(f.to.'o'L ^ •^^'^ PRINCETON, N. J. *«fe ^ Presented by TPro^TBTB .\Kug!'eir of a judgment immediately after death should be banished fiom the world.* Johiuiy: "I hen Jesus did not die to save us from punishment. M?'s. M. K.: Yes; but the whole race of Man is redeemed, f '1 hink of the heathen who have never heard of Christ. 'I'hey would have to be punished for rejecting Him. Johnny: Then I shall spend my next allow- ance on candy. Mrs. M. K.: 1 hat will be enough for to- day 1 must see about that Sunday-school teacher. I think he must be a traditionalist. Jo/innx: Mamma, If I don't give any more money for the redeemed heathen, I shall have more to >pend on the Fourth of July. Mrs. M. K.: To be sure and I will take you to see the fireworks; but before that Prof. Barkis is going to blow the breastworks of * Proof Tkxts: Inaugural Address by Prof. C A. Briggs, 2d Ed., (p. 54). t lb . ist Ed .(p. 55). IN THE NURSERY. I5 traditionalism to atoms.* I will take you to that. Johnny: Mamma. Shall I put the Bible carefully on the table again ? Mrs M. K.: O, no; put it on the shelf with those novels. The Bible as a book is paper, print and binding — nothing more.f Johnny: Papa says he carried one m his pocket all through the war. Mrs, M. K.: What nonsense. It has no magical virtue in it, and no halo enclosing it. It will not stop a bullet any better than amass book \ Next Sunday, I will tell you all about the historical errors in the Bible. You mustn't go back to that traditionalistic Sun- day-school again. And now let us go down and hear Dr. Madison Park preach on the immorality of the Patriarchs. It is sure to be instructive. * Proof Texts: Inaugural Address by Prof. C. A. Briggs(p. 41). f lb. (p. 30). tib. (p. 55). ^^<^3^<^'=^ COPIES OF THIS TRACT SOLD BY THE PRINTERS. 100 Post Paid, $1.50