc off tbte fountainctbc betcjiabler feoff breab tcorf bip btb f o!ot»e/anb bot^e yet in tbcis baite fticl m many minbee/it femct^e to ve> ttyat it wae iufllte aboltf ^eb o* wtefrotbe congregatione.cTlKrf ore/tse bo befecbetbemofi (Boob anb great Sob t^at it tooulbe pleafc X)\m to gmc bot^e tbe (Ducene maiefiicd ^igbneffe anb alfo tl;e Biftoppa fuc^abuifeaef^allbemoflenebefull for tbe perfect boinge awaic off tbeia corruptions/ anb tbatat once.3nrbemcane ttmc/bicaufe tt>ete t^tngee/aljoare not foc^e ae are in t^eir ot»ne nature3&olatroud toe bo 3ub#e tl^at tbey ou$\)t(o to be bealte toit^/ae tee fytue abuifeb in tt?e tl; i ngee gomge nejet before, 3* te bemaunbeb off t>6 tobetberwealloxre tljat baptif* me tx^i <$e ie abmtnifireb by mibtr lueo, SPeanftseretljatnot onely tre biffalotre the baptifme «efte reft off tlpingee be fore fpof en off/ but t^ at we t>oiut>* ccvin* $e Ual(oMoUmbU,Sot itie>at\)in$e flj&tWbt rtfcn afwetf of ignorance of ti)e vetie rfeof baptsfmc/ae tl;e publique mte niflctic of ib* 4?ur4>e,&>e3ub0e rfcerfore tt?at H?e mmsfier* 4rebotcnbe ftarply to rebufe t^ie abufe/ nm<$e leffeou$#i t\)tf to bolbe ttjia faife bapnfmc/f or goob anb f xxtnt. ben it f baibe nebefuil ro bed are* 3* is aifo repotted t>nto pg r!;«r t!?e faieeojf btnbingi 4Mb lofinge are practifeb in certetne counee off tbe £if Ipcpef neither by tbe fentenceeanbiubgementeoff elbcr*/ t&l;ic(?e office H? a t djurcbe I; atbe not yet receiueb / nor accorbinge to *^etx?orbe off (Bob: buttle autborme off tfrtetnc lawkte 6nboi\)ci\ite/VDtyd>ctemote/ often times by ttK autboritic off fame one man/anb ti;ar alfo for (wfye finbe off acttone a* are pure mome mar ters euen Mtye mifufe off fr^c fame tra# In popery, tttyerto t»e anfteere t&aHr femetfce ro vsalmofl e inert* bible rfcat any fu$ cufiomee anb c;:amp!e6(bcin0e mcfr peri 8erfe)fb»!bebe vfeb in tfyat frngbomc/tsbcre ae puritie anb founbneeoffboctnneie. ^ortberigljtoff excommunication ano bynbtngc off tfye offenber f batbef ounbe neu*r t&bane bin before xi)t time of tbepaptftee intY y e pother anb hanb off one fbleperfone/ but bib appertrine toaii tf?ett>tjoIecIber{l}*pp/ ^ % f r 5 tobi <$e alfo t£e people tbemfefuee trere net raf^lte f £u* ou>tc*8icaufe tbieaifoi^elawierhfcbeariHge off fuitee t^at ^ppertatnetohuingeebtb fall to tfye Bif bops charge altoge* ti)tt tbrougl) abufe* Jorr^at place wbertn t\)e 3pof}(e talked? off baieemen umpires at (Torintl? teto no purpose *x>bcrcae tbemagtfitatetea Cbnfham nor bib t be 3poffdl cuer t\)infe to burtben tbe l£iberfbipp voitb tbt l?ea* ting off facfre rneere ciuti! caufee, Znb it le moft cetteinef rb4ttt^Bif^opp0off tfceelbcrage off tbc#ur<£e/£auel?ab »be betermining off fucfc controucrfies not for anie ambo* rttie t(?at£bey b<*& tbermbuttbrougfj t£e mtportunit.e off futere/anb tl?at aebowfolbere rmpiree anb baiee men 3li fo 'not wuf kfianbinge amonfle t^ofe men w^crc ttyte were f H / CCIX, ^&\>ttfo/tbofebfomatfwfely $onctntk\)tm{t\w6 rc\)i$t 4>oj< tatfyct to f^oxo: ttyc cample off iftrtfl oureSauiour/ vobo rcf u\eb to betide rmpire inbeutbinge off tfyc pamttio* nte/ or eie3u^3 ei n *&* matter offabuttcne/ crfyeu bot^e ttyc fame vent preferred rnrobim. Cberfore/yjfm d:n0lan6ean?e tbinjte be bone contrary < totl?i6/|urely roe ou0l>rto ttyntt tfcat by fu4>e fentenceeanfr 3i^0cmeme6/tl?m6notanicman before $job any more bo* »nb* tben by ti;c popif be rjtcommuwrcatione. 3nb tec \x>tf* cfcc t ^at tbi£> torment botrfe off conferee anb lotbfome pro pi; ana- ion off ibe£cclcfia|ticalianbmecrefp:muali rurifbic* riort mj0l;t by tbeaut^ormeoff tbc (Dueen* iTiaief?te orote off t?ar»debe aboiifbcd no orbcru>ife tfyentbemarringeoff t!?ex>ery bocrnne it feiff. 2fnbrt?at£iberfb«ppe anb Sea* <*ri6 mate be refloreb anb (ct t>pp accorbingf to tfyt toorbe o{f (J5ob anb cannons offtbe pure c£urt$e/tr>£;d>e tYjingt/yffit be not bone/pcrche/we aref oreaf raibe t^at tl;i6 onely twinge wit be cbe bcginmgte off manic caUumrrce/tPbi$e tec tx>oult> gob/wou'b tutne atsaie from re. ^or it to moffe ecrtetne tbac tfcefonneoff gob voiilonc bate from bcauenrougbty r*uen#c ttjcie mantftttabufee/trbcrtDitbt^cconfcfenccccffoure brc f^crnare troub!eb/ej:ceptefpcbeIy/rebreffc be bab tberin. 3rttbemeanerrbilee/t^et$jn0e6tt>bi^e are not trell b^neby t^eoneparne/maiebexrelienoiigbctolleratc*b(aexre *btnBe)by rl;ofe men vobifyt bcare Hft tt)in$c wbt$c rfycy can tiot4?ancje.Xet:l;uofarr*j:aett>ati^cy a!!oxx?enot ifye tbin* geitfciffforgooD/butbo onely rebcetfie tbeir vnsufiebifquu cting by patience. Butyfffo betbat t^cy fbalbeforceb/ not enelyto tolleratetbtefaaon butaifbto approuetl;teej:com*! muntcationae laxefuli anb be con|rra;ncb to af Fe rnlawfull Absolution to affent rotate mamfeft abafe/txjet^encjeborte t\)tm tbat ttjey trill rather fuffcr anie tinbt off trouble tben to bo betmaga nft t^ctr conferences. Bur to trbatenbeteall tbfe: SotvctAit/ vet bopromee oure feluee mudje better ttyngee tben t\)ti& / yea / off all tbingee tbe betfc euen at ti}\& pinfyc I t\ pecially off tfcat Kealmc in votytyt / tbc © b ij reflorin* ecx. reffortngJ off (Tariff tan Keligton $&\\)t byn fealeb anb confirm tneb xx>ut) tbe bloub of jo many excellent inarms alfo, 6* e tbinfe tl?efameou0l;t to be&oneoffaUiHintftcre off (Bobe t*?orbe tfpeaaiiy in tt?cie ourebaiee» wlji^cbo neceffarely appertrinetotbeaccompif bement office repara* tion off t^e<$ur4>e/a!reabyebegone,2fnb before all wt boo re quire anb xoitl) tcatce bumbly craue tbatoure $oob anb rigtyt toorfbipfullm tbelorbeti?ebretl?ernoff tfce iEnglifljedjur* djes/all bitternee off minbefet aparte/ vc\)id)£ xoe furcly fea* re/after t&bat forte it batlje on either fibe forceb t^ta eudl/ troulbpatientlybeareanbfuffere^eotber/folon^eaepuruie offCtriflianboctrinettfelffanb founbnee off confeteneebo* tbe rettiaine;tPillingfy to obayetbeClueeneiTJair^e vcfyo id full off compaj]lon:2fnb all other prelates, 2Jnb fynally / fyat wtb all concorbe of mtnbe in tljelorbe/tbey manly fctagainfl &at\)a/vo\)o fefetbe all occajioaof mmtdte ab infinite calami tiesjyea/altbougb fy y tyau* not life iubgement of all forte off prealate at tlje firfle, for tbie oure x»ritmge/0ob ieoure xcit* nejfe/bot^not tebeto t\>te purpos/tbat eitber parte fbulb t>f* itz$ainflott)etae> tbattce f^ulb fenb it to yotsaean apple of contcntion^itbou0^we^aueconccrnin0ei^ei6matrer0be# dareb oure3ubgemente/cuen fymplie/ae rppona fuppofeb t&fel (0obi0ouren?itned)befaigeouercometDit^e t\)ccon* t inuall \utt off oure bret^ern,2tnb xce ioine oure bailie praters to tbe 0roninge& off all tbe goblye on t^atftbe t^efeae/tbat it mait pleafe tbe mofie mercifull gob baninge compaffton on m&uue f railtfe/ to birecte tfce (Duecns Irenes / anb all t^c noble* ccxr. ftnlZffi' «* r »"e off£a0l4nbe. 2lf« euerypr^re/ «* Ku l? /f * e ro °i tma " off 'tie fpirituall btnlcinge w.tb hto £ ?&Sr e K mofl ' r n«*tt*»ofIy / foaeftewortYoff rbeloe ttJrs J bf ^ " nr •* f° *M Oaic b may luctcly be fee for* «,'» *kf° , r rJ? rMt **""■ «"& concorbe off all men nor o* !££,£ fir ? 4 '" f 6 m ^f bocrine it felf anb £ccIcfia(t.eaU 6N IS r be, "3 edt '«"0b» o«f rly bone ovote / but alfo all brm! Tt* i fff rrore 4n& rob '*< Saw" «"wl«'e fcf ctbe to fei ? 'H t ^* ur * e ' «$«•»"« oriuen axpaie.tPhicbepotJcbe* Sfotbr? !!?"po baiifr ' ccBttncebtfce&amame 3nrecbrifte4nb profejfe t\$t lorbe 3?fu6 m fmcersitc* %\)t 0ttptrin ttnbtnt GOittifttvs / atih com* tnf ifton are off charged wf t\}in tfyt Retime (f €&otl*ttb: ^o r \>ait btahtmtht ^Btfboppa m£ fo 0nrFnct»bbge(rfaereni> ^^pa(lore tfyat biuas off out beereft brcifcern) amongfl wbomar*foroeofftbebe(Mernebmtbm that Readme/ arc fceprsutr from £cc!efiafiicall function anb forbibben to pre* 44>/anb fo by y oto ttjat tt?ey are flaici ro prom c tc the frngb** $n* oft 3efuet(^cbrtste cannot be butmofieboiorouo tootttbartca/mtobfuloffrbat femenceoff tfytZpo\Ul/ \axns gc/ y ff ye byt anb bmowe otic an ctfyct/ tatc fceab Icafic ye be confumit one off another. tPepurpofc not at ttjte prefent ta cntreintotb^^rownbofftbat qucftion xotyifo vo* tyatcoff/ airber parte to be a$*tatexoiti)#tcittt pcbcmencie tfyen vcdl Utafy P6;ta rciuWhi&bcrtl>at(u toe faic / t^«* pa$on$ 4nb Ur yoxs tpoulbe n*t •tfecti N CXC II \ Wbcta ffyilbeboo.Voyotr.^c cannot bct$t\dt&ntl)6w tcnbet *tk>m$c ibe confcience ofiman ie>. 2Jil tfcat b<*ue ?nox»ieb ge *renota!iFc perftsafcet. your conference* reclame* not at vocannje off fad) gar mt mee>/ but many t^onfanr^ boit;g** bUean&Iernerare ctbertrijcperfcsadet xcijofc conferences** re continually ftnefen vrirb t^eic fentencee : Tricar l^aiti) <£ t)ti0 #c3c(ue>tobot x»irt)bei;ali* VDbarfelofbippiotfcaiebetwjt barf ne* and ittbt i yfffurplefe/cornercapp/anb tippet Jjaue fcyn badge* off ybo'.atree in rt>c perw acte o|f tljeir ydolatrie/ wfcat \)&t tfye prcacber* off- ifbnflian Itberti* ant) the opfic rrbii?etofraiifuperft^nto&octpirb tl?ebre0cje6offfberiM •nif be bcafl* £>ur brotbern tbat off confcience refufle t^ar rnprofaable apparcll / doo neitber bamne your nor moleffc f ow ttyu \>(t \u*fy vame tryflee.yf ye f ball bo ripe life to t\>& im/ roedovcte not buttbairmye fall plcefe god and confort* t^e ^arte* of many xrbuf«? are \ronocbQ?itbe^tremitte/iyt;c : feeb tbcflocfojf (Bob tcbicb vct>id? recommitted to your charge canngc for rbcm not by conffranu bur willing!? not ae tbougb ye tserelorbea oaer jrobdie b er;ta#c /but tfcaf yemaicbeepamp'eetoyefJoc^3n6farberaifo/a>ebefieryot» fo meditate t^ar fentence oftt^c 3po|ile/fatng:$eocnoneof* fence / neither to tl;e Jzwe* nortotbedSrecian* nor to r^ c^ar<^eojf(J5o^3 n vow rondttionoffnmeyeanb wc bake fcrauuh into* promoting off €\)tifte fingdomm vot fuppofc yow noito bi ignorant* 2tad tber fore/ te>e are more boiDc to cjrborre yoir to rraf f more c wwtfpeetlie/ tben t {at for fu4> »an?riee/t!;e0oMyfbu!dc be troubled. jWall rbir.^ee t\)*t maiefeemelatrfuil/ebifienot $ff fbc commaurTfrtmento# autbonntrrgetb^confeienceoffyoureanbour brctbernmo rerbcotl^y can beerc: xve pnfcnebiye craueoffyotr/tbarye remember ityc; ye arccallit i^clidjtcfft^c worldeano ttj* vUiciuiH aurfcoriric^arl; not Reliefer off (Bob altoa'r* £ & lit) f^initi CCXII1V ffy Aiftge before t&ctr ewe in t\)t (f atnte* anb commanbe*. mente, l but tfyait aff ectiene of ttmce fauour to ro u$e off tijc earrbe anb off worbly t&tfebome* Znb tberfore/ toe tbmt tbtftye faulybalblic oppone your felff to all poucr tbat tcillor bare rjttoll tbe fc«ff not onely again (1 / © ob but alfo again ft all fucfee ae bo burster* tb^eonfctencc6 off tbe faitbfutl fatber i^en go& \jee burtbe* nit tbetm/by £te otone t»orbe» Butberetn / tseconfejfeoure #ffencem tt?at toe baue entreb farberin rcafon nge t^en **>* voe purpofer/an promifet at tbe beginnings 2(nb t^erfc te/we fl?ortiyrefurne to our former bubble juppUcation/trbie^t^/ tb*t our bretbern tube amongeyou* refufe $f Kontifb* rag* Qe&/m&ie finfceoff yotr tbe prelane (u<& fauoure ae our betb anbmatflercommanbto euery one off b$e membere tofttc* tre one to an otber/t»b*'£e welucfe to refaue of your gentle* nee/not onely for tbat ye fecr to offenfc (Bofcfcee maiejlte/in troubling ojfyour bretbern forfudj vane . tnfflce. Butatf*/ htcaufe ye will not. refufe tbe bumble rcquefiee off re your bretbern anbfelowe pread>ereoff(f l;rifle3efue /in wfyomf albeit . tfcefr appeere no great wot&te- pompe / ycttoefuppofe $oto will riot fp fart beffMfc re/buttbatye terll eftecme veto be off tbe notnber off ifcoje t\-at f'gfyt agamft that Remain Siitecferifie/anb traueil tb at. tbe iinQbemme off if bwft 3 f fue vniuctfally mate be mainteeneb anb ananceb. 2T^e bateeare cmU^mqume abotenbe, !;tcb graunteb/yein t^eiorbe ffcali cemmaun bet?eintbtn^eeoff'6oob!emore!mportance,Cbelo^e3cfu0 tewle your bartee in b to true feare to tbe enbe.3nb geue vnto -■fox» anb vntove> victotitenetthat coniureb enemte off all trueKrligion ffotoftt/ouerttat Komaine^ncecbr^e/wbo* fit tronbeb £etb Qattfln by ail mannt* fabprto to cure agamef bur ccxv, but to be flruction (b&\ll;eanb\vi6mamtelner6$ofbyihcp*j tpcr off ttelorfre3u6baueyonl)catb in tbei&,i.Uttcr6/t\)c'3u l s$(m€nie6 off t^ofc excellent ($ur<$ce of rt»cf rend) anb tl e @Potnft>c toucfcintfe tl?e tbingce in controuerfie tlotre/ yff to tl;cie 3 fbulbafcbe all other cobidjeareoff tbefame 3uk5cment an& cftt)eiropinion;tl?c nomberoff d?ur<#ee tooulbbefo many/ that tX)t afcuerfance f l;ufb embently fc anb pcrceauc trt?afc fmal! cauf c th cy t>aue to d?arge re tfyue> xctfy ftngulantie / a& tbougbwe trcrepoft alone/anb none to be off ourc opinion, 2lnbitmatel7ercalfo be noreb/ti?at themofie aundenteflfa* ffyere of ttye ourc otxmecounf rie/ ae marfler eab/anb many otbete form be* Sbfomeyetliuinge fromTri?ofemoutl;ce anb pennee/t^c t>t jjere of ttytie receiueb firj? ti?e lt0l;t off f be gofpell(coult) neucr be brought to yelbeor vonfent vnrofudj ti;in0ce ae arenotc forccbtsitl? fo great* ejtremitfr* Sint*. 0& P Cdmctfditofftbod faulted tohid) Might fom& wtyatfia? ti)c rea&er tfyz firjlnomfare ffyexomg t\}t pa$t/tfyt jVconb ti;e line. *} Age s* line 1 8. emoaeci, re^de cmbyecf, pdg. ?. Jk 5. fr , !*♦ ye,p^g» A 10. (u it yo«r>R. yo w* pig- *$♦ fi. * *» df/catf >R, differ*. p*g. 17, & 4. psriz R* p«tie. pig* ;8* &j.*4* e»de>R terde* p^ 44«& % cctimc t R. ^enet^e. pi. 47»& 2o*fette,R* fetter* pi.; 17* Cubfcripibny R« fdperpr^tian. pi. 7*. fc* *<>• wwrfet R- 'would, pi, 76, & i** ftiicht tht ftftarjb ftucktto the pi/for* Si. iS+wifm, R* ^«!/bfi* pig. 8i. for* 1 9. vere,R^berc*pig- S6,&.5.c0ffgrcgigiitort, R. cawgreg4tioft.p4g.o7 f go*. 3c, dmner> R 2y?iner* p4g. 1 1 j. fk *. *&r , R . tfeen Pi. 1 jx. lit. 1 *♦ facDmpent>R< wcompete»t>pi.i7p. /* *j r&R* to, pig**94* I(^8,cpg- jcMrtJBL* couftnm* p*tg. *oo f fii, **, to R, rfee* ■ •■ . * » I VV Y Dean Whittingham was, by his braining, and by his ten years' 1560 1500] residence on the Continent. rather a Diplomat than b Scholar and b Divine. It was Calvin himself that forced him into the Ministry in lf». r >9: in order that he alight take charge of the English Church at Geueva, when Knox returned to Scotland. Queen Elizabeth rewarded Whit- iingham's splendid services at the Siege of Havre in 1562, partly as Chaplain to the English Forces there and also as a private soldier, by giving him the Deanery of Durham ; without his having previously served as the Incumbent of any parish. This personal friend of Lord BUR- LEGH was considered so skilful in affairs and so good a linguist that he was once thought of, to be made a Secretary of State. In the Rebellion of the North in 1569, his military experience enabled him to secure Newcastle upon Tyne from the Rebels. This many sided man was also one of the chief Editors of the Geneva Version of the English ' Bibl< Hearing, in France, that the Magis- trates of Frankfort on the Main had been so good as to make their City a Kefuge and an Asylum for the flying French and Flemish Protestants ; Whittingham and other Englishmen came there in June 1664, and founded a Church : the Troubles of which form the main story of this book. This k Brief Discourse ' introduces us to a famous company of Protestant Divines; Calvin, Knox, and a perfect galaxy of Archbishop Bishops. Deans, and Writers, of the Church of England. It likewise contains Accounts, by Eye Witnesses, of the English Protes bant Exiles, in Queen Mahv's reign, at Bash 1 , Duisburg, Eniden. Frankfort, Geneva, Strasburg, Wesel, Worms, and Zurich. But, apart from this Historic Pic- ture of the Exile, it also records the \ ery beginning of the Rift between t he English Conformists and Non- conformists; or the Origin of English Puritanism. It liLew [se describes the formation, the continuance, and the destruction, of the first Nonconformist Church in English Historv "W*. 't^fci&m J .-^K w:ii ; &ra mm •**• •arsr- » *»»*